>:^ \-v;fk-PROMETHEU-S-. REG. U. S. PAT OFF. oO prom ^schylos From the bust iu the capito], Rome [prometbeus Bounb CranelatcD from tbe ©rech of aC9Cb^l09 3Bb IB. lb. ipiumptre, S).S)» '?^^1. Tlew lt?orft an^ Xondon <5. ip. putnam'6 Sons Ube Unfcfterbocftcr preas PROMETHEUS BOUND 2057148 ARGUMENT. In the old time, when Cronos was sovereign of the Gods, Zeus, whom he had begotten, rose up against hitn^ and the Gods were divided in their counsels, soniey the Titaiis chiefly, siding with the father^ and some with the son. And Prometheus, the son of Earth or Themis, though one of the Titans^ sup- ported Zeus, as did also Okeanos, and by his counsels Zeus obtaijied the victory, and Cronos was chained in Tartar os, and the Tita?is buried under mountains, or kept in bonds in Hades. And then Prometheus, seeing the miseries of the race of men, of whom Zeus took little heed, stole the fire which till then had belonged to none but HephcEstos and was used only for the Gods, and gave it to ma?ikind, and taught them many arts luhereby their wretchedness was lessened. But Zeus being wroth with Pro- metheus for this deed, sent Hephcpstos^ ivith his two helpers, Strength and Force, to fetter him to a rock on Caucasos, And in yet another story was the cruelty of the Gods made known. For Zeus loved 3 4 iprometbeus JSounD /6 Chor. What medicine did'st thou find for that disease ? Prom. Blind hopes I gave to live and dwell with them. Chor. Great service that thou did'st for mortal men ! Prom. And more than that, I gave them fire, yes I. Chor. Do short-lived men the flaming fire possess ? Prom. Yea, and full many an art they '11 learn from it. Chor. And is it then on charges such as these That Zeus maltreats thee, and no respite gives See note i6 on page 65. 20 iprometbeue J6ounD Of many woes ? And has thy pain no end ? Prom. End there is none, except as pleases Him. Chor. How shall it please ? What hope hast thou ? See'st not That thou hast sinned ? Yet to say how thou sinned'st Gives me no pleasure, and is pain to thee. Well ! let us leave these things, and, if we may, Seek out some means to 'scape from this thy woe. Prom. 'Tis a light thing for one who has his foot Beyond the reach of evil to exhort And counsel him who suffers. This to me Was all well known. Yea, willing, willingly I sinned, nor will deny it. Helping men, I for myself found trouble : yet I thought not That I with such dread penalties as these Should wither here on these high-towering crags. Lighting on this lone hill and neighbourless. Wherefore wail not for these my present woes. But, drawing nigh, my coming fortunes hear. That ye may learn the whole tale to the end. Nay, hearken, hearken ; show your sympathy With him who suffers now. 'T is thus that woe, Wandering, now falls on this one, now ou that. Chor. Not to unwilling hearers hast thou uttered, promctbeus JBoimO ji Prometheus, thy request, Aud now with nimble foot abaudonin^ My swiftly rushing car, Aud the pure aether, path of birds of heaven, I will draw uear this rouo;h and rocky land, For much do I desire To hear this tale, full measure, of thy woes. Enter Okeanos, on a car drawn by a winged gryphon. Okean. Lo, I come to thee, Prometheus, Reaching goal of distant journey, ' ' Guiding this my winged courser By my will, without a bridle ; Aud thy sorrows move my pity. Force, in part, I deem, of kindred Leads me on, nor know I any, Whom, apart from kin, I honour More than thee, in fuller measure. This thou shalt own true and earnest: I deal not in glozing speeches. Come then, tell me how to help thee: Ne'er shalt thou say that one more friendly Is found than unto thee is Okean. Prom. Let be. What boots it? Thou then too art come To gaze upon my suflferings. How did'st dare See note 17 on page 65, 22 iprometbeus JSounD lyeaving the stream that bears thy name, aud caves Hewn in the living rock, this land to visit, Mother of iron ? What then, art thou come To gaze upon my fall and offer pity ? Behold this sight: see here the friend of Zeus, Who helped to seat him in his sovereignty, With what foul outrage I am crushed by him ! Okean. I see, Prometheus, and I wish to give thee My best advice, all subtle though thou be. Know thou thyself, 18 aud fit thy soul to moods To thee full new. New king the Gods have now; But if thou utter words thus rough and sharp, Perchance, though sitting far away on high, Zeus yet may hear thee, and his present wrath Seem to thee but as child's play of distress. Nay, thou poor sufferer, quit the rage