jj ^gf \ <* ~% 'V^_X ^ jJ V X ^ %QAIHIIft? %OJIIVD-JO^ %OJnV3-JO^ v\-lOS-ANCELfr> ^OF-CAIIFO%, ,^OFCAIIFO% ^^-^ ^\ tiu^l ^HIBBARY^ ii (rr^ i %. . ^ ^Abvaan^ ^13QNV-S01^ %13AIN(H\\V !OS-ANCElfj> ^1-IIBRARY^ A o\lllBRARY(9/ ^ iff ir-' ^ i? 1 <*-^ ^ sclOS-ANCElfx, "fynOAlN/l-B^ ^lOS-ANGElfj^ .>M LIBRARY %OJI1VD-JO> xOF-CAl!F(% ^/OJIlVDJtf IVB Vi YB s I c? ^ Sr ^"J 2 ?* * S S3 N /W\ S >- 5 S ^ c rS ^ ^ - O II G o ir, l *. I ^ DEFENCE OF USURY, &c. DEFENCE OF USURY; SHEWING THE IMPOLICY OF THE PRESENT LEGAL RESTRAINTS ON THE TERMS OF PECUNIARY BARGAINS; IN letters to a JFrieriU, TO WHICH IS ADDED, A LETTER TO ADAM SMITH, ESQ. LL.D. ON THE DISCOURAGEMENTS OPPOSED BY THE ABOVE RESTRAINTS TO THE PROGRESS OF INVENTIVE INDUSTRY. THE THIRD EDITION. AND TO WHICH IS ALSO ADDID, SECOND EDITION, A PROTEST AGAINST LAW TAXES. BY JEREMY BENTHAM, ESQ. OF LINCOLN'S INN. LONDON: PRINTED FOR PAYNE AND FOSS, PALL-MALL. 1816. J. M'Creery, PriiterT Black-Horse Court, London. Stack Annex 5" 3ZG CONTENTS. LETTER I. INTRODUCTION .... Page i LETTER II. Reasons for Restraint. Prevention of Usury 6 LETTER III. Reasons for Restraint. Prevention of Prodigality . . 16 202SS80 CONTENTS. LETTER IV. Reasons for Restraint. Protection of Indigence Page 32 LETTER V. Reasons for Restraint. Protection of Simplicity 39 LETTER VI. Mischiefs of the anti-usurious Laws, 45 LETTER VII. Efficacy of anti-usurious Laws ... 62 CONTENTS. LETTER VIII. Virtual Usury allowed .... Page 73 LETTER IX. Blackstone considered ....... #4 LETTER X. Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury . ............ 94 LETTER XI. Compound Interest LETTER XII. Maintenance and Champerty ... 117 CONTENTS. LETTER XIII. To Dr. Smith, on Projects in Arts, Xc Page 129 DEFENCE OF USURY. LETTER I. Introduction. Crichof, in White Russia, January, 1787. AfylONG the various species or modifications of liberty, of which on different occasions we have heard so much in England, I do not re- collect ever seeing any thing yet of- fered in behalf of the liberty of mak- ing one's own terms in money -bargains. From so general and universal a ne- glect, it is an old notion of mine, as you well know, that this meek and unassuming species of liberty has been suffering much injustice. B A fancy 2 LETT. I. Introduction. A fancy has taken me, just now, to trouble you with my reasons : which, if you think them capable of answer- ing any good purpose, you may for- ward to the press : or in the other case, what will give you less trouble, to the fire. In a word, the proposition I have been accustomed to lay down to my- self on this subject is the following one, viz. that no man of ripe years and of sound mind, acting freely, and with his eyes open, ought to be hindered, with a view to his advantage, from making such bargain, in the way of obtaining money, as he thinks fit : nor, (what is a necessary consequence) any body hin- dered from supplying him, upon any terms he thinks proper to accede to. This proposition, were it to be re- ceived, would level, you see, at one stroke, all the barriers which law, either LETT. I. Introduction. S either statute or common, have in their united wisdom set up, either against the crying sin of Usury, or against the hard-named and little- heard-of practice of Champerty; to which we must also add a portion of the multifarious, and as little-heard- of offence, of Maintenance. On this occasion, were it any indi- vidual antagonist I had to deal with, my part would be a smooth and easy one. *' You, who fetter contracts j " you, who lay restraints on the liber- " ty of man, it is for you" (I should say) " to assign a reason for your do- " ing so." That contracts in general ought to be observed, is a rule, the propriety of which, no man was ever yet found wrong-headed enough to deny : if this case is one of the excep- tions (for some doubtless there are) which the safety and welfare of every B fc society -4 LETT. I. Introduction. society require should be taken out of that general rule, in this case, as in all those others, it lies upon him, who alledges the necessity of the excep- tion, to produce a reason for it. This, I say, would be a short and very easy method with an individual : but, as the world has no mouth of its own to plead by, no certain attorney by which it can " come and defend ff this force and injury," I must even find arguments for it at a venture, and ransack my own imagination for such phantoms as I can find to fight with. In favour of the restraints opposed to the species of liberty I contend for, I can imagine but five arguments. 1. Prevention of usury. 2. Prevention of prodigality. 3. Protection of indigence against extortion. 4. Re- LETT. I. Introduction. 5 4. Repression of the temerity of projectors. 5. Protection of simplicity against imposition. Of all these in their order. LETT. II. Reasons for Restraint. LETTER II. Reasons for Restraint. Prevention of Usury. I Will begin with the prevention of usury: because in the sound of the word usury lies, I take it, the main strength of the argument : or, to speak strictly, of what is of more import- ance than all argument, of the hold which the opinion I am combating has obtained on the imaginations and passions of mankind. Usury is a bad thing, and as such ought to be prevented: usurers are a bad sort of men, a very bad sort of men, and as such ought to be punish- ed and suppressed. These are among the Prevention of Usury. 7 the string of propositions which every man finds handed down to him from his progenitors: which most men are disposed to accede to without exami- nation, and indeed not unnaturally nor even unreasonably disposed, for it is impossible the bulk of mankind should find leisure, had they the abi- lity, to examine into the grounds of an hundredth part of the rules and maxims, which they find themselves obliged to act upon. Very good apo- logy this for John Trot: but a little more inquisitiveness may be required of legislators. You, my friend, by whom the true force of words is so well understood, have, I am sure, gone before me in perceiving, that to say usury is a thing to be prevented, is neither more nor less than begging the mat- ter in question. I know of but two definitions 8 LETT. II. Reasons for Restraint. definitions that can possibly be given of usury : one is, the taking of a greater interest than the law allows of: this may be styled the political or legal definition. The other is the taking of a greater interest than it is usual for men to give" and take: this may be styled the moral one: and this, where the law has not interfered, is plainly enough the only one. It is plain, that in order for usury to be prohibited by law, a positive descrip- tion must have been found for it by law, fixing, or rather superseding, the moral one. To say then that usury is a thing that ought to be prevented, is saying neither more nor less, than that the utmost rate of in- terest which shall be taken ought to be fixed; and that fixation enforced by penalties, or such other means, if any, as may answer the purpose of preventing Prevention of Usury. 9 preventing the breach of it. A law punishing usury supposes, therefore, a law fixing the allowed legal rate of interest : and the propriety of the pe- nal law must depend upon the pro- priety of the simply-prohibitive, or, if you please, declaratory one. One thing then is plain ; that, an- tecedently to custom growing from convention, there can be no such thing as usury : for what rate of in- terest is there that can naturally be more proper than another ? what na- tural fixed price can there be for the use of money more than for the use of any other thing? Were it not then for custom, usury, considered in a moral view, would not then so much as admit of a definition : so far from having existence, it would not so much as be conceivable: nor there- fore could the law, in the definition B 3 it 10 LETT. II. Reasons for Restraint. it took upon itself to give of such offence, have so much as a guide to steer by. Custom therefore is the sole basis, which, either the moralist in his rules and precepts, or the le- gislator in his injunctions, can have to build upon. But what basis can be more weak or unwarrantable, as a ground for coercive measures, than custom resulting from free choice ? My neighbours, being at liberty, have happened to concur among them- selves in dealing at a certain rate of interest. I, who have money to lend, and Titius, who wants to borrow it of me, would be glad, the one of us to accept, the other to give, an in- terest somewhat higher than theirs: why is the liberty they exercise to be made a pretence for depriving me and Tilius of ours r Nor Prevention of Usury. \ 1 Nor has blind custom, thus made the sole and arbitrary guide, any thing of steadiness or uniformity in its decisions : it has varied, from age to age, in the same country : it va- ries, from country to country, in the same age : and the legal rate has va- ried along with it : and indeed, with regard to times past, it is from the legal rate, more readily than from any other source, that we collect the customary. Among the Romans, till the time of Justinian, we find it as high as 12 per cent.: in England, so late as the time of Henry VIII., we find ; ticular parcel of goods must there- fore be a great deal more, say at least triple interest, 15 per cent.: in the way of trading, then, a man can af- ford to be at least three times as ad- venturous, as he can in the way of lending, aud with equal prudence. So long, then, as a man is looked upon as one who will pay, he can much easier get the goods he wants, C 2 than 28 LETT. III. Reasons for Restraint. than he could the money to buy them with, though he were content to give for it twice, or even thrice the ordinary rate of interest. Supposing any body, for the sake of extraordinary gain, to be willing to run the risk of supplying him, al- though they did not look upon his personal security to be equal to that of another man, and for the sake of the extraordinary profit to run the ex- traordinary risk; in the trader, in short in every sort of trader whom he was accustomed to deal with in his solvent days, he sees a person who may accept of any rate of profit, without the smallest danger from any laws that are, or can be made against usury. How idle, then, to think of stopping a man from making six, or seven, or eight per cent, interest, when, if he chuses to run a risk pro- portionable, Prevention of Prodigality. 29 portionable, he may in this way make thirty or forty per cent, or any rate you please. And as to the prodigal, if he cannot get what he wants upon these terms, what chance is there of his getting it upon any terms, sup- posing the laws against usury to be away ? This then is another way, in which, instead of serving, it injures him, by narrowing his option, and driving him from a market which might have proved less disadvantage- ous, to a more disadvantageous one. As far as prodigality, then, is con- cerned, I must confess, I cannot see the use of stopping the current of ex- penditure in this way at the fosset, when there are so many unpreventa- ble ways of letting it run out at the bung-hole. Whether any harm is done to so- ciety, upon the whole, by letting so much 30 LETT. III. Reasons for Restraint. much money drop at once out of the pockets of the prodigal, who would have gone on wasting it, into the till of the frugal tradesman, who will lay it up, is not worth the inquiry for the present purpose : what is plain is, that, so far as the saving the pro- digal from paying at an extraordinary rate for what he gets to spend, is the object of the law, that object is not at all promoted, by fixing the rate of interest upon money borrowed. On the contrary, if the law has any ef- fect, it runs counter to that object: since, were he to borrow, it would only be, in as far as he could borrow at a rate inferior to that at which otherwise he would be obliged to buy. Preventing his borrowing at an extra- rate, may have the effect of increasing his distress, but cannot have the effect of lessening it: allowing his borrowing at Prevention of Prodigality. 31 at such a rate, might have the effect of lessening his distress, but could not have the effect of increasing it. To put a stop to prodigality, if in- deed it be worth while, I know but of one effectual course that can be taken, in addition to the incompleat and insufficient courses at present practicable, and that is, to put the convicted prodigal under an interdict, as was practised formerly among the Romans, and is still practised among the French, and other nations who have taken the Roman law for the ground-work of their own. But to discuss the expediency, or sketch out the details of such an institution, be- longs not to the present purpose. LETT. IV. Reasons for Restraint. LETTER IV. Reasons for Restraint Protection of Indigence. BESIDES prodigals, there are three other classes of persons, and but three, for whose security I can conceive these restrictive laws to have been designed. I mean the indigent, the rashly enterprizing, and the sim- ple : those whose pecuniary necessities may dispose them to give an interest above the ordinary rate, rather than not have it, and those who, from rash- ness, may be disposed to venture upon giving such a rate, or from careless- ness combined with ignorance, may be disposed to acquiesce in it. In Protection of Indigence. S3 In speaking of these three different classes of persons, I must beg leave to consider one of them at a time : and accordingly, in speaking of the indi- gent, I must consider indigence in the first place as untinctured with simpli- city. On this occasion, I may sup- pose, and ought to suppose, no parti- cular defect in a man's judgment, or his temper, that should mislead him, more than the ordinary run of men. He knows what is his interest as well as they do, and is as well dis- posed and able to pursue it as they are. I have already intimated, what I think is undeniable, that there are no one or two or other limited num- ber of rates of interest, that can be equally suited to the unlimited num- ber of situations, in respect of the de- gree of exigency ', in which a man is li- able to find himself: insomuch that c3 to 34 LETT. IV. Reasons for Restraint. to the situation of a man, who by the use of money can make for example 11 per cent., six per cent, is as well adapted, as 5 per cent, is to the situ- ation of him who can make but 10 ; to that of him who can make 12 per cent, seven, and so on. So, in the case of his wanting it to save himself from a loss, (which is that which is most likely to be in view under the name of exigency) if that loss would amount to 1 1 per cent. 6 per cent, is as well adapted to his situation, as 5 per cent, would be to the situation of him, who had but a loss amounting to ten per cent, to save himself from by the like means. And in any case, though, in proportion to the amount of the loss, the rate of interest were even so great, as that the clear saving should not amount to more than one per cent, or any fraction per cent, yet so Protection of Indigence. 55 so long as it amounted to any thing* he would be just so much the better for borrowing, even on such compa- ratively disadvantageous terms. If* instead of gain, we put any other kind of benefit or advantage if, in- stead of loss, we put any other kind of mischief or inconvenience, of equal value, the result will be the same. A man is in one of these situations, suppose, in which it would be for his advantage to borrow. But his cir- cumstances are such, that it would not be worth any body's while to lend him, at the highest rate which it is proposed the law should allow ; in, short, he cannot get it at that rate. If he thought he could get it at that rate, most surely he would not give a higher: he may be trusted for that: for by the supposition he has nothing defective in his understanding. But the 36 LETT. IV. Reasons for Restraint. the fact is, he cannot get it at that lower rate. At a higher rate, how- ever, he could get it : and at that rate, though higher, it would be worth his while to get it : so he judges, who has nothing to hinder him from judging right ; who has every motive and every means for forming a right judgment -, who has every motive and every means for informing himself of the circum- stances, upon which rectitude of judg- ment, in the case in question, de- pends. The legislator, who knows nothing, nor can know any thing, of any one of all these circumstances, who knows nothing at all about the matter, comes and says to him " It " signifies nothing j you shall not " have the money : for it would be " doing you a mischief to let you " borrow it upon such terms." And Protection of Indigence. 57 And this out of prudence and lov- ing-kindness ! There may be worse cruelty : but can there be greater folly ? The folly of those who persist, as is supposed, without reason, in not taking advice, has been much expa- tiated upon. But the folly of those who persist, without reason, in forcing their advice upon others, has been but little dwelt upon, though it is, perhaps, the more frequent, and the more flagrant of the two. It is not often that one man is a better judge for another, than that other is for himself, even in cases were the ad- viser will take the trouble to make himself master of as many of the ma- terials for judging, as are within the reach of the person to be advised. But the legislator is not, can not be, in the possession of any one of these materials 38 LETT. IV. Reasons for Restraint. materials. What private, can be equal to such public folly ? I should now speak of the enter" prizing class of borrowers : those, who, when characterized by a single term, are distinguished by the unfa- vourable appellation of projectors : but in what I shall have to say of them, Dr. Smith, I begin to foresee, will bear so material a part, that when I come to enter upon that sub- ject, I think to take my leave of yoUj and address myself to him. Protection of Simplicity. 39 LETTER V. Reasons for Restraint. Protection of Simplicity. I Come, lastly, to the case of the simple. Here, in the first place, I think I am by this time entitled to observe, that no simplicity, short of absolute idiotism, can cause the in- dividual to make a more groundless judgment than the legislator, who in the circumstances above stated, should pretend to confine him to any given rate of interest, would have made for him. Another consideration, equally con- clusive, is, that were the legislator's judgment ever so much superior to the individual's, how weak soever that 40 LETT. V. Reasons for Restraint. that may be, the exertion of it on this occasion can never be any otherwise than useless, so long as there are so ma- ny similar occasions, as there ever must be, where the simplicity of the indi- vidual is equally likely to make him a sufferer, and on which the legisla- tor cannot interpose with effect, nor has ever so much as thought of interposing. Buying goods with money, or upon credit, is the business of every day : borrowing money is the business, on- ly, of some particular exigency, which, in comparison, can occur but seldom. Regulating the prices of goods in ge- neral would be an endless task, and no legislator has ever been weak enough to think of attempting it. And sup- posing he were to regulate the prices, what would that signify for the pro- tection of simplicity, unless he were to Protection of Simplicity. 41 to regulate also the quantum of what each man should buy? Such quan- tum is indeed regulated, or rather means are taken to prevent buying altogether ; but in what cases ? In those only where the weakness is ad- judged to have arrived at such a pitch, as to render a man utterly unqualified for the management of his affairs : in short, when it has arrived at the length of idiocy. But in what degree soever a man's weakness may expose him to imposi- tion, he stands much more exposed to it, in the way of buying goods, than in the way of borrowing money. To be informed, beforehand, of the ordinary prices of all the sorts of things, a man may have occasion to buy, may be a task of considerable variety and extent. To be informed of the ordinary rate of interest, is to be 42 LETT. V. Reasons for Restraint. be informed of one single fact, too in- teresting not to have attracted atten- tion, and too simple to have escaped the memory. A few per cent, en- hancement upon the price of goods, is a matter that may easily enough pass unheeded j but a single per cent, beyond the ordinary interest of money, is a stride more conspicuous and start- ling, than many per cent, upon the price of any kind of goods. Even in regard to subjects, which, by their importance would, if any, justify a regulation of their price, such as for instance land, I question whether there ever was an instance where, without some such ground as, on the one side fraud, or suppression of facts necessary to form a judgment of the value, or at least ignorance of such facts, on the other, a bargain was rescinded, merely because a man had sold Protection of Simplicity. 