PA 4247 H43 1908 MAIN UC-NRLF B M D3M 377 ^mm^mm LIBR^RV OK ruy University of California. Class RESTORATIONS OF MENANDER WALTER HEADLAM FELLOW OF king's COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE BOWES AND BOWES 1908 Price One Shilling RESTORATIONS OF MENANDER BY WALTER HEADLAM FELLOW OF king's COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE '^ OF THE UNIVERSiT OF CAMBRIDGE BOWES AND BOWES 1908 J. t OXFORD: HORACE HART PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY ^>1 A / A-> PREFATORY NOTE Fragments d'un mamtscrii de Menandre dicouverts etpublids par M, GUSTAVE Lefebvre, Inspecteur en chef du service des AntiqtdUs de P^gypte. Le Caire: Imprimerie de Vlnstitut Frangais d' Archdologie Orientale, 1907. All scholars will offer M. Lefebvre their warm con- gratulations on this great discovery. They will include M. Maurice Croiset, who has assisted him to edit it, and add their compliments to the Press of the French Archaeological Institute at Cairo. Here, in several large pieces, we regain no less than 1,300 lines: and if they still deny us the material for estimating thoroughly Menander's management of a comedy throughout, at least there are complete scenes, and one Prologue, which together show us well enough his handling of a plot and his drawing of character, and display most strikingly his lightness and vivacity of style. But, as M. Lefebvre recognizes, before we can appreciate them fully there is still much restoration to be done ; many supplements to be made, and not a few corrections. Fortunately what remains of the MS. appears to have suffered little serious injury ; the lacunae, though numerous, are for the most part only small ; and many of them probably have traces which will make it possible to confirm the right conjectures ; so that there is every ground for hoping that before long almost the whole will have been restored A z 4 PREFATORY NOTE intelligibly. M. Lefebvrc promises us presently a facsimile, and afterwards a second edition which will embody what other scholars may contribute. One such contribution 1 make here. The work of restoration has been made much easier by the editor's accuracy in marking the number of the letters missing. For example, there can be no doubt. I think, about the supplements in vi: 419, 420 on P. 173 (below, p. 28); but they arc rendered possible by the care with which the vacant spaces have been noted. The scribe has spared us one great source of trouble by marking a change of speakers with two vertical dots iTAA\OCTIC: €Yr€ : and not infrequently he writes the name of the new speaker in the margin. But he is not, of course, to be relied upon entirely ; sometimes he omits these dots, and sometimes put them after the wrong word. One point to which I would invite attention is the number of places where the words have been transposed. It is a subject which I have treated fully in the Classical Review for 1902, p. 436, where the present examples will find many parallels. The Papyrus is here called P, and the conjectural sup- plements are enclosed in square brackets. My own suggestions, for convenience, are printed in thick type. Kitty's College, Cambridge, Jan. 22, i90iS. RESTORATIONS OF MENANDER P. 9. The form TtlSaos in vv. 40, 47, though the region is given as Ti^eiov in Steph. Byz. (Kock Com. AU., i. p. 704), is practically new to us. Elsewhere it appears as Tt/3ioy, and is scanned TT^lo? by Metrodorus, A. P. xiv. 123. 