UC-NRLF B M S7b 713 Statistics regarding California Irrigation Districts For year 1916-1917 The contents of this circular, while not guaranteed, are based on information either furnished by the Secretary of each District or received from other sources which I regard as reliable. S^tcuTLA^^cTlrGc^ EDWARD N. PEARSON, Jr. 433 California Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Telephone Sutter 5208 March, 1917 : District - •'/• -J ' - ' s : - '« - ; - ^ '< imperial Alta Turlock Modesto Oakc Imperial Tulare Stanislaus and Merced Stanislaus Stanisla; San Jo: Population (estimated) - - - 40,000 6,000 12,000 15,000 Date of Organization - - - - July 14, 1911 Aug. 14, 1888 June 6, 1887 July 23, 1887 Nov. 1, Vote on Organization . - - Yes No 1304 360 Yes No 326 19 Yes No 291 73 Yes No 700 156 Yes 348 Number of Assessment Payers 6,982 3,200 5,340 3,150 Gross Acreage 576,600 130,000 176,210 81,183 7' Irrigated Acreage 333,724 100,000 89,049 52,000 i; Percentage of Irrigated Acreage to Gross Acreage 58% 79% 50% 64% Principal Products - - - - Alfalfa, bar- ley, wheat, cotton, corn, fruits, vege- tables, live stock. Raisins, dairy Alfalfa, corn, beans, melons, fruit, dairy Alfalfa,corn, beans, fruits, dairy Alfalfa, beans, corn, i almonds (See Note A) Assessed Valuation .... $26,247,596 $3,077,414 $9,796,745 $6,947,605 $3,351 (See No $2,40( (See Note B) Authorized Bonded Debt - - (See note C) $3,500,000 (See Note D) $500,000 (See Note D) $2,662,000 (See Note D) $2,219,483 Percentage of Bonded Debt to Asssessed Valuation - - - 13.33% 16.24% 27.17% 31.94% / Assessed Valuation per acre - $45.52 $23.67 $55.59 $85.57 $^ Present Bonded Debt per acre $6.07 $3.84 $15.10 $27.33 $:- Tax Rate per $100 - - - - $1.75 $2.37 $3.10 $3.00 3 Total Tax Levy $459,332 $72,934 $303,527 $208,428 $19: Tax Levy per acre $0.79 $0.56 $1.72 $2.56 3 Source of Water Supply - - Colorado River Kings River Tuolumne River Tuolumne River Stanisl Rive Type of Irrigation System - - Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravi Approximate Market Value of bonds March 1, 1917 - - - Yielding 5.10% to 5.15% Yielding 4. 75% Yielding 4.75% Yielding 4. 75% Yielding South San Joaquin San Joaquin .000 May 24, 1909 Yes 376 No 87 2,000 Ofc fife 71,050 33,524 40% Alfalfa, corn, beans, beets, sunflowers, fruits, vege- tables $5,454,464 (See Note D) $3,835,000 71% $76.76 $53.97 $5.00 $272,723 $3.83 Stanislaus River Gravity Yielding 5. 15% $457,620,000 FROM CALIFORNIA FARMS The following estimated farm production during 1916 depended, in a substantial measure, upon the practice of irrigation. Hay $55,000,000 *Dairy Products . . . 45,630,000 Cereals 41,040,000 *Citrus Fruits .... 40,000,000 Meat Products . . . 37,000,000 *Dried Fruits, Raisins, Prunes 34,000,000 *Fresh Fruits .... 28,000,000 *Beet Sugar 25,000,000 *Table and Wine Grapes 21,300,000 *Beans 20,600,000 *Canned Fruits and Vegetables . . . 20,000,000 Poultry Products . . . 20,000,000 *Potatoes and Onions *Fresh Vegetables . . *Cotton *Nuts *Nursery Products *Rice *MeIons Olives and Olive Oil V^ool Hops *Seeds Vinegar and Cider Honey and Wax . $17,500,000 12,000,000 5,600,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 4,750,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 1,200,000 Total $457,620,000 ^Irrigation practiced My recommendation of certain California Irrigation District bonds is founded on these unchangeable facts — namely, that agricultural land is indestructible, that there is no substitute for water in making soil productive and that the prosperity of the business of farming, which is California's dominant and most enduring industry, depends vitally, and will continue to, upon the practice of irrigation. These facts constitute a confidence-inspiring starting-point from which to analyze an investment structure. ^Bf District 1 Imperial Alta Turlock Modesto Oakdale South San Joaquin Anderson. Cottonwood Waterford Alpaugh Lindsay. Strathmore Terra Bella Carmichael Imperial Tulare Stanislaus and I^erced Sunislaus Stanislaus and San Joaquin San Joaquin Shasta and Tehama Stanislaus Tulare Tulare Tulare Sacramento Population (estimated) - - - 40,000 6,000 12,000 15,000 5,000 8,000 3,000 200 700 (See note H) 700 500 100 Date of Organization - . - - July 14, 1911 Aug. 14, 1888 June 6, 1887 July 23, 1887 Nov. 1, 1909 May 24, 1909 July 27, 1914 Sept. 6, 1913 Mar. 22, 1915 Oct. 26, 1915 Aug. 16, 1915 Feb. 7, 1915 Yes No 1304 360 Yes No 326 19 Yes No 1 Yes No 291 73 1 700 156 Yes No 348 27 Yes No 376 87 Yes No 482 17 Yes No 50 1 Yes No 77 14 Yes No 150 20 Yes No 75 none Yes No 54 5 Number of Assessment Payers 6,982 3,200 5,340 3,150 1,671 2,000 639 106 300 520 