thou hast. And seek a remedy for these thine ills. A tale thrice-told, perchance, I seem to speak: lyO ! this, Prometheus, is the punishment Of thine o'er lofty speech, nor art thou yet Humbled, nor yieldest to thy miseries. And fain would'st add fresh evils unto these. But thou, if thou wilt take me as thy teacher, Wilt not kick out against the pricks; i^ seeing well See notes i8 and 19 on page 65. Iprometbeus JBounO 23 A monarch reigns who gives account to none. And now I go, and will an effort make, If I, perchance, may free thee from thy woes; Be still then, hush thy petulance of speech, Or knowest thou not, o'er-clever as thou art. That idle tongues must still their forfeit pay? Prom. I envy thee, seeing thou art free from blame Though thou shared'st all, and in my cause wast bold ; '^'^ Nay, let me be, nor trouble thou thyself; Thou wilt not, canst not soothe Him ; very hard Is He of soothing. Look to it thyself. Lest thou some mischief meet with in the way. Okean. It is thy wont thy neighbour's minds to school Far better than thine own. From deeds, not words, I draw my proof. But do not draw me back When I am hasting on, for lo, I deem, I deem that Zeus will grant this boon to me. That I should free thee from these woes of thine. Prom. I thank thee much, yea, ne'er will cease to thank ; For thou no whit of zeal dost lack ; yet take, I pray no trouble for me ; all in vain Thy trouble, nothing helping, e'en if thou 5ee note 3o on page 65. 24 iprometbcus JSounD Should'st care to take the trouble. Nay, be still ; Keep out of barm's way ; sufferer though I be, I would not therefore wish to give my woes A wider range o'er others. No, not so : For lo ! my mind is wearied with the grief Of that my kinsman Atlas, 21 who doth stand In the far West, supporting on his shoulders The pillars of the earth and heaven, a burden His arms can ill but hold : I pity too The giant dweller of Kilikian caves, Dread portent, with his hundred hands, subdued By force, the mighty Typhon2 2 who arose 'Gainst all the Gods, with sharp and dreadful jaws Hissing out slaughter, and from out his eyes There flashed the terrible brightness as of one Who would lay low the sovereignty of Zeus. But the unsleeping dart of Zeus came on him, Down-swooping thunderbolt that breathes out flame. Which from his lofty boastings startled him. For he i' the heart was struck, to ashes burnt, His strength all thunder shattered ; and he lies A helpless, powerless carcase, near the strait Of the great sea, f-^st pressed beneath the roots Of ancient ^tua, where on highest peak I See notes 21 and 22 on page 65. promctbcua JBounD 25 Hephsestos sits and smites his iron red-hot, From whence hereafter streams of fire shall burst, 2 3 Devouring with fierce jaws the golden plains Of fruitful, fair Sikelia. Such the wrath That Typhon shall belch forth with bursts of storm, Hot, breathing fire, and unapproachable. Though burnt and charred by thunderbolts of Zeus. Not inexperienced art thou, nor dost need My teaching : save thyself, as thou know'st how; And I will drink my fortune to the dregs. Till from his wrath the mind of Zeus shall rest.24 Okcan. Know'st thou not this, Pron:etheus, even this. Of wrath's disease wise words the healers are ? Prom. Yea, could one soothe the troubled heart in time, Nor seek by force to tame the soul's proud flesh. Okean. But in due forethought with bold daring blent. What mischief see'st thou lurking ? Tell me this. Prom. Toil bootless, and simplicity full fond. Okeati. Let me, I pray, that sickness suffer, since See notes 23 and 24 on page 66. 26 ipromctbeus BoimD 'Tis best being wise to have not wisdom's show. Prom. Nay, but this error shall be deemed as mine. Okean. Thy word then clearly sends me home at once. Prom. Yea, lest thy pity for me make a foe. . . . Okean. What ! of that new king on his mighty throne? Prom. Ivook to it, lest his heart be vexed with thee. Okean. Thy fate, Prometheus, teaches me that lesson. Prom. Away, withdraw ! keep thou the mind thou hast. Okean. Thou urgest me who am in act to haste ; For this my bird four-footed flaps with wings The clear path of the aether ; and full fain Would he bend knee in his own stall at home. {_Exit. STROPH. I Chor. I grieve, Prometheus, for thy dreary fate Shedding from tender eyes The dew of plenteous tears ; With streams, as when the watery south wind blows, My cheek is wet ; promctbcus JBounD 27 For lo ! these things are all unenviable, And Zeus, by his own laws his sway maintaining, Shows to