11. But we are enabled now to emend two other fragments of Menander : fr. 231 « evdvfita /3i rov SovXov Tp^v iaco? Sii ^povria-ai where the false reading to, ^lov deceived the simple mind of Priscian. Bergk had already proposed aXA' ov to. Ti^iov. So Proverb. Append, iii. 79 . . • tou 8e Qi/x^tv 6 N\evav8po^ {frag. 1075) o-ui/excSy Ji^iov KaXel should evidently have been written Ti^nov. — It was an ethnic slave-name: Strabo 304, 5S3'^ Lucian i. 133, 681, ii. 748, iii. 57, 304; Synes. £pisi. 3, A. P. xiv. 123. 56 fiera Ttjs e/xjjy KiKTT]fi€vr]S kpyd^erai tpia 8iaK0V€l T€ 0PIA P. ra 6p?a ed. ^'35 9 KpLTTjP TOVTOV TLVa ^T]Tov/xip laov d St] ere /jtTjSep KcoXveii SidXvcTov rjfids, eiAece P 31 T^ l3aKTrjpict Ka]6i^ojJLai aov 6 RESTORATIONS OF P. 35 eKnPlCCOJN P The Attic form was -npioo, npiaai : Ef. Mag. 688. 1 1 la-Tfoy OTi 01 'AOrjvaioi ov Xiyovai npi^co, dWa )(^ooph rov ( nptco, quoting Mcnander/r. 902; Pollux vii. 114 -rrpUiv 8i Xfyerai to npi^dv. Therefore npL(6vT 'EXXtjulkcc, Kadd Kui rjaOa Kal rjaOas. It is a slave speaking. 174 ON. [o]vt6s eo-n. CYP. r/V; ON. 6 SaKTvXios. CYP. onolo^; ' Here he (" it ") is.' ' Who ? ' avTos ia-Tc ed. 191 ^ aai^e tovtov dcr^aXco? HMOIA Nj . . nAP€XOL)Ca)N : What would suit the space is 77 '/xol S[6s, aiiTw] iv' [ev] Trapexco (rcoy. * Or give it to me, that I may deliver it safely to the master.' There is the same crasis on P. 41 z*. 118 avT(p 'iva KepSdueie, and it makes no difference where the ictus of the verse falls: avTr] 'o-tIu tv^ov in v. 368 is quite normal. 142 vri TOP Aia Tov acoTfjpa. ndvd' eupcou [l-yo) diravTa Trepiicnraafx , 6 8 ov^ evpcov A[ d[p€i ed. I should expect either d^yet or e'xei, which serves as the perfect of Xafx(3dya>, 'has got.' For dy^i compare O. C. 832 Toiis ijiov? ayo). Eur. Heracl. 139, 267 d^ui ye fxivToi T0V9 kfiovs ^y(o Xa^d>y. In Aesch. SuJ>p. 929 Porson conjectured Tdfi' oXcoXoO' €vpiv acocf) pot/coy yvvaixcov "OfioLov, To Kavovv (to) tt]9 Biov (fiepii. Mir- 8 RESTORATIONS OF I'- 51 357 €*? TO.? Yuva?Ka9 nayiv\i(ovpoSiTT]i>, which is only negative : I suppose it is Onesimus who interjects /cat /idXa : * Oh yes ! ' Abrotonon protesting ' No, I swear ! ' 363 T^r Si •n'al&(a y) tjth tji^ 6la6a9 ; 270 etT* i^anivrj^ KXdovaa npocrrpe^d fioi-rj, TiXXovar (axrrfjs ra^ rpiyas, KaXov ndvv Kal XitTTov, 00 6(01, Tapavrlvov a(p6Spa diroXwXcic^u i' ]• oXov yap iytyoun puKo?. drroX(oX(K(L' ed. The sentence admits dnoXojXiKnu- but the participle seems to suit the space. ' If you take my advice, 377 TovTo npbi Toi' SfcnroTrju (pavipov TTOi)cni^' (.1 yap tar' (Xivdtpa, naiSoi Ti TovToy XavOdvuv Su T0CY[ Read : fi ydp (fM€V' eniTOYTCOA'eMOlOYNYN . eA[ €CT- P This seems to have been €/xot av or e/zot crvi/ : by mistake for (fxol vvv a-vv[Oy\[i ? or arvyy^vov ? P. ^■^ 294 TL OVV 1T0lri(TH TiS ', I think we need iroirja-rj. 300 0770-0) TavpoTToXtois Trapdeuos €T ovaa — TCLKeiVT) y€v6fi€va irdvT kjxa TTOOVfiiyrj — to, irXelcrTa S' avTcou 61^ iya>. eT'OYCATOT-€KeiNH P TO, is necessary. Metre admits rd y' eKuvrj, but I think TA€K€INH better. Scribes were very apt to fill what looked like an hiatus by inserting y' or r' or 8' : e.g. P. 153 v. 119 TONAN€NTAA* AYTO) for (pavivO' avTa> (corrected by the editor), Menand./n 630, Eur. /. A. 439, Cobet N.L. 60. 