43 sold too cheap, or bought too dear. Were I to take a fancy to give a hundred years purchase instead of thirty, for a piece of land, rather than not have it, I don't think there is any court in England, or indeed any where else, that would interpose to hinder me, much less to punish the seller with the loss of three times the purchase money, as in the case of usury. Yet when I had got my piece of land, and paid my money, repent- ance, were the law ever so well dis- posed to assist me, might be unavail- ing : for the seller might have spent the money, or gone off with it. But, in the case of borrowing money, it is the borrower always, who, according to the indefinite, or short term for which money is lent, is on the safe side : any imprudence he may have committed with regard to the rate of 44 LETT. V. Reasons for Restraint. of interest, may be corrected at any- time : if I find I have given too high an interest to one man, I have no more to do than to borrow of another at a lower rate, and pay off the first : if I cannot find any body to lend me at a lower, there cannot be a more certain proof that the first was not in reality too high. But of this hereafter*. Mischiefs of anti-usurious Laws. 45 LETTER VI. Mischiefs of the anti-usurious Laws. IN the preceding Letters, I have ex- amined all the modes I can think of, in which the restraints, imposed by the laws against usury, can have been fancied to be of service. I hope it appears by this time, that there are no ways in which those laws can do any good. But there are se- veral, in which they can not but do mischief. The first I shall mention, is that of precluding so many people, altoge- ther, from the getting the money they stand in need of, to answer their re- spective exigencies. Think what a distress 46 LETT. VI. Mischiefs of the distress it would produce, were the liberty of borrowing denied to every body : denied to those who have such security to offer, as renders the rate of interest, they have to offer, a suffi- cient inducement, for a man who has money, to trust them with it. Just that same sort of distress is produced, by denying that liberty to so many people, whose security, though, if they were permitted to add some- thing to that rate, it would be suffi- cient, is rendered insufficient by their being denied that liberty. Why the misfortune, of not being possessed of that arbitrarily exacted degree of se- curity, should be made a ground for subjecting a man to a hardship, which is not imposed on those who are free from that misfortune, is more than I can see. To discriminate the former class from the latter, I can see but this anti-usurious Laws. 47 this one circumstance, viz. that their necessity is greater. This it is by the very supposition : for were it not, they could not be, what they are supposed to be, willing to give more to be re- lieved from it. In this point of view then, the sole tendency of the law is, to heap distress upon distress. A second mischief is, that of ren- dering the terms so much the worse, to a multitude of those, whose circum- stances exempt them from being pre- cluded altogether from getting the money they have occasion for. In this case, the mischief, though neces- sarily less intense than in the other, is much more palpable and conspicuous. Those who cannot borrow may get what they want, so long as they have, any thing to sell. But while, out of loving-kindness, or whatsoever other motive, the law precludes a man from, borrowing, 48 LETT. VI. Mischiefs of the borrowing, upon terms which it deems too disadvantageous, it does not pre- clude him from selling, upon any terms, howsoever disadvantageous. Every body knows that forced sales are attended with a loss : and, to this loss, what would be deemed a most extravagant interest bears in general no proportion. When a man's move- ables are taken in execution, they are, I believe, pretty well sold, if, after all expenses paid, the produce amounts to two-thirds of what it would cost to replace them. In this way the providence and loving-kind- ness of the law costs him 33 per cent, and no more, supposing, what is sel- dom the case, that no more of the ef- fects are taken than what is barely necessary to make up the money due. If, in her negligence and weakness, she were to suffer him to offer 11 per cent. anti-usurious Laws. 49 cent, per annum for forbearance, it would be three years before he paid what he is charged with, in the first instance, by her wisdom. Such being the kindness done by the law to the owner of moveables, let us see how it fares with him who has an interest in immovables. Before the late war, 30 years purchase for land might be reckoned, I think it is pretty well agreed, a medium price. During the distress produced by the war, lands, which it was necessary should be sold, were sold at 20, 18, nay, I believe, in some instances, even so low as 15 years purchase. If I do not misrecollect, I remember in- stances of lands put up to public auc- tion, for which nobody bid so high as fifteen. In many instances, villas, which had been bought before the war, or at the beginning of it, and, in D the 50 LETT. VI. Mischiefs of the the interval, had been improved rather than impaired, sold for less than half, or even the quarter, of what they had been bought for. I dare not here for my part pretend to be exact: but on this passage, were it worth their no- tice, Mr. Skinner, or Mr. Christie, could furnish very instructive notes. Twenty years purchase, instead of thirty, I may be allowed to take, at least for illustration. An estate then of 1001. a year, clear of taxes, was devised to a man, charged, suppose, with 15001. with interest till the money should be paid. Five per cent, inte- rest, the utmost which could be ac- cepted from the owner, did not answer the incumbrancer's purpose: he chose to have the money. But 6 per cent, per- haps, would have answered^his purpose, if not, most certainly it would have an- swered the purpose of somebody else: for anti-usurious Laws. 6-1 for multitudes there all along were, whose purposes were answered by five per cent The war lasted, I think, seven years: the depreciation of the value of land did not take place im- mediately: but as, on the other hand, neither did it immediately recover its former price upon the peace, if indeed it lias even yet recovered it, we may put seven years for the time, during which it would be more advantageous to pay this extraordinary rate of in- terest than sell the land, and during which, accordingly, this extraordinary rate of interest would have had to run* One per cent, for seven years, is not quite of equal worth to seven per cent, the first year; say, however, that it is. The estate, which before the war was worth thirty years purchase, that is 30001. and which the devisor had given to the devisee for that value, D 2 being 52 LETT. VI. Mischief s vf the being put up to sale, fetched but 20 years purchase, 20001. At the end of that period it would have fetched its original value, 30001. Compare, then, the situation of the devisee at the 7 years end, under the law, with what it would have been, without the law. In the former case, the land sel- ling for 20 years purchase, i. e. 20001. what he would have, after paying the 15001. is 5001.; which, with the interest of that sum, at 5 per cent, for seven years, viz. 175L makes, at the end of that seven years, 6751. In the other case, paying 6 per cent, on the 15001. that is 90L a year, and receiving all that time the rent of the land, viz. 1001. he would have had, at the seven years end, the amount of the remaining ten pound during that period, that is 701. in ad- dition to his 10001. 675. substract- anti-usurious Laws. 53 ed from 10701. leaves 3951. This 3951. then, is what he loses out of 10701. almost 37 per cent, of his ca- pital, by the loving-kindness of the law. Make the calculations, and you will find, that, by preventing him from borrowing the money at 6 per cent, in- terest, it makes him nearly as much a sufferer as if he had borrowed it at ten. What I have said hitherto is con- fined to the case of those who have pre- sent value to give, for the money they stand in need of. If they have no such value, then, if they succeed in pur- chasing assistance upon any terms, it must be in breach of the law; their lenders exposing themselves to its ven- geance; for I speak not hereof the ac- cidental case, of its being sq construct- ed as to be liable to evasion. But, even in this case, the mischievous influence of the law still pursues them; aggra- vating 54 LETT. VI. Mischiefs of the vating the very mischief it pretends to remedy. Though it be ineffica- cious in the way in which the legisla- tor wishes to see it efficacious, it is ef- ficacious in the way opposite to that in which he would wish to see it so. The effect of it is, to raise the rate of in- terest, higher than it would be other- wise, and that in two ways. In the first place, a man must, in common prudence, as Dr. Smith observes, make a point of being indemnified, not only for whatsoever extraordinary risk it is that he runs, independently of the law, but for the very risk occasioned by the law: he must be insured, as it were, against the law. This cause would operate, were there even as many persons ready to lend upon the illegal rate, as upon the legal. But this is not the case : a great number of persons are, of course, driven out of this com- petition, anti-usurious Laws. 5 petition, by the danger of the busi- ness, and another great number, by the disrepute which, under cover of these prohibitory laws or otherwise, has fastened itself upon the name of usurer. So many persons, therefore, being driven out of the trade, it happens in this branch, as it must necessarily in every other, that those who remain have the less to with-hold them from advancing their terms; and without confederating (for it must be allowed that confederacy in such a case is plainly impossible) each one will find it easier to push his advantage up to any given degree of exorbitancy, than he would, if there were a greater num- ber of persons of the same stamp to resort to. As to the case, where the }aw is so worded as to be liable to be evaded, iu this case it is partly inefficacious and 46 LETT. VI. Mischief s of the and nugatory, and partly mischievous, It is nugatory, as to all such, whose confidence of its being so is perfect : it is mischievous, as before, in regard to all such who fail of possessing that perfect confidence. If the borrower can find nobody at all who has confi- dence enough to take advantage of the flaw, he stands precluded from all assistance, as before : and, though he should, yet the lender's terms must necessarily run the higher, in propor- tion to what his confidence wants of being perfect. It is not likely that it should be perfect : it is still less likely that he should acknowledge it so to be: it is not likely, at least as mat- ters stand in England, that the worst- penned law made for this purpose should be altogether destitute of ef- fect : and while it has any, that effect, we see, must be in one way or other mischievous. anti-usurious Laws. 57 I have already hinted at the disre- pute, the ignominy, the reproach, which prejudice, the cause and the effect of these restrictive laws, has heaped upon that perfectly innocent and even meritorious class of men, who, not more for their own advan- tage than to the relief of the distresses of their neighbour, may have ven- tured to break through these restraints. It is certainly not a matter of indif- ference, that a class of persons, who,' in every point of view in which their' conduct can be placed, whether in re- lation to their own interest, or in re- lation to that of the persons whom they have to deal with, as well on the score of prudence, as on that of be- neficence, (and of what use is even benevolence, but in as far as it is productive of beneficence ?) deserve praise rather than censure, should be D 3 classed 58 LETT* VI. Mischiefs of the classed with the abandoned and pro- fligate, and loaded with a degree of infamy, which is due to those only whose conduct is in its tendency the most opposite to their own. " This suffering," it may be said, " having already been taken account " of, is not to be brought to account a * c second time : they are aware, as you " yourself observe, of this inconve- " nience, and have taken care to get " such amends for it, as they themselves " look upon as sufficient." True: but is it sure that the compensation, such as it is, will always, in the event, have proved a sufficient one ? Is there no room here for miscalculation ? May there not be unexpected, un- looked-for incidents, sufficient to turn into bitterness the utmost satisfaction which the difference of pecuniary emolument could afford ? For who can imti-usurioiis Laws. 59 can see to the end of that inexhausti- ble train of consequences that are liable to ensue from the loss of repu- tation ? Who can fathom the abyss of infamy ? At any rate, this article of mischief, if not an addition in. its quantity to the others above-noticed, is at least distinct from them in its nature, and as such ought not to be overlooked. Nor is the event of the execution of the law by any means an unex- ampled one : several such, at different times, have fallen within my notice. Then comes absolute perdition : loss of character, and forfeiture, not of three times the extra- interest, which formed the profit of the offence, but of three times the principal, which gave occasion to it*. * See Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, 4to. 1789. Cb. 14. On the pro- portion between punishments and offences. 60 LETT. VI. Mischiefs of the The last article I have to mention in the account of mischief, is, the cor- ruptive influence, exercised by these laws, on the morals of the people; by the pains they take, and cannot but take, to give birth to treachery and ingratitude. To purchase a pos- sibility of being enforced, the law nei- ther has found, nor, what is very ma- terial, must it ever hope to find, in this case, any other expedient, than that of hiring a man to break his en- gagement, and to crush the hand that has been reached out to help him. In the case of informers in general, there has been no troth plighted, nor benefit received. In the case of real crimi- nals invited by rewards to inform against accomplices, it is by such breach of faith that society is held together, as in other cases by the observance of it. In the case of real crimes, anti-usurious Laws. HI crimes, in proportion as their mis- chievousness is apparent, what can not but be manifest even to the criminal, is, that it is by the adherence to his engagement that he would do an in- jury to society, and, that by the breach of such engagement, instead of doing mischief he is doing good: in the case of usury this is what no man can know, and what one can scarcely think it possible for any man, who, in the character of the borrower, has been concerned in such a transaction, to imagine. He knew that, even in his own judgment, the engagement was a beneficial one to himself, or he would not have entered into it : and nobody else but the lender is affected by it. f $ LETT. VII. Efficacy of LETTER VII. Efficacy of anti-usurious Laws. BEFORE I quit altogether the con- sideration of the case in which a law, made for the purpose of limiting the rate of interest, may be inefficacious with regard to that end, I cannot for- bear taking some further notice of a passage already alluded to of Dr. Smith's : because, to my apprehen- sion, that passage seems to throw upon the subject a degree of obscurity, which I could wish to see cleared up, in a future edition of that valuable work. " No law," says he*, " can reduce " the common rate of interest below the B. ii. c. 10. YoL ii. p. 45. edit. 8vo. 1784. anti-usurious Laws. 63 and even 10, upon such security, are common. Six> or seven may have place, now and then, between rela- tions or other particular friends : be- cause, now and then, a man may choose to make a present of one or two per cent, to a person whom he means to favour. The contract is re- newed from year to year : for a thou- sand roubles, the borrower, in his written contract, obliges himself to pay at the end of the year one thou- sand and fifty. Before witnesses, he receives his thousand roubles; and, without witnesses, he immediately pays back his 30 roubles, or his 40 roubles, 72 LETT. VII. Efficacy, &c. roubles, or whatever the sum may be, that is necessary to bring the real rate of interest to the rate verbally agreed on. This contrivance, I take it, would not do in England : but why it would not, is a question which it would be in vain for me to pretend, at this dis- tance from all authorities, to discuss. LETT. VIII. Virtual Usury allowed. 73 LETTER VIII. Virtual Usury allowed. HAVING proved, as I hope, by this time, the utter impropriety of the law's limiting the rate of interest, in every case that can be conceived, it may be rather matter of curiosity, than any thing else, to inquire, how far the law, on this head, is consistent with itself, and with any principles upon which it can have built. 1. Drawing and re-drawing is a practice, which it will be sufficient here to hint at. It is perfectly well known to all merchants, and may be so to all who are not merchants, by consulting Dr. Smith. In this way, E he ft LETT. VIII. Virtual he has shewn how money may be, and has been, taken up, at so high a rate, as 13 or 14 per cent. 5 a rate nearly three times as high as the utmost which the law professes to allow. The extra in- terest is in this case masked under the names of commission, and price of ex- change. The commission is but small upon each loan, not more, I think, than one half per cent. : custom having stretched so far but no farther, it might be thought dangerous, perhaps, to venture upon any higher allowance under that name. The charge, being repeated a number of times in the course of the year, makes up in fre- quency what it wants in weight. The transaction is by this shift rendered more troublesome, indeed, but not less practicable, to such parties as are agreed about it. But if usury is good for merchants, I don't very well see what Usury allowed. 75 what should make it bad for every- body else. 2. At this distance from all the fountains of legal knowledge, I will not pretend to say, whether the prac- tice of selling accepted bills at an under value, would hold good against all at- tacks. It strikes my recollection as a pretty common one, and I think it could not be brought under any of the penal statutes against usury. The adequateness of the consideration might, for ought I know, be attacked with success, in a court of equity; or, perhaps, if there were sufficient evidence (which the agreement of the parties might easily prevent) by an action at common law, for money had and received. If the practice be really proof against all attacks, it seems to afford an effectual, and pretty com- modious method of evading the re- E 2 strictive 76 LETT. VIII. Virtual strictive laws. The only restraint is, that it requires the assistance of a third person, a friend of the borrower's, as for instance : J5, the real borrower, wants 1001. and finds U, a usurer, who is willing to lend it to him, at 10 per cent. B. has F, a friend, who has not the money himself to lend him, but is willing to stand security for him to that amount. B. therefore draws upon F, and F. accepts, a bill of 1001. at 5 per cent, interest, pay- able at the end of a twelvemonth from the date. F. draws a like bill upon B. : each sells his bill to U. for fifty pound ; and it is endorsed to U. accordingly. The 501. that F. re- ceives, he delivers over without any consideration to B. This transaction, if it be a valid one, and if a man can find such a friend, is evidently much less troublesome than the practice of drawing Usury allowed. 77 drawing and re-drawing. And this, if it be practicable at all, may be practised by persons of any descrip- tion concerned or not in trade. Should the effect of this page be to suggest an expedient, and that a safe and commodious one, for evading the laws against usury, to some, to whom such an expedient might not otherwise have occurred, it will not lie very heavy upon my conscience. The prayers of usurers, whatever effi- cacy they may have in lightening the burthen, I hope I may lay some claim to. And I think you will not now wonder at my saying, that in the effi- cacy of such prayers I have not a whit less confidence, than in that of the prayers of any other class of men. One apology I shall have to plead at any rate, that in pointing out these flaws, to the individual who may be disposed t8 LETT. VIII. Virtual disposed to creep out at them, I point them out at the same time to the legis- lator, in whose power it is to stop them up, if in his opinion they re- quire it. If, notwithstanding such opinion, he should omit to do so, the blame will lie, not on my industry, but on his negligence. These, it may be said, should they even be secure and effectual evasions, are still but evasions, and, if charge- able upon the law at all, are charge- able not as inconsistencies but as over- sights. Be it so. Setting these aside, then, as expedients practised or practi- cable, only behind its back, I will beg leave to remind you of two others, practised from the day of its birth, under its protection and before its face. The first I shall mention is pawn- Iroking. In this case there is the less pretence Usury allowed. 79 pretence for more than ordinary in- terest, inasmuch as the security is, in this case, not only equal to, but bet- ter than, what it can be in any other : to wit, the present possession of a moveable thing, of easy sale, on which the creditor has the power, and cer- tainly does not want the inclination, to set such price as is most for his advantage. If there be a case in which the allowing of such extraor- dinary interest is attended with more danger than another, it must be this: which is so particularly adapted to the situation of the lowest poor, that is, of those who, on the score of in- digence or simplicity, or both, are most open to imposition. This trade however the law, by regulating, avow- edly protects. What the rate of in- terest is, which it allows to be taken in this way, I can not take upon me to 80 LETT. VIII. Virtual to remember: but I am much de- ceived, if it amounts to less than 12 per cent, in the year, and I believe it amounts to a good deal more. "Whe- ther if were 12 per cent, or 1200, I believe would make in practice but little difference. What commission is in the business of drawing and re-draw- ing, warehouse-room is, in that of pawnbroking. Whatever limits then are set to the profits of this trade, are set, I take it, not by the vigilancy of the law, but, as in the case of other trades, by the competition amongst the traders. Of the other regulations con- tained in the acts relative to this subject, I recollect no reason to doubt the use. The other instance is that of bot- tomry and respondentia : for the two transactions, being so nearly related, may be spoken of together. Bottomry is the usury of pawnbroking : respon- dentia Usury alloivfd. 