ELECTRO-TECHNICAL SERIES REESE LIBRARY __n__n__n__ rt, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ^ecerceJ &CA. / ~, , 180 & . 'cessions No. &i 00 1- . CA/.s-.s- No. BY THE SAME AUTHORS Elementary Electro - Technical Series COMPRISING Alternating Electric Currents. Electric Heating. Electromagnetism. Electricity in Electro-Therapeutics. Electric Arc Lighting. Electric Incandescent Lighting. Electric Motors. Electric Street Railways. Electric Telephony. Electric Telegraphy. Cloth, Price per Volume, $1.00. Electro-Dynamic Machinery. Cloth, $2.50. THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY 253 BROADWAY, NEW YORK ELEMENTARY ELECTRO-TECHNICAL SERIES ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS BY EDWIN J. HOUSTON, PH. D. AND A. E. KEffN^LLY, So. D. NEW YORK THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY 253 BROADWAY 1896 VI PREFACE. clear conception of its method of oper- ation. The authors have prepared this little volume of the Mectro- Technical Series in the belief that these difficulties are ap- parent rather than real that it is quite possible for the general public to obtain a fairly intimate knowledge of the leading principles of electric traction without any previous knowledge of electrotechnics. It is a matter of nece'ssity rather than choice, at the close of this nineteenth cen- tury, when electric traction has become so nearly universal, that a knowledge of the main principles concerned should be gener- ally accessible, without special training, and more especially is this desirable on the part of those, now an exceedingly exten- sive class, w r ho are connected in some way or other with such enterprises. The authors present this book to the general public hoping that it will meet the need above referred to. (UNIVERSITY CONTENTS. I. INTRODUCTION, .... 1 II. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY, .... 8 III. ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES, 15 IV. THE MOTOR, 67 V. CARS AND CAR TRUCKS, . . 97 VI. ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND HEATING OF CARS, ..... 134 VII. CONTROLLERS AND SWITCHES, . 154 VIII. TROLLEYS, 204 IX. TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION, .- 219 X. TRACK CONSTRUCTION, . . . 242 iii IV CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE XL ELECTEOLYSIS, .... 249 XII. SWITCHBOARDS, .... 262 XIII. GENERATORS AND POWER HOUSES, 279 XIV. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE, . 297 XV. STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEM, . . 307 XVI. ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES, . . 323 ELECTRIC STREET RAIL- WAYS. CHAPTER I. INT KODUCTION. THE introduction of the electric street railway naturally caused much wonder- ment. There seemed at the first some- thing weird in the possibility of propel- ling a heavily loaded vehicle, from place to place, without any apparent motive power, and, even at the present time, there remains no little astonishment in the mind of the casual observer as to how the electric agency can silently, yet surely, find its way from a power house, in some remote corner of a city, through an intricate maze of 2 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. streets and turnings, and propel eacli car as though the latter were under the guid- ance of a familiar spirit. The wonder grows, when it is pointed out that the electric current not only has to find its way from the power house over the trolley wires to the cars, wherever these may be, but has also to return to the power house through the track and ground. It is, unfortunately, too true that the real nature of electricity remains un- known, even in this electric age. For this reason, there has, perhaps, existed, in the minds of the public, too marked an unwill- ingness to attempt even to form ideas as to the laws which control electric opera- tions. But it should not be forgotten, that although our knowledge of the exact nature of electricity is imperfect, yet INTRODUCTION. 3 our knowledge of the manner in which it operates, that is of the laws which control it, is surprisingly definite. Indeed, so far as the laws which govern the flow of electric currents through conducting paths or circuits are concerned, our knowledge is even more definite than of the laws which control the flow of water or gas through pipes. In fact, as we shall subsequently see, a remarkable analogy exists between the laws which govern the flow of gross matter in the fluid state, that is as liquids or gases, and the law T s which govern the flmv of electricity. It may be well, therefore, before pro- ceeding further with the general discus- sion of electric street railways, to outline briefly the points of similarity between the flow of liquids and the flow of elec- tricity. 4 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. Perhaps no better illustration could be given, concerning some of the laws of liquid flow, than that taken from the dis- tribution of water through the mains and pipes of a large city. Here, as is well known, a supply of water is provided in a reservoir, at a high level or pressure. Pipes or mains connecting with this reser- voir extend beneath the streets to all por- tions of the city that are to be supplied with water. No difficulty will be experi- enced in understanding how, if no obstruc- tion exists in the pipes, the water will flow through them from the reservoir and escape through any outlet at a lower level. " Let us now examine the network of pipes connected with a reservoir in a system of municipal water distribution. It is evident that the object of such a system is to supply the houses or other INTRODUCTION. 5 buildings either with water, or with the power the water is capable of exerting. For this purpose two sets of pipes are provided ; viz., (1) Those connected immediately with the reservoir and intended to carry the water. (2) Those connected to the consumers' waste pipes. The latter are connected intermediately with the sew^er system, and ultimately with the lake, river, or ocean into which such sewer system discharges. Between the reservoir and the river, it is evident that the flow of water through the pipes is due to gravity, the water find- ing its way through the pipes in obedience to the law of liquid levels. After the river has been reached, and the water is ultimately discharged into the ocean, thus reaching its lowest level, some means must 6 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. be provided for causing the water to rise against the force of gravity and fill the reservoir afresh. This energy is received from the sun during the evaporation of the water when it passes into vapor and rises into the atmosphere. On the loss of the heat so received the water again falls under the influence of gravity, and returns to the reservoir. An analogy between the preceding system of water distribution through the pipes of a city, and a system of electric distribution through the trolley wires, is evident. Here, as we shall more fully see in a subsequent chapter, an actual differ- ence of electric level exists, whereby an electric source, or generator, at the power house, causes the electricity to flow througl; all the conducting outgoing trol- ley wires from the higher electric level INTRODUCTION. 7 of the generator to the cars. In passing through the cars, it may light and heat them as well as drive their motors. On leaving the cars it flows through the ground back again to the generators in the power house. In this latter part of its cir- cuit or path, an analogy is to be found between the discharge of the water to the lower level of the ocean, prior to its passage back again to the higher level of the reservoir. Although we have thus traced the anal- ogy between liquid flow and electric flow, and have shown that the same general laws apply to each, yet it must be remem- bered that this is an analogy only ; and that electricity is not believed to be a mate- rial fluid. The analogy is, however, useful, and will aid the student in forming practi- cal conceptions of the electric circuit. CHAPTER II. EARLY HISTORY OF THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY. THE broad idea of propelling vehicles by means of the electric current appears to have suggested itself to the minds of inventors at an early date. As long ago as 1835, Thomas Davenport, of Vermont, con- structed a working model of a car pro- pelled by an electric motor of his own invention. In 1838, Robert Davidson, of Scotland, also produced an electrically pro- pelled car. Both of these early cars derived their propelling current from voltaic batteries carried on the car. The idea of taking the electric current required for the propulsion of the car from 8 HISTORY. OF THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY. 9 conductors laid alongside the track was not conceived until a somewhat later date ; namely, in 1840, when Henry Pinkus obtained letters patent in Great Britain for a method of propelling carriages either on railroads or on ordinary highways. This patent discloses among other things, the broad idea of taking electric current from conductors, in contradistinction to employ- ing batteries on the car. Space will not permit us to enter in detail on this portion of the early history of the electric railway. It will suffice to say, that in 1851, Professor Page of the Smithsonian Institution devised an electric locomotive which he ran on a track at the rate of nineteen miles an hour. This locomotive, like those of Davenport and Davidson, carried the voltaic battery required for its propulsion. About the 10 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. same time Professor Moses G. Farmer also devised an electrically propelled car. All these early discoveries belong to the type of ideas that are born too early to come to fruition. Practically the only electric source that was known at this date was the voltaic battery, which is incapable of commercially producing the powerful electric currents required for the propul- sion of street cars. It was not until the dynamo-electric machine was perfected that electric car propulsion became com- mercially practicable. The advent of the dynamo-electric generator, therefore, marked the second era in the history of electric railway develop- ment. The low cost at which this elec- tric source can furnish powerful currents attracted the attention of inventors, who HISTORY OF THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY. 11 long before had recognized the part elec- tric! fcy was destined to play in electric locomotion. Consequently, this era of the history of the electric railway contains many inventions. It is not our intention to enter into any discussion as to the claims of the various inventors to priority in any of the more salient features of the art of electric trac- tion. We will content ourselves with a brief account only of some of the work accomplished at this time. One of the pioneers at the beginning of this era in the history of the electric rail- way was George Green, who devised a road on a plan similar to that of Farmer, but containing many marked improve- ments. Green, who was poor, experienced difficulty in getting his patent interests 12 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. attended to. Being placed in interferences with, other applicants, a patent was not issued to him until the last month of 1891, although applied for as early as 1879. Passing by a number of inventors who devised electric locomotives of various types, we come to the electric railway of Siemens and Halske, which was put into actual operation at the Industrial Exhibi- tion of Berlin in 1879. As in all electric railways belonging to this era, the motive power was derived from dynamos located at a central station. The current was delivered to the motor by means of a slid- ing contact under the locomotive, rubbing against a rail placed midway between the two track rails. Very little was done in electric railways in the United States, prior to 1883. It is HISTORY OF THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY. 13 true that in 1880 some work was under- taken by Edison which resulted in the erection of an experimental track, and that prior to this date ; namely, in May, 1879, Stephen D. Field had done some experi- mental work which he protected in the United States Patent office by a caveat. In the meantime inventors in other countries had by no means been idle. The honor of establishing the first com- mercial electric street railway appears to belong to Germany, where the Lichten- feld line was put in operation in 1881. Another road was opened at Portrush, in the north of Ireland, in 1883, the dynamos being in this case driven by water power. Among early railways operated in the United States was one constructed and put in operation by Vanderpoele, at the 14 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. Chicago State Fair during two months in 1884. A short line, located on one of the piers on Coney Island, N. Y., was operated during the summer season of 1884. The year 1884 also saw the first public electric street railway in operation at Providence, R. L, and the first practical trolley road was that in the suburbs of Kansas City, Mo., in the same year. The advantages possessed by electric traction over ordinary methods, such for example, as horse cars, are so great, that while in 1884 the first electric road was installed in the United States, there were, in 1889, 50 roads with 100 miles of track. 1890, 200 " 1,200 " 1891, 275 " 2,250 " 1894, 606 " 7,470 " 1895 (July), 880 " 10,863 " IVERSITY) w .X CHAPTER III. ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. BEFORE proceeding to a consideration of purely electrical matters it will be advis- able to discuss briefly the general subjects of work and activity. Suppose, for example, that a street car is being drawn at a steady rate of 5 miles an hour by a horse along a level track. Then it is evident that the horse has to do work in a mechanical sense, in order to maintain the motion. If the car could be so constructed that there was absolutely no friction in its journal bearings, and, moreover, if the road- bed could be so constructed that there were no inequalities in its metal surfaces, 15 16 ELECTRIC STKEET RAILWAYS. and no friction between the wheels and the rails, then no work would have to be expended in maintaining a steady speed on a level road; or, in other words, once the car was set in motion, it would con- tinue to run at the same rate for an indefi- nite period. Under practical conditions, however, as is well known, a certain amount of friction necessarily occurs and has to be overcome. The greater this friction the greater will be the amount of work which must be expended in order to keep the car running. If the road instead of being level is on a gradient, then it is evident that an ascent of this gradient necessitates the expenditure of work against gravitational force, in addition to the work expended in overcoming friction. The heavier the car and the greater its load ; i. e., the greater the number of pas- sengers it carries, the greater will be the ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 17 frictional work and also the gravitational work. In order to estimate the amount of work done in any particular case, as for example, in the case above referred to of a moving car, reference is had to certain units of work. It is evident that when the car is being pulled by a rope, the rope is subjected to tension, such as might be produced by a weight supported over a pulley. The harder the horse pulls, the greater will be the tension and the greater the equivalent weight. Thus a horse may readily exert a pull upon its traces of 400 pounds weight. The greater the dis- tance through which the tension is ex- erted, the greater will be the work done. Thus if a tension of 400 pounds weight be steadily exerted upon a car so as to draw the latter through a distance of 18 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. 100 feet, then the work done will be 100 times as great as if the car were only drawn under this tension through 1 foot; and, generally, the amount of work, which is performed by a tension or pull, is equal to the tension multiplied by the distance through which it has been exerted, so that if the horse continues to exert a pull of 400 pounds so as to draw the car 100 feet, the horse will have expended on the car an amount of work equal to 400 X 100 = 40,000 foot-pounds. The foot-pound is not generally em- ployed as the unit of work, e'xcept in English-speaking countries, and, even in such countries, scientific men generally prefer the joule, a unit based on the French system of weights and measures. /TOO A joule is of a foot-pound, approxi- ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 19 mately ; or, one foot-pound may be taken as equal to 1.355 joules. The foot-pound is, consequently, roughly one-third greater than the joule. If we multiply the number of foot-pounds by 1.355, we obtain the number of joules within a degree of accuracy sufficient for all ordi- nary purposes. For example, when a man, weighing 150 pounds, raises himself through a vertical distance of 100 feet, he performs an amount of work equal to 100 x 150 = 15,000 foot-pounds in the process. The same amount of work might be expressed in joules instead of in foot- pounds by multiplying the number of foot-pounds by 1.355; or, 15,000 x 1.355 = 20,325 joules. Again, when the horse raises a 25,000 pound car along a gradient through a total vertical distance of 100 feet, it thereby necessarily per- forms an amount of work against gravi- 20 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. tation, represented by 100 X 25,000 2,500,000 foot-pounds. This amount of work might be expressed in joules by multiplying by 1.355 = 3,387,500 joules. A very important distinction must be carefully kept in mind between work expended in performing any operation, and the rate at which that work is ex- pended ; or, as it is usually called, the activ- ity. For example, a man weighing 150 pounds may raise his weight through 100 feet, by ascending a flight of stairs, in 10 minutes, or in 1 minute. The amount of work done against gravitation will in either case be the same ; namely, 15,000 foot-pounds, or 20,325 joules, but it is evi- dent that the effort which the man must exert in the two cases, and the relative degree of exhaustion which he will undergo will be very different. Ascend- ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 21 ing the flight in 10 minutes would be walking upstairs at a leisurely rate, while ascending it iu 1 minute would mean running upstairs at nearly full speed. The man is obviously ten times more active in the second case than in the first ; or, he expends energy ten times faster. In other words, he works ten times as fast in the second case as in the first. Conse- quently, activity may be defined as the rate-of-working. The unit of activity generally employed in English-speaking countries is that based on the foot-pound, and is \X\zfoot-pound-per second, so that unit activity is the rate of expending 1 foot pound of work in 1 second. If, for example, a man raises his weight of 1 50 pounds through -r^th of a foot in each second of time, he expends an 22 ELECTKIC STREET RAILWAYS. amount of work equal to 150 X - = 1 150 foot-pound in each second ; or, is working at the unit rate, or with the unit activity. As this rate of working