309 Ta KOtua ravrl 5* aKKiovnat r£ Xoyoi, Tov fjLTj SiafiapTiii/' " o)S 8' dvaLSrjS rj(r6a Kal kafiSs T19 ! " ON. cuye. ABP. " Kari^aXes Si fx cby a(f>68pa \ " " Ifidria S oV diTcaXicr 17 rdXaiv eyc6 ! " 0^0-0). OOCGANAIAHC P 316 ABP, TO nipas Se TrduToou, " naiSLOv Toivvv, epm, " tffJTi yeyovos aoi" . .]HrerONOCCOI P is said to have, and M. Lefebvre reads rjSy] y^yopos^ but with rjSij we should have had ykyoviv croL. lo RESTORATIONS OF P-55 3J5 AXX [ov] \dpi^ Tiy, ' fK^poTovov, tovtcov Ifioi; ABP. N^ TO) 6iS' av yap KaKorjOfvcrT], pay^ovpLai aoi t6t(. Perhaps /zere'xet? poi or pi6(^(i9 poi. 338 «//as hopilcssly bafjlcd, thereupon she takes the other road.' The verb should be something like Ty)^ . . . MENANDER 13 P. 65 503 CM. ovK olS' Ti XeyeiS". ON. rj ypavs 8e ye 618' , coy c-ywiiai. (as P. 151 V. 83) cocerooMoi P P. 67 507 vvvl 5' dvayvoapLaixos avTOis yiyove /cat airavTa rdyaOd. CM. tl ^Tjati^, lepoa-vXe ypav ; vvv 8' ed. with P. In 508 we can make metre with diravT* d-yaSd : but it may be worth considering whether it was not anavra TdydB\ *UpoaT;Xe ypav, tl ^^^ ; 513 air yap a-(j)68p* oiv TTore TOYCe- eAYTCON P Xd^Tf in 45 may be a mistake for Xd^oi, but is not neces- sary ; cf. P. 57 t'. 373- 50 yiyi'ofKvov ita sole t fieri : as in the Tfcopyo? (Nicole) v. 6, A. P. V. 41, Alexis 6z. i, 76, Marc. Ant. vi. 40 ytvirai yap. 86 loaQ' h fxkv wvl 7ro(i? diTOTrXrjKTov tcrrt. Trot 0€p€t ydp ; 17 TtVa a^co^ ; iavrfj^ kar Ikui'I] Kvpia P wrongly marks a change of speaker, AnonAHKTONeCTI: nOY€PeirAP : HTINA 50 M. Lefebvre reads : tppcoaO' (vpeyfi? yeyivrjpivoi i]fiiv Oearai, Kai to. Xoina crco^eTC. I think this would imply ind to. nporepa dncoXiaaT^. The MS. has rereNOMeNOI and I would rather read : (ppcoaO', evpevu^ T€ y^vonivoi i^/iTf, Oearai, Kai rd Xonrd aa>^iT€. etiam quae seguuniur. 62 Accent and punctuate : i} AcDpiy ola yiyov^v, co? 5' ippcopevri ! ^waiv jpoTTov Tiv\ o)y Ip-ol Kara(paiviTai, avrai. This use of (coaii' explains a phrase in Antiphanes 217. 8 X(y(i9 pdyttpov (oiVTa ! which Kock took as a question, ' tam egregium coquum negat usquam inter vivos reperiri posse ' ; but it means eoquum vivacem praedicas ! P. 115 80 M. Lefebvre gives : nOA. p^ fioa- t/j tdO' 6 Sa Tii ; avTi]. HAT. ndi-v /caXaif ijpfaKf^ avrfi rd^a . . . . y, vvv S' ovKiri. dTTiXjjXvo ov Kara Tp&irov (Tov ypcu/itroL' avrf). nUA. ri ^ly? ; ov Kara Tpoirov ; MENANDER 15 P. 115 On V. 82 M. Lefebvresays (P. 134): 'On pourrait HreTrapo?, si les traces de lettres s'y pretaient.' Do they not ? If it was not Trapoy, then it must be t€«s- In 83 d7re\rjXv6' (ovv) would heal the metre, but I should prefer ov(xl) Kara Tponov. — For v. 81 I conjecture Tiy ecr^' 6 (5[aKpvo)V ; "OaJTis ; avTrj. Wdvv /caXcoy. Or 6 K\d(ov. Pol. 'Who is that crying?' Pat. 