81 dentia is usury at large, but com- bined in a manner with insurance, and employed in the assistance of a trade carried on by sea. If any spe- cies of usury is to be condemned, I see not on what grounds this particu- lar species can be screened from the condemnation. " Oil but" (says sir William Blackstone, or any body else who takes upon himself the task of finding a reason for the law) " this is " a maritime country, and the trade, " which it carries on by sea, is the " great bulwark of its defence." It is not necessary I should here inquire, whether that branch, which, as Dr. Smith has shewn, is, in every view but the mere one of defence, less beneficial to a nation, than two others out of the four branches which comprehend all trade, has any claim to be preferred to them in this or any other way. I 3 admit, 82 LETT. VIII. Virtual admit, that the liberty which this branch of trade enjoys, is no more than what it is perfectly right it should enjoy. What I want to know is, what there is in the class of men, embarked in this trade, that should render beneficial to them, a liberty, which would be ruinous to every body else. Is it that sea adventures have less hazard on them than land adven- tures ? or that the sea teaches those, who have to deal with it, a degree of forecast and reflection which has been denied to land men ? It were easy enough to give farther and farther extension to this charge of inconsistency, by bringing under it the liberty given to insurance in all its branches, to the purchase and sale of annuities, and of post-obits, in a word to all cases where a man is per- mitted to take upon himself an unli- mited Usury allowed. S3 mited degree of risk, receiving for so- doing an unlimited compensation. Indeed I know not where the want f instances would stop me: for in what part of the magazine of events, about which human transactions are conversant, is certainty to be found? But to this head of argument, this argument ad hominem, as it may be called, the use of which is but subsi- diary, and winch has more of confuta- tion in it than of persuasion or instruc- tion, 1 willingly put an end. 84 LETT. IX. Blackstone considered. LETTER IX. Blackstone considered. . I Hope you are, by this time, at least, pretty much of my opinion, that there is just the same sort of harm, and no other, in making the best terms one can for one's self in a money loan, as there is in any other sort of bargain. If you are not, Blackstone however te, whose opinion I hope you will allow to be worth something. In speaking of the rate of interest*, he starts a pa- rallel between a bargain for the loan of money, and a bargain about a horse, and pronounces, without hesitation, that the harm of making too good a * B. ii. ch. 30. bargain, LETT. IX. Blackstone cons idercd. 85 bargain, is just as great in the one case, as in the other. As money-lending, and not horse-dealing, was, what you lawyers call, the principal case, he drops the horse-business, as soon as it has answered the purpose of illus- tration, which it was brought to serve. But as, in my conception, as well the reasoning by which he supports the decision, as that by which any body else could have supported it, is just as applicable to the one sort of bargain as to the other, I will carry on the parallel a little farther, and give the same extent to the reasoning, as to the position which it is made use of to support. This extension will not be without its use; for if the position, when thus extended, should be found just, a practical inference will arise; which is, that the benefits of these re- straints ought to be extended from the 86 LETT. IX. Blackstone considered. the money-trade to the horse-trade. That my own opinion is not favour- able to such restraints in either case, has been sufficiently declared j but if more respectable opinions than mine are still to prevail, they will not be the less respectable for being consistent. The sort of bargain which the learned commentator has happened to pitch upon for the illustration, is in- deed, in the case illustrating, as in the case illustrated, a loan: but as, to my apprehension, loan or sale makes, in point of reasoning, no sort of differ- ence, and as the utility of the conclu- sion will, in the latter case, be more extensive, I shall adapt the reasoning to the more important business of sell- ing horses, instead of the less import- ant one of lending them. A circumstance^ that would render the extension of these restraints to the horse- LETT. IX. Blackstone considered. 87 horse-trade more smooth and easy, is, that in the one track, as well as in the other, the public has already got the length of calling names. Jockey- ship, a term of reproach not less frequently applied to the arts of those who sell horses than to the arts of those who ride them, sounds, I take it, to the ear of many a worthy gentleman, nearly as bad as usury: and it is well known to all those who put their trust in proverbs, and not less to those who put their trust in party, that when we have got a dog to hang, who is trou- blesome and keeps us at bay, whoever can contrive to fasten a bad name to his tail, has gained more than half the battle. I now proceed with my application. The words in italics are my own : all the rest are Sir William Blackstone's : and I restore, at bot- tom, 88 LETT. IX. Btackstone considered. torn, the words I was obliged to dis- card, in order to make room for mine. " To demand an exorbitant price " is equally contrary to conscience, " for the loan of a horse, or for the " loan of a sum of money : but a rea- " sonable equivalent for the tempo- " rary inconvenience, which the own- " er may feel by the want of it, and " for the hazard of his losing it en- " tirely, is not more immoral in one " case than in the other. * * * * " As to selling horses, a capital dis- " tinction must be made, between a " moderate and an exorbitant profit : " to the former of which we give the " name of horse-dealing*, to the latter "the truly odious appellation of joe- " key-ship^ : the former is necessary " in every civil state, if it were but to * interest. f usury. " exclude LETT. IX. Blackstone considered. 89 " exclude the latter. For, as the whole " of this matter is well summed up " by Grotius, if the compensation " allowed by law does not exceed " the proportion of the inconvenience " which it is to the seller of the horse to " part ivith it*, or the want which the " buyer has of z7f, its allowance is " neither repugnant to the revealed " law, nor to the natural law : but " if it exceeds these bounds, it is " then an oppressive jockey-ship\ : and " though the municipal laws may give " it impunity, they never can make it " just. " We see, that the exorbitance or " moderation of the price given for a ft horse depends upon two circum- " stances : upon the inconvenience of * hazard run. t felt by the loan. J usury, $ interest for the money lent. " parting 90 LETT. IX. Blackstone considered. " parting with the horse one has*, and " the hazard of not being able to meet " with such another^. The inconveni- " ence to individual sellers of horses^, " can never be estimated by laws ; the " general price for horses^ must depend " therefore upon the usual or general " inconvenience. This results entirely " from the quantity of horses\[ in the " kingdom : for the more horses^ there tf are running about** in any nation, " the greater superfluity there will be " beyond what is necessary to carry on " the business of the mail coaches-\-\ and " the common concerns of life. In " every nation or public community " there is a certain quantity of horses^ " then necessary, which a person well " skilled in political arithmetic might * it for the present. -f losing it entirely. $ lenders. rate of general interest. || money. 5f specie. ** circulating. ft exchange, j! money. " perhaps LETT. IX. Blackstone considered. 91 " perhaps calculate as exactly as a pri- " vate horse-dealer* can the demand " for running horses in his own stables -\ : " all above this necessary quantity " may be spared, or lent, or sold, with* " out much inconvenience to the re- " spective lenders or sellers : and the " greater the national superfluity is, " the more numerous will be the sell' " ers^y and the lower ought the na- " tional price of horse-flesh to be : " but where there are not enough, or " barely enough spare horses || to an- " swer the ordinary uses of the pub- ' lie, horse-flesh f will be proportion- " ably high: for sellers** will be " but few, as few can submit to the in- " convenience of setting^." So far the learned commentator. * banker, f cash in his own shop. J lenders. the rate of the national interest. |i circulating cash. ^ interest. ** lenders. ft lending. I hope 92 LETT. IX. Blackstone considered. I hope by this time you are worked up to a proper pitch of indignation, at the neglect and inconsistency be- trayed by the law, in not suppressing this species of jockey-ship, which it would be so easy to do, only by fixing the price of horses. Nobody is less disposed than I am, to be unchari- table :. but when one thinks of the 15001. taken for Eclipse, and 20001. for Rockingham, and so on, who can avoid being shocked, to think how little regard those who took such enormous prices must have had for " the law of revelation and the law " of nature ?" Whoever it is that is to move for the municipal law, not long ago talked of, for reducing the rate of interest, whenever that motion is made, then would be the time for one of the Yorkshire members to get up, and move, by way of addition, for LETT. IX. Blackstone considered. 93 for a clause for fixing and reducing the price of horses. I need not expa- tiate on the usefulness of that valuable species of cattle, which might have been as cheap as asses before now, if our lawgivers had been as mindful of their duty in the suppression of joe 'key- ship, as they have been in the sup- pression of usury. It may be said, against fixing the price of horse-flesh, that different horses may be of different values. I answer and I think I shall shew you as much, when I come to touch upon the subject of champerty not more different than the values which the use of the same sum of money may be of to different persons, on different occasions. 94 LETT. X. Grounds of the LETTER X. Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury. IT is one thing, to find reasons why it is Jit a law should have been made : it is another to find the reasons why it was made: in other words, it is one thing to justify a law : it is another thing to account for its existence. In the present instance, the former task, if the observations I have been trou- bling you with are just, is an impos- sible one. The other, though not necessary for conviction, may contri- bute something perhaps in the way of satisfaction. To trace an error to its fountain head, says lord Coke, is to refute Prejudices against Usury. 95 refute it; and many men there are who, till they have received this satisfaction, be the error what it may, cannot pre- vail upon themselves to part with it. " If our ancestors have been all along " under a mistake, how came they to t( have fallen into it ?" is a question that naturally presents itself upon all such occasions. The case is, that in matters of law more especially, such is the dominion of authority over our minds, and such the prejudice it creates in favour of whatever institution it has taken under its wing, that, after all manner of reasons that can be thought of, in favour of the institution, hare been shewn to be insufficient, we still cannot forbear looking to some unas- signable and latent reason for its effi- cient cause. But if, instead of any such reason, we can find a cause for it in some notion, of the erroneousness of which 96 LETT. X. Grounds of the which we are already satisfied, then at last we are content to give it up with- out further struggle ; and then, and not till then, our satisfaction is com- plete. In the conceptions of the more con- siderable part of those through whom our religion has been handed down to us, virtue, or rather godliness, which was an improved substitute for virtue, consisted in self-denial : not in self-de- nial for the sake of society, but of self- denial for its own sake. One pretty general rule served for most occasions : not to do what you had a mind to do ; or* in other words, not to do what would be for your advantage. By this of course was meant temporal ad- vantage : to which spiritual advantage was understood to be in constant and diametrical opposition. For, the proof of a resolution, on the part of a being of Prejudices against Usury. 97 of perfect power and benevolence, to make his few favourites happy in a state in which they were to be, was his determined pleasure, that they should keep themselves as much strangers to happiness as possible, in the state in which they were. Now to get money is what most men have a mind to do : because he who has money gets, as far as it goes, most other things that he has a mind for. Of course nobody was to get money : indeed why should he, when he was not so much as to keep -what he had got already ? To lend money at interest, is to get mo- ney, or at least to try to get it : of course it was a bad thing to lend mo- ney upon such terms. The better the terms, the worse it was to lend upon them : but it was bad to lend upon any terms, by which any thing could F be 98 LETT. X. Grounds of the be got. What made it much the worse was, that it was acting like a Jew : for though all Christians at first were Jews, and continued to do as Jews did, after they had become Christians, yet, in process of time, it came to be discovered, that the distance between the mother and the daughter church could not be too wide. By degrees, as old conceits gave place to new, nature so far prevailed, that the objections to getting money in general, were pretty well over-ruled : but still this Jewish way of getting it, was too odious to be endured. Chris- tians were too intent upon plaguing Jews, to listen to the suggestion of doing as Jews did, even though mo- ney were to be got by it. Indeed the easier method, and a method pretty much in vogue, was, to let the Jews get Prejudices against Usury. 99 get the money any how they could, and then squeeze it out of them as it was wanted. In process of time, as questions of all sorts came under discussion, and this, not the least interesting, among the rest, the anti-Jewish side of it found no unopportune support in a passage of Aristotle : that celebrated heathen, who, in all matters wherein heathenism did not destroy his competence, had established a despotic empire over the Christian world. As fate would have it, that great philosopher, with all his industry, and all his penetration, not- withstanding the great number of pieces of money that had passed through his hands (more perhaps than ever passed through the hands of philosopher before or since), and notwithstanding the uncommon pains he had bestowed on the subject of ge- F2 neration, 100 LETT. X. Grounds of the Deration, had never been able to dis- cover, in any one piece of money, any organs for generating any other such piece. Emboldened by so strong a body of negative proof, he ventured at last to usher into the world the result of his observations, in the form of an univer- sal proposition, that all money is in its nature barren. You, my friend, to whose cast of mind sound reason is much more congenial than ancient phi- losophy, you have, I dare to say, gone before me in remarking, that the prac- tical inference from this shrewd obser- vation, if it afforded any, should have been, that it would be to no purpose for a man to try to get five per cent, out of money not, that if he could contrive to get so much, there would be any harm in it. But the sages of those days did not view the matter in that light. A con- Prejudices against Usury. 101 A consideration that did not happen to present itself to that great philoso- pher, but which had it happened to present itself, might not have been altogether unworthy of his notice, is, that though a daric would not beget another daric, any more than it would a ram, or an ewe, yet for a daric which a man borrowed, he might get a ram and a couple of ewes, and that the ewes, were the ram left with them a certain time, would probably not be barren. That then, at the end of the year, he would find himself master of his three sheep, together with two, if not three, lambs; and that, if he sold his sheep again to pay back his daric, and gave one of his lambs for the use of it in the mean time, he would be two lambs, or at least one lamb, richer than if he had made no such bargain. These 102 LETT. X. Grounds of th& These theological and philosophical conceits, the offspring of the day, were not ill seconded by principles of a more permanent complexion. The business of a money-lender, though only among Christians, and in Christian times, a proscribed profes- sion, has no where, nor at any time, been a popular one. Those who have the resolution to sacrifice the present to future, are natural objects of envy to those who have sacrificed the future to the present. The children who have eat their cake are the natural enemies of the children who have theirs. While the money is hoped for, and for a short time after it has been re- ceived, he who lends it is a friend and benefactor: by the time the money is spent, and the evil hour of reckoning is come, the benefactor is found to Imve changed his nature, and to have put Prejudices against Usury. 103 put on the tyrant and the oppressor. It is an oppression for a man to reclaim his own money : it is none to keep it from him. Among the inconsiderate, that is among the great mass of mankind, selfish affections conspire with the so- cial in treasuring up all favour for the man of dissipation, and in refusing jus- tice to the man of thrift who has sup- plied him. In some shape or other that favour attends the chosen object of it, through every stage of his career. But, in no stage of his career, can the man of thrift come in for any share of it. It is the general interest of those with whom a man lives, that his ex- pense should be at least as great as his circumstances will bear: because there are few expenses which a man can launch into, but what the benefit of it is shared, in some proportion or other, by those with whom he lives. In 104 LETT. X. Grounds of the In that circle originates a standing law, forbidding every man, on pain of infamy, to confine his expenses within what is adjudged to be the measure of his means, saving always the power of exceeding that limit, as much as he thinks proper: and the means assigned him by that law may be ever so much beyond his real means, but are sure never to fall short of them. So close is the combination thus formed be- tween the idea of merit and the idea of expenditure, that a disposition to spend finds favour in the eyes even of those who know that a man's circum- stances do not entitle him to the means : and an upstart, whose chief recom- mendation is this disposition, shall find himself to have purchased a permanent fund of respect, to the prejudice of the very persons at whose expense he has been gratifying his appetites and his pride. Prejudices against Usury. 105 pride. The lustre, which the display of borrowed wealth has diffused over his character, awes men, during the season of his prosperity, into a sub- mission to his insolence : and when the hand of adversity has overtaken him at last, the recollection of the height, from which he has fallen, throws the veil of compassion over his injustice. The condition of the man of thrift is the reverse. His lasting opulence procures him a share, at least, of the same envy, that attends the prodigal's transient display : but the use he makes of it procures him no part of the fa- vour which attends the prodigal. In the satisfactions he derives from that use, the pleasure of possession, and the idea of enjoying, at some distant pe- riod, which may never arrive, nobody comes in for any share. In the midst of his opulence he is regarded as a F 3 kind 106 LETT. X. Grounds of the kind of insolvent, who refuses to ho- nour the bills, which their rapacity would draw upon him, and who is by so much the more criminal than other insolvents, as not having the plea of inability for an excuse. Could there be any doubt of the dis- favour which attends the cause of the money-lender, in his competition with the borrower, and of the disposition of the public judgment to sacrifice the interest of the former to that of the latter, the stage would afford a com- pendious, but a pretty c6nclusive proof of it. It is the business of the drama- tist to study, and to conform to, the humours and passions of those, on the pleasing of whom he depends for his success : it is the course which reflec- tion must suggest to every man, and which a man would naturally fall into, though he were not to think about it. He Prejudices against Usury. 