the elder Gods A mood of haughtiness. ANTISTROPH. I And all the country echoeth with the moan, And poureth many a tear For that maguific power Of ancient days far-seen that thou did'st share With those of one blood sprung ; And all the mortal men who hold the plain Of holy Asia as their land of sojourn, They grieve in sympathy For thy woes lamentable. STROPH. II And they, the maiden band who find their home On distant Colchian coasts, Fearless of fight, 25 Or Skythiau horde in earth's remotest clime, By far Maeotic lake ; 26 ANTISTROPH. U And warlike glory of Arabia's tribes, 2' Who nigh to Caucasos In rock-fort dwell. An army fearful, with sharp-pointed spear See notes 25, 26 and 27 on page 66. 28 promctbeus :J6oiinD Raging in war's array. STROPH. Ill One other Titan only have I seen, One other of the Gods, Thus bound in woes of adamantine strength — Atlas, who ever groans Beneath the burden of a crushing might, The out-spread vault of heaven. ANTISTROPH III And lo ! the ocean billows murmur loud In one accord with him ; ^s The sea-depths groan, and Hades' swarthy pit Re-echoeth the sound, And fountains of clear rivers, as they flow, Bewail his bitter griefs. Prom. Think not it is through pride or stiff self-will That I am silent. But my heart is worn, Self-contemplating, as I see myself Thus outraged. Yet what other hand than mine Gave these young Gods in fulness all their gifts? But these I speak not of; for I should tell To you that know them. But those woes of men^^ List ye to them, — how they, before as babes, See notes 28 and 29 on page 66. prometbeus JBounO 29 By me were roused to reason, taught to think ; And this I say, not finding fault with men. But showing my good-will in all I gave. For first, though seeing, all in vain they saw, And hearing, heard not rightly. But, like forms Of phantom-dreams, throughout their life's whole length They muddled all at random ; did not know Houses of brick that catch the sunlight's warmth, Nor yet the work of carpentry. They dwelt In hollowed holes, like swarms of tiny ants, In sunless depths of caverns ; and they had No certain signs of winter, nor of spring Flower-laden, nor of summer with her fruits; But without counsel fared their whole lifelong, Until I showed the risings of the stars, And settings hard to recognise. ^o And I Found Number for them, chief device of all. Groupings of letters, Memory's handmaid that, And mother of the Muses. ^i And I first Bound in the yoke wild steeds, submissive made Or to the collar or men's limbs, that so They might in man's place bear his greatest toils ; And horses trained to love the rein I yoked See notes 30 and 31 on page f>6. 30 iprometbeus :©ounD To chariots, glory of wealth's pride of state ; 32 Nor was it any one but I that found Sea-crossing, canvas- winged cars of ships : Such rare designs inventing ( wretched me ! ) For mortal men, I yet have no device By which to free myself from this my woe.^^ Chor. Foul shame thou suflFerest : of thy sense bereaved, Thou errest greatly : and, like leech unskilled. Thou losest heart when smitten with disease. And know'st not how to find the remedies Wherewith to heal thine own soul's sicknesses. Prom. Hearing what yet remains thou'lt wonder more. What arts and what resources I devised : And this the chief: if any one fell ill, There was no help for him, nor healing food, Nor unguent, nor yet potion ; but for want Of drugs they wasted, till I showed to them The blendings of all mild medicaments, 3 4 Wherewith they ward the attacks of sickness sore I gave them many modes of prophecy ; ^s And I first taught them what dreams needs must prove True visions, and made known the ominous sounds Full hard to know ; and tokens by the way, See notes 32, 33, 34 and 35 on pages 66 and 67. Ipromctbcus :fi3ounD 31 And fli<^bts of taloued birds I clearly marked, — Those on the right propitious to mankind, And those sinister, — and what form of life They each maintain, and what their enmities Kach with the other, and their loves and friend- sliips ; And of the inward parts the plumpness smooth, And with what colour they the Gods would please, And the streaked comeliness of gall and liver : And with burnt limbs en wrapt in fat, and chine, I led men on to art full difficult : And I gave eyes to omens drawn from fire, Till then dim-visioued. So far then for this. And 'neath the earth the hidden boons for men, Bronze, iron, silver, gold, who else could say That he, ere I did, found them ? None, I know, Unless he fain would