would evidently be a very small one, in dealing with large machines it is more usual to employ a unit called the horse-power, which is 550 foot-pounds in 1 second. Thus, when a man weighing 150 pounds, raises his weight through 100 feet in 1 minute or 60 seconds, he will perform 15,000 foot-pounds in 60 seconds, or he will average a rate of working of - = 250 foot-pounds 250 5 . per second; or, == jths horse-power ; or, will be working roughly at half the rate of a standard horse. If, however, the man ascends 100 feet in 10 minutes, he performs 15,000 foot-pounds in 600 sec- ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 23 onds; or, at an average rate of 25 foot- pounds-per-second, that is his activity is only -^ = Truths of one horse-power. OOU Where the joule is employed as the unit of work, the international unit of activity is the joule-per-second ; or, as it is commonly called, the watt, after James Watt. It is an interesting fact that James Watt introduced the term horse-power in connection with his early steam engine, and, in accordance with international usage, of naming practical units after the names of distinguished scientists, Watt's name has been selected in connection with the international unit of activity. An activity of 1 foot-pound per second is an activity of 1.355 joules-per-second or 1.355 watts. Similarly, an activity of 1 horse-power, or 550 foot-pounds-per-sec- OF THE TJNI^ ERSITT 24 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. ond, is an activity of 550 X 1.355 746 joules-per-second, or 746 watts. If we multiply the number of horse-power which are being developed in any machine by 746, we obtain the activity of that machine expressed in watts. As the rate of 0.738 foot-pound -per-second is a very small unit, being about 26 per cent, smaller than the foot-pound per second, and requiring, therefore, large numbers to express large powers, in dealing with engines, it is customary to use a deci- mal multiple of this unit, so that the practical international unit of activity is the kilowatt, or 1,000 watts. Conse- quently, the horse-power, being as above 746 mentioned 746 watts, is r-ths f larger unit, or the kilowatt, and may be taken as, approximately, 3/4ths of a kilo- watt. A kilowatt will, therefore, be 4/3rds ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 25 or 1 l/3rd horse-power, approximately. When we speak of a dynamo or motor as having a capacity of 100 kilowatts, (that is to say of being capable of maintaining an activity of 100 kilowatts, or 100,000 watts = 100,000 joules-per-second = 73,800 foot-pounds -per-second,) we mean an activity of 1 1/3 x 100 = 133 horse- power, approximately ; or, 134 horse-power more nearly. The problem which presents itself to the street railway manager is that of economically driving street cars by electric power, and it is to be carefully remem- bered that the same amount of power must be exerted by the engines in the power house as by horses drawing the cars along the streets at the same rate. In fact the engines in the power house will have to work harder, or develop a greater 26 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. activity than the horses, owing to the necessary losses of power which inci- dentally occur in transmission. If, for example, we imagine that all the cars in the streets of the city are travelling steadily along at the same average rate as the pis- tons of the engines in the power house, then the pull exerted by the pistons will be equal to the aggregate equivalent pull of all the cars, increased by a certain amount corresponding to losses in transmission. It remains now to show how power can be calculated and expressed in electric units. In other words, if we require to supply a certain activity in horse-power or kilowatts to a moving car, we need to find how to express this power in relation to electric circuits, since the power must be conveyed by the electric circuits from the power house to the car. We will, there- ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 27 fore, discuss the elementary principles of electric circuits. An electric circuit is a conducting path provided for the passage of electricity. It connects an electric source or generator, with the devices to be operated by the electric current. Such a circuit is said to be made or closed when its path is com- pleted, and is said to be broken or opened when its path is interrupted at some point or points. Thus, in the case of the elec- tric car, an electric circuit exists between the power house where the current is generated, through the trolley wire and track, to the motors of the car. When such a circuit is closed, the current passes through the car, and drives the motor or motors. On the contrary, when the circuit is opened by the motor man at the switch, the current ceases to flow. 28 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. Fig. 1, represents a simple electric cir- cuit consisting of a generator G, a trolley wire W W , a car with its trolley Tj motors m m, and the track K K, employed as a return conductor. What passes through this circuit is an electric flow, generally called an electric current. W > W FIG. 1. SIMPLE CAB CIRCUIT. In order to obtain definite ideas concern- ing an electric current, a unit of electric current, or rate-of-flow, called an ampere, is employed. It will be advisable, however, before discussing the value of the ampere, to consider certain other quantities which are always intimately connected with every electric circuit. Turning our atten- ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 29 tion first to the generator G, it is necessary to observe that the primary function of the generator is not, as is ordinarily believed, to produce electric current, but to produce in the circuit a variety of force, called electromotive force, which is gener- ally abbreviated E. M. F. When the generator is driven by an engine it will supply an E. M. F. whether the electric circuit is open or closed, that is to say, whether an electric current can or cannot flow in the circuit. In other words, the generator, when running, always supplies E. M. F., but no current can be sent through the circuit until the circuit is closed. This corresponds to the case of a reservoir, which produces a water pressure whether the water be escaping under that pressure or not. In Fig. 2, a rotary pump P, is supposed 30 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. to be placed in a power house situated by the side of a river K K, and provided with a pipe by which it can draw water from the river and send it through the pipe W W. M is a water motor situated at some con- w K| FIG. 2. SIMPLE WATER CIRCUIT. venient point and connected with the main pipe W W, by a small branch pipe, in which is placed a valve V. When the valve is closed, the motor M, is prevented from running, since no water current passes through it. The hydraulic circuit W W, K J 7 may then be said to be broken ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 31 or open. When, however, the valve V, is opened, water passes through the motor Mj and discharges into the river, thus clos- ing the hydraulic circuit, and permitting a water current to flow through the circuit. It is evident that whether the valve F, be opened or not, the generator or water pump P, will develop, when running, a pressure or watermotive force in the pipe W W, but that no current or flow of water can take place until the valve F, permits it to do so, thus closing the circuit. Here the watermotive force, produced by the action of the pump whether the hydraulic circuit be opened or closed, corresponds to the electromotive force produced by the generator whether the electric circuit be opened or closed. The pressure generated in the supply pipe W W, by the pump P, might be 32 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. expressed in pounds-per-square-inch ; or, as the pressure produced by a column of water a certain number of feet in height. In the electric circuit the pressure pro- duced by the action of the generator 6r, is expressed in units of electromotive force, called volts. In street-car systems the elec- tric pressure produced by the generator is almost invariably about 500 volts ; that is to say, the pressure between the trolley wires and the track is maintained, approxi- mately, at 500 volts, while the pressure at the power house between the terminals of the generator 6r, may be somewhat in excess of this, say 550 volts, in order to make up for the loss of pressure occurring in the circuit. If a reservoir R, Fig. 3, filled with water and maintained at a constant level L L, be allowed to discharge steadily through two ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 33 pipes, as indicated in Fig. 3, one pipe A !>, being a long, narrow pipe, and the other C D, being a short, wide pipe, it is evident that a much greater flow of water will take place in a given time through the pipe O Dj than through the pipe A , since the water pressure at the openings A I FIG. 3. RESISTANCE OF WATER PIPES. and Cj is the same ; namely, the height of water in the reservoir. The difference in the rat e-of -flow of water may be ascribed to the different resistance offered by the two pipes to the flow of water, the resist- ance of the long, narrow pipe being com- paratively great, and that of the short, wide pipe being comparatively small. 34 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. In the same way, Fig. 4, represents an electric generator 6r, which, when running, O / O' acts the part of the reservoir in the pre- ceding case, since it supplies a steady elec- tric pressure between its terminals. If two circuits are closed to this pressure, one through a long, thin wire A A' B B, and B 1 FIG. 4. RESISTANCE OP CONDUCTING WIRES. the other, through a short, thick wire O C' D 1 D, then the electric flow or current, which will pass through these two circuits, will be very different, a comparatively small or feeble current passing through the long, fine-wire circuit, and a compara- tively strong, or heavy current, passing through the short thick- wire circuit. ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 35 This difference in flow or current be- tween the two circuits may be ascribed to a difference in what is called their electric resistance. The electric resistance of a long, thin- wire circuit is comparatively great ; i. e., it offers a comparatively great obstacle to the passage of electricity under the pressure of the generator G ; while a short, thick-wire circuit has a compara- tively small electric resistance; i. e., it offers a lesser obstacle to the passage of electricity. Electric resistance is usually measured in terms of a unit of resistance called the ohm, after Dr. Ohm of Berlin, who first pointed out the laws regulating the flow of electricity in conducting circuits. The amount of resistance ; i. e., the number of ohms in a given uniform conductor, such as a copper wire, depends upon the length of ! "UNIVERSITY 36 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. the wire, upon its area of cross-section and upon its physical condition. The longer and narrower a wire, the greater will be its electric resistance. In the same way, the longer and narrower a pipe, the greater its water resistance; on the con- trary, the shorter a wire and the greater its area of cross-section, the smaller will be its resistance. An ordinary copper trolley wire, which is No. 0, American Wire Gauge, with a diameter of 0.325", has a resistance per mile of, approximately, half an ohm, so that 2 miles of this wire would have a resistance of, approximately, 1 ohm, and 1 foot of the wire would have a resistance of J x = ohm, approximately. If the trolley wire instead of being No. gauge were No. 0000, which is a wire about twice as heavy as No. 0, having a diameter of 0.46", it ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 37 would have only half the resistance of No. 0, and, therefore, approximately, l/4th ohm per mile. In Fig. 5, five copper wires, having dif- ferent lengths and areas of cross-sec- B 10 A 10 O 10 FIG. 5. RESISTANCE OF WIRES. tion, are diagrammatically represented. A, represents a trolley wire 1 mile long and 0.325" in diameter, having, there- fore, a resistance of approximately 0.5 ohm. 13, is a wire 2 miles long of the 38 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. same cross-section, and, therefore, offer- ing 1.0 ohm. C) is a wire half a mile long of the same cross-section, and, therefore, offering a resistance of, approxi mately, 0.25 ohm. _/>, is a wire 1 mile long, but having a cross-section, as repre- sented on the left hand side, say twice that of any of the wires, A, B, or C. It will, therefore, have half the resistance of A, or 05 * - = 0.25 ohm. E, is a wire 0.65" in 2i diameter, having, therefore, four times the cross-section of A, and being 2 miles in length. If the wire were of the same cross- section as A, it would have 0.5 x 2 = 1 ohm, but being four times as heavy, its resistance will be one-quarter of this, or -^- = 0.25 ohm. Consequently, C, D, and E^ have all the same resistance, although their dimensions are so different. ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 39 If, therefore, the cross-section and length of any copper wire be known, we can determine what its resistance will be, assuming that the conducting power of the substance of the wire is the same as that of the trolley wire we have selected as our standard. The resistance will be directly proportional to the length, and inversely proportional to the area of cross-section ; or, in other words, if the length be doubled the resistance will be doubled, while if the area of cross-section be doubled the resistance will be halved. We have hitherto considered copper wires only in estimating the resistance oi a circuit. When any other conducting material, such as iron, is employed, the resistance of a wire having a given length and cross-section will be materially dif- ferent. Thus, an iron wire has, approxi- 40 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. mately, 6 1/2 times as mucli resistance as a wire of copper of equal dimensions. Iron trolley wires are, therefore, never used, for the reason that it would be nec- essary to employ a wire having about 6 1/2 times the cross-section of ordinary trolley wire to have the same conductance ; i. e., ability to conduct electric current. Iron, however, enters into street railway circuits in the form of the tracks, which, as we have seen, form a portion of the return circuit to the power house. The dimensions of a wire which has a resistance of 1 ohm will necessarily vary with the character of the material of which the wire is composed. Thus, in copper, its length might be approximately 2 miles, if its diameter was that of a trolley wire, 0.325"; or, its length might be only 1 foot, if of No. 40 American Wire Gauge, ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 41 having a diameter of 0.003145" ; if of iron, a length of about 900 feet of trolley wire ; and, roughly, 2 inches of No. 40 wire would have a resistance of 1 ohm. In all cases the exact resistance would de- pend upon the degree of purity of the metal, as well as upon its physical condi- tion ; that is to say, upon its hardness, and temperature. Since mercury is a metal, which is fluid at ordinary tem- peratures, and can be readily obtained in a nearly homogeneous and pure condition, the ohm has been practically defined as the resistance of a column of mercury 1.063 metres in length, and 1 square millimetre in cross-section, at the temper- ature of melting ice. It is evident from what we have said that the quantity of water which flows, in any given time, through the pipe referred 42 ELECTKIC STREET RAILWAYS. to in connection with Fig. 3, will depend both on the pressure or head of water in the reservoir, as well as upon the -resist- ance which the pipe offers to the now. In the case of the electric circuit the same rule applies, that is to say, the quantity of electricity which passes or flows in an elec- tric circuit, depends not only upon the electric pressure in the circuit which causes the flow, but also upon the resis- tance of the circuit which opposes it. In the case of the electric circuit the electric current is related to the E. M. F. and to the resistance in accordance with a law generally known as Ohm's law. This law may be expressed as follows : The current strength in amperes flowing through a circuit, varies directly with the pressure or E. M. F., and inversely with ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 43 the resistance ; so that if we divide the number of volts in the E. M. F. by the number of ohms in the resistance, we obtain the current strength in amperes; or, con- volts cisely, amperes = -r . ohms Thus, if a circuit contains an E. M. F. of 10 volts, and a resistance of 5 ohms, the current in the circuit would be -~- 2 amperes. We have seen, in connection with Fig. 3, that the quantity of water which flows per second through the water pipe from the reservoir, depends both on the pressure at the reservoir, and on the resistance of the pipe. This, however, is only true when no obstacle to the flow of the water exists save the resistance of the pipe itself. If, for example, instead of permitting the water 44 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. to escape freely from the open end of the pipe it be first caused to pass through, and actuate, a water motor, then the condi- tions of flow will be profoundly modified, much less water flowing through the pipe in the second case than in the first. If, for FIG. 6. HYDRAULIC GRADIENT. example, as in Fig. 6, the reservoir H, is capable of discharging by the pipe A k', either through the faucet &', into the air, or through the faucet ?, after passing through the motor M, the flow in the two cases will be very different. In the first ft/tU/L ~ case thej)ressure at the reservoir will be that due to the height of the water A A', say 50 feet, while the pressure at the dis- ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 45 charge point, will simply be that of the external air, or a column of feet. In other words in discharging through the pipe the water pressure suffers a drop as represented by the dotted line A k', and the pressure at the intermediate points is indicated by the points V, c , d', e', f, g', li. If, however, the faucet &', be closed, and that at I, be opened, thereby establishing communication through the water motor M, the motor will commence to operate, and in so doing will develop a back pres- sure, or counter watermotive force, which opposes the flow of water and acts like a resistance. The pressure at Jc', under these circumstances, instead of being feet, w r ill rise to & 2 , and the drop of pressure, which has taken place in the tube A ~k ', will have diminished from A A' to If L, with a cor- respondingly reduced flow of water through the pipe. /^ ^ OF THE TJNIVERSITTT, 46 ELECTKIC STREET RAILWAYS. Similarly, if the electric circuit repre- sented in Fig. 2, be so modified as in Fig. 7, that it may be closed either at c c, di- rectly back through the track, or at If, FIG. 7. ELECTRIC GRADIENT. through an electric motor J/J the electric flow or current in amperes will be very different in the two cases. If the circuit be closed through the track wire at c c, the pressure, at A, will be say 500 volts, as represented by the dotted line A a, and supposing the length A H, to be 1 mile of trolley wire, then neglecting, for con- ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 47 venience, the resistance of the track and generator, the resistance of the circuit will be 0.5 ohm, and the current strength in the circuit 500 volts + 0.5 ohm = 1,000 amperes. If, however, the circuit be closed through the motor M, the latter will be actuated by the current and will be set into rotation, whereby a back pressure, or Counter electro- motive force, usually abbreviated C. E. M. F., will be set up in the motor, of say, 450 volts, as represented by the dotted line H li ; so that the effective pressure or E. M. F. which drives the current through the circuit, will be re- duced to hh' - 500 450 = 50 volts, and the current strength, neglecting the resistance of the generator motor and track, will be, 50 volts -=- 0.5 ohm = 100 amperes. 