tf* I .r *- - *> * > ; VMS 7 University of California Berkeley Gift of GEORGE K. OPPENHEIM . TECHNICAL EDUCATION NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. LECTURE DELIVERED BEFORE THE GREENOCK PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, JANUARY 19, 1883, (The Anniversary of the Birth of James Watt,) WILLIAM JOHN, ESQ. LONDON : PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE & CO., 54 GRACECHURCH STREET, E.G. 1884. TECHNICAL EDUCATION IN NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, Lecture delivered before the Greenock Philosophieal Society, on January 19, 1883 (the Anniversary of the Birth of James Watt\ BY WILLIAM JOHN, ESQ. IT is extremely difficult for me to express to you the feeling I have of the honour done to me, in inviting me to lecture to you in this hall this evening. It is a compliment at any time to be invited to address one's fellowmen, especially on a subject they are well acquainted with ; and the whole surroundings of these your Annual Meetings in memory of your great townsman, James Watt, are of such a nature as to make it an honour of which any man must necessarily feel proud. You have had lectures here on these occasions from some of the most eminent mechanicians who have in their day followed, with instruction, in the footsteps of James Watt, and I am sure that even the most celebrated among them must have felt, to some extent, the diffi- dence I feel on the present occasion. It is not for me to tell you anything about James Watt. His name and his achievements are so blended with the traditions and growth of your town, and every scrap of available information respecting his wonderful career have been so carefully gathered under the auspices of your society, and by his friends in this part of the country, that any repetition of them here would be superfluous. To you his memory is near and dear. To the whole country to the whole civilized world, in fact his name is a household word ; and the world has probably been enriched more, and civilisation advanced more, by the work of his brain than by that of any other man who has ever lived. I will say no more about the results of his work, but will glance briefly at his method of work, as that is more intimately associated with the subject of my lecture. James Watt's life is the finest example I know of the value of technical education in its true sense, by which, I mean, the com- bination of scientific knowledge with practical skill. His successes were not, as has been well said, a series of happy thoughts, or flashes of genius, but were the result of careful and deliberate thought and patient investigation, and this he had prepared himself for by self-teaching and study, super-imposed upon a sound early training. Nothing could show the man and his method of work better than the brief description given by Professor Rankine of what immediately followed that great turning point in Watt's career when he was engaged upon the repair of a small model of Newcomen's engine at the University of Glasgow in 1763-4. " The time " (as he puts it) " when science was to effect more "in a few years than mere empirical progress had done in " nineteen centuries. He perceived the various defects of that " machine, and ascertained by experiment their causes. Watt set " to work scientifically from the first. He studied the laws of the " presence of elastic fluids, and of the evaporating action of heat, " so far as they were known in his time ; he ascertained as accu- " rately as he could, with the means of experimenting at his disposal, " the expenditure of fuel in evaporating a given quantity of water, " and the relations between the temperature, pressure, and volume "of steam. Then reasoning from the data which he had thus " obtained, he framed a body of principles expressing the con- "ditions of the efficient and economic working of the steam " engine, which are embodied in an invention described by him- " self in the specification of his patent of 1769." This reads so much like a simple record of common sense, that we have to think for a moment of the centuries that had elapsed before James Watt approached the subject in this way, and the vast changes that have been wrought in the world in consequence of his having done so, before we can fully realise the work of his genius. But it is so with all the great discoveries that have ever been made. Their simplicity, in after years, is food for refreshing contemplation, and the periods of their first appearance derive the healthiest form of excitement and mental stimulus. To say nothing of the influence produced upon all the manu- facturing industries of this country and the world by the improve- ments which James Watt made in the steam engine, we may for the present confine ourselves to his influence upon the marine engine, and through the marine engine, upon the whole shipping, shipbuilding, and commerce of the country. No- where has this been felt more than here in Greenock, Port Glasgow, and the whole Clyde district. The construction of steamers and their commercial success followed almost immediately, as a matter of course, upon James Watt's improvements of the steam engine, and it has gone on since with tremendous strides up to the present time, when we are building at the rate of nearly a million tons of shipping per year in this country alone. The contrast between the Greenock of to-day and the Greenock of James Watt's day indeed, the contrast of the whole Clyde district now, and then is almost without parallel, and it bears eloquent testimony to the value of James Watt's work. My subject to-night, however, is more with naval architecture than engineering. James Watt was not a ship-builder, but it is pleasant to think that he was descended from a ship-carpenter, who had raised himself to the highest position of respect in this town. There are not wanting many features of similarity between the history and progress of the steam engine, and the history and progress of naval architecture ; and it may be of some interest in