rnoe University of California Berkeley Gift of THE HEARST CORPORATION $ONCS or CHILDHOOD VERSES BY EVGENE EIELD AVSIC BY ' REGINALD DE KOVEN AND OTHERS CHARGES SC^JBNtRJi SONS 1907 Copyright, 1896, By Charles Scribner's Sons PRELUDE be lamentswbicb arose from the sorrow- ing heart of the great public that loved Eugene Field, laments that bis voice should have been si- lenced when its note was at its tender est and clear- est, there have been many wishes that more of bis exquisite songs should be set to music. In all of Field's verse, in even the broadly comic, there is a markedly lyrical quality which invari- ably suggests a musical setting ; and yet in few in- stances were these verses written with any thought of their musical adaptability. This quality was the inevitable accent of bis song, as natural and as necessary as the flavor of a fruit and the fragrance of a flower. The purpose of this collection is to meet the demand for musical settings of Field's verse, its aim to express its lyrical quality as nat- urally and simply as possible. The versatility dis- & yw?j played in the varied themes of these lyrics is as re- markable as their suggestiveness to the composer. The peculiar genius displayed in Field's verses of childhood dictated the prevailing character of this collection, which was finally adhered to throughout, so that the volume should be both har- monious and homogeneous. e/fo the poet was eminently and always heartily American and of bis own country, the composers selected by the Editor to set bis verses are likewise American, and their names representative as such and as song-writers. Fifteen out of the twenty *ongs have been written especially for this work, the other five being included therein by Special ar- rangement with the publishers. REGINALD New York, October 27, 1896. JT ^ ^ 52 3L ^ &\^*i f SONGS AND COMPOSERS SWING HIGH AND SWING LOW Reginald de Koven LITTLE MISTRESS SANS-MERCI 9 Arthur Foote LITTLE-OH-DEAR 17 Reginald de Koven KISSING TIME G. W. Chad-wick ORKNEY LULLABY Reginald de Koven THE ROCK-A-BY LADY W. W. Gilcbrist THE DOLL'S WOOING Clayton Johns NIGHTFALL IN DORDRECHT Reginald de Koven THE BROOK Arthur Foote riftftv "FIDDLE-DEE-DEE" '. . . . 55 Reginald de Ko-ven OH, LITTLE CHILD 61 Gerrit Smith LITTLE BOY BLUE 65 Reginald de Koven ARMENIAN LULLABY 71 G. W. Cbadwich HUSHABY, SWEET MY OWN 75 C. B. Hawley DUTCH LULLABY 81 Reginald de Koven CHILD AND MOTHER 87 W. W. Gilcbrist JAPANESE LULLABY 91 Reginald de Koven THE DINKEY BIRD Edgar S. Kelly NORSE LULLABY Reginald de Koven THE LITTLE PEACH n Hubbard T. Smith 99 105 SONGS OF CHILDHOOD SWING HIGH AMD SWING LOW SWING high and swing low While the breezes they blow- It 's off for a sailor thy father would go; And it 's here in the harbor, in sight of the sea, He hath left his wee babe with my song and with me: " Swing high and swing low While the breezes they blow! " Swing high and swing low While the breezes they blow- It 's oh for the waiting as weary days go! And it 's oh for the heartache that smiteth me when I sing my song over and over again: " Swing high and swing low While the breezes they blow! " " Swing high and swing low " The sea singeth so, And it waileth anon in its ebb and its flow; And a sleeper sleeps on to that song of the sea, Nor recketh he ever of mine or of me! " Swing high and swing low While the breezes they blow 'T was off for a sailor thy father would go! " SWING HIGH AND SWING LOW Attegn'tlo mndenito. Music by REGINALD DE KOVEN, Op. 117, No. 2 f 3E Con spirito marcato il moeimento. mm 1. Swing 2. Swing m Fed. /W. high and swing low While the breez-es they blow ; Swing high, swing high, swing low, It's high and swing low While the breez-es they blow ; Swing high, swing high, swing low, It's p i - m r> ft _ r i* ^^-^r^5^ off for a sail - or thy fa-ther would go, Swing high, swing high, swing low, oh, for the wait-ing as wea - ry days go, Swing high, swing high, swing low, And it's And it's i cresc. i= ^ Copyright, 1896. by Charles Scribner's Sons. eon tenttmento. -^ ^ here in the har-bor in sight of the sea, Swing high, swing high, swing low, oh, for the heartache that smit-eth me when, Swing high, swing high, swing low, x He hath i i i * f* teneresza. 7k ft P~* F : ~~^ 1= h f 2 K left his wee babe with my sing my song o - ver and y. ^ ^ J =K song and with me, Swing o - ver a - gain, Swing -d V d x r^x high, swing low, swing high, swing low, swing j N F -= sr i 8 % 8= -t i! J -- Lr n r-4- u i con tenerezaa. 1 1 fc% 1 2 z m J_ 1 W. 'i " -J-, J ^- rnfl. 3 3 high, swing low, His babe with my song and with me. . . high, swing low, All o - ver and o - ver a - gain. . a tempo. f ._n- ^r^ ^=-< -f "* ^ ^ XK ^ r ^ r^ 1 1 h K 1$ '--1 m Swing, while the breez - es they blow. It's off for a sail - or thy ri i 1 M 1 : S ' R BBS ' r^" r r ^"f f i 1 - F 1 ores. 1 w ^ ! =^= *^ 5 ...Jr , l r -f -^ =*- -1 1 ^- rail. N =(: a tempo. -/ 7 3 fa - thcr would go. Swing high, swing high, swing low. . 7k ^"^^ " ^^^ '^ K-* Bj 1-45 |. -K-| =P r ^i p>- high and swing low, The ?Pff -j P ^~ ^-i * Z*L ^J J _J5 ^ ' m. sea sing-eth so, Swing high, swing high, swing fe ^ _ _ _5_ it/ ^p- -j- -p- -5- Poco sostenuto. wy t H - B*~T " 8-**- -*- "-**- ^~- ^J-v f| *j * t*- * CH t ^F _ -* 1 1 , 1 "1 low. And it wail - eth a - non in its ebb and its flow ; Swing Placido. flttjp^ 1 I* I s 5 ' -*p . j = * f* 7i v /* r < t) high, swing high and swing -0-8 1 1 low, A x sleep - cr sleeps on to that -#-',. p * f s~~ [^ 1 i^ \r\\ * n m ! J 1 I ij tip f f m s "3 * ** * * 1 Placido. s fe)% \ = v> S J J _l n _j ] r-08 ^- |n 1 i h> K M h * P g^^J * K i is P U * J J _ i ^ "^ 1 ^L: _J J song of the se<^ that song, that song of th< i -&* ^ 1 ~Jt $ 1 ~ >~" "l 5 ^ ^^ s *^" j- ^K d i= m>. ' P J i ^j 1 i^ j* j: * ^5 1 1 =^= ^ :^d^ J~ "^ con tenerezza. reck-eth he ev - er of mine or of me, Swing high, swing low, swing high, swing low, The r f) m f t rail. ^ E sea sing - eth so i ^ " i n. i x fl r - - * r~~ ^ J 3 r r (* 1* - J J Swing high and swing low, Swing while the breez - es they blow, 'Twas a tempo Imo. n 2- -4 . -^ ^""1 H~ gp g - =| ^ J -3-\ -r 1 b^ i sJ~ I "S~ '' U" ^> : * ^ ^f f f P=2^ *j 1 = i *.... E 1 V l!? = t *- oif for a sail - or thy fa - ther would go ! Swing high, swing high, swing 7-rtfl. ^ rK. e &'ra. * m PP =t low, Swing high, swing low. ro//. e rfiwi. ^ ^ i= fed. */. * LITTLE MISTRESS SANS-MERCI CTLE Mistress Sans-Merci 'areth world-wide, fancy free: Trotteth cooing to and fro, And her cooing is command Never ruled there yet, I trow, Mightier despot in the land. And my heart it lieth where Mistress Sans-Merci doth fare. Little Mistress Sans-Merci She hath made a slave of me! " Go," she biddeth, and I go " Come," and I am fain to come- Never mercy doth she show, Be she wroth or frolicsome, Yet am I content to be Slave to Mistress Sans-Merci! Little Mistress Sans-Merci Hath become so dear to me That I count as passing sweet All the pain her moods impart, And I bless the little feet That go trampling on my heart", Ah, how lonely life would be But for little Sans-Merci! Little Mistress Sans-Merci, Cuddle close this night to me, And the heart, which all day long Ruthless thou hast trod upon, Shall outpour a soothing song For its best beloved one All its tenderness for thee, Little Mistress Sans-Merci! W LITTLE MISTRESS SANS-MERCI Music by ARTHUR FOOTE Not too fast. Senza Pedal. \ dolce. 3 1. Lit - tie Mis - - tress 3= i PP i i_ f> S S=*: -x *- X *- Copyright, 1896, by Charles Scribner'i Sons. L_LL fig m . ~""*,f Pi ^ --- =E n* ~~* P tJ V 1 ' fan - - cy fre e: i ~. Trc t - teth i CO & - - ing -r r r to and 1 ff - 1- -4 *^-* ^ S ' ,<* 5 |^-Jt ~\- - : - r t E^t=^_ = -j J ^ -,o * ^^ | ] 1 J fro, 1* And he P coo - - ing -\$^ ^ ^_ is com - mand i > ^ 5 P^w-s* ^ * J ^ ^r*=^ x f- f k r .* - i ' * 1* s s* x x "1* [ r? ^ " j flj ^-iH ^ * -)S ^ ^ [gy'ff * x s ^4=^ -F E a rf/f- ( -, = 1 T ^~ Ne i y - P i n -J 1 iled there ye t, I trow, tfight - - ier H?^- ^- i 1 S' tj>- ai -1*