48 ELECTRIC STKKET RAILWAYS. A flow of water is sometimes rated as being a certain quantity of water ; i. e., a certain number of cubic feet or gallons per second. In the same way the electric flow may be rated as being a certain quantity of electricity passing through the circuit per second. The unit of electric quantity is called the coulomb, and has been so chosen that a flow of 1 coulomb per sec- ond is called an ampere. Consequently, a flow or current of 1 ampere, maintained in a circuit for 1 minute, represents a total flow of 60 coulombs of electricity, and, maintained for one hour, a total flow of 3,600 coulombs. When an E. M. F. acts on a broken or open circuit, it is unable to send any current through the circuit, and will, therefore, do no work. Thus, when the generator at the power house is driven ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 49 by an engine and supplies an E. M. F. of 500 volts to the trolley system con- nected with it, no current will pass through the generator if there be no cars on the line, assuming that the wires are properly insulated. Under these circum- stances the generator will not be supply- ing any power, and the engine will have no work to do except to drive the genera- tor against its friction. In fact, except that the generator armature is magnetized, it behaves like a mere wheel of copper and iron, so supported on an axis in bear- ings, that it might be rotated with a very small expenditure of power. When, how- ever, the circuit of the generator is closed by the connection of the cars with the trolley wire, so that a current is trans- mitted through the circuit or circuits under the pressure of 500 volts, the generator does work at a rate which will 50 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. depend upon the amount of current sup- plied, the greater the current strength in amperes delivered to the trolley system, and distributed to the cars, the greater will be the activity which the generator has to supply, and the greater will be the activity which the engine must supply to drive it, so that when the load conies on the system by the operation of the cars, the generator which previously required say 20 horse-power only to revolve it, may now require the engine to supply 500 horse-power, which activity will be trans- formed into electric activity in the circuit. If we multiply the pressure in volts by the current strength in amperes which is being supplied by that pressure, we obtain the activity supplied in watts. Thus, if a generator supplying 550 volts at its terminals to a trolley system delivers a current strength of 50 amperes through ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 51 the circuit containing its armature, trolley, street-car motor, and track, then the ac- tivity supplied by the generator at its ter- minals will be 550 volts X 50 amperes = 27,500 watts = 27.5 kilowatts (usually ab- breviated KW) = 36.85 HP = 27,500 joules-per-second = 20,268 foot-pound s-per- second. The engine would have to supply more power than this to the genera- tor, since it would have to make up for the loss of power in the generator owing to its mechanical and electrical fric- tions, but if the generator had an efficiency of 90 per cent., that is to say, if its output was 90 per cent, of its intake, then the activity which the engine would have to supply to the generator would be = 30>555 watts = 3(X555 KW = 40.94 HP 30,555 joules-per- second = 22,517 foot-pounds-per-second. 52 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. Just as the total amount of work ex- pended by water escaping from a reser- voir, is equal, in foot-pounds, to the number of pounds of water multiplied by the number of feet through which it falls, so the total amount of work expended by electricity in flowing through a conductor or circuit is equal, in joules, to the number of coulombs of electricity multiplied by the number of volts difference of electric level, or pressure, under which it passes. Thus a current of 50 amperes flowing under a pressure of 550 volts, represents a flow of 50 coulombs-per-second under that pressure and an amount of work equal to 50 x 550 = 27,500 joules in each second, or, in one hour of 3,600 seconds, a total work of 3,600 X 27,500 = 99,000,000 joules. But Ave have seen that the ac- tivity in this circuit is 27,500 watts, and this activity maintained for an hour will ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 53 require an expenditure of 27,500 watt- hours, or 27.5 kilowatt-hours. A watt- liour is, therefore, a quantity of work equal to 3,600 joules, or 2,657 foot-pounds, while a Jdlowatt-kowr, the unit of work usually employed with large electric machines, will be 1,000 times as much, or 3,600,000 joules = 2,657,000 foot-pounds. If a pressure of 550 volts is maintained steadily at the generator terminals, under all conditions of load, the pressure at the trolley of the single car we have con- sidered, will be less than 500 volts by an amount which will depend upon the size and number of the conductors in the net- work supplying it, and upon the length of those conductors, or the distance of the car from the power house. Thus, if the car be 1 mile from the power house, and if the track have, for simplicity, a negligi- 54 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. ble resistance, while the single trolley wire supplying the car has a resistance of 0.5 ohm per mile, then the resistance between the generator and the car will be 0.5 ohm, and the drop in this length of con- ductor will be 50 amperes X 0.5 ohm = 25 volts, so that the pressure at the termi- nals of the car motor as determined by a voltmeter, or instrument for measuring the number of volts, would be 550 25 = 525 volts, and when the car was operating, the voltmeter, if connected between the trolley wire and the track at the car, would show this pressure, while as soon as the car was disconnected by opening the switch, the pressure between the trolley wire and the track would immediately rise to 550 volts, assuming no other car or leakage current to exist over the system. The amount of drop which will be pro- duced over a given length of conductor ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 55 will depend entirely upon the current strength, so that if we double the current strength we double the drop. The activity which the motor will receive at its terminals will be the current strength in amperes, (which is the same all through the circuit when only one car is employed,) multiplied by the pressure at its terminals. Thus, in the preceding case, the pressure being 525 volts at the motor terminals between trolley and track, while the current strength is 50 amperes, the activity absorbed by the motor will be 525 volts X 50 amperes = 26.25 KW, or 1.25 KW less than that supplied by the generator to the line. This activity of 1.25 KW is expended in the line as heat, uniformly distributed through its sub- stance ; for, the drop being 25 volts, and the current strength 50 amperes, the activ- 56 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. ity expended in this conductor will be 25 volts X 50 amperes 1,250 watts, == 1.25 KW expended entirely as heat. Of the 26.25 KW delivered to the motor, only a certain fraction will be use- fully employed in driving the car, the remainder being uselessly expended in heating the motor. If the efficiency of the motor be 80 per cent., then the activity usefully expended in the preceding case QA will be 26.25 X = 21 KW = 28.14 HP = 21,000 joules-per-second 15,480 foot-pounds-per-second. This activity will be supplied to the shaft of the motor. Assuming at present that no power is wasted in gears, then this activity will be available for propelling the car. For example, if the car friction were very small, and its total weight, including ELEMENTAEY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 57 passengers was 30,000 pounds, then the activity supplied would be capable of lift- ing 30,000 pounds through a distance of 15.480 t Q ..Q,. = 0.516 toot-per-second. With a 1 per cent, grade this would represent a speed of 51.6 feet-per-second, or 35.2 miles- per-hour, and with a 10 per cent, grade it would represent a speed of 5.16 feet per second, or 3.52 miles-per-hour. It is evident, therefore, that the activity which can be communicated to a moving car for a given activity supplied at the driving shaft of the engines, depends upon the efficiency of the generator, the effi- ciency of the motor, and the efficiency of the line conductor, including under this term, the track. The efficiency of a motor or generator is 58 ELECTRIC STREET EAILWAYS. the ratio of the output to the intake. The efficiency of a line conductor or circuit may also be regarded as the ratio of the output to the intake, the intake being measured at the generator terminals and the output at the motor terminals. The efficiency of a generator or a motor usually increases with the load up to full load or nearly full load, so that, under ordinary circumstances the more work we can get the motor or generator to do, within the limits of its capacity, the greater the propor- tion of useful work delivered, to the work received, although the loss of work will be absolutely greater. Thus, a street car motor, whose maximum activity is rated at 15 KW (approximately 20 HP) would require, perhaps, 2 KW to run it when entirely free from all load or disconnected from its gears ; i. e., when doing no use- ful work, so that its efficiency would be ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 59 = o. When fully loaded, however, it might waste 3 KW and deliver 15 KW, so that its intake would be 18 KW, and 15 its efficiency y^- =0.833 = 8 3. 3 per cent. Its efficiency may, therefore, increase from to 83.3 per cent, from no load to full load, although the actual loss of activity in it would increase in the same range from 2 KW to 3 KW. The same princi- ples apply to a generator, and for this reason it is always more economical to operate generators at a fair proportion of their full load. In the case of the line conductor or con- ductors, including . track conductors, the case is different. The efficiency is always less as the load increases. Thus, if we supply a current strength of 1 ampere over a circuit of trollev conductor and 60 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. track, having a total resistance of 1 ohm, then the drop in this circuit will be 1 ampere X 1 ohm 1 volt, and if the pressure at the motor be kept at 500 volts, the pressure at the generator will have to be adjusted to 501 volts ; or, if the pressure at the generator be kept at 500 volts, the pressure at the motor terminals will, with a current of 1 ampere, automatically be- come 499 volts. If, however, 2 amperes be supplied through the same circuit, the drop will double, or will become 2 volts, and the pressure at the generator will be 502 volts, if that at the motor is 500. In the former case the efficiency of the line circuit will be r ; in the latter case it will be - . Similarly, if the cur- rent strength be increased to 100 amperes, the drop will increase to 100 volts, and ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 61 with 500 volts at the generator there will be 400 volts left at the motor, making the 400 efficiency r = 0.8 == 80 per cent. It is evident, therefore, that the efficiency of the line continuously decreases with the load. It is clear from the preceding that if a trolley wire were very long, say 15 miles, so that its resistance was 7.5 ohms, then the current strength of 50 amperes passing through the circuit to operate the car motor at the extreme distance from the power house would produce a drop of 50 amperes x 7.5 ohms = 375 volts, leaving only 175 volts pressure at the motor when 550 volts was the pressure at the generator terminals, and assuming no resistance in the ground-return circuit. The activity delivered by the generator would be 550 volts x 50 amperes = 37.5 KW. The 62 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. activity available at the motor terminals would only be 175 volts X 50 amperes = 8.75 KW, so that the efficiency of the line O ^7 K would only be ^ = 0.319 = 31.9 per cent., while the available speed of the car would be correspondingly reduced. In other words, owing to the great length of conductor, and resistance in the circuit, a large percentage of the activity would be expended in heating a long length of wire, instead of driving the car. The same condition of line efficiency would be produced by a number of cars over a shorter length of circuit. Thus, o reverting to the case of a single mile of trolley wire, if a bunch of five trolley cars should start together from the distant end of the line towards the power house, each taking 50 amperes of current strength, the ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 63 total current strength supplied to the bunch would be 250 amperes, and the drop in the line would be 250 amperes X 0.5 ohm = 125 volts, making the pres- sure at the bunch 425 volts. The line efficiency, under these conditions would 425 be ^-r 0.772 = 77.2 per cent. Conse- o50 sequently, when the distance to whicli cars have to be run is great, or, when the number of cars and the current strength to be collectively supplied are great, the amount of copper employed to supply the system must be increased so as to reduce the effective conductor resistance. If, for example, we double the area of cross-sec- tion of the trolley wire, and, therefore, its weight per mile, we halve the resistance of the conductor per mile and, consequently, halve the drop, excluding track resistance, and, therefore halve the drop which will 64 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. occur at any given distance with any given load. There is, however, an obvious limit to the size of trolley wire which can he prac- tically employed. In fact, trolley wires are almost always constructed of No. 0, A. W. G. They are supplemented, how- ever, in practice, by what are called feeders; i. e., feeding conductors which are separate from the trolley wires, but which lead from the generator in the power house and connect with the trolley wire at suitable distances along the track. Thus in Fig. 8, Gr, is the generator, and C, a car at a certain distance along the track. & f\, a Ft, G F* G F* four separate feeders connecting with the trolley wire at different distances. As shown in the diagram, the current strength required to supply the car, is probably supplied ELEMENTARY ELECTRIC PRINCIPLES. 65 in a large measure by feeder G F^ so that the feeders G F 2 , G ^ and G F 4j are comparatively idle. Consequently, the drop of the feeder G F^ will be comparatively FIG. 8. FEEDER SYSTEM. great with reference to that of the other feeders. F^ F%, F& and F^ are called feed- ing points. In practice it is usual to so arrange the feeders and the distances between feeding points, that when all the cars are being 66 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. operated at average distances, the drop shall nowhere be in excess of 50 volts, and, therefore, that with 550 volts at the gene- rator terminals the pressure shall not be lower than 500 volts at any point on the line. OF THE -TIVERSITT CHAPTER IV. THE MOTOR. As is well known, the power which pro- pels a trolley car is obtained from the electric current transmitted through the circuit, by the intervention of an electric motor or motors, there being usually two motors placed on the truck of an ordinary street car. Fig. 9, shows the general con- struction of a truck with two motors J/J M, in place, one geared to the axle of each pair of wheels. Reserving for description in Chapter V. the different methods adopted for the mounting or hanging of a motor, as well as the details in the construction of the car truck, we will now 00 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. proceed to the general description of the motor, its construction and operation. Fig. 10 shows a form of electric motor in extended use. Here the motor is coin- FIG. 9. CAR TRUCK WITH MOTORS IN PLACE. pletely enclosed in a cast-steel frame F, F, F, made in two halves, fitted together, as shown. Since the motor runs within a few inches of the surface of the street, and is, therefore, exposed to dust, mud and water, it becomes absolutely necessary not only to ^provide it with a casing, but also to make this casing practically air and water tight. The main shaft of the motor is seen pro- THE MOTOR. 69 jecting through its bearing at A y and this bearing is lubricated by the grease box O. FIG. 10. FORM OF ELECTRIC MOTOR. The armature shaft is connected with the axle of the wheels on which the truck rests, by gear ivheels enclosed in the gear cover 6r, G. The gears are inserted in 70 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. order to reduce the speed of the car as well as to increase the effective pull of the motor, as will be more clearly pointed out subsequently. The main axle passes through the bearing B, lubricated by the grease box C'. The motor is supported on the truck by the lugs Z', L'. Access to the working parts of the motor is had by the lid L, L, L, while a more nearly complete inspection can be obtained by unscrewing two bolts, one of which is seen at B, and throwing back the upper half of the motor upon hinges H, H. The insu- lated cables K, K, pass through holes in the castings and supply electric current to the motor. This particular motor is called a Gr. E. 800 motor, the number 800 repre- senting that it is capable of exerting on the car a push of 800 Ibs. weight at the main axle, when supplied with the full cur- rent strength, and mounted on 33" wheels THE MOTOR. 71 on level rails. Two such motors when sup- plied with full current strength, therefore, give a push of 1,600 Ibs. weight to a car. Fig. 11, shows the same motor with the upper half thrown back on its hinges, thus permitting an inspection of the parts of the motor. Here, as in all this class of electric motors, the essential parts consist of an armature or rotating part A A, with a commutator at M M, upon which rest the brushes (7, (7, which carry the current from the trolley line into and out of the armature. The armature rotates between four poles, of which one is shown in the upper lid at P, surrounded by a magnetiz- ing coil of wire W. The armature shaft has a pinion N, secured to one of its ex- tremities, which engages with a gear-wheel on the main axle of the truck, which axle passes through the bearings JB, B. 72 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. The armature of one of the electric motors above described consists essentially of three parts ; namely, the armature FIG. 11. MOTOR OF FIG. 10 OPENED. core, mounted on its shaft, the armature windings or coils, which are placed on the armature, and the commutator. The THE MOTOR. 