connection with my subject to glance at them. Naval architecture is of older date than the steam engine, but many of its true principles were not developed until after James Watt had given the steam engine its great impetus. We have records of steam being used to perform work as early as the time of Hero of Alexandria, more than a century before the Christian era. But, more than a century before that, the Egyptians had built vessels nearly as large as the " City of Rome " and " Servia " of the present day, to say nothing of the Scriptural records of the Ark centuries before. I need not trace the slow progress of the steam engine in the centuries that followed Hero's time. It is enough to mention the French engineer Debaus, the Marquis of Worcester, Saver}', Dennis Papin, in the seventeenth century Newcomen, Humphry Potter, Smeaton and others later, up to the time when James Watt took the matter in hand, a little after the middle of the eighteenth century ; and from that time, by the establishment by him of really sound principles, the way was made clear for all who came after. What knowledge of the laws of Flotation Noah had, we know not. The discovery of the first law of notation is attributed to Archimedes, about a century before we find any traces of the use of steam for performing work. The story of his jumping out of his bath and crying " Eureka " when it occurred to him that the volume of displaced fluid is equal to the volume of the body immersed in it, is known to all of you. In this form, it is not quite the first law of flotation, which requires also that the weight of a floating body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. This, however, is easily deduced, and I need not trouble you further with it. Archimedes' time was an interesting period in naval architecture : for, as I have mentioned, the Egyptians were building enormous floating structures ; and, not only the Egyptians, but the Syracusans, the latter under the guidance of Archimedes. And they must have known something about shipbuilding in those days before they could have put together in wood, as they are reported to have done, vessels of over 400 feet long, and nearly 60 feet beam. Beyond the marvel of their construction in those days, what strikes one most is the fact that they were practically useless, for want of adequate means of propulsion. Here were the monster ships ; but the first whisper of the means of propulsion that was to render them useful in the future had not been heard. Here was the ship, but not the engine. It is not the only time that the naval architect has been before his time in the grandeur of his ideas, because the engines of the day had not arrived at tint point of efficiency which warranted the attempt. However, as in the present day, the bitter lessons of experience seem to have been taken to heart, for these monsters were not repeated through the centuries which followed down to the present time. We read of those huge ships being propelled by 4,000 rowers, and carrying 3,000 soldiers, but how the 4,000 rowers were arranged or could be practically arranged, is quite unknown, and is one of the bones of contention over which Antiquarians have battled for years. We look at the Pyramids and Monoliths of Egypt with immense awe an 1 astonishment, but if we think of the masses of timber that had to be put together, and the ironwork and bolts that must have been necessary for the purpose of building the huge ships of Ptolemy Philopater and Hiero, we have scarcely less room for wonder. It is true the Egyptian ships are not supposed to have left the Nile ; but the one with \vhich Archimedes' name is associated actually made a voyage from Syracuse to Egypt. Perhaps it was from doubt of ever getting her safely back again of turning her to any useful account that Hiero conceived the happy idea of presenting her to the Egyptian King ; but as we have no record of this it would be uncharitable to press the supposition. I have not time in this Lecture to trace naval architecture through its various phases from the early Phcenecian days the rowing galleys of the Mediterranean, and the sailing craft of the Norseman, until we come down to the times when the Governments of this country, Holland, France, and Spain, and other European nations, could boast of fleets capable of taking and keeping the sea, and when their movements were fairly under control, although exclusively associated with sail power. Little is recorded, or was perhaps known, about the actual laws which governed the flotation and propulsion of ships in those days. .It was thought a very cunning thing of Sir Anthony Deane, in the 1 6th century, to be able to foretell the draft of water of a ship before she was launched. This is one of the landmarks in naval architecture. The next great landmark is when Bouguer began to investigate the conditions of the stability of ships, and discovered the meta-centre. Up to this time it must have been a matter of pure empiricism in constructing a ship to know whether 'she would stand up or turn over. It seems almost incredible, when we think of the huge vessels built, say by the Spaniards in the time of the Armada, that even these elementary principles of naval architecture had not been investigated and understood : and it is not to be wondered at that when storms arose they got scattered and wrecked in all directions. We have nothing beyond general references to the disasters that used to occur, but they doubtless have served, as disasters have in the present day, to turn men's minds to a consideration of the subject. No James Watt arose, however, to enlighten naval architects in those days. A great period of scientific investigation, however, set in on the Continent. Bouguer was the first to throw some light on the subject : after him many distinguished Continental savans, in- cluding Dupin, Euler, D'Alembert, Bossut, the distinguished Spaniard Don Juan, and Chapman, the celebrated chief con- structor to the Swedish navy, devoted their minds to it. The most beautiful and