babble idle words. In one short word, then, learn the truth con- densed, — All arts of mortals from Prometheus spring. Chor. Nay, be not thou to men so overkind, While thou thyself art in sore evil case ; For I am sanguine that thou too, released From bonds, shall be as strong as Zeus himself. Prom. It is not thus that Fate's decree is fixed ; But I, long crushed with twice ten thousand woes 32 iprometbeus :J6oimD And bitter pains, shall then escape my bonds ; Art is far weaker than Necessit3\ Chor. Who guides the helm, then, of Ne- cessity ? Prom. Fates triple- formed, Erinnyes un for- getting. Chor. Is Zeus, then, weaker in his might than these ? Prom. Not even He can 'scape the thing decreed, Chor. What is decreed for Zeus but still to reign ? Prom. Thou may'st no further learn, ask thou no more. Chor. 'T is doubtless some dread secret which thou hidest. Prom. Of other theme make mention, for the time Is not yet come to utter this, but still It must be hidden to the uttermost ; For by thus keeping it it is that I Escape my bondage foul, and these my pains. STROPH. I Chor. Ah ! ne'er may Zeus the Lord, Whose sovran sway rules all, His strength in conflict set Against my feeble will ! Nor may I fail to serve prometbeus JiSounD 33 The Gods with holy feast Of whole burnt-offerings, Where the stream ever flows That bears my father's name, The great Okeanos ! Nor may I sin in speech ' May this grace more and more Sink deep into my soul And never fade away ! ANTISTROPH. I Sweet is it in strong hope To spend long years of life, With bright and cheering joy Our heart's thoughts nourishing. I shudder, seeing thee Thus vexed and harassed sore By twice ten thousand woes ; For thou in pride of heart, Having no fear of Zeus, In thine own obstinacy, Dost show for mortal men, Prometheus, love o'ermuch. STROPH. II See how that boon, dear friends, For thee is bootless found. Say, where is any help? What aid from mortals comes ? 34 iprometbeus :fiSounD Hast thou not seen this brief and powerless life, Fleeting as dreams, with which man's purblind race Is fast in fetters bound ? Never shall counsels vain Of mortal men break through The harmony of Zeus. ANTISTROPH. II This lesson have I learnt Beholding thy sad fate, Prometheus ! Other strains Come back upon ray mind, When I sang wedding hymns around thy bath, And at thy bridal bed, when thou did'st take In wedlock's holy bands One of the same sire born, Our own Hesione, Persuading her with gifts As wife to share thy couch. Enter lo in form like a fair woman with a heifer's horns,^^ followed by the Spectre ^Argos. Jo. What land is this? What people? Whom shall I Say that I see thus vexed With bit and curb of rock ? ' See note 36 on page 67. Ipromctbeua JGounD 35 For what offence dost thou Bear fatal punishment ? Tell me to what far land I' ve wandered here in woe. Ah me ! ah me ! Again the gadfly stings me miserable. Spectre of Argos, thou, the earth-born one — Ah, keep him off, O Earth ! I fear to look upon that herdsman dread, Him with ten thousand eyes : Ah lo ! he cometh with his crafty look, Whom Earth refuses even dead to hold ; ^^ But coming from beneath He hunts me miserable, And drives me famished o'er the sea-beach sand. STROPH. And still his waxened reed-pipe soundeth clear A soft and slumberous strain, O heavens ! O ye Gods ! Whither do these long wanderings lead me on ? For what offence, Oson of Cronos, what, Hast thou thus bound me fast In these great miseries ? Ah me ! ah me ! And why with terror of the gadfly's sting See note 37 on page 67. 36 prometbeus JBounD Dost thou thus vex me, frenzied in my soul? Burn me with fire, or bury me in earth, Or to wild sea-beasts give me as a prey : Nay, grudge me not, O King, An answer to my prayers : Enough my many-wandered wanderings Have exercised my soul, Nor have I power to learn How to avert the woe. {To Prometheus). Hear'st thou the voice of maiden crowned with horns ? Prom. Surely I heard the maid by gadfly driven, Daughter of Inachos, who warmed the heart Of Zeus with love, and now through Hera's hate Is tried, perforce, with wanderings over-long ? ANTISTROPH. Id. How is it that thou speak'st my father's name? Tell me, the suffering one. Who art thou, who, poor wretch, Who thus so truly nam'st me miserable. And tell'st the plague from Heaven, Which with its haunting stings Wears me to death ? Ah woe ! And I with famished and unseemly bounds Rush madly, driven by Hera's jealous craft. prometbeus JBounD 37 All, who of all that suffer, born