. j i i 1 ^ - g 1 it li - - - eth ^ ^ ^ where Mis - tress Sans-Mer- HM I poco mf ^ N* 1 IL \ s - *5?=^ / f3-: p*-' j*-^^ * d== r 1 ^ b ^gX Animnio. mf dim. 3 ^^ Lit - tie Mis - tress Sans - Mer - ci hath be - come so PP g dear to me, That I count as pass - ing sweet t^>3 J - rH-r I= c = r All the pain her moods im - part, And I . 2zz; Fed. \Jf*u ?- =j= | 1 1 b le ss t 1C li t - tl e 1 ' feet -> Thi # it g( i =S J tram - pling -fl-8 " t * 9~ t* r If fl rfim.p t tt-^r i ^ m ^ -j- ^J - ... ELI * f-- = -* &-- r- I L^L- " * * ^J' 12 espress. on my heart: Ah, how lone - ly life would be dolce. But for lit - tie Sans - - - Mer - ci ! a tempo. poco dolce. 2. Lit - tie Mis - - tress J J i P ^ 1 *-' > F -x J J i j -p p ^P~ ^t ?^ -| i) " night to *( % r me, And the ieart, which all day . i* i ^ W - JJ J * * -ftsU- i?" * S" JO-' &t-^ : * + ^^J J _l \ J4- "^ ~ ^eL s^ ^ ___-^ 9 long Ruth - - less thou hast trod , . , up - on, i P^^^ * r k r f. i s s ' -p >. ^~ 1 S S^_ r $*m * * ^TftJ-J-gJ ^ J * \* S* l^^-Jt P \ -U ^ *- u cresc. f> dole*. All its ten - der - ness for itr * * J- thee, Lit - tie Mis - - tress Sans .... Mer - ,J- -JSs. (S3;; ^2L wrea corda. 15 1 rgr~x * L1TTLE-OH-DEAR SEE, what a wonderful garden is here, Planted and trimmed for my Little-Oh-Dear! Posies so gaudy and grass of such brown- Search ye the country and hunt ye the town And never ye '11 meet with a garden so queer As this one I 've made for my Little-Oh-Dear! Marigolds white and buttercups blue, Lilies all dabbled with honey and dew, The cactus that trails over trellis and wall, Roses and pansies and violets all Make proper obeisance and reverent cheer When into her garden steps Little-Oh-Dear. And up at the top of that lavender-tree A silver-bird singeth as only can she; For, ever and only, she singeth the song "I love you I love you!" the happy day long; Then the echo the echo that smiteth me here! " I love you, I love you," my Little-Oh-Dear! The garden may wither, the silver-bird fly- But what careth my little precious, or I? From her pathway of flowers that in springtime upstart She walketh the tenderer way in my heart. And, oh, it is always the summer-time here With that song of " I love you," my Little-Oh-Dear! LITTLE -OH -DEAR Music by REGINALD DE KOVEN AUe.gretto Gracioso. 1. See what a won - der-ful gar - den is here, Plant- ed and trimm'd for my Lit- tie - Oh -Dear! Po - sies so gaud- y and Copyrijht, 1896, by Charles Scribner's Sons. d!fi grass of such brown, Search ye the coun - try and hunt ye the town And f "* ' nev - er ye'll meet with a gar - den so queer As this one I've made for my f. - - . a tempo. /? con teneressa. ^ 4= Lit - tie - Oh - Dear ! Lit - tie - Oh - Dear ! Lit - tie - Oh - Dear ! As f 3? molto. 5=- m tempo. this one I've made for my Lit - tie - Oh - Dear ! * e 8-*- )0 coKa wee. -*i - -w i 18 .j f Poco piu Allegro. 2. Mar - i - golds white and but - ter-cups blue, Lil - ies all dab - bled with Semplice. - * hon - ey and dew, The creep - er that trails o'er trel - lis and cr tempo. cresc. fr**ft ^ -J 5 ' V- r^ J J J r> r s n r ** \ &~ * m ml "-* 5wJ^ C X j.^ 1 Ros - es and pan-sies and vi - o-lets, al I Make ] prop - er o - bei-sance and ^ * * ^ 8 * [L ^ ^ ^-j- ^F L >, j* i 1 i J E ^ -. - f =j 1 i j ?5 19 f /r\ n tempo. Tf-^-S M B S f fc V d* > 1-^ -J- , . ^ * ^-^ (g)- & ^ - ft* 1 J * 1> f --!-. -b b t) rev e-rent cheer When in - to her gar-den steps V lit - tie - Oh - Dear ! tt tf ~^ ^~ ^ ^ ^~- (&-*"%-i *u : r^ i T /T \ ? - f f fe^if-J . > i ^ 3 *\=i JZ j Tempo Into. & 3. And p f>, f I -f f 1 Fed. * up at the top of a lav - en - der tree, A sil - ver bird sing - eth as T T 3i -*! H*!- -a-j-^u o- E on - ly can she; For, ev - er and on H* =] - ly, she sing- eth the song, "I bg h ' W s, f ^ K ft ..J** -ii* l*~h ft* "!* ^ love you, I love you," the hap - py day long, And oh, 'tis al - ways the 9- B- ^_ * 1 3= o tempo. sum - mer time here with that song, " I love you," my Lit - tie - Oh - Dear ! coce. ^3 P con tenerezza. rail, molto. OS f^~^ r ^ =3 s . Lit - tie - Oh - Dear ! Lit - tie -Oh- Dear! "I * & ^ * ^ J love you, I love you," my p=5s -j* -i^- $ ? : ^==~ f) colla noce. 3& 1? ~= = 1 j ^ L ^ Lit - tie - Oh - Dear! Perdendoso. P3 J J 21 KISSING TIME MS when the lark goes soaring And the bee is at the bud, When lightly dancing zephyrs Sing over field and flood; When all sweet things in nature Seem joyfully achime T is then I wake my darling, For it is kissing time! Go, pretty lark, a-soaring, And suck your sweets, bee; Sing, ye winds of summer, Your songs to mine and me; For with your song and rapture Cometh the moment when It 's half-past kissing time And time to kiss again! So so the days go fleeting Like golden fancies free, And every day that cometh Is full of sweets for me; And sweetest are those moments My darling comes to climb Into my lap to mind me That it is kissing time. Sometimes, maybe, he wanders A heedless, aimless way Sometimes, maybe, he loiters In pretty, prattling play; But presently bethinks him And hastens to me then, For it 's half-past kissing time And time to kiss again! Allegretto schersando. ^r>- KISSING TIME Music by G. W. CHADWICK P cr*^ r 1. 'Tis when the lark goes soar imr And the bee is at the ^ = p: =^E U i =^ bud, When light - ly danc - ing zeph - yrs Sing o - ver field and flood ; When all things sweet in 3t m Copyright, 1896, by Charles Scribner'i Sons. 3 m "g 1 ture Seem joy - ful - ly a - chime 'Tis then I wake my dar - - ling, For it is kiss - ing time ! g=g==g =3= 2. Go, pret - ty lark, a - soar - - ing, And suck your sweets, bee ; Sing, ye winds of sum - mer, Your A W fc = -K -I*" J5 < * songs to mine and *-^ J me ; For Li -I? . L_JC C ^ with your song an d J J i ! sf~ -* 1 -*-* ~T 1 i j 1 LL_ ^ _U J V half - past kiss - ing time, And time to kiss a - gain. ORKNEY LULLABY A MOONBEAM floateth from the skies, Whispering, " Heigho, my dearie! I would spin a web before your eyes, A beautiful web of silver light, Wherein is many a w.,!idrous sight Of a radiant garden leagues away, Where the softly tinkling lilies sway, And the snow-white lambkins are at play, Heigho, my dearie!" A brownie stealeth from the vine Singing, " Heigho, my dearie! And will you hear this song of mine, A song of the land of murk and mist, Where bideth the bud the dew hath kisst? Then let the moonbeam's web of light Be spun before thee silvery white, And I shall sing the livelong night, Heigho, my dearie!" The night wind speedeth from the sea, Murmuring, "Heigho, my dearie! I bring a mariner's prayer for thee; So let the moonbeam veil thine eyes, And the brownie sing thee lullabies; But I shall rock thee to and fro, Kissing the brow he loveth so, And the prayer shall guard thy bed, I trow, Heigho, my dearie!" ORKNEY LULLABY Andantino grncioan. Music by REGINALD DE KOVEN r^ -r- . v> -g-- 3= dim. P E3 core sentimento. dim. t/T ' I | > > , fs > H | ^ > ^ 1 r : " n * ~* J i J* J -- X 1. A moonbeam floateth from the skies, Whisp'rin g," Heigho ! my lear-ie! my ( lear-ie! I'd 1 -p- es . ,^i . (&>-- U, - - -\ n iG 1 ^' P sostenuto. ~ * ^ .