comprehensive treatise ever written, even to the present day, on the Geometry of Floating Bodies, was produced by Dupin in the early part of the present century, and it is one that ali students of naval architecture should read and study carefully. With Bouguer and Dupin I should be disposed to put Don Juan in the front rank of the pioneers of science in naval architecture. After their writings there could be no excuse for ignorance as to the conditions of stability of ships in still water. It is well known that during the great French war our own constructors were far behind the constructors of the French navy, and our own ships were far inferior to the French : and there can be no doubt that this arose m a great measure from the superior training and superior science that was brought to bear on the subject in France. It was the bravery of our own seamen, not the skill of our constructors, that pulled us through ; and we were only too glad when we cap ured a French ship to copy her lines, and build in accordance with her design. It is one thing to work out mathematically the conditions of stability, and it is quite another thing to apply them practically to shipbuilding : and I must therefore not omit to mention the important application of Stirling's or Atwood's rule for finding the areas of plain surfaces bounded by curves, and for finding the moment of inertia of these same surfaces. And again, in combin- ing the results for plain surfaces, by a similar process to find the volume of displacement, the position of the centre of buoyancy, -WvvV' the meta-centre and other important elements in ship design. Attwood's formula for finding from the lines of a ship her statical stability should be mentioned as the next step, and next to this Canon Moseley's formula for the dynamical stability. But after all this, we had not got one step beyond the mere still water stage ; and except for comparatively small angles of heel, there was little or no actual data in existence of the stability of the vessels afloat. Much prejudice undoubtedly existed in this country amoung practical men against what they termed theoretical men, and controversy often ran high. Looking at it from this distance of time, I cannot help thinking that the practical men had- some reason on their side in their prejudices, for the theoretical men certainly vastly over-rated the importance of their learning. I now come to the period which in my opinion has done for j naval architecture something like what James Watt did for the steam engine. Of course, in one sense there is this difference, that James Watt cleared up the essential principles of the steam engine at an early date of its manufacture, whereas shipbuilding had assumed large and important proportions before the period to which I now allude. As I have shown, the principles which govern the flotation and stability of a ship in still water were sufficiently understood ; but that is about all that can be said. All that pertains to the behaviour of the ship at sea, in regard to rolling and pitching, and in regard to the resistance she experienced in moving through the water, were almost a blank. The period I now refer to is that of the foundation of the Institute of Naval Architects in London in 1860. It gradually led to the bringing together of practical and scientific men interested in naval architecture. It led also to the collection of facts and statistics connected with the behaviour of ships, and to valuable experiments being made, the results of which were embodied in papers read before that Institution. And even of more importance was the fact, that it incited such men as the late Mr. Froude, of Torquay, and Professor Rankine, to devote their remarkable powers of investigation and analysis to the elucidation of the great problems which had entirely eluded the attempts of such great scientists as Euler, D'Alembert, and others, in the last century. Before touching upon their investigations I will briefly summarise the extent of our knowledge at that period. On the question of stability in still water, we had, as I have previously intimated, arrived nearly as far as we have done at the present moment. The displacement of a ship could be found as accurately as it can be now. Also the meta-centric stability and the statical stability, and the dynamical stability for finite angles of heel. The method of heeling over in dock for the purpose of finding the position of her centre of gravity could be done, and had been practised, but not to a large extent. The effect on the stability and trim of the ship of moving weights in her was also practically within reach. Calculations for finding the position of the centre of effort of the wind on the sails of the ship, and the centre of lateral resist- ance were common enough. Certain theories were extant upon the effect of the form of the ship near the water-line affecting her behaviour in rolling and pitching, according to the inequality or otherwise of the wedges of immersion and emersion. It was sufficiently well known, as a fact, that if ships were too stiff that is, if their weights were stowed too low they would have a tendency to roll violently, as experience had shown to be the case with vessels loaded with ore and other heavy weights low down : and of course it was known that if the weights were too high the ship would capsize. There was also in existence mathematical formula for the time of rolling of ships in still water, which, however, did not include the effect of the resistance of the water round the ship opposed to the rolling. So far as the question of speed was concerned, the matter was in a far more unsatisfactory state. Numerous experiments had been made at varying times by Colonel Beaufoy and others, and various theories had been propounded, but the true principles of the subject were quite unknown. This was brought home to me rather forcibly by an incident which occurred to myself during my apprenticeship. A yacht was being designed exactly on the lines of the celebrated yacht "America," but