.V v ;. m University of California Berkeley * .fe .v* 4 ^> ^c* ..- r f * % A PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH COMPRISING PHOTOGRAPHS - GENEALOGIES - BIOGRAPHIES PIONEERS ARE THOSE MEN AND WOMEN WHO CAME TO UTAH BY WAGON, HAND CART OR AFOOT, BETWEEN JULY 24, 1847, AND DECEMBER 30, 1868, BEFORE THE RAILROAD PROMINENT MEN ARE STAKE PRESIDENTS, WARD BISHOPS, GOVERNORS, MEMBERS OF THE BENCH, ETC., WHO CAME TO UTAH AFTER THE COMING OF THE RAILROAD The Early History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints IN ONE VOLUME ILLUSTRATED By FRANK ESSHOM The greatest inheritance of man is a posterity; the greatest inheritance of a posterity is a Christian Ancestry that these greatest inheritances may live in record, this volume is issued. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH UTAH PIONEERS BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY PUBLISHERS 1913 COPYRIGHTED, 1913 BY UTAH PIONEERS BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY COMPOSITION. ELECTROTYPING, PRINTINO AND BINDING BY THE W. B. CONKEY COMPANY HAMMOND. INDIANA ncroft Library Edition DeLuxe This Copy is Number |HIS is to Certify that there were forty- five hundred copies of this volume printed, that each copy was sub- scribed for before it was printed, except one hundred and thirty, which will be placed in Libraries, Colleges, High Schools and other public places. Utah Pioneers Book Publishing Company DIRECTORS FRANCIS M. LYMAN, PRESIDENT FRANK F.SSHOM JESSE KNIGHT J. G. MCALLISTER W. LESTER MANGUM GOVERNOR WILLIAM SPRY GEO. T. ODELL C. B. STEWART O. C. BKEBE FRANK ESSHOM ORN July 4, 1865, at Lovilia, Monroe Co., Iowa, the son of Clay Esshom, born Oct. 29, 1844, in Park County, Ind., near Portland Mill, and Joanna Victorine Rilea, born Jan. 27, 1848, Mount Liberty, Knox Co., Ohio, they were married Feb. 10, 1864. Their children were: Frank (Ellwood), married Jessie. Williams; Merton Wright, m. Josephine Ferris; Harlan, died, child; Grade Caroline, m. Bertrand Pollock Castner; Orange; Cass Clay; Blanche, m. Scott Collins. Frank Esshom married Jessie Williams Feb. 9, 1894; she was born Dec. 8, 1876, daughter of William H. Williams and Martha Ann Moore of Galesburg, 111., and St. Joseph, Mo. Clay Esshom was the son of William Esshom of Maysville, Ky., who was the son of William Esshom of Virginia, who was of Scotch and English ancestry, and Selinda (Chancy) Spurgeon, born at Snow Hill, Md., of English ancestry. Joanna Victorine Rilea (the wife of Clay Esshom) was the daughter of Wesley Rilea and Caroline Wright; he was born July 4, 1824, Putman, Muskin- gum Co., Ohio (the son of William Rilea, who was the fifth generation of Rileas in America living at Culpepper Court House, Va., and Lucy Arnold). Caroline Wright, the daughter of Charles Wright, of Frederickstown, Ohio, born at Princeton, N. J., who was the son of Ebenezer Wright, whose mother was a Stuart. Ebenezer Wright came from England as the King's surveyor to America. His wife, Joanna Johnson, was the daughter of John and Rebecca Johnson, who came from Holland. Frank Esshom graduated from the high school at the age of eighteen, with preparation for a university course. His early life was spent on his father's farm, which was devoted largely to the breeding of high grade horses, cattle and swine, as well as the production of large quantities of grain and grasses, so that his early environment and education was on the line of producing. It was a family maxim of the Esshoms to make two blades of grass grow where one previously grew. In his nineteenth year, he accepted a position in the passenger department of the Burlington Railroad, where he became an expert ticketman at the end of two years, on account of his splendid knowledge of geography. The following four years were spent in travel. He visited more than two-thirds of the states, and nearly all of the principal cities in the United States, in the capacity of an expert special salesman. During this tour, he prepared special articles on social, commer- cial and industrial life, which were his introduction into the literary field. At the age of twenty-five he began devoting his time entirely to newspaper work, as a newspaper reporter; an advertising solicitor; newspaper advertising and business manager; editor and manager of newspapers, and was a general publisher for twelve years at Denver, Colo., prior to coming to Salt Lake City. Most of his life has been devoted to the production of literature, with the exception of a few years, when he was lured into the field of mining. His father was a member of the 14th Indiana Vol., during the Civil War. His ancestors fought in all of the wars of the United States, beginning with the Revolution. They were also pioneers of Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, New Jer- sey, New York, Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa. This spirit to fight and pioneer, in- herited, which together with his life's labor, seemed to especially equip him for the undertaking he has carried on a campaign of seven years in the field and at the desk to prepare and present this volume, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah. FRANK ESSHOM FRANCIS MARION LYMAN N nineteen hundred and eight, after a year's labor gathering data for the Pioneers' history, the vastness of the undertaking dawned upon its promoters and depressed them to almost stupidness. They then realized that the work could be accomplished only by the most systematic and painstaking research, that they must have the sentiment of the whole people with them, that some great spirit must be in touch with them, that was thoroughly in accord with the people. During this first year's work Francis Marion Lyman had been seen, he had subscribed to the work, promptly furnished his data and had done his part toward its production, and in words had encouraged us to press forward in our work. The fire of love for parent and posterity and his people, flashed from his eyes when he saw there was an opportunity for their records to be made and pre- served. In fact, he glowed with joy at the thought. So, when the time came to select a man to head this undertaking, Francis Marion Lyman seemed to be the "Moses" to lead the "children out of Israel." When he was requested to take this leadership he faltered he knew the great responsibility but his broad manliness, which fears no burden in the cause of right, nor in behalf of his people, was thrown in the balance in our favor, he took the leadership became the president. That we chose wisely the result speaks for itself. President Lyman added strength to our zest, he inspired us to greater efforts, and others to our assistance, and with ever-gathering momentum we labored on until the work was done. Through his assistance there has been built a monument to that "Noble Band of Heroes," as he expresses it, that will live on through centuries. No man loves that "Noble Band" more, or could feel a greater responsibility for their descendants than does Francis Marion Lyman. His associates in this work revere him for his wise counsel as their presi- dent, adore his great mentality, love him for his love of humanity as well as his personality. They cherish for him the highest regard and extend to him their sincerest thanks for his never ceasing labor and great assistance in behalf of this publication. FRANCIS MARION LYMAN JESSE KNIGHT HEN he was five years old, with his mother and her family of seven children, he arrived in Utah, a settlement three years old, one thou- sand miles from the nearest town. His father died a few days journey westward from the Missouri River. The homes in Utah at that time were improvised shelters, there were no public and few private schools, and the needs of home were never satisfied. With these surroundings he grew to manhood and fatherhood. He tasted life from every angle that could fall to a boy and a man, under such surroundings. He had not been an ardent Church member; while he was recognized as a Mormon, he had not been classed as a Latter-day Saint, he had not "had a testi- mony"; in other words, he had not been convinced as to the truth of the religion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the truth that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. In a dream, or vision, there was revealed to him that Utah was for the Mor- mons; that the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was true; that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God; also, that if he went to a certain place (indelibly imprinted on his mind), that he would find a great vein of rich mineral, a mine. He followed the instructions given him in his dream, which took him to the now well-known Eureka mining district. There, away up on the moun- tain, he found the spot he had seen in his dream, and he uncovered the vein which led to a vast mineral body, which was opened up, only by much hard labor and many vicissitudes. Many times, for the lack of provisions, he would have to stop his work, but he never lost faith in his dream, and would return and continue his labor. At last the mine yielded the long sought precious mineral that made him a large fortune, which has multiplied and been added to. Before his dream came true, and while he was laboring (as only one can who has faith) to take from "Mother Earth " her treasure, he met Wilford Woodruff, then president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who proph- esied that "he (Jesse Knight) would save the Church's credit." Not long after- ward, the mine began to yield. The Church had outstanding notes upon which the interest was nearly due, the country was in a panic and money almost impossi- ble to get. The first car of ore came from the mine and gave much greater value than was expected. When the miners and debts incidental to the production of ore had been paid, there was ten thousand dollars remaining, which amount, Mr. Knight gave to President Woodruff, who paid the interest on the Church's notes, and its credit was saved. From thence on, he knew the truth of dreams, visions and prophecies, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was the restoration of God's Church on the earth. There are many pages in the history of Mr. Knight's life that forces one to believe that the hand of providence guides our way. He has a Christian, upright family, is in possession of great wealth, and is honored by his fellowman. Thusly endowed, many a man is raised above the mul- titude. It causes him to forget the griefs and hardships that the less fortunate bear. . Not so with Jesse Knight he has not changed he hears the cry of the needy, has sympathy for those in sorrow, his heart throbs with sentiment and love for human kind, which gives him a mannerism, a receptiveness and a simplicity that makes one know that the Spirit of Jesus Christ is reflected in man on earth. He is a beloved father, an honored citizen, a kind, assisting friend, a public benefactor, a Christian. JESSE KNIGHT PREFACE HE author here presents the volume, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah. This work has engaged his entire attention uninterruptedly since September, 1907. As will be seen, it is the portraits, genealogies and biographies of Pioneers and their male descendants and Prominent Men of Utah and a brief chronological history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Those men and women who came to Utah by wagon, hand cart or afoot, be- tween July 24, 1847, the date of the arrival of the Brigham Young Company, and December 30, 1868, before the railroad, are designated as Pioneers. To the author's mind they are all entitled to that distinction, because they came in the same general manner. Some had wagons, others with handcarts, and some afoot, but whatever was their mode of migration, they all came for the one and same purpose, that was : to build an empire and a church and homes of their own, where they could worship God according to the dictates of their conscience, and rear their families without the contamination of outside influence, and be free from the strife and turmoil they had passed through at Kirtland, Independ- ence and Nauvoo. The men coming to Utah after the railroad are designated as Prominent Men. The portraits in this history are arranged, as nearly as possible, as follows: First, that of President Brigham Young, followed by his representative male descendants. These are followed by the portraits of men who came with him in the first company, July 24, 1847, with the exception of the first twelve pioneers' names, in alphabetical order, with their representative male descendants who are subscribers to this history. After the Brigham Young company are the portraits of men of the Mormon Battalion in alphabetical order, with their representative male descend- ants. These are followed by the portraits of men who came later in 1847, in the order that they came to Utah, namely: Daniel Spencer's 100, with Perrigrine Ses- sions and Ira Eldridge as captains of 50's, arriving September, 23d; Abraham O. Smoot's 100, with Geo. B. Wallace and Samuel Russell as captains of 50's, arriv- ing late in September; Edward Hunter's 100, with Jacob Foutz and Joseph Home as captains of 50's, arriving September 29th; Jedediah M. Grant's 100, with Wil- lard Snow and Joseph B. Noble as captains of 50's, arriving October 2d; The "Artillery Company," captained by Charles C. Rich, arriving October 3d; Parley Pratt and John Taylor, two of the Apostles also came with companies, exercising general supervision John Taylor arrived at Salt Lake City, with a company, October 5th ; beside these pioneers are their representative male descendants who are subscribers to this history. Then follows the portraits of men who came in 1848, '49, '50, '51, etc., in consecutive yearly order up to and including 1868, when the last wagon train came all the way across the plains from the Missouri River to the Salt Lake Valley. Following these come the stake presidents and bishops, arranged alphabetically, then governors, and prominent men who came to Utah after 1868, arranged alphabetically. This portrait arrangement will show each person followed by his representa- tive male descendants in his respective place, according to the day and year of his arrival in Utah as near as it was possible to arrange them if he, or his descend- ants are subscribers to this history. Following the portraits are the genealogies, arranged alphabetically, after which comes the history of the Church, chronologically arranged, from the birth of the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1805, to 1863, also the portraits of the Prophet Joseph Smith and Patriarch Hyrum Smith, the genealogies of their families and their lineal ancestry. It was the intention of the author in the beginning of the preparation for NOTE. Utah (Yuta) at the time the pioneers settled in the Great Salt Lake Valley, comprised the territory now orfupied hy Utah, Idaho, Montana, Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Nevada, Northern Arizona, Northern New Mexico, Western Colorado and Western Wyoming. 10 this volume to publish the portrait of the Pioneer and his representative male descendant, and prominent men with four lines of reading matter underneath the portrait. After a year's labor, it was discovered that the genealogies of the Pioneers of Utah were so closely and intricately interwoven, that an accessible record was very much in need of by them, and it was decided to print the genealo- gies of these Pioneer families in connection with the portraits ; this more than dou- bled the labor and expense of production. He now presents to the subscriber for this volume, nearly six thousand portraits and many more genealogies. At the conclusion of this labor, the author is justly proud of the achievement, as in presenting it, he offers to the world a book unique and incomparable to any that has heretofore been issued. This is because a similar opportunity for such a volume has not heretofore been offered an author, as no other people but those of the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have ever gone forth into a wilderness in the mountains and created an empire, and there remained generation after generation and enjoyed the fruits of their labor. On account of their belief in plural marriage, they have left a posterity large enough, at a date sixty-five years subsequent to the first settlement, that nearly all the lead- ing men of that early pioneering has a male descendant. Again, their posterity has been held within the confines of the empire they built, because they did not care to wander from their homes and religious ties. These conditions made the gathering of this data possible, as in no other place to our knowledge has the pioneer re- mained as the permanent settler. The author is also proud of this volume because it will live as a memorial to those men whose deeds were rapidly being forgotten. The story of the leaders has been told repeatedly, but that of the rank and file, the ones who did the actual pioneering and building has not been told before. This will cause them to live on perpetually, and each succeeding generation will know their labors ; their deeds will increase in miraculousness ; their valor will be more greatly appreciated ; their heroisms stand out unprecedented, showing the quality of the men who dared to turn their faces toward an unknown desert and to build homes, and an empire. Having stated what the History contains and why it was possible for it to be produced, the query which arises in one's mind is: "How could such a gigantic undertaking be completed?" The author was fully inspired with the belief that he was producing what a great people wanted and needed, his absolute confidence in, and his knowledge of, these people, their great love for their ancestors and their posterity, and their church, ever impelled him onward to a successful conclusion of his self-assumed labor. After a year of gathering material and data in Salt Lake City, a year was spent in Weber and Utah Counties in the same quest. Then a thorough search was started, as a beginning to the end; the Bishop of every ward from Yellowstone National Park and Upper Oregon on the north and north- west to Vernal, Emery and St. George on the south and southeast in Utah, was visited. In almost every instance an application for a volume was given by the Bishop of the ward and he gratuitously furnished the author with the names of the Pioneers who had died in his ward, and the names of their representative male descendants, also the names of the Pioneers who were living in his ward and the names of their representative male descendants. Nearly a year was required in making these visits. After this organization was perfected, the author, assisted by a corps of solicitors visited each house in every ward in all of the stakes in the terri- tory above mentioned, where a Pioneer or the descendant of a Pioneer lived as given him by the Bishop of the ward, or could be secured from inquiry, and gathered the portraits and genealogies as complete as it was possible to so do, and arranged for the information unobtainable at that time to be sent to him. The gathering of this data, which could be acquired in no other manner, probably required more than fifty thousand calls, the assistance of every photographer in the territory, the traveling of thousands of miles, which was made over every kind of roads in all kinds of weather, and by every mode of conveyance. He made one continuous trip by team in Southern Utah of 1,385 miles, without being in touch with a railroad. This was from October to the last of January. After this data had been gathered, 11 it was necessary to re-write it in duplicate and submit a copy to the one who fur- nished the geneaolgy and biography, and the correspondence in connection with that and other phases of the publication required more than fifty thousand letters. There are some of the old families who are not represented in this History. We are very proud to say that they are few. While the rule laid down for the production of this History was that every family who was represented in it must make a subscription to it to help defray the expenses of producing it, yet hundreds of photographs have been entered, and genealogies published of those Pioneer men who have left no male descendants to represent them. In fact, no one has been left out of it because they were unable financially to make a subscription. In every case where the Bishop advised us that the family was not able to make a subscrip- tion the Pioneer has been put in this history by us with as much care as though he were a subscriber. The author is thankful to many for assistance rendered him. He is thank- ful to James G. McAllister, who rendered him the first assistance in the initiative of the work and continuously to its completion; to the Board of Directors of the Utah Pioneers Book Publishing Company, namely: Francis M. Lyman, James G. McAllister, Geo. T. Odell, C. B. Stewart, Governor William Spry, O. C. Beebe, W. Lester Mangum and Jesse Knight for their wisdom and guidance, and for the last named gentleman, words cannot express his gratitude and thankfulness for an aid and an assistance given him, when all other channels seemed closed, that fur- nished the finance necessary for the completion of this volume. The author sin- cerely believes that this aid was rendered him wholly because Mr. Knight believes this volume will live as a memorial to the Pioneer; as an aid to the living by giving their relationship one to another, and a blessing to those unborn by placing a record before them showing they descended from the founders of Utah, and the builders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that he does not feel that his possessions are given him especially to have and to hold, but that he may do great good with them while they are entrusted to his keeping. The author is thankful for assistance received from Ernest H. Rich, Oscar B. Madson, John Q. Critchlow, W. W. Browning. He is indebted to the Presi- dents of stakes and almost every Bishop under the dominion of the Church, for in- formation given and kindnesses extended to him while in their wards. He is also indebted to, and thankful for, the assistance rendered by each subscriber to this volume, as only for their kindnesses, interest and painstaking assistance in com- piling these genealogies and biographies could this data have been obtained, as more than fifty per cent, of it came from the memory of some one in or who was familiar with the family, and which information has never heretofore been indited or made accessible to those to whom it pertains. The author has had for his constant companions in this labor during the last seven years, those people who are most frequently spoken of as the "Mormons." They among themselves have two definitions for the word "Mormon" first, it is applied to all of the people who have embraced the religion, or have been born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; second, the more religious ones who bear this name are known as "Latter-day Saints," and while the former part of the expression "Latter-day Saints" may be an assumed name, the word "Saints" they are wholly entitled to, because of the life they live. No one who knows these people, as it has been the author's good fortune to know them, can have but the high- est regard for them as a people, he cannot help but believe in their sincerity in their religion, and he absolutely knows that they are trying to live a righteous life and that the teachings of Jesus Christ are constantly before them, as their example to live by. That these Pioneers have established a state and a religion is sufficient com- mendation of their worth. Any man might spend even more years than the author has, in making their deeds and actions a matter of record, to live as an unparalleled example of pioneering and successful endeavor in church building. November 3, 1913. FRANK ESSHOM. 12 O THE GREAT PIONEER, BRIGHAM YOUNG, AND HIS CO-LABORERS IN LEADERSHIP AND IN PIONEERING, AND IN THE COLONIZATION OF UTAH AND THE WEST, THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED. INDEX TO PORTRAITS A Page ABBOTT, L. E .383 ABBOTT, MYRON 196 ABBOTT, MYRON ALMA 197 ABBOTT, THOMAS 383 ABBOTT, WILLIAM 622 ABEGGLEN, ULRICH 535 ABEL, ISAAC 594 ACORD, ABRAM ' ' 539 ADAMS, ARZA 164 ADAMS, CHARLES 184 ADAMS, DANIEL C " . 297 ADAMS, DAVID 466 ADAMS, DAVID BARCLAY .297 ADAMS, DAVID COOK 297 ADAMS, DENNIS ELIAS 244 ADAMS, ELIAS . 243 ADAMS, ELIAS, JR 243 ADAMS, HENRY 548 ADAMS, HUGH 400 ADAMS, JAMES 297 ADAMS, JOHN 548 ADAMS, JOHN DAVID 297 ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY .' 400 * ADAMS, JOSHUA 243 ADAMS, SAMUEL 531 ADAMS, S. F 370 ADAMS, THOMAS 118 ADAMS, WILLIAM HENRY 158 ADAMS, WILLIAM HENRY, JR 159 ADAMSON, ALEXANDER 520 AHLSTROM, JOHN G 510 AINSWORTH, JAMES 563 AINSWORTH, JOSEPH 563 ALBISTON, JOHN 399 ALBISTON, JOHN, JR 399 ALBISTON, JOHN WILLIAM 399 ALBRAND, WILLIAM J. E 418 ALBRAND, WILLIAM JOHN F 418 ALDER, ALFRED 697 ALDER, ALFRED 377 ALDER, ALFRED W 377 ALDER, CONRAD, JR 507 ALDOUS, CHARLES 362 ALDOUS, GEORGE P 362 ALDOUS, ROBERT 362 ALEXANDER, ALVAH 157 ALEXANDER, ALVAH 157 ALEXANDER, ALVAH J 157 ALEXANDER, HENRY SAMUEL 157 ALEXANDER, HORACE MARTIN Ill ALEXANDER, ROBERT 298 ALEXANDER, WILLIAM DENTON Ill ALLEMAN, JOHN 298 ALLEN, ALANSON DAVID 184 ALLEN, ALBERN, JR 184 ALLEN, ALBERN ALANSON 184 ALLEN, ALEXANDER ALMA 298 ALLEN, ANDREW AGUSTUS 225 ALLEN, ANDREW AGUSTUS, JR 225 ALLEN, ELIHU M 75 ALLEN, ELIJAH Ill ALLEN, IRA 225 ALLEN, JOHN R 552 ALLEN, JOSEPH SMITH Ill ALLEN, LEVI 298 ALLEN, ORVILLE MORGAN 298 ALLEN, PETER 530 ALLEN, SAMUEL 372 ALLEN, SAMUEL H 372 ALLEN, WILLIAM 53 ALLMAN. THOMAS 212 ALLMAN, THOMAS M 212 ALLRED, EUGENE SCOTT 277 ALLRED, ISAAC 277 ALLRED, ISAAC H 63 ALLRED, JAMES 277 ALLRED, JOHN JONES 514 ALLRED, JOSEPH PARLEY 514 ALLRED, MILFORD ALEXANDER 53 ALLRED. PAULINUS HARVEY 53 ALLRED. REDDEN ALEXANDER 53 ALLRED, REUBEN WARREN 197 ALLRED, SILAS LAFAYETTE 277 ALLRED. THOMAS BUTLER . v 197 ALLRED. WILEY PAYNE 277 Page ALLRED, WILLIAM MORE 63 ALLREDGE, ISAAC 298 ALLSOP, JOHN 416 ALLSOP, JOHN IRA .416 ALVORD, JOSEPH B 185 ALVORD, JOSEPH L . 185 ALVORD, THADDEUS .184 AMES, IRA 277 ANDERSEN, ANDERS NIELSEN 553 ANDERSEN, ANDREW 488 ANDERSEN, ANDREW 479 ANDERSEN, GEORGE 298 ANDERSEN, JONATHAN NIELSEN 553 ANDERSEN, LOUIS C 488 ANDERSEN, PETER .578 ANDERSEN, WILLIAM 298 ANDERSON, A. J 647 ANDERSON, ANDERS 578 ANDERSON, ANDREAS 510 ANDERSON, ANDREAS JOHN 510 ANDERSON, ANDREW 483 ANDERSON, ANDREW 425 ANDERSON, ANDREW 581 ANDERSON, AXEL 486 ANDERSON, CHRISTIAN .553 ANDERSON, DAVID M 652 ANDERSON, GUSTAF .'647 ANDERSON, GUSTAVE 555 ANDERSON, HANS PETER 652 ANDERSON, HOGAN 486 ANDERSON, HYRUM B 425 ANDERSON, JAMES 448 ANDERSON, JAMES MICHAEL 625 ANDERSON, JENS CHRISTIAN 469 ANDERSON, JOHANAS 492 ANDERSON, JOHN HYRUM 492 ANDERSON, JOSEPH S .403 ANDERSON, LARS 595 ANDERSON, LOUIS C 288 ANDERSON, LEWIS '.'. 483 ANDERSON, MILTON THOMAS 277 ANDERSON, NEPHI AMITZBOL . . 553 ANDERSON, NIELS 577 ANDERSON, PARLEY . 671 ANDERSON, PAUL 57 ANDERSON, PETER . 40 ANDERSON, PETER H 36 ANDERSON, P. M 65 ANDERSON, PETER N .51 ANDERSON, ROSS 36 ANDERSON, W. A 42 ANDERSON, WILLIAM 36 ANDERSON, WILLIAM HOPKINS 48 ANDERSON, WILLIAM OVE ANDERTON, JAMES 60 ANDREW, FREDERICK CHADWICK 41 ANDREW, JOHN W 41 ANDREW, SAMUEL WHITAKER .41 ANDRUS, JAMES 14 ANDRUS, LARON A 16 ANDRUS, MANSFIELD 15 ANDRUS, MILO 14 ANGELL, TRUMAN 5 ANSON, PERRY J 65 ARAVE, DAVID E 27 ARAVE, NELSON 27 ARCHIBALD, THOMAS HALLIDAY 58 ARCHIBALD, WILLIAM RUSSELL 58< ARGENT, JOHN 66: ARGYLE, JOSEPH 44 ARGYLE, JOSEPH, JR 44 ARGYLE, LORENZO 44 ARMATAGE. SAMUEL 68 ARMATAGE. SAMUEL- PICHARD 68 ARMSTRONG, GEORGE D 68 ARMSTRONG, JAMES 41 ARMSTRONG, THOMAS COLUMBUS 661 ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM B ARNOLD, HENRY 29 ARTHUR, BENJAMIN ABEL 3< ARTHUR, CHRISTOPHER JONES . 3 ARTHUR, EDWARD JAMES 6! ARTHUR, EVAN 59 ASHBY, RODNEY BADGER IS ASHBY, WILLIAM HARDIN 1* ASHMAN, JOHN 6 14 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 15 Page ASHTON, EDWARD 299 ASHTON, EDWARD M 299 : ASHTON, EDWARD T ' 299 I ASHTON, ROBERT '424 J ASHTON, THOMAS ! ASHTON, WILLIAM '552 ASHTON, WILLIAM STANLEY . JASTILL, WILLIAM T ' 4 18 ASTILL, ZACHARIAH 418 ASTLE, FRANCIS '522 ASTLE, JOHN ATHAY, HENRY ATHAY, JAMES ATKIN, GEORGE ATKIN, THOMAS 18 1 ATKIN, THOMAS, JR. . ATKIN, WILLIAM '436 ATKIN, WILLIAM T. . ATKINSON, ALFRED H ATKINSON, ALFRED JOHN ATKINSON, FREDERICK HENRY '589 ATKINSON, FREDERICK HENRY, JR. 589 ATKINSON, JAMES ISAAC . 378 ATKINSON, THOMAS . ' 4 Q [ATKINSON, WILLIAM : ATKINSON, WILLIAM N. ... 378 ATWOOD, DAN ' 235 JATWOOD, LAWRENCE MINER . :ATWOOD, MILLEN DAN IATWOOD, MINER GRANT . ' 23B LA.TWOOD, SAMUEL ATWOOD, SIMEON IATWOOD, WALTER HENRY UUGER, HENRY DANIEL . LAUGER, JABEZ LV.UGER, WILLIAM HENRY . AUSTIN, ANDREW M kfSTIN, GEORGE O. . . . ' 627 AUSTIN, HEBER CHARLES . 627 AUSTIN, JOHN 627 AUSTIN, MARK 627 AUSTIN, THOMAS H. . . . 627 AVERT, JOHN NELSON . '197 l\XTELL, SAMUEL B ' 68 2 AYLETT, HEBER C AYLETT, JESSE kYLETT, JOHN A kYLETT, WILLIAM AYLETT, WILLIAM, JR. ... \YHTON, DAVID JAMES . '4*9 \YKTON, WILLIAM 459 B BABBITT, RICHARD . . 2 44 PABCOCK, LORENZO BABCOCK, WILLIAM HENRY . BACHMAN, EMUEL ' rot iACHMAN, JACOB . BACHMAN, JOSEPH . . . SACKHOUSE, JAMES . . . BACKMAN, SAMUEL C. . . . BACON, CHANCY BACON, FRANCIS ' 299 BADGER, CARLOS ASHBY . BADGER, ORSON, P. ... ' 11S BADGER, ORSON P., JR. kAGLEY, DANIEL .... kAGNALL, JOSEPH ... 618 kAILEY, FRANCIS 651 kAILEY, FRANCIS TRACY ... kAILEY, FRANCIS WILLIAM AILEY, HENRY 609 WILEY, JAMES WATSON . AILEY, JOSEPH M 609 AILEY, JOSEPH WILLIAM . AILEY, LANGLEY ALLGOOD AINBRIDGE, JAMES WESLEY n 8 IAIR. HYRUM 244 (AIR, JOHN IAIR, JOHN ' 6Q8 AIRD. ALEXANDER AIRD, BRIGHAM YOUNG . AIRD, JOHN AIRD (BYARD), ROBERT E. ' .' AKER, ALBERT MOWRY . AKER, BENJAMIN ' -,62 AKER, BENJAMIN CHARLES ' 278 AKER, BENJAMIN WALTER ' 278 AKER, CHARLES B. ... AKER, GEORGE !" 49? AKER, GEORGE WASHINGTON 97 1AKER. GEORGE WASHINGTON, JR 97 AKER, HENRY F '470 AKER, JESSE MERRIT '. 07 AKER, JOSEPH qi AKER, NELSON ' 2 }s BAKER, THOMAS . BAKER, WILLIAM GEORGE . BALL, JAMES H BALL, JOHN PRICE . BALLANTYNE, JOHN T BALLANTYNE, RICHARD BALLANTYNE, RICHARD ALANDO " BALLANTYNE, THOMAS H. . BALLARD, HENRY .... BALLARD, HENRY WILLIAM . BALLARD, WILLIAM . BALLE, CHRISTIAN THOMPSON BALLE, JENS THOMPSON BALLS, JOHN BALLS, WILLIAM . BALSER, JOHN BANKHEAD, GEORGE H. . BANKS, WILLIAM F. BROOMHEAE." 4,, 419 BARDSLEY, GEORGE" BARKER, BYRON . , 185 572 BARKER, CHARLES . BARKER, CHARLES W. . ..... ? BARKER, DESMOND JAMES BARKER, GEORGE ...... BARKER, GEORGE BYRON BARKER, GEORGE SIMON . BARKER, GEORGE SIMON, JR BARKER, JAMES . . . BARKER, JAMES . ............. ,55 BARKER, JAMES JOHN BARKER, JOHN HENRY ...... 699 BARKER. JOHN HENRY N. ' 699 BARKER, SIMON . .......... , BARLOW, EDWARD . BARLOW, ISRAEL, I. BARLOW, ISRAEL, II .............. iS BARLOW, ISRAEL, III. '. BARLOW, JAMES ... ....... i BARLOW, JAMES OSWALD " BARLOW, JOHN ....... ...... ?2 BARLOW, JOSEPH . BARLOW, OSWALD . BARLOW, THOMAS ... ... BARLOW, TRUMAN H. . BARLOW, WALKER . ' , BARNES, MARK ..... BARNETT, GEORGE . . . BARNEY, JAMES HENRY . BARNEY, JOHN HENRY ... ' ? BARNEY, JOSEPH S ...... '"Inn BARNEY, NEPHI . BARNEY, ROYAL .... BARNHURST, SAMUEL . . BARNHURST, SAMUEL JAMES BARRACLOUGH, JOHN BARRETT, C. H. . . . ' X BARRUS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN" BARRUS, EMERY ..... BARRUS, EMERY F. . BARRUS, RUEL ....... BARTCH, GEORGE W. . RR, BARTHOLOMEW, HENRY . BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN BARTHOLOMEW, JOSEPH . BARTHOLOMEW, MERLIN J BARTLETT, CHARLES BART BARTLETT, CHARLES CLAYMORE".' BARTON, ISAAC ....... BARTON, JOHN ....... BARTON, JOSEPH . BARTON, WILLIAM . BARTON, WILLIAM B. . BASCOM, IRA KIMBALL BASCOM, JOEL ALMON . BASCOM, JOEL ALMON JR BASSETT. CHARLES HENRY ' CARVER, JOHN CARVER, PARLEY LEONIDAS CARVER, PARLEY PRATT I CASE, ANDREW T. * PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 19 Page CASE, EBER 639 CASE, HENRY 640 CASPAR, WILLIAM W 55 CASPKR, DUNCAN SPEARS 424 CASPER, JAMES MORONI 113 CASPER, WILLIAM NEPHI 113 CASPER, WILLIAM WALLACE 112 CASTLETON, JAMES JOSEPH 647 CATROW, HENRY 688 CAZIER, BENJAMIN 271 CAZIER, CHARLES DRAKE 273 CAZIER, CHARLES GATES 274 CAZIER, WILLIAM 273 CHADWICK, ADAM 475 CHADWICK, JOSEPH A. . . . : 475 CHAMBERLAIN, JAMES T 384 CHAMBERLAIN, JOSEPH 384 CHAMBERLAIN, THOMAS ROSCOE 384 CHAMBERS, ALMA DUFFIN 373 CHAMBERS, GEORGE SPENCER 493 CHAMBERS, JOHN GARRATT 373 '.CHAMBERS, NATHANIEL GEORGE 493 CHANDLER, STEPHEN G 672 HAPPLE, WILLIAM 654 ^HARD, DAVID 309 'HARD, DAVID E 309 "HARD, HENRY T 309 HASE, DUDLEY 158 HASE, EZRA 141 :HASE, FRANK LESLEY 97 "HASE. GEORGE OGDEN 97 HASE, ISAAC 97 :HASE, JOHN DARWIN 113 HATELAIN, ALEXANDER 455 "HATELAIN, PETER LOUIS 455 'HATTERLEY, JOHN 281 HATTERTON, WILLIAM THOMAS 577 HATWIN, JOSEPH ISAAC 310 HATWIN, WILLIAM 309 HEEVER, HENRY ALBERT 232 HENEY, ELAM 75 HHXKY, EZEKIEL WELLS 384 HERRY, AARON BENJAMIN 119 HERRY, EBENEZER GRIFFIN 119 HERRY, JOHN JAMES 119 HERRY, JOHN JAMES, JR 119 HERRY, JOSEPH 119 HESHIRE, THOMAS 596 HESLETT, HERBERT 460 HESLETT, JOHN 666 HESLEY. WILLIAM ALEXANDER 56 HIDESTER, JOHN FOY 246 HIDESTER, JOHN PECK 246 IHILD, AUSTIN WILDER 282 HILD, JOHN 369 HILD, JOHN C 281 HILD, MYRON BARBER 281 jHILD, ORVILLE RENSSELAER 310 JHILD, ORVILLE RENSSELAER, JR 310 |HILD, THOMAS 310 IHILD, WARREN GOULD 281 ILD, WARREN GOULD, JR 282 ILD, WILLIAM W 281 IPMAN, JAMES 87 IPMAN, STEPHEN 87 IPMAN, WASHBURN 87 IPMAN, WILLIAM HENRY 88 ISHOLM, WILLIAM WALLACE . .613 ISLETT, JAMES 77 ITTOCK, SAMUEL, 651 RISTENSEN, A. C 545 RISTENSEN, ANDREW 507 UISTENSEN, ANTHONY 545 RTSTENSEN, CASPER 672 RISTENSEN. FREDERIK 552 RISTENSEN, GEORGE 533 UISTENSEN, HANS 554 RISTENSEN, HEBER C . 554 RISTENSEN, JACOB .697 RISTENSEN, JENS MOLLER . 635 RISTENSEN. JOHN 554 RISTENSEN, L. A .637 RISTENSEN, LARS NIELS 646 RISTENSEN, LARS PETER 533 RISTENSEN, LEHI PETER 533 RISTENSEN, NIELS 604 RISTENSEN, NIELS C 546 RISTENSEN, NIELS PETER .636 RISTENSEN, PETER 533 RISTENSEN. PETER 539 RISTENSEN. PETER CHRISTEN . . 539 RISTENSEN, RASMUS 364 RISTENSEN, RASMUS H 364 KISTENSEN, WILFORD M 510 MPTIANSEN, LARS CHRISTIAN . 470 UISTIANSEN, SOREN 408 HISTIANSON. CHRISTIAN PETER ... 520 RISTIANSON, FREDERICK JULIUS 429 Page CHRISTIANSON, FREDERICK J., JR 429 CHRISTIANSON, JAMES 654 CHUGG, MORONI 672 CHUGG, WILLIAM 562 CHUGG. WILLIAM JOHN 562 CHURCH, HADEN WELLS 69 CHURCH, HADEN WELLS, JR 69 CHURCH, HADEN WELLS. Ill 70 CLARK, BENJAMIN THOMAS 373 CLARK, CHARLES RICH 166 CLARK, DAVID 475 CLARK, EDWARD WATKIN 654 CLARK, EVAN 672 CLARK, EZRA T 166 CLARK, EZRA THOMPSON 166 CLARK, GEORGE 593 CLARK, GEORGE AMASA 166 CLARK, GEORGE SHEFFER 65 CLARK, HARVEY 102 CLARK, ISAAC 199 CLARK, ISAAC G 199 CLARK, ISAAC L, 199 CLARK, ISRAEL JUSTICE 167 CLARK, JAMES 625 CLARK, JAMES 166 CLARK, JASON EDWARD 102 CLARK, JOHN 426 CLARK, JOHN E 654 CLARK, JOHN MATTHEW 282 CLARK, JOHN WILLIAM 310 CLARK. JOHN WILLIAM, JR 310 CLARK, JOSEPH 151 CLARK, JOSEPH, JR 151 CLARK, JOSEPH SMITH, JR 166 CLARK, MARION CHARLES 166 CLARK, MICHAEL 475 CLARK, SAMUEL 151 CLARK, WALLACE 166 CLARK, WILFORD W 166 CLARK, WILLIAM 310 CLARK, WILLIAM EDWARD 66 CLARK, WILLIAM H 70 CLARK. WILLIAM WHEELER 310 CLARKE, AMOS 622 CLARKE. FRANCIS 516 CLARKE, SAMUEL THOMAS 622 CLAWSON, HIRAM BRADLEY 167 CLAWSON, RUDGER 167 CLAWSON, SPENCER 167 CLAYTON, ARCHER WALTERS 52 CLAYTON, J. E 688 CLAYTON, JOHN 655 CLAYTON, NEPHI WILLARD ,.. 51 CLAYTON, WILLIAM 51 CLEGG, BENJAMIN 188 CLEGG, FRED L 428 CLEGG. HENRY 428 CLEGG, PETER McINTYRE 188 CLEGG. WILLIAM JONATHAN 428 CLEMENTS, ALBERT NEPHI 310 CLEMENTS, JOSEPH 436 CLIFT, GEORGE A 229 CLIFT, GEORGE A., JR 229 CLIFT, GEORGE W. 229 CLIFTON, JOHN 694 CLINGER, JAMES 311 CLINGER, JAMES HENRY 311 CLINTON. JETER 246 CLOWARD, DANIEL H 311 CLUCAS. HENRY 433 CLUFF, BENJAMIN 233 CLUFF, DAVID 232 CLUFF, HARVEY 233 CLUFF, HARVEY HARRIS 233 CLUFF, SAMUEL S 233 CLUFF, WILLIAM WALLACE 2?S CLYDE. EDWARD B 218 CLYDE, GEORGE W 218 CLYDE. HYRUM S 219 CLYDE. WILLIAM MORGAN 219 COBBLEY, JAMES 554 COBBLEY. THOMAS 55 1 COFFIN, NATHAN HARRISON 311 COFFIN. NATHAN SAMUEL 311 COLBATH, LEMUEL U 688 COLBORN. THOMAS 151 COLE, MORONI 246 COLE. WILLIAM R 655 COLEBROOK, CHARLES 282 COLEBROOK, CHARLES. JR 282 COLEMAN, GEORGE 311 COLEMAN, GEORGE 613 COLEMAN. GEORGE S 311 COLEMAN, HENRY THRELKELD 614 COLLETT, DANIEL 199 COLLETT, REUBEN 199 COLLETT. REUBEN SAMUEL 200 COLLINGS, DAVID .457 20 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Page COLLINGS, RICHARD 457 COLLINGS, JAMES 500 COLLINGS, JAMES, JR 500 COLLINS, JOHN THOMAS 567 COLTON, BYRON OLIVER 113 COLTON, BYRON OWEN 113 COLTON, DON BYRON 113 COLTON, PHILANDER 113 COLTON, STERLING DRIGGS 113 COLTRIN, ETHER 247 COLTRIN, HEMAN 56 COLTRIN, HENRY C 247 COLTRIN, ZEBEDEE 56 COLVIN. LEVI ALEXANDER 216 COLVIN, LEVI ORSON ALAMANDER 216 COMER, GEORGE 622 COMISH, JOHN 425 COMISH, WILLIAM 425 CONDER, EDWARD 247 CONDIE, GIBSON 247 CONDIE, JOHN W 311 CONDRON, JOHN 691 CONLEY, SOLOMON N 66 CONNELL, WILLIAM F 599 CONNELL, WILLIAM SAMUEL 582 CONNOR, GEN. PATRICK EDWARD 569 CONOVER (COWNOVER), PETER W 151 COOK, CHAUNCEY HARVEY 151 COOK, GEORGE ELISHA 644 COOK, HENRY FREEMAN 311 COOK, JAMES M 672 COOK, JOHN 530 COOK, KIB 167 COOK, LUKE 376 COOK, MELVIN D 596 COOK, PHINEAS W 167 COOK, THOMAS 644 COOK, WILLIAM 312 COOKE, BENJAMIN FREDERICK 599 COOKE, BENJAMIN HENRY 599 COOKE. HENRY 599 COOLEY, ANDREW W 614 COOMBS. DAVID 606 COOMBS, GEORGE 606 COON, ABRAHAM 224 COON, ISAAC 224 COON, ISAAC W 224 COON, JAMES DAVID 224 COON, JOHN 224 COON, JOHN A 224 COON, JOSEPH 224 COOPER, FREDERICK ALFRED 538 COOPED, ISAAC D 167 COOPER, JOHN 455 COPE. THOMAS HENRY 368 CORAY, HOWARD 241 CORAY, HOWARD KNOWLTON 242 CORBETT, DANIEL 200 CORBETT, MARION L 200 CORBETT, SAMUEL 200 CORBRIDGE, EDWARD 697 CORBRIDGE, JOHN 312 CORBRIDGE, WILLIAM 312 CORBRIDGE, WILLIAM H 312 CORDINGLEY, WILLIAM 384 CORDINGLEY, WILLIAM T 384 CORNWALL, JOSEPH 540 COTTAM, GEORGE THOMAS 369 COTTAM, HEBER 312 COTTAM, JOHN 369 COTTAM, THOMAS 369 COTTLE, HEXRY 632 COTTLE, THOMAS E 632 COTTLE, WILLIAM HENRY 632 COTTRELL, CHARLES 679 COTTRELL, GEORGE 679 COTTRELL, JAMES ALFRED 679 COTTRELL, RAPHAEL H. K 679 COTTRELL, SAMUEL . 312 COULAM, HENRY 182 COULAM, HENRY, JR 182 COULT, JAMES 492 COULT, JAMES E 492 COVEY, ENOCH 141 COVEY, HYRUM 141 COVEY, WILLIAM BENJAMIN 141 COWAN, ALEXANDER 247 COWAN, JOHN M 247 COWLEY, CHARLES CAESAR 247 COWLEY. CHARLES CAESAR, JR 247 COWLEY, EPHRAIM ALBERT 248 COWLEY, JOSEPH CURTIS 247 COWLEY, RICHARD 609 COX, DELAUN MILLS 102 COX, EDWARD 508 COX, ELIAS 151 COX, HENRY 624 COX, JACOB 224 Page COX, JEHU 151 COX, JOHN 70 COX. LEVI ASHTON 590 COX, ORVILLE SOUTHERLAND 102 COX, ROBERT H 690 COZZINS, JOHN 450 CRABTREE, CHARLES 385 CRABTREE. CHARLES SAMUEL 385 CRAGHEAD, THOMAS L. 442 CRAGUX, ELISHA 222 CRAGUN, JAMES R 222 CRAGUN, WILEY G 702 CRANDALL, MARTIN P. 213 CRANDALL, MYRON EDGAR 213 CRANDALL, MYRON LUCIUS 213 CRANDALL, MYRON NATHAN 213 CRAXDALL, SPICER W 241 CRANE, A. J 632 CRANE, ELIAS 465 CRANE, ELIAS WILLIAM 465 CRANE, JOHN L 632 CRANER, GEORGE 655 CRAXER, JOHN JENKINS 655 CRAXNEY, HYRUM KING 545 CRANNEY, WILLIAM DUANE 545 CRAWFORD, JAMES 265 CRAWFORD, JEDEDIAH GRANT 265 CREER, EDWARD 413 CREER, EDWARD, JR 413 CREER, WILLARD ORSON 413 CRIDDLE, CHARLES 631 CRIDDLE, GEORGE 573 CRIDDLE, HENRY 631 CRIDDLE, W. EDWARD 574 CRISMON, CHARLES 9 CRISMON, CHARLES, JR 9 CRISMON, GEORGE 9 CRITCHFIELD, LEWIS ABRAHAM 54 CRITCHFIELD, WILLIAM A. 54 CRITCHLOW, BENJAMIN C 26 CRITCHLOW, BENJAMIN P 26 CRITCHLOW, EDWARD B 684 CRITCHLOW, FREDERICK B 266 CRITCHLOW, JOHN FULLER 366 CRITCHLOW, JOHN Q 266 CRITCHLOW, WILLIAM 266 CRITCHLOW, WILLIAM J 266 CROCKETT, ALVIN 188 CROCKETT, ALVIN D 188 CROCKETT, GEORGE ELMER 18S CROFT, JOHN 503 CROFT, ROBERT 533 CROFT, WILLIAM ROWLAND 503 CROFTS, JOHN 503 CROMPTON, WILLIAM 623 CROOK, FREDERICK 443 CROOK, JOHN 443 CROOKSTON, JOHN 511 CROOKSTON, NICHOLAS WELCH 282 CROOKSTON, ROBERT 282 CROPPER, GEORGE WISE 450 CROPPER, THOMAS WATERS 450 CROSBY, BYRON R 168 CROSBY, JOSHUA 378 CROSBY, WILLIAM DAVID 168 CROSBY, WILLIAM H 167 CROSSLEY, EPHRAIM JARVIS 437 CROSSLEY, JAMES 437 CROSSLEY, JOHN 59 CROW, CHARLES HEXRY 5< ~ CROW, FRANKLIN 5 CROWTHER, DAVID 601 CROXALL, MARK 511 CRYSTAL, JAMES 6M CULLEN, MATTHEW 4W CULLIMORE, ALBERT LORENZO 4tt CULLIMORE, JAMES 481 CUMBERLAND, HENRY 312 GUMMING, ALFRED 681 CUMMINGS, BENJAMIN F ft CUMMINGS, JAMES DEVALSON CUMMINGS, JOHN 312 CUMMINGS, JOHN 696 CUMMINGS, JOHN J . 3U CUMMINGS, WILLIAM 69f CUNNINGHAM, ANDREW IK CUNNINGHAM, GEORGE WILLIAM 5*' CUNNINGHAM, HYRUM RAWLINGS 1 CUNNINGHAM, JAMES 451 CURTIS, DORR P 1U CURTIS, EDWIN 5$f CURTIS^ ERASTUS llf CURTIS, EZRA HOUGHTON 16* CURTIS, FRANCIS A 2!' CURTIS, GEORGE 15* CURTIS, JOHN FRANKLIN 16* CURTIS, JOHN SOLOMON 11! CURTIS, JOHN W. 24S 96 ? PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 21 Page CURTIS, JOSEPH 161 CURTIS, JOSEPH 534 CURTIS, LYMAN 57 CURTIS, MOSES 227 CURTIS, MOSES MONROE 227 CURTIS, SAMUEL THOMAS 313 CURTIS, WILLIAM VAN ORDEN 114 CUSHING, JAMES 370 GUSHING, S. R 54 CUTLER, ALLEN RILEY 313 CUTLER, JOHN C 683 CUTLER, ROYAL JAMES 313 D DACK. PHILIP 413 DAILEY, MILTON 248 DALBY, EZRA C 672 DALEY, PHINEAS 523 DALL, HENRY DAVID 474 DALL, HENRY DAVID, JR 474 DALLEY, CHARLES R 635 DALLEY, RICHARD HENRY 635 DALLIMORE, WILLIAM J 614 DALRYMPLE, EDGAR 594 DALRYMPLE, JOSEPH EDGAR 594 DALTON, JAMES M 282 DALTON. MATTHEW WILLIAM 212 DALY, JOHN J 688 DALY. P. J 695 DAME, JANVARIN HAYES 168 DAME, WESLEY WILLIAM, JR 168 DAMRON, JOSEPH W 525 DAMRON, JOSEPH W., JR 525 DANA, JOSEPH B 200 DANGERFIELD, JABEZ 485 DANIELS. DANIEL 189 DANIELS, DANIEL M 189 DANIELS, DAVID MORONI 189 DANIELS, GEORGE R 531 DANIELS. JAMES E 248 DANIELS, THOMAS 189 DANIELSON, HERMAN HANS 673 DANSIE, GEORGE HENRY 560 DANSIE, ROBERT 559 DANSIE, ROBERT, JR 559 DANSTE, WILLIAM HEBER 559 DANSTE. WILLIAM HEBER. JR 560 DASTRUP. HANS LAWRENCE 656 ; DAVENPORT, EDWARD HATHAWAY 282 DAVENPORT, FRANKLIN REMINGTON 283 DAVENPORT, JAMES N 168 DAVENPORT. JEREMIAH FRANKLIN 283 DAVID. MORGAN 696 ' DA VIES, MORGAN 385 DAVIS, ALBERT W 283 DAVIS, CALEB HERSEY 215 ' DAVIS, CHARLES A 200 1 DAVIS, CHARLES H 493 1 >A VIS, DAVID W 437 DAVIS, GEORGE 380 DAVIS, GEORGE 409 ! DAVIS, GEORGE AUGUSTUS 51 DAVIS. GEORGE PRESTON 120 DAVIS, GEORGE WILLIAM 142 DAVIS, HEBER HYDER 283 DAVIS, JAMES L 568 DAVIS, JOHN CATLIN 489 DAVIS. JOHN N 283 DAVIS, JOHN TUCKER 283 DAVTS, JOSEPH C 485 DAVIS, JOSHUA 212 DAVIS, NATHAN 283 DAVIS, NATHAN CUTLER 496 DAVIS, OLIVER F 142 DAVIS, RILEY 621 DAVIS. VINSON FREDERICK 409 DAVIS, WARREN E 200 DAVIS, WARREN E., JR 200 DAVIS, WILLIAM 142 DAVIS, WILLIAM G 437 DAWSON. JOHN W 681 DAY. HUGH 230 DAYBELL, FINITY 602 DAYBELL, ROBERT 602 DAYBELL, WILLIAM 602 DAYLEY, JAMES 656 DAYNES, JOHN 549 DAYNES, J. FRED 549 DAYNES, JOSEPH J 549 DAYTON, FRANCIS MORONI 201 DAYTON, HYRUM 200 DAYTON, MORONI 201 r>EAKIN, WILLIAM PRICE 614 REAMER, JAMES 625 >EAN, GEORGE SAMUEL 419 >EAN, SAMTIEL 419 ~>EANS, DAVID WOODRUFF 313 , JAMES 313 Page DEANS, ROBERT A 313 DEARDEN, JAMES 564 DEARDEN, JOSEPH 638 DEARDEN, WILLIAM 564 DECKER, CHARLES FRANKLIN 56 DECKER, CHARLES FRANKLIN 66 DECKER, ISAAC 56 DECKER, ISAAC PERRY 56 DEE, J. STANLEY 504 DEE, THOMAS DUNCOMBE 503 DEE, THOMAS HILL 503 DEE, THOMAS REESE 504 DE GRAW, D F 656 DE GRAW. EUGENE LAFAYETTE 656 DE LA MARE, PHILIP 313 DE LA MARE, PHILIP FRANCIS 313 DENISON, EPHRAIM 364 DENISON, HANS 364 DENNING, JAMES 381 DENNING, JAMES HENRY 381 DENNIS, WILLIAM TAYLOR 437 DERRICK, ZACHARIAH WISE 120 DERRICOTT, CHARLES 642 DERRICOTT, JOSEPH 642 DE SAULES, HENRY EDWARD 489 DESPAIN, SOLOMAN JOSEPH 614 DEVEY, JOHN 645 DEVINE, JAMES 691 DEWEY, BENJAMIN F 56 DEWEY, JOHN H 88 DEWEY, WILLIAM A 66 DIAMOND, JAMES 120 DIAMOND, LEONARD LORUS 120 DICKSON, ALBERT DOUGLASS 314 DICKSON, BILLA 314 DIEHL, CHRISTOPHER 621 DILLE, ARVIS C 239 DILLE, DAVID B 239 DILLE, HIRAM 239 DIMICK, JAMES 655 DIMICK, J. H 655 DITTMORE. HENRY 540 DITTMORE, LEWIS HENRY 540 DIXON, ALFRED 284 DIXON, EARNEST E 284 DIXON, HENRY 283 DIXON, HENRY ALDOUS 467 DIXON, JOHN DE GRAY 467 DIXON, WILLIAM WILKINSON 283 DOBBIE, JOHN 385 DOBSON, JOSEPH 127 DOBSON, THOMAS F 127 DOMVILLE, THOMAS 274 DONALDSON, ALMA 580 DONALDSON, JOHN 580 DONEY, ELTAS WILLIAM 611 DONEY, JOHN 511 DONEY, JOHN FRANKLIN 511 DORCHEUS, EDWARD W 504 DORCHEUS, JOHN T 504 DORCHEUS, NELS 504 DOREMUS, ABRAHAM FAIRBANKS 693 DORIUS, CARL CHRISTIAN NICOLI 414 DORIUS, CHARLES ROLFSON 414 DORIUS. NICOLI 413 DOTY, JAMES DUANE 682 DOUGALL, HUGH MACSWEIN 426 DOUGALL, HUGH MACSWEIN 426 DOUGLASS, RICHARD 314 DOWDING, DAVID 623 DOWDING, THOMAS 623 DOWDLE, ROBERT HUGHES 201 DOWNARD, WILLIAM 564 DOXEY, ALMA T 367 DOXEY, THOMAS 367 DRAKE, DANIEL N 148 DRAKE, DANIEL NEWELL 147 DRAKE. GEORGE 680 DRAKE. HORACE 78 DRAKE. ISAAC 651 DRAPER, CARSON C 158 DREDGE, JESSE RICHARD 538 DRIVER. WILLIAM 460 DROLLINGER, SIMEON COOK 378 DROLLINGER. SIMEON COOK, JR 378 DROWN, CHARLES 201 DROWN, DAVID TARBELL 201 DRIICE, JOHN 537 DRYSDALE, JOHN 375 DUDLEY, JOSEPH 314 DUDLEY, JOSEPH SMITH 233 DUDLEY. OLIVER HUNT 233 DUKE, ETHAN ALLEN 201 DUKE. GEORGE JONATHAN 202 DUKE, JAMES 201 DUKE, JOHN 201 DUKE, JONATHAN OLDHAM 201 DUKE, ROBERT 202 DUKE, ROBERT STONE 202 22 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Tage DUMMAR, WILLIAM 635 DUNCAN, A. A 656 DUNCAN, CHAPMAN 161 DUNCAN, DENSMOUE TRIPPESS 161 DUNCAN, HOMER 161 DUNCAN, JAMES 314 DUNCAN, JAMES 152 DUNCAN, JOHN CHAPMAN 161 DUNCOMBE, DAVID 435 BUNCOMBE, JOSEPH 619 DUNFORD, ALMA B 449 DUNFORD, ISAAC 449 DUNN, CHARLES OSCAR 134 DUNN, JAMES 284 DUNN, JAMES FIELDING 284 DUNN, JOSEPH MORONI 131 DUNN, SIMEON ADAMS . .134 DUNN, WILLIAM G 284 DUNYON, DR. JOHN L 656 DUNYON, I. N 656 DURFEE, JABEZ . 248 DURKEE, CHARLES 682 DURRANT. THOMAS H 640 DUSENBERUY, WILSON HOWARD 496 DUZETT, EDWARD HANMER 152 DUZETT, EDWARD P. 152 DYE, RICHARD 479 DYE, SAMUEL G 480 DYET, WILLIAM 545 E EAMES, DAVID C , 223 EAMES, DAVID G 223 EARDLEY, JAMES 398 EARDLEY, JOHN 248 EARL, CHARLES WILLIAM 514 EARL, IRA JOSEPH 57 EARL, JONATHAN 314 EARL, JOSEPH IRA 57 EARL, MICHAEL 584 EARL, SYLVESTER HENRY 57 EARL, WILLIAM HENRY 211 EASTMOND, JEFFERSON 480 EATON, ERNEST 385 EATON, IRVIN 385 EATON, JOHN SEGERS 202 ECCLES, DAVID 587 ECCLES, STEWART 587 ECCLES, WILLIAM 587 ECKERSLEY, JOSEPH .670 EDGEL, GEORGE 58 1 EDGEL, JOHN F 584 EDGEWORTH, JOSEPH 622 EDWARDS, JOHN 385 EDWARDS, WILLIAM 385 EDWARDS, WILLIAM LEWIS 385 EGBERT, JOHN ALEXANDER 189 EGBERT, ROBERT C 189 EGBERT, ROBERT C 703 EGBERT, SAMUEL 189 EGBERT, SAMUEL ALEXANDER 189 EGGERTSEN, SIMON PETER 470 EGGERTSEN, SIMON PETER, JR 470 EGGLESTON, ORSON HYDE 550 EGGLESTON, SAMUEL 550 EK, CARL AUGUST 673 EKINS (EAKIN), JOHN 419 ELDER, CLAYBOURN M 249 ELDREDGE, ALANSON 84 ELDREDGE, EDMOND 84 ELDREDGE, HORACE 81 ELDREDGE, HORACE SUNDERLIN 84 ELDREDGE, IRA 84 ELDREDGE, JAMES ALANSON 84 ELDREDGE, JOHN S 84 ELEASON, ERICK 581 ELEARON, JOHN ALFRED 581 ELIASON, ANDERS 581 ELIASON, ANDREW GUSTAVE 581 ELIASON, JOHN ANDREW 581 ELKINS. PAUL L 647 ELLERBECK, THOMAS WITTOX 284 ELLERBECK, WILLIAM LEON 284 ELLETT, JOHN JAMES 275 ELLIOTT, EDWIN 511 ELLIOTT, GEORGE 511 ELLIS, ADRAIN C 684 ELLIS, ALEXANDER 608 ELLIS, JOHN 448 ELLIS, JOHN* 284 ELLIS, JOHN GREGORY 448 ELLIS, STEPHEN HALES 284 ELLISON, EPHRAIM P 314 ELLISON, JAMES 373 ELLISON, JOHN 314 ELLSWORTH, ASA CHARLES 57 ELLSWORTH, EDMUND 57 ELLSWORTH, GERMAN, JR 140 ELLSWORTH. GERMAN EDGAR 140 Page ELLWOOD, ROBERT 591 ELMER, LEVI JAMES 315 ELMER, WILLIAM 314 ELMER, WILLIAM HEBER 315 EMERSON, PHILIP H . C84 EMERY, CHARLES FRANK EMERY, GEORGE W. 682 EMMETT, THOMAS EMMETT, THOMAS F 412 EMPEY, CHARLES 633 EMPEY, CHARLES B. S 633 EMPEY, EPHRAIM S 315 EMPEY, NELSON A 57 EMPEY, SHADRACH . 315 EMPEY, WILLIAM 57 ENGEBRETSEN, BERNT 681 ENGLAND, JAMES 527 ENGLAND, JOHN 527 ENGLAND, JOHN, JR 527 ENGLAND, WILLIAM T 527 ENNISS, JOHN 315 ENNISS, WILLARD BOULTER 315 ENSIGN, ADAMS WESLEY 85 ENSIGN, D. H 57 ENSIGN, LUMAN DANIEL 84 ENSIGN, MARTIN L 84 ENSIGN, SAMUEL 8 ENSIGN, SAMUEL LOZENE EPPERSON, SIDNEY HYRUM 31 ERCANBRACK, W. T 361 ERICKSON, LOUIS ERICK (OLSON) 675 ESPLIN, JOHN 509 ETHERINGTON, GEORGE W 426 ETHERINGTON, JOHN 426 ETHERINGTON, THOMAS 426 EVANS, CHARLES M 316 EVANS. DAVID 501 EVANS, DAVID 219 EVANS, DAVID MINSHALL 316 EVANS, FREDERICK CHARLES 316 EVANS, FREDERICK HENRY 316 EVANS, ISRAEL 219 EVANS, JACOB 219 EVANS, JESSE G 437 EVANS, JOHN 502 EVANS, JOHN 516 EVANS, JOHN 437 EVANS, JOHN, JR 437 EVANS, MORGAN 673 EVANS, MOSIAH 219 EVANS, THOMAS 455 EVANS, THOMAS, JR 455 EVANS, THOMAS 648 EVANS, THOMAS 493 EVANS, WILLIAM M 276 EVERETT, ADDISON 58 EWING, JOHN JACKSON EYRE, EDWIN L 616 FACER, GEORGE 498 FACER, JAMES JARVIS 498 FACER, WILLARD 498 FACER, WILLIAM JOHN 4 FACER, WILLIAM 498 FAIRBANKS, AMOS 285 FAIRBANKS, DAVID 107 FAIRBANKS, JOHN BOYLSTON 98 FAIRBANKS, JOSEPH WARREN 107 FAIRBANKS, NATHANIET 5S FALKER, A. B 318 FALKER, JOHN 419 FARLEY, ASA 386 FARLEY, ASA C 694 FARMER, EDWARD JOHN 520 FARMER, ERASTUS GRENIG 521 FARNES, JOSEPH FRITTER 540 FARNES, THOMAS SAMUEL 540 FARNSWORTH, ALONZO LAFAYETTE 285 FARNSWORTH, STEPHEN MARTINDALE 285 FARR, AARON (FREEMAN) 58 FARR, ASAHEL 79 FARR, DAVID 79 FARR, ENOCH j FARR, EZRA 78 FARR, FRANKLIN 316 FARR, ISAAC FARWELL 7S FARR, JOHN 79 FARR, JOSEPH 78 FARR, LAERTUS 79 FARR, LAFAYETTE THOMAS 79 FARR, LORENZO ERICKSON 79 FARR, LORIN 78 FARR, MARCUS 78 FARR, MARCUS BALLANTYNE 78 FARR, NEWTON 78 FARR, VELASCO 79 FARR. WILFORD IVOR .116 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 23 Page FARE, WINSLOW 58 FARR, WINSLOW, JR 79 FARRELL, GEORGE LIONEL 483 FARRELL, WILLIAM G 483 FAKREN, JOSEPH 688 FARRER, ROGER 219 FARRER, ROGER, JR 219 FEATHERSTONE, THOMAS 476 FELT, GEORGE F 249 FELT, NATHANIEL HENRY 249 FENTON, JOHN WILSON 285 FENTON, JOSEPH JACKSON 285 FENTON, THOMAS 285 FERGUSON, ANDREW 434 FERGUSON, JAMES 114 FEKRIN, ARTHUR M 317 FERR1N, GEORGE ELIHU 317 FERRIN, JOSIAH LEMAN 316 FERUIN, JOSIAH MARSH 316 FERRIN, SAMUEL 316 FERRY, EDWARD PAYSON 687 FERHY, EDWARD S 687 FKRKY, WILLIAM MONTAGUE 687 FIELD, JAMES 265 FIELD, JOHN 219 FIELD, JOHN J 220 FIELD, WILLIAM 562 FIELD, WILLIAM HEBER 562 FIELDING, JOSEPH 158 FIFE, WILLIAM N 381 FIFIELD, MATTHEW PHELPS 127 FIFIELD, WILLIAM JOHN 127 FIFIELD, WILLIAM PHELPS 127 FILLERUP, ANDREW PETER 636 FILLERUP, ANDREW PETER, JR 636 FILLMORE, NORMAN 502 'INCH, JOSEPH 401 FINCH, WILLIAM 376 FINCH, WILLIAM, JR 377 'INDLAY, HUGH 438 INLINSON, GEORGE 614 'INLINSON, JOSEPH TRIMBLE 614 HRTH, JOHN 373 IRTH, WILLIAM HENRY 373 ISH, JOSEPH 238 "ISHBURN, ROBERT LEEMING . 465 HSHER, IRVIN F 411 HSHER, JAMES 386 '"ISHER, JAMES 515 "ISHER, JAMES MADISON 249 lf-11 KU, JOHN 410 i-ISHER, JOSEPH A 249 i'lSHER, THOMAS FREDERICK 410 1'ISHER, WILLIAM F 410 I- ISK, IRA 695 JMELDSTED, CHRISTIAN DANIEL 699 IMELDSTED, PETER J 700 I'LETCHER, EDWIN 285 LETCHER, EDWIN FRANCIS 285 ':'LINT, WILLIAM 134 TOLEY, JAMES A 91 OLKMAN, JEPPA G 403 )LKMAN, JERGEN CHRISTOPHER 403 OLLETTE, WILLIAM TILLMON 127 )LLICK, DAVID 638 OLLICK, GEORGE ALEXANDER 638 5LSOM, HYRUM PEARSE 506 )LSOM, WILLIAM HARRISON 506 OOTE, J. F 657 OOTE, THOMAS JOHN 569 3RBES, JOSEPH BARROW 616 >RD, ALFRED CHARLES 120 ORDHAM, ELIJAH 233 1REMAN, JOSEPH 478 )RKMAN, THOMAS CEPHAS 696 )RRER, JOHN FREDERICK 611 5RRESTER, ROBERT 688 ~>RSGREN, JOHN ERIK 114 ORSGREN, JOHN HEBER 114 1RSSELL, ALFRED THEODORE 633 ^RSSELL, OLAF ALFRED T 633 5RSYTH, ANDREW BARKER 517 >RSYTH, JOHN IRWIN 517 1RSYTH, JOHN W 228 5RSYTH, THOMAS R 228 5RSYTH, THOMAS R., II 228 RSYTH, THOMAS R., Ill 228 1STER, FRANKLIN PITT 317 1STER, GEORGE 317 1STER, GEORGE, JR 317 )STER, HENRY C 317 XSTER, WILLIAM HENRY 317 1STER, WILLIAM L 317 HTLGER, FREDERICK 624 >ITLGER, HERBERT JOHN 624 )ULGER, JOSEPH B 624 HTTZ, JACOB 92 HJTZ, JACOB, JR 92 >WERS, JESSE .602 Page FOWERS, JESSE, JR 602 FOWERS, JESSE DYSON 602 FOWLER, DR. ALLEN 688 FOWLKE, JOHN 530 FOXLEY, WILLIAM 438 FOXLEY, WILLIAM LEMUEL 438 FOY, FREDERICK L 249 FRANDSEN, GEORGE . 444 FRANDSEN, GEORGE G 444 FRAUGHTON, FRANKLIN AUGUSTUS . 395 FRAUGHTON, GEORGE 395 FRECKLETON, JOHN ORR 560 FREE, ABSALOM PEXNINGTON 140 FREE, J. S 140 FREEMAN, ELIJAH NORMAN 80 FREEMAN, WILLIAM H., JR 190 FREER, JOSEPH SLACK 673 FREESTONE, GEORGE 361 FREW, JAMES 448 FREW, JOHN 448 FRICK, JOSEPH E 684 FRISBY, JOSEPH H 609 FRODSHAM, JAMES 691 FROERER (GFROERER), FREDERICK G 202 FROST, BURR 59 FROST, SAMUEL BUCHANAN 539 FRY, RICHARD 504 FRY, RICHARD RAWLE 504 FRYER, ROBERT C 414 FUGAL, CHRISTIAN 638 FUGAL, JAMES P 639 FUGATE, HARRISON PERRY 243 FUGATE, THOMAS 243 FUHRIMANN, GOTTFRIED 504 FUHRIMANN, JACOB 504 FUHRMEISTER, FREDERICK W 511 FULLER, LUBURN LIVONIA 460 FULLER, PERRY B 460 FULLER, REVILO 120 FULLMER, BENJAMIN 92 FULLMER, CHARLES 92 FULLMER, DAVID 92 FULLMER, EUGENE BERTRAND 92 FULLMER, JAMES DICKENS 159 FULLMER, JOHN H 66 FULLMER, JOHN LORIN 66 FULLMER, JOHN SOLOMON 159 FULLMER, WILLIAM PRICE 159 FULLMER, WILLIAM PRICE, JR 159 FUNK, EZRA K 168 G GADD, ALFRED 451 GADD, SAMUEL GEORGE 451 GADD, WILLIAM ALFRED 451 GAGON (GEOGHEGAN), WILLIAM H 680 GAILEY, JOHN 168 GALE, JAMES 317 GALLOWAY, GEORGE CURTIS 318 GARDINER, JOHN WILLIAM 599 GARDNER, ALP'RED 367 GARDNER, ANDREW BRUCE 93 GARDNER, ARCHIBALD 93 GARDNER, BENJAMIN 318 GARDNER, CLARENCE 93 GARDNER, ELIAS HARVEY 152 GARDNER, FREDERICK 340 GARDNER, HENRY 401 GARDNER, JAMES 367 GARDNER, JAMES 428 GARDNER, JAMES HAMILTON 93 GARDNER, JOSEPH SMITH 318 GARDNER, JOHN 367 GARDNER, MILO MARTIN 318 GARDNER, MILO VANDOZEN 318 GARDNER. ROBERT 93 GARDNER, ROBERT NATHANIEL 318 GARFIELD, HENRY 419 GARN, MICAH 435 GARN. THOMAS 517 GARNER, DAVID 70 GARNER, FREDERICK 190 GARNER, HENRY 190 GARNER, HENRY JAMES 190 GARNER, JAMES ALBERT 190 GARNER, JOHN A 190 GARNER, PHILLIP 190 GARNER, RUFUS ALMA 190 GARNER. WILLIAM FRANKLIN 70 GARFF, CHRISTOPHER 470 GARFF, PETER NELS 470 GARR, BENJAMIN F 211 GARRICK, HAMILTON MORRISON 467 GARSIDE. AARON 169 GEARY, EDWARD LONG 523 GEARY, HYRUM P 556 GEDDES. HUGH S 401 GEDDES, JOSEPH STEWART 401 24 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Page GEDDES, WILLIAM 401 GEE, GEORGE W 285 GEE, LYSANDER 190 GEORGE, JOHN 249 GEORGE, JOSEPH M, 249 GEORGESON, HANS HYRUM 417 GERBER, MORONI 381 GIBBONS, JOHN A. R 416 GIBBONS, THOMAS 416 GIBBONS, THOMAS 465 GIBBONS, THOMAS, JR 466 GIBBS, JAMES HYRUM 587 GIBBS, JOHN DUGGAN 587 GIBBS, WILLIAM H 587 GIBSON, JAMES B 496 GIBSON, WILLIAM 496 GIBSON, WILLIAM B 446 GIFFORD,- ARTHUR 216 GIFFORD, GEORGE WASHINGTON 386 GIFFORD, HENRY DILL 386 GIFFORD, LEVI, JR 216 GIFFORD, OLIVER DEMILL 216 GIFFORD, SAMUEL KENDALI 216 GILES, THOMAS 657 GILLETT, COLLINS MOORE 412 GILLETT, GRANVILLE 412 GILLIES. DUNCAN M 419 GILLKSPIE, WILLIAM 437 GILLISPIE. ROBERT 651 GILMER, JOHN THORNTON 614 GLAZIER, CHARLES D 265 GLAZIER, LOREN S 265 GLAZIER. SHEPHERD 265 GLEASON, ALVIRAS HORNE 58 GLEASON, JOHN (STREATOR) 68 GLEASON, THOMAS HENRY 58 CLEAVE. JOHN 640 GLENDENNING, JAMES 689 GLENDENNING. ROBERT J 689 GLENN. WALTER 409 GLINES, CHARLES HARVEY 70 GLINES. JAMES HARVEY 70 GLOVER. JOSEPH HYRUM 202 GLOVER. JOSEPH SMITH 202 GLOVER, WILLIAM 202 GLOVER, WILLIAM F 202 GLOVER. WILLIAM HENRY 203 GOASLIND, CHARLES D 420 GOASLTND, JOHN - 419 GOATES, LEO WALMAN 319 GOATES, WILLIAM 318 GOATES, WILLIAM, JR 318 GODBE. ANTHONY HAMPTON 286 GODBE. ERNST LACY 286 GODBE, MURRAY CHARLES 286 GODBE, WILLIAM SAMUEL 286 GODDARD, BRIGHAM HARRISON 319 GODDARD, GEORGE 319 GODDARD, HENRY 433 GODDARD, HENRY J. W 433 GODDARD, HYRUM HARRISON 319 GODDARD, JOSEPH 319 GODFREY, JOSEPH 319 GODFREY, RICHARD 451 GODFREY, WILLIAM R 452 GOFF, HEBER ROBERT 590 GOFF, HYRUM 590 GOFF. I. FRANK 590 GOFF, ISAAC 590 GOFF, ISAAC. JR 590 COLDER, ALBERT ISHMAEL 476 COLDER. EBER 476 GOLIGHTLY, JOSEPH W 657 GOODALE, ISAAC N 93 GOODHUE, JUSTIN A 690 GOODMAN. JOHN R 655 GOODRICH, ALBERT G 237 GOODRICH, GEORGE A 236 GOODRICH. GEORGE LEONARD 237 GOODRIDGE. JAMES WILLIS 319 GOODRIDGE. WILLIAM WILLIS 319 GOODWIN, ISAAC H 480 GOODWIN. ISAAC R 480 GOODWIN, ISAAC SMITH 480 GORDON, JOHN THOMAS 681 GORDON, MOSES M '. 681 GORDON, ROBERT 516 GORDON. ROBERT JAMES 516 GOTFREDSON, JENS 470 GOUGH, JAMES 560 GOULD, JOHN S 525 GOULD, ROBERT 525 COWANS, ANDREW 431 GOWANS, EPHRAIM G 431 COWANS. HUGH S 431 GRACE. ISAAC 286 GRACE. ISAAC HENRY 286 GRAEHL, GEORGE LOUIS .411 Page GRAEHL, GEORGE LOUIS, JR 411 GRAHAM, JAMES F 203 GRAHAM, JAMES M 2ft3 GRAHAM, JOHN C 656 GRAHAM, ROBERT 169 GRAHAM, ROBERT 628 ORAHAM, ROBERT ORSON 628 GRAHAM, WILLIAM B 169 GRAHAM, WILLIAM C 656 GRANGE, SAMUEL 319 GRANGE, SAMUEL STEVENSON 320 GRANGE. ULYSSES WALLACE 320 GRANGER, WALTER 448 GRANT, GEORGE DAVIS . 131 GRANT, HEBER JEDDY 98 GRANT, JEDEDIAH MORGAN ... 98 GRANT, JOSEPH HYRUM 98 GRANT, JOSHUA FREDERICK 98 GRANT, JOSHUA FREDERICK, JR 98 GRAVES, DANIEL 420 GRAVES, JOSHUA 420 GRAY, SAMUEL R 532 GRAY, WILLIAM S 398 GREAVES, PETER 320 GREGORY, GEORGE F 567 GREGORY, ROBERT 567 GREEN, ALPHONZO 120 GREEN, ALVA ALPHONZO 120 GREEN, ALVIN 85 GREEN, AMMON 152 GREEN, AUSTIN GREELY 85 GREEN, HERVEY 152 GREEN, JOHN 471 GREEN, PETER B 550 GREEN, PETER C 550 GREEN, ROBERT 203 GREEN, ROBERT 85 GREEN, THOMAS 657 GREEN, WILLIAM 470 GREEN, WILLIAM H 657 GREENE, EVAN FLAVIUS 320 GREENE, EVAN MOLBOURNE 320 GREENEWALD, JACOB A 616 GREENHALGH, ABRAHAM 631 GREENHALGH, ABRAHAM II 386 GREENHALGH, PETER 386 GREENHALGH, PETER 410 GREENHALGH, PETER, JR 410 GREENHALGH, THOMAS 631 GREENWELL, AMBROSE 696 GREENWOOD, BARNARD HARTLEY 320 GREENWOOD, CARLOS B 320 GREENWOOD, HARTLEY 320 GREENWOOD, JOSHUA 321 GREENWOOD, WILLIAM 320 GREENWOOD, WILLIAM 64 GREER, DIXON HAMLIN 428 GRIFFETH, PATISON DELOSS 321 GRIFFIN, THOMAS 397 GRIFFIN, WILLIAM HYRUM 577 GRIMMETT, HYRUM 438 GRIMMETT, JOHN 438 GRIMSHAW, DUCKWORTH 550 GRIMSHAW, JOHN 550 GRIMSHAW, JOHN G 550 GROESBECK, HYRUM 442 GROESBECK, JOHN A., JR 442 GROESBECK, NICHOLAS 442 GROESBECK, NICHOLAS H 442 GROVER, ALBERT 1 103 GROVER, HENRY A 102 GROVER, THOMAS 102 GROVER, WALTER L 102 GROW, HENRY 286 GROW, JOHN W. 286 GROW, SYLVESTER VEACH 287 GROW, WILLIAM M 2 GRUNDVIG, FRANTZ CHRISTIAN 61? GRUNDVIG, SEVERIN HOLGER 61f GUDMUNDSON, SAMUEL 574 GUDMUNDSON, SAMUEL T 57* GULL, JOHN 61? GUNDERSON, JAMES P 31f GUNDERSON, JENS 31f GUNNELL, ARCHIBALD B 19! GUNNELL, FRANCIS WILSON 19! GUNNELL, FRANKLIN L . . 191 GURR, ENOCH ELDRTDGE 46S GUTTERIDGE, ROBERT 641 GUYMON, NOAH THOMAS 21? GUYMON, NOAH THOMAS, JR 2K GWILLIAMS, HENRY B 431 GWILLIAMS, HENRY WILLIAM 431 H HACKING, JAMES 26? HACKING, JOHN SAMPSON 26f PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 25 Page HACKING, JOHN SAMPSON, JR 268 HACKING, JOSEPH P 268 HADDOCK, JOHN 517 HADDOCK, JOHN GEORGE 517 HADDON, THOMAS C 321 HADFIELD, JOSEPH 450 HADFIELD, JOSEPH 401 HADFIELD, JOSEPH, JR 401 HADLEY, GEORGE 587 HADLEY, LORENZO 587 HADLEY, SAMUEL 588 HAFEN, JOHN GEORGE 535 HAGUE, JAMES 321 HAIGHT, CALEB 80 HAIGHT, HECTOR CALEB 80 HAIGHT, WILLIAM VAN ORDEN 80 HAIR, JOHN 611 HAIR, NICHOLAS C 611 HALE, ALMA HELAMAN 152 HALE, ALMA HELAMAN, JR 152 HALE, AROET C 153 HALE, AROET LUCIUS 153 HALE, AROET LUCIUS, JR 153 HALE, AROET LUCIUS, III 153 HALE, ARTHUR WILLARD 153 HALE, BENJAMIN WALTER 153 HALE, EDGAR DANIEL 152 HALE, ERNEST FREDERICK : . . . 153 HALE, JOHNATHAN H 153 HALE, MORRIS J 153 HALE, SOLOMON H 154 HALES, CHARLES H 321 HALES, GEORGE 114 HALES, HENRY WILLIAM 473 HALES, HENRY WILLIAM, JR 473 HALES, JOSEPH LOCKWOOD 321 HALES, STEPHEN ALEXANDER 473 HALGREN, TRULS A 607 HALL, CALVIN 93 HALL, DAVID 545 HALL, EBER W. 691 HALL, EDWARD 220 HALL, JOHN C 321 HALL, JOSEPH H 269 HALL, JOSEPH SMITH 269 HALL, NEWTON DANIEL 93 HALL, SAMUEL P 266 HALL, THOMAS 266 HALLADAY, ABRAHAM 321 HALLADAY, ABRAHAM E 321 HALLS, JOHN 531 HALLS, WILLIAM 531 HALVERSON, CHARLES A 427 HALVERSON, GEORGE 427 HALVERSON, SIMON FREDERICK 426 HAMBLIN, EDWIN 238 | HAMER, SAMUEL 276 i IIAMER, WILLARD 287 I HAMMER, HANS ANDERSON 420 HAMMER, SAMUEL 420 HAMMON, L. B 211 HAMMOND, JOHN E 169 HAMMOND, JOSEPH 169 HAMMOND, SAMUEL SMITH 169 HAMPTON, BENJAMIN 369 IHAMPTON. GRANT 369 HAMSON, GEORGE F 287 1 1 A N'CEY, JAMES 506 HAXCEY, JAMES S 506 [HANCOCK, C. B 120 HANCOCK, C. B., JR 121 ITAXCOCK, GEORGE 191 HANCOCK, JOSEPH HIRAM 322 i HANCOCK, THOMAS 628 HANDY, JAMES HENRY 483 HANDY, SAMUEL 483 HANDY, WILLIAM 483 HANKS, ALFRED LYMAN 680 HANKS, CHARLES DECKER 70 HANKS, EPHRATM KNOWLTON 70 HANKS, STANLEY ALONZO 680 HANKS, WALTER E 71 HANKS. WILLIAM ALBERT CAPENER 71 IIAXSEN, ALFRED WILLIAM 558 HANSEN, ANDERS K 696 11 ANSEN, ANDREW 386 HANSEN, ANDREW N 583 HANSEN, CHRISTEN 471 iANSEN, HANS 489 HANSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN 381 1ANSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN 364 1AXSEN, HANS CHRISTIEN 657 iANSEN, HANS F 322 1ANSEN, HANS FREDRICK 403 IANSEN, HOGAN 663 iANSEN, JACOB 636 iANSEN, JAMES 386 iANSEN, JENS 381 iANSEN, MARTIN 471 Page HANSEN, NEELEY LOFGREN 604 HANSEN, NIELS PETER 604 HANSEN, OLE 678 HANSEN, PETER ORSON 322 HANSEN, PRABEN A 364 HANSEN, SOREN 653 HANSON, CHRISTIAN 554 HANSON, CHRISTOPHER 533 HANSON, EMIL 648 HANSON, ERASMUS MARTIN 554 HANSON, GEORGE DAVID 548 HANSON, HANS C 554 HANSON, HENRY 647 HANSON, JAMES J 444 HANSON, MADS 548 HANSON, MICHAEL A 438 HANSON, PETER 657 HANSON, PETER M 438 HANSON, SOREN 287 HANSON, SOREN 574 HANSON, WILLIAM LAWRENCE 420 HARDING, DWIGHT 287 HARDING, GEORGE 287 HARDING, STEPHEN S 682 HARDING, THOMAS C 199 HARDY, CHARLES MARCUS 535 HARDY, CHARLES W 322 HARDY, ELISHA PHILBROOK 322 HARDY, JESSIE WALLACE 237 HARDY, JOSEPH 249 HARDY, JOSEPH, JR 250 HARDY, JOSEPH HYRUM 250 HARDY, JOSIAH G 322 HARDY, LEONARD GOODRIDGE 237 HARDY, LEONARD WILFORD 237 HARDY, MILTON H 322 HARDY, ROBERT JAMES 434 HARDY, WILLIAM 434 HARMON, ALPHES AMULECK 698 HARMON, ANSIL PERCE 154 HARMON, APPLETON MILO 154 HARMON, CHARLES 511 HARMON, DAVID 512 HARMON, JESSE MARTIN 154 HARMON, JESSE P 154 HARPER, CHARLES A 59 HARPER, GEORGE 659 HARPER, RICHARD 564 HARPER, WILLIAM F 565 HARRINGTON, DANIEL 94 HARRINGTON, LEONARD E 94 HARRIS, BERNICE R 322 HARRIS, CHARLES 250 HARRIS, CHARLES ZERA 154 HARRIS, CLARENCE EARL 250 HARRIS, DANIEL BROWETT 251 HARRIS, ENOCH 213 HARRIS, GEORGE HENRY ABBOTT 322 HARRIS, JOHN 169 HARRIS, JOHN 507 HARRIS, JOSHUA 377 HARRIS, LEANDER S 250 HARRIS, MARTIN D 250 HARRIS, MARTIN H 250 HARRIS, MICAH FRANCIS 592 HARRIS, NATHAN J 250 HARRIS, RANSOM E 213 HARRIS, ROBERT 250 HARRIS, THOMAS 592 HARRIS, WILLIAM 154 HARRIS, WILLIAM McGEE 169 HARRISON, GEORGE 457 HARRISON, HAROLD HENRY 498 HARRISON, HENRY JAMES 498 HARRISON, JAMES H 560 HARRISON, WILLIAM HOBDAY 560 HART, CHARLES HENRY 460 HARX, JAMES HENRY 460 HART, JOHN ISAAC 323 HART, LEVI RICHARD 565 HART, SAMUEL 619 HART, SAMUEL WALTER 565 HART, STEPHEN JAMES G19 HARTOG, II. C 657 HARTWELL, ELLIOTT 323 HARVEY, DANIEL 381 HARVEY, DANIEL, JR 381 HARVEY, HUGH WILLIAM 66 HARVEY, JOHN 66 HARVEY, JONATHAN LOUIS 251 HARVEY, LOUIS 251 HASLAM, ERNEST 373 HASLAM, HEBER C 374 HASLAM, JAMES HOLT 287 HASLAM, JOHN W 373 HASLAM, RICHARD R 287 HATCH, ABRAM 1 HATCH. ALVA ALEXANDER 2*3 26 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Page HATCH, IRA STEARNS 128 HATCH, JAMES I *. 128 HATCH, JEREMIAH 243 HATCH, JOHN H 128 HATCH, JOSEPHUS 128 HATCH. LORENZO HILL, 220 HATCH, LORENZO LAFAYETTE 220 HATCH, MELTIAR 128 HATCH, ORIN 127 HATCH, STEARNS 128 HATCH, WALTER 128 HATCH, WILLIAM EDSON 128 HATCH, WILLIAM IRA 127 HAWKES, NATHAN 624 HAWKINS, WILLIAM EDWARD 386 HAWLET, GEORGE 658 HAWLEY, WILLIAM JOHN 323 HAWS, ALBERT A 142 HAWS, AMOS WHITCOMB 142 HAWS, GEORGE WASHINGTON 142 HAWS, GILBRETH 142 HAWS, GTLBRETH OLIVER 142 HAWS, JOHN MADISON 142 HAWS, WILLIAM 158 HAWS, W. W 698 HAYES. ALMA 313 HAYS. RICHARD 651 HEALEY, EPHRAIM 398 HEALEY, JAMES 3!)7 HEAPS, HENRY 651 HEAPS, WILLIAM HENRY 651 HEATH, ALBERT 670 HEATH, FRANCIS D 94 HEATH, FREDERICK 94 HEATH. FREDERICK GEORGE 94 HEATH, FREDERICK JOHN 94 HEATH, GEORGE 670 HEATH, HENRY 94 HEATH, HENRY F 94 HEATH, JAMES HARVEY 287 HEATH, JOHN FRANKLIN 94 HEATON. JONAS 596 HEDER. JOHN 471 HEDGES. GEORGE W 121 KEEP, WILLIAM 620 HEGGIE. ANDREW WALKER 498 HEGSTED, HANS C. S 618 HEINER, ANTHONY 490 HEINER, DANIEL 490 HEINER. MARTIN 490 HELLER, F. B 658 HELM. ABRAHAM 438 HELM. LEVI PHILLIP 438 HEMMING, FREDERICK WILLIAM 499 HEMMING, WILLIAM 499 HEMSLEY. RICHARD. JR 626 HEMSLEY. RICHARD, III 627 HENDERSON, DAVID E 461 HENDERSON. SAMUEL NEWTON 80 HENDRICKS. BRTGHAM ANDRUS 99 HENDRICKS, GEORGE B 99 HENDRTCKS, JAMES 99 HENDRICKS, JOSEPH SMITH 99 HENDRTCKS, JUEL J 99 HENDRICKS, MARRINER WILT-IS 658 HENDRICKS, WILLIAM DORRIS 99 HENDRTKSON, J. A 596 HENEFER. JAMES 387 HENEFER. LEHI 387 HENRIE. WILLIAM 655 HENRTOD, EI'CENE A 374 HENRY. ROBERT 251 HENSON. ALFRED 648 HENWOOD. RICHARD 446 HENDRY. JOHN MARK 658 HEPWORTH, EDMUND 591 HEPWORTH, JOSEPH E 592 HERBERTSON, CHRISTIAN PETERSON 54ft HERRICK, JOHN LESTER 226 HERRICK, LEMUEL 226 HERRICK, LESTER JAMES 226 HERRON. ALEXANDER 288 HESLOP. GEORGE 435 HESS, ALMA 180 HESS, ALMA CLARENCE 180 HESS, JAMES H 71 HESS. JOHN W 71 HESS. JOSEPH WELLS 71 HEWLETT, FRANK J 658 HEWLETT, ORSON H 658 HEYWOOD, B. B 121 HEYWOOD. JOSEPH I.ELAND 121 HIBBARD. GEORGE A 420 HICKEN. JOHN HENRY 323 HICKEN. THOMAS 323 HICKENLOOPER. CHARLES ANDREW 80 HTCKENI.OOPER. JOHN T 80 HICKENLOOPER, WILLIAM ALMA 80 Page HICKENLOOPER, WILLIAM HAINEY 80 HICKERSON, GEORGE WASHINGTON 658 HICKS, JAMES M 241 HIGBY, WILLIAM 658 HIGGINS, JESSE 641 HIGGINS, LEWIS 114 HIGGINS, NELSON 114 HIGGINS, WILLIAM 680 HICHAM, AMBROSE S 276 HIGHAM, THOMAS ROBERTS 276 HIGLEY, GEORGE W 323 HIGLEY, MYRON 696 HIGSON, JOHN 489 HILL, ARCHIBALD N 121 HILL, CHARLES W 81 HILL, FRANKLIN OLIVER 251 HILL, GEORGE R 81 HILL, GEORGE W. 81 HILL, JOHN B 251 HILL, JOSEPH 288 HILL, JOSEPH, JR 288 HILL, SAMUEL HOOD 288 HILL, THOMAS 387 HILL, WILLIAM JAMES 251 HILL, WILLIAM JOHN 378 HILL, WILLIAM JOHN 633 HILTON, JOHN HUGH 323 HINCHCLIFF. CHARLES W 517 HINCHCLIFFE. MATHIAS 517 HINCKLEY, ARZA ERASTUS 71 HINCKLEY, EDWIN SMITH 220 HINCKLEY, IRA NATHANIEL 220 HIPWELL, WILLIAM 536 HIRSCHI, ARNOLD DANIEL 673 HIRSCHI, DANIEL 496 HIRSCHI, DAVID 496 HIRSCHI, GOTTLIEB 496 HISKEY. BENJAMIN 565 HISKEY, JOHN S 565 HITCHCOCK, JOHN CHESTER 154 HITCHCOCK, WILLIAM HENRY 154 HJORTH, PETER H 534 HOBBS, WILLIAM DOWN 610 HOBSON, JESSE 323 HOCHSTRASSER, RUDOLPH 500 HODGES, NATHANIEL MORRIS 643 HODGES. WILLIAM NEHEMIAH 643 HODGSON, HENRY W. S 626 HODGSON, OLIVER 626 HODSON, JOHN 378 HODSON, WILLIAM 581 HODSON, WILLIAM 378 HOFF, HENRY HERMAN 673 HOGENSEN. CHRISTIAN 487 HOGG, CHARLES 659 HOGG, JAMES 659 HOGG, ROBERT 659 HOGG, ROBERT, JR 659 HOGGE, GEORGE WILLIAM 628 HOGLE, JAMES 614 HOGLE, JAMES A 614 HOLDAWAY, AMOS DAVID 129 HOLDAWAY, ANDREW NATHAN 129 HOLDAWAY, DANIEL W 251 HOLDAWAY. DAVID 252 HOLDAWAY. ELMER T 129 HOLDAWAY, JAMES N 251 HOLDAWAY, JOHN MADISON 129 HOLDAWAY, LOGAN GILBERT 129 HOLDA WAY. SHADRACH 129 HOLDAWAY. WILLIAM SHADRACH 129 HOLDAWAY, WILLIAM S.. JR 1 29 HOLDSWORTH, JONAS, JR 574 HOLLADAY, J. M 673 HOLLAND, JOHN 252 HOLLAND, JOHN WILLIAM 252 HOLLINGSWORTH. THOMAS 678 HOLMAN, ARTEMUS 81 HOLMAN, ISAAC LESTER 81 HOLMAN, JAMES A SI HOLMAN, JAMES S SI HOLMAN, JOHN GREENLEAF 81 HOLMES, JAMES 274 HOLMES. JONATHAN H 169 HOLROYD. THOMAS EDWARD 537 HOLT, ALBERT 537 HOLT, EDWARD DAVID 584 HOLT, JESSE PATTEN 537 HOLT, JOHN 537 HOLT, JOSEPH MABEY 537 HOLT, MATTHEW 584 HOLT, SAMUEL E 584 HOLT, WILLIAM M 584 IIOLYOAK, HENRY 416 HONE. GEORGE 626 HONE. HENRY 626 HOOPES, WARNER 483 HOOTON, JOSEPH RAYNER 480 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Page HOOVER, JOHN WHITMER 288 HOOVER, JOHN WHITMER, JR 288 HOPKINS. LEPRELET J 478 HOPKINS, R. R 659 HOPKINS, WILLIAM T 121 HORMAN, CHARLES 644 HORMAN, FRANCIS D 644 HORNE, JOSEPH SMITH 95 HORROCKS, EDWARD 467 HORROCKS, EDWARD G 461 HORROCKS, ROGER 633 HORROCKS, SAMUEL 467 HORSLEY, HARRY 540 HORSLEY, HERBERT 565 HORSLEY, JOHN P 496 HOUGAARD, RASMUS H 170 HOUSLEY, GEORGE F 461 HOUSTON, JAMES 170 HOUTZ, DANIEL D 99 HOUTZ, JACOB 99 HOUTZ, J. S 143 HOUTZ, PHILIP 143 HOITZ, PHILIP EDWARD 143 HOVEY, JAMES A 134 HOVEY. JOSEPH GRAFTON 134 HOWARD, JAMES 607 HOWARD, JOHN RICHARDS 612 HOWARD, JOSEPH 607 HOWARD, SAMUEL HAMILTON 444 HOWARD, SAMUEL L 444 HOWARD, THOMAS 607 HOWARD. WILLIAM, JR 379 HOWD, SIMEON (FULLER) 58 HOWD, SIMEON FULLER, JR 58 HOWE, AMOS 661 HOWE. GEORGE E 661 HOWELL, ELIAS WILLIS 323 HOWELL, HENRY N 324 HOWELL, JAMES 578 HOWELL, JAMES 659 HOWELL, JAMES P 525 TTOWELL, THOMAS C. D 324 HOWELL, THOMAS JEFFERSON 578 HOWELL, WILLIAM 525 | HOYT, SAMUEL PIERCE 252 I HUBBARD, CHARLES WESLEY 155 , HUBBARD, JAMES WILLARD 155 ! HUBER, JOHN 583 HUCKVALE. JONATHAN 695 HUDMAN, JOHN 430 HUFF, DAVID LOSEE 532 HUFF. JEFFERSON ADAMS 376 | HUFF, JOSEPH 532 HUFFAKER, LEWIS ALBERT 100 HUFFAKER, SIMPSON DAVID 100 HUFFMAN, JACOB 517 HUFFMAN, JACOB WILLIAM 517 HUGGINS, WILLIAM 372 HUGHES, JOHN 502 HUGHES, MORGAN 324 HUGHES, WILLIAM B 324 TTULLINGER, HARVEY COK 490 1 1 IT/LINGER, WINFIELD SCOTT 490 HULLINGER, WINFIELD SCOTT, JR 490 HUMPHREYS, GEORGE 449 HUMPHREYS, HYRUM THOMAS 449 HUMPHREYS, SAMUEL 449 HUMPHRYS. GEORGE 452 HUNSAKER, ABRAHAM 158 lirXSAKER, ALLEN C 158 TONT, AMOS 324 TUNT, JEFFERSON 114 1UNT, LEV! 252 UNT. THOMAS 574 TUNT. THOMAS ALVIN 574 IUNTER, ADAM PATTERSON 324 -TUNTER, ALEXANDER 643 IUNTER, DAVID P 324 TUNTER. ISAAC 203 FIUNTER, JOHN D 2S8 KUNTER. JOSEPH 288 ; IUNTER, JOSEPH SANDON 288 TUNTER. WILLIAM 289 TUNTING. WILLIAM JAMES 367 IUNTINGTON, DTMICK B 71 IUNTINGTON, GEORGE AUGUSTUS 59 IUNTINGTON, GEORGE W 59 IUNTINGTON, OLIVER B 59 TORD. WILLIAM BAKER 518 TURREN, JAMES 452 IURREN, JAMES WILLIAM DAVID 452 TUSBANDS, CHARLES THOMAS 502 IUSBANDS. THOMAS CART-OS 535 TTTSBANDS. WILLIAM 535 TUSSEY. CHARLES HENRY 228 HTSSEY. DANIEL AUGUSTUS 228 TUTCHTNGS, WILLIAM WILLARD 170 IUTCHINGS, WILLIAM WILLARD, JR 170 Page HUTCHINS, JAMES 439 HUTCHINS, JOHN JAMES 439 HUTCHINSON, JACOB FLYNN 234 HUTCHINSON, JACOB FLYNN 233 HUTCHINSON, JAMES 568 HUTCHINSON, JOHN W 568 HYDE, CHARLES G 183 HYDE. GEORGE T 182 HYDE, HEMAN 182 HYDE, ROSEL 182 HYDE, WILLIAM A 182 HYER, ANDREW L 191 HYER, CHRISTIAN 191 HYMAS, BENJAMIN 551 HYMAS, JOHN A. . . . ; 551 HYMAS, SAMUEL EDWARD 551 HYMAS, WILLIAM 551 HYMAS, WILLIAM ALFRED 551 INDIANS, KANOSH AND WASHAKIE 126 INGRAM, JAMES 377 INGRAM, JAMES OLIVER 377 IRVINE, GEORGE 431 IRVING, WILLIAM 591 ISAAC, BENJAMIN 512 ISAAC, JOHN PHILLIP 502 ISAACSON, NEILS 526 ISGREEN. ANDREW JENS 484 ISRAELSEN, ANDREW MARTIN 608 ISRAELSEN, TELLIF JOHN 608 ISRAELSEN, ZACHARIAS W 608 IVERSEN, PETER 556 IVERSON, ALMA NICHOLAS 592 IVERSON, ALMA NICHOLAS, JR 592 IVERSON, GUSTAVE ARNT 670 IVERSON, IVER NICHOLAS 592 IVIE, CALVERT MILTON 170 IVTE, WILLIAM FRANKLIN 170 IZATT, ALEXANDER 606 JACK, JAMES 387 JACK, WILLIAM H 387 JACK, WILLIAM T 652 JACKMAN, LEVI 59 JACKMAN, LEVI HARMON 59 JACKSON, AARON, JR 455 JACKSON, ENOS 640 JACKSON, EUGENE 640 JACKSON, HENRY CLARK 324 JACKSON, HENRY WILLIAM 324 JACKSON, JOHN WILLIAM 442 JACKSON, THOMAS 442 JACOB, ISAAC 60 JACOB, JOSEPH 59 JACOB, JOSEPH, JR 60 JACOB. MILTON 60 JACOB, NORTON 59 JACOBS, DANIEL 485 JACOBS, GEORGE P 191 JACOBS, H. B 121 JACOBS, HENRY CHARITON 121 JACOBS, JOHN 191 JACOBS, JOHN S 191 JACOBSEN. EDDIE MATTHIAS 636 JACOBSEN, LARS 471 JACOBSEN, LARS, JR 471 JACOBSEN, OLE H 636 JACOBSEN, .OLE WILLIAM 636 JACOBSON, LAURITZ 546 JAKEMAN, JAMES THOMAS 585 JAMES, GEORGE 452 JAMES, REES D 622 JAMES. REUBEN 452 JAMES, SYLVESTER 85 JAMES, THOMAS JOHN 398 JAMES, WALTER 691 JAMES, WILLIAM F 414 JANES. JACOB 623 JANNEY, E. M 476 JANSON. JOHN A 592 JARDINE, JAMES 490 JARDINE, JAMES B 490 JARDINE. JOHN 490 JARDINE. WILLIAM H 491 JASPERSON. HANS 408 JEFFRIES. WILLIAM 535 JEFFS. ARTHUR JAMES 555 JENKINS. EDWARD ELMER 143 JENKINS, EVAN 526 JENKINS, EVAN 641 JENKINS, JAMES 417 JENKINS. JAMES HARDY 594 JENKINS, JAMES HARDY 594 JENKINS, JOHN 417 JENKINS, JOHN 526 28 PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Page JENKINS, JOHN LAIRD 694 JENKINS, LEWIS 494 JENKINS, LEWIS ROBERT 494 JENKINS, THOMAS 325 JENKINS, THOMAS 143 JENKINS, WILLIAM 234 JENKINSON, SAMUEL WILFORD 252 JENNE, BENJAMIN 170 JENSEN, ALMA L 582 JENSEN, CARL C 660 JENSEN, CHRISTIAN 409 JENSEN, CHRISTIAN JULIUS 630 JENSEN, DAVID 660 JENSEN, DAVID 659 JENSEN, DAVID J 596 JENSEN, HANS : 620 JENSEN, HANS PETER 388 JENSEN, HYRUM 388 JENSEN, HYRUM D 596 JENSEN, JAMES 521 JENSEN, JAMES 468 JENSEN, JAMES CHRISTIAN 670 JENSEN, JAMES IVER 661 JENSEN, JAMES PETER, JR 637 JENSEN, JENS 468 JENSEN, JENS CHRISTIAN 409 JENSEN, JENS LARSON 509 JENSEN, JENS PETER 629 JENSEN, JENS PETER 628 JENSEN, JENS PETER 388 JENSEN, JOHN ROSEBERRY 510 JENSEN, JOSEPH 508 JENSEN, KNUT 548 JENSEN, LARS P 582 JENSEN, OLE ANDREW 582 JENSEN, PETER 508 JENSEN, PETER 582 JENSEN, PETER DANIEL 629 JENSEN, SAMUEL D 659 JENSEN, SOREN 507 JENSEN, SOREN 404 JENSEN, SOREN P 575 JENSEN, SOREN PETER 678 JENSEN, THOMAS CHRISTIAN 629 JENSEN, WALDEMAR 620 JENSON, ANDREW NIELSON 607 JENSON, JAMES 607 JENSON, JENS 471 JENSON, JOSEPH HENRY 471 JENSON, LARS 697 JENSON, OLOF 697 JENSON, PETER 444 JEPPESEN, CHRISTIAN 476 JEPPESON, CHRISTIAN, JR 476 JEREMY, THOMAS E 192 JEREMY, THOMAS E., JR 192 JESSOP, EDWARD 660 JESSOP, EDWARD, JR 660 JESSOP, JOSEPH SMITH 549 JESSOP, RICHARD 549 JEX, WILLIAM 399 JOHANSEN, LARS 404 JOHN, HENRY 565 JOHN, JAMES 565 JOHN, THOMAS 565 JOHNS, DAVID 536 JOHNS, DAVID J 536 JOHNS, JOHN 536 JOHNSON, AARON 2 JOHNSON, AARON, JR 2 JOHNSON, ALONZO ALVARO 115 JOHNSON, ANDREAS ' 595 JOHNSON, ANDREW J 482 JOHNSON, BENGT : 556 JOHNSON, BENGT, JR 556 JOHNSON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 66 JOHNSON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, JR 66 JOHNSON, BENJAMIN WILLIAM 66 JOHNSON, CHARLES A ' 67 JOHNSON, CLARENCE IRWIN 4 JOHNSON, C. P. W 574 JOHNSON, DANIEL 404 JOHNSON, EDMUND H. C 575 JOHNSON, GEORGE WASHINGTON 269 JOHNSON, GUSTAVIIS 557 JOHNSON, HANS PETER 633 JOHNSON, JAMES, JR 464 JOHNSON, JAMES EDWIN 405 JOHNSON, JAMES WARREN 420 JOHNSON, JARVIS 115 JOHNSON, JARVIS 115 JOHNSON, JOEL ANDREW : 660 JOHNSON, JOEL H 161 JOHNSON, JOHN 405 JOHNSON, JOHN 604 JOHNSON, JOHN 673 JOHNSON, JOHN LYCURGUS 420 JOHNSON, JOHN PETER RASMUS 405 Page JOHNSON, JOSEPH 464 JOHNSON, JOSEPH (WEAVER) 461 JOHNSON, LARS FERDINAND 648 JOHNSON, LEWIS PETEIt 405 JOHNSON, LORENZO 660 JOHNSON, LORENZO, JR 660 JOHNSON, MADS 403 JOHNSON, MILAS EDGAR 269 JOHNSON, NEPHI 161 JOHNSON, NIELS 405 JOHNSON, NIELS PETER 673 JOHNSON, OLUF 405 JOHNSON, PETER 403 JOHNSON, PETER I 405 JOHNSON, RACE APHALUS 115 JOHNSON, RICHARD 289 JOHNSON, RICHARD 660 JOHNSON, ROBERT 387 JOHNSON, SAMUEL 482 JOHNSON, SETH 162 JOHNSON, THOMAS SMITH 170 JOHNSON, URBAN 661 JOHNSON, WILLIAM LEAMAN 115 JOHNSON, WILLIS KELSEY, JR. 252 JOHNSON, WILLIS (WEAVER) 461 JOHNSTON, CHARLES MOMEN 660 JOHNSTUN, ALMA JAMES 71 JOHNSTUN, JESSE WALKER 71 JOLLEY, BRYANT HEBER 325 JOLLEY, WILLIAM H 588 JOLLEY, WILLIAM H 661 JONES, BENJAMIN, JR 170 JONES, DAVID PROSSOR 700 JONES, DAVID R 653 JONES, EDWARD 461 JONES, EDWARD, JR 461 JONES, ELISHA 252 JONES, ELMER B 684 JONES, EVAN 643 JONES, GEORGE D 512 JONES, GEORGE MARTIN 602 JONES, HEBER LORENZO 642 JONES, HOPKINS 620 JONES, ISAAC MORLEY 253 JONES, JAMES E 606 JONES, JAMES F 155 JONES, JAMES SIMKINS 382 JONES, JENKIN 637 JONES, JENKIN, JR 637 JONES, JETER EDWARD 703 JONES, JOHN 694 JONES, JOHN LEE 382 JONES, JOHN PIDDIXG 381 JONES, JOHN PRICHARD 606 JONES, JOHN R 512 JONES, JOHN REES, JR. 3!>8 JONES, JOSEPH 252 JONES, JOSEPH THOMAS 15 JONES, JOSEPH WILFORD 15 JONES, LEHI WILLARD 28 JONES, MARK 62 JONES, MERLIN JONES, MILES HUDSON 32 JONES, MILES L ' 32 JONES, NATHANIEL VARY 17 JONES, NATHANIEL VARY, JR 17 JONES, PHILETUS 47 JONES, RICHARD JONES, RICHARD 69 JONES, RICHARD, JR 69 JONES, RICHARD E 2 JONES, ROBERT 64 JONES, ROBERT ALLEN 64 JONES, SAMUEL LANE 12 JONES, SAMUEL STEPHEN 4 JONES, THOMAS C 64 JONES, THOMAS E 16 JONES, WILLIAM 6* JONES, WILLIAM E 2 JONES, WILLIAM EDWARD 7 JONES, WILLIAM PARSONS 1 JONES, WILLIAM R 2 JORDAN, JOHN 3 JORDAN, JOHN PHILIPS 3 JORDAN, JOSEPH HYRUM 3 JORGENSEN, EDWARD JOHANNAS 4 JORGENSEN, MADS 4 JORGENSEN, MASS *' JORGENSEN (GEORGESON), NIELS 4 JORGENSEN, RASMUS G * JOSEPHSON, ANDREW M * JOST, JOHN A 4 JOST, SAMUEL EDWARD I JUDD, ASA W. 130 JUDD, WILLIAM RILEY 51P JUDD, ZADOK KNAPP J JUDGE, JOHN JUDY, WILLIAM ALVA * PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 29 K Page KAIGHN, MAURICE M 685 KANOSH 126 KARLSON, CLAUS HERMAN 471 KARKKN, HYRUM . 72 KARKEN, THOMAS 72 KARREN, THOMAS S 72 KARTCHNER, MARK ELISHA 75 KARTCHNER WILLIAM DECATUR 75 KAY, JOHN THOMAS 415 KAY, WILLIAM 159 KEARNS, AUSTIN 214 KEARNS, EDWIN J . 214 KEARNS, HAMILTON H 214 KEARNS, THOMAS 689 KEELER, DANIEL HUTCHINSON 325 KEELER, DAVID ARTHUR 203 KKELER, JAMES 203 KIOELER, JOSEPH BRIGHAM 326 KEEP, JAMES JOSEPH 326 KEETCH, ALFRED GREENWOOD 544 KKETCH, CHARLES GREENWOOD 532 KEETCH, CHARLES GREENWOOD, JR 532 KEITH, DAVID -. 689 KELLER, JACOB 597 KKLLER, JAMES MORGAN 405 KELLER, JAMES MORGAN, JR 405 KELLY, E. W 395 KELLY, JOHN 395 KELLY, VIRGIL 525 KELSEY, EASTON 271 KKLSEY, ELI B 326 KKLSEY, STEPHEN 60 KELSEY, STEPHEN ROBERT 60 KK.MP, CHARLES 439 KKNDALL, LEV! CYRUS 60 KENDALL, LEVI CYRUS, JR 60 KENDALL, LEVI NEWELL 60 KENDELL, GEORGE W 417 KEXDELL, WILLIAM 417 KENNARD, LEONIDAS HAMLIN 635 KENNARD, LEONIDAS HAMLIN, JR 635 KENNEDY, CHARLES 134 KENNEDY, JAMES HORACE 248 KENNELLY, JAMES M 689 KENNEY, AMASA 72 KENNEY, AMASA, JR 72 KKNNINGTON, RICHARD 449 KENNINGTON, WILLIAM HENRY 449 KENT, SIDNEY B 148 KKNT, WILLIAM RILEY 148 KERBY, FRANCIS 698 KKRSHAW, JOSEPH HYRUM WATKINS 617 KESLER, ALONZO PRATT 276 KESLER, FREDERICK 276 KKSLER, JOSEPH 276 KETTLE, JOHN 446 KETTLE, ROBERT 446 KEYES, ALMA 241 KEYES, HARRISON 220 KEYSOR, GUY MESSIAH 227 KEYSOR, WILLIAM GEORGE 227 KIESEL, FRED J 576 KIESEL, FREDERICK WILLIAM 576 .KILLPACK, JOHN 603 KILLPACK, JOHN DAVID 365 IKILLPACK, WILLIAM JOSEPH 365 KIMBALL, ABRAHAM ALONZO 48 iKIMBALL, DANIEL H 48 KIMBALL, DAVID PATTEN 47 :KIMBALL, EDWIN 620 IKIMBALL, HEBER CHASE 47 IKIMBALL, JOHN HENRY 47 KIMBALL, JONATHAN GOLDEN 48 IKIMBALL, JOSEPH 48 KIMBALL, LOUIS C 48 KIMBALL, NEWEL W 48 KIMBALL, SOLOMON FARNHAM 47 KIMBALL, THATCHER 47 IKIMBALL, WILLIAM GHEEN 48 jKIMBALL, WILLIAM HENRY 47 KINDRED, EDMOND HENRY 431 XING, CULBERT 272 'KING, CULBERT LEVI 272 KING, DAVID MORRIS 439 KING, ELEAZER, JR 203 KING, JOHN 486 KING, JOHN E 326 KING, ROBERT EDSON 326 KING, THOMAS 363 KING, THOMAS CALLISTER 272 vING, THOMAS CLARK 439 s ING, THOMAS EDWARD 396 RICH, ERNEST H * RICH, FRANKLIN JOHN * RICH, GEORGE Q I 1 RICH, HEBER CHARLES CHASE H RICH, HENRY JOHN * RICH, JAMES JOHN * RICH, JAMES RICHARD * RICH, JOHN HENRY 376 RICH, JOHN JAMES 464 RICH, JOSEPH 103 RICH, JOSEPH EDWIN 104 RICH, WILLIAM LAFAYETTE 104 RICH, WILLIAM LYMAN 104 RICHARDS, ALEXANDER WILLARD H * RICHARDS, CALVIN W I RICHARDS, CHARLES COMSTOCK U RICHARDS, FRANKLIN DEWEY 160 RICHARDS, GEORGE F 122 RICHARDS, GEORGE GILL 51 RICHARDS, HENRY PHINEAS 161 RICHARDS, JOHN * RICHARDS, JOSEPH HILL I RICHARDS, JOSEPH PARLEY * RICHARDS, JOSEPH T V RICHARDS, MYRON JOHN V RICHARDS, PHINEAS W RICHARDS, STEPHEN L 602 RICHARDS, THOMAS ' RICHARDS, WILFORD WOODRUFF 160 RICHARDS, WILLARD I RICHARDSON, ARCHIE SQUIRES $1 RICHARDSON, JOHN THORNTON 693 RICHARDSON, SHADRACH 341 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 37 Page RICHARDSON, SHADRACH M 341 UCHARDSON, THOMAS 74 RICHARDSON, THOMAS 74 UCHARDSON, THOMAS IVES 74 RICHARDSON, WILLIAM 593 UCHARDSON, WILLIAM, JR 593 UCHARDSON, WILLIAM ALMA 73 UCHARDSON, WILLIAM ALMA, JR 74 'UCHEY, WILLIAM B 175 UCHINS, EDWARD 441 UCHMAN, HYRUM S 566 UCHMAN, JOHN 566 UCHMOND, JOSEPH BURROWS 292 UCHTER, ADOLPH 692 :UCKS, JOEL 136 .UCKS, THOMAS E 136 UCKS, THOMAS E., JR 137 .ilDDLE, ISAAC 218 HIDEOUT, D. 137 'UDGES, JOSEPH HARRIS 474 IIGBY, GEORGE C 368 UGBY, JOSEPH E 368 'UGBY, WILLIAM FREDERICK 368 UGGS, DR. JOHN 292 UGGS, O. H 694 UGGS, WILLIAM REEVES 211 UGGS, WILLIAM SEARS 211 ULEY, WILLIAM L 591 URIE, ALEXANDER 391 URIE, JAMES 391 USHTON, EDWARD 341 ,:ITCHIE, JOHN McAFFEE 598 ; OBB, GEORGE 477 ;.OBBINS, CHARLES BURTIS 391 '. OBBINS, ISAAC R 175 .OBBINS, JOHN ROGERS 391 .OBERTS, BRIGHAM H 634 ; OBERTS, DANIEL 450 : .OBERTS DAVID GILES 513 OBERTS, DAVID MORGAN 513 , OBERTS, EDWARD GILES 623 OBERTS, EDWARD KILLICK 183 OBERTS, GEORGE 475 ROBERTS, HENRY 259 ROBERTS, HORACE 292 OBERTS, HUGH 616 .OBERTS, JOHN 616 OBERTS, JOHN DUNN 450 OBERTS, JOHN POWELL 450 OBERTS, LEVI 259 OBERTS, MARK OWEN 259 OBERTS, ORVILLE CLARK 238 ;OBERTS, ORVILLE CLARK, JR '. 238 : OBERTS, PETER 603 OBERTS, WALTON ANTHONY 259 OBERTSON, JAMES 259 PBEY, JEREMIAH 341 3BINS, EDMUND 341 OBINS, EDMUND 341 )BINS, WILLIAM 576 OBINSON, EDWARD 194 3BINSON, FRANKLIN GREGSON 440 DBINSON, FRANKLIN GRIFFIN 440 "IBINSON, GEORGE 342 DBINSON, JACK 126 OBINSON, JAMES HENRY 175 OBINSON, JOSEPH 342 "IBINSON, JOSEPH LEE 175 DBINSON, OLIVER LEE 175 DBINSON, WILLIAM SMITH 194 3BISON, DANIEL ALEXANDER 500 PBISON, DAVID 508 PBISON, JOSEPH MILLARD 259 pBISON, JOSEPH V 259 PBISON, MORONI 508 pBISON, PETER 259 pBISON, WILLIAM 500 )CKWELL, ORIN P 61 )CKWOOD, ALBERT PERRY 62 )CKWOOD, CHARLES WELCOME 62 1DEBACK, CHARLES 342 )DEBACK, CHARLES L 342 )DEBACK, JAMES 342 DDEBACK, LORENZO BARNES .342 1GERS, ALMA DENTON 552 >GERS, ELISHA HENRY . 207 X3ERS, ISAAC, JR 82 >GERS, NEPHI 207 )GERS, NEPHI NOAH 207 >GERS, RUEL MILLS 477 >GERS, THEODORE 207 >GERS, WILLARD 207 >LFE, SAMUEL JONES 89 'LFSEN, JACOB 534 >MRELL. FRANCIS 422 >MRELL, GEORGE . 422 Page ROPER, HENRY '. 156 ROSE, ABRAHAM 379 ROSE, ALLEY STEPHEN 380 ROSE, ANDERS PETER 537 ROSE, CHARLES EDGAR . 415 ROSE, FREDERICK W 415 ROSE, WESLEY 260 ROSEBERRY, CHARLES 487 ROSKELLY, SAMUEL 368 ROSS, JAMES ANDREW 214 ROSS, JAMES JACKSON 214 ROSS, STEPHEN WEEKS, JR 440 EOSS, THOMAS 214 ROSSITER, FREDERICK CHARLES 571 ROSSITER, WILLIAM A 571 ROWAN, MATHEW 435 ROWE, WILLIAM H 679 ROWLAND, BENJAMIN 391 ROWLAND, GEORGE 558 ROWLAND, SAMUEL 558 ROWLEY, GEORGE 440 ROWLEY, JOHN THOMPSON 342 ROWLEY, JOSEPH SMITH 441 ROWLEY, RALPH NEPHI 342 ROWLEY, SAMUEL 702 ROWLEY, SAMUEL JAMES 702 ROYAL, WILLIAM H 665 ROYLANCE, AARON 343 ROYLANCE, HEBER C 343 ROYLANCE, HENRY 224 ROYLANCE, JOHN 223 ROYLANCE, WILLIAM 223 ROYLANCE, WILLIAM 363 ROYLANCE, WILLIAM J 342 ROYLANCE, WILLIAM M 223 ROYLE, HENRY MORONI 175 ROYLE, JAMES FREEMAN 176 ROYLE, WILLIAM 527 ROUNDY, JARED CURTIS 53 ROUNDY, JOHN 53 ROUNDY, JOHN DAVIS 63 ROUNDY, LAUREN HOTCHKISS 52 ROUNDY, SHADRACH 52 ROUNDY, WILLIAM HEBER 52 RUFF, GEORGE 676 RUMEL, JOHN H 208 RUSHTON, EDWIN 292 RUSS, NELSON DANIEL 617 RUSSELL, ALLEN 343 RUSSELL, DANIEL C 343 RUSSELL, HORACE 343 RUSSELL, SAMUEL 513 RUSSELL, WILLIAM GREENWOOD 343 RUST, GEORGE B 74 RUST, GEORGE SMITH 74 RUST, WILLIAM WALKER 74 SABEY, JAMES 463 SABEY, JAMES, JR 463 SABIN, ARA WILLIAM 260 SABINE, JAMES 643 SALISBURY, E. D 665 SALISBURY, O. K 472 SALISBURY, ORANGE J 693 SALMON, GENERAL FRED 688 SANBORN, GEORGE B 679 SANBORN, JOHN W 679 SANBORN, WILLIAM 679 SANDERS, WILLIAM 611 SANFORD, ALFRED 664 SANFORD, ALLEN TILGHMAN 686 SANT, GEORGE 516 SANT, JOHN 515 SAVAGE, DAVID 86 SAVAGE, LEVI 176 SAWLEY, EDWARD 676 SAXTON, SOLOMON 521 SCHADE, A. WILHART 605 SCHADE, C. FRED 605 SCHADE, CHRISTIAN F 605 SCHAEFFER, J. WILSON 682 SCHAERRER, HENRY 505 SCHAERRER, JOHN J 505 SCHEID, CARL A 692 SCHMUTZ, GOTTLIEB 676 SCHMUTZ, JOHN 676 SCHNEITTER, CHARLES 533 SCHOENFELD, EMIL EDGAR 601 SCHOENFELD, FREDERICK W 601 SCHOENFELD, JOHN EDWARD 601 SCHOFIELD, JOHN 681 SCHOW, HANS SORENSON 472 SCOTT, ANDREW HUNTER 275 SCOTT, CANBY 275 SCOTT, EPHRAIM 176 SCOTT, GEORGE COMB 275 SCOTT, GEORGE COMB, JR 275 SCOTT, JOHN 176 SCOTT, JOHN W 176 SCOTT, SIR WALTER 275 SCOVILLE, HORATIO BARDWELL 595 38 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Page SCRIGGINS, SAMUEL ., 343 SCROWTHER, WILLIAM 581 SEAGAR, GEOKGK 665 SEAGAR, GEORGE FRANKLYN . . 665 SEAGAR, HERBERT SPEXCER . . 665 SEAGAR, R. A 665 SEAMAN, JOHN 396 SEAMONS, ALFRED 506 SEAMONS, ELIJAH 375 SEAMONS, HENRY 506 SEAMONS, SAMUEL 513 SEARLE, CHARLES D 343 SEARS, ISAAC 508 SEARS, JOHN 598 SEARS, SEPTIMUS W. 598 SECRIST, HEBER NEPHI 176 SECR1ST, JACOB F 208 SECRIST, JACOB MORONI 208 SECRIST, THOMAS EDWIN 208 SEEGM1LLER, ADAM F 528 SEEGMILLER, DANIEL 528 SEEGMILLER, WILLIAM ADAM... 528 SEEGMILLER, WILLIAM HENRY . 527 SEEGMILLER, WILLIAM WEST... 528 SEELY, DON CARLOS 110 SEELY, JOHN H 110 SEELY, JUSTUS AZAEL 109 SEELY, JUSTUS WELLINGTON... 109 SEELY, ORAXGE 110 SEELY, WILLIAM STEWART 109 SELCIv, WILLIAM WALDEMAR ... 594 SELMAN, MORMON VERNON 629 SELLARS, KILLIS 665 SKLLEY, WILLIAM 624 SELLEY, WILLIAM, JR 625 SESSIONS, CARLOS LYON 86 SESSIONS, DANIEL ALEXANDER. 116 SESSIONS, DAVID 86 SESSIONS, KEPLAR 86 SESSIONS, PERRIGRINE 86 SESSIONS, RICHARD 116 SEVERE, HARRISON 226 SEVERE, HYRUM H 226 SEVERN, WILLIAM 457 SEWELL, JOSEPH 553 SEWELL, JOSEPH, JR 553 SEWELL, WILLIAM 553 SHAFFER, JAMES MARION 573 SHANKS, JAMES 434 SHANKS, JAMES DOCK 434 SHARP, ADAM 260 SHARP, FRANCIS 568 SHARP, FRANCIS, JR 568 SHARP, JAMES 242 SHARP, JOHN 242 SHARP, JOHN, JR 242 SHARP, JOHN A 260 SHARP, JOHN C 242 SHARP. JOHN N 242 SHARP, JOSEPH C 242 SHARP, JOSEPH TRUMAN 513 SHAW, ABRAHAM 343 SHAW, ABRAHAM, JR 344 SHAW, AMBROSE 144 SHAW, AMBROSE AMOS 144 SHAW, ELIJAH 392 SHAW, JAMES FERGUSON 695 SHAW, JOHN 392 SHAW, JOHN 144 SHAW, JOHN 143 SHAW, LUKE 649 SHAW, MYRTILLO 143 SHAW, MYRTILLO, JR 144 SHAW, OSMOND B 292 SHAW, WILLIAM 144 SHAW, WILLIAM D 144 SHAW. WILLIAM ORSON 392 SHEETS, EDWIN S 87 SHEETS, ELIJAH FUNK 86 SHEETS. NEPHI MUSSER 86 SHELLEY, JAMES 270 SHELLEY, JAMES BOYER 270 SHELLFY, STEPHEN 344 SHELLEY, THOMAS 270 SHELTON, ROBERT 617 SHEPHERD, JOSEPH RUSSELL . . 670 SHEPHERD, M. DE LAFAYETTE. 105 SHEPHERD, WILLIAM 670 SHIELDS, GEORGE 308 SHIELDS, GEORGE W 368 SHIELDS, JOHN 344 SHIELDS, JOHN F 208 SHIRTS, PETER 260 SHOELL, EDWIN 634 SHOELL, EDWIN G 635 SHOEMAKER, ALEXANDER M 105 SHULBERG, WILLIAM A 676 SHUMWAY, ANDREW P 63 SHUMWAY, ANDREW T 63 SHUMWAY, CHARLES 63 SHUMWAY, CHARLES M 63 SHUMWAY, SAMUEL B 63 SHUPE, ANDREW JACKSON 176 SHIIPE. JOHN W 176 SHURTLEFF, HARRISON SMITH. 123 SHURTLEFF, HARRISON TUTTLK 123 SHURTLEFF, VINCENT 123 SHURTLIFF, FRANCIS MARION.. 273 SHURTLIFF, JESSE W 273 SHURTLIFF, LEWIS WARREN ... 273 SHURTLIFF. LUMAN ANDRUS ... 273 S'LCOCK, NICHOLAS HEXRY 234 SILCOCK, NICHOLAS THOMAS ... 234 Page SILL, JOHN 447 SILL, JOSEPH ALBERT 447 SILVER, HYRUM A 491 SILVER, JOHN A 491 SILVER, WILLIAM JOHN 491 SIMKINS, CHARLES 243 SIMKINS, JOSEPH 243 SIMMONS, AMMON 123 SIMMONS, JOSEPH M 260 SIMMONS, LEVEN 123 SIMMONS, ORRA WELL 414 SIMPER, DANIEL 619 SIMPER, THOMAS WILLIAM 619 SIMPSON, JOHN 157 SIMPSON, THURSTON 157 SINCLAIR, WILLIAM 598 SINNETT, GEORGE 459 SIRR1NE, GEORGE EDWARD 344 SIRR1NE, GEORGE WARREN 344 SIRRING, JAMES CURTIS 344 SIRRINE, JAMES WARREN 344 SIRRINE, THEODORE CURTIS ... 344 SKANCHY, ANTHON LORENZO... 644 SKEEN, J. D 123 SKEEN, JOSEPH 123 SKEEX, LYMAN 123 SKELTON, ROBERT 194 SKELTON, ROBERT, JR 194 SKIDMORE, HENRY B 292 SKIDMORE, WILLIAM LOBARK.. 425 SKLIRIS, LEONIDAS G 691 SLACK, WILLIAM 495 SLADE, JEFFERSON 208 SLADE, JEFFERSON C 208 SLATER, RICHARD 344 SLATER, THOMAS 345 SLAUGH, ISAAC IVORY 576 SLAUGH, JOHN JACOB 542 SLAUGH, JOHN JACOB, JR 542 SLAUGHTER, SAMUEL N 509 SLAIGHT, THOMAS 260 SMART, ABEL 639 SMART, NEPHI 649 SMART, THOMAS 345 SMART, THOMAS SHARRATT 345 SMART, WILLIAM HENRY 345 SMITH, ADAM 464 SMITH, ADAM G 345 SMITH, ALMA L 176 SMITH, ARTHUR S 398 SMITH, BENJ. F 505 SMITH, BENJAMIN MARK 260 SMITH, CHARLES H 221 SMITH, DANIEL 123 SMITH, ELIAS 293 SMITH, GEORGE ALBERT 48 SMITH, GEORGE ALBERT 49 SMITH, GEORGE ALBERT, JR.... 64 SMITH, GEORGE MICHAEL 230 SMITH, GEORGE YOUNG 573 SMITH, GEORGEN 542 SMITH, HALMA 82 SMITH, HYRUM 221 SMITH, HYRUM EUGENE 221 SMITH, HYRUM MACK 148 SMITH, HYRUM ( PATRIARCH )... 1279 SMITH, ISAAC 215 SMITH, JESSE 623 SMITH, J. FEWSON 589 SMITH, JOHN 148 SMITH, JOHN 48 SMITH, JOHN 542 SMITH, JOHN ANDREW 394 SMITH, JOHN B 345 SMITH, JOHN HENRY 49 SMITH, JOHN PEARSON 293 SMITH, JOHN PEARSON, JR 293 SMITH, JOHN SIVIL 230 SMITH, JOHN THOMAS 395 SMITH, JOHN WILLIAM 87 SMITH, JOHN X 394 SMITH, JOSEPH 183 SMITH, JOSEPH DANIEL 626 SMITH, JOSEPH ESTLE 465 SMITH, JOSEPH FIELDING 148 SMITH, JOSEPH H 432 SMITH, JOSEPH JOHNSON 221 SMITH, JOSEPH M 464 SMITH, JOSEPH (PROPHET) 1279 SMITH, JOSEPH STANFORD 432 SMITH, JOSEPH VAN 82 SMITH, JOSEPH VERNON 589 SMITH, LOT 293 SMITH, MOSES M 345 SMITH, NATHANIAL 124 SMITH, NOAH 561 SMITH, RICHARD 432 SMITH, RICHARD 623 SMITH, RICHARD H 623 SMITH, SAMUEL '. . 215 SMITH, SILAS 392 SMITH, SILAS SANFORD 87 SMITH, SILAS SANFORD, JR 87 SMITH, SILAS T 293 SMITH, THOMAS S 124 SMITH, WARREN 260 SMITH, WARREN BARNES 261 SMITH, WILLIAM 261 SMITH, WILLARD F 177 SMITH, WILLIAM JOSEPH 183 SMITHIES, ROBERT 91 SMOOT, A. 89 SMOOT, A. O., JR 89 SMOOT, ISAAC ALBERT 89 Pa SMOOT, REED SMOOT, WILLIAM C. A SMOOT, WILLIAM C. A., JR SMOUT, EDWIN WARD 3 SMOUT, SAMUEL SMOUT, WILLIAM 3 SMUIN, DAVID . . . SMUIN, GEORGE 6 SNEDDAKER, MORRIS JACKSON. SNELL, JOHN WILLIAM 4 SNELL, JOHN WILLIAM, JR 4 SNOW, ASHBY SNOW, BERNARD J SNOW, BERNARD SNOW, EBEN SNOW, EDWARD H. SNOW, ERASTUS SNOW, FRANK M ] SNOW, GEORGE WASHINGTON.. SNOW, JOHN C SNOW, LESLIE W. W SNOW, LORENZO SNOW, WILLARD SNOW, WILLARD LYCURGUS SNOW, WILLIAM SNOW, WILLIAM J. . SNOWBALL, RALPH SNYDER, EPHRAIM STOCKWELL SNYDER, JAMES C SNYDER, JOHN SNYDER, JOHN, JR SNYDER, JOHN FORSYTH SNYDER, ROBERT SNYDER, ROBERT A SNYDER, SAMUEL SOLOMON, WILLIAM H SONNEDECKER, N. W < SORENSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN... . SORENSEN, ISAAC SORENSEN, JAMES J SORENSEN, JENS SORENSEN, MADS SORENSEN, NICOLAI SORENSEN, PETER SORENSEN, PETER ANDREW v ...j SORENSEN, PETER HANSON SOREXSEN, RASMUS SORENSON, JAMES SORENSON, JAMES, JR SOREXSON, JULIUS SORENSON, KNUD SOUTH, JOHN SOWLES, MELVIN B SPAFFORD, WILLIAM N SPAFFORD, WILLIAM NELSON... SPAFFORD, WILLIS K SPARKS, ALFRED SPAULDIXG, CORAL SPEIRS, ADAM SPEIRS, GEORGE SPEIRS, GEORGE SPEIRS, THOMAS SPEIRS, WILLIAM H SPENCER, CLAUDIUS V SPENCER, DANIEL SPENCER, DANIEL S SPENCER, DANIEL S SPENCER, GEORGE BOARDMAN.. SPEXCER, HARVEY EARL SPENCER, ISAAC SPENCER, ORSON SPERRY, CHARLES SPERRY, HARRISON SPRAGUE, FESTUS, JR SPRAGUE, SAMUEL LINZEY '. SPRINGER, JEREMIAH ROBEY...- SPRIXGER, NATHAX CHATMOND SPRY, GEORGE H SPRY, PHILIP SPRY. WILLIAM SQUIRE, JOHN P SQUIRE, JOHN P SQUIRES, CHARLES PORTER SQUIRES, DAVID MERRELL SQUIRES, HKNRY AUGUSTUS SQUIRES, JOHN FELL STAHLE, H ENRY W STAHLE. JOHN STAIXES, WILLIAM C STAKER, ALMA , STAKER, NATHAN STALEY, MERRITT STANDLEY, ALEXANDER S STANDRING, EDWIN STANDRING, JOH N" E STANFORD, JOSEPH STANFORD, STEPH EN STANFORD, THOMAS STANGER, GEORGE ' STANGER. THOMAS ' STAXWORTH, SAMUEI ' STAXWORTH, SAMUEL N. I STAPLES, GEORGE * STAPLES, JAMES > STAPLES, JOSEPH L ' STARBUCK, I. J > STARK, DANIEL ' STARK, JOHN DANIEL 1 STARK, MORONI P STARK, PAUL ' STARLEY, JAMES ' STARTUP, WILLIAM D ' STAUFFER, FREDERICK I PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 39 Page 5TAUFFER, HENRY ALFRED 514 STAUFFER, ULRICH 514 STAYNER, ARTHUR 422 STAYNER, THOMAS JOHN 346 JTECK, CHRISTENSEN PETER... 555 STECK, JENS F 555 STEELE, JAMES EPHRAIM 458 iTEELE. JOHN 74 jTEELE, MAHONRI M 74 STEELE, MAHONRI M., JR 75 iTEELE, RICHARD 290 STEPHENS, ABRAHAM 694 STEPHENS, DANIEL MONROE ... 293 STEPHENS, FRANK BRAY 686 STEPHENS, JAMES MONROE 293 STEPHENS, JOHN 276 STEPHEN'S, JOHN B 690 STEPHENS, JOHN C 277 STEPHENS, SOLOMON C 277 STEPHENS, THOMAS D 502 ;TKPHENSON. ANDREW 548 STEPHENSON, ANTHONY 547 iTEPHEXSON, ARCHIBALD B 519 ITEPHENSON, FRANCIS MARION. 519 iTEPHEXSON, SIMEON 547 STEPHENSON, THOMAS C 547 ;TEVENS, ALBERT 231 STEVENS, ALBERT, JR 231 1TEVENS, CHARLES HENRY 585 TEVENS, CHARLES HENRY R... 396 iTEVENS, EDWARD 231 STEVENS, FRANK JOSEPH 585 STEVENS, HENRY B 261 ;TEVENS, JACOB 208 TEVENS, JOHN 665 ;TEVEXS, JOSEPH s, lie TEVENS, LYMAN 116 TEVENS, SIDNEY 585 .TEVENS, SIDNEY ORSON 585 .TEVENS, STRIXGHAM A 209 TEVENS, THOMAS J 208 TEVENS, WALTER F 585 TEVENS, WILLIAM 231 TEVENS, WILLIAM 513 TEVENSON, EDWARD 105 TEVENSON, JAMES 163 TEVENSON, JAMES 473 TEVENSON, JOHN CHARLES.... 473 TEVENSON, THOMAS PAUL 430 TEWART, ANDREW JACKSON . . 239 THWART, ANDREW JACKSON, JR. 239 TEWART, ANDREW J., Ill 239 TEWAKT, ARTHUR M 209 TEWART, CHARLES 347 TEWART, CHARLES BEIKLEY . . 347 TEWART, GEORGE RUFUS 96 TEWART, ISAAC MITTON 347 TEWART, JAMES M 459 TEWART, JAMES WESLEY 63 TEWART, JAMES WESLEY, JR... 63 TEWART, JAMES ZEBULON 347 TEWART, JAMES ZEBULON, JR.. 347 TEWART, JOHN 209 TEWART, JOHN R 96 TEWART, JOHN R 124 TEWART, LEVI 124 TEWART, NEIL M 458 TEWART, SAMUEL 612 TEWART, SAMUEL W 347 TEWART, URBAN VAN 96 TEWART, WILLIAM 612 TEWART, WILLIAM 459 TEWART, WILLIAM HENRY 347 TEWART, WILLIAM LYLE 402 TEWART, WILLIAM MITTON 347 TEWART, WILLIAM THOMAS ... 402 riCKNEY, JOSEPH CLARK 563 TILLMAN, CHARLES 177 TILLMAN, CHARLES FRANKLIN 177 riMPSON, FREDERICK 457 PIMPSON, WILLIAM 457 riNGER, JOHN HENRY 524 TOCK, JOHN 509 TOCK, JOHN R 509 FOCK, JOHN WILLIAM EDWIN.. 509 TOCK, JOSEPH P 509 TOCK, ROBERT ERNEST 509 TOCK, ROBERT WALLACE 509 I'l K'KDALE, M 209 TOCKDALE, M., JR 209 TOCKING, ENSIGN ISRAEL 261 POCKING, JEREMIAH 262 POCKS, MORONI 432 PODDARD, CHARLES 347 TODDARD, CHARLES HENRY ... 294 PODDARD, CURTIS CHARLES... 348 TODDARD, GEORGE HENRY 294 TODDARD, JUDSON LYMAN 137 TODDARD, JUDSON LYMAN, JR. 137 POKER, JOHN 677 POKER, WILLIAM 348 POKES, CHRISTOPHER 376 "OKES, HENRY 566 TOKES, THOMAS 485 PONE, AMOS PEASE . .226 PONE, BERNARD SPENCER 227 TONE, HENRY JOHN 624 PONE, J. D 227 "ONE, JOSEPH ADAMS 677 "ONE, JOSEPH OLIVER 677 TONE, WILLIAM GILLARD . . 624 "ORRS, GEORGE 294 PORKS, JOHN WALLACE 294 Page STORRS, JOSEPH HENRY . . 294 STOTT, EDWIN .348 STOTT, WILLIAM 348 STOUT, ALFRED FISK 270 STOUT, ALLEN JOSEPH 270 STOWELL, GEORGE W 348 STOWELL, HEBER JOHN 348 STOWELL, WILLIAM R. R 348 STRANGE, JOHN 209 STRATFORD, EDWIN 528 STRATFORD, EDWIN A 528 STRATFORD, FRANCIS WILLIAM. 528 STRATTON, ANTHONY JOHNSON. 209 STRATTON, DAVID THOMAS 348 STRATTON, EDWARD 376 STRATTON, JAMES 348 STRAUP, D. NEWTON 686 STRICKLEY, JOHN 638 STRICKLEY, JOSEPH B 638 STRINGFELLOW, GEORGE 603 STRINGHAM, BENJAMIN JOSEPH 210 STRINGHAM, GEORGE 209 STRINGHAM, GEORGE ALBERT . . 209 STRINGHAM, JACOB 210 STRONG, HYRUM 195 STRONG, JACOB 194 STUART, DANIEL 238 STUART, DAVID M 666 STUART, GEORGE 238 STUART, THOMAS 239 STUBBS, JOHN RODHOM 349 STUBBS, RICHARD 349 STUCKER, JOHN 681 STUCKI, JOHN ULRICH 501 STUMPF, TRAUGOTT 542 SULLIVAN, DAVID D 617 SULLIVAN, GEORGE MILTON 686 SULZER, JOHN 536 SUMSION, DANIEL 349 SUMSION, WILLIAM 349 SUTHERLAND, ALEXANDER G. . . 294 SUTHERLAND, JOHN 486 SWAN, GEORGE 177 SWANN, EDWARD W 468 SWANN, EPHRAIM W 468 SWEETEN, ROBERT 110 SWENSEN, JOHN CANUTE 482 SWENSEN, KNUD 482 SWEXSON, AUGUST 445 SWIOXSOX, \VII.L IA.M 6HU SWINDLE, GEORGE 349 SWINDLEHURST, JOHN 643 SYLVESTER, JAMES 349 SYLVESTER, JOSHUA WILLIAM.. 349 SYME, HUGH L 349 SYMONS, JOHN W 642 SYMONS, NATHANIEL 642 TAGGART, GEORGE WASHINGTON 130 TAGGART, HENRY MILTON . .. 130 TALBOT, GEORGE ELI 529 TALBOT, HENRY 528 TALBOT, THOMAS B .528 TALMAGE, JAMES E 669 TALMAGE, JAMES JOYCE 669 TAYLOR, ABRAHAM 223 TAYLOR, ALLEN 195 TAYLOR, ALMA 392 TAYLOR, ALVIN V 350 TAYLOR, ELMER 225 TAYLOR, GEORGE 561 TAYLOR, GEORGE 368 TAYLOR, GEORGE 586 TAYLOR, GEORGE HAMILTON 492 TAYLOR, GEORGE WILLIAM 578 TAYLOR, HANMER. D 138 TAYLOR, H. E 110 TAYLOR, HYRUM HENRY 392 TAYLOR, ISAIAH 531 TAYLOR, JABEZ THOMPSON 612 TAYLOR, JAMES 666 TAYLOR, JAMES C 210 TAYLOR, JAMES E 225 TAYLOR, JAMES W 669 TAYLOR, JOHN 125 TAYLOR, JOHN 110 TAYLOR, JOHN W 110 TAYLOR, JOSEPH 578 TAYLOR. JOSEPH 125 TAYLOR, JOSEPH 375 TAYLOR, JOSEPH E 349 TAYLOR, JOSEPH W 350 TAYLOR, SAMUEL B .375 TAYLOR, SAMUEL MOORE 350 TAYLOR, STEPHEN W 138 TAYLOR, THOMAS NICHOLLS . . 586 TAYLOR, WILLIAM 110 TAYLOR, WILLIAM A 262 TAYLOR, WILLIAM ALLEN 195 TAYLOR, WILLIAM ANDREW 262 TAYLOR, WILLIAM JOSEPH 380 TAYLOR, WILLIAM JOSEPH, JR.. 380 TAYLOR. WILLIAM RILEY 195 TANNER, GEORGE W 164 TANNER. HENRY M 163 TANNER, HENRY S 164 TANNER, JOHN J 163 TANNER, NATHAN 164 TANNER, NATHAN, JR 164 TANNER, NATHAN A 164 TANNER, SIDNEY 163 Page TANNER, WILLIAM FREDERICK. 164 TANNER, WILLIAM SMITH 163 TERRY, GEORGE 67 TERRY, GEORGE W 195 TERRY, JAMES PARSHALL 195 TERRY, JOHN RICHARDS 195 TERRY, JOSEPH .350 TERRY, JOSHUA 67 TERRY, OTIS LYSANDER . . 262 TERRY, OTIS LYSANDER, JR.. . 262 TERRY, PARSHALL PETER 110 TERRY, WILLIAM 67 TERRY, WILLIAM REYNOLDS . . 350 TEW, THOMAS 432 TEW, THOMAS, JR TEW, WILLIAM THOMAS . . 432 TEW, WILLIAM THOMAS, JR 433 TEXTORIUS, ALBERT B 678 TEXTORIUS, BENGT PERSON 678 THACKER, WILLIAM 524 THACKER, WILLIAM TIMOTHY.. 524 THACKERAY, GEORGE 360 THACKERAY, GEORGE ROBERT.. 361 THATCHER, HEZEKIAH . 83 THATCHER, GEORGE W. . 83 THATCHER, GEORGE W., JR. . . 83 THATCHER, MOSES 83 THATCHER, MOSES, JR 83 THATCHER, NATHAN DAVIS . 83 THATCHER, ORSON PRATT . 83 THAYN, EBENEZER HUNT . . 543 THAYN, EDGAR HUNT 543 THAYN, JOHN JOHNSON 542 THAYN. WILLIAM ALVIN . . 543 THEOBALD, ARTHUR 294 THEOBALD, ERNEST BURGESS.. 295 THEOBALD, GEORGE ... .295 THEOBALD, WILLIAM 294 THEURER, JOHN 466 THOMAS, ALBERT AUGUSTUS ... 441 THOMAS, ARTHUR L .683 THOMAS, CHARLES CARTER . . 351 THOMAS, CHARLES R. . 351 THOMAS, DANIEL CLAYBORN . . 241 THOMAS, DANIEL FRANCIS . 441 THOMAS, DANIEL W 350 THOMAS, DAVID DAVIS . . 350 THOMAS, DAVID PRICE 232 THOMAS, DAVID SPARREY 638 THOMAS, ELBERT 666 THOMAS, ELISHA J .515 THOMAS, HARRISON AYERS . . 295 THOMAS, HUGH WILLIAM 638 THOMAS, JAMES CLAYBORNE ... 295 THOMAS, JAMES MADISON . 241 THOMAS, JAMES MORONI ... .218 THOMAS, JAMES WYLIE . . 101 THOMAS, JENKYN 680 THOMAS, JESSUP WATSON . . 351 THOMAS, JOSHUA LEWIS ... .350 THOMAS, MATHONIHAH 680 THOMAS. NATHANIEL J 218 THOMAS, OLIVER D. , . 350 THOMAS, R. K .666 THOMAS, SAMUEL 210 THOMAS, SETH 371 THOMAS, THOMAS MORONI . . 371 THOMAS, THOMAS W 371 THOMAS, WILLIAM 696 THOMAS, WILLIAM C 232 THOMAS, WILLIAM N 666 THOMASON, CHARLES R 650 THOMASON, GUSTAF 650 THOMPSON, JAMES BRIGHAM . . 351 THOMPSON, JAMES LEWIS . . 351 THOMPSON, JOHN C 116 THOMPSON, JOHN ORSON 351 THOMPSON, JOSEPH 351 THOMPSON, JOSEPH LEWIS 555 THOMPSON, JOSEPH WALLACE.. 351 THOMPSON, MATTHEW ..: 568 THOMPSON, PETER P 409 THOMPSON, RALPH 352 THOMPSON, SOREN 608 THOMPSON, THOMAS W 495 THOMPSON, WALTER GEORGE . . 701 THOMPSON, WILLIAM 701 THOMPSON, WILLIAM, JR 701 THOMPSON. WILLIAM HENRY . . 555 THOMSON. JOHN 667 THOMSON, J. B 666 THOMSON. ORSON LEROY 666 THORESON. HANS 583 THORN, ASHAEL 392 THORN. RICHARD 392 THORNBURG. BEARNT F 482 THORNE. DAVID 270 THORNLEY, JOHN 423 THORNLEY, JOHN 425 THORNLEY, ROBERT 425 THORNTON, AMOS 352 THORNTON, HORACE 215 THORNTON. OLIVER 352 THORUP. HERMAN AUGUST 650 THORUP, HERMAN F. F 650 THORUP, JOHN THEOBALD 650 THURGOOD, ABRAHAM 637 THURGOOD, THOMAS 637 THURMAN. SAMUEL R 686 THURSTON, JAMES 506 THURSTON. STEPHEN 506 TIBBITTS, BENJAMIN 625 TIBBITTS, GEORGE H 625 40 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Page TTDWELL, DAVID ABSALOM . . 395 TIDWELL, JOHN 352 TIDWELL, JOSEPH RANDOLPH.. 352 TIDWELL. WILLIAM JEFFERSON. 700 TILBY. JOHN 694 TIXGEY, HENRY 667 TIMMS. JOHN 422 TIMOTHY, ALMA NEPHI 543 TIMOTHY, DAVID .543 TIMOTHY, HEBER 543 TIMOTHY, JOHN GRIFFITHS 543 TIMPSON, GEORGE WILLIAM 641 TIMPSON, JOSEPH ELKIN 641 TIPPETTS, JOHN HARVEY 667 TITCOMB. LUKE 195 TODD, THOMAS 423 TODD, THOMAS. JR 423 TOLLEY, CHARLES WILLIAM 495 TOLLEY, WILLIAM FISHER 495 TOLMAN, JUDSON 137 TOLMAN, JUDSON A 137 TOOMER, JAMES 402 TOONE, CHARLES J 352 TOONE. JOHN 352 TOONE. WILLIAM HENRY 352 TOWNSEND, JAMES FOSS . ... 352 TOWNSEND, JAMES FOSS, Jit. ... 353 TRACY, ELI A 215 TRAVELLER. CORNELIUS 502 TRAVELLER, FRANKLIN HOBBS . 503 TRESEDER. ALBERT C 562 TRESEDER, CHARLES M 562 TRESEDER, FRANK M 562 TRESEDER, RICHARD D 562 TRESEDER, RICHARD M 562 TRESEDER, LORENZO D 433 TREHARN. WILLIAM 353 TRIM, HYRUM PENDLETON 538 TRIM. SOLOMON PENDLETON ... 539 TRIMBLE, EDWARD 617 TRIMBLE, JOHN 617 TRUMBO, JOHN K .478 TUCKER, CHARLES 599 TUCKER. SAMUEL STARKEY 514 TUCKETT. JOHN 435 TUDDENHAM, JOHN 611 TUFT, JACOB A 580 TUFT, HANS N 579 TUFT. OLE NIELSON 579 TURNBOW. ROBERT FRANKLIN.. 89 TURNER, BENJAMIN GODFREY.. 522 TURNER, CHAUNCEY 125 TURNER, FREDERICK 529 TURNER, JOHN 529 TURNER, JOHN WESLEY 76 TURNER, WILLIAM W 611 TURPIN. JESSE 137 TUTTLE, ELANSON 262 TUTTLE, LUTHER T 599 TUTTLE, NEWTON 423 TUTTLE, WILFORD 125 TWITCHELL, CHARLES EDWARD 295 TWITCHELL, EDWIX 482 TWITCHELL, WILLIAM B 295 u UDALL, DAVID UDALL, DAVID K UDY, ANES L LIDY, JAMES UDY, MATHIAS COWLEY . URE, ALBERT SCOTT URE. JAMES URE. JAMES W UTLEY, GABRIEL MARION UTLEY, L. J UNSWORTH, CHARLES C. UNSWORTH, JAMES VALENTINE. AUGUST VAN BUREN, ANDREW CHENEY. VANCE. JOHN VAN COTT, FRANK VICTOR ..'... VAN COTT, JOHN VAN COTT. WALDEMAR VAN DYKE, WILLIAM VAN DYKE, WILLIAM DAVID VAN DYKE. WILLIAM DAVID JR. VAN FLEET, ELIAS VAN LEUVEN. CORNELIUS VAN LEUVEN, DUNAM VAN LEUVEN, NEUMAN D VAN LEUVEN, RANSOM VAN LEUVEN, RANSOM CARLOS. VAN LEUVEN. RANSOM C. JR VAN ORDEN, CHARLES I- VAN ORDEN, E. C VAN ORDEN, PETER VAN TASSELL. HENRY VAN WAGENEN, DAVID VAN WAGONER. JOHN VARLEY, WILLIAM VARLEY, WILLIAM, JR VARNEY, JACOB VARNEY, JAMES LEROY VARNEY. JEREMIAH VAUDREY, NEPHI VAUGHN. VERNON H VAWDREY, THOMAS 353 353 353 353 353 196 195 196 433 184 534 534 365 383 101 90 89 90 180 180 180 138 353 353 354 354 354 354 262 667 262 561 177 667 537 538 445 354 354 544 682 667 Page VERNON, FRANCIS .649 VERNON, JAMES .649 VERNON, JOSEPH VENOBLES . . 295 VINCENT, JAMES . ..609 VIRGIN, AMOS MOSES 486 W WADDOUPS, THOMAS ANSON.. . 629 WADE, CHARLES E. . . 117 WADE, CHARLES F 117 WADE, EDWARD D 116 WADE, E. W 116 WADE, JAMES MONROE . .116 WADE, MOSES .116 WADLEY, JOSEPH .354 WADLEY, WILLIAM .393 WADMAN, H. H 667 WADMAN, JAMES F .667 WADSWORTH, ABIAH 278 WADS WORTH, THOMAS SHORE.. 380 WAGSTAFF, WILLIAM . . 393 WAITE. JOHN A .138 WAKEFIELD. JOHN 649 WALDRON, BENJAMIN 267 WALDRON, GILLISPIE WALTER.. 267 WALDRON, JOSEPH THEODORE.. 267 WALDRON, LEVI SAVAGE 267 WALKER, APPOLLOS BENJAMIN. 64 WALKER, DAVID F 354 WALKER, DON C 355 WALKER, FRANKLIN JOSEPH ... 604 WALKER, HENRY 380 WALKER, HENRY W 354 WALKER, HENSON 64 WALKER, JOHN HENRY 380 WALKER, LORIN 503 WALKER, VICTOR ROY 355 WALKER, WALTER 603 WALKER, WILLIAM H 355 WALKER, WILLIAM HENRY 355 WALL, ENOS A 690 WALL, FRANCIS GEORGE 576 WALL, JOSEPH L 576 WALL, ROBERT WILLIAM W 529 WALL, WILLIAM MADISON 262 WALLACE, GEORGE B 91 WALLACE, GEORGE Y 690 WALLACE, HENRY 561 WALLANTINE, CHRISTIAN 409 WALLANTINSON. WALLANTINE.. 409 WANGSGAARD, CHRISTEN 625 WANGSGAARD, CHRISTEN C 625 WARBURTON, JOSEPH 501 WARD, ALFRED 355 WARD, CLEMENTS GEORGE M. .. 531 WARD, EDWIN J .592 WARD, GEORGE P. 531 WARD, GEORGE WELTON 355 WARD, JAMES 537 WARD, JAMES 592 WARD, SAMUEL 667 WARDLE, GEORGE 64 WARDLE, ISAAC JOHN 157 WARDLE. JEDEDIAH 64 WARDLE, WILLIAM H 458 WARDLEIGH, HENRY C 514 WAREHAM, JAMES 355 WAREHAM, JAMES EDMUND 700 WAREHAM, SETH 700 WARNER, JOHN A 157 WARNER. WILLIAM GOODMAN. .. 441 WARNICK, CHARLES LOUIS eso WARNICK, CHARLES PETER 630 WARNICK, HOWARD BENJAMIN.. 632 WARREN, WILLIAM S 423 WARRICK, THOMAS, JR 90 WARWOOD. JOHN 355 WASDEN, FREDERICK 491 WASDEN, ORSON 491 WASDEN, THOMAS 491 WASHAKIE 126 WASHBURN, ABRAHAM 177 WASHBURN, PARLEY PRATT ... 177 WATKINS, EDWARD 458 WATKINS, EDWARD JOHN 585 WATKINS, FRANK 458 WATKINS, FRANKLIN RICHARD.. 586 WATKINS, JOHN 458 WATKINS, JOSEPH HYRUM 586 WATKINS. ROBERT 355 WATKINS, WILLIAM LAMPHORD. 356 WATSON. ANDREW 463 WATSON, HIRAM ABIFF 263 WATSON, HIRAM ABIFF, JR 263 WATSON, HUGH 263 WATSON, JOSEPH M 478 WATTIS, EDMUND ORSON 210 WATTIS, WILLIAM HENR*Y 210 WATTS, BAULDWIN HARVEY ... 215 WATTS, CHARLES WILLIAM 215 WAYLETTE, GEORGE 466 WAYLETTE. GEORGE C 466 WAYMAN. JOHN 495 WAYMENT. ALMA E 644 WAYMENT. JOSEPH 700 WAYMENT, SAMUEL 644 WAYMENT. WILLIAM THOMAS... 645 WEAVER, GILBERT 178 WEAVER, FRANKLIN 117 WEAVER, FRANKLIN EDWARD. .. 117 WEAVER, GILBERT EDWARD ... 178 WEAVER, MILES FRANKLIN 117 Pi WEAVER, WALLACE WATSON.. WEBB, GEORGE i WEBB, JOHN HYRUM WEBB, PARDON WEBB, SIMON . . . WEBB, WALTER LORENZO WEBB, WILLIAM WEBB, WILLIAM WEBBER, A. J. . WEBBER, THOMAS G. . WEBSTER, FREDERICK . . . WEBSTER, GEORGE . WEBSTER, JOHN . WEBSTER, JOHN ALFRED . WEBSTER, SAMUEL JOHN . WEBSTER, WILLIAM J. . WEBSTER, WILLIAM M. , WEEDING, HANS O. . WEEKS. DAVID WEIGHT, FREDERICK . WEILER, JACOB WEILER, JOSEPH . WELCH, CHARLES WELCH, THOMAS R. G. . WELCHMAN. ARTHUR PENDRY. WELKER, ADAM P WELKER, JAMES ALBERT . WELKER, JAMES WILBURN . WELLING, FRANKLIN DAVID . . WELLING, JOB . WELLING, JOSEPH H WELLING, MILTON H WELLS, DANIEL HANMER . . . WELLS, ERASTUS NELSON . , WELLS, HEBER MANNING WELLS, JONATHAN SAWYER... WELLS, LAWRENCE RAY . WELLS. RULON SEYMOUR WEST, ALVIN WEST, CALEB W. WEST, CARL HENRY . WEST, CHARLES HENRY WEST, CHARLES HENRY JOHN.. WEST, CHAUNCEY WALKER . WEST, DAVID WEST, FRANKLIN LORENZO . WEST, JESSE WEST, JESSE, JR WEST, JOSEPH ALVA WEST, LICESTER GAY . WEST, SAMUEL WEST, THOMAS WESTERN, ALMA WESTERN, JESSE W. . WESTERN, JOHN HENRY . WESTERN, SAMUEL R WESTERN, SAMUEL W. . WESTERN, SAMUEL W., JR. . WESTINSKOW, HANS . WESTINSKOW, PETER H. WESTMAN, PETER ALMA WESTMAN, PETER ERICK . WESTON, GEORGE GIFFORD WESTON. SAMUEL . ( WESTOVER, CHARLES i WESTWOOD, JOSEPH WHEELER, FREDERICK 5 WHEELER, GEORGE WALTON . . . 4 WHEELER, JOHN 4 WHEELER, JOSEPH J WHEELER, JOSEPH WHEELER, JOSEPH THOMAS f WHEELER, LEVI 4 WHEELER, WALTER . WHEELER, WILLIAM WHEELER, WILLIAM WHERRY, DR. CURTIS A WHIPPLE. NELSON WHEELER.. WHITAKER, JAMES WHITAKER, LEANDER J WHITAKER, LEANDER T WHITBY, JAMES WHITBY, WINWARD WTHITE, BARNARD H WHITE, CHARLES SAMUEL WHITE, JOHN CHAMBERS WHITE, JOHN H WHITE, JOHN S 1 WHITE, JOHN S., JR 1 WHITE, JOSEPH .1 WHITE, J. PARLEY ( WHITE. OSOAi; THOMAS 7 AVHITE. SAMUEL STEPHEN 1 WHITE, THOMAS HENRY 5 WHITE, WILLIAM ( AVHITE, WILLIAM WHITEHEAD, GEORGE 6 WHITEHEAD, JOSEPH SAMUEL... 3 WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM J WHITESIDES. LEWIS J WHITING, EDWIN WHITING, E. L ' WHITMORE, JAMES M .' 4 WH1TMORE, JAMES M {4 WHITNEY, ORSON F WHITNEY, SAMUEL ALONZO 1 WHITTAKER, GEORGE 6 WHITTLE, GEORGE 2 WHITTLE, THOMAS L 1 WHITWORTH, GEORGE G WICKEL, HARMON E WIGGELL, ELI f WIGHT, ALMON LYMAN 2 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 41 Page IGHT, EPHRAIM 234 IGHT, LEWIS 235 'IGHT, LEWIS 235 -IGHT, LYMAN 235 IGHT, STEPHEN 235 IGHT, STEPHEN, JR 235 'IGHT, THADDEUS 235 ILCOX, ALMA 125 'ILCOX. ELISHA 125 'ILCOX, GEORGE ALBERT 125 'ILCOX, JAMES DAVID 356 ILCOX, JOHN DINGHAM 515 ILCOX, JAMES HENRY Ill ILCOX, JOHN HENRY Ill ILCOX, JOHN W , . . 356 ILCOX, SAMUEL ALLEN 515 'ILCOX, WALTER ELI 356 ILD, JOSEPH 544 ILU, JOSEPH WILLIAM S 544 ILDE, DANIEL WILLIAM 488 ILDE, HENRY 488 ILDE, JOHN 488 ILDE, JOHN FREDERICK 488 II.I>IO, THOMAS 488 ILDE, WILLIAM 487 ILDING, GEORGE 356 ! ILKINS, ALEXANDER 263 ILKINS, CHARLES 423 ILKINS, GEORGE E 264 ILK1XS, GEORGE W 196 1 1, KINS, JESSE 424 ILKINS, JOHN AUSTIN 263 ILKINS, JOHN GANSWORTH 263 ILKINS. OSCAR 264 'ILKINSON, ALMA 567 ILKINSON, ALLEN 205 :|LKINSON, CHARLES 566 ILKINSON, JOHN 205 ULKINSON, MOSES see ,ILLEY, DAVID ORSON 296 IILLEY, JEREMIAH 296 IILLEY, WILLIAM WALLACE ... 296 IILLIAMS, A. L 523 [LLIAMS, ALEXANDER 138 JUAMS AZARIAH F. JONES.. 383 1LLIAMS, CHARLES 472 [LLIAMS, CHARLES H 668 LLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER 178 -LLIAMS, DANIEL J 543 LLIAMS, DANIEL R 357 LLIAMS, EDWIN 573 LLIAMS, ELIAS WILLARD 400 LLIAMS, ELIAS WILLARD, JR. 400 LLIAMS, ERVIN K 400 LLIAMS, EVAN 543 LLIAMS, EVAN AUSTIN 371 LLIAMS, EZRA H. G 196 LLIAMS, EZRA GRANGER 196 {LLIAMS, FREDERICK G 1280 \! LLIAMS, FREDERICK G 196 .LLIAMS, GEORGE 696 >: LLIAMS, GEORGE HOLLAND .. 697 .LLIAMS, JAMES V 178 U.LIAMS, JOHN 400 LLIAMS, JOHN 668 .'LLIAMS, JOHN JONES 383 LLIAMS, JOHN R 523 1LLIAMS, JOSHUA 573 JAMS, MESHACH S 411 JAMS, MILFORD 573 JAMS, NATHANIEL 138 JAMS, NOAH M 371 JAMS, ROBERT 205 IAMS, ROLLAND B 616 IAMS, STEPHEN 400 IAMS, THOMAS 703 IAMS, THOMAS JAMES 473 IAMS, WILLIAM ALVAH 138 IAMS, WILLIAM N 544 IAMSON, JAMES 264 IAMSON, MARTIN 629 IES, IRA JONES 117 .IS, JOSHUA THOMAS Ill LIS, MERRILL E Ill LIS, WILLIAM P 677 LIS, WILLIAM WESLEY 75 ON. DAVID 264 SON, GEORGE CLINTON 362 M>N, HENRY WOODVILLE .. 662 OX, JAMES BRIGHAM 357 SON, JAMES T 357 ON, JOSEPH ELLIS 606 SON. JOSEPH F.LLIS 607 SON, LEWIS DUNBAR, JR 362 Page WILSON, LYCURGUS 296 WILSON, MILAS 362 WILSON, ROBERT 205 WILSON, THOMAS JEFFERSON... 362 WILSON, WELLINGTON PAUL 606 WILSON, WILLIAM GIBSON 643 WILSON, WILLIAM WALTER 357 WIMMER, ROBERT 357 WIMMER, THOMAS G 357 WIMMER, THOMAS G., JR 357 WINBERG, ANDERS W. 424 WINCHESTER, JAMES 668 WINDER, EDWIN JOSEPH 372 WINDER, JOHN REX 371 WINDER, JOHN REX, JR 371 WINEGAR, ALVIN 357 WINEGAR, JOHN 357 WINES, LEONARD 669 WINES, NORMAN D 669 WING, JOHN WILLIAM 545 WING, JOHN WILLIAM, JR 545 WINGET, ALPHONZO 105 WINN, DENNIS GEORGE 264 WINN, DENNIS WILSON 126 WINN, ERNEST 264 WINN, THOMAS G 264 WINN, WILLIAM L 264 WINSOR, ANSON PERRY 358 WINTERS, OSCAR F. 358 WINTERTON, WILLIAM H 577 WINTERTON, WILLIAM M 577 WINTLE, GEORGE 516 WINTLE, JOHN WESLEY 516 WINTLE, JOSEPH BARNEY 516 WINWARD, PETER 64 WIRTHLIN, JOSEPH 613 WIRTHLIN, LEOPOLD 613 WOOD, CHARLES 508 WOOD, CHARLES 178 WOOD, CHARLES, JR 508 WOOD, CHARLES SAMUEL 178 WOOD, DANIEL 139 WOOD, DANIEL C 139 WOOD, DAVID HYRUM 296 WOOD, JAMES DAVID 616 WOOD, JOHN 376 WOOD, JOHN 436 WOOD, JOHN B 695 WOOD, JOHN P 358 WOOD, JONATHAN DAVID 436 WOOD, JONATHAN DAVID, JR. . . 436 WOOD, JOSIAH LEE 358 WOOD, OSCAR ALEXANDER 296 WOOD, WILLIAM 178 WOOD, WILLIAM 568 WOOD, WILLIAM, JR 569 WOOD, WILLIAM B 179 WOODARD, CHARLES N 102 WOODARD, CHARLES N 102 WOODBURY, JEREMIAH 90 WOODBURY, JOHN STILLMAN ... 90 WOODBURY, THOMAS H 91 WOODBURY, THOMAS H., JR 91 WOODFIELD, JOHN 569 WOODHEAD. GEORGE THOMAS . . 441 WOODHOUSE, CHARLES C 358 WOODHOUSE, CHARLES C 359 WOODHOUSE, GEORGE W 358 WOODHOUSE, JOHN 358 WOODHOUSE, JOHN DANIEL 358 WOODHOUSE, MORGAN T 358 WOODLAND, JOHN 231 WOODLAND, WILLIAM WEST 179 WOODMANSEE, CHARLES 394 WOODMANSEE, CHARLES H 394 WOODMANSEE, JAMES ALBERT . 394 WOODMANSEE. SAMUEL PORTER 394 WOODRUFF, ABRAHAM OWEN... 49 WOODRUFF, APHEK 49 WOODRUFF, ASAHEL H 49 WOODRUFF, DAVID PATTEN 49 WOODRUFF, ENSIGN 50 WOODRUFF, J. J 50 WOODRUFF, MARION 50 WOODRUFF, WILFORD 49 WOODRUFF, WILFORD, JR 49 WOODRUFF, WILFORD SMITH... 49 WOODS, FRANCIS L 87 WOODS, GEORGE L 682 WOODS, JAMES 489 WOODWARD, GEORGE 65 WOODWARD, JAMES COMFORT . . 359 WOODWARD, JOSEPH 394 WOODWARD, WILLIAM 297 Page WOOLF, JAMES 96 WOOLF, JOHN ANTHONY 96 WOOLF, JOHN ANTHONY, JR. ... 96 WOOLF, J. W 96 WOOLLEY, ALBARONI HARRAR. . 91 WOOLLEY, EDWIN DILWORTH... 139 WOOLLEY, EDWIN DILWORTH, JR.139 WOOLLEY, HORACE W 139 WOOLLEY, JOHN MILLS 91 WOOLLEY, JOHN W 167 WOOLLEY, SAMUEL EDWIN 139 WOOLLEY, SAMUEL W 139 WOOLSEY, RUBEN 669 WOOLSTENHULME, JAMES 359 WOOLSTENHULME, JAMES A. ... 359 WOTTON, JOHN 196 WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM 65 WORKMAN, JACOB LINDSAY 65 WORKMAN, JACOB READER 65 WORKS, JAMES MARKS 126 WORLTON, JAMES TIMBRIL 430 WORTHEN, SAMUEL 264 WORTHINGTON, JAMES 703 WORTHINGTON, S. R 703 WOTHERSPOON, JAMES 670 WRATHALL, JAMES 692 WRIDE, EVAN 650 WRIGHT, ABRAHAM REISTER ,. 453 WRIGHT, ABRAHAM REISTER, JR. 453 WRIGHT, ALBERT A 359 WRIGHT, GILBERT JOSIAH 359 WRIGHT, HYRUM SMITH 359 WRIGHT, JOHN M 184 WRIGHT, JONATHAN C 235 WRIGHT, JOSEPH 184 WRIGHT, JOSIAH ATWELL 359 WRIGHT, PARLEY T 485 WRIGHT, THOMAS D 458 WRIGHT, WILLIAM 567 WRIGHT, WILLIAM 699 WRIGHT, WILLIAM H 485 WRIGLEY, JOSEPH 265 YATES, JOSEPH YATES, WILLIAM YATES, WILLIAM YEAMAN. THOMAS YEARSLEY, NATHAN YEARSLEY, NATHAN D YEATES, FREDERICK YOUNG, BRIGHAM YOUNG, BRIGHAM, JR YOUNG, BRIGHAM J YOUNG, BRIGHAM S YOUNG, EBF.NE'/.ER RUSSEL . . . YOUNG, FRANK A YOUNG, JAMES YOUNG, JOHN YOUNG, JOHN McCLEVE YOUNG, JOHN R YOUNG, JOHN ROY YOUNG, JOSEPH YOUNG, LEGRAND YOUNG, LORENZO DOW YOUNG, LORENZO SABISKY YOUNG, PHINEAS H YOUNG, ROBERT YOUNG, ROBERT D YOUNG, THOMAS CUNNINGHAM. YOUNG, THOMAS C., JR YOUNG, WILLIAM LOWE ZABRISKIE, ALMA MARCELUS . . , ZABRISKIE, GEORGE ALBERT . . , ZANE, CHARLES S ZIMMERMAN, GEORGE ERASTUS ZIMMERMAN, JOHN ZOLLINGER, FERDINAND ZOLLINGER, JACOB ZOLLINGER, JOHN ZOLLINGER, WILLIAM RICHARD ZUNDEL, ABRAHAM ZIINDEL, ABRAHAM E ZUNDEL, ISAAC DAVID ZUNDEL, ISAAC D. E ZUNDEL, JACOB ZUNDEL, THOMAS ZWEIFEL, JACOB ZWEIFEL, JOHN, JR 359 695 599 515 179 179 544 47 47 297 47 482 117 627 83 83 117 669 238 238 65 65 65 .482 671 360 360 503 211 211 687 297 297 571 572 572 572 360 360 360 360 360 360 696 544 GENERAL INDEX Important Events in the History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Early Settlement and Development of Utah. Prominent Men in Early Church History 1276 Joseph Smith His First Vision 1275 Receives Instructions from Angel Moroni 1275 Is Shown Book of Mormon Plates 1275 Marriage to Emma Hale 1275 Receives Plates from the Angel 1275 Martin Harris Writes as Joseph Translates Plates 1276 Loses 116 Pages of the Manuscript 1276 Oliver Cowdery Becomes Prophet's Scribe 1276 Revelation with Instructions Relative to Lost Manu- script 1276 Restoration of Aaronic Priesthood 1276 First Baptisms 1276 Calling of Witnesses to Book of Mormon 1276 Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery Instructed to Ordain Each Other to the Melchisedek Priesthood 1276 Revelation on Priesthood and Church Government 1277 Manner of Administering Sacrament 1277 Organization of Church at Fayette, N. Y 1277 Ancestry and Family Genealogy of Prophet 1278 Family Genealogy of Hyrum Smith 1278 Church Organization First Presidency 1279 Twelve Apostles, Council of 1280 Patriarchs, Presiding 1281 Seventies, First Council of 1281 Bishopric, Presiding 1282 Historians and Recorders, Church 1282 Priesthood, Restoration of the 1283 Priesthood of Prominent Members, Ordinations to. . 1283-1286 Revelation All Members Received Through Baptism. .. 1286 Oliver Cowdery Preaches First Public Discourse 1286 First Miracle in this Dispensation 1286 Emma Smith Instructed to Make a Selection of Sacred Hymns for Use of the Saints 1286 Wine in Sacrament, Revelation Relative to Use of 1287 Second Conference of the Church 1287 Three Elders Called to Preach to Indians 1287 First Bishop of Church, Edward Partridge Ordained. . .1287 Revelation on Church Government 1287-1288 Five Elders Hold a Council at Independence. Mo 1288 Church Historian, John Whitmer Called to Be 1289 Saints Commanded to Save Money 1289 Revelation Instructing Members to Gather at Kirtland, Ohio 1289 Jackson County, Missouri, Instructions Given Relative to Locating of Saints in 1289 Saints Begin Settlement of Jackson County 1290 Site of Future Temple at Independence, Located and Dedicated 1290 Joseph Smith Returns from Independence to Kirtland. . .1290 Aaronic Priesthood, Revelation on Authority of 1290 Parents' Duties to Children 1290 Newell K. Whitney Bishop of Kirtland 1291 "Vision" of the Three Glories 1291 Joseph's Second Visit to Independence, Mo 1292 Enoch, Revelation Given Showing Order of 1292 Women and Children, Revelation on Rights of 1292 "Evening and Morning Star," Issue of First Number of. 1292 Civil War, Prophecy of Outbreak of 1292 Speaking in Tongues, Manifestations of 1293 Word of Wisdom, Revelation, The 1293 First Presidency, Organization of 1293 Pre-existence of Man, Revelation on 1293 Saints Commanded to Observe Constitutional Laws of the Land 1293 Mormons Driven from Jackson County, Missouri 1294 First High Council, Organization of the, in the Church. .1294 "Zion's Camp," Journey of, from Ohio to Missouri 1295 "United Order," Dissolution of, at Kirtland. Ohio 1295 "Messenger and Advocate" Issue of First Number 1295 Twelve Apostles Chosen and Ordained, The 1295 Revelation on Order of the Priesthood 1295 Pearl of Great Price Was Translated, Purchase of Papyrus from Which 1296 Oliver Cowdery Appointed Church Recorder 1296 The Twelve Apostles Fill Their First Mission as Apostles 1296 "Book of Doctrine and Covenants" Approved by- Church 1296 Priesthood Organization of Councils of the, at Kirtland. 1297 Temple at Kirtland, Dedication of the 1297 Removal of Saints from Clay County, Missouri 1297 Missionaries Sent to England 1297 Joseph Smith Visits Far West, Missouri 1298 Removal of Saints from Kirtland to Missouri 1298 Tithing, Revelation on 1298 Mormons Remove from the State of Missouri 1299 Nauvoo, Illinois, Settlement of 1299 Organization of Nauvoo Stake 1299 Joseph Smith Visits Washington, D. C. and Lays Grievances of Saints Before President of U. S 1300 Missionaries Sent to Palestine 1300 "Millennial Star," First Issue of. Published 1300 Organization of Additional Stakes in Illinois 1300 Nauvoo Temple, Building of the 1301 Settlement made in Iowa Territory 1301 Female Relief Society, Organization of 1301 Baptism for the Dead, and Instructions Relative to 1302 Records, the Necessity of Keeping 1302 Joseph Smith Compelled to Leave Home to Escape Arrest by Enemies 1302-1303 Revelation "Important Items of Instruction" 1303 Celestial Glory Revelation 1303 Missionaries Sent to Pacific Islands 1303 Celestial Marriage, Revelation on 1304 Illinois Persecutions 1303-1305 Joseph Smith Instructs Apostles to Send Delegation to California and Oregon to Find New Location for the Saints 1305 Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith 1306 Severe Persecution of the Saints 1307 Nauvoo Temple, Completion of the 1308 Church Authorities, Changes in 1307 Rocky Mountains, the Saints Begin Their Exodus for the 13D8 Mormon Battalion, Enlistment of the 1308 Driven from Their Homes, Remnant of Saints at Nauvoo 1309 Mormon Battalion, Incidents in the March of the. .1309-1310 Mormon Camps, Organization of the, for their Westward Journey 1309 Original Pioneers, Journey of, to Valley of Great Salt Lake 1310 Great Salt Lake City. Founding of 1310 Invalided Company of Mormon Battalion, Arrival of.... 1310 Departure of Company of Pioneers for Missouri River.. 1310 "Battalion Boys," Arrival of. from California 1311 Organization of a Stake in Salt Lake Valley 1311 1847 and 1848 Immigration 1311 Davis County, Settlement of 1311 The Crickets Trials Incident to Pioneer Life 1311 James Brown Purchases the Goodyear Claim Where the City of Ogden Now Stands 1311 Provisional Government of the Organization of the State of Deseret 1312 Utah Valley, Settlement of 1312 Nauvoo Legion, Reorganization of 1312 San Pete Valley, Settlement of 1312 Explored by Capt. Stansbury, Salt Lake Valley 1312 Perpetual Immigration Fund, Institution of 1312 Deseret, First Meeting of Assembly of Provisional State of 1312 Southern Utah, Exploration of 1312 Tooele County, Settlement of 1312 First Sunday School in Salt Lake City, Opening of 1312 Missions in France, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, and Hawaii 1313 Parowan, Iron County, Settlement of 1313 Indians in Utah Valley, Trouble with 1313 "Territory of Utah," Congress Creates the 1313 "Deseret News," First Number of, Published 1313 Salt Lake City Incorporated 1313 Weber Stake, Organization of 1313 Brigham City, Settlement of 1314 Brigham Young Becomes First Governor of Utah 1314 Edward Hunter Chosen Presiding Bishop of Church. .. .1314 "Book of Mormon" Translated into Danish Language. . .1314 Settlement at San Bernardino, Cal. Made by Mormons. 131 4 John M. Bernhisel Elected Utah's First Delegate to Congress 1314 Juab County, Settlement of 1314 First Territorial Legislature Convened 1314 Australian Mission, Opening of 1314 Library Territorial Opened 1314 Missionary Work in Southern Europe and Asia 1315 Trouble with Indians 1315 Temple Corner Stones Laid, Salt Lake City 1315 Walker Indian War 1315 Handcart Immigration, First 1316 Fire Department Organization at Salt Lake City 1316 "Echo Canyon War," The 1317 Moqui Indians, Missionaries sent to 1317 Mountain Meadow Massacre, The 1317 Gen. A. S. Johnston and His Soldiers Leave Utah 1318 ; "Mountaineer," First Issue of. Published at Salt Lake City 1318 Overland Telegraph Line, Completion of the 1318 , Sale Lake Theater, Dedication of 1318' Anti-Bigamy Law Passed by the U. S. Senate 1319 "Manifesto," Discontinuing the Practice of Plural Mar- riage Issued by Wilford Woodruff, President of the Church 1261 42 Names of Those in the Mormon Battalion COMPANY A Officers Jefferson Hunt, Captain. George W. Oman, 1st Lieutenant. Lorenzo Clark, 2nd Lieutenant William W. Willis, 3rd Lieutenant (1st Sergeant at Muster In). James Ferguson, Sergeant Major. Pliinelias R. Wright, 1st Sergeant (Private at Muster Out). Ehenezer Brown, 2nd Sergeant. Reddick N. Allred, 3rd Sergeant. Alexander McCord, 4th Sergeant. Gilbert Hunt, 1st Corporal. Lafayette N. Frost, 2nd Corporal. Thomas Weir, 3rd Corporal (Private at M. O.). William S. Muir, 4th Corporal (Private at M. I., 1st Sergeant at Muster Out). Elisha Everett, Musician. Joseph W. Richards, Musician (Died at Pueblo). Privates 1 Allen, Rufus C. 2 Allred, James R. 3 Allred, Jam'es T. S. 4 Allred, Reuben W. 5 Allen, Albem 6 Brown, John 7 Butterfield, Jacob K. 8 Bailey, James 9 Branson, Clinton D. 10 Brass, Benjamin 11 Blanchard, Mervin S. 12 Beckstead, Gordon S. 13 Beckstead, Orin M. 14 Bickmore, Gilbert 15 Brown, William W. Hi Bevan, James 17 Bryant, John S. 18 Curtis, Josiah 19 Cox, Henderson 20 Chase, Hiram B. 21 Calkins, Alva C. 22 Casper, William W. 23 Calkins, James W. 24 Calkins, Sylvanus 25 Calkins, Edwin R. 26 Colman, George 27 Clark, Joseph 28 Clark, Riley G. 29 Decker, Zechariah B. 30 Dobson, Joseph 31 Dobson, Eli 32 Earl, James C, 33 Egbert, Robert C. 34 Fairbanks, Henry 35 Frederick, David 36 Glines, James H. (Q. M. Sergeant at M. I., Private at M. 0.) 37 Garner, David 38 Gordon, Gilman 39 Goodwin, Andrew 40 Hulett, Schuyler 41 Holden, Elijah E. 42 Hampton, James (Died at camp on Rio Grande) 43 Hawkins, Benjamin 44 Hickenlooper, Wm. F. 45 Hunt, Martial 46 Hewett, Eli B. 47 Hudson, Wilford 48 Hoyt, Timothy S. 49 Hoyt, Henry P. 50 Ivy, Richard A. 51 Jackson, Charles A. 52 Johnson, Henry 53 Kelly, William 54 Kelley, Nicholas 55 Kibley, James 56 Lemon, James W. 57 Lake, Barnabas 58 Moss, David 59 Maxwell, Maxie 60 Mayfield, Benjamin F. 61 Naile, Conrad 62 Oyler, Melcher 63 Packard, Henry (M. C. as Corporal) 64 Persons, Ebenezer 65 Roe, Cariatat C. 66 Riter, John 67 Steele, George E. 68 Steele, Isaiah C. 69 Sessions, Richard 70 Shepherd, Lafayette (M. 0. as Corporal) 71 Swartout Hamilton 72 Sexton, George 73 Sessions, John 74 Sessions, William B. 75 Taylor, Joseph 76 Thompson, John C. 77 Vrandenburg Adna 78 Weaver, Miles 79 Wriston, John P. 80 Wriston, Isaac N. 81 Weaver, Franklin 82 Wilson, Alfred G. 83 Wheeler, Merrill W. 84 White, Samuel S. (Samuel F. on orig- inal Co. register). 85 Webb, Charles Y. 86 Winn, Dennis 87 Woodworth, Lysander 88 White, Joseph 89 Wiley, Jeremiah COMPANY B Jesse D. Hunter, Captain. Elam Luddington, 1st Lieutenant. Ruel Barms, 2nd Lieutenant. Philemon C. Merrill, 3rd Lieutenant. William Coray, 1st Orderly Sergeant. William Hyde, 2nd Orderly Sergeant. Officers David P. Rainey, 1st Corporal. Thomas Dunne, 2nd Corporal. John D. Chase, 3rd Corporal. William Hunter, Musician. George W. Taggart, Musician. Albert Smith, 3rd .Orderly Sergeant. Privates 1 Allen, George 2 Allen, Elijah 3 Alexander, Horace M. 4 Allen, Franklin 5 Bush, Richard 6 Bird, William 7 Bingham, Thomas 8 Bingham, Erastus 9 Billings, Orson 10 Bigler, Henry W. 11 Boley, Samuel (Died at Missouri River) 12 Barrowman, John 13 Brackenberry, Benj. B. 14 Brown, Francis 15 Bliss, Robert S. 16 Bybee, John M. 17 Clark, George S. 18 Colton, Philander 19 Cheney, Zacheus 20 Callahan, Thomas W. 21 Church, Haden W. 22 Camp, J. G. 23 Carter, P. J. 24 Curtis, Dorr P. 25 Carter, R. 26 Dayton, William J. 27 Dutcher, Thomas P. 28 Dolton, Henry S. 29 Dunham, Albert 30 Evans, Israel 31 Evans, William 32 Eastman, Marcus N. 33 Freeman, Elijah N. 34 Follett, William A. 35 Fife, Peter 36 Green, Ephraim 37 Garner, William A. 38 Garner, Phillip 39 Hawk, Nathan 40 Huntsman, Isaiah 41 Hoffheins, Jacob 42 Hanks, Ephraim K. 43 Hawk, William 44 Hinkley, Arza E. (Ezra on original Co. register) 45 Hunter, Edward 46 Haskell, George 47 Harris, Silas 48 Jones, David H. 49 Keyser, Guy M. 50 King, John M. 51 Kirk, Thomas 52 Lawson, John 53 Morris, Thomas 54 McCarty, Nelson 55 Mount, Hiram B. 56 Martin, Jesse B. 57 Murdock, John R. 58 Murdock, Price 59 Myers, Samuel (iO Miles, Samuel 61 Noler, Christian 62 Owens, Robert 44 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Privates (Continued) 63 Pearson, Ephraim J. 04 Persons, Harmon D. 65 Prouse, William Cook 60 Park, James 1st 07 Park, James 2nd 05 Richards, Peter F. 0!) Rogers, Samuel H. 70 Study, David 71 Smith, Azariah 72 Stevens, Lyman 73 Stoddard, Hufus 74 Simmons, William A. 75 Sly, James C. 70 Steers, Andrew J. 77 Stillman, Dexter 78 Workman, Andrew J. 79 Walker, William 80 Willis, Ira (Ira James Willis) 81 Workman, Oliver G. 82 Willis, W. S. S. 83 Watts, John 84 Whitney, Francis T. 85 Wright, Charles 86 Wilcox, Edward 87 Wilcox, Henry 88 Wheeler, John L. 89 Winters, Jacob 90 Zahriskie, Jerome COMPANY C Officers James Brown, Captain. George W. Rosecrans, 1st Lieutenant. Samuel Thompson, 2nd Lieutenant. Robert Clift (Promoted from Orderly Sergeant to 3rd Lieutenant). Orson B. Adams, 1st Sergeant at M. L, and 2nd Ser- geant at M. 0. Elijah Elmer, 2nd Sergeant at M. I., 1st Sergeant at M. 0. Joel J. Ten-ill, 3rd Sergeant; (Private at M. 0.) David Wilken, 4th Sergeant; (Private at M. O.) Jabez Nowlin, 1st Corporal; (Private at M. O.) Alexander Brown, 2nd Corporal. Edward Martin, 3rd Corporal; (2nd Sergeant at M. O.) Daniel Tyler, 4th Corporal; (3rd Sergeant at M. 0.) Richard D. Sprague, Musician. Russell G. Brownell, Musician; (Corporal at M. 0.) Privates 1 Adair, Wesley 2 Boyle, Henry G. (Henry B. Miller on original Co. register) 3 Burt, William 4 Barney, Walter 5 Babcock, Lorenzo 6 Brown, Jesse J. 7 Bailey, Addison 8 Bailey, Jefferson 9 Beckstead, William E. 10 Brimhall, John 11 Blackburn, Abner 12 Bybee, Henry G. 13 Clift, James 14 Covil, John Q. A. 15 Condit, Jeptha 16 Carpenter, Isaac 17 Carpenter, William H. 18 Calvert, John 19 Catlin, George W. 20 Donald, Neal 21 Dunn, James 22 Dalton, Harry 23 Dalton, Edward 24 Durphy, Francillo 25 Dodge, Augustus E. 26 Forbush, Lorin 27 Fellows, Hiram W. 28 Fife, John 29 Fifield, Levi 30 Gould, John C. 31 Gould, Samuel 32 Gibson, Thomas 33 Green, John 34 Hatch, Meltliah 35 Hatch, Orin 36 Holt, William 37 Harmon, Ebenezer 38 Harmon, Lorenzo F. 39 Holdaway, Shadrach 40 Hendrickson, James 41 Hancock, Charles 42 Hancock, George W. 43 Ivie, Thomas C. 44 Johnston, William J. 45 Johnston, Jesse W. 46 Johnson, Jan-is 47 Layton, Christopher 48 Lai-son, Thurston 49 Landers, Ebenezer 50 Lewis, Samuel 51 Myler, James 52 McCuIlough, Levi H. 53 Morey, Harley 54 Maggard, Benjamin 55 Mowrey, John T. 56 Mead, Orlando F. 57 More, Calvin W. 58 Olmstead, Hiram 59 Perkins, David 60 Perkins, John 61 Pickup, George 62 Peck, Tliorit '(Corporal at M. O.) 63 Peck, Isaac 64 Pulsipher, David 65 Persons, Judson 66 Richie, Benjamin 67 Rust, William W. OS Richmond, Benjamin COMPANY D Officers 69 Reynolds, William 70 Riser, John J. 71 Smith, Milton 72 Smith, Richard 73 Slnipe, James 74 Shupe, Andrew J. 75 Shipley, Joseph 76 Squires, William (Cor- poral at M. 0.) 77 Shumway, Aurora 78 Thompson, James L. 79 Thomas, Nathan T. 80 Thomas, Elijah 81 Tuttle, Elanson 82 Truman, Jacob M. 83 Tindell, Solomon 84 Wade, Edward W. 85 Wade, Moses 86 Wood, William 87 White, John J. 88 Wilcox, Matthew 89 Welsh, Madison 90 Wheeler, Henry Nelson Higgins, Captain. George P. Dykes, 1st Lieutenant. Sylvester Hulett, 2nd Lieutenant. Cyrus C. Canfield, 3rd Lieutenant. Nathaniel V. Jones, 1st Sergeant; (Private at M. O.) Thomas Williams, 2nd Sergeant. Luther T. Tuttle, 3rd Sergeant. Alpheus P. Haws, 4th Sergeant. Arnold Stephens, 1st Corporal. John Buchanan, 2nd Corporal. William Coon, 3rd Corporal. Lewis Lane, 4th Corporal; (Private at M. O.) Willard Smith, Musician. Henry W. Jackson (Henry J. on original Co. register), Musician. Privates 1 Abbott, Joshua 2 Averett, Juthan 3 Brown, James 1st 4 Brown, James S. 5 Badlam, Samuel 6 Button, Montgomery 7 Brizzee, Henry W. 8 Boyd, George W. 9 Boyd, William 10 Ba'rger, William W. 11 Compton, Allen 12 Cole, James B. 13 Casto, William 14 Casto, James 15 Curtis Foster 10 Clawson, John R. 17 Cox, Amos 18 Collins, Robert H. 19 Chase, Abner 20 Davis, Sterling 21 Davis, Eleazer 22 Davis, James 23 Douglas, Ralph 24 Douglas, James 25 Fletcher, Philander 26 Frazier, Thomas 27 Fatoute, Ezra 28 Forsgreen John PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 45 Privates (Continued) 20 Finlay, Thomas 30 Gilbert, John 31 Gifford, William W. 1)2 dribble, William 33 Hoagland, Lucas 34 Henry, Daniel 35 Hirons, James 3C Hunting-ton, Dimick B. 37 Hendricks, Wm. D. 38 Holmes, Jonathan 30 Higgins, Alfred 40 Hunsaker, Abraham (1st Sergt. at M. 0.) 41 Jacobs, San ford (Cor- poral at M. 0.) 42 Kenny, Loren E. 43 Lamb, Lisbon 44 Laughlin, David S. 45 Maxwell, William 46 Meeseck, Peter J. 47 Meaeham, Era^tus 48 Bingham, Erastus 49 Merrill, Ferdinand 50 MeArthur, Henry 51 Oakley, James 52 Owen, James 53 Peck, Edwin M. 54 Perrin, Charles 55 Pettegrew, James P. 56 Rollins, John 57 Rawson, Daniel B. 58 Roberts, Benjamin 50 Runyan, Levi 60 Rowe, William 61 Richmond, William 62 Robinson, William 63 Raymond, Alnion P. 64 Smith, John G. 65 Stephens, Alexander 66 Spencer, W'illiam W. 67 Stewart, Benjamin 68 Stewart, James 60 Stewart, Robert B. 70 Sargent, Abel M. 71 Savage, Levi 72 Stillman, Clark 73 Swarthout, Nathan 74 Sharp, Albert 75 Sharp, Norman 76 Shelton, Sebert C. 77 Sanderson, Henry W. 78 Steele, John 70 Thompson; Henry 80 Thompson, Miles 81 Tanner, Myron 82 Twitchel, Anciel 83 Tubbs, William 84 Treat, Thomas 85 Hayward, Thomas 86 Tippets, John 87 Walker, Edwin 88 Woodward, Francis 89 Whiting, Almon 00 Whiting, Edmond Daniel C. Davis, Captain. James Pace, 1st Lieutenant. Andrew Lytle, 2nd Lieutenant. Samuel L. Gully, 3rd . Lieutenant. COMPANY E Officers Samuel L. Brown, 1st Sergeant. Richard Brazier, 2nd Sergeant. Ebenezer Hanks, 3rd Sergeant. Daniel Browett, 4th Sergeant. Privates James A. Scott, Corporal; (Died at Pueblo). Levi W. Hancock, Musician. Jesse Earl. 1 Allen, John (Drummed out of service, non- "Mormon") 2 Allen, George 3 Bentley, John 4 Beers, William 5 Brown, Daniel 6 Buckley, Newman 7 Bunker, Edward 8 Caldwell, Matthew Campbell, Samuel 10 Campbell, Jonathan 11 Cazier, James 12 Cazier, John 13 Clark, Samuel 14 Clark, Albert 15 Chapin, Samuel 16 Cox, John 17 Cummings, George IS Day, Abraham 10 Dyke, Simon 20 Dennett, Daniel Q. 21 Earl, Jacob 22 Ewell, William 23 Ewell, Martin F. 24 Earl, Justice C. 25 Findlay, John 26 Follett, William T. 27 Glazier, Luther W. 28 Harmon, Oliver N. 29 Harris, Robert 30 Harrison, Isaac 31 Hart, James S. 32 Harrison, Israel 33 Hess, John W. 34 Hickmot, John 35 Hopkins, Charles 36 Hoskins, Henry 37 Howell, T. C. D. 38 Howell, William 30 Jacobs, Bailey 40 Judd, Hiram 41 Judd, Zadock K. 42 Jimmerson, Charles 43 Knapp, Albert 44 Kelley, George 45 Karren, Thomas 46 Lance, William 47 McLelland, Wm. C. 48 Miller, Daniel 49 McBride, Haslam 50 Miller, Miles 51 Park, Wm. A. 52 Pettegrew, David 53 Pixton, Robert 54 Phelps, Alva (Died on the Arkansas) 55 Porter, Sanford 56 Pugmire, Jonathan, Jr. 57 Rollins 58 Richardson, Thomas 59 "Richards, L. 60 Roberts, L. 61 Sanders, Richard T. "62 Scott, Leonard M. 63 Scott, James R. 64 Skein, Joseph 65 Spidle, John 66 Slater, Richard 67 Snyder, John 68 Smith, Lot 69 Smith, David 70 Smith, Elisha 71 Smith, John 72 St. John, Stephen M. 73 Stephens, Roswell 74 Standage, Henry 75 Strong, William 76 Tanner, Albert 77 West, Benjamin 78 Wilson, George 70 Woolsey, Thomas SO Williams, James V. 81 Whitworth, Wm. Top row : 1st, HENRY W. BIGLER ; 2nd, AZARIAH SMITH. Bottom row: 1st, WILLIAM J. JOHNSTON; 2nd, JAMES S. BROWN. Four of the members of the Mormon Battalion who were working on the millrace ditch at Sutler's Mill when gold was first discovered in California. Fifty years afterward these four men were living, and at the fiftieth anniversary celebration of the discovery of gold they were the guests of the State of California at San Francisco. Members of the Brigham Young Company That Came to Utah July 24, 1847 Wilford Woodruff, Captain, John S. Fowler, Jacob D. Burnhain, Ezra T. Benson, Captain, Thomas B. G rover, Barnabas L. Adams, Phinehas H. Young, Captain, John Y. Green, Thomas Tanner, Luke S. Johnson, Captain, John Holnian, Edmund Ellsworth, Stephen H. Goddard, Capt, Tarlton Lewis, Henry G. Sherwood, Charles Shumway, Captain, Andrew Shumway, Thos. Woolsey, James Case, Captain, Artemas Johnson, Win. C. A. Smoot, Seth Taft, Captain, Horace Thornton, Stephen Kelsey, John S. Eldredge, Howard Egan, Captain, Heher C. Kimball, Win. A. King, Appleton M.Harmon, Capt., Carlos Hurray, Horace K. Whitney, John S. Higbee, Captain, John Wheeler, Solomon Chamberlain, Norton Jacobs, Captain, Charles A. Harper, George Woodard, John Brown, Captain, Shadrach Koundy, Levi Jackman, Joseph Matthews, Captain. Gilbroid Summe, John Gleason, FIRST TEN Orson Pratt, Joseph Egbert, SECOND TEN Roswell Stevens, Amasa M. Lyman, Starling Driggs, THIRD TEN Brigham Young, Addison Everett, Truman O. Angell, FOURTH TEN Alvarus Hanks, George R. Grant, Millen Atwood, FIFTH TEN Zebedee Coltrin, Sylvester H. Earl, John Dixon, SIXTH TEN Chauncey Loveland, , Erastus Snow, James Craig, SEVENTH TEN Franklin B. Dewey, Win. Carter, Franklin G. Losee. EIGHTH TEN Charles D. Barnum, Alma M. Williams, Rufus Allen, NINTH TEN Thomas Cloward, Hosea dishing, Robert Byard, TENTH TEN Orson K. Whitney, Orrin P. Rockwell, Nathaniel T. Brown, ELEVENTH TEN Conrad Klineman, Joseph Rooker, Perry Fitzgerald, TWELFTH TEN Stephen Markham, Lewis Barney, John M. Freeman, Marcus B. Thorpe, Albert Carrington, Thomas Bullock, George Brown, Lorenzo D. Young, Bryant Stringham, Samuel B. Fox, Tunis Rappleyee, Harry Pierce, Samuel H. Marble, George Selioles, Win. Wordsworth, Wm. Vance, Burr Frost, Datus Ensign, Franklin B. Stewart, Robert T. Thomas, James W. Stewart, Elijah Newman, George Billings, Edson Whipple. R. Jackson Redding, John Pack, Francis Pomeroy, John H. Tippetts, James Davenport, George Mills, Andrew Gibbons, THIRTEENTH TEN Lyman Curtis, Hans C. Hansen, Matthew Ivory, David Powers, Hark Lay (colored), FOURTEENTH TEN Charles Burke, Alexander P. Chessley, Rodney Badger, Norman Taylor, Geo. A. Smith, Geo. Wardle. Willard Richards, Jesse C. Little. Joseph S. Scofield, Albert P. Rockwood. Wm. Dykes, Jacob Weiler. \Vm. Henrie, Wm. A. Enipey. Simeon Howd, Seeley Owen. Monroe Frink, Eric Glines, Ozro Eastman. Levi N. Kendall, Francis Bojrgs, David Grant. Philo Johnson, Wm. Clayton. Aaron Farr, Nathan iel Fai rban ks. Henson Walker, Benjamin Rolfe. Joseph Hancock, John W. Norton. Oscar Crosby (col- ored), Green Flake (col- ored). Ellis Eames. 46 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 47 BRIGHAM YOUNG As President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was leader of the first com- pany of Pioneers, who arrived where Salt Lake City now stands, July 24, 1847. BRIGHAM YOUNG, JR. Son of Brigham Young and Mary A. An- gell. Born December, 1836. Came to Utah with father, 1848. Member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. BRIGHAM S. YOUNG Raymond, Alberta, Canada. HEBER CHASE KIMBALL. Born June 14, 1801, Sheldon, Franklin Co., Vt. Can.e to Utah, July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. First Coun- selor '3 President Brigham Young. WILLIAM HENRY KIMBALL Son of Heber C. Kimball and Vilate Mur- ray. Born April 10, 1826, Mendon, Mon- roe Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Brigham Young Company. JOHN HENRY KIMBALL Son of William Henry Kimball and Mary M. Davenport. Born March 22, 1851, Sail Lake City. Engaged in Livery and Trans- fer Business. DAVID PATTEN KIMBALL Son of Heber C. Kimball and Vilate Mur- ray. Born Aug. 23, 1839, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah 1848. President Bear Lake Stake. THATCHER KIMBALL Son ot David Patten Kimball and Caroline Marian Williams. Born 1883, St. David, Arizona. Harness and Hardware Merchant. SOLOMON FARNHAM KIMBALL Son of Heber C. Kimball and Vilate Mu-- ray. Came to Utah 1848. Indian Vfa" Veteran. Peace Officer; Bailiff United States District Court. 48 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 JOSEPH KIMBALL Son of Heber C. Kimball and Prescinda L. Huntington. Born Dec. 22, 1851, Salt Lake City. Bishop 1st Ward, Logan, Utah. NEWEL W. KIMBALL Son of Heber C. Kimball and Sarah Ann Whitney. Born May 19, 1862, Salt Lake City. Member Cache Stake Presidency. ABRAHAM ALONZO KIMBALL Son of Heber C. Kimball and Clarissa Cut- ler. Farmer. JONATHAN GOLDEN KIMBALL Son of Heber Chase Kimball and Chris- teen Golden. One of the Seven Presidents of Seventies, and their Secretary. DANIEL H. KIMBALL Son of Heber C. Kimball and Annie Gheen. Born Feb. 8, 1856, Salt Lake City. Seventy. LOUIS C. KIMBALL, Son of Daniel H. Kimball and Joan Okie- berry. Born Aug. 16, 1884, Salt Lake City. Elder. WILLIAM GHEEN KIMBALL Son of Heber C. Kimball and Amanda Gheen. Born March 3, 1851, Salt Lake City. Resides at Rigby, Idaho. JOHN SMITH Born July 16, 1781, Derryfield, N. H. ; was of Co. E, Mormon Battalion. High Priest ; Presiding Patriarch 1849. GEORGE ALBERT SMITH Son of John Smith and Clarissa Lyman. Born June 26, 1817, Potsdam, St. Law- rence Co., N. Y. Came to Utah July 24, 1847. Member of Quorum of the Twelve Apostle*. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 49 JOHN HENRY SMITH Son of George Albert Smith and Sarah Ann Libby. Born Sept. 18, 1848, Kanes- ville, Iowa. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849. Bishop of 17th Ward. Member of Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. GEORGE ALBERT SMITH Son of John Henry Smith and Sarah Farr. Born April 4, 1870, Salt Lake City. Mem- ber of Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Missionary to Southern States 1892-94. APHEK WOODRUFF Father of Wilford Woodruff. Came to Utah 1847. WILFORD WOODRUFF Son of Aphek Woodruff and Beulah Thompson. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigliam Young Co. President Church of J68US Christ of Latter-day Saints. WILFORD WOODRUFF, JR. Son of Wilford Woodruff and Phoebe Whit- temore. Born March 22, 1840, Montrose, Iowa. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, Wil- ford Woodruff Company. WILFORD SMITH WOODRUFF Son of Wilford Woodruff, Jr., and Emily Jane Smith. Born Sept. 25, 1871, Salt Lake City. Salesman. ASAHEL H. WOODRUFF Son of Wilford Woodruff and Emma Smith. Born Feb. 3, 1863, Salt Lake City. Bishop of Waterloo Ward. Manager Wholesale Dry Goods Department Z. C. M. I. 4 ABRAHAM OWEN WOODRUFF Son of Wilford Woodruff and Emma Smith. Born Nov. 23, 1872. Member Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. DAVID PATTEN WOODRUFF Son of Wilford Woodruff and Sarah Brown. Born April 4, 1854, Salt Lake City. High Councilor ; Assessor, Collector and Treasurer. 50 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 ENSIGN WOODRUFF Son of Wilford Woodruff and Sarah De- light Stocking-. Born Dec. 23, 1865, Salt Lake City. Pres. 14th Quorum Seventies. J. J. WOODRUFF Son of Wilford Woodruff and Sarah De- light Stocking. MARION WOODRUFF Son of Wilford Woodruff and Sarah De- liKht Stocking. AMASA MASON LYMAN Born March 30, 1813, Lyman, Graf ton Co., N. H. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brig- ham Young Company. Member of Quo- rum of the Twelve Apostles. FRANCIS MARION LYMAN Son of Amasa M. Lyman and Louisa Maria Tanner. Born Jan. 12, 1840, Good- hope, 111. President of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. FRANCIS M. LYMAN, JR. Son of Francis M. Lyman and Rhoda Ann Taylor. Born Sept. 25, 1863, Fillmore, Utah. Missionary Civil and Mining Engineer. RICHARD ROSWELL LYMAN Son of Francis M. Lyman and Clara Caro- line Calllster. Born Nov. 23, 1870, Fill- more, Utah. President of Y. M. M. I. A., Salt Lake Stake 1896-1902. GEORGIA ALBERT LYMAN Son of Francis M. Lyman and Clara Caro- line Callister. Born Nov. 14, 1873. JOHN C. LYMAN Son of Francis M. Lyman and Clara Caro- line Callister. Born Sept. 24, 1880. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 51 WALDO WILCKEN LYMAN Son of Francis M. Lyman and Susan Delilah Callister. Born March 2, 1893, Salt Lake City. AMASA MASON LYMAN, JR. Son of Amasa Mason Lyman and Louisa Maria Tanner. Born Feb. 22, 1846, Nau- voo, 111. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Assisted immigration. ORSON PRATT Born Sept. 19, 1811, Hartford, N. Y. Came to Utah July 21, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Member of the first Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Church historian. M1LANDO PRATT Son of Orson Pratt and Mary Ann Mer- rill. Born Sept. 30, 1848, Harris Grove. Iowa. Patriarch. Mining Man. W1LLARD RICHARDS Born June 24, 1804, in Massachusetts. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Apostle. Present at the Death of the Prophet Joseph Smith. CALVIN W. RICHARDS. Son of Willard Richards and Rhoda Har- riett Foss. Born Oct. 7, 1852, Salt Lake City. GEORGE GILL RICHARDS ion of Stephen Longstroth Richa'rds (son >f Willard Richards) and Emma Louise 5tayner. Born Sept. 5, 1883, Salt Lake 'ity. Physician and Surgeon. WILLIAM CLAYTON Born July 14, 1814, Preston, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brig- ham Young Company. Recorder of Reve- lation on Celestial Marriage. Historian. NEPHI WILLARD CLAYTON Son of William Clayton and Augusta Brad- clock. Born Oct. 8, 1855, Salt Lake City. Capitalist. Builder Saltair Beach Resort and S. L. & L. A. R. R. 52 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 ARCHER WALTERS CLAYTON Son of William Clayton and Sarah Wal- ters. Born April 10, 1858. Resided Salt Lake City. ALBERT CARRINGTON Came to Utah July 24, 1847. Apostle. One of Framers Constitution of State of Des- eret. Surveyor Salt Lake City. Editor "Deseret NCTV,?-" TRUMAN O. ANGELL Born June 5, 1810, North Providence, R. I. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Bri^ham Young Company. Architect of the Temple and Tabernacle. ERASTUS SNOW Born Nov. 8, 1818, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Apostle in L. D. S. C..urch. Member Legislature. EDWARD H. SNOW. Son of Erastus Snow and Josephine Spen- cer. Born June 23, 1865, St. George. Member first State Senate. President St. George Bank. ASHBY SNOW Son of Erastus Snow. Attorney at Law. Director Utah State National Bank. SHADRACH ROUNDY Horn Jan. 1, 1789. Came to Utah July 24. 1847, Brigham Young Company. Bishop 16th Ward. Indian War Veteran. Farmer. LAUREN HOTCHX1SS ROUNDY Son of Shadrach Roundy and Betsy Quim- by. corn May 21, 1815, Spafford, Onon- daga Co., N. Y. High Councilor. Indian War Veteran. Farmer. WILLIAM HEBER ROUNDY Son of Lauren Hotchkiss Roundy and Jo- anna Carter. Born Feb. 5, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Elder. Assessor and Collector. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 53 JOHN DAVIS ROUNDY Son of William Heber Roundy and Ma- linda Parker. Born Nov. 3, 1876, Upper Kanab, Kane Co., Utah. Bishop's Coun- selor Alton Ward. Farmer and Stockman. JOHN ROUNDY Son of Lauren Hotchkiss Roundy and Jane Ann Koyle. Born May 18. 1864, Springville, Utah. Bishop Knightsville, Utah. Mining Man. Merchant. JARED CURTIS ROUNDY Son of Shadrach Roundy and Betsy Quim- by. Born Jan. 5, 1827, in Ohio. Bishop \Vanship Ward. Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM ALLEN Son of Rufus Allen, who came to Utah July 24, 1847, and Mary Phelps. Born Jan. 10, 1866, Riverdale, Utah. Elder. County Assessor several years. Farmer. WILLIAM MORE ALLRED Son of Isaac Allred, who came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company, and Mary Calvert. Born Dec. 24, 1819, Nashville, Tenn. REDDEN ALEXANDER ALLRED Son of Isaac Allred and Mary Calvert. Born Feb. 21, 1822. M1LFORD ALEXANDER ALLRED Son of Redden A. Allred and Julia Bates. Born Feb. 17, 1857, Salt Lake City. Miner. PAULINUS HARVEY ALLRED Son of Isaac Allred and Mary Calvert. Born Jan. 21, 1829, Farmington, Tenn. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. ISAAC H. ALLRED Son of Paulinus Harvey Allred and Me- lissa Norton. Born Nov. 22, 1850, Cot- tonwood, Utah. Member first Bishopric of Riverside, Idaho. 54 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 ROBERT E. BAIRD. (BYARD) Born May 15, 1817, Londonderry, Ireland. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Pres. 53rd Quorum Sev- enties. Justice of Peace. JOHN BAIRD Son of Robert E. Baird (Byard) and Jane Hartley. Born Feb. 17, 1864, Lynn, Utah. CARLOS ASHBY BAUGKR Son of Rodney Carlos Badger (son of Rodney Badger who came to Utah July 24, 1847,) and Louisa Adeline Ashby Nobles. State Senator. Lawyer. S. R. GUSHING Son of Hosea Gushing, who came to Utah with the Brigham Young Company July 24, 1847. Lives at Santaquin, Utah. EZRA TAFT BENSON Born Feb. 22, 1811, Mendon, Mass. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Member Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. GEORGE TAFT BENSON Son of Ezra Taft Benson and Addim- Brooks. Born May 1, 1846, Garden Grove, Iowa. Bishop Whitney Ward. Farmer. BIUGHAM YOUNG BENSON Son of Ezra Taft Benson and Elizabeth Golliaher. Born Dec. 17, 1858, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. Director Lew- iston State Bank, GEORGE (WASHINGTON) BROWN Born Jan. 25, 1827, Newberry, Ohio. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. ISAAC NATHANIEL BROWN Son of George (Washington) Brown and May Elizabeth Hancock. Born March 18, 1855, Salt Lake City. Elder. Farmer. , PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 55 JOHN BROWN Born Oct. 23, 1820, Sumner County, Tenn. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Pres. 8th Quorum Seventies. JAMES L. BROWN Son of John Brown and Elizabeth Crosby. Born Nov. 26, 1860, Lehi, Utah. High Priest. DR. JOHN ZIMMERMAN BROWN Son of John Brown and Margaret Zim- merman. Born Sept. 2, 1873, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Head of Dept. of Physiol- ogy of University of Utah, 1907-10. WILLIAM W. CASPAR Came to Utah with Mormon Battalion, accompanying the Brigham Young Com- pany, July 24, 1847. THOMAS BULLOCK Born Dec. 23, 1816, Leek, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brig- ham Young Company. First Recorder of Salt Lake City and County. THOMAS H. BULLOCK Son of Thomas Bullock, who came to Utah July 24, 1847, and Henrietta Rush- ton. FRANCIS ALONZO BULLOCK Son of Thomas Bullock and Henrietta Rushton. Born Aug. 5, 1855, Salt Lake City. Elder. Railroads. WILLIAM CARTER Born Feb. 12, 1821, in Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah July 22, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Member Bishopric 14th Ward, Salt Lake City. WILLIAM JOHN BENBOW CARTER Son of William Carter and Ellen Benbow. Born June 29, 1852, Salt Lake City. High Councilor St. George Stake. Farmer. 56 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 WILLIAM ALEXANDER CHESLEY Son of Alexander Philip Chesley, who came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co., and Eliza Haws. Born Sept. 29, 1845, Sangamon County 111. Seventy. ZEBEDEE COLTRIN Born Sept. 7, 1804, Ovid, Seneca Co., N. Y. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Patriarch. HEMAN COLTRIN Son of Zebedee Coltrin and Mary Mott. Born Jan. 29, 1854, Palmyra, Utah. Farmer. ISAAC DECKER Born Nov. 29, 1800, in Holland. Came to rtah 1847. Farmer. Lived in Provo Val- ley, Utah. ISAAC PERRY DECKER Son of Isaac Decker and Harriet Page Wheeler. Born Aug. 7, 1840, Winchester, Scott County, 111. Came to Utah July 24, 1847. CHARLES FRANKLIN DECKER Son of Isaac Perry Decker and Elizabeth Ogden. Born Sept. 15, 1863, Salt Lake City. Member Provo city council. Mayor two terms. Investments, Real Estate. CHARLES FRANKLIN DECKER Son of Isaac Decker and Harriet Page Wheeler. Born June 21, 1824, in New York State. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, J. M. Grant Co. U. S. Mail Carrier 1851-55. BENJAMIN F. DEWEY Son of Ashbell Dewey and Harriet Ad- ams, and brother of John H. Dewey. Pio- neer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Com- pany. Farmer. WILLIAM A. DEWEY Downey, Idaho. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 57 SYLVESTER HENRY EARL Born Aug. 16, 1815, Scioto County, Ohio. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Bishop's Counselor. JOSEPH IRA EARL Son of Sylvester Henry Earl. Born Sept. 6, 1852, Salt Lake City. Bishop Bunker- ville Ward. IRA JOSEPH EARL Son of Joseph Ira Earl. Born Dec. 16, 1884. Elder. LYMAN CURTIS Son of Nahum Curtis and Minnie Millicent Waite. Born Jan. 21. 1812. Came to Utah, July 22, 1847, BriKham Young Com- >any. Road and Canal Builder. EDMUND ELLSWORTH Born July 1, 1819, Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Veteran Walker Indian War. ASA CHARLES ELLSWORTH Son of Edmund Ellsworth and Mary Ann Dudley. Born Sept. 17, 1866, West Weber, Utah. First Counselor in Y. M. M. I. A. WILLIAM EMPEY ',ame to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham toung Company. NELSON A. EMPEY Son of William Empey. Came to Utah July 24, 1847. Bishop 13th Ward. Mer- chant. D. H. ENSIGN Son of Datus Ensign, who came to Utah July 24, Ib47. Bishop 1st Ward, Ogden, Utah. 58 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 ADDISON EVERETT Born Oct. 10, 1815, Orange County, N. Y. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Bishop 8th Ward, Salt Lake City. WINSLOW FARR Born Jan. 14, 1794, Chesterfield, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1850, Joseph Young Co. Settled at Big Cottomvood 1851. AARON (FREEMAN) FARR Son of Winslow Farr and Olive Hovey Freeman. Born Oct. 31, 1818. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. NATHANIEL FAIRBANKS Son of Joseph Fairbanks. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Briprham Young Company. SIMEON (FULLER) HOWD Born May 13, 1813, Camden, N. Y. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Pioneer to Beaver, Utah. SIMEON FULLER HOWD, JR. Son of Simeon Fuller Howd and Lucinda Morgan. Born Mar. 5, 1859, Beaver, Utah. City Marshal. Member City Council. JOHN (STRKATOR) GLEASON Born Jan. 13, 1819. Came to Utah July 22, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Lieut.-Col. in Davis County Militia. Mis- sionary to England 1860-63. Seventy. ALVIKAS HORNE GLEASON Son of John Streator Gleason and Des- clemona Chase. Born July 5, 1848, on Elk Horn River, Neb. Settled at Garland 1871. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. THOMAS HENRY GLEASON Son of John Streator Gleason and Mary- Ann Sutherland. Born Feb. 8, 1867, Farmington, Utah. Missionary 1896-97. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 59 OLIVER B. HUNTINGTON Born 1825 in New York. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Patriarch. Farmer and Stockraiser. GEORGE W. HUNTINGTON Son of Oliver B. Huntington and Mary Mellisa Neal. Born Sept. 18, 1848, Cam- bria, Niagara Co., N. Y. Elder. Farmer. GEORGE AUGUSTUS HUNTINGTON Son of George W. Huntington and Sarah Elizabeth Sprouse. Born Nov. 1, 1872, Salt Lake City. High Priest. Sunday School Superintendent. Justice of Peace. BURR FROST Born March 4, 1815, Westfleld, Conn. Came to Utah July 22, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Pres. 70th Quorum Seventies. CHARLES A. HARPER Pioneer, July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. LEVI JACICMAN Born July 28, 1797, Corinth, Vt. Came to Utah In 1847, Brigham Young Co. Member of High Council ; High Priest ; Elder. LEVI HARMON JACKMAN Son of Levi Jackman and Lucinda Har- mon. Born Sept. 6, 1853, Palmyra, Utah Co., Utah. Clerk of Quorum of Elders ; Clerk of Salem Ward 1870. NORTON JACOB Born Aug. 11, 1804, Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. Came to Utah July 22, 1847. Presiding Elder at Snake Creek 1863-64. JOSEPH JACOB Son of Norton Jacob and Emily Heaton. Born May 20, 1845, at Nauvoo, 111. Capt. Utah Militia 1863-66. Indian War Vet'rn. 60 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 -. JOSEPH JACOB, JR. Son of Joseph Jacob and Ellen H. Gerber. Born Aug 1, 1867. MILTON JACOB Son of Joseph Jacob and Ellen H. Gerber. Born May 20, 1874. ISAAC JACOB Son of Joseph Jacob and Ellen H. Gerber. Born May 11, 1876. STEPHEN KELSEY Born Dec. 29, 1830, Montville, Geauga Co Ohio. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brig ham Young Company. STEPHEN ROBERT KELSEY Son of Stephen Kelsey and Lydia Snyder. \Jorn Oct 9, 1853, Brigham City, Utah. TUNIS RAPPLEYE .Son of John R. Rappleye and Margaret Tillie. Came to Utah in 1847, Brigham Young Co. Indian War Veteran. Farmer. LEV1 NEWKLL KENDALL fame to Utah July 24, 1847, BriRham Young Co. High Priest. Indian War Vet- eran. Lived at Springville, Utah. LEVI CVRUS KENDALL Son ot Levl Newell Kendall and Eliza Clemmons. Born Oct. 14, 1849, Salt Lake City. Deacon ; Asst. Sunday School Supt. LEVI CYRUS KENDALL, JR. Son of Levl Cyrus Kendall and Comfort Ann Cox. Born Sept. 21, 1874, at Oxford, Idaho. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 61 ORRIN P. ROCKWELL I'iimier July 24, 1847. Bodyguard of the I'rophet. A leading character in Utah's early history and noted for his work sub- duing desperate characters. I JESSE G. LITTLE Born 1808 in Maine. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young- Company. High Councilor. Fire Chief and Town Marshal. WALTER W. LITTLE Son of Jesse C. Little and Emily Hoag- land. Born Dec. 28, 1876, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Prosecuting Atty. Lawyer. ELI HARVEY PEIRCB Son of Robert Peirce and Hannah Harvey. Born July 29, 1827, in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Bishop Brigham City. ELI HARVEY PEIRCE, JR. Son of Eli Harvey Peirce and Susannah Neff. Born Sept. 27, 1851, Salt Lake City. High Priest. ROBERT PIERCE Came to Utah in September, 184" THOMAS PIERCE ^'>n of Robert Pierce. Farmer and Stock- "aiser. WILLIAM PIERCE Son of Robert Pierce and Hannah Harvey. Born April 2, 1833, in Pennsylvania. Built the first house in Brigham City, Utah. ELI T. PIERCE Son of William Pierce and Jerusha Smith. Born Jan. 27, 1870, Brigham City, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. 62 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 IT \ FRANCIS MARTIN POMEROY Born Feb. 22, 1822, Somers, Conn. Came to Utah July 24, 1847. High Priest. Jus- tice of Peace at Paris, Idaho, and Mesa, Arizona. Farmer. FRANKLIN THOMAS POMEROY Son of Francis Martin Pomeroy and Sarah Matilda Colborn. Born Sept. 15, 1870, Paris, Idaho. Real Estate Broker. FRANKLIN IVAN POMEROY Son of Franklin Thomas Pomeroy and Sophia Isadora Morris. Born Jan. 26, 1894. RETURN JACKSON REDDEN Born Sept. 26, 1817, Hiram, Portage Co., Ohio. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brig- ham Young Co. Joseph Smith's bodyguard. GEORGE GRANT REDDEN Son of Return Jackson Redden and Naomi Eliza Murray. Born June 15, 1854, Salt Lake City. Home Missionary. RICHARD EDMON REDDEN Son of Return Jackson Redden and Naomi Eliza Murray. Born Aug. 29, 1865, Coal- ville, Utah. Lives at Hoytsville, Utah. JOSEPH H. BOYINGTON Came to Utah 1847, Heber C. Kimball Company. Father of the wife of James J. Sorensen of Neeley, Idaho. ALBERT PERRY ROCKWOOD Born June 9, 1805, at Holliston, Mass. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Member of first Legislature. CHAKLES WELCOME ROCKWOOD Son of Albert Perry Rockwood and Elvira Teeples Wheeler. Born March 2, 1850. Salt Lake City. Bishop of lona, Idaho, Ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 63 ** CHARLES SHUMWAT Born Aug. 1, 1806, Oxford, Mass. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Missionary. Member of first Legislature. ANDREW P. SHUMWAY Son of Charles Shumway and Julia Ann Hooker. Born Feb. 20, 1833, Millbury, Worcester Co., Mass. Came to Utah July 24, 1847. Bishop. ANDREW T. SHUMWAY Son of Andrew P. Shumway and Amanda Graham. Born June 4, 1866, Mendon, Utah. Resides at Marsh Center, Idaho. CHARLES M. SHUMWAY Son of Andrew P. Shumway and Mary Ann Christian. Born in 1872 at Mendon, Utah. Bishop. Farmer and Stockraiser. SAMUEL B. SHUMWAY Son of Charles Shumway and Henrietta Bird. Born June 30, 1856, Little Cotton- wood, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. WILLIAM COCHRAN ADK1NSON SMOOT Adopted son of A. O. Smoot. Born Jan. 30, 1828, Roan County, Tenn. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, with the Brigham Young Company. WILLIAM COCHRAN ADK1NSON SMOOT, JR. Son of William Cochran Adkinson Smoot ind Martha Ann Sessions. Assistant Cashier Utah-Idaho Sugar Company of Sugar City, Idaho. JAMES WESLEY STEWART Born May 19, 1825, Fayette Co., Alabama. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. High Priest. JAMES WESLEY STEWART, JR. Son of James W. Stewart and Jane Grover. Born Aug. 9, 1857, San Bernardino, Cal. High Priest; Sunday School Supt. 64 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 HENSON WALKER Born March 13, 1820. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. First Bish- op and first Mayor of Pleasant Grove, Utah. APPOLLOS BENJAMIN WALKER Son of Henson Walker and Elizabeth Foutz. Born Nov. 4, 1855. County Com- missioner. Member of Town Board. GEORGE WARDLE Born at Leek, Staffordshire, Kn. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigtiam Young Co. Seventy ; Chorister. JEDEDIAH WARDLE Son of George Wardle and Fannie Rusten. Born May 4, 1857, at Provo, Utah. High Priest ; Missionary to England. Farmer. JACOB WEILER Born March 14, 1808, Chester County, Pa. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Bishop 3rd Ward, Salt Lake. JOSEPH WEILER Son of Jacob Weiler and Anna Maria Malin. Born Nov. 17, 1836 in Chester County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1848. PETER W1NWAU1) Horn Dec. 22, 1832, Warrington, Lan- cashire, Eng. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. High Priest. WILLIAM GREENWOOD Born Aug. 7, 1822, Burnley, Eng. Camo to Utah Oct. 28, 1847. Member first Bishopric and first School Teacher in American Fork, Utah. A Pioneer Sur- veyor In Utah County. GEORGE ALBERT SMITH, JR. Son of George Albert Smith and Beth- sheba W. Bigler. Born July 7, 1843. Died Nov. 2, 1860. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 65 ORSON F. WHITNEY Son of Horace K. Whitney, Pioneer, July i24, 1847, and Helen Mar Kimball (daugh- ter of Heber Chase Kimball and Vilate Murray). Born July 1, 1855. Apostle. GEORGE WOODWARD Pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. JACOB LINDSAY WORKMAN 'ame to Utah July 24, 1847, BriRham 'oung Company. Worked on the Temples. JACOB READER WORKMAN Son of Jacob Lindsay Workman and Nan- cy Reader. Born AUK. 19, 1836, Overtoil County, Tenn. Echo Canyon War Vet'rn. LORENZO DOW YOUNG Born Oct. 9, 1807, Hillsboro, N. H. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Co. Bishop 18th Ward, Salt Lake City. LORENZO SABISKY YOUNG on of Lorenzo Dow Young and Persis joodall. Born March 9, 1841, Winchester, 11. High Priest. Farmer. PHINEAS H. YOUNG Born Feb. 16, 1709, at Hopkinton, Middle- sex Co., Mass. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. Bishop. GEORGE SHEFFER CLARK Born Nov. 7, 1816, in Jefferson County, Ohio. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brig- ham Young Co. Member Mormon Batt. 66 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 WILLIAM HOWARD CLARK Son of George ShefCer Clark and Susannah Dalley. Born Fell. 9, 1864, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Mayor Pleasant Grove. Merchant. SOLOMON N. CONLEY to Utah July 24, 1847, BriRham Came Young Company. Hish Priest. JOHN H. FULLMER Son of Alman Fullmer, who came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brictham Youns Company, and Rachel Fullmer. Born Aus. 30, 1847, Cottonwood, Salt Lake Co., Utah. JOHN LORIN FULLMER Son of John H. Fullmer and Ellen Lund- blail. Born Dec. 12, 1879. JOHN HARVEY Born Dec. 12. 1816, Balli.ston, Lanark- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, HrlKham YounR Co. Hiprh Priest. HUGH WILLIAM HARVEY Son of John Harvey and Ann Coope. liorn Feb. 15, 1868, Heb'er, Utah. Bishop Cen- ter Ward. BENJAMIN FKANKLIN JOHNSON Born July i8, 1818. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, BriKham Youn^ Company. Pa- triarch. Private Secretary to Joseph Smith. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN JOHNSON, JR. Son of Benjamin Franklin Johnson and Melissa LeBaron. Born- Dec. 29, 1842, Palmyra, N. Y. Came to Utah ,vith father, 1848. BENJAMIN WILLIAM JOHNSON Son of Benjamin Franklin Johnson, Jr.. and Mary ICliza Williams. Born Sept. 1!'. 1880, Spring Lake, Utah. Elder. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 67 CHARLES A. JOHNSON Son of Benjamin Franklin Johnson, Jr., and Mary Eliza Williams. Born July 22, 1882, Mona, Utah. Ward Teacher. Farmer. JOHN MOSS LEWIS Born Feb. 16, 1829, Simpson County, Ken- tucky. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brig- ham Young Co. High Priest. Farmer. CORNELIUS P. LOTT Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Company. JOSHUA TERRY Son of Parshall and Hannah Terry. Born Aug. 11, 1825, Albion, Ont, Canada. Came to Utah July 24, 1847. GEORGE TERRY Son of Joshua Terry and Ann Greasewootl. Born Feb. 1, 1853. WILLIAM TERRY Son of Joshua Terry (adopted). Born Feb. 18, 1856. JAMES SEVAN Born Oct. 19, 1821, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah July 28, 1847. Member Mormon Battalion. JOHN A. BEVAN Son of James Bevan and Mary Shields. Born Feb. 4, 1851, Council Bluffs, Iowa. High Councilor. THOMAS BINGHAM Son of Erastus BinglAm and Lucinda Gates. Born July 19, 1824, Grafton, N. H. Came to Utah July 29, 1847. 68 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 THOMAS BINGHAM Son of Thomas Bingham and Karen Hap- pueh Hollailay. Born Aug. 12, 1850, Og- den, Utah. FREDERICK GFROERER BINGHAM Son of Thomas Bingliam and Margaret Louisa Froerer. Born Nov. 4, 1882, Moun- tain Dell, Uinta Co., Utah. Bishop. JAMES BROWN Born Sept. 30, 1801, Roan County, N. C. Came to Utah July 23, 1847, Capt. I'M. i '. Mormon Battalion. Founder of Ogden. JAMES M. BROWN Son of James Brown and Martha Steph- ens. Born Nov. 17, 1834, Brown County. 111. High Councilor. JAMES W. BROWN Son of James M. Brown and Adelaide Ex ervid. Born June 22, 1856. MORONI F. BROWN Son of James M. Brown and Adelaide Ex- ervid. Born Sept. 23, 1857. FRANCES A. BROWN Son of James M. Brown and Adelaide Ex- ervid. Born Feb. 26, 1862. DANIEL BROWN Son of James Brown and Martha Stephens. Born in 1832. CHARLES DAVID BROWN Son of James Brown and Cecelia Robella. Born Jan. 23, 1856, Ogden, Utah. PIONJ:ERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1347 69 MORONI BROWN Son of James Brown, Ogden, Utah. EARNEST PORTER BROWN Son of Moroni Brown. Ogden, Utah. E. W. BROWN Son of Moroni Brown, Ogclen, Utah. HENRY ALOXZO BROWN Son of Joseph Smith Brown, who came to rtah July 29, 1847, Mormon Battalion, and Sarah W. Patten. Born June 30, 1880, Oxtoru, Idaho. Mis?sionary 1908-10. JAMES POLLY BROWN Born April 22, 1803, Shelby County, Ky. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, Nelson Hig- gins Co. Member Mormon Battalion. WILLIAM H. CARPENTER Born July 22, 1820, Glenville, Sehenectady Co., N. Y. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, James Brown Company. High Priest. JOSEPH W. CARPENTER Sun <,f William H. Carpenter and Cynthia . Weatherbee. Born March 17, 1852, Ualland's Grove, Iowa. Justice of Peace and Postmaster, Bloomington, Utah. - ..^7' -W HADEN WELLS CHURCH Born Aug. 29, 1817, Franklin. Williamson Co., Tenn. Came to Utah July 24, 1817, Brigham Young Co. Member Mormon Batt. HADEN WELLS CHURCH, JR. Son of Haden Wells Church and Sarah Ann Arterbury. Born Sept. 8, 1848, Salt Lake City. 70 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 HADEN WELLS CHURCH, III. Son of Haden Wells Church, Jr., and Clara Jane Hanilall. Born Jan. 29, 1880, St. George, Utah. WILLIAM H. CLARK Son of Samuel G. Clark, who came to Utah July 29, 1847, Co. E, Mormon Battal- ion, and Roxine Frizzell. Born Jan. 10, 1838, in Adams County, 111. JOHN COX Born in England. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, Mormon Battalion. High Priest; Teacher. Early Settler at Oxford, Idaho. DAVID GARNER Born Jan. 30, 1818, Lexicon, North Caro- lina. Came to Utah July 28, 1817. Mormon Battalion. One of seven Presi- dents 78th Quorum Seventies. WILLIAM FRANKLIN GARNER Son of David Garner and Dolly Durfee. Born Dec. 12, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1851. Bishop. JAMES HARVEY GLINES Born April 17, 1822, Franklin, Merriniiick Co., N. H. Came to Utah July 28, 1S47. Co. A, Mormon Battalion. Bishop. CHARLES HARVEY GLINES Son of James Harvey Glines and Eliza- beth Ann Mayer. Born May 18, 1854, Ce- dar Fort, Utah. High Priest. EPHRAIM KNOWLTON HANKS Born March 21, 1826, Madison, Lake Co., Ohio. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, Mor- mon Battalion. Patriarch. CHARLES DECKER HANKS Son of Ephraim Knowlton Hanks anl Harriet Amelia Decker (Little). Horn Dec. 22, 1860. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 71 WILLIAM ALBERT CAPENER HANKS Son of Ephraim Knowlton Hanks and Jane Maria Capener. Born Feb. 17, 1859, Salt Lake City. Farmer and Stockraiser. WALTER E. HANKS Son of Ephraim Knowlton Hanks and Thisbe Q. Reail. Born June 19, 1865, Pro- vo, Utah. Bishop of Caineville Ward. JOHN W. HESS Born AUK. 24, 1824, Franklin County, Pa. Came to Utah July 28, 1847, Mormon Bat- talion. President Davis Stake. JOSEPH WELLS HESS Son of John W. Hess and Emeline Bigler. Born Oct. 11, 1859, Farmington, Utah. Member Stake Presidency Y. M. M. I. A. JAMES H. HESS Son of John W. Hess and Mary Ann Steed. Born March 6, 1858, Farmington, Utah. Bishop Fielding Ward. ARZA ERASTUS H1NCKLKY Son of Nathaniel Hinckley. Born AUK. 15, 182fi, Leeds Co., Canada. Came to Utah July 27, 1847. Member of Mormon Bat- talion. Probate Judge. High Councilor. DIMICK B. HUNTINGTON Born May 26 ; , 1808, Watertown, N. Y. Came to Utah July 28, 1847, Mormon Bat- talion. High Priest. Missionary among Indians. Interpreter. JESSE WALKER JOHNSTUN Born Jan. 21, 1820, in Ohio. Came to Utah July 28, 1847, Mormon Battalion. Presiding Elder Snyderville, Utah. Lum- berman. ALMA JAMES JOHNSTUN Son of Jesse Walker Johnstun and Eliza- beth Ann Snyder. Born July 23, 1853, Big Cottonwood, Utah. Settled at Vernal, 1878. High Priest. County Commissioner. 72 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 THOMAS KARREN Born 1810 on Isle of Man. Came to Utah July 28, 1847, Mormon Battalion Company. Missionary to Sandwich Islands. HYRUM KARREN Son of Thomas Karren, Sr., and Ann Rat- cliff. Born July 9, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Hauled rock for Salt Lake Temple. THOMAS S. KARREN Son of Hyrum Karren and Martha I/um- ley. Born Aug. 12, 1870, at Richmond. Utah. Missionary. High Councilor. AMASA KENNEY Son of Loren E. Kenney and Mary Tucker. Born April 9, 1857. AMASA KENNEY, JR. Son of Amasa Kenney and Canny Full- gren. Born March 9, 1877. SAMUEL MERRILL Born Sept.. 28, 1780, Sansbury, N. Y. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, James Broun CD. Patriarch. Member of Mormon Battalion. PHELEMON C. MERRILL Son of Samuel Merrill and Phoebe Odell. Born Xov. 12, 1820, Byron, N. Y. Came to Utah with Mormon Battalion. Patriarch JEDEDIAH GRANT MERRILL Born Dec. 14, 1857, Farmington, Utah. HARLEY MOWREY. (MOREY) > Born Aug. 9, 1822, Burrillville, near Provi- dence, R. I. Came to Utah July 27, 1847. Member Mormon Battalion. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 73 1 BPHRAIM JOHN PEARSON Born Oct. 28, 1825, Brookfiekl, N. Y. Came to I'tah July 29, 1847, with Co. B, Mor- mon Battalion. Farmer. BENJAMIN PKARSON Son of Ephraim John Pearson ami Nancy Ann Foutz. Born Nov. 29, 1857. WILLIAM BENJAMIN PEARSON Son of Benjamin Pearson and Sarah Kllis Hawley. Born May 30, 1882, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Auditor and Accountant. RULIAN VANCE PEARSON Sun of Benjamin Pearson and Sarah Ullis Hawley. Born July 12, 1886, Pleas- ant Grove, Utah. ALMA MATTISON PECK Son of Thorit Peck, who came to Utah with Co. C, Mormon Battalion, and Sarah Younir. Born Sept. 30, 1852, at Pleasant Grove, Utah. Mechanic. DAVID PETTEGREW Born July 29, 1791, at Chesterfield, Vt. Came to Utah in 1847, Co. E, Mormon Batt. Bishop 10th Ward, Salt Lake City. WILLIAM HELAMAN PETTEGREW Son of David Petteprrew and Caroline Cope. Born March 5, 1860, at Salt Lake City. Supt. Y. M. M. I. A., Juab Stake. WILLIAM' COOK PROWS. (PROUSE) Born June 11, 1827, in Indiana. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, Co. B, Mormon Bat- talion. High Priest. WILLIAM ALMA RICHARDSON Father of William Alma Richardson of (Slaterville) Ogden, Utah. 74 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 WILLIAM ALMA UICHAHDSON, JR. Son of William Alma Kichardson. THOMAS RICHARDSON Born Feb. 18, 1804, Manchester, Ens Came to Utah July 29, 1847, James Brown Company. High Priest. THOMAS RICHARDSON Son of Thomas Richardson and Mary M. Mallalu. Born April 9, 1844, Montrose, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1852. THOMAS IVES RICHARDSON Son of Thomas Richardson and Merab Stone. Born Nov. 30, 1865, Slaterville, Utah. Seventy. WILLIAM WALKER RUST Born AUK. 14, 1807, Danville, ~Vt. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, James Brown Co. Member Mormon Bat. Pres. Seventies. GEORGE SMITH RUST Son of William W. Rust and Mary T. Rand. Born Jan. 23, 1834, Lowell, Vt. Bishop of Loa Ward, Wayne Co., Utah. GEORGE B. RUST Son of George S. Rust and Eliza S. Brown. Born Oct. 31, 1856, Spanish Fork, Utah. High 1'riest. Sunday School Supt. JOHN STEELE Born March 21, 1821, at Holywood, Ire- land. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, Mor- mon Battalion Co. Mayor. Judge. MAHONRI MORIANCUMER STEELE Son of John Steele and Catherine Camp- bell. Born May 1, 1849, at Salt Lake City. Missionary. Capt in Nauvoo Legion. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 75 MAHONRI M. STEELE, JR. Son of Mahonri M. Steele and Emily Bunker. Born Feb. 2, 1870, at Toquervillo, Utah. Garfleld County Clerk and Recorder. WILLIAM WESLEY WILLIS Son of William Wesley Willis. Born May 14, 1846, Nashville, Lee County, Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1847, John Ne- beker Company. ELIHU M. ALLEN Born Oct. 5, 1835, Dryden, N. Y. Came to Utah AUK. 8, 1847, John Scott Company. Farmer and Elder. GEORGE DAVID BLACK Born Feb. 18, 1841, Copiah County, Miss. Came to Utah July 27, 1847. High Coun- cilor. Lieutenant Utah Militia. CHARLES JEFFERSON BLACK Son of George David Black and Mary Hunt. Born Nov. 24, 1866, Ogden, Utah. Bishop Le Grande Ward, Oregon. ELAM CHENEY Came to Utah July 29, 1847. His wife was Hannah Compton, married in Nau- voo. Daughter married Jas. Anderson, Sr. WILLIAM DECATUR KAHTCHNER Born May 4, 1820, Hartsford, Penn. Came to Utah in 1847, Emmett Company and Mormon Batt. Sunday School Supt. MARK- ELISHA KARTCHNER Son of William Decatur Kartchner and Margaret .lane Casteel. Born Dec. 10, 1853, San Bernardino, Cal. ZEMIRA PALMER Born Aug. 9, 1831. Came to Utah Aug. 2'J, 1847, Mormon Battalion. Teacher. Indian War Veteran. Farmer. 76 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 JOHN WESLEY TURNER Son of Henry Turner. Born Nov. 21 1832 Avon, N. Y. Came to Utah in July, 1847. Lives at Provo, Utah. Merchant. ERASTUS BINGHAM Born March 12, 1798, Concord, Essex Co., Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer Company. SANFORD BINGHAM Son of Erastus Binprham and Lueinda Gates. Born May 3, 1821, Concord, Essex Co., Vt. Bishop Hiverdale Ward ADAM ARAXTHON BINGHAM .Son of Sanford Binnham and Agnes Fife Born Nov. 14, 1865, Riverdale, Utah. Bishop Riverdale Ward EKASTUS BINGHAM, JR. Son of Krastus Bin^ham an:l Lucimla Gates. Born Sept. 30, 1822, St. Johns- bury, Vt. Member Co. B, Mormon Batt. ERASTUS PERRY BINGHAM Son of Erastus Binfjham, Jr., and Olive Hovey Freeman. Born March 20, 1846. I.a llarpe, Hancock Co., 111. Pres. Sevcmirs. I'KHRY ALANSON BINGHAM Son of Erastus Perry Bintfham and Eme- line Chastina Allen. Born April 8, 1871 Huntsville, Utah. Sunday School Supt WILLAR1) B1XGHAM Son of Krastus Bingham and Lucinda Gates. Born Feb. 19, 1830. PARLEY PRATT BINGHAM Son of Willard BinKham and Janet i : Born Dec. 30, 1859, Ogden, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 77 BRIGHAM HEBKR BINGHAM Son of Erastus Binsham ant] Lucinda Gates. Born Dec. 15, 1841. Bishop Wil- son Ward. Director Wilson Irrigation Co. BRIGHAM HEBER BINGHAM, JR. Son of Kri^ham Heber Bin^ham and An- Keline Therisia Aldous. Born Dec. 15, 1862, Lynne, Utah. Pres. 54th Quorum Seventies. HEBER RAYMOND BINGHAM Son of BriRham Heber BinKliam, Jr., and Catherine Rozilla Wilson. Born Nov. 20. 1884. EDWIN ALDOUS BINGHAM Chase. Born May 31, 1856, OKden, Utah. Seventy. JOSEPH FARR Son of Lorin Farr and Sarah Giles. Born AUK. 7, 1862, Ogden, Utah. Seventy. MARCUS FARR Son of Lorin Farr and Sarah Giles. Born April 2, 1856, O^den, Utah. Member OB- den Stake High Council. MARCUS BALLANTYNE FARR Son of Marcus Farr and Caroline J< sephine Ballantyne. Born April 11, 188i Ogden, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 LAERTUS FARR Son of Lorin Farr and Olive Ann Jones. Born Jan. 23, 1853. VALASCO FARR Son of Lorin Farr and Olive Ann Jones. Born AUK. 29, 1855, Ogden, Utah. Farmer and Fruitgrower. DAVID FARR Son of Lorin Farr and Olive Ann Jones. Born April 5, 1864, Ogden, Utah. Mer- chant. ASAHEL FARR Son of Lorin Farr and Olive Ann Jones. Horn Oct. 17, 1866, Ogden, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. ISAAC FARWELL FARR Son of Lorin Farr and Mary Bingham Snow. Born May 23, 1860, Ogden, Utah. Manager Ogden Flour Mill. LORENZO ERICKSON FARR Son of Lorin Farr and Nicholine Erickson. Born Oct. 25, 1858. Mining. JOHN FARR ion of Lorin Farr and Nicholine Erick- JOHN WILLIAM SMITH u of Silas Sanford Smith, Jr., and Betsy lliamson. Born July 26, 1886, at Ma- isa, Colorado. Pres. Elders' Quorum. FRANCIS L. WOODS Son of Francis Charles Woods and Evelyn Pratt (daughter Parley P. Pratt, who came to Utah 1847, and Agatha Walker). Born Aug. 7, 1874, Salt Lake City. JEHU BLACKBURN, JR. Son of Jehu Blackburn, who came to Utah Sept. 26, 1847, Capt. Nebeker Company, and Julia Ann Jameson. Born March 26, 1848, Salt Lake City. Indian War Vet'rn. STEPHEN CHIPMAN Born Aug. 8, 1805, Leeds County, Canada. 3ame to Utah Sept. 23, 1847, Abraham O. 3moot Co. Farmer and Stockraiser. WASHBURN CHIPMAN Son of Stephen Chipman and Amanda Washburn. Born April 16, 1829, Leeds County, Canada. Capt. in Nauvoo Legion. JAMES CHIPMAN Son of Stephen Chipman and Washburn. Mayor of Merchant and Banker. Amanda American Fork. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 WILLIAM HENRY CHIPMAN Born in 1834. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1847, A. O. Smoot Company. JOHN H. DEWEY Born Feb. 7, 1832, Little River, Mass. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1847, A. O. Smoot Company. Freighter ; Carpenter ; Miner. JOSEPH C. KINGSBURY Born May 2, 1812, Enfield, Conn. Came to Utah, "Sept. 29, 1847, A. O. Smoot Co, Bishop Second Ward Salt Lakfi. Patriarch ALFRED B. LAMBSON Born Aug. 27, 1820, Niagara County, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 18-17, Elijah E. Fuller Company. GEORGE B. MATSON Born Oct. 26, 1827, Centerville, Del. Came to Utah in October, 1847, A. O. Smoot Co. City Councilman at Springville, Utah. GEORGE BRINTON MATSON Son of George B. Matson and Mary .lane Guymon. Born Feb. 1, 1855, Springville, I 'tali. Merchant. WILLIAM MATSON Son of George Brinton Matson and Jane Elizabeth Waters. Born Aug. 11, 1880, Springville, Utah. Machinist. JOHN NEBEKER Born Aug. 1, 1813, at Newport, New- castle Co., Del. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, A. O. Smoot Company. WILLIAM PEHUY NEBEKER Son of John Nebeker and Laurena Fitz- gerald. Born Sept. 5, 1836, Kelly, Kutlei Co., Ohio. Member Terr, legislature. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 89 IRA NEBEKER Son of John Nebeker and Laurena Fitz- gerald. Born June 23, 183!, Vermilion, 111. Bishop of Laketown. FRANK K. NEBEKER Son of Ira Nebeker and Delia Lane. Born May 15, 1870, Laketown, Utah. Instruc- tor of Mathematics at B. Y. C. of Logan. A. O. SMOOT Born Feb. 17, 1815, in Owen Co., Ky. Came to Utali Sept. 24, 1847. In charge of the A. O. Smoot Company. Mayor Salt Lake. A. O. SMOOT, JR. Son of A. O. Smoot and Diana Eldredge. Born March 11, 1856, Sugar House, Utah. State Senator ; II. S. Commissioner. ISAAC ALBERT SMOOT Son of A. O. Smoot, Jr., and Electa Bul- lock. Born Nov. 3, 1880, Provo, Utah. Elder. Missionary to England. REED SMOOT Son of Abraham O. Smoot and Anna Ker- stina Morrison. Born, Jan. 10, 1862. U. S. Senator January 1903, to date. SAMUEL JONES ROLFE Born Aug. 26, 1793, Concord, New Hamp- shire. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, A. O. Smoot Co. Bishop at Winter Quarters. ROBERT- FRANKLIN TURNBOW Son of Samuel Turnbow, who came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, A. O. Smoot Co., and Sophia Hart. Born Dec. 11, 1840. JOHN VAN COTT Born Sept. 7, 1814, Canaan, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1847. Missionary. Mem- ber House of Representatives. Farmer. 90 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 FRANK VICTOR VAN COTT Son of John Van Cott and Laura Lund. Born Aug. 7, 1863, Salt Lake City. Ward Teacher ; Missionary to Samoan Islands. WALDEMAR VAN COTT Son of John Van Cott and Laura Lund. Born Dec. 11, 1859, Salt Lake City. Lawyer. THOMAS WARRICK, JR. Son of Thomas Warrick and Eliza Taylor. Born Dec. 2, 1849, South Cottonwood, Utah. High Priest. Farmer ; Stockman. \ JEREMIAH WOODBURY Born March 9, 1791, in Massachusetts. Came to Utah in 1847, A. O. Smoot Com- pany. Sunday School Superintendent. JOHN STILLMAN WOODBURY Son of .Jeremiah Woodbury and Elizabeth Bartlett. Born Nov. 20, 1825, New Salem, Mass. Came to Utah with father. JOHN MURDOCK Born July 15, 1792, Kortright, Delaware Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Capt. Wallace Co. First Bishop 14th Ward. GIDEON A. MURDOCK .Son of John Murdock and Electa Allen. Born AUK. 1. 1840, Lima, 111. Bishop of Joseph, Sevier Co., Utah. JOSEPH STACY MURDOCK Born June 26. 1822, Hamilton, N. Y. Came to Utah in September, 1847. Bishop in Wasatch Stake 1861. Indian War Veteran. JOHN HEBER MURDOCK Son of Joseph Stacy Murdock and Kliza Clark. Born April 28, 1854, Old Church Pasture, near Salt Lake City. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 91 JOSEPH THOMAS MURDOCK Son of Joseph Stacy Murdock and Eliza Clark. Born Dec. 15, 1855, near Bing- ham, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Rancher. ROBERT SMITHIES Son of James Smithies, who came to Utah in September, 1847, Geo. B. Wallace Co., and Nancy Knowles. Born Oct. 5, 1839, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1847. GEORGE B. WALLACE Born Feb. 16, 1817, Epsom, Merrimack Co., N. H. Came to Utah in September, 1847, with (his) the George B. Wallace Co. JOHN MILLS WOOLLEY Born Nov. 20, 1822 ; came to Utah Sept. 26, 1847, George B. Wallace Company. Bish- op's Counselor ; Bishop. Lumberman. ALBARONI HARRAR WOOLLEY Son of John Mills Woolley and Caroline P. Harrar. Born April 2, 1862, Salt Lake City. Bishop. Mgr. Grocery Dept., Z. C. M. I. THOMAS H. WOODBURY Born July 4, 1822, in Massachusetts. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, George B. Wallace Company. Postmaster at Grafton, Utah. THOMAS H. WOODBURY, JR. Son of Thomas H. Woodbury and Kath- erine R. Haskell. Born June 3, 1852, Salt Lake City. High Priest. PLEASANT SPRAGUE BRADFORD Born Feb. 2, 1843, Hancock County, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1847, Edward Hun- ter Company. Seventy. CHARLES UNION BRADFORD Son of Pleasant Sprague Bradford and Jane Jones. Born May 24, 1874, Spanish Fork, Utah. Miller. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 SYLVESTER BKAI >FORD Born Nov. 17, 1839, Switzerland County, Ind. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1847, Edward Hunter Company. High Priest. ROBERT JOHN BRADFORD Son of Sylvester Bradford and Mary Ann Jones. Born March 22, 1873. JACOB FOUTZ Born Nov. 20, 1800, Franklin County, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1847, Edward Hun- ter Company. Bishop South Fort, Utah. JACOB FOUTZ, JR. Son of Jacob Foutz and MarKaret Mann. Born Aug. 24, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah with father. High priest. DAVID FULLMER Born July 7, 1803, Chilisquaque, Northum- berland Co., Pa. Came to Utah 1847. Edward Hunter Company. Patriarch. EUGENE BKRTUAND FULLMER Son of David Fullmer and Rhoda Ann Marvin. Born May 3, 1833, Plymouth, Luzerne Co., Pa. High Priest. BENJAMIN FULLMER Son of Eugene Bertrand Fullmer and Sarah Jane Mitchell. Born May 4, 1872, at Salt Lake City. Bishop Alpine Ward 1907. CHARLES FULLMER Father of the wife of Alvin Ockerman Blackfoot, Idaho. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 93 ROBERT GARDNER Born March 12, 1781, Huston, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1847, Edward Hunter Company. ARCHIBALD GARDNER Son of Robert Gardner and Margaret Cal- inder. Born Sept. 2, 1814, Kilsyth, Scot- land. Bishop West Jordan Ward. Patri- arch. JAMES HAMILTON GARDNER Son of Archibald Gardner and Sarah Jane Hamilton. Born July 27, 1859, Mill Creek, I'tah. Bishop Lehi Ward. County Com- mtssloner. ANDREW BRUCE GARDNER Son of Archibald Gardner and Mary Lar- son. Born Feb. 5, 1874, West Jordan, Utah. Seventy. Constable. CLARENCE GARDNER Son of Archibald Gardner and Mary Lar- son. Born Nov. 6, 1875, West Jordan, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Vice-President Afton Commercial Club. ISAAC N. GOODALE iorn Feb. 6, 1815, Berkshire, Tioga Co., Y.. Came to Utah Sept. 1847. Elder, lissionary to Canada. Died at Ogden. NEWTON DAXIEL HALL Born March 12, 1819, Byron, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1847, Capt. Vincent Shurtliff Company. Seventy. Ward Teacher. Lived at Washington, Utah. CALVIN HALL Son of Newton Daniel Hall and Sarah Jane Busenbark. Born Aug. 6, 1865, Provi- dence, Utah. Blsh'op. Supt. Sunday School. Missionary. City Recorder. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 LEONARD E. HARRINGTON Born Jan. 7, 1816, New York. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1847, Eward Hunter Com- pany. Mayor of American Fork, Utah. DANIEL HARRINGTON Son of Leonard E. Harrington and Mary Jones. Born March 15, 1860, American Fork, Utah. Attorney-at-Law. FREDERICK HEATH Born May 1, 1833. Came to Utah Septem- ber, 1847, Capt. Hunter Company. Pioneer IrriRator. Indian War Veteran. Settled at Old Fort Square. FREDERICK GEORGE HEATH Son of Frederick Heath and Harriett But- cher. Born AUK. 23, 1856, Salt Lake City. EnKaKed in Real Estate and Loans. Farmer and Contractor. FREDERICK JOHN HEATH Son of Frederick George Heath and Hen- rietta Hairh. Born Sept. 1, 1883. JOHN FRANKLIN HEATH Son of Frederick Heath and Harriett But- cher. Born Aug. 6, 1858, Salt Lake City. Road Supervisor flve years. Builder and owner of Salt Palace. . FRANCIS I). HEATH Son of Frederick Heath and Harriett But- cher. Born AUK. 15, 1876; Salt Lake City. Watchman, Supt. and MKT. Salt Palace Resort. Farmer. HENRY HEATH Came to Utah 1847, Edward Hunter Company. HENRY F. HEATH Son of Thomas Heath, who came to I'tah September, 1847, Capt. Youns Company, and Sarah Foster. Born July 28, 1866, Salt Lake City. Supt. Parks. Carpenter. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 95 JOSEPH SMITH HORNE Son of Joseph Home, who came to Utah Oct. 5, 1847, Edward Hunter Company, anil Mary Isabella Hales. Born May 14, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Bishop 2d' Ward, Rich- field. JAMES HARVEY MANGUM Son of James Mitchell Mangum, who came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, and Eliza Jane Clark. Born Nov. 29, 1847, Salt Lake City. Elder. Worked on St. George Temple. W. LESTER MANGUM Son of James Harvey Mangum and Amy Lorette Bigler. Born Nov. 27, 1873, Nephi, Utah. Associated with Mining, Smelting, Railroad, Land and Livestock Enterprises. ISAAC LANEY Born Dec. 19, 1815, Simpson County, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Capt. Hunter Company. Pres. of Seventies. - , WILLIAM PARK Born Oct. 26, 1805, Camslang, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Edward Hunter Company. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. ANDREW DUNCAN PARK Son of William Park and Jane Duncan. Born March 24, 1845, Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Edward Hunter Com- pany. High Priest. EDWIN PETTIT Born Feb. 16, 1834, Hempstead, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Edward Hunter Company. One of Brigham Young's Guards. WILLIAM KELSEY RICE Son of Ira Rice, who came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Edward Hunter Company, and Minerva Saxton. Born Oct. 27, 1822, Man- chester, Ontario Co., N. Y. OSCAR NORTH RICE Son of Ira Rice and Sarah Harrington. Born Oct. 19, 1835, Michigan. Indian Wan Veteran. 96 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 OSCAR FRANKLIN RICE Son of Oscar North Rice and Jane Clarissa Miller. Born March 17, 1870, Providence, rtah. Bishop. GEORGE RUFUS STEWART Born July 29, 1827, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Came to Utah September, 1847. Resided at Og- den, Utah. URBAN VAN STEWART Born Nov. 9, 1817, Overton, Tenn. Came to Utah September, 1847. High Priest. Presiding Elder. JOHN R. STEWART Son of Urban Van Stewart and Ellen Adams. Born Aug. 27, 1873, Beaver, Utah. Member of the Wayne Stake Presidency. JOHN ANTHONY WOOLF Born July 31, 1805. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1847, Edward Hunter Company. Pres. of Seventies. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN ANTHONY WOOLF, JR. Son of John Anthony Woolf and Sarah Ann Devoe. Born Feb. 27, 1843, Pelham, Westchester Co., N. Y. Bishop. Mayor. Postmaster. J. W. WOOLF Son of John Anthony Woolf, Jr. Land ami Irrigation. JAMES WOOLF ALBERT MOWRY BAKER Born Oct. 3, 1833, 1'omfret, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Made two trips across plains for immigrants. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 GEORGE WASHINGTON BAKER Son of Simon Baker, who came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company, and Mercy Young. "Born Sept. 9, 1837, I'omfret, N. Y. First Mayor of Mention. GEORGE WASHINGTON BAKER, JR. Son of George Washington Baker and Agnes Richards. Born Oct. 9, 1862, Men- don, Utah. Physician. JOSEPH BAKER Son of Simon Baker, who came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company, and Mercy Young. Born Aug. 15, 1839, Montrose, Lee Co., Iowa. Coroner. e JESSE MERRIT BAKER Son of Joseph Baker and Lucy A. Pack. Born Nov. 11, 1861, Mendon, Utah. High Councilor. Farmer and Merchant. ISAAC CHASE Born Dec. 12, 1791, Little Compton, TCng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Built flrst mill and ground flrst flour in Utah. GEORGE OGUKN CHASE Son of Isaac Chase and Phoebe Ogden. Born March 11, 1832, Sparta, Livingston Co., N. Y. High Priest. Organized North Ogden Sunday School. FRANK LESLEY CHASE Son of George O. Chase and Josephine streeper. Born Nov. 8, 1865, Centerville, Utah. Elder. Postmaster. Farmer. Re- sides at Centerville. CHARLES CRISMON Born Dec. 25, 1807, Christian County, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Built flrst Gristmill in Utah, 1848. GKORGE CRISMON Son of Charles Crismon and Mary Hill. Pioneer Railroad Builder. Miner. 98 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 CHARLES CRISMON, JR. Son of Charles Crlsmon and Mary Hill. Born June 14, 1844, Macedonia, 111. Pio- neer Railroad Builder. Miner. JOHN JACKSON EWING Son of Samuel Ewing, who came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company, and Esther Shaffer. Born May 12, 1835, Lancaster County, Pa. Indian War Vet. JOHN BOYLSTON FAIRBANKS Born April 28, 1817, Sandy Hill, N. Y. Came to Utah September, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Bishop Payson Ward. JEDEDIAH MORGAN GRANT Born Feb. 21, 1816, Windsor, Broome Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, his own Company. First Mayor of Salt Lake City. JOSEPH HYRUM GRANT Son of Jedediah Morgan Grant and Susan Noble Fairchild. Born Oct. 17, 1853, Salt Lake City. President Davis Stake. HEBER .TEDDY GRANT Son of Jedediah Morgan Grant and Rachel Ridgeway Ivans. Born Nov. 22, 1856, Salt Lake City. Member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. President of Heber J. Grant & Company, Insurance. JOSHUA FREDERICK GRANT Born July 24, 1818, Steuben County, N. Y. Came to Utah 1847. Youngest Missionary to Southern States. JOSHUA FREDERICK GRANT, JR. Son of Joshua Frederick Grant and Louiw Marie Goulay. Born April 19, 1856, Woods Cross, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 99 JAMES HENDRICKS Born June, 1808, Franklin, Ky. Came to ! Utah 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Bishop 19th Ward, Salt Lake City. WILLIAM DORRIS HENDRICKS Son of James Hendricks and Drusilla Dor- ris. Born Nov. 6, 1829, Franklin, Ky. Came to Utah 1847, Mormon Battalion. Pres. Oneida Stake. BRIGHAM ANDRUS HENuRICKS Son of William Dorris Hend ricks and Mary Jane Andrus. Born Nov. 27, 1857, Salt Lake City. Councilor in Presidency Benson Stake. GEORGE B. HENDRICKS Son of Brigham Andrus Hendricks and Mary Rebecca Stoddard. Born Nov. 25, 1881, Lewiston, Utah. Member Faculty Utah Agricultural College. JOSEPH SMITH HENDRICKS Son of James Hendricks and Drusilla Dor- ris. Born March 23, 1838, Farr West, Caldwell Co., Mo. Bishop's Counselor. JUEL J. HENDRICKS Son of Joseph Smith Hendricks and Lu- c-inda Bess. JACOB HOUTZ Came to Utah in 1847 with Jedediah M. Grant Company: DANIEL D. HOUTZ Son of Jacob Houtz and BriilRet Daly. Born March 11, 1859, Salt Lake City. At- torney - at - Law. Prosecuting Attorney Tooele County. 100 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 SIMPSON DAVID HUFFAKER Born July 23, 1812, Wayne County, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Co. Pres. 7th Quorum Seventies. LEWIS ALBERT HUFFAKER Son of Simpson David Huffaker and Susan Green Robinson. Born March 19, 1841, Bureau County, III. Came to Utah with Father. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE LEAVITT Born Aug. 29, 1828, Sherbrooke County, Quebec, Can. Came to Utah October, 1847, Bates Noble Company. High Priest. Farmer. JOSEPH WIRE LEAVITT Son of George Leavitt and Nanoy Minerva Karl. Born Nov. 14, 1859, Centerville, Utah. Farmer. Carpenter. Dairyman. PRIDDY MEEKS Born Aug. 29, 4895, Greenville, S. C. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Physician and Surgeon. JOSEPH MEEKS. Son of Priddy Meeks and Mary Jane Me- Cleve. Born Dec. 13, 1857, Parowan, Utah. Bishop's Counselor, Circleville Ward. Pro- bation Officer, Piute County. JESSE SIMPSON MOLEN Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Farmer. FRANCIS M. MOLKX Resided at Idaho Falls, Idaho. MICHAEL w. MOLEN Son of Jesse Molen, who came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, and Lurania Huffaker. Born Jan. 15, 1842, Camp Creek, Bureau Co., 111. Bish- op's Counselor. Director Manti Temple, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 101 .MICHAEL KENXETH MOLEN Son of Michael W. Molen and Eunice L. Lowry. Born April 15, 1882, Ferron, Utah. Elder. Railroad Contractor. JOSEPH B. NOBLE Born Jan. 14. 1810, EsTemont, Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Performed First Plural Marriage in L. D. S. Church, Nauvoo, 111. WILLAKD SNOW Horn May 6, 1811, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1847, Ira Eldredge Company. Member State Legislature. WILLARD LYCURGUS SXOW Son of Willard Snow and Melvina Harvey. Born March 8, 1842, Lee County, Iowa. Lives at Draper, Utah. FRANK M. SNOW Son of Willard L. Snow and Flora L. Mousley. Born Nov. 30, 1876. Lives at Turner, Idaho. Bishop of Turner Ward. Sunday School Supt. CHARLES SPERRY Born June 30, 1829, Mecca, Trumbull Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Bishop. Counselor. Sheriff of Juab County. HARRISON SPERRY Born March 24, 1832, Mecca, Trumbull Co., 'Mo. Came to Utah October, 1847, Jede- liah M. Grant Company. Bishop. Patri- irch. Member City Council. Farmer. JAMES WYLIB THOMAS Born Sept. 7, 1834, Dallas County, Ala. Came to Utah September, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. City Councilman. City Marshal. Seventy. JOHX VANCE Horn Nov. 8. 1794, Tennessee. Came to Utah 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. HiRh Councilor. Ward Clerk. Pioneer to St. George. 102 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 CHARLES NORTHROP WOODARD Son of Jedediah Woodard and Emily Nortlirop. Born Sept. 15, 1827, Baneston, Franklin Co., Mass. Came to Utah 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. Seventy. CHARLES NORTHROP WOODARD Son of Charles Northrop Woodard and Margaret Ann Malin. Born Aug. 3, 1857, Salt Lake City. Seventy. Farmer. Lived at Kamas, Utah. HARVEY CLARK Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich Company. JASON EDWARD CLARK Son of Harvey Clark and Lois Haws. Bovr. Sept. 21, 182, Salem, Utah. Stockralser. ORVILLE SOUTHERLAND COX Born Nov. 27, 1815, South Plymouth, Che- nango Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 23, 1847, Charles C. Rich Company. Bishop Bountiful Ward. DELAUN MILLS COX Son of Orville Southerland Cox and El- vira Pamelia Wills. Born March 24, 1850, Manti, Utah. High Priest. Farmer and Horticulturist. THOMAS GROVKR Born July 22, 1807, Whitehall, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1847, Charles C. Rich Company. High Councilor. WALTER L. GROVER Son of Thomas Grover and Elizabeth Walker. Born Dec. 25, 1860. Farmington, Utah. Bishop Garland Ward. HENRY A. GROVER Son of Thomas Grover and Emma Walker. Born April 12, 1862, Farmington, Utah. President 113th Quorum Seventies. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 103 ALBERT I. GROVER Son of Thomas Grover and Emma Walker Born June 7, 1874, Farmington, Utah. NATHAN TANNER PORTER Son of Sanford Porter and Nancy Warri- ner. Born July 10, 1820, Vermont. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich Company. Pioneer to Centerville. Farmer. - WARRINER AHAZ PORTER Son of Chauncy Warriner Porter and Lydia Ann Cook. Born May 20, 1848, Florence, Neb. High Priest. JOHN PRESIDENT PORTER Son of Sanford Porter and Nancy Warri- ner. Born July 28, 1818, Plymouth, Oneida Co., N. Y. Pioneer Road and Canal Builder. JOSEPH RICH PORTER Son of John President Porter and Nancy Rich. Born March 29, 1844, Charleston, Lee Co., Iowa. Bishop of Porterville Ward 1877-97. SANFORD PORTER, JR. Son of Sanford Porter and Nancy Warri- ner. Born June 25, 1823, Vienna, Trum- bull Co., Ohio. Member Mormon Battalion. SANFORD MARIUS PORTER Son of Sanford Porter, Jr., and Emma Ensign. Born Aug. 5, 1855, Centerville, ! av ' s Co., Utah. Member Snownake Stake High Council. Farmer and Stockraiser. LYMAN WIGHT PORTER Son of Sanford .Porter and Nancy Warri- ner. Born May 5, 1833. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich Company. Early Settler at Porterville. Farmer. JOSEPH RICH Born April 16, 1786, Maryland. Came to Utah 1847, Charles C. Rich Company. High Priest. Patriarch. 104 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 CHARLES COULSON KICK Son of Joseph Rich and Nancy O'Neil. Born Aug. 21, 1809, Campbell County, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, with his own, the Charles C. Rich Company. CHARLES COULSON RICH, JR. Son of Charles Coulson Rich anil Sarah Dearmon Pea. Born Sept. 8, 1844, Nau- voo, 111. Came to Utah 1847. Elder. County Attorney. Merchant. CHARLES COULSON RICH, III. Son of Charles Coulson Rich and Jane Su- sanna Stock. Born July 26, 1866, Paris. Idaho. JOSEPH EDWIN RICH Son of Charles Coulson Rich and Jane Su- sanna Stock. Born Feb. 13, 1870, Paris, Idaho. Elder. Ward Teacher. Farmer. Merchant. BENJAMIN E. RICH Son of Charles Coulson Rich and Sarah Dearmon Pea. Born Nov. 27, 1857, Salt Lake City. Pres. Southern States Mission 1897-07 ; Eastern States, 1907. BENJAMIN LEROY HIGH Son of Benjamin E. Rich and Diana Far Born Oct. 18, 1878, Ogden, Utah. Lawyer, WILLIAM LYMAN RICH Son of Charles Coulson Hich and Mary A. Phelps. Born AUK. 9, 1852, San Bernar- dino, Cal. Mayor of Paris, Idaho. Idaho State Senator, WILLIAM LAFAYETTE RICH Son of William Lyman Rich and Ella Amelia Pomeroy. Horn June 17, 1878, Mnntpelirr, Idaho. Health Officer at Gar- land, Utah, Physician, AM ASA MASON RICH Son of Charles Coulson Rich and Mary Ann Phelps. Born Oct. 25, 1856, San Bernardino, Cal. Seventy. Sheriff Bear Lake County. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 105 EDWARD ISRAEL RICH Son of Charles C. Rich anrl Mary Ann I'liclps. Born April 9, 1868, Paris, Idaho. 1'hysieian and Surgeon. Lives at Ogden, i Utah. HEBER CHARLES CHASE RICH Son of Charles C. Rich and Emeline Grover. Born Aug. 8, 1863, Centervillo, Utah. Missionary to Southern States 1886- 88. High Councilor. GEORGE Q. RICH Son of Charles C. Rich and Emeline Gro- ver. Born March 17, 1869, Paris, Idaho. Attorney-at-Law. MAHCUS I>E LAFAYETTE SHEPHERD Son of Samuel Shepherd, who came to Hah October, 1847, and Roxanna Ray. Born Oct. 10, 1824, Willoushby, Ohio. :ame to Utah 1849. Bishop. Mayor. ALEXANDER MORAIN SHOEMAKER Born July 8, 1813, Pendelton County, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich Company. Member School of Prophets. EDWARD STEVENSON Born May 1, 1820, on Rock of Gibraltar. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich Company. High Priest. ALPHONZO WINGET Son of Cyrus Winget, Sr., and Catharine Hnlft. Born Jan. 5, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1847, with father, in Charles C. Rich Company. JOHN BENNION Born 1823, Hawarden, Flintshire, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1847, John Taylor Company. Farmer and Stockraiser. SAMUEL ROBERTS BENNION Son of John Bennion and Esther XVain- wriKht. Born Nov. 10, 1842, Nauvoo, 111 President Uinta Stake. 106 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 DAVID BENNION Son of John Bennion and Esther Birch. Born Feb. 1, 1865, Vernal, Utah. Bishop Vernal Second Ward. Mayor of Vernal. SAMUEL, BRINGHURST Born Dec. 21, 1812, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1847, John Taylor Company. Wheelwright and Farmer. , WILLIAM A. BRINGHURST Son of Samuel Bringhurst and Eleanor Beitler. Born Jan. 26, 1839, Lyonville, Chester Co., Pa. Bishop Toquerville Ward. WILLIAM BRINGHURST Born Nov. 8, 1818, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1847, John Taylor Com- pany. Bishop Springville Ward. Director Provo W r oolen Mills. JOHN FRANK BRINGHURST Son of William Bringhurst and Ann Dil- wortii. Born Dec. 13, 1861, Springville, Utah. Bishop at Springville. JOSEPH CAIN Born Nov. 5, 1822, Douglas, Isle of Man. Came to Utah September, 1847, John Tay- lor Company. Postmaster at Salt Lake City. Editor Deseret News. GEORGE Q. CANNON Born Jan. 11, 1827, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah 1847, John Taylor Company. Counselor in Mormon Church Presidency Editor Deseret News. DAVID H. CANNON Son of George Q. Cannon and Elizabeth Iloagland. Born April 14, 1872, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Soran, Silesia, Ger- many, 1891, where he died. ABRAHAM H. CANNON Son of George Q. Cannon and Elizabeth Hoapriand. Member Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 107 JOSEPH JENNB CANNON Son of George Q. Cannon and Sarah Jenne. Born May 22, 1877, Salt Lake City. Mis- sionary to England and Sweden 1899-04. Member Legislature. WILLIAM T. CANNON Son of George Q. Cannon and Eliza Ten- ney. Born Sept. 5, 1870, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Netherlands 1899-01. Phy- sician and Surgeon. BRIGHAM T. CANNON Son of George Q. Cannon and Martha Telle. Born Aug. 3, 1874, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Germany 1895-98. Seventy. Real Estate Investment. WILLARD T. CANNON Son of George Q. Cannon and Martha Telle. Civil Engineer. DAVID FAIRBANKS Born March 14, 1810, Peru, Bennington Co., Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1847, John Taylor Company. Bishop 1st Ward, Salt Lake City. JOSEPH WARREN FAIRBANKS Son of David Fairbanks and Susan Man- derville. Born Jan. 2, 1856, Payson, Utah. Bishop Annabella. GEORGE E. LITTLE Son of Edwin 3. Little and Harriet Amelia Decker (Hanks). Born Aug. 6, 1844. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1847, with his mother. JOHN LOWRT Born Aug. 10, 1799, Nashville, Tenn. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1847, John Taylor Com- pany. Bishop of 2d Ward, Salt Lake City, 1849. 108 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH-1847 ^ cr, A-X f JOHN LOWRY, JR. Son of John Lowry and Marv Wilcox. Born Jan. 31, 1829, Lewis County, Mo. Came to Utah 1847, Capt. Hunter Oxteam Company. Mormon Battalion Paymaster. THOMAS MACKAY Born July 23, 1810, Belfast, Ireland. Came to Utah September, 1847, John Taylor Company. School Trustee. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN MACKAY Son of Thomas Mackay and Ann Rodders. Born March 18, 1834, Isle of Man. HiKh Priest. Freighter, Farmer and Stockraisi r. JOHN CALDER MACKAY Son of John Mackay and Isabella Calder. Born Nov. 30, 1857, Salt Lake City. Coun- ty Commissioner several terms. Farmer. DANIEL MACKAY Son of Thomas Mackay and Sarah Franks. Born Sept. 15, 1868, Taylorsville, Utah. Stockraiser. JAMES OAKLEY Son of Ezra Oakley, who came to Utah Sept. 30, 1847, John Taylor Company, and Elizabeth DeGroot. JOHN PARK Born May 11, 1802, Kent, near Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1847, John Taylor Company. Elder. Veteran Echo Canyon War. JOSEPH S. PARK Son of John Park and Louisa Smith. Born Aug. 1, 1852, Prove, Utah. High Priest. Gardener Courthouse Grounds. Farmer. JOHN S. PARK Son of John Park and Louisa Smith. Born Dec. 30, 1849, Provo, Utah. Member Elder Quorum. Constable and Justice of the Peace. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 109 STILLMAN POND Born Oct. 26, 1803, Worcester County, Macs. Came to Utah 1847, John Taylor Company. Presiding High Priest at Rich- mond. Indian War Veteran. BRIGHAM POXD Son of Stillman Pond and Abigail Thorn. Born June 9, 1853, Salt Lake City. LEWIS S. POND Son of Stillman Pond and Abigail Thorn. Born Dec. 25, 1854. Stake President. County Commissioner. MARTIN POND s<>n of Stillman Pond and Abigail Thorn. :Horn May 21, 1862, Richmond, Utah. JOHN QUAYLE Born Junfe 24, 1801, Ramsay, Isle of Man. Came to Utah in September, 1847, John Taylor Company. Lived at Salt Lake City. THOMAS QUAYLE Son of John Quayle and Catherine Killip. Born 1835, Isle of Man. Came to Utah September, 1847, John Taylor Company. JUSTUS AZAEL SEELY orn Nov. 17, 1779, Connecticut. Came > Utah September, 1847, John Taylor ompany. High Priest. Built first Cooper hop in Salt Lake City. WILLIAM STEWART SEELY Son of Justice Azel Seely and Mehitable Burnett. Born May 18, 1812, in Connec- ticut. Came to Utah 1847, John Taylor Company. JUSTUS WELLINGTON SEELY Son of Justus Azael Seely and Mehitable Bennett. Born Jan. 30, 1815, Pickering. Can. Came to Utah September, 1847, City Councilman. 110 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 ORANGE SEELT Son of Justus Wellington Seely and Cla- rissa Jane Wilcox. Born Feb. 20, 1843, Nashville, Iowa. Bishop. Pres. Mt. Pleasant Town Board. DON CARLOS SEELY Son of Justus Wellington Seely and Cla- rissa Jane Wilcox. Born Jan. 4, 1846, Iowa. Elder. Deputy Sneriff and Jailer. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN H. SEELY Son of Justus Wellington Seely and Cla- rissa Jane Wilcox. Born Apr. 29, 1855. San Bernardino, Cal. Mayor. State Sen- ator. Farmer. ROBERT SWEETEN Born Dec. 14, 1840, Brook, Ontario, Can. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1847, John Taylor Company. Seventy. Mayor two terms. Farmer. JOHN TAYLOR Born Nov. 1, 1808, Milnthorpe, near Lake Windemere, Westmoreland, Eng. Captain of a company of immigrants arriving Oct. 5, 1847. Third President of the Church of J. C. of L. D. S. H. E. TAYLOR Son of John Taylor, Ogden, Utah. JOHN W. TAYLOR Son of John Taylor and Leonora Cannon. Born Dec\ 17, 1834, Newham Buildings, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1863, Thomas Ricks Company. High Priest. R. R. Con- tractor. Plumber. WILLIAM TAYLOR Son of John W. Taylor and Mary Young. Born Feb. 22, 1873, Ogden, Utah. Ward Teacher. Warehouse Foreman for Den- ver & Rio Grande R. R, Co. at Ogden. PARSHALL I'ETEH TERRY Born Aug. 29, 1832, Upper Canada. Cam to Utah Sept 24, 1847, Brigham Youn Co. Seventy. Missionary to Dixie 186'J 61. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 111 SAMUEL ALONZO WHITNEY Horn Nov. 10, 1840, Palmyra, Union Co., Ohio. Came to Utah in September, 1847, .John Taylor Company. JOHN HENRY WILCOX Born Feb. 14, 1824, Arkansas. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, John Taylor Com- pany. Early Settler Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Farmer. JAMES HENRY WILCOX Son of John Henry Wilcox and Sarah Seeley. Born Nov. 10, 1855, North Ogden, Utah. Member 91st Quorum Seventies. Missionary 1897-99. JOSHUA THOMAS WILLIS Rorn Dec. 12, 1818, Gallatin County, 111. 'ame to Utah 1847, John Taylor Com- >any. Bishop of Toquerville Ward, Utah. Sheriff. MERRILL E. WILLIS Son of Joshua T. Willis and Sarah Mellisa Dodge. Born Jan. 28, 1851, Provo, Utah. High Priest. Seventy. President of Y. M. M. I. A. Indian Fighter. HORACE MARTIN ALEXANDER Born Feb. 15, 1812, Montgomery County, Va. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1847. Cor- poral in Mormon Battalion. Contractor and Builder. Farmer. WILLIAM DENTON ALEXANDER 3n . of Horace Martin Alexander and atherine Houston. Born Dec. 4, 1851, 't Lake City. Missionary. Contractor id Builder. ELIJAH ALLEN Son of Andrew Lee Allen and Clarlmla Knapp. Born Feb. 7, 1826, Burton, N. Y. Member Co. B, Mormon Battalion 1847. Home, Ft. Herriman, Utah. JOSEPH SMITH ALLEN Son of Elijah Allen and Ann Bickmore. Born Oct. 20, 1863, Ft. Herriman, Utah. Missionary. Member Bishopric. Com- missioner Cache County. 112 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 LORENZO BABCOCK Son of Adolphus Babcock and Jerusha Jane Howley. Came to Utah with Co. C, Mormon Battalion. Settlement Guard in Indian Wars. WILLIAM HENRY BABCOCK Son of Adolphus Babcock, who came to Utah 1847, and Jerusha Jane Rowley. Born July 15, 1848, Salt Lake City. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. JOHN HENRY BARNKY Son of Walter Barney and Susan Zabris- kie. Born March 20, 18511, Kphraim, Utah. Farmer anil Stockraiser. EBENEZER BROWN Born Dec. 6, 1802. Came to Utah with Mormon Battalion. 2d Sergeant Co. A, Mormon Battalion. JOSEPH GUERNSEY BROWN Son of Ebenezer Brown and Ann Weaver. Born Nov. 8, 1824, New York. Bishop's Counselor. JOHN FRANKLIN BROWN Son of Joseph Guernsey Brown and Lo- vina Manhart. Born Oct. 11, 1858, Draper, Utah. Mayor of Kanab. Lawyer. JOHN (M.) BYBKK Came to Utah with Mormon Battalion. Lived at Ogden, Utah. WILLIAM WALLACE CASPER Born March 12, 1821, Richland, Ohk Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1847, Ephrair Hanks Company, Contingent Mormon Bat talion. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 113 WILLIAM NEPHI CASPER Sun of William Wallace Casper and Sarah Ann Bean. Born Nov. 10, 1848, Mill Creek, Utah. President 96th Quorum of the Seventies. Farmer. JAMKS MORONI CASPER Son of William Wallace Casper and Sarah Ann Bean. Born Feb. 28, 1853, Mill Creek, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN DARWIN CHASR Born AUK. 10, 1815, Bristol, Vt. Came to Utah 1847, Mormon Battalion. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. PHILANDER COLTON Rorn Oct. 11, 1811, Clarence Hollow, N. Y. 'ame to Utah in 1847. Member Co. B, Mormon Battalion, George P. Cook Com- iany. Mason, Plasterer, Brick Maker. BYRON OLIVER COLTON Son of Philander Colton and Polly Merrill. Born Nov. 29, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Elder. Sunday School Secretary. County Clerk and Recorder. BYRON OWEN COLTON Son of Byron Oliver Colton and Sarah Maria Smith. Born Feb. 15, 1882, Provo, Utah. Bishop of Maeser Ward. Pres. Y. M. M. I. A. County Surveyor. STERLING DRIGGS COLTON >on of Aaron Benjamin Cherry and Mar- 'aret Yelton. Born Jan. 13, 1834, Pen- leton County, Ky. JOHN JAMES "CHERRY, JR. Son of John James Cherry and Laura Bratton. Born Oct. 16, 1857, Centerville, Utah. EBENEZER GRIFFIN CHERRY Born in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1847. Farmer. JOSEPH CHERRY iii <>f Ebenezer Griffin Cherry and Mary > hum-way. Born 1865, Utah. ERASTUS CURTIS Son of Uriah Curtis, who came to Utah 1847, and Phoebe Martin. Born May 15, 1828, Georgetown, Ohio. JOHN SOLOMON CURTIS Son of Erastus Curtis and Joanna Price Fullmer. Born April 19, 1863, Moroni, Utah. High Priest Farmer and Stockman. 120 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 GEORGE PRESTON DAVIS Came to Utah 1847. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. ZACHARIAH WISE DERRICK Born March 1, 1814, Heysham, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1847. JAMES DIAMOND Born June 22, 1833, Crossland, County Kerry, Ireland. Came to Utah 1847, Inde- pendent Company. Did first plowing at Manti. LEONARD LORUS DIAMOND Son of James Diamond and Mary Ann Burton. Born May 21, 1875, Sprinsville, Utah. ALFRED CHARLES FORD Born Sept. 28, 1833, Tipton, Staffordshire Eng. Came to Utah 1847. REVILO FULLER Born Oct. 8, 1843, Winclham, Greene Co. N. Y. Came to Utah 1847. ALPHONZO GREEN Born July 8, 1810, Brookfleld, N. Y. Came to Utah 1847. ALVA ALPHONZO GREEN Son of Alphonzo Green and Betsey Mur- dock. Seventy. Farmer and Stockraiser. C. B. HANCOCK Born 1823, Columbus, Ohio. Came t Utah 1847 with an Independent Compan\ Second Bishop of Payson, Utah. Farmei Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 121 C. B. HANCOCK, JR. Son of C. B. Hancock and Samantha Raw- son. Born Jan. 1, 1851. GEORGE W. HEDGES Born June 20, 1842, Surrey, Eng. to Utah 1847. Musician. Came JOSEPH LELAND HEYWOOD Trustee in Trust at Xauvoo, 111. First V. S. Marshal Utah. Commissioner to es- tablish Territorial Boundary. Postmaster Territory West of Missouri River. B. B. HEYWOOD Son of Joseph Leland Heywood. Stockman. 1'nited States Marshal. Hotelkeeper. An acknowledged "Prince" of Friendship. ARCHIBALD N. HILL Son of Alexander Hill and Elizabeth Cur- ry. Born Aug. 20, 1816, Johnstown, Ren- frewshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1847, A. O. Smoot Company. WILLIAM T. HOPKINS Father of the wife of Moses Thatcher, Jr. H. B. JACOBS Pioneer 1847 HENRY CHAHITON JACOBS Son of H. B. Jacobs. He was born on the Chariton River in Iowa on the way from Nauvoo to Winter Quarters. Bishop Ogden, Utah. SAMUEL LANE JONES Born April 14, 1828, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah 1847. 122 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 WILLIAM MILLER Son of Eleazer Miller and Rebecca Rath- bone. Born June 10, 1832. Came to Utah 1847. High Priest. Farmer and Freighter. WILLIAM PERRY MILLER Son of William Miller and Margaret Nei- baur. Born Jan. 7, 1860, at Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. CHARLES FRANKLIN MIDDLETON Pioneer 1847. One of the First Settlers at Ogden. Counselor to President of Weber Stake. ISAAC MORLEY Born March 11, 1786, Montague, Mass. Came to Utah 1847. Patriarch. First settler of Manti, Utah. RICHARD SMITH NORWOOD Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1847. ALMA PRATT Brother of Orson Pratt. Farmer and Road Builder. PKTER XEBEKER Relative of W. S. Mason of Riverside, WILLIAM RHODES Pioneer, Discoverer and Explorer of Rhodes Valley and Discoverer of Gold in Eastern Utah. GEORGE F. RICHARDS Member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 123 VINCENT SHURTLEFF Born May 14, 1814. Came to Utah 1847. Missionary to England 1851 ; School Trus- tee in Mill Creek. Farmer ; Stockraiser. HARRISON TUTTLE SHURTLEFF Son of Vincent Shurtleff and Elizabeth Loomls. Born Jan. 1, 1841, Russell, Mass. Member of the Constitutional Convention in 1895. HARRISON SMITH SHURTLEFF Son of Harrison Tuttle Shurtleff and Nel- lie Smith. Born Dec. 7, 1867. LEVEN SIMMONS Born Feb. 1, 1812, Mead County, Ky. Came to Utah, 1847, Capt. Cowell Oxteam Company. Indian War Veteran. Served in Echo Canyon War. J. D. SKEEN Resides at Ogden, Utah. AMMON SIMMONS Son of Leven Simmons and Harriet Brad- ford. Born in 1860. Resides at Spanish Fork, Utah. LYMAN SKEEN Ogden, Utah. JOSEPH SKEEN Came to Utah 1847. Ogden, Utah. DANIEL SMITH Came to Utah 1847. Lived at Uinta Weber County, Utah. 124 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847 THOMAS S. SMITH tori' at tj e I f Thomas Abb tt of Farming- NATHANIAL SMITH Came to Utah 1847. CORAL SPAULDING Son of Ira Spauldinj,', the son of Ira N. fepauldins, who came to Utah 1847, and Rebecca Stimson. Born Aug. 31, 1881, Uinta, Utah. Machinist. THOMAS SPEIRS mT V&'.r 14 ' 1804 ' in Scotl anrn July 3, 1806, Rutford County, Ten- ssee. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, righam Young Company. Bishop of >anish Fork 1852-56. Postmaster. HARVEY ALEXANDER PACE Son of William Pace and Margaret Nich- ols. Born Oct. 12, 1833, Murfreesboro, Rutford Co., Tenn. Came to Utah in 1848. Justice of Peace. WILLIAM H. PACE, JR. Son of William H. Pace and Hannah God- dard. Born April 7, 1875, New Harmony, Utah. Treasurer of Emery County. Sher- iff of Emery County. 136 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 JOHN HARDISON PACE Son of Harvey Alexander Pace and Eliza- beth Ann Redd. Born Nov. 1, 1856. Mem- ber Price Town Board. JAMES FRANKLIN PACE Son of Harvey Alexander Pace and Eliza- beth Redd. Born April 30, 1858, Spanish Fork, Utah. High Priest ; President Y. M. M. I. A. ; Superintendent Sunday School. HENRY A. PACE Son of James F. Pace and Mary E. Mathis Born Aug. 23, 1884, New Harmony, Utah Stake Sunday School Superintendent President Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. HENRY A. PACE Son of Harvey A. Pace and Susan E. Keel. Born April 22, 1877. WILLIAM WINES PHELPS Born Feb. 17, 1792, Hanover, Morris Co., N. J. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1848, Brig- ham Young Company. Speaker, House of Legislature. HENRY ENON PHELPS Son of William Wines Phelps and Sail: Waterman. Born Oct. 31, 1828, Canan daigua, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848. Mem ber of Historian's Omce. Merchant. JOSHUA ALMA PHELPS Son of Henry Enon Phelps and Mary Catherine Micklejohn. Born Sept. 10, 1879. JOEL RICKS Born Feb. 18, 1804, Trigg County, Ky. Came to Utah September, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Treasurer of Cache County. THOMAS E. RICKS Son of Joel Ricks and Eleanor Mart" Born July 21, 1828, Trigg County, K President Fremont Stake. Founder Rict Academy, Rexburg, Idaho. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 137 THOMAS E. RICKS, JR. Son of Thomas E. Ricks Snd Tabitha Hen- Iric-ks. Born Dec. 3, 1855, Centerville, t'tah. Bishop 1st Ward, Rexburg, Idaho. Mayor of Rexburg. ROBERT SNYDER Born March 5, 1810. Came to Utah in 1848, Brigham Young Company. High Priest. Gardener. ROBERT A. SNYDER Son of Robert Snyder and Almeda Melissa Ltvermore. Born March 23, 1854, Payson, Utah. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. School Trustee. D. O. RIDEOUT State Senator ; Member of the Legislature several terms. Draper, Utah. JUDSON LYMAX STODDARD Born April 13, 1823, Bastard, Canada. Came to Utah in 1848, Brigham Young Company. Black Hawk Indian War Vet- eran. County Attorney 1858. JUDSON LYMAN STODDARD, JR. Son of Judson Lyman Stoddard and Rhoda Chase. Born May 22, 1849, Salt Lake City. Lives at Farmington, Utah. Farmer. JUDSON TOLMAN ' Horn July 14, 1826, Kennebec County, laine. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Bri- nam Young Company. Bishop Chesterfield JUDSON A. TOLMAN Son of Judson Tolman and Sarah L. Hoi- brook. Born Feb. 25, 1850, Tooele, Utah. Bishop Chesterfield Ward. Patriarch. Member Nauvoo Legion. JESSE TURPIN Born June 22, 1816, Stewart County, Tenn. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brig- ham Young Company. Seventy. Harness Maker. 138 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 STEPHEN W. TAYLOR Born Dec. 25, 1835, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1848, Brigham Young Company. High Priest. Indian War Vet. HANMER D. TAYLOR Son of Stephen W. Taylor and Harriet ELIAS VAN FLEET Born in 1839, Livingston County, N. Y. Came to Utah in October, 1848, Brighain Young Company. President 74th Quorum Seventies. Lieutenant in Indian War. JOHN A. WAITE Born April 16, 1838, Cincinnati, Greene Co., Ind. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1848, Brigham Young Company. High Priest. DANIEL HANMER WELLS Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young Company. Member first Presidency Church Jesus Christ L. D. S. RULON SEYMOUR WELLS Son of Daniel Hanmer Wells and Louis Free. Born July 7, 1854, Salt Lake City One of seven Presidents of Seventies. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS Born in Georgia. Came to Utah in 1848. Brigham Young Company. Counselor to Bishop Blackburn of Provo, Utah. Coun- ty Sheriff. NATHANIEL WILLIAMS Son of Alexander Williams and Isabell Gill. Born Feb. 26, 1835, Galland Point, near Nauvoo, 111. Pioneer Sawmill and Lumberman. WILLIAM ALVAH WILLIAMS Son of Nathaniel Williams and Eliza Helen Wall. Born Dec. 9, 1869, Provo, Utah. Missionary to Sandwich Islands; Bishop's Counselor. Plumber. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 139 DANIEL WOOD 'ame to Utah in 1848, Brigham Young 'ompany. The founder of Wood's Cross, itah. DANIEL C. WOOD Son of Daniel Wood and Peninah S. Cot- ton. Born Jan. 27, 1847. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1868. EDWIN DILWORTH WOOLLEY Born June 28, 1807, Chester County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1848 with Brigham Young Company. SAMUEL WICKERSHAM WOOLLEY in of Edwin Dilworth Woolley and Mary "ickersham. Born April 2, 1840, Nauvoo. 1. Came to Utah 1848, Brigham Young ompany. Patriarch. SAMUEL EDWIN WOOLLEY Son of Samuel W. Woolley and Maria An- gell. Born Oct. 22, 1859, at Salt Lake City. President Hawaiian Mission 1895- 1902; President Y. M. M. I. A., Tooele. HORACE WICKERSHAM WOOLLEY Son of Samuel Wickersham Woolley and Maria Angel. Born Dec. 9, 1864, Grants- ville, Utah. High Councilor. Farmer, Stockraiser and Sheepman. KDWIN DILWORTH WOOLLEY, JR. >n of Edwin Dilworth Woolley and Mary 'ickersham Woolley. Born April 30, 1845, auvoo, 111. President Kanah Stake. WILLIAM BURTON The father of Robert Taylor Burton. ROBERT TAYLOR BURTON Born Oct. 25, 1821, Amhurstburg, Ontario, Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Capt. Allen Division of Brigham Young Company. Member Nauvoo Legion. 140 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 WILLIAM SHIPLEY BURTON Son of Robert Taylor Burton and Mariah Haven. Born Sept. 27, 1850, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. County Sheriff. GERMAN ELLSWORTH, JR. Son of German Ellsworth and Experience Brown. Born Sept. 27, 1848, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. City Council- man. Farmer and Fruitgrower. GERMAN EDGAR ELLSWORTH Son of German Ellsworth, Jr., and Chris tena Parsons. Born Oct. 12, 1871, Payson Utah. President Northern States Mission Chicago, 111. ABSALOM PENNINGTON FREE Came to Utah in September, 1848, Cap- tain Allen's Company. Farmer. J. S. FREE Son of Absalom Pennington Free and Zina Hicks. Born Oct. 17, 1868. Mining En- gineer. GEORGE WASHINGTON PERKINS Son of Absalom Perkins and Nancy Mar- tin. Born May 1, 1836, Macedonia, 111. Came to Utah with father in Captain Al- len Taylor's Company. WILLIAM LEWIS PERKINS Son of Absalom Perkins, who came to Utah in 1848, Allen Taylor Company, and Nancy Martin. Born June 18, 1819, White County, Tenn. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1850. President of Seventies. Missionary. GEORGE CARLOS PERKINS Son of William Lewis Perkins and Mar Ann Brown. Born May 15, 1845, Hancoc Co., 111. Came to Utah in 1850. Sunda School Superintendent. Seventy. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 141 WILLIAM THOMAS PERKINS ton of William Lewis Perkins and Mary _nn Brown. Born April 12, 1848, Pot- awattamie County, Iowa. Sheriff; Coun- y Commissioner. Ward Teacher. JAMES BURCH Son of Daniel Burch, who came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow Company, and Ann Wilson McClellan. Born Dec. 10, 1835, Cincinnati, Ohio. WILLIAM BURCH Son of Daniel Burch and Ann Wilson Mc- Clellan. Born July 4, 1832. >*"' ROBERT McCLELLAN BURCH Son of Daniel Burch and Ann Wilson Mc- Clellan. Born April 21, 1838, Hamilton County, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847. High Priest. Farmer and Stock- raiser. EZRA CHASE Born Feb. 4, 1796, in Massachusetts. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow Company. Farmer. ENOCH COVET i>n of Benjamin Covey, who came to ;tah Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow Com- iny, and Almira Mack. Born Aug. 26, 37, Caldwell County, Mo. WILLIAM BENJAMIN COVEY Son of Enoch Covey and Janett Carruth Young. Born July 12, 1867, Salt Lake City. Director Covey Investment Com- pany. Farmer. HTRUM COVEY Son of Benjamin Covey and Almira Mack. Born Aug. 6, 1843, in Illinois. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow Co. 142 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 WILLIAM DAVIS Born Sept. 12, 1795, Union, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Came to Utah in 1848, Lorenzo Snow Co. Bishop Brigham City 1851. OLIVER F. DAVIS Son of William Davis and Christina E. Fosgren. Born Jan. 2, 1859, Brigham City, Utah. City Councilman at Brigham City. GEORGE WILLIAM DAVIS Son of William Davis and Christina El reka Fosgren. Born July 15, 1861, Brit ham City, Utah. Bishop Avon Ward. GILBERTH HAWS Born March 10, 1801, in Kentucky. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Lorenzo Snow- Company. Black Hawk Indian War Vet. AMOS WHITCOMB HAWS Son of Gilberth Haws and Hannah Whit- comb. Born July 10, 1833, Greentown, Wayne Co., 111. High Priest. ALBERT A. HAWS Son of Gilberth Haws and Hannah Whii comb. Born Feb. 15, 1837, Wayne Count: 111. Came to Utah in 1848, Lorenzo Sno Company. Seventy. GEORGE WASHINGTON HAWS Son of Gilberth Haws and Hannah Whit- comb. Born March 12, 1841, Wayne Coun- ty, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Lo- renzo Snow Company. Farmer. JOHN MADISON HAWS Son of Gilberth Haws and Hannah Whit- comb. Born March 24, 1847, Wayne County, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Lorenzo Snow Company, Bishop. GILBERTH OLIVER HAWS Son of Gilberth Haws and Hannah Whi comb. Born Oct. 8, 1849, Provo, Uta Seventy. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 143 J. S. HOUTZ Son of Christian Houtz, who came to Utah : Sept. 22, 1848, Lorenzo Snow Company, 'and Susan Pawling. Born in 1833, in , Pennsylvania. Came to Utah with father. PHILIP HOUTZ Son of Christian Houtz and Susan Pawl- ing. Born Sept. 13, 1838, Harrison Coun- ty, Pa. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. PHILIP EDWARD HOUTZ Son of Philip Houtz and Sarah Jane Hall. Born Sept. 23, 1865, Springville, Utah. Seventy. City Recorder. THOMAS JENKINS 3orn Sept. 18, 1829, Herefordshire, Eng. ,'ame to Utah Sept. 22, 1848, Lorenzo inow Company. Bishop of 4th Ward. pity Councilman. EDWARD ELMER JENKINS Son of Thomas Jenkins and Mahala El- mer. Born Nov. 25, 1873, Salt Lake City. High Priest. Member firm, Ashton & Jenkins. AUSTIN S. MERRILL Born in 1805 in Massachusetts. Came to Utah in 1848, Lorenzo Snow Company. 4T> SOLYMAN S. MERRILL m of Austin S. Merrill and Laura W. arris. Born in 1840, Will County, 111. muteman in Indian troubles. JOHN SHAW Born June 30, 1790, Bridgewater, Wind- sor Co., Vt. Carrie to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow Company. Ogden, Utah. MYRTILLO SHAW Son of John Shaw and Polly Maria Fox. Born Aug. 1, 1814, Victor N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848. 144 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 JOHN SHAW Son of Myrtillo Shaw and Harriet Orilla Austin. Born Feb. 17, 1850, Salt Lake City. MYRTILLO SHAW. JR. Son of Myrtillo Shaw and Harriet Orilla Austin. Born March 29, 1858, Ogden, Utah. City Councilman. Missionary. Merchant ; Manufacturer. AMBROSE SHAW Son of John Shaw and Polly Maria F< Born Sept. 12, 1824, Victor, Ontario C N. Y. Came to Utah in September, 18< Lived at Ogden. AMBROSE AMOS SHAW Son of Ambrose Shaw and Minerva Pease Stone. Born Nov. 4, 1875, Ogden, Utah. Engaged in the Coal Business at Ogden. WILLIAM SHAW Son of John Shaw and Polly Maria Fox. Born Sept. 8, 1826, Bennington, N. Y. Farmer. Lived at Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. WILLIAM D. SHAW Son of William Shaw and Diana Ch8 Born May 15, 1855, O-.len, Utah. 8 enty ; Missionary ; Ward Teacher ; Sum School Superintendent. Merchant. JOHN 1'. SQUIRE Born March 30, 1824, in Ohio. Came to IT tab in 1848, Lorenzo Snow Company. Seventy. School Teacher. Farmer. JOHN P. SQUIRE Son of John P. Squire and Adelia Demill. Born Oct. 9, 1856, Manti, Utah. Farmer. Lives at Mantl, Utah. CHARLES PORTER SQUIRES Born March 22, 1827, Newbury, Gea ' Co., Ohio. Came to Utah in 1848, Lor< 1 Snow Company. Missionary to Eas! 1 States ; High Councilor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 145 I>AV11> .\IKRKELL SQUIRES on of Charles Porter Squires and Sarah 'eters. Horn Nov. 18, 185H, Brigham City, 'tah. I-lish Priest. Lives at Brisham ity, Utah. LORENZO SNOW Eorn April 3, 1814, Mantua. Ohio. Came to Utah in 1848, Captain of his own Com- pany. President of the Church uf Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. LESLIE W1LFORL) WOODRUFF SNOW Son of Lorenzo Snow and Phoebe Wood- ruff. Born Feb. 6, 1862, Salt Lake City. President Salt Lake Co. Medical Society. Physician and Surgeon. J AMI'S Q. POWKLL -\'v. 7, 1807. in Pennsylvania. Came [ah in 1848. Xrra Pulsipher Company. ;> and Cattle Raiser. THADDEUS POWELL Son of .lames Q. Powell and Mary .lane Cooper. Born Sept. 30, 1S54, Sail Lake County, Utah. City Councilman. Director Lehi Commercial and Sa\ Ings Bank. 7.EKA PULSIPHER Born June 24, 1789, in Vermont. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1848, own company. Member HUh Council. Seventy. own City Councilman. CHARLES PULSIPHER 11 <>f /.era Pulsipher and Mary Brown, in April 20, 1830, in Onnmlaga County, i. Bishop of Huntingdon Ward; Pa- arch. Constable. Carpenter; Farmer. 10 THOMAS L. WHITTLE Born May 21, 1812. in Upper Canada. Came to Utah in 1848, Zera Pulsipher Company. Bishop's Counselor. CYRIL CALL Born June 2, 1785, Woodstock, Vt. Came to Utah in 184'J. 146 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 ANSON CALL Son of Cyril Call and Sally Tiffany. Born May 13, 1810, Fletcher, Franklin Co., Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1848. Councilor in Presidency of Davis Stake. ANSON VASCO CALL Son of Anson Call and Mary Flint. July 9, 1834. ANSON VASCO CALL, JR. Born Son of Anson Vasco Call and Charlotte Holbrook. Born May 23, 1855, Willard, Utah. Counselor in Presidency of Afton Stake. Mayor. JOSEPH H. CALL Son of Anson Vasco Call and Charlotte Holbrook. Born Feb. 23, 1857. ADOLPHUS ALVIN CALL Son of Anson Vasco Call, Jr., and Alice Jeanette Farnhara. Born Feb. 28, 1879, Bountiful, Utah. ISRAEL CALL Son of Anson Call and Ann Mariah Bower Born July 2, 1854, Fillmore, Utah. Higl Councilor in Little Colorado Stake. Post master. OMER CALL Son of Cyril Call and Sally Tiffany. Born Jan. 9, 1834, Madison Ohio. Twin of Homer Call. JUSTIN D. CALL Son of Omer Call and Eleanor Jones. Born April 6, 1868, Willard, Utah. Prin- cipal Juab Stake Academy. HOMER CALL Son of Cyril Call and Sally Tiffany. Bor Jan. 9, 1834, Madison, Ohio. Farmer an Stockralser. Twin of Omer Call. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 147 HOMER CHARLES CALL Son of Homer Call and Nancy Merrill Born Nov. 30, 1859, Willard, Utah Rancher. JOSIAH CALL Son of Homer Call and Nancy Merrill. Born April 18, 18*2, Willard, Utah. Coun- cilor in Presidency of Rigby Stake. JAMES BEAN Born March 3, 1804, Christian County, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1848, Daniel Miller Company. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. GEORGE WASHINGTON BEAN Son of James Bean and Elizabeth Lewis. Born April 1, 1831, Wade County, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant Company. LEO ALBERT BEAN Son of George Washington Bean and Mary Jane Wall. Born Sept. 1, 1861, Provo, Utah. High Councilor. City Marshal. VIRGINIUS BEAN Son of George Washington Bean and Mary Jane Wall. Born July 21, 1872, Provo, Utah. Bishop 2nd Ward, Richfield, Utah. Farmer. JAMES ADDISON BEAN on of James Bean and Elizabeth Lewis, iorn March 11, 1834, Adams County, 111. ndian War Veteran. Farmer; Freighter. JAMES WILLIAM BEAN Son of James Addison Bean and Harriet Catherine Fausett. Born Nov. 19, 1853. Provo, Utah. High Councilor. Book- keeper and Accountant. DANIEL NEWELL DRAKE Born June 22, 1819, in New York. Came to Utah in 1848, Daniel Miller Company. Klder. 148 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH--1848 DANIEL N. DRAKE Son of Daniel Newell Drake and Hannah Kempton. Born in 1853, Ogden, Utah. Elder. SIDNEY B. KENT Born Aug. 21, 1828, Portage County, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1848, Daniel Miller Company. High Priest. Captain of Mi- litia of Davis County. WILLIAM RILEY KENT Son of Sidney B. Kent and Mary M. D;il. >-. Born March 23, 1855, Bountiful, I'tah. Wider ; Ward Teacher. StocUraiser. OKOHGK MORRIS Born AUK. 23, 1816, Manchester, Kng. Came to I'tah Sept. 22, 1848. GEORGE V. MORRIS Son of George Morris and Hannah M. Xewburry. JOSEPH AUGUSTINE PECK Son of Martin H. Peck, who came to Utal in 1848, BriKham Young Company, an Si-san Cluff. Born in April, 1830, in Val mont. High Priest. Blacksmith. JOHN SMITH Son of Hyrum Sivith and Jerusha Bar- den. Born Sept. 22, 1832. Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S., succeeding father and grandfather. JOSEPH FIELDING SMITH Son of Hyrum Smith and Mary Fielding. Bom Nov. 13, 1838, Far West, Caldwell Co., Mo. Came to Utah Sept. 23. 1848. President Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. HYIU'M MACK SMITH Son of Joseph Fielding Smith and I'M: Lambson. Born March 21, 1872. Memfc of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 149 DANIEL ARNOLD MILLER Born AUK. 11, 1809. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1848. Captain of his own Company. High Priest ; Bishop of Kanesville, Iowa. JACOB MILLER Son of Daniel Arnold Miller and Clarissa Fond. Born Dec. 9, 1835, Quincy, Adams Co., 111. Patriarch ; High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. JACOB FRANKLIN MILLER Son of Jacob Miller and Helen Mar Cheney. Born Dec. 10, 1856, Farminsjton, Utah. President 40th Quorum Seventies. Professor of History in B. Y. C. DANIKL G. MILLER Sun of Daniel Arnold Miller and Hanah Bigler. Born May 2!t, 1859, Farmintton. Utah. Bishop of Parker Ward 1902-10 ; President Yellowstone Stake. REUBEN MILLER Born Sept. 4, 1811, Lancaster, Pa. Came to Utah 1849. Bishop Mill Creek Ward. County Commissioner. REUBEN PAULKY MILLER Son of Reuben Miller and Rhoda Ann Letts. Horn Dec. 22, 1844, Beech Creek, LaSalle Co., 111. Came to Utah 1848. Member Nauvoo Lesion. Called by Presi- dent Lincoln to guard mail route. URIAH GKORGE .MILLER Son of Reuben Parley Miller anil Margaret Gardner. Born Nov. 28, 1874. Mill Creek, I tab. Bishop Murray 1st Ward. Pres. ana Mgr. Utah Products Co. at Murray. JAMES AXDRUS Son of Milo Andrus and Abigail Jane Daley. Born June 14, 1835, Florence. Ohio. Came to Utah in 1848. Bishop of St. George Ward ; High Councilor. MILO ANDRUS Born March 6, 1814, Hartford, Conn. Came to Utah in September, 1850. Captain Inde- pendent Company. Bishop ; Missionary. Farmer. 150 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1843 LARON A. ANDRUS Son of Milo Andrus and Adaline Alexan- der. Born Jan. 27, 1853, Holliday, Utah. Sunday School Superintendent ; Bishop's Counselor. MANSFIELD ANDRUS Son of Milo Andrus and Margaret Ann Boyce. Born March 4, 1866, West Jordan, Utah. Bishop ; Superintendent Sunday Schools at Lodi, 1895. WILLIAM BEAL Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. JOHN ALMA BEAL Son of William Beal and Clarissa Allen. Born at Parma, Ohio. Seventy. Indian Fighter. Farmer. IRA ALLEN BEAL Son of John Alma Beal and Lavina Esther DeMill. Born June 13, 1862, Manti, Utah. High Priest. President Emery Town Board. NEWELL KNIGHT BEAL Son of John Alma Beal and Lavina Esth DeMill. Born April 1, 1867, Manti, Ut Bishop Ferron Ward. Farmer ; Apiaris "-. JOHN MILTON BERNHISEL Born July 23, 1799, Sandy Hill, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kim- ball Company. First Territorial Represen- tative to United States Congress. JOHN MILTON BERNHISEL Son of John Milton Bernhisel and Julia Ann Haight. Born Dec. 21, 1846, Winter Quarters, Iowa. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. JOSEPH HENRY BYINGTON Born Jan. 25, 1829, Theffleld, Ohio. Cam' to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Heber C. Kimbal Company. Seventy. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 151 JAMES HENRY BYINGTON Son of Joseph Henry Byington and Han- lah Holland. Born April 4, 1865, Ogden, "tali. Bishop's Counselor. Sunday School Superintendent, Lava Ward. SAMUEL CLARK Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Tanner. JOSEPH CLARK Son of Samuel Clark and Rebecca Garner. Born April 26, 1828, in Clinton County, Ohio. Bishop's Counselor. Member Mor- mon Battalion. Farmer. JOSEPH CLARK, JR. m of Joseph Clark and Sarah Jane Top- im. Born Oct. 23, 1850, Prove, Utah, dian War Veteran. Farmer. THOMAS COLBORN Born Aug. 3, 1801, in Wayne County, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848, Heber C. Kim- ball Company. High Priest. Farmer. PETER W. CONOVER (COWNOVER) Born Sept. 19, 1807 Woodford County, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Colonel In Black Hawk Indian War. CHAUNCEY HARVEY COOK rn Nov. 26, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. Came to in Sept 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball upany. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer 1 Stockraiser. JEHU COX Born Sept. 5, 1803, Knox County, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Bishop's Counselor. Road Supervisor. ELIAS COX Son of Jehu Cox and Sarah Pyle. Born Jan. 15, 1835, Putnam County, Ind. Bish- op Huntington Ward. Indian War Veteran. 152 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 JAMES DUNCAN Born May 1, 1794, in Robertson County, Term. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Farmer. EIAVARD P. DUZETT Came to Utah Scjit. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Drummer in Nauvoo Lewion. Teacher. EDWARD HAN'MER DUZKTT Son of Edward P. I 'uzett ami Maiy Ad; line Evving. Born Jan. 1, 1861, at Sa Lake City. Farmer anO Stockra:.-i r ; Me chant. ELIAS HARVEY GARDNER Son of Walter A. and Martha A. Gardner, who came to Utah in 1848, Heber C. Kim- hall Company. Horn I'ee. 5. 1855, 1'ayson, Utah. Carpenter; Farmer. HKRVEY GREEN Born Dec. 4, 1806. in New York. Came to Utah in 1848, Heber C. Kimball Co. AMMUN GRKEN Son of Hervey Green and Sally Ann !'i> ard. Born April 22. 1833. Ka\v Ten- ship, Jackson Co., Mo. Superintem Sunday Schools ; Missionary. Constabl ALMA HELAMAN HA1.IC Came to Utah in 1848. Early settler, flr.'.t at Grantsville, then at Smithtiekl ; later moving to Logan. ALMA HELAMAN IIAMC. .11!. Son of Alma Helaman Hale and Elizabeth Walker. Born Dec. 16, 1867. Oneida Stake Clerk : Stake President Y. M. M. I. A. ; High Councilor. Et>GAR DANIEL T-1ALK Born Jan. 3, 1868, Grantville. Utah. . day School Superintendent ; Secretary ders Quorum. Justice of Peace. Far: and Sheepman. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 153 AUTIU'K WILJ.AHI) HALE Sun of Alma Helaman Hale and Ellen V. Clark. Born July 3, 1871, Grantsville, Utah. Pivsiili-rt Y. M. M. I. A. Grovelantl Ward, Idaho ; Ward Teacher. JOHNATHAX II. HALE Son of Alma Helaman Hale and Sarah Ann Clark. Burn AUK. 10, 1875, Grants- villr, Utah. Sunday School Superinten- dent ; Stake Supt. Y. II. M. I. A. Farmer. ERNEST FREDERICK HALE Son of Alma Helaman Hale and Sarah A. Clark. Born Sept. 4, 1863, Grantsville, Utah. Bishop Cleveland Ward. Founder and President Cleveland Co-op. AKUET C. HALE Korn AUK. 17, 1869, Grantsx ille, Utah. .Member of Bishopric, Mound Valley, Ida- 1)", also of Stake Sunday School Board. AROET LUCIUS HALE Born May 18, 1828, Dover, N. H. Came to Utah, in September, 1848, with Heber C. Kimball Company. Member first Bishop- ric Grantsville, Utah. AROET LUCIUS HALE, JR. Son of Aroet Lucius Hale and (Hive Whit- tle. Born June 6, 1850, Salt Lake City. Pioneer to Bear Lake \alley 1869, and to Star Valley 1885. AIJOICT LUCIUS HALE III. Son of Aroet Lucius Hale, .Jr., and Kliza Ann Lee. Born I'.ec. 20, 1870, Liberty, Idaho. Lives at Afton, Wyo. BENJAMIN WALTER HALE Son of Aroet Lucius Hale and Charloltc Cook Born Nov. 20, 1874, Grantsville Utah. Missionary to S. W. States. Home Afton, Wyo. MIIKKIS .1. IIAI.K Son of Aroet Lucius Hale and Charlotte Cook. Horn May 19, 1879, Grantsville, Utah. Mayor of Afton, Wyo. Farmer ; Stockraiser. 154 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 SOLOMON H. HALE Son of Jonathan Harriman Hale and Olive Boynton. Born April 20, 1839, Quincy, 111. Came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kimball Com- pany. Councilor in Presidency of Oneida Stake. JESSE P. HARMON Born Aug. 11, 1795, Rupert, Bennington Co., Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Pres. llth Quorum Seventies. APPLETON MILO HARMON Son of Jesse P. Harmon and Anna Barnes Born May 29, 1820, Conneaut, Pa. Gamete Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young Com pany. Indian War Veteran. JESSE MARTIN HARMON Son of Appleton Milo Harmon and Elmeda Stringham. Born July 19, 1868, Toquer- ville, Utah. President Utah Timber & Coal Company. ANSIL PERCE HARMON Son of Jesse P. Harmon and Anna Barnes. Born April 5, 1832, Conneaut, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Com- pany. High Priest. WILLIAM HARRIS Born June 8, 1836, Williamson Coun Tenn. Came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kt ball Company. City Councilman. CHARLES ZERA HARRIS Son of William Harris and Emeline Whit- tle. Born March 9, 1864, Richmond, Utah. Rounder and owner Peoples Mercantile Co. Richmond. JOHN CHESTER HITCHCOCK Born March 3, 1832, Warsaw, Genesee Co., N. Y. Came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kim- ball Company. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM HENRY HITCHCOCK Son of John C. Hitchcock and Petrea Jen sen. Born May 26, 1870, Spring City, Utah Bishop of Clawson. County Road Com missioner. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 155 CHARLES WESLEY HUBBARD ! irn Feb. 7, 1810, Sheffield, Mass. Came ; Utah 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. !rst Bishop of Willard 1851-56. JAMES WILLARD HUBBARD Son of Charles W. Hubbard and Sophia Pollard. Born Feb. 12, 1861, Willard, Utah. Bishop Bench Ward ; High Councilor. THOMAS E. JONES Born April 5, 1811, Bishop's Frome, Here- fordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. High Priest. JOSEPH WILFORD JONES !n of Thomas E. Jones and Jane Nelson. !>rn Aug. 27, 1864, West Weber, Utah, shop; Superintendent Sunday Schools. JOSEPH THOMAS JONES Son of Joseph Wilford Jones and Harriet A. Robinson. Born Nov. 18, 1887. WILLIAM PARSONS JONES Born Aug. 20, 1837, Bosbery, Hereford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Fall 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Bishop. Member of Utah Militia. JAMES F. JONES " of, William Parsons Jones and Eliza- Shaw. Born Jan. 18, 1869, South t r w^ tah ' Sunday School Superinten- GEORGE MAYER Born in 1805. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Patriarch. Farmer. JOHN S. LOTT Came to Utah in 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. High Priest. Sheriff of Utah County. Indian War Veteran ; took part in Echo Canyon Trouble. 1,56 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 ALBERT MILES Born Jan. 22, 1812. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1848. HeberC. Kimball Company. Seventy. Mernler of Nam oo Legion. Indian War Veteran. 'EDWIN RUTHVEN MILKS yon of Albert Miles and Maria Veits. Born May 25, 1838, Parkman, GeanKa Co., Ohio. High Priest; Pres. 17th Quorum. Seven- ties. EDWIN RUTHVEN MILKS, .IK. Son of Edwin Kuthven Miles and .liinr Ku Wakefield. Born Oct. 3, 1858, Utah. Hi>h 1st Ward, SmithfioH. Merchant. Bank. JAMES WILLEY NORTON Born AUK. 6, 1822, Wayne County, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 24. 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Se\ enty. Minuteman. Sheriff. LEAXDER P. NORTON Son of James Willey Norton and Nancy Hammer. Born Feb. 17, 1S58. Lehi, Utah. WILLIAM GEORGE PETTKY Son of Albert Pettey and Catherine I' ley. He and his father came in I't Se'pt. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Co. was born Sept. 3, 1831, Henry Coun Tenn. Bishop. HKBEK C. KIMBALL PKTTKY Born Dec. 2!l, 184(1, Missouri. Came in Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. Seventy. JOSEPH HENRY PKTTY Born June 12, 1848, Loop Fork, Neb. Came to Utah 1848. Bishop's Counselor. Me- chanic. 1IKXRY ROPER Born Feb. !, 1836, Tornton Bridge, Linen shire, Kng. Came to Utah Sept. 21. l> Heber C. Kimball Company. HiRh Pn> Indian War Veteran. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 157 THl'HSTON SIMPSON irn Dec. 11, 1808, Norway. Came to Utah 48 Heber C. Kimball Company. Seventy, 'irmer. JOHN S^.IPSON Son of Thurston Simpson and Mary Sophia Barlln. Born in Lee County, Iowa. Came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company. HiKh Priest. JOHX A. WARNER Son of John K. Warner, who came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kimball Company, and Eunice B. Billings. Born Oct. 24, 1852, Manti, Utah. ALVAH ALEXANDER >rn March 12, 1799, Acworth, N. II. me to Utah Oct. 3, 1852, Harmon Cutler mpany. Farmer. HENRY SAMl LL ALEXANDER Son of Alvab Alexander and Phoebe Hous- ton. Born July 12, 1823, Washington County, Vt. Came to Utah September, 1848, Llvlng8ton-Kimba.il Company. Patriarch. ALVAH J. ALEXANDER Son of Alvah Alexander ami Phoebe Hous- ton. Born Sept. 21, 1831, Northfield, Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852, Harmon Cutler Company. i la^ fe_ ALVAH ALEXANDER n of Alvah J. Alexander and Elizabeth 'ule. Born June 11, 1858. WILLIAM ANDREW BILLS Born Aug. 5. 1835, Pittsburgh, I'a. Came to Utah September, 1848. Bishop South Jordan Ward. GORDON SILAS BILLS Son of William Andrew Bills and Emeline Beckstead. Born March 18, 1854, West Jordan, Utah. Bishop Riverton Ward. 158 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 WILLIAM F. CAHOON Born Nov. 7, 1813, Harpersfield, Ohio. Came to Utah September, 1848. High Priest ; Missionary. Carpenter. DUDLEY CHASE Born May 22, 1835, Livingston County, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1848. Coun- selor in Bishopric of Harrisville Ward. GEORGE CURTIS Born Oct. 27, 1823, Oakland, Mich, Cai to Utah Oct. 7, 1848. High Priest. Mel her Building Committee PaysonTabernac CARSON C. DRAPER Son of Zemira Draper, who came to Utah September, 1848, and Amy Terry. Born Jan. 29, 1865, Rockville, Utah. Assistant Sunday School Superintendent. JOSEPH FIELDING Born 1817, Honiton, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1848. Pres. first Elders who went to England on Missions. WILLIAM HAWS Born at Mt. Pisgah, Iowa. Came to Uti September, 1848, with Oxteam Compan Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Fanni ABRAHAM HUNSAKER Born Nov. 29, 1812, Jonesboro, Union Co., 111. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1848, Andrew Cunningham Company. Bishop. ALLEN C. HUNSAKER Son of Abraham Hunsaker and Eliza Col- lins. Born July 9, 1840, Pacin, Adams Co., 111. Presiding Elder. WILLIAM HENRY ADAMS Born June 4, 1817, Dover, Kentshire, En Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1848, Willard Ric ards Company. Stonemason. One of thr first Settlers at Pleasant Grove, Utah, 185 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 159 V WILLIAM HENRY ADAMS, JR. ion of William Henry Adams and Martha lennings. Born June 26, Dover, Eng. Came u Utah 1848. Farmer. JOHN SOLOMON FULLMER Born July 21, 1807, Luzerne County, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1848, Willard Rich- ards Company. High Priest. WILLIAM PRICE FULLMER Son of John Solomon Fullmer and Mary Ann Price. Born May 27, 1849, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. WILLIAM PRICE FULLMER, JR. on of William Price Fullmer and Maria ane Curtis. Born Nov. 10, 1871, Spring- He, Utah. Bishop Wallsburg Ward. JAMES DICKENS FULLMER Son of James Dickens Fullmer and Mary Ann Babcock. Born Sept. 19, 1875, Anna- bella, Sevier Co., Utah. Teacher. Farmer. EZEKIEL LEE Born Nov. 8, 1795, Chesterfield, Mass. Came to Utah October, 1848. Bishop Holliday Ward. One of first Physicians to practice in Utah. ORRIN STRONG LEE on of Ezekiel Lee and Elizabeth Strong, lorn Dec. 7, 1835. Walker and Black Hawk idian War Veteran. Bishop's Counselor. JOSEPH W;ARREN LEE Son of Orrin Strong Lee and Sally Ann Miles. Born Dec. 17. 1863, Peoa, Utah- Justice of the Peace. Farmer ; Stockraiser. WILLIAM KAY Born April 11, 1811, Chailey, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1848, Willard Richards Company. Bishop of Kaysville. 160 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 JUSTIN J. MERRILL Born Feb. 18, 1806, Byron, Genesee Co., N. Y. Came to Utah September, 1848, Wil- laril Richards Company. Farmer. GEORGE G. MERRILL Son of Justin J. Merrill and Camilla Wir- aek. Born March 17, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah 1848, Willaril Richards Company. Marshal of Smithfiekl, Utah JOSEPH S. RAWLINS Born April 9, 1823, Green County. II! Pioneer, Oct. 12, 1848. Bishop Souti Co ton wood Ward. Railroad and Canal c.,n structor. Crossed Plains seven times JOSEPH L. RAWLINS Son of Joseph S. Rawlins and Mary Frost United States Senator. PHINEAS RICHARDS Born Nov. 15, 1788, Hopkinton, Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1848. HK'h Priest. State Senator. Carpenter and Joiner. FRANKLIN DEWEY RICHAKl'S Son of Phinea.s Richards and \\Valih Dewey. Born April 2, 1821, Richmom Pres Quorum of the Twelve Api* Mass, ties. Brigadier-General Nauvoo l.rnioi CHARLES COMSTOCK RICHARDS MYROX JOHN RICHARDS Son of Franklin I lewey Richards and Mary Thompson. Born May 22. 1858, Provo. Utah. Bishop. County Commissioner. WILFORI) WOODUUFF RICHARDS Son of Franklin Dewey Richards and Mar' Thompson. Born May 8, 1866, Farmin! ton, Utah. Bishop Georgetown, Mali Member Bear Lake Stake 1'residenr PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 161 HENRY PHINEAS RICHARDS km of Phineas Richards and Wealthy )ewey. Born Nov. 30, 1831, Richmond, Berkshire Co., Mass. Pres. 8th Quorum if Seventies. Merchant. JOSEPH T. RICHARDS Son of Franklin S. Richards of the law firm of Richards, Richards and Ferry, Salt Lake City. JOSEPH CURTIS Born Dec. 24, 1818, Erie County, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1848. Bishop Payson 4th Ward. Indian War Veteran. Farmer. CHAPMAN DUNCAN :<>rn July 1. 1812, Bath, N. H. Came to ptah Oct. 16, 1848, Barney Adams Com- .any. HOMER DUNCAN Born Jan. 19, 1815, Barnet, Vt. Came to Utah October, 1848, Barney Adams Com- pany. Missionary. Early Settler in South- ern Utah. JOHN CHAPMAN DUNCAN Son of Homer Duncan and Asenath M. Banker. Born Sept. 9, 1846, Des Moines, Iowa. Missionary. Justice of the Peace. Farmer and Stockraiser. DENSMORE TRIPPESS DUNCAN "i of Homer Duncan and Sarah Trlppess jrn Feb. 4 1866, Cedar City, Utah. Mis- snary to Eastern States. JOEL H. JOHNSON Born March 23, 1802, Grafton, Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1848, Franklin D. Richards Company. Farmer and Stockraiser. NEPHI JOHNSON Son of Joel H. and Annie P. Johnson. Born Dec. 12, 1833, Kirtland, Ohio. Indian Mis- sionary 1853-65. Farmer. Family Home, Kanab, Utah. 162 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 SETH JOHNSON Son of Joel H. and Annie P. Johnson. Born March 6, 1839, Carthage, 111. High Coun- cilman. County Supt. Schools. Farmer. Resides at Cannonville. SAMUEL SNYDER Born Feb. 14, 1808, New York, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848, Lev! Richards Company. Presiding Elder of Snyderville, Utah. Rancher. EPHRAIM STOCKWELL SNYDER Son of Samuel Snyder and Henriett Maria Stockwell. Born Oct. 27, 1831, Ne\ York, N. Y. Came to Utah In 1848, Le\ Richards Company. BENJAMIN BAKER Born March 26, 1796, Charleston, Mont- gomery Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman Company. ANDREW CUNNINGHAM Born Oct. 21, 1816, Harrison, W. Va. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman Company. Bishop 15th Ward, Salt Lake City. HYRUM RAWLINGS CUNNINGHAM Son of Andrew Cunningham and Lucinil Rawlings. Born Jan. 12, 1855, Salt Lat. City. Bishop Ashton Ward. SAMUEL MALIN Son of Elijah Mai in and Catherine Essex; grandson of Elijah Malin, Sr., who came to Utah in 1848, Amasa M. Lyman Company. Born June 29, 1813, Chester County, Pa. FREEMAN MALIN Son of Samuel Malin and Mary Ann Rode- back. Born Nov. 25, 1857, Salt Lake City. Sunday School Supt. of Hoytsville Ward. JAMES ELIJAH MALIN Son of Elijah Malin, Jr., and Sarah M Quiken. Born Sept. 10, 1839, Chest County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1851, NI son Harmon Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 163 .IA.MES ELIJAH MALIN, JR. Jon u!' James Elijah Malin and Margaret :. Laney. Born Jan. 28, 1863, Salt Lake 'ity. Pres. Street Car Drivers' Union. )airyman, Farmer. REUBEN PERKINS Born March 1, 1783, Lincoln County, N. C. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1848, Andrew H. Perkins Company. High Priest. Farmer. JESSE NELSON PERKINS Son of Reuben Perkins and Elizabeth Plt- tillo. Born Feb. 19, 1819, Jackson County, Tenn. Hish Priest ; Member of the High Council of Snowflake, Ariz. BRIGHAM YOUNG PERKINS :>n of Jesse N. Perkins and Rhoda C. cClelland. Born April 18, 1850, Salt Lake ity. A Pioneer to Northern Arizona, armer. JAMES STEVENSON Born Aug. 12, 1830, Albany, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848, A. M. Lyman Company. Elder ; High Priest ; Missionary among the Indians. SIDNEY TANNER Son of John Tanner, who came to Utah Oct. 17, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman Company, and Lydla Stewart. Born April 1, 1809, in New York. High Councilor. HENRY M. TANNER n of Sidney Tanner and Julia Ann Shep- rd. Born June 11, 1852, San Bernardino, Sunday School Supt. ; Missionary to inland. JOHN J. TANNER Son of John Tanner and Lydia Stewart. Born Dec. 19, 1811, Bolton, Warren Co., N. Y. Came to Utah In 1852. Lived at Cot- tonwood, Utah. WILLIAM SMITH TANNER Son of John J. Tanner and Rebecca A. Smith. Born March 28, 1839, New Liberty, Adams Co., 111. Elder ; Missionary to Great Britain 1882-83. 