-V Jsn i ^ # ^ ^ ^. j* ~ -^ ^ ! 1 1 i i i (^ 1 Fed. Vrf.l h> > - _ i i N If ^ ' ^ r i**J \~1Z J -^- L* A _.w^ *L-g^ !!: L-* ' ' Tr ~ ^-^ beau - ti - ful web of sil - ver light, spin a web be -fore your s s *" ^ eyes, ^ It 1 - I =F ^^ IF animando. -y^. ^ ^ 23 ' ^ p * ~m IfTS-A -*js-: PP Wliere-in is many a wondrous sight Of a radiant garden leagues away, Where the soft-ly tinkling Copyright, 1896, by Charles Scribner's Soni. mil. a tempo. -***- E IMM:= li-lies sway, Where the soft-ly tinkling lilies sway, And the snow white lambkins a tempo. =&=^ g^HTg T rail. TO/. are at play, Heigh - o ! heigh - o ! iny dear - ie. C" K V fc 1 Ik h i 1 r V[ "U ^ S h s ^ p 3 ^ s ! 1 * Q* > ix t Where the snow white lamb-kins are at play, Heigh - o! my dear - ie!" ^ =i 1 = ! ' I E * # * ^ S " r r^ P * ^"^* -o *. PP ^- :g: gt i ^ 1 2j 1 ^j 1 . m W ' 1 L; r 1 1 ft- ^*^- r ^~ c *' a tempo. i senlimenln. ^-S Jf ^-v 1=2 y ^ -* ~ -. \w~?=-~=\ ~r~ !=3r~ o 9 2. A brownie stealeth from the vine, Singing," Heigh-o, my dear -ie, my dear -ie! And n -p=- -fS*- t x 1 aEs i-s* - B f 12 - 1 ^ =\ P sostenuto. 2 s~ ; S : ' -si-- 1 -J- _ "5 * ^ --^-T .-__ . . i ; 1 ^. ^^-^ i 'r ~ Krf. */J kK-^- ^ 2 -1 , _ 1 - -j^ c 1 fc (a ! IV'ly i^ j p ^P 4r^ ^, ^s " ~~ B will vou hour this son |s% to 'i* *H r i ! \ & F"^ f 1 pp B* - P* 3tt Where hides the bud the dew hath kiss'd, Then let the moonbeam's web of light Be spun before thee, PP -Sts- r r rail. a tempo. rail. *&v- live-long night, Heigh - o, heigh - o, heigh - o, my dear - ie! r' pp mollo rail. 3n P !* fit* * i_ N "* ! ' _j ^ y *- U* f ^2 -^"-^-jrr: =^ m I shall sing the live - long night, Heigh - o, my 1* 1 = dear - ie!" I W *--! r r^1 ffi -* ^T pp r , r ^ SSE =^ i*-^ J- LJ , 1 -*> j agitato. mf Misterioso. -.. ^ ~|S~ i^ S >.~ S ^ >. g ~ i J r IH p-^J > =^ Marcato. 3. The night-wind speedeth from the sea, Murm'ring," Heigh-o, my dim.. ^ v Poco pressando. m -s x- dear - ie, my dear - ie ! I bring a mar'ner's pray'r to thee, So let the -a -' 9~ ' /*oco press ando. -l^n 30 cres. moonbeam veil thine eyes, And the brownie sing thee lul - la-bies, But I shall rock thee to and fro, ^ ^^ m dim. rail.. Tempo I. f) TTNTf^ Kiss -ing the brow he lov-eth so. But I shall rock thee to and fro, Tempo J. con sentimento. mf. _ And the pray'r shall guard thy bed 1 trow, Heigh-o, heigh - o, heigh - o, my dear - ie ! It ~i = 'is f) molto ; 3= And the pray'r shall guard thy bed I trow, Heigh-o! my dear - - ie!" sempre rilard. -i g|- 7, cotto pp ^ [dim. e PPP ^ a ^ if T 31 . Iff THE ROCK-A-BY LADY THE Rock-a-By Lady from Hushaby street Comes stealing; comes creeping; The poppies they hang from her head to her feet, And each hath a dream that is tiny and fleet- She bringeth her poppies to you, my sweet, When she findeth you sleeping! There is one little dream of a beautiful drum "Rub-a-dub!" it goeth; There is one little dream of a big sugar-plum, And lo! thick and fast the other dreams come Of popguns that bang, and tin tops that hum, And a trumpet that bloweth! And dollies peep out of those wee little dreams With laughter and singing; And boats go a-floating on silvery streams, And the stars peek-a-boo with their own misty gleams, And up, up, and up, where the Mother Moon beams, The fairies go winging! Would you dream all these dreams that are tiny and fleet? They '11 come to you sleeping; So shut the two eyes that are weary, my sweet, For the Rock-a-By Lady from Hushaby street, With poppies that hang from her head to her feet, Comes stealing; comes creeping. sss THE ROCK-A-BY LADY Music by W. W. GILCHRIST s * i Hush - a - by Street Comes steal beau - ti - ful drum " Rub-a - dub, wee lit -tie dreams With laugh 91 - - ing, comes creep Rub-a - dub," it go - - ter and sing ing ; The eth; There is ing; And m 5 pop - pies they hang from her head to her feet, And each hath a dream that is one lit -tie dream of a big su-gar plum, And lo ! thick and fast the boats go a - float - ing on sil - ver - y streams, And the stars peek - a - boo with their Copyright, 1896, by Charles Scribner's Sons. =^~T~ =^= &> =P= :^== :=2=p===:q*==j::= R ^ =bz= f- ^, h* =t*= =^ ! tf =ji=p5 ti - nyand fleet, She bring -eth her pop -pies to you, my sweet, When she oth - er dreams come Of pop-guns that bang, and tin - tops that hum, And a own mist-y gleams, And up, up and ,. up where the Moth - er-Moon beams, The 3 find trum fai - eth you sleep - - pet that blow - . ries go wing - iU . ( eth! 4. Would you dream all these dreams that are & 3 ti - ny and fleet? They'll come to you sleep - - - ing; So 34 dt 3 ' ^ s ^ i F -& H ^* *: i ^__3I i S S f ' ^ F 5 i- 1 shut the two m _S ^ ** eyes that are u =i -^a** ^^^ wea - ry, my g } i weet, For the "1 m\ 5 ^ ^~ Jock - a - by La - dy from ^ f - 9 r^ i _ ~E| E - -J-T -r ~^- -P 1 Hush - a - by Street, With pop - pies that hang from her head to her feet, Comes THE DOLL'S WOOING THE little French doll was a dear little doll Tricked out in the sweetest of dresses; Her eyes were of hue A most delicate blue, And dark as the night were her tresses; Her dear little mouth was fluted and red, And this little French doll was so very well bred That whenever accosted her little mouth said: "Mamma! mamma!" The stockinet doll, with one arm and one leg, Had once been a handsome young fellow, But now he appeared Rather frowzy and bleared In his torn regimentals of yellow; Yet his heart gave a curious thump as he lay In the little toy cart near the window one day And heard the sweet voice of that French dolly say: "Mamma! mamma!" He listened so long and he listened so hard That anon he grew ever so tender, For it 's everywhere known That the feminine tone Gets away with all masculine gender! He up and he wooed her with soldierly zest, But all she 'd reply to the love he professed Werettese plaintive words (which perhaps you have guessed): "Mamma! mamma!" Her mother a sweet little lady of five- Vouchsafed her parental protection, And although stockinet Was n't blue-blooded, yet She really could make no objection! So soldier and dolly were wedded one day, And a moment ago, as I journeyed that way, I 'm sure that I heard a wee baby voice say: " Mamma! mamma! " THE DOLL'S WOOING Music by CLAYTON JOHNS Poco Allegretto. * f lit -tie French doll was a dear lit -tie doll, Tricked out in the sweet -est of -ZV071 legato. dress - es ; Her eyes were of hue, a most del - i - cate blue, And ^ Copyright. 1896. by Charles Scribner'i Sons. =h h~ -i^" P r P -f 1 - thump as he lay in the lit -tie toy cart near the JP ^ ^ ^_ win - dow one day, And [ *' -; r- r 1 P%_^L J- T i ' ^ * -*-, E 39 ~ s r r r r =g" jg g 5 FP~= > | S&r 1 heai rd the sweet-voice of that - P-^ L ^I= French dol - ly say : " Mam 1 *_ -ma! Ham- %=S c. y. * f: R p 5 , - ^ ^^. ft ' -J ma Sm. 9 Her [^8 ff moth-er a sweet lit -tie la - dy of five Vouch-safed her pa - ren - tal pro - t) jg- * -i ^ ' Non legato. ~*~ ' @3 1 1 : *: 1 J 1 * 1 1 <^_jf -^ SL= rTtt E h ik IS h S a ^ - tec - tion, And al-though Stock- i - net was -n't -0$ 1 1 blue - blood - ed, Yet she bp=J t-5 1 =1 . \ i 1 i S 1 *1 i n 3 .'