107 He may, and very frequently does, make magni6cent pretences, of giv- ing the law to them : but woe be to him that attempts to give them any other law than what they are disposed already to receive. If he would at- tempt to lead them one inch, it must be with great caution, and not with- out suffering himself to be led by them at least a dozen. Now, I question, whether, among all the instances in which a borrower and a lender of mo- ney have been brought together upon, the stage, from the days of Thespis to the present, there ever was one, in which the former was not recom- mended to favour in some shape or other, either to admiration, or to love, or to pity, or to all three j and the other, the man of thrift, consigned to infamy. Hence 108 LETT. X. Grounds of the Hence it is that, in reviewing and adjusting the interests of these appa- rently rival parties, the advantage made by the borrower is so apt to slip out of sight, and that made by the lender to appear in so exaggerated a point of view. Hence it is, that though prejudice is so far softened as to ac- quiesce in the lender's making some advantage, lest the borrower should lose altogether the benefit of his assist- ance, yet still the borrower is to have all the favour, and the lender's advan- tage is for ever to be clipped, and pared down, as low as it will bear. First it was to be confined to ten per cent, then to eight, then to six, then to five, and now lately there was a re- port of its being to be brought down to four ; with constant liberty to sink as much lower as it would. The bur- then Prejudices against Usury. 109 then of these restraints, of course, has been intended exclusively for the lender : in reality, as I think you have seen, it presses much more hea- vily upon the borrower : I mean him who either becomes, or in vain wishes to become so. But the presents di- rected by prejudice, Dr. Smith will tell us, are not always delivered ac- cording to their address. It was thus that the mill-stone designed for the necks of those vermin, as they have been called, the dealers in corn, was found to fall upon the heads of the consumers. It is thus but further examples would lead me further from the purpose. 110 LETT. XI. Compound Interest. LETTER XI. Compound Interest. A Word or two I must trouble you with, concerning compound interest; for compound interest is discounten- anced by the law; I suppose, as a sort of usury. That, without an ex- press stipulation, the law never gives it, I well remember : whether, in case of an express stipulation, the law al- lows it to be taken, I am not absolute- ly certain. I should suppose it might: remembering covenants in mortgages that interest should become principal. At any rate, I think the law can- not well punish it under the name of usury. If LETT. XI. Com/mind Interest. 1 11 If the discountenance shewn to this arrangement be grounded on the hor- ror of the sin of usury, the impro- priety of such discountenance follows of course, from the arguments which shew the un-" sinfulness 0/*that sin" Other argument against it, I be- lieve, was never attempted, unless it were the giving to such an arrange- ment the epithet of a hard one : in doing which, something more like a reason is given, than one gets in ordi- nary from the common law. If that consistency were to be found in the common law, which has never yet been found in man's conduct, and which perhaps is hardly in man's na- ture, compound interest never could have been denied. The views which suggested this denial, were, I dare to suy, very good : the 1 12 LETT. XI. Compound Interest. the effects of it are, I am certain, very pernicious. If the borrower pays the interest at the day, if he performs his engage- ment, that very engagement to which the law pretends to oblige him to con- form, the lender, who receives that in- terest, makes compound interest of course, by lending it out again, unless he chooses rather to expend it : he ex- pects to receive it at the day, or what meant the engagement? if he fails of receiving it*, he is by so much a loser. The borrower, by paying it at the day, is no loser : if he does not pay it at the day, he is by so much a gainer: a pain of disappointment takes place in the case of the one, while no such pain takes place in the case of the other. The cause of him whose con- tention is to catch a gain, is thus pre- ferred LETT. XI. Compound Interest. 113 ferred to that of him whose conten- tion is to avoid a loss : contrary to the reasonable and useful maxim of that branch of the common law which has acquired the name of equity. The gain, which the law in its tenderness thus bestows on the defaulter, is an encouragement, a reward, which it holds out for breach of faith, for iniquity, for indolence, for negli- gence. The loss, which it thus throws up- on the forbearing lender, is a punish- ment which it inflicts on him for his forbearance : the power which it gives him of avoiding that loss, by prose- cuting the borrower upon the instant of failure, is thus converted into a re- ward which it holds out to him for his hard-heartedness and rigour. Man is not quite so good as it were to be wished he were; but he would be bad indeed, 114 LETT. XI. Compound Interest. indeed, were he bad on all the occa- sions where the law, as far as depends on her, has made it his interest so to be. It may be impossible, say you, it often is impossible, for the borrower to pay the interest at the day : and you say truly. What is the inference ? That the creditor should not have it in his power to ruin the debtor for not paying at the day, and that he should receive a compensation for the loss oc- casioned by such failure. He has it in his power to ruin him, and he has it not in his power to obtain such compensation. The judge, were it possible for an arrested debtor to find his way into a judge's chamber instead of a spunging-house, might award n proper respite, suited to the circum- stances of the parties. It is not possi- ble : but a respite is purchased, proper or LETT. XI. Compound Interest. 115 or not proper, perhaps at ten times, perhaps at a hundred times the ex- pense of compound interest, by put- ting in bail, and fighting thecreditor through all the windings of mischiev- ous and unnecessary delay. Of the satisfaction due either for the original failure, or for the subsequent vexation by which it has been aggravated, no part is ever received by the injured creditor: but the instruments of the law receive, perhaps at his expense, perhaps at the debtor's, perhaps ten times, perhaps a hundred times the amount of that satisfaction. Such is the result of this tenderness of the law. It is in consequence of such tender- ness that on so many occasions a man, though ever so able, would find him- self a loser by paying his just debts : those very debts of which the law has recognized 116 LETT. XI. Compound Interest. recognized the justice. The man who obeys the dictates of common honesty, the man who does what the law pre- tends to bid him, is wanting to him- self. Hence your regular and securely profitable writs of error in the house of lords : hence your random and vin- dictive costs of one hundred pounds, and two hundred pounds, now and then given in that house. It is natu- ral,. and it is something, to find, in a company of lords, a zeal for justice : it is not natural, to find, in such a company, a disposition to bend down to the toil of calculation. LETT. XII. Maintenance, &Vr. 11? LETTER XII. Maintenance and Champerty. HAVING in the preceding letters had occasion to lay down, and, as I flatter myself, to make good, the general principle, that no man of ripe years , and of sound mind, ought, out of loving kindness to him, to be hindered from making such bargain, in the way of obtaining money, as, acting with his eyes open, he deems conducive to his interest, I will take your leave for pushing it a little farther, and extending the appli- cation of it to another class of regula- tions still less defensible. I mean the antique 118 LETT. XII. Maintenance antique laws against what are called Maintenance and Champerty. To the head of Maintenance, I think you refer, besides other offences which are not to the present purpose, that of purchasing, upon any terms, any claim, which it requires a suit at law, or in equity, to enforce. Champerty, which is but a particu- lar modification of this sin of Mainte- nance, is, I think, the furnishing a man who has such a claim, with regard to a real estate, such money as he may have occasion for, to carry on such claim, upon the terms of receiving a part of the estate in case of success. What the penalties are for these offences I do not recollect, nor do I think it worth while hunting for them, though I have Blackstone at my elbow. They are at any rate, sufficiently se- vere and Champerty. 119 vere to answer the purpose, the rather as the bargain is made void. To illustrate the mischievousness of the laws by which they have been created, give me leave to tell you a story, which is but too true an one, and which happened to fall within my own observation. A gentleman of my acquaintance had succeeded, during his minority, to an estate of about 30001. a year : I won't say where. His guardian, con- cealing from him the value of the estate, which circumstances rendered it easy for him to do, got a convey- ance of it from him, during his non- age, for a trifle. Immediately upon the ward's coining of age, the guardian, keeping him still in darkness, found means to get the conveyance confirm- ed. Some years afterwards, the ward discovered the value of the inheritance he 120 LETT. XII. Maintenance he had been throwing away. Private representations proving, as it may be imagined, ineffectual, he applied to a court of equity. The suit was in some forwardness : the opinion of the ablest counsel highly encouraging: but mo- ney there remained none. We all know but too well, that, in spite of the un- impeachable integrity of the bench, that branch of justice, which is parti- cularly dignified with the name of equity, is only for those who can af- ford to throw away one fortune for the chance of recovering another. Two persons, however, were found, who, between them, were content to defray the expense of the ticket for this lot- tery, on condition of receiving half the prize. The prospect now became en- couraging : when unfortunately one of the adventurers, in exploring the recesses of the bottomless pit, happen- and Champerty. 121 ed to dig up one of the old statutes against Champerty. This blew up the whole project: however the defend- ant, understanding that, some how or other, his antagonist had found sup- port, had thought fit in the mean time to propose terms, which the plaintiff, after his support had thus dropped from under him, was very glad to close with. He received, I think it was, 30001.; and for that he gave up the estate, which was worth about as much year- ly, together with the arrears, which were worth about as much as the estate. Whether, in the barbarous age which gave birth to these barbarous precautions, whether, even under the zenith of feudal anarchy, such fetter- ing regulations could have had reason on their side, is a question of curiosity rather than use. My notion is, that G there 1&2 LETT. XII. Maintenance there never was a time, that there ne- ver could have been, or can be a time, when the pushing of suitors away from court with one hand, while they are beckoned into it with another, would not be a policy equally faithless, in- consistent, and absurd. But, what every body must acknowledge, is, that, to the times which called forth these laws, and in which alone they could have started up, the present are as opposite as light to darkness. A mischief, in those times, it seems, but too common, though a mischief not to be cured by such laws, was, that a man would buy a weak claim, in hopes that power might convert it into a strong one, and that the sword of a baron, stalking into court with a rabble of retainers at his heels, might strike terror into the eyes of a judge upon the bench. At present, what cares and Champerty. 123 cares an English judge for the swords of an hundred barons ? Neither fear- ing nor hoping, hating nor loving, the judge of our days is ready with, equal phlegm to administer, upon all occasions, that system, whatever it be, of justice, or injustice, which the law has put into his hands. A disposition so consonant to duty could not have then been hoped for : one more con- sonant is hardly to be wished. Wealth has indeed the monopoly of justice against poverty : and such monopoly it is the direct tendency and necessary effect of regulations like these to strengthen and confirm. But with this monopoly no judge that lives now is at all chargeable. The law created this monopoly : the law, when ever it pleases, may dissolve it. I will not however so far wander from my subject as to inquire what G 2 measure 124 LETT. XII. Maintenance measure might have been necessary to afford a full relief to the case of that unfortunate gentleman, any more than to the cases of so many other gentle- men who might be found, as unfortu- nate as he. I will not insist upon so strange and so inconceivable an ar- rangement, as that of the judge's see- ing both parties face to face in the first instance, observing what the facts are in dispute, and declaring, that as the facts should turn out this way or that way, such or such would be his decree. At present, I confine myself to the removal of such part of the mischief, as may arise from the general conceit of keeping men out of difficulties, by cutting them off from such means of relief as each man's situation may af- ford. A spunge in this, as in so ma- ny other cases, is the only needful, and only availing remedy : one stroke of it and Champerty. 125 it for the musty laws against mainte- nance and champerty : another for the more recent ones against usury. Con- sider, for example, what would have respectively been the effect of two such strokes, in the case of the unfortunate gentlemen I have been speaking of. By the first, if what is called equity has any claim to confidence, he would have got, even after paying off his champerty-usurers, 15001. a year in land, and about as much in money : instead of getting, and that only by an accident, 30001. once told. By the other, there is no saying to what a de- gree he might have been benefited. May I be allowed to stretch so far in favour of the law as to suppose, that so small a sum as 5001. would have carried him through his suit, in the course of about three years ? I am sen- sible, that may be thought but a short sum, 126 LETT. XII. Maintenance sum, and this but a short term, for a suit in equity : but, for the purpose of illustration, it may serve as well as a longer. Suppose he had sought this necessary sum in the way of borrow- ing 5 and had been so fortunate, or, as the laws against the sin of usury would style it, so unfortunate, as to get it at 200 per cent. He would then have purchased his 60001. a year at the price of half as much once paid, viz. 30001.; instead of selling it at that price. Whe- ther, if no such laws against usury had been in being, he could have got the money, even at that rate, I will not pre- tend to say : perhaps he might not have got it under ten times that rate, perhaps he might have got it at the tenth part of that rate. Thus far, I think, we may say, that he might, and probably would, have been the better for the repeal of those laws : but thus far and Champerty. 127 far we must say, that it is impossible he should have been the worse. The terms, upon which he met with adven- turers willing to relieve him, though they come not within that scanty field, which the law, in the narrowness of its views, calls usury, do, in the present case, at twenty years purchase of the 30001. a year he was content to have sacrificed for such assistance, amount, in effect, to 4000 per cent. Whether it was likely that any man, who was disposed to venture his money, at all, upon such a chance, would have thought of insisting upon such a rate of interest, I will leave you to ima- gine : but thus much may be said with confidence, because the fact demon- strates it, that, at a rate not exceeding this, the sum would actually have been supplied. Whatever becomes then of the laws against maintenance and champerty, 128 LETT. XII. Maintenance, Kc. champerty, the example in question, when applied to the laws against usu- ry, ought, I think, to be sufficient to convince us, that so long as the ex- pense of seeking relief at law stands on its present footing, the purpose of seeking that relief will, of itself, inde- pendently of every other, afford a suf- ficient ground for allowing any man, or every man, to borrow money on any terms on which he can obtain it. Crichoff, in White Russia, March, 1787. LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith. 1*9 LETTER XIII. To Dr. Smithy on Projects in Arts, Xc. SIR, I Forget what son of controversy it was, among the Greeks, who hav- ing put himself to school to a professor of eminence, to learn what, in those days, went by the name of wisdom, chose an attack upon his master for the first public specimen of his profi- ciency. This specimen, whatever en- tertainment it might have afforded to the audience, afforded, it may be sup- posed, no great satisfaction to the mas- ter : for the thesis was, that the pupil G 3 owed ISO LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, owed him nothing for his pains. For my part, being about to shew myself in one respect as ungrateful as the Greek, it may be a matter of prudence for me to look out for something like candour, by way of covering to my in- gratitude: instead therefore of pre- tending to owe you nothing, I shall begin with acknowledging, that, as far as your track coincides with mine, I should come much nearer the truth, were I to say I owed you every thing. Should it be my fortune to gain any advantage over you, it must be with weapons which you have taught me to wield, and with which you yourself have furnished me : for, as all the great standards of truth, which can be ap- pealed to in this line, owe, as far as I can understand, their establishment to you, I can see scarce any other way of convicting you of any error or over- sight, on Projects in Arts, Kc. 131 sight, than by judging you out of your own mouth. In the series of letters to which this will form a sequel, I had travelled nearly thus far in my researches into the policy of the laws fixing the rate of interest, combating such arguments as fancy rather than observation had suggested to my view, when, on a sudden, recollection presented me with your formidable image, bestriding the ground over which I was travelling pretty much at my ease, and opposing the shield of your authority to any ar- guments I could produce. It was a reHection mentioned by Ci- cero as affording him some comfort, that the employment his talents till that time had met with, had been chiefly on the defending side. How little soever blest, on any occasion, with any portion of his eloquence, I may, 132 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, may, on the present occasion, however, indulge myself with a portion of what constituted his comfort : for, if I pre- sume to contend with you, it is only in defence of what I look upon as, not only an innocent, but a most merito- rious race of men, who are so unfortu- nate as to have fallen under the rod of your displeasure. I mean projectors: under which invidious name I under- stand you to comprehend, in particu- lar, all such persons as, in the pursuit of wealth, strike out into any new channel, and more especially into any channel of invention. It is with the professed view of checking, or rather of crushing, these adventurous spirits, whom you rank with " prodigals," that you approve of the laws which limit the rate of in- terest, grounding yourself on the ten- dency, they appear to you to have, to keep mi Projects in Arts, Kc. 133 keep the capital of the country oat of two such different sets of hands. The passage, I am speaking of, is in the fourth chapter of your second book, volume the second of the 8vo. edition of 1784. , but too true, is not the lot of the ge- neration in which we live: but, if it is to be found in any part of the track ', marked out for human existence, it will be found, I trust, not in any part which is past, but in some part which j is to come. But to return to the laws against I 2 usury, 172 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, usury, and their restraining influence on projectors. I have made it, I hope, pretty apparent, that these restraints have no power or tendency to pick out bad projects from the good. Is it worth while to add, which I think I may do with some truth, that the ten- dency of them is rather to pick the good out from the bad ? Thus much at least may be said, and it comes to the same thing, that there is one case in which, be the project what it may, they may have the effect of checking it, and another in which they can have no such effect ; and that the first has for its accompaniment, and that a necessary one, a circumstance which has a strong tendency to sepa- rate and discard every project of the injudicious stamp, but which is want- ing in the other case. I mean, in a word, the benefit of discussion. It on Projects in Arts, Sfc. It is evident enough, that upon all such projects, whatever be their na- ture, as find funds sufficient to carry them on, in the hands of him whose invention gave them birth, these laws are perfectly, and if by this time you will allow me to say so, very happily, without power. But for these there has not necessarily been any other judge, prior to experience, than the inventor's own partial affection. It is not only not necessary that they should have had, but it is natural enough that they should not have had, any such judge: since in most cases the advantage to be expected from the project depends upon the exclusive property in it, and consequently upon the concealment of the princi- ple. Think, on the other hand, how different is the lot of that enterprize which depends upon the good opinion of 174 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, of another man ; that other, a man pos- sessed of the wealth which the projec- tor wants, and before whom necessity forces him to appear in the character of a suppliant at least : happy if, in the imagination of his judge, he adds not to that degrading character, that of a visionary enthusiast or an impostor! At any rate, there are, in this case, two wits, set to sift into the merits of the project, for one, which was employed upon that same task in the other case : and of these two there is one, whose prejudices are certainly not most like- ly to be on the favourable side. True it is, that in the jumble of occurrences, an over-sanguine projector may stum- ble upon a patron as over-sanguine as himself; and the wishes may bribe the judgment of the one, as they did of the other. The opposite case, how- ever, you will allow, I think, to be by much on Projects in Arts, 8fc. 175 much the more natural. Whatever a man's wishes may be for the success of an enterprize not yet his own, his fears are likely to be still stronger. That same pretty generally implanted prin- ciple of vanity and self-conceit, which disposes most of us to over-value each of us his own conceptions, disposes us, in a proportionable degree, to under- value those of other men. Is it worth adding, though it be undeniably true, that could it even be proved, by ever so uncontrovertible evidence, that, from the beginning of time to the present day, there never was a project that did not terminate in the ruin of its author ; not even from such a fact as this, could the legislator derive any sufficient warrant, so much as for wishing to see the spirit of pro- jects in any degree repressed ? The discouraging motto, Sic vos non vobis y may 176 LETT. XIII. To Dr: Smith, may be matter of serious consideration to the individual, but what is it to the legislator ? What general, let him at- tack with ever so superior an army, but knows that hundreds, or perhaps thousands, must perish at the first on- set ? Shall he, for that consideration alone, lie inactive in his lines ? Every " man for himself but God," adds the proverb (and it might have added the general, and the legislator, and all other public servants), " for us all." Those sacrifices of individual to gene- ral welfare, which, on so many occa- sions, are made by third persons against men's wills, shall the parties them- selves be restrained from making, when they do it of their own choice ? To tie men neck and heels, and throw them into the gulphs I have been speaking of, is altogether out of the question : but if at every gulph a Curtius stands mounted on Projects in Arts, Sfc. 177 mounted and caparisoned, ready to take the leap, is it for the legislator, in a fit of old-womanish tenderness, to pull him away ? Laying even public interest out of the question, and considering nothing but the feelings of the indivi- duals immediately concerned, a legis- lator would scarcely do so, who knew the value of hope, " the most precious " gift of heaven.'