73 general appearance presented by an arma- ture core, mounted on its shaft, is shown in Fig. 12. Here, as will be seen from an FIG. 12. UNWOUND ARMATURE. inspection of the figure, the core consists of a cylindrical body made of soft iron, If the armature core be made from a 74 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. solid mass of iron, it has been found by ex- perience that during the changes in mag- netization to which it is subjected, when it rotates, deleterious electric currents called eddy currents, are generated in it. These currents cannot be employed in the ex- ternal circuit. ; they merely serve to heat the armature core and so prevent the effi- cient operation of the motor. By adopt- ing the simple expedient of laminating the core ; that is, of forming it of thin sheets of iron, laid side by side, this difficulty is avoided. The armature core shown in Fig. 12, is laminated, that is, formed of discs or rings clamped together and sup- ported at right angles to the axis of the shaft. The edges of the cylindrical iron core thus formed are provided, circuni- ferentially, with a series of longitudinal grooves or recesses, as shown. These are intended for the reception of the insulated THE MOTOR. 75 copper conductors that carry the electric current. In placing the insulated copper wire on the armature core, care is necessary to ob- tain a symmetrical disposition of the wires. One method of arranging the conductors on the core is shown in Fig. 13, which represents an armature in the process of winding. Armatures for motors are made in a variety of forms of which, perhaps, the ring armature and the cylinder arma- ture are the commonest. The armature shown in Fig. 13 is of the cylinder type. Here the wire is wound only on the out- side of the core. A single cotton-covered wire, starting at say A, passes to J3, through the grooves, provided on the surface of the core for its reception. It then de- scends to O, in the curved path shown, turns inwards and passes on to D, when it 76 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. again crosses through the groove to JSJ and so on. All the wires which are left pro- jecting on the left-hand side are intended FIG. 13. ARMATURE IN PROCESS OF WINDING. to be connected to the part called the com- mutator, the object of which will be ex- plained subsequently. A particular form of commutator is shown in Fig. 14. It consists, as shown, THE MOTOR. 77 of a number of segments of copper placed longitudinally on the surface of a cylinder, each strip bein^ insulated from the adia- -L O J FIG. 14. FORM OF COMMUTATOR. cent strips by means of a thin plate of mica. The commutator strips, segments, or bars, as they are called, are connected to the free ends of the wires which are 78 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. soldered into the clips left for them. Fig. 15, shows a completed armature, or the appearance of the armature in Figs. 12 and FIG. 15. WOUND ARMATURE. 13, when the process of connecting and soldering is complete. It now remains to explain the manner in which the electric current passing through the armature causes it to rotate. When THE MOTOR. 79 the current enters the armature conductors at one brush and circulates around the coils of wire wrapped on its surface, it also passes through the coils of wire around the field magnets. By these means both the armature and the field poles are rendered magnetic, and it is to the mag- netic attractions and repulsions that take place between the movable armature and the fixed field poles, that the rotation of the armature and the mechanical force it develops are due. Since, however, the form of electric motor employed in the street car is very compact and difficult to understand, it will be preferable first to consider a few simpler types of electric motors. It is a well known fact that when two magnets are brought near together, their unlike poles ; i. e., the north pole of one 80 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. and the south pole of the other, will attract, while their like poles will repel, so that if one of the magnets be free to move, it will come to rest in such a posi- FIG. 16. ACTION BETWEEN MAGNET AND ACTIVE COIL. tion that opposite poles are adjacent. A conductor carrying an electric current, acts like a magnet, so that if a magnet be approached to an active coil of conductor ; i. e., a coil carrying a current, as shown in Fig. 16, an attraction will take place be- tween the unlike pole of the magnet and the active coil. In the case of the coil of THE MOTOR. 81 insulated wire, shown in Fig. 16, the faces of the coil become magnetic, as marked at S and N. If the direction of the current through the coil be reversed, the polarity of the coil will be reversed, so that, if the coil were free to move, it would turn around and present its opposite end to the magnet ; or, if prevented from doing this, would be repelled bodily by the magnet. If now the coil, instead of being sus- pended by the two wires which carry the current into and out of it, is placed as shown in Fig. 17, that is, suspended flat and horizontally in the position a b c d, by the two wires before the north pole JV, of the bar magnet, then, as soon as a sufficiently powerful current is passed through the coil, it will set itself at right angles to the magnet into the posi- tion a b' c' d', as shown by the dotted 82 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. lines. If the current through the coil be reversed, the coil will turn around and present its opposite face to the magnet. This action can be intensified by employ- FIG. 17. DEFLECTION OF ACTIVE COIL BY MAGNET. ing two bar magnets with opposite poles at j^and xSJ as shown in Fig. 18 ; for, each magnet attracts the opposite face of the coil. By corn bining the two bar magnets into a single horseshoe magnet in the manner shown in Fig. 19, the action on THE MOTOR. 83 the coil can be rendered still more power- ful. In the simple form of apparatus shown in Figs. 17 to 19, the coil has been sup- FIG. 18. DEFLECTION OF ACTIVE COIL BY OPPOSITE POLES OF Two MAGNETS. ported in air. If, however, the coil be wound upon a cylinder of iron, as shown in Fig. 20, the magnetic power with which it tends to rotate is very much increased. Moreover, instead of employing a perman- ent horseshoe magnet, we may wind a. coil 84 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. of insulated wire C C, around the soft iron horseshoe magnet core, shown in Fig. 20 ? and by passing an electric current through this wire we may obtain a more powerful FIG. 19. DEFLECTION OF ACTIVE COIL BY HORSESHOE MAGNET. magnet than would be possible with any permanent magnet of steel. By this means we obtain a still more powerful electromagnetic twist or pull, technically THE MOTOR. 85 called the torque, when the current is allowed to pass through the armature coil. It is evident that in the preceding cases FIG. 20. DEFLECTION OF ACTIVE COIL WOUND ON IRON CORE BY ELECTROMAGNET. the motion of the coil will cease as soon as it sets itself at right angles to ibhe line joining the magnetic poles. If, however, the current in the coil could be automati- 86 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. cally reversed; i. e., changed in direction, as soon as this position was reached, the armature would turn round, or rotate, through half a revolution, when it would again come to rest at right angles to the line joining the poles ^VJ S. The device, whereby the direction of the current through the coils is automatically reversed every time that the coil sets itself in the neutral or dead position, so as to ensure another half rotation, is called a com- mutator, because it commutes or changes the direction of current in the coils at the desired moment. Early forms of electric motors employed only a single coil on the armature, as represented in Fig. 20, but later forms invariably employ a number of coils dis- posed at uniform angular distances around the surface of the armature so as to main- THE MOTOR. 87 tain the twisting power or torque uni- form in all positions. The continuous-current electric motor, FIG. 21. STATION AKY ELECTRIC MOTOR. as in actual use on street cars, consists sub- stantially of a suitable combination of the parts just described; namely, of the anna- 88 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. ture, of the field magnets and their poles, and of the commutator. A practical form of stationary electric motor is shown in Fig. 21, where N and /SJ are the poles of a powerful electromagnet wound with many turns of insulated wire, and ^4, the armature, which rotates between these poles. C\ is the commutator upon which the brushes B, B, rest in such a manner that, by the rotation of the armature, the direction of current in the loops of wire is changed at the moment required to ensure a continuous rotation. Motors are made in a great variety of forms. For example, instead of having only two poles, four or more poles may be em- ployed. Thus Fig. 22, shows a form of four-pole or quadripolar motor, with its four magnetizing coils N, /SJ N, 8, pro- vided to produce the four poles. In this THE MOTOR. 89 particular case four sets of brushes B, B, are employed, of which only three are visible in the cut. The armature A, FIG. 22. STATIONARY QUADRIPOLAR MOTOR. revolves in the space between the four poles, and the current is supplied to this armature from the brushes B, B, through 90 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. the commutator M. Here the field frame F F F, is of cast iron. Street-car motors are almost always of the quadripolar type. Owing to the fact that these motors have a very small space allotted them under the car, and are re- quired to be very light, the four magnet poles are as short as possible, and the field frame, instead of being made of cast iron, is of soft cast steel, which is much more advantageous from a magnetic point of view. In the motor of Fig. 11, there are four poles, two only of which, the upper and lower, are wound with coils of wire. The poles on the side being unwound or being, as they are sometimes called, conse- quent magnetic poles. Fig. 23, shows the castings for another form of quadripolar street-car motor. In this case, each of the four poles -ZVJ S, N, S, is surrounded by a THE MOTOE. 91 magnetizing coil, and the whole field frame F F F, is of cast steel. In order to permit access to the interior of the field frame, it Q FIG. 23. FIELD-FRAME CASTINGS OF QUADRIPOLAR STREET-CAR MOTOR. is made in halves and the upper is movable on a hinge P. The armature for this motor is shown in Fig. 24 in three succes- sive conditions. At -4, is seen the un- 92 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. wound core composed of sheets of iron punched with radial teeth, so as to form, when assembled, a compact cylinder with grooves or slots as shown. At J5, the FIG. 24. ARMATURE FOR MOTOR OF FIELD' FRAME IN FIG. 23. insulated conductors have been placed in these grooves ready for connection to the commutator at the distant end of the core, while at C 9 the finished armature is shown. The appearance of a similar motor, after being assembled, is shown in Fig. 25. Here A, is the armature geared to the main THE MOTOR. 93 axle through reducing gear, covered by the gear cover G G. B, B, are two brushes, FIG. 25. ASSEMBLED MOTOR OPEN FOR INSPECTION. the armature winding being such that only two brushes need to be employed. This is the plan generally adopted with street- car motors, while stationary quadripolar OF THE NTIVERSITT 94 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. machines usually employ four brushes or sets of brushes, as shown in Fig. 22. N, S, are the two poles in the upper half of the field frame, each being surrounded by a FIG. 26. COMPLETED STREET-CAR MOTOR. magnetizing coil. The completed motor, closed and ready for suspension, is shown in Fig. 26. Here J5 7 shows one set of brushes protected from dust and mud by the shell F F, is the field frame, G 6f, THE MOTOE. 95 the gear cover. A, the armature shaft and Ji y the truck-wheel shaft. C\ C, C, the terminals of the motor from which wires lead to the controller or car switch. FIG. 27. BRUSH HOLDER. A form of brush holder employed in the motor of Fig. 11, is shown in Fig. 27. This brush holder is of metal and is clamped in the slot C, to its supporting frame 96 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. through which it receives the electric cur- rent. The brush slides freely in the guides (r, G. The brush being composed of a rectangular block of carbon, the arm A, pivoted at JP, maintains a uniform pressure FIG. 28. CARBON BRUSH. at the back of the brush under the tension of the spiral spring S t thus pressing the brush against the surface of the "commuta- tor beneath. The arm A, can be with- drawn, and the brush lifted, by pulling with the finger upon the tongue D. A form of such brush is shown in Fig. 28. OP THE MDTKI.VERSITT CHAPTER V. CAES AND CAR TRUCKS. A STREET car, as it appears on the street, is composed of two distinct parts ; namely, the car body, or the enclosed space for the passengers, and the car truck, or the part upon which the car body rests. Limiting our present consideration to the car truck, we find that this consists generally of a frame resting upon the axles of the wheels, through journal boxes. There are three methods of supporting car bodies on trucks ; viz., (1) By the use of a single rigid truck Avith four wheels and two axles, the axles 97 98 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. remaining sensibly parallel in all positions of the car, whether on curves or on straight tracks. (2) By the use of two trucks, one at each end of the car. In this case the car is usually supported upon the swivel centre of each truck. (3) By t-lis use of three trucks, the car being supported on the end trucks, and the centre truck being movable, so that the car axles are only parallel en straight tracks, and are radial on curves. A single truck is commonly used for short cars and the double or triple truck for long cars. Fig. 29, shows a particular form of single truck. F, F, F, are solid forged side frames. B, B, are the journal boxes, in which the axles run, and on which the CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 99 weight of the car rests, through the double spiral springs 8, S. The car body is sup- ported on the steel beams B ', B ', which, in their turn, rest upon the side frames through the four spiral springs, and the . FIG. 29. SINGLE TRUCK. two elliptical springs on each side. The wheels are provided with brake shoes L, L. A form of truck for a double-truck car is shown in Fig. 30. Here the motor is mounted so as to drive the left-hand axle, and the weight of the car is so disposed upon the truck as to throw the principal share of the weight upon this pair of 100 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. wheels in order to provide sufficient trac- tion and prevent the rotation of the motor from causing the wheels to slip. Fig. 31, shows another form of truck for a double-truck car called a maximum trac- FIG. 30. TRUCK OF DOUBLE-TRUCK CAR. tion truck. This truck has two axles, and two pairs of wheels of different diameters. The motor is suspended in such a manner as to drive the larger pair, nearly 9/10ths of the weight of the car being distributed CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 101 upon these wheels so as to obtain the maximum tractive effort. Fig. 32, shows a triple-truck support, called a Robinson radial truck. Here the FIG. 31. MAXIMUM TRACTION TRUCK. car is supported upon the centres of the end trucks in such a manner that these may swivel freely, carrying the middle truck between them. Fig. 33 illustrates the action of these trucks when going around a curve. It will be seen that the middle truck is pulled over to that side of 102 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. the car body which is on the outside of the curve. The advantage of double and FIG. 32. ROBINSON RADIAL TRUCK. triple trucks is considerable with long cars, but for short cars they are usually con- sidered unnecessary, although they save some power and wear going around curves. FIG. 33. ACTION OP RADIAL TRUCK. The appearance presented by a single- truck car is illustrated in Fig. 34, which I 104 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. represents a car body 21 feet long and 28 feet in length over all, with a width over wheels of 6 feet, a total width over all of 7 1/2 feet, and capable of seating 30 persons. The truck weighs without mo- tors 3,500 pounds, and the body 5,250 pounds, making a total weight, without motors or passengers, of 8,750 pounds. Fig. 35 shows a double-truck car. The car body is 25 feet long, and 33 feet over all. The width over wheels 6 feet, and over all 7 1/2 feet. This car will seat 36 persons. The weight of the truck with- out motor is 5,200 pounds, and the body 5,850, making a total weight, without motors or passengers, 11,050 pounds. A form of journal boos is shown in Fig. 36. Here the lid Z, can be moved aside for examination, or for filling the box. The entire box is dust tight. The side frames 106 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. are clamped to and riveted in the grooves , B, so that the weight of these frames, and, therefore, the entire weight of the car FIG. 36. FORM OP JOURNAL Box AND SUPPORT. pulls down upon the yoke A, and presses the double spiral spring S, upon the box L. The double spiral springs on all the CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 107 boxes, therefore, bear the entire weight of the car. Fig. 37, shows a cross-section of FIG. 37. SECTION OF Box SHOWN IN FIG. 36. these journal boxes taken through the axis of the shaft. A, is the axis, B, B, the brasses from which the weight is trans- 108 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. mitted to the axle, W, is the mass of lubri- cating material, S, the double spiral spring supporting under compression the yoke Y. P, is the spring packing faced with leather to keep out dust. J?, is a repair piece which is marked C\ in Fig. 36. This repair piece, when removed by withdraw- ing two bolts, permits the frame to be lifted clear of the axles. Wheels for electric street cars are usu- ally 30 inches, 33 inches or 36 inches in diameter, and weigh from 300 to 400 pounds each. The tread of the wheel ; i. e., its running face, is usually chilled to a depth of 1/2 or 3/4 inch to improve its wearing qualities. A good wheel should run 30,000 miles. Wheels are usually forced upon their axles by hydraulic pres- sure, but in some cases they are bolted to collars on the axle, which collars are them- CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 109 selves forced hydraulically on the axle. There are two types of wheel, the open and the dosed. Fig. 38, shows a form of FIG. 38. OPEN CAR WHEELS. open wheel and Fig. 39, a form of closed wheel. Motors may be mounted on the trucks in several ways. The most usual method is to support each motor partly on the 110 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. axle it drives, and partly on a cross beam extending between the side frames. This is shown in Fig. 40, where the