considerably smaller; and I remember the attempts that were being made to regulate the sail power by that of the "America," so as to give an equally satisfactory boat in point of speed for her size as her prototype had been. It was easy enough to regulate the moment of sail to the stability in such a way that the two yachts would be equally stiff under the same pressure of wind, but I remember every one consulted in the matter entirely breaking down in the attempt to prove what the relative speed of the two yachts would be. Here surely was a question simple enough, if the available science at that time had been worth anything on the question of speeds and resistances. Thanks to Mr. Froude, matters are very different now. The question of the strength of the ships was at the same period namely, twenty years ago also in an unsatisfactory condition, although not to the same extent as resistance. Very little had been done in the way of actual calculations to ascertain the principal strains to which ships of various sizes were subjected at sea. The pages of the "Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects," extending over the last twenty-two years, are now the most valuable records connected with the profession. Next to them stand the "Transactions of the Institution of Scottish Shipbuilders and Engineers." I am sure you, as Scotchmen, will not think it invidious that I place the London Institution first, 10 for in their pages are nearly the whole of the invaluable investigations of Froude and Rankine, which, in itself, would be enough to turn the scale. Their researches have made the science of Naval Architecture something really worth study, and I will briefly summarise them for the benefit of students wishing to make their acquaintance. In 1 86 1 Mr. Froude read his remarkable paper on the Rolling of Ships among Waves, and the novelty of the premises from which he started, together with the elaborate mathematical investigations supported by the results of modern experiments, produced a startling effect. His conclusions were not immediately accepted by many, but a few grasped at once the immense importance of Mr. Froude's theory, and lent it their support. Among these were Professor Rankine and Mr. Grassland of the Admiralty. Both read papers on the subject in the following year. Put briefly, the differences between Mr. Froude's theory and the ideas which previously prevailed, were that whereas former theories of the effect of wave-motion on a ship either regarded the waves as acting on the windward side of the ship, and giving her so many blows tending to throw her over to leeward ; or, that the effect of waves rising on one side of the ship increased the buoyancy on that side, whereas the retiring wave on the other side of the ship diminished the buoyancy on the leeside and so formed a couple tending to heel her to leeward. This latter was perhaps the more generally accepted theory. Throughout the investigations on the views that had prevailed previous to Mr. Froude's paper, there had been no thought that the weight of the ship, or rather, the reaction of the ship upon the water, would be other than in a vertical direction, and herein lay the fallacy that Mr. Froude destroyed. He showed that a ship on a series of ocean waves large in comparison with her own size, would have a tendency always to place her masts at right angles to the slope of the wave, instead of, as had been previously supposed, having a tendency to keep her masts vertical. Mr. Froude pushed the matter to its extremest limits, and showed that a small pendulum suspended on a raft which followed the slope of the waves as it rode over them would have a tendency not to hang vertically except at the hollow and the crest, but to hang perpen- dicularly to the slope of the wave. He showed this scientifically, and he had also tested it experimentally, and from this as a basis he was able to construct equations which would accurately trace the rolling of a vessel broadside on to a regular series of ocean waves. He also drew some remarkable deductions from his equations, which he had also proved experimentally. The most important of these, was that when the period of oscillation of a ship in still water coincided with the wave-period, the ship would go on increasing the extent of her rolling until she might be rolled absolutely over, although the waves were by no means high or II violent. He had constructed an apparatus by which he could set waves moving to different periods, and by exposing a number of small models to them, he could so alter the periods of the waves as to set any particular models rolling violently, or even to capsize them, while the others were comparatively undisturbed ; and by changing the period of his waves that is, the time the wave takes to travel from crest to crest he could restore these models to comparative rest, and set others in violent motion. Mr. Crossland and Professor Rankine the following year, arrived at equations very similar to Mr. Froude, by entirely different processes, but all based upon what had first seemed an improbable assumption, but has since been shown to be an absolute fact, namely, that the tendency of the vessel is to keep her masts square to the effective wave surface, instead of upright. Mr. Froude had started upon the assumption that the form of ocean-rolling waves, when acting in regular series, was trochoidal, and almost immediately after both he and Professor Rankine proved simultaneously, one before the Institution of Naval Architects, and the other before the Royal Society, that the trochoidal hypothesis satisfied all conditions of wave motion. Mr. Froude's investigations had an immense effect upon the construction of the ships of the Royal Navy, as it was seen at once that the excessive rolling of the early ironclads was due, not as it had been supposed to the top-weight of armour and guns they carried, but really to the fact that they had excessive stability and a short period of rolling rather than otherwise ; and the meta- centric height