* Consider, Sir, that it is not with the invention-lottery (that great branch of the project lottery, for the sake of which I am defending the whole, and must continue so to do until you or somebody else can shew me how to defend it on better terms), it is not I say with the invention-lottery, as with the mine-lottery, the privateering- lottery, and so many other lotteries, which you speak of, and in no instance, I think, very much to their advantage. 13 In. 178 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, In these lines, success does not, as in this, arise out of the embers of ill suc- cess, and thence propagate itself, by a happy contagion, perhaps to all eter- nity. Let Titius have found a mine, it is not the more easy, but by so much the less easy, for Sempronius to find one too : let Titius have made a cap- ture, it is not the more easy, but by so much the less easy, for Sempronius to do the like. But let Titius have found out a new dye, more brilliant or more durable than those in use, let him have invented a new and more convenient machine, or a new and more profitable mode of husbandry; a thousand dyers, ten thousand mechanics, a hundred thousand husbandmen, may repeat and multiply his success : and then, what is it to the public, though the for- tune of Titius, or of his usurer, should on Projects in Arts, fife. 179 should have sunk under the expe- riment? Birmingham and Sheffield are pitch- ed upon by you as examples, the one of a projecting town, the other of an unprojecting one*. Can you forgive my saying, I rather wonder that this comparison of your own choosing, did not suggest some suspicions of the jus- tice of the conceptions you had taken up, to the disadvantage of projectors. Sheffield is an old oak : Birmingham, but a mushroom. What if we should find the mushroom still vaster and more vigorous than the oak ? Not but the one as well as the other, at what time soever planted, must equally have been planted by projectors : for though Tubal Cain himself were to B. I. ch. x. vol. i. p. 176. edit. 8vo. 1784. be 180' LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, be brought post from Armenia to plant Sheffield, Tubal Cain himself was as arrant a projector in his day, as ever Sir Thomas Lombe was, or bishop Blaise : but Birmingham, it seems, claims in common parlance the title of a projecting town, to the exclusion of the other, because, being but of yesterday, the spirit of project smells fresher and stronger there than elsewhere. When the odious sound of the word projector no longer tingles in your ears, the race of men thus stig- matized do not always find you their enemy. Projects, even under the name of " dangerous and expensive experi- (f ments," are represented as not unfit to be encouraged, even though mon- opoly be the means : and the monopoly is defended in that instance, by its si- milarity on Projects in Arts, Xc. 181 milarity to other instances in which the like means are employed to the like purpose. " When a company of merchants " undertake at their own risk and ex- " pense to establish a new trade with " some remote and barbarous nation, " it may not be unreasonable" (you observe) " to incorporate them into " a joint-stock company, and to grant " them, in case of their success, a " monopoly of the trade for a certain " number of years. It is the easiest " and most natural way, in which the " state can recompense them, for ha- " zarding a dangerous and expensive " experiment, of which the public is " afterwards to reap the benefit. A " temporary monopoly of this kind ' may be vindicated, upon the same " principles, upon which a like mon- " opoly of a new machine is granted to " its 182 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, " its inventor, and that of a new book " to its author." Private respect must not stop me from embracing this occasion of giv- ing a warning, which is so much need- ed by mankind. If so original and independent a spirit has not been al- ways able to save itself from being drawn aside by the fascination of sounds, into the paths of vulgar pre- judice, how strict a watch ought not men of common mould to set over their judgments, to save themselves from being led astray by similar de- lusions? I have sometimes been tempted to think, that were it in the power of Jaws to put words under proscription, as it is to put men, the cause of inventive in- dustry might perhaps derive scarcely less assistance from a bill of attainder against the words project and projectors, than on Projects in Arts, Xc. 183 than it has derived from the act au- thorizing the grant of patents. I should add, however, for a time: for even then the envy, and vanity, and wounded pride, of the uningenious herd, would sooner or later infuse their venom into some other word, and set it up as a new tyrant, to hover, like its predecessor, over the birth of infant genius, and crush it in its cra- dle. Will not you accuse me of pushing malice beyond all bounds, if I bring down against you so numerous and re- spectable a body of men, as the mem- bers of the Society for the Encourage- ment of Arts ? I do not, must not, care : for you command too much re- spect to have any claim to mercy. At least you will not accuse me of spirit- ing up against you barbarian enemies, and 184 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, and devoting you to the vengeance of Cherokees and Chicasaws. Of that popular institution, the very professed and capital object is the encouragement of projects, and the propagating of that obnoxious breed, the crushing of which you commend as a fit exercise for the arm of power. But if it be right to crush the acting malefactors, it would be downright inconsistency not to crush, at the same time, or rather not to begin with crushing, these their hirers and abet- tors. Thank then their inadvertence, or their generosity, or their prudence, if their beadle has not yet received orders to burn in ceremony, as a libel on the society, a book that does ho- nour to the age. After having had the boldness to accuse so great a master of having fallen on Projects in Arts, Sfc. 185 fallen unawares into an error, may I take the still farther liberty, of setting conjecture to work to account for it? Scarce any man, perhaps no man, can push the work of creation, in any line, to such a pitch of compleatness, as to have gone through the task of examin- ing with his own eyes into the grounds of every position, without exception, which he has had occasion to employ. You heard the public voice, strength- ened by that of law, proclaiming all round you, that usury was a sad thing, and usurers a wicked and pernicious set of men: you heard from one at least of those quarters, that projectors were either a foolish and contemptible race, or a knavish and destructive one: Hurried away by the throng, and tak- ing, very naturally, for granted, that what every body said must have some ground for it, you have joined the cry, and 186 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, and added your suffrage to the rest. Possibly too, among the crowd of pro- jectors which the lottery of occurrences happened to present to your observa- tion, the prejudicial sort may have borne such a proportion to the bene- ficial, or shewn themselves in so much stronger colours, as to have given the popular notion a firmer hold in your judgment, than it would have had, had the contrary proportion happened to present itself to your notice. To al- low no more weight to examples that fall close under our eyes, than to those which have fallen at ever so great a distance to suffer the judgment on no occasion to indulge itself in the licence of a too hasty and extensive generali- zation not to give any proposition footing there, till after all such defal- cations have been made, as are neces- sary to reduce it within the limits of rigid on Projects in Arts t tfc. 187 rigid truth these are laws, the cotn- pleat observance whereof forms the ul- timate, and hitherto, perhaps for ever, ideal term of human wisdom. You have defended against unmerit- ed obloquy two classes of men, the one innocent at least, the other highly use- ful j the spreaders of English arts in foreign climes*, and those whose in- dustry exerts itself in distributing that necessary commodity which is called by the way of eminence the staff of life. May I flatter myself with having succeeded at last in my endeavours, to recommend to the same powerful protection, two other highly useful and equally persecuted sets of men, usurers and projectors. Yes I will, for the moment at least, indulge so B. IV. ch. viii. vol. ii. p. 514. ct alibi, edit. 8vo. 1784. flattering 188 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, flattering an idea : and, in pursuance of it, leaving usurers, for whom I have said enough already, I will consider myself as joined now with you in the same commission, and thinking with you of the best means of relieving the projector from the load of discourage- ment laid on him by these laws, in so far as the pressure of them falls parti- cularly upon him. In my own view of the matter, indeed, no tempera- ment, no middle course, is either ne- cessary or proper : the only perfectly effectual, is the only perfectly proper remedy, a spunge. But, as nothing is more common with mankind, than to give opposite receptions, to con- clusions flowing with equal necessity from the same principle, let us ac- commodate our views to that con- tingency. According to this idea, the object, as on Projects in Arts, ffc. 189 as far as confined to the present case, should be, to provide, in favour of projectors only, a dispensation from the rigour of the anti-usurious laws: such, for instance, as is enjoyed by persons engaged in the carrying trade, in virtue of the indulgence given to loans made on the footing of respon- dentia or bottomry. As to abuse, I see not why the danger of it should be greater in this case than in those. Whe- ther a sum of money be embarked, or not embarked, in such or such a new manufacture on land, should not, in its own nature, be a fact much more dif- ficult to ascertain, than whether it be embarked, or not embarked, in such or such a trading adventure by sea: and, in the one case as in the other, the payment of the interest, as well as the repayment of the principal, might be made to depend upon the success of 190 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, of the adventure. To confine the indulgence to new undertakings, the having obtained a patent for some in- vention, and the continuance of the term of the patent, might be made conditions of the allowance given to the bargain: to this might be added affidavits, expressive of the intended application, and bonds, with sureties, conditioned for the performance of the intention so declared; to be regis- tered in one of the patent-offices, or elsewhere. After this, affidavits once a year, or oftener, during the subsist- ence of the contract, declaring what has been done in execution of it. If the leading-string is not yet thought tight enough, boards of con- troul might be instituted to draw it tighter. Then opens a scene of vexa- tion and intrigue : waste of time v con- sumed in courting the favour of the members on Projects in Arts, Kc. 191 members of the board: waste of time, in opening their understandings* clenched perhaps by ignorance, at any rate by disdain and self-sumciency, and vanity, and pride : the favour (for pride will make it a favour) granted to skill in the arts of self-recommen- dation and cabal, devoid of inventive merit, and refused to naked merit un- adorned by practice in those arts : waste of time on the part of the per- sons themselves engaged in this imper- tinent inquiry : waste of somebody's money in paying them for this waste of time. All these may be necessary evils, where the money to be bestowed is public money : how idle where it is the party's own ! I will not plague you, nor myself, with enquiring of whom shall be composed this board of nurses to grown gentlemen : were it only to cut the matter short, one might name at 192 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith. at once the committees of the Society of Arts. There you have a body of men ready trained in the conduct of inquiries^ which resemble that in ques- tion, in every circumstance, but that which renders it ridiculous : the mem- bers or representatives of this demo- cratic body would be as likely, I take it, to discharge such a trust with fide- lity and skill, as any aristocracy that could be substituted in their room. Crichoff, in White Russia, March, 1787. [ 193 ] LETTERS Iff DEFENCE OF USURY, &c. CONTENTS. LETT. I. Introduction. THE liberty of bargaining in money-matters, a species of liberty which has never yet found an advocate, p. 1 Fixing the rate of interest, being a coercive measure, and an exception to the general rule in favour of the enforcement of contracts, it lies upon the advocates of the measure to produce reasons for it p. 3 List of the reasons which may be supposed to have operated in favour of it, p. 4 LETT. II. Reasons for Restraint. 1. Prevention of Usury. Argument* in favour of the restraint l.Pre- 194 Letters in Defence of Usury. vention of Usury. This begs the ques- tion, p. 7 No one rate of interest is naturally more proper than another, p. 9 No idea of propriety could have been formed on this head, but for custom, ibid. But the rate indicated by custom, varies from age to age, and from place to place, . . p. 11 Custom, being generated by convenience, evi- denced by consent, should submit to it throughout, p. 12 No more reason for fixing the price of the use of money than the price of goods, . . . p. 13 nor for fixing the rate on one side more than on the other excepting a weak and distant one, p. 15 LETT. III. Reasons for Restraint. 2. Prevention of Prodigality. Interposing at all, to prevent prodigality, is not necessary to the existence of society, . p. 17 though it may be of use, choosing proper methods, p. 18 This not of the number : 1. Because borrowing at extraordinary rates CONTENTS. 195 is not a natural course for prodigals to take, p. 18 It is out of the question with regard to, a. Those who have money of their own, . p. 19 6. Those who have real or good security to offer, ... * ibid. c. Or any thing to sell, though it be but a contingency, p. 22 ^. Those who have no sufficient security to offer, are not more likely to get money at an extra- ordinary, than at the ordinary rate, . . p. 24 What they do get, they get at the ordinary rate, of their friends, p. 25 3. Preventing their getting what they want at a high rate, in the way of borrowing, prevents not their getting it in the way of taking up goods on credit, p. 26 Conclusion, that the effect of these laws with regard to prodigality, as far as it has any, i> to increase it, p. 30 The only effectual check to prodigality, an in- frrdict, as under the Roman law, . . p. 31 K 2 LETT. 1 96 Letters in Defence of Usury. LETT. IV. Reasons for Restraint. 3. Protection of Indigence. The advantage it may be of to a man to borrow money, and the need he may have of it, ad- mitting of an undetermined number of de- grees, so may the consideration he pays for it, p. 33 No legislator can judge, so well as each indivi- dual for himself, whether money is worth to him any thing, and how much, beyond the ordinary interest, p. 37 Repression of projectors. This subject referred to the letter to Dr. Smith, p. 38 LETT. V. Reasons for Restraint. 4. Protection of Simplicity. No simplicity short of idiotism can render an individual so bad a judge in this case as the legislator, . p. 39 It would be to no purpose to prevent a man from being imposed upon in this way, unless he was prevented from being imposed upon in pur- chases and sales, ibid. A man CONTENTS. 197 A man is not so liable to imposition in this way as in those, p. 41 And in this way imprudence admits of a re- medy, which it does not in those others; viz. borrowing at a lower rate to pay off the first loan, p. 44 LETT. VI. Mischiefs of the anti-usu- rious Laws. Various ways in which the laws against usury may do mischief: 1. By precluding many from assistance altoge- ther, p. 45 2. Forcing men upon more disadvantageous ways of obtaining it, p. 47 Detriment suffered in this way by many during the war, p. 49 3. Or upon more disadvantageous terms in the very way forbidden, p. 53 In as far as the law appears open to evasion, it is either nugatory, or else mischievous, in any one of those three ways, accord- ing to circumstances, p. 56 4. Exposing an useful class of men to unmerited suffering and disgrace, '. . . ' '.' p. 57 5. Encou- 1 98 Letters in Defence of Usury. 5. Encouraging and protecting treachery and ingratitude, p. 60 Difference in this respect between the rewards held out to informers in this case, and those held out to informers at large, . . . ibid. or even to real criminals informing against accomplices, ibid. Caution against extending to those cases the cen- sure passed on this occasion, .... p. 61 LETT. VII. Efficacy of the anti-usu- rious Laws. Position of Dr. Smith's, that a law attempting to reduce interest below a certain rate must be inefficacious, p. 62 The position not warranted by the fact alleged in support of it, p. 63 Nothing can destroy the efficacy of such restraint in regard to one rate of interest, that does not in regard to others, p. 65 Why such destruction would be more apparent with regard to one rate than another, . p. 66 Conjecture concerning the real state of the fact, in the instance alluded to by Dr. Smith, . p. 68 The CONTENTS. 199 The English laws on this head how far open to evasion, p. 70 Russian laws, their perfect ineffieacy on this head, : .... p. 71 LETT. VIII. Virtual Usury allowed. Cases where interest above the ordinary rate has been taken by evasion of the law : 1. Drawing and re-drawing, .... p. 73 2. Selling bills of exchange at under price, p. 75 Cases where it is taken by allowance of the law: 1. Pawnbroking, p. 78 2. Bottomry and respondentia, .... p. 80 Other cases more indirectly related to usury, such as insurance, buying annuities, &c. . p. 82 LETT. IX. Blackstone considered. In Blackstone's opinion, the harm of making too hard a bargain stands on the same footing in the hire of a hone as of money, p. 84 If 200 Letters in Defence of Usury. If so, consistency requires the subjecting both businesses to the same restraints, . . p. 85 Popular prejudice has got the length of giving bad names in both cases, p. 87 Blackstone's reasoning concerning the money- trade applied to the horse-trade, . . p. 88 Proposal for fixing by law the same price for all horses, p. 93 The values of horses differ not more than the value of money on different occasions, . ibid. LETT. X. Grounds of the Prejudices against Usury. Causes of the discountenance shewn to the lender of money at interest : 1. The prevalence of the ascetic principle among Christians, p. 96 2. The horror of every thing Jewish . . p. 98 3. Aristotle's aphorism about the natural bar- renness of money, . < 4 . . . . p. 99 4. The motives, selfish as well as social, which concur in rendering the profuse character more amiable than the saving, . . . p. 103 A proof CONTENTS. 