164 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 WILLIAM FREDERICK TANNER Son of William Smith Tanner and Clarissa Jane Moore. Born Jan. 2, 1873. Mission- ary ; Pres. of Seventies. Pres. School Board ; City Councilman. NATHAN TANNER Son of John Tanner and Lydia Stewart. Born May 14, 1815, Greenwich, Washing- ton Co., N. T. Came to Utah in 1848. Member Zion's Camp ; Seventy. NATHAN TANNER, JR. Son of Nathan Tanner and Rachel Winte Smith. Born Oct. 27, 1845, near Montrost Clay Co., Iowa. Came to Utah in 184f Missionary to Southern States. NATHAN A. TANNER Son of Nathan Tanner, Jr., and Margaret G. Harrington. Born Jan. 14, 1870, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. Trustee of Industrial School. HENRY S. TANNER Son of Joseph S. Tanner and Elizabeth C. Haws. Born Feb. 15, 1869, Payson, Utah. Missionary ; High Priest. Salt Lake City Judge. Lawyer. GEORGE W. TANNER Son of Joseph S. Tanner and Janne Hamilton. Born Jan. 7, 1885, Pays Utah. Missionary ; Bishop of 2d Ward Payson, Utah. Farmer. ARZA ADAMS Born Jan. 22, 1804. Came to Utah in 1848. High Priest ; Missionary to Canada. Jus- tice of the Peace. Miller. ALFRED NELSOX BILLINGS Born Aug. 23, 1825, Geauga County, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1848. Indian Missionary 1855. Farmer. WARREN FRANK BILLINGS Son of Alfred Nelson Billings and Debor: Patten. Born Jan. 20, 1864, Provo, Uta Elder. Justice of the Peace ; County Com ; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 165 WILLIAM H. BISHOP i3orn Sept. 11, 1821, Oswego, N. Y. Came o Utah in 1848. Colonel in Black Hawk ; ndian War. AMOS ALMA BRADLEY ROBERT H. BROWN Son of George W. Bradley, who came to Father of the wife of D. M. Cox of Order- Utah in 1848, and Abiah Richmond. Born ville Utah Came to Utah 1848. Aug. 10, 1849, Salt Lake City. Pres. High Priests Quorum. MORMON OLIVER BUELL |!on of Normon Buell and Presendia Lath- op Huntington. Born Jan. 31, 1840. NEWELL BULLEN Born AUK. 18, 1809, Kennebec County, Maine. Came to Utah in 1848, Oxteam company. Early Settler of Richmond, Utah. HERSCHEL BULLEN Son of Newell Bullen and Clarissa Judkins Atkinson. Born Jan. 10, 1840, Mercer, Somerset Co., Maine. Railroad contractor ; Farmer. LORENZO H. BULLEN on of Herschel Bullen and Lydia M. napp. Born May 9, 1869, and resides at :iehmond, Utah HERSCHEL BULLEN, JR. Son of Herschel Bullen and Emma B. Gibbs. Born Nov. 13, 1870, Richmond, Utah. State Senator 1907-1909. Member Board of Education, Logan. NEWELL BULLEN, JR. Son of Newell Bullen and Clarissa Judkins Atkinson. Born Nov. 8, 1852, Salt Lake City. 166 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 EZRA THOMPSON CLARK Son of Timothy Baldwin Clark. Came to Utah in 1848. Seventy. JOSEPH SMITH CLARK, JR. Son of Joseph Smith Clark (son of Ezra T. Clark, who came to Utah in 1848) ami Lucy M. Robinson. Born Aug. 30, 1878. EZRA T. CLARK Son of Joseph Smith Clark and Lucy Rol inson. Born Oct. 16, 1881. D. D. S. CHARLES RICH CLARK Son of Ezra T. Clark and Mary Stevenson. Born April 1, 1861, Farmington, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. MARION CHARLES CLARK Son of Charles R. Clark and Mary Emma Woolley. Born April 4, 1884, Georgetown, Idaho. Supt. Sunday School at Georgetown. WALLACE CLARK Son of Charles R. Clark and Ann Waldron. Born Oct. 6, 1887. WILFORD W. CLARK Son of Ezra Thompson Clark and Mary Stevenson. Born Feb. 2, 1863, Farminnton, Utah. Bishop Montpelier Ward. Farmer and Stockraiser. GEORGE AMASA CLARK Son of Timothy Baldwin Clark and Lucy A. Rice. Born July 29, 1859, Farmington, Utah. JAMES CLARK Born at Clathrope, Westmoreland, En- Came to Utah 1856, James P. Clan Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 167 . ,* ISRAEL JUSTICE CLARK Born Dec. 25, 1821, Dansville, SteubenCo., N. Y. Came to Utah 1848, John Smith Company. Indian War Veteran. JOHN W. WOOLLEY Father of the wife of Charles Rich Clark of Georgetown, Idaho. Came to Utah 1848. HIRAM BRADLEY CLAWSON Born 1826, Utica, N. Y. Came to Utah 1848. Adjutant-General Nauvoo Legion. First Treasurer Salt Lake City. SPENCER CLAWSON iSon of Hiram Bradley Clawson and Ellen Curtis Spencer. Born Aug. 15, 1852, Salt Lake City. Merchant and Capitalist. RUDGER CLAWSON Son of Hiram B. Clawson and Margaret Judd. Member Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. PHINEAS W. COOK Born Aug. 28, 1819, Goshen, Conn. Came to Utah in 1848. Bishop Goshen Ward. KIB COOK Son of Phineas W. Cook and Johanna C. Utah ' Born July 4 ' 1882> Garden citv - ISAAC D. COOPER Son of Isaac Cooper, who came to Utah in 1848, Daniel Spencer Company, and Nancy Lance. Born March 7, 1855, American Fork. Utah. WILLIAM H. CROSBY Born March 29, 1836, Dunlap, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848. Assisted in bringing Im- migrants to Utah. Seventy. 168 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 BYRON R. CROSBY Son of William H. Crosby and Caroline J. Ostrander. Born Oct. 16, 1870, Salt Lake City. Ass't Chief of Fire Department ; Policeman. WILLIAM DAVID CROSBY Son of William H. Crosby and Caroline J. Ostrander. EZRA HOUGHTON CURTIS Son of Enos Curtis, who came to Utah in 1848, and Ruth Franklin. Born Feb. 19, 1823, Pennsylvania. Farmer. JOHN FRANKLIN CURTIS Son of John White Curtis and Matilda Miner. Born Sept. 11, 1859, Springville, Utah. Elder. Farmer. JANVARIN HAYES DAME Born May 9, 1808. Came to Utah in 1848. Farmer and Stockraiser. WESLEY WILLIAM DAME, JR. Grandson of Janvarin Hayes Dame, who came to Utah 1848. JAMES N. DAVENPORT Born AUK. 14, 1814, Walnut Grove, 111. Came to Utah In 1848. Farmer. Resided at Richmond. Utah. EZRA K. FUNK Son of Daniel B. Funk, who came to Utah in 1848, and Mariah DeMill. Born June 1, 1846, Quincy, 111. Came to Utah In 1848, Mjnuteman in Black Hawk War, JOHN GAILEY Came to Utah in 1848. Assisted Immi- grants to Cross the Plains, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 169 ROBERT GRAHAM ;on of James Graham, who came ot Utah .bout 1848, and Hannah Tucker Read. WILLIAM B. GRAHAM Son of James Graham, who came to Utah about 1848, ant] Hannah Tucker Read. JOSEPH HAMMOND Son of John Hammond and Mary Parker. Born June 14, 1822, New York State. Came to Utah in 1848. Settled at South Cottonwood ; moved to St. George in 1862. JOHN E. HAMMOND on of Joseph Hammond and Elizabeth ggbert. Born Jan. 1, 1844, Hancock nunty. 111. Settled at Eagle Valley, Nev., 365, where he served as Presiding Elder. SAMUEL SMITH HAMMOND Son of Francis Asbury Hammond, who came to Utah November, 1848, and Mary Jane Dilworth. Born April 15, 1853, Sandwich Islands. Bishop's Counselor. JOHN HARRIS Born in 1808, Pennsylvania. Came to Utah in 1848. 'Jt WILLIAM McGEE HARRIS ^ of William Harris and Emiline Whip- . Born May 23, 1862, Richmond, Utah, shop. Member Legislature, AARON GARSIDE Pioneer to Utah. Salt Lake City. JONATHAN H. HOLMES Born March 11, 1806, Georgetown, Essex Co., Mass. Came to Utah in 1848, Mormon Battalion. 170 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 RASMUS H. HOUGAARD Came to Utah 1848 by oxteam. Seventy. Farmer. JAMES HOUSTON Son of James Houston, who came to Utah in 1848, and Margaret Crawford. Born Feb. 6 1 , 1850, Salt Lake City. President Pangnitch Stake. WILLIAM WILLARD HUTCHINGS Born April 3, 1823, Ohio. Came to Ut Dec. 29, 1848, himself captain. Major Utah Militia. Black Hawk War Veten WILLIAM WILLARD HUTCHINGS, JR. Son of William Willard HutchinKS and Sarah Ann Baldwin. Born Nov. 23, 1851, Salt Lake City. Sheriff of Beaver County. President Elders Quorum. WILLIAM FRANKLIN IVIE Born Dec. 18, 1826, Bedford County, Tenn. Came to Utah in 1848. Seventy. Indian War Veteran. Farmer and Stockraiser. CALVERT MILTON IVIE Son of William Franklin Ivie and .\l:ilin Jane Young. Born April 7, 1869, Scij Utah. Bishop of Aurora Ward. Farn and Stockraiser. BENJAMIN JENNE Born May 16, 1806. Came to Utah In 1848, George Snyder Company. THOMAS SMITH JOHNSON Son of Thomas Smith Johnson, who came to Utah in 1848, and Mary Harrison. Born Dec. 18, 1854, Salt Lake City. BENJAMIN JONES, JR. Son of Benjamin Jones, who came to Ut: in 1848, and Rosannah Cox. Born July I 1850. Union Fort, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 171 JAMES AMASA LITTLE hrn Sept. 14, 1822, Auriesville, N. Y. ime to Utah in 1848. Patriarch ; Bish- 's Counselor. Mexican War Veteran. MATTHEW MANSFIELD Born Oct. 25, 1810, Brambly Parish, Sur- rey, Eng. Came to Utah in 1848. MATTHEW WINBERG MANSFIELD Son of Matthew Mansfield and Johanna Christine Winberg. Born Jan. 15, 1862, St. George, Utah. High Priest; Bishop Thurber Ward ; High Councilor. Lawyer. PHILIP MARGETTS rly Pioneer. One of the fathers of dra- .tics. Took part in the first play pro- l on the stage of the Salt Lake eatre. JOHN McEWAN Born in February, 1824, Bonbride, County Down, Ireland. Came to Utah in 1848. Pres. 22d Quorum of Seventies. Postmas- ter at Provo, Utah. ROBERT SMITH MELTON Father of the wife of Thatcher Kimljall of Afton, Wyoming. Uh. JAMES MONTGOMERY her of H. A. Montgomery of Ogden, WILLIAM NAYLOR Born AUK. 19, 1835, Cheshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1848, Daniel Spencer Company. High Priest; Bishop's Counselor. Wheel- wright. EDWIN OKEY Son of Edwin Okey, who came to Utah in 1848. Born March 10, 1852, Kaysville, Utah. Member Elders Quorum. Pioneer American Fork 1858. Farmer. 172 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 HARVEY CLARK OKEY Son of Edwin Okey, Jr., and Mary E. Clark. Born Dec. 6, 1890. GEORGE MILTON PACE Born Jan. 9, 1837, Perry County, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1848, David Pace Com- pany. Bishop of Parleys Park Ward 1882- 97. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE MILTON PACE, JR. Son of George Milton Pace and Sai Standley. Born Feb. 16, 1863, Bountii Utah. Elder; Ward Teacher. Fair and Stockraiser. JAMES EDWIN PACE Son of George Milton Pace and Sarah Standley. Born in 1872, Parleys Park, Utah. NATHAN W. PACKER Born Jan. 2, 1811, Jefferson County, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1848, David Evans Com- pany. Millwright. Built grist mill at American Fork. JAMES PACKER Son of Nathan W. Packer and Elizat Taylor. Born Oct. 10, 1833, Belm County, Ohio. Came to Utah in Justice of the Peace. Seventy. JAMES PACKER, JR. Son of James Packer and Polly Mecham. Born July 21, 1856, Salt Lake City. High Priest. OSSIAN LEONIDAS PACKER Son of James Packer and Polly Mecham. Born Dec. 10, 1861. EDWARD PARTRIDGE Born June 25, 1833, Jackson County, Came to Utah in 1848. Bishop Filln > Utah. Pres. Utah Stake. Mayor Filln < PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 173 EDWARD PARTRIDGE, JR. of Edward Partridge and Sarah Lu WILLIAM CLAYTON PARTRIDGE Son of Edward Partridge and Sarah Lu- cretia Clayton. Born Oct. 2, 1862. ERNEST DELTON PARTRIDGE Son of Edward Partridge and Sarah Lu- cretia Clayton. Born June 13, 1869, Fill- more, Utah. Bishop 4th Ward at Provo. First Principal Murdock Academy. STANLEY PARTRIDGE of Edward Partridge and Sarah Lu- ia Clayton. Born Nov. 17, 1871. JOHN C. PARTRIDGE Son of Edward Partridge and Elizabeth Buxton. Born July 29, 1865. BENJAMIN LOSS PEART Son of Jacob Peart, who came to Utah in 1848, and Angela Philanda Loss. Born June 10, 1849, Salt Lake City. High Priest ; Ward Teacher. EZRA WILLIAM PENNEY **tive of William Penney of Kanosh, WILLIAM G. PHILLIPS Peace Officer. Associated with Z. C. M. I. for many years. Salt Lake City. GARDNER GODFREY POTTER Born In 1820, Essex, N. Y. Came to Utah Dec. 22, 1848. 174 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 EARNEST HENRY POTTER Son of Gardner Godfery Potter and Eve- lina M. Hinman. Born Aug. 3, 1854, Spring- ville, Utah. WILLIAM EARNEST POTTER Son of Earnest Henry Potter and Hannah Priscilla Bourne. Born Aug. 20, 1876, Farmington, Utah. ALFRED RANDALL Born June 13, 1811, Bridgewater, N. Came to Utah in 1848. Carpenter ; Farm CHARLES FRANKLIN RANDALL Son of Alfred Randall and Emerette Uavis. Born Feb. 8, 1835, Munson, Ohio. JOHN A. RANDALL Son of Charles Franklin Randall and Elten Jane Duncan. Born April 10, 1864, Vir- gin, Utah. HARVEY P. RANDALL Son of Charles Franklin Randall and Jane Duncan. Born Oct. 22, 1870, Har ville, Utah. City Councilman. Mem State Legislature. Lumber and Coal Dea ALFRED JASON RANDALL Son of Alfred Randall and Emerette Davis. Born Jan. 8, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah in 1848. Carpenter; Fanner. LEVI L. RANDALL Son of Alfred Randall and Emerette Davi Born Nov. 18, I860, Salt Lake City. JAMES RAWLINS Born Jan. 6, 1794. Came to Utah in 1> Andrew Cunningham Company. Priest, Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 175 HARVEY McGALYARD RAWX.INS on of James Rawlins and Jane Sharp. |orn Feb. 14, 1825, Greene County, 111. 'igh Priest. Farmer. HARVEY McGALYARD RAWLINS Son of Harvey M. Rawlins and Margaret E. Frost. Born Dec. 13, 1851, Bis; Cotton- wood, Utah. High Priest ; High Councilor. School Trustee. FRANKLIN A. RAWLINS Son of Harvey M. Rawlins and Margret K. Frost. Born Jan. 22, 1857, Draper, Utah. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor ; High Councilor. Farmer. y^ ^^r- WILLIAM B. RICHEY In of William Richey and Margaret Ann air. Born May 17, 1838, in Mississippi. iad Supervisor, Freighter and Farmer, me to Utah 1848. ISAAC R. ROBBINS Born March 24, 1805, Chesterfield, N. J. Came to Utah in 1848, Capt. Sam Brandon Company. High Priest ; Bishop's Coun- selor. JOSEPH LEE ROBINSON Born Feb. 18, 1811, Shaftsbury, Vt. Came to Utah in 1848. Bishop of Winter Quar- ters and North Cottonwood ; High Coun- cilor. Justice of the Peace. OLIVER LEE ROBINSON "i Of Joseph Lee Robinson and Maria iod. Born July 8, 1833, Boonville, N. Y. s. Quorum of Seventies. Alternate ;h Councilor. JAMES HENRY ROBINSON Son of Oliver Lee and Lucy Miller. Born Nov. 8, 1865, Farmington, Utah. Bishop of Farmington Ward ; High Councilor. Mayor ; Marshal. HENRY MORONI ROYLE Son of Henry Royle, who came to Utah 1848, and Ann Capstick. Born June 22, 1851, Lehl, Utah. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. 176 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 JAMES FREEMAN ROYLE Son of Henry Moroni Royle ana Harriette Abigail Zimmerman. Born Dec. 9, 1884. LEVI SAVAGE Born Aug. 25, 1790, Hebron, Washington Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848. JOHN SCOTT Born May 6, 1811, Armagh, Ireland. Cam to Utah in 1848, John Scott Compan; Colonel in Nauvoo Legion. Seventy ; Mis sionary. Indian War Veteran. EPHRAIM SCOTT Son of John Scott and Elizabeth Meneary. Born June 6, 1842. Resides at Menan. Idaho. JOHN W. SCOTT Son of John Scott and Elizabeth Meneary. Born Nov. 6, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Resides at Blackfoot, Idaho. HEBER NEPHI SECRIST Born Sept. 28, 1852, Salt Lake City. Tean ster and Guide. Moved from Farmingto Utah, to Parker, Idaho, October, 1884. ANDREW JACKSOX SHUPE Father of John W. Shupe of Ogden, Utah. JOHN W. SHUPE Son of Andrew Jackson Shupe. pher. Farmer. Merchant. Photogra- ALMA L. SMITH Born Dec. 16 ! , 1833, Marine, Ohio. Cat to Utah in 1848, Joseph Young Compan Bishop of Coalville three years. Coun Recorder, Summit County. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 177 WILLARD F. SMITH Jon of Alma L. Smith and Telitha Free. inrn Feb. 3, 1860. High Priest; Supt. -unilay School ; Pres. of Mutual at Coal- ille. SAMUEL LINZEY SPRAGUE Son of S. L. Sprague and Mary Woodard. Born March 23, 1843, Salem, Mass. Came to Utah in 1848. Deputy U. S. Marshal. Freighter. WILLIAM C. STAINES Son of William Staines and Blanche Pot- ter, Pioneers 1848. Immigration Agent at New York City for the Church. CHARLES STILLMAN orn June 1, 1834. Came to Utah in 1848. res. Y. M. M. I. A. ; Supt. Sunday School, armer and Stockraiser. CHARLES FRANKLIN STILLMAN Son of Charles Stillman and Elizabeth Neff. Pres. Y. M. M. I. A. ; Supt. Sunday School. Farmer and Stockraiser. GEORGE SWAN Father of the wife of N. V. Jones of Salt Lake City. DAVID VAN WAGENEN n of John H. Van Wagenen, who came to ah in 1848, and Eliza Smith. Born July '* Pompton, N. J. Came to Utah 1852. Merchant. 12 ABRAHAM WASHBURN Born March 17, 1805, Essing, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848, Capt. Musser Company. Member First City Council of Manti, Utah. Patriarch. PARLEY PRATT WASHBURN Son of Abraham Washburn and Flora Clarinda Gleason. 'Born July 15, 1857, Manti, Utah. Farmer. ITS PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848 GILBERT WEAVER Born March 2, 1835, Conneaut. Crawford Co., Pa. Came to Utah in 1848. Active Church Worker. .Sheriff. Lived at Whit- ney, Idaho. GILBERT EDWARD WEAVER Son of Gilbert Weaver and Sarah E. Con- over. Born April 24, 1857, Provo, Utah. Lives at Whitney, Idaho. PARDON WEBB Born Dec. 26, 1818, Hanover, N. Y. Cam to Utah in 1848. Bishop's Counselor, l'in son, Utah. City Councilman. Farmer. NELSON WHEKLEU WHIPPLE Born July 7, 1818, Sanford. Broome Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848. Seventy; Block Teacher. Lumberman. CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS Born March 7, 1789, Prattskill, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848, Orson Pratt Com- pany. Bishop 3d Ward, Salt Lake City. JAMES V. WILLIAMS Son of Christopher Williams and Mellic-cn Vannostrand. Born Dec. 13, 1830, nea Toronto, Can. Member of Mormon Bai talion. Farmer. CHARLES WOOD Born June 9, 1837, Belin, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1848. Member 75th Quorum of .Seventies; Missionary among: the Indians Farmer. CHARLES SAMUEL WOOD Son of Charles Wood and Alice Horrocks. Horn July 11, 1861, Ogilen. Utah. Pres. 75th Quorum of Seventies ; Missionary to Southern States 1888-90. WILLIAM WOOD Born in 1824, Herefordshire, Eng. Cam to Utah in 1848, Independent Compan> Lived at Minersville, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 179 \VILLIAM H. WOOD ~on of William Wood and Lucy Babcock. :,irn May 18, 1851, Centerville, Utah. .lissionary: High Councilor; Supt. Sunday M-hool ; Supt. Bishop's Counsel. WILLIAM WEST WOODLAND Born in 1830. Came to Utah In 1848. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. Lived at Oneida, Idaho. XATHAN YF.ARSI.KY Born Nov. 8, 1835. West Chester, Pa. Came to Utah in 1848. Presiding Elder at Promontory 1885-89. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble. XATIIAX I). YEARSLEY "ii <>r Xalhan Yearsley and Ruthinda 'wart. Born Oct. 13, 1865, Osden, Utah. liKh Priest; Supt. Sunday School at' Vn.tflruff, Idaho. Farmer. JOSUPH \V. BATES Born Jan. 16, 1827, Dudley, Staffordshire. Eng. Came to Utah June, 1849, with ]r,n\ of Mormon Battalion. Black Hawk Indian \\'ar Veteran. JOSEPH W. BATES Son of Joseph W. Bates an.l Harriet Bill- inston. Born Oct. 1. 1855, Salt Lake City Pres. Elders Quorum 1st Ward, Payson. Utah. N'ATHANIEL VARY JOXKS "rn Oct. 13, 1822, Brighton (now Roches- r >, N. Y. Came to Utah July 20, 1849, 'irmon Battalion. Bishop 15th Ward, ill Lake City. NATHANIEL- VARY JOXES Son of Nathaniel Vary Jones and Rebecca M. Burton. Born NOV. 9, 1850, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. FRANKLIN ANDERSON MILI.ER Son of Milo Miller, who came to Utah in 1849, Mormon Battalion, and Rachel Ewing. Born Jan. 9, 1861, Nephi, Utah. Farmer ; Canal and Road Builder. 180 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 WILLIAM MORELY BLACK Born Feb. 11, 1826. Came to Utah July 24, 1849, Oxteam Company. Seventy; Patriarch. Miller. MARTIN LUTHER BLACK S . n T? f Will iam Merely Black and Marga- ret Ruth Banks. Born Feb. 16, 1848, Illi- nois Came to Utah in 1852, Capt. Wim- mer Company. Pres. High Priests Quorum. ISAAC E. BLACK Son of William Merely Black and Ms garet Ruth Banks. Born Dec. 29, 18f Nephi, Utah. High Priest. Miller a' Farmer. ALVIN BLACK Son of Isaac E. Black and Nancy E Al- len. Born Oct. 2, 1887, Huntington, Utah Elder. Farmer and Miller. ALMA HESS Born June 3, 1839, Bay County, Mo. Came to Utah July 28, 1849. ALMA CLARENCE HESS Son of Alma Hess and Mary Elmira Mill Born Oct. 23, 1862, Farmington, Ut. Member Idaho Legislature. WILLIAM VAN DYKE Born Dec. 11, 1830, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah Spring of 1849. One of Founders of Lehi. Produce Merchant WILLIAM DAVID VAN DYKM Son of William Van Dyke and Charlotte Pixton. Born March 2, 1858, Lehi, Utah Missionary to Eastern States ; High Coun- cilman. Lives at Ogden. WILLIAM DAVID VAN DYKI-:, .11! Son of William David Van Dyke and 11 tha Ellen Evans. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 181 THOMAS ATKIN Born Feb. 10, 1804, Legsby, Lincolnshire, Kns. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1849, Orson Spencer Company. Bishop's Counselor. Carpenter ; Farmer. THOMAS ATKIN, JR. Son of Thomas Atkin and Mary Morley. Born June 7, 1833, South Lincolnshire, Eng. Bishop Tooele Ward ; Patriarch. GEORGE ATKIN Son of Thomas Atkin and Mary Morley. Born March 12, 1836, South Lincolnshire, Eng. Seventy. Merchant. WILLIAM T. ATKIN ion of George Atkin and Sarah Matilda 'tley. Born June 8, 1872, Tooele, Utah. Griffin. Born June 23, 1831, Steeple Ash ton, Knit. President 38th Quorum Seven- ties. Justice of Peace. RICHARD THOMAS BERRETT Son of Robert Berrett and Sarah Hyet Griffin. Born Jan. 4, 1840, Steeple Ash- ton, EnR. Echo Canyon War Veteran. Constable. SAMUEL F. BERRKTT Son of Robert Berrett and Sarah H. Grif- fin. Born March 18, 1848, Steeple Ash- ton, Ens. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer and Stockraiser. CHARLES A. BERRY Father of the wife of Aaron Roylance, of SprinKVille, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 187 JOHN M. BERRY Son of John William Berry and Jane C. i Thomas. Born Oct. 11, 1853, Spanish Fork, Utah. WILLIAM SHANKS BERRY Born Feb. 3, 1838. Weakley County, Tenn. Came to Utah in October, 1849, William Hyde Company. JOHN WILLIAM BERRY Son of William Shanks Berry and Re- becca Rosena Beck. Born Jan. 17, 1877, Kanarra\ ille, Utah. Bishop. THOMAS BUTTERFIELl) Born June 17, 1811, FarminKton, Me. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849, Allen Taylor Company. Seventy. Farmer. ALMOX BUTTERFirL.Il Son of Thomas Butterneld and .Mary Jane Parker. Born July 14, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Seventy. Farmer and Stockraiser. ALMON T. BUTTEUFIKLD V>n of Almon Butterneld and Elizabeth A. armer. Born July 5, 1868. Herriman, tah. High Councilor. President Jor- lan Valley Bank. THOMAS Bt'TTERFlELl), JR. Son of Thomas Butlerrield and Mary Janu Parker. Born April 25, 1853, Herriman, Utah. Bishop. THOMAS SOLOMON BUTTERFIELU. Son of Thomas Butterneld, Jr., and Lucy Wheadon. Born Oct. 17, 1882, Herriman, Salt Lake County, Utah. AVard Teacher. 188 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 SAMUEL BUTTERFIELD Son of Thomas Butterfleld and Mary Jane Parker. Born Feb. 27, 1855, Herriman, Utah. ZACHARIAH BUTTERFIELD Son of Thomas Butterfleld and Jane Farmer. Born Jan. 4, 1864, Herriman, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer and Sheepraiser. ANGUS M. CANNON Born May 17, 1834, Liverpool, Eng. Camt to Utah in October, 1849, Redick N All- red Company. Mayor of St. George President Salt Lake Stake. CHARLES MOUSLEY CANNON Son of Angus M. Cannon and Ann Aman- da Mousley. Born Jan. 2, 1869, Salt Lake City. QUAYLE CANNON Son of Angus M. Cannon and Ann Amanda Mousley. Born Dec. 30, 1879, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. Member Cannon & Cannon Real Est Co BENJAMIN CLEGG Born Sept. 1, 1847, Oldham, Lancashire I'^ng. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1849 Ezn T. Benson Company. High Priest. PETER McINTYRE CLEGG Son of Benjamin Clegg and Grace Mc- Intyre. Born Oct. 15, 1859, Tooele, Utah President Tooele County State Bank ALVIN CROCKETT Born Oct. 19, 1831, Fox Island, Me. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1849. High Coun- cilor. Mayor of Logan. ALVIN D. CROCKETT Son of Alvin Crockett and Sophia Ree< Born Oct. 24, 1854, Payson, Utah. Bisli op's Counselor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 189 GEORGE ELMER CROCKETT Son of Alvin Crockett and Mary Sophia Reed. Born Nov. 28, 1865, Logan, Utah. Seventy. Sheriff Oneida County, Idaho. DANIEL DANIELS Born Aug. 9, 1807, Caermarthenshire, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith Company. Bishop Malad Ward, Idaho. THOMAS DANIELS Son of Daniel Daniels and Mary Jeremy. Born Jan. 18, 1831, Caermarthenshire, Wales. Chairman Board County Com- missioners, Oneida, Idaho. DANIEL M. DANIELS Son of Thomas Daniels and Mary Davis. Born Dec. 20, 18516, Brigham, Utah. Mem- ber High Council Malad Stake. DAVID MORONI DANIELS Son of Thomas Daniels and Mary Davis. Born March 26, 1859, Brigham, Utah. Stockraiser. SAMUEL EGBERT Born March 24, 1814, Breckinridge Coun- ty, Kentucky. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849, Allen Taylor Company. Indian War Veteran. JOHN ALEXANDER EGBERT Son of Samuel Egbert and Margret Mariah Beckstead. Born March 28, 1842, Hancock County, 111. Bishop. SAMUEL ALEXANDER EGBERT Son of John Alexander Egbert and Emma Grlmmett. Born Jan. 20, 1865, West Jor- dan, Utah. School Trustee. ROBERT C. EGBERT Son of Samuel Egbert and Louisa Minerva Pettie. Born Sept. 4, 1864, Salt Lake City. 190 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 WILLIAM H. FREEMAN, JR. Sun of William H. Freeman, who came to Utah in October, 1849, Enoch Reese Com- pany, ami Angelina Stocking. Born Feb. 4, 1858, Fort Herriman, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. PHILLIP GARNER Born Oct. 11, 1808, Roan County, N. C. Came to Utah Oct. 25, 1849, George A. Smith Company. Member Co. B, Mor- mon Battalion. HENRY GARNER Son of Phillip Garner anil Mary Hedrirk. Born Feb. 13, 1833, Vincennes, Ind. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. HENRY JAMES GARNER Son of Henry Garner and Mary M. Browning. Born June 9, 1855, Ogilen, Utah. Bishop of Plain City. RUFUS ALMA GARNER Son of Henry Garner and Mary M. Browning. Born Oct. 18, 1869, Oerden, Utah. Member High Council of Weber Stake. FREDERICK GARNER Son of Phillip Garner and Mary Hedrlck. Born Oct. 13, 1837, Hancock County. 111. Bishop's Counselor. JOHN A. GAUNKR Son of Phillip Garner and Mary Hedrick. Born Sept. 11, 1856, Ogden, Utah. Bish- op's Counsek>r. ALBERT GARNER Son of William Franklin Garner and Mary Ann Barker. Born Oct. 2, 1875, North Ogden, Utah. LYSANDER GEE Born Sept. 1, 1818, Austinburg, Ohio. Came to I'tah in 1849, George A. Smltli Company. Lawyer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1819 191 FRANCIS WIL.SOX GUNNELL Horn .March 3, 1831, Houghton, Xotting- lainshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1M!'. Ezra T. Benson Company. Mail Jontractor. FRANKLIN L. GUXNKLL Son of Francis Wilson Gunnell and Esther Lewis. Born Oct. 7, 186S), Wellsville, Utah. Vice President Wellsville City Bank. Farmer. Bishop. ARCHIBALD B. GUNNELL Son of Francis Wilson Gunnell and Jane Baxter. Born Oct. 31, 1877, Wellsville. Utah. GKOKGE HANCOCK Came to Utah in October, 1849. CHRISTIAN HYER Born Sept. 17, 1817, Christensen, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 25, 1849, Kzra T. Ben- son Company. ANDREW L. HYER Son of Christian Hyer anil Carolina Ho- gan. Born Deo. 1, I860, Richmond, Utah. Bishop of Lewiston Ward. JOHX JACOBS :nrn Hop. 7, 1825, Berjnisley, Norway, ame to Utah in October, 1849. Ezra T. 'enson Company. Counselor in Deacons' uorum 32 years. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE r. JACOBS Son of John Jacobs and Elizabeth Cole- man. Born Feb. 9, 1850. JOHN S. JACOBS Son of John Jacobs and Elizabeth Cole- man. Born Aug. 7, 1856. 192 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 THOMAS E. JEREMY Born July 11, 1815, in South Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1849, George A. Smith Company. High Priest. Farmer and Gardener. THOMAS E. JEREMY, JR. Son of Thomas E. Jeremy and Sarah Evans. Born Dec. 1, 1839, Caermarthen- shire, Wales. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. City Councilman. CHARLES LAMBERT Born Aug. 30, 1816. Came to Utah ir October, 1849, Allen Taylor Company President 23rd Quorum Seventies. Stoni Cutter ; Mason. GEORGE C. LAMBERT Son of Charles Lambert and Mary Alice Cannon. Born April 11, 1848, Winter Quarters. Neb. Manager Deseret News ; President and Manaerer Lambert Paper Co. CHARLES JOHN LAMBERT Son of Charles Lambert and Mary Alice Cannon. LEMUEL STURDIFONT LEAVITT Born Nov. 3, 1826, Compton, Canada Came to Utah in October, 1849. Settle, at Santa Clara, Utah, in 1857. Assists bringing immigrants to Utah in 1863. CHRISTOPHER MKRKLEY Born Dec. 18, 1808, Williamsburg, Dun- das Co., Ontario, Canada. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1849, Enoch Reese Company. In- dian War Veteran. CHRISTOPHER AMOS MERKLEY Son of Christopher Merkley and Harissa Fairbanks. Born Feb. 28, 1859, 17th Ward, Salt Lake City. High Councilor; Bishop. JOHN MERKLEY Son of Nelson Merkley and Sarah Jam Sanders. Born Aus. 29, 1874, Cedar Kort Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer ami Apiarist. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 193 DAVID MOORE Born Jan. 20, 1819, Eardley, Ottawa Co., Quebec, Canada. Came to Utah Oct. 20, 1849, Allen Taylor Company. Bishop of Mound Fort. SHURE OLSEN Born June 23, 1818, Island of Skudness, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1849, Charles Hopkins Company. High Priest. Carpenter and Joiner. JOHN PARRY Born Feb. 10, 1789, Newmarket, North Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith Company. High Coun- cilman. Chorister. CALEB PARRY in Oct. 9, 1823, Newmarket, North .Vales. CALEB PARRY, JR. Son of Caleb Parry and Catherine Vaughn Evans. Born Feb. 16, 1850, at Salt Lake City. PARLEY MORONI PARRY Son of Caleb Parry, Jr., and Frances So- phia Marriot. Born July 18, 1879, Ogden, Utah. Manager Merchants' Light and Power Company of Ogden. DAVID PETERS ,' March 10, 1810, Merionethshire. ; orth Wales. Came to Utah in 1849, eorge A. Smith Company. IS MORRIS REES PETERS Born Nov. 22, 1855, Brigham City, Utah. First Counselor to Bishop James Nelson- sen Oct. 25, 1896-1904. Bishop of Perry Ward, Utah. CANUTE PETERSON Born May 13, 1824, Hardanger, Norway. Came to Utah in October, 1849, Ezra T. Benson Company. Bishop Ephraim, Pres- ident San Pete Stake. 194 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 PETER CORNELIUS PETERSON Son of Canute Peterson and Sarah Ann Nelson. Born June 22, 1850, at Salt Lake City. Farmer and Sheepraiser. Quarry owner. JOHN PYPER Born June 17, 1820, Kilmuir, Ross, Scot- land. Came to Utah in October, 1849, with Allen Taylor's Company. County Re- corder. High Priest. CHARLES JOHN PYPER Son of John Pyper and Madaline Garner. Born Feb. 16, 1871, Nephi, Utah. ROBERT OWEN Born in January, 1828, in Wales. Came to Utah in October, 1849, with first of Welsh Saints. Stonecutter on the Temple. EDWARD ROBINSON Born Oct. 16, 1807, Cheshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1849, Ezra T. Benson Company. High Priest. Farmer. WILLIAM SMITH ROBINSON Son of Edward Robinson and Mar> Smith. Born July 29, 1840, Manchester Eng. Came to Utah with father. Hig' Priest. City Councilman, American For Farmer. ROBERT SKELTON Born in 1824 in Carlisle, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1849, Ezra T. Benson Company. Farmer. ROBERT SKELTON, JR. Son of Robert Skelton and Eliza Ansellne Gollaher. Born May 31, 1863, Tooele, Utah. Printer and Publisher. JACOB STRONG Born Oct. 9, 1799, York County, Pa. Cami to Utah In October, 1849, Silas Richard Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 195 HYRUM STRONG in of Jacob Strong. Born Sept. 28, 1845. luvoo, 111. JAMES PARSHALL TERRY Son of Parshall Terry, who came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849, Allen Taylor Company, and Hannah Terry. Born Jan. 1, 1830, Albion. Ontario, Upper Canada. GEORGE W. TERRY Son of James Parshall Terry and Mary Richards. Born May 21, 1859. JOHN RICHARDS TERRY n of James Parshall Terry and Mary harfls. Born July 10, 1868. ALLEN TAYLOR Born Jan. 17, 1814, Bowling Green, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849, Captain of his, the Allen Taylor Company. Bishop. WILLIAM RILEY TAYLOR Son of Allen Taylor and Sarah L. Allred. Born Feb. 12, 1839, Caldwell County, Mo. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849, with his father. Bishop's Counselor. WILLIAM ALLEN TAYLOR of William Riley Taylor and Mar- -et J. Ellison. Born April 19, 1859, U-sville, Utah. Missionary to England. 1 :ti Councilor. LUKE TITCOMB Born March 3, 1832, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 31, 1849, Ezra T. Ben- son Company. High Priest. Provo In- dian War Veteran. Farmer. JAMES URE Born June 11, 1817, Bridge of Weir, Scot- land. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith Company. Missionary ; Coun- selor in Stake Presidency. 196 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 JAMES W. URB Son of James Ure and Janet Scott Born Oct. 31, 1847, South Lincoln, Eng. High Councilor. Indian War Veteran. School Trustee. High Priest. ALBERT SCOTT URE Son of James Ure and Janet Scott. Born March 31, 1853, at Salt Lake City. Dep- uty Sheriff and Police Officer of Salt Lake. Carpenter. JOSEPH WHITE Born Dec. 26, 1840, Yorkshire, Englr . Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1849, Ezra T. t son Company. Resided at Tooele, I'ta GEORGE W. WILKINS Born Oct. 28, 1822, Peterboro, N. H. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1849. Patriarch ; Bishop's Counselor. JOHN WOOTTON Born May 15, 1842, Staffordshire, EnK. Came to Utah in October, 1849, Captain Benson's Company. High Priest. Mar- shal. Farmer. EZRA GRANGER WILLIAMS Born Nov. 17, 1823, Warrensville, C hoga Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Ocl 1849, Ezra T. Benson Company. Re at Ogclen, Utah. FREDERICK G. WILLIAMS Son of Ezra Granger Williams and Hen- rietta Elizabeth Crombie. Born March 29, }853. EZRA HENRY GRANGER WILLIAMS Son of Ezra G. Williams and Henrietta Elizabeth Crombie. Born April 16, 1855, Salt Lake City. One of Presidents 63rd Quorum Seventies. Resides at Ogden. MYRON ABBOTT Born Dec. 1, 1837, Perry, Pike Co.. ' Came to Utah in 1849. Justice of J< Peace ; Lieutenant Utah Militia. Bisl Counselor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 197 MYRON ALMA ABBOTT n of Myron Abbott and Laura Joseph- Allen. Born Feb. 15, 1862, Osjden, ah. Commissioner Sevier County 1894 ; slice of Peace 1898. REUBEN WARREN ALLRED Born Nov. 18, 1815, Bedford County, Tenn. Came to Utah in 1849, Allen Tay- lor Company. THOMAS BUTLER ALLRED Son of Reuben Warren Allred and Lucy Ann Butler. Born March 17, 1841. Indian War Veteran. Seventy ; Ward Teacher. City Councilman Spring City. JOHN NELSON AVERY l|-n May 2, 1844, in Illinois. Came to Luh in 1849. First Lieutenant in Utah ZIMRI HAFFORD BAXTER Born Feb. 14, 1807, Vassalboro, Kennebec Co., Maine. Came to Utah in December, 1849. Captain of Silver Greys in Nauvoo Legion. Carpenter and Joiner. JOSEPH WILLIAM BAXTER Son of Zimri Hafford Baxter and Ann Jackson. Born April 22, 1859, Nephi, Utah. Sunday School Superintendent, In- dian Valley, Idaho, 1899-0*. Farmer ; Fruit Grower. JOHN BEAL ( n July 10, 1801, Wells, Eng. Came "jtah m 1849. One of the founders of raim, Utah. HENRY BEAL Son of John Beal and Ann Deacon. Born April 30, 1835, Syracuse, N. Y. Patriarch. President Snow Academy. GEORGE A. BEAL Son of Henry Beal and Mary Thorpe. Born Sept. 8, 1859, Ephraim, Utah. 198 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 JOHN BEAL, JR. Son of John Beal and Ann Deacon. Born Dec. 20, 1836, Syracuse, N. Y. One of the founders of Circleville, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. BUENEMAN B. BITNER Born Dec. 15, 1837, Washington County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1849. Farmer and Stockraiser. ELIAS HICKS BLACKBURN Born Sept. 17, 1827, Bedford County, 1 Came to Utah in 1849, Milo Andrus Co pany. First Bishop of Provo. Farn and Doctor. CACEY POTTER BOWEN Born Dec. 18, 1830, Bennington County, Vt. Came to Utah in 1849. Indian War Veteran. CACEY POTTER BOWEN, JR. Son of Cacey Potter Bowen and Eleanor McGarey. Born Oct. 24, 1858, Ogden, Utah. Bishop Lyman Ward, Idaho. GEORGE WASHINGTON BR1.MII.U Born Nov. 14, 1814, South Freemc Oneida County, N. Y. Came to Utah 1849. Patriarch. Farmer and Builder GEORGE HKNRY BRIMHALL Son of George Washington Brimhall and Rachel Ann Mayer. Born Dec. 9, 1852, at Salt Lake City. President Brigham Young University of Provo. BARTLETT BROWN Born Nov. 4, 1798, Waterville, Vt. Came to Utah in 1849. Farmer and Miner. DANIEL BULL Born Sept. 16, 1814, Birmingham, E Came to Utah in 1849. High PH. Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 199 THOMAS C. HARDING Grandson of Daniel B. Bull, who came to I'tah 1849. Born Dec. 5, 1877, Morgan, Utah. County Recorder ; City Council- man. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT Born Dec. 23, 1814, Wigan, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1849, Milo Andrus Company. High Priest. Blacksmith. JOSEPH HENRY CARTWRIGHT Son of Thomas Cartwrisht and Jane Al- len. Born March 6, 1845, Liverpool, Eng. High Priest. Minuteman and Blacksmith. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT Son of Joseph Henry Cartwright and Sarah Ann Grimshaw. Born April 20,1869. ISAAC CLARK Born May 7, 1806, Bowling Green, Ky. Came to Utah in 1849. First Bishop of Ogden. Postmaster. ISAAC L. CLARK Son of Isaac Clark and Diana Herrick. Born Sept. 10, 1853. High Councilor. Merchant. ISAAC G. CLARK Son of Isaac L. Clark and Romania Shaw. Born Nov. 13, 1878, Ogden, Utah. Man- ager I. L. Clark & Sons Co. of Ogden. DANIEL COLLETT Born Dec. 9, 1809, Came to Utah in 1849. High Priest. Pioneer of Smithfield 1850. Wheelwright ; Farmer. REUBEN COLLETT Son of Daniel Collett and Esther Jones. Born July 19, 1839, Gloucestershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1849. High Priest. 200 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 REUBEN SAMUEL COLLETT Son of Reuben Collett and Elthurah Roseltha Merrill. Born May 26, 1864, Smithfield, Utah. High Priest. Farmer. DANIEL, CORBETT Born May 16, 1807, Farmington, Franklin County, Maine. Came to Utah in 1849. Bishop's Counselor. SAMUEL CORBETT Son of Daniel Corbett and Elmira Wrigh Born Oct. 19, 1835, Farmington, Main Seventy. Black Hawk Indian War Ve eran. MARION L. CORBETT Son of Samuel Corbett and Camilla D. .lacobsen. Born Jan. 20, 1864, at Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. JOSEPH B. DANA Son of Charles Root Dana, who came to Utah in 1849, and Jane Cully. Born Nov. 24, 1860, Ogden, Utah. City Councilman at Ogden. CHARLES A. DAVIS Born Oct. 13, 1810, Princeton, Mass. Can" to Utah in 1849. High Priest. Pos master at Spanish Fork 25 years. WARREN E. DAVIS Son of Charles A. Davis and Ruth Ken- nan. Born June 13, 1848, in Iowa. High Priest. County Road Supervisor. Direc- tor in Spanish Fork Co-op. WARREN E. DAVIS, JR. Son of Warren E. Davis and Almira Stoker. Born Oct. 26, 1872, Spanish Fork, Utah. Resides Spanish Fork. HTRUM DAYTON Born at Dayton Ohio. Came to Utah 1849. President 12th Quorum Elders. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 201 , MORONI DAYTON i,on of Hyrura Dayton and Permelia Bun- ly. Born Sept. 3, 1834, Parkman ihio. Indian War Veteran. Co., FRANCIS MORONI DAYTON Son of Moroni Dayton, whose father, Hy- rum Dayton, came to Utah in 1849, and Sarah Nichols. Born Nov. 14, 1856, Cedar Fort, Utah. ROBERT HUGHES DOWDLE Born April 6, 1830, Franklin County, Ala. Came to Utah in 1849, with Government Freighters. Seventy. . CHARLES DROWN 3orn Oct. 28, 1815. Came to Utah in 849. Missionary to California in 1857. DAVID TARBELL DROWN Son of Charles Drown and Sarah Tarbell. Born Dec. 9, 1837, Oswego, N. Y. Lives at West Jordan, Utah. JAMES DUKE Son of Jonathan Oldham Duke and Mary Stone. Born Dec. 21, 1829, Albany, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1849, Amasa M. Lyman Company. High Priest. JONATHAN OLDHAM DUKE iorn Aug. 31, 1807, Derby Eng. Came to Jtah Sept. 15, 1850, James Pace Com- pany. Bishop 1st Ward, Salt Lake City. ETHAN ALLEN DUKE Son of James Duke and Almira Moore. Born Sept. 23, 1857, at Salt Lake City. High Priest. JOHN DUKE Son of Jonathan Oldham Duke and Mary Stone. Born Nov. 19, 1834, Albany, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1850. Black Hawk In- dian War Veteran. "202 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 ROBERT STONE DUKE Son of Jonathan Oldham Uuke and Mary Stone. Born April 14, 1837, Albany, N. Y. Came to Utah with father. Bishop Heber Hast Ward. ROBERT DUKE Son of Robert Stone Duke ami Anna W. Ross Young. Born Dec. 4, 1857, Provo, Utah. Bishop 1st Ward, Heber City, Utah. GEORGE JONATHAN DUKE Son of Jonathan Oldham Duke and Sara Thompson. Born May 25, 1858, Prov Utah. Farmer and Ranchman. JOHN SEGERS EATON Born April 2, 1842, Montrose, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1849. FREDERICK G. FROERER (GFROERER) Born May 21, 1825, in Germany. Came Elder. Carpenter. rsorn luay Ji, is to Utah in 1849. WILLIAM GLOVER Born March 31, 1813, Kilmarnock, Sco land. Came to Utah in 1849, Samth Brannan Company. Farmer. JOSEPH SMITH GLOVER Son of William Glover and Jane Cowen. Born Sept. 13, 1846, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah in 1849. JOSEPH HYHUM GLOVER Son of Joseph Smith Glover and Ellen Mariah Rice. Born April 15, 1869, Farm- ington, Utah. Justice of Peace. WILLIAM F. GLOVER Son of William Glover and Jane Cower Born at San Francisco, Cal. Farmer an Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 '203 WILLIAM HENRY GLOVER Son of William F. 'Glover and Sarah Jane Barnes. Born April 14, 1870, Brigham City, Utah. City Councilman. JAMES M. GRAHAM Son of Thomas B. Graham and Sarah E. McCrary. Born Sept. 17, 1829, in Ala- bama. Came to Utah in 1849. Resided at Salt Lake City. JAMES F. GRAHAM Son of James M. Graham and Sarah .7. Brandon. Born Nov. 5, 1854, Sugarhouse Ward, Salt Lake City. Elder. ROBERT GREEN Son of John H. Green and Susannah Phil- lips. Born April 4, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah in 1849, with father. High Councillor. ISAAC HUNTER Born Aug. 14, 1816, Haversham Parish, Westmorelandshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1849. Captain of Home Militia. Sev- enty. Policeman. JAMES KEELJ3U Born Jan. 4, 1817, Ferrisburg, Vt. Came to Utah in 1849. Carpenter ; Farmer. DAVID ARTHUR KEELER Son of James Keeler and Emily Shelton. Born Feb. 18, 1869, Santaquin, Utah. * armer ; Fruit Grower and Stockraiser. ELEAZER KING, JR. Son of Eleazer Kins and Nancy Hart. Elder. Walker ' Indian War Veteran. Mason and Farmer. VOLNEY E. KING Son of Volney King. Born June 5, 1878 Circleville, Utah, Piute County. 204 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 ALFRED LEE Born Sept. 12, 1805, in North Carolina. Came to Utah in 1849. THOMAS LEE Son of Alfred Lee and Elizabeth La Flesh. Born Jan. 12, 1828, Winchester, Intl. Superintendent Sunday School. Captain of Indian Militia. Hunter. JOHN SHIELDS LEE Son of Thomas Lee and Primrose Shields. Born Feb. 22, 1862, Tooele, Utah. Assis- tant Sunday School Superintendent ; Pres- ident Y. M. M. I. A. ELI S. LEE Son of Thomas Lee and Primrose Shields. Born Jan. 31, 1868, Tooele, Utah. Elder ; Teacher; Assistant Sunday School Super- intendent. Farmer and Lumberman. FRANCIS X. LONGY Born June 19, 1835, Toronto, Canada. Came to Utah in 1849. Indian War Vet- eran. JAMES NICHOLS MATHEWS Born July 4, 1823. Came to Utah in 1849 by mule team. Elder ; Teacher. Farmer. HARLUM McBRIDE Born Dec. 8, 1824, Vallonia, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1849. High Priest. Member Mormon Battalion. City Marshal. Farmer. JOHN KILPATRICK McDONALD Came to Utah in 1849. JOHN TAAFFEE Mc'DONALD Son of John Kilpatrick McDonald and Rachael Burck Taaffee. Born April 11, 1830, Armagh, Ireland. Came to Utah in 1849. Seventy and High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 205 JAMES G. MCDONALD Son of John TaafEee McDonala And lOlranor Amelia Crossland. Born April 30, 1865, at Salt Lake City. High Priest. 'Manufacturer of candy, cocoa and choco- late. BRIGHAM OSCAR McINTIRE Son of William Mclntire, who came to Utah in 1849, and Ana Patterson. Born Aug. 21, 1852, at Salt Lake City. Elder. Teacher ; Farmer. BRIGHAM FRANKLIN McINTIRE Son of Brigham O. Mclntire and Barbara Mathis. Born March 4, 1880, St. George, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. ALLEN WILKINSON Born Oct. 20, 1818, Ondley, Yorkshire, Kng. Came to Utah in 1849. Worked on Sfauvoo Temple ; Member Nauvoo Legion. Indian War Veteran. JOHN WILKINSON Son of Allen Wilkinson and Mary Ann Morris. Born Jan. 1, 1843, Cheshire, Kng. Ward Teacher. Black Hawk In- dian War Veteran. ROBERT WILLIAMS Born in August, 1815, London, Eng. Came to Utah in 1849. Missionary. Tailor. Resided at Salt Lake City. ROBERT WILSON !orn April 29, 1819, Lightwoodgreen, lintshire, North Wales. Came to Utah in 849. Patriarch. JAMES MYLER Born Feb. 3, 1822, Butler County, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1849, William Miller Company. Seventy ; Member of the Mor- mon Battalion 1847. ORRIN MAINE MYLER Son of James Myler and Julia A. Brow- nell. Born Sept. 14, 1856, Farmington, Utah. High Councilor in Rigby Stake, Idaho ; Bishop of Lewlsville, Idaho ; Pres- ident Deacons Quorum ; Teacher. 200 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 ORRIN M. MYLER, JR. Son of Orrin Maine Myler and Elizabeth J. Stokes. Born Nov. 20, 1886. ARMENIUS MILLER NEELEY Son of Lewis Neeley and Elizabeth Miller. Born Jan. 7, 183*6, Vermilion County, 111. Came to Utah in 1849. ARMENIUS MILLER NEELEY, JR. Son of Armenius Miller Neeley and Susai Morgan. Born Sept. 30, 1857, Brighan City, Utah. Sunday School Superintends 15 years. THOMAS JEFFERSON PATTEN Born April 10, 1828, in Indiana. Came to Utah in 1849. High Priest; Bishop's Counselor. ETHAN PETTIT Came to Utah in 1849. Farmer and Stockraiser. ETHAN A. PETTIT Son of Ethan Pettit and Margerite Ells worth. Born Feb. 16, 1852. El.i.-r Farmer and Stockralser. MORRIS PHELPS Born Dee. 20, 1805, at New York. Came to Utah in 1849, Ox Team Company. Seventy. Stockralser. JOSEPH M. PHELPS Son of Morris Phelps and Laura Clark. Born June 2, 1837, Farr West, Caldwell Co., Mo. Contractor. LEVI W. REED Born Nov. 15, 1831, Cleveland, Ohio Came to Utah In 1849. Bishop Nortl Point Ward. Farmer and Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 207 ENOCH REESE ..rn May 25, 1813, White Town, New ,rk. Came to Utah, 1849, Independent, l|,pd to build the first saw and grist 11s. City Councilman. Merchant. ENOCH MORONI REESE Son of Enoch Reese and Hannah Harvey. Born July 14, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah in 1852. Freighter ; Contractor. JOHN H. REESE Son of Enoch Reese and Sarah E. Mc- Kinley. Born April 18, 1851, at Salt Lake City. Elder. Engineer ; Contractor. CHARLES W. REES i of Enoch Reese and Amy Whiteman. rn April 8, 1869, Payson, Utah. Bish- M Counselor; High Priest. Real Estate iler. ELISHA HENRY ROGERS Son of famous Missionary, Noah Rogers. Born May 17, 1834. Came to Utah in 1849. Minuteman. High Priest. Assisted immigration to Utah. NEPHI ROGERS Born March 10, 1838, Daviess County, Mo. Came to Utah in 1849. One of flrst set- tlers of Logan, Utah. Indian War Vet- eran. Ward Teacher. NEPHI NOAH ROGERS of Nephi Rogers and Elizabeth [ ne. Born Sept. 16, 1860, Logan, Utah. enty. Ward Teacher. THEODORE ROGERS Born Feb. 3, 1824, in Ohio. Came to Utah In 1849. Missionary to Ohio in 1875. WILLARD ROGERS Son of Theodore Rogers and Hannah Jones. Born Feb. 21, 1853, Provo, Utah. Served as County Surveyor Millard Coun- ty. Farmer ; Stockralser. 208 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 JOHN' H. RUMEL Father of the wife of Finly George Brooks of Salt Lake City. Came to Utah Oc- tober, 1849. JACOB F. SECRIST Born in 1820, Franklin County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1849. JACOB MOHONI SECRIST Son of Jacob F. Secrist and Ann El: Logan. Born Aug. 15, 1850, at Salt La City. Bishop of Farmington Wa Farmer. THOMAS EDWIN SECRIST Son of Jacob Moroni Secrist and Polly Estella Smith. Born May 6, 1872. Bish- op's Counselor. JOHN F. SHIELDS Born Feb. 3, 1823, Beaver County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1849. Presiding Elder at Salem, Utah. Justice of Peace. In- dian War Veteran. Farmer. JEFFERSON SLADE Son of William Rufus Slade and Ji Higganbotham. Born Sept 25, : Opelousas, La. Came to Utah in 1: Member Slade Transfer Company, Ogd JEFFERSON C. SLADE Son of Jefferson Slade and Sarah M. Chestnut. Born April 11, 1861, Ogden, Utah. Lives at Ogden. Member Slade Transfer Company. JACOB STEVENS Ogden, Utah. THOMAS J. STEVENS Ogden, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 209 STRINGHAM A. STEVENS Ogden, Utah. JOHN STEWART Born Sept. 27, 1827, Chester, Kent Co., Md. Came to Utah in 1849. ARTHUR M. STEWART Son of John Stewart and Lydia M. Rolfe. Born Jan. 26, 1852, San Bernardino, Calif. M. STOCKDALE jlative of R. K. Thomas of Salt Lake M. STOCKDALE, JR. Son of M. Stockdale. JOHN STRANGE Scipio, Utah. ANTHONY JOHNSON STRATTON rn Jan. 11, 1824, Bedford County, Tenn. me to Utah in 1849. Farmer. 14 GEORGE STRINGHAM Born at New York. Came to Utah in 1849. Butcher. Lived at Salt Lake City. GEORGE ALBERT STRINGHAM Thurber, Wayne Co., Utah. 210 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 BENJAMIN JOSEPH STRINGHAM Son of George Stringham and Polly Hemlrickson. Merchant at Holden, Utah. JACOB STRINGHAM Son of Jeremiah Stringham and Sallie Bovee. Born Oct. 3, 1862, in Missouri. High Priest ; Counselor in Bishopric of Vermillion. Farmer; Stockraiser. JAMES C. TAYLOR Father of the wife of Thomas Warrick c Preston, Idaho. Came to Utah 1849. 1 SAMUEL THOMAS Born Feb. 3, 1812, Caermarthenshire, Wales. Came to Utah in 1849, Dan Jones Company. High Priest. Farmer ; Stockraiser and Butcher. EDMUND ORSON WATTIS Son of Edmund Wattis and Mary Jane Corey. Vice-President Utah Construction Company ; Director Lewiston Sutcar Co. and Vineyard Land & Livestock Company. WILLIAM HENRY WATTIS Son of Edmund Wattis and Mary Jai Corey. Born Aug. 15, 1859, Uintah, I'ta President Utah Construction Compan Director Ogden Rapid Transit Company EDWIN WHITING Born Sept. 9, 1809, Lee County, Mass. Came to Utah in 1849, Captain Morley Company. Member Utah Legislature from Manti 1859-60. E. L. WHITING Mount Glenn, LeGrande, Ore. GEORGE WHITTLE Father of the wife of W. R. Lee of Oakle Idaho. Came to Utah 1849. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1849 211 WILLIAM HENRY McGARY Relative of B. F. Garr, Ogden, Utah. JAMES McGARY Relative of B. F. Garr, Ogden, Utah. BENJAMIN F. GARR Ogden, Utah. - WILLIAM H1CNHY EARL Pioneer to Weber County. ALMA MARCELUS ZABRISKIE Son of Alma M. Zabriskie and Susan Rob- erts. Born Feb. 17, 1855, Provo, Utah. Lives at Provo, Utah. Machinist. GEORGE ALBERT ZABRISKIE Son of Alva Zabriskie, who came to Utah in 1849, and Susan Roberts. Born Nov. 15, 1856, Provo, Utah. High Priest: Bishop's Counselor ; Superintendent Sun- day Schools. WILLIAM SEARS RIGGS March 19, 1830, Putnam County, Came to Utah in July, 1850. Hinh ;ilor of Panguitch Stake; Counselor shopric of Henrieville Ward. WILLIAM REEVES RIGGS Son of William S. Rigffs and Sarah Reeves. Born May 22, 1865, Cedar City, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. County As- sessor. Farmer and Merchant. L. B. HAMMON Roy, Weber Co., Utah. Horseman and Farmer. 212 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 SIMEON CARTER Born June 7, 1795. Came to Utah Aug. 15, 1850, Orson Hyde Company. High Priest. Missionary to England and the States. JOSHUA DAVIS Born Dec. 20, 1820, Alton, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1850. Seventy. MATHEW WILLIAM DALTON Born Jan. 11, 1829, Madrid, St. Lawrei Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 18 Independent Co. Bishop's Counselor. GEORGE PEACOCK Born July 22, 1822, Hutton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1850. Bishop's Coun- selor. Founder of first Public Library at Manti. JOHN LOWRY PEACOCK Son of George Peacock and Mary Lowry. Born Aug. 5, 1855, Manti, Utah. Bishop Sterling Ward. Merchant. Farmer. BRIGHAM JAMES PEACOCK Son of George Peacock and Mary A. ry. Born Dec. 27, 1858, Manti, Ut Elder. Farmer. Merchant and She man. Resides at Emery, Utah. THOMAS ALLMAN Born May 30, 1819, Handley, Stafford- shire, Eng. Camp to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson Company. High Coun- cilor ; Bishop's Counselor. Provo City Councilman. - THOMAS M. ALLMAN Son of Thomas Allman, who came to Utah with Aaron Johnson Company, and El- mira Phillips. Born April 4, 1867, Provo, Utah. Carpenter and Builder. MATTHEW CALDWELL Born June 11, 1822, Mt. Vernon, III. Ca to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron John Company. Indian War Veteran. F: Mayor Spanish Fork ; School Teacher. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 213 MARTIN P. CRANDALL !rn April 15, 1830, Villanova, N. Y. (me to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron John- si Company. MYRON LUCIUS CRANDALL Son of Martin P. Crandall, who came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson Com- pany, and Mahala C. Fuller. Born Oct. 30, 1856, Sprlngville, Utah. MYRON NATHAN CRANDALL Son of David Crandall and Margaret Ann McBride. Born Aug. 17, 1818, Genesee County, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson Company. MYRON EDGAR CRANDALL Son of Myron Nathan Crandall and Try- phena Bisbee. Born Feb. 17, 1848, Potta- wattamie County, Iowa. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. NOAH THOMAS GUYMON Son of Thomas Guymon and Sarah Gor- don. Born June 30, 1819. Came to Utah in 1850, Aaron Johnson Company. Mer- chant ; Farmer ; Stockraiser. NOAH THOMAS GUYMON, JR. of Noah Thomas Guymon and Eliza- Ann Jones. " - ' ~ -- --- ngville, Utah. Born "April 18, 1853, High Priest. Farmer ; teeper. Home, Orangeville. ENOCH HARRIS Son of Robert Harris, who came to Utah in 1850, Aaron Johnson Company, and Hannah Maria Eagles. Born May 29, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. RANSOM E. HARRIS Son of Enoch Harris and Jane A. Hoskins. Born June 30, 1872. 214 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 AARON JOHNSON Born June 22, 1806, Haddam, Conn. Came to Utah in 1850, himself captain. Bishop ; President High Council, Utah Stake. Leg- islator. AARON JOHNSON, JR. Son of Aaron Johnson and Jane Scott. Born May 22, 1850, Garden Grove, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. HAMILTON H. KEARNS Born Sept. 17, 1817, in Ohio. Cam. Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson C pany. Bishop Gunnison Ward. In< War Veteran. AUSTIN KEARNS Son of Hamilton H. Kearns and Charlotte White. Born Sept. 2, 1845, in Iowa. High Councilor. Farmer. KDWIN J. KEARNS Son of Hamilton H. Kearns and Emma M. Guymon. Born Dec. 29, 1858. LEVI HARLOW REUFIELD Born Sept. 25, 1801, North Madison, C Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron J son Company. High Priest ; Block Te er. Farmer and Fruit Grower. JAMES JACKSON ROSS Born Nov. 28, 1837. Came to Utah in 1850, Aaron Johnson Company. Indian War Veteran. Took part In Echo Canyon trouble. Farmer and Stockralser. THOMAS ROSS Born Sept. 15, 1814, Gilbert County, N. C. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1850, Aaron Johnson Company. Indian War Veteran. JAMKS ANDREW ROSS Son of Thomas Ross and Rachael Born Sept. 20, 1836, Gibson County, ' Mayor of Joseph, Utah ; High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 215 SAMUEL SMITH 'Horn May 22, 1818, SherrinKham, Buck- inghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 5, sTiii. Aaron Johnson Company. Mayor of iinKliam City, Utah. Patriarch. ISAAC SMITH Son of Samuel Smith and Sarah Jane InKraham. Born Dec. 31, 1857, BriKham City, Utah. Manager Z. C. M. I. at Logan, Utah. HORACE THORNTON Born May 7, 1822, Hinsdale, CattaraUBUs Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson Company. Seventy. BAULDWIN HARVEY WATTS on of Robert Harris Watts, who came to tah Sept. 6, 1850, Aaron Johnson Corn- any, and Elizabeth Heath. Born April 1835, near Raymond, Hinds Co., Va. CHARLES WILLIAM WATTS Son of Bauldwin Harvey Watts and Bar- bara Jane Levie. Born Jan. 9, 1862, near Huntsville, Utah. Sunday School Super- intendent ; Missionary to England. CALEB HERSEY DAVIS Born March 22, 1839, in New York. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1850, Thomas Johnson Company. WILLIAM GOFORTH NELSON rn June 10, 1831, Jefferson County, 111. ime to Utah Sept. 9, 1850, Thomas hnson Company. Bishop, Oxford Ward, leida Stake, Idaho. JOHN PERCIVAL LEE Born April 26, 1824, Lincoln County, Tenn. Came to Utah November, 1850, Thomas Johnson Company. School Superintendent. ELI A. TRACY Son of Moses Tracy, who came to Utah Sept. 12, 1850, and Nancy N. Alexander. Born Nov. 25, 1833, Jefferson County, N. Y. 216 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 \ LEVI ORSON ALAMANDER COLVIN Born Dec. 20, 1822, Ellsburg, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1850. High Priest. Farmer. LEVI ALEXANDER COLVIN Son of Levi Orson Alamander Colvin and Sarah Ann Emeline Davis. Born June 12, 1857, Payson, Utah. Bishop Pleasant View Ward. Farmer. SAMUEL KENDALL GIFFORD Born Nov. 11, 1821, Milo, Yates Co., N. ^ Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1850. Patriarc OLIVER DEMILL GIFFORD Son of Samuel Kendall Gifford and Lara Ann DeMill. Born Dec. 10, 1854, Manti, Utah. Bishop Springville Ward. LEVI GIFFORD, JR. Son of Levi Gifford, who came to Utah in 1850, and Deborah Wing. Born March 14, 1837, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1859. ARTHUR GIFFORD Son of Levi Gifford, Jr., and Caroli Jacques. Born Oct. 1, 1870, Westc Idaho. JOHN LAMBERT Born Jan. 31, 1820, Gargrave, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1850, Lo- renzo Young Company. Member 9th Quo- rum Seventies. Echo Canyon War Vet- eran. Mason. JOHN CARLOS LAMBERT Son of John Lambert and Adelia G. Groes- beck. Born Sept. 20, 1849, Kansas City, Mo. Ward Clerk at Kamas Eight Years. County Commissioner. JOHN CARLOS LAMBERT, Son of John C. Lambert and Olevla Fri ces Anderson. Born Feb. 12, 1887, Kani Utah. Deputy State Dairy and Food Cc missioner 1911. High Councilor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 217 JOSEPH HEBER LAMBERT -ion of John Lambert and Elena H. Larsen. .Born Oct. 27, 1856, Salt Lake City. Pres. High Priests Quorum ; Stake Sunday School Supt. WILLIAM LEHI BATEMAN Son of Thomas Bateman, who came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, James Pace Company, and Mary Street. Born Jan. 1, 1844, Lee County, Iowa. Elder. WILLIAM BLACK Born Aug. 20, 1784, Lisburn, Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, James Pace Company. One of the Founders of Spring City, Utah. WILLIAM V. BLACK. Son of William Black and Jane Johnston. Born Feb. 27, 1832, Lisburn, Ireland. Black Hawk and Walker Indian Wars Veteran. WILLIAM V. BLACK, JR. Son of William V. Black and Elmira Ayers. Born Feb. 8, 1860. GEORGE BLACK jon of George Black, who came to Utah ept. 15, 1850, James Pace Company, and .usan Jacaway. Born May 23, 1854, Fill- lore, Utah. Bishop Marion Ward. JOSEPH S. BLACK Son of William Black and Jane Johnston. Born July 14, 1836, Lisburn, Ireland. Bishop Deseret Ward. Major in Militia. PETER THOMPSON BLACK Son of Joseph S. Black and Caroline Thompson. Born April 5, 1871, Kanosh, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Sheriff of Millard County. 218 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 AVEKNO THOMPSON BLACK Son of Peter Thompson Black and Isabella Jane Bennett. Born April 12, 1896. EBENEZER BRYCE Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1850, James Pace Company. JAMES MORONI THOMAS Born July 27, 1841, Rochester, Sansamo Co., 111. Came to Utah Sept. 15, James Pace Company. Assisted in ing immigrants to Utah. 185i NATHANIEL J. THOMAS Son of James Moroni Thomas and Mary Hebden Holroyde. ISAAC RIDDLE Born March 22, 1830, Boone County, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, Richard Ses- sions Company. Bishop's Counselor EDWARD BUYS Born Oct. 22, 1841, LaHarpe, Hancock Co , III. Came to Utah Sept. 15, Evans Company County Surveyor. __, 1850, David Bishop's Counselor. GEORGE W. CLYDE Born July 8, 1825, Ogdensburg, St Law- rence Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, Uavid Evans Company. Seventy Farmer and Stockraiser. EDWARD B. CLYDE Son of George W. Clyde and Jane McDon aid. Born Sept. 19, 1864, Heber, Utah Bishop's Counselor. Mayor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 219 WILLIAM MORGAN CLYDE Born April 8, 1829, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, David Evans Company. Walker and Black Hawk Indian Wars Veteran. HYRUM S. CLYDE Son of William Morgan Clyde and Eliza McDonald. Born Aug. 16, 1861, Spring- ville, Utah. City Councilman at Spring- ville. Farmer. DAVID EVANS Born Oct. 27, 1804, Cecil County, Mary- land. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, Captain of his own company. Bishop Lehi Ward. MOSIAH EVANS Son of David Evans and Barbara Ann i Ewell. Born Sept. 22, 1862, Lehi, Utah. Mayor of Lehi. JACOB EVANS Son of David Evans and Barbara Ann Ewell. Born April 26, 1867, Lehi, Utah. Utah County Attorney. ISRAEL EVANS Son of David Evans and Mary Beck. Born Oct. 2, 1828. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850. ROGER FARRER Born March 18, 1795, Westmoreland, Ens. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850. David Evans Company. High Priest. ROGER FARRER, JR. Son of Roger Farrer anrt Mary Stubbs. Born April 17, 1838, Westmoreland, Eng. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. JOHN FIELD Born Oct. 31, 1808, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, David Evans Company. High Priest. 220 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 JOHN J. FIELD Son of John Field and Alice Lavender Born Feb. 16, 1863, Taylorsville, Utah Seventy. JOSEPH MOESSER Father of the wife of J. J. Field of Idaho Falls, Idaho. EDWARD HALL Born Nov. 15, 1813, Waterbury, New Haven Co., Conn. Came to Utah Sept 2 1850, David Evans Company. Elder. Farmer. Resided at Springville. LORENZO HILL HATCH Born Jan. 4, 1826, Lincoln, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, David Evans Com- pany. Bishop Franklin Ward, Idaho. LORENZO LAFAYETTE HATCH Son of Lorenzo Hill Hatch and Sylvia Sa- vonia Eastman. Born Dec. 25, 1851, Lehi Utah. Bishop Franklin Ward, Idaho IRA NATHANIEL HINCKLEY Born Oct. 30, 1828, Johnstown District. Can. Came to Utah in 1850, David Evans Company. President Millard Stake EDWIN SMITH HINCKLEY Son of Ira Nathaniel Hinckley and Ade- laide Cameron Noble. Born July 21 1868 Cove Fort, Utah. Bishop's Counselor HARRISON KEYES Relative of D. K. Stewart of Ogden, Utah Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1850. CHARLES M. McGARY Born about 1810. Came to Utah in 1860. Capt. Evans Company. Road Supervisor several years. Blacksmith; Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 221 JOSEPH JOHNSON SMITH Born April 8, 1821, Kempston, Eng. Came to Utah Fall of 1850, David Evans Com- pany. Seventy. Made first plough and first nails at Lehi, Utah. HYRUM SMITH Son of Joseph Johnson Smith and Ann Coleman. Born March 20, 1856, at Lehi, Utah. Seventy. Farmer and Stockraiser. HYRUM EUGENE SMITH Son of Hyrum Smith and Eliza A. Fowler. Born Jan. 25, 1880. CHARLES H. SMITH Son of Hyrum Smith and Eliza A. Fowler. Born Nov. 15, 1881. GILBERT BELNAP Born Dec. 22, 1821, Hope, Newcastle Dist., Upper Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, Jonathan Foote Company. Bishop Hooper Ward. GILBERT ROSEL BELNAP Son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight. Born January, 1847. REUBEN BELNAP Son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight, torn June 14, 1851. JOSEPH BELNAP Son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight. Born Jan. 26, 1853, Ogden, Utah. High Councilor. Farmer and Stockraiser. HYRUM BELNAP Son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight. Born March 24, 1858. High Councilor. Gen. Mgr. Utah-Oregon Lumber Co. 222 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 AUGUSTUS WEBEH KNIGHT BELNAP Son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight Born March 25, 1860. VINSON K. BELNAP. Son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight Born June 26, 1863. AMASA BELNAP Son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight Born June 22, 1866. WILLIAM JAMES BELNAP Son of Gilbert Belnap and Henrietta Mc- Bnde. Born Aug. 31, 1853. OLIVER BELNAP Son of Gilbert Belnap and Henrietta Mc- Brlde. Born Sept. 20, 1855. FRANCIS MARION BELNAP Son of Gilbert Belnap and Henrietta Me Bride. Born June 5, 1857. AUSTIN CRAVATH BROWN Horn April 30, 1850, near Council Bluffs. Iowa Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, Jonathan Foote Company. ELISHA CRAGUN JAMES R. CRAGUN PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 223 ABRAHAM TAYLOR plative of J. F. Bringhurst of Spring- lie, Utah. DAVID C. EAMES Son of David Eames, who came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, Jonathan Foote Company, and Esther Cullen. Born Sept. 1, 1851, Salt Lake City. High Councilor. DAVID G. EAMES Son of David C. Eames and Elizabeth C. Greaves. Born Sept. 29, 1879, Logan, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. MILAN PACKARD in of Noah Packard, who came to Utah 1850, and Sophia Bundy. Born Oct. 7, 30. Indian War Veteran. Located fasant Valley Coal Fields. Merchant. NEPHI PACKARD Born July 1, 1832, Parkman, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, Capt. Foote Company. Bishop of Springville, Utah. Indian War Veteran. NEPHI HENRY PACKARD Born July 15, 1864, Springville, Utah. First Counselor to the Bishop of Sprins- ville, 2d Ward. Mayor of SprinKville, Utah, November, 1907. JOHN ROYLANCE irn Nov. 20, 1807, Chester, Eng. Came Ltah October, 1850, Jonathan Foote >mpany. Farmer. Director of Co-op, are. WILLIAM ROYLANCE Son of John Roylance and Mary Ann Oakes. Born April 1, 1840, Chester, Eng. Mer- chant ; Farmer ; Stockman. WILLIAM M. ROYLANCE Son of William Roylance and Lucy Clucas. Born March 31, 1865, Springville, Utah. Mayor of Prove, Utah. Merchant. 224 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 HENRY ROYLANCE Son of John Roylance and Mary Ann Oakes. Born May 21, 1831, Chester, Eng. Came to Utah in 1850. Seventy. Deputy Mar- shal. Farmer. ABRAHAM COON Born April 3, 1810, Herron Creek, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, William Wall Company. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN COON Son of Abraham Coon, who came to Uta Sept. 17, 1850, and Elizabeth Yarbrougl Born Nov. 30, 1832. Member 33d Quorui Seventies. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN A. COON Son of John Coon and Mary T. York. Born Feb. 22, 1857, Salt Lake City. Presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. ISAAC W. COON Son of John Coon and Mary T. York. Born Aug. 11, 1869, Grantsville, Utah. Sunday School Supt. Road Supervisor. Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES DAVID COON Son of Abraham Coon and Elizabeth Yai brough. Born Dec. 7, 1842, Greene Cour ty, 111. Elder; Ward Teacher. Fanrn and Stockraiser. JOSEPH COON Son of James David Coon and Mary Hor- rocks. Born Feb. 16. 1871, Huntsville, Utah. Member 14th Quorum Seventies. Farmer and Stockraiser. ISAAC COON Son of Abraham Coon and Betsy Wilson. Born June 18, 1850, on way to Utah. HiRh Priest; Missionary to Eastern States 1896- 98 ; Bishop's Counselor. JACOB COX Son of Daniel Cox, who came to Uta September, 1850, William Wall Compan: and Mary Ann Frantom. 1837, Greene County, 111. Born Aug. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 PETER MAUGHAN Born May 7, 1811, Milton, Cumberland, Kng. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, Wil- ; liam Wall Company. Residing Bishop of I Cache County. JOHN MAUGHAN Son of Peter Maughan and Ruth Har- rison. Born Oct. 8, 1830, Alston, Cumber- land, KnK. Bishop of Weston, Idaho. WILLIAM HARRISON MAUGHAN Son of Peter Maughan and Ruth Harrison. Born May 7, 1834, Alston, Cumberland. Ens. Came to Utah in 1850. Bishop of Wellsville Ward. PETER MORGAN MAUGHAN Son of William Harrison Maughan and Barbara Morgan. Born Oct. 18, 1858, K. T. Citv, Utah. Renresentative First and Fourth State Legislatures. KLMER TAYLOR Born Nov. 4, 1831, Grafton, Lorain Co., Ohio. Came to Utah in 1850, William Wall Company. Bishop. Merchant. Corn- mi; sinner. JAMES E. TAYLOR Son of Elmer Taylor and Weltha Ann Spafford. Born Feb. 20, 1864, Springville, Utah. Bishop ; Missionary to England. County Commissioner ; Constable. IRA ALLEN Born April 27, 1814, Thompson, Conn. C'ame to Utah September, 1850. Settled at Hyrum, Utah, April, 1860. Ward Clerk. Postmaster. Farmer. 15 ANDREW AGUSTUS ALLEN Son of Ira Allen and Calista Bass. Born Oct. 1, 1836, Woodstock, Conn. Came to Utah in 1850. Supt. Sunday School; High Councilor. County Commissioner, ANDREW AGUSTUS ALLEN, JR. Son of Andrew Agustus Allen and Sarah Ann Cartwright. Born Aug. 25, 1858, Cedar City, Utah. School Trustee ; City Councilman ; Mayor, Bishop. 226 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 GEORGE CALDER Born Dec. 25, 1838, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1850, Captain Clawson Company. Founder of Calder's Park (Wandamere). Seventy. ORSON BEXNION CALDER' Son of George Calder and Mary Bennion. Born Jan. 8, 1862, Tayldrsville, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. ' H. B. CALDER Son of George Calder and Mary Bennio Born May 26, 1873, Mill Creek, Uta Bishop of 1st Ward, Vernal. Merchant LEMUEL HERRICK Born March 13, 1792, Charleston, N Y Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1850, Thomas Johnson Company. Tailor. LESTER JAMES HERRICK Son of Lemuel Herrick and Sally Judd. Born Dec. 14, 1827, Nelson, Portage Co., Ohio. Came to Utah with father. Bishop. HARRISON SEVERE Born Sept. 17, 1820, Knox County, Ohio Came to Utah Oct. 30, 1850, Joseph Toung Company, Nauvoo Legion. Body- guard of President Brigham Young. JOHN LESTER HERRICK Son of Lester J. Herrick and Agnes Quarrie. Born June 2, 1868, Ogden, U High Councilor. HYRUM H. SEVERE Son of Harrison Severe and Dorcas Mc- Bride. Born Feb. 6,1852, Grantsville, Utah. High Priest ; High Councilor Cassia Stake. AMOS PEASE STONE Born March 18, 1815, Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1850 Joseph Young Company. Pres. Mourn Fort Ward, Ogden, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 227 J. D. STONE Ogden, Utah. BERNARD SPENCER STONE Son of Amos Pease Stone and Sarah Spen- cer. Born Sept. 3, 1869, Ogden, Utah. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Coal and Ice. GUY MESSIAH KEYSOR Born Oct. 6, 1816, Black Rock, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1850, Mormon Battalion Company. Elder; Block Teacher; Mis- sionary. Carpenter. WILLIAM GKORGE KEYSOR I Son of Guy Messiah Keysor and Ruth Wyllie. Born Nov. 21, 1862, Salt Lake City. Seventy ; Missionary to Northern States 1901-1903. Carpenter. JOSEPH H. CAMPBELL Born Aug. 15, 1837, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1850, Stephen Markham Com- pany. Farmer; Miller. JOSEPH CAMPBELL Son of Joseph H. Campbell and Elizabeth Mathews. Born Oct. 26, 1861, Providence, Utah. Bishop, Providence, 2nd Ward. MOSES CURTIS Born May, 1816, Connaught, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1850, Stephen Markham Com- pany. Patriarch. Farmer. MOSES MONROE CURTIS Son of Moses Curtis and Aurelia Jackman. Born Oct. 28, 1840, Nauvoo, 111. Bishop Eden Ward. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. FRANCIS A. CURTIS Son of Moses Curtis and Aurelia Jack- man. Born Oct. 5, 1846, Nauvoo. IU. 228 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 THOMAS R. FORSTTH Born Sept. 10, 1813, Rexburgshire, Scot- land. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1850, Stephen Markham Company. Member Nauvoo Legion. THOMAS R. FORSYTH II. Son of Thomas R. Forsyth and Isabella Donald. Born Sept. 10, 1840, Port Huron, Michigan. School Trustee. THOMAS R. FORSYTH III. Son of Thomas R. Forsyth II. and Fredo nia M. Goheen. Born Feb. 7, 1864. Hish op's Counselor. JOHN W. FORSYTH Son of Thomas R. Forsyth II. and Fredo- nia M. Goheen. Born March 25, 1869, Pine Valley, Washington Co., Utah. Farmer. DANIEL AGUSTUS HUSSEY Born Nov. 29, 1833, Dover, N. H. Came to Utah November, 1850, Stephen Markham Company. Assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah. CHARLES HENRY HUSSEY Son of Daniel Agustus Hussey and Sara Louisa Bridges. Born July 10, 1866, Sal Lake County. Supt. Ogden Stake Religion Classes. Lumberman. EDWARD MORGAN Born Oct. 20, 1838, Preston, Lancashire, Ens. Came to Utah in 1850, Stephen Markham Company. Indian War Scout. JESSE KNIGHT Son of Newel Knight and Lydia Gold- thwaite. Born Sept. 6, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1850. President Knight Investment Co., Provo, Utah. JESSE WILLIAM KNIGHT Son of Jesse Knight and Amanda McEwai Born AUK. 20, 1874, Payson, Utah. Bisho Raymond Ward. Financier. MemU Utah Stake Presidency. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 229 WILLIAM CORNWELL PATTEN iorn March 24, 1799, Chester County, Pa. ame to Utah Oct. 3, 1850, Wilford Wood- uff Company. GEORGE PATTEN Son of William Cornwell Patten and Juli- anna Bench. Born Oct. 26, 1828, Cold Kain, Chester Co., Pa. High Priest. Mem- ber Nauvoo Legion. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE W. CLIFT Born Feb. 24, 1817, Saunec, White Co., 111. Came to Utah 6ct. 5, 1850. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE A. CLIFT on of George W. Clift and Amanda C. aucett. Born April 12, 1851, Provo, Utah. ishop's Counselor. Black Hawk Indian "ar Veteran. GEORGE A. CLIFT, JR. Son of George A. Clift and Sarah H. Alexander. Born June 2, 1881. HENRY MOON Born March 29, 1819, Walton Hall, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1850, John Moon Company. High Priest ; Bishop Woodland Ward, and at Salt Lake City. JOHN THOMAS MOON n of Henry and Lydia Moon. Born Pt. 13, 1844, Ues Moines, Iowa. Bishop >odland Ward. HENRY M. MOON Son of Henry Moon and Temperance West- wood. Born March 22, 1868, Salt Lake City. School Trustee. Seventy. Sergeant In Militia. Farmer. DANIEL BIGELOW Son of Nahum Bteelow, who came to Utah Oct.. G, 1850, William Snow Company, and Mary Gibbs. Born March 18, 1842, Camp Creek. Mercer Co., 111. High Priest. 230 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 JOHN BOYCE Born Feb. 22, 1842, Madison Island, near Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1850, William Snow Company. Bishop's Coun- selor. HUGH DAY Born July 31, 1809, Leeds, Upper Canada. Came to Utah in 1850, William Snow Com- pany. JAMES McCLELLAN Born Aug. 8, 1804, York District, S. ( Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1850, William Sno\ Company. High Priest. Pioneer of Pay son, Utah. WILLIAM CARROLL McCLELLAN Son of James McClellan and Cynthia Stew- art. Born May 12, 1828, Bedford County, Tenn. Bishop Pleasanton, N. M. Indian Fighter. H. J. McCLELLAN Son of James McClellan and Cynthia Stew- art. Born Nov. 13, 1836, Shelby Coun- ty, 111. Came to Utah in 1847, James Mc- Clellan Company. Rancher and Farmer ; Merchant. LUCIAN NOBLE Born Nov. 26, 1807, East Bloomfleld, N. 1 Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1850, William Sno- Company. High Priest. School Teachc Horticulturist. JOHN SIVIL SMITH Born March 10, 1809, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1850, William Snow Company. GEORGE MICHAEL SMITH Son of John Sivil Smith and Jane Wadley. Born April 11, 1855, at Draper, Utah. Lives at Thatcher. Idaho, and Kaysville, Utah. WILLIAM SNOW Born Dec. 14, 1806, St. Johnsbury, V Came to Utah in 1850, WilHam Snow Con pany. Bishop. Member Legislature ; I'r< bate Judge. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 231 WILLIAM J. SNOW on of William Snow and Sally Adams, 'nrn April 19. 1869, Lehi, Utah. Associate rofessor in History of B. T. U. at Prove, tah. Pres. Y. M. M. I. A. WILLIAM STEVENS Born in October, 1799, Herkimer County, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1850, William Snow Company. ALBERT STEVENS Son of William Stevens and Marinda Thomas. Born Dec. 16, 1829. Came to Utah in 1852. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer. ALBERT STEVENS, JR. in of Albert Stevens and Lettie McKee. rn Sept. 27, 1853, Pleasant Grove, Utah, stmaster eight years ; Member of sislature. ' EDWARD STEVENS Son of William Stevens and Marinda Thomas. Born Aug. 26, 1841, Illinois. Lives at Holden, Millard Co., Utah. County Commissioner. JOHN WOODLAND Born March 27, 1772, Norfolk, Va. Came to Utah October, 1850, William Snow Com- pany. High Priest. JAMES WHITAKER n May 14, 1805, Buncombe County, N -ame to Utah in 1850, Gardner Snow Unpany. High Priest. LEANDER J. WHITAKER Son of James Whitaker and Nancy Wood- land. Born Jan. 15, 1844. Hancock County, 111. LEANDER T. WHITAKER Son of Leander J. Whitaker and Ann Eliza Mitchell. Born Feb. 13, 1867, Rich- mond, Utah. 232 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 WILLIAM LEE Born Sept. 6, 1820, Upper Mitten, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1850. WILLIAM KICHARD LEE Son of William Lee and Elizabeth Jasper. Born Oct. 15, 1856, Grantsville, Utah. Bishop's Counselor ; First Counselor High Priest Quorum. WILLIAM C. THOMAS Born Jan. 27, 1827, Llanelly, South Wall Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1850. Missionar Pioneer Merchant in Northern Utah. DAVID PRICE THOMAS Son of William C. Thomas and Margrett Philips. Born Feb. 17, 1858, Brigham City, Utah. Bishop. Bank President. Member Village Board. CHARLES BIRD Son of Benjamin Bird, who came to Utah Oct. 10, 1850. Born Sept. 19, 1803, Flan- ders, N. J. Bishop's Counselor Cotton- wood Ward. Farmer ; Merchant. BRADFORD K. BIRD Son of Charles Bird and Mary Ann K nardy. Born Jan. 26, 1840, Adams ( '.111111 111. High Priest. Indian War Vrtera Farmer. ROSWELL DARIUS BIRD Father of Roswell Darius Bird of Maple- ton, Utah. HICNRY ALBERT CHEEVER Born Nov. 7, 1826, Zanesville, R. I. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1850, Edward Hunter Company. High Priest. Gardener. DAVID CLUFF Born June 20, 1795, Durham, N. II. Cai to Utah Oct. 15, 1850, Edward Hunt Company. City Councilman at Pro' Utah. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 '233 BENJAMIN CLUFF on of David Cluft and Betsy Hall. Born larch 20, 1830, Durham, N. H. Came to 'tah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter Com- any. Bishop of Center Ward ; Patriarch. Icchanic. WILLIAM WALLACE CLUFF Son of David Cluff and Betsy Hall. Born March 8, 1832, Willoughby, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1850, Edward Hunter Company. Mayor of Coalville ; Member State Legis- lature eight years. Merchant. HARVEY HARRIS CLUFF Son of David Cluff and Betsy Hall. Born Jan. 9, 1836, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1850, Edward Hunter Company. Bishop ; President Utah Stake. City Coun- cilman. Farmer. SAMUEL S. CLUFF on of David Cluff and Betsy Hall. Born ept. 27, 1837, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to tah Oct. 4, 1850, Edward Hunter Com- ;any. Pres. Seventies. HARVEY CLUFF Son of Samuel S. Cluff and Frances Wors- ley. Born Oct. 24,- 1872, Provo, Utah. Attorney-at-Law. OLIVER HUNT DUDLEY Born Feb. 29, 1809, Vermont. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter Com- pany. JOSEPH SMITH DUDLEY on of Oliver Hunt Dudley and Mary Ann jobinson. Born Sept. 30, 1851, Salt Lake ELIJAH FORDIIAM Born March 8, 1798, New York. Came to Utah November, 1850, Edward Hunter Company. Assisted in Building Kirtland and Nauvoo Temples. JACOB FLYNN HUTCIIINSON Born Aug. 14, 1816, East Wilton, N. II. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hun- ter Company. Bishop of Gunnison Ward, Utah. Member Legislature 1850. 234 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 JACOB FLYNN HUTCHINSON Son of Jacob Flynn Hutchinson and Con- stantia E. C. Langdon. Born June 15 1846, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850. Carpenter. WILLIAM JENKINS Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hun- ter Company. HENRY PARKER Born Sept. 26, 1807, Brindle, Lanca-hir Eng. Came to Utah in 1850, Capt. Hunt! Company. JOSEPH H. PARKER Son of Henry Parker and Nancy Riley. Born Feb. 27, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Lives at Mt. Sterling, Cache Co., Utah. WYMAN MINER PARKER Son of Wyman Parker and Maria Miner. Born April 2, 1828, Franklin, Delaware Co N. Y. Came to Utah in 1850. Bishop ; Patriarch. LIONEL PARKER Son of Wyman M. Parker and Eliza An- Grover. Born Dec. 26, 1870, Morgar Utah. NICHOLAS THOMAS SILCOCK Born Sept. 29, 1819, Handley, Eng. Came t Utah Oct. 4, 1850, Bishop Edward Hunter Company. Assisted in construc- tion of canal. NICHOLAS HENRY SILCOCK Son of Nicholas Thomas Silcock and Jane Heath. Born Aug. 13, 1867. Lives at Riverton, Utah. Farmer. EPHRAIM WIGHT Born March 13, 1826, Centerville, AIU' pany Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1850 Edward Hunter Company. High Priest PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 235 STEPHEN WIGHT M-n May 7, 1820, Montgomery, N. Y. rn June 26, 1867, Brigham City, Utah. JONATHAN C. WRIGHT Born Nov. 29, 1808, Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y. Came to Utah October, 1850, Edward Hunter Company. Counselor in Presi- dency Box Elder Stake. DAN ATWOOD Born in 1788. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff Company. Teamster ; Lumberman ; Builder. 236 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 MINER GRANT ATWOOD Son of Dan Atwood and Polly Sawyer. Born March 18, 1823, Mansfield, Conn. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850. MILLEN DAN ATWOOD Son of Miner Grant Atwood and Mary D. Guild. Born May 16, 1853, Salt Lake City. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. LAWRENCE MINER ATWOOD Son of Millen Dan Atwood and Sarali Wa lass. Born March 4, 1886, Salt Lake Oil Missionary to Australia. Teacher ; Farmt SAMUEL ATWOOD Son of Dan Atwood and Polly Sawyer. WILLIAM HENRY BRANCH Born Aug. 9, 1820, Lisband, Conn. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff Company. High Priest. Sheriff and Watermaster of Washington County. WILLIAM HENRY BRANCH, JR. Son of William Henry Branch and Emel Cornelia Atwood. Born AUK. 23, 185 Salt Lake City. Bishop Wellington War EUGENE ELISHA BRANCH Son of William Henry Branch and Emelie Cornelia Atwood. Born AUK. 19. 1854, at Salt Lake City. Bishop Welling- ton Ward. Mason. EUGENE ELISHA BRANCH, JR. Son of Eugene Klisha Branch and Jane Blake. Born Oct. 8, 1877, St. George, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. GEORGE A. GOODRICH Son of Benjamin Franklin Goodrich ai Penelope Randall Gardner. Born ilari 3, 1839, Lunenberg, Mass. Came to Uti Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff Compan PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.50 237 GEORGE LEONARD GOODRICH n of George Albert Goodrich and Eliza in TaKgart. Born Oct. 30, 1863, Salt l.ke City. Bishop's Counselor. Merchant. ALBERT G. GOODRICH Son of George Albert Goodrich and Har- riett Maria Tagsart. Born May 1, 1871, Mt. Carmel, Utah. Bishop of Naples Ward 1910; Ward Teacher. LEONARD WILFORD HARDY Born Dec. 31, 1805, Bradford, Essex Co., Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, Wil- ford Woodruff Company. Bishop 12th Ward, Salt Lake City. LEONARD GOODRIDGE HARDY S nf Leonard Wilford Hardy and Sophia Iis Goodridge. Born June 24, 1852, Salt lj;e City. Bishop 2d Ward, Salt Lake >Qf. Capitalist. JESSIE WALLACE HARDY Son of Leonard Wilford Hardy and Sophia Lois Goodridge. Born Dec. 30, 1857, Salt Lake City. High Councilor. WILLIAM N. NEELEY Born Aug. 29, 1830, Dane County, Wis. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff Company. Bishop Bear River City and Neeley Wards. S, PETER EDGAR NEELEY of William N. Neeley and Mary C. on. Born Sept. 3, 1883. Neeley, Idaho. LOUIS JAMES PETTY Son of Robert Cowen Petty, who came to Utah in 1850, Wilford Woodruff Company, and Margaret Jefferson Wells. Born Jan. 11, 1846. HORACE STRONG RAWSON Born July 15, 1799, Oneida Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1850, Wilford Woodruff Company. High Councilor. Mem- ber Ogden City Council. 238 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 - - WILLIAM COFFIN RAWSON Son of Horace Strong Rawson and Eliza- beth Coffin. Born Jan. 13, 1832, Randolph County, Indiana. Supt. Sunday School. Bishop's Counselor. JOSEPH YOUNG Born April 7, 1797, Hopkinton, Mass. Came to Utah September, 1850, Wilford Woodruff Company. Missionary ; Senior President of All Quorums of Seventies. LEGRAND YOUNG Son of Joseph Young and Jane Ade' Bicknell. Born Dec. 27, 1840, Nauvoo. Came to Utah September, 1850. H Priest. City Councilman. Lawyer. JOSEPH FISH Son of Horace Fish, who came to Utah in 1850, Milo Andrus Company, and Hannah Leavitt. Born June 27, 1840, Will County, 111. Superintendent Sunday School. EDWIN HAMBLIN Son of Isaiah Hamblin, who came to Utah Oct. 27, 1850, and Daphney Haynes. Born May 20, 1835, Bainbridge, Geauga Co., Ohio. First Lieutenant in Militia. ORVILLE CLARK. ROBERTS Born Sept. 1, 1833, Manchester, Mor Co., 111. Came to Utah in 1850, Milo A rus Company. Seventy. Indian Figl Farmer. OUVILLK CLARK UOBKRT8, JR. Son of Orvllle Clark Roberts and Mary Coray. Born Oct. 24, 189. DANIEL STUART Born May 20, 1820, Kindle, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1850, Milo Andrus Company. Veteran Echo Canyon War. Shoemaker. GEORGE STUART Son of Daniel Stewart and Agness I dleston. Born Feb. 27, 1845. Miss!'" to Scotland 1894-96; Bishop. Telegr' Operator. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 239 THOMAS STUART Son of George Stuart. ANDREW JACKSON STEWART Born Sept. 13, 1819, Jackson, Monroe Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 20, 1850. As- sistant Attorney General ; Deputy Clerk of Supreme Court. ANDREW JACKSON STEWART, JR. Son of Andrew Jackson Stewart and Eun- ice Pease Quimby Haws. Born Oct. 8, 1846, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. U. S. Deputy Surveyor. ANDREW J. STEWART, III. Si of Andrew Jackson Stewart, Jr., and Nllssa Kiggs. Born April 10, 1873, Provo, Mih. U. S. Deputy Surveyor. DAVID B. DILLE Born in Ohio. Came to Utah October, 1850, Captain Bennett Company. ARVIS C. DILLE Son of David B. Dille and Harriet Lucre- tia Welsh. Born Oct. 26, 1839. Indiana, Came to Utah with father. li HIRAM DILLE of Arvis C. Dille and Mary Ann Brad- Born Nov. 3. 1874, Hyrum, Utah. CHARLES HENRY MALLORT Son of Lemuel Mallory and Elizabeth Canada. Born Oct. 15, 1840, Malon, Mich. Built first house on the Mesa, Arizona, 1878. WARREN JAMES MALLORY Son of Charles Henry Mallory and Caro- line M. T. Lesueur. Born Oct. 23, 1868, Montpelier, Idaho. Bishop 2d Ward, Shel- ley, Idaho. 240 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 DANIEL HALL MURDOCK Born Nov. 10, 1839, Warren County, Indi- ana. Came to Utah in 1850, Capt. Ben- nett Company. Planted first shade trees in Ogden. ASAHEL PERRY Born Feb. 26, 1784, Williamsburg, Hamp- shire Co., Mass. Came to Utah in 1850, Capt. Bennett Company. High Priest. Member Legislature. Farmer. STEPHEN CHADWICK PERRY Son of Asahel Perry and Polly Chadwii Born Dec. 22, 1818, Genesee County, N. Came to Utah in 1850. Indian War Veten LEWIS R. PERRY Son of Stephen Chadwick Perry and Anna Maria Hewlett. Born Dec. 31, 1849, Mt. Pisgah, Iowa. Member High Council Union Stake, Oregon. JOHN SYLVESTER PERRY Son of Stephen Chadwick Perry and Anna Maria Hewlett. Born March 10, 1852, Sprinsville, Utah. Farmer. MARTIN STEWART PERRY Son of Stephen Chadwick Perry and M garet Eleanor Stewart. 1858, Springville, Utah. Born Aug. GEORGE WILLARD PERRY Hon of Stephen Chadwick Perry and Mary Boggs. Born Nov. 26, 1861, Springville, Utah. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. School Trustee. GEORGE MARTIN BURGESS Born April 2, 1839, Clay County, Mo. Came to Utah in 1850, Capt. Johnson Com- pany. Pres. 29th Quorum Seventies. Black Hawk Indian War Vet. Farmer. ERNEST HUNGATE BUHCIOSS Son of George Martin Burgess and Rh Ann Dykes. Born Jan. 3, 1884, Pine \ ley, Utah. Principal of Schools ; Alton PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 241 SPICER W. CRANDALL ime to Utah August, 1850, Captain John- n Company. JAMES M. HICKS Born June 29, 1833, New York. Came to Utah in 1850, Capt. Johnson Company. Elder. DANIEL CLAYBORN THOMAS Born Dec. 12, 1815, North Carolina. Came to Utah in 1850, Capt. Johnson Company. Has lived at Lehi, Cedar Fort, Smith- field and Plain City, Utah. JAMES MADISON THOMAS Si of Daniel Clayborn Thomas and Jane llither. Born Aug. 18, 1855, Cedar Fort, lab. Farmer and Stockraiser. Resides ( Plain City, Utah. ALMA KEYES Son of William Henry Harrison ' Keyes, who came to Utah Sept. 12, 1850, anrt Eliza Ann Herrick. Born Aug. 10, 1839, Adams County, 111. Bishop. ERASTUS NELSON WELLS Son of Jonathan Sawyer Wells and Mar- gret Gardner. Born Feb. 18, 1835, Erie County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1850, Capt. Johnston Company. Seventy. I JONATHAN SAWYER WELLS ni of Erastus Nelson Wells and Nancy iMInda Whitaker. Born April 12, 1870, Voaruff, Idaho. 16 LAWRENCE RAY WELLS Son of Erastus Nelson Wells and Nancy Malinda Whitaker. Born Nov. 4, 1878, Woodruff, Idaho. HOWARD CORAY Born May 6, 1817, Stevens County, Pa. Came to Utah October, 1850, John Sharp Company. High Priest. 242 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 HOWARD KNOWLTON CORAY Son of Howard Coray and Martha Jane Knowlton. Born April 10, 1842, Augusta, Vanburen Co., Iowa, Bishop's Counselor. JOHN SHARP Born Nov. 9, 1820, Clackmannanshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1850, John Sharp Company. Bishop of 20th Ward, Salt Lake City. JOHN SHARP, JR. Son of John Sharp and Jane Pattersor Born Dec. 28, 1841, Clackmannan, Scot land. Member High Council. State Com missioner. JOHN N. SHARP Son of John Sharp, Jr., and Hannah Nes- len. Born June 11, 1869, Salt Lake City. City Councilman. Real Estate. Mining. JAMES SHARP Son of John Sharp and Jane Patterson. Born Nov. 18, 1843, Scotland. Member House Representatives. Mayor Salt Lake City. Regent U. of U. JOHN C. SHARP Son of Joseph Sharp and Jannet Conclii Born May 28, 1850, Kaw River, Kan. Cain to Utah Aug. 28, 1850. Capitalist. JOSEPH C. SHARP Son of Joseph Sharp and Margaret Condie. Born Dec. 17, 1864, Salt Lake City. Mis- sionary to Scotland 1890-92. Sheriff of Salt Lake County. MILES BATTY Born March 2, 1832, Ossett, Yorkshire. Eng. Came to Utah in I860, A. O. Smoot Supply Train. Mechanic. MILES M. BATTY Son of Miles Batty and Mary H. Median Born June 12, 18'65, Wanship, Summit ( Utah. Missionary; High Priest; Presi dent Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 243 CHARLES SIMKINS inrn March 25, 1798, Lancashire, Eng. ame to Utah in 1850, A. O. Smoot Supply rain. Carpenter ; Farmer. JOSEPH SIMKINS Son of Charles Simkins and Rachel Haw- thorne. Born Dec. 4, 1842, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1850. First Coun- selor Bishop J. E. Peterson. JEREMIAH HATCH Born July 7, 1823, Vermont. Came to Utah in 1850, Lorenzo Snow Company. Bishop. ALVAH ALEXANDER HATCH n of Jeremiah Hatch and Louisa Pool lexantler. Born March 6, 1851, Salt Lake ity. High Priest. HARRISON PERRY FUGATE Born June 10, 1821, Clinton County, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1850, Lorenzo Snow Company. Seventy. THOMAS FUGATE Son of Harrison Perry Fugate and Sarah Shoemaker. Born Oct. 4, 1866, Richfield, Utah. Farmer. ELIAS ADAMS irn Feb. 18, 1792, in Vermont. Came Utah in 1850. Presiding Elder, Mt. sgah, Iowa. Farmer. Lived at Kays- He, Utah. ELIAS ADAMS, JR. Son of Ellas Adams and Belinda Railey. Born Jan. 2, 1843, Adams County, 111. Came to Utah in I860. Sheepman and Farmer. Resided at Layton. JOSHUA ADAMS Son of Elias Adams and Belinda Railey. Born Dec. 30, 1848, Mt. Pisgah, Iowa. Farmer. President Oneida Irrigation Dis- trict four years. 244 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 DENNIS ELIAS ADAMS Son of Ellas Adams, Jr., and Elizabeth R. Harris. Born Feb. 21, 1870, Kaysville, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Commissioner Box Elder County six years. RICHARD BABBITT Born July 2, 1842. Came to Utah in 1850. Brought first printing ink to Salt Lake City, 1850. JOHN BAIR Born Nov. 26, 1810, Somerset County, Pi Came to Uta.h in 1850, Oxteam Compan; High Priest. Indian War Veterai Farmer and Stockraiser. HYRUM BAIR Son of John Bair and Jerusha Ann Rich- ardson. Born Nov. 16, 1850, Farmington, Utah. GEORGE BAUM Born Nov. 2, 1829, Brandywine, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1850, Independent Com- pany. High Priest. Farmer ; Merchant. ISAAC BAUM Born April 7, 1832, Uklan Township, Che ter Co., Pa. Came to Utah in 1850. I dependent Company. High Councilor. Ii clian War Veteran. JACOB HARRIS BAUM Son of .Jacob Baum, who came to Utah in 1850, Independent Company, and Ag- nes Nancy Harris. Born May 29, 1836, in Pennsylvania. , Seventy. Farmer. JOSEPH BIDWELL, JR. Son of Joseph Bidwell, who came to Utah In 1850, and Hannahette Mower. Born Dec. 22, 1860, Pleasant View, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. School Teacher. Farmer. WESLEY BILLS Came to Utah In 1850. Elder: \Va Teacher. Early Settler at Milburn, Uti Black Hawk War Veteran. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.50 245 JAMES BILLS on of Wesley Bills and Sarah Wilcox. torn Nov. 17, 1876, Fairview, Utah. El- er ; Ward Teacher. Farmer ; Engineer. JAMES B1KD Born in May, 1811, London, Eng. Came to Utah in November, 1850. Cabinet Maker. EDMUND BIRD Son of James Bird and Margaret Mont- gomery. Born Aug. 3, 1847, Boston, Mass. Carpenter and Builder. RICHARD R. BIRKBECK )rn March 25, 1822. Came to Utah in 50. SETH MILLINGTON BLAIR Born March 15, 1819, Rails County, Mo. Came to Utah in 1850. Lawyer. JEDEUIAH MILLIXGTON BLAIR Son of Seth Mlllington Blair. JEWMAN GREENLEAF BLODGETT Came to Utah in 1850. GREENLEAF BLODGETT Son of Greenleaf Blodgett. JAMES BRINKERHOFF Born May 22, 1816, Sempronius, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1850. 246 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 I GEORGE BRINKERHOFF Son of James Brinkerhoff, who came to Utah in 1850, and Sally Ann Snider. Born Oct. 29, 1852, Centerville, Utah. Bishop ; Elder ; High Priest ; Missionary. JAMES GREENE BROWNING Born May 2, 1808, Sumner County, Tenn. Came to Utah in 1850. Second Bishop of Weber. City Councilman. GEORGE A. BROWNING Son of James Greene Browning and Ai Wood. Born June 27, 1865, Ogden, Uta Bishop Annis Ward. Merchant ; Farmi t ENOCH BURNS Born Nov. 2, 1807, Ascott, Sherbrooke Co., Lower Canada. Came to Utah in 1850. MARSENA CANNON Came to Utah about 1850. Pioneer Pho- tographer. JOHN PECK CHIDESTER Son of John Madison Chidester and Parker. Born Dec. 23, 1831, Somer Monroe Co., Mich. Came to Utah in II Indian War Veteran. JOHN FOY CHIDESTER Son of John Peck Chidester and Susan Foy. Born Feb. 2, 1853, Spanish Fork, Utah. High Priest. District Judge. Lawyer. JETER CLINTON Father of James E. Clinton of Salt Lake City. Came to Utah 1850. Police Justice at Salt Lake. Alderman in Fourth Mu- nicipal Ward. MORONI COLE Father of the wife of George Willi Davis of Avon, Utah. Born April 12, " Jackson County, Mo. Came to Utah Captain Lake Csmpany. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 247 ETHER COLTRIN in of Graham Coltrin and Harriett Heck- .ian. Salt Lake City. HENRY C. COLTRIN Son of Graham Coltrin and Anner Nor- wood. Salt Lake City. EDWARD CONDER Born Nov. 19, 1826, Woden, Cambridge- shire, Eng. Came to Utah November, 1850, Edward Hunt Company. High Priest. Farmer. GIBSON CONDIE ->m June 16, 1814, Glasgow, Scotland. ime to Utah July, 1850. Seventy. Con- actor for Building Material. Resided at ill Lake City. ALEXANDE*!t~COWAN Son of John Cowan, who came to Utah in 1850, Levi Stewart Company, and Agnes Barrey. Born December, 1830, Campsee, Scotland. High Priest. JOHN M. COWAN Son of Alexander Cowan and Jane Mit- chell. Born Aug. 29, 1862, Salt Lake City. Elder. Farmer and Stockraiser. CHARLES CAESAR COWLEY rn Dec. 1, 1800, Isle of Man. Came to ah in 1850, Andrew Perkins Company, CHARLES CAESAR COWLEY, JR. Son of Charles C. Cowley and Ann Killip. Born Nov. 17, 1843, Isle of Man. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Assisted Im- migration. JOSEPH CURTIS COWLEY Son of Charles Caesar Cowley and Eleanor C. Curtis. Born Oct. 27, 1S69, Logan, Utah. Missionary ; Bishop of Venice Ward. Merchant. 248 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 EPHHA1M ALBERT COWLEY Son of Charles Caesar Cowley and Eleanor C. Curtis. Born Aug. 4, 1874, Logan, Utah. Seventy ; Missionary to Australia. Mgr. People's Emporium. WILLIAM MILLER Born Jan. 8, 1814, Avon, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1849, Captain of his own Company. Member of 2d Quorum Seventies. JOHN W. CURTIS Son of Enos Curtis and Ruth Frank Born Aug. 10, 1820, Pennsylvania. Cai to Utah in 1850. High Priest. Farmer See JAMES HORACE KENNEDY genealogy of John Franklin Curtis. MILTON DA1LEY Born Oct. 14, 1827, Falls Township, Lu- zerne Co., Pa. Came to Utah in 1850, Slaughter and Cavett Company. Bishop Harrisburgr Ward. JAMES E. DANIELS Born Feb. 9, 1825, Manchester, Enif. Cai to Utah in 1850. Patriarch ; Stake Ch ister. County Recorder ; Assessor. Ca net Maker. JABEZ Dl'RFKE Born May 10, 1828, New York. Came to Utah in 1850, Oxteam Company. First Bishop of Aurora Ward. Carpenter ; Farm- er and Fruit Grower. JOHN EARDLEY Came to Utah about 1850. High Priest. Potter. CHAULKS FRANK EMERY Son of Henry Emery and Elizabeth Bri erton. Born Jan. 6, 1864, Salt Lake d Sheriff Salt Lake County. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.50 249 CLAYBOURN M. ELDER :orn June 2, 1827, Bedford County, Tenn. ame to Utah in 1850, Ox Team Company, id Ian War Veteran. NATHANIEL HENRY FELT Born Feb. 6, 1816, Salem, Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1850, Heywood & Woolley Mdse. Train. Colonel in Utah Militia. GEORGE F. FELT Son of Nathaniel Henry Felt and Eliza Ann Preston. Born Dec. 8, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Seventy. JOSEPH A. FISHER on of Joseph Fisher and Evaline Mc- .ean. Born July 28, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. ame to Utah in 1850, Gilbert & Parish ompany. High Priest. JAMES MADISON FISHER Son of Joseph Fisher, who came to Utah 1850, and Evaline McLean. FREDERICK L. FOY Son of Thomas B. Foy, who came to Utah in 1850, and Catherine Fink. Born Oct. 3, 1846, Hancock County, 111. County Se- lectman. JOHN GEORGE 10 , r " April 19, 1818, Merthyr, Duggen, outh Wales. Came to Utah in 1850. Elder. I JOSEPH M. GEORGE Son of John George and Elizabeth Mor- gan. Born March 20, 1860, North Ogden, Utah. Seventy. JOSEPH HARDY Born 1810, in Maine. Came to Utah in 1850. Member Nauvoo Legion. Farmer. 250 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 JOSEPH HARDY, JR. Son of Joseph Hardy and Lucy Blaudeon. Born April 8, 1848, near Council Bluffs, Iowa. Constable. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOSEPH HYRUM HARDY Son of Joseph Hardy, Jr., and Lydia Re- becca Davis. Born March 11, 1871, Lake- town, Utah. Counselor in Presidency Duchesne and Uinta Stakes. MARTIN H. HARRIS Son of Emer Harris, who came to Utah 1850, and Deborah Lott. Born Sept 1820, Mahoney, Pa. First Presiding tier of Harrisville. Member Nauvoo Sion. NATHAN J. HARRIS Son of Martin H. Harris and Louisa Sar- gent. Born March 29, 1864, Harrisville, Utah. District Judpe of Ogden. Mem- ber Bishopric Harrisville. MARTIN D. HARRIS Son of Martin H. Harris and Louisa Sar- gent. Born May 4, 1866, Harrisville, Utah. Senior President 60th Quorum Seventies. President Y. M. M. I. A. LEANDBR S. HARRIS Son of Martin H. Harris and Louisa Si gent. Born April 20, 1860. CHARLES HARRIS Son of Emer Harris and Parna Chapel. Born July 2, 1834, in Ohio. Seventy. Car- penter and Farmer. CLARENCE EARL, HARRIS Son of Charles Harris and Louisa Maria Hall. Born May 24, 1879, Parowan, Utah. Merchant. Seventy. ROBERT HARRIS Born Dec. 26, 1808, Gloucestershire, Ei Came to Utah in 1850, Joseph Home Co pany. President 55th Quorum Seventi PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 251 DANIEL BROWETT HARRIS in of Robert Harris and Hannah Mariah igles. Born Oct. 30, 1848. Bishop Lay- re Ward. LOUIS HARVEY Born Feb. 1, 1822, Harrison County, Va. Came to Utah in 1850. High Priest. JONATHAN LOUIS HARVEY Son of Louis Harvey and Lucinda Clark. Born March 8, 1855, Cedar City, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. ROBERT HENRY Came to Utah in 185ft- FRANKLIN OLIVER HILL Son of Newton Hill, who came to Utah in 1850, and Lucy Ann Henson. Born Sept. 20, 1884, Dover, near Gunnison, Utah. Merchant. JOHN B. HILL Son of John Hill, who came to Utah in 1850, and Margret Brice. Born March 17, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Pres. Y. M. M. I. A. WILLIAM JAMES HILL irn March 3, 1834, Athens, Greene Co., Y. Came to Utah in 1850. Indian ar Veteran. DANIEL W. HOLDAWAY Born July 14, 1834, Putnam County, Ind. Came to Utah Nov. 17, 1850. JAMES N. HOLDAWAY Son of Daniel W. Holdaway and Martha B. Gardner. Born Jan. 2, 1868, North Og- den, Utah. Irrigation Engineer. 252 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 DAVIIJ HOLDAWAY Born March 9, 1832, Hawkins County, Tenn. Came to Utah in 1850. High Coun- cilor ; Seventy. Probate Judge. Machinist. Lived at Provo, Utah. JOHN HOLLAND Born March 23, 1836, in England, to Utah in October, 1850. JOHN WILLIAM HOLLAND Came Son of John Holland and Mary Burl Born Oct. 25, 1861, Ogden, Utah. SAMUEL "PIERCE HOYT Born Nov. 21, 1807, Devonshire, N. H. Came to Utah in 1850. Seventy. County Commissioner. Farmer and Merchant. LEVI HUNT Born Aug. 21, 1833, Worcestershire, Kng. Came to Utah in 1850. Seventy. Farmer. Lives at Joseph City, Utah. J^^^m SAMUEL WILFORD JENKLNSi i.N Born Dec. 18, 1851. Chaplain State : islature. Superintendent Home " Blind. * WILLIS KELSEY JOHNSON, JR. Son of Willis Kelsey Johnson, who came to I'tah in 1850. Born Oct. 2, 1850, at Salt Lake City. Pres. of Seventies. School Trustee ; City Councilman. ELISHA JONES Born in Jefferson County, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1850, Mathew Caldwell Company. High Priest ; Bishop of East Ward, Heber City. Farmer. JOSEPH JONES Son of Elisha Jones and Margaret Tall>< Born May 18, 1854, Provo, Utah. Farn PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 j 253 ISAAC MORLEY JONES )tr of James Nayfor Jones, who came to tah in 1850, and Caroline Delict Allen. >rn Aug. 3, 1862, Fairview, Utah. High iest. Farmer. WILLIAM R. JONES Born Feb. 4, 1821, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah in 1850. High Priest. Tailor. WILLIAM ALVA JUDY Son of William Clark Judy, who came to Utah in 1850, and Kesiah Benson. Born Dec. 2, 1847, Council Bluffs, Iowa. High Priest. ALONZO KNIGHT >rn Oct. 14, 1830, Marlow, N. H. Came Utah in 1850, Joseph Young Company, acher ; Seventy ; High Priest. LARS LARSON Born Jan. 11, 1825, Hadngar, Norway. Came to Utah in 1850. Seventy. Ward Teacher. Brick and Stonemason. Farmer. LARS JAMES LARSON Son of Lars Larson and Mary Adelphia Bellows. Born June 7, 1853, Mill Creek, Utah. High Priest. Bishop's Counselor ; Sunday School Superintendent. PRESTON LEWIS n of David Lewis and Duritha Trail. >rn Nov. 15, 1838, Simpson County, Ky. me to Utah in October, 1850. Mission- y to "Dixie" and the "Muddy." PRESTON KING LEWIS Son of Preston Lewis and Virtue Ann Bowthorpe. Born Dec. 21, 1859, Big Cot- tonwood, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. SINEY LEWIS Son of David Lewis and Duritha Trail. Born Aug. 1, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1850. Sunday School Superintendent. Indian War Veteran. 254 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 WILLIAM SEELY LISH Son of Joseph Lions Lish, who came to Utah in 1850, and Harriet Ann Trip. Born Nov. 9, 1824, Minisink, Orange Co., N. T. HUGH DOBBINS LISONBEE Born May 30, 1830. Came to Utah in 1850. JOHN LOVELL Came to Utah in 1850. HENHY LUXT Born July 20, 1824, Miley Hall Farm, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1850. Bishop of Cedar City. Mayor of Cedar City. HENRY W. LUNT Son of Henry Lunt and Mary Ann Wilson. Born Jan. 25, 1863, Cedar City, Utah. Bishop of Cedar City. Mayor and City Councilman. Senator. CHARLES OLIVER LUKE Son of William Luke and Emma Perkins. Born Jan. 25, 1829, Manchester, Eng. High Priest. CHARLES WILLIAM LUKE Son of Charles Oliver Luke and Ann Beaver. Born Dec. 25, 1847, Manti, Utah. Elder, Farmer. WILLIAM LUKE Son of William Luke and Emma Perki Born Sept. 2, 1834, Manchester, Lan shire, Eng. Mayor of Manti two tern Indian War Veteran. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 255 HENRY LUKE on of William Luke and Emma Perkins, orn March 17, 1836. Came to Utah with xteam Company. Indian Interpreter, armer. WILLIAM ANDREW LUKE Son of Henry Luke and Harriet Luce. Born Jan. 29, 1860, Spanish Fork, Utah. Manager Luke's Hot Pots at Midway, Utah. Road Supervisor. JAMES HENRY MARTINEAU Born March 13, 1828, Amsterdam, N. Y. Came to Utah July 20, 1850, California Gold Seekers' Company. Bishop's Coun- selor. Surveyor. LYMAN ROYAL MARTINEAU n of James Henry Martineau and Susan lia Sherman. Born April 21, 1859, Farc- in, Utah. Missionary to England 1879-81. irmer and Stockraiser. HORATIO HARRIS MERRILL Son of Austin T. Merrill and Laura Wilder Harris. Born Jan. 3, 1834, Alden, Erie Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1850. Carpenter ; Wheelwright. JOSEPH HARRIS MERRILL Son of Horatio Harris Merrill and Mar- tha Mouritsen. Born March 10, 1868, Smithfield, Utah. SAMUEL B. MERRILL rn Jan. 4, 1812, Smithfield, N. Y. Came Utah in 1850. Counselor to Bishop of jithfield, Utah, several years ; High iest* ORRIN J. MERRILL Son of Samuel B. Merrill and Elizabeth Runyan. Born June 22, 1855, Mill Creek, Utah. ORRIN PRESTON MERRILL Son of Orrin J. Merrill and Elizabeth White. Born Aug. 5, 1876. Counselor to Bishop ; Bishop ; Sunday School Superin- tendent ; President Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. 256 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 PORTER WILLIAM MERRELL Son of Hosea Merrell, who came to Utah in 1850, and Mary Saxton. Born Sept. 10, 1846, Garden City, Iowa. Sunday School Superintendent. Farmer ; Freighter. WILLIAM PORTER MERRELL Son of Porter William Merrell and Har- riett Amelia Badger Remmington. Born Aug 30, 1869, Paradise, Utah. Bishop Bluebell Ward, Utah. Farmer. SAMUEL MULLINER Born Jan. 15, 1809, Haddington, Sc land. Came to Utah in 1850. .Mcmi Presidency of 12th Quorum Seventi Leather Manufacturer. . JAMES McBRIDE Born May 15, 1818, in Ohio. Came to Utah in October. 1850. High Priest. RUBEN McBRIDE Relative of John S. McBride of Fillmore. Utah. RUBEN A. McBRIDE Relative of John S. McBride of Fillmo Utah. WASHINGTON PERRY McARTHUR Born Dec. 24, 1824, Scrubgrass Countv. Pa. Came to Utah in 1850. High Priest; Bishop ; Counselor to W. S. Seely. City Councilman. Farmer. WILLIAM MCDONALD Born in 1805 in Ireland. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1850, Oxteam Company. High Priest. Veteran Walker and Black Hawk Indian Wars. WILLIAM MCGREGOR Born Oct. 4, 1842. Came to Utah in 18 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 257 JAMES STEPHEN McGREGOR on of William McGregor and Charilla :mily Browning. Born Oct. 14, 1880, Og- en, Utah. Seventy. JAMES A. McKEE Son of James McKee and Mary Tweed McMillan. Born Dec. 27, 1854, Palmyra, Utah. President Priest Quorum. Farmer. JOHN NEEDHAM Born April 1, 1819, Yorkshire, England. Came to Utah in 1850. Patriarch. Man- ager Clothing Department of Z. C. M. I. J. S. OSTLER >n of John C. Ostler, who came to Utah )out 1850, and Mary Anne Ostler. Mem- ir State Board of Sheep Commissioners ; leepman. EZRA PARRISH Born May 4, 1804, Brownsville, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in November, 1850. Assisted in building a Gristmill at Springville, Utah. JESSE PEARSON Born June 13, 1813, in Georgia. Came to Utah in 1850. Farmer. DAVID PENROD 5rn Jan. 9, 1815, Union County, 111. ime to Utah in 1850. 17 DAVID NEPHI PENROD Son of David Penrod and Temperance Keller. Born Oct. 24, 1850, Provo, Utah. Elder. Indian War Veteran. Farmer and Stockraiser. STEPHEN PERRY Born Aug. 12, 1792, in Vermont. Came to Utah in 1850. High Priest; Bishop's Counselor at Lynn, Utah. Farmer. 258 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 WILLIAM HOWARD PERRY Son of Stephen Perry and Rhoby Edwards. Born Aug. 2, 1823, Essex County, N. Y. Farmer. GEORGE WILLIAM PERRY Son of William Howard Perry and Julia ette Stowell. Born April 3, 1866, Hunts ville, Utah. Farmer. SYLVESTER LYMAN PERRY Son of Stephen Perry and Rhoby Edward Born Jan. 2, 1833, Lewis, N. Y. Hig Priest. Farmer. WILLIAM HEBER PERRY Son of Sylvester L. Perry and Nancy Shaffer. Born June 30, 1862, Slaterville, Utah. Elder. Farmer. STEPHEN WASHINGTON PERRY Pioneer to Weber County, Utah. Ogden, Utah. JARED PORTER Born March 23, 1812, Danby, Rutland Vt. Came to Utah in 1850. Bishop Counselor ; Patriarch. Shoemaker. BENJAMIN PREECE PORTER Son of Jared Porter and Harriet Preece. Born July 31, 1857, South Cottonwood, Utah. High Priest ; Sunday School Su- perintendent ; Ward Teacher. JARED RILEY PORTER Son of Jared Porter and Cornelia Staker. Born Oct. 8, 1848, Pottawattamle County, Iowa. JOHN WALTON PRICE Father of Brigham F. Price, Bishop Mil) Creek Ward, Murray, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 259 JEROME NAPOLEON REMINGTON orn Feb. 27, 1819, in New York. Came 1 Utah in 1850. Took part in Echo inyon trouble. Seventy. LEVI ROBERTS Born Feb. 26, 1815, Deerhurst, Gloucester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1850, Capt. Pearson Independent Company. Member Mormon Battalion. HENRY ROBERTS Son of Leyi Roberts and Harriet Ann Hefford. Born June 16, 1836, Deerhurst, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Indian War Veteran. Freighter. WALTON ANTHONY ROBERTS n of Henry Roberts and Mary Ellen irdrop. Born March 17, 1873, Kays- le, Utah. Counselor in Bishopric of ankburg Ward, Alta, Canada. MARK OWEN ROBERTS Son of Henry Roberts and Mary Ellen Wardrop. Born Oct. 27, 1874. JAMES ROBERTSON Born Sept. 22, 1827, Faulds, Glenisla, For- far, Scotland. Came to Utah 1850. High Priest. Bishop's Counselor. * PETER ROBISON Apr" 27, 1817, in Pennsylvania. me to Utah about 1850. Presiding El- t Petersburg Branch of Millard Stake. JOSEPH V. ROBISON Fillmore, Utah. JOSEPH MILLABD ROBISON Son of Peter Robison and Selina Chaffee. Born March 29, 1852, Fillmore, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. 260 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 WESLEY ROSE Came to Utah In 1850. ARA WILLIAM SABIN Born Aug. 4, 1822. Came to Utah in Sep- tember, 1850, Philo Dibble Company. ADAM SHARP Born Oct. 18, , in Scotland. Came i Utah Dec. 18, 1850. Elder. Cattlema: Lived at Salt Lake City. JOHN A. SHARP Son of Adam Sharp and Elizabeth Cook. Born June 27, 1850, South Platte, Neb. Came to Utah Dec. 18, 1850. Seventy. Cattleman and Sheepraiser. PETER SHIRTS Born Aug. 6, 1800, In Pennsylvania. Came to Utah Aug. 1, 1850, Oxteam Company. One of the leaders of the Nauvoo Legion. Agriculturist. JOSEPH M. SIMMONS Father of the wife of Oliver Hodgson Salt Lake City. Came to Utah 1850. THOMAS SLEIGHT Born Sept. 25, 1833, Swlneshead, Lincoln- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1860, Capt. Walling Company. Lieutenant, Captain Cavalry in Nauvoo Legion. WARREN SMITH Born in Tennessee. Came to Utah in Sep- tember, 1850, Warren Smith Company. BENJAMIN MARK SMITH Son of Warren Smith and Lydia Alexa der. Born in 1834 at Nashville, Tw Came to Utah, Warren Smith Company PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 261 WARREN BARNES SMITH on of Warren Smith and Amanda Barnes. :orn Dec. 20, 1844, Nauvoo, Hancock o., 111. Came to Utah In September, 850. Bishop and High Councilor. WILLIAM SMITH Born Sept. 3, 1831, Gibson County, Tenn. Came to Utah 1850, Captain Bennett Company. Indian Interpreter. Farmer and Blacksmith. JOHN SNYDER Born Feb. 11, 1800, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. Came to Utah in 1850, Lorln W. Babbitt Company. High "Priest. JOHN SNYDER, JR. ion of John Snyder and Mary Heron, orn May 2, 1828, Toronto, Canada. Came > Utah in 1851. WILLIAM NELSON SPAFFORD Born Jan. 23, 1827, in Canada. Came to Utah in 1850. Settled at Springville. Moved to Annabella, Sevier Co. Mexican War Veteran. WILLIAM N. SPAFFORD Son of William Nelson Spaftord and Em- ma M. Johnson. Born May 26, 1859, Springville, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Game Warden. WILLIS K. SPAFFORD on of William Nelson Spaftord and Em- ia M. Johnson. Born Springville, Utah, fay 17, 1866. Bishop's Counselor. Coal Dealer. Came Farmer and HENRY B. STEVENS to Utah in 1850. High Priest. ENSIGN ISRAEL STOCKING Born Sept. 6, 1837, Springfield, Mass. Came to Utah in 1850. High Priest. 262 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 JEREMIAH STOCKING Son of Ensign Israel Stocking and Eliza- beth Ellen Arnold. OTIS LYSANDER TERRY Son of Otis Terry and Syntha Ruggles. Born March 12, 1818, Worcester. Mass Came to Utah in October, 1850. High Priest ; President Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer OTIS LYSANDER TERRY, JR. Born Jan. 6, 1852, Mill Creek, Salt La Co., Utah. Bishop Timpanogos Wat Utah Stake. WILLIAM A. TAYLOR Born May, 15, 1850, Kanesville, Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1850, Capt. Haw- kins Company. First Bishop of Farr West ; Missionary. Farmer WILLIAM ANDREW TAYLOR Son of William Andrew Taylor and Philo- mela Lake. Born July 12, 1870, Harris- ville, Utah. High Councilor ; Seventy Justice of Peace. Farmer. ELANSON TUTTLE Born Sept. 18, 1807, Matilda Townshi Upper Canada. Came to Utah in Fall < 1850. Block Teacher; Member Mormc Battalion. Sawmlller. PETER VAN ORDEN Born Jan. 27, 1830, Cayuga County, N Y Came to Utah in 1850. Member of Nauvoo Legion ; worked on Nauvoo Temple as- sisted in bringing immigrants to Utah CHARLES L. VAN ORDEN Son of Everett C. Van Orden and Eliza- beth Harris. Born May 30, 1880, Lewis- ton, Utah. Farmer. WILLIAM MADISON WALL Born Sept. 30, 1821, in North Carolina Came to Utah in September, 1850. Bishot Legislator. Sheriff. Seventy. Missionan PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 263 HIRAM ABIFF WATSON 'Born Aug. 22, 1828, at New York. Came 'to Utah in 1850, company enroute to California. Carpenter. HIRAM ABIFF WATSON, JR. Son of Hiram Abiff Watson and Rebecca Hendricks. Born April 8, 1853, at Salt Lake 'City. Lives at Smithfield, Cache County, Utah. HUGH WATSON Son of Robert Watson and Mary Cowan. High Priest JESSE WEST iorn March 30, 1827. Came to Utah in 850. Bishop's Counselor, 6th Ward, 40 ears. Indian War Veteran. Builder and Contractor. JESSE WEST, JR. Son of Jesse West and Isabella Wind- ley. Born Feb. 20, 1854, Salt Lake City. Contractor and Builder. CARL HENRY WEST Son of Jesse West, Jr., and Catherine Alice Johnson. Born April 18, 1881, Hyde Park, Utah. President Deacons Quorum. Printer and Farmer. ALEXANDER WILKINS Relative of John A. Wilkins of Prove, tah. JOHN GANSWORTH WILKINS Born 1800 in Saratoga County, N. Y. Came to Utah 1850, Captain Cooley Com- pany. First Supervisor Provo City. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN AUSTIN WILKINS Son " of John Gansworth Wilkins and Nancy Kennedy. Born May 24, 1850, in Illinois. Came to Utah 1851. Watermas- ter, Road Supervisor, Provo, Utah. 264 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1850 OSCAR WILKINS Son of John G. Wilkins, who came to Utah In 1850, and Nancy Kennedy. Born May 7, 1845. High Priest. Miner. GEO. E. WILKINS Son of Oscar Wilkins and Elizabeth Dur- rah. Born Nov. 1, 1876, Peoa, Utah. Bishop 2nd Ward at Vernal, Utah. Farmer. DAVID WILSON Father of the wife of John T. Ballantyn of Riverdale, Utah. Came to Utah 1851 JAMES WILLIAMSON Born Dec. 19, 1804, Bufford, Lancashire, Engr. Came to Utah in 1850. DENNIS GEORGE WINN Aug. 8, 1831, Lincolnshire, Born Came to Utah in 1853. Miller. ERNEST WINN Ens. Son of Dennis George Winn and Ali< Cunliffe. Born Aug. 6, 1877, Bountifu Utah. High Priest. Merchant. THOMAS G. WINN Born Dec. 20, 1829, Blakely, Luzerne Co., Pa. Came to Utah in 1850. Missionary. Captain of Mlnutemen of Northen Cache County. City Marshal. WILLIAM L. WINN Son of Thomas G. Winn and Elizabeth Nelson. Born Oct. 13, 1866, Smithfield, Utah. Missionary ; Bishop of Smithfleld, 2nd Ward. City Councilman. SAMUEL WORTHEN Born Dec. 21, 1825, Northwlck, Cheshir Kng. Came to Utah in 1850. Stone ai Brick Mason. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 265 JOSEPH WRIGLEY :Born Feb. 24, 1841, Manchester, Eng. 'Came to Utah in 1850, St. Louis Company. High Priest. JAMES CRAWFORD Born Feb. 8, 1827, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1851, Abraham Day Company. Bishop's Counselor. Indian War Veteran. JEDEDIAH GRANT CRAWFORD Son of James Crawford and Catherine Thompson. Born March 2, 1857, Kays- ville, Utah. Director MantI Publishing Company. JOHN ELLIS MAXFIELD |3orn March 21, 1801, Hull, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1851, Abraham Day Company. Worked on Salt Lake Temple, illgh Priest. ELIJAH H. MAXFIELD Son of John Ellis Maxfleld and Sarah Elizabeth Baker. Born Nov. 5, 1832, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Took part in Civil War. High Priest. SHEPHERD GLAZIER Born Sept. 9, 1793, Holland, Worcester Co., Mass. Came to Utah in October, 1851, James Allred Company. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. CHARLES D. GLAZIER ton of Shepherd Glazier and Rosetta )ean. Born Sept. 26, 1842, in Hancock .ounty, 111. Came to Utah in October, 851. High Priest ; Missionary. LOREN S. GLAZIER Son of Shepherd Glazier and Rosetta Dean. Born Dec. 26, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1851. High Priest. City Councilman. JAMES FIELD Born Feb. 17, 1830, Rosbury, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1851, Alfred Cardon Com- pany. Bishop's Counselor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 THOMAS HALL, Born at London, Eng. Came to Utah 1851, Alfred Cardon Company. Elder. Policeman at Salt Lake City. Farmer and Fruit Grower. SAMUEL P. HALL Son of Thomas Hall and Ann Hughes. Born March 17, 1841, Liverpool, Eng. Farmer. WILLIAM CRITCHLOW Born July 8, 1809, Tarantum, Pa. Cam to Utah Sept. 24, 1851. School Teachei Ogden, Utah. BENJAMIN C. CRITCHLOW Son of William Critchlow and Harriett Hawkins. Born Dec. 20, 1835, Leechburg, Armstrong Co., Pa. Bishop 1st Ward, Og- den, Utah. BENJAMIN P. CRITCHLOW Son of Benjamin C. Critchlow and Martha Ann Garner. Born Nov. 5, 1861, Ogden, Utah. High Priest. Manager Ogden Branch Con. Wagon & Machine Company. FREDERICK B. CRITCHLOW Son of Benjamin P. Critchlow and Georgi- ana Fellows. Born Jan. 11, 1847. JOHN Q. CRITCHLOW Son of William F. Critchlow. Organizer Utah Implement Company. Utah Dele- gate to the Panama-Pacific Exposition. WILLIAM J. CRITCHLOW Son of William F. Critchlow, O?den, Utah. Real Estate. JOHN FULLER CRITCHLOW Son of William F. Critchlow. Peace Officer and Railroail Man. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 267 W BERNARD SNOW Son of Gary and Edna Snow. Came to :Utah 1851, Oxteam Company. Relative of John Dastrup, Sigurd, Utah. HENRY L. MARBLE Born June 2, 1836, Geauga County, Ohio. Came to Utah in October, 1849, Reddiek N. Allred Company. Merchant ; Farmer. Stockraiser. DANIEL B. MARBLE Born July 20, 1868, Brigham City, Utah. Bishop, Deweyville, Utah. School Trus- tee ; Constable. DIMON McPERSOX Born June 15, 1809, Newport, N. H. Came .0 Utah in 1855, Isaac Allred Company. Tustice of the Peace and Member City 'ouncil. ALONZO D. RHODES Born Sept. 2, 1824, Trumbull County, Ohio. Came to Utah in September, 1851, James Allred Company. Indian War Vet. BENJAMIN WALDRON Born March 29, 1795, Bellbroughton, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. Missionary to Eastern States. Shoemaker ; Farmer. GILLISPIE WALTER WALDRON on of Benjamin Waldron and Sally La ain. Born Aug. 15, 1836, Castile, Wy ming Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1851 ames Allred Company. JOSEPH THEODORE WALDRON Son of Gillispie Walter Waldron and Ann Dewhurst. Born Sept. 10, 1859, Center- ville, Utah. President of the 25th Quo- rum Seventies. LEVI SAVAGE WALDRON Son of Benjamin Waldron and Emiline Savage. Born July 7, 1850, Pottawat- tamie, Iowa. Farmer and Stockraiser. 268 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 ALFRED CARDON Born Feb. 28, 1817, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1851, own company. Bish- op. Brickmason ; Farmer. EDWIN PARKER CARDON Son of Alfred Cardon and Emma Parker. Born Oct. 7, 1841, Burslen, Staffordshire, Eng. Patriarch. Farmer. JOHN CARDON Father of the wife of William D. Shaw Came to Utah in 1853. JOHN DAVID CARDON Ogden, Utah. J. R. CARDON Ogden, Utah. JOHN SAMPSON HACKING Born Sept. 16, 1835, Preston, Eng. Cam< to Utah in 1851, Capt. Cardon Company Blacksmith ; Farmer. JAMES HACKING Son of John S. Hacking and Jane Clark. Born Dec. 23, 1856, Cedar Fort, Utah. Member Alpine Stake Presidency. JOHN SAMPSON HACKING, JR. Son of John Sampson Hacking and Jane Clark. Born June 23, 1867. JOSEPH P. HACKING Son of John S. Hacking and Jane Clarl Born Feb. 5, 1874, Cedar Fort, Utal Member Bishopric Maesar Ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 JO!) JOSEPH SMITH HALL on of Thomas Hall and Ann Hughes, lorn Aug. 21, 1843, Hawarden, North yales. Came to Utah in 1851, Alfred Car- on Company. JOSEPH H. HALL Son of Joseph Smith Hall and Margaret Hill. Born Nov. 28, 1869, Wellsville, Utah. GEORGE WASHINGTON JOHNSON Born Feb. 19, 1823, Pomphret, Chautau qua Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1851, Alfred Cardon Company. Bishop Physician. MILAS EDGAR JOHNSON n of George Washington Johnson and aria Jane Johnston. Born July 31, 1851. ime to Utah Sept. 21, 1851. JOHN DANIEL T. MCALLISTER Born Feb. 19, 1827, Lewes, Del. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1851, Alfred Cardon Co. Stake President, Chief Police, Fire De- partment and held many Civic and Ec- clesiastic Positions. MORONI H. MCALLISTER Son of John Daniel Thompson McAllister and Ellen Handley. Born July 28, 1848, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah with father. JOHN DANIEL H. MCALLISTER a of John Daniel Thompson McAllister a Ellen Handley. Born Jan. 9, 1851, nesville, Iowa. High Priest. Sheep- .n ; Surveyor. DANIEL HANDLEY MCALLISTER Son of John Daniel Thompson McAllister and Ellen Handley. RICHARD GOFORTH MCALLISTER Son of John D. T. McAllister and An- gelina Sophronia Goforth. 270 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 JAMES GOFORTH MCALLISTER Son of John Daniel Thompson McAllister and Angeline Sophronia Goforth. Born Dec. 22, 1860, Salt Lake City. Stockraiser ; Banker. JAMES GOFORTH MCALLISTER, JR. Son of James Goforth McAllister and Emily Marinda Chase. Born June 1, 1892, at Salt Lake City. WILLIAM WALLACE McALLISTEE Son of John Daniel Thompson McAllist and Angeline Sophronia Goforth. Bo: in July, 1872. ., .. ... JAMES BOYER SHELLEY Born Jan. 7, 1792. Came to Utah in 1851, Alfred Cardon Company. High Priest. Farmer. THOMAS SHELLEY Son of James B. Shelley. Born April 7, 1822, Claverley, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852. High Priest. Farmer. JAMES SHELLEY Son of James B. Shelley and Elizabe Bourbon. Born May 14, 1828, Claverle Shropshire, Eng. Seventy. Shoen ALLEN JOSEPH STOUT Born Dec. 5, 1815, Mercer, Kentucky. Came to Utah in 1851, Alfred Cardon Company. Bodyguard of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. Seventy. ALFRED FISK STOUT Son of Allen J. Stout and Amanda M. Flsk. Born March 9, 1851, Kaynesville, Iowa. Elder. School Trustee. Deputy Constable. Lumberman. DAVID THORNE Born in 1800, Kensal Green, Eng. Came i Utah in October, 1851, Capt. Cardon Con pany. High Priest ; Teacher. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 271 MARTIN BUSHMAN }rn April 1, 1802, Lancaster County, Pa. ime to Utah in October, 1851, Capt. ! elsey Company. High Priest. JACOB BUSHMAN Son of Martin Bushman and Elizabeth Degen. Born July 27, 1830, Lancaster County, Pa. Came to Utah in October, 1851. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. . MARTIN BENJAMIN BUSHMAN Son of Martin Bushman and Elizabeth Degen. Born Feb. 5, 1841, Lancaster County, Pa. High Priest. City Council- man. JOHN BUSHMAN 3 of Martin Bushman and Elizabeth I;en. Born June 7, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. f hop St. Joseph, Arizona, Ward. Black tn-k Indian War Veteran. HOMER FREDERICK BUSHMAN Son of John Bushman and Lois A. Smith. Born Aug. 6, 1868, Lehi, Utah. Superin- tendent Religion Class Snowfiake Stake. Farmer. HOMER FREDERICK BUSHMAN, JR. Son of Homer Frederick Bushman and Sariah A. Smith. Born Oct. 30, 1891. EASTON KELSEY Utah in 1851, captain of his own IRA OVIATT Born Dec. 8, 1804, Rensselaer County, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct, 5, 1851, Capt. Kelsey Company. HENRY HERMAN OVIATT Son of Ira Oviatt and Ruth Bennett. Born June 17, 1832. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1851. 272 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 ADELBERT OVIATT Son of Henry Herman Oviatt and Sallie Ray Whitlock. Born Sept. 7, 1859, Ephraim, Utah. CULBKKT KING Born Jan. 31, 1836, Onondaga County, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1851, Vincent Shurt- liff Company. Bishop. CULBERT LEVI KING Son of Culbert King and Eliza Esther I Cullough. Born June 11, 1856, Fillnw Utah. Bishop. THOMAS CALLISTER KING Son of Culbert King and Elizabeth Ann Callister. Born May 26, 1866, Petersburg, Millard County, Utah. THOMAS RICE KING Born March 9, 1813, Marcellus, Onon- daga County, N. T. Came to Utah in 1851, Vincent Shurtliff Company. Member Mil- lard Stake Presidency. THOMAS EDWIN KIXG Son of Thomas Rice King and Mali Robison. Born April 19, 1839. Came Utah with father. Bishop's Counselor. WILLIAM HENRY KING Son of William King, who came to Utah in 1851, and Josephine Henry. Born June 3, 1863, Fillmore, Utah. Attomey-at-Law. JOHN RICHARDS Born May 16, 1806, Quebec, Canada. Came to Utah in September, 1851, Lyman Shurt- liff Company. Assisted in building the Nauvoo Temple. JOSEPH HILL RICHARDS Son of John Richards and Agnes I Born Dec. 6, 1841, Toronto, Canada. B op. Captain of the Militia. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 273 Jl ..-!: PH PARLEY RICHARDS M of Joseph Hill Richards and Mary Hi,.. Born April 24, 1869. ALEXANDER WILLARD H. RICHARDS Son of John Richards and Agnes Hill. Born Nov. 10, 1851, Mill Creek, Utah. City Councilman. School Trustee. LUMAN ANDRUS SHURTLIFF Born March 13, 1807, Montgomery, Hamp- den Co., Mass. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1851, Luman A. Shurtliff Company. Mem- ber State Legislature. I.10WIS WARREN SHURTLIFF Si of Luman Andrus Shurtliff and Eunice %gs Gaylord. Born July 24, 1835, Sul- l;m, Ashland Co., Ohio. Came to Utah .Hit. 27, 1851. FRANCIS MARION SHURTLIFF Son of Luman Andrus Shurtliff and Alta- mira Gaylord. Born Jan. 23, 1851, Spring- ville, Iowa. Lived at Logan, Utah. JESSE W. SHURTLIFF Grandson of Luman Andrus Shurtliff and Eunice Baggs Gaylord. f THOMAS ASHTON j-n Nov. 7, 1813, Parr, Lancashire, Eng. rne to Utah Sept. 27, 1851, Morris >lps Company. WILLIAM CAZIER Born Jan. 21, 1794, in Virginia. Came to Utah in 1851, Captain Phelps Company. Patriarch and Farmer. CHARLES DRAKE CAZIER Son of William Cazier and Pleasant Drake. Born in 1837, Oldham, Ky. 274 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 CHARLES GATES CAZIER Son of Charles Drake Cazier and Harriet Gates. Born May 6, 1859, Payson, Utah. BENJAMIN CAZIER Son of William Cazier and Pleasant Drake. THOMAS DOMVILLE Born March 6, 1794. Came to Utah CK 1851, Capt. Phelps Company. As^is Sunday School Superintendeni 1', Teacher; High Priest. Carpenter. JAMES HOLMES Came to Utah in 1851, Morris Phelps Company. EDWARD MECHAM Born Feb. 22, 1802, in New Hampshire. Came to Utah in 1851, Morris Phelps Company. Seventy. AMASA LYMAN MECHAM Son of Edward Mecham and Irena Cur Born March 30, 1845, Nauvoo, 111 C to Utah in 1851. Bishop's Couns Fruit Grower. EPHRAIM MECHAM Born March 6, 1808, Canaan, Grafton Co., . I Came to Utah in 1852, Oxteam Company. Farmer and Horticulturist LEWIS MECHAM, JR. Son of Lewis Mecliam and Lydia Wells Born March 28, 1854, Provo, Utah. Elder. Ward and School Teacher. Farmer. WILLIAM WHITMER MECliA.V Son of Lewis Mecham, Jr., and A Jane Hoover. Born Dec. 4, 1883, Pr Utah. Deacon. Farmer. PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 275 FREDERICK ANDRUS MILLER Born March 24, 1838. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1851, Morris Phelps Company. Bish- op's Counselor, Harrisville, Utah. FREDERICK S. MILLER Son of Frederick Andrus Miller and Geneva Shaw. Born July 28, 1871, Og- den, Utah. A XI ilUC \V HTNTKU SCOTT A iiu:. 21, 1815, Middleton, Bucks Co., Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1851. Morris Mirlps Company. Bishop. Mayor of GEORGE COMB SCOTT Son of Andrew Hunter Scott and Sarah Lee Sleeper. Born July 8, 1840, Vincent, N. J. Came to Utah in September, 1851, Capt. Phelps Company. GEORGE COMB SCOTT, JR. Son of George Comb Scott and Cornelia IClmina Kennedy. Born Feb. 12 1866, Provo, Utah. Constable of Prove. Farmer. SIR WALTER SCOTT i of Andrews Hunter Scott and Sarah n Roe. Born March 17, 1853, Provo, in. Farmer. CANBY SCOTT Son of Andrew Hunter Scott and Sarah Ann Roe. Born Oct. 28, 1860, Provo, Utah. City Councilman of Provo. Farmer. JOHN JAMES ELLETT Born Dec. 29, 1820, London, Eng. Came to Utah in 1851, Orson Pratt Company. High Priest. 276 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 WILLIAM M. EVANS Born March 12, 1825, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1851, Orson Pratt Company. Indian War Veteran ; High Councilor. SAMUEL HAMER Born Aug. 31, 1831, Bolton, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1851, Orson Pratt Company. Bishop's Counselor. THOMAS ROBERTS HIGHAM Born July 27, 1821, Eydon, Northamp shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1 Orson Pratt Company. High Priest ; dian War Veteran. AMBROSE S. HIGHAM Son of Thomas Roberts Hlgham and Annie Stewart. Born March 3, 1873, at Salt Lake City, Master Plumber. Seventy. FREDERICK KESLER Born in 1816, Meadville, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1851, Orson Pratt Company. Bishop of Salt Lake City Ward. JOSEPH KESLER Son of Frederick Kesler and Emeline J ker. Born Jan. 11, 1845, in Iowa. ALONZO PRATT KESLER Son of Frederick Kesler and Jane Eliza- beth Pratt. Born Jan. 29, 1868. Assist- ant Postmaster Salt Lake City. WILLSON GATES NOWERS Born March 8, 1828, Dover, Kent Co., Ens- land. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1851, Orson Pratt Oxteam Company. Member High Council of Beaver. JOHN STEPHENS . Born March 3, 1811, Rowan County, K Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1851, Orson P ; Company. Built first reservoir in W' County. High Priest. . PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.51 277 SOLOMON C. STEPHENS ,m of John P. Stephens and Elizabeth Tiggs. Born Sept. 1, 1850, Kanesville, wa. High Priest. JOHN* C. STEPHENS Son of John Stephens and Elizabeth Briggs. JAMES ALLRED Came to Utah in 1851. Farmer. WILEY PAYNE ALLRED In of James Allred and Elizabeth War- !i. Born May 31, 1818, Farmington, nn. Came to Utah in 1851. Bishop. ISAAC ALLRED Son of Wiley Payne Allred and Johannah Olsen. Born Sept. 7, 1870, Fountain Green, Utah. Farmer. SILAS LAFAYETTE ALLRED Son of Lafayette Allred and Marinda M. Knapp. Born in 1848, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1851. Elder. EUGENE SCOTT ALLRED h of Silas Lafayette Allred and Sarah Jisa Turner. Born Oct. 27, 1875, Prove, ih. Elder. Farmer and Stockraiser. IRA AMES Born Sept. 22, 1804, Benninffton County, Vt. Came to Utah in 1851. Seventy. Mer- chant and Farmer. MILTON THOMAS ANDERSON Son of James P. Anderson, who came to Utah Oct. 6, 1851, and Eliza Morton. Born Oct. 15, 1861, Beaver, Utah. 278 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 w NELSON ARAVE Born Dec. 20, 1834, in Canada. Came to Utah in 1851. Ward Teacher. DAVID E. ARAVE Son of Nelson Arave and Aroline Wads- worth. Born Dec. 23, 1861, Uinta, Utah. Sunday School Superintendent ; Bishop ; Ward Teacher. JAMES WATSON BAILEY Born Aug. 2, 1850. Came to Utah in July, 1851. Indian War Veteran. BENJAMIN WALTER BAKER Born Aug. 30, 1830, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1851, with John Brown Company. : Jill WILLIAM GEORGE BAKER Born June 10, 1835, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1851, John Brown Inde- pendent Company. Attorney at Law. XELSON BAKER Son of William George Baker and Nicolina Marie Bertelsen. Born Oct. 9, 1871, Nephi, Utah. Mechanical Engineer. ABIAH WADSWORTH Father of mother of David E. Arave Shelley, Idaho. Came to Utah Sept 1851, Abraham Day Company. BENJAMIN CHARLES BAKER Son of Benjamin Walter Baker and & Ann Woodford. Born Nov. 5, 1852, SI ville, Utah. Counselor to President Ti M. I. A. ORMUS E. BATES Born March 25, 1815, in Wisconsin. Can to Utah September, 1851, WiHiam B. Cu mings Company. Miner ; Farmer fit Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 , 279 ALFRED BELL, B-n in 1796, Shelby County, 111. Came t L'tah in 1851. Judge at Lehi. WILLIAM MILTON BELL Son of Alfred Bell and Martha Louisa Montgomery. Born July 22, 1833, Shelby- ville, 111. Carpenter. ELI J. BELL Son of William Milton Bell and Martha Kristine Benson. Born March 25, 1866, Lehi, Utah. Farmer and Carpenter. ALFRED BEST tin June 17, 1829, Toddington, Eng. le to Utah in 1851. Missionary to land ; High Priest. Merchant. Lived Halt Lake City. EZRA O. BEST Son of Alfred Best and Margaret Oakley. Born Dec. 29, 1860, at Salt Lake City. Contractor. Resides Salt Lake City. HENRY BOOTHE Born Sept. 26, 1802, Edgecomb County, N. C. Came to Utah in 1851, Captain Smith Company. >< LEWIS N. BOOTHE of Henry Boothe and Susannah Lys- Born Dec. 3, 1832, Wilcox County, ama. Bishop's counselor. Freighter. WILLIS HENKY BOOTHE Son of Henry Boothe and Susannah Ly- ster. Born Feb. 3, 1834. Farmer and Stockraiser. MORRIS ARTEMUS BOOTHE Son of Willis Henry Boothe and Susannah fierce. Born Feb. 26, 1872. Hotelkeeper Brigham City, Utah. 280 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 '^ ^BP* ii WILLIAM JASPER BOREN Born at Peoria, 111. Came to Utah 1851. Bishop's Counselor. Indian War Veteran. .. in Black Hawk WILLIAM JASPER BOREN, JR. Son of William Jasper Boren and Lucina Mecham. Born April 11, 1860, Provo, Utah Bishop's Counselor. Farmer ; Stockraiser. RICHARD BRITTON Born Jan. 23, 1814. Came to Utah in 1> Capt. Howell Company. High Pri Walker Indian War Veteran. Jeweler. LEWIS BRUXS.ON Born Jan. 27, 1831, Mantua, Portage Co Ohio. Came to Utah September, 1851, Roswell Stevens Company. Bishop of Fill- more. PETER LORENZO BRUNSON Son of Lewis Brunson and Amanda Louisa Park. Born July 20, 1866, Fillmore, Utah Councilor in Presidency of Millard Stake. DAVID BULLOCH Born Sept. 10, 1844, Glasgow, Scotia Came to Utah September, 1851, S Independent Company. City Councilir Early Freighter. DAVID COTTLE BULLOCH Son of David Bulloch, who came to Utah September, 1851, and Alice Bladen. Born July 10, 1872, Cedar City, Utah WARREN BULLOCH Son of David Bulloch and Sarah Ann Hig- bee. Born June 7, 18S4. ROBERT WALTON BURTON Born April 29, 1826, Arsgall, Yorksh Eng. Came to Utah September, 18 Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Shei> PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 281 CHARLES H. BURTON Son of Robert Walton Burton and Mary Ann Mathews. Born Dec. 9, 1872, Kays- ville, Utah. WILLIAM H. CARSON Born Jan. 8, 1818, Wayne County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1851, Capt. Harrison Company. GEORGE W. CARSON Son of William H. Carson and Crilla Eg- bert. Born May 4, 1844, Hancock County, 111. DOMINICUS CARTER A native of Maine. Came to Utah in 1851, Captain Homer Company. JOHN CHATTERLEY Son of Joseph Chatterley, who came to Utah Sept. 25, 1851, John Brown Company, and Nancy Morton. Born July 4, 1835, Manchester, Eng. Mayor ; Postmaster. JOHN C. CHILD Son of John L. Child and Eliza J. Curtis. Born March 3, 1852, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Bishop's Counselor. Member Legislature. MYRON BARBER CHILD Son of Alfred Bosworth Child and Polly Barber. Born Nov. 24. 1825, Hammond, bt. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Dct. 6, 1851. WILLIAM W. CHILD Son of Myron Barber Child and Emeline Elmer. Born Feb. 26, 1848, Lee County, towa. Bishop Hooper Ward. WARREN GOULD CHILD Son of Alfred Bosworth Child and Polly Barber. Born Feb. 21, 1835, Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Assisted immigration. 282 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 AUSTIN WILDER CHILD Son of Warren Gould Child and Hannah A. Wilder. Born Feb. 11, 1854, Ogden, Utah. WARREN GOULD CHILD, JR. Son of Warren Gould Child and Hannah A. Wilder. Born Aug. 15, 1856, 50 miles east Chimney Rock, Neb. JOHN MATTHEW CLARK Son of John Norman Clark, who came tc Utah Sept. 28, 1851, Parry Walton Com- pany, and Eliza Branch Sandifur. Borr Aug. 28, 1835, Patrick County, Va. CHARLES COLEBROQK Born March 17, 1816, Midhurst, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah in 1851. Bookkeeper at Tithing Office. CHARLES COLEBROOK, JR. Son of Charles Colebrook and Virtue Ann Bowthorpe. Born Dec. 20, 1854, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. School Trustee. ROBERT CROOKSTON Born Sept. 21, 1821, Anstruther, Fifeshir Scotland. Came to Utah September, 185 Capt. Betz Independent Company. Hig Priest. NICHOLAS WHLCH CROOKSTON Son of Robert Orookston and Ann Welch. Born Oct. 22. 1857, Salt Lake City. Bishop Greenville Ward, Sheriff Cache County. JAMES M. DALTON Born Oct. 31, 1851, Ogden, Utah. Elder. Member School Board three terms ; Mayor two terms. Farmer and Stockraiser. EDWARD HATHAWAY DAVENPORT Born Sept. 20, 1822, Rhode Island. Came to Utah in 1851. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 283 IEREMIAH FRANKLIN DAVENPORT ?on of Edward Hathaway Davenport and plarissa Crapo. Born June 17, 1853, Salt ^ake City. Took part in Indian wars. FRANKLIN REMINGTON DAVENPORT Son of Jeremiah Franklin Davenport and Helen Badger Remington. Born July 15, 1878, Paradise, Utah. Seventy. HEBER HYDER DAVIS Son of Edward William Davis, who came to Utah Oct. 15, 1851, and Sarah Elizabeth Hyder. ' Born Nov. 16, 1854, Salt Lake City. Real Estate and Contractor. JOHN N. DAVIS 'on of Edward William Davis, who came 1 1 Utah Oct. 15, 1851, and Jemima pightlngale. Born Oct. 19, 1864, Salt .ake City. Bishop Vernal Ward. NATHAN DAVIS Born in 1814, Rochester, Columbiana Co., Ohio. Came to Utah in 1851. Bishop 17th Ward, Salt Lake City. ALBERT W. DAVIS Son of Nathan Davis and Sarah W. Wool- ley. Born April 25, 1841, Rochester, Ohio. Bishop Center Ward. City Councilman. JOHN TUCKER DAVIS orn March 3, 1806, Genford, Pembroke- lire, South Wales. Came to Utah in 1851. igh Priest. WILLIAM WILKINSON DIXON Born Nov. 14, 1818, Cumberlandshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1851. High Priest. HENRY DIXON Son of William W. Dixon and Sabra Lake. Born June 1, 1843, Scott County, 111. High Priest. Farmer. 284 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 /^*V ERNEST E. DIXON Son of Henry Dixon and Amelia Jane Garner. Born April 30, 1882, Clifton, Ida- ho. Bishop's Counselor. ALFRED DIXON Son of William W. Dixon, who came to Utah in 1851, and Sabra Lake. Born Jan. 3, 1869, Harrisville, Utah. High Councilor. WILLIAM G. DUNN Born Feb. 16, 1812, Staffordshire, Enu. Came to Utah June 5, 1851, Freight Com- pany. JAMES DUNN Son of William G. Dunn and Elizabeth Howells. Born June 2, 1841, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1853, Abraham O. Smoot Company. JAMES FIELDING DUNN Son of James Dunn and Hannah Fielding. Born Oct. 1, 1861, American Fork, Utah. Seventy. THOMAS WITTON ELLERBECK Born May 14, 1829, Pendleton, near Man- chester, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1851. WILLIAM LEON ELLERBECK Son of Thomas Witton Ellerbeck and Em- ma Spence. Born Sept. 7, 1874, Salt Lake City. Managing Director Nephi Plaster & Mfg. Co. Doctor Dental Surgery. JOHN ELLIS Born Jan. 4, 1814, Scarborough, near To- ronto, Can. Came to Utah in 1851, Horton D. Haight Company. Carpenter. STEPHEN HALES ELLIS Son of John Ellis and Harriet Hales. Borr Oct. 18, 1846, Ft. Madison, Iowa. BlacV Hawk Indian War Veteran. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.51 285 STEPHEN JIARTINDALE FARNS- WORTH Jorn Oct. 9, 1809, Vermont. Came to Utah n 1851, Captain Higby Company. ALONZO LAFAYETTE FARNSWORTH Son of Stephen Martindale Farnsworth and Julia Ann Clark. Born Oct. 22, 1841, South Bend, Ind. Bishop. AMOS FAIRBANKS Born Jan. 4, 1802. Madrid, N. T. Utah October, 1851. Came to THOMAS FENTON (;<>rn April 7, 1821, Sheffield, Eng. Came :o Utah In 1851. High Priest. JOHN WILSON FENTON Son of Thomas Fenton and Annie Maria Wilson. Born March 3, 1873, Salt Lake City. Elder. Bricklayer. JOSEPH JACKSON FENTON Son of Thomas Fenton and Annie Maria Wilson. Born June 7, 1875, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. EDWIN FRANCIS FLETCHER 1840, Westford, Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1851. Black Hawk Indian War \ eteran. EDWIN FLETCHER Son of Edwin Francis Fletcher and Eliza Duncombe. Born July 30, 1875, Salt Lake City. Carpenter. GEORGE W. GEE Born Oct. 9, 1841, Lee County, Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1851, James Brown Com- pany. President 54th Quorum Seventies. 286 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 WILLIAM SAMUEL GODBE Born June 26, 1833, London, Eng. Came to Utah 1851, Independent Company. ANTHONY HAMPTON GODBE Son of William Samuel Godbe and Mary Hampton. Born Nov. 22, 1862, Salt Lake City. Mining. ERNEST LACY GODBE Son of William Samuel Godbe and Man Hampton. Born Sept. 13, 1867, Salt Lak< City. Mining. MURRAY CHARLES GODBE Son of William Samuel Godbe and Mary Hampton. Born Sept. 20, 1870, Salt Lake City. Civil Engineer. ISAAC GRACE Born April 17, 1820, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah in 1851. Member 49th Quorum Seventies. Shipbuilder ; Farmer. ISAAC HENRY GRACE Son of Isaac Grace and Elizabeth William' Born Aug. 9, 1857, Nephi, Utah. Mayor o Nephi. High Councilor. Farmer. HEXHY GROW Born Oct. 1, 1817, Xorristown, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1851, James Cummins* Company. Architect. WILLIAM M. GROW Son of Henry Grow and Mary Moyer. Born May 30, 1842, Philadelphia, Pa. Farmer. Lives at Ammon, Idaho. JOHN W. GROW Son of Henry Grow and Mary Moyer. Bor Dec. 21, 1848, Platte County, Mo. Memlx Bishopric of Huntsville, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 287 SYLVESTER VEACH GROW Son of Henry Grow and Julia M. Veach. I Born Aug. 29, 1861, Salt Lake City. Mem- ber State Legislature. Farmer ; Sheepman. WILLARD HAMER Son of Samuel Hamer and Ann Albion. Lawyer. GEORGE F. HAM SON Came to Utah July 18, 1851. SOREN HANSON Born Feb. 16, 1817, Garslev, Denmark. Came to Utah 1863, Capt. Young Company. DWIGHT HARDING Born April 27, 1807, Sturbridse, Worcester Co., Mass. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1851, John G. Smith Company. Member first State Legislature. GEORGE HARDING Born Dec. 18, 1833, Weathersfield, N. Y. President Z. C. M. I., Willard, Utah. Farm- er and Stockraiser. JAMES HOLT HASLAM Born Sept. 1'6, 1825, Bolton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1851, Philip Morgan Company. RICHARD R. HASLAM Son of James Holt Haslam and Ann Red- ford. Born Feb. 2, 1880, Wellsville, Utah. JAMES HARVEY HEATH Born March 16, 1814, Louisiana. Came to Utah in 1851. 288 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 ALEXANDER HERRON Born April 5, 1832, Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1851. JOSEPH HILL Born March 17, 1806. Came to Utah 1851, Capt. Calclwell Company. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOSEPH HILL, JR. Son of Joseph Hill and Ann Marsden. Born about 1841, Gloucestershire, Eng. Elder. Took part in Echo Canyon Trouble. Stock- raiser. SAMUEL HOOD HILL Born Dec. 23, 1840, Toronto, Can. Came to Utah in 1851. Indian War Veteran. JOHN' WH1TMER HOOVER Born Nov. 13, 1834. Came to Utah 1851, Capt. Horner Company. Miller. JOHN WHITMER HOOVER, JR. Son of John Whitmer Hoover, who came t Utah in 1851, and Mary Elizabeth Course Born Dec. 2, 1857, Springville, Utah. Eldei Citv Councilman. Miller. JOSEPH HUNTER Son of "William Hunter, who came to Utah in 1851, and Mary Sandon. Born Aug. 20, 1818, Rekyrow, Clackmannan, Scotland. Farmer ; Stockraiser. JOHN D. HUNTER Son of Joseph Hunter and Elizabeth David- son. Born May 19, 1842, Clackmannan, Scotland. Assisted in immigration to Utah. Farmer ; Stockraiser. JOSEPH SANDON HUNTER Son of Joseph Hunter and Elizabeth D: vidson. Born Nov. 20, 1844. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 289 WILLIAM HUNTER 'on of William Hunter and Mary Sandon. liorn November, 1825. J^^^ RICHARD JOHNSON Came to Utah 1851, Captain Home Com- pany. LEHI WILLARD JONES Son of Thomas Jones, who came to Utah in 1851, and Sage Treharne. Born Nov. 15, 1854, Cedar City, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Mayor of Cedar City. RICHARD JONES iorn March 5, 1819, Llangranog, Cardigan, outh Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1851. RICHARD E. JONES Son of Richard Jones and Mary Evans. Born Nov. 10, 1857, Brigham City, Utah. WILLIAM E. JONES Born Feb. 18, 1824, Pantyskill, Vaynor, Brecknockshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1851, James Brown Com- pany. Bishop. Farmer. NERIAH LEWIS 'Born April 29, 1816, Simpson County, Ky. l-ame to Utah October, 1851, James Cum- Timgs Company. High Priest. School Trustee. Farmer. 19 BENJAMIN MARION LEWIS Son of Neriah Lewis and Rebecca Hen- dricks. Born March 20, 1841, Kentucky. Came to Utah with his parents. XERIAH R. LEWIS Son of Neriah Lewis and Rebecca Hen- dricks. Born March 10, 1843. Bishop of Oxford. Idaho, twenty-three years. Farm- er and Stockralser. 290 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 RICHARD STEELE Came to Utah October, 1851. Father of the wife of Martin Hansen of American Fork, Utah. FERAMORZ LITTLE Born June 14, 1820, Auriesville, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1851. Vice-President Deseret National Bank. JOHN LOVELESS Came to Utah in 1851. High Priest Farmer. JOSEPH J. LOVELESS Son of John Loveless and Rachel Mahaley. Born in Jackson County, Mo. Elder. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer. RICHARD LOWE Born Dec. 25, 1826, Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah in 1851. President Elders Quorum at Springville, Utah. Farmer ; Stockralser; Apiarist. RICHARD ALVIN LOWE Son of Richard Lowe and Ada Cleme Born Sept. 13, 1856, Brigham City, Uta! Farmer and Apiarist. JOHN MARRIOTT Born March 6, 1817, Rhode, Northampton- shire, Eng. Came to Utah May, 1851, Livingston-Kinkade Company. Bishop Marriott Ward. HYRUM WILLARD MARRIOTT Son of John Marriott and Elizabeth Stew- art. Born Dec. 6, 1863, Marriott, Utah. JOHN McLAWS Born Nov. 27, 1827, Renfrew, Scotlan Came to Utah August, 1851, Capt. Hollidn Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 291 JOHN McLAWS, JR. ,m of John McLaws and Joanna Ross, bra Sept. 14, 1852, Salt Lake City. First Dstmaster at St. Joseph, Ariz. JOHN WILLIAM McLAWS Son of John McLaws, Jr., and Sophia De La Mare. Born Aug. 3, 1876, Allen, Ariz. EDWIN DE LAFAYETTE MERRILL Born Jan. 8, 1836, Genesee County, N. Y. Came to Utah 1851, Captain Williams Merchandise Train. Elder. HENRY MOWER orn 1798, Frederick, Maryland. Came to tah in 1851. Pres. High Priests Quorum. ity Councilman, Springrville, Utah. A. MILTON MUSSER Born May 20, 1830, Lancaster County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1851. Pres. 57th Quorum Seventies ; High Priest. Historian. Capi- talist. ALANSON NORTON Born March 26, 1814, Granville, N. Y. Came to Utah 1851, John G. Smith Company. Bishop McCammon, Idaho. m WILLIAM ANDREW NORTON j. of Alanson Norton and Julia Ann /imams. Born Aug. 8, 1865, Coleville, tah. Bishop McCammon, Idaho. GEORGE NORVILL Born June 30, 1800, Paterson, N. J. Came to Utah 1851, Alvin Nichols Company. First Shoemaker at Pleasant View, Utah. JAMES WHITMORE PRESTON Born Oct. 7, 1822, Salem, Mass. Came to Utah in 1851. Seventy. School Trustee. Farmer ; Sheepman ; Stockraiser. 292 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 JAMES WHITMORE PRESTON, JR. Son of James Whitmore Preston and Erne- line Houston. Born Jan. 7, 1854, Alpine, Utah. City Councilman ; Mayor. Farmer and Stockraiter. RICHARD S. PROVIS Born July 15, 1825, Cornwall, Eng. Came to Utah in 1859. High Priest. Gardener. LEVI BURT REYNOLDS Bom Feb. 22. 1831, Fayette, Ind. to Utah In 1851. Seventy. Carpenter. Can Miller ai JOSEPH BURROWS RICHMOND Born May 16, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah September, 1851. Elder. Councilman 4th Precinct, Prove, Utah. Farmer. DR. JOHN RIGGS Born Dec. 20, 1812, Oxford, Conn. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1851, Capt. McPherson's Com- pany. Worked on Kirtland Temple. Physician. HORACE ROBERTS Came to Utah in 1851. Potter. K1AV1N ItUSHTON Born June 1, 1824, Leek, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1851, John Brown Company. Counselor in Bishopric of 6th Ward, Salt Lake City. OSMOND B. SHAW Born in 1821. Came to Utah in 1851. Missionary to England 1869-71. Block Teacher. Painter and Decorator. Lived at Salt Lake City. HENRY B. SKIDMORE Born December, 1830, Philadelphia, F Came to Utah September, 1851. John Smi Company. High Priest ; Bishop's Cou selor. Saw Manufacturer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 293 ELIAS SMITH hn of Ashel Smith and Betsy Schellenger. ioneer 1851. Cousin of the Prophet Jo- ! 'ph. Business Manager of the Deseret ews. Postmaster 1854. One of the first Jdges in Utah. SILAS T. SMITH Desk Sergeant Police Department at Salt Lake City. JOHN PEARSON SMITH Born Aug. 21, 1812. Came to Utah in 1851. Lives at Salt Lake City. JOHN PEARSON SMITH, JR. >n of John Pearson Smith and Jane . Opdyke. Born Dec. 5, 1855, Salt Lake ity. Lives at Logan, Utah. LOT SMITH Member of the Deseret Militia ; defended settlers at Provo against Indians. Major Utah Militia. In charge at the burning of General Johnston U. S. Army Provision Train. BERNARD SNOW Came to Utah 1851, Oxteam Company. Lived at Fountain Green, Springville, Hoytsville, and Salem, Utah. EBEN SNOW of Bernard Snow and Alice Smith, orn Dec. 26, 1863, Ephraim, Utah. Elder, unstable of Jensen. Farmer ; Stockraiser. DANIEL MONROE STEPHENS Born Oct. 4, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1851, Capt. Bates Company. Missionary. School Trustee. Judge of Election at Ogden, Utah. JAMES MONROE STEPHENS Son of Daniel Monroe Stephens and Mary Ann Clark. Born July 11, 1870, Weber County, Utah. Second Counselor in Bish- opric of Riverdale Ward. 294 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 CHARLES HENRY STODDARD Born April 21, 1827, Newark, N. J. Came to Utah 1851, Harry Walton Company. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE HENRY STODDARD Son of Charles Henry Stoddard and Anna Telford. Born Oct. 25, 1852, Bountiful, Utah. High Priest. HYRUM W. BOWMAN Father of the wife of George Henr; Stoddard of Downey, Idaho. GEORGE STORRS Born Jan. 31, 1825, Missen, Yorkshire, Eng Came to Utah October, 1851, Ernest Bates Company. High Priest ; Ward Teacher. Miller. JOSEPH HENRY STORRS Son of George Storrs and Lydia Mary Kindred. Born Aug. 25, 1867, Spring- ville, Utah. Bishop Second Ward Ameri- can Fork, Utah. City Councilman. JOHN WALLACE STORRS Son of George Storrs and Lydia Mar Kindred. Born June 25, 1869, Springvilli Utah. Priest. Mgr. Studebaker Bros. O at American Fork. ALEXANDER GEORGE SUTHERLAND Son of Thomas Sutherland, who came to Utah in 1851, and Mary Ann Timmings. Born Aug. 23, 1836, New Castle, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1863. WILLIAM THEOBALD Born March 31, 1812, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1851, John R. Murdock Company. Postmaster. ARTHUR THEOBALD Son of William Theobald and Martha Lan Born June 1, 1844, Isle of Wight, En Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1851, John Murdoi Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 295 ERNEST BURGESS THEOBALD n of Arthur Theobald and Jane Burgess, irn July 18, 1867, Duncan's Retreat, sslonary to Northern States 1895-96. vil Engineer. GEORGE THEOBALD Son of William Theobald and Martha Lane. Born May 22, 1848, Newport, Isle of Wight, Eng. Indian War Veteran. Water- master. JAMES CLAYBORNE THOMAS Son of Joseph H. and Mary Ann Thomas. Born April 10, 1843, Kemper County, Miss. Came to Utah 1851, Preston Thomas Com- pany. Elder. Mailcarrier. HARRISON AYERS THOMAS ther of the wife of Joseph Johnson of sston, Idaho. WILLIAM B. TWITCHELL Born Oct. 1, 1829, Portland, Maine. Came to Utah in 1851. Missionary to Canada; Elder ; School Teacher. CHARLES EDWARD TWITCHELL Son of William B. Twitchell and Augusta Hawkins. Born June 16, 1859, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor ; Missionary to Northwestern States. JOSEPH VENOBLES VERNON of Thomas Vernon of Winsford, Che- re, Eng. Born Feb. 16, 1806, Winsford, to Utah in 1851. FREDRICK WEIGHT Born June 18, 1828, Stroud, near Bristol, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1851, Capt. Howell Company. High Priest. Member Tabernacle Choir. DAVID WEST Born June 26, 1824. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1853, Moses Dailey Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851 CHARLES HENRY WEST Son of David West and Amelia Hooley. Born May 14, 1846, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1851. LICESTER GAY WEST Son of Charles Henry West and Frederikke Claudine Jacobsen. Born Jan. 2, 1876, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Electrician; Farmer. SAMUEL WEST Born March 30, 1804, South Carolina Came to Utah 1851, Capt. Walton Com- pany. High Priest ; High Councilor ol Parowan Stake. Farmer. JEREMIAH WILLEY Born Nov. 6, 1804, Northfleld, N. H. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1851, John G. Smith Company. Pres. of Seventies. Member Mormon Battalion. WILLIAM WALLACE WILLEY Son of Jeremiah Willey and Samantha Call. Born Oct. 20, 1841, Warsaw, 111. Mission- ary to England 1879 ; Alternate High Councilor. Farmer. DAVID ORSON WILLEY Son of Jeremiah Willey and Samantha Cal Born Sept. 26, 1849, Pottawattamie Count; Iowa. Came to Utah 1851, John G. Smit Company. High Councilor. LYCURGUS WILSON Born Feb. 27, 1828, Richland County, Ohio. Came to Utah June 27, 1851, Benjamin Hollklay Company. Indian War Veteran. OSCAR ALEXANDER WOOD Son of David Wood and Catherine Curtis. Born Sept. 30, 1838, Osneburg, Can. Came to Utah in 1851. High Councilor. DAVID HYRUM WOOD Son of Oscar Alexander Wood and Linn: F. Harrison. Born Dec. 10, 1880, Pim Utah. Surveyor of Emery County. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.51 297 WILLIAM WOODWARD :>rn Jan. 4, 1833, Bushey, Herefordshire, ig. Came to Utah September, 1851, Capt. orner Company. Pres. 18th Quorum :venties. BRIGHAM J. YOUNG Son of Jonathan Young, who came to Utah in 1851, and Sarah Toomer. Born Dec. 23, 1853. Supt. Sunday Schools; High Priest. Road Supervisor. Farmer. JOHN ZIMMERMAN Son of George Zimmerman and Julia Hoke. Born Oct. 3, 1820. Came to Utah in 1852 ; his father came in 1851. Farmer and Sheepraiser. GEORGE ERASTUS ZIMMARMAN orn June 22, 1851. Came to Utah Sep- mber, 1852. Pres. Deacon Quorum. City ounctlman. Farmer and Stockraiser. DAVID BARCLAY ADAMS Born May 4, 1814, Sterlingshlre, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1852. Bishop Adamsville 1869. Justice of Peace. Iron Manufacturer. DAVID COOK ADAMS Son of David Barclay Adams and Mary Cook. Born Aug. 25, 1845, Penn Glendon Ironworks, Southampton, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. JOHN DAVID ADAMS ->n of David Cook Adams and Mary Elea- r Armstrong. Born March 26, 1871, damsville, Utah. DANIEL C. ADAMS Son of David Barclay Adams and Lydia Catherine Mann. Born April 23. 1870. Elder. Constable ; School Trustee. Farmer. JAMES ADAMS Born March, 1799, New Hampshire. Came to Utah 1852, James Allred Company. 298 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 ROBERT ALEXANDER Born 1826, County Tyrone, Ireland. Came to Utah 1852, Captain McGaw Company. Seventy. JOHN ALLEMAN Born June 28, 1808, Middleton, Dauphin Co., Pa. Came to Utah in 1852. ALEXANDER ALMA ALLEN Born Sept. 28, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came Utah Sept. 14, 1852. High Priest ; Bishoi Missionary to Southern States. Policema Justice of the Peace. LEVI ALLEN Son of Andrew Lee Allen, who came to Utah Aug. 12, 1852, John M. Higbee Com- pany, and Clarinda Knapp. Born April 11, 1842, Virginia, 111. High Priest. ORVILLE MORGAN ALLEN Born June 9, 1805, Pike County, Mo. Came to Utah December, 1852. Body Guard of Joseph Smith. Probate Judge Kane County. ISAAC ALLREDGE Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1853, John Brov Company. GEORGE AXDERSEN Born Nov. 14, 1836, Lystrup, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1852. Seventy. Farmer and Stockraiser. WILLIAM ANDERSEN Son of George Andersen and Elva Armina Carson. Born June 13, 1873, Richmond, Utah. HENRY ARNOLD Born Feb. 15, 1822, Herefordshire, En- Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1852. Bishoj s Counselor. Tailor. Prop. Globe Baker \ PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 299 SUJ EDWARD ASHTON orn Aug. 22, 1821, Montgomeryshire, orth Wales. Came to Utah July, 1852, aniel Jones Company. Seventy ; Teacher nd Choir Leader. EDWARD T. ASHTON Son of Edward Ashton and Jane Treharne. Born July 14, 1855, Salt Lake City. Bishop 24th Ward, Salt Lake City; Counselor in Salt Lake Stake. EDWARD M. ASHTON Son of Edward T. Ashton and Effie Walker Morris. Born Jan. 12, 1879, Salt Lake City. Bishop 31st Ward. Senior Member Ashton-Jenkins Co. Real Estate. I CHANCY BACON orn Oct. 22, 1811, Madison County, N. T. ame to Utah July 23, 1852, Robert Richie ompany. FRANCIS BACON Son of Chancy Bacon and Mary Glazier. Born 1832, Madison County, N. Y. Came to Utah 1852, Independent Company. Priest ; Seventy. School Trustee. WILLIAM BALLARD Born 1790, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, first division of Perpetual Emigration Fund with Capt. Smoot. Patri- arch. HENRY BALLARD S? D William Ballard and Hannah Rus- Born Jan. 27, 1832, Thatcham, Berk- atri'a h 6 ' Blshop 2d Ward . Logan, Utah. HENRY WILLIAM BALLARD Son of Henry Ballard and Margaret Mc- Neil. Born Sept. 20, 1864, Logan, Utah. Bishop Benson Ward. JOHN BALSER Born Sept. 29, 1823, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot Company. Seventy ; Sunday School and Block Teacher. Carpenter. 300 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 OSWALD BARLOW Born July 22, 1829, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah 1852, Edwin Woolley Merchandise Train. Mason. JAMES BARLOW Son of Oswald Barlow and Catherine Nightingale. Born Oct. 22, 1849, Man- chester, Eng. Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES OSWALD BARLOW Son of James Barlow and Anne C. S. Cai son. Born Jan. 25, 1881. JOSEPH S. BARNEY Son of Lewis Barney and Elizabeth Turner. Born Dec. 22, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. JAMES HENRY BARNEY Son of Lewis Barney, who came to Utah Sept. 9, 1852, Bryant Jolley Company, and Elizabeth Turner. Born Jan. 30, 1840. High Priest. NEPHI BARNEY Son of Benjamin F. Barney and Carol! I NMelson. Born Jan. 28, 1870. ROYAL BARNEY Born Dec. 15, 1808, Lorain, Ohio. Came to Utah 1852, Edwin Woolley Merchandise Train. JOSEPH BARTHOLOMEW Born Jon. 16, 1820, Charleston, Clark Co., Ind. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1852, Claudius V. Spencer Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. JOHN BARTHOLOMEW Son of Joseph Bartholomew and Polly B< son. Born Sept. 11, 1845, Mackinaw, I Lean Co., 111. Bishop Fayette Ward, dian War Veteran. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 301 HENRY BARTHOLOMEW m of Davis Bartholomew, who came to tah November, 1852, Warren Snow Com- ! my, ami Ruth I. Jones. Born May 9, 52. Council Bluffs, Iowa. MERLIN J. BARTHOLOMEW Son of Davis Bartholomew, who came to Utah November, 1852, Warren Snow Com- pany, and Ruth I. Jones. Born Jan. 17, 1S58, Slaterrllle, Utah. Farmer. CHARLES HENRY BASSETT Born March 14, 1828, Osslan, Allegany Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest ; Missionary to Ohio 1854. Bookkeeper; Merchant. JAMES BEDDO urn Jan. 27, 1847, Victoria, South Wales. j.me to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. loot Company. Elder. Manager Idaho irrison Canal Co. EDWARD EVERETT BELCHER Born July 4, 1835, Boston, Mass. Came to Utah in 1852. Elder. Farmer. Discoverer Belcher Mine. EDWARD HARVEY BELCHER Son of Edward Everett Belcher and Eliza- beth Jane Perkins. Born Dec. 10, 1877, Randolph, Utah. Pres. Seventies. Asst. Cashier Uinta State Bank. THOMAS BELL frn July 7, 1825, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Uli in 1852. Indian War Veteran. Me- mic; Farmer. HERBERT HORACE BELL Son of Thomas Bell and Mahala Elwood. Born Feb. 26, 1859, Ephraim, Utah. Bish- op Glenwood Ward. Farmer and Fruit Grower. GEORGE BENNETT Came to Utah 1852, Warren Snow Com- pany. 302 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 JOHN BENNETT Came to Utah in 1852. JEROME BENSON Born Nov. 10, , New York. Came to Utah 1852, Ezra T. Benson Company. Elder. ALFRED BERRETT Born Jan. 13, 1825, Steeple Ashton, shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1852, Capt Tidwell Company. MARLON BERRETT Son of Alfred Berrett and Elizabeth Mat- thews. Born Dec. 12, 1855, North Ogden, Utah. Farmer. JACOB G. BIGLER Born April 4, 1813, Harrison County, W. Va. Came to Utah 1852, Lorenzo Johnson Company. Bishop ; Patriarch ; Pres. Juab Stake. Mayor of Nephi. DON MANGUM BIGLER Son of Jacob G. Bigler and Armelia C line Mangum. Born Jan. 16, 1854, Nc Utah. Elder; Ward Teacher. Farn Miner. JAMES BIRD Son of Charles Bird and Amanda Reaves. Born 1806, Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Allred Oxteam Company. Farmer. TAYLOR REAVES BIRD Son of James Bird. Born Feb. 25, 1832, New York. Indian War Veteran. Farmer and Stockraiser. CLARENCE BIRD Born June 7, 1865, St. George, Utah. F er. Fruit Grower and Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 303 BENJAMIN FREDERICK BLAKE En March 2, 1815, England. Came to Uh in 1852. High Priest. Furniture a Cabinet Maker. ASEPH BLANCHARD Born Oct. 3, 1800, Buffalo, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. ALMA MORONI BLANCHARD Son of Aseph Blanchard and Eunice Eliza- beth Thompson. Born April 5, 1842. LMA MORONI BLANCHARD, JR. i of Alma Moroni Blanchard and Emma >ck. Born Oct. 15, 1869. Farmer and likraiser. JOHN BOYCE Born Feb. 20, 1814, Fredericksburg, Can. Came to Utah in 1852. Patriarch. Farmer. JOSEPH YOUNG BOYCE Son of John Boyce and Mary Ann Barzee. Born Oct. 26, 1856, Spanish Fork, Utah. Seventy. Farmer and Fruit Grower. LEANDER M. BOYCE 5 , of Joseph Young Boyce and Eunice ai Merrick. Born Sept. 11, 1882. JOSEPH H. BOYNTON Son of Abraham D. Boynton anc! Maria H. Burbank. Born Dec. 27, 1850, Haverhill, Mass. Came to Utah in 1852. Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES BENNETT BRACKEN Son of Levi Bracken. Born in 1815. Came to Utah in 1852. Resided at Pine Valley, Utah. 304 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 ORLANDO HENRY BRACKEN Son of James Bennett Bracken and Sarah Head. Born March 9, 1854, Payson, Utah. Elder ; Ward Teacher. Farmer ; Merchant. WILLIAM BRACKEN, JR. Son of William Bracken, who came to Utah Oct. 11, 1852, James Snow Company, and Minnie Ahalstrom. Born Nov. 13, 1864, Stockton, Utah. ISAAC PRESTON BRIGHT Born Oct. 13, 1844, in Hancock County, Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852, Isaac Stew; Company. Pioneer to Richmond. JOHN BRIGHT Born March 26, 1849, Pottawattamie Coun- ty, Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852. Indian War Veteran. ALFRED WALLACE BRIM Born Nov. 15, 1815, Madison County, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1852. Hauled stone for the Salt Lake Temple. ALONZO ADELBERT BRIM Son of Alfred Wallace Brim and M Ann Merrill. Born March 10, 1853, i Lake City. Bishop Center Ward. LKVI BROADBENT Born July 24, 1817. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1852, Capt. Outhouse Company. Elder; Block Teacher. Gardener. ISAAC BROCKBANK Born 1805, Underbarrow, Westmoreland, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1852, Capt. A. O. Smoot Company. Counselor in Bishopric Spanish Fork, Utah. ISAAC BROCKBANK, JR. Son of Isaac Brockbank and Eliza Mainwaring. Born July 13, 1837, Liver Eng. Came to Utah with father. I . op's Counselor 8th Ward, Salt Lake < PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 305 HEBBR P. BROCKBANK a of Isaac Brockbank, Jr., and Mary n Park. Born Nov. 19, 1871, Cotton- : od Ward, Salt Lake City. ALMA P. BROCKBANK Son of Isaac Brockbank, Jr., and Mary Ann Park. Born Feb. 10, 1885, Cotton- wood Ward, Salt Lake City. Farmer and Stockraiser. GEORGE BROUGH Born July 1, 1823, New Molten, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1852, Joseph Outhouse Company. Tithing Clerk. Post- master. GEORGE W. BROUGH jn of George Brough and Elizabeth Hud- M. Born Feb. 8, 1854, Lehi, Utah. Elder. 1 y Councilman. ABRAHAM (ABRAM) BROWN Born Aug. 31, 1808, Andover, Windsor Co., Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1852, Isaac Bul- lock Company. High Priest. Farmer. v NEWELL ABRAHAM BROWN Son of Abraham Brown and Harriet Shel- don. Born Nov. 19, 1837, Kirtland, Ohio. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. \r WILLIAM THOMAS BROWN >rn May 1, 1843, Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. ime to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. noot Company. Seventy. Farmer and leepraiser. 20 DAVID E. BROWNING Born Jan. 19, 1829, Nashville, Tenn. Came to Utah September, 1852, Capt. Miller Com- pany. Major. Inventor Automatic Fire- arms. SEYMOUR BRUNSON Born Jan. 6, 1836, Tomkins County, 111. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Miller Company. 306 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 SEYMOUR E. BRUNSON Son of Seymour Brunson and Elizabeth A. Mace. Born Sept. 15, 1863, Payson, Utah. ARCHIBALD W. BUCHANAN Born Feb. 9, 1830, Lexington, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1852, Capt. Howell Com- pany. Bishop Glenvvood Ward. Indian War Veteran. ARCHIBALD W. BUCHANAN", .71 Son of Archibald W. Buchanan and H Amelia Whiting. Born Jan. 21, 1859, 1 ti, Utah. EZRA NELSON BULLARD Born March 15, 1833, Worcester, Mass. Came to Utah in 1852. Elder. Veteran Echo Canyon and Black Hawk Indian Wars. Farmer. JOHN ELLIS BULLARD Son of Ezra Nelson Bullard and Mary Harriet Burgess. Born Nov. 2, 1880, Thur- ber, Utah. BENJAMIN KIMBALL BULLOC1 Born Jan. 27, 1821, Grafton, N. H. C to Utah Sept. 20, 1852, Isaac Bullock ( pany. Mayor of Provo, Utah. BENJAMIN HART BULLOCK Son of Benjamin Kimball Bullock and Martha Elizabeth Hart. Born Oct. 27, 1878, Provo, Utah. Bishop Bonneville Ward. Farmer and Mining. ISAAC BULLOCK Born Oct. 23, 1825. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1852. President High Priest Quorum. Mayor Provo, Utah. Farmer. LEWIS DEMOTT BUNCE Born Sept. 29, 1827, Walcott, Wayni N. Y. Came to Utah in 1852. Sev; Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 307 DAVID EDWIX BUNNELL hrn June 25, 1809, Newark, Essex Co., .. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1852, James Snow Company. High Priest. City nmcilman. DANIEL KIMBALL BUNNELL Son of David Edwin Bunnell and Sallie Heller Conrad. Born Oct. 23, 1831, Browns- town, Wayne Co., Mich. High Priest. Walker Indian War Veteran. Farmer and Fruit Grower. STEPHEN ITHAMAR BUNNELL Son of David Edwin Bunnell and Sallie Heller Conrad. Born Feb. 1, 1834, Browns- town, Mich. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. GEORGE HENRY BUNNELL |>n of David Edwin Bunnell and Sallie feller Conrad. Born Dec. 21, 1837, Browns- wn. Mich. Seventy. Farmer and Stock- laer. SAMUEL GARDNER BUNNELL Son of David Edwin Bunnell and Sallie Heller Conrad. Born in New Jersey. SAMUEL DAVID BUNNELL Son of Samuel Gardner Bunnell and Ellen K. Zabriskie. Born Oct. 26, 1862, Provo, Utah. Elder. Farmer and Stockraiser. I DANIEL M. BURBANK prn Dec. 3, 1814, New York. Came to tah Oct. 6, 1852. Brought company of migrants to Utah. JOHN BURRASTON Born April 21, 1837, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1852, James Cummings Company. Walker Indian War Veteran. JOHN BURTON Born 1832, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. Elder; Block Teacher. Car- penter and Builder. Resided at Salt Lake City. 308 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 GEORGE O. BURTON Son of John Burton and Hannah Thomp- son. Born Sept. 23, 1869, 6th Ward, Salt Lake City. Police Officer. Motorman ; Carpenter. EDWIN WILLIAM BUTLER Son of Edwin Butler, who came to Utah 1852, and Louisa S. Young. Born April 25, 1868, Victor, Idaho. JOHN T. CAINE Born Jan. 8, 1829, Isle of Man, Englam Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1852, Captain c Ten in James McGaw Company. Sec; Territorial Legislature. U. S. Congressmai \ WILLIAM CAPENER Born July 30, 1806, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1852, Isaac Bullock Company. Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. JOSEPH AARON CAPENER Son of William Capener and Ellen Rigby. Born Dec. 25, 1874. ARTHUR RIGBY CAPENER Son of William Capener and Ellen Rigl Born Jan. 20, 1869, Salt Lake City. Bish of Garland Ward. JAMES CARLILE Son of Robert Carlile and Christiana Spouncer. Born Jan. 31, 1829, Mission, Eng. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. .Tolley Com- pany. Indian War Veteran. High Priest. JAMES WILLIAM CARLILE Son of James Carlile and Emily Ann Giles. Born Oct. 14, 1865, Heber, Utah. Block Teacher. Farmer. GEORGE CARLILE Son of Robert Carlile and Christlfi. Spouncer. Born April 11, 1836. Came f Utah in 1851. Seventy. Indian ' Veteran. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 " ^^ncaHBHV^^^ 309 dft, A^ ISAAC VANWAGONER CARLING on of John Carling, who came to Utah eptember, 1852, Henry Miller Co., and ,;meline Keaton. Born Nov. 30, 1831, illinesopur, Ulster Co., N. T. JOHN CARVER Born Aug. 6, 1822, Clifford Parish, Here- fordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Independent Company. Assisted in laying out Plain City. GEORGE H. CARVER Son of John Carver and Mary Ann Eames. Born Nov. 11, 1854, Kaysville, Utah. Bish- op Preston, Idaho, 3rd Ward, Oneida Stake. PARLEY PRATT CARVER an of John Carver and Mary Ann Eames. orn Jan. 17. 1867, Plain City, Utah. Ider. PARLEY LEONIDAS CARVER Son of Parley Pratt Carver and Elizabeth Ann Pritchett. Born Jan. 31, 1890. DAVID CHARD Born Sept. 24, 1810. HENRY T. CHARD >n of David Chard and Mary Teagues. orn June 13, 1855, North Somerset, ng. Came to Utah in 1864. DAVID E. CHARD Son of Henry T. Chard and Mary Ann Berrett. Born Nov. 1, 1881, North Ogden, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. WILLIAM CHATWIN Born June 23, 1823, Bury, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. School Teacher. 310 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 JOSEPH ISAAC CHATWIN Son of William Chatwin and Ann Sampson. Born July 30, 1851, Kanesville, Iowa. ORVILLE RENSSELAER CHILD Son of Alfred Bosworth Child and Polly Barber. Born Oct. 11, 1837, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Bishop's Counselor. Echo Canyon War Veteran. ORVILLE RENSSELAER CHILD, JR Son of Orville Rensselaer Child and i Urincla Rawson. Born Jan. .8, 1860, flen, Utah. Postmaster Deweyville, Uti Sunday School Superintendent. THOMAS CHILD Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot Company. JOHN WILLIAM CLARK Son of Thomas H. Clark, who came to Utah Oct. 10, 1852, and Charlotte Gay ley. Born Jan. 12, 1826, Bishopsfrome, Eng. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. JOHN WILLIAM CLARK, JR. Son of John William Clark and Ann Mi klewright. Born April 11, 1857, Grar ville, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Farm and Stockraiser. WILLIAM CLARK Born July 26, 1825, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest. WILLIAM WHEELER CLARK Son of William Clark and Jane Stephens. Born April 25, 1855, Lehi, Utah. High Priest. ALBERT XEPHI CLEMENTS Born 1842, Hancock County, 111. Came Utah November, 1852, Warren Snow Cci' pany. High Councilor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 311 JAMES CLINGER rn Feb. 3, 1813, Bedford, Pa. Came to ah Sept. 27, 1852, Capt. Whitehead Com- ny. (Hiani in Walker Indian War. Sev- ty. Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES HKXRY OLINGER Son of James Clinger and Harriet Chapin. Born Feb. 10, 1848, Iowa. Bishop's Coun- selor. Farmer and Stockraiser. DANIEL H. CLOWARD Son of Daniel Cloward, who came to Utah in 1852, and Ruth Bailey Logan. Born Feb. 11, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Bish- op's Counselor. NATHAN HARRISON COFFIN Jrn Sept. 28, 1840, Richmond, Ind. Came I Utah 1852, Capt. Cutler Company. High jncilor. Justice of the Peace. NATHAN SAMUEL COFFIN Son of Nathan Harrison Coffin and Ches- tina McMurtrey. Born Sept. 11, 1870, Huntsville, Utah. Bishop Marsh Center Ward, Idaho. GEORGE COLEMAN Born May 5, 1827, Warden Parish, Bed- fordshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. Indian War Veteran. Bishop. GEORGE S. COLEMAN of George Coleman and Jane Smith, rn May 20, 1866, Smithfleld, Utah, shop of Teasdale Ward. JOHN W. CONDIE Son of Gibson Condie and Elizabeth Rob- inson. Born Sept. 21, 1878, Croydon, Utah. Bishop 4th Ward, Preston, Idaho. Mayor. HENRY FREEMAN COOK Born Jan. 12, 1815. Came to Utah October, 1852, Warren Snow Company. Bishop Cedar Valley Ward. 312 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 WILLIAM COOK Son of Henry Freeman Cook and Sophro- nia Strobridge. Born Oct. 19, 1847, Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa. WILLIAM CORBRIDGE Born March 9, 1810, Thornley Lane, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1852, John Parker Company. High Priest. Indian Fighter. JOHN CORBRIDGE Son of William Corb ridge ami Ell< Parker. Born May 12, 1842, Thor ' Lane, Eng. High Priest. Railroad Bu" WILLIAM H. CORBRIDGE Father of the wife of Walton Anthony Roberts of Teasdale, Utah. Came to Utah August, 1852, John Parker Independent Company. HEBER COTTAM Son of John Cottam, who came to Utah October, 1852, and Anne Smith. Born June 27, 1858, American Fork, Utah. General Workman. SAMUEL COTTRELL Born May 7, 1816, Warrington, Lancash Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1852, Bry Jolley Company. Farmer. HENRY CUMBERLAND Born in 1820, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Captain Layton Com- pany. Seventy. Blacksmith. JOHN CUMMINGS Born Dee. 2, 1802, Anderson County, S. C. Came to Utah in 1852, John Maxwell Com- pany. Farmer. JOHN J. CUMMIXGS Son of John CumminRS and Rachel 1 nedy. Born March 25, 1846, Mont) Iowa. High Priest. Farmer and SI raiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 313 SAMUEL THOMAS CURTIS on of Thomas Curtis and Purcy Baldwin, orn Dec. 30, 1834, Chautauqua County, N. . Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852, Captain ."alker Company. Hi^h Priest. ROYAL JAMES CUTLER Son of Harmon Cutler, who came to Utah in September, 1852, and Susanna Barton. Born Feb. 1, 1828, Amboy, N. Y. Bishop Glendale Ward. ALLEN RILBY CUTLER Son of Royal James Cutler and Thiba Ann Morton. Born Dec. 22, 1862, American Fork, Utah. High Councilor. Principal Sevier Stake Academy. Bishop. ALMA HAYES torn Jan. 11, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Came Utah in 1852. Bishop Georgetown Vard, Idaho. JAMES DEANS Born Feb. 14, 1844, West House, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1852. Elder. Justice of Peace at Woodruff, Arizona. Minuteman. DAVID WOODRUFF DEANS Son of James Deans and Susannah Ham- mond. Born Feb. 25, 1879, Woodruff, Ari- zona. Missionary to Kentucky ; Seventy ; Assistant Sunday School Superintendent . ROBERT A. DEANS o f James Deans, who came to Utah in ,$ 52 ' and Susannah Hammond. Born Oct. I?' V 884 ' Woodruff, Ariz. Elder. School "eacher. PHILIP DE LA MARE Born April 3, 1823, Groovil Parish, Isle of Jersey, Enpr. Came to Utah in November, 1852, captain of his own company. PHILIP FRANCIS DE LA MARE Son of Philip De La Mare and Mary Par- kins. Born Feb. 16, 1849, Isle of Jersey. 314 PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 BILLA DICKSON Born March 8, 1815, Elizabeth, Upper Canada. Came to Utah in October, 1852, Captain Walker Company. Blacksmith. ALBERT DOUGLASS DICKSON Son of Billa Dickson and Mary Ann Stod- dard. Born Jan. 26, 1840, Porter County, Ind. Bishop Richville Ward. RICHARD DOUGLASS Born Feb. 27, 1828, Downham, Lancashii Engr. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1852. Seveni JOSEPH DUDLEY Born July 8, 1817, in Kentucky. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852, Oxteam Company. Echo Canyon War Veteran. JAMES DUNCAN Born Feb. 5, 1828, Greenend, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to Utah in September, 1852, John Higby Company. Bishop's Counselor. Indian War Veteran. JONATHAN EARL Born July 29, 1816, Fraylhamshire, El Came to Utah Aug. 7, 1852. Farmer. JOHN ELLISON Born May 23, 1818, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1852, Captain Howell Company. Patriarch. EPHRAIM P. ELLISON Son of John Ellison and Alice Pilling. Born June 10, 1850, St. Louis, Mo. Mer- chant. WILLIAM ELMER Born Sept. 16, 1820, Norwich, Orange L Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852. Lieut' ant-Colonel Nauvoo Legion. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 315 LEVI JAMES ELMER 'n of William Elmer and Mary Ann Gean. Irn Oct. 1, 1858, Payson, Utah. High iest. Farmer. WILLIAM HEBEK ELMER Son of William Elmer and Mary Ann Gean. Born Feb. 13, 1869. Farmer. SHADRACH EMPET Born June 21, 1822, Eatonbray, Bedford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1852, George Kendall Company. Director Lehi Co-op. EPHUAIM S. EMPEY 'n of Sliadrach Empey and Ann Athes. >rn May 27, 1852, Eatonbray, Eng. Bish- 's Counselor. JOHN ENNISS Born Dec. 10, 1821, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852, Thomas Tldwell Company. WILLARD BOULTER ENNISS Son of John Enniss and Elizabeth Boulter. Born June 8, 1857, Draper, Utah. Bishop. SIDNEY HYRUM EPPEKSON nrn in 1832 in Indiana. Came to Utah in *52, David Wood Company. Bishop Mid- ay Ward. JENS GI'NDERSON Son of Gunner Erickson. Born Sept. 21, 1830, Chri.stiania, Norway. Came to Utah in 1852. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer ; Carpenter. High Priest. JAMES P. GUNDERSON Son of Jens and Marie Gunderson. Born March 4, 1865, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High Priest. Miner. 316 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 CHARLES M. EVANS Born Jan. 27, 1831, Liverpool, Eng. to Utah in 1852. Seventy. DAVID MINSHALL EVANS Came Born July 20, 1821, Liverpool, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1852. High Priest. FREDERICK HENRY EVANS Born Aug. 2, 1842, Cardiff, Wales. Cai to Utah in 1852, Claudius V. Spencer Coi pany. Made three trips across plains f immigrants. FREDERICK CHARLES EVANS Son of Frederick Henry Evans and Emma Raymond. Born Sept. 21, 1872, Kaysville, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. FRANKLIN FARR Born Oct. 12, 1837, Chatham, Medina Co., Ohio. Came to Utah in 1852. Indian Wai- Veteran. WILFORD IVOR FARR Son of Franklin Farr and Ann Jon Born in January, 1888. SAMUEL FERRIN Born Nov. 12, 1804, Hebron, Grafton Co., N. H. Came to Utah in 1852. JOSIAH MARSH FERRIN Son of Samuel Ferrin and Sally Powell. Born Jan. 22, 1834, Cherry Creek, N. Y. Bishop. JOSIAH LEMAN FERRIN Son of Josiah Marsh Ferrin and Mart Ann Bronson. Born Sept. 26, 1856, C i den, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 317 ARTHUR M. FERRIN in of Josiah Leman Ferrin and Ella D. 'allin^s. Born Dec. 10, 1881, Eden, an. Bishop. GEORGE ELIHU FERRIX Son of Josiah Marsh Ferrin and Martha Ann Bronson. Born Aug. 30, 1864. GEORGE FOSTER Born August, 1810, Castlederg, Ireland. Came to Utah 1852, Thomas Tidwell Com- pany. GEORGE FOSTER, JR. of George Foster and Verena Fisher, rn April 17, 1864, Logan, Utah. Member iho Legislature. WILLIAM L. FOSTER Born July 11, 1807, Lynn, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853. Weaver. WILLIAM HENRY FOSTER Son of William L. Foster and Amelia Chaplin. Born June 28, 1832, Norwich, Eng. Leading tenor singer Tabernacle Choir. Wood Turner and Scroll Sawyer. HENRY C. FOSTER n of William Henry Foster and Eunice FRANKLIN PITT FOSTER Son of William Henry Foster and Eunice Neslen. JAMES GALE Born May 14, 1829, Warminister, Wilt- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 25, 1852. Independent Company. 318 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 GEORGE CURTIS GALLOWAY Born June 17, 1889, Meadow Creek, Utah. Priest. Farmer. Inventor. A. B. FALKER Ogden, Utah. BENJAMIN 1 GARDNER Born Aug. 19, 1800, Johnstown, Mont gomery Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sep 28, 1852, captain of his own compan; Justice of Peace. North Ogden. Mill. MILO VANDOZEN GARDNER Son of Benjamin Gardner and Electa Lamport. Born June 4, 1835, Erie Coun- ty, Pa. Drum Major in Ogden Band. MILO MARTIN GARDNER Son of Milo Vandozen Gardner and Mar- gret Montgomery. Born Oct. 25, 1862, North Ogden, Utah. School Trustee. ROBERT NATHANIEL GAKI'.NKK Son of Milo VanDozen Gardnn- an Margret Montgomery. Born Jan. : North Ogden, Utah. Justice of Juvenile Court Officer. JOSEPH SMITH GARDNER Son of Benjamin Gardner and Electa Lamport. Born March 15, 1847, Vernon, Van Buren Co., Iowa. Drummer Boy In Utah Militia. Farmer. WILLIAM GOATES Born May 11, 1817, Wimpole, England. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, A. O. Smoot Company. Member Bishopric, Lehi Ward. President High Priests. WILLIAM GOATES, JR. Son of William Goates and Susan Larkiii Born Jan. 1, 1861, Lehi, Utah. SM Member Lehi Silver Band 1887-96. Car penter and Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 319 LEO WALMAN GOATBS Ion (if William Goates and Elizabeth An- iie Munns. Born Aug. 20, 1889, Lehi, 'tah. Missionary to Germany 1908-10 ; Sunday School Supt. Lehi. GEORGE GODDARD Born Dec. 5, 1815, Leicester, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852. Presiding Bishop; Member Tabernacle Choir. JOSEPH GODDARD Son of George Goddard and Elizabeth Harrison. Born April 5, 1843. HYRUM HARRISON GODDARD '"n of George Goddard and Elizabeth jarrison. Born Jan. 3, 1857. Secretary ". -M. M. I. A. Railroad Contractor. BRIGHAM HARRISON GODDARD Son of George Goddard and Elizabeth Harrison. Born Sept. 28, 1859. High Priest. Insurance. JOSEPH GODFREY Born March 1, 1800, Bristol, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1852, David Wood Company. Counselor to Bishop Thomas Dunn. JAMES WILLIS GOODRIDGE ;!orn at Haverhill, Essex Co., Mass, ought first woolen mill machinery to 1 by oxteam about 1852. WILLIAM WILLIS GOODRIUGE Son of James Willis Goodridge and Eliza Frances Deuel. Born Jan. 16, 1872, Kamas, Utah. Seventy. SAMUEL GRANGE Born Feb. 11, 1826, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest; Ward Teacher. 320 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 SAMUEL STEVENSON GRANGE Son of Samuel Grange and Esther Steven- son. Born Dec. 25, 1864, Springville, Utah. Seventy ; Ward Teacher. Mem- ber Town Council. Farmer. ULYSSES WALLACE GRANGE Son of Samuel Grange and Esther Steven- son. Born Nov. 11, 1868, Springville, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A.; Presi- dent High Priests Quorum Emery Stake. PETER GREAVES Born Aug. 26, 1837, Patterson, X. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1852, Capta Howell Company. City Councilm; Ephraim, Utah. EVAN MOLBOURNE GREENE Born Dec. 22, 1814, Aurelius, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1852, Allen Weeks Company. Missionary ; High Priest. Mayor of Provo. EVAN FLAVIUS GREENE Son of Evan M. Green and Susan Kent. Born Feb. 22, 1838, Kirtland, Ohio. High Priest ; Assistant Sunday School Superin- tendent at Spring Dale. Farmer. WILLIAM GREENWOOD Born March 4, 1819, Hepinstall, E. Came to Utah in 1852, Benjamin Gardi' Company. High Priest. BARNARD HARTLEY GREENWOOD Son of William Greenwood and Ann Hart- ley. Born Sept. 9, 1849, Warsaw, Han- cock Co., III. Came to Utah with father. Bishop Inverury Ward. HARTLEY GREENWOOD Son of Barnard Hartley Greenwood and Eunice Howd. Born March 13, 1873, Beaver, Utah. Bishop Inverury Ward. Farmer. CARLOS B. GREENWOO: Son of Barnard Hartley Green _ Eunice Howd. Born Oct. 31, 1879. verury, Utah. Bishop Inverury vv President Central Rural Telephone Co PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 321 JOSHUA GREENWOOD s,,n of William Greenwood and Alice IUU-IH..H Born July 29, 1860, Ameri- can Fork, Utah. Mayor; City Attorney. PATISON DELOSS GRIFFETH Born Jan. 3, 1824, Orleans County. N. Y. Came to Utah in October, 1851, William H. Walton Company. Counselor to Bish- op William Hyde. THOMAS C. HADDON Born Dec. 25, 1815, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852, A. O. Smoot Company, feun- dav School Supt ; High Priest. Farmer. JAMES HAGUE Son of James Hague, who came to Utah in 1852, and Sarah Ann Beaver. Born Jan 28, 1844. Business man. CHARLES H. HALES Born June 17, 1817, Kent, Reinham Co., in Came to Canada, 1832. Seventy. Farmer. JOSEPH LOCKWOOD HALES Son of Charles H Hales and Julia Ann Lockwood. Born Jan. 16, 18ol, OBriei Grove, Decatur Co., Iowa. Came to Utah in September, 1852. JOHN C. HALL Came to Utah in 1852. 'ABRAHAM HALLADAY Born Aug. 20, 1824, Flllongley, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1852, with Warren Snow Company. High Councilman. Clt> Councilman. ABRAHAM E. HALLADAY Son of Abraham Halladay and Mary Ann Beesley. Born Feb. 17, 1856, Provo, Utah. Farmer. 21 322 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 JOSEPH HIRAM HANCOCK Son of James Hancock, who came to Utah in 1852, and Ann Melsom Hughes. Born April 27, 1849, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. High Priest. Farmer. HANS F. HANSEN Born April 23, 1831, Kairerod, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1852. Stone cut- ter on Salt Lake and Logan Temples. Missionary to Denmark. PETER ORSON HANSEN Born March 3, 1860, at Salt Lake Cit Monument dealer and cut stone contracto ELISHA PHILBROOK HARDY Born July 26, 1837, Camden, Maine. Came to Utah in 1852, Benjamin Gardner Co. JOSIAH G. HARDY Came to Utah in 1852. CHARLES W. HARDY Born July 28, 1843, Groveland, Mas: Came to Utah in 1852. High Pries County Surveyor eight years. MILTON H. HARDY Born Sept. 26, 1844, Groveland, Mass. Came to Utah in 1852. Pioneer in educa- tion and mutual improvement work. GEORGE HENRY ABBOTT HARRIS Born Dec. 7, 1830, Ilfracombe, Devon- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1852, Henry Miller Company. High Priest. BEKNICE R. HARRIS Son of George Henry Abbott Harris an> Sarah Loader. Born March 6, 186 1 Pleasant Grove, Utah. Bishop Salen Ward. Idaho. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 323 JOHN ISAAC HART orn Dec. 11, 1826, Tauton, Somerset- lire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1852, eorge Kendall Ten-pound Company, ishop West Weber Ward. ELLIOTT HARTWELL Born July 11, 1820, in Massachusetts. Came to Utah in 1853. Seventy. WILLIAM JOHN HAWLEY Born Nov. 25, 1803, Fishkill, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1852, James Snow Company. Built first road in American Fork Canyon. THOMAS HICKEN orn June 15, 1826. Came to Utah in !52, Eli B. Kelsey Company. Black awk Indian War Veteran. JOHN HENRY HICKEN Son of Thomas Hicken and Catherine Pewkes. Born June 14, 1859, Provo, Utah. High Councilor. GEORGE W. HIGLEY Born Dec. 29, 1801. Came to Utah In 1852. Bowlturner ; Farmer. JOHN HUGH HILTON >" of Hugh Hilton, who came to Utah in 5mpany. JOHN FERRINGTON MANWILL Born Dec. 2, 1832, Oxford County, Maine. Resides at Payson, Utah. Elder , Sev- enty ; High Priest. THOMAS MATHIAS Born June 6, 1808, Caermarthenshire, Wales. Came to Utah in 1852, William Morgan Company. 330 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 JONAH MATHIAS Son of Thomas Mathias and Margaret Williams. Born July 30, 1843, Caermar- thenshire, South Wales. Mayor of Brig- ham City 1895-97. JAMES MAY Born June 1, 1832, Chievely, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1852, with Eli B. Kelsey Company. JAMES IRA MAY Son of James May and Martha Allen II Born Nov. 29, 1857, Bountiful, Utah. .M sionary to Southern States. Bish Jackson Ward. AMOS MAYCOCK Son of James Maycock and Esther Berry. Born May 1, 1836, Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. Bishop, North Ogden, Utah. JAMES AMOS MAYCOCK Son of Amos Maycock and Mary Humph- reys. Born April. 1864, North Og- den, Utah. Ward Teacher. School Trus- tee. Fruit Grower and Farmer. JOHN EDWIN MAYCOCK Son of Amos Maycock and Mary Hum] reys. Born April 16, 1868, North c den, Utah. Member 38th Quorum Si-u ties. Farmer and Fruit Grower. JOHN MAYCOCK Born in Warwickshire, Eng. Utah in 1852. Farmer. JESSE HUGHES McCARREL Came to Born March 26, 1825, in Louisana. Came to Utah in 1862, the Oxteam Company. JOHN McDANIEL. Born in 1812. in Ohio. Came to Ut: Oct. 29, 1852, Isaac Stewart Compan Pioneer of Alpine, Utah, 1850. Priest. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 331 GEO. WASHINGTON McDANIEL i of John McDaniel and Christine cker. Born in 1844, Hancock County, Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1852. High est. Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM McIXTOSH Born Sept. 16, 1819. Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest. WILLIAM McKEE Born in 1825 in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah in 1852, Captain Oxteam Company. Seventy. Farmer. ROBERT McKELL 1 n Feb. 23, 1823, Glasgow, Scotland. ( tie to Utah in 1852, Capt. Tidwell Com- 1 y. Pioneer Blacksmith of Spanish i k, Utah. Indian Fighter. ROBERT W. McKELL Born Nov. 16, 1856, Spanish Fork, Utah. Bishop. City Councilman of Spanish Fork, Utah. ROBERT McMICHAEL Born Aug. 9, 1811, Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot Company. WM. McMICHAEL Born Feb. 9, 1842, in Scotland. JAMES McMURRAY Born at Hogestown, Pa., Dec. 24, 1829. High Priest ; Second Councilor in Liberty Ward, Stake of Zion, for a number of years. WILLIAM MEEKS Born in 1815, Spencer County, Ind. Came to Utah in 1852, Capt. Nisonger Company. 332 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 WILLIAM WELLS MEGUIRE Born June 25, 1809, Chester County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1852, Captain Curtis Company. Seventy. Justice of Peace ; Postmaster ; School Teacher. THOS. MEXDENHALL Born March 10, 1806, Wilmington, Del. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852, Captain Wood Company. Pioneer of Spanish Fork, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. GEORGE MADISON MENDEXHAI, Son of Thomas Mendenhall and .M; Ann Synix. Born Sept. 2!i, 1830, V mington. Mercer Co., Del. Early s.-tt at Spanish Fork, Utah* ARTHUR JOHN MENDENHALL Son of George Madison Mendenhall an 1 Celestia Ann Mecham. Born June 3, 1878, Dayton, Idaho. Assistant Sunday School Superintendent ; Missionary. Farmer. THOS. MEXDENHALL Son of Thomas Mendenhall and Mary Ann Synix. Born Feb. 18, 1844, Xauvoo, 111. Indian War Veteran. WM. HENRY MEXDEXHALL Son of Thomas Mendenhall ami L Smart. Born Nov. 21, 1873. I'r,-; Idaho. Bishop, Oneida Stake; Fir^t Co selor in Stake Presidency. WM. MENDENHALL Born April 8, 1815, Mill Creek Hundred, Newcastle, Co., Del. Came to Utah Sept. 18, 1852. .Seventy. RICHARD LOVELL MENDENHALL Son of William Mendenhall and Sarah Lovell. Born Aug. 19, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Missionary. Marshal, Springville. Indian War Veteran. Farmer and Stockraiser. RICHARD LOVELL MENI'KXHAL JR. Son of Richard Lovell Mendenhall Maria Catherine Boyer. Born N 1873, Springville. Utah. Elder: Presl i over East Kentucky Conference. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 833 ALBERT MERRILL >rn July 17, 1815, Long Island, N. Y. mi.- t" Utah Sept. 13, 1852, Captain well Company. President 16th Quo- nties. Farmer. CLARENCE MERRILL Son of Albert Merrill and Margaret Ann Richardson. Born May 18, 1841, South Norwalk, Pairfleld Co., Conn. Came to Utah in September, 1852. MARION MERRILL Son of Albert Merrill and Margaret Ann Richardson. Born March 29, 1853, Provo, Utah. Mine Owner at Deep Creek, Utah. JOSEPH MERRILL >rn in 1847, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came Utah in 1852, Capt. Weeks Company, ffh ' '' mncilor. HYRUM W. MIKESELL Born June 13, 1812, Montgomery County, Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1852. Pres- ident 15th Quorum Seventies. WILLIAM H. MILLER Son of Henry W. Miller and Elmira Pond. Born Dec. 23, 1838, Quincy, 111. Came to Utah in 1852. Fruit Grower and Stock- raiser. \VILLIAM M. MILLER n of William H. Miller and Helen Hin- Born Feb. 12, 1861, Farmington, Farmer. HENRY WILLIAM MILLER Born May 1, 1807, Lexington, Greene Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest : High Councilor. Member Iowa State Legislature. Lawyer. ARNOLD DANIEL MILLER Son of Henry William Miller and Elmira Pond. Born March 2, 1852, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Bishop of St. Anthony Ward. 334 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 I ARNOLD DANIEL MILLER, JR. Son of Arnold Daniel Miller and Mary Jane Laub. Born Oct. 23, 1874, St. George, Utah. Bishop ; Assistant Super- intendent Sunday School ; Missionary. EDWARD EPHRAIM MONTAGUE Son of Levi W. Montague, who came to Utah in 1852, and Elizabeth D. U. Graves. Born April 1, 1866, Payson, Utah. Ward Teacher ; Elder. School Trustee ; Farmer. JOHN MONTAGUE Father of T. A. Montague of Prestc Idaho. WILLIAM MORGAN Born in 1831. Came to Utah in October, 1852, William Morgan Company. High Priest. EDWARD MORGAN JOHN MORRILL Son of William Morgan and Mary Treharn. Son of Laban Morrill and Permelia Born Jan. 1, 1842, Merthyr Tydfll, Wales. Drury. Born Feb. 21, 1848, Gar< Grove, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1852, Iii iel McArthur Company. LABAN D. MORRILL Son of Laban Morrill and Permelia H. Drury. Born Oct. 4, 1850, Keg Creek, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1852. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. JOHN MORRIS Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1853, Joseph A. Young Company. ELIAS MORRIS Son of John Morris and Barbara Thorr Born June 30, 1825, Llanfair, Talha: Denbighshire, North Wales. Came ' Utah Nov. 1, 1852. Bishop 15th Ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 335 NEPHI LOWELL MORRIS of Elias Morris and Mary L. Walker. n Oct. 2, 1870, at Salt Lake City. sident Salt Lake Stake. Member State islature. RICHARD V. MORRIS Son of John Morris and Barbara Thomas. Born Sept. 3, 1830. Came to Utah in 1855. Bishop of 19th Ward, Salt Lake City. JOHN MORRISON Son of John Morrison and Sarah Mark Born Aug. 15, 1844, Nauvoo, III. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1852, Eli B. Kelsey Com- pany. Elder. Mechanic. JOSEPH MORRISON Son of John Morrison and Sarah Mark. Born Nov. 25, 1846, Plymouth, Iowa. High Priest. Freighter. GEORGE LEO MORRISON Son of Joseph Morrison and Lucy Annie Henson. Born May 9, 1884, Franklin, Idaho. Agriculturist. DAVID MUSTARD S \ a i u } y 6 i 181 9. Blairgowrie, Pertshire, A t C me to Utah Sept. 3, 1852 V ra Com Pany. Echo Canyon War GEORGE AUGUSTUS NEAL Born Oct. 3, 1794, in New Hampshire. Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest ; Mis- sionary to White Mountains. Farmer and Stockraiser. WILLIAM COOLEY NEAL Son of George Augustus Neal and Asen- ath Cooley. Born July 1, 1828, Cambria, N. Y. High Priest. 336 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 WILLIAM DALTON NEAL Son of William Cooley Neal and Ann Eliza Dalton. Born Jan. 31, 1869. ANDREW NELSEN Born March 8, 1834, Veile, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1852. Black Hawk In- dian War Veteran. Farmer. ERASTUS NELSEX Son of Andrew Nelsen and Camilla .Mi Born Jan. 29, 1872, Manti, Utah. Fai and Dairyman. ANDREW NELSEN, JR. Son of Andrew and Metta Nelsen. DAVID NELSON Born in 1801, Shrewsbury, Worcester Co., Mass. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1852, Thomas Ticlwcll Company. JAMES HORACE Son of David Nelson and Mary Tli son Miller. Born March 28. 1839, . sonville, 111. President Seventies. CHARLES ARTHUR NELSON Son of David Nelson and Sarah Brown. ELLIOTT ALFRED NEWELL Born AUK. 20, 1830, Amboy, N. Y. Came to Utah in October, 1852. Member 24th Quorum Seventies. Farmer. JOHN NE\. Son of Joseph Newman anil Hushes. Born Jan. 27, 1838, in ~ Blacksmith. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 337 ALBERT SAMUEL NEWMAN n of John Xe\yman and Sarah Matilda irchant. Born Dec. 2, 1874, Peoa, Sum- t Co., Utah. Bishop's Counselor, rmer. THOMAS NIRDEN Born in Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852, Capt. Clawson Company. Farmer. ABRAM NOE Born Dec. 18, 1820, "Cincinnati, Ohio. Came to Utah in October, 1852. Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM NUTTALL me to Utah In October, 1852. Lived at >vo, Utah. LEONARD JOHN NUTTALL Son of William Nuttall and Mary Lang- horn. Born July 6, 1834, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1852. Presi- dent Kanab Stake ; Bishop. LEONARD JOHN NUTTALL, JR. Son of Leonard John Nuttall and Eliza- beth Clarkson. Born Dec. 5, 1859, Provo, Utah. Justice of Peace ; President 123rd Quorum Seventies. THOMAS C. NUTTALL 1 Le <> n ard John Nuttall and Eliza- Clarkson. Born Oct. 19, 1862, Proyo, in. President Elders Quorum ; Assist- hunday School Superintendent. 22 HEBER ODEKIRK Son of Isaac Odekirk and Eliza Dutcher. Born Aug. 5, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah in 1852. Teacher; County Commis- sioner ; Farmer. ISAAC FRANKLIN ODEKIRK 338 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 GEORGE C. ODBKIRK Son of Isaac Franklin Odekirk. DANIEL PAGE Born July 11, 1800, Newport, N. J. Came to Utah in September, 1852. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. Farmer. JOSEPH PAGE Son of Daniel Page and Mary Socwel Born Feb. 6, 1830, near Newport, N. . High Priest. Mayor Mt. Pleasant. It dian War Veteran. SAMUEL R. PAGE Son of Joseph Page and Alice Mills. Born Feb. 12, 1884, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Deacon. Farmer and Apiarist. JONATHAN SOCWELL PAGE Son of Daniel Page and Mary Socwell. Born June 4, 1833, Newport, N. J. Patri- arch. Veteran Walker and Black Hawk Indian Wars. JONATHAN SOCWELL PAGE, Son of Jonathan Socwell Page and Ma Leaver. Born May 14, 1856, at Salt La! City. Bishop Payson Second Ward. Tn ident Nebo Stake. Merchant ; Farmer. JONATHAN" SOCWELL PAGE, III. Son of Jonathan Socwell Page, Jr., and Lilyus M. Curtis. Born Nov. 23, 1883. HAMILTON GRAY PARK Born Nov. 25, 1826, Kilbarnie, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1852. President High Priests Quorum of Ensign Stake. JOHN PARKER Born Aug. 17, 1775, Chaigley Lane, Ei Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1852, Capt. Part Company. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 339 JOSHUA PARKER 3orn Nov. 2, 1809, New York City, ^ame to Utah Oct. 7, 1852, Robert Wimmer :ompany. Seventy. Block Teacher. Carpenter anil Cabinetmaker. JOSEPH PARRY Born April 4, 1825, Newmarket, Flint- shire, North Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852, William Morgan Company. Mem- ber High Council 1880-1908. ROBERT BURROWS PATE Born Feb. 27, 1801, Hedge End, Marsden, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. Priest. JACOB G. PATE ion of Robert B. Pate and Mary Green- rood. Born March 4, 1844, Hancock bounty, 111. ALONZO PEARCE Born Oct. 20, 1813, Beckmantown, Clinton Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in October, 1852, William McGough Company. Farmer. - SYLVESTER HENRY PEARCE Son of Alonzo Pearce and Esther Angel. Born March 13, 1843. Came to Utah in 1852, William McGough Company. High Priest. Railroad Man. GEORGE ALBERT PEARCE Son of Sylvester Henry Pearce and Ro- 'eltna Melissa Reynolds. Born July 5, '86, Alpine, Apache Co., Ariz. Ward secretary Y. M. M. I. A. HARRISON G. O. PECK Born Nov. 9, 1811, Regoboth, Mass. Came to Utah in 1852, Captain Tidwell Com- pany. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer. S > JOHN PINCOCK Born July 27, 1830, Exton, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1852, John Parker Com- pany. High Priest. High Councilor. City Councilman. 340 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 JOHN EDMUND PINCOCK Son of John Pincock and Isabella Doug- lass. Born Dec. 16, 1853, Kaysville, Utah. Bishop of Teton Ward, Idaho. Sheriff ; Farmer. JAMES H. PINCOCK Son of John Pincock and Isabella Doug- lass. Born Jan. 20, 1858, Ogden, Utah. High Councilor. Farmer and Stockraiser. GEORGE A. PINCOCK Son of John Pineock and Isabella DOUK lass. Born March 1, 1865, Ogden, Uta! High Councilor. Farmer. FREDERICK GARDNER Son of James Gardner and Hannah Gub- bins. Born Dec. 28, 1852, Chalford Hill, Eng. ROBERT A. POWELL Son of James Powell and Jamima Wim- mer. Born Oct. 13, 1839, Adams County, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1852. Elder. School Trustee ; Farmer. JOHN AMON POWELL Son of James Powell and Jamima Win mer. Born Nov. 27, 1844. Came to I'ti in 1850. Elder. Served in Black Haw War. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN AMON POWELL, JR. Son of John Amon Powell and Hannah Matilda Snyder. Born Oct. 4, 1864. Lambs' Canyon, Utah. Elder. Ward Teacher. Farmer : Miner ; Stockraiser. MARK PREECE Born Sept. 1, 1839, Rollston, Hereford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852, Thom- as Tidwell Company. MARK HENRY PREECE Son of Mark Preece and Ellen Comi; Born Nov. 26, 1865, Franklin, Idaho. PIONEERS AXD PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.52 341 r ORSON HYUE PULSIPHER riorn May 9, 1835, Kirtland, Ohio, Came n rtah In 1852. - GRANDISON RAYMOND Born May 25, 1818, Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1852. JOHN D. REESE Came to Utah in 1852. SHADRACH RICHARDSON Born Nov. 21, 1816, Cumberland County, Ky. Came to Utah in 1852, Truman and Tryon Company. Member 47th Quorum Seventies. SHADRACH M. RICHARDSON Son of Shadrach Richardson and Lavina Stewart. Born March 11, 1848, Mills Coun- ty, Iowa. High Priest ; Alternate High Councilor Nebo Stake. EDWARD RISHTON Born Jan. 4, 1834, Acorington, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1852, Capt. Cullio Com- pany. Assisted immigration to Utah. JEREMIAH ROBEY Born April 14, 1809, Harrison County, W. va. Came to Utah in August, 1852. "High friest. Carpenter. EDMUND ROBINS Born Feb. 27, 1828, Cheltenham, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1852, John Parker Company. Bishop. Officer in State Militia. EDMUND ROBINS Born at Cheltenham, Eng. Came to Utah in 1854. 342 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 GEORGE ROBINSON Born Jan. 4, 1800, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1852, Captain Burbank Company. High Priest. Farmer. JOSEPH ROBINSON Son of George Robinson. Born Sept. 25, 1827, Middleton, Eng. Member 69th Quorum Seventies. Cabinet Maker. CHARLES KODEBACK Born June 8, 1811. Came to Utah Aui 28, 1852, Independent Company. Hig Priest. Indian War "Veteran. Farmer. CHARLES L. RODEBACK Son of Charles Rodeback and Jane Mor- gan. Born Nov. 29, 1851, Kanesville, Iowa. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. JAMES RODEBACK Born May, 1807, Chester County, Pa. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Uriah Curtis Company. Bishop's Counselor ; High Priest. Justice of the Peace. LORENZO BARNES RODEBACK Son of James Rodeback and Phoe Beagle. Born March 11, 1843, Nauvoo, 1 Postmaster at Cedar Valley, Utah. RALPH NEPHI ROWLEY Born April 1, 1824. Came to Utah 1852, A. O. Smoot Company. High Priest. Ward Teacher. Black Hawk Indian War Vete- ran. Farmer; Mason. JOHN THOMPSON ROWLEY Son of Ralph Nephi Rowley and Mary Ann Thompson. Born Nov. 7, 1847, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1850. School Trustee. WILLIAM J. ROYLANCE Born April" 19, 1819, Lower Peover, CI shire, Eng. Came to Utah August, II Orson Spencer Company. High Pne Pioneer Surveyor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 343 AARON ROYLANCE >n of William J. Roylance and Martha met Smith. Born Aug. 9, 1861, North gden, Utah. HEBER C. ROYLANCE Son of William J. Roylance and Martha Janet Smith. Born March 30, 1869, Springville, Utah. WILLIAM GREENWOOD RUSSELL Born at Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852, Isaac Bullock Company. Pre- siding Elder at Rush Valley and Kamas. Farmer and Stockraiser. ALLEN RUSSELL m of Johnathan Russell, who came to tah Sept. 24, 1852, and Nancy Wilson, jrn Nov. 1, 1824, China, Genesee Co., N. High Councilor ; Patriarch. HORACE RUSSELL Son of Johnathan Russell and Nancy Wil- son. Born March 10, 1831, Shelby, Ma- comb Co., Mich. Minuteman. Farmer. DANIEL C. RUSSELL Son of Horace Russell and Lydia Ann Hobson. Born July 10, 1865, Fillmore, Utah. Presiding Elder Fairview Branch, San Luis Stake. CHARLES D. SEARLE ? Oc t- 26, 1834, Mississippi. Came to i with father in 1852. Veteran of ack Hawk Indian War. Farmer. SAMUEL SCRIGGINS Came to Utah 1852, Lorenzo Johnson Company. ABRAHAM SHAW Born Dec. 8, 1808, Ruthle, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Water Master in Eastfield Irrigation Co. 344 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 ABRAHAM SHAW, JR. Son of Abraham Shaw and Jane Law- renson. Born Jan. 13, 1860, Provo, Utah.. STEPHEN SHELLEY Born Feb. 14, 1849, Bobbington, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 13, 1852, Independent Company. Watermas-tcr. Farmer. JOHN SHIELDS Born April 3, 1805, Renfrewshire, Sc land. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1852. THEODORE CURTIS SIHRINE Born Oct. 27, 1840, Cold Springs, N. Y. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Foote Company. Assisted in building Canals. Elder. JAMES CURTIS SIRRINE Son of Theodore Curtis Sirrine and Laura Holmes. Born March 24, 1880, Mesa, Ariz. Missionary to Southwestern States 1899- 1902. Seventy. GEORGE EDWARD SIRRINE Dingle, Idaho. GEORGE WAKRK.N SIRRINE Dingle, Idaho. JAMES WAKKKN SIRRINE Dingle, Idaho. RICHARD SLAT1CR Born Feb. 2, 1812. Came to I'tah 1 Thomas Howell Company. Resides Slatervllle, Utah. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 345 THOMAS SLATER n of Richard Slater and Ann Corbridge. rn June 4, 1835, Lancashire, Eng. THOMAS SHARRATT SMART Born Sept. 14, 1823, Stonewall, Stafford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1852. Bishop's Counselor ; High Councilor. Farmer and Stockraiser. THOMAS SMART Son of Thomas S. Smart and Ann Hayter. Born Dec. 16, 1853, American Fork, Utah. Pres. and Director First National Bank, Ogden. Philanthropist. WILLIAM HENRY SMART n of Thomas Sharratt Smart and Ann lyter. Born April 6, 1862, Franklin, Ida- . Pres. Uinta, Duchesne and Wasatch akes ; Missionary. JOHN B. SMITH Born Jan. 19, 1829, Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1852. Bishop's Counselor. Participated in Echo Canyon Trouble. ADAM G. SMITH Son of John B. Smith and Margaret Gib- son. Born Feb. 14, 1852, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Bishop Marion Ward. Commis- sioner Idaho County. MOSES M. SMITH "i of Adam G. Smith and Martha S. tm Born April 29, 1874. Bishop's elor ; Missionary. Assessor and Col- or Cassia County. GEORGE WASHINGTON SNOW Came to Utah with oxteam. High Priest. Lawyer ; Cooper. Agent for Geo. A. Lowe Hardware Co. JOHN C. SNOW Son of James C. Snow and Eliza Ann Car- ter. Born June 28, 1840, Lima, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1852. Lieutenant in State Militia. 346 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 NATHAN STAKER Born 1801, Pickering, Can. Came to Utah November, 1852, Henry Miller Company. Missionary ; Pres. High Priests Quorum. Farmer. ALMA STAKER Son of Nathan Staker and Jane Richmond. Born June 15, 1837. Came to Utah in 1852. Indian War Veteran. Member United Order; High Priest. ALEXANDER SCHOBY STANDLE Father of the wife of Wallace K. Bi; ham of Richmond, Utah. Born May 1800, New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., N Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852. EDWIN STANDRING Born April 27, 1828, Oldham, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah 1852, A. M. Musser Company. Missionary in U. S. 1876. As- sisted in bringing immigrants. JOHN E. STANDRING Son of Edwin Standring and Rebecca Smith. Born Feb. 24, 1881. JAMES STAPLES Born Jan. 18, 1810. Came to Utah in is Black Hawk Indian War Veteran, and Stone Mason. Bl GEORGE STAPLES Son of James Staples and Sarah Limerick. Born June 8, 1834, England. Black Hawk and Walker Indian Wars Veteran. JOSEPH L. STAPLES Son of George Staples and Lauraette Rap- pleye. Born June 22, 1864, Kanab, Utah. Bishop Elsinore Ward. THOMAS JOHN STAYNER Born June, 1828. Came to Utah in IS PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 347 CHARLES STEWART rn May 14, 1814, Denmark, Lewis Co., Y. Came to Utah October, 1852, Capt. 3w Company. Farmer. WILLIAM HENRY STEWART Son of Charles Stewart and Sarah Ann Roberts. Born Dec. 3, 1842, Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Came to Utah October, 1852, Capt. Snow Company. ISAAC MITTON STEWART Born March 18, 1815, New Jersey. Came to Utah 1852, captain of company. Bishop of Draper Ward thirty-eight years. Coun- ty Commissioner. JAMES ZEBULON STEWART i of Isaac Mitton Stewart and Matilda le Downs. Born Oct. 31, 1844, near rthage, III. Assisted translation Book Mormon into Spanish. JAMES 'ZEBULON STEWART, JR. Son of James Zebulon Stewart and Julia Ann Fitzgerald. Born March 6, 1871, Draper, Utah. Supt. Sunday School. City Attorney, Logan. WILLIAM MITTON STEWART Son of Isaac Mitton Stewart and Elizabeth White. Born Sept. 5, 1859. Principal State Normal School, University of Utah. SAMUEL W. STEWART i of Isaac M. Stewart and Elizabeth . Born May 21, 1867, Draper, Utah. 3d State Legislature ; Judge 3d licial District. Attorney. CHARLES BIEKLEY STEWART Son of Isaac M. Stewart and Elizabeth White. Born July 20, 1870, Draper, Utah. Secretary Utah Sheepmen's Association. Lawyer. CHARLES STODDARD Born May 18, 1820, Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1852, Uriah Curtis Company. Elder. School Trustee ; Justice of the Peace ; Watermaster. 348 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 CURTIS CHARLES STODDARD Son of Charles Stoddard and Lucetta Jane Murdock. Born May 17, 1844, Walnut Grove, Knox Co., 111. Bishop's Counselor. School Trustee. WILLIAM STOKER Born March 26, 1819, Jackson County, Ohio. Came to Utah 1852, Isaac Stewart Company. Pres. 50th Quorum Seventies. WILLIAM STOTT Born April 15, 1803, Soyland, Vnrksi Eng. Came to Utah October, IS.v. It Bullock Company. High Priest. Men first City Council, Fillmore. EDWIN STOTT Son of William Stott and Sarah Lees. Born Nov. 5, 1836, Greenacres, Lancashire, Eng. Seventy ; Supt. Sunday School, Meadow, Utah. Farmer. WILLIAM RUFtd KODGER STOWELL Born at Chautauqua, N. Y. Came to Utah in Oxteam Company about 1852. Supt. Sunday School. Veteran Black Hawk In- dian War. Farmer. HEBER JOHN STOWELL Son of William Rufus Rodger Stowvll ' Cynthia Parks. Born July 14, I860. den, Utah. High Priest ; Bishop, S| " Glen, Utah. Farmer. GEORGE WASHINGTON STOWELL Came to Utah in 1852. JAMES STKATTON Born Dec. 22, 1824. Came to Utah Aug. 31,1852. High Priest ; Missionary. Indian War Veteran. DAVID THOMAS STRATTON Son of James Stratton and Eliza Bi ? Born Dec. 19, 1866. Pres. Deacon Qu" " Elder. Fruit Grower and Hortlculi -' PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 349 RICHARD STUBBS n July 30, 1823, Norwich, Eng. Came tali October, 1852, Jerome Benson Cow im Company. High Priest ; Ward iclier. Farmer. JOHN RODHOM STUBBS Son of John Rodhom Stubbs and Eleanor Ware. Born July 2, 1860. Missionary to Great Britain 1899-1901 ; Bishop's Coun- selor. Farmer. DANIEL SUMSION Born Dec. 21, 1810, Colerne, Wiltshire, I0ng. Came to Utah 1852, Woodhouse Company. WILLIAM SUMSION f of Daniel Sumsion. Born Jan. 7, 1838, i erne, Wiltshire, Ens. GEORGE SWINDLE Born Oct. 29, 1824, Walker, Durham, Eng. Came to Utah 1852, Jesse Martin Company. Justice of the Peace. Farmer. Resides at Monroe. JAMES SYLVESTER Born Dec. 4, 1815, Pitsmay, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1852, James Jepson Com- pany. Elder ; Pres. Sheffield Branch. Farmer. JOSHUA WILLIAM SYLVESTER of James Sylvester and Rebecca Nich- Born Feb. 5, 1843, Sheffield, Eng. to Ltah September, 1852, James son Company. Bishop HUGH L. SYME Son of Hugh Syme, who came to Utah Sep- tember, 1853, and Margaret Farrer. Born July 16, 1861, Provo, Utah. High Priest. Carpenter ; Machinist. JOSEPH E. TAYLOR Born Dec. 11, 1830, Horsham, Sussex Co., Kng. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1852, Joseph Outhouse Company. Patriarch. Under- taker and Casket Maker. 350 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 JOSEPH WILLIAM TAYLOR Undertaker. Salt Lake City. ALVIN V. TAYLOR Son of Joseph B. Taylor and Louisa R. Capener. Born Feb. 25, 1865, Salt Lake City. Member first State Legislature. Attorney-at-Law. SAMUEL MOORE TAYLOR Son of Joseph E. Taylor and Isad Williams. Born March 11, 1880, Salt Li City. Bishop's Counselor. Pres. and 1] S. M. Taylor & Co., Undertakers. WILLIAM REYNOLDS TERRY Born June 2, 1812, Exeter, R. I. Came to Utah Fall of 1852, Capt. William R. Terry Company. JOSEPH TERRY Son of William R. Terry and Mary A. Phillips. Came to Utah with his father in 1852. Ward Teacher 50 years. Resides at Draper, Utah. DANIEL W. THOMAS Born June 16, 1817, Glli Gren, Caern thehshire, South Wales. Came to Utai September, 1852, A. O. Smoot Compa School Trustee ; Farmer. OLIVER D. THOMAS DAVID DAVIS THOMAS Son of Daniel W. Thomas and Margaret Davis. Born June 7, 1841, Glli, Gren, South Wales. Farmer. Resides at Malad, Idaho. JOSHUA LEWIS THOMAS Son of Daniel William Thomas and M ' Jones. Born July 21, 1857, Brigham L Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 351 JESSUP WATSON THOMAS i of Joseph Thomas and Margaret Wat- . Born Oct. 6, 1878, Center Creek, Utah. ,-mer and Sheepman. CHARLES CARTER THOMAS Born Sept. 16, 1839, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Jolley Company. Member Nauvoo Legion. Indian War Vete- ran. CHARLES R. THOMAS Son of Charles Carter Thomas and Em- eline Sessions. Born Jan. 1, 1862. ROBERT C. LUND 1 'n May 29, 1847, New Diggins, Wis- f sin. Came to Utah in 1850. Member and I ;sident State Board of Equalization. JAMES LOUIS THOMPSON Born Jan. 22, 1818, Pomfret, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Came to Utah November, 1852, Capt. Bullock Company. Member Zion's Camp. JOHN ORSON THOMPSON Son of James Louis Thompson and Matilda Willis. Born Aug. 28, 1844, Nashville, Lee Co., Iowa. Farmer. Resides at Duchesne, Utah. JOSEPH WALLACE THOMPSON of John Orson Thompson and Lucy r ' a gr ov es. Born July 6, 1885, Helper, . 'n. Missionary to Southern States 1897. JAMES BRIGHAM THOMPSON Son of James Louis Thompson and Matilda Willis. Born Oct. 12, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Resides at Idaho Falls, Idaho. JOSEPH THOMPSON Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest. Farmer ; Stonecutter and Mason. 352 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 RALPH THOMPSON Father of the mother of Alfred Hezekiah Mitchell of Logan, Utah. Came to Utah September, 1852. OLIVER THORNTON Born Sept. 6, 1806, Canada. Came to Utah 1852, John Wimmer Company. High Priest. City Councilman. Resided at American Fork, Utah. AMOS G. THORNTON Son of Oliver Thornton and Mary Griswc Born Dec. 30, 1832, Pickering, Ontario C Can. Presiding Elder Pinto Ward seve years. JOHN TIDWELL Born Jan. 14, 1807, Shelby County, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852, Captain of his own Company. Seventy. Resided at Pleasant Grove and Mt. Pleasant. JOSEPH RANDOLPH TIDWELL Son of Jefferson Tidwell and Sarah Seely. Born Oct. 3, 1872, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Assisted in building Pioneer Monument at Mt. Pleasant. JOHN TOOXE Born March 10,. 1813, Birmingham, ! Came to Utah October, 1852, Capt. Ho' Company. Missionary. Member first chestra of Salt Lake Theatre. WILLIAM HENRY TOONE Sun of John Toonp and Emma Prosser. Born March 4, 1842, Leamington, Eng. Came to Utah in 1861. Bishop. County Commissioner. U. S. Mail Carrier. CHARLES J. TOONE Son of John Toone and Emma Prosser. Born March 17, 1844. JAMES FOSS TOWNSEND Born Feb. 20, 1808, Buxton. York Maine. Came to Utah Aug. 12, 1852, . M. Higby Company. Bishop's Coun? Built first hotel in Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 353 IAMES FOSS TOWNSEND, JR. Df James Foss Townsend and Susan ,. Born Aug. 25, 1830. WILLIAM TREHARNE Born July 14, 1838, Wales. Came to Utah In 1852. High Priest. DAVID UDALL Born Jan. 18, 1829, Goudhurst, Kent, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852. Bishop; Patriarch ; Missionary to England. Indian War Veteran. DAVID K. UDALL o: f David Udall and Eliza King. Born ei 7, 1851. Pres. St. John's Stake; li Dnary to England. Member Arizona e lature. Farmer. JAMES UDT Born Aug. 16, 1820, Lanlivery, Cornwall, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. Helped make first machinery manufactured in the State. MATHIAS COWLEY UDY Son of James Udy and Isabella Ann Cow- ley. Born July 9, 1854, Bountiful, Davis Co., Utah. Ward Teacher. City Council- man. ANES L. UDY f James Udy and Mary Sophia Han- Si 3orn Jan. 16, 1870, Farmington, Utah. " . Farmer and Stockraiser. CORNELIUS VAN LEUVEN Born Aug. 23, 1805, near Canada. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Wimmer Company. Re- sided at Springville and Cottonwood, Utah. DUNAM VAN LEUVEN Son of Cornelius Van Leuven and Lavina Draper. Born Jan. 13, 1838, Kirtland, Ohio. 354 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 NBUMAN D. VAN LEUVEN Son of Dunam Van Leuven and Anna Han- nah Larson. Born March 10, 1870 Levan Utah. RANSOM VAN LEUVEN Born April 25, 1810, Gananoque, Ontario, Canada. Came to Utah October, 1852. High Priest. Farmer. Resided at Clifton, Idaho. RANSOM CARLOS VAN LEUVEN Son of Ransom Van Leuven and Lucinda Harvey. Born Nov. 18, 1858, North Ogden Utah. Missionary to Southern States 1888- 90 ; Ward Teacher. Farmer. RANSOM CARLOS VAN LEUVEN, JR. Son of Ransom Carlos Van Leuven and Sarah L. Lake. Born March 28, 1893. JEREMIAH VARNEY Born May 16, 1820. Came to Utah 1852, from California. Laborer. JAMES LEROT VARNEY Son of Jeremiah Varney and Lydia Phelps. JOSEPH WADLEY Born Dec. 23, 1830, Newent, Gloucester- shire, EnK. Came to Utah in 1853. Mis- sionary to England 1872 and 1881. Crossed Plains seven times. DAVID F. WALKER Born April 19, 1838, Yeadon, Yorkshire, Ens. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1852. Mer- chant. HENRY W. WALKER Son of David F. Walker and Emeline Holmes. Born Feb. 12, 1868, Salt Lakte City. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Keith O'Brien Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 355 WILLIAM HENRY WALKER Born March 14, 1836, near Dubuque, Iowa. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Jolley C9inpany. Seventy ; Missionary. Drum Major in Black Hawk Indian War. VICTOR ROY WALKER Son of William Henry Walker and Ada Louisa Phippen. Born March 31, 1883, Elkhorn, Utah. Seventy ; Asst. Supt. Sun- day School. WILLIAM H. WALKER Father of Don C. Walker of Rlgby, Idaho. DON C. WALKER Son of William H. Walker. President Rigby Stake, Rigby, Idaho. GEORGE WELTON WARD Born Sept. 12, 1814, Leiston, Suffolkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1852. Bishop Willard City 1871-82. ALFRED WARD Son of George W. Ward and Ann Trulock. Born April 18, 1849, Southampton, Hamp- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1852. Merchant. JAMES WAREHAM Born July 2, 1813, Bradford County, Pa. Came to Utah October, 1852, William Wood Company. Bishop of Glenwood. Captain of Company. JOHN WARWOOD Born in England. Came to Utah in 1852. Railroad Engineer. ROBERT WATKINS Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest. Farmer. 356 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 WILLIAM LAMPHORD WATKINS Father of the wife of William L. Bateman of Lehi, Utah. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1852, William Whiteheacl Company. JOSEPH WESTWOOD Son of Thomas Westwood and Martha Lo- max. Born Feb. 28, 1855, Berry, Lancas- tershire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Loveland Company. WILLIAM WHITEHEAD Born July 3, 1816, Lancastershire Eng. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Howell Com- pany. Bishop Payson Ward twenty years. Mason ; Farmer. JOSEPH SAMUEL WHITEHEAD Son of William Whitehead and Jane Hard- man. Born April 1, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah in 1852. Bishop of Burr- ville Ward four years. Farmer. LEWIS WHITESIDES Born March 26, 1828, Chester County, Pa. Came to Utah 1852, John Walker Company. JAMES DAVID WILCOX Born Jan. 17, 1827, Lexington, N. T. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1852, Henry W. Miller Company. Patriarch. WALTER ELI WILCOX Born April 11, 1821, Dorchester, Mass. Came to Utah in 1852. Worker in Salt Lake Temple since 1897. JOHN W. WILCOX Son of Walter Eli Wilcox and Elizabeth Hawkins. Born Jan. 23, 1864, Salt Lake City. Elder. Member Legislature 1912. Grocery Merchant. GEORGE WILDING Born Nov. 9, 1829, Preston, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1852, Benjamin Gardner Company. Ward Teacher ; Choir Leader. Mason. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 357 DANIEL R. WILLIAMS Born Aug. 7, 1802, Lima, Livingston Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1852, Henry W. Miller Company. High Priest. JAMES T. WILSON Born Oct. 7, 1828, Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, A. O. Smoot Company. Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES BRIGHAM WILSON Son of James T. Wilson and Isabella Ross. Born Oct. 22, 1856. High Priest; Member of Bishopric. Senator ; Representative. WILLIAM WALTER WILSON Son of James T. Wilson and Isabella Ross. Born Sept. 22, 1863. Missionary; High Priest. Member Town Board ; Constable. Farmer. ROBERT WIMMER Son of Peter Wimmer and Elizabeth Shir- ley. Born Dec. 11, 1805, Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1852, his own Company. Seventy. THOMAS G. WIMMER Son of Robert Wimmer and Elizabeth Wil- kerson. Born May 10, 1847, Harris Grove, Iowa. Elder. Farmer and Stockraiser. THOMAS G. WIMMER, JR. Son of Thomas G. Wimmer and Elizabeth Simons. Born June 12, 1867, Payson, Utah. Postmaster at Green River. Farmer and Stockraiser. ALVIN WINEGAR Born May 13, 1816, Chenango County, N. Y. Came to Utah 1852, Benjamin Gard- ner Company. Stonecutter for Salt Lake Temple. JOHN WINEGAR Son of Alvin Winegar and Mary Judd. Born Sept. 28, 1838, Clay County, Mo. Came to Utah with his father. Supt. Sun- day School, South Bountiful. 358 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 ANSON PERRY WINSOR Born Aug. 19, 1818, Elicot, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1852, James McGaugh Com- pany. Bishop of Graf ton Ward 1863. Freighter. OSCAR F. WINTERS JOHN P. WOOD Born Feb. 7, 1825, Jamestown, Ohio. Came Born in 1817, England. Came to Utah in to Utah in 1852. 1852. JOSIAH LEE WOOD Son of John P. Wood and Ann L. Wood. Born in 1846. Elder ; High Priest. Farmer and Stockraifer. JOHN WOODHOUSE Born July 21, 1830, Mexborough, York- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1852, Capt. Jepson Company. Bishop's Clerk ; Priest. MORGAN T. WOODHOUSE Son of John Woodhouse and Emma Smith Thomas. Born March 31, 1855. JOHN DANIEL WOODHOUSE Son of John Woodhouse and Emma Smith Thomas. Born June 17, 1859. CHARLES CHAMBERS WOODHOUSE Born March 5, 1832, Adwiek Lee Street, Mexborough, York, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1852, Hyrum Jepson Company. Teacher. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE WASHINGTON WOODHOUSE Son of Charles Chambers Woodhouse and Sophia Kershaw. Born Sept. 27, 1871. President Elders Quorum. Choir Director. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1852 359 CHARLES CHAMBERS WOODHOUSE, Son of Charles Chambers Woodhouse and Sophia Kershaw. Born Feb. 14, 1858. JAMES COMFORT WOODWARD Son of James Woodward and Nancy Mc- Curdy. Born Nov. 3, 1852, Spanish Fork. Utah. Supt. Sunday School; Pres. Y. M. M. I. A. of Emery Stake. JAMES WOOLSTENHULME Born March 24, 1837, Oldham, Lancaster- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 11, U County Commissioner. JAMES A. WOOLSTENHULME Son of James Woolstenhulme and Julia Mary Ann Duhamel. Born Nov. 24, ISbd, Bountiful, Utah. President of Seventies. JOSIAH ATWELL WRIGHT Born Aug. 10, 1805, Trenton, Middlesex Co., Conn. Came to Utah September, 1852. Joseph Outhouse Company. High t School Teacher. GILBERT JOSIAH WRIGHT Son of Josiah Atwell Wright and Susan : SSSr Snake River Valley, Idaho. HYRUM SMITH WRIGHT Son of Josiah Atwell Wright and Susan Buell Born Nov. 10, 1849, Clinton,- Conn. Seventy. Musician ; Railway Employee. ALBERT A. WRIGHT Son of Josiah Atwell Wright and Susan Buell. JOSEPH YATES Son of John Yates and Lucy Holick. Born March 16, 1845, Warwick, Eng Justice of the Peace. Missionary to England. 360 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 THOMAS CUNNINGHAM YOUNG Born Oct. 31, 1825, Renfrew, Scotland. Came to Utah August, 1852, Captain Jep- son Company. Elder. THOMAS CUNNINGHAM YOUNG, JR. Son of Thomas Cunningham Young and Mary Hay. Born Sept. 14, 1857, Perry, Utah. Pres. Houraki Mission, New Zealand. JACOB ZUNDEL Born Aug. 28, 1796, Wurtembers. Came to Utah October, 1852, Captain Wood Com- pany. ISAAC DAVID EBERHART ZUNDEL Born Nov. 17, 1840, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Woods Company. Mem- ber High Council, La Grande, Ore. ISAAC DAVID ZUNDEL Son of Isaac David Eberhart Zundel. Born Sept. 18, 1868, Willard, Utah. Mis- sionary to Northern States 1897; Re- leased August, 1900. ABRAHAM ZUNDEL Son of Jacob Zundel and Sarah Forstner. Born Jan. 25, 1836, Phillipsburg, Penn. Mayor of Willard. Bishop. Senator. Jus- tice of the Peace. ABRAHAM E. ZUNDEL Son of Abraham Zundel and Abigail Ab- bott. Born March 20, 1864. THOMAS ZUNDLE Son of John Zundle and Chrestina Laut- tenslager. Born March 16, 1836, Al- legheny County, Pa. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. GEORGE THACKERAY Born April 18, 1836, York, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Jan. 7, 1853. Justice of the- Peace 1872-85 ; County Commissioner two terms. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 361 GEORGE ROBERT THACKERAY Son of George Thackeray and Helen Con- die. Born June 29, 1860, Salt Lake City. Bishop Croydon Ward eight years. County Commissioner. W. T. ERCANBRACK Born Dec. 16, 1840, Niles, Mich. Came to Utah July, 1853. High Priest. THEODORE McKEAN Born Oct. 26, 1829, Allentown, N. J. Came to Utah Aug. 11, 1853, Orson Pratt and Horace S. Eldredge Company. Colonel Nauvoo Legion. THEODORE McKEAN, JR. Son of Theodore McKean and Mary Page Gulick. Born Oct. 10, 1855. High Priest ; Bishop 29th Ward. Sheep Inspector. Stockman. DAVID BROADHEAD Son of William Broadhead and Sarah Golden. Born Oct. 2, 1829, Coventry, War- wickshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1855, Milo Andrus Co. Patriarch. Farmer. ROBERT BROADHEAD Son of William Broadhead and Sarah Gol- den. Born June 3, 1836, Coventry, Eng. High Priest. Farmer. DANIEL BAGLEY Born Feb. 24, 1829, Decatur County, Ind. Came to Utah 1853, Daniel Miller Com- pany. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE FREESTONE Son of Thomas Freestone and Ann Fall. Born Aug. 13, 1838, Prince Edward Island, Can. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1853, Daniel Miller Company. Bishop. ELIJAH MAYHEW Born April 15, 1807, Levant, Penobscot Co., Maine. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1853, Daniel Miller Company. Commissioner Utah County. High Priest. 362 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 OTTO LYMAN MAYHEW Son of Elijah Mayhew and Lydia Farns- worth. Born Oct. 2, 1836, Edinburg, Ind. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1853. GEORGE CLINTON WILSON Born Aug. 23, 1800, Vermont. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1853, Capt. Miller Company. Assisted Immigration. School Teacher. THOMAS JEFFERSON WILSON Son of George Clinton Wilson and Eliza- beth Kinney. Born March 25, 1832, Rich- land County, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1853. Assistant Superintendent Sunday School. MILAS WILSON Wilson's Lane, Ogden. Utah. LEWIS DUNBAR WILSON, JR. Son of Lewis Dunbar Wilson and Nancy Waggoner. Born Sept. 21, 1840, Nauvoo, 111. Bishop Blackfoot Ward, Idaho. ROBERT ALDOUS Born July 17, 1811, Kelsale, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer Company. Carpenter and Builder. GEORGE P. ALDOUS Son of Robert Aldous and Mary Ann Par- kin. Born Oct. 30, 1836, Fenstanton, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853. CHARLES ALDOUS Son of Robert Aldous and Mary Ann Par- kin. Born 1840, Huntingdonshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1853, Claudius V. Spencer Company. CHRISTOPHER JONES ARTHUR Son of Christopher Abel Arthur and Ann Jones. Born March 9, 1832, Abersychan, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer Company. Mayor and Councilman, Cedar City. Bishop ; Patri- arch. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 363 BENJAMIN ABEL ARTHUR Son of Christopher Abel Arthur and Ann Jones. Born April 26, 1834, Abersychan, Monmouthshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1853. HENRY W. BROWN Son of Jonathan Brown, who came to Utah Sept 20, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer Com- pany, and Sarah Couzins. Born Oct. 10, 1839, N'ewbury, Eng. Seventy. GEORGE BUTCHER Born 1799, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer Corn- pans'. Landscape Gardener. THOMAS KING Born April 6, 1800, England. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer Company. THOMAS OWEN KING Son of Thomas King and Hannah Tapfield. Resides at Almo, Idaho. SAMUEL NESLEN Born Dec. 3, 1808, Mutford, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer Company. Carpenter and Cabi- net Maker. WILLIAM FRANCIS NESLEN Son of Samuel Neslen and Eunice Francis. Born Jan. 5, 1841, Sowestoft, Suffolk, Eng. Civil and Black Hawk Indian Wars Vete- ran. SAMUEL F. NESLEN Son of Samuel Neslen and Eunice Francis. WILLIAM ROYLANCE Born 1817, Little Beaver, Chester, Ens. Came to Utah 1853, Orson Spencer Com- pany. High Priest. Farmer; Tanner; Shoemaker. 364 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 WILLIAM ANDERSON Born March 6, 1818, Karleby Falster Island, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, John Forsgren Company. High Councilor. PETER H. ANDERSON Son of William Anderson and Henrietta Berntzen. Born Sept. 26, 1845, Denmark. City Councilman. Farmer and Stockraiser ROSS ANDERSON Son of Peter H. Anderson and Esther Smith. Born April 23, 1879, Manti, Utah. Professor. Physician and Surgeon. RASMUS CHRISTENSEN Born Sept. 23, 1829, Aalborg, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, John Fors- gren Company. RASMUS H. CHRISTENSEN Son of Rasmus Christensen and Priscilla V. Mlchell. Born May 23, 1868, Huntsville, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser HANS DENISON Born July 20, 1824, Gjentofte, Copenhagen Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, John Forsgren Company. Worked on Salt Lake Temple. EPHRAIM DENISON Son of Hans Denison and Johanah Chris- tofterson. Born March 19, 1853, New Or- Wlth HANS CHRISTIAN HANSEN Born May 6, 1824, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, John Forsgren Com- pany. Seventy, 1859 ; Ordained Mission- ary to Denmark 1860. PRABEN A. HANSEN Son of Hans Christian Hansen and Annie H. Jensen. Born July 12, 1850 Copen-> hagen, Denmark. Elder. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 365 PAUL ERNEST KOFFORD Came to Utah 1853, John Forsgren Com- pany. CLARENCE LOUIS KOFFORD JENS CHRISTIAN NELSON Son of Willard Kofford and Christina Son of Knud Chrestensen Nelson, who Neilson. Born July 31, 1887, Mt. Pleasant, came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, and Karen Utah. Magratte Jenson. Born May 8, 1841, Kjel- gaarden, Aalborg Amt. Denmark. Farmer. JENS KNUD NELSON Son of Jens Christian Nelson and Eliza S. Bryson. Born Dec. 2, 1870, South Bounti- ful, Utah. NELS NELSON Son of Knud Chrestensen Nelson and Ka- ren Magratte Jenson. Born April 19, 1842, Farmer ; Stockraiser ; Mechanic. CHRISTIAN NELSON Son of Knud Chrestensen Nelson and Ka- ren Magratte Jenson. Born Jan. 24, 1845, Kjelgaarden, Denmark. Bishop's Coun- selor. Stockman, Farmer. AUGUST VALENTINE Son of Wallantine Wallantinson and Engel Margret Kofod. Born Aug. 27, 1837, Born- holm, Denmark. Came to Utah 1853, John. Forsgren Company. WILLIAM JOSEPH KILLPACK Born Feb. 6, 1832, Dunton Bassett, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1853, Jacob Gates Company. Indian War Veteran. JOHN DAVID KILLPACK Born May 8, 1857, Salt Lake City. Bishop Ferron Ward. 366 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 WILLIAM JOHN LLOYD Born Aug. 9, 1823, Caermarthenshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, Jacob Gates Company. Seventy. CHARLES HEBER LLOYD Son of John Heber Lloyd and Sarah Jane Jones. Born Feb. 13, 1891, Salt Lake City. Elder. JOHN LYON Born March 3, 1803, Kilmarnock, Scot- land. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1853, Jacob Gates Company. Supt. Endowment House until dedication of Temple. JOHN LYON, JR. Son of John Lyon and Janet Thompson. Born Jan. 18, 1835, Kilmarnock, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1853. Member 36th Quorum Seventies. WILLIAM HENRY LYON Son of John Lyon, Jr., and Mary E. Toone. Born July 5, 1861, Salt Lake City. Elder. Farmer. JOHN FELL SQUIRES Father of the wife of J. L. McCarrey of Richmond, Utah. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, Jacob Gates Company. EMERY BARRUS Born April 8, 1809, Chautauqua County, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1853, Apple- ton Harmon Company. Patriarch. Farmer and Stockraiser. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BARRUS Son of Emery Barrus and Huldah Abigail Nickerson. Born May 30, 1838, Cattarau- grus County, N. Y. EMERY F. BARRUS Son of Benjamin Franklin Barrus and Lo- vina Ann Steele. Born Sept. 30, 1865. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 367 THOMAS DOXEY Born March 27, 1829, Derby, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853, Appleton Harmon Com- pany. Bishop's Counselor. ALMA T. DOXEY Son of Thomas Doxey and Ann Elizabeth Hunt. Born July 14, 1854, at Salt Lake City. High Councilor. JOHN GARDNER Born May 31, 1805, Waterlane, Gloucester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853, Appleton Harmon Company. JAMES GARDNER Son of John Gardner and Mary Ann Good- ship. Born Aug. 31, 1828, Chalford Hill, Gloucestershire, Eng. ALFRED GARDNER Son of John Gardner and Mary Ann Goodship. Born Sept. 25, 1842, Chalford Hill, Gloucestershire, Eng. Bishop's Counselor. Postmaster. WILLIAM JAMES HUNTING Son of James Hunting, who came to Utah in 1853, Capt. Harmon Company, and Elizabeth King. Born June 24, 1839, Earls Commons, Eng. High Priest. JAMES LEATHAM Born Dec. 15, 1830, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1853, Appleton M. Harmon Company. First Counselor in High Priests Quorum. WILLIAM A. LEATHAM Son of James Leatham and Margaret Ir- vine. Born Feb. 12, 1872, at Salt Lake City. Salt Lake County Assessor. Book- keeper. ALEXANDER LEATHAM Rexburg, Idaho. 368 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 WILLIAM FREDRICK RIGHT Born Jan. 29, 1833, Saddleworth, Ens. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1853, Brown and Harmon Company. Representative to Idaho Legislature from Fremont County. GEORGE C. RIGBY Son of William Fredrick Rigby and Mary Clarke. Born Feb. 23, 1862, Wellsville, Utah. President of the Farmers' Banking Company at Cache Junction, Utah. JOSEPH E. RIGBY Hibbard, Idaho. SAMUEL ROSKELLEY Born Jan. 1, 1837, Devonport, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853, Apple- ton Harmon Company. GEORGE TAYLOR Born March 16, 1830, Woodboro, Notting- hamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853, Appleton M. Harmon Company. Mayor of Kphraim, Utah. GEORGE SHIELDS Born Aug. 15, 1828, Paisley, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, Appleton Har- mon Company. Assisted in bringing im- migrants to Utah. GEORGE W. SHIELDS Son of George Shields and Jane Carday. Born Oct. 27, 1865, West Jordan, Utah. Farmer and Sheepraiser. THOMAS HENRY COPE Son of Thomas Cope and Martha Newton. Born Jan. 31, 1853, Leeds, Eng. Bishop Tropic Ward. County Commissioner. PHILIP PUGSLEY Born Dec. 18, 1822, Parish of Witheypool, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, with the Ten-pound Company. High Priest. Salt Refiner. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 369 JOSEPH E. F. PUGSLEY Son of Philip Pugsley and Martha Roach. Born April 15, 1852, Bristol, Eng. Desk Sergeant and Patrolman. ISAAC JAMES CALDWELL Born April 29, 1833. Came to Utah in 1853, Captain Clawson Company. Senior President Seventies. Assisted immigrants to Utah. Farmer ; Stockraiser. R. E. CALDWELL Son of Isaac James Caldwell and Eliza Ann Russell. Born Sept. 27, 1875, Tooele County, Utah. Missionary ; Seventy. Civil Engineer. JOHN CHILD Born Sept. 7, 1796, Middlesex, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1853, Moses Claw- son Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Shoemaker. JOHN COTTAM Born in 1798 in England. Came to Utah about 1856. THOMAS COTTAM Son of John and Catherine Cottam. Born Oct. 21, 1820, in England. Came to Utah in September, 1853. Turner and Chair- maker. GEORGE THOMAS COTTAM Son of Thomas Cottam and Caroline Smith. Born Oct. 29, 1853, at Salt Lake City. High Priest. City Councilman ; Farmer. 24 BENJAMIN HAMPTON Born Feb. 11, 1827, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah October, 1853, Moses Claw- son Company. Miner and Smelting Man. Resides at Salt Lake City. Capitalist. GRANT HAMPTON Son of Benjamin Hampton and Adelaide E. Grant. Born Sept. 8, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Secy, and Treas. Consolidated W. & M. Co. 370 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 DAVID HENRY LEONARD Born March 7. 1841, in Upper Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1853, Moses Claw- son Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM SMITH READ Born Dec. 1, 1816, North Crawley, Buck- ingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853, Moses Clawson Company. Presi- dent Read Bros. Harness Company. WILLIAM SIMMONS READ Son of William Smith Read and Elizabeth Simmons. Born June 26, 1855, Ogden, Utah. Member of Read Bros. Harness Company. JOSIAH GEORGE READ Son of William Smith Read and Elizabeth Simmons. Born Jan. 2, 1859, Slaterville, Utah. Member of Read Bros. Harness Company of Ogden. OSCAR ISAAC READ Son of William Smith Read and Elizabeth Simmons. Born Feb. 19, 1867, Ogden, Utah. Member of Read Bros. Harness Company. JOHN CHAMBERS WHITE Born June 1, 1832, Birmingham, War- wickshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853. Hyrum B. Clawson Oxteam Com- pany. High Priest. Farmer. OSCAR THOMAS WHITE Son of John C. White and Mary Ann In- gram. Born April 2, 1870, Levan, Utah Seventy ; Ward Teacher. Farmer. S. F. ADAMS Born May 16, 1834, Raunds, Northamp- tonshire, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1853, Joseph A. Young Company. Echo Canyon Campaigner. Commissioner Bing- ham County, Idaho. JAMES GUSHING Born Nov. 2, 1830, Wyndham, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, John W. Young Company. Merchant. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 371 JAMES RADFORD MILLARD Born March 22, 1827, Bidisham, Somer- setshire, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1853, John W. Young Company. JOHN E. OWENS Born March 16, 1833, Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, John W. Young Company. Elder. Farmer. THOMAS W. THOMAS Born Feb. 8, 1833, Winvow Parish, South Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, Jo- seph W. Young Company. THOMAS MORONI THOMAS Son of Thomas W. Thomas and Ruth Morgan. Born March 8, 1857, Brigham City, Utah. Pioneer Merchant of Malad, Idaho. SETH THOMAS Son of Thomas Moroni Thomas and Ra- chel Rees. Born Aug. 26, 1886, Malad City, Idaho. Manager T. M. Thomas Sons at Malad. EVAN AUSTIN WILLIAMS Born Oct. 29, 1822, Llantrysant, Wales. Came to Utah in September, 1853, Jo- seph A. Young Company. Priest ; Tithing Clerk. Blacksmith. NOAH M. WILLIAMS Son of Evan Austin Williams and Mary Ann Tomkins. Born Sept. 19, 1851, Brit- onferry, Wales. Resides at Nounan, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. JOHN REX WINDER Born Dec. 11, 1821, Beddington, Kent, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, Joseph W. Young Company. First Counselor to President of Church. J. C. of L. D*. S. JOHN REX WINDER, JR. Son of John Rex Winder and Ellen Wal- ters. Born Sept. 19, 1848, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, J. W. Young Company. 372 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 EDWIN JOSEPH WINDER Son of John Rex Winder and Elizabeth Parker. Born June 8, 1867, Mill Creek, Utah. Seventy ; Missionary to Great Britain ; Stake Sunday School Supt. WILLIAM HUGGINS Born June 2, 1811, in New Jersey. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, Anthony Ivans Company. High Priest. JACOB WENTLIN McCURDY Born March 11, 1818, Ocean County N. J. Came to Utah Aug. 10, 1853, Anthony and Israel Ivans Company. Indian War Veteran. JACOB E. McCURDY Born Oct. 9, 1856, at Salt Lake City. SAMUEL ALLEN Born May 29, 1829, Radcliffe, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock Company. Farmer. SAMUEL H. ALLEN Son of Samuel Allen and Harriet Moore. Born Aug. 15, 1862, Mount Pleasant, Utah. Missionary to England. Physician. JAMES THOMAS BELLISTON Born Feb. 18, 1819, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock Company. High Priest. THOMAS BELLISTON Son of James Thomas Belliston and Louisa Miller. Born Dec. 1, 1845, Bir- mingham, Eng. High Councilor. County Commissioner. WILLIAM BOWTHORPE Born Sept. 30, 1806, Bruff, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1853, Lev! Kendall and Cyrus Wheelock Company. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 373 WILLIAM BOWTHORPB Son of William Bowthorpe and Mary Ann Tuttle. Born June 8, 1851, Norwich, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. A Presi- dent of Seventies. JOHN GARRATT CHAMBERS Born June 13, 1818, Alnwick, Northum- berlandshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1853, Cyrus Wheelock Company. Priest. Printer. ALMA DUFFIN CHAMBERS Son of John Garratt Chambers and Maria Duffln. Born Feb. 16, 1858, at Salt Lake City. Member Central Board Y. M. M. 1. A., Weber Co. County Treasurer. BENJAMIN THOMAS CLARK Born Feb. 20, 1799, Cambridge, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock Company. Resided in Sugar House Ward, Salt Lake City. JOHN FIRTH Born Feb. 6, 1823, Wakefleld, Yorkshire, Kng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock Company. WILLIAM HENRY FIRTH Son of John Firth and Jane Kendell. Born April 2, 1847, Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng. JAMES ELLISON Born June 18, 1807, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wlieelock Company. JOHN W. HASLAM Son of John R. Haslam, who came to Utah in October, 1853, and Marguerite Howarth. Born April 7, 1860, at Salt Lake City, Seventy. Carpenter and Con- tractor. ERNEST HASLAM Son of John R. Haslam, who came to Utah in October, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock Company, and Annie Catherine Brabandt. Born Sept. 6, 1870, at Salt Lake City. 374 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 HEBER C. HASLAM Son of John R. Haslam and Annie Cath- erine Brabandt. Born Jan. 18, 1874, at Salt Lake City. Gardener. Resides at 28th Ward, Salt Lake City. EUGENE A. HENRIOD Born March 9, 1833, Havre de Grace, France. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, Cy- rus H. Wheelock Company. Member Nau- voo Legion. JOHN LEES Born in 1801, Lancashire, Eng Came to Utah in October, 1853, Capt. Wheelock Company. Elder ; Block Teacher. Laborer. JOHN LEES, JR. Son of John Lees and Elizabeth Buckley. Born March 9, 1833, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853, with parents. Seventy. Butcher. JOSIAH N. LEES Son of John Lees, Jr., and Martha Need- ham. Born Sept. 23, 1865. Elder; Sun- day School and Block Teacher. Butcher. JOSIAH LEES Son of John Lees, Sr., and Elizabeth Buckley. Born in 1840, Lancashire, Ens. Came to Utah in 1862. Elder. Deputy Sheriff of Salt Lake. Freighter. JOSIAH LEES, JR. Son of Josiah Lees and Mary Boydon. Born Oct. 6, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Member 109th Quorum Seventies. Car Tnspector ; Freighter. JAMES LOFTHOUSE Born November, 1833, Downham, Lan- castershlre, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, H. C. Wheelock Company. JAMES R. LOFTHOUSE Son of James Lofthouse and Charlotte E. Woodhead. Born Feb. 22, 1860. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 375 JOHN DRYSDALE Born Oct. 10, 1839. Came to Utah in 1853, Capt. Dailey Company. Indian Fighter. Charcoal Burner. JOHN LOV^E Born April 24, 1818, Wigan, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock Company. Blacksmith. SAMSON WILLIAM NATE Son of Samson Nate, who came to Utah in October, 1853, Captain Kendall Com- pany. Born Oct. 24, 1854, Fort Herri- man, Utah. JAMES QUAYLE Born July 16, 1831, Kirkmichael, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock Company. Vice-President Logan Temple. Mayor. PHILIP QUAYLE Son of James Quayle and Elizabeth Gil- lions. Born June 29, 1861, Logan, Utah. Bishop of Treasureton Ward, Idaho ; Mem- ber High Council. Farmer. ELIJAH SEAMONS Born Feb. 14, 1836, Chediston, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock Company. Elder; High Priest. Indian War Veteran. ALFRED SPARKS Born March 7, 1835, Hollow, Worcester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853, Cyrus Wheelock Company. Elder and Ward Teacher. Veteran Echo Canyon War. JOSEPH TAYLOR Born April 24, 1800. Came to Utah in October, 1853, Capt. Wheelock Company. Seventy. Weaver and Gardener. Resided at Salt Lake City. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR Son of Joseph Taylor and Harriet Barnes. Born Oct. 16, 1841, Lancastershire, Eng. Elder; Block Teacher. Assisted in immi- gration to Utah. 376 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 JOHN WOOD Born in 1819. Came to Utah in 1853, C. H. Wheelock Company. Farmer. JEFFERSON ADAMS HUFF Son of Thomas Huff, who came to Utah in September, 1853, and Betsy Adams. Born May 12, 1842, Chambers County, Ala. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. JOHN HENRY RICH Born Sept. 1, 1831, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1853, Moses Dailey Company. High Priest; High Councilor. FRANKLIN JOHN RICH Son of John Henry Rich and Lydia Pond. Born Aug. 24, 1853, in Nebraska. JAMES RICHARD RICH Son of Franklin John Rich and Sarah Ann Rawle. Born Nov. 9, 1876, Morgan County, Utah. Superintendent of Sunday School. CHRISTOPHER STOKES Born Dec. 19, 1830, Trowbridge, England. Came to Utah in 1853, with John Dailey's Co. High Priest ; Elder ; Block Teacher. EDWARD STRATTON Born March 10, 1831, Freshford, Somer- setshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1853, Moses Dailey's Company. Seventy. LUKE COOK Came to Utah in 1853, Vincent Shurtliff Oxteam Company. Seventy ; Choir Leader. Butcher. WILLIAM FINCH Born May 19, 1819, Witlame, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853, Vincent Shurtliff Com- pany. President Bend Ward, Goshen, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 377 WILLIAM FINCH, JR. Son of William Finch and Eliza Fowler. Born Feb. 2, 1866, Goshen, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. JOSHUA HARRIS Born June 23, 1848, Glamorganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah in 1853, Captain Shurtliff Company. JAMES INGRAM Born June 17, 1833, Bicester, Oxford- shire, England. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1853. Vincent Shurtliff Company. JAMES OLIVER INGRAM Son of James Ingram and Charlotte Hol- land. Born June 17, 187.3, Brigham City, Utah. Seventy. GEORGE WILLIAM NIXON Son of George Nixon and Frances Hart. Born Sept. 26. 1847, St. Louis, Mo. Sher- iff for four years. GEORGE WILLIAM NIXON, JR. Son of George William Nixon and Eliza- beth H. Johnson. Born Feb. 15, 1873, Holden, Utah. ALFRED ALDER Born May 3, 1824, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1853. Blacksmith. High Councilor. ALFRED W. ALDER Son of Alfred Alder and Susan Field. Born March 13, 1851, St. Louis, Mo. Blacksmith ; Farmer. WILLIAM ATKINSON Born Sept. 22, 1812, Sackville, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1853, Jesse W. Crosby Company. Bishop's Counselor. 378 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 WILLIAM N. ATKINSON Son of William Atkinson and Phebe Campbell. Born May 2, 1840, Sackville, Canada. Ward Clerk. JAMES ISAAC ATKINSON Son of William Atkinson and Phebe Campbell. Born Nov. 28, 1841, New Brunswick, Canada. Lieutenant in Black Hawk Indian War. JOSHUA CROSBY Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1853. SIMEON COOK DROLLINGER Born March 22, 1833, Fountain County, Ind. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1853, John W. Cooley Company. Pioneer to Moapa Valley, Nev. SIMEON COOK DROLLINGER, JR. Son of Simeon Cook Drollinger and Ann Eliza Davis. Born Feb. 2, 1861, Payson, Utah. WILLIAM JOHN HILL Came to Utah in September, 1853. . JOHN HODSON Born Jan. 10, 1808, Pendleton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1853, Jesse Cros- by Company. Built first flour mill at Kaysville, 1854. WILLIAM HODSON Son of John Hodson and Maria Glllard. Born Sept. 18, 1834. Member 55th Quo- rum Seventies. Justice of Peace. Farmer. JOSEPH D. MATHEWS Born Sept. 20, 1819, Triboth, Glamorgan- shire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1853, Abraham O. Smoot Company. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 379 MARRINER WOOD MERRILL Born Sept. 25, 1832, Sackville, Westmore- land Co New Brunswick. Came to Utah in September, 1853. Member of Quorum of Twelve Apostles. THOMAS HAZEN MERRILL Son of Marriner Wood Merrill .and Sarah Ann Atkinson. Born June 11, 1859, Bountiful, Utah. Bishop Richmond Ward. Representative to State Legislature. LEWIS A. MERRILL Son of Marriner Wood Merrill and Almira J. Bainbridge. Born June 23, 1874, Rich- mond, Utah. Bishop 31st Ward, Salt Lake City. Agricultural Expert. HIRAM WILLARD MERRILL Son of Marriner Wood Merrill and Maria L. Kingsbury. Born Jan. 19, 1870, Rich- mond, Utah. Member Sunday School Board of Benson Stake. ALMA MERRILL Son of Marriner Wood Merrill and Sarah Ann Atkinson. Born Nov. 9, 1861, Rich- mond, Utah. WILLIAM HOWARD, JR. Son of William Howard, who came to Utah in September, 1853, and Elizabeth Anderson. Born Jan. 13, 1847, Belfast, Ireland. Counselor in Presidency of Em- ery Stake. JOHN ALEXANDER RAY Born in 1817 in Mississippi. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1853. President Millard Stake. Merchant and Farmer. JOSEPH EDWARD RAY Son of John Alexander L..-J ---- -^-.- Wingo Young. Born Jan. 7, 1851, Walke, Madison Co., Texas. Capitalist. ABRAHAM ROSE Born Oct. 5, 1803, Utica, Oneida Co., N. Y Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1853, John W. Cooley Co. President High Priests Quorum 30 years. 380 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 ALLEY STEPHEN ROSE Son of Abraham Rose and Catherine Nicholson. Born March 6, 1841, Carthage, Athens Co., Ohio. President 56th Quorum Seventies. WILLIAM JOSEPH TAYLOR Born July 7, 1832, Trowbridge, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1853, Oxteam Company. Home Missionary ; Ward Teacher; Seventy. Constable. WILLIAM JOSEPH TAYLOR, JR. Son of William Joseph Taylor and Mary Bowring. Born Nov. 23, 1859, Provo, Utah. Missionary ; High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor ; President Y. M. M. I. A. THOMAS SHORE WADSWORTH Born Oct. 6, 1838, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1853, Da- vid Wilkins Company. Captain of Artil- lery, Nauvoo Legion. Echo Canyon War Veteran. HENRY WALKER Born Dec. 9, 1806, Upper Bullingham, Eng Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853. High Priest Carpenter and Farmer. JOHN HENRY WALKER Son of Henry Walker and Ann Preece. Born Sept. 6', 1843, Upper Billingham, Eng. President Y. M. M. I. A. at Union, Utah ; Superintendent Sunday School. YEPPA BENSON Born ir i December, 1795. Came to Utah YEPPA BENSON, JR. Son of Yeppa Benson and Hannah Han- sen. Born April 1, 1866, Lehi, Utah. Bishop Weston Ward, Idaho. GEORGE DAVIS Born Nov. 4, 1833, Stoke Abbott, Dorset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853-, John Brown Company. Bishop Wilford Ward, Idaho. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 381 JAMES DENNING Born March 2, 1830, Cofford, Kelmerston, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1853, Christopher Arthur Company. Veteran Echo Canyon War. JAMES HENRY DENNING Son of James Denning and Sarah Merri- fleld. Born Jan. 25, 1853, on board ship in Irish Channel. High Priest; High Councilor. Farmer. WILLIAM N. FIFE Born Oct. 16, 1831, Kincardine, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1853, John Brown Company. Seventy. MORONI GERBER Son of John Gerber, who came to Utah in 1853, James Brown Company, and Anna Maria Ackeret. Born Oct. 4, 1856, Cedar City, Utah. High Priest. JENS HANSEN Born Feb. 14, 1822, Roskild, Denmark. Came to Utah in October, 1853. High Priest. Minuteman in Black Hawk In- dian War. City Councilman. HANS CHRISTIAN HANSEN Son of Jens Hansen and Charlotte S. D. Peterson. Born Sept. 14, 1850. Bishop's Counselor. Black Hawk Indian War Vet. DANIEL HARVEY Born May 29, 1830, Stanford, Leope, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1865, Rosel Hyde Company. Seventy. DANIEL HARVEY, JR. Son of Daniel Harvey and Hannah Smuin. Born Nov. 21, 1860, London, Eng. Seventy. JOHN PIDDING JONES Born June 10, 1819, Greenber Field, York, England. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1852, James K. Maxwell Company. Adjutant, Co. D, Utah Militia. Machinist. 382 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 JOHN LEE JONES Son of John Pidding Jones and Margaret Lee. Born Hay 18, 1841. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1852, James K. Maxwell Com- pany. JAMBS SIMKINS JONES Son of John Lee Jones and Rachel Sim- kins. Born March 17, 1877, Enoch, Iron Co., Utah. Was an active worker in the Church. WILLIAM C. MANNING Born Jan. 23, 1819, Buckfastleigh, Devon, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853, C. E. Bolton Independent Company. Elder. Carpenter. ELI MANNING Son of William C. Manning and Elizabeth Elliott. Born April IB, 1844, Totnes, Devon, Eng. Assistant Sunday School Superintendent. DAVID E. MANNING Son of Eli Manning and Deborah Hollist. Born Sept. 9, 1866, Farmington, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. THOMAS PARKINSON Born Jan. 1, 1825, Malen, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1853. Vet- eran Echo' Canyon War. Justice of the Peace. JAMES PARKINSON Born May 6, 1850, Wray, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1853. FRANCIS HUBBARD REEDER Born Oct. 13, 1830, Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853. Candy Mer- chant. WILLIAM HENRY REEDER Son of F. H. Reeder and Elizabeth Maria Hemming. Born Oct. 26, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Lives at Ogden, Utah. Indian Agent at Fort Hall, Idaho. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 383 JOHN JONES WILLIAMS Born Aug. 12, 1823, Black Thome, Breck- nockshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1853, Christopher Arthur Com- pany. Blacksmith ; Farmer. AZARIAH F. JONES WILLIAMS Son of John Jones Williams and Mary Jones. Born Dec. 20, 1857, Brigham City, Utah. Farmer ; Stockraiser and Dairy- man. ANDREW CHENEY VAN BUREN Born Feb. 9, 1840, in Missouri. Came to Utah in 1853, James Snow Company. City Councilman and President Town Board, Manti, Utah. Farmer. CHARLES WESTOVER Born Nov. 25, 1827, Licking, Muskingum Co., Ohio. Came to Utah in 1853, Capt. Snow Company. High Priest ; Ward Teacher. Farmer and Thresher. PETER I. OLSEN Son of Seren Olsen and Bertha Peters- datter. Born Jan. 6, 1856. Lives at Price, Utah. Sunday School Superinten- dent from 1883-95 ; Ward Teacher. SEREN OLSEN, JR. Son of Seren Olsen and Bertha Peterson. Born Sept. 24, 1860. Lives at Price, Utah. High Priest ; Ward Teacher. Member of City Council. THOMAS ABBOTT Pioneer. Farmington, Utah. L. E. ABBOTT Son of Thomas Abbott. With Claim Department O. S. L. Ry., Salt Lake City. WILLIAM OVE ANDERSON Came to Utah 1853. Father of the wife of John C. Lambert, Kamas, Utah. 384 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 WILLIAM BICKIXGTON Born in 1811, Maxstoke, Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853. Settled at Marriott, Utah, in 1855. WILLIAM HENRY CALDWELL Son of Isaac James Caldwell and Eliza Ann Russell. Born Jan. 18, 1861. JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN Born May 12, 1812, Ocean Co., N. J. Came to Utah in 1853, Preston Thomas Company. Salt and Lumber Dealer. JAMES T. CHAMBERLAIN Son of Joseph Chamberlain and Amy Wil- bert. Born March 18, 1847, Toms River, N. J. Sheep Raiser. Real Estate Owner. THOMAS ROSCOE CHAMBERLAIN Son of James T. Chamberlain and Su- sanna Alston. Born March 30, 1889, at Salt Lake City. Entomologist. EZEKIEL WELLS CHENEY Related to Charles Aldous. WILLIAM CORDINGLEY Son of Thomas Cordingley, who came to Utah in 1853, and Mary Lee. Born Aug. 20, 1835, Idle Bradsford, Yorkshire, Eng. Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM T. CORUINGLEY Son of William Cordingley and Parmelia Haggins. Born Dec. 1, 1857. ROBERT LEE BYBEE Son of Robert Lee Bybee, who came to Utah October, 1851, Alfred Garden Com- pany, and Jane Miller. Born Sept. 14, 1861. Bishop. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 385 CHARLES CRABTREE Born July 7, 1827, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853, Lot Smith Company. Farmer. CHARLES SAMUEL CRABTREE Son of Charles Crabtree and Elizabeth Aston. Born July 7, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Bishop of Idaho Falls Ward. Con- tractor and Builder. MORGAN DAVIES Born May 10, 1847, in Wales. Utah in 1853. High Priest. Came to JOHN DOBBIE Born May 24, 1826. Came to Utah in 1853. Pioneer Mining and Sawmill Man. ERNEST EATON Son of Joseph Orlando Beckwith Eaton, who came to Utah about 1853, and Vic- torine Elizabeth Walker. Born Jan. 12, 1875, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Merchant. IRVIN EATON Son of Joseph Orlando Beckwith Eaton, and Victorine Elizabeth Walker. Born Nov. 21, 1879, Pleasant Grove, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. City Councilman. JOHN EDWARDS Born Jan. 17, 1817, Langoedmore Parish, Cardiganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah in 1853. Coal Miner. 25 WILLIAM EDWARDS Son of John Edwards and Margaret Rob- erts. Born Oct. 22, 1857, Brigham City, Utah. Mayor of Logan. WILLIAM LEWIS EDWARDS Son of William Edwards and Mary A. Lewis. Born Aug. 19, 1886, Logan, Utah, Merchant. 386 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 ASA FARLEY Pioneer to Weber County 1853. JAMES FISHER Son of James Fisher, who came to Utah in 1853, and Emma Burrows. Born Dec 30, 1857, Provo, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. HENRY DILL GIFFORD Born April 28, 1825, Recating;, Wayne Co., Pa. Came to Utah in 1853, Capt. Snow Company. Seventy. GEORGE WASHINGTON GIFFORD Son of Henry Dill Gifford and Almira Ann Braffett. Born Jan. 10, 1857, Mantl, Utah. Justice of Peace. ABRAHAM H. GREENHALGH Came to Utah in 1853. Farmer. PETER GREENHALGH Son of Abraham H. Greenhalgh and Sarah Hope. Born May 3, 1853, in Iowa. Came to Utah with father. ANDREW HANSEN Born July 10, 1809, Norup, Odense Amt, Fyen Denmark. Tame to Utah in 1853. Lived at Ephraim, Utah. JAMES HANSEN Born Nov. 20, 1860, Ephraim, Utah. Mem- ber 1st City Council, Redmond, Utah. vice-President two Irrigation companies. WILLIAM EDWARD HAWKINS Born Jan. 31, 1844, London, England. Came to Utah in 1853. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 387 JAMES HENBFBR Born in 1820, Staffordshire, Bng. Came to Utah in 1853. High Priest. Black- smith. LEHI HENEFER Son of James Henefer and Sarah Hulks. Born July 5, 1847, Staffordshire, Eng. Elder. School Trustee ; Constable ; Farmer. THOMAS HILL, Born Dec. 25, 1820, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853. High Priest. Plasterer. JAMES JACK Born in 1829, in Scotland. Came to Utah in 1853. Seventy. Director Saltair Beach Company. WILLIAM H. JACK Son of James Jack and Jemima Innis. Born Jan. 2, 1859, at Salt Lake City. Seventy. Superintendent Inland Crystal Salt Company. ROBERT JOHNSON Born Sept. 4, 1823, Guilden Button, Che- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer. THOMAS LATIMER Came to Utah in 1853. Lumber 'Merchant and Planing Miller. SAMUEL LIXTON Born June 27, 1827, in Ireland. Came to Utah in 1853. Member 49th Quorum Seventies ; High Priest. Veteran Echo Canyon War. Farmer. JOHN BUTTON LINTON Son of Samuel Linton and Ellen Sutton. Born April 6, 1859, at Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. 388 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 JENS PETER JENSEN Born Sept. 4, 1831, Vensysel, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1857. Seventy. Member City Council. Farmer and Stockraiser. HANS PETER JENSEN Son of Jens Peter Jensen and Inger Neil- sen. Born Oct. 17, 1863, Hyrum, Utah. President Seventies Quorum. HYRUM JENSEN Son of Jens Peter Jensen and Inger Neilsen. Born April 14, 1872. THOMAS LYON Came to Utah in 1853. Relative of James H. Anson of Salt Lake City. WILLIAM McCARREY Born Feb. 12, 1832, Peel, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1853. Seventy. Pioneer of Richmond, Utah. Echo Can- yon War Veteran. JAMES LEWIS McCARREY Born May 3, 1872, Richmond, Utah. Missionary to Northern States ; High Priest; President 39th Quorum Seventies. County Superintendent Schools. SAMUEL McINTYRE P ec - 16. 1844, in Texas. Came to Mi n iw 1853> a F a P taln Dallev Company. Mining Man ; Stockraiser. WILLIAM HOWELL McINTYRE Born March 19, 1848, Grimes Co. Texas game to Utah in 1853, with his mother = u it T er v and D 0wner of Mclntyre Building Salt Lake; Rancher, Capitalist. JACOB MADSON Father of Hans Madson. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 389 HANS MADSON Born Jan. 4, 1840, Randers, Denmark. Pioneer to Weber County. Prominent in Church Work and Polities. OSCAR B. MADSON Son of Hans Madson and Annie Broom. Born March 28, 1870, Ogden, Utah. Coun- ty Commissioner. JOHN BROOM Born March 22, 1823, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1851, Alfred Cardon Company. Built Broom Hotel in 1882, Ogden, Utah. Capitalist. JOSIAH FLEMMING MARTIN Born Dec. 15, 1815, Huntingdon County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1853. Sevier Coun- ty Selectman. Indian War Veteran. JOSIAH FLEMING MARTIN, JR. Son of Josiah Flemming Martin and Ce- lincla Hannah Russell. Born Aug. 12, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Lived at Salina, Utah. MARTIN MILLER Born June 23, 1843, in Denmark. Came to Utah in 1853. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Seventy. Farmer. JOSEPH MOFFKTT Came to Utah in 1853. ISAAC C. MORRIS Born April 26, 1828, Llanfair, Montgom- eryshire, North Wales. Came to Utah in 1853. JAMES MUIR Born in Scotland. Came to Utah in 1853, Oxteam Company. Seventy ; High Priest. Shoemaker. 390 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 ISAAC JAMES NEDDO Born March 14, 1851, LaSalle, Monroe Co., Mich. Came to Utah in 1853. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. High Priest. Farmer and Sheepraiser. THOMAS NICOL Born Nov. 22, 1824, Coleton, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1853. Missionary in Scotland ; High Priest. Indian War Vet- eran ; also in Echo Canyon War. HYRUM CHASE NICOL Born Feb. 9, 1876, Heber City, Utah. Member 20th Quorum Seventies. Bishop's Counselor. Born JOHN OSGUTHORPE March 10, 1823, Sheffield, Eng. Came to Utah Fa'll of 1853, Capt. Charles Wilkins Company. Lawyer. RALPH PARTINGTON Came to Utah in 1853. Carpenter and Joiner. JOHN PEA Born July 11, 1783, York County, S. C. Came to Utah in 1853, Orson Pratt Com- pany. Blacksmith. OLIVER PENROD Born Sept. 20, 1831, Jackson County, 111. Came to Utah in 1853, Richard Ballan- tyne Company. High Priest. Farmer ana Musician. OLIVER ALLEN PENROD Son of Oliver Penrod and Hannahette Mower. Born July 31, 1869, Fountain Green, Utah. Justice of Peace. Farmer. ALEXANDER PERRY Born Dec. 21, 1829, Paisley, Scotland. Came to Utah In 1853. Gardener and Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 391 WILLIAM S. PRICE Born in 1808, Coleton, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853. Shoemaker. HERBERT PRICE Son of William S. Price and Ann Platts. Born Sept. 17, 1848, Coleton, England. Came to Utah in 1853. Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES RAMSAY McPHERSON Born March 81, 1831, Glenproson, For- forshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Dec. 9, 1853, Preston Thomas Company. Mis- sionary to England 1884-85. JOSEPH H. RANDALL Came to Utah in 1853. Went to meet first handcart company that came to Utah. Janitor of St. George Temple. JAMES RIRIE Born Jan. 24, 1827, Newcastle, Frazer, Scotland. Came to Utah in September, 1853, Jacob Gates Oxteam Company. Farmer and Stockraiser. ALEXANDER RIRIE Son of James Ririe and Ann Boyack. Born Oct. 24, 1863, West Weber, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN ROGERS ROBBINS Born Sept. 11, 1809, in New Jersey. Came to Utah in 1853. High Priest. Farmer and Sawmill Man. CHARLES BURTIS ROBBINS Son of John Rogers Robbins. BENJAMIN ROWLAND Born Sept. 30, 1837, Dowells, South Wales. Came to Utah in 1853, Daniel Jones Com- pany. Seventy. Worked on Salt Lake Temple. 392 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 ELIJAH SHAW Born Feb. 15, 1822, Cincinnati, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1853. Elder and Ward Teacher. Lived at North Ogden, Utah WILLIAM ORSON SHAW Son of Elijah Shaw and Martha Ann Thomas. Born in 1850, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1853 High Priest ; Missionary. Farmer ; Stockraiser JOHN SHAW Son of Elijah Shaw and Martha Ann Thomas. Born April 9, 1864, Pleasant \iew, Utah. Member 70th Quorum Sev- enties ; Sunday School Supt Farmer ^ SILAS SMITH Son of Asael Smith and Elizabeth Shill- ing. Born June 6, 1822. Came to Utah in 1853. Bishop of Provo, Utah. Farmer- Lawyer. RALPH SNOWBALL Born July 25, 1844, in England. Came to Utah in 1853. Elder. Black Hawk In- dian War Veteran. Teamster. ALMA TATLOR Son of John Taylor and Eleanor Burkett Born March 6, 1834, in Missouri Came to Utah with father. Farmer. HYRUM HENRY TAYLOR Son of Alma Taylor and Celia Anzinette ' Utah - ASHAEL THORN Born Sept. 16, 1808, in Pennsylvania Came to Utah in 1853, Capt. Joseph Thorn Company. Settled in Uintah, Utah RICHARD THORN Son of Ashael Thorn and Sarah Lester Born Feb. 20, 1838, Summprhlll, Pa.. Came to Utah in 1853, Joseph Thorn Company. Bishop's Counselor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1853 303 WILLIAM WAGSTAPF Born July 13, 1809, Caldicote, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853. Bishop's Counselor. Nurseryman and Seedsman. WILLIAM WAULEY Born Oct. 8, 1825. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1853. Pioneer to Dixie 1862. Raised first fruit in Salt Lake City and Ogden. CHARLES WELCH Born May 18, 1828, Leir, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853. Member of High Council ; Elder ; Missionary. Street Supervisor. JAMES WILBURN WELKER Born Jan. 17, 1825, Jackson County, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1853, Isaac Stewart Co. Bishop, Alternate High Councilor. Black- smith. ADAM P. WELKER Son of James Wilburn Welker and Annie Pugh. Born Feb. 4, 1853, Alpine, Utah. Active Church Worker. JAMES ALBERT WELKER Son of James Wilburn Welker and Annie Pugh. Born in 1851, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. THOMAS WEST Born Oct. 1, 1852, St. Joseph, Mo. Came to Utah in 1853. Missionary to England; High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor ; Tithing Clerk. City Councilman. JOSEPH WHEELER Born Oct. 27, 1828, Whitelawn, Came to Utah in 1853 by oxteam. FREDERICK WHEELER Eng. Son of Joseph Wheeler and Ann Wood of Whitelawn, Eng. Born Sept. 30, 1859, Ogden, Utah. 394 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 WINWARD WHITBY Born Oct. 16, 1831, Chelton, Eng. Came to Utah in 1853, Capt. Williams Company. JAMES WHITBY Son of Winward Whitby and Anne Jane McCowan. Born Nov. 30, 1856, Nephi, Utah. Elder. Constable at Marion ; School Trustee ; Farmer. CHARLES WOODMANSEE Born March 4, 1828, Highland County, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1853, Joel Terrill Company. Established Woodmansee Theater at Ogden. Successful farmer. CHARLES HENRY WOODMANSEE Son of Charles Woodmansee and Harriet E. Porter. Born June 4, 1867, Ogden, Utah. Fremont County Commissioner. Pres. First National Bank, Rexburg. SAMUEL PORTER WOODMANSEE Son of Charles Woodmansee and Harriet E. Porter. Born June 6, 1874, Ogden, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES ALBERT WOODMANSEE Son of Charles Woodmansee and Harriet E. Porter. Born Aug. 19, 1876, Ogden, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. Resides at Rexburg, Idaho. JOSEPH WOODWARD Father of the wife of David Murray of Wellsville, Utah. Came to Utah 1853. JOHN X. SMITH Born Sept. 9, 1827, Northamptonshire, Eng. Came to Utah about 1854. Bishop of 2nd Ward of Beaver Stake 187.7-88. JOHN ANDREW SMITH Son of John X. Smith and Margaret Pat- terson. Born June 9, 1856, Cedar City, ' Utah. Alternate Member High Council of Beaver Stake. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 39.5 JOHN THOMAS SMITH Son of John Andrew Smith and Charlotte Swindlehurst. Born May 10, 1880. JOHN KELLY Born Aug. 5, 1824, Kilmarnock, Scotland. Came to Utah in July, 1854. Merchant. E. W. KELLY Son of John Kelly. Merchant, Salt Lake City. EDWIN WARD SMOUT Born May 21, 1823, Tipton, Eng. Came to Utah in July, 1854, Independent Com- pany. Bishop's Counselor. Tailor. WILLIAM O. SMOUT Son of Edwin W. Smout and Leah Oakley. Born 1850 in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah in 1853. Resides at Slaterville, Utah. SAMUEL SMOUT Son of Edwin W. Smout and Leah Oak- ley. Born Aug. 6, 1866, Slaterville, Utah. Resides at Ogden, Utah. DAVID ABSALOM TIDWELL Son of Thomas Tidwell, who came to Utah in July,. 1854, and Louisa Tyler. Born Dec. 23, 1866, Nephi, Utah. GEORGE FRAUGHTON Born March 10, 1822, Champlain, Franklin Co., N. Y. Came to Utah AUK. 3, 1854, James Ivie Company. Black Hawk In- dian War Veteran. FRANKLIN AUGUSTUS FRAUGHTON Son of George Fraughton and Henrietta Case. Born Jan. 31, 1846, Westfield, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Bishop. 396 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 JOHN SEAMAN Born Dec. 18, 1832, Ithaca, N. Y. Came to Utah Aug. 4, 1854, Bartlett Brown Company. State Senator, Weber and Box Elder Counties. THOMAS JEFFERSON KING Born May 27, 1806, Ashfort, Mass. Came to Utah Aug. 9, 1854, Benjamin Truman Company. Mail and Express Contractor. THOMAS FRANKLIN KING Son of Thos. J. King and Rebecca E. Olin Born May 1, 1842, Mantua, Portage Co! Ohio. THOMAS EDWARD KING Son of Thos. F. King. Born Jan. 17, 1867 Mountain Dell, Salt Lake Co., Utah. CHARLES HENRY R. STEVENS Born Aug. 16, 1837, Cheltenham, Glouces- tershire, Eng. Came to Utah in August, 1854, Van Etten Freight Train. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM WALTON BURTON Born March 23, . 1833, Bradford, York- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1854 Job Smith Company. Counselor in Presi- dency Star Valley Stake. JOSEPH FIELDING BURTON R n h ? f - W1 , 1 ." am Walton Burton and Rachel Fielding. Born March 3, 1861, ,If C r?r ty v;,V tal1 - Manager Utah Im- plement & Vehicle Co. WILLIAM FIELDING BURTON Son of William Walton Burton and Rachel Fielding. Born Nov. 10, 1862, Kaysville, Utah. JAMES F. BURTOX Son of William Walton Burton and Rachel Fielding. Born May 18, 1868 As- sistant Cashier First National Bank of Ogden. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 397 ROBERT IBBOTSON BURTON Son of William Walton Burton and Rachel Fielding. Born Feb. 9, 1879, Og- den, Utah. 2nd President 77th Quorum Seventies. Secretary Burton Merc. Co. REUBEN FIELDING BURTON Son of William Walton Burton and Ellen Fielding. Born March 10, 1880, Ogden. Stake Secretary Y. M. M. I. A. City Treas- urer of Afton, Wyo. HEBER FIELDING BURTON Son of William Walton Burton and Ellen Fielding. Born March 6, 1868, Ogden, Utah. Sunday School Supt. Bookkeeper. THOMAS FIELDING BURTON Son of William Walton Burton and Sarah Ann Fielding. Born May 12, 1871, Ogden, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Director Bur- ton Mercantile Company. WILFORD FIELDING BURTON Son of William Walton Burton and Sarah Ann Fielding. Born May 17, 1882, Ogden, Utah. EPHRAIM FIELDING BURTON Son of William Walton Burton and Sarah Ann Fielding. Born April 3, 1886. Mgr. Burton Creamery Association. GEORGE FIELDING BURTON Son of William Walton Burton and Sarah Ann Fielding. Born April 27, 1888, Af- ton, Wyo. THOMAS GRIFFIN Born Dec. 28, 1828, Birmingham, Em;. Came to Utah in September, 1854, Job Smith Independent Company. Mayor of Richmond. Director Richmond Co-op. JAMES HEALEY Born March 31, 1824, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1854, Job Smith Company. High Priest. 308 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 EPHRAIM HEALEY Son of James Healey and Elizabeth Smith. Born Jan. 26, 1847, Wittake, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Indian War Veteran. THOMAS JOHN JAMES Son of Joseph James and Sarah John. Born Oct. 31, 1835, Pembrokeshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1854, Job Smith Company. High Priest. JOHN REES JONES, JR.. Son of John Rees Jones, who came to Utah in September, 1854, and Mary A. S. Ridd. Born April 7, 1875, at Salt Lake City. Elder. JAMES EARDLEY Born Feb. 25, 1830, Swadlincote, Derby- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1854, James Brown Company. Patriarch ; Mer- chant. WILLIAM S. GRAY Son of Joseph Reeves Gray, who came to Utah In October, 1864, John Brown Com- pany, and Mary Franklin. Born Nov. 28, 1858, Lehi, Utah. HEZEKIAH Ml 7CHELL Born May 31, 1810, Simondly (near Stock- port), Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1854, James Brown Company. High Priest. FREDERICK A. H. FRANK MITCHELL Son of Hezekiah Mitchell and Sarah Mal- linson. Born July 14, 1835, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah In Sep- tember, 1854, James Brown Company. ALFRED HEZEKIAH MITCHELL Son of Frederick Augustus Herman Frank Mitchell and Margaret Thompson. Born March 26, 1879, at Salt Lake City, ARTHUR S. SMITH Born Jan. 31, 1808, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1854, James Brown Company. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 399 JOHN ALBISTON Born April 4, 1814, Stockport, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richard- son Company. Pioneer Grantsville, Utah. JOHN ALBISTON, JR. Son of John Albiston and Elizabeth Mel- lor. Born Feb. 7, 1842. Clerk High Priests Quorum. JOHN WILLIAM ALBISTON Son of John Albiston, Jr., and Mary Ann Lee. Born April 20, 1868. Engaged in Threshing Machine and Sawmill Business. WILLIAM JEX Born Sept. 5, 1831, Crostwick, Norfolk- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson Company . City Councilman, Spanish Fork. Patriarch. JESSE RHOADES BURBIDGE Son of James Rhoades Burbidge and Mary Brown. Born March 1, 1844, Bed- fordshire, Eng. Came to Utah, Darwin Richardson Company. JOHN A. LEWIS Born Dec. 11, 1814, Llandaff, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson Company. FREDRICK LEWIS Son of John A. Lewis and Ann John. Born May 29, 1844, Cardiff, Wales. Leader of Marshall Band 1862-76. EDWARD MAW Came to Utah in 1862. High Shoemaker and Farmer. Priest. ROBERT MAW Son of Edward Maw and Dina Gledall. Born Sept. 12, 1834, Root, Enpland. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1881, Darwin Rlch- ardson Company. High Priest. 400 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 ROBERT MAW, JR. Son of Robert Maw and Lois Reeves Born May 11, 1879, Plain City, Utah Priest. Street Car Conductor. ABRAHAM MAW Son of Edward Maw and Dina Gledall. Born April 10, 1837, Root, Lincolnshire, Eng. ELIAS W1LLARD WILLIAMS Born June 26, 1818, Whitinsville, Mass. Came to Utah in 1854. Seventy. Jus- tice of Peace, Mona, several years. Painter and Cabinetmaker. ELIAS W1LLAHD WILLIAMS, JR. Son of Ellas Willard Williams and Lucy Hendrlcks. Born April 19, 1858, Spring- ville, Utah. Deacon. Farmer and Sheep- man. STEPHEN WILLIAMS Came to Utah in 1854, Capt. Richardson Company. JOHN WILLIAMS Son of Stephen Williams and Emma Jane . Hilyard. Born Nov. 9, 1841, Bristol, En Came to Utah in 1854. High Priest: Bish- ops Counselor. EUVIN K. WILLIAMS Son of John Williams and Mary Christina Overlaid Born April 10, 1887, Ephraim, Utah Seventy; Assistant Sunday School Superintendent. Mayor of Emery HUGH ADAMS Born June 4, 1829, Old Craighall, near Musselburgh, Parish of Inveresk, Scot- land. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1854, Daniel Garn Company. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS Son of Hugh Adams and Mary Horlocher. Born Dec. 16, 1866, Losan, Utah. Bishop- 5th Ward, Logan. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 401 HENRY GARDNER Born Aug. 9, 1848, Oving, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn Company. WILLIAM GEDDES Born Dec. 8, 1832, Bilston, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1854. Worked on Salt Lake Temple. JOSEPH STEWART GEDDES Son of William Geddes and Elizabeth Stewart. Born Dec. 18, 1857, at Salt Lake City. President Oneida Stake. HUGH S. GEDDES Son of William Geddes and Martha Stew- art. Born July 25, 1859, Plain City, Utah. Bishop Preston Ward. JOSEPH FINCH Son of William Finch, who came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn Company, and Rebecca Woodall. Born Aug. 26, 1831, Birmingham, England. JOSEPH HADFIELD Born March 3, 1827, Hazel Grove, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn Company. High Priest. Pioneer Silk Weaver ; Brickmaker. JOSEPH HADFIELD, JR. Son of Joseph Hadfield and Jane W. Red- fern. Born Oct. 24, 1854, at Salt Lake City. Sunday School Superintendent ; Seventy. Constable. Farmer. 26 WILLIAM McGHIE, JR. Son of William McGhie and Elizabeth Collins. Born Jan. 6, 1830, in Scotland. Postmaster at Butler, Utah. ALEXANDER McGHIE Son of William McGhie, Jr., and Mary Mc- Blain. Born Nov. 8, 1853, in Scotland. 402 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 WILLIAM ATHOL McMASTER Born Sept. 20, 1816, Greenock, Renfrew- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct 1 1854, Daniel Garn Company. Member llth Ward Bishopric. JOHN B. McMASTER Son of William Athol McMaster and Mar- garet D. Ferguson. Born Aug. 17, 1843, Dunfermline, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn Company. ALEXANDER McMASTER Son of William Athol McMaster and Mar- garet D. Ferguson. Born Aug. 12, 1857, at Salt Lake City. High Counselor; Super- intendent llth Ward Sunday School WATKIN REES Born Jan. 23, 1830, Merthyr Tydfll, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Daniel Garn Company. CHARLES HORATIO RHEES Born Feb. 27, 1833, Bath, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn Company. REUBEN THOMAS RHEES Son of C. H. Rhees and Eliza P. Rhees. Born Nov. 18, 1867, Ogden, Utah. WILLIAM LYLE STEWART Born Nov. 19, 1846, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah 1854. Daniel Garn Company. Bishop Warren Ward. Member State Legislature. WILLIAM THOMAS STEWART Son of William Lyle Stewart and Sarah Jane Thomas. JAMES TOOMER Born June 8, 1827, Salisbury, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn Com- pany. Captain Police at Morgan. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 403 PETER ANDERSON Son of Jens Anderson and Anna Jorgen- sen. Born Dec. 10, 1847. JOSEPH S. ANDERSON Son of Jens Anderson, who came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen Company, and Anna Jorgensen. Born Oct. 3, 1855, Fillmore. JENS THOMPSON BALLE Born Jan. 20, 1819, Nibe, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen Company. Bishop 4th Ward, Ephraim, Utah. CHRISTIAN THOMPSON BALLE Son of Jens Thompson Balle and Ingre Christine Peterson. Born Nov. 22, 1849, Aalborgr, Denmark. Bishop Fremont Ward, Utah. JERGEN CHRISTOPHER FOLKMAN Born Sept. 10, 1792, Westmarie, Bornholm, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. JEPPA G. FOLKMAN Born Dec. 16, 1824, Aokersogn, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, H. P. Olsen Company. First Bishop of Soda Springs. HANS FREDRICK HANSEN Came to Utah 1854, Captain Olsen Com- pany. PETER JOHNSON Born Jan. 15, 1825, Skono, Sweden. Came to Utah 1854, Captain Olsen Company. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. MADS JOHNSON Son of Peter Johnson and Dorthea Madson. Born March 6, 1860, Lake View, Utah. Elder. Deputy Sheriff of Provo. Farmer and Fruit Grower. 404 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18;>4 SOREN JENSEN Born May 6, 1810, Torse, Hjorring Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah 1854, Capt. Ol- sen Company. Elder. Farmer. LARS .TOHANSEN Born March 8, 1792. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. High Priest. PETER CHRISTIAN LARSEN Son of Soren Larsen, who came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, and Maria Hansen. Born March 23, 1874, Spring City, Utah. Bish- op's Counselor. CHRISTIAN GRICE LARSEN Son of Lars Johansen and Anna Margreta Sorensen. Born Dec. 17, 1828, Veile Amt, Denmark. President Emery Stake. Bish- op Spring City. SAMUEL HENRY LARSEN Son of Christian Grice Larsen and Maria Caroline Sorensen. Born Dec. 8, 1865, Spring City, Utah. Bishop Castle Dale Ward. CHRISTIAN J. LARSE.V Son of Lars Johansen and Anna Margrela Sorensen. Born May 21, 1831, Griesviele, Denmark. Bishop Logan, Utah. Patri- arch. Indian War Veteran. LAURITZ LARSEN Son of Lars Johansen and Anna Margreta Sorensen. Born Jan. 25, 1834, Veile, Den- mark. Bishop's Counselor. Mayor Spring LAURITZ ORSEN LARSEN Son of Lauritz Larsen and Louise R. Jas- person. Born Feb. 7, 1867, Spring City, Utah. Bishop Spring City. Mayor. DANIEL JOHNSON Born July 24, 1820, Elvingstorp, Sweden. Came to Utah October, 1854, Hans Perer Olsen Company. Mason. Worked on three Mormon temples. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 405 JOHN JOHNSON Born Sept. 20, 1812, West Maria, Born- holm, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen Company. LEWIS PETER JOHNSON Son of John Johnson and Karen Kirstine Jensen. Born March 12, 1844, West Maria, Bornholm, Denmark. High Councilman. Fruit Grower. OLUF JOHNSON Son of John Johnson and Annie M. Niel- sen. Born Oct. 24, 1869, Brigham City, Utah. Resides at Brigham City. JOHN PETER RASMUS JOHNSON Born April 10, 1824, near Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. Bishop 1st Ward, Provo, 1864. Railroad Contractor ; Farmer. NIELS JOHNSON Son of John Peter Rasmus Johnson and Caroline Maria Nelson Tuft. Born Sep- tember, 1848, near Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1854. JAMES EDWIN JOHNSON Son of Niels and Josephine Johnson. Born May 20, 1881, Provo, Utah. Elder. Con- tractor. j PETER JOHNSON Born May 1, 1839, Orum, Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1854, Capt. Olsen Com- pany. Bishop of Huntington 1891-1902; Patriarch. Farmer. JAMES MORGAN KELLER Born April 6, 1826, Bjornsholm, Denmark. Came to Utah 1854, Hans P. Olsen Com- pany. Elder. JAMES MORGAN KELLER, JR. Son of James Morgan Keller and Karen Margaret Valentine. Born June 9, 1865, Mantua, Utah. Bishop of Mink Creek, Ida. 406 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 CHRISTIAN A. LARSEN Born March 6, 1836, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Capt. Olsen Company. Vice-President Ephraim Bank. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. ALMA CLARENCE LARSEN Son of Christian A. Larsen and Mary Ann Jensen. Born July 10, 1877, Ephraim, Utah. Proprietor St. Cecil Hotel, Salt Lake City. JAMES R. LARSEN Son of J. P. Larsen and Kisty Larsen Born Dec. 29, 1863, Ephraim, Utah. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. EMILE W. LARSUN Bookkeeper. Resides at Pocatello, Idaho. PETER MADSEN Born April 6, 1824, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen Ox- team Company. Bishop of Lake View. City Councilman, Provo. MADS PETER MADSEN Son of Peter and Mary Ann Madsen. Born AUK. 5, 1848, Bredstrup, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. Sunday School Su- perintendent. School Trustee. ANDREW MADSEN Son of Peter Madsen and Johannah Chris- tine Anderson. Born Feb. 2, 1859, Lake of e BRIGHAM MADSEN Son of Peter Madsen and Wilhelmina Jor- Kensen. Born June 15, 1873, Lake View Utah. Chief Deputy State Game and Fish Warden. Elder. PARLEY WILLIAM MADSEN Son of Peter Madsen and Lena Johnson. Born Oct. 22, 1879, Lake View, Utah. Mis~- sionary to Northwestern States 1906-1908 Secretary Deacons Quorum. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18,54 407 JOHN MORGAN Born Feb. 28, 1833, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. Seventy. Hotel- keeper at Goshen 60 years. JOHN R. MORGAN Son of John Morgan and Emma Richards. Born Aug. 11, 1863, Goshen, Utah. JOHN MUNSON Son of Hans Munson, who came to Utah in 1854, and Martha Jensen. Born Jan. 7, 1836, Laaland, Denmark. JOHN HENRY MUNSON Son of John Munson and Mary C. Chris- tensen. Born April 9, 1864, Hyrum, Utah. LARS P. NELSON Born Aug. 25, 1835, Onnestad, Christian- stad Co., Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Capt. Olsen Company. High Priest. LARS LOVENDAHL NELSON Son of Lars P. Nelson and Mary Magdelina Lovendahl. Born Oct. 1, 1864, Provo, Utah. Bishop 2d Ward, Provo. Member Provo City Council. AUGUSTINUS NIELSEN Born April 14, 1833, Jutland, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Hans P. Olsen Company. Member High Council, Cotton- wood, Salt Lake County. BENDT NIELSEN Born May 14, 1796. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. GEORGE NIELSEN Son of Bendt Nielsen and Margaret Ei- lertsen. Born May 1, 1826, Hersholm, Den- mark. Came to Utah in 1854. President of High Priests Quorum. 408 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 CHAHLKS ANDREW NIELSEN Son of George Nielsen and Maria C. Thore- son. Born July 27, 1869, Hyrum, Utah. Missionary to Northern States 1900-02. Farmer. ANDREW B. NIELSEN Son of Bendt Nielsen and Margaret Ei- lertson. Born March 24, 1835, Hesterkeb, Fredricksberg, Denmark. High Priest. CHARLES C. OLSEN Born April 2, 1824. Christiania, Norway. Came to Utah in 1854. Seventy. CHRESTEX J. OLSEN Born Aug. 1, 1803, Aalborg, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen Company. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES OLSEN Son of Chresten J. Olsen and Anne Niel- sen. Born March 27, 1839, Aalborg, Den- mark. President HiKh Priests Quorum, Box Elder Stake. SOREN CHRISTIANSEN Son of Christian Rudolph Phillip Jensen, who came to Utah in 1854, and Anne Jo- hanna Rasmusen. Born Dec. 26, 1830, Aarhuus Amt, Denmark. President High Priests Quorum. GEOHGE DANIEL OLSON Born Sept. 2, 1835, Hosterkyob, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1854. Cabinet Maker; Musician. WILLIAM FRANCIS OLSON Son of George Daniel Olson and Delilah King. Born May 26, 1870, Fillmore, Utah. Merchant ; Banker. HANS JASPERSON Son of Jens Jasperson and Maria Hansen. Born Aug. 5, 1843, Uhlan, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 409 . CHRISTIAN JENSEN Born June 6, 1841, in Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen Com- pany. Farmer. JENS CHRISTIAN JENSEN Son of Christian Jensen and Albertina Carlsten. Born July 30, 1866, Manti, Utah. Farmer ; Brickmaker. PETER P. THOMPSON Born Jan. 15, 1808, Breining, Isle of Falster, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen Company. High Priest. Farmer. MORTEN RASMUSSEN Born Oct. 27, 1834, Brendekilde, Fyen, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. Member 66th Quorum Seventies. City Councilman. Farmer. WALLANTINE WALLANTINSON Born May 28, 1813, Bornholm, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1854, Capt. Olsen Company. Member Utah Militia. Assisted immigration. CHRISTIAN WALLANTINE Son of Wallantine Wallantinson and Engel Margret Kofod. Born pet. 21, 1841, Born- holm, Denmark. Missionary. Speaker of House of Representatives. GEORGE DAVIS Born Dec. 8, 1834, Waterbury, Worcester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey Company. Echo Can- yon War Veteran. Pres. 59th Quorum Seventies. VINSON FREDERICK DAVIS Son of George Davis and Mary Ann Sparks. Born Feb. 8, 1865, Lehi, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Pres. Perry Electric Light and Power Company. WALTER GLENN Born Oct. 6, 1821, Kirkliston, Linlithgow- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey Company. Vet- eran Echo Canyon Campaign. 410 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 PETER GREENHALGH Born March 1, 1830, Leigh, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey Company. Farmer and Stockraiser. Re- sides at Bloomington, Idaho. PETER GREENHALGH, JR. Son of Peter Greenhalgh and Sarah Heald. Born Nov. 9, 1855, Willard, Utah. Resides at Bloomington, Idaho. EDMUND BUTTERWORTH Born Jan. 15, 1826, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey Company. High Priest. Adobe Maker. EDWIN F. BUTTERWORTH Son of Edmund Butterworth and Alice Fielding. Born May 15, 1880, Salt Lake City. President 2d Quorum Seventies. WILLIAM HASELGROVE PIDCOCK Born Jan. 18, 1832, Mansfield, Nottingham- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey Company. Major in Nauvoo Legion. JEDEDIAH WILLIAM PIDCOCK, JR. Son of Jedediah William Pidcock and Rox- ana Farr. Born Dec. 26, 1877, Ogden, Utah. Weber County Physician 1909-12. THOMAS FREDERICK FISHER Born Feb. 7, 1811, Llangothlian Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert L. Campbell Company. Justice of Peace at Bountiful. WILLIAM F. FISHER Son of Thomas F. Fisher and Jane Chris- ton. Born Nov. 16, 1839. Bishop Oxford, Idaho, 1878. County Assessor. Merchant. JOHN FISHER Son of Thomas F. Fisher and Jane Chris- ton. Born Feb. 7, 1842, Woolwich, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert L. Campbell Company. Probate Judge. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 411 IRVIN F. FISHER Son of John Fisher and Josephine R. Lyon. Born Aug. 31, 1864, Bountiful, Utah. Presi- dent 100th Quorum Seventies. GEORGE LOUIS GRAEHL Came to Utah October, 1854, Robert L. Campbell Company. GEORGE LOUIS GRAEHL, JR. Son of George Louis Graehl and Charlotte Louise Leuba. Born March 17, 1853, Ge- neva, Switzerland. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. WILLIAM RICHARD KINGFORD Born Jan. 9, 1820, East Langden, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert Camp- bell Company. High Priest ; Missionary to England 1886-87. ABRAHAM MARCHANT Born March 17, 1816, Bath, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert L. Campbell Company. Bishop of Peoa. ABRAHAM ROBERT MARCHANT Born April 5, 1843, Bath, Somersetshire, Eng. Member of Bishopric of Peoa, Utah. Justice of Peace. School Trustee. Farmer. -' 1 ALBERT GEORGE HENRY MARCHANT Born Jan. 3, 1845, Bath, Somersetshire, Eng. Ward and Sunday School Teacher. Assisted Immigrants to Utah, John D. Halliday Company. WILLIAM COPE PARKER Born March 21, 1827, Bulkeley, Chester- shire, Ener. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert Campbell Company. Member Sun- day School Superintendency ; Seventy. Miller. MESHACH S. WILLIAMS Came to Utah 1854, Robert Campbell Company. 412 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18o4 THOMAS EMMETT Born Sept. 19, 1827, Downan, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1854, Captain Field Com- pany. Farmer. THOMAS F. EMMETT Son of Thomas Emmett and Nancy Hit- chon. Born Jan. 27, 1856, Ogden, Utah. Contractor and Builder. COLLINS MOORE GILLETT Born Nov. 14, 1837, Neversink, Sullivan Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1854. Missionary to England. Pioneer Lumber- man. GKANVILLE GILLETT Born April 5, 1847, Neversink, Sullivan Co., X. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1854, Capt. Field Company. Lumberman. Landlord. SAMUEL ROSE PARKINSON Born April 12, 1831, Barrowford, Lanca- shire, Eng. Came to Utah May 5, 1854, Capt. Field Company. India"n War Veteran. SAMUEL CHANDLER PARKINSON Son of Samuel Rose Parkinson and Ara- bella Ann Chandler. Born Feb. 23, 1853, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah with father. Bishop Franklin Ward, Idaho. WILLIAM CHANDLER PARKINSON Son of Samuel Rose Parkinson and Ara- bella Ann Chandler. Born AUK. 2, 1855, Kaysvllle, Utah. President Pocatello and Hyrum Stakes. GEORGE CHANDLER PARKINSON Son of Samuel Rose Parkinson and Ara- bella Ann Chandler. Born July 18, 1857, Kaysvllle, Utah. President Oneida Stake. FRANKLIN CHANDLER PARKINSON Son of Samuel Rose Parkinson and Ara- bella Ann Chandler. Born July 7, 1859, Kaysvllle, Utah. Bishop Blackfoot Ward, Idaho. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 413 FREDERICK SMART PARKINSON Son of Samuel Rose Parkinson and Char- lotte Smart. Born Jan. 8, 1875, Franklin, Idaho. First Counselor in Presidency Fremont Stake. WILLIAM POULTER Born March 3, 1820, Moulsey, Surrey, Ens. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1854, Capt. Field Company. Member first Brass Band at Osden. GEORGE POULTER Son of William Poulter and Caroline Stru- bell. Born Nov. 25, 1846, London, Eng. Came to Utah in 1854. MORONI STRUBELL POULTER Son of William Poulter and Caroline Stru- bell. Born Jan. 6, 1856, ORden, Utah. Counselor in first Y. M. M. I. A ; President Y. M. M. I. A. PHILIP DACK Born June 28, 1837, Shipdham, Norfolk, Ens. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Wil- liam and Jackman Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. EDWARD CREER Born Nov. 3, 1818, Bolton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1854, Independent St. Louis company. Indian War Veteran. WILLARD ORSON CREER Son of Edward Creer and Ann Morris. Born Feb. 2, 1841, Preston, Lancashire, EnB. Indian War Veteran. Member sec- ond Legislature. EDWARD CREER, JR. Son of Edward Creer and Ann Morris. Born Oct. 7, 1853, St. Louis, Mo. Elder. NICOLI DORIUS Born Sept. 21, 1804, Copenhagen, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1851. Shoemaker. 414 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 CARL CHRISTIAN NICOLI DORIUS Son of Nicoli Dorius and Annie Sophia Christofferson. Born April 5, 1830, Copen- hagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Handcart Company. CHARLES ROLFSON DORIUS Son of Carl Christian Nicoli Dorius and Ellen G. Rolfson. Born July 10, 1858, Ephraim, Utah. Bishop South Ward, Ephraim, Utah. ROBERT C. FRYER Born Sept. 28, 1845, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1854, James Buck- land Company. Built first home in 12th Ward, Salt Lake City. WILLIAM F. JAMES Son of Joseph James, who came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, David Jones Company, and Sarah Holyoak. Born April 30, 1857, Og- den, Utah. Pres. James Coal & Ice Co. ERIC LARSEN Born June 20, 1845, Sarslow, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1866, Capt. Raw- lings Company. Bishop's Counselor ; Mem- ber High Council. Farmer. JOSEPH JORGEN LARSEN Son of Eric Larsen and Annie Elizabeth Erickson. Born Aug. 3, 1879, Spanish Fork, Utah. Bishop Cleveland Ward. Farmer. ORRAWELL SIMMONS Born April 21, 1821, Alexandria, Grafton Co., N. H. Came to Utah September, 1854, Independent Company. Mayor of Payson 1867-74. Acting Bishop of Payson 1871. ARTHUR PENDRY WELCHMAN Born April 20, 1834, Kineton, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1854, Preston Thomas Oxteam Company. High Priest. School Teacher, Ranchman. DANIEL BERTOCH Born May 25, 1835, Piedmont, Italy. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert Campbell Company. Pres. 35th Quorum Seventies. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 415 PHILLIP CARDON Born Oct. 7, 1801, Prarustin, Italy. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1854, Robert Campbell Company. High Priest. Farmer. PAUL CARDON Son of Phillip Cardon and Marie Tourn. Born Dec. 28, 1839, Prarustin, Italy. Pres. Seventies. City Treasurer. Farmer. JOSEPH EMANUEL CARDON Son of Paul Cardon and Susannah Goudin. Born Oct. 28, 1872, Logan, Utah. Mem- ber Stake Presidency ; Patriarch. Mer- chant. Real Estate. GEORGE DAVID CARDON Son of Paul Cardon and Magdalena Beus. Born Oct. 1, 1877, Logan, Utah. Ass't Mgr. and Treas. Cardon Co., Real Estate and Loans. JOHN THOMAS KAY Son of Thomas Kay and Margret Ann Vest. Born Feb. 8, 1865, Mona, Juab Co., Utah. Farmer. JOHN R. PAUL Son of Walter Paul, who came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, and Ann Walker. Born Dec. 2, 1863, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Coun- selor. Butcher ; Farmer. FREDERICK W. ROSE Born July 16, 1835, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1854, Orson Pratt Com- pany. Member 8th Quorum Seventies. High Priest. Carpenter and Builder. CHARLES EDGAR ROSE Son of Frederick W. Rose and Elizabeth E. Domville. Born Dec. 9, 1871, Salt Lake City. Seventy. In charge of job press of Deseret News Printing Company. JAMES ARMSTRONG Born Nov. 24, 1844, Carlisle, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1854, Horace S. Eldredge Company. Black Hawk Indian War Vete- ran. 416 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 JOHN ALLSOP Born Sept. 20, 1823, Nottingham, Came to Utah October, 1854. Eng. JOHN IRA ALLSOP Son of John Allsop and Mary B Wood Born July 2, 1855. Has resided at Rich- mond, Utah, and Gentile Valley, Idaho. CHARLES B. BAKER Relative of Thomas M. Allsop of Sandy, Utah. FREDERICK CHADWICK ANDREW Born June 14, 1820, Stockport, Lancashire Eng. Came to Utah October, 1854. Sev- enty. Blacksmith. SAMUEL WHITAKER ANDREW Son of Frederick Chadwick Andrew and Elizabeth Whitaker. Born May 18 1852 at Stockport, Kng. Came to Utah in 1854. High Priest and High Councilor RUEL BARRUS Born Aug. 11, 1821, Villanova, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1854 Seventy. Lieutenant Co. C, Mormon Bat- talion. JOHN A. R. GIBBONS Born Feb. 10, 1794, Hillgreen, Berkshire, Came to Utah October, 1854. High THOMAS GIBBONS Son of John A. R. Gibbons and Fannv Koby. Born March 24, 1834, Hillgreeri, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1854, Thomas K. Ricks Company. High Priest. HENRY HOLYOAK Son of George Holyoak, who came to Utah October, 1854, Dr. Rich Company, and. Sarah Green. Born March 5, 1839", Wor- cestershire, Eng. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 417 JAMES JENKINS Born October, 1817, South Wales. Came to Utah October, 1854, Dorr P. Curtis Com- pany. Elder. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN JENKINS - Son of James Jenkins, who came to Utah October, 1854, and Elizabeth Davis. Born May 27, 1846, Llanelly, South Wales. Elder. Farmer. NIELS JORGENSEN (GEORGESON) Born Jan. 17, 1834, Hosterkjob, Birkerod, Frederiksberg, Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1854. Bishop's Counselor ; Patri- arch. HANS HYRUM GEORGESON Son of Niels Jorgensen (Georgeson) and Johanna M. Kofoed. Born Dec. 25, 1871, Treasureton, Idaho. LOUIS BERLIPS Born Oct. 27, 1841. Father of the wife of Hans Hyrum Georgesen of Oxford, Idaho. WILLIAM KKNDELL Born June 20, 1828, Wickersly, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1854. Bishop's Coun- selor. Farmer. GEORGE W. KENDELL Son of William Kendell and Joanna Peek. Born April 21, 1356, South Weber, Utah. Bishop South Weber. Merchant ; Farmer. 27 WILLIAM PAUL Born May 2, 1803, St. Agnes, Cornwall, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1854. "* Priest. Architect and Contractor. High WALTER PAUL Son of William Paul and Elizabeth Goyne. Born March 10, 1834, Truro, Cornwall, Eng. One of Presidents 84th Quorum Sev- enties. Echo Canyon War Veteran. 418 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 ANDREW PETERSON Born Feb. 8, 1829, Jesmark Sogn Den- mark. Came to Utah October, 1854 Bish- op Fairview Ward. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer. JOHN T. PETERSON Son of Andrew Peterson and Annette Lars- datter. Born Nov. 19, 1865, Fairview, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. DAVID BUTTAR Born Dec 2 1822, Blairgowrie, Perth- ?r , e> Scotland. Came to Utah November, 1854, Capt. Taylor Company. High Priest, fahoemaker ; Farmer. JOHN W. ANDREW. Son of Fredrick C. Andrew, who came to Utah in 1854, and Elizabeth Whittaker Born Aug. 27, 1845, Heywood, Lancashire Eng. High Priest. WILLIAM JOHN F. ALBRAND Born August. 1818, Germany. Came to Utah in 1854. Missionary to Eastern States ; Seventy. Gardener. ZACHAHIAH ASTILL IT?"? , 38 ?^ r , Bil ; min s h am, Eng. Came to Utah in 1854. Engineer of the first volun- teer flre department of Ogden WILLIAM J. E. ALBRAND Son of William John F. Albrand and Jane Ann Richardson. Born Aug. 3, 1865 Salt Lake City. Missionary to England ; High Priest. WILLIAM T. ASTILL Son of. Zachariah Astill and Rosanna Clark. Born Dec. 18, 1877. Produce Seed and Commission Merchant JAMES BERTOCH Born July 29, 1838, St. Germain, Piedmont Italy. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1854. Mis- sionary to Switzerland and Italy 1891-93 School Trustee. Farmer and Stockraiser, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 419 r WILLIAM F. BROOMHEAD BANKS Born June 14, 1851, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah in 1854. High Councilor. WILLIAM G. BROOMHEAD BANKS Son of William F. Broomhead Banks, who came to Utah in 1854, and Letitia A. Davis. Born Jan. 17, 1878. Spanish Fork, Utah. Elder and Ward Teacher. SAMUEL DEAN Born June 4, 1830, Salt Fleet Twp., On- tario, Can. Came to Utah in 1854. Cap- tain in Militia of North Ogden. GEORGE SAMUEL DEAN Son of Samuel Dean and Emma Norvill. Born AUPT. 26, 1857, North Ogden, Utah. Printer and Publisher. JOHN EKINS (EAKIN) Father of the wife of James F. Wadman of Ogden, Utah. JOHN FALKER Came to Utah 1854, Cummlngs and Dunn Company. HENRY GARFIELD Came to Utah in 1854. DUNCAN M. GILLIES Son of Ebenezer Gillies, who came to Utah 1854, William Henry Company, and Ann Gaitus. Born Oct. 12, 1865, Beaver City, Utah. Farmer. JOHN GOASLIND Born Jan. 26, 1818, Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky. Came to Utah 1854, Texas Company. High Priest. 420 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 CHARLES D. GOASLIND Son of John Goaslind and Susan Allen. Born Nov. 18, 1860, Richmond, Utah. Counselor in Presidency Oneida Stake. DANIEL GRAVES Born April 17, 1806, Yarmouth, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah 1854, Captain Harker Company. Artist. JOSHUA GRAVES Son of Daniel Graves and Mary Newman. Born Dec. 16, 1859, Provo, Utah. HANS ANDERSON HAMMER Born Oct. 11, 1829, Burgholm, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1854. Worked on Salt Lake Temple. SAMUEL HAMMER Son of Hans Anderson Hammer and Anna Christina Orego. Born in 1879. WILLIAM LAWRENCE HANSON Born May 20, 1838, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1854. Seventy; Ward Teacher. Active Member Territorial Mili- tia. Machinist and Blacksmith. GEORGE A. HIBBARD Son of George Hibbard, who came to Utah in 1854, and Hannah Williams. Born July 18, 1857, Karmington, Utah. Bishop. JOHN LYCURGUS JOHNSON Born Aug. 25, 1844, Brennen, Texas. Came to Utah in 1854. High Councilman. Mem- ber Constitutional Convention. JAMES WARREN JOHNSON Son of John Lycurgus Johnson and Cora Isabella Davis. Born Oct. 25, 1870. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 421 CLARENCE IRWIN JOHNSON Son of John Lycurgus Johnson and Cora Isabella Davis. Born March 23, 1879, Ver- nal, Utah. Sunday School Superintendent ; Alternate High Councilman. Merchant. JOHN LANGSTON Born March 8, 1822, London, Ens?. Came to Utah in 1854. Seventy. Indian War Veteran. JACOB HEATHECUT LANGSTON Son of John Langston and Clarinda Phil- lips. Born Jan. 20, 1863, Rockville, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Member of State Legislature 1910. JOSEPH LAWSON Born Dec. 9, 1824, Isle of Man. Came to Utah 1854, Bishop Hogland Company. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. Farmer. DAVID COTTIER LAWSON Son of Joseph Lawson and Ruth M. Green- way. Born July 6, 1866, Ogden, Utah. Contractor and Builder. WILLIAM MORRIS Born Feb. 27, 1821, Clee, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1854. One of first set- tlers of Bingham Fort and Marriott, Utah. JAMES B. MORRIS Bon of William Morris and Elizabeth Rus- sell. Born Jan. 27, 1873, Marriott, Utah. WILLIAM R. MORRIS Son of William Morris and Elizabeth Rus- sell. Born Jan. 17, 1866. DANIEL RICHMOND MOTT Son of Samuel Mott and Elizabeth Dwight. Born April 23, 1826, Batavia, N. Y. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer and Freighter. 422 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 JAMES NEEDHAM Born Aug. 20, 1826, Warrington, Eng. Came to Utah in 1854. One of Presidents of Seventies. Merchant. SOREN NELSON Born .Jan. 10, 1856, Denmark. Came to Utah 1854, Capt. Nelson Company. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN C. PARCELL Came to Utah 1854, Captain Bullock Com- pany. JENS K. PETERSON Born at Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1854. School Trustee. County Commissioner. Representative to Legisla- ture. Bishop. JAMES EPHRAIM PETERSON Son of Jens K. Peterson and Helena Chris- tiana Hansen. Born Nov. 16, 1855, Eph- raim, Utah. Bishop. FRANCIS ROMRELL Born Aug. 18, 1799, St. John, Isle of Jer- sey, Eng. Came to Utah 1854, Charles Harper Company. High Priest. GEORGE ROMRELL Son of Francis Romrell and Mary Billot. Born Oct. 14, 1832, on Isle of Jersey, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. ARTHUR STAYNER Came to Utah in 1854. JOHN T1MMS Came to Utah 1854, Lev! Richards Com- pany. Father of the wife of Thomas H. Archibald of Plymouth, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1854 423 JOHN THORNLEY Born June 25, 1822, Leyland, Eng. Came to Utah in 1854. High Priest. THOMAS TODD Born Jan. 28, 1821, Dumfrieshire, Scot- land. Came to Utah 1854, Daniel Garn Company. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. THOMAS TODD, JR. Son of Thomas Todd and Margaret Shank- land. Born Feb. 18, 1856, Salt Lake City. Secretary Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. NEWTON TUTTLE Born April 13, 1825, North Haven, Conn. Came to Utah 1854, Capt. Grow Company. Blacksmith. WILLIAM S. WARREN Came to Utah 1854, Amasa M. Lyman Company. Father of the wife of Joel H. Orton of Cove, Oregon. LEVI WHEELER Born July 5, 1812. GEORGE WALTON WHEELER Born March 30, 1844, Augusta, Maine. Came to Utah 1854, Perrigrine Sessions Company. WILLIAM WHEELER Son of George Walton Wheeler and Han- nah Humphreys. Born Dec. 16, 1877, Lewiston, Utah. CHARLES WILKINS Born Dec. 28, 1828, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1854. 424 PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.55 JESSE WILKINS Son of Charles Wilkins and Ury Welch. Born Feb. 15, 1868, South Cottonwood, Utah. ANDERS W. WINBERG Born April 13, 1830. Came to Utah in 1854. High Priest ; Missionary to Scandi- navia six years ; Patriarch. Publisher. Lived at Salt Lake City. WILLIAM MARSUEN Born March 15, 1814, Oldham, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah April 15, 1855. Erec- eil first factory at St. George. Cotton- spinner. LUCIUS NELSON MARSDEN Son of William Marsden and Sariah Scovil. Born Oct. 11, 1862, Pare wan, Utah. Mayor. Farmer and Sheepraiser. JOHN MARSDEN, JR. Tooele, Utah. ROBERT ASHTON Born March 15, 1827, Upholland, Lanca- shire, Eng. Came to Utah August, 1855. President Elders Quorum ; High Priest. Pioneer Irrigation Projector and Water- master. PETER ADAMS BOYLE Born Nov. 20, 1827, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855, John Hindley Company. Seventy. Engaged in Furni- ture Business. WILLIAM WALLACE BOYLE Son of Peter A. and Elizabeth Boyle. Born Oct. 12, 1858, Ogden, Utah. Director and Vice-President Boyle Furniture Co., Og- den, Utah. DUNCAN SPEARS CASPER Born Dec. 8, 1824, Richland County, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855, John Hindley Company. Ward Teacher. Charcoal Burner; Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 425 WILLIAM COMISH Born May 20, 1805, Kirkarbray, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1855, John Hindley Company. High Priest ; Acting Teacher. JOHN COMISH Son of William Cornish and Elizabeth Kegg. Born Dec. 1, 1838, Douglas, Isle of Man. Took part in Echo Canyon Trouble. Indian Scout. HENRY McMULLIN Born 1816, Vinal Haven, Maine. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855, Capt. John Hindley Company. High Priest. ALBERT E. McMULLIN Born July 15, 1847, Vinal Haven, Maine. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855, John Hindley Company. High Priest ; Bishop. Con- stable. Farmer. WILLIAM LOBARK SKIDMORE Born Sept. 22, 1844, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855, Capt. John Hindley C9mpany. Bishop. City Council- man ; Justice of Peace. JOHN THORNLEY Born March 4, 1801, Ulneswalten, Lancas- tershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1865. ROBERT THORNLEY Son of John Thornley and Hellen Langton. Born June 3, 1830, Leyland, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1855, John Hindley Com- pany. High Priest. ANDREW ANDERSON Horn Jan. 22, 1836, Aapraanl, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guy- man Company. HYRUM B. ANDERSON Son of Andrew Anderson, who came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, and Alice Brooks. Born 1873, Hyrum, Utah. Farmer and Stock- raiser. 426 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 W. A. ANDERSON Son of Andrew Anderson and Johannah Morte Dealey. HUGH MACSWEIN DOUGALL Born April 24, 1837, Muthill, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guy- man Company. Postmaster at Springville. HUGH MACSWEIN DOUGALL Son of Hugh MacSweln Dougall, who came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, and Mary Catherine Streeper. Born Dec. 9, 1863, Springville, Utah. JOHN ETHERINGTON Born April 28, 1794, Bishop Auckland, Durham, Knp. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guyman Company. High Driest. THOMAS ETHERINGTON Son of John Etherington and Elizabeth Hemsley. Born Nov. 1, 1836, Bishop Auck- land, Durham, Eng. Assistant Supt. Sun- day Schools, West Weber. GEORGE W. ETHERINGTON Son of Thomas Etherington and Sarah Wheeler. Born Oct. 31, 1879, West Weber, Utah. Bishop West Weber Ward. JOHN CLARK Father of the wife of George W. Ether- ington of West Weber, Utah. GEORGE OGILVIE Born April 24, 1834, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Came to Utah 1855, Noah T. Guyman Company. Sheriff Sevler County 1873-74. Indian War Veteran. SIMON FREDERICK HALVERSON Born Oct. 2, 1829, Onse, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guyman Company. Presiding Elder Marriott Ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 427 CHARLES A. HALVERSON Son of Simon Frederick Halverson and In- gebor Gerena Fredrickson. Born Jan. 19, 1871. High Councilor. GEORGE HALVERSON Son of Simon Frederick Halverson and Torbes Kistene Gunderson. Born Nov. 25, 1868, Marriott, Utah. County Attorney. HANS PETER LARSEN Born Sept. 24, 1835. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guyman Company. Pre- siding High Priest. City Councilman. PETER LARSEN Son of Hans Peter Larsen and Eleano* 1 Anderson Shelton. Born March 5, 1878. JOSEPH DE LYON Born Feb. 19, 1836, Rainhill, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guyman Company. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. JOSEPH CORNELIUS LYON Son of Joseph De Lyon and Eliza Goddard. Born Jan. 31, 1865, Salt Lake City. Elder. JAMES MATHER Born Nov. 14, 1811, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guy- man Company. THOMAS MATHER Son of James Mather and Mary Ditchfleld. Born April 28, 1846, Lancashire, Eng. High Councilor. City Councilman, Smith- field, Utah. JOHN NEWEY Born Jan. 25, 1806, Worplesdon, Surrey, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guyman Company. High Priest. Farmer and Gardener. 428 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 HENRY NEWBY Born April 12, 1865, Ogcien, Utah. Teach- er. Employee of the Southern Pacific R. R. for twenty years. DIXON HAMLIN GREER Born April 16, 1834. Came to Utah Sept 10, 1855, Seth M. Blair Company. Pioneer School Teacher Wasatch County. JEREMIAH EUCHLET LANGFORD Born Sept. 18, 1848, Rome, Ga. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1855, Seth M. Blair Com- pany. WILLIAM BISHOP Born June 11, 1828. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne Company. High Priest. Echo Canyon War Veteran. THOMAS B. BROWN Born Dec. 27, 1824, Bath, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Rich- ard Ballantyne Company. High Priest. Cabinetmaker. HENRY CLEGG Born June 7, 1825, Preston, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne Company. Shoe Manufacturer. WILLIAM JONATHAN CLEGG Son of Henry Clogg and Ann Lewis. Born May 6, 18511, SprinKville. Utah. Elder; Ward Teacher. Member Band during Black Hawk Indian War. Stockraiser FREU L. CLEGG Son of Henry Clegs and Ann Lewis. Born Aug. 6, 1861, Springville, Utah. Probation Officer ; Justice of Peace ; City Council- man. Contractor. JAMES GARDNER Born June 4, 1829, Preston, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne Company. High Priest. City Councilman. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 420 WILLIAM McFARLAND Born June 8, 1795. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne Company. Patriarch. Justice of the Peace, West Weber Precinct. ARCHIBALD McFARLAND Son of William McFarlaml and Margret McCormick. Born Dec. 17, 1832, Hawkly- muir, Fifeshire, Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1866. CHARLES B. McFARLAND Son of Archibald McFarland and Isabell Mitchell. Born April 8, 1862, West Weber, Utah. Second Counselor Elders Quorum. JAMES MACK (McCRACKEN) Son of Henry McCracken and Sarah Shaw. Born Nov. 15, 1836, Duntocker, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Bal- lantyne Company. Bishop's Counselor. HENRY M. MACK Son of James Mack and Elizabeth F. Mil- ler. Born Jan. 30, 1867, Smithfield, Utah. Sec. and Treas. and Acting Mgr. Ogden Milling & Elevator Co. GEORGE STANGER Born Nov. 5, 1832, Faceby, Eng. Came to Utah 1855, Richard Ballantyne Company. Member 60th Quorum Seventies ; Bishop's Counselor. THOMAS STANGER Born July 8, 1830, Faceby, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Bal- lantyne Company. Seventy. Farmer. FREDERICK JULIUS CHRISTIANSON Born Dec. 25, 1826, Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 20, President Seventies at Ephriam. Farmer. FREDERICK J. CHRISTIANSON, JR. Son of Frederick Julius Christianson and Kirstina Marie Anderson. Born Aug. 7, 1859, Ephraim, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. 430 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 JOHN HUDMAN Son of Thomas Hudman and Ann Dan- cose. Born Oct. 23, 1821. Came to Utah in 1856, Canute Peterson Co. High Priest. THOMAS PAUL STEVENSON Born March 20, 1832, Pocklington, York- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne Company. High Priest. Farmer. JAMES TIMBRIL WORLTON Born March 20, 1821, Walcot, Bath, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1855, Richard Ballantyne Company. Sunday School Su- perintendent. JOHN JAMES BONNETT Born Nov. 25, 1835, Angrogne, Italy. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1855, Milo Andrus Company. Farmer. JAMES BOYACK Born Aug. 25, 1805. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus Company. JAMES BOYACK, JR. Son of James Boyack and Elizabeth Meal- maker. Born Sept. 14, 1828, Mains, Scot- land. JAMES A. BOYACK Son of James Boyack, Jr., and Margary Waterhouse, Born Sept. 9, 1856, Spanish Fork. Seventy. GEORGE WILCOX BURR1DGE Born Jan. 17, 1813, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus Company. Bishop St. John Ward. Farmer. THOMAS LORENZO BURRIDGE Son of George Wilcox Burridge and Han- nah Shaw. Born Dec. 2, 1853, Valetta, Isle of Malta. Seventy. Farmer and Sheep- raiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 431 ANDREW GO WANS Born December, 1800, Canel, Forfar, Scot- land. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus Company. Florist and Landscape Gardener. Resided at Tooele, Utah. HUGH S. GOWANS Born Feb. 23, 1831, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus Company. President Tooele Stake. Mayor of Tooele City. EPHRAIM G. GOWANS Son of Hugh S. Gowans and Betsy Go- wans. Born Feb. 1, 1868, Tooele, Utah. Seventy; Missionary to England 1888-90. Superintendent State Industrial School. HENRY B. GWILLIAMS Born May 7, 1835, Shrewesbury, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus Company. Bishop of South Hooper Ward 1874-78. Merchant. HENRY WILLIAM GWILLIAMS Son of Henry B. Gwilliams and Elizabeth Palmer. Born Feb. 21, 1857, Salt Lake City. Bishop of 4th Ward and later of 6th Ward. GEORGE IRVINE Son of William Irvine and Agnes Kerr. Born April 6, 1839, Lenrickshire, Scotland. Drove three yoke of oxen across the plains 1855. Miner. EDMOND HENRY KINDRED Born June 8, 1817, Farthingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus Company. Seventy ; Ward Clerk. Car- riage Maker. ROBERT MEIKLEJOHN Born March 10, 1812, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus Company. PETER REID Born Aug. 14, 1826, South End Parish, Argyleshire, Scotland. Came to Utah 1855, Milo Andrus Company. Pres. Seventies. Captain State Militia, 432 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 PETER J. REID Son of Peter Reid and Diana Davidson Born May 30, 1857, Salt Lake City Deputy Sheriff and Assessor Nye County Nev. Postmaster five years. WALTER S. REID Son of Peter Reid and Diana Davidson Born Oct. 17, 1866, Salt Lake City. Deputy Sheriff and road supervisor of Salt Lake County. RICHARD SMITH Born Aug. 2, 1829, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1855, Oxteam Company. High Priest. Shoemaker. Lived at Beaver, Utah JOSEPH H. SMITH Born AUK. 28, 1819, Dudley, Worcester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1855 Milo Andrus Company. One of Presidents of Seventies. Farmer. JOSEPH STANFORD SMITH Son of Joseph H. Smith and Maria Stan- ford. Born June 23, 1850, Tipton, Staf- fordshire, Eng. High Priest; Bishop's Counselor. MORONI STOCKS Son of Henry Stocks, who came to Utah March, 1855, John S. Fullmer Company and Mary Halley. Born Oct. 21, 1845 Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah 1855, Milo Andrus Company. THOMAS TEW Born March 1, 1804, at Burbage, Leicester- is^r; rC 'MiV nK A , Cam ?, to Utah September, 1855, Milo Andrus Company THOMAS TEW, JR. Son of Thomas Tew and Hannah Smith Born June 27, 1833, Birmingham, Engi WILLIAM THOMAS TEW Son of Thomas Tew and Rebecca Bird Born Feb. 2, 1859, Springville, Utah. Bish- op. Farmer. Bishop at Mapleton, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 433 WILLIAM THOMAS TEW, JR. Son of William Thomas Tew and Clara Elizabeth Snow. Born Jan. 2, 1885, Springville, Utah. Farmer. LORENZO D. TUESEDER Son of Richard M. Treseder, who came to Utah 1855, Milo Andrus Company, and Jane Edmunds. Born Oct. 20, 1878, Og- den, Utah. Bookkeeper. GABRIEL MARION UTLEY Born July 27, 1844, Parry County, Ala. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Wimmer Com- pany. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. Constable at Pine Valley. ALFRED JOHN ATKINSON Born Dec. 29, 1826, Southwork, Surrey, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1855, C. A. Harper Company. Farmer and Merchant. ALFRED H. ATKINSON Son of Alfred John Atkinson and Ann Boting. Born Feb. 4, 1849, London, Eng. THOMAS ATKINSON Relative of Jesse Shurtliff. HENRY CLUCAS Born May 15, 1805, Douglas, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1855, C. A. Harper Company. Ward Teacher. 28 HENRY GODDARD Born Feb. 16, 1821, Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1855, Captain Har- per Company. High Priest. Farmer. HENRY J. W. GODDARD Son of Henry Goddard and Hannah Astill. Born Nov. 20, 1858, Provo, Utah. High Priest. County Commissioner. 434 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 WILLIAM HARDY Born Feb. 21, 1842, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1856, C. A. Harper Company. Indian War Veteran. ROBERT JAMES HARDY Son of William Hardy and Harriet Ann Wood. Born Oct. 14, 1876, Farmington, Utah. Farmer. JOSEPH PERKINS Born Sept. 24, 1820, Langher, Glamorgan- shire, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1855, Charles A. Harper Company. Indian War Veteran. EDWARD MARTIN PERKINS Son of Joseph Perkins and Margret Martin. Born Jan. 10, 1860, Provo, Utah. Bishop Mapleton Ward. JAMES SHANKS Born July 19, 1810, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Came to Utah October, 1855, Charles A. Harper Company. Crossed plains sixteen times. JAMES DOCK SHANKS Son of James Shanks and Isabella Dock. Born Nov. 29, 1833, Paisley, Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1853, Jacob Gates and Isaac Haight Company. WILLIAM KNOX Born July 5, 1815, Spittal, near Berwick, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855. High Priest ; Home Missionary. Worked on Salt Lake Temple. ANDREW FERGUSON Born Sept. 7, 1818, Rutherglen, Lanark- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1855, Moses Thurston Company. Justice of Peace, Spanish Fork. GEORGE MATHEW DOW PHILLIPS Born May 23, 1816, County York, Hamp-, ton Parish, New Brunswick, Can. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855. Millman ; Black- smith. Seventy. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 435 JAMES EMERY PHILLIPS Son of George Mathew Dow Phillips and Susan Jacques. Born May 6, 1866, New Brunswick, Can. Came to Utah in 1872. Farmer and Fruit Grower. MICAH GARN Son of Philip J. Garn, who came to Utah Sept. 28, 1855, Moses Thurston Company, and Mary M. Vogt. Born Oct. 14, 1814, Fremont, Ohio. High Councilor. GEORGE HESLOP Born Feb. 19, 1855, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1855, Independent Company. Director Hooper Irrigation Co. WILLIAM MATTHEWS Born Feb. 21, 1817, North Hill, Bedford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1855, John Wardle Company. SAMUEL MATTHEWS Son of William Matthews and Elizabeth Flinders. Born May 4, 1843, North Hill, Eng. Bishop Montpelier Ward. MATHEW ROWAN Born April 12, 1827, Renfrew, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1855. Bishop's Counselor ; Ward Clerk. School Teacher. JOHN TUCKETT Born April 26, 1834, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1855, Moses Thurston Company, Bishop, City Councilman. DAVID DUNCOMBB Came to Utah with "Sherman." Wife came with Orson Hyde, Aug. 15, 1850. JESSE BOND Born Feb. 27, 1832, Huntingford, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 13, 1855, Isaac All- red Company. High Priest. Farmer. 436 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 JOHN WOOD Born March 14, 1811, Acllam, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1855, Moses Thur- ston Company. High Priest ; Teacher. Merchant. JONATHAN DAVID WOOD Son of John Wood and Fannie Goble. Born April 29, 1849, in England. Bishop's Counselor ; High Councilor. Merchant. JONATHAN DAVID WOOD, JR. Son of Jonathan David Wood and Cath- lean Blanche Bird. Born June 20, 1875, Farmington, Utah. Ward and .Sunday School Teacher ; Seventy. Farmer. ALFRED JOSEPH BRODERICK Son of Thomas Begshaw Broderick, who came to Utah in 1855, and Elizabeth Hil- yard. Born Dec. 21, 1859, at Salt Lake City. High Priest. Merchant. Farmer and Apiarist. HENRY ISAAC BUSH Son of James Bush, who came to Utah in 1855, Wheelock Company, and Sophia Humphries. Born April 17, 1846, New- port, Monmouthshire, Wales. High Priest. JAMES HUMPHRIES BUSH Son of James Bush and Sophia Humphries. Born Nov. 28, 1848, Monmouthshire, Wales. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer. THOMAS CAMPBELL Born in Perthshire, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1855. Miner; Farmer. JOHN CAMPBELL Son of Thomas Campbell and Klteabeth Davis. Born Sept. 9, 1853, Ayrshire, Scotland. Farmer and stockraiser. Guard In Black Hawk Indian War. JOSEPH CLEMENTS Born Sept. 27, 1817, in New Jersey? Came to Utah in 1855, Independent Com- pany. Farmer and Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 437 .^E ^^L. f A I JAMES CROSSLEY Born June 1, 1816, Yorkshire, Came to Utah in 1855. Brewer. EPHRAIM JARVIS CROSSLEY Eng. Son of James Crossley and Mary Jarvis. Born June 4, 1850, Lancashire, Eng. Farmer and Lumberman, DAVID W. DAVIS Born March 28, 1828, Hairwin, Breck- nockshire, South Wales. Came to Utah in 1855. Farmer. WILLIAM G. DAVIS Son of David W. Davis and Charlotte Notte Jeremy. Born June 14, 1865, Lo- gan, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. WILLIAM TAYLOR DENNIS Born Jan. 18, 1810, in Lincoln County, Tenn. Came to Utah in 1855, Gilbert I. Gavin Company. JOHN EVANS Born April 2, 1807, Liverpool, Eng. to Utah in 1855. Tailor. Came JOHN EVANS, JR. Son of John Evans and Ann Dinwoody. Born Oct. 7, 1834, Liverpool, Eng. Ward Clerk. JESSE G. EVANS Son of John Evans, Jr., and Mary Goul- den. Born Sept. 23, 1877, Bountiful, Utah. President 100th Quorum Seventies. WILLIAM GILLESPIE Born April 13, 1855. Stonecutter. 438 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 JOHN GRIMMBTT Born Jan. 5, 1827, in England. Utah in 1855. HYRUM GRIMMBTT Came to Son of John Grimmett and Sarah Passey. Born Jan. 6, 1854, Birmingham, Bng. Postmaster at Bryan, Idaho. Justice of Peace. HUGH FINDLAY Born June 9, 1822. Came to Utah in 1855. High Priest. WILLIAM FOXLBY Born April 6, 1831, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1855, Kincaid Company, Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM LEMUEL FOXLBY Son of William Foxley and Alice Nicholls. Born June 29, 1890, Kaysville, Utah. MICHAEL A. HANSON Born April 11, 1848, in Denmark. Came to Utah in 1855. Farmer ; Watermaster Blsinore Canal Co. PETER M. HANSON Born Jan. 26, 1869, Ephraim, Farmer and Stockraiser. Utah. ABRAHAM HELM Born Feb. 22, 1813, Cumberland County, Pa. Came to Utah in 1855, Moses Thurs- ton Company. LEVI PHILLIP HELM Son of Abraham Helm and Mary Rich- ards. Born in October, 1851, Sandusky County, Ohio. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 JAMES HUTCHINS Born in England. Came to Utah in 1855. Elder. School Trustee ; Justice of Peace ; Farmer ; Stockraiser and Merchant. JOHN JAMES HUTCHINS Son of James Hutching and Ellen Cor- bridge. Born March 27, 1860, Slaterville, Utah. Elder. Justice of Peace ; Con- stable six years. CHARLES KEMP Born Oct. 30, 1833, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah in 1855. High Priest. DAVID MORRIS KING Born March 23, 1825, Winfreth, Dorset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1855. Elder. Echo Canyon War Veteran. Farmer and Stockraiser. THOMAS CLARK KING Son of David M. King and Susanna Clark. Born Oct. 10, 1874, Liberty, Idaho. Elder; Ward Clerk. THOMAS LLOYD Born June 15, 1833, Wolverhampton, Eng. Came to Utah in 1855. President 28th Quorum Seventies. THOMAS WILLIAM LLOYD Son of Thomas Lloyd and Susanna Stone. Born Sept. 21, 1867, Farmington, Utah. High Priest. Farmer; Cattleman. WILLIAM THOMAS LEA LLOYD Son of Thomas W. Lloyd and Elizabeth Lea. Born Dec. 9, 1877, Wellsville, Utah. One of Presidents 108th Quorum Seven- ties, Bannock Stake, Idaho. HANS LUNDBLAD Born Sept. 29, 1821, in Sweden. Utah in 1855. Tailor. Came to 440 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 T. MATTHEWS Oakley, Idaho. JENS C. NELSON Born Aug. 10, 1830, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1855. Seventy ; Missionary. Mayor of Moroni. Merchant and Farmer. JOSEPH NELSON Son of Jens C. Nelson and Annie Maria Anderson. Born Dec. 30, 1862, Moroni, Utah. Teacher. President Saltair Beach Co. ; President S. L. & L. A. R. R. JOHN AUGUSTUS PETERSON Born Dec. 3, 1851, in Sweden. Came to Utah 1855. Worked on St. George Tem- ple. Ward Teacher. Guard during early Indian troubles. WILLIAM GEORGE B. REYNOLDS Born Nov. 19, 1847, in Michigan. Came to Utah in 1855, Oxteam Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. FRANKLIN GREGSON ROBINSON Son of John Robinson, who came to Utah in 1855, and Ann Gregson. Born Oct. 18, 1854, London, Eng. City Councilman. Farmer and Stockraiser ; Merchant. FRANKLIN GRIFFIN ROBINSON Son of Franklin Gregson Robinson and Ellen Salina Griffln. Born Nov. 21. 1878, Richmond, Utah. STEPHEN WEEKS ROSS, JR. Son of Stephen Weeks Ross, who came to Utah In 1855, and Jane Stevenson. Born April 12, 1841. Came to Utah in Fall of 1855. High Priest. Farmer. GEORGE ROWLEY Born 1827 in England. Came to Utah in November, 1855. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1855 441 JOSEPH SMITH ROWLEY Son of George Rowley and Ann Brown. Born May 17, 1849, Yorkshire, Eng. Elder. Fruit Grower. DANIEL FRANCIS THOMAS Born April 13, 1826, Caermarthenshire, Wales. Came to Utah in 1855, Capt. .lones Company. Bishop of Lynne Ward 1875-90. Justice of Peace. ALBERT AUGUSTUS THOMAS Son of Daniel Francis Thomas and Stova Fredrika Olsen. Born Nov. 23, 1879. GEORGE THOMAS WOODHEAD Son of William Woodhead and Charlotte Spencely. Born in 1831. WILLIAM GOODMAN WARNER Son of William Warner, who came to Utah Nov. 1, 1855, Isaac Allred Company, and Keziah Goodman. Born Aug. 14, 1856, Ogden, Utah. EDWARD RICHINS Born April 16, 1835, Sheepcombe, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 7, 1855, William H. Hooper Company. Bishop of Echo Ward. SYLVESTER LOW Born March 12, 1836, Parish of Tealing, Forfarshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Nov. 13, 1855. Miller. OSBORNE LOW Son of Sylvester Low and Annie Allen. Born April 1, 1865, Ovid, Idaho. Bishop of Freedom Ward, Wyo., 1894. Bishop and Mayor of Afton, Wyo. JAMES STARLEY Born Aug. 5, 1817, Sussex, England. Came to Utah Nov. 17, 1855, Harper and Williams Freight Train Co. Teacher. 442 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 THOMAS L. CRAGHEAD Son of John Craghead, who came to Utah in July, 1856, and Martha Furgeson. Born May 3, 1842, Franklin County, Va. In- dian War Veteran. NICHOLAS GROESBBCK Born Sept. 5, 1819, Buskirk Bridge, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1856, John Banks Company. City Councilman, Salt Lake, one term. NICHOLAS H. GROESBECK Son of Nicholas Groesbeck and Elizabeth Thompson. Born April 27, 1842, Spring- field, 111. Merchant, Miner, Missionary. Home, Springville, Utah. HYRUM GROESBECK Son of Nicholas Groesbeck and Elizabeth Thompson. Born July 19, 1854, Spring- field, 111. Came to Utah in 1856, John Banks Company. High Priest. JOHN A. GROESBECK, JR. Son of John A. Groesbeck, who came to Utah Oct. 2, 1856, and Ann D. Bringhurst. Born March 22, 1872, at Salt Lake City. County Treasurer ; Merchant. THOMAS JACKSON Born Sept. 13, 1823, Blockley, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1856, Nicholas Groesbeck Company. Indian War Vet- eran. Cabinetmaker. JOHN WILLIAM JACKSON Son of Thomas Jackson and Alice Cromp- ton. Born June 4, 1849, Manchester, Eng. Indian War Veteran. High Priest. JOEL ALMON BASCOM Born March 27, 1832, Brooksfleld, N. Y. Came to Utah AUR. 18, 1856, Philemon C. Merrill Company. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. JOEL ALMON BASCOM, JR. Son of Joel Almon Bascom and Alice Jane Bell. Born Oct. 22, 1862, Provo, Utah. Elder. Farmer and Cattleman. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 443 IRA KIMBALL BASCOM Son of Joel Almon Bascom and Alice Jane Bell. Born March 26, 1873, Mona, Utah. Seventy. Ward Teacher. JOHN CROOK Born Oct. 11, 1831, Turtin, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1856, Phile- mon C. Merrill Company. Bishop's Coun- selor. Road Supervisor. FREDERICK CROOK Son of John Crook and Mary Giles. Born Aug. 17, 1869, Heber City, Utah. Bishop Third Ward Heber City, Utah. JAMES PULLEY Born May 17, 1828, Aylton, Hereford, Eng. Came to Utah in August, 1856. High Priest. Took part in Morrisite War. Farmer. JAMES FRANKLIN PULLEY Son of James Pulley and Alice Moon. Born May 5, 1848, Alton, Madison Co., 111. Elder; Ward Teacher. Black-Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer. CHESTER C. PULLEY Son of James Pulley and Lydia Esther Hall. Born Feb. 8, 1883, American Fork, Utah. Counselor In Bishopric of 1st Ward, American Fork. THOMAS RASBAND Born Dec. 21, 1818, Hinckley, Warwick- shire, EriJT Came to Utah in August, 1856. Bishop of Heber East Ward. FREDERICK RASBAND Son of Thomas Rasband and Elizabeth Giles. Born Sept. 2, 1856, Provo, Utah. First Bishop of Park City Ward. State Senator and Representative. WILLIAM GILES RASBAND Son of Thomas Rasband and Elizabeth Giles. Born Dec. 24, 1852, Quincy, 111. Came to Utah in August, 1856. Farmer. 444 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 GEORGE FRANDSEN Born May 31, 1834, Longland, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1856, Canute Peterson Company. First Bishop of Price GEORGE G. FRANDSEN Son of George Frandsen and Karen Niel- sen. Born Nov. 25, 1861, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High Priest. JAMES J. HANSON Born Nov. 8, 1844, Kaierod, Fredreksborg Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1856, Canute Peterson Company. President 62nd Quorum Seventies. SAMUEL L. HOWARD Born Oct. 16, 1840, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856, Helm Fam- ily. High Priest. Sunday School Super- intendent 20 years. SAMUEL HAMILTON HOWARD Son of Samuel L. Howard and Sarah Jane Hamilton. Born Oct. 21, 1867, Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., -Utah. Elder ; Teacher. Road Commissioner ; Farmer. PETER JENSON Came to Utah in 1856, Canute Peterson Company. WILLIAM MORRISON Born Sept. 7, 1820, Inverurie, Aberdeen- shire Scotland. Came to Utah in 1856, TJ^U?, , Petprson Company. President High Priests Quorum ; Patriarch. JAMES BRUCE MORRISON Son of William Morrison and Caroline C Iverson. Born Nov. 7, 1860, Mt. Pleasant Utah. Missionary ; Superintendent Sevier Stake Sunday School ; High Priest HANS JOHGEN MUNK Born Aug. 17, 1831. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856, Canute Peterson Company. High Priest. School Trustee. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 445 SOREN NELSON Born March 20, 1803. Came to Utah in 1856, Canute Peterson Company. Farmer. NELS C. NELSON Son of Soren Nelson and Christiana Hail- sen. Born Jan. 26, 1828, Flada, Denmark. Counselor to Bishop Hulme. Assisted im- migrants to Utah. NELS CHRISTIAN NELSON, JR. Son" of Nels Christian Nelson and Cath- erine Jenson. Born Feb. 14, 1860, in Utah. JONAS OTTERSTROM Born Dec. 9, 1820, Carlsbad, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856, Canute Peterson Company. Seventy ; Ward Teacher. Black Hawk Indian War Vet. AUGUST SWENSON Born Aug. 7, 1836, Stafsinge, Halland, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1856, Canute Peterson Company. High Coun- cilor. Farmer. 'JACOB VARNEY Born Aug. 7, 1831, Horley, Oxfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1856, Canute Peterson Company. Seventy Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. JOSEPH ARGYLE Born Sept. 12, 1818, Market Bosworth, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth Handcart Company. Indian War Veteran. JOSEPH ARGYLE, JR. Son of Joseph Argyle and Jane Finch. Born Feb. 25, 1842, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. LORENZO ARGYLE Son of Joseph Argyle and Jane Finch. Born Oct. 26, 1852, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Bishop ; Sun- day School Superintendent. 446 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 MICHAEL BEUS Born in 1811, Piedmont, Italy. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth Handcart Company. Farmer. PAUL BEUS Son of Michael Beus and Marianne Coombe. Born March 19, 1847, Piedmont, Italy. Came to Utah 1856. Ward Teacher 18 years. THOMAS B. BOURNE Born Oct. 26, 1797, Ledbury, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth Company. JOHN A. BOURNE Son of Charles Bourne and Jane Alder. Born Sept. 28, 1865, Farmington, Utah. ISAAC BOWERS Born Dec. 6, 1841. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM B. GIBSON Son of John S. Gibson and Jeanette S. Barnard. Born Sept. 26, 1838. RICHARD KENWOOD Son of John Henwood, who came to Utah in 1856, and Jane Treganna. Born Dec. 5. 1837, Cornwall, Kng. Assisted in bring- ing immigrants to Utah. JOHN KETTLE Born Feb. 1, 1806, Newton, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1856, Edward Ellsworth Handcart Company. Elder. Farmer. ROBERT KETTLE Born July 29, 1841, Grosberton Bank, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. Farmer and Stock- raiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 447 GEORGE THOMAS MARSHALL, Born Nov. 9, 1852, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth Company. Indian Fighter. Po- liceman at Franklin, Idaho, six years. GEORGE THOMAS MARSHALL, JR. Son of George Thomas Marshall and El- vira Van Curen. Born June 23, 1872, Franklin, Idaho. Sheriff Oneida County 1905-07. Salesman. JOHN ROWE MOYLE Born Feb. 22, 1808, Cornwall, Wendron, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Ed- mund Ellsworth Handcart Company. Pres- ident of Seventies. HENRY MOYLE Son of John Rowe Moyle and Phillippa Beer. Born Jan. 3, 1844, Plymouth, Devonshire, England. Patriarch ; Presi- dent of the 128th Quorum of Seventies. JAMES MOYLE Son of John Rowe Moyle and Phillippa Beer. Born Oct. 31, 1835, Rosmellen, Cornwall, England. JAMES HENRY MOYLE Son of James Moyle and Elizabeth Wood. Born Sept. 17, 1858, at Salt Lake City. City and County Attorney ; Lawyer. JOHN SILL Born Jan. 19, 1816, New Egypt, N. J. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1856. High Priest. Farmer ; Stockraiser and Orchardist. JOSEPH ALBERT SILL Son of John Sill and Elizabeth Kirkham. Born Jan. 11, 1867, Kaysville, Utah. Elder. School Teacher; Farmer. JOB WELLING Born Jan. 9, 1833, Anrtlam, Cheshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth Company. Bishop's Counselor. 448 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 FRANKLIN DAVID WELLING Son of Job Welling and Marrietta Holmes. Born Dec. 20, 1868, Farmington, Utah. High Priest ; Superintendent Y. M. M. I. A. of Bear River Stake. JOSEPH H. WELLING Son of Job Welling and Marietta Holmes. Born June 21, 1870, Farmington, Utah. Bishop of Riverside Ward ; Bishop's Counselor. MILTON H. WELLING Son of Job Welling and Emma L. Holmes. Born Jan. 25, 1876, Farmington, Utah. State Legislator. President Bear River Stake. f, JAMES ANDERSON Born Oct. 3, 1842, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Daniel D. MeArthur Handcart Company. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. JOHN ELLIS Born Jan. 5, 1828, Derby, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Daniel D. MeArthur Company. Carpenter and Building Inspec- tor. JOHN GREGORY ELLIS Son of John Ellis and Mary Ann Emmett. Born Aug. 22, 1859, Ogden, Utah. Mem- ber Board Education. JOHN FRKW Born June 17, 1826, Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah in October, 1856, Daniel D. MeArthur Company. JAMES FREW Son of John Frew and Jane Clotworthy. Born May 30, 1847, Delroy, Ayrshire, Scotland. WALTER GRANGER Born Aug. 4, 1821, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Daniel D. MeArthur Company. Bishop St. George, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 449 RICHARD KENNINGTON Born Oct. 18, 1804. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Daniel D. McArthur Company. WILLIAM HENRY KENNINGTON Son of Richard Kennington and Mary Davison. Born Aug. 7, 1842, Louth, Lin- colnshire, Eng. JAMES JACKSON MEIKLE Son of James Meikle, who came to Utah Sept. 28, 1856, and Harriette Louisa Pea- cock. Born Sept. 24, 1864, Smithfield, Utah. Mayor of Smithfleld. ROBERT PARKER Came to Utah in 1856, Daniel D. McAr- thur Handcart Company. ISAAC DUNFORD Born June 24, 1823, Trowbridge, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1856, John Banks Company. President Branch of Church at St. Louis. Merchant. ALMA B. DUNFORD Son of Isaac Dunford and Leah Bailey. Born Aug. 19, 1850, Trowbridge, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4. 1856. GEORGE HUMPHREYS Born April 19, 1842, Nottinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1856, John Banks Company. 29 SAMUEL HUMPHREYS Born Jan. 31, 1846, Mansfield, Notting- hamshire, Eng. Came to Utah in October. 1856, /ohn Banks Company. Bishop of LHngle Ward since 1887. HYRUM THOMAS HUMPHREYS Born May 13, 1850, Mansfield, Notting- hamshire, Eng. Came to Utah In October, 1856, John Banks Company. Bishop of Paris 1st Ward 16 years. 450 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 JOHN COZZINS Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1856, Edward Bunker, the 3rd Handcart Company. SAMUEL TAYLOR ORTON Born July 1, 1832, CarltonhiU, Notting- hamshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856 Edward Bunker Company. Member High Council. Marshal. JOEL HILLS ORTON Son of Samuel Taylor Orton and Julia Ann Johnson. Born March 4, 1811, Parowan Utah. Sheriff. DANIEL ROBERTS Son of David Roberts and Catherine Richard. Born Sept. 8, 1842, Llanfrohten, Wales. Came to Utah in 1856. JOHN DUNN ROBERTS Born May 26, 1824, Merthyr Tydfil, Gla- morganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah in October, 1856, Edward Bunker Company. High Priest. JOHN POWELL ROBERTS Son of John Dunn Roberts and Ann Pow- ell. Born July 17, 1856, Pottawattamie C9unty, Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Bishop's Counselor. GEORGE WISE CROPPER Born May 4, 1846, Harris County, Texas. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1856, Jacob Croft Independent Company. Sheriff of Millard County. Farmer ; Stockraiser. THOMAS WATERS CROPPER Son of George Waters Cropper, who came to Utah Oct. 11, 1856, Jacob Croft Inde- pendent Company, and Sebrina Lamb. Born Oct. 24, 1842, Harris County, Texas. JOSEPH HADFIELD Born April 13, 1832, Manchester, Eng Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1856, Jacob Croft' Company. Elder. Cabinetmaker and Car- penter. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 451 EDWARD BOWLES Born Sept. 23, 1806, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie Company. Elder. THOMAS BOWLES Son of Edward Bowles and Ann Bolton. Born AUK. 18, 1836, Wiltshire, Eng. High Priest. THOMAS EDWARD BOWLES Son of Thomas Bowles and Susannah Washburn. Born Dec. 5, 1860, Moroni. Utah. SAMUEL CLIFFORD BOWLES Son of Thomas Edward Bowles and Louisa Dale. Born Sept. 15, 1891, Nephi, Utah. JAMES CUNNINGHAM Born in 1805, Borland, Scotland. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie Hand- cart Company. High Priest. ALFRED GADD Born July 15, 1837, Orwell, Cambridge- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 18o6, James G. Willie Handcart Company. In- dian War Veteran. Horticulturist. WILLIAM ALFRED GADD Son of Alfred Gadd and Mary Ann Hobbs. Born Dec. 19, 1866. SAMUEL GEORGE GADD Son of Alfred Gadd and Mary Ann Hobbs. Born Dec. 5, 1868, Nephi, Utah. RICHARD GODFREY Born March 11, 1835, Worcestershire, Ens. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Wil- lie Company. Worked on Salt Lake Temple. 45-2 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 WILLIAM R. GODFREY Son of Richard Godfrey and Jane Jelley. Born Sept. 21, 1864, Salt Lake City. GEORGE HUMPHRYS Born in England. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie Company. JAMES HURREN Born Feb. 24, 1827, Suffolk, England. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Wil- lie Handcart Company. Counselor in Bishopric of Hyde Park. JAMES WILLIAM DAVID HURREN Son of James Hurren and Eliza Reeder. Born Dec. 8, 1859, Brigham City, Utah. Worked on Logan Temple 1887-89. REUBEN JAMES Son of William James and Jane Haines. Born June 15, 1842, Pinvin, Knit. Came to Utah Nov. 10, 1856. High Priest. Farmer. GEORGE JAMES Son of William James and Jane Haines. Born June 16, 1849. Pinvin, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 10, 1856. Elder. Farmer and Horticulturist. <* ' ' KOBKKT CAMPBELL KIKKWOOD Born Aug. 14, 1834. Bridge-on- Weir, Scot- land. Tame to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie Company. High Priest. Mer- chant. JAMES LAIRD Born Dec. 25, 1825. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856. Capt. Willie Handcart Company. Karly settler at Spanish Fork and Heber City. Farmer. EDWARD LAIRD Son of James Laird and Mary Rainey. Born Feb. 12, 1853, Anet Lodge, Scotland. Came to Utah with father. Freighter ; Stockman ; Farmer ; Contractor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 4.53 AMASA C. LINFORD Son of John Linl'ord and Maria Christian. Born Jan. 6, 1845, Swavesey, Eng. Came to Utah in November, 1856, James G. Willie Company. ALBERT HENRY LINFORD Son of Amasa C. Linford and Miranda Savage. Born May 25, 1879, Garden City, Utah. JOSEPH W. LINFORD Born March 30, 1842, Swavesey, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, Capt. Willie Hand- cart Company. Seventy. Commissioner. Farmer. JAMES O. PETERSEN Born April 8, 1820, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1856, Capt. Willie Hand- cart Company. High Priest. Cooper ; Farmer. ABRAHAM REISTER WRIGHT Born Aug. 18, 1811, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1856, Smoot & Kldredge Company. Seventy ; Ward Clerk. Freighter. ABRAHAM REISTER WRIGHT, JR. Son of Abraham Reister Wright anil Mary Ann Brockerman. Born July 10, 1842, Philadelphia, Pa. High Priest. Member Nauvoo Legion. CHARLES PKTER BURKE Born Aug. 11, 1837, Malmo, Sweden. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, Abraham O. Smoot Company. CHARLES BURKE Son of Charles Peter Burke and Betsy Christine Jenson. Born Dec. 2, 1868, Vir- gin, Utah. HENKY JAMES NEWMAN Born July 22, 1853, London, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, Abraham O. Smoot Company. 454 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 SAMUEL PERKINS Born Aug. 9, 1832, Irchester, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, A. O. Smoot Com- pany. Veteran Echo Canyon War. Farmer. SAMUEL JOHN PERKINS Son of Samuel Perkins and Ann Godfrey. Born Aug. 13, 1866, Wellsville, Cache Co., Utah. Farmer. JAMBS BRIGGS Born Jan. 4, 1845. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin Handcart Company. Seventy. Black Hawk Indian War Vet- eran. JOHN BRIGGS Son of James Briggs and Caroline Clark. Born Aug. 3, 1866, Sugarhouse Ward, Salt Lake Co., Utah. City Councilman. Blacksmith. GEORGE ALBERT BRIGGS Son of James Briggs and Caroline Clark. Born Feb. 14, 1879, Sugarhouse Ward, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Seventy. LANGLEY ALLGOOD BAILEY Son of John Bailey, who came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin Handcart Company, and Jane Allgood. Born March 27, 1838, Whitwick, Leicestershire, Eng. GEORGE FINLY BROOKS Born Nov. 4, 1833, Harwich, Kssex, Kng. Came to Utah Nov. 30. 1856, Edward Mar- tin Handcart Company. High Priest ; Pa- triarch ; Member Nauvoo Legion. JAMES SHERLOCK CANTWELL Born Nov. 24, 1813, Dublin, Ireland. Came to Utah Dec. 14, 1856, Martin and Tyler Company. JAMES CANTWELL Son of James Sherlock Cantwell and Elizabeth Cotteral Hamer. Born Feb. 28, 1843, Liverpool, Eng. President High Priests Quorum. Postmaster. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.56 455 JOHN CARTER Born Jan. 26, 1846, Preston, England. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Mar- tin Handcart Company. Sunday School Superintendent. Indian War Veteran. PETER LOUIS CHATELAIN Born Aus. 10, 1824, Piedmont, Italy. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Mar- tin Handcart Company. Seventy. Farmer. ALEXANDER CHATELAIN Son of Peter Louis Chatelain and Made- line Malan. Born Feb. 1, 1866, Member Weber Stake Sunday School Board. JOHN COOPER Born May 27, 1834, Loughborouuh, Lei- cestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin Handcart Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. THOMAS EVANS Born in 1817, Cardiff, Wales. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin Com- pany. Seventy. THOMAS EVANS, JR. Son of Thomas Evans and Anna Johns. Born Feb. 17, 1846, Cardiff, Wales. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. AARON JACKSON, JR. Son of Aaron Jackson and Elizabeth Hor- rocks. Born Jan. 18, 1854, Macclesfield, Eng. High Priest. SAMUEL STEPHEN JONES Born Feb. 9, 1837, near London, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Secretary of the Martin & Tyler Handcart Company. High Priest. Mining Man. JOSEPH LOYND Born Dec. 19, 1843, Dukinfield, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin Handcart Company. Bishop of 4th Ward, Springville. 4.56 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 RICHARD LOYNU Son of James Loynd and Elizabeth Thompson. Born Jan. 11, 1846, Cheshire, Ens. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856. Elder. Farmer ; Freighter. HEBER R. McBRIDE Born May 13, 1843, Churchto\vn, Lanca- shire, Ens. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856 Martin & Tylor Handcart Company High Priest. JOHN MIDDLETON Born Oct. 25, 1841, in England. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin Hand- cart Company. Farmer and Stockraiser. GEORGE W. MIDDLETON Son of John Middleton and Jane Withers. Born Dec. 10, 1866, Hamilton Fort, Utah. Alternate High Councilor. Mayor Cedar City, Utah. Physician and Surgeon. SAMUEL WASHINGTON ORME Born July 4, 1832, Mentor, Ohio. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Capt. Martin Hand- cart Company. Sunday School Superin- tendent. Mayor. SAMUEL WASHINGTON ORME, JR. Son of Samuel Washington Orme and Sarah Cross. Born Sept. 19, 1858, Tooele, Utah. Bishop. County Commissioner. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOSEPH CROSS ORME Son of Samuel Washington Orme and Sarah Cross. Born Aug. 1, 1860, Tooele, Utah. Hlg>. Councilman. County Com- missioner ; City Marshal. LAFAYETTE OKMK Son of Samuel Washington Orme and Sarah Cross. Born March 14, 1872, Tooele, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. Business Manager Tooele Milling Co. THOMAS PORRITT Born Aug. 13, 1849, Stockport, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin Handcart Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 ROBERT REEDBR Born May 24, 1827, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, J. G. Willie Hand- cart Company. Participated in Echo Can- yon Campaign 1858. RICHARD COLLINGS Born June 23, 1818, Trim;, Buckingham- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Martin Handcart Company. Lived at Sprinsville. Utah. DAVID COLLINGS Son of Richard Collings and Emma Law- rence. Born April 19, 1853, London, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856. State Sheep In- spector. Missionary to N. W. States. GEORGE HARRISON Born Aug. 24, 1841, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856, Martin & Tyler Handcart Company. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Vet. Hotel Proprietor. WILLIAM SEVERN Born Oct. 4, 1836, Hucknall Torkard, Eng. Came to Utah Dec. 1, 1856, Martin & Tyler Handcart Company. Missionary to South Dakota 1887-90. HENRY AUGUSTUS SQUIRES Born Feb. 22, 1825, Hartford, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 27, 1856, Edward Martin Company. Seventy. Merchant. WILLIAM STIMPSON Born June 15, 1821, Hempstead, Norfolk- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 185G, Edward Martin Company. FREDERICK STIMPSON Son of William Stimpson and Rebecca Loubbuck. Born June 15, 1852, Hidling- ton, Norfolk, Eng. Member 76th Quorum Seventies. ISAAC JOHN WARDLE Born June 14, 1835, Ravenstone, Leisces- tershire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856. Edward Martin Company. High Priest ; Missionary to England. 458 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 WILLIAM H. WARDLB Son of Isaac J. Wardle anrl Mary Ann Ashton. Born April 5, 1869, South Jor- dan, Utah. District Assessor. Member Board of Y. M. M. I. A. of Teton. JOHN WATK1NS Born April 13, 1834, Rainham, England. Came to Utah in 1856, Capt. Martin Hand- cart Company. Bishop 17 years. Indian War Veteran. EDWARD WATKINS Son of John Watkins and Margaret Akerst. Born Oct. 27, 1857, Provo, Utah. Missionary to England 1899-1901 ; High Priest. Farmer. FRANK WATKINS Son of John Watkins and Harriet Steele. Born Dec. 21, 1873, Midway, Utah. Elder; Ward Teacher. Farmer ; Merchant and Butcher. THOMAS D. WRIGHT Born Oct. 24, 1851. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Martin & Tyler Handcart Com- pany. Member 138th Quorum Seventies. Librarian at Cedar City. DAVID BOWEN Born Aug. 11, 1823, Llanelly, South Wales. Came to Utah in December, 1856, John A. Hunt Company. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. UKOUGK FOSTER BOWKN Son of David Bowen and Jane Foster. Born March 20, 1849, Llanelly, South Wales. Farmer and Stockraiser. Con- stable. JAMES EPHRAIM STEELE Born June 22, 1852, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah in December, 1856. Bishop of lona Ward ; President lona Mercantile Co. State Senator. NKIL M. STKWAKT Born April 15, 1855, Peoria, 111. fame to Utah in December, 1856, Capt. Hum Company. High Priest; High Councilor; President Y. M. M. I. A. ; Bishop. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 459 WILLIAM STEWART Born March 15, 1826, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah in December, 1856, Capt. Hunt Company. Indian War Veteran. Worked on St. George Temple. JAMES M. STEWART Son of William Stewart and Elizabeth Murdock. Born Sept. 22, 1851, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah In December, 1856. High Councilor. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE SINNETT Born Oct. 9, 1816, Angol, Pembrokeshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Dec. 10, 1856, William B. Hodgett Company. WILLIAM BOND Born Feb. 17, 1817, near Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856, William B. Hodgett Company. Farmer. JOHN A. JOST Born Dec. 17, 1811, Nova Scotia. Came to Utah Dec. 16, 1856, Wooley & Atwood Company. SAMUEL EDWARD JOST Son of John A. Jost and Mary Ann Zwicker. Born Dec. 1, 1844, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. Came to Utah with father. WILLIAM AYRTON Born Sept. 3, 1825, Skipton, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856, Capt. Stringham Com- pany. Landscape Gardener. DAVID JAMES AYRTON (Adopted Son of William Ayrton) Son of Victor H. James and Anne Thomas. Born Nov. 19, 1870, San Francisco, Cal. JOSEPH F. BURTON Born June 1, 1849. Came to Utah in No- vember, 1856. High Priest ; Ward Teach- er. Served in Black Hawk War. Early settler, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. 460 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 WILLIAM L. BURTOX Son of Joseph F. Burton and Nancy S? ,, Bo i?, March 2, 1878, Mt. Pleas- ?&, ^o ah '. Miss 'onary to Southern States 1106-08 ; Assistant Sunday School Supt. GEORGE BARDSLET Came to Utah Sept. 29, 185(5. C. W. CARTER Related to R. K. Thomas. HERBERT CHESLETT Related to R. K. Thomas. WILLIAM DRIVER Pioneer to Ogden. Wholesale and Retail DruKKist. Capitalist. LUBURN LIVONIA FULLER Born Dec. 9, 1841, Nashville, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1856. PERRY B. FULLER Son of Luburn Livonia Fuller and Min- erva Brown. Born Nov. 23, 1876 Elk Rapids, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1879. Bishop Knightsville Ward. JAMES HENRY HART Rom June 21, 1825, Hemingford, Hunting- donshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856. Bishop Bloomington Ward, Idaho. CHARLES HENRY HART Son of James Henry Hart and Sabina .Schoib. Born July 5, 1866, Bloomington, Idaho. One of the Seven Presidents of Seventies. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 461 DAVID E. HENDERSON Came to Utah in 1856. EDWARD G. HORROCKS Born 1842 in England. Came to Utah in 1856. Elder. GEORGE F. HOUSLEY Born in 1836, Button Ashflekl, Notting- hamshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856. JOSEPH (WEAVER) JOHNSON Son of William Weaver and Catherine Beck Johnson. Born Feb. 28, 1856, OK- den, Utah. Pres. Circleville Irrigation Co. WILLIS (WEAVER) JOHNSON Son of William Weaver and Catherine Beck Johnson. Born Nov. 4, 1868, Ogden, Utah. State Senator. Merchant. EDWARD JONES Born March 10, 1832, Ruthin Denbigh, Wales. Came to Utah in 1856. Elder. Blacksmith and Farmer. EDWARD JONES, JR. Son of Edward Jones and Martha Jack- son. Born Nov. 23, 1857, Nephi, Utah. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. ARTEMUS MILLETT Born June 15, 1836, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1856. Farmer and Fruit Grower. PAUL ALMA MILLETT Son of Artemus Millett and Nancy Jane Beal. Born Dec. 12, 1880, Spring Valley, Nev. Came to Utah in May, 1900. Bish- op's Counselor. Farmer and Fruit Grower. 462 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1856 GEORGE AIUIR Son of James Muir and Mary Reid Born Oct. 16, 1831, in Scotland. Came to Utah in 1856, Handcart Company. Seventy. Participated in Echo Canyon trouble. NIELS BENT NIELSEN Born July 14, 1822, Horsholm, Frederiks- borg, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1856. Drove stakes for lines of Main St., Hyrum NIELS JOSEPH NIELSEN Son of Niels B. Nielsen and Dortliea M Jensen. Born May 3, 1859, Weber Coun- ty, Utah. Bishop of Hyrum Sept., 1901 JOSEPH A. NIELSEN Son of Niels Joseph Nielsen and Nancy A. Anderson. Born Nov. 12, 1883. THOMAS ORD Born May 5, 1826, South Shields, Eng Came to Utah in 1856. High Councilor Justice of Peace; Lawyer; Farmer. JOHN W. ORD Son of Thomas Ord and Eleanor Grant Born Oct. 5, 1863, Nephi, Utah. Member .1st Quorum Seventies; High Councilor. Farmer ; Stockraiser. f * THOMAS PALMKR Born Jan. 16, 1820, Windsor, Berkshire pSL..^K?__iH*?*._ta L 85 ^- High rmer and t . , Stockrki"ei ' Counselor - JOHN PARRY Father of the wife of John Q. Adams of Logan, Utah. Came to Utah 1856, Hand- cart Company. ROBERT POPE Born June 16, 1828, London, Eng Came to Utah in 1856 with a mule team com- . pany. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.56 463 JOHN POWELL Born Oct. 31, 1822, St. Sepulchres Parish, London, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856. DAVID PINKNEY RAINEY Born Feb. 1, 1815, in Tennessee. Came to Utah in 1856. Bishop of Salem Ward, Utah. Soldier. DAVID WILLIAM RAIXEY Son of David P. Rainey and Dorothy Jane Dennis. Born Jan. 6, 1858, Provo, Utah. JAMES SABEY Born in 1834. Came to Utah in 1856, Handcart Company. Farmer and Sheep- raiser. JAMES SABEY, JR. Son of James Sabey and Elizabeth Mc- Collun. Born Jan. 20, 1872, Charleston, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. SAMUEL STAXWORTH Born in 1836, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah with a handcart company. Indian War Veteran. Machinist. SAMUEL N. STANWORTH Son of Samuel and Nancy Stanworth. Born March 21. 1864, Duncan's Retreat, Utah. Worked on St. George Temple. Fa>~ane' ANDREW Oct. 13, 1832. WATSON Came to Utah Born November, 1856. Missionary to Scotland 1877-79 ; High Priest ; Ordained Patriarch by Apostle Reed Smoot. ENOCH ELDRIDGE GURR Born July 29, 1813, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah in April, 1857. High Priest. Farmer. 464 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.57 JAMBS JOHNSON, JR. Son of James Johnson, who came to Utah in July, 1857, and Mary Nielsen. Born Nov. 20, 1859, Brigham City, Utah. Counselor in Presidency of Oneida Stake. JOSEPH JOHNSON Son of James Johnson, Sr., and Mary Nielsen. Born July 19, 1865, Brigham City, Utah. Assistant Sunday School Su- perintendent. Farmer and Stockraiser. SAMUEL BARNHURST Born Aug. 24, 1827. Came to Utah Aug. 7, 1857. SAMUEL JAMES BARNHURST Son of Samuel Barnhurst and Anna Marie Jensen. Born in November, 1860. Bish- op's Counselor. JAMES JOHN RICH Born Oct. 17, 1817, Middlefart, Denmark. Came to Utah in August, 1857, James Brown Company. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. HENRY JOHN RICH Son of James John Rich and Caroline Nielsen. Born Feb. 17, 1846, Fyen, Den- mark. Came to Utah in August, 1857. Elder. Black Hawk War Veteran. .JOHN JAMES RICH Son of Henry John Rich and Julia A. .Inlander. Born April 26, 1871, Monroe, Utah. Counselor in Bishopric of Molen Ward. Carpenter and Farmer. ADAM SMITH Born May 6, 1825, Germany. Came to Utah 1857, Capt. Walker Company. High Priest. Settled at Bountiful 1857. Par- ticipated in Echo Canyon War. JOSEPH M. SMITH Son of Adam Smith and Melissa Hemlry. Born July 17, 1855, Iowa. Member 62d Quorum Seventies ; High Councilor ; Tem- ple Offlciator. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 JOSEPH ESTLE SMITH Son of Joseph M. Smith and Josephine Anderson. Born Oct. 12, 1879. JOHN WHEELER Born Sept. 13, 1804, Gravely, Cambridge- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1857, William Walker Company. WILLIAM WHEELER Son of John Wheeler and Elizabeth Gill- ings. Born Sept. 4, 1842, Gravely. Eng. ELIAS CRANE Born Nov. 29, 1829, Dunton Bassett, Lei- cestershire, Ene;. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1857, Israel Evans Handcart Company. Indian War Veteran. Bishop's Counselor. ELIAS WILLIAM CRANE Son of Ellas Crane and Elizabeth Smith. Born Feb. 19, 1859, Sprinsrville, Utah. Jus- tice of Peace ; County Commissioner. Bishop's Counselor. ROBERT LEEMING FISHBURN Born Nov. 5, 1834, St. Ives, Huntingdon- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1857, Israel Evans Handcart Company. High Priest. yKW ^\ EVAN S. AlcKGAN Born Nov. 29, 1833, Lnysymond, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1857, Israel Evans Handcart Company. High Priest; High- Councilor. 30 WILLIAM R. MORGAN Son of Evan S. Morgan and Margaret Roberts. Born July 27, 1870, Liberty, Ida- ho. Bishop of Liberty Ward. THOMAS GIBBONS Born Pec. 25, 1820, Collorne, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1857, Israel Evans Company. County Commis- sioner. High Priest. 466 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 THOJIAS GIBBON'S, JR. Son of Thomas Gibbons and Sarah Eliza- beth Lark. Born Dec. 11, I860, Sugar House, Utah. Farmer. EDWARD LUNT Born July 10, 1815, Walsall, Staffordshire Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Israe Evans Handcart Company. ALFRED LUNT Son of Alfred Edward Lunt and Harriot Wood. Born Sept. 27, 1845, Willenhall Staffordshire, Eng. Seventy: High Priest' Farmer. JOHN THEURER Born Sept. 1, 1837, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Israel Evans Hand- cart Company. Settled at Providence, Utah, 1859. GEORGE WAYLETTE Born June 7, 1830, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1857, Israel Evans Hand- cart Company. Assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah. GEORGE C. WAYLETTE Son of George Waylette and Martha A. King. Born Dec. 7, 1863. DAVID ADAMS Born July 14, 1828, Buckinghamshire, Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse Hleh Priest: Mera - RICHARD THORNTON BOOTH Born Aug. 21. 1822, Turton, near Bolton Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept 12, 1857, Jesse B, Martin Company. JOHN EDGE BOOTH Son of Richard Thornton Booth and Elsie Edge. Born June 29, 1847, Bradshaw Gate, Bradfordleigh. Lancashire, Ens. Judge 4th Judicial District, * PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 467 ALFRED LEWIS BOOTH Son of Richard Thornton Booth and Elsie Edge. Born June 17, 1864, Alpine, Utah. Bishop 4th Ward Provo. City Attorney. HEXRY ALDOUS DIXON Born March 14, 1835, Grahamstown, Cape Colony, South Africa. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin Company. Mem- ber 45th Quorum Seventies. JOHN DE GREY DIXON Son of Henry Aldous Dixon and Sarah De Grey. Born July 16, 1867, Salt Lake City. Member High Council. Banker. HAMILTON MORRISON GARRICK Born Nov. 29, 1834, Gallowayshire, Scot- land. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin Company. Pres. 48th Quorum Seventies. EDWARD HORROCKS Born 1806, Bolton, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin Company. SAMUEL HORROCKS Son of Edward Horrocks and Alice Housh- ton. Born July 7, 1834, Macclesfield, Che- shire, Eng. Established firm of Horrocks Bros. ALLAN McQITARRIE Born Oct. 22, 1800, Kildalton, Ayrleshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin Company. High Priest. ROBERT McQUARRIE Born Aug. 17, 1832, North Knapdale, Ayrshire, Scotland. Bishop. Council- man of Ogden. County Commissioner of Weber County. JOHN PIMM Born Sept. 13, 1815, Ballatore, Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin Company. Seventy ; Tithing Clerk. Postmaster. Sexton. 468 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.57 SETH AUSTIN PIMM Son of Jolm Pimm ami Sarah Tabberer. Born Juno 23, 1842. County Clerk and Recorder at St. George. School Teacher. JOB PINGREE, JR. Son of Job Pingree, who came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857. Jesse B. Martin Company. Merchant at Ogden, Utah. JOHN PINGREE Son of Job Pingree, who came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin Company. Cashier First National Bank, Ogden, Utah. An associate of David Kccles. FRANKLIN PINGREE Son of Job Pingree and Esther Hooper. Born July 15, 1880, Os;den, Utah. Mayor of Coalville, Utah. Banker. EPHRA1M SWANN Born May 24, 1824, Fenbury, Eng. Came to Utah 1857, Jesse B. Martin Company. Settled at Ogden. EDWARD W. SWANN Son of Ephraim Swann and Fanny Jones. Born Oct. 15, 1863, Milton, Morgan Co., Utah. Missionary to England. Farmer and Stockraiser. THOMAS R. G. WELCH Born July 10. 1835, Shepton, Mabbett, Somersetshire, Kng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857. Member Nauvoo Legion. City Recorder, Morgan, Utah. JENS JE.NSEN Born March 22, 1829, Sundstrup, Sjelland, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1857, Mathias Cowley Company. Elder. Farmer. JAMKS .1KNSEN Son of Jens Jensen and Hannah Hansen. Born Dec. 17, 1853. Sundstrup, Denmark.- Member first Irrigation Congress in Utah. City Councilman. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 409 CHKISTEN C. LEE Born Oct. 20, 1833, Aabentorp, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13. 1857, Mathias Cow- ley Company. Farmer ; .Merchant. FRANCIS CHRISTEN LEE Son of Christen C. I-.ee and Sophia Karen Madsen. Born Nov. 11, 1865, Brigham City, Utah. Sunday School Teacher. OLE N. LILJEXQUIST Born Sept. 23, 1825, Isnaberga, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Mathias Oowley Company. Bishop of Hyrum Ward. Mayor of Hyrum. HAROLD F. LILJENQUIST Son of Ole N. Liljenquist and Christine H. Jacobson. Born Jan. 19, 1857, Copenhagen, Denmark. Bishop Hyrum Ward ; Presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A. NICOLAI SORENSEN Born June 23, 1799, Fjenneslov, Soro Ami. Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1857, Mathias Cowley Company. Settler of Mill Creek, Utah. PETER SORENSEN Son of Nicolai Sorensen and Malena Olsen. Born Oct. 10, 1832, Haugerup, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1857, Mathias Cowley Company. PETER ANDREW SORENSEN Son of Peter Sorensen and Rikke Ander- son. Born Sept. 12, 1858. Missionary to Norway 1899-1901 ; High Councilor. Mayor of Mendon. ISAAC SORENSEN Son of Nicolai Sorensen and Malene Olsen. Born Feb. 24, 1840. Missionary to Den- mark 1879-81 : Sunday School Superinten- dent. City Councilman. JENS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON Rorn May 6, 1821, HjorrinK Amt, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Chris- tian Christiansen Handcart Company. 470 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 JACOB SANDER BASTIAN Son of Jacob Bastian, who came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Christiansen Handcart Company, and Johanne Marie Sander. Born Sept. 12, 1858, Lehi, Utah. GEARSEN S. BASTIAN Son of Jacob Bastian and Johanne Marie Sander. Born July 1, 1860, Moroni, Utah. President Wayne Stake 1906-10. Farmer and Stockraiser. LARS CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN Born Jan. 30, 1832, Gleensholt, Sjelland, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857. Bishop's Counselor. SIMON PETER EGGERTSEN Born Feb. 7, 1826, Fyen, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Chris- tiansen Company. Seventy. SIMON PETER EGGERTSEN, JR. Son of Simon Peter EsKertsen and Johanne Thompson. Born Sept. 15, 1860, Provo, Utah. Bishop. PETER NELS GARFF Born Feb. 17, 1843, Serslov, Holbek Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1857, Christiansen Handcart Company. Pres. 73d Quorum Seventies. CHRISTOPHER GARFF Came to Utah October, 1857, Christiansen Handcart Company. JENS GOTFREDSON Came to Utah In 1857. WILLIAM GREEN Born March, 1803, Shelford, Nottingham- shire, Ens. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christiansen Handcart Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 471 JOHN GREEN Son of William Green and Harriet Hulet. Born May 12, 1835, Lambly, Nottingham- shire, Eng. Served in Echo Canyon and Black Hawk Indian Wars. CHRISTEN HANSEN Born Jan. 11, 1819, Senglose, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1857. High Priest. Farm- er ; Shoemaker. Lived at American Fork MARTIN HANSEN High Priest ; Member American Fork 4th Ward Bishopric ten years ; Ward and Sun- day School Teacher. Farmer and Fruit Grower. JOHN HEDER Came to Utah 1857, Christian Christiansen Handcart Company. LARS JACOBSEN Born Oct. 26, 1833, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1857, Christiansen Hand- cart Company. Member 70th Quorum Seventies. LARS JACOBSEN, JR. Born March, 1859, Lake View, Utah. High Priest ; Counselor in Elders Quorum ; Ward Teacher. Farmer. Resides at Lake View, Utah. JENS JENSON Born Feb. 12, 1829, Fjelsted, Sweden. Came to Utah 1857, Handcart Company. High Priest ; Ward Teacher. Farmer. JOSEPH HENRY JENSON Son of Jens Jenson and Celia Anderson. Born Aug. 23, 1867, Round Valley, Utah. Bishop Monroe North Ward. President Monroe Town Board. GLAUS HERMAN KARLSON Born Sept. 26, 1849. Came to Utah 1857, Christiansen Handcart Company. Mis- sionary to Sweden. Chairman of Parker Village Board. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 ANDREW LARSEN Born Jan. 26, 1819. Came to Utah Sept 13, 1857. Ward Teacher. Merchant. CHRISTIAN HANS MOXSON Born June 16, 1837, Frederickstad, Nor- way. Came to Utah in 1857. Senior President 39th Quorum Seventies Pio- neer Builder and Lumberman. EZRA PETER MONSON Son of Christian H. Monson and Ella Jen- eP '' 2 ' 1874> Ricnmoni! ' utah - FREDRICK OLSEN in Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857. Bishop; Patriarch. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer. OLE OLSEN Son of Fredrick Olsen and Mary Justison Born Jan. 19, 1849, Denmark. High Priest' Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer and Stockraiser. O. K. SALISBURY Born Nov. 17, 1836, Sonasslof, Sweden Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christiansen Handcart Company. Seventy. Farmer HANS SORENSON SCIIOW Born Sept. 22. 1825, Vandrup, Ribe Amt Denmark. Came to Utah Sept 3? 1867! Christiansen Handcart Company. PETER HANSON SORKNSEN Born AUK 14, 1809, Bornholm, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857. CHARLES WILLIAMS Born Sept. 1, 1831, Sutton, Herefordshire Enp. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1857 Wil- liam G. Young Company. High Priest PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18.57 473 THOMAS JAMKS WILLIAMS Son of Charles Williams and Margaret Sant. Born April 12, 1876, Clifton, Idaho. Elder. Constable. Farmer and Stock- raiser. JOHN STILLEY CARPENTER Born Feb. 11, 1849, Centerv ille, New Castle Co., Del. Came to Utah 1857, Jacob Hofflnes Company. Bishop Glendale Ward. MARTIX LKXZI Born Oct. 19, 1S1.1. Walbac-h, Rheinfel- den, Canton. Aarprau, Switzerland. Came to I'tah 1857, Jacob Hoffines Company. HUh Priest. JAMES STEVENSON Born July 26, 1815, England. Came to I'tah October, 1857, Gapt. Hofflnes Com- pany. High Priest. Guard in Black Hawk Indian War. Tailor. JOHN CHARLES STEVENSON Son of James Stevenson and Martha Charles. HENRY WILLIAM HALES Born Aug. 7. 1821>, Kainhan\ Eng. Came to Utah September, 1857. Bishop's Coun- selor ; Patriarch. County Road Commis- sioner. STEPHEN ALEXANDER HALES Born Feb. 22, 1851, Appanoose, 111. Family Home Riverside, Utah. HENRY WILLIAM HALES, JR. Born Dec. 23, 1857, Cedar Fort, Utah. City Councilman Park City. County Com- missioner Wasatch County. Teamster. ALVA BUTLKU Son of Samuel Butler and Hannah Barker. Born Jan. 13. 1845, Randolph County, Ind. Bishop Granite and Butler Wards. 474 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 ALVA J. BUTLER Son of Alva Butler, who came to Utah September, 1857, and Jane B. Labrum. Born AUK. 26, 1869, South Cottonwood, Utah. Alternate HiKh Councilor. WILLIAM W. BUTLER Son of Samuel Butler, who came to Utah September, 1857. Bishop Butler Ward. NELS AUGUST NELSON Son of John Nelson, who came to Utah Oct. 18, 1864, William B. Preston Com- pany, and Annetta Benson. Born May 8, 1857, Eringa, Halland Lan, Sweden. AUGUST LEVI NELSON Son of Nels August Nelson and Fidelia Ellen Koffoed. Born April 27, 1885. JOSEPH HARRIS RIDGES Born April 27, 1827, Tottenham, Hamp- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1857, Charles C. Rich Company. Builder of the Tabernacle Organ. Hish Priest. JOHN WILLIAM SNELL Born March 2, 1842, Hancock County, 111. Came to Utah September, 1857, James H. Hart Company. Member 8th Quorum Elders. Salt Refiner. Merchant. JOHN WILLIAM SNELL, JR. Son of John William Snell and Luemma E. Laub. Born 1866, Salt Lake City. Re- sided at Salt Lake City. HENRY DAVID DALL Born April 22, 1820, Wimpole, Cambridge- shire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1857, Independent Company. Pres. Bishopstaf- ford Branch, England. HENRY DAVID DALL, JR. Son of Henry David Dall and Rebecca Ca- rier. Born Dec. 13, 1839, Cambridgeshire. Eng. Came to Utah with father. Bishop's Coimselor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 475 GEORGE ROBERTS Born Sept. 21, 1833, London, Eng. Came to Utah December, 1857. School Teacher. Ward Clerk. Farmer. . ' . ADAM CHAUWICK Son of Joseph Chadwick, who came to Utah 1857, John Smith Company, and Mary Whitehead. Seventy. Farmer. JOSEPH A. CHADWICK Son of Adam Chadwick and Eliza Fluit. Born Dec. 4, 1887, Whitney, Idaho. Sev- enty; Missionary to Central States 1907- 1909. Farmer. MICHAEL CLARK Born June 12, 1832, Chumsford, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah in 1857. Ward Teach- er. Farmer and Stockraiser. DAVID CLARK Son of Michael Clark and Eliza Smuin. Born March 6, 1866, Salt Lake City. Sev- enty. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN BARLOW Born Aug. 3, 1838, Manchester, Ens. Came to Utah 1857, Oxteam Company. Elder; Ward Teacher. Early Settler of Cedar Valley. HANS ULRICH BRYNER Born March 30, 1806, Bosserdorf, Switzer- land. Came to Utah 1857, Edward Hunter Company. Pioneer of Dixie. HANS ULRICH BRYNER, JR. Son of Hans Ulrich Bryner and Verena Wintsch. Born April 29, 1827, Zurich, Switzerland. High Priest. ALBERT BRYNER Son of Hans Ulrich Bryner, Jr., and Marie Mathis. Born Feb. 5, 1863, St. George, Utah. Bishop Price Ward. 476 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 THOMAS FEATHERSTONE Born Sept. 15, 1834, KeRworth, Leicester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1857. High Priest. EBER COLDER Came to Utah 1857, Captain Babbit Com- pany. ALBERT ISHMAEL COLDER Son of Eber Colder anil Viola Shippee. Born June 15, 1870, Iowa. Resides at Rexburg, Idaho. E. M. .IANNEY Son of Thomas A. .Tanney. who came to Utah in 1857, and Mary Anna Whittaker. Born July 21, 1860, Salt Lake City. City Marshal. Turnkey at State Penitentiary. CHRISTIAN JEPPESEN Born Oct. 6, 1817. Came to Utah 1857, Capt. Neslen Company. Ward Teacher. Sailor : Farmer ; Stockraiser. Resided at Provo, Utah. i%> CHRISTIAN JEPPESEN, JR. Son of Christian .leppesen and Hansena Nielson. Born Jan. 22, 1868. Ward Teach- er : Asst. Sunday School Supt., Lake View. Farmer. JOHN Mcl'HKYSTAL Born July 14, 1834, Belfast, Ireland, to Utah in 1857. Mining Man. Came MATTHEW McCUNE Born July 23, 1811, Douglas. Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1857, Delaware Company. HENRY F. McCUNE Born May 31, 1840, Calcutta, India. Mis- sionary to East Indies and New Zealand. Pioneer of Nephi, Utah, 1851. Capitalist. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 477 SAMUEL CROWTHER MITTON Born May 27, 1835, Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1857. SAMUEL BAILEY MITTON Born March 21, 1863, Wellsville, Utah. JONATHAN BLACKMORE PRATT Born Jan. 18, 1807. Greenville, Tenn. Came to Utah in 1857. Early Settler in Dixie. WILLIAM H. PRATT Born May 8, 18-14. First Bishop of Hinck- ley Ward, Millarcl Stake. WILLIAM F. PRATT Born April 27, 1867, Duncan's Retreat, Utah. Bishop Hinckley Ward, Millanl Stake. JOHN HENRY READER Son of James Reader and Honor Welch. Born Jan. 2, 1855, Alton, 111. Came to Utah in 1857. Elder. Postmaster. Banker; Stockman and Apiarist. JOHN JOSEPH RHODES Son of 'Thomas Rhodes, who came to Utah about 1857, and Cecelia Johnson of Wa- satch County. Born March 5, 1863, Rhodes Valley, Utah. GEORGE ROBB Son of William Robb, who came to Utah in 1857, and Ellen Bell. Born Sept. 23, 1857, Sydney, New South Wales, Aus- tralia. Farmer and Stockraiser. : - ' RUEL MILLS ROGEKS Born Jan. 19, 1835, New York. Came to Utah 1857, Handcart Company. Physician. 478 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1857 JOHN K. TRUMBO Born Nov. 14, 1821, Bath County, Ky. Came to Utah 1857, John Reese Company. Auctioneer. Resided at Salt Lake City. JOSEPH FOREMAN Father of the wife of Harry Horsley of Salt Lake City. Came to Utah September, 1857, Captain Hoffine Company. JOSEPH M. WATSON Born July 7, 1840, ByUlon, Northumber- land, Eng. Came to Utah in 1857. City Councilman two years. Contractor and Builder. JAMES MONTGOMERY WHITMORE Born September, 1822, Tennessee. Came to Utah 1857, Homer Duncan Company. Seventy. JAMES MONTGOMERY WHITMORE Son of James Montgomery Whitmore and Mary Elizabeth Carter. Born June 5, 1855, Waxahachie, Texas. Pres. First National Bank. Price, Utah. MATTHEW CULLEN Born July 17, 1840, County Carlow, Ire- land. Came to Utah in 1857 ; to Salt Lake City January, 1858, with Johnston's Army. Capitalist. LKl'KELET J. HOPKINS Father of the wife of John S. Carpenter of Glemlali-, Utah. Came to Utah 1858, Johnston's Army. PHILETUS JONES Son of Charles H. Jones, who came to Utah 1857, Johnston's Army, and Viola M. Rus- sell. Born Jan. 13, 1875, Grafton, Utah. Member 21st Quorum Seventies. Farmer. ANDREW OVERLAID Came to Utah before 1857. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1858 479 ANDREW ANDERSEN Son of Jorgen Christian Andersen ami Anne Petersen. Born Sept. 18, 1833, Brom- me, Soro Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah 1858, R. K. Homer Company. HENRY F. BAKER Son of William Baker and Francis Friend. Born Nov. 20, 1867, Minersville, Utah. Missionary to England ; High Priest ; Counselor and Bishop. JOHN BALLS Born Oct. 13, 1825, Chediston, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson Molen Com- pany. High Priest. Farmer and Stock- raiser, WILLIAM BALLS Son of 'John Balls and Sarah Baxter. Born Feb. Iff, 1849, Suffolk, Vng. High Priest. Farmer and Sheepraiser. JOSEPH BODELL Born June 12, 1840, Breaston, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah June 21, 1858. enty. Butcher ; Farmer. Sev- JOSEPH SAMUEL HENRY BODELL Son of Joseph Bodell and Emma Jane Farmer. Born Aug. 23, 1863, Herrlman, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Merchant and Farmer. JOSEPH SAMUEL BODELL Son of Joseph Samuel Henry Bodell and Sarah L. Howard. Born April 6, 1892. THOMAS BULT Came to Utah 1858, Horace S. Eldredge Company. RICHARD DYE Born Jan. 2, 1832, Hertford, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1858, Iver N. Iverson Company. Seventy. Justice of Peace. 480 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1858 SAMUEL G. DYE Son of Richard Dye anrl Mary Peek Born Oct. 10, 1876, RiverOale, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. County Clerk. JEFFERSON EASTilOXD Son of Klbert Eastmoml and Elizabeth Brown. Born in Great Kills, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1858. Architect. ISAAC R. GOODWIN Born June 18, 1810, North Hartford, Conn. Came to Utah in 1858. High Priest. ISAAC H. GOODWIN Son of Isaac R. Goodwin and Laura Hotch- kiss. Born Aug. 25, 1834, Hartford, Conn. Came to Utah with father. Elder. Mer- chant ; Farmer. ISAAC SMITH GOODWIN Son of Isaac H. Goodwin and Betsey Smith. Born Feb. 8, 1861, Lehi, Utah. Elder Farmer; Carpenter. JOSEPH RAYNER HOOTON* Born May 21, 1851, Philadelphia, Pa Came to Utah 1858, Captains Smith and Amies Company. Postmaster twelve years. Road Supervisor, WII.I.AKH TTOGAN KOFFORD " f \\'iHanl Kofford. Born May 24, 1858, Bornholm, Denmark. GEORGE McBEMUS Came to Utah in 1858. Pioneer to Gunni- son, Utah. WILLIAM MOYES Came to Utah February, 1858, San Ber- nardino Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1858 481 PETER OSTENSEN Born in Norway. Came to Utah in 1858. Seventy. Farmer. JENS OTTOSEN Born June 20, 1813, Bedster, Woognfil Parish, Aalborg Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1858. MORGAN POWELL Came to Utah 1858, Frederick Bussarcl Independent Company. WILLIAM BOWKER PRESTON Born Nov. 24, 1830, near Stauoton, Augus- ta Co., Va. Came to Utah Jan. 1, 1858, Henry G. Boyle Company. First Bishop of Logan. Presiding Bishop. WILLIAM BOWKER PRESTON, JR. Son of William Bowker Preston and Har- riet Ann Thatcher. Born Aug. 25, 1864, Logan, Utah. Seventy; Missionary to Germany. Merchant. WILLIAM BOWKER PRESTON III. Son of William Bowker Preston, Jr., and Katherine Dollinger Pyper. Born Aug. 2, 1886, Logan, Utah. Missionary to Ger- many 1906-1909. Physician. DANIEL STARK Born June 29, 1820, Boston, Mass. Came to Utah 1858, Joseph Mathews Company. Bishop. City and County Surveyor in Pay- son and Utah County. Farmer. 31 JOHN DANIEL STARK Son of Daniel Stark and Ann Cooke. Born Sept. 18, 1845, Boston, Mass. Came to Utah 1858, Joseph Mathews Company. Sunday School Teacher. Merchant. WILLIAM D. STARTUP Born Sept. 8, 1846, Widcombe, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1868. Elder. Merchant. 482 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1858 KNUD SWENSEN Born April 11, 1827, Weiby, Denmark. Came to Utah July 10, 1858, Horace Eld- redge Company. Bishop at Pleasant Grove. City Councilman. Farmer. JOHN CANUTE SWENSON Son of Knud Swensen and Annie Peter- sen. Born Feb. 4, 1869, Pleasant Grove, Utah. High Priest. Professor Brigham Young University. BEARNT FREDERICK THORNBURG Born Dec. 28, 1831, Falkastra, Christian- stad, Sweden. Came to Utah Nov. 28, 1858. Drove a team for United States Govern- ment from Ft. Leavenworth to Salt Lake. EDWIN TWITCHELL Son of Kphraim Twitchell, who came to Utah in 1858, and Malissa Knight. Born May 23, 1836, McDownard County, 111. EBENEZER RUSSEL YOUNG Born Nov. 14, 1814, Richmond, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1858, E. R. Young Com- pany. Lumberman ; Merchant. ROBERT YOUNG Son of Ebenezer Russel Young and Mar- garet Holden. Born June 25, 1851, Pater- son, N. J. Came to Utah with father. Railroad Contractor. WILLIAM HOPKINS ANDERSON Born Feb. 14, 1835, Florence, Washington Co., Pa. Came to Utah July 16, 1869, Alfred Randall Company. Bishop's Coun- selor, Postmaster at Portage, Utah. ANDREW J. JOHNSON Born June 14, 1827, Asige, Halland, Swe- den. Came to Utah 1859, Captain Rawlins Company. Farmer. SAMUEL JOHNSON Son of Andrew J. Johnson and Elna Petro- nela Pehrson. Born March 30, 1869, Tooele, Utah. Tooele County Treasurer, Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 483 WARNER HOOPES Came to Utah Aug. 2, 1859, Harlow Red- field Company. ALBERT C. LYON Born Sept. 15, 1832, Lunenburg, Vt. Came to Utah Aug. 17, 1859, Harlow Redfield Company. Elder. Farmer. ANDREW ANDERSON Born March 29, 1823, Skogardshus, Gnarp, Sweden. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1859, Capt. James S. Brown Company. Indian War Veteran. Merchant ; Farmer. LEWIS ANDERSON Son of Andrew Anderson and Anna C. Olson. Born Oct. 24, 1850, Hickeberg, Sweden. President South San Pete Stake and of Manti Temple. GEORGE LIONEL FARRELL Born Feb. 16, 1829, Hewelsfleld, Glouces- tershire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 12, 1859, James S. Brown Company. Bishop Smithfield. WILLIAM G. FARRELL Son of George Lionel Farrell and Marie Charlotte Lundberg. Born May 24, 1864, Logan, Utah. Secretary Commercial Club, Salt Lake City. Insurance. SAMUEL HANDY Born March 23, 1819, Alveston, Derby- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1859, James Brown Company. High Priest. Farmer. WILLIAM HANDY Son of Samuel Handy and Hannah Watts. Born July 30, 1842, Halestone, Warwick- shire, Eng. Minuteman. High Priest. Settled at Whitney, Idaho, 1873. JAMES HENRY HANDY Son of Samuel Handy and Hannah Watts. Born April 18, 1855, Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. 484 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 ANDREW JENS ISGREEN Born May 24, 1830, Skonabeck, Skaninge Sweden. Came to Utah 1859, James S Brown Company. High Priest. Sexton. Farmer and Stockraiser. LARS C. LARSON Son of Christean S. Larson and Johanna Marie Christiansen. Born Dec 4 1844 in Denmark. President High Priests Quo- rum. School Trustee. Farmer. ENOCH LEWJS Born Nov. 25, 1824, Wales. Came to Utah 1859, James Brown Company. WILLIAM MCKAY Born March 18, 1804, Sutherlandshire, Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1859, James S. Brown Company. Founder first co-operative drug company, Ogden. DAVID MCKAY Son of William McKay and Ellen Oman. Born May 3, 1844, Thurso, Caithness, Scot- land. Came to Utah with father. Bishop of both Eden and Huntsville Wards. DAVID O. McKAY Son of David McKay and Jennette Evans Born Sept. 8, 1873, Huntsville, Utah. Mem- ber Council of the Twelve Apostles Lives at Ogden, Utah. NILS NILSON Born Dec. 30, 1811, at South Rouln, Mal- "i Co., Sweden. Came to Utah Aug. 26, 1859, James S. Brown Comoanv Hieh Priest. Farmer. PETFR NILSON Son of Nils Nilson and Bocl Tj'keson. Born Nov. 18, 1840, South Rouin, Jlalno Co., Sweden. GEORGE PIERCE Born Jan. 20, 1828, England. Came to Utah 1859. Captain Brown Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 485 FRANCIS MARION PIERCE Son of George Pierce and Nancy Campbell. Born May 1, 1857, Liberty, Pa. Farmer. THOMAS STOKES Son of Jeremiah Stokes, who came to Utah 1859, James Brown Company, and Fanny Walker. Born Nov. 13, 1842, Bolsover, Eng. Came to Utah 1859. High Priest. WILLIAM H. WRIGHT Born March 11, 1827, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 18, 1859, James Brown Company. High Priest ; Missionary to England 1882-84. PARLEY T. WRIGHT Son of William H. Wright and Emma Tay- lor. Born Sept. 29, 1861, Richmond, Utah. Missionary to California 1885-87 ; High Priest. Merchant. WILLIAM BATE Born May 12, 1846. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, Horton D. Haight Company. W. A. BATE Son of William Bate and Hannah Shelly. Born 1870, American Fork, Utah. Farmer. : JABEZ DANGERFIELD Born Nov. 12, 1840, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, Horton D. Haight Company. High Priest. JOSEPH C. DAVIS Born Dec. 6, 1836, Parish St. Michael, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, Horton D. Haight Church Train. Bishop 1st Ward, Panguitch ; Missionary. DANIKL JACOBS Came to Utah September, 1859, Horton D. Haight Company. 486 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 JOHN KING Born Sept. 27, 1835, Hockley, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, Horton D. Haight Company. Bishop's Counselor. School Trustee. WILLIAM DAVID OWEN Born June 14, 1810, Paddington, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Oxteam Com- pany. Elder. Sailor in British Navy. WILLIAM DAVID OWEN, JR. Son of William David Owen and Rhoda Moss. Born Sept. 2, 1843, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 30, 1862. Sunday School Superintendent. Seventy. JOHN SUTHERLAND Born Oct. 12, 1832, Brough Nesting Parish, Shetland Islands. Came to Utah 1859, Horton D. Haight Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. AMOS MOSES VIRGIN Born Jan. 23, 1854, Marston, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1859, Horton D. Haight Company. High Priest. Resides at Rex- burg, Idaho. HOGAN ANDERSON Born March 23, 1806, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1859, George Rowley Hand- cart Company. High Priest. Miller and Farmer. AXEL ANDERSON Son of Hogan Anderson and Celia Swen- son. Born Nov. 10, 1869, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Sawmill Man ; Farmer. WILLIAM ATKIN Born March 27, 1836, Empingham, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 10, 1859, George Row- ley Handcart Company. City Marshal at St. George, Utah. EBENEZER BEESLEY Born Dec. 14, 1840, Bicester, Oxfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1859, George Rowley Handcart Company. High Priest. First President Beesley Music Co. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 487 JOSEPH BROADBENT Born Aug. 26, 1836, Oldham, Eng. Came to Utah 1859, George Rowley Handcart Company. Black Hawk Indian War Vete- ran. Farmer ; Merchant. JOSEPH SAMUEL BROADBENT Son of Joseph Broadbent and Sarah Dixon. Born Nov. 3, 1863, Lehi, Utah. Missionary to England 1896-97 ; Sunday School Supt. JOHN CARTWRIGHT Born July 2, 1837, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1859, George Rowley Handcart Company. Bishop's Counselor. Merchant. r* *> THOMAS HYRUM CARTWRIGHT Son of John Cartwright and Ann Hard- wick. Born Oct. 5, 1863, Salt Lake City. Pres. and Mgr. Home Agency Co. CHRISTIAN HOGENSEN Born Feb. 9, 1830, Lear, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1859, George Rowley Handcart Company. Indian War Veteran. PETER LATER Born May 30, 1835, Newton Heath, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1859, George Row- ley Handcart Company. SAMUEL S. LATER Son of Peter Later and Elizabeth D. Brown. Born March 14, 1864, Sugar House, Salt Lake Co., Utah. CHARLES ROSEBERRY Born Aug. 22, 1825, Malmo, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, George Rowley Handcart Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Carpenter. WILLIAM WILDE Born 1807, Hampshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1859, George Rowley Handcart Company. High Priest. Assisted in building railroads. 488 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 JOHN WILDE Son of William Wilde and Eliza Phillips. Born April 12, 1831, Fair Oak, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1854. Seventy. City Councilman. DANIEL WILLIAM WILDE Son of John Wilde and Mary Reybec. Born May 1, 1870, Coalville, Utah. Sunday School Superintendent ; Elder. HENRY WILDE Son of William Wilde and Eliza Phillips. Born May 16, 1832, Hampshire, Eng. ' JOHN FREDERICK WILDE Son of Henry Wilde and Jane Batchelor. Born May 16, 1853, Hampshire, Eng. Bish- op of Coalville Ward ; Sunday School Su- perintendent ; President. Y. M. M. I. A. THOMAS WILDE Son of William Wilde and Eliza Phillips. Born Jan. 12, 1842, Fair Oak, Bishop Stake, Eng. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Councilor. ANDREW ANDERSEN Born 1814, Hvisted, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1859, Robert F. Neslen Company. Early Settler Spring City. High Priest. Farmer. LOUIS C. ANDERSEN Son of Andrew Andersen and Mary Ann Jespersen. Born May 24, 1849, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1859. Elder. Farmer apd gtockrajser. JAMES CULLIMORE Son of William Cullimore, who came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Robert S. Neslen Com- pany, and Lettice Powell. Born July 26, 1840, Tockington, Gloucestershire, Eng. ALBERT LORENZO CULLIMORE Son of James Cullimore and Clara Fowlke. Born Dec. 25, 1872, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Bishop Lindon Ward. Prop'r Mercantile CQ, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 489 HENRY EDWARD DESAULES Born Oct. 27, 1833, Val-cle-ruz, Switzer- land. Came to Utah September, 1859, Robert Neslen Company. Worked as Carpenter on St. George Temple. HANS HANSEN Son of Hans Jorgensen anil Maren Chris- tena Peterson. Born July 15, 1835, Trust- rup Borup, Denmark. Came to Utah 185'J, Robert F. Neslen Company. JOHN HIGSON Born Dec. 29, 1826, Westhoughton, Lan- cashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1859, Robert F. Neslen Company. Miner. Seventy. NIELS PETER LARSON Born April 20, 1826, Weiby, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1859, Robert F. Neslen Company. High Priest. Farmer. JENS NIELSON Born June 5, 1826, Fener, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1859, Robert F. Neslen Company. Lieutenant in Black Hawk In- dian War. CHRISTIAN OLSEX Born Jan. 21, 1825, Raade, Sosn, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1859, Robert Nes- len Oxteam Company. JAMES WOODS Born Sept. 13, 1839, Chobham, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1859, Robert F. Neslen Company. Pres. 43d Quorum Seventies. JOSEPH BEAN Son of George Bean and Mary Milner. Born April 18, 1814, Ulleskelf, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859. High Priest. JOHN CATLIN DAVIS Born 1821, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16. 1859, Edward Stevenson Com- pany. Gunsmith and Locksmith, 490 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 MARTIN HEINER Born March 17, 1818, Waldorf, Saxe Meiningen, Germany. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson Company. Patriarch. ANTHONY HEINER Son of Martin Heiner and Adelgunda Dletzel. Born June 24, 1844. Came to Utah with his father. DANIEL HEINER Son of Martin Heiner and Adelgunda Dietzel. Born Nov. 27, 1850, Franklin County, Pa. President Morgan Stake. HARVEY COE HULLINGER Born Dec. 2, 1824, Mad River, Champaign Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson Company. Physician. WINFIELD SCOTT HULLINGER Son of Harvey Coe Hullinger and Julia Bloce. Born Jan. 5, 1848, Tremont, Ohio. Came to Utah 1859, with parents. High Priest ; Ward and Sunday School Teacher. WINFIELD SCOTT HULLINGER, JR. Son of Winfleld Scott Hullinger and Anniel Davis. Born Sept. 23, 1870, Salt Lake City. Ward and Sunday School Teacher ; Bishop's Counselor. JOHN JARDINE Born Oct. 31, 1830, Middlequarter, Scot- land. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1859, Ed- ward Stevenson Company. Bishop Clark- ston Ward 1876-1901. JAMES B. JARDINE Son of John Jardine and Agnes Beveridge. Born Dec. 6, 1860, Wellsville, Utah. Bish- op Trenton Ward 1885-88. Pres. High Priests Clarkston Ward. JAMES JARDINE Born May 6, 1819, East Killbride, Lanark- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah 1859, Ed- ward Stevenson Company. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 491 WILLIAM H. JARDINE Son of James Jardine and Isabella White. Born Feb. 11, 1865, Wellsville, Utah. Bishop Taylor Ward, North Weber Stake. GEORGE LEE Born Sept. 27, 1824, Nottinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Ed- ward Stevenson Company. Indian Fighter. WILLIAM JOHN SILVER Born Oct. 1, 1832, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson Company. Built first steam pump and steam engine in Utah. JOHN A. SILVER Son of William John Silver and Mary As- kie. Born Aug. 7, 1855, on Atlantic Ocean. VIce-President and Mgr. Lethbridge Iron Works, Limited, Lethbridge, Alta., Can. HYRUM A. SILVER Son of William J. Silver and Mary Askie. Born April 25, 1859, Brooklyn, N. Y. High Priest. Owner and Prop. Silver Bros. Iron Works. THOMAS WASDEN Born June 29, 1821, Laushton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1859, Edward Stevenson Company. High Priest. Black Hawk In- dian War Veteran. ORSON WASDEN Son of Thomas Wasden and Mary Coucorn. Born Sept. 27, 1850, Aston, Yorkshire, Eng. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. High Priest. FREDERICK WASDKN Son of Thomas Wasden and Mary Cou- corn. Born May 22, 1846. THOMAS MCNEIL Born Feb. 15, 1828, Tranent, Scotland. Came to Utah in October, 1859. Presiding Elder, Tranent, Scotland ; Bishop's Coun- selor. 492 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 JAMES REID McNEIL Born Oct. 24, 1854, Tranent, Scotland. Bishop. Member Oneida Stake High Coun- cil. JAMES COULT Born April 26, 1837, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1859. Plasterer; Contractor. JAMES E. COULT Son of James Coult and Sarah Ann Travel- ler. Born March 18. 1869, Salt Lake City. Elder. Plasterer ; Contractor. GEORGE HAMILTON TAYLOR Born Nov. 4, 1829, West Bloomfield, N. J. Came to Utah September, 1859. Trustee Latter-day Saints College ; Bishop 14th Ward. JOHANAS ANDERSON Born Feb. 18, 1823, Wiarp, Sweden. Came to Utah in 1859. High Priest. JOHN HYRUM ANDERSON Son of Johanas Anderson and Johanna Olson. Born Sept. 24, 1864, Logan, Utah. High Councilor ; Bishop. Mayor of Logan. Vice-President First National Bank. \ BION'JAMIN BENNETT Born 1794, Connah's Quay, Flintshire, North Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1860, William BudKe Company. JOHN BENNETT Son of Benjamin Bennett and Catherine Jones. Born Sept. 4, 1822, Flintshire, North Wales. President Elders Quorum. SAMUEL BENNETT Son of John Bennett anil Jane Roberts. Born April 13, 1853, Flintshire, North Wales. Bishop's Counselor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 493 ADAM C. BIGLER Born Dec. 17, 1828, Harrison County, W. Va. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1859, L. G. Rice and J. L. Stoddard Company. CHARLES BUDD Born June 9, 1800. Beading, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah in 1859. GEORGE BUDD Son of Charles Budd and Louisa Cape- land. Born Feb. 21, 1846. Carpenter and Millwright. NATHANIEL GEORGE CHAMBERS Born Dec. 31, 1836, Detroit, Mich. Came to Utah June 25, 1859, Capt. White Company. Went to Missouri River 1866 for immi- grants. GEORGE SPEXCER CHAMBERS Son of Nathaniel George Chambers and Mary Leone Spencer. Born Oct. 9, 1874, Salt Lake City. In U. S. Post Office serv- ice, Salt Lake City. CHARLES H. DAVIS Son of Edwin Albert Davis, who came to Utah in 1859, and Mary E. Walker. Born June 23, 1860, Farmington, Utah. Sev- enty. Fruit Grower. THOMAS EVANS Born 1817, Cardiff, Wales. Came to Utah \856, Edward Martin Company. MADS JORGENSEN Born March 7, 1832, Copenhagen, Den- mark. Came to Utah in 1859. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. EDWARD JOHANNAS JORGENSEN Son of Mads Jorgensen and Eva Coderston. Born March 25, 1856, Copenhagen, Den- mark. First settler and built first house at Clawson. 494 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 MASS JORGEXSEN Came to Utah 1859, Oxteam Company. Bishop Lake View Ward. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. ALEXANDER C. PYPER Born May 5, 1828, Large, Ayrshire, Scot- land. Came to Utah in 1859. Judge. Bishop. RICHARD ISAAC MILLS Born Nov. 25, 1836, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah in 1859. High Priest; Sun- day School Superintendent ; Ward Teacher. JAMES THOMAS MILLS Son of Richard Isaac Mills and Charlotte Giles. Born Jan. 29, 1863, West Weber, Utah. Farmer. LEWIS JENKINS Born March 28, 1834, Glamorganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah in 1859. President Y. M. M. I. A., Plain City, Utah. LEWIS ROBERT JENKINS Son of Lewis Jenkins and Eliza Ann Har- rison. Born April 2, 1871, Plain City, Utah. One of the Presidents of 87th Quorum Seventies. NATHANIEL LEAVITT Ogden, Utah. Came to Utah 1859. C. L. LEAVITT Son of Nathaniel Leavitt. FRANCIS YOUNG MORSE Miller. Born Jan. 25, 1834, Boston, Mass. Came to Utah 1859, Peter Nebeker Company. Elder ; Ward Teacher. Carpenter. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 495 WILLIAM P. PORTER Born Jan. 7, 1845, Newcastle, New South Wales. Came to Utah in 1859. First Counselor to Bishop Greenwood of Central Ward. DAVID REES Son of Edmond Rees, who came to Utah Sept. 22, 1859, Capt. Beebe Company,- and Margaret Ellis. Born Nov. 30, 1847, Ab- berpengan, Wales. Bishop. City Council- man. JOHN WAYMAN Born June 3, 1825, Doddington, Cambridge- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 24, 1859, Capt. Beeby Company. Ward Clerk. Di- rector Davis County Bank. WILLIAM FISHER TOLLEY Born Nov. 23, 1824, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1859. High Priest. Judge Juab County. CHARLES WILLIAM TOLLEY Son of William Fisher Tolley and Sarah Warren. Born Dec. 7, 1857, New York. WILLIAM SLACK Born Feb. 5, 1827, Middleton, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1859, Kestler Com- pany. Seventy. Farmer. WILLIAM MYERS Born Aug. 22, 1812, Idle (near Bradford), Eng. Came to Utah in 1866. High Priest ; Elder. Stonecutter. JOSEPH MYERS Son of William Myers and Martha Ogden. Born May 31, 1835, Idle, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1859, A. R. Wright Independent Company, Seventy. THOMAS W. THOMPSON Born Feb. 26, 1860, at Salt Lake City. Seventy. School Teacher ; President of Smithfleld Y. M. M. I. A. 496 PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1859 WILLIAM BOND Meadow, Utah. WILSON HOWARD DUSENBERRY Son of Mahlon Dusenberry, who came to Utah July 18, 1860, Captain Williams In- dependent Company, and Aurilla Coray Born April 7, 1841, Perry, Pike Co., 111. JOHN P. HORSLET Son of Robert Horsley and Mary Ann Pickett of Rochester, Eng. Born Feb 15 1844. Came to Utah with the first oxteam company 1860. NATHAN CUTLER DAVIS Born in Warren County, N. Y. Came to Utah Aug. 10, 1860, Warren Walling Com- pany. Patriarch. Councilor in Presidency of Uinta Stake. WILLIAM GIBSON Born April 25, 1845, Killmarnock, Scot- land. Came to Utah Aug. 9, 1860, Warren Walling Company. Indian War Veteran. JAMES B. GIBSON Came to Utah in 1860, Warren Walling Company. Merchant. GOTTLIEB HIRSCHI Born Jan. 16, 1837, Danbreson, Switzer- land, came to Utah in August, 1860. Bishop Rockville Ward. DAVID HIRSCHI Son of Gottlieb Hirschi and Mary Ann Rupp. Born Dec. 13, 1870, Rockville Utah. Bishop Rockville Ward. DANIEL HIRSCHI Son of Gottlieb Hirschi and Mary Ann Rupp. Born May 17, 1874, Rockville, Utah. Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 497 t HANS PETER MADSEN Born Aug. 18, 1824, Aalborg, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1860. Carpenter. Farm- er and Stockraiser. HANS PETER MADSEN, JR. Son of Hans Peter Madsen and Anne Mette Ericksen. Born Oct. 25, 1864, Big Cottonwood, Salt Lake Co., Utah. High Councilor Rigby Stake. NELS MADSEN Born March 27, 1813, Toreby Ryrle, Den- mark. Came to Utah Aug. 10, 1860. PETER F. MADSEN Son of Nels Madsen and Martha M. Han- son. Born Aug. 10, 1843, Sjelland, Den- mark. High Councilor. Commissioner and Probate Judge. VICTOR E. MADSEN Son of Peter F. Madsen and Bmelia M. C. Dahlgren. Born March 17, 1879, Brigham City, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. NELS MADSEN Son of Nels Madsen and Martha M. Han- son. Born Aug. 11, 1853, Sjelland, Den- mark. President 58th Quorum Seventies. City Councilman. ADOLPH MADSON Came to Utah in 1860. HYRUM BOWLES MORRIS Born Dec. 23, 1821, Bourbon County, Ky. Came to Utah Aug. 9, 1860, Warren Wall- ing Company. Patriarch. Justice of Peace. Farmer ; Cooper, GEORGE BAKER Born 1819 in England. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson Company. 32 498 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 THOMAS BAKER Son of Thomas and Mary Baker. Born Jan. 21, 1841. Came to Utah Sept 1 1859, Horton D. Haight Company. High Priest. Farmer. GEORGE FACER Born July 4, 1834, Eynesbury, Hunting- i?cn ^ g 'T> ame to Utah Au & 27 - WillarFw'ald S n Company. Bishop WILLIAM JOHN FACER Son of George Pacer, who came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson Handcart V? n ^% ny> and Mar y Prior - Born July 13, 1861. Bishop Willard Ward. WILLIAM O. FACER ?,?Mi, of Willlam John Facer and Caroline Williams. Born Dec. 3, 1884, Willarel, Utah. Assistant Sunday School Supt WILLARD FACER Son of George Facer and Mary Prior Born Oct. 13, 1876, Willard, Utah. Presi- dent 59th Quorum Seventies. JAMES JARVIS FACER Son of George Facer and Sarah Thomp- son. Born June 10, 1866, Willard, Utah. Bishop Avon and Hyrum Wards i- HENRY JAMES HARRISON 'A 1834 '_ Marlines, Eng. Came to ^'o 2 ' 1 1860 ' 1)aniel Robinson MWKTO. Company. Deputy Sheriff. HAROLD HENRY HARRISON Son of Henry James Harrison and Sarah B rn in 1863 ' ANDREW WALKER HEGGIE Born Jan. 9, 1825, Fraistown, Parish of Forgan, Scotland. Came to Utah Aug 27 1860, Daniel Robinson Company. Bishop's Counselor, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 499 WILLIAM HEMMING Born June 8, 1827, Hooknorton, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Rob- inson Handcart Company. Patriarch. FREDERICK WILLIAM HEMMING Son of William Hemming, who came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson Handcart Company, and Emma Sanford. Born April 23, 1864, Morgan, Utah. JOSEPH LAPISH Born April 3, 1831, Woodhouse, York- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson Handcart Company. Secretary Canal Company. Telegraph Line Builder. JOSEPH SELTER LAPISH Son of Joseph Lapish and Hannah Seller. Born Nov. 4, 1861, at Lehi, Utah. Mem- ber of the State Legislature. Inventor. JOHN BLACK McCULLOCH Born in August, 1829. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson Company. ALEXANDER McCULLOCH Son of John Black McCulloch and Mar- garet McNeil. Born April 29, 1868, Lo- gan, Utah. GEORGE MELDRUM Born Aug. 24, 1830, Carston, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, Handcart Company. Missionary to Scotland 1877-79 ; High Priest. Farmer. JAMES LOWE MELDRUM Son of George Meldrum and Jane B. Barclay. Born Aug. 5, 1853, in Scotland. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin and Daniel Tayler Company. THOMAS ALEXANDER MELDRUM Son of George Meldrum and Jane B. Barclay. Born Feb. 14, 1862, Provo, Utah. Elder. Farmer and Stockraiser ; Plasterer. .wo PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 THOMAS ALBERT MELDRUM Son of Thomas Alexander Meldrum and Jane Duke. Born Sept. 3, 1890. DAVID KAY MOFFAT Born Dec. 30, 1811, Parish of Inveresk, Scotland. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson Handcart Company La- borer and Coalminer. JOSEPH S. MOFPAT Son of David Kay Moffat and Janet Leish- man. Born June 16, 1846, Crofthead, Scotland. Justice of Peace. School Trus- tee. Rancher ; Stockraiser. WILLIAM ROBISON Son of Alexander Robison and Nancy Waldeman. Born April 18, 1829, Franklin County, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 22 1860, Daniel Robinson Company DANIEL ALEXANDER ROBISON Son of William Robison and Margaret Smith. Born July 18, 1853, Franklin County, Pa. Came to Utah with father. Stake Clerk. JAMES COLLINGS Born May 29, 1812, Sunclerlin, Durham Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860, Jesse E. Murphy Company. High Priest JAMES COLLINGS, JR. Son of lames rollings and Elizabeth Be- wick. Born Jan. 3, 1845, Depthord, Eng. RUDOLPH HOCHSTRASSER Born Sept. 1, 1839, Wikermos, Lucerne Switzerland. Came to Utah Aug. 30, I860' Jesse E. Murphy Company. Bishop's Counselor. WILLIAM LARK Born March 15, 1819, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860, Jesse E. Murphy Company. Clerk for George Q. Cannon in immigration work; Ward Clerk PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 501 ERASTUS ROBERT LARK Son of William Lark and Mary Clarkson. Born Feb. 15, 1853, Beverly, Yorkshire. Eng. EMANUEL MASTERS MURPHY Born Sept. 15, 1809, Union County, S. C. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860, Jesse E. Murphy Company. High Councilor. Farmer. WILLIAM COLUMBUS MURPHY Son of Emanuel M. Murphy and Nancy J. Easters. Born April 1, 1842, Fayette County, Georgia. Came to Utah in 1860, Jesse Murphy Company. HYRUM MURPHY Son of Emanuel Masters Murphy and Nancy Judd Easters. Born March 3, 1846, Fayette County, Georgia. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860. GEORGE SPEIRS Born Jan. 6, 1827, Tarbolton, Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860; Jesse E. Murphy Company. Patriarch. JOHN ULRICH STUCKI Born Jan. 8, 1837, Neunforn, Switzerland. Came to Utah in August, 1860, Jesse E. Murphy Company. Mayor of Paris, Ida- ho. High Councilor. /-- JOSEPH WARBURTON Born Sept. 21, 1831, Radcliffe, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1860, Jesse E. Mur- phy Company. Bishop of 1st Ward at Salt Lake City. WILLIAM BATH Born in August, 1831, Poulton, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith Company. Elder. Miner. DAVID EVANS Born Aug. 25, 1810, Cardiff, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith Company. Elder. 502 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 JOHN EVANS Son of David Evans and Amy Hughes. Born April 12, 1847, Cardiff, South Wales. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. NORMAN FILLMORE Born March 1, 1848, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Came to Utah with John Smith Company Sept. 1, 1860. Bishop Burrville Ward. JOHN HUGHES Born December, 1814, in Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith Company. CHARLES THOMAS HUSBANDS Born March 15, 1844, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith Com- pany. Elder. Locomotive Engineer. JOHN PHILLIP ISAAC Born Feb. 2, 1833, Trevaughan, Caermar- thanshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, John Smith Company. High Priest. Worked on Temple. JOHN RASPER LOOSLE Born Oct. 21, 1831, Berne, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith Company. GEORGE LOOSLE Son of John Kasper Loosle and Anna Klizabeth Huncebager. Born July 11, 1858, Berne, Switzerland. THOMAS D. STEPHENS Born January, 1837, in Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith Company. Seventy. Worked on Salt Lake Temple. Farmer; Contractor and Builder. ^H HttM^^^EC CORNELIUS TRAVELLER Born Sept. 29, 1820, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 1, I860, John Smith Com- pany. High Priest. City Treasurer and City Sexton. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 503 FRANKLIN HOBBS TRAVELLER Son of Cornelius Traveller and Frances Hobbs. Born Dec. 6, 1859, Philadelphia, Pa. Ordained High Priest Dec. 17, 1905. LORIN WALKER Father of the wife of C. W. Richards of Brigham, Utah. Came to Utah 1860, John Smith Company. WILLIAM LOWE YOUNG Born fab. 4, 1830. Came to Utah Septem- ber, Iij60, John Smith Company. Veteran Black Hawk Indian War. Helped to sur- vey Preston Townsite. JOHN CROFTS Shelley, Idaho. JOHN CROFT Born July 16, 1836, Wilsden, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross Company. Bishop's Counselor. Merchant. WILLIAM ROWLAND CROFT Son of John Croft and Amelia Mitchell. Born Nov. 24, 1860, at Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. Stockraiser. CHARLES BOYDEN Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross Company. High Priest ; Sunday School Supt. Farmer ; Stockraiser. THOMAS HILL DEE Born May 11, 1812, Merthyr Tydfll, Gla- morganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross Company. THOMAS DUNCOMBE DEE Son of Thomas Hill -Dee and Elizabeth Reese. Born Nov. 10, 1844, Llanelly, Caermarthenshire, Wales. Sunday School Superintendent. Prominent in Public Schools. Banker. 504 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 THOMAS REESE DEE Son of Thomas Duncombe Dee and Annie Taylor. Born Feb. 27, 1873. J. STANLEY DEE Shoe Merchant, Ogden, Utah. NIELS DQRPHEUS Born June 21, 1812, Lemvig, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1860, James D. Ross Company. High Councilor. JOHN T. DORCHEUS Son of Niels Dorcheus and Angelica C. Lund. Born April 25, 1842, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. EDWARD W. DORCHEUS Son of John T. Dorcheus and Mary Mc- Donald. Born July 4, 1885, Monroe, Utah. Resides at Ashton, Idaho. RICHARD FRY Born April 15, 1831, East Down, Devon- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, J. D. Ross Co. President Morgan Stake. RICHARD RAWLE FRY Son of Richard Fry and Ann Rawle. Born Jan. 20, 1864, Morgan, Utah. Mayor of Morgan. JACOB FUHRIMANN Born Jan. 16, 1831, Oeschenback, Canton Berne, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James T. Ross Company. Presided over Germans of Providence Ward. GOTTFRIED FUHRIMANN Son of Jacob Fuhriman and Barbara Loosli. Born June 15, 1859, Durrenroth, Switzerland. Came to Utah 1860. Bishop of Providence 1st Ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 50.5 ULRICH LOOSLI Born April 22, 1830, Durrenroth, Switzer- land. Came to Utah September, 1860, James D. Ross Company. High Priest. DIMOND M. LOOSLI Son of Ulrich Loosli and Elizabeth Ege- mann. Born Oct. 20, 1876, Clarkston, Utah. Bishop's Counselor ; Choir Leader. Farmer and Engineer. JOSEPH THOMPSON McEWAN Son of Henry McEvvan, who came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, and Jane Thompson. Born Sept. 1, 1840, Edinburgh, Scotland. High Priest ; Pres. Seventies. Councilman. DANIEL DEAN McEWAN Son of Joseph T. McEvvan and Irinda N. Crandall. Born Aug. 14, 1878, Provo, Utah. Bishop Sharon Ward. President M. I. A. JACOB I. NAEF Born Nov. 1, 1836, Ebnat, St. Gallan, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross Company. HEXRY SCHAERRER Born May 13, 1813, Schoenenberg, Can- ton Zurich, Switzerland. Came to Utah September, 1860, .1. D. Ross Company. Lived at St. George and Pay?on. JOHN J. SCHAERRER Son of Henry Schaerrer and Anne Goetz. Born Fe Born Dec. 28, 1845, Hegi, Canton Zurich, Came to Switzerland. High Councilor; President Company Seventies ; Missionary. to Utah. BENJ. F. SMITH b 22 1846, Thomastown, Pa. Utah in 1860, James D. Ross Assisted in bringing immigrants Elder. PHILANDER BROWN Born April 10, 1826, Rush, Monroe Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1860, Frank- lin Brown Co. Pres. of Seventies. Road Supervisor ; Railroad Foreman. 506 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 GEORGE ALBERT BROWN Son of Philander Brown and Elizabeth Dobney Short. Born Feb. 23, 1880, Provo, Utah. Merchant. JAMES HANCEY Born Sept. 1, 1835, Chedeston, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1860, Franklin Brown Company. Carpenter and Builder ; Den- tist. JAMES S. HANCEY Son of James Hancey and Rachel Sea- mons. Born March 24, 1856, on ship- board on Atlantic Ocean. Organist ; Band Leader ; Carpenter and Builder. HENRY SEAMONS Born Sept. 27, 1835, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1860, Capt. Franklin Brown Company. Bishop of Rockport Ward. Indian War Veteran. ALFRED SEAMONS Son of Henry Seamons and Catherine Blake. Born March 24, 1872, Rockport, Utah. Resides at Mona, Utah. JAMES THURSTON Born May 1, 1829, Bumburgh, Suffolk Co., Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1860, Capt. Brown Company. Watermaster many years. Farmer. STKPHEN THURSTON Son of James Thurston and Mary Sea- mons. Born Aug. 25, 1859, Omaha, Neb. Missionary to England 1899-1901. Mem- ber of Town Board. Farmer. WILLIAM HARRISON FOLSOM Born March 25, 1815, Portsmouth, N. H. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1860, Joseph W. Young Company. HYRUM PEARSE FOLSOM Son of William Harrison Folsom and Zerviah Eliza Clark. Born Sept. 1, 1841. Buffalo, N. Y, Came to Utah 1860, with father. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 507 JOHN HARRIS Born Nov. 5, 1837, Worley, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 18, 1860, John Taylor Company. Confectioner and Baker. SOREN JENSEN Born 1838, Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah 1860, Handcart Company. Mission- ary to Denmark ; High Priest. Worked on Tabernacle. Carpenter. GUSTAVE NIELSEN Born Sept. 30, 1831, Christiania, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1860. High Priest. Farmer. StonemasoVi. GEORGE ALBERT NIELSEN Son of Gustave and Christian Nielsen. Born July 17, 1882. Big Cottonwood, Utah. Elder. Employed in mailing de- partment of U. S. Postofflce. ANDREW CHRISTENSEN Son of Christen Andersen and Catherine Jensen. Born Nov. 19, 1830, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah 1860, Oscar O. Stoddard Co. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. JAMES PETER OLSEN Born June 23, 1851, Skose, Presto, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1860, Os- car O. Stoddard Handcart Company. Ward Teacher. CONRAD ALDER, JR. Son of Conrad Alder, who came to Utah Oct. 5, 1860, William Budge Co., and Annie E. Merz. Born May 18, 1866, Providence, Utah. Seventy. Farmer ; Stockraiser. CHARLES HENRY CROW Born Aug. 18, 1830, Atve Church, Wor- cester, Eng. Came to Utah 1859, Alexan- der Pyper Company. Pres. of Seventies. Harnessmaker. FRANKLIN CROW Son of Charles Henry Crow and Mary Sharp. Born Sept. 11, 1868, Salt Lake City. Pres. 154th Quorum Seventies. 508 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 NIELS LARSON MARSING Born Dec. 23, 1828, Malmo Lan, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1860, Captain An- derson Company. Bishop's Counselor Farmer. HENRY REISER Born July 29, 1832, Fischenthal, Canton K U VH Sw ' tz e,rland. Came to Utah Oct. !>, 1860. Member 2nd Quorum Seventies. CHARLKS WOOD Born April 22, 1825, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1860, William Budge Ox- team Company. Postmaster at Holden twenty-five years. CHARLES WOOD, JR. Son of Charles Wood and Ann Day Born Feb. 21, 1842. Resides at Holden, Utah DAVID ROBISON April 2, 1827, Harrisburg, Pa Came MORONI ROBISON Son of David Robison and Johana F J Kofvelstrom. Born March 14, 1873 Mor- gan, Utah. EDWARD COX CaZ "?', /' J 825 ' Haningford, Eng. came to Ijtali September, 1860 Kimball and Lawrence Freight Train HI ,\ Priest. Carpenter and JoineT Hlfeh PETER JENSEN Born Nov. 27, 1836, Sneilerup, Holbek, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1860 County Assessor. Bishop's Counselor. JOSEPH JENSEN Son of Peter Jensen and Annie M. Han- sen. Born Nov. 2!), 1868, Mantua, Utah. Counselor in Presidency of Bear River Stake. Manager Mantua Co-op PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 509 JOHN ESPLIN Father of H. W. Esplin, Orderville, Utah. Jeweler. SAMUEL N. SLAUGHTER Born Oct. 16, 1840, Uitenhage, South Africa. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1860, Nephi Johnson Company. High Priest. County Commissioner Beaver County. Merchant. JOHN STOCK Born Oct. 12, 1820, Bathurst, Eastern Province, South Africa. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1860. Nephi Johnson Company. Bishop. Farmer. JOHN WILLIAM EDWIN STOCK Son of John Stock and Jane Adams. Born Dec. 20, 1844, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. President Y. M. M. I. A. 11 years. Bishop. ROBERT WALLACE STOCK Son of John Stock and Jane Adams. Born 1852 Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Came to Utah 1860. High Priest. Lives at Fish Haven, Idaho. ROBERT ERNEST STOCK Son of Robert Wallace Stock and Annie Isabel Findlay. Born Aug. 12, 1875. JOHN R. STOCK Son of John Stock and Frances Gillson Gibbs. Born April 24, 1874, Fish Haven, Idaho. JOSEPH P. STOCK Son of John Stock and Frances Gillson Gibbs. Born Dec. 11, 1878, Plain City, Utah. President of Deacons Quorum ; Sunday School Teacher. JENS LARSON JENSEN Born July 14, 1827, Dalby, Scona, Sweden. Came to Utah October, 1860. Bishop's Counselor ; High Priest. Black Hawk War Veteran. Farmer. 510 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 JOHN RG3.3BEKKY JENSEN Son of Jens L. Jensen and Emma C. Rose- berry. Born Oct. 11, 1874, Santaquin, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN G. AHLSTROM Born Dec. 12, 1850, Malmo, Sweden. Came to Utah September, 1860. Bishop St. John, Utah 1898-1904. Mail Con- tractor 18 years. Farmer. ANDREAS ANDERSON Born March 26, 1817, in Sweden. to Utah 1860. Came ANDREAS JOHN ANDERSON Son of Andreas Anderson and Stena Caisa Nelson. Born April 26, 1851. Farmer and Stockraiser. City Councilman. WILLIAM RILEY JUDD Father of the wife of Andreas J. Anderson of Grantsville, Utah. PETER N. ANDERSON Born Feb. 6, 1835, Malmo, Sweden. Came to Utah 1860. Carpenter. Elder. V HYRUM E. BYINGTON Born Oct. 5, 1830. Came to Utah 1860. STEPHEN ELLIOTT BYINGTON Son of Hyrum E. Byington and Hannah Parr. Born Jan. 12, 1866, Ogilen, Utah. WILFORD M. CHRISTENSEN Son of Niels Christensen, who came to Utah 1860, and Christene Andersen. Born Oct. 24, 1879, Hyrum, Utah. Bishop Goshen Ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1860 511 JOHN CROOKSTON Born Dec. 5, 1849, in Scotland. Came to Utah 1860. Farmer. MARK CROXALL Born Oct. 7, 1844. Came to Utah 1860. Telegrapher for Deseret Telegraph Co. JOHN DONEY Born May 3, 1821, St. Stephens, Cornwall, Eng. High Priest. Pioneer to Franklin, Idaho. 1860. JOHN FRANKLIN DONEY Son of John Doney and Ann George. Born Dec. 16, 1866. ELJAS WILLIAM DONEY Son of John Doney and Ann George. Born May 28, 1869, Franklin, Idaho. High Priest. GEORGE ELLIOTT Born Oct. 15, 1815, Nottinghamshire, EnR. Came to Utah August, 1861, Independent Company. High Priest. EDWIN ELLIOTT Son of George Elliott, Sr., and Eliza Vin- ton. Born March 25, 1841, Nottingham- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1860. Elder. FREDERICK W. FUHRMEISTBR Came to Utah in 1860. CHARLES HARMON Born in Caermarthenshire, Wales. Came to Utah in 1860. President Mission in Wales. 512 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 DAVID HARMON Son of Charles Harmon and Mary Ma- thias. Born June 8, 1838, Caermarthen- shire, Wales. Came to Utah in 1864, Thomas Jeremy Company. High Priest. BENJAMIN ISAAC Came to Utah in 1860. JOHN R. JONES Born July 24, 1829. Came to Utah in 1860. High Priest ; 2nd Counselor to Bishop Schoenfield. Farmer ; Sheepraiser and Freighter. GEORGE D. JONES Son of Thomas Jones and Diana Roberts. Born Aug. 23, 1849, Denbighshire, Wales. Came to Utah 1860, Capt. Corbet Com- pany. Blacksmith. JOHN QUINCY LEAVITT Born Oct. 1, 1834, Compton, East Canada. Came to Utah September, 1860. President 14th Quorum Seventies. Lieutenant in Utah Militia. KARL GOTTFRIED MAESER Born Jan. 16, 1828, Meissen, Saxony, Ger- many. Pioneer 1860. School Teacher; Missionary and Founder of the Brigham Young Academy at Provo, Utah. ANDERS NELSON Lives at Grantsville, Utah. SWANTY NELSON Born October, 1853, in Sweden. Came to Utah 1862. Bishop's Counselor; Ward Teacher. Road Supervisor of Cassia County, Idaho. HENRY NELSON Born Sept. 18, 1826, in England. Came to Utah 1860, Oxteam Company. High Priest. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 513 WILLIAM RICHARD NELSON Son of Henry Nelson and Sarah Ann Richmond. PETER C. PETERSON Born June 7, 1835, in Denmark. Came to Utah 1860, Johnson and Peterson Com- pany. ANDREW RASSMUSSEN Born Jan. 22, 1834. Came to Utah 1860 Senior President 26th Quorum Seventies. Farmer. DAVID GILES ROBERTS Born March 18, 1826, Machynlleth, North Wales. Came to Utah 1860. DAVID MORGAN ROBERTS Son of David Giles Roberts and Mary Morgan. Born Oct. 2, 1867, Malad, Idaho. SAMUEL RUSSELL Born June 7, 1835, Toronto, Canada. Came to Utah 1860, Homer Duncan Com- pany. Indian War Veteran. SAMUEL SEAMONS Born June 7, 1845, Alsaints, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah 1860. Chorister; assisted immigrants to Utah. Member of Militia. Bandman, JOSEPH TRUMAN SHARP Son of Joseph S. Sharp, who came to Utah about 1860, and Rebecca Higby. Born Sept, 4, 186'4, Tooele, Utah. WILLIAM STEVENS Born Dec. 23, 1819, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1860. Seventy. Black- smith and Farmer. 514 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OP UTAH 1861 FREDERICK STAUFFER Son of John Stauffer ami Elizabeth Nussli. Born Oct. 24, 1866. Physician and Surgeon. ULRICH STAUFFER Son of Christian Stauffer and Mary Voser. Born March 21, 1838, Redunbergh, Switzerland. Came to Utah 1861. High I'riest. Farmer. HENRY ALFRED STAUFFER Son of Ulrich Stauffer and Verena Hrechlevesh. Born Nov. 20, 1879, Wil- lard, Utah. SAMUEL STARKEY TUCKER Born Oct. 16, 1828, Cannington, Somer- setshire, Eng-. Came to Utah 1860. Sev- enty. HENRY C. WARDLEIGH Born Oct. 31, 1843, Frampton, Lincoln- shire, Eng. Came to Utah July, 1860, William Camp Company. Peace Officer; Councilman ; Merchant. CHARLES WILLIAM EARL Son of Bishop Collier Earl and Sarah Goates. Born Oct. 23, 1869, Lehi, Utah. Contractor. JOHX JONES ALLRED Born Sopt. 1, 1821, Bedford Co., Tenn. Came to Utah AUK. 16, 1861, David H. Cannon Company. High Priest. JOSEPH PARLEY ALLREJD Son of John Jones Allred and Mary Young Bridgman. Born Dec. 26, 1864, i'. ELISHA J. THOMAS Son of Elisha Thomas, who came to Utah Aug. 26, 1861, and Elizabeth Lee. Born June 7, 1873, Farr West, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. JAMES FISHER Relative of P. M. Jenson of Huntsville, I'tah. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1861, Lewis Bnmson Company. DAVID MURRAY Son of Robert Murray, who came to Utah Sept. 5, 1861, and Jessie Archibald. Born Feb. 22, 1849, in Scotland. Member High Council Hyrum Stake. Mayor. JOHN SANT Born Jan. 11, 1811, Middlewich, Eng. Came to Utah August, 1861, Job Pingree Company. High Priest. Farmer. Lives at Smithfield, Utah. 516 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 GEORGE SANT Son of John Sant and Mary Shaw. Born Dec. 15, 1833, Middlewich, Chestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855, John Hindley Company. GEORGE WINTLE Born April 17, 1812, on the Isle of Heligo- land, off the Coast, near Hamburg, Ger- many. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1861, Job Pingree Company. JOSEPH BARNEY WINTLE Son of George Wlntle and Elizabeth Sewell. Born Feb. 29, 1840, Yarmouth, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah 1857, Jim Brown Company. V JOHN WESLEY WINTLE Son of Joseph Barney Wintle and Mary Marinda Wilson. Born May 20, 1870, Wilson, Weber Co., Utah. Missionary to Germany 1898. Educator. ROBERT GORDON Son of John Gordon, who came to Utah Sept. 10, 1861. Born March 14, 1851, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Came to Utah 1863. Sunday School Superintendent. Farmer. ROBERT JAMES GORDON Son of Robert Gordon and Agnes Davis. Born June 5, 1872, Rush Valley, Utah. Farmer. JOHN EVANS Born Jan. 9, 1829, Llandovery, Caermar- thenshire, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1861, Harvey Hullinger Company. High Priest. FRANCIS CLARKE Born Jan. 1, 1840, Upminister, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus Company. High Priest. Oxteam Freighter. GEORGE AUGUSTUS DAVIS Son of Eliakim Spooner Davis, who came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, and Orpha Hop- kins. Born Aug. 22, 1842, Lowell, Mass. High Councilor. Engineer. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 517 JOHN IRWIN FORSYTH Born July 27, 1816, Carlisle, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Mllo Andrus Com- pany. High Priest. ANDREW BARKER FORSYTH Son of John Irwin Forsyth and Sarah Barker. Born Feb. 4, 1847, Port Rich- mond, Pa. Came to Utah with father. Indian War Veteran. THOMAS GARN Born Aug. 11, 1839, Fremont, Sandusky Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1861, Milo Andrus Company. High Priest. JOHN HADDOCK Born July 17, 1827, Barnton, Cheshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus Company. Early settler Bear Lake Valley. JOHN GEORGE HADDOCK Son of John Haddock and Margaret Pen- man. Born July 8, 1871, Bloomington, Idaho. Bishop Wardboro, Idaho. MATHIAS HINCHCLIFFE Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1861, Milo Andrus Company. CHARLES W. HINCHCLIFF Born Jan. 2, 1850, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1861, Milo Andrus Com- pany. High Priest. JACOB HUFFMAN Born Aug. 28, 1823, West Waterloo, Can- ada. Came to Utah September, 1861, Milo Andrus Company. Member High Council Summit Stake. Justice of Peace. JACOB WILLIAM HUFFMAN Son of Jacob Huffman and Elizabeth Fris- by. Born April 6, 1871, Coalville, Utah. 518 PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 WILLIAM BAKER KURD Born Sept. 20, 1835, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Milo Andrus Company. Elder. Contractor, Plasterer ^fc WILLIAM MEMMGTT Born July 30, 1814, Aston, Yorkshire, Eng Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Amlrus Company. President Sheffield Conference England. SAMUEL MEMMOTT Son of William Memmott and Ann Wil- son. Born July 18, 1851. High Priest President of Y. M. M. I. A. Justice of Peace. Indian War Veteran GEORGE MARTIN OTTINGER Born Sept. 8, 1833, Sowestafe, Suffolk Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Amlrus Company. Adjutant-General Utah National Guard. Artist WILLIAM M. OTTINGER Son of George Martin Ottinger and Mary Jane McAllister. RICHARD PHILLIPS Born at Toms River, New Jersey. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Milo Andrus Com- pany. KOBKKT B.irn June 19, 1835 Sept ' 1 THOMAS POULTON Born April 10, 1834, in England. Came J?. V ta , h Sept - 12 ' 1851 - Mil Andrus Co. High Priest. JAMES C. SNYDFIl Born Jan. 8, 1820, Philadelphia, Pa Came to I'tah Sept. 13, 1861. Milo Andrus Inde- pendent Company. Secretary-Treasurer Branch of Church at Philadelphia. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 519 JOHN FORSYTH SNYDER Son of James C. Snyder and Jane B. For- syth Born April 27, 1872, Provo, Utah. Counselor in Elders Quorum. Carpenter and Mining Engineer. ARCHIBALD B. STEPHEXSON Born Sept. 13, 1843, Hancock County, 111. Came to Utah 1861. FRANCIS MARION STEPHENSON Born Jan 3, 1841, Knoxville, Tenn. Came to Utah October, 1861, Milo Andrus Com- pany. Missionary to Northern States 1895 ; High Priest. GEORGE WEBSTER Born May, 1836, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah with Milo Andrus Company Sept. 12, 1861. Pioneer promoter of irrigation. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN ALFRED WEBSTER Son of George Webster and Christiannah Elliott. Born Oct. 24, 1865, Kaysville, Utah. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOSEPH WHEELER Born Feb. 27, 1817, Cheltenham, Glouces- tershire, Eng. WALTER WHEKLER Son of Joseph Wheeler and Mary Buck- ingham Born May 22, 1814, Gloucester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Milo Andrus Company. JOSEPH THOMAS WHEELER Son of Walter Wheeler and Ellen Maria Child. Born Aug. 9, 1879. GEORGE WHITWORTH Born July 15, 1831, Temple Normanton, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus Company. Bishop's Counselor. High Priest. Farmer. 520 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 ALEXANDER ADAMSON Son of Henry Adamson and Margaret Nicholson. Born Jan. 27, 1837, Bisland, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John Murdock Company. High Priest. PETER BORUP Born February, 1823, Jutland, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Mur- dock Company. PETER BORUP, JR. Son of Peter Borup and Christina Chris- tenson. Born Nov. 15, 1869, Goshen, Utah. Bishop Eureka Ward. JOSEPH AIME AUGUST BUNOT Born Feb. 4, 1828, Musinens, Department de 1'Ain, France. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock Company. Pa- triarch. Surveyor Summit County. DAVID BURNETT Born Feb. 14, 1814, Abroath, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Mur- dock Company. WILLIAM BURNETT Son of David Burnett and Isabell Rux- ton. Born April 10, 1846, Surmare, France. DAVID BURNETT Son of William Burnett and Sarah Jane Wilde. Born April 25, 1870, Harrisville, Utah. CHRISTIAN PETER CHRISTIANSON Born Aug. 18, 1838, Norre Sunby, Hjor- rlng Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock Company. In- dian War Veteran. EDWARD JOHN FARMER Born Feb. 20, 1825. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock Company. Member 94th Quorum Seventies. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 521 ERASTUS GRENIG FARMER Son of Edward John Farmer and Eliza- beth E. Wright. Born June 29, 1861, Florence, Douglas Co., Neb. Bishop Clif- ton Ward 1806-1911. JAMES JENSEN Born July 14, 1847. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock Company. Bishop of Sandy Ward. Postmaster. LARS C. LARSEN Son of Anders Larsen and Mary Jensen. Born Jan. 28, 1842, Guedumluned, Den- mark. Bishop 3rd Ward, Logan, Utah. Farmer. LARS C. LARSEN, JR. Son of Lars C. Larsen and Calara C. Jen- sen. Born June 27, 1867, Logan, Utah. Bishop. JOHN LARSEN Son of Anders Larsen, who came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, and Mary Jensen. Bishop of Preston. High Councilman. Mer- chant and Banker. JAMES PETER MICKELSEN Son of Jens Mickelsen, who came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, and Margaret Christenson. Born April 18, 1847, Denmark. Member Bishopric Weston, Idaho, 1877-1902. JENS MICKELSEN Born May 2, 1853, Eisr, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1861. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. Stockraiser. WILLIAM F. MOSS Born Nov. 15, 1825, Nottinghamshire, Kng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock Company. Bishop. Patriarch. Merchant. SOLOMON SAXTON Born Feb. 21, 1825, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1861, John R. Mur- dock Company. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer and Stockraiser. 522 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 BENJAMIN GODFREY TURNER Born Aug. 18, 1855, Glenham, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Came to Utah 1861, John R. Murclock Company. High Priest. WILLIAM M. WEBSTER Born Jan. 29, 1850, Vanderville Mills, N. J. Came to Utah 1861, John R. Murdoek Company. Elder. Lived at Deseret. Hoi- den and Loa, Utah. FREDERICK WEBSTER Son of William M. Webster and Margaret Mathews. Born Oct. 3, 1881, Loa, Utah. Resides at Loa, Utah. FRANCIS ASTLE Born Feb. 2, 1810, Diseworth, Leicester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September 13, 1861, Joseph Home Company. High Priest. Farmer. JOHN ASTLE Son of Francis Astle. Born June 16, 1846, Hucknail, Torkard, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861. Missionary to England ; High Councilor. EDWARD BARLOW Born Aug. 14, 1801, Unsworth, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home Company. Weaver. THOMAS BAKLOW Son of Kilward Barlow and Betty Crump- Ion. Born .June 13, 1823, Prestwich, Eng. Weaver ; Confectioner and Baker. Ward Secretary. WALKER BARLOW Son of Thomas Barlow and Ann Hulme. Born June 9, 1851, Blakely Lane, Lanca- shire, Eng. Carpenter, Farmer and Dairy- man. RICHARD BRENCHLEY Born Feb. 22, 1840, Borden, East Kent, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1861, Joseph Home Company. High Priest. Water- master, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 523 EDWARD LONG GEARY Son of Edward Geary and Elizabeth Ann Slater. Born Aug. 18, 1854, Clay Cross, Eng.' Came to Utah 1851, Joseph Home Company. A. L. WILLIAMS Relative of Frederick W. Little of Salt Lake City, Utah. JOHN R. WILLIAMS R. F. D. Blackfoot, Idaho. JAMES PAGE Born Aug. 21, 1815, Wymondham, Ens;. Came to Utah September, 1861, Josep.i Home Company. Farmer. THOMAS PAGE Son of James Page and Louisa Graves. Born Dec. 19, 1843, Birmingham, Eng. School Trustee. Worked on Utah Central Railroad. GEORGE PASSEY Son of John Passey, who came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home Company, and Ann New. Born Dec. 14, 1844, Strensham, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. PHINEAS DALEY Father of the wife of George Passey, of 1'rovo, Utah. Freighter. WILLIAM PAXMAN Born Oct. 23, 1835, Hemel Hempstead, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Jo- seph Home Company. JAMES WALTER PAXMAN Born Oct. 12, 1861, Salt Lake City. Presi- dent Juab Stake December, 1897. County Clerk. Cobbler. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 ALBERT R. PAXMAN Born AUK. 9, 1875, American Fork, Utah. Stake Superintendent of Sunday Schools 1907-11 ; Stake Clerk 1901. County Treas- urer. City Councilman. WILLIAM READING Born April 6, 1808, at Bubbenhall, Ens. Came to Utah in 1863. JOHN READING Son of William Reading and Sarah S. Kencher of Bubbenhall, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home Com- pany. Justice of Peace fourteen years. JOSEPH STANFORD Born Aug. 16, 1834, Southwick, Sussex Co., Eng-. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home Company. THOMAS STANFORD STEPHEN STANFORD Son of Thomas Stanford and Elizabeth Barnett. Born Dec. 6, 1832, Southwick, Eng. Came to Utah in 1861. Member Utah Fair Association. Florist. r JOHN HENRY STINGER Born April 23, 1839, Zanesville, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home Company. Married Elizabeth Hollist 1859. Baker. WILLIAM THACKEK Born at Karleston, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home Company. Wrought nails for Salt Lake Theatre. WILLIAM TIMOTHY THACKEK Son of William Thacker and Rachel Tonks. Born Nov. 7, 1854, Staffordshire, Eng. Stonecutter and Mason. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 18C1 52.5 RICHARD WESLEY MCALLISTER Born Oct. 15, 1825, Pottsville, Del. Came to Utah 1861, Joseph Home Company. High Priest. Deputy Marshal. WILLIAM j. F. MCALLISTER Born Aug. 16, 1845, Pottsville, Del. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1861, Milo Andrus Com- pany. Indian War Veteran. JOSEPH W. DAMRON Born Jan. 6, 1841, in Missouri. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Homer Duncan Com- pany. JOSEPH W. DAMRON, JR. Son of Joseph W. Damron and Margaret P. Freeman. Born June 9, 1866, Lower Kanosh, Utah. Bishop Deseret Ward, Mil- lard Co., Utah. VIRGIL KELLY Father of the wife of Joseph W. Damron, Jr., of Deseret, Utah. Indian War Vet- eran. ROBERT GOULD Born Jan. 21, 1830, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah 1861. Homer Duncan Com- pany. Ward Teacher. Joiner ; Mechanic. JOHN S. GOULD Son of Robert Gould and Annie Simpson. Born July 10, 1865, Liberty, Utah. Sev- enty. Farmer. WILLIAM HOWELL Born Aug. 15, 1819, Lambstone Parish, Pembrokeshire, South Wales. Came to Utah September, 1861, Homer Duncan Company. Elder JAMES P. HOWELL, Son of William Howell and Louisa Thomas. Born Nov. 25, 1860. Fristrap, Wales. Came to Utah in 1861. 526 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 NEILS ISAACSON Born Jan. 6, 1817, Christiania, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861. EVAN JENKINS Born June 22, 1817, Cowbridge, Glamor- ganshire, South "Wales. Came to Utah 1861, Homer Duncan Company. Resided at Farmington. JOHN JENKINS Son of Evan Jenkins and Ann Davis. Born May 8, 1845, Cowbridge, South Wales. Member Bishopric of Newton, Utah. THOMAS GEORGE ODELL Born Jan. 3. 1823, Leighton Buzzard, Bed- fordshire, Ens. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1861, Homer Duncan Independent Com- pany. City Councilor and Recorder. GEORGE THOMAS ODELL Son of Thomas George Odell and Ann Newman. Born Dec. 4, 1848, London. Came to Utah September, 1861. Gen. Mgr. Con- solidated Wagon & Machine Co. Banker. THOMAS GEORGE ODELL Son of George Thomas Odell and Florence Caroline Grant. Born April 3, 1873. Physician and Surgeon. GKOHGIO THOMAS ODELL Son of Thomas George Odell. JOSHUA FREDERICK ODELL Son of George Thomas Odell and Florence Caroline Grant. Born Aug. 10, 1875. JOSEPH ODELL Son of Thomas George Odell and Mary Anna Cato. Born March 15, 1870, Ogden, Utah. Postmaster at Logan, Utah, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OP UTAH 1861 527 GEORGE T. LUFF Horn Oct. 23, 1835, Surrey, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Homer Duncan Com- pany. High Priest. GEORGE D. LUFF Son of George T. Luff and Mary H. Dixon. JOHN ENGLAND Born March 20, 1815, Stafford, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan Company. High Priest. JOHN ENGLAND, JR. Son of John England and Jane Pavanl. Born Sept. 4, 1843, Braclpool, Dorsetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1861. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM T. ENGLAND Son of John England, Jr., and Laura H. M. Thuesen. Born Jan. 25, 1874, Plain City, Utah. Bishop of Moreland Ward, Idaho. JAMES ENGLAND Son of John England and Jane Pavard. liorn May 24, 1851, Bradport, Dorsetshire, Eng. Bishop LaGrande and Union Wards, Oregon. CHARLES W. PENROSE Born Feb. 4, 1832, London, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861, Homer Duncan Company. Second Counselor to Pres. Jo- seph F. Smith. Editor. Missionary. WILLIAM ROYLE Born about 1820, Staly Bridge, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Homor Duncan Company. Was an Elder and is now a Seventy in the Church. WILLIAM HENRY SEEGMILLER Born Dec. 19, 1843, Boden, Waterloo Co., Can. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Homer Duncan Independent Company. President Sevier Stake. 528 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 WILLIAM ADAM SEEGMILLER Son of William H. Seegmiller and Mary Ellen Laidlaw. Born Feb. 21, 1869. DANIEL SEEGMILLER Born Dec. 6, 1836, Preston, Can. Came to Utah about 1861. Second Counselor in the Presidency, Kanab Stake, 1885. Peace Officer in Salt Lake and in St. George. WILLIAM WEST SEEGMILLER Son of Daniel Seegmiller and Ellen Smith. Born Oct. 16, 1876, St. George, Utah. Mis- sionary ; Bishop ; Pres. Kanab Stake. ADAM P. SEEGMILLER Born June 29, 1839, Goderich, Can. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, William Hooper Company. EDWIN STRATFORD Born Feb. 6, 1833, Maiden, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Homer Duncan Com- pany. Bishop 4th Ward, Ogden, twenty years. EDWIN A. STRATFORD Son of Edwin Stratford and Eliza Barwell. Born Oct. 17, 1856, Tarrytown, N. Y. Re- sides at Ogden, Utah. FRANCIS WILLIAM STRATFORD Son of Kdwin Stratford and Mariannia Crabb. Born Dec. 6, 1865, Providence, Utah. Bishop of Wilson Ward. Counselor in Stake Presidency. HENRY TALBOT Born Oct. 16, 1813, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1861, Homer Duncan Com- pany. Pioneer to South Africa in 1820. THOMAS B. TALBOT Son of Henry Talbot and Priscilla Percil. Born March 25, 1838, Grahamstown, South Africa. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1861. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 .529 GEORGE ELI TALBOT Son of Thomas B. Talbot and Margaret A. Wiggell. Born June 13, 1861, Florence, Neb. JOHN TURNER Born February, 1801, Exeter, Devonshire, Kng. Came to Utah August, 1861, Homer Duncan Company. One of Founders of Montpelier, Idaho. High Priest. FREDERICK TURNER Son of John Turner and Mary Ann New- man. Born Aug. 17, 1847, Camdentown, London, Eng. Acting Bishop 6th Ward. Logan. Sheriff. ROBERT WILLIAM WILSON WALL Born April 15, 1842, South Africa. Came to Utah 1861, Homer Duncan Company. Settled in Kaysville. Farmer and Stock- raiser. SAMUEL R. WESTERN Born March 17, 1817, Tiverton, Devon- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1868. Mis- sionary to England. Farmer. SAMUEL W. WESTERN Son of Samuel R. Western and Ann Wins- borough. Born Dec. 4, 1843, Tiverton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Ho- mer Duncan Company. High Priest. SAMUEL W. WESTERN, JR. Son of Samuel W. Western and Sarah Ann Wood. Born May 10, 1867. 34 JOHN HENRY WESTERN Son of Samuel W. Western and Sarah Ann Wood. Born March 13, 1869. ALMA WESTERN Son of Samuel W. Western and Mary Alice Hutchinson. Born Aug. 8, 1888. 530 PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 JESSE W. WESTERN Son of Samuel W. Western and Mary Alice Hutchinson. Born July 29, 1892. ELI W1GGELL Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1861, Homer Dun- can Company. One of the Pioneers of South Africa. PETER ALLEN Born Jan. 5, 1849, Cold Ash, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. Seventy ; High Priest ; Missionary to England. JAMES BACKHOUSE Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. High Priest. Cotton Spinner. JAMES BURNINGHAM Son of Thomas Burningham and Sarah White. Born Feb. 18, 1836, Surrey, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. Merchant. ISAAC SPENCER Born July, 1851, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1875. Sunday School Superintendent. * ' ^T^ 1 JHp. HARVEY EARL SPENCER Son (if Isaac Spencer and Mary E. Bur- mingham (daughter of Thomas Burmin;;- ham, Pioneer 1861). Born May 2, 1891, Bountiful, Utah, JOHN COOK Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. JOHN FOWLKE Born nee. 26, 1803. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 581 WILLIAM HALLS Born May 25, 1834, Orsett, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. Member San Juan Stake Presi- dency. JOHN HALLS Son of William Halls and Louisa C. En- derby. Born July 11, 1872, Huntsville, Utah. Bishop Huntsville Ward. Member Board of Education. SAMUEL OLIVER Born Dec. 25, 1840, Wheaton, Eng. Came to Utah 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. Patriarch. School Trustee ten years. Farmer. ISAIAH TAYLOR Born Sept. 17, 1836, Stockport, Cheshire, EnK. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. High Priest; Ward Teacher ; Missionary. GEORGE P. WARD Born Jan. 1, 1828, Newboro, Northampton- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1861. Ira Eldredge Company. Missionary to Great Britain. CLEMENTS GEORGE M. WARD Son of George P. Ward and Martha Monks. Born Oct. 14, 1868, Hyrum, Cache Co., Utah. Church Detective. Farmer and Stockraiser. GEORGE R. DANIELS Hoytsville, Utah. SAMUEL ADAMS Born August, 1805. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1861, Joseph W. Young Company. TRAUGOTT BITTER Born Dec. 2, 1834, Kreuzburg, East Prus- sia, Germany. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1861, Joseph W. Young Company. High Priest. Worked on Logan Temple, 532 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 JOSEPH BITTER Son of Traugott Bitter and Wilhelmina R. Aust. Born AUK. 23, 1864, Salt Lake City. SAMUEL R. GRAY Born Jan. 19, 1853, Kirkintillock, Scot- land. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1861, Joseph W. Young Company. JOSEPH HUFF Born April 24, 1818, Upper Canada. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1861, Joseph W. Young Company. Bishop Upton Ward. DAVID LOSKE HUFF Son of Joseph Huff and Mary Jane Losee. Born April 10, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Freight- er ; Sawmill Man. CHARLES GREENWOOD KEETCH Born July 2, 1837, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861, Jo- seph W. Young Company. Seventy ; Teacher. CHARLES GREENWOOD KEETCH, JR. Son of Charles Greenwood Keetch and Mercy Truth Barker. Born Sept. 12, 1861, Gunnison, Utah. GKORGE S. MOORE Born April 2, 1830, Birmingham, Kng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1861, Ansel P. Harmon anil Joseph W. Young Company. EMer. Wood-turner and Glazier. HANS OAKASON Born Sept. 12, 1839, Woldy, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1861, Joseph W. Young Company. High Priest. Veteran Fireman. Plasterer ; Builder. JOSIAH RHEAD Born April 26, 1831, Longport, Stafford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861, Joseph W. Young Company. Sev- enty ; President Elders Quorum. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 533 JAMES BOURNE RHEAD Son of Josiah Rhead and Eliza Lewis. Born March 17, 1858, Des Moines, Iowa. Came to Utah September, 1861. High Priest ; High Councilman. Rancher. WILLIAM GEORGE RHEAD Son of Josiah Rhead and Eliza Lewis. Born July 30, 1860, Des Moines, Iowa. Farmer. CHARLES SCHNEITTER Born Dec. 11, 1837, Canton Bern, Switzer- land. Came to Utah September, 1861, Jo- seph W. Young Company. Missionary to Switzerland 1880-82. LARS PETER CHRISTENSEN Born Jan. 17, 1837, Vreilev, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1861, Samuel A. Woolley Independent Company. Bishop's Counselor. PETER CHRISTENSEN Son of Lars Peter Christensen and Anna Marie N. Lee. Born Sept. 25, 1862. GEORGE CHRISTENSEN Son of Lars Peter Christensen and Anne Marie (Mary) Peterson. Born July 4, 1867. LEHI PETER CHRISTENSEN Son of Lars Peter Christensen and Karen J. A. Jacobsen. Born Jan. 22, 1887. ROBERT CROFT Born Aug. 20, 1836, Preston, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1861, Samuel A. Woolley Company. High Priest. Machinist ; Mas- ter Mechanic. CHRISTOPHER O. HANSON Born Nov. 18, 1832, Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1861, Capt. Woolley Com- pany. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. 534 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 PETER H. HJORTH Born Jan. 23, 1843, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1861. Ward Teacher. HANS NIELSEN Born Nov. 2, 1821, Stengade, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1861, Samuel A. Woolley Company. OLE OKERLUND Born Sept. 16, 1829, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1861, Capt. Woolley Com- pany. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. GEORGE W. OKERLUND Son of Ole Okerlund and Bengta Carlson. Born Nov. 9, 1862, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High Priest. JACOB ROLFSEN Born in 1828. Came to Utah 1861, Capt. Woolley Company, ter. High Priest. Carpen- PAUL STARK Born Jan. 5, 1830, Saxlorp, Lorkevv, Hus Lane, Sweden. Came to Utah October, 1861, Capt. Woolley Company. Butcher; Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES UNSWORTH Born Dec. 25, 1848, Bolton, Lancashire, Kng. Came to Utah 1861, Samuel A. Woolley Company. High Priest. Pioneer Merchant of Hyrum. CHARLES CLARENCE UNSWORTH Son of James Unsworth and Wilhelmina A. Orell. Born March 7, 1881. JOSEPH CURTIS Born Sept. 22, 1812, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1861, Ansel P. Harmon Company. Weaver. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 535 EDWIN CURTIS Son of Joseph Curtis and Sarah Morrell. WILLIAM HUSBANDS Born Feb. 27, 1838, London, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861, Capt. Harmon Company. Employed in U. S. Treasury Department, Salt Lake City. THOMAS CARLOS HUSBANDS Son of William Husbands and Sarah Cur- tis. Born Nov. 16, 1876. WILLIAM JEFFRIES Born March 8, 1831, Goodeaves, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1861. Bishop's Counselor. ULRICH ABEGGLEN Born March 1, 1840, Gundlischvand, Can- ton Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson Com- pany. THOMAS BATY Came to Utah 1861, Sextus E. Johnson Company. ABIA WILLIAM BHOWN Born May 5, 1840, Harrisonville, Harri- son Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson Company. Bish- op's Counselor. JOHN GEORGE HAFEN Born Oct. 17, 1838, Sherzingen, Canton Thurgau, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson Com- pany. Bishop Santa Clara. CHARLES MARCUS HARDY Born March 13, 1828. Carle to Utah Sept. 26, 1861. Tailor. 536 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 WILLIAM HIPWELL Born Jan. 11, 1836, Dunton Bassette, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson Company. Farmer. JOHN JOHNS Born May 26, 1805, Wells, St. Donats, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus B. Johnson Company. High Priest. DAVID JOHNS Son of John Johns and Margaret Thomas. Born March 18, 1853, Wells, St. Donats, South Wales. DAVID J. JOHNS Son of David Johns and Sarah A. Thomas. Born July 13, 1880. JOHN LAYMAN Born Sept. 23, 1815, Riimlang, Zurich, Switzerland. Came to Utah October, 1861. Active Church Worker. Farmer 'and Fruit Grower. ADOLPH LAYMAN Son of John Layman and Anna Geering. Born Oct. 4, 1851, Riimlang, Zurich, Swit- zerland. High Priest. Farmer and Dairy- man. JAMES MOSES Born Feb. 28, 1806. Norfolk, Litchfield Co., Conn. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1861, Ira Reed Company. JESSE TILTON MOSES Son of James Moses and Eliza Spencer. Born May 9, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. JOHN SULZER Son of Casper Sulzer and Kathryn Steld- ler. Born March 28, 1846, in Switzerland. Came to Utah in 1861. Veteran Black Hawk Indian War. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 .537 JAMES WARD Born June 12, 1840, Pewsey, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1861. Bishop North Ogden Ward. JOHN DRUCE Born June 18, 1818. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Ira Reed Company. Missionary to Eastern States 1876-77 ; Bishop's Coun- selor; Patriarch. THOMAS EDWARD HOLROYD Born Jan. 7, 1820, Halifax, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Harvey Dilley Com- pany. High Priest. Merchant. ALBERT HOLT Born July 23, 1841, Broadwindsor, Dorset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861. Sunday School Superintendent. JOHN HOLT Son of Albert Holt and Marie Mabey. Born Feb. 25, 1858, England. Came to Utah September, 1861. Contractor. JOSEPH MABEY HOLT Son of Albert Holt and Maria Mabey. Born Jan. 20, 1872, Salt Lake City. High Councilor, JESSE PATTEN HOLT Father-in-law of W. S. Holdaway, Jr., of Provo. ANDKHS 1'ETKR ROSE Born Nov. 8, 1828, Vejle, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1861, Captain Porter Company. President 62d Quorum Sev- enties. Mayor Hyrum, Utah. Farmer. WILLIAM VARLEY Born June 11, 1837, Sheffield, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861. Assistant Supt. Sunday School ; Ward Teacher. Lime- burner. 538 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 WILLIAM VARLEY, JR. Son of William Varley and Mary Kllen McDuff. Born Dec. 11, 1861, Bountiful. Utah. Sunday School Superintendent ; Bishop's Counselor. FREDERICK ALFRED COOPER Son of William Cooper and Mary Ann Samworth. Born Dec. 19, 1837, Godman- ehester, Eng-. Came to Utah 1859, Georye Romney Handcart Company. JAMES LANE Born March 1, 1834, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1861, James Brown Company. Seventy ; Choir Leader. Boilermaker ; Farmer. JOHN BIGGS Born June 7, 1831, Kimpton, Hereford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 25, 1861, A. R. Wright Company. JESSE RICHARD DREDGE Born Jan. 14, 1828, Gloucestershire, Eng. Came to Utah November, 1861, Godbe and Wright Company. Patriarch. CHARLES EDMOND THOMAS MILLS Born Jan. 14, 1838, Southampton, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1861, William Wright Company. County Superintendent of Schools. AI.BIOUT KDMOND MILLS Son of Albert Kilmond Thomas Mills and Kliza Harriet Bailey. Born Nov. 8, 1874, Hoy tsville, Utah. Stake Aid in Y. M. M. I. A. MALCOLM MACDUFF Son of John Robertson Macduff and Ellen Hancock. Born May 17, 1842, Notting- ham, Eng. Came to Utah in 1861. Elder. Limeburner. HYRUM PENDLETON TRIM Born Nov. 16, 1815, Maine. Came to Utah October, 1861, Capt. Hansie Company. High Priest and Ward Teacher. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 589 SOLOMON PENDLETON TRIM Son of Hyrum Pendleton Trim and Maria Argent (Goodwin). Born July 25, 1863, Parleys Park, Utah. Member City Coun- cil. Undertaker. ABRAM ACORD Born March 22, 1830, Fremont County, Ohio. Came to Utah 1861, William K. McKissack Company. Missionary; High Priest. School Trustee. SAMUEL BUCHANAN FROST Born Jan. 2, 1810, Knox County, Tenn. Came to Utah 1861, William K. McKis- sack Company. Farmer ; Blacksmith. EDWARD BURGOYNE "Came to Utah October, 1861. JOHN CAMERON Born Dec. 25, 1819. Came to Utah Octo- ber, 1861. High Priest. JAMES A. CAMERON Son of John Cameron and Margaret Fair- grove. Born Sept. 22, 1851. High Priest. JAMES PERRY CARTER Born Feb. 23, 1827, Glutton, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861. Leader Lehi Tabernacle Choir. PETER CHRISTEN CHRISTIANSEN Born June 8, 1830, Asaa, Hjorring, Den- mark. Came to Utah in 1861. High Priest. Lieutenant Black Hawk Indian War. PETER CHRISTENSEN Son of Peter Christen Christensen and Ane Kirstine Larsen. Born July 29, 1869, Manti, Utah. Seventy. President Emery Town Board. Farmer. 540 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 JOSEPH CORNWALL Son of Alexander Cornwall, who came to Utah 1861, Captain Asper Company, and Eliza Nael. Born Aug. 27, 1832, Downs, Ireland. High Priest. WILLIAM A. CRITCHPIELD Utah. LEWIS ABRAHAM CRITCHFIELD Orissa HENRY DITTMORE Born June 8, 1836, Saxony, Germany Came to Utah in 1861. Tailor. LEWIS HENRY D1TTMORE Son of Henry Dittmore and Rachel Smuin Born Dec. 20, 1880, Pleasant Grove, Utah' U ard Teacher. Farmer. man THOMAS SAMUEL FARNES JOSEPH FRITTER FARNES '\nn'H,T h '" rias f, 3 "" 11 ' 1 Fames and Sarah vSii rt^ on B -" rn Sl ' pt - 27 > 1877 - ulle, Utah. Business Man. CHRISTIAN PETERSON HERBERTSON Son of Christian Peterson Herbertson, who came to Utah in 1861, and Anna Christian- sen. Born Dec. 14, 1830, in Denmark HARRY HORSLEY Born .Oct. 24, 1857. Came to Utah in 1861. Worked on Salt Lake Theatre 16 years Motorman and Conductor since 1889 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 541 Born 1861. JESSE WILLIAM LEWIS Oct. 27, 1836. Came to Utah CARL ERIE LINDHOLM in Born, Nov. 16, 1835, Fornbo, Locksta Co., Sweden. Came to Utah in 1861. Tailor. MARION M. MARTIN Born Nov. 16, 1825, near Richmond, Va. Came to Utah about 1861. Served in Mexican War 1846-48. Worked on Logan Temple 1882-83. Carpenter. THEODORE MONROE MARTIN Son of Marion M. Martin and Lucinda Bu.senbark. Born Oct. 1, 1864, Providence, Utah. ROBERT MICHIE Born Feb. 29, 1822, near Aberdeen, Scot- land. Came to Utah in 1861. High Priest. Postmaster at Woodland. Miller ; Farmer. LIVINGSTON MONTGOMERY Son of Robert Montgomery, who came to Utah in 1861, and Mary Lourie. Born March 28, 1858. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1862, Homer Duncan Company. Farmer. CARL M. OLSEN Born May 27, 1836, Sweden. Utah in 1861. Came to DAVIU OSTLER Born Sept. 28, 1841, in England, to Utah 1861. High Priest. Came JOHN PEPPER Born Aug. 26, 1836, at Northamptonshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1861. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Blacksmith. 542 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 ANDREW PETERSON Born May 12, 1830, Givskud, Sjelland, Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1861, working on telegraph line. Seventy. SOREN LIND PETERSEN Born Feb. 20, 1835, Fiestrup, Denmark. Came to Utah 1861, W. W. Cluft Company. Wholesale Meat Merchant ; Farmer anil Stockraiser. ADAM LIND PETERSEN Son of Soren Lind Petersen and Ane Eliza- beth Petersen. Born March 2, 1870, Hunts- ville, Utah. JOHN JACOB SLAUGH Born Feb. 15, 1819, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah 1861, Carl G. Maeser Company. Seventy ; Pres. Branch at Philadelphia. City Councilman. JOHN JACOB SLAUGH, JR. Son of John Jacob Slaugh and Matilda Smuin. Born Nov. 17, 1864, Salt Lake City. Sunday School Superintendent ; Mis- sionary. Road Supervisor. GEORGEN SMITH Born May 28, 1823, Fadested, Prussia. Came to Utah about 1861. JOHN SMITH Son of Goorccen Smith and Mary J. Swan. Born Sept. 13, 1862, Fountain Green, Utah. TRAUGOTT STLIMPF Born Jan. 2, 1840, Buchakern, Thurgau, Switzerland. Came to Utah 1861, Jabez Woodard Independent Oxteam Company. JOHN JOHNSON THAYN Born Nov. 11, 1825, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1861. High Priest; Mis- sionary to Canada, United States and England. Justice of Peace. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1861 .543 WILLIAM ALVIN THAYN Son of John Johnson Thayn and Elizabeth Hunt. Born April 13. 1865, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England. Farmer ; Merchant. EDGAR HUNT THAYN Son of John Johnson Thayn and Elizabeth Hunt. Born March 7,1869, Salt Lake City. Bishop. County Commissioner. Farmer. EBENEZER HUNT THAYN Son of John Johnson Thayn and Elizabeth Hunt. Born Aug. 30, 1874, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Eastern States. Farmer. JOHN GRIFFITHS TIMOTHY Born March 2, 1825, Grigwin, Cardigan- shire, Wales. Came to Utah in 1861. DAVID TIMOTHY Son of John G. Timothy and Martha Davis. Born March 6, 1854, Wales. Came to Utah 1862, Daniel Jones Company. High Priest ; Sunday School Superintendent. ALMA NEFHI TIMOTHY Son of John G. Timothy and Martha Davis. Born Dec. S, 1857, Tradagar, Monmouth- shire, Wales. Came to Utah September, 1862. Missionary ; High Priest. HEBER TIMOTHY Son of John G. Timothy and Martha Davis. Born April 2, 1861, Swansea, Caermarthen- shlre, Wales. Came to Utah in 1862. Farmer. Lives at Roosevelt. DANIEL J. WILLIAMS Son of William W. Williams and Mary Hodge. Born May 7, 1829, South Wales. Came to Utah October, 1861. Farmer. EVAN WILLIAMS Born June 15, 1805, Wales. Came to Utah in 1861. Block Teacher. Gardener and Farmer. Resided at Salt Lake City. .544 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 WILLIAM N. WILLIAMS Son of Evan Williams and Sarah Jeremy. Born March 17, 1851, Wales. Member Legislature seven terms. Missionary to Wales 1877-79. Merchant. JOSEPH WILD Born May 1, 1834, Berry, Lancashire, Eng. High Priest. Town Marshal. JOSEPH WILLIAM S. WILD Son of Joseph Wild and Mary Shuttleworth. Born Oct. 2, 1861, Salt Lake City. Presi- dent Elders Quorum ; High Priest. NEPHI VAUDREY Born May 9, 1858, Sandbach, Eng. Came to Utah in 1861. FREDERICK YEATES Son of George Yeates and Mary Chance. Born Jan. 11, 1838, Worcestershire, Eng. High Priest. JOHN ZWEIFEL, JR. Born Dec. 24, 1845, Switzerland. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1864. High Priest. Farmer. ALFKIOI) GREENWOOD KEETCH Born Jan. 3, 1840, Kempston, Ens. Came to Utah March 4, 1862, Willie and Atwood Company. Bishop's Counselor. Mayor of Pleasant Grove. JAMES A. LEFFLER Born July 28, 1840, Boone County, Mo. Came to Utah July 18, 1862, Private Com- pany. MARK BARNES Born March 6, 1809, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah July, 1862. Superintendent Sunday School. Farmer and Gardener. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 545 WILLIAM DYKT Eorn 1S36, Kelvin Grove, Scotland. Priest. High HYRUM KING CRANNKY Born Feb. 26, 1818, Northflelil, Portaye, Ohio. Came to Utah August, 1862, Capt. Shirley Company. High Priest ; High Counselor. Attorney. WILLIAM DUANE CRAXNEY Son of Hyrum King Cranney and Kliza- beth Boughey. Born Aug. 24, 1848, She- boygan, Wis. Came to Utah 1862, Capt. Shirley Company. Bishop. DAVID HALL Son (if William Hall and Ana Copeland. Came to Utah AUK. 29, 1862, Capt. Brun- son Company. High Councilor. JOHN WILLIAM WIXG Born May 25, 1845, Pike County, 111. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1862, Louis Brunson Company. Black Hawk Indian War Vete- ran. Farmer ; Freighter ; Contractor. JOHN WILLIAM WING, JR. Son of John William Wing and Martha Goates. Born July 28, 1870, Lehi, Utah. One of the seven Presidents of the 68th Quorum of Seventies. WALTER LINDSAY Born April 1, 1837, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Fall of 1862, William Brun- son Company. Superintendent Sunday School. Mail Carrier. 35 ANTHONY CHRISTENSEN Son of Christen Christensen, who came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, and Buletta Sorensen. Born Feb. 20, 1849, Ostrup, Aalborg Amt, Denmark. Seventy. A. C. CHRISTENSEN Born Aug. 17, 1829, Denmark. Came Utah in 1862. High Priest. 546 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 NIELS C. CHRISTENSBN Born Feb. 6, 1832, Tors Parish, Hjorring Amt, Denmark. High Priest. Farmer. LAURITZ JACOBSON Born Feb. 2, 1844, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1862, Christian A. Mad- sen Company. High Priest ; Teacher. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer. ANTHON H. LUND Born May 15, 1844, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Madsen Independent Company. First Counselor to Pres. Joseph F. Smith. HENRY C. LUND Son of Anthon H. Lund and Sarah Ann Peterson. Born April 13, 1873, Ephraim, Utah. Member General Board Y. M. M. I. A. Lawyer. NIELS C. NIELSEN Born Aug. 31, 1845, Hjorring Amt, Den- mark. Came to Utah 1862, Bishop Madsen Company. Black Hawk Indian War Vete- ran. Merchant. LARS PETER PETERSON Born Nov. 27, 1825, Albek, Hjorring, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Chris- tian A. Madsen Company. NIELS PETER PETERSON Son of Lars Peter Peterson and Elsie Maria Jensen. Born May 9, 1858. High Councilor. City Councilman, Richfield, Utah. HANMER E. PETERSON Son of Niels Peter Peterson and Augusta and Stockraiser. NIELS MORTEN PETERSON Born Nov. 12, 1819, Saybe Hjorring, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862. High Councilor Sevler Stake. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 547 JAMES MORTEN PETERSON Son of Niels Morten Peterson and Mette Chrlstene Jensen. Born April 15, 1850, Donsted, Denmark. Mayor of Richfield, Utah. Banker. JAMES MORTEN PETERSON Son of James Morten Peterson and Laura Hansene Christine Hansen. Born July 12, 1879, Richfield, Utah. First Counselor to Pres. of Sevier Stake. Banker. ANDREW POULSEN Born June 8, 1843, Weiby, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, Christian A. Madsen Co. Teacher ; HiKh Councilor. CHRISTIAN POULSON Born 1848, Weiby, Hjorring Amt, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Madsen Company. PAUL POULSON Born Sept. 19, 1845, Weiby, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Madsen Company. Bishop of Richfield Ward 1877-94 ; High Councilor. MORONI P. STARK Son of Soren P. Stark, who came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, and Ane S. Pedersen. Born Oct. 11, 1869, Spanish Fork, Utah. Pres. 129th Quorum Seventies; Missionary to Nova Scotia. THOMAS CHRISTIAN STEPHENSON Born June 14, 1825, Jersey Parish, Hjor- ring amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Madsen Independent Company. . SIMEON STEPHENSON Son of Thomas Christian Stephenson and Maren Simons. Born Aug. 27, 1850, Jers- lev Sogn, Hjorring Amt, Denmark. ANTHONY STEPHENSON Son of Thomas Christian Stephenson and Maren Simons. Born April 5, 1852, Den- mark. Bishop Holden, Utah. 548 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 ANDREW STEPHBNSON Son of Thomas Christian Stephenson and Maren Simons. Born March 27, 1855, Den- mark. High Priest ; Missionary to Den- marl; 1905-07. MADS HANSON Born Dec. 6, 1830, Foslev, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Ola N. Liljenquist Company. Elder ; Ward Teacher. School Trustee. Farmer. GEORGE DAVID HANSON Son of Mads Hanson and Mattie Petersen. Born July 18, 1871, Providence, Utah. Seventy ; Ward Teacher. School Trustee. Farmer. KNUT JENSEN Born 1810, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Ola N. Liljenquist Company. Farmer and Stockraiser. ANDREW A. PETERSON Born Jan. 13, 1840, Gstad, South Sweden. Came to Utah 1862, Ola N. Liljenquist Company. High Priest. City Councilman. ANDREW PETERSON Son of Andrew A. Peterson and Mary Ann Earlan Pherson: Born Dec. 5, 1865. JOHN ADAMS Born AUK. 12, 1827, Bucklebury, Berkshire, Kng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan Company. High Councilor. Car- penter. HENRY ADAMS Son of John Adams and Jane Merritt. Born Aug. 22, 1853, Cold Ash, Berkshire, Eng. Lawyer. Nephi, Utah. THOMAS BEARD Born Dec. 14, 1836, Whaley Bridge, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Dun- can Company. High Priest. City Council- man. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 549 JOHN DAYNES Born May, 1831, England. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan Company. Klcler. Musical Merchandise and Jewelry Merchant. JOSEPH J. UAYNES Son of John Daynes and Elisa Miller. Born April 2, 1851, Norwich, Eng. Came to Utah 1862, Homer Duncan Company. High Priest. Musical Merchandise. J. FRED DAYNES Son of John Daynes and Rebecca Bushby. Born Dec. 7, 1872, Salt Lake City. Mis- sionary to England 1898-1900; Seventy. Jeweler. JAMES LINDSAY Born 1849, Hudson Bridge, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Dun- can Company. Farmer ; Miner. JOHN LINDSAY Came to Utah in 1862. THOMAS MUMFORD Horn Dec. 24, 1829, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1862, Homer Duncan Company. High Priest. Farmer. JOHN W. MUMFORD Son of Thomas Mumford and Elizabeth Moore. Born April 27, 1865. RICHARD JESSOP Born May 3, 1838, Stoke Rogford, Lincoln- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1862. Pres. Providence & Millville Irrigation Co. JOSEPH SMITH JESSOP Son of Richard Jessop and Mary Ellen Shaffer. Born Jan. 25, 1869, Millville, Utah. Resides at Millville. 550 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 JOHN LONDON Born Nov. 7, 1840, Alcester, Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1862, Ho- mer Duncan Company. High Priest ; Supt. Croyden Sunday School. Postmas- ter. ANDREW BECK BENZON Born 1835, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862, James Wareham Company. High Priest ; Block Teacher. Salesman. SAMUEL EGGLESTON Born March 30, 1804, Marcilber, Onondaga Co., N. Y. Came to Utah August, 1862, James Wareham Independent Company. Patriarch. Bishop. OKSON HYDE EGGLESTON Son of Samuel Eggleston and Lurania Burgess. Born Oct. 3, 1841, Ninles, Cay- uga Co., N. Y. Came to Utah August, 1861, David H. Cannon Company. PETER C. GREEN Born March 1, 1827, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862, Oxteam Company. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor twenty- seven years ; Presiding Teacher. PETER B. GREEN Son of Peter C. Green and Elsie Marie Bertlesen. Born Feb. 4, 1864. JOHN GH1MSHAW Born .June 12, 1811, Accrington, Lanca- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1863, Peter Xebeker Company. High Priest. Laborer. DUCKWORTH GRIMSHAW Son of John Grimshaw and Alice Whit- taker. Born March 3, 1842, Tottington, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862, James Wareham Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. JOHN G. GRIMSHAW Son of Duckworth Grimshaw and Mary- Jane Moyes. Born March 15, 1868. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 551 WILLIAM HYMAS Born July 26, 1806, Rayleigh, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1862, James Ware- ham Company. JOHN A. HYMAS Son of William Hymas and Mary Ann Atkins. Born Sept. 1, 1839, Rayleigh, Es- sex, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1861. BENJAMIN HYMAS Son of William Hymas and Mary Ann At- kins. Born May 6, 1846, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah in 1862. Bishop of Treas- ureton Ward. WILLIAM ALFRED HYMAS Son of William Hymas and Mary Ann Atkins. Born March 22, 1847, Rayleish, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1862. High Priest. Farmer. SAMUEL EDWARD HYMAS Son of William Alfred Hymas and Mary Edwards. Born Dec. 10, 1867, Liberty, Idaho. Bishop Sharon Ward. Justice of Peace. MARTIN PEDERSEN KUHRE Born Sept. 15, 1838, Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862, James Wareham Company. WILLIAM DOBBIE KUHRE Son of Martin Pedersen Kuhre and Han- sine Katrine Jensen. Born Jan. 21, 1863, Ephraim, Utah. Bishop. Mayor of Sandy. BENGT OLSEN Born Feb. 5, 1824, Stora tTppiakara, Swe- den. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862. Farm- er and Painter. JOSEPH REUBEN OLSEN Son of Bengt Olsen and Wilhelmina Pe- tersen. Born Nov. 7, 1864, Big Cotton- wood, Utah. Sheriff Box Elder County. Farmer and Sheepraiser. 552 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 THOMAS PACE Born Oct. 9, 1827, Durham, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1862, James Wareham Company. High Priest. Carpenter. THOMAS ORSON PACE Son of Thomas Pace and Mary Jane Blac- kett. Born Feb. 14, 1863. EBER B. RAWLINGS Born June 24, 1826, Eydon, Northampton- shire, Eng-. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1862. James Wareham Company. HARMON WICKEL Born in 1798. Came to Utah 1862, James Wareham Company. Missionary to East- ern States seven years ; Block Teacher. Chief of Commissary at Nauvoo. JOHN R. ALLEN Born Jan. 29, 1841, Kentucky. Came to Utah September, 1862, Independent Com- pany. "WILLIAM ASHTON Born Feb. 9, 1837, Alabama. Came to Utah 1862, Independent Company. One of Vernal's founders. WILLIAM STANLEY ASHTON Son of William Ashton and Kllen Eliza- beth Oruxford. Born May 29, 1871, Pleas- ant Grove, I'tah. Buyer Ashley Co-op. Store twenty-one years ; Farmer. FREDERIK CHR1STENSEN Born 1824, near Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1862, Captain Van Cott Company. Counselor in Presi- dency of Bear River Branch. ALMA DENTON ROGERS Born June 18, 1836, Geneseo, N. Y. Came to Utah 1862, Independent Company. Elder. Deputy Marshal. School Teacher. Dentist. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 553 JOSKPH SEWELL Born Jan. 2, 1796, Palsied, Essex, Ens. Came to Utah September, 1862. Carpen- ter and Builder. JOSEPH SEWELL, JR. Son of Joseph Sewell and Sarah Stevens. Born Nov. 13, 1819, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861. Carpenter and Builder. WILLIAM SEWELL Son of Joseph Sewell, Jr., and Kmily El- lett. Born Feb. 1, 1850, Yarmouth, Eng. Farmer ; Rancher. ANDERS NIELSEN ANDERSEN Born Oct. 31, 1812. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, John R. Murdock Company. Pioneer of Box Elder County. JONATHAN NIELSEN ANDERSEN Son of Anders N. Andersen and Cath- rine S. Pedersen. Born Dec. 13, 1865, Brigham City, Utah. Ward Teacher ; Su- perintendent Sunday School. CHRISTIAN ANDERSON Born May 6, 1840, GuldborR, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock Second Church Train. Bishop of Fillmore six years. Farmer ; Merchant. NEPHI AMITZBOL ANDKRSON Son of Christian Anderson and Anna D. Christiansen. Born Nov. 7, 1881, Fill- more, Utah. Pres. Y. M. M. I. A. at Fill- more ; High Councilor. CHRISTIAN PETER BEAUREGARD Born March 18, 1826, Randers, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock Company. Patriarch. Black- smith. MARINUS BEAUREGARD Son of Christian Peter Beauregard and Ann K. Sorensen. Born Feb. 5, 1852, Mi- rah, Denmark. City Councilman. Direc- tor Gunnison Valley Bank. 554 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 MARINUS DENNIS BEAUREGARD Son of Marinus Beauregard and Amelia Edwards. Born Dec. 21, 1882, Fillmore, Utah. City Treasurer. Pres. Gunnison Valley Power Company. HANS CHRISTENSEN Born Feb. 20, 1840, Rakkeby, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Mur- dock Company. High Councilor. Farmer anil Mechanic. JOHN CHRISTENSEN Son of Hans Christensen and Johanne Ma- ne Poulsen. Born Nov. 2, 1863. HEBER C. CHRISTENSEN Son of Hans Christensen and Johanne Ma- rie Poulsen. Born May 11, 1870. THOMAS COBBLEY Born Jan. 22, 1820, Huntingtonshire, Ens Came to Utah September, 1862, John R Murdock Company. JAMES COBBLEY Son of Thomas Cobbley and Sarah Smith. Born Sept. 21, 1846. Came to Utah Sep- tember, 1862, Kimball and Lawrence Freight Train. Bishop of Pleasant Grove CHRISTIAN HANSON Horn April 12, 1822, Hasmark, Fyen, Den- mark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, John R. Murdock Company. High Councilman. Carpenter. HANS C. HANSON Born Sept. 16, 1849, Bederslev, Denmark President of Seventies : Missionary to Den- mark 11)08. Carpenter ; Farmer. ERASMUS MARTIN HANSON Born March 26, 1850, Bederslev, Fyen, Denmark. Missionary to Sandwich Islands 1881-84. Carpenter. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 55.5 ARTHUR JAMES JEFFS Son of William Walker Jeffs, who came to Utah October, 1862, John R. Murdock Com- pany, and Emma Summers. Born May 17, 1855, in England. Elder. Fruit Grower. JOHN P. REID Born Feb. 25, 1825, County Down, Ireland. Came to Utah in 1862. Elder. Farmer. JOHN KIRKWOOD REID Son of John P. Reid and Margarette Kirk- wood. Born Dec. 22, 1850, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah October, 1862. High Priest : Bishop's Counselor. WILLIAM H. SOLOMON Born Feb. 6, 1828. Came to Utah October, 1862, John R. Murdock Company. Sev- enty ; Patriarch. Shoemaker ; Farmer and Stockraiser. CHRISTENSEX PETER STECK Born July 25, 1800, Germany. Came to Utah September, 1862, John R. Murdock Company. JENS F. STECK Son of Peter Steck and Marie Sophia Was. Born Feb. 6, 1841. JOSEPH LEWIS THOMPSON Born Feb. 8, 1815, Birmingham, Warwick- shire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1862, John R. Murdoek Company. WILLIAM HENRY THOMPSON Son of Joseph Lewis and Penelope Thomp- son. Born May 1, 1838, Birmingham, Warwickshire, Eng. An Overseer in erec- tion of St. George Temple. GUSTAVE ANDERSON Born Jan. 5, 1850, Grunsta Parish, Swe- den. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home Company. Bishop's Counselor. Mayor. 556 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 NELS BENSON Born Aug. 23, 1846, Oringe, Halland Lan, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1862, Joseph Home Company. Black Hawk In- dian War Veteran. Seventy. JOHN IRVEN BENSON Son of Nels Benson and Philindia Eldredge Koftord. Born Nov. 6, 1882, Spring City, Utah. Ward Clerk. Fireman for Utah Fuel Co. NELS ERNEST BENSON Son of Nels Benson and Philindia Eld- redge Kofford. Born Jan. 24, 1878. ROBERT BROWN Born May 14, 1831, St. Paul's, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home Company. Farmer and Rancher. HENRY WILLIAM EVANS BROWN Son of Robert Brown and Ann Evans. Born July 14, 1854, St. Nicholas Parish, Bristol, Eng. Miner and Smelterman. HYRUM P. GEARY Son of Edward Geary, who came to Utah 1862, Joseph Home Company, and Eliza- beth Ann Slater. Born Oct. 19, 1861, Tre- vorton. Pa. Superintendent Sunday School. PETER IVKHSKN Born .Ian. 21, 1840. Viele, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home Com- pany. High Priest ; Ward Teacher at Honeyville, Utah. BENGT JOHNSON Born Jan. 31, 1822, Sodervidinge, Sweden. Came to Utah September, 1862, Joseph Home Company. Farmer. Resided at Provo, Utah. BENGT JOHNSON, JR. Son of Bengt Johnson and Guinala Ben- son. Born June 13, 1850, Sodervidinge, Sweden. Came to Utah with father. High Councilor. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 557 GUSTAVUS JOHNSON Born July 23, 1821, Gathered, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home Company. NILS LARSON Born July 17, 1833, Willie Parish, Malmo, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Jo- seph Home Company. CHARLES PETER MEYER Son of Carl F. C. Meyer, who came to Utah in 1862, and Anne Jensine Jacobsen. Born June 5, 1857, Leiloie, Denmark. JACOB MYERS Son of Carl F. C. Meyer and Anne Jensine Jacobson. Born May 21, 1847, Ledoie, Copenhagen Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home Com- pany. Merchant. Farmer. HYRUM P. MYERS Son of Jacob Myers and Anna M. Johnson. LOUIS J. MYERS Son of Jacob Myers and Anna M. Johnson. NEILS PEDER NIELSON Born Feb. 13, 1847, Norre Orslov, Falster, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home Company. High Priest. HEBER PETER NIELSON Son of Niels Peder Nielson and Caroline Christensen. Born March 19, 1872, Eph- raim, Utah. JENS POULSEN Born Oct. 28, 1831, Kirkestillinse, Den- mark. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home Company. High Priest. Farmer. 558 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 JAMES SHRYNE POULSEN SOL of Jens Poulsen and Maren Kristina Arff. Born May 8, 1864, at Paris, Idaho. Bishop of 2nd Ward at Paris, Idaho. JOSEPH F. POULSEN Son of Jens Poulsen and Maren Kristina Arff. Born Dec. 4, 1870, Ovid, Idaho. GEORGE ROWLAND Born April 18, 1840, Gresley Parish, Not- tinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1862, Joseph Home Company. High Priest. SAMUEL ROWLAND Springville, Utah. THOMAS BROADBENT Born Dec. 29, 1833, Saddleworth, York- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1862. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. DAVID ALBERT BROADBENT Son of Thomas Broadbent and Mary Jane Nuttall. Born May 14, 1871, Goshen, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. Principal Heber Schools. ALFRED WILLIAM HANSEN Son of Peter Hansen, who came to Utah September, 1862, John Van Cott Company, and Keata Gustava Burresen. Born Jan. 23, 1877, Manti, Utah. Seventy. Farmer. SIMEON ATWOOD Born April 12, 1814, Mendon, Monroe Co., N. Y. Came to TItah Oct. 2, 1862, Capt. James S. Brown Company. WALTER HENRY ATWOOD Son of Simeon Atwood and Melissa Turrell. Born Jan. 25, 1841, Crawford County, Pa. Missionary to Eastern States. City Coun- cilman. Lumber and Coal Merchant. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 559 LUTHER GILBERT PORTER Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1862, Augustus Can- field Company. JOHN BARTON Born Feb. 23, 1806, Winstanley, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Har- mon Company. High Priest. Mechanical Engineer. Farmer. WILLIAM B. BARTON Son of John Barton and Elizabeth Bell. Born July 21, 1836, Wigan, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860. High Priest ; Mis- sionary ; Patriarch. Contractor. ISAAC BARTON Son of John Barton and Elizabeth Bell. Born Dec. 11, 1842, in England. Came to Utah 1861. Bishop of 19th Ward, Salt Lake ; President High Priests Quorum. JOSEPH BARTON Son of John Barton and Elizabeth Bell. Born July 25, 1848, St. Helen, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah with his father. Pres- ident 143rd Quorum Seventy. WILLIAM BARTON Came to Utah October, 1862, Thomas Rich Company. ROBERT DANSIE Born Feb. 5, 1825, Boxford, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon Com- pany. Bishop Herriman Ward. Farmer and Stockraiser. ROBERT DANSIE, JR. Son of Robert Dansie and Charlotte Rud- land. Born May 5, 1850, Boxford, lOng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862. Constable Salt Lake County three years. Stockraiser. WILLIAM HEBER DANSIE Son of Robert Dansie and Charlotte Rud- land. Born July 18, 1860, Boxford, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Elder. Resided at Riverton. 560 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 WILLIAM HEBER DANSIE, JR. Son of William Heber Dansie and Eliza Jane Wright. Born June 27, 1885, River- ton, Utah. Seventy. Engineer. GEORGE HENRY DANSIE Son of Robert Dansie and Jane Wilcox Born Jan. 31, 1866, Bingham Canyon, Utah. President Seventies ; Missionary. Farmer anrl Stockraiser. DAVID CAMPBELL Born 1809 in Sterlingshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon Company. High Priest. Laborer JOHN ORR FRECKLETOX Born March 3, 1835, Keady, Ireland Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon Company. Indian War Veteran. JAMES GOUGH Born Jan. 14, 1840, Murbridge Hill Here- fordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1862, An- sel P. Harmon Company. President Teachers Quorum. JAMES H. HARRISON Born April 9, 1817, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon Company. High Priest. WILLIAM HOBDAY HARRISON Son of James H. Harrison and Angelina Parry. Born June 18, 1852, London, Eng. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. EDWARD LAKER LASHBROOK Born 1839, Croydon, Surrey Co., Eng Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, Ansel P. Har- mon Company. High Priest; Sunday School Superintendent. ALBERT MABEY Son of Thomas Mabey and Esther Chalker. Born Sept. 4, 1843, Wraxall, Dorsetshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1862. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 561 JOSEPH THOMAS MABEY Son of Thomas Mabey and Esther Chalk- er. Born June 30, 1845, Wraxall, Dorset- shire, Eng. High Priest. Sheepraiser ami Gardener. HENRY MARRIOTT Born Aug. 18, 1813, Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Har- mon Company. Elder. Merchant. THOMAS E. MARRIOTT Son of Henry Marriott and Esther Spen- cer. Born Nov. 30, 1842, Nottingham, Kng. Blacksmith and Merchant. HENRY G. MARRIOTT Son of Thomas E. Marriott and Ann Paramore. Born April 26, 1868, West Jordan, Utah. Blacksmith. City Coun- cilman. NOAH SMITH Born 1803, Stamford, Conn. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon Com- pany. Shoemaker. HENRY WALLACE Born April 27, 1840, Frome, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon Company. High Coun- cilor. Confectioner and Baker. HENRY VAN TASSELL Born May 26, 1816, New York City. Came to Utah September, 1862, Ansel P. Har- mon Company. 36 GEORGE TAYLOR Born April 6, 1830, Candle Green, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1862, Captain Dun- can Company. Elder. Blacksmith, Farm- er and Mechanic. HANS O. WEEDING Born Sept. 12, 1814, Dahle Ivejford, Tromso, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1862. High Priest; Ward Teacher. Fisherman. Farmer. 562 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 WILLIAM CHUGG Born Nov. 25, 1830, West Down, . Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1862, Joseph W. Young Company. High Priest. Miller. WILLIAM JOHN CHUGG Son of William Chugg and Mary Mitchell Born Aug. 23, 1866, at Salt Lake City. WILLIAM FIELD Born Jan. 15, 1836, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1862, Warren Snow Company. WILLIAM HEBER FIELD Son of William Field and Charlotte Bult. Born Jan. 1, 1865, Slaterville, Utah. RICHARD D. TRESEDER Born March 1, 1818, Davenport, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1862, Benjamin Hampton Company. Tailor. ^ RICHARD M. TRESEDER Son of Richard D. Treseder and Elizabeth McKay. Born March 9, 1838, Davenport, Eng. Member of First Artillery organized in Utah. ALBERT C. TRESEDER Son of Richard M. Treseder and Jane Ed- munds Born Jan. 5, 1882, Ogden, Utah. Worked in Sunday Schools and Mutual Improvement Association. Clothing Mer- Cliftuti CHARLES M. TRESEDER Son of Richard D. Treseder and Elizabeth McKay. FRANK M. TRESEDER Son of Richard D. Treseder and Elizabeth McKay. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 563 JOHN PRICE BALL Born Oct. 4, 1828, Coalton, Leicestershire, Enjr. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1862, Isaac A. Canfleld Company. Merchant. JAMES H. BALL Son of John Price Ball and Phoebe Birk- enheail. Born Dec. 30, 1877, at Salt Lake City. Lawyer. EDWARD W. PARRY Born May 19, 1825, Llanrwst, Denbigh- shire, Wales. Came to Utah October, 1862, Isaac A. Canfield Company. High Priest. Mechanic. OWEN JONES PARRY Son of Edward W. Parry and Ann Jones. Born Nov. 25, 1860, Meleden, Flintshire, Wales. Elder. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOSEPH CLARK STICKNEY Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1862, Isaac A. Canfleld Independent Company. JAMES AINSWORTH Born Aug. 9, 1851, West Bromwich, Staf- fordshire, Ens. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. JOSEPH AINSWORTH Born Jan. 22, 1848, Wood Green, Staf- fordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. Black Hawk War Veteran. High Councilor. JOHN ARGENT Born March 12, 1804. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. Fam- ily home, Orsett, Eng. JOHN R. BARBER Son of John Barber, who came to Utah Nov. , 1862, Henry W. Miller Company, and Charlotte Kirby. Born Dec. 12, 1862, Logan, Utah. Farmer and Stock- raiser. 564 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 FRAXCIS WILLIAM BAILEY Born Aug. 6, 1840, Ferham, Hantshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1862, Henry W. Mil- ler Company. Elder. Former Sea Cap- tain. FRANCIS TRACY BAILEY Son of Francis William Bailey and Annie ICliza InKram. Born April 16, 1863, Peter- son, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. Rail- road man. Doctor. WILLIAM GANDER BIDDLE Born Nov. 24, 1832, Walsall, Staffordshire Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. WILLIAM ALFRED BIDDLE Son of William Gander Biddle and Eliza- beth Heath. Born Feb. 20, 1859, Walsall Eng. JOSEPH EDWIN CALDWELL Son of Joseph Bridge Caldwell, who came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, and Annie Petrena Fjeldsted. Born May 21, 1875, Gunnison, Utah. Bishop Molen Ward. WILLIAM DEARDEN Born July 7, 1826, Haydock, Lancashire Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. President Wigan Branch, in England. JAMES DEARDEX Son of William Dearden and Mary Green- all. Born May 12, 1851, Lancashire, Eng. WILLIAM DOWNARD Son of George Downard, who came to Utah November, 1862, and Emma Car- lisle. Born July 12, 1867, Spring City, Utah. President 101st Quorum Seventies. RICHARD HARI'KH Born April 5, 1827, Swinehead, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 565 Son Faulkner. WILLIAM F. HARPER of Richard Harper and Born July 3, 1852. LEVI RICHARD HART Susann Son of James Hart, who came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company, and Mary Cape. Born March 2, 1851, Bristol, Eng. SAMUEL WALTER HART Son of James Hart and Mary Cape. Born Oct. 31, 1853, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah, 1862. Bishop Raymond Ward. BENJAMIN HISKEY Born 1822, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. Teacher. Car Repairer. JOHN S. HISKEY Son of Benjamin Hiskey and Mary Ann Kankel. Born May 22, 1864, at Salt Lake City. HERBERT HORSLEY Born Sept. 6, 1845, Alcester, Warwick- shire, En?. Came to Utah November, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. Seventy. THOMAS JOHN Born Jan. 29, 1820. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W: Miller Company. Ward Teacher ; High Councilor. Helped found Portage, Utah. JAMES JOHN Son of Thomas John and Margaret Thom- as. Born Nov. 10, 1846, Mathry Parish, Pembrokeshire, Wales. High Priest. Farmer. HENRY JOHN Son of Thomas John and Margaret Thom- as. Born Feb. 15, 1851, Mathry, Pem- brokeshire, Wales. 5G6 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 WILLIAM G. NOBLE Born March 29, 1811, Irchester, Northamp- ton, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. High Priest. JAMES PERKES Born March 28, 1819, Dudley, Worcester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. High Priest. REUBEN PERKES Son of James Perkes and Eliza Bolesen. Born Aug. 13, 1845, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Town Treas- urer. JOHN R1CHMAN Born Jan. 14, 1828, Molton Egate, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. HYRUM S. RICHMAN Son of John Richman and Sarah Ann Stephenson. Born June 5, 1851, in Eng- land. HENRY STOKES Came to Utah 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. Pioneer to Snake River Coun- try. SIMON WEBB Born Aug. 3, 1831, Crekerne, Eng Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. High Priest. City Councilman four years. CHARLES WILKINSON Came to Utah 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. Seventy ; Chorister at East Mill Creek Ward 30 years. Lived at Hoytsville, Utah. MOSES WILKINSON Son of Charles Wilkinson and Sarah Mer- ser. Born Feb. 13, 1837, Bradford, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Seventy; Chorister. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 567 ALMA WILKINSON Son of Moses Wilkinson and Mary E. Bircumshaw. Born July 16, 1870, at Salt Lake City. Deacon. Farmer and Fruit Grower. Resides at Vineyard. BENJAMIN WRIGHT Son of William Wright, who came to Utah October, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company, and Charlotte Rouse. ROBERT GREGORY Born Nov. 30, 1826, Pitminster, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1862. High 1'riest. Settled at Franklin, Idaho, 1862. . GEORGE F. GREGORY Born April 19, 1880, Cove, Utah. Mis- sionary to Missouri 1900-02. Assisted in S. S. Superintendency at Cove, Utah, and Mt. Home, Idaho. JOHN THOMAS COLLINS Con of Thomas Collins and Mary Liddiard. Born April 12, 1878, Prove, Utah. Elder; Sunday School and Ward Teacher. Mason and Farmer. EDWARD PRICE Born Sept. 29, 1811, Tentenhall Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton Haight Company. Merchant. LORENZO PRICE Son of Edward Price and Matilda Law- rence. Born May 27, 1846, Birmingham, Eng. Cabinetmaker. LORENZO PRICE, JR. Son of Lorenzo Price and Annie Buckley. Born May 10, 1868, at Salt Lake City. GEORGE B. PRICE Son of Lorenzo Price, Jr., and Emma N. Handley. Born Aug. 20, 1891. 568 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 JOHN I. PRICE Born May 10. 1830, Glastry, Radnorshire, Wales. Came to Utah 1862, Bill Key- wood Freight Train. ISAAC T. PRICE Born Oct. 26, 1855, Cincinnati, Ohio. Came to Utah 1862, Bill Keyvvood Freight Train. Bishop of Round Valley 1893 FRANCIS SHARP Born Jan. 24, 1834. Came to Utah Oct 19, 1862, Amasa M. Lyman Company. High Priest. Justice of Peace. FRANCIS SHARP, JR. Born February, 1868, Smithfielcl, Cache Co., Utah. Seventy. Assistant Superin- tendent Lyman, Idaho, Ward Sunday School. JAMES L. DAVIS Born Aug. 9, 1840, London, Eng. Carne to Utah October, 1862, Kimball and Law- rence Freight Train. High Priest. JAMES HUTCHINSON Born July 25, 1838, Woodhouse, Eng Came to Utah 1862, Kimball and Law- rence Merchandise Company. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran JOHN W. HUTCHINSON Sun of James Hutchinson and Ellen Red- man. Born July 11, 1864, at Salt Lake' City. Seventy. MATTHEW THOMPSON Born Aug. 21, 1832, Lurgan, Armagh Co.. Ireland. Came to Utah Oct. 19. 1862, David P. Kimball Oxteam Company High Priest. Stonecutter. WILLIAM WOOD Born May 1, 1837, Astemi Burnham, Es- sex, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1862 David P. Kimball Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 569 WILLIAM WOOD, JR. Son of William Wood anil Elizabeth Gen- try. Born Nov. 10, 1863, at Salt Lake City. Bishop 24th Ward, Salt Lake City. JOHN WOODFIELD Born near Birmingham, Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1862, Kimball and Lawrence Company. President North Og- den Irrigation Company. GEN. PATRICK EDWARD CONNOR Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1862, in charge of volunteer troops from California and Ne- vada ; established Fort Douglas on the bench east of Salt Lake City. JAMES BURT Born Jan. 8, 1822, Ballantrae, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight Company. High Priest ; Sunday School Supt. Blacksmith ; Farmer. JAMES BURT, JR. Son of James Burt and Mary McBride. Bdrn Sept. 26, 1846, Merry Marder, Scot- land. Seventy ; Sunday School Teacher. Farmer. JOHN BURT Born 1817, Fifeshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight Company. Seventy. PETER G. BURT Son of John and Margerite Burt. Born Dec. 24, 1840. Came to Utah Oct.- 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight Company. Re- sides at Salt Lake City. THOMAS JOHN FOOTK Son of Thomas Foote, who came to Utah Sept. 2, 1862, Horton I). Haight Company, and Eliza Barrett. Born Nov. 4, 1860, Spanish Fork, Utah. High Priest. EDWARD PEARCE Born June 20, 1802, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight Company. 570 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 CHARLES PEARCE Son of Edward Pearce and Elizabeth Ben- net. Born Feb. 20, 1833, London, Eng. Came to Utah 1864. CHARLES RODWELL PEARCE Son of Charles Pearce and Eliza Jane Rod-well. Born Oct. 3, 1860, London, Ens. Came to Utah 1863. JOHN PRIESTLEY Born Feb. 25, 1843, Bradford, Yorkshire, Kng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Morton D. Haight Company. Printer at Dcseret News. MORONI PICKETT Born Oct. 16, 1848, Curridge, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1862. Coun- selor to President of Cassia Stake. Pa- triarch. OLIVER B. PICKETT Son of Moroni Pickett and Frances A. Clesg-. Born May 10, 1874, Lake Town, Utah. Bishop of Oakley 3rd Ward ; Pres- ident Y. M. M. I. A. Justice of Peace. HANS HENRICH MATHIS Born Feb. 22, 1803, in Switzerland. Came to Utah 1864. Farmer. Elder. HENRY MATHIS Son of Hans Henrich Mathis and Doro- thea Myers. Born 1834, Canton Zurich Switzerland. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1862. 1 Elder. JAMES SAMUEL MATHIS Son of Henry Mathis and Elizabeth Hub- smith. Born Feb. 10, 1870, New Har- mony, Utah. Elder. President Y. M. M. I. A. of New Harmony Ward. JOHN ARNOLD MATHIS Son of Henry Mathis and Elizabeth Hub- smith. Born May 3, 1875. Member of Presidency 101st Quorum Seventies. Farmer and Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 571 JOHN MATHIS Son of Hans Henrich Mathis and Anna Dorothea Myers. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856. Elder. Built first house in St. George. HENRY GEORGE MATHIS Son of John Mathis and Barbara Bryner. Born May 2, 1861, Ogden, Utah. Second Counselor in Presidency of Emery Stake. Farmer and Implement Dealer. WILLIAM A. ROSSITER Born Feb. 26, 1843, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1862. Seventy. General Superintendent of President Brigham Young's business affairs. FREDERICK CHARLES ROSSITER Son of William A. Rossiter and Eliza A. Crabtree. Born April 7, 1874, at Salt Lake City. Seventy. Horticulturist. FERDINAND ZOLLINGER Born Oct. 18, 1829, Flunter, Switzerland. Came to Utah October, 1862, W. H. Dame Company. JAMES NIBLEY Born 1815, in Scotland. Came to Utah 1862, Capt. Ross Company. Merchant. Farmer and CHARLES W. NIBLEY Son of James Nibley and Jean Wilson. Born Feb. 5, 1849, Hunterfield, Scotland. Came to Utah 1862, Capt. Ross Company. Presiding Bishop. JOHN STAHLE Born July 25, 1830, Amersweil, Thurgau, Switzerland. Came to Utah Oct. 31, 1862, Capt. Baliff Company. High Priest; Ward Teacher. Farmer. HENRY W. STAHLE Son of John Stahle and Susan Baumann. Born July 6, 1875, Bountiful, Utah. Mis- sionary ; President Seventies. County At- torney ; City Councilman. 572 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 CHARLES BARKER Born March 10, 1823, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1862, Charles W. Barker Company. CHARLES \V. BARKER Son of Charles Barker and Fanny Kitch- en. Born Jan. 3, 1872, Taylorsville, Utah. THOMAS RICHARDS Came to Utah October, 1862, Horton D. Haight Company. High Priest. KNUD SORENSON Born June 23, 1817, Gislum, Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1862. Mason, Plasterer and Farmer. JAMES SORENSON Son of Knud Sorenson and Mette C. Jen- sen. Born Jan. 28, 1858, Aardestrup, Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1862. Railroad man and Farmer. JAMES SORENSON, JR. Son of James Sorenson and Annie F. Thompson. Born Dec. 23, 1881, Spanish Fork, Utah. Sunday School Teacher. Railroad Man and Farmer. JOHN ZOLLINGER Born June 4, 1795, Zurich, Switzerland. Came to Utah Nov. 1, 1862. JACOB ZOLLIXGER Son of John Zollinser and Elizabeth Usteri. Born July 3, 1845, Urdorf, Switz- erland. Farmer. WILLIAM RICHARD ZOLLINGER Son of Jacob Zollinger and Rosetta Loosli. Born May 4, 1873, Provo, Utah. High Priest. Bishop's Counselor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 573 GEORGE YOUNG SMITH Born Dec. 5, 1835, Dundee, Scotland. Came to Utah' Nov. 3 1862 Jacob Gates (mnpany. Manager Smithfleld Co-op. JOSHUA WILLIAMS Born March 23, 1838, in Wales. Came to Utah November, 1862. Receiver of Timber U. P. Ry. Chief Ogden Fire Dept. Prosecuting Attorney Morgan County. EDWIN WILLIAMS Son of Joshua Williams and Annie Coy. Born June 17, 1860, Liverpool, EnK. Came to Utah 1862. Merchant. M1LFORU WILLIAMS Son of Joshua Williams and Annie Coy. Born Oct. 3, 1865. Missionary to Great Britain. Mayor of Montpelier, Idaho. PAUL ANDERSON Born at Dagsdorf, Skone, Sweden. Came to Utah 1862, Oxteam Company. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. ROBERT S. BULT Came to Utah 1862. ROBERT BULT Son of Robert S. Bult, who came to Utah about 1862, Born Dec. 7, 1865, ai ban Lake Cit y : Locomotive Engineer an-.l Railroad Switchman. JAMES MARION SHAFFER ft'ffAWS Jan. 7, 1861, Slaterville, Utah. GEORGE CRIDDLE m> of Henry Criddle and Mary Bull. Rnrn April 15 1838, Taunton, Eng. Came ?o Utah 1862'. High Councilor. County Commissioner. 574 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 W. EDWARD GRIDDLE Son of George Criddle and Mary Ann Locey. Born Feb. 19, 1866, Littleton, Utah. President 25th Quorum Seventies. Farmer. SAMUEL GUDMUNDSON Born May 13, 1831, Kurtsoe, Norway. Missionary to Norway 1867. Indian War Veteran. SAMUEL T. GUDMUNDSON Son of Samuel Gudmundson and Ellen M. Mork. Born July 29, 1862, at Salt Lake City. High Priest. SOREN HANSON Son of Soren Hanson, who came to Utah 1862, and Karen Salmonsen. Born May 2, 1863, Hyrum, Utah. Resides at Hyrum. CHARLES HENRY JOHN WEST Relative of Jabez W. West of Salt Lake City, Utah. JONAS HOLDSWORTH, JR. Son of Jonas Holdsworth, who came to Utah 1862, and Dorothy Harriet Brook. Born Sept. 22, 1864, Lehi, Utah. THOMAS HUNT Born June 15, 1826, Derby, Derbyshire, KnK. fame to Utah 1862. Member High Council of Sevier Stake. Farmer, Sheep- raiser and Miner. THOMAS ALVIN HUNT Son of Thomas Hunt and Hannah Moon. Born March 14, 1862, Alton, Madison Co., 111. C. P. W. JOHNSON Born Dec. 29, 1823, Copenhagen, Den- mark. Came to Utah 1862. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 575 EDMUND H. C. JOHNSON Son of C. P. W. Johnson and Albiena Hen- rietta Weiss. Born Nov. 7, 1856, Copen- hagen, Denmark. SOREN P. JENSEN Son of Peter Jensen, who came to Utah 1862, and Kjesten Anderson. Born AUK. 17, 1843, Farre, Denmark. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN KNOWLTON Son of Sidney Algarner Knowlton, who came to Utah 1862, and Harriet Burnham. Born Jan. 30, 1838, Bear Creek, Hancock Co., III. Farmer and Stockraiser. GEORGE QUINCY KNOWLTON Son of Benjamin Franklin Knowlton and Rhoda A. J. Richards. Born June 19, 1880, Farmington, Utah. WILLIAM LAKE Born March 11, 1812, Brampton, Ens. Came to Utah 1862, Milo Andrus Com- pany. Physician. JOHN WILLIAM LAKE Son of William Lake and Ellen Grimes. Born April 13, 1862, Ephraim, Utah. Pres- ident 91st Quorum Seventies. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOSEPH ELLISON MURRAY on of Richard Murray, who came to Utah before 1852, and Margaret Beck. Born Nov. 17, 1862, Spanish Fork, Utah. Elder. ANDREW C. NELSON Son of Mads P. Nelson, who came to Utah 1862, and Margaret Hanson. Born .Ian. 20, 1864, Ephraim, Utah. State Superin- tendent of Schools since 1900 and to 1917. GEORGE OSMOND Born 1835 in England. Bishop of Bloom- ington Ward, Idaho. President of Star Valley Stake, Wyoming. Senator in Wy- oming two terms. Judge. 