THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ' 11 A PAPER READ BEFOBE I ^|f #? ifill Itrflffologirsl SExsoriation GEORGE LAMBERT, F.S.A. &c. &c. (COVENTRY STREET, LONDON), B A R B E R » - S JJ R G E O N S' HALL, >!ONls:WELL STREET, LONDON, On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1881, /-■/)>? of the visit to London of the so-called "B Hngent,^* the West of England Members of the Ass&eiatlon, Octoher lUh to ISth, 1881. [S?E€OND EDITION. Barbers' Hall, Monkwell Street, London. THE BARBERS' COMPANY. naaazsaooiiEaiBB A PAPER RBAD BEFORE t^^? "^f ifi^5 SErr^DPolfogiralf ^ssorialion GEORGE LAMBERT, F.S.A. &c. &c. (COVENTRY STREET, LONDON), AT BARBER SURGEON S' HALL, MONKWELL STREET, LONDON, On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1881, Oil the occasion of the visit to London of the so-called "Bristol Contingent," the West of England Members of the Association, October l-ith to 18th, 1881. [SECOND EDITION.] WO FE5 U1731? Satyra VII. Q. Horatii Flacci. Omnibus et Lippis notum et tonsoribus. Nota id temp — " Hominibus otiosis ac loquacibus." " Apud Tonsores multas diei horas " " Conterunt Loquaces." Nota Job. Min.-Ellii, Naples. 1752. Illi imperitius et agrestius detonso capillisque ejus inaequaliter decurtatis. Nota Satyra III. lib. 1, 30. The facts adduced by Antiquaries are the milestones of history, landmarks in the progress of social life, collected to vindicate the Study of Antiquities and redeem it from the sneer of the supercilious sciolist. Owen & Blakeway's History of Shrewsbury, Vol. I. p. 308. Barber Surgeons. I N days of remote antiquity, the Art of Surgery and the Trade of a Barber were always combined, and the connec- tion began, by the custom of the former to assist in the baths and in the use of them, in the application of unguents, as early as the time of the Greeks, who were the first to use public baths, the earliest mention of which, we have in Athenoeus, who, in the First Book towards the end of Chapter 14, tells us, that in his age 7rpoa(})dTOi<; ra /3d\avela iraprjKrat, rrjv ap-^r]v ovSev evBov t^? 7r6X,e I ^ ' ^ * " Hanc historian! apud Titum Liviun babes." " MontfaucoQ," vol. 5, 315. 32 THE barbers' company. Homer, Iliad, X. 173 : Nuv yap 8r) Trdvreaaiv iirl ^vpov icTTarat dK/xr]