to woe, Have trouble like the pain that I endure? But thou, make clear to me What yet for me remains, What remedy, what healing for my pangs. Show me, if thou dost know : Speak out and tell to me, The maid by wanderings vexed. Prom. I will say plainly all thou seek'st to know ; Not in dark tangled riddles, but plain speech. As it is meet that friends to friends should speak ; Thou see'st Prometheus who gave fire to men. lo. O thou to men as benefactor known. Why, poor Prometheus, sufferest thou this pain ? Prom. I have but now mine own woes ceased to wail. Id. Wilt thou not then bestow this boon on me ? Prom. Say what thou seek'st, for I will tell thee all. lo. Tell me, who fettered thee in this ravine ? Prom. The counsel was of Zeus, the hand Hephaestos'. lo. Of what offence dost thou the forfeit pay ? Prom. Thus much alone am I content to tell. lo. Tell me, at least, besides, what end shall come To my drear wanderings; when the time shall be. 38 ipromctbeus JiSounD Prom. Not to know this is better than to know. lo. Nay, hide not from me what I have to bear. Prom, It is not that I grudge the boon to thee. lo. Why then delayest thou to tell the whole ? Prom.. Not from ill will, but loth to vex thy soul. lo. Nay, care thou not beyond what pleases me. Profn. If thou desire it I must speak. Hear then. Chor. Not yet though ; grant me share of pleasure too, lyet us first ask the tale of her great woe. While she unfolds her life's consuming chances ; Her future sufferings let her learn from thee. Prom. 'T is thy work, lo, to grant these their wish, On other grounds and as thy father's kin : 3 8 For to bewail and moan one's evil chance, Here where one trusts to gain a pitying tear From those who hear, — this is not labour lost. lo. I know not how to disobey your wish ; So ye shall learn the whole that ye desire In speech full clear. And yet I blush to tell See note 38 on page 67. promctbcus J6ounD 39 The storm that came from God, and brought the loss Of maiden face, what way it seized on me. r'or nightly visions coming evermore Into my virgin bower, sought to woo me With glozing words. " O virgin greatly blest, Why art thou still a virgin when thou might'st Attain to highest wedlock ? For with dart Of passion for thee Zeus doth glow, and fain Would make thee his. And thou, O child, spurn not The bed of Zeus, but go to Lerua's field, Where feed thy father's flocks and herds, That so the eye of Zeus may fiud repose From this his craving." With such visions I Was haunted every evening, till I dared To tell my father all these dreams of night. And he to Pytho and Dodona sent Full many to consult the Gods, that he Might learn what deeds and words would please Heaven's lords. And they came bringing speech of oracles Shot with dark sayings, dim and hard to know. At last a clear word came to Inachos Charging him plainly, and commanding him To thrust me from my country and my home. To stray atlarge^' to utmost bounds of earth ; See note 39 on page 67. 40 prometbcus JBounD And, should he gainsay, that the fiery bolt Of Zeus should come and sweep away his race. And he, by I^oxias' oracles induced, Thrust me, against his will, against mine too. And drove me from my home ; but spite of all, The curb of Zeus constrained him this to do. And then forthwith my face and mind were changed ; And horned, as ye see me, stung to the quick By biting gadfly, I with maddened leap Rushed to Kerchneia's fair and limpid stream. And fount of lyerna.^o And a giant herds- man, Argos, full rough of temper, followed me. With many an eye beholding, on my track. And him a sudden and unlooked-for doom Deprived of life. And I, by gadfly stung. By scourge from Heaven am driven from land to land. What has been done thou hearest. And if thou Can'st tell what yet remains of woe, declare it ; Nor in thy pity soothe me with false words ; For hollow words, I deem, are worst of ills. Chor. Away, away, let be : Ne'er thought I that such tales Would ever, ever come unto mine ears ; See note 40 on page promctbcus JBounO 41 Nor that such terrors, woes, and outrages, Hard to look on, hard to bear, Would chill my soul with sharp goad, double- edged. Ah fate ! Ah fate ! I shudder, seeing lo's fortune strange. Prom. Thou art too quick in groaning, full of fear : Wait thou a while until thou hear the rest. Chor. Speak thou and tell. Unto the sick 'tis sweet Clearly to know what yet remains of pain. Prom. Your former wish ye gained full easily. Your first desire was to learn of her The tale she tells of her own sufferings ; Now therefore hear the woes that yet remain For this poor maid to bear at Hera's hands. And thou, O child of Inachos ! take heed To these my words, that thou may'st hear the goal Of all thy wanderings. First then, turning hence Towards the sunrise, tread the untilled plains. And thou shalt reach the Skythian nomads, those *• Who on smooth-rolling waggons dwell aloft See note 41 on page 68. 