576 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1862 ALFRED OSMOND Son of George Osmond and Georgena Huckvale Born Oct. 5, 1862, Willard, Ltah. Member State Legislature from Bear Lake County, Idaho. Seventy CHRISTIAN PEDERSON Came to Utah 1862. e ,-', 1862. Elder. WILLIAM ROBINS 'J 39 - Came to Utah about Farmer and Stockraiser. THOMAS REDMAN Came to Utah 1862. ^* ISAAC IVORY SLAUGH Son of George J. Slaugh, who came to I tah in 1862, Captain Hyde Company, and Mary Ivory. Born Oct. 29, 1857. Sunday School Superintendent ; School Trustee. FRANCIS GEORGE WALL fSco J_ William Wall, who came to Utah 1862, Thomas Ricks Company, and Sarah Sampson. Born May 3, 1846, Horslev England. .JOSEPH L. WALL Son of William Wall and Sarah Sampson. Born July >, 1838, Worcester, Gloucester, County HrSt BHst ml " in Sevie r FRED KIESEL Born May 19, 1841, Ludwigsburg Wur- i s m , ber ,f'< Germany. Cam e to Utah July, 1863, driving oxteam. Mayor of Ogdeh Member Constitutional Convention FREDERICK WILLIAM KIESEL Son of Fred J. Kiesel and Julie Chris- tiane Schanwenbach. Born Feb 11 1874 Corinne, Utah. Cashier, California Na- tional Bank, Sacramento, Cal. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 577 WILLIAM HYRUM GRIFFIN Born Nov. 8, 1847, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1863, James R. Miller Company. Bishop, Newton, Utah. 1893-1904. WILLIAM THOMAS CHATTERTON Born Nov. 16, 1842, Atterclifte, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1863, John R. Murdock Company. Postmaster Wes- ton, Idaho. JORGEN CHRISTIAN NIELSEN Born Oct. 6, 1842, Odense, Denmark. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1863, John R. Mur- dock Company. Elder ; Ward Teacher. Justice of Peace. Indian War Veteran. FREDERICK A. PETERSON Born Jan. 28, 1835, Copenhagen, Den- mark. Came to Utah August, 1863, John R. Murdock Company. High Priest. Blacksmith and Farmer. JOHN REDINGTON Born Oct. 23, 1835, Nazin, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1863, John R. Murdock Company. Member Utah Militia. Farmer. WILLIAM HUBBARD WINTERTON Born at Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, John R. Murdock Company. Home Missionary. Tool-gate-keeper, Parley's Canyon. WILLIAM MARRIOTT WINTERTON Son of William Hubbard Winterton and Sarah Marriott. Born May 6, 1846, Carl- ton, Nottinghamshire, Eng. High Priest. Farmer. NIELS ANDERSON* Born July 13, 1834, Sjeperup, Denmark. Came to Utah August, 1863, William Wal- lace duff Company. ALBERT BROWN Born November, 1807. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1863, William Patterson Company. High Priest. 37 578 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 SAMUEL JAMES BROWN Son of Albert Brown and Sarah Campbell. Born Feb. 16, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1863, Capt. Patterson Company. Bishop's Counselor. JAMES HOWELL Born Oct. 15, 1828, Vermilllon County 111 Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1863, William Pat- terson Co. Ward Teacher 1875-1902 THOMAS JEFFERSON HOWELL Son of James Howell and Rosannah Monk. Born March 7, 1860, Franklin, Decatur Co., Iowa. Seventy. JOSEPH TAYLOR Born March 15, 1833, Lostockgralan, Cheshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1863, William Patterson Company. Mis- sionary to England. Tailor. GEORGE WILLIAM TAYLOR Son of Joseph Taylor and Elizabeth Mary Collier. Born April 6, 1868, at Salt Lake City. Lives at Ogden, Utah. ANDERS ANDERSON Born April 25, 1826, Solburga, Sweden Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, Captain Sanders Company. PETER ANDERSEN Born Sept. 18, 1834, in Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. o, 1863, J. F. Sanders Com- pany. High Priest. ANDREW M. JOSEPHSON Born April 14, 1824, Liungesocken, Jon- koping, Sweden. Came to Utah 1863, J. F. Sanders Company. CARL HENNIXG LARSON Born Dec. 25, 1839, Halmstad, Halland, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, J. F. Sanders Company. Elder. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 579 NILS AARON LINDQUIST Born Dec. 24, 1830, Noralong, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, J. F. Sanders Company. High Priest. Furniture Deal- er and Undertaker. CHARLES JOHN AARON LINDQUIST Son of Nils Aaron Lindquist and Jose- phine Hagerlund. Born July 24, 1864, at Salt Lake City. Undertaker. KNUD MORTENSEN Born Dec. 13, 1819, Lille Rorbek, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, J. F. Sanders Company. Bishop's Counselor. PETER MORTENSEN Son of Knud Mortensen and Karen Erick- sen. Born June 6, 1857, Copenhagen, Den- mark. LARS NIELSON Born March 20, 1828, in Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863. Bishop Leaming- ton Ward. JENS ANDREAS OVESON Born Sept. 17, 1816, Ugelt, Hjorring, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, J. F. Sanders Company. High Priest ; Ward Teacher. Carpenter. LARS PETER OVESON Son of Jens Andreas Oveson and Kjersten Maria Petersen. Born Oct. 25, 1852, Taarts, Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Prest. Emery Stake. HANS N. TUFT Born September, 1807, Veile, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863. John F. Sand- ers Company. Black Hawk War Veteran. Farmer. OLE NIELSEN TUFT Son of Hans N. Tuft. Born Dec. 6, 1849, Jutland, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, J. F. Sanders Company. Bishop. Farmer and Stockman. 580 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 JACOB A. TUFT Son of Hans N. Tuft. Born March 4 1854 in Denmark. Came to Utah 1863. Com- missioner of San Pete County. President Gunnison Co-op, for four years HANS WESTINSKOW Born Sept. 17, 1835, Ulslev, Falster Den- mark. Came to Utah May, 1863, J F Sanders Company. High Priest ; Seventv Farmer. PETER H. WESTINSKOW Son of Hans Westinskow and Karen Jor- grenson Peterson. Born June 16 1863 Albany, N. Y. Resides at Imbler, Ore. JOHN DONALDSON Born Sept. 30, 1842, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1863, William B. Preston Company. Bishop Teton Ward ALMA DONALDSON Son of John Donaldson and Mary Ann Knet. Born Jan. 21, 1886, Teton, Idaho Member 149th Quorum Seventies ROBERT PEARCE Born June 13, 1817, Porlock, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1863 William B. Preston Company. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. Farmer ROBERT PEARCE, JR. Son of Robert Pearce and Sarah Brown Born AUR 24, 1851, Cardiff, South Wales. Came to Utah 1863. Sunday School Su- perintendent. Seventy. Farmer SOREN CHRISTIAN PETERSEN Born June 13, 1821, Tolne, Hjorring Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1863 Wil- liam B. Preston Company. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. LARS C. PETERSEN Born March 6, 1839, Skibsbye, Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Robert F. Neslen Company. Teacher of High Priest Quorum. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 581 t WILLIAM SCROWTHER Born Nov. 5, 1854, Dundee, Scotland' Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1863. Bishop Wil- liam B. Preston Company. Farmer. LARS C. LARSON Born Jan. 1, 1808, in Denmark. Came to Utah Nov. 10, 1863, William B. Preston Company. Farmer. ANDREW ANDERSON Born Nov. 10, 1836, Klagstorp, Malmohus, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Young Company. Missionary to Sweden 1859-63, 1892-94, 1897-99. - - ERICK ELEASON Born May 11, 1815, in Sweden. Came to Utah 1863, John R. Young Company. High Priest. JOHN ALFRED ELEASON Son of Erick Eleason and Anna Nielson. Born July 22, 1841, Alingsas, Skaraborg, Sweden. ANDERS ELIASON Born Jan. 15, 1806, Alingsas, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Young Company. High Priest. ANDREW GUSTAVE ELIASON Son of Anders and Anna C. Eliason. Born Feb. 12, 1841, in Sweden. High Priest. JOHN ANDREW ELIASON Son of Andrew Gustave Eliason and Ma- tilda Johnson. Born Oct. 22, 1872. Farm- er. WILLIAM HODSOX Born Aug. 30, 1841, Quarrington Hill, Durham, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1863, John R. Young Company. Bishop North Ward, Coalville, Utah. 582 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH \ -1863 OLE ANDREW JENSEN s fi f pt i ? lj 1839 ' Came to Utah - 15, 1863, John R. Young Company. High Councilman. Road Overseer six years. ALMA L. JENSEN Son of Ole A. Jensen and Ane M. Larsen. Born July 4, 1864, Mendon, Utah. Bishop of Dayton Ward, Oneida Stake, Idaho. Farmer. HANS PETERSEN Born April 6, 1825, Valby, Denmark. Came to Utah 1863, John R. Young Com- pany. Elder. LORENTZ PETERSEN Born Feb. 15, 1857, Valby, Denmark. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. WILLARD PETERSEN Born Sept. 12, 1884, Hyrum, Utah. PETER JENSEN Born July 16, 1831, Bybyarg, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Young Independent Company. Bishop of Ovid Ward, Idaho. Postmaster LARS P. JENSEN JaobnnR er J nsen and Marie Bodella Jacobson. Born Nov. 24, 1864, Ovid, Idaho. JENS RASMUSSEN Born Jan. 31, 1815, Valby, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1863, John Young Company. High Priest. Farmer WILLIAM SAMUEL CONNELL Born June 3, 1851, in England. Came to Ltah Sept. 25, 1863, Peter Nebeker Com- pany. Harness Maker. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 583 ANDREW N. HANSEN Born March 6, 1836, Ide County, near Fredrickshold. Norway. Came to Utah September, 1863, Peter Nebeker Co. JOHN HUBER Born 1840, Dodtnacht, Switzerland. Came to Utah 1863, Peter Nebeker Company. Black Hawk War Veteran. Chorister. ANDREW LARSEN Born March 26, 1844, Risor, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1863, Peter Ne- beker Company. Bishop's Counselor. In- dian War Veteran. JOHN LIECHTY Born Nov. 27, 1827. Came to Utah Oc- tober, 1863, Peter Nebeker Company. High Priest. Farmer. ABRAHAM BRIGHAM LIECHTY Son of John Liechty and Louisa Wintsh. Born March 10, 1870, Provo, Utah. Bish- op's Counselor. Blacksmith ; Engineer and Mechanic ; Farmer. NICHOLAS HUHLESTEIN Born Oct. 7, 1831, Toften, Canton Berne, Switzerland. Came to Utah October, 1863, Peter Nebeker Company. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. JOHN NICHOLAS MUHLESTEIN Son of Nicholas Muhlestein and Mary Hauenstein. Born Sept. 23, 1864, Provo, Utah. President 15th Quorum Elders. Farmer ; Fruit Grower ; Gardener. HANS THORESON Father of the mother of Charles Andrew Nielsen of Hyrum, Utah. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1863, George Nebeker Company. THOMAS HENRY WHITE Born Nov. 25, 1846, Chalcutt, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, Peter Nebeker Company. High Priest. Pioneer Black- smith. Missionary. 584 PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 SAMUEL ARMATAGE Born Feb. 6, 1848, Barnsley in Leeds, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. Mc- Arthur Company. Seventy. Sheepman. SAMUEL RICHARD ARMATAGE Son of Samuel Armatage and Mary Ann Kennington. Born Jan. 28, 1882, Ben- nington, Idaho. Seventy. Farmer and Stockraiser. MICHAEL EARL Born Jan. 3, 1835, Kendal, Westmoreland, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur Company. Seventy. Mer- chant. GEORGE EDGEL Born July 19, 1829, Headly, Hampshire, Isle of Wight. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur Company. JOHN F. EDGEL Son of George Edgel and Elizabeth Bailey. Born Aug. 30, 1873, Hoytsville, Utah. EDWARD DAVID HOLT Son of Robert Holt and Mary Ann Toms. Born May 23, 1839. Broadwindsor, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. Mc- Arthur Company. President Seventies. MATTHEW HOLT Born Dec. 23, 1828, Britsport, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863. Daniel D. McArthur Company. High Priest. Farmer. WILLIAM M. HOLT Son of Matthew Holt and Ann Harrison. Born May 7, 1861, Britsport, Eng. Came to Utah with father. High Priest. Farm- er and Stockraiser. SAMUEL E. HOLT Son of Matthew Holt and Ann Harrison. Born Aug. 30, 1868, South Jordan, Utah. Bishop South Jordan Ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 585 JAMES THOMAS JAKEMAN Born Aug. 28, 1853, Leeds, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur Company. Recorder Elders Quorum ; Sunday School Teacher. ELIJAH LARKIN Born April 20, 1829, Chesterton, Cam- bridge, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur Company. GEORGE WILLIAM LARKIN Son of Elijah Larkin and Sarah Parley. Born April 1, 1847, Chesterton, Cambridge, Eng. Patriarch. Holder of Royal Hu- mane Medal. Undertaker. SIDNEY STEVENS Born June 18, 1839, Nunney, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur Company. Mission- ary. Prominent in official and business life, Utah and Idaho. SIDNEY ORSON STEVENS Son of Sidney Stevens anil Mary Jane Thick. Born Aug. 28, 1864, Kaysville, Utah. Manager Sidney Stevens Imple- ment Company at Logan. FRANK JOSEPH STEVENS Son of Sidney Stevens and Mary Jane Thick. Born Feb. 10, 1866, North Ogden. Vice-President and General Manager Sid- ney Stevens Implement Company, Ogden. CHARLES HENRY STEVENS Son of Sidney Stevens and Mary Jane Thick. Born Aug. 18, 1873, North Ogden, Utah. Secretary Sidney Stevens Imple- ment Company at Ogden. WALTER F. STEVENS Son of Sidney Stevens and Mary Jane Thick. Born May 30, 1883, North Opden, Utah. Manager Sidney Stevens Imple- ment Company, Montpelier, Idaho. EDWARD JOHN WATKINS Born March 4, 1829, Wrington, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur Company. High Priest. Merchant. 586 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 JOSEPH HYHUM WATKINS Son of Edward John Watkins and Eliza- beth Lawrence. Born Aug. 13, 1851, Street, Somersetshire, Eng. High Priest ; Missionary. FRANKLIN RICHARD WATKINS Son of Edward John Watkins and Eliza- beth Lawrence. Born March 18, 1868, Ogden, Utah. Member of 76th Quorum Seventies. Merchant. WILLIAM McLACHLAN Born May 3, 1840, Dumfrieshire, -Scot- land. Came to Utah October, 1863. Su- perintendent 7th Ward Sunday School ; President Pioneer Stake. ISHMAEL PHILLIPS Born May 22, 1815, Buttons Lakes, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, John M. Woolley Company. Bishop of Union Ward 1887-1900. Patriarch. GEORGE TAYLOR Born March 25, 1838, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1863, John W. Woolley Company. Member Provo City Council ; Founder of Taylor Bros. Co. THOMAS NICHOLLS TAYLOR Son of George Taylor and Eliza Nicholls. Born July 28, 1868, Provo, Utah. Mayor of Provo and Bishop of Provo 3rd Ward. President Farmers & Merchants Bank. Merchant. WILLIAM RUSSELL ARCHIBALD Born March 16, 1840, in Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Co. THOMAS HALLIDAY ARCHIBALD Son of William Russell Archibald and Elizabeth Halliday. Born Jan. 24, 1858, Crofthead, Scotland. Bishop Plymouth Ward. ALEXANDER BAIRD Born Jan. 10, 1823, Paisley, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Company. Sheriff. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 587 GEORGE WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM Born Dec. 21, 1843, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Company. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM ECCLES Born April 6, 1825, Old Kilpatrick, Dum- bartonshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Company. Patriarch. DAVID ECCLES Son of William Eccles and Sarah Hutch- inson. Born May 12, 1849, Paisley, Ren- frewshire, Scotland. Came to Utah with father. Banker, Lumberman. Capitalist. STEWART ECCLES Son of William Eccles and Sarah Hutch- inson. Born Jan. 15, 1852, Glasgow, Scot- land. Came to Utah with father. High ' Councilor. JOHN DUGGAN GIBBS Born Dec. 18, 1815, Haverford, West Pem- brokeshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Company. High Councilor. WILLIAM H. GIBBS Son of John Duggan Gibbs and Julia Ann Tompkins. Born Feb. 7, 1851, Haverford, South Wales. Counselor in Presidency of Malad Stake. JAMES HYRUM GIBBS Son of John Duggan Gibbs and Julia Ann Tompkins. Assassinated while on mission in Tennessee. GEORGE HADLEY Born Nov. 14, 1816, Parish of St. Peters, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Company. Black- smith. LORENZO HADLEY Born Nov. 6, 1851, Derby St. Werborghs, Derby, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, with "Thomas E. Ricks Company. .588 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 SAMUEL HADLEY Born Nov. 15, 1854, Derby, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Missionary to Eng- land 1898-1900. Farmer; Stockraiser. ALVIN WEST Relative of James Bune of Ogden, Utah. WILLIAM H. JOLLEY Mapleton, Utah. CHARLES HOUSTON McALISTER Born at Grenock, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Company. Pioneer Saddler and Harness Maker of Cache County. Seventy. JOHN" ARCHIBALD McALISTER Son of Charles Houston McAlister and Mary Haig. Born Aug. 22, 1851, New Castle-on-Tyne, Eng. High Priest. Vice- President Board of Trustees State Agri- cultural College. JOHN ARCHIBALD McALISTER, JR. Son of John Archibald McAlister and Clarissa Caroline Snow. Born April 10, 1872, Brigham City, Utah. Dental Sur- geon in U. S. Army. ANGUS McKAY Born June 3. 1839, Kirtomy, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, "Thomas E. Ricks Company. First Lieutenant Utah Territorial Militia. JOHN STEPHEN MORRIS Born Nov. 7, 1838, near Fishguard, Pem- brokeshire, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Company. Patri- arch. JOHN PARKIN Born April 12, 1812, Loscoe, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Company. Elder. School Trus- tee. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 589 WILLIAM J. PARKIN Son of John Parkin and Elizabeth Brown. Born May 19, 1839, Loscoe, Eng. High Priest ; Sunday School Superintendent ; Ward Teacher. Farmer. J. FEWSOX SMITH Son of Robert Smith and Mary Fewson of England. Born Jan. 1, 1834, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863. Railroad Man. JOSEPH VERNON SMITH Son of J. Fewson Smith, Sr., and Christi- ana Venobles Vernon. Born March 8, 1867, Salt Lake City. Railroad and Insurance Man. FREDERICK HENRY ATKINSON Son of James William Atkinson and Louisa Crunkhorn. Born Nov. 10, 1851. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Horton D. Haight Com- pany. FREDERICK HENRY ATKINSON, JR. Son of Frederick Henry Atkinson and Ma- tilda Adelaide Sperry. Born Nov. 28, 1874, Clifton, Idaho. THOMAS WRIGHT KIRBY Born Dec. 12, 1831, Ringsfield, near Bec- cles, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Horton D. Haight Company. President Y. M. M. I. A. ; High Priest. JOHN BENCLEY KIRBY Son of Thomas Wright Kirby and Eliza- beth Irons. Born March 6, 1874, Pleasant View, Utah. Seventy ; Treasurer Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. WILLIAM MORSE Born June 6, 1830, Llanelly, Caermarthen- shire, South Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Capt. Wight Company. Farmer. WILLIAM E. MORSE Ron of William Morse and Margaret Evans. Born Oct. 31, 1867, Logan, Utah. Mayor. Farmer. 590 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 EVAN ARTHUR Born Oct. 4, 1806, Machynlleth, North Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde Company. Settler of St. John, Tooele County. EDWARD JAMES ARTHUR Son of Evan Arthur and Catherine James. Born Jan. 1, 1845, Machynlleth, North Wales. Justice of Peace. Tooele County Commissioner. School Trustee. Farmer. LEVI ASHTON COX Born July 7, 1825, Swineshead, Lincoln- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde Company. President Elders Quorum. ROBERT H. COX Son of Levi Ashton Cox and Mary Sharp. Born June 25, 1854, Finchly, Woodside, Eng. ISAAC GOFF Born July 1, 1812, Longwhatton, Leicester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, Rosel Hyde Company. ISAAC GOFF, JR. Son of Isaac Goff and Mary Naylor. Born May 21, 1844, Longwhatton, Eng. Came to Utah 1862, William S. Godbe Company. I. FRANK GOFF Son of Isaac Goff, Jr., and Ann Sir.am. Born Dec. 30, 1869, West Jordan, Utah. Justice of the Peace. HYRUM GOFF Son of Isaac Goff and Mary Naylor. Born July 29, 1849, Longwhatton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan Company. President Jordan Stake. HEBER ROBERT GOFF Son of Heber Goff, who came to Utah in 1863, and Ellen Ellwood. Born Dec. 12, 1875, Sandy, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Home at Duchesne, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 591 ROBERT ELLWOOD Grandfather of Heber Robert Duchesne, Utah. Goff of WILLIAM IRVING Born June 22, 1845, Gatehouse of Fleet, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1863, William Hyde Company. Farmer. WILLIAM L. R1LEY Born Nov. 13, 1829, Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1863, Rosel Hyde Company. High Priest. WILLIAM CALTON Born June 11, 1836, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1863, Samuel D. White Company. President Nauvoo Legion. FREDERICK CALTON Son of William Calton and Eliza Gut- teridge. Born Sept. 22, 1870, Salt Lake City. Chorister. Carpenter ; Farmer. JACOB BACHMAN Born April 15, 1830, Wiflisburg, Switzer- land. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1863, Samuel D. White Company. High Priest. Farm- er. Resided at Eden, Utah. EMUEL BACHMAN Son of Jacob Bachman and Elizabeth Sut- ler. Born Aug. 17, 1862, Bern, Switzer- land. Bishop Harrisville Ward, North Weber Stake, Ogden, Utah. JOSEPH BACHMAX Son of Jacob Bachman and Anna Hazel Siveiler. Born Feb. 8, 1868, Eden, Utah. Sunday School Officer ; Teacher in Y. M. M. I. A. EDMUND HEPWORTH Born March 7, 1841, Yorkshire, Eng. to Utah Oct. 15, 1863, Samuel D. Company. Bishop's Counselor. Came White 592 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 JOSEPH E. HEPWORTH Son of Edmund Hepworth and Hannah Cowling. Born June 26, 1865, Smithfield, Utah. Bishop's Counselor. JAMES WARD Born 1793, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1863, -Samuel D. White Company. High Priest. Brickmaker. Resided at Pleasant Grove. EDWIN J. WARD Son of James Ward and Elizabeth Taylor. Born July 28, 1842, Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, W. S. Godbe Freight Train. Manufacturer, Provo. IVER NICHOLAS IVERSON Born March 19, 1821, Mommark, 1st Sles- wick, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1853, Moses Dailey Company. Missionary. Farmer. ALMA NICHOLAS IVERSON Son of Iver Nicholas Iverson and Cathe- rine Williams. Born Aug. 7, 1857, Pleas- ant Grove, Utah. Road Builder ; Lumber- man ; Farmer. ALMA NICHOLAS IVERSON. JR. Son of Alma Nicholas Iverson and Sarah Jane Tuckett. Born Dec. 5, 1891. THOMAS HARRIS Born 1816, Caerleon, Monmouthshire, South Wales. Came to Utah September, 1863, Independent Oxteam Company. Miner. Settled in Summit County. MICAH FRANCIS HARRIS Son of Thomas Harris and Ann Williams. Born Aug. 3, 1848, Nanty Glow, South Wales. Came to Utah in 1863. Bishop Henefer. Stockraiser. JOHN A. JANSON Born Sept. 19, 1792, Norway. Came to Utah September, 1863, Captain Dorius Company. Seventy. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 593 SWEN O. NIELSON Son of Ole Nlelson Nielson and Permelia Baum. Born Jan. 1, 1854, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, John F. Sanders Company. Merchant. Honored by po- litical preference. GEORGE CLARK Born July 8, 1826, Summer Cotes, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1863. Pres. Notting- ham Branch, England. WILLIAM RICHARDSON Born June 18, 1829, Park Head, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1863, Captain Rawlins Company. Bishop. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, JR. Son of William Richardson and Joanna Walker. Born April 4, 1854, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1863, Captain Raw- lins Company. JOHN THORNTON RICHARDSON Son of William Richardson and Joanna Walker. Born April 13, 1856, Pittston, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1863, Isaac C. Haight Oxteam Company. ARCHIE SQUIRES RICHARDSON Son of William Richardson and Joanna Walker. Born Oct. 11, 1863, Heber City, Utah. Bishop Jensen Ward. DUNCAN MCNEIL MCALLISTER Born April 18, 1842, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 22, 1863. President 3d Quorum Seventies. Clerk at the Temple. 38 DUNCAN WILLIAM MCALLISTER Son of Duncan McNeil McAllister and Catherine Perkes. Born Nov. 25, 1867. GEORGE STANLEY MCALLISTER Son of Duncan McNeil McAllister and Catherine Perkes. Born May 26, 1869. 594 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 MALCOLM MCALLISTER Son of Duncan McNeil McAllister and Catherine Perkes. Born Feb. 23, 1877. WILLIAM WALDEMAR SELCK Son of Johann Heinrich Selck and Alicia W. Hitchenson. Born Oct. 26, 1845, Co- penhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah 1863, John R. Murdock Company. Stake Clerk. ISAAC ABEL Born May 14, 1829, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1863. Secretary to High Priests Quorum. Tax Collector. EDGAR DALRYMPLE Born May 25, 1837, Bolton, Warren Co., N. Y. Came to Utah October, 1863. Bish- op's Counselor ; Superintendent Sunday School. Resided at Wardboro, Idaho. JOSEPH EDGAR DALRYMPLE Son of Edgar Dalrymple and Eliza T. Noble. Born Jan. 12, 1872, Bountiful, Utah. Elder ; Missionary to Northern States. Farmer. JAMES HARDY JENKINS Born July, 1822. Came to Utah October. 1863. High Priest. JOHN LAIRD JENKINS Son of James Hardy Jenkins and Jeanett Laird. Born Jan. 17, 1844, in Scotland. Came to Utah with father. Bishop's Coun- selor. JAMES HARDY JENKINS Son of John Laird Jenkins and Emma Louisa Taylor. Born Nov. 20, 1876, Gosh- en, Utah. Bishop Grand View Ward. AXEL THEODORE LUNDQUIST Born Feb. 6, 1838, Stockholm, Sweden. Came to Utah October, 1863, Captain Fa- bus Company. Worked on Logan Temple. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 595 RICHARD MORSE Born July 10, 1837, Llanelly, Caermarthen- shire, South Wales. Came to Utah Octo- ber, 1863. High Councilor Malad Stake. THOMAS G. WEBBER Born Sept. 17, 1836, Exeter, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, Independent Company. Mis- sionary to Germany 1876-78. Gen. Mgr. Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution. JOSEPH HENDERSON BLACK Born July 25, 1831, Lawrenceville, Alle- gheny Co., Pa. Came to Utah Nov. 14, 1863. Bishop Park City Ward. Carpenter and Builder. JOSEPH ALONZO BLACK Son of Joseph Henderson Black and Betsy Ann Snyder. Born April 9, 1874, Snyder- ville, Utah. Seventy. ANDREAS JOHNSON Born Nov. 29, 1827. Came to Utah 1863, Captain Edwards Company. Indian War Veteran. High Priest. Farmer ; Carpenter. LARS ANDERSON Born December, 1811, Furness, Vang, Nor- way. Came to Utah in 1863. Elder. , HORATIO BARDWELL SCOVILLE Born Nov. 12, 1832, Meridith, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1863 with miners. High Priest ; Pres. Elders Quorum. Councilman. Manu- facturer. BRIGHAM YOUNG BAIRD Born Feb ft, 1846, in Alabama. Came to Utah in 1863. Bishop's Counselor. Farm- er and Sheepraiser. GEORGE ALFRED BOYD Born Aug. 1, 1841, Newbury, Berkshire, Eng Came to Utah 1863, William Godbe Company. Elder. Farmer and Fruit Grower. 596 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 I GEORGE W. BOYD Salt Lake City, Utah. SAMUEL M. BOYD Salt Lake City, Utah. THOMAS CHESHIRE Son of George Cheshire and Elizabeth Keyse. Born April 17, 1842, Kensworth Eng. Came to Utah in 1863. Worked or St. George Temple. Marshal at Ferrori three terms. MELVIN D. COOK Born Oct. 12, 1835, Akron, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1863. Elder. Justice of Peace at Granger two years. Mail-carrier. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN CROSSLEY Father of the wife of William T. Chatter- ton of Weston, Idaho. Came to Utah 1863. JONAS HEATON Son of John Heaton, who came to Utah 1863, and Janet Sinclair. Born Aug 19 1860. J. A. HENDRIKSON Born Aug. 19, 1860, Fredrickstad, Norway. Came to Utah in 1863, with mother. Or- ganized College Pure Food Co., manufac- turers of Knffe-et. DAVID J. JENSEN Born April 15, 1835, Tolton, Norway. Came to Utah in 1863. First Sunday School Superintendent Preston Stake ; High Coun- cilor Oneida Stake. Farmer. HYRUM D. JENSEN Son of David J. Jensen and Birta Serena Peterson. Born Feb. 22, 1868, Franklin, Idaho. Marshal at Preston. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 597 JACOB KELLER Born June 22, 1837, Schwelbrun, Switzer- land. Came to Utah in 1863. High Priest ; Seventy ; Elder. Farmer. WILLIAM MARSHALL Born March 9, 1822. Came to Utah in 1863. Ward Teacher. Farmer and Stock- raiser. WILLIAM MARSHALL, JR. Son of William Marshall and Francis Bridger Kadewell. Born Dec. 7, 1857, San Bernardino, Cal. Came to Utah in 1863. High Priest. GUSTAVE ADOLPHUS OHLSON Born Aug. 31, 1828, Lund, Sweden. Came to Utah in 1863. High Priest. Tinsmith. AARON NELSON Born March 5, 1823, Lambley, Eng. Came to Utah in 1863. High Priest. City Sex- ton and Marshal ; Assessor and Collector. Shoemaker. THOMAS H. G. PARKES Born May 27, 1861, Derby, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1863. Bishop 2d Ward, Nephi, Utah. Farmer ; Mining Man ; Wheelwright. HENRY PECK Born Feb. 26, 1823, Grun County, N. Y. Came to Utah 1863, Independent Company. DWIGHT PECK Son of Henry Peck and Julia Everett. Born 1845, Grun County, N. Y. WALTER HENRY PECK Son of Dwight Peck and Martha A. Bid- dlecome. Born Oct. 3, 1876. 598 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 WILLIAM SINCLAIR Born April 17, 1817, County Downs, Ire- land. Came to Utah in 1863. High Coun- cilor of Malad Stake ; President Elders Quorum several years. JOHN McAFFEE RITCHIE Born Oct. 30, 1867, Heber, Utah. Bishop ; President Y. M. M. I. A. President Town Board. Member School Board. Farmer and Stockman. JOHN SEARS Born in England. Came to Utah in 1864 Seventy. Teacher. SEPTIMUS W. SEARS Son of John Sears and Sarah Wagstaff. Born March 8, 1844, Caldecot, Eng. Came to Utah in 1866. Supt. Utah State Fair Assn. Member Legislature 1894. ISAAC SEARS Son of John Sears and Sarah Wagstaff. Born Dec. 2, 1845, Caldecot, Eng. Came to Utah in 1863. Seventy. Merchant. RASMUS SORENSEN Born Jan. 26, 1817, Sjaelland, Denmark Came to Utah in 1863. Bishop's Coun selor. Justice of the Peace. JAMES J. SORENSEN Son of Rasmus Sorensen and Maran Chrestson. Born Jan. 28, 1854, Sjaelland, Denmark. NATHAN CHATMOND SPRINGER Born June 26, 1843, New Bedford, Mass. Came to Utah in 1863. Elder. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran ; Civil War Veteran. Miner. JEREMIAH ROBEY SPRINGER Son of Nathan Chatmond Springer and Matilda Robey. Born Nov. 17, 1878, Mid- way, Utah. Elder. Marshal at Midway. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1863 599 CHARLES TUCKER Born Jan. 14, 1842, Eastdown, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1863. President of Seventies. Agriculturist. LUTHER T. TUTTLE Born Nov. 19, 1825, New York City. Came to Utah 1863, Captain Crayton Freight Train. High Councilor. Mayor of Manti. Member Mormon Battalion. WILLIAM YATES Born Oct. 31, 1832, Wortley, Eng. Came to Utah in 1863. Seventy; Elder; Choir Leader. Veteran Black Hawk Indian War. Farmer. WILLIAM F. CONNELL Born July 8, 1841, Barry, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah May 6, 1864. Justice of Peace, Lincoln County, Nev. News- paper Man. JOHN ASHMAN Came to Utah 1864, John R. Murdock Company. Father of the wife of Hans Peterson of Fillmore, Utah. JOHN WILLIAM GARDINER Born May 17, 1840, Chalford Hill, Gloucestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1864, John D. Chase Company. High Priest. Farmer. HENRY COOKE Born June 11, 1811, Chichester, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 26, 1864, John R. Murdock Company. BENJAMIN FREDERICK COOKE Son of Henry Cooke and Martha Morris. Born Sept. 16, 1832, South Stoke, Sussex, Eng. Justice of Peace at Grouse Creek, Utah. BENJAMIN HENRY COOKE Son of Benjamin Frederick Cooke and Mary Joy. Born April 23, 1862. 600 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 > SOREN NIELSON Came to Utah 1864, John R. Murdock Company. JAMES PARKINSON Born Feb. 5, 1811, Radcliffe upon Wire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1864, John R. Murdock Company. High Priest. GEORGE PARKINSON Son of James Parkinson. Born Sept. 26, 1854, Salford, Manchester, Eng. Market Gardener. PETER HANSON PETERSON Born 1816, Fyen, Denmark. Came to Utah 1864, John R. Murdock Company. Farmer. HANS PETERSON Son of Peter H. Peterson and Olene E. Jorgenson. Born 1839, Fyen Denmark. High Priest. City Recorder; City Coun- cilman. Farmer. OLE PETER BORG Son of Peter Hanson Borg, who came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, William B. Preston Company, and Ingre Jensen. Born Oct. 19, 1847, Scona, Sweden. High Priest. Farmer. HEN'RICK LARSEN Born June 20. 1833, Rumlessee, Fordenk- bough, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, William B. Preston Company. HENRY LARSEN Son of Henrick Larsen and Mary Hansen. Born May 17, 1872. Bishop of Cleveland Ward. LAURITZ EDWARD LARSEN Born Dec. 6, 1832, Frederikshald, Smaale- nene, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, William B. Preston Company. High Priest. Teacher. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 601 ALMA B. LARSEN Born Oct. 18, 1875, Hyrum, Cache Co., Utah. High Councilman. Farmer. ANDREAS P. MORTENSEN Born July 14, 1822, Dronningaard, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, Wil- liam B. Preston Company. NIELS W. MORTENSEN Son of Andreas P. Mortensen and Ingeborg Petersen. Born May 28, 1853, Dronnin- Kaard, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, William B. Preston Company. GUSTAVE OLSEN Born 1820, Sweden. Came to Utah 1864, William B. Preston Company. Seventy ; Patriarch. Farmer. KNUT OLSON Born March 4, 1811, Sandby, Malmo, Swe- den. Came to Utah September, 1864, Wil- liam B. Preston Company. OLA OLSON Son of Knut Olson and Elna Pherson. Born Dec. 10, 1842, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1866. Member High Coun- cil of Hyrum Stake. FREDERICK WILLIAM SCHOENFELD Born Feb. 14, 1831, Eilenburg, Prussia, Germany. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, William B. Preston Company. Bishop. JOHN EDWARD SCHOENFELD Son of Frederick William Schoenfeld and Wilhelmine Henriette Lohmann. Born Jan. 26, 1867, Brighton, Utah. Resides at Brighton. Sheepman. EMIL EDGAR SCHOENFELD Son of Frederick William Schoenfeld and Wilhelmine Henriette Lohmann. Born Oct. 1, 1869, Brighton, Utah. Resides at Brighton. Sheepman. 602 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 JAMES C. OLSON Born Jan. 25, 1841, Falster, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1864, William B. Preston Company. High Priest. DAVID CROWTHER Born 1843, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Com- pany. Road Supervisor at Harrisvllle. FIN1TY DAYBELL Born March 14, 1815, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. High Priest; Ward Teacher. ROBERT DAYBELL Born July 3, 1842. Hunter. WILLIAM DAYBELL Son of Finity Daybell and Mary Draper. Born Feb. 24, 1858, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. Bishop Charleston Ward. JESSE FOWERS Born April, 1819, Stenson, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. JESSE FOWERS, JR. Son of Jesse Fowers and Sarah Johnson. Born June 20, 1855, Derbyshire, Eng. JESSE DYSON FOWERS Son of Jesse Fowers, Jr., and Annie Dy- son. Born May 4, 1875, Hooper, Utah. Farmer. GEORGE MARTIN JONES Born June 19, 1858, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Capt. Rawlins Company. Merchant. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 603 JOHN KILLPACK Born Jan. 1, 1813, Coventry, Warwick- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. High Priest. Weaver. JAMES LYTHGOE Born March 15, 1842, Pendleburg, Lanca- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Oxteam Company. Teacher. Justice. ALMA THORNTON MYERS Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. EDWARD PAYNE Born May 31, 1832, Wilshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. High Priest. Black Hawk In- dian War Veteran. Farmer. JAMES PRICE Born May 17, 1837, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1864, Joseph S. Raw- lins Company. High Priest ; Counselor in Y. M. M. I. A. GEORGE PRICE Born Jan. 6, 1861, Tipton, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1864, Jo- seph S. Rawlins Company. High Coun- cilor ; President Y. M. M. I. A. PETER ROBERTS Born March 5, 1830, Thanasa, North Wales. Came to Utah 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. High Priest ; Member High Council Nebo Stake. GEORGE STRINGFELLOW Born 1834, Hucknall Earthwate Sutton, Ashfleld, Eng. Came to Utah 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. Missionary to Eng- land. City Councilman. WALTER WALKER Born Sept. 17, 1835, Cheltenham, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. President of a Branch in Flintshire, Wales. 604 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 FRANKLIN JOSEPH WALKER Son of Walter Walker and Sophia Wood- cock. Born Feb. 16, 1862, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah in 1863. High Coun- cilor ; President High Priests Quorum. NIELS CHRISTENSEN Born July 11, 1842, Hvilson, Jutland, Den- mark. Came to Utah 1864, Sharp and Spencer Company. High Priest. Farmer ; Blacksmith. NIELS PETER HANSEN Born April 1, 1841, Alindamogle, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1864, John Sharp Company. Missionary to Scandinavia 1863-65 ; Home Missionary. *** NEELKY LOFGREN HANSEN Son of Niels Peter Hansen and Anna Ma- rie Lofgren. Born July 25, 1873, Smith- field, Utah. Superintendent Sunday School ; Bishop's Counselor. ANDREW CHRISTIAN NIELSON Born March 23, 1840, Mojen, Uggltt Hjor- ring, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1864, John Sharp Merchandise Company. Founder of Y. M. M. I. A. CARL F. BERGLUND Born May 17, 1825, Calmar Lan, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1864, John Smith Independent Company. Farmer ; Merchant. OSCAR B. BERGLUND Son of Carl F. Berglund and Lucia M. Beck. Born Xov. 17, 1858, Frederikshavn, Denmark. Farmer. Mgr. Gunnison Co-op. JOHN JOHNSON Son of John Johnson and Bergite Larsen Loken. Born June 7, 1849, Ostresveen, Loiten, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1864, John Smith Company. Bishop. HANS KNUTSON Born Oct. 24, 1819, Finstadsveen, Nor- way. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1864, John Smith Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 605 NIELS CHRISTIAN MORTENSEN Born July 4, 1833, Denmark. Came to Utah 1864, John Smith Independent Com- pany. High Priest. Merchant ; Farmer. GEORGE PETERSON Born Feb. 9, 1817, Alfva, Gotland, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1864, John Smith Company. Assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah. LARS PETER PETERSON Son of George Peterson and Cecilia Loren- tena Olafson. Born Feb. 23, 1856, Got- land, Sweden. Came to Utah 1864, with parents. WILLIAM E. RASMUSSEN, JR. Son of William E. Rusmussen and Trena Jensen. Born Sept. 8, 1886. WILLIAM E. RASMUSSEN Son of Jordan Rasmussen, who came to Utah Oct. 2, 1864, John Smith Company, and Hansena Maria Hansen. Born April 12, 1859, Omaha, Neb. CHRISTIAN F. SCHADE Born April 27, 1827, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1864, John Smith Indepen- dent Company. Bishop's Counselor ; Presi- dent Aarhuus Conference, Denmark. C. FRED SCHADE Son of Christian F. Schade and Mary Sophia Heder. Born March 20, 1876, Huntsville, Utah. Asst. Supt. Y. M.M.I. A. ; Missionary to Norway. Merchant. A. WILHART SCHADE Son of Christian F. Schade anil Mary Sophia Heder. Born Sept. 5, 1878. Bish- op's Counselor. Merchant. RICHARD DANIELS BROWN Born March 1, 1811, Wigan, Lancashire, Ens. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864, William S. Warren Company. Elder. Farmer. 606 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 RICHARD DANIELS BROWN, JR. Son of Richard Daniels Brown and Mar- garet Parkinson. Born May 27, 1846, Manchester, Eng. President 60th Quorum Seventies. Postmaster. GEORGE COOMBS Born 1814, Staffordshire, Eng Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864, William S. Warren Company. Black Hawk Indian War Vete- ran. DAVID COOMBS Son of George Coombs and Eliza Astu- bary. Born June 9, 1852, Staffordshire, Eng. Alternate High Councilor of Wayne Stake. ALEXANDER IZATT Born May 14, 1843, Fifeshire, Scotland Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864, William S Warren Company. High Priest. JOHN PRICHARD JONES Came to Utah 1864, William S. Warren Company. JAMES E. JONES Son of William Jones and Eleanor Evans of Caermarthenshire, South Wales. Born 1842, Lwynkelyn, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864. WILLIAM MATHEWS B hir n L ". 1809, Radford, Nottingham- wiffi knK. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864, William S. Warren Company WELLINGTON PAUL WILSON Born Feb. 1, 1814, near Bullington, Vt. Came to Utah 1864, William S. Warren Company. Missionary to New England 1869-70. School Teacher. JOSEPH ELLIS WILSON Son of Wellington P. Wilson and Elizabeth P. Smith. Born May 2, 1858, Monroe County, Iowa. President Y. M. M. I. A. ; Bishop's Counselor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 607 JOSEPH ELLIS WILSON Son of Joseph Ellis Wilson and Lerona A. Monroe Martin. Born June 15, 1878, Clif- ton, Idaho. Bishop's Counselor 1st Ward, Logan. Contractor. JAMES ANDERTON Born Dec. 17, 1840, Wigan, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1864, Isaac Canfleld Company. High Priest. Freighter ; Farmer. TRULS A. HALGREN Born Jan. 5, 1835, Klorup, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1864, Isaac Canfleld Com- pany. Missionary to Sweden 1858-64 and 1889-91. ANDREW NIELSON JENSON Born May 7, 1829, Herestad, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1864, Isaac Canfleld Company. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer and Stockraiser. JAMES JENSON Son of Andrew Nielson Jenson, who came to Utah Oct. 6, 1864, and Caroline Nielson. Born Oct. 14, 1871, Richfield, Utah. El- der. Farmer and Stockraiser. WILLIAM BLAKE Born Aug. 4, 1848, North Molton, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 186'4, William Hyde Company. Bishop Center Ward. JOSEPH HOWARD Born Nov. 12, 1819. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1864, William Hyde Company. High Priest. Farmer. THOMAS HOWARD Son of Joseph Howard and Ann Shelton. Born Sept. 14, 1843, Birmingham, Eng. High Priest ; Sunday School Superintend- ent ; Farmer and Gardener. JAMES HOWARD Son of Joseph Howard and Ann Shelton. Born Jan. 29, 1846, Birmingham, Eng. 608 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 ALEXANDER ELLIS Born July 31, 1842, Witheridge, Devon- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1865, Samuel D. White Company. Owner and Manager Pioneer Nursery. JAMES PAPWORTH Born Jan. 2, 1826, Cambridge, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1864, William Hyde Com- pany. Resided at Chesterton, Cambridge, Eng. RICHARD PAPWORTH Son of James Papworth and Elizabeth Tavener. Born Feb. 14, 1852. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1864, with parents. OSBORNE TAVENER PAPWORTH Son of James Papworth and Elizabeth Ta- vener. Born Jan. 27, 1866, Salt Lake City. JOHN WHIRK REID Born July 12, 1831, Wigtown, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1864, William Hyde Company. TELLIF JOHN ISRAELSEN Born Feb. 18, 1826, Kasfjorden, Norway. Came to Utah October, 1864, Soren Chris- toftersen Independent Company. ANDREW MARTIN ISRAELSEN Son of Tellif John Israelsen and Mary Dorthea Markusen. Born Jan. 9, 1857. ZACHARIAS W. ISRAELSEN Son of Tellif John Israelsen and Mary Dorthea Markusen. Born Feb. 24, 1865, Hyrum, Utah. President 62d Quorum Sev- enties 1906. Treasurer of Hyrum. SOREN THOMPSON Born June 11, 1837, Jorgen, Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1864, Soren Chris- toffersen Company. Missionary to Den- mark ; High Priest. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 609 JAMES VINCENT Born March 7, 1829, Rackheath, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1864, John M. Kay Company. Indian War Veteran. Farmer. GEORGE BARNETT Born May 27, 1828, Steeple Ashton, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, John M. Kay's party English immigrants. Presided over Steeple Ashton (Eng.) Branch. RICHARD COWLET Born May 20, 1834, Simpson, Eng. Came to Utah Dec. 4, 1864, John M. Kay Com- pany. HENRY BAILEY Father of Joseph M. Bailey. JOSEPH M. BAILEY Son of Henry Bailey and Emelia Read. Born Dec. 16, 1842, Buckinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow Company. JOSEPH WILLIAM BAILEY Son of Joseph M. Bailey and Ann M. Fol- ker. Born Feb. 17, 1870, Plain City, Utah. JAMES BOWLDEN Born in 1849. Came to Utah Nov. 4, 1864, Warren S. Snow Company. Seventy. Farmer. JOSEPH H. FRISBY Son of William Frisby and Elizabeth Ruff. Born May 15, 1850, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah 1864, Warren S. Snow Com- pany. Mayor of Provo. MERRITT STALEY Father of the wife of Joseph H. Frisby of Provo, Utah. 610 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 WILLIAM DOWN HOBBS Born Jan. 6, 1814, Franifield, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow Company. Carpenter and Builder ; Farmer. WILLIAM KNIGHT Born Dec. 2, 1846, Devonport, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow Company. Member 24th Quorum Sev- enties ; High Priest. Shoe Salesman. JOSEPH LITTLEFIELD Born Dec. 24, 1854, England. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow Com- pany. City Councilman Morgan, Utah. JOSEPH GEORGE LITTLEFIELD Son of Joseph Littlefleld and Agness Sim- mons. Born Aug. 29, 1876, Morgan, Utah. WILLIAM WEBB Born Aug. 6, 1806, Drayton, Cambridge, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow Company. GEORGE WEBB Son of William Webb and Emma Stokes. Born May 6. 1839, Studham, Eng. Super- intendent Sunday School. Member Legis- lature 1884-86. WALTER LORENZO WEBB Son of George Webb and Mary Ann Ward. Born March 20, 1869. WILLIAM WEBB Son of William Webb and Emma Stokes. Born Aug. 6, 1843, Studham, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah November, 1864, War- ren S. Snow Company. JOHN HYRUM WEBB Son of William Webb and Harriet Grace. Born May 31, 1869. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 611 WILLIAM SANDERS Born Oct. 7, 1836, Bishops Straford, Here- fordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow Company. High Priest. JOHN TUDDENHAM Born Feb. 17, 1811, Gooderstone, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah 1864, Warren S. Snow Company. High Priest ; Missionary to England 1867-69. WILLIAM W. TURNER Born Jan. 22, 1842, Lewes, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1864, Kimball and Lawrence Freight Train Company. Sev- enty ; Missionary. LARS PETEH NELSON Born Sept. 9, 1834, Annelef, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 15. 1864. Bishop's Counselor. Justice of the Peace. HENRY MALLION BRIDGES Born March 22, 1807, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1864, Captain Taylor Company. CHARLES HENRY BRIDGES Son of Henry Mallion Bridges and Sarah Louisa Lowe. Born Aug. 9, 1835, Birm- ingham, Eng. Senior President 79th Quo- rum Seventies. JOHN FREDERICK FORRER Son of Fred Forrer, who came to Utah September, 1864. Born March 10, 1867, Camp Floyd, Utah. Elder. Farmer. JOHN HAIR Born Aug. 15, 1821, Newcastle, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1864, Capt. Chandler Company. High Priest ; Block Teacher. Lumberman. NICHOLAS C. HAIR Son of John Hair and Elizabeth Cope- land. Born Oct. 21, 1859, Southwick, Durham, Eng. Bishop's Counselor. Miner and Engineer. 612 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 DAVID HAROLD PEBRY Born May 16, 1824, Tazewell County, Va. Came to Utah September, 1864, William Pritchett Company. Pres. Weber Stake 1876-82. Merchant; Miller. DAVID HENRY PEERY Son of David Harold Peery and Elizabeth Letitia Higginbotham. Born April 13, 1866. JOSEPH STRAS PEERY Son of David Harold Peery and Elizabeth Letitia Higginbotham. Born Oct. 5, 1868, Ogden, Utah. Lawyer ; Sheepraiser. JOHN RICHARDS HOWARD Born Sept. 18, 1841, Fareham, Hantshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1864, Ar- thur Brown Company. Brought first mow- ing machines to Utah 1864. JABEZ THOMPSON TAYLOR Born April 26, 1840, Belper, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1864, James Miller Company. Indian War Veteran. WILLIAM PRESTWICH Born May 9, 1816, Odenshaw, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1864. High Priest. Farmer. CYRUS HERBERT WHEELOCK PRESTWICH Son of William Prestwich and Jane Lan- shaw. Born June 20, 1852, Lancashire, Eng. High Priest. School Trustee. Fruit Grower. WILLIAM STEWART Born May 12, 1817. Came to Utah Octo- ber, 1864. SAMUEL STEWART Son of William Stewart and Sarah Thomp- son. Born April 9, 1884. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1862. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 613 LEOPOLD WIRTHLIN Born Dec. 3, 1832, Mohlin, Canton Aargau, Switzerland. Came to Utah Nov. 28, 1864, Captain Haight Company. Missionary April 10, 1876. JOSEPH WIRTHLIN Son of Leopold Wirthlin and Anna Hirschi. Born Oct. 6, 1867, Salt Lake City. Deacon. JOHN GULL Born Nov. 20, 1832, Caples, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Dec. 5, 1864, William Dar- ling Company. GEORGE SMUIN Born Nov. 11, 1844, Eatonbray, Eng. Came to Utah Dec. 6, 1864, Brlgham H. Young Company. Bishop of Lynne Ward 1891-1908 ; President Y. M. M. I. A. JAMES ATHAY Born Sept. 1, 1830. Came to Utah in 1864. HENRY ATHAY Son of James Athay and Ellen Morris. Born June 25, 1858. High Priest. City Councilman at Paris, Idaho. LARKIN H. BRADFORD Born Jan. 8, 1838, Huntsville, Ala. Came to Utah in 1864. Elder. Detective. WILLIAM WALLACE CHISHOLM Born June, 1843, in Wisconsin. Came to Utah in 1864. Original developer of Em- ma mine in Cottonwood Canyon. Mining ; Capitalist. GEORGE COLEMAN Born Nov. 30, 1815, Sherrington, Bucking- hamshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1864. High Priest. Farmer. 614 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 HENRY THRELKELD COLEMAN Son of Henry Coleman and Mary Jane Threlkeld. Born Nov. 20, 1863, Salt Lake County, Utah. Bishop 1st Ward, Midway, Utah. Farmer ; Blacksmith. ANDREW W. COOLEY Born May 24, 1858. Came to Utah in 1864. Bishop Brighton Ward. Farmer and Stockraiser. WILLIAM J. DALLIMORE Born Dec. 11, 1844, Bath, Somersetshire. Eng. Came to Utah in 1864. WILLIAM PRICE DEAKIN Son of William Deakin, who came to Utah in 1864, and Mary Jones. Born July 11, 1832, Brooklyn, N. Y. Indian War Vete- ran. GEORGE FINLINSON Born Jan. 23, 1835, West Curthwait, Eng. Came to Utah 1864, John Ashman Com- pany. Bishop's Counselor. JOSEPH TRIMBLE FINLINSON Son of George Finlinson and Susan Trim- ble. Born March 8, 1876, Oak City, Utah. Bishop Oak Creek Ward. JOHX THORNTON GILMER Born Feb. 22, 1841, Quincy, 111. Came to Utah 1864, Ben Halliday Stage Line. Gov- ernment Mail Contractor. JAMES HOGLE Born Oct. 15, 1838, Armaugh, Ireland. Went to Colorado 1859 ; Montana 1863 ; Utah 1864. Mining ; Merchant ; Invest- ments. JAMES A. HOGLE Only Child of James Hogle and Ida Eliza- beth King. Mining Engineer ; Capitalist. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1864 615 JOSEPH THOMAS LAMBORN Born Feb. 20, 1855, Bath, Eng. Came to Utah in 1864. Pres. 4th Elders Quorum; Asst. Supt. Sunday School. Town Treas- urer. FESTUS SPRAGUE, JR. Father of the wife of Joseph Thomas Lamborn of Marysville, Idaho. GEORGE HAMILTON McKINLEY Son of George McKinley, who came to Utah 1864, and Mary Hamilton. Born Jan. 6, 1835, Preston Paus, Scotland. Came to Utah July, 1880. High Priest. SAMUEL MERRITT Born Nov. 18, 1838, near Indianapolis, Ind. Came to Utah in 1864. NIELS JACOB NIELSEN Born Dec. 13, 1839, Fraugde, Denmark. Came to Utah 1864, Tom Booth Freight Train Company. Mason. CHRISTIAN PETERSON Came to Utah in 1864. MADS PETER PETERSON Son of Jens Peterson and Marie Chrestine Petersen. Born Aug. 13, 1833, Landborup, Randers Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1864. JOSEPH PHILLIPS Son of William Phillips and Hannah Bog- nell. Born Aug. 15, 1853, Brierly Hill, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1864. JOSEPH C. PHILLIPS Son of Joseph Phillips and Sarah L. Roundy. Born May 25, 1880, Wanship, Utah. 616 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1865 JOHN ROBERTS Born 1821, in Wales. Came to Utah 1863, Captain Ricks Company. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. HUGH ROBERTS Came to Utah in 1864. HOLLAND B. WILLIAMS Son of George Holland and Sarah S. Wil- liams. Born Nov. 24, 1885, Brigham City, Utah. Elder ; Teacher. JAMES DAVID WOOD Born 1841, Mercer County, Mo. Came to Utah in 1864. Indian War Veteran. "Sheep King" of Idaho. Founder Wood Livestock Co. JACOB A. GREENEWALD Son of Aaron Greenewald, who came to Utah April 1, 1865, and Lena Lang. Born Aug. 1, 1866, Salt Lake Citv. Merchant. First Jewish child born in Utah. GEORGE REYNOLDS Born Jan. 1, 1842, Marylebone, London, Eng. Came to Utah July 5, 1865. One of the Seven Presidents of Seventies. Author. JOSEPH BARROW FORBES Born Jan. 29, 1847, Bangor, Maine. Came to Utah Aug. 1, 1865, Captain Getchel Company. High Priest. CHRISTIAN PETERSEN Son of Peter Petersen, who came to Utah Sept. 22, 1865, and Maren Anderson. Born April 28, 1854, Horley, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1865. Farmer. EDWIN L. EYRE Born April 16, 1845, Damsby, Lincoln- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1865, Independent Company. Superintendent Sunday School, Minersville Ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1865 617 ROBERT SHELTON Born Jan. 5, 1832, England. Came to Utah October, 1865. Shoemaker. JOSEPH HYRUM WATKINS KERSHAW Born Aug. 27, 1855, Utenaigh, South Afri- ca. Came to Utah November, 1865. NELSON DANIEL RUSS Born March 14, 1846, Alabama City, Gen- esee Co., N. Y. Came to Utah November, 1865. High Priest ; Superintendent Sun- day School. DAVID D. SULLIVAN Son of James T. Sullivan and Annie Wed- dell. Born Jan. 21, 1845. Came to Utah December, 1865. Postmaster at Grace, Idaho. Civil War Veteran. EDWARD TRIMBLE Born April 2, 1815, Eastwoodside, Cumber- land, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1865. JOHN TRIMBLE Born 1846, near Carlisle, Cumberland, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1865, Kimball and Lawrence Company. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. JOSEPH LOCK Father of the wife of John Trimble of Fillmore, Utah. ANDERS BECK An early pioneer to Paris, Idaho, about 1865. High Priest. Farmer; Stock- raiser. JOSEPH BIRCUMSHAW Born March 7, 1829, Heanor, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 8, 1865, Miner G. Atwood Oxteam Company. High Priest. 618 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1865 FRANTZ CHRISTIAN GRUNDVIG Born March 27, 1836, Denmark. Came to Utah 1865, Miner G. Atwood Company. High Priest ; Missionary. Resides at Well- ington, Utah. SEVERIN HOLGER GRUNDVIG Son of Frantz Christian Grundvig and Jensenia Hostmark. Born March 27, 1858, Copenhagen, Denmark. Resides at Well- ington, Utah. HANS C. S. HEGSTED Born Aug. 17, 1830, Wreilev Parish, Hjor- ring, Denmark. Came to Utah Nov. 8, 1865, Miner G. Atwood Company. High Priest. CHRISTIAN F. B. LYBBERT Born Nov. 6, 1834, Flade, Hjorring, Den- mark. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1865, Miner G. Atwood Company. Priest ; Missionary. WILLIAM D. NEWSOME Born Feb. 21, 1832, Arklow, Wicklow Co., Ireland. Came to Utah Nov. 10, 1865, Miner G. Atwood Company. High Priest. PETER NIELSEN Born April 15, 1836, Horby Sogn, Holbek Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Nov. 8, 1865, Miner G. Atwood Company. High Priest. Pres. Co-op. Store, Spanish Fork, Utah. JOHX O'DRISCOLL Born Dec. 21, 1845, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Came to Utah Nov. 8, 1865, Miner G. Atwood Company. Indian War Veteran. Farmer. JOSEPH BAGNALL Born Dec. 27, 1839, Wakefleld, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1865, Henson Walker Com- pany. Bishop's Counselor. Stonecutter. JOHN SOUTH Born Aug. 31, 1835, Bluetown, Sheerness (Kent), Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1865, Henson Walker Company. Missionary to England ; Seventy ; Ward Clerk. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1865 619 JOSEPH DUNCOMBE Born March 15, 1806, Dorliston, Stafford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah November, 1865, Thomas Taylor Company. Pres. Willen- hall Branch in England. SAMUEL HART Born May, 1828, Kingswood, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1865, Thomas Taylor Company. STEPHEN JAMES HART Son of Samuel Hart and Sarah Ann Leah. Born July 4, 1852, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah in 1864. Seventy. THOMAS WILLIAM SIMPER Born Aug. 5, 1818, Stowell Park, Eng. Came to Utah 1865, Thomas Taylor Com- pany. DANIEL SIMPER Son of Thomas William Simper and Eliza- beth Massey. Born 1848, Chedworth, Glou- cestershire, Eng. High Priest. Resides at Murray, Utah. THOMAS FINCHER HARRY MORTON Born Sept. 27, 1832, Painesville, Ohio. Came to Utah Nov. 28, 1865, Captain Little Com- pany. Pres. 4th Quorum of Seventies. Merchant. THOMAS FIXCHER HARRY MORTON Son of Thomas F. H. Morton and Julia Ann Conley. Born April 15, 1875, Salt Lake City, Utah. Physician and Surgeon. RICHARD BIRCH Son of William Birch and Phoebe Crad- dock. Born May 25, 1824, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1865. Patriarch. Farmer. JONAH BIRCH Son of Richard Birch and Ellen Harris. Born May 2, 1856, Salt Lake City. Farm- er and Stockraiser. 620 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1865 WILLIAM KEEP Father of the wife of Emil Hanson of Freedom, Wyoming. Came to Utah 1865. HANS JENSEN Born April 10, 1842, Frybjerg, Orte Sogn, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1865. High Priest. Tailor. WALDEMAR JENSEN Son of Hans Jensen and Cecelia Jensen. Born June 1, 1867, Salt Lake City. Bishop's Counselor. HOPKINS JONES Born Jan. 25, 1824, Neath, Wales. Came to Utah in 186 ! 5. President of Branch at Neath, Wales. Mason and Stonecutter. EDWIN KIMBALL Born Jan. 3, 1832, Massachusetts. Came to Utah about 1865. Mayor of Park City, Utah. Mine Supplies Business. MADS LARSON Born April 21, 1837. Came to Utah in 1865. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor ; High Councilor ; Pres. of Ward Teachers. FREDRICK LUTZ Born Feb. 25, 1838. Came to Utah in 1865. Wells-Fargo Mail Carrier across the plains. DAVID FORBES MICKLEJOHN Born 1816, Kinross, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1865. JOHN MILLER Born Jan. 11, 1811, Wymondham, Nor- folk, Eng. Came to Utah in 1865. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 621 JAMES F. FENDER Born Nov. 29, 1845, West Virginia. Came to Utah 1865, in employ of U. S. Govern- ment. Chjef Detective of Ogden City 20 years. JOHN PERKINS Born Dec. 28, 1821, Western Underwood, Buckinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1865. Seventy. Section Foreman, Utah Central and Union Pacific Railroads. LBONIDAS ALFRED PRITCHETT Born Dec. 14, 1838, Rich Valley, Va. Came to Utah in 1865. Seventy ; Supt. Sunday School. Justice of the Peace. Carpenter. CHRISTOPHER DIEHL Born March 22, 1831, Butzbach, Germany. Came to Utah April 1, 1866. Member City Council. Secretary Masonic Lodge nearly forty years. CHARLES BUCK Born Feb. 6, 1899, Woodlane, Hucknall Torkard, Nottinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1866, Thomas E. Ricks Company. High Priest. WILLIAM HENRY BUCK Son of Charles Buck and Hannah Chan- tery. Born Jan. 12, 1861, Nottingham- shire, Eng. Elder. RILEY DAVIS Born Nov. 26, 1851, Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1866, Thomas E. Ricks Company. Railroad Builder. Idaho Indian War Veteran. ROBERT BOARDMAN Born March 27, 1822, Gosberton, Risegate, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1866, Samuel D. White Company. High Priest. Farmer. ROBERT BOARDMAN, JR. Son of Robert Boardman and Mary Green. Born May 22, 1846, Kirton, Lincolnshire, Eng. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. 622 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 WILLIAM BROMLEY Born Sept. 21, 1819, Dowesby, Lincoln- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1866, Samuel D. White Company. Missionary to England 1881-83, and Australia 1888-91. Farmer. AMOS CLARKE Born June 8, 1833, Rhosllanerchrugog, Denbigshire, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1866, Samuel D. White Company. High Priest. Blacksmith. SAMUEL THOMAS CLARKE Son of Amos Clarke and Ann Johnston. Born Sept. 12, 1874. JOSEPH EDGEWORTH Born Sept. 16, 1844, Candle Green, Glou- cestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1866, Samuel D. White Company. Farmer. REES D. JAMES Born Dec. 31, 1842, Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1866, Sam- uel D. White Company. Choir and Band Leader. Constable. WILLIAM OVARD Born Dec. 23, 1850, England. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1866, Samuel D. White Com- pany. Carpenter. THOMAS OVARD Son of William Ovard and Phoebe Hene- fer. Born June 4, 1878, Henefer, Utah. Teacher. Laborer. WILLIAM ABBOTT Born Feb. 22, 1808, Irchester, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1865, William H. Chip- man Company. Elder ; Teacher. GEORGE COMER Born Oct. 17, 1830, Farrington Gurney, Somersetshire. Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1866, William H. Chipman Company. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 623 THOMAS DOWDING Born 1816, Wiltshire, Bng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1866, William H. Chipman Com- pany. DAVID DOWDING Son of Thomas Dowding and Hannah Nash. Born April 19, 1851, Wiltshire, Eng. JACOB JANES Born Feb. 18, 1844, Carston, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1866, William H. Chipman Company. Pres. Branch of Coalville Ward. MARK JONES Came to Utah 1866, William H. Chipman Company. WILLIAM CROMPTON Born April 29, 1832, Kearsley, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, Daniel Thompson Company. EDWARD GILES ROBERTS Born Dec. 8, 1825, Dinas, Morrthe, North Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1866, James Chipman Company. Sunday School Su- perintendent. Farmer. Weaver. JESSE SMITH Born May 14, 1836, Pensford, Somerset, England. Came to Utah September, 1866, Henry Chipman Company. Seventy. City Councilman ; Road Supervisor. RICHARD SMITH Born April 29, 1821, Arneston, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1866, Capt. Chip- man Company. RICHARD H. SMITH Son of Richard Smith and Hellen Hogg. Born Jan. 14, 1863, in Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1866. Bishop. Probate Judge ; County Commissioner. 624 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 WILLIAM GILLARD STONE Born Jan. 28, 1821, Castlecary, Eng. Came to Utah 1866, Henry Chipman Company. Carpenter and Foundryman. HENRY JOHN STONE Son of William Gillard Stone and Jane Stride. Born Dec. 15, 1846, Bristol, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Edward Wool- ley Company. NATHAN HAWKES Born Nov. 15, 1840, Hockley, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1866, Benjamin Holllday Company. Bishop. HENRY COX Born Feb. 14, 1837, Aldbourn, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1866, John D. Holladay Company. Assistant Superin- tendent Deseret Telegraph Company. FREDERICK FOULGER Son of John Foulger and Susannah Wool- nough. Born Sept. 13, 1851, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1866, John D. Hol- laday Company. JOSEPH B. FOULGER Son of Frederick Foulger and Isabel Field- ing Burton. Born May 16, 1878. .46* *- HERBERT JOHN FOULGER Son of John Foulger and Susannah Wool- nough. Born Jan. 10, 1848, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel Mc- Arthur Company. Carpenter. FRANCIS OLIVER Born June 12, 1825, Brown Condover, England. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1866, John D. Holladay Company. WILLIAM SELLEY Born March 18, 1833, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1866, John D. Holladay Company. High Priest; Block Teacher. Gardener. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 625 WILLIAM SELLEY, JR. Son of William Selley and Sarah Lake. Born Oct. 19, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Seventy. Builder and Contractor. BENJAMIN TIBBITTS Born Sept. 8, 1826, Kidderminster, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1866, John D. Holladay Company. Settled Providence, Utah. GEORGE H. TIBBITTS Son of Benjamin Tibbitts and Eliza Moody. Born Feb. 25, 1853, Roxbury, Mass. Came to Utah September, 1866, John D. Holladay Company. JAMES MICHAEL ANDERSON Born Jan. 1, 1855, Sjelle, Aarhuus Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1866, Peter Nebeker Company. School Trus- tee ; Missionary to Southern States. CHRISTEN WANGSGAARD Born Feb. 4, 1820, Hvidberg, Thyholm, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1866, Peter Nebeker Company. Lived at Huntsville, Utah. CHRISTEN C. WANGSGAARD Son of Christen Wangsgaard and Kirstlne Petersen. Born April 26, 1851, Snedsted, Denmark. School Trustee ; City Council- man ; Health Officer. JAMES CLARK Born May 17, 1846, Douglas, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, Daniel Thompson Company. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. JAMES CRYSTAL Born Sept. 19, 1839, Boreland, Parish of Dysart, Fifeshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, Daniel Thompson Com- pany. High Priest. Farmer and Fruit Grower. JAMES DEAMER Born May 4, 1847, Whitewell, Hereford- shire, En?. Came to Utah October, 1866, Daniel Thompson Co. Ward Teacher. 626 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 HENRY W. S. HODGSON Born July 26, 1824, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1866, Daniel Thompson Company. Elder. Weaver and Machinist. OLIVER HODGSON Son of Henry William Sutlift Hodgson and Mary Shaw. Born March 8, 1851, Yorkshire, Eng. Bishop 3rd Ward. City Councilman. Building Contractor. GEORGE HONE Born March 10, 1810, near Warmington, Eng. Came to Utah May 30, 1866, Cap- tain Thompson Company. HENRY HONE Son of George Hone and Mary Boss. Born April 16, 1853, Foleshill, near Coven- try, Eng. Elder. JOHN PITT Born April 9, 1816, Willenhall, Stafford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1866, Daniel Thompson Oxteam Company. High Councilor. JOSEPH DANIEL SMITH Son of Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Cheek. Born May 6, 1846, Margaretting Tye, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, Capt. Thompson Company. CHARLES CLAYMORE BARTLETT Born Dec. 26, 1848, Newberry Township, Geauga Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1866. Bishop Vernal Ward. Missionary. Farmer and Apiarist. CHARLES BART BARTLETT Son of Charles Claymore Bartlett and Anna Katrina Jensen. Born Aug. 27, 1869, Mountain Bell, Utah. Bishop Ver- nal Ward. RICHARD HEMSLEY, JR. Son of Richard Hemsley, who came to Utah Sept. 16, 1866, Samuel H. Hill Com- pany, and Sarah Potter. Born May 25, 1836, Ditchling, Sussex, Eng. Bishop Piano Ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 627 RICHARD HEMSLEY, III. Son of Richard Hemsley, Jr., and Chris- tina Maria Jensen. Born Oct. 12, 1864, Mill Creek, Utah. Bishop Piano Ward, Idaho. Merchant. Farmer. JAMES YOUNG Born Sept. 23, 1848, Caldecota, Beds, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 18, 1866. High Priest, Choir Leader. Justice of the Peace. Notary Public ; School Trustee. WILLIAM F. POLL Born June 15, 1823, Norfolk, England. Came to Utah in November, 1852, Capt. Nelson Company. Presiding Teacher. Carpenter. JOHN AUSTIN Born December, 1798, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. High Priest. Block Teacher. GEORGE O. AUSTIN Son of John Austin and Emma Grace. Born Jan. 13, 1849, in England. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1866, William H. Chip- man Company. High Councilor. ANDREW M. AUSTIN Son of George O. Austin and Elizabeth MacFarland. Born March 8, 1873, at Salt Lake City. General Manager Austin & Sons Live Stock Company. HEBER CHARLES AUSTIN Son of John Austin and Emma Grace. Born Dec. 20, 1855, Studham, Bedford- shire, Eng. Bishop of Lincoln Ward ; President Bingham Stake, lona, Idaho. MARK AUSTIN Son of John Austin and Emma Grace. Born Oct. 3, 1864. Studham, Bedfordshire, Bng. Bishop of Sugar City Ward, Idaho. President Fremont Stake. THOMAS H. AUSTIN Son of John Austin and Emma Grace. Born Dec. 27, 1866, in England. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1868, John G. Holman Company. Cattle and Sheepraiser. 628 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 PHILIP KIRK Born Jan. 10, 1817, Arnold, Nottingham- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. High Priest. Lived at Tooele. JAMES KIRK Son of Philip Kirk and Mary Ann Taylor Born April 11, 1845, Arnold, Nottingham- shire, Eng. Elder. Assisted in bringing immigrants. ANDREW PETERSEN Born Dec. 18, 1832, Viborg, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1866. Bishop; Presi- dent High Priest Quorum. Veteran Black Hawk War. OLE H. BERG Born Sept. 12, 1840, Anerod, Rokke Par- ish, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott Company. Bishop 1st Ward, Provo. Undertaker. ROBERT GRAHAM Born Oct. 2, 1850, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah 1866, Andrew H. Scott Company. Member Bishopric of Eden Ward. Ward Supervisor. School Trustee. ROBERT ORSON GRAHAM Son of Robert Graham and Gertrude Stallings. Born Aug. 31, 1878, Eden, Utah. Missionary to Central States 1909-11. Bishop's Counselor. GEORGE WILLIAM HOGGE Father of the wife of Robert O. Graham of Eden, Utah. THOMAS HANCOCK Born July 3, 1844, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1866, Andrew H. Scott Company. High Priest ; Missionary to England 1896-98. JEXS PETER JENSEN Born Aug. 10, 1838, Holme, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1866, Andrew H. Scott Company. High Priest. School Trustee. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 HENRY HERMAN LUDVICK KOTTER Born Nov. 20, 1837. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott Company. Coun- cilman Brigham City and Superintendent Waterworks. Brickmaker. Farmer. DAVID MOORE Born Aug. 1, 1847, Whitwick, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1866, Andrew H. Scott Company. Justice of Peace and Postmas- ter at Castle ^Rock. THOMAS ELLIS MOORE Son of David Moore and Mary Rees. Born April 25, 1876, Castle Rock, Utah. MORMON VERNON SELMAN Born July 4, 1855, Eath, Whitchurch, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 21, 1866, Jo- seph S. Rawlins Company. Elder ; Mis- sionary. Sunday School Superintendent. THOMAS ANSON WADDOUPS Son of Thomas Waddoups and Mary Call. Born Dec. 23, 1875, Bountiful, Utah. Mem- ber 100th Quorum Seventies. President losepa Colony at losepa, Tooele Co., Utah. MARTIN WILLIAMSON Born Aug. 26, 1844, Bravik, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott .Company. Missionary to Norway 1897-99. Ward Teacher. Farmer. JENS PETER JENSEN Born Dec. 12, 1845, Honsinge, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 21, 1866, Abner Lowry Company. City Councilman. PETER DANIEL JENSEN Son of Jens Peter Jensen and Dorthea Gregersen. Born May 17, 1869, Ephraim, Utah. Mayor of Ephraim. Sunday School Superintendent. Seventy. THOMAS CHRISTIAN JENSEN Born Jan. 16, 1818, Jerslev, Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah November, 1866, Abner Lowry Oxteam Company. Elder. Brass Moulder and Mechanic. 630 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 THOMAS PIERPONT . Born Nov. 6, 1836, Rainhill, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah 1866, Abner Lowry Company. Engaged in Foundry and Ma- chine Business. JAMES KING PIERPONT Son of Thomas Pierpont and Naomi King. Born May 21, 1861, St. Catherines, Can- ada. Boilermaker and Machinist. CHRISTIAN JULIUS JENSEN Born July 1, 1855, Sbby, Denmark. Came to Utah November, 1866, Abner Lowry Company. . Elder. Farmer. LARS CHRISTEN N. MYRUP Born March 26, 1845, Glade Thisted, Den- mark. Came to Utah April 6, 1866. Abner Lowry Company. Member of the High Council. Seventy. JOHN CHRISTIAN POULSON Born Feb. 21, 1841, Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 22, 1866, Abner Lowry Company. JOHN C. POULSON Son of John Christian Poulson and Eliza Thompson. Born Nov. 3, 1869, Holden, Utah. NIELS RASMUSSEN Born May 29, 1854. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Abner Lowry Company. Bishop's Counselor. Bookkeeper in Presiding Bishop's Office. Farmer. CHARLES PETER WARNICK Born April 5, 1850, in Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 22, 1866, Abner Lowry Com- pany. Bishop of Manila Ward 1898-1907 ; Missionary to Sweden 1880. CHARLES LOUIS WARNICK Son of Charles P. Warnick and Christina Marie Larson. Born April 13, 1875, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Superintendent Bingham Stake Sunday Schools 1909. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 631 HENRY CRIDDLE Taunton, Somerset, Eng. Was in Joseph S. Rawlins Company of October, 1866. CHARLES CRIDDLE Son of Henry Criddle and Mary Bull. Born July 22, 1854, Taunton, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1866. Bishop's Counselor. THOMAS GREENHALGH Born Jan. 15, 1821, Worsley, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. High Priest. ABRAHAM GREENHALGH Son of Thomas Greenhalgh and Mary Morecroft. Born April 12, 1855, Man- chester, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Bishop's Counselor. WILLIAM AYLETT Born Jan. 28, 1828, Hockley, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. Farmer. WILLIAM AYLETT, JR. Son of William Aylett and Hannah Ar- gent. Born April 27,- 1858, Orsett, Eng. Stockraiser, Merchant and Banker. JESSE AYLETT Son of William Aylett and Hannah Ar- gent. Born Nov. 6, 1859. JOHN A. AYLETT Son of William Aylett and Hannah Ar- gent. Born Sept. 28, 1867, West Jordan, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. Jordan Stake. City Councilman. Miller. HEBER C. AYLETT Son of William Aylett and Hannah Ar- gent Born April 22, 1870, West Jordan, Utah. Banker. Sheepraiser. 632 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 HOWARD BENJAMIN WARNICK Son of Charles Peter Warnick and Chris- tina Marie Larson. Born July 31, 1877, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Bishop Manila Ward. Farmer and Stockralser. JABEZ AUGER Born 1833, Saffron Waldron, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah 1866. Shoemaker; Farmer. HENRY DANIEL AUGER Son of Jabez Auger and Sarah Ann Cos- grove. Born June 5, 1863, Stratford, Eng. Bishop's Counselor 1899-1905 ; Assistant Sunday School Supt. of Glendale Ward. WILLIAM HENRY AUGER Son of Henry Daniel Auger and Sarah Ellen Hibbert. Born Jan. 1, 1891. HENRY COTTLE Born May 3, 1822, Horsley, Gloucester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 186'6, Indepen- dent Company. Elder. THOMAS E. COTTLE Son of Henry Cottle and Elizabeth Brittle. Born Nov. 22, 1850, Dudley, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1860, Capt. Duncan Company. Sunday School Teacher. WILLIAM HENRY COTTLE Son of Henry Cottle and Elizabeth Brittle. Born March 22, 1852, Dudley, Worcester- shire, Eng. High Priest. Chairman School Board. JOHN L. CRANE Came to Utah 1866. Resided at (Farr West), Odgen, Utah. A. J. CRANE Son of John L. Crane. Came . to Utah 1866. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 633 DAVID PETTIGREW Relative of A. J. Crane of Farr-West, Ogden, Utah. CHARLES EMPEY Born 1847, Kansworth, Eng. Utah 1866. Drayman. Came to CHARLES B. S. EMPEY Son of Charles Empey and Sarah Ann Shipley. Born March 15, 1879, Ogden, Utah. Manager Ogden Wholesale Drug Company. OLAF ALFRED T. FORSSELL Born Sept. 24, 1844, Sala, Westmanland, Sweden. Came to Utah 1866. Block Teacher. ALFRED THEODORE FORSSELL Son of Olaf Alfred T. Forssell and Eva Neilson Anderson. Born July 18, 18 iO, at Salt Lake City. Block Teacher. WILLIAM JOHN HILL Born Jan. 9, 1856, In England. Came to Utah 1866. High Priest. Road Super- visor. Watermaster. Farmer. ROGER HORROCKS Came to Utah 1866. HANS PETER JOHNSON Born Oct 7 1816, Sjelland, Denmark. Came 8, Utah 1866. Musician. Farmer. SVANTE JOHAN KOEVIN Born 1836, Roda, Sweden. Came to Utah 1866. High Priest. Tailor, Farmer and Stockraiser. 634 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1866 ; EDWARD MCDONALD Born Feb. 1, 1821, Ruskey, Tyrone, Ire- land. Came to Utah 1866. JOSEPH REHOBOAM MORGAN Son of Samuel Morgan, who came to Utah 1866, and Elizabeth Beddis. Born April 26, 1835, Little Deans Hill, Gloucester- shire, Eng. Bishop 15th Ward Salt Lake City. CARL STEEN OLSEN Born Dec. 10, 1830, Risor, Norway. Came to Utah 1866, oxteam company. High -c ricst. WROL CHRISTIAN OLSEN Son of Carl Steen Olsen and Maren Marie Wrolsdater. Born March 7, 1861 Risor Norway. Seventy. HANS OLSEN Born May 1, 1800, in Sweden Utah October, 1866. Farmer. Came to HENRY PUZET Born Aug. 7, 1828. Came to Utah 1866. High Priest, Bishop's Counselor, Block Teacher. School Trustee. Blacksmith and Wheelwright. LARSE RASMUSEN Born Dec. 30, 1844, in Denmark. Came to Utah 1866. Farmer. BRIGHAM H. ROBERTS Born March 8, 1857, Warrington, Lan- cashire, Eng. Came to Utah 1866. One of the Seven Pres. of Seventies. Compiler Documentary Church History. Author EDWIX SHOELL Born Dec. 31, 1832. Came to Utah 1866. High Priest. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1867 635 EDWIN G. SHOELL Son of Edwin Shoell and Jane Booker. Born Sept. 17, 1872, Pleasant Grove. El- der and Farmer. JULIUS SORENSON Dec. 25, 1854, Odense, Denmark. Elder. Born Came to Utah in 1866. RICHARD HENRY PALLET Son of James Dalley and Emma Wright. Born June 18, 1867, Summit, Iron Co., Utah. Resides at Preston, Idaho. CHARLES R. DALLEY Son of James Dalley and Emma Wright. Born Nov. 27, 1873. Bishop of Summit Ward, Utah. WILLIAM DUMMAR Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1867. JOHN WEBSTER Born Oct. 17, 1830, Lochlee, Forfarshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1867, George Dunford Company. Superintendent Sunday School ; High Priest. LEONIDAS HAMLIN KENNARD Born Jan. 29, 1842, Vinton Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1867, William Streeper Merchandise Train. Civil War Veteran. LEONIDAS HAMLIN KENNARD, JR. Son of Leonidas Hamlin Kennard and Jo- anna Louisa Gleason. Born Oct. 26, 1869, Farmington, Utah. High Priest. Farmer. JENS MOLLER CHRISTENSEN Son of Christen Andersen and Ane Magrete Jensen. Born Jan. 8, 1846, Hornstrup, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1867, Leonard G. Rice Company. Mayor of Mo- roni, Utah. 636 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1867 CARL HENDRICK NIELSEN Born Feb. 4, 1856, Stenstrop, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1867, Leonard G. Rice Company. Mason. ANDREW PETER FILLERUP Born May 30, 1831, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1867, Charles C. Rich Com- pany. High Priest. ANDREW PETER FILLERUP, JR. Son of Andrew Peter Fillerup and Caro- line Rasmussen. Born Jan. 25, 1872, Provo, Utah. Farmer and Dairyman. JACOB HANSEN Born Nov. 21, 1842, Klovtofte, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1867. Bishop's Counselor. JAME3 A. EROWN Son of Thomas James Brown and Althea Chamberlain. Born Oct. 27, 1867, Salt Lake City. Real Estate and Investment Agent. NIELS PETER CHRISTENSEN Came to Utah in 1867. OLE H. JACOBSEN Born Jan. 1, 1853, Klovtofte, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1867. OLE WILLIAM JACOBSEN Son of Ole H. Jacobsen and Rebecca D. Dutsen. Born Oct. 5, 1880, Oak City, Utah. Chorister and Organist. EDDIE MATTHIAS JACOBSEN Son of Ole H. Jacobsen and Rebecca D. Dutsen. Born Nov. 28, 1884. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1867 637 JAMES PETER JENSEN, JR. Son of James Peter Jensen, who came to Utah in 1867, and Mary Christina Jensen. Born Oct. 12, 1875, Newton, Utah. Bishop Malad Ward, Idaho. Merchant. JENKIN JONES Born July 17, 1840, Park Isha Farm, Ystradyfodwg, South Wales. Came to Utah Fall of 1867, Handcart Company. Bishop. County Treasurer. Mayor of Malad. JENKIN JONES, JR. Son of Jenkin Jones and Mary E. Jenkins. Born Nov. 25, 1880, Malad City, Idaho. Clerk for Oneida County, Fifth Judicial District of Idaho. HANS PETER PETERSON Born Sept. 13, 1846, Denmark. Came to Tltah in 1867. Mason. High Priest. Black Hawk Indian War Veteran. Farmer and Stockraiser. JOHN HANS PETERSON Son of Hans Peterson and Julia Emma Cook. Born July 30, 1886, Richfield, Utah. Musician ; Farmer. JORGEN HANSTED RASMUSSEN Born April 8, 1837, Hansted, There, Den- mark. Came to Utah in 1867. \ THOMAS THURGOOD .. Born July, 1807, Terling, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah 1867, William Godbe Com- pany. Laborer. ABRAHAM THURGOOD Son of Thomas Thurgood and Catherine Jenkins. L. A. CHRISTENSEN Born Dec. 1, 1843, Denmark. Came to Utah January, 1868. High Priest. 638 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 GEORGE ALEXANDER FOLLICK Born Oct. 12, 1831, Canboro, Can. Came to Utah June, 1868, Captain Taylor Com- pany. Blacksmith. DAVID FOLLICK Son of George Alexander Follick and Nancy Parker. Born Dec. 30, 1860, Egypt, Fremont Co., Iowa. Came to Utah August, 1867. Seventy. ANDREW C. LUNDHOLM Born May 17, 1833, Tillinge Socken, Up- salla Lan, Sweden. Came to Utah August, 1868. High Councilor in Nebo Stake. JOHN STRICKLEY Born 1843, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah June, 1868, Captain Hunter Com- pany. Merchant. JOSEPH B. STRICKLEY Son of John Strickley and Ellen Brindle. Born Feb. 18, 1870, Salt Lake City. Con- tractor. HUGH WILLIAM THOMAS Born Jan. 29, 1830, Pembrey, Caermar- thenshire, Wales. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1868. DAVID SPAKKEY THOMAS Son of Hugh William Thomas and Mary Ann Sparrey. Born Sept. 23, 1862, Pem- brey, Caermarthenshire, Wales. JOSEPH DEARDEN Born Dec. 9, 1838, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1868. High Priest. Miner ; Farmer and Stockraiser. Resided at Pleasant Green. CHRISTIAN FUGAL Son of Christian Fugal. Born April 1, 1843, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1868, with father. Tailor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 639 JAMES P. FUGAL Son of Christian Fugal and Margarett Jen- sen. Born Nov. 15, 1875, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Bishop Woodville Ward, Idaho. ABEL SMART Born Jan. 30, 1848, Lea, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1868, Simeon Alvord Company. Clerk of High Priest Quorum, Cache Stake. GEORGE GIFFORD WESTON Born Sept. 9, 1848, Coley, East Harptree, Somerset, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1868. High Priest ; Ward Teacher. School Trustee. SAMUEL WESTON Born Jan. 27, 1865, Woolley, Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah August, 1870. Bishop Garden City, Idaho. Representa- tive to Legislature. WILLIAM BJORK Born April 6, 1837, Hjo, Sweden. Came to Utah Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock Com- pany. High Priest. Farmer and Stock- raiser. CHARLES BURNS Born Nov. 3, 1831, Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock* Company. CHARLES BURNS, JR. Son of Charles Burns and Martha Fretwell. Born July 3, 1859, Brampton, Derbyshire, Eng. Bishop's Counselor. ANDREW T. CASE Born Jan. 31, 1819, England. Came to Utah Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock Company. High Priest. EBER CASE Son of Andrew T. Case and Mary Ann Spruel. Born Oct. 19, 1852, in England. Came to Utah Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Mur- dock Company. 640 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 HENRY CASE Son of Andrew T. Case and Mary Ann Spruel. Was killed Oct. 29, 1869, at Promontory Point in a railroad accident. ENOS JACKSON Son of John Jackson, who came to Utah Ang-. 30, 1868, John R. Murdock Company, and Mary Joynson. Born Feb. 27, 1845. Painter. EUGENE JACKSON Son of Enos Jackson and Ellen Ferington. Born Feb. 8, 1882. WILLIAM JONES Born June 7, 1805, Brimpsfleld, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 18, 1868, John R. Murdock Company. Road and Ditch Builder. ROBERT JONES Son of William Jones and Mary Shill. Born July 9, 1829, Washbrook, Gloucester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1866, Henry Chipman Company. ROBERT ALLEN JONES Son of Robert Jones and Harriet Tipper. Born Feb. 19, 1854, Birdlip, Gloucester- shire, Eng. Surveyor of Summit County. GAMELIEL BRISCOE Born Dec. 18, 1818, Preston, Lancaster- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Loveland Company. Farmer ; Lumberman. THOMAS H. DURRANT Born March 27, 1849, Deanshanger, North- amptonshire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Loveland Company. Bish- op's Counselor. Telegraph Operator. JOHN GLEAVE Born March 2, 1822, Stockport, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Loveland Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 641 EVAN JENKINS Born May 18, 1849, Cwm Batch, Glamor- ganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1868, Chester Lovelancl Company. Bishop's Counselor. GEORGE WILLIAM TIMPSON Born Sept. 20, 1856, Oundle, Northampton- shire, Eng. Came to Utah August, 1868, Chester Loveland Company. Chorister : High Priest. Shoe Salesman. JOSEPH ELKIN TIMI'SON Son of George William Timpson and Sarah Elizabeth Strickland. Born Jan. 5, 1885. JOHN MARSHALL Born Dee. 10, 1821, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Capt. Roy- lance Company. High Priest. Farmer ; Refiner of Iron. JOSEPH HYRUM MARSHALL, Son of John Marshall and Elizabeth Joyce Robson. Born Oct. 24, 1876, Liberty, Utah. Member 2nd Elders Quorum. Mgr. New Eagle Hotel at Logan. JESSE HIGGINS Born June 25, 1830, Lenham, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 24, 1868, Horton D. Haight Company. ROBERT GUTTERIDGE Born April, 1839, Berkshire, Eng. Came to ("tah Aug. 20, 1808, Horton L>. Haight Company. Ironworker. 41 THOMAS MORGAN Came to Utah 1868, John Seeley Company. GEORGE PARAMORE Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1868, William Seeley Company. 642 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 SIMEON PICKERING Born Nov. 10, 1817, Wansford, Eng. Came to Utah 1868, Orange Seeley Company. Elder. Miller. FRANKLIN HARPER PICKERING Son of Simeon Pickering and Ellen E. Harper. Born Dec. 23, 1847, Hull, Eng. High Priest ; Ward Teacher. Motorman for U. L. & R. Co. NATHANIEL SYMONS Born Aug. 21, 1805. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1863, John Seeley Company. JOHN \V. SYMONS Son of Nathaniel Symons. Born March 5, 1867, Salt Lake City. Superintendent Sunday School ; Bishop's Counselor. JOHN LUNN Father of the wife of John William Sym- ons of Dempsey, Idaho. CHARLES DERRICOTT Born 1806, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Daniel D. McArthur Company. JOSEPH DERRICOTT Son of Charles Derricott and Mary Ashley. Born AUK. 25, 184!>, Wolverhampton, Staf- fordshire, F.ng. Came to Utah with par- ents. THOMAS C. JONES Born Feb. 11, 1825, Birmingham, War- wickshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Daniel D. McArthur Company. Sev- enty ; Ward Recorder. HEBER LORENZO JONES Son of Thomas C. Jones and Mary Orgill Born March 18, 1871, Salt Lake City Elder. Engineer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 643 JOHN SWINDLEHURST Came to Utah 1868, Daniel D. McArthur Company. ALEXANDER HUNTER Born April 3, 1849, Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen Company. Seventy ; Ward Teacher. EVAN JONES Born July 13, 1839, Felingwm, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simp- son M. Molen Company. High Priest. Run first steam plow in Utah. NATHANIEL MORRIS HODGES Born Jan. 4, 1847, Sparksford, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen Company. Stockraiser. WILLIAM NEHEMIAH HODGES Son of Nathaniel Morris Hodges and Louisa Weston. Born July 15, 1870. JAMES SABINE Born Feb. 21, 1821, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868. Elder. Builder an.l Contractor. WILLIAM GIBSON WILSON Son of Benjamin Wilson, who came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, and Mary Bell. Born May 6, 1850, in Scotland. County Com- missioner. Owner of the Hermitage Hotel and Summer Resort In Ogden Canyon, SAMUEL PRESTON Born Nov. 5, 1825, Wycalder, Kng. Came to Utah September, 1868, .Simpson M. Molen Company. High Priest ; Supt. bun- day School. Justice of the Peace. WILLIAM PRESTON Son of Samuel Preston and Louisa Coe. Born Feb. 10, 1860, Worwood, Peters- burgh Co., Can. Pres. 88th Quorum Seventies. Farmer ; Merchant. C44 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 THOMAS PRESTON Son of Samuel Preston and Louisa Coe. Born Jan. 16, 1865, Ontario, Can. Bishop's Counselor ; Supt. Sunday School. State Senator. ANTHON LORENZO SKANCHY Born Sept. 17, 1839, Trondhjem, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1868, Horton D. Haight Company. Bishop 6th Ward, Lo- Kan, twenty-five years. THOMAS COOK Born at Collingbourne, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie Oxteam Com- pany. Seventy. Farmer ; Contractor ; Brickmaker. GEORGE ELISHA COOK Son of Thomas Cook and Joyce Collins. Born Sept. 13, 1857, Collingbourne, Kng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph Kaw- lins Company. Fruit Grower. CHARLES HORMAN Born March 3, 1825, Isle of Jersey. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie Company. Dentist ; Shoemaker ; Farmer. FRANCIS D. HORMAN Son of Charles Horman and Marparet De La Haye. Born Oct. 6, 1855, lona, Idaho. Justice of the Peace, lona, Idaho. JOHN NIGHTINGALE PIKE Born Nov. 2, 1846, Pilton, Somersetshire, Enif. Came to I'tah Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie Company. I Huh Priest: High Councilor. SAMUEL WAYMENT Born May 28, 1846, Whaddon, Cambridge- shire, En'g. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1868, John GilJespie Company. First Counselor to Bishop of Warren Ward. ALMA E. WAYMENT Son of Samuel Wayment and Castina Chapman. Born March 13, 1879, Plain City, Utah. Seventy. Deputy Sheriff. Road Supervisor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 645 WILLIAM THOMAS WAYMENT Born April 29, 1858, Whadclon, Cambridge- shire, EnR. Came to Utah June 13, 187S. Bishop. Farmer. JOHN DEVEY Born Jan. 28, 1849, Wolverhampton, EnR. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1868, Edward T. Mumford Company. HANS S. LARSEN Born April 13, 1858, Eyderly, Odden, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1868, Ed- ward T. Mumford Mule Team Company State Senator. Farmer. WILLIAM MOYES Son of Robert Moyes and Elizabeth Hutchi- son. Born May 17, 1841, Paisley, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1868, Eilward T. Mumford Mule Train. Seventy. JOHN H. MOYES Son of Robert Moyes and Elizabeth Hutchi- son. Born March 22, 1860, Paisley, Scot- land. Came to Utah July 14, 1866, John Nicholson Company. High Priest. Farmer. WILLIAM OGDEN Born Oct. 28, 1820, TonR, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1868, Edward T. Mumford Company. Member High Council. WILLIAM OGDEN, JR. Son of William Osden and Mary Vickers. Born Aug. 25, 1854, Hallith Wood, Tons, Lancastershire, Eng. JOSEPH OGDEN Son of William ORden and Mary Vickers. Born AUR. 31, 1859, Hallith Wood, Lan- castershire, Eng. JOSEPH L. OGDEN Son of Joseph Ogden and Hannah Rl. Christensen. Born Jan. 13, 1886. 646 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 JUNIUS FRANCIS OGDEN Son of William Ogden, Jr., and Emma Fraser. Born Oct. 18, 1881. LAHS NIELS CHRISTENSEN Born AUK. 11, 1812. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1868, John G. Holman Company Pres Scandinavian Organization of Newton Ward. SOREN NIELSEN Born Nov. 10, 1824, Marsoe, Denmark Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1868, John G' Holman Company. High Priest. Watch- maker. JENS CARL DIDDERICK OSTERMANN Born Sept. 17, 1830, Randers, Denmark Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1868, John G Hol- man Company. Seventy. School Trustee Shoemaker ; Merchant. JAMES PETERSON Born Dec. 5, 1847, Nagupe, Denmark Came to Utah 1868, John G. Holman Com- pany. Elder. JOHN ROBB BAXTER Born Feb. 9, 1851, Aberdeen, Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1868, Harvey H. Cluff Company. Missionary. Justice of Peace ; City Councilman ; Mayor Spring JOHN BAXTER Born Jan 16, 1823, Aberdeen, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1877. CHARLES .1. MILLER Born Oct. 8, 1818, Fletcher, Sussex, Ene Came to Utah June 24, 1868, Harvey Cluff Company. Brickmaker. ANDREW MILLER Son of Charles J. Miller and Harriet Hill. Born March 8, 1852, Clayton, Kng. Came to Utah June 24^ 1868. High Priest. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 647 PETER LARSEN Born Oct. 14, 1843. Came to Utah Octo- ber, 1868, Joseph S. Rawlins Company. Ward Teacher ; Bishop's Counselor. Farm- er ; Butcher. HENRY HANSON Born at Schleswig:, Germany. Utah October, 1868, Hans Company. Came to Jensen Hall JAMES JOSEPH CASTLETON Born Jan. 25, 1829, Lowestoft, Suffolk, KnK. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1868, Thomas Ricks Company. Gardener. WILLIAM BROWN Son of John Brown and Christina Thomp- son. Born in Scotland. Came to Utah in 1868. GUSTAF ANDERSON Born April 7, 1824, Kleva, Sweden. Came to Utah in 1868. A. J. ANDERSON Son of Gustaf Anderson and Mariah C. Hokenson. Born Aug. 2, 1860, in Sweden. Bishop's Counselor at Huntsville. GEORGE CARTER Born April 2, 1841, Bridgenorth, Shrop- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1868. Em- ployee of Utah & Northern Railway Co. WILLIAM H. CARTER Son of George Carter and B'annie Brown Born March 7, 1866, Leamington, Eng. Railroad Man. PAUL A. ELKINS Born July 15, 1849, in England. Utah 1868, working on Priest. Came to railroad. High 648 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 THOMAS EVANS Came to Utah in 1868. Father of the wife of George Stuart, Malad, Idaho. EMIL HANSON Born Oct. 30, 1860, Gottenburg, Sweden. Came to Utah in 1868. Sunday School Superintendent. ALFUKD HENSON Born June 24, 1830, in England. Came to Utah in 1868. One of guards while cross- ing plains. LARS FERDINAND JOHNSON Son of Hans Jorgensen and Marie I). Brieck. Born Nov. 21, 1858, North Sjel- land, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1868. Farmer. CHRISTIAN HANSKN LARSON Born Jan. 30, 1844, Meleby, Frederiksborg Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1868. ANDREW MAIR Son of Allen Mair and Mary Murdock. Born Feb. 18, 1856, Grasswater, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1868. Elder. Black- smith. JOHN MELLOR Horn 1811, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1868. EDWIN JAMES MELLOR Son of John Mellor and Amy Bellamy Born May 20, 1863, Leicestershire, Eng Came to Utah in 1868. JAMKS MKI.LOR Resides at Fayette, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1808 649 JAMES MILLER Born Nov. 20, 1829, Birtherglen, Lanark- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah by oxteam. JOSEPH E. MULLETT Born Nov. 29, 1838, Charlton, Somerset, Eng. Came to Utah in 1868. HYIIUM RANDS Son of Joseph Rands, who came to Utah 1868, John Bright Company, and Sarah Anderson. Born July 1, , Capetown, Africa. LUKE SHAW Born Feb. 27, 1847. Came to Utah in 1868. Elder ; Block Teacher forty years. Raised first celery in Utah. Gardener and Florist. NEPHI SMART Born Aug. 18, 1840, Leicester, Leicester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1868, Indepen- dent Company. High Priest ; Missionary. Farmer. DAVID SMUIN Born Sept. 6, 1850. Came to Utah in 186, r Elder. Settled at Oxford, Idaho, 187- Moved to Vernal in 1884. FRANCIS VERNON Burn July 12, 1813, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1868. Resided at Rockport, Summit County, Utah. JAMES VERXON Son of Francis Vernon and Elizabeth Cot- rell. Born April 18, 1862. Pros. Y. M. M. I. A. ; Bishop Rockport Ward. School Trustee. Lumberman. JOHN WAKEFIEL1) Came to Utah in 1868. Warehouse Clerk; Stenographer. 650 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 EVAN WRIDB Son of Thos. Wrkle and Ann James. Born Feb. 17, 1843, in Wales. Came to Utah in 1868. Bishop 2d Ward, Provo. JESSE JEANS MURPHY Born June 22, 1824, Union, S. C. Came to Utah February, 1869, Jesse Murphy Com- pany. Medical Doctor. WILLIAM B. MURPHY Son of Jesse J. Murphy and Jerusha E. Pledger. Born Jan. 14, 1849, Jonesboro, Ga. Came to Utah September, 1868. Jus- tice of the Peace. Locomotive Engineer. JOHN RAVSTEN Son of Bengt Mathis Ravsten, who came to Utah Aug. 6, 1869, and Betty Johanson. Born Feb. 17, 1871, Logan, Utah. Bishop Clarkston Ward. GUSTAF THOMASON Born Aug. 3, 1837, Billingsfers, Dahlsland, Sweden. Came to Utah AUK. 7, 1869. High Priest ; Bishop's Counselor. CHARLES R. THOMASON Son of Gustaf Thomason and Andrina C. Olson. Born March 18, 1869, Goteberg, Sweden. Came to Utah in 1869. 1 1 HUMAN AUGUST THORUP Born Aug. 11. 1826, Copenhagen, Den- mark. Came to Utah Aug. 8, 1869. High Priest. Carpenter and Joiner. Resided at Salt Lake City. JOHN THEOBALD THORUP Son of Herman August Thorup. Born May 25, 1856, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Aug. 6, 1869. Mgr. 13th Ward Store, Salt Lake City. HERMAN F. F. THORUP Son of Herman August Thorup and Maria Christine Christenson. Born April 19, 1849, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1869. Seventy. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 651 SAMUEL CHITTOCK Born 1834, Livingston, Cambridgeshire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 8, 1869. Black- smith ; Gardener. JAMES MAXWELL Born Nov. 30, 1852, Thornliebank, Ren- frewshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1869, John E. Pace Company. Bishop 27th Ward, Salt Lake City. ROBERT GILL1SPIE Born Feb. 8, 1829. Came to Utah August, 1861), Independent Company. JOHN BARRACLOUGH Born July 28, 1854, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1869, Joseph Lawson Company. Deputy Clerk. HENRY HEAPS Born April 13, 1832, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1869, James Need- ham Company. Ward Teacher. WILLIAM HENRY HEAPS Son of Henry Heaps and Susannah Turner. Born Dec. 14, 1858, Swallow Hill, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Bishop Teas- dale Ward. FRANCIS BAILEY Came to Utah 1869, by railroad. ISAAC DRAKE Born October, 1831, in New York. Came to Utah 1869, Independent Company. Doctor of Medicine. RICHARD HAYS Came to Utah in 1869. Father-in-law of Samuel S. Later, Rigby, Idaho. 652 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 WILLIAM T. JACK EDWARD AUSTIN KNOWLES Came to Utah in 1869. Father of the wife Born March 4, 1848, Parish of Wye Kent nf Jnl,n R Rvt^ , . r.U Tr.K ,,, Came ^ ^^ ^^ ^SSuSSSf. Bishop's Counselor. Farmer. . o e of John R. Baxter, Spring City, Utah. THOMAS COLUMBUS ARMSTRONG Born in London, Eng-. Grain Merchant. WILLIAM B. ARMSTRONG Born March 19, 1841, Carlisle, Cumber- landshire, Eng\ Came to Utah June 14, 816. John Wootlhouse Company. High Priest. Railroad Master Mechanic. PERRY J. ANSON PETER C. CARSTENSEN Father of James H. Anson of Carstensen Father of A. B. Carstensen of Carstensen A^Anson Co., Music Dealers, Salt Lake & Anson Co., Music Dealers, Salt Lake City. I 'AVI I) M. ANDERSON Abraham, Willard Co., Utah. Farmer. HANS PETER ANDERSON Fattier of P. M. Anderson, Bear River City. P. M. ANDERSON Son of Hans Peter Anderson, Bear River City, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 653 JOSEPH BARLOW Born Dec. 6, 1856. Resides at Salt Lake City. C. H. BARRETT Idaho Falls, Idaho. DAVID R. JONES Relative of C. H. Barrett, Idaho Falls Idaho. JOHN BITTON Blackfoot (Riverside), Idaho. HENRY EBENKZKR BOWRING Father of W. D. Bowrinpr, Salt Lake City. I'ioneer to Brigham City, Utah. R. H. BRADSHAW Shelley, Idaho. SOREN HANSEN Relative of R. H. Bradshaw, Shelley, Idaho. JAMES BULLOCK HENRY BULLOCK Father of ' Henry Bullock, Providence, Son of James Bullock. Providence, Utah. Utah. 654 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH GEORGE BUNE Relative of James Bune of Osden, Utah. JAMES BUNE Ogden, Utah. Blacksmith. JAMES BURRUP Father of William Burrup, Downey, Idaho. JOHN DAVID BUTLER Father of David Butler, Payson, Utah. DAVID BUTLER Son of John David Butler. Payson, Utah. WILLIAM CHAPPLE Relative of Richard Greenwell, Rigby, Idaho. JAMIOH CHRISTIANSON State Treasurer from Sevier County, Utah. Salt Lake City. EDWARD WATKIN CLARK Father of J. E. Clark, Payson, Utah. JOHN E. CLARK Father of the wife of Charles C. Rich, III, of Roosevelt, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 655 JOHN CLAYTON Son of Albert Clayton and Frances HiK- Binbottam. Born Oct. 20, 1852, Sheffield, Eng. Railroad Engineer. WILLIAM R. COLE Relative of W. D. Grover of Blackfoot, Idaho. GEORGE CRANKR Father of J. .1. Craner, Corinne, Utah. Pioneer to Utah County. JOHN JENKINS CRANER Son of George Craner. Farmer; Stock- man. Corinne, Utah. JAMES DIMICK Father of J. H. Dimick of Wardboro, Idaho. J. H. DIMICK Son of James Dimick. Resides at Ward- boro, Idaho. JOHN R. GOODMAN Relative of J. J. Craner, Corinne, Utah. THOMAS LKIO Relative of J. J. Craner, Corinne, Utah. WILLIAM HENRIE Imbler, Oregon. 656 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WILLIAM C. GRAHAM Father of John C. Graham. JOHN C. GRAHAM Son of William C. Graham. Author, Pub- lisher, Editor and Printer. Resided at Provo, Utah. HANS LAWRENCE DASTRUP Father of John Dastrup, Sigurd, Utah. j*m ^ iv JAMKS DAYLEY Father of Jaeoh Dayley, Oakley, Idaho. EUGENE LAFAYETTE DE GRAW Father of D. F. DeGraw, Payson, T'tah. D. F. DE GRAW Son of Eugene Lafayette DeGraw, (Spring Lake), Payson, Utah. A. A. DUNCAN Lawyer. Salt Lake City. DR. JOHN L. DUNYON Pioneer Doctor of Utah. 1. N. DUNYON Farmer and Sheepman. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 657 J. F. FOOTE Mayfleld, Utah. PLEASOUT MINCHEY Relative of J. F. Foote, Mayfield, Utah. THOMAS GILES Pioneer of Weber County. Ogden, Utah. JOSEPH W. GOLIGHTLY WILLIAM H. GREEN Born 1879, Preston, Idaho. Counselor in Ancestor of Alford Green, Kaysville, Utah. Presidency of Oneida Stake. Sunday Schools. THOMAS GREEN Ancestor of Alford Green, Kaysville, Utah. HANS CHRISTIEN HANSEN Father of Joseph E. Hansen, Ogden, Utah. PETER HANSON Relative of James C. Peterson, Fillmore, Utah. H. C. HARTOG Orchardist and Horticulturist. Ogden, Utah. 658 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH GEORGE HAWLEY Relative of Frederick Wasden, Scipio, Utah. F. B. HELLER Pony Express Rider ; Freighter ; Stock- man. Ogden, Utah. ABRAHAM PORTER Relative of F. B. Heller, Ogden, Utah. MARRINER WILLIS HENDRICKS Richmond, Utah. JOHN MARK HENDRY Father of Michael A. Hendry, Wellsville, Utah. ORSON H. HEWLETT Son of George Hewlett. Sec. and Treas. Hewlett Bros. Co., Wholesale Dealers and Manufacturers Teas, Coffees, Spices, Salt Lake City. FRANK J. HEWLETT ?, on , G '' OI 'Ke Hewlett. Pres. Hewlett Bros. Co., Wholesale Dealers and Manu- facturers Extracts, Baking Powder, etc., GEORGE WASHINGTON HICKERSON Relative of Albert Nadauld, Kanosh, Utah. WILLIAM HIGBY Father of the wife of Dan Thomas Powell, Duchesne, Utah. Castle Dale. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 659 CHARLES HOGG West Weber, Utah. JAMES HOGG Farmer and Stockraiser. West Weber, Utah. ROBERT HOGG Father of Robert Hogg, Jr., Morgan, Utah. ROBERT HOGG, JR. Son of Robert Hogg. Morgan, Utah. R. R. HOPKINS Relative of Frederick W. Little, Salt Lake City. JAMES HOWELL Father of Mrs. Emma Howell Harper, Salt Lake City. f *P GEORGE HARPER Husband of Mrs. Emma Howell Harper. DAVID JENSEN Father of Samuel D. Jensen, Preston, Idaho. SAMUEL D. JENSEN Son of David Jensen. Preston, Idaho. 660 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH CARL C. JENSEN Midvale, Utah. DAVID JENSEN Lawyer. Ogden, Utah. EDWARD JESSOP Relative of Albert Rolph, Freedom, Wyo. EDWARD JESSOP, JR. CHARLES MOMEN JOHNSTON Relative of Albert Rolph, Freedom, Wyo. Relative of H. G. Ricks, Rexburg, Idaho. JOEL ANDREW JOHNSON Farmer. Provo, Utah. LORENZO JOHNSON Father of Lorenzo Johnson, Preston, Idaho. LORENZO JOHNSON, JR. Son of Lorenzo Johnson. Preston, Idaho. RICHARD JOHNSON Father of Urban Johnson, Goshen, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 661 URBAN JOHNSON Son of Richard Johnson. Goshen, Utah. AMOS HOWE Born Feb. 19, 1830, New York. Came to Utah Oct. 25, 1864. Seventy ; Member Church Board of Education. Farmer ; Mechanical Engineer. GEORGE E. HOWE Son of Amos Howe and Julia Cruse. Born July 14, 1858, St. Louis, Mo. Of the firm of Davis, Howe & Co., Foundry and Ma- chine Shop. WILLIAM H. JOLLEY Mapleton, Utah. JAMES IVER JENSEN Son of Thos. C. Jensen and Karen M. Hansen. Born Aug. 8, 1846, Jerslev, Den- mark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1867, Capt. Rice Company. Patriarch. JAMES VINSON KNIGHT Relative of Vinson Phillip Knight of Burt- ner (Delta), Utah. NEWELL KNIGHT Relative of Joseph Palmer of Mt. Carmel, Utah. GEORGE LANGLOIS Pioneer Merchant. Ogden, Utah. CHARLES LIVINGSTON Pioneer to Salt Lake City. 662 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH D. H. LIVINGSTON Son of Charles Livingston. Life Insur- ance. W. S. MASOX Riverside, Utah. ROBERT McKENDRICK Father of W. M. McKendrick, Ogden, Utah. W. M. McKENDRICK Son of Robert McKendrick. President Weber Stake Academy. Ogden, Utah. HEXRY WOODVILLE WILSON Relative of W. N. McKendrick of Ogden, Utah. JOHN P. MEAKIN Author. Salt Lake City. JOHN MEEKS Father of W. J. Meeks of Salt Lake City. LOUIS ALEXANDER MEYER Father of L. A. Meyer. Ogden, Utah. JOHN MORGAN Born Aug. 8, 1842. President Southern States Mission. Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 063 STEPHEN MILLER Father of William H. Miller. Plain City, Utah. WILLIAM H. MILLER Son of Stephen Miller. Metropolis, Nev. W. H. MOORE Wanship, Summit Co., Utah. CHRISTOPHER NIELSEN Father of C. M. Nielsen, Attorney, of Salt Lake City. JAMES OCKERMAN Blackfoot, Idaho. OLIN OCKERMAN Son of James Ockerman. HOGAN HANSEN Relative of Alvin Ockerman, Blackfoot, Idaho. WILLIAM GRANT PAINE Ogden, Utah. T. J. PAINE Son of William Grant Paine. Chief of Og- ilen Fire Department. 664 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH GEORGE PARKER Coal Dealer. Ogden, Utah. NICHOLAS PAUL Holden, Utah. WILLIAM PAUL Son of Nicholas Paul. Holden, Utah. HANS PETERSON Father-in-law of P. A. Hansen. Preston. Idaho. R. S. PETERSON Relative of D. K. Stuart of Ogden, Utah. NAHUM BISBEE PORTER Grandfather of Earnest Porter Brown of Ogden, Utah. JOHN EVAN PRICE Father o William D. Price, Samaria, Idaho. WILLIAM D. PRICE Son of John Evan Price. ALFRED SANFORD Father of the wife of James A. Knight of Ogden, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 665 GEORGE SEAGAR Ogden, Utah. GEORGE FRANKLYN SEAGAR Ogden, Utah. R. A. SEAGAR Ogden, Utah. HERBERT SPENCER SEAGAR Ogden, Utah. WILLIAM H. ROYAL Relative of R. A. Seagar of Ogden, Utah. E. D. SALISBURY LaGrande, Oregon. KILLIS SELLARS Relative of J. A. Smith of lona, Idaho. JENS SORENSEN JOHN STEVENS Father of Alfred Sorensen, Salt Lake City. Son of Roswell Stevens. Resides at Union, Oregon. 666 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH DAVID M. STUART Father of D. K. Stuart of Ogden, Utah. WILLIAM SWENSON Relative of Soren Thompson of Tremon- ton, Utah. JOHN CHESLETT Relative of R. 1C Thomas, Salt Lake City. R. K. THOMAS Merchant. Salt Lake City. ELBERT THOMAS Son of R. K. Thomas. JAMES TAYLOR Bishop of Mount Fort, Ogden, Utah. WILLIAM N. THOMAS Relative of John H. White of Salt Lake ORSON LEROY THOMSON Son of Orson S. Thomson and Martha A Poll. Born Jan. 6, 1886. J. B. THOMSON Son of James and Margaret Thomson. Real Estate and Insurance. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 667 JOHN THOMSON Son of James and Margaret B. Thomson. Salt Lake City. HENRY TINGEY Father of Thomas Tingey of Centerville, Utah. JOHN HARVEY TIPPETTS Richmond, Utah. H. H. WADMAN Father of James F. Wadman of Ogden, Utah. JAMES F. WADMAN Son of Dr. H. H. Wadman. Resides at Ogden, Utah. JOHN VAN WAGONER Father of the wife of Joshua Graves of Lake Shore, Utah. THOMAS VAWDREY Draper, Utah. SAMUEL WARD Father of Robert Ward of Kaysville, Utah. E. C. VAN ORDEN Lewiston, Utah. 668 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WILLIAM J. WEBSTER Father of Samuel John Webster of Pres- ton, Idaho. SAMUEL JOHN WEBSTER BARNARD H. WHITE Son of William J. Webster. Resides at Father of the wife of Oluf Johnson of Preston, Idaho. Tremonton, Utah. Banker and Farmer. WILLIAM WHITE Father of the wife of Orrin S. Lee, Jr., Rigby, Idaho. Came to Utah with Cali- fornia Company. GEORGE WHITEHEAD GEORGE WHITTAKER Father of the wife of William F. James Father of the wife of John W. Andrews, of Ogden, Utah. Salt Lake City. CHARLES H. WILLIAMS Relative of John S. McBride of Fillmore, Utah. JOHN WILLIAMS Father of Rowland Williams of Spanish Fork, Utah. JAMES WINCHESTER Relative of Henry J. Wallace of Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 609 JAMES W. TAYLOR NORMAN D. WINES Relative of Ira D. Wines of Lehi, Utah. Relative of Ira D. Wines of Lehi, Utah. LEONARD WINES Relative of Ira D. Wines of Lehi, Utah. RUBEN WOOLSET Relative of William Penny of Kanosh, Utah. JOHN ROY YOUNG Relative of George C. Odekirk of Duchesne, Utah. JAMES JOYCE TALMAGE Father of James E. Talmage JAMES E. TALMAGE THOMAS BASSET T THOMAS E. BASSETT Born Sept. 21, 1862, Hungerford, Berk- Born June 7, 1827, Canton, South Wales. Son of Thomas Bassett and Margaret Ene 14.. 1876. Came to Utah July 18, 1876. High Priest. ward. Born Nov .26 1862 Canton , b, ml Ordained an Apostle in Mormon Church Farmer. Dec. 8, 1911. Wales. Pres. Fremont Stake. Postmaster. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH JOSEPH ECKERSLEY Born July 19, 1866, Eccles, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah May 24, 1890. Presi- dent Wayne Stake 1910. Loa, Utah. GEORGE HEATH Born Jan. 21, 1832, HufCcutt, Wiltshire, Eng. ALBERT HEATH Son of George Heath and Hannah Gleed. Born May 8, 1863, Dinas Powis, Glamor- ganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah July 3, 1877. Counselor in Presidency of Fremont Stake. GUSTAVE ARNT IVERSON Son of Magnus Iverson and Ingeborg Kris- tine N'ielsen. Came to Utah July 24, 1875, State Senator. Attorney. Pres. Carbon Stake, Price, Utah. JAMES CHRISTIAN JENSEN Son of Soren Peter Jensen and Kirsten Marie Christensen. Born Sept. 9, 1863, Glimsholt, Denmark. Came to Utah July 14, 1877. First Counselor in Wasatch Stake Presidency. See father, page 678. CHRISTIAN N. LUND President North Sanpete Stake, Mount Pleasant, Utah. WILLIAM SHEPHERD Horn May !l, 1827, London, Eng. Went to Idaho September, 1877. Resides at Paris, Idaho, JOSEPH RUSSELL SHEPHERD Son of William Shepherd and Mary Ann Tracey. Born March 18, 1865, Brocken- hurst, Eng. Pres. Bear Lake Stake. Paris, Idaho. JAMES WOTHERSPOON President North Ogden Stake, Ogden, Utah. Candy and Confectionery Manu- facturer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 671 ROBERT D. YOUNG Born July 24, 1867, Kirkintolloch, Scot- land. Came to Utah in 1872. Missionary to Australia 1901-1903; President Sevier Stake. Richfield, Utah. PARLEY ANDERSON Born July 27, 1866, Christiania, Norway. Bishop of Koosharem Ward, Sevier Stake, Sevier County, Utah. THOMAS BLAKE Born May 9, 1859, Bridport, Dorsetshire, Eng. Came to Utah June 14, 1876, John Woodhouse Company. Bishop South Jor- dan Ward. Farmer. FREDRICK BLASER Born June 5, 1839, Kunglirch, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah May 13, 1883. Teacher; Elder. AUGUSTUS FREDRICK BLASER Son of Fredrick Blaser, who came to Utah May 13, 1883, and Elizabeth Lerch. Born Oct. 6, 1871, Valderna, Switzerland. Bish- op Dempsey (Idaho) Ward. HENRY C. BLUNCK Born Aug. 25, 1877. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1891, Theodore Bradley Company. Pres. Herbert Independent Branch of Fre- mont Stake. Idaho. GEORGE BRIGGS GEORGE BRIGGS, JR. Born Aug. 13, 1883, Lyman, Idaho. Bishop Archer Ward, Fremont Stake, Idaho. ULRICH BUHLER Born Dec. 7, 1823, Heimondswand, Swit- zerland. Came to Utah July 4, 1872. High Priest. Farmer. 672 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH GOTTFRIED F. BUHLBR Son of Ulrich Buhler and Anna Burgdorf- fer. Born Oct. 28, 1854, in Switzerland. High Priest. Stockraiser; Merchant. Pres. German Branch, Midway (Utah) Ward. WILLARD C. BURGON Born Nov. 5, 1854, Hampshire, Eng. Came to Utah July 4, 1872. Bishop Union Ward 1900-10. Mason, JAMBS BASCOM BURROWS Born July 13, 1861, Denton County, Texas. Came to Utah September, 1890. Bishop Hatch Ward, Utah. Postmaster. STEPHEN G. CHANDLER Born Jan. 13, 1857, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah November, 1870. Bishop Piano Ward, Idaho. CASPER CHRISTENBN Born Sept. 6, 1837, Trondberg, Druning Lund Sogn, Hjorring amt, Denmark. Came to Utah 1875. Bishop Emery Ward, Utah. Farmer, Stockraiser and Apiarist. MORONI CHUGG Born Jan. 23, 1879, Huntsville, Utah. Bishop Farr West Ward, Weber County. KVAN O. CLARK Born Sept. 26, 1877, Addison, Gallia Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Feb. 13, 1899. Bishop Menan Ward, Idaho. JAMBS M. COOK Born June 5, 1850, Timperley, Cheshire, Eng. Came to Utah November, 1881. Bishop Second Ward, Rexburg, Idaho. EZRA C. DALBY Professor Ricks Academy. Bishop First Ward, Rexburg, Idaho. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 673 HERMAN HANS DANIELSON Born Aug. 3, 1862, Bogelund, Denmark. Came to Utah July 20, 1878. Bishop 2nd Ward, Lewiston, Utah. .1. M. HOLLADAY Bishop. Farmer. Santaquin, Utah. HENRY HERMAN HOPF Born March 16, 1849. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1872. Bishop 2nd Ward, Montpelier, Idaho. CARL AUGUST EK Born July 10, 1845, in Sweden. Came to Utah July, 1878. Bishop 25th Ward, Salt Lake City. MORGAN EVANS Son of Benjamin Evans and Mary Eynon. Born Jan. 2, 1863, Yestalyfera, South Wales. Came to Utah June, 1880. Bishop Castle Gate Ward, Utah. JOSEPH SLACK FREER Born Sept. 22, 1863, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 21, 1873. Bishop Twin Groves Ward, Idaho. ARNOLD DANIEL HIRSCHI JBorn Dec. 20, 1868, Zuichenfluh, Berne, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1883. Bishop Geneva Ward, Idaho. 43 JOHN JOHNSON Born April 20, 1864, Westmanland, Swe- den. Came to Utah June 24, 1889. Bishop, Benjamin Ward, Utah. President Benja- min Electric Light & Telephone Co. NIELS PETER JOHNSON Born March 21, 1871, Skanderborg, Den- mark. Came to Utah July 13, 1886. Mis- sionary to Denmark 1899-1901 ; Bishop of 8th Ward, Logan, Utah. Farmer, 674 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH RASMUS G. JORGENSEN Born April 8, 1863, Aarhus, Denmark. Came to Utah June 4, 1884. Bishop Cen- tral Ward, Wasatch County, Utah. JOHN KUNZ Born Jan. 20, 1823, Diemtigen, Canton Berne, Switzerland. Came to Utah AUK. 6, 1870, Karl G. Maeser Company. JOHN KUNZ, JR. Son of John Kunz and Rosina Knuttl. Born Feb. 7, 1844, Diemtigen, Switzer- land. Bishop Bern Ward, Idaho. GOTTFRED LORENTZEN Born Dec. 23, 1862, Schleswig, Denmark. Came to Utah June, 1884. Member of 107th Quorum Seventies ; Bishop of Sa- lina Ward, Utah. Miller. Farmer. PATRICK HENRY McGUIRE Born June 14, 1844, Derry Lahan, Ireland. Came to Utah July 9, 1872. Bishop Dan- DAVID MCMILLAN Born March 10, 1860, Ballyrick, County of Down, Ireland. Came to Utah October, iels Ward, Wasatch County, Utah. Wa- > 1890, Independent Company. Bishop! satch County Assessor. Clear Creek, Utah. JACOB MAUSS Born Oct. 20, 1832, Lothringen, Germany. MICHAEL MAUSS Born Nov. 2, 1871, Papillion, Neb. Dep- uty Sheriff of Salt Lake County 1901-02. Bishop Murray Ward, Utah. City Mar- shal Murray. ANTON" NIELSON Born Dec. 20, 1866, Almon, Denmark. Came to Utah July 24, 1873. Bishop, Huntington Ward, Utah, 1906. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 67.5 JOSEPH NEWBOLD Born April 12, 1858, Breastow, Derby- shire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1873, .lames I. Hart Company. Bishop of 4th Ward, Logan, Utah. ERICK ERICKSON OLSON Born April 26, 1835, Wingaker, Sweden. Came to Utah July 10, 1882. LOUIS BRICK (OLSON) ERICKSON Son of Erick Erickson Olson and Maria Christina Anderson. Born June 22, 1866, Wingaker, Sweden. Bishop Glencoe Ward. Oneida Stake. Preston, Idaho. ERICK LEHI OLSON Born May 25, 1865, Wingaker, Sweden. Came to Utah July 8, 1883. Bishop of the Hiver Heights Ward, Logan, Utah. HANS J. PETERSEN Born 1833, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah May, 1870. Manager Co-opera- tive Shoe Manufactory at Smithfleld, Utah. HANS T. PETERSEN Son of Hans J. Petersen and Christiana Borgeson. Born Dec. 9, 1867, Ordrup, Copenhagen, Denmark. Bishop Trenton Ward, Cache County, Utah. JOHN ULRICH PROBST Born April 23, 1838, Lutziluh, Canton Berne, Switzerland. Came to Utah July 4, 1872. President 96th Quorum Seven- ties; Missionary to Switzerland. Tailor. JACOB PROBST Son of John Ulrich Probst anil Anna Bar- bara Kiener. Born Jan. 3, 1864, Habe- stetten, Canton Berne, Switzerland. Bish- op 2nd Ward, Midway, Utah ; Missionary. F. H. REDDISH Bishop of Lund, Idaho. Came to Utah 1880. ore PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH A. P. RENSTROM Came to Utah 1873. Bishop Huntsville, Weber, Co., Utah. JOHN WILLIAM RHODEHOUSE Born Aug. 11, 1882, Oxford, Idaho. Bish- op of Egin Ward, Yellowstone Stake, St. Anthony, Idaho. Farmer. GEORGE RUFF Born Jan. 18, 1850, Dillington, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1879. Bishop Schofield, Utah ; President Elders Quo- rum. Justice of Peace, City Councilman. EDWARD SAWLEY Born March 12, 1854, Burnley, Lancaster- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1887. Bishop Grass Creek Ward, Summit Coun- ty, Utah. JOHN SCHMUTZ Born July 19, 1818, Vechigen, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah June 15, 1874. Assisted building the Temple at St. George. GOTTLIEB SCHMUTZ Son of John Schmutz and Elizabeth Le- man. Born April 28, 1861, Bolligen, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Bishop New Harmony Ward, Parowan Stake, Utah. WILLIAM ANDERSON SHULDBERG Born Deo. 1, 1873, Munkfors, Sweden. Bishop of the Winder Ward, Winder, Ida- ho. President and Director of the Reser- voir and Canal Co. Pres. Winder Tele. Co. MADS SOREXSEN Born March 20, 1830, Vive, Aalborg, Denmark. Came to Utah July, 1874. HANS CHRISTIAN SORENSEN Son of Mads Sorensen and Kirsten Lar- son. Born Nov. 30, 1864, Dastrup, Aal- borg, Denmark. Missionary ; Bishop Mt. Carmel, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 677 JOHN STOKER Born Aug. 4, 1856, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah August, 1893. Or- dained Bishop 4th Ward of Lehi 1903. Lehi City Treasurer 1909-11. JOSEPH ADAMS STONE Born Nov. 30, 1853, Pilot Mountain, N. C. Came to Utah 1873, Independent Com- pany. Missionary to Southern States 1899-1900. Farmer. JOSEPH OLIVER STONE Son of Joseph Adams Stone and Phoebe Belinda Taylor. Born Nov. 7, 1876, Sa- lem, Utah. Bishop Vineyard Ward, Utah Stake, Provo, Utah. WILLIAM P. WILLIS Bishop of Henrieville, Utah. DR. JOSEPH MOTT BENEDICT Born April 29, 1844, North Canaan, Conn. Came to Utah 1870. Founder Salt Lake Co. Medical Society and Holy Cross Hos- pital. DR. CHAUNCY MOTT BENEDICT Son of Joseph Mott Benedict and Sarah Ellen Pierson. Born Dec. 15, 1875, at Salt Lake City. Physician and Surgeon FRANCES KNAPP BENEDICT Came to Utah 1870. Physician and Sur- geon. DR. FRANCIS DENTON BENEDICT Son of Francis Knapp Benedict and Erne- line Mott. Physician and Surgeon. FRANCIS M. BISHOP Born Aug. 2, 1843, Essex County, N. Y. Came to Utah August, 1870. Started first free school in Utah ; prominent in edu- cational and civil matters. 678 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH OLE HANSEN Born Sept. 26, 1825, Lunde, Denmark. Came to Utah 1870. THOMAS HOLLINGSWORTH Came to Utah July, 1871. Father of the wife of Oliver Hodgson, Salt Lake City. SOREX PETER JENSEN Born Oct. 30, 1836, Glimsholt, Ugilt Sown, Denmark. Came to Utah July 14, 1877. High Priest. See son, page 670. ROBERT NAYLOR Born Oct. 7, 1831, Chestershire, Eng. Came to Utah July 24, 1872. Farmer. GEORGE NAYLOR Son of Robert Naylor and Annie Wood- ward. Born Dec. 25, 1858, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah July 24, 1872. Dea- con. County Road Supervisor. BENGT PERSON TEXTORIUS Born Aug. 11, 1845, Sturup, Malmdhus Lan, Sweden. Came to Utah July 17, 1872, Eric Petersen Company. Missionary in Sweden 1867 and 1900-02. ALBERT B. TEXTORIUS Kon of Bengt Person Textorius and Jo- sephine Hendrickson. Born Oct. 28, 1877. PETER ERICK WESTMAN Born Oct. 9, 1829, Westmanland, Sweden. Came to Utah July 17, 1872, Erick Peter- sen Company. High Councilor. Worked on St. George Temple. PETER ALMA WESTMAN Son of Peter Erick Westman and Johanna Mathilda Berge. Born Aug. 21, 1880, Richfield, Utah. Missionary ; Seventy. Member Board Y. M. M. I. A. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 679 GEORGE KNIGHTON Born April 23, 1845, Derbyshire, Ens. Came to Utah 1873. Elder ; Ward Teach- er. Farmer. GEORGE B. SANBORN Born Nov. 14, 1858. Came to Utah 1873. Blacksmith. WILLIAM SANBORN Son of George B. Sanborn and Sarah Jane Smith. Born July 7, 1882, Paradise, Utah. Blacksmith. JOHN W. SANBORN Son of George B. Sanborn and Sarah J. Smith. Born Sept. 11, 1891, at Salt Lake City. Blacksmith. WILLIAM H. ROWE Born Feb. 14, 1841, in England. Came to Utah 1873. State Road Commissioner. President of Bear River Canal Co. Shoe Manufacturer, Z. C. M. I. RAPHAEL H. K. COTTRELL Born May 9, 1811, London, Eng. Came to Utah November, 1874. Lived at Kays- ville, Utah. CHARLES COTTRELL Son of Raphael Henry Kelton Cottrell and Mary Edwards. Born April 3, 1835, London, Eng. President High Priest Quo- rum, Kaysville, Utah. GEORGE COTTRELL Son of Charles Cottrell and Eleanor Whit- man. Born May 27, 1861. Real Estate. JAMES ALFRED COTTRELL Son of Georjte Cottrell and Eliza Cornelia Stack. Born April 6, 1891, Kaysville, Utah. Blacksmith. 680 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WILLIAM H. GAGON (GEOGHBGAN) Born Aug. 22, 1850, North River, New- York City. Came to Utah October, 1875. High Councilor. City Councilman. GEORGE DRAKE Father of the wife of John Gregory Ellis, Ogclen, Utah. Came to Utah April, 1876. MADS PETERSEN MADSEN Born June 30, 1852, Odense, Denmark. Came to Utah July 17, 1876, Andrew An- dersen Company. High Priest. WILLIAM HIGGINS Father of the wife of Nephi Smart, Mur- ray, Utah. Came to Utah 1877. SAMUEL C. BACKMAN Born Dec. 7, 1845, In Sweden. Came to Utah in July 1878. Elder; High Priest; Plumber and Coppersmith. STANLEY ALONZO HANKS Born Dec. 3, 1878, Tooele, Utah. Justice of Peace, Salt Lake City 1909-10 ; Law- yer. Member Y. M. M. I. A. Presidc>nc-y 17th Ward. ALFRED LYMAN HANKS Born Aug. 28, 1880, Tooele, Utah. Post- master, Tooele, Utah. Sec. Y. M. M. I. A. ; Member 43rd Quorum Seventies. JENKYN THOMAS Born July 25, 1831, Brigend, Wales. Came to Utah July 18, 1878, Lorenzo D. Young Company. Missionary to Wales ; High Priest. Shoemaker. MATHONIHAH THOMAS Son of Jenkyn Thomas and Joanna T. Brennan. Born July 20. 1872, Abenlare, Glamorganshire, South Wales. President Utah Educational Association. Lawyer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 681 JOHN A. MAYNES Son of John A. Maynes and Jane Watson. Born Oct. 28, 1859. Came to Utah 1878. JOHN SCHOFIELD Born Feb. 3, 1826, Droylesden, near Man- chester, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1882. Curator Deseret Museum. BERNT ENGEBRETSEN Born Oct. 22, 1841, Eidscold, Akersihus amt, Norway. Came to Utah 1884. High Priest. MOSES M. GORDON Father of John Thomas Gordon, Lehi, Utah. JOHN THOMAS GORDON Born Oct. 11, 1871, York County, S. C. Came to Utah 1888. Seventy. Lehi, Utah. GEORGE M. BRIDEWELL Born Oct. 17, 1859, Augusta, Ga. Came to Utah Nov. 22, 1890. High Councilor Pioneer Stake. Superintendent Salt Lake Public School Buildings ; Contractor. JOHN STUCKER Came to Utah 1900. Related to John W. Holland, Lorenzo, Idaho. ALFRED GUMMING Second Governor of Territory of Utah, from 1858 to 1861. JOHN W. DAWSON Third Governor of Territory of Utah, 1861. 682 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH STEPHEN S. HARDING CHARLES DURKEE JAMES DUANE DOTY Fourth Governor of Territory of Utah, Fifth Governor of Territory of Utah, from Sixth Governor of Territory of Utah, from from 1862 to 1863. 1863 to 1865. 1865 to 1869. J. WILSON SCHAEFFER Seventh Governor of Territory of Utah, 1870. VERNON H. VAUGHN Eighth Governor of Territory of Utah, from 1870 to 1871. GEORGE L. WOODS Ninth Governor of Territory of Utah, from 1871 to 1874. SAMUEL B. AXTELL Tenth Governor of Territory of Utah, 1875. GEORGE W. EMERY Eleventh Governor of Territory of Utah, Jrom 1875 to 1880. ELI H. MURRAY Twelfth Governor of Territory of Utah, from 1880 to 1886. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 68J3 CALEB W. WEST Thirteenth Governor of Territory of Utah, from 1886 to 1889, and 1893 to 1895. ARTHUR L. THOMAS Born Aug. 27, 1851, Chicago, 111. Four- teenth Governor of Utah 1889-1893. Post- master Salt Lake City eight years. HEBER MANNING WELLS Son of Daniel Hanmer Wells and Martha Harris. Born Aug. 11, 1859, Salt Lake City. First Gov. State of Utah 1895-1904. JOHN C. CUTLER Governor of Utah 1904-08. Came to Utah 1864. WILLIAM SPRY Son of Philip Spry and Sarah Field. Born Jan. 11, 1864, Windsor, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1875. Governor of Utah 1909-13; re-elected for 1913 to 1917. PHILIP SPRY Grantsville, Utah. Father of Governor William Spry. GEORGE H. SPRY Son of Philip Spry and Sarah Field. GEORGE D. ARMSTRONG Judge 3rd Judicial District Salt Lake City. GEORGE W. BARTCH Born March 15, 1849, Dushore, Pa. Came to Utah March, 1888. Lawyer; Probate Judge of Salt Lake County 1889-93 ; Chief Justice Supreme Court four years. 684 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH HIRAM EVANS BOOTH Born Oct. 25, 1860, Postville, Iowa. Came to Utah Dec. 8, 1888. U. S. District At- torney Salt Lake City. JOHN F. BOWMAN Lawyer of the firm of Stewart, Bowman and Morris, Salt Lake City. MARK P. BRAFFETT General Solicitor Utah Fuel Company. Lawyer. Salt Lake City. EDWARD B. CRITCHLOW Of the law firm of Henderson, Pierce, Critchlow and Barrette. Salt Lake City. ADRAIN C. ELLIS Pioneer Lawyer and Jurist in Nevada and Utah. Salt Lake City. PHILIP H. EMERSON Pioneer Lawyer. Salt Lake City. JOSEPH E. FRICK Chief .Justice Supreme Court of Utah. Salt Lake City. BLAIER B. JONES Lawyer. President and Manager Inde- pendent Telephone Company, Salt Lake City. THOMAS I). LEWIS Judge 3rd Judicial District Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 685 CHARLES F. LOOFBOUROW Born 1841 in Ohio. Came to Utah Feb- ruary, 1889. Judge, llth District of Iowa. President City Council at Salt Lake City. FREDERICK C. LOOFBOUROW Son of Charles F. Loofbourow and Fanny H. Hodgkins. Born Feb. 8, 1875, Atlantic, Iowa. Came to Utah 1889. Judge 3rd Judicial District of Utah. LEON L. LOOFBOUROW Son of Charles F. Loufbourow. WADE LOOFBOUROW Son of Charles F. Loofbourow. WILLIAM M. MCCARTY Chief Justice Supreme Court of Utah. Salt Lake City. FREDERICK T. McGURRIN Born 1869, Grand Rapids, Mich. Came to Utah 1898. Attorney. Salt Lake City. JAMES B. McKEAN Came to Utah August, 1870. Chief Jus- tice. Denied the Mormons citizenship. Excluded them from juries. Refused to admit President Brigham Young to bail and sentenced him to penitentiary, MAURICE M. KAIGHN Born March 30, 1843, Camden, N. .1. Re- ceiver of the United States Land Office in Salt Lake City. Lawyer. MOSES KIRKPATRICK Pioneer Lawyer. Salt Lake City. 686 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH CHARLES W. MORSE Judge 3rd Judicial District Salt Lake City. JAMES D. PARDEE Born July 27, 1863, Cleveland, Ohio. Came to Utah Aug. 1, 1891. Attorney-at-Law. C. S. PATTERSON Born July 16, 1860, Tontongrena, Ohio. Came to Utah December, 1895. Member Board of Commissioners on Revenue and Taxation. Lawyer. ALLEN TILGHMAN SANFORD Born May 13, 1870, Amber, Iowa. Came to Utah October, 1895. Graduate of Uni- versity of Iowa and Law Department of Harvard University. N. W. SONNEDECKER Born Dec. 16, 1855, in Ohio. Came to Utah Nov. 1, 1891. Attorney-at-Law. Salt Lake City. FRANK BRAY STEPHENS Born Oct. 14, 1855, Turner, Maine. Presi- dent Y. M. C. A., at Salt Lake. Lawyer. President of Utah Society of Sons of Rev- olution. I). NEWTON STRAUP Chief Justice Supreme Court of Utah. Salt Lake City. GEORGE MILTON SULLIVAN Born March 18, 1866, Van Buren County. Iowa. Came to Utah August, 1899. Ad- mitted to the bar 1890 ; Member Board of Education at Salt Lake City. SAMUEL R. THURMAN Born May 6, 1850, Louisville, Ky. Came to Utah October, 1870. Lawyer. Chair- man State Democratic Central Committee. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 687 CHARLES S. ZANE Born in Cumberland County, N. J., March 2, 1831. Appointed Chief Justice Supreme Court of the Territory of Utah 1884 by President Arthur, from Springfield, 111. EDWARD PAYSON FERRY Born April 16, 1837, Grand Haven, Mich. Came to Utah October, 1878. President Trans-Mississippi Congress at Denver 1890. EDWARD S. FERRY Son of Edward P. Ferry and Clara V. White. Lawyer. WILLIAM MONTAGUE FERRY Son of Edward P. Ferry and Clara V. White. Born March 12, 1871, Grand Haven, Mich. Came to Utah July, 1891. Member State Senate 1913. Capitalist. JOHN SAMUEL BRANSFORD Born Aug. 26, 1856, Richmond, Miss. Came to Utah February, 1899. Mayor Salt Lake City 1907-12. Capitalist. RODERICK McKENZIE Born Aug. 25, 186'5, Howick, Canada. Came to Utah 1891. Member Board of Public Works; Chief of Police of Salt Lake City 1907. Tombstones. EDWARD G. O'DONNELL Born March 1, 1865, Limrick, Ireland. Came to Utah July, 1891. Undertaker. CHARLES P. BROOKS Born Aug. 21, 1851, Washinstonville, Orange Co., N. Y. Came to Utah March 4, 1874. Salt Lake County Surveyor 1891-92. Civil and Mining Engineer. JAMES J. BURKE President James J. Burke Company, En- gineers and Contractors. 688 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH J. B. CLAYTON Mining Engineer. Associated with many of tlie first large mines opened in Utah. LEMUEL U. COLBATH Mining. BENJAMIN F. CAFFEY Born Jan. 12, 1862, Montgomery, Ala. Came to Utah September, 1889. Stock- broker. Mining. HENRY CATROW June 22, 1878, Miamisburg, Ohio. Born Came to Utah June, 1903. Copper Co. Manager Ohio JOHN J. DALY Mining. Real Estate. Capitalist. DR. ALLEN FOWLER Pioneer Physician. Salt Lake City. JOSEPH FARREN Born Deo. 21, 1837, New York City. Came to Utah 1871. Mining. Salt Lake City. GENERAL FRED SALMON ROBERT FORRESTER Son of John Forrester and Jane Bell. Born 1864, Fifeshire, Scotland. U. S. In- spector Mines in Utah. Member M. I. of Scotland and F. I. M. E. of Great Britain. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 689 JAMES GLENDENNING Mayor of Salt Lake City. ROBERT J. GLENDENNING Mining, Capitalist. THOMAS KEARNS Born April 11, 1862, Oxford County, Up- per Canada. Member Constitutional Con- vention. United States Senator. Builder of the Kearns Bldg. Mining. Publisher. DAVID KEITH Born May 27, 1847, Mabou, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Member Constitutional Con- vention. Mining. Capitalist. Publisher. JAMES M. KENNELLY Pioneer prospector and discoverer of many of the principal mines in Park City, Utah. HENRY NEWELL Mining, Merchant and Capitalist. W. O. OREM Son of Alvert J. Orem and Martha A. Leabo. Born May 23, 1873, in Missouri. Came to Utah 1890. Engaged in mining 1 and railroad building. 44 JACOB E. MEYER Born Dec. 26, 1864, Calmar, Iowa. Came to Utah 1899. Mining. E. J. RAUDATZ Born Oct. 5, 1857, Stettin, Germany. Came to Utah 1887. Mayor Stockton, Utah. Member State Legislature. Mining. 690 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH I. J. STARBUCK Born June 20, 1849, in Ohio. Came to Utah 1888. Mining, Real Estate. JOHN B. STEPHENS Born Jan. 3, 1846, in Ireland. Came to Utah May, 1873. School Trustee at Bing- ham, Utah. Mining. Salt Lake City. ENOS A. WALL Promoter of the Utah Copper Mining Com- pany, Bingham, Utah. Capitalist. . GEORGE T. WALLACE Born Oct. 27, 1844, Brandywine Mills, Ohio. Capitalist. Established Telephone System in Salt Lake City. DR. CURTIS A. WHERRY Son of E. J. Wherry and Frances Ann Weaver. Born Dec. 18, 1872, DeSoto, Kan. Came to Utah April 4, 1899. Phy- sician and Surgeon. ARCHIBALD C. MILNER Son of Stanley B. Milner and Truth Campbell. Born June 8, 1877, Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa. Mining and Reclamation, W. P. NOBLE Born Dec. 24, 1847, Jefferson County, N. Y. Came to Utah Nov. 7, 1883. Police Commissioner. City Councilman. , En- gaged in live stock and banking. MELVIN B. SOWLES Born May 27, 1844, Alburg, Vt. Came to Utah Dec. 25, 1876. Member of City Council ; Member of State Board of Equalization, Nursery business. JUSTIN A. GOODHUE Born 1841 in Ohio. Came to Utah about 1885. Nursery business. Lived at Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 691 LEONIDAS G. SKLIRIS Salt Lake City. Mining. JOHN CONDRON Proprietor Cullen Hotel 1907-11. WILLIAM SHERMAN B1NG Born April 5, 1878, Kirksville, Mo. Came to Utah April, 1894. Proprietor of Salt Lake Stamp Company. JAMBS DEVINE Contractor and Builder. Superintendent in charge of the construction of the Utah State Capitol, 1913. JAMES A. FOLEY Born Jan. 8, 1878, Chicago, 111. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1902. Railroad Commercial Agent. Resides at Salt Lake City. JAMES FRODSHAM Relative of T. J. Paine of Ogden, Utah. BBBR W. HALL Born March 21, 1868, at Brighton, Ohio. Came to Utah April 11, 1897. Funeral Director. WALTER JAMES Pioneer to Black Rock, Utah. Merchant, Sheepraiser and Developer of Irrigatec Lands. LEWIS D. MARTIN Born Dec. 23, 1861, Galena, 111. Came to Utah April, 1889. City Councilman six years. Architect. 692 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH LEWIS B. MOORE Born June 13, 1864, Neponset, Bureau Co., 111. Came to Utah April, 1901. Engaged in railroad and mining business. SAMUEL PAUL Born Feb. 20, 1836, Coleraine Co., Ire- land. Came to Utah 1870. Chief of Po- lice 1892-93. President and Manager Salt Lake Livery and Transfer. PERCIVAL O. PERKINS Son of Augustus P. Perkins and Amelia Kullmer. Born June 12, 1866, Lafayette, Ind. Came to Utah 1888. County Re- corder. Deputy Treasurer. ERNEST H. RICH Born Dec. 13, 1866, Trowbridge, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1886. Meat Dealer. Stockman and Rancher. STEPHEN L. RICHARDS Lawyer. Salt Lake City, Utah. ADOLPH RICHTER Born Aug. 10, 1859, in Germany. Came to Utah 1892. Engaged in Real Estate and Insurance Business. Salt Lake City. CARL A. SCHEID Insurance. Salt Lake City. Utah. A. J. WEBBER Lawyer. Salt Lake City, Utah. JAMES WRATHALL Relative of Governor William Spry. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 693 ORANGE J. SALISBURY Republican National Committeeman. Mem- ber State Board Equalization. Capitalist. Resided at Salt Lake City. One of the firm of Salisbury and Gilmer Overland Stage Co. SAMUEL NEWHOUSE Born 1854, New York City. Came to Utah 1896. Mining. Financier. Capitalist. Builder Newhouse and Boston Buildings and the Newhouse Hotel, Salt Lake City. ABRAHAM FAIRBANKS DORKMUS Son of Henry I. Doremus and Harriet Fairbanks. Born May 24, 1849, Salt Lake City. Civil Engineer; City En- gineer of Salt Lake City ; State Engineer of Utah. JOHN JUDGE Born 1845. County Sligo, Ireland. Came to Utah 1876. Capitalist. Mining; one of Organizers of Silver King Mining Company. Founder Judge Mercy Hos- pital and Judge Building, Salt Lake City. LEWIS TELLE CANNON Son of George Q. Cannon and Martha Telle. Born April 22, 1872, Salt Lake City. Architect. Resides at Salt Lake City. WILLIAM WHITE Born Sept. 21, 1826, Fishguard, South Wales. Came to Utah 1876. Member 3rd Quorum Seventies ; Patriarch. Wholesale Merchant. JOHN H. WHITE Son of William White and Anne Thomas. Born Aug. 24, 1855, Haken, South Wales. Missionary to England. Vice-President Utah State Fair Association. Wholesale Butcher. J. PARLEY WHITE Son of William White and Ann Thomas. Born Jan. 21, 1871, Neylan.l, South Wales. Elder. Deputy Sheriff. Director Farmers & Stockgrowers Bank. ALBERT S. REISER Son of Henry Reiser and Magdalena Snyder. Born March 1, 1871, Salt Lake City. City Auditor ; Deputy Recorder. Jeweler. 694 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH ' JOHN CLIFTON Born March 31, 1829, Normanton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home Company. WALTER S. REID Son of Peter Reid, who came to Utah 1855, Mila Andrus Company, and Diana Davidson. Born Oct. 17, 1866, Salt Lake City. Statistician ; Deputy Sheirff ; Post- master ; Road Supervisor Salt Lake Co. RICHARD JONES Born Oct. 4, 1824, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks Com- pany. President, Branch in England about two years. Sailor. RICHARD JONES, JR. Son of Richard Jones and Naomi Parsons. Born Sept. 21, 1850, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1863, Capt. Ricks Com- pany. JOHN JONES Son of Richard Jones and Naomi Par- sons. Born Oct. 1, 1853, London, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, Thomas Ricks Com- pany. Elder. Farmer. O. H. RIGGS Father of the wife of David O. McKay. JOHN TILBY Father of John R. Tilby. Ephraim, Utah. ASA C. FARLEY Relative of Stringham A. Stevens of Og- den, Utah. ABRAHAM STEPHENS Born Sept. 30, 1840, Phillack, Cornwall, Eng. Came to Utah 1866, Independent Company. Elder. Blacksmith Foreman. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 695 P. J. DALY Assistant City Attorney Salt Lake City 1908-1913. Lawyer. WILLIAM YATES Born Oct. 2, 1830, Bath, England. Came to Utah 1.861. Supt. Lehi Sunday School 30 years ; President Teachers Quorum. City Councilman. PETER RASSMUSSEN Born at Mots, Ujland, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1859. JONATHAN HUCKVALE. Farmer ; Painter. Resided at Blooming- ton, Idaho. JOHN CUMMINGS Born Dec. 2, 1802, in Anderson County, S. C. Came to Utah 1852, John Maxwell Company. WILLIAM CUMMINGS Son of John Cummings and Rachel Ken- nedy. Born July 30, 1835, in Gibson County, Tenn. Indian War Veteran. Said to have been first settler to have plowed first ground in Provo Valley, Ltah. JOHN B. WOOD Came to Utah 1856, Martin "Frozen" Handcart Company. Father of mother of Frederick Wheeler of Plain City, Utah. JAMES FERGUSON SHAW Born Feb. 21, 1847, Garnkirk Cottage, Ens. "ame to Utah September, 1868, John t fesSil Company Bishop six years. School Trustee. IRA FISK. Born Feb. 21, 1801, Silver Creek, N. Y. Came to Utah 1861. 696 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WILLIAM THOMAS Father of the wife of Ammon Simmons of Spanish Fork, Utah. Came to Utah 1852. MORGAN DAVID Born March 3, 1804, Llanelly, Caermar- thenshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1852, William Morgan Company. ANDERS K. HANSEN Born Jan. 27, 1818, Sjelland, Denmark. Came to Utah 1861, John R. Murdock Company. High Priest. Farmer and Stockraiser. f ?w THOMAS CEPHAS FOREMAN Born Feb. 20, 1824, Cartwright County, North Carolina. Came to Utah 1862. High Priest. JACOB ZWEIFEL Born 1840, Glarus, Switzerland. Came to Utah 1861, Independent Company. Re- sides at Rexburg, Idaho. AMBROSE GREENWELL Father of Richard Greenwell, Rigby, Idaho. MYRON HIGLEY Relative of Frank Clark, Idaho Falls Idaho. JOSIAH LEAVITT Relative of Frank Clark of Idaho Falls, Idaho. GEORGE WILLIAMS Born Oct. 13, 1828, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1864, Erastus Snow Company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 697 GEORGE HOLLAND WILLIAMS Son of George Williams and Harriet Suomdrel. Born July 31, 1860, Wiltshire, Kng. Resides at Weston,- Idaho. JACOB CHRISTENSON Came to Utah 1862, Joseph Home Com- pany. ABEL PARKER Born June 27, 1815, Brockville, Canada Came to Utah June, 1863. President High Priests Quorum Tooele Stake. Farmer and Sawmiller. ALFRED ALDER Born May 3, 1824, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1853. High Councilor. Blacksmith. DAVID WEEKS Relative of Ephraim Weeks. Utah. Smithfleld, HANS I. NIELSON Born Nov. 2, 1821, Stengade, Tullebolle Sogn, Denmark. Came to Utah 1866, Peter Nebeker Company. High Priest. Stonemason ; Farmer. LARS JENSON Born Sept. 30, 1823, Anderslof, Sweden. Came to Utah 1866, Peter Nebeker Com- pany. High Priest. Stonemason and Farmer. OLOF JKNSON Son of Lars Jenson and Kngar Anderson. Born Jan. 18, 1856. Ostra Torn. Sweden. Missionary to Sweden 1877-88; Sunday School Superintendent. Farmer. EDWARD CORBRIDGE Relative of Hyrum Evans of Layton, Utah. 698 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH CHRISTIAN PETERSON Born Oct. 25, 1824, in Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1860, John W. Young Company. W. W. HAWS Father of the wife of James L. Meldrum of Prove, Utah. THOMAS BIRSCUMSHAW Bon of Joseph Bircumshaw, who came to Utah November, 1865, and Rosetta Plackett. FRANCIS KERBY Born Aug. 17, 1820, Isle of Jersey, Chan- nel Islands, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, I860, Oscar O. Stoddard Handcart Company. High Priest. Painter. ALPHES AMULECK HARMON Born April 14, 1839. Came to Utah 1854, Oxteam Company. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah. GEORGE H. BANKHEAD Related to Heber R. Bankhead, Wells- ville, Utah. PETER GILLESPIE LIDDELL Son of William Ltddell and Agnes C. Park. Born Sept. 12, 1851, Ayrshire, Scot- land. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde Company. Elder. Rancher. ABRAHAM LIDDELL Son of William Liddell and Agnes C. Park. Born Oct. 27, 1855, Scotland. Came to Utah Fall of 1868. Elder. County Com'r. JOHN BAIR Born Nov. 26, 1810, Somerset Co., Pa. Came to Utah 1850. Built first saw mill in Davis County ; built and operated first ferry boat in Utah. Echo Canyon War Veteran. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 699 JOHN O'NEIL Born April 6, 1828, Grey Abbey, County Down, Ireland. Came to Utah 1864 ; settled at Midway. High Priest. Indian War Veteran. Justice of Peace. WILLIAM O'NEIL Son of John O'Neil and Agnes Cochran. Born June 22, 1855, Dairy, Ayrshire, Scot- land. Came to Utah 1864. Pres. Uintah Stake Y. M. M. I. A. Member State Leg- islature. Delegate to National Irrigation Congress 1903. ISAIAH BOWERS Born April 21, 1846, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth Company. JOHN MOSS Came to Utah 1848. Father of wife of Henry Moyle of Alpine, Utah. WILLIAM WRIGHT Born Oct. 5, 1832, Cumberland, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852. High Priest. Justice of the Peace ; School Trustee. JOHN HENRY HUMPHREY BARKER Born April 1, 1842, Wandsworth, Surrey, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller Company. School Teacher. \ JOHN HENRY BARKER Son of John Henry Humphrey Barker and Susan McDermott. Born Nov. 2, 1863, at Salt Lake City. Sheriff of Cache County. Merchant. FRED F. XOYES Born Dec. 25, 1847. Albany. N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1865. CHRISTIAN DANIEL FJELDSTED Born Feb. 20, 1829, Sundbyvester, Den- mark. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1858, R. K. Homer Company. President Seventies. 700 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH PETER J. FJELDSTED Son of Christian Daniel Fjeldste;! and Karen Olsen. Born Aug. 10, 1853, Ama- ger, Denmark. WILLIAM JEFFERSON TIDWELL Son of Jefferson Tidwell, who came to Utah 1852, John Tidwell Company, and Sarah Seely. Born Oct. 8, 1861, Mt. Pleas- ant, Utah. Emery County Surveyor ; Car- bon County Assessor three terms. SETH WAREHAM Son of James Wareham and Harriet Adams. Born March 30, 1845. Came to Utah October, 1852. Indian War Veteran. Resided at Manti and Glenwood. JAMES EDMUND WAREHAM Son of Seth Wareham and Margaret Ann Shaw. Born Oct. 11, 1873, Glenwood, Utah. LEWIS MECHAM Born Sept. 4, 1814, Canaan, Grafton Co., N. H. Came to Utah 1852, James Snow Company. Member Body Guard of Prophet Joseph Smith. Minute man. Wh eel ri slit. DAVID PROSSOR JONES Born 1836 near Breckontown, Breckor- shire, Wales. Came to Utah 1866, John D. Holladay Company. Bishop ; Chorister. Poet. Farmer. WILLIAM JAMES BUSH Son of James Bush and Sophia Humph- ries. EDWARD BENNETT Son of John Bennett and Jane Roberts. Born Jan. 3, 1848, Connah's Quay, Flint- shire, North Wales. Missionary to Great Britain ; President High Priests. JOSEPH WAYMENT Born Feb. 7, 1844, Whaddon, Cambridge- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3. 1863, Dixie Company. Supt. Sunday School. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 701 JOHN WILLIAM BERRY Born Dec. 17, 1822, Louisville, Ky. Came to Utah in October, 1849. Missionary to England. Early Settler in Southern Utah. WILLIAM THOMPSON, JR. Son of William Thompson and Elizabeth McCeruley. Born Jan. 12, 1836, Canada. GEORGE BUCKLE Born July 23, 1861, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah 1870. Salt Lake City Councilman. Manager Deseret News Book Printing Department. WALTER GEORGE THOMPSON Son of William Thompson, Jr., and Mary Ellen Isaacson. Born Feb. 6, 1873, Rich- mond, Utah. JOHN KNIGHT Father of the wife of George W. Stanger of Neeley, Idaho. JOHN KNIGHT. JR. Son of John Knight, Sr. Resides at Og- den, Utah. WILLIAM THOMPSON Came to Utah October, 1851, Harry Wal- ton Company. ELISHA RANDOLPH LAWRENCE Father of the wife of Walter George Thompson of Whitney, Idaho. JOHN RUSSEL MANNING Born May 9, 1823, Bedminster, Bristol, Somerset, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861. Capt. Joseph Home Company. High Priest. 702 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WILLIAM HENRY MANNING Son of John Russell Manning and Sarah Tucker. Born Nov. 6, 1848, Bedmlnster, Bristol, Eng. High Priest ; Elder. Fam- ily Home, Slaterville, Utah. OLA OLSON Son of Knut Olson and Elna Person. Born Dec. 10, 1842, in Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1866. Member First High Coun- cil of Hyrum Stake. Filled three missions in Sweden. WILLIAM C. PALMER Son of Thomas Palmer and Francis Stark- ins. Born Nov. 30, 1857, at Salt Lake City. High Priest ; Ward Teacher. Farmer. JOEL HILLS ORTON Son of Samuel Taylor Orton, who came to Utah Oct. 2, 1856, Edward Bunker Handcart Company, and Julia Ann John- son. Born March 4, 1871, Parowan, Utah. Blacksmith. DANIEL S. SPENCER Son of Claudius V. Spencer and Susannah Frances Neslen. Born June 12, 1857, Salt Lake City. Assistant General Passenger for O. S. L. Salt Lake City, Utah. JOHN AUGUST PETERSON Born July 15, 1842, Calmar, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1866, Andrew H. Scott Company. WILEY G. CRAGUN Son of Simeon C'rasun, who came to Utah Sept. 25, 1850, Jonathan Foote Company, and Susannah Mower. Born Oct. 6, 1860, Pleasant View, Utah. SAMUEL ROWLEY Born Oct. 29, 1842, Mars Hill, Suckley Parish, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Xov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie Hand- cart Company- High Priest. Farmer. SAMUEL JAMES ROWLEY Son of Samuel Rowley and Ann Taylor. Born Jan. 12, 1868, Parowan, Utah. El- der ; Ward Teacher. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 703 S. R. WORTHINGTON Father of James Worthington of Oakley, Idaho. JAMES WORTHINGTON Son of S. R. Worthington. Sheriff. Farmer. JAMES LOFTHOUSE Born November, 1833, Downham, Lanca- shire, Eng. Resided at Paradise, Cache Co., Utah. THOMAS WILLIAMS Born Nov. 12, 1837, Bedworth, Warwick- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge Company. Grantsville Ward Clerk; Tithing Clerk Tooele Stake. As- sessor and Collector Tooele County. ROBERT C. EGBERT Came to Utah with the Mormon Battalion. Relative of W. J. Despain of Sandy, Utah. JOHN MALAN Relative of Daniel L. Munson of Ogilen. JETER EDWARD JONES Son of Thomas C. Jones and Elizabeth Blincko. Born Feb. 9, 1852, Birmingham, Eng. WILLIAM EDWARD JONES Son of Jeter E. Jones and Emma Thayne. Born Dec. 30, 1875, Salt Lake City. Pres. Y. M. M. I. A., Wellington ; Supt. Sunday School, Spring Glen, Utah. GENEALOGIES AND BIOGRAPHIES GENEALOGIES AND BIOGRAPHIES These genealogies are alphabetically arranged, and show, If the information was furnished, who was the old- est member of the family that came to Utah; his father's name and his mother's maiden name; when and where he was born; when he came to Utah; the company he came with; who he married, and when, and where; who the father and mother of the wife or wives were; where they lived, or when they came to Utah; whom the chil- dren of the "oldest member" of the family were, when they were born, and who they married continuing this genealogy with the genealogies of his lineal male descendants (who are subscribers to this history), to any genera- tion that may intervene between the "oldest member" of the family and this date September, 1913. BOLD FACED CAPITAL letters indicate the "oldest mem- ber" or head of the family. CAPITAL LETTERS indicate sons, or lineal male descend- Where two or more brothers came to Utah, and their father and mother did not come, they will be found in the regular alphabetical order and not in family group. The abbreviations b. is for born, m. for married, and d. for died, where used in the family record. The genealogy of the father of the wife will be found in the regular alphabetical order. Within the parentheses ( ) will be found the names of the parents of the person who precedes the parentheses. ABBOTT, MYRON (son of Stephen Abbott, born Aug. 16, 1804, Providence, Pa., died Oct. 19, 1843, at Nauvoo, and Abigail Smith, born Sept. 11, 1806, Williamson, Ontario Co., N. Y.; married Dec. 1, 1825. She came to Utah October, 1849, and attached to Capt. James Brown's family, settled in Ogden, when there were only six families there). He was born Dec. 1, 1837, Perry, Pike Co., 111. Came to Utah 1849. Married Laura Josephine Allen April 25, 1861, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Orville Morgan Allen, born June 9, 1805, In Pike county, Mo., pioneer 1852, died 1893, and Jane Wil- son). She was born April 4, 1846, and came to Utah with father. Their children: Myron Alma b. Feb. 15, 1862, m. Mary M. Leavitt; Stephen Orville b. June 9, 1863; Mary Luella b. Dec. 2, 1865, m. Thomas D. Leavitt April 14, 1881; James Smith b. Jan. 23, 1868, m. Chloe E. Robinson Aug. 19, 1892; William Ellas b. Oct. 16, 1869. m. Mary Jane Leavitt March 20, 1890; John Austin b. Aug. 12, 1871. m. Chrissie E. Whitney March 12, 1895; Josepha Jane b. April 17, 1873, m. Robert Roberts Nov. 19, 1890; Abigail J. b. Sept. 20, 1875. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Emily Malin 1870, Salt Lalce City. She was born Sept. 25, 1839, at Angrogne, Piedmont, Italy. Only child: Emily Pauline b. Dec. 24, 1871, m. John Maddock Sept. 21, 1892. Married Lovisa Leavitt Jan. 11, 1878 (daughter of Lemuel Sturdifont Leavitt, pioneer October, 1849, and Melvina Thompson married Oct. 15, 1850, Salt Lake City). She was born Oct. 22, 1861, Santa Clara, Utah. Their children: Mel- vina b. May 14, 1879, m. John Horsley; Mary Isabelle b. Feb. 4, 1881, m. George Woodruff; Ezra Abiel b. July 12, 1882, d. 1897; Sidney Smith b. March 7, 1884, d. 1901; Lemuel Raymond b. Nov. 25, 1885; Thomas Edward b. March 31, 1887; David Arthur b. Sept. 23, 1888; Myron Decatur b. March 4, 1890; Lyman b. April 28, 1892; George Nathan b. March 17, 1894; Israel b. Feb. 20. 1896; Clarence Leon b. Feb. 10, 1898; Laura Josephine b. Sept. 6, 1902. Family home Bunkerville. Married Emma Knight March 4, 1886, St. George, Utah (daughter of Samuel Knight), who was born Dec. 26, 1863, Santa Clara, Utah. Their child: Samuel b. May 2, 1889. Family home Bunkerville. Settled at Wilson, Weber county, 1866; moved to Ply- mouth, Box Elder county, 1870, and to Bunkerville, Nev., 1877. Member of school board and justice of the peace many years. Lieutenant in Utah militia and spent the winter of '57-58 in Echo canyon, guarding that pass against Johnston's approach. Member U. S. Marshal Burton's posse at Kingdon Fort, and one of the eight men who took the rolling breastwork into the fort before its sur- render, and was later one of Burton's chief witnesses at his murder trial. Bishop's counselor 30 years. Died Sept. 3, 1907. ABBOTT, MYRON ALMA (son of Myron Abbott and Laura Josephine Allen). Born Feb. 15, 1862, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Matilda Leavitt April 14, 1881, St. George, Utah (daughter of Lemuel Sturdifont Leavitt and Betsy Mortinson; latter came to Utah 1862). She was born Nov. 6, 1864, Santa Clara, Utah. Their children: Stephen Perry ABBOTT, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Abbott and Elizabeth Jackson of Irchester, Northamptonshire, Eng). Born Feb. 22, 1808. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1865, following Henry Chip- man company, which arrived Sept. 15. Married Charlotte Ellerbone Dec. 10. 1828, Irchester, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Ellerbone and Elizabeth Frear of Irch- ester). She was born Jan. 6, 1808. Their children: Two girls, twins, d. infants; John, m. Esther Robinson; James, d. aged 21; Ely, m. Emily Bowden; William, d. aged 17; Thomas m. Ellen Routhen; Harriett, d. aged 16; Mary Ann Eliza- beth b. Dec. 10, 1843, m. Thomas Cheshire Jan. 7, 1866; Joseph, m. Mary Percival. Family home Irchester, Eng. Elder; teacher. One of Heber C. Kimball's converts (1840). For years his home was kept open to all in the English mission field, and as a meeting place for converts. Died June 22, 1889, Salt Lake City. ABECGLEN, UL.RICH (son of Christian Abegglen, born No- vember, 1790, at Gundlischvand, and Margaretha Gertsch, born Feb. 3, 1799, at Lauterbrunnen, both of Canton Bern, Switzerland; latter a pioneer Oct. 29, 1862, William H. Dame company). He was born March 1, 1840, at Gundlischvand. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, a few days preceding arrival of the main company of Sextus E. Johnson (Sept. 24), the last immigrant train of that season. Married Magdalena Galli 1863 (daughter of Peter Galli and Magdalena Hasler, married at Gundlischvand pioneers Sep- tember, 1861). She was born Aug. 23, 1837, and came to Utah in 1860. Their children: John b. Oct. 29, 1864, d. same day; Maria Anna Elizabeth b. June 29, 1866, m. David Robb Dec. 16, 1891; Maria Magdalena b. May 3, 1869, m. John P. Allen Oct. 24, 1895; Alice Priscilla b. June 29, 1871, m. Frank Robb Jan. 20, 1892; Emma Luella b. June 1, 1873, m. Thomas Math- ews July 19, 1897; Ulrich Lorenz b. March 18, 1879. Family home Midway, Wasatch county, Utah. Pioneer Oct. 29, 1864, to Wasatch county. Missionary to Switzerland 1901-04. Assisted in founding of town of Mid- way 1865. ABEL ISAAC (son of John Abel of Sheffield, Eng.). Born May 14, 1829, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1863. Married Ann Methley Dec. 25, 1849, Yorkshire, Eng. (daughter of Charles Methley and Rebecca Eaton of that shire). She was born June 27, 1824. Their children: Ellen, m. Thomas Steele; Mary Ann, m. Elijah Bourne; Emily, m. William Paxman; Rosa, m. Elijah Bourne; Sarah Ann, and Isaac Cynosur, died; George Edward, m. Mary Ellen Shel- ley; Elizabeth, m. Stephen Baker. Family home American Fork, Utah. Secretary for high priest's quorum. Tax collector. Far- mer. Died Dec. .7, 1907. ABEL GEORGE EDWARD (son of Isaac Abel and Ann Methley). Born Oct. 27, 1866, American Fork, Utah. My ron"b.~ ApriT 15, 1899; Lemuel Brooks b. March 27, 1902; b . Slrch 1, 1889, m. Frances Brook; Charlotte Ann b. Dec. Thomas Lay b. Aug. 8, 1905. Family home Annabella, Utah. 30 ig93; Isaac b. Sept. 4, 1896, died; Rosa b. Ap 1J, i< He is the eighth generation from George and Hannah Meda Eml i y b. July 31, 1900; Frances Bray b. Nov. 12, 1! Chandler Abbott, first settlers of Andover, Mass., 1643. Methley b. Jan. 20, 1905; Mary Ellen b. Jan. 24, 1! Commissioner Sevier county 1894; justice of the peace 1898; . home American Fork, Utah. sheriff three terms 1904-10. Engaged in farming, mining, "Vi-v, nr \ ea f missionary to Samoa 1890-03; bishop's coun- and interested in good horse breeding and the upbuild of 5. w. ii his native state. selor - Farlr 707 708 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH ABPLANALP, PETER (son of Johannes Abplanalp and Katharina Schilt, both of Brienzwyler, Canton Bern, Swit- zerland). He was born March 2, 1829, Brienzwyler. Came to Utah 1861. Married Margaretha Eggler in 1856, Brienzwyler, Swit- zerland (daughter of Johannes Eggler and Margaretha Schilt, immigrants Pikepond, Sullivan county, N. Y. from Switzerland). She was born Feb. 22, 1835, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Peter, m. Mary Alder; Mar- garetha b. April 4, 1859, m. Edward Watkins Oct. 28, 1880; Elizabeth b. Aug. 27, 1858, m. Jedediah Wardle; George, m. Amanda Wardle; John, m. Avey Wall; Joseph Sidney, m. Hannah Jenkins; Emily, m. William Workman: Franklin, m. Polly Howard; Heinrich, m. Lillie Ross; William, m. Bessie Jenkins. Family resided Mound City, Midway and Vernal, Utah. Lieutenant in territorial militia. High priest; bishop of Vernal. Farmer and miner. Died May 28, 1900, Vernal, Utah. ACORD, ABRAM (son of Zurr Acord and Martha Luster of Germany, later of Ohio, Indiana, and Sidney, Iowa). Born March 22, 1830, in Fremont county, Ohio. Came to Utah 1861, William K. McKissack company. Married Nancy Frost March 24, 1855, in Atchison county, Mo. (daughter of Samuel Buchanan Frost and Rebecca For- man of the Carolinas, Tennessee and Iowa, pioneers 1861, William K. McKissack company). She was born April 22, 1840, in Hancock county, 111. Their children: Oliver b. Jan. 29. 1858, m. Electa Webb; Frederick St. Clair b. May 29, 1858, in. Olive Allred; Henry Luster b. May 23, 1861, m. Christina Larsen; Mary Frances b. June 3, 1863, m. Henry Christopher Strate; Jennie b. Dec. 12, 1865, m. Joseph Smith Hyde; Wil- liam Anderson b. March 28, 1868, died; Elizabeth b. Oct. 15, 1870, m. Erastus Beck; Nora b. Feb. 14, 1872, died; Abram Fletcher b. May 6, 1874, m. Millie Seegmiller; James Ernest. b. March 23, 1876, m. Edith Judd; Nellie b. July 7, 1879, m. Peter Christian Larsen; Jacob Alonzo b. March 22, 1882, m. Viola Bushy. Married Maud Mary Robinson March 23, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Robinson and Emma Lucas of Spring City, Utah, formerly of England, pioneers October, 1856, handcart company). She was born October, 1858. Their children: Celia Jane b. July 3, 1875; Clara m. Levi Tenney; Hetta Maud b. April 30, 1879, m. David Little; John b. July 9, 1881; Ethel m. Andrew Peterson; Ida, died; Minnie and Cora, twins, b. 1892, died; Hugh. Family home Colonia Diaz, Mex. ADAIR, SAMUEL,. Came to Utah in 1848. His children: Jane, m. Charles Searle; Catherine, m. Fred Rugg; Newton, m. Janett; George, m. Elily Tyler; John, m. Jane Hancock. Family lived in "Dixie," Washington county, Utah. Farmer and orchardist. He died in Arizona. ADAMS, ARZA (son of Joshua Adams and Betsy Chipman of Canada). Born Jan. 22, 1804. Came to Utah in 1848. Married Sabina Clarke March 23, 1831, Augusta, Can. (daughter of Nathan Clarke and Nancy McCathron of Can- ada). She was born Sept. 1, 1812. Their children: Nathan b. Feb. 2, 1832, m. Mary Plunkett; Joshua b. Sept. 26, 1833, m. Lydia Thornton; George b. Feb. 16, 1835, died; Sabina Ann b. Feb. 17, 1837, m. Alexander Nicoll; Sidney M. b. May 1, 1839, died; Elizabeth Nancy b. April 30, 1842, died; Theother b. March 4, 1845; Joseph b. Dec. 17, 1846, m. Caroline Hansen; Orpha b. Oct. 23. 1849, m. William S. Robinson. Married Marrilla Olney in Canada (daughter of David Olney of Canada). She was born June 18, 1833. Their chil- dren: John O. m. Mattie Peterson, Alva Barnabas m. Edith Summers; Alvin Francis m. Margaret Christenson; Adeline died; Lucy Ann m. Martin Ambrose; Quincy and Moroni, died. Family home American Fork, Utah. Married Katherine Cunningham March 7, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Cunningham and Elizabeth Nichol- son, of Fifeshire, Scotland, pioneers November, 1858, At- wood and Willis company). She was born Aug. 17, 1838. Their children: James Arza b. Oct. 19, 1858, died: Elizabeth b. Nov. 26, 1859, m. William Robinson; Charles Franklin b. April 10, 1861, died; Bulah b. June 22, 1862, m. Daniel Rhoades; Agnes b. June 10, 1864, died; Alexander b. Jan. 10. 1866, m. Mina Murdock; Margarette b. Jan. 21, 1868, m. Hiram Mul- liner; Phoebe b. Sept. 17, 1870; Mary m. Carl Anderson; Isabelle b. July 30, 1874, m. Joseph Householder; Daniel Erwin b. Oct. 10, 1876, m. Annie Jensen. Family home American Fork, Utah. High priest; missionary to Canada; ward teacher. Justice of peace. First miller in American Fork. Died April 15, 1889, American Fork, Utah. ADAMS, DAVID BARCLAY (son of James Adams and Mar- garet Barclay). Born May 4, 1814. Carron Ironworks, Stir- lingshire, Scotland. Came to Utah 1862 from Pennsylvania. Married Mary Cook in Scotland. She was born Oct. 10, 1811. Their children: James b. Nov. 16, 1835; Adam b. May 1, 1837; Ann b. Dec. 1. 1838; Margaret b. Jan. 1, 1840, m. Philo T. Farnsworth; Mary b. Feb. 1, 1843; David Cook b. Aug. 25, 1845, m. Mary Eleanor Armstrong Oct. 12, 1867; Ellen b. May 10, 1848, m. Urban Van Stewart. Family home Beaver, Utah. Married Lydia Catherine Mann at Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of George William Mann and Elizabeth Cook of Beverly, Can.). She was born Jan. 5, 1830. Their children: George William b. July 7. 1850; Gilbert Mann b. Oct. 27, 1852, m. Armelia Allen; Elizabeth b. Sept. 19. 1854, m. John T. Covington; Robert Nelson b. Nov. 19. 1856, m. Margaret Ann Schurz; Alexander F. b. March 15, 1859, m. Martha Naizer; Lydia C. b. April 11, 1861, m. Orson W. Allen, 1888; Lewis b. May 26, 1863, m. Adelaide M. Lewis; Cynthia Jane b. Jan. 12, 1866, m. William H. Heaps; Christina b. April 3, 1868, m. Earnest Griffin; Daniel Cook b. April 23. 1870, m. Almira Larsen; Andrew Patterson b. June 28, 1873, m. Hattie Burr. Family home Adamsville, Utah. Settled at Beaver, Utah; moved to Adamsville; made bish- op of Adamsville March, 1869. Justice of peace. Iron manu- facturer. Died Aug. 4, 1891, Escalante, Utah. ADAMS, DAVID COOK (son of David Barclay Adams and Mary Cook). Born Aug. 25. 1845, near Penn Glendon Iron- works, Southampton, Pa. Came to Utah 1852. Married Mary Eleanor Armstrong Oct. 12, 1867. Salt Lake City (daughter of John C. Armstrong and Mary Kirkbride pioneers, A. O. Smoot company). She was born Oct. 22, 1848, Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary Jane b. July 14, 1868, m. Isaac Smith Goodwin; John David b. March 26, 1871. m. Margaret C. Stewart Dec. 30, 1891; Rosa Eleanor b. June 1, 1873, m. William U. Stewart; Lydia Ann b. Aug. 21, 1875, m. Martin Olsen; Ellen S. b. Nov. 20, 1877, m. Andrew Albertus Morris; Josephine b. Oct. 19, 1879; William J. b. Aug. 1, 1882; Joseph A. b. Nov. 29, 1884; Marcia b. March 21, 1886, m. Chester L. Skinner, 1904; Clara Mabel b. Jan. 18, 1889; Leona May b. Sept. 13, 1892, m. Leland W. Dean May 17, 1910. Family home, Teasdale. Elder; Sunday school superintendent 1883-86. ADAMS, JOHN DAVID (son of David Cook Adams and Mary Eleanor Armstrong). Born March 26, 1871, Adams- ville, Utah. Married Margaret Caroline Stewart Dec. 30, 1891 (daugh- ter of Urban Van Stewart and Mary Ann Jones), who was born Nov. 26, 1873, Beaver, Utah. ADAMS, DANIEL C. (son of David Barclay Adams and Lydia Catherine Mann). Born April 23, 1870, Adamsville, Utah. Married Almira Larsen March 14, 1900, Manti, Utah (daughter of Hans C. Larsen and Maria Sorenson), who was born Oct. 27, 1877. Their children: Daniel Christial b. Dec 21, 1900; Violet Catherine b. Dec. 25, 1903; Maria Elizabeth b. Dec. 7, 1906; Erma Almira b. Aug. 9, 1909. Family home Teasdale, Utah. Elder. Constable and school trustee. Farmer. ADAMS, DAVID (son of John Adams, born 1792 In Lincoln- shire, and Sarah Jovis, born in Oxfordshire, Eng.). He was born July 14, 1828, in Buckinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin company. Married Maria Thetford April 17, 1851 (daughter of Charles Thetford and Fannie Mason), who was born Nov. 25, 1829, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: David Edward b. Nov. 27. 1851, m. Caroline H. Lind Jan. 24, 1876; William Orson b. Jan. 2, 1854. m. Dorothy R. Norton February, 1877; George Mason b. Oct. 1, 1866. m. Martha De- vey April 10, 1876; Fanny Maria b. June 2. 1860, m. William T. Monk April 29, 1891; Louise Elizabeth b. Oct. 16. 1863; Earnest Thetford b. Feb. 18, 1866; Albert John b. July 7, 1868, m. Ada Jane Mellor June 2, 1898; Emily Catherine b. Jan. 21, 1871, m. Franklin F. Peay Jan. 15, 1890; Rose b. Oct. 28, 1873, m. Joseph M. Lindsey June 24, 1896; Sarah Amelia b. Aug. 24, 1877. Family resided Salt Lake City and Alpine, Utah. Seventy; high priest; first counselor in bishopric Alpine ward 1877-93. School trustee 16 years; city councilman two terms; alderman. Assisted in the erection of many public buildings in Alpine stake. Lieutenant in Nauvoo Legion. Died April 11, 1911. ADAMS, KM AS (son of Job Adams and Sabra Otis of Vermont). Born Feb. 18, 1792, in Vermont; later moved to Illinois, where Adams county was named in his honor. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Elvira Curtis 1823. Their children: Mary Ann; Rufus; John Quincy m. Ellen Dolan; Lizaetta; Selecta; Annie M. m. Isaac Shepherd; George W. m. Mary Ann Pill- ing. Two children died in infancy. Married Belinda Railey 1837 (daughter of Joseph and Catherine Railey). She was born 1816. Their children: Catherine, m. Richard Pilling; Joseph Samuel, m. Belle Smith; Ellas, m. Elizabeth R. Harris and Lettie M. Ben- nett; Caroline, m. George P. Stoddard; Joshua, m. Sarah Criddle; Malinda J., m. John W. Burton; Hyrum m. Rose Higgs and Annie Penrod. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Of same distinguished lineage as John Adams, second president of the United States. Served 5 years in the war of 1812 and both his grandfathers were officers in the revolution. Presiding elder of the branch at Mt. Pisgah, Iowa; high priest. Pioneer reservoir builder, as he built the Adams irrigation reservoir at Kaysville (now Layton) in the early '50s. Lived on the old Indian trail crossing the mountains near Kaysville, where the redmen often visited him, prompted through the strong friendships he had formed among them, in the inherent kindness he bestowed upon all alike. Many a suffering traveler, hungry, cold and almost helpless, has partaken of his unbounded hospi- tality. His posterity number nearly 500. In January, 1886, this rugged pioneer fell from the front porch and sustained internal injuries from which he died Feb. 17 following, being within one day of reaching the age of 94. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 709 ADAMS, ELJAS, JR. (son of Ellas Adams and Belinda Railey). Born Jan. 2, 1843, Adams county. 111. Came to Utah 1850. Married Elizabeth R. Harris Nov. 29, 1863, Kaysvllle, Utah (daughter of Isaac and Esther Harris; latter a pioneer 1853, settling at Kaysville). She was born Aug. 10, 1845: died May 7, 1888. Their children: Esther Ann b. Sept. 10, 1865, m. Robert Green; Elizabeth Belinda b. April 13, 1868, m. T. W. Sandall; Dennis Elias b. Feb. 21, 1870, m. Priscilla Harris; Ella Rose b. Oct. 29, 1871, m. William A. Dawson; Joshua Isaac b. March 9, 1874, m. Elizabeth Evans; Rufus William b. Jan. 18, 1877, m. Lizzie Dunn; John Hyrum b. July 23, 1879, died; George Winfleld b. March 22, 1881; Jabez Samuel b. April 16, 1884, m. Alice Ellison; Catherine Mariah b. Jan. 31, 1887, m. Laurence E. Ellison. Family home Layton, Utah. Married Lettie May Bennett April 22, 1903 (daughter of John Bennett, pioneer 1852, and Ellen Ellison, pioneer 1853). She was born July 23, 1876, Kaysville, Utah. Their children: Clair John b. Feb. 21, 1904; Clyde Bennett b. July 3, 1905; Ruth Ellen b. Aug. 23, 1908. High priest; made trips to bring immigrants to Utah 1863 by ox train; chairman building committee Layton meeting house. Sheepman and farmer. Died Aug. 27, 1912, Layton, Utah. ADAMS, DENNIS ELIAS (son of Ellas Adams, Jr., and Elizabeth R. Harris. Born Feb. 21, 1870, at Kaysville, Utah. Married Priscilla Harris (daughter of Thomas Harris and Mary Anne Payne, both of Thatcher, Utah). Their children: Basil Harris b. July 9, 1891; Earl Dennis b. May 18, 1893; Thomas Elias b. Sept. 21, 1895; Norma b. Oct. 18, 1897; Claud Harris b. Oct. 4, 1898; Ruby Juanita b. Jan. 4, 1901; Therese Pearl b. Sept. 19, 1903; Mamie Priscilla b. Dec. 28, 1905; Lyle Jabez b. May 1, 1907; Wllma b. April 6, 1910; Floyd W. b. Oct. 21, 1912. Bishop's counselor; supervisor of parents' classwork and member board of Sunday schools in Bear River stake. Box Elder county commissioner six years. Vice president Rocky Mountain States Good Roads Association. Manager Adams Brothers Land Company. Farmer. ADAMS, JOSHUA (son of Elias Adams and Belinda Railey). Born Dec. 30, 1848, Mt. Plsgah, Iowa. Came to Utah 1850. Married Sarah Criddle Dec. 29, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Criddle and Elizabeth Ann Taylor Driggs of Kaysville, Utah). She was born Nov. 8, 1857. Their children: Job b. Sept. 27, 1874, m. Amanda Woolf; Sarah Matilda b. Oct. 4, 1876, m. Richard J. Smith; John b. Oct. 7, 1878, m. Luvenia Bishop; Malinda May b. May 8, 1881, m. Leo Mecham; Amanda Sabra b. Nov. 24, 1884, m. Elijah Clark; Mary Elizabeth b. Nov. 11, 1887, d. Sept. 11, 1890; Lillie Alice b. Oct. 5, 1889, m. Parley Howell; Kathe- rine Olive b. Jan. 23, 1893, m. Thomas Shomaker; Laura Bell b. Feb. 2, 1896, m. Leo Lewis; Eva Louise b. Nov. 8, 1905. Family home Clifton, Idaho. High priest; president Y. M. M. I. A. Road overseer eight years; president of Oneida irrigation district four years. Farmer. ADAMS, HUGH (son of George Adams and Margret Ya- dem). Born June 4, 1829, Old Craighall, near Musselburgh, Parish of Inveresk, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1854, Daniel Garn company. Married Margret Webster July 23, 1855 (daughter of James Webster and Margret Anderson), who was born March 24, 1831, and came to Utah 1854, Wm. W. Brewerton company. Their children; Hugh J. b. May 11, 1856, m. Ida Clarkson; Orval W. b. June 19, 1858, m. Marion Nelson; Margret Ann b. June 12, 1860, m. Brigham Benson; George W. b. Sept. 21, 1862, m. Elizabeth Haws. Married Mary Horlocher July, 1863, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Jacob Horlocher and Margret Ackerman), who was born Mar. 17, 1831, Aarau, Canton Aargou, Switzerland. Their children: Wm. Thomas b. June 11, 1864, d. July 15, 1880; Mary Ann b. Aug. 14, 1865, m. David E. Haws; John Quincy b. Dec. 16, 1866, m. Sarah M. Cowley Dec. 16, 1891; Annie B. b. Nov. 8, 1870, m. John M. Barry May, 1891; Albert b. Oct. 9, 1876, d. July 20, 1878. Married Alice Smith May 20, 1866 (daughter of Ralph P. Smith and Marion Crookston, pioneers 1860, David Cannon company). She was born April 6, 1848, Preston Links, Scotland. Their children: Alice Louisa b. Jan. 8. 1868, d. March 1, 1868; Joseph S. b. Jan. 27, 1869; Elizabeth b. Oct. 8, 1870, m. Joseph Jenson, d. Sept. 20, 1893; Peter b. Apr. 3, 1873, d. April 3, 1873; Agnes b. July 6, 1875, m. Frederick Jacobs; Emma b. July 23, 1877, d. July 23, 1877; Walter S. b. July 17, 1878, m. Carrie Hansen; Thomas S. b. April 29, 1881. m. Luella Norr; James S. b. March 4, 1883, m. Patience Smith: Ellen C. b. Feb. 19, 1885, m. George Maughan. Settled at Logan, Utah, 1868. ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY (son of Hugh Adams and Mary Hor- locher). Born Dec. 16, 1866, Logan, Utah. Married Sarah M. Cowley Dec. 16, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of Nephi K. Cowley, pioneer 1850, and Unity H. Apperley). She was born Feb. 4, 1870, Logan, Utah. Their children: John Vernon b. Nov. 7, 1892; Sarah Unity b. Feb. 20, 1894, d. Feb. 28, 1894. Married Armenia Julia Parry Jan. 2, 1895, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Parry and Harriet Roberts, pioneers 1856, Handcart company). She was born Nov. 14, 1862, Salt Lake City. Their children: Armenia b. June 6, 1901; Verena Julia b. Jan. 17, 1903; Harriet Marie b. Oct. 9, 1904. Elder seventy and high priest; formerly second, then first, ' 3 he nor ln tle which ADAMS, JAMES (son of James and Marv Married Betsy Leavitt, who was born 1803 StanqteH er Ca ada ' an d^d 1848, Council BlSffs lowf. Their" A a K y T b ' M ? y 29 ' 182B ' m ' Wm - Sn Jan. 11, 1846" Y b ' Jan ' U> 1833 ' m - Horace S. Eldredge Feb 2 5; John b March 5 1836, m. Flavllla Leavitt; Lucy b Feb 4, 1839, m. Elias Vanfleet May 10, 1860 Settled in Centerville, Utah, and died there Feb. 18, 1874. ADAMS, JAMES (son of George Adams and Margret Ya- dem) Born March 9, 1831, at Old Craighall, near Mussel- b ur f,r' Invere sk parish, Scotland. Came to Utah 1852, John M. Wood company. Married Margret Japp Moffatt early in 1859 (daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Moffatt, former a pioneer 1853) She was born Jan. 12, 1830. Their children: James H. b. Nov 17 1860, m. Agnes Izatt Adams; Joseph M. b. Nov. 11 1862 m Carrie Goodsell; George L. b. May 9, 1865, m. Ellen Smith; ? am " el n b - Feb - 12 > 1867 - m - Minnie Goodsell; Isabell b. Sept! 23, 1869, m. George E. Crockett; Jessie Ann b. Aug. 26, 1871, m. Karl Conrad Schaub March 29, 1893. Family home Logan, Utah. Assisted in building up the Cache valley In all the pioneer activities. Watermaster of the Logan & Richmond Canal Co. Superintendent Logan city waterworks several years. High priest and all subordinate positions, and teacher in Sunday schools many years. ADAMS, JOHN (son of George Adams and Elizabeth Harriet Winterbourn of Bucklebury, Berkshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 12, 1827, Bucklebury, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan company. Married Jane Merritt July 7, 1850, in Berkshire, Eng. (daughter of John Merritt and Alice Blackney of Cold Ash, Berkshire). She was born Nov. 16, 1822. Their children: Alice b. May 11, 1851, m. James Carter; Henry b. Aug. 22, 1853, m. Charlotte Hyder Evans; Harriet Jane b. June 20, 1868, m. Parley P. Christianson. Family home Nephi, Juab county, Utah. Married Sarah Albery Montague July 9, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Albery and Sarah Spiers of Hamp- shire, Eng.). She was born Nov. 15, 1847, and came to Utah 1884. Their children: George b. May 31, 1885, d. Sept. 3, 1886; Mervin Isaac b. March 27, 1887, m. Luella Foote. Family home Nephi. High councilor and all minor offices. Carpenter assisted in building many public and private buildings in Nephi. Died Aug. 24, 1908. ADAMS, HENRY (son of John Adams and Jane Merritt). Born Aug. 22, 1853, Cold Ash, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Married Charlotte Hyder Evans Feb. 21, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of William M. Evans and Charlotte Jarrold Hyder of Nephi, pioneers 1850). She was born June 14, 1853. Their children: Henrietta Jane b. Feb. 13, 1877, m. Alfred Orme; Charlotte b. Dec. 29, 1878, m. George E. How- ard; Henry Merritt b. March 13, 1881, m. Letitia Cooper; John Winford b. July 28. 1883, m. Ivy Lenoa Freeman; William Lloyd b. April 25, 1885, m. Belva Bird; Alice b. June 4, 1887, d. June 5, 1887; De Gratia b. Sept. 7, 1888, d. Dec. 23, 1901; Walter Clarence b. Nov. 8, 1892, m. Mabel I. Waldram. Fam- ily home Nephi, Utah. Justice of peace, Juab county; coroner; deputy sheriff; county attorney five terms. Lawyer. ADAMS, ORSON BENNETT. Born March 9, 1815, New York. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, in command of a detachment of the Mormon Battalion, flrst sergeant Co. C. Married Susan Smith (daughter of Anthony Smith and Sarah Marman), who was born May 30, 1819, and came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Priddy Meeks' section of Jedediah Grant company. Their children: John S. b. May 11, 1844, m. Jane Averet May 3, 1866, m. Mary E. Adair May 17, 1876; Susan, m. William Hanes. Married Margrct Jane Carter, May , Parowan, I (daughter of Freddy Carter). Married Dorothy Frost, at Parowan, Utah. ADAMS, JOHN PAGE (son of Orson B. Adams and Susan Smith). Born May 11, 1844, Macedonia, 111. Married Jane Averet May 3, 1866, Washington, Utah (daughter of Elisha Averet and Sarah Witt), who was born In 1851 at Salt Lake City. Their children: Lucmda Jane b. March 26, 1S67, m. Mitton Alexander; Sarah Jerusha b. 1869, m. Marion E. Parks: Lucy b. 1870, m. Fred Ward. Married Mary E. Adair May 17, 1876 Washington Co Utah (daughter of Thomas J. Adair and Mary Vancil, pioneers 1852 Captain Brown company). She was born April Ib, 1858! Washington, Utah. Their children: Ann b. March 1, _, m. Henry Rose 1896; May b. Oct. 27, , m. Walter Elder 710 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1897; Arminta b. July 23, , m. J. S. Hallavas 1901; Lilly b. Dec. 23, , m. J. S. Barnhurst 1899; Ada b. May 25, , m. Fred Wardrop 1903; Ida b. May 25, ; John Bennet b. Aug. 3, , m. May E. Tolbut 1905; Rebecca b. June 27, , m. Comodore Myers 1903; Susannah b. June 7, , m. Ammon Roberts 1909; Viola b. Feb. 3, , m. Ernest Lamb 1898; William Alford b. Feb. 5, , died; James Augustus b. Aug. 3, 1896; Ezram b. Sept. 13, 1901. ADAMS, SAMUEL (son of John Adams and Sarah Brandley of Baddley Edge, Eng.). Born Aug. 1805. Came to Utah about Sept. 20, 1861, Joseph Young company. Married Bessie Mountford about 1833 (daughter of Wil- liam and Hannah Mountford), who was born April 15, 1816. Their children: Samuel b. April 16, 1835; Ann b. April 30, 1837; Thomas b. Dec. 22, 1840; Sarah b. May 12, 1853; Joseph b. May 6, 1845; Hyrum b. Oct. 22, 1846; Emma b. Jan. 27, 1850; Eliza b. June 8, 1852; Lorenzo b. May 10, 1857. ADAMS, S. P. (son of Samuel Adams, born March 1, 1810, and Phoebe Ferry, born Nov. 11, 1815 both at Raunds, North- amptonshire, Eng.). He was born May 16, 1834, Raunds, Northamptonshire. Came to Utah Oct. 1853, Joseph A. Young company. Married Sarah Wicgens July, 1855 (daughter of Ebenezer Wiggens and Ellen Wiggens, pioneers, 1852). She was born September, 1836, and died Oct. 6, 1877. Their children: Sarah E. b. May 15, 1856, m. George E. Brower December, 1880; Sam- uel W. b. Feb. 8, 1858, d. October, 1858; David b. Oct. 8, 1860, d. Aug. 30, 1873; William E. b. April 8, 1862, m. Jessie Scott De- cember, 1895; May b. Aug. 30, 1864, m. M. S. Browning Decem- ber, 1884; Phoebe b. March 22, 1867, m. Thomas Clark July 3, 1893; Eliza E. b. Sept. 16, 1869, d. March 23, 1895; Catherine b. Nov. 20, 1871, m. John Slander Oct. 17, 1889; Martha R. b. Sept. 27, 1873, m. Joseph Clark September, 1898; Herbert b. Dec. 4, 1875; Robert b. Dec. 4, 1875, m. Eliza Gibson Sept. 12, 1900. Family resided in Ogden up to 1871, then Richmond, Utah. Married Hannah Eskelson (Allsop) Nov. 28, 1879, Rich- mond, Utah, (daughter of N. C. Eskelson and Mette Fransin, pioneers 1863, Napika company). She was born Jan. 29, 1849, Urland, Denmark. Their children: Lottie Amettie b. Nov. 15, 1880, d. Jan. 3, 1894; John Q. b. May 4, 1882, m. Jane Clough Dec. 2, 1908; Nellie May b. July 6, 1886, d. Jan. 7, 1894; Ferry Leroy b. Feb. 8, 1889, m. Cora Parsons Nov. 17, 1908; Vertris I. b. Feb. 15, 1894. Was in Echo Canyon campaign resisting Johnston's army. From Richmond, in 1888, moved to Riverside, Idaho, near Blackfont. Commissioner Bingham county, Idaho, 1892-94; trustee Riverside school, 1892-98. Bishop's counselor, 1896- 1903. ADAMS, WILLIAM (son of Charles Adams and Cathrine Mills of Bagley Borough, County Cavan, Ireland. Born Jan. 8, 1822, at Hillsborough, County Down, Ireland. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith company. Married Mary Ann Leech, October, 1842, at Hillsborough (daughter of Hugh Leech and Ann Jemeson of that place), who was born Oct. 22, 1822. Their children: Charles m. Sarah Ann Davenport; James J. ; Anna Cathrine m. Mr. Ward; Hugh Leech m. Juliet Bayless; Margaret m. Morgan Richards; William; Mary Emma m. James Ollerton; Thomas m. Emily M. Caldwell. Family home Parowan, Iron Co., Utah. Seventy; missionary to Pennsylvania 1870-73; counselor to president of San Juan stake, Utah. City councilman. Farmer, merchant and stockraiser. Died at Bluff City, San Juan county, Utah. ADAMS, CHARLES (son of William Adams and Mary Ann Leech). Born Sept. 16, 1843, Hillsborough, Ireland. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849. Married Sarah Ann Davenport, March 31, 1863, Parowan, Utah (daughter of Thomas Davenport and Sarah Burrows, of Newbold, Derbyshire, Eng., pioneers November, 1851). She was born Feb. 14, 1847. Their children: Charles D. b. Sept. 28, 1866; Sarah Francella b. Oct. 1,,1868; Thomas D. b. Nov. 15, 1870; Minnie Miriam, b. Feb. 19, 1873; Mary Ann, b. March 23, 1876; William Leech b. Jan. 26, 1879; Joseph Burrows, b. Feb. 4, 1881; Laura Pearl, b. Nov. 20, 1884; Lawrence James b. Oct. 10, 1886. Family home Parowan. President 69th quorum seventies; bishop's counselor; bishop 17 years; high councilor. Iron county assessor and county commissioner; Parowan city councilman and mayor; member of house of representatives 1892. Farmer, mer- chant and stockraiser. ADAMS, THOMAS (son of William Adams and Mary Ann Leech). Born Nov. 4, 1860, at Parowan, Utah. Married Emily M. Caldwell. June 28, 1899, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac J. Caldwell and Eliza Ann Russell of Salt Lake City). She was born Dec. 23, 1869. Only child: Thomas C. b. May 12, 1901. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Ireland 1895-97; president conference at Bel- fast; Sunday school teacher; block teacher; home mission- ary. Attorney. Died Oct. 11, 1905, at Salt Lake City. ADAMS, WILLIAM HENRY (son of John Adams and Mary Nash of Dover, Kent, Eng.). Born June 4, 1817, Dover, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1848, Willard Richards com- pany. Married Martha Jennings (daughter of Matthew and Elva Jennings of Dover, Eng.), who was born July 24, 1808, and died Aug. 17, 1852, Pleasant Grove. Their children: Mary b. 1842; Martha b. 1843; William Henry b. June 26, 1845, m. Melissa J. Caldwell; Eliza b. Oct. 6, 1847, m. George Higgins; John Alma b. Aug. 5, 1850, m. Mary Frampton. Married Frances Ann Otten 1858, who came to Utah September, 1853, Jacob Gates company. Their children: Alice Maria b. 1859, m. Joseph Whiteley; Annie Jane b. 1861, m. John Newman; Joseph H. b. 1865, m. Colinda Rogers. Fam- ilies lived at Pleasant Grove, Utah. One of three first settlers in Pleasant Grove July 19, 1850. Assisted in the erection of the first stone and adobe build- ings in Salt Lake City. Stonemason. Died Oct. 6, 1898, Pleasant Grove. ADAMS, WILLIAM HENRY (son of William Henry Adams and Martha Jennings). Born June 26, 1845, Dover, Kent, Eng. Came to Utah 1848, with parents. Married Melissa J. Caldwell March 22, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Matthew Caldwell and Barzilla Guymon of Fountain Green, Utah, pioneers Sept. 16, 1850, Aaron Johnson company). She was born April 7, 1851, Spanish Fork, Utah. Their children: Martha Barzilla b. June 13, 1870, m. Martin Lund; Alice Almira b. Oct. 18, 1872, m. Jas- per H. Robertson; William Albert b. Dec. 19, 1874, m. Virginia Brann; Delos E. b. Feb. 17, 1877, m. Hannah Peterson; Melissa Jane b. Sept. 4, 1879, m. Orson Despain; Elva Vilate b. March 28, 1882, m. D. W. West; John Matthew b. Oct. 7, 1884, and Guy Wilford b. March 25, 1887, d. 1891; Burton Henry b. May 27, 1889; Byron Lewis b. Aug. 25, 1891, m. Nora Adamson. Family home Fountain Green, Utah. Personal guard Brigham Young and Orson Hyde. A survivor of the vicissitudes of pioneer days, among which was going for months without bread, subsisting on roots, thistles and segos. Veteran of many Indian fights and incipient Indian disturbances. Missionary to Southern States 1880-81; home missionary three years; ward teacher 40 years; high priest; in superintendency of Fountain Green Sunday school nineteen years. Farmer and brick mason. ADAMSON, HENRY (son of Andrew Adamson and Margaret Cunningham of Fifeshire, Scotland). Born in 1807, in Fife- shire. Came to Utah in 1864. Married Margaret Nicholson 1834, Dysart, Fifeshire, (daughter of Alexander Nicholson and Nancy Allen of Sin- clairtown and Dysart, Scotland). She was born Nov. 11, 1811. Their children: Andrew m. Lottie ; Alexander m. Mary Hutchison; Peter m. Ann Cousins; Nancy Agnes, Ellen, and Nancy Agnes, latter three d. infants; John m. Fanny Fackender; Henry m. Mary , m. Martha ; David m. Elizabeth Ann and Mary Jane Wilkinson; James m. Eliza- beth . Block teacher; miner and sheepman. Died January, 1890, at Franklin, Idaho. ADAMSON, ALEXANDER (son of Henry Adamson and Mar- garet Nicholson). Born Jan. 27, 1837, at Bosland, Fifeshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John Murdock com- pany. Married Mary Hutchison April 12, 1861, in Fifeshire, Scot- land, (daughter of David Hutchison and Jeanette Crookston of Dysart, Scotland, pioneers Sept. 12, 1861). She was born July 25, 1839. Their children: Jeanette b. Aug. 9, 1862, m. James Brown; Margaret b. Feb. 25, 1864, m. E. W. Winn; Henry b. Sept. 26, 1865, m. Minnie Hansen; Mary Jane b. Sept. 7, 1867, m. Heber B. Sycks; Katherine b. May 17, 1869, m. David Hutchison; Alexander b. Dec. 15, 1870, m. Louisa Tillett; David b. Nov. 24, 1872, m. Jessie Myers; Elizabeth Helen b. Nov. 15, 1874, m. Joseph Karren; Peter b. Nov. 9, 1876, m. Blanche Myers; Thomas b. Oct. 26, 1879, m. Pearl Christopherson. High priest; block teacher. Black Hawk Indian war vet- eran. Farmer. Pioneer of American Fork and helped make the first canals, dams and wagon roads. AFFLECK, JOHN (son of Andrew Affleck and Margaret Tru- itt of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, Eng). Born April 21, 1849, at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1866, Thomas E. Ricks company. .AHLSTROM, JOHN G. (son of Ola Ahlstrom and Tngerborg Bundenson of Malmo, Sweden). Born Dec. 12, 1850, Malmo, Sweden. Came to Utah September, 1860. Married Mary Ellen Arthur Nov. 20, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Evan Arthur and Cathrine James of St. John, Utah, pioneers Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde company). She was born Dec. 28, 1850. Their children: John A. m. Sara Evans; Minnie E. m. Alvin Caldwell; Cathrine Ann, died: William J.; Mary I., m. Charles H. Green; Edna, m. John Mclntosh; Ernest E., m. Lena St. Jeor; Elmer H. Family home St. John, Utah. Bishop of St. John ward, 1898-04; Sunday school supt., 1888-96; school trustee eight years. U. S. mail contractor 18 years. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH AINGE, GEORGE (son of James Ainge of Warwickshire. Eng). Came to Utah in 1866 with Oxteam company Married Elizabeth Hoffwood in England (daughter of John and Annie Hoffwood of Worcestershire, Eng.) Their chil- dren: George, m. Polly McKee; Elizabeth; Emma m John Harris; Hilliary d. aged 15; Mehelia Teresia d. infant; Jongh; Alfred, drowned at age of 8; William d. aged 22. Family home Weisley, Warwickshire, Eng. Elder. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Farmer and sheepman. Died at Spanish Fork, Utah. AINGE, GEORGE (son of George Alnge and Elizabeth Hoff- wood). Born Dec. 24, 1836, Worcestershire. Eng. Came to Utah 1856, Benjamin Hodgett ox team company. Married Polly McKee at Provo, Utah (daughter of Thomas McKee and Percy Sweat of Spanish Fork, Utah; pioneers ox team company). Their children: Polly and George Thomas, d. infants; William; Percy, m. Erie Stewart; Alfred, m. Sadie Arnold; Harriet Lavira, m. Joseph Arnold; John, m. Miss Wilkins; Thomas, m. Amelia Teager; Joseph and James, d. infants; Charles; Stella, m. William Taylor; Wilma, m. Lloyd Gilroy; Ruby, m. H. Nielsen; Nile. Elder; ward teacher. Indian war veteran; member ter- ritorial militia. Farmer. 711 n. *, Mary ngaged in threshing machine and saw mill business. AINSWORTH, JAMES (son of Joseph Ainsworth and Mary Huff of Staffordshire, Eng., latter with three children, pioneer 1862). Born Aug. 9, 1851, West Bromwich, Stafford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company. Married Emma M. Flygare Jan. 15, 1877, Brig-ham City, Utah (daughter of Nels and Anna Flygare, pioneers 1862). She was born July 25, 1856. Their children: Mary Ann b. 1878, m. Alden T. Ivie; Maude Ellen b. 1880, m. Ray Ivie; James Albert b. 1885, d. Aug. 9, 1887. Family home Carey, Idaho. Married Clara Rosetta Johnson July 15, 1909, Logan, Utah (daughter of Daniel Johnson and Catherine Jenson of Logan, pioneers 1854, H. P. Jenson company). She was born 1872, Logan, Utah. Family home Mt. Glenn, Oregon. AINSWORTH, JOSEPH (son of Joseph Ainsworth and Mary Huff of Staffordshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 22, 1848, Wood Green, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, with mother and family, Henry W. Miller company. Married Hannah Maria Hamson May 15, 1877, Brigrham City, Utah (daughter of George F. Hamson, pioneer July 18, 1851, and Belleta Mortenson of Brigham City). She waa born Sept. 1, 1859. Their children: Joseph Leon b. May 20, 1878, m. Terressa Maud Howard; Rose Arleta b. Feb. 24. 1881, m. Walter Pyrah; Ruby Melvina b. March 17, 1883; Paul Re- vere b. June 18, 1887; James Alfred b. Feb. 6, 1891; Millie Jane b. March 2, 1893; John Mellville b. July 1. 1894; Jennie Viola b. Nov. 25, 1895; Roy Vernon b. Jan. 8, 1898; Gladys Marion b. July 23, 1900; Effle Emma b. Oct. 28, 1902. Family resided Blaine Ward, Cassia county, Idaho, and La Grande, Oregon. Called to protect the people of San Pete county dur- ing Black Hawk Indian war, and served through the trou- ble; also member Salt Lake county militia. Counselor to Bishop G. S. Harris, Blaine Ward, Cassia stake, 1898-07; high councilor Union stake, Le Grande, Ore- gon. Justice of peace fifteen years, Blaine county, Idaho. AL.BISTON, JOHN (son of John Albiston, born June 3, 1783, Congleton, and Hannah Thacker, born July 10, 1783, both in Chestershire, Eng.). He was born April 4, 1814, at Stockport, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson company. Married Elizabeth Mellor May 6, 1833, at Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Eng., who was born Feb. 27, 1812, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: James; Hannah; Charles b. April 11, 1839; Martha b. Dec. 9, 1840; John b. Feb. 7, 1842, m. Mary Ann Lee Dec. 3, 1863; Joseph b. July 7, 1844, m. Christina Scow; Elizabeth Ann b. May 11, 1847; Mary Pamelia; Ruth Agnes b. Oct. 17, 1855, m. Joseph Johnson. President Ashton branch of Manchester conference, as well as Sheffield and Bradford conferences; missionary to England. Assisted in public works at Grantsville and Ogden, Utah. ALBISTON, JOHN, JR. (son of John Albiston and Elizabeth Mellor). Born Feb. 7, 1842. Married Mary Ann Lee Dec. 3, 1863, Richmond, Utah (daughter of George Lee and Sarah Peaker, pioneers Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company). She was born Jan. 24, 1846. Their children: Sarah Elizabeth b. Sept. 27, 1864, m. Charles Peterson Dec. 21, 1887; Mary Ann b. Oct. 24, 1866; John William b. April 20, 1868; George Heber b. Sept. 29, 1870, m. Anna Smith Oct. 16, 1895; Ruth Emma b. Dec. 24, 1872, m. Gilbert Bright Nov. 16, 1892; Joseph Henry b. Nov. 27, 1874, m. Zina Buckley Aug. 9, 1895; Lorenzo b. May 4, 1877; Lilly May b. May 6, 1878, m. John Gregory Nov. 20, 1895; Hyrum James b. Sept. 3, 1880; Samuel b. Nov. 14, 1882; Nephi b. Aug. 17, 1884; Charles Lee b. May 17, 1886; Stephen m. March 20, 1889; Amy Pearl b. Aug. 19, 1891. Family resided Richmond, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. Clerk of teachers' and of high priests' quorums. Member William Head's cavalry company of minutemen; captain first martial band in Idaho. - . 2, d. infant; William C. b Nov 8 iss- Edn I'Q T V - V 896 ,: Earl K " b " Oct - 5 - ""I: Mary b Dec 10 City, ma. b " AUB - 26> 19 7 ' Family home Salt Lake mJOSSfiZSPZ En ^ land 1896-98; member 109th quorum tractor 1 . B PFieSt; bish P' s counselor. Drayman;" ' Wlltahlre ' ' who was born Feb - 2 9. 1832, and !=,,< husband - Their children: Eliza b. Nov 26 1849, d next day; Alfred W. b. March 13, 1851 (d. Jan 27 ifi2 )f A 8 ^? , Jensen Jan - 24 - 1884; John Field b. Oct. 13 1852, d. Sept. 5, 1855; Susan M. b. Feb. 31, 1855, died- Theo- d r r ? D ' ^u 86 ?*' 17 ' 1857 ' m ' Allce Pau : C^ra J. b Dec 13 H 59 ;- Charlie Robins; Elizabeth J. b. May 14, 1862, d Nov 16. 1864; Margret A. b. Aug. 10, 1864, m. William Lamonti A8 T S a U " b U Au|r - " 1866. "> Hyrum Jensen; Ella S. b. Nov. |, 1868, m. Byron D. Wilcox; Edgar F. b. Feb. 24 1871 d De 12 ' i 87 . 7: Jessle G " b " Se P t: 23 - !873. d. Dec. 30,' 1889 Married Marena Warr Aug., 1883, who was born in Eng- land. Only child: Alice A. b. March 19, 1885. One of first blacksmiths to come to Utah. High councilor in Oneida stake. ,' ALPRED w - (son of Alfred Alder and Susan Field). Born March 13, 1851, St. Louis, Mo. Married Sarah Jensen Jan. 24, 1884, Salt Lake City who was born 1864 at Lehi, Utah. Their children: Myrtle S b. Oct. 26, 1884, m. Ernest E. Dixon Nov. 1, 1905- Reuel J b March 17, 1886, m. Ella Zigham; Edgar J. b. Dec. 30 1888' m. Azula Griffith; Priscilla J. b. Feb. 20, 1891; Alfreds. J b' Nov. 20, 1892; Alfred J. b. Dec. 25, 1894; Susan b July 20 1897; Jesse b. May 8, 1899; Orin J. b. June 28, 1902; Alton J. b. Nov. 28, 1904; Aldora J. b. May 25, 1908. Missionary to Arizona. Blacksmith and farmer. ALDER, CONRAD. Born July 15, 1824, Schonengrund Appenzell, Switzerland. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1860, William Budge handcart company. Married Annie Elizabeth Merz in Switzerland (daughter of Laurenz Merz and Anna Catharine Ramsauer), who was born April 30, 1830. Their children: Elizabeth, m. Henry Gassman 1887 at Logan; Conrad, m. Julia Annie Theurer Died Sept., 1866, Providence, Utah. ALDER, CONRAD (son of Conrad Alder and Annie E. Merz). Born May 18, 1866, Providence, Utah. Married Julia Annie Theurer Dec. 11, 1889. Logan, Utah (daughter of Frederick Theurer and Christena Scheuler, former a pioneer Aug. 30, 1860, Jesse E. Murphy company, the latter Sept. 20, 1861, Joseph W. Young company). She was born April 10, 1870, Providence, Utah. Their children: Leon C. b. Sept. 21, 1890, m. Vesta Freelove Campbell March 6, 1912; Rachel Vilate b. Nov. 28, 1892; Frederick Theurer b. March 31, 1895; Idell Christena b. July 11. 1897; May Eliza- beth b. May 1, 1900; Preston Denton b. Dec. 18, 1905; Owen Edwin b. May 12, 1909. Family home Providence, Utah. Member 32d quorum seventies; missionary to Germany 1902-05; assistant Sunday school superintendent twenty years. School trustee two terms; member town board. Farmer and stockraiser. ALDOUS, ROBERT (son of James Aldous and Mary Ann Page of Huntingdonshire, Eng.). He was born July 17, 1811, Kelsale, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company. Married Mary Ann Parkin Dec. 24, 1835 (daughter of Luke and Nancy Parkin). She was born Nov. 9, 1814, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: George P. b. Oct. 30, 1836, m. Christiane M. Thurston Dec. 24, 1865; Georgiana M. b. April, 1838, m. Martin Harris: Charles b. April 9, 1840, m. Lucy Drake Nov. 26, 1862; Frederick b. 712 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Nov., 1841, m. Margaret Wilson; Angeline P. b. Dec. 27, 1843, m. Brigham Bingham Dec. 24, 1862; Henry b. 1845, died. Family home Huntsville, Utah. Worked on some of the first public works in Salt Lake City; also on Ogden tabernacle; superintended the build- ing of three bridges in Ogden canyon when first opened. Carpenter and builder; built first school in Huntsville and was its first superintendent; also built first log house there. Watermaster five years. Seventy; high priest. ALDOUS, GEORGE P. (son of Robert Aldous and Mary Ann Parkin of Huntingdonshire, Eng.). Born Oct. 30, 1836, Fen Stanton, Eng. Married Christiane M. Thurston Dec. 24, 1865, Huntsville, Utah (daughter of Evan C. Thurston and Magdelina Chrls- tenson). She was born Jan. 13, 1848, Logstor, Aalborg amt, Denmark. Their children: Georgiana b. Nov., 1866, d. Infant; Mary Ann b. March 17, 1868, m. William McFarland July 18, 1894; Magdelina C. b. March 16, 1870, m. Hans-F. Peterson June 19, 1895; George b. March 20, 1872, m. Ethel Cowan Feb. 6, 1897; Martha E. b. April 22, 1874, m. Edward S. Green June 13, 1900; Johanna b. May 5, 1876, m. Charles C. Bihler Feb. 16, 1904; Robert T. b. April 10, 1878; Clara A. b. June 12, 1880; Joseph H. b. July 23, 1883; Alfred E. b. Nov. 18, 1884; Edward C. b. May, 1887; Mabel E. b. March 29, 1890, m. Philip Slater Oct. 5, 1908. Family home West Weber, Utah. ALDOUS, CHARLES (son of Robert Aldous and Mary Ann Parkin). Born in Huntingdonshire, Eng., April 9, 1840. Came to Utah 1853. Married Lucy Drake Nov. 26, 1862, at Lynn, Weber county, Utah (daughter of Daniel N. Drake and Lucinda Johnson of Ohio, pioneers 1849). Their children: Charles N.; Fred- erick Robert; John L.; Henry; George; Annie; Marie; Therea; Alvin; Mary Ann. Farmer and horticulturist. ALEXANDER, ALVAH (son of Jabez Alexander, born Aug. 22, 1755, Marlborough. N. H., and Lois Pool, born Dec. 1, 1758, and married in Acworth). He was born March 12, 1799, Acworth. N. H. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852, Capt. Harmon Cutler company. Married Phoebe Houston, May 9, 1822, who was born June 4, 1804, Acworth, N. H. Their children: Henry Samuel, b. July 12, 1823, m. Mary Marsteller 1845; m. Jane Houston 1848: m. Sarah Miles July 23, 1850; Louisa Pool; Maria; Alvah Jedethan, b. Sept. 21, 1831, m. Elizabeth Soule, March 13, 1854; Orpha Ann. Family home East Mill Creek, Utah. Farmer. Died March 27, 1890. ALEXANDER. HENRY SAMUEL (son of Alvah Alexander and Phoebe Houston). Born July 12, 1823, in Washington county, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 1848, Livingston-Kimball company. Married Mary Marsteller 1845 at Nauvoo, 111. (her parents were from Virginia). Their children: Charles Marsteller, m. Lovisa Comstock Snyder; Arthur, died. Family home South Mill Creek, Utah. Married Jane Houston 1848 at Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of Samuel Houston of Iowa). Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Sarah Miles July 23, 1850, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Samuel Miles and Sarah Prudence Marks of Connecticut, pioneers Oct. 28, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born Dec. 27, 1832. Their children: Henry Miles m. Sarah Jane Ross; Sarah Henrietta m. George Clift; Lelia Naomi m. William Van Wagoner; Wil- liam, James Monroe and Lillie May, these three died; Clara Prudence m. Edward D. Clyde; Katie Josephine m. Robert Turner; Orpha Luella m. Robert Foreman; George Snyder m. Jane Ann Taylor. Family resided in Heber and Summit county, Utah. Patriarch. Wasatch county commissioner. Sawmill and lumberman. Died March 6, 1903. ALEXANDER, CHARLES MARSTELLER (son of Henry Samuel Alexander and Mary Marsteller). Born Nov. 21, 1846, in Lee county, Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Married Lovisa Comstock Snyder, Dec. 26, 1871, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of George G. Snyder and Sarah Hatch, pioneers 1849). She was born Feb. 25, 1854. Their children: Mary Blanche b. Feb. 16, 1873, m. Brigham Murdock; Sarah Luella b. Jan. 21, 1876; Caroline b. Oct. 4, 1879, m. William T. Wooten; Charles Snyder b. June 5, 1881, died; Louis b. July 2, 1883; Mabel b. March 28, 1886, m. Robert Price; Guy Becker b. Oct. 13, 1888; Elaine Marsteller b. Aug. 25, 1895; Nellie b. March 1, 1898 Family home, Heber, Utah. Elder. Lumberman. ALEXANDER, ALVAH JEDETHAN (son of Alvah Alexander and Phoebe Houston). Born Sept. 21, 1831, Northfleld, Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852, Capt. Harmon Cutler company. Married Elizabeth Soule March 13, 1854 (daughter of Solo- mon Soule and Lydia Bessee, pioneers Aug. 1863, Independent company). She was born Feb. 6, 1834. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Jan. 21, 1855, m. James O'Neil 1875; Phoebe An- nette b. Jan. 3, 1857, m. George Bonner 1878; Alvah b. June 11, 1858. m. Dessie Bonner 1880; Adelbert b. July 7, 1860, m. Viola D. Epperson 1885; Ella Gertrude b. Jan. 1, 1863, m. Robert B. Ross 1881; Frederic Soule b. May 16, 1865, d. Jan. 23, 1869; Ada Deanna b. March 6, 1867, m. Thomas E. Bonner 1888; Charles Edwin b. May 4, 1870, m. Lala R. Springer 1891; Henry LeRoy b. July 10, 1872, m. Susie Davis 1893; Florence Mina b. April 15. 1875, d. March 25, 1878; Effle May b. April 6, 1879, m. Everice Bronson 1897. Family resided at Mill Creek and Mid-ray, Utah. Asst. and Sunday School Supt., 1873-1900; bishop's coun- selor, Midway ward 1876-1903. With eldest brother, started first shingle sawmill in Utah 1853; in lumber business 38 years. County selectman eight years; justice of peace two terms; president of town board two terms; school trustee several termd. ALEXANDER, ALVAH (son of Alvah J. Alexander and Eliz- abeth Soule). Born June 11, 1858, Lehi, Utah. Married Dessie Bonner October, 1880, Midway, Utah (daughter of George Bonner and Margaret Edmundston), who was born Jan. 14, 1862, Midway, Utah. Only child: Alvah b. Dec. 15, 1881. Merchant, stockraiser and ranchman. ALEXANDER, HORACE MARTIN (son of James Alexander and Frances Ehart of Montgomery county, Va.). Born Feb. 15, 1812, Montgomery county. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1847, with part of Mormon Battalion from California. Married Nancy Reader Walker Sept. 14, 1834, Clay county Mo., who was born Dec. 8, 1817. Their children: Frances Evelyn b. Sept. 1, 1836, m. Jesse P. Steele; Nancy Maria b. March 24, 1839, died; Sarah Malinda b. March 6, 1841, m. John Green, later Hans Mortensen; Dionetia Emily b. Oct. 18, 1843, m. Hans Mortensen; Horace Martin b. Jan. 1, 1847.. died. Family resided Clay county. Mo., and Nauvoo, 111. Married Martha Burwell Feb. 15, 1849, Salt Lake City, who was born March 31, 1830. Their children: James Thorn- ton b. June 24, 1850, m. Emily Johnson and Rebecca Noah; Henry R. b. Nov. 17, 1851; Elizabeth; Masis; Margaret; Ella Amelia, latter five died; Alice Geraldine b. April 26, 1856, m. Joseph Blackett; John Wesley b. Nov. 1858, died; Flora Adelaide b. 1859, m. Thomas Bryon; Jedediah M. b. Nov., 1862, died; Charlotte Almira b. May 11, 1863, m. Frank Gamble; Celestia b. Nov. 27, 1866, m. William Sumption and Max Kless; Celestine m. William Humphries; Hubert and George, died; Mildred m. A. G. Peterson. Family home, Springville, Utah. Married Catherine Houston Feb. 16, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Houston), who was born March 12, 1831. Their children: William Denton b. Dec. 4, 1851, m. Helena Coray, and Prudella Allman; Mary Helen b. Jan. 16. 1864, m. Jonathan Harvey; Eliza Fredonia b. March 4, 1855, m. Samuel P. Richards; Franklin D. b. Oct. 31, 1858, m. Naoma Wilson; Heber M. b. Dec. 13, 1860, died; Susan Amelia b. March 27, 1861 (deceased), m. Isaac Roberts; Ophelia Leona b. July 18, 1864, m. John F. Clark; Lucy Jane b. Oct. 29, 1866 (deceased), m. John Collett; Blanch J. b. March 30, 1870, died; Maud b. May 16, 1876, m. E. M. West. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Julia Owens 1854, Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren; Albert b. March 8, 1855; Amasa B. b. May 21, 1856, m. Agness Henry; Frances b. 1858 and Amelia b. 1860, both died. Family home Parowan, Utah. High priest; missionary to southern states 1875. Capt. Silver Grays, Springville, Utah, 1869; member police force, Salt Lake City 1850-63; Corporal Co. B Mormon Bat- talion. Contractor and builder; farmer. Died Sept. 18, 1881, Provo, Utah. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM DENTON (son of Horace Martin Alexander and Catharine Houston). Born Dec. 4, 1851, Salt Lake City. Married Helena Coray Oct. 10, 1878, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Howard Coray and Martha Jane Knowlton), who was born Feb. 1, 1852. Their children: Helena Cora b. July 23, 1879, m. D. Foster Cluff; Maud May b. Dec. 20, 1880, m. Horace Secrest; Ethel b. April 27, 1882, died: William Denton b. June 26, 1884; Don Horace b. April 13, 1887, died; Howard b. March 12, 1892, died; George Louis b. Jan. 1, 1896. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Prudella Allman May 16, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Allman and Elmira Phillips, pioneers 1850 and 1861 respectively). She was born Dec. 12. 1865. Their children: Ralph Houston b. April 9, 1907. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to Hawaiian Islands 1878-81. Justice of peace 1888-91; alderman 1888-89; member school board 1904-08. Contractor and builder; horticulturist. ALEXANDER, ROBERT (son of Alexander and Mary McFarland of Lurgan, Ireland). Born 1826, County Tyrone, Ireland. Came to Utah 1852, Captain McGaw company. Married Mary Melville 1846, Lurgan, Ireland (daughter of Henry Melville and Elizabeth Gregg, pioneers 1852, Captain McGaw company). She was born Aug. 13, 1822. Their chil- dren: Elizabeth, d. aged 2; Mary, m. Samuel Mclntyre; Anna, m. Frank E. Cook. Family home St. Louis, Mo. Seventy; home missionary. Painter. Died Feb. 20, 1887, twelfth ward, Salt Lake City. ALPORD, JOHN (son of William Alford and Miss Golds- brough of Dorsetshire, Eng.). Born July 3, 1826, in Dorset- shire. Came to Utah fall of 1865, with an oxteam company. Married Margaret Russell Anderson (Ripley) June 10, 1872, Salt Lake City, by Daniel H. Wells (daughter of John Anderson and Jane Russell of Leith, near Edinburgh, Scot- land, pioneers 1862). She was born May 26, 1850. Their PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 713 children: John W. b. July 2, 1873, m. Ruby Venice Pike- Jeanne Russell b. Sept. 30, 1875, m. Ray F. Brandon; Frances Elizabeth, d. aged 8; William George, d. aged 6' Robert G. Family home Salt Lake City. Seventy at Salt Lake City; missionary to England 1870- 71; high priest. He, with George Goddard, was in the mer- cantile business; they sold out and he became associated with the Z. C. M. I., where he remained almost to the time of his death, April 11, 1901, Salt Lake City. Margaret Russell Anderson was the widow of Robert Ripley, whom she married in Scotland. He was lost at sea. Their children: Robert Ripley d. infant; Helene Ripley m. George Noble. ALFORD, JOHN W. (son of John Alford and Margaret Russell Anderson Ripley). Born July 2, 1873, Salt Lake City. Married Ruby Venice Pike June 12, 1900, Salt Lake City, by Judge Morrell (daughter of John W. Pike and Amy Tuckfield of England; they came to Utah 1870). She was born Dec. 16, 1876. Only child; Robert Pike b. April 21, 1903. Was associated for a time with the A. H. Crabbe Company as secretary and director. President, manager and senior member Alford Bros. Company, haberdashers. ALLE1MAN, JOHN (son of John Christopher Alleman and Catherine Heppick of Dauphin Co., Pa.). Born June 28 1808, Middleton, Dauphin county, Pa. Came to Utah 1852. Married Christean Stentz Dec. 11, 1832, Dauphin Co. (daughter of Michael Stentz and Maria Catharine Winagle pioneers 1852). She was born Nov. 28, 1811. Their children: Anna Catharine, m. Joseph W. Bissell; Benjamin Jordan, m. Sariah Jane Starr; Susanna, m. Benjamin T. Blanchard; John Henry, m. Zebina Starr; Christean Mary, m. William Sum- sion; Daniel Joseph, m. Amanda Elizabeth Starr; Sarah Jane, m. Alma Spafford; Martha Elizabeth, m. Edward L. Whit- ing; James Hyrum; William David, m. Martha Jane Rey- nolds. Family home Springville, Utah. Bishop's counselor. Farmer. Married Winifred Oldham Sept. 12, 1906 (daughter Elder. School teacher. w!fl P rn ^ ar SV 7 ' 1856 ' Merth y Tydfil, Glamorganshire Wales, and died March 10, 1890, at Ogden, Utah. Their chil- dren: Thomas Evans b. Nov. 23, 1882 m Fern Tarkma, June 14 1911; Albern Morris b. Sep 29, 1885 m Blanche Lansing Nov., 1906; Edward Nelson b. Nov. 18, 1887- Law- rence and Ruby. b. Jan. 23, 1899, both d. same day * Mar ed Annie Catherine Hansen Feb. 19, 1891 Loean ? and^PhH ? me \ 3 HanSen> born May 23 1845- P ioneer S. and Christina Jorgensen, born May, 1836 both of Sjelland, Denmark, died Nov. 14, 1885, at Huntsviile Utah) She was born Aug. 11, 1870, Huntsviile, Utah Their chil- ?Q? : H DaVid Chester b - March 14, 1892; Marie b. Dec? 10 1893, d. same day; Merrill b. Aug. 20, 1895, d same dav : Laura and Pearl b. July 7. 1897, both d. sanfe da Ruth b. Dec. 4, 1899, d. Jan. 24, 1900. Family home Ogden Utah ALLEN, ALBERT (son of Daniel and Clarissa Allen). Born May 22, 1802, Cornwall, Litchfield county, Conn. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1847, with Mormon Battalion from California. Married Marcia Allen 1826, Hartwick, N. Y. (daughter of Gideon Allen, born Nov. 2, 1774, Washington, Conn., d. Jan. 10, 1861, at Ogden, Utah, and Rachel Hand, deceased pio- neers Sept; 20, 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born Nov. 6, 1804, Litchfield, Conn., and died Dec. 25, 1866, at Kanarraville, Utah. Their children: Rufus Chester b. Oct. 22, 1827, m. Lavenia H. Yearsley; Alanson David b. May 2, 1829 (d. March 3, 1887), m. Chastina Hadlock; Clarissa Abbie b. June 3, 1831 (d. March 17, 1905), m. Moses S. Clark; Marshall Frederick b. 1834, m. Emma Holmes; Rachel b. 1836, d. 1846; Rebecca b. 1838, d. 1868 Summit county, Utah; Sarah b. 1840, d. 1842 at Nauvoo, 111.; Sarah Ann b. 1843, d. 1846; Mary Ellen b. Jan. 14, 1850, at Ogden, m. Charles W. Hinchcliff. Married Mary Ann Hoops (Yearsley) (daughter of George and Albina Hoops). She was born Jan. 4, 1811, West Chester, Pa., and died 1905 at Salt Lake City; came to Utah Sept. 25, 1848, with Heber C. Kimball company. Their child: Mar- cia b. Nov. 21, 1854, at Ogden, m. Charles B. Layne Feb. 9, 1873. Married Mary Jane Morris (McCarty) (daughter of Jacob Morris, a pioneer). She was born April 11, 1818, Circleville, Ohio, and died Dec. 4, 1893, at Ogden, Utah. Their children: Albern b. Dec. 2, 1854, at Ogden, m. Elizabeth Evans. Married Elizabeth Hill (deceased). Their children: Sa- riah, m. James Wright; Martha, died; a daughter died at Huntsviile, Utah; Isada, died; Elizabeth b. July, 1867, m. Harry Kosminski. Families lived at Ogden, Utah. Missionary; president 33d quorum seventies at Nauvoo, 1846; member Company A Mormon Battalion; settled at Ogden 1849; member high council. Assisted in bringing Immi- grants to Utah 1857; chosen to preside over the little set- tlement, Genoa, about 100 miles west of Florence, a supply depot and assembling station for mountain-bound immi- grants and future Utah pioneers. ALLEN, ALANSON DAVID (son of Albern Allen and Marcia Allen). Born May 2, 1829, Delaware county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith company. Married Chastina Hadlock Nov. 10, 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of Stephen A. Hadlock and Sally Aulton; latter a pioneer of Sept., 1850, Capt. Everett company). She was born April 2, 1828, and died March 20, 1913. Their children: Emeline Clarissa b. Aug. 26, 1851, m. Erastus Perry Bing- ham; Albern Alanson b. Dec. 28, 1852, m. Louisa Stowell Dec. 27, 1883; Orin Daniel b. March 18, 1854, m. Anna C. Bendrup; Emily Chastina b. Nov. 30, 1855, m. John Newy; Marinda b. Feb. 15, 1857, m. John Ingles; Esther b. Sept. 27, 1858, m. John Tangreen; Ammon b. April 23, 1860, m. Isa- bella Hyslop; Hyrum b. Feb. 20, 1862, m. Nancy A. Wilson; Samuel b. Sept. 15, 1863, m. Louisa C. Danielson; Sarah Ann b. Dec. 9, 1865, m. William G. Moyes; Emma Rozina b. Jan. 18, 1868, m. John H. Jorgenson; Mary Vileta b. Jan. 29, 1870, d. Aug. 6, 1901; David Orlo b. April 21, 1872, m. Emma Louisa Berlin; Andrew Stephen b. Feb. 23, 1874, m. Mary Elizabeth Hyslop. Family home Huntsviile, Weber county, Utah. Seventy. Captain Utah militia 1861-66; captain of ten Echo Canyon war. Farmer. ,9 > ,,:c A H MA (son of Ezra Heela A en, born July 28, 1814 Madrid St. Lawrence county, N. Y., and Sarah B. Fiske of Potsdam, N. Y. married Dec. 25, 1837) He was born Sept. 28. 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 14, lT 5 2 Married Maria E. Cowley April 5, 1869 (daughter of Sfl? le * fowley and Ann Kellef), who was born Oct. 24 A -, ^^n" 16 t ^ U ^ h o 1850 - Their children: Eveline b AP "} a 6 ' }? m ' D , avld Brown Nov. 28, 1893; Ezra James b. J )> 1 l 8 ,I 1: iu An . nie ,. E - b " Sept ' 9 - 1873 ' m - Chris Poulsen *' 1 A 891: Mana b " June 27 ' 1874 ' m - John A - Larsen Dec. , 6 *'', Amaretta b - A P ri l 21, 1876, m. Wm. Fifleld Nov. 29 : n A e , Xander C " b ' Jan ' 27 ' 188 - - R achel Chapman Feb . . Married Elizabeth Clarke April 11, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of John H. Clarke and Elizabeth Herier of En/- land). She was born March 18, 1858, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Oliver A. b. Jan. 9, 1879. m. Zena Erickson; Ethan J. b. Oct. 9, 1880, m. Anne Fifield; Ellen E. b March 4 1883 m. Wm. Willisen; Royal b. July 13, 1885; Nettie b Nov 12' 1887; Iven b. June 24, 1889; Orin Wm. b. Oct. 11 1892- Lu'ella E. b. Jan. 11, 1896. Family home Weston, Idaho High Priest; Bishop; Missionary to Southern states; Sun- day school officer and teacher. Policeman; justice of peace. ALLEN, ANDREW LEE (son of Elijah Allen, born 1763 and Mehitable Hall, both of New Hampshire). He was born Nov. 24, 1791, Limeric Parsonfield, N. H. Came to Utah Aug 12, 1852, John M. Higbee company. Married Clarinda Knapp 1825, who was born Aug 10 1802, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Elijah b. Feb. 7, 1826, m. Eliza Ann Bickmore; Lydia b. June 5, 1827; Sophronia b. Nov. 6, 1828, m. Abram Foster; Charles b. Oct. 16, 1830, m. Adelaide Hoops; Andrew b. Aug. 16, 1832, m. Manerva Whittle; James b. Oct. 12, 1833, m. Mary Mathews; Sidney b. Aug. 12, 1835, m. Ann Cooper; Susan b. Dec. 31, 1837, m. John Goaslind; Lev! b. April 1, 1842, m. Lavinia Henson; Julia b. June 8, 1844. Family home Provo, Utah. ALLEN, ELIJAH (son of Andrew Lee Allen and Clarinda Knapp). Born Feb. 7, 1826, Burton, N. Y. Married Eliza Ann Bickmore (daughter of William and Christina Bickmore), who was born Jan. 29, 1830. Their children: Elijah b. Feb. 24, 1860; William b. April 17, 1854; Eliza Ann b. June 1, 1866, m. Manassah Barnes; James Carson b. March 21, 1858, m. Betsy Lowe March 1, 1883; Andrew b. Dec. 23, 1869, m. Susie Preece; Henry Heber b. March 11, 1862, m. Algena Poulsen; Joseph Smith b. Oct. 20, 1863, m. Phoebe Andersen Dec. 9, 1885. Family home Fort Herriman, Utah. Served in Co. B, Mormon Battalion. ALLEN, JOSEPH Ann Bickmore). Married Phoebe pioneer 1850, and Utah). She was Their children: Mavil b. July 11. Smith b. Nov. 26, SMITH (son of Elijah Allen and Eliza Born Oct. 20, 1863, Ft. Herriman, Utah. Andersen (daughter of George Andersen, Mary Ann Davis, Aug. 19, 1860, Bountiful, born March 5, 1859, Richmond, Utah. Joseph Merle b. Nov. 10, 1886; Phoebe 1889; George Q. b. March 6, 1892; Elmo 1893; Elijah Grover b. Feb. 6, 1896; Alice 714 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Erma b. July 11, 1897; Lucile b. July 27, 1900; Grant Ander- sen b. Feb. 4, 1904; Mary Ina b. Oct. 20, 1909. Family home Coveville, Utah. Missionary to southern states and at bureau of informa- tion, Salt Lake City; first counselor In the bishopric of Coveville, Utah. Justice of the peace; county commissioner, Cache county, Utah. ALLEN, LEVI (son of Andrew L. Allen and Clarinda Knapp). Born April 1, 1842, at Virginia, 111. Married Lavinia S. Henson Dec. 12, 1888, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Alfred Henson and Mary Ann Sewell, both of whom came to Utah by oxteam in 1868). She was born July 23, 1871, at Franklin, Idaho. Their children: Clarinda H. b. Nov. 3, 1889, m. Louis H. Johnson June 19, 1907; Lev! H. b. June 15, 1891; Elijah H. b. May 6, 1893; Jas. H. b. April 1, 1896; Lydia H. b. Sept. 11, 1897; Luren H. b. Aug. 6, 1900; Mary H. b. Oct. 9, 1902; Verona H. b. Feb. 10, 1905; Alfred H. b. Dec. 6, 1907; Olive H. b. March 11, 1910. Family home Cove, Utah. Assisted in building of St. George temple; assistant super- intendent of Sunday school; high priest. AM,i:\, DANIEL (son of Daniel Allen and Nancy Stewart of Chautauqua county, N. Y.). Born Dec. 9, 1804, Whites- town, Oneida county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1849. Married Mary Ann Morris Oct. 6, 1828, Cayuga county, N. Y. Their children: LeRoy, d. child; Alma, d. aged 14; Mary Ann, m. John Lowry; Diantha, m. William Berry; Eliza, m. George Baum; Daniel, d. infant. Married Louisa Jane Berry June 22, 1847, Winter Quar- ters, Neb. (daughter of Jesse Berry and Amelia Shanks of Tennessee and Illinois, pioneers 1849, Samuel Gulley oxteam company). Their children: Cynthia; Orson; Robert; Jo- seph; Millie; Lydia; Samuel; Artimicia; John. Family home Salt Lake City. . Married Sarah Whitely 1854, Salt Lake Endowment House. Their children: Isaac; David; Harriet; Hyrum; Fred; James; Anna. Seventy; missionary to "Dixie" 1862. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Worked on Nauvoo Temple. Tanned first leather in Utah. Shoemaker and tanner; merchant. Died Jan. 15, 1892, Escalante, Utah. ALLEN, ELIHtT M. (son of Elihu M. Allen and Lola Ann Clauson of New York). Born Oct. 5, 1835, Dryden, N. Y. Came to Utah Aug. 8, 1847, John Scott company. Married Mary Elizabeth Graham 1854 (daughter of James and Mary Graham, of Pennsylvania), who was born Oct. 8, 1836. Came to Utah 1858, Jedediah Grant company. Their children: Charles M. b. May 29, 1855; Elihu b. Nov. 8, 1857, m. Mary A. Byard Oct. 18, 1880; Mary L. b. Aug. 23, 1860, m. Hyrum B. Pidcock; P. Isadora b. June 21, 1862, m. P. Edward Chatelain 1882; John F. b. Aug. 11, 1864, m. Mary Harmon 1886; George A. b. June 1, 1866, m. Musett Gribbel 1894; Lola B. b. July 1, 1868, m. Alexander Chatelain 1886; Joseph W. b. March 7, 1870, m. Helen Hatten 1894; Eliza E. b. Dec. 24, 1872, m. Thomas Wright 1891; David b. Aug. 14, 1874, m. Pearl Jensen 1893; Thomas J. b. Sept. 3, 1876. Family home Huntsville, Utah. Farmer. Elder. Died Nov. 25, 1912, Pocatello, Idaho. M.i.r.v IRA (son of Simeon Allen of Franklin, Mass., born March 11, 1779, and Elizabeth Leavens, born July 4, 1774). He was born April 27, 1814, Thompson, Windham county. Conn. Came to Utah Sept., 1850. Married Calista Bass Nov. 23, 1834 (daughter of Luther Bass). Their children: John Bass b. April 18, 1835, d. same day; Andrew Augustus b. Oct. 1, 1836, m. Sarah A. Cartwright June 14, 1857; Simeon Franklin b. April 3, 1839, m. Boletta Johnson Dec. 5, 1863; Charles Francis b. May 7, 1841, d. May 7, 1841; Elizabeth Marie b. June 6, 1842, m. Thomas Williams March 8, 1860; Emily Louise b. March 15, 1844, m. Thos. Williams Dec. 24, 1864; Joseph Smith b. Oct. 13, 1846, m. Ellen Israelsen May 23, 1868. Families resided Cedar City and Hyrum, Utah. Married Keziah Bensen Dec. 1, 1852 (daughter of Alva Bensen and Cynthia Vail), who was born March 10, 1825, Hendricks, Ind. Their children: George Clark b. Dec. 11, 1853, m. Martha Hansen May 28, 1877; Albert J. b. April 26. 1855, m. Phenette Williams Feb. 5, 1877; Ethan Ira b. May 13. 1857, d. 1867; David Bensen b. Feb. 20, 1859, m. Walbor Nielsen Jan. 26, 1887; Hyrum Cache b. Oct. 22, 1861, d. 1863; Doctor Jasper b. Feb. 4, 1864, d. 1864; Fredric Ferransen b. Jan. 10, 1866, d. 1870; John Vernon b. May 7, 1868, d. 1876. Married Cynthia Elizabeth Bensen (daughter of Alva Bensen and Cynthia Vail). Their children: Cynthia Angela b. June 17, 1859, d. 1863; Elam b. Jan. 22, 1862, m. Anna M. Nielsen March 26, 1891; Laura Ann b. May 11, 1864, m. Albert Savage Oct. 8, 1883; Julia Elizabeth b. June 19, 1866, m. Welby Hufaker March 26, 1896; James Cyrus b. Jan. 29, 1869, m. Ellen Nielsen Jan. 6. 1904; Eliza Jane b. June 3. 1871. m. John Rigby Oct. 7, 1889; Charlotte Temple b. Nov. 3, 1873. m. David Nielsen: Lucy Keziah b. May 28, 1876, m. Isaac Quinney Feb. 14, 1907; Thomas Edwin b. May 31, 1879, m. Minie Petersen June 11, 1902. Pioneer of Hyrum 1860. Ward clerk; ward teacher. Post- master. Pioneer canal and road builder. Died Dec. 21, 1900. ALLEN, ANDREW AUGUSTUS (son of Ira Allen and Calista Bass). Born Oct. 1, 1836, Woodstock, Windham county, Conn. Married Sarah Ann Cartwright, June 14, 1857, Cedar City, Utah (daughter of Thomas Cartwright and Sarah Yates), who was born Jan. 12, 1840, in Lancashire, Eng. Their chil- dren: Andrew Augustus b. Aug. 26, 1858, m. Lovisa Ham- mond April 4, 1889; Calista Ann b. April 23, 1861, d. May 19, 1878; Thomas Ira b. Oct. 1, 1863, m. Minnie Hammond Jan. 6 1879; George Q. b. Feb. 16, 1866, d. 1872; Sarah Ellen b. May 30, 1868, m. Ezra Peterson Dec. 22, 1887. Married Rebecca Christine Nielsen April 14, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Hans Enoch Nielsen, pioneer Sept. 29, 1854, James Brown company, and Nancy Margaret Osborn, pioneer 1852). She was born Jan. 24, 1864, Hyrum, Utah. Their children: Lauretta Jane b. June 27, 1888, m. Reuben Hansen June 1, 1911; Margaret Vilate b. Sept. 11, 1890; Glen Nielsen b. July 15, 1892; Esther b. March 18, 1895; Elva Mae b. Aug. 25, 1898; Bessie b. May 13, 1901; Hollis Verne b. July 19, 1905. Family resided Hyrum, Utah. Sunday school superintendent; high councilor. ALLEN, ANDREW AUGUSTUS, JR. (son of Andrew Augus- tus Allen and Sarah Ann Cartwright). Born Aug. 25, 1858, Cedar City. Married Lovisa Hammond April 4, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of Milton Dates Hammond and Lovisa Miller), who was born July 15, 1866, Providence, Utah. Their chil- dren: Hazel Lovisa b. Feb. 3, 1891; Sarah Mabel b. May 15, 1894; Milton Andrew b. April 8, 1897; Ethel Morene b. Nov. 25, 1899; Helen Lenore b. Jan. 27, 1904; Lucile b. March 4, 1907. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Sunday school and ward teacher; pres. Y. M. M. I. A.; missionary to northern states; bishop 2d ward, Hyrum. Has been school trustee, city councilman and mayor of Hyrum. ALLEN, JOHN R. (son of James Allen, born 1808, Somer- set, Pulaski county, Ky., and Nancy Allen, born 1812, same place). He was born Jan. 29, 1841, Wadsborough, Ky. Came to Utah Sept., 1862, Independent company. Married Sarah Janett Leavitt Nov. 2, 1875, who was born April 17, 1855, Centerville, Utah. Their children: Mahala b. Aug. 9, 1876, m. Allen Green Marler Nov. 13, 1895; John Rial b. April 2, 1878, m. Elsie Elizabeth Bright, Sept. 20, 1899; Annie Mabel b. Aug. 22, 1879, m. James Barjeson; Jesse Leavitt b. Nov. 13, 1881; Hyrum b. June 24, 1883, m. Bell Naylor; Sallie Janette b. March 27, 1885, m. Alma Donaldson Nov. 1, 1907; Jennie b. Oct. 8, 1887, m. Bianca Johnston; Delia b. Nov. 28. 1890, m. William Henry Ellis- Glen b. Sept. 17, 1892; Netta b. Oct. 23, 1894, m. Alma Harris- Dovey Dean b. Aug. 22, 1896; Roasel Lou b. Jan. 11, 1903; Emma Jean. Family home Lewiston, Utah. ALLEN, JOSEPH S. Came to Utah in 1848, oxteam company. Married Lucy Morley. Their children: Mary, m. Orvllle S. Cox; Lucy, m. Frederick W. Cox, Jr.; Caroline, m. Isaac Jones; Isaac, m. Harriet Squires; Albert, m. Harriet Fowler; Harriet, m. John Esplin; Simeon, m. Miss Walker; Clara d in childhood. Family home North Bend (near Thistle) Utah. Elder in Zion's camp. Frontiersman of the typical old school. Cooper by trade and followed farming. Died April 25, 1889, at Huntington, Utah. ALLEN LEWIS (son of Rial Allen of Andrew county. Mo.). Born June 11, 1813, in Kentucky. Came to Utah Aug., 1862, independent oxteam company. Married Elizabeth Alexander, 1836, in Jackson county. Mo. (daughter of Jonathan Alexander, pioneer Washington county, Utah, 1862). She was born March 2, 1819. Their children: Tabitha Jane b. Oct. 7, 1838, m. Woodruff Free- man; Beulah Ann b. May 24, 1840, m. Willis Webb- William b. Sept. 12, 1842, d. infant; Rial b. Feb. 27. 1844, 'm. Susan Collins; Jonathan Alexander b. Jan. 30, 1846, m. Jane Nelson; Samuel b. Jan. 17, 1848, d. infant; James'B b Aug 16, 1850, m. Maria West; Margaret E. b. Jan. 20, 1852 m Brigham Y. Baird; Sarah Melissa b. May 30, 1854, m. Da'niel V. Leroy; Andrew Jackson b. Dec. 20, 1856, m. Sariah E Pulsipher; Martha Permelia b. May 23, 1858, m William Marshall; Nancy Esther b. Dec. 9, 1861, m. Isaac E Black- Mary Ellen b. April 11, 1866, m. Albert Allen. Family re- sided Washington, and Moccasin spring ranch, near Kanab, Utah. Ward teacher; seventy; high priest; missionary to Nevada. Farmer. Died Dec., 1883, Orderville, Utah. ALLEN,' ORVILLE MORGAN. Born June 9, 1805, Pike county. Mo. Came to Utah December, 1852, captain of one of the large companies of immigrants to Utah. Married Jane Wilson 1825. Among their children was Laura Josephine b. April 4, 1846, m. Myron Abbott April 25, 1861, Ogden, Utah. He was a lineal descendant of Ethan Allen of Revolu- tionary fame. Joined the L. D. S. church 1838, for which he was disinherited by his father. Once a member of body- guard of Joseph Smith at Nauvoo. On arrival in Utah, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 715 settled at Springville, later at Spanish Fork, Toquerville, and Kanab, and at latter place he served as probate judge of Kane county. Finally settled at Pima, Ariz., 1880; there he died 1893, aged 88 years. He was the father of fifteen children. ALLEN, PETER (son of John Allen and Hannah Willis of Cold Ash, Berkshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 5, 1849, Cold Ash, Eng Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Ellen Thomas Oct. 10, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin and Ellen Thomas of Pembroke- shire, South Wales). She was born May 14, 1849. Their children: John David b. Aug. 14, 1869; Mary Ellen b. Dec. 10, 1870, m. John T. Price; Parley Peter b. Jan. 11, 1872, m. Rhoda Ann Beveridge; Anna b. March 11, 1873, m. Howard Mesenger; Joseph Franklin b. April 14, 1875, m. Ella Nelson; Hyrum b. March 30, 1877, m. Rose Wright; Moroni b. Nov. 4, 1878, m. Maud Steers Broadbent; Hannah b. May 15, 1882, m. Peter Neil; Benjamin Thomas b. Nov. 25, 1884; Martha Jane b. Aug. 2, 1886. Family resided Laketown, Utah, Star Valley, Wyo., Alberta, Can., La Grande, Ore. Married Louisa Fisher Nov. 6, 1884, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Ulrich and Elizabeth Fisher of Paris, Bear Lake county, Idaho). She was born Oct. 14, 1868. Their chil- dren: Louise Elizabeth b. Feb. 28, 1886, m. Dan B. Locke; Lilly May b. Sept. 5, 1887, m. David Beveridge; Henry James b. Sept. 11, 1889, m. Ida May Beveridge; Ezra Clar- ence b. Oct. 14, 1891, m. Inis McKin; Samuel Ray b. Feb. 6, 1894; Heber b. Dec. 26, 1895; Catharine Edith b. Jan. 3, 1898; Charlotte Irene b. April 22, 1900; Elmer b. Aug. 18, 1905; Elva Fisher b. June 20, 1908. Family home, La Grande, Ore. Seventy; high priest; missionary to England 1903-04. ALLEN, RtJFUS (son of Gideon Allen and Rachel Hand). Born 1814, in Connecticut. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Mary Phelps, 1860, at Ogden, Utah (daughter of John Phelps and Mary Shaw of Riverdale, Utah). She was born July 1, 1831. Their children: Rachel; Rufus; Eliza- beth L.; William b. Jan. 10, 1866, m. Polly Child March 17, 1887; Arlo; Harriet; Alma. President 76th quorum seventies. Died Dec. 4, 1887, at Riverdale, Utah. ALLEN, WILLIAM (son of Rufus Allen and Mary Phelps). Born Jan. 10, 1866, Riverdale, Utah. Married Polly Child March 17, 1887, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Myron B. Child and Emaline Elmer of Riverdale, Utah, pioneers 1850). She was born Nov. 13, 1867. Their children: Clara L. b. Feb. 8, 1888, m. Joseph K. Wright; Elnora b. Feb. 1, 1890, m. Arthur Couch; W. Arthur b. July 28, 1892; Mary E. b. March 10, 1894; John D. b. Oct. 24, 1896; Isabel b. Dec. 15, 1898; Gertrude b. April 5, 1901, d. aged 15 months; Myron E. b. Nov. 25, 1903; Herbert R. b. July 7. 1908; Lillian b. Feb. 28, 1910; Lois b. April 1, 1912. Family home Riverdale, Utah. Elder. County assessor several years. Farmer. ALLEN, SAMUEL (son of William Allen and Hannah Lord, of Radcliffe, Eng.). Born May 29, 1829, at Radcliffe, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Harriet Moore 1853 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Moore and Harriet Burgess of Lower Teen, Staf- fordshire, Eng.). She was born Aug. 13. 1829. Their chil- dren: Caroline; Melissa; Martha; Samuel H.; Sarah H.; Mary; Rozella; William. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Farmer. Died March 10, 1910, at Mt. Pleasant, Utah. ALLEN, SAMUEL H. (son of Samuel Allen and Harriet Moore). Born Aug. 15, 1862, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Ida May Lowry June 8, 1892, Mantl, Utah (daugh- ter of John Lowry and Sarah Jane Brown of Manti, Utah pioneers Sept., 1847, John Brown company). She was born July 30, 1865. Their children: Lowry b. April 3, 1893; Erma b. Nov. 12, 1895; Ruth b. April 3, 1899; Ethel b. April 18, 1901; Olive b. May 11, 1902; Marjorie b. Aug. 26, 1905. Family resided Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah. Member 124th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1883-85; Sunday school teacher and superintendent. Utah county physician five years; member Mt. Pleasant city council two terms; district school trustee; first principal Mt. Pleasant high school 1887-88. Life patron International Council of Women. Member Utah State Board of Medical Examiners and State Board of Health; surgeon R. G. W. R. R. ; gynecologist and surgeon on staff of L. D. S. hos- pital; resident physician Maryland Maternity hospital at Baltimore 1890-91; state commissioner for the adult blind; member Salt Lake County and State Medical societies; member American Medical association; life member Sur- geons' club of Rochester, Minn.; member American Medical association of Vienna, Austria. Married Jane Walker Oct. 5, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Samuel Walker of Worthington, Staffordshire, Eng:). She was born March 12, 1815. Only child: Emma Jane, m. Samuel Steven Jones. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Elmira Phillips 1862, American Fork, Utah (daughter of Richard Phillips and Margaret Luker pioneers Sept. 13, 1861, Milo Andrus company). She was born Oct. 21, 1838. Their children: Mary Ann b. June 26, 1864, m. George Grant Simons; Prudella b. Dec. 12, 1865, m. Warren E. Connant and William D. Alexander; Thomas M. b. April 4, 1867, m. Elizabeth Lloyd and Mary A. Allen; Levi W b. April 16, 1869, m. Mary Aurora Noble; Clara V. b. March 5, 1871, m. Chas. B. Snyder; Albert b. April 10, 1873 m. Almira Curtis; Jessie M. b. July 24, 1876, m. Burt Brown; Dora b. Oct. 14, 1878, m. Conrad Hansen; Nora b. Oct. 14, 1878, m. James Paul Conroy; Dianthy b. Feb. 8, 1881, died; Samuel b. Oct. 12, 1882, m. Libby Hochstrasser. Family home Provo, Utah. Member high council, Utah stake, three years; first counselor to bishop of first ward 26 years; counselor to president of high priests' quorum in Utah stake. Provo city councilman. Carpenter, cabinetmaker and builder. Died July 22, 1889,' Provo, Utah. ALLMAN, THOMAS M. (son of Thomas Allman and Elmira Phillips). Born April 4, 1867, Provo, Utah. Married Elizabeth Lloyd Nov. 28, 1889, Provo, Utah (daughter of William E. Lloyd and Sarah Morgan of Span- ish Fork, Utah). She was born March 3, 1871. Only child: Thomas Grant b. Oct. 18, 1890. Married Mary Alice Allen Dec. 3, 1896, Provo. Utah (daughter of William W. Allen and Eliza Ann Fenn of Nephi, Utah pioneers 1852). She was born Feb. 13, 1871. Their children: Vernon Allen b. Dec. 25, 1897; Glen Walker b. Aug. 9, 1901; Melba Elmira b. Jan. 21, 1904; Marva Alice b. Sept. 9, 1906; Edna Elizabeth b. May 28, 1911. Family home Provo, Utah. Carpenter and builder; expert wood carver, taking first prizes for this class of artistic work at the Utah State fair in the years 1900, 1904, 1909, Utah State Art institute in 1910, and Western States fair held at Denver in 1910. ALLRED, DAVID H. Born in Tennessee in 1825. Came to Utah in 1859. Married Aurora Brown in Tennessee. She was born in 1827. Their children: William, m. Matilda Christenson; James, m. Maria Black; John, m. Mary Wilson; Mary, m. Louis Austinson; Percy, m. Sene Black; Sarah, m. George L. Bemis. Farmer. Died at the family home Aug. 26, 1910, Spring City, Utah. ALLMAN, THOMAS (son of John Allman and Catherine Mollart. of Hanley, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born May 30, 1819, Hanley, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson company. Married Prudence Mills at Hanley, Eng. She died at Nauvoo. Their children: John b. 1840, d. 1846; Ruben b. May 31, 1843. d. 1844. ALLRED, ISAAC (son of John Allred and Mary McCurdy). Born Jan. 27, 1788, Pendleton county, Ga. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Mary Calvert Feb. 14, 1811 (daughter of John Calvert and Mary McGardy of Georgia). She was born March 19, 1793. Their children: Elizabeth b. Jan. 6, 1812; John Calvert b. Oct. 6, 1813, m. Eliza Bates Aug. 22. 1 Nancy Weakley b. Nov. 9, 1815, m. Asa Earl Feb. 26, 1 Sarah Lovisa b. Nov. 14, 1817, m. Allen Taylor Sept. B, 1833; William More b. Dec. 24, 1819, m. Orissa Angelia Bates Jan. 9, 1842; Redden Alexander b. Feb. 21, 1822, m. Julia Ann Bates Dec. 21, 1843; Redick Newton b. Feb. 21, 1822, m. Lucy Hoyt Nov. 26, 1843; Mary Caroline b. Dec. 9, 1824, m. Joseph Egbert Dec. 6, 1840; James b. Jan. 28, 1827; Paulinus Har- vey b. Jan. 21, 1829, m. Malissa Norton; Joseph Anderson b. April 26, 1831, m. Rhoda Palmer; Isaac Morley b. Jan. 22, 1835, m. Charlott Henderson; Sidney Rigdon b. Oct. 22, 1837, m. Lucy Ann Allred May 13, 1860. Married Matilda Stewart. Only child: Matilda S. b. May 12, 1853, m. John Robinson Dec. 11, 1871. ALLRED, WILLIAM MORE (son of Isaac Allred and Mary Calvert). Born Dec. 24, 1819, Nashville, Tenn. Married Orissa Angelia Bates Jan. 9, 1842 (daughter of Cyrus and Lydia Bates, former a pioneer Oct. 1, 1851. James Cummings company). She was born Aug. 17, 1823. Their children: William Lansing b. Oct. 18, 1842, m. Sarah A. Wilkes Jan. 23, 1867; Mary Adallne b. Dec. 20. 1844, m. Mo- siah Booth; Byron Harvey b. May 29, 1847, m. Phoebe Irena Cook Oct. 5, 1867; Marvin Adelbert b. Aug. 13, 1849, m Aman- da J. Bird July 17, 1871; Amelia Lorinda b. July 30. 1851; Mal- vin Hilbert b. Oct. 11, 1853; Medwin Newton b. Feb. 20, 1855, m. Maria J. Stock May 31, 1875; Orissa Angelia b. June 16, 1857, m. William C. Wilhelmsen May 31, 1875; Lydia Lavette D Sept. 23, 1859, m. C. A. Merkley May 24 1877; Sfyour Legrand b. April 15, 1862, m. Claudia Stock June 21, 18 Nelson Calvert b. Oct. 5, 1865, m. Sarah Miranda Nelson April 12, 1888; Orson Pratt b. Nov. 29, 1867, m. Sarah Jane "Marked Marth"' Martindale Feb., 1857 (daughter of Will- iam Martindale). Their children: Edgar Martindale b. Feb. 27, 1858, m. Nancy Hunt Nov. 19, 1890; Martha J. b. Nov., 18 Su'ndav school superintendent, St. Charles 24 years, and of Bear" Lake stake three years; high priest Pioneer of Grantsville, Utah, 1856, of St. Charles, Bear Lake Valley, Ida., and of Fairview, Star Valley, Wyo. ALLRED WILLIAM LANSING (son of William More Allred I OrUi'a Ane-elia Bates). Born Oct. 18. 1842. Marred Sa?fh A. Wilkes Jan. 23, 1867. St. Charles, Ida., (daughter of William Wilkes, pioneer 1851, James Cum- 716 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH mings company). Their children: Sarah Ann, m. William Pugmire; William Lansing; John Wilkes; Elizabeth Uzelle, m. William H. Michaelson; Ernest b. June 16, 1877, m. Orissa Rich. Family home St. Charles, Ida. ALLRED, REDDEN ALEXANDER (son of Isaac Allred and Mary Calvert). Born Feb. 21. 1822. Married Julia Bates Dec. 21. 1843. Only ehild: Milford Al- exander b. Feb. 17, 1857, m. Elizabeth Johnson Sept. IB, 1879. ALLRED, MILFORD ALEXANDER (son of Redden Alexan- der Allred and Julia Bates). Born Feb. 17, 1867, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Johnson Sept. 15, 1879, Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Christopher and Marian Johnson of Risor, Norway). She was born Sept. 23, 1856. Their children: Ida May b. Aug. 15, 1880, d. child; Marian Bell b. May 8, 1883, m. William L. Burton; Milford Lasalle b. May 27. 1885, d. in- fant; Ella Maud b. Oct. 16, 1886, m. John G. Stoker; Ethel- win b. Jan. 21, 1889, d. child; Arthur J. b. Sept. 11. 1891; Amos Larue b. Sept. 23, 1893; Milton Russel b. Oct. 4, 1896. Family home Salt Lake City. Miner and fireman in copper mine at Bisbee, Ariz. Died there May 20, 1898. ALLRED, PAULINUS HARVEY (son of Isaac Allred and Mary Calvert). Born Jan. 21, 1829, Farmington, Bedford county, Tenn. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brlgham Young company. Married Melissa Norton (daughter of David and Elizabeth Norton), who was born in Indiana. Their children: James b. Jan. 10, 1849, m. Kate M. Jones; Isaac H. b. Nov. 22, 1850, m. Ursula Mulliner June 4, 1871; Dilbert b. March 25, 1853, m. Orinda Davis; Melissa b. Dec. 14, 1854, m. Chris Peterson; Paullnus Heber b. March 7, 1857. m. Sarah Jacobs; Orissa b. Nov. 9, 1858, m. Ed. Smith; Alma H. b. March 31, 1861, m. Luella Angel; Joseph H. b. June 6, 1863, d. child. Family home Lehi, Utah. Colonel Nauvoo Legion; seventy; assisted in bringing Im- migrants to Utah. ALLRED, ISAAC H. (son of Paulinus Harvey and Melissa Norton Allred). He was born Nov. 22, 1850, Cottonwood, Salt Lake county, Utah. Married Ursula Mulliner June 4, 1871, Lehi, Utah (daugh- ter of Samuel Mulliner, pioneer 1850, and Mary Richardson). She was born Nov. 26, 1854, Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Paulinus Harvey b. Jan. 17, 1874, m. Salome M. Kunz Aug. 23, 1905; Joseph S. b. June 1, 1878, m. Mary J. Dayley Feb. 26, 1906; Mary U. b. Feb. 12, 1880, m. Ed. Parsons June 10, 1904; Sterling H. b. Oct. 3, 1882, d. Dec. 29, 1911; Lillian A. b. Oct. 1. 1885, m. Robert Stone Jan. 28, 1904; Fannie O. b. Oct. 6, 1888, m. Herbert Adams Jan. 9, 1912; lona Rose b. March 17, 1891, m. Robert Manning July 24, 1907. High priest; member first bishopric of Riverside, Bing- ham county, Ida. Lieutenant of scouts during early Indian troubles. ALLRED, JAMES. Came to Utah 1851. Married Elizabeth Warren, who died 1880. Their chil- dren: William Hockley; Morton; Isaac; Lafayette; Reuben Warren, m. Lucy Ann Butler; James Tillman Sanford, m. Paulina Allred; Andrew Jackson, m. Eliza Ivey and Martina Anderson; Hannah; Elizabeth; Nancy; Wiley Payne, m. Sarah Zabriskie, m. Elizabeth Ann Davis, m. Johannah Olsen, m. Caroline Andrea Frederickson. Farmer. Died 1876 Spring City, Utah. ALLRED, REUBEN WARREN, (son of James Allred and Elizabeth Warren). Born Nov. 18, 1815, Bedford county, Tenn. Came to Utah 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Lucy Ann Butler, who was born Aug. 6, 1814, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Nancy Cynthia b. Jan. 20, 1840, m. Joseph S. Black; Thomas Butler b. March 17, 1841, m. Catherine Ann Clay Sept. 26, 1870; Anna Caroline; Lucy Ann, m. Sidney R. Allred; Reuben Warren, m. Clara A. Robinson Dec., 1870; Drucilla E., m. Louis P. Lund; Ephraim L., m. Harriet M. Bronson; Eliza Elvira, m. Reddick R. Allred; John L., m. Sarah Elvira Bardick. Fam- ily home Spring City, Utah. ALLRED, THOMAS BUTLER (son of Reuben Warren All- red and Lucy Ann Butler). Born March 17, 1841. Came to Utah with parents. Married Frances Ann Fretwell Feb. 22, 1864. She died Aug. 15, 1866. Only child: Thomas Butler. Married Catherine A. Clay Sept. 26, 1870. Their children: Kenion Berley b. June 20, 1871, m. Anna E. Hess April 19, 1906; Joseph b. March 3, 1874; Reuben Warren b. Oct. 9, 1875; Martha Catherine b. May 17, 1878, m. Miles Gruner Feb. 22, 1899; Lucy Emmeline b. Aug. 6, 1880, m. William T. Stapley, Feb. 22, 1912; Cynthia Butler b. Nov. 9, 1882; John Ephraim b. Oct. 10, 1884; Clay b. Oct. 7, 1887. Family resided Spring City, Deseret and Hinckley. Utah. Married Hannah Stoddard Barney Dec. 25, 1879. Their children: Angus; Alpin L.; Lloyd. Family home Deseret, Utah. Ward teacher 45 years; seventy. Minute man in early Indian troubles. Made three trips across plains for immi- grants. Member city council of Spring City. Worked on Manti temple. Indian war veteran. Died Nov. 27, 1910, Salt Lake City. ALLRED, WILEY PAYNE (son of James Allred and Eliza- beth Warren). Born May 31, .1818, Farmington, Bedford county, Tenn. Came to Utah 1851. Married Sarah Zabriskie June 26, 1836 (daughter of Henry Zabriskie and Ellen Galpin, of Eugene county, Ind. pioneers 1851). She was born Oct. 8, 1814, Eugene county, Ind., died May 22. 1851, while en route to Utah. Their children: James Henry b. June 17, 1837; Parley Pratt b. July 8, 1839, m. Caro- line Anderson; Elizabeth Hannah b. Sept. 27, 1843, m. San- ford Holman; Wiley Payne b. Jan. 19, 1847, m. Emma An- derson; Sarah Eleanor b. June 10, 1850. Family resided Provo and Fountain Green, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Davis July 2, 1851. She was born July 15, 1815. Their child: Mary Eliza b. July 31, 1852, m. Andrew Anderson. Family home Fountain Green, Utah. Married Johannah Olsen Oct. 28, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Olsen of Hydleberg, Sweden). She was born Nov. 10, 1835. and came to Utah 1863. Their children: William Alma b. July 28, 1864, m. Nancy Miles; Hulda Des- eret b. March 10, 1866, m. Joseph Nielson; Martin b. June 11, 1868, m. Susan Jane Barney; Isaac b. Sept. 7, 1870. m. Johannah Christina Christensen; Reuben, m. April 28, 1874, died; Lena b. Dec. 15, 1875, died; John Taylor b. Nov. 31, 1879. Family home Spring City and Emery, Utah. Married Caroline Andrea Frederickson July 31, 1871, Salt Lake City. She was born Nov. 18, 1841; died Nov. 8, 1873, Fountain Creek, Utah. High priest; bishop in Sevier county 1853. Settled at Provo, moved to San Pete county and from there to Emery. Indian war veteran. Stone cutter. Died March 28, 1912, Emery, Utah. ALLRED, ISAAC (son of Wiley Payne Allred and Johannah Olsen). He was born Sept. 7, 1870, Fountain Green, Utah. Married Johannah Christina Christensen March 20, 1889, Manti, Utah (daughter of Casper Christensen, born Sept. 5, 1837, Hjorring, Denmark, and Maren Lund, born Aug. 1, 1842, Lyngby Sogn, Denmark. They came to Utah 1S75 and located at Spring City). She was born Nov. 22, 1868. Their children: Isaac Marion b. May 16, 1892, d. Oct. 3, 1893; Mary Johannah b. June 25, 1894, m. Edward Lynn Peacock June 26, 1912; Reuben Merrill b. March 12, 1897; Harvey b. June 17, 1900; Senie Theora b. Feb. 21, 1903; James Casper b. Jan. 22, 1906, d. May 18, 1907. Howard W. P. b. July 26, 1908, d. Aug. 8, 1908; Glendon Ludene b. Sept. 14, 1911. Family home Emery, Utah. Member 149th quorum seventies; missionary to North- western states 1907-09; presided over elders' quorum; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher fifteen years; member stake high council. President Emery Canal & Reservoir Co.; member Emery city council; health officer; member advisory board Emery Stockraisers' association. Farmer. ALLRED, JOHN JONES (son of William Allred and Sarah Ann Warren of Bedford county, Tenn.). Born Sept. 1, 1821, Bedford county, Tenn. Came to Utah Aug. 16, 1861, David H. Cannon company. Married Jane Hoops Sept. 4, 1845, who was born Aug. 26, 1827. Their children: Sarah Eliza b. Jan. 16, 1848, m. Harden Whitlock 1863; Rebecca Jane b. Dec. 14, 1849, m. Oliver De Mills, 1863; Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 10, 1851. Family home Platte county, Mo. Married Mary Young Bridgman Sept. 22, 1852, Smithville, Clay county, Mo. (daughter of Robert Bridgman and Polly Davis of Clay county, Mo., pioneers Sept. 1850, Aaron John- son company). She was born March 10, 1837. Their chil- dren: Alice Virginia b. April 27, 1854, m. Oliver D. Gifford: John Newton b. June 28, 1856, m. Anna B. Campbell; Henry Lafayette b. Jan. 20, 1858, d. Feb. 26, 1866; James H. b. Sept. 22, 1859, d. Feb. 19, 1861; Charles Albert b. Feb. 16, 1861, d. Sept. 6, 1861; Orson Hyde b. May 22, 1863, d. June 10, 1865; Joseph Parley b. Dec. 26, 1864, m. Rozina Brown; Anson L. b. May 6, 1866, d. Aug. 1866; Edward W. b. Oct. 25, 1868, m. Alvreen Lemons; Clara R. b. May 19, 1870, m. James William Adams; Evinda L. b. May 4. 1872, m. Cor- nelius Workman; Florence O. b. Feb. 13, 1874, m. Moses M. Emmett; Mary Emma b. May 2, 1875, m. Robert D. Jolley; Angnettie b. Aug. 19, 1876, m. Franklin Asay; Willard B. b. Feb. 10, 1878, m. Mary M. Zeller; Polly A. b. March 2, 1880, m. Ira W. Lynn. Family home Washington county, Utah. High priest. Died March 16, 1898. ALLRED, JOSEPH PARLEY (son of John Jones Allred and Mary Young Bridgman). Born, Dec. 26, 1864, Shunesburg, Washington county, Utah. Married Rozina Brown June 13, 1888, St. George, Utah (daughter of Robert H. Brown and Eunice Pectol of Spring- dale, Washington county, Utah, former a pioneer, 1851, latter, 1850). She was born June 17, 1868. Their children: Joseph Parley b. June 15, 1889; Eunice Sarah b. Aug. 8, 1891; John Alvin b. Dec. 6, 1893; Mary Melissa b. May 28. 1896; Berneta Rozina b. June 21, 1899; Ervin b. Nov. 7, 1901; Chastie Emerir.e b. Oct. 8, 1904. Family home Order- ville, Kane county, Utah. ALLRED, SILAS LAFAYETTE (son of Lafayette Allred and Marinda M. Knapp). Born at Council Bluffs, 1848. Came to Utah, in 1851, Isaac Allred company. Married Sarah Louisa Turner in 1871 at Provo, Utah (daughter of John Wesley Turner and Sarah Fawcett, pioneers 1847). She was born in 1854. Their children: Nellie PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 717 B. m. Chas. W. Tenney; Eugene Scott m. Retta Bowlden; Edna L. m. Ray Packard; John Frank m. Margaret Wood; Charles Henry m. Coset Brown; Fawn m. Francis J. Head- quist; Lillian; Bessie m. J. Francis Jones; William m. Ethel Reed; Dott; Zella; Sadie. Family home Bellevue, Blaine county, Idaho. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser. ALLRED, EUGENE SCOTT (son of Silas Lafayette Allred and Sarah Louisa Turner). Born Oct. 27, 1875, Provo, Utah. Married Retta Bowlden June 1, 1896, Springville, Utah (daughter of Jas. Bowlden of London, Eng., and Ophelia Leona Avery of Springville, Utah). She was born Dec. 8, 1876. Their children: Leone b. Oct. 27, 1897, d. infant; Clarence Eugene b. May 21, 1899; Silas Earl b. March 19, 1901; Harold b. Oct. 3, 1902; Howard b. March 17, 1906; Ralph b. Oct. 5, 1908. Elder, presiding at Cove Branch, Blaine county, Oneida, and Bellevue, Idaho; superintendent of Sunday school. Early settler in Idaho. Farmer and stock-raiser. ALL.SOP, JOHN (son of Ira Allsop and Lucretta Winn of Manchester, Eng.). Born Sept. 20, 1823, Nottingham, Eng.; came to Utah Oct., 1854. Married Mary E. Wood Sept. 12, 1854, Rawlins, Wyo. (daughter of Joseph Wood). She was born Jan. 20, 1836, on Isle of Man, Eng. Their children: John Ira b. July 2, 1855, m, Mary E. Tanner; Susannah m. W. C. Ormond; Charles m. Rose Rawsell; Thomas m. Sylvia Pert; Alice m. Palmer Calkins; Elizabeth m. George Hamp; Joseph m. Louisa Egbert; Reuben m. Annie Olsen. Family home Richmond, Utah. Married Annah Eskelson March 17, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nels Eskelson). She was born in Denmark. Their children: Sarah b. March 17, 1869, m. Edward Thomp- son March 18, 1883; Josephine b. July 12, 1870, m. William Frish Sept. 1, 1888; Ezra b. March 12, 1873; George b. Nov. 20, 1875, d. Oct. 26, 1876. ALLSOP, JOHN IRA (son of John Allsop and Mary E. Wood). Born July 2, 1855. Married Mary E. Tanner May 8, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Tanner and Martha Craner of Tooele, Utah, who came to Utah with a handcart company). She was born Nov. 5, 1862. Their children: John b. April 12, 1880, d. Jan. 8, 1889; Evelyn b. June 26, 1883, m. Kepler Sessions Nov. 11, 1903; George b. Feb. 15, 1885, m. Eliza Christenson Oct. 4, 1906; Elizabeth b. Feb. 13, 1887, m. Denzil Poulsen Feb. 28, 1906; William b. Jan. 30, 1889; Alma b. Jan. 30, 1892; Louisa b. Jan. 16, 1894; Chloe b. June 13, 1896, m. John B. Goldsberry, Jan. 30, 1913; Albert b. March 26, 1901. Family resided Richmond, Utah, and Gentile Valley, Idaho; for the past 18 years, Grace, Idaho. ALSTON, JOSEPH. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1848, Willard Richards and Amasa M. Lyman's last division of 300 wagons. Married Margaret Hall of Blackburn, Lancastershire, Eng., who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Jane, m. David Ingersoll; Annie, m. Frank Edwards; Susan- nah A. b. July 23, 1856, m. James T. Chamberlain July 23, 1882; Joseph, Jr., m. Louisa Grant; Margaret Alice b. April 16, 1863 (d. Jan. 30, 1888), m. Alfred Joseph Broderick Dec. 31, 1880; Lydia. Family home American Fork, Utah. Farmer. Died at American Fork. AI/VORD, THADDEUS. Born Oct. 28, 1781. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1849. Married Martha Bromley January, 1801. Seven children were born to them. Married Sally Wellington. Only child: Charlotte, died. Married Sally Briggs 1829. Six children were born to them. ALVORD, JOSEPH B. (son of Thaddeus Alvord). Born Dec. 4, 1830, Waterford, Oakland county, Mich.). Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1849. Married Lenora Berrett. Only child: Lenora. Married Sarah E. Mower Nov. 15, 1880. Four children were born to them, among; whom was Joseph B., who married Bertha Heldberg. Settled at North Ogden 1851, and took an active part In the developing of the country, in irrigation and educational lines. Died Jan. 9, 1907, West Weber, Utah. ALVORD, JOSEPH B. (son of Joseph B. Alvord and Sarah E. Mower). Born Aug-. 20, 1883, West Weber, Utah. Married Bertha Heldberg March 18, 1907, Salt Lake City. Their children: Joseph Byron and Oscar Hilden. Family home. West Weber. Missionary to Netherlands two years. Farmer. AMES, IRA (son of Ichamer Ames of Bennington county, Vt ). Born Sept. 22, 1804, in Bennington county, Vt. Came to Utah fall of 1851. Married Charity Carter Dec. 6, 1826, at Benson, Vt. (daughter of Jabez Carter of Benson). She was born Feb. 26, 1807, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Clarissa b. Dec. 16, 1827, m. Philip Pugsley Aug., 1866; Rebecca b. 1830, m. Isaiah Huntsman Jan. 16, 1849; Clark; Ira; Daniel d. infant. The family home was Wellsville, Cache Valley, Utah. Member Wellsville quorum seventies. Shoemaker, tanner, flourmiller, merchant and farmer. Died Jan. 16, 1869, Wellsville, Utah. ANDERSEN, ANDERS NIELSEN (son of Niels Andersen of Lystrup and Anne Christoffersen of Hyllede, Presto amt Denmark). Born Oct. 31, 1812. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock company. Married Cathrine Sophia Pedersen (daughter of Peder Pedersen and Kjersten Nielsen Hansen), who was born March 27, 1827. Their children: Annie Chrestina b Nov. 13, 1852. m. Peter Johnson May 9, 1868; Jonathan Nielsen b. Dec. 13, 1865, m. Ellen M. Tingey Nov. 19, 1885. Married Mette Christena Nielsen Oct. 12, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Pedersen and Annie Rasmussen, who came to Utah Aug. 20, 1883). She was born Dec. 19, 1838, Denmark. Families lived at Brigham City, Utah. Was a pioneer road builder of Box Elder county. Died Jan. 20, 1899. ANDERSEN, JONATHAN NIELSEN (son of Anders Nielsen Andersen and Cathrine S. Pedersen). Born Dec. 13, 1865, Brigham City, Utah. Married Ellen M. Tingey Nov. 19, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of Henry Tingey and Maria Page). She was born July 14, 1866, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Jonathan W. b. Nov. 3, 1887; Ernest Luther b. Jan. 18, 1889; Joseph Lester b. July 27, 1890; James Earl b. Jan. 18, 1892; Ellen Myrtle b. March 2, 1895; David Oswald b. Dec. 3, 1896; Alonzo b. Sept. 17, 1899; Cora Maria b. Feb. 23, 1902; Cath- rine Lucretia b. Aug. 14, 1903; Amelia Lavern b. March 8, 1912. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Ward teacher 1S82-1912; president Elders Quorum, mem- ber religion class board; asst. Sunday school supt.; seventy; high priest. ANDERSEN, ANDREW (son of Jens Andersen of Den- mark). Born 1814, Hvisted, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1859, Robert F. Neslen company. Married Mary Ann Jespersen in Denmark (daughter of Niels Jespersen of Denmark), who was born 1816. Their children: Jens b. Jan., 1834, m. Christiana Nielsen; Niels Peter b. Sept. 16, 1836, m. Karen Christina Christensen; Kjirsten Marie b. 1838, m. F. J. Christensen; Andreas b. Sept. 8, 1840, m. Elsie ; Mary Johanna b. 1842, died; Christian b. June 15, 1844, m. Martha Heap; John b. 1846, died; Louis C. b. May 24, 1849, m. Lena Bertelsen; Jens An- tone, died; Jens Christian Antone, d. 1855. Family home Monroe, Utah. High priest. Early settler Spring City, moved to the Muddy 1865, and to Monroe in 1871. Farmer (deceased). ANDERSEN, LOUIS CHRISTIAN (son of Andrew Andersen and Mary Ann Jespersen). Born May 24, 1849, Denmark. Came to Utah 1859 with parents. Married Lena Bertelsen June 17, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Bertel Hansen and Bergette Jensen; latter came to Utah 1868). She was born July 24, 1866, in Den- mark. Their children: Louis b. May 15, 1873; Caroline b. May 7, 1876, m. Jacob Barney; Mary b. April 17, 1879, m. Thomas Barney; Nora b. Feb. 25, 1882, m. Christian Nielsen; Andrew b. Nov. 12, 1884, d. 1890; Orvel b. Sept. 9, 1887, m. Rose Sorenson; Agnes b. March 2, 1890, m. Christian Soren- son; June Monroe b. May 14, 1893; Audrey b. April 9, 1896. Family home Monroe, Utah. Pioneer Sanpete and Sevier counties; helped colonize the Muddy. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser. Died July 13, 1912, Monroe, Utah. ANDERSEN, CHRISTEN (son of Andrew Andersen of Svenstrup, Soro amt, Denmark). Born Feb. 18, 1796, Copen- hagen, Denmark. Came to Utah 1862. Married Katherine Jensen 1829, Svenstrup, Denmark (daughter of Jens Jensen of Svenstrup, pioneer 1862). She was born 1805. Their children: Andrew b. Nov. 19, 1830, m. Nellie Widenberg Sept., 1860; Jens; Christian; Ingerborg; Dorthea. Family home Svenstrup, Denmark. Member 67th quorum seventies; high priest; missionary. ANDERSEN, GEORGE (son of Sern and Maria Andersen of Lystrup, Presto amt, Sjelland, Denmark). Born Nov. 14, (daughter of David cn b Sept. 23, 1861, m. Annie Hogan 1887; Caroline F b. Oct. 31, 1863; Mary Ann b. Dec. 11, 1865 m. David Beach June ,13, 1886; Phoebe b. March 5, 1868, m. Joseph Allen Dec. 9, 1885 Sarah Alice b. Jan. 10, 1870, m. Charles C. Harris April 14. 1886. Family home Richmond, Utah. Married Elva Armina Carson Nov. 11, 1872, Si (daughter of George Carson, pioneer 1851, and Elva Raw- lins Oct 10, 1848, Amasa Lyman company married July 3 1" 1853) She was born June 25 1854 Draper Sa "Lake county, Utah. Their children: William b. June 13, 1873 m. Rachel R. Knapp Sept. 23, 1896: Elva Ann b June 27 1875; Toseoh Henry b. April 12, 1878; James Alvln b. April 20, 1880, m. May Webb April 24, 1900; George Andrew b. Augr. 718 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 29, 1882, m. Lorena Fisher Nov. 7, 1907; Minnetta b. Jan. 12, 1885, m. Ray A, Lewis Aug. 17, 1910; Millie Jennett, b. April 8, 1887; Nellie Armina b. July 26, 1889; Leroy Carson b. Oct. 23, 1891; Florence Elizabeth b. April 16, 1894; John Albert b. Aug. 9, 1896. Family home Richmond, Utah. Settled in Richmond 1860. Seventy. Farmer and stock- raiser. ANDERSEN, WILLIAM (son of George Andersen and Elva Armina Carson). Born June 13, 1873, Richmond, Utah. Married Rachel Rozina Knapp Sept. 23, 1896, Logan, Utah (daughter of Silas Knapp and Harriet B. Skidmore), who was born Aug. 16, 1875, Richmond, Utah. Their children: Silas William b. Feb. 28, 1902; George Henry b. Feb. 15, 1904. ANDERSEN, JAMES MICHAEL, (son of Anders Andersen, born Nov. 24, 1815, and Christene Rasmussen, born Sept. 24, 1817, both in Sjelle, Aarhuus amt, Denmark). He was born Jan. 1, 1855, in Aarhuus amt. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, with his elder brother, Rasmus, in the Peter Nebeker com- pany, being then eleven years old. Married Maria White July 21, 1874 (daughter of John S. White, pioneer July 29, 1847, with part of Mormon Battalion, and Adelaide Everett, pioneer Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company married April 5, 1849, Salt Lake City). She was born June 9, 1857, in Farmington, Utah. Their children: John M. m. March 16, 1876, m. Mary Marler June 26, 1899; James H. b. Aug. 19, 1879, m. Laverna Call July 18, 1900; Florence Marie b. June 1, 1881, m. Loran Marler Oct. 11, 1900; Everett b. March 28, 1883, d. Nov. 19, 1884; Effle b. Nov. 29, 1885, m. Wm. A. Bowman Dec. 20, 1905; Laura b. Jan. 25, 1888, m. Joseph Watkins Dec. 20, 1911; Lillian b. Feb. 1, 1892; Emery H. b. July 28, 1894; Bracy b. Oct. 10, 1898, d. Jan. 6, 1899 Married Susan E. Stephenson Nov. 23, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Francis Marion Stephenson, pioneer 1850, Milo Andrus company, and Sarah Ann Bright, pioneer Oct. 29, 1852, Isaac Stewart company married Jan. 13, 1864, Rich- mond, Utah). She was born July 27, 1865, Richmond, Utah. Their children: George Francis b. March 16, 1894; Barbara b. Oct. 6, 1907. Families resided in Lewiston, Cache county, Utah. Engaged in freighting to various parts of Utah and Idaho; moved to Lewiston 1874; school trustee. President 39th quorum seventies; missionary to Southern states, and barely escaped with his life several times from unreason- ing mobs; high priest in Lewiston second ward. ANDERSEN, JORGEN CHRISTIAN (son of Anders O. Jor- gensen and Karen Larsen, of Bromme, Soro amt, Sjelland, Denmark). Born Sept. 25, 1807, Nortrup, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1858, Rosel Kind Homer company. Married Anne Petersen 1830, Bromme, Denmark. Their children: Karen b. Feb. 4, 1831, m. Niels Chriestensen 1853; Andrew b. Sept. 18, 1833, m. Catherine Sophia Sorensen; Niels Otto b. March 27, 1835, m. Hedevi Mary Jensen. Married Karen Andersen January, 1856, Bromme, Denmark. Their children: Mary b. Jan., 1856, m. Henry Sorensen; John Christian m. Mary Jane Hvrse; Niels Peter m. Ellen McKinley; Anne Caroline b. Nov., 1865, m. Hyrum Hansen. Family home Teton, Idaho. Became a member of the 57th quorum seventies In Dec., 1858. Carpenter. Died Oct. 3, 1866, Mendon, Utah. ANDERSEN, ANDREW (son of Jorgen Christian Andersen and Anne Petersen). Born Sept. 18, 1833, Bromme, Den- mark. Came to Utah in 1858. Married Catherine Sophia Sorensen Nov. 14, 1857, Copen- hagen, Denmark (daughter of Necolol Sorensen and Malinda Olsen, pioneers with R. K. Homer company). She was born May 7, 1831. Only child: Lydia b. Oct. 4, 1858, m. George L. Farrell. Settled at Mendon, Utah, 1859. Married Sophia Larsen Nov. 13, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Magnus and Mary Larsen, both of Mendon, Utah, pioneers 1862). She was born Feb. 7, 1853, Denmark. Their children: Catherine Sophia b. April 21, 1873, m. Francis C. Andersen; Andrew Otto b. May 10, 1875, m. Retta Hansen; John Christian b. May 22, 1877, m. Sine Sorensen; Lars Magnus b. Sept. 3, 1879; Ezra Taft b. March 3, 1882; Mary Caroline b. Jan. 14, 1885; George Linel b. Feb. 22, 1887, m. Efizabeth Tholton; William b. July 31, 1889, d. Aug. 1, 1889; Anne Amelia b. Jan. 17, 1891, m. Bruse Pitt; Henry Waldemar b. Jan. 4, 1894. Family home Mendon, Utah. Member of 57th quorum seventies; first counselor to Bishop Henry Hughes for 14 years; president high priests quorum Hyrum stake ten years. Carpenter. ANDERSEN, PETER (son of Anders Nielsen and Inger Jacobsen of Gabsfluss, Aulum Sogn, Jutland, Denmark). Born Sept. 18, 1834, in Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, John F. Sanders company. Married Larssina Thingsgard Nov. 1, 1856, Denmark (daughter of Niels Thingsgard of Holstebro, Ringkjobing amt, Denmark, pioneer 1863, Capt. Sanders company). She was born Sept. 14, 1830. Their children: Neils Andreas b. Aug. 1, 1857, d. Aug. 2, 1857; Carsten Emill Moller b. Sept. 9. 1858, d. Sept. 15, 1858; Carsten Emill Moller Joseph b. Oct. 4, 1859. d. Oct. 8, 1859; Hans Christian Marlus b. July 8, 1860, d. Oct. 4, 1863; Niels Andreas b. July 2, 1861, d. Aug., 1861; Juliana Emilia b. Oct. 16, 1866, m. Albert West; Nephi b. Sept. 7, 1869; Inger b. March 8, 1871, m. Lars Jespersen; Rozina Matilda b. April 10, 1873, d. 1875. Family resided Salt Lake and Huntsville, Utah. Married Carolina Jensen Nov. 4, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Davidsen), who was born Sept. 30, 1843, Gemsing sogn, Denmark. Their children: Peter Albert b. Dec. 29, 1869. m. Jane Langlois; Ande.s b. Feb. 21, 1871, m. Elizabeth Margaret Sorenson; Emanalina b. May 20, 1873, m. Wm. Engstrom; Mary b. Feb. 28, 1878, m. Charles Carsten- sen; John b. July 30, 1880; Dorthea b. July 8, 1882, m. John Stalling; Anna Malena b. Sept. 19, 1884. Married Birte Crestina Thommasen. Their children: Josephine b. April, 1881, m. Sofus Mollerup; Rozina Matilda b. Sept. 20, 1883, m. Gustaf Peterson; Anna Margaret b. March 1, 1885, m. Julius White; Johanna b. July 1, 1887, m. Erll Stayly; Niels Albert b. April 8, 1888; Thomas Julius b. Dec. 8, 1890; Peter Marinus b. Sept. 27, 1892, m. Liza Dick- erson; Hans Lawrence, b. April 8, 1894; Birte b. June 11, 1896. Ordained a seventy March 27, 1867, and a high priest March 28, 1908. ANDERSON, ANDERS (son of Andrew Anderson, born 1790, and Katrine Larsen Andersen, born 1800, both in Hwstlen, Solburga, Sweden). He was born April 25. 1826, in Solburga, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1863, with John F. Sanders company. Married Anna Jacobson 1854 (daughter of Jacob Swenson, a pioneer 1863, John F. Sanders company, and Cassie Erick- son). Only child: Annie Louise b. Oct. 6, 1863, m. Freeman Malin Aug. 1, 1888. ANDERSON, ANDREAS (son of Andreas Anderson, born 1768, and Maria Larson, born 1777, both of Sweden). He was born March 26, 1817, in Sweden. Came to Utah 1860, with the Verderburg company. Married Stena Caisa Nelson (daughter of Andreas Nelson and Sarah Swenson), who was born Nov. 20, 1820, and came to Utah with husband. Only child: Andreas John b. April 26, 1851, m. Malissa Isabel Judd, Jan. 19, 1873. ANDERSON, ANDREAS JOHN (son of Andreas Anderson and Stena Caisa Nelson). Born April 26, 1851, and came from railroad terminal, Omaha, to Utah 1860, with Inde- pendent oxteam company. Married Malissa Isabel Judd Jan. 19, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of William R. Judd and Isabel Norton married March 23, 1854, S. L. City). She was born Jan. 17, 1855, Lehl, Utah. Their children: Stena May b. April 23, 1874, m. Joseph Frederickson; Teresa Bell b. Nov. 11, 1875, m. Frank L. Clark; John Rlley b. March 31, 1877, m. Elizabeth Martin- dale; Andreas Judd b. Nov. 25, 1878, m. Evelyn Erickson; Sarah Edna b. Nov. 7, 1880; Frankie Vilate b. July 28, 1882; Hazel Bell b. March 24, 1884, m. John R. Gibson; Wanda b. Feb. 6, 1886; Wilma Gay b. Oct. 24, 1887, m. Lawrence Gillet; Nellie Lial b. Dec. 5, 1888; Norton Wallace b. Aug. 4, 1891; Walter Scott b. May 15, 1895; Genevieve b. Aug. 31, 1898. Settled in Grantsville 1860, and is serving his third term as city councilman, bending every effort to keep that town abreast with modern progress. Farmer and stockraiser. ANDERSON, ANDREW (son o. Anders Johanson, born June 29, 1796, Skogardshus Gnarp, Sweden, and Hannah Larson, born Feb. 9, 1792, Almannlngshus, Sweden both of Hicke- berg, Sweden). He was born March 29, 1823, Skogardshus Gnarp, Sweden. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1859, James S. Brown company. Married Anna Christina Olson May, 1844, Hickeberg, Mal- mohus, Sweden (daughter of Ola Olson and Christina Skon- strom). She was born May 22, 1822, and came to Utah 1859 with husband. Their children: Christian b. Dec. 18, 1845; Swap b. May 18, 1847, m. Mary Christensen 1873; Lewis b. Oct. 24, 1850, m. Mary A. Crowther Nov. 14, 1870; Andrew b. Sept. 13, 1854, m. Diantha Christensen Jan. 25. 1875; Han- nah b. April 13, 1858; Erastus W. b. May 9, 1859, m. Annie E. Bogh Sept. 2, 1880; Joseph b. Sept. 7, 1862, m. Olive Tay- lor April 17, 1890; Brigham b. Dec. 5, 1863; Anna C. b. May 22, 1866, m. Ole Sorensen Jr. 1885. Married Martha Olson June 13, 1867, Salt Lake City. She was born April 4. 1843, in Sweden. Their children: Mary A. b. March 23, 1868, m. Wiley P. Allred; Martha C. b. Jan. 10, 1870; Hannah J. b. Jan. 11, 1872, m. J. Oscar Robertson March 5, 1890; Andrew H. b. April 29, 1875, m. Ada M. Carter Oct. 21, 1903; James O. b. June 19. 1878; Alexander b. June 20, 1883; Ida Pernilla b. Aug. 4, 1885, m. Hyrum V. Jorgason Nov. 8, 1905. Married Mary Eliza Allred Aug. 1, 1870. Salt Lake City (only daughter of Wiley Payne Allred and Elizabeth Ann Davis). She was born July 31. 1852, Provo, Utah. Their children: Wiley P. b. June 1, 1872; Mary E. b. Jan. 29, 1874; Andrew P. b. Jan. 14, 1876; Elizabeth A. b. April 23, 1878; George E. b. Sept. 8, 1880; James S. b. Dec. 19, 1882; Edna L. b. March 26, 1885; Wilson W. b. Jan. 17, 1887. Families resided Moroni and Fountain Green, Utah. Pioneer to Moroni, Utah. Indian war veteran. Merchant and farmer. ANDERSON, LEWIS (son of Andrew Anderson and Anna C. Olson). He was born Oct. 24, 1850, Hickeberg, Sweden. Married Mary A. Crowther Nov. 14, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Crowther, pioneer Sept. 10, 1855, Ed- ward Stephenson company, and Sarah Thompson). She PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 719 was born May 7, 1861, Tipton, Salopshire, Eng. Their chil- dren: Lewis Robert b. March 26, 1872, m. Clara Munk Dec. 11, 1895; Thomas Jefferson b. April 4, 1874, m. Eliza Westenskow Jan. 19, 1898; Etta b. Aug. 18, 1880, m. Peter A. Poulson Jan. 6, 1904; Sarah Jane b. Jan. 14, 1883, m. Erastus Westenskow Oct. 9, 1904; Mary Mabel b. March 3, 1887, m. George B. Tay- lor Dec. 22, 1909; Joseph Franklin b. May 17, 1890. Family home Manti, Utah. President South San Pete stake and of Manti temple. Vice-president Mantt City savings bank; president Manti Live Stock Co.; president Anderson-Taylor Co., Salt Lake City. . N E. PHI AMITZBOL (son of Christian Anderson more Ut a h Christiansen). Born Nov. 7, 1881. Fill- Married Dolores Caroline Pyper Oct. 9, 1907, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert A. Pyper and Cordelia Webb of Salt Lake City) She was born Jan. 8, 1881. Their children: Filim^e, Utan" 8 ' EVa MaHe *' ^ 24 ' 19 9 - i BYsnS P Rowberry; missionary to Eng- land 1860-63; high priest. Carpenter and builder; farmer and stockraiser. Died Dec. 16, 1888, Tooele. Utah. ATKIN THOMAS (son of Thomas Atkin and Mary Morley). Born July 771833, Louth. Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah 18 Married Mary Ann Maughan May 20, 1866 (daughter of 726 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Peter Maughan and Ruth Harrison), who was born Jan. 16, 1839. Their children: Thomas M. b. June 7, 1868, m. Shettie Rowberry Sept., 1880; Ruth Eveline b. Nov. 16, 1859, m. John B. Gordon Sept. 10, 1878; Mary Ann b. Dec. 19, 1861, m. Kdward Lougy Sept. 9, 1880; Edith b. Oct. 30, 1864, m. Peter Cleg-gr Jan. 1886; Edward B. b. Oct. 30, 1864, m. Nettie Smith; Peter b. May 3, 1872, died; Willard George b. Aug. 25, 1875, m. Clara Isgreen Nov. 16, 1910; William Franklin b. Jan 14, 1878, m. Annie Maud Tate Dec. 9, 1908. Family home Tooele, Utah. Sunday school supt. Tooele six years; high priest; bishop Tooele ward 24 years; now a patriarch. School trustee; county delegate to Utah state constitutional convention. ATKIN, GEORGE (son of Thomas Atkin and Mary Morley). Born March 12, 1836, Louth, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1849. Marrkd Sarah Matilda Utley May 20. 1856, Tooele, Utah (daughter of John Utley and Elizabeth Rutledge, pioneers 1849, Orson Spencer company). She was born Dec. 25, 1840. Their children: George b. Jan. 3, 1858; Mary E. b. March 3, 1860; Emily b. Nov. 18, 1862; L. John b. July 16, 1864; Alice b. April 4, 1866; Sarah M. b. Sept. 6, 1868; Thomas H. b. Oct. 3. 1870; William T. b. June 8, 1872; Mildred b. Sept. 8, 1S78. Family home Tooele, Utah. Married Emma Johnson. Their children: Rebecca; Effle. Seventy; missionary to England 1876-79; supt. Sunday schools 20 years. Marshal; city counselor. Mercantile man- ager. Died Jan. 2, 1899, Tooele, Utah. p ATKIN, WILLIAM T. (son of George Atkin and Sarah Matilda Utley). Born June 8, 1872, Tooele, Utah. Married Ada E. Foulger Dec. 21, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Herbert J. Foulger and Eliza Hagel, pioneers Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur company). She was born Jan. 14, 1880. Their children; Wm. George b. Dec. 15, 1899; Ruth b. May 29, 1901; Naomi b. May 10, 1903; Mary b. Jan. 7, 1905; Lois b. Aug. 12, 1907. Family home Salt Lake city. High priest; pres. 4th quorum elders; supt. 27th ward Sunday school 9 years, and of Ensign Stake Sunday schools. Sales manager Colorado Fuel and Iron company 15 years; manager National Real Estate and Investment company. ATKIN, WILLIAM (son of William Atkin and Elizabeth Warren of Empingham, Eng.). Born March 27, 1835, in Em- pingham. Came to Utah Nov. 10, 1859, George Rowley hand- cart company. Married Rachael Thompson Dec. 18, 1854, Empingham, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Thompson and Bridget Ann Phil- lips, both born at Ballymote, County Sligo, Ireland, and lived at Baridan, Eng.). She was born 1837. Their children: Esther Ann. d. 1868; William; Rachael Violet, m. Swen O. Nielson; Joseph Thompson; Henry Thomas; John Peter; George Albert; Heber Charles; Mary; Hyrum; Nettie; Enoch, d. infant. Alternate high councilor in St. George stake and temple worker. City marshal at St. George. Died May 22, 1890. St. George. ATKINSON, JAMES WILLIAM (son of William Plummer Atkinson and Rebecca Clipson of Whlttlesey, Eng.). Bom Jan. 3, 1811. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Horton D Haight oxtrain, a division of Amasa M. Lyman company. Married Louisa Crunkhorn Sept. 2, 1846, Newington, London, Eng. (daughter of John Crunkhorn and Mary Mitchell of Standground, Northamptonshire). She was born June 9, 1821. Their children: James William b. July 26, 1848, m. Mary Handy: Frederick Henry b. Nov. 10, 1851, m. Matilda Adelaide Sperry; Rosa Louisa b. June 23, 1854, m. James J. Call; Jessie Ann b. July 13, 1856, m. James Patton; Fanny Eliza b. Aug. 2, 1862, d. July 27, 1863. Family resided Salt Lake City and Smithfleld, Utah, Weston and Franklin, Idaho. ATKINSON, FREDERICK HENRY (son of James William Atkinson and Louisa Crunkhorn). Born Nov. 10, 1851. Came to Utah 1863. Married Matilda Adelaide Sperry Jan. 1, 1874, Clifton, Idaho (daughter of John C. Sperry and Matilda Van Luven of Clifton, Idaho). She was born Feb. 18, 1856. Their children: Frederick Henry b. Nov. 28, 1874, m. Amy Gertrude Hendricks; William Charles b. Sept. 1, 1876, d. Nov. 19, 1888; James Alvin b. April 11, 1878, m. Nellie Phillips; John Richard b. Dec. 31, 1880, d. May 9, 1881; Samuel Hyrum b. Feb. 13, 1882, m. Mattie Phillips; Dora Matilda b. Feb. 12. 1884 d. Feb. 23, 1901; Nora Ann b. Dec. 4, 1885; Frank Walter b. May 4, 1890; Earl Joseph b. May 29. 1894; May Alzina b. June 18, 1896; Pearl Eva b. Feb. 6, 1899. Family home Dayton, Idaho. Died Sept. 21, 1901. ATKINSON, FREDERICK HENRY, Jr. (son of Frederick Henry Atkinson and Matilda Adelaide Sperry). Born Nov. 28, 1874, Clifton, Idaho. Married Amy Gertrude Hendricks Feb. 20, 1901, Logan, Utah (daughter of William S. Hendricks and Margaret M. Rrxney of Richmond, Utah). She was born Sept. 4. 1881. Their children: Fenton Frederick b. Nov. 26, 1901; Reed Hendricks b. Jan. 23. 1904; Margaret b. Feb. 20, 1910. Family home Baker City, Ore. ATKINSON, ALFRED JOHN. Born Dec. 29, 1826, Southwork, Surrey, London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1855, C. A. Harper company. Married Ann Boting April 27, 1848, London, Eng. Their children: Alfred H.; John William, died; Emily Jane; Emily Ann; Joseph Charles, died; Eleanor; Brigham E.; Elizabeth B. ; Miriam A.; Mary M. Settled at Mendon, Cache county; moved to Clarkston, thence to Newton. Farmer and merchant. ATKINSON, ALFRED H. (son of Alfred John Atkinson and Ann Boting). Born Feb. 4, 1849, London, Eng. Came to Utah 1855. Married J. Mathilda Petersen July 10, 1871 (daughter of Johanas Petersen and Anna K. Olsen), who was born Nov. 19, 1852. Their children: Ann Mathilda b. May 13. 1873, m. Lars S. Christensen Nov. 9, 1898; Alfred John b. Dec. 3, 1874, m. Catherine Archibald Sept. 29, 1897; Charles Ezra b. June 30, 1876, m. Ellen Richeson Feb. 24, 1904; Joseph L. b. April 28, 1878, m. Barbara Godfrey Oct. 10, 1906; Lucy A. b. July 25, 1880, m. Isaac Benson Dec. 21, 1898; Clara A. b. July 26, 1882, m. John Larsen Nov., 1901; Lydia E. b. Oct. 7. 1884, m. Harry Camper April 7, 1910; Rose V. b. April 21, 1888, m. Wallace Young Dec. 23, 1910; Heber Delbert b. Jan. 12, 1890, m. Selma Christensen Nov. 15, 1911. Family home Clarkston, Cache county, Utah. Married Ada E. Pack Oct., 1886, Logan (daughter of Samuel Pack and Maria Holten), who was born June 6, 1886, North- ampton, Eng. Their children: Frances Ada b. July 5, 1889, m. Nelse Stender June 1, 1911; Samuel Alfred b. Sept. 19, 1890; William Thomas b. May 29, 1893. Family home Clark- ston, Utah. ATKINSON, WILLIAM (son of Joseph Atkinson and Jane Brown of Sackville, New Brunswick, Can.). Born Sept. 22, 1812, Sackville, St. John, N. B., Can. Came to Utah Sept, 11, 1853, captain in Jesse W. Crosby company. Married Phebe Campbell (daughter of Isaac Campbell and Ann Wry, pioneers Sept. 11, 1853). She was born Oct. 9, 1809, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sariah A. b. Sept. 28, 1834, m. Marriner W. Merrill Nov. 11, 1853; Marriner; Frances E. b. March 11, 1836, m. Ransom Hatch Dec. 18, 1854; Mary J. b. Sept. 23, 1838, m. Edwin Pace May 2, 1855; William N. b. May 2, 1840, m. Selina Knighton Dec. 18, 1861; James I. b. Nov. 28, 1841, m. Hannah P. Brown March 7, 1870; Peter b. 1843, died; John b. 1843; Thomas P. b. July 22. 1844, m. Elizabeth Simmons March 11, 1865; Amos S. b. Nov. 11, 1846, m. Alice Prescott Nov. 23, 1868; Arilla and Aqullla b. 1848, died; Phebe b. Jan. 22, 1849, m. Henry Hales Jan. 15, 1872; Proflnda b. 1851, died; Rhoda b. May 3, 1856. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Sarah A. Tingey Nov. 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Tingey and Ann Young, pioneers 1852). She was born March 1, 1847, Bedfordshire, Eng. Their chil- dren: Henry b. April 10, 1864, m. Mary Ann Prescott Feb. 7, 1884; Olive b. Dec. 6, 1865, m. George H. Muir March 24, 1887; Charles H. b. July 10, 1867, m. Helen M. Ellis March 23, 1892; Mary A. b. June 27, 1869, m. William R. Deppie March 19, 1890; John E. b. July 9, 1871; Charlotte E. b. Feb. 22, 1873, m. Walter Hatch Nov. 9, 1892; Joseph H. b. Dec. 8, 1875, m. Mary J. Hales Dec. 23, 1895; Clara b. March 7, 1879, m. William Argyle Dec. 21, 1899. Missionary to St. John, N. B., Can; first counselor to Bishop John Stoker, Bountiful. Assisted in the erection of many public buildings. ATKINSON. WILLIAM N. (son of William Atkinson and Phebe Campbell). Born May 2, 1840, Sackville, St. John, New Brunswick, Can. Came to Utah 1853. Married Selina Knighton Dec. 18, 1861, at Bountiful (daughter of George Knighton and Catherine Wrigley, lat- ter a pioneer 1864), who was born Dec. 13, 1841, Derbyshire, Eng. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Dec. 17, 1863, m. Stephen C. Hatch Oct. 10, 1881; William Henry b. Sept. 17. 1865, m. Hannah Bennett Nov. 4, 1885; Selina b. Oct. 22, 1867; George N. b. Dec. 3, 1870, m. Linda Duncan Nov., 1890; Mary b. Feb. 19, 1873; Melvina b. March 22, 1876; Melvin b. April 24, 1879, m. Mary A. Sweeten Aug. 25, 1899; Oscar b. Jan. 25, 1882, m. Ann Webb Nov. 4, 1903. Family home South Bountiful, Utah. Assisted immigration to Utah, 1861, with Ira Eldredge company, completing third trip across the plains by oxteam. President Y. M. M. I. A., Bountiful 1890: ward clerk. Assisted In the erection of many public buildings. ATKINSON, JAMES ISAAC (son of William Atkinson and Phebe Campbell). Born Nov. 28, 1841, New Brunswick, Can. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1853. Married Hannah P. Brown March 7, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Brown, pioneer Sept. 19, 1847, and Elizabeth Andrews). She was born April 10, 1853, Bounti- ful, Utah. Their children: Minnie M. b. Aug. 27. 1871, m. Henry Moss Dec. 20, 1893; Elizabeth E. b. April 24, 1873, died Jan. 1, 1874; Hannah C. b. Oct. 7, 1875, m. Stephen L. Moyle Oct. 10, 1896; Dora M. b. Dec. 16, 1877; James L. Jr. b. April 22, 1880, m. Anna M. Rudy Oct. 11. 1900; Myrtle J. b. July 14, 1882, m. Ira R. Rudy April 28, 1904; Lawrence G. b. Sept. 10, 1886, m. Myrtle I. Rudy Nov. 16, 1905; Winnie E. b. March 27, 1892. m. Harold M. Whitecar June 22. 1911; Alice L. b. Aug. 22, 1897. Hauled rock from Granite quarry for building Salt Lake temple 1860-61. Served as lieutenant in Black Hawk war PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 727 in Andrew Bigler company from July 1, 1866, to Sept. 1, 1866; Oct. 9, 1911, joined the Grand Army of the Republic. Member board of directors in Deseret Live Stock Co., Woods Cross, Utah. High councilor Davis stake. Farmer; cattle raiser. ATWOOD, DAN. Born 1788. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, with Wilford Woodruff company. Married Polly Sawyer Jan. 16. 1812, in Connecticut (daugh- ter of Arsel Sawyer), who was born June 12, 1790. Their children: Warren, m. Harriett Baldwin; John, m. Julia Bar- rows; Millen, m. Relief Cram, April 20, 1848; Emily, m. William Branch; Miner Grant, m. Mary D. Guild; Samuel, m. Mary Jane Cornwell; Mary, m. Orville Atwood; Fannie, m. Edson Stohl. Family home Salt Lake City. Teamster; lumberman and builder. ATWOOD, MINER GRANT (son of Dan Atwood and Polly Sawyer). Born March 18, 1823, Mansfield, Conn. Came to Utah 1850. Married Mary D. Guild Oct. 6, 1844, Lisbon, Conn, (daugh- ter of William D. Guild and Hannah Morey of Plainfield, Conn.). She was born March 14, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Isora, m. John A. Knight; Otis M., died; Millen Dan, m. Sarah Wanlass; Jane, m. Harry Burrows; Mary, m. Moroni Preece; Elnora, m. John Robert Shaw; Alice, died. Married Rosina Jennett. Their child: Edgar G. Atwood. Farmer. Died May 10, 1887, Salt Lake City. ATWOOD, MILLEN DAN (son of Miner Grant Atwood and Mary D. Guild). Born May 16, 1853, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Wanlass Oct. 8, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jackson Wanlass and Jane Bell of Cumber- landshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 1852. Oxteam company). Their children: Millen William b. July 4, 1878, m. Jennie Stewart; Francis Dan b. June 12, 1882; Lawrence Miner b. March 4, 1886, m. Cora Warnick; John Leslie b. May 26, 1889, m. Hazel Carlisle; Sarah Delilah b. March 15, 1893; Ardena Jane b. March 5, 1897. Resided at Salt Lake City and Pleasant Grove. First counselor to Bishop C. P. Warnick of Manila ward; high priest and trustee of public schools of Pleasant Grove; marshal. Farmer and stock raiser. ATWOOD. LAWRENCE MINER (son of Millen Dan Atwood and Sarah Wanlass). Born March 4, 1886, Salt Lake City. Married Cora Augusta Warnick Sept. 11, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Warnick and Christina Larson of Pleasant Grove), who was born Sept. 14, 1885. Their chil- dren: Cora Marval b. July 17, 1908; Grant Lawrence b. Aug. 16, 1912. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Missionary to Australia 1909-11; teacher in elders' quo- rum, also Sunday school and Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer; deputy treas. Utah county. ATWOOD, SIMEON (son of Hezekiah Atwood, born 1786, Hawbrook, Berkshire county, Mass., and Chloe Ann Rawley, born 1790, West Stockbridge, Mass.). Born April 12, 1814, Mendon, Monroe county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1862, Capt. James S. Brown company. Married Melissa Turrell Sept. 30, 1834. Pomford, Chautau- qua county, N. Y. (daughter of Doctor C. Turrell). She was born May 24, 1819. Their children: Alonzo T. b. Feb. 19, 1837, m. Mary Barber 1860; William b. Jan. 30, 1839, m. Sara Wade; Walter H. b. Jan. 25, 1841, m. Deidamia Stickney, 1863; Charles B. b. Dec. 14, 1843, m. Louise Brown 1863; Doctor T. b. July 28, 1851, m. Mary Palfreyman; Melissa A. b. Nov. 21, 1853, m. Robert Pixton; George N. b. Sept. 16, 1854. Family home South Cottonwood, Utah. ATWOOD, WALTER HENRY (son of Simeon Atwood and Melissa Turrell). Born Jan. 25, 1841, in Crawford county, Pa. Married Deidamia Stickney March 26, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Clark Stickney and Rachel Cram; for- mer afterward married Elizabeth Steward, and they were pioneers Oct. 16, 1862, Isaac A. Canfield company). She was born Feb. 3, 1846, Peterborough, N. H. Their children: Rachel E. b. June 16, 1864, m. Albert Shaw 1879; Abbie R. b. March 27, 1868, m. William E. Bird 1886; Henry C. b. March 31, 1871, m. Carrie E. Lyons 1893; Edward A. b. Dec. 6, 1873, m. Janie Murphy 1896; Alfred W. b. Aug. 2, 1876, m. Emma Anderson 1898; Lucebia D. b. April 14, 1879, m. William C. Wiechert 1900; Walter S. b. Jan. 2, 1882, m. A. Elizabeth Newman 1907. Family home South Cottonwood, Utah. Married Julia F. Dibble 1865, who was born Feb. 5. 1846. Their children: John F. b. Aug. 12, 1866, m. Vinnie Harmon 1890; Ida A. b. Nov. 1, 1868, m. Fred D. Jaynes 1892. Missionary to eastern states; conducted one of Brigham Young's sawmills in Cottonwood canyon, supplying lumber for the famous Salt Lake Tabernacle. Pioneer dry-farmer and canal builder, brick manufacturer, conducting a large brickyard for years, and said to have made first brick in Utah; lumber and coal merchant. City councilman of Mur- ray; has built a score of houses there to improve that city, investing many thousands of dollars following that purpose. Married Mary Jane Cutcliff February. 1873. Salt Lake City (daughter of George Cutcliff and Elizabeth Jones of ? e iv ( T iiT& En ^ ; ^, at , ter came to utah 1870 >- She was born July 5, 1835, and died June 29, 1908, Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary Jane. m. Lewis Grossen; Louisa, d. 1878. Family home, Pleasant Green. Married Regula Bodiner Nov. 2, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Bodiner of Switzerland) Seventy; missionary to Switzerland and Germany 1896-98- icting teacher Pleasant Green ward; high priest. Farmer AUGER, JABEZ. Born 1833, Saffron Waldron, Essex. Eng. Came to Utah 1866. Married Sarah Ann Cosgrove 1855 (daughter of Matthew Cosgrove and Margaret Dutton), who was born Dec. 14 1831 Their children: Charles b. March 6. 1857; Elizabeth b' Sept 26, 1858; Henry b. Jan. 6, 1860; Samuel and Rosa Ann twins' b. March 7, 1861; Henry Daniel b. June 5, 1863, m Sarah Ellen Hibbert Dec. 13, 1888; Rosa Jabezina b. Sept 13 1866 m. W. H. Croft May, 1884. Family home Centerville, Utah Shoemaker; farmer. Died Nov. 23, 1868. AUGER, HENRY DANIEL (son of Jabez Auger and Sarah Ann Cosgrove). Born June 5, 1863, Stratford, Eng. Married Sarah Ellen Hibbert Dec. 13, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Benjamin Hibbert, handcart pioneer, and Mary Mills). She was born Dec. 20, 1867, Peterson, Utah. Their children: Jabez Earl b. Sept. 24, 1889; William Henry b. Jan. 1, 1891, m. Alta Jensen March 31, 1910; Ellen May b. May 5, 1893, m. Edward Hebdon Sept. 7, 1910; Leland Lorenzo b Aug. 2, 1895; Hazel Ann b. Oct. 14, 1898; Cora Emma b Oct 3, 1900; Leslie George b. June 1, 1902; Alta Rosa b. Aug. 28. 1904; Thelma Lillian b. Oct. 16, 1911. Family home Glendale, Oneida county, Idaho. Bishop's counselor 1899-05; assistant Sunday school supt. Glendale ward 12 years. Trustee district No. 38, Oneida county, eight years. Farmer. AUEH, UL.IUCH (son of Jacob Auer and Elizabeth Deitrich of Senwald, Switzerland). Born July 22, 1840, Eichberg, Switzerland. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1860, Jessie E. Murphy company. AUSTIN, JOHN (son of Joseph Austin, born 1798, and Ann Mills, born 1800, married 1820. Both of Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 3, 1827, in Bedfordshire. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Joseph S. Rawlins company. Married Emma Grace March 20, 1847, Studham, Bedford- shire, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Grace and Mary Ann Grace), who was born March 20, 1827, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Harriet b. in 1847, m. John Jacobs: George O. b. Jan. 13, 1849, m. Elizabeth MacFar- land; Joseph b. Aug. 8, 1850; Hyrum b. Aug. 8, 1850; Alfred b. Nov. 3, 1851. latter three died; Parley Pratt b. May 28, 1853, m. Charlotte Butt; Heber Charles b. Dec. 20, 1855, m. Deseret Taylor; William b. Aug. 28, 1857, m. Alice Scho- fleld; Sarah b. Jan. 13, 1859, m. Charles Allen; Julia b. April 17, 1860, m. John Brown; Hector b. Sept. 9, 1861, died; Annie Marie b. July 3, 1863, m. Charles Munns; Mark b. Oct. 3, 1864, m. Maria Vaughan; Thomas b. Dec. 27, 1866, m. Mary Thomas; John Ezra b. Feb. 17, 1868, m. Sarah E. Thomas; Luticia b. Nov. 14, 1869, m. Samuel Southwick; Franklin b. Aug., 1871, died. Family home Lehi, Utah. President high priests' quorum Lehi, Utah; block teacher. Pioneer in irrigation systems. AUSTIN, GEORGE O. (son of John Austin and Emma Grace). Born Jan. 13, 1849, in England. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1866, William Henry Chipman company. Married Elizabeth MacFarland Feb. 26. 1872, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of Andrew MacFarland and Eliza- beth Nichol of Scotland). She was born Oct. 16, 1850. Their children: Andrew M. b. March 8, 1873, m. Ida Cox; Eliza- beth b. Aug., 1875, m. F. E. McKeage; Emina b. March 20, 1878- Agnes b. Nov. 17, 1880, m. John M. Hayes; George b. April, 1883, died; John M. b. July 23, 1884; Clarence b. March 6, 1887; Edwin N. b. Sept. 20, 1889, m. Vera Smith. Family resided Salt Lake City and Lehi, Utah. Elder; high councilor. Lehi city councilman; mayor of Lehi two terms; member of legislature two terms. Stock raiser; general agriculture supt. for the Utah-Idaho Sugar Co 23 years; pres. Austin & Sons Live Stock Co., director of Austin Bros. Association; pres. of Price River Irrigation Co. AUSTIN ANDREW M. (son of George O. Austin and Eliza- beth MacFarland). Born March 8, 1873, Salt Lake City. Married Ida Cox June 25, 1896, Lehi, Utah (daughter of Edward Cox and Hannah Ashton of Illinois and England, pioneers 1850). She was born March 6, 1876. Their chil- dren: Ida; Sadie; George; Fern; Clarence Ray; Bessie. Family home. Salt Lake City. Deacon. General manager Austin & Sons Livestock Co. AUSTIN HEBER CHARLES (son of John Austin and Emma Grace) Born Dec. 20, 1855, Studham, Bedfordshire, Eng. Married Deseret Taylor Dec. 31, 1879, Lehi, Utah (daugh- ter of James Whitehead Taylor and Ann Rogers). She was born March 29, 1859, Lehi, Utah. Their children: Daisy May b May 11, 1881. m. Eli Webb, April, 1903; Raymond b. May 13 1884; Margaret Ann b. Sept. 12, 1887, m. Alexander Robb Oct. 1906: Victor b. Oct. 30, 1889; Bernice Emma b. Jan 25 1892; Mary Alice b. Nov. 27, 1896; Myrtle Ina b. Jan. 27, 1897; Edith Rose b. Aug. 26, 1899; Agatha Bessie b. June 21, 1904. Farmer; railroad grader and freighter; assistant agricul- turist at Utah sugar factory 1891; assisted in building Idaho 728 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Falls sugar factory, agricultural supt. of same 1903; agri- culturist for Blackfoot factory 1905; sheep owner; director In Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Idaho Falls. Mission- ary 1899; president Norwich conference; high councilor Alpine stake 1901-03; bishop Lincoln ward, Bingham (Idaho) stake 1905; president of Bingham stake 1908. AUSTIN, MARK (son of John Austin and Emma Grace). Born Oct. 3, 1864, Studham, Bedfordshire, Eng. Married Maria Vaughan March 30, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Michael Vaughan and Jane Maria Brain of Lehi), who was born Jan. 19, 1865. Their children: Hazel b. Sept. 7, 1888; Emma Jane b. Jan. 2, 1891, died; Ruby b. June 4, 1893; Francis Mark b. Feb. 3, 1896; Lillian Millard b. May 5, 1899; Michael John b. May 22, 1901; Robert Roy b. Jan. 25, 1904. Family resided Lehi, Utah, and Sugar City, Idaho. Bishop of Sugar ward; president of the Fremont stake of Zlon. Farmer; sugar factory expert and beet agriculturist. AUSTIN, THOMAS H. (son of John Austin and Emma Grace). Born Dec. 27, 1866, in England. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary E. Thomas Sept. 2, 1887, Lehi, Utah (daugh- ter of Joseph A. Thomas and Mary Lawrence of Beaver, Utah), who was born May 4, 1867. Their children: Reuben b. Aug. 20, 1888; Joseph Lee b. Sept. 29, 1890, died; Flossie b. Oct. 1893; Gilbert b. Oct. 1895; Bazle b. Sept. 1897, died; Thomas Blain b. Feb. 20, 1899; Thalma b. July 6, 1901; Lula b. Aug. 1903; Walden b. Nov. 1905, died; Ruth b. Jan. 6, 1907. Family home. Salt Lake City. Engaged in sheep and livestock business. AVERY, JOHN NELSON (son of Hezekiah Avery, born 1809, and Henrietta Nelson, born Aug. 4, both of Pennsylvania). He was born May 2, 1844, in Illinois. Came to Utah 1849, Capt. Allred company. Married Sarah Josephine Roberts May 26, 1866 (daughter of Sidney Roberts and Sarah Ann Rowell; latter a pioneer 1852). She was born April 1, 1848. Their children: Josephine Euphemia b. June 16, 1867, m. Andrew Hooper; John Alonzo b. Jan. 18, 1869, m. Hattie Bybee; Sarah Amelia (m. William R. Godfrey) and Henrietta Adelia, twins, b. April 13, 1871; Clarence Heber b. Sept. 4, 1873, m. Dorothy Higgins; David Oliver b. Dec. 17, 1875; Etta Lucinda b. May 21, 1877, m. James Francis; Effie b. Dec. 14, 1879, m. Joseph Bell; Noah Elmer b. May 1, 1882; Jesse Eugene b. Oct. 15, 1886, m. Emma Bell; George Marion b. March 29, 1891. Family home Dempsey, Idaho. Sheriff Millard county 1869-70. Bishop's counselor 1877- 78. First lieutenant In Utah army 1867-68. AYLETT, WILLIAM (son of William Aylett of Hockley, Eng.). Born Jan. 28, 1828, Hockley, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins company. Married Hannah Argent 1855, Orsett, Essexshire, Eng. (daughter of John Argent and Mary Gridley of Midvale, Utah, pioneers Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company). She was born June 6, 1828. Their children: Mary Ann b. March 19, 1856, m. Jasper N. Barr; William b. April 27, 1858, m. Mary Ann Brown July 30, 1887; Jesse b. Nov. 6, 1859, m. Martha Ann Beckstead Aug. 14, 1884; Walter; Jedediah b. March 25, 1863, m. Mary E. Wardle; m. Alice Penrose; Elizabeth; John Argent b. Sept. 28, 1867, m. Martha Ann Egbert April 27, 1889; Heber C. b. April 22, 1870, m. Lenora Sprattling Dec. 22, 1903; Hannah Maria b. July 18, 1875, m. David Egbert. Family home West Jordan. Farmer. Died Nov. 21, 1902. ATLETT, WILLIAM JR. (son of William Aylett and Hannah Argent). Born April 27, 1858, Orsett, Eng:. Married Mary Ann Brown July 30, 1887, West Jordan, Utah (daughter of Samuel Brown and Catherine Wilbur, Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct., 1858, Rosel Kind Homer com- pany). She was born May 20, 1856. Family home Midvale, Utah. Stockraiser; merchant; banker. ATLETT, JOHN A. (son of William Aylett and Hannah Argent). Born Sept. 28, 1867, West Jordan, Utah. Married Martha Ann Egbert April 27, 1889, West Jordan (daughter of John A. Egbert and Emma Crimmit of the same place, pioneers Oct. 16, 1849, Allen Taylor company). She was born March 17, 1869. Their children: Vera Aleta b. April 21, 1890, m. Vincent W. Lawson; John Hollis b. Oct. 28, 1896; Kelvin William b. Dec. 6, 1901; Mattle Lorene b. August 7, 1908. Family home Midvale, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. Jordan stake. Member of city council Midvale. Manager West Jordan Mercantile Co. AYLETT. HEBER C. (son of William Aylett and Hannah Argent). Born April 22, 1870, West Jordan, Utah. Married Lenora Sprattling Dec. 22, 1903, West Jordan (daughter of Frank Sprattling and Ellen McClery of the same place). She was born Dec. 3, 1885. Only child: Heber Darrel b. Nov. 20, 1904. Family home Midvale, Utah. Stockraiser, merchant and banker. (daughter of David Davis and Grace Roberts of North Wales); born Aug. 14, 1836. Only child was David James Ayrton (adopted). Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Landscape gardener. AYRTON, DAVID JAMES (son of Victor H. James and Annie Thomas). Born Nov. 19, 1870, at San Francisco, Cal. Came to Utah Nov. 20, 1873. B BABCOCK, ADOLPHITS (son of Daniel Babcock). Came to Utah 1847, oxteam company. Married Jerusha Jane Rowley in New York. Their chil- dren: Lorenzo, m. Amy Ann Marble; Lucy, m. William Wood; George, m. Molly Easton; Eliza, m. Brigham Young; M. John Groves, m. Dominicus Carter; Parmelia, m. Branch Young; Alburn, m. Mary Conover; m. Hannah King; John, m. Har- riet McKee; William Henry b. July 15, 1848, m. Mary Jane Parsons. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Farmer. Died March, 1872. BABCOCK, LORENZO (son of Adolphus Babcock and Jerushc. Jane Rowley). Came to Utah with part of Mormon Bat- talion, Co. C. Married Amy Ann Marble, at Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Nathaniel Marble and Mary King). She was born Feb. 14, 1826. Their children: George, d. infant; William, m. Louisa Loveland; John, m. Augusta May Hansett; Amy Ann, d. in- fant; Nathaniel, m. Lydia Simmons; Mary Ann, m. James Dickens Fullmer; Joseph, m. Sarah Norton; Jerusha Jane, m. James Bryner. Family resided Gunnison and Vernon, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Settlement guard In early In- dian troubles. Died in 1906 or 1907, at Mona, Jaub county, Utah. BABCOCK, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Adolphus Babcock and Jerusha Jane R&wley). Born July 15, 1848, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Jane Parsons, Dec. 20, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Parsons and Lydia Rebecca Fisher of Missouri; and later of Spanish Fork, Utah, pioneers, 1854). She was born May 10, 1854, in Missouri. Their children: George Oliver b. April 25, 1870, d. aged 5; William Henry b. Oct. 18, 1872, m. Alice Thompson; Alburn P. b. Nov. 24, 1874, m. Anna Haycock; Mary R. b. Dec. 31, 1876, m. William Henry Davis; Benjamin Franklin b. Feb. 1, 1878, d. aged 23; Lydia Jane b. April 26, 1880, m. Ray Cook; John b. Nov. 24. 1882, d. infant; Lucy Elvina b. Jan. 21, 1883, d. aged 9; Vardls Andrew b. Aug. 1887; Ernest LeRoy Miller (adopted) b. Feb. 11, 1902. Family home. Spring Glen, Utah. Married Maggie Grove at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Grove of Salt Lake City, a pioneer with oxteam company). Only child born was William. Elder. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Farmer. BABCOCK, GEORGE. Married Annie Katherine . Their children: Lovica, m. John Loveless; Rozilla A., m. Vardis Simmons; George Henry, m. Sadie Reese; Rufus Daniel b. Feb. 20, 1875, m. Marie Madsen. Family home, Spanish Fork, Utah. Died 1874, at Spanish Fork, Utah. BABCOCK, RUFUS DANIEL (son of George Babcock and Annie Katherine ). Born Feb. 20, 1875, Spanish Fork. Utah. Married Marie Madsen Jan. 1, 1898, at Lake View, Utah (daughter of Peter Madsen and Lena Johnson of Lake View, Utah, pioneers 1856). She was born Dec. 23, 1874. Their children: Lena Katherine b. Sept. 1, 1898; Rufus Stanford b. March 31, 1900; Lynn Sterling b. May 30, 1902; Vesper Ells- worth b. Sept. 24, 1904; Kenneth Hyrum b. June 5, 1907; lola b. Feb. 5, 1908. Family home, Vineyard, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Farmer. BABBITT, RICHARD (son of Henry William Babbitt and Elizabeth Taylor). Born July 2, 1842. Came to Utah 1850. Married Fidelia Chapman (daughter of Welcome Chapman and Susan Amelia Rigley), who was born Oct. 11, 1846, Winter Quarters, Neb. Brought the first printing ink to Salt Lake City 1850. Settled In Tooelo valley, and assisted in building forts; moved to Cache valley and sawed his building lumber by hand, enduring all the hardships of pioneering that country. After moving near Brigham City, the call for the move south came, and they went to San Pete valley; here they endured many hardships on account of the hostility of the Indians. Went to Manti, then to Spring City, and from here went on a mission to The Muddy, where he stayed two years, and returned to Brigham City; resided here seven years, when he moved to Malad City, Idaho, where he now resides. AYRTON, WILLIAM (son of John Ayrton and Isabella Lam- bert of Skipton, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Sept. 3, 1825, at Skipton. Came to Utah 1856, Captain Stringham company. Married Elizabeth Davis Aug. 22, 1868, Salt Lake City BACHMAN, JACOB (son of Hans R. Bachman, born April 3, 1791, and Elizabeth Aerna, born April 10, 1791, both of Switzerland: married Sept. 26, 1824). He was born April 15, 1830, Wiflisburg, Switzerland. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1863, Samuel D. White company. Married Elizabeth Sutter of Bozberg, Switzerland. Their children: Mary b. Feb. 21, 1854, died; Frana b. Feb. 23, 1857, m. Henry A. Hill; Jacob b. Oct. 27, 1858; Elizabeth b. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 729 March 14, 1860, m. W. H. Reeder; Emuel b. Aug. 17, 1862, m. Mary Jane Henlnger; Rosilla b. Feb. 26, 1864, ra. Moroni D. Ferrin March 6, 1889; Bertha b. April 19, 1865, m. A. J. Stallings July 3, 1885; Alma b. Nov., 1866, d. Dec. 25, 1890. Family resided at Lynn and Eden, Weber county, Utah. Married Anna Hazel Sweiler April, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Anna Sweiler), who was born Sept. 29, 1847, Ottenbach, Switzerland. Their children: Joseph b. Feb. 8, 1868, m. Maggie McBride Dec. 8, 1890; Annie b. Aug. 9, 1870, m. William Ingles March 10, 1901; John R. b. Oct. 19, 1875, m. Nellie Fordham Aug. 19, 1900; Emma Josephine b. Dec. B, 1887. Family home Eden, Utah. High priest. Farmer. BACHMAN, EMUEL (son of Jacob Bachman and Elizabeth Sutter). Born Aug. 17, 1862, Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah a child In arms. Married Mary Jane Heninger Dec. 1884, at Eden (daughter of Reese T. Heninger and Frances Lowthen), who was born Oct. 3, 1855, and died Nov. 6, 1885. Only child: Emuel, Jr., b. Nov. 1, 1885, m. Esther Colman. Married Mary Jane Taylor Dec. 1884, at Eden (daughter Joseph Taylor and Jane Lake). No children. Member Co. A of the Mormon Battalion. Pioneer of Lewisville, Idaho, 1885. Now bishop of Harrisville ward. North Weber stake. BACHMAN, JOSEPH (son of Jacob Bachman and Anna Hazel Sweiler). Born Feb. 8, 1869, Eden, Utah. Married Margaret H. McBride, Dec. 8, 1890 (daughter of Heber R. McBride, born May 13, 1843, Churchton, Eng., a pioneer Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company, and Elizabeth Ann Burns, born Feb. 17, 1851). She was born March 30, 1871, Eden, Utah. Their children: J. Reel b. Oct. 19, 1895; Malva E. b. April 21, 1898; Comfort M. b. Sept. 2, 1900; Blaine b. Aug. 6, 1902; Velva b. June 30, 1906; Alta b. Nov. 24, 1910. Counselor 133d quorum seventies; Sunday school officer; teacher Y. M. M. I. A. BACKHOUSE, JAMES. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Jane Williams. She was born in 1824, and died July 24, 1898. Their children: Mary Alice, m. Edwin J. Ward; Jennie; James, m. Charlotte Peterson; John; Eleanor, m. John Slaugh; William. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest. Cotton spinner; farmer. Died June, 1909. engaged in various enterprises and returned to Utah four years later. Moved to Georgetown, Idaho, in 1876, and has held many positions of honor and trust. Priest; teacher and seventy; school trustee. BACKMAN, SAMUEL C. (son of Sven Backman and Ingred Dahlberg). Born Dec. 7, 1835, in Sweden. Came to Utah In July 1878. Married Anna J. Anderson March 1858, Goteborg. Sweden (daughter of Anders Anderson and Martha Benson of Sweden). She was born May 13, 1830. Their children: An- drew S., m. Johanna Larson; Gustave H., m. Grace Pollard; George S., m. Ophelia Allred; Wm. J., m. Edith Gill; Anna W., m. Zeke Billington. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member seventies; presiding elder of the 15th ward; high priest. Plumber and coppersmith. Made copper towers in temple. Died Jan. 20, 1913, Salt Lake City. BACKMAN, GUSTAVE H. (son of Samuel C. Backman and Anna J. Anderson). Born May 18, 1864, Goteborg, Sweden. Came to Utah July 3, 1877. Married Grace Pollard June 25, 1890, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Bishop Joseph Pollard and Mary Anne Bailey, of Salt Lake City). She was born Nov. 27, 1867. Their children: Gustave Pollard b. Nov. 11, 1891, m. Annie Davis; LeGrand Pollard b. Dec. 18, 1893; Milton Vaughn b. Sept. 8, 1898; Grace Lucille b. Dec. 31, 1899; Ralph Vernon b. May 4, 1904; Harold Samuel b. June 16, 1907; Edna Louise b. Jan. 2, 1909. Family home, Salt Lake City. Chorister 16th ward. City recorder. Attorney-at-law. BADGER, ORSON P. (son of Ephraim Badger and Harriet Farr; latter native of Vermont). He was born 1835, Water- ford, Caledonia county, Vt. Came to Utah 1847. Married Eliza Jane Gay in 1855. She was born Sept. 27, 1838, Rockingham, Richmond county, N. C. Their children: Orson P. b. Oct. 29, 1857, m. Annis Shaw Sept. 25, 1879; Amanda Jane, m. Thomas Farr: Harriet Ann; Eliza May, m. William Taylor. BADGER, ORSON P. JR. (son of Orson Badger and Eliza Jane Gay). Born Oct. 29, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Annis Shaw, Sept. 25, 1879 (daughter of William Shaw and Diana Chase, pioneers 1848). She was born at Ogden, Utah. BACON, CHANCY. Born Oct. 22, 1811, in Madison county, N. Y. Came to Utah July 23, 1852, Robert Richie independent company. Married Mary Glazier in April, 1831, who died at LaHarpe, Hancock county, 111., in Feb. 1838. Her father was a pioneer, settling at Provo. Only child: Francis, m. Jane Loader. Lived at Pleasant Grove, Utah; died there Aug. 31, 1888. BACON, FRANCIS (son of Chancy Bacon and Mary Glazier). Born 1832 In Madison county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1852 with father. Married Jane Loader Feb. 5, 1860. She was born In Eng- land, Dec. 7, 1841. Their children: Eliza Jane b. Dec. 7, 1860. m. William Hess. Aug. 10, 1878; Franklin R. b. June 4, 1862, m. Sarah Hess 1885; Nelson Ames b. Feb. 6, 1864, d. March Married Elizabeth Simpson April 10, 1864, Pleasant Grove, Utah. She was born Oct. 6, 1842, In England. Their chil- dren: Chancy b. May 17. 1865, m. Lettie Thompson 1889; Elizabeth b. July 19, 1867, m. Allen Thompson 1888; Lorenzo b. Nov. 26, 1869. m. Lucy Dunn, Nov. 19, 1899; Albert b. July 18, 1873, m. Lottie Smith Oct. 28. 1897; Lawrence b. July 17, 1876; Florence b. Jan. 30. 1881; Leroy b. June 19, 1886. Fam- ily resided Pleasant Grove, Utah, and Georgetown, Idaho. Went to Idaho in 1865. and operated probably the first ferry-boat on Bear river; later moved to California, where he BADGER, RODNEY (son of John Badger and Lydia Cham- berlain). Born Feb. 4, 1824, Waterford, Vt. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Nancy Garr March 9, 1845, La Harpe, Hancock county, 111. (daughter of Fielding Garr and Paulina Turner of Richmond, Ind). She was born Oct. 17, 1822, and came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Their chil- dren: Nancy Maria, m. William Hardin Ashby; Rodney Car- los, m. Louisa Adeline Ashby Nobles; George William, m. Mary Stevens; Charlotte Louisa. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Sheriff of Salt Lake county; lieutenant territorial militia. He was drowned in the Weber river April 29, 1853, in at- tempting to save the family of an immigrant whose wagon had capsized in the stream. BADGER, RODNEY CARLOS (son of Rodney Badger and Nancy Garr). Born Sept. 6. 1848, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Louisa Adeline Ashby Nobles Dec. 27, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Bates Nobles and Susan Hammond Ashby of Salt Lake City, pioneers respectively 1847 and 1848). She was born Nov. 9, 1849. Their children: Carlos Ashby b. Oct. 31, 1878, m. Rosalia Jenkins; Ralph Ashby b. April 8, 1880, m. Julia Peterson; Nancy Louisa Ash- by b. Aug. 30, 1881, m. Edward M. Ashton; Elizabeth Ashby b. July 17, 1883; Alice Ashby b. March 3, 1885; Edna Ashby b. April 20, 1887, and Hammond Ashby b. Jan. 18, 1889, latter three died. Missionary to California 1877; member bishopric 15th ward; Y. M. M. I. A. general board 1875 to 1912; president high priests. Salt Lake stake, 1909 to date. Indian war vet- eran; connected with Deseret national bank and Badger Bros., brokers. BADGER, CARLOS ASHBY (son of Rodney Badger and Lou- isa Adeline Ashby Nobles), .born Oct. 31, 1878, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Rosalia Jenkins June 26, 1901, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Thomas Jenkins and Mahala Elmer of Salt Lake City, Utah, pioneers the former of 1848, the lat- ter of Oct. 1, 1870). She was born April 20, 1877. Their children: Carlos Jenkins b. April 14, 1902; Ashby Jenkins, b. Oct. 15, 1903; Rosalia b. Feb. 25, 1905; Alice b. March 23, 1907- Elizabeth b. Sept. 22, 1908; Thomas Jenkins b. May 21, 1910; Rodney Jenkins b. July 13, 1912. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Missionary to Colorado 1897-1900; high priest; M. I. A. and stake president; Sunday school assistant superintendent in 4th ward and in Liberty stake. State senator 1909-13; secretary to U. S. Senator Reed Smoot 1904-07. Lawyer, be- ing a graduate of George Washington university, Washing- ton, D. C. BAGLEY, DANIEL, (son of Eli Bagley, born Jan. 7, 1804, in Ohio, and Nancy Ann Belt, born March 21, 1811, in Butler Co., Ohio, married Jan. 15, 1825). He was born Feb. 24, 1829, Decatur county, Ind., and came to Utah 1853, Daniel Miller C Married Mary Wood 1845 (daughter of John Wood and Rebecca Belt). She was born March 22, 1833. Came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Margaret Melissa b June 24, 1852, m. Thomas Flanigan; Cedenia b. Nov. II, 1854, m. Merrill E. Willis 1870. Called by Brigham Young on mission to Southern Utah to settle Dixie 1865, and to Arizona by Erastus Snow 18,7 As- sisted in hauling rock for the foundat on of the Salt Lake temple. Went to Echo canyon to resist Johnston s army. Walker and Black Hawk Indian war veteran Lived Arizona until 1895, then moved to Springville, Utah, where he died. _ BAGNALI,, JOSEPH (son of George Bagnall, born Oct. 11. Mrrieranner-Dec. 27. 1864 (daughter of Thomas Frobisher and Ann Cookson). Their children: Jo- seph Fh Nov. 22, 1870, m. Hannah Christensen; William H.. > Jan 22 1873, m. Lena Christensen. Settled at Moroni. Utah, December, 1865: stone cutter on St George temple: moved to Chester, San Pete county, 1876, where he served as school trustee IB years; first counselor lo Bishop Christensen 14 years, and assisted in erecting many buildings for public use. 730 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH BAILEY, FRANCIS WILLIAM (son of Francis William Bai- ley and Eliza Smith of Southampton, Eng.). Born Aug. 6, 1840, at Ferham, Hantshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry Miller company. Married Annie Eliza Ingram April, 1862, at Southampton, Eng. (daughter of George Ingram and Caroline Tapper of Southampton). She was born Nov. 15, 1833. Their chil- dren: Francis Tracy, m. Rachel Whittaker; Mary Harriet, m. George Richmond; Owen A., m. Mary Strong; William Esau, m. Esther Faust; Jacob Ralph, m. Delia McKnight; m. Polly Paramore; Samuel Charles, m. Eliza A. Paramore. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder. Formerly a sea captain. Followed various occu- pations in Utah. BAILEY, FRANCIS TRACT (son of Francis William Bailey and Annie Eliza Ingram). Born April 16, 1863, Peterson, Utah. Married Rachel Whittaker, Dec. 16. 1885, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Isaac Whittaker and Betsy Gallent of Man- chester and Norwich, Eng.). She was born Sept. 23, 1866. Only child: Hazel L. b. June 6, 1890, m. George Anderson. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Seventy; missionary to England 1899 and 1901; president T. M. M. I. A. of 15th and 24th wards; Sunday school teacher in 16th ward. Special policeman; notary public. Formerly a sailor; railroad brakeman; yardmaster and conductor on all railr'oads operating in Utah. Later practiced medicine. BAILEY, JAMES WATSON (son of James Bailey and Mary Ann Tucker of Kanesville, 111.). He was born Aug. 2, 1850. Came to Utah July, 1861. Married Nancy Ann Borrson Sept. 19, 1874 (daughter of Niels Henry Borrson and Johanna Nielson). She was born Jan. 7, 1857, at Spanish Fork, Utah. Their children: James Henry b. Dec. 9, 1875, died; Nettie Ann b. June 25, 1877, m. Ferdinand Oleson; Elonora b. May 28, 1879, d. 1892; Elmira b. May 16, 1882, m. Albert Johnson; John Volney b. Sept. 4, 1896. Family home Spring- City, Utah, and Basalt, Idaho. Settled at Fillmore, Millard county; Indian war veteran; moved to San Pete county 1874; ward teacher there 6 years In Spring City; moved to Basalt, Idaho. Farmer. BAILEY, JOHN (son of William F. Bailey, born 1779, and Sarah Hackett, born 1779, both at Sheepshead, Leicester- shire, Eng.). He was born April 28, 1807. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, with Edward Martin handcart company. Married Jane Allgood, 1837 (daughter of Lang-ley Allgood and Elizabeth Wakefield). She was born July 4, 1810, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Langley All- good b. March 27, 1838. m. Sarah Andrews Nov. 17, 1861; John b. Nov. 21, 1840, m. Charlotte Shephard; Thomas b. July 1, 1844, d. Sept. 6, 1858; David b. Jan. 11, 1851, m. Elizabeth Blackham. BAILEY, LANGLEY ALLGOOD (son of John Bailey and Jane Allgood). Born March 27, 1838, Whitwick, Leicestershire, Eng. Married Sarah Andrews, Nov. 17, 1861, Nephi, Utah (daugh- ter of William Andrews and Ann Wright, pioneers, July, 1860). She was born Jan. 12, 1845, Packington, Eng. Their children: John Wright Andrews b. Sept. 11, 1862, died; Wil- liam b. Jan. 29, 1864, m. Kate E. Udall Dec. 10, 1902; Langley Allgood b. April 5. 1866, m. Elva Bigler 1900; Elizabeth Ann b. April 5, 1868. died; Thomas b. Nov. 7, 1869, m. Mary Elea- nor Chapman May 31, 1900; Sarah Ann, b. Jan. 15, 1872, m. George A. Allen July 12, 1893: Mary Jane b. April 7, 1874, m. Fred M. Beck, Jan. 17, 1900; Rosey Alice b. July 17, 1876, m. H. Lee Boyer, June 18. 1902: Catherine b. May 7, 1879, m. William Alvin Bowles, Nov. 17, 1910; Henry Andrews b. July 2, 1881, died; George Ernest b. Oct. 4, 1884, died; Bertha b. Oct. 17, 1886. Married Sarah Emma Warner, April 5, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of William H. Warner and Elizabeth An- drews). She was born April 25, 1864, Nephi, Utah, and died Aug. 1, 1904. Their children: William Henry b. Feb. 13, 1888, m. Maggie May Peacock, Aug. 27, 1910; Elizabeth b. April 5, 1892, died; Wilford b. Aug. 20, 1893; Reed Warner b. Jan. 29. 1896; Pearl b. Dec. 8, 1899. High priest; missionary to England; tithing clerk 21 years; superintendent Sunday schools of Nephi 11 years; superin- tendent Juab stake Sunday schools 7 years: seventy in 49th quorum; high councilor; school trustee 1877-1879. BAILEY, JOHN (son of John Bailey and Mary Noon of Mill Lane, Leicestershire, Eng.). Born Jan. 10, 1830, in Leices- tershire. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Elizabeth Milnes June 16, 1849, Bradford, York- shire, Eng. (daughter of Edward and Betsey Milnes of Bradford, pioneers 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company). She was born Feb. 11, 1830, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John H., m. Sophia Ann Needham; Mary Elizabeth, m. Fred Taylor; Martha, m. Heber C. Caine; Sarah Ann, m. Joseph Arthur; William Edward, Charles Albert, and Alfred Milnes latter three died. Family home Salt Lake City. Teacher; home missionary; worked on building of Salt Lake Temple. Took part in Echo canyon trouble. Assisted in taking out provisions to belated handcart companies. Settled at Sprlngville 1858 and conducted co-op, store. Died March 24, 1887, Salt Lake City. BAILEY, JOHN HENRY (son of John Bailey and Elizabeth Milnes). Born Nov. 22, 1850, Bradford, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sophia Ann Needham Dec. 9, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Needham and Sarah Ann Booth of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1850). She was born Nov. 24, 1852. Their children: John Henry b. Jan. 10, 1874, m. Marie Ed- wards; Arthur N. b. Aug. 23, 1877; Burt N. b. Jan. 19, 1880; Seymour N. b. May 29, 1882, m. Emma Watson; Pearl Sophia b. May 10, 1889, m. H. B. Clawson. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 124th quorum seventies. Teacher. Helped in building Salt Lake Temple 1865. Merchant since 1865. BAILEY, JOHN HENRY, JR. (son of John Henry Bailey and Sophia Ann Needham). Born Jan. 10, 1874, Salt Lake City. Married Marie Edwards at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Edwards and Caffy M. Gardy of England, California, and Kansas). She was born Oct. 29, 1876. Their children: Russel b. July 10, 1902; Harold b. July 20, 1906; Virginia Dorothy b. Aug. 2, 1908. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1898-1900. BAILEY, JOSEPH M. (son of Henry Bailey and Emelia Read of England). Born Dec. 16, 1842, Buckinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow company. Married Ann M. Folker Dec. 21. 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Mary Folker, pioneers Sept., 1854, Cummings and Dunn company). She was born July 12, 1849. Their children: Joseph William, b. Feb. 17, 1870, m. Mary Orilla Shaw; Matilda E. b. April 11, 1872, m. Gilbert George Wright. Family home Ogden, Utah. Died there March 7, 1875. BAILEY, JOSEPH WILLIAM (son of Joseph M. Bailey and Ann M. Folker). He was born Feb. 17, 1870, Plain City, Weber county, Utah. Married Mary Orilla Shaw March 25, 1891, Ogden, Utah (daughter of John Shaw, born Feb. 17, 1850, in Salt Lake City, and Julia Barker of Ogden, Utah). She was born Aug. 27, 1870. Only child: Ruth Ann b. Nov. 27, 1897. Family home Ogden, where he died Sept. 7, 1912. BAINBRIDGE, FRED NANCE, came to Utah in 1847. Married Elizabeth Hendricks in 1847 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jas. Hendricks and Elizabeth Doris, pioneers 1847). Only child: James Wesley, m. Sarah J. Lewis, BAINBRIDGE. JAMES WESLEY (son of Fred Nance Bain- bridge and Elizabeth Hendricks). Born Oct. 21, 1848, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah J. Lewis Sept. 7, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Wm. Crawford Lewis and Sarah J. Veach, of Richmond, Lewiston and Bear Lake, Utah). She was born April 9, 1854. Their children; James Wesley b. Oct. 15, 1875, m. Eugenia Strong; Jennie b. Sept. 23, 1877, m. Arthur Gif- ford; Libbie b. Ang. 2, 1879, m. Fred B. Sommers; Wm. C. b. Jan. 23, 1881, m. Rachel Patterson; Leonard L. b. Nov. 4, 1883; Vesta C. b. May 3, 1891, m. Orrin Robinson; Nettie b. Jan. 3, 1898. BAIR, JOHN (son of Adam Bair, born March 12, 1785, and Catherine Bowermaster, born Feb. 5. 1785, both of Penn- sylvania). He was born Nov. 26, 1810, Somerset, Pa. Came to Utah 1850, oxteam company. Married Lucinda Owen (Tyler), in Ohio (daughter of Abel and Betsy Owen, latter a pioneer). She was born in New York. Their children: Elizabeth, m. William King; Be- linda Jane, m. Robert Wall; Amanda, m. George Sharp; Delos, m. Nancy Jane Kent; Dolores, d. infant; Emma b. Feb. 14, 1854, m. Dennis A. Winn; Marion, d. infant; Meriam, m. Jeff Sharp; m. Robert Tartar; m. Jeff Edmundson; m. Jack Doran. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Married Jerusha Ann Richardson (Card), (daughter of Samuel Richardson). She was born in Massachusetts, and died March 11, 1861. Their children: Joseph b. Oct. 25, 1848, died; Hyrum b. Nov. 16, 1850, m. Mary E. Van Orden Nov. 26, 1871; Francis Adam b. Feb. 28, 1853, m. Marie Brower Feb. 17, 1873; Samuel John b. Dec. 20, 1856, died; George Orton b. Jan. 17, 1858, m. Valeria Richardson 1882. Family home Farmington, Utah. Built and operated the first ferryboat in Utah on the Bear river, he also built the first saw mill in Davis county. Set- tled at Richmond 1859. Took part in Echo canyon war. High priest. Indian war veteran. Shoemaker; lawyer; farmer, and stockraiser. Died Oct. 11, 1884. Lucinda Owen (first wife) was widow of Lumus Tyler. Their children: Lola, m. John Richardson; Louisa, m. Thomas Tidwell. BAIR, HYRUM (son of John Bair and Jerusha Ann Rich- ardson). Born Nov. 16, 1850, Farmington, Utah. Married Mary E. Van Orden Nov. 26, 1871, Richmond, Utah (daughter of Peter Edmund Van Orden and Martha Ann Knight), who was born Oct. 30, 1852, Kaysville, Utah. Their children: Hyrum Lester b. Sept. 29, 1872, m. Harriet A. Skidmore June 9, 1897; John Francis b. July 15, 1875, m. Annie Spackman Dec. 6, 1900; George Edmund b. Aug. 29, 1877. m. Maud Hill Jan. 4. 1905; Amelia A. b. Nov. 10, 1879. m. William Sorensen March 4, 1908; Charles Henry b. July 23, 1881, d. Aug. 11, 1881; Mary Ellen b. July 8, 1882, d. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 731 April 20, 1888; Julian Alvin b. March 9. 1885, m. Ida K. Wai- m. Margaret Field Nov 10 IRQQ. -c-ro^vii K ters Oct. 10, 1906; Clara May b. June 24, 1888, m. Alvin John- m. Zinl McBride 1895 JoseDWno h ^ ,,iv ****&,! son Nov. 23, 1910; Mattie Maria b. April 14, 1890, m. Ray C. Families resided Lynne Ward WPhor' V t T'T ^' 4 ' D.-nv, a^^t on 1011. Miir,n TT>OI K r\ n t oc ion . T..I._ ^r_ T. .-.:_. ^r fcwuuo wara, weber county. Xltah. , , . . Rich Sept. 20, 1911; Milton Earl b. Oct. 25, 1892; Julia Va- leria b. Oct. 15, 1895. Family home Richmond, Utah. "-.dent "rd BAIRU, ALEXANDER (son of Robert Baird and Agnes Bell of Glasgow, Scotland). Born Jan. 10, 1832, Paisley, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks com- pany. Married Sarah DeLacey April 10, 1860, in Boston (daugh- ter of Felix DeLacey of Dublin, Ireland). She was born May 18, 1839. Their children: Agnes and Alexander, died; "William DeLacey m. Charlotte M. Keller July 23, 1884; Sarah Theresa, m. Felix Smout; Mary Ellen b. Oct. 28, 1867, m. J. M. KolhT, Jr., 1883; Peter, m. Hannah Peterson 1890; Martha, m. Albert Bailey. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Sheriff and deputy sheriff for twenty years; watchman. BAIRD, BRIGHAM YOUNG (son of Samuel Baird and Ma- tilda Rutledge of St. Joseph, Mo.). Born Feb. 6, 1846, in Alabama. Came to Utah 1863. Married Margaret Elizabeth Allen Sept. 26, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lewis Allen and Elizabeth Alexander of Andrew county, Mo., pioneers Aug. 3, 1862, independent ox- team company). She was born Jan. 20, 1852. Their chil- dren: Matilda Elizabeth, m. John R. Harris; Brigham Young, Jr., m. Malvina Parker; Louis; Nellie, m. Charles R. Pugh; Lois, m. Ira Heaton; Samuel; Alma, died; Effa; William Junior. Family home Kanab, Utah. Bishop's counselor, member high council. Kanab city councilman. Farmer and sheepraiser. Died Nov. 6, 1889. BAIRD, JAMES HYRUM (son of Samuel Baird and Matilda Rutledge of St. Joseph, Mo.). Born Feb. 6, 1848, Quincy, 111. Came to Utah 1864, with an oxteam company. Married Fanny Sessions March 7, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Perrigrine Sessions and Emmerette Loveland, pioneers 1847 and 1850, respectively). She was born Oct. 25, 1855. Their children: Sylvia b. May 4, 1871, died; Hyrum b. April 4, 1873; Perry b. Aug. 6, 1874, died; Minnie b. Feb. 9, 1876, m. Daniel H. Walker; Chloe b. Aug. 10, 1877, m. James A. Lee; Zina b. Jan. 10, 1879, m. John Reed; Asa b. May 24, 1880, m. Winnie Kirkman; Eliza Jane b. Aug. 17, 1881; Wal- ter b. March 10, 1883, m. Amelia Tree; Emmerette b. June 15, 1885, died; Chester b. Nov. 14, 1887, died; Chancy b. Jan. 31, 1890; Clarence b. Jan. 6, 1892; Amelia b. May 21, 1893; Samuel b. Nov. 25, 1894; James Sessions b. June 27, 1897; Joseph Reese b'. Aug. 4, 1899. Married Margaret Ellen Randall July 8, 1880, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Alfred Jason Randall and Mar- garet Harley of Ohio, pioneers with an oxteam company). She was born March 31, 1858. Their children: Alice b. July 31, 1881, died; Wilford b. Oct. 17, 1882, m. Gertrude E. Luck; Margaret b. Dec. 6, 1884, m. George Henry Evans; Myron b. Nov. 27, 1886, died; Orrin Randall b. Sept. 27, 1888; Edwin b. Jan. 8, 1892; Matilda b. Oct. 8, 1894, died; Abner Harley b. Sept. 17, 1897; Chestina b. Nov. 14, 1899; Ruby b. March 4, 1902. Families resided at Syracuse, Davis county, Utah. Seventy; high priest. Crossed plains three times for Im- migrants. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. School trustee at Centerville, Utah. Blacksmith and farmer. Died Feb. 8, 1910. BAIRD (BYARD), ROBERT E. (son of James Baird and Eliz- abeth Erwing of Londonderry, Ireland). Born May 15, 1817, In Londonderry. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Hannah McCullough July 23, 1840 (daughter of John McCullough and Sarah Rogers), who was born Dec. 10, 1817, and came to Utah Sept. 1847. Their children: John b. May 2, 1841, m. Mary Ann Heath 1867; Joseph b. Dec. 1, 1846, died; Ellen b. June 1, 1848, m. William Bishop 1864; Robert b. Dec. 27, 1850, m. Emma J. Taylor, 1875; Han- nah b. Sept. 5, 1854, m. Conrad Lyman April 11, 1891. Fam- ily home Salt Lake City and Weber county, Utah. Married Jane Hadley 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Hadley and Mary Shooter, pioneers respectively Oct. 3 and Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne company). She was born April 8, 1835, in Herefordshire, Eng. Their children: James b. April 25, 1858, m. Charlotte Lund Nov. 4, 1882; Eliza b. May 7, 1860, m. Heber Taylor Jan. 5, 1883; Jane b. March 28, 1862, m. Edward Perkins Oct. 5, 1884; John b. Feb. 17, 1864; Hannah b. Aug. 1, 1866, d. 1868; Hannah Mary b. Nov. 22, 1868, m. Samuel Merrill 1895; Mary b. Feb. 9, 1871, m. Delbert Merrill March 13, 1901; Caroline b. Oct. 23, 1874, m. William Layman April 7, 1894. Married Mary Hadley 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Hadley and Mary Shooter), who was born April 20, 1837, in Herefordshire, Eng. Their children: Mary Ann b. June 2, 1859, m. Elijah Allen 1879; Elizabeth b. Sept. 27, 1860, m. Isaac Wilson 1880; William b. April 7, 1862, m. Sarah E. Hadley 1885; Ellen b. April 20, 1864, m. Cyrus Ken- fledy 1885; Jannett b. April 16, 1866, m. Isaac Allred Dec. 27, 1886; Robert b. Sept. 27, 1867; Joseph b. May 19, 1869. Elder; seventy. BAKER, BENJAMIN (son of Thomas Potter Baker and Polly (or Mary) Tanner of Charleston, Montgomery county m T'n t B 1 n i^| rc J l 26> 1796 ' Charle "tn. N. T. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company. Married Abigail Kruzen Taylor Feb. 1821, Albion, Oswego county, N. Y (daughter of Thomas Taylor and Mary Rosina Shoulder of that place). She was born March 28, 1801, and died June 19, 1847. Their children: William Taylor- Mary Rosina, m. Nathan Tanner; Susan Eliza; Edward Orlando- Zarilda Jane, m. Emery Barrus; Chancy Leroy. Family home Montrose, Lee county, wa, and Grantsville, Utah. BAKER, BENJAMIN WALTER, He was born Aug. 30 1830 London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1851, John Brown com- pany. Married Sarah Ann Woodford 1861 (daughter of Charles Woodford), who was born 1845 In England. Their chil- dren: Benjamin Charles, b. Nov. 5, 1862, m. Lucy Evans- Sarah Elizabeth b. Sept. 6, 1864, m. Henry Checketts; James Edward b. Sept. 4, 1866. Family home Slaterville, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. BAKER, BENJAMIN CHARLES (son of Benjamin Walter Baker and Sarah Ann Woodford). Born Nov. 5, 1862, Slater- ville, Utah. Married Lucy Evans June 2, 1881, Eagle Rock, Idaho (daughter of John D. Evans and Margaret Haries. who came to Utah 1878). She was born June 13, 1865, in Wales. Their children: Elizabeth Ann b. Oct. 17, 1882, m. J. R. Du- rant Dec. 17, 1902; Margaret Lucy b. March 20, 1885, m. Charles Lund March 20, 1903; Charles Walter b. Jan. 15, 1887; Zelma b. Jan. 28, 1889, m. James Naylor Oct. 1906; Lucilla b. Jan. 2, 1892, m. Alma Hancock Sept. 2, 1909; Har- old E. b. April 20, 1896; John Raynold b. April 7, 1898. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Second counselor to the president of the Y. M. M. I. A. BAKER, GEORGE (son of John Baker and Mary Hayes of England). Born 1819 In England. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson company. Married Mary Baker 1840, in England (daughter of Thomas Baker), who was born 1819 and died 1847. Their children: Thomas b. Jan. 21, 1841, m. Martha Ann Larson; Ann b. 1843, m. William Lang; Harriet b. 1845, died. Married Mary Ann Randall 1848, who was born 1819 in England. Came to Utah 1860. Their children: George b. 1849, died; Merrilda, died; Eliza Jane b. 1855, m. Frederick W. Jones; Mary E. b. 1857, m. William Terry; William Ben- jamin b. 1862, m. Elizabeth Larson (deceased) and Delia Maudsley. First counselor to President Bristol (Eng.) branch; president Chanceville (N. J.) branch 1858. Settled at St. George. Died there in 1887. BAKER, THOMAS (son of George Baker and Mary Baker). Born Jan. 21, 1841. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1859, Horton D. Haight company. Married Martha Ann Larson 1866, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Lars Larson and Mary Bellows), who was born 1849 at Council Bluffs. Their children: Thomas Henry b. 1866, m. Fedonia Lloyd; George b. 1869, died; Benjamin b. 1872, m. Samantha Mangum; Mary b. 1874 and William b. 1876, died; Alfred b. 1879, m. Mary Chidester; Frederick W. b. 1882, m. Lida Combs; Philip b. 1884, m. Maud Stringham; Martin Alfonzo b. 1886; Reuben b. 1888, died. Farmer. Settled at St. George 1862; moved to Pine Val- ley 1867 and to Thurber, Wayne county, 1889. High priest. BAKER, SIMON (son of Benjamin Baker, born Oct. 26, 1780, Leyden Mass., and Rebecca Thorn, born May 12, 1786). Born Oct 18, 1811, at West Winfleld. Herkimer county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant com- Pa Marrled Mercy Young Dec. 21, 1829 (daughter of Ablathar Young and Lydia French of Winfleld, N. Y.). She was born Jan 27 1807. Their children: Jarvis Young b. Nov. 13, 1830 m. Rachel Richards Dec. 25, 1864; Amenzo White b. June 9 1832, m. Agnes Steele Nov. 19, 1864; Albert Mowry b Oct. 3, 1833, m. Jane Maria Curtis and Jane Coon; Betsie b Jan. 24, 1835, m. John Topham; George Washington b. Sept 9, 1837, m. Agnes Richards Jan. 18. 1861; Joseph b. Aug 15, 1839, m. Lucy A. Pack; Rebecca b. June 9, 1841, m. 732 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Suellen Marlon Johnson July 26, 1862; Mary b. July 3, 1843; Sarah b. July 3, 1843, m. William C. Farnsworth. Family hom Salt Lake City. Married Charlotte Leavitt April 8, 1845 (daughter of Wire Leavitt and Abigail Cole). She was born Dec. 5, 1818. Their children: Abigail b. Jan. 7, 1846, m. Thomas Matthews June 17, 1865; Benjamin b. July 6, 1847, m. Margaret A. Rowe; Charlotte b. April 5, 1849, m. William Longstroth; Simon b. Nov. 20, 1850, died; Phoebe b. Aug. 27, 1852, died; Wiear b. July 20, 1854, m. Electa Haws; Samuel Leavitt b. June 26, 1856, m. Annie Leavitt; Hannah b. Dec. 28, 1857, m. William Willie; Jeremiah b. June 18, 1860, m. Mary T. Lemmon. Families resided Salt Lake and Mendon, Cache county, Utah. Married Elizabeth Staples March 18, 1853 (daughter of James Staples and Sarah Limerick, who were married April 12, 1831, in England). She was born Jan. 8, 1838. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Aug 19, 1854; James Staples b. Aug. 25, 1856, m. Louisa Staples and Elizabeth Cunningham; Elizabeth b. July 8, 1858, m. Spencer D. Shumway Oct. 23. 1877; Maria b. Nov. 8, 1860, m. Merlin T. Stone Jan. 17, 1878; Mercy b. July 15, 1863, died. Married Ann Staples Feb. 10, 1857, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Staples and Sarah Limerick), who was born April 3, 1832, Cheltenham, Eng. Only child: Henry b. Jan. 2, 1858, m. Isabel Dennet. Married Amy Walker May 20, 1853 (daughter of David Walker and Ann Bennett); no children. Said to have made first molasses in Utah. Colonist to Carson Valley, Nev.; served in Echo Canyon war. Died Oct. 22, 1863. BAKER, ALBERT MOWRT (son of Simon Baker and Mercy Young). Born Oct. 3, 1833, Pomfort, N. T. Came to Utah 1847 with parents. Married Jane Maria Curtis Dec. 25, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Curtis and Sarah Wright), who was born Nov. 14, 1835. Married Jane Coon April 11, 1865, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Abraham Coon and Elizabeth Wilson). Their chil- dren: Jane Maria, m. Samuel G. Spencer; Albert Mowry, m. Alice Barnes; Sarah Elizabeth; Charles Henry, m. Char- lotte L. Ladle; Abraham Coon, m. Lolo Pratt; Laura, m. James P. Jensen; Jesse Simon; Edna. President 28th quorum seventies; ward teacher; home missionary. Made two trips to Florence, Neb., for Immi- grants. Went to Carson, Nev., to assist in settling that country. Captain in Utah militia. Justice of peace. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Sept. 3, 1909, Mendon, Utah. BAKER, GEORGE WASHINGTON (son of Simon Baker and Mercy Young). Born Sept. 9, 1837, Pomfort, N. Y. Came to Utah 1847. Married Agnes Richards Jan. 18, 1861, Mendon, Cache county, Utah (daughter of John Richards and Agnes Hill, pioneers 1851, Luman Shurtliff company). She was born Nov. 1, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: George Washing- ton, Jr. b. Oct. 9, 1862, m. Oralie M. Atwood; Mary Emma b. July 30, 1864, m. Jens Jenson Dec. 18, 1885; Julia b. Aug. 3, 1866, m. F. R. Christensen Aug. 24, 1887; Joseph Albert b. March 30, 1869, m. Alice H. Hinckley July 18, 1904; Lucy Agnes b. June 2, 1871, m. Charles A. Johnson April 27, 1891; John Simon b. June 9, 1873, d. Aug. 10, 1908; Willard b. June 26, 1876, m. Lena E. Foster Feb. 16, 1907; Lyman b. May 17, 1878, m. Edith Lant April 23, 1901; Celestia b. Sept. 1, 1881, m. William Howell Nov. 12, 1903; Olive b. July 18, 1885, m. H. Sumner Hatch June 30, 1909; Seth b. Aug-. 11, 1887. Missionary to Snake Indians 1853-54; served in Echo Canyon war. Went from Salt Lake City to Mendon, Utah. 1860. First mayor of Mendon 1870; also justice of peace. BAKER, GEORGE WASHINGTON, JR. (son of George Wash- ington Baker and Agnes Richards). Born Oct. 9, 1862, Men- don, Utah. Married Oralie Melissa Atwood June 24, 1897 (daughter of William Atwood and Sarah Jane Wade), who was born Oct. 7, 1869, Salt Lake City. Their children: George Lowell b. June 3, 1899; Oralie Virginia b. Oct. 9, 1901; Dorothy Aileen b. Sept. 7, 1907. Physician; president State Medical Society 1902-04; sani- tary inspector 1900; graduate Rush Medical College, Chi- cago. BAKER, JOSEPH (son of Simon Baker and Mercy Young). Born Aug. 15, 1839, Montrose, Lee county, Iowa. Married Lucy A. Pack July 10, 1859, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Pack and Lucy Ives, pioneers 1847). She was born June 22, 1837, and died April 16, 1874, Mendon, Utah. Their children: Joseph Linden b. March 22, 1860, d. Jan. 10, 1880; Jesse Merrit b. Nov. 11, 1861, m. Sarah Ann Dowdle; Simon Pack b. Jan. 3, 1864, d. July 9, 1888, m. Sarah J. Bas- sett- John Rupert b. Nov. 29, 1865, m. Sarah J. Bassett; Lucy Amelia b. Oct. 22, 1867, m. Albert W. Raybould; Charlotte Eleanor b. June 16, 1869, m. David T. Owens; Tamzon Louella b. Feb. 22, 1871, m. Ernest Jennings; Ward Eaton b. Jan. 15, 1873, d. Aug. 10, 1873; George C. b. April 10, 1874, d. same day. Married Mary Alice Morgan (daughter of Thomas Morgan and Ann Roberts), who was born March 6, 1855, Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. April 28, 1876, d. Feb. 22, 1877; Thomas Morgan b. March 27, 1877; Albert Marvin b. June 20, 1879; Richard Morgan b. Dec. 24, 1880; Annie Maria b. Oct. 30, 1882; Alice b. March 20, 1884, m. Ferris E. Jones; David M. b. Nov. 2, 1885, m. Gladys B. Crompton July 17. 1911; William Melvin b. March 12, 1887; Alma b. June 12, 1889; Florence Geneva b. March 22, 1891, d. April 16, 1896; Hazel May b. May 30, 1893; Mar- garet Edna b. Oct. 7, 1895, d. Nov. 25, 1909; Mary Geneva Morris (adopted) b. Sept. 23, 1901. Family home Brigham, Utah. Settled in Iron county, Utah, 1850; moved to Carson Val- ley, Nev., shortly afterward, and to Cache valley in 1855. President of elders' quorum. Coroner of Cache county, 1894; justice of peace 16 years. BAKER, JESSE MERRIT (son of Joseph Baker and Lucy A. Pack). Born Nov. 11, 1861, Mendon, Utah. Married Sarah Ann Dowdle Oct. 22, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Robert Hughes Dowdle and Henrietta Mes- servy, of Franklin, Oneida county, Idaho). She was born June 15, 1863, at Franklin. Their children: Jesse Alvin b. Oct. 18, 1886, d. June 11, 1893; Lucy Ada b. Nov. 29, 1887, m. Henry M. Hodgson Oct. 12, 1910; Laura Henrietta b. Dec. 15, 1889. m. Samuel J. Orin Aug. 16, 1911; Louise May b. Aug. 30, 1891; Mary Lovier b. June 16, 1895; Lorin M. b. March 13, 1897; Doris b. April 5, 1899; Sarah Grace b. April 21, 1901; Harold Ray b. Aug. 9, 1903. Family home Fremont county, Idaho. Settled In Snake River valley 1884. High priest; bishop's counselor 1884-92; missionary to eastern states 1892-94; president Y. M. M. I. A. 14 years; high councilor. Farmer; merchant. BAKER, WILLIAM (son of William Baker and Lydia Stand- ing of Sailhurst parish, Sussex, Eng.). Born Dec. 24, 1814, in Sailhurst parish. Came to Utah 1858 in M. L. Shepherd company. Married Frances Friend Nov. 16, 1844, in Sailhurst parish (daughter of Jesse Friend and Mary Crittenden of that parish). She was born April 15, 1826 (died May 23, 1906), and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Jesse W. b. Aug. 31, 1845, m. Elenor Clark; Geo. b. Jan. 1, 1848, m. Mary A. Evans; Alfred b. Aug. 14, 1851, m. Keturah Lewis; Rhoda C. b. Nov. 1, 1855. m. Lewis Litzel Schwab; Lovina H. b. Feb. 7, 1859; m. Geo. R. Reed; Mary A. F. b. Nov. 28, 1863, m. Abram Wood; Henry F. b. Nov. 20, 1867, m. Amy Walker. Pioneer. Died Dec. 1, 1898. BAKER, HENRY F. (son of William Baker and Frances Friend). Born Nov. 20, 1867, Minersville, Utah. Married Amy Walker Dec. 13, 1893, St. George, Utah. Their children: Cecil H. b. Dec. 2, 1895; Alvin b. Jan. 11, 1898; Jesse b. June 15, 1900; Lois M. b. Sept. 3, 1902; Thora b. Oct. 7, 1904, died; Harold b. June 27, 1907; Joseph Delos b. Dec. 23, 1909. Family home Minersville, Utah. High priest; member of high council; missionary to Eng- land 1902-1903; counselor to bishop; afterward bishop; Sun- day school superintendent. BAKER, WILLIAM GEORGE (son of Henry Baker and Jean Rio Griffiths of London, Eng.). Born June 10, 1835, in Lon- don. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1851, John Brown company. Married Hannah Hayward Nov. 25, 1855 (daughter of Wil- liam Hayward and Ruth Hughes, pioneers Oct. 9, 1853, Ap- pleton Harmon company). Their children: William George b. Oct. 19, 1856, m. Amanda Jensen; Ruth Jean Rio b. April 17, 1859, m. James C. Peterson; Henry b. May 7, 1861, m. Hannah B. Ramsey; William Hayward b. Aug. 17, 1863, died; Frank Arnold b. Jan. 7, 1866, m. Nettie Spencer; Mc.ry Hannah Hayward b. March 25, 1868, m. Victor E. Bean; Walter b. Feb. 9, 1870, m. Anna Sophia Boyce; John Rich- ard b. April 27, 1872, m. Annie Jensen; Charles Fredrick b. June 21, 1874, died; Elizabeth b. Aug. 23, 1876, m. William Thomas Ogden; Eugene Hayward, b. June 6, 1878, m. Rhoda Cottam; Claude Vincent b. March 20, 1881, m. Lillie Liston; Edward Lester b. Oct. 11, 1883. Family home Richfield, Utah. Married Nlcolina Marie Bertelsen June 1, 1867, Nephi, Utah (daughter of Niels and Marie Bertelsen), who was born Jan. 26, 1845, Aalborg, Denmark. Their children: Mary Otta- minnie b. March 22, 1868, m. Leo A. Bean; William Louis b. Jan. 14, 1870, m. Laura Jones; Nelson b. Oct. 9, 1871, m. Natalia Borg; Lars Arthur b. Jan. 13, 1874, m. Caroline Jen- sen; Annie Eliza b. Dec. 30, 1875, died; Ida Elizabeth b. March 24, 1878, died; Ralph b. May 12, 1879, m. Mary Ann Toller; Ruth Henrietta b. Oct. 17, 18S1, m. Frank K. Seegmiller; Albert James b. Jan. 16, 1883, died Oct. 12. 1887; Hazel Adelia b. June 25, 1887. School trustee Richfield school district; justice of the peace; county treasurer. Attorney at law. BAKER, NELSON (son of William George Baker and Nicolina Marie Bertelsen). Born Oct. 9, 1871, Nephi, Utah. Married Natalia Borg March 31, 1897, Richfield, Utah (daughter of O. P. Borg and Brighamina Nielsen, pioneers respectively of 1864 and 1866). She was born Oct. 6, 1874, Richfield, Utah. Their children: Minnie Allene b. Jan. 1. 1898; Owen Nelson b. May 29, 1901; Evan William b. March 6, 1903; Elva Natalia b. Dec. 22, 1905; Edward Louts b. Jan. 16, 1908; Anna Marguerette b. March 21, 1911. Mechanical engineer. BALL, JOHN PRICE (son of James Ball and Isabel Price, of Coalville, Eng.). Born Oct. 4, 1828, Coalville, Leicester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1862, Isaac A. Canfield company. Married Emma Henderson April 2, 1859 Loughborough, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 733 Eng., who was born Jan. 10, 1828, Sheepshead, Leicestershire, Eng. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Phoebe Birkenhead March 4, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Birkenhead and Mary Ann Wile of Bir- mingham, Eng.), who was born Jan. 17, 1852. Their children: Isabel b. Oct. 14, 1872, m. James W. Ure, Jr.; Amy A. b. Nov. 24, 1873, m. Edward H. Davis; John Price, Jr. b. Nov. 3, 1875, died; James H. b. Dec. 30, 1877, m. Sylvia Garff; Isaac B. b. July 17, 1880, m. Rachel Hodgson; Thomas William b. July 6, 1883, m. Rinda Hamlin. Family home Salt Lake City. Merchant. Died Oct. 16, 1890. BALL, JAMES H. (son of John Price Ball and Phoebe Birken- head). Born Dec. 30, 1877, Salt Lake City. Married Sylvia Garff June 15, 1905, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Christian Garff and Augusta Elizabeth Hansen, pio- neers 1858), who was born April 30, 1879. Only child: Dorothy b. Dec. 15, 19>08. Lawyer. Served in U. S. army In Philippines during war with Spain. BALLANTYNE, RICHARD (son of David Ballantyne, born 1748 near Roxburgh, Scotland, and died Dec. 12, 1831, and Ann Bannerman, born 1789 at Dundee, Scotland; married Oct. 28, 1808). Born Aug. 26, 1817, at Earlston, Berwick, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young com- pany. Married Huldah Meriah Clark Feb. 18, 1847 (daughter of Gardner Clark and Delecta Farrer who were married 1813 at Geneseo, N. Y.; the former died 1847 at Winter Quarters, Iowa, and the latter came to Utah 1848). She was born Oct. 26, 1823. and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Richard Alando b. June 1, 1848, m. Mary Ann Stewart Dec. 27. 1875; Delecta Annie Jane b. Nov. 22, 1849, m. Louis F. Moench Feb. 15, 1874; David Henry b. Nov. 16, 1851, d. Aug. 31, 1863; Meriah Cedenia b. June 25, 1856, m. Austin C. Brown Feb. 2, 1874; John Taylor b. Dec. 28, 1857, m. Mahala E. Wil- son March 18, 1885; Annie b. July 15, 1860, m. Louis F. Moench; Roseltha b. March 10, 1862, m. Jesse G. Stratford Nov. 23. 1882; Isabella b. Aug. 3, 1864, m. Louis Alvin West Nov. 23, 1882; Joseph b. Feb. 20, 1868, m. Rosannah A. Brown. Family homes Salt Lake City, Nephi, Ogden and Eden, Utah. Married Mary Pearce Nov. 27, 1855, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Edward Pearce and Elizabeth Bennett), who was born Oct. 1, 1828, at Ratcliffe, London, Eng., and came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, with her husband's company. Their children: Zachariah b. Oct. 31, 1856, m. Martha Ferrin; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 7, 1858, m. Willard Farr; Jane Susannah b. Feb. 10, 1861, m. Edward H. Anderson; James Edward b. Nov. 1, 1863, m. Sarah H. Critchlow; Eliza Jane b. June 8, 1866, m. Henry J. Garner; Heber Charles b. Feb. 28. 1867, m. Ada Belnap. Family resided at Salt Lake City, Nephl and Ogden, Utah. Married Caroline Albertine Sanderson Nov. 7, 1856, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Kanute Alexander-son and Ingebor Christina Larsen), who was born Sept. 19, 1837, at Roken, Norway. Their children: Thomas Henry b. Dec. 12, 1858, m. Martha Carstensen Sept. 6, 1883; Caroline Josephine b. Jan. 30, 1861, m. Marcus Farr; Matilda b. Dec. 30, 1862, d. Sept. 4, 1882; Catherine Mena b. Dec. 29, 1864, d. Nov. 18, 1866; Jede- diah b. Nov. 18. 1867, m. Nettie Wilson; Brigham b. Feb. 18, 1871; Laura Elizabeth b. June 23, 1874. Family resided at Salt Lake City, Nephi, Ogden and Eden. Missionary to Hindoostan, India, 1852, laboring In Cal- cutta and Madras, and publishing a paper there. Brought a company of Immigrants to Utah Sept. 25, 1855. Pioneer to the Salmon river 1857 and returning moved to Nephl, 1857, and to Ogden 1860; located the town of Eden 1866, and there served as bishop until 1871. High councilor 37 years and superintendent Sunday schools of Weber stake. Organized the first Sunday school in the dominant church December, 1849, and therefore is known as "father of the Sunday schools." County commissioner of Weber county 12 years; alderman of Ogden several terms; school trustee. Publishefl and editor of "Ogden Junction" 1877. Merchant and farmer. BALLANTYNE, RICHARD ALANDO (son of Richard Ballan- tyne and Huldah Meriah Clark). Born June 1, 1848, on the Elkhorn river, Nebraska. Married Mary Ann Stewart Dec. 27, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Mitton Stewart and Elizabeth White), who was born March 4, 1858, Draper, Utah. Their children: Mary Delecta b. April 7, 1877, m. Heber Fielding Burton Dec. 14, 1898; Elizabeth Huldah b. Oct. 28, 1879, m. George D. Cardon Sept. 10, 1902; Richard Stewart b. Dec. 25, 1881, m. Ardella Romney Sept. 30, 1909; Alando Bannerman b. July 18, 1884; Leona Bertha b. Sept. 21, 1886, m. Kenneth R. Wool- ley March 4, 1911; Geneva Alice b. Sept. 14, 1888; Isaac Stew- art b. Sept. 21, 1890, d. June 14, 1892; Prescindia Stewart b. Oct. 23, 1892, m. Herbert S. Woolley Sept. 6, 1911; Glenna Marie b. Dec. 25, 1894; Zina Leanore b. June 8, 1897; William Stewart b. Jan. 17, 1900, d. Aug-. 16, 1912; Mary Stewart b. May 27, 1902; Ruth b. Nov. 22, 1905. Family homes Ogden, Draper and Logan, Utah. From 9 to 23 years of age he worked in a store, on the farm and in the canyons for his father. Missionary to the southern states 1879-80; home missionary in Salt Lake stake over two years; high priest; Sunday school superintendent and teacher 30 years; member Sunday school board of Weber stake 6 years; bishop's counselor. School trustee at Draper 6 years; commissioner to locate university lands two years; helped build Union and Central Pacific and O. S. L. railroads, also to build the Davis & Weber county. East Jor- dan & Draper and West Cache county canals. Farmer; bookkeeper. BALLANTYNE, JOHN T. (son of Richard Ballantyne and Huldha Meriah Clark). Born Dec. 28, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Mahala E. Wilson March 18, 1885, Lehl, Utah (daughter of David Wilson and Rachel P. Loveless of Payson, Utah, pioneers 1850). She was born June 30 1863 Their children: Effle b. Dec. 21, 1885, m. Releigh Campbell; Ivy b. Feb. 9, 1888, m. Harrison B. Child; John W. b. Jan 10 1890; LeRoy T. b. Nov. 16, 1892; David W. b. Dec. 2, 1894- Ozro M. b. November, 1896, d. infant; Orin b. Feb. 12, 1898 d ??, d i 3 montn s: Leslie C. b. Jan. 6, 1899; Ezra b. June '29' 1901, d. aged 7 years; Cleone b. Sept. 16, 1904; Eugene and Geneva b. Aug. 23, 1906, the former d. at 2 years of aee- Hulda b. April 15, 1909. Bishop; high priest. Farmer; bookkeeper. Died Dec 30 1910, Riverdale, Utah. BALLANTYNE, THOMAS H. (son of Richard Ballantyne and Caroline Albertine Sanderson). Born Dec. 12 1858 Neohi Utah. Married Martha Carstensen Sept. 6, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter C. Carstensen and Karen Petersen) Their children: Thomas C.; Leroy C.; Varsell; Lucille; Juan- ita; Roy. Family home Ogden, Utah. President 77th quorum seventies 16 years. Chief of police four years at Ogden; chief deputy U. S. marshal 4 years. Contractor and builder. BALLANTYNE, JAMES EDWARD (son of Richard Ballan- tyne and Mary Pearce). Born Nov. 1. 1863, at Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah H. Critchlow March 3, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of Benjamin C. Critchlow and Martha A. Garner of Ogden, pioneers 1851, Henry Walton company. She was born April 16, 1868. Their children: James Leodale b Jan 3, 1887; Benjamin Franklin b. July 23, 1888; William Ed- ward b. April 17, 1890; Belva b. Jan. 30, 1897; Dorothy Beat- rice b. June 8, 1904. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1892; Sunday school super- intendent. Deputy city assessor and collector 2 years. En- gaged in real estate, insurance, loans and investments. BALLARD, WILLIAM (son of Barnett and Mary Ballard of Berkshire, Eng.). Born 1790 in Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, first P. E. fund company conducted by A. O. Smoot. Married Hannah Russell in England (daughter of George Russell and Hannah Higgelton of Hannington, Hantshire, Eng.). She was born April 9. 1799. Their children: Charles b. Jan. 10, 1821, m. Rebecca Hatton; George b. Dec. 26, 1823; John b. Aug. 18, 1826, m. Sarah Hawkins; Henry b. Jan. 27, 1832, m. Margaret McNeil, m. Emily McNeil. Family home Logan, Utah. After many years of active work was ordained patriarch. BALLARD, HENRY (son of William Ballard and Hannah Russell). Born Jan. 27, 1832, Thatcham, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1852, Eli B. Kelsey company. Married -Margaret McNeil May 5, 1861 (daughter of Thom- as McNeil and Janet Reid of Tranent, Scotland, pioneers 1859, Capt. Wright company). She was born April 14, 1846 Tra- nent, Haddingtonshire. Their children: Margaret Hannah b. Jan. 18, 1863, died; Henry William b. Sept. 20, 1864, m. Elvira Davidson Oct. 2, 1884; Thomas McNeil b. July 8, 1866. m. Phoebe Smith, April 2, 1890; Charles James and Janet M., twins, b. May 15, 1868 and George Albert b. April 9, 1870; latter three died; Melvin Joseph b. Feb. 9, 1873, m. Mattie A. Jones, June 17, 1896; Ellen Phoebe b. Sept. 19, 1875, died; Rebecca Ann b. Feb. 8, 1878, m. Louis S. Gardon June 17, 1896; Lettie May b. Dec. 13, 1881, m. George W. Squires Feb. 22, 1899; Mary Myrtle b. Aug. 21, 1885, m. D. Ray Shurtllff Sept. 3, 1908. Family home Logan, Utah. Married Emily McNeil Oct. 4, 1867, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas McNeil and Janet Reid), who was born June 19, 1847, Tranent, Scotland. Their children: Emily Eliza- beth b. Feb. 12, 1870, died; Willard Russell b. Nov. 26, 1872, m. Bessie Griffin June 10, 1896; Franklin Hyrum b. Nov. 28, 1874. m. Sarah Stevens Jan. 8, 1902; Ernest Reid b. Oct. 20, 1876, m. Amanda Miller June 22, 1904; Lydia Jane b. Sept. 9, 1878, m. William H. Griffin June 9, 1897; Jennie Lulu b. Nov. 4, 1880, m. Franklin T. Griffin Dec. 6, 1899; Amy Eugenie b. Jan. 13, 1885, died. Drove herd of sheep across plains; Echo Canyon cam- paigner under Porter Rockwell. Hauled first load of logs for the old school house, first load of logs for the tabernacle and first load of sand for the temple at Logan, Utah. Bishop 2d ward 39 years, then ordained patriarch; missionary to England 1887-89 and presided over London conference. Died Feb. 26, 1908. BALLARD, HENRY WILLIAM (son of Henry Ballard and Margaret McNeil). Born Sept. 20, 1864, Logan, Utah. Married Elvira Davidson, Oct. 2, 1884, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Robert Davidson and Ada Hemingway), who was born Jan 14 1866, Logan, Utah. Their children: Ada Elvira b. March 14 1886, died; Henry William, Jr., b. Dec. 1, 1888, m. Almeda Roundy July 12, 1911; Margaret Elvaretta b. Dec. 28, 1891 m. Edwin Roundy Oct. 18, 1911: Melvin Joseph b. Feb. 9, 1895; Robert Leroy b. Sept. 27, 1897; Leone b. Sept. 3, 1900. F'amily home Logan and Benson, Utah. Bishop Benson ward, Cache stake since 1891. Assisted hie father! in his varied career as pioneer. 734 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH BALLE, JENS THOMPSON (son of Thomas Balle and Mary C. Rod, both of Nibe, Denmark). Born Jan. 20, 1819, Nibe, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1864, Hans Peter Olsen com- pany. Married Ingrry Christine Peterson in Denmark (daughter of Peter Peterson, of Basle, Denmark). She was born Aug. 27. 1816. Their children: Louis P., b. 1846, died; Marinus b. Feb. 29, 1848, m. Dianthy Nelson; Christian Thompson b. Nov. 22, 1849, m. Emma E. Thustrup; George P., b. Aug. 1851, m. Christine Anderson. Family resided >n Ephraim and Mayfleld, Utah. High priest; bishop fourth ward, Ephraim, Utah, ten years. Died Aug. 1899. BALLS, CHRISTIAN THOMPSON (son of Jens Thompson Balle and Ingry Christine Peterson). Born Nov. 22, 1849, Aalborg, Denmark. Married Emma C. Thustrup June 6, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Christian Thustrup and Annie Marie Nielsen, pioneers Sept. 1868). She was born Sept. 16, 1864. Their children: Eugenie Maria b. April 26, 1877. m. James Holt; James Christian b. Jan. 20, 1879, m. Edith Olson; William Andrew b. April 20, 1881, died; Emma Rosalie b. March 24, 1883, m. L. D. Young; Myrtle Eulalie b. April 7, 1885, m. Bertman Behunin; Homer Leroy b. March 14, 1887, died; Evalena b. March 10, 1889, m. Earl Allruht; Leo Royal b. Dec. 31, 1890; Pearl Ivy b. April 9, 1893; Flossie Bell b. April 14. 1895; Lillian Odessa b. Aug. 22, 1898. Family homes Mayfleld and Fremont, Utah. High priest; bishop Fremont ward. Wayne stake, Utah; elder; seventy; missionary to Denmark Sept. 1886. BALLS, JOHN (son of William Coats and Betsy Balls, of Chediston, Eng.). Born Oct. 13, 1826, at Chediston. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company. Married Sarah Baxter (daughter of John Baxter and Sarah Butcher), who was born Dec. 6, 1826, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: William b. Feb. 16, 1849, m. Mary E. Metcalf Nov. 21, 1870; Mary b. Aug. 9, 1851, m. Chris Leyon, March 1869; John b. Oct. 11, 1853; Sarah b. Sept. 6, 1855, m. Elijah Seamons Feb. 11, 1872; Hannah Elizabeth b. Jan. 4, 1857, m. John Thomas Lyon; Ellen b. Nov. 3, 1859, m. James S. Hancey Oct. 9, 1879; James b. July 4, 1861, m. Lucy F. Thurston Jan. 24, 1884; Eliza b. Sept. 5, 1863, m. Lorenzo Petersen Dec. 14, 1882; Dariel b. April 12, 1865, m. Mary E. Davis; Heber b. Sept. 20, 1867, m. Tomina Nielsen Dec. 16, 1898; Jabez Henry b. Oct. 5, 1871; Charles Herbert b. Sept. 18, 1873. m. Bessie Elwood Jan. 29, 1897. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Married Mary Ann Hawks 1879, Salt Lake City. High priest. Watermaster ten years; sawyer of first frame sawmill In Hyde Park; farmer and stockraiser. Died Oct. 30, 1902. BALLS, WILLIAM (son of John Balls and Sarah Baxter). Born Feb. 16, 1849, Suffolk, Eng. Married Mary Ellen Metcalf Nov. 21, 1872, at Hyde Park (daughter of Anthony Metcalf and Mary Reeder, pioneers Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She was born March 16, 1856, Hyde Park, Utah. Their children: William Nathaniel b. April 1, 1873, and Sarah Elizabeth b. Nov. 27, 1874, both died; Mary Marietta b. April 28, 1876, m. Reuben A. Perkins Feb. 3, 1897; George David b. May 24, 1878, m. Julia Webber Dec. 19, 1900; Ida May b. May 28, 1880, m. Wil- liam Hill July, 1S98; Florence b. March 31, 1882, m. Riley Harris Dec. 3, 1903; John Alma b. Oct. 6, 1883, m. Ethel Woolf June 7, 1905; Wilford b. Oct. 28, 1885. m. Modda Sea- mons April 15, 1908; Mabel b. April 26, 1889; Charles Heber b. Dec. 19, 1890; Clarence b. June 22, 1892, died; Maggie b. Feb. 25, 1894; Lavaught and Levere, twins, b. Nov. 22, 1896, former died; Lyman b. Nov. 4, 1898. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. High priest and many minor offices. Trustee Logan and Richmond Canal Co. 14 years; trustee Logan, Hyde Park and Smithfield Canal Co. five years. Farmer; stock and sheepraiser. I! M.si'.K. JOHN (son of John Balser and Ann Barson of Liverpool. Eng.). Born July 29, 1823, in Liverpool. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Emma Evans March 16, 1846, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of John Evans and Mary Steed of Liverpool, Eng., latter a pioneer Sept. 3, 1852, Capt. A. O. Smoot com- pany). She was born April 18, 1824. Their children: William and Annie died; Rhoda Amelia, m. John Watson; Edward, d. aged 8; Frederick, died; Emma, m. Frank W. Tearnce; John Lewis, m. Hattie Coon; Luella J., m. John N. Lees; Ellen G. and Mary May, died. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Seventy; block and Sunday school teacher. Manufacturer of tents and awnings; carpenter. Died June 4, 1899, at Salt Lake City, Utah. BANKS, WILLIAM P. BROOMHEAD (son of Benjamin Broomhead, born 1825. and Sarah Jarvis, born 1825, both of Birmingham, Eng.). He was born June 14, 1851, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah 1864. Married Letitia A. Davis March 13, 1876 (daughter of John T. Davis and Letitia A. George), who was born Nov. 23, 1856. Their children: William G. B. b. Jan. 17, 1878. m. Nancy E. Tolman Oct. 8. 1895; Sarah Letitia b. Sept. 11, 1880, died; J. Elmer b. Sept. 8, 1882, m. E. Mae Smith June 9, 1909; Albert J. b. Dec. 12, 1884, m. Ethel L. Humphreys 10, 1906; Ben F. b. Oct. 4, 1886, m. Hilva Johnson June 24, 1908; Lureta b. Oct. 24, 1888, m. Joseph H. Johnson Jan. 15 1908; Mary E. b. June 22, 1891, died; Eva Byrl b. April 22 1896; Barbara P. b. Sept. 6, 1898, died; Lewis D. b. March 3. 1901. Family homes Spanish Fork and Lake Shore, Utah and Bancroft, Idaho. Bishop's counselor 1886-93; assistant Sunday school super- intendent, Utah stake; high councilor 1898-92, Bannock stake. BANKS, WILLIAM G. BROOMHEAD (son of William F. Broomhead Banks and Letitia A. Davis). Born Jan. 17, 1878, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Nancy E. Tolman Oct. 8, 1895, Pocatello, Idaho (daughter of Joseph H. Tolman and Adella Woods), who was born Oct. 14, 1878, Ophir, Utah. Their children: Jennie E. b. Oct. 24, 1896; Letitia A. b. Nov. 15, 1898; Elmer G. b. Sept. 15, 1900; William J. b. Jan. 17, 1903. Family homo Bancroft, Idaho. Elder; ward teacher. BARBER, JOHN (son of James Barber and Louisa Weeds, of Norwich, Eng.). Born May 1821, Norwich, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1862, William Miller company. Married Charlotte Kirby Sept. 22, 1861 (daughter of John Kirby and Charlotte Wright), who was born Nov. 26, 1830, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John R. b. Dec. 12, 1862, m. Emily Anderson March 28, 1887; Laura b. Feb. 21, 1865, m. Chas. A. Saury Sept. 17, 1886; Charlotte b. May 20, 1867, m. Chas. F. Lutz Sept. 22, 1898; Thomas K. b. May 14, 1890. Family home Logan, Utah. Married Marie Peterson, July 2, 1885, Logan, Utah, who was born Sept. 24. 1818, at Trunium, Norway. No issue. Brlckmaker and bricklayer; farmer. BARBER. JOHN R. (son of John Barber and Charlotte Kirby). Born Dec. 12, 1862, Logan, Utah. Married Emily Anderson March 28, 1887 (daughter of Hogan Anderson, born March 28, 1826, and Cecelia Swenson, born Feb. 23, 1841, married Nov. 2, 1863). She was born Oct. 26, 1864, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Their children: Emil Ar- thur b. March 18, 1885, m. Marie Anna Ronnenkamp Oct. 4, 1911; Emily Lorinda b. Jan. 16, 1888, m. Nicholas N. Newby Oct. 4, 1907; John W- b. Sept. 21, 1889; Ida Mae b. Dec. 24, 1891; Amelia Cecelia b. July 6, 1894; Ellen Vilate b. Sept. 25, 1896; Geo. Hogan b. Oct. 21, 1898; Joseph Wilding b. March 19, 1901; Theodore b. June 19, 1903; Eva Charlotte b. Sept. 6, 1908. Family home Herbert, Idaho. Teacher, farmer and stockraiser. BARENTSON, ANDREW MARCUS. Born Jan. 22, 1832, in Denmark. Came to Utah 1861, oxteam company. Married Mariah Erickson in Denmark. Their children: Susannah, m. Samuel R. Jewkes; Eliza, m. James C. Wood- ward. Family home Fountain Green, Utah. Married Patria Yergersen in 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Yergersen of Fountain Green, Utah, came to Utah 1863). Their children: Andrew M., m. Lottie Johnson; Mariah, m. Joshua Coombs; Lena, m. Oliver John- son; William; Matilda, m. William Sorenson. Family home Fountain Green, Utah. High priest; counselor in bishopric of Fountain Green. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Farmer and stockraiser. BARKER, BYRON (son of Frederick Barker). Born at Watertown, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1842. Came to Utah Oct. 20, 1849, David Moore company. Married Julia C. Hubbard (daughter of Charles W. Hub- bard and Mary Ann Bosworth, pioneers Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born April 3, 1848. Their children: George b. April 26, 1869; Stella b. Oct. 17, 1870; Emma b. April 24, 1872; Mary Ann b. Oct. 25, 1873; Charles b. Oct. 23, 1875; May b. March 25, 1878; Permelia b. Sept. 17, 1880; Violate b. April 30, 1883; Frederick C. b. Sept. 9, 1884; Matilda b. Dec. 30, 1885; Ethel Laverne b. July 28, 1888; Leo C. b. Jan. 16, 1892. BARKER, GEORGE BYRON (son of Byron Barker and Julia C. Hubbard). Born April 26, 1869. Married Emma Stauffer. Their children: Clarence Leroy b. Aug. 12, 1890. m. Ethel Beesley; Raymond b. Jan. 16, 1910. BARKER, CHARLES. Born March 10, 1823, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1861. Married Fanny Kitchen (daughter of John Kitchen and Betsie Lund), who was born March 10, 1833. BARKER, CHARLES W. (son of Charles Barker and I'anny Kitchen). Born Jan. 3, 1872, Taylorsville, Utah. Married Lizzie Duncombe 1890, Ogden, Utah (daughter of David Duncombe and Fanny M. Haynes, pioneers). She was born Sept. 9, 1870. Their children: Frances L. b. Oct. 6, 1891; Gerald b. Jan. 12, 1894; Maude b. Dec. 18, 1896; Walter b. Aug. 30, 1898; Ida b. Feb. 20, 1901; Marie b. Oct. 10. 1904; Milton b. Feb. 2, 1909; Willard b. Dec. 20, 1912. Family home Taylorsville. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 735 BARKER, GEORGE (son of William Barker, who died Dec. 15, 1829, and Jane Barker, who died Dec. 4, 1825 both of Shelfanger, Norfolk, Eng.). Born March 1793 at Shel- fang-er. Came to Utah Oct. 20, 1849, Allen Taylor com- pany. Married Charlotte Brazeworth May 13, 1813, at Shelfanger who died July 27, 1813, aged 22 years. Married Sarah Gerard Dec. 18, 1815, of Diss, Norfolk, who died in 1830 en voyage to America. Their children- Frederick 1 b. Nov. 24, 1816, d. March 3, 1817; Ellis 1 b. Dec. 6, 1818, d. Aug. 22, 1819; James b. June 7, 1820, m. Mary Catherine Malan June 6, 1856; Frederick 2 b. 1822, m. Jane L. Johnson 1852, who died Aug. 20, 1864; m. Mariette Wright July 10, 1865; Ellis, 2 d. 1885; Simon b. Oct. 1826, m. Jemima Newey Nov. 4, 1856. Family resided at Shelfanger, Eng.; LeRayville, Jefferson county, N. Y.; Ogden, Utah. Settled at Brown's Fort, now Ogden, Utah, Oct. 24, 1849, after having lived In every town or camp established by the migrating saints. Died Nov. 21, 1869. BARKER, JAMES (son of George Barker and Sarah Gerard). Born June 7, 1820, Shelfanger, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah 1849 with father. Married Mary Catherine Malan June 6, 1856, Ogden, Utah (daughter of John Daniel Malan, born Nov. 20, 1804, Pied- mont, Italy, died May 6, 1886, Ogden, Utah, and Pauline Combe, born Aug. 6, 1805, Angrogna, Italy, died June 23, 1864, Ogden; married April 28, 1825, In Italy; pioneers to Utah in 1855). She was born July 10, 1829, at Piedmont, Italy. Their children: James John b. July 20, 1858, m. Vincy Rice Stone May 16, 1888; Sarah b. Nov. 4, 1860, m. Jefferson C. Slade 1883; George Ellis b. Nov. 13, 1865, m. Dora Brown; Elfrida Gay b. July 1, 1868. m. Julius A. Farley Nov. 11, 1886; Olla May b. Feb. 20, 1873, m. Moroni H. Thomas Aug. 15, 1906. Family home Ogden. Was active in the pioneer work of organizing Ogden. Went to California and returned with immigrants 1850-54. BARKER, JAMES JOHN (son of James Barker and Mary Catherine Malan). Born July 20, 1858, at Ogden. Married Vincy Rice Stone May 16, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Amos Pease Stone and Minerva Leantine Jones, pioneers). She was born Jan. 16, 1864, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Desmond James b. March 15, 1889; Amos Howard b. Dec. 9, 1891; Minerva Leantine b. July 15, 1894; Ruth Vincy b. Sept. 19, 1896, Ellis Webster b. Jan. 7, 1900; Elwood Ives b. Aug. 13, 1902; Clarence Elliott b. Jan. 3, 1905. Family home Ogden. Missionary to Tennessee 1896-99; president 98th quorum seventies. Ogden city councilman 1910-11. Farmer, horti- culturist and coal dealer. BARKER, DESMOND JAMES (son of James John Barker and Vincy Rice Stone). Born March 15, 1889, at Ogden. Missionary to Budapest, Hungary, 1910, where he and his associate, Samuel V. Spry, were pioneer missionaries; mem- ber Sunday school board of Ogden stake. BARKER, SIMON (son of George Barker and Sarah Gerard). Born Oct. 1. 1826, Shelfanger, Eng. Came to Utah in 1849 with father's family. Married Jemima Newey Nov. 4, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Newey, pioneer 1855, and Leah Welland, who had died in England). Their children: George Simon, m. Alice Whitney; Clarissa Ann, m. Walker Barlow; Fred- erick Ellis, m. Cecelia Sharp; Leah May, d. infant; Eveline, m. Charles Willard James. Family home Mound Fort, Ogden. Member 98th quorum seventies; high priest. Farmer. BARKER, GEORGE SIMON (son of Simon Barker and Jemima Newey). Born April 20, 1857, at Ogden. Married Alice Whitney Nov. 3, 1881, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Whitney and Hannah Shingler, of Leek, Staf- fordshire, Eng.). She was born Dec. 18, 1854. Their chil- dren: George Simon, Jr., b. Aug. 27, 1882, m. Florence Emily Dee; Joseph Frederick b. Jan. 19, 1885, m. Rosabella Cora Dee; Alice Maud b. June 9, 1887; Henry Claud b. Nov. 26, 1889; William Whitney b. Oct. 6, 1892. Family home Ogden. Member 9Sth quorum seventies; missionary to West Vir- ginia 1892-95; acted as clerk for the 98th quorum seventies several years. Stenographer and farmer. Died Sept. 2, 1895. BARKER, GEORGE SIMON, JR. (son of George Simon Bar- ker and Alice Whitney). Born Aug. 27, 1882, Ogden, Utah. Married Florence Emily Dee June 17, 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Duncombe Dee, of Llanelly, Caermar- thenshire, South Wales, and Annie Taylor, of Lofcoegrlam, Chestershire, Eng., pioneers 1860). She was born Feb. 12, 1886. Their children: Thomas George b. April 25, 1909; Richard Dee b. Jan. 22, 1912. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member 98th quorum seventies; missionary to Australia 1901-04; president Y. M. M. I. A. at Mound Fort ward 1904- 07; first counselor to Bishop Moroni S. Marriott of Ogden 10th ward. Lawyer. F. Garner; Fredrick G. b. Dec. 23, 1855, d. Dec. 12 1864- Newman Henry b. Jan. 27, 1858, m. Esther Caroline f'chad- ^ ! A ,? * an f, h July 13 ' 1860 ' m - Frederick W. Ellis; Imni H W^ 1 , 1 20 ' 1863 ' m " Ch arles Edward Clark; Polly b Oct ne 2?' I*fi7 - ' ^ 65> m ' Edward Jarae " Davis; Joseph Tnn P 90 is ' m i Fran , ces Ali " Chadwick; Harriet L. b. w?;i t 'i, ' mu , el Shaw; Lvm an b. March 15. 1872. m '" arr ' et 1 Ellen Ward; Horace Alonzo b. April 1 1875 d. April 3 1875. Family home North Ogden, Utah. President elders' quorum; president 76th and 38th quorums ber e hUh S: supe ,j:intendent North Ogden Sunday schools" mem! to Utah I'* o & d en; assisted in bringing immigrants Emillne Married Harriet Ellen Ward Jan. 9, 1901. Their children- Horace Lyman b. Nov. 11, 1901; Harriet Verna b. Dec. 4. 04; Louis Ward b. Sept. 8. 1907; Mildred b. Nov. 11, 191o! BARKER, JOH1V HENRY HUMPHREY (son of John Hum- n ' Enfr " and Annie Delnap of DubH>. Came to utah BARKER, JAMES (son of Fredrick Barker and Ann Blye, both of Norfolk, Eng.). Born April 7. 1827, Diss, Nor- folk. Came to Utah Oct. 20, 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Polly Emiline Blodgett March 2, 1851, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Newman Greenleaf Blodgett and Sally Mith Utley, pioneers 1850). She was born Dec. 1, 1832, Bath, N. H. Their children: James Hyrum b. March 9, 1852, d. Feb. 10, 1862; Mary Ann b. Dec. 24, 1853, m. William , Married Susan McDermott June 28, 1862 (daughter of In lU 1S M T D , e T m0 ! t ,, a , nd Mary Klmber >- who was born May 20, 1843. Their children: John Henry b. Nov. 2, 1863 m Emily Parson; Annie D. b. Sept. 19, 1865, m. Nahum Curtis-' William J. b. Aug. 8. 1867, m. Frances Parson; Fredrick G b. July 23, 1869, m. Lovina Weston; Eliza G b Nov 12 1871 m. Ira Bowen; Mary D. b. Feb. 21. 1874. m. William Arnn-' Lucy D. b. March 25. 1876, m. G. H. Robinson; JenSe D b' July 14 1878, m. William Jensen; Bessie b. March 3, 1881, m J. H. Weston. Married Christina M. Benson March 4, 1879, Salt Lake City J da P, ghter of Peter Benson and Kersten Erickson, pioneers 1857). She was born Feb. 22, 1863. Their children- My- rinda b. June 8, 1880. m. John Hansen; Irvin b. July 26 1885, m. Rena L. Richards; George b. Aug. 22, 1890. m Estua Weston; Jessie b. Nov. 4, 1892; Susie b. Dec. 6, 1894- Maud b- Aug. 14, 1899; Naomi b. Aug. 14, 1897; Waldo b. Dec. 3, Married Johanna Yensen April 9, 1879, Salt Lake City She was born Dec. 12, 1844. Their children: Henry Y b July 8, 1881; Davis Y. b. Jan. 7, 1884. Families lived at Newton Cache county, Utah. School teacher 1866-67. Died Feb. 27, 1910. BARKER, JOHN HENRY (son of John Henry Humphrey Barker and Susan McDermott). Born Nov. 2, 1863, Salt Lake City. Married Emily Parson Sept. 21, 1887, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of James Parson and Mary Ann Catt), who was born April 30, 1866, in England. Their children: John Henry b July 14, 1888; Pearl S. b. May 20, 1891; Frank Harvey b June 9, 1893; Levon b. Sept. 1, 1896; Rhoda b. March 4, 1899- Stephen b. March 3, 1901; Grace b. May 13, 1903; James W. b. May 15, 1906. Family home Cache Junction, Utah. Merchant. Postmaster Cache Junction 1891; deputy sheriff in Cache county, and was later elected sheriff. BARLOW, EDWARD (son of John Barlow and Mary Ann Crompton of Unsworth, Lancashire, Eng.). Born Aug. 14, 1801, at Unsworth. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Betty Crompton, Prestwich, Eng. (daughter of William Crompton). Their children: Thomas h. June 13. 1823, m. Ann Hulme; William b. March 13, 1826, m. Ann Lees; Ann, m. Charles R. Dana; Sarah, m. Mark Eastwood. Weaver by occupation. Died Nov. 9, 1877. BARLOW, THOMAS (son of Edward Barlow and Betty Crompton). Born June 13, 1823, Prestwich, Eng. Married Ann Hulme Nov. 5, 1848, Oldham, Eng. (daughter of George Hulme and Ann Barlow), who was born May 3, 1826. Their children: Walker b. June 9, 1851, m. Clarissa A. Barker; Edward b. July 16, 1854, m. Lizzie Flowers; Elizabeth A. b. Oct. 31. 1856. m. Tobias Furniss; George T. b. July 6, 1858, m. Sarah Coop; Abraham b. May 23, 1861, died. Family resided in England and in Pittsburg, Pa. Married Eliza Cato 1862 (daughter of Charles Cato and Ann Higbee), who was born Feb. 1, 1831, at Tringe, Eng. Their children: Ann Priscilla b. Oct. 16, 1863, m. John Tll- lotson; Sarah Emaline b. Dec. 10, 1865; Charles Cato b. Sept. 18, 1867; Joseph Cato b. May 5, 1869; Eliza Alberta b. Sept. 19, 1872, m. Leander Harris. Weaver, building own looms and his own residences; confectioner and baker. Ward secretary and treasurer Ogden. BARLOW, WALKER (son of Thomas Barlow and Ann Hulme). Born June 9, 1851, Blakely Lane, Lancastershire, Eng. Married Clarissa A. Barker Nov. 18, 1876, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Simon Barker and Jemima Newey, pioneers 1849). She was born April 13, 1859. Their children: Anna J. b. Aug. 20, 1877, m. Levi J. Taylor, Jr.; Leah May b. Jan. 9, 1879, m. Christopher H. Burton; George W. b. Dec. 16, 1880; Simon b. Nov. 4, 1882; Alice b. April 20. 1885; John Fredrick b. March 31, 1889; Joseph Willard b. Sept. 9, 1891; Ezra Thomas b. June 4, 1895; Ellis Edward b. Aug. 15. 1899. Family home Ogden, Utah. Carpenter, farmer and dairyman. 736 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH BARLOW, ISRAEL (son of Jonathan Barlow, born June 1, 1769, and Annis Gillett, born 1781, both at Granville, Hamp- den county, Mass.). He was born Sept. 13, '1806, at Gran- ville. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Brlgham Young com- pany. Married Elizabeth Haven Feb. 23, 1840 (daughter of John Haven, pioneer Sept. 23, 1848, Brigham Young company, and Elizabeth Howe). She was born Dec. 28, 1811, Hollis- ton, Middlesex county, Mass., and died Dec. 25, 1892, Boun- tiful, Utah. Their children: James Nathaniel b. May 8, 1841, d. same day; Israel, Jr. b. Sept. 5, 1842, m. Annie Yeates April 26, 1863; Pamela Elizabeth b. Sept. 6, 1844, m. David W. Thompson Sept. 10, 1861; lanthius Haven, b. May 1, 1846, m. Hannah Wintle Dec. 7, 1867; John Haven b. July 27, 1848. m. Elizabeth Cook Oct. 24, 1868; Mary A. b. Nov. 15, 1850, m. David O. Willey Dec. 7, 1868; Wilford b. Feb. 3, 1854, m. Laura Ann Jackson Jan. 24, 1876; Willard Albert b. Feb. 3, 1854, d. Oct. 28, 1854. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Elizabeth Barton 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Nathan Barton), who was born Sept. 10, 1801, in Pennsyl- vania, and died Oct. 21, 1874, at Bountiful, Utah. Married Lucy Heap Dec. 3, 1855, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Heap, pioneer Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company, and Sarah Waters). She was born Sept. 24, 1836, Litchfield, Staffordshire, Eng., died July 4, 1901. Afton. Wyo. Their children: Truman Heap b. June 12, 1857, d. Feb. 19, 1913, m. Fanny Call Nov. 28, 1878, m. Sarah Call June 29, 1887; Sarah Isabelle b. June 26, 1859, m. Joseph H. Call June 26, 1879; Annis Janet b. Sept. 30, 1860, m. Chester Vin- son Call Oct. 28, 1880; Emma Jane b. Aug. 19, 1862, m. Ira Call Oct. 28, 1880; Hyrum Heap b. Aug. 30, 1864, m. Margaret Burton Jan. 2, 1889; Minnie Rette b. Nov. 17, 1865, m. Ches- ter Vinson Call Sept. 5, 1884; Granville b. July 31, 1867, m. Eliza Ann Burningham Dec. 18, 1889; Nathan b. March 26, 1869, m. Dora Matilda Tolman June 24, 1891. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Cordelia Maria Dalrymple May 27, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Luther Dalrymple and Sally Hammond), who was born Oct. 4, 1822, Warren county, N. Y., died March 1906, Lewiston, Utah. Family resided at Bountiful and Logan, Utah. Seventy; president 6th quorum seventies; patriarch 1882; missionary to England 1853-55; president Birmingham con- ference; bodyguard to Joseph Smith; member Zion and Kirtland camps. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah; pioneer of Bountiful 1849. Pioneer nurseryman and apiar- ist; farmer and stockraiser. Died Nov. 1, 1883, Bountiful, Utah. BARLOW, ISRAEL, JR. (son of Israel Barlow and Eliza- beth Haven). Born Sept. 5, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Married Annie Yeates April 26, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Yeates and Mary Ann Ledbury), who was born Aug 8, 1843, and died April 26, 1901. Their chil- dren: Israel 3 b. May 17, 1864, m. Joan V. Hjorth Sept. 21, 1892; Annie L. b. Jan. 10, 1866, m. Lamoni Call April 5, 1883; Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 6, 1867, m. Ernest W. Smedley Nov. 28, 1888; Clara Ellen b. Oct. 10, 1869, died; Pamela b. June 9, 1872, m. James F. Jones Jan. 3, 1895; John Yeates b. March 4, 1874, m. Ida May Critchlow Dec. 16, 1897, who died July 1901, m. Susannah S. Taggart Sept. 24, 1902; Eva An- toinette b. Feb. 28, 1876, m. Charles A. Jensen Dec. 19, 1894; Edmund F. b. June 14, 1879, m. Lucy A. Garrett June 18, 1903; Alice Janet b. June 2, 1881, m. True B. Hatch March 22, 1900; lanthius Winford b. Jan. 3, 1883, m. Chloe C. Mc- Mullin July 26, 1901; Rosa M. b. Nov. 21, 1885, m. Laurence M. Watt March 30, 1903; Jennie Hazel b. Nov. 10, 1887, d. May 12, 1891. Missionary to Nevada 1870-79; seventy; high priest; patri- arch March 19, 1900; president 70th quorum seventies; coun- selor to Bishop J. H. Grant. Assisted to bring immigrants to Utah. Member Utah militia. Farmer; fruitgrower and stockraiser; pioneer dry farmer. BARLOW, ISRAEL, III (son of Israel Barlow and Annie Yeates). Born May 17, 1864, Bountiful, Utah. Married Joan Vilate Hjorth Sept. 21, 1892 (daughter of Peter H. Hjorth, pioneer Sept. 22, 1861, Capt. Samuel A. Woolley company, and Anna Jensen, pioneer Sept. 29, 1866, Peter Nebeker company, married Dec. 7, 1868, Salt Lake City). She was born Dec. 12, 1869, Millville, Utah. Their children: Israel Owen b. Aug. 18, 1906; Newel Hjorth b. May 8, 1908. Family home Bountiful, Utah. First counselor of 1st quorum elders Davis stake 1884-92; president 74th quorum seventies 1896-1910; assistant Sunday school superintendent of Davis stake 1897-1910; missionary to southern states 1886-88; president Mississippi conference 1887-88; missionary to bureau of information Temple Block 1906-09. School trustee and justice of peace West Bounti- ful 1892-96; assessor of Davis county 1896-1900. School teacher; farmer and stockraiser. BARLOW, TRUMAN H. (son of Israel Barlow* and Lucy Heap). Born June 12, 1857, Bountiful, Utah. Married Fanny Call Nov. 28, 1878 (daughter of Anson Call, born May 13, 1810, Fletcher, Franklin county, Vt., and Emma Summers, born Aug. 5, 1828, Worcestershire, Eng.). She was born Aug. 11, 1860. Their children: Truman C. b. Oct. 29, 1879, m. Nellie Rampton; Fanny Pearl b. March 18, 1882, m. Clarence Holbrook; Clarence Anson b. June 29, 1885; m. Silvia Hatch; Myron C. b. Sept. 18, 1887, m. Viola Ford; Klmber C. b. Jan. 14, 1892; Loren C. b. April 8, 1895. Married Sarah Call June 27, 1887, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Anson Call, pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company, and Emma Summers, pioneer Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company). She was born Dec. 8, 1870. Their children: Israel Call b. Dec. 6, 1891; Emma b. July 7, 1895; Naomi b. May 23, 1900; Annie b. April 9, 1902; Elmer b. Nov. 15, 1904; Eva b. April 26, 1907; Joel b. March 10. 1910; Woodrow b. Sept. 27, 1912. Family home Bountiful Utah. Settler of Chesterfield, Idaho, 1883-92. High priest; mem- ber Bountiful bishopric 1903-09; missionary and president Indiana conference 1894. School trustee. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Feb. 19, 1913, at Salt Lake City. BARLOW, JOHN (son of James and Ann Barlow of Eng- land). Born Aug. 3, 1838, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah 1857, oxteam company. Married Lunes Barlow July 26, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Oswald Barlow and Mary Jane Oliver of Eng- land, pioneers 1852). She was born March 21, 1857. Their children: John b. May 6, 1876, d. Nov. 15, 1891; James Ed- ward b. Dec. 9, 1878, m. Kate Isabel; Mary Ann b. Oct. 8, 1879, d. infant; Emma Jane b. June 17, 1881, m. John R. Jensen; Hyrum b. Jan. 18, 1883, m. Maud Miller; Ephraim b. Sept. 3, 1885; Richard Oliver b. May 11, 1887; Lunes May b. Nov. 4, 1889, m. Charles A. Hansen; Eva Belle b. Jan. 6, 1893. Family resided Cedar Valley and Richfield, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Early settler of Cedar Valley and Sevier county. Farmer. BARLOW, OSWALD (son of James Barlow and Ann Cromp- ton, born Aug. 27, 1805, both of Manchester, Eng.). He was born July 22, 1829, at Manchester. Came to Utah 1852, driv- ing a merchant team overland. Married Catherine Nightingale (daughter of John Night- ingale and Jane Brown, the latter coming to Utah with last handcart company of 1856). She was born March 17, 1S27. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1853, Appleton Harmon company. Their children: James b. Oct. 22, 1849, m. Anne C. S. Carl- son Feb. 13, 1878; Oswald F. b. Aug. 11, 1854, m. Dorothy Heath 1877; Willard b. June 12, 1863, m. Elizabeth Luke 1888; Joseph b. 1865, m. Adelaide Angel 1889 (both dead); Heber F. b. 1867, died. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Mary Jane Oliver (daughter of William Oliver), who was born 1831. Their children: William H. b. Aug. 6, 1855; Lunes b. March 21, 1857, m. John Barlow Jan. 26, 1875; David H. b. 1860; Albert George b. July 4, 1862; Heber Franklin b. Sept. 6, 1866 (all deceased); Arthur b. Aug. 6. 1871, m. Clara Woodbury. Settled at St. George, Utah. Mason by occupation. BARLOW, JAMES (son of Oswald Barlow and Catherine Nightingale). Born Oct. 22, 1849, Manchester, Eng. Married Anne C. S. Carlson Feb. 13, 1878, St. George, Utah (daughter of Andreas Carlson and Anne Marie Niel- sen). She was born July 18, 1860, Asverge, Denmark. Their children: James Oswald b. Jan. 25, 1881; Andrew b. Jan. 31, 1883; Leo Nightingale b. July 6, 1884; Walter Edwin b. April 11, 1886; Heber Chase b. Nov. 10, 1888; Ray b. March 15, 1904; all children now dead. Family home Richfield, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. BARNAHD, JANES S. (parents lived at Clackmannan. Scot- land). Born May 15, 1818, Black Row, Clackmannan Scotland. Came to Utah 1853, David Wilkins company. Married Jennette Snedden at Airdrle, Lanarkshire Scot- land (daughter of J. Snedden,). Their children: Andrew S.; Jennette S., m. John S. Gibson; John S., m. Belle Forsythe' Johan S., m. William Gibson; James S.; Joseph S. ; Elizabeth J., d. aged 2; Laura S., Isabelle S., Ellen S., all died except Johan S. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Mining operator. Died In 1856. BARNES, ALBERT RAYMOND (son of Dr. Francis Barnes, born Nov. 22, 1835, Vergennes, Vt., and Lucinda Raymond, born April 19, 1835, Waverly, N. Y., married 1861). He was born March 18, 1867, Attica, Ind. Came to Utah Nov. 1899. Married Josephine C. Naisbitt June 22, 1907 (daughter of Henry W. Naisbitt and Elizabeth Irvine, married 1869, Salt Lake City; former a pioneer 1854, the latter 1855). She was born Aug. 4, 1878. Only child: Francis Raymond b. Sept. 26, 1910. Family home Salt Lake City. Deputy attorney general 1908-09; attorney general 1909-13. Graduated from Ann Arbor law school June 1899. BARNES, MARK (son of John Barnes and Hannah Wood- ward of England). Born March 6, 1809, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah July, 1862. Married Ann Armstrong in 1831, Edinburgh, Scotland (daughter of Joseph and Elspeth Armstrong of Ireland). She was born Dec. 2, 1811. Their children: Joseph b. Oct. 1, 1833, m. Mary Craig; Mark b. June 1836; Martha b. Dec. 29, 1838, m. William Dyet. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Maria Bidgood 1890. Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Bidgood and Agnes Glllard of England, pio- neers Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock company). She was born Feb. 15, 1832. Missionary to Jersey Islands, England and Scotland 1858; superintendent llth ward Sunday school 1875. Farmer and expert gardener. Died Aug. 30, 1890. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 737 BARNES, JOSEPH (son of Mark Barnes and Ann Arm- strong:). Born Oct. 1, 1833, at Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Married Mary Craig Oct. 31, 1851, in Scotland (daughter of John Craig and Unity McCune, who came to Utah in 1892). She was born April 8, 1835. Their children- Unity b. Dec. 30, 1853, m. James Brown; Mark b. 1855; Hyrum b Nov. 11, 186J; Ruth, m. Mr. Ellison; Joseph b. Jan 26 1859 m. Rose McDade; Martha b. Oct. 12, 1861, m. Peter Bird- Mary b. June 1868, m. Robert Colman; Elspeth b July 1874 m. Daniel Kelly. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest. Died July 12, 1905. BARNES, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Barnes and Nancy Boardman of Bolton, Lancashire, Eng.). Born June 22, 1853, at Bolton. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, Daniel Thomp- son company. Married Margaret Ellen Clegg Dec. 28, 1873, at Heber City, Utah (daughter of Jonathan Clegg and Ellen Wombs- ley of Heber City, pioneers Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin "frozen" handcart company). She was born Nov. 21, 1855. Their children: William Henry, m. Eliza Jordon; Robert b. Sept. 11, 1875, killed at the ige of 19; Nancy Ellen b. Nov. 18, 1877, m. William Thomson; Sarah Alice b. Nov 27, 1879, m. Urich Stribble; Ma' ,aret b. 1881, m. Charles Ludlow; Elizabeth b. Oct. 20, 1883, m. George Burt; Sylvia b. Feb. 22, 1885, m. John Owens; Rosella b. Sept. 16, 1887, m.- John Phipps; Lenvra b. June 14, 1889, m. William H. Park; Jonathan b. Feb. 26, 1819, drowned at the age of 14; Lillie b. Nov. 22, 1892, m. Frank Phipps; Richard T. b. Aug. 8, 1894; Earl b. July 1, 1896; Charles Brigham b. July 1, 1899. Elder. Located at Heber City 1866. Coal miner; farmer; quarryman. BAR1VETT, GEORGE (son of James Barnett and Ann Ber- rett of Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire, Eng.). Born May 27, 1828, at Steeple Ashton. Came to Utah Nov. 2. 1864, Warren S. Snow train with part of John M. Kay's party of English Immigrants. Married Mary Ann Mathews at Steeple Ashton (daughter of Robert Mathews of above place, pioneers with George Halliday company). Their children: Lorenzo Alma, m. Mary Wade; Rosena S. E., d. March 3, 1862; Georgena, m. James Roylance; Clara Virtue, m. Joseph Orton; Agnes Sarah A., d. Aug. 6, 1864. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. Presided over a branch of the church at Steeple Ashton, Eng. 1861-64; elder. Died at Pleasant View, Utah. BARNEY, CHARLES. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1852, Bryant Jolley company. Married Mercy Yeoman. Their children: Luther; Lewis b. 1808, m. Elizabeth Turner; Lucian; Henry; Walter b. 1819, m. Caroline Haws; John; Melinda. Married Deborah Street. Their children: Emerine m. Ben- jamin Leland; Betsy, m. Benjamin Leland; Benjamin T., m. Caroline Beard-Tippets; Margaret, m. Joseph Gilbert; Thomas Jefferson, m. Lucinda Box; William, m. Hannah Stoddard; Sarah Jane, m. Joseph S. Black. Family home Spring City, Utah. Early settler at Spanish Fork, where he died Feb. 28, 1866. BARNEY, LEWIS (son of Charles Barney and Mercy Yeo- man). Born Sept. 18, 1808. Married Elizabeth Turner (daughter of Walter and Lydia Turner), who was born June 8, 1808. Their children: Wal- ter b. 1836, m. Matilda Farr; Sarah, d. infant; James Henry b. Jan. 30, 1840, m. Emily Tolton March 4, 1866; Alma, died; Joseph S. b. 1846, m. Ormanda Oviatt; Orson b. 1852, died. Family resided at Spanish Fork, Spring City and Circle Val- ley, Utah. Married Elizabeth Beard in 1852 at Salt Lake City, who came to Utah 1852. Their children: Arthur, m. Miss Strong; Margaret, d. child; Martha, m. Charles Robinson; m. Thomas Briscoe; David; William, d. child; Emeline, m. Albert Thompson. Family home Monroe, Utah. Hunter in first pioneer company to cross plains; Indian war veteran. Seventy. Died in Colorado. BARNEY, JAMES HENRY (son of Lewis Barney and Eliza- beth Turner). Born Jan. 30, 1840. Married Emily Tolton (daughter of Edward Tolton and Mary Ann Tomlinson), who was born Nov. 9, 1848, St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. July 28, 1867, m. John Rogers; Lewis Edward b. Feb. 1, 1869, m. Etta Watts; Margaret b. July 29, 1870, m. Chris Erickson; Henry Victor, m. Margaret Charlesworth; Lydia Ann, m. Alfred Black; Clara Edith, m. Alonzo George; Frank Eugene b. Sept. 6, 1878, m. Mary Rappleye; Frances Emmeline, m. Frank Westbrook; Esther Adeline, m. George Schuyler; Nellie May, m. Will Gushing; Carrie, m. Sterling Hardy; Jennie; Archie. Family resided Spanish Fork, Circle Valley and Kanosh, Utah. Constable at Circle Valley. Assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah with Abner Lowry Oct. 22, 1866. High priest; president of elders' quorum 12 years. 47 nvi h ' K ept. 9, 1852, Bryant Jolley com- b June 24 fses A?^' , 2 V? 49 " Their children: Elzaida lS7n vii K tv, m 4 D Albert Hall; Joseph Orson b. Feb. 19, 1870 m. Elizabeth Prowse; Henry Orville b. June 17 1872 "V.Elnora Prowse; La wrence b. April 7 1874 m Lavina Esther Beal; Clarence Adelbert b. March 23 1877 i ' Mm - .. Millgate; Florence Elenor b. Dec 7 1881 m Wil- uSi!? Hi a 2 V e V 2 ' 1886 ' m Esth^AUen; T-* . >.* 88 ' died ' Family home Kanosh, Utah. carHer ?nOir? r v"n Wa / veteran ' Vony express and mail driven bv ?nS n ? *l' tT m , w j lence the family was finally inven by Indians in the early days; went to Beaver, where nL ? x S , 6 V n re P ressi "g "any Indian raids. High priest Constable Kanosh 12 years. Ranchman and farmer. BARNEY, JOSEPH ORSON (son of Joseph S. Barney and ^"^^"KJ 80 / 11 Feb - 19 ' 187 - Kanosh. Utah. 3r , Eliza eth Jane Prowse Dec. 28, 1894, Chihuahua Old Mexico (daughter of William Prowse and Louisa Ma- linda James of Deseret, Utah, and Mexico, pioneers 1849, contingent Mormon battalion). She was born June 17, 1877 ?? i r Qne hI1 5j en i EIzada b - A P r 28, 1896; Ardith b. Nov! 10, 1898; Wanda b. June 6, 1907. Family resided Mesa, Ariz., and Kanosh, Utah. High priest. Road supervisor. Assistant Sunday school superintendent; first counselor to Bishop Hitchcock, Claw- son, Utah. Farmer. BARNEY, LAWRENCE (son of Joseph S. Barney and Or- manda Oviatt). He was born April 7, 1874, Kanosh, Utah. Married Lavina Esther Beal July 21, 1909. Manti, Utah (daughter of Newell Knight Beal and Ada Elvira DeMill). She was born Oct. 8, 1888. Their children: Veda Ray b. June 6, 1910; Marven Lawrence b. May 8, 1912. Family home Ferron, Utah. Member 149th quorum seventies; missionary to northern states April 17, 1907, to May 21, 1909; president Y. M. M. I. A.; first counselor to stake presidency of Y. M. M. I. A.; ward teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. BARNEY, WALTER (son of Charles Barney and Mercy Yeoman). Born Jan. 7, 1819, Ohio. Came to Utah 1847, Co. C, Mormon Battalion. Married Caroline Haws 1849 (daughter of Gilberth Haws, pioneer Sept. 23, 1848, and Hannah Whitcomb). She was born Jan. 27, 1825. Only child: Walter, m. Ann Allred. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Susan Zabriskie at Provo, Utah (daughter of Henry Zabriskie). Their children: John H. b. March 20, 1859, m. Ellen Jane Siddall; Polly Ann, m. Benjamin Hoops, Charles, m. Lottie La Moyne; William, died; Jane, m. Mar- tin Allred; Minerva, m. Alexander Beckstead. Family re- sided Ephraim, Mt. Pleasant, Spanish Fork, Fountain Green and Monroe, Utah. High priest. Pioneer in San Pete and Sevier counties; Indian war veteran. BARNEY, JOHN HENRY (son of Walter Barney and Susan Zabriskie). Born March 20, 1859, Ephraim, Utah. Married Ellen Jane Siddall Nov. 14, 1886, Monroe, Utah (daughter of Henry Siddall of England, who came to Utah 1872). She was born Aug. 18, 1868, and died Oct. 2, 1902. Their children: Mary b. Nov. 26, 1887, m. John Richey; Or- vin b. Nov. 24, 1889, died; Roy b. May 1, 1895; Byron b. March 26, 1897; Gilbert b. March 27, 1899; Glen b. Dec. 3, 1901, died. Family home Monroe, Utah. Married Elmina Anderson Sept. 5, 1903, Richfleld, Utah (daughter of Christian Anderson and Maria Jensen of Den- mark), who was born Jan. 3, 1880. Their children: Clarence b. May 25, 1904; Annie b. March 16, 1906; Zelma b. Nov. 2, 1907; Elva b. Dec. 3, 1909; Eldon J. b. Oct. 20, 1911. Family home Monroe, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. BARNEY, BENJAMIN F. (son of Charles Barney and Deborah [Riffle] Street). Born March 12, 1832, Springfield, 111. Came to Utah 1852. Married Caroline Beard-Tippets April 27, 1849, Spring- field, 111. Their children; Benjamin Kimball b. Feb. 12, 1850, and Laura Alice b. Feb. 14, 1852, both died; William Franklin b. Sept. 3, 1856, m. Lovisa Losy; Erastus James b. Oct. 29, 1858, m. Mary Aikens; Wilbur Joseph b. Oct. 19, 1860, died; Charles b. July 14, 1861; Francis Marion b. Sept. 12, 1863, m. Rhoda Shepherd; Alma b. April 6, 1865, m. Annie Davis; Ephraim b. Jan. 30, 1868. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Priscilla Shepherd April 8, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Moses and Eliza Shepherd). Their children: Priscilla b. April 3, 1859, m. Carlos L. Hutchings; Benjamin F. b. May 23, 1861, died; Thomas J. b. Feb. 11, 1863, m. Ellen Olive Higgins; m. Mary Anderson; m. Hannah Green; Eldora b. Sept. 23, 1865, m. John Carter; Joseph b. July 13, 1869, m. Etta Higgins; George W. b. April 8, 1870, m. Mahala Yer- gensen; May b. May 1, 1871, m. Daniel C. Higgins; Jacob b. May 25, 1872, m. Caroline Anderson; Margaret M. b. July 2, 1874, m. John Pearson; Eliza b. Nov. 17, 1877, m. George Pearson; Evaline b. March 7, 1878, m. Morris Peterson; Am- mon b. Nov. 16, 1881, died; Arietta b. Feb. 2, 1882, m. Walter Jensen; Joshua b. Jan. 6, 1884, m. Delia Roberts; Moses S. 738 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH b. Dec. 19, 1887. Family resided Spanish Fork and Elsinore, Utah. Married Caroline Nielsen Dec. 7, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of James and Boel Nielsen of Denmark). She was born May 28. 1844, Roskilde, Denmark, and came to Utah 1862. Their children; Nancy b: Dec. 4, 1866, d. Dec. 16, 1867; David b. July 13, 1868, m. Hannah Yergensen; Nephi b. Jan. 28, 1870, d. May 12, 1890; Sarah Jane b. March 6, 1872, m. James W. Anderton; Stella b. Oct. 8, 1874, m. John Ander- ton; Don Carlos Smith b. Sept. 23, 1877, m. Sarah Elenor Roberts; Moroni b. Feb. 11, 1880, m. Elsie Serena King; Ellas b. June 19, 1882, m. Mary Jane Greene; Edgar b. April 14, 1884, m. Lillie Huntsman; Lucian b. March 3, 1887, m. Evaline Levi. Resided at Spanish Fork and Elsinore, Utah. High priest. Indian war veteran. Farmer, fruitgrower and stockraiser. Died Dec. 7, 1904, at Elsinore. BARNHTJRST, SAMUEL, (son of Joseph Barnhurst and Prls- cilla Underbill of England). Born Aug. 24, 1827. Came to Utah Aug. 7, 1857, with company bringing Apostles John Taylor and Erastus Snow and other returning missionaries. Married Anna Marie Jensen Oct. 1857 (daughter of Jens Christian Peterson and Sophia Christensen), who was born Sept. 23, 1833, Denmark and came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Christiansen handcart company, traveling- part of time with Johnston's invading army. Their children: Anna Mary b. Nov. 18, 1858, m. John Z. Alger April 6, 1877; Mary Anna b. Nov. 18, 1858, m. Niels Ivor P. Clove; Samuel James b. Nov. 1860, m. Laura Ann Hatch Jan. 21, '1886; Priscilla Sophia b. May 6, 1863. m. William R. Riggs Jan. 17, 1886; Jens Christensen b. Aug. 18, 1865, m. Hulda E. Sandin; Julia Anna Marie b. April 15, , m. A. W. Huntington; Joseph Erastus b. May 8, , m. Lillie Dale Adams. BARNHURST, SAMUEL JAMES (son of Samuel Barnhurst and Anna Marie Jensen). Born November, 1860. Married Laura A. Hatch Jan. 21, 1886, St. George, Utah (daughter of Meltliah Hatch of Company C, Mormon Batta- lion, and Permelia Snider, pioneer Oct. 10, 1849). She was born Sept. 23, 1870. Their children: Samuel H. b. March 6, 1887. m. Ada Workman June 25, 1906; Meltire Hatch b. Feb. 24. 1893; Joseph Hatch b. May 19, 1895; Orson Hatch b. Oct. 1, 1899; Ira Hatch b. Aug. 1, 1903; Laura b. May 16, 1906. Family home Hatch, Garfleld county, Utah. High priest; bishop's counselor 1900-06; superintendent Sunday school 1906-09; first counselor Y. M. M. I. A. 1895-96. BARRACLOUGH, JOHN (son of John Barraclough and Har- riet Jowett). Born July 28, 1854, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1869, Joseph Lawson company. Married Mary Josephine Fish Oct. 9, 1879 (daughter of Joseph Fish and Mary Steele, married March 22, 1859). She was born March 11, 1860. Their children: Harriet May b. Aug. 28, 1886; Ambrose Fish b. Sept. 14, 1889, m. Nancy Griffith April 6, 1910; Edmund Steele b. Feb. 8, 1892. Fam- ily home Beaver, Beaver county, Utah. Deputy clerk second district court twenty-five years. BARRETT, CLARENCE (son of Michael Barrett and Ellen M. McCallum of Toronto, Canada). Born Feb. 11, 1843. Married Georgianna Pacific Robbins April 18, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Rogers Robbins and Phoebe A. Wright, who was born on S. S. Brooklyn, Pacific ocean, on way to California June 16, 1846. Their children: Ellen L. b. Jan. 14, 1871, m. Caleb E. Summerhays; John R. b. Dec. 19, 1872. d. infant; Isabel b. Dec. 6, 1874, m. Joseph P. White; Daisy b. April 21, 1877, d. infant. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. BARRUS, EMERY (son of Benjamin Barrus. born April 4, 1784, Richmond, N. H., died 1864, Chautauqua, N. Y., and Betsy Stebbins, born March 21, 1787, In Massachusetts, died July 20, 1828, in New York). He was born April 8, 1809, Chautauqua county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1853, Apple- ton Harmon company. Married Huldah Abigail Nickerson (daughter of Freeman Nickerson. born Feb. 19. 1779, Dennis, Mass., and died Jan. 22, 1847, Charlton Point, Iowa, while on the way to Utah, and Huldah Chapman, born 1780 In Connecticut, came to Utah, 1850, died 1860, Provo, Utah). She was born April IS, 1816, in Pennsylvania. Their children: Lydia b. Oct. 22, 1834, m. Festus Sprague April 1, 1857; Betsy N. b. March 28, 1836, d. Jan. 12, 1839; Benjamin Franklin b. May 30, 1838, m. Lo- vina Ann Steele Sept. 29, 1861; Emery Freeman b. March 13, 1841, died; Mary Huldah b. April 8, 1843, m. Charles Bailey; Orrln Elezer b. Sept. 14, 1845. m. Catherine Wilson; Emery Alexander b. March 27, 1848, d. Nov. 16, 1858; Ruel Michael b. Nov. 14, 1850, m. Ida Pearl Hunter!; Owen Henry b. Dec. 28, 1853, m. Olive Deseret McBride Feb. 18. 1877, m. Mary Ann Hunter Dec. 21, 1892; Sarah Abigail b. April 9, 1856, m. Eleazer Freeman Nickerson; John Nickerson b. June 1, 1858, m. Alice Burton; Eliza Alvira b. Sept. 15, 1860, m. Charles Post. Married Jane Zerlldah Baker (daughter of Benjamin Baker, pioner 1857). She was born Nov. 3, 1841. Their chil- dren: Emeline Abigail b. Nov. 30, 1859, m. Henry Tanner; James Baker b. Aug. 7, 1862, m. Charlotte Ann Mathews; William Taylor b. June 1, 1864, m. Matilda McBride; Thomas b. July 20, 1866, and Freeman b. Oct. 12, 1869, died; Chaun- cey Baker b. Jan. 15, 1872; Catherine Rozena b. Feb. 24, 1877. m. Henry Watson. Family home Grantsville, Utah. High priest; patriarch. Carpenter; stockraiser; farmer. Seventy. Died Oct. 6, 1899. BARRUS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (son of Emery Barrus and Huldah Abigail Nickerson). Born May 30, 1838, in Cat- taraugus county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1853, driving a herd of cattle across the plains. Married Lovlna Ann Steele Sept. 29, 1861 (daughter of Samuel Steele, born July 15, 1822, Plattsburg, Clinton county, N. Y., pioneer 1851, Joshua Grant company, and Elvira Sa- lome Thayer, born Sept. 15, 1826, in New York). She was born Sept. 29, 1844, in Illinois. Their children: Benjamin Franklin b. Aug. 23, 1862, died; Emery Freeman b. Sept. 30, 1865, m. Martha Tolman Sept. 22, 1888; Samuel Leonard b. Jan. 14, 1868, died; Orrin Orland b. May 29, 1870, m. Mary Clark Feb. 4, 1897; Lovina Angelia b. Dec. 30, 1872, m. Ulysses Cline July 26, 1893; Albert Almond b. June 1. 1875, m. Mar- garet Alice Millward March 4, 1896; Mary Luella b. Nov. 25. 1877, m. George E. Millward March 4, 1896; Aldo Benoni b. Nov. 15, 1879, m. Mabel Robinson Jan. 8, 1902; Elvira Chloena b. Dec. 9. 1881, died; Sylvia Ellen b. Jan. 17, 1886, died; Cal- vin Cleone b. Oct. 24, 1887, d. Jan. 13, 1891. BARRUS, RUEL (son of Benjamin Barrus and Betsy Steb- bins). Born Aug. 11, 1821. at Villanova, Chautauqua county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1854, with others of Mormon Battalion. Married Ellen Martin Aug. 10, 1859 (daughter of Samuel Martin, pioneer Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne company, and Priscilla Layton, who died in St. Louis). She was born Sept. 23. 1844. Their children: Ellen P. b. Feb. 12, 1861, m. Charles Schaeffer; Betsy A. b. Nov. 11, 1862; Zeltha A. b. March 28, 1864; Fannie I. b. June 11, 1866, m. William San- ford; Lona b. Aug. 12, 1870, m. Charles Nelson; Ruel M. b. March 14, 1873, m. Angeline Anderson; Darias M. b. April 20, 1876, m. Lizzie Ratcliffe; Royal L. b. June 27, 1879; Essie Glee b. March 13, 1885. Seventy; second lieutenant Company B, Mormon Battalion; major in Echo Canyon campaign. BARTCH, GEORGE W. (son of John G. Bartch and Mary Magdelene Steiner of Dushore, Pa.). Born March 15, 1849, Dushore, Pa. Came to Utah March, 1888. Married Amanda Alice Guild Feb. 16, 1871, Bloomsburg. Pa. daughter of Aaron D. and Sarah A. Guild, of Blooms- burg). She was born April 23, 1847. Their children: Min- nie Alice, m. W. H. Child; Rae, m. J. A. Lloyd; Olive Aman- da, m. Dwight M. Guillotte. Family home Salt Lake City. Received the academic degree of M. S. 1871; superintendent public schools at Shenandoah, Pa., 1874-84; practiced law at Bloomsburg, Pa., 1884-86, at Canon City, Colo.. 1886-88. and at Salt Lake City 1888-89; probate judge of Salt Lake coun- ty 1889-93; associate justice supreme court of Utah territory 1893-95; of state supreme court 1895-1906 chief justice 1899- 1900 and 1905-06; resigned Oct. 1, 1906, to resume practice of law at Salt Lake City. BARTHOLOMEW, DAVIS (son of Joseph Bartholomew, born Dec. 9, 1780, and Elizabeth Jones, both of Tredyffrin, Ches- ter county, Pa.). He was born July 15, 1812, East White- land, Chester county, Pa. Came to Utah November, 1852. Warren Snow company. Married Ruth I. Jones March 27, 1851 (daughter of Merlin Jones and Roxanna Ives, pioneers 1852. Warren Snow com- pany). She was born Nov. 19, 1825. Their children: Henry b. May 9, 1852, m. Clara M. Tuttle; Davis S. b. April 30, 1854, d. Feb. 14, 1884; Josephine b. Aug. 1, 1856, d. Aug. 6, 1857; Merlin J. b. Jan. 17, 1858, m. Mary A. Green Sept. 2, 1891; Serena b. Aug. 6, 1860, m. George W. Stanger; Hannah b Dec. 22, 1862, d. Jan. 18, 1863; Charlotte b. April 30, 1864, m. George Green Dec. 16, 1891; John E. b. Aug. 20. 1866, d. Oct. 9. 1866; Elizabeth b. Sept. 15, 1867, d. Dec. 27, 1867; Mary A. b. March 31, 1869, m. William H. Green Dec. 16, 1891. Family home Slaterville, Weber county, Utah. BARTHOLOMEW, HENRY (son of Davis Bartholomew and Ruth I. Jones). Born May 9, 1852, Council Bluffs. Iowa. Married Clara M. Tuttle Nov. 5, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of Newton Tuttle, pioneer 1854, and Emily A. Tuttle, pioneer 1 1850). She was born Feb. 12, 1865, Bounti- ful, Utah. Only child: Davis b. June 16, 1905. BARTHOLOMEW, MERLIN J. (son of Davis Bartholomew and Ruth I. Jones). Born Jan. 17, 1858, Slaterville, Utah. Married Mary A. Green Sept. 2, 1891, Logan. Utah (daugh- ter of Ammon Green and Almlra Meslck, pioneers 1848). She was born March 13, 1871. Their children: Merlin D. b. Oct. 6, 1893, d. Aug. 30, 1894; Ammon b. Nov. 24, 1895: Almira b. March 5, 1898; Henry G. b. June 2, 1902; Emily I. b. March 28, 1904; Ella R. b. June 25, 1909. Missionary to North Carolina 1891 and to Missouri 1906. Farmer. BARTHOLOMEW, JOSEPH (son of John Bartholomew and Nancy McNant). Born Jan. 16, 1820, at Charleston, Clarke county, Ind. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1852. Claudius V. Spen- cer company. Married Polly Benson Dec. 10, 1843 (daughter of Benja- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 739 mln Benson and Kesiah Messinger). She was born Feb. 12, 1816, in New York. Their children: Joseph S. and Hyrum, twins, Aug. 30, 1844, both died; John b. Sept. 11, 1846, m. Eliza R. Metcalf Oct. 11, 1868; Mary Kesiah b. April 29, 1847, m. John E. Metcalf; Joseph b. Jan. 5, 1850, m. Emma Mellor; George Marston, b. Nov. 6, 1851, m. Selina Roper; Elizabeth Almera b. July 25, 1854, m. William Brown; Eliza Elvira b. July 25, 1854, m. James Mellor; William Orange b. Sept. 6, 1856, d. Oct. 24, 1874; James Orson b. Dec. 29, 1858. Married Electa Benson. Settled at Springville, Utah; moved to Gunnison, San Pete county, Utah. Veteran of Black Hawk war, Salina canyon and Grass creek Indian engagements. BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN (son of Joseph Bartholomew and Polly Benson). Born Sept. 11, 1845, Mackinaw, McLean county, 111. Came to Utah 1852 with parents. Married Eliza Roxey Metcalf Oct. 11, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of England Metcalf and Mary Waslin, pioneers Sept. 14, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company). Their chil- dren: John Edward b. Nov. 6, 1869, m. Rose H. Breathuarte; Roxey Ellen b. March 30, 1872, m. Joseph Christenson; Wil- liam b. Jan. 24, 1874, d. Oct. 24, 1878; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 8, 1876, m. A. B. Christenson; Alma b. Oct. 10, 1878, m. Elsie Christenson; Joseph Smith b. Sept. 20, 1880, m. Emma James; Julia b. Nov. 6, 1882, m. Otis V. Ertanbrach; Mary Elizabeth b. June 24. 1885, m. Charles Stewart; Rose b. March 3, 1889, m. T. W. Peterson; Alice b. Aug. 9. 1889, died; Henry Lee b. Oct. 1, 1891. Bishop Fayette ward 1877-1912. Road supervisor; school trustee. Was a member of one of the constitutional com- missions which met to frame the Utah state constitution. Indian war veteran. " 3 . : B 9 scar k-Nov. 19, 1874. d. Sept. 1, 1875; Matilda b. Aug. i 18(7, m. John W. Whitmore. Family home Salt Lake BARTLETT, CHARLES CLAYMORE (son of Henry Bartlett and Selucia Davis of Geauga county, Ohio). Born Dec. 26, 1848, in Newberry township, Geauga county Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1866, mule train company. Married Anna Katrina Jensen Sept. 12, 1868, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Jens Christian Jensen and Anna Larsen, of Hjorring amt, Denmark). She was born Nov. 9, 1844, at Mosbjerg, Denmark, and came to Utah Oct. 17, 1866. Their children: Charles Bart b. Aug. 27, 1869, m. Margarette Alice Watt; George Henry b. July 8, 1871, m. Clara Louisa Bingham; Selucia Annie b. Sept. 11, 1873, d. aged 7; Nellie Leonora b. Nov. 3, 1875, m. John Merkley; Randolph b. Feb. 11, 1878, d. aged 3; Ashley b. April 19, 1880, m. Winnie Lydia Billings; Marcus b. Nov. 6, 1883. d. aged 9 mos.; May b. Feb. 11, 1885, m. William Sidney Henderson; Sarah b. Jan. 5, 1887, m. Frederick G. Bingham; Ross b. Oct. 13. 1889. Family home Vernal, Utah. High priest; missionary; counselor to Bishop George Free- stone about 12 years; acting bishop, Vernal ward, 1894-96; Sunday school superintendent; state clerk 1883-9; counselor in the elders' quorum a number of years; acting teacher 15 years. Pioneer of Vernal. First county clerk, Uinta county, 1880; county superintendent of schools 1882; school trustee for a number of years; school teacher. Superintended the construction of first ward meeting house at Vernal. Farmer; horticultirist; apiarist. BARTLETT, CHARLES BART (son of Charles Claymore Bartlett and Anna Katrina Jensen). Born Aug. 27, 1869, Mountain Dell, Utah. Married Margaret Alice Watt Oct. 26. 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of George D. Watt, Jr. and Elizabeth Micklejohn, of Butte, Mont.), who was born Aug. 28, 1867. Their chil- dren: Charles Bart b. July 25, 1900; George Watt b. Nov. 3, 1901. Family home Whiterock, Uinta county, Utah. Member 97th quorum seventy; missionary to New Zea- land, 1892-96 and 1902-05; was president of mission; Sunday school superintendent, Vernal 1905-07; president Vernal quorum of seventy; bishop Vernal ward. Pioneer in the bee Industry in Utah; assisted in instituting agricultural col- lege In New Zealand. BARTON, JOH1V (son of William Barton and Elizabeth Win- Stanley of Winstanley, Lancashire, Eng.). Born Feb. 23, 1806, Winstanley, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company. Married Elizabeth Bell Sept. 6, 1835, Haighchurch, near Wigan, Lancashire, Eng. (daughter of William Bell and Margaret Martlew), who was born Dec. 21, 1814. Their children: William Bell, m. Ellen Birchall; James, m. Eliza Barton (William Bell and James were twins); Elizabeth, died; John, m. Sarah Flint; Isaac, m. Agnes E. Parr; Peter, m. Ellen Beazer; Joseph, m. Mary A. Allen; Hyrum, m. Georgeana Crabbe; Bertha, m. William Irvine. Family home, Salt Lake City, Utah. High priest. Mechanical engineer; farmer. Died Aug. 26, 1874. BARTON, WILLIAM B. (son of John Barton and Elizabeth Bell). Born July 21, 1836, Wigan, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, J. D. Ross company. Married Ellen Birchall March 13, 1860, St. Helens, Lan- cashire, Eng. (daughter of William Birchall and Esther Middlehurst of St. Helens). She was born March 24, 1836. Their children: William John b. Jan. 2, 1861, m. Uphemla Meredith; Frederick B. b. April 14, 1863, m. Louisa Sten- house; Frank b. Feb. 2, 1865, m. Rachael Mansell; Eva b. March 18, 1867; Bell b. Dec. 9, 1868; Brigham b. June 21, 1871, m. Jennette James; Faith b. April 14, 1873, d. Sept. 28, ,,, I i' gh , priest : missionary to England 1874-76; patriarch; bishops counselor. Clerk in tithing office, Teasdale's stores, and in water works department. Furniture maker, build- Ing contractor. Put up the first fiat bed printing press of the Deseret News. BARTON, ISAAC (son of John Barton and Elizabeth Bell). Born Dec. 11, 1842 in England. Came to Utah 1861. Married Agnes E. Parr Dec., 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Parr and Barbara McKechnia of Salt Lake City pioneers 1868). She was born Oct. 1, 1850. Their chil- dren: Hattie b. Oct. 14, 1871. died; Isaac Reid, m. Sarah Ethel Armstrong; Agnes Elizabeth, m. Richard A. Shipp- Barbara Bell; Florence W.; Bertha M., died. Family home Salt Lake City. Bishop of 19th ward, Salt Lake City, 20 years; counselor to president of high priests' quorum. Merchant. BARTON, JOSEPH (son of John Barton and Elizabeth Bell). Born July 25, 1848, St. Helens, Lancashire, Eng. Game- to Utah with father. Married Mary Ann Allen April 5, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Allen and Leah Harmon, of Salt Lake City; former a pioneer Sept. 1866). She was born Nov. 30, 1852. Their children: May A.; Charles Harmon, m. Milllcent Nelson; Clarence Elmer, m. Beatrice Vera; Hattie Josephine; Edna Maud; Roy Allen, m. Minerva Armstrong. Family home Kaysville, Utah. One of the presidents of the 143d quorum seventies; presi- dent 3d quorum elders' of Davis stake several years. County surveyor 21 years; county clerk 14 years; county engineer six years; prosecuting attorney eight years; Kaysville city recorder eight years; city councilman two years; member Utah legislature three terms 1884-86-90; member 1st board of trustees, and 1st superintendent of territorial reform school. Civil engineer; superintendent Sumpter Valley rail- way. BARTON, STEPHEN SMITH (son of Sally Penn of Lebanon, 111.). Born Jan. 3, 1839, Lebanon. Came to Utah 1855. Married Jane Evans Feb. 5, 1857, Paragonah, Utah (daugh- ter of Abraham and Mary Evans of Merthyr Tydfll, Wales; former died en route to Utah, latter came in 1856, with handcart company). She was born Feb. 9, 1841. Their children: Edward b. Sept. 1857; died; Sally Ann b. Sept. 10, 1858, m. Peter Isaac Olson; Mary Jane b. March 10, 1860, m. John Baker Topham; Emily Frances b. Nov. 9, 1863, m. Seren Olsen; Stephen, died; Julia Elizabeth, m. Leroy McBride; Catherine, died; William Penn, m. Lavina Daven- port. Family home Paragonah, Utah. Married Eliza Smith (daughter of Thomas Smith of Parowan, Utah; pioneer 1852, oxteam company). Their children: John Calvin; Olive Nichols, m. Thomas Edwards; Nora, m. John Rice; Sadie, m. Frank Savage; Stella, m. Mr. Edwards. Family home Paragonah, Utah. High priest; bishop of Paragonah ward for several years; ward clerk. Justice of peace; school trustee many years. Farmer, carpenter and stockraiser. BARTOJV, WILLIAM (son of Elizabeth Walling of South- port, Eng.). Born 1811. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Ed- ward Martin handcart company. Married Mary Ann Taylor 1850, Southport, Eng. (daugh- ter of John Taylor and Margaret Baxter of Staffordshire, Eng.). She was born March 1, 1821, Liverpool, Eng., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Fannie, m. Frederick Lutz; Elizabeth, d. aged 2 years. Family home Salt Lake City. Pioneer. Died Feb. 8, 1897. BARTON, WILLIAM KILSHAW. Born March 16, 1826, Eng- land. Came to Utah 1852. Married Malinda Jane . Their children: Ethelbert, m. Alice Cook; Walter K., m. Angeline Pettey; Wiloska, d. aged 16. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Elizabeth Frances Quirt. Their children: Mal- inda Jane, m. Joseph J. Taylor; Clara, m. George Pettey; James A., m. Lottie Peacock; George Raphael, m. Josephine L. ; Salena, d. aged 19; Alexander, m. Belle Hall; Sarah Ann, m. Christian Poulsen; Stephen Colonel, m. Alice Ander- son. Family home Manti. Married Ann Cook at Manti (daughter of James Cook and Ann Lane of England, pioneers 1852, Joseph Young com- pany) She was born Nov. 5, 1844. Their children: Alpha; Frances, d. aged 2; Alice Maud. m. William W. Brown; Lily May m. Frank Hall; Nicholas Hyrum, d. aged 7; Isabel, m. George Edward Bench; Ruth Cook, m. Andrew Madsen; Armina, d. aged 4; Ann. d. infant; Emily Amelia, m. Elden Smith; Ellen Spencer, m. Sydney Frederickson; Edgar, d. infant Family home Manti, Utah. Missionary to England; Sunday school superintendent; choir leader. Farmer; merchant. Died in Dec. 1, BASCOM. JOEL ALMON (son of Ezekiel Bascom and Sarah pfet of Brooksfleld, Madison county, N. Y.). Born March 27, 1832 Brooksfleld, N. Y. Came to Utah Aug. 18. 1856, Phile- l, Dec. 6, 1857, Provo, Utah (daugh- 740 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH ter of John Watson Bell and Ann Fish of Newcastle. North- umberland, Eng.; Mrs Bell came across plains alone with her eight children in 1855, a year later than Mr. Bell). She was born April 15, 1840, at Newcastle. Their chil- dren: Zina Ann, m. John A. Evans; Ida Jane, m. Elias Wil- lard Williams, Jr.; Joel Almon, Jr. b. Oct. 22, 1862, m. El- nora Haws, m. Josephine Fredericka Nash; John Watson Bell, m. Rachel Lybbert; Mary Emma, m. John Thomas Kay; Ira Kimball, m. Alice Rasmussen; William, m. May Lock; Charley, m. Alice Gurr; Hannah, Bell, Alice, Lodema, James and Oren d. infants. The family resided at Provo, Mona and Vernal, Utah. Home missionary; high priest; block and Sunday school teacher. Fougrht in Black Hawk and Walker Indian wars, and took part in demonstration at Echo Canyon resisting advance of Johnston's army. Was on Provo police force nine years, and constable at Mona three terms. BASCOM, JOEL ALMON, JR. (son of Joel Almon Bascom and Alice Jane Bell). Born Oct. 22, 1862, Provo, Utah. Married Elnora Haws Oct. 28, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Albert Haws and Nancy Haws, cousins, of Provo and Ver- nal, Utah). She was born March 11, 1862, and died April 28, 1903. Their children: Joel Albert, b. 1894, d. at birth; Ro- land and Almon, twins, b. April 18, 1896; Charles Basil b. April 21, 1903, d. July 27, 1903. Family home Vernal, Utah. Married Josephine Fredricka Nash Oct. 5, 1904, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Michael O. Nash of Hodland, Nor- way, and Josephine Fredricka Olsen of Christlania, Norway, now of Salem, Utah county, who came to Utah in 1870). She was born July 2, 1880. Their children: Howard Edwin b. Dec. 10, 1905; William Cecil b. April 22, 1907; Bernard Kim- ball b. April 7, 1909; Marion Everett b. April 5, 1911; George Ivin b. March 11, 1913. Family home Vernal, Utah. Elder; ward and block teacher. Made home In Naples ward in Vernal, 1888. Has built irrigation canals, wagon roads and located asphalt mines. Farmer and cattleman. BASCOM, IRA KIMBALL (son of Joel Almon Bascom and Alice Jane Bell). Born, March 26, 1873, Mona, Utah. Married Alice Rasmussen January 20, 1911, Naples, Utah, Bishop Albert H. Goodrich officiating. She was the daughter of Mads Peter Rasmussen and Mary Rasmussen of Ahlgren, Denmark. Family home Naples, Utah. Only child: Preston Shirley b. Oct. 15, 1911. Missionary to England; ward and Sunday school teacher; seventy. Came to Ashley Valley as a young man and as- sisted in building the first canals, wagon roads, farms and homes. there he assisted In making the first canals, wagon roads and building the first bridges. First school teacher and first postmaster of Rexburg; president Ricks Academy dis- trict board 1902. Farmer; dealer in real estate, loans and Insurance. BASSETT, CHARLES HENRY (son of Elias Bassett and Ma- tilda Salter of Ossian, Allegany county, N. Y.). Born March 14, 1828, Ossian, N. Y. Came to Utah 1852. Married Mary Elizabeth Knight March 6, 1853, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Knight, Jr., and Betsy Co- vert), who was born June 16, 1836, in Clay county, Mo., and came to Utah Sept. 12, 1850, Thomas Johnson company. Their children: Mary Ellen b. June 9, 1854, m. L. B. Rode- back; Melvie Amanda b. July 28, 1856, m. Charles Harvey Gllnes; William Henry b. March 14. 1858, m. Marette Cook; James Lester b. Jan. 26, 1860, d. Infant; Ernest Knight b. June 13, 1861, m. Lucy Goodwin; Lutie C. b. July 13, 1868, d. infant; Ruby Rosaltha b. May 13, 1871, m. Thomas S. Ash- worth; Roscoe Knight b. May 28, 1874, d. infant; Lois Knight b. April 13, 1879. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Member of 10th quorum seventies and high priest; mis- sionary to Ohio 1854. Went to California 1866 for merchan- dise; bookkeeper General Tithing office, Salt Lake City, 20 years; merchant. Died Feb. 26, 1907, Salt Lake City. BASSETT, THOMAS (son of Richard Thomas and Mary Mill- ward of Canton, near Cardiff, South Wales). Born June 7, 1827, Canton, S. W. Came to Utah July 18, 1876. Married Margaret Edwards Jan. 27, 1851, Cardiff, South Wales (daughter of William Edwards, who came to Utah 1876). She was born Nov. 1, 1827. Their children: William E., m. Catherine Smith; Mary; Rebecca, m. Henry Hughes; Margaret, m. Walter Muir; Thomas E., m. Lucy A. Lutz; Sarah, m. Simon T. Baker. Family resided Mendon, Utah, and Rexburg, Idaho. High priest. Farmer. Died May 23, 1903, at Rexburg'. BASSETT, THOMAS E. (son of Thomas Bassett and Mar- garet Edwards). Born Nov. 26, 1862, Canton, S. W. Came to Utah with parents. Married Lucy A. Lutz April 14, 1886, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas J. Lutz and Mary Merrill, of Smithfleld, Utah, pioneers 1854). She was born May 1, 1867. Their children: Elsie May b. Feb. 23, 1887, d. Feb. 23, 1887; Lucy Maud b. July 20, 1891; Margaret Gladys b. Aug. 22, 1894; Mary Mer- rilla b. Oct. 12, 1899; Thomas Myrthen b. Jan. 25, 1903; Hazel Irene b. Aug. 16, 1904. Family home Rexburg, Idaho. Member 84th quorum seventies and high priest; mission- ary to England 1888-90; alternate high councilor; Sunday school superintendent and president of Y. M. M. I. A. of Rexburg for several years; second counselor to President Ricks of Bannock stake, then first counselor and later be- came president of Fremont stake; settled at Mendon, Utah, July 18. 1876, and served as president of teachers' quorum three years. Moved to where Rexburg now stands In 1883; BASTIAN, JACOB (son of Bastlan Sorenson and Margen Olesdatter of Copenhagen, Denmark). Born March 14, 1835 at Copenhagen. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Chris- tiansen handcart company. Married Gjertro Petersen Aug. 25, 1857, Twlndsdock Eng (parents lived at Sundbyvester, Isle of Amager, Denmark) She was born July 30, 1834, and died Sept. 21, 1857, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Johanne Marie Sander Oct. 27, 1857, Tooele, Utah (daughter of Sander Anderson and Johanne Catrine Han- sen of Liedfrost, Veile amt, Denmark, the former died at North Platte, Neb., Aug. 12, 1867. latter a pioneer Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Christiansen handcart company). She was born July 30, 1835. Their children: Jacob Sander b. Sept 12 1858, m. Harriett Ann Taylor; Gearsen Sander b. July 1, 1860 m. Emily S. Paxman; Hanna b. Dec. 16, 1861: Catrine Marie Pi,.? 6 * V* 1863> m - Herman Tegan; Margen Olive b. May 6, 1865, d. Aug. 26, 1866; Karen Melvine b. July 9, 1867, d. Feb 20 1892; Emma Johanne b. Feb. 11, 1869, m. Homer Baron- Julie Jacobine b. Jan. 1, 1871, m. Hyrum Bryan; Bastlan Sor- en b. Feb. 6, 1873, m. Lottie Hansen; Ludvig Alminda b. Feb 26, 1875, m. Nora Harmick. Family resided Lehi, Moroni and Washington, Utah. Married Christina Hansen Feb. 7, 1861, Moroni, San Pete county, Utah (daughter of Louis Hansen and Caroline Neils-' datter of Moroni, pioneers September, 1859). She was born Oct. 11, 1845. Their children: Laura Christina, m. P. E. Van Orden; Charles J., m. Ella Hartley; Martha K., Hannah S. and Margaret, latter three died; Lewis H., m. E. Pearl Hunts- man; Caroline G. and James, d. childhood; Serena A m L. E. Farnsworth; J. Wilford, m. Birda Timothy; Roetta C m. Robert Sainsbury; Christa E., m. Elmer Carling. Family home Washington, Washington county. Married Metta Maria Sander Oct. 1867, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Sander Anderson and Johanne Catrine Hansen), who was born Jan. 25, 1848. Their children: San- der and Joseph, d. young; Erastus S., m. Orilla Jolley Hy- rum, d. child; Jacobena b. Dec. 1874, d. March, 1889; Mary m. Arthur L. Crawford; Hans T., m. Lula Robinson; Andrew b April 25, 1886, d. Nov. 1893; Neils, m. Ethel Sullivan. Family home, Washington, Utah. President elders' quorum; member Washington quorum ot seventy. Assisted In settling "Dixie" country, 1861. Farmer' carpenter. BASTIAN, JACOB SANDER (son of Jacob Bastian and Jo- hanne Marie Sander). Born Sept. 12, 1858, Lehl, Utah Married Harriett Ann Taylor March 22, 1876, St George Utah (daughter of Allen Taylor and Phoebe Roberts of Kaysville, Utah). She was born Oct, 31, 1859 at Kaysville Their children: Anna Marie b. July 5, 1879. m. M. W Mans- field; Jacob F. b. Feb. 17. 1881, d. child; Phoebe Harriett b June 3, 1883, m. F. E. Brown; Johanna Gertrude b. Jan 3 1885, m. Ernest Ernesten; Jennie Estella b. Nov. 25 1887 m M. L. Mansfield; Catrine Taylor b. July 1, 1890; Amanda Melvina b. March 15. 1892, m. Parley Reese; Georgia Anna b Aug. 10, 1894; Alma b. Dec. 14, 1896; George Arthur b Mav 6, 1898; Dora b. June 25, 1900. Ordained bishop of Loa, Utah Nov. 6, 1910 and high priest Nov. 24, 1894; missionary to Denmark Jan. 3, 1901 to July 1 1903. Farmer and stockraiser. Superintended building of Johnson valley reservoir, near Fish lake, Sevier county Utah. BASTIAN, GEARSEN S. (son of Jacob Bastlan and Johanne Marie Sander). Born July 1, 1860, Moroni, Utah. Married Emily S. Paxman April 3, 1885, St. George Utah (daughter of David Paxman and Elizabeth Ann Blundon of Walthamstow, Eng. who came to Utah 1870). She was born Jan. 29, 1861. Their children: Gearsen Marlon- Rhoda E.; Julia; Karl; Myrtle; Woodruff; Elmer. Family resided at Washington, Loa and Sigurd, Utah. Seventy; missionary to Scandinavia 1887; home mission- ary, Sevier stake; 2d counselor to Willis F. Robison bishop Loa ward; 2d counselor in presidency of Wayne stake 1893- 1903; president of Wayne stake 1906-10. In 1861 he set- tled with his parents in the "Dixie" country, living- at Wash- ington, and took an active part in the upbuilding- of that country. Farmer and stockraiser. BATE, WIL,L,IAM (son of Peter Bate and Margaret Ross). Born May 12, 1846. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, Horton D. Haight company. Married Hannah Shelly (daughter of William Shelly), who was born In 1848. Their children: W. A. b. February 1870- Edwin; Samuel, died; Ernest; Jane; John; Edith; Pearl- Amy. Married Maud Jannett Nell (daughter of Phillip Nell and Clara Nokes), who was born in August, 1871. Their chil- dren: Edward; Rose; Cora; Earl; Vera; Arnold; Austin; Rulon; Glenn; Otis. BATE, W. A. (son of William Bate and Hannah Shelly). Born in 1870 at American Fork, Utah. Married Ida Ann Bills June 7, 1893, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of G. S. Bills and Ellen G. Holt), who was born In 1876. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 741 Their children: Clyde A. b. March 23, 1894; Ethel Viola b May B, 1896; Jesse W. b. Dec. 6, 1896. Married Harriet E. Green (daughter of Charles Green and Mary Ann Frances), who was born in 1878, American Fork. Utah. No children. Farmer. Missionary to Ireland and England. BATEJMAJf, JOSEPH (son of Thomas Bateman). Born Octo- ber, 1839, in Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah about I860. Married Mary E. Allen (daughter of D. R. and Eliza Allen). Their children: Estella; Joseph Samuel; Theodore; Mary; Royal; Margaret; David; Ethel; Clara; Stephen; Charles. BATEMAN, JOSEPH SAMUEL (son of Joseph Bateman and Mary E. Allen). Born Feb. 17, 1864, West Jordan, Utah. Married Alzina Johnson, Feb. 29, 1888. Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Peter Johnson and Christina Peterson), who was born Dec. 18, 1868, in Denmark. Their children: Hazel b. April 6, 1889, m. William Dunsdon; Leslie b. Oct. 23, 1891; Mirl b. Aug. B, 1894; Irving b. Jan. 18, 1897; Lola b. July 23. 1900; Earl b. April 20, 1906; Elsie b. April 6, 1909; Joseph b. Dec. 31, 1902. Family resided Alpine and Lehi, Utah. BATEMAIV, JOSEPH (son of Thomas and Betty Bateman of Bolton, Lancashire, Eng. and Nauvoo, 111.). Born 1806, Bol- ton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow com- pany. Married Margaret Turner 1826 in England (daughter of John and Mary Turner of Preston, Eng.). She was born July 24, 1804, and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: James, m. Hannah Wilson; William, m. Sarah Laven- der; Mary, m. Hyrum Bowen; John, died; Margaret b. Jan. B, 1831, m. Dennis Wilson Winn; Betty, died. Family home Salt Lake City. Settler Cedar City 1850, and remained there until the time of his death in 18BB. He assisted in every way to build up the country around Cedar City. Made the brick for the council house at Salt Lake City. BATES, JOSEPH W. (son of Joseph W. Bates and Mary Staffordshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 16, 182? ' Married Harriet Billington 1850 (daughter of Joseph Bil- lington and Martha Brown, former a pioneer 1848; latter J ? n at ^Si 1 " 01 Bluffs - Iowa). She was born Nov. 27 1831 18 MM* May p 12 ; 190 - Their children: Eliza Jane b Nov Ont ! i>! y ,u- S . ab l n Dec ' ".-": "Joseph W. b. Oct. 1. 1855, m. Martha A. McEntire Oct. 14, 1877- Hugh F b C,, Ct 31 ^ 5 !i d " child; Harriet May b. May 22. isfs d child; Edward H b Sept. 11, 1865. m. Rowena Huish! Lewis Lake ,<% an'd'payson^ah. 6 " "^ Fam ' ly reS ' ded Salt Worked as stonecutter on Nauvoo temple 3 years and on Salt Lake temple 7 years. Member 32d and later of 46th quorum seventies; member Mormon battalion. Lieutenant- colonel Black Hawk Indian war 1865-67. Died June 30. 1890. BATES. JOSEPH W. (son of Joseph W. Bates and Harriet Billington). Born Oct. 1, 1855, Salt Lake City Married Martha A. McEntire Oct. 14, 1877, Payson Utah (daughter of Henry McEntire and Martha Gillispie who came to Utah 1870). She was born April 1, 1861 in Smith county. Va. Their children: Martha A. b. Nov. 8, 1878 m William Betts; Harriet M. b. Nov. 16, 1881, m. Joseph L Francom; < Joseph W. b. Sept. 27. 1884, m. Sarah A Fran- corn; Lewis E. b. April 24, 1887, and Mary W. b. Jan 26 07 ,' d i ed T : Charles H. b. March 16, 1891, m. Delia Hiatt Nov.' 27, 1912; Irwin E. b. Dec. 31, 1894, died; Susan E. b. Nov 25 1896; Lillie V. b. March 15, 1900, died. Family home Payson' Utah. President elders' quorum of 1st ward, Payson. City Sexton since Jan. 1908. BATES, 'JOSEPH WILLIAM (son of 'Joseph W. Bates and Martha A. McEntire). Born Sept. 27, 1884, Payson, Utah. Married Sarah L. Francom (daughter of Samuel Francom of Africa, and Emma C. Erlandson, married at Salt Lake City). Their children: Lillie and Ruth. Family home Payson. Seventy; missionary to Central States June 5, 1911. BATEMAJT, THOMAS (son of Thomas Bateman, born 1786, Bolton, Eng., died 1844, Nauvoo, 111.). He was born Sept. 17, 1808, at Bolton. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, in company with James Pace train. Married Mary Street Aug. 1829, Manchester Eng., who was born May 12, 1810, In that city. Their children: Har- riet b. Nov. 4, 1830; Samuel b. July 1, 1832; Elizabeth b. Feb. 16, 1834; Thomas b. Jan. 27, 1836; Joseph and James Boame b. Dec. 9, 1837; Mary Boame b. Feb. 27, 1840; James Morgan b. March 3, 1842; William Lehl b. Jan. 1, 1844; John b. Feb. 21, 1846; Martha Ann b. Sept. 15, 1847; Margaret b. June 30, 1849. BATEMAN, WILLIAM LEHI (son of Thomas Bateman and Mary Street). Born Jan. 1, 1844, Lee county, Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sophrona Almina Watkins Dec. 26, 1870 (daugh- ter of William Lamphord Watkins and Mary Almina Ham- mond, pioneers Sept. 11, 1852, advance contingent William Whitehead company). She was born Sept. 5, 1852. Their children: William Lehi b. Oct. 13, 1871, died; Sophrona Almina b. April 1, 1873, m. I. Frank Goff Feb. 22, 1895; Thomas Philip b. April 16, 1875, m. Josephine M. Wilson Sept. 9, 1897; Samuel Alford b. Sept. 13, 1877, m. Ada C. Arnold Oct. 14, 1897; Orlando James b. July 8, 1880, m. Millie M. Button Nov. 20, 1901; Joseph Deseret b. Oct. 30, 1882, m. Lenora Bagley Dec. 1, 1903; George Leo b. April 9, 1885, m. Melrhea Cushing March 4, 1908; Laura May b. Dec. 6, 1887, m. George Walter Larson Aug. 1, 1906, d. Sept. 8, 1899; Mary Zilpha b. Nov. 21, 1890, m. Silas L. Brady Aug. 17, 1910; Myrtle Marinda b. Jan. 12, 1894; Loren Eugene b. Jan. 15, 1896; Gladys Veloy b. Dec. 5, 1897. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk war; 1st counselor T. M. M. I. A. West Jordan ward; president 12th quorum elders Salt Lake stake. BATES, CYRUS W. Born 1827 in New York state. Came to Utah 1862 with his own party. Married Harriet C. Mathews (daughter of Orrin Mathews and Hannah Burr), who was born 1825 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Ormes Eaton b. Jan. 17, 1848, m. Augusta Eleason 1875; Harriet C. b. Aug. 22, 1855, m. Orson W. Bates; Effle E. b. Dec. 4, 1861, m. R. H. Hunter. BATES, ORMES EATON (son of Cyrus W. Bates and Har- riet C. Mathews). Born Jan. 17, 1848, New York state. Married Augusta Eleason March 2, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Eric Eleason and Anna Nielsen, pioneers Sept. 12, 1863, John Royal Young company). She was born May 5, 1854, in Sweden. Their children: Ormes Alberto b. Feb. 2, 1876; Augusta Erminda b. Aug. 27, 1878; Cyrus Parley b. Dec. 12, 1881; Fredrick C. b. April 4, 1884; Har- riet Birdie b. Dec. 8, 1886, m. Wilford M. Christensen; Alice Myrtle b. June 5, 1889; Effle Lorna b. Feb. 18. 1893. Family home Hyrum, Utah. High priest. Active in the affairs of his community. BATES, ORMUS E. (son of Cyrus Bates and Lydia Herring- ton of Wisconsin). Born March 25, 1815, in Wisconsin. Came to Utah Sept. 1851, William B. Cummings company. Married Phebe M. Matison 1835 in New York state (daugh- ter of John Matison and Elizabeth Hill of New York, pio- neers 1851, William B. Cummings company). She was born Jan. 31, 1817. Their children: Orson P. b. March 3, 1836, m. Ann E. Brower; Erin L. b. May 21, 1838, m. Victoria Brower; Lavirna E. b. Aug. 4, 1840, m. William H. Lee; Mary E. b. Dec. 5, 1842, m. Orlando Gee; Ormus E. b. April 11, 1845, m. Sarah E. Tuttle; Orssia M. b. Jan. 8, 1848, m. William A. Critchfleld; Arlin H. b. Feb. 14, 1851, m. Luvena Adams; Marintha A. b. March 14, 1853, m. William A. Tol- man; Myron H. b. Oct. 18, 1855, m. Charlotte Hilstead. Family home Tooele, Utah. Married Morilla Spink at Nauvoo, HI., who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Orville E. b. Oct. 1845, m. Ellen Wakefleld; Sarah M. b. June 9, 1847, m. Elijah Read; Angnett, m. Apollus Lamson; Onley; Aretha, m. Joseph Wakefleld; Lavina; Lancing; Marion. Married Matilda Read at Winter Quarters, Neb. Their children: Cyrus b. 1850, m. Adelaid Bates; Lydia b. 1852, m. Enoch Martin; Laronia b. 1854, m. Joseph Godfrey; Julia b. 1856, m. Edward Bird. Married Ellen Mecham at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Mecham, pioneer). Their children: Armintha, m. W. Pettit; Oliver, m. Luana Kelley; Albert, m. Irene Day; Lillie M., m. F. Fowler. Family home Erda, Utah. Married Margrette Busenbark at Salt Lake City. Their children: Lucila, m. George Davy; Marcellus; Orin, m. Ruth Larkin; Jane, m. Nephi Wagstaff; Isaac; George, m. Sarah Biveno. Family home Erda, Utah. Married Sarah Hymas Oct. 10, 1862, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Hymas, pioneer 1862). Their chil- dren: Loila, m. Homer Wolfe; Earnest, m. Jane Wolfe; Herman; Tena, m. Sterling Williams. Family home Erda, Utah. Married Sarah Weir in 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Weir of Bristol, Eng.. pioneer 1862). She was born 1842, Bristol, Eng. Their children: Celestia b. June 12. 1864. m. Edward Dalton; Annie b. March 23, 1866, m. Horace W. Woolley; Arthur, b. Feb. 14, 1869, m. Ella and Etta Ander- son; Almeda b. May 8, 1871, m. Oliver Dukes and R. T. Latey; Helamain, d. infant. Elder. A pioneer of Tooele county. Miner, farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 4, 1873, Rush Valley, Utah. Sarah Weir Bates (widow Ormus E.) married Edwin Hall July 1877, Tooele, Utah, by whom she had one child, Ella, who married a Mr. Hannahs. BATH, WTLXIAM (son of Simon Bath and Maria Watts of Poulton, Somersetshire, Eng.). He was born in August, 1831, at Poulton. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith company. Married Eve Morgan March 31, 1860, Scranton, Pa. (daughter of Daniel Morgan and Mary Todd of Scranton), who was born June 15, 1842. Their children: William H., d. aged 15; Mary E., d. aged 2; Daniel Morgan, m. Rachel 742 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Brooks; Simon R., m. Louie Capson; Alonzo, ' J hnson Oc t. 28, 1898; Rufus b. Dec. 17. ^ b ' Dec ' 30 ' 1886 ' m - eorge A. Duncan May 4 b ' ?J arch 20 ' 1889> m " Lawrence Christensen Jan ior n, Ma ^ ie b " Dec ' 7> 1892: H ar"et Elvira b. May 2, 1895, m Willis Bray March 11, 1912. Family home Idaho Falls, Idaho. BEAL, JOHN (son of John Beal, born 1772. and Christina L , ewls> born 176 - both of Wells, Somersetshire, Eng.. mar- He was born Julv 10, 1801, Wells, Eng. Came to BEACH, RUFUS (son of John and Sarah Beach of Scho- harie county, N. Y.). Came to Utah 1847. Married Harriet Cordelia Williams (daughter of Daniel R. Williams). Their children: Aaron W. b. Oct. 27, 1847, m. Sarah E. Thomas Nov. 20, 1868. Family home Salt Lake City. . . Married Ann Deacon 1822 in Cheddar Parish, Somerset- shire (daughter of William and Ann Deacon), who was born 1797, and died crossing the plains. Their children: William b. July, 1833, m. Sarah Fowler; Henry b. April 30, 1835, m. Mary Thorpe; John b. Dec. 20, 1836, m. Rosana Avery and Ellen T. Chandler. Family home, Manti, Utah. Came from England to New York 1822. Active pioneer Ut li* 11 D^d 6 county and one of the Bunders of Ephraim, BEAL, HENRY (son of John Beal and Ann Deacon). Born April 30. 1835, Syracuse. N. Y. Came to Utah 1850. Married Mary Thorpe July 4. 1854, Ephraim, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas Thorpe and Ann Storer), who was born May 27, 1827. Their children: Ann (adopted) b. Dec. 28. 1847; Sarah Jane (adopted) b. June 25, 1849: Joseph (adopted) b Dec. 16, 1851; Ann Eliza b. Sept. 2, 1853, m. Alfred Pehrson; William Henry b. Sept. 23, 1855, died; John Samuel b. June 29, 1857, m. Emma Thursby; George A. b. Sept. 8, 1859 m Malinda Bean; Henry Thomas b. Oct. 9, 1861, m. Herberta Peterson; David Nelson b. Nov. 15, 1863, m. Martha Hanson- Mary Jemima b. March 13, 1866, m. Martin Isaacson; Emma Rosabell b. Dec. 14, 1868, m. George Klenke. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Married Anna Christena Byergo March 28, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Byergo and Anna Christena). She was born Aug. 2, 1844, Fovlum, Denmark. Their chil- dren: Mary Ann b. Jan. 26, 1866, m. Christian Folster; Alice b. Jan. 16, 1868, m. Marenus Simonson; Sarah Ann b. March 28, 1872, m. Thorwald Hanson; Thomas Andrew b. July 20, 1874, m. Ida Albertina Peterson; Orson Henry b. Nov. 7, 1876; Elinora Christena b. Feb. 13, 1879, m. Carl A. Mattson; Owen Franklin b. July 12, 1882; Violet Birdilla b. Dec. 3, 1891. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Married Mary Ann Thompson April 25, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Thompson and Anna Maria Johnson, lat- ter a pioneer 1862. Capt. Murdock company). She was born April 7, 1850, Aarhuus, Denmark. Their children: John Wil- liam b. March 24, 1871, died; Henry Leroy b. Aug. 12, 1873, m. Zealia Larson; Anna Maria b. Oct. 9, 1875, m. Jacob Hind (died) and Ole Thompson; Mary Matilda b. Jan. 1, 1878, m. Ole Olson; Hyrum Franklin b. April 18, 1880, died; Ellen Christena b. Aug. 2, 1881, m. Robert H. Hardin; Charles; Andrew b. March 27, 1885, died; Martha Mary Ann b. Feb. 15, 1888. Family home, Ephraim, Utah. Assisted in building the fort, and erected second house, at Ephraim. President first teachers' quorum, and mem- ber bishopric; high councilor; member presidency; San Pete stake with President Canute Peterson twenty-five years; ordained patriarch. One of the Incorporators Ephraim Co-op store; helped build Climax roller mill; railroad con- tractor Sanpete Valley R. R. and R. G. W. R. R.; mayor Ephraim 1895. In 1897 assisted Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, and William B. Preston to locate the towns of Pres- ton, Lund, Georgetown and White River near Ely, Nev. President of Snow academy; county commissioner; member Utah legislature; Utah delegate to Trans-Mississippi con- gress at St. Louis. BEAL, GEORGE A. (son of Henry Beal and Mary Thorpe). Born Sept. 8, 1859, Ephraim, San Pete county, Utah. Married Melinda Bean Nov. 14, 1878 (daughter of George W. Bean, pioneer 1847, and Emily Haws, pioneer 1850). Their children: Emily Estella b. Oct. 28, 1879, m. Jack Christie; George A. b. Sept. 3, 1881, m. Josephine Nielsen; Clarice M. b. Sept. 14, 1883, m. Bert Tuttle; Leo N. b. Sept. 17, 1885, m. Myrtle Bartlett; Erin T. b. March 9, 1888. m. Elva Johnson; Mary M. b. March 17, 1890; Eldon H. b. May 13. 1893; David C. b. Oct. 22, 1896; Merrill D. b. Nov. 3, 1898; John Raymond b. March 8, 1903. Family resided Ephraim and Richfield, Utah. BEAL, JOHN (son of John Beal and Ann Deacon). Born Dec. 20, 1836, Syracuse, N. Y. Came to Utah 1849. Married Rosana Avery 1857, who was born 1832. Their child: John Henry b. 1858. Family home, Ogden, Utah. Married Lucy Etherington 1860, who was born 1833, In England; died 1867. Married Ellen T. Chandler Jan. 27, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Rachel Chandler), who Was born Dec. 28, 1848. 744 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Settled at Mantl; moved to Ephralm, Sanpete county, 1856; moved to Ogden, 1867; worked on Salt Lake Temple; as- sisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer and stock- raiser. One of the founders of Clrclevllle, Utah, 1865. BEAL,, WILLIAM. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Clarissa Allen. Their children: Oscar; Lyman; Franklin, m. Charlotte Hill; John Alma, m. Lavina Esther DeMill and Jemima Pecktol; Harriet, m. Alma Millet; Nancy, m. Ortimus Millet; Eunice, m. Alma Millet. Settler of Manti, Utah. BEAL, JOHN ALMA (son of William Beal and Clarissa Al- len). Born in October at Parma, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, with parents. Married Lavina Esther DeMill 1860 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Freeborn DeMill and Ann Knight of Manti, Utah, pioneers 1848). She died 1880. Their children; John Alma, died; Ira Allen b. June 13, 1862, m. Silva Funk; Willis, died; Asa, m. Geneva Funk; Newel Knight, m. Ada El- vira DeMill; Emily P., m. Oscar DeMill; Esther Lavina, died; Raynal, m. Annie Keel; Edgar, m. Almeda DeMill, m. Jennie Keel; Cora, m. Henry Peterson. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Jemima Pecktol in 1880 at Rockville, Utah. Seventy. Settler of Manti; took active part in protecting It against Indians; assisted to build canals and wagon roads in and around that country. Farmer. Died Jan. 18, 1902, Rockville, Utah. BEAL, IRA ALLEN (son of John Alma Beal and Lavina Esther DeMill). Born June 13, 1862, at Mantl. Married Silva Funk (Henningsen) Oct. 18, 1888, Mantl, Utah (daughter of Daniel Buckley Funk of Ohio and Mary Jane Pecktol of Kentucky, settlers of Manti 1848). She was born Jan. 16, 1862, and was the widow of Christian Hen- ningsen, and their children were: Parley b. Oct. 11, 1883, m. Ora Jensen; Mary b. Oct. 12, 1885, m. Peter Scow. Family resided at Sterling, Utah. Ira Allen Beal was father of Ira Allen b. July 7, 1889, m. Irene Jensen; Cora Bell b. Aug. 31, 1890, d. Infant; Masel b. Feb. 26, 1894; William b. April 25, 1899, died; Milla b. April 26, 1899. High priest; ward teacher; associated with T. M. M. I. A. several years. President Emery town board; settler of Em- ery 3894 and assisted in upbuilding of that county. Black- smith; photographer; farmer. BEAL, NEWEL KNIGHT (son of John Alma Beal and Lavina Esther DeMill). Born April 1, 1867, Manti, Utah. Married Ada Elvira DeMill Jan. 6, 1888, St. George, Utah (daughter of Oliver DeMill and Fadelia Wingate of Rock- ville, Utah). She was born Feb. 14, 1869. Their children: Esther Lavina b. Oct. 8, 1869, m. Lawrence Barney; Fadelia b. Nov. 4, 1871, m. Peter Peterson; Jemima Bell b. Aug. 26, 1892; Lillian b. March 16, 1895; Cyrus b. Jan. 13, 1899; Ada, died; Emily b. Nov. 9, 1903. Family home Ferron, Utah. President 91st quorum seventies 1903-06; missionary to Arkansas 1898-1900; high priest; bishop Ferron ward 1906;- president elders' quorum and president T. M. M. I. A. at Emery; superintendent Sunday school at Ferron. Farmer and poultryman; apiarist. BEAJT, JAMES (son of James Bean). Born March 3, 1804, Christian county, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1848, Daniel Miller company. Married Elizabeth Lewis July 27, 1824, Lincoln county, Mo. (daughter of John Lewis), who was born Sept. 22, 1803, Lin- coln county, Mo. Their children: William; Nancy, m. Thomas \Villiams; m. John D. Lee; m. Zachariah Decker; Sarah Ann, m. William W. Casper; George Washington, m. Eliza- beth Baum; m. Emily Haws; m. Mary Wall; James Addison, m. Harriet Catherine Fausett; Mary Elizabeth, m. Amos W. Haws; Cornelia, died. Family home Provo, Utah. Bishop's counselor. Farmer and mechanic. Died In June, 1882. BEAN, GEORGE WASHINGTON (son of James Bean and Elizabeth Lewis). Born April 1. 1831, Wayne county, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jeuediah M. Grant company. Married Elizabeth Baum Jan. 6, 1853, at Provo (daughter of Jacob Baum and Agnes Harris of Chester county, Pa., pioneers Oct. 1862, Jacob Baum company). She was born Jan. 27, 1834. Their children: Elizabeth Agnes b. Aug. 19, 1854, m. Parley Peterson; George Teancum b. Dec. 26, 1856, m. Cella Hunt; Epaminondas b. June 13, 1859, m. Ina F. Hunt; Anne Alida b. July 28, 1861, m. Paul Von Nordeck; Victor Emanuel b. Feb. 5, 1864, m. Mary Hannah Baker; Marquis LaFayette b. Nov. 4, 1865, m. Annie Home; Willard Washington b. May 16. 1868, m. Gussie Felt; Flora Diana b. Nov. 14, 1871, m. Joseph L. Home; Orestes Utah b. Nov. 8, 1873; Junius b. Oct. 17, 1878, died. Family home Provo. Married Emily Haws Dec. 10. 1856, at Provo (daughter of John Haws and Martha Masters of Wayne county. 111. pio- neers 1860). She was born Feb. 27, 1836. Their children: Malinda b. Jan. 26, 1868, m. George A. Beal: Onias, died; Lola b. Sept. 10, 1861, m. Ruben Farnsworth; Ella b March 9, 1865, m. A. D. Thurber; Charles L. b. Jan. 29, 1867. m. Mary Jensen; Emily b. July 17. 1869, m. Edward Payne; Burton John b. Dec. 2, 1871. m. Ora Bartlett. Family home Richfield, Utah. Married Mary Jane Wall Dec. 16, 1856, at Provo (daugh- ter of William Wall and Nancy Haws of Illinois, pioneers Sept. 1850, William Wall company). She was born April 12, 1841. Their children: William James b. March 14, 1868, m. Natalia Outzen; Mary Geneva b. Dec. 16, 1859, m. William Collins; Leo Albert b. Sept 1, 1861, m. Ottaminnle Baker; Nancy Vilate b. April 6, 1864, m. Abram Johnson; Eliza Isabelle b. Dec. 4, 1866, died; Chloe Diantha b. Dec. 4 1867, m. John E. Eversoll; Malissa b. Feb. 21, 1870, m. S. G. Clark; Virglnius b. July 21, 1872, m. Annie Bartlett; Eda Jane b. Sept. 22, 1874, m. John H. Eversoll; Isaac Wall b. Nov. 30 1876, m. Hattie Bartlett; Jesse Fuller b. Feb. 21, 1878, m. Cecil Gardner; Taylor Jay b. Nov. 6, 1881; Cornelia b. Dec 11, 1884. Family home Richfield. Veteran Black Hawk war; pioneers to Sevler valley 1861. Probate judge Provo eight years and Richfield six years; U. S. revenue collector; assessor and collector Utah county; deputy U. S. marshal. Helped establish Mormon fort at Las Vegas, Nev., 1859; assisted to bring back colony of Sacra- mento valley; first counselor to President Seegmiller, Sevier stake; high priest. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Dec. 9, 1897. BEAN, LEO ALBERT (son of George Washington Bean and Mary Jane Wall). Born Sept. 1, 1861, Provo, Utah. Married Ottaminnie Baker Dec. 7, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of William G. Baker and Nicolina Marie Brtel- sen, pioneers Sept. 28, 1861, John Brown company). She was born March 22, 1868, Nephi, Utah. Their children: Leo Claudius b. April 28, 1889, m. Mary Hall; George Albert b. Feb. 6, 1891; Minnie b. Aug. 22, 1892, died; William Louis b. June 7, 1894; Mary Aileen b. March 1, 1897; Geneva b. May 21, 1899. Family home Richfield, Utah. Member high council; first counselor to president T. M. M. I. A.; superintendent Sunday schools; missionary to southern states. City marshal Richfield 1888-91. BEAN, VIRGINIUS (son of George Washington Bean and Mary Jane Wall). Born July 21, 1872, Provo, Utah. Married Annie Bartlett May 22, 1895, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Bartlett and Illiad McKee of Putnam county, Tenn). She was born Aug. 1, 1876. Their children: Henry Dwight b. March 6, 1896; Virglnius Arlie b. April 26, 1897; Byron Jesse b. Jan. 14, 1900; Edwin Bartlett b. Jan. 30, 1904; Virginia b. Feb. 12, 1908. Family home Richfield, Utah. High priest; missionary to southern and northwestern states 1900-02 and 1907-08, respectively; secretary Sevler stake Sunday schools; president second deacons' quorum; counselor teachers' quorum; bishop Richfield second ward from 1904 to present time. City councilman at Richfield 1912-13; director Sevier Valley Canal Co.; school teacher 1894-1900 at Burrville, Koosharem, Inverury and Escalante, Utah. Farmer. BEAN, JAMES ADDISON (son of James and Elizabeth Lewis). Born March 11, 1834, Adams county. 111. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1848, Daniel Miller company. Married Harriet Catherine Fausett Feb. 10, 1863, Provo, Utah (daughter of William McGee Fausett and Matilda Butcher, pioneers Sept. 1851, Alexander Stephens com- pany). She was born March 8, 1833. Their children; James William b. Nov. 19, 1853, m. Olive Smoot; Harriet Ann b. May 31, 1855, m. Orson Cluff; Josephine b. Nov. 18, 1857, died; Mary Louisa b. Oct. 3, 1859, m. Thomas C. P. Thompson; Naomi b. Feb. 11, 1863, m. John E. Armitstead; George A. b. Feb. 22, 1861, m. Mary E. Haws; Leonidas H. b. Sept. 15, 1866, m. Elizabeth Buckley; Marcellus b. Nov. 6, 1867, m. Joannah Edman; Frances Matilda b. Sept. 7, 1873, m. Ellas A. Gee; Howard b. Oct. 6, 1869, died; Laurence Lafayette b. May 24, 1871, m. Elizabeth Jones; Goldie Fern b. April 14, 1881, m. John William Brown. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 31st quorum seventies; missionary to Las Vegas, Nev., two years, also to Iowa, Missouri and Illinois, 1876; high priest. School trustee Provo, Utah, and city council- man two years. Veteran Black Hawk, Timpanogas and Walker Indian wars. Farmer and freighter; manager Utah county stock association 11 years. BEAN. JAMES WILLIAM (son of James Addison Bean and Harriet Catherine Fausett). Born Nov. 19, 1853, Provo, Utah. Married Olive Smoot Oct. 18, 1876, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Abraham O. Smoot and Diana Eldredge of Provo, pioneers Sept. 1847). She was born Feb. 10, 1860, Salt Lake City. Their children: Luella and Estella, twins, b. Oct. 8 1877. former d. Oct. 2, 1879; latter d. Oct. 11, 1879: Wil- liam Cullen b. May 4, 1879, d. July 26, 1880; Diana b. Feb. 7, 1881 m. Roy D. Thatcher; Harriet Virginia b. Nov. 1, 1882; Pauline b. Oct. 9, 1885, d. Aug. 23, 1891; Azua b. Aug. 22, 1887" Margaret b. Dec. 6, 1888; Ross Smoot b. March 17, 1890; Lee Addison b. Aug. 12, 1891; Orea b. June 6, 1894; Ruth b. June 8, 1896; Seth b. Oct. 8, 1897; George Elmer b. April 13, 1899; Joseph Wayne b. Oct. 26, 1900. Family home Provo, Married Pauline Emelia Hardy Nov. 19, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Marcus Hardy and Mary Sophia Doldi pioneers Sept. 26. 1861, Schuttler company). She was born July 7, 1867. Their children: Josephine Olive b. July 22 1886 m William Udell Scofield; James Horace b. July 13, 1890- Elfie b. April 17, 1892; Charles Sterling b. April 15, 1897; Milo b. Dec. 10, 1898; Marcus Hardy b. Sept. 4, 1901. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to southern states; tithing clerk 26 years; high priest; member of high council of Utah stake. Bookkeeper; accountant; agriculturist. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 745 BEAN, JOSEPH (son of George Bean, born Sept. 14, 1778, and Mary Milner, born Oct. 23, 1777, both of Yorkshire. Eng.). He was born April 18, 1814, at Ulleskelf, near York, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Steven- son company. Married Sarah Beanland (daughter of John Beanland and Elizabeth Crabtree), who was born Sept. 21, 1821, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: George b. Aug. 22, 1842; Mary Elizabeth b. Feb. 16, 1845, m. William C. Murphy; Sarah b. Feb. 11, 1847, m. Henry Coulam; Emma b. Dec. 19, 1848; Eliza b. March 31, 1851, m. Joseph Smith Jan. 18, 1859; Margaret b. June 7, 1853; Esther Siddons b. April 9, 1855; Joseph Hyrum Parley b. March 28, 1857; Joshua Beanland b. Oct. 9, 1858, m. Amy Hulbert Jan. 11, 1882; William Samuel Milner b. Aug. 14, 1861, m. Elizabeth Arm- strong; Annie Louisa b. July 28, 1864. High priest; counselor to Bishop Alexander McRae of the eleventh ward. Trustee of district school board. Black Hawk war veteran. BEARD, THOMAS (son of Thomas Beard and Ellen E. Clark of Whaley Bridge, Eng.). Born Dec. 14, 1836, at Whaley Bridge. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Dun- can company. Married Mary Ann Openshaw Simister June 5, 1859, at Whaley Bridge (daughter of John and Amelia Openshaw of New Mills, Eng.). She was born Oct. 1823. Their children: Mary Hannah b. May 29, 1860, m. Thomas Birch; James Thomas b. Nov. 24, 1863, m. Mary Goodworth; Ellen Amelia b. Nov. 23, 1866, d. 1876. Family home Coalville, Summit county, Utah. Married Mahaleth Abiah Tanner June 27, 1884 (daughter of John Tanner and June Chase of Cottonwood, Salt Lake county). She was born March 30, 1868. Their children: John b. Feb. 26, 1887; Lydia Jane b. July 8, 1890; Lilly Ann b. Dec. 4, 1898; George Thomas b. April 26, 1899; Stephen, died; Susan Ellen, died; Aaron b. July 15. 1902; Mary Ann b. May 16. 1904; Edward Chancy b. Oct. 1, 1905. Family home Coalville. Opened Wasatch coal mine. Florist and gardener. Or- ganized first Sunday school in Summit county 1863; mis- sionary to England; high priest; president 27th quorum seventies Coalville. City councilman two years; school trustee. BEATIE, HAMPDEN SIDNEY (son of Josiah N. Beatie and Eleanor Rogers of Virginia). Born Dec. 31, 1826, Washing- ton county, Va. Came to Utah in September, 1849. Married Marion T. Mumford Jan. 1, 1849, in Missouri (daughter of Edward T. Mumford and Hannah T. Crosby, pioneers Sept. 1849). She was born April 12, 1831, and died Sept. 5, 1904. Their children: H. J., m. Phoebe S. Young; Hannah Eleanor, m. C. B. Hawley, m. Edward Bartliff; H. S., m. Ellen E. Richardson; Josephine E., m. Rulon S. Wells; Mary E. (died), m. Heber M. Wells; Marion M., m. H. G. Whitney; Edward F.; Frank L., m. Mary Clawson; Florence B., m. Guy Thatcher. Family home Salt Lake City. Seventy. County coroner. Pioneer Carsoji county, Nev. Lieutenant-colonel in Utah militia. Manager Z. C. M. I. Died Sept. 11, 1887. BEATIE, W. J. (son of Hampden Sidney Beatie and Marion T. Mumford). Born Jan. 1, 1850, at Salt Lake City. Married Phoebe L. Young Jan. 7, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Brigham Young and Clarissa Ross of Salt Lake City). She was born Aug. 1, 1854. Their children: Clarissa Marion b. Oct. 21, 1872, died; Josephine Y. b. Sept. 2, 1874, m. Charles L. Burton; Walter J. b. Oct. 23, 1876, d. Oct. 23, 1876: Hazel Y. b. Nov. 27, 1880, m. Edward P. Kim- ball; Mary Y. b. Sept. 23, 1882, d. April 25, 1888; N. R. b. Oct. 26, 1886; Walter Sidney b. June 12, 1888, m Margaret Tay- lor. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 7th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1877-79; high priest. National bank examiner. BEAI7REGARD, CHRISTIAN PETER (son of Peter Chrts- tensen Beauregard and Maren Nielsen of Viborg amt, Den- mark). Born March 18, 1826, Randers, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock company. Married Anna K. Sorensen April 1, 1848, in Denmark (daughter of Soren Hansen and Sine Anderson), who was born Nov. 25, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Peter b. 1848 and Jens b. 1849, d. infants; Jens Peter b. July 9, 1850, m. Elizabeth Tarbuck June 28, 1869; Marinus b. Feb. 5, 1852, m. Amelia Edwards Feb. 2, 1882; Charles Christian b. Sept. 27, 1853, m. Ksire Nicholos May 21, 1874; Stine Westborg b. 1854, d. 1854; Neils b. 1855, d. 1857; Sigrard b. 1857, d. 1857; Neils Jacob b. July 13, 1858. m. Stella McRae Jan. 11, 1883; Augusta Tomine b. Sept. 14, 1860, m. Ted Davis April 22, 1878; Frances Amelia b. May 30, 1862, m. Orson Huntsman Feb. 1, 1883; John b. July 27, 1866, d. Feb. 10, 1869; Christian b. April 6. 1868, d. April 29, 1868. Married Martha Day Oct. 17, 1884, St. George, Utah (daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Day), who was born Jan. 3, 1858, in England. Their children: Richard Alonzo b. Feb. 9, 1886, m. Mary Warner Dec. 8, 1910; Laura b. March 29, 1887, m. Albert Dearden Dec. 1, 1910; Wilford b. March 29, 1893. Families resided Fillmore. Utah. Justice of peace 1875-79. President Fillmore Irrigation company. Member high council of Millard stake; patriarch. Blacksmith. of Chrl tian Peter Beaure- 5 - 1852 - Mlrah - Married Amelia Edwards Feb. 2 1882 Plllmore b Sept. 10, 1898; Leah b Nov sided Fillmore and Sterling, Utah School trustee at Sterling four years. Promoter of Gun Family re- rH', DENNIS (son of Marinus Beaure- gard and Amelia Edwards). Born Dec. 21, 1882, Fillmore. Missionary to eastern states 1907-09; ward and Sundav school teacher 1909-11; home missionary. City treasurer an n President Gunnison Valley Power com- BECK, JOSEPH ELLISON (son of Antram Beck of Penn- sylvania). Came to Utah in 1849 n M n" - E 01 "!?" 1 - The l r cnil- Born March 25, 1866, Lehi, Utah. Married Mary Ann Dudley April 5. 1905 (daughter of H /T r T U t m h ^ mi K Dudley and Fidelia S P" ia Tippets, natives of Utah)^ She was born June 2. 1877, Alma, Weber county, Utah. Their children: Milton Smith b. March 21 1906 : Lamont Dudley b. Aug. 15, 1907; Cecelia Dudley b Nov 1, 1908; Eli b June 27, 1911; Levon B. and Levere T. (twins) D- April 1, 1 yi 3. Missionary to Norway 1900-02. Farmer; carpenter. BELL, JOHN WATSOX (son of John and Alice Bell of Newcastle, Northumberlandshire, Eng.). Born May 28 1805 Newcastle, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1854, Benjamin Clapp company. Married Ann Fish October, 1835, Newcastle, Eng. (daughter of Robert and Dorothy Fish of Bedlington, Eng.). She came to Utah Oct. 1855, leaving- the Missouri river with two yoke of oxen and one yoke of cows, came across the plains accompanied by her eight children Anna, m. Henry Reyn- olds, m. William Lance; Robert, d. infant; Alice Jane b. April 15, 1840, m. Joel Almon Bascom; John Watson, Jr., m. Laura Roberts; Emma Dorothy, m. Ephraim Roberts; Alma- Mary, m. William Baldwin; Sarah, m. William Lance. Fam- ily resided Provo and Mona, Utah. Pioneer of Mona, where he died in 1877. High priest. He was a tailor by occupation. BELL, THOMAS (son of John Bell of Barford, Norfolk, Eng.). Born July 7, 1825, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah 1852. Married Mahala Elwood Nov. 22, 1854, Salt Lake City, who was born at Spexall, Suffolk, Eng. Their children: John Thomas b. Oct. 4, 1855, m. Lucy Ann Wardle; Mary Jane b. Feb. 18, 1858, died; Herbert Horace b. Feb. 26, 1859, m. Lucy Payne; William James b. Aug. 8, 1860, m. Sene Sorensen; Frederick Hyrum b. May 6, 1867, m. Elizabeth Payne; Thomas Henry b.' May 9, 1864, m. Josephine Peter- son. Married Henrietta Euphemla Lundquist Nov. 7, 1865, Salt Lake City, who was born Nov. 2, 1846, Malmo, Sweden. Their children: Mahala Charlotte b. Oct. 5, 1866, m. James William Sylvester; Alice Henriette b. Aug. 19, 1868, m. Ira Miles; Bernard Amiel b. Oct. 4, 1870, m. Fannie Wardle; Emily Johanna b. Nov. 5, 1872, m. Christian Johnson; Charles Theodore b. Sept. 5, 1874, m. Charlotte Doxford; Alverette Matilda b. Oct. 4, 1876, m. Edward Ross; Joseph Alvin b. Oct. 2, 1878; Amoran b. Feb. 2, 1889, died. Family resided at Ephraim, Levan and Elsinore, Utah. High priest; seventy. Veteran Black Hawk and Walker Indian wars. Justice of peace. Mechanic; farmer. Died April 6, 1906, Elsinore, Utah. BELL, HERBERT HORACE (son of Thomas Bell and Mahala Elwood). Born Feb. 26, 1859, Ephraim, Utah. Married Lucy Payne Dec. 5, 1878, St. George, Utah (daugh- ter of Edward Payne and Emma Powell, pioneers Sept. 2, 1864, Joseph S. Rawllns company). She was born March 16, 1858. Their children: Herbert b. Oct. 19, 1879, d. infant; Minnie b. March 16, 1881, d. Sept. 29, 1883; Emma Pearl b. Feb. 18, 1883, m. Peter Hendrickson; Myrtle Elizabeth b. Dec. 10, 1884; Lucy Edna b. Sept. 7, 1886, and Mattle Fern b. Jan. 29, 1888, d. infants; Quintin Clyde b. July 27, 1889; Ivan Earnest b. Oct. 15, 1891; Ivis Madia b. June 29, 1894; Rulon Edward and Rodney Thomas b. June 27, 1896; Iretta b. Sept. 15, 1898; Montez b. Feb. 16, 1901; Jennie La Pearl b. Nov. 7, 1902. Family home Glenwood, Utah. High priest; seventy; missionary to central states 1884-85: missionary to England 1907-08; bishop of Glenwood ward since 1886. County commissioner of Sevier county 1896-1900; president of Glenwood town board 1895-99; member board of education Sevier school district. Farmer and fruit- grower. BELLISTON, JAMES THOMAS (son of John Belliston, born March 24 1796, London, Eng., and Elizabeth Carpenter of London). He was born Feb. 18, 1819, at London. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Louisa Miller Sept. 10, 1838 (daughter of John Miller and Louisa Woolley), who was born March 24, 1819. Their children: Louisa E. b. Sept. 22, 1840: John b. April 9, 1842- William Robert b. Sept. 26, 1843; Thomas b. Dec. 1. 1845' m. Sophia Bardsley April 9, 1868; James Thomas b. Feb. 5, 1848, m. Mary Howard; Louisa Maria b. Sept . 1, 1852- Emily b. Oct. 19, 1855; Joseph Ephraim b. June 10. 1858, m Ada Read; Sarah b. May 4, 1864, m. Amos A. Allen. Missionary to Great Britain 1875-76; counselor to presi- dent of high priests' quorum. BELLISTON, THOMAS (son of James Thomas Belliston and Louisa Miller). Born Dec. 1, 1845, Birmingham Eng. Married Sophia Bardsley April 9, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Bardsley and Elizabeth Garslde, former 748 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH a pioneer Sept. 29, 1866, Daniel Thompson company). She was born June 29, 1848, Ashton-Under-Lyne. Eng. Their children: Thomas W. b. Feb. 4, 1869, m. Elizabeth Foster 1889: George James b. Oct. 15, 1870; John b. Aug. 28, 1872, m. Nellie Lomax; Samuel b. Sept. 2, 1874; Albert Henry b. June 29, 1876, m. Jennie G. Wheeler Oct. 21, 1903; Wilford b. Aug. 18, 1878, m. Lucy M. Warr; Louisa b. Nov. 18. 1880, m. A. Owen Johnson 1908; Lester b. Jan. 14. 1883, m. Triphena Howell; Nellie b. March 23, 1885; Ralph B. b. May 15. 1887, m. Alice Farnsworth; Minnie b. Aug. 16, 1889. Family home Nephi, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1866. Presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A. 1880; counselor to stake superintendent Y. M. M. I. A. 1881; president 71st quorum seventies 1892; member high council, Juab stake, 1902. School trustee 1899-05; Nephi city councilman 1900-1901; Juab county com- missioner 1903-1904. BELLOWS, JOHIV F. (son of James Bellows and Judith Hopper). Born May 24, 1825, in Wayne county. 111. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1850, Stephen Markham company. Married Marilla Plum of Illinois, who came to Utah with her mother 1850, Stephen Markham company. Their chil- dren: James Merlin and John Marion, died; Sarah Marilla, m. John Leatham; Judith Abigail, m. Thomas Leatham; Joseph Smith, m. Alice Youd; Hyrum Smith, m. Elizabeth Draper; Charles Henry, m. Jane Huff; Agnes D.; Elizabeth, m. Andrew J. Simmons: Mary Elva (adopted), m. Thomas Holmes. Family resided Payson and Lake Shore, Utah. Indian war veteran; served under Col. Markham in San Pete county 1853; took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Farmer, timberman and stockraiser. Died 1894 at Lake Shore. BELLOWS, HYRUM SMITH (son of John F. Bellows and Marilla Plum). Born Aug. 31, 1860, Payson, Utah. Married Elizabeth Draper Feb. 18, 1883, Benjamin, Utah (daughter of Thomas Draper and Sarah Ward of Leicester- shire, Eng.). She was born Dec. 25, 1862. Their children: Phoebe Elizabeth b. June 9, 1885, m. Thomas Hancock, Jr.; Joseph Hyrum, m. March 8, 1887; Etta May b. April 8, 1889; John Marion b. Nov. 12, 1892; Hazel b. Feb. 3, 1895; Alice Cornelia b. July 8, 1897, died. Family home Lake Shore, Utah. Teacher; farmer. Died at Spring Glen, Utah. BELNAP, GILBERT (son of Rosel Belnap, born Jan. 4, 1789, Cayuga county, N. Y., and Jane Richmond of Whitty, Can- ada, born in Vermont, U. S. A.). He was born Dec. 22, 1821, Hope, New-Castle district. Upper Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, Jonathan Foote company. Married Adaline Knight Dec. 21, 1845 (daughter of Vlnson Knight and Martha McBride, latter a pioneer Sept. 17. 1850). She was born May 4, 1831. Their children: Gilbert Rosel b. Jan. 8, 1847, m. Sarah Jane Cole March 30, 1867; John Mc- Bride b. May 11, 1849, d. June 22, 1850, Salt Creek, Mo.; Reuben b. June 14, 1851, m. Lucene V. Hammon Jan. 11, 1870; Joseph b. Jan. 26, 1853, m. Manerva P. Howard April 26, 1875; Martha Jane b. Sept. 17, 1855, m. Levi B. Hammon Jan. 11, 1870; Hyrum b. March 24, 1858, m. Christiana Rasmussen Sept. 20, 1883; Augustus Weber b. March 25, 1860, m. Mary Read April 21, 1886; Volney b. Feb. 17, 1862, d. March 14, 1862; Vinson K. b. June 26, 1863, m. Sarah Emily Hardy Oct. 20, 1886; Amasa b. June 22, 1866, m. Lillian Rose Garner Oct. 20, 1886; Adaline b. Aug. 1, 1868. m. John A. Lowe Nov. 18, 1891; Mary Louisa b. Dec. 11, 1871, m. Joseph H. Lowe Dec. 18, 1889; Lola Almira b. June 5, 1874, m. David William Coolbear Aug. 8, 1900. Married Henrietta McBride June, 1852, Ogden, Utah. Their children: William James b. Aug. 31, 1853, m. Eliza Ann Watts Dec. 22, 1873; Oliver b. Sept. 20, 1855, m. Margaret Ann Manning Jan. 6, 1881; Francis Marion b. June 5, 1857, m. Lil- lie Lubena Robinson Dec. 26, 1878; Isadora Estella b. Oct. 31, 1860, m. John F. Stoddard Aug. 14, 1876. This pioneer left Nauvoo, 111., Feb. 1846, traveling through the frozen snow to Council Bluffs, Iowa. In 1850 he started for Utah, arriving at Salt Lake City with his wife and one child in a wagon drawn by an ox and a cow. Settled at Ogden in Oct. 1850, and was elected first marshal, and In 1853 appointed city attorney of Ogden. Went with first settlers to the Salmon river (Idaho) mission 1855 and re- mained until late in 1857, when he joined Lot Smith's com- mand to meet Johnston's army. In March 1858 was sent by Gov. Young to release settlers at Ft. Limhi (on the Salmon river) from the Indians. Attorney Weber county 1861 and again in 1871; revised and compiled Ogden city or- dinances, which were published in book form in 1871; sheriff Weber county 1862-70; county assessor and collector 1876-82. Oct. 22, 1853, commissioned by Gov. Young as 1st lieutenant Co. B. Cavalry battalion, Weber military district. President Hooper Irrigation company 1867-8. Presiding elder 17th district. Hooper; bishop Hooper ward May 28, 1877, to Aril 20, 1888. Died Feb. 26, 1899. BELNAP, GILBERT ROSEL (son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight). Born Jan. 8, 1847. Married Sarah Jane Cole March 30, 1867. Their children: Sarah Elizabeth b. Jan. 14, 1870; Adaline b. May 27, 1872; Oilbert Martin b. Nov. 22, 1874, d. July 20, 1875; Rosel Cole b. Jan. 27, 1881; Weltha b. July 27, 1886; Maud b. Oct. 7, 1889. BELNAP, REUBEN (son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight). Born June 14. 1851. Married Lucene V. Hammon Jan. 11, 1870. Their chil- dren: Reuben Augustus b. July 19, 1879; Gilbert Levi b. Aug. 27, 1881, d. May 6, 1883; Ansel M. b. Jan. 4, 1884, d. May 2, 1884; Lavina B. b. June 5, 1885; Nora L. b. Dec. 7, 1887, d. June 8, 1888; Polly E. b. June 6, 1889; Adaline E. b. Oct. 28, 1891; Chauncy A. b. July 23, 1894; d. Jan. 28, 1895; Ethel B. b. April 25, 1896. BELNAP, JOSEPH (son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight). Born Jan. 26, 1853, Ogden, Utah. Married Manerva P. Howard April 26, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Riley Howard and Tirzah P. Warner, pioneers Sept. 1, 1850). She was born Aug. 16, 1857, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Their children: Joseph Howard b. May 2, 1876, m. Lillian Bingham Jan. 15, 1902; Augusta Permella b. Dec. 4, 1877, m. Albin B. Johnson July 22, 1897; Lodasca b. Nov. 3, 1879, m. Hyrum Williams Feb. 19, 1903; Tirzah Adaline b. Sept. 3, 1881, m. Aaron C. Ross Dec. 17, 1902; Josie May b. Aug. 30, 1883, m. John F. Payne June 29, 1906; Florence b. Oct. 5, 1885, m. Alma Hale Nov. 5, 1906; Gilbert Riley b. Oct. 19, 1887, d. Feb. 8. 1889; Amos b. Oct. 8, 1889; Emory b. Aug. 4, 1891, m. Martha Kershaw June 8, 1910; Blanche Laverne b. Sept. 30, 1894; Ida b. Sept. 15, 1898; Resell Stanton b. Aug. 1, 1900. Utah militiaman 1871. Organized Preston Lumber com- pany, Preston, Idaho. Member city council, Preston. Mem- ber Oneida stake high council; secretary Y. M. M. I. A. 1873-80, Hooper ward, Utah; president Y. M. M. I. A. 1880- 82; missionary to southern states; president 5th quorum elders Weber stake. Under sheriff Ogden five years. Farmer; stockraiser. BELNAP, HYRUM (son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight). Born March 24, 1858. Married Christiana Rasmussen Sept. 20, 1883. Their chil- dren: Laura and Flora b. July 15, 1884; Marion Adaline b. June 4, 1886; Olive Christiana b. April 24, 1888; Hyrum Adol- phus b. May 26, 1890; Eva Laverne b. Sept. 9, 1893. d. Aug. 12, 1894; Royal James b. Dec. 1, 1898, d. March 12, 1903. Married Anna Constantia Bluth Feb. 7, 1888. Their chil- dren: Hyrum Earl b. July 18, 1890; Arias Guy b. Sept. 6, 1893; Volney Bryan b. Sept. 9, 1895; A. Jewell b. Sept. 10, 1905; Delia Augusta b. Sept. 11, 1907; Gladys b. Jan. 19, 1912. Missionary to Southern states 1879-81; served as member of bishopric fourth ward, Ogden; member high council and member presidency high priests' quorum, Ogden stake. Elected assessor and collector Weber county 1882, served three terms. General manager Utah and Oregon Lumber company, 1893-99; established Hyrum Belnap Lumber com- pany. Ogden, Utah, 1899; assisted in establishment of Pres- ton Lumber company, Preston, Idaho, 1905. BELNAP. AUGUSTUS WEBER (son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight). Born March 25, 1860. Married Mary Read April 21, 1886. Their children: Augus- tus R. b. Aug. 1. 1887; Charles W. b. July 12, 1889; Thomas Gilbert b. July 13, 1891, d. Feb.' 3, 1893; George b. Aug. 7, 1894; John b. Sept. 27, 1896, d. Sept. 27, 1896; Earl Read b. Aug. 21, 1897; Joseph Francis b. Oct. 28, 1899; Ezra Leonard b. Jan. 21, 1902; Elmer Durlln b. Jan. 4, 1904; Mary Adaline b. Oct. 6, 1905; Lola Ethel b. Dec. 2, 1907. BELNAP, VINSON K. (son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight). Born June 26, 1863. Married Sarah Emily Hardy Oct. 20, 1886. Their children: Mary b. July 16, 1887, d. Jan. 22, 1891; Adaline b. Oct. 18, 1889; Vinson Ray b. July 27, 1892; Reata b. March 5, 1895; Lovel b. May 14, 1897; Glen Vord b. Feb. 14. 1903. BELNAP, AMASA (son of Gilbert Belnap and Adaline Knight). Born June 22, 1866. Married Lillian Rose Garner Oct. 20. 1886. Their children: Amasa Wm. b. Oct. 21, 1888; Rose Elnora b. May 3, 1891; Lawrence b. July 10, 1894, d. July 14, 1894; David Evan b. Aug. 11, 1896. Married Julia Rose James. Their child: Julia Lucretia b. March 1, 1903. BELNAP, WILLIAM JAMES (son of Gilbert Belnap and Hen- rietta McBride). Born Aug. 31. 1853. Married Eliza Ann Watts Dec. 22, 1873. Their children: William Oscar b. Dec. 2, 1874; James Gilbert b. Jan. 7, 1877; Clarence Robert b. July 14, 1881, d. Dec. 23, 1899; Henry b. Feb. 13. 1883; Mary Ellen b. Nov. 2, 1884, d. Sept. 15, 1899; Austin b. May 9, 1887; Sarah Elizabeth b. Aug. 3, 1889; Ivy b. Jan. 15, 1891; Alonzo b. May 19, 1893; Hilma May b. April 25, 1895; Erma b. Nov. 18, 1896; Nellie b. May 21, 1898; Albert b. Dec. 19, 1899. BELNAP, OLIVER (son of Gilbert Belnap and Henrietta McBride). Born Sept. 20, 1855. Married Margaret Ann Manning Jan. 6, 1881, who died April 18, 1894. Their children: Oliver Mead b. Oct. 28, 1881; Henry W. b. July 29, 1883; Margaret b. Nov. 26, 1885; Lester b. July 25, 1888; Wilford b. Feb. 10, 1891; Hazel b. Jan. 6, 1893. Married Emily D. Shurtliff July 31, 1895. She was di- vorced July 19, 1898. Only child Isadora Jane b. Aug. 1, 1897. Married Anna Barbara Leuenberger June 6, 1901. Their children: Lilly Anna b. Oct. 11. 1902; Henrietta b. Feb. 6, 1906; Alice Pearl b. Oct. 24, 1907. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 749 BELNAP. FRANCIS MARION (son of Gilbert Belnap and Henrietta McBride). Born June 5, 1857. Married Lillie Lubena Robinson Dec. 26, 1878. Their chil- dren: Frances Eugene b. June 20, 1880; Gilbert Ray b. Jan. 11, 1882, d. Feb. 24, 1882; John Marion b. Sept. 1, 1882; Lillis Myrtle b. Jan. 9, 1886; Parley William b. June 2, 1888, d. Feb. 26, 1911; George Ellis b. Feb. 23, 1891; Orson Victor b. Jan. 14, 1893; Voletta b. Sept. 18, 1895; Christel Fern b. July 16r 1896; Laverne b. Feb. 21, 1899; Lorenzo b. July 22, 1902. BEMIS, GEORGE H. Born Aug. 13, 1826, Bangor, Maine. Came to Utah in 1869. Married Eleanor Merrlck 1853 In Wisconsin, who was born In 1834. Their children: George L., m. Sarah Allred; Austin H., m. Lena Clopenstine; Fred; Frank, died; Kate, m. John Allen; Fanny, m. Richard Turkington; Jessie, m. Benjamin Fox; Sarah, m. Harry Check; Harlon, m. Daisy Meyers. Family home Bingham, Utah. Miner. Died Aug. 11, 1884. BEMIS, GEORGE L. (son of George H. Bemls and Eleanor Merrick). Born Nov. 6, 1854, in Wisconsin. Came to Utah in 1869. Married Sarah Allred Aug. 11, 1878, Spring City. Utah (daughter of David H. Allred and Aurora Brown, of Tennes- see, pioneers 1859). She was born May 24, 1866. Only child: George. Family home Salt Lake City. Mining engineer. BENCH, WILLIAM. Born in England. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Wimmer company. Married Ann Bench at Southampton, Hampshire, Eng. Their children: John L., m. Maria Picknel, m. Lovisa Griffln, m. Clara Bench; William, m. Martena Tatton; George Ed- ward, m. Jane Horton; Mary, m. Frank Wall; Martha, m. George D. Watt. Married Miss Fowler. Only child: William E., m. Ella Cowley. Families resided Mantl, Utah. Seventy. Indian war veteran. Blacksmith. Died at Manti. BENCH, GEORGE EDWARD (son of William and Ann Bench). Born March 20, 1842, at Southampton, Eng. Came to Utah 1852 with father. Married Jane Horton Dec. 19, 1863, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Edmund and Maria Horton, of Wanship, Utah). She was born April 18, 1843. Their children: Eliza Jane, m. Aaron D. Squire; Esther Ann; George Edward, m. Isabel Barton; Arthur Frank, m. Alice Hogan; Emma Lillian, m. John Hall; Mary Ann, m. Louis A. Lauber; Ella Maria, m. Frank Cox; Claris Isabel, m. Arthur Larson; Wilford Ed- mund; Jennie Maud, m. Fred W. Cox, Jr. Family home Manti, Utah. High priest; missionary to England 1895-97; Sunday school superintendent. City marshal and superintendent water works, Manti. Black Hawk Indian war veteran; served in Echo Canyon war. Farmer. BENCH, GEORGE EDWARD, JR. (son of George Edward Bench and Jane Horton). Born Oct. 12, 1869, Manti, Utah. Married Isabel Barton June 3, 1896, at Manti (daughter of William Kilshaw Barton and Ann Cook, of that place, pio- neers of 1852, Joseph Young company). She was born Feb. 3, 1875. Their children: Lyle Alpha b. May 13, 1898; Edward Barton b. Nov. 30, 1899; George Kilshaw b. Sept. 10, 1901, d. Jan. 7, 1902; Lola Ann b. March 16, 1904; Wallace K. b. Dec. 26, 1908. Family home Manti, Utah. Elder. Contractor and builder; dairyman and farmer. BENEDICT, JOSEPH MOTT (son of Francis Knapp Bene- dict and Emeline Mott of Freeport, Queens county, Long Island, N. Y.). Born April 29, 1844, North Canaan, Conn. Came to Utah 1870. Married Sarah Ellen Pierson June 6, 1867, Westfield, N. J. (daughter of William Pierson and Elizabeth Corriell of West- fleld, N. J.). She was born May 24, 1846. Their children: Nellie May, d. infant; Frances Bertha, m. Charles S. Cowan; Chauncy Mott b. Dec. 15, 1875, m. Clara Clawson, who died, m. Geneve Ellerbeck. Family home Salt Lake City. Physician and surgeon. Founder of Salt Lake county medical society and of the Holy Cross hospital of Salt Lake City; first surgeon for D. & R. G. Ry. Died July 24, 1896. BENEDICT, CHAUNCT MOTT (son of Joseph Mott Benedict and Sarah Ellen Pierson). Born Dec. 15, 1876, Salt Lake City. Married Clara Clawson Oct. 29, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Spencer Clawson and Nabbie Young of Salt Lake City). She was born Feb. 26, 1877 (deceased). Only child: Joseph Clawson b. Feb. 8, 1903, d. Feb. 10, 1903. Married Geneve Ellerbeck Sept. 28, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Winton Ellerbeck of Lancashire, and Heneretta Dyer of Devonshire, Eng., pioneers Sept. 1862). She was born Dec. 17, 1877. Their child: Joseph Ellerbeck b. May 26, 1910. Physician and surgeon. Graduate Cornell university. Member state and county medical societies; member of staff of St. Mark's hospital. BENNETT, BENJAMIN (son of Benjamin Bennett and Eliza- beth Millington). Born 1794, Connah's Quay, Flintshire, North Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1860, Williams Budge company. Married Catherine Jones Dec. 31, 1816 (daughter of John Jones), who died when within 100 miles of Salt Lake City Their children: John b. 1822, m. Jane Roberts; Benjamin, m. Elizabeth Bowen; Jonathan, m. Jane Jones; Catherine, m. Thomas Hewitt; Edward, m. Mary Ann Coppack; Elizabeth m. John Kenney. Active in church work. Died at Holden, Utah, Feb. 20, 1 880. BENNETT, JOHN (son of Benjamin Bennett and Catherine Jones). Born Sept. 4, 1822, Flintshire, North Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1863, Samuel D. White company Married Jane Roberts Oct. 27, 1843, at Chester, Eng. (daughter of Edward Roberts and Elizabeth Jones) who was born June 22, 1824, Flintshire, North Wales, and died at Holden, April 17, 1905. Their children: Elizabeth b. Aug. 25, 1844, m. John D. Hunter Oct. 27, 1863; Benjamin b. Jan. 1, 1846, m. Emma Holman Sept. 17, 1869; Edward b. Jan. 3, 1848, m. Elizabeth J. Wood March 2, 1877; Catherine b. June 16, 1850, m. Edward J. Arthur 1868; Samuel b. April 13, 1853, m. Martha Fauhrmaester Jan. 17, 1876; Mary Ann b. June 27, 1856, m. Anthony Stephenson March 9, 1874; Jane, b. March 1, 1857, m. James J. Stephenson Dec. 21, 1877; John b. May 29, 1860, died at sea; Jonathan b. Sept. 17, 1862, m. Marinda Stevens April 21, 1886; William T. b. March 6, 1866, m. Elizabeth J. Sibley Nov. 15, 1883; Emaline b. Jan. 17, 1869, m. Joseph C. Beckstrand Oct. 25, 1893. Family resided Deseret and Holden. Utah. First settled at Fillmore, Utah; worked at building of dam and fort at Deseret 1863-64, and in building the first telegraph line in Millard county. President elders Quorum. Died April 20, 1870. BENNETT, EDWARD (son of John Bennett and Jane Roberts). Born Jan. 3, 1848, Connah's Quay, Flintshire, North Wales. Married Elizabeth J. Wood March 2, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Charles Wood and Ann Day, both born In Kent, England, later of Cape Town, South Africa, pioneers Oct. 6, 1860, William Budge company). She was born Aug. 8, 1857, Cape Town, South Africa. Their children: John Charles b. Feb. 16, 1878, m. Susan Ashby; Elizabeth Ann b. May 8, 1880, m. Alfred Ainge; Jane Myrtle b. July 24, 1882; Edward b. Sept. 2, 1884, m. Martha Estella Ashby; Benjamin Samuel b. Dec. 8. 1887; Laverne b. Aug. 23, 1890; Hattie b. May 24, 1892; Gladys b. May 7, 1894; Mark Llewellyn b. Feb. 6, 1896; Jonathan Royal b. Aug. 2, 1898; Emma Fay b. May 1902. Family home Holden, Utah. Missionary to Great Britain 1887-89; president Manchester conference; counselor in presidency of high priests' quorum of Millard stake. Millard county assessor 1905-07; school trustee. Farmer and stockraiser. BENNETT, SAMUEL (son of John Bennett and Jane Roberts). Born April 13, 1853, at family home in Flintshire. Married Martha M. Fauhrmaester Jan. 17, 1876 (daughter of Frederick William Fauhrmaester and Sophia Lindow, pioneers 1860). She was born March 26, 1867, in Iowa. Their children: Jane S., d. young; Mary; Martha E.; Samuel; Josephine; Ida; John; Joseph; Leah; Rachel; Artimesia. Family home Holden, Utah. Worked on St. George temple; missionary to England 1902-04; bishop's counselor Holden ward. Treasurer and one of first board of directors in founding town of Melville, now Delta, Utah. BENNETT, DAVID (son of Alma Bennett of Illinois). Came to Utah 1847, captain of an oxteam company. Married Jerlnie Lovell. Their children: Laura, m. Wil- liam Young; Hettle Maud, m. William Beers; Alma, m. Polly Wilcox; Martha Ellen, m. David F. Hamilton; Josephine, died at the age of 3 years; Rodolphus, m. Hannah Allred; Emma, m. James Parker. Family home Springville, Utah. Seventy; elder. Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died at Springville. BENNETT, RICHARD. Born Nov. 16, 1842, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah 1868. Married Maria Foster in 1864 (daughter of William and Ann Foster, pioneers 1868). She was born 1844. Their chil- dren- John F. b. July 1865, m. Rosetta Elizabeth Wallace Nov. 1898; Jane, m. Joseph C. Sharp; Nellie; William, m. Ethel Farr. Family home Salt Lake City. Stationary engineer for Taylor Armstrong company 30 years. BENNETT, JOHN F. (son of Richard Bennett and Maria Foster). Born July 11, 1865, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Rosetta Elizabeth Wallace Nov. 1897 (daughter of Henry and Ellen Wallace of Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct 6 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company). She was born at Salt Lake City. Their children: Wallace b. Nov. 13, 1898; Harold b. Sept. 20. 1900; Elizabeth b. June 24, 1903; Mary b. May 29, 1906; Richard b. March 10, 1911. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest; member Deseret Sunday school board. Presi- dent and manager Bennett Glass & Paint company; director of Z. C. M. I., Zion's Savings bank, Utah State National bank, Home Fire Insurance company, and Benefit Building society. 750 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH BENNION, JOHN (son of John Bennion and Elizabeth Roberts of Hawarden, Flintshire, Wales). Born 1823 at Hawarden. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1847, John Taylor com- pany. Married Esther Wainwright at Liverpool, Eng., in 1842 (daughter of Edward Wainwright and Mary Jones of Liver- pool). She came to Utah with husband. Their children: Samuel Roberts b. Nov. 10, 1842, m. Mary Panter and Agnes Thompson; Mary, m. George Calder; Annie d. on the plains; Angeline, m. George M. Spencer; Rachel, m. William Spencer; John Edward, m. Marion Mclntyre; Moroni and Elizabeth, died; Marie, m. Angus M. Cannon; Harriet, m. Benjamin Barker and M. F. Cowley; Esther Ann, d. infant. Married Esther Birch at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of John Birch of England). Their children: Enoch, d. aged 16 years; Israel, m. Jeannett Sharp; Harden, m. Vilate K. Nebeker; David, m. Clara Pehrson; Justin, d. infant; Owen b. March IB, 1869, m. Anna Sophia Elg; Willard, d. aged 17 years; Ida, m. John H. Chase; Archie Birch, m. Sadie Squires. Married Mary Turpin. Their children: Heber, m. Susie Winters; Alfred, m. Eliza Slade; William, m. Mary Wilson; Marcus, m. Lucy Smith; Edwin, m. Mary E. Lindsay; Milton, m. Cora Lindsay; Zina, m. John M. Cannon; John Angus, d. infant. Families resided Taylorsville, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died in September, 1877. BENNION, SAMUEL ROBERTS (son of John Bennion and Esther Wainwright). Born Nov. 10, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1847, John Taylor company. Married Mary Panter Sept. 1866, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Panter and Lucy Lowe of Bedfordshire, Eng.). She was born Nov. 6, 1846, and came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith company. Their children: Enos b. Jan. 26, 1868, m. Jane Mackay; Nora, m. Thomas W. Dimond; Laura; Edith; Elizabeth; Hattie, died; Mary Esther, m. R. W. Stringfellow; Ethel; Clyde H. Married Agnes Thompson Aug. 16, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Thompson of Doncaster, and Ann Grayson of Sheffield, Eng., pioneers 1852). She was born Nov. 2, 1857. Their children: John b. Oct. 21, 1880, m. Mary Goodman; Vilate b. Nov. 7, 1882; Samuel Roberts, Jr. b. Aug. 16, 1884; Cora b. Aug. 17, 1887, died; Ashley b. July 31, 1890. Family home Vernal, Utah. Missionary to St. Louis and Illinois 1866-67, and to Eng- land 1883-85; president Uinta stake 1887-1906; member 7th quorum seventies. President bank of Vernal; president Vernal Milling & Light company. BENNION, DAVID (son of John Bennion and Esther Birch). Born Feb. 1, 1865, Vernon, Utah. Married Clara Pehrson Feb. 19, 1891, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Peter A. Pehrson and Christina Peterson of Vernon, Utah, pioneers 1853). She was born Jan. 16, 1869. Their children: Merrill b. July 7, 1894; Gladys b. Dec. 4, 1896; Jenness b. May 3, 1899; Edna b. March 12, 1902; Carol b. Aug. 10, 1905; Stanley b. March 10, 1907; Clara Ida b. Aug. 21, 1910. Missionary to southern states 1887-89; president seventies at Grantsville. Moved to Uinta county, Utah, 1901. Ward clerk Vernal; stake superintendent T. M. M. I. A.; high councilor; bishop Vernal 2d ward; counselor in presidency of Uinta stake. Mayor of Vernal. Assistant cashier of Vernal bank; president Ashley Lumber company. BENNION, OWEN (son of John Bennion and Esther Birch). Born March IB, 1869, Long Valley, Lincoln county, Nev. Married Anna Sophia Elg at Salt Lake City (daughter of Knute August Elg and Johanna Forsline of Vernon, Utah), she was born Nov. 29, 1873, St. John, Utah. Their children: Lois b. Aug. 9, 1893; Hazel b. Jan. 31, 1895; Verna b. Nov. 22, 1897; Birch Forrest b. Jan. 26, 1899; Evan Owen b. Nov. 29, 1901. Family resided Vernon, Taylorsville and Roose- velt, Utah. High priest; bishop's counselor; ward teacher; president T. M. M. I. A. at Vernon, Utah. Justice of peace at Vernon. President Dry Gulch Irrigation company; director Roosevelt Mercantile and Roosevelt Realty company. Farmer and stockraiser. BENSON, EZRA TAPT (son of John Benson and Chloe Taft of Mendon, Worcester county. Mass). Born Feb. 22, 1811, at Mendon, Mass. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, captain sec- ond ten, Brigham Young first division, and on Aug. 2 with Porter Rockwell, returned to meet the incoming immigrant trains with mail, and a special letter from President Young. Having performed their mission they returned and on the Big Sandy met the memorable expedition east-bound for Winter Quarters, headed by President Young, and returned east with the caravan. The following year, May 7, 1848, with part of his numerous family he joined the exodus for Utah that left Winter Quarters practically uninhabited. Married Pamelia Andrus Jan. 1, 1832 (daughter of Jona- than Harvey Andrus and Luclna Parsons, married July 16, 1807). She was born Oct. 21, 1809, and came to Utah in 1848. Their children: Chloe Jane; Adin Parsons; Jonathan; Har- vey; Charles Taft; Emma Parsons b. Feb. 28, 1842, m. Boli- var Roberts; Isabella b. March 9, 1846, m. William Goodwin; Charlotte Taft b. July 4, 1851, m. W. S. Narcross. Married Adeline Brooks Andrus April 27, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Jonathan Harvey Andrus and Lucina Par- sons), who was born March 18, 1813, Windsor, Conn. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847. Their children: George Taft b. May 1, 1846, m. Louisa Ballif Dec. 20, 1867; Florence Adeline b. Sept. 17, 1851, d. Dec. 24, 1852; Frank b. Oct. 13. 18J3, m. Amanda Eliason. Married Eliza Perry March 4, 1847, Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of John Perry and Grace Ann W. Williams, pio- neers July, 1849). She was born March 30, 1829, and came to Utah 1848 with husband. Their children: Alice Eliza b. Aug. 11, 1848, m. James Goodwin Dec. 20, 1867; John Perry b. Sept. 24, 1849, m. Evalina Hales 1870; Malina A. b. Sept. 27, 1851, m. Frederick Goodwin 1874; Orion W. b. Oct. 4, 1853, m. Harriet Williams Oct. 16, 1876; Carrie S. b. May 22, 1860, m. William J. J. Price 1890; Abbie Delia b. Oct. 16, 1862, m. Hyrum Thatcher 1884; Grace A. b. Jan. 31, 1867, m. John E. Price 1893. Married Mary Knight (daughter of James Knight and Maria Wallace, pioneers 1852, Edward Hunter company). She was born Jan. 29, 1829, Worcester, Eng. Their children: Louise, m. Charles Bruce; Heber, died; Moroni b. Nov. B, 1861; Lorenzo T. b. Aug. 3, 1863, m. Margaret A. Morgan March 29, 1884; Joseph b. July 13, 1865, m. Sigrid L. Larson Sept. 24, 1890; Ida b. April 16, 1867, m. Edward Lewis Dec. 30, 1889; Don Carlos b. Sept 29, 1869, m. Lillian Hurst April 26, 1899. Married Elizabeth Golliaher June B, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of William C. Golliaher and Elizabeth Orton), who was born Dec. 30, 1831. Their children: Fred Golliaher b. Jan. 17, 1854, m. Clara J. Rice; Brigham Young b. Dec. 17, 3858, m. Margret Ann Adams; Luella b. Nov. 1860, m. Harvey W. Curtis; William C. b. Nov. 1862, m. Ida M. Mason; Hyrum Smith b. May 3, 1864, m. Nana Rice; Edith b. April 22, 1867, m. William B. Parkinson; Lizzie b. July 9, 1869, m. Evan R. Owen. Married Mary Larsen Sept. 3, 1866 (daughter of Magnus and Mary Larsen), who was born Dec. 19, 1843. Their chil- dren: Walter b. June 17, 1867; Henry T. b. March 19, 1869, m. Selma Lundberg Oct. 4, 1906. Families resided in Salt Lake City and Logan, Utah. Ordained member high council of the twelve apostles July 16, 1846; president Boston conference 1844-45; missionary in eastern states; missionary to England 1856, and presided over the British mission. In 1864 he, with Apostle Lorenzo Snow, Elders Joseph F. Smith, William W. Cluff and Alma L. Smith were sent on a special mission to the Sandwich Islands to set in order the affairs of the church, which they successfully accomplished, returning in 1865. Took active part in organization of provisional government of Deseret; member house branch of legislature several sessions, 1859- 69. Contractor on Central Pacific. Pre-eminently connected with the settlement of Cache valley. Died Sept. 3, 1869 Ogden, Utah. BENSON, GEORGE TAFT (son of Ezra Taft Benson and Adeline Brooks Andrus). Born May 1, 1846, Garden Grove. Iowa. Married Louisa Ballif Dec. 20, 1867, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Serge Louis Ballif and Elise Lecoultre, pioneers Oct. 28, 1854, Robt. L. Campbell company). She was born Feb. 25, 1850, Lausanne, Switzerland. Their children: Lulu b. March 28, 1869, m. William C. Parkinson Feb. 11, 1887; Ezra Taft b. Aug. 6, 1871, d. Aug. 28, 1871; Elise b. March 10, 1873, m. G. Alfred Alder Oct. 9, 1896; George Taft b. June 24, 1875, m. Sarah Dunkley Oct. 19, 1898; Serge Ballif b. Oct. 2, 1877, m. Linda Nelson Oct. 2, 1893; Adeline b. July 31, 1879, m. Leo Peck Dec. 20, 1900; Florence (twin to Adeline), m. Stanley Jonasson Jan. 17, 1906; William Kennedy b. Feb. 9. 1882, d. Feb. 28, 1882; Frank Taft b. April 23. 1883, m. Elizabeth Eames Jan. 27, 1909; Marie b. July 19, 1885. d. March 6, 1890. Family resided Logan, Utah and Preston, Idaho. Sunday school superintendent; high councilor; counselor bishopric in Preston and Whitney eight years; bishop of Whitney 20 years. Assessor and collector at Logan nine years. Farmer. BENSON. BRIGHAM YOUNG (son of Ezra Taft Benson and Elizabeth Golliaher). Born Dec. 17. 1858, Salt Lake City. Married Margret Ann Adams Dec. 29, 1881, at Logan (daughter of Hugh Adams and Margret Webster, pioneers 1854, Daniel Garn company). She was born June 12, 1860. Their children: Ezra Taft b. Sept. 29, 1882, m. Cynthia Esther Pingree; Afton b. April 7, 1885; Luella b. June 30, 1887; Vance Hugh b. Jan. 18, 1891; Vernon Brigham b. Jan. 18, 1891. Family home Trenton, Cache county, Utah. Bishop's counselor; president Trenton Clarkson Milling and Elevator company; director West Cache Canal company; director Lewiston state bank; Director Cache county fair association. BENSON, JEROME (son of Benjamin Benson and Kazia. Messenger, former died 1852, in Pottawattamie county, Iowa, latter came to Utah and died at Springville in 1858; they were married Dec. 15, 1796). He was born Nov. 10, in New York. Came to Utah 1862, Ezra T. Benson company. Married Mary Rhodes Oct. 1830. Lafayette, Tippecanoe county. Ind. (daughter of George and Susan Rhodes of La- fayette, Ind., pioneers 1852, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born 1811. Their children: George, died; Susannah, m. James Vance; Eveline, m. Charles C. Olsen; Benjamin, died; Mary, m. John Walton; Louisa, m. Samuel Brown; Amelia, m. Henry Willis; Lovina, m. Paul Van Curen; Jerome Mes- senger, m. Etta ; Alma and Alvey, died. Family resided at Springville and Provo. Utah. Elder. Went to California in 1853. Carpenter and farmer. Died April 17, 1873, San Bernardino, Cal. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 751 BENSON, NELS (son of Nils Benson, born Sept. 1. 1802, in Tunnersja, and Johannah Johanson. born Feb. 18, 1813, Or- Inge, Halland Lan, Sweden). He was born Aug. 23, 1846, Oringe, Halland Lan, Weenga Sogn. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1862, Joseph Home company. Married Philindia Eldredge Kofford Dec. 18, 1870 (daugh- ter of Paul E. Kofford and Fanny Merrick, pioneers 1853, Capt. Forsgren company). She was born Feb. 18, 1854, Manti, Sanpete county, Utah. Their children: Fanny Phil- india b. Feb. 16, 1873, d. May 5, 1879; Johannah Icebindia b. May 6, 1875, m. Karl M. Sorenson Aug. 28, 1895; Nels Ernest b. Jan. 24, 1878, m. Annie Frederickson; John Irven b. Nov. 6. 1882, m. Marsha Strate Oct. 23, 1912. Married Mary A. A. Works June 26, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of James Marks Works, pioneer 1847, and Phoebe Jones, pioneer 1854, David Jones company, married Sept. 22, 1858, Salt Lake City). She was born Sept. 22, 1865, Manti, Utah. Their children: Merrill Lament b. March 27, 1892; Elden Works b. Feb. 22, 1895, d. Aug. 5, 1895; Ezel Phebe b. Jan 24 1897; Nels Rudger b. July 12, 1898; Edwin LeRoy b. April 21, 1900; Ruth Miriam b. March 23, 1902; Ruby Rosilla b. March 23, 1902; Elda Mary b. Nov. 5, 1903; Alma Nelden b. Nov. 6, 1905. Sunday school teacher 42 years; president T. M. M. I. A. eight years; missionary to Sweden, departing- May 12, 1892; honorably released May 3, arrived home May 28, 1894; one of presidents 80th quorum seventies. Member Spring City council ten years. Black Hawk war veteran. Assisted in making first canals, wagon roads and telegraph lines around Spring City. Miner and farmer. BENSON, JOHN IRVEN (son of Nels Benson and Philindia Eldredge Kofford). Born Nov. 6, 1882, Spring City, Utah. Married Marsha Strate Oct. 23, 1912. Family home Clear Creek, Utah. Ward clerk; first counselor M. I. A; Sunday school teacher and assistant superintendent; missionary to Sweden 1909- 11. Fireman Utah Fuel company three years. BENSON, YEPPA. He was born in December, 1795. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1853. Married Hannah Hansen. Their children: Minnie b. 1864, m. Christ Lund; Yeppa b. April 1, 1866, m. Catherine Swivel Sept. 25, 1889. Family home Lehi, Utah, where he died Jan. 1, 1872. BENSON, TEPPA, JR. (son of Yeppa Benson and Hannah Hansen). Born April 1, 1866, Lehi, Utah. Married Catherine Swivel Sept. 25, 1889, Logan Utah (daughter of Jacob Swivel and Annie E. Marts), who was born April 1, 1868, Providence, Utah. Their children: Edna Catherine b. Dec. 11, 1890; Clarence Yeppa b. Aug. 27, 1892, m. Nettie Bird Feb. 1, 1911; Aaron Conrad b. Dec. 13, 1894; Yetta Elverna b. Feb. 18, 1897; Annie Elizabeth b. April 16, 1899; Florence Swivel b. July 6, 1901; Minnie Swivel b. May 19, 1903; Adelia Swivel b. April 27, 1906; Thelma Christian b. June 15, 1908. Family home Weston, Idaho. President 142d quorum seventies; missionary to northern states; choir leader Chicago branch 1904-05; superintend- ent Sunday schools, Weston, Idaho; bishop Weston ward. BENZON, ANDREW BECK (son of Andrew Beck Benson of Copenhagen, Denmark). Born 1835, Copenhagen. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862, James Wareham company. Married Catherine Wickel Feb. 11, 1862, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of Harmon Wickel and Elizabeth Rickard of Earl township, Lancaster county. Pa., pioneers 1862, James Wareham company). She was born April 25, 1840. Their children: Elenora K., m. Hyrum A. Silver; Andrew B., m. Elizabeth Wilson; Edwin d. aged 4 years; Joseph, m. Guinn Jones; Arthur d. aged 4 years; Minnie, m. William Afflick; Owen, m. Lillian May Dunlap. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. High priest; block teacher. Salesman. Died 1895, at Salt Lake City. BENZON, OWEN (son of Andrew Beck Benzon and Cath- erine Wickel). Born- Jan. 2-, 1877, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Lillian May Dunlap Feb. 27, 1911, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Eldom Dunlap and Lucy Scott of West Point, Miss.), who was born Feb. 15, 1885. BERG, OLE H. (son of Hendrik Anderson of Rod Skjeberg 1 , Smaalenene, Fredrikshald, Norway). Born Sept. 12, 184U, at Anerod, Rokke Parish, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew Scott company. Married Anna J. Nielson Dec. 16, 1866 (daughter of Hans Nielsen and Maren Jacobsen of Odense, Denmark, lat- ter a pioneer Nov. 8, 1865, Capt. Atwood company). She was born Sept. 10, 1847, in Odense. Came to Utah 1865, Miner G. Atwood company. Their children: Oliva, in. George A. Nuttall; Anna, m. Enoch Jorgensen; Mary, m. Warren W. Beckstead; Elnora, m. James Prestwich; Chris- tina d. 1894; Henry Ward d. 1900; Alma F. d. 1882; Flora, m. Walter Jenkins; Edna, m. Oscar E. Groshell; Oscar Wy- man, m. Josephine Thomas. Family home Provo, Utah. President 34th quorum seventies; Sunday school teacher 24 years; missionary to Norway 1889-91; high councilor 10 years; bishop 1st ward, Provo, 11 years. City council- man at Provo, and member board of education; Utah county coroner. Contractor and builder 35 years; undertaker and embalmer. BERGLUND, CARL F. (son of John Berglund, born 1764. and Anna Berglund, both of Calmar Lan, Sweden) He was born May 17, 1825, in Calmar Lan. Came to Utah Oct. 2. 18b4, John Smith independent company Married Lucia M. Beck (daughter of Jacob S. Beck ana Dorthea Chrlstensen). Only child: Oscar B. b Nov 17 1858. Family home Gunnison, Utah Farmer and merchant. BERGLUND. OSCAR B. (son of Carl F. Berglund and Lucia M. Beck). Born Nov. 17, 1858, Frederikshavn, Denmark. Lives at Gunnison, Utah. Farmer; stock merchant; manager Gunnison co-operative mercantile store. BERNHISEL, DR. JOHN MILTON (son of Samuel Bern- hisel, born Nov. 26, 1769, Perry county, Pa., and Susan Bower, born March 6, 1775). He was born July 23, 1799 Sandy Hill, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kim- ball company. Married Julia Ann Haight (Van Orden) In 1845 (daughter of Caleb and Keturah Haight, pioneers 1848, Heber C. Kim- ball company). She was born Oct. 6, 1805. Only child: John Milton, Jr., m. Henrietta Harris. Family home Salt Lake City. Delegate to Washington in 1849 for admission of Utah as the state of Deseret; Utah's first territorial representative to U. S. congress 1851; first vice president of Z. C. M. 1.: selected books for Utah's first library. Personal attache of Joseph Smith, living in his house at the time of assas- sination. BERNHISEL, JOHN MILTON (son of John Milton Bern- hlsel and Julia Ann Haight). Born Dec. 21, 1846, Winter Quarters, Iowa (now Neb.). Married Henrietta Harris Jan. 3, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Harris and Hannah Maria EagTes. pioneers 1850, Joseph Home company). She was born Aug. 11, 1854, Kaysville, Davis county, Utah. Their chil- dren: 3 John Milton b. March 2, 1878, m. Ruey Pond June 4, 1902; Estella Maria b. June 26, 1880, m. Milton Oliver Bell June 7, 1906; Janetta b. Jan. 9, 1882, m. Joseph LeRoy Pond June 28, 1905; Sarah Louisa b. Feb. 4, 1885; Everett Clark b. March 29, 1899; Ralph b. July 10, 1891. m. Nellie Hendrlcks Sept. 13, 1911; Harris Fay b. Oct. 1. 1893. Fam- ily home Lewiston, Cache county, Utah. Representative from Cache county to first Utah state leg- islature. Veteran Black Hawk war. Justice of peace 1884- 90, Lewiston, where he drove the first stake for its perma- nent settlement. BERRETT, ALFRED (son of Thomas Berreit a>-d Mary Ann Marks). Born Jan. 13, 1825, Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Tidwell company. Married Elizabeth Matthews Sept. 16, 1850 (daughter of Robert and Sarah Matthews). Their children: Alfred A.: Marlon; Mary Ann; Ellen; Sarah; Virtue; Victoria; Hamlet E. Married Sarah Jane Ray July 20, , North Ogden, Utah. Their children: Elizabeth; Bessie; Lena D.; Maud M.; Ro- letta. BERRETT, MARLON (son of Alfred Berrett and Elizabeth Matthews). Born Dec. 12, 1855, North Ogden, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Holmes Feb. 2, 1881 (daughter of Henry and Ellen Holmes). Their children: Elizabeth M.; Ellen V.; Alfred W.; Virtue P.; Marlon H.; Hazel M.; Martha M.; Charles R. BERRETT, ROBERT (son of Robert Berrett, born Nov. 11, 1768, and Eleanor Fryer, born Feb. 1769, both of Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire, Eng., married Dec. 26, 1792). He was born June 23, 1797, at Steeple Ashton. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1849, George A. Smith company. Married Sarah Hyet Griffin Aug. 1825 (daughter of Silas Griffin and Ann Perrott of Steeple Ashton, Eng., married Feb. 4, 1803, and died in England). She was born April 30, 1807, and died May 1849. Their children: Rhoda Rebecca b. Jan. 1829, d. 1849; Leonora d. aged 2; Robert Griffin b. June 23, 1831, m. Sarah Ann Woodhead March 14, 1855; 'Leo- nora b. April 12, 1833, d. aged 1 year; Anne b. May 27, 1835, m. Oliver C. Bess March 1854; Charles Henry b. Dec. 25, 1837, m. Melissa Campbell Dec. 25, 1861, m. Charlotte Jones April 10, 1872; Richard Thomas b. Jan. 4, 1840. m. Mary Ann Nunns Jan. 1, 1860, m. Annie Elizabeth Toone Feb. 14, 1878; "Leonora Hyet b. Sept. 18, 1841, m. Joseph B. Alvord April 1858; Albert Edward b. Feb. 2, 1845, d. May 1849- Samuel Franklin b. March 18, 1848, m. Elizabeth New- by Feb. 10, 1867. Family resided North Ogden, Salt Lake City and O&den, Utah. BERRETT, ROBERT GRIFFIN (son of Robert and Sarah Hyet Griffin). Born June 23, 1831, Steeple Ashton, Eng. Came to Utah 1849 with parents. Married Sarah Ann Woodhead March 14, 1855, North Ogden, Utah (daughter of William Woodhead and Char- lotte Spencely of Grlmsby, Yorkshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 24, 1855. Milo Andrus company). She was born Aug. 1, 1835. Their children: Rhoda, m. John Jones; Eleanor, m. Eam- uel Robinson; Charlotte, m. John W. Gibson; Robert Wil- liam d. June 15, 1877; Susan B., m. William M. Ellis: Diana Berrett d. Aug. 17, 1867; Chas. Edward, m. Elizabeth Poll; Melissa Berrett d. Jan. 6, 1873; Arthur G. Berrett, m. Ellen 752 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Brown; Edmund R. Berrett, m. Hannah Chugg; Harriet Amelia, m. William T. Spackman. Family home North Ogrden, Utah. Member of 38th quorum seventies; missionary to Eng- land and eastern states; president of the 38th quorum seventies; superintendent of North Ogden Sunday school. Justice of the peace and town sexton. Died May 7, 1890. BERRETT, RICHARD THOMAS (son of Robert Berrett and Sarah Hyet Griffin). Born Jan. 4, 1840, Steeple Ashton, Eng. Came to Utah 1849 with parents. Married Mary Ann Nunns Jan. 1, 1860 (daughter of Fran- cis and Mary Nunns), who was born Dec. 6, 1839, Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 1859, George Rowley handcart company. Their children: Mary Ann b. Oct. 8, 1860, m. Bryan W. Orton Feb. 14, 1878; Susan b. Dec. 20, 1861, d. Jan. 2, 1862; Sarah b. Nov. 20, 1862, m. Joseph W. Summerhays June 5, 1884; Rose Emily b. Nov. 18, 1864, m. William H. Crandall Dec. 15, 1882; Richard Edward b. Aug. 23, 1867, m. Isabel C. Ford Dec. 22, 1887; George Albert b. May 31, 1869, d. Nov. 16, 1869; Arthur Henry b. March 18, 1871, d. April 7, 1871; Alice b. March 6, 1872, m. Robert Irwin March 10, 1892. Family home North Ogden, Utah. Married Annie Elizabeth Toone Feb. 14, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Toone and Caroline Jackson, married Sept. 17, 1855, Cardiff, Wales). She was born Nov. 7, 1857, Lambeth, London, Eng. Their children: Emily Louisa b. Dec. 28, 1878, m. John Q. Blaylock Oct. 10, 1899; Albert Edward b. Oct. 28, 1880, d. Aug. 12, 1881; Thomas Francis b. April 13, 1882, m. Harriet L. Brown May 7, 1902; Walter Herbert b. April 6, 1884, m. Charlotte J. Gibson June 21, 1906; Orson Toone b. Aug. 12, 1887, m. Clara Dickson Jan. 29, 1908; Earl Ray b. Aug. 28, 1898; Edna Caroline D. June 1, 1895. Family home North Ogden, Utah. Territorial militiaman 1855; served in the Echo Canyon campaign. Constable 1873-78, North Ogden; trustee 1868-70. Director Rice Creek Irrigation company four years; water- master 30 years: assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. BERRETT, SAMUEL F. (son of Robert Berrett and Sarah H. Griffin). Born March 18, 1848, Steeple Ashton, Eng. Came to Utah 1849 with parents. Married Elizabeth D. Newby Feb. 9, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Newby and Isabella Smurthwatte of Sunderland, Eng.). She was born Dec. 28, 1849. Their children: Samuel John b. Nov. 9, 1867; Edward R. b. Nov. 11, 1S69, d. Aug. 19, 1879; Thomas H. b. Feb. 16, 1872, d. Feb. 18, 1872; George Frederick b. June 11, 1873; Franklin C. b. March 12, 1876; William S. b. Sept. 2, 1878; Robert E. b. March 18, 1881; Lewis b. June 21, 1883; S. Isabella b. Oct. 1, 1885; George A. b. June 1888; Oliver T. b. Feb. 21, 1894. Married Arrillia Minerva Rose May 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Rose and Minerva Peat of Canada, pio- neers to Utah). Their children: Albert William b. Sept. 23, 1872; Juletta b. Feb. 27, 1874. Families resided Pleasant View, Weber county, Utah. High priest; second counselor to Bishop E. W. Wade and president T. M. M. I. A., Pleasant View ward; chairman of Old Folks committee twenty years. Justice of peace. Farmer and stockraiser. BERRY, JOHN WILLIAM (son of Jesse W. Berry, born Jan. 9, 1791, Louisville, Ky., and Armelia Shanks, born Jan. 24, 1804, Nashville, Tenn.). He was born Dec. 17, 1822, In Wil- son county, Tenn. Came to Utah In Oct. 1849. Married Nancy Jane Bass April 5, 1842, who was born June 19, 1828. She refused to come to Utah with him, and they never met again. Only child: Jesse David b. Sept. 25, 1843, d. Oct. 9, 1843. Married Jane Elizabeth Thomas May 8, 1851, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Thomas and Mary Morrow, pio- neers Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born Jan. 14, 1831, In Dallas county, Ala. Their children- John M. b. Oct. 11, 1853, m. Maggie C. Condte Sept. 20, 1898; Mary Jane b. Aug. 24, 1855, m. Joseph L. Hales Feb. 21 1875- William W. b. July 19, 1857, m. Rachel E. Allen Jan. 22, 1879; Nancy A. b. May 8, 1859, m. George Ingram Oct. 8, 1880; James T. b. March 22, 1861, m. Sarah J. Roundy Oct. 8, 1880; Cynthia L. b. Sept. 25, 1862, m. John W. Brown March 12, 1880; Thurza E. b. April 1, 1865, m. John W. Brown April 18, 18S6; Robert A. b. May 16, 1867, m. Harriet Allred March 1, 1892; Joseph S. b. March 4, 1869, m. Samantha Parker May 19, 1891; George A. b. June 12, 1873, m. Nora Davis Oct. 8, 1896. Family home Kanarraville, Iron county, Utah. Married Julia Ardence Hales Dec. 28, 1858 (daughter of Charles and Julia Hales), who was born July 17, 1842. Bishop's counselor; captain of missionaries returning from Europe 1858. Early settler In southern Utah. Carried ex- press from San Pete to Salt Lake City July 24, 1853, and while so engaged was ambushed and shot by an Indian, and carried the bullet until his death at Kanarraville April 12, 1890. BERRY, JOHN M. (son of John W. Berry and Jane Eliza- beth Thomas). Born Oct. 11, 1853, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Maggie C. Condie Sept. 20, 1898, at St. George, Utah (daughter of George Condie and Margaret Achinson), who was born Jan. 7, 1872, Kanosh, Millard county, Utah. Their children: Mary Jane b. March 24, 1900; George Lorin b. Aug. 16, 1902; Margaret Myrtle b. March 29, 1904; Ivie Grace b. Feb. 5. 1907; John Eldon b. July 30, 1911. Family home Benson, Cache county, Utah. BERRY, WILLIAM SHANKS (son of Jesse W. Berry and Armelia Shanks). Born Feb. 3, 1838, in Weakley county. Tenn. Came to Utah Oct. 1849, William Gully company, with William Hyde fifty. Married Rebecca R. Beck Nov. 22, 1860 (daughter of Joseph E. Beck and Hannah Forsyth, married Dec. 17, 1835). She was born Dec. 25, 1842. Their children: William Alfred b Sept. 30, 1861; Armelia Rebecca b. April 17, 1863, m. William W. Taylor Oct. 12, 1881; Hannah Margaret b. March 9 1865 m. George A. Williams Nov. 4, 1885; Harriet Louisa b. Nov 17, 1867, m. James S. Stapley Feb. 23, 1887; Lucilla Diantha b. Nov. 4, 1870, m. Riley G. Williams Nov. 4, 1890; Rosena Adaline b. Jan. 25, 1873; Mary Wilhelmina b. Aug 16 1874 m. John W. Platt Dec. 28, 1892; John William b. Jan 17 1877 m. Susanna Elizabeth Williams Jan. 14, 1902; Martha Elea- nor b. June 13, 1879, m. William Henry Leigh April 28, 1903- Minnie Melvina b. Feb. 21, 1883, m. Edward Rowe June 2 1908. Family home Kanarraville, Utah. Married Lovina Nickelson Sylvester June 23, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Sylvester and Rebecca Nickle- son, former native-born). She was born June 25, 1854, Springville, Utah. Their children: James Sylvester b. April 10, 1875, m. Rose Ellen Webster Dec. 29, 1904; Jesse Arthur b. Aug. 25, 1877, m. Vllate Blackburn April 1902; Althea Rebecca b. July 29, 1879, m. John A. Adams Nov. 30, 1909- Emma Lovina b. Oct. 29, 1881, m. Ephraim Webb May 21. 