'Who? the mistress.' Pol. ' Excellent ! ' Cf. v. 67 : on KeKTrjiievr], coy dSiKa Trda-yjeis ! rralBes, iv^pavOrja^Tai KXdovarav avrrju 7rv66fi€V09 vvv, tovto yap i^ovXcT amSs. So I would punctuate it: the MS. gives COCAAIKAnACXeiC nAIA€C : For octtis see below, P. 151 v. 89. P. 117 107 nOA. rov Koa-fiop avrijs €1 decoprjaais [av. HAT. TrcSy] e_)(6i ; nOA. 6ed)pr)a-ou, UdraLKe, irp6[aidL, Kal /laXXov ji eXe?70-€iy. [AINe0HNIK'A[ AABHTiTOYTa)NOYrAPeoapAKeNen[ This is at first sight a puzzling corruption : but I will give at once the reading which is to my mind certain : ivSvfjLad' ot' €(j)aiv€9', ota 8', rjVLK dv Xd^rj Ti TOVT(ov ! ov yap ^opaKcv yi iro) i.e. oV kai/€LTaL), rjVLK dv, ^ how beautiful they looked, and what they will look like when she gets them ! — i6 RESTORATIONS OF P. 117 for she has not seen them yet ' (Soph. O. T. 10.-, t^ot5' aKovcav, oif ybip ilauSov yc tto)). The scribe, not having attended to the sense, took ola, ola Si for a mere repetition, and preferred to bring the words together. So in Eur. /:/. F. 135 the MS. gives 010V9 010V9 oXiaaaa TovaS' dnoa-TcpTJcrT], just as in /fee. 1042 the MSS. give rdXaivai rdXaivai xopai pvycov: and on P. 159 V. 203 there is another very similar example to be corrected. "5 dXXd Ti (pepco vvv cl? piaov 70 fJL(y(do9, (fxPpovTTjTO?, vTTip &XX(i)v XaXuv ; HAT. fid Tov CsC ovS' tv. nOA. ov yap dXXd Su, YldraiKi, acri, avpaxei. The following are most of the examples: Aesch. P.V. loii e'lrjs (poprjTo? ovk dv, d Trpda-aoLS KaXco9, 1015 tre yap Trpoa-rjvScov ovk dv ( = ov8' dv 7rpo(TU7rov, 8u\e\Br)v). Soph. Ant. 11 70 raXX' kyoo KUTrvov a-Kids OVK dv TTpLai[ir}v, Aj. 1144 <£ (pdiyfi' dv ovk dv rjvpe? {evT)vpe9 Hartung, cf. O. T. 536). Antiphanes /r. 55. j g a(f)€vS6vr] OVK dv kcpiKotfi-qv avToa^. Nicostratus fr. 5 hv ovk dv Kara- (pdyoi/xev rjfxepaiv rpiaiv dv kcrOtovre^. Alexis 15. 2 yaXKov ixkpos ScoSeKUTov ovk dv diroXdfSoLs, and 367. 3. Herodas vii. 81 \a\Kov ptvrjfi Srj kot eart rrj? 'Adrjvatrj^ (ovevfxivr}? avrrj^ dv ovk dnoa-Ta^aL { = ovS' otloCv dv), 11. 90 hhivoa^ ovk dv SiKa^cov ^iXriov BifiTrjaev, vi. ^6 f^ocrcTLSt )(pfjcrdac eV ovk dv 0(TTL9 XeTTpo? kcTTc irpoa-BoL-qv, and 69, viii. 12 halo's ov^ (= o^^l ^aios) ri/XLv kv Trj oiKirj '(ttI /zaXXoy. Diphilus 91 Trap' rj^ Tov dprov Tj Kvcov ov Xafi^dvei. Menand. fr. 6^. 8 ov tS>v TptaKovT OVK aTToXXvTai rpia { = ov8€ rpia), ^^2. 9 o irkvTe fxf]va9 evSov ov yevrjaeTai. Nausicrat. fr. 3. 3 ov Saav-rroS' €vp€Lv karlv ovxl paSiov. Strato Com. i. 46 tov 8' ovk dv rayv iwHaiv 17 ffet^co, ne Snada quidem (which Kock iii. p. 362, is wrong in altering to ov8' dv). With this passage compare Lucian iii. 304: see below on P. 173 V. 473. The detail of the irTcoxf^Xa^cov aTpancoTrj^ multiplying his one slave is excellently illustrated by Athenaeus 230 C-D. P. 119 129 Punctuate evroi'oi'i/" ou(5€ ' not even '. 141 avTos €}X€XeTwv Xoyov e/i€ Xiycov ed. with P. B i« RESTORATIONS OF P. 119 145 e-yv oiKas c v KOfiiS^ Tov dvOpcoTTOv. T/ fiovXfi ; 0iXraT»7, Si^ crov yiViaOat tovto A\ . . . . PAXO . . C6TAI TovTo (y*) ytXotoi'. 'AXX' imip TTa.vT(ov f^XP^jv 6pdv] a. 'E^wfid y'- dXX* dpicB' oi3T0DS «X*'^- Pataccus is imploring Glycera to plead with the master for his freedom. 451 (jOKACC p. 147 A\ should be A\OI : and then Glycera replies 'He will .... That's ridiculous'. I do not see what the verb can be except Trapaxp'/ae-at, but it is not convincin;^. 149 P gives . . . . C: erCOAArAM APICT : OYTCOCexeiC HAT/ making a wrong division of the speakers. ' Yes, I kncn^l says Glycera, '■ btit you are excellently well off as you arc! Cf. above, on P. 67 f. 514. P. 121 1 58 HAT Ti KX]ai€L9, a.Q\ia : or rather KXdfi?. P gives J^ieiCAGAIA: nenONOATI HAT/ 168 d(pp6i'ci)9 i^di' €x6pa.v re Trpa 6vu)S ^ipav P. 147 7'. 