. -*j- b~s- -^- -**- S-C-& m jw . * * 40 -$$ N h f, ^ > F === H ^- ^~ ^=J^ -J* J~J^ ffi J J 1 *- J - real - ly could make no ob - * m m jec - tion ! So i 1 t- * * * r 1 r 1 sol - dier and dol - ly were ~-m- : - S 3*: ~*i [rli fL^ 1 LjJ L, Ef" 1" ' wed - ded one day, And a mo-ment a - go as I jour - neyed that way, I'm fi ft !* 1* ^ ^ * ^ . pi i sure that I heard a wee ba - by voice say, " Mam - ma ! mam - Pu ,** ' # h ! f ' ^ > F ^ f T^ 1^ ' ' I/ 0~^~ * =s d ~ 1 04 ^~. ^ r H \j.. ' -4^ 1 mmm i^j Hk* NIGHTFALL IN DORDRECHT . rTAHE mill goes toiling slowly around i'Vith steady and solemn creak, And my little one hears in the kindly sound The voice of the old mill speak. While round and round those big white wings Grimly and ghostlike creep, My little one bears that the old mill sings: "Sleep, little tu?:p, sleep!" The sails are reefed and the nets are drawn, And, over his pot of beer, The fisher, against the morrow's dawn, Lustily maketh cheer; He mocks at the winds that caper along From the far-off clamorous deep- But we we love their lullaby song Of "Sleep, little tulip, sleep!" Old dog Fritz in slumber sound Groans of the stony mart- To-morrow how proudly he '11 trot you round, Hitched to our new milk-cart! And you shall help me blanket the kine And fold the gentle sheep And set the herring a-soak in brine- But now, little tulip, sleep! A Dream-One comes to button the eyes That wearily droop and blink, While the old mill buffets the frowning skies And scolds at the stars that wink; Over your face the misty wings Of that beautiful Dream-One sweep, And rocking your cradle she softly sings: "Sleep, little tulip, sleep!" ^ / V & NIGHTFALL IN DORDRECHT Allegretto Uttuleratn. Music by REGINALD DE KOVEN 1. The mill goes toil - ing 2. The sails are reef'd, the - ores. SS slow nets ly around With stead - y and sol - emn creak, are drawn, And o - verhispot of beer And my lit-tle one hears in the The fisher a -gainst the dim. -9- kind - ly sound, My little one hears in the kind - ly sound The voice of the old mill mor - row's dawn, The fisher a - gainst the mor - row's dawn So lus - ti-ly mak - eth Copyright, 1896. by Charles Scribner's Sons. speak, cheer, The voice of the old mill speak. So lus - ti-ly mak - eth cheer ; While round and round those He mocks the winds that cresc. 3 Grim - ly and ghost-like creep. big white wings dance a - long from the far off clam-'rous deep My little one hears that the But we, we love their poco pressando. =fc=te= /= ^ * \=^ old mill sings : " Sleep, little tu - lip, sleep, lit-tle tu - lip, sleep," lul-la-by song of " Sleep, little tu - lip, sleep, lit-tle tu - lip, sleep," While While mf a tempo. 5 round and round the mill wings round and round the mill wings So grim and ghost - like creep, So grim and ghost - like creep, My My -g a VT f>- -> 5> lit-tle one, my lit-tle one, the old mill is SL sing - ing, " Sleep, lit-tle tu - lip, sleep." lit-tle one, my lit-tle one, the old mill is n, sing - ing, " Sleep, lit-tle tu - lip, sleep." 3. A Dream -One comes to cresc. s: but - ton the eyes That wea - ri-ly droop and blink, While the old mill buffets the 46 dim. frown - ing skies The old mill buffets the frown - ing skies, And scolds at the stars that ttfcss wink, And scolds at the stars that wink; Then o'er your face the mist - y wings of that beautiful Dream-One sweep, And rock -ing your era-die she *=t poco pressando. ^=S3EE^ soft - ly sings: "Sleep, little tu - lip, sleep, little tu - lip, sleep, While mf 'i tempo. o'er your face the Dream-One her mist - y wings doth sweep. My C^Pt^^J ^J = pt^^ cresc. = lit -tie one, my lit -tie one, the old mill is a sing - ing, " Sleep, little tu - lip, sleep, sleep, little tu - lip, THE BROOK I LOOKED in the brook and saw a face Heigh-ho, but a child was I! There were rushes and willows in that place, And they clutched at the brook as the brook ran by; And the brook it ran its own sweet way, As a child doth run in heedless play, And as it ran I heard it say: " Hasten with me To the roistering sea That is wroth with the flame of the morning sky!" I look in the brook and see a face Heigh-ho, but the years go by! The rushes are dead in the old-time place, And the willows I knew when a child was I. And the brook it seemeth to me to say, As ever it stealeth on its way Solemnly now, and not in play: " Oh, come with me To the slumbrous sea That is gray with the peace of the evening sky!" Heigh-ho, but the years go by I would to God that a child were I! K? THE BROOK Music by ARTHUR FOOTE Moderato gruzioso. j brook and saw a face- HeiKh - - - * Jt cresc. m f w Copyright. 1896, by Chariot Scribner's Sons *^ -^f 3- -P* A - p* k - * -> H- 35^=33 There were rush - es and wil - lows in that place, And they clutched at the brook as the brook ran by ; And the brook it ran its m dolce. own sweet way, As a child doth run in heed - less play, And as it Sempre animato. To the rois - ter-ing sea That is wroth with the flame of the morn - ing sky ! ". Pedl ritard at tempo. m/ ^S^3 51 -J-. J- see a face J I I Heigh - ho, dim. .J. afe s 33 -p* p* r msh-es are dead in the old - time place, And the wil-lows I knew when a ^B -v m ev - er it steal - eth on its way Solemn-ly now, and not in =&&^3&^ tef~**f-2==2 3-%- sempre dolce, espressivo. Ptd. slumb - rous sea That is gray with the peace of the eve-ning * \* \r * f - Ped. 2 ritard. r *j^- i* ^K gt^ ^. ' 3? ^v \ 1 '<$. i Jr "FIDDLE-DEE-DEE" THERE once was a bird that lived up in a tree, And all he could whistle was " Fiddle-dee-dee " A very provoking, unmusical song For one to be whistling the summer day long! Yet always contented and busy was he With that vocal recurrence of " Fiddle-dee-dee." Hard by lived a brave little soldier of four, That weird iteration repented him sore; "I prithee, Dear-Mother-Mine! fetch me my gun, For, by our St. Didy! the deed must be done That shall presently rid all creation and me Of that ominous bird and his ' Fiddle-dee-dee ' ! " Then out came Dear-Mother-Mine, bringing her son His awfully truculent little red gun; The stock was of pine and the barrel of tin, The " bang " it came out where the bullet went in The right kind of weapon, I think you '11 agree, For slaying all fowl that go "Fiddle-dee-dee" ! The brave little soldier quoth never a word, But he up and he drew' a straight bead on that bird; And, while that vain creature provokingly sang, The gun it went off with a terrible bang! Then loud laughed the youth" By my Bottle," cried he, " I 've put a quietus on ' Fiddle-dee-dee ' ! " Out came then Dear-Mother-Mine, saying: " My son, Right well have you wrought with your little red gun! Hereafter no evil at all need I fear, With such a brave soldier as You-My-Love here! " She kissed the dear boy. [The bird in the tree Continued to whistle his " Fiddle-dee-dee " !] f \ & FIDDLE- DEE- DEE" Music by REGINALD DE KOVEN Allegro Gracioso. m/ leggiero. ^=^ ^ = E3 = ^ = ^ =t ^ = 3 ^WHISTLE. 