42 ipromctbeue JBounD In wicker houses, with far-dartiug bows Duly equipped. Approach thou not to these, But trending round the coasts on which the surf Beats with loud murmurs^z traverse thou that clime. On the left hand there dwell the Chalybes,4 3 Who work in iron. Of these do thou beware. For fierce are they and most inhospitable ; And thou wilt reach the river fierce and strong, True to its name. 44 This seek not thou to cross, For it is hard to ford, until thou come To Caucasos itself, of all high hills The highest, where a river pours its strength From the high peaks themselves. And thou must cross Those summits near the stars, must onward go Towards the south, where thoushalt find the host Of the Amazons, hating men, whose home Shall one day be around Thermodon's bank, By Themiskyra,4s where the ravenous jaws Of Salmydessos ope upon the sea, Treacherous to sailors, stepdame stern to ships, *6 And they with right good-will shall be thy guides ; And thou, hard by a broad pool's narrow gates, Wilt pass to the Kimmerian isthmus. I^eaving See notes 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46 on page 63. promctbeus 3Boun& 43 This boldly, tbou must cross Maeotic channel ;*'> And there shall be great fame 'mong mortal men Of this thy journey, and the Bosporos-'s Shall take its name from thee. And Europe's plain Then quitting, thou shalt gain the Asian coast. Doth not the all-ruling monarch of the Gods vSeem all ways cruel ? For, although a God, He, seeking to embrace this mortal maid, Imposed these wanderings on her. Thou hast found, O maiden ! bitter suitor for thy hand ; For great as are the ills thou now hast heard. Know that as yet not e'en the prelude's known. /o. Ah woe ! woe ! woe ! Prom, Again thou groan'st and criest. What wilt do When thou shalt learn the evils yet to come? C/ior. What ! are there troubles still to come for her ? Prom. Yea, stormy sea of woe most lament- able. lo. What gain is it to live ? Why cast I not Myself at once from this high precipice, And, dashed to earth, be free from allmy woes? Far better were it once for all to die See notes 47 and 48 on page 1 44 prometbeus BounD Than all one's days to suffer pain and grief. Prom. My struggles then full hardly thou would'st bear, For whom there is no destiny of death ; For that might bring a respite from my woes : But now there is no limit to my pangs Till Zeus be hurled out from his sovereignty. lo. What ! shall Zeus e'er be hurled from his high stale ? Prom. Thou would'st rejoice, I trow, to see that fall. lo. How should I not, when Zeus so foully wrongs me ? Prom. That this is so thou now may'st hear from me. lo. Who then shall rob him of his sceptred sway ? Prom. Himself shall do it by his own rash plans. Id. But how ? Tell this, unless it bringeth harm. Prom. He shall wed one for whom one day he '11 grieve. lo. Heaven -born or mortal ? Tell, if tell thou may'st. Prom. Why ask'st thou who ? I may not tell thee that. lo. Shall his bride hurl him from his throne of might ? promctbeua JBounO 45 Pro. Yea ; she shall bear child mightier than his sire. lo. Has he uo way to turn aside that doom ? Prom. No, none ; unless I from my bonds be loosed. 4 9 lo. Who then shall loose thee 'gainst the will of Zeus ? Prom. It must be one of thy posterity. lo. What, shall a child of mine free thee from ills ? Prom. Yea, the third generation after tenso lo. No more thine oracles are clear to me. Prom. Nay, seek not thou thine own drear fate to know. lo. Do not, a boon presenting, then with- draw it. Prom. Of two alternatives, I '11 give thee choice. lo. Tell me of what, then give me leave to choose. Prom. I give it then. Choose, or that I should tell Thy woes to come, or who shall set me free. Chor. Of these be willing one request to grant To her, and one to me ; nor scorn my words ; See notes 4g and 50 on pages 68 and 6g. 46 iprometbeus :©ounD Tell her what yet of wanderings she must bear, And me who shall release thee. This I crave. Prom. Since ye are eager, I will not refuse To utter fully all that ye desire. Thee, lo, first I '11 tell