1903; William Andrew b. May 14, 1884, m. Mary Ethel Williams June 29, 1910. Family home Kanarraville, Utah. Killed in Cane creek massacre of Gibbs and Berry Aug. 10, 1884, at Condor's farm in Lewis county, Tenn. BERRY, JOHN WILLIAM (son of William Shanks Berry and Rebecca Rosena Beck). Born Jan. 17, 1877, Kanarraville Utah. Married Susanna Elizabeth Williams Jan. 14 1902 St George, Utah (daughter of William R. Williams and Mary Isabel Roundy of Utah). She was born March 31, 1879, Kanarraville. Their children: Lloyd Beck b. Dec 7 1902- Lela b. Dec. 4, 1904; Thelma b. May 22, 1907; Ethelyn b. May 20, 1909. Family home Kanarraville, Utah. BERTOCH, DANIEL (son of John Bertoch and Marguerite Bounous of Piedmont, Italy). Born May 25, 1835, in Pied- mont. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert Campbell company. Married Elva Hampton (daughter of Benjamin Hampton), who was born Nov. 22, 1848. Their children: Daniel H. b. Aug. 19, 1868, m. Marie Callap April 1906; Marguerite b. Aug. 28, 1870; John b. Dec. 15, 1872; Elva b. Feb. 7, 1874, m. Patrick Sheahan. Married Sarah Ann Richards Dec. 7, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of John T. Richards and Martha Pasco, married April 27, 1850, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales). She was born Sept. 15, 1855, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Alma R. b. Sept. 10, 1875, m. Dorothy Peterson Oct. 3, 1907; Martha M. b. Feb. 28, 1878, m. Albert Giles June 9, 1897; Mary E. b. Feb. 26, 1880, m. Henry C. Johnson Feb. 7, 1900; James b. Feb. 20, 1883, m. Annie Gorder Oct. 23, 1902; Mildred P. b. July 17, 1885, m. Walter Gorder Sept. 21, 1904. President 35th quorum seventies. BERTOCH, JAMES (son of John Bertoch and Marguerite Bounous). Born July 29, 1838, St. Germain, Piedmont, Italy. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1854. Married Ann Cutcliffe May 19, 1866, at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Cutcliffe and Elizabeth Jones of Devon- shire, Eng., pioneers Nov. 27, 1865, Sidney Miller company. She was born July 16, 1846. Their children: Ann Elizabeth, m. Josiah D. Wallace; James C., m. Cora Jones; Margerite E., d. infant; John C., m. Charlotte Ann Jones; George D.; William J., m. Ethel Hemenway; Mary Elva, m. Isaac W. Coon; Samuel, Philip, Franklin, all died infants; Vivian C., m. Hazel Hemenway; Lillian P., m. Ernest P. Henrickson; Hyrum C., m. Burdette Parker. Family home Pleasant Green, Utah. With Joseph Toronto Bounous, cared for President Young's flocks of sheep and herds of cattle on Antelope island in early days. Member 14th quorum seventies; missionary to Switzerland and Italy 1891-93; high priest; assistant Sunday school superintendent. School trustee at Pleasant Green six years. Farmer and stockraiser. BEST, ALFRED (son of Richard Best and Dinah Peart). Born June 17, 1829, Toddington, Eng. Came to Utah 1851. Married Margaret Oakley at Salt Lake City (daughter of Ezra Oakley and Elizabeth DeGroot, pioneers 1847). She was born Aug. 13, 1836. Their children: Ezra O., m. Caro- line Donaldson; Alfaretta O.; Elizabeth O.; William O.; Herbert O., m. Elizabeth Bolto; Cerolyne O.; Edgar O., m. Etta Strong; Henry. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to England; high priest. Hardware merchant. Died June 27. 1905. BEST, EZRA O. (son of Alfred Best and Margaret Oak- ley). Born Dec. 20, 1860, Salt Lake City. Married Caroline Donaldson at Salt Lake City. Their children: Ethyl, m. William Dawson Erma. Family home Salt Lake City. Carpenter and contractor. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 753 BETTS, JAJMES (son of Peter Betts and Eliza Franklin of Sheffield, Eng.)- Born Dec. 22, 1845, Sheffield, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Married Margaret Powell in South Wales (daughter of John Powell and Elizabeth Harris, pioneers Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth handcart company). She was born March 12, 1848. Their children: Margaret Eliza b. Dec. 28, 1860 m. William J. Taylor; James b. Feb. 7, 1870, d. infant; Mary Elizabeth b. Jan. 4, 1872, m. Colin McMurphy; William b. Jan. 7, 1874, m. Martha A. Bates; John A. b. March 3, 1876, m. Ellen A. Cushing; David S. b. March 2, 1878, m. Iris Reed. Family home Payson, Utah. Crossed plains for immigrants In 1866 and again in 1869- president of elders' quorum. City marshal Payson 1872-1874. BETTS WILLIAM (son of James Betts and Margaret Powell). Born Jan. 7, 1874, Payson, Utah. Married Martha A. Bates Nov. 6, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph W. Bates and Martha A. Mclntyre), who was born Nov. 8, 1878, at Payson. Their children: Martha Lucile b. May 15, 1904; Charles W. b. Dec. 2, 1906; Joseph Byron b. March 17, 1908; Margaret Ida b. Nov. 16, 1910. Secretary elders' quorum 1901-02. BEtTS, MICHAEL,. Born 1811, Piedmont, Italy. Came to Utah Sept 26 1856, Edmund Ellsworth handcart company. Married Marianne Combe, Piedmont, Italy, who was born 1813 Their children: Ann, m. Moses Byrne; James, m. Clarinda Hill; John, m. Margaret Justet; Michael, m. Eliza- beth Ladrap; Paul, m. Catherine Combe; L. P., m. Mary Terry; Mary, m. Edward Priest; Magdalene, m. Paul Cardon. Farmer and stockraiser. BEUS PAUL (son of Michael Beus and Marianne Combe). Born March 19, 1847. Piedmont, Italy. Married Catherine Combe Nov. 8, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Combe and Susana Gill of Piedmont, Italy) She was born April 13, 1864. Their children: Michael b. Jan. 11, 1885; J. R. b. Dec. 13, 1886, m. Areta Steward; Cora C. b. March 12, 1888, m. Job Kendall; Lida S. b. June 30, 1890- Edna M. b. Dec. 11, 1891; Zina M. b. Dec. 25, 1893; Julia H. b. Jan. 26, 1896. Ward teacher 18 years. BEVAN, JAMES (son of John Bevan and Ann Balrfoot of Herefordshire, Eng.). Born Oct. 19, 1821, in Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah July 28, 1847. Married Mary Shields May 9, 1850, Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of John Shields and Primrose Cunningham), who was born Oct. 29, 1827. Their children: John A. b. Feb. 4, 1851 m. Letitia Kelsey; Mary b. Nov. 17, 1852. m. Peter Mahnkin; Primrose b. Jan. 8, 1855,' m. Alvin Walters; James F b June 7, 1858, died; Heber J. b. March 31, 1860, m. Mariah Little; Joseph b. Feb. 15, 1862, m. Emma Elkington; Margaret b. Aug. 30, 1866, died; Eliza b. Dec. 29, 1864. m. J P Skelton; Archibald b. Sept. 8, 1868, m. Cristeena Lund- steen; Violet b. Oct. 8, 1872, m. Abia Johnson. Family home Married Isabel! McPhearson Nov. 3, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hugh McPhearson and Isabell Sutherland), who was born in Scotland. Their children: Isabell b. Oct. 16 1860 m. William Elkington; George b. Sept. 4, 1862; Anna B. b. Dec. 11, 1864, m. Thomas Spiers; Hugh, died; Martha b. Feb. 18, 1868, m. John England; Mary b. Feb. 18 1868 died- Charles, died; Sarah b. Oct. 18, 1872, m. George Bates- Mariah Jane b. Nov. 13, 1876, m. Charles Balshweiler; Amos b. July 13, 1879, m. Nellie Kirk. Family home Tooele. Settled in Tooele 1852. Senior president 43d quorum of seventies for many years; member Mormon Battalion and captain of ten in Echo Canyon campaign against Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston's hostile entrance to Utah. Father of 23 children, 71 grandchildren and about 20 great-grand- children. BEVAN JOHN A. (son of James Bevan and Mary Shields). Born Feb 4, 1851, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married Letitia M. Kelsey Nov. 20, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Eli B. Kelsey and Mary Ann Mclntyre), who was born Nov. 14, 1855, Tooele, Utah. Their children: James Earnest b. Sept. 2, 1877, d. 1898; John Alexander b. Nov 20 1878, m. Amy Icegreen 1902; Grace b. March 26, 1881- Mary b April 25, 1883, m. R. W. Brown 1906; Agnes b. Aprii 16 1889, d. 1892; Eli Edson b. Oct. 26, 1892, m. Sarah Shields 1910; Parley Woodruff b. Jan. 7, 1900, d. 1910. Missionary to southern states 1883-86 and 1901-02; presi- dent 43d quorum seventies ten years. County assessor and commissioner. Member of high council of Tooele stake; first counselor to president of high priests quorum, and worker in the Sunday school for 55 years, and now a resi- dent of Tooele for 62 years. The oldest survivor of a posterity of 430. BIDDLE, WILLIAM GANDER (son of Thomas Blddle and Harriet Westley of Walsall, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 24, 1832, at Walsall. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company. Married Elizabeth Heath Oct. 19. 1856, Birmingham, Eng. (daughter of John Egerton Heath and Mary Ann Vale of Birmingham). She was born Feb. 2, 1835. Their children: t ' K o^^or 7 n ' 18B7 ' m - Emmeline D. Pierce; William A. b. Feb. 20, 1859, m. Ellen Sophrona Ohlson; Amanda b. Nov. 24 1860, d. Oct. 2, 1862; Emma Jane b. May 11, 1864, A'i^ U V y w' V 86 ^ : ^i: ce ,^- n b - March 13 ' 1867 - m - Hyrum Ohlson Albert Hb. Oct. 6, 1869, m. Kate Vanderhoof; George E. b. .Vir 1872 ' m - Marv Ann Greenwell; Elizabeth A. b. Dec. ljr.fi! 74 ' m ' , charles H - Blr d: "a May b. Dec. 7, 1876, m. William A. Wilton. Family home Ogden. Utah. BIDDLE, WILLIAM ALFRED (son of William Gander Blddle and Elizabeth Heath). Born Feb. 20, 1859, Walsall Eng. Married Ellen Sophrona Ohlson Jan. 4, 1884. Salt Lake .-ity (daughter of Gustave- Adolph Ohlson and Lena Larson, pioneers 1860 to Ogden, Utah). She was born March 2 1861 Their children: Ella Loretta b. Oct. 9, 1884, m. Warren s! Williams; William Ohlson b. March 1, 1886; Ruby Elinor b Nov. 16, 1887, m. Leland S. Williams. Married Augusta Amelia Korth March 7, 1890, Salt Lake City, who was born Oct. 15, 1879, Berlin, Germany, and came to Utah Dec. 24, 1893. Their children: Esther Amanda b. Nov. 29, 1902; Elmer Korth b. Nov. 27, 1904; Harold Fred- erick b. Aug. 31, 1906; Alice Harriet b. March 13, 1910. BID1VELL, ROBERT WILLIAMS (son of Mary Williams of Cattaraugus county, N. Y.). Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1850, William Foote company. Married Elizabeth Roe, Farmersville, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. (daughter of William Roe of western New York). She was born Oct. 6, 1805. Their children: Sarah Ann b. July 12, 1830, m. John Mower; Elizabeth, d. infant; Lavern b. July 3, 1833, m. Ransom Hatch; Joseph b. Feb. 2, 1837 m Hannahette Mower; Emma C. b. March 11, 1839, m. George Mower; William M. and Gazelum G. b. Oct. 10, 1841; Julia b. Aug. 13, 1844. m. Calvin Wheeler. Family resided Bounti- ful and North Ogden, Utah. Pioneer died Jan. 4, 1851. BIDWELL, JOSEPH (son of Robert Williams Bidwell and Elizabeth Roe). Born Feb. 2, 1837, in Caldwell county. Mo. Came to Utah 1850 with parents. Married Hannahette Mower, North Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of Henry Mower and Mary Amie of Pleasant View, Weber county, Utah, pioneers Sept. 9, 1851, Abraham Day company). She was born Oct. 10, 1841. Their children: Sarah Elizabeth b. May 26, 1858, m. Charles F. Wade; Joseph, Jr., b. Dec. 22, 1860, m. Susan M. Wheeler; George Henry b. July 12, 1864, m. Mary A. Robertson; Amelia Jane b. June 22, 1866, m. James O. Webster. Family home Pleas- ant View, Utah. Took active part in Echo canyon trouble. Farmer. De- ceased, BIDWELL, JOSEPH, JR. (son of Joseph Bidwell and Han- nahette Mower). Born Dec. 22, 1860, Pleasant View, Utah. Married Susan Maria Wheeler March 8, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Wheeler and Martha Leah Howell of Slaterville, Utah, the former came to Utah Sept. 4, 1857. William Walker company, the latter Sept. 13, 1861, Homer Duncan company). She was born Dec. 27, 1862. Their chil- dren: Andrew b. March 2, 1890; Nellie Josephine b. June 27, 1891; Babe b. April 28. 1895; Robert Stanley b. July 14, 1897. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. Missionary to eastern states two years; high priest; bishop's counselor of Pleasant View ward. Justice of peace several terms; school teacher 20 years. Farmer. BICKFVGTON, WIL.LIAM. Born 1811, Maxstoke, Warwick- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1853. Married Ann Reeder. Only child: Francis, who died crossing plains. Settler of Marriott, Utah, 1855, where he died November, 1869. 48 BIGELOW, NAHUM. Born in Vermont. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1850, William Snow oxteam company. Married Mary Gibbs. Their children: Mary Jane, m. Brigham Young; Hyrum, m. Martha Mecham; Lucy, m. Brig- ham Young; Asa, m. Julia Ann Cook; Lavina, m. John Witt; Liola died; Sariah, m. Daniel Cook; Moroni, m. Elvira Mecham; Daniel b. March 18, 1842, m. Parmelia Mecham July 23, 1865; m. Emeline Augusta Stevens April 9, 1882; m. Clara Ostensen May 9, 1887; Joseph, died. Elder. Farmer, carpenter and joiner. Died Jan. 1851, Farmington, Utah. BIGELOW DANIEL (son of Nahum Bigelow and Mary Gibbs) Born March 18, 1842, Camp Creek, Mercer county, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1850, William Snow oxteam C Married Parmelia Mecham July 23, 1865, Silver Creek, Summit county, Utah (daughter of Ephraim Mecham and Polly Derby of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1852, oxteam company). She was born Sept. 11, 1832. Their children: Daniel Don Louis b May 22, 1866, m. Annie Boren; Parmelia Emily b. Sept 25 1867, m. Marques Batty; William Cecil b. Aug. 27, 1869,' d. infant; Polly Adora b. Feb. 18, 1871, m. Frank M. Allred; Emma May b. July 30, 1873, d. aged five; Nephl Boberg- (adopted) b. Feb. 10, 1887, m. Amanda Prestwich. Married Emeline Augusta Stevens April 9, 1882, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Stevens and Emma Crowden of Somersetshire, Eng., pioneers 1860, oxteam company). She was born Feb. 27, 1856. Their children: Moroni b. Aug. 754 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1, 1883, died; Mary Maria b. Feb. 1, 1884, m. Morgan H. Edwards; Rhoda Rhoana b. Nov. 19, 1885; Parley Percival b. Feb. 26, 1888; Ellen Charlotte b. Dec. 16, 1890, m. Joseph Scadden. Married Clara Ostensen May 9, 1887, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Ostensen and Caroline Anderson of Norway). She was born March 1, 1864. Their children: Lafey Leroy b. May 27, 1888, d. May 15, 1911; Lucy Lavina b. Jan. 21, 1890, m. Lewis Fausett; Hyrum Harold b. July 19, 1893 d. aged two; Clara Caroline b. Dec. 16, 1895; Daniel Dewey b. July 17, 1898; Philip Eddie b. Feb. 26, 1901; Ada Majora b. Jan. 11, 1903; Elza Emer b. Aug. 27, 1905. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. High priest; missionary to St. George, Utah; stake high councilor; Sunday school superintendent. Justice of the peace. Lumberman, farmer and stockralser. Resides at Wallsburg. BIGGS, JOHN (son of Joseph Biggs, born 1786, Klmpton, Herefordshire, Eng., and Mary Shirwood). Born June 7, 1831, at Kimpton. Came to Utah Oct. 25, 1861, A. R. "Wright freight train. Married Martha Lovina Henson Nov. 10, 1861 (daughter of James and Hetty Henson). Only child: Martha Hetty b. Aug. 20, 1862, d. child. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Jane Theodora Wright June 21, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Wright and Deborah Ann Haisley, latter a pioneer Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie company). She was born 1852, Busby, Scotland. Their children: John W. b. Jan. 26, 1872, m. Bular Brawley; Lorenzo W. b. Feb. 26, 1874, m. Ella Peck; Joseph S. b. Nov. 18, 1876, m. Minerva Olive Allen; Rebecca W. b. Nov. 5, 1877, m. John Oliverson; Margrett W. b. Feb. 10, 1880, m. George Cornish; Delia b. April 29, 1881, d. July 13, 1901; Eva W. b. Oct. 26, 1882, m. William Oliverson: Ruby Pearl W. b. Sept. 3, 1884, m. John Hampton; Alma W. b. Oct. 20, 1886; Sophia W. b. May 16, 1889, m. Albert Day Feb. 7, 1912; Phoebe W. b. Dec. 8, 1890, m. Marion Aller April 7, 1909; Lucy W. b. April 15, 1902, m. M. D. Waterson Oct. 9, 1912. Married Jane R. Ramsbotham Nov. 22, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Ramsbotham and Mather White- head, pioneers Oct. 1869). She was born June 23, 1854. Their children: Henry R. b. June 3, 1875, m. Minnie Oldham; Jane Theodora b. Dec. 24, 1876, m. George Jolley; Elizabeth R. b. Jan. 19, 1879, m. William Durant; Alice R. b. June 10, 1881, m. Albert W. Funk; Maud R. b. May 5, 1884, m. John L. Adamson; Mary R. b. Jan. 3, 1890, m. Elmer Handy Oct. 16, 1912; William R. b. June 6, 1896. BIGLER, ADAM C. (son of Jacob Bigler and Sarah Cunning- ham of Farmington, Utah). Born Dec. 17, 1828, in Harrison county, W. Va. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1859, L. G. Rice and J. L. Stoddard company. Married Sarah Anne Compton (daughter of Allen Comp- ton and Mary Burton, pioneers Oct. 11, 1859). Their chil- dren: James Allen, b. June 18, 1855; Mary F. b. Jan. 4, 1857, m. Arthur A. Steed; Marion F. b. Oct. 22, 1859, m. John W. Hess; John A. b. Sept. 14, 1862, m. Lydia Beveridge; Sarah E. b. Aug. 20, 1863, and Mariah L. b. July 12, 1864, died; Robert B. b. Dec. 25, 1866, m. Fannie M. Reed. Married Isabelle C. Miller, Farmington, Utah (daughter of Daniel A. Miller and Hannah Bigler). Their children: James T. b. Jan. 22, 1868, m. Louisa M. Stevenson; Jacob William b. Aug. 17, 1869; Edward b. Jan. 26, 1871, m. Bertha Pierson; Hannah Isabelle b. Oct. 5, 1872, m. Nephi Wolverton; Laura Elizabeth b. Oct. 19, 1873. m. Willard Archibald; Adam, Jr. b. April 2, 1876, m. Annie Howell; Joseph Arnold b. Nov. 14, 1878; Alvira b. Sept. 28, 1881, m. Fred Sylvester; Stanley Miller b. Sept. 30, 1890. Family home Farmington, Utah. Road supervisor at Farmington four years; lumber dealer; farmer and stockraiser. BIGLER, JOHN A. (son of Adam C. Bigler and Sarah Comp- ton). Born Sept. 14, 1862, Farmington, Utah. Married Lydia Beveridge May 27, 1906. Springville, Utah (daughter of William Beveridge and Lydia Stevenson of Evanston, Wyo.), who was born Sept. 2, 1883. Their chil- dren: Lydia b. Aug. 4, 1907, d. infant; Florence C. b. Dec. 6, 1908. Family home Salt Lake City. Construction foreman. BIGLER, JACOB G. (son of Mark Bigler, born In Pennsyl- vania, and Susannah Ogden, born in Maryland). He was born April 4, 1813, Harrison county, W. Va. Came to Utah 1852, Lorenzo Johnson company. Married Amy Lorett Chase June 18, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Abner Chase, born April 24, 1784, died March 21, 1829, and Amy Scott, born Oct. 5, 1789, died April 10, 1872, both of Virginia). She was born Nov. 7, 1822. Their chil- dren: Jacob, m. Elizabeth Harley; David, m. Eliza Betts; Abner, m. Elizabeth Tranter; Mary Ann, m. Ebenezer Tan- ner; Mark, m. Madaline Pyper; Amy Lorett. m. James Har- vey Mangum; Charles Edwin, m. Mary T. Stephens; Susan- nah, m. John Robert Goldsbrough; James, m. Maud Whit- beck; Alice, m. Frederick Garrett. Married Armella Caroline Mangum Feb. 12, 1852, Kanes- vllle, Iowa (daughter of William Mangum, born Dec. 25, 1811, in St. Clair county, Ala., and Sarah Adair, born Dec. 27, 1813, in Pickens county, Ala, pioneers 1852, Lorenzo Johnson company). Their children: Armelia b. July 17, 1857, m. Napoleon Grover; Eliza b. June 1861, m. Jededlah Grover; Don Manzum b. Jan. 1, 1854, m. Mary Henrietta Henriod. Family home at Nephi, Utah. Bishop; patriarch; president Juab stake 1864-96. Probate judge Juab county; mayor of Nephi 1861; member Terri- torial Assembly six years. Indian war veteran. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Feb. 23, 1907. BIGLER, DON MANGUM (son of Jacob G. Bigler and Ar- melia Caroline Mangum). Born Jan. 16, 1854, Nephi, Utah. Married Mary Henrietta Henriod 1880, American Fork Utah (daughter of Eugene A. Henriod and Mary Thorn Mal- lett of American Fork, pioneers Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She was born May 12, 1859. Their children: Don Alphonso b. Oct. 16, 1880, died; Leah Domitile b. Aug. 31, 1882, m. John H. Robinson; Mary Henrietta b Nov. 5, 1884, died; Nettie Beryl b. Nov. 24, 1887, m. Abraham Bowers. Family home, American Fork, Utah. Elder; ward teacher at Nephi. Worked on St. George and Manti temples. Farmer; miner. Died Feb. 26, 1905 Ameri- can Fork, Utah. BILLINGS, ALFRED NELSON (son of Titus Billings and Diantha Morley of Manti. Utah). Born Aug. 23, 1825 in Geauga county, Ohio. Came to Utah 1848. Married Deborah Patten Dec. 9, 1857, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of John Patten and Hannah Ingersoll of Green county Indiana, pioneers 1850). She was born April 11, 1830. Their children: Alfred Nelson, m. Alice E. Orser; Diantha, m. John H. Worsley; George Pierce, m. Lydia Ann Young; William Wallace, m. Maggie Greenhalgh; Hannah, m. Joseph E Daniels; Warren Frank, m. Rachel Malinda Rasmussen- John Dwight, m. Florence Pyne; Elmyra Louisa, m. Robert Anderson; Florence, d. child. Family resided Provo and Manti, Utah. Called to Elk mountain mission; missionary among the Indians in 1855. Moved from Manti to Provo where he assisted in developing the country. Tax collector Manti four years. Farmer. Died March 12, 1881, at Provo. BILLINGS, WARREN FRANK (son of Alfred Nelson Billings and Deborah Patten). Born Jan. 20, 1864, Provo, Utah. Married Rachel Malinda Rasmussen Dec. 25, 1889, Jensen Utah (daughter of Rasmus Rasmussen and Elizabeth Ella- son of Stavanger, Norway). She was born July 7, 1871 Their children: Revenna b. July 17, 1891, d. infant; Linda b. June 10, 1891, d. at birth; Warren Leonard b. Sept 30 1893; Milton Marlow b. Dec. 12, 1895, d. July 15, 1911- Buenna Elizabeth b. Feb. 16, 1898; Lavoni Josephine b Dec' 17. 1903, d. Aug. 25, 1912; Evelyn b. Aug. 6. 1908; Sharon Wallace b. Feb. 5, 1912. Family home Jensen, Utah. Elder; ward clerk 1893; Sunday school superintendent 12 years. Justice of the peace several years; county com- missioner 1908-09; school trustee three terms. Schoolteacher 1886-88. Settled on Burns Bench (Jensen) 1886 and assisted in pioneering that country. Secretary of Burns Bench Irri- gation company 12 years. BILLS, WESLEY (son of William Bills). Came to Utah 1850. Married Sarah Wilcox (daughter of John Henry Wilcox and Mary Toung, of Mt. Pleasant, Utah, pioneers 1847). Their children: Wesley b. Nov. 23, , m. May Rigby; Hazard, m. Martha Vance; John; Mary Elizabeth, m. John Dick; James, m. Mary Hartley; Maud, d. child; Herbert, m. Kate Houtz; Charles, m. Annie Carolson; Clarissa, m. Verna Davidson; Janet, m. Stephen Day; Orange, d. infant. Elder; ward teacher. Early settler at Milburn. Black Hawk war veteran. Farmer. BILLS, JAMES (son of Wesley Bills and Sarah Wilcox). Born Nov. 17, 1876, Fairvlew, Utah. Married Mary Christina Hartley Dec. 18, 1896, Manti. Utah (daughter of Caleb Hartley and Christine Peterson of Falrview, pioneers 1855, Parley Allred company). She was born Dec. 26, 1874. Their children: Winston b. Sept. 22, 1897, d. child; Isbon Theophilus b. July 26, 1899; John Henry b. Dec. 27, 1900; Vera Mae b. Jan. 1, 1909. Family home Clear Creek, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Farmer; engineer for Utah Fuel company. BILLS, WILLIAM ANDREW (son of John Bills and Eliza- beth Scott of Pittsburg, Pa.). Born Aug. 5, 1835, at Pitta- burg. Came to Utah Sept. 1848. Married Emeline Beckstead July 4, 1852 (daughter of Alexander Beckstead and Catherine Llnce, pioneers 1849, Redden Allred company). She was born April 4, 1837, In Canada. Their children: Gordon Silas b. March 18, 1854, m. Ellen G. Holt, m. Bertha L. Jensen; William Andrew b. Sept. 4, 1856. m. Etta Neel; Alexander b. Sept. 4, 1857, m. Emily R. Beckstead, m. Rachel Riley; Catherine E. b. March 14, 1859, m. Nephi Orgill; Harriet E. b. Feb. 18, 1861, m. Louis Peterson; John A. b. Jan. 26, 1863, d. Sept. 9, 1863; George W. b. Aug. 9. 1864, m. Lucy E. Merrill; Mary E. b. June IB, 1867, m. Frank E. Seal; Martha Ann b. Jan. 27, 1869, died; Henry b. July 25. 1870, m. Vina Clements; Daniel W. b. Dec. 1, 1872. died; David b. April 15. 1874, m. Lorena Smith. Married Matilda Amundson March 1, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ole and Mary Amundson). Their children: Parley b. Feb. 10, 1872, m. Myram Wright; Mary A. b. Aug. 8. 1874, d. Jan. 27, 1881; Luther M. b. Nov. 22, 1877, d. Dec. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 12, 1877; Oley b. May 16, 1880, m. Birdie Staples; William R. b. July 9, 1884. m. Ethel Post; Olive b. Dec. 12, 1886, d. March 25, 1896; Norman S. b. April 10, 1889, m. Mary Miles; Martha J. b. March 17, 1891; Iva Patrenia b. July 25, 1893, d. May 15, 1895. Married Patrenia Amundson March 1, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Oley and Mary Amundson). Their children: Orson b. Nov. 1, 1874, m. Rosa ; Samuel b. Jan. 6, 1874, m. Lottie Parry; Homer L. b. Oct. 25, 1876. Married Annie Eastwood Feb. 6. 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Sarah Eastwood). Their children: Annie B. b. Jan. 13, 1880, m. Richard Farmer; Sarah R. b. Oct. 27, 1881, m. Lyman Butterfleld; William L. b. Aug. 21, 1883; Lorenzo E. b. March 26, 1886, m. Rosa Bills; Heber L. b. May 22, 1888, d. April 1, 1896; Wilford L. b. Nov. 17, 1890; Byron E. b. April 30, 1893, d. April 22, 1895. Settled on the Little Cottonwood 1849; moved to Provo 1858, and later to Mountain Green. Veteran Echo Canyon war. High priest; president South Jordan branch 1856-77; bishop South Jordan ward 23 years. Taught school at West Jordan two years. BILLS, GORDON SILAS (son of William Andrew Bills and Emeline Beckstead). Born March 18, 1854, West Jordan, Utah. Married Ellen G. Holt Sept. 27, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mathew Holt and Ann Harrison), who was born March 10, 1859, in England. Their children: Ida A. b. Nov. 14, 1876, m. Arthur Bate; Silas W. b. Sept. 25, 1878; Rosa E. b. Dec. 28, 1881; Arthur b. July 14, 1883; Sadie E. b. Aug. 25. 1886, m. Ether Stocking; Edna P. b. April 11, 1888, Hazel b. Jan. 28, 1891, m. Mahonrl Butterfleld; Edward A. b. June 16, 1893; Harriett L. b. July 6, 1896; Emma b. Oct. 13, 1898. Married Bertha L. Jensen May 1, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lars and Maria Jensen). Their children: Ezra b. Dec. 26, 1881, m. Ethel Walker; Raymond b. Jan. 24, 1883, m. Delia Crane; Carrie M. b. Sept. 4, 1885, m. Joseph Green; Edith N.; Bertie M. b. June 8, 1888; Elizabeth b. Jan. 24, 1891, m. Alvin Miller; Reynold b. July 9, 1895; Leslie M. Seventy; president Y. M. M. I. A., South Jordan ward; mis- sionary to southern states 1879-81; 2nd and later 1st coun- selor to Bishop Orrin P. Miller; bishop of Riverton ward. School trustee; assessor and collector at South Jordan 1876-79. 755 nv ' , ERA . STIJ S *n of Elisha Warner Bingham and Sally Perry). Born March 12, 1798, Concord, Essex county. M Cam . e r to .Utah Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. r, Ma = If, Lucl " da Gates March 21, 1820 (daughter of Thomas o ' T< eer n el ? t - 19 ' 1847) - She was born March 19, 1799, Concord, Vt. Their children: Mary b. April 1. 1820 m Elijah bZv% i e >T an> n J> Wi ' lard Snow, m. Lorin Farr; SanforS b May 3, 1821, m. Martha Ann Lewis, m. Agnes Fife- Lu- cinda, m. Loren Hastings; Erastus, Jr. b. Sept. 30 1824 m Sinn, h V H y if!; eema ' m ' Susan Green; Thomas mKarn Happuch Holladay; Maria m. Isaac Newton Goodale; Wll- lard, m. Janet Gates; Edwin, m. Phoebe Jane Burke, m Amanda Snow; Jacob d. child; Brigham Heber b. Dec ] 1841, m. Angeline Therisa Aldous, m. Mary Alice LonTax. BINGHAM, SANFORD (son of Erastus Bingham and Lucin- BING, WILLIAM SHERMAJT (son of William Bing of Mis- souri). Born April 5, 1878, Kirksville, Mo. Came to Utah April, 1894. Married Bessie Claire Emeis May 11, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of Harry T. Emeis and Mary Groshell of Cairo, Iowa. Came to Utah Dec. 6, 1891). She was born Nov. 18, 1878. Their children: Harry Emeis; William Sherman, died; Virginia. Family resided Salt Lake City, Utah, and Santiago, California. Proprietor of Salt Lake Stamp company. BIXGHAM, CALVIN (son of Lucius and Lucy Bingham). Born Sept. 27, 1827, Fowler, N. T. Came to Utah 1854, OKteam company. Married Elizabeth Thorne (daughter of Ashel Thome, pioneer 1854). She was born March 25, 1832. Their children: Clarinda b. Sept. 6, 1850, m. Hyrum S. Phelps; Calvin Perry b. Jpn. 28, 1852, m. Olive E. Phelps; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 25, 1853, m. Hyrum S. Phelps; Lucy Jane b. May 29, 1856. m. Robert Williams: Barbara Ann b. Aug. 26, 1858, m. Robert Williams: Ann Mariah b. June 28, 1862, m. William L. Le Seur; Ashel b. Nov. 20, 1864, d. Sept. 27, 1883; William Augustine b. Aug. 16, 1867, m. Maud Holliday; Lydia Emeline b. Feb. 26, 1870, m. Fred Wood; Orissa Vilate April 29, 1873, d. infant; Alice b. Nov. 20, 1875, m. Rollin Walker. High priest; bishop. Veteran Echo Canyon war. Black- smith and farmer. Died May 27, 1883. BINGHAM, CALVIN PERRY (son of Calvin Bingham and Elizabeth Thorne). Born June 28, 1852, in Pottawattamle county, Iowa. Came to Utah 1854 with parents. Married Olive E. Phelps Oct. 9, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Morris Phelps and Sarah Thompson of Jack- son county. Mo., pioneers 1849, cow and oxteam company). She was born Nov. 24, 1856, Alpine, Utah. Their children: Ina Teressa b. April 13, 1794, d. Oct. 7. 1876; Rhoda Alzina b. Jan. 19, 1876, d. Dec. 27, 1882; Sarah Elizabeth b. July 9. 1879, m. LeRoy Goodrich; Charles Perry b. March 26, 1882, m. Mary Alice Gardner; Hyrum Carl b. Oct. 19, 1884. d. June 6, 1889; Ashel Calvin b. Aug. 7, 1887, m. Grace Casper; Maud Ethel b. May 25, 1890, m. George Pearce; Mary Clarinda b. July 25. 1893; Ralph b. Aug. 16, 1896, d. June 1910; Jedediah G. b. May 16. 1899; Thornton P. b. May 13, 1906. Family resided Montpelier, Idaho, Vernal, Utah, and Mesa City, Ariz. Sunday school superintendent: high priest; bishop's coun- selor; bishop; ward teacher. Farmer and horse dealer. BINGHAM, CHARLES PERRY (son of Calvin Perry Bing- ham and Olive E. Phelps). Born March 26, 1882, Mesa City, Ariz. Married Mary Alice Gardner Jan. 3, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Alma Gardner and Martha Timothy, of Wallsburg, Utah). She was born Nov. 2, 1884. Their chil- dren: Merl b. Feb. 24, 1907: Charles Leland b. Sept. 13, 1908; Ercil Calvin b. Aug. 14, 1910. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. Elder; assistant Sunday school superintendent; ward teacher; first assistant in presidency Y. M. M. I. A.; secretary S. S. union board. Farmer. Married Martha Ann Lewis July 18, 1847. while crossing plains (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Lewis, massacred at Haun's Mill Oct. 30, 1838, and Joannah Ryon. who died in Nauvoo Jan. 16, 1846). She was born Feb. 20 1833 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sanford jr b Sept. 1 1848, m. Julia Hall Sept. 19, 1872; Martha Ann b. Jan' 29, 1850, m. Joseph Fife Feb. 16, 1865; Benjamin Franklin b. Sept. 25, 1851, m. Mary E. Jensen Jan. 8, 1885; John b May 10, 1853, m. Mary Jane Hickenson Oct. 28 1872- Sophia Cordelia b. Dec. 30, 1854, m. Robert H. Hopkins- William b Oct. 16, 1856, m. Annie M. Peterson Aug. 9, 1885; Joannah b' Aug. 28, 1858, m. John T. Bybee July 24, 1877; Joseph Smith b. June 23, 1860, m. Annie Annie M. Hansen April 1 1880- Elisha Erastus b. March 25, 1862, m. Elizabeth L Walker Nov. 2, 1882; Rebecca Jane b. Nov. 7, 1864, m. Hans Christian Hansen Dec. 21, 1882; Lorin Beason b. Sept. 16, 1866 m Rose Jenkins June 6, 1894; Lucinda Elizabeth b. Nov. 27 1868 m George A. Pincock Oct. 20, 1886. Family home Riverdale' Utah. Married Agnes Fife Oct. 10, 1863, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Adam Fife, pioneer 1857, Capt. Wilkie company, and Ellen Sharp). She was born May 14, 1846, Clackmannan Scotland. Their children: Martha Agnes b. Aug. 25 1864 m Wilson G. Wright March 16, 1888; Adam Aranthon b Nov' 14, 1865, m. Annie Stratton Nov. 14, 1889; Walter b April 29, 1867, m. Jessie McDonald Oct. 20, 1886; Ellen b. March 30, 1869, m. Joseph K. Wright Dec. 8, 1886; Mary b. Jan 5, 1871, m. James H. Cook June 1, 1898; Enoch b. Dec 12 1872, m. Alice Tracy July 21, 1893; Margaret b. Oct 22 1874; Sanford James b. March 2, 1877, m. Sophia Stratton June 26, 1901; Andrew b. Jan. 19, 1879, m. Aclele Child Dec. 7, 1898; Tracy b. Aug. 2, 1882, d. Dec. 26, 1893; Oscar b. Aug. 18, 1884, drowned Dec. 26, 1S93; Norman b. Sept 18, 1886, m. Ellen Garner Jan. 20, 1909; Maria b. May 31 1895. Family home Riverdale, Utah. President Riverdale branch Sept. 1868; bishop Riverdale ward 1868-1902. Assessor and collector; town constable- justice of peace; member town board of trustees; deputy U. S. collector Weber and Box Elder counties 1868-69 Died Nov. 22, 1910. BINGHAM, BENJAMIN F. (son of Sanford Bingham and Martha Ann Lewis). Born Sept. 25, 1851, Bingham Fort Utah. Married Elizabeth Jensen Jan. 8, 1885, Trenton, Utah (daughter of Neils Jensen and Johana Sandberg of Logan, Utah), who was born Nov. 6, 1863. Their children; Ben- jamin F., Jr., b. Nov. 26, 1885, m. Adelia Lapray; R. E. b. July 15, 1888, m. Hazel Cunningham; Murriel b. Oct. 14, 1892- Gilbert b. May 14, 1896; Kenneth b. Feb. 5, 1901; Loyal b. June 17, 1903; Carlton b. March 5, 1907. Family home Trenton, Utah. Bishop. County commissioner. Farmer and stockraiser. BINGHAM, BENJAMIN F., JR. (son of Benjamin F. Bingham and Mary Elizabeth Jensen). Born Nov. 26, 1885, Trenton Utah. Married Adelia Lapray Sept. 26, 1907, Logan, Utah (daugn- ter of David Lapray and Heneretta Hoffman), who was born May 2, 1885. Their children: Wanda b. July 3, 1909- Goldie b. April 11, 1910. Family home, Trenton, Utah. Missionary to central states 1907-09. Farmer. BINGHAM, ADAM ARANTHON (son of Sanford Bingham and Agnes Fife). Born Nov. 14, 1865, Riverdale, Utah. Married Annie Stratton Nov. 14, 1889, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Edward Stratton and Adele DeSaules, former a pio- neer Sept. 29, 1853, the latter Sept. 15, 1859, Robert F. Neslen company). She was born Jan. 5, 1873, Riverdale, Utah. Their children: Annie Adele b. Jan. 5, 1891. m. Mo- roni Shipley July 22, 1908; Aranthon Edward b. Frb. 28, 1893; Margaret Lottie b. March 18, 1895; Sophia Madeline b. March 4, 1897; Doneta b. June 5, 1901; Harold Sanford b. Dec. 9, 1903; Leonora b. March 15, 1906; Leland Joseph b. March 31, 1909; George Morzette b. May 26, 1911. Fam- ily home Riverdale, Utah. President Y. M. M I. A. 1896-97; missionary to Colorado 1898-1900, and presided over West Colorado conference; bishop Riverdale ward 1902-1912. BINGHAM, ERASTUS (son of Erastus Bingham and Lu- cinda Gates). Born Sept. 30, 1822, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Married Olive Hovey Freeman (daughter of Isaac F. and Lydia Freeman), who was born Jan. 8, 1820, Waterford, Vt. Their children: Olive Louise b. Oct. 3. 1844, m. Wil- liam Walker; Erastus Perry b. March 20, 1846, m. Emeline Chastina Allen Feb. 21, 1870; Lucinda Marie b. June 1, 756 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1848, m. William Foy; Lydia Roxania b. Jan. 6, 1850, m. George Lish; Isaac Farwell b. Sept. 20, 1852, died; Mary Ann b. Feb. 9, 1854, m. Peter C. Geetesen Aug. 1871; Lorenzo b. Dec. 7, 1856, m. Rebecca Guthrie; Diana b. July 19, 1858, m. William G. Smith Aug. 7, 1876; Ophalia b. Aug. 19, I860, m. William Foy. Married Susan Green (daughter of Benjamin P. Green and Lucy Wisdom), who was born Aug. 6, 1839, Halifax, N. 5, Their children: Susan Melissa b. Nov. 23, 1856, m. Winslow Farr; Nephi b. April 9, 1858; Lucy Ann b. March 6, 1860, m. Joseph Wheeler; Marintha b. May 26, 1861, m. Stewart Eccles; Eda b. Jan. 21, 1863; Enoch b. March 7, 1864, m. Maria Slater 1883; Daniel (twin to Enoch), m. Eliza Graham; Harriet Adelthe b. Nov. 2, 1865, m. Joseph Wheeler; Erastus Alma b, Sept. 28, 1868, m. Annie Lard Jan. 2, 1888; Violette May b. May 30, 1870, m. John Holt; Benjamin Wisdom b. Jan. 11 1872; Myrtle Adel b. Sept. 2, 1873; Clara Isabel b. Aug. 29, 1876, m. Joseph Woods March 9, 1909; Rozina Diantha b. July 21, 1878, m. James R. McGee; Jacob Moroni b. Nov. 4, 1881, m. Francis Harriet. Member Company B, Mormon Battalion; major in Echo Canyon campaign; president 38th quorum seventies, Ogden; president 75th quorum seventies, Huntsville, Utah. BINGHAM, ERASTUS PERRY (son of Erastus Bingham and Olive Hovey Freeman^. Born March 20, 1846 La Harpe, Hancock county, 111. Married Emeline Chastina Allen Feb. 21, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alanson David Allen, pioneer Oct. 27, 1849, and Chastina Hadlock, pioneer 1850, Capt. Everett company). She was born Aug. 26, 1851, Ogrden, Utah. Their children: Perry Alanson b. April 8, 1871, m. Alvelda Olsen June 1, 1898; Emeline Chastina b. Oct. 14, 1872, m. William A. McBride Jan. 23, 1895; Francis b. July 19, 1874, m. Annie Sophia Hansen March 6, 1898; Albern Allen b. April 14, 1876, m. Pitia J. Poulsen Feb. 1904; Joseph Franklin b. Nov. 23, 1877, m. Harriet Ann Geeder Jan. 8, 1908; Olive Rebecca b. Aug. 20, 1879, m. Alex Wrigley Aug. 15, 1909; Louisa Marinda b. Dec. 10, 1880; William Henry b. April 13, 1882, m. Christiana Michelson Nov. 25, 1907; Mary Lucinda b. Aug. 25, 1883; Thomas Lorenzo b. Feb. 18, 1885, m. Lavina Munson Dec. 18, 1907; Ezra b. Sept. 6, 1886, m. Mary Wood Jan. 8, 1908; Edward Erastus b. March 7, 1888; Clarence b. Nov. 7, 1889; Wilford Lev! b. Aug. 14, 1891; Lorin b. Oct. 6, 1893; Leonard b. Oct. 6, 1893; Ceduia b. Aug. 4, 1895; David Moroni b. Aug. 17, 1897; Arnold Hyrum b. June 14, 1899. Family home Huntsville, Utah. President 75th quorum seventies. School trustee, Hunts- ville for two terms. BINGHAM, PERRY ALANSON (son of Erastus Perry Bing- ham and Emeline Chastina Allen). Born April 8, 1871, Huntsville, Utah. Married Avelda M. Olsen 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian Olsen and Andrea M. C. Poulsen, came to Utah 1871). She was born Aug. 23, 1876, Plain City, Utah. Their children: Harvey Perry b. May 4, 1899; Avelda Lucetta b. Sept. 17, 1903; Myrtle Marie b. Aug. 24, 1906. Counselor in presidency of 6th quorum elders, Weber stake; superintendent Sunday schools, Middleton, Utah. BINGHAM, THOMAS (son of Erastus Bingham and Lucinda Gates). Born July 19, 1824, Grafton, N. H. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, with contingent of Mormon Battalion, Co. B. Married Karen Happuch Holladay Sept. 6, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Holladay and Katherine Hlggins of Marion county, Ala., pioneers July 29, 1847, William Crosby company.) She was born May 4, 1830. Their chil- dren: Thomas, Jr., b. Aug. 12, 1850, m. Mary Elizabeth Gfroerer; m. Margaret Louisa Gfroerer; Mary b. Sept. 18, 1852, m. Mark M. Hall; m. Phillip Stringham; Lucinda Kath- erine b. Nov. 3, 1854, m. Charles A. Nye; David Holladay b. Aug. 19, 1857, m. Harriet Perry; Charles C. R. b. June 12, 1860, m. Mary Holden; m. Mary Michelson; Phoebe Karen b. June 4, 1862, m. George W. Hislop; Elzada b. April 21, 1864, d. child; Martha b. Oct 1, 1866, m. Don Carlos Perry; Clara b. Oct. 25, 1868, d. child; Tracy Tyler b. Oct 24, 1871, d. infant. Family home Ogden, Utah. Seventy; ordained bishop of Mountain Dell, Unita county, Utah, Sept. 11, 1881; previously counselor to Bishop F. A. Hammond of Huntsville for many years; Sunday school worker since 1879; missionary to San Bernardino, Cal., March 4, 1861, to May 1855; missionary to Salmon River Indians 1856-58. Selectman when Unita county was cre- ated in 1880 and was elected probate judge at first election, August 1881, and held that office five years. Bingham Canyon was named for him and his brothers, who held claims there 1848-50. Timberman and sawmillman, 1860- 77. Died Dec. 31, 1889, Maeser, Utah. BINGHAM, THOMAS, JR. (son of Thomas Bingham and Karen Happuch Holladay). Born Aug. 12, 1850, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Elizabeth Gfroerer June 1, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederick G. Gfroerer and Elizabeth Sabin of Pennsylvania, pioneers 1847). She was born Dec. 20, 1854. Their children: Mary Lenora b. June 11, 1875; David Thomas b. March 20, 1877, d. infants; Annie Eliza- beth b. Feb. 17, 1879, m. Stephen M. Dudley; George San- ford b. June 23, 1881, m. Janet A. Gerber; Francis Marion b. Oct. 9, 1884, m. Leona Henderson; Mark Moroni b. Dec. 19, 1886; Edna b. June 22, 1889, m. J. Urbin Allred; Edwin b. June 22, 1889, m. Mary M. Wilson; Roseltha b. June j.u, 1895. Married Margaret Louisa Gfroerer Oct. 25, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederick G. Gfroerer and Elizabeth Sabin), who was born Dec. 20, 1854. Their children: Clara Louisa b. April 19, 1878, m. George H. Bartlett; Maggie Maria b. Sept. 8, 1880, m. George Victor Billings; Frederick F. b. Nov. 4, 1882, m. Sarah Bartlett; Lester b. Oct. 7, 1885, m. Martha Mae Roberson; Karen b. Aug. 30, 1888, m. Wil- liam Hacking; Helen Vilate b. May 13, 1891, m. Sanford Dudley. Families resided Maeser, Utah. BINGHAM, FREDERICK GFROERER (son of Thomas Bing- ham and Margaret Louisa Gfroerer). Born Nov. 4, 1882, Mountain Dell, Unita county, Utah. Married Sarah Bartlett Sept. 19, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Claymore Bartlett and Annie Katrina Jensen of Vernal, Utah, pioneers Oct. 10, 1866, Independent company). She was born Jan. 6, 1887. Their children- Elgia b. June 21, 1907; Merle b. Jan. 12, 1909; Zelda b. Dec. 4, 1910. Family home Vernal, Utah. Member 77th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states Sept. 24, 1902, to Feb. 6, 1905; ordained high priest Aug. 25, 1907; stake superintendent of Sunday schools July 7, 1906 to Jan. 4, 1908; high councilor 1907-10; bishop of 2d ward, Vernal, Sept. 18, 1910, to Sept. 3, 1911; missionary to Unita Indian reservation. Member of Winder & Bingham Mercantile company, later incorporated as the Acorn Mer- cantile company, which dealt in general merchandise and machinery. Farmer and stockraiser. BINGHAM, WILLARD (son of Erastus Bingham and Lu- cinda Gates). Born Feb. 19, 1830. Married Janet Gates (daughter of Samuel Gates and Lydia Downer), who was born Jan. 12, 1836. Their chil- dren: Flora Janet b. in May, m. Lev! J. Taylor; Willard b. Oct. 30, , m. Cynthia Melissa Ann Shurtliff; Josephine b. in May, m. Levi J. Taylor; Jedediah Grant b. in Oct., m. Margaret Peterson; Parley Pratt b. Dec. 30, 1859, m. Marga- ret McFarland; Ida b. Feb. 9, ; Elijah and Elisha Junius b. June 2, ; Ezra; Erastus La Grand; Lydia; Mariah; Lucinda b. March 13, ; Zilpha Isador; Nancy Jane; Em- maretta. Family resided Huntsville and Wilson, Utah. Married Amanda Melvina Snow (daughter of Willard Snow). Their children: Willard Eugene; Melvina; Wilford; Rosetta; Susan; Mary Ellen; Rebecca; Florence Adelaide- Tyler; Isabel. Married Clara Smith. Their children: Willard S.; Clara; Leroy; Idella; Thomas; Uvada; Hyrum; Viola; Leah; Eldon. BINGHAM, PARLEY PRATT (son of Willard Bingham and Janet Gates). Born Dec. 30, 1859, Ogden, Utah. Married Margaret McFarland at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James McFarland and Hannah Boyack), who was born March 1, 1860, West Weber, Utah. Their children- Parley Pratt; William M.; George Willard; Samuel Levi; Maggie Mae; Ethel and Edith (twins); Eliza Ellen; Jeddie Archibald; Rosabel; Howard Rulon; Lois Fontella. Family resided Wilson and Smithfield, Utah. Married Isabel McFarland. Their children: Percy Young; Leone; Ralph M.; Annetta; Wallis James; Lawrence Pratt; Wynona; Norman. BINGHAM, BRIGHAM HEBER (son of Erastus Bingham and Lucinda Gates). Born Dec. 15, 1841. Married Angeline Therisia Aldous Dec. 24, 1861 (daughter of Robert Aldous and Mary Ann Parkin, married Dec. 24, 1835, Huntingdon, Eng., pioneers Sept. 14, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company). She was born Dec. 27, 1844. Their children: Brigham Heber, Jr. b. Dec. 15, 1862, m. Catherine Rozilla Wilson Jan. 17, 1884; Edwin Aldous b. Aug. 31, 1864, m. Genevra Martin Nov. 24, 1885; Angeline Maria b. Sept. 14, 1866, d. age 5 months; Robert b. Dec. 12, 1867, m. Marinda Tracy April 17, 1889; Elijah b. Jan. 25, 1870, m. Mary Francis Fife Oct. 1891; Edna b. March 11, 1872, m. Martin P. Brown Jan. 17, 1894; Joseph b. Sept. 4, 1874, m. Martha C. Morten- sen April 4, 1894; Georgianna b. March 8, 1877, m. James Combe Oct. 5, 1905; Mary Ann b. July 15, 1879, m. Claude M. Dee March 1, 1904; Lucinda b. Nov. 27, 1881, d. May, 1891; Erastus A. b. March 17, 1884, m. Hilda Bonerude Feb. 15, 1905. Married Mary Alice Lomax June 24, 1886, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Joseph Lomax and Matilda Wignal; former came to Utah 1882). She was born Dec. 10, 1861, Darwin, Lancastershire, Eng. Their children: Ethel Exile b. March 18, 1887, m. Stephen Farnsworth 1904; John Brigham b. Jan. 12, 1889, m. Pearl duff 1910; Minerva Alice b. March 14, 1891; Maude Ellen b. Feb. 24, 1894, m. Eddie Cluff 1910; Dora Jane b. May 27, 1898; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 15, 1900. Fam- ilies resided Wilson, Weber county, Utah. Bishop of Wilson ward 1880-90; bishop Mormon colony at Garcia, Mex. Assisted in building first school houses at Lynn and Huntsville. Pioneer to Wilson, Utah, 1869. Di- rector Wilson Irrigation company 14 years. BINGHAM, BRIGHAM HEBER, JR. (son of Brigham Heber Bingham and Angeline Therisia Aldous). Born Dec. 15, 1862, Lynn, Weber county, Utah. Married Catherine Rozilla Wilson Jan. 17, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Louis Dunbar Wilson and Catherine Wig- gins). She was born Oct. 15, 1863, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Heber Raymond b. Nov. 20, 1884; Clara Rozilla b. March 1, 1887, m. Hyrum Fletcher April 3, 1910; Brigham Albert b. Nov. 2, 1888; Pearl Elva b. Jan. 26, 1891; Annis b. Jan. 8, 1893; Martha May b. May 7, 1895; Verna Catharine b. Dec. 9, 1897; Wallace Dunbar b. July 9, 1902; Hazel b. Nov. 30, 1903; Howard Wilson b. July 21, 1906. Family home Wil- son, Utah. Missionary to Australia 1899-1901; superintendent Wilson Sunday school three years; president Y. M. M. I. A.; one of the seven presidents of 54th quorum seventies. Driven out of Mexico by the rebellion, July 30, 1912. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 757 BINGHAM, EDWIN ALDOUS (son of Brigham Heber Blng- ham and Angeline Therisia Aldous). Born Aug. 31, 1864. Married Genevra Martin Nov. 24, 1885, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John Martin and Sarah Ann Sargent), who was born Aug 30 1866. Their children: Genevra b. Sept. 25, 1886, d Sept 25, 1886; Edwin Marion b. Oct. 16, 1887, m. Laura Actlva Olsen Dec. 8, 1910; Sarah Ann b. Nov. 21, 1889, m. William Eugene Young Nov. 11, 1908; Ella May b. Feb. 12, 1892- Florence b. Feb. 25, 1894; Mabel b. March 7, 1896; John Martin b April 19, 1898; Dora Angeline b. April 5. 1900; Annetta b Aug. 1, 1902; Mary Arvilla b. Jan. 28, 1906; Ireta b. July 16, 1908. Family home Wilson, Weber county, President T. M. M. I. A. five years; superintendent Sun- day schools; missionary to England 1902-05; member coun- cil of 54th quorum seventies; appointed bishop of Wilson ward Oct. 13, 1908. Assisted in building flrst meeting house at Wilson. BIRCH, WILLIAM. Born Sept. 2. 1788, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1856. . Married Phoebe Craddock, who was born April 13 1786. Thpir children- Jane b. Aug. 6, 1812; Susannah b. Aug. 3, 14 Phoebe h. Jan 1. 1817; David b. July 24, 1819; William b April 1 23 1822; Richard b. May 25, 1824; James b. March 21 1828. Family home Staffordshire, Eng. Married Sarah Ashton In England, who was born 1 00, In Staffordshire. BIRCH. RICHARD (son of William Birch and Phoebe Crad- dock). Born May 25, 1824, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to U MarHed Ellen Harris In England (daughter of William Harris and Ann Davis), who was born Sept. 13, 1! 21, in Staf- rdshire. Their children: William Harris b. Nov. 12. 1847, d infant; James b. Jan. 20, 1850, died; Ellen b. May 26. 1852 m John Jones; John b. Nov. 22 1855, died; Jonah b. May 2 1856, m. Emma McMichael; Robert b. Aug. 25, 1858, m Margaret McMichael; Richard b. Feb. 21 1862, m. Ma- linda Stewart. Family resided in England, St. Louis, Mo., BIRD. CHARLES (son of Benjamin Bird). Born Sept. 19, 1803, Flanders, Morris county, N. J. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Mary Ann Kenardy of Barrington, Mass., who was born Dec. 7, 1807. Their children: John, m. Sarah ; Freeman, died; Betsy, m. Norman Bliss; m. George Hardy; m. Kimball; Henrietta, m. Charles Shumway; Mauda Sahilla, died; Kelsy; Bradford K., m. Sarah Hill; Eliza, m. Alonzo Merrill; Charles; George; William. Family horn* Cottonwood, Utah. Married Sarah Dunston in 1865 at Salt Lake City, who was born in 1828. Their children: Norman; Mary Ann. President Smith's bodyguard; counselor to Bishop Smoot of Cottonwood ward four years; raised provisions for early settlers. Farmer and merchant; clothier. Died Sept. 29, 1884, Mendon, Utah. BIRD, BRADFORD K. (son of Charles Bird and Mary Ann Kenardy). Born Jan. 26, 1840, in Adams county. 111. Married Sarah Hill Dec. 1. 1868, Mendon, Utah (daughter of John Hill, pioneer 1850). She was born Oct. 9, 1850. Their children: George B. b. Nov. 10, 1869, m. Meda McCurdy; John Albert b. May 11, 1872, died; Margaret Luslna b. Aug. 29, 1873; Charles K. b. July 3. 1876, d. May 31, 1887; Alexander R. b. Oct. 13, 1880. Family home Vernal, Utah. High priest; superintendent Sunday schools of Naplea ward six years. Indian war veteran and took part in Echa Canyon trouble; crossed the plains five times with immi- grants. Farmer. MarHedMrynn Hale at Salt Lake City who was born Dec. 23, 1827, in Staffordshire Eng. Their children: William b Jan 16, 1859, m. Nettie Wight; John b. June .30, 1862, Mnrv Tanp b Nov 10 1864, m. William Miller; David b. Aug 17 1867'. m Nancy Garn; Elizabeth b. Aug. 17, 1867, m John Sargent; Samuel b. July 21, 1870, died. Family homes Salt Lake City and Hoytsville, Utah. Patriarch. Pioneer to Hoytsville, Utah. Farmer. BIRCH JONAH (son of Richard Birch and Ellen Harris). Ma mce 12, 1880 Hoytsville Utah (daughter of Robert McMichael and Elizabeth McMuUin, pioneers Sept. 3, 1852, A. o: Smoot company). She was born Sep" 11, 1857, Salt Lake City. Their J hlldre " : ,.. Jo "^ h n D b. Nov. 4, 1881; Robert M. b. Oct. 21, 1883, m. Nellie Williams March 21, 1906; Ellen Elizabeth b. Dec. 30, 1885 m. Claud Abbot Dec. 25, 1906; Emma b. Dec. 5, 1887. m. Noble Farns- worth March 20, 1907; William Richard b. June 8, 1890 m Belva Johnston July 13, 1910; James Byron b. June 25, IS Baby b. April 10, 1897. Farmer and stockraiser. BIH.CUMSHAW, JOSEPH (son of William Bircumshaw and Hannah Haslet of Nottingham and Derbyshire, Eng.). Born March 7, 1829, Heanor, Derbyshire. Came to Utah Nov. S, 1865, Miner G. Atwood oxteam train. Married Rosetta Plackett (daughter of Thomas Plack- ett and Mary Pheasent of Breason, Derbyshire, Eng., pio- neers Oct. 10, 1864, Warren S. Snow company). She was born Sept 12, 1823. Their children: Mary, died; Thomas b. Feb. 1 1846- Henry b. Oct. 2, 1848, d. May 9, 1908; Mary Ellen b. Aug 13 1851, m. Moses Wilkinson Jan. 11, 1869; Joseph Hy- rum b. 1853, d. aged 5; John Willard b. Jan. 13, 1856, m. Mary Jane White Oct. 23, 1876; Rosannah b. Jan. 15, 1858; Orson, Lovenia, Emily and Zillah Louisa, all died when children, the last in 1866, being the only one who died in Utah. Married Naomi Potraer (Simms) of Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1869. There were no children from this marriage. High priest; elder. Built many houses in Salt Lake City, where he died Oct. 3, 1869. BIRCUMSHAW, JOHN WILLARD (son of Joseph Bircum- shaw and Rosetta Plackett). Born Jan. 13, 1856, Notting- ham, Eng. Came to Utah 1865 with parents. Married Mary Jane White Oct. 23, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of James White and Jane Knight of London, Eng., pioneers Sept. 26, 1862, James Wareham company). She was born June 22, 1858. Their children: Laura b. Sept. 27, 1877, m. Ephraim M. Mohlman; Myrtle May b. Aug. 16, 1879, m. William T. Quinn; Joseph b. Nov. 14, 1 iSli m. Ann e O'Brien; Jennie Rosetta b. Nov. 24, 1883, m. William M. Gil- lette; Willard James b. Sept. 30, 1888; Henry b. Feb. 10, 1! Albert b. Dec. 16, 1893; Ray b. Aug. 31, 1895; Ruth b. Oct. 7, 1901. Family home Park City, Utah. BIRD, BENJAMIN. Came to Utah I860, with Milo Andrus company. His children: James; Richard, m. Laura -; William, m. Miss Gully; Charles, m. Mary Ann Kenardy. Farmer. Lived at Provo, Utah. Oied there in 1864. BIRD, CHARLES. Born in New Jersey. Came to Utah in 1855 from Chemungj county, N. Y., by oxteam. Married Amanda Reaves. Their children: Richard; Wil- liam; Reaves; Charles; Polly; Amanda. Farmer. Died at Springville, Utah. BIRD, JAMES (son of Charles Bird and Amanda Reaves). Born 1806 in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1852 with Captain AUred oxteam company. Married Jane Carpenter in 1831, Chemung county, N. Y., who was born in Connecticut 1812 and died May 7, 1892, Lincoln county, Nev. Their children: Taylor Reaves, m. Alice Stokes; Sarah and Amanda, died, the former aged 15; Marybah, m. Lyman Woods; Jasper, m. Ann Starr. Family resided at Provo and St. George, Utah, and in Nevada. Bishop at Provo. Farmer and stockraiser. Died June 16, 1879, in St. George. BIRD, TAYLOR REAVES (son of James Bird and Jane Carpenter). Born Feb. 25, 1832, In New York. Married Alice Stokes Oct. 26, 1862, St. George, Utah (daughter of Joseph Stokes and Alice Clark of England). She was born Jan. 24, 1838, in England. Came to Utah in 1852, oxteam company. Their children: Taylor Reaves, Jr., b. Aug. 24, 1863, d. June 4, 1864; Clarence b. June 7, 1865, m. Charlotte Searle; Alice b. Dec. 17, 1867, m. Albert John- son; Ida b. June 14, 1870, m. Thomas Johnson; Erne b. May 27, 1872, m. Henry Rhoades; Rhoda b. Jan. 10. 1875, d. Oct. 1, 1876; Eliza Jane b. July 13, 1877, m. Hyrum Taylor; Isabell b. June 29, 1880, d. Nov. 28, 1882. Family resided St. George, Utah, and Clover Valley, Lincoln county, Nev. Indian war veteran; took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Sheriff of Washington Co., Utah; justice of peace Clover Valley, Nev. Farmer and stockraiser. BIRD, CLARENCE (son of Taylor Reaves Bird and Alice Stokes). Born June 7, 1865, at St. Georg,e. Utah. Married Charlotte Searle (Murray) July 9, 1903, at Vernal. Utah (daughter of Charles D. Searle and Jane Adalr of Payson, Utah, oxteam pioneers). She was then the widow of George Q. Murray, whom she married Feb. 2, 1893, at Vernal, and by whom she was the mother of: George Orin Murray b. Nov. 2, 1893; Elsie Jane b. April 1, 1896; Margaret b. Dec. 14, 1897. She was born Oct. 29, 1874. Family home Vernal, Utah. Farmer; fruitgrower and cattleraiser. BIRD, JAMES. Born May 18, 1811, London, Eng. Came t0 Ma t rr l iedMlr 1 garet Montgomery. Their children: Edmund b. Aug. 3, 1847, m. Janie Day; Frederick Montgomery b. May 13 1849 m. Helen George. Family home Salt Lake City. Cabinet maker. Died April 18, 1896. BIRD EDMUND (son of James Bird and Margaret Mont- e-nmprv> Born Aug. 3, 1847, Boston, Mass. e Married Janie Day Nov. 20, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Day). She was born in Luton Eng. Their children: Margaret Anna b. Oct. 15, 1871, Wranris M b Feb 27, 1875; Nellie May b. April 15, 1879 Fgiven twice] ; Fred Lawrence b. Aug. 6, 1881; -Nellie May b. Feb 21 1884; Cora Lue b. May 8, 1885. Family home Kanosh, Utah. Carpenter and builder. [Probably named after child who died.] of Orson Pratt and Delia Ann Bishop, pioneers July 22. 758 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847). She was born Feb. 25, 1850, and died in 1901. Their children: Allie Belle, m. Fred Graham; Bertha, m. Victor Christopherson; Florence, m. Orson Truelson; Alden M., m. Georgia Whitehead; Francis B., died. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Ella Derr Feb. 25, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of William H. Derr and Mary Ellen Rogers of Philadelphia, Pa., pioneers September, 1847). She was born Oct. 26, 1869. Their children: William DeLancy b. Sept. 19, 1903; Miriam b. June 1, 1906; Virginia P. b. Jan. 28, 1908. Enlisted in Union army July 27, 1861, in 1st Michigan in- fantry, served five years. Promoted from corporal to ser- geant-major, 2d lieutenant and 1st lieutenant. Transferred V. R. C., promoted to captain of Company H, 2d U. S. volunteers. Mustered out Nov. 7, 1865, at Fort Leavenworth, Kas. Member Major Powell's exploring expedition in Colo- rado Canyon 1871-72. Professor natural science in univer- sity of Deseret. He, with David McKenzie and T. E. Bailey, started first free-school in Utah. Member 144th quorum seventies; president elders' quorum in Waterloo. Member board of education; trustee of 7th school district. BISHOP, WILLIAM (son of John Bishop and Cathrine Evans). Born June II, 3828, and came to Utah Sept. 26. 1855, Richard Ballantyne company. Married Harriet Morris (daughter of John Morris and Maria Linney), who was born in 1839. Their children: Harriet Louisa b. July 12, 1864, m. Samuel K. McMurdie Nov. 13, 1882; Cathrine M. b. Dec. 12, 1865; William John b. March 5, 1867; James M. b. Feb. 10, 1869; Maria Jane b. Jan. 22, 1871; Robert M. b. Dec. 15, 1873; Emma M. b. March 6, 1876, m. Joseph Lofthouse Dec. 18, 1897; Mary Ann b. Sept. 18, 1879; Richard b. July 29, 1881, m. Maria Tamea Dec.' 18, 1907. Family home Paradise, Utah. High priest; teacher. Participated in the Echo canyon campaign. Watermaster nine years. BISHOP, WILLIAM H. (son of Sylvanus Bishop, born April 10, 1765, and Rachel Spicer, born July 19, 1775, both at Kinderhook, N. T.). He was born Sept. 11, 1821, Oswego, N. T. Came to Utah in 1848. Married Eliza Pratt (daughter of Namiah Pratt and Eliza- beth Roberts), who was born in Vermont. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 18, 1841, m. William Duggins; Vesta Lucetta b. May 15, 1843, m. Edwin Twitchell Feb. 24, 1860; William Sylvanus b. Jan. 25, 1845, and Joseph Franklin b. Dec. 25, 1846, died; Mahonri M. b. Nov. 25, 1848. m. Mary Gibbs; m. Janette Brunson; Penelope b. Sept. 16, 1850, m. Solomon Wixom; Eliza Eldula b. July 28, 1853, m. Henry Hobbison; Nelson Spicer b. Nov. 1, 1855, m. Annie Melville; Heber Lafayette b. Dec. 15, 1857, m. Ella Gaboon; m. Mary Bennett; Savallie b. Dec. 31, 1859, m. Brigham Melville. Family home Pisgah, Morgan county, 111., previous to 1848. Married Malinda Case (daughter of Susan Case). Their children: Julia; Artimus; Susan. Colonel In the Black Hawk Indian war. Settled at Salt Lake City; moved to Provo, then to Flllmore; died there Aug. 10, 1884. lUTNF.it. BRENEMAN B. (son of Abraham Bitner and Ann Barr, of Illinois). Born Dec. 15, 1837, in Washington county. Pa. Came to Utah in 1849. Married Mary Benedict in 1864 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joshua Benedict and Fidelia Moses, of Connecticut, pioneers, Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus company). She was born Aug. 23, 1846. Married Martina M. Halseth April 10, 1866, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter and Martha Halseth of Christiania, Norway; former came to Utah about 1873). She was 'born Aug. 18, 1847. Their children: Breneman H. b. June 24, 1867, m. Miriam Butler; Anna b. Feb. 20, 1869, m. George W. Derr; Elizabeth M. b. Nov. 9, 1871, m. Frederick L. Sheets; Luella b. Dec. 7, 1873, m. Nephi L. Taylor; Alice b. March 11, 1875. m. Wallace C. Castleton; Susanna b. June 23, 1877, m. Fredrick L. Morris; Nettie b. Oct. 11, 1879, m. Homer Swartwood; Ardella b. Oct. 4, 1881, m. Benjamin F. Tibby; Florence b. March 4, 1884, d. aged 18; Roy H. b. Sept. 28, 1886, m. Erma Felt; Erma b. Sept. 14, 1888, m. Edward J. Evans; Madeline b. April 15, 1893. Family resided Big Cot- tonwood, Utah. Married Sarah A. Osguthorpe Jan. 4, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Osguthorpe and Lydia Roper of Sheffield, Eng., pioneers fall of 1853, Charles Wilkin company). She was born May 23, 1847. Their children: Mary E. b. Feb. 21, 1870, m. Heber S. Sheets; Milton O. b. Jan. 29, 1872; Lydia b. July 31. 1875, m. William S. Romney; Ada b. June 30, 1880, m. Bryant S. Hinckley; Hoffman H. b. Nov. 14, 1877, m. Nellie Howarth; Chloe b. Nov. 28, 1883, m. Ernest W. Evans; Ella b. May 6, 1887. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah, 17th ward. One of the seven presidents of seventies; missionary to Pennsylvania and Illinois 1871-72; elder; high priest. Deputy assessor Salt Lake county. Farmer and stockraiser. Died April 10, 1909. BITTER, TRAUGOTT (son of Gotthard Bitter, born 1802, Schnakainen, East Prussia, Germany, and Luisa Neuman, born 1801). He was born Dec. 2, 1834, Kreuzburg, East Prussia, Germany). Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1861, Joseph Young company. Married Wilhelmina R. Aust Sept. 25, 1859 (daughter of Gottfried Bernhard Aust and Louisa Charlotte Huebner), who was born June 6, 1836, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Martha b. Aug. 29, 1860, m. Hyrum Ricks April 1, 1880; William b. Oct. 28, 1862, d. Oct. 16, 1863; Joseph b. Aug. 24, 1864, m. Eliza Erickson March 8, 1888; Amelia b. Nov. 18, 1866; Albert b. Nov. 18, 1868, d. July 27, 1870; George b. Jan. 17, 1871, d. Oct. 22, 1872; Richard Alfred b. July 15. 1873; Willard Rudolph b. March 3, 1876, d. Jan. 6. 1890; Charles b. Jan. 5, 1878, m. Printha E. Facer Oct. 15, 1902. Family home Logan, Utah. High priest. Carpenter on Salt Lake theater. Moved to St. George in 1862, to Logan in 1864, where he helped build the Logan temple and tabernacle. BITTER, JOSEPH (son of Traugott Bitter and Wilhelmina R. Aust). Born Aug. 24, 1864, Sr It Lake City. Married Eliza C. Erickson March 8, 1888 (daughter of Michael Erickson and Mary E. Anderson, married April 2, 1861, Mailing, Aarhuus amt, Denmark). She was born April 23, 1866. Their children: Martha Elizabeth b. Jan. 6, 1889; Joseph E. b. March 24, 1891; Veda Wilhelmina b. Nov. 7, 1892; William E. b. March 3, 1894; George E. b. Jan. 24, 1896; Vernon E. b. Nov. 29, 1897; Howard E. b. Oct. 4, 1899; Gladys Eliza b. Oct. 23, 1901; Reed E. b. Dec. 27, 1903; Lee E. b. Feb. 12, 1906; Olive b. April 20, 1908; Vera b. June 6, 1911. IJJORK, WILLIAM (son of John Bjork and Catherine Erick- son). Born April 6, 1837, Hjo, Sweden. Came to Utah Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock company. Married Agusta Gustava Anderson Dec. 29, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Anders Nielson and Anna Maja Anderson), who was born Oct. 15, 1836. Only child: Wilhelmina b. Sept. 9, 1869. Married Eva C. Anderson Aug. 12, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Anders Erickson and Katherina Anderson, of Sweden). She was born March 31, 1852. Their children: Velma b. Jan. 5, 1890; Beatrice b. Oct. 18, 1892. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Missionary in Sweden six years; high priest. Railroad workman, farmer, stockraiser and fruitgrower. BLACK, GEORGE DAVID (son of George Black, born 1820 in Mississippi, and Mary McRee, born Oct. 17, 1819). He was born Feb. 18, 1841, Copiah county, Mississippi. Came to Utah July 27, 1847. Married Mary Hunt Sept. 16, 1862 (daughter of Jefferson Hunt and Celia Mount, pioneers July 27, 1847). She was born July 12, 1846. Their children: Nancy Jane b. Jan 22 1863; George David b. Oct. 24, 1864; Charles Jefferson b. Nov. 24, 1866; William Jesse b. March 16, 1868; Harriet Er- minie b. April 21, 1871; Joseph Warren b. May 28, 1873; John Franklin b. May 28, 1875; Mary b. March 21, 1878; Grace b. May 20, 1879; Henry Harrison b. Feb. 22, 1881; Celia Margaret b. Nov. 14, 1883; Wallace Edwin b. Dec. 1, 1885; Maud Eline b. Jan. 22, 1889. Presiding elder Oxford ward, Idaho, 1872-1875; member high council, Bannock stake 1875; superintendent Sunday schools, Wilford, four years. Justice of peace Oxford, Idaho, four years. Lieutenant Utah militia. BLACK, CHARLES JEFFERSON (son of George David Blapk and Mary Hunt). Born Nov. 24, 1866, Ogden, Utah. Married Maloney Pratt Jan. 19. 1891, Wilford. Idaho (daughter of William J. Pratt and Alice Smart). No chil- dren. Married Mary Ann Steers Jan. 22, 1896, Logan, Utah (daughter of Elijah Steers and Elizabeth Candland), who was born Nov. 26, 1873. Their children: Blanche b. Nov. 12, 1896; Gladys b. Sept. 29, 1898; Charles Leslie b. June 18, 1901; Fern b. Jan. 18, 1903; Frank S. b. Jan. 16, 1904; Myrtle b. Jan. 26, 1906; Lucile b. Feb. 10, 1908; Cecil Jefferson b. Nov. 27, 1910. Bishop's counselor at Wilford 1893-1900, and St. Anthony, Idaho, 1900-1902; ordained bishop of La Grande, Ore., 1907. BLACK, JOSEPH HENDERSON (son of Thomas Black and Lydia Ann Henderson of Plttsburg, Pa.). Born July 25, 1831, Lawrenceville, Allegheny county, Pa. Came to Utah Nov. 14, 1863. Married Betsy Ann Snyder (Johnstun) July 30, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Comstock Snyder and Hen- rietta Maria Stockwell of Snyderville, Utah, pioneers July 24, 1847. Brigham Young company). She was born July 17, 1830. Their children: Lydia b. Jan. 26, 1871, m. Elisha Wil- liam Davis; Joseph Alonzo b. April 9, 1874, m. Minnie E. Brannan. Family home Vernal, Utah. Settled at Snyderville in 1864. Bishop Park city ward; organized the first Sunday school in Uinta county and was superintendent of schools there. Justice of peace. Car- penter and builder; freighter and teamster. Died April 12, 1909, Vernal, Utah. BLACK, JOSEPH ALONZO (son of Joseph Henderson Black and Betsy Ann Snyder). Born April 9, 1874, Snyderville, Utah. Married Minnie E. Brannan Oct. 18, 1903, Vernal, Utah (daughter of John M. Brannan of Ireland and Elizabeth Eliason (Rasmussen) of Stavanger, Norway, who came to Utah 1871, married at Wanshlp, Utah). She was born Nov. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 759 6, 1875. Their children: Veda Lavon b. Sept. 18. 1904; Beulah Deon b. April 2, 1906; Carman Alonzo b. Dec. 23, 1907; Grace b Nov. 20, 1909, d. aged 14 months; Joseph Henderson b. May 23, 1912. Seventy; missionary to Southern states 1900-02; assistant Sunday school superintendent; president Y. M. M. I. A. Set- tled in Ashley valley 1878, with his parents. BLACK, WILLIAM (son of William Black, born in Belfast, and Mary Gardner of County Antrim, Ireland). Born Aug. 20, 1784, Lisburn, Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. IB, I860, James Pace company. Married Jane Johnston July 31, 1822 (daughter of Daniel Johnston and Margaret Chambers, pioneers 1850, James Pace company). She was born June 11, 1801. Their children: George b. May 6, 1823, m. Susan Jacaway; Mary b. April 25, 1825, m. John McDonald; William V. b. Feb. 27. 1832, m. Elmira and Victoria Ayers; Joseph S. b. July 14, 1836. m. Nancy Cynthia Allred Nov. 12, 1855, m. Sarah Jane Barney Nov. 14, 1860, m. Caroline Thompson Feb. 14, 1864, m. Louisa Jane Stocks Feb. 13, 1883. Family home Nauvoo, 111. Missionary to England two years: high priest. Soldier in British army 20 years. One of the founders of Spring City 1859. Died Jan. 28, 1873, Rockville, Kane county, Utah. BLACK, GEORGE (son of William Black and Jane John- ston). Born May 6, 1823, at Lisburn. Married Susan Jacaway April 6, 1850 (daughter of Mary Ann Jones), who was born Sept. 18, 1835, and came to Utah Sept. 13, 1850, Perrigrine Sessions company. Their children: Mary Ann b. 1852, died; George W. b. May 23, 1854, m. Esther Clarinda King Feb. 15, 1877; Susan b. Jan. 26, 1858, m. A. Woolsey 1876; William b. Nov. 28. 1863, m. Matilda Emily King- July, 1887; John Franklin b. Jan. 19, 1866, m. Eliza Rosetta King Jan. 2, 1896; Nephl James b. Feb. 3, 1871, m. Phoebe Lorana Horup May 1, 1892; Melissa b. May 12, 1872, m. W. O. Harvey. Married Mary Ann Donnelly (daughter of Phil Donnelly and Mary Ann McKowen, former pioneer 1857, William S. Young company). She was born Jan. 26, 1834. Magherafelt, Londonderry, Ireland. Their children: Joseph b. Dec.' 12, 1856; Alice J. b. July 7, 1857, m. Edwin R. Rappleye March 1 1876; Mary Ann b. Nov. 11, 1859, m. Alfred Whitcott Dec. 25, 1883; Lillian b. Jan. 13, 1863; Edward Lenox b. June 6, 1868, m. Pearl A. Kimball Dec. 21, 1898; Lauretta b. June 11, 1871; Birdie b. Aug. 11, 1876, m. Pearl Patrick Nov. 10, 1897. Moved to Fillmore 1851, and to San Pete county 1855; from here to St. George with first wagons; to Rockville in time of Indian troubles; then to Kanosh, where he died No- vember, 1872. Veteran Black Hawk war. BLACK, GEORGE, JR. (son of George Black and Susan Ja- caway). Born May 23, 1854, Fillmore, Utah. Married Esther Clarinda King Feb. IB, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Culbert King and Eliza Esther McCul- lough). She was born Sept. 24, 1858, Fillmore, Utah. Their children: George King b. Jan. 9, 1879, m. Sarah Lucille Snow Sept. 1904; Lois Clarinda b. Oct. 3, 1880, d. April 12, 1881; Bertha B. b. Jan. 25, 1882, m. James S. Passey Sept. 2, 1902; Culbert Lorin b. March 8, 1884, d. Jan. 18, 1889; Henry b. March 26, 1886, d. Dec. 30, 1888; John Edward b. March 29, 1888, d. Oct. 6, 1888; Collins R. b. Oct. 19, 1889, d. Sept. 19, 1891; Esther b. March 16, 1894; Susan b. March 23, 1897; Richard Levi b. May 15, 1900, d. April 9, 1901. Settled at Kingston, Piute county, 1877; moved to Coyote 1879; missionary to Great Britain Sept. B, 1891-93; second counselor to Bishop Culbert King; first counselor to Bishop C. L. King; bishop of Marion ward since 1908. BLACK, WILLIAM, JR. (son of William Black and Jane Johnston). Born Feb. 27, 1832, at Lisburn. Married Elmira Ayers 1854, Manti. Utah (daughter of Caleb Ayers, died in Council Bluffs, and Lucinda Haggerty, latter a pioneer 1853, J. C. Little company). She was born 1834 in New Jersey. Their children: Jane b. 1856, m. Ezra Rappleye; Elmira b. June 25, 1857, m. John Styler; Wil- liam V. Jr. b. Feb. 8, 1860, m. Annie Rotherham; Lucinda Catherine b. 1861, m. Uriah Curtis; Elizabeth b. Feb. 19, 1863, m. William Broadfleld; Annie Eldona b. 1865, m. Uriah Hoyt; Fanny Vrena b. Aug. 24, 1866, m. Alfred Mikesell; Eleanor b. July 17, 1868, m. James Walton; Heber b. Sept. 17, 1871, m. Hattie Simmons. Family home Rockville, Utah. Married Victoria Ayers April 7. 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Caleb Ayers and Lucinda Haggerty), who was born Nov. 8, 1839, in New Jersey. Their children: George Ayers b. March 3, 1861, m. Emily Partridge; Agnes b. Feb. 11, 1863, m. William McLeod; Ira Adelbert b. Feb. 1868; Jo- seph V. b. Sept. 14, 1873, m. Amelia Jane Cahoon; Clara 6. Sept. 27, 1874, m. Frederick G. Warnick; Victoria b. Jan. 27, 1877, m. George M. Christensen; Albert C. b. Oct. 12, 1878, m. Helen Powell; Marzett b. Jan. 14, 1881, m. Joseph Wal- ton; Marion b. Jan. 14, 1881, m. Stella Damren; Lois b. April 25, 1883. m. James Ewing; William Alonzo b. May 16, 1886, m. Janet Bywater. Seventy in 18th quorum and president 21st quorum; high priest; presiding elder at Deseret 1877. Assisted in locating Manti and Spring City, being a pioneer to San Pete county. Contractor on D. & R. G. R. R. Veteran Walker and Black Hawk Indian wars. President Deseret Irrigation company; assisted in locating the dams and canals at Abraham, Hinck- ley, Deseret and Oasis. BLACK, JOSEPH S. (son of William Black and Jane John- ston). Born July 14, 1836, at Lisburn. Married Nancy Cynthia Allred Nov. 12. 1855, San Pete, Utah (daughter of Reuben Warren Allred and Lucy Ann Butler, pioneers 1849, Allen Taylor company). She was born Jan. 20. 1840, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Nancy Cynthia b. July 21, 1857. m. Andrew Peterson; Joseph S. Jr., b. Feb. 9, 1860, m. Ada Western Jan. 22, 1880; William Reuben b. Sept. 27, 1861, m. Mary Moody April 1884, d. April 18, 1889; m. Lucy Whicker April 14, 1890; George Warren b. May 7, 1864, m. Birdie Robinson Oct. 15, 1885; Thomas B.; Nephl A. b. April 22, 1868, m. Ada Rapplye Dec. 10, 1894; Dennis W. b. Sept. 4, 1870, m. Maggie Barney Dec. 16, 1896; Emma A. b. April 11, 1874, m. William Elder; Pearl Luella b. Feb. 19, 1877, m. Dana Gibbs Feb. 24, 1895- Ida Deseret b. July 28, 1880, m. Minor Aldrldge. Married Sarah Jane Barney Nov. 14, 1860. Their children: Sarah Jane; Emelia; Hannah; Charles Henry b. Feb. 27, 1871, m. Mable A. Warner Dec. 1, 1892; Clorlnda Louisa b. Sept. 18, 1873, m. William A. Pratt Sept. 23. 1891; Valentine; Parley Pratt b. Oct 7, 1877, m. Theresa E. Noll April 7, 1904; Ada R. b. Feb. 3, 1880, m. Benjamin Blake, Jr.. Oct. 1903; Joseph F. b. Nov. 16, 1883, m. Nellie Baysinger; Ca- melia Hortense b. Dec. 18, 18S7, d. Feb. 26, 1900. Married Caroline Thompson Feb. 14, 1861 (daughter of Peter P. and Dorothy Thompson, pioneers 1854). She was born October 24, 1843. Their children: Josephine b. March 12, 1863, m. Albert Petty Nov. 28, 1882; Daniel J. b. Oct. 5, 1865, m. Phoebe Amanda Henry Aug. 13, 1884; Dlantha b. April 19, 1867. m. Joseph Hansen July 3, 1S88; Hannah C. b. Feb. 22, 1869. d. Nov. 22, 1874; Peter T. b. April 15, 1871, m. Isabel Jane Bennett March 15, 1893; Courtenlah b. March 18, 1873, m. Colmore Cropper Oct. 24, 1894; Phoebe b. June 22, 1875, m. John W. Reid Oct. 24, 1894; Neils David b. Dec. 1, 1877, d. April 28, 1900; Dora Maud b. March 11, 1880, m. Ole Johnson Sept. 2, 1904; Lillian Louise b. Jan. 20, 1S83, m. Nets Peterson Nov. 21, 1900; Carrie Amanda b. March 1, 1885, m. Peter Jensen Sept. 9, 1908. Married Louisa Jane Stocks Feb. 13, 1883 (daughter of William and Mary Stocks of England). Their children: Sarah Eliza b. Nov. 3, 1885, m. Harvey Kemp May 14, 1893; Joseph Valentine b. Dec. 24, 1887; Louise Valeria b. April 3, 1889, m. Joseph Alva Young May 1, 1907; Flossie Bartell b. April 22. 1894; Wallace b. Nov. 2, 1890; Roland b. Jan. 27, 1893. Families resided Deseret, Utah. Seventy; high priest; counselor to Bishop C. G. Larsen; bishop Deseret ward many years. Major Sanpete militia; Spring City selectman. Died Aug. 13, 1910. BLACK, PETER THOMPSON (son of Joseph S. Black and Caroline Thompson). Born April 5, 1871, Kanosh, Utah. Married Isabella Jane Bennett March 15, 1893, Manti, Utah (daughter of Joshua Bennett, pioneer Oct. 29. 1862, William H. Dame company, and Isabella Jane Holt, pio- neer 1863). She was born Dec. 7, 1873, South Cottonwood, Utah. Their children: Lorin Winford b. April 17, 1894; d. Feb. 21, 1909; Averno Thompson b. April 12, 1896; Edith Lillas b. Jan. 29, 1898; Nels Clayton b. March 24, 1900; Harold J. b. June 23. 1902; Golden Holt b. Jan. 2, 1905; Lucian Paul b. July 18, 1909. Family home Deseret, Utah. First counselor to Bishop Joseph W. Datnron. Justice of peace of Deseret 1904; sheriff of Millard county. BLACK, WILLIAM V. (son of William V. Black and Almira Ayers). Born Feb. 8, 1860. Married Annie Rotterham. Their children: William V., Jr., b. Nov. 9, 1889; Charles b. 1891; Elmira; Elizabeth. BLACK, WILLIAM MORLEY (son of John Black and Mary Kline of Ohio). Born Feb. 11, 1826. Came to Utah July 24, 1849, oxteam company. Married Margaret Ruth Banks in Illinois (daughter of Nathaniel B. and Barbara Banks of Illinois), who was born Jan. 20, 1829, and came to Utah 1852, oxteam company. Their children: Martin Luther b. Feb. 16, 1848, m. Mary Caroline Lee Aug. 22, 1S68; m. Sarlah Pulsipher April 14, 1910; Martha Jane, m. George Gale; Mary Elizabeth, died; Olive and William, d. Infants; John M., m. Theresa Cox; m. Harriet Spencer; Isaac E., m. Nancy E. Allen; m. Elvina H. Olsen; George H., m. Sarah Minerva Washburn. Famuy resided in Illinois and Ephraim, Utah. Married Amy Jane Washburn 1850 at Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Abraham and Tamar Washburn of Manti, pioneers 1848, oxteam company). She was born July 28, 1832. Their children: Tamar Jane, m. John R. Young; Sarah Amelia, m. Lorenzo Zabriskie Young; William Grant, m. Lucretia Max- well; Benjamin D., m. Annie Porter; m. Susan Palmer; m. Annie Baldwin; Mary Ann and Eva, m. James Palmer; Charles T., m. Mary Stalworthy; Margaret, m. Samuel J. Rowley; Orson. Family home Orderville, Utah. Married Maria Hansen at Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Andrew and Abalone Hansen of Ephraim, pioneers 1856, oxteam company). Their children: Joseph A., Johanna Fisher; Rachel, m. Warner Porter; William, d. infant; Myrtle, m. James Palmer; Harriet, m. Willard Guyman; Mil- ler S m. Julia Sherman; David, m. Theda Kartchner; Morley, m. Nellie Porter; Abalone, m. Walter Porter. Fam- ily resided Ephraim, Beaver and Glendale, Utah. Married Linette Richardson. She was born 1830. Only child was Daniel, who died in infancy. Family home Eph- a Ma'rried Louisa Washburn at Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham and Clarinda Washburn of Ossinlng. N Y., pioneers 1848, oxteam company). Their children: William, d child; Catherine, d. Infant; Calista, m. Robert Peal: Par- ley P., m. Dorcas Everett; Clara, m. Willis M. Webb; Edward; Lorena; Ella; Jane. Family home Washington, Utah. 760 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Sarah Marinda Thompson Oct. 1874, Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary Bell, m. James Carroll; Amy Jane, m. Thomas Carroll; William, d. infant; Eliza Roxey, d. child. Family home Glendale, Utah. Member 81st quorum seventies; high priest; patriarch. Indian war veteran. Miller. BLACK, MARTIN LUTHER (son of William Morley Black and Margaret Ruth Banks). Born Feb. 16, 1848, in Illinois. Came to Utah 1S52, Capt. Wimmer company. Married Mary Caroline Lee Aug. 22, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Percival Lee and Eliza Foscue of Lin- coln county, Tenn., pioneers 1850, Shadrach Roundy com- pany). She was born Dec. 30, 1850. Their children: Mar- tin Louis b. July 11, 1869, and Ethel b. July 2, 1870, died; Victor Lee b. Jan. 29, 1873; Percy A. b. Nov. 17, 1874, m. Cora Jakeman; May b. May 15, 1876, m. Louis Keith; Edna b. March 3, 1878, m. Chris Neilson; Arthur b. May 11, 1880; Phillip b. Nov. 2, 1890. Family home Huntington, Utah. Married Sariah Eliza Pulsipher April 14, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Pulsipher and Sariah Robbins, pioneers 1S50). She was born March 22, 1863. President high priests' quorum at Huntington, Utah; ward teacher. Farmer and miller. BLACK, ISAAC E. (son of William M. Black and Marga- ret Ruth Banks). Born Dec. 29, 1857, Nephi, Utah. Married Nancy E. Allen Feb. 22, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Lewis Allen and Elizabeth Alexander of Washington county, Utah, pioneers 1862, oxtearn company). She was born Dec. 15, 1861. Their children: James Edwin b. March 11, 1880, m. Sarah Lavina Foote; Elizabeth b. Oct. 16, 1881, d. aged 13; Margaret b. April 11, 1884, m. William Edgar Cox; Allen b. Dec. 25, 1885, d. infant; Alvin b. Oct. 2, 1886, m. Sarah E. Cox; Clarence Andrew b. Jan. 10, 1890, m. Sarah Matilda Biddlecome; Elmer b. Sept. 25, 1893; May b. May 16, 1895; Rial b. Dec. 24, 1897; Nellie b. Aug. 22, 1899; Permelia b. Aug. 29, 1901. Family home Huntington, Utah. Married Elvina Hansina Olsen Oct. 10, 1885, at St. George (daughter of Christian Wilhelmj Olsen and Anne Johanna Ellerson of Sweden). She was born May 15, 1868. Their children: Martin Isaac b. Aug. 27, 1885, m. Laura Sherman; Leroy b. Jan. 26, 1888, m. Jeannett Wayman; William Henry b. Oct. 28, 1889, and Fannie b. Sept. 23, 1890, d. infants; Harvey b. Oct. 4, 1891, and Frank Afton b. April 10, 1894, d. in youth; Dora b. June 19, 1896, d. infant; Annie b. March 22, 1898; Glen b. Aug. 19, 1899, d. infant; Walter b. Dec. 24, 1900; Ward b. Aug. 6, 1902; Ellis b. Dec. 21, 1905; Rulon b. Feb. 26, 1907; Marie b. Oct. 25, 1911. Family home Huntington, Utah. Member 81st quorum seventies; high priest; missionary to Denver 1907; ward teacher. Miller and farmer. BLACK, ALVIN (son of Isaac E. Black and Nancy E. Allen). Born OCt. 2, 1887, Huntington, Utah. Married Sarah Elizabeth Cox April 25, 1907, Manti, Utah (daughter of Ellas Cox and Mary E. Sherman of Hunting- ton; pioneers Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born March 12, 1888. Their children: Claude Elias b. May 8, 1908; Vernon Alvin b. March 9, 1911. Family home Huntington. Elder. Farmer and miller. BLACKBURN, ELIAS HICKS (son of Thomas Blackburn and Elizabeth Bone of Bedford county, Pa.). Born Sept. 17, 1827, in Bedford county, Pa. Came to Utah in 1849, Milo Andrus company. Married Sarah Jane Goff, March 3, 1847, in Pottawattamie county, Iowa (daughter of James and Jane Goff of Iowa, who came to Utah in 1850). Their children: Ellas Platte b. July 22, 1849, m. Lena Busenbark; Sarah Jane b. Feb. 10, 1851, m. Frank Richards; Orson Hyde b. June 3, 1854, m. Hannah Gibbons; Thomas, b. July 18, 1858, m. Juliette Max- field; Anna Laura b. Aug. 29, 1863, d. Infant; James Elisha b. April 29, 1865, m. Delilah Emily Oyler, m. Ada Agnes Fil- more; Alice, b. Sept. 6, 1877, m. George A. Richardson. Married Nancy Phipps Lane, April 12, 1852, Salt Lake City, who was born July 16, 1833, in Illinois. Their children: William W. b. March 3, 1853, d. at birth; George Albert b. June 23, 1854; Bathsheba b. Sept. 14, 1855, m. C. A. Grundy; David Patten b. March 2, 1857; Mariah Ellen b. Aug. 26, 1858, m. Solomon Walker; Alma Jehu b. June 10, 1860; Lewis Henry b. June 23, 1S63, d. child; Mary D. b. Dec. 17, 1864, m. Joseph Fisher; Frank Adelbert b. Aug. 29, 1866, d. child; Emily b. Dec. 4, 1868, m. Monroe McClellan; Heber Charles b. Aug. 27, 1871, m. Nlobe Turnbow, m. Louisa Taylor; Lu- ella b. Aug. 16, 1872, m. Edward Goodwin; Parley Pratt b. March 9, 1874, m. Margaret M. Banzo. Married Elizabeth Hales April 9, 1855, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of John and Elizabeth Hales of California). She was born March 17, 1839, in Michigan. Their chil- dren: Brigham b. Jan. 30, 1856; Mary Elizabeth b. March 5, 1858; Harriet Eliza b. March 8, 1860. Family home Provo. Married Hannah Haws January 1857, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of John and Martha Haws of Illinois). She was born March 15, 1832, in Wayne county, 111. Their chil- dren: Martha Ann b. June 7, 1858, d. in maidenhood; John Ambrose b. July 7. 1864; Warren b. June 17, 1869; Oscar b. Oct. 2, 1871, d. a youth. Married Virtue Leah Crompton Jan. 30. 1862, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Steven Crompton and Ann Gladman of Norfolk, Eng.). She was born Dec. 21, 1844. Came to Utah in 1860. Their children. Harriet Elizabeth b. April 24, 1864, m. Charles P. Okerlund; Howard Florence b. Dec. 29, 1865, m. Florence Oyler; Eliza May b. Feb. 23, 1868, m. Wilford Pace; William b. Oct. 28, 1871, m. Emily Fordham; Minnie Lillie b. Nov. 4, 1873, m. George McClellan; Ezra b. Aug 26 1875, d. at birth; Seth Hicks b. Oct. 18, 1876, m. Millie Ne- beker; Joseph C. b. Jan. 29, 1879, m. Mabel Halliday Nellie b. March 16, 1880, d. at birth; Danial Steven b. Oct. 23, 1880 m. Eva Edwards. Families resided at Minersville, Provo and Loa, Utah. Missionary to England; first bishop of Provo 1849-1858; bishop of Loa 1880-1889. Pioneer of Provo, Minersville and Loa. Farmer and pioneer doctor. Died April 6, 1908, at Loa. BLACKBURN, JAMES ELISHA (son of Elias Hicks Black- burn and Sarah Jane Goff). Born April 29, 1865, at Miners- ville. Married Delilah Emily Oyler Feb. 28, 1890, at Loa (daugh- ter of Ammon Oyler and Delilah Snyder of Virginia. Came to Utah in 1871). She was born Nov. 17, 1873. Their chil- dren: Clara May b. June 5, 1891; Ralph b. Feb. 7, 1893; Alma Lester b. April 11, 1896; Melvin Oyler b. Feb. 18, 1904. Married Ada Agnes Fillmore Jan. 18, 1905, at Manti, Utah (daughter of Norman Fillmore and Eleanor Searle), who was born Dec. 26, 1881. Their children: Ronald Eli- sha b. June 27, 1907; Morris b. Oct. 12, 1910. Family home Richfield, Utah. Member 36th quorum seventies. Farmer. BLACKBURN, JEHU (son of Thomas Blackburn and Eliza- beth Bone). Born in Bedford county, Pa. Came to Utah 1847, Capt. Nebeker company. Married Julia Ann Jameson about 1846, Winter Quarters, Neb. (daughter of Charles Jameson and Mary Shadrick of Pennsylvania, pioneers 1847, Mormon battalion and Capt. Brown company). Their children: Jehu, Jr., b. March 26. 1848, m. Catherine Rebecca Foy, m. Margarett Evelyn Wool- sey; Julia Ann b. Feb. 1, 1850, m. Mathoni L. Burns; Eph- raim, died. Married Susan Jameson at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Jameson and Mary Shadrick). Their children: Ma- nassa, died; Clifton, m. Isabel Stoddard; Anthony, m. Mary Ellen Stoddard; Thaddeus, m. Maraby Stoddard; Alonzo, m. Jane Stoddard; Madora, m. John Ramsey; Byron, m. Ida Max- field; Melissa, m. Albert Stoddard; Scott, m. Minnie Pose. High priest. Died at Nephi, Utah. BLACKBURN, JEHU, Jr. (son of Jehu Blackburn and Julia Ann Jameson). Born March 26, 1848, Salt Lake City. Married Catherine Rebecca Foy Nov. 4, 1866, Minersville, Utah (daughter of Thomas B. Foy and Catherine Fink, pioneers of Washington county). She was born March 28, 1848. Their children: Jehu Thomas, m. Alice Pierce; Ephraim, m. Alice Taylor; Frederick, m. Miss Roberts; Catherine Julia, m. William Ladell; Manassa, m. Angeline Taylor; Nellie, m. Henry Robison; William Sheridan, died; Charles Theodore; Adolphus and Theron, died; Leslie. Married Margarett Evelyn Woolsey at Rabbit Valley, Utah (daughter of Hyrum Woolsey and Lucinda Jameson of Mil- lard county, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young com- pany). She was born July 25, 1864. Their children: Lu- cinda Hemmelwright, m. Clifton McClutchy; Joseph m. Mil- lie Bishop; Arthur G. Newberry, m. Hannah Anderson; Dan F. Newberry, m. Katie Morrill. Elder. Made a trip across the plains for merchandise. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. BLAIR, HARRISON (son of Michael Blair, born 1795, in Kentucky, and Jane Blair of Adams county, 111.). He was born May 19, 1819, in Adams county, 111. Came to Utah in 1857 with a party of those who were called in to antici- pate arrival of Johnston's army. Married Mary Ann McNutt in Adams county (daughter of James McNutt of Kentucky and Elizabeth McNutt of Vir- ginia). She was born Aug. 7, 1833, and died Feb. 2, 1897. Their children: Priscilla Jane, m. Hyrum Bennett North; William Oliver, m. Elizabeth McGhea; Elizabeth, m. Siney Lewis; Michael Harrison, m. Sarah Friar; Mary Allen, m. Victor Reynolds; Ellen, m. Job Baker; Samuel McNutt; George Cannon; Lucy Ann, m. Charles Christensen; David Brlnton; Warren Montgomery; John James. Family home Holliday (North Cottonwood), Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Came from California at the call of Brigham Young to help build up Salt Lake county and vicinity. Farmer. Died Dec. 28, 1888. BLAIR, SETH MILLISTGTON (son of James Blair and Cath- erine Jordan, the latter of Tennessee). Born March 15, 1819, Rails county, Mo. Came to Utah 1850, independent company. Married Cornelia Jane Espy Dec. 7, 1837, in Tennessee. Their children: Preston; Ellen, m. Edwin Ellsworth; Seth, died. Married Sarah Maria East Nov. 15. 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edwin W. East and Willmirth Greer of Salt Lake, pioneers 1853, Seth Millington Blair company). She was born Dec. 31, 1840 and died July 3, 1890. Their chil- dren: Lehl, died; Mary, m. Logan Gilbert Holdaway; Wal- lace and Nancy died; Willmirth, m. J. C. White. Family homes Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah. Died March 17, 1875, Logan, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH BLAKE, BENJAMIN FREDERICK (son of Isaac Blake) Born March 12. 1815, in England. Came to Utah 1852 Married Harriett Hollis 1841 in England, who was born Dec. 11, 1820, and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: Mariah, died; Frederick, m. Sarah Hardy, Emily and Mary ; Caroline, m. Warren Hardy; Edward died- Elizabeth, m. Henry Riding; Emma, m. John Carter; George, died; Benjamin, m. Elizabeth Blake; Jane, m. Eugene Elisha Branch; Harriett, m. Nels Sandberge; Anna Eliza, Henry and Isaac, died. High priest. Furniture and cabinet maker. Died March 9, 1883. BLAKE, THOMAS (son of John Blake and Sarah Piper of South Jordan, Utah). Born May 9, 1859, Bridgeport, Dor- setshire, Eng. Came to Utah June 14, 1876, John Woodhouse company. Married Bettie Platt Sept. 9, 1880, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Platt and Betty Butterworth of Royton, Lan- cashire, Eng:., who came to Utah June 10, 1881, Joseph R. Matthews company). She was born Feb. 20, 1858. Their children: Thomas William b. June 8, 1882; Herbert John b. April 10, 1885; Alice b. Feb. 2, 1887; Amy Floretta b. May 20, 1889; James Platt b. June 6, 1891; Mildred b. Dec. 28, 1895; Bettie Hannah b. June 9, 1898. Family home South Jordan, Utah. One of seven presidents of 96th quorum seventies; mis- sionary to England 1897-99; high priest; bishop South Jor- dan ward July 8, 1900, until his death. Engaged in sheep business at South Jordan and farmer. Died Aug. 7, 1911, South Jordan. BLAKE, WILLIAM (son of William Blake, born Jan. 1806, and Sarah Barrow, born March 1818, at North Molton, Devonshire, Eng.). He was born Aug. 4, 1848. at North Molton, Eng Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1864, William Hyde company. Married Mary Lake Oct. 2, 1871 (daughter of William Lake and Emma Court, of Devonshire, Eng., pioneers Sept. 25, 1866, John D. Holladay company). She was born Jan. 6, I860. Their children: David John b. Sept. 10, 1872, m. Alice Thuesen Jan. 5, 1901; William James b. March 6, 1874, m. Magdelina Andersen Feb. 1899; Sarah Emily b. April 29, 1876, m. William A. Moody June 1899; Isaac Brigham b. April 14, 1877, m. Ella Andersen Oct. 1905; Joseph Lake b. March 9, 1879, m. Vernie Rooker; Mary Jane b. Jan. 11, 1881, m. John Nordstrum; Annie Lake b. Jan. 4, 1884, m. Edward F. Carter May 6, 1903; Samuel Henry b. Oct. 12, 1885, m. Annie Bevan May 1910; James Theophilus b. March 18, 1887, m. Emma Bunnel Dec. 4, 1912; Benjamin b. June 24, 1890; Catherine Ruth b. June 10, 1892; Horace Charles b. Nov. 15, 1894. Family resided Center ward, Wasatch county, Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1866-68; high priest; bishop's counselor 1883-93; bishop Center ward, Wasatch stake 1894-98. Moved to Utah county 1898 where he was justice of peace four terms at Vineyard. Went on mission to England Jan. 8, 1913. BLANCHARD, ASEPH (son of John Blanchard). Born Oct. 3, 1800, Buffalo, N. T. Came to Utah 1852. Married Junietta Leonard. Married Eunice Elizabeth Thompson, Detroit, Mich, (daughter of Thomas Thompson and Charlotte Rice, pioneers 1852, Isaac Bullock company). She was born Jan. 2, 1824, Detroit, Mich. Their children: Alma Moroni b. April B, 1842. m. Emma Bocock; Jane Elizabeth b. Jan. 22, 1845, m. Simeon Alvord; Ether Enoch b. Aug. 16, 1847, m. Silvia Goff; Junietta Charlotte b. April 2, 1850, m. Calvin Van Luvin; Rozella Francena b. Jan. 14, 1865, m. Arba Lamson. Family home Springville, Utah. High priest. Veteran Black Hawk war. BLANCHARD, ALMA MORONI (son of Aseph Blanchard and Eunice Elizabeth Thompson). Born April 5, 1842. Married Emma Bocock at Salt Lake City, who was born June 23, 1843, in Sheffield, Eng. Their children: Medora, m. C. A. Hickenlooper; Alma Moroni, Jr.. m. Hattie L. Smith; Sarah E., m. Francis Ferrin; Byron, m, Annie McLain. Family home Springville, Utah. BLANCHARD, ALMA MORONI, JR. (son of Alma Moroni Blanchard and Emma Bocock). He was born Oct. 15. 1869. Married Hattie L. Smith (daughter of Henry Smith and Lydia Kershaw). Their children: Arlo Merle; Henry D.; Delbert A.; Floyd I.; William A.; Virgil A.; Stella N. Family home Chester, Idaho. Farmer and stockraiser. BLASER, FREDRICK (son of Ulrich Blaser and Anna Barbara Mueller of Treub, Canton Bern, Switzerland). Born June 5, 1839, Kunglirch, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah May 13, 1883, by rail. Married Elizabeth Lerch, who was born Nov. 10, 1841, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Edward b. Sept. 10, 1869, m. Lucina Scott July 12, 1898; Elizabeth b. Aug. 30, 1870, m. Alfred Dorney June 7, 1893; Augustus Fredrick b. Oct. 6, 1871, m. Minnie C. John Aug. 10, 1898; Mary b. June 6, 1873, m. Claude Follick Dec. 7, 1891; John Arnold b. Nov. 22, 1874, m. Anna Sommers Sept. 25, 1903; 761 R TH b V Au &- 22 - 187 6. m. Addle McClellan June 6, % a A A ,? rU " 188 - m ' Martin Ahlstrom Sept ! 1906 ' 1885 ' m ' Geor e Williams Sept. nJ?v rr L C u* A 5 na ^ Rol i ner 1893 ' who was born Nov. 17, 1857. Only child: Freeda b. April 12, 1899. Teacher and elder. BLASER, AUGUSTUS FREDRICK (son of Fredrick Blaser, Married Minnie C. John Aug. 10. 1898. Bannock county, nfV iafo^ er c f Charles John and Elizabeth Williams. pioneers 1862). She was born June 7, 1880, West Portage iii , Their children: Fredrick Warren b. April 30 1899; ^n"i n ^J r , ma b ' May 20> 1900; Rol >ert Augustus b. July 20, 1901; Thelma Juanita b. Aug. 18, 1903; Gladys Elizabeth b. n */> io : Dora Mabel b. June 29, 1908; Irwin Ralph b. Oc^ 28, 1909. Family home Dempsey, Idaho. ,, H ^ lgr P riest : 1st counselor and successor to Bishop W McClellan of Dempsey ward, Pocatello stake. BLISS, NORMAN INGLES (son of Jesse Bliss and Fanny Tuttle, of Hartwick, Otsego county, N. Y.). Born Aug 19 1819. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company Married Mary Eliza Cole. Their children: Orley DeWight b. 1840, m. Harriet Lee. Family resided Salt Lake City and Dixie, Utah. Married Betsy Bird. Their children: Mary Ann, m. Thomas Stapley. Married Sariah Lewis. Their children: Wilford Norman; Lucy; Almeda; Eliza; Frank. Married Lydia Stout April 30. 1871 (daughter of Allen Joseph Stout and Amanda Melvina Fisk). Their children- Fanny Melvina b. June 15, 1873, m. John R. Terry March 20, 1889; Norman Ingles Jr. b. Jan. 24, 1875. m. Mary Elizabeth Morris Oct. 31, 1895; Lily Cecelia b Aug 26 1877, m. Ozro DeMill Dec. 26, 1893; Sanford b. Nov. 10 1879' died; Alfred Fisk b. Dec. 15, 1882, m. Mattie Cropper Jan. 1905. Teamster for President Young while crossing the plains- pioneer to Dixie 1860. BLISS, NORMAN INGLES, JR. (son of Norman Ingles Bliss and Lydia Stout). Born Jan. 24, 1875, Toquerville Utah Married Mary Elizabeth Morris Oct. 31, 1895 Rockville Utah (daughter of Daniel M. Morris and Sophia Russell)' who was born June 16, 1887. Their children: Clarence b Oct. 25, 1896; Clark Len b. May 31, 1898; Orin V b Feb 25, 1901; Maitland b. Jan. 1, 1903; Earl Morris b. Nov. 6,' Married Harriet Theobald April 1, 1908. Salt Lake City (daughter of George Theobald and Naomi Tanner of Beaver Utah). She was born March 30, 1887. Washington county' Utah. Their children: Norman Stanley b. Jan. 31 1909- Mary Zelma b. Jan. 19, 1911. BLUNCK, HENRY C. (son of Christian Blunck, born Dec. 26. 1851, and Margaretha Schluter. born Dec. 25, 1848, both of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany). He was born Aug. 25, 1877. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1891, Theodore Bradley company. Married Hedwig Staub Oct. 2, 1903 (daughter of Wilhelm and Sophia Staub, married 1887, Solothurn, Switzerland; came to Utah 1893). She was born March 9. 1888. President Herbert independent branch of Fremont stake. Director of Fremont fair association 1910. His father, Christian Blunck, presided over the branch at Kiel, Germany, for many years, and is at present gathering genealogies and preaching the gospel in his native land. BOARDMAN, ROBERT (son of Robert Boardman and Eliza- beth Machin, of Gosberton, Risegrate, Lincolnshire, Eng.). He was born March 27, 1822, at Gosberton. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1866, Samuel D. White company. Married Mary Green June 18. 1844, at Gosberton (daugh- ter of Thomas Green and Jane Hill, of that place). She was born Dec. 21, 1816. Their children: Fanny, m. Enoch Richens; Robert, m. Elizabeth Ann Strong; Thomas; Hyrum, Alvin Joseph, and Jane Elizabeth, died. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest: president Staveley (Eng.) branch. Farmer. Died Jan. 9, 1911. BOARDMAN, ROBERT, JR. (son of Robert Boardman and Mary Green). Born May 22, 1846, Kirton, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Elizabeth Ann Strong June 13, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Strong and Agnes Miller, of Kendal, Westmoreland, Eng., pioneers Oct. 24. 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born July 9, 1849. Their children: Elizabeth Agnes b. Nov. 9. 1868, m. Heber Duke; Robert Miles b. May 6, 1871, m. Sarah F. McKinney; Mary Jane b. Jan. 3, 1875, m. Joseph O. Ward; Hyrum Alvin b. May 15, 1877, m. Mary Emma Halliday; Emma Alice b. Nov. 24, 1879, m. Edward Lowe; Bertha Oily b. Aug. 13, 1882, m. Martin Strebel; John William b. June 16, 1885, m. Josie Cluff; Telia G. b. Nov. 24, 1887, m. Ronda Simmons; Lester b. Feb. 11, 1890, died. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. Assisted In hauling stone for the Salt Lake temple 1867. Black Hawk war veteran. Sent to North Platte for immigrants in John G. Holman company 1868. Farmer and fruitgrower. 762 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH BODELI/, JOSEPH, (son of Henry Bodell, and Jane Elsey, of Nottingham, Ens., former was born Jan. 25, 1816, Breas- ton, Derbyshire, Eng., and died on the plains while on his way to Utah). He was born June 12, 1840, at Breaston. Came to Utah June 21, 1858. Married Carrie Marie Jorgensen 1861, Salt Lake City, who was born May 23, 1844, Denmark, and died April 4. 1862, at Salt Lake City. Only child: Carrie Marie b. Feb. 28, 1862, d. Sept. 2, 1862. Married Emma jane Farmer at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Farmer and Sarah Trussler, former a pioneer 1856, latter died at Steyning, Sussex, Eng., 1851). She was born July 26, 1843. Their children: Joseph Samuel Henry b. Aug. 23, 1863, m. Sarah L. Howard Oct. 3, 1888; Sarah Jane b. Aug. 27, 1865, d. May 26, 1866; James Fredrick b. July 26, 1866, d. Sept. 19, 1867; Emma Jane b. Nov. 9, 1867, m. J. R. Freeman Feb. 14, 1884; John Trussler b. March 15, 1869, m. Eliza Freeman Sept. 10. 1890, Elizabeth Eliza b. Nov. 14, 1870, m. Daniel Densley March 9, 1888; William Almon b. July 28, 1872, m. Francis R. Tempest Jan. 12, 1899; Agnes Fannie b. July 17, 1874, m. Joseph H. Crump Nov. 20, 1895; Martha Mary Sirinda b. Dec. 23, 1875, m. W. A. Crane Jan. 17, 1897. Family resided Salt Lake City and Herriman, Utah. Member 20th quorum seventies at Salt Lake City 1861. Choir leader at Herriman prior to 1876. Butcher; farmer. Died Aug. 19, 1876. BODELL, JOSEPH SAMUEL HENRY (son of Joseph Bodell and Emma Jane Farmer). Born Aug. 23, 1863, Herriman, Utah. Married Sarah L. Howard Oct. 3, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Samuel L. Howard and Sarah J. Hamilton, of Mill Creek, Utah). She was born Jan. 16, 1870. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Oct. 1, 1889, m. John Slagowskl Oct. 20, 1909; Joseph Samuel b. April 6, 1892; Emma Virginia b. Sept. 14, 1893; Mary Myrtle b. July 13. 1895; Marriner Lorenzo b. April 10, 1897, d. May 27, 1903; Eliza Erma b. June 27, 1899; John William b. Dec. 11, 1900; Mildred an'd Milton b. March 3, 1903; James Alexander b. Dec. 6, 1904; Jesse Moroni b. Oct. 20, 1906, d. Oct. 30, 1906; Elizabeth Fern b. Oct. 21, 1907; Editha Farrel Louvina b. Jan. 14, 1911. Family home Herriman, Utah. Missionary to England Oct. 1884 to Nov. 1886; superin- tendent Sunday schools and 2nd counselor to Bishops James S. Crane and Thomas Butterfleld, Herriman ward; president Y. M. M. I. A.; choir leader. School trustee; juvenile proba- tion officer. Merchant and farmer. BOGGS, FRANCIS. Born May 17, 1809, in Belmont county, Ohio. Came to Utah 1847. Married Eveline Martin, who was born March 23, 1816, Tyler county, West Virginia. Their children: Mary b. April 12, 1843, m. Stephen Chadwick Perry; Eveline; Hyrum; Phoebe Jane; Nancy Orpha. Family home Washington, Utah. Seventy. Carpenter. Died Jan. 22, 1889. BOND, JESSE (son of James Bond and Sarah Card, of Hunt- ingford, Gloucestershire, Eng.) He was born Feb. 27, 1832, Huntingford, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 13, 1855, Isaac Allred company. Married Sarah Adams Sept. 24, 1861, Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of Samuel and Bessie Adams, of Staffordshire, who came to Utah 1861). She was born May 12, 1843. Their children: William J.; Jane; Franklin, died; Joseph T.; Dora; Minnie; Gertrude; Elzina, died; Lacy. Family home Heber City, Utah. Went to the Missouri river for immigrants in 1861; on the return trip was appointed captain of ten wagons. Crossed the plains five times with oxteam; has rung the curfew bell for 23 years. High priest. Town official of Heber. Farmer. BONNER, GEORGE (son of George Bonner). Born Jan. 18, 1820, in Ireland. Came to Utah 1857. Married Margerette Edmiston in Scotland, who was born May 1, 1830, and came to Utah 1858. Their children: Christ- ina, m. Albert Gallatin McCurdy; George, m. Phoebe Alex- ander; William, m. Eliza Brunson; Robert; Margaret, m. Stephen Shelton; Annie, m. Jesse Nelson; Dessie, m. Alva Alexander; Mary Jane, m. Tipton Epperson; Thomas, m. Ada Alexander. BONNER, JAMES EVERET (son of Patrick Everet Bonner and Mary Mahoney of Alexander, Fairfax county, Va). He was born April 2, 1823, Douglas, Isle of Man, Eng. Came to Utah 1868. Married Susan H. Besley Jan. 1859, Alexander, Va. (daughter of Joseph F. Besley of North Carolina, who came to Utah 1870). She was born August, 1821. Their children: Harriet E., m. James Scott; Harry H., d. aged 22. Family home Alexander, Va. Married Annie Lisle June 1869, Salt Lake City, Bishop Laurence Scanlan officiating (daughter of Joseph Lisle and Martha Marthey of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1861). She was born 1845. Their children: Asie M. b. 1875; Hellerd E., m. Mary F. Scott. Physician; landscape gardener. BONNETT, JOHN JAMES (son of John Peter Bonnett and Marietta Malan of Piedmont, Turin, Angrogne, Italy). Born Nov. 25, 1835, at Angrogne, Italy. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Ann Hughes June 1860, Provo, Utah (daughter of David Hughes and Ann Phillips), who was born March 12, 1840. Their children: David James, m. Fannie Amelia Cluff: Clement, m. Mary Fawcett; John, m. Delia Fitzgerald; Ellis, m. Geneva Craft; Celia, m. William Flemming, m. Isaac McEwan; George, m. Hattie Laycock; Evelin; May, m. Au- gustif Hoffman. Family resided Ogden and Provo, Utah. Helped build canals in vicinities of Ogden and Provo. Farmer. BONNETT, DAVID JAMES (son of John James Bonnett and Ann Hughes). Born May 14, 1863, Provo, Utah. Married Fannie Amelia Cluff Sept. 3, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Samuel Samson Cluff and Francis Amelia Worsley, of Lancashire, Eng., later of Ohio, U. S. A.). She was born March 21, 1865. Their children: Vivien b. June 2. 1889; Murry David b. Jan. 14, 1891; Earl C. and Muriel C. b. Jan. 10, 1893; Harvey Glenn b. Nov. 3, 1897; Aileen b. Nov. 28, 1905. Family home Pleasant View Ward, Provo, Utah. In charge of grounds of Telluride Power company. Farmer; gardener. BOOTH, HIRAM EVANS (son of Joseph Booth and Caroline Bishop of Postville, Iowa). Born Oct. 25, 1860, at Postville. Came to Utah Dec. 8, 1888. Married Lillian B. Redhead May 29, 1889, Postville, Iowa (daughter of George Redhead and Anna Howard). United States district attorney. Senior member of law firm, Booth, Lee, Badger, Rich and Parke. Treasurer (daily) Herald-Republican Publishing company. BOOTH, MORRIS ARTEMUS (son of Willis Henry Booth and Susannah Pierce). Born Feb. 26, 1872. Married Jennie Alvord Oct. 14. 1899. Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin T. Alvord and Malinda Crocket), who was born Feb. 26, 1872. Their children: Morris Alvord b. March 12, 1901; Dorris May B. b. May 16, 1904; Muriel Loue b. Dec. 31, 1908. Engaged in the mercantile business, being connected with the Booth & Pierce Mercantile Company; engaged in the hotel business at Brigham City. BOND, STEPHEN (son of James Bond and Sarah Card). Born Aug. 20, 1829, Road Somersetshire, Eng.). Came to Utah 1857. Married Sarah Clark 1860 at Lehi, Utah (daughter of Thomas Clark and Elizabeth Boulton of Gloucester, Eng.), who was born Dec. 8, 1836. Their children: Stephen, m. Emily Siddoway; William, m. Alice Taylor; Sarah Elizabeth, m. John W. Crook; Alfred Thomas, m. Leila Clift; John, m. Mary Jeffs; Emily, m. John Heber Murdock. Family home Heber, Utah. Elder; secretary 20th quorum seventies. Cabinet-maker. . Died Dec. 28, 1875, Heber City, Utah. BOND, WILLIAM. Born Feb. 17, 1817, near Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah amidst the storm of Dec. 10-16, 1856, William B. Hodgett company, being assisted into the valley by relief trains sent to rescue. Married Mary Ann Barker 1837. Their children: six boys and six girls, one of whom, Mary Jane b. Jan. 15, 1850, m. Micah Francis Harris Jan. 15, 1868. Family home Fall River, Mass.. Provo, Salt Lake City and Henefer, Utah. Farmer. Died May 24, 1898. Henefer, Utah. BOOTH, RICHARD THORNTON (son of James Booth and Jane Pilkinton). Born Aug. 21, 1822, Turton, near Bolton, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Mar- tin company. Married Elsie Edge Aug. 21, 1846, Bedford Leigh, Lanca- shire, Eng. (daughter of John Edge and Sarah Davis). Their children: John Edge; James Davis; Martha Hannah; Sarah Jane; Robert Ebenezer; Margaret Alice; Richard Thornton; Alfred Lewis; Joseph Wilford; Mary May. Family home Alpine, Utah; died there May 28, 1888. BOOTH, JOHN EDGE (son of Richard Thornton Booth and Elsie Edge). Born June 29, 1847, Bradshaw Gate, Bedford Leigh, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah when 10 years of age. Married Maria Josephine Harvey Oct. 1. 1873 (daughter of Lewis and Lucinda Harvey), who died Oct. 1, 1884. Their children: Josephine Diantha, m. Dr. J. Lloyd Woodruff; Vi- enna Hortense, m. Earnest Kimball; Hannah Rowena, m. Raymond Ray; Richard Harvey, m. Cordelia Darius. Married Hannah Billings April 1876 (daughter of George P. and Edith Billings), who died May 23, 1881, leaving no children. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 763 Married Delia Ina Winters June 22, 1887 (daughter of Oscar F. and Mary Ann Winters, pioneers 1852). Their children: James Milton, m. Cora Lewis; Delilah Maria; Elsie Vernessa; Edwin Winters. Judge fourth judicial court of Utah since 1899. BOOTH, RICHARD T., JR. (son of Richard T. Booth and Elsie Edge of Lancashire, Eng.). Born Jan. 6, 1862, Alpine, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ward June 16, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Richard Ward and Alice Davis of Rock Springs, Wyo., who came to Utah 1880). Their children: Leslie Elmer, died; Elizabeth, m. Jerome Beck. Family home Alpine, Utah. Died while on mission Nov. 23, 1887, Kansas City, Mo. Farmer. BOOTH, ALFRED LEWIS (son of Richard Thornton Booth and Elsie Edge). Born June 17, 1864, Alpine, Utah. Married May Ashworth April 12, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Booth Ashworth of Lancashire, Eng., and Elizabeth Shepherd of San Bernardino, Cal.). She was born Sept. 28, 1874, Beaver, Utah. Their children; Editha b. March 12, 1903; Leona b. Oct. 25, 1905; Herbert and William, d. infants. Family home Provo, Utah. Instructor mathematical department Brigham Toung uni- versity 1887-91. Assistant stake Sunday school superin- tendent 1892-1900; missionary to England 1894-96; president 45th quorum seventies 1900; counselor to Bishops Joseph B. Keeler, Moroni Snow and Edward D. Partridge, 4th ward, Provo, 1900-07, and set apart bishop of that ward Jan. 13, 1907. Justice of peace 1896-98. Member Provo board of edu- cation 1898-1902. City attorney 1902-04; city councilman 1904-08 membe state senate 1911-14. BOOTHE, HENRY ^Bon of Lewis Boothe and Charlotta Windham, of Virginia). Born Sept. 26, 1802, Edgecombe county, N. C. Came to Utah 1861, Capt. Smith company. Married Susannah Lyster July 4, 1826, in Alabama (daugh- ter of Nathaniel Lyster and Stacy Henley, of Jones county, N. C.). She was born Oct. 4, 1800. Their children: John A. b. Aug. 19, 1831, m. Lydia Ann Sherman Feb. 29, 1864; Lewis N. b. Dec. 3, 1832, m. Mary J. Rees Feb. 26, 1860; Willis H. b. Feb. 3, 1834, m. Susannah Neff Pierce; Emily C. b. Oct. 12, 3836, m. Benjamin Murphy; Darius D. b. Dec. 24, 1838, m. Adelaide Anderson; Amanda C. b. Dec. 29, 1840, m. G. W. Hawkins Aug. 7, 1859; Martha b. May 1, 1843, m. E. Carson. Married Caroline Anderson who was born Feb. 22, 1814, in Sweden. BOOTHE, LEWIS NATHANIEL (son of Henry Boothe and Susannah Lyster). Born Dec. 3, 1832, Wilcox county, Ala. Married Mary Jane Rees Feb. 26, 1860, Brigham City, Utah (daughter of John D. Rees and Mary Morgan, of Car- diff, Wales, pioneer 1852). She was born May 24, 1844, and died Jan. 16, 1879. Their children: Lenora b. Dec. 24, 1860, m. R. L. Bybee June 30, 1881; Arvilla S. b. Sept. 19, 1862, m. Casey P. Bowen July 25, 1879; Lewis H. b. Aug. 14, 1864, d. Sept. 12, 1876; Permilla b. Nov. 21, 1866, m. G. T. Rogers Aug. 6, 1882; John M. b. Feb. 24, 1869, m. Emily Orme Dec. 22. 1886; Vilate b. Dec. 13, 1871, m. Fred Summerhill June 1891; Geneva b. Feb. 11, 1873, d. Sept. 22, 1884; Eva b. April 1875, m. Alonzo Johnson Oct. 9, 1895; Lillian b. March 27, 1877, m. Alma Hunsaker Aug. 15, 1907; Fredrick E. b. Jan. 16, 1879, d. July E, 1879. Family home Honeyville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Hunsaker April 26, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Hunsaker and Eliza Collins, who was born Nov. 17, 1837, in Illinois. Only child: Rose May b. March 9, 1881, m. John Wheatley March 1, 1900. Settled at Brigham City; moved to Honeyville 1875. Mis- sionary to Southern states Nov. 13, 1877 to March 22, 1878; 1st counselor to Bishop Thomas Wheatley, second counselor to Bishop Hunsaker Sept. 9, 1877, to Jan. 3, 1889. Enlisted in standing army 1858, and acted as Indian interpreter and guide under Col. Lyons, U. S. A., in expedition against In- dians 1859. Freighter of the early days. BOOTHE, WILLIS HENRY (son of Henry Boothe and Su- sannah Lyster). Born Feb. 3, 1834. Married Susannah Neff Pierce March, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Neff Pierce, pioneer 1847). She was born 1833 and died 1910. Their children: Willis H. b. 1864, m. Sa- rah Rich; Amanda b. 1862, m. Evan Morgan; Olive b. 1866, m. William Johnson; John N. b. 1868, m. Telle Wilds; Frank B. b. 1870, m. Jens Stork; M. A. b. 1872, m. Jennie Alvord. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. BOREN, COL.EMAN. Came to Utah 1851, oxteam company. Married Malinda Keller. Their children: William Jasper, m. Lucina Mecham; Joseph, m. Martha Clinger; Susan, m. John Jones; Minerva, m. Peter Wentz; Lorana, m. Charles Gray, m. Amasa Mecham; Coleman Briant, m. Nancy Jane Riggs; Nathan Alma, died; Ephraim, m. Lizzie McAffee. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Flora Hughes. Their children: Josephine; Henry; Albert; Manassa. Farmer. Died at Provo, Utah. BOREN, WILLIAM JASPER (son of Coleman Boren and Malinda Keller). Born at Peoria, 111. Came to Utah 1851, with parents. Married Lucina Mecham July 4, 1859, Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of Moses Mecham and Elvira Derby, pioneers 1850, ox- team company). She was born March 12, 1841. Their chll- ?,r e ?, : o * i am o jasper ' Jr " b - A P ril !! 186 . m - Temperance Wall Sept. 6, 1883; Samuel b. May 8, 1861, m. Abigail Lamb; Lucina Izora, m. Austin Glenn; Malinda Elvira, d. infant- Moses M., m. Jane Lamb; Lorana, m. James Wall; Annie M., m. Don L. Bigelow; Alma L., died; Ida Viola, m. George Fay- ette Mecham; Clinton C., m. Polly Mecham; Sarah M., m Ornero C. Merrotti; Wilford Wells, m. Emma Holmberg- Polly May, m. Arthur Snow. Family home Wallsburg' Utah. Seventy, and counselor to Bishop William M. Wall Walls- burg ward. Road supervisor; watermaster. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer and shinglemaker. Died May BOREN, WILLIAM JASPER (son of William Jasper Boren and Lucina Mecham). Born April 11, 1860, Provo Utah Married Temperance Wall Sept. 6, 1883. at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Madison Wall and Elizabeth Penrod of Illinois). She was born Oct. 8, 1865. Their children-' Malinda b. Sept. 19, 1884, m. Alfred Ford, Jr.; William b Oct. 30, 1886, m. Elva Lamb; Archie b. May 28, 1889 m' Myrtle Daybell; Maud b. July 8, 1892; Ray b. Oct. 9, 1894- Ellis b. Sept. 9, 1896; Polly May b. Aug. 7, 1899; Ethel b July 5, 1901; Eldwin b. May 30, 1904; Areva b. Aug. 3, 1908 Family home Wallsburg. Missionary to North Carolina 1901-03; high priest; 2d, and later 1st counselor to Bishop George P. Garff of Wallsburg ward. Constable; road supervisor; deputy road commis- sioner. Sunday school superintendent. Public school trus- tee 15 years. Second counselor to president of T. M. M. I. A. Farmer and stockraiser BORG, PETER HANSON. He was born March 16, 1805, Sleminge-Scona, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, William B. Preston company. Married Ingre Jensen 1828, Anderslof, Scona, Sweden (daughter of Jens Jensen), who was born Sept. 12, 1812. Their children: Hanse b. Sept. 14, 1831, m. Carna L. Jepson; Lars Peter b. Sept. 3, 1833, m. Marie Christensen; Kama b. March 25, 1836, m. H. C. Hansen; Svend b. July 27, 1838, m. Eva Christina Alff; Hannah b. Sept. 9, 1840, m. Hans Eliason Mortensen; Rasmus b. Dec. 25, 1842, m. Anette Cecilia Niel- son; Cathrin b. Sept. 14, 1844, d. Sept. 13, 1857; Ole Peter b. Oct. 19, 1847, m. Brighamina Malvina Nielsen; Ingre b. Nov. 2, 1849, d. June 3, 1857; Jense b. Sept. 26, 1852, m. Sarah Marie Jorgensen. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High priest. Harness maker. Died April 12, 1875, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. BORG, OLE PETER (son of Peter Hanson Borg and Ingre Jensen). Born Oct. 19, 1847, Scona, Sweden. Married Brighamina Malvina Nielsen May 24, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans T. Nielsen and Nicollna Ras- mina Espasen, of Denmark, pioneers Oct. 22, 1866, Abner Lowry company). She was born Sept. 22, 1854. Their chil- dren: Oliver Henry, b. July 17, 1871, m. Amy Avery; Joseph Edward b. June 1, 1873, m. Sena Beck; Brighamina Natalia b. Oct. 6, 1874, m. Nelson Baker; Annie Mathilda b. Oct. 29, 1875, d. Sept. 27, 1876: Emma Nicolina b. July 26, 1877; Alma Peter b. Feb. 5, 1880, m. Laura Whitehead; James Anton b. Aug. 23, 1881, m. Alverda Christina MIckleson; Zelma Emelia b. Feb. 5, 1884, m. Lorenzo Anderson; Ammon Junius, b. June 10, 1886, d. Sept. 27, 1890; Clarence b. Feb. 5, 1889, d. same day; Eugene b. Feb. 13, 1890; Evan b. June 28, 1894. Married Fena Nielsen June 1877, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Hans T. Nielsen and Nicolina Rasmina EspassenV who was born July 29, 1858. Their children: Charles Emil b. Sept. 24, 1878, d. Sept. 14, 1879; Henrietta Nicolina b. July 8, 1880, m. Adolph Nielsen; Alma Ferdinand b. Feb. 25, 1883, m. Alvina Larson; Hanse Egede b. Nov. 25, 1885, m. Martina Sorenson; Daniel Erastus b. June 17, 1889, m. Mary J. Clapp; Seth Mahonrl b. Aug. 16, 1892; Edith Evaline b. May 17, 1896; Edna Durilla b. Jan. 9, 1899. Family home Richfield, Utah. High priest; president elders' quorum 1890-98. Harness maker. Farmer. BORTJP, PETER (son of Peder and Hannah Peterson of Jutland, Denmark). Born February, 1823, in Jutland. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock company. Married Christina Christenson in Denmark (daughter of Christen and Christina Christenson, former a pioneer 1861, John R. Murdock company). She was born 1824. Their children- Carl b. Sept. 29. 1850, m. Caroline Thomas Nov. 3, 1893- Siveren b. Sept. 15, 1853, m. Mary Baker; Loana; Sarah; Peter Jr., b. Nov. 15, 1869, m. Laura Mattinson; Johnny. Married Mariah Hanson (daughter of Jens Hanson). Their child: Louisa, m. Samuel Morgan. Settled at Goshen, Utah; moved to Little Colorado River valley, Arizona, and later to Pangultch, Utah. Died Oct. 1878. BORUP PETER (son of Peter Borup and Christina Chris- tenson).' Born Nov. 15, 1869. Goshen Utah. Married Laura Mattinson May 12. 1897, Payson, Utah (daughter of Robert Mattinson and Betsy Burnhope), who was born July 14, 1872, at Payson. Their children: Leta L. b. Dec. 31. 1898: Klea L. b. June 8, 1903; Carl M. b. April 11, 1906; Fern C. b. Aug. 19, 1909. Family resided Goshen. Panguitch and Eureka, Utah. Missionary to Norway 1906-08; bishop Eureka ward. Member public library board. 764 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH BOTJCK, JOHW A. Born 1798 in New York state. Came to Utah 1847. Married Elizabeth Howell 1849 at Salt Lake City, who was born 1831. Their children: John F., m. Mary Mellen; William C., m. Margerite E. Tates; Elizabeth, m. Swen Oleson; Sarah Ann, m. Thomas W. Powell; Louisa, m. J. "W. Jenkins; Alexander, m. Elizabeth Jones; Hiram, m. Eliza- beth A. Thomas; Mary, m. John Hiller; Heber, m. Amelia J. Tuttle. Family home 16th ward. Salt Lake City. High priest. Farmer and stockraiser. Died 1884, 16th ward, Salt Lake City. BOUCK, JOHN F. (son of John A. Bouck and Elizabeth Howell). Born March 11, 1853, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Mellen July 3, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Mellen and Jane Ramsden, pioneers), Judge Ellas Smith officiating. She was born Sept. 29, 1866. Their chil- dren: Mamie b. Oct. 26, 1878, m. John Daniels; Maud b. Jan. 13, 1880, m. Andrew Paul; Louisa b. Feb. 19, 1882, m. Ernest Cook; John Clifton b. March 29, 1884, m. Mona Coon; Hyrum Sidney b. May 30, 1886, m. Cora Staker; Martha Ella b. Aug. 1, 1888, d. aged 13; Gertrude b. Dec. 10, 1893. Family home Pleasant Green, Utah. Miner; farmer and stockraiser; brick-maker. BOUCK, WILLIAM C. (son of John Adam Bouck and Eliza- beth Howell). Born May 25, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Margerite E. Tates Dec. 22, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Tates and Mary Partington of Uphol- land, Lancashire, Eng., pioneers 1863). She was born Feb. 17, 1861. Their children: William A. b. Dec. 10, 1882, m. Eva Egbert; Walter O. b. March 11, 1885, m. Vida Egbert; Eugene P. b. April 2, 1887, m. Annie Mortig. Family home 29th ward, Salt Lake City. Elder. Farmer and freighter. BOUCK, ALEXANDER (son of John Adam Bouck and Eliza- beth Howell). Born April 4, 1861, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Jones Dec. 16, 1891, Logan, Utah, Presi- dent Merrill officiating (daughter of William Jones and Sarah Jeffrey of Birmingham, Eng., who came to Utah Nov. 1879). She was born May 12, 1861. Their children: Ruth b. Nov. 7, 1892, m. Frank Duber; Alexander, Jr. b. Feb. 23, 1894. Family home 16th ward. Salt Lake City. Elder and block teacher. Lumber dealer; stockraiser. BOUCK, ALEXANDER, JR. (son of Alexander Bouck and Elizabeth Jones). Born Feb. 23, 1894, Salt Lake City. BOUCK, HIRAM (son of John Adam Bouck and Elizabeth Howell). Born April 6, 1863, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth A. Thomas Dec. 20, 1889, Salt Lake City, Judge Elias Smith officiating (daughter of Thomas Thomas and Mary Reese of North Wales, who came to Utah 1873). She was born April 9, 1870. Their children: Erma b. Jan. 6, 1891, m. Lawrence W. Ridges, m. Gomer C. Roberts; Verna May b. April 8, 1899. Family home 16th ward, Salt Lake City. Stationary-engineer. Machinist. BOTXTOBT, THOMAS (son of Martin and Martha Boulton of Burford parish, Shropshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 21, 1825 at Burford. Came to Utah 1860, Martin and Thomas com- pany. Married Sarah Cook March 26, 1849, Leominster, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Cook and Sarah Harris of Sapy, Wor- cestershire, Eng.). She was born Oct. 17, 1817. Their chil- dren: Mary, died; Martin (d. April 12, 1889), m. Mary Alice Clark; Thomas B., died; Sarah Ann, m. William H. Firth, Family resided Ogden and Provo, Utah. High priest; president of Whiteburn branch, England. Miller. Died April 29, 1881 at Provo. BOURBTE, THOMAS B. (son of Charles Bourne of Ledbury, Eng:.). Born Oct. 26, 1797, at Ledbury. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth company. Married Susannah Lane. Their children: Charles b. Nov. 12, 1820, m. Jane Alder 1842; Sarah b. 1822, m. William Fletcher; Elizabeth b. 1824, m. William Thompson; Hannah b. 1828. Family home Ledbury, Eng. Married Margret Evans, who was born March 24, 1807, In England. Their children: George E. b. July 2, 1830, m. Mary Ann Tayson Sept. 2, 1856; William b. 1832; Mary Ann b. Oct. 6, 1833, m. William Ayland in 1856; Margret b. March 6, 1835, m. Truman Leonard Jan. 6, 1857; James b. Jan. 10, 1838, m. Olive Roberry; Priscilla b. Nov. 13, 1841, m. John W. Moore July 30, 1882; Louise b. March 27, 1843, m. John Paul Aug. 10, 1863; John b. July 17, 1849, m. Mary Jane Stewart July 1865. Family resided at Ledbury, Eng. and moved to Farmington, Utah in 1856. BOURNE, CHARLES (son of Thomas B. Bourne and Susannah Lane). Born Nov. 12, 1820, Ledbury, Eng. Married Jane Alder in 1842, at Ledbury (daughter of Wil- liam Alder and Elizabeth Bevan, the latter a pioneer Sept. 14, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company). She was born in 1825, at Ledbury. Their children: Lorenzo b. Nov. 30, 846 and Charles, died; Jane; Hannah Arvilla b. Sept. 24, 1854, m. Ernest Potter and Jacob M. Secrist; Jane E. b. Oct. 3, 1867, m. William H. Stevenson Dec. 12, 1878; Alice Ann b. March 15, i860, m. John G. Petty 1891; Charles H. b. Feb. 4, 1863, m. Silvia Vanfleet Jan. 12, 1887; John A. b. Sept. 28, 1865, m. Emeline Hess June 1, 1892; Wil'iam b. Nov. 17, 1867; George A. b. Oct. 7, 1868, m. Annie Lovesy June 23, 1897; Margret b. March 1, 1871. Family home Farmington, Utah. Contractor and builder. Prominent in church and civil affairs. BOURNE, JOHN A. (son of Charles Bourne and Jane Alder) Born Sept. 28, 1865, Farmington, Utah. Married Emeline Hess June 1, 1892, Logan, Utah (daughter of John W. Hess and Julia Peterson, pioneers July 29, 1847, with part of Mormon Battalion). She was born July 22, 1868, at Farmington. No children. BOWEN, CACEY POTTER (son of Elias Bowen of Vermont, and Cynthia Harrington, of Canada). He was born Dec. 13, 1830, Bennington county, Vt. Came to Utah in 1849. Married Eleanor McGarey (daughter of Charles M. Mc- Garey and Charlotte Earl), who was born Oct. 19, 1836. Their children: Charlotte Elizabeth b. Feb. 19, 1852, m William Boatwright; Cynthia Ellen b. Sept. 1, 1854, m. Fred Taylor; Sarah Z. b. Nov. 29, 1856, m. John Boldware; Cacey Potter, Jr. b. Oct. 24, 1858, m. Susannah Avilla Boothe July 25, 1879; Malissa Jane b. Dec. 24, 1860, m. John Standing; Charles McGarey b. Feb. 10, 1863, m. Florence A. Thorp; Lilly May b. April 8, 1865, m. Edwin Barton; Rhoda Bell b. Feb. 22, 1867, m. Dave James; Mary Ann b. Dec. 2, 1870- Louisa b. May 22, 1873; William Orson b. Aug. 4, 1875, d. Nov. 23, 1887; Nellie Myrtle b. March 10, 1877, m. Van Vellett- Edith Ivey b. Sept. 22, 1879, m. Herschel Lyman. Family resided Ogden and Beaver Dam, Utah. Indian war veteran. Died Jan. 21, 1902. BOWEN, CACET POTTER, JR. (son of Cacey Potter Bowen and Eleanor McGarey). Born Oct. 24, 1858, Ogden, Utah. Married Susannah Avilla Boothe July 25, 1879, Brigham City, Utah (daughter of Lewis N. Boothe and Mary Jane Reese). She was born Sept. 19, 1862, Santa Rosa, Cal. Their children: Cacey Lavon b. July 31, 1880, m. Ethel L Earl Jan. 1899; Cynthia Eleanor b. Aug. 30, 1882, m. Peter Crezee Sept. 1902; Lewis b. Dec. 7, 1884, m. Mary Anderson Feb 7 1906; Avilla May b. Jan. 8, 1886, m. Jedediah Abbott May 7, 1909; Russell b. March 7, 1888, died; Mary Pearl b Feb 1, 1891, m. Wilford C. Anderson Sept. 16, 1909; Earl b. March 17, 1893; Clyde b. June 11, 1895; Melltrude b. June 6, 1897; Grant Reese b. Oct. 6, 1899; McMeredith b. May 7, 1902. Family resided at Beaver, Utah and Lyman, Idaho. Sunday school superintendent 24 years in Beaver ward Utah; bishop of Lyman ward, Idaho. BOWEN, DAVID (son of William Bowen, born July 24 1784 and Jane Evans, born Oct. 3, 1784, both of Llanelly, Breck- nockshire, South Wales). He was born Aug. 11, 1823 at Llanelly, and came to Utah in December, 1856, with John A Hunt company. Married Jane Foster (daughter of George Foster and Eleanor Parry), who was born June 19, 1820. Their chil- dren: William Parry b. July B, 1845, m. Ruth Jones Feb. 9, 1869; George Foster b. March 20, 1849, m. Mary Elizabeth Miller March 24, 1873; Eleanor Jane b. Dec 8 1852 m William J. Thomas Oct. 3, 1874; John Evans b. July 12^ 1855, m. Mary Ann Christmas, Sept. 15, 1879; Lucy Ann- Julia Susannah b. Oct. 26, 1859; David Chalinder b. Jan 1 1863, m. Harriet Hopla Jan. 23, 1887. Settled at Spanish Fork in 1856; blacksmith; farmer and stockraiser; director Co-op. Mercantile company 1868-69. Member city council. Missionary to Pennsylvania and Eng- land 1878-80; high priest. Died Jan. 16, 1910. BOWEN, GEORGE FOSTER (son of David Bowen and Jane Foster). Born March 20, 1849, Llanelly, Wales. Married Mary Elizabeth Miller March 24, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Miller and Margaret Anderson) She was born Sept. 15, 1853, Salt Lake City. Their children- Jane Foster b. Feb. 16, 1874, m. George S. Boyack Nov 17 1897; Margaret Ellen b. Aug. 26, 1876, m. John W. Bell Dec. 10, 1902; David Miller b. Nov. 5, 1878, m. Elizabeth Taylor Feb. 14, 1900; George Anderson b. Aug. 30, 1881, m. Madie Warner, May 12, 1905; James Miller b. Oct. 17, 1883, m. Belva A. Gallup Jan. 3, 1905; William Wallace b. March 12, 1886; Mary b. March 29, 1888; Charles Milton b. Oct. 6, 1890; Arthur Washington b. Feb. 22, 1892; John Chalinder b. Dec. 31, 1895. Settled at Spanish Fork; moved to Lake Shore 1884- re- turned to Spanish Fork 1890; also lived at Garland for five years. Railroad freighter; director Lake Shore Water com- pany 1885. Farmer and stockraiser. Constable at Spanish Fork 1897-98. BOWERS, ISAAC (son of James Bowers, born Jan. 27, 1811, and Maria Lay, born Nov. 5, 1811, both of Staffordshire, Eng.). He was born Dec. 6, 1841. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth company. Married Elizabeth Toud Dec. 3, 1861, Liverpool, Eng., who was born Feb. 14, 1845. Their children: James I. b. Oct. 6, 1862, m. Rachel E. Boyack; John and Elizabeth Jane (twins) b. Nov. 13, 1864; Hezekiah b. June 10, 1867, m. Emily Simpson Nov. 7, 1893; Jacob T. b. Oct. 26, 1869, m. Sarah J. Roach, March 2, 1892; Emma M. b. Sept. 4, 1872, m. Hyrum Waters Jan. 10, 1894; Mary E. b. March 30, 1875, m. Charles Waters, Dec. 16, 1895; Alfred b. Sept. 4, 1877, m. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 765 Manetta Nielsen, Dec. 16, 1908; Ephraim b. May 27, 1880; Chloe b. April 14, 1883, m. Charles Hanks, July 5, 1905; Charles Delbert b. June 3, 1886; Sarah Ellen b. April 1, 1891, m. Delbert Beckstead Dec. 5, 1911. Assisted to bring immigrants to Utah; settled at Pleasant Grove; moved to Nephl in 1858, to Monroe in 1865, and to Spanish Fork in 1867. Veteran Black Hawk war; delegate to the live stock convention held in St. Louis in 1885. BOWERS, ISAIAH (son of James Bowers and Maria Lay). Born April 21, 1846, in Staffordshire. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856. Married Harriet A. Hoyt June 6, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Israel Hoyt and Clarissa A. Miller, pioneers 1847). She was born Oct. 16, 1850. Their children: Israel H. b. March 10, 1869; Clarissa A. H. b. Oct. 8, 1871, m. Heber J. Meeks, Dec. 31, 1889; Isaiah Lay b. March 25, 1874, m. Ma- ria Heaton, Nov. 16, 1899; Maria H. b. Oct. 5, 1876, m. Edward Carroll, Nov. 4, 1896; Ella H. b. Sept. 8, 1879, m. John L. Covington Dec. 4, 1896; Jonathan b. Oct. 26, 1882; Lillian H. b. June 5, 1886; Harriet H. b. May 20, 1889, m. B. H. Sorn- son Oct. 3, 1912. Family home Orderville, Utah. Married Philinda Amanda Sperry in October, 1884, St. George, Utah (daughter of Charles Sperry and Emily Miller, pioneers of 1847). She was born Nov. 16, 1849, at Salt Lake City. Their children: William S. b. Aug. 13, 1886; Sarah E. b. June 13, 1890; Joy S. b. Oct. 10, 1893. Family home Order- ville, Utah. BOWLDEN, .TAJIKS (son of Richard Bowlden and Mary Rafe of Brixton Surrey, London, Eng.). He was born in 1849. Came to Utah Nov. 4, 1864, Warren S. Snow company. Married Ophelia Leona Avery in 1872, Springvilie, Utah (daughter of Thomas Avery and Lydia Harrington of Mills county, Iowa, pioneers). She was born Jan. 3, 1856. Their children: Lydia, m. C. M. Humphrey; Retta, m. E. S. Allred; J. L., m. Martha Clark; Clara, m. J. L. Strang; Ossa, m. J. B. Ferguson; T. Richard; Rulon A. Family home Spring- vine, Utah. Seventy. Farmer. BOWLES, EDWARD (son of Isaac Bowles). Born Sept. 23, 1806, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie company. Married Ann Bolton. Their children: Thomas b. Aug. 18, 1836, m. Susannah Washburn Jan. 29, 1859; Enoch b. Nov. 25, 1844, m. Amelia Webb March 27, 1864, m. Sifla Kendall Dec. 14, 1887. Family home Nephi, Utah. Married Amelia . Only child: William. Elder. BOWLES. THOMAS (son of Edward Bowles and Ann Bol- ton). He was born Aug. 18, 1836, Wiltshire, Eng. Married Susannah Washburn Jan. 29, 1859, Manti, Utah (daughter of Abraham and Tamar Washburn), who was born June 4, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Thomas Edward b Dec. 5, 1860, m. Louisa Bale March 18, 1879; William Abra- ham b. June 5, 1863, m. Viola Johnson Dec. 27, 1883; Martha Ann b. Aug. 13, 1866, m. George Taylor. Family home Nephi, High priest; counselor to David Cazair in the high priest's quorum. BOWLES, THOMAS EDWARD (son of Thomas Bowles and Susannah Washburn). Born Dec. 5, 1860, Moroni, Utah. Married Louisa Bale (daughter of Richard Bale and Sarah Miller), who was born Sept. 28. 1864, Whitwick, Leicester- shire, Eng. Their children: William Thomas b. May 16, 1882 m Elizabeth A. Pitman Nov. 13, 1902; Earnest Richard b Sept. 15, 1891, m. Clarissa E. Hancock Feb. 19, 1907; Samuel Clifford b. Sept. 15, 1891, m. Sarah Campbell, March 6, 1912; Alvin Roy b. Nov. 11, 1898; Arthur Lloyd b. Oct. 10, 1900; Retta Louisa b. June 21, 1904; Sarah Vivian b. Feb. 21, 1907. Family home Nephi, Utah. BOWLES, SAMUEL CLIFFORD (son of Thomas Edward Bowles and Louisa Bale). Born Sept. 15, 1891, Nephi, Utah. Married Sarah Campbell March 6, 1912. Family resides near Rigby, Idaho. BOWTHORPE, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Bowthorpe and Priscilla Pye of Norwich, Norfolkshire, Eng.). Born Sept. 30, 1806, Bruff. Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1853, Levl Kendall and Cyrus Wheelock company. Married Mary Ann Tuttle Dec. 22, 1835, Norwich, Eng. She was born Dec. 18. 1810. Their children: Virtue Ann, m. Preston Lewis; George, d. child; Hannah Charlotte b. Nov. 4, 1840, m. George Finley Brooks Fob. 13. 1858; Maria Mary Ann, m. George Baker, m. Benjamin Neff ; 2 William d aged 12; Phoebe, m. William Taylor; 'William b. June 8, 1851. m. C. Elizabeth Reynolds; Nephi b. April 24, 1855, m. Lynn Reynolds. Family home Cottonwood, Utah. Seventy; high priest; ward teacher: missionary to Eng- land three years. Silk weaver; farmer. Died April 5, 1878, Cottonwood, Utah. BOWTHORPE, WILLIAM. JR. (son of William Bowthorpe and Mary Ann Tuttle). Born June 8, 1851, Norwich, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married C. Elizabeth Reynolds Feb. 13, 1877. Salt Lake City (daughter of Warren F. Reynolds and Christena Mc- Neal of South Cottonwood, pioneers 1853). She was born April 11 1858. Their children: Glays C. b. Dec. 23, 1877, m. William J. Baxter; 'William W. b. June 1, 1879, d. Infant; Hanmer R. b. March 5, 1881, m. Zina Peterson; Pearl R. b. ?*?;, 7 ' J ^ 82 J m ' Hurst Thompson; Asa R. b. April 7, 1885; Wilford R. b. May 21, 1887, m. Dean Fagg; Nellie E. b. July 10, 1889; Clarence G. b. Sept. 15, 1892; Hazel R. b. March 14, 1895; Ethel May b. July 30, 1897; Geneva R, b. June 28, 1900. Family home Cottonwood, Utah. Member 128th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1900-02; president seventies; Sunday school teacher- home missionary in Granite stake six years; special missionary in East Mill Creek and Big Cottonwood three years. Road supervisor in Salt Lake county four years. Farmer and stockraiser. BOYACK, JAMES (son of William Boyack and Catherine Moody of Mains, Forfarshire, Scotland). Born Aug. 25 1805 Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Elizabeth Mealmaker 1827. Scotland (daughter of William Mealmaker and Jenet Robertson, of Mains). She was born April 30, 1805. Their children: James, Jr., b Sept. 14, 1828, m. Margary Waterhouse; Ann b. April 1829, m. James Ririe; Margret b. Sept. 24, 1831, m. Henry Cleve- land; Hannah b. March 12, 1835, m. James McFarland' Eliza- beth b. April 15, 1838, m. Robert McKell; Mary b. Feb. 23, 1840, m. John Robertson; William M. b. 1841, m. Susan Dun- can; Joseph G. b. July 1, 1812, m. Jessie Archibald: Peter F. b. July 1, 1844, m. Rachel Hicks; Robert M. b. March 21, 1847, m. Emily Jane Stoker; David D. (twin of Robert), m. Orilla Brimhall. Settled at Spanish Forks 1856. Died there Feb. 1, 1888. BOTACK, JAMES, JR. (son of James Boyack and Elizabeth Mealmaker). Born Sept. 14, 1828, at Mains. Married Margary Waterhouse Nov. 23, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Waterhouse and Isabella Donaldson, of Dundee, Scotland). She was born Dec. 10, 1833. Their children: 3 James A. b. Sept. 9, 1856, m. Sarah M. Cox Will- iams; Margary Ann b. June 23, 1858, m. Robert Kinder; Elizabeth M. b. April 4, 1861, m. John D. Evans; Mary Jane b. Sept. 3, 1863, m. William Howells; Jemia E. b. Aug. 21, 1865, m. Richard Smith; Dessa b. Dec. 8, 1867; Isabella b. Dec. 22, 1869, m. Charles H. Peterson; George S. b. July 8. 1872, m. Jane T. Bowen; Ralph B. b. May 9, 1876, m. Sarah E. Morgan. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Died Dec. 19, 1893. BOTACK, JAMES A. (son of James Boyack and Margary Waterhouse). Born Sept. 9, 1856, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Sarah M. Cox Williams April 7, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Cox and Mary Williams, of Eng- land, pioneers Oct. 1864). She was born Feb. 1, 1861. Their adopted children: Ethel b. Dec. 20. 1887; Rosalia b. March 28, 1894. Family home Spanish Fork. Utah. Missionary 1907-09 to Ohio; superintendent Sunday schools 1893-07; president seventies since 1900. BOYCE. JOHN (son of Benjamin Boyce and Margaret Hart- ley of Fredertcksburg. Can.). Born Feb. 20, 1814, at Freder- icksburg. Came to Utah 1852. Married Jane Herns June 7, 1835 (daughter of Thomas Herns and Margaret Crank), who was born in Barry, Pike county. III. Their children: Thomas; Martha b. March 21, 1836; Benjamin b. Oct. 7, 1839. Family home Kirtland, Ohio. Married Mary Ann Barzee 1841, at Kirtland (daughter of James W. Barzee and Betsy Whiteham), who was born Nov. 4, 1819. Their children: Chester b. April 2, 1842: Martin Cal- vin b. April 7, 1844, m. Louisa Marshall early in 1865; John b. May 24, 1846, d. Feb. 23, 1865; David b. Feb. 18, 1848, m. Eliza Handy; Betsy Ann b. Nov. 27, 1851, m. Albert W. Clements; Albert M. b. March 16, 1854, m. Ida M. Herrick Jan. 25. 1886; Joseph Y. b. Oct. 26, 1856, m. Eunice S. Mer- rlck; Elijah b. June 15, 1860. m. Frien Henderson; Elisha b. Feb. 11, 1863. Family resided Smithfield, Utah, and Ox- ford, Idaho. High priest; patriarch. Farmer. Died March 31, 1886, at Oxford. BOTCE, JOSEPH YOUNG (son of John Boyce and Mary Ann Barzee). Born Oct. 26, 1856, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Eunice Sophia Merrick March 8, 1876. Richmond, Utah (daughter of D. M. Merrick and Sophia Duffln, pioneers 1852). She was born March 18, 1857, Ogden, Utah. Their children; Joseph Lorenzo b. Feb. 1, 1877, d. July 23, 1880; Nellie Alnora b. Jan. 22, 1879, m. George Helmandollar Oct. 12 1900- Leander M. b. Sept. 11, 1882, m. Maud Davis Dec. 13, 1905; Ruby b. Sept. 24, 1888; Vesta b. Jan. 15, 1894; Eva b. July 6, 1900, died. Family home Oxford, Idaho. President Y. M. M. I. A. 1880-89; superintendent Sunday schools 1895-99; president 88th quorum seventies. Farmer and fruit grower. BOYCE, JOHX (son of Benjamin Boyce, born Dec. 18, 1812, and Susannah Judd, born Feb. 25, 1815. both of Leads county Canada). He was born Feb. 22. 1842. Madison Island (near Nauvoo), 111. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1850, William Married Elizabeth Ann Keat Dec. 18, 1864, (daughter of James Keat and Ann Prodger, former a pioneer 1857). She was born Aug. 8, 1842, and came to Utah Sept. 20, 1861, Jo- seph Young company. Their children: Lizzie Adell b. Aug. 21 1869 m O. N. Despain 1888; John, Jr. b. June 18. 1866, died- Eliza Content b. March 11, 1872. m. John Quist 1898; Ida Lurena b. April 2S, 1874, m. Cyrus Winters 1908; Ella 766 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Mehitable b. May 18, 1878, m. George Butler 1896; James b. Nov. 27, 1879, d. Nov. 29, 1879. Married Ella Eugenia Despain Jan. 30, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Solomon Despain and Ruth Amelia New- ell, pioneers 1861, David Cannon company). She was born Aug. 27, 1858, Deans Island, Mississippi county, Ark. Their children: Ira John b. June 16, 1880. m. Pearl Mitchell 1907; Elunie Mildred b. Aug. 25, 1882, m. George Baugh 1905; Ben- jamin b. March 15, 1884, m. Maud Brown 1905; Verna Maud b. Feb. 6. 1886, m. Benjamin Judd 1902; Mabel Clare b. Feb. 28, 1888; Ella Jean b. April 3, 1890. m. Wallace Clark 1911; Joel Luther b. July 7, 1894; Edith Dora b. June 14, 1896; Daniel b. May 6, 1898; Leona Elizabeth b. Jan. 25, 1901; La- ronzo b. June 9, 1903. Family resided Salt Lake City and Granite, Utah. Assisted to bring immigrants to Utah; bishop's coun- selor 30 years in Granite ward. Justice of peace two years; Salt Lake county fruit-tree inspector two years. BOYD, GEORGE ALFRED (son of James B. Boyd and Anne Adams). Born Aug. 1, 1841, Newbury, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, William Godbe company. Married Isabell Jane Roe in 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Roe), who was born in 1847. Their children: Eliza N.; Mamie, m. William Brigawan; Priscilla A., m. Arthur Dixon: George A., m. Alice Miller; John W.; Edward, m. Flora Ellis; Albert Levi; Susie, m. August Steiner; James Butler, m. Louise Fitts. Family home Salt Lake City. Elder. Assisted Capt. Hyde to bring immigrants to Utah. Farmer and fruit-grower. BOYDEN, CHARLES. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross company. Married Sarah Korns at Stafford, Staffordshire. Eng. She was born in 1819. Their children: William d. infant: John, m. Jessie Mitchell; Fannie, m. James Whitehead; Mary Ann, m. Josiah Lees; Louisa, m. Oliver R. Ostler. High priest; missionary to Sandwich Islands four years; Sunday school superintendent. Farmer and stockraiser. Died in 1887, Peterson, Morgan county, Utah. BOYLE, HE1VRY G. (son of John Boyle and Jane Taylor, of Virginia). Born March 7, 1824, in Virginia. Came to Utah June 5, 1848. Married Keziah D. Holliday Sept. 6, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Holliday and Katherine Higgins, pioneers 1847). She was born in 1833. Their children: William H. b. Feb. 19, 1851, m. Mary Jane Ewell; Sarah Louisa b. Feb. 28, 1853, m. William A. Carter. Family home Weber county, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ballard Feb. 24, 1859, Payson, Utah. Eight children. Married Arabella McKinley Sept. 30, 1865, Salt Lake City. Six children. Married Martha Frances Taylor, Sept. 26, 1889, Salt Lake City. Six children. Filled 14 missions; first president southern states mis- sion. Died November 19U8, In Arizona. BOYLE, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Henry G. Boyle and Ke- ziah D. Holliday). Born Feb. 19, 1851, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Jane Ewell Dec. 24, 1869, Santaquln, Utah (daughter of William Thomas Ewell and Polly Lee). She was born Feb. 5, 1849. Their children: Mary Keziah b. Dec. 13, 1870, m. B. D. Harper; Susah Louisa b. Jan. 30, 1873, m. W. B. Thurman; William H. b. Oct. 19, 1874, m. Minnie Wright; Lydia Ann b. Aug. 11, 1876, m. John F. Harris; Emma Jane b. July 18. 1878, m. George H. Chatwin; James Hollis b. April 15, 1881, m. Olive Fulmer; Zachariah Levl b. March 5, 1883, d. April 15, 1883; Leona Pearl b. March 6, 1893. Family home Santaquin, Utah. Member board of education nine years; member city council. BOYLE, PETER ADAMS (son of John Boyle of Edinburgh, Scotland). Born Nov. 20, 1827, at Edinburgh. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855, John Hindley company. Married Elizabeth Sinclair Jan. 1, 1846, at Edinburgh, who was born Aug. 4. 1821. Their children: John A., m. Mary Snow; James M.; Robert B.; William W.; A. Mc- Laren. Family home, Ogden. Member 60th quorum seventies. Engaged In furniture business and lathe turning; cabinet maker. Died Aug. 12, 1880, at Ogden. BOYNTON, ABRAHAM D. Born March 12, 1815, in Massa- chusetts. Came to Utah late in 1S52. Married Maria H. Burbank about 1844, Haverhill, Essex county. Mass, (daughter of John Burbank of Haverhill). She was born July 22, 1817. Their children: Charles, d. Infant; Joseph H., m. Flora Burges, m. Millie Holbrook; John, d. aged 24; Caroline, m. Benjamin Davis; George, d. aged 6; Sholitta, m. John K. Crosby; Mary E., m. Heber J. Burmingham; Augusta A., m. Nephi Dourdon. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Member of seventies; ward teacher. Merchant and farmer. Said to have owned the first stove In Bountiful. Died Oct. 1, 1866. BOYNTON, JOSEPH H. (son of Abraham D. Boynton and Maria H. Burbank). Born Dec. 27, 1850, Haverhill, Mass. Came to Utah with parents. Married Flora Burges Oct. 10, 1875, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Bowers Burges and Elizabeth Brown of Maine who came to Utah in 1872). She was born April 13, 1861 Their children; Joseph H. b. July 16, 1878, m. Mary J. Brampton- George T. b. April 27, 1880, d. infant; Charles W. b. Dec e' 1881, m. Lillie Agett; Hannah J. b. May 24, 1884 m Fred- erick Moffltt; Wanda Rilla b. Sept. 18, 1887, m. Orson Agett Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Millie Holbrook Dec. 18, 1890, Bountiful, Utah (daughter of Jonathan Holbrook and Millie Smith of Bounti- ful), who was born 1868. Their children: Jesse b Sept 18 1891; John R. b. Sept. 17, 1893; Sylvia b. March 8, 1896, m. Henry Kirby; Martha b. March 8, 1898; Frederick b Dec 11 1900; Bessie b. Dec. 10, 1902: Emma b. Jan. 16, 1905. Member 100th quorum seventies. Farmer and stockraiser. BRACKEN, JAMES BENNETT (son of Levl Bracken). Born In 1815. Came to Utah 1852. Married Sarah Head (daughter of Anthony Head), who was born Feb. 29, 1816, and died July 4. 1900. Their children: Martha Ann, m. Cyrus Hancock; James Bennett, m. Marion Whipple; William Albert, m. Clara Burgess; Narvil and Levi, died; Orlando Henry, m. Martha Ann Mathews; Marcellus, m. Jeanette McMurtry; Alzado, m. James Day. Family home Pine Valley, Washington county, Utah. Pioneer; died at Panguitch, Utah, 1899. BRACKEN, ORLANDO HENRY (son of James Bennett Bracken and Sarah Head). Born March 9, 1854, Payson, Married Martha Ann Mathews Feb. 4, 1879, near Pan- guitch, Utah (daughter of James Mathews, who died 1871. and Clara Slade, pioneers 1849, Captain Thomas company) She was born March 9, 1860. Their children: Orlando James b. Nov. 13, 1879, m. Mary Ann Worthin; Daisy Ann, b. Jan 6, 1881; Clara, b. Aug. 12, 1882, m. Leroy W. Rust; Ethelind, b. Feb. 21, 1884, m. Fred S. Carpenter; Eugene, b. Oct 5 1887; George, b. Aug. 8, 1889; Frank, b. June 4, 1890; Guv b. Sept. 28, 1891; Alice, b. Sept. 8, 1894; Gaild, b. Oct. 6, 1897- Leland H. b. Dec. 20. 1900. Elder; ward teacher; assistant superintendent of Sunday school. County commissioner 1908-12; deputy sheriff 1 term- school trustee Pine Valley and Vernal, Utah. Engaged in merchandising at Vernal and Roosevelt, Utah; farmer. BRACKEN, WILLIAM (son of Joshua Bracken and Hannah Bell, emigrants from Northumberlandshire, Eng.). He was born Oct. 26, 1842, Lockport, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1852, James Snow company. Married Minnie Ahlstrom Dec. 12, 1863 (daughter of Peter Ahlstrom and Inger Godfrey), who was born Nov. 13, 1845 Their children: William, Jr., b. Nov. 13, 1864, m. Elizabeth Russell; Watson A. b. Nov. 1, 1866, m. Jessie Lineback Nov 25, 1895; Henry b. Jan. 31, 1869; George b. March 3, 1871, m. Agnes Crookston March 13, 1898; Charles b. Sept. 24, 1873, m. Laura Evans April 20, 1899; Minnie b. Aug. 24', 1871, m. William Burton April 6, 1897; Alice b. March 15, 1879; Edna b. April 16, 1881; Ernest b. Aug 18, 18S4, m. Clara Nelson June 11, 1906; Myrtle, m. Clyde Abbott Dec. 21, 1907. Family home Stockton, Utah. Married Calista Lee March 18, 1888, Toele, Utah (daugh- ter of William Lee and Laverna Bates, married 1855). She was born Nov. 29, 1857, at Tooele. Their children- Estella M. b. Dec. 24, 1889; Ethel C. b. Oct. 15, 1891; Ross J. b. August 26, 1893; Verne b. Oct. 29, 1895; Glen L. b. Dec. 14, 1897; Flora E. b. July 23, 1900. Family home Mercur. Utah. BRACKEN, WILLIAM, JR. (son of William Bracken and Minnie Ahlstrom). Born Nov. 13, 1864, Stockton, Utah. Married Elizabeth Russell at Tooele (daughter of Wil- liam G. Russell and Elizabeth Vlckery), who was born March 18, 1862. Their children: Hazel b. Sept. 24, 1886; Nelist b. Oct. 3, 1888; Henry b. Jan. 6, 1890; Alice b. Aug. 23, 1891; Arnold b. May 4, 1892; Lois b. Sept. 9, 1895; Theo- dore b. June 10, 1897; Claud b. Nov. 16, 1899; Mabel b. Jan. 7, 1901. Family home Stockton. BRADFORD, LARKIN H. (son of Larkin Bradford and Jane Catherine James of Huntsvllle, Ala.). Born Jan. , 1838, Huntsville. Ala. Came to Utah 1864. Married Annie Davis Rex July 24. 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Rex and Clara White Davis of Bru- ton, Somersetshire, Eng., latter a pioneer Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born May 28, 1843. Their children: Clara P., m. Robert C. Egbert; Larkin, m. Gertrude Abbott; Cornelia A., d. child; Catharine E., d. infant; Robert B., m. Keziah Williams; Moss D., m. Allte Stonebreaker; Charles L., m. Jane McSparren; Maybelle E., d. infant; Pearl L.. m. C. Leroy Cooper; Arlle R.; Finis J. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Detective. Tinner and pattern maker. Died April 21, 1910, Midvale, Utah. BRADFORD, PLEASANT SPRAGTTE (son of Hial Bradford born July 25, 1808, In Vermont, and Abigal Sprague, born Aug. 14, 1814, in New York state, married Aug. 21, 1830). He was born Feb. 2, 1843, In Hancock county, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1847, Edward Hunter company. Married Jane Jones Oct. 15, 1864 (daughter of Charles PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 767 Jones and Mary Ann Weeks, former a pioneer Sept. 3, 1852, A. O. Sraoot company, latter of Sept. 1853, Claudius Spencer company, married Sept. 1846, Wellington, Kentshire, Eng.). She was born Jan. 30, 1849. Came to Utah with parents. Their children: Pleasant J. b. Dec. 27, 1866, m. Jane Howard Dec. 23, 1891; Reuben Sprague b. Nov. 26, 1868; Mary Abigal b. July 27, 1870; Hial Lee b. Jan. 27, 1872, m. Jane E. Warner July 1900; Charles Union b. May 24, 1874, m. Isabel Ham- ilton Feb. 1, 1900; William Livingston b. April 6, 1876; Emma Elizabeth b. Sept. 8, 1877; Delila Jane b. May 28, 1879, m. Roger W. Creer Sept. 25, 1901; Lillian Irene b. Oct. 26, 1881; Sylvester Young b. Dec. 13, 1883; Minnie Othelia b. April 20, 1885, m. Antira J. Amason June, 1907; Ina Geneva b. Feb. 9, 1887, m. David M. Jones Dec. 20, 1909; Mabel LaVern b. March 24. 1890, m. James Beckstrom June, 1908. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Dora Hanson 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of James Hanson and Karen Anderson, latter a pioneer 1854, Capt. Christensen company). She was born 1869, in Spanish Fork. Their children: Frank b. Feb. 4, 1888, m. Myrtle Hales; Pearl Estella b. April 1, 1891, m. Sidney S. Berean 1910; Earnest Leroy b. Sept. 27, 1893; Melvin Ray b. March 7, 1896; Dora Viola b. May 4, 1898; Reva Merlene b. Aug. 30, 1900; Kenneth Miles b. July 25, 1902; Lida Othea b. June 22, 1905. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Called to help settle Arizona, where he assisted in building canals and roads, and the building of mills. Seventy. Deceased. BRADFORD, CHARLES UNION (son of Pleasant Sprague Bradford and Jane Jones). Born May 24, 1874, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Isabel Hamilton Feb. 1, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Hamilton, pioneer, oxteam company, died June 16, 1901, and Jennett Johnson, pioneer with hand- cart company, both born in Scotland). She was born Feb. 17, 1880, Provo, Utah. Their children: Charles Russell b. Nov. 28, 1900; Jennie Fontella b. June 30, 1902; Floyd Henry b. March 19, 1904; William Oral b. July 3, 1906; Harold Sterling b. April 4, 1908. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah, and Shelley, Idaho. Flour miller twenty years. Constructor of mills and power plants. BRADFORD, SYLVESTER (son of Hial Bradford and Abi- gal Sprague). Born Nov. 17, 1839, Switzerland county, Ind. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1847, Edward Hunter company. Married Mary Ann Jones Oct. 15, 1864 (daughter of Charles Jones and Mary Ann Weeks). She was born June 15, 1847. Their children: Sylvester b. Sept. 25, 1865; Hial Charles; Rawsel S. b. Dec. 4, 1869, m. Hannah Jex, March 22, 1893; Robert John b. March 22, 1873, m. Mary E. Pay- zant Feb. 25, 1903; George W. b. April 24, 1875, m. Rachel Shepherd June 23, 1897; Lewis E. b. June 10, 1877; Kiel G. b. Oct. 18, 1879, m. Mary Barnes Feb. 10, 1906; Pleasant M.; Eli Alma. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Anna Christina Hanson April 7, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hanson and Karen Anderson, the latter a pioneer 1854, Capt. Christensen company). She was born Jan. 14, 1863, Spanish Fork, Utah. Their children: Granville b. May 5, 1885; Lester Glenn b. July 26, 1895; James Henry b. July 9, 1897. Settled in Salt Lake county; moved to Spanish Fork 1864. Missionary to northern states 1881-83; missionary to Eng- land 1886-88; president 19th quorum seventies; high priest. Veteran Black Hawk war. BRADFORD, RAWSEL S. (son of Sylvester Bradford and Mary Ann Jones). Born Dec. 4, 1869, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Hannah Jex March 22, 1892, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of William Jex and Eliza Goodson), who was born Oct. 5, 1867, at Spanish Fork. Their children: Hannah b. Jan. 20, 1893; Mary A. b. Nov. 8, 1895; Eliza G. b. Nov. 6, 1897; Lewis S. b. March 16, 1901; Mildred J. b. Feb. 24, 1903; Alice R. b. Jan. 11, 1905; Rawsel W. b. Feb. 1, 1906; John J. b. Dec. 17, 1910. Missionary to Hawaiian Islands 1906-09. Farmer and flour miller. BRADFORD, ROBERT JOHN (son of Sylvester Bradford and Mary Ann Jones). Born March 22, 1873. Married Mary Eliza Payzant Feb. 25, 1903. Their chil- dren: Mary Emma b. Feb. 13, 1904; Robert Louis b. Dec. 30, 1905; Sylvester Allen b. Dec. 9. 1907; Mark Payzant b. July 9, 1910. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Missionary to northern states 1900-02. BRADLEY, GEORGE W. Born Jan. 15, . Came to Utah 1847, Willard Richards oxteam company. Married Elizabeth Betsy Kroll. Their children: Amanda, m. Daniel Henrie; Abiah, m. Isaac Morley; Jerome, d. aged 21; Louisa, m. Abner Lowry; George W., m. Elizabeth Love; Joseph, d. infant; Malinda, m. James Wolf; Moroni, m. Ar- senath Funk; Mary, d. infant; *Amos Alma, m. Leonora Reese; Zephaniah, m. Myra Draper; m. Martha Jane Draper; Sylvia d. child. Married Cynthia Adair. Their children: James, m. Luna Draper; Lucy, m. Anthony Bruno. Families resided Manti, Nephi and Moroni, Utah. Bishop of Nephi and Moroni. Assisted in building the first ferry boat to carry immigrants across Green river. Appointed probate judge of Juab county Feb. 7, 1852, by Gov. Brigham Young. Farmer. Died Sunday, March 8, 1891, Moroni, Utah. B P, A P LEY> AM S ALMA (son of George W. Bradley and Abiah Richmond of Salem, N. Y.). Born Aug. 10, 1849, Salt Lake City [ln the preceding genealogy he is given as a Bets Kron e i y of Geor s e W. Bradley and Elizabeth Married Leonora Reese July 18, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Reese and Margret Davis, pioneers Oct. t. 1856, Edward Bunker handcart company). She was born Aug. 2, 1853. Their children: Amos Alma, Jr. b Aug 23 1869, m. Amelia Christensen Dec. 26, 1887; Anna R b. July 8, 1871, m. James Jacobson Dec. 3, 1890- Sylvia b Feb 25, 1873, m. William Homer June 15. 1891; Lydia Leonora b'. Feb. 9, 18,5, m. W. R. Young June 19. 1895; Malinda Euphe- mia b. Feb. 7, 1877, m. Frank B. Ford Oct. 1899; Thomas Jefferson b. Jan. 22, 1879, m. Sarah Ellen Eataugh Aug. 1899- Charles Henry b. Nov. 28, 1880, and Betsy M. b. Sept. 9 1882* died; Roscoe A. b. Oct. 4, 1889, m. Erne Bates June 4, 1913 : Dora b. May 24, 1893, m. Raphel Larson Sept. 1911. Family home Moroni, Utah. President high priests' quorum, Moroni. One of the active citizens of his community In its development. BRADLEY, AMOS ALMA, JR. (son of Amos Alma Bradley and Leonora Reese). Born Aug. 23, 1869, Moroni, Utah Married Amelia Christensen Dec. 26, 1887, Manti Utah (daughter of Niels and Christana Christensen, pioneers with Capt. Christiansen company, whose handcart company came Sept. 13, 1857). She was born at Moroni, Utah. Their chil- dren: Amos Melvin b. Oct. 7. 1888, m. Hazel McGary Nov 6 1909; Nielson b. March 12, 1892, d. Nov. 26. 1893- Reese Vic- t * r x b - A Au f," 21- 1 I 95; Heber Wells b - Mav 22 - 1898 = Christana A. b. April 21, 1902; Newel Alma b. April 29, 1907, d. Jan. 3, BRAIN, EDWARD (son of Aaron and Hannah Brain of Bath, Somersetshire, Eng., pioneers 1848). Born Aug 15 1822. Came to Utah 1848. Married Mary Ann Johnson Dec. 24, 1869 (daughter of Benjamin Johnson and Charlotte Budd of Salt Lake City pioneers Aug. 20, 1868, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born May 4, 1851, Bedfordshire, Eng. Their children- Mabel R. b. Feb. 14, 1871, m. Brigham A. Seare; Edward B b. March 15, 1872, d. aged 3; Henry B. b. March 10 1874 m. Jane Bull; Ebenezer J. b. Dec. 23, 1875, m. Ivy Hayes- Fred B. b. May 27, 1878, m. Beatrice Coleman; Albert G b Jan. 13, 1881, m. Irene Crofts; Alice D. b. Feb. 16, 1883 m Frederick Hust. Family home 20th ward, Salt Lake City Brickmaker. BRANCH, WILLIAM HENRY (son of William Henry Branch of Lisbon, Conn.). Born Aug. 9, 1820, Lisbon, Conn. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company. Married Emily Cornelia Atwood Nov. 24, 1844, Mansfield, Conn, (daughter of Daniel Atwood and Polly Sawyer of Mansfield, pioneers 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born March 1, 1819. Their children: Nelson b. Nov. 1845, d. infant; Erving b. Oct. 1847, d. April 1850; 'William Henry b. Aug. 23, 1851, m. Hephzibah C. Hirst; Eugene Elisha b. Aug. 19, 1854, m. Jane Blake; Emily Cornelia b. Dec. 10, 1855, m. George Brooks; Rozilla Polly b. Nov. B, 1857, m. Brigham J. Lund; Candice, died. Family resided Salt Lake City, St. George and Price, Utah. Married Ella Coombs May 9, 1877, St. George, Utah (daugh- ter of Abraham Coombs and Olive Olivia Curtis, latter a pioneer 1860, Ebenezer Hanks company). She was born March 27, 1857, San Bernardino, Cal. Their children: Olive b. Dec. 19, 1878, m. Herbert West Millburn April 22, 1897; Jane b. March 6. 1881, m. Elbert L. Thomas April 12, 1905; Frank b. April 4, 1884, d. Aug. 31, 1907; Arabella b. Dec. 19, 1887, m. Henry A. Pace Sept. 9, 1910; Ella Irene b. June 11, 1890, m. Don Carlos Woodward Aug. 15, 1910. High priest and ward clerk. Road supervisor; captain of police; sheriff Washington county; watermaster. Brick- layer and plasterer; farmer. Died Sept. 19, 1890, Price, Utah. BRANCH, WILLIAM HENRY (son of William Henry Branch and Emily Cornelia Atwood). Born August 23, 1851, Salt Lake City. Married Hephzibah Caroline Hirst May 29, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Henry Hirst and Hannah Drake, of Thornhill, Yorkshire, Eng., who came to Utah Nov. 7, 1878). She was born May 1, 1856. Their children: Eva b. Dec. 27, 1880, died; Cornelia b. March 12, 1882, m. John David Barber; Eliza Jane b. Dec. 31, 1883, m. John Ellwood Car- ruth; Hannah May b. May 14, 1885; Emily b. April 18, 1887, m. Lawrence S. Stone; Frances Ruby b. Jan. 17, 1889, m. Leo Knopp Jan. 28. 1913; Earl b. Sept. 17, 1891. died; Olive b. Jan. 15, 1894; William Henry b. Feb. 18, 1896; Karl Hirst b. Sept. 9, 1901. Family resided Salt Lake City, St. George and Coalville, Utah. Member 21st quorum seventies: missionary to England 1877-80, and to Sandwich islands 1874-77; high priest; bishop; president Y. M. M. 1. A. Deputy sheriff two terms; justice of peace; constable; city marshal; city councilman two terms; deputy United States marshal. Brickmason and plasterer. BRANCH, EUGENE ELISHA (son of William Henry Branch and Emily Cornelia Atwood). He was born Aug. 19, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Jane Blake Jan. 18, 1877, St. George, Utah (daugh- ter of Benjamin Fredrick Blake and Harriett Hollis, both of England, pioneers 1852). She was born Dec. 20, 1857. Their children: Eugene Elisha, Jr., b. Oct. 8, 1877, m. Agnes 768 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Winifred Liddell; Rosilla b. June 11, 1879, m. Ebenezer Hunt Thayn; Irvin b. Nov. 28, 1881, m. Anna May Smith; Lev! b. Dec. 28, 1884, m. Mary Brace; Ernest b. March 28, 1887; Ezra b. July 12, 1889, m. Vilate Hanson; Ray b. June 24, 1891; Melville b. Jan. 14, 1894; Olive b. April 2, 1896; Effle b. Nov. 2, 1901. Missionary to northwestern states 1898-1900; bishop Wel- lington ward 1902-06; ward clerk; Sunday school superin- tendent; ward teacher. School trustee. Mason. Died Oct. 29, 1906, Wellington, Utah. BRANCH, EUGENE ELISHA (son of Eugene Elisha Branch and Jane Blake). Born Oct. 8, 1877, St. George, Utah. Married Agnes Winifred Liddell Sept. 20, 1900. at St. George (daughter of Abraham Liddell of Rutherglen, near Glasgow, Scotland, pioneer Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie com- pany, and Lucy Jones of South Wales, pioneer Oct. 26, 1864, William Hyde company). She was born May 5, 1878. Their children: Gladys b. Sept. 8, 1901; Eugene Amos b. Dec. 10, 1904; Melba and Thelma (twins), b. April 11. 1907, latter died. Member 101st quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1909-11, and president North Carolina conference; high priest; 1st counselor to Bishop Edgar H. Thayn; 2d counselor to Bishop John W. Hill; Sunday school superin- tendent eight years; president Y. M. M. I. A., Wellington ward. Treasurer Wellington town board; chairman Wel- lington school district No. 8. Farmer. BRANSFORD, JOHX SAMUEL, (son of Milford Bard Brans- ford and Sarah Ellen Cooper, who lived in Plumas county, Cal.). Born Aug. 26, 1856, at Richmond, Miss. Came to Utah February, 1899. Married Rachel S. Blood July 31, 1878, at Greenville, Cal. (daughter of John Nelson Blood, of same place), who was born Dec. 19, 1857. Their children: Stella, m. Lewis A. Evans; Wallace Milford, m. Louise Grace Emery. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Mayor Salt Lake City 1907-12. Mining operator and capi- talist. BRE>'CHL,EY, RICHARD (son of William Brenchley, born March 11, 1805, Faversham, East Kent, Eng., and Caroline Wellar, of Borden, East Kent). He was born Feb. 22, 1840, at Borden. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1861, Capt. Home com- pany. Married Jane Gray April 15, 1861 (daughter of William Gray and Ann Broadbent), who was born July 8, 1834. and came to Utah with husband. Only child: Harriet Lydia b. Feb. 17, 1862, m. George Spence April 14, 1887. Married Mary J. Clegg Dec. 26, 1864, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Clegg who died in England 1863, and Ann Massee, pioneer Sept. 25, 1863, Peter Nebeker company). She was born Jan. 18, 1844, Stockport, Eng. Their children: Jane Clegg b. Oct. 17, 1865, m. Thomas Thorpe May 2, 1886; Mary C. b. June 27, 1867, m. Robert Leshman Nov. 10, 1885; Caroline C. b. June 17, 1869, m. Joseph Thorpe Jan. 18, 1891; Richard C. b. June 10, 1871, died; William C. b. Sept. 8, 1873, m. Sarah Murray Jan. 6, 1897; John b. Jan. 3, 1875, m. Cassie Hall Jan. 7, 1903; Thomas b. April 1, 1878, m. Laura Hall Jan. 10, 1900; Joseph C. b. Jan. 21, 1880, m. Florence Mem- mott April 12, 1905; Alfred C. b. Feb. 26, 1885, died. Settled at Wellsville. Second counselor in presidency high priests' quorum, Wellsville ward. Watermaster six years. BRIDGES, HENRY MAL,L,I 1893 ' St ' George, Utah (daugh- Sfo 21 ^XK! , C T a ? a ^ d Maggie Smith), who was born Clara Fa milt * Lake C' ty - Their children: Delia; Charles; Clara. Family home Cedar City, Utah. Stock and sheepraiser. BULLOCK, BENJAMIN KIMBALL, (son of Benlamln Bullrwlt and Dorothy Kimball of Grafton, Grafton * . Married Martha Elizabeth Hart Jan. 26, 1851. Bullock's of r OxforTM daugh , te t 1 ; of Thomas T. Hart and Mary Riggs of Oxford, Conn. latter a pioneer Sept. 20 1852) She was born Oct. 4, 1837, Oxford, Conn. Their chl dren: Benja? mln Kimball, Jr. b. June 11, 1852, d. Oct. 16 1855- ThomVq Henry b. Oct. 3. 1854 d. Feb. 11, 1889; Martha Melissa bTan h r B t. A ift P an ' e ' s Dec - 2 , 4 - 1874 : Joseph Isaac b. March 12 1859 m Maria Anderson March 12, 1892; John Kimball A'IK . i?'o 861> m - Addie Arnold Burton June 16. 1900; George lb< t j^ S< ; pt - 25, 1863, m. Mary Jane Dugdale Nov. 27, 1886: David Charles b. April 19, 1866, d. Oct. 20, 1867; Seth Hart b 5 eP ' M- d ' Oct 27 ' 1868 = Gideon Riggs b. Nov. l" 1869 d. Feb. 25, 1877; Frank Orin b. Jan 12 1873 d Aue- 12 K&3R.SP& 1 . b " ? Ct " 9 ' 1"5, m. Annie L d ' A A nd!rson March 20 1900; Benjamin Hart b. Oct. 27, 1878. m. Nora Alice Broadbent April 20, 1904; Jared Asa b. Nov. 14, 1882, d. Feb -, 1884. Married Ann Sykes Feb. 20, 1S56, Prove, Utah (daughter ?=o^ al S es Sykes and Sarah H111 >- who was born Oct. 17 1827 Brampton Eng Their children: James Alonzo b.' M ' 85;ErneSt Kimball b. Nov. 5, 1860; Amasa Sykes 8 ' Familles > *, A Th ?. M , uddy 1868 ' Mayor of Prov o three terms, 1855-61. Assisted in erection of public buildings at BULLOCK, BENJAMIN HART (son of Benjamin Kimball Bullock and Martha Elizabeth Hart). Born Oct 27 1878 Provo, Utah. Married Nora Alice Broadfcent April 20. 1904. Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Broadbent and Ghana Ellen Spainhower of Provo, pioneers Sept. 1862). She was born July 22, 1882. Their children: Grace Hart b. April 2 1905; Benjamin Vern b. Feb. 25, 1908; Alice b. June 21 1911* Family home Provo. Missionary to England 1899-02; secretary 123d and mem- ber 34th quorums seventies; 2d counselor and later presi- dent 3d ward Y. M. M. I. A. of Provo; 2d assistant Sunday school superintendent, 1st ward; set apart bishop of Bonne- ville ward, Provo, Feb. 16. 1913. Miner; farmer. BULLOCK, ISAAC (son of Benjamin Bullock and Dorothy Kimball, both of Grafton, Grafton county. N H ) Born Oct. 23, 1825. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1852. Married Electa Wood Dec. 14, 1856. She was born July 15, 1834. Their children: Isaac, Jr., b. Sept. 19, 1857; Electa b. March 6, 1859; Hanna Christina b. Dec. 25, 1861- Frances Eva b. June 7, 1867; Ada Elizabeth b. May 12, 1869- Nettle May b. June 13, 1872; Gideon Owen b. Dec. 3, 1875; Abraham b. July 24, 1878. Family home Provo. Utah. Married Emma Stoot April 6, 1857, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Stoot and Sarah Lees of England). She was born June 27, 1840. Their children: William b. Aug 30 1859; Edwin James b. Oct. 8, 1861, died; Allison b. 1864 died- Lyman b. 1867, died; Emma. Jane b. July 24, 1870, died- Hezekiah b. 1873, died; Sarah b. Jan. 9, 1878; Celia Ann b. 1881, died; John b. 1884 and Jared b. 1887, died. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to England 1863-66; president high priests' quorum. Mayor of Provo 1863; member Utah legislature- U. S. marshal 1867. Fanner. Died March 16. 1891. Provo, Utah. BULLOCK, DAVID (son of James Bulloch, born Jan. 8, 1808, and Isabella Dunn, born Dec. 1813, both of Glasgow, Scot- land). He was born Sept. 10, 1844 at Glasgow. Came to Utah September, 1851, Scotch Independent company. Married Alice Bladen April 5, 1869 (daughter of Thomas Bladen and Mary Cottle), who was born July 1849. Their children: David C. b. July 18, 1872, m. Clara Cram; Robert William b. July 29, 1875, m. Arminta McConnell; John Tay- lor b. May 28, 1878, m. Mary Jane Arthur; Mary Isabell b. Aug. 25, 1880, m. Henry Mackelprang; Thomas b. April 13, 1884, m. Rebecca Walker; Angus b. April 7, 1889. Married Sarah Ann Higbee Jan. 5, 1890, Juarez, Mexico (daughter of John M. Higbee and Eunice Bladen, pioneers 1847 and 1851 respectively). She was born Nov. 27, 1861, Cedar City, Utah. Their children: Warren b. June 7, 1894; Norine b. Jan. 15, 1897. Families resided at Cedar City. First white boy on site of Cedar City; early freighter to Nevada mining camps; in early days had charge of Co-op cattle and horse herds. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Member Cedar City council. Missionary to Scotland 1875-76. BULLOCK, JAMES (son of Thomas Bullock and Jeanett Boyle, of Canada). Born 1805, in Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Mary Hill In Canada (daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth Hill, pioneers 1850, independent company). Their children: Alexander b. 1838, m. Emily Harris; Elizabeth b. 1842, m. Donald D. McArthur 1857; Mary E. b. 1846, m. E. Farns; James O. b. 1849, m. Martha Brown. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Seventy; counselor to Bishops Brown and Thome. City councilman. Pleasant Grove, four years. Farmer. BULLOCK, ALEXANDER (son of James Bullock and Mary Hill). Born Sept. 22, 1838, In Canada. Came to Utah with father. Married Emily Caroline Harris Nov. 9, 1861, at Salt Lake City (daughter of McGee Harris and Mary Givens, pioneers Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company). She was .born Feb. 14, 1844. Their children: Emily Ellen b. Oct. 18, 1862, m. Thomas Admonson; William A. b. June 25. 1865, m. Clara E. Marrott; Newel H. b. Oct. 22, 1867, m. Mary Skillings; Effle D. b. April 22, 1871. m. William H. Marrott; Dessle b. June 6, 1874, died; McGee H. b. Nov. 6. 1876, m. Octavie Poulson; Florence H. b. Feb. 5. 1882, m. John P. Madsen. Married Clarissa Melissa Herron Dec. 7, 1875, Pleasant Grove (daughter of Orlando F. Herron, pioneer 1847. and Hannah J. Driggs, pioneer April 1849, Aaron Farr company). 780 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH She was born April 1858. Their children: Jeanet C. b. 1877. m. Henry Johnson; Lamont b. April 19, 1879; Gertrude b. 1881. m. Lafayette G. Blackmont; Hannah b. 1884, ra. O. Halladay. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Missionary to New Zealand 1887-89; hig-h priest. City marshal Pleasant Grove 12 years. Farmer and stockraiser. BULLOCK, THOMAS (son of Thomas Bullock and Mary Hall of Leek, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 23, 1816 at Leek. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Henrietta Rushton at Leek, who was born Feb. 13, 1817. Their children: Thomas Honri, m. Mary Ann Wag- staff; Charles Richard, m. Susan Marinda Johnson; m. Wil- helmina Iverson: Pamela, m. James B. Mason; Willard Richard died; Mary Elizabeth, m. Walter Scott Halbrook; Brigham Maroni died; Henrietta Rushton, m. George Gar- retson Griffith; Francis Alonzo, m. Margaret Priscilla Smith; David Parley died. Family home 14th ward, Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to England 1855-57; clerk for first pioneer company, and in office of church historian. Once a press corrector on Deseret News. First recorder Salt Lake City and county. Died Feb. 10, 1885, Coalville, Utah. BULLOCK, FRANCIS ALONZO (son of Thomas Bullock and Henrietta Rushton). Born Aug. 5. 1855, Salt Lake City. Married Margaret Priscilla Smith Nov. 7, 1882 (daughter of William Simmons Smith and Margaret Rebecca Bird of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1853). She was born Nov. 8, 1860. Their children: Alonzo Eugene b. May 27, 1883, m. Edna Elizabeth Rawlings; William Owen b. Aug. 4, 1886; Myrtle b. Sept. 19, 1888: Lester Rowland b. April 11, 1894; Margaret Arlene b. July 26, 1901. Family home Salt Lake City. Elder. Yard-checker for Harriman railroads. BITLT, ROBERT (son of Robert S. Bult and Jane Coats, former of England, latter of Scotland, pioneers 1862). Born Dec. 7, 1865. Salt Lake City. Married Mary Jane Haslam June 15, 1888, Salt Lake City (daughter of John R. Haslam and Margerite Howarth, pio- neers Oct. 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She was born Aug. 6, 1868, Salt Lake City. Their children: Lester R. b. Dec. 18, 1889, m. Ethel Ball; Margerite J. b. Feb. 9, 1891, d. aged 20; Sarah A. b. Oct. 14, 1892, m. Thomas Seddon; Robert A. b. June 15, 1893; Lottie I. b. March 29, 1895; Carl H. b. Feb. 22, 1896; Ethel L.'b. July 14, 1899; William E. b. April 2, 1903: Ralph b. June 1, 1908; Myrtle D. b. Jan. 16, 1911. Family home Salt Lake City. Locomotive engineer and railroad switchman. BUNCE, LEWIS DE MOTT. Born Sept. 29. 1827, Walcott, Wayne county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1852. Married Elmira Vorhees Oct. 2S. 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Elisha Vorhees and Nancy Ann Leak, of Manti, Utah, pioneers 1851, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born June 30. 1834. Their children. Esther Ann b. Sept. 20, 1853, m. Jasper Larson; Louis Avery b. Oct. 5, 1854, m. Betsey Jeffs: Mary Elizabeth b. Nov. 8. 1S55, m. William Dixon; Warren Alonzo b. Jan. 14, 1857, died; Austin Moroni b. April 18, 1858, m. Ella Burns; Elmira Matilda b. April 6, I860, m. Niels C. Christensen; Joseph Delaney b. Sept. 16, 1862, m. Retta Johnson; William Franklin b. Oct. 4, 1863, m. Mamie Pollock; Diantha Adaline b. Sept. 8, 1865; Jane b. Jan. 23. 1867; Rosabell b. March 30, 1868, and Arabell b. March 30, 1868, latter four died; Laura Luella b. Sept. 8, 1870, m. Peter Christensen; Urbin Ross b. June 14, 1875, m. Ethel Warnick; John Homer b. Aug, 25, 1880. Family home Parowan, Utah. Seventy; missionary to England 1877-79. Lived at Mantl, Springdale, and Parowan; moved to Sterling 1875. Veteran Black Hawk Indian and Mexican wars. Mason and farmer. Died Sept. 16, 1894, Price, Utah. BUBTIVELL, DAVID EDWIN (son of Ithamar Bunnell). Born June 25, 1809, Newark, Essex county, N. J. Came to Utah Oct. B, 1852, captain of ten in James C. Snow company. Married Sallie Heller Conrad April 15. 1830, Elmira. N. Y., who was born Sept. 19, 1810. Their children: Daniel Kim- ball, m. Abigail Miller (Martin); m. Mary Muir (Hughes); Stephen Ithamar, m. Percia Cornelia Grover; Samuel Gard- ner, m. Ellen K. Zabriskie; George Henry, m. Margarette Sulzer; Phoebe Elizabeth, m. Joseph Cluff: Mary Armstrong, m. Sidney T. Horsley: Martha, died: Alfareda, m. Lorln S. Glazier: Rosetta, m. Vernie Lorenzo Halladay. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 34th quorum seventies: high priest; missionary to eastern states 1849. Sent by Brigham Young to colonize the White Mountain section of Arizona. Provo city councilman and one of its first fruitgrowers. Carpenter and farmer. Died July 3, 1866. BUNNELL, DANIEL KIMBALL (son of David Edwin Bun- nell and Sallie Heller Conrad). Born Oct. 23, 1831, Browns- town, Wayne county. Mich. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1852. Married Abigail Miller (Martin) Nov. 28, 1856, Indian- town, Iowa (daughter of Branch Miller and Abigail Wil- liams of Scotland county. Mo.). She was born June 15, 1840. Their children: Alphretta Jane b. Sept. 28, 18B7, m. John Lee; Mary Ellen b. Sept. 28, 1859, m. Chill Brown; Daniel Edwin b. Jan. 13, 1863, m. Levermia Sweet; Martha Heller b. Feb. 6, 1866, m. Alford Glazier; Mass b. Feb. 14, 1869, m. Dollie Showells. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Mary Muir (Hughes) Nov. 1, 1875, Heber City, Utah (daughter of George Muir and Margarette Hanna of Heber City, pioneers Sept. 26, 1856, Daniel Ellsworth hand- cart company). She was born April 15, 1853. Their chil- dren: Margarette Hughes, m. Hirsha J. Davis; Elenor Ro- seltha, m. Eugene Prestwich; Romaina, m. Hosea L. Davis; Pearl, m. Eugene Newell; Ross Kimball, m. Pearl J. Wil- liams; Burdell David. Family home Provo Bench, Utah. High priest; worked on Nauvoo temple last seven months till completion. Walker Indian war veteran. Farmer and fruitgrower. BUNNELL. STEPHEN ITHAMAR (son of David Edwin Bun- nell and Sallie Heller Conrad). Born Feb. 1, 1834, Browns- town, Mich. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862. Married Percia Cornelia Grover Sept. 19, 1854, Provo, Utah (daughter of Thomas Grover and Eliza Nickerson of Provo, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Dec. 27, 1842. Their children: Stephen Ithamar b. April, 1868, m. Mary Elizabeth Gammon; David Conrad b. September, 1860, died; Thomas William b. Nov.. 1862; Sam- uel Emery b. March, 1864, m. Julia Madsen; Percia Emma b. June, 1866; Charles Albert b. August, 1868; Leslie Lamond b. August, 1870, m. Ellen D. Johnson; Frederick Edwin b. June, 1872, m. Elizabeth Holland; Parley b. Feb. 1876; Caro- line Melissa b. Aug. 1876. m. Don C. Williams; Wilford Ar- thur b. July, 1879; Vernie Lorenzo b. February, 1882, m. Edith Dilworth. Family home Lake View, Utah. Married Ann Cable 1864, Salt Lake City (whose parents came to Utah 1850). She was born 1852. Family home Lake View. High priest; ward teacher. Assisted in bringing Immi- grants to Utah 1857. Farmer and stockraiser. BUNNELL, GEORGE HENRY (son of David Edwin Bunnell and Sallie Heller Conrad). Born Dec. 21, 1837, Brownstown, Mich. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1852. Married Margarette Sulzer Oct. 11, 1867, Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah (daughter of Casper Sulzer and Kathryn Stiedler of Mehringen, Bern, Switzerland, pioneers Sept. 22, 1861, Joseph W. Young company). She was born Sept. 6, 1851. Their children: Sallie Heller b. May 30, 1869, d. June 13, 1869; Margarette Eve b. Aug. 31, 1870, m. George Van Wagoner: Kathryne b. Oct. 1. 1872, m. Henry Epperson; George Henry b. Sept. 25, 1876, m. Leona Campbell; Susan Elizabeth b. April 13, 1878, m. John Alva Baum; David Ed- win b. April 20, 1881, m. Stella Peters; Rosetta Laverna b. Sept. 27, 1885. d. Feb. 3. 1891; Lillian Florence b. Oct. 7. 1888, d. Feb. 1, 1891; Iva b. June 14. 1890, m. E. J. Adams; Don Golden b. March 6, 1895, d. Aug. 8, 1903. Family home Midway, Utah. Seventy. Assisted to bring immigrants to Utah. Stock- raiser and farmer. Died April 1, 1908. BUNNELL, SAMUEL GARDNER (son of David Edwin Bun- nell and Sallie Heller Conrad). Born In New Jersey. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1852. Married Ellen K. Zabriskie (daughter of Louis Zabriskie and Miss Higby). Their children: Mary Kezia, m. J. F. All- red; Sarah Ellen, m. J. F. Allred; Samuel David b. Oct. 26, 1862, m. Maryetta Moore; Steven Louis, m. Lena Reese; Joseph and Hiram (twins) d. infants; Charlotta Minerva, m. John Schofleld; Amanda Rosetta, m. N. P. Nelson; John Gardner, m. Mary Baker; Emma, m. James Nielson; Percia, m. Hyrum Perry; Nellie d. Infant; Jephtha. Family home Spring City, Utah. BUNNELL, SAMUEL DAVID (son of Samuel Gardner Bun- nell and Ellen K. Zabriskie). Born Oct. 26, 1862, at Provo, Utah. Married Maryetta Moore May 26, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Calvin White Moore and Catherine Elizabeth Allred of Massachusetts, pioneers 1848, with part of Mor- mon Battalion). Their children: Maude b. Oct. 18, 1883, m. Alexander Petty; Samuel Burton b. Aug. 6, 1886, m. Louise Kofford; Calvin Leroy b. March 25, 1889; Lulu Maryetta b. Aug. 24, 1891, m. Montrose Killpatrlck; Lee b. Aug. 25, 1889; Steven Louis b. Aug. 4, 1893: Nellie Blanche b. Dec. 13, 1901. Family home Castle Dale, Utah. Elder. Deputy sheriff; farmer and stockraiser. BUNOT, JOSEPH AIME ATTGCST (son of Gabriel Toussaln Bunot, born Oct. 22, 1783. Snargent, Haute Soane, France, and Mary Rose RosaliS Morel Mottet, born November, 1792, Morbier, France). He was born Feb. 4, 1828, at Musinens, Department de 1'Aln, France. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock company. Married Adelaide Perrenoud 1866 in Switzerland (daugh- ter of Jules Frederick and Chariot Benolt Perrenoud), who was born Sept. 1, 1832, and died Dec. 26, 1866, Salt Lake City. Only child: SidoniJ Eliza Constance b. Jan. 6, 1856, m. Thomas H. Roberts 1871. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Louise Richard 1862, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Fannie and John Louis Richards, pioneers). She was born Nov. 12, 1834, Mont le Grand, Canton Vaud, Switzerland. Their children: Joseph. Jr., m. April 1863, d. January, 1869: Franck (adopted) b. 1863: Walter b. April. 1869, m. Sarah Ralphs Aug. 19, 1894; Aline VirgriniS b. Sept. 27, 1866. d. March 21, 1891; Augustus George b. April 4, 1871, d. April 19, 1895; Aime Josephine Adeline, b. Jan. 1, 1874, d. Dec. 21, 1889; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH John Henry b. Oct. 20, 1876, d. July 22, 1908. Family home Henefer, Utah. Married Annie Hunt (Price) Februar--, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Ann Hunt (Price), pioneers 1869). She was born Sept. 1, 1852, Deptford, Eng. Their children: Edward b. 1870, d. 1872; Felix Leonard b. November, 1874, m. Mary Elizabeth Dearden, 1897; Charles and Charlotte (twins), both died; Myrah Adelaide Annie b. September, 1877; Lydia May b. May 17, 1880; Frederic Ludovic b. May 2, 1889; John Alma b. Nov. 18, 1886, married Nov. 7, 1906; Samuel Arthur b. May 17, 1899. Family home Henefer, Utah. His grandfather was a captain-general, and his father receiver-principal, in the custom-houses of the French gov- ernment. He fought in the French army, was In the cam- paign of Rome, 1848, and after leaving the army, located In Geneva, where he first married. Missionary from Utah to France, Switzerland and Italy 1882; president 27th quorum seventies; high priest; patriarch. Was arrested June 6, 1889, at Ogden, and again July 6, 1890, at Henefer, for following his religious beliefs. Watchmaker; civil engineer for Union Pacific Railroad company. Justice of the peace; elected sur- veyor of Summit county 1872. Retired farmer, stockraiser and sheepman. BUNOT, WALTER (son of Joseph Aime August Bunot and Louise Richard). Born in April, 1869, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Sarah Ralphs Aug. 19, 1894. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Fred Ralphs), who was born May 24, 1874, Plain City, Utah. They had five children, all girls. BURBA3TK, DANIEL, M. Born Dec. 3, 1814, In New York state. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1852, captain independent com- pany. Married Abigail Bloglt, who died en route to Utah. Among their children was: Mary L. b. Jan. 30, 1844, m. Henry L,. Marble. Married Sarah S. Burbank, who was born Feb. 10, 1835, Boston, Leeds Co., Canada, and came to Utah with hus- band. Among their children was: Sarah S. b. July 12 1866, m. George Roland Williams Oct. 25, 1883. BURBIDGE, JAMES RHOADES. Born Dec. 22. 1814, Bed- ford, Eng. Started for Utah in 1854, with ten-pound com- pany and died en route. Married Mary Brown (daughter of John Brown and Edith Atterton of Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, Eng.). She was born Dec. 16, 1816. Their children: James William b. Feb. 25, 1837, m. Sarah J. Humphery; Catharine Emma b. Nov. 17, 1839, m. Samuel P. Hoyt; Jesse Rhoades b. March 1, 1844, m. Catherine D. Pack; Mary Ann b. Jan. 11, 1851; Jane E. b. Oct. 31, 1848, m. John K. Lemon; Lucy, m. James McCormick. Died May 15, 1854, Florence, Neb. BURBIDGE, JESSE RHOADES (son of James Rhoades Bur- bidge and Mary Brown). Born March 1, 1844, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson com- pany. Married Catherine Devalla Pack Aug. 14, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Pack and Ruth Mosher of Kings- ton, Canada, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young com- pany). She was born June 8, 1853. Their children: Ruth Devalla b. Aug. 24, 1872, m. Robert Dee King April 28, 1896; Jesse EHas b. Jan. 28, 1874, m. Sarah Vivian Simpson Sept. 1898; Ward Parley b. May 4, 1876, m. Orinda Park Dec. 1901; Mary Ann b. Dec. 15, 1877; Emma Ursula b. Oct. 24, 1879, m. Samuel Turnbow June 28, 1899; Catherine Emily b. Oct. 4, 1881, m. Spencer Williams Jan. 15, 1902; James Rhoades b. Aug. 8, 1883, m. Florence J. Wilkinson Sept. 10, 1912; Wil- liam Allen b. Nov. 28, 1885; Henry Eugene b. Sept. 8, 1887, m. Myrtle Woolstenhulme Oct. 4, 1910; John Ashahel b. Jan. 4, 1890, d. June 5, 1890; Lucy Celestia b. March 16, 1891, d. Oct. 20, 1906; Zoa Sarah b. June 6, 1893, m. George Wil- liams Nov. 22, 1911; Anton Lemon b. Feb. 3, 1897; Laura b July 30, 1898, died. Family resided Salt Lake City and Kamas, Utah. BURCH, DANIEL, (son of Daniel Burch and Rebecca Dumford). Born Nov. 5, 1803, Boone county, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Ann Wilson McClellen Nov. 11, 1829 (daughter of James McClellen and Ann Giffln), who was born Nov. 1, 1807, Hamilton county, Ohio. Their children: John Milton b. Oct. 1830; William b. July 4, 1832, m. Ida Hazleton; James b. Dec. 10, 1835, m. Nancy L. Stewart Dec. 18, 1861; Robert Mc- Clellen b. April 21, 1838, m. Catherine J. Jenkins, 1865; Belinda b. March 21, 1840, m. John Matthew Clark Jan. 24, 1858; Angeline b. 1842; Emma b. Dec. 22, 1844, m. John West- ley Shoup 1870; Joseph b. Dec. 22, 1844; Elizabeth Nancy b. Jan. 31, 1849, m. George Richard Hill Dec. 18, 1872. Family resided Nauvoo, 111.; Cincinnati, Ohio, and Ogden, Utah. Built first sawmill and grist mill In Weber county, and first ferry boat on Weber river. BURCH, JAMES (son of Daniel Burch and Ann Wilson McClellen). Born Dec. 10, 1835, Cincinnati, Ohio. Married Nancy Lorena Stewart Dec. 18, 1861, Ogden, Utah (daughter of George Stewart and Ruth Baker, latter a pio- neer Sept. 24, 1847, Abraham O. Smoot company). She was born Nov. 6, 1841, in Alabama Their children: Ruth Ann b. May 13, 1863, m David Stowell April 17, 1884; Nancy Jane 781 WM?Ah A \lH'' E - mm S Lorena b - May 30. 1868, m. Joseph B. W Nnv A w$ Kva Belinda *> April 10. 1871; Cynthia Ella F^h^th'h ^, n \ Luc 1 ' us ^ Humphrey June 30, 1898; Mary S!m^*iM U n> 1875> m - Ja mes Brown July 6. 1904* ?2 W<)^ a T* b pP eC ' 2 9 t 1877 ' m ' Th mas H. Clifford Nov. 22 1899, James Ldward b. June 15, 1880, m. Martha Selman- Florence b. March 4, 1884, m. Joseph B Clark May 9 1804 : George McClellen b. Oct 3. 1886. Family home ^gYen.' UU& - 1 F oun selor an d also second counselor at and ? URC m R B ?, R McCLELLEN < son ot Daniel Burch and Ann Wilson McClellen). Born April 21, 1838. HamiUo county, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 24 1S47 Married Catherine Jane Jenkins (daughter of Thomas Au* ln a i n S 4fi J a a - Ma ^f 1 , a11 - P ioneers 62). She was born Aug. 22, 1S46. Their children: Robert M. b. Aug. 3 1866 m. Nellie A. Thompson Dec. 13, 1888; Daniel b. Dec. 8, 1868' m - T Ed ' th a S ' ker: T Thoma s G. b. Jan. 25, 1872; John William b. Dec. 28, 18,3; James Karry b. Oct. 5, 1875; Samuel Furge- ? on ,ooV JU T n T e J' 1878> m ' p earl Crandall; David Aaron b. April 6. 1880; Heber b. Dec. 29, 1881; Henry b. May 5. 1884, m Susie Arnold; Wilford Woodruff b. March 4, 1886; Benjamin Jenkins b. Feb. 13, 1888; Lewis Marshall b. April 27, 1891 Family home Weber county, Utah. High priest. Farmer and stockraiser. BCRGE1VER, JACOB (son of Jacob Burgener and Annie Touscher of Switzerland). Born April 13, 1824, in Switzer- land. Came to Utah October, 1864, George W. Snow com- pany. Married Marie Mullenatter in Switzerland (daughter of John Mullenatter), who was born Sept. 22. 18L9. Their children: Marie, m. Christy Shoney; Jacob and Annie, died- Christian, m. Emelie Sulzer; John, m. Mary Murri; Louisa', died. Family home Midway, Utah. Married Elizabeth Christian at Salt Lake City, who was born in 1835. Family home in Switzerland. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 7, 1895 at Midway, Utah. BURGENER, CHRISTIAN (son of Jacob Burgener and Marie Mullenatter). Born Nov. 21, 1855, In Switzerland. Came to Utah 1864 with parents. Married Emelie Sulzer Nov. 13, 1876, Heber, Utah (daugh- ter of Casper Sulzer and Kathryne Stiedler of Meiringen, Switzerland, pioneers Sept. 22, 1861, Joseph W. Young com- pany. She was born Sept. 5, 1859. Their children: Emelie Irene b. Oct. 21, 1877, m. John Fausett; Anna Elizabeth b. June 11, 1879, m. John E. Berg; Christian Ernest b. June 12, 1881; Kathryne Bertha b. May 9, 1883, m. Fred Dummer; Margareth Agnes b. March 16, 1885, m. Abram Shields; Jacob Casper b. March 30, 1887, m. Minnie May Bunnell; John Elmer b. Jan. 31, 1889, d. May 13, 1909; Frank Monroe b. Dec. 3, 1890; Charles Arthur b. Feb. 10, 1893; Mary Merle b. Oct. 6, 1895; Laverne b. Aug. 17, 1898; Maynard Lamont b. Nov. 7, 1899; Violet b. Jan. 22, 1904. Family home Midway, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. BURGENER, JOHN (son of Jacob Burgener and Marie Mul- lenatter). Born March 31. 1858, In Switzerland. Came to Utah 1864 with parents. Married Mary Murri Nov. 27, 1878, Midway, Utah (daugh- ter of John Murri and Elizabeth Grosen of Affoltern, Switz- erland). She was born April 16, 1861. Their children: John Jacob b. Jan. 3, 1879, m. Clara Durschi; George Albert b. April 13, 1880, m. Naomi Vail; Mary Elizabeth b. April 11, 1881, m. John Sulzer; Henry Alma b. April 15, 1883, m. Hazel McDonald; Edward Lawrence b. Jan. 18, 1887; William Wal- ter b. Sept. 15, 1889; Grace Eva b. Jan. 6, 1893, m. Willard McDonald; Karl Andrew b. March 13, 1896, Joseph B. b. June 24, 1899; Hazel May b. Dec. 20, 1902. Family home Midway, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Stockraiser and horticulturist. BURGESS, GEORGE MARTIJV (son of Horace Burgess and Almira Pulsipher and grandson of William Burgess and Violate Stockwell). Born April 2, 1839, in Clay county. Mo. Came to Utah 1850, Capt. Johnson company. (Aaron John- son came Sept. 8 and Thomas Johnson came Sept. 12.) Married Rhoda Ann Dykes April 16, 1864, St. George, Utah (daughter of George Parker Dykes and Dorcas Keeling of Washington county, Ky., pioneers 1852, Ezra T. Benson com- pany. She was born in 1846. Their children: George Ed- ward, m. Emily Jeffery; Mary Alice, m. Samuel Alonzo Gard- ner- Lillian, d. child; Howard Lee, died; Ella May, m. Orrin Henry Snow; Willard; Horace Martin, died; Lucy, m. Daniel E. Hendrix; Ruth Fowler, m. David Cannon Gardner; Ernest Hungate b. Jan. 3, 1884, m. Donna Viola Miles; Clarence b. Jan. 29, 1886, m. Jessie Reid. President 29th quorum of seventies. Crossed plains three times as blacksmith. Black Hawk Indian and Echo Canyon wars veteran. Missionary among the Indians. Tanner. Pioneer of Lehi and later St. George, Utah. BURGESS ERNEST HUNGATE (son of George Martin Bur- gess and Rhoda Ann Dykes). Born Jan. 3, 1884, in Pine Va vtarried ta Donna Viola Miles June 3. 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of William A. Miles and Lucretla A. Wightman 782 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH of Salt Lake City and Payson). She was born Jan. J8, 1884. Their children: William Miles b. March 11, 1910; Ernest Martin b. Oct. 28, 1911. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. Missionary to Germany 1904-07; president Berlin confer- ence 1906-07; clerk of Duchesne stake; Sunday school super- intendent; stake instructor of elders' quorum. Deputy county attorney of Wasatch county. Principal of Roosevelt public schools 1911-12. BURGESS, WILLIAM. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Violate Stockwell, who came to Utah with hus- band. Their children: Horace, m. Almira Pulsipher; Har- rison, m. Amanda Hammon; Hannah; Philope; William, Jr., m. Mariah Pulsipher; Rosina; John; Frederick; Violate, m. Richard Gibbons; Melancthon, m. Margaret Mclntyre. Fam- ily home in Pine Valley, Utah. BURGESS, WILLIAM, JR. (son of William Burgess and Violate Stockwell). Born March 1, 1822, Putnam county, N. T. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1848. Married Mariah Pulsipher September, 1840, In Illinois (daughter of Zera Pulsipher and Mary Ann Brown, pioneers Sept. 22, 1848). She was born June 17, 1822. Their children: Mary Harriet b. May 22, 1S42, m. Ezra Nelson Bullard; Cor- nelia b. Jan. 1843, m. James Hughes; Juliet, m. Joshua Chi- dester; William b. 1848, d. infant; Wilmer, m. Jane Heath; James, m. Mary Heath; Violate, m. Joseph Meeks; William Harrison, m. Mary Ann Davis; Anetta, m. Orson Robins. Family home Huntington, Utah. Missionary among Indians; high priest; counselor to President Thomas S. Smith. Indian war veteran and took part in Echo canyon trouble; colonel 2d regiment terri- torial militia 1854; captain 3d company 5th regiment Nauvoo Legion. Farmer and sawmillman. Helped build Nauvoo temple. Died March 14, 1904 Married Isabell Ruxton (daughter of Alexander Ruxton and Mary Watt). Their children: Nellie b. Jan. 24, 1833 m. John Nichole; 2 David b. Feb. 27, 1834, m. Jane Buist; Jane b. June 19, 1840, m. James Smith; William b. April 10, 1846 m Sarah Jane Wilde Jan. 25, 1866; Margaret b. Sept. 19, 1850 m. Thomas Bolenbrook. Family home Salt Lake City. BURNETT, WILLIAM (son of David and Isabell Ruxton) Born April 10, 1846, Surmare, France. Married Sarah Jane Wilde Jan. 25, 1866, Tooele Utah (daughter of John Wilde who died February, 1911, and Nancy Randall). She was born Nov. 28, 1844, Oldham, Lancashire Eng. Their children: John W. b. March 29, 1867, d. Sept 10, 1867; Sarah b. Sept. 9, 1868, m. John Fuller 1891- David b April 25, 1870, m. Agnes Ririe June 23, 1897; William b Aug 25, 1871 (d. Dec. 1901), m. Courtney A. Stallings 1900; Isabell b. Jan. 26. 1874, m. Virgil B. Stallings 1898; Matthew b July 31, 1875, m. Rozeltha Fuller 1899; James b. April 16 1877, m. Margaret Wilson 1901; Alice b. Nov. 16, 1879- Violet b. June 6. 1880. d. September 1880; Thomas b. May 20 1881 d. April 12, 1904; Margaret E. b. Nov. 17, 1882, m. Clarence Sage 1904; Alexander b. May 18, 1884, m. Myrtle Deffenbaugh 1904; George R. b. Sept. 2, 1885; Clara D. b. April 22, 1888 m George Pope 1907. Family resided Harrisville and Eden Utah. BURNETT, DAVID (son of William Burnett and Sarah Jane Wilde). Born April 25, 1870, Harrisville, Utah. Married Agnes Ririe June 23, 1897, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Ririe, pioneer September, 1853, Jacob Gates company, and Ann Boyack, pioneer Oct. 24, 1855, Milo An- drus company). She was born March 27, 1874, West Weber Utah. Their children: Vila A. b. April 22. 1898; Clista A. b. May 23, 1900; Olive J. b. Oct. 15, 1903; Amy M. b. Jan. 28, 1906; Lola I. b. April 27, 1908; Laverna E. b. Sept. 24, 1912 BURGOKT, WILLARD C. (son of James Burgon and Matilda Rook of Winchester, Hampshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 6, 1854, in Hampshire. Came to Utah July 4. 1872. Married Emma Crouch July 26, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Crouch and Caroline Baker of Lon- don, Eng., who came to Utah Nov. 14, 1873). She was born March 3, 1857. Their children: Emma Matilda b. June 2, 1876, m. Thomas F. Greenwood; Minnie Josephine b. Sept. 13, 1878, m. William M. Cox; Willard Charles b. Sept. 28, 1880, m Ann Walker; Heber James b. May 20, 1882, m. Lulu M. Hanson; Albert F.dward b. July 16, 1884, m. Bertha E. Han- sen; Horace William b. Sept. 7, 1888, m. Alice Graham; Franklin Ernest b. Sept. 25, 1890. Family home Union, Salt Lake county, Utah. Bishop Union ward 1900-10; president high priests' quo- rum, Jordan stake; missionary to England 1896-97. Justice of peace. Mason and contractor. BURKE, CHARLES PETER (son of Andrew Bjurke and Anna Nielsen, born June 29, 1799, In Sweden). He was born Aug. 11, 1837, MalmS, Sweden. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1866, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Betsey Christina Jensen June, 1859 (daughter of Jens Jensen and Kristen Andersen). She was born Jan. 13, 1844, in Denmark. Their children: Betsey Ann b. Jan. 13, 1861, m. Richard Parker Jan. 28, 1880; Mary Jane b. April 11. 1864, m. Thomas R. Reeve; Amanda Jane b. Aug. 6, 1866, m. Amos J. Workman; Charles b. Dec. 2, 1868, m. Mary Sophia Peterson Jan. 20, 1891; Oscar b. July 16, 1871, m. Elizabeth Humphries; Andrew b. Sept. 23, 1873; Hyrum b. Dec. 19, 1876. m. Estella Pack. Married Annie Batilda Johnson Sept. 1, 1880, St. George, Utah (daughter of Caroline Johnson), who was born Aug. 9, 1856, Helsingborgr, Sweden. Their children: Wilhelmina b. Oct. 13, 1877 (adopted), m. Thomas Cook; Caroline b. July 6, 1882, m. Alma Wright; Walter G. b. Oct. 22, 1884, m. Amanda Johnson. Married Annie Andersen July 27, 1887, St. George, Utah (daughter of Anders Mortensen and Maren Jacobsen Ander- sen), who was born Jan. 15, 1863 in Denmark, Their chil- dren: Lula b. Dec. 24, 1885, (adopted), m. Swan Burg; Alma b. June 14, 1888, m. Arintha Howdard; Arthur b. Dec. Itf, 1889; Emily b. July 2, 1892, m. Godfrey Johnson; Clarence b. Oct. 3, 1895; Norah b. April 1, 1900. Settled at Spring City; moved to Dixie, then to Hinckley Utah, and later to Woodville, Idaho. BURKE, CHARLES (son of Charles Peter Burke and Betsey Christina Jensen). Born Dec. 2, 1868, Virgin, Utah. Married Mary Sophia Peterson Jan. 20, 1891, Deseret, Utah (daughter of Nels Mathias Peterson and Mary Elizabeth Woodard), who was born Sept. 25, 1871, at Lehi, Utah. Their children: Charles Walter b. Jan. 29, 1892; Pacosa Dean b. March 1, 1894; Mary Juanita b. April 25, 1896; Denzil b. March 2, 1899; Newel Mathies b. Jan. 18. 1902; Elgin Alburn b. Nov. 7, 1905; Ferron P. b. May 23, 1910. BTJRNHAM, WALLACE K. (son of James Lewis Burnham and Mary Ann Huntley, of Vermont). Born Jan. 24, 1838, Woodstock, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Toung company. Married Philinda Standley Nov. 30, 1856, Bountiful, Utah (daughter of Alexander Standley and Philinda Upson of Suffield, Ohio, pioneers September, 1852, Joseph Howell com- pany). She was born March 19, 1842. Their children: Wal- lace Clinton b. June 30, 1858, m. Annie Hanson; m. Annie Kim; James Lewis b. Feb. 21, I860, m. Amy Penrose; Maria Alvira b. Dec. 10, 1861, m. Zephaniah Thomas; Alva Free- man b. Oct. 6, 1863, m. Annie T. Egan; Clara b. Jan. 14, 1866, m. Frederick G. Smith. Married Lydia Standley April 11, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander Standley and Philanda Upson), who was born Dec. 13, 1846. Their children: Cynthia b. June 10, 1866. m. James M. Fisher; Warren K. b. Oct. 6, 1868, m. Mary Pitkin; Abbie b. July 13, 1870, m. Frederick Scholes; George S. b. Nov. 10, 1872, m. Hattie Holstrom; Jasper Franklin b. March 25, 1875, m. Lolla Bess; m. Nina Bowman; Carlton Alexander b. March 22, 1877, m. Sadie Fowler; Chloe b. April 13, 1879, m. J. W. James; Mary C. b. Nov. 23, 1881, m. Otto Monson; Luther Charles b. March 22, 1884, m. Minnie Stout; Ether Guy b. May 16, 1886; Emma b. Aug. 20, 1888; Sarah LaVon b. March 1, 1892. Family resided Richmond. Utah. Bishop's counselor Richmond ward twenty-five years. Commissioner Cache county 1888-90; mayor Richmond 1890- 92; justice of peace. BURNETT, DAVID (son of Alexander Burnett, born 1783, at Carnoustie, and Margaret Robertson, born 1780, Abroath, Scotland). He was born Feb. 14, 1814, at Abroath. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock company. BURNIJTGHAM, THOMAS (son of Thomas Burnlngham of Surrey, Eng.). Born 1802, Hampshire, Eng. .Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredgt company. Married Sarah White 1827, Surrey. Eng. (daughter of John and Sarah White of Surrey, latter a pioneer 1861, Ira El- dredge company). She was born 1813. Their children: John, m. Elizabeth Glazier; 3 Thomas and Mary Ann, d. infants; Sarah, m. Henry Harrison; James b. Feb. 18, 1836, m. Jane C. Shaw April 7, 1857; m. Martha Ashby Sept. 27, 1883; Thomas m. Ellen Hook 1861; m. Lucina Sessions; Alfred, m. Mary Ann Barrett; Arthur, m. Annie Bowers; Eliza, m. Edwin Parker. Family home Bountiful. Utah. Member 70th quorum seventies; high priest. Farmer. Died in 1877 at Bountiful. BURNINGHAM, JAMES (son of Thomas Burningham and Sarah White). Born Feb. 18, 1836, Surrey, Eng. Came to Utah with father and family 1861. Married Jane C. Shaw April 7, 1857, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Eng., who was born Jan. 6, 1834. Their children: Heber J. W. b. May 25, 1858, m. Etta Boynton; m. Frances Thomac; Sarah Jane b. March 3, 1860, m. Jaren Tolman; Polly b. Feb. 26, 1863, m. William J. Holbrook; Arthur John b. March 20. 1866, m. Sarah Ann Thurgood; Albert b. Sept. 9, 1868, d. in- fant; Eliza Ann b. Oct. 4, 1870, m. Granville Barlow; Julia Ann b. March 31, 18V3, m. Thomas Sessions; Harry b. April 29. 1876, d. aged 21; James Valentine b. Feb. 14, 1879, m. Annie Muir. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Martha Ashby Sept. 27, 1883, Salt Lake Endow- ment house, Daniel H. Wells officiating (daughter of Benja- min Ashby and Ann Chester of Bountiful, pioners Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth handcart company). She. was born Sept. 26, 1861. Their children: Martha L. b. March 22, 1885, m. James W. Webster; Tracy Ralph b. Sept. 1, 1887, m. Ber- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 783 nigna Day; Maud b. April 4, 1889; Bryant A. b. Feb. 12, 1894. Family home Bountiful. Member 70th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1879-81; high priest; block teacher. School trustee at Boun- tiful. General merchant; gardener. BURNINGHAM, THOMAS (son of Thomas Burningham and Sarah White). Came to Utah with father. Married Ellen Hook 1861, Bountiful, Utah, Bishop Stoker officiating (daughter of Richard Hook and Alice Bryant of Walden, Sussex, Eng., latter a pioneer Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson handcart company). She was born Jan. 20, 1842. Their children: Mary E., m. Isaac Spencer March 4, 1879; Thomas A., m. Eliza Alford; "William H., m. Sarah Burton; Emily R. d. infant; Madeline A., m. John Ashton; Heber J., m. Lavenia Porter; Frank A., m. Katie Tolman; m. Martha Lunsford; Louis L., m. Emma Lunsford; George E., m. Ame- lia Ixter; Charles Lester, m. Emma King; Annie L., m. Har- vey Sessions. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Lucina Sessions. Member 70th quorum seventies; high priest; ward teacher; missionary to England 1893-94. Farmer and market gar- dener. Died 1893, Salt Lake City. BURNS, CHARLES (son of Ellen Marsden of Nottingham, Eng.). Born Nov. 3, 1831, Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock company. Married Martha Fretwell Nov. 15, 1851, in England, who was born March 9, 1827. Their children: Mary Ellen, m. Edward Tomlinson; Joseph, m. Eliza J. Madden; Charles b. July 3, 1859, m. Susannah Stacey; Sarah m. James Stacey; Martha, m. Lev! Harker; Ellen, m. Benjamin Matkin; Han- nah, m. John Blackburn. Family resided in England and Salt Lake City. Pioneer. Died Oct. 11, 1904. BURNS, CHARLES, JR. (son of Charles Burns and Martha Fretwell). Born July 3, 1859, Brampton, Derbyshire, Eng. Married Susannah Stacey Nov. 22, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Stacey and Susannah Worrall of Eng- land. She was born Feb. 22, 1860. Their children: Frank Charles b. Aug. 13, 1883, m. Esther Briggs; Martha b. June 9, 1885, m. George Briggs, Jr.; May b. April 30, 1887, m. James E. Haws; Joseph b. Jan. 14, 1890; Minnie b. March 24, 1892, m. Lawrence B. Squires; Edward Linus b. July 8, 1894; Henry Stacey b. Feb. 4, 1897; Susie Alice b. May 24, 1900; Lawrence Earl b. Jan. 2, 1907. Family resided at Salt Lake City, Utah, and at Archer, Idaho. Bishop's counselor in 1902. BURNS, ENOCH. Born Nov. 2, 1807, Ascot, Sherbrooke county, Lower Canada (Quebec). Came to Utah 1850. Married Elizabeth Jane Pierce Jan. 11, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Bethsinah b. Nov. 5, 1842; Franklin b. Jan. 3, 1845; Enoch b. Aug. 6, 1847; Martha Jane b. Jan. 21, 1849; Elizabeth Ann b. Feb. 17, 1857; Mary Ellen b. Aug. 4, 1852; John Franklin b. Feb. 24, 1855; Ruth b. June 30, 1857; Amanda b. June 29, 1860; Jacob Armstead b. May 13, 1863; Sarah b. March 17, 1867. Iirim.YSTOX, JOHN. Born April 21, 1837, Devonshire, Eng-. Came to Utah 1852, James Cummings company. Married Elizabeth Dall, who came to Utah 1854, Jacob Hofflnes company. Their children: Elizabeth, m. John R. Morgan July 23, 1890; William b. Oct. 5, 1865, m. Mary C. Morgan Jan. 1903; James b. Dec. 2, 1867, m. Esther Er- canbrack July, 1894; Albert b. March 24, 1870, m. Ella Brown Aug. 1894; John b. July 20, 1874, d. March 10, 1875; David b. May 5, 1876, m. Lucinda Nealson April, 1909; Maud b. Jan. 8, 1878, d. Oct. 30, 1880; Myrtle b. Feb. 27, 1880, m. Frank Sloan May, 1904; Eddie b. April 20, 1882, d. April 16, 1887; Rebecca b. Sept. 6, 1884, m. Irvin Jasperson April, 1909; Sarah b. Sept. 6, 1884; Anthony b. Aug. 10, 1887, d. Nov. 27, 1889; May b. July 4, 1896. Came with the first company taking the road from Council Bluffs, around the "Horn," and assisted in building this road. Took part in Walker Indian war 1853-67. He set- tled and has resided at Goshen. Member L. D. S. Church. BURRIDGE, GEORGE WILCOX (son of Thomas Burridge, born April 17, 1782, and Annie Wilcox, born April 3, 1781, both in England). He was born Jan. 17, 1813, in Somerset- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus com- pany. Married Hannah Shaw Nov. 16, 1847 (daughter of John Shaw and Jane Norrie, latter a pioneer 1865). She was born Dec. 27, 1827, and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: George Dennis b. Nov. 16, 1848, d. July 23. 1849; Char- lotte Hannah b. March 23, 1851, m. Joseph W. Steele Novem- ber, 1867; Thomas Lorenzo b. Dec. 2, 1853, m. Alice Mcln- tosh Jan. 6, 1881; Annie Jane b. Jan. 24, 1856, d. Feb. 26, 1857; Pauline b. Feb. 26, 1858, m. Isaac James Neddo Jan. 8, 1880; Daniel Shaw b. Nov. 2, 1861, died. Family home St. John, Tooele county, Utah. Missionary in Scotland and England; and to Italy 1853; high priest; bishop St. John ward 20 years. Manager St. John co-operative store 20 years. Farmer. Died September, 1891. BURRIDGE, THOMAS LORENZO (son of George Wilcox Burridge and Hannah Shaw). Born Dec. 2, 1853, Valetta, Isle of Malta. Came to Utah with parents. Married Alice Maria Mclntosh Jan. 8, 1881. Salt Lake City (daughter of William Mclntosh and Maria Caldwell of St. John, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born Sept. 16, 1858. Their children: George Thomas b. Jan. 19. 1882; William Mc- J" tosh . 'Vo .? 1 -,, 6 ,' 1883 - d - Nov - 30 - 1903 : Franklin Dennis b. Dec. 7, 1885; Alice Marie b. Jan. 1, 1888, d. May 12. 1896; JPllaS 1 J |- n - 2 ', 1890 ' d - Se Pt- !5, 1890; Theol Lorenzo b. Nov. 18, 1891. Family home St. John. Seventy; ward teacher; assistant Sunday school superin- tendent St. John ward. Justice of peace. Pioneer to Cot- tonwood Creek. Farmer and sheepraiser. Died April 12, 1891. BURROWS, DAVID C. (son of William C. Burrows and Cath- erine Louder; former born Nov. 6, 1828, County Down Ire- land; latter Dec. 10, 1830, Grayson county, Virginia). He was born June 23, 1860, Salt Lake county. Married Emeline Woodruff Aug. 18. 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of President Wilford Woodruff and Sarah D. Stocking), who was born July 26, 1863. Their children: Wilford C. b. July 6, 1888, m. Treste Smith; David Elmer b Sept. 13, 1890, m. Ethel Buick; Lewis L. b. May 8. 1892, m Myrle Snyder; Lulu E. b. July 3, 1894, d. child; Ruby F. b. Feb. 25, 1896, d. infant. BURROWS, JAMES BASCOM (son of William Henderson Burrows, born July 22, 1883, in East Tennessee, and Eliza- beth Harmon Collins, born Oct. 27, 1845, Tyler, Texas; married May, 1860). He was born July 13, 1861, Denton county, Texas. Came to Utah September, 1890. Married Lucy Emma Workman Sept. 11, 1891 (daughter of Abram Smith Workman and Millie Bethenia Devoo). She was born Nov. 21, 1874. Their children: James Henry b. Aug. 2, 1892; Effie Harmon b. Dec. 22, 1894, m. S. B. Riggs July 20, 1910; Lucy Myrtle b. Feb. 5, 1896. Married Mary Ann Hatch June 14, 1905. Hatch, Utah (daughter of Meltiar Hatch and Mary Ann Ellis, former a member of the Mormon Battalion and pioneer October 1849, Enoch Reese company; married May 9, 1856, Bountiful, Utah). She was born March 10, 1880. Their children: Carl Bascom b. Feb. 24, 1906; Horace J. b. Sept. 15, 1907; Herbert C. b. July 30, 1909. Missionary to eastern states 1899-91; bishop Hatch ward 1905. School teacher in Garfleld 1890-99 and 1902-05; school trustee Georgetown 1894; postmaster there 1894, and of Hatch 1908; justice of peace Hillsdale 1898. BURT, JAMES (son of Thomas Burt of Edinburgh, Scot- land). Born Jan. 8, 1822, Ballantrae, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight company. Married Mary McBride Dec. 4, 1841, Glasgow, Scotland (daughter of James McBridge of Ballantrae), who was born Aug. 28, 1821. Their children: Ellen, m. Robert Miller; James, m. Annie Hughes; John m. Hulda ; Elizabeth, m. Walter Lindsay; Mary Alice, d. aged 10; Mary, m. Thomas Atkinson; Christina, m. John Clark. Family resided Salt Lake City and Eden, Utah. High priest and Sunday school superintendent at Eden. Blacksmith; farmer. Died July 15, 1904, Liberty, Utah. BURT, JAMES, Jr. (son of James Burt and Mary McBride). Born Sept. 26, 1846, Merry Marder, Scotland. Came to Utah with father. Married Annie Hughes July 12, 1867, Farmington, Utah (daughter of William and Katherine Hughes of Liberty, Utah, pioneers 1860). She was born Augr. 26, 1848. Their children: James T., d. aged 12; William, d. infant; Katherine, d. aged 2; John E., m. Salista Keyser; George S., m. Mary Flower; Robert m. Jennie ; Samuel, m. Salista Short; Mary, m. Alfred Penrod; Albert, m. Florence Holmes; Ber- tha, m. Edward Clark; Ellen, m. Joseph Graham; Annie, m. William Sheetz; Jeanette, m. Amos Hall; LeRoy; Walter and Wilfred, d. infants. Married Agnes Waldrum April, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lorenzo Waldrum and Maria Butler of North Ogden, Utah), She was born in 1860. Only child: Agnes b. April 1, 1901. Member 60th quorum seventies; Sunday school teacher; 2d counselor to President E. W. Davis. Farmer. Died Feb. 19, 1907. BURT, JOHN. Born 1817, Fifeshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 19. 1862, Horton D. Haight company. Married Margerite Burt 1837, Fifeshire, Scotland, who was born 1823. Their children: Annie, m. George Irvine; Peter G., m. Ellen Condie; Marguerite, m. Andrew Scott; Jane, m. Robert Snedden; John, m. Mary Sedden; Mary, m. George Burt; Adam, m. Ann Reese. Family home 6th ward. Salt Lake City. Seventy. BURT. PETER G. (son of John and Margerite Burt). Born Dec 24 1840. Came to Utah 1862 with parents. Married Ellen Condie Oct. 17, 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Gibson Condie and Cecelia Sharp of Salt Lake City, 784 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH pioneers 1850). She was born April 27, 1849, St. Louis. Mo. Their children: Margerite b. Oct. 20. 1871, d. infant; Eliza- beth b Jan. 30, 1873, m. William Shipley; Nellie b. Aug. 23, 1876, m. John D. Brown; Cecelia b. Aug. 9, 1880, m. William Brinton. Family home 6th ward. Salt Lake City. BURTON, JOHN (son of William Burton of Lancashire, Eng.). Born 1832 in Lancashire. Came to Utah 1862. Married Hannah Thompson at Salt Lake City. Their children: John, m. Mary Wesley; William T., m. May Done; George O., m. Annie M. Gallon; Walter E., m. Ophelia Bod- den; Sarah J., m. Earnest Hamer. Family home Salt Lake City. Elder; block teacher. Carpenter and builder. Died 1911, 6th ward, Salt Lake City. BURTON, GEORGE O. (son of John Burton and Hannah Thompson). Born Sept. 23, 1869, 6th ward, Salt Lake City. Married Annie M. Gallon Jan. 25, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Gallon and Maria Gutteridge of Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct. 15, 1863, Samuel D. White company). She was born Nov. 26, 1871. Their children: LaVon b. March 2 1900- George Alva b. Sept. 10, 1901, d. aged 1 year; Flor- ence Lona b. March 27, 1905; Nellie b. April 4, 1908, d. aged 1 year; Lester LaMar b. Jan. 25, 1911. Family home Liberty ward. Salt Lake City. Police officer; motorman; carpenter. BURTON, JOSEPH P. (son of Joseph Burton and Eliza Cuss- worth). Born June 1, 1849. Came to Utah November, 1856. Married Nancy Brooks May 30, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander and Mary Brooks of Marion, Smythe county, Va.). Their children: Joseph, d. infant; John, m. Maybell Lundgreen; William., m. Marian Belle Allred; Mary, m. Frederick Larsen; James, m. Almira Allred; Eliza; Mar- tha, m. Moroni Johansen; Susan; Clarence and Nancy, d. in- fants; Henry; Coleman; Ellis and Ella, d. infants. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Served in Black Hawk war, One of the earliest settlers of Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Farmer. BURTON, WILLIAM L. (son of Joseph F. Burton and Nancy Brooks). Born March 2, 1878, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Marian Belle Allred Oct. 10, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of Milford A. Allred and Elizabeth Johnson of Salt Lake City). She was born May 8, 1883. Their children; Virginia Belle b. July 18, 1907; Milford L. b. Oct. 30, 1909; Joseph William b. Sept. 30, 1911. Family home Mt. Pleasant. Utah. Missionary to southern states 1906-08; elder; ward teacher; home missionary; assistant Sunday school super- intendent. BURTON, ROBERT TAYLOR (son of Samuel Burton of Yorkshire and Hannah Shipley of Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born Oct. 25, 1821, Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Capt. Allen's division of Brigham Toung com- pany. Married Maria S. Haven Dec. 18, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of John Haven and Judith Temple of Holliston, Mass, pioneers 1848, Capl. Allen company). She was born April 10, 1826. Their children: Theresa, m. Louis S. Hills; William Shipley, m. Julia M. Home, m. Eloise Crismon; Robt. Taylor, m. Roselia M. Salisbury; Charles Samuel, m. Julia Young, m. Josephine Beatty; John Haven, m. Catherine Ferguson; La- fayette Grant, m. Ella Mitchel; Albert Temple, died; Flor- ence May, m. Edwin E. Wilcox; Mary Amelia, m. Ezra Stev- enson; Heber Kimball, m. Clara Herman. Married Sarah A. Garr Feb. 6, 1856, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Fielding Garr and Pauline Turner of Indiana, pio- neers 1847). She was born Sept. 24, 1833. Their children: Henry Fielding, m. Anna Gibbs; Franklin Garr, died; Al- fred Jones, m. Elizabeth Pearl; Alice Maria, died; Lyman Wells, m. Ella Cummings; Elbert Turner, m. Ida Larson; Edward Leon, m. Isabella Armstrong; Theodore Taylor, m. Florence Moyle; Ada May; Virginia Louisa, m. Ralph Cutler; Austin Garr, m. Leonora McMillen; Hardy Garr, m. Flor- ence Self. Married Susan E. McBride Feb. 6, 1856, Salt Lake Cits (daughter of William McBride and Ellen Borum of Penn- sylvania, pioneers 1848). Their children: Willard Gush- ing, m. Mary Jane Gardener; Hosea McBride; George; Wal- ter James, m. Lucy Brown; Sarah Elizabeth, m. Robert Fen- ton. Families resided Salt Lake City. Bugler in 1st company of cavalry of Nauvoo Legion. Once a member of Nauvoo brass band. Constable of Salt Lake City 1852; TJ. S. deputy marshal 1853 and many years after- ward: sheriff, assessor and collector Salt Lake county 1854- 74. Went to meet belated handcart companies, 1856. Served in Echo canyon war. Territorial deputy marshal 1861. Commanded posse sent againsl seceding Morrisiles June 12, 1862. U. S. inlernal revenue collector for Utah, by appoint- ment of President Lincoln 1862-69. Missionary to Illinois, Michigan and Ohio; counselor to Bishop Andrew Cunning- ham of 15th ward, Salt Lake City, and in 1867 became bishop of that ward; missionary to eastern states 1869 and to Europe 1873; president London conference; second counselor to Edward Hunter, and after his death became first counselor to William B. Preston (presiding bishops). Took an active part in early Indian troubles; first a captain Company A, then commissioned major, and afterward major-general Utah militia by Governor Durkee in 1868. Assessor of Salt Lake county 1880; member city council 1856-73; and member legislative council (territorial senate) 1855-87. While serving in Ihe legislalure in 1876, he, Abra- ham O. Smoot, and Silas S. Smith, were appointed a com- mittee to arrange, compile and publish all the laws of the Territory of Utah then in force. Member board of regents University of Deseret 1880-84. Died Nov. 11, 1907, Salt Lake City. BURTON. WILLIAM SHIPLEY (son of Robert Taylor Bur- ton and Maria Haven). Born Sept. 27, 1850, Salt Lake City. Married Julia Marion Home March 6, 1872, Salt Lake Cily (daughter of Joseph Home and Mary I. Hale of Nauvoo, pioneers 1847). She was born Aug. 12, 1851. Only child: Julia Home b. Ocl. 24, 1873, died. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Eloise Crismon June 11. 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Crismon a.nd Mary L. Tanner of Nau- voo, pioneers 1847). She was born Sept. 26, 1857. Their children: Evaline b. Aug. 14, 1880, m. James W. Burt; Leone b. June 27, 1882; Theresa b. Sept. 28, 1883, m. Charles W. Brown; Eloise b. Sept. 30, 1885, m. John N. Scoville; Vernico b. Sept. 15, 1887, m. Edwin D. Hatch; Florence and Ralph Shipley b. Nov. 17, 1893; Helen Crismon b. Sept. 28, 1896; George Crismon b. Aug. 7, 1898, died. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 2d quorum seventies; missionary to Great Britain 1877-79; counselor in bishopric of 14th ward 1909. County assessor; county sheriff. Mining man. BURTON, ROBERT WAI/TON (son of James Burton and Isa- belle Walton). Born April 29, 1826, Arsgail, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861. Married Mary Ann Malhews May 9, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jeremiah Mathews and Ann Martin), who was born Sept. 2, 1851, North Hill Parish, Eng. Their children: Mary Ann b. March 12, 1871, m. Michael Clark 1893; Charles H. b. Dec. 9, 1872, m. Sophia Loynd March 28, 1900; Chris- topher M. b. June 12, 1874, m. Emeline Hill April 14, 1897; Robert b. May 12, 1876. m. Mary A. Card September, 1901; Sarah E. b. Aug. 11, 1878, m. Joseph Mortenson June, 1904; Rachel b. April 24, 1881, m. George Hinkle Oct. 14. 1908; Thomas A. b. May 16, 1883; James A. b. April 10, 1885; Ro- sella b. March 9, 1887, m. Earl Tribe Dec. 23, 1909; Chancy W. b. April 30, 1891; Lillian M. b. May 6, 1897. Family home Kaysville, Davis Co., Utah. A pioneer of Bear Lake valley, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk war. Sheriff 17 years. BURTON, CHARLES H. (son of Robert Walton Burton and Mary Ann Mathews). Born Dec. 9. 1872, Kaysville, Utah. Married Sophia Loynd March 28. 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Loynd, pioneer Nov. 30, 1866, Edward Martin handcart company, and Mary Earney, pioneer Sept. 15, 1866, William Henry Chipman company). She was born May 12, 1878, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Charles Kenneth b. Sept. 12, 1902; Russell L. b. March 18, 1904; Sher- man L. b. Nov. 28, 1906; Mildred b. July 10, 1908; Ralph Wal- ton b. Oct. 11, 1910. BURTON, WILLIAM WALTON (son of James Burton, born July 7. 1800, Arsgail, Yorkshire, Eng., and Isabelle Walton, born April, 1802). He was born March 23, 1833, Bradford, Yorkshire. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1864, Job Smith company. Married Rachel Fielding March 28, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Fielding and Hannah Greenwood, mar- ried June 11, 1838, Preston, Eng., pioneers 1848, Capt. Lott company). She was born June 27, 1839. Their children: Isabelle b. Dec. 26, 1856, m. Fred Foulger Dec. 21, 1874; Han- nah b. Jan. 14, 1859, m. Moroni S. Poulter Sept. 6, 1878; Jo- seph Fielding- b. March 3, 1861, m. Mary A. E. Driver March 31, 1886; William Fielding b. Nov. 10, 1862, m. Marian Trese- der Aug. 1, 1888; Rachel b. Feb. 14, 1865, m. Zachariah Bal- lantyne 1886; Sarah Ellen b. Dec. 14, 1866, m. Fred Foulger 1886; James Fielding b. May 18, 1868; Mary Eliza b. July 4, 1870, died; Martha b. Oct. 11, 1872, m. Isaac M. Cooley Sept. 12, 1900; Christopher Fielding b. June 4, 1875, m. Miriam Van Orden April 19, 1906; Robert Ibbotson b. Feb. 9, 1879, m. Letilia Jane Richards Dec. 2, 1903; Vilate Pearl b. June 20. 1881; Julina May b. Oct. 21, 1884, d. child. Family resided Kaysville, Mill Crek and Ogden, Utah. Married Ellen Fielding Nov. 2, 1861, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Joseph Fielding and Hannah Greenwood), who was born Feb. 9, 1841, Preston, Eng. Their children: Mercy Ra- chel b. July 29. 1863, m. T. J. Stevens 1885; Margaret b. Sept. 11, 1866, m. Hyrum Barlow Jan. 2, 1889; Heber Fielding b. March 6, 1868, m. Delecta Ballantyne Dec. 14, 1898; Hyrum Fielding b. 1870, d. child; John Fielding b. June 26. 1873, m. Muselta Porter April, 1897; Lucy died; Mabel b. May 19, 1877, died; Reuben Fielding b. March 10, 1880, m. Caroline C. Call. Married Sarah Ann Fielding May 23, 1870 (daughter of Joseph Fielding and Hannah Greenwood), who was born May 19, 1851, Salt Lake City. Their children: Thomas Fielding b. May 12, 1871, m. Alice Maud Call June 22, 1898; Arthur Field- ing b. June 30, 1873, m. Kittle C. Dixon Oct. 10, 1894; Alice Ann b. Sept. 2, 1875, m. Clarence Gardener Oct. 8, 1897; Parley Parson b. July 10, 1878, died; Wilford Fielding b. May 17, 1882, m. Ivie Irene Rainey Dec. 22, 1910; Emma b. Aug. 10, 1884, died; Ephraim Fielding b. April 3, 1886; George Field- ing b. April 27, 1888, m. Mary Frances Poulter June 14, 1911; Josephine b. Dec. 23, 1890. Missionary to England 1851-63. Settled at Kaysville, 1854; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 785 moved to Ogden 1860 and taught school 12 years; Weber county superintendent of schools. Member 17th quorum sev- enties; first counselor to Bishops Joseph Parry (Ogden) and George Osmond, president Star Valley stake; high councilor Weber stake. Ogden city councilman three terms; President William W. Burton & Sons company. Burton Mercantile asso- ciation; Burton Creamery association, Afton, Wyo. BURTON, JOSEPH FIELDING (son of William Walton Bur- ton and Rachel Fielding). Born March 3, 1861, in Weber county, Utah. Married Mary A. E. Driver March 31, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Driver and Charlotte E. Boulter of Ogden, Utah). She was born Aug. 28, 1866, Wandsworth, Surrey, Eng. Their children: Rachel Emblem b. July 4, 1889; Joseph Howard b. May 18, 1891; Lee Driver b. Feb. 19. 1893; Ida May b. Sept. 20, 1894; Vilate Pearl b. July 12, 1896; Char- lotte b. Jan. 6, 1898; Mary Ellen b. July 8, 1899; Margaret b. Sept. 4, 1902. Family resided Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah. Member Ogden board of education 1894-96; vice president W. W. Burton & Sons company, Burton Mercantile company, and Burton Creamery association; manager, secretary-treas- urer Utah Implement and Vehicle company. BURTON, WILLIAM FIELDING (son of William Walton Burton and Rachel Fielding). Born Nov. 10, 1862, Kays- ville, Utah. Married Marian Treseder Aug. 1, 1888, Logan, Utah, who was born Oct. 18, 1862. BURTON, JAMES F. (son of William Walton Burton and Rachel Fielding). Born May 18, 1868. Assistant cashier First National Bank of Ogden. BURTON, ROBERT IBBOTSON (son of William Walton Bur- ton and Rachel Fielding). Born Feb. 9, 1879, Ogden, Utah. Married Letitia Jane Richards Dec. 2, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles C. Richards and Letitia L. Peery), who was born Feb. 2, 1879, at Ogrden. Their children: Robert Richards b. April 24, 1906; Charles Richards b. Jan. 1, 1909. Family home Ogden, Utah. Assistant stake superintendent Sunday schools Weber stake 2 years; 2d president 77th quorum seventies. Secre- tary Wm. W. Burton & Sons company, Burton Mercantile company, and Burton Creamery association. BURTON, HEBER FIELDING (son of William Walton Bur- ton and Ellen Fielding). Born March 6, 1868, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Delecta Ballantyne Dec. 14, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard A. Ballantyne and Mary Ann Stew- art), who was born April 7, 1877, at Ogden. Their children: Esther b. Aug. 7, 1900; Winfleld Ballantyne b. May 26, 1902; Stewart Ballantyne b. Sept. 2, 1904; Richard Ballantyne b. Oct. 30, 1906; Margaret b. June 10, 1908; Katherlne b. Jan. 6, 1910; Minerva b. Feb. 6, 1912. Family resided Ogden, Utah and Afton, Wyo. Superintendent Sunday schools Star valley stake. Book- keeper Z. C. M. I., Ogden, Utah, 1890-93, and for Shurtliff & Co., joint agent for R. G. W. and U. P. coal department, Ogden. Secretary Utah commission to Trans-Mississippi exposition 1898. BURTON, REUBEN FIELDING (son of William Walton Bur- ton and Ellen Fielding). Born March 10, 1880, Ogden, Utah. Married Caroline Charlotte Call Feb. 22, 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of Anson Vasco Call, Jr., and Alice Jeanette Farmham), who was born April 22, 1888, Afton, Wyo. Fam- ily resided Ogden, Utah, Afton and Freedom, Wyo. Stake secretary Y. M. M. I. A. 1907-08; secretary Califor- nia mission 1908-10; member Sunday school stake board. City treasurer, Afton, 1904-05. BURTON, THOMAS FIELDING (son of William Walton Bur- ton and Sarah Ann Fielding). Born May 12, 1871, Ogden, Utah. Married Alice Maud Call June 22, 1898, Salt Lake temple (daughter of Anson Vasco Call, Jr., and Alice Jeanette Farnham), who was born July 12, 1881, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Sarah Alice b. Oct. 13, 1899; Lila Maud b. July 3, 1901; Cumorah b. Aug. 12, 1903; Belva b. April 18, 1905; Ellen b. Oct. 28, 1906; Fielding b. July 18, 1908; Rachel b. May 29, 1910; Louise b. Jan. 18, 1912. Family home Afton, Wyo. Ordained a high priest Aug. 14, 1892, by President Joseph F. Smith; served as counselor in bishopric of Afton ward up to Aug. 13, 1899; alternate high councilor 1899-1901; member high council Star valley stake from 1901 to present time; home missionary since 1899; member Sunday school and T. M. M. I. A stake boards, also stake organist of same or- ganizations, and of the latter since 1892; officer in Afton ward Sunday school since 1888. President Star Valley high school since its organization in 1910, and of Afton brass band. Manager William W. Burton ranch until October, 1908. Di- rector and bookkeeper Burton Creamery association and Burton Mercantile company since 1908. BURTON, WILFORD FIELDING (son of William Walton Burton and Sarah Ann Fielding). Born May 17, 1882, Ogden Utah. Married Ivie Irene Rainey Dec. 22, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of David William Rainey and Mary Marie Olsen), who was born Feb. 22, 1884, Richmond, Utah. 50 BURTON, EPHRAIM FIELDING (son of William Walton Burton and Sarah Ann Fielding). Born April 3, 1886. li charge of Burton Creamery association; graduate of Agricultural college of Utah. U r RT n N> f* *^ FIELDING (son of William Walton ton W Sara -h Ann Fielding). Born April 27, 1888, Af- Married Mary Frances Poulter June 14, 1911, Salt Lake .ity (daughter of George Poulter and Mary Elizabeth Jack- son), who was born Aug. 17, 1888, Ogden, Utah. BUSBY, JOHN. Born March 10, 1833. Came to Utah with an oxteam company. Married Harriet Emma Killian at Salt Lake City Their children: John K., m. Eliza Knight; Andrew Edward m Julia Brooks; Ellen M., m. William Andrew Luke- Marv Emma, m. William Watkins; Lucy Alice, m. James Kelly- Latitia, died; Samuel George, m. Anna Dangerfleld; Martha Jane, m. Ernest Harmon. Family home Salt Lake City Elder. Tanner. Conductor and driver of first mule street- cars in Salt Lake City. BUSENBARK, ISAAC. Born in Niagara county, New Tork. Came to Utah 1849. Married Abigail Manning, of New Jersey. She died on the plains en route to Utah. Among their children was Sarah Jane, who married Newton Daniel Hall In 1843. They came to Utah Sept. 28, 1847, with Vincent Shurtleffi company. BUSH, JAMES. Born Aug. 7, 1811. Came to Utah 1865. Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Sophia Humphries of Newport, Monmouthshire, South Wales, Eng., who was born Nov. 16, 1814. Their chil- dren: William James, m. Angeline Luddington; Sophia, m. William Stradlingr; Henry Isaac b. April 17, 1846, m. Eve- line Virginia Noe, Feb. 14, 1878; James Humphries b. Novem- ber, 1848; Joseph b. 1854. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest and choir leader. Basket maker and farmer. Died March 10, 1879. BUSH, HENRY ISAAC (son of James Bush and Sophia Hum- phries. Born April 17, 1846, Newport, Wales. Came to Utah 1865 with parents. Married Eveline Virginia Noe Feb. 14, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abram Noe and Mary Jane Winslow of Cin- cinnati, Ohio). She was born Nov. 27, 1852. Their chil- dren: Mary Eveline b. Dec. 30, 1878; Henry Isaac b. Nov. 9, 1879; Joseph Edward b. Nov. 16, 1881, m. Rachel Harriet Easier; Emily Jane b. April 15, 1883; James Abraham b. June 14, 1885; Harmon Winslow b. Dec. 3, 1889; Benjamin Ray b. May 10, 1893. Family home Pleasant Grove. High priest. Worked on Salt Lake temple. Farmer. BUSH, JAMES HUMPHRIES (son of James Bush and Sophia Humphries). Born Nov. 28, 1848, Monmouthshire. Wales. Came to Utah 1855 with parents. Elder. Veteran of Black Hawk war. Farmer. BUSHMAX, MARTIN (son of Abraham Bushman, born April 12, 1767, Lancaster county, Pa., and Esther Franks, born Oct. 6, 1764 married Jan. 12, 1788). He was born April 1, 1802, Lascaster county. Pa., came to Utah October, 1861, Capt. Kel- sey company. Married Elizabeth Degren (daughter of John Casper Degen and Maria Graff). She was born Sept. 12, 1802. Their chil- dren: Henry b. Dec. 11, 1827, and Maria b. Jan. 31, 1829, died; Jacob b. July 27, 1830, m. Charlotte Turley March 2, 1858; Sarah A. b. Jan. 9, 1833, m. Alonzo D. Rhodes; Abraham b. July 19, 1835. and Elizabeth b. Nov. 9, 1837, died; Martin B. b. Feb. 6, 1841, m. Lucinda Goodwin; John b. June 7, 1843, m. Lois A. Smith Feb. 11, 1865; Hetty A. B. b. Nov. 28, 1845, died; Elias A. b. Dec. 6, 1849, m. Margaret Zimmerman. Family home Lehi, Utah. High priest. Died Oct. 18, 1870. BUSHMAN, JACOB (son of Martin Bushman and Elizabeth Degen). Born July 27, 1830, In Lancaster county. Pa. Came to Utah October, 1861. Married Charlotte Turley March 2, 1857, San Bernardino, Cal. (daughter of Theodore Turley and Frances Kimberley of San Bernardino pioneers Oct. 19, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company). She was born April 15, 1840. Their children: Priscilla Elizabeth, d. infant; Charlotte Amanda, m. John Sabey; Theodore Martin, m. Marilla Lambson; Frances Ann, d. child; Sarah Erminie, m. Henry Fowles; Mary E., d. in- fant; Grace Honor, m. Emanuel R. Lundquist; Jacob Isaac, m. Effie Bills; Ida Roxanna, m. A. R. Anderson; Ella Isa- dora, m. Rufus O. Backer. Missionary to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana 1872; bish- op's counselor. Farmer and stockraiser. Pioneer to St. Johns, Ariz., four years. Resides Fairview, Utah. BUSHMAN, MARTIN BENJAMIN (son of Martin Bushman and Elizabeth Degen). Born Feb. 6, 1841, Lancaster county, Pa. Came to Utah September, 1851, James Allred company. Married Lucinda Ludelia Goodwin March 21, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Goodwin and Laura Hotchkiss), who was born April 4, 1843. Their children: Mary Elizabeth 786 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH b. Sept. 29, 1864; Martin Isaac b. Oct. 9, 1865, m. Rule Holden June 4, 1890; Laura Ellen b. Oct. 9, 1865, m. William F. Butt Nov. 11, 1885; Nancy Lucinda b. Oct. 3, 1868; Sarah b. June 17, 1870; Lewis Jacob b. July 16, 1872, m. Martha Spencer Nov. 1, 1895; Edith b. March 3, 1875; Rhoda b. Sept. 5, 1877, m. William Oborn Aug. 14, 1902; Esther, twin of Rhoda; Emerett b. June 26, 1884. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Martha Worlton March 2, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Worlton and Elizabeth Borne, pioneers September, 1855 married Dec. 3, 1848, Somersetshire, Eng.). She was born Sept. 14, 1849, at Bath, Somersetshire. Their children: James Albert b. June 4, 1868, m. Emma Gurney Jan. 20, 1896; John Benjamin b. Nov. 16, 1870; Alva Alonzo b. Dec. 28, 1872; Flora Elizabeth b. Aug. 15, 1874, m. Suel Zim- merman Jan. 28, 1902; Eugene W. b. Dec. 14, 1876, m. Leah Christoferson March 27, 1901; Annie Lois b. April 27, 1880, m. Alma Miller Oct. 22, 1902; Martha Emma b. Sept. 3, 1882, m. William F. Gurney May 20, 1903; Cyrus William b. Sept. 23, 1884; Drucilla Jane b. Nov. 24, 1886; Vera b. June 22, 1891. President 68th quorum seventies; high priest; Sunday school teacher 30 years. Assisted In bringing In Immi- grants to Utah. Lehl city councilman. Territorial mllll- tiaman. Farmer. BUSHMAN, JOHN (son of Martin Bushman and Elizabeth Degen). Born June 7, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah 1851. Married Lois A. Smith Feb. 11, 1865, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Smith and Maria Foscue, pioneers Sept. 16, 1850, James Pace company). She was born Jan. 25, 1844, In Ar- kansas. Their children: John Albert b. May 28, 1866, died; Homer Frederick b. Aug. 6, 1868, m. Sariah A. Smith Nov. 19, 1890; Maria Elizabeth b. Dec. 17, 1869, m. Silas D. Smith Nov. 21, 1888; Martin Lester b. April 6, 1871, died; Lois Eve- lyn b. June 28, 1872, m. John W. Smith Nov. 2, 1892; Wick- liff B. b. Feb. 10. 1874. died; Preston Ammaron b. Dec. 11, 1875, m. Anna Smith Oct. 1, 1902; June Augusta b. June 26, 1879, m. Hyrum Smith June 10, 1908; Jesse Smith b. June 10, 1881, m. Elva Porter; Florence C. b. Oct. 4, 1884, died; Alon- zo Ewing b. Dec. 21, 1885; Jacob Virgil b. Jan. 4, 1889, m. Ruth Fuller Aug. 18, 1909. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Mary Ann Peterson March 2, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Jens Peterson and Maren Frost, pioneers 1861). She was born May 24, 1857, Denmark. Their chil- dren: Elsie May b. Feb. 14, 1878, died; Lillian Ann b. Oct. 31, 1879, m. Wesley Palmer; Maren Adele b. Aug. 18, 1881, m. John L. Westover Oct. 1, 1902; John Lehl b. Sept. 14, 1883, m. Etna Cooper. Bishop St. Joseph ward 1887; second counselor to President Lot Smith; high priest; called to settle in northern Arizona 1876. Veteran Black Hawk war. Member Snownake stake board of education 23 years. Farmer and stockraiser. BUSHMAN, HOMER FREDERICK (son of John Bushman and Lois A. Smith). Born Aug. 6, 1868, Lehi, Utah. Married Sariah A. Smith Nov. 19, 1890, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Jesse N. Smith and Janett M. Johnson married Oct. 9, 1866, Salt Lake City; former a pioneer 1847, latter born In Utah). She was born Feb. 21, 1873, Parowan, Utah. Their children: Homer Frederick, Jr., b. Oct. 30, 1891; Silas Aiken b. May 15. 1893; Florence b. July 5, 1894; Martin Degen b. April 29, 1898; Curtis Johnson b. Dec. 9, 1899: Karl Maeser b. July 20. 1901; Mary b. Nov. 4, 1903; Lyman Smith b. Nov. 23, 1905: Marguerite b. July 1, 1908; Joel H. J. b. July 7, 1910. Missionary to Germany and Switzerland 1894-97; super- intendent religion classes Snowflake stake. Farmer. BUTCHER, GEORGE (son of George Butcher and Barbara Hulme of Suffolk, Eng.). Born there 1799. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1853, Claudius Spencer company. Married Sophia Sayers 1826, Norwich, Eng. (daughter of John Sayers of London, Eng.). She was born in August, 1813. Their children: Harriet, m. Frederick Heath; Virtue, m. Daniel F. Clift; Charlotte, m. Jabez Taylor and after- ward Watson S. Pierce; Elizabeth, m. Mr. Hyler. Family home London, Eng. Landscape gardener. Died July 24, 1876, Salt Lake City. BUTLER, CHARLES FRANKLIN. Born in 'Virginia. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Louvisa Heron (Robinson) 1820, in Illinois. She was born in New York. Their children: Charles, died; Eliza- beth, m. Daniel Dody; Major, died; Rebecca, m. Harrison Oliver; Thomas; Nancy, m. Matthew Caldwell; Sarah B., m. Hyrum W. Mikesell; George and Julia Ann, died; Louvisa Jane, m. George Chandler. BUTLER, EDWIN (son of William Butler and Ann Dodd of Shropshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 11, 1846. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Louisa S. Young, Aug. 12, 1867 (daughter of Josiah Young and Elizabeth Conava), who was born March 11, 1849, and came to Utah Oct. 29, 1855, Charles A. Harper company. Their children: Edwin William b. April 26, 1868, m. Jane Humble; Josiah Abraham b. Jan. 15. 1870, m. Eliza Robinson; Elizabeth Ann b. Sept. 7, 1872, d. Dec. 1, 1879; James Frederick b. Sept. 9, 1874, d. Sept. 20, 1879; Samuel Richard b. May 23, 1877, m. Leadya Mclntyre; Franklin George b. Sept. 28. 1879, m. Leadya E. Martin; Louisa Sarah b. Oct. 3, 1881, d. March 20, 1896. BUTLER, EDWIN WILLIAM (son of Edwin Butler and Louisa S. Young). Born April 26, 1868, Fairfleld, Utah Co., Utah. Married Jane Humble Sept. 22, 1898, at Victor, Idaho (daughter of George A. and Olive Humble). Their children: Louisa Sarah b. June 11, 1899; George Anthony b. Feb. 27, 1901; Edwin Humble b. Oct. 14, 1903; Warren Lee b. May 11, 1906; James Leroy b. Aug. 8, 1908; Olive Jane b. July 29, 1910; John Henry b. Nov. 17, 1912. BUTLER, SAMUEL. Born Dec. 18, 1806. Came to Utah in September, 1867. Married Hannah Barker, who was born Feb. 25, 1816. Their children: Mary b. Jan. 13, 1840, died; Philander b March 18, 1841, m. Charlotta Berrell; Leander b. May 7, 1842. m. Eliza Chugg; Alma b. Aug. 20, 1843, m. Lucy Hale; Alva b. Jan. 13, 1845, m. Jane E. Labrum March 16, 1867; Saman- tha b. May 4, 1846, died; Veri b. Dec. 4, 1847, m. Emeline Hutchings; m. Mary McGhle; Erl b. Feb. 4, 1850, m. Eliza- beth A. Gibson; Nephi b. May 4, 1851, died; Miranda b. March 7, 1854, m. Mr. Robertson; Lehl b. Feb. 22, 1854, died; Elbert b. March 17, 1856, died. Family home South Cottonwood Utah. Moved to California settlement In 1858. BUTLER, ALVA (son of Samuel Butler and Hannah Bar- ker). Born Jan. 13, 1845, in Randolph county, Ind. Married Jane E. Labrum March 16, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Labrum and Elizabeth George), who was born July 4, 1846, Simpson Buck, Eng. Their children: Hannah E. A. b. April 24, 1868, m. Lewis E. Despain Feb. 20 1889; Alva J. b. Aug. 26, 1869, m. Annie L. Despain Sept. 20, 1895; Prudence G. b. July 2, 1871, m. George F. Despain Feb 20, 1899; Jane E. b. June 13, 1873. m. Edward C. Tucker Jan 13, 1897; George W. b. July 4, 1876, m. Ella M. Boyce Sept. 23, 1896; William W. b. Oct. 4, 1877, m. Mary Evalyn McGhie Nov. 18, 1908; Mary M. b. Dec. 10, 1881; Elva L. b. July 16 1883, m. Asa L. Maxfleld Oct. 24, 1907; Samuel T. b. June 17, 1885. died. Family resided Butlerville and South Cot- tonwood, Utah. Bishop Granite ward 1886 and Butler ward 1909; counselor to Bishop Solomon J. Despain 1881-86. Assisted James Raw- lings to bring immigrants to Utah. Died May 1, 1909. BUTLER, ALVA J. (son of Alva Butler and Jane E. Labrum) Born Aug. 26, 1869, South Cottonwood. Utah. Married Annie L. Despain Sept. 20, 1895, Salt Lake City (daughter of Solomon J. Despain and Susan Dean; pioneers Aug. 16, 1861, David H. Cannon company). She was born Sept. 1, 1871. Their children: Alva D. b. Dec. 22, 1895- Jennie D. b. July 5, 1897; Leo E. b. Nov. 8, 1898; Leon E. b. May 13 1900; Laura S. b. Nov. 29, 1901; Norma b. July 6, 1903- Maude b. Jan. 10, 1905; Naoma E. b. July 23, 1908; Melva b. Feb 1 1911. Family resided Butlerville and Sandy, Utah. Missionary to Samao 1891; alternate high councilor, Jor- dan stake. Sandy city councilman 1908-10. BUTLER, WILLIAM W. (son of Alva Butler and Jane E. Labrum). Born Oct. 4, 1877, Big Cottonwood, Utah. Married Mary Evalyn McGhle Nov. 18, 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander McGhie and Emma Rowan; former a pioneer Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn company). She was born July 13, 1886, Butler, Utah. Their children: Virge M b Aug. 22, 1909; Florence M. b. Jan. 21, 1911; Rowan M. b. Oct. 19, 1912. Family home Butler, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1899-1901; bishop Butler ward 1909; assistant Sunday school superintendent; home missionary Jordan stake seven years. BUTTAR, DAVID (son of Daniel Buttar and Batheah Rat- tray, born 1788, both of Blairgowrle, Perthshire, Scotland. Born Dec. 2, 1822, at Blairgowrie. Came to Utah November, 1854, Capt. Taylor company. Married Margaret Spalding Dec. 14, 1848, In Scotland (daughter of John Spalding and Marjory Meek Johnson), who was born April 1, 1822, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Marjory Meek Johnson b. Sept. 16, 1849, m. Henry Mullet December, 1866; m. Joseph J. Harrison 1869; Batheah b. July 15, 1851, m. William Sparks Dec. 15, 1868; David b. November, 1863, d. February, 1854; John Spalding b. May 22, 1856, m. Sarah L. Tanner Jan. 1, 1880; Daniel b. Sept. 22, 1858, m. Emma Cover January, 1883; Robert Sut- ler b. April 6, 1861, m. Mary Godfrey 1891; Margaret b. Aug. 6, 1863, d. infant. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Sarah Keep Dec. 16, 1866, at Lehi (daughter of James Joseph Keep (high priest) and Ann Miller; married July 22, 1836; pioneers Oct. 22, 1866, Abner Lowry company. She was the widow of Thomas Francis, married May 15, 1865, and mother of Lucy Ann Francis, born March 26, 1866, who married Hans Jensen July, 1884). She was born June 28, 1840, Greenham, Berkshire, Eng. Their children: Sarah Isabell Buttar, b. April 16, 1868, d. June 15, 1868; Elizabeth Keep b. June 9, 1869, m. John Loosle Dec. 3, 1891; Charles William b. June 15, 1871, m. Angeline Stuart May 18. 1892; Thomas James b. Oct. 13, 1873, m. Annie Loosle; David Alex- ander b. Dec. 14, 1876, m. Rose Loosle; James Joseph Keep b. Feb. 26, 1878, m. Agnes Jordan; Mary Janet b. June 30, 1880. m. Louis Thompson; Emma Jane b. Oct. 8, 1882, m. David Thompson. Family home Clarkston, Utah. Settled at Clarkston 1868. High priest. Shoemaker; farmer. Died Nov. 23. 1911. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 787 BUTTAR, JOHN SPALDING (son of David Buttar and Mar- garet Spaldlng). Born May 22, 1856. Married Sarah L. Tanner Jan. 1, 1880, who was born at Salt Lake City. Their children: Margaret Priscilla; John Tanner; David Wilham, m. Maud Summerhays; Rachel Batheah; Lucy Maud; Jessie Tanner; Harvey Louis; Dassey Marvilla; Golden; Lola; Lester. Family home Clarkston. BUTTAR, THOMAS JAMES (son of David Buttar and Sarah Keep). Born Oct. 13, 1873, at Clarkston. Married Annie Loosle (daughter of John K. Loosle and Annie Hinkern, of Switzerland, pioneers). Their children: Thomas James; Sarah Pearl; Annie; Royal; Jennie Lehon; Susie. Family home Clarkston. Seventy. Farmer. BUTTERFIEL.D, THOMAS (son of Zachariah Butterfleld and Martha Hiscock, of Farmington, Kennebec county, Me.). Born June 17, 1811, Farmington, Me. Came to Utah Oct. IB, 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Mary Jane Parker in Maine (daughter of Samuel and Hannah Parker, of Parsonfleld). She was born Jan. 18, 1816. Their children: Mary b. Jan. 18, 1836, m. Mr. Whit- tle; Eliza Ann b. Aug. 4, 1839, died; Almon b. July 14, 1844, m. Elizabeth A. Farmer; Martha b. Nov. 24, 1842, died; George b. Nov. 23, 1847, m. Emma Cook; Sarah b. March 13, 1849, m. William H. Freeman; Olive b. Feb. 6, 1851, m. George Miller; Thomas, Jr. b. April 23, 1853, m. Catherine F. Free- man; Samuel b. Feb. 27, 1855, m. Sarah Jane Farmer; Han- nah b. Feb. 1, 1858, m. Franklin M. Carter. Family home Herriman, Utah. Married Mary Jane Farmer 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Farmer and Elizabeth Morris, of Herefordshire, Eng.). Their children: Richard b. April 19, 1868, and John b. July II, 1859, died; Elizabeth M. b. July 20, 1861, m. Daniel Densley; Zachariah b. Jan. 4, 1864, m. Corille Warde; Emma Eliza b. June 4, 1866, died; Edwin James b. May 4, 1867, m. Vilate S. Newman; Lyman Thomas b. Dec. 28, 1872. Family home Herriman, Utah. Member 3d quorum seventies; missionary to Salmon River, Idaho. Settled at Herriman 1850. Farmer. BUTTERFIELD, ALMON (son of Thomas Butterfleld and Mary Jane Parker). Born July 14, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah -with father. Married Elizabeth A. Farmer Jan. 27, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of James M. Farmer and Sarah Trusler, pioneers 1856, settlers of Herriman, Utah). She was born Oct. 17, 1848. Their children: Elizabeth E. b. Nov. 5, 1866, d. Sept. 12, 1867; Agnes A. b. Sept. 29, 1867, d. Sept. 29, 1867; Almon T. b. July 5, 1868, m. Sarah Jane Crump; Joseph J. b. Nov. 14, 1870, m. Dora Peterson; Sarah Jane b. March 24, 1872, m. James G. Crane; Olive J. b. Nov. 14, 1873, m. Samuel H. Crump; George S. b. March 16, 1876, m. Hannah E. Stocking; Mary E. b. June 12, 1877, m. Hans B. Jensen; Fredrick R. b. April 14, 1879, m. Agnes Peckenbaugh; John E. b. Sept. 23, 1880, m. Gladys E. Hanson; Willard F. b. Dec. 29, 1882; Zach- ariah T. b. Dec. 14, 1885, d. Oct. 25, 1886; Mahonrl b. Oct. 19, 1887, m. Hazel Bills; Parley P. b. Dec. 27, 1889; Hannah P. b. April 17, 1891; Lyman b. June 15, 1893, d. June 16, 1893. Family home Herriman, Utah. Member 94th quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states 1900-02; assistant Sunday school superintendent; high priest. Justice of peace; constable. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. BUTTERFIELD, ALMON T. (son of Almon Butterfleld and Elizabeth A. Farmer). Born July 6, 1868, Herriman, Utah. Married Sarah Jane Crump Oct. 14, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Charles Crump and Sarah Cornick, of Herriman, pioneers Sept. 3, 1862, Abraham O. Smoot com- pany). She was born Sept. 2, 1873. Their children: Tira Arvilla b. Jan. 10, 1901; Amy Lucetta b. Feb. 27, 1903; Marva b. Nov. 3, 1906, died; Almon Floyd b. Nov. 6, 1906; Charles Ovid b. March 20, 1908; James Earl b. April 20, 1911. Family home Riverton, Utah. President 94th quorum seventies; missionary to New Zeal- and 1896-1900; member stake board Sunday school; high councilor; missionary to central states 1908-10. President Jordan Valley bank; farmer and stockraiser. BUTTERFIELD, THOMAS, JR. (son of Thomas Butterfleld and Mary Jane Parker). Born April 23, 1853, Herriman, Utah. Married Catherine E. Freeman Feb. 26, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of William H. and Angeline A. Freeman, of Herriman, Utah, pioneers 1861, Capt. Reese company). She was born Oct. 2, 1855. Their children: Mary Jane b. Dec. 13, 1872, died; Emmeline A. b. Oct. 20, 1874, died; Eliza Ann b. Oct. 28, 1876, m. Thomas Williams; Olive Jemima b. Aug. 2, 1878, m. Joseph Wright; Hannah R. b. March 30, 1880, m. Charles E. Crane; Sarah Rebecca b. July 22, 1882, m. Byron Hill; Harriet Serinda b. July 22, 1884, m. Jens C. Jensen; William W. b. July 28, 1887, died; Delia Malinda b. Nov. 22, 1889; Samuel Heber b. March 10, 1892; Lucy Elizabeth b. June 17, 1894; Margaret Ellen b. April 28, 1897. Married Lucy Wheadon Oct. 22, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Jane Wheadon, of England). She was born Oct. 2, 1867. Their children: Martha Jane b. Nov. 16, 1880, m. Joseph H. Stocking; Thomas Solomon b. Oct. 17, 1882, m. Martha E. Bowlden; John Almon b. Sept. 10, 1884, m. Margaret E. Farmer; George Jefferson b. June 11, 1888; Emmeline Pereilda b. July 21, 1891, m. Reuben B. Eastman: Edwin Parkber b. June 1, 1894; Lucy Marinda b. Dec. 9, 1896. Family home Herriman, Utah. Bishop; superintendent Sunday school; ward teacher 1884- ; and first president Y. M. M. I. A. of Herriman ward; high councilor, Jordan stake; missionary to England, also .o Arizona 18(3, and to eastern states 1899; high priest. BUTTERFIELD. THOMAS SOLOMON (son of Thomas But- terfield, Jr and Lucy Wheadon). Born Oct. 17, 1882, Herri- man, Salt Lake county. . M ?J^ d Martha E - Bowlden at Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Sarah Bowlden of Riverton, Salt Lake county). She was born March 1, 1888. Their children: To Ral ? h ', July 19 ' 1907: Martha Isabella b. March 1, 1909; Marjorie Elizabeth b. Dec. 6. 1910. Family home Her- riman, Salt Lake county. BUTTERFIELD, SAMUEL (son of Thomas Butterfield and Mary Jane Parker). Born Feb. 27, 1855, Herriman, Utah Married Sarah Jane Farmer Oct. 18, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Farmer and Mary Ann Biddell of Herri- man). She was born Jan. 18, 1858. Their children: Samuel James b. Dec. 28, 1876. m. Edith E. Nichols; Mary Jane De- l lla o\ Sept - 21> 1878 ' m " Orin R - Freeman; Lilly May b. Jan. I' L 882> 1 di o e . d: , < i;!, ara E ' b " June 13 ' 1883 ' die(J : Thomas Almon b. March 26. 1885, m. Ella Brown; Joseph W. b. Dec. 16 1886 died; Sarah A. E. b. Jan. 1, 1888. died; Emma Lenora b March 6, 1889, m. Walter E. Crane; Olive Percinda b. May 27, 1890 m. Alexander Eraser; Hannah Pearl b. Aug. 1, 1892- Agnes Annie b. May 12, 1894, died; George Nephi b. March 11, 1895- Edward Moroni b. Jan. 6, 1897, died; Gloria Beatrice b March 10, 1901, died; Marvin Levern b. Feb. 23, 1904; Gladys Eurilda b. June 2. 1907, died; Ruth b. Nov. 23, 1908. Family home Herriman, Utah. Married Sarah Ann Newman October, 1886, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Newman and Maria Hunt, of Riverton Utah, who came to Utah September, 1886). She was born April 8. 1863. Only child: William P. b. Aug. 23, 1886. Ward teacher; missionary to central states 1911-13. BUTTERFIELD, ZACHARIAH (son of Thomas Butterfleld and Mary Jane Farmer). Born Jan. 4, 1864, Herriman, Utah Came to Utah 1849. Married Crella Wordell Oct. 31, 1884, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Isaac J. and Martha Wordell), who was born Jan. 14, 1866. Their children: Anna May b. Aug. 3, 1885, m. Charles Myers March 7, 1906; Zachariah T. b. Nov. 9, 1888, m. Maud Page Sept. 30, 1909; Isaac John b. Feb. 26, 1891, died. Married Isabelle J. Dansie 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Dansie and Jane Wilcox). Their children: Ber- nice b. Sept. 25, 1899; Zelma b. Nov. 8, 1900; Phyllis b. April 9, 1903; Maurice b. Sept. 26, 1904; Rheabell b. Aug. 27, 1906- Lavira b. Dec. 28, 1908; Laveil b. March 31, 1913. Missionary to southern states 1893, to Society Islands 1909; high priest; seventy; second counselor to Bishop Bills 1900; attended B. Y. University. Farmer and sheepraiser. BUTTERWORTH, EDMUND (son of Edmund Butterworth and Sarah Ann Platt). Born Jan. 15, 1826, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey company. Married Alice Fielding In 1856, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Fielding and Ann Enthorn of Lancashire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 24, 1854). She was born Nov. 1840. Their children: John, m. Elizabeth Amer; Robert, m. Maria Boyd; Sarah, m. Ranch Kimball; Margaret, m. Ernest Wright; Edwin F., m. Florence Boud. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. Adobe maker. Died In Aug. 1903. BUTTERWORTH, EDWIN F. (son of Edmund Butterworth and Alice Fielding). Born May 15, 1880, Salt Lake City. Married Florence Boud May 18, 1904 (daughter of John W. Boud and Elizabeth Pollard of Salt Lake City). She was born Jan. 29, 1882. Their children: Wallace E. b. 1905; Florence b. 1906; Ruth b. 1907; Edwin b. Nov. 1912. Family home, Salt Lake City. President second quorum seventies; ward clerk. Presi- dent and manager Butterworth Real Estate and Invest- ment Co. BUYS, EDWARD (son of Hyrum D. Buys, born Oct. 22, 1802, in New York, and Elizabeth Huntington, born Feb. 10, 1813, Albany, N. Y.). He was born Oct. 22, 1841. La Harpe, Han- cock county, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1860, David Evans company. Married Celestla C. Bromley March 23, 1867 (daughter of William Bromley and Sarah B. Bylemore, pioneers Sept. 6, 1866, Samuel D. White company). She was born June 26, 1849. Their children: Hyrum D. b. Jan. 26, 1868, died; Wil- liam Edward b. March 3, 1869, m. Ada Jones Jan. 20, 1892; Sarah Elizabeth b. June 9, 1871, m. James W. Carlile Nov. 26, 1891; Amanda C. b. Sept. 14, 1873, m. Charles E. Shelton Sept. 14, 1893; Mary Ann b. Jan. 17, 1876, m. Joseph W. Cum- mings Dec. 1, 1897; Joseph H. b. April 6, 1878, m. Lillian Stagg April 5, 1904; Charlotte b. Oct. 16, 1880, m. William D. Johnston Dec. 25, 1899; Alma b. Jan. 30, 1883, d. Jan. 14, 1886; Martha R. b. April 15, 1885, m. Thomas M. Giles Oct. 17, 1904; Archie D. b. Jan. 6, 1888, m. Florence E. Bonner Aug. 28, 1907; Daniel H. b. March 7, 1889, died; Clara May b. May 11, 1890, m. Alma M. Cummings April 14, 1909; Celestia C. b. Aug. 7 1894. Married Margaret Hamilton June 14, 1876 (daughter of Henry and Margaret Hamilton, pioneers 1866). She was born Oct. 1, 1859, Spanish Fork, Utah. Their children: 788 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Henry D. b. May 11, 1877, m. Lillie M. Newberg June 28, 1911; Alice J. b. Aug. 10, 1878, d. Aug. 29, 1883; Margaret J. b. May 31, 1880, d. Sept. 6, 1883; Melissa b. Feb. 17, 1884, m. Joseph Moss; Matta E. b. March 17, 1886, m. Jared Tanner April, 1902; Edna A. b. Sept. 5, 1888. Families resided Buys- ville and Heber City, Utah. High priest; counselor to Bishop N. C. Murdock 15 years. County surveyor of Wasatch eight years; deputy sheriff for several years. Built first shingle roof house in Charleston. Opened first schoolhouse at Buysville, Utah. miner;, BYRAM (son of John Bybee and Betsy Killey, of Virginia). Born Feb. 25, 1799, Barren county, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1851, Alfred Capdon company. Married Betsy Lane (daughter of David Lane), who -was born June 24, 1801, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Polly C. b. Oct. 28, 1820, m. Lev! Hammon; Rhoda b. Nov. 19, 1823. m. David Bair; Elizabeth J. b. Jan. 23, 1825, m. Daniel Smith; Luann b. Jan. 3, 1827, m. S. Haufshitter; John M. b. Feb. 17, 1829, m. Polly Smith; Luseen Bird b. Feb. 7, 1831, m. Henry Beckstead June 6, 1849; David B. b. Sept. 17, 1832, m Adelia Higley; Jonathan M. b. July 28, 1836, died; Robert Lee b. May 4, 1838, m. Jane Miller March 19, 1857; Byram L. b. May 4, 1841, m. Jane Robinson. Family home Uinta, Utah. Married Maria Knutson. Only child: Betsy. Bishop's counselor 1856-59. Justice of peace 1854-61. BTBEE, ROBERT LEE (son of Byram Bybee and Betsy Lane). Born May 4, 1838, Clay county, Ind. Married Jane Miller March 19, 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Miller), who was born Aug. 12, 1840, in Scotland. Their children: Betsy Jane b. March 20, 1859, d. child; Robert Lee b. Sept. 14, 1861, m. Lydia Forbush; Francis M. b. Oct. 2, 1862, m. Ann Ritchie; James A. b. July 2, 1865, m. Ozetta Eastman; Mary Alice b. Nov. 16, 1867, m. A. H. Boomer; Elizabeth b. June 17, 1870, m. C. W. Poole. Family home Uinta, Utah. Married Harriett Raymond (daughter of Almon P. Ray- mond, member Co. D, Mormon battalion, and Clarinda Crit- ler). She was born Oct. 3, 1852, West Jordan, Utah. Their children: Harriett R. b. Jan. 20, 1872, died; Clarinda" b. Oct. 1, 1874, m. John W. Nowlin Dec. 14, 1892; Rhoda L. b. Sept. 22, 1876, m. Roy Stockman May 26, 1897; Walter R. b. Oct. 25, 1879, m. May Thompson; Minnie b. Sept. 28, 1881, m. A. C. Hancey Dec. 6, 1901; Jessie May b. April 17, 1883, Alonzo b. 1878, latter two died; Ida b. Feb. 8, 1885, m. John Thomas Dec. 8, 1904; Stanley b. March 14, 1889, m. Lovina Lee Dec. 6, 1904; Venta b. Dec. 30, 1889, died; Leslie E. b. Jan. 5, 1892; Harold b. Dec. 23, 1895. Mail carrier between Salt Lake City and Independence, Mo. Went with Y. X. company 1857. Missionary Salmon River 1858. Went south during general move. Bishop of Manti south ward four years; president of Menan (Idaho) stake four years; president of Bannock stake two years; moved to Bingham county, Idaho, where he was first coun- selor to President J. E. Steele 13 years and superintendent lona ward Sunday school for four years. Senator in Idaho legislature 1901. Ordained patriarch 1908. BYINGTON, HYHUM E. Born Oct. 4. 