25. Punctuate: (fii T ovSlu (iSvV ivBov 6vT , Iv dat\ 'Eyco; Ao/cer? ye |x[oi, vt] tovs Ocoj-us or y' eyuot': z.sfrag. 195. 81 'E//e Tiy KoKu; Nal (vai)xt. 83 Toii[Tov |JL€V ov\^kv, coy kyw^.ai, \av6dv€L ; To [irdv Y opa iz^paTTofjiivov 'ipyov eori yap TT^pUpyos, ef Tiy aAXoy. Or ro vvv y' opa. Cf. Menand. />. 849 0iAco a', 'Ovrjatfie, Kal (TV irepiepyos el, with /r. 850 ovSeu yXvKvrepov rj -rravT eiSii/ai : where (since Kai and coy were so readily confused) I would read (PiXaf o-', 'Ovqcnii\ ws crv rreptepyos {tls) el: cf. Heracleides Com. ii. p. 454 Kock d>s yevi/aTo? rjv^ Aesch. Pcrs. 774, Eur. /. T. 1154. — See Themistius 262 C-D. 88 TL Bel TTOLelv, SeaTTOTa ; AH. ti Set iroielv ; It is a question whether Demeas exclaims o tl SeT TroieTu ; This is not invariable (Antiphanes 20, Anaxandrides i) ; but consider, with the MS. readings, Menander fr. 530. 16, above P. 115 v. 81, Crobylus 5 (iii. p. 380), Mnesimachus 3 (ii. p. 436), Antiphanes 203. 8, and Cobet A''. L. 16. In Lucian iii. 303 read odTis ; (for oti) UoXifxcou 6 Creipiei/y. 94 'Eyco ; should come at the end of 93, as in v. 100, and then V. 94 begins : fjio. Tov C^l6vv(tov, fia tw 'A7r[6X\co, tovtoul,] fj.a TOV Ala tov crcoTrjpa, jxa tov ' KcrKX-qmov or iia. TOV 'AttoXXco, 'yoo p.\v ov, see below, P. 171 v. 409. P. 153 97 TTAP. r\ (Mrj ttot' ap' — ' Or else may I never — ' loi Ci3, vr|] At", uKpc^ctis or S o]i5'. no 0) noXia/xa KeKponfa? \6ov6s, CO Tavao^ alOijp, a) — ti, /^r]/xia, (3oas^ ; 115 el jxev yap ^ ^ovXojxevos [t\ ' va\Ka(r|jL€v]os epcoTL or 17 ^e^Laa/Jievos B 3 20 RESTORATIONS OF P. 153 1:5 ]€v ainov nov ^iOvovra Si]\aSr] Kovtf ovjT* tV iavTov- ttoXXo, S' (t^'^tp-ydl^eTai TOiavTj* aKpaTOi 145 Parmcno rushes into the house and leaves the cook exclaiming 'HpctAcXet?, Ti TovTO, nai; fiaivSfiffOi (ia-S(SpdfiT]K(i' (i TICrePCON 7) Ti TO KaKov nor' iaTi; ti Si ^01 TOYTOfTOI M. Lefcbvrc reads r/j yipoiv ; ' Quel est done cc vicillard?' Tt'r ykp(i>v would give that meaning, or tl 6 ykpcav would be ' What is the old man doing ?' But Parmeno is surely not an old man ? It seems to me that it should be some participle : cf. P. 114 V. 87 TToi rdv, oi)(eTai TrdvTa TO, TrpdyfxaT , dvaTirpaTrrai, reXos e'xef. N^ Ata The second line is doubly unmetrical, for not only is a syllable wanting after e'xet, but there is a dactyl for a trochee at the beginning, v^hich is not permissible. It is merely a case of transposition ; the scribe wrongly brought wduTa TO, Trpdyiiara together; see above, P. 117 v. no. Read o'l-yeTai irdvTa, TeXos c'x^i to. Trpd-YiiaT , dvaTtTpairrai. I do not see what piKpov can mean unless punctuated pLKpov, cu rdv ; ' a small thing ! " Otherwise p-iapou. aa RESTORATIONS OF P. i6i 238 KUTi-^f Stj (TcaxjTov. dSiKfh, ^r]fi(a, fiv CAYTON P 34J ((TTi S' ov TOiovTOf. dXXo. nEPinATH . . . €NeA^I.N\IKPO fi(T (fiov. n^pinaTTJaco. KAIC6A AABG Unless this is corrupted by a gloss, the metre calls for 243 to begin jiiKpd /xfr' (fiov. But the nearest parallels I can find are Sosipater iii p. 34 Kock eV o Trpoaipx^T' €| dyopd? 