of the ships afterwards designed was reduced from 4 or 5 feet to 3 feet, or even less, with marked effect upon the behaviour of the vessels at sea, and upon the ease with which they could fight their guns in heavy weather. Mr. Froude's theory was attacked severely by many, who ridiculed the idea that by diminishing the stability of a ship you could make her steady at sea ; but it survived all such attacks. The papers which appeared year after year, for a succession of years, from the pens of Mr. Froude and Professor Rankine, dealing in still further detail with the problems presented by a ship at sea, form one of the most valuable series of investigations ever laid before a professional society. Mr. Froude's paper had proceeded on the assumption that a ship was free to roll in the water without resistance from the surrounding water ; that she was free, in fact, to obey the impulse of her own statical stability. He had fully realised that this could never be so in practice, and distinctly guarded himself on this point in his original paper : and he next set to work to ascertain, by experiment and analysis, the limits within which this resistance, which had been left out of account, would remain ; and this gave rise to a new series of papers which appeared periodically, and culminated with a dis- covery by Mr. Froude of a source of resistance that tended considerably to modify the rolling of ships, which had not been 12 sufficiently realised, and which he termed the wave-making function. By experiments with ships and models, first setting them rolling from side to side and recording the diminution of roll each time, he was able to get at a measure of the work exerted by the ship on the water in rolling from different angles, and to create what he termed the curve of extinction, which really represented the full resistance a ship had to retard her own rolling. This he found to be so great that it could not be accounted for by the mere pressure on the dead wood, keel, and other flat parts of the ship ; and he found that the work was absorbed in the creation by the ship in rolling of a series of waves which travelled away from her. He also devised apparatus of the most delicate kind for recording on board of ships the phases of their rolling, and for recording at the same time the wave forms corresponding with it ; and his experiments for the Admiralty, made practically on board some of the ships of the Royal Navy, are of the most valuable kind. Mr. Froude's further investigations showed him, in some types of ships, where the resistance was very great, either produced by the form of the ship itself, or by the addition of bilge keels, that there would be no danger of capsizing, even if the ship met with a series of waves of the same period as herself, and this enabled him to ascertain to some extent what he termed the limits of rolling. His experiments in this direction showed clearly that in certain cases bilge keels were really very effective as preventives against rolling, and could be used with the greatest advantage. The writings of Mr. Froude and Professor Rankine on this subject, and also on the resistance of ships and marine propulsion, made the higher branches of Naval Architecture, as I have said, really worth study, and added dignity to the profession. More recent writers on the subject have done little else than paraphrase their beautiful illustrations and expositions. One or two French writers have pursued the matter since into somewhat more elaborate investigations, but they have not added much of practical value to the labours of the two great men who in this country gave shape and form to the subject. These questions of rolling at sea are perhaps of more immediate importance to the ships of the Royal Navy than to those of the Mercantile Marine, where the type grows up more gradually from one ship to another, and where absolutely fresh departures are not so often made as in the ships for the Royal Navy. The next great branch of the subject, however, to which Mr. Froude devoted himself, is of the utmost importance to the Mercantile Marine, and excites the utmost interest, namely, the speed question, and in this direction he has done far more good to the Mercantile Marine than in the other, and his work in this direction, is, perhaps, even more fully appreciated by many con- nected with the Mercantile Marine than by the Admiralty, for whom most of his experiments were made. Professor Rankine had developed what is now known as the Stream Line Theory of the Motion of Water round a ship in the work on Shipbuilding edited by himself. Starting from this theory, Mr. Froude commenced his experimental investigations, and he had not gone far before he discovered a law which is of supreme importance -in fact, almost the keystone of modern investigations. I have mentioned the difficulty I had met with in the yacht similar to the " America." Mr. Fronde's discovery cleared away all difficulties of the kind for the future. He showed that a relationship existed between vessels of the same form, but of different sizes, and that this relationship was as follows : that there were corresponding speeds for the two vessels which varied as the square root of their lineal dimensions, and that at these corre- sponding speeds the resistance was proportionate to the displace- ment. This, if true and the reasoning appeared absolutely sound was of the utmost importance, because, for the first time in the history of Naval Architecture, it enabled any one with the necessary skill and appliances to predict, from the resistance of a model of a ship at certain speeds, what would be the resistance of a full-sized ship at the corresponding speed. This latter was amply verified by experiments in towing Her Majesty's ship "Grey- hound," and comparing her resistance with the resistance of her model ; and since that time it has been further verified by comparing the results of measured mile trials with the predictions made from experiments with models of the ships. Mr. Froude, like James Watt, was