1. There once was a bird that lived up in a tree, 2. Hard by lived a brave lit-tle sol - dier of four, And That T31 J Copyright, 1896. by Charles Scribner's Sons. jf WHISTLE. P-l* all he could whis- tie was "Fiddle-dee - dee," wierd it - e - ra - tion re-pented him sore; : 3 -r ZP 9 I Deciso. -P*P f . , &*=gzg=: =$3 CTffSC. poco rail. ve-ry pro - yoking un - mu - si-cal song, For one to be whistling the summer day long. \et prithee, Dear-Mother-Mine ! fetch me my gun, For, by our St. Di-dy, the deed must be done That shall a tempo. *- 2=53 S *-m-- l^=^l ^c. al - ways contented and busy was he, With that vocal re - cur - rence of Fiddle-dee-dee. presently rid all ere - a-tion and me of that ominous bird and his Fiddle-dee-dee." a tempo. Oioeoso. WHISTLE. ^&- Fiddle-diddle-diddle-dee-dee. Fiddle-diddle-diddle-dee-dee. = -t With that Of that n^S ^ s p, ^ r ^ L i. r. J f> -==r M vocal recurrence of Fiddle-dee-dee, Of fiddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-dee-dee, Of om-inous Mrd and his Fiddle-dee - dee, His fiddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-dee-dee, His cresc. -5 5 2 . . 5 s 3 fc 5 g- ! 1* 1^ *~-^It ^ ?* 1* * T- i 1 1 , L- .,_,, 1 H 1 -i Jr rerse. h'd-dle-diddle-diddle-dee - dee. lid-dle-diddle-diddle-dee - , ) = ^ to. verse. ^=^J~^ = P = u^ J^^ WHISTLE. 3. The brave lit-tle sol-dier quoth nev-er a word, 4. Out came then Dear-Mother-Mine saying, " My son, l!ut he Right Hi mf * 3* 03 f n h . ^ I, ->. W HISTLE. -^ r V| ^ 8 1 1 -*-+-* 3 1 1 fe r 7^ s fr~ J* -i 88 T"rT~r r ~rrT~r \ -f^- gh. * 9 9 V 9 f - k * * + ^^i r ! ! J m up and he drew a straight bead on that bird, well have you wrought with your little red gun ; -&Y ^ : '- - r~~ ~ ~ ^n And Here - f f=^3 T H3 i 1 1 i -9- -*- -m- * ,* ^ :|: J: i i -g-^= __JS_- i ^ _1_ : Deciso. poeo rail. while that vain creature provok-ing-ly sang, The gun it went off with a hor-ri-ble bang ! Then - af - ter no e - vil at all need I fear With such a brave sol-dier as You-My-Love here." She n tempo. cresc. t- g-*- tt g^^ loud laughed the youth," By my Bottle," cried he," I have put a quiet-us on Fiddle-dee-dee ! " kiss'd the dear Boy,but the Bird in the tree Con - tinned to whistle his " Fiddle-dee-dee ! " a tempo. f Giocoso. * *, WHISTLE. ^-ft 1 aEEjLfe Fiddle-diddk'-diddle-dee-dee ! Fiddle-diddle-diddle-dee-dee ! I've Con 5EE S^ J . _> , put a qui - et-ns on Fiddle-dee - dee, On flddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-dee-dee ! On - tinned to whistle his Fiddle-dee - dee, His fiddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-dee-dee ! His fid- *f colla wee. t=o: ^1 ?i -m - -*-=- 1 =3" lands where bid - eth Ma our dear Christ hath re ry mild, And let her kiss thy lit - tie face, con-ciled, But stay not there come back to me, mosso. poco ritenuto. S I h r Hush, lit - tie one, and fold your hands, Hush, lit - tie child, my LITTLE BOY BLUE THE little toy dog is covered with dust, But sturdy and stanch he stands; And the little toy soldier is red with rust, And his musket molds in his hands. Time was when the little toy dog was new, And the soldier was passing fair; And that was the time when our Little Boy Blue Kissed them and put them there. " Now, don't you go till I come," he said, "And don't you make any noise!" So, toddling off to his trundle-bed, He dreamt of the pretty toys; And, as he was dreaming, an angel song Awakened our Little Boy Blue- On! the years are many, the years are long, But the little toy friends are true! Aye, faithful to Little Boy Blue they stand, Each in the same old place- Awaiting the touch of a little hand, The smile of a little face; And they wonder, as waiting the long years through In the dust of that little chair, What has become of our Little Boy Blue, Since he kissed them and put them there. LITTLE BOY BLUE Music by REGINALD DE KOVEN 3 Elfi= *LJ_J: - W- ^= H l W 3F W^*=FZ 1. Tlie lit -tie toy dog is cover'd with dust, But stur - dy and staunch he stands ; And the LJL ... f> > 1 j~ ~J5 |S1 -m ^ P ~m 1 I N q (/ lit - tie toy sol - dier is red with rust, And his mus - ket molds in his hands. Time m? ^ j m j *- 8 r- -\ x C "T J j J -* 1 1 ^ r" " i / 1 -4 *~ g "* t]V t>5- -^: r - J 1 A^r- f~^ - ^f- ^ ^ 1 1 1 ". eJ Published by permission of Wm. A. Pond & Co., owners of the copyright np-, ^ ' K j i J 5 ~Ki f FT-^ J 1 was when the lit - tie toy LI 1 1 dog was new, And the .sol - dier was pass ing i ** 1 ifK ft ^ d c rr J 9 -* 1 Jr- i . 1 1 - i i -+-T M^ J 15 , ^^ 66 .__ ~_ rail. ^T a tempo, con sentimento. ~y m i < 1 \ J 1%- rejjTT ^ p* ^* ^t ^ 9 ~^ ^ 9 ^ don't yon go till I come," he said, "And don't you make a - ny noise!" So waiting for Lit - tie Boy Blue they stand, Each in the self -same place; Still a- ,JL 'rj | i "pi | ^ q -i 3 *! * i ** i* i* fr f= * r 1 ' * r 1 3 " J*- 1 "^ * 5 kBiiJ ' L fjr " ^ ^J -^ - 1 ^J 4 ^- V -r. -r - \ 1 5 i r 67 ^ cres. fftvb . ""F^F a +**^ \ m ^ ^ " a*3 _. ^ > >- tod - dling off to his lit - tie bed, He dreamt of the pret - ty toys ; And - waiting the touch of a lit - tie hand, And the smile of a lit - tie face. And they iflV? m l^^^B r . i ^ *T v PP m ? ores. t 5** m = j * J - J- * -J ' ^ i t~is r J J ~J =- p *^^- ^9 1 1 Li 1 1 * * 1 *. i . con sentimento. mil. bK-j i* ^ H f* *^ - = t* &- =! > f* u ' . h- as he was dream - ing, an won - der, as wait - ing the an - g long yea el song ... A - wak - en'd our Lit - tie Boy rs through, In the dust of that lit - - tie Ip r H p |s /? cow sentimento. ~& ^ ** ^-1 raU. * , r^P *< * *-r 5*1-' ^ moito r s s~ | 1** f '< |4ja f* ar= III > Blue, chair, m 1 1 * For the years are m What has be - con *| --* -m * i - ny, the ie of years are long, But the Lit - tie Boy Blue Since be -tig ^ dt : 9 ^ R ' ^ =3 1 v "*N : * 1 * 99 motto rail. ~^~ *: f. -B* * s -* Sr- w ' 1 ^b 1 1 1 --A F? ~* ? "* '^^ a 9 /T> . ^ mf ' Allegretto. !^=S= s~i lit - tie toy friends are true ; kiss'd them and put them there. For For ^ ? friends may fail, and friends may fail, and -fi J P 5 1 the the W * " ^ <-\ o ^ f ^ ^ S 3 5* i ff~&~ s 1 i ^u r *i r r J x # 1 Z 1 j 68 r^ 1 -=?sci f* _fc _f ^ i f ... r'" n* i* ~~ m world go wrong, But the lit - tie toy friends are true j 1? And ft ; *" *- -fc- f ^-f* r ""^n F ^ F " h | &*- -t $ V G-4P- 5-4T- P 1 > r i ! ^ * 4 :d- T^ *[-- - t ^~ < a ! J., .. ^^b ; 3 i \ 1 mff. a tempo, con sentimenio. ^=7- lit - tie they care, tho' the years be long, They're wait - ing for Lit - tie Boy 5 m m con, motto ri/i ^ ' " 1 l> _ 5 N R=| 1 =T~ * *-. -* r v f ' i: J J K&P'b ^ V ^_ r p^J -r 5 ^^ K^ * T^ _* N S i ^ ^ s * * ct* The rose sha And bring th 1 11 sin je myr g the rh am ' e 1 1 lul - la - bies, My as - pho - del, My P 1 - - .jj- J. -q m- -8 1 ,. ~ C ^ ^! ~5-. '*_ ^ -S- cresc. gJ ! B* 1 B- i r*"^-t> ^ h- h*^ f r Copyright, 1896, by Charlei Scribner's Soni. -jf-CfVb Bf p -M * * E _H 3 N pret - ty, pret - ty cos - set lamb - - kin ! And gen - tie, gen - tie rain - of - spring - - time; And -0-trb 1 -1 1 , gEEE r : I -: 1 | f= v 9 S .. B * j|- * * H- }- U-"5- -*t- -*i- -* * * * 9 -$- r ^ ^Y$* f~* r - 1 I * ^^ ^ ~*^- r * "^^ ^= J -^h- ^rr-^ thou shalt swi^g in an for thy slum - - - ber - - * * al - mond tree, With a play shall twine The i ^_ 1 feH gl J j J -- r ^ ^ [&\j u 1 ~~m ' ~~m \f\ b b r* S > N $ 3 fs A; V'~ " ' p^ .' ^ 2 ~ ~m jK i= *-. jj! flood of moon - - beams dia - mond stars with an rock - ing thee, A emer - aid vine, To j [/ i !? \y /k^-b J 1 ^ ^ \~-r- ^g -y^- ^- T ^ ^ - ^ . .f piw p ? - ai - /en Uft r = - - ATTI - - - tto. ^^^iJ -X 3 J J ~^r- - | i ^n -ti i f ' ^^^^^^^^^^ 72 a tempo. \7f~=> V* W~- R S S~ * h - IP r trail ver boat in a gold - en sea, My in waves of ru - by wine My ^~f- " / a tempo. ^T ^ i =^L = S?T~h J ^ J ^ i f * f3 . ~~" rgte * -p r =^ N 1 ~ N K ^ + 1 vel - vet love, my nest -ling dove, hya-cintli bloom, my heart's per -fume, My own pome-gran - ate - My coo - ing lit - tie VY) -m J 4 > * J ^ -m s ^ * ~*^ ~* i* n* S p- i* _^ fs. D* ^ : a 1 bios tur som. tie. r HUSHABY, SWEET MY OWN FAIR is the castle up on the hill Hushaby, sweet my own! The night is fair, and the waves are still, And the wind is singing to you and to me In this lowly home beside the sea Hushaby, sweet my own! On yonder hill is store of wealth Hushaby, sweet my own! And revellers drink to a little one's health; But you and I bide night and day For the other love that has sailed away Hushaby, sweet my own! See not, dear eyes, the forms that creep Ghostlike, my own! Out of the mists of the murmuring deep; Oh, see them not and make no cry Till the angels of death have passed us by Hushaby, sweet my own! Ah, little they reck of you and me Hushaby, sweet my own! In our lonely home beside the sea; They seek the castle up on the hill, And there they will do their ghostly will Hushaby, my own! Here by the sea a mother croons "Hushaby, sweet my own!" In yonder castle a mother swoons While the angels go down to the misty deep, Bearing a little one fast asleep Hushaby, sweet my own! HUSHABY, SWEET MY OWN Andante. Music by C. B. HAWLEY =>= *--* /= Kg -- 3Q J P- = - ^^ te-r 3 ..r m. E ^JZ _: _^ K ^ u^ ' .