6 nat?, \ fiiKpa SiaKiv^ao) ere nfpl tov npdyfxaTO?. Alciphron i. 34 fiiKpd KpanraXrjcrcofKv, iii. 5 fiiKpd -rrpocr- nai^a?. — Then Demeas continues: kuI ata^^uxov dvdXap*: see Stephanus Thcsaur. dfaXafi^di'co p. 431 c. 244 ovK dKTjKoa^, (ine ^01, X€y6i'[TQH' ] T€ rSiv Tpayu>8m' cor yn'opLtvos 6 7.^^evs yjpvao ^ ^PP^V Sia TOV rtyour, KaTdpyfiiyrjv Sk naiS' (:fioi\iV(Tiv [ This is a good case of transposition : read OVK dKTJKoa? \iy6vTS(ioi' co? yevo^ivos XP^^^S 6 Z€VS ^PP^'V One quotation of Eur. /r. iczg gives 6(ui' Si, dni fioi, noiou voT)Tioi' in place of 6iov Se -rroioy, uirk fioi. — In 245 it is enough to write xpvab? 6 Zeuy, allowing yffo/zei'oy to come first as in 7>. 227. The normal order would be as in Lucian i. 319 (f>a(ri 8' ovv tov Aia ^P^^^^ ywofiivov pvfjuai Sid TOV 6p6(f>ov in' avT7]v : and the original here may have been xpvabi o)? Zc^y yivofiivo'i. 247 aKOTTil 10 ... Z6YC€ICOI/V\€POCTIPf I to nXilaTov. Metre will not admit M. Lefebvre's tovto' Ztvs .... If Z(Vi is right, there is a transposition, but the meaning u not ckar. MENANDER 23 P. 161 251 Read : Kal (3ovKoXe't9 fxe ; /^a tov 'AttoAXod, 'ycb fx\v ov P makes no division between the speakers. See vv. 409, 417, and the note on P. 51 v. 263. 254 Xrj-^eTaL [liv, firj (po^ov TOVTO- 6dov 8' ka-Tlu ccKpi^cos TO yeyevrjfjLhov A foot is lacking : I suggest TOVTO- 6eiov S' co-t' aKpi^co? (iv Kal 24 RICSTORATIONS OF P. 163 KaKOTjOcou. Plut. Afor. 11 A fj.7] yfVfa-Oat fifXavovpcvi', TovricrTi fit] (Tvi'SiaTpi^eii' fifiXaaiv dvOpoiiroi^ Sia ti]v KaKOTjOaav : and see Gataker on ^liXav rjOo^ in Marc. Anton, iv. 28. — irfpiTraTii as Anaxandridcs 34. 5, Dromo 1 (ii. p. 419). j68 T&vSov (urpfni}. nOIHA\ATAnAP€A\OI^[ Koff\l/6i d. Xdpiu S( TToXXf^u ndcri TOi? 6[(oh tX*"'] ovSku (i'pT]Ka)9 dXrjOi^ ZiV tot wfirjif Wc need, I think, the plural; e.g. noirj /^aT' {arra) or {r\v TO.) nap' ifioi, 6[T|Xa8T| : and what gives occasion for this witticism is, I suppose, that the previous remark was [iroici] or [ttoiov] TdvSov (vTpeTrrj. 1\ 165 288 ov fiiju Tarreii'co^ ovS' ayei-rcoy Trarrf/XoJ? nop OYT" dXXd IM. Lcfcbvre conjectures nopl^vTiov tout, but the construc- tion is inadmissible. In 293 Moschion speaks of himself as (f)(povTa jjij} napepyo)? tovto. and the word which exactly suits the meaning and exactly fills the space is ^r€p^o'^•T£ov t ovt. 30S OvSfi'. Ti ovv ouTws € oral' Soktj, irpo';ir', dt'Spcs, KaTafiifni'. 331 Ay\A" (DC P: so in Aesch. A^i^ani. 1316 the M.S. mis- takes dXXw for ctXA' m. 333 €INAIM NON P : whether the letter following (-INAI is really A\, and not .if, I am inclined to question, but in any case the true reading must be 8d povov. MENANDER 35 P. 167 Moschion, as he has just explained in 278-93, does not really mean to leave the country, but is going to frighten his father by pretending that he means to do so : ' My father will come presently : he will beg vie to remain here : he shall beg in vain for some time, — that he must do : then, when I see fit^ I will yield my acquiesce7ice. Only, I must act the part convincingly. Just what I can't do is that!' In 322 the choice lies between irpoaOrjcrofi avrco 'I will incline to his view ' and 7rei(r6i](TO/M avrcp ' I will allow myself to be persuaded by him ' : but see Cobet A^. L. 409. 