201 A proof of this, the unfavourable light in which money-lenders, and other men of thrift, are always represented on the stage, . . p. 106 Hence, even from legislators, the lender's inte- rest has met with less attention and favour than the borrower's, p. 107 Yet by this partiality the parties meant to be favoured, have been the greatest suf- ferers, p. 109 LETT. XI. Compound Interest. Compound interest, how far discountenanced by the law, p. 1 10 No argument against it, but the notion of usury, or that of hardship, p. Ill Inconsistency and mischief of such discounte- nance, ibid. The casual inability of the borrower is a reason, not for such discountenance, but for a respite, which the law never gives, . . . . p. 1 14 Effects of such false tenderness in breeding maid , , /, ;....>> , . f p. 115 LETT. 202 Letters in Defence of Usury. LETT. XII. Maintenance and Cham- perty. Inexpediency of restraining men in their bar- gains for money, in the instance where the money is wanted for purchasing the as- sistance of the laws, ; p. 117 Such bargains forbidden, by the laws against maintenance and champerty, . . . p. 118 Case of a gentleman who lost 30001. a year by those laws, p. 119 Absurdity of continuing laws made to ob- viate a mischief of which no traces re- main, p. 121 The above case may serve also to evince and il- lustrate the mischief of the laws restraining the rate of interest, ...... p. 124 LETT. XIII. To Dr. Smith, on Pro- jects in Arts, 8fc. Occasion of this address, ..... p. 131 The object of it, the defence of projectors, p. 132 Passage, CONTENTS. 203 Passage, in which Dr. Smith approve* of the law fixing the rate of interest, on account of its tendency to repress them, . . . . p. 133 Prejudice under which they labour, . . p. 134 Tin law, and therefore the censure past on them by the approbation given to that law, admits of no discrimination in favour of the innocent and meritorious, p. 136 The projector cannot hope for money at the highest rate of interest at present legal, be- cause that may always be had with more safety from old-established trades, . . . . p. 140 The censure on projectors necessarily involves the authors of all the arts to which the world owes its prosperity, p. 144 And the laws, the approbation of which is con- nected with that censure, must, as far as their influence has extended, have operated as ob- stacles to that prosperity, p. 145 Another passage, in which the censure passed on projectors is plainly extended to all im- provers p. 147 The censure passed on projectors is inconsist- ent with some fundamental ideas of Dr. Smith, p. 148 Concerning 204 Letters in Defence of Usury. Concerning the natural prevalence of prudence over imprudence even that which manifests itself in prodigality and the progress of improvement which has been the conse- quence, i, * . * . . p. 149 Grounds for not attributing that prosperity to the operation of the laws in restraining projectors, p. 153 Great advances in prosperity had been made prior to the earliest of those laws, . . p. 154 That their tendency can only have been to lessen the total number of projectors, with- out lessening the proportion of bad to good, p. 155 The greatest mischief that could have been done by projecting, if totally unrestrained, could not, according to Dr. Smith, warrant the in- terposition of the law, because, according to him, that done by prodigals does not warrant that interposition, p. 156 But prodigality is at any rate much more cer- tainly ruinous, and much more common, than projecting, p. 159 In controling prodigality, the law controls pas- sion by reason : in controling projects, it controls knowledge by ignorance, . . p. 163 Dr. CONTENTS. 205 Dr. Smith condemns this latter interference also* in the censure he passes on the faws which attempt to direct individuals in their private concerns, p. 165 The argument repeated that the censure on pro- jects involves all past improvements, . p. 167 But future projects, as such, must be less danger- ous than the past ones were, . . . . p. 168 The only case, in which the rettrainte applied by these laws to projects, attaches upon them, is that in which they are best guarded against hazard, viz. by the necessity of their being discussed before a judge whose prepossession is rather on the other side, p. 1 7 1 The ruin of every projector, without exception, would not be sufficient to disprove the utility of projects, p. 175 Of two towns instanced by Dr. Smith, that which is most of a projecting town is most prosperous, . . p. 179 Approbation bestowed by Dr. Smith himself on projects, under another name, as also on other laws that favour them, a warn- ing to guard against the delusion of sounds, P- 190 Censure 206 Letters in Defence of Usury. Censure passed on projectors hostile to the object of the Society of Arts, p. 183 Probable grounds of this censure : 1. Popular opinion, as expressed by the bad sense contracted by the word " Projector/' p. 185 2. Too hasty generalization, p. 186 Hopes of his turning against the current of popu- lar prejudice, in this instance, grounded on the others in which he has done so, . . . p. 187 Expedients proposed for taking away the re- straint of the anti-usurious laws from projectors only: 1. Bonds and affidavits to secure the applying the money obtained at extra-interest to this use, '-i' VV p. 190 2. Boards to grant licences for that purpose; ex. gr. the Committees of the Society of Arts, ibid. This a bad and unnecessary expedient, . ibid. FINIS. A PROTEST AGAINST LAW TAXES, SHEWING THE PECULIAR MISCHIEVOUSNESS OP ALL SUCH IMPOSITIONS AS ADD TO THE EXPENSE OP APPEAL TO JUSTICE. By JEREMY BENTH4M, OF LINCOLN'S INN, ESQ. A PROTEST LAW-TAXES. 1 AXES on law-proceedings consti- tute in man)', and perhaps in all na- tions, a part of the resources of the state. They do so in Great Britain : they do so in Ireland. In Great Bri- tain, an extension of them is to be found among the latest productions of the budget: in Ireland, a further extension of them is among the mea- sures of the day. It is this impending extension that calls forth the publica- tion of the present sheets, the substance of 4 To Contributors, of which has lain upon the shelf these many years. It is a well-known parliamentary saying, that he who reprobates a tax ought to have a better in his hand.* A juster condition never was imposed. I fulfil it at the first word. My bet- ter tax is any other that can be named. The people, when considered with a view to the manner in which they are affected by a tax of this description, may be distinguished into two classes : those who in each instance of requi- sition have wherewithal to pay, and those who have not : to the former, we shall find it more grievous than * It confines itself of course to public men, or what comes to the same thing, private men speaking in the character of public. As for in- dividuals aggrieved, they have performed their part when they have stated their own grievance. any A Tax upon Distress. 5 any other kind of tax, to the latter a still more cruel grievance. Taxes on consumption cannot fall but where there is some fund to pay them : of poll taxes, and taxes on unproductive property, the great im- perfection is, that they may chance to bear where such ability may be want- ing. Taxes upon law-proceedings fall upon a man just at the time when the likelihood of his wanting that abi- lity is at the utmost. When a man sees more or less of his property unjustly withholden from him, then is the time taken to call upon him for an ex- traordinary contribution. When the back of the innocent has been worn raw by the yoke of the oppressor, then is the time which the appointed guar- dians of innocence have thus pitched upon for loading him with an extra- ordinary 6 To Contributors, ordinary burthen.* Most taxes are, as all taxes ought to be, taxes upon affluence : it is the characteristic pro- perty of this to be a tax upon distress. A tax on bread, though a tax on consumption, would hardly be reckon- ed a good tax; bread being reckon- ed in most countries where it is used, among the necessaries of life. A tax on bread, however, would not be near so bad a tax as one on law-proceedings : A man who pays to a tax on bread, may, indeed, by reason of such pay- ment, be unable to get so much bread as he wants, but he will always get some bread, and in proportion as he pays more and more to the tax, he Even in the instance of a defendant, or when the wrong is not pecuniary, the hardship of a double yoke does not cease : for the natural expense of litigation is a burthen which this artificial one finds pressing on him in any case. will A Tax upon Distress. 7 will get more and more bread. Of a tax upon justice, the effect may be, that after he has paid the tax, he may, without getting justice by the pay- ment, lose bread by it : bread, the whole quantity on which he depended for the subsistence of himself and his family for the season, may, as well as any thing else, be the very thing for which he is obliged to apply to jus- tice. Were a three-penny stamp to be put upon every three-penny loaf, a man who had but three-pence to spend in bread, could no longer indeed get a three-penny loaf, but an obliging baker could cut him out the half of one. A tax on justice admits of no such retrenchment. The most oblig- ing stationer could not cut a man out half a latitat nor half a declaration. Half justice, where it is to be had, is better than no justice : but without buying $ To Contributors, buying the whole weight of paper, there is no getting a grain of justice. A tax on necessaries is a tax on this or that article, of the commodities which happen to be numbered among necessaries: a tax on justice is a tax on all necessaries put together. A tax on a necessary of life can only lessen a man's share of that particular sort of article : a tax on justice may deprive a man, and that in any pro- portion, of all sorts of necessaries. This is not yet the worst. It is not only a burthen that comes in the train of distress, but a burthen against which no provision can be made. All other taxes may be either fore- seen as to the time, or at any rate pro- vided for, where general ability is not wanting : in the instance of this tax, it is impossible to foresee the moment of exaction, it is equally impossible to provide A Tax upon Distress. 9 provide a fund for it. A tax to be paid upon the loss of a husband, or of a father on whose industry the faiiiily depended, a tax upon those who have suffered by fire or inundation would seem hard, and I know not that in fact any such modes of taxation have ever been made choice of: but a tax on law-proceedings is harder than any of these. Against all those misfortunes, provision may be madej it is actually made in different ways by insurance : and, were a tax added to them, pay so much more, and you might ensure yourself against the tax. Against the misfortune of being called upon to in- stitute or defend one's self against a suit at law, there neither is, nor can be, any office of insurance.* * I say there never can be: in those other in- stances the event insured against is always some very simple event, such as the death of a person, which 10 To Non- Contributors, Such is the cruelty of this species of tax, to those who have wherewithal to pay, and do pay to it accordingly. To those who do not, it is much more cruel : it is neither more or less than a denial of justice. Justice is the security which the law which in the ordinary course of things is not open to dispute. Here the incident which calls for contribution, is not only disputable, but by the supposition is actually in dispute. Nothing less than litigation can ascertain legally, whether litigation has been necessary. Have you engaged with a man for his paying you a sum of money whenever it shall become necessary for you to in- stitute or defend yourself against a law-suit ? wait till the suit is at an end, and you will know whether he ought to pay you. A society indeed, and a very laudable one, has been established for purposes which come under this head : but the relief it affords is confined not only to criminal cases, but to a certain description of criminal cases; nor could it be rendered any thing like co-extensive with the grievance. provides A Denial of Justice. \\ provides us with, or professes to provide us with, for every thing we value, or ought to value : for property, for li- berty, for honour, and for life. It is that possession which is worth all others put together : for it includes all others. A denial of justice is the very quin- tessence of injury, the sum and sub- stance of all sorts of injuries. It is not robbery only, enslavement only, insult only, homicide only : it is rob- bery, enslavement, insult, homicide, all in one. The statesman who contributes to put justice out of reach, the financier who comes into the house with a law- tax in his hand, is an accessary after the fact to every crime: every villain may hail him brother, every malefac- tor may boast of him as an accom- plice. To apply this to intentions would be calumny and extravagance. L But 1* To Non-Contributors* But as far as consequences only are concerned, clear of criminal consci- ousness and bad motives, it is incon- trovertible and naked truth. Outlawry is the engine applied by the law, as an instrument of compul- sion to those who fly from civil justice. Outlawry is the engine employed as an instrument of punishment, against the most atrocious of malefactors. This self- same load of mischief, the financier with perfect heedlessness, but with unerring certainty, heaps on the head of unsuspected innocence. Besides outlawry, which in the cases where the offender could not other- wise be affected, comes in as subsi- diary in lieu of other punishment, there are certain offences for which a man is subjected, expressly and in the first instance, to a similar punishment, under the name of forfeiture of the pro- tection A Denial of Justice. 1$ tection of (he law. The same fate at- tends a man thus at different periods, according to his merits. If guilty, it lays hold of him after conviction, for a particular cause, and without ex- cluding the hope of pardon : if inno- cent, and poor, and injured before conviction, and without conviction, and for no < ,cuse at all, and as long as he continues poor, that is, as long as he lives. What a contrast ! What inconsist- ency ! The judge and the legislator, deliberating with all gravity, each in his separate sphere, whether to inflict or not this heavy punishment, on this or that guilty individual, or narrow description of guilty individuals. The legislator on the other hand, merely to get a little money which he could better get from any, other source whatever, heaping the same L 2 doom 14 To Non- Contributors, doom upon thousands, not to say mil- lions, of innocent and injured subjects, without consideration or remorse. Mark well, that of all sorts of men, it is the poor, and they the more cer- tainly in proportion to their poverty, that are despoiled in this way of the protection of the law : the protection of the law, that inestimable jewel, which in the language of that very law is defined the citizen's universal and best birth-right : the poor and him that has none to help him, these are they to whom the help of the law is thus unfeelingly refused. The rich, were it from them that this great safe- guard were withholden, have shields of their own to ward off the attacks of injury : the natural influence of wealth, the influence of situation, the power of connexion, the advantages of edu- cation and intelligence, which go hand A Denial of Justice-. 15 hand in hand with wealth. The poor has but one strong hold, the protec- tion of the law : and out of this the financier drives him without vouch- safing him a thought, in company with the herd of malefactors. The poor, on account of the igno- rance and intellectual incapacity inse- parably attached to poverty, are de*- barred generally, as perhaps it is ne- cessary, were it only for their own sake, they should be universally, from the sweets of political power : but are not so many unavoidable inequalities enough, without being added to by unnecessary injustice? Such is the description of those from whom this sum total of all rights is torn away with one hand, while ten- dered with the other: what are their numbers in proportion to the sum to- tal of subjects ? I fear to say perhaps two. 16 To Non-Contributors, two thirds, perhaps four fifths, per- haps nine tenths : but at the lowest computation a vast majority.* A third * In England, the expense of carrying through a common action, cannot be less than about 241. at the lowest rate, on the plaintiff's side alone. [See Schieffer on Costs, 1792.] The average expense of civil suits of all sorts, taking equity causes into the account, can surely not be rated at less than double that amount, on that one side. The average expenditure of an English subject, infants and adults, rich as well as poor, taken together, has been computed by Davenant (as quoted on this occasion somewhere by Adam Smith) at 81. a year. Six years income then is what a man must have in advance, before he can be admitted to take his chance for justice. Of many estimates which Dr. Anderson had met with, 201. was the highest, and he takes but ten pounds. [Interest of Great Britain with regard to her colonies, London, 1792.] No man then we may say at any rate, can have the benefit of justice, in the ordinary way, either in making good a just claim, or saving himself from an un- just A Denial of Justice. 17 A third description of persons may yet be distinguished, whose condition under the system of law taxes is still more deplorable than that of either of the other two. I mean those, who having wherewithal to pay the impo- sition at the commencemeut of the suit, and during more or less of its progress, see their substance swallowed up by the taxes before the tcrmi nation of it. The two preceding modifica- tions of abuse, either of them bad enough, are thus put together, and compounded into a third. Considered with a view to the treat- ment given to persons of this descrip- just one, who cannot find, for this purpose alone, a sum equal to several yean of a man's income. From this statement it needs nut much study to perceive, that for the bulk of the community, as far as ordinary casei of the civil kind are con- cerned, jcuftce is but an empty name. tion, 18 They even deny Justice, tion, a court of justice is converted in- to exactly the same sort of place, as the shop of a baker would be, who having ranged his loaves along his window in goodly shew to invite cus- tomers, should, instead of selling them the bread they asked for, first rob them of their money, and then turn them out of doors. To an unpreju- diced imagination, the alliance be- tween justice and finance, presents on this occasion a picture almost too near the truth to be termed an apologue. At the door of a house more preda- tory than any of those that are called houses of ill fame, the Judge in his robes presenting to unsuspecting pas- sengers a belt to prick in ; the Lord High Treasurer in the back ground with his staff, lying in wait, ready as soon as the victims are fairly housed, and the money on the table, to knock where they have taxed Distress. 19 them down and run away with it. The difference is, that any man may choose whether he will prick in the belt of the unlicensed sharper, nor are any but the rawest louts to be so deluded : whereas the wisest men may be invei- gled in, as well as the stoutest drag- ged in, by the exalted and commis- sioned plunderers so much surer is their game. For were the list of law taxes ever so familiar, and ever so easy to be understood, it is impossible for a man to know before hand, whe- ther he has wherewithal to pay the bill, because it is impossible for him to know what incidents may intervene to lengthen it. Were a man even to sit down, and form a resolution to sub- mit to every injury which he could not afford to prosecute for, and to plead guilty to every accusation which he could not afford to defend himself L 3 againsti, 20 They even deny Justice, against, even at this price he could not save himself from the hardship of paying for justice, aggravated by the still greater hardship of not getting it. If in all cases the practice is wicked, in some it is more particularly prepos- terous. In civil causes, and other causes where the injury to individuals affords a natural interest to prosecute, artificial expenses are cruelty and breach of faith : in a large class of pe- nal causes, in which for want of such natural interest, prosecutors must be engaged by factitious inducements, or the law be a dead letter, the cruelty and treachery are crowned by blunder and inconsistency. Beckoned into court with one hand, men are driven away with the other. But, costly as the attractive power frequently is, the re- pulsive force is apt to be much stronger. Reward is subsequent, distant, uncer- tain, and dependent upon success. Trouble where they have taxed Distress. 31 Trouble, expense, and odium, are cer- tain and precedent.