motor J/ of FIG. 39. CLOSED CAR WHEEL. the type shown in Fig. 11, is supported on the cross beam B J3, which is itself sup- ported from the side frames by the spiral springs s, s. These spiral springs are, of course, employed to reduce the vibration, or jolting of the motor, when running over an uneven track. The cross beams, instead CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. Ill of passing beneath the motor may pass above it, or on a level with its surface, as shown in Fig. 41, where the beam B B. FIG. 40. METHOD OF MOTOR SUSPENSION. rests above the spiral springs instead of beneath them. In Fig. 42, another method is shown where the beams B B, from which the motor is suspended, are longitudinal and rest on spiral springs, which them- selves rest upon cross beams secured to 112 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. the side frame of the truck. In this case very little of the motor's weight comes immediately upon the driving axle, almost FIG. 41. METHOD OF MOTOR SUSPENSION. all being transmitted to the axle from the side frames. A plan and side view of the ordinary motor suspension in a single-truck car are shown in Fig. 43, where the two motors M, J/, are seen, each connected to one of the main axles through the gear G, 6r. The motors are suspended partly upon the main axles and partly upon the cross CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 113 beams B B, and B B, the four wheels TFJ W, W, W, are thus directly driven from the motor through the gears. FIG. 42. METHOD OF SUSPENDING MOTOR. The gearing employed in connection with the electric street railway cars, is effected by means of a steel pinion upon the armature shaft, such as shown in Fig. 44. This pinion has 14 teeth, which are mechanically cut so as to mesh freely 114 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. into the teeth of the gear wheel fixed rigidly upon the car axle. This gear wheel is usually made of cast iron in two parts, . rib ^ rfti ^ FIG. 43. PLAN AND SIDE ELEVATION OF MOTOR SUSPENSION. as shown in Fig. 45. The gear wheel shown has 67 teeth. The ratio of speed reduction between the motor and the car nH axle is, therefore, in this case, jj = 4.786. In other words, the car- wheel axle runs CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. ' 115 4.786 times more slowly than the motor shaft. If we consider a car with 33 inch wheels, the circumference of the wheels will be 103.67 inches or 8.639 feet. This will be the distance through which the car will move for one complete revolution FIG. 44. ARMATURE PINIONS. of the wheels. A speed of 1 mile per hour over the track, is a speed of 88 feet per minute, and, therefore, a rotatory speed of 88 -* 8.639 = 10.186 turns per minute of the car wheels. The speed of the motor armature will be 4.786 times this amount or 48.76 turns per minute. Consequently, for every mile per hour that the car runs, 116 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. the motors will make 48.76 revolutions per minute. Thus at 10 miles per hour FIG. 45. AXLE GEARS. they will each make 487.6 revolutions per minute. Pinions are sometimes constructed of hot pressed steel. Thus Fig. 46, shows a CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 117 steel cylinder before pressing and the com- pleted pinion wheel pressed from such a cylinder. AFTER. FIG. 46. HOT-PRESSED PINION, BEFORE AND AFTER PRESSING. The motors which we have hitherto considered are all single-reduction motors^ that is to say, there is only one reduction 118 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. in speed effected by gearing between the motor axle and the car axle. During the early application of the street car motor it was very difficult to obtain good slow-speed motors of light weight, and, consequently, FIG. 47. DOUBLE-REDUCTION MOTOR. the expedient was adopted of reducing the speed down to that required for the car axle by a double reduction. Figs. 47 and 48 show a type of double-reduction motor. In each figure, A, is the armature bearing CARS AND CAB TRUCKS. 119 through which the axle passes. B, is an intermediate shaft carrying a double-gear wheel at on end as shown in Fig. 48, meshing with a double pinion on the arma- ture shaft ; while, at the other end, it FIG. 48. DOUBLE-REDUCTION MOTOR. carries a pinion meshing into a gear wheel on the car-wheel shaft passing through the bearing C. In this type of machine the double redaction in speed varies from 9 to 19, according to the size of the motor and requirements of speed and power. In recent times the double-reduction motor OF THE v 0HIVERSI1 CALIF? 120 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. has almost disappeared. One difficulty with the double-reduction motor was the noise made by the rapidly rwnning arma- ture pinion. To reduce this, rawhide pinions ; i. e., pinion wheels made up of FIG. 49. RAWHIDE PINION. discs of rawhide, cut into the proper shape, assembled and clamped together, were employed, of the type shown in Fig. 49. The lifetime of such rawhide wheels was never very extended. CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 121 The life of steel and iron gearing depends largely upon the care with which the dust is excluded from them. In prac- FIG. 50. GEAR CORES. tice an increased life is ensured by enclosing the gear in a dust-proof gear cover, as shown in Fig. 50. 122 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. It is evident that for safety of running cars through crowded thoroughfares, it is absolutely necessary to be able to stop a car with certainty in a short distance. In order to effect this, various forms of brake mechanism are employed. These are either operated by hand, or by the electric current. Pneumatic car brakes have not come into any extended use up to the present time for this purpose, since they require the addition of a pneumatic compressor to the car equipment. A common form of lever brake, operated by hand, from either end of the car, is shown in Fig. 51 and also in Fig. 43. R, H', are the projecting rods to one or other of which the power is applied by a chain and handle. Fig. 52 shows the ordinary brake handle at the car platform. By rotating this handle the chain C, is wound CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 123 upon the handle shaft, thus hauling upon the brake rod H'. .P, is a pawl engaging with the pinion wheel on the brake handle shaft so as to hold or release the brake as desired. Fig. 51, shows that when one of FIG. 51. HAND BRAKE MECHANISM. the brake rods, say H, is pulled by the chain, the lever X, is drawn forward and by the action of the short bar C, or brake beam clevis, the brake beam S is forced backwards, so as to cause the brake shoes H, H, to press against the treads of the wheel W, W. At the same the brake 124 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. frame L R R R R L', is forced forward, thus drawing the other brake beam B 1 ^ forward, and causing the shoes H ', H ', to bear against the tread of the wheels FIG. 52. BRAKE HANDLE AND CHAIN. W W'. As soon as the tension is released from the brake rod, the brake frame L R R R R L', releases and throws the shoes off the wheels. CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 125 When the arm is applied to the brake handle H, Fig. 52, the pull so delivered is multiplied by the leverage of the handle over the chain. This pull being delivered at R', is again multiplied by the leverage of the brake lever L. The combined leverage of the brake staff and brake lever is usually about 50, so that a pull of 100 pounds weight, delivered horizontally at the brake staff handle, represents a pull of about 5,000 pounds delivered at all four brake shoes, or about 1,250 pounds total pressure between each shoe and the wheel it grips. The effect of this pressure is to produce about l/8th of the pressure as a frictional retarding force, so that if 1,250 pounds pressure be supplied to each wheel, the retarding drag applied at the wheel tread is about 160 pounds. The turnbuckle T T, enables the play 126 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. of the brake rods and brake arm to be ad- justed so that any unnecessary delay in applying the brakes may be avoided. A form of electric car brake, which FIG. 53. ELECTRIC BRAKES MOUNTED ON STREET CAR TRUCKS. promises to come into extended use, is represented in Fig. 53. A truck is here represented with two motors M, M, in place, of the same character as shown in Fig. 11. In addition to the ordinary hand brake mechanism operating through the CARS AND CAR TRUCKS 127 brake rods r, r, the brake levers I, I' the brake beam m, and the shoes 5, 5, there is supplied an electric brake B, on each car axle. This brake is in two parts ; namely, a cast iron disc (7, rigidly keyed to the car wheel axle, and, therefore, revolving with the car wheel, and a cir- cular shoe or compact electromagnet D, facing C, clamped to the motor and frame of the car, and, consequently, not rotating whether the car be running or at rest. When the car is running there is no fric- tion between the shoe D, and the disc C. As soon as it is desired to stop the car, the trolley circuit is first broken at the trolley switch by the motorman, thus cut- ting off the power from the line. As soon as this is done the motors which are still running by the momentum of the car, act as ordinary dynamos, and are capable of furnishing a temporary electric current 128 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. as soon as a circuit is closed to their E. M. F. The coil of insulated wire in the interior of the magnet shoes D, D, of the brakes are placed in circuit with the motor armatures so as to receive this current. Under these circumstances a powerful electromagnetic attraction occurs between the shoes D, D, and their iron discs C, C, tending to clutch them together and stop the wheels. The faster the car is running at the moment these brakes are applied, the more powerful is the current that is generated by the motors acting as dynamos, and, consequently, the higher the brake action. There are two methods of controlling this brake, the first automatic, and the sec- ond under the control of the motorman. The braking power, if uncontrolled, would CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 129 be so great that the wheels would be in- stantly locked and would skid or slide on the track. An automatic switch is placed in the circuit in such a manner that the cur- rent strength from the motors through the brakes is limited to that which will apply the maximum braking power without per- mitting skidding with a light car. More- over, the braking current passes through the controller to be subsequently described, and is thus regulated in strength by the raotormaD, so that he can apply the elec- tric brake either suddenly , or gradually, as he may desire. The advantage of the elec- tric car brake is the power it possesses, the swiftness with which it can be applied, and the fact that it is independent of all current taken from the trolley wire, since the moving motors supply the energy needed. The mechanism can, moreover, be attached to any car without great expense, while 130 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. the ordinary brake is left untouched for use in cases of emergency. A special ar- rangement is made to lubricate the rotating surfaces by means of a graphite brush car- ried in the shoes J9, D. This prevents ex- cessive wear and heating; for, in this brake, the retardation is very largely a magnetic pull rather than a mechanical friction, and, in this way, effective brake action is secured without excessive rubbing. When the rails are slippery, by reason of a thin film of mud or frost, an application of the brake is apt to cause adhesion of the shoe to the brake wheel, and a skidding or slipping of the wheel on the track, instead of an adhesion between the wheel and the track and a slipping of the brake shoe on the wheel. The result of this skidding is to wear the tread of the wheel at the point of its periphery at which it slips along the CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 131 track, whereas in the normal application of the brake, this wear is uniformly distrib- uted over the entire wheel surface against the brake shoe. Under these conditions the wheel tends to flatten at the point of skidding, and once a depression is formed, there is a continual tendency to increase the amount of flattening. Flat wheels are not only difficult to brake properly, but produce an uneven jarring motion very dis- agreeable to the passengers. In order to increase the adhesion between the wheel and track, so as to be greater than that between the brake shoe and the wheel, sand is sometimes poured upon the track with the effect of producing a greater friction. Various forms of sand boxes have been de- vised for sprinkling a small quantity of sand directly beneath the wheel on the track where it is required. One of these forms is shown in Fig. 54. The sand box 132 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. S, is mounted within the car close to the platform. The motorman, by pressing with his foot upon the foot-button F, depresses the lever L, which is pivoted at P, and FIG. 54. SAND Box. thus causes the rod H, to move forward in the direction of its length against the ten- sion of the spiral spring G. This opens the valve outlet and allows sand to pour through the tube T, upon the track beneath. CARS AND CAR TRUCKS. 133 On the truck of a car there is mounted a car body familiar to all our readers. These bodies are of four types ; namely, the open or summer car, the closed car, the converti- ble car, and the double decker. The latter is not in use on overhead trolley lines. CHAPTER VI. ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND HEATING OF CARS. THE advantages possessed by electric lighting, as obtained from incandescent lamps, are so evident, that this method of artificial illumination is almost invariably employed in trolley cars. The current required for the lighting of these lamps is, of course, taken from the same source which drives the car, that is to say, a special circuit is taken from the trolley to the track, through the lamps to be lighted. The type of incandescent lamp employed varies with the number placed in the car. If, as is commonly the case, there are five lamps, three in the centre and one at each 134 LIGHTING AND HEATING OF CARS. 135 end, they are connected in series, so that the current passes successively through each, and they are placed in a special cir- cuit directly between the trolley and the track as represented in Fig. 55. Here Tr k? L. ITk FIG. 55. DIAGRAM OF LAMP CIRCUIT OP CAR. the wire leading to the trolley wheel is marked Tr, and enters the switch S, from which it passes through the nVe lamps L, is a stop to limit the range of motion of the handle. In the position shown the current is turned off, and, as the handle is turned around in a clockwise direction, the motors are gradually brought into action with increas- ing speed, until, when the projection of the handle strikes the stop $, on the other side, after nearly one revolution, the maxi- mum speed of the car is attained. In order to open the controller, a sheet iron door is provided, closed with screw bolts, which can be manipulated by hand, the hinges of these bolts being shown CONTROLLERS AND SWITCHES. 157 FlG. 70. CONTROLLEK, CLOSED. 158 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. The interior construction of the con- troller is shown in Fig. 71. The lid L L, has been thrown back by withdrawing the bolts at the hinges j, j. By further with- drawing the small bolt, e/J shown separately beneath the lid, an iron cover (7, hinged on the core and w, w. Forms of single-frack bracket suspension are shown in Figs. 101 and 102. The FIG. 102. SINGLE-TRACK BRACKET SUPPORT. poles are set about 120 feet apart ; i. e., about 45 per mile with bracket suspen- sions, or 90 per mile for span- wire sus- pension. In order to attach the span wires to the 224 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. iron pole, iron clamps are employed, generally of the form shown in Fig. 103. When the clamps are in position facing each other on opposite sides of the street, the span wires are stretched between them FIG. 103. POLE CLAMP. under considerable tension, depending upon the weight of trolley wire, but 500 pounds weight is a fair tension. Where only a single span wire crosses the street, it is often stretched between insulators at the top of the poles > as shown in Fig. 99. Since, of course, the trolley conductor is TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION. 225 an uninsulated wire, guard wires are often employed to prevent damage from con- tact with bare telegraph or telephone wires, which would thereby become con- nected with a pressure of 500 volts. Guard wires are of two kinds ; viz., span guard wires, which cross the street im- mediately above the span supports over the trolley wire, and running guard wires, which run parallel with and immediately over the trolley wires to receive and inter- cept any wire falling from above. The relative position of guard and suspension wires is illustrated in Fig. 104. P, P, are opposite poles, c, c, the pole clamps, s, s, the suspension span wire, and g, g, the guard span wires. The trolley wires are always suspended from the lower wire s, s, and guard wires are usually sus- pended over the trolley from the upper span ff, g. 226 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. We will now turn our attention to the devices adopted both for supporting the trolley wire from the suspension span wire, and for enabling the trolley to be stretched FIG. 104. POLES WITH GUARD AND SUSPENSION SPAN WIRES. tightly. It is necessary not only to sup- port the wire rigidly and to insulate it from the. span wire, but also to employ devices for this purpose that shall be as small and sightly as possible. The simplest way tc TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION. 227 support a trolley wire from a span wire is by means of a trolley ear or insulator. Such a form of ear or insulator is shown in Fig. 105. e, e, is a metal casting, called FIG. 105. STRAIGHT-LINE SUSPENSION, AND TKOLLEY EAR AND INSULATOR. the ear. It is furnished with a narrow edge s, Sj having tips which are bent and soldered over the trolley wire, which lies in a groove extending under the entire length of the ear. /,/, is the body of the suspen- 228 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. siou, having two flanges at its extremities as shown. The suspension span wire lies in these flanges and around the head of the insulator. The insulator is made in two FIG. 106. TROLLEY EAR AND SUSPENSION. parts, A and B, shown separately above, A, being an insulating cap and >, an insu- lating cone. These two parts are screwed together and grip the body between them. Fig. 106 shows another form of street line TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION. 229 suspension and ear, differing from the former merely in details of construction. The outer iron cap G, has the cover v, screwed down upon it in such a manner as to enclose the insulating tube t. This insu- lating tube encloses in its turn the bolt which is screwed into the ear. The sus- FIG. 107. DOUBLE-CURVE SUSPENSION. pension span wire is gripped tightly be- tween the flanged projections f,f, of the body and the outside of the iron cap c. A great variety of line suspensions are employed. Fig. 107 shows a common form called a double-curve suspension, named 230 ELECTEIC STREET RAILWAYS. from the two lugs of the hood or cover. On the insertion of this form of suspension, the span wire has to be cut and the two ends fastened into the rings r, r. In other respects the suspension is practically the same as that shown in Fig. 106. The FIG. 108. SINGLE-CURVE SUSPENSION. double-curve suspension possesses the ad- vantage that all the tensions exerted upon it, with the exception of that produced by gravitation, are exerted in the horizontal plane ; that is to say, the span wire pulls sideways upon it in almost the same plane as the tension of the trolley wire lengthways. TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION. 231 Another form of suspension, called the single-curve suspension is shown in Fig. 108. This suspension is introduced at curves in the track or line where only a e ^^BB^HBRsss H FIG. 109. BRACKET SUSPENSION EAR. single pull is exerted on the trolley wire, instead of requiring a span. A form of bracket suspension ear, is shown in Fig. 109. Here the cylinder (7, 232 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. is damped firmly by the screw clamp P, upon a bracket arm, while from the cylinder is supported the insulator 7J and ear e e, upon the bolt b b. 