337 vvu npoaetaiv. dv Si jxov |JLT| 8€T)]t*, dvSp^s, Karafiiveiu, d\X' diropyiaOeh id ] — rovrl yap dpjL irapiXi-nov — ri Sd ttouv ; jy ovK dv TvoL-qcraL tovt' kdv Be, — ndvTa yap oix€]t , et yeXoioy eo-o/xaL, vr] Ai", duaKafiirTcou irdXiv. ' But if he does 7iot beg me to remain, but gives way to anger and lets me go and welcome — for I omitted this just now — what am I to do ? Probably he won't do so ; but if he does, — (zvell, I must stick to it,) for everything is ruined if I am to be ridiculous in going back upon my resolution.' vr] Ai'a belongs to ot^eTai ndi/Ta, as P. 159 v. 202. oix^rai, ei is a frequent combination, e. g. Herodas ii. 25, Eur. Snpp. 714, Phoen. 979, Lucian i. 278, iii. 265. 325 'Ya-Tepi^€Lj/ jjiOL SoKeh arv rrayTeXoos [twv €V0d]5€ npayfidTcov elSoos 8' aKpi^cos ovSku ov8' dKrjKo^?, 8id K€vf]S aavrbu TapdrreLs, ep.€ [Se AIAKIN . . . AYTON P, StaKiud? aavTov rapdzTiLS ep.e ed. Sid Kevrj9 (StaKevi]?) p. 163 v. 260 and fr. 580. — This line should perhaps end with the ov (pipei^ which is placed at the beginning of the next. 329 OYMIA should be Ovp-ia and should perhaps conclude the previous line. Cf. Eubulus 75. 7, Alexis 149. 16. 26 RESTORATIONS OF r. 167 336 ends incompletely with ONTOJCl. I suppose it was ONTa)CI(ei>, i.e. orrco? ; l0l. 346 'Ev9d6* ov jjLaKpdv (iiT^eivai (pau'iff , o)? ^fxoi Soku. P gives efl nXava^ fi(. AA. Kpifxaaov eYeYC€[ TYinipov C 349 TAieeOICIN P: rightly in schol. Ran. 280. The last word in 348 is perhaps iroXv : cf. 410, which looks like TroXu KaTay\f€vSivyiv, dXXa nfpi^aXova-' € € oi'K dT|6r|S, ciif toiKiv, ufi ihCw ovi6* . MENANDER 27 P. 171 The first H, as may easily happen, was mistaken for 76: there is another case below in v. 440, where H appears to have been misread as re. — The word beginning GNT might have been another adjective, but there is none that suits, nor any word that I can find but kvrvx^'iv : cf. Plat. Epist. xiii. p. 360 c ovr^ d\aph kariv kvTv\elv ovre KaKorfOii eoiKep, ' not without charm of manner,' ' not unpleasant to meet, to have conversation with,' — and in a connexion like the present the word is especially appropriate : Alciphron i. 29, 34, ;^^, 37, 38, ii- I. This is what the Cyclops says in Theocr. xi. 77-9, SfjXov or kv TO, yd Kr]ya)v ris ^atvofxaL e/xfieu, meaning, of course, as Fritzsche says, " SrjXov otl ovk dr)8i]s elfXL, ottov ye Kal at Kopai /j.€ (j)LXovaL." And v. 390 begins with ovk eifi drjSrjs. There the metre requires ovk drjS-qs^ elfii, or perhaps eifx is to be ejected (cf. P. 157 v. 192). — Cf. P. 113 v. 33-36. 385 ' However,' continues Moschion, ' I must not boast ': — d\X' €Taip[as TavTCL -ye,] TTju S' ' ASpdo-Teiai' ixoXlo-tol vvv AP H ' however, that's the way of courte satis ' (or iraipcov, or tovto ye or ttov or /xev or dei); Dem. 1261. 20 ravr' ehai vkoav dvOpdiTTcov. Aeschin. ii. 130 Tavra yap rov y6r}T09 dvOpcorrov. A, P. v. 306 ravTa p.ev kcmv kpcovro?. Arr. Epictet. ii. 17 ravr' kari to. rov (pLXocrTopyov. ' and now especially I must do reverence to Adrasteia! The regular word is TrpoaKvveip : Aesch. P. V. 968, Plat. Rep. 451 A, Dem. 781.8, Liban. Epist. 286, Alciphron i. ^'^. Or vvv drreivaL ^ovXofiai; Lucian iii. 435 dnetr] 8' 17 'ASpda-T€La, as (f)66vos S' dTrecrTco or dnLTCo : or vvv X a deiv as Herodas vi. 35. 388 6j;rpe7rey 5' dpiarov €0"tlv, €k 8\ eCT' P a8 RESTORATIONS OF P. 171 399 cLf yap i\Owi> drra npo? ttji' firjrepa oTi napd, " \ir] Kai xi tovt(ov" pXv ov if there is room, or TouTovi : Ar. Thtsm. 