a man who liked to clear the ground all around him, and, therefore, as any comparisons made between ships and models, or between painted iron ships and copper- bottom wooden ships, &c., involved the question of skin friction, he set to work with experiments on this branch of the subject. The investigation of the amount of the Skin Friction of different surfaces moving in water added another link to our knowledge of resistances. In the meantime the Mercantile Marine had been by no means indifferent to this question of speed, and the necessity for accurate and trustworthy data in connection therewith. Mr. William Denny, of Dumbarton, had started the system of progressive trials, and was also followed in this direction by Messrs. Napier, Inglis, and other Clyde builders ; and Mr. Froude, using the data thus supplied, made other most important advances in our knowledge, and analysing the different elements that go to make up the gross propelling power exerted upon a ship at sea, he was able to divide it with tolerable accuracy under its different heads. Thanks to Mr. Froude and Professor Rankine, all ship- builders now, if they chose to go to the trouble and expense of trying every ship they turn out progressively on the measured mile, 14 can accumulate data which is capable of being used with certainty in predicting the speed of new ships. I have mentioned more particularly the works of Mr. Fronde and Professor Rankine on the subject of the rolling of ships, and on the question of speed, because they have, in my opinion, done in a great measure for naval architecture what James Watt did for the steam engine, namely, lifted it out of a position of comparative darkness into a position of comparative light. They were both men of science, not naval architects. However, it must not be supposed that naval architects have been idle during the period of the last twenty years to which I have alluded. The amount of actual and reliable data furnished by the naval architects of the Royal Navy, and of the Mercantile Marine, to the pages of the Institute of Naval Architects, and the Scottish ship- builders and engineers, is invaluable. The results of experiments made upon actual ships on speed, stability, rolling, and other properties, and scientific investigations in the same direction, together with investigations of strength and strains, are sufficient to redeem the profession from the charge of indifference to science. And what I want more particularly to impress upon those youn'4 men who are studying, or about to study naval architecture, is that it is of the utmost importance to them to carefully study the work that has been done during this period, and to make them- selves, as early as possible, conversant with the lines of thought that have operated in different directions up to the point at which we have now arrived, so as to put themselves in a position to go forward into new, and much-needed investigations, and so as to enlarge the common stock of knowledge. It is not many years ago since the first curve of stability was ever calculated, or the first set of curves for showing the distribu- tion of longitudinal strains in a ship ; and until these were made for certain types of ships, the actual conditions of safety against capsizing, and the actual margin of safety against breaking in two, or being unduly strained, were purely matters of guess work. Later on H. M.S. "Captain " emphasised the necessity for more elaborate calculations of stability, and created quite a revolution in the Admiralty practice in this respect. The enormous number of merchants' ships lost at sea empha- sised the necessity for such calculations on the part of the Mercantile Marine ; and it is a customary thing now, or should be, to ascertain by experiment, which can be done in an hour or two, the position of the centre of gravity of every ship when light, before she leaves the builder's hands, and to approximate to her con- dition of stability, under certain probable conditions of her loading. It is not that when a ship is built you can do much to improve her one way or the other, if she is faulty in point of stability, but you can warn the owners of possible danger and how to minimise it, and what to a builder is of still more importance you have the sure means of gradually accumulating accurate data, which, as it increases becomes more and more valuable, and enables you in dealing with future similar types of ships to approximate very readily and very closely to the conditions of their stability. In fact, this inclining experiment should go hand in hand with the progressive speed trials, and in many yards it has become a common practice. On the question of the strength of ships, builders hands are more tied than they are upon any branch of naval architecture, owing to the almost invariable necessity of the vessels being classed, in which cases the scantlings are provided, not at the instance of the builder, but by the requirements of the Register Societies. This is a delicate point on which I do not care to enlarge at present. All that builders can do is to afford as much information as possible upon this subject, and by intelligent and temperate discussion of the principles involved, and the results of experience, to induce the Register Societies to keep moving with the times, and to keep improving their rules in accordance with the best teaching of experience and science. Among those who have contributed to the advance? of naval architecture during the last twenty years, I have only mentioned two, who have passed away. One other that has passed away will occur to the minds of you for he spent some of his earliest and best days here that is Mr. John Scott Russell ; who has on a previous occasion lectured to you here in honour of James Watt, of whom I know, from many of his lectures which I have heard, he was a great admirer. If Mr. Scott Russell did not advance the science of Naval Architecture so much as Mr. Froude and Professor Rankine, he certainly did wonders in popularising it as a study, and