300 77 Gross Acreage 576,600 130.000 176,210 81,183 74,156 71,050 31,840 14,615 7,994 15,236 12,000 3,100 Irrigated Acreage 333,724 100,000 89,049 52,000 15,000 33,524 System being constructed System being constructed System being enlarged System being constructed System being constructed System being constructed Percentage of Irrigated Acreage to Gross Acreage 58% 79% 50% 64% 20% 40% Principal Products - . . . Alfalfa, bar- ley, wheat, fruits, vege- tables, live stock. Raisins, dairy Alfalfa.corn, beans, melons, fruit, dairy AlfaIfa,com, beans, fruits, dairy Alfalfa, peas, beans, rice, com, grain, almonds Alfalfa,corn, beans, beets, sunflowers, fruits, vege- tables Alfalfa, grain, prunes, al- monds, grapes (11,000 acres) Grain (11,000 acres) Alfalfa.grain, beets, seed crops (3,900 acres) Citrus fruits (5,000 acres) Citrus and deciduous fruits (2,000 acres) Citrus and deciduous fruits (830 acres) (See Note A) Assessed Valuation .... $26,247,596 $3,077,414 $9,796,745 $6,947,605 $3,351,600 $5,454,464 $1,315,073 $707,216 $422,402 $1,515,957 $600,000 $188,420 (See Note B) Authorized Bonded Debt - . (See note C) $3,500,000 (See Note D) $500,000 (Sec Note D) $2,662,000 (See Note D) $2,219,483 (See Note D) $2,400,000 (See Note D) $3,835,000 (See Note E) $480,000 $465,000 $283,000 $1,400,000 $1,000,000 (OnlyI6l)0.0«0is.iied) (See Note F) 100% $90,000 Percentage of Bonded Debt to Asssessed Valuation - - • 1333% 16.24% 27.17% 31.94% 71.60% 71% 36.50% 65.75% 66.99%1 92.35% (See Note F) 30.57% Assessed Valuation per acre - $45.52 $23.67 $55.59 $85.57 $45.19 $76.76 $41.30 $48.39 $52.83 $99 49 $50.00 $60.78 Present Bonded Debt per acre [ $6 07 $3.84 $15.10 $27.33 $32.36 $53.97 $15.07 $31.81 $35.40 $91.89 (See Note G) $50.00 (See Note G) $18.58 Tax Rate per «100 . . . . | $1.75 $2.37 $3.10 $3.00 $5.90 $5.00 $4.00 $3.06 $8.50 $8.00 $6.00 $6.50 Total Tax Levy $459,332 $72,934 $303,527 $208,428 $197,744 $272,723 $52,602 $21,640 $35,904 $121,276 $36,000 $12,247 Tax Levy per acre $0.79 $0.56 $1.72 $2.56 $2.66 $3.83 $1.65 $1.48 $4.49 $7.95 $3.00 $3.91 Source of Water Supply . . Colorado River King. River Tuolumne River Tuolumne River Stanislaus River Stanislaus River Sacramento River "SS.S" Wells Wells Wells North fork American River Type of Irrigation System - . Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravity Gravit^ Gravity Gravity Gravity Pumping Pumping Pumping Pumping Approximate Market Value of bonds March 1, 1917 . - - Yielding 5.10% to 5.15% Yielding 4.75% Yielding 4.75% Yielding4.75% Yielding 5! 15% Yielding5.15% Yicldine5,50% Yielding 5.70% to 5.80% Yielding 53s % to 5., 50% Yielding 5.60% to 5.75% Not on market None on market IMPORTAJNT The investment desirability of specific California Irrigation District bonrJs cannot be conclusively indicated by statistics of the nature herewith given. A thorough knowledge of all phases of each District is essential. EXPLANATION Note A The values shown on the assessment roU are for the land alone. Improvements (buildings, trees, vines, etc.) and person- al property) which are assessed by counties, cities and school districts, are not assessed by California Irrigation Districts. Therefore, the assessed valuation does not indicate the real values which are "pledged" to "secure" the payment of an Irrigation District bond issue. Furthermore, the assessed valu- ation does not include the value of the irrigation system, which is generally equal to the total bonded debt. NoteB The bonded debt is retired in serial payments commenc- ing not later than the twenty-first year and ending not later than the fortieth year after bonds are issued. NoteC Issuance of additional $2,500,000 bonds contemplated for improvements. Note D Issuance of additional bonds expected to be required to provide mountain storage of the flood waters. NoteE Issuance of about $500,000 additional bonds contemplated to complete system; no mountain storage required- Note F Percentage of issued bonds to assessed valuation. NoteG Outstanding bonded debt per acre. NoteH Towns of Lindsay and Strathmore are not included m the District. U72TTTT UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ilApr'56Rf MAY 2 -195611 Ik^ Anglo icMonion f ari$ iN'^tionHl-iganfe af ^art iifranrisro BOND DEPARTMENT August 20th, 1917. Mr. J. C. Rowell, Librarian, University of California, BERKELEY, GAL. Dear Sir:- In response to yoxir letter of August l6th, I take pleasure in enclosing four copies of iny circu- lar containing statistical information regarding Cali- fornia Irrigation districts. Very truly yours. ENP-B Bond Department. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ilApr'56RiF MAY 2 - 1956 11