* In favour of this species of imposi- * This species of tax would stand absolutely alone in point of depravity, were il not for the tax on drugs, as far as it extends to those used in medicine. This, as being also a tax upon dis- tress, is so far in specie the same, but is nothing to it in degree. To recover a shilling in the way of justice, it will cost you at least 041. of which a good part in taxes: but to be admitted to buy a shilling's worth of medicine for a shil- ling, it dues not cost you threepence. Hospi- tals for the sick are not uncommon : there are none for harassed and impoverished suitors. There are Lady Bountiful* that relieve the sick from the tax on medicines, and the price of them into the bargain : but a Lady Bountiful must be bountiful indeed, to take the place of attorney and counsel, as well as of physician and apothe- cary, and supply a poor man with as many pounds worth of latitats and pleat, as he must have to recover a shilling. A man cannot, a* we have seen, insure himself against law suits : but a man may insure himself, and many thou- sands actually do insure themselves, against sick- ness. But these reliefs are neither certain nor general: 22 They throw the Burthen, tion, I have seen two arguments pro- duced. One is, that in this case as in others, the burthen of an establishment ought to lie on those by whom the benefit is reaped. The principle is incontrover- tible : the matter of fact supposed by the application of it is not true. The argument, were it just, would not extend beyond so much of the produce of the tax as is requisite for defraying the charge of this part of the national establishment. Whether it be confined or no within these bounds, was perhaps never thought worth en- general : and after all, a lax on him who has had a leg or an arm broken, a tax on him who has had a fit of the ague, gout, rheumatism, or stone, will be the worst possible species of tax, next to a tax on justice. N. B. The tax on quack medicines, that is, on unknown and unapproved medicines, leav- ing all known and approved ones untouched, falls in a less degree, if at all, under this censure. quiring where there is least Benefit. 23 quiring into, in any country where this tax was imposed. It certainly ex- tends much beyond them in England; and it seems to be resorted to from time to time, with as little scruple, as an extension of the customs or excise. But let this pass. As to the notion of a connexity in this case betwixt the benefit and the burthen, it has been countenanced by an authority too respectable, not to deserve the most serious notice :* but come it from whom it will, it is a mere illusion. The persons on whom the whole of the burthen is cast, are precisely those, who have the least en- joyment of the benefit : the security which other people enjoy for nothing, without interruption, and every mo- ment of their lives, they who are so unfortunate as to be obliged to go to * Dr. Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations. law 214 They throw the Burthen, law for it, are forced to purchase at an expense of time and trouble, in addi- tion to what pecuniary expense may be naturally unavoidable. Mean time, which is of most value? which most worth paying for ? a possession thus cruelly disturbed, or the same posses- sion free from all disturbance ? So far then from being made thus wan- tonly to pay an extra price, a man who stands in this unfortunate pre- dicament, ought rather to receive an indemnification at the public expense, for his time and trouble : and the dan- ger of insidious or collusive contests, in the view of obtaining such an in- demnity, is the only objection I can see, though perhaps a conclusive one, against the granting it. Litigation may in this point of view be compared to war in sober sad-' ness, as war has been to litigation in the where there is least Benefit. 25 the way of pleasantry. The suitor is the forlorn hope in this forensic war- fare. To throw upon the suitor the expense of administering justice, in addition to the trouble and the risk of suing for it, is as if, in case of an invasion, you were to take the inhabi- tants of the frontier, and force them, not only to serve for nothing, but to defray of themselves the whole expen- diture of the war. What in our times is become inve- terate practice, is stigmatized as a species of iniquity without a prece- dent, by Saint Paul. " Who is there," demands the Apostle, " who is there that ever goes to war at his own charge /"' " Alas /" cries the poor suitor, " / do" The other argument in favour of a set of taxes of this kind, is, that they are a check to litigation. Litigation is a term not altogether free 6 No Check to Litigiousness, free from ambiguity. It is used some* times in a neutral sense, to denote the prosecuting or defending a suit, though perhaps more frequently in a bad one. In its neutral sense, it ex- presses the irreproachable exercise of an essential right : in a bad sense a species of misconduct practised under the notion of exercising such a right. In the first sense, taxes can never have been recommended by any man as a check to litigation : in this sense, an avowed desire of checking litiga- tion, would be neither more nor less than an avowed desire of denying jus- tice. In a bad sense again, the word is used on two different occasions : where the suit, whatever be the import- ance of the matter in dispute, is on the part of the person spoken of as maintaining it, a groundless one : and where but an Encouragement. 27 where the suit, however well grounded on his part in point of title, is on ac- count of the supposed unimportance of the matter in dispute, deemed & fri- volous, a trifling, a trivial one : and in either case, it is of course applicable to the situation of either plaintiff or defendant ; though it is apt to fix in the first instance and most readily up- on the situation of the plaintiff, as be- ing the party, who by taking the first step on the commencement of the suit, exhibits himself as the author of it. On either side, litigation, when groundless, may be accompanied or not, with what the lawyers call in genere matitia, meaning consciousness of misdoing, and in this particular case mala fides, consciousness of the ground- lessness of the action or defence, con- sciousness of the want of merits. Where merits are wanting, but there 28 No Check to Litigiousness, there exists no consciousness of the want, taxes on law-proceedings do, it must be confessed, operate as a check to litigation ; and that as well on the side where it is groundless as on that where it is well grounded, and in the same degree. Indeed as both of two contending parties cannot in point of law be actually in the right, though either or both may think themselves so, the impediment cannot operate to the denial of justice, but it must ope- rate to the prevention of groundless li- tigation at the same time. Prevent him who is in the right from institut- ing a suit, you prevent him who is in the wrong from defending one. But neither is litigation prevented, any further than as justice is denied. So far then as this case extends, it is still but the other side of the same effect, the denial of justice, Have but an Encouragement. 29 Have they then any peculiar ten- dency to operate as a check to litiga- tion, when it is not only groundless, but accompanied with a consciousness of its being so ? to malitious, or as it might with more propriety be termed, anti-conscientious litigation ? On the contrary, their direct tendency and sure effect is to produce it. They produce it on the part of the plaintiff. Were proceedings at law attended with no expense nor other inconvenience, till the suit were heard and at an end, a plaintiff who had no merits, could do a defendant man no harm by suing him : he could give him no motive for submitting to an unfounded claim : malice would have no weapons : oppression would have no instrument. When proceed- ings are attended with expense, the heavier that expense, the greater of course 30 No Check to Litigiousness, course is the mischief which a man who has no merits is enabled to do : the sharper the weapon thus put into the hand of malice, the more coercive the instrument put into the hand of the oppressor. They produce it on the part of the defendant. Were proceedings at law attended with no expense, a defendant who knew he had no merits, a defen- dant who was conscious that the de- mand upon him was a just one, would be deprived of what is in some cases his best chance for eluding justice, in others the absolute certainty of so do- ing : he would lose the strongest in- centive he has to make the attempt. A defendant who means not to do justice unless compelled, and who knows that the plaintiff cannot com- pel him without having advanced a Certain sum j such a defendant, if he thinks but an Encouragement. 31 thinks his adversary cannot raise that sum, will persevere in refusal till a suit is commenced, and in litigation after- wards. Whether they make the litigation, or whether they find it ready made, they shew most favour to the side on, which anti-conscientious litigation is most likely to be found. By at- taching on the commencement of the suit, they bear hardest upon the plain- tiff, or him who, if they would have suf- fered him, would have become plaintiff. In so doing they favour in the same degree the defendant, or him who, if the party conceiving himself injured, could have got a hearing, would have been called upon to defend himself. But it is on the defendant's side that anti-conscientious practice is most likely to be found. Setting expense out of the question, an evil of which these 32 No Check to Litigiousness, these laws are thus far the sole cause, setting out of the question the imper- fections of the judicial system, and the hope of seeing evidence perish, or the guilty view of fabricating it, a man will find no motive for institu- ting a suit for an ordinary pecuniary demand, without believing himself to be in the right : for if he is in the wrong, disappointment, waste of time, fruitless trouble, and so much ex- pense as is naturally unavoidable, are by the supposition what he knows must be his fate. Whereas, on the other hand, a man upon whom a de- mand of that kind is made, may, although he knows himself to be in the wrong, find inducement enough to stand a suit from a thousand other considerations : from the hope of a deficiency in point of evidence on the part of the plaintiff, not to mention, as but an Encouragement. 33 as before, the rare and criminal enter- prise of fabricating evidence on his own part : from the hope of tiring the plaintiff out, or taking advantage of casual incidents, such as the death of witnesses or parties : from the tempo- rary difficulty or inconvenience of sa- tisfying the demand, or (to conclude with the case which the weakness of human nature renders by far the most frequent) from the mere unwillingness to satisfy it. In a word, they give a partial ad- vantage to conscious guilt, on which- ever side it is found : and that advan- tage is most partial to the defendant's side, on which side consciousness of guilt, as we see, is most likely to be found. Better, says a law maxim subscribed to by every body, better that ten cri- minals should escape, than one inno- cent 34 No Check to Litigiousness, cent person should suffer : and this in case even of the deepest guilt. For ten, some read a hundred^ some a thousand. Whichever reading be the best, an ex- pedient of procedure, the effect of which were to cause ten innocent per- sons to suffer for every ten guilty ones, would be acknowledged to be no very eligible ingredient in the system. What shall we say of an institution, which for one culpable person whom it causes to suffer, involves in equal suffering perhaps ten blameless ones. Thus much for groundless suits : there remains the plea of its tendency to check what are deemed trivial suits. I know what a groundless suit means I know of no such thing as a frivo- lous one. No wrong that I know of can be a trivial one, which to him to whom it is done appears a se- rious one, serious to such a degree, as to make it worth his while to de- mand but an Encouragement. 35 mand redress at the hand of justice. Conduct is the test of feeling. I know of no right I have to set up any feelings of my own as the standard of those of my neighbour, in contradic- tion to a declaration of his, the truth, of which is evidenced by his own conduct. What to one man again is trivial, to another man may be of high, importance. In the account of wrong too must be included, not only the individual wrong taken by itself, but its effects in the way of encourage- ment to repetition, and its effects in the way of example. I know of no wrong so slight, that by multiplica- tion may not become intolerable. Give me but a licence to do to any person at pleasure the minutest wrong conceivable I need no more, that person is my slave. Allow me to rob him, though it be but of a farthing, M farthing 36 No Check to Litigiousness, farthing by farthing, I will find the bottom of his purse. Allow me but to let fall a drop of water upon his head gutta cavat lapidem, the power of striking his head off would be less sus- ceptible of abuse. In pecuniary cases, the smaller the sum in dispute, the less reserve is used in branding the conduct of the par- ties with the charge of litigation, of which in such cases the reproach is apt to fall principally, if not exclu- sively, to the plaintiff's share. But the importance of the sum is altogether governed by the circumstances of the parties : the amount of it in pounds, shillings, and pence, shows nothing. One man's income may be a hundred, a thousand, four thousand times as great as that of another. In England there are men whose income exceeds 60,0001. a year. 151. a year is as much but an Encouragement. 37 much as falls to the lot of perhaps the greater number of the whole body of the people. Without a particular caution, a legislator or a judge will naturally enough, like any other man, take the relation of the sum in dis- pute to his own feelings, that is, its ratio to its own circumstances, for the measure of importance: but by this standard he will be sure to be deceived, as often as the circumstances of the par- ties, or either of them, are materially different from his own. Fifty pound, for example, will be apt to appear in his eyes an object of considerable import- ance: an object of which a tenth or a twentieth part, or less, might be of im- portance sufficient to justify from the charge of litigation, the maintenance of a suit. A shilling would be almost sure to appear to him an object altoge- ther trifling; an object by no means M2 of 38 No Check to Litigiousncss. of magnitude enough to warrant the maintenance of a suit. Fifty pound is however a sum of less importance to a Duke of Marlborough or Bed- ford, than a single shilling (viz. than a four thousandth part of 501.) to many a man, in truth to probably the ma- jority of men in the kingdom. It is therefore more unjust, more tyranni- cal, to refuse to hear the demand of an ordinary working man to the amount of a shilling, than it would be to refuse to hear the demand of a Duke of Marlboreugh or Bedford, to the amount of 501. The legislator, who on the plea of checking litiga- tion, or on any other plea, exacts of a working man as a preliminary to his obtaining justice, what that working man is unable to pay, does refuse to him a hearing, does in a word refuse him justice, and that as effectually and but an Encouragement. 39 and completely, as it is possible to re- fuse it. That all men should have equal rights, not only would be politically pernicious, but is naturally impossi- ble: but I hope this will not be said of equal justice. Trivial causes require no such facti- tious checks : to such causes were all expenses struck off that can be struck off, there are natural checks in abund- ance, that are unavoidable. There is the pain of disappointment : there is expense, of which a certain measure will every now and then be absolutely unavoidable : there is consumption of time, which to the working classes, that is, to the great majority of the people, is expense. But even let the cause be trivial, and that to such a degree as to ren- der the act of commencing the litiga- tion 40 No Check to Litigiousness, tion blamable, the blame is never so great on the side of the party most fa- voured by the tax, as on the side of the party most oppressed by it. The party most oppressed is the complain- ant: the party who having suffered the injury, such as it is, claims or would claim satisfaction for it at the hands of justice. But, so as there does but exist the smallest particle of an injury, the party who claims satisfac- tion for it can never be so much in the wrong for doing so, but that he who refuses satisfaction must be still more so. If the demand be just, why did not he comply with it? If just, but trifling, why does he contest it ? In this case then you cannot punish in this way the misconduct of one par- ty, without rewarding the still greater misconduct of the other. If the tax applies a check where there is blame, it but an Encouragement. 41 it affords protection and encourage- ment where there is still greater blame. Another injustice. The poorer a man is, the more exposed he is to the oppression of which this supposed re- medy against litigation is the instru- ment. But the poorer a man is, the less likely he is to be litigious. The less time a man has to spare, and the less a man can afford to expend his time (not to speak of money) without being paid for it, the less likely is he to expose himself to such a consump- tion of his time. The rich man, the man who has time and money at command, he sure- ly, if any, is the man to consume it litigiously and frivolously. No won- der however, if to a superficial glance, the poor should appear mure litigious than he. There are more of the poor than 42 No Check to Litigiousness, than of the rich : and to the eye of unreflecting opulence, the causes of the poor are all trivial ones. "VVe think of the poor in the way of charity, for to deal out charity gra- tifies not only benevolence, but pride. We think much of them in the way of charity, but we think little of them in the way of justice. Justice, how- ever, ranks before charity : and they would need less charity, if they had more justice. What contributes more than any thing to the indignation excited by suits that are deemed trivial and, on account of the triviality vexatious, is the excessive ratio of the expense of the suit to the value of the matter in dispute: especially when, the matter in dispute being pecuniary, its mi- nuteness is more conspicuous and de- fined. But to what is this expensive- ness but an Encouragement. 43 ness owing ? As far at least as these taxes are in question, to the legislator himself. Mark then the iniquity. He is himself the author of the wrong, and he, punishes for it the innocent and the injured. To exclude the poor from justice was not enough : they must be excluded also from mercy. Forty shillings is the tax imposed on pardons, by a sta- tute of King William (5. W. C. 91. 3.) forty shillings more by another, no more than five years afterwards. (9 and 10. W. c. 25. 3, 50.) To- gether, 41.: half a year's income of a British subject, according to Dave- nant's computation above quoted. What is called mercy, let it \>e remem- bered, is in many cases, no more than justice : in all cases where the ground of pardon is the persuasion of inno- cence, entertained efther notwithstand- M :) ing 44 No Check to Litigious?iess 1 ing the verdict, or in consequence of evidence brought to light after the verdict.* All punishments are accord- ingly irremissible, to him who has not to the amount of half a year's income in store or credit : all fines to that amount or under, absolutely irremis- sible.f Taxes on law-proceedings, so far then from being a check to liti- gation, are an encouragement to it: an encouragement to it in eve- ry sense in which it is mischievous * For instance, the case of Mr. Atkinson. f It would be curious enough to know what profit the treasury may have drawn from that time to the .present, from so extraordinary a fund: certainly not enough to pay the salary of one of the Lord's Commissioners: probably not enough to pay that of his valet de chambre. These are busy statutes. By the prohibition and sale of Justice, they run counter to Magna Charta: by the prohibition of Mercy, they break the Coronation Oath. and but an Encouragement. 45 and blamable. Would you really check litigation, and check it on both sides? the simple course would be a sure one. When men are in earnest about preventing misconduct in any line, they annex punishment to miscon- duct in that line and to that only : a species of misconduct which cannot be practised but as it were under the eye of the court, is of all others the easiest to cope with in the way of law. Deal with misconduct that displays itself under the eye of the court as you deal by delinquency at large, and you may be sure of succeeding to a still superior degree. Discriminate misconduct then from innocence: lay the burthen on misconduct and mis- conduct only, leaving innocence unop- pressed. Keep back punishment, till guilt is ascertained. Keep back costs, as much as possible, till the last stage of 46 No Check to Litigiousness, of procedure; keep off from both par- ties every thing of expense that is not absolutely unavoidable, where litiga- tion is on both sides without blame : at that last stage if there be found blame, throw whatever expense of which you allow the necessity to subsist beyond what is absolutely unavoidable, throw it on that side, and on that side only, where there has been blame. If on both, then if circumstances require, punish it on both sides, by fine for in- stance to the profit of the public. Litigation, though eventually it prove groundless, litigation, like any other course of conduct of which mischief is the result, is not therefore blamable : and where it is blamable, there is a wide difference whether it is accompanied with temerity only, or with consciousness of its own injustice. The countenance shewn to the parties by but an Encouragement. 