'When two lengths of trolley wire have to be connected together, the connection is always made at an ear, or point of support. FIG. 110. SPLICING EAR. Such an ear is for this reason called a splicing ear. A form of splicing ear is shown in Fig. 110. The two ends to be connected are brought respectively to the ear at w and w', under the grooves to x and x', and then through the holes in the ear at the openings o and o. The wires are then soldered in at w, x and o. The TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION. 233 ear is bolted to its supporting insulator at B. Instead of soldering the ends of the wire in a splicing ear they may be clamped in a device called an automatic ear, shown in Fig 111. Here the two wires are laid FIG. 111. AUTOMATIC OR CLAMP-SPLICING EAR. in the jaws of the clainp at O, C. The jaws are then pressed together and secured by a bolt. The necessity for maintaining a taut trolley line, so as to ensure a good and continuous contact with the trolley wheel, requires that the line be anchored about 234 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. every 1,000 feet. An anchor-strain ear is shown in Fig. 112. Strain wires are a b FIG. 112. ANCHOR-STRAIN EAR. attached to the lugs a and , and are made fast, through insulators, to equidistant poles as shown in Fig. 113. The insula- FIG. 113. ANCHORING FOR SINGLE AND DOUBLE TRACK. TKOLLEY LINE CONSTKUCTION. 235 tors which are employed for this purpose are called strain insulators, and are of various forms. A common form, is shown in Fig. 114. The two lugs are cast into a spherical insulating mass. FIG. 114. STRAIN INSULATOR. Trolley wire insulators have two func- tions to fill ; namely, a mechanical function ; i. e., in providing an adequate support, and an electrical function ; i. e., as an elec- trical insulator. In order to be sufficiently strong, suitable material must be employed and so arranged as safely to support the stresses exerted upon it. From an electri- cal point of view, the insulation afforded by an insulator is never that of the mater- 236 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. ial of which the insulator is formed, and is always, in practice, the insulation of the surface. That is to say, the electric leak- age, which takes place through an insulator, is practically all over the surface of the insulator, scarcely any passing through the substance of which it is formed. The con- dition of the surface, therefore, greatly affects the efficient action of the insulators ; for, if dirty or dusty, a thin film of moist- ure will entail a considerable electric leakage. Assuming the same surface con- ditions, a spherical insulator, such as that shown in Fig 114, would permit consider- ably greater leakage than a cup insulator of the type shown in Fig. 106, especially in wet weather. The electric leakage, however, which can be permitted on a trolley system is far in excess of that which can be allowed on a telegraph or telephone circuit; since, if the total line TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION. 237 leakage gave rise to a loss of activity amounting to 1 KW, which would represent a total leakage current of 2 amperes under a pressure of 500 volts, or a total insulation resistance of only 250 ohms; the cost of this would be one or two cents per hour. The insulation of trolley systems usually averages from 2,000 to 100,000 ohms to the mile according to the weather. When a trolley road branches, it is necessary to branch the trolley wire. This is accomplished with the aid of a device, called a trolley frog. Fig. 115, shows three forms of trolley frogs. At A, is a V-frog, or simple two-way frog, in an inverted position, so as to show the guides. #, is a metallic guide on the side of the single track, and b and c, are the two guides on the side where the road bifur- cates. When the car has to be driven, 238 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. say from a to b, the rails on the track are so switched as to carry the car in that direction, and the trolley follows from the FIG. 115. TROLLEY FROGS. guide a, to the guide b. During the pass- age from the guide a, to guide b, the trolley wheel will either maintain contact with the line through its metal frame, or may TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION. 239 make a momentary flash at the point of crossing. B, shows an inverted right- hand frog and C an inverted left-hand frog. Where a line divides into three branches special frogs, called three-way ?, have to be employed. B 4* FIG. 116. TROLLEY CROSSING. At the intersection of two streets where trolley wires- necessarily cross each other, the crossing is effected through the medium of a device similar to a frog, and called a trolley crossing. Forms of 240 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. trolley crossings are shown in Fig. 116. A, is a right-angle crossing, and B, an acute-angle crossing. The trolley wires are soldered in the groove over the four guides, and as a result, the trolley wheel has to drop slightly at a crossing to pass beneath the guides. Special forms of crossings are employed when it is desired to insulate the two crossing trolley wires from each other. Trolley wires are made in all sizes from No. 4 A. W. G., with a diameter of 0.204", to No. 000 A. W. G., with a diameter of 0.410". The commonest size is No. 0, of 0.3249" diameter. The material is usually hard-drawn copper, although alloys are occasionally used. A No. 0, hard-drawn copper wire will safely bear a tension of 2,500 Ibs. weight, and usually breaks at a tension of 5,000 Ibs. TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION. 241 weight. A hard-drawn copper wire of this size has a resistance of, approximately, 0.52 ohm at 60 F., its resistance being about 2 1/2 per cent, in excess of the re- sistance of the same size wire in soft copper, whereas silicon-bronze wire has sometimes about 21/2 times the resist- ance of the same size of soft copper wire. CHAPTER X. TRACK CONSTRUCTION. IT is frequently a matter of surprise that the installation of a trolley road is almost invariably attended by the recon- struction of the track. The necessity for this reconstruction is to be found in the fact that electric cars are much heavier than ordinary horse cars, and contain run- ning machinery which is liable to injury from excessive jolting. This liability to injury from a weak and inferior track is increased by the greater speed at which electric cars run. Moreover, in a badly constructed track difficulty is experienced in maintaining an efficient running contact 242 TRACK CONSTRUCTION. 243 between the trolley and the trolley wire. For these reasons the construction of the roadbed and track requires careful at- tention. In cities more care and expense are naturally taken with both line and track FIG. 117. TRACK CONSTRUCTION. construction than in the open country, but the tendency is towards the employment of a steel girder rail weighing 90 Ibs. per yard. These rails are laid directly on wooden sleepers to which they are spiked. This construction is shown in Fig. 117, where the girder rails R, R, are spiked to 244 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. the sleeper S, S, and are also bound to- gether by the tie rod T y 2} the roadbed being paved in this case with Belgian blocks. The rails are laid with their ends close together, no difficulty having been experienced from expansion in summer FIG. 118. TRACK AND SLEEPERS, SHOWING METHOD OF BREAKING JOINTS. time. It is common to break these joints so that the joints of the rails on one side of the track shall come opposite to the middle of the rail on the opposite side. This is represented in Fig. 118, where <7, e/, u 284 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. ture shaft through powerful springs con- tained within the coupling K. F, is a fly-wheel and P, a cluster of six incandes- cent lamps in series, called pilot lamps. FIG. 133. ARMATURE OF DIRECT-DRIVEN GENERATOB. A particular armature intended for a direct-driven railroad generator is shown in Fig. 133. Here the armature consists GENERATORS AND POWER HOUSES. 285 of two distinct parts ; namely, a body or core of iron, and conducting wires. The core is laminated, that is, formed of a number of thin, soft, sheet-iron discs, pro- vided with slots in their external edges, so that when assembled in the shape of a short cylinder, a number of longitudinal slots or grooves are provided for the recep- tion of the wires. Without considering the winding in detail, it will suffice to say that the conductors are laid in the slots S 9 S, and are then connected to the separate bars or segments of the commu- tator C, C 7 G. Fig. 134, shows the opera- tion of winding another form of railway generator armature, with the wires W, W, passing through the slots of the iron arma- ture core A. In this case the commutator is not yet placed on the shaft. A com- pleted armature is, however, shown below at JB, with its commutator at O. 286 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. During the revolution of the armature through the magnetic flux produced by the field magnets of the generator, E. M. Fs. are induced in the winding, and when their circuit is closed through the feeders produce currents in them. The value of the E, M. F. developed by the armature during its rotation, depends upon the total amount of magnetic flux passing through the armature and its wires, the total number of wires wound over the surface of the armature in the various grooves, and the number of revo- lutions which the armature makes per minute ; i. e., its rotary speed. The cur- rent strength which a given armature can maintain steadily, depends upon the size of the wires ; i. e., upon the resistance of the armature and its capability of readily disengaging the heat developed by the current in that resistance. The limiting 288 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. current strength is usually determined in practice by the heating of the armature, which in good practice does not exceed 40 C. above the surrounding air, during continuous running. Illustrations of generator rooms in power-houses, employing respectively the belt-driven and direct-driven types, are shown in Figs. 135 and 136. Fig. 135 shows the interior of the Fifty-second Street power house of the Brooklyn street railway system, containing twelve belt- driven generators, each of 500 KW ca- pacity, capable of a total output of 6,000 KW, and representing 12,000 am- peres at 500 volts ; or, approximately, 11,000 amperes at 550 volts. These gen- erators are, however, capable of standing a considerable overload for a limited time. The switchboard $ is seen on a gallery at the end of the room. 1 5 i a 290 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. A view of the interior of another Brook- lyn railway power house ; namely, that at Kent Avenue, is shown in Fig. 136. Here, instead of being placed on the floor beneath the generators and connected to the latter by belts, as in Fig. 135, the engines are mounted side by side with the generators and directly coupled to the armatures. There are four large generating units in the room of the type shown at 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Each generator has twelve magnet poles, between which revolves the armature -4, with its commutator C, at a speed of 75 revolutions per minute. The armature is driven by a double engine E, JS. The engine is a double, horizontal, compound-condensing engine, the generator being placed between the two halves. f, F, is the engine fly-wheel placed on the main shaft, close to the armature. Each of these large generators has a w ii f Jd g w 292 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. capacity of 3,000 amperes at a pressure of 550 volts, representing an activity at full load of 1,650 KW, and a total output, when all are at full load, of 6,600 KW, or 8,800 HP, approximately. The switch- board 8, is seen at the end of the room through the fly-wheels of the two engines, on the left hand side of the figure. One of the generators in the figure; namely, No. 3, is shown incomplete, the field mag- nets being not yet assembled. The most recent development in street railway practice is in the direction of powerful slow-speed engines and direct-connected generators of this type. Fig. 137, shows a plan view of the engine and generator room in the Delaware Avenue railway power house at Phila- delphia. Here the general plan of engines and generators is similar to that shown in a 1 ! 294 ELECTKIC STREET RAILWAYS. Fig. 136. There are four generating units marked 1, 2, 3, 4, each consisting of a 1,650 KW, 12 -pole generator, with its armature keyed to the shaft of a large compound-condensing engine of 2,000 HP (about 1,500 KW), arranged in two parts, one part on each side of the generator. S, /8J is the switchboard, behind which the feeders are seen. jP, is the air-pump con- nected with all the engines, and 5, is a small 300-KW direct-driven unit for light loads. One of the larger generator units is said to have operated as many as 212 cars at one time. If working at full load this represents a mean activity of 8 KW per car. At this rate all four units could operate 850 cars. Each generator will stand the application of full load without any change in the position of its brushes, and will stand an overload of 50 per cent, with a slight movement of the same. II 296 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. Fig. 138 shows a section of the power house represented in plan in Fig. 137. Here E, E, shows one of the engines, and g, g, one of the large generators on the lower floor. On the floor above are placed the boilers in two rows, one on each side, with an auxiliary 6r, G, between their fronts. The boiler accommodation is for ten batteries, each of 500 HP, repre- senting an aggregate capacity of 5,000 HP nominally. B, B, are the boilers, shown in cross-section on the right hand and inside view on the left. The steam pipes de- scend to the ceiling of the generator room, and the engine exhausts are led to the cellar where they are dripped, and the main exhaust pipe X, X, is led to the roof. CHAPTER XIV. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. THE amount of power which a street car requires, depends, as we have seen, upon its size, weight, the number of pas- sengers it is carrying, its speed, and the gradient on which it runs. It may vary from no power, when running down hill, to 100 KW when climbing a steep hill. It is often a matter of surprise to those who have been accustomed to see a pair of horses pull a street car through the city streets, that power, representing say more than 100 horses acting together, may be needed on occasions to propel electric cars. The reasons, however, are very 297 298 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. clear. An electric car weighs from 15,000 to 20,000 pounds without passengers, while a horse car weighs only about 5,000 pounds without passengers. The electric car will carry many more passengers than a street car, runs at a greater speed, and will climb grades impossible to be sur- mounted by two horses. A good rule to remember is that on the average, over a city street railroad system, an electric street car takes 1 KW for every mile per hour it averages, that is to say, if a car runs at 8 miles per hour it absorbs roughly 8 KW of electric power ; or, in 1 hour, would absorb a total amount of work equal to 8 kilowatt- hours. This rough estimate is, of course, independent of the power required to heat the car when electric heating is em- ployed. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. 299 The output of a station, that is, the load on the generators, varies markedly at different hours of the day. As a rule the heaviest load occurs in the morning and evening hours. The reason for the in- creased load is not only because a greater number of cars are running and the cars are more heavily laden, but the startings, which require considerable power, occur more frequently during the time of greatest load. Fig. 139 shows load diagrams taken in Boston, Mass., on June 16-19, 1895. It will be observed that the load varies from practically at 4 A. M., to 12,000 amperes and 800 cars, and that the total activity correspondingly varies from nearly to about 6,000 kilowatts. It has been found from a report in 1894, of 232 American electric street railways, operating 5,120 miles of track with a total 300 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. capital of $316,700,000, and a funded debt of $279,000,000, that the operating ex- 15000 14000 "13000 ^12000 K 11000 gjlOOOO | 9000 j 8000 / \ ^ / , 5 X x /, s, -" "~~ >' ^ \ v . ( /, \ r /^- . ' \ \] 1 \ ^ \ \ If / \ ^ ' \ CO / ' / Af *PE RES (A .L STAT ONS & S 6000 1 ! 8uf . Jl NEJ16, ,30- ... ..... .... \ l < 4000 If 1 s " .__ _..- R j PWU < 3000 2000 ' / WE D. ,1 , II ' I / : 1 1000 900 800 i 7 o 600 500 | 400 \ 300 00 100 ^ / \ ^ ---, '/ .--' - --^ X -" "^ , ' v- .- : ^ -' / -\ X u \ - .1 1 ^ \ -. ^_ , 7 ^ \ ^ -' \ I / * J c ARv I SUN 3 U NE 5, 895 . v y t / i ' 7, ^ - 5; v /' / wo. < 9, M _L \ 1 2 J 4 s 10 11 12 1 2 a 4 6 7 8 a 10 11 12 FIG. 139. LOAD DIAGRAMS AT BOSTON, JUNE 16-19, 1895. penses were 62.8 per cent, of the gross receipts, and the fixed charges 22.9 per OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. 301 cent., leaving a net income of 14.3 per cent, of the gross receipts. The power required to be installed at the power house varies with a number of local conditions, but averages 20 KW per car in use. The cost of installing this power is about $70 per KW for steam plants, including engines and boilers, and about $30 per KW of combined steam and electric plant, or $100 per KW of total machinery. The cost of the electric equipment of a car, including two 25 HP motors and controllers, is about $1,000, and the cost of a car so equipped complete, roughly $2,300. The line construction costs roughly $5,000 per mile of double track, excluding track construction, but varies considerably, under different condi- tions. The total expense of a car mile, i. e.j a run of one mile per car, varies of 302 ELECTEIC STREET HALLWAYS. course considerably with the size, the kind of system and the nature of the traffic, but a fair average may be considered as being from 15 to 25 cents per car mile. Of this the cost of supplying electric power is usu- ally only from 1 cent to 2 cents per car mile. In small systems all these costs are likely to exceed those given. The size and style of the car which is adopted, varies with the nature of the traffic, and the speed at which the car is expected to run. Under some conditions heavy cars running slowly are desirable, while in others light, high-speed cars are preferable. The population per mile of street rail- way track in the United States is, approxi- mately, 4,600, varying between 3,000 in the New England States, and 10,000 in the OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. 