-^ ^ ^ v 1 1. Fair is the cas - tie up -on the hill- Hush - a-by, sweet my < ^ ' * -^" J ^ P-^=ip= /r bsw 1 = -*-t ? u^r =i J^ " r ^-.Cr* t^-^^-^r r- T^rif^ &-*! ^ _- -,*- J 1 1* S^ s ^= ^^^N ^ ^=d 5 3 night is fair and the waves are still, And the wind is singing to you and to me In this Copyright. 1896, by Charles Scribner's Sons. - rit. low- lyhome beside the sea.... In this low - ly home beside the sea Hush - a-by, sweet my own Hush - a-by, sweet my own a tempo. a - by, Hush - a-by, sweet my own 3 yon - dor hill is a store of wealth, Hush - a-by, sweet my own, And ^ -* tf- rev - 'lers drink to a lit - tie one's health ; But you and I bide night and day For the rit. i - oth - er love that has sailed a -way, Fortheoth - er love that has sailed a -way Hush - a-by, sweet my own, Hush - a-by, sweet my own, &* "F F 1 a tempo. ^ "<" "" r r - > - 77 f I f I * I 4 3 3 Hush a - by, hush a - by, hush - a-by, sweet my own *: = i ^ Hh*: 3^ 3 jrg 3 , rJ13toi=r-JO' j ^g? 3. Here by the sea a moth - er croons, "Hush - a-by, sweet my own" In I ^i=* V J J~^ r J > 'v jij_^ '- g "Fv~= HJ j j j *^y j* j. tJ^ yon - der cas - tie a moth - er swoons While the angels go down to the mist - y deep, i* ^ rit. SEE v ri S 78 dim. e rit. a tempo. Bear-ing a lit - tie one fast a -sleep, fc= Bear-ing a lit - tie one fast a - - molto rit. Hush . a - by, hush - a-by, sweet my own. Kl W en* Kl DUTCH LULLABY WYNKEN, Blynken, and Nod one night Sailed off in a wooden shoe, Sailed on a river of misty light Into a sea of dew. "Where are you going, and what do you wish?' The old moon asked the three. " We have come to fish for the herring-fish That live in this beautiful sea; Nets of silver and gold have we," Said Wynken, Blynken, And Nod. All night long their nets they threw For the fish in the twinkling foam, Then down from the sky came the wooden shoe, Bringing the fishermen home; T was all so pretty a sail, it seemed As if it could not be; And some folk thought 't was a dream they *d dreamed Of sailing that beautiful sea; But I shall name you the fishermen three: Wynken, Blynken, And Nod. Wynken and Blynken are two little eyes, And Nod is a little head, And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies Is a wee one's trundle-bed; So shut your eyes while Mother sings Of wonderful sights that be, And you shall see the beautiful things As you rock on the misty sea Where the old shoe rocked the fishermen three, Wynken, Blynken, And Nod. t^-^i & DUTCH LULLABY Music by REGINALD DE KOVEN, Op. 53, No. i Andante giocoso. i: I TTT fTTfTTfT b>T- 3 si F c d ^r J*-^ m F )' * - . r T -J 1_ S S ~J gZ = .= : = ._, ^ j ff ^_. 1. Wyn - ken and Blyn - ken and Nod one night Sailed off in a wood - en 2. Laughed the old Moon, and he sung a song As they rocked in a wood - en n *r it == * V **u- at JJ *1 *" *^ ) ^^ r "* mf Lett-* 3 ' S : ^ l , p * =^ ^ r f ^t- x - 1 ^--"J ' X ^C rail. fi tempo. -fl-** c 1 ~Ij K % h - ~~p i* r F ""> si I Sailed on a rii ^ r - er ol r mist - - y light si The wind tl lat spe d them th B whole night long -Q*$ 1 i j x I Nj 1 R- > ^> poco rail. -" IP 1 : f a tempo. o f~- * *- ~* ' l ^t r m=re r r ^ JN 1 Published by arrangement with G. Schirmer, owner of the copyright. / Animate. ur-' i* jt~^ XI J- i ^f__j* .^ ~~S~ ~h : f* -$ 3F d^ &> "^ - ja [ i In - to a sea of Ruff - led the waves of ([ I "Oh, i The \ hj 3i m vhere are you go - ing, lit - tie stars were the f * "** I yji i f Animate. ^ J J 5: dr- 1 "3. :* -HP Iq zJ i Vftjjf- .x h h htra- i* 1 i* 1 ' "" _J What do you wish?" the old moon asked the ^t^ 1 k~^^ Her - ring flsh that swam the dew - y rtj j -r- C2 * ^ ng j^a E ^ V V 1= fc^tt S ^ B* ^ H ^ nJ =^ poco rail. yr tt jf 1 f-*- "fi* ^S J 3 1 R i -p ^ h -P f* I\MT &^ 7^ 6^ * " & ^ fl^ ^ r $% go - ing to flsh for the her - ring flsh That live in this beau - ti - fnl cast your nets wher - ev - er you will," Cried the stars to the fish - er - men \$j-$ jj~ ^-^ ^* jj- * ~--. J^ n J-- ^J~ &^ : * 5T 1 1 - 1 ^ ^ ^^poco rail. ^ 1 1 ! I r^^ 4t ^ *) ^i \ *1 ^ *1 -H 1 ** i 1 1 1 1 1 B -j- -*- *- -*- *- EF - Is k. s El , ^^ r^ jr S ir m^-^ * j. s f-- -j =>-^- - ...j.. *^-z- Nets of sil - ver and gold have we For the fish who dwell in this " Nev - er, nev - er a - feard are we ! " So cried the stars to the 1 n ^ # mwcnto il movimetilo. P=l f -5 i^- -9 1 S 1 1 i : -J -J- h^' ^~- f jjf ^> ^- = := r v :> ran. ^ 5 ^ 1 IUMIII H ,_ fn ISP! i" Sai (I Wv ^ n - ken, Bly n - ken and =fL, J ^ Nod, Said S^li pr - HIP D thr se T( f * j Wy n - ken, Bly n - ken and Nod, To "j $J 1 rJ T . 9 i J 1 re M. ;rr= 15 - TV 1^ * -: -f . . 9 k i: q_ J 1 Wyn - ken and Blyn-ken and Nod. . . , Wyn - ken and Blyn-ken and Nod. . . , -:? h V~ T i F & ^ f s~s * * * -?--ft-^- -H*- 3. All night long their 4. Wyn -ken and Blyn-ken are nets they threw For the fish in the twink - ling two lit-tle eyes, And Nod is a lit - tie P^*: ' mf /+}# > *! -S--. d ^ -$ i t c p ^^ i* p '^ r i __ i r i i r i 83 ji V> poeo ratt. Qg-3 : 1 h f~^ a tempo. \-'r = T~ , lown from the sky came the wood - en shoe wood - en shoe that sailed the skies \ s 1 > ' T-&=: * . ~j p0co ra& *l r 1 "ft" "ft - ->- y rt tempo. - ) . ^) ~B^\ ^ ^ _- ' r r - 1 -* 1 ^ :i: y Animate. 7T ~ ito. ' ^ ft| * * ' r j* T~I fish - er-men three, That were sail - ing o - ver that mist - y sea, Where the old shoe rocked all those -* ' 1 1 * - J* p* d ; d ' ~* * m> 5^-ff *^-= =i r. T' ti - ful sea ? They're Wyn - ken, Blyn - ken and Nod, er - men three, Wyn - ken, Blyn - ken and Nod, They're m ^ 3 Wyn - ken and Blyn - ken and Wyn - ken and Blyn - ken and Nod. Nod. 85 CHILD AND MOTHER OMOTHER-MY-LOVE, if you '11 give me your hand, And go where I ask you to wander, I will lead you away to a beautiful land The Dreamland that 's waiting out yonder. We '11 walk in a sweet-posie garden out there Where moonlight and starlight are streaming And the flowers and the birds are filling the air With the fragrance and music of dreaming. There '11 be no little tired-out boy to undress, No questions or cares to perplex you; There '11 be no little bruises or bumps to caress, Nor patching of stockings to vex you. For I '11 rock you away on a silver-dew stream, And sing you asleep when you 're weary, And no one shall know of our beautiful dream But you and your own little dearie. And when I am tired I '11 nestle my head In the bosom that 's soothed me so often, And the wide-awake stars shall sing in my stead A song which our dreaming shall soften. So, Mother-My-Love, let me take your dear hand, And away through the starlight we '11 wander- Away through the mist to the beautiful land The Dreamland that 's waiting out yonder! CHILD AND MOTHER Con moto. Music by W. W. GILCHRIST ^3 f 1. Moth - er - My - Love, if you'll 2. There'll be no lit - tie tired - out 3. And when I am tired I'll 73 r F ^=3=3=- Sempre legato. ^""i N ^^ ' 9 J J $3=\ & ^ ^ 1 ^~^ ^ ^ f ^ give me your hand, and go where I ask you to wan - der, boy to un - dress, No ques - tions or cares to per - plex you ; nes - tie my head In the bos - om that's soothed me so oft - en, i- i ^ . * V ~ 4 i * _^ u ^i J p/ *> iizE J + r ~T* r H r j i - m "^ 1* m ^^ f rC?