thy wanderings wild, Thou, write it in the tablets of thy mind. When thou shalt cross the straits, of continents The boundary, 5 1 take thou the onward path On to the fiery-hued and sun-tracked East. [And first of all, to frozen Northern blasts Thou'lt come, and there beware the rushing whirl, Lest it should come upon thee suddenly, And sweep thee onward with the cloud-rack wild]; 5 2 Crossing the sea-surf till thou come at last Unto Kisthene's Gorgoneian plains, Where dwell the grey -haired virgin Phorkides, 5 3 Three, swan-shaped, with one eye between them all And but one tooth ; whom nor the sun beholds With radiant beams, nor yet the moon by night : And near them are their winged sisters three, The Gorgons, serpent-tressed, and hating men. Whom mortal wight may not behold and live. Such is one ill I bid thee guard against ; Now hear another monstrous sight : Beware See notes 51, 52 and 53 on page 69. prometbcus JBounD 47 The sharp-beaked houuds of Zeus that never bark, 5 4 The Gryphons, and the one-eyed, mounted host Of Arimaspians, who around the stream That flows o'er gold, the ford of Pluto, dwell :5 5 Draw not thou nigh to them. But distant land Thou shalt approach, the swarthy tribes who dwell By the sun's fountain, S6 ^'l^thiopia's stream : By its banks wend thy way until thou come To that great fall where from the Bybline hills The Neilos pours its pure and holy flood ; And it shall guide thee to Neilotic land, Three-angled, where, O lo, 'tis decreed, For thee and for thy progeny to found A far-off colony. And if of this Aught seem to thee as stammering speech ob- scure, Ask yet again and learn it thoroughly : Far more of leisure have I than I like. Chor. If thou hast aught to add, aught left untold Of her sore-wasting wanderings, speak it out ; But if thou hast said all, then grant to us The boon we asked. Thou dost not, sure, for- get it. See notes 54, 55 and 56 on page 69. 48 prometbcus 36oun& Prom. The whole course of her journeying she hath heard, And that she know she hath not heard in vain I will tell out what troubles she hath borne Before she came here, giving her sure proof Of these my words. The greater bulk of things I will pass o'er, and to the very goal Of all thy wanderings go. For when thou cam'st To the Molossian plains, and by the grove s ' Of lofty-ridged Dodona, and the shrine Oracular of Zeus Thesprotian, And the strange portent of the talking oaks, By which full clearly, not in riddle dark. Thou wast addressed as noble spouse of Zeus, — If aught of pleasure such things give to thee, — Thence stung to frenzy, thou did 'st rush along The sea-coast's path to Rhea's mighty gulf,5 8 In backward way from whence thou now art vexed, And for all time to come that reach of sea, Know well, from thee Ionian shall be called, To all men record of thy journeyings. These then are tokens to thee that my mind Sees somewhat more than that is manifest. What follows {to the Chorus) I will speak to you and her See notes 57 and 58 on page 70. promctbeu3 JSounO 49 In common, on the track of former words Returning once again. A city stands Canobos, at its country's furthest bound, Hard by the mouth and silt-bank of the Nile ; There Zeus shall give thee back thy mind again, 59 With hand that works no terror touching thee.— Touch only— and thou then shalt bear a child Of Zeus begotten, Epaphos, "Touch-born," vSwartliy of hue, whose lot shall be to reap The whole plain watered by the broad-streamed Neilos : And in the generation fifth from him A household numbering fifty shall return Against their will to Argos, in their flight From wedlock with their cousins. 6o And they too, (Kites but a little space behind the doves) With eager hopes pursuing marriage rites Beyond pursuit shall come ; and God shall grudge To give up their sweet bodies. And the land Pelasgian ''i shall receive them, when by stroke Of woman's murderous hand these men shall lie Smitten to death by daring deed of night : For every bride shall take her husband's life, And dip in blood the sharp two-edged sword See notes 59, 60 and 61 on page 70. 4 50 iprometbeus :i6oimD (So to my foes may Kypris show herself!) ^2 Yet one of that fair baud shall love persuade Her husbaud not to slaughter, and her will Shall lose its edge ; and she shall make her choice Rather as weak than murderous to be known. And she at Argos shall a royal seed Bring forth (long speech 't would take to tell this clear) Famed for his arrows, who shall set me free ^3 From these my woes. Such was the oracle Mine ancient mother Themis, Titan-born, Gave to me ; but the manner and the means, — That needs a lengtliy tale to tell the whole, And thou can'st nothing gain by learning it. lo. Eleleu ! Oh, Eleleu ! 