74S, Mcnand./r, 740 quoted by Suid. Nat na Tov. P. 173 417 (f)Xvapu9 trpos p(. Ma toi' ' A(T KXrjnioi', ov, I TO. irciVTa -y'] di> a.Kov(TT}^. Or Th nay y idv. In 417 P marks no change of speakers, 418 TV^ov laoos ov ^ovXiTai p.[av8dveiv] a €| ciriSpojiTis ravO' toy iTvx^fv, dXX' d^ioi, TT p6T€pov r\^ uSivaL a\ dKOvaai to. napa (tov ye. 419 A\ A . . . icez . , lAPOMHC P The first A and 1 must each be part of N 410 n ei,^€NAic P 434 avos ilfi , ovK ecTTi yap rav6' , cLy tot (fpy]i', «VX*P^(^) on . tTI p 439. 'I have a good mind,' says Parmcnon, 'to tell my master that I have caught toi' poixoi' U'Sov — if I weren't so sorry for him.' eiANHTf HAN . . nACINAYTONHACOYN KAKO^AIA\nN- OYTtOA . . . OYrfN OY.^" CNYHN ( lACONrAPOIA (i)THCn ttni.iHA\IAC MENANDER 29 P. 173 M. Croiset (p. 211) proposes: KaKoSainof ovTTOi S' 'i^vyiv ov8' hinrvLov. IBoov yap oiS' coy t^? 7r[poTep]ay eTTiSrjfjLias. The last word of 440 is no doubt kvvTTviov : but in Comedy the scansion must be kvinruLov, and ovB' kvvirviov IScnu yap 0T8' undoubtedly is all one phrase. Eur. /. T. 506 ixrjS' ISooi^ ovap, fr. 107 ovB' ovap Kar (vcppoi/rju (piXoc? 'iSei^ev avrov. Plat. Apol. 40 D e-TreiSdu ns KadevScou fitjS' ovap fjL-qSiv opa (Sore jir]B' ovap ISdv. Theaet. 173 ravra ov8' ovap TrpccTTCtv -rrapt- (TTaTai avToh. . Dem. 429. 19 a p-r/B' ovap riXma-av. Herodas i. 10 ov8' ovap iXOovaav elSe. CalHm. £/>. 64, Moschus iv. 18, and often in the Anthology and in the later Prose. Some- times there were variations : ApoU. Rhod. i. 390 to p.€v ovS' oaov ovS' iv 6v€Lpa> mcrdprjv. Theocr. xx. 5 prjS' kv oveipoi?. Automed. A. P. xi. 361 oviroTC yevcrd/xevoL .... ovS' kv oveipM ov depeos KpiOrfv (as ov8' ovap in Lucian i. 672). Plut. M01'. 85 D ov8' kv vTTvco Tovs .... dBcco^ 6p£(Tiv. Calanus Epist. ov8' iv vrrvco iopaKore? rd rj/xerepa epya : and ivvirvLov was the true Attic for /car' ovap. The sense should be For I have never even in dream seen any one (or anything) so miserable, and the metre requires ovrat — ^—. I thought of ovT(o 8varTroT/M dW ov8' evvnviov * such a wretched state of things ' (as Lucian i. 741 8ok€Ts 8e poL dW ov8' ovap TTore dvuvat aeavTov), but that is too far from the traces, and I conclude that the right punctuation is : KaKo8ai|jLov' ovtco 8[€a'ir]6TT|V ov8' kvvnvLOv I8cbv yap oi8'' o) r^y ir[iKpd]s kTn8rjpLa^\ The H appeared to be re, just as above (P. 172 v. 383) it appeared to be Te and caused AHAHC to become ATCAHC. 443 vri Tov 'AirSWco TAYTO It is tempting to read toutovi : see above, on v. 409. 444 Kal TO K€(pd\aLOv ov8e7rp6Xous KaXtis ; "En-ai^oi/. (ws) aKarocpdyo^ ti ! * Do you call them sixpences !' ' / tvas only in joke ; Iukv violent you are!' TiTpdo^oXo^ was the soldier's pay, and has been used as a contemptuous term for mercenaries : Plaut. A f OS tell. 354-61 isti qui host teas trium nummum causa subeunt sub falas: see Classical Rcviciv, 189S, p, 351, where I explained Sallust Orat. Philippi in scna'.u § 7 latro cum caloni- bus et paucis sicariis, quorum tiemo non diuma vterccdc uitam mutauerit. So in Lucian 'Eratp. AmA. 9 (a piece which will be useful to compare, for it is largely founded on this play) the girl (iii. 304) exclaims contemptuously (S finT6o