set many men thinking in directions that probably might have escaped them. He was one of the earliest in the field in the investigations of wave-motion, and of its effect upon the behaviour of ships, and especially upon the question of speed ; and his observations upon the rule which exists between the length of entrance and run of a ship, and the sizes of the waves which travel with her, are daily becoming more recognised and valued. Many naval architects have contributed their shares to the stock of information which has been given to the public during the last twenty years, but I need not particularise them. I have mentioned the loss of the " Captain " as having been the means of considerably extending our knowledge of the conditions of stability of ships at very large angles of heel. The loss of the " Stuart Hahreman," the " Eurydice," and the " Atalanta," showed the necessity of pushing investigations in this direction still further. The loss of so many grain-laden ships necessarily led to further investigations into the effect on the stability of ships, of the shifting of cargo within them, and the best means of obviating it. The i6 further and continued losses of vessels of similar type, coal laden, and also with general cargoes, led to the conditions of stability being examined for vessels of that type, laden with homogeneous cargoes. In this way the stock of information has been gradually accumulating, and must sooner or later have a beneficial effect upon the naval architecture of the country, and tend to reduce the loss of life and property. Then again, the series of dismasting casualties that occured in rapid succession, one after the other, led to further investigations under the auspices of the Committee of Lloyd's, upon the strains which take place in masts and rigging under trying conditions at sea. Again, there is the question of the load-line, with all the various phases it has gone through during the last few years, and the various investigations and rules that have been published with a view to bringing this question within something like reasonable limits : and there are the changes that have taken place from time to time in Lloyd's rules. All these are matters which furnish extensive fields of enquiry for future students in naval architecture. For rendering progress in this study at all easy, a sound and pretty extensive knowledge of mathematics is an absolute necessity, and this cannot be too strongly insisted upon. Any young man who aspires to the higher branches of naval archi- tecture, should, in the first place, -fix his mind upon mathematics, and be prepared to work hard at it for some years ; and he can well afford to devote all his time to this and to the practical details of his professional work in the earlier days of his pro- fessional life. It is no doubt extremely difficult and up-hill work to get a good mathematical training, combined with the application of it to pro- fessional work, without properly organised teaching. Several attempts, as you are doubtless aware, have been made in this country to promote such systematic teaching in naval archi- tecture. The last great step in this direction, and one for which I can never be too thankful, was initiated by Mr. Scott Russell, who read, in 1861 or 1862, a powerful and impressive paper upon the absence of any such establishments in this country. He described how the Government had on two occasions established schools in naval architecture at Portsmouth, and how they were successively shut up. He strongly contrasted the state of our own country at the time of his writing with the state of affairs in France, and instanced himself and others, who were under the necessity of sending their sons abroad to get them a professional and technical training as shipbuilders, although this was the greatest shipbuilding country in the world. His recommendations, backed up as they were by the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects, and by the higher pro- fessional officers of the Admiralty, led the Government to institute the School of Naval Architecture at South Kensington ; and to save it to some extent from the caprice of successive First Lords of the Admiralty, it was placed under the Science and Art Depart- ment, where it continued until it was some years ago incorporated as a portion of the Royal Naval College at Greenwich. At the time I studied at that School, our winter months were devoted principally to mathematics, to ship calculations and design, and to lectures from Froude and Rankine, Scott Russell and all the principal authorities on various branches of science, bearing more or less directly upon the profession we were studying. There were lessons in chemistry, metallurgy, physics, and such like ; but the backbone of the whole course of study was mathematics, and its application to naval architecture and design, with the other subjects, as it were, thrown in as accessories. The summer months were spent in the Dockyards at practical work and drawing. The course at the Royal Naval College at the present time is pretty much the same as it was then, except that the Course of Lectures has been, as I think unwisely, confined almost entirely to the teachers at the College. It may be asked whether so much time could be usefully em- ployed in scientific study by one who has to get his living in the mere mtile shipyards of the country ? I think it could. The want is keenly felt in many shipyards of young men capable of making calculations of any kind in reference to ships, and they would easily find employment on advantageous terms. Another proof that the market for such young men is open, may be gathered from the fact that out of the fellow students of my own at Kensington, several hold good positions outside the Government service ; and, in fact, out of the first three or four years' students, less than one half remained in the Government service more than a few years. This showed a demand outside, and a discontent inside, the Service. Instead, however, of removing the