64 — The throbbing pain inflames me, and the mood Of frenzy-smitten rage ; The gadfly's pointed sting, Not forged with fire, attacks, And my heart beats against my breast with fear. Mine eyes whirl round and round : Out of my course I 'm borne By the wild spirit of fierce agony. And cannot curb my lips, And turbid speech at random dashes on Upon the waves of dread calamity. See notes 62, 63 and 64 on page 70. prometbeus ."©ounO 51 STROPH. I Chor. Wise, very wise was he Who first in thought conceived this maxim sage, And spread it with his speech, (-^ — That the best wedlock is with equals found, And that a craftsman, born to work with hands, Should not desire to wed Or with the soft luxurious heirs of wealth. Or with the race that boast their lineage high. ANTISTROPH. I Oh ne'er, oh ne'er, dread Fates, May ye behold me as the bride of Zeus, The partner of his couch. Nor may I wed with any heaven-born spouse ! For I shrink back, beholding lo's lot Of loveless maidenhood. Consumed and smitten low exceedingly By the wild wanderings from great Hera sent ! STROPH. II To me, when wedlock is on equal terms, It gives no cause to fear : Ne'er may the love of any of the Gods, The strong Gods, look on me With glance I cannot 'scape ! See note 65 on page 70. 52 ipromctbcus JSounC) ANTISTROPH, II That fate is war that none can war against, Source of resourceless ill ; Nor know I what might then become of me : I see not how to 'scape The counsel deep of Zeus, Prom. Yea, of a truth shall Zeus, though stiff of will, Be brought full low. Such bed of wedlock now Is he preparing, one to cast him forth In darkness from his sovereignty and throne. And then the curse his father Cronos spake Shall have its dread completion, even that He uttered when he left his ancient throne ; And from these troubles no one of the Gods But me can clearly show the way to 'scape. I know the time and manner : therefore now Let him sit fearless, in his peals on high Putting his trust, and shaking in his hands His darts fire-breathing. Nought shall they avail To hinder him from falling shamefully A fall intolerable. Such a combatant He arms against himself, a marvel dread, Who shall a fire discover mightier far Than the red levin, and a sound more dread Than roaring of the thunder, and shall shiver That plague sea-born that causeth earth to quake. The trident, weapon of Poseidon's strength : promctbeug JBounD 53 And stumbling on this evil, he shall learn How far apart a king's lot from a slave's. Chor. What thou dost wish thou mutterest against Zeus. Prom. Things that shall be, and things I wish, I speak. Chor. And must we look for one to master Zeus? Prom. Yea, troubles harder far than these are his. Chor. Art not afraid to vent such words as these? Prom. What can I fear whose fate is not to die? Chor. But He may send on thee worse pain than this. Prom. So let Him do : nought finds me unprepared. Chor. Wisdom is theirs who Adrasteia wor- ship. 66 Prom. Worship then, praise and flatter him that rules ; My care for Zeus is nought, and less than nought : Let Him act, let Him rule this little while, E'en as He will ; for long He shall not rule Over the Gods. But lo ! I see at hand See note 66 on page 70. 54 iprometbeua JBounD The courier of the Gods, the minister Of our new sovereign. Doubtless he has come To bring me tidings of some new device. Enter Hermes. Herm. Thee do I speak to, — thee, the teacher wise, The bitterly o'er-bitter, who 'gainst Gods Hast sinned in giving gifts to short-lived men — I speak to thee, the filcher of bright fire. The Father bids thee say what marriage thou Dost vaunt, and who shall hurl Him from his might ; And this too not in dark mysterious speech. But tell each point out clearly. Give me not, Prometheus, task of double journey. Zeus Thou seest, is not with such words appeased. Prom. Stately of utterance, full of haughti- ness Thy speech, as fits a messenger of Gods. Ye yet are young in your new rule, and think To dwell in painless towers. Have I not Seen two great rulers driven forth from thence P^? And now the third, who reigneth, I shall see In basest, quickest fall. Seem I to thee See note 67 on page 70, prometbcus3 JGounD 55 To shrink and quail Ijcfore these ncw-niade Gods ? I'ar, very far from that am I. But thou, Track once aj