303 Southern States. In Canada, it is about 11,600. The total street car mileage in the United States is about 6 per cent, of the total steam railroad mileage, and the gross earnings about 50 per cent, of the total passenger steam railroad earnings. For the purpose of facilitating repairs on the line, special wagons drawn by horses are employed, called tower wagons, arranged so as to bring the workmen within easy access of the trolley wire. These wagons carry a light platform, which is either rigid or is capable of being raised and lowered. Both the frame of this wagon and its tower being of wood, the men working upon it are practically insu- lated, except in wet weather. In latitudes where snow falls the track is kept clear by an electric snow sweeper. 304 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. One of these snow sweepers is shown in Fig. 140, where the track has been swept by the rotation of the brushes of the car. Fig. 141 shows one of these cars in action. FIG. 140. ELECTRIC SNOW SWEEPER. There are four motors on one of these cars, usually of 25 HP each. Two of the motors are connected with the driving axles in the usual way, and the other two OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. 305 are wound for a higher speed and are con- nected so as to drive the revolving FIG. 141. SNOW SWEEPER IN ACTION. brushes. These sweeping brushes are fixed at an angle of 45 with the front of the car. The overhead trolley system has been objected to in cities on account of its unsightliness. The use of trolley poles 306 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. with their span, guard, and trolley wires are certainly far from being a pleasing ornament to the streets of a well built city. For this reason attempts have been made to replace the overhead trolley system by an underground or conduit system of trol- leys, and also by storage-battery propulsion. The overhead trolley system is, however, considerably more economical to erect and maintain than either a storage battery or conduit system. In large cities, where an increased cost is preferred to the unsightli- ness of the overhead trolley system, the underground trolley may find a successful use. It is already being tried in Washing- ton, D. C., and elsewhere in the United States, while in the city of Buda Pesth, Austria, an extended system of under- ground trolley roads has been running successfully for several years. B Of THE IVERSITT, MUFORHj* CHAPTEE XV. STOKAGE BATTERY SYSTEMS. THE admitted unsightliness of the over- head trolley system and the difficulty of maintaining efficient operation of the underground trolley, under all conditions of climate, have led to many efforts to obtain a self-contained system of electric railways ; that is, a system in which each of the cars will carry its own electric driving power. In the early history of the art this was attempted by means of the primary battery. Primary batteries are now recognized as being altogether too expensive for this purpose, owing to the fact that they derive their motive power 307 308 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. from the consumption of zinc in a solution, a fact which will effectually prevent such batteries from competing with other types of motive power so long as the price of the zinc, and the solution in which it is dissolved, maintain anything like their present values. % The nearest approach to the successful solution of the problem of an electrically propelled car, which carries its own stored electric energy, is found in the use of the secondary or storage cell. In this system the storage cells derive their charge, or stored electric energy, from electric cur- rent supplied to the cells at some central station. As some time is required to charge the cells, they are usually removed from the car to receive their charge. Before proceeding to the general descrip- tion of the storage battery equipment of a STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEMS. 309 car, a brief account of the construction and operation of storage batteries will be necessary. A great variety of forms have been given to the secondary or storage cell. In practically all cases, the material of which their plates or elements are formed is lead. If two sheets of lead be immersed in a solution of dilute sulphuric acid, and an electric current be sent through the solu- tion from one plate to the other, an electrolytic decomposition will occur, whereby the positive plate, or the plate at which the current enters, becomes oxi- dized, while the negative plate, or that at which the current leaves the cell, liberates bubbles of hydrogen gas. During this process a C. E. M. F. is set up in the cell amounting, probably, to about 2.5 volts, and every coulomb, or ampere-second of 310 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. electricity, which passes through the cell, does work in it amounting to 2.5 volt- coulombs or 2.5 joules. At a rate of 1 ampere, or 1 coulomb per second, the work so expended in the cell would amount in one hour, to 3,600 X 2.5 == 9,000 joules or 2.5 watt-hours. If there were no resistance in the cell; and if, moreover, no free hydrogen gas escaped from it, all the above work would be expended in chemical action, which would be stored up in the cell in the form of chemical products. So far as the C. E. M. F. is due to the drop of pressure through the resistance, the work is expended as heat, but so far as it is produced by the C. E. M. F. of chemi- cal action, it is theoretically possible to store the work in chemical combinations. If after having been charged in this way STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEMS. 311 the cell is removed from the charging circuit and its plates are connected through a wire, it will act as a primary battery ; that is to say the oxidized plate will behave like the copper plate of an ordinary bluestone cell, and the unoxidized plate like the zinc of such a cell. During discharge, the E. M. F. of the cell may, perhaps, average 2 volts, and each coulomb of electricity supplied through the circuit by this E. M. F. represents a delivery of 2 joules of work. During discharge, and the performance of work, the surface of the oxide on the posi- tive plate becomes partially deoxidized, while the plain lead or negative plate becomes partially oxidized. Finally, when the cell is completely discharged, the two plates are superficially the same, each being partially oxidized. A cell is, 312 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. however, never permitted to completely discharge. In order to restore the cell to its active condition, it is necessary to once more charge it by passing through it the requisite quantity of electricity. In the case of a primary cell, in which the two plates or elements have essentially different chemical composition, the com- plete discharge is accompanied by the con- sumption of one of the plates ; namely, the zinc plate. It is impossible, in prac- tice, to restore the active condition of the primary cell by sending a charging cur- rent through it, and the plates have to be renewed. In the secondary cell, instead of renewing the discharged plates, the electric current is permitted to reverse the chemical changes which have accom- panied discharge and thus restore the active condition. STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEMS. 313 Instead of using plain lead plates, special forms of lead plates are employed to expose a very large surface to the active liquid. A form of storage cell is FIG. 142. FOKM OF STORAGE CELL. shown in Fig. 142. Here the glass cell or jar C, C, contains seven flat plates, three of which are connected with the positive terminal jP, and four to the negative termi- nal N. The solution of sulphuric acid 314 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. and water is poured in until the plates are covered. A positive plate is shown in Fig. 143. Here thirty-nine circular buttons, or discs I T'T FIG. 143. POSITIVE PLATE. of peroxide of lead, are held tightly in a frame or grid of antimonous lead. The addition of antimony in sufficient quantity prevents the lead grid from being chemi- STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEMS. 315 cally attacked by the solution during charge or discharge. Fig. 144 shows a negative plate, with sixty-four square buttons of soft porous or spongy lead FIG. 144. NEGATIVE PLATE. similarly held in an antimonous lead frame. The small holes in the centres of the buttons play no part in the action of the cell, and are made during the mechanical construction of the buttons. 316 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. The principal difficulty which has been encountered with the use of storage cells in electric traction, has been in the electric overloads which have sometimes been necessary, and which greatly decrease the life of the plates. If the cars invariably ran upon a level grade and their load remained uniform, it would not be a diffi- cult matter to ensure an absence of electric overloads, or undue calls for power upon the batteries. In practice, however, owing to the existence of curves and grades and over-discharging, the cells are gener- ally soon injured, so that their mainten- ance becomes very expensive. Moreover, the great weight of the batteries adds largely to the non-paying weight of the car. Considerable improvements have, however, recently been effected in the storage battery whereby better results may be expected. STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEMS. 317 A form of storage battery car truck at present in use on Madison Avenue, New York City, is shown in Fig. 145. Here by turning the motors outwards towards the ends, that is supporting them on the opposite side of the axle to that usually adopted, the space A B G D, is reserved FIG. 145. STORAGE BATTERY TRUCK. in the centre of the truck for the recep- tion of the storage battery. A truck with a storage battery in place is shown in Fig. 146. In this truck sixty storage cells are arranged in two batteries of thirty cells each. Since the mean E. M. F. of dis- charge in a storage cell is, approximately, 318 ELECTRIC STKEET RAILWAYS. 2 volts, this represents a pair of batteries each having an E. M. F. of 60 volts. Each cell has 400 ampere-hours capacity ; that is, is capable of supplying 40 amperes for 10 hours, or 20 amperes for 20 hours, or 10 amperes for 40 hours, etc., the total quan- tity of electricity being 400 X 3,600 = FIG. 146. CAR TRUCK WITH BATTERIES IN PLACE. 1,440,000 coulombs. The above men- tioned 1,440,000 coulombs, representing as they do the capacity of its battery, should, theoretically, be discharged whether the duration of discharge is long or short, that is to say, whether the cells are allowed to discharge in a few minutes or in many hours. STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEMS. 319 In practice, however, there is always a marked diminution in the avail- able quantity of electric discharge when the duration is too brief, say below three hours. If the E. M. F. of discharge aver- ages 2 volts, the total amount of energy available from each cell is 2 X 1,440,000 = 2,880,000 coulomb-volts, or joules, and 60 such cells should hold a total quantity of energy of 172,800,000 joules. Since 1 watt-hour is 3,600 joules, and 1 KW hour 3,600,000 joules, the total energy in the battery is 48 KW-hours. Consequently, the activity of the battery, assuming no loss, by very rapid discharging, would be 8 KW maintained for six hours, or 12 KW maintained for four hours. Of this power some will necessarily be lost in the motors and gears, so that, perhaps, only about 75 per cent, may be available at the car axles. 320 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. Fig. 147 shows diagrammatically the connections obtained in the different posi- tions of the controller of this car. In posi- tion 1, the two batteries are placed in parallel, making an effective E. M. F. of 60 FIG. 147. CONTROLLER POSITIONS. volts at main terminals, while the two motors are in series, each motor receiving 30 volts. If under these conditions, the activity of the battery is 12 KW, the cur- rent strength received by the two motors in series will be 12,000 60 = 200 amperes. STORAGE BATTERY SYSTEMS. 321 In the second position, a shunt is thrown around the field magnets of the motors, thereby diminishing their magnetic power, and requiring a greater speed from the armatures in order to develop the neces- sary C. E. M. F. of 60 volts in all. In the third position, the two batteries are thrown in series, representing a total E. M. F. available at terminals of 120 volts, and a corresponding increase in the speed of the unshunted motors to produce this C. E. M. F. In the fourth position, a shunt is again thrown around the field magnets of the two motors, and their speed is correspond- ingly increased. In the fifth position, the two unshunted motors are thrown in parallel, instead of in 322 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. .series, thus calling upon each motor to de- velop a total C. E. M. F. of 120 volts. In the sixth and last position, the mag- nets of the motors are shunted, requiring the armatures to run faster in order to pro- duce 120 volts total C. E. M. F. in the motor under these conditions. When the car returns to the car house and the battery has been sufficiently dis- charged, it is lifted bodily from the truck and replaced by a charged battery. OP THE ^X TJNIVERSITT) - -^ CHAPTER XVI. ELECTEIC LOCOMOTIVES. WITHIN large cities, municipal ordinances generally limit the speed of street cars to about eight miles per hour. In suburban districts, however, a speed is usually per- mitted as high as fifteen miles per hour, while in inter-urban traffic, speeds of thirty miles per hour or more are sometimes reached. As the velocity of the cars in- crease, the electric activity which must be supplied to them increases in nearly the same proportion ; for, the torque exerted by the motors on a given gradient remains nearly the same at all the above men- tioned speeds, the rate only varying at which that torque is exerted. 824 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. At still higher speeds than the preced- ing, the friction between axles arid journals, and the wheels and the track, does not sen- sibly increase, but the friction between the surface of the car and the air does sensibly increase, so that, at speeds above 100 miles per hour, the track and journal friction would probably commence to be small compared with the resistance to air dis- placement and friction. Consequently, for very high speeds, the form of the moving car becomes nearly as important as the form of the hull of a steamer ; only in the case of the latter, the hull only is exposed to the friction against the water, while in the case of the car, the entire surface is moved through the air. The question has often arisen as to the early probability of replacing steam pro- pulsion on ordinary railroads by electric ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. 325 propulsion. The schedule speeds of ex- press trains on steam roads have altered but little during the last twenty years, judg- ing from an inspection of railroad time tables included in that period. There is no doubt, however, that the introduction of the electric locomotive would permit much higher speeds to be safely attained, and, when this fact is taken in connection with the manifest advantages possessed by electric propulsion, it would seem that in electricity, steam has a formidable rival in this field. The question, however, is one of public demand, and economy of transpor- tation. There can be no doubt, that so far as regards economy in long-distance trans- portation, steam propulsion is cheaper than electric propulsion, owing to the cost of the plant, since the cost of transmitting power electrically increases rapidly with the dis- tance. Consequently, for freight and slow 326 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. traffic, it does not seem that the immediate future will witness the displacement of the steam locomotive, but for high-speed pas- senger transportation, the extra cost of the electric equipment may be repaid by the increased economy in time of transit, so that it does not seem improbable that in the near future the high-speed passenger locomotive may come into use on railroads. As an example of experiments which have been tried in the direction of high- speed electric railroads, we may mention the bicycle railroad shown in Fig. 148. Here the car runs on a single rail and rests on two wheels, which, instead of being placed side by side, as in the ordinary truck, are in the same plane, like a bicycle, one being placed in the front and the other in the rear. The ends of the car are tap- ered, as shown. To prevent the car from 328 ELECTRIC STREET BAILWAYS. falling sideways when at rest, it is sup- ported by guide wheels pressing upon the upper or guide rail, which serves the double FIG. 149. SECTION OF BICYCLE CAB. purpose of a support and an electric conductor. A cross-section of a double deck car is shown in Fig. 149. It will be seen that these cars are only of half width, ELECTEIC LOCOMOTIVES. 329 two being able to pass each, other with nine inches clearance within the space occupied by an ordinary 4' 8 1/2" track. The ad- vantage claimed for this construction is that it not only enables the traffic to be doubled upon any existing railroad by erecting the upper or trolley guides, one for each existing rail, but it also enables the weight of the cars to be materially reduced, since the narrow car enables the necessary structural strength to be obtained with less material, and the weight of the loaded car, per passenger carried, would be about four times less than with the existing construction, thus econo- mizing in activity expended against journal friction and grades. The electric propul- sion is obtained from a single motor M, in the front wheel of the car. On the track shown in the figure, speeds of 45 miles per hour are readily obtained, and speeds of 330 BLEOTUIO 8TKEIST RAILWAYS. over 60 miles an hour are claimed to have been reached on a track 1 1/2 miles in length. By giving a lean to the upper or guide rail no difficulty has been found in going around sharp curves, since no appre- ciable strain is produced. A disadvantage of the system is that it can only provide seats for two in the width of the car. Another purpose to which the electric locomotive has already been applied is to the drawing of trains of cars through long tunnels on steam roads. As is well known considerable difficulty is experi- enced in ventilating long tunnels when steam locomotives pass tli rough them fre- quently. This difficulty is entirely over- come by the use of the electric locomotive. Here the requirements are not for high speed, but for a powerful draw-bar pull. An example of this type of electric loco- LOCOMOTIVES. 