* * 1 - L- 1 1 -r 1 - F 1 AT " f f =r=^^=?==^^ r r f~ f V IP F^ I will There'll be And the U^ ? * lead you a - way to a no lit - tie bruis - es or wide a - wake stars shall beau - bumps sing i * i* ( ti - ful land- to ca - ress, n my stead -The Nor A Ptt 1 s , /L S< ~Si J | i r ^ * " !^ 1 I faff -i ^ ^J 5 fej^jf f ^ " ^ ^ f r 1 i ; 1 Copyright. 1896. by Charles Scribner's Sons. (^ e l * %* * '* I* f -$r? * *~ - * 1 | Dream - land that's wait - ing out patch - ing of stock - ings to song which our dream - ing shall yon - der. vex you. soft - en. We'll For I'll So \-&& 1 [i^^i J ^ *3 * > [J g.JL .9 _JL j. ejcs fc g- .- j* tt-- "*" ^ ^ ^ I - . "i r *^J~> 1 l Ji ,.i j. R- ^-x i s i i duT _^ i; J J* j 1 "** 1 ~f*~ J PS 1 1 walk in a sweet - po - sie rock you a - way on a Moth - er - My - Love, let me gar - den ( sil - ver - < take your c >ut there Where lew stream, And ear hand, And a - -&$ 1 1 1 | rh C \ S w) J ' I ^ 2 i^ r r P r?^ ' 1 ~~ i- ^ =t i r > =4 ^ f J- J " =^ ! 1 (5r I* " ^ * i* h ^ 1 S moon - light and star - light are stream - ing sing you a - sleep when you're wea - ry, way thro' the star - light we'll wan - der V= i J i- ^i-rn, And the And A - - ~^ ffi* f i ^~ m = j = 4 -^ Si ^ T ^ _!1 ^ ^ = bg g. r ^ ^ "^ (s_ _^,_ _^_ H r T j H i ^ 1 1 ! 1 * 1 \-Jf - 2 rb * _ fra - grance and m you and your o Dream - land that's w u - sic of wn lit - tie ait - ing out dream - - - - dear - - - - yon - - - - ing. ie. der. 8 r?~~ 1 ~ ^ "tiJ^ J J~ P= -* 5~ ~* jj. 9. -^ x -f- ' ^^ i m &^5 J" - ~J i poco fl a J 1= acce/. 1 ~m m ^i -3 ! J j r i / 1st arul 2d verses. Last verse. rail. r J- rail. rail. JAPANESE LULLABY SLEEP, little pigeon, and fold your wings, Little blue pigwn with velvet eyes; Sleep to the singing of mother-bird swinging- Swinging the nest where her little one lies. Away out yonder I see a star, Silvery star with a tinkling song; To the soft dew falling I hear it calling- Calling and tinkling the night along. In through the window a moonbeam comes, Little gold moonbeam with misty wings; All silently creeping, it asks, " Is he sleeping- Sleeping and dreaming while mother sings?" Up from the sea there floats the sob Of the waves that are breaking upon the shore, As though they were groaning in anguish, and moaning- Bemoaning the ship that shall come no more. But sleep, little pigeon, and fold your wings, Little blue pigeon with mournful eyes; Am I not singing? see, I am swinging- Swinging the nest where my darling lies. JAPANESE LULLABY Moderolo. Music by REGINALD DE KOVEN, Op. 53, No. a AA A j-i A jr pPjtz *_ _* _^_ _* -L Jv5 jya_J __, 1 r 1 == ~T~ 1 -1 i 1 1 1 -* * 1 p^= 9 1. Sleep, lit -tie pig-eon, and fold your wings, Lit -tie blue pig - eon with =s= =^ vel - vet eyes; So sleep to the sing - ing moth - er-bird swing -ing, Published by arrangement with G. Schirmer, owner of the copyright placido. iP^=-J=i^E^^ Swing - ing the nest where the lit - tie one lies, By the nest where her lit - tie one, mil. ?r s ^ f |N i. ^- S= HJi * IsB- * 7 li t - tie or e lie ^s s, By the 11 i * e> it where the lit - tie one i. | lie 3. I 1 | ^* - 5 " HTH "^^- - r d: * 1 r- k U mf poeo piu mosso. Out a - way yon - der legato. I see a star, Sil - ver - y star with a twink - ling song; ing, Call - ing and tink - limr the 3t pp.- night a - long, twiuk - ling star, twink - ling star, > . * Call - ing and tink - ling the night a - long, Hi all night long. Tempo Imo. 2. In through a win-dow a moon - beam comes, Lit - tie gold moon - beam with ^p mist - y wings; All si - lent-ly creep -ing, asks, "Is he sleep- ing? plticido. dim. ns s s= :== _s h. jy ; j> ; g r* J*J !^ ^ m - . * * a^ JS Sz Sleep - ing and dream - ing while moth-er-bird sings, Is he sleep - ing and dreaming while PP moth-er - bird sings, Is he dream - ing while moth - er - bird sings?"; ten. con tristezza. J{~" ~f $ $& < } poco nibnto. Up from the sea there y ** . . r * RT * ^ ^ -^ p si p ^ *l ^ M m> ml jj ^ bmf 9 ^ r ^ r -r- -r- 1* ~l* i* 94 =*= comes a sob of the waves that are break - ing up - on the shore, As ~,f- if they were groan - ing in an - guish and moan - ing, Be - moan - ing the ship that shall come no more ; Break - ing waves, moan - ing waves, f> pp rail. dim. m=y*x==y== on the shore. But Groan - ing in an - guish up - on the shore, 95 Tempo Imo. JS. sleep lit - tie pig-eon, and cresc. swing - ing the nest where my lit - tie one lies, >3 I i I ' By the nest where my lit - tie one, 5 legato. pp rail. * -V- *- -*- ~S BT s s ^ s ^, gp-S^-*- - / ^~ lit - tie one lies, By the -ft* 1 i ^ 1 lie? / it where my lit - tie one !. ^^^_^^^ *-= lies. W *1 . ~ ^ i ^^ S 1 __l _ E 5 j p * 1 -3 * 96 Swing - ing the nest where my poeo a poco dim. e rail. t= rzfc Swing - ing the nest where my lit - tie one lies, Lit - tie one lies, THE DINKEY-BIRD IN an ocean, 'way out yonder (As all sapient people know), Is the land of Wonder-Wander, Whither children love to go; It 's their playing, romping, swinging, That give great joy to me While the Dinkey-Bird goes singing In the amf alula tree! There the gum-drops grow like cherries, And taffy 's thick as peas Caramels you pick like berries When, and where, and how you please; Big red sugar-plums are clinging To the cliffs beside that sea Where the Dinkey-Bird is singing In the amfalula tree. So when children shout and scamper And make merry all the day, When there 's naught to put a damper To the ardor of their play; When I hear their laughter ringing, Then I 'm sure as sure can be That the Dinkey-Bird is singing In the amfalula tree. For the Dinkey-Bird's bravuras And staccatos are so sweet His roulades, appoggiaturas, And robustos so complete, That the youth of every nation Be they near or far away Have especial delectation In that gladsome roundelay. Their eyes grow bright and brighter, Their lungs begin to crow, Their hearts get light and lighter, And their cheeks are all aglow; For an echo cometh bringing The news to all and me, That the Dinkey-Bird is singing In the amfalula tree. I 'm sure you like to go there To see your feathered friend And so many goodies grow there You would like to comprehend! Speed, little dreams, your winging To that land across the sea Where the Dinkey-Bird is singing In the amfalula trccl THE DINKEY- BIRD Allegretto schereando. Music by EDGAR STILLMAN KELLEY, from Op. 16 8va. > a* dim W do. f 6 ^ ? Copyright, 1896, by Charles Scribner'a Sons. rftfc S 6" 1 h 1* P* 1* i - 1 S fi- 1 h ^ I s ?" 1 m)-?-\ F i * |_ * 1> * ~^V L_ J* ^ P^ * * * 1 1, In an o - cean. 