4? by the law ought to be governed, and governed uniformly and proportion- ally, by these important differences. So much in point of utility : how stands establishment ? Taxes heaped on in all stages from the first to the last without distinction : all costs given or no costs, no medium : costs scarce ever complete, and nothing be- yond costs. No mitigation, or en- hancement, in consideration of pecu- niary circumstances. No shades of punishment in this way correspondent to shades of blame: in most cases no difference so much as between consci- ousness of injustice and simple teme- rity, nor so much as betwixt either and innocence. The power of adjudging as between costs and no costs, seldom discretionary : that of apportioning, never : nor that of fining beyond the amount of costs : consequently nor that 48 No Check to Litigiousness, that of punishing both parties where both have been to blame. Were a power to be given by statute to im- pose, on a litigious suitor convicted of litigation, a fine to an amount not ex- ceeding what the losing party pays now, whether he be blamable or blameless, it would be cried out against perhaps as a great power, too great to be given to judges without juries.* Justice * The distinction between temerity and con- sciousness of blame, a distinction pervading hu- man nature, and applicable to every species of misbehaviour, is scarce so much as known to the English law. There are scarce words for it in the language. Temerity is taken from the Ro- man law. Malice, the term by which English Lawyers seem in some instances to have had in view the expressing consciousness of blame, pre- sents a wrong idea, since in common language it implies hatred, an affection which in many in- stances of conscious guilt, may be altogether wanting : but an Encouragement. 49 Justice shall be denied to no man y jus* tice shall be sold to no man, says the first of wanting: instance offences of mere rapacity, such as theft, robbery, and homicide for lucre. The legislator ? he talk of vexation ? He does every thing to create the evil, he does nothing to remove it. I happened once to fall into conversation with a man who, from an Attorney, had been made Judge of one of the provinces in America. Justice, I understood from him, was on a very bad footing there: it might be had almost for nothing: the people were very litigious: he found them very troublesome. A summons cost I forget whether it was three and six- pence, or half a crown. Whom the half crown went to I do not know: one may be pretty certain not to the Judge. Seeing no prospect of our agreeing, 1 did not push the conversation far. The half crown seemed to him too little : to me it seemed all too much. The pleasant thing would have been to hare enjoyed the salary in peace and quietness, without being plagued with a parcel of low people. Justice would then have been upon the best footing pos- sible. 50 No Check to Litigiousness, of statutes, Magna Charta. How is it under these later ones ? Denied, as we have seen, to nine-tenths of the peo- ple, sold to the other tenth at an un- conscionable price. It was a conceit among the old lawyers, reported if not adopted by Lord Coke, that a statute made contrary to Magna Charta, though made in all the forms, would be a void law. God forbid, that by all the lawyers in the world, or for the purpose of any argument, I should ever suffer myself to be betrayed into any such extravagance : in a subject it would be sedition, in a judge it would be usurpation, in any body it would be nonsense. But after all it must be acknowledg- ed, to be in some degree unfortu- sible. He had accordingly a project for check- ing litigation by raising the fees. I don't know whether it succeeded, nate, but an Encouragement. 51 nate, as well as altogether singu- lar, that, of an instrument deemed the foundation of all liberty, and magni- fied as such even still, to a degree of fanaticism, a passage by far the most important, and almost the only one that has any application now a days, should be thus habitually trodden un- der foot, without remorse or reclama- tion.* * Let us not for the purpose of any argument, give rise or countenance to injurious imputa- tions. Though justice is partly denied, and partly sold, the difference is certainly immense, betwixt selling it for the personal benefit of the king or of a judge, and selling it for the benefit of the public : betwixt selling it by auction, and selling it at a fixed price : betwixt denying it for the sake of forcing the sale of it, or denying it to a few obnoxious individuals, and denying it indiscriminately to the great majority of the people. In point of moral guilt, there is cer- tainly no comparison : but in point of political effect, it may not be altogether easy in every part 59 Why resorted to, A tax so impolitic and so grievous, a tax thus demonstrated to be the worst of taxes, how comes it ever to have been made choice of, and when made choice of, acquiesced in ? These are not questions of mere curiosity: for acquiescence under a tax, and that so general, forms at first glance no inconsiderable presumption in its favour. A presumption it does form: but when demonstration has shewn itself, presumptions are at an end. How comes the tax to have been made choice of? One cause we have seen already in another shape ; the unscrutinized notion of its supposed tendency to check litigation: litiga- tion, which where it stands for mis- chief, is the very mischief which the part of the parallel, to say which mode of abuse is most extensively pernicious. species and acquiesced under. 53 species of tax in question contributes with all its power to promote. Another cause may possibly be, the tendency which this sort of tax has to be confounded in the eye of an incu- rious observer, with other sorts, which are either the best of all, or next to the best. The best of all are taxes on consumption, because not only do they fall no where without finding some ability to pay them ; but where necessaries are out of the question, they fall on nobody who has not the option of not paying them if he does not choose it. Taxes on property, and those on transfer of property, such as those on contracts relative to property, are the next best : because though they are not optional like the former, they may be so selected as never to call for money but where there is ability, nay even ample abi- 54 Why resorted to, lity, to pay them. Now of these two most supportable classes of taxes, the second are all of them levied by means of stamps : taxes on consumption too, in many instances, such as those on cards, dice, gloves, and perfumery, show to the eye as stamp-duties. But all these are very good taxes. Stamp-duties therefore are good taxes: and taxes on justice are all stamp-du- ties. Thinking men look to conse- quences ; they look to the feelings of the individuals affected : acting men look to the stamp : taxes on justice, taxes on property, taxes on consump- tion, are accordingly one and the same object to the optics of finance. Stamp- duties too have another most conve- nient property, they execute them- selves, and law taxes beyond all others: in short they exclude all smuggling.* * Law paper might be forged : but the diffi- culty would be to issue it. They and acquiesced under. 55 They heap distress indeed upon dis- tress : but the distress is not worth minding, as there is no escaping it. But the great cause of all is the prospect of acquiescence : a prospect first presented by hope, since realized over and over again by experience. It is too much to expect of a man of finance, that he should anticipate the feelings of unknown individuals : it is a great deal if he will listen to their cries. Taxes on consumption fall on bodies of men : the most inconsider- able one when touched will make the whole country ring again. The oppressed and ruined objects of the taxes on justice, weep in holes and corners, as rats die : no one voice finds any other to join with it. A tax on shops, a tax on tobacco, falls upon a man, if at all, immediately, and presses on him constantly : every man knows whether he keeps or means 56 Why resorted to, means to keep a shop, whether he means to sell or to use tobacco. A tax on justice falls upon a man only occasionally : it is like a thunder- stroke, which a man never looks for till he is destroyed by it. He does not know when it will fall on him, or whether it ever will : nor even whe- ther, when it does fall, it will press up- on him most, or upon his adversary. He knows not what it will amount to: he has no data from which to calcu- late it : it comes lumped to him in the general mass of law charges : a heap of items among which no vulgar eye can ever hope to discriminate: an ob- ject on which investigation would be thrown away, as comprehension is im- possible. Calamities that are not to be averted by thought, are little thought of, and it is best not to think of them. When is the time for com- plaint r Before the thunder-bolt is fallen and acquiesced under. 37 fallen, it would be too soon: when fallen, it is too late. Shopkeepers, to- bacconists, glovers, are compact bo- dies : they can arm counsel : they come in force to the House of Com- mons. Suitors for justice have no common cause, and scarce a common name : they are every body and no- body : their business being every body's is nobody's. Who are suit- ors ? where are they ? what does a Chancellor of the Exchequer care for them ? what can they do to help him ? what can they do to hurt him ? So far from having a common interest, they have repugnant interests : to crush the injured, is to befriend the in- jurer. May not ignorance with regard to the quantum and the source of the grievance, have contributed some- thing to patience? Unable to pierce the veil of darkness, that guards from vulgar 58 Why resorted to, vulgar eyes the avenues of justice, men know not how much of the diffi- culty of the approach is to be ascribed to art, and how much to nature. As the consumers of tobacco confound the tax on that commodity with the price, so those who borrow or would have wished to borrow the hand of justice, confound the artificial with the natural expense of hiring it. But if the whole of the grievance be na- tural, it may be all inevitable and in- curable, and at any rate it may be no more the fault of lawyers or law ma- kers, than gout and stone are of phy- sicians. Happy ignorance ! if blind- ness to the cause of a malady could blunt the pain of it ! There want not apologists-general and talkers in the air, to prove to us that this as well as every thing else, is as it should be. The expense, the delay, and all the other grievances, which and acquiesced wider. 59 which activity has heaped up, or negli- gence suffered to accumulate, are the prices which, according to Montes- quieu, we must be content to pay for liberty and justice. A penny is the price men pay for a penny loaf: there- fore why not two-pence ? and, if three- pence, there would be no harm done, since the loaf would be worth so much the more. May not a sort of instinctive fellow- feeling among the wealthy have con- tributed something, if not to the im- position, at least to the acquiescence ? It is the wealthy alone, that either by fortune, situation, education, intelli- gence, or influence, are qualified to take the lead in legislation : and the characteristic property of this tax, is to be favourable to the wealthy, and that in proportion to their wealth. Other taxes afford a man no indemni- fication for the wealth they take from N him: 60 Why resorted to, him : this gives him power in exchange. The power of keeping down those who are to be kept down, the power of doing wrong, and the more gene- rous pride of abstaining from the wrong which it is in our power to do ; advan- tages such as these, are too precious not to be grasped at with avidity by human weakness : and, as in a country of politi- cal liberty, and under a system of justice in other respects impartial, they can only be obtained by a blind and indi- rect route such as this, the inconveni- ence of travelling in it, finds on the part of those who are well equip- ped for it, the more patient an acqui- escence. Will it be said that abolishing the taxes on justice would not answer the purpose, for that supposing them all abolished, justice would still remain inaccessible to the body of the people ? This would be to justify one abuse by and acquiesced under. 61 by another. The other obstacles by which the avenues to justice have been blocked up, constitute a separate head of abuse, from vfliich I gladly turn aside, as being foreign to the present purpose. Take off law taxes all toge- ther, the number of those to whom jus- tice will still remain inaccessible, would still, it must be confessed, be but too great. It would however not be so great, as it is at present under the pressure of those taxes. Though you could not tell exactly to how ma- ny you would open the doors of jus- tice, you might be sure you opened them to some. Though you would still leave the burthen but too heavy, you would at any rate make it propor- tionably more supportable. If by taking off these taxes, you re- duced the expense of a common action from 251. to 201., you might open the door, suppose, to one iu five of those 62 Why resorted to, those against whom it is shut at pre- sent. Even this would be something: at any rate whatever were the remaining quantum of abuse, which you still suf- fered to subsist, you would have the consolation at least of not being active- ly instrumental in producing it. To reform in toto a system of procedure is a work of time and difficulty, and would require a rare union of legal knowledge with genius: repealing a tax may require discernment, candour, philanthropy, and fortitude ; but is a work of no difficulty, requires no extra- ordinary measure of science, nor even so much time as the imposing of one. But by whatever plea the continu- ance of the subsisting taxes of this kind may be apologized for, nothing can be said in favour of any new addi- tion to the burthen. The subsisting ones, it may be said, have been acqui- esced in, and men are used to them : in and acquiesced under. 63 in this respect at least they have the ad- vantage of any oew ones which could be substituted in the room of them. But even this immoral plea, which puts bad and good upon a level, effacing all distinction but that between established and not established, even this faint plea is mute against any augmentation of this worst of evils. To conclude Either I am much mistaken, or it has been proved that a law tax is the worst of all taxes, actual or possible: that for the most part it is a denial of justice, that at the best, it is a tax upon distress: that it lays the burthen, not where there is most, but where there is least, benefit : that it co-operates with every injury, and with every crime: that the persons on whom it bears hardest, are those on whom a bur- then of any kind lies heaviest, and that they compose the great majority of 64 Recapitulation. of the people : that so far from being a check, it is an encouragement to li- tigation : and that it operates in direct breach of Magna Charta, that venera- ble monument, commonly regarded as the foundation of English liberty. The statesman who cares not what mischief he does, so he does it without disturbance, may lay on law taxes with- out end : he who makes a conscience to abstain from mischief will abstain from adding to them : he whose ambi- tion it is to extirpate mischief, will re- peal them. General error makes law, says a maxim in use among lawyers. It makes at any rate an apology for law : but when the error is pointed out, the apology is gone. NOTES TO THE SECOND EDITION. Mem. Anno, 1796. At a dinner at Mr. M. P.'s, in Street, Mr. R. in the presence of Mr. William Pitt, (then Minister) took me aside, and told me that they had read my Pam- phlet on Law Taxes ; that the reasons against them were unanswerable, and it was determined there should be no more of them. Anno, 1804, July 10, 12, 14, 18. This being in the number of Mr. Addington'a Taxes, Mr. Pitt, upon returning to office, took up all those Taxes in the lump. On the above days, this Tax was opposed in the House of Commons : and Mr. Wyndham, according to the report in the Time*, on one of those days, spoke of this Pamphlet as containing complete information on the subject ; observing at the same time, that it was out of print. On behalf of administration, nothing like an answer to any of the objections was attempted : only the Attorney-General (Perchral) said, that the 66 the addition proposed to those Taxes, was no more than equal to the depreciation of money. Mr. Addington, before this, had recourse to the Tax on Medicine here spoken of, (p. 22.) So that, in the course of his short administration, if the representation here given be correct, he had had the misfortune to find out and impose the two worst species of taxation possible. Compare this with Denmark, and its courts of Natural Procedure, called Reconciliation Courts. 26th February,1816. Unalleviated by any ade- quate hope of use, too painful would be the task, of hunting out, and holding up to view, the subsequent additions, which this worst of oppressions has, in this interval of twenty years, been receiving. Money, it is said, must be had, and no other taxes can be found. The justification being con- clusive, the tax receives its increase : next year, from the same hand, flow others in abundance. Grievous enough is the Income Tax, called, lest it should be thought to be what it is, the Property Tax. Grievous that tax is, whatever be its name ; yet, sum for sum, compared with this tax, it is a blessing. Instead of 10 per cent, sup- pose it 80 per cent. Less bad would it be to add yet another 10 per cent, than a tax to an equal amount upon justice. Grievous 67 Grievous have been the additions, so lately and repeatedly made, to the taxes on Conreyancct and Agreements. Extensive the prohibitory part of the effect, though the pressure, confined as usual to the poor, i. e. the great majority of the community, who have none to speak for them, is scarcely complained of by the rich. Yet, were all law-taxes taken off*, and the amount thrown upon Conveyances and Agreements, iui even tins would in reality be an indulgence. Whether the oppression be more or less griev- ous, is never worth a thought Will it be sub- milled to ? This is the only question. Charity is kicked out of doors. Hope is fled. Faith and Piety remain, and atone for every thing. For a list of about twenty-eight other sources of factitious delay, vexation, and expense, and thence of denial of justice, produced by the judges of former times, for the augmentation of lawyers' profit, their own included, together with a list and summary account of the devices by which these burthens have been imposed, and by which Technical stands distinguished from Natural Pro- cedure, see by the same author, Scotch Reform, &c. printed for Ridgway, Piccadilly. ADDITION BY A LEARNED FRIEND. IN the court of Chancery, two cases have re- cently occurred, which may serve as an illustra- tion of the extent in which the taxes upon law proceedings may operate as a denial of justice. In one case Roe v. Gudgeon the Defendant, in his answer to the Plaintiff's bill, submitted that he ought not to be compelled to set out certain accounts which had been required by the bill, as the expense of taking what is called an office copy of them, a necessary preliminary to any further proceeding on the part of the Plaintiff in the cause, would amount to the sum of 29,000/. : an expense almost wholly arising from the Stamps on the Paper, on which the office copy of the answer is compulsorily made. In this case the court de- termined, that it was not necessary these ac- counts should be set out: but in coming to this conclusion, how far the court was determined by the nature of the particular case, or by the magni- tude 69 tude of the expense that would thus be occasion- ed ; or whether if, without any such objection, the Defendant had actually set out these account*, the Plaintiff could have been relieved from pur- suing the regular mode of procuring a copy of them, and thus incurring the above expense ; or whether, if the expense had been instead of 29,000/. only 28 or 27 thousand pounds, such an objection would have hppn listened to; it is extremely difficult to say. The other case alluded to, is one in which from peculiar circumstances, it is not thought proper to mention the names of the parties. It is optional with a man to be a Plaintiff in a cause, it is not altogether so optional with him to be a Defendant The preceding case shews that it is not always safe for a man to become a Plaintiff, without 28,0001. at least in his pocket, to begin with, over and above what is necessary for his maintenance. The following ease shews that a man may not be always able to resist a demand, however unjust it may be, with- out being able to support an outlay of at least SOO/. In the case in question, the writer of this has been assured, and from authority, which be has peculiar reason for relying upon, that the ex- pense of merely putting in an answer by cue of the Defendants to a bill in Equity, amounted to the above 70 above sum of 800J. : what part of this expense was occasioned by the tax on law proceedings cannot be accurately ascertained, but it assured- ly constituted a very considerable proportion of that sum. FINIS. John M'Creery, Printer, Black-Horse-Court, London. 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