causes of discontent, the Admiralty placed those who remained under a penalty of ^50 in case they left ; and this not proving sufficient they increased the bond to ^250, and this has been paid in a couple of cases, in order to free themselves for outside employment. You will notice, that these were all men trained in the Government dockyards, where, I may mention, there have for years been organised systems of dockyard schools, which were the means of imparting mathe- matical training. Up to a few years ago there was little or no trace of such facilities for young men in the private shipyards of the country. There is now an improvement, owing to the Science and Art Classes which are being established about the country, and I am glad to hear that in Greenock a Science Class has been started recently, and I hope its success will be marked. i8 In the town of Barrow, with which I am associated, there will also, I hope shortly, be a similar class formed. I have had a few particulars taken from the Reports of the Science and Art Department for the past six years, which will show that these classes have taken a pretty firm hold in some parts of the country. In the year 1876 there were 12 classes in Naval Architecture with 97 students In 1877 10 classes 198 students 1878 10 167 l8 79 I 3 I 5 I 1880 21 359 1881 19 279 1882 15 308 You will see that the growth in the number of students has been considerable, although it will be seen that the number of students, as well as of classes, has been some what fitful, the causes of which, however, I have not had time to investigate. I look to the time when these classes will do much more good than they are doing now, and I hope they will receive every en- couragement from the builders in the neighbourhood. It is not, of course, to be expected that they can furnish so high a training as a three years' course of study under distinguished mathematical and professional teachers, but they will have done a great work if they enable all the rising draughtsmen to understand and apply the ordinary ship calculations, and if they induce here and there some of the more competent and ambitious among them to go through a still higher training. I do not know whether you are all aware that the Royal Naval College is open to students in the Mercantile Marine, or any private students. There is an entrance examination which must be passed, but without competition, for those who are able to afford to maintain themselves during their three years' course, and pay the college fees, viz. ^75 for the course, or ^30 each year. There are, moreover, free studentships for those who pass up to a certain standard, and the Government, as well as Lloyd's Register, have offered scholar- ships of ^50 a year, each to be competed for by any students ; so that there is a chance for any young men who have perseverance and talent enough to obtain free studentships at the College with ^"50 a year each for three years towards their maintenance. They would have their summer months for work either in the Royal Dockyards, or in private yards to which they might be able to get access. I suggested elsewhere that it would well become a neighbour- hood such as this, and other ports interested so much in shipping, to add still further to such inducements ; and where students are successful in this way, perhaps to double the amount of the scholarship by local aid. 19 Perhaps even a better way of promoting emulation, would be for the shipbuilders of the country to contribute to a common fund for this purpose, for the wider the field of competition, the higher the honour of succeeding, and although few only would gain the prizes which would be sought for keenly in every district, the effect would be to stimulate all the classes, and raise materially the average standard of efficiency to the benefit of all. The guarantees now exacted by shipowners are so stringent that builders cannot afford to neglect any source of knowledge that will add to their power of prediction, and therefore safety ; and competition is so close that they cannot afford a lavish ex- penditure of engine power, and therefore cost, to keep on the safe side. And perhaps at no time have shipbuilders, as a body, been more disposed to avail themselves of scientific assistance ; and the need will increase rather than decrease. This should be a strong inducement and encouragement to young men to prepare themselves with all their might for their future professional careers, and those who do so will be well repaid. Above all, I would say, avoid what may be called " theoretical crotchets," and endeavour to gain so thorough a grasp of the first principles involved, that there will be no danger of being led away by tempting fallacies, which are always abundant in naval archi- tecture. Facts are never at variance with true science, and it is the honest and unprejudiced attempts to reconcile them that often brings the best reward. I have taken up much of your time I fear too much. My object has been to sketch briefly the scope of "Technical Educa- tion in Naval Architecture," rather than to dwell upon the detailed steps to be followed in the class-room. If it will be the means of helping to stimulate the students of your new class in Greenock, and if it will induce builders to extend to them a helping hand, it will have fulfilled its purpose. In conclusion, I have only to thank you for the patience with which you have heard me in performing a task which to me has been one of pride and pleasure. MEMO. Since this Lecture was delivered the munificence of Mrs. John Elder in founding a Chair of Naval Architecture at Glasgow University, the appointment of Professor Elgar to fill it, and the steps taken by the University Authorities to promote classes for the higher technical education of Naval Architects in the Mercantile Marine have supplied the want indicated in this Lecture more effectually than I could have hoped at the time of its delivery. W. J. LONDON : SPOTTISWOODE & CO., PRINTERS, 54 GRACECHURCH STREET, B.C. AND NEW STR'EET SQUARE.