'way out yon - der (As all sa - pient peo - pie 2. So when chil - dren shout and scam - per And make mer - ry all the 3. Their eyes grow bright and bright - er, Their lungs be - gin to fc : J ^ i EK J J -^> V "1 C r J^ -j i _| fet J J 5^4= '\ br- 8 * " * * F -P ts f |P 1 $ * b * r 1 * _- know), Is the land of Won - der - Wan - der, Whith - er day, When there's naught to put a damp - er, To the crow, Their hearts get light and light - er, And their Tjj ^J ^^5 \* ** 1=^ r Sj K 5 J ^- j: J: -j M * 4 ^k-* F -J 5 - ^7- -^ E^E =* Sr j 1 - ~j^ ii j 8 w- \? - * chil - ar cheeks dren love to go; It's their play dor of their play; When I near are all a - glow ; For an ech - ing, their - romp laugh com - ing, - ter - eth -ar-*+t J ' "3 U =! ^ * ^3 ! P r 1 C I "1 ^^^^ i j i p^Jt pL 1 *i 3S fep - =* -i* * _J J J J -T i r=g= swing - ing, That give great joy to me, ring - ing, Then I'm sure as sure can be bring - ing The news to all and me, While the That the That the UN? ^ ^-| > 1 *"^^S i ' 5^^^ * T= V r 1 j -^ i 1 $-*- i J j^_Jf .p: 100 There the gum - drops grow For the Dink - ey - bird's I'm sure you like taf - fy's thick as peas, ca - tos are so sweet - see your feath - ered friend - Ca - ra - mels you pick like His rou - lades ap - pog - ia - And so man - y good - ies Jt =^ ber - ries tu - ras grow there When, and where, and And ro - bus - tos You would like to how you please ; so com - plete, com - pre - hend, When and And ro - You would poeo rit. mf a tempo. I (J\ , K -K N -IN 1 ^3 -^ r* * ^ * ^ i KB S^ ^ * * U where and how you - bus - tos so com - like to com - pre - A J | -d 4 I please, plete, hend! 1 -j Qj Big red That the Speed, sug - ar - plums are youth - of ev - 'ry lit - tie dreams your W * *j ^ - -^ ^ir ^ ~*~ 4 q J poco rit. / r^ H a tempo. H H M ' ~^~ ' ^1 """ n^ * n fcj4^~ "W Tj) ^ \ ( -^ ki^ * h j 1 mf g B r 3 j*-j^ - * * J ^ = fi f F ^^~ cling - ing To the < na - tion, Be they wing - ing To that -^f ~ji*-^^**. ;liffs be - side the near or far a - land a - cross the sea, Where the . way, Have e - sea Where the ] )ink - ey - Bird is spe - cial de - lee - Dink - ey - Bird is ^ ^ ^jji - i ML^I ^ 1 f ^ t -4* n T* ^ S =i ~P =i - sing - ing, Where the Dink - ey - Bird is sing - ing ta - tion, Have e - spe - cial de - lee - ta - tion sing - ing, Where the Dink - ey - Bird is sing - ing In the am - fa - lu - laj In that glad-some round - e - In the am - fa - lu - la * is an' r*~^~ ^ 4 * -i 5 g-5 ^ -ft J ~- i 1 = f* ? 1 1 c J . .. ^ 3 =3=3=3= 3 cres. ^i fs ^ hills are white as the storm - king speeds from the North to - night, And ere*. J ^ Published by arrangement with G. Schirmer, owner of the copyright. pnco pressfmdn. w~- -* * *- -*- -f p fl- r- * - ** * | this is the song the stonn - king sings, as o - ver the world his f 1 h (tf~y M "J H 5 * ^ Bit iP (SB Rit jj^ 1 .4 C %*m> m ff* * tJ *^__ _,* * ft * V ml V --^_ _,=- /2 poco presianao. f ^ ~^_ m -- -ff ^" " tt? -*- ^~ %* 1 k 1 : * _J > 1 fe! ratt. marcato. dim. Sm z ? ^ ^~ ~>~~ ^^ nv B* =m r~. rus - ties his wings, and Us 1 gruff - ly sings : " Sleep, sleep, ~T 1 P W i i * *~ * * * * marcato. sfe U J -^-j j 1 ^ - | f* 1 f j N K2 *i i 1 J J J J 1 J J J J 1 Tempo I. l-Vtt , ... 1 ..B . k,. ... 1 /fk- g J* * mT ji ml - ^^ J^ J , =| -H * * M) ft* y lit - tie one, lit - tie one, A it k. . lit -tie one, slet P. -J- sleep." rfi-t, ^ _J9^*^ L/Jf . P f -b*- * I h~ -b ^ 1 ^-frm ^- t ^ ^'j i P -bm\- ml, g p * M trbfl- J ^ J a ] j J- it J 1 b 4 J 106 1 =|t==3 E 2. On yon - der moun - tain side a vine Pip f> n cres. /=- = =~ ' .p s ^ P^_ ** ^* * cres. ^^__^ ^ -^==*- P poco pT ;; 5" ^ ' >~~ ~f~ =^^ > r *-^ gr #r 3 b a* * *; ^ 1 ti ^ pref.snndo. ^~~ ^^"""^Sk \/t\? ~H JF=- g -g.^ ^ pff- tremb - ling thing, And i 1 & 9 1 1 on - ly the yine can \ ^ ^\ J *1 ^ l^S hear her sing : ^ $ ^J 1 jijjg ~tiS 9 =* TT ^ Si 5 f- o : ^^ ,^^ . . / ./; _ y/rr:,SS'*// '* . x^ ^*~-v _ v " *" fti* ( ffi-b - L \s < te -r p f- 1 * * -1 ^ 1 1* -n#- E 107 dolce. inarcctto. -8 ^-f^ --p^ = "Sleep, sleep, lit -tie one, sleep; Wliat shall you fear when I am here? 3= ma? eato. tfz -ft +- ^=3^ -b^=3*-- PP Szfesz i Sleep, sleep, lit -tie one, lit -tie one, lit -tie one, sleep, f ftj; dim. rail. PP 3 U 7 p /ub H 1 a % s ^ ^ ~d j* ^' -p 1 jj- EE3EEJ -f- * i^ ^ ^ t/ * ^ ~ ^ sleep." 3. The king may sing in his bit - ter flight, And the f h xT 17 I * k * *! ^ vv H ~j ~_r H H^ ~^ J i ; " ' * ^_^ r ^_^ > F"J- ' *| 1 J? "1 FT 1? -r r v Up ^ w r ^- ~^> rW.^ ^=^ lempo 1. aotce. ~B^ : ^ = u r(r ll d^ ' 5 5~ tree may croon to the 1 < h -* -&- L*_ f> .$j. .....J^Jl-J dne to - night, But the -g- 1- ^^ m lit - tie snow - flake fiUp- I % - -* 6 1 * * ^ 1 H m& ^ ^ 4 j g 5 5 T? * Jt Jiraff. i ^ s ^ TfTB' TB>" - 1 h ' h ey , j j _^^- r > ns 3 * -j * ^ I! J J 108 \7' l<3> ^ r r p i* - * * 1 ^ o ^ * =- al , my breast . r Lik - eth tlie song I 1 1 ^ <' * 1 V sing the best : t===fc=d ^~* ^ * wA SEE! S -5* uf i; s-J -- -S- 5 fi-^- -rf- Ltf ^_ " ^ -* 1 --i ^ = h 1 h I fs - 1 ^ r^ * K ^ ^ ^ L L -T * T * dolce. poeo Sleep, sleep, lit - tie one, sleep ; Wea - ry thou art a - JO - 1- mil. a tempo. dim. e rail. next my heart ; Sleep, sleep, lit - tie one, lit - tie one, -*- f) = H r ^~ ~* c s ^_ |Wr j* 1_^ * 5 ? 1 * U ?_| 1 [_ -5 * JH - 1 i 1 N N ! h h 1 6p J J ! f f - -f T r 3 * \* + \ ^ LX 1 P lit - tie peach of em -'raid hue, Warm'd by the sun and wet by the dew, It from the stem on which it grew, Fell the lit - tie peach of em - 'raid hue, Poor plant - ed John and his sis - ter Sue, And their lit-tle souls to the an - gels flew, Boo - cres. f KG 1 1 1 r K-Zi / A^A Nfe -'i* ^^ ^ <'* ^- jf ^ r*s$ ^v|< ^^j^A'^ * i| i f r^^- Published by arrangement with John F. Ellis & Co., owners of the copyright |t>' fy &- - 2 1 fcp 1 p grew, It grew, List - en to r r ITDV til IP of John ! Poor Sue! List - en to my tale of - hoo ! Boo List - en to my tale of 1 1 i 1 1 "I ft iu M ** J * mf \ ... * ~~*l * { =*==] ^-"^5 - 1 h /k* * 1 ~~~ ~5 ^ * ** m m 2 woe, One woe, Now woe. But b*~i r^J -H day in pass - ing the or - chard through, she took a bite and John a chew, what of the peach of em - 'raid hue, i N* s ; ^ ^* m ' 1 1 * m k^,- 1 ? f ~s s* M ! * U r- *) r> .- r^~T~ ~^- **- ^*~ I/ 2 A. 1 m ^ ^ r i ^ ^ ^* 1 1 1 1 fn r r r r ^ r* *,' ^ m m ^ ~m m> *-K u 9 f m ~ t/ " List - List - List- en to my tale of en to my tale of en to my tale of *( woe, That lit - tie peach dawn'd woe, And then the trou - ble be - woe, That waswarm'd by the sun and W~ 3- tj ^^ 1* 1* m. p5 J ? 1 T -^ 1 E IT & * 1* 1 5 L =? 1= * s ' ^ " " ^r i -* 1 ii 1 Ob N N ^ ^ f> 1* 1 J N |> (flC? ^ " - ^ * ' * * 1 1* 1^~ -r * < F- -f 1 on the view, Of , - gan to brew, A wet by the dew ! Ah ! lohn-ny Jones and his trou-ble that the Doc - tor < well, its mis - sion on e j 1 sis - - ter Sue, Them ;ould-n't sub - due, Too arth is through. A - -i. -j =J= =| i ^ P JT-* -mt U J J J __j ^ J = |^4 J =- J = v- \ h " -t ' 113 ZT ^ i *i 5 s 5 mi -- m* ~m*~ P ^ -* V 4 / | < r '^_-* ^- *> * - ^ y * ' 4 > -| S _ 1 j^ ^_ ^*^ H--J = -te<-j ^ 1 ~ CHORUS. With spirit. ^-'-p 1 J * 15 f* ' IMJ ^J ^ i \- ; -= *i ml- ^ ?r Hard tri L - als for them two, John - ny Jones and his P^ i / ^ g i f 1 9 t?^ -f4 [ F 1 ~ f \ F ^ g br~ o o -v, -H p m, ^ m- = sis - ter Sue, -J-v m, J f- And the peach of Ed 1 i =1= em - 'raid hue, That uh j *^ * * * =E=f^== .* -- ^- P S- **r/ry ^J i p ritard. 3^ ^ E , & : ^ - f grew, that 1 ^ ^ ^ t F List - en to my tale of _ tZJ WOP 1 i 1 ^ | N -J- K| ^T^ 5 3 ^ 3- */ ritard. f* ( 1 * 1* M' ^'j ~ 1 ^'J : J 1 J "H- 1 \m m U 113 SonGS