331 motive is seen in the licit Line Tunnel at I>a.llimore. This tunnel is about u mile Mild a luilf loni; 1 , Mild has a ^radicnt of about, forty-two feet to the mile. Since the freight trallic. is heavy, a powerful hx'oniolix c is ivipiiivd to dnivv th(^ tr.'iins. I^ig. ir>() shows th(5 eiitr;i.n', is the IJCMIU supported by these rods, and < ', (\ I he conductoi's \\hich are formed <>!' iron bars, arnin;j;ed o[posit,e 332 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. FIG. 150. THE ENTRANCE TO THE TUNNEL. ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. 333 each other, so as to leave a slot between them and enclose an inverted conduit. In this conduit slides a brass shoe supported FIG. 151. OVERHEAD CONDUCTOR SUPPORT. on a flexible rod from the top of the loco- motive. Wj is a cross-section of the sup- ply wires or feeders, which are stranded 334 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. copper cables about one inch in diameter clamped directly to the beam as shown. The method of supporting the conduct- ors in the tunnel is shown in Fig. 152. Here M, M, M, is the masonry arch of the top of the tunnel, B, B, are bolts let FIG. 152. METHOD OP SUPPORTING CONDUCTORS IN THE TUNNEL. into the masonry, and supporting a chan- nel frame by two conical insulators i, i, at the ends. Two other insulators i f , i r , support the conductors c, c. Fig. 153 shows the electric locomotive pulling a steam locomotive and train through the tunnel. F, F, is the flexible 336 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. conductor corresponding to the trolley pole of an ordinary street car, and carrying at its extremity the shoe running in the con- ductor overhead. An end view of the locomotive is shown in Fig, 154. The trolley fastened to the top of the locomo- tive is shown in side and end view at Fig. 155. S, is the shoe, and c/, t/J the joints in the structure, which automatically lengthen and shorten the trolley pole to conform with the varying height of the trolley con- ductor. This locomotive weighs ninety- six short tons in all, and is supported on two trucks and four pairs of driving wheels. A motor is mounted directly on each driving axle, thus placing four motors in the locomotive. One of these motors is shown in Fig. 156. Here the iron-clad armature A, A, is mounted in a sextipolar field frame F, F. These motors being mounted on the driv- ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. 337 FIG. 154. END VIEW OF ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE. 338 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. ing axles through special flexible connec- tions without the intervention of gears, are called gearless motors. The method of mounting them in the truck is shown in FIG. 155. SIDE AND END VIEWS OF TROLLEY. Fig. 157. Here S, S, is the side frame c/J J, are the journal boxes of the two axles in the truck, and M, M, the motors mounted flexibly over each axle. ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. 339 The current is supplied to each motor armature through six pairs of carbon FIG. 156. MOTOR OF ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE. brushes arranged around the periphery of the commutator. The total current sup- plied to each motor is normally about 500 340 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. amperes at full load. The pressure of sup- ply is about 600 volts. The normal activity absorbed by each motor at full load is, therefore, 300 KW, or, roughly, about 400 HP. Since there are four motors, this powerful locomotive absorbs FIG. 157. TRUCK, SHOWING MOTORS IN POSITION. a total activity of about 1,600 HP, and the locomotive is rated at 1,500 HP. The locomotive is designed so as to exert a steady pull of 40,000 pounds, or 20 short tons, at the draw bar when drawing a train twelve miles per hour. This represents a useful activity of 1,280 HP in addition ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. 341 to that required to move the locomotive itself. The maximum available draw-bar pull is stated to be 60,000 pounds. The FIG. 158. "TERRAPIN BACK" ELECTRIC MINING LOCOMOTIVE. draw-bar pull in an electric locomotive is uniform, whereas the draw-bar pull in the steam locomotive is necessarily variable at different portions of the stroke. The 342 ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAYS. draw-bar pull of a powerful 60 short- ton steam engine does not usually exceed 25,000 pounds. Electric traction has recently been adopted on two short branches of road in connection with steam railroads. These are at Nantasket Beach, Mass., and Mount Holly, N. J. The road between Mount Holly and Burlington is about seven miles long, and is operated by electric cars equipped with 100 HP motors; the speed being about thirty miles an hour, and the schedule time for the trip twenty-one minutes, including stops. It is not at all improbable that this is but the beginning of an extensive use of electric traction for suburban traffic, in connection with steam railroads. The electric locomotive has recently ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES. 343 found a field of application in mining operations. It is especially fitted for such work from the ease with which it is con- trolled. Fig. 158 shows a form of mining locomotive suitable for hauling trains of trucks through the galleries of a mine. It will be noticed that the trolley pole is of the same general type as that described in connection with the locomotive of the Baltimore tunnel. THE INDEX. Active Coil, 80. Coil, Deflection of, by Electromagnet, 85. Coil, Deflection of, by Horseshoe Magnet, 84. Coil, Deflection of, by Opposite Magnet Poles, 83. Coil, Deflection of, by Single Magnet Pole, 82. Active Conductor, 80. Activity, International Unit of, 23. , Practical International Unit of, 24. , Unit of, 21. Acute-Angle Crossing, 240. Ammeter for Railway Generator Switchboard, 263. for Railway Switchboard, 272 to 274. Ampere, 28. Analogy between Liquid and Electric Flow, 3 to 7. 345 346 INDEX. Anchored Filament for Electric Street Car Lamp, 138. Anchor-Strain Ear, 234. Armature Coils of Car Motor, 72. Core, Lamination of, 74. Core, of Car Motor, 72. , Cylinder, 75. Pinion, 115 to 117. , Ring, 75. Windings of Car Motor, 72. Arrester, Lightning, 201 to 203, 266. Automatic Car Switch, 129. Circuit-Breaker, 265. - Cut-Out, 198. - Ear, 233. Feeder Circuit-Breaker, 266. Axle Gears, 116. B Back Electric Pressure, 47. Water Pressure, 45. Bars of Commutator, 77. Base, Trolley, 205. Belt-Driven Generator, 297. Berlin Industrial Exhibition of J 79, Electric Rail- way of, 12. INDEX. 347 Bicycle Railroad, 326 to 330. Block, Fuse, 198. Blow-Out, Magnetic, 160. Bond, Welded Rail, 248. Bonding of Rails, 245, 246. Bonds, Rail, 246. Box, Sand, 131, 132. Boxes, Journal, 104. , Rheostat, 265. Bracket Pole for Double Track, 221. Support for Single Track, 222. Suspension Ear, 231. Suspension for Single Track, 223. Brackets, 219. Brake Handle, 122. Mechanism, 122. Shoes, 99. Breaker, Automatic Circuit, 265. Broken Circuit, 27. Bus-Bars, Generator, 278. By-Path or Shunt, 182. c Canopy Switch, 199, 200. Car Body, 97. Brake, Electric, 126 to 128. 348 INDEX. Car Brake, Pneumatic, 122. Controller, Definition of, 155. - Controller for Storage Battery System, 320 to 322. Controller, Interior Construction of, 158, 159. Controller, Method of Operation of, 162 to 191. Heater, Heating Coils of, 144, 145. Heating, Temperature-Regulating Switch for, 147 to 151. Lamp, 136, 137. - Lamps, Circuit of, 135. Lamps, Efficiency of, 138. - Lamps, Fixtures for, 139, 140. - Mile, 301. - Motor, Armature Core of, 72. Motor, Armature Windings of, 72. Motor, Commutator of, 72. - Motors, Gear Wheels of, 69. - Truck, 67, 68, 97. - Trucks and Cars, 97 to 133. Trucks, Methods of Supporting, 97, 98. - Trucks, Storage Battery, 317. Wheels, Closed, 110. Wheels, Gearing for, 113. Wheels, Open, 108. INDEX. 349 Car Wheels, Skidding of, 129. Wheels, Tread of, 109. Cars and Car Trucks, 97 to 133. , Electric Lighting and Heating of, 134 to 153. Carbon-Plate Automatic Circuit-Breaker, 267,268, 269. Cell, Secondary, 309. , Storage, 309. Chicago State Fair, Street Car Line of '84, 14. - Rail Bond, 246. Circuit-Breaker, Carbon-Plate Automatic, 267, 268, 269. Breaker, Magnetic, 269 to 272. Breakers, Automatic Feeder, 266. , Broken, 27. -, Closed, 27. , Electric, 27. , Hydraulic, 30, 31. , Made. 27. , Open, 27. or Line, Drop in, 54. Climbers, Pole, 224. Clamp, Splicing Ear, 233. Closed Car Wheels, 110. Circuit, 27. Coil, Active, 80. 350 INDEX. Coils, Armature, of Car Motor, 72. Collecting Brushes of Generator, 282. Commutator of Car Motor, 72. of Generator, 285. Segments, 77. Strip, 77. Compound- Wound Generator, 280. Conductance, 40. Conducting Wires, Resistance of, to Electric Flow, 34. Conductor, Active, 80. Conductors, Feeding, 64. Conduit Trolley System, 306. Coney Island, Street Car Line of '84, 14. Consequent Magnet Poles, 90. Continuous Rail, 248. Controller, Diagram of Connections for First Working Notch, 164. Controllers and Switches, 154 to 203. Corrosion, Electrolytic, 250. Coulomb, 48. Counter-Electromotive Force, 45, 47. Electromotive Force of Rotation, 166. Electromotive Force of Self -Induction, 165. Crossing, Right-Angle, 240. , Acute-Angle, 240. , Trolley, 239. INDEX. 351 Current, Electric, 28. , Electric, Unit of, 28. Currents, Eddy, 74. Cut-Out, 141. , Automatic, 198. Cylinder Armature, 75. D Davenport, 8. Davidson, 8. Decomposition, Electrolytic, 250. Diagram of Load, 299. Direct-Driven Generator, 279. Double-Curve Suspension, 229. Gear Wheels, 119. Pinion, 119. Reduction Motors, 118. Track Bracket Pole, 221. Truck, 99. Dr. Ohm, 35. Drop in Line or Circuit, 54. E E. M. F., 29. Ear, Anchor-Strain, 234. , Automatic, 233. 352 INDEX. Ear, Bracket-Suspension, 231. Clamp, Splicing, 233. , Splicing, 232. Eddy Currents, 74. Edison, 13. Efficiency of Car Lamps, 138. of Line Circuit, 59 to 63. of Motor or Generator, 57 to 59. of Motor or Generator, Effect of Load on, 58, 59. Effective Pressure, 47. Eighth Working Notch, Diagram of Connections of, 188. Electric Car Brake, 126 to 128. Car Heaters, Advantages of, 143, 144. Car, Weight of, 298. Circuit, 27. Current, 28. Current, Unit of, 28. Gradient, 46. Lighting and Heating of Cars, 134 to 153. Street Car Lines of the United States, Statistics of, 14. Locomotive, Motor of, 339. Locomotives, 323 to 342. Locomotives of the Baltimore Tunnel, 330, 331. INDEX. 853 Electric Mining Locomotive, 341. Motor, 67. Railroad System, Self-Contained, 307. Resistance, 34, 35. Snow-Sweeper, 303, 304. Electricity, Quantity of, 42. Electrolysis, 249 to 261. Electrolytic Corrosion, 250. Decomposition, 250. Electromagnetic Pull, 84. Twist, 84. Electromotive Force, 29. Elementary Electrical Principles, 16 to 66. Elements of Storage Cell, 309. Emergency Switch, 156. F Farmer, 10. Feeder Panels, 263. System, 65. Feeders, 64. Feeding Conductors, 64. Points, 65. Field, 13, Magnet Coils, Effect of Shunting, on Motor Speed, 183, 184 354 INDEX. Filaments, Anchored, for Car Lamps, 138. , Non-Vibrating, for Car Lamps, 138. Fixtures for Car Lamps, 139, 140. Flattening of Wheels, 131. Flow, Electric, 28. , Electric and Liquid, Analogy between, 3 to 7. Foot-Pound, 18. Pound-per-Second, 21. Force, Counter- Watermotive, 45. , Counter-Electromotive, 47. , Electromotive, 29, 31. , Electromotive, Unit of, 32. Four-Pole Electric Motor, 88. Fourth Working Notch of Car Controller, Dia- gram of Connections of, 183. Frog, Left-Hand, 239. , Right-Hand, 239. , Three- Way, 239. , Two- Way, 237. Fuse Block, 198. , Safety, 198. G Gear Covers, 120. Wheel, Double, 119. INDEX. 355 Gear Wheels of Car Motors, 69. Gears, Axle, 116. Gearing for Car Wheels, 113. Generator, Belt-Driven, 279. Bus-Bars, 278. , Collecting Brushes of, 282. , Commutator of, 285. , Compound- Wound, 280. , Direct-Driven, 279. , Efficiency of, 57 to 59. , Laminated Core of, 285. Rooms of Power House, Illustrations of, 288 to 294. Switches, 265. Generators and Power House, 279 to 296. Gradient, Electric, 46. , Hydraulic, 44. Green, 11. Grid or Frame of Storage Cell, 314. Guard-Wire Span, 225. Wires, 225. Wires, Running, 225. H Hand Brake Mechanism, 123 to 125. Heaters, Electric, Car, Advantages of, 143, 144. 356 INDEX. Heating and Lighting of Cars, 134 to 153. Coils of Car Heater, 144, 145. Horse-Power, 22. Horseshoe Magnet Core, 84. Hydraulic Circuit, 30, 31. Gradient, 44. Insulators, Strain, 235. , Trolley Wire, 235. International Unit of Activity, 23. j Joule, 18. per-Second, 23. Journal Boxes, 104. Kilowatt, 24. Hour, 53. Lamination of Armature Core, 74. Lamp, Car, 136, 137. INDEX. 357 Lamp Circuit of Car, 135. Lamps, Pilot, 284. Law, Ohm's, 42. Left- Hand Frog, 239. Lever Brake, 122. Lichtenfeld Railway Line, 13. Lightning Arrester, 201 to 203. Arresters, 266. Line Circuit, Efficiency of, 59 to 63. or Circuit, Drop in, 54. Liquid and Electric Flow, Analogy between, 3 to 7. Flow, Resistance of, 33. Load, 278. Diagram, 299. , Effect of, on Efficiency of Motor or Gene- rator, 58, 59. Locomotives, Electric, 323 to 342. Lubricating Bushing of Trolley Wheel, 210, 211. M Made Circuit, 27. Magnet, Permanent Horseshoe, 83. Poles, Consequent, 90. Magnetic Blow-Out, 160. 358 INDEX. Magnetic Circuit-Breaker, 269 to 272. Maintenance and Operation, 297 to 306. Maximum Traction Truck, 100. Mechanism of Brake, 122. , Trolley, 205. Meter, Efficiency of, 57. Milliamperes, 276. Mining Locomotive, Electric, 341. Motor, Carbon Brushes for, 96. , Electric, 67. , Electric, Four-Pole, 88. , Electric, Quadripolar, 88. Load, 170. of Electric Locomotive, 336. , Street Car, 67 to 96. Suspension, Method of, 111 to 114, Motors, Double-Reduction, 118. , Single-Reduction, 117, 118. , Slow-Speed, 118. N Negative Plate of Storage Cell, 309. Ninth Working Notch, of Car Controller, Dia- gram of Connections of, 189. Non-Vibrating Filament for Car La^np, 138. INDEX. 359 o Ohm, 35. , Practical Definition of, 41. Ohm's Law, 42. Open Car Wheels, 107. Circuit, 27. Operation and Maintenance, 297 to 306. Output of Station, 299. P Page, 9. Panel, Pressure, 263. Panels, Feeder, 263. Parallel Connection of Street Cars, 187, 188. Permanent Horseshoe Magnet, 83. Pilot Lamps, 284. Pinion Armature, 115 to 117. , Double, 119. , Rawhide, 120. Pinkus, 9. Plate of Storage Cell, 309. Pneumatic Car Brake, 122. Points, Feeding, 65. Pole, 32. Climbers, 224. , Trolley, 205. 360 INDEX. Port rush Electric Car Line, 13. Positive Plate of Storage Cell, 309. Practical Definition of Ohm, 41. . International Unit of Activity, 24, Pressure, Back Electric, 47. , Back Water, 45. , Effective, 47. - Panel, 263. Pull, Electromagnetic, 84. Q Quadripolar Electric Motor, 88. Street Car Motor, 91. Quantity of Electricity, 42. , Unit of Electric, 48. R Radial Truck, Action of, 101. Rail Bond, 246. Bond, Chicago, 246. Bond, Welded, 248. , Bonding of, 245, 246. -, Continuous, 248. Railroad, Bicycle, 326 to 330. INDEX. 361 Railway, Electric, of Berlin Industrial Exhibition of '79, 12. Lamp, 136. Rate-of-Doing-Work, 20. of Electric Flow, 28. Rawhide Pinion, 120. Resistance Coil for Street Car, 177. , Electric, Unit of, 35. of Conductor, Influence of Cross Section on, 38. of Conductor, Influence of Length on, 38. to Electric Flow, 33. Wires, Effect of Dimensions of, on Resist- ance, 36 to 38. Rheostat Boxes, 265. Right- Angle Crossing, 240. Hand Frog, 239. Ring Armature, 75. Robinson Radial Truck, 101. Rope, Trolley, 205. Rotation, Counter-Electromotive Force of, 166. Running Guard Wires, 225. s Safety Fuse, 11, 198. Sand Box, 131, 132. 362 INDEX. Second Working Notch of Car Controller, Diagram of Connections of, 179. Secondary Cell, 309. Segments, Commutator, 77. Self-Contained Electric Railroad System, 307. Self-Induction, Counter-Electromotive Force of, 165. Shunt or By-Path, 182. Siemens-Halske, 12. Single-Curve Suspension, 229. Reduction Motors, 117, 118. Track Bracket Support, 222. Track Bracket Suspension, 223. Trolley System, 204. Truck, 98, 99. Sixth Working Notch of Car Controller, Diagram of Connections of, 186. Skidding of Car Wheels, 129. Sleet-Cutting Trolley Wheel, 210. Slow-Speed Motors, 118. Snow Sweeper, Electric, 303, 304. Span Guard Wires, 225. Wire, 234. Wires, 219. Wire Support, 220. Wire System, 220, 221. Splicing Ear, 232. INDEX. 363 Station, Output of, 299. Stationary Electric Motor, 87. Storage Battery Car Truck, 317. Battery System, Car Controller for, 320 to 322. Battery Systems, 307 to 322. Cell, 309. Cell, Elements of, 309. Cell, Negative Plate of, 309. Cell, Positive Plate of, 309. Cells, Frame or Grid of, 314. Straight-Line Suspension, 227. Strain Insulators, 235. Street Car, Brush Holder for, 95. Car Motor, 67 to 96. Car Quadripolar Motor, 91. Car Resistance Coil, 177. Street Cars, Parallel Connection of, 187, 188. Strip, Commutator, 77. Support, Triple-Truck, 101. Suspension, Double-Curve, 229. of Car Motor, Method of, 111 to 114. , Single-Curve, 230. , Straight-Line, 227. Switch and Cut-Out for Car Lamp, 139 to 141. , Automatic, for Car, 129. , Canopy, 199, 200. 364 INDEX. Switch, Emergency, 156. , Temperature-Regulating, for Car Heater, 147. Switches and Controllers, 154 to 203. , Feeder, 266. Switchboard, Railway Generator Station,262 to 266. Switchboards, 262 to 278. System, Feeder, 65. , Single-Trolley, 204. Temperature-Regulating Switch for Car Heater, 147. Tenth Working Notch of Car Controller, Diagram of Connections of, 190. Third Working Notch of Car Controller, Diagram of Connections of, 182. Three-Way Frog, 239. Total-Current Panel, 263. Tower Wagons, 2, 302. Track Construction, 242 to 248. , Double, 99, 100. Truck, Maximum-Traction, 100. Tread of Car Wheels, 109. Triple Truck Support, 101. Trolley Base, 205. INDEX. 865 Trolley Base, Boston, 214, 215. - Base, Forms of, 213 to 218. Crossing, 239. - Ear, 227. Frog, 237. Insulator, 227. Line Construction, 219 to 248. Mechanism, 205. Pole, 205. - Rope, 205. System, Conduit, 306. System, Underground, 306. Wheel, 205. Wheel, Forms of, 209. Wheel and Harp, 208. Wheel, Lubricating Bushing of, 210, 211. Wheel, Sleet-Cutting, 210. Wire Insulators, 235. Trolleys, 204 to 218. Truck, 85. , Robinson Radial, 101. Twist, Electromagnetic, 84. Two- Way Frog, 237. u Underground Trolley System, 306. Unit of Activity, 21. 366 INDEX. Unit of Electric Current, 28. of Electric Quantity, 48. of Electromotive Force, 32. of Resistance, 35. of Work, 53. V V-Frog, 237. Vanderpoele, 13. Voltmeter, 54, 263. for Railway Switchboard, 274 to 275. w Wagons, Tower, 302. Watermotive Force, 31. Water-pipes, Resistance of Flow through, 33, Watt, 23. Watt-hour, 53. Watt-hours of Storage Cell, 310. Weight of Electric Car, 298. Welded Rail Bond, 248. Wheel, Trolley, 205. Wheels, Flattening of, 131. , Tread of, 109. Wire, Span, 234. INDEX. 367 Wires, Guard, 225. , Span, 219. Work, 17, 18. , Unit of, 53. , Units of, 17. Elementary Electro -Technical Series. EDWIN J. HOUSTON, Ph.D. and A. E, KENNELLY, D.Sc. Alternating Electric Currents, Electric Incandescent Light- Electric Heating, ing, Electromagnetism, Electric Motors, Electricity in Electro-Thera- Electric Street Railways, " peutics, Electric Telephony, Electric Arc Lighting, Electric Telegraphy. Cloth, profusely illustrated. Price, $1.OO per volume. 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