1830. Came to Utah in 1860. Married Hannah Harr, who was born Aug. 3, 1836. Their children: Lorinda Hickman b. Jan. 25, 1858, m. Hyrum Stowe; Brigham Porthugh b. Jan. 6, 1860, m. Allie Hunt; Hyrum N. b. Dec. 30, 1862, died; Joseph H. b. Dec. 28, 1864, m. Rosetta Hunt; Stephen Elliott b. Jan. 12, 1866, m. Jane Larson; Sarah Jane b. Nov. 14, 1868, died; Hannah E. b. Oct. 12, 1870, m. Thomas Larson; Rebecca A. b. Aug. 25, 1872, and Alexander b. Feb. 3, 1874, died; Nora E. b. Feb. 3, 1876, m. Jason Pohmer. Family home Ogden, Utah. BYINGTON, STEPHEN ELLIOT (son of Hyrum E. Byington and Hannah Parr). Born Jan. 12, 1866, Ogden, Utah. Married Jane Larson Sept. 30, 1884, Oxford, Oneida county, Idaho (daughter of Thurston Larson and Elizabeth Fox, former a pioneer with Mormon battalion Co. C). She was born May 28, 1864, Salt Lake City. Their children: Stephen Millard b. Aug. 14, 1885, m. Lauretta West; Mary Ellen b. Jan. 6, 1887, died; Sarah Jane b. Jan. 1, 1868, m. Carl War- rick; Royal Elliot b. Feb. 5, 1889; Earnest Lorenzo b. Sept. 28, 1891; Hyrum Arthur b. Sept. 26, 1893; Raymond Thurston b. Nov. 2, 1895; Dyantha b. Feb. 16, 1898; Joseph Ephraim b. Feb. 8, 1900; Parley Grant b. Oct. 2, 1902; George Franklin b. Dec. 11, 1904; Elmer Norton b. Nov. 6, 1906; Isabell Maud b. Jan. 5, 1910. BYINGTON, JOSEPH HENRY (son of Hyrum Norton Bying- ton and Sarah Hawkins). Born Jan. 25, 1829, in Ohio Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Nancy Avery 1850. Their children: Joseph Henry Jr., m. Ora Wakely; Mirandi, m. William Stowe; Sarah, m. Henry Hoffman; Hyrum Elliot, m. Cordelia Symons; Eliza- beth, m. Julie Sorenson; John H., m. Lucinda Symons; Nettie, m. Christopher Sorenson; Ira, m. Sarah Wdlker; William, m. Emma Higgins. Married Hannah Molland Feb. 26, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of James and Rebecca Molland. former a pio- neer Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company). She was born July 21, 1838. Liverpool, Eng. Their children: James Henry b. April 4, 1865, m. Sarah Mirah Carr Dec. 25, 1890; Hannah Mirah b. Aug. 8, 1866, m. William Burrup 1883; Charles Nor- ton b. March 29, 1868, m. Ettie Smithies Feb. 11, 1903; Sarah Rebecca b. Nov. 24, 1869; Martha Jane b. May 25, 1872 m Frank Reed Nov. 27, 1894; Mary Ann b. Jan. 27, 1875; Susan Elizabeth b. Sept. 30, 1876, m. Ike Fisher Dec. 5, 1892; Joseph Henry, Jr. b. Nov. 18, 1878; John Parley b. March. 23, 1880, m. Marguerite Smith Dec. 12, 1904; Clarence Spencer b. Dec. 19, 1881. Family home Ogden, Utah. Seventy, and religious worker. BYINGTON, JAMES HENRY (son of Joseph Henry Byington and Hannah Molland). Born April 4, 1865, Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah Mirah Carr Dec. 25, 1890, Fremont county, Idaho (daughter of David Orlando Carr and Angeline Mel- vina Butler, pioneers Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young com- pany). She was born Sept. 20, 1870. Their children: Roy Lovell b. Oct. 12, 1891; Emil Roldolph b. March 11, 1893; Florence Angeline b. June 12, 1895; Veda Evelyn b. Dec. 8, 1897; James Vernon b. July 2, 1900; Archie Delos b. Nov. 22, 1903; Clarence Arthur b. Dec. 3, 1905; Leonard Donald b. Oct. 29, 1909; Loren Richard b. Feb. 26, 1912. Bishop's counselor and superintendent Sunday school of Lava ward. CAFFEY, BENJAMIN F. (son of Benjamin F. Caffey and Mary E. Winn of Montgomery, Ala.). Born Jan. 12, 1862, at Montgomery. Came to Utah September, 1889. Married Kate MacLean Aug. 17, 1892, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John MacLean and Agnes Flemmlng, Glas- gow, Scotland, who came to Utah 1880). She was born Oct. 7, 1875. Their children: Benjamin F., Jr. b. July 20, 1893; John P. b. March 30, 1895; Andrew A. b. Dec. 5. 1897; Agnes M. b. Dec. 14, 1901; William P. b. Feb. 23, 1905- Mary E. b. Feb. 11, 1908. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Stock-broker. CAHOON, REYNOLDS. Came to Utah 1848. Married Thurza Stiles: Their children: Palaskl; William F., m. Nancy M. Gibbs; Daniel; Andrew, m. Mary Carruth; m. Margaret Carruth; m. Jeannette Carruth; Mahonri. Family home Murray, Utah. CAHOON, ANDREW (son of Reynolds Gaboon and Thurza Stiles). Came to Utah 1848. Married Mary Carruth (daughter of William Carruth) who was born Oct. 1828. Their children: Joseph, m. Mary Ann McComie; Emma, m. Richard Winder; Louie, m. Lewis A. Copeland. Family home Murray, Utah. Married Margaret Carruth (daughter of William Carruth), who was born March 25, 1832. Their children: Alonzo A., m. Mary Ann Erickson; John P., m. Elizabeth Gordon; Albert m. Mary Clark; Reynolds, m. Margaret Davis; Maria A., m David O. Mackay; Daniel Farrington, m. Naoma Tripp; Lucy, m. Harvey C. Carlisle; Margaret Melissa d. infant. Family home Murray. Married Jeannette Carruth (daughter of William Car- ruth), who was born 1S25. Their children: Rachel, m. Samuel Wooley; Jane W., m. Harry Haines; James W., m. Ellen Proctor; Reuben, m. Melvina Morgan. Family home Murray. Missionary to Scotland 1845-47; bishop of South Cotton- wood ward fifteen years; served in Echo Canyon campaign. Surveyor; farmer. Died 1900 at Murray. CAHOON, WILLIAM F. (son of Reynolds Gaboon and Thurza Stiles of Nauvoo, 111.). Born Nov. 7, 1813 at Harpersfleld, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 1848. Married Nancy M. Gibbs Jan. 17, 1836, Kirtland, Ohio (parents lived at Kirtland). She was born July 27, 1818. Their children: Nancy E.; Lerona E., m. Myron B. Durfee; John F., m. Margaret Sharp; Ermina Sarah Prudence, m. John Osborn Angell; Thurza Viola, m. Albert Angell; William M., m. Martitia Smith; Daniel C.; Joseph M. b. March 2, 1853, m. Mary E. Ensign Oct. 1, 1876; Henry R., m. Anna Durfee; Stephen T., m. Anna Irons; Andrew C. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. High priest; missionary. Carpenter. Said to have pulled first curtain on the famous Salt Lake theatre stage. Died April 1897, Salt Lake City. CAHOON, JOSEPH M. (son of William F. Gaboon and Nancy M. Gibbs). Born March 2, 1853, Salt Lake City. Married Mary E. Ensign Oct. 1, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lewman Ensign and Mary A. Garn of Massa- chusetts and Ohio. Came to Utah 1847). She was born Sept. 23, 1859. Their children: Joseph H. b. July 22, 1877, m. Ceora D. Woody; Ashley E. b. Aug. 8, 1880; Eugene A. b. Oct. 14, 1882, m. Esther King; Ethel b. Jan. 28, 1885, m. Harlow Grove; Harold M. b. Jan. 21, 1889, m. Olive Shepard; Silvia D. b. Jan. 15, 1891; Margaret E. b. Jan. 13, 1894; Marian B. b. May 7, 1902. Railroad man. CAIN, JOSEPH (son of James Cain born Sept. 28, 1797, Isle of Man, Eng., and Anne Moore born June 1793, Kirk Lanan, Eng). He was born Nov. 5, 1822, Douglas, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 1847, John Taylor company. Married Elizabeth Whitaker Feb., 1847 (daughter of Thomas Whitaker and Sophia Turner), who was born Aug. 4, 1828 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Elizabeth Turner b. April 14, , m. Charles Crismon June 1872; Joseph Moore b. May 14, , d. Feb. 3. 1880. Postmaster at Salt Lake City 1854-55; associated with Willard Richards and Ellas Smith in publishing Deseret News. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 789 CAIXE, JOHW T. (son of Thomas Caine and Elinor Cubbon of the Isle of Man, Parish of Kirk Patrick). Born Jan. 8, 1S29, on the Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1852, captain of ten in the James McGaw company of fifty wagons. Married Margaret Nightingale Oct. 22, 1850, St. Louis, Mo. (her grandmother, Mary Leach, was the second woman baptized into the L. D. S. church in Europe. She lived at Nauvoo, and later went to St. Louis). The family record of Mr. and Mrs. Caine shows them to be the parents of thirteen children, eight of whom are living, namely, Agrnes Ellen, who is Mrs. Arthur Pratt; John T., Jr., registrar in the Utah Agricultural College at Logan; Albion William, a rancher near Missoula, Mont.; Joseph Edgrar, a former captain of the Utah Volunteer Cavalry in the Philippines, afterward cashier of the Utah Commercial and Savings Bank, secretary Salt Lake Commercial Club; and at this time secretary Oakland (Cal.) Commercial Club; Julia Dean, Mrs. George D. Alder; Charles Arthur, secre- tary of the Caine & Hooper Co.; Florence Nightingale, Mrs. Will G. Farrell; Margaret Nightingale, and Mrs. William G. Patrick. He was a school teacher in Utah; missionary to Sandwich Islands; actor, stage manager and editor at Salt Lake City; territorial legislator; University regent and city recorder such is a partial epitome of the pre-delegate record of this self-made man, rising step by step from the humblest walks of life to the high and honorable position of United States Congressman from Utah. As missionary to the Hawaiian mission, where he presided over the Oahu con- ference, the climate did not agree with him, and President Young recalled him. Reaching Utah October, 1856, he was made secretary of the legislature in session at Fillmore, which adjourned to Salt Lake City, and was with that body until its adjournment. He was secretary of a commission appointed by this legislature to codify the United States laws applicable to territories. He held the same positions in the legislatures for many years afterwards. He was also military secretary (with the rank of lieutenant-colonel) on the staff of Gen. Daniel Wells, commanding the Nauvoo Legion, and once a private clerk to President Brigham Delegated to carry a protest from the people of Utah to Washington, D. C., against the Cullom bill, then pending In Congress, he created much favorable comment. Manager of Salt Lake Herald, established 1872, and third owner; mem- ber constitutional convention of 1882; elected to congress that year, taking his seat March, 1883; presided over the constitutional conventional of 1887, and strongly urged the adoption of a clause in the proposed constitution prohibiting polygamy, believing this to be the true solution of the "Mormon" problem, and the only course that would satisfy the government of the United States. He presented the constitution and Its accompanying documents to Congress, and on Feb. 18, 1888, before the Senate committee on territories, made a strong argument in support of the honesty and sincerity of the people of l in proposing this solution of the vexing question. During the same year, on the 25th of August and the 4th of Octo- ber, he delivered in the House his noted speeches, "Poly- gamy in Utah a Dead Issue," and "Mormon Facts Versus Anti-Mormon Fictions." In the beginning of 1889 he made an able and forcible argument before the House committee on territories in favor of Utah's admission as a State. All the while, in and out of Congress, he was stemming a per- fect torrent of anti-Utah measures, one of which, by Senator Paddock of Nebraska, an ex-member of the Utah Commis- sion, proposed the redlstricting and reapportionment of Salt Lake City by the governor, secretary and members of that commission, in such a way as to give the "Liberals" control of the city government. Senator Cullom, of Illinois, and Delegate Dubois, of Idaho, presented legislative commission bills Mr. Caine's plea to senators and members was that they should wait and see If the Edmunds-Tucker law would not accomplish all that was desired In the settlement of the "Mormon" question. He introduced a bill for an en- abling act for Utah, and set on foot the movement that resulted In the appointment of a fourth federal judge for Utah A pleasant episode in the midst of these stormy experiences was his attendance, as Utah's representative, in New York City, April 29, 30, and May 1, 1889, at the great celebration in honor of the centennial anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington as president of The opening of the Fifty-first Congress found him at his post, fighting the infamous measures known as the Cullom and Struble bills, which proposed to disfranchise all members of the L. D. S church who were American citizens, and prevent the naturalization of Mormon aliens. On April 23, 1890, Mr. Caine, before the House committee on territories, delivered a masterful and convincing argu- ment against the Struble bill, which, though favorably re- ported, prevented it from coming before the House for action. Our delegate and his congressional friends also blocked the way of the new Edmunds bill, proposing to devote the funds escheated from the Mormon church to the public schools of Utah. Upon the passage of the bill for the admission of Idaho, he made a speech favoring state- hood for that Territory; but opposing- those provisions of the enabling act which disfranchised for their church mem- bership, all Mormons citizens residing there. But It was not alone in antagonizing measures Inimical to his Mormon constituents, that our delegate's zeal and efficiency were shown. He fought repeatedly and success- fully the proposed removal of the Southern Ute Indians from Colorado to Utah, and secured measures for the relief of the inhabitants of Ferron, Richfield, and Morgan, en- abling them to increase the area of their townsite entries by filing upon school lands within their corporate limits. He obtained appropriations for the construction and com- pletion of the Utah penitentiary, and for the benefit of the Shebit Indians in Washington county. He presented bills for the erection of government buildings at Salt Lake City and Ogden, for the creation of a land office at Ogden, and for the granting of a tract of sixty acres for a University site on the Fort Douglas military reservation. He also secured, during the anti-polygamy crusade, presidential clemency and full pardons for many old and feeble men who were undergoing Imprisonment in the prisons of Utah and other places. In these and all other matters requiring executive action Mr. Caine speaks in warm terms of the magnanimity and high sense of justice manifested by President Cleveland. With the president, the heads of departments, and the attaches of several government offices, he maintained the most cordial relations. Uniformly dignified and courteous, he enjoyed the confidence and respect of his associates in Congress, made no enemies, and had many warm friends. During the whole of his experience as delegate he served as a member of the National Democratic Campaign com- mittee, representing Utah, and took an active part In all its deliberations for the advancement of Democratic Inter- ests in the several congressional districts. The influence thus gained was ever at the command of his constituents, and no citizen of Utah, nor even of Idaho or Arizona, Mor- mon or not, ever appealed to him In vain for assistance, when to give such assistance was proper and possible. To recount the full story of his combats, victories and defeats in the Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth and Fifty-second Congresses, to each of which he was elected by an overwhelming majority (his plurality at the last elec- tion being nearly ten thousand), would require much space. It might almost be said that a battle royal was waged from start to finish throughout his eleven years of service, the final victory coming to Mr. Caine and the people for whom he faithfully fought. In the practically unanimous consent of all parties to admit Utah into the Union. On Jan. 7, 1892, he introduced in the House the Utah Home Rule bill, duplicated by Mr. Faulkner in the Senate, and in February considered by the Senate and House committees on ter- ritories. Delegations from Utah, introduced by Mr. Caine, spoke for and against the measure: H. W. Smith, C. C. Richards, J. W. Judd, F. S. Richards, T. J. Anderson, J. L. Rawlins, F. H. Dyer, and ex-Governor West, in favor of It, and O. W. Powers, C. E. Allen, C. W. Bennett and John Henry Smith in opposition. The latter two argued in favor of statehood rather than against home rule. Before the Senate committee, Delegate Caine read the Mormon petition for amnesty, dated Dec. 19, 1891, and signed by the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles, thus securing Its publi- cation as a part of the proceedings. He worked zealously for the Home Rule bill, and on July 8, 1892, saw It pass the House, thus clearing the way for Statehood. Upon the dissolution of the "People's" and "Liberal" parties, Mr. Caine, who had always been a Democrat in spirit, became identified with and one of the leaders of the Democratic party of Utah. In June, 1892, he attended as a delegate the National Democratic convention at Chicago which nominated Grover Cleveland for his second term as president. There was a contesting delegation, headed by Judge Powers, representing the "Tuscarora Society," mostly Democratic members of the fast dying "Liberal" party. Mr. Caine's acquaintance and influence with public men, mem- bers of the convention, was largely Instrumental in seating the regular delegates Judge Henry P. Henderson and him- self. As a member of the committee on platform and resolu- tions, he secured a clause in the platform favoring state- hood for all the Territories having the requisite qualifica- tions. Back again in Congress, Jan. 14, 1893, he introduced in the House, a bill for an enabling act to admit Utah Into the Union, and a similar bill at his request was introduced by Mr. Faulkner in the Senate. It failed of passage owing to the flood of business at the close of that session, and the change of administration, but practically identical with it was the bill that became a law in the next Congress. With statehood in sight the public boom for which he had toiled so long and faithfully Delegate Caine was the logical candidate for re-election 1892, but it being sug- gested to him by personal friends among his fellow parti- sans, after the organization of the Democratic party of Utah, that in order to show the country that the dissolu- tion of the "People's" party was an honest reality, it would be advisable to nominate a non-Mormon for delegate, he willingly sacrificed his own political interests, and heartily joined in the nomination and zealously worked for the elec- tion of Hon. Joseph L. Rawlins. The next year Utah went Republican, that party electing a majority of the members of the legislature. Fearing the effect upon Congress, which was strongly Democratic, and was then considering the Utah Statehood bill, which passed the House in December of that year, Mr. Caine was prevailed upon by prominent Utah Democrats, in January, 1894, to take a trip to Wash- ington and consult with Democratic leaders in Congress over the Utah situation. The result was all that could be desired. While those leaders were disappointed at the out- come of the election, they declared that the Territory had all the qualifications for Statehood, and was entitled to admission Into the Union. The enabling- act passed the Senate In July, 1894, and on the 16th of that month was ap- proved by President Cleveland. As Chairman of the Democratic territorial committee, Mr. Caine, In the fall of the same year, waged an energetic campaign, many Democrats being elected to the constltu- 790 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH tional convention, which, however, had a Republican ma- jority; that party also elected the delegate to Congress, Hon. Frank J. Cannon. In August, 1895, Mr. Caine again went east In the interest of his party. At the Democratic convention for the nomination of State officers, held at Ogden, in anticipation of Statehood, on the 5th of Septem- ber, he was almost unanimously nominated for Governor, but in the election, after a thorough canvass of the Terri- tory with Hon. B. H. Roberts, he shared the fate of his party, receiving 18,519 votes as against 20,833 cast for the successful Republican candidate, Hon. Heber M. Wells. In 1896 he was nominated for the State Senate and elected, receiving a majority of 3,820 votes over any senatorial candidate on the opposition ticket. He served but one ses- sion in the Senate, having drawn the short, or one-year term. In the interim of retiring from Congress in March, 1893, and the advent of statehood in 1896, Mr. Caine was Auditor of Public Accounts for the Territory. He was afterwards superintendent of waterworks for Salt Lake City. In busi- ness life he has also figured prominently. He was one of the original stockholders and directors of Zion's Savings Bank and Trust Company, and is a director, secretary and treasurer of the Josepa Agricultural and Stock Company, promoting the settlement of native Hawaiians on a large ranch in Skull Valley. CALDER, GEORGE (son of George Calder and Anna John- son of Dunnethead, Thurso, Scotland). Born Dec. 25, 1838, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 1850, Captain Clawson company. Married Mary Bennion April 6, 1861, at Taylorsville, Utah (daughter of John Bennion born at Hawarden, Wales, and Esther Wainwright born at Liverpool, Eng., pioneers Sept. 1847, John Taylor company). She was born May 4, 1844. Their children: Orson B. b. Jan. 8, 1862, m. Catherine Snedaker; George Washington b. June 1, 1863, d. infant; Louisa b. Dec. 21, IS64, m. William Orme Lee; Omni b. June 18, 1867, d. child; Lynus b. March 25, 1869, d. child; Ada b. May 25, 1871, m. Edwin J. Winder; Hyrum Bennion b. May 26, 1873, m. Agnes Ellen Hamilton June 27, 1900; Joseph b. May 26. 1873, d. infant; Georgiana b. Aug. 23, 1875, d. child; Rebeau b. Nov. 27, 1877, m. Stella Whitlock; Pontha b. Aug. 3, 1879, m. Rosella Softe; Wallace b. March 1, 1882, m. May Hacking; Bruce b. June 23, 1885, m. Margaret Hamil- ton; Dora b. Nov. 14, 1S87, m. William H. Cook. Family home Taylorsville, Mill Creek and Vernal, Utah. Seventy; Sunday school superintendent; president T. M. M. I. A. of Mill Creek ward. School trustee; school teacher. Founder of Calder's Park (Wandamere, Salt Lake county). Settled at Vernal 1905, where he engaged in stockraising. Died March 29. 1910, Vernal. CALDER, ORSON BENNION (son of George Calder and Mary Bennion). Born Jan. 8, 1862, Taylorsville, Utah. Married Catherine Snedaker July 28, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Frederick Snedaker and Elizabeth Rock of Mill Creek, Utah, pioneers Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born Feb. 8, 1863. Their children: Orson Mentzer b. May 17, 1887; Mary Elizabeth b. May 25, 1889, m. John Robert Robinson; Leo b. Oct. 29, 1891; Alton b. Oct. 17, 1893; Zelph b. May 22, 1895; Sylvanus b. May 27, 1897, died; Greta Kathryn b. June 2, 1S99. Family home Vernal. High priest; missionary to England 1903-04; ward teacher 35 years; Sunday school superintendent; secretary of Y. M. M. I. A.; ward organist 28 years. Moved from Salt Lake county to Vernal 1886. Stockholder in Ashby Upper Irriga- tion Canal, Ashby Central Canal and Ouray Valley Irrigation Canal. Farmer and stockraiser. CALDER, HYRUM BENNION (son of George Calder and Mary Bennion). Born May 26, 1873, Mill Creek, Utah. Married Agnes Ellen Hamilton June 27, 1900, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Campbell Hamilton and Isabell Hood Hill), who was born April 18, 1874. Their children: George Hamilton b. May 21, 1901, d. Feb. 6, 1913; James Hamilton b. Sept. 28, 1902; David Hamilton b. Aug. 9, 1904; Vera b. June 6, 1906; Grant Hamilton b. Aug. 1, 1909; Howard Bennion b. July 11, 1912. Missionary to Scotland 1896-98; Sunday school teacher 19 years; set apart bishop of 1st ward of Vernal Sept. 18, 1910. Assisted his father In building Calder's Park (Wandamere) at Salt Lake City, and for many years assisted in its man- agement. Moved to Vernal Oct. 1899, where he with his brother Pontha engaged in the ice business; later he became manager of Acorn Mercantile company and served three years; he then engaged in the creamery business with his brothers under the fir"i name of Calder Bros. CALDWELL, ISAAC JAMES (son of David Caldwell and Mary Ann Vaughn of Canada). Born April 29, 1833. Came to Utah 1853, Captain Clawson company. Married Eliza Ann Russell Feb. 16, 1858, Rush Valley, Utah (daughter of William Greenwood Russell and Louise Jones of Liverpool, Eng., pioneers Oct. 3, 1852, Isaac Bullock com- pany). She was born Feb. 11, 1840. Their children: Isaac James Jr. b. Jan. 17, 1859, d. 1882; William H. b. Jan. 18, 1861, m. Margaret Park; John D. b. April 12, 1863, d. 1884; George b. May 11, 1865, m. Annie Morgan; Fanny C. b. July 12. 1867, d. 1873: Emily M. b. Dec. 23, 1869, m. Thomas Adams; Elizabeth J. b. April 1. 1872; Richard E. b. Sept. 27, 1875, m. Estella Neft; Margaret A. b. June 7, 1879; Her- bert V. b. June 17, 1883, d. infant. Family resided St. John, Tooele and Salt Lake City, Utah. Senior president seventies; assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died 1892 at Salt Lake City. CALDWELL, RICHARD E. (son of Isaac James Caldwell and Eliza Ann Russell). Born Sept. 27, 1875, in Tooele county, Utah. Married Estella Neff June 30, 1905, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Benjamin Barr Neff and Mary Ellen Love of Dry Creek, Utah, pioneers, Lot Smith company). She was born Aug. 7, 1871. Their children: Richard Elmer b. Jan. 30, 1907; Mary b. Sept. 19, 1908; Eliza Bess b. March 12, 1910. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to southern states 1896-98; seventy. Civf! engineer. ( \l.l)\\ 101.1., JOHN (son of Thomas Caldwell of Carlisle, Eng.). Born 1815 in Carlisle. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company. Married Maria Hansum. Only child: Joseph Bridge b. May 7, 1848, m. Annie Petrena Fjeldsted July 24, 1874. Family home Gunnison, Utah. Married Elizabeth Mien at Carlisle, who was born 1818. Their children: Siddens, died; Jane, m. Nephi Gledhill; Wil- liam, m. Sylvia Metcalf. Family home Gunnison. High priest. Killed in Echo Canyon Sept. 22, 1868, while working on Union Pacific railroad. CALDWELL, JOSEPH BRIDGE (son of John Caldwell and Maria Hansum). Born May 7. 1848, Carlisle, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Annie Petrena Fjeldsted July 24, 1874. Gunnison, Utah (daughter of Lars Peter Fjeldsted, pioneer 1862). She was born Sept. 12, 1853. Their children: Joseph Edwin b. May 21, 1875, m. Virginia Eccles Sept. 3, 1902; John LeRoy b. Sept. 24, 1877, died; Peter William b. Feb. 25, 1880, died; Jessie, died; Edith b. Oct. 29, 1882, m. Edwin Beach; Junius b. June 3, 1888; Evelyn b. Aug. 3, 1893; Eudora b. Nov. 30, 1896. Family home Ferron, Utah. Elder. First resided at Tooele; moved to Grantsville, later to Mt. Pleasant, to Gunnison, and in 1881 to Ferron. Superintendent Sunday schools Molen ward five years. As- sisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1868. School trustee three years. Black Hawk war veteran. Farmer. CALDWELL, JOSEPH EDWIN (son of Joseph Bridge Cald- well and Annie Petrena Fjeldsted). Born May 21, 1875, Gunnison, Utah. Married Virginia Eccles Sept. 3, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hutchinson Eccles and Mary Richmond of Paisley, Scotland). She was born June 20, 1882, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Joseph Hutchinson b. June 1, 1903; Mary Evelyn b. July 14, 1905; David Junius b. Oct. 21, 1906; John Eccles b. March 8, 1909; Boyd L. Wood b. March 4, 1911. Family home Molen ward, Ferron, Utah. Member 144th quorum seventies; missionary to North Carolina 1898-1900; bishop Molen ward 1910; president Y. M. M. I. A., Castle Gate and Clear Creek, Utah, and Baker City, Oregon; member Emery stake board Y. M. M. I. A. Member Business Men's Association, Baker City, Oregon. CALDWELL, MATTHEW (son of Curtis Caldwell and Nancy Hood). Born June 11, 1822, Mt. Vernon, Jefferson county, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson company. Married Barzilla Guymon Oct. 17, 1843, in Illinois (daughter of Thomas Guymon and Sarah Gordon of Jackson county, Tenn.. pioneers Sept. 8, 1850). She was born Dec. 31, 1823. Their children: Thomas Jefferson, m. Mary Ann Peterson; Rachel Almira, m. George Horace; Curtis Washington, m. Almira Chase; Melissa Jane b. April 7, 1851, m. William Henry Adams Jr.; Matthew, died; William Guymon, m. Emerett Gillespie; Sarah Elizabeth, m. Stephen Daniels; John Edgar, m. Mary King; Barzilla and James Martin, died. Family home Fountain Green, Utah. Private in Co. "E" of Mormon battalion. Captain in Walker and Black Hawk Indian wars. Appointed one of the presidents of 60th quorum seventies May 19, 1857; ward teacher. First mayor of Spanish Fork. Justice of peace and school teacher. Delegate to legislature from Sanpete county. Died March 15, 1912, Dry Fork, Uinta county, Utah. CALL, CYRIL (son .of Joseph Call, born 1742, and Mary Sanderson, both of Woodstock, Vt.). He was born June 29, 1785, Woodstock, Vt. Came to Utah in 1849. Married Sally Tiffany (daughter of Christopher Tiffany), who was born Nov. 27, 1790; died 1856. Their children: Harvey b. Sept. 6, 1808, m. Mary Ann Loga; Anson b. May 13, 1810, m. May Flint; Salmon b. 1812, d. young; Samantha b. Nov. 15, 1814, m. Jeremiah Nalloy; Fanney b. May 11, 1816, m. Chester Loveland; Lucina b. Sept. 29. 1819, m. Per- rigrine Sessions; Josiah b. Aug-. 12, 1822, m. Henrietta Wil- liams; Mary b. Feb. 4, 1824, m. Perrigrine Sessions; Roseline S. b. Dec. 29, 1826, m. Fernatus Dustin; Sarah b. Dec. 19, 1828, m. Samuel Mecham; Melissa b. March 29. 1833, m. Rus- eel Brownell; Omer b. Jan. 9, 1834, m. Sarah Ferrin; Homer b. Jan. 9, 1834, m. Nancy Merrill. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Died May 23. 1873, Bountiful. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 791 CALL, ANSON (son of Cyril Call, whose father, Joseph Call fought in the battle of Bunker Hill and served under Wash- ington, and Sally Tiffany, daughter of Christopher Tiffany, a German immigrant to New England). He was born May 13, 1810, Fletcher, Franklin county, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1848, In charge of 20 wagons of the Brigham Young company. Married Mary Flint Oct. 3, 1833, Madison, Ohio (daughter of Rufus Flint and Hannah Haws), who was born March 27, 1812, at Bralntree, Vt. Their children: Anson Vasco b. July 9, 1834, m. Charlotte Holbrook, m. Eliza Dopp; Mary Vashti b. March 27, 1836, m. Ira Parke; Moroni b, Feb. 6, 1838, died; Chester b. May 13, 1841, m. Agnes Loveland, m Mary A. Packer, m. Sarah M. Dixon, m. Pamelia Barlow Thompson; Christopher b. May 13, 1841; Hyrum b. Dec. 3, 1845; latter two died. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Ann Maria Bowen April 16, 1851 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Israel Bowen and Louisa Durham, latter a pioneer of 1851). She was bor)n Jan. 3, 1834, Bethany, N. T. Their children: Vilate b. July 27. 1852, d. June 10, 1862; Israel b July 2, 1854, m. Medora White Dec. 21, 1874, m. Jane L. Judd Knight June 11, 1880; Vententia b. Feb. 14, 1856. d. April 19, 1862; Viola b. June 16, 1858, m. James George; Anson Bowen b. Oct. 20, 1863, m. Mary T. Thompson; m. Harriet Cazier, m. Dora Pratt; Harriet Louisa b. April 8, 1866, m. William C. Mann. Family home Bountiful. Utah. Married Margaretta Clark Feb. 7, 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Clark and Mary Unwin), who was born May 26, 1828, Nottingham, Eng. Their children: Mary b. May 24, 1858, m. Thomas Waddoups; Cylista b. April 9, 1860, m. Mark Waddoups; Samantha E. b. Nov. 28, 1861. m. William C. Mann; Cyntha b. Feb. 20, 1864, m. Thomas Wad- doups; Willard b. April 25, 1866, m. Adelaide White; Aaron b. July 3, 1868, m. Samantha A. Willey. Family home Bountiful. Married Emma Summers Feb. 24, 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Summers and Susannah Stockall), who was born Aug. 6. 1828, Broadheath, Worcestershire, Eng. Their children: Ann b. March 15, 1858, m. Kepler Ses- sions; Fanny b. Aug. 11, 1860, m. Truman H. Barlow; Lucins b. April 8, 1862, m. Jasper N. Perkins; David b. June 20 1868. m. Eliza Dltmore; Sarah b. Dec. 8, 1870, m. Truman H Barlow. Family home Bountiful. Married also Henrietta (Williams) Call (widow of his brother Josiah) and Ann Clark. In fulfillment of a prophecy of the prophet Joseph Smith in Montrose, Iowa. July 14, 1843, that, "He would come to the Rocky mountains, and that he would assist in building cities from one end of the country to the other," Anson Call built a home in Bountiful, then North Canyon ward, at which place he served as bishop 1849-50 and again 1873-77. In 1851 a special session of the legislature appointed him probate judge of Millard county with orders to organize that county, and in 1852 he represented that section In the 'legislature. In 1854 he founded Call's Fort, Box Elder county. In connection with his. wife Maria he pioneered Parowan, Fillmore, Pauvan valley and Carson valley, built warehouse at Callvllle 1864, the head of navigation on the Big Colorado river. With his sons Anson V. and Chester, took part in the Echo Canyon campaign. At the organiza- tion of the Davis stake, June, 1877, he was made counselor to President William R. Smith. Promoter of the Davis and Weber Co. Canal company. A successful merchant and farmer. Died Sunday, Aug. 31, 1890. CALL, ANSON VASCO (son of Anson Call and Mary Flint). Born July 9, 1834. Came to Utah with parents. Married Charlotte Holbrook June 3, 1854 (daughter of Joseph Holbrook and Nancy Lampson; married Dec. 30, 1830). She was born Nov. 26, 1833. Their children: Char- lotte Vienna b. Nov. 7, 1854, m. Chrestian Nelson Nov. 22, 1869; Anson Vasco b. May 23, 1855, m. Alice J. Farnham; Joseph H. b. Feb. 23, 1857, m. Sarah Isabel Barlow; Mary Vashti b. Jan. 24, 1859, m. Moses Muir; Ira b. March 23, 1861, m. Jane Barlow; Hannah b. Jan. 26, 1863, m. William Hatch; Lamoni b. Jan. 25, 1865, m. Annie Barlow. Family home Bountiful. Utah. Married Eliza Dopp at Salt Lake City. Their children: Chester Vincent b. Oct. 6, I860, m. Annls Barlow; Sidney B., m. Miss Loveland; Ida, m. Mr. Welton. Family home Bountiful. Missionary to England 1864-67. Died Aug. 4, 1867. CALL, ANSON VASCO, JR. (son of Anson Vasco Call and Charlotte Holbrook). Born May 23, 1855, Willard, Utah. Married Alice J. Farnham May 17, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Augustus Farnham and Caroline Pill), who was born Aug. 6, 1859, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Anson Vasco b. May 18, 1877, m. Artemesia Dalrymple; Adolphus Alvin b. Feb. 28, 1879. m. Sarah Isabel Astle; Alice Maud b. July 12, 1881, m. Thomas H. Burton; Ella b. July 14, 1884, m. Carl Cook; Caroline Charlotte b. April 22, 1888, m. Reuben Fielding Burton; Farnham Lamoni b. Aug. 16. 1890, m. Lillle Welch; Chester Alfred b. Dec. 18, 1892; Lorna Louise b. Aug. 21, 1899. Family home Bountiful. Married Lucy E. King Dec. 28, 1882 (daughter of Thomas F. King and Miss Ogrden), who was born Sept. 21, 1865. Their children: Franklin b. Dec. 24, 1883; Ostella b. Jan. 21. 1888, m. Adelbert Kennlngton: Christian Joseph b. Nov. 21, 1889, m. Alice Walton: Mary Vashti b. Oct. 20, 1891; Fred- erick William b. Jan. 27, 1894; Walter Leroy b. May 9. 1896; Laura Ann b. March 7, 1898, d. April 18, 1898; Ira Edward b. March 22, 1899; George Albert b. June 7, 1901; Edgar Allen b. Feb. 1, 1904. Married Rosa Emily Stayner Oct. 1, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Stayner), who was born Dec. 11, 1856, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Thomas John b. Aug. 20, 1884, m. Ethel Grace Papworth; Charles Stayner b. Dec. 16. 1887; Charlotte Vienna b. Oct. 12, 1889; Horace Arthur b. July 28, 1892; Rosa May b. April 28, 1896; Mary Edith b. March 21, 1898, d. Nov. 3, 1899. Superintendent M. I. A. Davis stake 1880-85; missionary to Europe 1885-87; superintendent Co.-op store Bountiful 1882- 85; county school superintendent 1883-85; superintendent Sunday schools Afton, Wyoming 1889-92, counselor to Stake pres. 1892-04. Mayor Afton three tertns. CALL, ADOLPHUS ALVIN (son of Anson Vasco Call. Jr., and Alice Jeanette Farnham). Born Feb. 28, 1879 Bounti- ful, Utah. Married Sarah Isabel Astle Aug. 9, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Astle and Isabel Jane Bradshaw), who was born Sept. 20, 1879, Montpelier, Idaho. Their children: Vera Isabella b. June 2, 1900; Adolphus Alwin b. May 5, 1902; Elworth Anson b. June 19, 1904; Alice Maud b. Sept. 13, 1906; Grace Carol b. July 18. 1908; Wilford Ray b. July 21. 1910. Family home Afton, Wyo. CALL, ISRAEL (son of Anson Call and Ann Maria Bowen). Born July 2, 1854, Fillmore, Utah. Married Medora White Dec. 21, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of John S. White and Ann Eliza Adelaide Ever- ett), who was born April 9, 1855, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Israel Bowen b. Oct. 10, 1875, m. Martha Balfour; m. Charlotte V. Davids; John Anson b. Dec. 14, 1876, m. Annie B. Law; Medora Adelaide b. Dec. 21, 1878, m. Joseph Bergeson; Vasco b. July 24, 1880, m. Maud Dobie; Schuyler b. June 9, 1882, m. Edna M. Goff ; Chester Monroe b. April 11, 1884, m. Maud Parkin; Hattie Jane b. June 3, 1886, m. Ezra L. Sainsbury; Ambrose b. Feb. 29, 1888; Chloe Irene b. Nov. 3, 1891, d. Dec. 12, 1891; Vinson Oro b. Jan. 22, 1893; Willard White b. Jan. 9, 1895; Eldred Odel b. March 12, 1897, d. May 5, 1901. Married Jane L. Judd Knight June 11, 1880, St. George, Utah (daughter of Hyrum Judd and Lizania Fuller, pioneers 1849), who was born May 2, 1849, Pottawattamie, Iowa. Their children: Lydia b. Nov. 9, 1881, m. Joseph C. Han- cock; Newel b. Sept. 26, 1883, m. Bathsheba Standiford; Leonard b. Aug. 16, 1885, d. Oct. 20, 1889. Missionary with Lot Smith to Sunset, Arizona, from Feb., 1876, to 1885; member high council of Little Colorado stake; pioneer to Colonia Diaz, Mexico, 1885. Postmaster at Boun- tiful 1913. CALL. OMER (son of Cyril Call and Sally Tiffany). Born Jan. 9, 1834, Madison, Ohio. Married Sarah M. Ferrin at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Omer S.; Sallie A. Cordon; Cyril J.; Albert J.; Nancy A.; Anson H.; Fanny M.; Lydia J.; George W.; Elihu; Eleanor S. Married Eleanor Jones at Salt Lake City. Their children: Justin D. b. April 6, 1868, m. Lula Bryan; Mary L.; Cyrus J.; Sarah E.; Joseph; Benjamin C.; Esther; William V.; Margaret; Chancy H.; Waldemar A. Family home Willard, Utah. CALL, JUSTIN D. (son of Omer Call and Eleanor Jones). Born April 6, 1868, Willard, Utah. Married Lula Bryan at Salt Lake City (daughter of Wil- liam A. C. Bryan and Elizabeth Parks, former pioneer of 1848). She was born Sept. 27, 1872, Salt Lake City. Their children: Justin Bryan; William Cornell; Verebal; Eleanor T.; Chancy C.; David H.; Elizabeth; Ruth A. Principal Juab Stake Academy; graduate Cornell Uni- versity; superintendent Sunday schools of Box Elder stake. Judge of the District court. First Judicial district. Mem- ber Utah society, Sons of American Revolution. CALL, HOMER (son of Cyril Call and Sally Tiffany). Born Jan. 9. 1834, Madison, Ohio. Married Nancy Merrill July 10, 1856 (daughter of Charles Merrill and Sarah Finley. pioneers 1852, who were married Oct 12, 1834, Lewis county, Mo.). She was born Nov. 8, 1838. Their children: Nancy Henrietta b. Dec. 4, 1857, m. Fredrick Parish Dec. 27. 1875; Homer Charles b. Nov. 30, 1859 m. Mary Eveline Taylor March 6, 1885; Josiah b. April 18 1862. m. Dove Facer Dec. 18, 1884; Sarah Elvira b. Aug. 17 1864; Alonzo b. Nov. 17, 1866. m. Elvira Lessie Oct. 21, 1889; Orvis b. Jan. 8, 1868, m. Chloe Ryan April 19. 1892 Amber b. Aug. 12, 1870, m. Enoch Grover May 22. 1889; Del Vasco b. Feb. 15, 1873; Cyril Sylvester b. July 31 18,7 Eme Salina b. June 11, 1875, m. Ira Pettengill Jan. 17 1894; Fanny Armetta b. Nov. 30, 1880; Maney Arietta b. Nov. 30, Pionee^to 7 Box Elder county. Imported first grist mill and threshing machine to Utah. Farmer and stock raiser. Died July 12, 1908. CALL HOMER CHARLES (son of Homer Call and Nancy Merrill) Born Nov. 30, 1859, Willard, Utah. Married Mary Evaline Taylor March 6, 1886 (daughter of John Taylor born May 6, 1838, and Lovisa Beecher. born Sept 22? 1846, Iowa, pioneers to Utah). She was born Nov. 16 1867 Willard. Their children: Charles Orvil b. Nov. 9 4^ gi b g iJ: IK!; Homer Ray b Sept. 15, 1907; Eva T. and Reva T. born July 3, 1907. Rancher by vocation. 92 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH CALL, JOSIAH (son of Homer Call and Nancy Merrill). Born April 18, 1862, Willard, Utah. Married Dove Facer Dec. 18, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Pacer and Mary Pryor, pioneers 1859), who was born Jan. 10, 1867, Willard. Their children: Oel F. b. Nov. 24, 1885; Mary Nancy b. Nov. 28, 1887, m. William F. Chan- dler June 10, 1908; Ethel May b. April 21, 1890; Elmo Josiah b. Jan. 25, 1893; Dove Alida b. Oct. 3, 1895; Royal Glenn b. April 30, 1900; Vivian A. b. April 9, 1902; Allon Willard b. April 29, 1904; Leland b. May 9, 1906; Lola b. Aug. 8, 1908. Family home Rigby, Idaho. Bishop's counselor 22 years; first counselor to president, Rigby stake. Justice of peace 1890-92; city councilman two terms. CALLISTER, THOMAS (son of John Callister and Cath- erine Murphy of Isle of Man). Born July 8, 1821, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Caroline Smith Aug. 31, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of John Smith and Clarissa Lyman of Illinois, pioneers 1847, Daniel Spencer company). Their children: Thomas and Clarissa died; Clara C., m. Francis M. Lyman; Philo- mela d. 1879; Mary Miranda, m. Edward L. Lyman; Samuel J. d. 1856; Bathsheba B. d. 1860; Asahel S. d. 1865. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Helen Marr Clark Dec. 16, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Russell Kilburn Clark and Elizabeth Towne of Michigan, pioneers 1847, Daniel Spencer company). Their children: Helen Marr b. Sept. 26, 1846, m. Henry J. McCul- lough; Elizabeth Ann b. March 20, 1848, m. Cuthbert King; Katherine Eliza b. Feb. 10, 1850, m. William E. Hatton; Thomas Clark b. Aug. 2, 1852, m. Alice M. McBride Nov. 16, 1874; Sarah Melissa b. Oct. 29, 1854, m. Nephi Pratt; Isabella b. Oct. 5, 1856, m. Francis A. Webb; Margaret Jane b. Oct. 13, 1858, d. May 6, 1875; Daniel Porter b. Dec. 28, 1860, m. Malissa E. Davis; Susan Delilah b. May 25, 1863, m. Francis M. Lyman; Russel Kilburn b. Feb. 13, 1865, m. Melvie Smith; John Warren b. Oct. 15, 1867, m. Mercy Croft; m. Annie Ell- son; Zina Prescinda b. May 25, 1871, d. June 17, 1871. Married Mary Levina Phelps Dec., 1863 (daughter of Alva Phelps and Margaret Robison of Fillmore, Utah). Their children: Mary Levina b. Feb. 2, 18C5, m. Jacob T. Robison; Alva Phelps b. Jan. 27, 1867, m. Ella Marcus; m. Jennie Jensen; George Albert b. Dec. 28, 1867; Ida and Ada b. Dec. 26, 1869; Joseph b. April 29, 1871; William Henry b. July 7, 1872, m. Inez Blood; Elida b. Aug. 5, 1874, m. William M. Elison; Juliet b. May 25, 1876, m. Clarence Carson; Orson Pratt b. Dec. 2, 1878, m. Francella Jones; Walter Stanley b. July 19, 1880, m. Grace Carson. Married Carlie E. Lyman Feb. 14, 1878, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Amasa M. Lyman and Caroline Eliza Partridge of Salt Lake City and Fillmore, Utah, pioneers 1847). Only child: Joseph Platte b. March 17, 1879, m. Sarah Elizabeth Chrlstensen. Served in Walker and Black Hawk Indian wars with rank of colonel. Missionary to Great Britain 1875-76; bishop of 17th ward, Salt Lake City 1855-61; bishop of Fillmore 1861-69; president Millard stake 1869-77; patriarch 1877-80. Member legislature 14 years. Farmer and stock raiser. Died Dec. 1, 1880, at Fillmore. CALLISTER. THOMAS CLARK (son of Thomas Callister and Helen Marr Clark). Born Aug. 2, 1852, Salt Lake City. Married Alice M. McBride Nov. 16, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Reuben McBride and Mary Ann Anderson of Fillmore, pioneers 1851). She was born Dec. 4, 1853. Their children: Ruby Alice b. Nov. 29, 1875, m. Raymond Ray; Helen Angle b. June 9, 1878, m. Elmer E. Hinckley; Thomas Clark Jr. b. May 1, 1881, m. Millie Peterson; Wells Reuben b Dec. 1, 1883, d. Jan. 26, 1886; Laura Adell b. March 27, 1886- Edna Louise b. July 15, 1888, m. John W. Starley; Mabel Venita b. June 26, 1891, d. Feb. 12, 1892; LaNola b. March 22, 1893. Family home Salt Lake City. Bishop of Fillmore; high councilor; counselor in presi- dency of Millard stake; patriarch. Probate judge of Millard county, and assessor and collector; mayor of Fillmore; jus- tice of peace; secretary State Board of Land Commission- ers; county recorder; member legislature. Land attorney. CALTOX, WILLIAM (son of George Calton and Esther Hashurst, of Lancashire, Eng.). Born June 11, 1836, Man- chester, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1863. Samuel D. White company. Married Maria Gutteridge Aug. 12, 1861, In England (daughter of Robert Gutteridge and Hannah Grover, of Berkshire, pioneers Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Loveland com- pany). She was born Nov. 10, 1841, Reddington, Eng. Their children: William H. b. Nov. 6, 1864, m. Sarah I. King- dom; Walter C. b. Dec. 10, 1866, m. Martha Chapman; Emily M. b. April 8, 1869, m. Charles H. Kammerman; Annie M. b. Nov. 26, 1871, m. George O. Burton; George A. b. Feb. 9, 1874, m. Helen Philips; Isadore b. Jan. 28, 1877, m. Annie Chrtstensen; Henry A. b. Jan. 15, 1880, m. Laura Cox; Pearl G. b. Nov. 25, 1884, m. Julian F. Smith. Married Eliza Gutteridge Sept. 26, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Gutteridge and Hannah Grover), who was born April 17, 1846. Their children: Frederick b. Sept. 22, 1870, m. Anna L. Wilcox; Alfred b. Mar. 4, 1872. m. Catherine Ashler; Joseph b. June 25, 1874, m. Mary Inger Wilcox; Hyrum b. June 25, 1874, m. Mamie Hault; Rosanna b. March 31, 1878, d. aged 11; Mary Edith b. April 25, 1880, m. William Vaughan, m. James Hardy; James Herber b. July 12, 1883, m. Hazel Householder; David Carl b. Aug. 4, 1886. Families resided at Salt Lake City. Chorister 1st ward Salt Lake City, and member Taber- nacle choir 40 years. President Nauvoo Legion. Said to have dug first well in Utah. Died Feb. 4, 1912. CALTON, FREDERICK (son of William Calton and Eliza Gutteridge). Born Sept. 22, 1870, Salt Lake City. Married Anna L. Wilcox Jan. 4, 1893, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Samuel A. Wilcox and Anna C. Peterson, of Cedar Valley, Utah), who was born Jan. 18, 1874. Their children: Anna V. born Nov. 6, 1893; Frederick L. b. Sept. 14, 1895; William Evan b. April 10, 1899; Reva May b. June 23, 1901; Clifton E. b. July 9, 1903; Leland Samuel b. May 2, 1906; Velma b. Oct. 22, 1907; Edith b. May 2, 1911. Family home Riverside, Utah. Chorister Cedar Valley and Riverside wards, 15 years; Sunday school choir leader; supt. religion class. Carpenter; farmer. CAMEHOJC, JOHN (son of Alexander Cameron and Cathe- rine McCullan of Scotland). Born Dec. 25, 1819. Came to Utah October, 1861. Married Margaret Fairgrove. Their children: Catherine b. April, 1847, m. George Southam; James A. b. Sept. 22, 1851, m. Sarah E. Conley Dec. 6, 1875. Family home Ran- dolph, Utah. Married Mary McFall at St. Louis, Mo., who was born Sept., 1826. Their children: Margaret, d. young; Mary, d. April 6, 1857. Married Alice Parkinson, who was born Feb. 4, 1828, Lan- cashire, Eng. Their children: John b. Sept. 9, 1859; Jan- net b. June 9, 1861. High priest. CAMERON, JAMES A. (son of John Cameron and Margaret Fairgrove). Born Sept. 22, 1851. Married Sarah E. Conley Feb. 6, 1875, Evanston, Wyo. (daughter of S. N. Conley and Eve Merckley). She was born April 14, , Centerville, Utah. Their children: James A., Jr. b. Jan. 16, 1876, m. Elizabeth Hamp; Sarah E. b. Oct. 18, 1877, m. Edwin Cornia; Mary P. b. Sept. 9, 1879, m. R. M. Horton; Hattie M. b. July 15, 1881. m. S. J. Oakey; Elizabeth A. b. Aug. 29, 1883, died; Ethel Pearl b. Aug. 18, 1885, m. James Jackson; Catherine Ruby b. Oct. 29, 1887, m. Melvin Cornia; Inez Estella b. Aug. 11, 1889; John G. b. Oct. 4, 1891; Albert G. b. Sept. 25, 1893; Hortense b. Jan. 26, 1896. Family home Blackfoot, Idaho. High priest. Moved to Blackfoot, Idaho, 1895. Assisted In erecting many buildings at Blackfoot. Mason. CAMPBELL, DAVID (son of John Campbell and Christina Cowan). Born 1809 In Stirlingshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel Harmon company. Married Jane Izatt in Fifeshire, Scotland (daughter of Alexander Izatt and Margaret Mitchell, of Fifeshire), who was born In 1809. Their children: Margaret, m. William Kinghorn; John, m. Grace Izatt; William, m. Agnes Brown; Jane, m. Alexander Kinghorn; Christiana, d. infant; Alex- ander. Family home Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland. High priest; block teacher. Laborer. Died In October. 1877, Salt Lake City. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM (son of David Campbell and Jane Izatt). Born Aug. 12, 1841, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scot- land. Came to Utah with parents. Married Agnes Brown March 29, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Brown and Christiana Thompson of Air- drie, Scotland pioneers Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillesple com- pany). She was born April 15, 1847. Their children: Chris- tiana b. Jan. 5, 1870, m. John E. Sherlock; Jane b. Oct. 9, 1872, d. aged six; Mary E. b. June 24, 1875, m. John W. Gray; Margaret b. Aug. 21, 1878, d. Infant; William D. b. Sept. 25, 1879, m. Lizzledor Taylor; John A. b. Aug. 23, 1882. m. Jennie Rainie; Agnes M. b. Dec. 29, 1884; James b. May 17, 1887, d. infant; Albert A. b. Oct. 29, 1892. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to Scotland 1896-98; ward trus- tee; block teacher 40 years. Street car conductor; laborer; watchman. CAMPBELL, JOHN. Born Sept. 12. 1812, Nova Scotia, Can- ada. Came to Utah 1852. Married Pernina Rose. Settled at Cottonwood in 1852. Died Oct. 6, 1893. CAMPBELL, JOSEPH H. (son of Benona Campbell, born Feb. 10, 1800, in Pennsylvania, and Mary Lenard, born Sept. 12, 1802, In New York state, married 1821). He was born Aug. 15, 1837, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah 1850, Stephen Markham company. Married Elizabeth Mathews Jan. 1, 1861 (daughter of Hopkin Mathews and Margaret Morris, pioneers Oct. 2. 1856, Edward Bunker handcart company married May 17. 1844, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales). She was born March 1, 1845, Combach, Wales. Their children: Joseph b. Oct. 26, 1861, m. Ella F. Hammond Sept. 29, 1887; Hyrum Alma b. April 30, 1863, m. Caroline Garr Sept. 8, 1886; Hopktn B. b. Feb. 2, 1866, m. Jemima Low Dec. 27, 1890; David M. b. Feb. 27. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 793 1S69, m. Margaret Fife April 8, 1891, m. Libbie Rossiter May 9, 1894; Margaret E. b. April 19, 1872, m. C. M. Ham- mond Dec. 21, 1892; Mary Ann b. March 20, 1875, m. Henry H. Bullock June 28, 1893; Ezra T. b. Nov. 12, 1879, m. Lucy Pickett April 8, 1902; Nina Amanda b. Feb. 6, 1883, m. Wil- liam Baer July 17, 1900; Kenneth R. b. Jan. 8, 1886, m. Aneona Smith Jan. 23, 1906. Family home Providence, Utah. Pioneer to Cache Valley 1859. Assisted in bringing im- migrants to Utah 1863. Took part in Echo canyon cam- paign. Ran a sawmill twenty-seven years at Providence; one of organizers of Providence co-operative store and a. director of same 20 years. Farmer and miller. CAMPBELL, JOSEPH (son of Joseph H. Campbell and Elizabeth Mathews). Born Oct. 26, 1861, Providence, Utah. Married Ella Freelove Hammond Sept. 29, 1887 (daughter of Milton D. Hammond and Freelove Miller, married Jan. 29, 1864, Salt Lake City, the latter a pioneer 1858). She was born April 16, 1865. Their children: Ella Irene b. July 6, 1888, m. Godfrey Fuhriman March 24, 1909; Vesta Free- love b. March 26, 1891, m. Leon Alder March 6, 1912; Eliza- beth b. Nov. 5, 1894; Genevieve b. July 7, 1896; Joseph M. b. Aug. 8, 1898; Alta and Alva b. June 18, 1901 (twins); Glen H. b. June 14, 1905. Family home Providence, Utah. Missionary to England 1891-93, also to Northern States 1907-09; bishop 2nd ward Providence 1909; chairman church building committee for 2nd ward meeting house. Trustee Providence town two terms. School teacher in Cache county 1886-1907. Treasurer of Cache county school district 1911-1913. CAMPBELL, SAMUEL (son of John and Deborah Campbell of Ohio). Came to Utah 1849, with members of Mormon Battalion. Married Clarissa Rebecca Hall at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William and Clarissa Hall of Missouri). Their chil- dren: Mary, d. infant; Lizzie, d. child; Joseph, m. Leona Reynolds, m. Matilda Frances Reynolds, m. Clarissy Rey- nolds; Benjamin, m. Annie Darling; Polly, m. Messrs. Whit- ney, Garr, Rhoades and Chatman; James Heber, m. Sarah Henry; Rozella, d. aged 14 years. Family home Vernal, Utah. Seventy; high priest. Mexican war veteran; fought against Shoshone Indians. County commissioner. Farmer; carpenter. Died in 1908. CAMPBELL, JAMES HEBER (son of Samuel Campbell and Clarissa Rebecca Hall). Born April 14, 1853, at Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Henry in 1881, at Vernal (daughter of Calvin and Agnes Henry of Park City, Utah; pioneers ox- team company). Their children: Agnes Rozella b. Dec. 4, 1881, m. Harley Elmer Pope; May, d. aged 3 years; Clar- issy, m. Alonzo Holmes, m. Jack Dunn; Marion, m. Frances Ellison; Raymond; Calvin Leroy; Hazel, d. infant; Fay. Member of the church. Farmer and freighter. Died at Roosevelt, Utah. CAMPBELL, CALVIN LEROY (son of James Heber Camp- bell and Sarah Henry). Born Jan. 20, 1894 at Vernal, Utah. CAMPBELL, THOMAS (parents resided in Scotland). Born in Perthshire, Scotland. Came to Utah 1855. Married Elizabeth Davis, who was born Sept. 17, 1826, and came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Alex- ander, m. Ann McNaughton; Janet, d. infant; Joseph, m. Mar- garet McNaughton; John b. Sept. 9, 1853, m. Marion Jane Todd March 19, 1890; Thomas, d. infant; Agnes, m. Richard Jones; William, m. Kate Johnson; Mary, m. James W. Clyde; James, m. Maud Whitt; Elizabeth, m. C. J. Wahlqulst. Fam- ily home Heber City, Utah. Coal miner; worked In first coal mine the Union Pacific opened at Bear River City, Utah; farmer in Wasatch county. Died April 25, 1894. CAMPBELL, JOHN (son of Thomas Campbell and Elizabeth Davis). Born Sept. 9, 1853, Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah 1855. Married Marion Jane Todd March 19. 1890, at Heber City (daughter of Thomas Todd and Margaret Shankland of Dumfrieshire, Scotland, pioneers Oct. 1, 1854). She was born March 19, 1861. Their children: Mazie b. March 12, 1891; Jennie b. Dec. 31, 1893; Hugh J. b. Aug. 3, 1898. Family home Heber City. Stood guard when nine years old in Sevier county during Black Hawk war. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Nov. 30, 1898, at Heber City. CAMVOiY, ANGUS M. (son of George Cannon and Ann Quayle). Born May 17, 1834, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1849, Reddick N. Allred company. Married Sarah Maria Mousley July 18, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of Titus Mousley and Ann McMenemy of Centerville near Wilmington. Del., pioneers 1857, Jacob Hol- phine company). Their children: George M., m. Marian A. Morris; John M., m. Zina Bennion; Ann M.; Leonora M., m. Barnard J. Stewart; Henry M., d. infant. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Ann Amanda Mousley July 18, 1858. Salt Lake City (daughter of Titus Mousley and Ann McMenemy). Their children: Wilhelmina M., m. Abraham H. Cannon- Angus M., m. Katherine Lynch; David Henry, d. infant- Lewis M., m. Mary Alice Hoagland Cannon; Charles M., m. Ida M. Daynes; Eugene M.. m. Edna C. Lambert; Mary M., m. J. Frank Chamberlin; Clarence M., m. Harriet Burns; Jesse F., m. Margaret McKeever; Quayle, m. Eugena Silver. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Clarissa Cordelia Moses June 16, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ambrose T. Moses and Lydia Ensign of Westfield, Mass.). She was born April 21, 1839. Their children: Samuel Ensign b. March 24. 1876, d. Jan. 10, 1880; Erastus Snow b. May 23, 1878, d. Dec. 8, 1878; Alice, m. Joseph Leroy Cheney Nov. 14, 1906. Married Martha Hughes Oct. 6, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Hughes and Elizabeth Evans, pioneers Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home company). She was born July 1, 1857. Their children: Elizabeth Rachel b. Sept. 13, 1885, m. Roy Hillman Porter; James Hughes b. May 10, 1891, m. Lavinna Hale April 5, 1911; Gwendolyn Hughes b. April 17 1899 Married Maria Bennion March 11, 1886, Salt Lake City (daughter of Johnson Bennion and Esther Wainwright of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1847, John Taylor company). She was born Aug. 5, 1857. Their children: Hattie Bennion b. March 5, 1887; Ira Bennion b. Feb. 11, 1889; Eleanor b. Jan. 11, 1893, d. Dec. 29, 1901; Glenn b. July 6, 1897. Missionary to eastern states 1854-58. Called to Parowan to assist in settling that country In 1850. Mayor of St. George four years. Manager Deseret News 1868-74. En- gaged in wagon and implement business in Salt Lake City. President Salt Lake stake 1876-1904. County recorder 1876-84. Patriarch. Has extensive mining interests. CANNON, CHARLES MOUSLET (son of Angus M. Can- non and Ann Amanda Mousley). Born Jan. 2, 1869, Salt Lake City. Married Ida Maud Daynes Nov. 12, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Daynes and Rebecca Bushby of Salt Lake City, the former a pioneer 1862, the latter 1869). She was born March 6, 1871. Only child: Dorothy. CANNON, QUAYLE (son of Angus M. Cannon and Ann Amanda Mousley). Born Dec. 30, 1S79, Salt Lake City. Married Eugena Silver Sept. 20, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Silver and Orthena Pratt of Salt Lake City). She was born April 15, 1884. Their children: Quayle b. July 5, 1906; Geneve b. Sept. 27, 1907; Orson Silver b. Nov. 21, 1908; Angus Welden b. July 6, 1910; Amanda Sylvia b. Sept. 1, 1912. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Missionary to Germany and Switzerland 1902-05; bishop's counselor 1908-12. Member of firm of Cannon & Cannon. CANFIELD, CYRUS CULVER. Born Dec. 20, 1817, near Co- lumbus, Ohio. Came to Utah 1849 with members of Mor- mon Battalion. Married Clarissa L. Jones, who came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Their children: Ellen L., m. Thomas Stokes; Melissa, m. John W. Bolace; Maria T., m. Hyrum Goff; Hyrum, died. Elder. Third lieutenant in Company D, Mormon Bat- talion. Went to California about 1851, where he died. CANNON, GEORGE Q. (son of George Cannon and Ann Quayle of Liverpool, Eng., and Isle of Man). Born Jan. 11, 1827, Liverpool, Eng> Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1847, John Taylor company. Married Elizabeth Hoagland Dec. 10, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Hoagland and Margaret Quick of New Jersey, Michigan, and Nauvoo, 111., pioneers Oct. 3, 1847, John Taylor company). She was born Nov. 3, 1836. Among their children were: George H., d. infant; John Q., m. Annie Wells, m. Louie Wells; Abraham H. (deceased), m. Sarah A, Jenkins, m. Wilhelmina M. Cannon, m. Mary Crox- all, m. Lillian Hamblin; Georgiana, George A., and Eliza- beth latter three died infants; Mary Alice (deceased), m. Lewis M. Cannon (cousin); Lillian Ann, d. infant; David H., died; Emily, m. Israel E. Willey; Sylvester Q., m. Winnifred Saville Married Sarah Jane Jenne April 11, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Jenne and Sarah Snider of Canada, pioneers 1848). She was born Sept. 11, 1839. Their chil- dren: Frank J., m. Martha Brown (died), m. Rose Brown; Angus J., m. Miriam Hawkins; Hugh J., m. May Wilcken; Rosannah, m. Alonzo R. Irving; Joseph J., m. Florence Groes- beck; Preston J., m. Mabel Harker; Karl Q., m Mary Silver Married Eliza L. Tenney 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Tenney and Eliza Webb of Chicaque, N. T.. pioneers July, 1860). She was born Feb. 9, 1847. Their chUdren: William T., m. Ada E. Croxall: Read T. (deceased), m. Ada White; Edwin Q., m. Luella Waring. Married Martha Telle at Salt Lake C ty. Their children: Hester T., m. Daniel B. Richards; Amelia Telle b. Fet ,16. 1870, m. William H. Chamberlin Jr.; Lewis Telle b. April 22 1872, m. Martha Howeli; Brigham Telle b. Aug. 3 1874. m Cecelia Farrell; Willard T., m. Caroline Croxall; Grace, m' Clarence Neslen; Radcliffe Q., m. Maud Riter; Espey T.. m Alice Farnsworth; Collins T., unmarried Married Emily Hoagland (Little) No children. Married (Mrs ) Caroline Young Croxall, who was born Feb 1 1851. Their children: Clawson Y.; Wilford Y ; Ann Y Georelus Y Families resided Salt Lake City, Utah. Missionary to Hawaii and England 1849-64; apostle and 794 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH member first presidency of L. D. S. church 20 years. Terri- torial delegate from Utah to U. S. Congress. Printer and editor of Deseret News. Died April 11, 1901, Ocean Park, Cal. [See "History of George Q. Cannon" for additional and fuller data regarding this remarkable figure in Utah his- tory.] CANNON, DAVID H. (son of George Q. Cannon and Eliza- beth Hoagland). Born April 14, 1872, Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to Soran, Silesia, Germany, 1891-92. Died there Oct. 7, 1S92. CANNON, HUGH J. (son of George Q. Cannon and Sarah Jenne). Born Jan. 19, 1870, at Salt Lake City. Married May Wilcken Oct. 1, 1890 at Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Charles H. Wilcken and Eliza Reiche of Germany, former came to Utah 1857, with Johnston army, latter 1858). She was born Jan. 8, 1871. Their children: Hugh Harley b. Oct. 18, 1891, m. Florence Darch; May Maurine b. Jan. 29, 1S97; Ruth M. b. Nov. 24, 1899; Charles W. b. Feb. 15, 1902; Constance Q. b. Dec. 30, 1905; Rosannah J. b. July 12, 1907. Family home, Salt Lake City. President Swiss and German branch 1891-92 and 1901-05; member 110th and 138th quorums seventies; president Lib- erty stake. Executor and secretary of George Q. Cannon estate. CANNON, JOSEPH JENNE (son of George Q. Cannon and Sarah Jenne). Born May 22, 1877, at Salt Lake City. Married Florence Groesbeck Sept. 23, 1904, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Groesbeck and Ann D. Bringhurst of Salt Lake City). She was born Aug. 7, 1880. Their children: Wayne Dilworth b. March 1, 1906; Jane b. Nov. 20, 1908; Grant Groesbeck b. May 6, 1911. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to England and Sweden 1899-1904; high priest. Member of legislature. Secretary of National Savings & Trust Co. CANNON, WILLIAM T. (son of George Q. Cannon and Eliza Tenney). Born Sept. 5, 1870, Salt Lake City. Married Ada E. Croxall April 27, 1892, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Mark Croxall and Caroline Young of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1860). She was born Aug. 13, 1870, Salt Lake City. Their children: Helen b. May 14, 1894; Alma b. May 29, 1896; William b. July 21, 1898; Richard b. Nov. 15, 1902; Emily A. b. Aug. 9, 1904; George Q. b. May 28, 1908; War- len C. b. March 9, 1911. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to the Netherlands 1899-1901; member 8th quorum seventies. Physician and surgeon. CANNON. LEWIS TELLE (son of George Q. Cannon and Martha Telle). Born April 22, 1872, at Salt Lake City. Married Martha Howell June 12, 1901 (daughter of Joseph Howell and Mary Maughan), who was born Oct. 7, 1879. Their children: Martha Howell; Mary Aileen; Howell Quayle. Family home. Salt Lake City. Architect. CANNON, BRIGHAM T. (son of George Q. Cannon and Martha Telle). Born Aug. 3, 1874, Salt Lake City. Married Cecelia Farrell Oct. 11, 1905, Omaha, Neb. (daugh- ter of Dan Farrell and Annie Howard of Omaha, Neb.). She was born March 9, 1885. Only child: Howard Raymond b. Feb. 5, 1908. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to Germany 1895-98; member 110th quorum seventies. Real estate dealer; colonizer. CAJTBfOJf, DAVID HENRY (son of George Cannon and Ann Quayle). Born April 23, 1838, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Wilhelmina L. Mousley Jan. 15, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of Titus Mousley and Ann McMenemy, pioneers 1857, and sister of Sarah Maria, who married Angus M. Cannon). She was-born Oct. 11, 1840, Center- ville, Newcastle county, Del. Their children: David Henry, Jr., b. Oct. 15, 1860, m. Camilla E. Mason; Ann Mousley b. Aug. 8, 1864; George Quayle b. July 7, 1866; Elizabeth b. Jan. 12, 1869; Amanda Mousley b. June 10, 1870; Angus Munn b. May 12, 1873, m. Rachel Cunningham; Wilhelmina Mousley b. Nov. 29, 1875, m. Charles Sullivan; Lewis Ray b. May 28, 1878, m. Jenny Laub; Josephine b. Aug. 22, 1881, m. Shadrach H. Jones; Frank b. Sept. 17, 1873, m. Mary Bryner. Married Josephine L. Crossgrove Oct. 19, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Crossgrove and Theressa Ray- mond), who was born Sept. 7, 1848, Centervllle, Newcastle county, Del. Their children: Charles b. Dec. 25, 1869; John b. June 10, 1871; Mary A. b. April 7, 1873; Effle b. May 14, 1875; Leonora b. Aug. 31, 1876; Erastus Snow b. Dec. 12, 1878; Bayard b. Feb. 4, 1881; Eugene b. March 17, 1883, m. Renna Laub; Theressa b. Oct. 20, 1885; Claud b. Dec. 22, 1887, m. Parthenia Hunt; Raymond b. Aug. 30, 1890. Married Rhoda Ann Knell June 20, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Robert Knell and Mary Crook, pioneers 1850 and 1849, respectively). She was born May 7, 1858, Salt Lake City. Their children: Evaline b. April 10, 1878, m. Joseph W. Webb; Robert Knell b. Nov. 9, 1879; Wilford Woodruff b. Nov. 20, 1880, m. Marie Anderson; Clarence b. March 20, 1883; Rhoda b. Sept. 10, 1885, m. Hyrum A. Bryner; Walter b. July 5, 1888, m. Leah Sullivan; Clara b. May 30, 1891, m. Milton Burgess; Vernon b. May 20, 1894; Douglas b. Aug. 15, 1897; Earl b. April 24, 1900; Harold b. March 14, 1903. Families resided St. George, Utah. Missionary to California 1856. Assisted moving Deseret News plant to Fillmore, Utah, 1858. Member 30th quorum seventies 1858, and same year set apart one of council 23d quorum; missionary to England March 1861. A special messenger to Canada on account of blockade troubles be- tween northern and southern states. Brought many immi- grants to Utah; high councilor and high priest; second counselor to Erastus Snow, president Dixie mission; bishop 4th ward St. George; president St. George temple and counselor in stake presidency several years; member stake board of education. Printer; worked in office of Western Standard at San Francisco, Cal., 1856; later in Utah in office of Mountaineer. CAJfTWELL, JAMES SHERLOCK (son of Simon Cantwell, born 1788, Castlecomer, Kilkenny, Ireland, and Wilhel- mina Sherlock, born 1792, Carlow, Ireland). He was born Nov. 24, 1813, in Dublin. Came to Utah Dec. 14, 1856, Martin Tyler company. Married Elizabeth Cotteral Hamer April 27, 1838, (daugh- ter of William Hamer), who was born March 20, 1819. Their children: Robert Simon b. Dec. 22, 1838, and John b. Feb. 25, 1840, died; Francis Robert b. April 7, 1841, m. Dorcas E. Wall; James b. Feb. 28, 1843, m. Julia A. Collett Jan. 16, 1872; Alma b. April 26, 1845; William H. b. April 21, 1846, m. Lorena A. Downs 1871; Ellen b. Sept. 24, 1848, m. Joseph N. McCann; Wilhelmina b. Dec. 28, 1850, d. June 1, 1851 ; Stephen b. June 25, 1852, d. July 17. 1852; Mary Ann b. Sept. 9, 1853, m. Thomas Mather November, 1871; Elizabeth C. b. Dec. 16, 1855, m. Henry Burger; Lucius S. b. April 2, 1858, m. Per- cinda Tibbets. CANTWELL, JAMES (son of James Sherlock Cantwell and Elizabeth Cotteral Hamer). Born Feb. 28, 1843, Liverpool, Eng. Married Julia A. Collett Jan. 15, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Collett and Esther Jones), who was born at Mill Creek, Salt Lake county, Utah. Their children: Daniel James b. Oct. 12, 1872, m. Mary C. Chambers March 15, 1894; William Hamer b. March 17, 1874, m. Eliza J. Mourit- sen Dec. 4, 1895; Elthura b. Jan. 1, 1876, d. March 13, 1897; Francis Rueben b. Dec. 6, 1878, d. Sept. 19, 1891; Stephen b. June 21, 1882, m. Mabel Pilkington; Julia b. Feb. 3, 1885. m. Wallace Raymond July 23, 1902; Leanora b. Aug. 24, 1886, m. James W. Kirkbride October, 1904; Esther b. Aug. 20, 1888, m. Daniel Littledyke Oct. 2, 1907; Milo b. July 15, 1890, m. Ella Reese June 1, 1910. Family home Smlthfield, Utah. Missionary in England 1842; clerk of the Liverpool confer- ence; president branch at St. Louis 1852; high priest; ap- pointed member high council 1854. Leaving St. Louis June 27, 1856, arrived at Florence, Neb., July 7 of the same year. Left Florence Aug. 17, 1856, with Capt. James G. Willie and arrived at Laramie Oct. 1, laid over until 17th from illness, when he joined the Hodgett wagon and Martin handcart company, arriving at Salt Lake City Dec. 14, 1856. Settled at Big Cottonwood; joined In the move south, 1868, and returned to Cottonwood in the fall. Moved to Smithfleld May, 1862, and followed school teaching. Was president of high priest's quorum 20 years. School trustee and postmas- ter 1869 to 1887. Died Sept. 4, 1887, Smithfleld, Utah. CAPENER, WILLIAM (son of Daniel Capener, born March 12, 1780, and Elizabeth Capener). He was born July 30, 1806, at London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1852, Isaac Bul- lock company. Married Sarah Verander Oct. 26, 1828, at Hanover Square, London, ' (daughter of William Verander), who was born Sept. 2, 1804, and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: George b. July 29, 1829, m. Harriet Dunn; William b. Dec. 26, 1831, m. Harriet Hill; Louise Rebecca, m. Joseph Ed- ward Taylor; Elizabeth Ann, m. Augustas P. Hardy; Jane Maria, m. William Hanks March 27, 1856, m. Joseph E. Tay- lor July 9, 1876, m. Thomas H. Giles Nov. 12, 1890; Charles Henry, d. child. Family resided Cleveland, Ohio and Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Ellen Rigby March 23, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Aaron Rigby and Elizabeth Elison, pioneers Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross company). She was born Aug. 16, 1839, Lancaster Lane, Eng. Their children: Ellen Matilda Rigby b. Feb. 6, 1862, d. infant; Samuel Rigby b. Feb. 18, 1863, m. Fanny Celestia Garn; Mary Lucinda b. Aug. 11, 1864, m. William H. Park; Margaret Alice b. May 27, 1866, d. infant; John b. Oct. 8, 1867, m. Angeline Cleveland; Arthur Rigby b. Jan. 20, 1869, m. Mary Larelda Garn; Sarah Ada b. Nov. 4, 1870, m. Wilford Woodruff Hill; Alfred Albert b. March 31, 1872, m. Myrtle Cleveland; Joseph Aaron b. Dec. 25, 1874, m. Ella Smith; Edward Theodore b. April 26, 1876, m. Fannie Turner; Daniel b. Nov. 13, 1878, d. child. Family resided Salt Lake City and Centerville. Utah. Settled at Salt Lake City 1852; moved to Centervllle 1874; carpenter and cabinetmaker. Died January, 1894, in Center- ville. CAPENER, ARTHUR RIGBT (son of William Capener and Ellen Rigby). Born Jan. 20, 1869, at Salt Lake City. Married Mary Larelda Garn July 12, 1893, at Salt Lake City (daughter' of Micah Garn and Fanny Wood, pioneers Sept. 27, 1855). She was born July 12, 1874, Centerville, Utah. Their children: Echo b. April 19, 1894; Arthur Dean b. May 24, 1896; Verna b. Nov. 21, 1898; Lavon b. Feb. 28, 1900; Ruth b. Jan. 29, 1903; Larelda b. March 24, 1906; Edna b. Sept. 1, 1908; Max Garn b. Aug. 20, 1911. Family home Salt Lake City, Centerville and Garland, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 795 Located in Garland 1891. Sunday school superintendent at Garland 11 years; missionary to northern states 1905-07; bishop of Garland ward 1908-12. Road supervisor; treasurer Garland town board; director in first mutual flre insurance company in Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. CARDON, ALFRED. For genealogy see page 821. CARDON, PHILLIP. Born Oct. 7, 1801, Prarustin, Italy. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1854, Robert Campbell company. Married Marie Tourn 1823. Prarustin, Italy (daughter of Bartholemi Tourn of Roca, Italy). Their children: John, m. Anna Fourer; Louis Phillip, m. Sarah Hunt; Katherine, m. Moses Byrne; Mary M., m. Charles Guild; Paul, m. Susannah Goudin, m. Magdalene Beus; Thomas B., m. Lucy S. Smith. Family resided at Ogden and Logan, Utah. Elder; high priest. Farmer. Died Aug. 1890, Hyrum, Utah. CARDON, PAUL (son of Phillip Cardon and Marie Tourn). Born Dec. 28, 1839, Prarustin, Italy. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1854, Robert Campbell company. Married Susannah Goudin March 16, 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Bartholomew Goudin and Martha Cardon of Prarustin, Italy). She was born July 30, 1833. Their children: Phillip, died; Mary C., m. M. W. Merrill Jr.; Sus- ette C., m. Joel Ricks; Louisa, died; Sarah C., m. Fred Turner; John P., m. Euphemia King; Louis S., m. Rebecca Ballard; Lucy C., m. William Merrill; Joseph E., m. Sophia Wilson; Moses G., m. Myrtle Wood; Ezra B., died. Family home Logan, Utah. Married Magdalene Beus Dec. 19, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Michael Beus and Marian Combe of Ogden, Utah, pioneers 1856, Edmund Ellsworth handcart com- pany). She was born July 17, 1853. Their children: Marian M. and James, died; Hyrum M., m. Isabelle Roundy; George David, m. Elizabeth H. Ballantyne; Amanda, m. Silas Ricks; Ernest W., m. Annie Marshall; Violet P., m. E. L. Walker; Katie L. Family home Logan. President 64th quorum seventies; missionary to Switzer- land 1898-1900. First city treasurer and first policeman at Logan. Farmer. CARDON, JOSEPH EMANUEL (son of Paul Cardon and Sus- annah Goudin). Born Oct. 28, 1872, Logan, Utah. Married Sophia Wilson Sept. 16, 1894, Logan, Utah (daughter of Joseph Wilson and Mary Ann McCornick, both of Leeds, England. Came to Utah 1868, Simpson Molen com- pany). She was born Oct. 5, 1870. Their children: Joseph LeGrand b. Apr. 28, 1900; Rula b. Sept. 14, 1901; Sybil b. March, 1903; Joseph E. b. Dec. 25, 1904; Bartell Wilson b. Oct. 28, 1906; Karma b. Nov. 1, 1908. Family home Logan, Utah. High priest; president seventies; missionary to North- ern States 1896-99; bishop; stake president; patriarch. Merchant and manufacturer. Representative Tenth Utah state legislature. CARDON, GEORGE DAVID (son of Paul Cardon and Mag- dalene Beus). Born Oct. 1, 1877, Logan, Utah. Married Elizabeth H. Ballantyne Sept. 10, 1902, Logan, Utah (daughter of Richard A. Ballantyne and Mary A. Stewart of Logan, Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born Oct. 28. 1879. Their children: Carvel Ballantyne b. July 19, 1903; George D. b. Aug. 30, 1905; Ardelle b. Feb. 13, 1908; Carlos Ballantyne b. Aug. 23, 1910; Wlnona b. March 29, 1913. Family home Logan, Utah. President 4th quorum elders of Cache stake; senior class leader Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school teacher. Assistant manager and treasurer of Cardon company. Real estate and loans. CARLILE, ROBERT (parents lived at Mission, Eng.). Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Jolley company. Married Christiana Spouncer (parents lived at Mission, Eng.). She came to Utah with her husband. Their chil- dren: Mary b. Jan. 11, 1818, m. Joseph Cooper; Isaac b. Aug., 1820, m. Jane ; John b. Sept. 16, 1822, died; John II. b. May 26, 1825, m. Elizabeth Williamson; James b. Jan. 31, 1829, m. Emily Ann Giles, m. Fannie Lee, m. Eliza Hallet Durnell Lowden, m. Annie Rachel Nageli Mosier; Robert b. Jan. 28, 1833; George b. April 11, 1836, m. Ann Giles, m. Sus- ana Daybell Pollard. Family home Heber City, Utah. Farmer. CARLILE, JAMES (son of Robert Carlile and Christiana Spouncer). Born Jan. 31, 1829, at Mission, Eng. Came to Utah, 1852, Capt. Jolley company. Married Emily Ann Giles Oct. 31, 1857 (daughter of Wil- liam Giles and Sarah Huskinson, both of Sturley, Notting- hamshire, Eng.). She was born June 6, 1837, died March 8, 1891. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Sept. 15, 1859, m. George Daybell; Evalina C. b. Oct. 16, 1862, m. Charles Henry Hurdsman; James William b. Oct. 14, 1855, m. Sarah Eliza- beth Buys; Emily Jane b. Oct. 12, 1868, m. George Hyrum Barzee; Charles Robert b. July 21, 1872, m. Amelia Snow; Mary Elizabeth b. Jan. 1, 1877, died. High priest. Located at Spanish Fork and then went to Heber City 1859. Indian war veteran. CARLILE, JAMES WILLIAM (son of James Carlile and Emily Ann Giles). Born Oct. 14, 1865. at Heber, Utah. Married Sarah Elizabeth Buys Nov. 25, 1891, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Edward Buys and Celestia Clarissa Bromley of Heber City, Utah). She was born June 9, 1871. ?= rlest n ' utah - Their children: Lecil Emily b. Jan. 17, ,93, m. William Charles Murri; Sarah Viva b. Jan. 18, 1895; Clara b. March 13, 1897; James Edward b. Oct. 8, 1899; Wil- liam Walter b. April 1, 1902; Orel May b. May 8, 1905; Gladys Jane b. Aug. 29, 1909. Family home Heber Ctiy, Ut&n. Member of the elders quorum; block teacher. Interested In Wasatch Irrigation Co., Sage Brush Irrigation Co., Tim- panogos Irrigation Co., and Wasatch Extension Irrigation Co. Farmer and developer of Wasatch county's resources. CARLILE, GEORGE (son of Robert Carlile and Christiana Spouncer). Born April 11, 1836. Came to Utah in 1851 Married Laura Ann Giles Oct. 25, 1856, Provo, Utah (daughter of Thomas Giles and Elizabeth Susanna Moore pioneers 1851). She was born April 19, 1837. Their chil- dren: Maria Ann, m. William Giles Rasband; Levina Eliza- beth, m. F. O. Buel; Sarah Jane, m. Caleb Moore; George K., m. Marion Neal; Thomas Frank, m. Emma Christensen; Alfred Lorenzo, m. Jane Neal; William M., d. aged four. Family home Heber City, Utah. Member of 20th quorum seventies; assisted to bring im- migrants to Utah. Member Heber City council. Veteran of the Black Hawk, Tintic and Walker Indian wars; pen- sioned soldier. Died Jan. 29, 1909. CARLING, JOHN (son of Abraham Carling, of Kingston, Ulster county, N. Y., and Sarah Green b. Jan. 10, 1779, Lug- wardines, Herefordshire, Eng.). He was born Sept. 11, 1800, Kingston, Ulster county, N. Y. Came to Utah September, 1852, Henry Miller company. Married Emeline Keaton Sept. 1, 1830 (daughter of Jacob and Catherine Keaton), who was born Nov. 1, 1806 and came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Isaac Van- Wagoner b. Nov. 30, 1831, m. Asenath E. Browning 1854; Sarah Frances Wildey b. Sept. 6, 1833, d. Dec. 4, 1835; Cath- erine Keaton b. June 1, 1835, m. Lewis Brunson; Abraham Frier b. Aug. 19, 1837, m. Ann E. Ashman Sept. 28, 1862; John Warner b. Nov. 14, 1843, d. Sept. 5, 1844. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Married Ann Dutson Feb. 10, 1844, Nauvoo, 111., who was born Oct. 12, 1799, Herefordshire, England. Their children: Francis Caleb b. Aug. 9, 1845, m. Fannie Knixon; Joseph Mathew b. June 25, 1847, d. Jan. 25, 1866. Bishop's counselor. Sheriff at Fillmore. Made wagons for use in crossing plains; assisted in wood carving of Nauvoo Temple. Moved to Fillmore 1875. Mason; tinner; cabinet maker; cooper and shoemaker. CARLING, ISAAC VANWAGONER (son of John Carling and Emeline Keaton). Born Nov. 30, 1831, Klinesopur, Ulster county, N. Y. Married Asenath E. Browning, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jonathan Browning and Elizabeth Stalcuo, pioneers Sept. 1852, Henry Miller company). She was born Nov. 17, 1835, Adams county. 111. Their children: Sarrah Elizabeth b. Feb. 25, 1856, m. Edward M. Webb; Asenath Emeline b. Oct. 5, 1857, m. Howard O. Spencer; Ann b. April 7, 1859, m. Thomas Chamberlain Feb. 1875; Laura Malvina b. Dec. 30, 1860, m. Francis L. Porter Sept. 13, 1877; Olive Chrilla b. Nov. 14, 1862, d. Oct. 12, 1874; Catherine Arelia b. March 11, 1865, m. Edson D. Porter; Martha Jane b. Jan. 26, 1867, m. Francis A. Webb; Phoebe Malinda b. Sept. 16. 1869, m. Edson D. Porter; Isaac VanWagoner b. Sept. 21, 1872, m. Elizabeth Johnson; Mary Alice b. Nov. 6, 1873, d. April 17, 1880; Miriam Eliza b. Mar. 4, 1875, m. Edward K. Pugh; Bar- bara Amelia b. Aug. 17, 1878, m. James D. Duffln. Family reside Fillmore and Orderville, Utah. Married Miriam E. Hobson (daughter of Jesse and Eliza- beth Hobson), who was born Aug. 31, 1843, Camp Creek, near Nauvoo, 111. Their children: John Henry b. Sept. 13, 1860, m. Elizabeth Lovell; Ellen Alvira b. Dec. 14, 1863, m. Thomas Chamberlain March 13, 1879; Lydia May b. March 1, 1866, m. John Corrugtcn 1883; Jesse Hobson b. June 3, 1869, m. Marie Jorgensen. CARLISLE, RICHARD. Came to Utah with oxteam com- pany. Married. Their children: Joseph; Thomas; John; Rich- ard; Alice, m. George Freestone; Mary. Family home in England. Seventy. Farmer. Died at Alpine, Utah. CARPENTER, JOHN STILL.EY (son of John Steel Carpenter, born Aug. 6, 1822, and Margaret McCu'.lough, born Oct. 15, 1822, both of Centerville, Newcastle county, Del.). He was born Feb. 11, 1849, at Centerville. Came to Utah 1857, Jacob Married Margaret E. Cutler Feb. 1, 1877 (daughter of Royal James Cutler, pioneer 1852, and Margaret Ross, pio- neer 1853, Capt. Empey company, and who were married Dec. 8 1857 Salt Lake City). She was born July 29, 1860. Their children: John Cutler b. Feb. 6, 1878, m. Annie M. Levanger Sept. 22, 1897; Rosanah b. Dec. 15, 1879, m. Hyrum Justet Aug. 18, 1900. Family home Glendale, Utah. Married Ann Elizabeth Hopkins Jan. 10, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of Leprelet J. Hopkins, pioneer 1858, with John- ston's army, and Ann Spendlove, pioneer Oct. 4, 1864, Capt. 796 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH W. S. Warren company; they were married March 18, 1865, Virgin City, Utah). She was born Feb. 23, 1867, Toquerville, Utah. Their children: Ethel b. Oct. 27, 1890; Walter Stilley b. Oct. 29, 1894; Frank Gould b. Sept. IB, 1898; Ella b. Dec. 6, 1905. Assisted to bring immigrants to Utah 1866; first and sec- ond counselor to Bishops James Leithead and M. D. Harris, Glendale ward, 1877-79; also to Bishop Royal J. Cutler 1879- 94; presiding priest Glendale ward 1894-98; president Y. M. M. I. A. 1876; high councilor Sept. 2, 1900, to September 1908; missionary to southern states 1881-83. Director Glendale Irrigation Co. 25 years. Member district school board 22 years. Sunday school superintendent 1884-96; bishop Glen- dale ward 1908. CARPENTER, WILLIAM H. (son of Hiram Carpenter and Elizabeth Schermerhorn). Born July 22, 1820, Glenville, Schenectady county, N. Y. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, James Brown company. Married Cynthia Triphosa Wetherbee Nov. 28, 1849, Cen- terville, New York (daughter of William "Wetherbee and Laura Doubleday of Gallands Grove, Pottawattamie county, Iowa, pioneers June, 1S52). She was born Dec. 11. 1827, and died Nov. 30, 1854. Their children: Joseph Wetherbee b. March 17, 1852, m. Annie Burdett Randall Feb. 4, 1875; Cynthia, d. March 23, 1854. Family home Bloomington, Utah. Married Marmora Sheffield Feb. 13, 1855, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Anson Sheffield and Maria Mott), who was born Aug. 8, 1838. Their children: William Sheffield b. May 13, 1856; Marmora C. Fawcett b. Aug. 22, 1866; Brigham Car- penter b. Feb. 8, 1876. Family home Bloomington, Utah. Married Marie Aeschlimann. Their children: Alfred; Mary Agnes, -d. aged 8 years. Family home Bloomington, Utah. High priest. Broom maker and farmer. Died May 8, 1894, St. George, Utah. CARPENTER, JOSEPH WETHERBEE (son of William H. Carpenter and Cynthia Triphosa Wetherbee). Born March 17, 1852, Gallands Grove, Iowa. Married Annie Burdett Randall Feb. 4, 1875, at St. George, Utah (daughter of Joseph Henry Randall and Anne Burdett of St. George, pioneers 1853 and 1856, respectively). She was born Dec. 1, 1857. Their children: Annie May b. May 1, 1878, m. John A. Stringham; Leah Jemima b. Sept. 3, 1883, m. Joseph S. Hodges; Louisa b. Jan. 31, 1887, m. Ed- ward Augustine Guerrero; Ethel b. Jan. 30, 1891; Joseph Edgar b. May 26, 1894; Rudolph Adelbert b. June 29, 1898. Family home Central, Utah. Member 29th quorum seventies; high priest. Justice of peace and postmaster, at Bloomington, Utah. Farmer and horticulturist; watch and clock repairer. Published "The Enterprise," then called "The Union," at St. George, Utah. CARRUTH, WILLIAM (son of William Carruth and Mary Barr). Born March 11, 1825, in Renfrewshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Margaret Ell wood Feb. 12, 1848, in Renfrewshire (daughter of Gibson Ellwood and Margaret Duncan of Ren- frewshire). She was born July 7, 1827. Their children: Margaret b. April 10, 1849. d. April 12, 1849; William b. April 29, 1850, m. Emma Wilde May 9, 1870; Mary Barr b. Aug. 2, 1852, m. Joseph A. Fisher; Ann Eliza b. Aug. 11, 1854, m. Samuel S. Cluff; John Gibson b. Feb. 1, 1857, m. Jane Black; Marion b. April 28, 1859, m. John L. Russell; Jane Agnes b. March 27, 1861, m. A. D. Chamberlain; George McKenzie b. June 29, 1863, m. Susan Elizabeth Daniels. Family home Coalville, Utah. Counselor to Bishop Andrew Cahoon of South Cottonwoed ward, 1858-61. Died Nov. 3, 1864. CARRUTH, WILLIAM (son of William Carruth and Mar- garet Ellwood). He was born April 29, 1850, Murray, Utah. Married Emma Wilde May 9, 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Henry Brown Wilde and Sarah Hewlett of South- hampton, Eng., pioneers 1852). She was born Jan. 19, 1849. Their children: Margaret Emma b. May 21, 1871, m. Josiah Lewis Rhead; William Henry b. Aug. 27, 1872, m. Eliza Jane Barber; Joseph Theron b. Sept. 24. 1874, m. Sarah J. Hodson; Sarah Annie b. Sept. 26, 1876; Nellie Jane b. Oct. 6, 1878, m. Albert Becker; Mary Edith b. May 11, 1881, m. John J. Johnson; John Ellwood b. March 12, 1883, m. Eliza Jane Branch; Maud Marion b. Dec. 14, 1884; Ray Thomas b. Nov. 13, 1886; Effle Ellen b. Sept. 22, 1889; Frank Wilde b. April 26, 1893. Family home Coalville, Utah. County commissioner. Summit county 1896-98. High coun- cilor Summit stake, 1903-12. CARSOIV, WILLIAM (son of George Carson and Anne Huff). Born Jan. 8, 1818, in Wayne county, Pa. Came to Utah 1851, Capt. Harrison company. Married Crilla Egbert June 10, 1820. Their children: John A.; Mary Ann, m. J. R. Walker; George W., m. Agatha Morgan; Samuel, m. Marintha Burton 1868; William, m. Jen- nett Park 1880. Family home Fairfield, Utah. Married Lula Goddard 1854, Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Stephen; Oscar; Isabel!. Married Ann McMind, who was born May 15, 1883. Their children: Washington; Julia, m. Thomas Walters; Mary, m. Mr. Daw 1886; M., m. James Park 1882; Lewis b. July 1867; Henry m. Hattie McLane; Frank; Edith. Family home Fairfleld, Utah. Died Dec. 25, 1901 CARSON, GEORGE W. (son of William Carson and Crilla Egbert). He was born May 4, 1844, Hancock county, 111. Married Agatha Morgan Dec. 25, 1867, Fairfleld, Utah (daughter of David Morgan and Hannah Turner of Fairfleld, pioneers 1861, Ira Eldredge company). She was born March 30, 1850. Their children: Mary H. b. Oct. 5, 1867, m. Henry H. Hales; George W. b. Aug. 12, 1869, died; Charles H. b. Aug-. 6, 1870, m. Ella Nixon; Crilla U. b. June 1, 1872, m. James Just; Agatha b. March 30, 1874, m. Abe Hodge; Mag- gie M. b. Nov. 29, 1876. d. 1880; George L. b. Sept. 29, 1878; Elsie M. b. Aug. 29, 1880, m. Myrlin Jones; Lenora b. May 29, 1882, died; Olive b. May 6, 1884, m. Arthur Dahlstrom; Edna b. Aug. 4, 1886, m. William Twitchell; Ernest b. June 19, 1888, d. 3903; Myrtle b. May 17, 1890; Jesse b. Jan. 11, 1892; James H. b. Jan. 14, 1894. Family home Fairfleld, Utah. CARTER, GEORGE (son of John Carter and Mary Pinner). Born April 2, 1&41, Bridgenorth, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1868. Married Fannie Brown (daughter of William Brown and Frances Sexton, latter pioneer 1868, McCarty company). She was born April 6, 1840. Their children: William H. b. March 7, 1866, m. Kate Willmore Sept. 1, 1886; Sarah Ada b. Oct. 9, 1869, m. William L. Taylor Feb. 4, 1886; Fannie b. May 9, 1872, m. Walter E. Moody Nov. 25, 1895; Thomas G. b. July 12, 1877, m. Luda E. Clayton March 27, 1901. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1868. Settled at Nephi, Utah; later moved to Logan. Employe Utah North- ern railroad until his death, July 24, 1905. CARTER, WILLIAM H. (son of George Carter and Fannie Brown). Born March 7, 1866, Leamington, Eng. Married Kate Willmore Sept. 1, 3886, Battle Creek, Idaho (daughter of Thomas Willmore and Louisa Baldwin), who was born Oct. 28, 1862, Birmingham, Eng. Their children: Clara May b. July 3, 1887, m. Jarvis Henderson Aug. 16, 1911; Frances Louisa b. Aug. 12, 1889, m. Isaac Elwell Oct. 16, 1911; Ernest W. b. Oct. 11, 1891; Jesse W. b. Oct. 16, 1893; George Washington b. Feb. 22, 1896; Kate Irene b. July 9, 1898; Emma Ada b. Oct. 21, 1900; Leah Maud b. Sept. 3, 1904. Family home Preston, Idaho. Started to work for the old Utah Northern railroad at the age of fifteen, and Is still engaged with Oregon Short line. CARTER, JAMES PERRY (son of Josiah and Rebecca Car- ter). Born Feb. 23, 1827, Glutton, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861. Married Harriet Wood Feb. 12, 1853, Tredegar, Wales (daughter of Thomas and Mary Wood), who was born June 6, 1830, Herefordshire, Eng., and died April 11, 1895. Their children: Josiah James b. July 20, 1854, d. May 6, 1859; Eliz- abeth Ann b. March 15, 1857, d. May 4, 1859; Catherine Esther b. May 12, 1859, m. Mosiah Evans Dec. 14, 1882; Mary Ann Rosalee b. Sept. 1, 1861, m. Charles Woodhouse; Harriet Jane b. Feb. 23, 1864, d. July 21, 1865; James b. Jan. 10, 1866, m. Ellen Gough; Clara Cleopatra m. April 1, 1868, m. Clancy S. Mowry; Nessey Maud b. Nov. 13, 1870, d. Oct. 18, 1878. Fam- ily home Lehi, Utah. Married Amy Lewis Oct. 8, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Lewis and Elizabeth Griffith), who was born June 9, 1830, Cardiff, Wales. Settled at Lehi. Leader of Lehl tabernacle choir twenty years; leader Lehl martial band. School trustee 13 years; member militia in early days. Died Oct. II, 1898. CARTER, JOHN (son of John Carter and Ellen Jackson). Born Jan. 26, 1846, Preston, Lancashire, England. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856. Edward Martin handcart company. Married Almeda Janette McArthur March 10, 1868, Mount Pleasant, Utah (daughter of Washington Perry McArthur and Urania Gregg of Mount Pleasant, pioneers 1848, inde- pendent company). She was born Oct. 29, 1847, Fort Madison, Iowa, and died Dec. 19, 1900. Their children: John Perry b. Dec. 28, 1868, m. Rozette Howard; Ella Urania b. Sept. 19, 1870, m. Henry M. Todd; Charles Byron b. Aug. 9, 1872, m. Ba- tilda O. Madsen; Abbie C. b. Oct. 10, 1874, m. Andrew C. Madsen; Carrie Louisa b. Nov. 1, 1876, m. Averett McCarty; Mary A. b. Aug. 7, 1879, m. Fred Stansfield; Samuel Anth- nell b. Sept 23, 1883, m. Susan Ashton July 30, 1913; Parlen b. July 23, 1886, m. Oceana Brandon; Almeda May b. April 14, 1890. Family home Mount Pleasant, Utah. Married Annie Groves Nov. 27, 1901, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Joseph Groves and Miriam Wood of Denholm, York- shire, Eng., both died in England). She was born April 26, 1869. Their children: Miriam May b. June 29, 1904; John Groves b. Aug. 6, 1906. Member 66th quorum seventies, 1882; senior president 16 years; missionary to Georgia 1880-82; to England 1899-1900 and 1908-10; Sunday school superintendent five years; home missionary 20 years. County selectman two terms; sheriff two terms; constable ten years; councilman three terms; mayor one term; marshal three terms; justice of peace two terms. MInuteman in Black Hawk Indian war three years. First settled at Pleasant Grove, 1856, moved to Mount Pleas- ant April 1859. Farmer and stockraiser. CARTER, SIMEON (son of Gideon Carter of Thllling-worth, Middlesex county. Conn., and Joanna Simms of Connecti- cut). Born June 7, 1794. Came to Utah Aug. 15, 1850, Or- son Hyde company. His first wife bore him two daughters and one son. She presumably died at Nauvoo, where this family resided. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 797 Married Louisa H. Gibbons Nov. 14, 1849 (daughter of Samuel Gibbons and Louisa Holland), who was born Jan. 25, 1828, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Eng.. and came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Simeon b. Dec. 1, 1850, m. Ellen Sheffield March 13, 1877; Louisa Jane b. Aug. 23, 1852, m. Thomas H. Wilde 1877; Samuel b. April 1, 1853, m. Lena Christensen Nov. 7, 1877. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Deacon; high priest; missionary to England and the states. Died Feb. 3, 1869. CARTER. SIMEON (son of Simeon Carter and Louisa Gib- bons). Born Dec. 1, 1850, Salt Lake City. Married Ellen Sheffield March 13, 1877, at Brigham City (daughter of James Sheffield and Sarah A. Wilmer), who was born Feb. 5, 1860, Northampton, Eng. Their children: Louisa b. Jan. 15. 1878; Ellen F. b. Sept. 29, 1879, m. D. S. McQuee Nov. 4, 1901; Jane Aleda b. Jan. 21, 1882, m. Joseph H. Wallis Aug. 23, 1905; Vilate G. b. March 21, 1885, m. Jos- eph Primrose March 1, 1909; Eveline Lena b. June 21, 1887, m. Heber Stokes Oct. 26, 1910; Amelia A. b. Feb. 26, 1890, m. Vance H. Tingey Aug. 22, 1910; Wilmer Simeon b. Sept. 21, 1892; Vera Eliza b. March 14, 1895. Family home Brigham City. Elder; high priest. John; Vilate Sussannah; Wilford b. July 11 1879; Duck- worth; Frank b. Jan. 28, 1884; James; Charles b. Sept. 21, 1892; Ulysses. Family home Beaver, Utah. High priest 14 years. Minuteman in Utah militia. Black- smith. CARTER, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Carter and Sarah Parker). Born Feb. 12, 1821, Sudbury, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Ellen Benbow Dec. 5, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of William Benbow and Mary Jones of Winslow parish, Eng.). who was born May 25, 1825. Their children: William John B. b. June 29, 1862, m. Lottie R. Smith Feb. 2, 1882; Marian B. b. Nov. 1, 1857, m. Frank Richard Bentley Nov. 8, 1877; Eunice B. b. Feb. 23, 1864, m. John Moody Feb. 26, 1883. Married Harriet Temperance Utley Nov. 29, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Utley and Maria Berry of Perry county, Alabama). She was born July 13, 1835. Their children: Samuel U. b. Sept. 22, 1854, m. Mary Ann Rankin; Isabella U. b. March 10, 1857, m. Willard Pixton; Willard U. b. July 19, 1859, m. Jane Thomas; Henry Lafayette U. b. Sept. 2, 1861, m. Alice Nelson; Jacob U. b. June 27, 1863, m. Mamie Blair; Sarah Elizabeth U. b. Feb. 8, 1866, m. Ephraim Harkes; Harriet Maria U. b. March 24, 1868, m. Preston Thomas; James U. b. Aug. 27, 1877. Family resided at Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah. Married Sophrona Ellen Turnbow Feb. 8, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Turnbow and Sylvia Caroline Hart, pioneers 1848). She was born Feb. 23, 1841. Their children: Adeline T. b. April 27, 1859, m. Walter Kemp; Wil- ford J. T. b. June 1, 1862; Franklin T. b. Aug. 4, 1864, m. Sarah Hemingway; Milton T. b. Feb. 7, 1867; Samuel Amos T. b. Sept. 13, 1869, m. Maggie Everett; Sylvira Caroline T. b. March 27, 1872, m. Milton Turnbow; Sophrona T. b. Oct. 13, 1874, m. Clifford Langdon; Mary Annie T. b. July 1, 1877, m. Charley Johnson; Austin C. b. Sept, 20, 1879. Family home St. George, Utah. Seventy; high priest; counselor to Bishop Hoagland of Salt Lake City 1856-61; counselor to Bishop Robert Gard- ner of St. George; missionary to Florence, Neb. 1857-58. Plowed first half acre of land In Utah. CARTER, WILLIAM JOHN BENBOW (son of William Car- ter and Ellen Benbow). Born June 29, 1852, Salt Lake City. Married Lottie R. Smith Feb. 2, 1882, St. George, Utah (daughter of John L. Smith and Augusta Cleveland of Salt Lake City). Their children: John Cleveland b. Dec. 7, 1882, d. March 7, 1909; Ellen b. May 5, 1885; Augusta B. b. June 27, 1888; Metta b. March 12, 1890, m. R. A. Morris, Jr., Sept. 21, 1912; Don Smith b. May 31, 1892; Isabell b. Nov. 5, 1896, d. Nov. 19, 1896. Family home St. George, Utah. Missionary to England 1877-79; member high council St. George stake. Pioneer to St. George. Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died March 9, 1908, St. George. CARTWHIGHT, THOMAS (son of Thomas and Jane Cart- wright). Born Dec. 23, 1814, Wigan, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah 1849, Milo Andrus company. Married Jane Allen 1844 (daughter of Robert Allen and Jane Allen). She came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Joseph Henry b. March 6, 1845, m. Sarah Ann Grimshaw; Mary, m. John Matthews; Thomas Henry, m. Sarah Wardley; Caroline, m. William Anderson; Cedaresse C., m. Marcus L. Shepherd; Jane, m. Hyrum Baldwin. Fam- ily resided in Iron and Beaver counties, Utah. Settled in Iron county, 1850, and followed the trade of blacksmith and made the first plows in Iron county, as well as the first woolen carding machine in southern Utah. He was a member of the high priest's quorum. CARTWRIGHT, JOSEPH HENRY (son of Thomas Cart- wright and Jane Allen). Born March 6, 1845, Liverpool, Eng. Married Sarah Ann Grimshaw Feb. 8, 1866, Beaver, Utah (daughter of John Grimshaw and Alice Whitaker, pioneers 1863, Peter Nebeker company): She was born Jan. 5, 1849, Tottington, Eng. Their children: Alice b. Nov. 6, 1866; Sarah Jane; Thomas b. April 20, 1869, m. Eliza Carlow; Eliz- abeth b. July 9, 1871, m. Charles Murdock; Joseph Hyrum; CARTWRIGHT, JOHN (son of William Cartwright and Charlotte Hood of Church Gresley, Derbyshire, Eng.) Born July 2, 1837 at Derbyshire, England. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1859, with George Rowley handcart company. Married Ann Hardwick Jan. 30, 1859, at Burton-on-Trent, Derbyshire, Eng. (daughter of John Hardwick and Ann Sandlant of Woodville, Derbyshire, Eng.). They came to Utah Sept. 4, 1859 with George Rowley handcart company. She was born Aug. 6, 1837. Their children: John William died at 16 months; Thos. H., m. Elizabeth Smith; Edith H., m. J. G. McDonald; John A., m. Nellie Liddle; Annie E., m. Charles F. Solomon; Myrtle, m. William Murdock. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1883 to 1885; priest of 10th quorum of seventies; superintendent of Sunday school; bishop's counselor. Manufacturer of crockery; merchant. CARTWRIGHT, THOMAS HYRUM (son of John Cartwright and Ann Hardwick). Born Oct. 5, 1863, at Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Smith Sept. 1. 1892, at Logan (daugh- ter of George Albert Smith and Susan E. West, who came to Utah July 24, 1847, with Brigham Young company).. She was born Sept. 28, 1866. Their children: Priscilla b. Aug. 15, 1893; Hyrum b. Nov. 29, 1895; Marion b. May 10, 1899; Joseph F. b. Nov. 6, 1901; Richard b. Nov. 27, 1904, died. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1896 to 1898; secretary Sunday school and Y. M. M. I. A. of the eighth ward; counselor Y. M. M. I. A. seventeenth ward; secretary Salt Lake stake Y. M. M. I. A. Appraiser third judicial district. President and manager Home Agency Co.; insurance, real estate and loans. CARVER, JOHN. Born Aug. 6, 1822, Clifford parish, Here- fordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, independent company. Married Mary Ann Eames (daughter of John Eames), who was born Aug. 8, 1828, in Orcop parish, Herefordshire. Their children: John W. b. July 28, 1852; George H. b. Nov. 11, 1854; Mary Ann b. Oct. 2, 1857; James S. b. Sept. 27, 1859; Josiah B. b. Sept. 3. 1861; Nancy C. b. Feb. 19, 1863; Willard C. b. Feb. 24, 1865; Parley P. b. Jan. 17, 1867, m. Elizabeth A. Pritchett Nov. 27, 1889; Orson b. Jan. 15, 1869. Family home Kaysville and Plain City, Utah. Settled in Davis county 1852; moved to AVeber county, and assisted in laying out Plain City. Active religign worker. CARVER, GEORGE H. (son of John Carver and Mary Ann Eames). Born Nov. 11, 1854, Kaysville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Geddes Nov. 24, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Geddes and Elizabeth Stewart of Scot- land, pioneers to Plain City, Utah). She was born Aug. 8, 1862. Member first Sunday school of Weber stake; ward clerk; missionary 1879-81; called by the church to assist in open- ing the Northwestern-States mission; bishop of third ward, of Oneida stake. Manager Oregon Lumber Company eight years; deputy county assessor and surveyor at Preston, Idaho 1900; member school board and held the office of chairman for many years. School teacher; farmer. CARVER, PARLEY PRATT (son of John Carver and Mary Ann Eames). Born Jan. 17, 1867, at Plain City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Pritchett Nov. 27, 1889, at Harris- dale, Utah (daughter of Leonidas A. Pritchett, pioneer 1864, and Elizabeth Ann Heninger). She was born Feb. 19, 1869. Their children: Parley Leonidas b. Jan. 31, 1890; Walter Jerold b. Aug. 18, 1892; John Alfred b. Mar. 14, 1896; Parley Pratt b. April 18, 1899; Retta Elizabeth b. July 20, 1902; Durvard William b. Feb. 28, 1907. Elder. Moved to Preston, Idaho, 1894. CASE, ANDREW T. Born Jan. 31, 1819, in England. Came to Utah Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock company. Married Mary Ann Spruel in England (daughter of John Spruel of England), who was born Feb. 28, 1816. Their chil- dren- John; Mary Ann, m. Benjamin Wilson; Henry, killed at Promontory, Utah, Oct. 29, 1869; Alfred; Ellen G; Eber, m. Mary Ann Mumford; Hyrum, m. Kate Davis; William, m. Ina Gaisford. Family home Salt Lake City. Seventy at Salt Lake City; high priest. Farmer. Died 1897, Salt Lake City. CASE EBER (son of Andrew T. Case and Mary Ann Spruel). Born Oct. 19, 1849, in England. Came to Utah Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock company. Married Mary Ann Mumford at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Mumford r.nd Mary Horsm-1 of England). Their children: Eber Sydney, m. Alice Saddler; Mary. m. Ernest H Arnold- Leslie M.; Scott W., m. Clara Folsom; Lucille, m. Chester C. Pratt. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 10th quorum seventies; high priest; clerk of 9th ward, Salt Lake City 37 years. Clerk. 798 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH CASPER, WILLIAM WALLACE (son of William and Eve- rilla Casper). Born March 12, 1821, Richland, Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1847, Ephraim Hanks company. Married Sarah Ann Bean in 1844, Quincy, 111. (daughter of James and Elizabeth Bean, pioneers Sept. 22, 1849, Jede- diah M. Grant company). She was born Oct. 31, 1828, in Adams county, 111., and died April 23, . Their children: Sarah Jane, m. Ebenezer Hanks; William Nephi, m. Agnes McFarland, m. Lucy Edwards; Elizabeth Ann, m. John Cook; James Moroni, m. Sarah Jean McFarland; Harriet Priscilla, m. Thomas Gunderson; Jedediah Grant, m. Annie Merrill; Emily Margaret, died; George Ether, m. Eliza Ray; Sbermiah Ellen, m. George H. Luck; John, m. Rhoda Ann Williams; Ruben, m. Elizabeth Smith. Family home Mill Creek ward, Salt Lake county, Utah. High priest; missionary to The Muddy In Nevada. Died July 17, 1908. CASPER, WILLIAM NEPHI (son of William Wallace Cas- per and Sarah Ann Bean). Born Nov. 10, 1848, Mill Creek, Salt Lake county, Utah. Married Agnes McFarland April 20, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of James McFarland and Sarah Mitchell of Granger, Utah, pioneers 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born April 29, 1848. Their children: James Wil- liam b. Feb. 20, 1868, d. infant; Mary Jane b. Aug. 6, 1869, m. Joseph Nelson; Margaret Priscilla b. June 4, 1872, m. John Hubbard Noakes; George Nephi b. Feb. 13, 1874, m. Maud Miles: Agnes Valeria b. March 17, 1876, m. Earnest Webb; John Reuben b. Sept. 7, 1878, m. Trisa Carlin: Sarah Chennira b. Aug. 15, 1880, m. John Potter; Moroni Jedediah b. Nov. 13, 1882, m. Leah Thacker; Harriett Luella b. Oct. 13, 1884, m. Charles Carlin; Wallace Durbin b. Feb. 7, 1886, m. Lucy Wagstaff. Family home Charleston, Utah. Married Lucy Edwards Nov. 29, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of Philip Edwards and Mary Simmons of Charles- ton, Utah). She was born Dec. 28, 1861. Their children: Philip Thomas b. Nov. 7, 1879, m. Mary Carlin; Emma Myrum b. March 10, 1881, m. Ernest Jacklin; Eliza Matilda b. Sept. 13, 1884, m. Owen Wright; Phoebe Lucy b. April 18, 1887, m. John Wright; Melissa Almyra b. Sept. 30, 1889, m. Daniel Street; Rachel Melvina b. Feb. 16, 1896; Mabel Jemi- mah b. Dec. 19, 1900; Joseph Warren b. Nov. 13, 1902; Wil- ford Raymond b. May 18, 1904. Family home Charleston. President of 96th quorum seventies, eleven years; mis- sionary to southern states 1895-97. Settled in Provo valley 18S2 and has assisted in building up the country. Farmer. CASPER, JAMES MORONI (son of William Wallace Casper and Sarah Ann Bean). Born Feb. 28, 1853, Mill Creek, Utah. Married Sarah Jean McFarland Feb. 15, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of James McFarland and Sarah Mitchell of Paisley, Scotland, pioneers Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph S. Raw- lins company). She was born Jan. 26, 1855. Their chil- dren: James Moroni, Jr., b. June 30, 1876, m. Margaret Price; William Jedediah b. Jan. 30, 1878, m. Mary Murdock; Cassius Roy b. Oct. 20, 1880, died; Arlington Nephi b. Nov. 30, 1882, died; Mary b. Dec. 26, 1884; Henry Mitchell b. Sept. 29, 1886; George Ether b. Oct. 5, 1888, died; Sarah Margaret b. Sept. 15. 18S9; Minerva Jane b. Nov. 1, 1891; Erma Ethe- win b. April 11, 1894; Nellie b. June 5, 1897; Nancy Ann b. Nov. 8, 1899. Family home Mill Creek, Salt Lake county, Utah. Elder. Settled at Mill Creek; moved to Granger ward; lived there eleven years; moved to Charleston 1889. School trustee. Helped build canals, etc., around Charleston, Utah. Farmer, stockraiser and dairyman. CASPER, DUNCAN SPEARS (son of William Casper, born July 30, 1784, in Culpepper county, Va., and Avarilla Durbin, born Nov. 26, 1790, Washington county. Pa. married 1809). Born Dec. 8, 1824, Richland county, Ohio, pioneer Sept. 3. 1855, Captain Hindley company. Married Matilda Allison May 24, 1845 (daughter of David Allison and Matilda Miner, married May 10, 1808). She was born Dec. 31, 1820 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Rachel Louisa m. March 12, 1846; Amanda Eliza- beth b. Feb. 18, 1848; Harriet Matilda b. Nov. 9, 1849, m. Albert George Henry Marchant Feb. 17, 1873; Rebecca Ava- rilla b. Nov. 21, 1851, m. Niles Pearson Dec. 11, 1871; Duncan Alonzo b. Nov. 2, 1853, m. Lucy Elizabeth Card March 25, 1884; Peter William b. Aug. 2, 1857, m. Margaret Maria Miles June, 1888; Mary Malinda b. Aug. 2, 1857, m. Edward Gunderson Sept. 1876; Cyrene Rosannah b. Aug. 18, 1859, m. James Hards 1877; Welthea Ann b. Aug. 6, 1862, m. Arthur Maxwell Jan. 5, 1881. Family home Big Cottonwood, Utah. Married Elizabeth Clark Sept., 1872, Salt Lake City, Utah, who was born 1844 in England. Their children: David Alli- son b. Oct. 24, 1873; Emily b. Sep. 9, 1875, m. Samuel Oakley, 1895; Alice b. Jan. 5, 1878; George b. July 2, 1879; Arthur b. Sept. 13, 1881, m. In 1904; Beatrice Eliza b. Nov. 1885; Jesse C. b. Oct., 1888. Ward teacher. School trustee. Participated in Echo Canyon war. Pioneer to The Muddy 1867. Charcoal burner, farmer and stockraiser. Norfolk, Eng. (daughter of Robert Brown, born 1807, and Mary Ann Booty, born Aug. 11, 1811). She was born Dec. 13, 1834, Norfolk, Eng. Their children: Charles Lorenzo b. Oct. 2, 1854, m. Mary Ann Luff; William Joseph, m. Kate Roberts, m. Anna Pitchers; George Nephi, died; Frank Moroni, m. Elenore Hilton; James Samuel, m. Alice Gunn; Martha Ann, died; Arthur Robert, m. Ellen Wooley; Harry John, died; Wallace Claudius, m. Alice Bitner; Albert George, died. Family home Salt Lake City. Gardener. Died Nov. 26, 1882. CATROW, HENRY (son of Newton J. Catrow and Sarah Melissa Groby). Born June 22, 1878, at Miamisburg, Ohio. Came to Utah June, 1903. Married Charlotte May Bettles April 7, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alfred J. Bettles and Grace Ann Mac- Bain of Montana). She was born Feb. 23, 1884. Their chil- dren: Alfred Newton; Henry. Family home Salt Lake City. Followed mining pursuits; was also connected with the theatrical business. CAZIER, WILLIAM. Born Jan. 21, 1794 in Virginia. Came to Utah 1851, Captain Phelps company. Married Pleasant Drake in Virginia (daughter of Thomas Drake of Virginia, pioneer 1851, Captain Phelps company), who was born March, 1796. Their children: James; Ma- randa; John; Benjamin; William; Elizabeth; Samuel; David; Charles Drake b. 1837, m. Harriet Gates June 12, 1858; Rosannah. Family home Nephi, Utah. Married Margaret Ewin. Married Sarah Winters. High priest; patriarch. Cooper and farmer. Died Febru- ary, 1872, at Nephi. CAZIER, CHARLES DRAKE (son of William Cazler and Pleasant Drake). Born 1837, Brownsville, Oldham Co., Ky. Married Harriet Gates June 12, 1858, Payson, Utah (daughter of Samuel Gates and Lydia Downer of Lynn, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born March 19, 1839. Their children: Charles Gates, b. May 6, 1859; Pleasant Lydia b. March 7, 1861, died; Margaret b. Oct. 7, 1862, died; William Henry b. Feb. 6, 1864; Samuel b. Oct. 13, 1866; Sarah Ellen b. Dec. 14, 1868; Harriet b. April 13, 1870; Maranda b. Jan. 12, 1873; George b. June 8, 1874; Artello Byron b. July 8, 1876; Evelyn b. May 28, 1878 (latter four died); Willard Otis b. May 8, 1880. Family home Nephi. CAZIER, CHARLES GATES (son of Charles Drake Cazier and Harriet Gates). Born May 6, 1859, Nephi, Utah. Married Susan Bingham March 17, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Willard Bingham and Amanda Snow of Wil- son, Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born Dec. 1, 1864. Their children: Charles G. b. May 6, 1859; Pleasant Lydia, b. March 7, 1861, died; Margaret b. Sept. 7, 1862, died; Wil- liam H. b. Feb. 6, 1864; Samuel G. b. Oct. 13, 1865; Sarah E. b. Dec. 14, 1867; Harriet b. April 13, 1870; Maranda b. Jan. 1873, died; George G. b. June 11, 1874; Artello Byron b. July 8, 1876, and Evalyn b. May 28, 1878, died. Family home Nephi, Utah. Member 49th quorum seventies; president high priesta quorum; first bishop of what is now known as the Star Valley stake; patriarch. State senator of Wyoming 1896- 1900. Farmer. CHADWICK, JOSEPH (son of William Chadwick). Born 1809, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1857, John Smith com- pany. Married Mary Whitehead (daughter of James Whltehead and Hanna Heppeth). Their children: Benjamin; James; Adam, m. Eliza Fluit. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Seventy. Farmer. Deceased. CHADWICK, ADAM (son of Joseph Chadwick and Mary Whitehead). Married Eliza Fluit at Richmond, Utah (daughter of Wil- liam Fluit and Mary A. Day of Franklin, Idaho, pioneers). She was born April 1, 1861. Their children: Mary Jane b. Sept. 23, 1884, died; Mary A. b. Sept. 21, 1885; James A. b. Dec. 4, 1887, m. Minnie M. Jensen Aug. 23, 1911; Bertha b. March 4, 1890; Earl b. June 2, 1892; Joseph b. Nov. 29, 1895. Family home Whitney, Idaho. Farmer. Died April 1895, Logan, Utah. CHADWICK, JAMES A. (son of Adam Chadwick and Eliza Fluit). Born Dec. 4, 1887, Whitney, Idaho. Married Minnie M. Jensen Aug. 23, 1911, Logan, Utah (daughter of Christian J. Jensen and Christena M. Soren- aon of Denmark; they came to Utah 1893). She was born Sept. 26, 1891. Their children: Cleo b. June 3, 1912. Fam- ily home Whitney, Idaho. Seventy; missionary to central states 1907-09. Farmer. CASTLETON, JAKES JOSEPH (son of Joseph Castleton, born in 1804, and Mary Smith, born in 1807). He was born Jan. 25, 1829, Lowestoft, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1868, Thomas Ricks company. CHAMBERLAIN, JOSEPH (son of Thomas Chamberlain, of Toms River, Ocean county. New Jersey). Born May 12, 1812, in Ocean county, N. J. Came to Utah Dec. 9, 1853, Preston Thomas company. Married Amy Wllbert, Barnegat, Ocean county, N. J. Married Frances Sarah Brown Jan. 2, 1853, Yarmouth, (daughter of James Wilbert and Mary Gifford of Ocean PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 799 county, N. J.). Their children: Katherine, m. John Dick- inson; John, m. Elizabeth Smart; Althea, m. James Brown; Rebecca, m. John Aldous; James Thomas b. March 18, 1847, m. Susanna A. Alston July 23, 1882; Josephine, m. Harold P. Johnson; Henry, m. Frances Brown; Hyrum, died. Family home Salt Lake City. Owned first sawmill in Parley's canyon. Engaged in salt and lumber business. Died April, 1879. CHAMBERLAIN, JAMES T. (son of Joseph Chamberlain and Amy Wilbert). Born March 18, 1847, Toms River, N. J. Came to Utah with parents. Married Susanna A. Alston July 23, 1882, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Alston and Margaret Hall of Black- burn, Lancashire, Eng., pioneers 1848, Willard Richards company). She was born July 3, 1856. Their children: Lula b. Jan. 9, 1884; Gertrude b. Sept. 28, 1886; Thomas Roscoe b. March 30, 1889. Family home Salt Lake City. Prominent sheep raiser; large real estate owner. Died June 7, 1889. CHAMBERLAIN, THOMAS ROSCOE (son of James T. Chamberlain and Susanna A. Alston). Born March 30, 1889, Salt Lake City. Graduate of Salt Lake high school; won the Dr. Mayo medal for the highest degree In the scientific course in 1907. Student University of Utah three years. Employed In government department of entomology, located at Sugar House, South Salt Lake City. CHAMBERLIN, WILLIAM HENRY, JR. (son of William Henry Chamberlln and Frances Eliza Brown). Born Feb. 12, 1870, at Salt Lake City. Married Amelia Telle Cannon Sept. 28, 1892, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Quayle Cannon and Martha Telle of Liverpool, Eng., former pioneer 1847, John Taylor com- pany). She was born Feb. 16, 1870. Their children: Max Cannon b. Nov. 14, 1893; Hester b. Dec. 27, 1896; Martha b. Aug. 21, 1901; Paul b. June 17, 1904; Frances b. Sept. 24, 1906; Luke b. July 20. 1912. Missionary to Society islands 1896-99; high priest; church school professor. CHAMBERS, JOHN GARRATT (son of Robert Chambers and Margaret Garratt of Alnwick, Northumberlandshire, Eng.). Born June 13, 1818, Alnwick, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Maria Duffln Feb. 9, 1853, Manchester, Eng. (daughter of Abraham Duffln and Eliza Johnson of Man- chester, former pioneer 1855). She was born Oct. 18, 1834. Their children: John Willard, m. Martha Mary Butter- worth; Robert Heber, m. Gunda Anderson; Alma Duffln b. Feb. 16, 1858, m. Anne Pugh Holroyd June 2, 1881; Frances Maria, m. Henry William Gwilliam; Frederick Wil- liam, m. Mary Leavltt; Annie Eliza, m. Nephi W. Anderson; Margaret Ellen; Clara Isabel, m. William Stowell Wallace; Letitia, m. Wilford Owen Ridges; Ida May, d. June 11, 1874; Josephine. Family home Ogden, Utah. Seventy; high priest. Called in the Deseret News print- ing office, where he served about ten years; moved to Cache Valley and settled in Logan, where he farmed for five years; was identified with the publication of Ogden's first paper, the Telegraph, and later with the Ogden Junction for sev- eral years, subsequently establishing a book and stationery business In Ogden. Died Oct. 27, 1892, Ogden, Utah. CHAMBERS, ALMA DUFFIN (son of John Garratt Cham- bers and Maria Duffln). Born Feb. 16, 1858, at Salt Lake City. Married Anne Pugh Holroyd June 2, 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Edward Holroyd and Dinah Wil- liams of Ogden, Utah, pioneers September, 1861, Harvey Dllley company). She was born Dec. 2, 1856. Their chil- dren: Alma H. b. June 12, 1882, m. Lois Edna Daniels; Edward H. b. Oct. 8, 1885, m. Ellen Merlntha Greenwell; Dinah H. b. June 5, 1887, d. Jan. 19, 1889; Ireta H. b. May 16, 1889: Lawrence H. b. Dec. 9. 1896, d. Aug. 23. 1898; Stanley H. b. July 14, 1898. Family home Ogden. Utah. Member 77th quorum seventies; high priest. Clerk of 4th ward Ogden several years. Member of central board of Y. M. M. I. A. of Weber stake three years. Weber county treasurer 1897-1912. Foreman of "Ogden Junction" and latar one of the proprietors; printer. CHAMBERS, NATHANIEL, GEORGE (son of George H. Chambers and Mary Hyde of Oakland county, Michigan). Born Dec. 31, 1836, Detroit. Mich. Came to Utah June 25, 1859, Capt. White company. Married Mary Leone Spencer Feb. 17, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Spencer and Sarah Lester of Great Barrington, Mass., pioneers Sept. 23, 1847, his own com- pany). She was born Feb. 17, 1847. Their children: Sarah Leone, m. William Waples; Hattie Eliza, died; George Spencer b. Oct. 9, 1874, m. Anna Minor July 22, 1903. Family home Salt Lake City. Elder; high priest. Went with Capt. White in 1866 to the Missouri river for immigrants. Rancher and stockman. CHAMBERS, GEORGE SPENCER (son of Nathaniel George Chambers and Mary Leone Spencer). Born Oct. 9, 1874, Salt Lake City. Married Anna Minor July 22. 1903. Salt Lake City (daugh- ^ er V.t, n W ' Minor and Margaret Criswell of Danvel- ?7 r " -h ' C ?.?,f to Utah 1891) - She was born SePt- 20 - 1S79. Their children: Baird Spencer b. June 25, 1905; Clara Margaret b Sept. 1. 1908; Leone b. Oct. 2, 1911. Family home Salt Lake City. In government postal service. CHANDLER. STEPHEN G. (son of Stephen Chandler and ? i a ,5' N'' lck of Burgess Hill. Sussex, Eng.). Born Jan. 13, 1857, in Sussex. Came to Utah in November. 1870 Married Sarah Ann Hemsley Oct. 30, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Hemsley and Christina M. Jenson of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 11-12, 1857, Israel Evans com- pany). She was born Nov. 27, 1862. Their children: Mary Jane b. Oct. 24, 1880; Eliza May b. June 8, 1882, m. Joseph F. White; Sarah Minnie b. Nov. 26, 1885, m. Joseph M. Peter- son; Annie Christina b. Sept. 8, 1888; Ellen b. June 4 1890- Rosa b. Aug. 14, 1893; Stephen George b. July, 19, 1896; Ber- tha Susan b. Oct. 25, 1898. Bishop Piano ward, Fremont stake. CHARD, DAVID (son of John Chard and Sarah Day) Born Sept. 24, 1810. Married Mary Teagues June 24, 1840. She was born May 28. 1806 and died Aug. 21, 1886. Their children: Joseph b Oct. 16, 1841; Alford b. Feb. 3, 1843; Sarah b. May 21, 1844- John b. Sept. 19, 1845; Hyrum b. Sept. 17, 1847; Mary Jane b. Feb. 13, 1852; Henry T. b. June 13, 1855, m. Mary Ann Ber- rett March 27, 1877. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah Held various positions in the ward. Died Sept. 25, 1881. CHARD, HENRY T. (son of David Chard and Mary Teagues). Born June 13, 1855, North Somerset, Eng. Married Mary Ann Berrett March 27, 1877, North Ogden, Utah (daughter of Alfred Berrett and Elizabeth Mathews), who was born Nov. 27, 1858. North Ogden. Their children: William Henry b. Jan. 9, 1878, m. Elizabeth A. Marshall, Nov. 19, 1902; Mary Elizabeth, b. Nov. 25, 1879, m. Charles A. Clark, Nov. 1, 1899; David E. b. Nov. 1, 1881, m. Sarah M. Jones, Jan. 7, 1903; Virtue Pearl b. Dec. 13, 1S83. m. James E. Shaw, Oct. 20. 1903; Alford T. b. July 19, 1886; Ivan Edmund b. Dec. 5, 1888; Marcellus, b. Jan. 19, 1891; Sarah Ann, b. July 2, 1893; Stephen Hamlet b. Dec. 12, 1895. Family home North Ogden, Utah. Died Jan. 31, 1897. CHARD, DAVID E. (son of Henry T. Chard and Mary Ann Berrett). Born Nov. 1, 1881, North Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah Minerva Jones Jan. 7, 1903, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Jones and Viola Cazler), who was born July 1, 1884, in North Ogden, Utah. Their children: Henry David b. July 29, 1904; Viola Minerva b. Jan. 26, 1906; Lysle J. b. Dec. 10, 1908: Ray Elery b. Aug. 14, 1910; Clar- ence Glen b. Sept. 28, 1911. Lived at Liberty, Utah. At 15 years of age was called as secretary of ward Sunday school; when 21 years was chosen assistant superintendent; when 23 as superintendent; June 27, 1909, chosen as bishop's counselor, which position he now holds. CHASE, EZRA (son of Timothy Chase of Rhode Island). Born Feb. 4, 1796, in Massachusetts. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848. Lorenzo Snow company. Married Turzah Wells about 1825, In Massachusetts (daugh- ter of Elisha Wells of Massachusetts), who was born 1797. Their children: Eliza, m. Clark Hubbard; Nancy, m. Lortne Farr; Charlotte, m. Constantine Hicks; Diana, m. William Shaw; Wells, m. Jane McGary; Henry, m. Mary Ann Bald- win; Dudley, m. Samantha Crismon; Newton, m. Elsie Tan- ner; Juliet, m. Hugh McClellan. Family home Ogden, Utah. Farmer. Died Oct. 24, 1873, Ogden, Utah. CHASE, WELLS (son of Ezra Chase and Turzah Wells). Born April 21, 1830, in New York. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Jane McGary Nov. 23, 1853, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of Charles McGary and Charlotte Earle of Ogden pio- neers Sept. 17, 1850, David Evans company). She was born June 8, 1835. Their children: Jane Diana b. Dec. 3, 1854, m. M. F. Cooper; Charles b. May 17, 1856, m. Amanda Taylor; William b. Jan. 14, 1858, m. Etta Mitchell; Ellen F. b. Nov. 18. 1859, m. Marshall Allan; Ernest b. July 20, 1861, m. Minnie Crawford; Inez b. Dec. 31, 1862, m. William Cun- ningham; Turzah b. Aug. 23, 1864, m. Chauncy Leavitt: Char- lotte b. Jan. 16, 1866, m. Allen T. Wood; Ezra b. May 12, 1867, m. Louise Lee; Clara b. Nov. 25. 1869, m. Robert Morton; James b. Sept. 12. 1871, m. Annie Clark: Ella b. May 15. 1873. d. infant; Ida b. May 1, 1875, m. M. A. Wood; Clarence b. Dec. 11 1876, d. aged 3 years; David b. Dec. 26, 1879, d. infant: Genevieve b. July 6, 1883, m. J. W. Durkin. Family home Ogden, Utah. Farmer. CHASE DUDLEY (son of Ezra Chase and Turzah Wells). Born May 22, 1835, Sportz, Livingston county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1848. Married Samantha Crismon July 19, 1857, San Bernardino. Cal (daughter of Charles Crismon and Mary Hill of Illinois, pioneers 1847). She was born March 27. 1840. Their children: Luella Crismon. m. Warren G. Child; Walter Dud- ley, m. Millie M. Richardson: Charles Ezra. m. Jane A. Dunn; 800 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Mary Ellen and Cynthia, died; George Frank, m. Elsie J. Taylor; Henry Albert, m. Valla Van Winkle; Abigail Eliza, m. Myron A. Gudmundson; Juliette, m. Willard M. Spiers; John Weiler, m. Selina Greenwell. Family home Farr-West, Weber county, Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1871-72. Settled Harrisville, Weber county, 1860, and engaged in farming and stockrais- ing. Counselor to Bishop P. G. Taylor of Harrisville. Died Feb. 24, 1906, Idaho Falls, Idaho. CHASE, ISAAC (son of Timothy Chase and Sarah Simmons of Little Compton, Newport county, R. I.). Born Dec. 12, 1791, Little Compton, R. I. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Phoebe Ogden Aug. 1818, Seneca county, N. T. (daughter of Ezekiel Ogden and Abigail Brant of Seneca county, N. Y.). She was born Dec. 7, 1794. Their children: Silva b. Aug. 4, 1819, m. Mr. Van Fleet 1846; Desdemona b. April 3, 1821. m. John Gleason 1846; Maria b. 1823, died; Rhoda b. Sept. 29, 1830, m. Judson L. Stoddard 1845, m. Mor- gan Hinman; George Ogden b. March 11, 1832, m. Emily Hyde Dec. 25, 1854, m. Josephine Streeper March 25, 1856; Harriet Louisa b. April 28, 1834, m. John Whitney, m. Ephraim Mc- Laughlin. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Calvert July 7, 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Calvert of Alabama, started to Utah with Brigham Young's company and died en route). She was born Feb. 2, 1825. Their children: Isaac b. July 21, 1851, m. Samantha Gardner Nov. 13, 1871, m. Priscilla Morgan Aug. 26, 1895; Nathan b. Dec. 6, 1852, d. Dec. 6, 1852; Abra- ham b. Oct. 31, 1853, d. Oct. 31, 1853; Sarah b. Jan. 22, 1855, died; Eliza b. Jan. 4, 1858, m. Carl Suisted 1876, m. Mr. Bird; Brigham b. May 14, 1861, d. 1884. Family home Cen- terville, Utah. Married Charlotta Walters (Felshaw) April 15, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Walters of England, pio- neer with first handcart company). Their children: Joseph b. Jan. 12, 1858; Charlotta b. Feb. 12, 1860, m. Woods Smith. Family home Centerville, Utah. High priest; captain of 50 in Jedediah M. Grant's com- pany. Built first mill and ground first flour In Utah. Mil- ler. Died May 2, 1861, Salt Lake City. CHASE, GEORGE OGDEN (son of Isaac Chase and Phoebe Ogden). Born March 11, 1832, Sparta, Livingston county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1847. Married Emily M. Hyde Dec. 25, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter Oi Orson Hyde and Marlnda Johnson, of Nauvoo, 111., and Kirtland, Ohio, pioneers 1852). Their children: Emily Marlnda b. Dec. 12, 1856, m. H. W. McKee Feb. 6, 1874, m. J. G. McAllister Oct. 15, 1889; Phoebe Ogden b. Oct. 2, 1857, m. W. H. Mclntyre July 10, 1878; Maria b. Aug. 10, 1859, m. Owen Dix Oct. 30, 1877; George Ogden b. June 26, 1862, died; Rhoda, m. Albert Welker; Laura b. Nov. 4, , m. Walter Needham May 27, 1883, m. Richard McAllister Oct. 15, 1890, m. Alma Sadler. Family home Farmington, Utah. Married Josephine Streeper March 25, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Wilkinson Streeper and Matilda Wells of Philadelphia, Pa., pioneers October, 1851, Captain Kelsey company). She was born May 6, 1836. Their children: Kate Matilda S. b. April 22, 1857; Josephine S. b. Sept. 8, 1858, m. J. C. Woods Dec. 12, 1879; Fannie Dean S. b. March 22, 1860, m. J. R. Mathews June 1, 1881; Viola S. b. Sept. 30, 1861, m. C. O. Rollins Jan. 1, 1896; Alice S. b. Sept. 6, 1863, m. James S. Smedley Feb. 14, 1894; Frank Lesley S. b. Nov. 8, 1865, m. Emma Amelia Croft Feb. 3, 1891; Mary Ella S. b. June 6, 1867; George Angel S. b. Dec. 11, 1868, died; John Wilkinson S. b. June 19, 1871, m. Genevie Egbert; David Nelson S. b. April 19, 1872, m. Julia May Farr April 17, 1896; Ethel S. b. April 19. 1874; Leah S. b. April 2, 1875; Valentine S. b. Feb. 14, 1876; Clarissa Gretchen S. b. July 19, 1877, latter four died; Emma Eckles S. b. Oct. 25, 1890. Family home Center- ville, Utah. High priest; organized the North Centerville Sunday school, of which he served as superintendent 23 years. Farmer. Died May 5, 1896, Centerville, Utah. CHASE. FRANK LESLEY (son of George Ogden Chase and Josephine Streeper). Born Nov. 8, 1865, Centerville, Utah. Married Emma Amelia Croft Feb. 3, 1891. Logan, Utah (daughter of John Croft and Amelia Mitchell of Manchester, Eng., pioneers Sept. 1860, J. D. Ross company). She was born April 7, 1868. Their children: Josephine Amelia Croft b. Nov. 14, 1892; Frank Ogden C. b. April 22, 1894; John Howland C. b. June 18, 1896; Annie Matilda C. b. April 22. 1898; Clara Dean C. b. March 3, 1900; David Harold C. b. Jan. 12, 1902; Beatrice Viola C. b. Dec. 30, 1904; Miranda C. b. Jan. 19, 1906; George O. C. b. May 17, 1909. Family home Centerville, Utah. Elder. Postmaster. Farmer. CHASE, JOHN DARWIN (son of Abner Chase and Amy Scott). Born Aug. 10. 1815, Bristol, Addison county, Vt. Came to Utah 1847, with a contingent of Mormon Battalion. Married Priscilla McHenry. Their children: Amos, m. El- len Coolidge; James. Married Almira Higglns Feb. 17, 1846, on the plains (daughter of Nelson Higgins and Sarah Black, both of Ver- mont, pioneers 1847). Their children: Clarissa, m. Nathan Foux; John Darwin, d. child; Almira, m. Curtis Washington Caldwell; Amy, m. Ira Clark; George Albert, m. Julia Cald- well; Drusilla, d. child; Mary, m. Nathan Henry Stephens; Ruth, m. James Albert McKee; Samuel, m. Emma Ovard; Miriam, m. Edwin Mangum; Sarah, m. Clifton Gardner; Dar- win John, died. Family home Moroni, Utah. Married Elizabeth Tuttle. Their children: Sisson, m. Ruth Holly; Luther, m. Jane Brinton. Family home Nephi, Utah. High priest; missionary to England 1863-1865; counselor in bishopric of Moroni ward; bishop at Manti; patriarch. Veteran Black Hawk war. Farmer. Died July 21, 1902, at Huntington, Utah. CHATEL.AIN, PETER LOUIS (son of Henry Louis Chate- lain, born 1785, and Theresa Chatelain, born 1789, both In Switzerland). He was born Aug. 10, 1824, Piedmont, Italy. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart com- pany. Married Madeline Malan 1856 (daughter of Bartholomew and Mary Malan), who was born June 2. 1838. Their chil- dren: Henry Louis b. Dec. 8, 1867, d. 1878; Emily b. Oct. 6, 1859 (d. 1899), m. Stephen A. Browning Sept. 30, 1880; P. Ed- ward b. Jan. 27, 1861, m. P. Isadora Allen Nov. 9. 1882; Alex- ander b. Feb. 1, 1866, m. Lola B. Allen Jan. 20, 1886; Bar- tholomew E. b. May 5, 1867, m. Albina Campbell Dec. 12, 1888. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Alice Johns, by whom he had one son. Seventy. Farmer. Died July 18, 1900. CHATELAIN, ALEXANDER (son of Peter Louts Chatelain and Madeline Malan). Born Feb. 1, 1866. Married Lola B. Allen Jan. 20, 1886 (daughter of Elihu M. Allen and Mary Elizabeth Graham, former a pioneer Aug. 8, 1847, John Scott company). She was born July 1, 1868. Their children: Adelbert A. b. May 16, 1887, m. Gertie L. Shaw Sept. 1, 1908; Walter A. b. Aug. 3, 1889, m. Vesta Shaw Sept. 3, 1908; Edward M. b. Jan. 18, 1891, d. Aug. 1, 1892; Joseph L. b. Jan. 7, 1893; Mary E, b. May 21, 1895, d. 1895; Carl L. b. Oct. 18, 1899; Theodore B. b. May 15, 1903; Lola L. b. July 3, 1906; John M. b. March 16, 1912. Family home Og- den. Member Weber stake Sunday school board; elder. JHATTERTON, WILLIAM THOMAS (son of James Chatter- ton, born Oct. 23, 1813, Laughton, England, and Elizabeth Crofts, born Sept. 12, 1817, Everton, Eng.). He was born Nov. 16, 1842, Attercliffe, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1863, John R. Murdock company. Married Mary Crossley Dec. 4, 1864 (daughter of John Crossley and Hannah Crabtree, former a pioneer 1863). She Vas born 1842 and came to Utah Sept. 25, 1863, Peter Nebe- ker company. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Aug. 14, 1865, m. James L. Daley Nov. 16, 1882; William James b. March 7, 1867; John b. Oct. 15, 1868; Hannah b. June 22. 1876; Maria b. Dec. 26, 1877; Ellen Rebecca b. Nov. 21, 1883. Family home Weston, Idaho. Married Ellen Rebecca Howard June 15, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Howard), who was born Feb. 11, /1863. Rochdale, Eng. Worked on the railroad 1868-69, and in woolen mills at /Brigham City and Ogden, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. Mis- sionary to Oneida, Idaho. 1896-07. Appointed postmaster of Weston, Idaho, Dec. 10, 1908. CHATWI1V, WILLIAM (son of Joseph Chatwin). Born June 23, 1823, Bury, England. Came to Utah 1852. Married Ann Sampson (daughter of Isaac Sampson). Only child: Joseph Isaac b. July 30, 1851, m. Arietta Carter July 23, 1872. School teacher. CHATWIN, JOSEPH ISAAC (son of William Chatwin and Ann Sampson). Born July 30, 1851, Kanesville, Iowa. Married Arietta Carter July 23, 1872. Santaquln, Utah ! (daughter of William F. Carter and Roxena Mecham), who was born Sept. 26, 1855, Prove, Utah. [ATTERLEY, JOHN (son of Joseph and Elizabeth Chat- terley of Birmingham, Eng.). Born Dec. 1769, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1851, John Brown company. Married Ann Nuttall. Their children: Margaret b. Sept. 29, 1802; Joseph b. April 17, 1807, m. Nancy Morton; Mary b. I Aug. 17, 1810; Helen b. June 16, 1812, m. Richard Sandiford; I John b. Jan. 2, 1816; Sarah b. July 16, 1818, m. John Kay. (Family home Radcliffe, Lancashire, Eng. CHATTERLEY, JOSEPH (son of John Chatterley and Ann Nuttall). Born April 17, 1807, Bury, Lancashire. 1 Married Nancy Morton, at Pilkington, Eng. (daughter of fThomas Morton and Dorothy Seal), who was born Dec. 1806, iRadcliffe, Eng. Their children: John b. July 4, 1835, m. Sarah Whittaker March 12, 1862; Ann b. March 3, 1837, m. :j. M. Macfarlane Dec. 30. 1854; Morton b. March 3. 1840, m. [Christina Mackelprang Feb. 1, 1862; Charlotte b. June 23, J1843, m. Thomas Walker Jan. 23, 1862. Family home Salford, Lancashire, Eng. Married Catharine Clark, 1852, who was born Oct. 21, 1812. on the Isle of Man. \ Lieutenant in territorial militia. Master wheelwright and blacksmith. Merchant. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH CHATTERLET, JOHN (son of Joseph Chatterley and Nancy Morton). Born July 4, 1835, Manchester, Eng. Married Sarah Whittaker March 12, 1862, Cedar City, Utah (daughter of James Whittaker and Rachel Taylor, pioneers 1861, Morris Phelps company). She was born May 16, 1841, Heywood, Lancashire. Their children: Sarah Ellen b. Oct. 3, 1863, m. Caleb Haight June 24, 1891; Mary Joyce b. March 21. 1865, m. Richard H. Palmer April 27, 1891; Rachel Alice; Charlotte Ann b. Sept. 3, 1869, m. D. M. Perkins March 12, 1890; John Morton b. Jan. 23, 1871; Nancy May b. April 7. 1873, m. Edwin Walker Nov. 21, 1893; James Whittaker b. July 27, 1876; Martha Jane b. 1878; Catharine b. 1880. Fam- ily home Cedar City, Utah. Mayor one term; postmaster 11 years; notary public 27 years; city recorder one term. Choir leader. Theatre man- ager. CHEEVER, HENRY ALBERT (son of Amos Cheever and Ab- igail Chace Keech of Zanesville. R. I.). Born Nov. 7. 1828, Eanesville, R. I. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Mary Jane Nelson May 25, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Nelson and Agnes Ann Tennant of Ash- ton-Under-Lyne, Lancashire, Eng., latter a pioneer Oct. 8, 1853, Appleton Harmon company). She was born May 25, 1839. Their children: Agnes Abigail b. May 17, 1857, m. Christian Buseth; Mary Elizabeth b. April 19, 1859, m. John A. Brown; Sarah Jane b. March 20, 1861, m. Edward Rush- ton; Henry Albert b. Dec. 14, 1863, m. Margaret Ann Wright; Joseph Edwin b. Feb. 26, 1865. m. Grace Libby Smith; Caro- line Augusta b. Dec. 8, 1866, m. John H. Dollen; John Wil- liam b. Jan. 14, 1869, died; Lydia Maria b. July 16, 1871,' m. A. H. Lavitra; Samuel Riter b. July 5, 1873, died; Ida Lenora b. Oct. 30, 1875, m. Samuel E. Hinckley. Family home Provo, Utah. Member first quorum seventies; block teacher; high priest. Business man; gardener. CHERRY, AARON BENJAMIN (son of John Cherry, born June 27, 1770, Huntington, Pa.). He was born Feb. 21, 1801, Hamilton county. Ohio. Came to Utah 1847. Married Margaret Yelton June, 1827 (daughter of John Telton), who was born Feb. 11, 1811. Their children: Re- becca Ann b. April 6, 1830, m. Nathan T. Porter Nov. 12, 1852; Jane b. Jan. 9, 1832, m. Jacob Winters; John James b. Jan. 13, 1834, m. Laura Bratton Oct. 25, 1856; Margaret b. March 11, 1836, m. Thomas Bratton May 6, 1856; Amelia Mariah b. May 9, 1838, m. William R. Smith May 6, 1856; Jesse Yelton b. June 10. 1842, d. May 21, 1865; Thomas b. Sept. 15, 1844; Caroline b. Aug. 4, 1846, m. Thomas Harris; Joseph b. 1847, m. Ellen Fender. Family home Centerville, Utah. CHERRY, JOHN JAMES (son of Aaron Benjamin Cherry and Margaret Yelton). Born Jan. 13, 1834, Pendleton county, Ky. Married Laura Bratton Oct. 25, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of George W. Bratton and Mary Graves, latter a pioneer Oct. 3, 1852, Harmon Cutler company). She was born Nov. 10, 1841. Their children: John James b. Oct. 16, 1857, m. Emeline Rich March 25, 1886; Mary Minetta b. Sept. 18, 1859, m. William H. Walton May 23, 1884; Jesse Yelton b. April 14, 1864, died; Aaron Benjamin b. Feb. 20, 1866; George Washington b. May 17, 1868, died; Thomas b. Sept. 27, 1870; Joseph Charles b. Dec. 19, 1874, died; Clarence Or- vill b. May 31, 1878; Melvia Estella b. June 24, 1882. Fam- ily home Centerville, Utah. CHERRY, JOHN JAMES, JR. (son of John James Cherry and Laura Bratton). Born Oct. 16, 1857, Centerville, Utah. Married Emeline Rich March 25, 1886, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas Rich and Henriette Peck, former a pioneer 1850). She was born Jan. 11, 1868, Richville, Utah. Their children: Cora Emeline b. Feb. 8, 1887; Horace Rich b. May 28, 1889; Roland Lucian b. March 17, 1891, d. June 6, 1891; Henriette b. Sept. 23, 1893; Laura b. Feb. 28, 1897; Phoebe b. Nov. 30, 1898; Ann Amelia b. Jan. 31, 1901; John James, b. Oct. 20, 1904. CHERRY, EBENEZER GRIFFIN. Born In Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1847. Married Mary Shumway at Logan, Utah (daughter of Charles Shumway and Wealthy Hicker, pioneers 1852). Their children: Charles; Thomas; Joseph b. 1865, m. Jennie Rideout; Wealthy; Clarissa; Margaret; Amanda; Porter; Levl; Samuel; Parley. Family home Lewiston, Utah. Farmer. Died 1887. CHERRY, JOSEPH (son of Ebenezer Griffin Cherry and Mary Shumway). Born 1865, in Utah. Married Jennie Rideout 1896. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Rideout and Jane Terry, of Draper. She was born 1875. Their children: Wealthy b. 1898; Clarissa b. 1900; Griffin b. 1906; Joshua b. 1909; Cecil b. 1911. Family home Franklin, Idaho. 801 f> P laS v.f yse of Ken sworth). She was born May 12, . Their children: Mary Ann, m. Ralph Ramsey; Thomas, m. Mary Ann Elizabeth Abbott; Susan, m. Robert Golding; George, m Sarah Maxeell; Eliza, m. John H. Brazier; Wil- liam, m. Ella Rogers; Elizabeth, m. Samuel Baxter; Reuben. m -,, MaI 7 r-rr- Pami 'y home Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Turner at Logan, Utah (daughter of Catherine Turner) Their children: Charles, m. Emily ; Maud, m William Robinson; May, d. infant: Baby, d. Infant Baby, d. infant. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest; teacher. Brickmaker and shoemaker. Died January, 1908, Huntlngton, Utah. CHESHIRE, THOMAS (son of George Cheshire and Ellza- r 61 ^ 1 ? 6 ? 86 '- Born Apr11 17 - 1842 - Kensworth, Eng. Came to Utah in December, 1864, oxteam company. Married Mary Ann Elizabeth Abbott Jan. 7, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Abbott and Charlotte Ellerbone of Irchester, Northamptonshire, Eng., pioneers Sept 15 1866, Henry Chlpman oxteam company). She was born Dec 10. 1843. Their children: William G. b. April 13. 1867, m. Hattie Gustovesen; Thomas b. Nov. 12, 1869 d aged 10 months; John R. b. Dec. 29, 1871, m. Caroline Batchelor- George b. Dec. 24, 1873, m. Sarah Bennett; Elizabeth b. Aug 10, 1877, m. George Treseder; Charlotte b. Jan. 19 1879 m Horace Duncan; Sarah Jane b. Aug. 22, 1881, d. infant- Susan b. Aug. 2, 1883, m. John Westenskow; James Henry b Aug 21, 1887, m. Mabel Taylor; Hattie b. Nov. 4, 1891, d. aged 16' Family home Salt Lake City. Elder. Worked on St. George temple. Marshal at Fer- ron, Utah, three terms; road supervisor; body guard of President Brigham Young and Daniel H. Wells 1875- po- liceman Salt Lake City. Experienced incessant Indian trou- bles while crossing the plains. Plasterer. CHESLEY, ALEXANDER PHILIP (son of John Chesley and Elizabeth Brisker). Born Oct. 22, 1814, Fauquier county, Va. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Eliza Haws 1843 at Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Isa- bell Womack of Illinois, pioneer 1852). Their children: William Alexander, m. Matilda E. Robertson; John, m. Sarah Carter; Eliza Ellen, m. Nathan Barrett; James Edgar, m. Melissa A. Hamlin; Abner W., m. Jane Blair. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Emily Haws (daughter of Isabell Womack). Their children: Emily, m. Joseph Nuttall; George B., m. An- nie George; Martha, m. David Bowen; Frank, d. aged 14; Richard. Family home Provo. Missionary to Australia 1856-57; elder. Constable at Pro- vo 15 years. Member legislature from Fillmore. Farmer and stockraiser; lawyer. Died in Fauquier county, Va. CHESLEY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER (son of Alexander Phil- ip Chesley and Eliza Haws). Born Sept. 29, 1845, Sangamon county, 111. Came to Utah 1852. Married Matilda E. Robertson May 20, 1873 (daughter of James Robertson and Matilda Graham of Spanish Fork, Utah, pioneers Oct. 6, 1851, Alfred Cardon company). She was born May 5, 1856. Their children: Eliza b. March 26. 1874, m. Karl Olson; Matilda b. Jan. 14, 1876, m. Brigham Madsen; James A. b. Aug. 3, 1878; Grace D. b. Nov. 28, 1880, m. George E. Gordon; William Graham b. Feb. 14, 1883: El- mer b. July 7, 1885; Myrtle b. March 6, 1890, m. Albert J. Foulger; Iva M. b. Aug. 14, 1892, d. aged 11; Paul R. b. Sept. 27, 1896. Family home Salt Lake City. Seventy at Provo, Utah; ward teacher. Assistant city marshal of Provo City 20 years. Lumberman, farmer and stockraiser. Died March 27, 1910. CHESLEY, JAMES A. (son of William A. Chesley and Matil- da Robertson). Born Aug. 3, 1878, Provo, Utah. Resides at Salt Lake City. Dairyman. CHESHIRE, GEORGE (son of George Cheshire and Priscilla Evans of Kensworth, Herefordshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 16, 1822, Herefordshire. Came to Utah in September, 1863, in- dependent oxteam company. Married Elizabeth Keyse 1839 at Kensworth, Eng. (daugh- 51 CHIDESTER, JOHN MADISON (son of John Madison Cht- dester). Born Jan. 22, 1809, Pompey, Onondaga county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1850. Married Mary Parker in New York (daughter of Joshua Parker of New Haven, Conn.), who was born Aug. 2, 1809, Vernon, N. Y. Their children: John Peck, m. Susan Foy; David, m. Rebecca Ann Price; Eunice, m. Lev! Harmon; Darwin, m. Caroline Goubler; Joshua Parker, m. Juliaette Burgess; Esther, m. William Pulsipher. Family home Span- ish Fork, Utah. Walker Indian war veteran. Carpenter and millwright. Died Aug. 30, 1893, Washington county, Utah. CHIDESTER, JOHN PECK (son of John Madison Chldester and Mary Parker). Born Dec. 23, 1831, Somerfield, Monroe county, Mich. Came to Utah 1850. Married Susan Foy Oct. 23, 1851, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas B. Foy and Catherine Fink, pioneers of 1851). She was born April 4, 1831, Wheatfleld, Indiana county. Pa. Their children: John Foy b. Feb. 2, 1853, m. Almtna Worthen; Susan Emma, m. George C. Dewey; Lodena Eliza- beth, m. Amasa A. Ruby; Mary Catharine and Edgar, died; Emeline, m. Samuel Stewart; Evaline, m. Andrew Sprowl, Jr.; Myron, m. Sarah Ann Jackson. Family home Washing- ton, Utah. Bishop's counselor. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Carpenter and farmer. Died Jan. 10, 1897. 802 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH CHIDESTER, JOHN FOT (son of John Peck Chidester and Susan Foy). Born Feb. 2, 1853, Spanish Fork. Married Mary Nicoll Oct. 22, 1874, St. George, Utah (daughter of Alexander and Sabina Nicoll), who was born March 22, 1856. Their children: Sabina b. Aug. 17, 1875, m. Steven Yates; Theodore b. May 17, 1877, m. Ida Sargent; John Nicoll b. Oct. 20, 1880, m. Elizabeth Workman; Mary Ceaveth b. Jan. 5, 1883, m. Elija Baker. Family home Wash- ington, Utah. Married Almina Worthen March 4, 1885, St. George (daughter of Samuel Worthen and Maria Louisa Grow), who was born Oct. 6, 1864. Their children: Worthen b. March 1, 1886, died; Almina b. July 7, 1887, m. Leonard Ogden; Samuel H. b. Oct. 11, 1889, m. Fern Dastrup; Aaron A. b. Nov. 6, 1891; Maria Louise b. Oct. 4, 1893; Fenton R. b. July 6, 1896; Susan Vera b. June 23, 1898; John Denzel b. Dec. 5, 1900; Thais E. b. Oct. 3, 1902; Alton Parker b. Jan. 25, 1905; Mae b. May 22, 1908, died. Family resided Pan- guitch and Richfield, Utah. High priest; missionary to southern states 1889-90; Sun- day school superintendent 1891-02. County clerk and re- corder; county and district attorney ten years; city attor- ney and constable of Washington, each two years; mem- ber constitutional convention of Utah; member first state senate, and first state legislature, and land board. CHIDESTER, JOSHUA PARKER (son of John Madison Chidester and Mary Parker). Born 1840, in Ohio. Came to Utah in 1853. Married Juliaette Burgess 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Burgess and Maria Pulsipher of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born in 1846. Their children: John William b. Nov. 25, 1864, m. Huldy Heath; Josephine b. Sept. 4, 1866, m. Jona- than Hunt; Alfred G. b. Aug. 13, 1869, m. Sarah Susanna Hunt; Lafayette b. Sept. 25, 1871, m. Elsie Hicks; Parker Joshua b. Jan. 15, 1873, m. Althea Bunker; Juliaette b. 1875, d. Infant; Esther Vilate b. Sept. 28, 1877, m. Raymond Bur- gess; Joseph Harrison b. April 3, 1879; Enoch b. May 3, 1881, m. Martha Heath; James b. Nov. 3, 1884, d. child; Charles b. June 27, 1887, m. Winnie Heath. Family home Pine Val- ley, Washington county, Utah. Elder. Carpenter. Died April 17, 1894, Mantl, Utah. CHIDESTER, ALFRED G. (son of Joshua Parker Chidester and Juliaette Burgess). Born Aug. 13, 1869, Pine Valley, Utah. Married Sarah Susanna Hunt Jan. 31, 1890, Richfield, Utah (daughter of Lev! Hunt and Phebe Louisa of Nephi, pio- neers of 1850). She was born Jan. 13, 1872. Their children: Phebe Louisa b. Dec. 1, 1891, m. Fayett Giles; Juliaette b. April 1, 1893; William Alfred b. Aug. 29, 1894; Amelia Erne- line b. Feb. 23, 1896; Sarah May b. Oct. 30, 1897; Wanda D. b. April 8, 1900; Alta b. Oct. 13, 1901; Prealy b. April 8, 1904; Susanna b. June 25, 1905; Maria b. Feb. 21, 1907; Lovira b. May 13, 1909; Levi Parker b. Jan. 29, 1912. Family home Huntington, Utah. Member 91st quorum seventies; elder. Farmer, carpenter and mason. CHILD, JOHN (son of John Child and Deborah Steele of Middlesex, Eng.). Born Sept. 7, 1796, Middlesex, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1853, Moses Clawson company. Married Eliza Newport in London, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Newport and Ann Wall, of London), who was born July 21, 1798. Their children: Jemima Elizabeth b. March 31, 1827, m. Enos Stookey; John, Jr., b. Oct. 9, 1831, d. in- fant; John Joseph b. Oct. 9, 1831, m. Elizabeth Ann De St. Geor; Mary Anne b. 1833 and James Newport b. 1836, d. in- fants; George Washington b. Jan. 2, 1839, died; Emma Eliza b. Aug. 13, 1841, m. David Henry Leonard. Family home Clover Creek, Tooele county, Utah. Elder. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Shoemaker, farmer and butcher. Died Feb. 1866. CHILD, ALFRED BOSWORTH (son of Mark Anthony Child, born May 10, 1771, and Hannah Benedict, married Dec. 8, 1793). He was born Nov. 19, 1796, Greenfield, Sara- toga county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1852, Uriah Curtis oxteam company. Married Polly Barber March 19, 1817 (daughter of Icha- bod Barber and Anne Drake), who was born March 30, 1799, and came to Utah with husband; died Feb. 4, 1883. Their children: Polly Ann b. July 20, 1821, m. E. C. Rich- ardson; Mark Alfred b. Oct. 19, 1823, died; Myron Barber b. Nov. 25, 1825, m. Emeline Elmer; Hannah Polina b. Jan. 24, 1828, m. William Elmer; John Lonson b. Oct. 28, 1830, m. Eliza J. Curtis; Phoebe Wooster b. Jan. 17, 1833. m. E. C. Richardson; Warren Gould b. Feb. 21, 1835, m. Hannah A. Wilder; Orville Rensselaer b. Oct. 11, 1837, m. Sarah Urinda Rawson. Family home Ogden, Utah. Postmaster at Spring Prairie, Lee county, Iowa, 1841-47, until the persecutions of that time drove him westward. Settled in Weber county and started a sawmill. Died Dec. 22, 1852. CHILD, MYRON BARBER (son of Alfred Bosworth Child and Polly Barber). Born Nov. 24, 1825, Hammond, St. Law- rence county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1851. Married Emeline Elmer Feb. 14, 1846 (daughter of Es- quire and Lucy Elmer), who was born July 12, 1828. Their children: William W. b. Feb. 26, 1848, m. Jannette Fife Sept. 6, 1868: Asa L. b. Dec. 9, 1849, m. Sarah S. Grover; Alfred B. b. July 9, 1852, m. Sarah J. Stonebraker Oct. 8, 1872; Myron, Jr., b. July 3, 1854, d. Nov. 4, 1854; Mark A. b. Dec. 22, 1855, m. Eliza Wright; Emeline L. b. Nov. 21, 1858, m. Alexander Patterson 1875; Cynthia b. Dec. 14, 1860, m. Peter T. Nelson; John S. b. July 4, 1863, m. Susan Wads- worth; Chauncy b. Aug. 13, 18G5, d. Aug. 6, 1878; Polly b. Nov. 13, 1868, m. William Allen; Henry I. b. Sept. 2, 1870, m. Maggie Stephens. Family resided Ogden and River- dale, Utah. Married Sarepta Jane Cole (daughter of William R. Cole and Nancy Sarepta Parrish), who was born Nov. 8, 1846, lowaville, Iowa. Their children: Nathan b. Oct. 24, 1865, m. Julia (died) and Annie Wadsworth; Hannah, b. July 12, 1868, m. William E. Stokes; Myron B. b. March 7, 1872, m. Caroline Carlsen; George C. b. Jan. 22, 1877, m. Etta M. Weaver Dec. 12, 1900; Emma T. b. July 26, 1879, d. Oct. 18, 1879; Drucilla b. Aug. 29, 1882, d. Sept. 15, 1882. Family re- sided Ogden and Riverdale, Utah. CHILD, WILLIAM W. (son of Myron Barber Child and Emeline Elmer). Born Feb. 26, 1848, Lee county, Iowa. Married Jannette Fife Sept. 6, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Adam Fife and Ellen Sharp, pioneers Sept. 7, 1851). She was born March 1, 1851, St. Louis, Mo. Their children: William W. b. Aug. 30, 1869, d. Dec. 10, 1878; Myron B. b. Sept. 1, 1870, d. Dec. 7, 1890; Ellen b. April 1, 1873, m. John D. Hooper Dec. 21, 1899; John b. Nov. 21, 1875, d. Oct. 4, 1876; Mark A. b. Feb. 7, 1877, m. Emma Simpson April 28, 1897; Louisa E. b. June 5, 1879, m. Charles Towles Jan. 29, 1900; James O. b. Nov. 19, 1881, m. Blanche Man- ning Dec. 19, 1900; Vennetta b. April 1, 1884, m. John A. Martin Aug. 30, 1906; M. Evelean b. July 2, 1886, m. William Holmes Nov. 27, 1906; Jennie M. b. Nov. 18, 1888; Synthia b. Oct. 22, 1890, m. Heber Benz Oct. 26, 1910; Erbin L. b. April 18, 1884. Family resided Ogden and Riverdale, Utah. Bishop of Hooper April 20, 1888, till present time. County commissioner Weber county 1889-90. CHILD, JOHN L. (son of Alfred Bosworth Child and Polly Barber). Born Oct. 28, 1830, Greenfield, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1852, Capt. Uriah Curtis company. Married Eliza J. Curtis Jan. 24, 1850, Pottawattamie county, Iowa (daughter of Uriah Curtis and Phebe Martin, of Ogden, Utah, pioneers Oct. 1, 1852). She was born April 30, 1830. Their children: Sarah A. b. Nov. 8, 1850; John C. b. March 3, 1852, m. Margaret Patterson; Mary R. b. Jan. 2, 1854, m. Cornelius T. Richmond; Charles Uriah b. Nov. 21, 1855, m. Atelia A. Thompson; Lester A. b. Feb. 8, 1862, m. Emma Goodale. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member 53rd quorum seventies. Farmer. Died Dec. 30, 1882, at Ogden. CHILD, JOHN C. (son of John L. Child and Eliza J. Curtis). Born March 3, 1852, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married Margaret Patterson Oct. 4, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander Patterson and Mary Fife, of River- dale, Weber county, Utah, pioneers 1851). She was born Oct. 13. 1858. Their children: Lettie b. Aug. 28, 1876; Mary E. b. May 12, 1878; Alice b. May 6, 1880; John b. Sept. 24, 1881; Ella M. b. July 9, 1883; E. A. b. July 17, 1885; Charles H b. Feb. 6, 1887, drowned May 1, 1900; Andrew b. Jan. 16, 1890; Jennie R. b. May 2, 1892; Margaret A. b. Oct. 12. 1894; Florence b. Dec. 23, 1896; Lester A. b. Feb. 17, 1898; Adel- bert b. Feb. 11, 1902. Family resided Riverdale and Roy, Utah. Member 76th quorum seventies; first counselor to Bishop Sanford Bingham. County commissioner, 1895-1896; county road commissioner; director and superintendent of Davis and Weber county canal; member 1905 state legislature; superintendent county infirmary. Farmer; contractor of project construction. CHILD, CHARLES URIAH (son of John L. Child and Eliza J. Curtis). Born Nov. 21, 1855, Ogden, Utah. Married Atelia A. Thompson, at Riverdale, Utah (daugh- ter of John C. Thompson of Riverdale). Their children: Charles C. b. June 5, 1878, m. Bessie Robinson; John L. b. June 12, 1882, m. Lenore Dwight; Vera, m. Francis F. Vanse; Colonel R. b. July 1, 1889, m. Stella Bingham; Mary Fran- celle b. April 5, 1890, d. aged 15; Georgia Atelia b. July 24, 1894. Family home Riverdale, Utah. Farmer an4 contractor. CHILD, WARREN GOULD (son of Alfred Bosworth Child and Polly Barber). Born Feb. 21, 1835. Greenfield, Saratoga county, N. Y. Came to Utah with father 1852. Married Hannah A. Wilder Jan. 6, 1853 (daughter of Sally M. Wilder of Elba, Genesee county, N. Y.). She came to Utah 1852. Their children: Austin Wilder b. Feb. 11. 1854, m. Mary L. Thompson Oct. 28, 1872; Warren Gould. Jr., b. Aug. 15, 1856, m. Luella C. Chase Dec. 27, 1877; Hannah Maria; Rachel; Teresa; Henry Harrison; Heber Thomas; Julia Adelaide; Nella Dora; Jesse Alexander; Zilpha A. In assisting to bring immigrants to Utah he crossed the plains in nine trips, five times with the most primitive means of locomotion, ox, cow and afoot. CHILD. AUSTIN WILDER (son of Warren Gould Child and Hannah A. Wilder. Born Feb. 11, 1854, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary L. Thompson Oct. 28, 1872 (daughter of John C. Thompson and Ann Clark, pioneers 1847). Their children: Ann Gertrude b. Feb. 18, 1875, d. Oct. 4, 1879; Aus- tin b. Sept. 8, 1876, d. April 28, 1877; Hannah Elizabeth b. Nov. 22, 1877, d. Oct. 11, 1879; John Francis b. Feb. 8, 1879, m. Eva Noble of Oakland, Cal.; Raymond b. July 6, 1880, d. March 17, 1881; Earl Wilder b. April 22, 1882, m. Nettie Bra- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 803 ley of Portland, Ore.; Florence Gladys b. Sept. 24, 1883, m. Frank W. Dice of Topeka, Kas., Jan. 16, 1902; Nell b. Jan. 2 1886, m. Arthur Porter, Jr., of Rexburg, Idaho, June 24, 1908' Linzy Clark b. Aug. 14, 1887; Mary Alice b. Sept. 4, 1889; Matthew S. b. Jan. 9, 1892; Grace b. March 2, 1894; Cowley Warren b. Oct. 1?, 1897. Family home Lima, Mont. CHILD, WARREN GOULD, JR. (son of Warren Gould Child and Hannah A. Wilder). Born Aug. 15, 1856, in a wagon fifty miles east of Chimney Rock, Neb., -while parents were crossing plains in one of their many return trips to the Missouri river. Married Luella C. Chase Dec. 27, 1877, (daughter of Dud- ley Chase, pioneer 1848, and Samantha Crismon, pioneer 1847). Their children: Samantha Eloise, m. John Campbell; Warren Gerald, m. Julia Frank McGuire; Bessie Luella, m. Albert Purdy; Walter Dudley, m. Julia A. Taylor; Harold Lincoln; McLaren Chase. Warren Gerald Child, the oldest son of Warren Gould Child, Jr., is now an ensign of the United States navy, com- manding the U. S. S. Salmon, one of the new submarines. CHILD, ORVILLE RENSSELAER (son of Alfred Bosworth Child and Polly Barber). Born Oct. 11, 1837, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Married Sarah Urlnda Rawson Feb. 3, 1859, Payson, Utah (daughter of Horace S. Rawson and Elizabeth Coffin, pio- neers Oct. 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born Feb. 8, 1844, Lima, Hancock county, 111. Their children: Orville Rensselaer b. Jan. 8, I860, m. Eunice Ellen Dewey Dec 23 1880; Sarah Annie b. Nov. 14, 1861, m. J. C. Dewey, Jr., Jan. 24, 1879; William Alfred b. April 3, 1864, m. Amanda Taylor Nov. 24, 1885; Polly Erminnie b. May 5, 1866, m. Levl Richardson April 17, 1883; Elizabeth b. Aug. 11, 1868, d. Feb. 11, 1871; Mary Eliza b. April 11, 1872, m. A. M. Harmon Sept. 25, 1892; Hannah Luella b. Oct. 15, 1874, m. John D. Wilkes Oct. 16, 1894; Ida Luetta b. May 19, 1877, m. Edgar Roberts Oct. 20, 1897; Edward Rawson b. Jan. 24, 1880, d. Aug. 27, 1903; Chloe Urinda b. Oct. 5, 1882, m. F. M. Hoopes Feb. 4, 1904; Horace Ezra b. Sept. 24, 1884, m. Jane Taggart Sept. 14, 1905; John Elmer b. April 10, 1888, died; Elva Pearl b. April 20, 1890, m. Robert M. Read Nov. 18, 1911. Family home Ogden, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah, making two return trips east and fighting Indians who attacked along the way. Fought in Salmon River Indian trouble. Filled a five years' mission among the Indians of Malad valley; first counselor to John Cooke Dewey at Deweyville, Utah, In 1877, and to John Cyrus Dewey of Star Valley, Wyo., 1887. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Died March 27, 1897, Star Valley, Wyo. CHILD, ORVILLE RENSSELAER, JR. (son of Orville Rens- selaer Child and Sarah Urinda Rawson). Born Jan. 8, 1860, Ogden, Utah. Married Eunice Ellen Dewey Dec. 23, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Cooke Dewey and Mary Allen, pioneers 1854 and 1852, respectively). She was born May 10, 1861, Call's Fort, Utah. Their children: Mary Ellen b. Nov. 6, 1881, m. Seymore B. Allred May 22, 1901; Erne Urinda b. March 4, 1884, m. Edward Sessions; Orville Rawson b. Dec. 22, 1885. m. Bertha Van Noy June 22, 1909; Annie Eugenia b. Dec. 23, 1887; John Rensselaer b. May 20, 1890; Eunice Emma b. March 5, 1894; Edna Verba b. March 31, 1897. Family home Fairview, Wyo. Postmaster Deweyville, Utah, 1882-85, when he moved to Plain City, then to Ogden in 1888. Settled at Fairview, Star valley, Wyo., 1894. Superintendent Sunday school and presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A. at Deweyville, Utah, and Fairview, Wyo., for a number of years. CHIPMAN, STEPHEN (son of Barnabus Chipman of Eng- land). Born Aug. 8, 1805, Leeds county, Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1847, Abraham Owen Smoot company. Married Amanda Washburn in Canada (daughter of Ste- phen Washburn and Miss Sexton of Leeds county, Canada). She was born Sept. 8, 1805. Their children: Washburn, m. Mindwell Houston; m. Margaret Vance McNichol; m. Caro- line Mayhew; Beulah, m. David Grant; Sinah, m. John El- dredge; William Henry, m. Martha Smith; James, m. Sarah Green; Martha, m. Theodore Herrington. Family home American Fork, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died in February, 1868. CHIPMAN. WASHBURN (son of Stephen Chipman and Amanda Washburn). Born April 16, 1829, Leeds county, Canada. Came to Utah Oct. 20, 1847. Married Mindwell Houston Nov. 1855, Alpine, Utah (daughter of Isaac Houston and Theodosia Keyes of Alpine, Utah, pioneers 1851, Captain Riggs company). Their chil- dren: Mindwell, m. Oscar F. Hunter; Louisa, m. John Hur- bert; Amanda, m. Stephen D. Chipman; Elizabeth, m. George Barney; James; Henry; Washburn and Isaac, died. Married Margaret Vance McNichol Oct. 6, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander McNichol and Mary Ann Vance of Jackson, Tenn., both died on plains en route to Utah). She was born Dec. 10, 1840, and came to Utah Sept. 17, 1852, Thomas J. McCullough company. Their children: Sinah, m. Thaddeus King; Beulah, m. William Bromley; Celestia; Stephen, m. Ella Thornton; John W., m. Jane Clarke; Sidy, m. F. J. Noyes; Rhoda Adora, died; Martha; Thomas Jeffer- son; Melva; Romania, died. Married Caroline Abigail Mayhew at Salt Lake City (daughter of Elijah Mayhew and Lydia Farnsworth of Pleasant Grove, pioneers Sept. 9, 1853, Daniel A. Miller com- pany). Their children: Otto. m. Martha Hubbard; Lydia, m. Fred Houston; Walter; Luella, m. Mr. Montieth. Families resided American Fork, Utah. President 67th quorum seventies; missionary to Iowa and Missouri 1870-71. Director and one of organizers of Z. C. M. I. and Provo Woolen Mills. Captain in Nauvoo Legion. Settled at American Fork 1850; called to help settle Iron county 1851; director in American Fork Co-op. Assisted in building the Parowan canal, first one in that country; It was nine miles long. One of the directors of County Co-op. Herd. Indian war veteran. CHIPMAN, JAMES (son of Stephen Chipman and Amanda Washburn). Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1847. Married Sarah Green at American Fork (daughter of Al- phonso Green and Betsy Murdock of American Fork). Their children: James; Alphonso G., m. Fannie Dilworth; Stephen L., m. Sinah Nelson; Betsy, m. Richard Preston. Family home American Fork. Mayor of American Fork. Merchant and banker. CHIPMAN, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Stephen Washburn Chipman). Born 1834. Came to Utah 1847. Married Eliza Filcher at American Fork, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas Filcher), who was born Feb. 18, 1840, in England. Their children: W. H., m. Elizabeth Parker; S. W., m. Sarah Southwick; Thomas J., m. ; , m. Robert. Booth; Jelphia, m. C. Beck; Leah; Squire, m. B. E. Adams; Eliza, m. A. ; Maude. CHIPMAN, THOMAS J. (son of William Henry Chipman and Eliza Filcher). Born 1864, at American Fork, Utah. Married Emily M. at Logan, Utah (daughter of Eugene Alfonso and Mary Thora Millett, former came to Utah with Captain Wheelock company, latter of Devon- shire, Eng.). She was born 1871. Their children: Thomas Lester b. Feb. 17, 1890; Myron H. b. Sept. 17, 1891; Glen b. March 31, 1895; Arnold b. Dec. 27, 1901; Eugene b. Jan. 30, 1903; Frances L. b. April 5, 1909; Lucie. Teacher; seventy. Assisted in building up American Fork. Farmer and stockraiser. CHISLETT, JAMES (son of James Chislett and Lucy Ridley of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Eng.). Born July 3, 1834, at Trow- bridge. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight com- pany. Married Mary Maria Harding Sept. 27, 1860, Wiltshire (daughter of Edward Harding and Mary Offer of Trow- bridge, Eng.). She was born Aug. 9, 1836. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 34th quorum seventies; high priest. Warper for Provo Woolen Mills. Died May 30, 1906, Provo, Utah. CHISHOLM, WILLIAM WALLACE (son of Robert Chisholm of Elgin, 111.). Born June 1841 In Wisconsin. Came to Utah in 1864. Married Jennet Kendall in Illinois (daughter of John Ken- dall and Lillian Grant of Polo and Galena, 111., who came to Utah 1884). She was born Sept. 18, 1843. Family home Salt Lake City. Original opener of the Emma mine in Cottonwood canyon; principal owner in Centennial Eureka; mining man. Died March 18, 1909, Los Angeles, Cal. CHITTOCK, SAMUEL (son of John Chittock and Ann Bloomfield of Hopton, Suffolk, Eng.). Born 1834, Livingston, Cambridgeshire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 8, 1869. Married Margaret James Aug. 11, 1851, London, Eng. (daughter of David James and Margaret Gewey of London). She was born June 21, 1831. Family home 1st ward, Salt Lake City. General blacksmith and gardener. CHRISTENSEN, A. C. (son of Christen Christensen and Mar- en Andersen). Born Aug. 17, 1829, in Denmark. Came to Utah in 1862. Married Ane Magrete Simonsen in Utah (daughter of Ola Simonsen of Bear River City, Utah, pioneer Oct. 28, 1866. Andrew H. Scott company). She was born Sept. 20, 1846. Only child: Rasmine, d. 1869. Family home Bear River City, Ut Qrdained high priest 1895. Died April 7, 1902. CHRISTEN SEN, ANDREW (son of Christen Andersen and Katherine Jensen). Born Nov. 19, 1830, Copenhagen, Den- mark. Came to Utah 1860, Oscar O. Stoddard company Married Nellie Widenberg, Sept., 1860, Mt. Pleasant, Utah, who was born 1839. Their children: Nichohne b. Oct. 24, 1861, m. Martin Rasmussen; Andrew b. Jan. 13 1863, m. Caroline Larsen; David b. June 18, 1865, m. Christina Ander- sen Sw^etf Christian b. 1868, d. child; Nephl b. Dec. 3, 1870, 804 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH m. Elsie Sorensen; Christine b. March 24. 1872, m. Frederick Moore; Hilda b. May 19, 1874, m. Jens Larsen; Jacob and Isaac, twins, d. infants. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High priest; missionary to Denmark. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Bricklayer and mason. CHRISTENSEN, ANDREW, JR. (son of Andrew Christensen and Nellie Widenberg). Born June 13, 1863, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Caroline Larsen Dec. 21, 1888, Castle Dale, Utah (daughter of Hans Frederick Larsen and Julia Andersen of Castle Dale, who came to Utah 1874). She was born May 27, 1869. Their children: Nellie b. Jan. 27, 1890, m. Alvin Larsen; Eva b. July 12, 1892. m. Willis Ely: Andrew Emeal b. Oct. 19. 1894; Rollen b. April 19. 1897; Nephi b. July 3, 1899; Calvin b. Oct. 2, 1901; Hug-hie and Drewie (twins) b. Dec. 31, 1903; William G. B. b. Nov. 12, 1906: Hans Frederik b. March 23. 1909; Julia lone b. April 17, 1912. Family home Sunnyside, Utah. Elder. Road supervisor of Emery county 1897; settled at Castle Dale, where he assisted in building roads and irrigation ditches: preparer of miners' safety lamps for mines No. 1 and No. 4 of Utah Fuel Company. CHRISTENSEIV. CASPER (son of Christen Hansen and Bo- letta Marie Mathews). Born Sept. 6. 1837, Trondberg, Dru- ning Lundsog-n, Hjorring amt. Denmark. Came to Utah 1875. Married Maren Christensen Lund 1866. Lyngbysogn, Aal- borg amt. Denmark (daughter of Christian and Johanna Lund, of Terndsup, Lyngby). She was born Aug. 1, 3842, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Johannas. died; Johanna b. Nov. 22, 1868, m. Isaac Allred; Hans C. b. Dec. 28, 1870, m. Elizabeth Christina Williams: Mary b. Jan. 16, 1873. m. Severene Albertsen; Sena b. April 4, 1875, m. John S. Lewis; Annie b. Nov. 14, 1877, m. John P. Nielsen; Bentena Cecila b. Jan. 29, 1881, m. C. T. Williams; Belletta Marie b. Aug. 26, 1883, m. Frank Pettey: Harriette Pauline b. Dec. 17, 1885. Family home Emery, Utah. Married Johannah Maria Larson (Nielsen) Aug. 27, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of John Peter Larson and Annie Ce- cilia Bang, of Isteruttrup. Norsetranderssogn, Denmark). She was born June 16, 1854, and came to Utah 1877. Their children: Bertha Kistina b. June 11, 1891, m. Wilford Ervin Wilson; Minnie b. March 17, 1893, m. Henning Benjamin Ol- sen; Casper b. March 29. 1895: George b. Jan. 31, 1837, d. aged 11 year's. Family home Emery. President high priests' quorum Emery ward: bishop Em- ery ward ten years; ward teacher. Road supervisor ten years. Postmaster at Muddy. School trustee nine years. Farmer, stockraiser and apiarist. CHRISTENSEN, CHRISTEN (son of Christen Christensen and Ane Katrine Lausen of Denmark). Born June 4, 1808, Ostrup, Aalborg, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Madsen company. Married Buletta Sorensen (daughter of Soren Mortensen and Mette Nielsen), who was born Oct. 28, 1816. Their children: Christen b. March 11, 1843, m. Johaner Tomesen Feb. 17, 1867; Soren b. Nov. 1, 1844, m. Karlin Nielsen Feb. 21, 1870; Niels Christian b. Feb. 6, 1847, m. Johaner Tome- sen 1868; Anthony b. Feb. 20, 1849, m. Castine Lovell April 14, 1873; Annie b. April 26, 1851, m. Christian Anderson April 17, 1871; Mette Christene b. 1853; Lauriz'b. 1856. CHRISTENSEN, ANTHONY (son of Christen Christensen and Buletta Sorensen. Born Feb. 20, 1849, Ostrup, Aalborg amt, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Married Castine Lovell April 14, 1873. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Lovell and Annie Gorgenson, former pio- neer 1850, latter Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company). She was born March 6, 1858. Their children: Christian b. March 6, 1874, m. Mary Jacobson Nov. 28, 1897; Annie Mette b. Dec. 17, 1876, m. Joseph Talbot Nov. 24, 1893; John A. b. Aug. 12, 1877, m. Frances E. Horward Nov. 21, 1896: Joseph M. b. June 7, 1880, m. Tillie Surilla Curtis June 24, 1903; Niels H. b. Jan. 23, 1882, m. Josephine Sorenson Feb. 8, 1906; Elizabeth S. b. Aug. 12, 1883, m. Joseph P. Collister May 16, 1907; Edward P. b. March 29, 1885, m. Ida Bennett Sept. 11, 1912; Lorenzo H. b. Jan. 2, 1887; Willard R. b. March 10. 1889; Albert C. b. Sept. 2, 1891; Silva B. b. Nov. 4, 1894; Mary Pearl b. Feb. 26. 1896; Hilda C. b. Sept. 1, 1898; Anthony L. b. March 18, 1904. Family home Oak City, Utah. Member council 3d quorum seventies and became its sen- ior president Feb. 1, 1909; Sunday school superintendent 1888-91; missionary to Denmark 1891-93; home missionary at Scipio in 1906. CHRISTENSEN, FREDERIK. Born in 1824, near Copenha- gen. Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 1862, Capt. Van Cott company. Married Dorthea Sophia Thiessen about 1848 in Denmark. Their children: Anna Sophia b. Nov. 8, 1849, m. James Jen- sen; Soren S. b. 1851, m. Cammila Olsen. First counselor to president of Bear River branch of Box Elder. CHRISTENSEN, HANS (son of Christen Larsen, born Aug. 18, 1805, Gunderup, Hjorring, Denmark and Gjertrud Hans- datter. born Oct. 2, 1808, Rakkeby, Hjorring, Denmark, mar- ried in 1836). He was born Feb. 20, 1840, Rakkeby, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock com- pany. Married Johanne Marie Poulsen Feb. 1, 1863, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of Peder Jensen Poulsen and Sidsel Kathrine Andersen, pioneers Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Madsen company). She was born May 28, 1840 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John b. Nov. 2, 1863, m. Francety Butler July 21, 1898; Joh&nne M. b. Sept. 20. 1865, m. Joseph Ogden March 25, 1885; Joseph H. b. Feb. 11, 1868, m. Emma H. Avery Dec. 1, 1909; Heber C. b. May 11, 1870, m. Annie Peterson April 10, 1901; Emma C. b. Jan. 14, 1872; Laura G. b. Sept. 14, 1873, d. child; Willard M. b. June 26, 1875, d. child: Christian P. b. July 1, 1877, m. Alice Oeden Oct. 8, 1903; Orson F. b. Oct. 6. 1879. m. Josephine Jones O-.t. 10, 1904; William D. b. April 15, 1882, m. Josephine Petersen Nov. 10, 1909. Family resided Milton, Huntsville and Rich- field, Utah. Married Johanne Kathrine Jensen July 17, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Christien and Christine Jensen), who was born June 22, 1857, Fladesogn, Denmark. Their children: Christine M. b. March 14, 1878, d. child; Henry L. b. Nov. 23, 1879; James L. b. Nov. 25, 1881; Clarence H. b. March 11, 1884, m. Clara Filmore Feb. 16, 1910; Leonard B. b. April 11, 1886; Eleanora b. Sept. 25, 1888, died: Arthur O. b. Oct. 24, 1893; Irvin M. b. Feb. 9, 1898. Family home Rlchfleld, Utah. Member high council Sevier stake 1877-1903; missionary to Scandinavia; ward clerk 1st ward Richfield 1877-89; president of the Scandinavia organization of L. D. S. Church at Richfield since 1895. Farmer and mechanic. CHRISTEIVSE1V. JENS MOLLER (son of Christen Andersen and Ane Magrete Jensen). Born Jan. 8. 1846. Hornstrup, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1867, Leonard G. Rice inde- pendent company. Married Ane Kerstlne Zakariesen June 23, 1867. on board ship "Manhattan." She was born Nov. 4, 1841. Their chil- dren: James M. b. Oct. 27, 1868, m. Elizabeth Bradley; Al- fred b. Nov. 16, 1870, m. Dora Hansen; Andrew b. Dec. 20, 1872, died; Maryan b. Feb. 28. 1875; Lorenzo b. June 30, 1877, m. Hilma Carlson; Eleanora b. Jan. 4, 1880 (died), m. Harry York. Married Petra Sophia Andersen Oct. 11, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andreas Anderson and Christina Freder- ika Sorrnscn of Aarhuus, Denmark). She was born May 31, 1868. and came to Utah July 9. 1883. Their children: John Franklin b. Aug. 11, 1886: Anna Cornelia b. June 27, 1888; Rosanna b. Sept. 6, 1890, died; Sadie Orrila b. Aug. 1, 1892; Vivian Miller b. Dec. 21, 1894; Harry Miller b. Aug. 17, 1897; Pearl Luetta b. March 18, 1900; George Milton b. Nov. 28. 1902, died; Vera Leona b. July 14, 1905. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary 1864-67 and 1881-83: presided over Scandina- vian mission 1905-07; secretary and superintendent Sunday school at Moroni; member high council of North San Pete 1874-77; counselor to Bishops E. T. Ashton and J. W. Bond of 15th ward Salt Lake City; counselor in presidency of high priests' quorum Salt Lake stake. Mayor of Moroni three terms; justice of peace. Director Harriman Land & Livestock company: president of J. M. Christensen Produce company. Miner; sheepralser; merchant and farmer. CHRISTENSEN, L,. A. (son of Christen Christensen and Mar- en Andersen). Born Dec. 1, 1843, in Denmark. Came to Utah Jan. 1868. M&rried Sevilla May Nov. 16, 1876, in Utah (daughter of George W. May and Ane Cathrina Kjellerup, former came to Utah 1880, latter 1873, settled at Hyrum). She was born March 11, 1848, and came to Utah 1871. Their children: Andrew Elijah, m. Myrtle Conley; Ezra Christen: Eugenia C.. m. Sidney Alvis; Lev! Alphonso; Albert Seville, d. April 6, 1892. Family resided Bear River City and Newton, Utah. Ordained high priest May 1. 1904, by Samuel Roskelley. Assisted to build railroads in Idaho. CHRISTENSEN, LARS (son of Lars Rasmussen of Denmark). Born 1826, Odense. Denmark. Came to Utah 1861. Married Metta Christensen 1861, Omaha. Neb. (daughter of Soren Christensen of Denmark, pioneer 1861). She was born 1846. Their children: Lars, m. Miss Olsen; Soren X., m. Clara Glazier; Charles, m. Miss Condland; Joseph, m. Miss Andersen; Hyrum: Lena, m. Mr. Bagnall; Hannah, m. Mr. Bagnall; E. R.; Eliza, m. Mr. Allsop. Family home Mount Pleasant, Utah. Seventy; high priest; bishop's counselor. Contractor. Died 1904 Chester, Utah. CHRISTENSEN. SOREN X. (son of Lars and Metta Christen- sen). Born Jan. 29, 1866, at Mount Pleasant. Married Clara Glazier April 30. 1885, Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of Orin and Miranda M. Glazier of Provo, pioneers 1848). She was born March 1866. Their children: Dennis b. May 14, 1886, m. Delia Moore; Earl b. Sept. 24, 1888; Lorus O. b. May 24, 1890, m. Miss Anderson. Family home Salt Lake City. Attorney at law. CHRISTENSEN, LARS CHRISTIAN (son of Christen Christensen, born Nov. 22, 1807, of Llndahl amt, Sjaelland Island, Denmark, and Maren Andersen, born March 27, 1803, of Ugilt amt. Sjaelland). He was born Jan. 30, 1832, Gleen- sholt. Sjaelland. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 80.5 Married Christlane S. Christensen Oct. 13, 1859. Their children: Anton b. Sept. 17, 1860, m. Maren Hansen; Mary L. b. Nov. 14, 1862, m. Chrest Peterson; Emma Margaret b. June 10, 1865, m. Alvin Slander; Lars C. b. April 21, 1868, m. Emilie Jorgrensen; Erastus b. Feb. 24, 1871, m. Emma Larsen; Anna Marie b. Feb. 22, 1873, m. Isaac Burnhope; Orson Lorenzo b. Nov. 21, 1875, d. Sept. 3, 1892. Family home Bear River City, Utah. Bishop's counselor many years. Died Jan. 19, 1903. CHRISTENSEN, LARS NIELS (son of Niels Christiansen, born 1775, Meleby, Frederiksborg-, Denmark, and Ellen Jor- gensen, born Sept. 9, 1792, Evetofte, Frederiksborg, Den- mark, married Oct. 4, 1811). He was born Aug. 11, 1812. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1868, John G. Holman company. Married Maren Kirstena Jorgensen (daughter of Jorgen Nielson and Karen Hansen, married 1817, Craguma, Fred- eriksborg amt). She was born Feb. 3, 1818. Their children: Karen Marie b. Jan. 8, 1853, m. Peter C. Jensen Aug. 16, 1876; Bertha Katrina b. Aug. 1, 1854; Dorthea b. Jan. 21, 1856; Anna C. Jan. 21, 1856; Jeppa J. b. Feb. 26, 1859. Fam- ily resided Brigham City and Newton, Utah. Married Karen Margretta Larson April, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Larson and Karen Petersen, mar- ried 1838 at Meleby, Frederiksborg amt). She was born Jan. 9-, 1839, at Meleby, Denmark. Their children: Lorenzo b. Dec. 1, 1872; Caroline Marie b. Nov. 30, 1875; Elizabeth M. b. Dec. 19, 1876. Presided over Scandinavian organization of Newton ward several years. Died Sept. 10, 1890, Newton, Utah. CHRISTENSEN, LARS PETER (son of Christen Larsen, born Aug. 18, 1805, Vreilev sogn. Hjorring amt, Denmark, and Gjertrud Hansdatter, born Oct. 2, 1808, Rakkeby, Hjor- ring amt). He was born Jan. 17, 1837, Vreilev, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1861, Samuel A. Woolley independent company. Married Anne Marie N. Lee May 16, 1861 (daughter of Christian Nielsen Lee and Inger Magensen, former died 1865, Vreilev sogn, Denmark, latter a pioneer 1866). She was born Oct. 31, 1840, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Peter b. Sept. 25, 1862, m. Isabell D. Young; Christian b. Sept. 3, 1864, d. Oct. 2, 1876; Annie Christina b. Oct. 7, 1866, m. Joseph H. Thurber; Joseph L. b. June 26, 1868, m. Julia Rasmussen; Emma Gjertrud b. Nov. 14, 1870, d. Nov. 20, 1876; Martha b. July 28, 1873, d. Jan. 9, 1877; Sarah b. March 17, 1876, m. H. J. Hansen; Alma b. June 27, 1878, m. Emily F. Moore. Family resided Farmington and North Kayscreek, Utah. Married Ane Marie (Mary) Petersen Sept. 8, 1866, Milton, Utah (daughter of Soren Petersen and Ane Magrethe Bal- tyersen, pioneers Sept. 5, 1863, John F. Sanders company). She was born Dec. 6, 1847, near Aarhuus, Denmark. Their children: George b. July 4, 1867, m. Hannah Eliza Green; Hyrum' S. b. Sept. 26, 1869, m. Elisabet Maria Hansen; Printha Levina b. Oct. 5, 1871, m. M. L. Brown; Ane Elisa b. April 30, 1874, m. John W. Ross; William Wester b. Oct. 7, 1876, m. Minerva Jensen; Maggie Mathilda b. July 10, 1879, m. Hans P. Hansen April 26, 1899; Mary Rebecca b. July 7, 1884, m. John James Barton; Leo Carlos b. Feb. 21, 1887; Chester Hugh b. Oct. 24, 1889. Family resided Milton and Richfleld, Utah. Married Karen J. A. Jacobsen Dec. 13, 1883, Richfield (daughter of Andreas Jacobsen and Helena Larsen, former died 1888, in Denmark, latter came to Utah 1892, and died April 25, 1908). She was born Nov. 27, 1863, Astrup, Den- mark. Their children: Helena b. June 13, 1885, m. R. Albern Allen; Lehi Peter b. Jan. 22, 1887; May Esther b. Dec. 25, 1888; Nephi Wilford b. Sept. 18, 1892; Heber Miller b. May 30, 1894, d. July 18, 1902; Mathew b. May 11, 1899, d. Oct. 26, 1899; Andrew b. May 11, 1899, d. Sept. 23, 1899; Ellen Vilate b. Nov. 23, 1903. Family home Richfleld, Utah. Presided over Milton branch of L. D. S. church ten years; counselor to Charles Peterson at that place; first counselor to Bishop Poul Poulsen of 1st ward 12 years; missionary to Denmark 1881-83, and president of Hjorring and Aalborg branches each one year. Captain in Utah militia. Settled at Milton 1863, and engaged in blacksmithing, farming and sawmilling; furnished ties and timber for U. P. R. R. Moved to Richfleld 1875, and there joined the United Order and was elected a member of the board, and later its president. CHRISTENSEN, NIELS (son of Chresten Andersen, born 1808, Rorbek, Jutland, Denmark, and Matte Marie Ander- sen, born Dec. 5, 1809, Jutland, Denmark). He was born July 11, 1842, Hvilsom, Jutland. Came to Utah 1864, Sharp and Spencer company. Married Ane Marie Nielsen (daughter of Soren Nielsen and Ane Margrete Nielsen, pioneers Aug. 26, 1864). She was born Nov. 2, 1850. Their children: Niels Christian b. April 5, 1868, m. Tomine Marie Thompsen Feb. 26, 1890; Margaret Mariane b. May 6, 1870, m. Anton Nielsen Nov. 11, 1889; Ephraim Erastus b. Feb. 24, 1872, d. Nov. 22, 1894; Joseph Hyrum b. June 2, 1874, m. Hannah Thompsen 1898; Andrew Burten b. Oct. 27, 1876, m. Martine Mickelsen May 6, 1896; Delsine Eleonore b. Dec. 4, 1878, d. March 31, 1892; Dianthe Sophia b. Jan. 9, 1881, d. July 2, 1896; Peter Rudolph b. Nov. 25, 1883; James Marion b. March 24, 1886, m. Dor- thelle Hansen June 29, 1910; John Precious b. Aug. 12, 1888, d. 1888. Family home Salina, Utah. High priest. Farmer and blacksmith. CHRISTENSEN, NIELS CHRISTIAN (son of Niels Chris- tensen and Ane Maria Nielsen). Born April 5, 1868, Ephraim, Utah. Married Tomine Marie Thompsen Feb. 26, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of Lars Peter and Kirsten Thompsen), who was born Dec. 23, 1869, Vendsyssel, Denmark. Their children: Niels Edward b. Jan. 4, 1891; James b. Feb 1893- Tomine b. Sept. 1895; Walter b. Aug. 1898; Irene b. 1901: Ephraim b. 1907. Family home Salina, Utah Elder. Miner; train repairer. CHRISTENSEN, NIELS (son of Christen Nielsen and Anne Marie Johansen of Stabrand, Randers amt, Denmark). Born Dec. 11, 1816, Stabrand, Denmark. Came to Utah 1860 Married Christine . Their children: Christian b. 1843, m. Karen ; Christen b. 1845, m. Mina Peter- sen; Anna Marie b. 1847; Niels b. 1849, m. Anna Petersen. Family home Stabrand, Denmark. Married Christine Johansen, who was born in Denmark. Their children; Joseph; Sophia b. Dec. 17, 1862, m. Lars Sorensen; Dorthe Christiane b. Aug. 8, 1864, m. Joseph Bar- stow; Samuel b. 1866; John b. 1868. Married Christene Andersen Nov. 7, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Anders Larsen and Kristen Petersen), who was born Oct. 28, 1843, in Denmark. Their children: An- drew b. May 23, 1865, m. Aldine C. Wilson 1889; Mary Anne Christene b. Sept. 2, 1867, m. Joseph J. Jensen 1889; Ezra b. July 18, 1869, m. May Killian 1900; Heber b. Aug. 25, 1871, m. Emma Nielson 1897; Joseph b. March 19, 1873; Hyrum b. Dec. 25, 1875, m. Lucy C. Wilson 1899; Nephi Levi b. Nov. 21, 1877; Wilford M. b. Oct. 24, 1879, m. Harriet Birdie Bates Oct. 11, 1904; Orsen b. May 14, 1891. Family resided Hyrum, Utah. High priest. CHRISTENSEN, WILFORD M. (son of Niels Christensen and Christene Andersen). Born Oct. 24, 1879, at Hyrum. Married Harriet Birdie Bates Oct. 11, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ormes Eaton Bates and Augusta Eleason, pioneers 1862-63 respectively). She was born Dec. 8, 1886, Hyrum, Utah. Their children: Leatha b. Sept. 7, 1905; Harriet Lorrain b. May 11, 1907; Alice Augusta b. April 24, 1909; Genevieve Christene b. April 24, 1911. Family home Goshen, Bingham county, Idaho. Missionary to Copenhagen 1900-03; member high council Blackfoot stake 1904; bishop Goshen ward 1906. CHRISTENSEN, NEILS C. Born Feb. 6, 1832, Taars parish, Hjorring amt, Denmark. Came to Utah 1862. Married Bertie Marie Sornson Nov. 11, 1853, in Denmark (daughter of Hans Sornson). Their children: Mary Ann, m. Carl C. Johnson; Hannah M., m. Joseph Newbold. Family home Smithfleld, Utah. Member 64th quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark; high priest; high councilor; Sunday school superintendent. Farmer. Died April, 1898, Lyman, Idaho. CHRISTENSEN, PETER (son of Christian and Annie Cath- aline Christensen). Born Aug. 26, 1833, Jutland, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1860. Married Sophia M. Christensen 1852, North Bend, Utah (daughter of Christian Christensen and Ana Sophia Soren- sen of Orep, Copenhagen, Denmark, pioneers 1860). She was born March 10, 1833. Their children: John Andrew; Parley Parker; Arthur Eugene, m. Christina Johnson; El- nora Blythe, m. John Russell Lamiman; Florence Matilda; Lawrence Adolfus; Ester Sophia, m. Thur Cronholm. Fam- ily home Newton, Utah. County commissioner and postmaster many years. . Farmer. CHRISTENSEN, PARLEY PARKER (son of Peter and Sophia M. Christensen). Born July 19, 1869, Weston, Idaho. County superintendent schools two terms in Tooele county first city attorney of Grantsville; secretary consti- tutional convention of Utah; Salt Lake county attorney. Attorney-at-law. CHHISTENSEN, PETER CHRISTEN (son of Christen Niel- sen and Maren Andersen). Born June 8, 1830, Asaa, Hjor- ring, Denmark. Came to Utah 1861. Married Ane Kirstine Larsen 1849 in Denmark (daugh- ter of Lars Sorensen and Bendine Rasmussen), who was born June 27, 1827. Their children: Ane Bendine, Cecelii Marie and Jens, died; Niels Christen, m. Elmyra Matilda Bunce, m. Hannah Bunderson; Larsine Bendine, m. <- ten R. Nielsen; Joseph T. C., died; Hyrum, m. Ingra t-reger- son, m. Elsena Sorensen; Peter, m. Laura Luella Bunce. Family home Mayfleld, Utah. Member 65th quorum seventies; high Priest; ward teacher, missionary to Denmark 1872-74, and presided over Aalborg conference; again 1891-93, and 1895-97. First lieutenant to Warren S. Snow in Black Hawk Indian war. Mail carrier; farmer and sheepraiser. Died Nov. 24, 1908, Mayfleld, Utah. CHRISTENSEN, PETER (son of Peter Christen Christensen and Ane Kirstine Larsen). Born July 29. 1869, Manti, Utah. Married Laura Luella Bunce Aug. 9, 1888, Manti (daugh- ter of Lewis DeMott Bunce, born Sept. 29, 1827, Wolcott, 806 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Wayne county, N. T., and Elmyra Vorhees. born June 30, 1834, Hamilton county, Ohio, both of Wolcott, N. Y., pioneers 1852). She was born Sept. 8, 1870, Parowan, Utah. President 149th quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1896-98; assistant Sunday school superintendent Emery stake. President Emery town board; school trustee 1904- 08. Farmer. CHRISTENSEN, RASMUS (son of Christen Christensen and Meta Rasmussen). Born Sept. 23, 1829, Aalborg, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, John Forsgren company. Married Priscilla V. Mitchell (daughter of Hezeklah Mitchell and Sarah Malison), who was born Oct. 19, 1839, and came to Utah Sept. 29, 1864, James Brown company. Only child: Rasmus H. b. May 23, 1868, m. Nancy Melvina Ben- nett Sept. 19, 1889. CHRISTENSEN, RASMUS H. (son of Rasmus Christensen and Priscilla V. Mitchell). Born May 23, 1868, Huntsville, Utah. Married Nancy Melvina Bennett Sept. 19, 1889, Hooper, Utah (daughter of George Bennett and Nancy Melvina Tay- lor, former a pioneer 1852, Warren Snow company, latter 1848, Allen Taylor company). She was born In 1873, at Harmony, Utah. Their children: Nancy Elvira b. June 29, 1890, m. J. Edwin Thompson Oct. 5, 1910; Ethel Lovisa b. Dec. 28, 1891; Myrtle Chestina b. Nov. 25, 1893; Edsel Heze- kiah b. Nov. 4, 1895; Irene Pearl b. Dec. 1, 1897; Wilford George b. June 30, 1900; Afton Priscilla b. July 18, 1902; Cora Naomi b. April 11, 1904; Clarence Earl b. May 27, 1906; Clover Bennett b. April 21, 1908; William Harvey b. July 10, 1911, d. same day. Family home Downey, Idaho. Farmer and stockratser. City (daughter of Jens Jensen and Mette Johannah Mad- sen), who was born July 26, 1812, Tors Hjorring, Denmark, and came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Elsa Margrette Larsen Jan. 15, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Larsen), who was born June 18, 1850, Stuberup, Falster, Denmark. Their children: Ephraim Julius b. Oct. 14, 1870; Juleanna b. Dec. 23, 1873, m. Alfred Lund; Kirstena b. March 8, 1875, m. Christian Sorensen; Al- bert J. b. May 31, 1878, m. Ellis Baxter; Mena b. Sept- 1, 1880; Ella b. Oct. 17, 1883, m. Nels Greagersen Dec. 17, 1901; Caroline b. Oct. 23, 1886, m. Leonard Sorensen Dec. 11, 1907. Family resided Ephraim and Mayfield, Utah. President seventies at Ephraim, Utah. Farmer and cooper. CHRISTIANSON, FREDERICK JULIUS, JR. (son of Fred- erick Julius Chrlstianson and Kirstena Marie Anderson). Born Aug. 7, 1859, Ephraim, Utah. Married Margrett M. Poulson June 17, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Poulson and Chrlstena Christensen, who came to Utah Sept. 1877). She was born March 2, 1862, Voxlev, Denmark. Their children: Margrett Amelia b. Nov. 8, 1881, m. Louis D. Larsen Jan. 8, 1902; Myrtle Chris- tena b. May 21, 1884; Frederick Arthur b. Dec. 12, 1885, m. Daisy G. Jensen Nov. 14, 1906; Alice Eveline b. Dec. 2. 1887; Ernest Milton b. Jan. 24, 1889; Russell Wilford b. Dec. 1, 1890; Cleveland Julius b. Nov. 9, 1892; Angus James b. Aug. 8, 1897; Orson Lorenzo b. May 28, 1899; Eva b. March 1, 1901; Reed Smoot b. Nov. 24, 1902; Stanley b. June 25, 1906. Fam- ily home Mayfield, Utah. Bishop's counselor at Mayfield 1896-03; President elders' quorum five years 1888-93; missionary to northwestern states 1894-96; Sunday school superintendent at Mayfleld. Constable; member Mayfield town board. Farmer. CHRISTIANSEN, CHRISTIAN PETER (son of Christian Larsen and Ingeborah Kirstine Nielson). Born Aug. 18, 1838, Norre Sundby, Hjorring amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock company. Married Kirstine Marie Murman Sept. 28, 1856 (daughter of Abraham Godfred Murman and Karen Marie Sltaksen), who was born May 30, 1838, and came to Utah with hus- band. Their children: Caroline b. April 7, 1857, m. Hyrum S. Washburn; Godfred Abraham Murman b. Sept. 14, 1861, m. Lydia Diggelman Nov. 20, 1885; Peter b. Dec. 13, 1865, m. Edna Adams 1903. Family resided San Pete and Sevler counties, Utah. Married Caroline Nazer July 8, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Rudolph Nazer and Mary Ann Gonsour, pio- neers Oct. 31, 1862, William H. Dame company). She was born Oct. 24, 1844, Zurich, Switzerland. Their children: Caroline Amelia b. Jan. 3, 1867, d. Oct. 7, 1867; Christina Maria b. Nov. 19, 1869, m. Lyman J. Collings; Martha Roselia b. Oct. 9, 1871, m. Erastus Johnson; Josephine Ingebar b. Oct. 13, 1873, m. D. Arthur Keeler; Hyrum Robert b. Dec. 16, 1875; Wilford Rudolph b. April 5, 1878, d. infant; Mary Lorena b. Sept. 20, 1879, m. Hyrum S. Johnson; Orson Christian, b. March, 1881, d. infant; Emma Geneva b. Dec. 25, 1883. Fam- ily home Monroe, Utah. Married Inger Maria Christensen at Salt Lake City (daughter of Christen Neilson and Inger Maria Tompson), who was born Feb. 9, 1846, in Denmark. Only child: Carrie Torena (adopted) b. Oct. 19, 1889, m. Hillary Larsen Nov. 23, 1910. Married Mary Magdalena Messerly May 29, 1878, St. George, Utah (daughter of Jacob Messerly and Magdalena SIgrlst), who was born Sept. 14, 1862, Wattenwyl, Bern, Switzerland. Their childrtn: Laura Magdalena b. July 24, 1884, d. infant; Bertha Eliza b. July 7, 1886; Harrold b. July 18, 1888; Mary Sarah b. Aug. 4, 1889, latter three died; Bert Marlon, b. April 12, 1892; Nephl Jacob b. April 21, 1894, died; John Taylor b. Dec. 12, 18U6; Wilford Owen b. Feb. 23, 1899; Heber Joseph b. May 5, 1M01; Clara b. March 23, 1908. Family home Monroe, Utah. President high priests' quorum at Monroe. Settled In San Pete county 1861; moved to Salina, then to Richfield and back to Monroe, Sevler county. Indian war veteran. CHRISTIANSON, FREDERICK JULIUS (son of Christian Frederickson, born June 6, 1803, Hjorring, Denmark, and Marren Christensen, born July 14, 1803, Ruberg, Hjorring, married Nov. 4, 1825). He was born Dec. 25, 1826, Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856, Knud Peterson com- pany. Married Kirstena Marie Anderson Jan. 13, 1856, Taars, Hjorring, Denmark (daughter of Anders Anderson and Mary Anna Nielsen, pioneers Oct. 1859). She was born Oct. 15, 1838, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Johannah Maria b. Sept. 29, 1857, m. Magnus Abilin March 15, 1875; Frederick Julius b. Aug. 7, 1859, m. Margrett M. Poulson June 17, 1880; Joseph b. May 10, 1861. m. Karren Mariah Jensen; Andrew Christian b. May 18, 1864, m. Anna Mariah Jensen Jan. 11, 1889; Mariah b. May 6, 1866; Mary b. June 28, 1869, m. Martin C. Jensen July 18, 1886; Hyrum Julius b. May 1, 1871, m. Hannah Mickelsen Nov. 11, 1892; Elizabeth b. May 3, 1873, m. Christian R. Christensen Oct. 6, 1892; Brigham Julius b. March 27, 1876, m. Loa Sanders; Erastus Julius b. Feb. 17, 1878, m. Kathrine Christiansen Aug. 2, 1911; Orson J. b. Dec. 14, 1879, m. Nora Andersen Oct. 23, 1901; John J. b. Aug. 28, 1882, m. Mary Jorgensen Sept. 6, 1909. Family resided Ephraim and Mayfleld, Utah. Married Kirsten Maria Jensen July 16, 1864, Salt Lake CHRISTIANSEN, MADS. Born 1786, at Jutland, Denmark. Came to Utah 1862, oxteam company. Married Annie Christena Halesen In Denmark, who was born 1810. Their children: Soren; Christian; Caroline, m. Soren Nielsen; Johanna Marie, m. Lars Jacobsen. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. Farmer. Died 1878, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. CHRISTIANSEN, SOREN (son of Christian Rudolph Phillip Jensen and Anne Johanna Rasmussen). Born Dec. 26, 1830, Aarhus amt, Denmark. Married Caroline Theodora Loft 1854, In Denmark (daughter of Mikkel Christensen Loft and Anna Marie Niel- son, who came to Utah 1873). She was born July 6, 1836, In Denmark. Their children: Christian John b. April 17, 1855, m. Ellen Jane Oldroyd 1876; Maria Mlkkellne b. Sept. 29, 1856, m. Lars Nielson 1871. Family home Fountain Green, Utah. President high priests quorum; ward teacher; Sunday school treasurer and librarian. Home guard In Nauvoo Legion. School trustee. CHRISTIANSEN, CHRISTIAN J. (son of Soren Christiansen and Caroline Theodora Loft). Born April 17, 1855, In Denmark. Married Ellen Jane Oldroyd May 29, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Oldroyd and Katherine Micklejohn; former came to Utah 1850, latter 1851). She was born Nov. 8, 1856, Ephraim, Utah. Their children: Christian T. b. Aug. 10, 1878, m. Estelle E. Cook 1898; Peter M. b. March 29, 1880; Agnes M. b. Nov. 8, 1881, m. James W. Chrestensen 1910; Ellen Jane b. April 1, 1885, m. Eugene Ivory Oct. 22, 1911; Soren A. b. Sept. 19. 1886; Archibald L. b. Oct. 8, 1888; Roy O. b. Jan. 29, 1892; Katherine J. b. Oct. 4, 1895; Leah B. b. Nov. 7, 1897; Joseph R. b. Sept. 26, 1898; John Eldon b. Feb. 27, 1901. Family home Fountain Grein, Utah. Sunday school superintendent; bishop; ward teacher. Band member. Town trustee. CHRISTOPHERSON, MARTIN (son of Christopher Pedersen and Kllen Hansen). Born April 13, 1850, Lornnedalen Bar- urn, Norway. Came to Utah July 1871. Married Jennett Farquhar Ledlngham Dec. 27, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander Morris Ledingham and Jennett Farquhar of Edinburgh, Scotland, former a pioneer Sept. 24, 1866, Capt. Watson company). She was born June 14, 1857. Their children: Martin E., m. Dagmar Mariger; Willard, m. Effle Askim; Victor, m. Bertha Bishop; Jessie, m. Traup Rigby; Ella, m. Carl Burton; Walter; Norma, m. Daniel Maskey; Alvin; Edna. Family home Salt Lake City. President Scandinavian mission; missionary in Norway 1870-71; and to Norway 1883-85; hish priest in Granite stake. County commissioner 1894-95. Nurseryman and landscape gardener. CHUGG, MORONI (son of John Chugg, born March 19. 1819, West Down, Devonshire, Eng., and Hannah Lee, born Oct. 23, 1846, East Mersey, Essex, Eng.). He was born Jan. 23, 1879, Harrisville, Utah. Married Ida Taylor Jan. 23, 1901, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William A. Taylor and Philomela Lake, of Harris- ville). She was born Jan. 3, 1881. Their children: Moroni Orii b. Nov. 16, 1901, d. Dec. 14, 1901; Karl Willis b. June 11, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 807 1903; Leila Ida b. Dec. 17, 1904; Zola Philomela b. Feb. 26, 1907; John Andrew b. June 15, 1908; Melburne David b. Feb. 20, 1910; Oretta Hannah b. Oct. 13, 1912. Family home Farr- West, Utah. Sunday school worker; member presidency T. M. M. I. A., and president 1908-09; ward clerk 1902-09; ordained seventy March 3, 1904, and later president of GOth quorum; or- dained high priest Aug. 2, 1908, and alternate member high council of North Weber stake; bishop of Farr-West ward. Walter Lindsay and Elizabeth Burt of Eden, Utah, pio- neers 1862, William Brunson company). She was born Feb. 23, 1869. Their children: Walter A. b. Nov. 16, 1889, m. Zennia E. Hill; John W. b. June 15, 1891; Parley J. b. Aug. 19, 1893; Lillias b. Aug. 1, 1895. Family home Liberty, Utah. High priest. Farmer. CHITGG, WILLIAM (son of Philip Chugg, born at Caermar- then, Wales, and Johanna Stamberry, born at North Molton, Eng., married at West Down, Eng.). He was born Nov. 25, 1830, West Down. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1862, Joseph W. Young- company. Married Mary Mitchell (daughter of John Mitchell and Mary Higgins), who was born in May, 1838, and came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company. Their children: Sylvia Ann b. Dec. 15, 1864, m. Alfred B. Crabtree Dec. 18, 1884; William John b. Aug. 23, 1866, m. Bertha Zollinger Jan. 9, 1889; Mary Ann b. Oct. 31, 1868, d. Jan. 1881; Jane b. April 15, 1871, d. Sept. 15, 1871; Eliza- beth b. Dec. 7, 1872, d. June 27, 1874; Parley Edward b. Oct. 7, 1876, m. Rosa Rindlishbacher June 12, 1902, died Aug. 8, 1902. Family home Providence, Utah. Married Eliza Frederick June 4, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Arnold Jacob Frederick and Elizabeth Enz, married June 22, 1866, Muelheim, Switzerland, and came to Utah 1870). She was born April 21, 1857, Muelheim, Switzer- land. Their children: Willard Hyrum b. Feb. 20, 1881, m. Mary Josephine Rose March 4, 1908; Alvin Frederick b. April 2, 1882, d. Sept 17, 1883; Ezra Albert b. Feb. 8, 1884, m. Lunetta Russon June 23, 1909; Nora Elizabeth b. Nov. 25, 1885, m. Auguste John Bissegger March 11, 1901, Na- thaniel Benjamin b. Aug. 8, 1888; Mabel Eliza b. July 19, 1896. High priest. Settled at Salt Lake City 1862, and acted as miller at Snider and Pugsley flour mills until 1866; moved to Cache valley and worked for Benson and Thatcher flour mills 1864-84; miller Box Elder mills 1884-86; miller One'.da mills 1888-91; miller South Cache milling company 1903-10. School trustee at Providence three years. CHUGG, WILLIAM JOHN (son of William Chugg and Mary Mitchell). Born Aug. 23, 1865, Salt Lake City. Married Bertha Zollinger Jan. 9, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of Ferdinand Zollinger and Louisa Meier, pio- neers Oct. 1862. Capt. Davis company). She was born Aug. 3, 1867, Providence, Utah. Their children: William Duard b. Oct. 2 1889; Retta Irene b. July 6, 1892, m. Newell Mathews Oct. 11, 1911; Gladys May b. April 6, 1895; Pearl Mitchell b. Sept. 13, 1897; Venna Bertha b. March 30, 1900; Leroy Ed- ward b. July 8, 1902; Melvin Zollinger b. Aug. 1, 1904; Marion Byron b. May 11, 1907; Emma Louise b. Aug. 27, 1909. Fam- ily home Providence, Utah. CHURCH, HADEN WELLS (son of Abraham Church of Hick- man county, Tenn.). Born Aug. 29, 1817, Franklin, Wil- liamson county, Tenn. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Sarah Ann Arterbery April, 1843 (daughter of Elias Arterbery and Matilda Wallace), who was born May 4, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Hyrum Smith b. March 9, 1846, m. Melissa Elmer; Haden Wells b. Sept. 8, 1848, m. Clara Jane Randall Jan. 9, 1877; Abraham A. b. Feb. 26, 1854, m. Martha Ellen Alger; Paralee A. b. July 8, 1857, m. William Miles May 25, 1874; Robert R. b. Oct. 29, 1859, m. Charlotte Tolbert. Family resided Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah. Married Catherine Gardner 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Gardner), who was born in England. Member Co. B, Mormon Battalion; missionary abroad and died in mission field. CHURCH, HADEN WELLS (son of Haden Wells Church and Sarah Ann Arterbery). Born Sept. 8, 1848. Salt Lake City. Married Clara Jane Randall Jan. 9, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Joseph Randall), who was born Feb. 23, 1860, Spanish Fork, Utah. Their children: Sarah Ann b. April 11, 1878; Haden Wells b. Jan. 29, 1880, m. Clara Robison Jan. 29, 1902. Family home St. George, Utah. Married Violet J. Pendleton June 28, 1883 (daughter of Benjamin F. Pendleton and Alice Jeffery). Their children: Mannettie b. Aug. 27, 1884; John Henry b. Jan. 5, 1887; Clara Jane b. June 10, 1889; Alice b. Jan. 11, 1892; Josephine b. Oct. 3, 1894; Vernon b. Nov. 9, 1896; Earl b. Jan. 19, 1899; Violet b. Dec. 17, 1901; Roma b. Sept. 29, 1906. CHURCH, HADEN WELLS (son of Haden Wells Church and Clara Jane Randall). Born Jan. 29, 1880, St. George, Utah. Married Clara Robison Jan. 29, 1902 (daughter of Joseph M. Robison, born March 29, 1852, Fillmore, Utah, and Sarah L. Staples, born Jan. 18, 1858, Lehi, Utah, pioneers 1852 and 1858 respectively). She was born Feb. 23, 1882, Kanosh, Utah. Their children: Wells Robison b. Aug. 2, 1903; Joseph Willard b. April 11, 1906; Delia b. June 21, 1909; Willmer Haden b. Sept. 13, 1912. CLARK, BENJAMIN THOMAS (son of Thomas Benjamin Clark and Elizabeth Bell of Cambridge, Cambridgeshire Eng.). Born Feb. 20. 1799 at Cambridge, Eng-. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Ann Shuker Sept. 24, 1819, Cambridge, Eng who was born June 19, 1800. Their children: Thomas B., m. Sarah Neil; Joseph John, m. Maria Leach; Elizabeth, m. George Handley; Ann, m. Joseph Clark; Frances, m. James Strat- ton; Charles Jonas, m. Elizabeth Toladay; Martha, m. Wil- liam Howard; William, m. Frances Davis; Benjamin T. m Mary Hughes, m. Mary E. Ballard; Susanah, d. infant; Su- sanah, m. David King; Caroline, m. James Briggs. Married Ann Southwell May 25, 1850, Cambridge, Eng. (daughter of Charles Southwell and Sarah Freestone of Cambridge, Eng.), who was born Sept. 18. 1815. Their chil- dren: Lorenzo S., m. Mary Rachel Wagstaff; Heber Abra- ham; Ellen, m. Robert Siddoway. Married Ruth Butterworth Briggs June 28, 1857, Salt Lake City, who was born April 23, 1817. Only child: Alice, d. child. Married Martha Larkins March 3, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Larkins and Ellen Spicer of Cambridge Eng.), who was born April 15, 1822. Families resided at Salt Lake City. Elder; high priest. Home builder; farmer; stockraiser Died Sept. 4, 1867, at Salt Lake City. CLARK, LORENZO SOUTHWELL (son of Benjamin Thomas Clark and Ann Southwell). Born May 14, 1852, Cambridge Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock com- pany. Married Mary Rachel Wagstaff Aug. 17, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Wagstaff of Caldicote, Bedford- shire, Eng., and Maria Stuffs of Birmingham, Warwickshire, Eng.). She was born March 31, 1855. Their children: Lor- enzo N. b. Aug. 4, 1875, m. Ada S. Sanford; Maria Ann b. Nov. 10, 1876, m. Don Carlos Kimball; Matilda Jane b. Oct. 30, 1878, m. Frederick C. Sanford; Mary Ellen, b. March 19, 1880, m. Walter Romney; William W. b. Aug. 13, 1881, died" Benjamin T. b. May 1, 1884, m. Nathala V. Jones; Cyrus No- ble, d. infant. Family home Salt Lake City. Member fourth quorum seventies; missionary to southern states. Constable; justice of peace. Music teacher; build- er; contractor. CLARK, EVAN O. (son of Osborn M. Clark, born July 27, 1855, Porter, Ohio, and Ida Catherine Cripps, born July 14, 1861, Bidwell, Ohio; married Nov. 1, 1876, Porter. Ohio). He was born Sept. 26, 1877, Addison, Gallia Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Feb. 13, 1899, independent company. Married Mary L. Jones Oct. 30, 1897 (daughter of John L. Jones and Mary Susan Brightmell), who was born June 18, 1876. Their children: Ida Leona b. Aug. 30, 1898; Effle Susan b. Jan. 29, 1901; Evan Oscar b. March 14, 1903; Alice Melissa b. March 1, 1908; Virgie Opal b. March 30, 1910. President Y. M. M. I. A. 1903-04; counselor in bishopric of Merran ward 1904-11; bishop Merran ward. City councilman at Merran 1907-08. CLARK, ANDREW A. (son of John Clark and Lilllas Barber). Born Oct. 5, 1852, near Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah fall of 1853. Married Mary Alice Lindsay, Logan, Utah (daughter of CLARK, EZRA T. (son of Timothy B. Clark and Polly Keeler). Born Nov. 23, 1823, in Illinois. Came to Utah In 1848. Married Mary Stevenson May, 1845, who was born at Gib- raltar, Spain, at the entrance to the Mediterranean, August 9. 1825. Their children: Ezra James, d. July 14, 1868; Timothy B., m. Lucy A. Rice; Mary Elizabeth, m. Joseph E. Robinson; William H., d. infant; Joseph S., m. Lucy Maria Robinson; Hyrum D. C., m. Eliza Porter; Edward B., m. Wealthea Richards; m. Alice Randall; Charles R., m. Mary Emma Woolley; m. Annie Waldron; V/ilford W., m. Pa- melia Dunn; Amasa L., m. Alice Steed (died); m. Susie Dun- can; David P., d. infant. Married Susan Leggett 1861 (daughter of William Leggett and Sarah Howe of Salt Lake City). She was born in Eng- land Aug. 25, 1838 and died Nov. 4, 1902. Their children: Seymour T.; Annie, m. Joseph Marlon Tanner; Sarah, m. B. F. Knowlton, Jr.; Alice, m. Walter W. Steed; John A.; Eugene H., m. Sarah Ann Sessions; Nathan G., m. Esther Ford; Marion; Laura, m. Mark Cook; Horace W., m. Janette Benzon. Married Nancy A. Porter Stevenson. Spent winters of 1848-50 In North Canyon, southeast of Bountiful, and built a log cabin on his farm in Farmington, a few yards northwest of the present O. S. L. R. R. depot building. Moved into the cabin April 3, 1850. Mission- ary to Great Britain; to the States with Edward Steven- son and Nathan T. Porter; to Oregon with Alonzo Hyde; one of the presidents of 40th quorum seventies; high coun- cilor; patriarch. Assisted in settling the Soda Springs coun- try by locating at Georgetown; hauled the first load of tim- ber with which to locate on land at Georgetown; built flour mill at Morgan; treasurer of Davis County; one of the organizers and president of the Davis County Bank. Died Oct. 17, 1901, at Farmington, Utah. 808 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH CLARK, TIMOTHY BALDWIN (son of Ezra Thompson Clark and Mary Stevenson). Born Nov. 23, . Married Lucy A. Rice Nov. 23, 1867, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William K. Rice and Lucy Witter Gees, pioneers Sept. 29, 1S47, Edward Hunter company). She was born March 5, 1850, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Ezra Timothy b. May 1, 1869, d. Aug. 10, 1870; Lucy Evaline b. Jan. 14, 1871, m. Oliver S. Wilcox Nov. 23, 1892; Mary Elizabeth b. March 13, 1873, m. Orlando Barrus; William Joseph b. Jan. 12, 1875, d. Dec. 5, 1876; Zina Alice b. Feb. 22, 1877, d. May, 1879; Clara Maria b. Oct. 20, 1879, m. Edward Norr Feb. 24, 1908; Louisa Aurelia b. Sept. 28, 1881; Minerva Aurelia (twin of Louisa Aurelia); Ellen b. July 29, 1883, m. Martin Hender- son June 14, 1905; George Amasa b. July 28, 1885, m. Eunice Thompson Sept. 15, 1910; Lera b. Feb. 7, 1887, m. Raymond Maughn Sept. 18, 1909. CLARK, JOSEPH SMITH (son of Ezra T. Clark and Mary Stevenson). Born March 21, 1854, Farmington, Utah. Married Lucy Maria Robinson Jan. 17, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Oliver L. Robinson and Lucy Miller of Farm- ington), who was born Nov. 22, 1856. Their children: Lucy A, b. Oct. 1, 1876, m. William O. Robinson; Joseph S., Jr., b. Aug. 30, 1878, m. Mary L. Spencer May 10, 1906; Ezra T. b. Oct. 16, 1881, m. Margaret Jones; Ora Weltha b. Sept. 26, 1886, d. May 3, 1890; Mary b. Jan. 7, 1889, d. July 12, 1891; Oliver R. b. Sept. 16, 1891; LeRoy R. b. Nov. 16, 1894; Iris and Irvin B. b. May 13, 1898. Family home Farmington. Missionary to southern states 1882-84; member 74th quo- rum seventies. First banker in Davies county; farmer. CLARK, JOSEPH SMITH, JR. (son of Joseph Smith Clark and Lucy M. Robinson). Born Aug. 30, 1878, at Farming- ton. Married Mary L. Spencer May 10, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Spencer and Mary E. Burmingham of Bountiful, Utah), who was born Jan. 24, 1885. Their chil- dren: LaVerne b. July 11, 1907; Nedra b. Oct. 13, 1910. Missionary to England 1901-04; member 56th quorum sev- enties; bishop of Fielding ward Oct. 14, 1906, to date. Farmer. CLARK, WILFORD W. (son of Ezra T. Clark and Mary Stevenson). Born Feb. 2, 1863, Farmington, Utah. Married Pamelia Dunn July 22, 1885, at Logan, Utah (daughter of John Dunn and Julia Ann McGuire of Plain City, Utah, and Bennington, Idaho, pioneers 1852). She was born April 4, 1863. Their children: W. Woodruff b. May 24, 1886, m. Ethel Cook; William O. b. July 17, 1887; Vera b. Sept. 13, 1888; Royal D. b. March 27, 1892, m. Mary E. Mum- ford; Ernest; Elmer R. ; Homer b. April 4, 1898; Howard (twin of Homer); Russell b. Nov. 19, 1900; Legrand b. April 24, 1903; Leora b. April 27, 1907. Bishop's counselor Georgetown 1891-93; bishop Mont- pelier Ward 1893-1912; high councilor and president of the high priests quorum of the Bear Lake Stake. Member of Idaho house of representatives in the state legislature 1895- 96, and of the senate 1903-04. Farmer and stockraiser. CLARK, CHARLES RICH (son of Ezra T. Clark and Mary Stevenson). Born April 1, 1861, Farmington, Utah. Married Mary Emma Woolley June 28, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of John W. Woolley and Julia Searle Ensign, former pioneer 1848, latter of Sept. 1847). She was born Jan. 31, 1862, Salt Lake City. Their children: Marion Charles b. April 4, 1884, m. Ella Shepherd June 14, 1907; Vernon John b. Aug. 27, 1888; Marvin Ezra b. Dec. 13, 1890; Carl Razel b. Jan. 31, 1895; Newell Sirls b. April 25, 1896; Marie b. March 4, 1899; Julia b. July 22, 1902. Family re- sided at Farmington and Morgan, Utah, and Georgetown, Idaho. Married Ann Elizabeth Waldron. Their children: Wal- lace R. b. Oct. 6, 1887; Lawrence W. b. Aug. 27, 1889; Gladys W.; Lela W.; Ella W.; Carlos; Myral G. Family home Mor- gan, Utah. Traveling elder in Virginia 1891-1903; bishop's counselor; student Brigham Young university; normal graduate from University of Utah 1880. School teacher at Centerville, Mor- gan, Richville, and Minersville, Utah; Auburn, Wyo., and Georgetown, Idaho. Member Morgan city council; justice of the peace at Morgan. Sergeant under Capt. Wadsworth in Utah militia. CLARK, MARION CHARLES (son of Charles Rich Clark and Mary Emma Woolley). Born April 4, 1884, Georgetown, Idaho. Married Ella Shepherd June 14, 1907 (daughter of L. Tracy Shepherd and Sarah Clifton, former came to Utah 1877, lat- ter 1863). She was born Sept. 5, 1886, Paris, Idaho. Their children: Ellsworth Marion b. Jan. 25, 1908; Hazel C. b. Aug. 10. 1909; Helen C. b. April 21, 1911; Clifton Shepherd b. March 7, 1913. Missionary to northern states 1904-1907; president elders' quorum; stake aid in Y. M. M. I. A. of Bear Lake stake; superintendent Sunday school Georgetown 1907. Member city council of Georgetown. Merchant. CLARK, WALLACE RICH (son of Charles R. Clark and Ann Elizabeth Waldron). Born Oct. 6, 1887, Farmington, Utah. Married Jean Boyce Sept. 6, 1911, Salt Lake' City (daugh- ter of John Boyce and Ella Despain of Granite, Utah). She was born April 4, 1890. Only child: Boyce Rich b. July 15, 1912. Member 35th quorum seventies; class leader in Y. M. M. T. A.; member stake superlntendency Sunday school. Farmer. CLARK, GEORGE (son of James Clark and Martha Eng- land of Sommercote, Derbyshire, Eng.). Born July 8, 1826, Sommercote, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Horton D. Haight company. Married Catherine Gascoigne 1850, Sommercote, Eng. (daughter of Jonathan Gascoigne and Charlotte Mountney of Normanton, Derbyshire), who was born Feb. 7, 1828, and died Dec. 9, 1901. Their children: Frederick Charles, m. An- gela Vance; Sarah Ann, m. David McDaniel; Mary Ellen, m. Ewin Okey; Elizabeth, Willard Oliver, George Alfred and James Alvin, died. High priest; president Nottingham branch, England; sup- erintendent Sunday school; block teacher. Mayor of Alpine, Utah, three terms; justice of peace; road supervisor; sexton. Farmer. Died May 26, 1902, Alpine, Utah. CLARK, GEORGE SHEFFER (son of Richard and Elizabeth Ann Clark, descendants of the William Penn settlement, Chester county, Pennsylvania). He was born Nov. 7, 1816, Jefferson county, Ohio. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. His name was inadvertently left off the pioneers' monument in Salt Lake City. Married Susannah Dalley March 20, 1850 (daughter of William Dalley and Ann Davies), who was born Sept. 30, 1830, Leominster, Herefordshire, Eng., and died April 9, 1891, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Their children: Joseph Brig- ham, m. Louisa Pearson; George Heber, m. Lois Adeline Stewart; m. Luna B. Driggs; Susannah Matilda, m. James Evan Gamett; John Franklin, m. Leonia O. Alexander; Wil- liam Edward, m. Cora Melinda Bromley; Hyrum Lorenzo, m. Mary Ellen Ward. Member 13th quorum seventies; bishop north division Utah county 1851; first bishop of Pleasant Grove; missionary to Australia 1856-59, and later to eastern states. Elected pro- bate judge of Utah county 1861. Walker Indian war veteran 1853; member Mormon Battalion, going as far as the Mexi- can line, sent back on sick list and joined the company at Green River, Wyo., arriving at Salt Lake City July 24, 1847. City councilman Pleasant Grove 1867-70. Settled Pleasant Grove Sept. 13, 1850; assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer and merchant. Died Aug. 28, 1901, Pleasant Grove. CLARK, WILLIAM EDWARD (son of George Sheffer Clark and Susannah Dalley). Born Feb. 9, 1864, Pleasant Grove. Married Cora Melinda Bromley June 10, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Michael Bromley and Rosena Sin- gleton of American Fork, Utah, pioneers 1853, Joseph Reyn- olds company). She was born Feb. 28, 1879. Their chil- dren: Melba Rosena b. March 17, 1904; Blanche Susannah b. Nov. 7, 1906; William Edward b. Jan. 24, 1908; Edna b. Nov. 14, 1910; George Bromley b. June 6, 1912. Family home Pleasant Grove. Missionary to England 1896-98; president London confer- ence 1898; president Y. M. M. I. A. Mayor Pleasant Grove 1901-02; justice of the peace 1891-92; city recorder 1893-94- 95. Merchant. CLARK, HARVEY. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Charlea C. Rich company. Married Lois Haws (daughter of Elija Haws and Lois Patton of Illinois, pioneers 1849). Their children: Jason Edward, m. Ann M. Davies; William Wesley, m. May Davies; Esmerelda, m. H. E. Taylor. Family resided Salt Lake City and Payson, Utah. Early settler in Utah county. Went to California by team twice (deceased). CLARK, JASON EDWARD (son of Harvey Clark and Lois Haws). Born Sept. 21, 1862, Salem, Utah. Married Ann M. Davies Dec. 26, 1881, Payson, Utah (daughter of Stanley P. Davies and Susan Fairbanks), who was born Dec. 27, 1863. Their children: Innes b. Oct. 1, 1882, m. Deronda C. Seegmiller; Edward Lee b. Aug. 24, 1884, m. Tillie Cuddeback; Mabel b. Oct. 22, 1886, m. W. A. Shepherd; Mazel b. Oct. 22, 1886, m. Percy Allred; Irma b. April 7, 1889, d. Aug. 18, 1909; Elon b. March 13, 1892, d. infant; Stanley b. Feb. 17, 1891, d. infant; Lelia b. Feb. 14, 1894; Ireta b. June 2, 1896; Ray b. July 24, 1899; La Mar b. Dec. 29, 1901; Harvey b. Oct. 10, 1903; Reed b. Feb. 18, 1905. Family resided Pay- son, Annabella and Richfield, Utah. Director Central Utah Trout Co. at Richfield. Stockraiser. CLARK, ISAAC (son of Robert Clark and Ruth Moore). Born May 7, 1806, Bowling Green, Ky. Came to Utah 1849. Married Diana Herrick. Only child: Isaac L. b. Sept. 10, 1853, m. Romania Shaw. Settled at Ogden, Utah, 1849, and was its first bishop, first postmaster and first probate judge. Died Jan. 24, 1854, at Ogden, Utah. CLARK, ISAAC L. (son of Isaac Clark and Diana Herrick). Born Sept. 10, 1853. Married Romania Shaw at Ogden (daughter of William Shaw and Diana Chase), who was born in that city. Their children: Isaac G., m. Marion Johnson; Ethel R., m. J. B. Foulger; William C.; Jesse A., d. infant; Vera D.; Darrel G. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member high council of Ogden stake. Member city coun- cn 1893-96. President Weber Club one year. President I. L. Clark & Sons Co.; merchant 30 years. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 809 CLARK, ISAAC G. (son of Isaac L. Clark and Romania Shaw). Born Nov. 13, 1878, at Ogden, Utah. Married Marion Johnson. Manager I. L. Clark & Sons company. CLARK, ISRAEL JUSTICE (son of Eli Clark and Mary Smalage of Danville, Steuben county, N. Y.). Born Dec. 25. 1821, Danville, N. T. Came to Utah 1848, John Smith company. Married Emily Jane Pearson 1863, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jesse Pearson, born June 13, 1813, in Georgia, and Mary Ann Brownell, born March 2, 1816, at Ascot, Lewis Co., Canada they lived at Olive, St. Joseph Co., Ind.. rioneers 1847). She was born March 16, 1837. Olive, Ind. Their children: Joseph b. Feb. 20, 1855; Mary Emily b. June 9, 1856. m. William Ricks; Harriet Louisa b. April 2, 1858, m. Ephraim Perks; Helen Cassandra b. Nov. 13, 1859, m. Peter Percy; William Henry b. Jan. 21, 1861, m. Printha Olive Downs; Henrietta Augustine b. Sept. 7, 1862, m. Jerry Hatch; Alice Melvina b. Jan. 8, 1864, m. W. D. Williams; Hannah Elizabeth and Ruth Matilda b. Dec. 13, 1866, died; Seth Benjamin b. Nov. 7, 1867, m. Mary Smith; George Albert b. Nov. 16, 1869, m. Ann McCurdy; Israel Jesse b. Dec. 13, 1871, d. Sept. 13, 1893; Richard James b. Nov. 7. 1873, d. infant; Sarah Jane b. Nov. 7, 1874, d. infant; Rachel Olive b. Feb. 24, 1876; Oliver Hazzard b. Jan. 4, 1877, m. Jane Mecham; Clarissa Antonett b. Nov. 4, 1880, m. George Bonner McCurdy; Martha Geribella b. July 31, 1882, d. infant. Family resided Logan, Farmington and Vernal, Utah. Married Betsey Tuttle. Their children; Jesse Tuttle, m. Margarette Edwards; Cyrus, m. Sarah Jane; James, m. Annie Thompson. Married Louisa Eynon. Their children: Edward, m. Mary Ann; Hyrum, m. Ceseltia; John, m. Theodosia Hatch; Eli, m. Clarinda Ricks; Ross Linda, m. Lafayette Harris. Seventy; missionary among the Indians 1876-78. Indian war veteran. Died September, 1905. Vernal. CLARK, JOHN E. (son of Israel Justice Clark and Louisa Eynon). Born May 22, 1854, Farmington, Utah. Married Theadocia Hatch Oct. 14, 1877, Heber City, Utah (daughter of Jeremiah Hatch and Louisa Alexander of Vernal, Utah), who was born March 10, 1863. Their chil- dren: John Syemour; Theadocia, m. Charles C. Rich, Jr.; Jeremiah Hatch, m. Eliza Timothy; Alvah Justus, m. Nora Mecham; David Harvey. Family home Vernal, Utah. Elder. Farmer. CLARK, JAMES (son of Peter Clark and Catherine Telfer of Douglas, Scotland). Born May 17, 1846, Douglas, Scot- land. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, Daniel Thompson com- pany. Married Annie Osborn March 1, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Allen Osborn and Annie O'Brien of Glasgow, Scotland), who was born March 30, 1842, New London, Can- ada, and came to Utah Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie com- pany. Their children: James b. Nov. 21, 1869, died; Peter O. b. Jan. 14, 1871, m. Julia Lynn; Annie b. July 27, 1872, d. Aug. 10, 1872; Cathrine b. Sept. 15, 1873, d. July 16, 1884; Nepht b. May 5, 1875, d. May 5, 1875; George H. b. April 6, 1876; Alice b. Aug. 12, 1878, d. July 2, 1879; Mary b. Oct. 8, 1881, d. Sept. 20, 1882; Nettie b. June 2, 1883, d. June 2, 1883. Family resided Salt Lake City, Utah, and Marlon, Idaho. Black Hawk war veteran. High priest; worked in Salt Lake Temple quarry several years. Called, with 200 others under Capt. Allen in 1876, to found St. Joseph, Arizona. CLARK, JAMES. Born at Clathrope, Westmoreland, Eng. Came to Utah 1856, James P. Clark company. Married Elizabeth Purson in England (daughter of John Purson and Mary Ann Dobson, pioneers Nov. 30, 1856, Ed- ward Martin "frozen" handcart company. Their children: John P. m. Mary Ann Dobson; James; Thomas; Jane; Emma; Alice. CLARK, JAMES P. (son of James Clark and Elizabeth Pur- son). Born 1833 at Clathrope. Married Mary Ann Dobson at Salt Lake City (daughter of Alice Dobson, pioneers Nov. 30, 1856). Born 1832 at Pres- ton, Lancashire, Eng. Their children: Alice Ann b. 1858; John Thomas b. 1859; Mary Elizabeth b. 1861; James Purson b. 1863; Culkrom b. 1865; William b. 1867; Emma b. 1869; Jane Eliza b. 1871; Clark Ward b. 1873. CLARK, JOHN (son of Samuel Clark and Rebecca Garner of Clinton county, Ohio). Born April 20, 1832, in Clinton county. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Alvira Jane Pratt Nov. 25, 1859, Provo, Utah (daughter of Samuel Pratt and Louisa Tanner of La Porte county, Indiana, pioneers 1851, Harry Walton company). She was born March 27, 1843. Their children: Clarissa Alvira, m. James Henrie, Jr.; Ada, died; John Tanner, m. Alice Mathews; Osborne Samuel, m. Frances Elda Peay; Hyrum Milton, died; Florence Estella, m. Phillip Speckart; Tarza Pearl, m. Joseph E. Yates; Arvllla Jane, m. Willard Andelin. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; missionary to Elk Mountain mission 1855. Indian interpreter and veteran of many Indian ambuscades and skirmishes; served in all the Indian wars. Farmer. CLARK, OSBORNE SAMUEL (son of John Clark and Alvira Jane Pratt). Born Sept. 2, 1867, Provo, Utah. Married Frances Elda Peay Nov. 13, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Peay and Amanda Melvina Stubbs of Felpham, Sussex, Eng., pioneers Oct., 1852, Jerome Ben- son oxteani company). She was born July 29, 1873. Their children: Frances Estella b. March 25. 1903; Arvilla Aman- da b. March 30, 1905; Eda Lucile b. Oct. 12, 1908; Osborne Peay b. Jan. 17, 1911. Family home Provo President of Y. M. M. I. A. Carpenter. Farmer CLARK, JOHN NORMAN (son of Nancy Norman of Vir- ginia). Born Jan. 21, 1794, in Halifax county, Va Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1851, Harry Walton company Married Eliza Branch Sandifer (daughter of Matthew Sandifur) who was born Feb. 22, 1794. Their children: Elizabeth Caroline b. March 3, 1817, m. Jonathan Browning m. Thomas Weir 1845; Mary Johnson b. June 1, 1819, m John Ekless Truly; Ann Broye, b. Oct. 6, 1821, m. John Crow Thompson; America Morgan b. Feb. 23, 1824, m. Luke S Johnson; Moses Sandifer b. July 10, 1828, m. Clarissa Abbie Allen; John Matthew b. Aug. 28, 1835, m. Belinda Burch Family home Ogden, Utah. Pioneer. Died June 7, 1864, Ogden, Utah. CLARK, JOHN MATTHEW (son of John Norman Clark and Eliza Branch Sandifer). Born Aug. 28, 1835, in Patrick county, Va. Came to Utah with parents. Married Belinda Burch Jan. 24, 1858, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of Daniel Burch and Ann McLellan, pioneers Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow company). She was born March 21 1840, near Cincinnati, Ohio, and died Oct. 10, 1911, at Ogden. Their children: John Matthew b. Jan. 22, 1859, d. Sept 7 1891; Provo, m. Sarah Smith April 2, 1883; Daniel William b. May 5, 1861, m. Annie Borjenson May 3, 1896; Belinda Augusta b. April 23, 1863; James Norman b. July 20, 1865- Ann Eliza b. Jan. 13, 1868, d. Sept. 9, 1869; Emma Elizabeth b. Jan. 5, 1871; Joseph Boon b. Nov. 2, 1873, m. Florence Burch; Archie McLellan b. July 11, 1875. Family home Ogden, Utah. CLARK, MICHAEL. Born June 12, 1832, at Chelmsford, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah 1857. Married Harriet Smuin Sept. 24, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Smuln of England), who was born July 22, 1836. Their children: Sarah Ann, b. Nov. 18, 1860, m. Harper Rudd; Jasper b. Sept. 19, 1863; Michael b. Nov. 26, 1867, m. Mary Ann Burton; Esther Hannah b Aug. 16, 1865, m. Joseph Ross; Elizabeth b. Dec. 5, 1869, m. John Trappit; Hannah b. June 26, 1872, m. James Kirkland; Edward b. April 22, 1875, m. Miss Despain. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Married Eliza Smuin Oct. 27, 1861, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Smuin, who came to Utah about 1869, and Sarah Hoock, pioneer 1861, of Kaysville, Utah). She was born Jan. 6, 1840. Their children: William Thomas b July 22, 1862, m. Annie M. Rasmussen; Sophia b. Nov. 5, 1863, m. Stephen E. Willis; David b. March 6, 1866, m. Elizabeth Butcher; Edelbert b. Jan. 10, 1868; Edmoun b. Jan. 10, 1868; Eliza Jane b. Feb. 11, 1869, m. C. B. Lott; Irintha Maria b. Dec. 26, 1870, m. Harry Barber; Alice b. July 30, 1873; Char- ley b. April 19, 1875; Mary Ann b. March 23, 1877, m. William E. Barton; John b. Oct. 30, 1880; Sarah Lily b. Dec. 29, 1886; George b. Nov. 4, 1884. Family home Kaysville. Ward teacher. School trustee. Farmer; stockraiser. Died Jan. 21, 1891, Kaysville. CLARK, DAVID (son of Michael Clark and Eliza Smuin). Born March 6, 1866, at Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Butcher Nov. 3, 1890, at Farmington (daughter of William Butcher and Emma Wheatley, of Kaysville). She was born June 28, 1872, and came to Utah Oct., 1875. Their children: Millie b. Oct. 20, 1891, died; Asa David b. March 1, 1893; Andy William b. July 7, 1895; Joseph Oren b. Aug. 13, 1897; Effle Jane b. Sept. 8, 1899; Eugene b. March 24, 1902; Emma Eliza b. March 5, 1904; Glenn Smuin b. March 16, 1906; Leonard Butcher b. April 16, 1908; Eliza- beth b. Oct. 20, 1910; Arthur Butcher b. Oct. 20, 1910. Fam- ily home Kaysville. Member 56th quorum seventies; ward teacher Abram ward Deseret stake. Watermaster. Farmer and stockraiser. CLARK, SAMUEL. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber Cl Kimball company. Married Rebecca Garner, who was born in Tennessee. Their children: Joseph b. April 26, 1828. m. Sarah Topham; m. Hannah Topham; m. Frances Carter; Riley Garner, m. Amanda Williams; Sarah, m. Miles Weaver; Mary, m. John M. Higby; Jane, m. John M. Baldwlnkle; John m. Elvira Pratt- Rebecca Ann, m. Solomon Hale; Samuel, died; Nellie, m. William Rawlins; James. Family home Provo, Utah. Tanner. CLARK, JOSEPH (son of Samuel Clark and Rebecca Gar- ner). Born April 26, 1828, Clinton Co., Ohio. Came to Utah 1848, independent company. Married Sarah Topham Oct. 17. 1849. Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of John Topham and Jane Thornton of England, pio- neers Sept. 15. 1850, David Evans company). She was born June 30, 1831, and came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Their children: Joseph b. Oct. 23, 1850, m. 810 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Ann Elizabeth Whiteley Jan. 24, 1869; James Henry b. Jan. 15, 1852, died: Sarah Jane b. Dec. 31, 1852, m. Byron Colton: Rebecca Ann b. Nov. 6, 1854, m. Ezra Oakley; Samuel Moroni b. Jan. 14, 1857, m. Nellie Mitchell; Susannah b. April 12, 1859, m. David Cluff; Isaiah b. Feb. 9, 1863; William Riley b. Jan. 15, 1865. died; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 2, 1866, m. Albert Singleton; John Gideon b. Jan. 8, 1S71, m. Emma Far- rer; Byron Topham b. April 17, 1873, died. Family home Prove, Utah. Married Hannah Topham, who died March 31, 1913, child- less. Married Frances Carter. High priest; second counselor to Bishop Myron Tanner. Member Co. A, Mormon Battalion. Farmer. Died March 9, 1895, Provo, Utah. CLARK, JOSEPH (son of Joseph Clark and Sarah Jane Top- ham). Born Oct. 23, 1850, Provo, Utah. Married Annie Elizabeth Whiteley Jan. 24, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Whiteley and Harriett Saner, of Manchester, Eng., former a pioneer 1853). She was born Aug. 8, 1850. Their children: Harriett b. June 10, 1871, died; Joseph William b. May 13, 1874, m. Melvina Bennett; Jennie b. April 9, 1876, m. John S. Buckley; James Byron b. March 6, 1879, m. Mamie Stubbs; Marion Earl b. June 23, 1882, m. Annie Elizabeth James. Family home Provo, Utah. Indian war veteran. Assisted in building the roads and canals in Utah county. Farmer and fruit grower. CLARK, SAMUEL G. Born 1800. Came to Utah 1847. Ezra T. Benson company. Married Roxine Frizzell. who was born 1800. Their chil- dren: Samuel G. b. 1833; William H. b. Jan. 10, 1838, m. Mary Ann Laing. Member Co. E, Mormon Battalion. Died 1851 at Salt Lake City. CLARK, WILLIAM H. (son of Samuel G. Clark and Roxine Frizzell). Born Jan. 10, 1838, Adams county. 111. Married Mary Ann Latng, at Toquerville, Utah (daughter of William T. Laing and Sarah Ann Browning, pioneers 1849, Orson Hyde company). She was born June 22, 1848, in Pottawattamie county, Iowa, and died March 30, 1906, Richfield, Utah. Their children: William H. b. Jan. 29, 1864, d. aged 2 years; Samuel G. b. Feb. 4, 1866, m. Melissa Bean Nov. 21, 1888; Mary E. b. April 6, 1868, m. Samuel Nebeker Nov. 21. 1888; Annabel! b. May 22, 1870, m. Guy Lewis July 8, 1894; John Hyrum b. Oct. 14, 1873, died; Harriet b. Feb. 17, 1877, m. Alexander Elliott; Thomas E. b. Sept. 28, 1879; Sarah b. March 29, 1882, m. C. F. Hiki June 10, 1903; Wallace L. b. April 1, 1884, m. Hattie Williams Nov. 8, 1906; Jennie Neal b. May 23, 1888. Family home Richfield, Utah. Deputy sheriff of Weber county; chief of police of Ogden; county sheriff and tax assessor and collector of Richfield 13 years; marshal at Richfield 8 years; city rtecorder at Richfield 3 years; recorder of Sevier county 2 years; county clerk 4 years. Chaplain in Utah legislature in 1893; mis- sionary to Colorado two years; counselor in presidency of Sevier stake 16 years; member of high council Sevier stake. CLARK, THOMAS H. (son of Thomas Clark). Born May 7, 1805, Acton, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1852. Married Charlotte Gayley (daughter of William Gayley), who was born Jan. 27, 1803. Their children: John W. b. Jan. 12, 1826, m. Ann Micklewright Aug. 2, 1850; Ellen b. Jan. 21, 1828, m. George W. Bryan; Eliza b. May 17, 1829, m. Joseph Murdock; Hannah b. July 8, 1832, m. Charles G. Parkinson: Ann b. April 8, 1834; Thomas H. b. May 10, 1836, m. Margaret Quirk; Sarah b. Sept. 18, 1838; Mary Ann b. Nov. 28, 1843, m. John Anderson; Charlotte b. Aug. 25, 1845, m. John Rowberry. Family home Grantsville, Utah. CLARK, JOHN WILLIAM (son of Thomas H. Clark and Charlotte Gayley). Born Jan. 12, 1826, Bishopsfrome, Eng. Married Ann Micklewright Aug. 2, 1850 (daughter of Wil- liam Micklewright and Sarah Hatch), who was born July 24 1826. Cheltenham, Eng. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Dec. 21, 1852; Thomas H. b. Jan. 12, 1855. m. Rachel Hale Jan. 3, 1875: John William b. April 11, 1857, m. Selina Elizabeth Lee Dec. 26, 1878; George M. b. April 23, 1859. m. Mary Whit- tle; Lucy A. b. April 2, 1861, m. John A. Eliason Feb. 23, 1882; Emma Jane b. Sept. 18, 1863, m. William O. Jefferles; Ann Elizabeth b. Sept. 25, 1865, m. Eugene T. Wooley; Charles M. b. Jan. 8, 1869. Family home Grantsville, Utah. High councilor; bishop's counselor. Farmer. CLARK, JOHN WILLIAM (son of John W. Clark and Ann Micklewright). Born April 11, 1867. Grantsville, Utah. Married Sellna Elizabeth Lee Dec. 26. 1878 (daughter of William Lee and Elizabeth Jasper, pioneers 1852), who was born Oct. 15, 1856, Grantsville. Their children: Rena b. Feb. 10. 1881, m. C. J. Anderson Dec. 10. 1902; George Sidney, m. Ethel M. Anderson Dec. 10, 1902; VInnle Ann m. Gustav E. Anderson Dec. 5, 1906; Mamie, m. Parley P. Matthews Nov 24. 1909; Alice Leon, m. Roy T. Brown Nov. 23, 1910. First counselor to Bishop A. K. Anderson 7 years; second counselor to Bishop M. Wrathall 16 years. County commis- sioner 1908-12. Farmer and stockmaiser. was born 1820, and came to Utah with husoand. Their chil- dren: Emily Jane. m. Joseph Saby; William Wheeler, m. Polly Melissa Willies, m. Martha C. Ward; Martha Geneva, m. William Evans; Mary Ann, m. George Erastus Zimmer- man; Hannah Mariah, m. George Albert Wall; Juliet, died; Rosilla, m. Hyrum Timothy. Family home Lehl, Utah. Married Julia Ann Zimmerman (daughter of George Gott- lob Zimmerman and Julia Ann Hoke of Franklin, Pa-, pio- neers 1851). Their children: Baby, died; Roseanna, m. Mr. Talbot. Married Margaret Boardman. Their children: Thomas Henry, m. Margaret Ann Fox; Mary Jane; James B., m. Armetta Peterson. Missionary to England; high priest; patriarch; bishop's counselor. Road supervisor; Lehi city councilman and al- derman. Farmer, stockraiser and sheepman. Died May 7, 1910, at Lehi. CLARK, WILLIAM WHEELER (son of William Clark and Jane Stephens). Born April 25, 1855, at Lehi, Utah. Married Polly Melissa Willies (daughter of Ira Willies and Melissa Lott), who was born Nov. 7, 1856. Their chil- dren: Melissa Jane b. March 14, 1879, d. young; William Wheeler b. Aug. 29, 1880, d. aged 16; Asa Jones b. Sept. 24, 1882, m. Julia Bone; Mary Francell b. Dec. 4, 1884, m. Frank Fagan; Thomas Edgar b. Jan. 2, 1887, m. Gladys Leverage. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Martha Caroline Ward, Sept. 4, 1889, Manti, Utah (daughter of Burrell Ward and Catherine Livona Cooper, of Manchester, Tenn.), who was born May 27, 1860. Their chil- dren: Isaac Burrell, b. Sept. 28, 1890, d. infant; Sylvan Ward b. Sept. 2, 1892; Lexie Mirl b. Sept. 21, 1897. Family home Lehl, Utah. High priest; presiding elder; ward teacher. Member Lehl city council. Farmer and stockman. CLARKE, AMOS (son of Edward Clarke, born 1795, and Ann Jarvis, born 1806, both of Denbighshire, Wales). He was born June 8, 1833, Rhosllanerchrugog, Denbighshire, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1866, Samuel D. White company. Married Ann Johnston (daughter of Richard Johnston and Ann Thomas), who was born Jan. 7, 1832. Their children: Moses b. Sept. 6, 1854, d. Dec. 29, 1868; Anne b. March 18, 1856, m. John Jenkins; Elizabeth Jane b. Nov. 29, 1858, m. William H. Griffin; Sarah Angeline b. June 17, 1861, m. Wil- liam F. Rigby; Mary Caroline b. May 27, 1863, m. George C. Rigby; Amos R. E. b. Dec. 12, 1868, m. Fidelia Haskell; Lemuel George b. Feb. 10, 1871, m. Sephorah Jones Oct. 3, 1907; Samuel Thomas b. Sept. 12, 1874, d. Sept. 21. 1899, while on mission in Cardiff, Wales, m. Olive Beck Dec. 23, 1897; David Robert b. Sept. 3, 1876, m. Martha Jane Cooley Jan. 24, 1901. High priest; seventy; chorister of Newton ward 40 years. Justice of peace; school trustee three terms. Blacksmith. CLARKE, FRANCIS (son of Thomas Clarke, born March 23, 1799, Lambourne, Essex, Eng., and Mary Ann Brown, born March 1, 1811, London, Eng., married April, 1837, London). He was born Jan. 1, 1840, Upminster, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Mllo Andrus company. Married Harriet Elvira Teeples March 28, 1867 (daughter of George B. Teeples and Huldah Colby; pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Oct. 15, 1830. Their children: Francis b. June 4, 1869, m. Mary Ann Lindsay May 31, 1893; Thomas B. b. Nov. 3, 1872, m. Mary Atkinson 1897. Family home Eden, Utah. Missionary to Great Britain 1893-95; teacher and clerk of Eden ward; high priest. Justice of peace at Eden 1893. Hauled freight across the plains with oxteams in 1863. Secretary and treasurer Eden Irrigation Company 1878-94. CLARKE, JOHN H. Born April 9, 1831, Lambeth, Surrey, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Bal- lantyne company. Married Elizabeth Heaver Feb. 1854, in London (daughter of Benjamin Heaver of London). Their children: Cath- erine, m. Daniel Louis Hoopes; Elizabeth, m. A. A. Allen; Emily, m. Charles W. Knudsen; Emeline, m. Thomas Pres- ton; Annie, m. William Preston; Herbert, died; Albert, d. aged nine years; Evelyn, m. Thomas Preston. Family home Weston, Idaho. Member 88th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1889-91; bishop. Mgr. Weston co-op. Died May, 1904, at Weston. CLARK, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Clark of Worcestershire Eng.). Born July 26, 1825, in Worcestershire. Came to Utah 1852. Married Jane Stephens 1852, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, who CLAWSON, HIRAM BRADLEY (son of Zepheniah Clawson and Catherine Reese of Utica, N. T.). Born 1826, Utica. Came to Utah fall of 1848. Married Ellen Curtis Spencer March 18, 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of Orson Spencer and Catherine Curtis of Canaan Center, Conn.; former came to Utah 1849, captain of his own company, latter died en route). Their children: Hiram Bradley; Spencer; Edna; Ardelle; Georgia; Edith; Ivie; Winnie; Ruby. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 17th quorum seventies. Diplomatic missionary in Salt Lake City and elsewhere 1855-77. First treasurer Salt Lake City. Adjutant-general Nauvoo Legion. First superintendent Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution. Died March 29, 1912, Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 811 CLAWSON, SPENCER (son of Hiram Bradley Clawson and Ellen Curtis Spencer). Born Aug. 15, 1852, Salt Lake City. Married Nabbie Howe Young Feb. 15, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Brigham Young and Clarissa Decker, pioneers July 24, 1847). She was born March 22, 1852, died 1894. Their children: Spencer; Claire, m. Chauncey Mott Benedict; Curtis; Grace; John; Neels. Was buyer for the Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Insti- tution in New York City for many years. Wholesale dry goods merchant. Prominent In political affairs of Salt Lake City. Secretary Utah exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Cen- tennial Exposition at Portland, Ore., 1905. Associated with many industrial companies. Large real estate owner. Or- ganizer and first secretary of the association for the pres- ervation of relics of the pioneer days. b. Jan. 15, 1885, m. Bessie Widdesson; Phyllis b. June 28 H H m ' - e i S ^f ?o n Pettit; Susan A ' b - Dec - 24 ' 1891 ; Alonzo H H -i o n ' - - ' H. b. April 25, 1893; Ruth b. Aug. 16, 1895, d. infant; Wil- liam A. b. Aug. 30, 1897. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. CLAWSON, MOSES. Married Sarah Inkley at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Inkley, of Lincolnshire, Eng.). Their children: Georgiana, m. Henry Elliot; Joseph, m. Kate Gordon; Samuel, died; Charles M., m. Annie Fryer; Lola and Sarah, both died; Julia, m. Joseph Poulson; Henry; Lena, m. Clayton Brimhall; Lydia, m. James Lamb; Leslie; Rosa, died. Family home Toquerville, Utah. High priest; in prison with the prophet. Died in June, 1877. CLAYTON, ALBERT. Married Frances Higginbottam. Among their children were: Mary Ann, m. Charles L. Rodebeck Oct. 16, 1872, and John b. Oct. 20, 1852, m. Elizabeth Tonks Aug. 13, 1874. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. CLAYTON, JOHN (son of Albert Clayton and Frances Hig- ginbottam). Born Oct. 20, 1852, Sheffield, Eng. Married Elizabeth Tonks Aug. 13, 1874, Morgan, Utah (daughter of William and Martha Tonks of England). Their children: Elizabeth, m. John McAffee; John, m. Vinnie Toone; Amelia Louisa, m. Oswald Wilde; Joseph Alfred, m. Edith Davis; Frances Lillian, m. David Reese; Charles Raymond; Alveretta Gertrude; Albert Marlln; Luella Nadine. Family home Morgan, Utah. Railroad engineer. CLAYTON, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Clayton and Ann Critchlow of Manchester, Eng.). Born July 14, 1814, Pres- ton, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Augusta Braddock Oct. B, 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Braddock and Ann Reid of Bedford, Bedfordshire, Eng., pioneers Nov. 19, 1848, Willard Richards company). She was born Nov. 24, 1833. Their children: Walter Alfred, died; Nephi Willard, b. Oct. 8, 1855, m. Jane Thomas; m. Sybella White Young- June 26, 1884; Carrie Gladys, m. Frank Amasa Lyman; Albert Cassus; Daniel John, d. child; Rose, m. O. S. Jackson. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Walters. Only child: Archer Walters, b. April 10, 1858, m. Susan Ann Whipple. Died Dec. 4, 1879, Salt Lake City. CLAYTON, NEPHI WILLARD (son of William Clayton and Augusta Braddock). Born Oct. 8, 1856, at Salt Lake City. Married Jane Thomas at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob and Ann Thomas, pioneers Levi Richards company). Divorced from Jane Thomas 1883. Their children: Nephi Willard b. March 25, 1880, m. Annie Margaret Jaenich June 26, 1906; Lafayette b. May 11, 1881, m. Hilda Stromburg Nov. 29, 1908. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Sybella White Young June 26, 1884 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Lucus Lyman Johnson of Springfield, Mass., and Margarette McMinn of Philadelphia, Pa., pioneers Nov. IB, 1866, Mathew White company). She was born Jan. 27, 1854. Their children: Sybella White b. Oct. 3, 1886, m. W. S. Bassett; Charles Comstock b. April 27, 1889, m. Lydia Knudsen; Lawrence b. March 1, 1890; Irving Emerson b. Dec. 29, 1892; Robert McMinn b. May 4, 1894. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 124th quorum seventies. Territorial librarian and recorder of marks and brands 1876; auditor of public ac- counts of the territory 1879-90; member of staffs of Gov- ernors Caleb W. West and Heber M. Wells; Mgr. Inland Crystal Salt Company 1898; organized and promoted the Salt Lake and Los Angeles Railway Company, and Saltair Beach Company, and served as its president and manager; president Clayton Inv. Company; president Consolidated Music Company 1904; president of the Delray Salt Co. at Detroit, Mich. ; president Utah Sulphur Company; owner of Syndicate Insurance Company; president and owner Clayton Land and Cattle Company; director Utah State National Bank. President and owner N. W. Clayton Company. CLAYTON, ARCHER WALTERS (son of William Clayton and Sarah Walters). Born April 10, 1858, Utah. Married Susan Ann Whipple May 26, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nelson Wheeler Whipple, pioneer 1848, and Susan Ann Gay, pioneer 1851, Capt. Brown company). She was born Nov. 3, 1864, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Archer Lynne b. July 7, 1883, m. Marie Sorenson; Don Carlos CLEGG, BENJAMIN (son of Joseph Clegg and Mary Ogden) nt r M ei ftdV V 827 ' ^ m - Lancashire 6 ! ng Came To Utah Oct. 28, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company Married Elizabeth Dodd April, 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Dodd, of Bilenea Lin- colnshire, Eng.). She was born Aug. 1, 1813. Their chil- dren: Frances Amelia b . Sept. 2, 1852, m. Moroni Pickett; Eliza b. April 9, 1856, m. Jonathan H. Hale Married Grace Mclntyre Dec., 1853, Salt Lake City (daugh- ?v t ?u l Mclnt y re and Agnes McCole). Their children: Elizabeth Mary; Benjamin; Peter Mclntyre; Agnes; Grace Lihous. Family home Tooele, Utah Prt^&ajifc i a 9 n ol has lived there 66 years - High CLEGG PETER McINTYRE (son of Benjamin Clegg and Grace Mclntyre). Born Oct. 15, 1859, at Tooele Married Edith M. Atkin Jan. 27, 1886, at Tooele, (daughter of Thomas Atkin and Mary Ann Maughan), who was born Oct. 30, 1864, at Tooele. Their children: Zella b Sept ' Prominent business man at Tooele. President Tooele County State Bank. CLEGG, HENRY (son of Henry Clegg and Ellen Cordwell) Born June 7, 1825, Preston, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Baliantyne company. Married Hannah Easton in 1848 at Preston. She was born 1825 and died en route to Utah. Their children- Israel m. Verona Noakes; Thomas and James, died. Married Ann Lewis Dec. 3, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Lewis and Ann John of Cardiff, Wales, former pioneer Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson company, latter died). She was born June 25, 1836, and died April 11 1913 Their children: John Henry, m. Martha Smith; William Jonathan, m. Jacobina Murdock; Fredrick L., m. Emma Caro- line Luke; Lewis and Franklin, died; Amelia A., m. Liv- ingstone Montgomery; Juventa, m. Frederick J. Tullidge- Cardwell, died; Brigham, m. Cloe Pearl Huffaker; Carlie, m! D. Alonzo Tidwell; Henrietta, died. Family resided at Heber and Springville, Utah. Married Margaret A. Griffiths May, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Griffiths, born July 7, 1810, and Marga- ret Griffiths of London, Eng., former pioneer Nov. 30, 1856 Edward Martin company). She was born Aug. 25, ' Their children: Thomas G., m. Rachel A. Sessions; Herbert L m. Sarah C. Smith; Margaret, died; Henry J., m. Ella Chat- win; Hannah M., m. E. J. Cummings; George A., m. Sarah E Giles; Charles D., m. Martha Niel; Heber, Josephus, Levl, latter three died; Jane E., m. Edward A. Jones. Family home Heber, Utah. Member 20th quorum seventies; Sunday school superin- tendent; bishop; stake clerk; high councilor. Justice of peace; school teacher. Shoe manufacturer; merchant. Died Aug. 30, 1894. CLEGG, WILLIAM JONATHAN (son of Henry Clegg and Ann Lewis). Born May 6, 1859, Springville, Utah. Married Jacobina Wells Osborne Murdock Dec. 2, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Murray Murdock and Ann Steel of Heber City, Utah, pioneers Sept. 3, 1852, Abra- ham O. Smoot company). She was born Nov. 7, 1860. Their children: Tillie b. Sept. 24, 1881, died; Anna Isabella b May 20, 1883, m. Albert Holdaway; Jacobina b. Nov. 13, 1881; Janetta Juventa b. Oct. 27, 1886, m. Joseph W. McDonald; William Francis b. Nov. 20, 1888, m. Geneva Aston; John Wallace b. Nov. 20, 1888; Mellicent b. Sept. 18, 1890; Lewis b. Feb. 11, 1892; Jay Osborne b. Jan. 9, 1894; Elinora b. Jan. 6, 1896; Henry Murray b. Sept. 3, 1897; Brigham Otis b. July 7, 1899; Mary Merona b. July 7, 1899; Joseph Heber b. June 15, 1901; Thomas Edwin b. Sept. 27, 1903. Family home Vineyard, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Member band during Black Hawk war; assisted in building the first roads in Wasatch and Utah counties; ran shingle-mill in Daniel's canyon 1874. Farmer, stockraiser and miner. CLEGG, FREDERICK L. (son of Henry Clegg and Ann Lewis). Born Aug. 6, 1861, Springville. Married Emma Caroline Luke Nov. 30, 1882, Heber City (daughter of Henry Luke and Harriet Luce, former of Man- chester, Eng., pioneer 1853, latter of Maine, U. S. A., a pio- neer Oct., 1852, Capt. Walker company). She was born Aug. 29, 1861, Heber City. Their children: Lucetta b. May 3, 1883, m. Fred Kohler; Mary P. b. Sept. 3, 1884; Florence b. March 10, 1886; Caddie and Carrie (twins) b. June 22, 1887. latter four died; Frederick W. b. Oct. 5, 1889; Henry b. Jan. 31, 1891; Lula b. Oct. 16, 1892; A. Luke b. April 25, 1894; Columbia b. Oct. 9, 1895; Guy b. April 23, 1897, died; Martello b. Dec. 25, 1898; Rue L. b. Oct. 1, 1900; Juanita b. March 8, 1902; Russell b. Dec. 24, 1903, died; Reed Kenneth b. June 27, 190V; Genevieve b. Jan. 3, 1909. Family home Heber, Utah. Probation officer; justice of peace in Wasatch county: city councilman; road supervisor. Contractor, farmer and stockraiser. 812 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH CLEGG, JONATHAN (son of Henry Clegg of Preston, Lan- cashire, Eng.). Born Feb. 26, 1817, near Preston, Lan- cashire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Ellen Wombsley at Preston. She was born Jan. 8, 1817. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: James, m. Mary Ann; William, m. Louisa Gettings; Alice, m. Robert Broadbent; Henry, m. Christina Benson; Mar- garet Ellen, m. William Baynes. Family home Heber City, Utah. High priest. Drum major and bandmaster. Pioneer of Heher City 1859. Died Jan. 11, 1901, at Heber City, Utah. Farmer. CLEGG, ISAAC (son of Thomas Clegg and Ann Passey). Born Dec. 25, 1836, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah 1860. Married Dora Jackman Oct. 28, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Permeno Adams Jackman and Phoebe Lodema Merrill of New York state, pioneers 1847). She was born June 11, 1855. Their children: Luella, m. Charles Jackson; Dora Annie, m. Benjamin Leroy Rich; Chloe Elbina, m. Richard Osborn; Isaac, m. Susie Porter; Permeno Adams, d. infant; Thomas, d. infant; Duane, d. Infant. Family home Rexburg, Idaho. Seventy at Rexburg. Shoe merchant. Died Aug. 6, 1890. CLEMENTS, ALBERT NEPHI (son of Albert Clements and Ada Winchell, born 1801, both of Warren county, N. T.; married 1820). He was born in 1842, Hancock county, 111. Came to Utah Nov., 1852, Warren Snow company. Married Elizabeth Boice Aug. 20, 1865, Oxford, Idaho (daughter of John Boice and Mary Ann Barzee, pioneers 1852), who was born in 1850. Their children: Albert Nephl b. July 22, 1867; Mary Ann b. March 3, 1869, m. J. G. Sant June 28, 1883; Elizabeth Jane b. Dec. 3, 1870, m. G. F. Wil- liams Nov. 11, 1886; Nephi David b. May 16, 1872; Isabelle b. Feb. 12, 1874, m. George Kingford Jan. 8, 1890; Ada Rebecca b. June 28, 1875, m. John Buckley Jan. 20, 1893; Louisa Torphna b. April 11, 1877, m. John McCoy June 13, 1898; Electa May b. Feb. 9, 1879, m. Edmund Buckley March, 1895; Racheal Sophia b. Dec. 24, 1880, m. Samuel Kennington 1899; John Benjamin b. Feb. 21, 1883; Esther Alveria b. Feb. 12, 1885; Dora Lucy b. Feb. 5, 1887, m. John Jensen April 17, 1905; Isaac Milo b. Jan. 28, 1895. Family home Oxford, Idaho. Married Laura Georgeson Sept. 18, 1886, at Logan (daugh- ter of Niels Georgeson and Johanna Kofoed, pioneers 1854). She was born May 21, 1868, Weston, Idaho. Their children: Niels William b. Jan. 30, 1888; Alice Alvira b. Sept. 3, 1891, m. George Barzee Jan. 5, 1910; John G. b. May 25, 1894; Ambrose G. b. March 1, 1896; Orris b. Nov. 20, 1897; Ellas G. b. Jan. 23, 1904; Clifford G. b. Dec. 8, 1905; Norma G. b. Nov. 28, 1907; Owen G. b. May 24, 1901; Leora b. Nov. 9, 1902. Family home Oxford ward, Idaho. Assisted to bring immigrants to Utah; president deacons' quorum three years; member high council Oneida stake 25 years; home missionary. CLEMENTS, JOSEPH. Born Sept. 27, 1817, New Jersey. Came to Utah in 1855, Independent company. Married Margaret Donaldson, who was born Jan. 4, 1837. They had several children, one of whom was: Mary Jane b. 1854, m. William B. Wood 1872. Family resided at Miners- ville and Frisco, Utah. Shoemaker, farmer and stockraiser. Died July 15, 1880, Hay Springs, Beaver county, Utah. CLIPT, GEORGE W. (son of George W. Clift, born 1793 in Ohio, and Lovia Farley, born at Greenbrier, Va.). He was born Feb. 24, 1817, Saunec, White county. 111. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1850. Married Amanda C. Faucett July 9, 1844 (daughter of John Faucett), who was born Aug. 8, 1827. Their children: Eliza J. b. Jan. 25, 1846, m. Joseph Phelps; Ellen F. b. July 8, 1849, m. Ira N. Jacob; George A. b. April 12, 1851, m. Sarah H. Alexander May 3, 1875; Amanda Jane b. Jan. 19, 1854, m. Jess McCarl; Alzina b. Aug. 29, 1856, m. David Marchant; John E. b. April 14, 1859, m. Laura Wadkins; Mary M. b. May 7, 1861, m. John Wadkins, Jr.; Madora b. Aug. 27, 1862, m. W. J. Wilson; Vilete b. Nov. 29. 1868, m. Joseph Stevens; Francis E. b. April 1, 1871. Family resided Provo, Alpine and Midway, Utah. High priest; member Joseph Smith's body-guard. Indian war veteran. Died Sept. 5, 1895. CLIFT, GEORGE A. (son of George W. Cllft and Amanda C. Faucett). Born April 12, 1851, Provo, Utah. Married Sarah H. Alexander May 3, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry S. Alexander and Sarah Miles), who was born Oct. 11, 1856, Genoa, Nev. Their children: Sarah Stella b. Aug. 11, 1876, m. Fred Hicken June 7, 1896; Lelia Luella b. July 6, 1879, m. Alfred T. Bond April 14, 1898; George A. b. June 2, 1881; Ida A. b. June 30, 1883, m. Isaac McDonald Oct., 1901; Henry M. b. May 6, 1886; Ruby M. b. April 5, 1888, m. Eugene A. Land May 12, 1908; Hazel D. b. March 20, 1890, m. Everett G. Ward, Jan. 9, 1911; Wil- liam G. b. July 11, 1895; Frankie J. b. Aug. 7, 1898. Family home Heber City, Utah. Bishop's counselor; missionary to southern states two years. Black Hawk war veteran. CLIFTON, JOHN (son of George Clifton born 1800, Dunham, Nottinghamshire, Eng., and Martha Doe). Born March 31, 1829, Normanton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept 13, 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Hannah Pettinger Nov. 26, 1851 (daughter of James Pettinger and Elizabeth Marshall), who was born August, 1827, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Elizabeth b. July 31, 1852, m. John P. Passey; George b. Oct. 21, 1854, m. Alice Neat; Heber James b. March 5, 1857, m. Ann Parker; Mary Ann b. March 25, 1859, m. Samuel Humph- reys; Hannah Martha b. May 12, 1864, m. Samuel Humph- reys; John Henry b. Nov. 11, 1867, m. Elizabeth Hoge. Married Ann Cook Oct. 30, 1861, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Barnabas Cook). She was born March 1, 1829, Crowle, Lincolnshire, Eng. Only child: Sarah Elizabeth b. April 17, 1863, m. L. T. Shepherd. Married Catherine Randegger July 1, 1901 (daughter of Hans George Randegger and Catherine Gebendinger, who were married Feb. 19, 1850, Schaffihausen, Switzerland). CLINGER, JAMES. Born Feb. 3, 1813, Bedford, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1852, Capt. Whitehead company. Married Harriet Chapin Dec. 7, 1845, in Illinois (daughter of Adolphus Chapin and Katherine Billings, of Illinois, pioneers 1860, Independent company). She was born June 6, 1828. Their children: Martha Ann b. Nov. 19, 1846, m. Joseph S. Boren; James Henry b. Feb. 10, 1848, m. Paulina Mary Williamson; Elmira Zallota b. April 25, 1851, died; Mary Jane b. June 8, 1853, m. Peter Murie; William Carlos b. Nov. 4, 1855, m. Elizabeth Gillard; George Francis b. Jan. 25, 1858, m. Anna Johnson; Elinore b. Oct. 28, 1860, m. Miles Parker; Charles Edward b. Feb. 17, 1863, died; John Riggs b. Nov. 28, 1864, m. Lula Boyd; Laura Catherine b. Oct. 1, 1867, m. George Ball; Lucy E. b. May 6, 1871, m. Norman Davis; Eliza- beth b. May 11, 1870, died. Member 34th quorum seventies. Guard in Walker war. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Sept. 6, 1884, Pleasant Grove, Utah. CLINGER, JAMES HENRY (son of James Clinger and Har- riet Chapin). Born Feb. 10, 1848, In Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1852. Married Paulina Mary Williamson Feb. 10, 1868, Provo, Utah (daughter of Niels Williamson and Pernelia Blum of Brevig, Norway, pioneers Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott com- pany). She was born Sept. 15, 1848. Their children: Mary Jane b. March 9, 1869, died; James Henry b. Sept. 9, 1870, died; John William b. Dec. 3, 1871, m. Josephine Zoebell; Marion b. June 13, 1874, m. Rebecca Dorius; Henrietta b. Sept. 11, 1875, m. William J. Brown; Parley Browning b. April B, 1878, m. Mary Williamson; Martin Albert b. Sept. 18, 1881, m. Tena Johnson; Harriet Ann b. Jan. 31, 1883, m. -Angus Wride; Lillie May b. Sept. 14, 1888, m. Jesse Sumison. Fam- ily home Lake View, Utah. Married Caroline Christensen Sept. 24, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter C. and Marie Christensen, of Mayfield, Utah), who was born Dec. 4, 1866. Their children: Heber Christian b. May 31, 1889, m. Myrtle Alstrom; Myrtle Marie b. Nov. 14, 1893, m. Clifford Whitlock. Family home May- field, Utah. High priest; missionary to Norway 1884-86; counselor to Bishop Johnson eight years. Constable at Provo eight years. Farmer and stockraiser. CLOWARD, DANIEL (son of Jacob Cloward, born March 17, 1790, in Maryland, and Ann Pluck, born June 19, 1795, in Pennsylvania). He was born Aug. 30, 1820, in Chester county, Pa. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Ruth Bailey Logan, who was born Oct. 23, 1819, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Catherine E. b. May 24, 1845, m. Lemuel Hegg; Daniel H. b. Feb. 11, 1848, m. Celestia A. Harward Nov. 29, 1878; Heber C. b. Dec. 17, 1851; Mary J. b. 1853, m. Adelbert Searle. Family home Provo, Utah. CLOWARD, DANIEL H. (son of Daniel Cloward and Ruth Bailey Logan). Born Feb. 11, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married Celestia A. Harward Nov. 29, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Harward and Sabrina Curtis), who was born March 13, 1858, Cedar City, Utah. Their children: D. Marion b. Aug. 2, 1885, m. Lillian Murphy May 2, 1907; Thomas H. b. July 20, 1888, m. Amanda Peterson March 11, 1908; Gertrude b. Jan. 7, 1891; Zellie b. Aug. 22, 1893; Mark b. Jan. 10, 1897. Family home Aurora, Utah. Superintendent Y. M. M. I. A; bishop's counselor six years; ward teacher. Trustee Aurora school board. CLTTCAS, HENRY. Born May 15, 1806, Douglas, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1855, C. A. Harper company. Married Elizabeth Martin Feb. 8, 1835, at Trinity church, Whithaven, Eng. (daughter of William Martin and Lucy Walton), who was born July 31, 1806. Came to Utah with her husband. She died March 5, 1887. Their children: Henry Launcelot b. March 28, 1838, d. Nov. 30, 1857; Mary b. Jan. 2, 1841; Elizabeth b. Sept. 2, 1843, m. Nephi Packard; Lucy b. Oct. 19, 1846, m. William Roylance. Ward teacher. Settled at Sprlngville, Utah, 1855. Pot printer. Died Oct. 17, 1882, Springville. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 813 CLUFP, DAVID (son of William Cluff and Susannah Runnels of Durham, New Hampshire, and Provo, Utah). Born June 20, 1795, Durham, New Hampshire. Came to Utah Oct 13 1860, Edward Hunter company. Married Betsy Hall Jan. 11, 1824, at Durham, N. H. Their children: Lavina, m. Hyrum Sweet; David, m. Sarah Ann Fleming-, m. Anis H. Elmer; Moses, m. Rebecca Langman, m. Jane Johnson, m. Ann Bond, m. Eliza Langman; Benjamin, m. Mary Ellen Foster, m. Eliza A. Foster; William Wallace, m. Anne Whipple; Joseph, m. Phoebe Bunnell; Harvey Harris, m. Margaret Ann Foster; Samuel Sampson, m. Frances Wors- ley, m. Ann E. Carruth; Hyrum. m. Mary Worsley; Henry, m. Keziah Elizabeth Russell; Alfred, m. Jane Foster; Orson, m. Hattie Bean, m. Marinth L. Loveridge. Married Anna Chapman at Provo. Utah. Only child: Jerry, m. Lydia Snow. Presiden* seventies; missionary to Canada and New Hamps'iirt -'57-69; patr.-rch. Provo city councilman. Car- penter anc 1 , - net maker. Died Dec. 16, 1881, Smithville, Ariz. CLUFF, BENJAMIN i.-->n ~ DavM Cluff and Betsy Hall). Born March 20, 1830, Durnam, N<_w Hampshire. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Mary Ellen Foster (daughter of George Foster and Jane McCullough; former a pioneer 1852, latter died on the plains en route to Utah). She was born Dec. 24, 1837. Their children: Mary: Benjamin, Jr. b. Feb. 7, 1858, m. Mary Jane Johns, m. Harriet Cuilimore; George, m. ; D. Foster, m. Helena Cora Alexander; Walter, m. Gertrude Miller. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Eliza Arnetta Foster February, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Foster and Jane McCullough), who was born Nov. 13, 1841. Their children: Eliza Ann. m. Alma U. Hobson: Josephine, m. Andrew Klmball; Mar- garet, m. Samuel Hobson; William K., m. Emma Moody; Bessie, m. Hyrum Willard Merrill; Karl V., m. Maud . Family home Logan, Utah. Seventy; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1864-70; bishop of Center ward several years; patriarch. Mechanic and carpenter. Died 1910, Finca Lagunillas, Huimanguillo, Tabasco, Mexico. CLUFF, WILLIAM WALLACE (son of David Cluff and Betsy Hall). Born March 8, 1832, at Willoughby, Ohio, pioneer 1850, Capt. Hunter company. Married Anne Whipple Oct. 24, 1864, Pine Valley, Utah (daughter of Eli Whipple and Patience Foster of Pennsyl- vania, pioneers 1858). She was born March 15, 1844. Their children: William Wallace b. Aug. 31, 1865, m. Edith At- wood; Anne May b. May 10, 1866, m. Frank Olsen; Lilian b. Dec. 21, 1876, m. Jack Pawlos, who died; m. Given A. Light; Flora Marion b. June 9. 1879, m. Lawrence Eldredge; Eras- tus Eli b. June 11, 1869; Albion b. May 11, 1873; Edwin b. May 11, 1873; Joseph b. Jan. 5, 1884; the latter four died. Family home Coalville, Utah. Member of 22d quorum seventies; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1854-58; to Denmark 1859-63 and 1870-73; bishop Summit, Morgan and Wasatoh counties; president Summit stake twenty-eight years. First mayor of Coalville; mem- ber state legislature eight years. General manager coal mines, Coalville. Merchant. CLUFF, HARVEY HARRIS (son of David Cluff and Betsy Hall). Born Jan. 9. 1836, at Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Margaret Ann Foster Jan. 24, 1856, Provo, Utah (daughter of George Foster of Provo, Utah, pioneer 1852). She was born Jan. 23, 1840. Their children: Harvey Harris b. Oct. 28, 1857; Seth M. b. March 18, 1859; George H. b. May 30, 1862; Margaret Ann b. March 31, 1864; they all died. Family home Provo. Married Emily Greening Till July 6, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Robert A. Till and Mary A. Greening of Provo, pioneers 1854). She was born Feb. 26, 1858. Their children: Birda J. b. 1879, m. H. R. Leedom; D. Lilly Ann b. 1884, m. Frank Alexander; Ephraim b. 1885, m. Emma Dixon; Gordon H. b. 1887, and Harold H. b. 1889, died; Ivy Isabell b. 1891, m. Albert T. Harding; Joy Robert b. 1893; Kenneth H. b. 1895; Lydia Laueritte b. 1898. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Sarah Eggertson July 6, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Simon P. and Johanna Eggertson, of Provo, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born 1857. Their children: Alfred Peter b. 1879, died; Clara J. b. 1883, m. John Q. Ryan; Franklin L. b. 1885. Family home Provo. Utah. President 45th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1865-68; bishop of 4th ward of Provo; president Utah stake; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1869-74. Assisted in coloniz- ing Skull Valley 1889-01. City councilman at Provo. Cab- inet-maker, farmer and rancher. CLUFF, SAMUEL S. (son of David Cluff and Betsy Hall, of Vermont). Born Sept. 27, 1837, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Frances Worsley May 29, 1861, Provo, Utah (daughter of John Worsley and Sarah Hamer, of England, pioneers Sept. 17, 1853, John W. Cooley company). She -was born Nov. 8, 1841. Their children: Henry b. March 17, 1862, d. April, 1863; Fannie b. March 21, 1865, m. Dave Bonnett; Sarah Jane b. April 6, 1867, d. Feb. 1868; Bessie b. July 10. 1870. d. Nov. 6, 1879: Harvey b. Oct. 24, 1872, m. Freda Barnum, Oct. 11, 1900; Samuel b. May 15, 1878, m. Minnie Moyle; Elmo b. Sept. 20. 1880, m. Mamie Grain; Sidney b. May 1, 1882, m. Kadie Colvin. Family home Provo. Utah. One of presidents 45th quorum seventies. CLUFF, HARVEY (son of Samuel S. Cluff and Frances Worsley). Born Oct. 24, 1872, Provo, Utah Married Freda Barnum Oct. 11, 1900, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Guy C. and Amelia Barnum, of Provo. She was born March 14, 1876. Their children: Bernice b. Feb. 23, 1903; Frances b. March 30, 1907. Family home Provo. Lawyer; attorney fourth judicial district, 1908-13; secre- tary state board of insanity. CLYDE, GEORGE W. (son of George Washington Clyde, born 1798, and Cynthia Davis, born Jan. 28, 1806, both In New York state). He was born July 8, 1825, Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, David Evans company. Married Jane McDonald Sept. 30, 1851, Springville, Utah (daughter of James McDonald and Sarah Ferguson of Crawfordsburn, County Down, Ireland: former died crossing plains; latter a pioneer Sept. 12, 1850). She was born July 17, 1827, at Crawfordsburn. Their children: George David W. b. Aug. 8, 1852; John b. Nov. 25. 1863, m. Fannie Jane Young Dec. 25, 1877; James William b. Aug. 30, 1855 m. Mary Campbell Dec. 12, 1884; Sarah Jane b. Aug. 16, 1858, m. Joseph Hatch Aug. 16. 1875; Robert b. Sept. 9, 1860. m. Margaret Cummings 1885; Mary Lorintha b. Sept. 24, 1862, m. William S. Willis Nov. 30, 1882; Edward D b Sept. 19, 1864. m. Clara Prudence Alexander Nov. 20, 1889; Georgiana b. Aug. 6, 1866, m. Nathan Alexander Neibau- April 1888; Sophia b. Nov. 26, 1868, m. John Henry Luke Nov. 25, 1890. Family home Heber, Utah. Seventy. Commissioner Wasatch county 1884-85. Farmer and stockraiser. CLYDE, EDWARD D. (son of George W. Clyde and Jane McDonald). Born Sept. 19, 1864. Heber, Utah. Married Clara Prudence Alexander Nov. ?0, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of Henry Samuel Alexander and Sarah Simons Miles, former of Ackworth, New Hampshire, latter of Freedom, N. Y., pioneers Oct. 28, 1849). She was born May 10, 1867. Their children: Edward Delbert b. Sept. 30, 1891: Lynden b. Aug. 10, 1893; Lionel Dean b. Dec. 19. 1894; Ednal Eulila b. Jan. 4, 1899; Elmo Miles b. May 10, 1904; Lily Clair b. May 16, 1906. Family home Heber, Utah. Elder; missionary to Ireland 1864-67; to Boston 1901-03; and to Europe 1885-87; high priest; M. I. A. missionary in Millard and Juab stakes 1897-98; 1st counselor to bishop of Heber ward 1904-06; 2d counselor to stake president. Justice of peace; mayor. School teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. CLYDE, WILLIAM MORGAN (son of George Washington Clyde and Cynthia Davis). Born April 8, 1829, Odgensburg, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 17. 1850, David Evans company. Married Eliza McDonald Jan. 24, 1861 (daughter of James McDonald and Sarah Ferguson). She was born at Craw- fordsburn, Ireland, and came to Utah with her mother, Sept. 12, 1850. Their children: William b. Nov. 5, 1851, m. Ann Winget May 1. 1872; George W. b. March 26, 1854; James b. Aug. 26, 1856, m. Rhoda M. Potter Dec. 16, 1877; Almon b. Jan. 2, 1859. m. Electa Kendall Oct. 26, 1881; Hyrum S. b. Aug. 16, 1861, m. Elenora Johnson Jan. 9, 1887; Mary L. b. March 4, 1864, m. Abner Thome Jan. 20, 1889: David b. Feb. 1, 1866, m. Ella W. Northen Jan. 18, 1900; Elva J. b. April 11, 1868, m. P. E. Houtz Aug. 28. 1889; John b. Jan. 19, 1870, m. Jesse Ervine April 13, 1904; Clara B. b. March 9, 1872; Lucy b. Dec. 21. 1874, m. W. O. Richard Jan. 1, 1896. Family home Springville, Utah. Married Sarah Bateman Dec. 14, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Bateman and Bridget Medruth), who was born 1840, Coventry, Warwickshire, Eng. Their chil- dren: Edward b. Sept. 12, 1863; Lorinthy b. Sept. 12. 1864; Sarah A. b. Feb. 23, 1866. m. William Kemmar June 17, 1888; Joseph B. and Josephine b. Feb. 2, 1869: Julia b. Sept. 12, 1872, m. Andrew Johnson Jan. 27, 1898; Viola b. July 22. 1876, m. W. E. Beardell Oct. 17, 1896; Violetta b. July 22, 1876; Willis E. b. July 17, 1880; Elsa b. Oct. 6, 1882, m. John Forsyth Nov. 22, 1905. Settled at Springville 1851. In 1862 went to Florence, Neb. for immigrants. He participated In Walker Indian war 1853, and in Black Hawk Indian war 1866-67. His was the first wedding at Alpine, Utah. Jan. 24, 1851, he was one of the two survivors to represent the first seven settlers of Alpine, Utah. CLYDE, HYRUM S. (son of William Morgan Clyde and Eliza McDonald). Born Aug. 16, 1861, Springville, Utah. Married Elenora J. Johnson Jan. 9, 1887 at Springvllle (daughter of Lorenzo Johnson and Mary A. Hall), who was born Nov. 16, 1866 at Springville. Their children: Jesse James b. Sept. 17, 1887; Bessie b. Oct. 21. 1888; Wilford W. b. Oct. 27, 1889; Hazel b. Nov. 29, 1891; Grover b. Nov. 18, 1893; Edward b. Jan. 23, 1896; George Dewey b. July 21, 1898; Harry Schley b. Jan. 9, 1902; Clara b. April 10, 1J06. Member Springville city council one term; served two terms on Mapleton town board. Farmer. 814 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH COBBLEY, THOMAS. Born Jan. 22, 1820, Huntingdonshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock company. Married Sarah Smith (daughter of John Smith and Hannah Button, pioneers Sept. 22, 1861, Samuel A. Woolley company). She was born April 16, 1823 and came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Robert b. 1844. m. Caroline Harris Dec. 20, 1869; James b. Sept. 21, 1846, m. Emmer Thorne Dec. 20, 1S69; Emily, m. Amasa Lyman Mecham 1866; Jane, m. Edward Kahler; Charles A. b. 1860, m. Emma Davis; John b. 1862, m. Marie Halverson. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. COBBLEY, JAMES (son of Thomas Cobbley and Sarah Smith). Born Sept. 21, 1846. Came to Utah Sept. 1862, Kimball and Lawrence freight company. Married Emmer Thorne Dec. 20. 1869 (daughter of David Thorne and Elizabeth Reeves of Pleasant Grove, Utah, pioneers 1851, independent company). She was born March 16, 1848. Their children: Emma L. Norah b. Oct. 17, 1870, m. John S. Harper April 18, 1888; Sarah Elizabeth b. Sept. 2, 1872, m. William Parks March 1898; James David Orville b. July 14, 1874, m. Amanda I. Christiansen Jan. 17, 1900; Emily Izella b. March 2, 1876, m. Willard Boulter June 1899; Clara Jenett b. March 18, 1879, m. William Ash Sept. 18, 1903; George Thomas b. March B, 1881. m. Bertha Harper Sept. 12, 1907; Robert Henry b. Feb. 13. 1883. died: Effie Jane b. March 14, 1885, m. James Yancy Oct. 8. 1908; Etta May b. Oct. 30, 1887, m. Nels Sorenson Sept. 12, 1907; Joseph Eugene b. Dec. 5, 1889, m. Esther Wray June 7. 1912; Marian Reeves b. Feb. 4, 1891; Dorothy b. Oct. 6, 1900 (adopted). Sunday school supt. 1885; president Y. M. M. I. A. 1891; bishop of Pleasant Grove 2d ward 1890-1904. Member city council of Pleasant Grove 1883: alderman 1885; member Pleasant Grove school board 1874-85. Went to Missouri River with Capt. Chipman in 1866, and with John Holman in 1868, for immigrants. COFFIN, NATHAN HARRISON (son of William Barney Coffin, born Feb. 27, 1809. in North Carolina and Abigail Starbuck, born June 1, 1813, in Indiana; married Sept. 21, 1833). He was born Sept. 28, 1840, Richmond, Ind. Came to Utah, 1852, Captain Cutler company. Married Chestina McMurtrey Dec. 7, 1863 (daughter of Samuel McMurtrey and Julia Ann Morris; pioneers 1849). She was born Jan. 27, 1847. Their children: Ester Vernetta b. Oct. 16, 1864, died; Amanda b. Sept. 26, 1866, m. John D. Kent Nov. 20, 1884: Eliza Ellen b. Nov. 21, 1868, m. Joseph A. Brim Jan. 12, 1886; Nathan Samuel b. Sept. 11, 1870, m. Margaretta Cooper Aug. 26, 1892; Jesse Thomas b. June 12, 1873, died; Erne May b. Oct. 11, 1876, m. Charles Johnson June 13, 1900; Henry Clay b. Nov. 25, 1878, m. Phoebe Richardson Oct. 10, 1900; William Barney b. June 4. 1880. m. Anna Johnson Nov. 14, 1901; Julia Abigail b. Nov. 15, 1882; Ella Lucile b. July 10, 1884, died; Mary b. June 13, 1881, m. Morgan Evans Oct. 8, 1906; Hattle b. March 20, 1890. died. High councilor. Road supervisor; justice of peace. COFFIN, NATHAN SAMUEL (son of Nathan Harrison Coffin and Chestina McMurtrey). Born Sept. 11, 1870, Huntsville, Utah. Married Margaretta Cooper Aug. 26, 1892. McCammon, Idaho (daughter of Vincent Cooper and Mary Miller, pioneers 1852). She was born Dec. 14, 1870. Oxford. Idaho. Their children: Clarence James b. Aug. 1, 1893; Martha Irene b. Feb. 2, 1895; Mary Lucile b. Oct. 25. 1897; Nathan Sherman b. Nov. 16, 1899; Golden Agrlppa b. June 24, 1903; Mar- garetta b. April 24. 1905: Fredrlc Samuel b. April 19, 1907; Hazel b. April 1, 1909; Jesse Cooper b. Oct. 18. 1912. Family home Marsh Center, Idaho. School teacher. Secretary Sunday school and Y. M. M. I. A. several years; missionary to eastern states; president Y. M. M. I. A. Justice of peace. Is now bishop of Marsh Center ward, having been sustained Nov. 22, 1903. COL.BORN, THOMAS (son of Jonathan Colborn and Han- nah Hamilton of Wayne county, N. Y.). Born Aug. 3, 1801. in Wayne county. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Sarah Bowers 1825, Lyons. Wayne county, N. Y. (daughter of Amos Bowers and Roslna Young of Lansing. Tompkins county. N. Y., pioneers Sept. 14, 1848. Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Nov. 4. 18 , and died Dec. 26, 1872, Peterson, Utah. Their children: Amanda b. Dec. 29, 1826. m. Wlnslow Farr; Thomas, died: Hannah b. Dec. 29. 1831. m. Samuel Miles: Sarah Matilda b. Nov. 4, 1834, m. Francis Martin Pomeroy; Roslna b. April 16, 1837. m. William Godbe; Talma b. May 16, 1841, d. 1843. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to Germany and England 1856; high priest; member Zlon'a Camp. Farmer. Died April, 1887 at Salt Lake City. was born Feb. 28, 1836, Norwich, Eng. Only child: Charles b. Dec. 20, 1854, m. Sarah McGhie March 18, 1884. Family home Sandy, Utah. Bookkeeper at tithing office; ordinance officer. Milliner. COLEBROOK, CHARLES (son of Charles Colebrook and Vir- tue Ann Bowthorpe). Born Dec. 20, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah McGhie March 18, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of William McGhie and Mary McBlain, pioneers Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn company). She was born Nov. 8, 1865. Only child: Lewis b. Oct. 2, 1SS5. Family home But- lerville, Utah. High priest; second counselor In bishopric ten years: Sunday school superintendent. Member Jordan school board three years; school trustee 57th school district nine years. Railroad builder. COLEMAN, GEORGE (son of Prime Coleman, born 1802, Airsly, Herts, Eng., and Sarah Thornton, born 1806, Paxton Hants, Eng. married 1826). He was born May 5, 1827, War- den parish, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1852. Married Jane Smith Jan. 28, 1857 (daughter of Alexander Smith and May McEwan, the latter a pioneer Nov. 9, 1856, J. G. Willie handcart company). She was born Sept. 22, 1838; came to Utah with parents. Their children: Mary b. Dec. 6, 1858, m. Sylvester Williams Jan. 1, 1877; Sarah May b. Sept. 20, 1860, m. Charles Snow Jan. 28. 1SS5; Betsey A. b. Aug. 4, 1862, died; Emma Jane b. July 3, 1863, m. Heber J. Wilson Oct.. 188>; George S. b. May 20, 1866, m. Angellne Hunt May 5, 18S6; Alexander S. b. May 8, 1870, m. Anna Ostberg Jan. 12, 1892; Walter Prime b. Aug. 5. 1874, m. Leona Brinkerhoff April, 1903; John A. b. Aug. 4. 1876, died; Maggie R. b. Oct. 2, 1878. died. Family resided Esca- lante, Lehi and Smlthfteld, Utah. Married Marie Talseth June, 1865, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Peter Olsen Talseth, pioneer Sept. 15, 1864, William B. Preston company. She was born April 3, 1834, In Nor- way. Their children: Samuel b. April 14, 1870, m. Sarah Burr Nov. 20, 1890: Joseph, died; Ann b. May 26, 1866, m. Robert Forsyth, Jr. Missionary to Salmon river. Indian war veteran; called to settle the country in Arizona in 1876 under George Lake. Bishop 1886-1900. COLEMAN, GEORGE S. (son of George Coleman and Jane Smith). Born May 20, 1866, Smlthfleld, Utah. Married Angeline Hunt May 5, 1886, St. George, Utah (daughter of Amos Hunt and Nancy G. Welborn, pioneers Sept. 24. 1852, Benjamin Gardner company). She was born Oct. 7, 1S69, Hebron, Washington county, Utah. Their chil- dren; Nancy Angeline b. July 2, 1887, m. Lyman Taft April B. 1906; Jane b. April 16, 1889, m. Neil Forsythe Nov. 24, 1909; Sarah Malinda b. Sept. 25, 1890; May b. Dec. 10, 1892; Bertha Ellen b. July 12. 1895; Sylvia b. June 12, 1902: George Burdett b. Feb. 20. 1906; Kenneth Hunt b. June 6. 1909. Missionary to New Zealand; bishop Teasdale ward 1900-04. OOLEBROOK, CHARLES. Born March 17, 1816, Mldhurst, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah 1851. Married Meria Purser March 10, 1847. Only child: Nellie. Familv home Salt Lake City. Married Virtue Ann Bowthorpe Jan. 1, 1854, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Bowthorpe and Mary Ann Tuttle, pioneers Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She COLEMAN, GEORGE. Born Nov. 30, 1815, Sherrington, Buckinghamshire. Eng. Came to Utah 1864. Married Elizabeth Bally 1835 (daughter of John and Sarah Bally, of Sherrington, Eng.). She was born Oct. 17, ; died April 22, 1880, Big Cottonwood, Utah. Their chil- dren: Henry b. May 5, 1836, m. Mary Jane Threlkeld; Charles; William, m. Mary Clotworthy; George, m. Mary World; Lewis, m. Rachel O'Nell; Sarah, m. Preston Lewis; Elizabeth, m. Simon Lewis; Samuel; Annie, m. William Mc- Millan. Family home J3ig Cottonwood, Utah. High priest; choir leader at Big Cottonwood. Utah. Farmer; matting maker. Died June 15, 1888, Salt Lake City. COLEMAN, HENRY (son of George Coleman and Eliza- beth Bally). Born May 5, 1836, at Sherrington. Came to Utah 1850, Samuel McClarldge company. Married Mary Jane Threlkeld Nov. 30, 1860, Big Cotton- wood, Utah (daughter of John Threlkeld. born March 4, 1814, died 1875, and Elizabeth Barker, born Dec. 17, 1810, Glasgow, Scotland, died Dec. 19, 1870, both of Carlisle, Cum- berland, Eng.). She was born May 15, 1842, at Carlisle, and came to Utah Aug. 28, 1860, Francis Brown company. Their children: Elizabeth b. Dec. 9, 1861, m. Charles Alonzo Epperson; Henry Threlkeld b. Nov. 20, 1863. m. Emily Ma- tilda Springer: Lucretia H. b. Dec. 23, 1865. m. Francis Green- well; Margaret E. b. Aug. 2, 1868. m. Alexander C. Mc- Kendry. Family home Midway. Utah. Elder. Assisted In hauling- the stone for Salt Lake tem- ple. Indian war veteran; assisted In making canals and wagon roads. Lumberman. Died Dec. 25, 1867. COLEMAN. HENRY THRELKELD (son of Henry Coleman and Mary Jane Threlkeld). Born Nov. 20, 1863, Salt Lake, county, Utah. Married Emily Matilda Springer Dec. 31, 1889, Midway. Utah (daughter of Nathan Chatmond Springer, born June 26, 1843, Providence. R. I., and Matilda Robey, both of Mid- way, Utah, pioneers 1863). She was born Sept. 6, 1868, at Midway. Their children: Henry Springer b. Jan. 13, 1891; Guy Ellsworth b. May 10, 1892: Lethe Belle b. Dec. 28, 1893; Merle Vlvienne b. April 23, 1895; Glen Robey b. March 17, 1897; Nathan Chatmond b. April 23. 1898; Keith Threlkeld b. April 10. 1901; Dale Franklin b. Jan. 16. 1903; Rhea Lillian b. May 19. 1907; Ruth May b. Nov. 3, 1908: Jessie Chloe b. March 17, 1911. Family home Midway, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 81.5 High priest; bishop of 1st ward, Midway, Utah; 2nd coun- selor to presidency of elders' quorum; first counselor in T. M. M. I. A. County commissioner 1902-06; president Mid- way Water Works company six years; Midway city coun- cilman six years. Blacksmith; farmer, sheepraiser; mining contractor. COLLETT, DANIEL (son of Thomas Collett of Gloucester- shire, Parish of Corse, Eng.). Born Dec. 9, 1809. Came to Utah 1S49. Married Esther Jones, who died 1858, Lehi, Utah. Their children: Sylvanus, m. Lydia Karren; Rhoda, m. John Eldredge; m. Philemon C. Merrill; Ruben, m. Elthurah Roseltha Merrill; Mary Ann, m. William Wamsley; Matilda, m. Ralph Teancum Merrill; Julia Ann, m. James Cantwell; Charles C., m. Anna Merrill; James Jones, m. Tidwell. Married Mary Empey in 1860 (parents pioneers of 1847). Only child: Eliza, m. Robert Jones. Married Elizabeth Gordon in 1859 (parents pioneers 1857, Edward Martin handcart company). She died 1859. Only child: William Gordon, m. Ada Rich. Married Betsy Burke 1861. Their children: Thomas; Daniel. Families' home Smithfleld, Utah. High priest. Pioneer to Smithfield 1850. Wheelwright and farmer. Died in May, 1896. COLLETT, REUBEN (son of Daniel Collett and Esther Jones). Born July 19, 1839, Gloucestershire, Parish of Corse, Eng. Came to Utah 1849. Married Elthurah Roseltha Merrill Jan. 19, 1861, Smith- fleld, being first marriage performed In this place (daughter of Samuel B. Merrill and Elizabeth Runyon of Smithfleld, pioneers of 1851). She was born Sept. 8, 1841. Their chil- dren: Reuben Samuel, m. Flora Elsie Colton; Sylvester Daniel, d. while on mission to Mexico; Sylvanus, m. Sarah Simpkins; m. Ethel Winnie Stringham; Julia Ann, m. William Postma; Adelbert T., m. Pernellie Goodrich; Charles M., m. Elnora Munk; Princetto, m. Albert Bills; Clarence J., m. Margarett Watkins; Roseltha, m. Albert W. Nielsen; George. Family home Smithfleld. High priest; missionary to Salmon River 1858-59; coun- selor to Bishop Thomas Jones of Lehi, Ariz.; member high council of Maricopa stake, Ariz., and also of Uinta stake; assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Pioneer to Lehi, Escalante, Vernal and Smithfleld, Utah; Bennington, Idaho, and Cokeville, Wyo. Active in school and public enter- prises. Indian war veteran. COLLETT, REUBEN SAMUEL (son of Reuben Collett and Elthurah Roseltha Merrill). Born May 26, 1864, Smithfield. Married Flora Elsie Colton Nov. 20, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of Sterling Driggs Colton and Nancy Adeline Williams of Vernal, Utah), who was born June 7, 1872, Provo, Utah. Their children: Gertrude b. July 9, 1892; Elsie b. Feb. 11, 1894; Reuben Sterling b. May 13, 1895; Mary b. Oct. 3, 1896; Karl Warren b. March 29, 1898; Merle b. June 21, 1900, died; Flora and Cora b. Feb. 19, 1902. Family resided at Roosevelt and Vernal, Utah. Missionary to England 1884-86; high priest; 1st counselor to Samuel R. Bennion of Uinta stake presidency 1887-1906; high councilor Uinta stake 1909 to present time. Vernal city councilman eight years; postmaster; chairman of board of education of the Uinta Stake academy 1888-04. Organ- ized Dry Gulch Irrigation company December 1905, served as president, director and secretary; farmer; merchant and real estate dealer. COLLINGS, JAMES, SR. (son of John Colllngs and Eliza- beth Robinson of Durham, Eng.). Born May 29, 1812, Sun- derland, Durham. Came to Utah August 30, 1860, Jesse E. Murphy company. Married Elizabeth Bewick (daughter of John Bewick and Catherine Stephanson), who was born Sept. 13, 1813, and came to Utah with her husband. Their children: John b. July 14, 1835, died; Elizabeth b. April 15, 1837, m. Simpson Molen; John b. Sept. 16, 1839, died; James b. Jan. 3, 1845, m. Frances P. Rich Oct. 5, 1874; Catherine b. Feb. 20, 1847. m. C. W. Maughan Sept., 1866; William John b. Sept. 15, 1849, died; Deseret b. Jan. 28, 1852, m. John T. Rich; Mahonri M. b. Jan. 17, 1856, m. Anne Horsley June 26, 1885. High priest. COLLINGS, JAMES [II] (son of James Ceilings and Eliza- beth Bewick). Born Jan. 3, 1845, Depthord, Eng. Married Frances Phoebe Rich Oct. 5, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Coulson Rich and Eliza Ann Graves), who was born June 30, 1850, Big Cottonwood, Utah. Their children: Elizabeth Ann b. June 13, 1876, m. Parley Pratt Parrish Sept. 14, 1905; James W. b. Aug. 6, 1898, m. Amelia Poulson; Eliza Ann b. Dec. 26, 1879; Charles R. b. Dec. 5, 1881; William B. b. May 5, 1883, died; Frances Phoebe b. Sept. 19, 1885, died; Catherine b. March 9, 1887; Joseph L. b. April 2, 1889; John b. Nov. 25, 1890; Mary F. b. Sept. 16, 1892; Leah b. July 23, 1895. Family home Paris, Idaho. 1826, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Louise b. Nov. 1, 1849, m. J. W. Johnson March 6, 1866; Fred b. April 24, 1851, m. Fanny ; David b. April 19, 1853, m. Frances Agusta Lisonbee Jan. 28, 1873; George b. Aug. 7, 1855, m. Mary Ann Lemons; Samuel b. Dec. 7, 1857, m. Lizzy Bertelsen; Will b. Aug. 3, 1859, m. Geneva Bean; Lyman b. Jan. 14, 1861, m. Marah Christianson; Sarah Ann b. Aug. 9, 1863, m. J. W. Taylor; Jane b. July 22, 1865, m. Samuel Dall. Family home Springville, Utah. COLLINGS, DAVID (son of Richard Collings and Emma Lawrence). Born April 19, 1863, London, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856. Married Frances Agusta Lisonbee Jan. 28, 1873, Monroe, Utah (daughter of Hugh Dobbins Lisonbee and Elma Hay- man, the former of Alabama, the latter of Newart 111 pioneers 1850). She was born Jan. 28, 1858, Springville Utah. Their children: David Owen b. Sept. 26, 1873, m Minnie Nielsen; Ole Lavell b. Oct. 7, 1876, d. Aug. 29, 1877' Otto b. Aug. 11, 1878, m. Nora Bertelson; Luella Emma b. Oct. 6, 1880, d. Feb. 23, 1908; Elma ArDelcia b. Sept. 27, 1882, m. William W. Harmon; Roy b. Dec. 17, 1884, m. Florence Anderson; Mattie b. Jan. 7, 1887; Turner Wells b. July 15, 1889, d. Jan. 30, 1891; Guy Willis b. Oct. 16, 1892; Hazel Dotta b. Oct. W, 1894; Frank Jay b. March 4, 1897- Fay Loring b. March 4, 1897, d. Sept. 16, 1897; Brett Adeline b. Aug. 9, 1899, d. Jan. 27, 1908; Welby Mae b. April 9, 1903. Family home Monroe, Utah. Missionary to northwestern states 1887-89. State sheep inspector. Proprietor of "Monroe House." Farmer and stockraiser; contractor. COLLINS, THOMAS (son of John Collins and Priscilla Shef- fard, Collinbourn, Kingston, Wiltshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 12, 1832, at Collinbourn, Kingston, Eng. Came to Utah late in 1866 with ox and mule teams. Married Mary Liddiard, Feb. 23, 1877, Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas Liddiard and Ann Tucker, Ogbourne, St. George, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah June 1864 with ox- team). She was born March 4, 1860. Their children: John Thomas, m. Alfreda Jeppersen; Priscilla Ivy, m. Thomas Harding; Lemira Meta, m. George Halstead; Sarah Stella, m. Albert Jacobsen; Hazel May, m. Jesse Mitchell; Beatrice V., m. Parley D. Hindmarsh; Mary C., m. George Webb; Elva G. ; Ann Sophia. Family home Provo, Utah. Farmer. Died Nov. 29, 1898. COLLINS, JOHN THOMAS (son of Thomas Collins and Mary Liddiard). Born April 12. 1878, Provo, Utah. Married Alfreda Jeppersen Oct. 13, 1903, Provo, Utah (daughter of Christian Jeppersen and Sena Nielson, Odense, Denmark. Their children: Leola Alfreda b. July 24, 1904; John Wyman b. Jan. 3, 1908. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Ada Lemmon Nov. 12, 1908, Nephi, Juab county, Utah (daughter of William S. Lemmon and Ada Lowe of Silver City, Utah). She was born Jan. 27, 1878. Their children: Ada Beatrice b. Sept. 27, 1910, d. Dec. 26, 1910. Family home Leamington, Utah. Elder; Sunday school and ward teacher. Stonemason and farmer. COLL1NGS, RICHARD (son of Joseph and Sarah Collings). Born June 23, 1818, Tring, Buckinghamshire. Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Emma Lawrence May 26, 1847 (daughter of Simon Lawrence and Ann Archer), who was born Nov. 26, COLTON, PHILANDER (son of Charles and Polly Jones of Scipio, Cayuga county, N. Y.). Born Oct. 11, 1811, Clarence Hollow, N. Y. Came to Utah July 29, 1847 with members of Co. B, Mormon Battalion, under Capt. George P. Cook. Married Matilda Merrill July, 1833, Utica, Mich, (daughter of Samuel and Phoebe Merrill), who was born Oct. 16, 1817, and came to Utah 1850. Their children: Charles Edwin b. Oct. 26, 1834, m. Mary Ann Kelton; Harriet Emily b. July 24, 1836, m. Daniel W. Jones; Eleanor Roseltha b. Aug. 26, 1838, m. Stephen Bliss Moore; Lamoni Andrew b. April 18, 1842, d. aged 22; George Philander b. Jan. 24, 1844, d. child; Sanford Lorenzo b. June 26, 1845, m. Nancy Work- man (Reed); Byron Oliver b. Nov. 29, 1848, m. Sarah Jane Clark, m. Sarah M. Smith; Sterling Driggs b. March 22, 1851, m. Nancy Adeline Wilkins; Phoebe Albina b. Jan. 20, 1855, d. 1865; John Adelbert b. Jan. 30, 1858, m. Mary Susan- nah Wilson; Earnest Merrill b. Sept. 19, 1860, m. Eva Louisa Gill. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to Las Vegas, Nev. Located at Provo and moved to Vernal in 1885. Mason; plasterer; brickmaker. Died Aug. 15, 1891, Vernal, Utah. COLTON, BYRON OLIVER (son of Philander Colton and Matilda Merrill). Born Nov. 29, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah 1850. Married Sarah Jane Clark Jan. 24, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Clark and Sarah Topham of Provo, Utah, pioneers 1850). Their children: Minnie Jane b. April 23, 1871, m. George H. Wilson; May b. Feb. 25, 1874, d. March 14, 1874. Married Sarah Maria Smith July 4, 1879, at Provo (daugh- ter of George Albert Smith, Sr., and Hannah Libby of Provo and Salt Lake City, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Jan. 1, 1856. Their children: Stella Smith b. June 6, 1880, m. Charles A. Hardy; Byron Owen b. Feb. 15, 1882, m. Helen Merkley June 29, 1910; George Albert b. June 36, 1883, d. May 15. 1898. Elder; ward teacher; secretary of Sunday schools several years. County clerk and recorder eight years' school trustee. Settled at Vernal 1884. 816 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH COLTON, BTRON OWEN (son of Byron Oliver Colton and Sarah Maria Smith). Born Feb. 16, 1882 at Provo. Married Helen Merkley June 29. 1910 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Nelson Merkley and Keturah Peterson of Vernal, Utah). She was born April 9, 1890. Their child: Ruth b. May 17, 1911. Ordained bishop of Maeser ward Sept. 18, 1910; ordained high priest and alternate high councilor Aug. 23, 1908; presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school teacher. Member state board of education; school trustee. County surveyor 1904- 08. Civil engineer. COLTON, STERLING DRIGGS (son of Philander Colton and Matilda Merrill). Born March 22, 1861, Provo, Utah. Married Nancy Adeline Wilklns March 21, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John G. Wilkins and Nancy Ken- nedy of Provo). She was born July 14, 1863, at Provo. Their children: Flora Elsie b. June 7, 1872, m. Reuben Collett; Sterling Leroy b. Jan. 16, 1874, m. Lula Camp; Don Byron b. Sept. 15, 1876, m. Mary Maria Hall; m. Grace Stringham; Frank Edwin b. Sept. 7, 1878, m. Elizabeth Jane Hacking; m. Jane Merkley; Warren Alfred b. March 29, 1883, m. Merle Crandall; Charles Henry b. Dec. 18, 1884, m. Nellie Hacking; Louis Lycurgus b. Nov. 30, 1886, m. Louise Fuller; Nancy Fern b. Feb. 25, 1890, d. April 28, 1892; Zora Maria b. Oct. 21, 1892; Hugh Wilkins b. Jan. 11, 1901. Member seventies, Vernal, Utah; missionary of Illinois and Michigan 1895; higrh priest; bishop; superintendent Sunday school. Sheriff, Uinta county; county commissioner. Merchant; stockraiser; miner and smelterer. One of first discoverers of Gilsonlte. COLTON. DON BYRON (son of Sterling Driggs Colton and Nancy Adeline Wilkins). Born Sept. 15, 1876, Mona, Utah. Married Mary Maria Hall Aug. 22, 1900, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Mark Hall and Mary Bingham of Vernal, Utah), who was born Aug. 17, 1878, and died July 9, 1906. Married Grace Stringham June 17, 1908, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Philip Stringham and Caroline Crouch of Maeser ward, Vernal, Utah). She was born Aug. 26, 1878. Their children: Mera b. March 20, 1909; Alice b. Jan. 10, 1913. Member 97th quorum seventies of Vernal; missionary to England 1896-98; ordained president of Uinta stake Sept. 17, 1910; 1st counselor to president William H. Smart 1907- 10; high councilor 1906-07; 1st counselor in bishopric of Maeser ward 1905-06; stake supt. of religion classes 1901- 02; president Y. M. M. I. A. of Maeser ward 1898-1901; principal preparatory department of B. Y. A. at Provo; principal of Uinta Stake Academy 1902-03. Took course of law at Ann Arbor 1903-06. Served in Utah legislature 1903. Receiver U. S. Land Office at Vernal 1905-13. Presi- dent Uinta Telephone company; president Vernal Express Publishing company. Rancher and stockraiser. Attorney- at-law. COLVIN, LEVI ORSON ALAMANDER (son of William Col- vin, born April 2, 1778, and Lydia Sherman, born Oct. 25, 1785, both of Dauby, Rutland county, Vt.). He was born Dec. 20, 1822, Ellsburg, Jefferson county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1850. Married Mary Ann Emeline Davis April 17, 1850, Mt. Pls- gah, Iowa (daughter of Isaac and Sarah Davis, of Pennsyl- vania; the latter a pioneer Sept. 10, 1850). She was born Jan. 22, 1830, near Toronto, Can. Their children: Lydia Ann b. Jan. 13, 1851, m. Lester Taylor; Mary Melissa b. Oct. 28, 1853, m. John Henry Tanner; Lev! Alexander b. June 12, 1867, m. Mary Alice Curtis; Orson Lamoni b. June 1862; Laconius Alamander b. in 1866, m. Julia Patten; William Albert b. Nov. 11, 1871, d. Nov. 27, 1907; Emma Potter (adopted), m. Ephraim Coombs. Family home, Payson, Utah. High priest. Settled In Cottonwood and lived at Fillmore, Santaquin and Payson. Member Payson city council 1856- 66, Farmer. Died Nov. 18, 1904. COLVIN, LEVI ALEXANDER (son of Lev! Orson Alamander Colvin pnd Mary Ann Emeline Davis). Born June 12, 1857, Payson, Utah. Married Mary Alice Curtis Oct. 14. 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Curtis, born Oct. 27, 1823, in Oakland county, Mich., and Mary Openshaw, born March 25, 1839, Brightmet, Lancashire, Eng., the former a pioneer Oct. 7, 1848, the latter of Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin "frozen" handcart company). She was born Aug. 30, 1858. Their children: Irene b. Aug. 6, 1881 (drowned April 15, 1912 victim of the "Titanic-" catastrophe), m. Walter H. Corbett; Kady Emeline E. b. Nov. 1, 1882, m. Sidney H. Cluff; Levl Leslie b. May 24, 1884, d. Sept. 16, 1890; Curtis G. b. Nov. 16, 1885, d. Jan. 16, 1904; Tracy Sherman b. Nov. 14. 1887, m. Zella Ashton; Eleanor b. Nov. 16, 1889; Hattie Lucille b. Oct. 28, 1892. Family resided Payson, Pleasant View and Provo, Utah. Member 34th quorum seventies; missionary to Iowa and Missouri 1896-97; bishop Pleasant View ward 1905-12; high priest; home missionary, Nebo stake. Payson city council- man eight years; first Utah county sheep inspector; chair- man Payson school board six years. Farmer; atockraiser; fruitgrower. 27, 1820. Their children: John Graham b. April 1, 1843, m. Dora Dunyon; Julia Ann b. June 15, 1848; Mary b. 1846, m. Edwin Hooker; Zebedee b. June 16, 1861, m. Eva Davis; Jo- seph b. November 1852; Heman b. Jan. 29, 1854, m. Martha J. Jones; Electa b. Oct. 22, 1866, m. James G. Higginson; Sarah b. April 22, 1858, m. W. H. Gay; Elizabeth b. Dec. 31, 1869, m. Hiram Edwards; Hugh b. Oct. 16, 1862. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Patriarch. Died July 20, 1887. COLTRIN, HEMAN (son of Zebedee Coltrin and Mary Mott). Born Jan. 29, 1854, Palmyra, Utah. Married Martha J. Jones Oct. 14. 1890, Provo, Utah (daughter of William B. Jones and Mary Morgan, who came to Utah May 30, 1873). She was born June 14, 1863. Their children: William Z. b. Aug. 24, 1891; Mary M. b. Feb. 6, 1893; H. Edwin b. March 24, 1894; Bessie b. Dec. 2, 1895; Jennie N. b. Sept. 24. 1897; J. Frank b. April 26, 1899; Rebecca P. b. June 6, 1900; Melvln W. b. March 1, 1902; Arthur B. b. April 8, 1904. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. COMER, GEORGE (son of Job and Amelia Comer). Born Oct. 17, 1830, Farringdon Gurney, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1866, William Henry Chtpman company. Married Mary Ann Smith Feb. 16, 1852 (daughter of George Smith and Mary Flower), who was born Sept. 21, 1833, Pub- low, Eng:., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Elizabeth, m. James Gledhill Nov. 28, 1881; Mary Jane, died; George Lorenzo, m. Mary Jones March 31, 1882; Mary Ann, died; Heber, m. Nellie Titcomb March 16, 1884; Polly, m. James Smuin Feb. 22, 1884; Amelia, m. Carl Kartell June 21, 1897; Sarah, m. William Dorton May 12, 1888; John, m. Mary Lee November 1894; Alice, m. Thomas English July 11. 1894; Jesse, d. Aug. 20. 1876; Alma, m. Mary Meakin Feb. 22, 1884. Family home Lehi, Utah. High priest; representative of genealogical society; filled two foreign and eight home missions; prominently identi- fied with the promotion and building of the Provo woolen mills and other manufacturing institutions, and in the growth and settlement of Lehi City. Owner and breeder of excellent Jersey stock. COMISH, WILLIAM (son of Henry Cornish and Elizabeth Dugan of Isle of Man). Born May 20, 1805, Kirkarbray, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1856, John Hindley com- pany. Married Elizabeth Kegg at Isle of Man (daughter of Pat- rick Kegg and Jane Moore of Isle of Man). She was born Dec. 22, 1806. Their children: Jane, m. Robert Ashton; Wil- liam, m. Annie Cook; Margrette, m. Thomas Rouche; Eliza- beth, m. George Whitaker; John, b. Dec. 1, 1838, m. Esther E. Stanford Nov. 22, 1862; Ellen, m. Mark Preece; Nephi, m. Emma Howland; Joseph, d. July 1853; Emma, m. George Densmore. Family home Franklin, Idaho. High priest; acting teacher. Died Dec. 16, 1877. COMISH, JOHN (son of William Komish and Elizabeth Kegg). Born Dec. 1, 1838, Douglas, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1865, John Hindley company. Married Esther E. Stanford Nov. 22, 1862. Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Stanford and Elizabeth Barnett of Southwick, Sussex, Eng., pioneers Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company). She was born Feb. 20, 1844. Their chil- dren: John A. b. Nov. 22, 1863, m. Ada Crockett; Elizabeth E. b. Nov. 16, 1865, m. William C. Ormond; Thomas W. b. Aug. 29, 1867, m. Emma Braley; Ruth S. b. June 16, 1869, m. Erastus S. Larsen; Karleen S. b. April 6, 1871, m. Hyrum C. Larsen; Franklin S. b. Oct. 7, 1872; Joseph Francis b. Jan. 12. 1874, died; Ellen F. b. March 29, 1876, m. Martin Larsen; Nephi S. b. March 3, 1877; Albert S. b. Aug. 14, 1879, m. Emma Champion; Alberta S. b. Aug. 14, 1879, died; Pearl S. b. Dec. 9, 1884, m. George W. Holliday; Fay S. m. Sept. 22, 1887, m. Robert L. Allen; Leo S. b. March 26, 1889. Family home Coveville, Utah. Ward teacher; went to meet belated handcart company 1856; in 1862 he drove team in Henry W. Miller's company to Florence for immigrants. Herded church cattle at Promon- tory 1860-61. Went as minuteman in Horton D. Haight's company to Salmon river in 1858 to fight the Indians; took part in Echo Canyon trouble; Indian scout six years. School trustee. Farmer. CONDER, EDWARD (son of Edward Conder and Deborah Benton of Woden, Cambridgeshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 19, 1826, Woden, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hun- ter company. Married Helen Pierce 1846, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of William and Sarah Pierce of Woden, Eng.). She was born Dec. 19, 1826. Their children: William, d. infant; John, m. Hannah Hanson; Elizabeth, m. John J. Roberts; Edward, d. child; Annie, m. James Whitmore Preston; Emma, m. Wil- liam Henroid; Rachel, m. Eugene H. Henrold; Ruth, d. child; Hermlna, m. James Swatley; Deborah, d. infant. Family home American Fork, Utah. High priest. Teamster and farmer. Died Dec. 18, 1886, at American Fork. COLTRIN, ZEBEDEE (son of John Coltrin and Sarah Gra- ham). Born Sept. 7, 1804, Ovid, Seneca county, N. Y. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Stephen Goddard company. Married Mary Mott Feb. 6, 1841 (daughter of Samuel Mott and Elizabeth Dewltt, pioneers 1852), who was born Nov. CONDIE, GIBSON (son of Thomas Condle of Glasgow. Scot- land). Born June 16, 1814, at Glasgow. Came to Utah July, I860. Married Cecelia Sharp, 1844, Glasgow, Scotland (daughter PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 817 of Peter and Cecelia Sharp of Clackmannan, Scotlanl). She was born April 9, 1812. Their children: Mary, m. James C. Watson; Gibson S., m. Elizabeth Whitaker, m. Esther Pal- freyman; Ellen, m. Peter G. Burt; Robert S., m. Harriet Powell; Elizabeth, m. John Cowan; Peter S., m. Jeanette Watson; Thomas S., m. Marguerite Watson. Family home Salt Lake City. Seventy. Contractor for building material. Died Nov. 17, 1900. < <>M>IK, THOMAS (son of Gibson Condie, born Dec. 25, 1774, and Jean Russel, both of Westfleld, Scotland; they were married Aug. 15, 1794). He was born Sept. 27, 1806, Dun- fernline, Fifeshlre, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1852, Capt. Howell company. Married Helen Sharp Aug. 21, 1830 (daughter of Luke Sharp and Janet White, married Nov. 9, 1900, Clackmannan, Scotland). She was born May 25, 1811, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Janet b. Aug. 4, 1831, m. Jo- seph Sharp Aug. 28, 1849; Gibson b. March 10, 1835, m. Eliza- beth Robinson Feb. 26, 1857; Helen b. July 24, 1837, m. George Thackeray July 1, 1854; Margaret b. Nov. 19, 1839; Thomas b. Feb. 9, 1842, m. Hannah Swan Sept. 17, 1864; Cecelia b. June 22, 1854, m. Arthur" Kirk June 15, 1880; Joseph b. June 22, 1854, m. Elizabeth Walbie June 7, 1883. CONDIE, GIBSON, son of Thomas Condie and Helen Sharp). Born March 10, 1835, Clackamannan, Scotland. Married Elizabeth Robinson Feb. 26, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of George and Margaret Angus Robinson, pio- neers of 1856. Edward Martin company). She was born June 28, 1838, Darlington, Eng. Their children: Margaret Helen b. June 28, 1858, m. William C. Palmer Oct. 31, 1881; Thomas R. b. July 7, 1861, m. Katie Jones Sept. 6, 1894; Gibson R. b. Sept. 12, 1863, m. Ettie Warrick June 16, 1907; Elizabeth Ann b. June 20, 1866. m. Willard C. Knight April 1, 1903; Joseph b. June 7, 1868, m. Minnie Johnson Feb. 8, 1899; Mary Jane b. Sept. 6, 1870, m. David H. Wickel Dec. 21, 1898; John W. b. Sept. 21, 1878, m. Rella May Pendleton Dec. 3, 1903; Agnes Irene b. June 6, 1881, m. Frank Padkins March 30, 1904; George Moroni b. March 27, 1883, m. Caroline Johnson April 30, 1908. Family home Croydon, Morgan Co., Utah. Ward clerk. Active in Echo Canyon troubles. One of first settlers of Lost Creek on Weber river. Contractor in construction of Union Pacific R. R. In 1869. CONDIE, JOHN W. (son of Gibson Condie and Elizabeth Robinson). Born Sept. 21, 1878, at Croydon, Utah. Married Rella May Pendleton Dec. 31, 1903, at Wanship, Utah (daughter of Joshua Pendleton and Delphia Stewart, former born May 4, 1849, latter June 18, 1852, both of Salt Lake City; married in 1870). She was born May 4, 1881, Wanship, Utah. Their children: Melvina Lyman b. May 28, 1905; Mildred Evelyn b. June 18, 1907; Lucile b. Sept. 24, 1908; Vera b. Aug. 5, 1910. Family home Preston, Idaho. Principal of Preston Central school 1906-08; teacher in Oneida Academy 1908-12. Mayor 1909-11. Bishop 4th ward since 1907. CONL.EY, SOLOMON N. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brig- ham Young company. Married Eve Merckley (daughter of Christopher Merck- ley). Their children: Christopher Albert b. Feb. 4, 1844, m. Mary Whipple; Ransom N. b. Nov. 24, 1848; Hyrum J. b. May 19, 1850; Lyman b. April 13, 1855, m. Annie Harvey; Sarah E. b. April 14, 1857, m. James A. Cameron Feb. 6, 1875; Harriet M. b. April 21, 1859, m. Levl Hart Nov., 1874. Family home Centerville, Utah. High priest. CONNELX, WILLIAM F. (son of William Connell and Isa- belle Leishman of De Kalb, 111.). Born July 8, 1841, Barry, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah May 6, 1864. Married Henrietta Atkinson June 28, 1874, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Atkinson and Margerite Ann Field of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1863), who was born Jan. 12, 1853. Their children: Margerite Isabelle, m. W. H. Mc- Kenna; James W., m. Sascha Stain; Anna L., m. Solomon K. Smith; Emma L., m. Claude M. Raybould; Maud H., m. Frank N. Huddleson; William A., m. Alice Taufer; Gladys R., d. aged 1 year; Hazel K. Family home 14th ward, Salt Lake City. Justice of peace, Lincoln county, Nev. ; general news- paper man. WILLIAM SAMUEL, (son of Samuel Connell and Martha Goodfellow of Birmingham, Eng.). Born June 3, 1851, In England. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1863, Peter Ne- beker company. Married Emma Mariah Wright Sept. 25, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Wright and Sarah Ann Brltt of Nephi, Utah, pioneers Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin hand- cart company). She was born Sept. 29, 1854. Their chil- dren: Sarah Ann, m. George W. Taylor; Amelia, died; Emma Sophronla, m. John Henry Weir; Birdie Lois, died; Gertrude, died; John Britt. died; Jessie, died; William, died; Samuel Wright; Barley Wright; John Robert; Walter; Ger- aldlne. Family home Ogden, Utah. Elder. Harness maker. Died Nov. 17, 1912, at Ogden. 52 CONOVER (COWNOVER), PETER WILSON (son of Peter Conover and Hannah Combs). Born Sept. 19, 1807, Wood- ford, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Eveline Golden Feb. 14, 1827, Morgan county, 111., who died in 1847, at Winter Quarters, Neb. Their children: Houton; Charles; Abraham; Sarah; John; Jenett; Catherine; Zerelda; Alphis; Eveline. Married Mary Jane McCorral Nov. 10, 1850, Provo, Utah (daughter of Jesse McCorral and Mary J. Lock of Louisi- ana, pioneers Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company) She was born March 11, 1829, in Louisiana. Their children: Mary E. b. Nov. 14, 1851, m. Charles Jenkins; Louisa H. b. Dec. 24, 1852, m. Robert Henderson; Peter Wilson, Jr b March 24, 1854, m. Myrtle Mason; Hanmer J. b. June 9 1855 m. Viola Burdick; William C. b. April 22, 1858, m. Delia Bur- dick; Martha J. b. Sept. 19, 1859, m. James Gilllspie; Joseph b. Sept. 19, 1859, died; Alsetta b. May 4, 1862, m. W. E. Smith, m. James Hogan; Loretta b. May 5, 1862, m. Henry V. Smith; Ida b. Oct. 30, 1865, m. William H. Kenner; Ella b. Jan. 29, 1869, died; Ada b. July 29, 1872, m. Tight Snow; Robert Francis b. Dec. 23, 1873, m. Anna Richmond. Family home Provo, Utah. One of Joseph Smith's body guards. Settled at Provo. It was reputed that his was the second wagon driven by a white man across the Provo river, and that he raised the first wheat produced In this part of the territory. In the 50's he commanded the militia in Utah county, one of the prominent military characters in territorial history. In 1854 he accompanied expedition of Colonel Steptoe to Carson Valley, Nev. Colonel in Black Hawk Indian war. Died Sept. 20, 1892, Richfield, Utah. CONOVER, ROBERT FRANCIS (son of Peter William Con- over and Mary Jane McCorral). Born Dec. 23, 1873, Eureka, Utah. Married Annie Richmond Aug. 19, 1906, Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of Benjamin B. Richmond and Martha James of Provo), who was born Nov. 4, 1885. Their children: Edna Afton b. Dec. 4, 1907; Bernice b. Nov. 7, 1909. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. Member of Battery B, Utah Light Artillery Volunteers, and received special bronze medal (number 1807), which was issued in 1899 to members of the 8th army corps for service in the Philippines (Luzon), voluntary re-enlistment, patriotism, fortitude and loyalty, by an act of Congress, upon the recommendation of President McKlnley. Farmer. COOK, CHAtJNCEY HARVEY (son of Milton Cook and Olive Amanda Smith). Born Nov. 26, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Clarissa Curtis in February, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Enos Curtis and Tamma Durfee of Len- nox, Madison county, N. ., pioneers of September, 1850). She was born Oct. 13, 1851. Their children: Joseph Alma b. Aug. 23, 1871; Emma b. Aug. 16, 1872; Chauncey Harvey b. Dec. 5, 1874, m. Elsie Sonburg; Amelia b. May 11, 1877; Ray Curtis b. Aug. 27, 1878, m. Lydia Jane Babcock; Leroy Austin b. Aug. 24, 1881, m. Louisa Bennett; Marion b. March 14, 1884, m. Effle Lisonbee; Bertha b. March 9, 1886, m. Chas. B. Lewis; Dora b. March 26, 1888, m. William Clark Scott; Laura D. b. Dec. 11, 1889, m. Hyrum Hansen; Junius F. b. July 18, 1893, m. Vida Hardman. High priest; 1st counselor to Bishop John T. Rowley, Emery stake; Sunday school superintendent, Sevier stake; ward teacher. Justice of peace, Spring Glen, Carbon county; postmaster, Caineville, Wayne county. Farmer and stockraiser. COOK, GEORGE (son of George Cook and Mary Philpot of Brabourne, Kentshlre, Eng.). Born Jan. 28, 1828, at Bra- bourne. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert L. Campbell company. Married Hannah Burrows Jan. 31, 1854, Dover, Kentshire, Eng. (daughter of Henry Burrows and Mary Norton of Dover). She was born March 27, 1822. Their children: George Burrows, d. infant; Henry, d. infant; Samuel Nor- ton, m. Margaret Lillian Wells and Stella Barker; Mary Burrows, m. Nephl Brunker; Elizabeth Jane, m. John A. Dalton; Hannah Louisa, d. infant; Rosetta Ellen, d. Infant; Harbert Lorenzo, d. infant. Family home Willard, Utah. Member 59th quorum seventies; ward teacher 40 yea's. Farmer. Died Jan. 1, 1906. COOK, SAMUEL NORTON (son of George Cook and Hannah Burrows). Born April 26, 1857, Ogden, Utah. Married Margaret Lillian Wells Dec. 27, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lyman B. Wells and Bithiah Fordham of Willard, Utah, pioneers of 1849). She was born April, 1865; died Dec. 5, 1890. Married Stella Barker Oct. 12, 1892, at Logan^ Utah (daughter of Byron Barker and Julia Hubbard of Willard. pioneers of 1852). She was born Oct. 17, 1870. Their chil- dren: George Byron b. Nov. 23, 1895; Merlin Norton b. Sept. 28 1897; Francis Henry b. Nov. 13. 1899; Delbert Eugene b. Dec. 29, 1905. Family home Willard. Member 59th quorum seventies; missionary to Great Britain 1892-94; counselor to bishops A. Zundel and George Facer- high councilor. County commissioner; member county board of education; mayor and justice of peace of Willard; member legislature 1896-98. Farmer and stock- raiser. 818 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH COOK, HENRY FREEMAN (son of William Cook, born Sept. 6, 1780, and Lucy Chapman, born May 8, 1787, married Dec. 19, 1805). He was born Jan. 12, 1815. Came to Utah Oct., 1852, Warren Snow company. Married Sophronia Strobridge April 9, 1837 (daughter of George Strobridge and Abigal Lull), who was born March 14, 1813, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John b. May 22, 1838, m. Sarah Cook; James b. Jan. 14, 1840, m. Malinda Wilcox; Hannah b. Jan. 22, 1842, m. Rhone Day- ton; Mary Jane b. Jan. 2, 1844, m. William Quail; Charles b. Feb. 21, 1846; William b. Oct. 19, 1847, m. Almina Weeks March 4, 1871; m. Rebecca Rhodeaback; George-b: March 20, 1850, m. Ella Phippen, m. Alice Sparks; Harriet Ann b. May 20, 1853; Jenett b. March 17, 1855, m. Seth Ridgby; Maretta b. March 17, 1855, m. William H. Bassett. Family home Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married Julia Ann Rocker In 1857, Salt Lake City. Their children: Franklin; George H.; Malinda; Ada. Bishop Cedar Valley ward 1861-1881. Died in 1881. COOK, WILLIAM (son of Henry Freeman Cook and Sophro- nia Strobridge). Born Oct. 19, 1847, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Married Almina Weeks March 4, 1871 (daughter of Allen Weeks and Sarah Jane Bennett), who was born Oct. 21, 1S48. Only child: William Lucene b. March 4, 1873, m. Clara Clark Nov. 14, 1895. Family home Cedar Fort, Utah. Married Rebecca Rhodeaback Oct. 25, 1875 (daughter of James Rhodeaback and Phebe Beagle), who was born May 2, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Edward b. Jan. 9, 1877, m. Nellie A. Chamberlain June 27, 1900; Helen b. April 6, 1879, m. Ralph Hardy Feb. 5, 1908; Clifford b. March 14, 1881, m. Arminta Wilcox Oct. 17, 1900; Mark H. b. April 26. 1884; Phebe R. b. July 12, 1885; Barnes Alma b. Oct. 11, 1S87, m. Alice Southam April 29, 1908. COOK, JAMI3S (son of John and Sarah Cook of England). Born Nov. 13, 1816, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1853, Joseph A. Young company. Married Ann Lane at Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Eng. Their children: Ann (d. Nov. 3, 1891), m. William K. Barton; Hyrum, m. Emily Alder; Maud. m. Christian Hicks; Mary, died; James N., died; Henry, d. aged 19 years; Brigham, died. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Maria Davenport at Manti. They had one child who died in infancy. Family home Manti. High priest. Black Hawk Indian War veteran. Wheel- wright. Died Oct., 1900, at Manti. COOK, JAMES M. (son of Thomas Cook and Mary Brundrett, of Chorltoncum-Hardy, Lancashire, Eng.). Born June 5, 1850, Timperley, Cheshire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov., 1881. Married Emily J. Radcliff (daughter of Samuel Radcliff and Ellen Hadkinson), who was born April 3, 1852. High priest; missionary to England 1895-97; president 84th quorum seventies 1902: bishop Itexburg 2d ward 1907; high councilor Fremont stake, June 30, 1912. COOK, JOHN. Came to Utah, Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Rachel Marson of Eastwood, Nottingham, Eng. Their children: Eliza, m. Robert Campbell Kirkwood, 1870; Elizabeth, m. Robert Campbell Kirkwood, July, 1860. They lived at Provo, Utah. COOK, I,TTKE (son of George and Artulis Cook of Wales, Eng.). Born Jan. 25, 1824, Bath, Eng. Came to Utah, lj, Vincent Shurtliff oxteam company. Married Louisa Burton in England (daughter of George and Sarah Burton), who was born Oct. 6, 1831. Their chil- dren: Julia Emma, m. Hans Peterson; Liza B., m. Canby Scott; George H., m. Sarah Hooks; John E., m. Matilda Whipple; Louisa A., m. Andrew Eggertsen; Sarah, m. Wil- liam Hoover. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 34th quorum seventies; choir leader. Butcher. Deceased. COOK, MELVIN D. (son of Edmund Cook and Amanda A. Bronson). Born Oct. 12, 1835, Akron, Ohio. Came to Utah 1863. Married Sarah Duncombe Dec. 19, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Duncombe and Elizabeth Glover of Staffordshire, Eng., pioneers 1865, Thomas Taylor company). She was born Jan. 4, 1853. Their children: Aurelia E., d. infant; Alice May, d. aged nine; Annie Laurie, m. Charles Leonard; Melvin C., d. aged six; Lola M., m. Oscar Ahlbom; Rubin G., m. Amy Senior; Willard L., m. Gertrude Erickson; Arthur G.; Nellie, m. Samuel McNeil; Victor L.; Jennie Irene, m. Fred Hill; Ida Lillian. Elder. Granger justice of peace two years. Mailcarrier; farmer and stockraiser. COOK, PHI1VEAS W. (son of Wolcott P. Cook and Irene Churchel). Born Aug. 28, 1819, Goshen, Conn. Came to Utah in 1848. Marrifd Johana C. Poison Sept. 13, 1878 (daughter of James Poison and Johana Ulrika Lundgren), who was born Aug. 8, 1845, Malmo, Sweden. Their children: Carl; Moses; Kih b. July 4, 1882; Emerson: Parley: Idaily. High priest; bishop of Goshen, Utah. COOK, KIB (son of Phineas W. Cook and Johana C. Poison) He was born July 4, 1882, Garden City Utah. Married Rose Adline Dimick, June 17, 1903, Logan, Utah (daughter of James Heber Dimick and Rose M. Dalrymple), who was born Nov. 3, 1884, Wardboro, Idaho. Their children- Maud Mae b. March 16, 1904; Fern b. Jan. 27, 1906- Phyllis b. Nov. 19, 1908. COOK, THOMAS (son of Azarias and Mary Cook, of Wilt- shire, Eng.). Born at Collingbourne, Eng. Came to Utah, Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie oxteam company. Married Joyce Collins, 1853, at Collingbourne (daughter of John Collins and Priscilla Shepperd of Collingbourne, pio- neers Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph Rawlins oxteam company) She was born Feb. 8, 1830. Their children: Ellen, m. Joel A. Johnson; Charles, m. Hannah Allen; George E., m. Mary Ann Stradling; Emily Elizabeth, m. Geo. B. Peay; John; Sarah Ann; Mary Priscilla, latter three died. Family home Provo, Utah. Seventy; block teacher; member ward building committee. Farmer; contractor; brickmaker. Died Sept. 10, 1890, Provo. Utah. COOK, GEORGE ELISHA (son of Thomas Cook and Joyce Collins). Born Sept. 13, 1857, Callingbourne, Eng. Came to Utah, Ort. 1. 1866, Joseph Rawlins company. Married Mary Ann Stradling May 1, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of William StradUng and Sophia Bush, of Provo, Utah, pioneers 1866, Captain Roylance company). She was born July 11, 1857. Their adopted child: Joseph P. b. April 28, 1900. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to St. Johns, Ariz., 1880-90; Sunday-school teacher. Policeman at Provo. Farmer and fruitgrower. COOK, WILLIAM (son of John Cook and Elizabeth Frith of Yorkshire, Eng.). Born July 24, 1845. Came to Utah in October, 1863. Married Helen Wheatley in December, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Wheatley of Sheffield, Yorkshire, Eng.), who was born in 1843. Their children: Mathias, died; Percilla, m. William Hartle; Lydia Ellen Elizabeth, m. Thomas D. Prichard; Helen, m. William Snellgrove. Family resided at Salt Lake City and Vernal, Utah. Married Lvdia Hartle, July 17, 1880, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Samuel Hartle and Mary Ann McNickle of Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng.), who was born Jan. 10, 1858. Their children: Gertrude b. May 15, 1881, m. Gustave Fred- erickson; William Harry b. July 4, 1882, m. Dora Calder- Moroni b. Nov. 11, 1883; Michael b. March 25, 1885, m. Lydia Ellen Hardy; Joseph Isaac b. Aug. 16, 1886; Minnie b. Jan. 9, 1888, m. Heber Priest; Netta b. Jan. 9, 1890, died; Mark b. Oct. 1, 1891; Alice b. March 1, 1?96; Lydia May, b. April 16, 1898. Family home Vernal, Utah. Member 1st quorum seventies; ward teacher; high priest. Active in Black Hawk war. Contractor and builder. COOKE, HENRY (son of Abram Cooke). Born June 11, 1811, Chichester, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 26, 1864, John It. Mur- dock company. Married Martha Morris (daughter of James Morris), who was born Oct. 28, 1809, and came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Benjamin Frederick b. Sept. 16, 1832 m. Mary Joy April 1, 1861; Mary Ann b. 1834, died; Louisa b. Jan. 25, 1837, m. Aroet L. Hale Dec. 25, 1861; Charles b. March 14, 1839, m. Ann M. Fawson Dec. 25, 1865; Henry A. b. Aug. 24, 1841, m. Lily Butler; Elizabeth b. Sept. 27, 1843, m. William H. Hobbs; Charlotte b. March 3, 1846, m. Aroet L. Hale. Family home Grantsviile, Utah. COOKE, BENJAMIN FREDRICK (son of Henry Cooke and Martha Morris). Born Sept. 16, 1832, South Stoke, Sussex Eng. Married Mary Joy April 1, 1861, Chichester, Eng. (daugh- ter of Walter Robert Joy and Sarah Masterson, pioneers Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson company). She was born Jan. 25, 1837. Only child: Benjamin Henry b. April 23, 1862, m. Annie Constance Hobbs. Grantsviile city recorder four years. Manager Hale Bros, mercantile business three years. Recorder at Lakeside mining district three years; justice of peace. Grouse Creek, Utah, fourteen years. COOKE, BENJAMIN HENRY (son of Benjamin Fredrick Cooke and Mary Joy). Born April 23, 1862. Married Annie Constance Hobbs (daughter of William D. Hobbs, pioneer Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson company). She was born Nov. 19, 1865, Panguitch, Utah. Their children- Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 16, 1887, m. Joseph Whittle Oct 3 1910; William B. b. May 9, 1890; Sarah Pearl b. Oct. 15, 1892; Ethel b. Aug. 13, 1895. Family resided Grouse Creek, Utah, and St. Anthony, Idaho. COOI.EY, ANDREW W. (son of Benjamin and Clarissa Cooley of Detroit, Michigan, pioneers 1864). Born May 24 1838. Came to Utah In 1864. Married Rachel C. Coon Feb. 22, 1864, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Coon of Ohio and Elizabeth Yar- brough of Tennessee, pioneers, 1850). She was born March 22, 1848. Council Bluffs, Iowa, and came to Utah with par- ents. Their children: Samuel B. d. Infant; Ida B. d. aged two; Marrettle d. 14 years; Isabella, m. Edwin Fish; Lu- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 819 cretla; Oscar N., m. Margaret Bird; Andrew, m. Minnie Sorenson; Abraham C. ; Frances, m. Samuel Rigby. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. High priest; bishop of Brighton ward. Farmer, stock- raiser and butcher. Died Oct. 11, 1887. COOMBS, ABRAHAM. Came to Utah In 1860. Married Olive Olivia Curtis in 1849. Their children: Charles M., m. Elvira Ashbrook; Helen, m. George Clayton; Emily, m. J. J. Kenton and Al Davis; Arabelle, m. Joseph Smith; Ella b. March 27, 1857, m. William Henry Branch; Olive, m. John Fretwell. Family resided San Bernardino, Cal., and Cedar City, Utah. Farmer. Died 1860 Beaver, Utah. COOMBS, GEORGE (son of Richard Coombs). Born 1814, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4. 1864, William S. Warren company. Married Eliza Astubary (daughter of Joshua Astubary), who was born in 1812 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: William H., m. Eliza Morgan; Joshua, m. Fanny Bailey; George, m. Paulina Gulbranson; Harriet, m. James Dutton; Ephry b. May 27. 1860, m. Patrick Rooney. Missionary to England 1852; counselor to bishop of Springviile; patriarch 20 years. Member Mormon Battalion. Died Nov. 8, 1904. CURTIS, WILLIAM VANORDEN (son of Dorr P. Curtis and Sarah L. VanOrden). Born Dec. 29, 1855, Kaysville, Utah. Married Eliza A. Maxfleld May 22, 1884, Oakley, Idaho (daughter of John E. Maxfleld and Rebecca Welch of Soutk Cottonwood, Utah, pioneers 1849). She was born Feb. 11, 1866. Their children: Albert W. b. Feb. 23, 1885, m. Viola Hale; LeRoy b. Oct 6. 1887; Raymond b. Oct. 11, 1889; Elwln J. b. Sept. 28, 1891; Kenneth b. June 26. 1897. Family home Oakley, Idaho. CURTIS, BNOS (son of Edmond Curtis of New York). Born In New York. Came to Utah 1848. Married Ruth Franklin. Their children: Lydla b. Feb. 6. 1808; Maria; Martha; Edmond b. Nov. 6, 1814; Jeremiah b. Nov. 12. 1815; Seth b. March 8, 1817; Simmons P. b. March 26, 1818; David Avery b. Aug. 10, 1820, m. Amanda Starr; John Whitte b. Aug. 10, 18211, m. Almira Starr; Ezra Hough- ton b. Feb. 19. 1823. m. Luclnda Carter, Dec. 18, 1846; Ruth b. June 4, 1825; Ursula b. Dec. 14, 1826, m. Samuel Gifford; Sabrina b. April 3, 1829, m. Thomas Harward; Celestia b. April 12, 1832, m. Jabez Durfee. Carpenter; wheelright. CURTIS, DAVID AVERY (son of Enos and Ruth Frankltn of Pennsylvania). Born Aug. 10, 1820, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Harriet Howard (Watson) (daughter of Edward Howard and Elizabeth Bramwell, latter pioneer 1857, ox- team company). She was born Aug. 15, 1831. Their chil- dren- Amanda H. b. Aug. 10, 1858, m. Robert Gillespie; m. Lo- renzo Childs; Harriet Elizabeth b. March 11, 1860. d. child; Edward Enos b. March 24, 1862, m. Sarah Alexander; Ruth b. July 15, 1864, m. Franklin P. Hadlock; William Avery b. Oct. 2, 1866, m. Clarissa Morgan; David John b. Nov. 2. 1868, m. Sarah Alice Andrews; Eliel Elijah b. May 4, 1871, m. Hulda Ann Henry Jan. 4, 1892; Gideon Daniel b. April 23, 1873, m. Mary Bennett; Semar Granson b. June 26, 1875. Family resided Fountain Green and Aurora, Utah. Married Amanda Starr. Their children: Heber, m. Sarah Ann : Lucilla; Portland Adelbert, d. aged 4. Family home Sprlngville, Utah. . Seventy; missionary to England; patriarch. Black Hawk Indian war veteran; served in Echo Canyon trouble; as- sisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer and sheep- raiser. Died at Aurora, Utah. Harriet Howard (Watson) was the wife of William Wat- son and the mother of Benjamin Howard Nephl Watson, who married Elizina Curtis; they lived at Aurora, Sevler county, Utah. CURTIS, ELIEL ELIJAH (son of David Avery Curtis and Harriet Howard). Born May 4, 1871, at Fountain Green, Utah. Married Hulda Ann Henry Jan. 4, 1892, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Calvin William Henry and Agnes Taylor of Heber City, Utah, pioneers oxteam company). She' was born Oct. 14, 1873. Their children: Edna b. Nov. 6, 1892, m. Julius Guy Murray; Claude b. May 29, 1896; Agnes b. Jan. 21, 1898; Harriet b. Feb. 6, 1900; Amanda b. Feb. 21, 1904; Lila b. Nov. 13. 1906; Ralph b. Oct. 29, 1908; Mollle b. July 17, 1910; Babe b. . Family home Vernal, Utah. Deacon; elder. Farmer; freighter. Died at Roosevelt, Utah. CURTIS, JOHN W. (son of Enos Curtis and Ruth Frank- lin). Born Aug. 10, 1820, In Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1850. Married Almira Starr. Their children: Elial S., resides In Sprlngville; the other d. Infant. Married Matilda Miner Oct. 21, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Albert Miner and Tamma Durfee). Their children: Ellen b. Jan. 4, 1858, m. Smith Parker: John F. b. Sept. 11, 1859, m. Sarah E. Broadhead; Dlantha b. July 27. 1861; Rozilla b. July 18, 1S63. m. Norman McDonald; Courtland b. Jan. 5, 1865; Crepta b. Jan. 25, 1867; Frances Eva b. Feb. 17, 1869, m. Ozias Harward; Tamma Armlnta b. June 19, 1871, m. James L. Deaton; Enos b. Nov. 30, 1873. m. Martha Murphy; Alfred b. July 13, 1876, m. Mar- grret Anderson; Almira b. March 15. 1878; Asael b. Aug. 19, 1880, m. Grace Murphy; Wallace b. Jan. 29, 1882, m. Amanda Watson; Polly b. July 9. 1885. Family home Aurora, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died Oct. 7, 1892. at Aurora. CURTIS. JOHN FRANKLIN (son of John W. Curtis and Matilda Miner). Born Sept. 11, 1859, Springville, Utah. Married Sarah Elizabeth Broadhead Jan. 29. 1885. St. George, Utah (daughter of Jabez Broadhead and Eunice Sevle Baxter of Aurora, pioneers 1848). Their children: Alva b. June 22, 1886; John Irvin b. Dec. 2, 1887; Lero b. Oct. 21, 1889. m. Hazel Kennedy; Jabez Earl b. Dec. 30, 1S90; Sadie b. Nov. 10, 1892; Eunice Ellen b. March 18. 1895; Mabel b. Feb. 9, 1897; Kenneth b. June 11. 1901; Lora and Ruel (twins) b. Oct. 19, 1903; Verda b. April 24, 1908. Family home, Aurora. Elder. Farmer. CURTIS. EZRA HOUGHTON (son of Enos Curtis and Ruth Franklin). Born Feb. 19, 1823, in Pennsylvania. Married Lucinda Carjter Dec. 18, 1846, Kanesville, Iowa (daughter of Domlnicus Carter and Lydia Smith, of Maine, pioneers 1851, Joseph Home company). She was born Jan. 14, 1831. Their children: Lida b. Sept., 1848; Malissa Jane b. July 25. 1850, m. James H. Kennedy; Delia b. May 24, 1862, m. William Jenkins; Ezra b. Aug. 13. 1854, m. Mary Ann Whipple; Sidney b. Jan. 15, 1868, m. Mary Ann Andrews; Lorenzo b. Nov. 6, 1861, m. Eliza Mott; Ruth b. March 4, 1870, m. Harry Payne; Hannah Eliza b. Feb. 2. 1863; Wilford b. May 27, 1874, m. Bertha Harward; Olive Lucinda b. Oct. 30, 1856, m. Samuel Harding; Laura b. Oct. 23, 1864; Isabel! b. Dec. 31, 1866, m. Earnest A. Shepherd. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Juliaette Everett, who was born April 15, 1839. Their children: Isaac b. Dec. 22, 1856; James b. Sept. 13, 1858; Elizina b. March 3, 1866, m. Benjamin Watson; Frank- lin b. June 3, 1872; Adelbert b. April 9, 1879; Elizabeth Elnora b. Jan. 26. 1863; Everett M. b. Aug. 31. 1870, m. Sarah E. Draper. Family home Provo, Utah. Farmer. CURTIS, GEORGE (son of Nahum Curtis and Milllcent Waite, of Oakland county, Mich.). Born Oct. 27, 1823, Silver Lake, Oakland county, Mich. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1848 Married Emma Whaley Oct. 30, 1850, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Emma, m. Qulncy Simons; George William, m. Parmelia Haws; Horace, m. Martha J. Wightman; Har- riet Elizabeth, m. Joseph H. Greer; Llllias Millicent, m. Jonathan S. Page; Selena, m. James L. Bnown; Lexla, m. Hyrum S. Harris; Arzie, died. Family home, Payson, Utah. Married Mary Openshaw Nov. 2, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Openshaw and Ann Greenalch. of Brightmet, Lancashire, Engr., pioneers Nov. 30, 1866, Edward Martin and Daniel Tyler "frozen" handcart company). She was born March 25, 1839, at Brjightmet, Eng. Their chil- dren: Mary Alice b. Aug. 30, 1858, m. Levi Alexander Colvln; Clariss Irene b. March 2, 1860, m. William A. Hardy; Ann Millicent b. Jan. 12, 1862, died; Lodena Luclna b. May 22, 1863, m. Harry McClelland; George Phlneas b. May 15. 1868, m. Elizabeth Crook; Martha Esthma b. March 18, 1871, m. Caleb Tanner; May b. May 16, 1876, died; Erwin Ray b. May 16, 1875, m. Lydia Crook. Family home Payson, Utah. High priest; teacherl Surveyed first canal taken from Spanish Fork river on west side; laid out county road between Payson and Spanish Fork; located Payson City cemetery; member building committee Payson tabernacle. Farmer. Died Feb. 6, 1911, at Payson. CURTIS, JOSEPH (son of Joseph Curtis of London, Eng.). Born Sept. 22, 1812, in London. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1861, Ansel P. Harmon company. Married Sarah Morrell 1837, in London (daughter of John Morrell of London, pioneer Sept. 23, 1861, Ansel P. Harmon company). She was born Nov. 23, 1814. Their children: Sarah C., m. William Husbands; Edwin, m. Fanny Harrison, m. Delia Crockett; Annie, m. Thomas Armstrong; Eleanor, m. Chaifles Cowley; Eliza M., m. Benjamin Pearson; Salina, m. Mr. Stout; Henry W., m. Lula Benson, m. Agnes Mackey. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to England. General overseer In woolen and velvet works; weaver. Died April 1877, at Salt Lake City. CURTIS, JOSEPH (son of Nahum Curtis and Millicent Waite). Born Dec. 24, 1818, Erie county, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1848. Married Sarah Ann Reed Jan. 1, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Tillison Reed and Delia Byum of Illinois, the former died in Illinois; latter came to Utah). She was born March 6, 1826. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Sept. 27. 1847, m. Alvin Kempton; Delia Presendla b. Dec. 9, 1847, m. J. S. Whltehead; Zllpha Zobedla b. Nov. 13, 1861, m. Charles Han- cock; Joseph Hyrum b. Dec. 14, 1853, m. Tabitha Richardson; Heber John b. Jan. 10, 1856. m. Sarah Windward; Marty Saphronla b. March 9. 1858, m. William Hancock; Nahum Tillison b. Sept. 26, 1863, m. Marlon Hill; Frederick Reed b. May 17, 1866, m. Mary L. Stewart; Edward Alma b. April 20, 1870, died 1872. Family home Payson, Utah. Missionary to Eastern and Northern States; counselor to Bishops' Cross and Hancock of Payson ward; bishop of Payson 4th warid. One of the first settlers of Payson. Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died Aug. 1, 1883, at Payson. CURTIS, LYMAN (son of Nahum Curtis and Millicent Waite of Salem, Mass.). Born Jan. 21, 1812, at Salem. Came to Utah July 22, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Charlotte Alvert, who came to Utah In 1847. Their children: Julia, m. A. H. Rawleigh; Samuel B., m. Lucinda Stewart; m. Susan Gardner; m. Ellen Gardner; Adeline, m. Peter! Elliott; Joseph Nem, m. Sarah D. Gard- ner; m. Manila Gardner; William F., m. Alice A. Higglns; Charles G., m. Virginia Killian. Married Sarah Wells Hartley Aug. 28, 1862, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Hartley and Eliza Gill of Shef- field, Eng.). She was born Aug. 10, 1836. and came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin and John Tyler handcart com- pany. Their children: Sarah b. May 22, 1863, m, Robert A. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 833 Snyder; Eliza J. b. Feb. 23, 1865, m. Jerome Durfee; Millc- sent b. June 16, 1867, m. James Edwin Smith; Emma K. b. July 31. 1869. m. Charles Hanks; Josephine Matilda b. Nov. 30, 1871, d. aged six; Asa Lyman b. Feb. 3, 1877, in. Annie Llttlewood. One of seven presidents seventies: missionary to the In- dians. One of the founders of Salem, Utah, where helped build roads and canals. Surveyed the first canal at Price, Utah. Died Aug. 6, 1898, Salem, Utah. CURTIS, MOSES (son of Nahum Curtis and Millicent Watte of Connaught, Erie county, Pa.). Born May, 1816, Con- naught, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1860, Stephen Markham company. Married Aurelia Jackman May 29, 1839, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Lev! and Angeline Jackman, of Nauvoo, pio- neers Oct. 1, 1860, Stephen Markham company). Their chil- dren: Moses Monroe b. Oct. 28, 1840, m. Martha Sims Feb. 10, 1862: m. Josephine Mecham; m. Miriam Malina Rudd: Levi Nahum and Angeline, died; Evaline Medora b. Aug. 22, 1850, m. John Plum; Delia, m. Libbeus Coons; Marie Mel- vina, died. Family resided Provo, Salem and Brigham City, Utah, and Eden, Ariz. Married Elizabeth Hanks Jan. 11, 1870 (daughter of George Hanks and Jane Davis), who was born April 15, 1852, Glou- cestershire, Eng. Their children were two sons and five daughters. Family home Eden, Ariz. Rafted timber for Nauvoo temple. Drove two yoke of oxen and two yoke of cows across the plains. Settled at Provo In 1852. Assisted to set up first telegraph line between Provo and Salt Lake City. Directed by Brigham Young, togethen with other families, to settle along the Little Colo- rado River; moved to Eden, Ariz., on the Gila river. Patri- arch; high councilor; presiding elder at Salem and Eden. Farmer. Died in 1807 at Eden. CURTIS, MOSES MONROE (son of Moses Curtis and Aurelia Jackman). Born Oct. 28, 1840, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1850. Married Martha Sims Feb. 10, 1862, Priovo, Utah (daughter of George and Caroline Sims, former pioneer Oct. 1, 1850, the latter of Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan company). She was born in 1844, Cheltenham, Eng. Their children: Martha Irene b. Nov. 21, 1863, m. S. C. Richardson; Mariah Miscilva b. Oct. 6, 1865, m. Andrew Anderson; Lorenzo Monroe b. Sept. 8, 1867, died; George O'Bostic b. Oct. 20, 1868, m. Lizzie Esler; Albert Permeno b. Feb. 17, 1871, died; Mary Septem- niah b. Oct. 3, 1873, died; Ami John b. Aug. 21, 1876, m. Rilla Oliver; Leah Caroline b. May 17, 1879, m. Cyrus Webb; Nahum b. April 24, 1881, died. Family resided Salem and Brigham City, Utah, and Eden, Ariz. Married Josephine Mecham Oct. 10, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Mecham and Sarah Call, of Salem, Utah), who was borti in 1850, Sessions, Utah. Their chil- dren: Effle b. Aug. 13, 1877, m. Samuel Tanner; Myron Monroe b. Nov. 21, 1879; Violet Sarah b. Nov. 7, 1882, m. James Mar- tin; William Ray b. Oct. 11, 1886, m. Effle Smlthison; Iris Gertrude b. March 26, 1890, m. Adelbert Holladay; Wallace Leroy b. Oct. 30, 1892, m. Cynthia Gibson. Married Miriam Malina Rudd July 24, 1879, St. George. Utah (daughter of Erastus H. Rudd and Carolina Bradford). Their children: Laura Amelia b. April 26, 1880, m. William J. Markham; Elijah E. b. March 22, 1882, m. Anna Rogers; Alta Jane b. Nov. 23, 1885, m. Henry Plum; Zella Pearl b. May 19, 1888, m. William Salene; Elda Eliza b. July 18, 1890, m. William Hawkins. Settled at Salem, Utah. Assisted to bring Immigrants to Utah. Was an orderly sergeant in Black Hawk war. High priest; high councilor; bishop of Eden ward. Constable at Salem. Farmer and carpenter. CURTIS, URIAH (son of Charles Curtis). Born at New York In 1807. Married Phoebe Martin. Their children: Ann, m. M. A. Benson; Erastus, m. Mary Caroline Barton; m. Joanna Price Fullmer; m. Margaret Stump; Lehi; Eliza, m. John Childs; Mary, m. John Childs; Uriah Martin; Emeline, m. Morman Minor. Died In September, 1883, at Salem, Utah. CURTIS, ERASTUS (son of Uriah Curtis and Phoebe Mar- tin). Born May 15, 1828, Georgetown, Ohio. Married Mary Caroline Barton. Their children: Phoebe A., m. Henry N. Larlin; Matilda C.; Joseph Boulden; William D., m. Prudence J. Miles; Erastus, m. Agnes Fullmer; Joanna E., m. George H. Bruno; Florilla, m. John C. Fullmer; Eliza J., m. James S. Fullmer; Rosetts P., m. William Miles; Joseph B.; Homer, died. Married Joanna Price Fullmer Feb. 14, 1860, Spanish Fork, Utah (daughter of John S. Fullmer and Mary Ann Price). She was born Dec. 13, 1839, Murfreesboro, Tenn., and came to Utah Oct. 7, 1848, Willard Richards company. Their children: Uriah Erastus, m. Lucinda Catherine Black; John Solomon, m. Susan E. Young; m. Mary J. E. Allred; Charles Romine, m. Susan Cornelia Stillson; William Edwin, m. Mercy Miles; Don Alonzo, died; Joanna Price, m. Edward B. Jones; Mary Ann, died; Irwln Leroy, m. Evelyn Johnson. Married Margaret Stump. Their children: Elvira, m. Gustavus Hash; Jacob Lehl; Morman Cornelius, m. Nlas Marks; Erastus, m. Miss Blackham; Marion, m. Nancy Stoot. Family home Moroni, Utah. Died Jan. 20, 1902, Barton, Idaho. 53 CURTIS. JOHN SOLOMON (son of Erastus Curtis and Joanna Price Fullmer). Born April 19, 1863. Moroni, Utah. Married Susan E. Young July 19. 1900, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Franklin W. Young and Nancy Green, pioneers Sep- tember, 1847). She was born Oct. 8, 1865, and died Dec 8 1901. Family home Orangeville, Utah. Married Mary Jane Elizabeth Allred Sept. 28, 1910 Manti Utah (daughter of William Alma Allred and Nancy Susan Miles of Emery, Utah). She was born Jan. 8, 1890. Only child: John, died. High priest; missionary to Virginia; ward teacher. Jus- tice of the peace. Farmer; stockman. CURTIS, SAMUEL THOMAS (son of Thomas Curtis and Purcy Baldwin of Chautauqua county, N. Y.). Born Dec. 30, 1834, Chautauqua county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept 15. 1852, Captain Walker company. Married Mary Augusta Sheffield Jan. 29, 1866, Salem, Utah (daughter of Anson Sheffield and Mariah Mott of Payson, Utah). She was born July 27, 1848. Their children: Purcy Mariah, d. Sept. 26, 1869; Lura Augusta, m. William Kartell; Thomas, d. Sept. 28, 1870; Jasper Delano; Mary Alice, d. March 22. 1873. Married Sarah Olive Butler Feb. 23, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Kennion Taylor Butler and Olive Durfey of Spanish Fork, Utah, pioneers 1852, Captain Miller company). She was born Nov. 15, 1855. Their children: Sarah Olive b. Dec. 24, 1874, m. Edmond Loveless; Charity Lovisa b. Feb. 21, 1876, m. Henry Dickman; F-rancetta b. Jan. 2, 1878, m. George H. Pepper; Emma Jane b. Nov. 12, 187s, m. Gilbert Loveless; Samuel Thomas b. Nov. 27, 1881, m. Nina Johnson; George Washington b. Feb. 22, 1883, m. Minnie Christensen; William Henry b. Sept. 13, 1885, m. Tillia Stratford: Kennion Taylor b. Oct. 29, 1887, m. Emma Taylor. Family home Salem, Utah. Councilor In elders' quorum; high priest in Mormon church; ward teacher. Justice of peace; jailer; pound- keeper; road supervisor. Indian war veteran 1853-67. Farmer. CUSHIIVG, JAMES (son of James Cushing, born Jan. 16, 1800, and Dina Foster, born In 1801). He was born Nov. 2, 1830, Wyndham, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, John W. Young company. Married Myrea Long Oct. 13, 1850 (daughter of John Long and Elizabeth Minns), who was born Aug. 2, 1829. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Helen E.; Georgiana; Clara; James William b. Feb. 11, 18f9, m. Mary Rebecca Humphrey March 1878; Charles Henry b. Jan. 4, 1863, m. Nellie E. Ludlow Oct. 28, 1883; John Robert b. Feb. 18, 1865, m. Alena Amelia Swenson Paul Jan. 6, 1884; George Edward b. Feb. 28, 1867, m. Georgiana Hawkins April, 1889; Rosette. Family home Salt Lake City. Early Salt Lake City merchant. CUTLER, HARMON (son of Samuel Cutler, born Feb. 26, 1773, and Cordelia Young). He was born July 16, 1779, Dover, N. Y.). Came to Utah in September, 1852. Married Susanna Barton Nov. 13, 1825, who died at Nauvoo, 111., Nov. 21, 1840. Their children: Clarinda b. Jan. 9, 1827, m. Alonzo Raymond Dec. 1845; Royal James b. Feb. 1, 1828, m. Thida Ann Morton March 25, 1852; Almira b. Oct. 13, 1829, m. William W. Raymond Dec. 6, 1848; Anna b. April 25, 1834, m. Charles W. Galloway March 11, 1849; Samuel Bradford b. Feb. 23, 1835; Benjamin Louis b. Dec. 25, 1836; Orson Parley Pratt b. Oct. 21, 1839. Family resided Dover, N. Y., Council Bluffs, Iowa, and West Jordan, Utah. Married Lucy Ann Pettlgrew in 1842, at Nauvoo. Their children: Susanna; Harmon Jr.; Zachariah; Lucy Ann; Ma- tilda b. June 2, 1853, m. Ephraim Burnett Feb. 28, 1870; Elizabeth Ann b. June 22, 1861; William b. March 20, 1868; Jane Susan b. Jan. 21, 1865; Young; Edwin. Married Elizabeth Shields. Married Agnes McGregor, who was born Aug. 13, 1843. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Wagon maker; farmer. Died Jan. 29, 1869. CUTLER ROYAL JAMES (son of Harmon Cutler and Sus- anna Barton). Born Feb. 1, 1828, Amboy, N. J. Married Thida Ann Morton March 25, 1852, Liberty, N. Y. (daughter of John Morton and Lucy Gillett). She was born August, 1827, and came to Utah In 1852. Their children: Mor- ton Brigham b. Sept. 18, 1853, m. Mary Irene Foot Dec. 2, 1878; m. Artemesia Foot; Thida Ann b. March 12, 1855, d. July 27, 1875; Rosanna Viola b. Dec. 21, 1856, m. George Brinkerhoff Nov. 1898; Sarah Lovinah b. March 3, 1858, m. Sylvester Williams March 3, 1878; Ida Estella b. Nov. 28, 1859, m. George Brinkerhoff; Royal James, Jr. b. Oct. 26, 1861, m. Frances Harris Jan. 10, 1855; Allen Rlley b. Dec. 22, 1862, m. Lucy May Hardy May 28, 1890; Minnie b. Dec. 28, 1865, d. July 1, 1867; Edwin b. April 12, 1868, m. MInda Harris 1899; Frank H. b. Jan. 26, 1871, m. Margaret Sparks. Missionary to New York 1851-52; bishop Glendale ward. Member legislature of Arizona; justice of peace at Glendale. CUTLER, ALLEN RILEY (son of Royal James Cutler and Thida Ann Morton). Born Dec. 22, 1862, American Fork, Utah. Married Lucy May Hardy May 28, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of Charles W. Hardy and Marlnda Andrews), who 834 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH was born Dec. 29, 1873, Salt Lake City. Their children: Lucy May b. May 2, 1891, d. Sept. 24, 1893; Allen Rlley, Jr. b. April 5, 1894; Karl Hardy b. April 19. 1896; Charles William b. 1898; Edwin James b. July 3, 1901; Orvid Ray b. July 21, 1903; Minnie Viola b. Nov. 12, 1904; Eurilla b. April 13. 1906; Ercil Marinda b. June 9, 1907; Morton b. June 26, 1909; Mary b. June 26, 1909; Milton b. March 10, 1912. Missionary to southern states; bishop of Preston ward 1902-07; member high council Onelda stake 1907-11. Organ- ized Pangultch Stake Academy; principal Sevier Stake Academy 1890-91 and 1893-94; principal Orderville, and superintendent schools, Kane county. Graduate Baltimore Medical school 1899. neer 1856). She was born March 3, 1841. and died Dec. 28. 1863. Their children: Samuel Henry b. 1862, m. Mary Jane Collins; Eliza Elizabeth b. Dec. 24. 1863. d. Infant. Family home Goshen, Utah. Married Jane Ogden Oct. 9, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Ogden and Mary Vickers, of Lancashire, Eng., pioneers September 1868). She was born Jan. 26, 1862. Their children: Mary Alice b. June 22. 1872, d. May 31, 1874; Eliza Jane b. Jan. 29, 1874, m. Joseph Nelson; Sarah Eliza- beth b. Nov. 13. 1876, m. Claude Thurber; Rebecca Ann b. March 11, 1878, m. Lehi Ence; James William b. July 23, 1880, d. March 11. 1887; Henry David b. Oct. 28, 1882; Mary Ann b. April 15, 1885, d. March 7, 1887; John Thomas b. May 23, 1887; Ethel Geneva b. Oct. 2. 1889; Allle Fern b. Aug. 11, 1893: Pearl b. May 2. 1897. Family home Richfield, Utah. High priest; bishop's, counselor Pima, Ariz. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer. DACK, PHILIP (son of William Dack, born 1795. Shlpdham, Norfolkshire, Eng., and Sarah Billham of Swatham. Eng.). He was born June 28, 1837, Shipdham. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Williams and Jackman freight train. Married Cyntha Sildona Maxham May 15. 1859 (daughter of Charles Maxham and Matilda Russell, pioneers Aug. 13, 1852). She was born Aug. 29, 1843. Their children: Sarah Matilda b. April 16. 1860. m. Lev! Bown Feb. 1, 1877, d. Jan. 1, 1884; Eva Charlotte b. Jan. 17, 1862. m. John C. Mellor 1880; Ida Eliza b. March 9, 1864. m. Almeron A. Dalton 1880. d. Aug. 27. 1909; Philip Asa b. Dec. 14, 1865, m. Annie Shanks 1886; Agnes Annie b. July 13. 1868, m. Luther C. Palmer 1885; Clarissa Jane b. April 19, 1871, m. Lafayette Brown 1891; Cyntha Sildona b. Jan. 6, 1873. d. Dec. 13, 1880; Hope Wayne b. June 3, 1875. m. Henry Roper 1892; Daisy Dean b. June 10. 1878, m. Andrew Jensen 1899; William Charles b. May 3, 1881, m. Mattle Anderson 1906; Earl Maxham b. May 2, 1886, m. Aurania May Myrup 1907. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah. Took an active part in Echo Canyon and Black Hawk wars. DAILEY, MILTON (son of Luther Dailey. born April 27. 1786, and Minerva Townsend, born Dec. 9, 1797). He was born Oct. 14, 1827. Fails township, Luzerne county. Pa. Came to Utah 1850, Slaughter and Cavett company. Married Sarah Jane Wilson 1850 (daughter of Whitford G. and Mary Wilson), who was born Dec. 21, 1830. and died Oct. 22, 1873. She came to Utah 1850 with husband. Their children were three daughters. Married Mary Malinda Wilson June 14, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Hardy Wilson and Frances Kel- ley), who was born Feb. 6, 1851, Pottawattamie county, Iowa. Their children: Marlon Dailey b. Aug. 11. 1877; Wil- son, b. Nov. 12, 1881, m. Ellen L. Benson May 19. 1909; Milton Luther b. Nov. 25, 1884, m. Emily Reynolds Oct. 19, 1906; Ephraim b. Jan. 16, 1887. Settled at Ogden. Assisted In bringing Immigrants to Utah. Member 38th quorum seventies. Member territorial militia; called to Salmon river to protect settlers from In- dians. Resided in Farmington two years; helped settle Dixie and lived there 18 years. Called to preside over Harrisburg ward; superintendent Harrisburg Sunday school. Harrisburg watermaster 12 years. Moved to Arizona, where he resided 13 years, returning to Utah, settled at Paragonah. DALEY, PHINEAS (son of Moses Daley and Almlra Barber of New York). Married Adallne Grover at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Grover, pioneer Oct. 3, 1847, and Caroline Whiting, who died 1841). She was born Feb. 10, 1834. Their children: Phineas M. m. Ellen Ollverson; Addle, m. George Passey; Serretta, m. Warren Sirrine; Ornetus, m. Mlllicent Babbitt; Emma, m. William Ellsmar. Family home San Bernardino, Cal. Early day freighter. Died at Mesa, Ariz. DAI.L, HENRY DAVID (son of James Dall and Ann Mor- ris, of England). Born April 22, 1820, Wimpole. Cambridge- shire. Eng. Came to Utah October 1857, Independent com- pany. Married Rebecca Carter, London, Eng. (daughter of Rich- ard Carter and Mary Ann Parkinson), who was born in Cambridgeshire. Their children: Henry David Jr., m. Eliza Gold Weech, m. Jane Ogdin; William, m. Phena Hansen; Elizabeth Ann, m. John Burrlson; Sarah, m. Hyrum Weech; Mary Ann, m. Simon Miller; James, died; Rebecca, m. John Holltday. Family resided Pleasant Grove and Goshen, Utah. Married Fanny Saunders at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Saunders). Their children: James, d. Infant; Ar- thur, m. Nettle Paulson; David, m. Lydla Johnson; Clara and baby sister died. Family home Goshen, Utah. President Btshopstafford branch at Hertfordshire, Eng. Farmer. Died May 8, 1876, Goshen, Utah. DALL, HENRY DAVID, JR. (son of Henry David Dall and Rebecca Carter). Born Dec. 13, 1839. Cambridgeshire, Eng. Came to Utah October 1857. Independent company. Married Eliza Gold Weech Dec. 25, 1861, Payson, Utah (daughter of Samuel Weech and Elizabeth Gold, latter pio- DALLEY, JAMES. Came to Utah in the early days. Married Emma Wright and among their children were: Richard Henry b. June 18, 1867, m. Mabel Jane Bryant; Charles R. b. Nov. 27, 1873, m. Ellen M. Allen. DALLEY, RICHARD HENRY (son of James Dailey and Emma Wright). Born June 18, 1867, Summit. Iron county, Utah. Married Mabel Jane Bryant at St. George, Utah (daughter of Richard Bryant and Clara Jones, who came to Utah 1880). She was born Sept. 11, 1871. St. Louis, Mo., and died July 20, 1897. Cedar City. Utah. Their children: Myrtle Bryant b. Aug. 16, 1891, m. Osburne Gollghtly Jan. 19. 1910; Clara Bry- ant b. Jan. 24, 1893, m. Abel Stevenson May 11, 1910; Thurza Bryant b. Feb. 22. 1895; Emma Mabel Bryant b. June 16. 1897. Family home Summit and Cedar City. Utah. Married Clara Chrlstensen April 19, 1899. Manti. Utah (daughter of Simon Christensen and Bertha Maria Jensen), who was born Nov. 23. 1878, Richfield, Utah. Their chil- dren: Armorel b. Jan. 25. 1900; Marguerite b. April 12. 1902; Veleta b. May 21, 1906. Family home Summit and Circle- vllle, Utah, and Preston, Idaho. DALLEY, CHARLES R. (son of James Dailey and Emma Wright). Born Nov. 27. 1873. Married Ellen M. Allen Nov. 27. 1895. Mantl. Utah. Their children: Charles Leland b. Nov. 13, 1896; Letha b. June 28. 1901; Marcella b. Aug. 18, 1906; Zelma Helen b. April 11, 1908. Family home Summit. Utah. Bushop of Summit ward. DALLIMORE, WILLIAM J. (son of George Dalllmore and Harriet Harris). Born Dec. 11, 1844, Bath, Somersetshire. Eng. Came to Utah 1864. Married Eliza Caroline Slater Dec. 7, 1866. Their children: Emily Davis; Ida C.; George W., m. Effle Browning; Julia; Pearl. DALRYMPLE, EDGAR (son of Luther Dalrymple and Sally Hammond). Born May 26, 1837. Bolton, Warren county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Horton Halght company. Married Eliza Theodocia Noble Nov. 10. 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Bates Noble and Mary Adeline Beman, of Bountiful, Utah, pioneers September 1847, Jede- dlah M. Grant company). She was born Aug. 12, 1847, on plains, 60 miles from Heber Springs. Their children: Mary Eliza; Joseph Edgar; Artemesia. m. Anson Vasco Call; Erastus Snow; Theodocia, m. William A. C. Keetch; Parley Noble; Newell Noble, m. Vera Collings. Family resided Bountiful Utah, and Wardboro, Idaho. Bishop's counselor; superintendent Sunday schools over 20 years. Died June 18, 1907, Paris, Idaho. DALRYMPLE, JOSEPH EDGAR (son of Edgar Dalrymple and Eliza Theodocia Noble). Born Jan. 12, 1872, Bountiful, Utah. Elder; missionary to northern states. Farmer. Died July 25, 1902, Wardboro, Idaho. DALRYMPLE, OSCAR (son of Luther Dalrymple and Sally Hammond). Born Aug. 27, 1846. Bolton, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863. Horton Halght company. Married Mary M. Potter May 1862 (daughter of Ansel Potter and Kesiah Ward), who was born Nov. 20, 1841. Their children: John H. b. May 1863. died; Onlla E. b. Feb. 12, 1866, m. Calvin Booth Nov. 2, 1888; Calista S. b. Jan. 31, 1868, m. Serenas Bagley Feb. 1890; Oscar b. April 19, 1871, died; Arthur B. b. May 29. 1874; Frank L. b. Feb. 4, 1880. Early settler In Cache and Bear Lake valleys. In bishop- ric Wardboro, Idaho, six years; counselor; president Y. M. M. I. A. DALTOtf, MATHEW WILLIAM (son of John Dalton and Mary McGovern of Arbroken, East Meath, Ireland). Born Jan. 11, 1829, Madrid, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1850, Independent company. Married Rozilla Whltaker Dec. 6. 1860, Ogden, Utah (daughter of James Whitaker and Malinda Flshel of Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa, pioneers Oct. B, 1860). She was born Dec. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 835 12, 1830, and died June 3, 1898. Their children: James Mathew b. Oct. 31, 1851, m. Isabella Perry April 5, 1876; William Albert b. June 21. 1853. m. Mary Jane Williams Feb. 8, 1876: Mary Malinda b. April 12, 1856, d. Sept. 14, 1856; Rozilla Marilla b. Dec. 10, 1856, d. Oct. 11, 1870; John Alma b. Oct. 26, 1858, m. Elizabeth Cook Jan. 22, 1880: Jane Erne- line b. March 19, 1861, m. Alma Walter Compton Feb. 26, 1886; Martha Melissa b. May 10, 1862, d. July 25, 1880; Ellen Maria b. Feb. 8, 1864, m. Alexander Stowell June 1886, d. July 14, 1892; George Alfred b. Oct. 12, 1866, d. March 31, 1867. Family home Willard, Utah. Married Alice Ophelia Miller Sept. 6, 1868, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of John and Mary Ann Miller), who was born July 19, 1846, Southampton, Eng. Only child: William Fred- rick b. April 7, 1870, m. Annie Benson Dec. 16, 1902. Married Sarah Ann Hymas June 7, 1899, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Hymas and Sarah Ann Carter), who was born Aug. 6, 1859, Hackley, Essex, Eng. Their children: Ada May b. May 6, 1900; Moroni Hymaa b. Feb. 15, 1903. President 59th quorum of seventies for 48 years; high priest; missionary to Europe, Mexico and four missions U. S. A. from 1869 to 1891; bishop's counselor. Justice of peace; delegate to territorial convention one term; captain of ter- ritorial militia. Built one of first two houses in Ogden 1850. Author of "Key to this Earth." Inventor and has secured many patents; carpenter and farmer. The first to illustrate by allegorical decoration the difference between pioneer days and later days in Utah. First to introduce putting in stone ditches or aqueducts to carry water for irrigation. Student of astronomy and inventor of a planetarium system. Made a suggestive map of travels of Nephite nations. Worked three years in Logan temple and did a work for 3,000 persons. DALTON, JAMES M. (son of Mathew W. Dalton and Rozilla Whittaker). Born Oct. 31, 1851. Ogden, Utah. Married Isabella Dock Perry April 5, 1876, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Alexander Perry and Marion Shanks of North Willard, Utah, pioneers of Oct. 1856, Charles A. Harper company). She was born March 27, 1857. Their children: Marion b. Jan. 6, 1876, m. John A. Ward Sept. 14, 1898; Rozilla b. Jan. 18. 1878, d. May 16, 1881; Isabella b. April 24, 1880; James M. b. Nov. 27, 1882, at Willard, Utah; Alexander Perry b. Aug. 6. 1886; Robert Dock b. Nov. 10, 1887; William Shanks b. July 22, 1890 (in Cassia county, Idaho); Edella b. May 23, 1893; Myrtle b. Aug. 17, 1896; How- ard Linwood b. Dec. 24, 1898. Family resided Willard, Utah, and Cassia county, Idaho. Elder. Member Willard school board three terms, and city councilman two terms; precinct constable; mayor two terms, and was instrumental in completing waterworks for Willard; also granted franchise to Ogden Rapid Transit company electric lines from Ogden to Brigham City. Farmer, stockraiser and lumberman. DALY, JOHN J. (son of James Daly and Mary Moxin of Ireland). Born Oct. 18, 1853, Grundy county. 111. Came to Utah 1873. Married Eliza M. Benson March 1, 1880. They are the parents of three sons and five daughters, all but one of them living. Family home Salt Lake City. Engaged in mining in Montana. In 1871 went to White Pine, Nevada, where he followed the occupation of miner and prospector. About two years later, visited Utah on a prospecting tour, but returned to Nevada. Took part in the Indian troubles in eastern Nevada 1875. Returned to Utah 1876, and became a prospector in the mountains near Park City, locating several claims. General manager Cres- cent mine; organized Daly Mining Company 1883 and served as its vice-president and general manager until 1888. Took a contract for driving a tunnel of 8,000 feet for the Anchor Mining Company. After completing his contract with the Anchor company, he began the work of developing what subsequently became the Daly West Mine. His struggle In overcoming the many obstacles encountered in the open- Ing up of this great mine, forms one of the most interest- Ing chapters in the history of the famous Park City district, and demonstrates with interest the Indomitable pluck and perseverance of John J. Daly. Pres. Daly-Judge Mining Company; pres. Syndicate Inv. Company; interested in many banking institutions; vice-president of the Utah Savings and Trust Company. Elected one of the delegates of the National Republican Convention which nominated Ben- jamin Harrison for president. In 1889 was appointed mem- ber of the Territorial Loan Commission. Member Salt Lake City Council 1890; member Board of Regents University of Deseret; pres. Alta Club 1898-99; one of the presidential electors 1896. Capitalist. DAME, JAWTARIX HAYES (son of Simon Dame and Mar- grarette Hayes, of Stratford county, N. H.). Born May 9, 1808. Came to Utah 1848. Married Sophia Andrews 1833, in Hancock county, 111. (daughter of Richard Andrews and Sarah Brockway), who was born 1818 in Ohio. Their children: Phldelin E. b. 1834, m. James Farrer; Laura A. b. 1836; Wesley W. b. 1838, m. Emma McBride; Tamson P. b. 1840, m. Hyrum Roy McBride; Margarette b. 1842; Simon R. b. 1844; Sarah Elsie b. 1846. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Dec. 26, 1885, Meadow, Mil- lard county, Utah. DAMRON, JOSEPH W. (son of John Damron, born 1791 in Missouri, and Sarah Shultz, born 1799, who resided in Mis- souri and Texas). He was born Jan. 6, 1841, in Missouri. Came to Utah Sept. 13. 1861, Homer Duncan company. Married Margaret Phoebe Freeman (daughter of John Freeman and Nancy B. Smoot. pioneers 1863, David Lewis company). She was born Sept. 27. 1840, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: George A. b. April 18, 1863 m. Belle G. Erickson; Joseph W. Jr. b. June 9, 1866, m. Mary A Kelly April 8. 1896; Milton W. b. April 1. 1868, m. Amy Lytle; Jemima C. b. Aug. 13, 1870, m. J. J. Barren; Charles S. and Sarah E. b. Sept. 10, 1872; William R. b. April 18. 1874, m. Orena Duggins; Arthur J. b. Aug. 29, 187, m. Eudora Bishop: Luella B. b. Oct. 13, 1878. m. Oscar Warnick; Lizzie M. b. May 3. 1881, m. E. J. Whicker. Family resided Kanosh and Deseret, Utah. DAMRON, JOSEPH W., JR. (son of Joseph W. Damron and Margaret P. Freeman). Born June 9, 1866, Lower Kanosh, now Hatton, Utah. Married Mary Abiah Kelly April 8, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of Virgil Kelly and Amanda Barron), who was born Nov. 2, 1873, Panaca, Nev. Their children: Norma V. b. Feb. 14, 1897; Mary Lucile b. Dec. I, 1898; Joseph Ladd b. Jan. 9, 1900; Marguerite b. Nov. 7, 1901; William Aileen b. Dec. 1, 1905; Virgilia b. March 28, 1911; Ruth Laprlel b. Nov. 28. 1912. Family resided Kanosh and Deseret, Utah. Missionary to Society Islands Oct. 1891 to June 1896. Man- ager Kanosh Co-op. Oct. 1886 to Oct. 1891. Sunday school superintendent Dec. 1897 to June 1908; bishop of Deseret ward, Millard stake, 1908-12. DANA, CHARLES ROOT. Born Nov. 8, 1802, in New York Came to Utah 1849. Married Jane Cully 1856 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin and Mary Ann Cully), who was born Jan. 2, 1834. Their children: Elizabeth b. Aug. 18, 1868, m. C. O. Rudd June 16, 1884; Joseph B. b. Nov. 24, 1860. m. Maggie L. Summers- Chauncey R. b. Dec. 2, 1863, m. Nellie Clark; Hattle b. May 16, 1865, m. A. A. Bright. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to England. Member first territorial legis- lature 1851. Died Aug. 7, 1868. DANA, JOSEPH B. (son of Charles Root Dana and Jane Cully). Born Nov. 24. 1860, Ogden, Utah. Married Maggie L. Summers Feb. 24, 1892 (daughter of Stephen J. and Sarah Twig Summers), who was born Aug. 19, 1870. Their child: Joseph Bertrand b. Aug. 1. 1903. Member Ogden city council 1908-12. Gardener. DA1VGERFIELD, JABEZ (son of Thomas Dangerfleld and Caroline Buckwell, of London, Eng.). Born Nov. 12, 1840, at London. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, Horton D. Haight company. Married Mary Ann James Dec. 23, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of William James and Jane Haines, of Ptnvin, Worcestershire, Eng., pioneers Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company). She was born Dec. 16, 1844. Their children: Annie Louvina, m. George Busby; Jabez William, m. Alice Dixon; Martha Mae; Mary Etola, m. Parley Dixon; George Earnest, m. Maud Ward. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Morris at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Morris of England). Their children: Robert Wal- lace; Abraham Clarence; Ethel, m. Earl Duke; Moroni Alma. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 67th quorum seventies; high priest. Plasterer; gardener. DANIELS, DANIEL. Born Aug. 9, 1807, Caermarthenshlre, South Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith company. Married Mary Jeremy, who was born 1796 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Thomas Daniels b. Jan. 18, 1831, m. Mary Davis; David Daniels, m. Hannah Thomas. Family resided Salt Lake City and Brigham, Utah, and Ma- lad, Idaho. President Malad Co-op. 1869-79; bishop of Malad ward 1866-77; missionary to South Wales four years. Assisted in building first bridges and wagon roads in Malad valley. DANIELS, THOMAS (son of Daniel Daniels and Mary Jer- emy). Born Jan. 18, 1831, Carmarthenshire, S. W. Married Mary Davis May 20. 1852. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Daniel and Mary Davis), who was born Dec. 22, 1832, Carmarthenshire, S. W. Their children: Mary Jane b. Aug. 16, 1853, m. William H. Jones; Thomas D. m. Aug. 28, 1866, m. Sarah Dives; Daniel M. b. Dec. 20, 1856, m. Mary Jones, m. Catherine Owens; David M. b. March 26. 1859, m. Gertrude Dives; Sarah Ann. b. April 29, 1861, m. Jedediah Jones; John M. b. April 21, 1863, m. Martha Richards; Joseph D. b. April 13, 1866, died. Family home Malad, Idaho. Married Jennett Thomas 1867, Brigham, Utah (daughter of William H. Thomas and Ann Williams, pioneers with Joseph Young company). She was born May 26, 1837, Carmarthen- shire. S. W. Their children: Jennett Maria b. Dec. 12, 1868, m. Thomas E. Price; Elvia b. Feb. 12. 1870, m. Lorenzo Griffiths; Catherine b. Feb. 22, 1872, died; Henry b. Aug. 17, 1873, m. Elizabeth Williams; George b. July 23. 1876, m. Mary Bolingbroke; Theodore b. Feb. 21, 1877, died; Dora b. 836 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Feb. 21. 1877. died; Ann Eliza b. April 19, 1882, m. John S. Williams. Family home Brigham, Utah, and Malad, Idaho. Chairman board of county commissioners, Oneida county, Idaho; member Malad school board. DANIELS, DANIEL M. (son of Thomas Daniels and Mary Davis). Born Dec. 20, 1856, Brigham, Utah. Married M. Ellen Jones March 1883, who died 1884. Married Catherine Owens (daughter of John E. Owens and Mary Thomas, pioneers 1853). She was born Dec. 27, 1868, Malad, Idaho. Their children: Mary D. b. Feb. 27, 1887, m. Thomas R. Williams; Daniel O. b. Jan. 1, 1889; Leroy O. b. Nov. 10, 1890; Catherine E. b. Sept. 10, 1892; Luther O. b. Nov. 1, 1894; Flora Bell b. Jan 20, 1896; Russell b. April 7, 1899; Lenna O. and Lona O., twins, b. Sept. 4, 1902; Pearl O. b. Aug. 13, 1908; Sarah Fern b. Nov. 26, 1911. Settled in Malad 1865. High councilor Malad stake. Oneida county commissioner two years; member Malad city council. DANIELS, DAVID MORONI (son of Thomas Daniels and Mary Davis). Born March 26, 1859, Brigham, Utah. Married Gertrude Dives April 10, 1880 (daughter of Veru- lam Dives and Janette Thomas, pioneers 1853), who was born at Salt Lake City. Their children: Walter b. March 11, 1881, m. Alice Thews; David b. April 13, 1883, m. Amelia Davis; Mary Pearl b. Nov. 10. 1884, m. John Tuttle; Eli b. Jan. 20, 1886; Anna b. April 19. 1888, m. Bert Eliason; Jan- nette b. Aug. 27, 1893; Sarah Mabel b. Oct. 11, 1897; Oscar LaMar b. Oct. 15, 1905. Family home Malad, Idaho. Settled at Malad In 1865. Cattle raiser in Southern Idaho. DANIELS, JAMES E. (son of James Daniels and Elizabeth Salthouse of Manchester, Eng). Born Feb. 9, 1825, at Man- chester. Came to Utah 1850. Married Elizabeth Jane Jones, whose parents came to Utah 1850. Their children: La Prele, m. A. L. Towle; Eliza Luella, m. John R. Twelves; James Edward, m. Emma M. Spafford; Ida. dead; Joseph Ephraim, m. Lillian Spafford, m. Hannah Billings, m. Amelia Gallacher; Emma Isabella, died. Married Marilla L. Miller (widow William Miller), June 13, 1878, Mantl, Utah (daughter of Aaron Johnson and Polly Zerviah Kelsey of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers Sept. 1850). She was born Oct. 12, 1830. Family resided Prove, Utah. Patriarch; stake chorister. County recorder and clerk; assessor. Cabinet maker. Died June 16, 1902. DANIELSON, HERMAN HANS (son of Daniel Rasmussen born Dec. 15, 1807, at Bogelund, and Anna Maria Hendrlck- son, born Dec. 17, 1822, at Wenslow, Denmark). He was born Aug. 3, 1862, at Bogelund. Came to Utah July 20, 1878. Married Clara Jemima Kerr Nov. 21, 1889 (daughter of Robert Merlam Kerr, pioneer 1858, and Nance Jane Rawllns, pioneer Oct. 19, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company, married Jan. 1, 1860, Draper, Utah). She was born June 6, 1868. Their children: Herman Kerr b. Aug. 30, 1890; Clara Maria b. Feb. 10, 1892; Esther b. Oct. 26, 1893, Myrtle b. Jan 13, 1896; Vivian b. April 19, J898; Lena b. April 9, 1902; Ina b. Sept. 16, 1908. School trustee Lewiston, Utah, seven years. T. M. M. I. A. counselor and also librarian six years; Sunday school teacher seven years; assistant Sunday school superintendent; missionary to Scandinavia 1903-05; second counselor to President Skidmore, high priests quorum Benson stake; president Y. M. M. I. A. 1905-07; bishop second ward Lewis- ton. DANSIE, ROBERT (son of James Dansie, born 1790, and Sarah Cheney, both of Boxford, Eng.; married 1811). He was born Feb. 5, 1825, at Boxford. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, Ansel T. Harmon company. Married Charlotte Rudland April 8, 1849, Newton, Suffolk, Eng. (daughter of William Rudland and Mary Reason Hatch of Newton). Their children: Robert, Jr., b. 1850, m. Rosena Silcock, 1875, m. Paulina Silcock 1880, m. Christ- inia Madsen 1882; Alfred John b. 1852, m. Martha Ann Wright; Charles N. b. 1855, m. Mary Crump, m. Nina Sil- cock; Sarah Ann b. 1867, m. James S. Crane; William Heber b. July 18, 1860, m. Eliza Jane Wright. Family home Her- riman, Utah. Married Jane WIlcox, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Melissa Wilcox; latter came to Utah 1869). She was born Aug. 24, 1836, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Eng. Their children: James W. b. 1863, m. Alice Smith Dec. 28. 1885; George Henry b. Jan. 31, 1866, m. Sarah Anna E. England; Francis Hyrum b. 1867, m. Eliza Evans 1892; Benjamin W. b. 1868, m. Katie Taylor 1893; Isabella J. b. 1869. m. Zach- arlah Butterfleld 1897; Charlotte L. b. 1871, m. John Wheeler 1897; Ada Amelia b. 1873. m. George Webster 1893; Alma Helaman b. 1876, m. Agnes Kuntz 1909. Member 93d quorum seventies; missionary to England 1877; bishop of Herriman ward. Road supervisor. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Oct. 12, 1896, Salt Lake City. DANSIE ROBERT, JR. (son of Robert Dansie and Charlotte Rudland). Born May 5, 1850. Boxford, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Rosena Silcock March, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nicolas T. Silcock and Jane Heath of South Jordan, Utah, pioneers Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter com- pany). She was born Jan. 27, 1866. Their children: Char- lotte J. b. April 2, 1876. m. David Shelley; Robert M., died. Married Paulina Silcock Sept., 1880, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Nicholas T. Silcock and Jane Heath), who was born Oct. 4, 1862. Their children: Nicholas b. Sept. 6, 1881, and Rosena Harriet b. Oct. 7, 1883, died; Annie Louise b. Sept. 29, 1885; Mahonri M. b. Sept. 1, 1887; Charles A. b. April 1, 1889, and Edna Pearl b. Nov. 20, 1890, died; Electa H. b. Dec. 21, 1891; Mary Isabell b. Aug. 2, 1894, died; Chauncy M. b. Nov. 7, 1896; Roberta b. Aug. 7, 1899; Percy J. b. Nov. 26, 1901; Ida P. b. Sept. 26. 1906. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Chrlstiania Madsen 1882, Salt Lake City, who was born Sept., 1861. Their children: James H. b. March 12. 1886; Joseph H. b. March 23, 1893; Ingra M. b. Nov. 2, 1894; Elsie b. 1896. Family home Riverton, Utah. Seventy. Constable Salt Lake City three years. Stock- raiser. DANSIE, WILLIAM HEBER (son of Robert Dansie and Charlotte Rudland). Born July 18, 1860, Boxford, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Eliza Jane Wright Sept. 8, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Wright and Ann Tanner of Lakepoint, Utah), who was born April 29, 1863. Their children: Emma Jane b. Oct. 9. 1882, m. Christen Lovendahl; William Heber, Jr., b. June 27, 1885, m. Jennie Goates; Charlotte Mary b. June 30, 1887; Eva Isabell b. Oct. 7, 1889; Lenora Ada b. Dec. 28, 1891, m. William Codell; Leroy Samuel b. July 8, 1894; Robert Erva b. March 18, 1896; Olive May b. May 30, 1898; Archie Robison b. March 21, 1902; Eliza Lillian b. Oct. 28, 1904; Leslie Earl b. May 25, 1910. Family home Riverton, Utah. Elder. Laborer. DANSIE, WILLIAM HEBER, JR. (son of William Heber Dansie and Eliza Jane Wright). Born June 27, 1885, River- ton, Utah. Married Jennie Goates Feb. 18, 1913, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of George Goates and Rose Munns of Lehi, Utah), who was born May 15, 1885. Seventy. Engineer. DANSIE, GEORGE HENRY (son of Robert Dansie and Jane Wilcox). Born Jan. 31, 1866, Bingham Canyon, Utah. Married Sarah Ann E. England Sept. 20, 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter of William England and Eliza Seamons, pio- neers Sept. 13, 1861, Homer Duncan company). She was born Dec. 16, 1867, Hyde Park, Utah. Their children: Ivy Jane b. Aug. 27, 1894; Roseanna Eliza b. Dec. 6, 1896; Inez Elizabeth b. Oct. 21, 1899; Rulon George b. March 18, 1901; Marvin England b. Dec. 14, 1902; Lorin Jesse b. Nov. 24, 1906, d. April 9, 1908; Connie Leora b. Oct. 31, 1907; Elvoy Henry b. Jan. 31, 1910. Family home Riverton, Utah. ^resident 94th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1896-98; first assistant Sunday school superintendent. Jus- tice of peace. Farmer and stockraiser. DAVENPORT, EDWARD HATHAWAY (son of Jeremiah Davenport and Alice Hathaway of Rhode Island). Born Sept. 20, 1822, in Rhode Island. Came to Utah 1861. Married Clarissa Crapo Aug. 10, 1848 (daughter of Joseph George Crapo and Mary Collins), who was born Aug. 10, 1828, and came to Utah 1852. Their children: Joseph Crapo b. Aug. 6, 1849, m. Charlotte E. Sperry Feb. 6, 1871; Jere- miah Franklin b. June 17, 1853, m. Helen Badger Remington Nov. 2, 1874; John Edward b. Oct. 13, 1856, m. Albatena Chris- tensen Sept. 11, 1890; James Albert b. June 1, 1857, died; William E. b. March 4, 1869, m. Alzina Hendrickson July 15. 1900; Mary Alice b. April 4, 1861, m. Thomas J. Pearee Nov. 10, 1881; Marcus M. b. Oct. 24, 1863, m. Maggie M. Christen- son Feb. 6, 1900; Eudora A. b. April 9, 1866, m. Jesse Frank Short Jan. 1, 1884; Charles R. b. April 9, 1868, died; Warren E. b. May 19, 1871, m. Marentena Hendrickson March 6, 1900. Family resided Draper and Paradise, Utah. DAVENPORT. JEREMIAH FRANKLIN (son of Edward Hathaway Davenport and Clarissa Crapo). Born June 17, 1853, Salt Lake City. Married Helen Badger Remington Nov. 2, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jerome Remington, pioneer 1860, and Lydia Badger, pioneer 1861, Captain Duston company). She was born Dec. 13, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Helen R. b. Dec. 16, 1875, m. Frederick Newby Sept. 5, 1899; Franklin R. b. July 16, 1878, m. Kate Naomi Lufkin Oct. 3, 1901; Emory R. b. May 26, 1880, m. Nellie Larsen Dec. 4, 1901; Marion R. b. Oct. 24, 1881, d. Nov. 25, 1885; Ona R. b. Sept. 22, 1883, m. Lucile Barber May 25, 1903; Earl R. b. March 4, 1886, m. Tillie Franzen; May R. b. Feb. 28. 1888; Beryl R. b. Sept. 18, 1889, died; Vernon R. b. April 14, 1892; Clarice R. b. Sept. 19, 1894; Marie R. b. June 23. 1896; Lois R. b. Dec. 21. 1898; Fay R. b. April 19, 1908. Family resided Paradise and Logan, Utah. Elder. Pioneer to Oregon. Mlnuteman and Indian fighter. Built first irrigation canal on Egin bench, Idaho. Moved to Hood River, Ore., 1891; there he organized an irrigation company and built canals. Lumberman. DAVENPORT, FRANKLIN REMINGTON (son of Jeremiah Franklin Davenport and Helen Badger Remington). Born July 16, 1878, Paradise. Utah. Married Kate Naomi Lufkin Oct. 3, 1901. Logan. Utah (daughter of George W. Lufkin and Martha Ann Townsend. pioneers October. 1862). She was born Jan. 3. 1880, Salt Lake City. Their children: Franklin Lufkin b. Oct. 31, 1902; Dorothy Lufkin b. Aug. 14, 1904; Hazel Lufkin b. July I, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 837 1906; Violet Lufkln b. March 31, 1908; Kenneth Lufkln b. April 21, 1910. Family resided Logan and Salt Lake City, Utah. Seventy; missionary to northwestern states. Bookkeeper and cashier. DAVENPORT, JAMES N. (son of James Davenport and Al- mira Phelps). Born Aug. 14, 1814, Walnut Grove, 111. Came to Utah 1848. Married Margaret J. Petty Feb. 3, 186S. Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert C. Petty and Margaret J. "Wells of Richmond, Utah, pioneers 1849). She was born Sept. 13, 1848. Their children: Martha J., m. Albert Heath; John W., m. Mamie Heath; Minnie A., m. A. L. Shaw; Lewis A.; Susie Valentine; Thomas P., m. Nettie Skiles; Alvin L., m. Grace Paul. Family home Richmond, Utah. Farmer. Died July 10, 1902. DAVID, MORGAN (son of Thomas and Mary David, of Llanelly, Caermarthenshire, South Wales). Born March 3, 1804, at Llanelly. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1852, William Morgan company. Married Elizabeth Bowen (daughter of William Bowen), who was born Oct. 23, 1803 and died of cholera at St. Louis. Their children: Mary, b. Jan. 24, 1825, m. David Bowen; Elizabeth, b. July 7. 1830, m. William Thomas; Ann b. April 16, 1833, m. William Warner; Hannah, b. March 3, 1837, m. Morgan Hughes; Emma, b. Aug. 9, 1839, m. Alfred Reece; Rachel, b. March 3, 1842, m. George Chambers. Family home Palmyra and Spanish Fork, Utah. I>\\ li:s. MORGAN (son of Thomas and Gwenllian Davies of Wales). Born May 10, 1847, in Wales. Came to Utah 1853. Married Annie Keep March 1, 1865, Lehi, Utah (daughter of James Joseph Keep and Anne Miller of that place, pioneers 1852). She was born April 26. 1837. Their children: Thomas James, m. Alice Earl; Edward, m. Lillian Diamond; Lucy L. m. Joseph T. Harris; Daniel William, died; Morgan Alford, m. Louise Walsh; Gwenllian, m. Frank A. Sange. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest. Contractor. DAVIES, T. J. (son of Morgan Davies and Anne Keep). Born Sept. 5, 1866, Salt Lake City. Married Alice Earl Dec. 18. 1889 (daughter of Jonathan Earl and Jane Wright of Salt Lake City, pioneers Aug. 7, 1852). She was born July 8, 1867. Their children; Rosella b. Nov. 7, 1890; Thomas Jesse b. April 7, 1892; Morgan Joseph b. Dec. 6, 1893; Viola May b. Oct. 6, 1895; Earl Jay b. Feb. 25, 1897; Alice Jane b. Feb. 19, 1900; Paul J. b. Aug. 15, 1902; Daniel Jones b. Nov. 26, 1904; Frank Joel b. March 15, 1908; Ruth b. Oct. 14, 1910. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest; second counselor In bishopric 10th ward. Salt Lake City. Contractor. DAVIS, ALEXANDER G. (son of Isaac Davis and Sara Sauls- bury of New York state). Born Dec. 16, 1828, Holloman, Can. Came to Utah September, 1852, Captain Stewart ox- team company. Married Emily Frances Oliver Dec. 8, 1861, Payson, Utah (daughter of Harrison Oliver and Hannah Martin of Louis- ville, Ky., pioneers September, 1850, Perrigrlne Sessions com- pany). She was born Jan. 10, 1843. Their children: Alex- ander b. Oct. 3, 1862, m. Mary Merrill; William Edward b. Sept. 30, 1864, m. Eveline Judd; Levi Alonzo b. May 17, 1866, m. Mary Brunette Niles; Sarah Melissa b. April 26, 1868. m. Walter E. Price; George Willard b. March 1, 1870, m. Eliza Luella Gentry; Clarissa Calista b. Dec. 28, 1874, d. aged two months: Amy T. b. Oct. 30, 1876, m. Levi Barton; Luther Llewellyn b. Feb. 8, 1878, m. Catherine Davis; Isaac Harri- son b. Jan. 15. 1880, m. Elnora Wiseman; Lydia Elder b. May 21, 1882, m. Van Oscar Fullmer. Family resided Payson, Summit City Creek, Monroe and now at Spring Glen, Utah. Elder. Veteran Echo Canyon and Black Hawk wars. Farmer. DAVIS, ALEXANDER (son of Alexander G. Davis and Emily Francis Oliver). Born Oct. 3, 1862, Payson, Utah. Married Mary Morrill June 6, 1883, Circleville, Piute Co., Utah (daughter of Laban Morrill and Lydia Davis of Junc- tion, Utah), who was born May 31, 1863. Their children: Melissa b. March 3, 1884, m. John Jensen; Alonzo Alex- ander b. Nov. 16, 1886; Bert b. Jan. 11, 1888; Bertha b. Aug. 7, 1890, m. Nels Jensen; Vard b. Nov. 27. 1892; Lydia Cassie b. Sept. 21, 1894; Delma b. April 16, 1897; Emma Frances b. April 5, 1900; Arnold b. March 27, 1903; John Clarence b. Aug. 6, 1909. Family home Junction, Plute Co., and Dry Gulch, Uinta Co., Utah. Farmer; carpenter. DAVIS, CALEB HERSEY (son of Caleb Hersey Davis and Trifena Atherton). Born March 22, 1839, in New York state. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1850, Thomas Johnson company. Married Hannah Strong Dec. 6, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Strong), who came to Utah 1855. Their children: Hannah Trifena b. Sept. 6, 1863, m. J. H. Hales Sept. 22, 1886; Agnes E. b. Sept. 4. 1866. m. Morgan D. Evans Aug. 1. 1888; Hersey John b. April 12. 1868. m. Margret Bunnell June, 1893; Sophia Strong b. Nov. 6. 1871, m. James Evans March 6, 1900; Mary b. April 16, 1873, m. Stephen Hales March 2, 1898; Annie Marilla b. July 8, 1875, m. J. M. Brown June 26. 1901; Caleb Miles b. Aug. 16. 1877, m. Mina Penrod Aug. 16, 1902; Julia Strong b. Sept. 20, 1880, m. E. R. Kirk- man Feb. 16. 1906; Zella Strong b. March 26, 1883, m. A. C. Miner Aug. 24, 1904. DAVIS, CHARLES A. (son of James Davis born Oct. 6 1786 and Myranda Jones born Nov. 16, 1784, both at Princeton, Mass.). He was born Oct. 13, 1810, at Princeton. Came to Utah 1849. Married Ruth Kennan April 11, 1839 (daughter of Andrew Kennan, Jr., and Ruth Parminter), who was born Oct 13 1821. Their children: Emily b. June 9, 1840, m. William Munro Sept. 9, 1858; Charles E. b. Sept. 5, 1842; Andrew A. b. Sept. 10, 1845; 'Warren Edgar b. June 13, 1848, m. Almira Stoker Dec. 18, 1871; Lydia Ann b. Jan. 7. 1851; Sarah H. b. March 6, 1852; Mary M. b. June 23, 1854, m. Isaac Losee Sept. 8, 1873; Ruth E. b. Dec. 23, 1866, m. John H. Hayes April 28, 1873; Lucretia R. C. b. Jan. 29. 1859, m. Moses Beckstead July 29, 1878; Elijah D. A. b. Dec. 16, 1861. m. Caroline M. Holm Jan. 16, 1882; Amelia T. b. May 4. 1863. m. William Adamson Nov. 15, 1878; John G. b. June 22, 1867, m. Alice McDaniels. Family resided Little Cottonwood, Palmyra and Spanish Fork, Utah. High priest. Postmaster at Spanish Fork 25 years. DAVIS, WARREN EDGAR (son of Charles A. Davis and Ruth Kennan). Born June 13, 1848, in Iowa. Came to Utah 1849 with parents. Married Almira Stoker Dec. 18, 1871, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Stoker and Almira Winegar, pioneeers 1852, Isaac Stewart company). She was born Aug. 1 1855 Palmyra, Utah. Their children: 2 Warren Edgar b. Oct. 26, 1872, m. Barbara E. Mooney Dec. 8, 1892; William C. b. Nov. 27, 1874; Sarah A. b. Jan. 29, 1877; John S. b. Feb. 24, 1879, m. Mary Beck Jan. 18, 1899; James A. b. Oct. 31, 1881, m. Vera Lund Dec. 12, 1906; Ida M. b. June 11, 1884, m. Clarence Hard- man Feb. 22. 1907: Ruth E. b. Dec. 18, 1886, m. Mitchell Beck Dec. 6, 1905; Archie D. b. Aug. 29, 1889. m. Sarah J. Clyde Oct. 27, 1909. Family home Spanish Fork. Utah. High priest. Deputy county road supervisor. Director In Spanish Fork Creamery company; also in Spanish Fork Co-op. DAVIS. WARREN EDGAR. JR. (son of Warren Edgar Davis and Almira Stoker). Born Oct. 26, 1872, at Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Barbara E. Mooney Dec. 8, 1892 (daughter of James Mooney and Mary McLean), who was born Oct. 28, 1872, Rome, Ga. Their children: Warren Edgar and Barbara b. Feb. 20, 1896; James A. b. Jan. 23, 1897; Daniel J. b. Dec. 24, 1897; Erton R. b. June 21, 1900; Ora b. Oct. 16, 1902; Ruth b. Feb. 8. 1904; Mary E. b. March 30, 1906; Otto L. b. April 10, 1908. Family home Spanish Fork. Utah. DAVIS, DAVID W. (son of William and Mary Davis). Born March 28. 1828, Hairwin, Brecknockshire, South Wales. Came to Utah 1865. Married Charlotte Notte Jeremy July 18, 1853, at Aberdare, Wales (daughter of Evan Jeremy and Eleanor Davis mar- ried Jan. 15, 1822, Llanuwchllyn, Wales). She was born Dec. 10, 1828. Their children: David Peter; Mary Ann; El- len Jane; Hannah; William Gomer; George; Charlotte Notte. Family home Provo and Logan, Utah, and Malad, Idaho. Farmer. Died Oct. 20, 1907. DAVIS, WILLIAM G. (son of David W. Davis and Charlotte Notte Jeremy). Born June 14, 1865, at Logan. Married Margaret A. Hawkins May 20, 1890, at Logan (daughter of William E. Hawkins, pioneer 1853, and Mar- garet Thomas, born 1854 In Farmington, Utah). She was born Nov. 25, 1873, Samaria, Idaho. Their children: Wil- liam Ray; Eva; Pearl; Rulon H.; Lyman H., died; Margret; Seldon H. Family resided Logan, Utah, Burley and Malad, Idaho. Missionary to England 1906-08; 1st counselor to Bishop L. W. Robbins at Burley. Founder, president and manager of Burley opera house. DAVIS, EDWARD WILLIAM (son of William Davis of Wales). Born Feb. 1, 1794, at London. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, A. O. Smoot company. Married Sarah Drabble Jan. 13. 1822, at London (daughter of Joshua Drabble and Hannah Goods of that place). Came to Utah with husband. She was born Jan. 16, 1802. at Lon- don and died Oct. 29, 1876. Their children: Samuel: Edward William b. Nov. 18, 1826, m. Sarah Elizabeth Hyder; m. Jemima Nightingale; Lydia, m. George B. Wallace; Martha, m. George B. Wallace; Hannah, m. George B. Wallace; Josiah. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Silk and cloth weaver. Died Oct. 1, 1878. DAVIS, EDWARD WILLIAM, JR. (son of Edward William Davis and Sarah Drabble), born Nov. 18, 1826. at London. Came to Utah Oct. 15. 1851, Orson Pratt company. Married Sarah Elizabeth Hyder April 22, 1852. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Hugh Hyder and Sarah Jarrold 838 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH of London, who came to Utah 1851, Orson Pratt company). She was born March 15, 1829, at London. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Jan. 18, 1853, m. William Heber Pitt; Heber Hyder b. Nov. 16, 1854, m. Martha Ann Webster Twitchell; m. Sarah Ann Tall; Willard Hyder b. March 6, 1857, d. Aug. 29. 1878; Edward Hyder b. March 23. 1860, m. Rene Brown; m. Amy Ball; Martha Hyder b. Jan. 18, 1862, d. Sept. 14, 1863; Charlotte Isabella b. March 17, 1865; Hannah Hyder b. Jan. 28, 1867, m. W. D. Bowering; Alma b. Dec. 20, 1869, m. Sophia Holmes; Thomas Stafford b. Feb. 18, 1872, m. Olive Van Cott. Married Jemima Nightingale Feb. 26, 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Nightingale and Jane Archer of Stafford, near Manchester, Eng., pioneers Nov. 30, 1856, with Martin handcart company). She was born Nov. 19, 1834; died July 4, 1885. Their children: Jane Nightingale b. Jan. 3, 1868, m. George Careless; Joseph N. b. Aug. 18, 1860, d. July 23, 1910; Franklin N. b. Sept. 6, 1862, died; John N. b. Oct. 19, 1864, m. Minnie Jasperson; Alllce N. b. Dec. 23, 1866, died; Kate N. b. Aug. 23, 1871, m. George Lloyd; William N. b. April 21, 1873, m. Nora Groo; Mary N. b. Dec. 16, 1874. d. Feb. 22, 1876. Families resided Salt Lake City. Became president elders' quorum Oct. 9, 1874, and presi- dent 1st quorum; clerk of I7th ward Salt Lake City in 1855- 96 at reorganization of Salt Lake City stakes; missionary to Arizona 1873; captain in the Nauvoo Legion. Major Utah militia; took part in Indian wars and Johnston's army trouble. Carpenter and builder. Died Sept. 10, 1896, at Salt Lake City, Utah. DAVIS, HEBER HYDER (son of Edward William Davis and Sarah Elizabeth Hyder), born Nov. 16, 1854 at Salt Lake City. Married Martha Ann Webster Twitchell Feb. 28, 1877, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Luther Twitchell of Dublin, N. H., and Elizabeth W. Woodville Hovey, Cambridgeport, Mass). She was born Dec. 30, 1858, at Salt Lake City and died April 27, 1903. Their children: Mattie Orpha b. Sept. 19, 1886, died same day; Inez Twitchell b. Oct. 30, 1887, m. Gustave H. Schuster; Myrtle b. Feb. 3, 1889, d. April 26, 1897; Sarepta b. April 7, 1903, d. Dec. 6, 1903. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Ann Tall June 15, 1904, at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Tall and Elizabeth Ormond, former a pioneer September, 1853, Jacob Gates company, latter Sept. 19, 1852, Captain Outhouse company). She was born Sept. 13, 1868. No children. Seventy; missionary to Great Britain 1899-1901; Salt Lake City sexton 1904-05. Carpenter and builder. DAVIS, JOHN N. (son of Edward William Davis, Jr., and Jemima Nightingale). Born Oct. 19. 1864, at Salt Lake City. Married Minnie Jasperson, Feb. 1, 1893, Manti, Utah (daughter of Lars C. and Augusta V. Jasperson of Heber, Utah), who was born July 12, 1866, and came to Utah 1874. Their children: Harold Edward b. Nov. 3, 1893; John Clive b. April 18, 1895; Paul Jasperson b. April 25, 1898; Jemima b. Feb. 14, 1900; Elfreda Augusta b. Sept. 12, 1901; Marie Night- ingale b. May 15, 1903; Melbe b. Jan. 31, 1905, died; Carl Garrett b. March 8, 1906; George Careless b. June 28. 1907; William Lawrence b. Dec. 6, 1908. Family home Vernal, Utah. High priest; missionary to northern states 1896-97; pre- sided over Indiana conference; bishop Vernal ward July 24, 1898-1910. Member Utah house of representatives 1906-10. Interested in livestock, farming, mercantile and banking en- terprises; secretary and director Bank of Vernal. DAVIS, EDWIN ALBERT. Born in Iowa. Came to Utah 1859. Married Mary E. Walker 1857, Nauvoo. 111. (daughter of John Walker and Lydia Holms of Iowa, pioneers 1859), who was born Feb. 11, 1840. Their children: Benoni b. 1858, m. Mary Parson April, 1878; Charles H. b. June 23, 1860, m. Lizzie Rogers 1885. Family home Farmington, Utah. DAVIS. CHARLES H. (son of Edwin Albert Davis and Mary E. Walker). Born June 23. 1860, Farmington, Utah. Married Lizzie W. Rogers April 1, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Rogers and Cathrine Walker pio- neers 1847), who was born March 22, 1864, Ruby Valley, Nev. Their children: Charles Edwin b. Feb. 24, 1886; Mary Edna b. Sept. 29, 1888, m. Charles Robinett 1910; Cathrine b. June 17, 1890; Ruby L. b. June 2, 1893; Lizzie C. b. Jan. 30, 1896; Lydia May b. May 9, 1899; Lucy Myrtle b. Aug. 4, 1901; Lewis A. b. May 13, 1904; John W. b. April 20, 1905. Family home Brlgham City. Member 133d quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states 1906-08. Fruit grower. DAVIS, ELIAKIM SPOONER (son of Nathan Davis and Abi- gail Spooner of Lowell, Mass.). Born Oct. 12, 1812, Lebanon, N. H. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Mllo Andrus company. Married Orpha Hopkins 1841 at Lowell, Mass, (daughter of Abram Hopkins and Miss Brown of Grantham, N. H.). Their children: George Augustus, m. Hariett Elizabeth Weaver; Helen Maria, m. Thomas J. Thurston; m. Frank Reeder; Charles Hopkins, m. Elizabeth Walker; Elizabeth, m. Michael Gehrum; Ida; Emma, m. Frank Meyers. Family resided Salt Lake City and Milton, Morgan Co., Utah. Elder; president of Branch at Lowell, Mass. Lived in Milton about one and a half years, came to Salt Lake, work- ing on the buildings at Fort Douglas. Painter and builder. Died 1878, Atchison, Has. DAVIS, GEORGE AUGUSTUS (son of Eliakin Davis and Orpha Hopkins). Born Aug. 22, 1842, Lowell, Mass. Came to Utah with parents. Married Harriet Elizabeth Weaver Nov. 9, 1866, Little- ton, Morgan Co., Utah (daughter of William Weaver and Hannah Carter of Lewes, Sussex, Eng., latter came to Utah 1868). She was born May 6, 1850, at Brighton, Sussex, Eng. and came to Utah 1866. Their children: Elizabeth Helen b. Oct. 10, 1867, d. child; Emily Ida b. Nov. 19, 1869, d. child; William George b. March 18, 1872, m. Margeret Luzina Bird; Charles Henry b. Sept. 14, 1874, m. Sarah Matilda Hall; Fan- nie Orpha b. Jan. 17, 1881, and Thomas Davey b. Nov. 14. 1878, d. infants; Mildred Lillian b. June 23, 1884, m. Joseph S. Murray; Harriet Weaver b. Nov. 6. 1886, m. Morris Thomp- son; Annie May b. May 19, 1889; Edith Carter b. Feb. 24, 1893. Family home, Vernal, Utah. High priest; high counselor to S. R. Bennlon 1884-88; pres. Merrell (Naples) Branch ward 1881-84; stake clerk, Uintah stake 1908-12 to Prest. William Smart and Don B. Colton; Sunday school superintendent for six years; ward teacher for several years. Justice of peace 1887-89; deputy county re- corder; treasurer Uintah county 1901-07; came to Ashley Fork 1881 from Morgan, Utah; went to Morgan from Eagle Rock (Idaho Falls), Idaho. Locomotive engineer. Farmer. DAVIS, FRANKMsr JUDSON (son of Powell Davis of New York). Born in New York state. Came to Utah 1862, Cap- tain McCullough company. Married Ann Richmond (daughter of Nathan Richmond) She died on the plains coming- to Utah. Their children: Esther Mariah b. May 4, 1838, m. Nymphus C. Murdock; Stan- ley Powell b. 1840, m. Susan Fairbanks; Ann Eliza b. Aug. 8, 1842, m. Simeon C. Drollinger Dec. 4, 1859; Emily Amelia b. 1844, m. Cornelius Fairbanks April 6, 1865; Franklin Jud- son; Frederick. Family home New York state and Canada. Bishop at Council Bluffs. School teacher in Salt Lake City. DAVIS, GEORGE (son of James Davis, born 1803, Bodenham, Herefordshire, and Elizabeth Goodwin, born March 10, 1805, Ombersly, Worcestershire, Eng.). He was born Dec. 8, 1834, Waterbury, Worcestershire, Eng:. Came to Utah Oct 24 1854. William A. Empey company. Married Mary Ann Sparks Dec. 27, 1853 (daughter of George Sparks and Hannah Lake; latter died in New York) She was born Dec. 10, 1833, and came to Utah with husband. Died July 2, 1905. Their children: Margaret Caroline b. July 1, 1854, died on the plains; George James b. Nov. 25, 1856, m. Tryphena L. Terry Jan. 11, 1877; Hannah Elizabeth b. Nov. 15, 1857, m. James G. Thompson, d. Dec. 3, 1903- Alfred William b. Oct. 3, 1859, died Oct. II, 1859; Nelson Franklin b. Oct. 16, 1860, m. Sarah E. Thorn Feb. 24. 1881- Orson Charles b. March 15. 1863. d. Feb. 10, 1866; Vinson Frederick b. Feb. 8, 1866, m. Melissa E. Perry Dec. 13, 1883; Mary Laura b. Feb. 1, 1867 (d. Jan. 12, 1885), m. Henry Matthews Dec. 7, 1882; Olivia Fullerton Rebecca b. May 6, 1869, m. John S. Holton Dec. 20, 1893; Benjamin Ephraim b May 15, 1872, d. July 30, 1876; Arthur Nephi b. Sept. 10, 1876 d. Oct. 17, 1894. Family resided Clarkston, Perry, Lehi, Utah. Married Alice E. Goodey Feb. 24, 1865, Salt Lake City. She was born Sept. 12, 1845. Their children: William Henry b. Feb. 2, 1866, m. Mary E. Young Dec. 16, 1886; Alice Mary b. Jan. 9, 1868, m. Isaac Thorn Sept. 13, 1883, died; Samuel Arthur b. Jan. 6, 1870, d. Nov. 15, 1889; Herbert John b April 10, 1872, d. Nov. 14, 1889; Louisa Jane b. Dec. 14, 1874, m. Hyrum Thorn Dec. 18, 1895; Elizabeth Ann b. May 9, 1877, m. David Morgan Dec. 19, 1900; Emma Ellen b. Oct. 21 1879 m. Willard Facer Oct. 25, 1899; Sarah Eliza b. Jan. 20, 1882, d. May II, 1883; George Alma b. May 30, 1884, d. Sept. 10, 1891; Parley Ernst b. Jan. 16, 1887, m. Maria Jacobsen Jan. 16, 1907; Jonathan b. March 13, 1891, m. Mabel Miller Aug. 28, 1911. Families resided Clarkston, Lehi and Perry, Utah. Worked for the church as wheelwright, repairing wagons for immigrants to cross the plains 1855-57; was in Echo Can- yon winter 1857 resisting Johnson's army. Settled at Lehi 1858; moved to Clarkston 1868; moved to Perry 1875 and served there as Sunday school superintendent eighteen years; one of seven presidents 69th quorum seventies many years- missionary to Liverpool, Eng., 1900-02. Helped to build sev- eral towns in Utah; was an excellent shot with rifle; very diligent ecclesiastical worker; stood the hardships of pio- neer life without complaint. Precise in all his labors Died June 14, 1903, Perry, Utah. DAVIS, VINSON FREDERICK (son of George Davis and Mary Ann Sparks). He was born Feb. 8, 1865, Lehi, Utah Married Melissa Emeline Perry Dec. 13, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lorenzo Perry and May Wray Walker) She was born Dec. 24, 1866, Perry, Utah. Their children- Melissa Emeline b. Sept. 2, 1887, d. Sept. 7, 1887; Laura May b Aug. 31, 1888, m. Isaac Allen Jan. 26, 1910; Ethel b Jan 26 1891, m. William Wood Jan. 20. 1909; Annie b. March 27, 1893* m. Charles Ottley Oct. 16, 1912; Arthur b. March 12 1895 d Nov. 10, 1900; Benjamin Vinson b. March 13, 1897, d. April'lS 1898; Ruth b. Jan. 9, 1899; Vinson Frederick b. Sept. 13, 1900; Gwenlth b. July 31, 1904; Eugene Russell b. Aug. 27, 1905; George Lorenzo b. Oct. 16, 1907; Dan Perry b. Nov. 1, 1909. Family home Perry, Utah. Member bishopric Perry ward. President Perry Electric Light and Power company. President Perry town board. President Perry military band. Secretary and treasurer Three Mile Creek Land and Live Stock company; superintend- ent Bear River Club company. Reputed to be the greatest field and duck shot in the world. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 83!) DAVIS, GEORGE (son of William Davis born 1800, Witch Dorsetshire, and Lucy Davis born Nov. 14, 1806, Stoke Ab- bott, Dorsetshire, Eng.). He was born Nov. 4, 1833, at Stoke Abbott. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853, John Brown company. Married Elizabeth M. Hammon Feb. 6, 1869 (daughter of Levi Hammon and Polly C. Bybee pioneers September, 1851, Alfred Cardon company). She was born July 31, 1841, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Elizabeth J. b. Jan. 17, 1860, m. William R. Howard; Rhoda A. b. Jan. 6, 1862. m. Hobert B. Thompson; Lucy E. b. Feb. 9, 1864, m. Frederick Stimpson; Georgre A. b. Feb. 4, 1866, m. Emma S. Rice; Polly V. b. May 28, 1868, m. James M. Thompson; Sarah B. b. June 4, 1870; Joseph L. b. Feb. 29, 1872, m. Annie Sor- ensen; Nancy S. b. March 25, 1874, m. Charles W. Singleton; Samuel H. b. June 2, 1876, m. May L. Rice; Lydia M. b. May 12, 1878, m. Hyrum M. Thompson; William H. b. Jan. 19, 1881; John B. b. Jan. 25, 1884. Family resided South Hooper, Utah, Wilford, and Thomas, Idaho. First counselor to Bishops Henry B. Gwilliam 1877, and Edwin Parker 1883, South Hooper; bishop Wilford ward, Bannock stake, 1887-93. Died May 5, 1912, at Thomas. DAVIS, GEORGE PRESTON (son of Rachel J. Hunter of Mt. Pisg-ah, Iowa). Came to Utah, 1847. Married Sarah Elizabeth Lewis at Ogden, Utah (daughter of Benjamin Lewis). Their children: Sarah Elizabeth, m. George Hanks; George Henry, d. aged 8; Rachel Johanna, m. Robert A. Powell; Benjamin Marian, m. Lilly Evans; William Preston; John Oliver, m. Sarah Lacretia McKindrick. Fam- ily home Springville, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer. Died December, 1909, Salem, Utah. DAVIS, NATHAN C. (son of Ichabod Davis and Lydia Cut- ler of Warren county, N. T.). Born in Warren county, N. Y. Came to Utah Aug. 10, 1860. Married Isabel Wells in Warren county (daughter of George B. Wells and Rebecca Green of Bolton, Warren county, N. T.). Their children: Allen, m. Matilda Robison; Cora, m. Lycurgus Johnson; Lydia Rebecca, m. Joseph Hardy; Huldah, d. infant; Julia Ellen, m. Simon Peter Dill- mon. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; first counselor to Jeremiah Hatch, president of Uinta stake; patriarch. Commissioner Uinta county, Utah, and Bear Lake county, Idaho. Lived in Nauvoo from its settlement until it was abandoned. Built the first grist- mill at Wellsville; built sawmill in Kamas in 1861; built molasses mill in Salt Lake 1860. Master mechanic; farmer and stockraiser. DAVIS, JAMES I*, (son of George Davis and Mary A. Tim- son of London. Eng.). Born Aug. 9, 1840, at London. Came to Utah October, 1862, Kimball and Lawrence freight train. Married Mary E. Fretwell April 23, 1864 (daughter of William K. Fretwell and Mary Ann Raby, married May, 1842, Yorkshire. Eng.). She was born April 14, 1843, and came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur company. Their children: Mary F. b. Feb. 7, 1865; Edward F. b. April 4, 1866. m. Isabell Budge Oct. 1, 1890; George William b. Oct. 24, 1868; James H. F. b. Oct. 28, 1870, m. M. E. Humphries Sept. 25, 1895; Emily E. b. June 2, 1873, m. R. W. Wallentine Oct. 11, 1893; Kate E. b. Jan 21, 1875; John Orson b. Sept. 10, 1876, m. M. Hibbert Sept. 16, 1895; Norah Jane b. Feb. 21, 1878; Ethel Olive b. Aug. 2, 1879, m. J. Humphries Sept. 15, 1897; Cordelia b. Aug. 15. 1881, m. D. Hymus Sept. 18, 1901; Stella b. July 22, 1883, m. D. L. Hays Sept. 18, 1901. High priest; assisted in settlement of San Juan Valley, Utah, 1879-84; ward teacher over 28 years, and Sunday school worker 25 years. DAVIS, JOHN CATLIN (son of John Davis and Elizabeth Catlin of London, Eng.). He was born 1821 at London. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company. Married Phoebe Oxenbauld at Handsworth, Staffordshire, Eng. (daughter of William and Elizabeth Oxenbauld of England). Their children: Walter, m. Julia Harris; Freder- ick William, d. 1858; John Edward; Sylvia Jane, m. William Broomhead; Alfred, m. Margaret Bateman; Elizabeth, m. William Henry Stewart; Phoebe. Married Caroline Young Jan. 16, 1860, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Young of that place, pioneer 1858. Brig- ham Young company. Their children: Joseph b. 1862, d. 1862. Families resided Salt Lake City. Gunsmith and locksmith. He died Feb. 18, 1878, Brigham City, Utah. DAVIS, JOHN MEEKS (son of William Davis and Margar- ette Elsie Meeks, who came from Wales and later lived at Nauvoo, 111., and Council Bluffs, Iowa). Born Sept. 9, 1823. Came to Utah 1854. Married Elizabeth Abshire 1846, Nauvoo, 111., who was born Dec. 28, , in Pennsylvania and came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Martha Jane b. June 27, 1847, m. David Toyn; Margarette Elsie b. 1849, d. child: Anniel b. Oct. 21, 1851, m. Winfleld Scott Hullinuer Nov. 22, 1869; John Spencer b. Feb. 22, 186^: Thomas b. 1856, m. Mary Lee; Sarah Ann b. 1858, m. James Wheeler; Angeline b. 1860, m. Lorenzo Dow; Olive b. 1862, m. James Graham; Abraham b. 1864; James b. 1866. m. Catherine Johnson; Frank d. child. Married America Jant Overland 1857, Beaver Co., Utah (daughter of William Overland of Indiana, pioneer Autumn of 1856). She was born 1826. Their children: Elizabeth b. June 21, 1868, m. Richard Papworth Oct. 21, 1874; Atha m Mary Ford; Susanna, m. John Wall; Mary Ann, m. Dell Wall. Family home Beaver, Utah ' at DAVIS, JOHN TUCKER. Born March 3. 1806, Genford Pem- brokeshire, South Wales. Came to Utah 1851 Married Letitia Ann George 1842, Liverpool, Eng. (daugh- ter of John George and Letitia Ann Harris of Liverpool pio- neers 1861, Daniel Jones company). She was born 'l816 Their children: William George; John G.; Alma C.; Ephraim . High priest; supervised block and tackle work on Salt Lake temple; pioneered making canals and wagon roads- settled at Spanish Fork 1855. Farmer. President of West Field farming district ten years. Died Dec. 20, 1888 DAVIS, JOSEPH C. (son of John Davis and Elizabeth Cad- wallader both of Pembrokeshire, South Wales). Born Dec 6, 1836, in Parish St. Michael, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, Horton D. Haight church train Married Maria Williams April 1, 1859, at Iowa City (daugh- ter of Owen Williams and Ann Thomas of Abergele, Denbigh- shire, Wales, pioneers September, 1860). She was born Dec 25, 1839, and came to Utah with husband. Their children'- Annie M., m. Joseph Houston; Elizabeth F., m. John Hatch- Alice Ann, m. Joseph S. Clark; Joseph W., m. Mary Schow; Hyrum, m. Lysade Craig; George H., m. Jenny McKeller- Margaret E., m. John C. Swenson. Married Louisa Williams June 6, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Owen Williams and Ann Thomas). Their chil- dren: John O.; Heber J., m. Christana Thompson; Wilford, m. Pearl Judd; Robert, m. Leona Reece; Rastus, m. Ethel Mc- Keller; Susie, m. John C. Williams; Harriet, m. John Negley; Ettie; Pearl. Family home, Juarez, Old Mexico. Bishop 1st ward of Panguitch eight years; missionary 1859-67. Died Sept. 20, 1905, at Juarez, Old Mexico. DAVIS, JOSHUA (son of Dennis J. and Betsy Davis of Black Oak, Caldwell county. 111.). Born Dec. 20, 1820, Alton, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1850. Married Susanna Cole Nov. 12, 1840, Alton, 111. (daughter of Owen Cole of Illinois, pioneer Sept. 3, 1850). She was born June 18, 1827, Rochester, N. Y. Their children: Wil- liam Dennis b. July 8, 1842, -died; Henry L. b. Dec. 20, 1844. m. Rachel Baum; Joshua Martin b. Sept. 3, 1847, m. Sarah Cloward; Heber Carlos b. Oct. 23, 1849, died; Emily Anner b. Dec. 23, 1850, m. Jesse Buckner; Susanna b. 1852, m. John J. Baum; Orson b. May 20, 1854, died; Marion Albert b. Dec. 10. 1855, m. Anna Haws; Burdell Thomas b. Jan. 14, 1858, m. Martha Hall; Rachel Emmer b. Jan. 21, 1860, m. William Graham; George Alvaro b. June 9. 1865, died. Married Hanner Anderson Nov. 9, 1856, Provo, Utah (daughter of Ole Anderson and Anna Borkerson of Sweden, pioneers Sept. 4, 1865). She was born Sept. 5. 1839. Their children: Homer Andrew b. Oct. 20, 1858, m. Mary Ellen ; Dennis J. b. April 7, 1861, m. Ada Draper; Norman Taylor b. July 14, 1863, m. Lucy Clinger; Anna Louisa b. July 7, 1867, m. Thomas Collins; Hanna Alwilda b. May 3, 1871, m. Gil- bert York; Mary Caroline b. Oct. 11, 1873, m. George Powel- son. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 46th quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states. Sheriff Utah county. Farmer. Died Nov. 21, 1902, at Provo. DAVIS, BURDELL THOMAS (son of Joshua Davis and Susanna Cole). Married Martha Hall Sept. 28, 1876, at Provo (daughter of Henry Hall and Amanda Andrews, of St. Clair county, Ala., who came to Utah 1869). She was born June 24, 1868. Their children: Martha Ann b. Aug. 6, 1877; William Burdell b. Oct. 2, 1880; Dennis Raymond b. Aug. 19, 1882; Elnora L. b. March 31. 1886; Frona Myrtle b. April 12. 1888; Don R. b. September, 1889; Zora b. Dec. 6. 1893; Dean L. b. Feb. 11. 1898; Doss E. b. Nov. 21, 1899; Dell B. b. Nov. 21, 1902. Fam- ily home Pleasant View, Utah. High priest; counselor to Bishop Levi A. Colvin, Pleasant View ward seven years; set apart bishop April 28, 1912; president elders' quorum seven years. Farmer and fruit grower. DAVIS, M. It. (son of Melvin Davis and Permelia Lockwood of New York state). Born May 12, 1825, at Honeoye Falls, N. Y. Came to Utah 1859. Married Mary Kenner 1864 in Missouri (son of Robert H. Kenner and Hannah Foster of Tennessee, pioneers 1857). She was born Feb. 2, 1832. Their children: Ella, died; Ray, m. Lucy Smith; Olive A., died; Martha, m. Newton Farr; Mary L., m. Ralph Savage; Robert Harrison, died. Family home, Salt Lake City, Utah. Physician and surgeon. Died Aug. 3, 1882. 840 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH DAVIS, NATHAN. Born 1814 Rochester, Columbiana Co., Ohio. Came to Utah 1851. Married Sarah Woolley 1836 (daughter of John Woolley of Chester county. Pa.). Their children: Edwin; Albert W. b. April 25, 1841, m. Melissa Jane Lambson 1865; David F. b. June 7. 1857, m. Martha M. Sheets; Sarah, m. John Thatcher. Family home 17th ward, Salt Lake City. High priest; bishop of 17th ward. City sealer of weights and measures. Founder of Davis-Howe Foundry and Ma- chine company. Machinist. Died Dec. 29, 1894. DAVIS, ALBERT W. (son of Nathan Davis and Sarah W. Woolley). Born April 26, 1841, Rochester, Ohio. Came to Utah 1851. Married Melissa Jane Lambson 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alfred B. and Melissa J. Lambson of Nauvoo, pioneers Sept. 26, 1847, Elijah E. Fuller company). She was born Nov. 13, 1846. Their children: Albert J., m. Margerite D. Forsyth; Melissa E., m. Daniel P. Callister; Edna May; Nettie M., m. Robert H. Bradford; Wesley, d. aged 6 weeks; George A., m. Lucy S. Whittaker; Sarah W., m. Wilford Whittaker; Helen; Ethel. Family home Center ward. Salt Lake City. Missionary to Sandwich Islands two years: high priest; patriarch; counselor in bishopric of 17th ward; bishop Cen- ter ward 14 years. Member city council. Foundryman and machine manufacturer. DAVIS, GEORGE A. (son of Albert W. Davis and Melissa J. Lambson). Born July 7, 1877. Married Lucy S. Whittaker Feb. 4, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of David M. Whittaker and Mary A. Smith of 16th ward. Salt Lake City). She was born Jan. 6, 1885. Their children: George W. b. Dec. 1, 1904; David M. b. Dec. 24, 1906; Willard W. b. April 14, 1908; Lucile b. Aug. 19, 1911. Family home Center ward, Salt Lake City. Third president in council 109th quorum seventies; mis- . sionary to Sandwich Islands 1899-1903. Policeman under Hawaiian government. DAVIS, DAVID F. (son of Nathan Davis and Sarah W. Wool- ley). Born June 7, 1867. Married Martha M. Sheets March 26, 1885, Salt Lake City. Angus M. Cannon officiating (daughter of Elijah F. Sheets and Susannah Musser of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 22, 1847, Perrigrine Sessions company). She was born May 3, 1861, 8th ward. Salt Lake City. Their children: Edna b. May 28. 1887; David F., Jr.. b. March 9, 1890, m. Luella How- ard; Olive b. April 11, 1893; Leah b. April 15, 1896. Family home Center ward. Salt Lake City. High priest; high councilor; missionary to eastern states two years. Pattern maker. DAVIS, JOHN R. (son of David Davis and Ann Thomas of Whitland, Wales. Born March 3, 1805. Came to Utah Sept. 16. 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Mary Miles of South Wales (daughter of John Miles and Leah Phillips of South Wales). She was born March 19, 1813, and died April 25, 1889. Their children: William, David, Leah, and David, all died; Thomas, m. Mary Edwards, Jan. 2, 1860; John and William died; Leah, m. Hyrum Bennett North; Richard and Ann died. Family home Mill Creek, Utah. High priest. Miner; contractor; farmer. DAVIS, RII/EY (son of James Ward Davis and Elizabeth J. Gordon of Fremont Co., Iowa). Born Nov. 26, 1851, Sidney, Fremont Co., Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1866, Thomas E. Ricks company. Married Jennette McMurrin Dec. 25, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph McMurrin and Margaret Lang of Glas- gow, Scotland and Salt Lake City, pioneers 1856). She was born Dec. 23, 1864. Their children: James W. b. Dec. 23, 1882, m. Harriett E. Bybee June 6, 1907; Dora May b. April 22. 1886, m. William E. Larsen Sept. 2, 1903; Maud b. FeK 18. 1884, m. Leander M. Boyce Dec. 13, 1905; Irvine b. Aug. 24, 1890. Family home, Clifton. Idaho. Worked in Weber Canyon on first railroad in Utah 1867; pioneer to southern Idaho where he assisted in quelling early Indian disturbances. Missionary to southern states 1900-01; missionary to California. Married Christina Eureka Forsgren Feb. 20, 1854. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Olof Forsgren and Annie C. Holl- stran), who was born April 26, 1820, Geflea, Sweden. Their children: Abraham Peter b. Nov. 2, 1866. m. Lottie Van Noy Feb. 26, 1880; Oliver Frederic b. Jan. 2, 1859, m. Susannah Pul- sipher Sept. 17, 1884; George William b. July 15, 1861, m. Eliza R. Watkins Nov. 11, 1885 and Vilate Cole Sept. 3, 1903 Fam- ily home Brigham City, Utah. Settled at Brigham City 1860; ordained bishop of Brigham DAVIS, OLIVER F. (son of William Davis and Christina E. Forsgren). Born Jan. 2, 1859, Brigham City, Utah. Married Susannah Pulsipher Sept. 17, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of Orson Hyde Pulsipher, pioneer 1852). She was born Jan. 27, 1865. Brigham City, Utah. Their children: Elfy A. b. Aug. 9, 1885, m. William C. Hubbard Aug. 15, 1904; May E. b. Dec. 8, 1887; Asa Oliver b. March 29, 1890: Jesse b. June 28, 1892; Zina Pulsipher b. Dec. 18, 1894; Zera Pulsipher b. March 15. 1899. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Brigham City councilman; justice of peace at Avon, Utah. Ward clerk. DAVIS. GEORGE WILLIAM (son of William Davis and Christina Eureka Forsgren). Born July 15, 1861, Brigham Married Eliza Roxy Watkins Nov. 11, 1885 (daughter of William L. Watkins and Mary Hammond), who was born Oct. 5, 1863, Brigham City. Only child: Marguerite N (adopted) b. March 6, 1892. Married Vilate Cole Nuhn Sept. 3. 1903, Logan, Utah (daughter of Moroni Cole b. April 12, 1833, Jackson county, Mo., came to Utah 1850, Capt. Lake company, and Rhoda Ann Hubbard who were married Sept. 28. 1854, Willard, Box Elder Co., Utah). She was born Sept. 16, 1869, at Wil- lard, and was the mother of George C. Nuhn b. Jan. 10, 1890, and Leslie C. Nuhn b. Feb. 28, 1892. Sunday school teacher; Sunday school superintendent Fourth ward Brigham city; missionary to New Zealand 1887- 90; second counselor to Brigham Wright; president of Y. M. M. I. A.; moved to Avon, Utah, 1893; bishop of Avon ward 1895-04; alternate high counselor of Hyrum stake; mission- ary to eastern states 1905-07; ward clerk; high council June 6, 1908. DAY, ABRAHAM (son of Abraham and Flavilla Day of Wind- hall. Vt.). Born Sept. 24. 1817, at Windhall. Came to Utah with other members of Mormon Battalion. Married Elmira Buckley Feb. 16, 1838, in Pennsylvania (daughter of Noah Summers Buckley, pioneer, and Annie Newman of Council Bluffs, Iowa). She was born Jan. 30, 1820. Their children: Joseph Smith, m. Mary Anderson, m. Triny Bertelson; Melinda Ann, Harriet Jane, and Amelia, latter three d. infants; Jenette, m. Frank Whitmore; Ezra Jonas: Juliett, m. Henry Bonheu; Alice, m. Walter Christo- pherson; Abraham Nelson, m. Elizabeth Staker: Laura Annie, m. Ole Nielsen Tuft; Ira Alfred, m. Polly A. Noaks; Edward Summers, m. Maria Johnson; Ellie Jenora, d. infant; Albert Arlington, m. Emma Jean Loveless. Married Charlotte Broomhead, Nov. 7, 1851. Salt Lake City. Their children: Dora Elmira, m. John Gustavus Johnson; Albert Demasous d. infant; Herbert Steven, m. Mary Wilcox; Eli Ezeriah, m. Eliza Jane Staker and Euphrasia Cox; Ben- jamin Franklin d. infant; Hannah Flavilla, m. A. E. Smith; Ephraim Arthur; Harriet Ann, m. James Wilcox: George William, m. Ellis Staker: Harry Hazleton d. infant; Mary Ellen, m. Joseph Prows; m. Joseph Wilder: Joseph Abraham d. infant. Family resided Lawrence, Emery Co., Utah. Counselor to Bishop Wm. J. Seeley of Mount Pleasant. Served in the Walker and Black Hawk wars. Built first grist mills in Springville. Mount Pleasant, and Nephi. Farmer. Died April 30, 1890, at Lawrence. DAY, HUGH (son of William Day and Betsy Johns). Born July 31, 1809, Leeds, Upper Canada. Came to Utah 1850, William Snow company. Married Rhoda Ann Nicols 1830. Their children: Almeda; Mariah: William S.; John. Married a widow, Boyce, with two children: John and Susan. Their children: Rhoda Jane; Arza; Rosana; Hugh; Ftorena; Laronzo. Settled in 16th ward. Salt Lake City, where he lived until his death. DAVIS, WILLIAM (son of David Davis, born March 28, 1767, and Elinor Black). He was born Sept. 12, 1795, Union, West- moreland county. Pa. Came to Utah 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Sarah McKee Oct. 3, 1822, who was born Sept. 22, 1799, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: David Varner b. Aug. 22, 1823, m. Caroline Angel March 26, 1843; Elinor Jane b. Nov. 21, 1824, m. William Summerville Feb. 4, 1844; Joseph McKee b. Dec. 12, 1826, m. Charlotte Condit Dec. 11, 1851; Sarah Bell b. April 15, 1829, m. John E. Fosgreen Feb. 15, 1849; James Spencer b. Feb. 24, 1831, m. Susannah Clapper March 2, 1856; John Fowler b. Nov. 26, 1832; Margaret Ann b. July 19, 1836, m. Elisha Grenard Dec. 26, 1855; Alma b. Dec. 14, 1838; Jared M. b. Nov. 30, 1839, m. Jane Osborne Nephl b. Dec. 28, 1842. Family home, Brigham City, Utah. DAYBEI.L,, PINITY (son of Samuel and Rebecca Ann Day- bell of Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born March 14, 1815. In Lincoln- shire. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins com- pany. Married Mary Draper March 10, 1841, Falkingham. Eng. (daughter of Richard Draper and Ann Green of Lincoln- shire). She was born Jan. 6, 1820, Lincolnshire, Eng. and died Sept. 2, 1899. Their children: Robert b. July 3, 1842, m. Agnes Ann Bancroft; Annie b. April 14, 1846, m. William Webster; Susan b. Aug. 14, 1849, m. John Pollard; m. George Carlile; Sarah b. March 11. 1851. m. George T. Giles; George T. b. Aug. 2, 1852. m. Sarah Ann Carlile; Elizabeth b. July 27, 1853,. m. Franklin M. Giles; William b. Feb. 24, 1858, m. Annie Price. Family home Charleston, Utah. High priest: ward teacher. Settled at Charleston Dec. 24, 1864, and died there Oct. 25, 1897. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 841 DAYBELL, ROBERT (son of Finity Daybell and Mary Draper). Born July 3, 1842. Married Agnes Ann Bancroft at Sheffield, Eng. (daughter of William Bancroft of Athlone, Ireland, and Mary Newham of Breaston, Derbyshire. Eng.). She was born April 26, 1847, and came to Utah Sept. 6, 1866, Samuel D. White com- pany. Their children: Mary Hannah b. Jan. 9, 1866, m. George Price; Kate Elizabeth b. Jan. 11, 1867, m. Lev! Car- los Snow. Family resided at Charleston and Provo, Utah. While coming to Utah he left camp near the North Fork of the Platte river Aug. 16, 1866. hunting game for the Immigrants, and has never been heard of since. DAYBELL, WILLIAM (son of Finity Daybell and Mary Draper). Born Feb. 24, 1858, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins company. Married Annie Price Nov. 12, 1877, Heber City (daughter of James Price and Ann Powell of Staffordshire, Eng.; pio- neers Sept. 21. 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born June. 1868. Their children: John William b. Aug. 6, 1878, m. Jessie Fowers; Mary Ann b. May 6, 1880, m. Moroni Moulton; James Finity b. July 5, 1882, d. Sept. 26, 1882; Phoebe Elizabeth b. Dec. 8, 1883, m. John W. Simmons; Joseph Franklin b. Sept. 1, 1888, m. Hilda Dahlman; Myrtle b. Aug. 31, 1890, m. Archie Borhan: Violet B. b. Oct. 6, 1892; Lulla b. Oct. 24, 1894; Ernest b. March 16, 1899; Warren b. June 19, 1901. Family home Charleston, Utah. Seventy; missionary to southern states 1886-87; bishop of Charleston ward; high counselor 1891-1901; Sunday school superintendent 14 years; president Y. M. M. I. A.; ward teacher; school trustee. County commissioner two years; town trustee. DAYNES, JOHN (son of Thomas Daynes and Bridget Carter of Norwich, Norfolkshire, Eng.). Born April 16, 1831, at Norwich. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan com- pany. Married Eliza Miller 1850, in England (daughter of John Miller of Norwich, pioneer 1866). She was born May 20, 1831. Their children: Lyle; Joseph J., m. Mary J. Sharp. Married Rebecca Bushby June 6, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Bushby and Ester Rich of Hull, Eng., pioneers jgeptember, 1867). She was born Feb. 13. 1851. Their children: Ida Maud, m. L. W. Snow; John Frederick, m. Mary Anson; Delia Rene, m. Lewis B. Hills; Royal Wal- ter, m. Amy Rich; Arthur Vincent and Melvin Bushby. died; Dean Rich, m. Mina Rogers. Families resided Salt Lake City. Elder; choir leader. Jeweler and dealer in musical mer- chandise. Died March 30, 1906. DAYNES, JOSEPH J. (son of John Daynes and Eliza Miller). Born April 2, 1861, Norwich, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Married Mary J. Sharp Nov. 18, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Sharp and Jennette Condie of Salt Lake City). She was born Oct. 13, 1854. Their children: Joseph J. b. Nov. 7, 1873. m. W. Blanche Woodruff; Irene b. April 25, 1877, died; Harold Sharp b. July 15, 1881. m. Agnes Leona Taylor; Stella b. July 18, 1883, m. N. C. Christensen, Jr.; Raymond E. b. July 21. 1887: Marguerite b. June 21, 1891; Viletta b. May 22, 1896. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest. Dealer In musical merchandise. DAYNES, J. FRED (son of John Daynes and Rebecca Bush- by). Born Dec. 7, 1872, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Anson Sept. 28, 1904, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Perry Anson and Jennie Lyon of Salt Lake City), She was born Sept. 10, 1880. Their children: Jean b. July 18, 1905; Marie b. Dec. 24, 1906; Arline b. Sept. 3, 1908; John b. Sept. 26, 1910. Family home, Salt Lake City, Utah. Member 13th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1898-1900 . Teacher; jeweler. DAYTON, HYRUM (son of Abraham Dayton of Dayton, Ohio). Born at Dayton. Came to Utah 1849. Married Permelia Bundy. Their children: Hyrum M., m. Ann Chamberlain; Lysander, m. Matilda Nay; William, m. Phenerata Whitaker; Moroni, m. Sarah Nichols; m. Eliza- beth Nichols Berry; m. Hannah Cook; Permelia, m. Charles Bassett; Ann, m. Freeman Phippin; Myriah, m. William Hig- ley; Lauvura, m. George Dockstater; Louisa Namy. Family home Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married Syphia Thornton. Their children: Alma, m. Amanda Hudson; Charles, m. Sarah A. Berry; Joseph; Wil- liam P., m. Josephine Dayton; Florenda, m. Hyrum Cum- mings; Louisa, m. Enoch Davis. Family home, Cedar Fort, Utah. President 12th quorum elders at Nauvoo, 111. DAYTON, MORONI (son of Hyrum Dayton and Permelia Bundy). Born Sept. 3, 1834. Parkman Co., Ohio. Married Sarah Nichols Aug. 12, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Nichols and Sarah Newland), who was born March 28, 1834, Warwickshire, Eng. Their children: Francis Moroni b. Nov. 14, 1856, m. Isabella Follick Jan. 11, 1877; Charles Henry and William Henry b. April 5, 1859; Hyrum Alwin b. April 22, 1860, m. Louisa Neat; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 1, 1862; Theodore A. b. March 4, 1865, m. Lucy A. Neat; Etta Cerelda b. July 20, 1867, m. Frederick E. Neat; Frederick b. Sept. 16, 1869; George Claudius b. April 26, 1872; Elizabeth Ann. m. June 6, 1874, m. William Quayle October, 1896; Per- melia Mindwell b. Feb. 17, 1878, m. Henry L. George. Married Hannah Cook 1860. Their children: Mary Saphro- nia b. Oct. 28, 1862, m. Boyd E. Wilcox; Helen Isolde b. Sept. 18, 1864, m. Joseph Johnson; Charlotte b. Aug. 8, 1866, m. w Berry; Henrietta b. May 27. 1868, m. John H. Sparks; h (T ma . n o b - March 20 - 187 - m - Mary J- Follick; John i M -9 rC . 20> V 70 ' m - Caroline H. Sparks; Forest b. Mnr ' h ; 1 1 i o Ve , r o Lee b " Aus ' 24 - 1874 - m - Laura J- B 'rd; M n u C f' X ' 1876: Elmo b - March 6. 1879, m. Sarah J Sparks; Marvin M. b. Aug. 1. 1881, m. Rebecca Bird. 7 ^Twr - ab , et ^ Nic ols Berry 1866. She was born April ?' ififi?' W w CkSh A re ,' Ens - Their ch ildren: Selena b. Aug. resided' S^S&^SJ AIfr6d "' Ju " e 16 ' 1870 ' Familles Furnishe * * team for hauling stone V, MOR ONI (son of Moroni Dayton and Sarah Nichols). Born Nov. 14. 1856. Cedar Fort, Utah Married Isabella Follick Jan. 11. 1877, Tooele. Utah (daughter of George A. Follick and Nancy Parker, the for- mer pioneer September. 1868, the latter August. 1867) She was born Oct. 20, 1858. Mills Co.. Iowa. Their children: ? e n , rg | Fra f. b - Dec. 18. 1877. m. Lillian G. Lewis Nov. 6. 1902; Sarah Elizabeth b. June 23, 1880, m. William George Dec. 18, 1901; David Frederick b. March 28. 1882; Joseph Hyrum b. Nov. 5. 1884; Gertrude Isabella b. June 16 1887 J?'* J ? hn 1 F dmund Bark( lull Oct. 9, 1907; William Nichols b. 2 ^ 'i/ ,'on m ' Maud Allred Au - 28. 1912; Nancy Josephine b. Dec. 16, 1893. Family home Dingle Idaho Missionary to northern states; superintendent of Sunday Co 10 at S flve Tears - President Dingle Irrigation DEAKIN, WILLIAM (son of William Deakin, born 1766, Big Button, Staffordshire, Eng., and Hannah Bates, born 1765 Came tfutTh mf*' B rn M&y *' "" in Staff o^hire. Married Mary Jones (daughter of John Jones and Mary Roberts; former died in England, the latter in Wales) She was born Dec. 28, 1802. Wrexham. Eng., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: William Price b. July 11 1832, m. Anna Maria Fordham Pepper May 9, 1868; John, m! Sarah Stone; Robert, m. Mary Celman; m. Margaret Thomas Family resided England; Wellsville, Utah; Brooklyn N Y Connecticut. DEAKIN, WILLIAM PRICE (son of William Deakin and Mary Jones). Born July 11, 1832, Brooklyn. N. Y. Married Anna Maria Fordham Pepper May 9, 1868 Salt Lake City (daughter of Elijah Fordham and Anna Bibbins Chaffee, pioneers Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company) She was born May 21, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Their children- Mary Jane b. March 1, 1869, m. George Gardner March 12 1887; John William b. Feb. 19, 1871, m. Elizabeth Griffiths- Elijah James b. Oct. 4, 1873, died; Sarah Minerva b Sept 30 1875, d. infant; Robert Price b. April 19. 1877. m. Maud House- holder; Lillian Delilah b. Nov. 24, 1879, m. Charles Schlicker- Serine May b. Sept. 26, 1881, m. William W. Jordan Dec 17 1900; Joseph Amos b. Oct. 18, 1883, m. Lulu George May 15, 1909; Charles Fremont b. Oct. 6, 1885; Lottie Adelia b. Dec. 7, 1888, m. Samuel Smith. Family home Wellsville Utah. Second lieutenant in home guards under Capt. John C. Reeder; Indian war veteran. Worked on Salt Lake theatre (1862) until completion; also worked on Logan temple. DEAMER, JAMES (son of Charles Deamer born 1810, White- well, Hertfordshire, Eng., and Elizabeth Foster born 1812. Kempton, Hertfordshire). He was born May 4, 1847, at Whitewell. Came to Utah October, 1866, Daniel Thompson company. Married Annie Spackman Dec. 24, 1870 (daughter of Wil- liam Spackman and Sarah Ward married 1846, Pewsey, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1869, Capt. Ensign company). She was born May 25, 1851, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: James b. Oct. 7, 1871, d. Oct. 29, 1871; Mary Ellen b. Oct. 22, 1872, m. Isaac Lee Shupe May 24, 1893; William Charles b. March 20, 1877, m. Flora E. Waldram Oct. 22, 1902; Frederick John b. Aug. 13, 1880, d. Aug. 6, 1883; Sarah Elizabeth b. Dec. 16, 1885, d. same day; Nettie Luella b. March 30, 1887; Joseph Conwell b. June 18, 1890. Family home North Ogden, Utah. Sunday school librarian several years; ward teacher; elder. Road supervisor two years, also constable two years at North Ogden. DEANS, JAMES (son of David Deans and Helen Haswell of West Houses, Scotland). Born Feb. 14, 1844, West House, Scotland. Came to Utah 1852. Married Susannah Hammond at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Hammond and Elizabeth Egbert of St. George, Utah, pioneers 1848), who was born Jan. 10, 1850. Their children: James H., d. Oct. 26, 1897; Helen L., m. John Reid- head; Elizabeth E., m. Samuel Johnston; Joseph H., m. Eliza- beth Fuller; David W., m. Louraina Perry; Susannah E., m. H. George Wardle; Archibald H., d. child; Robert A., m. Jennie Wallace; Isabel I. Family home Woodruff, Ariz. Elder. Justice of peace Woodruff several terms. Min- uteman in early Indian troubles. Farmer; railroad con- tractor. Died Dec. 23, 1897, Orangeville, Utah. DEANS, DAVID WOODRUFF (son of James Deans and Susannah Hammond). Born Feb. 25, 1879. Woodruff, Ariz. Married Louraina Perry March 13. 1912, at Salt Lake City (daughter of George W. Perry and Charlottie Fullmer of 842 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Springville, Utah), who was born April 3. 1888, at Spring- ville. Family home Vernal, Utah. Assistant Sunday school superintendent; missionary to Kentucky, 1907; assistant superintendent Y. M. M. I. A.; counselor in deacons' quorum; member 97th quorum seven- ties; ward clerk. Moved from Arizona to Utah 1893. Farmer. DEANS, ROBERT ALEXANDER (son of James Deans and Susannah Hammond). Born Oct. 28, 1884, Woodruff, Ariz. Married Jennie Wallace, May 12, 1908, at St. George, Utah (daughter of Hamilton Milton Wallace and Jane Staply of Toquervllle. Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born Dec. 28, 1888. Their child: James Spencer b. Sept. 26, 1909. Elder. School teacher. Miner. DEAJT, SAMUEL (son of James Dean and Emily Thatcher). Born June 4, 1830. Salt Fleet Township, Ontario, Canada. Came to Utah 1854. Married Emma Norvill Sept. 26, 1856 (daughter of George Norvill and Catherine Force), who was born July 12, 1843, and came to Utah 1851. Their children: George Samuel b. Aug. 26, 1857, m. Alice S. Daniels Sept. 16, 1884; David Z. b. May 25. 1859, m. Alice A. Jenkins September, 1885; James R. b. April 1, 1861, m. Elizabeth Eveline; John A. b. Jan. 10, 1867; Mary T. b. Aug. 20, 1868. m. W. D. Olden; Rose E. b. Dec. 11, 1870; Martha M. b. June 22, 1872, m. George E. Worton. Family home North Ogden. Utah. School trustee; manager first Co-op, store and captain of militia at North Ogden. Merchant. Died June 20, 1886. DEAN. GEORGE SAMUEL, (son of Samuel Dean and Emma Norvill). Born Aug. 26, 1857, North Ogden, Utah. Married Alice S. Daniels Sept. 15. 1884, at North Ogden, who was born May 18, 1867, Tillyhead. Eng. Their children: Georg-e S. b. Sept. 14, 1885. m. Pearl Weatherman March 6, 1908; Ines E. b. March 23, 1888, m. J. P. Spackman Dec. 19, 1909; Irene E. b. March 23, 1888, m. William M. Alvord Jan. 22, 1908; John W. b. Nov. 1, 1889; Lester C. b. Sept. 30, 1891'; Levi N. and B. Violet b. Aug. 20, 1897; Melba b. Feb. 9, 1906. Family home, North Ogden. Member house of representatives Utah legislature 1905-07; notary public 1884-1913; lawyer, admitted to bar 1884; sec- retary N. O. I. and C. W. C. I. companies twenty years; print- er and publisher; owner first printing plant in North Ogden; librarian North Ogden library. DI; \ititi :v. JOSEPH (son of James Dearden and Nancy Fin- ney of Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 9, 1838, in Yorkshire. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1868. Married Nancy Hirst Nov. 15, 1867. In Yorkshire (daugh- ter of John Hirst and Charlotte Brook of Yorkshire, pio- neers Sept. 20, 1868). She was born Nov. 15, 1844. Their children: Emerald, m. William Hartley; Ellen, m. David F. Coon; Charlotte Hannah m. Jacob Hardman; Nancy Maud, m. Joseph Coon. Family home Pleasant Green, Utah. High priest. Miner; farmer and stockraiser. DEARDEN, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Dearden born in Lan- cashire, Eng., and Ann Forrest of Haydock, Lancashire). He was born July 7, 1826, at Haydock. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company. Married Mary Greenall 1850 (daughter of James Greenall and Elizabeth Falrhurst), who was born 1826 and died 1852 In England. Their children: James b. May 12, 1851, m. Mary Bird Oct. 29, 1876; Thomas b. Dec. 20, 1852, m. Elizabeth Creechley Nov. 26, 1876. Married Ann Agnes Arkwright November, 1855, Wigan, Lancashire (daughter of James Arkwright and Mary Buller, both of whom died In England). She was born March 7, 1824, at Wlgan, Eng., and died July 8, 1889. Their children: Betsy E. b. April 27, 1861, m. John Creechley Dec. 23, 1880; Mary E. b. Sept. 7, 1864, m. George J. Kershaw Dec. 6, 1894- Sarah A. b. Feb. 7, 1868, d. 1886. Family home Porterville Utah. Presided over Wlgan branch In England. Settled at Cen- terville 1862; moved to Porterville 1863, where he resided until his death Feb. 18, 1912. DEARDEN, JAMES (son of William Dearden and Mary Greenall). Born May 12, 1851, in Lancashire, Eng. Married Mary Bird Oct. 29. 1876. Henefer, Utah. DEARDORFP, HARRY E. (son of John M. Deardorff and Elizabeth M. Pettigrew of Springfield, Ohio). He was born there June 26, 1860. Came to Utah Aug. 1, 1892. Manufacturer of paper boxes In Salt Lake City. DECKER, ISAAC (son of Peter and Hannah Decker of Hol- land). Born Nov. 29, 1800, in Holland. Came to Utah 1847. Married Harriet Page Wheeler 1820 In New York state (daughter of Oliver and Hannah Wheeler), who was born Sept. 7, 1803, and came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Their children: Lucy b. May 17, 1821, m. Brig- ham Young; Charles F. b. June 21. 1824, m. Vllate Young; Harriet A. b. March 13, 1826, m. Ephraim Hanks; Clarissa C. b. July 22, 1828, m. Brigham Young; Fanny M. b. April 24, 1830, m. Feramorz Little; Isaac Perry b. Aug. 7, 1840. m. Elizabeth Ogden. Family home Provo Valley, Utah. Farmer. Died 1873. DECKER. CHARLES FRANKLIN (son of Isaac Decker and Harriet Page Wheeler). Born June 21, 1824, In New York state. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant com- pany. Married Vilate Young Feb. 24. 1847, Winter Quarters, Neb. (daughter of Pres. Brigham Young and Miriam Works), who was born June 1, 1830. Their children: Miriam Vllate b. Jan. 15, 1848, m. Louis E. Granger; Alice Luella b. July 23, 1851, m. Joseph Pitt; Charles Franklin b. May 24, 1854, m. Annie Thomas; Louie Isaac b. June 4, 1857; Brigham LeRoy b. Jan. 14, 1859, m. Fannie Taylor; Patty Smoot. m. Emma Kammerman; Loretta Elmina b. Dec. 24, 1861, m. Heber C. Sorenson; Lois Elizabeth b. June 19, 1865; Fera Wallace b. Jan. 26, 1872, ra. Leila Rogers, m. Emma Decker. Family home Salt Lake City. U. S. mall carrier 1851-55. Trail blazer and scout. Brought first planing and door mill to Utah. Died March 22, 1901. DECKER, ISAAC PERRY (son of Isaac Decker and Harriet Page Wheeler). Born Aug. 7, 1840, Winchester, Scott county, 111. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Elizabeth Ogden Jan. 3, 1860, Draper, Utah (daughter of Edward and Sarah Ogden of Salt Lake City, latter a pioneer October, 1853). She was born Sept. 26, 1842. Their children: Charles F. b. Sept. 15, 1863. m. Elizabeth A. Dunn; Feramorz b. Nov. 8, 1868, m. Pearl Gay; Elizabeth b. July 30, 1871, m. W. E. Brown; Joseph b. Aug. 23, 1874, m. Lily Parrlsh; Le Roy b. April 14, 1877, m. Milla Stevens; Roy b. Dec. 27, 1879, m. Lottie Brown; Ira Otis b. Aug. 30, 1882, m. Nora King. Family home Salt Lake City. Elder. Carried U. S. mail by pony express In early days. DECKER, CHARLES FRANKLIN (son of Isaac Perry Decker and Elizabeth Ogden). Born Sept. 15, 1863, Salt Lake City Married Elizabeth A. Dunn Oct. 29, 1888, Provo. Utah (daughter of James Dunn and Hannah Fielding, pioneers 1852). She was born Aug. 24, 1871. Their children: Charles Verl b. Aug. 9, 1889, m. Essie Cook; Ethel b. June 12, 1891; Elmer J. b. Sept. 1, 1893; Stanley D. b. Sept. 6, 1895; Harold Glenn b. Feb. 18, 1898; Edna b. Jan. 11, 1902; Alice b. July 12, 1905; Beth b. Feb. 19. 1911. Family home Provo. Member Provo city council two terms; mayor two terms the first to be elected under the commission form of gov- ernment. Assisted in locating springs and supervised col- lecting water and Installing new water system for Provo city. DEE. THOMAS HILL (son of John Dee). He was born May 11. 1812, Merthyr Tydfll, Glamorganshire, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross company. Married Elizabeth Reese May 28. 1837, at Swansea, Gla- morganshire (daughter of Thomas Reese and Margaret Dol- ton), who was born Nov. 25, 1812, at Swansea, and died March 25, 1892, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Annie b. Aug. 13, 1839. m. James Taylor March 23. 1861; James L. b. Feb. 25, 1842, m. Eliza Webb, m. Ellen Brown; Thomas Duncombe b. Nov. 10, 1844, m. Annie Taylor; Elizabeth b. Aug 13 1851 d. Nov. 10, 1866. Family home Ogden. Pioneer died Aug. 21, 1877. DEE. THOMAS DUNCOMBE (son of Thomas Hill Dee and Elizabeth Reese). Born Nov. 10, 1844, Llanelly, Caermar- thenshlre, South Wales. Married Annie Taylor April 10. 1871. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Taylor, born Sept. 7, 1823. at Chester, Eng., and died Dec. 4, 1884, at Salt Lake City, and Ann San- ders, born Sept. 18, 1828, at Lostockgalen, where she died July 6. 1854 married May 25, 1848, former a pioneer Sept. 17, 1860, captain of his company). She was born Nov. 4, 1852, at Lostockgalen. Their children: Thomas Reese b. Feb. 27, 1873. d. Dec. 18. 1894; Annie Maude b. Nov. 20. 1875. m. Richard B. Porter Aug. 11, 1902; Mary Elizabeth b. Jan. 27, 1878, m. Ambrose A. Shaw Dec. 9, 1903; Margaret b. July 9, 1880, m. Frank E. Hlgginbotham Jan. 1, 1906; Edith May b. May 3. 1883, m. Glenn Mack July 10, 1901; Florence Emily b. Feb. 12. 1886, m. George S. Barker June 17, 1908; Rosabelle Cora b. July 11, 1888. m. Joseph F. Barker Dec. 21, 1910; Lawrence Taylor b. Aug. 3, 1891. Settled at Ogden 1860. Closely identified with public schools 1870-1905; president school board; city assessor 1877-85; justice of peace, police judge and alderman 1883- 87; member city council 1891-92, during which time the city fire department building and city jail were constructed; member state board of equalization 1896-1905. One of pro- moters of and builders of Utah & Pacific railroad 1898, now a part of the S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. Sunday school super- intendent 30 years. Vice-president First National bank of Ogden 12 years. DE LA MARE, PHILIP (son of Francis de la Mare, born March 18, 1794, and Jane Esther Abler, born 1794. both at St. Heller. Jersey. Channel Islands, Eng.). He was born April 3, 1823. in Groovil Parish. Jersey. Came to Utah November, 1852, captain of his own company. Married Mary Parkins September, 1846 (daughter of Christopher Parkins and Isabel Pivis). who was born May 16 1823. Their children: Mary Jane b. May 16, 1848, died- Philip Francis b. Feb. 16, 1849, m. Elvina Mallet June 16, 1880- The- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 843 ophllus b. 1861, died; Esther Jane b. March 11, 1855, m. Charles Walters May B, 1872; Joseph William b. Sept. 1859, m. Alice Atkin 1884; Hyrum b. April 6, 1867, died. Married Mary Chevalier 1851, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of Daniel Mathew Chevalier and Elizabeth Le Corneu), who was born Feb. 20, 1823, Trewly. Jersey Island. Their chil- dren: Francis b. 1853, died; Elizabeth b. Dec. 8, 1854, m. John W. Tate 1875; Sophia b. Aug. 10, 1857, m. John McLaws Dec. 27, 1876; John b. April 8, 1859, m. Agnes McKendrick Feb. 12, 1879; Mary Eliza b. Jan. 6, 1861, m. Alvln McCui3- tion Dec. 23, 1880; Thomas b. July 23, 1864, m. Loretta Mc- Kendrick Dec. 23, 1884; Alice b. Feb. 7, 1866, m. James Gow- ans Feb. 12, 1885. Married Jeanetta Melklejohn July, 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Melklejhon and Mary McLackan, pio- neers Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born April 13, 1840, in Dumbartonshire, Scotland. Their chil- dren: Robert M. b. Oct. 6, 1859, d. 1860; Lydia M. b. March 2, 1865; Mary Agnes b. Feb. 8, 1867, died; Josephine M. b. Jan. 30, 1869, m. William W. H. Boyce Aug. 1, 1891; Colin M. b. Jan. 11, 1871, m. Caroline Green June 22, 1892; Franklin M. b. Nov. 16, 1873, m. Ellen Holstein Jan. 8, 1893; Ann Jean- netta b. Dec. 30, 1875, m. Henry W. Droubay June 8, 1898; Clarence Philip b. July 12, 1884. Families resided Tooele City, Utah. Brought machinery for sugar mill to America. DE LA MARE, PHILIP FRANCIS (son of Philip de la Mare and Mary Parkins). Born Feb. 16, 1849, Jersey, Channel Islands. Married Elvlna Lucas Mallet June 16, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Philip Mallet and Jane Lucas, who came to Utah in 1869). She was born Feb. 11, 1856, also in Jersey. Their children: Mary Jane b. Nov. 16, 1881, died: Isabel M. b. March 14, 1885; Mabel Clara b. June 23, 1887, died; Theophilus George b. Sept. 10, 1890; Alma Joseph b. Feb. 8, 1892. Family home Tooele, Utah. DENISON, HANS (son of Rasmus Denison, born March 1788, Skalgendrup, Fyen Island, Denmark, and Inger Mortens, born 1872 in Sweden). He was born July 20, 1824, Gjentofte, Copenhagen Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, John Forsgren company. Married Johanah Christofferson Nov. 22, 1845, who was born Dec. 4, 1825. Their children: Rasmus b. Dec. 6, 1846, d. Jan. 25, 1847; Jens b. Jan. 10, 1849, m. Johanne Madsen Nov. 21, 1875; Kerstine b. Sept. 3, 1851, d. Sept. 10, 1851; Ephraim b. March 19, 1853, m. Mary Ellen Johnson Jan. 12, 1873; Hans b. July 29. 1856, m. Mary Agnes Braithwaite Nov. 8, 1878; Joseph b. March 19, 1860, m. Marie Larsen Dec. 3, 1880; Johanah b. Jan. 8, 1863. m. Christian Henningson April 1891; Hyrum b. Jan. 6, 1865, m. Barbara Stutzenegger Jan. 7, 1891. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Anne Margrette Hansen Oct. 13, 1873, Salt Lake City, who was born June 24, 1839, Sjelland, Denmark. Their children: Christian M. b. July 14, 1874, m. Mary C. Apelgren Nov. 2, 1898. Married Anna Nielsen Nov. 3, 1880, St. George, Utah, who was born Nov. 13, 1846, Sanded, Sjelland, Denmark. Their children: Johannes b. June 14, 1882, d. Oct. 20. 1887; Inger Marie b. July 19, 1883; Emanuel b. June 19, 1885. Settled at Mantl 1853, where he served as ward teacher. Assisted In building the Salt Lake, Mantl and St. George temples. Died Jan. 13, 1904. DENISON, EPHRAIM (son of Hans Denison and Johanah Christofferson). Born March 19, 1853, at New Orleans, La. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Ellen Johnson Jan. 12, 1873, Mantl, Utah (daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Johnson, pioneers 1853). She was born Aug. 16. 1851, Stockport, Cheshire, Engr. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 16, 1873, m. Rasmus Nielson April 20, 1898; Joseph Ephraim b. Nov. 13, 1875, m. Electia Beauregard March 28, 1906; Robert Francis b. July 22, 1877, m. Amanda Wlllardson Dec. 19, 1906; Alma Arthur b. June 23, 1880, m. Hazel A. Voorhees June 6, 1907; James Nephi b. Dec. 9, 1882. d. Sept. 22, 1883; Ellen Hannah b. Aug. 18, 1884, m. Jefferson Bradley June 14, 1905; William Hans b. May 15, 1886. m. Mary Jensen June 30, 1909; Grace b. May 24, 1888, d. Oct. 5. 1903; Margret b. Sept. 11, 1892. Family home Sterling, Utah. Bishop's counselor, Sterling ward, 1893-1910. DENNING, JAMES (son of Henry Denning and Martha Nichols of Colford, Eng.). Born March 2, 1830, Cofford, Kelmerston, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1853, Christopher Arthur company. Married Sarah Merrifleld July 8, 1849, Tahowan, Mon- mouthshire, Eng. (daughter of Uriah Merrifleld and Jane Denning of Kilmerston Parish). She was born Aug. 19, 1832, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Jane b. May 4. 1850, m. Joseph Astle Dec. 9, 1866; James H. b. Jan. 25, 1853, m. Rosanna Williams Dec. 21, 1874; Joseph Arthur b. July 28, 1855, m. Lydia Dahlstrom Dec. 9, 1887; John A. b. Nov. 4, 1857, m. Dora M. Rawson Nov. 4, 1890; Mary M. b. Feb. 24, 1860, m. George G. Campbell Feb. 24, 1878; Ephraim M. b. Dec. 9, 1862, m. Lydia Dahlstrom; Mar- tha M. b. Jan. 3, 1864, m. Dan W. Kent Dec. 9, 1880; Elizabeth M. b. Feb. 14, 1866, m. Ayriah F. Williams March 4, 1885; Dan M. b. April 14, 1869, m. Sarah A. Jones Dec. 16, 1898; Philip M. b. June 9, 1870, m. Mary A. Ashdown Feb. 24, 1896; Elvira M. b. Feb. 28, 1872. m. Ellock Gleed July 24. 1889; Uriah M. b. June 22, 1874. m. Agnes Henderson; William M. b. 1876, d. Dec. 24, 1878. Family resided at Bountiful and Logan, Utah, and Montpelier (1863-77) and Malad, Idaho. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Took part In Echo canyon war. Elder. Died May 2, 1898, Malad, Idaho. DENNING, JAMES HENRY (son of James Denning and Sarah Merrifield). Born Jan. 25, 1853, on board ship In Irish Chan- nel. Married Rosanna William Dec. 21, 1874, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Jones Williams and Mary Jones of Brig- ham City, Utah, and Malad, Idaho; former came to Utah Oct 17, 1853, Christopher Arthur company, the latter October 1856, Edward Bunker company). She was born Dec 13 1859, at Brigham City. Their children: James Henry b Nov' 3, 1875, m. Martha K. Wetzel Oct. 28, 1897; Mary W. b. Oct 8, 1877, m. Cadwalander Owens Dec. 1, 1897; John W b Oct 2, 1881, m. Almira Flitton June 1, 1904, m. Eva Ainsworth Dec. 10, 1908; Sarah Adell W. b. July 28, 1884, m. Peter H Westergard Dec. 21, 1904; Rosanna W. b. Aug. 15, 1887, m. Edwin L. Jennings Oct. 8, 1902; Effle W. b. June 3, 1891 d Nov. 14, 1898; Martha b. Dec. 19, 1902; George W. b Dec 18 1894; Oliver W. b. Nov. 17, 1897. Family home lona, Idaho Married Emma Jane Squires March 22, 1883. Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry A. Squires and Emma C. Slade. pioneers 1856 and 1857, respectively married Oct. 21, 1858, Salt Lake City). She was born Oct. 22, 1868, Salt Lake City. Their children: Matilda Jane b. Oct. 17, 1884, m. John W. Duncan Nov. 24, 1904; Myrtle b. Oct. 8, 1887; Jeddie S. b. Aug. 18, 1890, m. Cornelia Moss Sept. 12, 1911; Ester b. April 15, 1893; Harriet b. Nov. 17, 1894; Lucy b. Nov. 8, 1896; Olive b. Oct. 31, 1898; Clara Bell b. July 6, 1900; Emeline b. Dec. 20, 1902; Pearl b. Jan. 21, 1905; Echo b. June 26, 1909. High priest; high councilor in Bingham stake; counselor to Bishop James P. Harrison of St. John ward. Farmer. DENNIS, WILLIAM TAYLOR. Born Jan. 18, 1810, in Lin- coln county, Tenn. Came to Utah 1855, Gilbert I. Gavin company. Married Tabltha Bankhead Dec. 8, 1836, In Tennessee. She was born Dec. 13, 1809. Their children: Dorothy Jane b. June 16, 1838, m. David P. Rainey Feb. 9, 1857; Sina; Mary E.; Grace; Delia C.; Tabitha. DERRICK, ZACHARIAH WISE. Born March 1, 1814, Heys- ham, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1847. Married Mary Shepherd, who was born Aug. 12, 1812, Long- thorp, Yorkshire, Eng. Their children: Mary Ann Shepherd b. Jan. 8, 1837, d. Nov. 3, 1870; Zachariah Thomas b. Jan. 19, 1840; Elizabeth b. Nov. 29, 1842; John b. Aug. 19, 1847; Ur- sula Shepherd b. Sept. 21, 1851; William Henry b. April 23, 1854; Alfred Matthews b. April 9, 1856. DERHICOTT, CHARLES (son of John Derrlcott and Mary Tittle, of Shropshire, Eng.). Born 1806, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Mary Ashley in England (daughter of William Ashley and Martha Larrens of Shropshire, Eng.). She was born Aug. 8, 1805. Their children: Sarah; Martha; Charles; Ann; Susannah; Josiah; Mary Ann; Caroline; Rebecca. He died March, 1885, Liberty, Idaho. DERRICOTT, JOSEPH (son of Charles Derricott and Mary Ashley). Born Aug. 25, 1849, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Marlntha Watkins Sept. 11, 1871 (daughter of Thomas Watkins and Lydia Mathews), who was born Sept. 1, 1852, and came to Utah in 1871. Their children: Joseph T. b. Sept. 13, 1872. m. Lydia A. Slight 1903; Josiah b. 1874. m. Alice Buttler 1906; Charles b. 1876, m. Leverna Hymas 1901; Althara b. Sept. 15, 1878, m. Frank Wood 1900; Orson b. Nov. 1, 1880, m. Effle King 1902; Mary L. b. Jan. 2, 1883, m. Joseph Hoge; Martha Ann b. May 17, 1885; Paulina b. Aug. 1, 1887, m. Frank Skinner 1908; Ida b. April 27, 1890; William b. Sept. 19, 1892. Family home Liberty, Idaho. Married Annie E. Gambling April 4, 1901, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Elizabeth Powell and Thomas Gambling- of Southampton, Eng. married July 26, 1869). She was born Sept. 9, 1871, at Southampton. Their children: Marin- tha b. March 20, 1902; Harold b. May 31, 1903; Raymond b. Oct. 13, 1904; Ascheal Ray b. May 13, 1906; Mildred b. July 20, 1908; Elizabeth Wyona b. Oct. 26, 1911. Family home Lib- erty, Idaho. Drove herd of lame cows and oxen across plains. Sunday school superintendent Liberty ward 1881-1902. DESPAIX, SOLOMON JOSEPH. Born Dec. 3, 1823, Lauder- dale county, Ala. Came to Utah Aug. 16, 1861. David H. Cannon company. Married Ruth Amelia Newell (daughter of Asael Newell). Family home was in Tennessee. Married Susan Dean May 17, 1862. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Dean and Nancy Mullen), who was born Nov. 17 1843, in Arkansas. Their children: Martha E. b. Feb. 23, 1863, m. William Thompson Sept. 27, 1878; L. E. b. Sept. 28, 1864, m. Hannah E. A. Butler Feb. 20, 1889; Effle E. b. Nov. 23 1866, m. F. S. Cowley Dec. 11, 1889; George F. b. Sept. 21, 1869, m. Prudence G. Butler Sept. 20, 1899; Anna L. b. Sept. 844 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1, 1871, m. Alva J. Butler Feb. 20, 1895; Charles R. b. Nov. 6, 1873; De Bart b. Sept. 17, 1875, m. Bertha Kenner Sept. 21, 1899; Frank P. b. Sept. 2, 1878, m. Margaret Butler Nov. 5, 1897; A. R. b. Dec. 28, 1880; Ida B. b. Dec. 12, 1883, m. Amoa E. Jensen March 1906. Family home Granite, Utah. Bishop Granite ward 1877-86. Justice of peace and also postmaster at Granite. Died Feb. 17, 1895. DEVBY, JOHN (son of William Devey and Ann Kershaw, of Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, Eng-.). Born Jan. 28, 1849, at Wolverhampton. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1868, Edward T. Mumford company. Married Hannah A. A. Timms June 20, 1868, at Liverpool, Eng. (daughter of William Timms and Mary Ann Avery, of Birmingham; the former came to Utah Aug. 16, 1871, the latter Aug. 1, 1873). She was born April 24, 1851. Their children: Fannie Ann b. Aug. 19, 1869. m. Samuel O. Strong- Dec. 16, 1886; Alfred John b. Sept. 29, 1871, m. Elizabeth Marsh 1892; Albert William b. Aug. 3, 1873, d. Oct. II, 1873; Joseph Franklin b. Oct. 27, 1874, m. Mary Ruth Oakey Aug. 23, 1889; Amy Demarias b. Nov. 8, 1876, m. Hyrum Smith Jan. 16, 1907; John b. Aug. 28, 1878, m. Olive Marsh Feb. 23, 1900; Hannah Alice Avery b. Nov. 9, 1880, m. Samuel A. Hutchings Sept. 27, 1900; Walter Avery b. Sept. 14, 1882, m. Maacha Ellen Boley March 19, 1902. Family home Alpine, Utah. DEWEY, JOHN H. (son of Ashbell Dewey and Harriet Adams of Little River, Mass.). Born Feb. 7, 1832 at Little River. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1847, A. O. Smoot company. Married Ann Lamoreaux 1855, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Lamoreaux and Isabelle Wilson of Glasgow, Scotland pioneers 1848). She -was born April 8, 1834. Their children: Annette, m. Thomas K. Stephens; Luella; Emily; John H., m. Annie Smith; Caroline, m. Arthur Moul- ton; Abigail, m. Oscar Bourne; William G., d. aged 19; Charles H., d. aged 27; Isabella. Family home Salt Lake City. Freighter; carpenter; sawyer; miner. DIAMOND, JAMES (son of James and Nancy Diamond of Ireland). Born June 22, 1833, Crossland, County Kerry, Ire- land. Came to Utah 1847, independent company. Married Mary Ann Burton Aug. 14, 1859 (daughter of John Burton and Harriet Bradshaw, pioneers 1852, Mark Hall company). She was born June 14, 1843, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: James Burton b. Aug. 6. 1860; John Michael b. Jan. 18, 1862, d. March 14, 1866; Theodore Edwin b. Nov. 20, 1863; Harriet Izola b. Aug. 13, 1865, d. Jan. 22, 1868; William Henry b. March 27, 1867; Thomas Byron b. July 26, 1869, d. March 26, 1870; Alice Lil- lian b. May 9, 1871; Martin Vaughn b. June 18, 1873, d. Sept. 26, 1879; Leonard Lorus b. May 21, 1875, m. Harriet Pearl Lee; David Delbert b. Oct. 25, 1877; Nancy Mabel b. Oct. 28, 1879- Marvin Veil b. March 27, 1882; Mark Irvin b. Aug. 22, 1884. Settled at Manti, where he did the first plowing. Moved to Springville, where he died April 12, 1908. DIAMOND, LEONARD LORUS (son of James Diamond and Mary Ann Burton). He was born May 21, 1875, Springville, Utah. Married Harriet Pearl Lee April 29, 1903, at Mapleton, Utah (daughter of John H. Lee and Emma Kelsle). Their children: Leonard Lee b. May 23, 1904; Louise b. Aug. 14, 1906, d. July 25, 1910; Russel b. Aug. 7, 1908. DICKSON, nil.I. V (son of John Dickson, born Aug. 24, 1781. and Mary Henderson, born April 11, 1775, both in New York state). He was born March 8, 1815, Elizabeth, Upper Can- ada. Came to Utah October 1852, Captain Walker company. Married Mary Ann Stoddard (daughter of Judson Stoddard and Samantha Hodge), who was born Oct. 18, 1817, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Samantha Jane b. Feb. 25, 1838, m. Everett Van Norton; Albert Douglass b. Jan. 26, 1840, m. Nancy E. Shipley, m. Harriet R. Flint; Judson b. April 20, 1843; Alvira Aurelia b. Jan. 26, 1846, m. William J. Henderson; William Henderson b. March 22, 1850, m. Martha Slade; John Henry b. Nov. 13, 1853, m. Avllda Hickman. Family home Rickville, Utah. Settled at American Fork 1852, and opened a blacksmith shop; moved to Davis county 1853, and to Richville, 1863. Watermaster and justice of peace at Richville. Died Jan. 30, 1878, Salt Lake City. DICKSON, ALBERT DOUGLAS (son of Billa Dickson and Mary Ann Stoddard). Born Jan. 26, 1840, in Porter county, Ind. Married Nancy Elizabeth Shipley March 28, 1861, Kays- vllle, Utah (daughter of John Shipley and Sarah Perkins, who was born Dec. 12, 1840, in Illinois). Their children: Mary Alvira b. May 20, 1862; Albert b. April 12. 1865, m. Emma Francom; Lucy Louisa b. Oct. 4, 1867, m. Henry Lee; John Sheldon b. Sept. 18, 1870, m. Jennie Creager; Judson b. Feb. 21, 1873, m. Gundel Lyman; William Jasper b. May 24, 1875, m. Annie Belle Creager; George Henry b. Sept. 10, 1878, d. June 6, 1898; James Douglass b. Aug. 17. 1880; Mo- roni Denzil b. Sept. 4, 1882. Family home Richville, Utah. Married Harriet Rosella Flint (daughter of William Flint and Mary Jane Goodridge, married Dec. 24, 1850, pioneers 1848 and 1850, respectively). She was born Jan. 22, 1861. Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Abel Josiah b. Dec. 3, 1880, m. Annie Cottom Dec. 4, 1901; Asa Leonard b. Sept. 29, 1883; Nancy Elizabeth b. Oct. 1, 1885, m. George Hansen Jan. 10, 1912; Rufus b. Jan. 23, 1887; Sophia b. Sept. 12, 1888. m. David Weaver Feb. 23, 1910; Harriet b. Sept. 15, 1890; Bert Stoddard b. May 2, 1892; Jared b. Nov. 24, 1896; Elbern b. Aug. 4, 1899; Ford b. Oct. 6, 1902. Family home Richville. Utah. Assisted In bringing immigrants and freight to Utah. Settled at Richville 1863 and assisted in building canals and wagon roads. Water master, road commissioner and trustee at Rlcbville. Bishop Richville ward 36 years. DIEHL, CHRISTOPHER (son of Aldoth Dlehl and Barabah Meisinger of Germany). Born March 22, 1831, Butzbach, Grand Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany. Came to Utah April 1, 1866. Married Ann Bothardt May 13, 1860, San Francisco, Cal. (daughter of Christopher and Elizabeth Bothardt of Ger- many), who was born Aug. 6, 1835. Their children: Anna, m. Frank B. Willis; Christopher B. m. Lena Preston. Member of city council two terms; assessor and collector of water rates. Grand Secretary Grand Lodge of Utah, F. & A. M., from 1882-1886. Treasurer and Secretary 1870-74 and 1882 until time of his death. Died Sept. 17, 1912, Salt Lake City, Utah. DIEHL, CHRISTOPHER BOTHARDT (son of Christopher Diehl and Anna Bothardt). Born Jan. 10, 1874, Salt Lake City. Married Lena Preston at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Preston and Mary Perry of England). Their chil- dren: Christopher Bothardt, Jr., b. July II, 1903; Mary Mavia b. Feb. 28, 1906; Dorothy, b. Sept. 24, 1909. Family home. Salt Lake City. City judge; prosecuting attorney; attorney at law. DILLE, DAVID B. (son of David B. Dille and Harriet Lucre- tia Welch of Ohio). Born in Ohio. Came to Utah October, 1850. Captain Bennett company. Married Harriet L. Welch in Ohio. Their children: Israel; Arvis C. b. Oct. 26, 1839, m. Mary Ann Bradley; Ruth b. Feb 1848, m. Thomas E. Ricks 1865. DILLE, ARVIS C. (son of David B. Dille and Harriet Lucre- tla Welsh). He was born Oct. 26, 1839, in Indiana. Came to Utah I860, with father. Married Mary Ann Bradley March 15, 1863, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Bradley and Mary Ann Williams, pio- neers Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan company). She was born June 10, 1845, Staffordshire, Eng. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Jan. 8, 1864, m. Daniel Cochrane Aug. 1887; Arvis Thomas b. Jan. 6, 1866; Anna L. b. April 2, 1868; Clara E. b. July 4, 1870; Minerva b. Sept. 10, 1872, m. Charles B. Valentine Sept. 12, 1893; Hiram b. Nov. 3, 1874, m. Rachel Walker June 1, 1898; Martha b. March 30, 1877, m. Wilford E. Anderson Oct. 9, 1896; John b. April 15, 1879, m. Adell Gibbs Dec. 16, 1903; Nancy Jane b. Sept. 19, 1881, m. James Cherry Feb. 28, 1901; George H. b. Nov. 7, 1885, m. Rosa Klinger; Harriet L. b. Jan. 12, 1888, m. George A. Watson Nov. 2, 1908; Ida Maud b. Feb. 12, 1890, m. Amos Gallup Nov. 2, 1908. DILLE, HIRAM (son of Arvls C. Dllle and Mary Ann. Brad- ley). Born Nov. 3, 1874. Hyrum, Utah. Married Rachel Walker June 1, 1898, Neeley, Idaho (daughter of Rufus Walker and Cyntha Ann Mikesell, pio- neers Aug. 1, 1860, David H. Cannon company). She was born Nov. 14, 1877, Little Cottonwood, Utah. Their chil- dren: Vernice b. March 10, 1899; Vera b. May 11, 1902; Ber- nice W. b. Jan. 10, 1906; Norma b. April 9, 1907; Baby b. Nov. 25, 1910; Grace Dille b. July 19, 1912. DITTMORE, HENRY (son of George Nicholas Dlttmore and Mania Heiner). Born June 8, 1836, Saxony, Germany. Came to Utah 1861. Married Rachel Smuin March 11, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Smuin and Sarah Hook of England), who was born May 6, 1844, and died May 8, 1908. Their children: Henry Arthur, died; Caroline Mary, m. David Thomas Stratton; George Nicholas, m. Minnie B. York; Eliza m. David Call; David Martin, m. Annie Rosengreen; Ann Eva, m. Benjamin Heaps; Emily Ellesa. m. Andrew A. Johnson; Lewis Henry, m. Lorlntha Iverson; Esther Sarah, m. Sam- uel H. Kirk; Louisa, died; Alice. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Elder. Tailor. Early settler in Morgan county. Died January 6, 1893. DITTMORE, LEWIS HENRY (son of Henry Dittmore and Rachel Smuin). Born Dec. 20, 1880. at Pleasant Grove. Utah. Married Eda Lorintha Iverson Feb. 12. 1908, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Alma Nicholas Iverson and Sarah Jane Tuckett of Pleasant Grove), who was born April 4, 1887 Their children: Marlin Lewis b. Feb. 17, 1909. Missionary to Australia and New South Wales; ward teacher. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 845 DIXON, HENRY ALDOUS (son of John Henry Dixon, born May 28, 1786, died April, 1874, London. Eng.. and Judith Boardman, born Nov. 16, 179B, at London, and died Sept. 23. 1865. both of South Africa). He was born March 14, 1835, Grahamstown, Cape Colony, South Africa. Came to Utah Sept. 12. 1857, Jesse B. Martin company. Married Sarah DeGrey January, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of John DeGrey born 1804, died 1845 and Maria Brooks born April 10, 1805, died April 2, 1876, both of Dud- ley, Worcestershire, Eng. pioneers Sept., 1857, Jesse B. Mar- tin company). She was born Jan. 27, 1845, at Dudley. Their children: Henry Alfred b. Nov. 14, 1865, d. July 1, 1867; John DeGrey b. July 16. 1867, m. Sarah Ann Lewis; Arthur De- Grey b. Oct. 5. 1869, m. Catherine M. Morgan; Maria Louisa b. Jan. 6, 1872, m. Arthur Nichols Taylor; Ernest b. Dec. 22, 1873, m. May Paintec; Charles Owen b. Nov. 22, 1875, m. Virginia Beckstead; Walter b. Nov. 15, 1877, m. Louie Mai- ben; LeRoy b. Oct. 16, 1881, m. Electa Smoot; Arnold b. May 30, 1884. m. May Banks. Married Mary Annie Smith April 13, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Smith and Mary Ann Brown of Hull, Yorkshire, Eng.. latter a pioneer Sept. 26, 1868). She was born Oct. 3, 1852, at Hull. Their children: Alice Smith b. April 29, 1870, m. Jabez W. Dangerfield; Sarah Anne b. Dec. 7, 1871, m. Alexander McConachie; William Aldous b. April 21. 1873, m. Harriett Hands; Robert Smith b. Nov. 10, 1874, d. Dec. 18, 1874; Albert Frederick b. March 31, 1876, m. Sena Rasmussen; Parley Smith b. June 9, 1878, m. Mary Etola Dangerfield; Harriet Amelia b. May 24, 1882, m. George W. West. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 45th quorum seventies; missionary to England and Africa 1860-64, and again to England 1879-81. Provo city treasurer and councilman; Utah county treasurer 1872- 78. Secretary Provo Woolen Mills; manager Provo branch Z. C. M. I.; bookkeeper. Died April 4, 1884. DIXON, JOHN DeGRET (son of Henry Aldous Dixon and Sarah DeGrey). Born July 16, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Ann Lewis Sept. 18, 1889, at Manti temple, Utah (daughter of William John Lewis and Jane Davis of Wales pioneers with Dan Jones handcart company). She was born April 23, 1868. Their children: Henry Aldous b. June 29, 1890; John Williams b. Sept. 6, 1892, d. June 6, 1894; Stanley Lewis b. March 3, 1895; Rulon Sterlin b. Sept. 9, 1898; Maud b. Feb. 28, 1901; Lucian DeGrey b. June 17, 1903, d. March 22. 1904; Grant b. March 30, 1905, d. Dec. 18, 1905. Family resided Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah. High priest; missionary to Virigrinia 1896-97. City coun- cilman and city recorder at Provo; secretary Provo school district, also of state land board; state treasurer 1901-05. Bookkeeper Provo Lumber Company; secretary and treas- urer Taylor Bros. Co.; cashier Farmers' and Merchants' bank at Provo. Bishop's counselor, 30th ward, Salt Lake City; president 45th quorum seventies; Sunday school su- perintendent, president and secretary T. M. M. I. A., 3d ward, Provo; member high council. DIXON, WILLIAM WILKINSON (son of John Dixon of Eng- land). Born Nov. 14, 1818, Cumberlandshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1851. Married Sabra Lake Aug. 16, 1842, Hancock county, 111. (daughter of James Lake and Millie Smith of Canada, pio- neers 1850, James Lake company). She was born July 17, 1824. Their children: Henry b. June 1, 1843. m. Amelia Gar- ner; Harvey b. Sept. 12, 1844, m. Kittle W. Pritchett, m. Susie Harmon; Emma Jane b. Sept. 2, 1846, m. Dudley Chase; Lydia Ann b. Oct. 22, 1848; Mary Lucy b. April 12, 1850, m. Cyrus Rawson; Electa F. b. June 2, 1852, m. Lyman Skeen; Sarah E. b. Oct. 1, 1861, m. Charles D. Brown; Riley G. b. Nov. 9, 1866, m. Mary Ann Taylor; Alfred b. Jan. 3, 1869, m. Ida Ellen Harris; Dudley; James; Bailey; John; Esther; Sabra; latter six died. Family home Harrisville, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died June 10, 1891. DIXON, ALFRED (son of William Wilkinson Dixon and Sabra Lake). Born Jan. 3, 1869, Harrisville, Utah. Married Ida Ellen Harris May 15, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Martin H. Harris and Louise Sargent of Har- risville, Utah), who was born Nov. 27, 1875, at Harrisville. Only child: Fern Louise b. Sept. 30, 1910. Family home Harrisville. Missionary 1897-99; high councilor North Weber stake. DIXON, HENRY (son of William W. Dixon and Sabra Lake). Born June 1, 1843, Scott county, 111. Married Amelia Jane Garner Nov. 13, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter David Garner and Dolly Durfee of North Ogden, Utah, pioneers I860). She was born May 10, 1853, at North Ogden. Their children: Henry G. b. Aug. 23, 1872, d, July 8, 1881; David W. b. April 20, 1874, d. April 21, 1874; Amelia E. b. Feb. 20, 1876. m. C. U. Meyers Jan. 8. 1902; Riley L. b. Jan. 27. 1878, m. Finnis Fife Oct. 30, 1901; Etta L. b. Sept. 22, 1880; Earnest E. b. April 30, 1882. m. Myrtle Adler Nov. 1, 1905; Chloa A. b. Oct. 19, 1884; Albert G. b. Sept. 30, 1887, d. March 7, 1889; Alma A. b. April 6, 1890, d. infant; Coral Carl- son b. April 18, 1897. Family home Clifton, Idaho. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1868. High priest. Farmer. Died July 30, 1908, Preston, Idaho. DIXON, EARNEST E. (son of Henry Dixon and Amelia Jane Garner). Born April 30. 1882, Clifton. Idaho. Married Myrtle Alder Nov. 1, 1905, Logan, Utah (daughter of Alfred W. Adler and Sarah Jensen of Preston, Idaho, pioneers Sept. 23. 1853). She was born Oct. 26, 1884, at Pres- ton Their children: Henry Adler b. Oct. 19, 1908: Alfred Ad- ler b. May 1. 1910; Douglas Alder b. Sept. 27, 1911. Family home Banida, Idaho. Missionary to northern states 1905-07; president Y. M lain io A ' 190S ' 09 ; 2nd counselor Clifton ward bishopric 1 J 1 W- 1 _. DOBBIE, JOHN (son of John and Jane Dobbie of Lanark- shire, Scotland). Born May 24, 1826. Came to Utah 1853. Married Ellen Livingston (daughter of James and Chris- tina Livingston), who was born May 30, 1831. and came to Jtah Oct. 2, 1856, Richard Ballantyne company. Only child- 1863 ' Pioneer mining and sawmlllman. DOBSON, JOSEPH (son of Thomas Dobson and Ellen Ra- venscroft, both of Outtonlew, Chestershire, Eng.). Born June, 1805, in Chestershire. Came to Utah 1848, with part of Mormon Battalion. Married Elizabeth Frain 1836 in Chestershire (daughter of Thomas Frain). She was born 1801 and died 1843 at Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Thomas P., m. Annie G Mc- Intyre 1854; William, m. Ann Hill 1860; Joseph, died. Family resided Salt Lake City, Lehi, and Richmond. Utah. Seventy and high priest. Assisted in building temple at Nauvoo; member Mormon Battalion. Settled at Salt Lake ^Ity 1848; moved to Lehi, and from there to Richmond Lived in Fredonia, Ariz., 30 years. Died 1864 Richmond, Utah. DOBSON, THOMAS (son of Joseph Dobson and Elizabeth Frain). He was born Feb. 19, 1837, Macclesfleld, Chester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1850, Warren Foote company. Married Annie G. Mclntyre 1855, Farmlngton, Utah (daughter of Robert Mclntyre and Isabell Watson, of Ban- nockburn, Scotland pioneers 1848). She was born 1837 and died 1867. Their children: Thomas M. b. June 1856, m. Amanda Gee; Joseph b. 1857, m. Agnes Beeby; William M b. 1860, m. Elee Egar; Henry b. 1863, d. aged 15; Adam b. 1867; Isabell, died. Married Elizabeth Wiseman 1881, St. George, Utah. Their children: Jesse b. 1883, m. Eufrasia Cocks 1909; George b. 1885, m. Rhoda Ogden, 1909; John b. 1891; Annie m. Ray Botton 1908; Elizabeth b. 1887, m. John Pearson 1911; Ellen b. 1888, m. Orson Jensen; Susie. Member 40th quorum seventies. School teacher. Worked on Salt Lake and St. George temples. Drove a herd of stock across the plains. Settled at Richmond; moved to Farm- ington, then to Kanab, Utah. Was first settler in Fredonia, Ariz., and resided there for past 30 years. DOMVILLE, THOMAS (son of William Domville of Liver- pool, Eng.). Born March 6, 1794. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1851, Morris Phelps company. Married Mary Peters Dec. 20, 1834, at Liverpool (daughter of Edward Peters and Elizabeth Pierce of Flencher, Eng). She was born July 10, 1796. Their children: Peter; Jane; Elizabeth Emma, m. Frederick W. Rose. Family home 7th ward, Salt Lake City. Asst. Sunday school superintendent; block teacher; high priest. Carpenter and builder. Died April 4, 1869. DONALDSON, JOHN (son of William Donaldson, born at Haddington, and Rachael Notman of Slateford, near Edin- burgh, Scotland). Born Sept. 30, 1842, London, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, Wm. B. Preston company. Married Mary Ann Kent April 21, 1864 (daughter of James Kertin Kent and Alice Dickson, who were married in Eng- land). She was born Aug. 21, 1840, and came to Utah 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company. Their children: William Kent b. Dec. 21, 1865; Mary Alice K. b. Oct. 12, 1867, m. John E. Butt; Marion Elizabeth b. Aug. 8. 1869; Rachael Kent b. April 30, 1871, m. Jesse E. Bigler; James Kirtin b. May 1873; Rhoda Irene b. June 15, 1874, m. Isaac Clark; Marionetta Kent b. June 29, 1786, m. Harry M. Croft; Jane Ann Kent b. May 29, 1878, m. James Jensen; John Alexander Kent b. June 1, 1880, m. Rosy Maude Greene; Alma Kent b. Jan. 21, 1886, m. Sally Janette Allen Nov. 1, 1907. Family resided Mendon, Utah, and Teton, Idaho. Second counselor to Bishop Hughes, Mendon ward 1877; Missionary to England 1880-82. Moved to Snake river valley 1883; bishop of Teton ward. Admitted to the bar as an attorney 1903; probate judge Fremont county 1903-11. DONALDSON, ALMA KENT (son of John Donaldson and Mary Ann Kent). Born Jan. 21, 1886, Teton Idaho. Married Sallie Jennett Allen Nov. 1, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of John R. Allen and Sarah Jannett Leavitt of Lewiston, Utah, pioneers Feb. 21, 1862). She was born March 27. 1885. Only child: Allen b. Aug. 16, 1911. Family home Teton, Idaho. Member 149th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1907-09; teacher in Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. DONEY, JOHN (son of Ellas Doney, born March 22, 1795, at Quetholch, and Maria Roberts of St. Stephens, both in Corn- wall, Eng.). He was born May 3, 1821, at St. Stephens. Came to Utah in early days. 846 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Ann George Jan. 22, 1853, at St. Stephens (daugh- ter of William and Temperance George), who was born Nov. 28, 1831, and came to Utah Sept. 26, 1866, Edmund Ellsworth handcart company. Their children: Ann Temperance b. Nov. 1, 1854; Mary Jane b. July 29, 1856, m. Robert G. Lowe; Sarah b. Oct. 17, 1858. m. L. L. Hatch Dec. 28, 1883; Lucy Marian b. March 28, 1861, m. George C. Parkinson; Anah Eliza b. Aug. 17, 1863, m. Joseph G. Lowe; John Franklin b. Dec. 16. 1866, m. Sarah Cutler Dec. 17, 1890; Elias William b. May 28. 1869, m. Susanna M. Mendenhall Dec. 16, 1891; Robert George b. Dec. 15. 1872; Bessie Ann b. Jan. 28, 1875, m. Fred S. Parkin- son. Family resided Payson, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. Married Marinda Roberts. Their children: Henry Levi b. Aug. 1, 1874, m. Johanna Mecham; Joseph b. March 20, 1876, m. Isabelle Johnson. Settled at Franklin, Idaho, 1860. High priest. DONEY, ELIAS WILLIAM (son of John Doney and Ann George). Born May 28, 1869, Franklin, Idaho. Married Susanna M. Mendenhall Dec. 16. 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of Thomas Mendenhall and Louisa Smart), who was born Nov. 29, 1871, Bear River, Idaho. Their children: John Vernon M. b. Sept. 22, 1892; William M. b. Aug. 21, 1894; Verda M. b. Sept. 9, 1896; Levar M. b. Sept. 22, 1901; Horace M. b. Sept. 2, 1902; Grant M. b. May 27, 1904; Parley M. b. May 27, 1906; Alfonda M. b. Sept. 22, 1908. Missionary to Great Britain 1898-1901; member council 18th quorum seventies 1901-09, also secretary and treasurer; high priest. DORCHEUS, NIELS (son of Thue N. Dorcheus and Marianne Nielson of Lemvig, Jutland, Denmark). Born June 21, 1812, at Lemvig. Came to Utah Sept. 9, I860, James D. Ross com- pany. Married Angelica C. Lund 1840, Copenhagen, Denmark, who was born June 24, 1808. Their children: John T. b. April 25, 1842, m. Ellen Jensen; Laura M. b. June 22, 1846, m. John England. Family resided Plain City, Gunnison, Scipio and Monroe, Utah. High priest; member high council, Sevier stake. Carpen- ter on St. George temple. Died Oct. 22, 1892. DORCHEUS, JOHN T. (son of Niels Dorcheus and Angelica C. Lund). Born April 25, 1842, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Married Ellen Jensen Feb. 18, 1865, Gunnison, Utah (daugh- ter of Knud Jensen and Bodil Olson of Gunnison, Utah, pio- neers 1862). She was born Aug. 11, 1844; came to Utah Sept. 15, 1859, Robert F. Neslen company, and died March 10, 1913, at Monroe, Utah. Their children: John J. b. Dec. 19, 1866, m. Julia Maria Larsen Nov. 8, 1893; Niels O. b. Feb. 28, 1871, m. Lydia Webb; Constant b. March 12, 1874, m. Birdie A. Hesse Sept. 1, 1897; Angelica b. Dec. 3, 1877, died; Caroline b. July 24, 1885, m. Andrew Staples 1906. Family resided Gunnison, Scipio and Monroe, Utah. Married Alice P. Wasden June 14. 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Wasden and Mary Brooks, the former pioneer 1859, Robert F. Neslen company). She was born Nov. 28, 1842, Ashton, Eng. Their children: Mary E. b. March 31, 1871, m. Orson Washburn; Ismilda b. Dec. 19, 1872, m. William England Jr.; Laura b. Nov. 11, 1874, m. Charles England; Eugenia D. b. 1877, m. Joseph Howes; Parley b. April 29. 1880, m. Irene Ward; Alma M. b. Jan. 8, 1881. Married Mary McDonald Dec. 20, 1882, St. George, Utah (daughter of Edward McDonald and Elizabeth Kellun, pio- neers 1866). She was born March 5, 1863, Bishopsbriggs, Lannarkshire, Scotland. Their children: Elizabeth A. b. Oct. 18, 1883, m. W. M. Humphreys; Edward W. b. July 4, 1885; Rhoda B.; Ellen L.; Gladys; John A. b. May 1, 1894; Jessie J.; Mary Irene; Robert A.; Charles H.; Alvin E. Missionary to Kansas 1865-70; high priest. Black Hawk war veteran. DORCHEUS, EDWARD W. (son of John T. Dorcheus and Mary McDonald). Born July 4, 1885, Monroe, Utah. DORICS, NICOLI. Born Sept. 21, 1804, Copenhagen, Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1854. Married Annie Sophia Christofferson, who died June 27, 1895. Their children: Carl C. N.; John P. P.; Augusta D., m. Stevens. Family resided in Denmark, and at Ephraim, Utah. Missionary to Sjealland, Denmark. Shoemaker. Died July 10, 1872, at Ephraim. DORIUS, CARL CHRISTIAN NICOLI (son of Nicoli Dorius and Annie Sophia Christofferson). Born April 6, 1830, Co- penhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Chr. Chris- tiansen handcart company. Married Ellen G. Rolfson April 24, 1857, Liverpool, Eng. (daughter of Bent and Gertrude Maria Rolfson, latter pio- ner Sept. 13, 1857. Christiansen handcart company). She came to Utah with husband. Their child: Charles Rolf- son b. July 10, 1858, m. Margaret Neilson Dec. 11, 1879. Married Tomena Frederickson 1864 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Canute Frederickson and Annie Larsen, for- mer pioneer 1864, oxteam company). She was born Aug. 4, 1840, Riser, Norway. Their children: Canute Frederick b. Aug. 7, 1865; Anna Sophia b. Aug. 13, 1870, m. Soren J. John- son Sept. 18, 1891; Ella Nicholena b. Oct. 7, 1872, m. Ephraim Hansen June 5, 1901. Married Julia Peterson (daughter of John Peterson and Enger Anderson). Their children: Rebecca b. Jan. 6, 1874, m. Marion Clinger May 8, 1898; John N. b. April 6, 1876, m. Ethel Rees Dec. 24. 1982: Julia b. April 24, 1878. m. Andrew Jensen July 16, 1902; Erastus b. Aug. 7, 1884; Maybell b. June, 1889. Married Mary Williams. Married Charlotta Otterstrom April. 1885. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jonas Otterstrom and Hilda Amelia Algren, former pioneer 1855, Canute Peterson company, latter 1867, Chr. Christiansen handcart company). She was born Sept. 13, 1858. Ephraim, Utah. Their child: Mamie b. Oct. 6, 1887. Bishop of Ephraim, South ward, 1877-94; missionary to Scandinavia 1862-64. City councilman Ephraim six years. Died March 4, 1894. DORIUS, CHARLES ROLFSON (son of Carl Christian Nicoli Dorius and Ellen G. Rolfson). Born July 10, 1858, Ephraim, Utah. Married Margaret Neilson Dec. 11, 1879 (daughter of Chris- tian Neilson and Karen Hansen, pioneers Sept. 13, 1854, P. O. Hansen company). She was born April 21, 1861. Their children: Caroline Maria b. Feb. 6, 1881, m. R. D. Rasmussen Oct. 2, 1907; Orpha Olevia b. Aug. 7, 1892; Sarah Magdalene b. Jan. 27, 1895; Elda Elizabeth b. Oct. 7. 1898; Inez b. April 27, 1902. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Missionary to Norway 1886-88; set apart bishop south ward Ephraim, 1894. City treasurer; collector 1896-97; city coun- cilman 1894-96; mayor; school trustee; representative state legislature from 14th district 1907-09. DOUGALL, HUGH MacSWEHV (son of John Dougall of Muthill, Scotland, and Catherine MacSwein). He was born April 24, 1837, at Muthill. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1865, Noah T. Guymon company. Married Mary Catherine Streeper Dec. 6. 1862 (daughter of Wilkinson Streeper and Matilda Wells), who was born May 2. 1842. Their children: Hugh MacSwein born Dec. 9, 1863, m. Rhoda R. Groesbeck Nov. 25. 1891; Catherine Matil- da b. Jan. 19, 1867; William Bernard b. July 23, 1872; John Wilkerson b. Nov. 19, 1874, m. Harriet Wheeler November, 1900; George Moses Patrick b. Nov. 23, 1879, m. Alice Paul Feb. 5, 1907; Mary Emma Josephine b. Nov. 13, 1883; Charles Stewart b. Feb. 22. 1859. Family home Springville, Utah. Contractor on Union Pacific railroad. Postmaster 25 years at Springville, Utah. Died Feb. 28, 1906. DOUGALL, HUGH MacSWEIN, JR. (son of Hugh MacSwein Dougall Sr. and Mary Catherine Streeper). Born Dec 9 1863, Springville, Utah. Married Rhoda Rebecca Groesbeck Nov. 25, 1891, at Spring- ville (daughter of Nicholas Harmon Groesbeck and Rhoda Sanderson), who was born Nov. 16, 1864, at Springville Their child: Catherine Rhoda b. June 1, 1896. City councilman 1909. Manager Dougall Live Stock com- pany; merchant; rancher and stockralser. DOUGLASS, RICHARD (son of George Douglass and Ellen Briggs). Born Feb. 27, 1828, Downham, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1852. Married Elizabeth Wadsworth June 21, 1849 (daughter of James and Agnes Wadsworth), who was born Aug. 10, 1833, Manchester, Eng., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Ellen b. April 14, 1850, m. James Wilson; Elizabeth Ann b. March 31, 1852, m. John W. Hooper; Richard b. Jan. 23, 1854, died; Agnes Vilate b. July 29, 1856, m. Charles O. Wheat; James Henry b. Aug. 29, 1858, m. Irintha Pratt; Mary b. July 31, 1860, died; Jeannetta b. Aug. 10, 1861, m. George B. Smyth Jr., m. John Brown; Isabell b. Oct. 7, 1863. m. A. McLaren Boyle; Benjamin Edmund b. Nov. 8, 1866, died; Alice b. Nov. 29, 1867, m. Ashby Stringham; Mariah; Joseph b. July 1, 1870, died; David George b. Oct. 25, 1871; Charles Walter b. Oct. 19, 1873, died; Wealthy b. Nov. 11, 1876; Ada Catherine b. Jan. 4, 1879, m. Charles P. Carlson. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Eliza Joyce 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann Joyce, who were married in Bedford- shire, Eng.). She was born in Bedfordshire. Their chil- dren: George b. Nov. 22, 1867, died; Thomas Moroni b. July 12, 1859, m. Sophia Larson; John b. Feb. 4, 1861, m. Lettia Shurtliff; William b. March 2, 1863, m. Chloe Leischman; Ralph Heber b. April 2, 1865, m. Jennie Pickering; Sarah Eliza b. July 30, 1867, m. William Reeve; Mary Ann b Feb 22, 1870, died; Roseltha b. Jan. 8. 1873, m. David Georga Revore; Walter Joyce b. Sept. 2, 1880. , Member 26th quorum seventies; missionary to England. Assisted in bringing in immigrants to Utah. DOWDING, THOMAS (son of David Dowding born 1794 and Mary Smith, both of Wiltshire, Eng.). Born 1816 in Wilt- shire. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1866, William Henry Chipman company. Married Hannah Nash (daughter of James Nash), who was born May 1, 1830, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: David b. April 19, 1861, m. Henrietta Van Tassell Dec. 8, 1872; Elizabeth, m. Allen Hall; William b. Oct. 10. 1854; Nephi b. Nov. 20, 1866, m. Jane Condor; Louisa, m. Benj. Camp Oct. 6, 1879; Mary, m. Charles Engler; James; Martha, m. Benjamin Orkett; Sarah J. b. July 16, 1868; Emm* b. Nov. 2, 1869. Family home West Jordan, Utah. DOWDING, DAVID (son of Thomas Dowding and Hannah Nash). Born April 19, 1861, in Wiltshire. Married Henrietta Van Tassell Dec. 8. 1872. Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Van Tassell and Emily L. Street, pio- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 847 neers 1864, Ansel P. Harmon company), who was born Sept. 29. 1857, in New York city. Their children: David L. b. Oct. 30, 1873, m. Ann Goff June 19, 1907; Sarah J. b. June 25, 1875, m. Eric Nelson July 7, 1898; George W. b. July 2, 1878, m. Elizabeth Goff Nov. 16, 1898; Maud b. Jan. 1, 1881, m. S. H. Smith Sept. 20, 1899; Etta b. Oct. 10, 1888; James b. July 30, 1891; Arthur b. Jan. 18, 1892; Mae b. Sept. 16, 1894; Raymond b. March 12, 1896; Blanch L. b. Nov. 25, 1899. Family home Sandy, Utah. DOWDELL, ABSALOM PORTER. Came to Utah 1847 with oxteam. Married Sarah Ann Halladay. Their children: Wil- liam; Thomas; Louisa Jonathan; Martha Jane, m. Jeremiah Albert Robey. Family home Santaquin, Utah. Missionary to Australia. Farmer. DOWDLE, ROBERT HUGHES (son of Robert Dowdle and Sarah Ann Robinson of Alabama). Born April 6. 1830, In Franklin county, Ala. Came to Utah 1849 with government freighters. Married Henrietta Messervy March 27, 1858, Santaquin. Utah (daughter of Joshua Messervy and Jane Roberts of Jersey Island, Eng., pioneers Oct. 10, 1853, Joseph W. Young company). She was born March 20, 1837. Their children: Robert, Joseph and John E., all died; Elvira, d. aged 15; Wil- liam Robert, died; Moroni Jerome, d. aged 5; Henriette Jane, m. Benjamin P. Porter Dec. 19, 1878; Sarah Ann, m. Jesse M. Baker Oct. 22, 1885; Annie Elizabeth, m. Joseph Bryant Hawks Dec. B, 1885; Louisa, m. Joseph P. Daynes July 7, 1907; Hugh Joshua, m. Lettie Miles March 20, 1896. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Seventy; ward teacher. Justice of peace; Indian Inter- preter. Farmer. Died Oct. 27, 1909. DOW1VARD, GEORGE. Born Dec. 27, 1822, in Kent. Eng-. Came to Utah Nov. 1862. Married Mary Emma Carlisle 1865 at Salt. Lake City (daughter of William and Jane Carlisle of Kent), who was born Nov. 8, 1833, and came to Utah November,. 1862, and died Dec. B, 1897. Their children: William b. July 12, 1867. m. Annie Catherine Dahl; John Lewis b. Sept. 1869, m. Angellne King; Emma Jane. Family home Spring City, Utah. High priest. Settled at Spring City 1862; moved to Rich- field, from which place he was driven by Indians; went to Emery county, 1881. Carpenter; painter. Died July, 1902, Price, Utah. DOWNARD, WILLIAM (son of George Downard and Emma Carlisle). Born July 12. 1867, Spring City, Utah. Married Annie Catherine Dahl Aug. 3, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Niels Peter Dahl and Bertha Mane Christensen, of Ulano, Denmark, who came to Utah 1878 by rail). She was born April 7, 1866. Their children: Emma Annetta b. April 19, 1888, m. John Sax; Bertha Matilda b. April 7, 1890, m. George McGahn; Arnold William b. March 21, 1892; Ernest Peter b. June 25, 1894; Arthur Lewis b. Aug. 4, 1897; Hazel b. Nov. 6, 1899; Ray Vermont b. June 15, 1902. died; Rulon b. April 8, 1905; Ella b. Sept. 5, 1908; Alden b. June 19, 1911. Family home Price. Utah. Settled at Price 1881 and has helped to build canals and wagon roads. President 101st quorum seventies; Sunday school superintendent at Price; counselor In presidency Y. M. M. I. A.; superintendent Woodside branch, Emery county. Trustee of Woodside school district two years. Car- penter; farmer. DOXEY, THOMAS (son of Thomas Doxey, born October, 1801, and Susannah Brearly, who was born June B, 1802, at Derby, Eng:.. married July 6, 1821). He was born March 27, 1829, In Derby. Came to Utah 1853, Appleton Harmon company. Married Ann Elizabeth Hunt July 10, 1853. Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of John Hunt and Mary Danby), who was born Dec. 20, 1830, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Alma T. b. July 14, 1854, m. Leonora L. Eaton June 23, 1880; Mary Ann b. Aug. 28. 1856, m. Joseph H. Watkins April 30, 1879; David Hunt b. June 13, 1858, m. Ann E. Clark Oct. 31, 1889. d. Nov. 2, 1910; Moroni Hunt b. Aug. 13, 1860, m. Olive J. Riley June 11, 1887, d. Dec. 6, 1903; Jane b. Nov. 27. 1863, d. Aug. 10, 1865; Samuel b. Feb. 17. 1866, d. Feb. 8, 1907; m Margret N. Moyes Aug. 31, 1898; Thomas b. April 11, 1868, m. Bessie A. E. Watkins April 30, 1889. Family resided Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Rhodes Feb. 26, 1872, at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Rhodes and Alice Mellor), who was born Sept. 11, 1850, St. Louis, Mo. Their children: James b. Aug. 15, 1873, d. March 24, 1894: Ellen Mellor b. Sept. 26, 1875, m. Nels Sorensen Oct. 10, 1895; Rosetta b. Jan. 7, 1878, m. Wallace Fife Nov. 22, 1899; John b. Oct. 14, 1879, m. Loretta Bingham May 10, 1899; Mary Alice b. Nov. 16, 1881, m. Henry A. Hill Jan. 7. 1902; George R. b. Dec. 22, 1883, m. Chloe Woods Nov. 23, 1910; Albert b. Dec. 2, 1885. m. Minnie Baird Jan. 1, 1905; William R. b. Aug. 14, 1888, d. Jan. 2, 1890; Clara b. Nov. 7. 1890; Susannah B. b. June 1, 1893, m. Fred- rick Paul Nlsbitt Jan. 22, 1913. Family home, Ogden. City watermaster 16 years; road supervisor 1888; member State Irrigation association 1895. Captain in Nauvoo Legion. Second counselor to Bishop Robert McQuarrle 1879; member Weber state high council; superintendent 2d ward Sunday chool. Member city council. Farmer. DOXEY, ALMA T. (son of Thomas Doxey and Ann Eliza- beth Hunt). Born July 14, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Leonora L. Eaton June 23, 1880, St. George, Utah (daughter of John S. Eaton and Emily Ann Robins), who was born May 31, 1864, Scipio, Utah. Their children: Alma T. b. Feb. 6, 1882, m. Orpha Gould Oct. 28, 1901; Bella b Sept 2, 1884, d. Dec. 20, 1890; John Riley b. Nov. 22, 1886 d Jan. 1, 1890; Ray Eaton b. June 18, 1890. d. May 31, 1907- Myrtle b. July 6, 1892; Leo Samuel b. May 9, 1895; Nora Eva b. March 31. 1897; Paul Dee b. Jan. 8. 1899. Lived at Ogden until 1876; moved to Arizona, settling on Little Colorado river at Sunset, later at St. Johns; returned to Ogden 1890. Missionary to Australia 1894. Member high council in St. Johns (Ariz.) stake. DRAKE, DANIEL, (son of Seth and Chloey Drake of Ver- mont). Born Jan. 14, 1789, Vermont. Came to Utah Sept 19. 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Patience Perkins Dec. 3, 1813 (daughter of John Perkins and Hannah Gardner, married in Vermont), who was born Dec. 19, 1873, and came to Utah with husband Their children: Joseph b. Dec. 17, 1814; Diantha b. Dec. 15, 1815, m. Elisha Barnes; Daniel N. b. June 27, 1819, m. Han- nah Kempton; Sarah b. Sept. 10, 1821, m. William Paine- Orson P. b. Sept. 27, 1823, m. Betsy Parsons; Horace b. April 19, 1826, m. Diana E. Holbrook Oct. 3, 1850. Resided Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. DRAKE, HORACE (son of Daniel Drake and Patience Per- kins). Born April 19, 1826, Hartford, Trumbull Co., Ohio. Married Diana E. Holbrook Oct. 3, 1850. Salt Lake City (daughter of Chandler Holbrook and Eunice Dunning), who was born Oct. 27, 1833, Genesee county, N. Y. Their chil-. dren: Horace Louis b. March 23, 1852; Cyrus Henry b. Aug. 20, 1853; Eunice Diana b. Sept. 7, 1855, m. Willard R. Pick- ering; Samuel b. Aug. 2, 1857; Joseph b. Aug. 20, 1859; Hyrum b. March 19. 1861, m. Mary E. Derrick Jan. 18, 1888; Alice Emma b. Feb. 27, 1864, m. Sidney F. Worsley Jan. 18, 1885; Jedediah M. b. Aug. 1, 1866; Daniel C. b. Aug. 16, 1868; Rosetta b. 1870; James A. b. 1873; Edith L. b. June 29, 1878, m. Joseph F. Tingey March 28, 1907. Family resided Salt Lake City and Centerville, Utah. DRAKE, DANIEL, NEWEL.L, (son of Daniel Drake and Mrs. Peachville Perkins). He was born June 22, 1819, in New York state. Came to Utah 1848, Daniel Miller company. Married Hannah Kempton of Salt Lake City (daughter of John Kempton). Their children: Hannah M. b. Aug. 25, 1851, m. David W. Wilson; Daniel N., b. Feb. 20, 1853, m. Mary J. Cheney; John H. b. Jan. 23, 1855, m. Margaret P. Cheney; Ann E. b. April 17, 1857; Nathan L. D. b. Dec. 13, 1859, m. Sarah Westom; Alvin L. b. Sept. 19, 1866, m. Lora Lukis; Marim O. b. Dec. 22, 1869, m. N. Nickels; Richard M. b. May 25, 1872. Family home Weber Co., Utah. Elder. Died In 1879. DRAKE. DANIEL N. (son of Daniel Newell Drake and Hannah Kempton). Born at Ogden, Utah, In 1863. Married May J. Cheney in Weber county in 1874 (daugh- ter of E. W. Cheney and Lucy H. Cheney of Weber county; pioneers 1849, George A. Smith company). She was born April 9, 1857. Their children: Daniel N. Jr. b. May 4, 1876, m. May Childs; Louis W. b. March 11. 1878, m. May Hill; Lawrence b. March.28, 1880; Clarence E. Drake b. March 28. 1880, m. Anna Johnson; Elvira D. b. April 25, 1882; John H. b. Jan. 25, 1885, m. Alice Mow; Rosel b. Nov. 24, 1889, m. George Hadley; Charles W. b. Feb. 27, 1891, m. Clara Man- ning. Family home Weber county. Elder. DRAKE, ISAAC (son of David B. Drake and Caroline Nel- son of New York). Born October 1831, in New York. Came to Utah 1869, independent company. Married Marian Colt in May, 1865, Montreal, Canada (daughter of William and Mary Colt). She was born in 1831. Their children: Caroline b. 1864, d. 1874; David B. b. 1866, m. Sarah Metcalf. Married Weltha Wilier 1876 in Lawrence county. N. Y. (daughter of John Wilier and Betsy Carpenter of that county). She was born there In April, 1856. Settled at Malad City, Idaho. Doctor of medicine. Died 1895. DRAKE, DAVID B. (son of Isaac Drake and Marian Colt). He was born 1866 In Lawrence county, N. Y. Married Sarah Metcalf 1871, Malad City, Idaho (daughter of Anthony and Mary Metcalf). Their children: Molly b. 1893; Frank b. 1896; Miril b. 1898; Ann b. 1899. DRAPER, CHARLES. Came to Utah with Capt. Seeley com- pany. Married Mary Ann Wann. Their children: William; Eliza- beth; Jane; Folly; Mary; Annie, m. George Morby. Family home, Hoytsville. Elder. DRAPER, WILLIAM (son of Charles Draper and Mary Ann Wann). Born Nov. 12, 1861, Croland, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah with Capt. Seeley company. 848 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH DRAPER, THOMAS (son of Thomas Draper of Leicester- shire, Eng.). Born in 1824 in England. Came to Utah about 1870. Married Sarah Ward (daughter of William and Sarah Ward). Their children: Ebenezer, died; Rachel, m. James Richards; Sarah, m. Thomas Hardy; Thomas Ward, m. True- love Miller; Martha, m. Robert Bates; Elizabeth, m. Hyrum S. Bellows; Phoebe, m. William Henry Tracy; Emma, m. James Andrews. Family home Spanish Fork. Elder. Farmer. Died In 1906 at Plain City, Utah. DRAPER, WILLIAM. Came to Utah 1849. Married Muriel Thompson. Their child: Nephi b. March 23, 1847, m. Charlotte Elizabeth Johnson. DRAPER, NEPHI (son of William Draper and Muriel Thompson), born March 23, 1847, at Little Pigeon River, Iowa). Came to Utah 1849. Married Charlotte Elizabeth Johnson November, 1868, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Luke S. Johnson and America Clark. Came to Utah 1847). She was born 1850 at Little Pigeon River, Iowa. Their children: Muriel b. Aug. 7. 1870, died in infancy; Lovinia Ann b. Nov. 23, 1873, m. John Hug-gins; Walter Nephi b. Nov. 20, 1875, m. Clara Maud Critchlow; Emily Elizabeth b. June 17, 1878; Edith b. Aug. 4, 1880, deceased; Asa b. Jan. 6, 1882, m. Mamie Ander- son; Ona b. June 24, 1885, m. Clyde Russell; Amoret b. Sept. 6, 1888, m. Leonard Scott; Eldra b. July 3, 1890; Lois b. Sept. 26, 1893. Family home St. John, Tooelo county. Farmer and stockman. DRAPER, WALTER NEPHI (son of Nephl Draper and Char- lotte Elizabeth Johnson). Born Nov. 20, 1876, St. John, Tooele Co., Utah. Married Clara Maud Critchlow Sept. 27, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Carner Critchlow and Nancy Jane Cumberland of Butler county, Pa.). She was born Jan. 25, 1878; came to Utah June 29, 1900. Their children: Kenneth Floyd b. July 16, 1901; Asa Leroy b. March 19, 1903; Irene May b. Aug. 23, 1904; Clare b. Oct. 16, 1907, d. April 10, 1909; Walter Howard b. Sept. 21, 1909; Gladys Pearl b. Oct. 30, 1911. Family home Wellington. Missionary to eastern states 1897-99; ward teacher; presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school superintendent. Farmer and stockraiser. DRAPER, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Draper, born 1748). Born Sept. 6, 1776, Little Nine, Padners, Dutchess county, Pa. Married Lydia Lathrop. Their children: William Zemira b. Feb. 27, 1812, m. Amy Terry Jan. 30, 1842; Alfred; Carson; Policy; Phoebe, m. Ebenezer Brown; Lucretla, m. Mr. Gay- land; Lydla, m. Fred Vanloovan; Fannie, m. Mr. Vanloovan; Charles. Family home Lavorran, Upper Canada, and Penn- sylvania. DRAPER, ZEMIRA (son of William Draper and Lydia Lathrop). He was born Feb. 27, 1812, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada. Came to Utah September, 1848, Daniel Hen- dricks company. Married Ellen Agnes Bradshaw, Sept. 15, 1838. She died Aug. 15, 1839. Their child: Joseph Edward, d. 1839. Married Amy Terry Jan. 30. 1842, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Parshel and Hannah Terry). She was born June 5, 1821, York Home district, Upper Canada. Their children: Ellen Agnes b. Feb. 27, 1843, m. James Green Jan. 15, 1860; Rebecca Jane b. Sept. 1, 1846, d. Oct. 4, 1847; Lydia Hannah b. Oct. 4, 1848, m. Bateman H. Wllhelm March 1864; Susannah Catllda b. Aug. 3, 1851, m. James M. Ballard 1871; Fannie Lucretia b. Jan. 8, 1854, m. John P. Terry April 23, 1875; Phoebe Marrilla b. Oct. 9, 1857. m. James A. Terry Oct. 1880; Zemira Terry b. March 16, 1859, m. Olga J. Poison Oct. 26, 1887; Jilpha Amy b. Sept. 26. 1861, m. Hanner Duzett March 10, 1881; Carson Clark b. Jan. 29, 1865, m. Vilate Draper Jan. 2, 1888. Settled In tenth ward, Salt Lake City; moved to Draper in the fall of 1850, from there he went to Alpine and to Rock- vllle 1862. Served as bishop's counselor and justice of peace several years at Rockvllle, Utah. Died Jan. 9, 1876, Rock- vllle, Utah. DRAPER, CARSON C. (son of Zemira Draper and Amy Terry). He was born Jan. 29, 1865, Rockville, Utah. Married Vilate Dalton Jan. 2, 1888, Rockville, Utah (daugh- ter of John Dalton and Marrey A. Gardial latter came to Utah 1856, Ellsworth handcart company). She was born April 27, 1872, Virgin City, Utah. Their children: Ellen Agnes b. Nov. 18, 1888, m. Walter R. Funk Oct. 9, 1908; Amy Vilate b. Dec. 25, 1890; Carson Melvan b. Nov. 22, 1892; Zemira Heuard b. May 25, 1896, d. Sept. 18, 1909; Vernon b. Jan. 28, 1898, d. Feb. 28, 1898; Marey Elva b. Jan. 20, 1900; Leona Josephine b. April 1, 1902; Ruby Fiorina b. July 1. 1906; Lawrance Luvell b. Jan. 11, 1910; Clark Lindon b. June 6. 1912. First assistant Sunday school superintendent Kimball, Idaho, 1906; Sunday school teacher 1908-09 at Hinckley, Utah. Nelson Rhees, born July 3, 1802, England, and Sarah Ann Green, born July 26, 1798. Bath, Eng.). She was born Feb. 12, 1836. Came to Utah October 1861, Capt. Home company. Their children: Ellen H. b. March 24, 1855, d. Aug. 1, 1860; Sarah A. b. Oct. 27. 1856, d. Aug. 11, 1860; David C. b. Feb. 18. 1859, d. July 28, 1860; Elizabeth A. b. March 5, 1861, m. John L. Roberts May, 1881; Hannah A. b. March 28, 1863, m. George Thomas March 28, 1881; Lucy G. b. May 13, 1866. d. Dec. 23. 1865; Emma b. Sept. 27, 1866, m. James Harrison Nov. 27, 1884; Alice b. Dec. 7, 1868. m. David S. Thomas April 13, 1888; Nora b. Feb. 14. 1871. d. Sept. 16, 1890; Jesse H. b. March 29, 1873, m. Eliza Kunz Sept. 30, 1898; Hettie M. b. May 3, 1875, m. Alma Lusk Dec. 16, 1896; Richard H. b. Jan. 16, 1878, m. Esther Heward January, 1899; William R. b. May 28, 1880, m. Maud Mecham March 25, 1903. Resided at South Wales. Kaysville. Utah, and Malad, Idaho. Married Rose Kunz (Bischoff) Oct. 21, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Kunz and Rosina Knutti, of Bern, Swit- zerland; married February, 1842). She was born Oct. 20. 1845, Bern, Switzerland. Settled at Salt Lake City 1861, moved to Kaysville 1862, then to Malad, Idaho, 1866. Second president to 62d quorum seventies at Malad. Idaho, and high priest and high council- or for nineteen years; patriarch in Mormon church. DROLUNGER, SIMEON COOK (son of Samuel Drollinger, born May 6, 1801, Hamilton Co., Ohio, and Rachel Cook, born June 14, 1798, Mason county, Ky. they were married Dec. 21, 1819). He was born March 22. 1833. Fountain county. Ind. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1853, John W. Cooley company. Married Ann Eliza Davis Dec. 4. 1859 (daughter of Frank- lin Judson and Ann Davis, the former a pioneer 1852, Mc- Cullan company, the latter died on the plains). She was born Aug. 8, 1842. Came to Utah with her father in 1852. Their children: Simeon Cook b. Feb. 2, 1861, m. Mary Emeline Cordingiey; Ann Eliza b. Aug. 20, 1862; Emily Estella b. Nov. 25, 1864; Rachel Marian b. July 20. 1866; Franklin John b. Nov. 20, 1868, m. Lydia E. Williams; Clarissa Jane b. Oct. 16. 1870, m. John Haskell Pomroy July 13, 1889; Stanley Bert b. Jan. 6, 1873, m. Lydia E. Williams Drollinger. Resided at Payson and Spring Creek, Utah, St. Thomas, Nev., and Arizona. Settled at Moapa Valley, Nev., 1865. Died July 1, 1911, Marysville, Fremont Co., Idaho. DROLLINGER. SIMEON COOK, JR. (son of Simeon Cook Drollinger and Ann Eliza Davis). Born Feb. 2, 1861, Payson, Utah. Married Mary E. Cordingiey April 20, 1885, Huntington, Utah (daughter of William Cordingiey and Permelia Hug- gins). She was born Jan. 14, 1864, Fountain Green, Utah. Their children: Cook Eugene b. May 24, 1886; Mary E. b. Oct. 21, 1887; Lottie P. b. Oct. 29, 1889, m. Chester Hansen May 23, 1911; William Lee b. Aug. 26, 1891; Stephen F. b. Nov. 26. 1893; Rachel Flavilla b. Dec. 24, 1895; Simeon Guy b. Feb. 7, 1898; Bert Cordingiey b. April 25, 1899; Cecil John b. Jan. 20, 1902; Emeline Fern b. Sept. 13. 1904; Alfonzo b. Sept. 8, 1906. Resided at Huntington, Utah, Mesa City and Pima, Ariz., and Marysville, Idaho. DROWN, CHARLES (son of Solomon Drown, born Oct. 10, 1789, of Illinois, and Fannie Drown born Feb. 2, 1803). Born Oct. 28, 1815. Came to Utah 1849. Married Sarah Tarbell. She died in New York. Their children: James; David T. b. Dec. 9, 1837, m. Sarah O. Newell Dec. 19, 1860. Married Mary Ann Sweazy. Their children: Carlos, m. Rose Drown; Brigham; Elizabeth. Married Louise Jones Canfield. Missionary to California in 1867. DROWN, DAVID TARBELL (son of Charles Drown and Sarah Tarbell). Born Dec. 9, 1837, at Oswego, N. Y. Married Sarah O. Newell Dec. 9, 1860. at Provo, Utah (daughter of Almon Newell and Olive Comstock; the former came to Utah Oct. 6, 1852, the latter died in Nauvoo 1846). She was born Jan. 22, 1844, at Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Ellen Elizabeth b. May 3, 1862, m. J. V. Blasdell Feb. 22, 1890; David Almon b. March 15, 1864, m. Elizabeth Warbarton Dec. 23, 1886; Alice Adelia b. Dec. 18, 1865. m. William D. Kuhre April 14. 1886; Charles Matlson b. Oct. 10, 1867, m. Ella Perry Dec. 9, ; Olive Maria b. May 7, 1870, m. William Erlckson Oct. 22, 1891; Alfred Carlos b. June 16, 1872; Eva Geraldine b. July 4, 1874, m. O. J. Roberts Nov. 19, 1901; Clara Valeria b. Jan. 26, 1877, m. William Erickson March 8, ; Melvln Ernest b. Jan. 17, 1882, m. Myrtle Hewlett July 2, 1908; Ivy Ruby b. Feb. 24, 1884, m. A. E. Custer March 12, 1901. Family home West Jordan, Utah. DREDGE, JESSE RICHARD (son of Richard Dredge, born Dec. 25. 1796, Proom, Somersetshire, Eng., and Sarah Sharp, born 1798. Gloucestershire. Eng. Came to Utah November. 1861. Godbe and Wright company. Married Ellen Rhees April 29, 1864 (daughter of Horatio DRCCE, JOHN (son of John Druce and Sophia Bragg of Mttcham Merton, Surrey, Eng.). Born June 18, 1818. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Ira Reed company. Married Julia Ann Jinks June 19, 1842, Manchester. Eng., by Elder Charles Miller (daughter of John Jinks and Mary Woodfleld of Manchester, Lancashire, Eng., the latter came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Ira Reed company). She was born April 17, 1824, Stone, Staffordshire, Eng. Their children: Julia Ann; Mary Sophia, m. Joseph Hyrum Phlppen; Lilly Harriet Almira, m. Charles John Lambert; Eliza Jane, d. aged 60 years; John Alma, m. Elizabeth M. Klngsbury; Ada PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 849 Eugenia, m. Orville E. Hartwell; Amanda May, m. George Guiver; Edgar Woodfleld, m. Ann Elizabeth Bennett; Kate Agusta, d. aged 2. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary ti. and president of eastern states mission 1876-77; high priest; president 21st quorum seventies; coun- selor to bishop Pyper of 12th ward 1877-82, and to Bishop Clawson 1882-97; ordained patriarch Sept. 29, 1897. En- graver: carpenter; contractor and builder. Died Oct. 7, 1897, Salt Lake City. DRYSDAI,E, JOHN (son of James Drysdale and Margrate Arnold). Born Oct. 10, 1839. Came to Utah 1853, Capt. Dailey company. Married Emma Clark (daughter of James Clark and Eliza- beth Pierson). She was born August, 1847. Their children: Margrate Pysdale b. 1862, m. Henry Goodale Dec. 18, 1882; Andrew C. b. 1871, m. Julia Gray Feb. 22, 1893; Mary Jane b. 1864; James b. 1867; John b. 1869; Henry R. b. 1876, m Sarah Jackson May 14, 1902; Nora B. b. 1878, m. Fremont Cook; Ann Adlin b. 1881; Edward F. b. 1887. Indian fighter. Charcoal burner. DUDLEY, JOSEPH (son of James Dudley of Nauvoo, 111.). Born July 8, 1817, Kentucky. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1862, oxteam company. Married Sarah D. Stevens, who was born March 14, 1816. Their children: Martha, d. child; Sarah Ann, m. Alexander Williams; m. Charles Eldridge Smith; Andrew, m. Mary Ellen Packett and Mary Lucy Markham; Justus Manvill, m. Emily Packett; Helen, m. Alma Pace; William, d. child; Joseph, m. Sarah King. Married Caroline Petty, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Petty of Fort Herriman, Utah, oxteam pioneer). She was born July 8, 1835. Their children: Percinda Jane, m. Mr. Pace; James; Celia, m. Isaac Robins; Warren, m. Sarah Jones; Marion, m. Louisa Jane McKee; Robert, m. Margaret Evans; Harriet, m. Mr. Stewart; Margaret, m. Ruben Hatch; Polly, m. John Evans. Family home Alpine, Spanish Fork and Provo, Utah. Seventy. He was sent to Nevada and California to recall the people at the time of the invasion of the Johnston army; endured many hardships while crossing the desert. Echo Canyon war veteran. Died Aug. 24, 1893, Spanish Fork, Utah. DUDLEY, ANDREW (son of Joseph Dudley and Sarah Stevens). Born June 6, 1844, In Illinois. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852, oxteam company. Married Mary Ellen Packett Feb. 6, 1866, at Spanish Fork, Utah (daughter of Charles Packett of Spanish Fork, Utah, oxteam pioneer). She was born Feb. 10, . Their chil- dren: Mary Ellen b. Feb. 10, 1866, m. Charles Hollingshead; m. Albert Wilkins; Melissa and Lucy Emily, d. infants Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Mary Lucy Markham July 19, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Stephen Markham, pioneer July 24, 1847 and Mary Curtis of Spanish Fork, Utah). She was born April 2 1853. Their children: Andrew b. Aug. 8, 1870, m. Slna Jensen; William b. Aug. 8, 1872, d. infant; Sarah Ann b. Nov. 3. 1873, m. Ephraim Rasmussen; Helen Aurelia b. April 20, 1876, m. L. H. Woodard; Stephen Markham b. July 28, 1878, m. Anna Bingham; Joseph Stratton b. Sept. 8, 1880, m. Mina Moon; Maryatta b. Jan. 3, 1883, m. Henry Chatwin- Guyletta Jane b. Feb. 10, 1885, m. Fitzgerald Stewart- Hosmer Marion b. May 28, 1887; Hyrum Sanford b. June 27 1889; Arvilla Julina b. March 2, 1892, m. Jasper Otis Butcher- Bertha b. Dec. 8, 1894; Bernice b. Dec. 8, 1894, and Louis Mar- ville, d. infants; Porney Trilby b. Dec. 21, 1897. Family resided Spanish Fork and Jensen, Utah. Elder. Assisted in bringing- Immigrants to Utah 1863 Veteran Black Hawk war. Took active part in protecting settlers against Indians in the early days. Farmer DUDLEY, OLIVER HUNT (son of Steven Dudley and Har- riet Haws of Vermont). Born Feb. 29, 1809, in Vermont Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company Married Mary Ann Robinson 1831, Deerfleld, Rockingham county, N. H. (daughter of Noah and Susannah Robinson pioneers Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company). She was born March 8, 1811. Their children: Mary Ann b. Aug 11 1834, m. Edmund Ellsworth; Susan Jane Katherine b June 8, 1836, m. Heber Hubbard; Oliver Noah b. Oct 18 1841- Brigham Simeon b. Aug. 28, 1845, m. Delilah Allen; Charles H. b. Aug. 18, 1848, m. Dora Wallace; Joseph Smith b Sept SO, 1851, m. Dora Snow; Hyrum Smith b. Sept. 30, 1851 m Fidelia S. Tippets. Family home Willard, Utah. Married Hannah Pullen. Died 1897. DUDLEY, HYRUM SMITH (son of Oliver H. Dudley and Mary Ann Robinson). Born Sept. 30, 1851, Salt Lake City Married Fidelia S. Tippets March 30, 1874, Salt Lake City] (daughter of William P. Tippets and Sophia B. Mead, pioneers 1850, Capt. Hunt company). She was born March 28. 1854, Perry, Utah. Their children: Delia Elizabeth b. May 11, 1875, m. Benjamin Neibaur June 26, 1906; Mary Ann b. June 2, 1877, m. Eli J. Bell April 5, 1905; Sophia Burnham b. Aug. 22, 1879, m. George C. Corey Nov. 13, 1904; Emma Druzilla b. April 15, 1881, m. George S. Davis March 26, 1901; Hyrum Smith b. April 30, 1883; Susan Rebecca b. 54 June 2, 1885, m. Perry B. Woodward Oct. 23, 1901; Olive Harriet b. Aug. 15, 1887; William P. b. Nov. 10, 1889; Joseph Clyde b. Oct. 14. 1891; Percy Lois b. May 25, 1894. Family home Rexburg, Idaho. Pioneer Snake river valley. Superintendent Sunday school. Burton, Idaho, and bishop's counselor six years. DUDLEY, JOSEPH SMITH (son of Oliver Hunt Dudley and Mary Ann Robinson). Born Sept. 30, 1851, Salt Lake City. Married Dora Snow Dec. 18, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of Larino Snow and Adilme Goddard), who was born Feb. 24, 1855. Their children: Joseph S. b. Sept. 26, 1885, m. Jennie Smith; Devere Snow b. 1888. Married Agnes Allred. DUERDEN, RICHARD (son of Richard Duerden and Martha Hudson of Marsden, Lancashire, Eng.). Born Feb. 19, 1830, at Marsden. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1868, John Gillespie company. Married Elizabeth Bradshaw 1861. Their children: Martha, m. Thomas Walton 1869; Nephi b. June 6, 1860, n>. Augusta Boynton March 20, 1891. Married Sarah Ann Starkie Feb. 1866, at Burnley. Eng. (daughter of James Starkie and Sally Spencer), who was born July 1, 1840, at Blacko, Lancashire, Eng. Their children: Edmundson b. Dec. 14, 1866, m. Alice Hatch Dec 11, 1890; Samuel b. Dec. 11, 1868; Richard b. Aug. 26, 1870, m. Susan Holt Dec. 28, 1893; Sarah Jane b. July 3, 1874, m. Jens Knud Neilson Oct. 28, 1897; Joseph Hudson b. Dec. 16 1876; Spencer b. Jan. 10, 1877; Elizabeth b. Jan. 10, 1879, m. Elijah Piepgrass; William S. b. Jan. 2, 1881; Margret b. March 27, 1882, m. Vernon Felt. Family home Bountiful, Davis Co., Utah. Member of high council Davis stake for thirty years. Merchant. DUFFIN, ABRAHAM (son of James Duffln and Sarah Greaves). Came to Utah 1855. Married Eliza Johnson, who died In Manchester, Eng. Their children: Maria, m. John Garratt Chambers; Sarah, m. Henry Foulkes. DUKE, JONATHAN OLDHAM (son of James Duke and Mary Oldham of Derby, Derbyshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 31, 1807, in Derby. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1850, James Pace company. Married Mary Stone Dec. 30, 1828, at Derby, Eng. (daugh- ter of Robert and Charlotte Stone of Derby). Their chil- dren: James b. Dec. 21, 1829, m. Almira Moore, m. Mary Murdock; Sarah Jane b. Nov. 11, 1832, m. James Smith; John b. Nov. 19, 1834, m. Martha D. Young, m. Mary Jones; Robert Stone b. April 14, 1837, m. Anna W. Ross Young; m. Rachel Horrocks; Mary Ann, died; Jonathan Moroni b. Oct. 23, 1844, m. Sarah Montgomery. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Sarah Thompson Oct. 19, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of George and Jane Thompson of England). Their children: Charlotte b. Sept. 30, 1856, m. Dominicus Carter; George Jonathan b. May 25, 1858, m. Sarah T. Meacham; Sarah Ann b. Jan. 9, 1860, m. Jonathan Gledhill, m. Brigham Smith: Thomas William b. April 23, 1863, m. Pauline Smith; Elizabeth b. May 9, 1865, m. Jonathan Mecham. m. Halma Smith; Almira b. April 1, 1867, m. Richard Harrison; Mary b. April 1, 1867, died; Heber b. Aug. 19, 1869, m. Elizabeth Agnes Boardman. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Martha Thompson Dec. 3, 1855 (daughter of George and Jane Thompson). Their children: Mary Ann b. Dec. 21, 1867, m. Alma Brown; Charles Thompson b. April 24, 1860, m. Emily Williams; Jane b. Aug. 23, 1862, m. Thomas Alexander Meldrum; Joseph b. Nov. 23, 1864, m. Lucy Har- rison; Hyrum b. Nov. 23, 1864, m. Elenor Ann Farrcr; Alma b. Jan. 3, 1866, d. Nov. 16, 1866; Emma b. Aug. 9, 1868, d. Aug. 18, 1868. Family home Provo, Utah. Member llth quorum seventies. Settled in 12th ward, Salt Lake City, 1850, and worked as stone mason; moved to Provo 1851. Served there as city councilman. Bishop of 1st ward. Justice of peace and lieutenant of Silver Grays. Also followed farming. Died Dec. 31, 1868, Provo, Utah. DUKE, JAMES (son of Jonathan Oldham Duke and Mary Stone). Born Dec. 21, 1829, Albany, N. Y. Came to Utah 1849, Amasa M. Lyman company. Married Almira Moore 1864, Provo, Utah (daughter of Ethan Allen Moore and Sarah Weber of New York, pioneers 1849). She was born Feb. 21, 1836. Their children: James Moore, m. Mary L. Allred; Almira Jane, m. Moroni M. Meacham; Ethan Allen, m. Martha Jane Parcell; Robert Stone, m. Elizabeth B. Vanosdel; Joseph Moroni, m. Emily Jane Nysonger; John C., m. Loraney Ross; Helaman, died; Mahonri M., m. Willmuth Lamanda Wall; Bernice Gertrude, m. George A. Thomas; Roy Lamoni, m. Lotty Nye; Sarah Figena, m. James Albert Provost. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. Married Mary Murdock. High priest. Stone mason; farmer and stockraiser. Died May 21, 1892. DUKE, ETHAN ALLEN (son of James Duke and Almira Moore). Born Sept. 23, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Martha Jane Parcell July 22, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of John C. Parcell and Esther Lewis of Wallsburg, Utah, pioneers 1854, Capt. Bullock company). She was born Jan. 9, 1858. Their children: Martha Cloe b. Dec. 21, 1882- Hester Almira b. Nov. 11, 1883; Allen Parcell b. Feb. 850 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1885 m. Florence Varley; Rose b. Sept. 28, 1886; Elizabeth b. Jan. 1, 1889; Emily Gertrude b. Oct. 6, 1890, m. Perry W. Harper; Ethan Moore b. Dec. 1, 1891; James Curtis b. May 11, 1894; Gerald b. Jan. 10. 1896; Violet b. Aug. 23, 1898; Lorin Wells b. March 1902. Member 123d quorum seventies; high priest. Farmer and fruit raiser. DUKE, JOHN (son of Jonathan Oldham Duke and Mary Stone). Born Nov. 19, 1834, Albany, N. Y. Came to Utah 1850. Married Martha D. Young-, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Dolph and Rhoda Young). Their children: John H.; Rhoda; Sarah Jane; Alfred; Annie; Louis; Joseph; Celistia; Ada M. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Mary Jones 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Eliza Jones and Margrate Talbot, married in Morgan Co., Ohio, pioneers U60). She was born 1840 in Ohio. Their children: Margrate; Elizabeth; Jonathan; Eliza A.; Laura Linona; Julia; Olive; May; Estella; Sylvia; Hannah. Black Hawk war veteran. President 20th quorum sev- enties; counselor in high priests' quorum; patriarch. DUKE ROBERT STONE (son of Jonathan Oldham Duke and Mary Stone). Born April 14, 1837, Albany, N. Y. Came to Utah with father. Married Anna W. Ross Young March 6, 1857, Provo, Utah (daughter of Adolphia Young, who died on the way to Utah, and Rhoda Jared, pioneer Sept. 25, 1852, John Tidwell com- pany). She was born July 13, 1840. Their children: Robert b. Dec. 4, 1857, m. Anna J. Peterson; Adolphia Young b. Jan. 25 1860 m. Emma Nilsson; Anna Lenora b. Dec. 18, 1862, m. John Cummlngs; Mary Maranda b. Sept. 23, 1864, d. April 22, 1881- Frances Marion b. Dec. 11, 1866, d. Sept. 2, 1879; Law- rence Brigham b. Jan. 10, 1869, m. Sarah K. Hlcken; Rhoda Matilda b. Aug. 31, 1872, m. John A. Smith; Alma b. Jan. 15, 1874, d. June 18, 1879; William Wade b. July 20, 1876, d. July 14, 1879; Martha Jane b. Sept. 27, 1878, m. James William Married Rachel Horrocks Nov. 11, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Ann Horrocks of Chesmore, Bolton, Lancashire, Eng., pioneers 1866). She was born Dec. 26, 1853. Their children: Mary Ann b. Dec. 10, 1875, m. Aldoras E Dayton; Adelia b. Jan. 10, 1877, m. Albert Richens; Robert Roger b. Oct. 7, 1878; Emily Jane b. March 11, 1881, m. John J. Sellers; Lyman b. April 13, 1885; Betsy b. Oct. 12, 1888, m. Nels Anderson; Katy Lenhart b. Nov. 25, 1890. Family home Heber City. Utah. Missionary to Pennsylvania 1882-84; high priest and pa- triarch- bishop of East ward, Heber City, 1884-1901; coun- selor to Pres. William Wall of Wasatch stake 1862. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1866. Settled at Heber City 1859 and helped to make first canals and wagon roads. DUKE, ROBERT (son of Robert Stone Duke and Anna W. Ross Young). Born Dec. 4, 1857, Provo, Utah. Married Anna Josephine Peterson Feb. 9, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Swen August Peterson and Bety Dahlman of Trollhattan Falls, Sweden, who came to Utah 1872 by rail). She was born Feb. 21, 1860. Their children: Adolphia R. b. Nov. 16, 1882, m. Christina V. Lindsay; Joseph Pratt b. May 28, 1884; Mable Regina b. June 21, 1886; Seymour B. and Sterling S. b. July 1, 1888; Mina Laprele b. March 27, 1893; Dessie b. Dec. 20, 1894; Jerald Boyd b. Jan 13, 1897. Family home Heber City, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. 1880; member 20th quorum seven- ties 1884-1901; missionary to Indiana and Ohio 1890-92; bishop of 1st ward Heber City 1901. Secretary and treas- urer Heber Mercantile company 1905-12; director of Heber City bank 1908-12. Member city council 1908-12; president town board 1902-04, and 1908-12; treasurer Wasatch county. Farmer. DUKE, GEORGE JONATHAN (son of Jonathan Oldham Duke and Sarah Thompson). Born May 25, 1858, Provo, Utah. Married Sarah Temperance Meacham Oct. 26, 1881. at Provo (daughter of Lewis Meacham, born Sept. 4, 1814, Grafton county, N. H., and died March 22, 1895, Provo, Utah, and Lydia Wells, born Aug. 6, 1817, Onondaga county, N. Y., and died Oct. 20, 1890, at Provo; they later resided at Mer- cer, Pa. pioneers Oct. 5, 1851). She was born May 3, 1863, Their children: Lydia b. Oct. 18, 1882, m. George M. Fuller; Sarah Emeline b. Nov. 18, 1883, m. Sidney T. Harding; George b. Feb. 25, 1885. m. Hilda Young; Albert b. Jan. 20, 1887, m. Fern Tanner; Lewis b. Dec. 18, 1888; Alice b. Sept. 27 1890, m. Claud Carter; Orlando b. Dec. 22, 1891, died; Lenore b. Aug. 10, 1893; Matilda b. Sept. 29, 1895, died; Leila b July 12, 1897; Florence b. Sept. 23, 1899; Thomas Alden b. March 16, 1901; Ralph b. Jan. 20, 1904, and Hilda b. Feb. 13, 1908, died. Family home Provo, Utah. Farmer and ranchman. DUNCAN, HOMER (son of John Duncan and Betsy Taylor Putnam of Barnet, Caledonia county, Vt. ). Born Jan. 19, 1815, at Barnet. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1848, Barney Adams company. Married Asenath M. Banker 1841 in New York state (daughter of Platt N. M. Banker). Their children: Julia Emily b. April 25, 1845, d. April 26, 1873; John Chapman b. Sept. 9. 1846, m. Teresa Ann Urie; William Platt b. April 2, 1848, d. March 10. 1860; Permelia Asenath b. May 20, 1850, m. Frank C. Foster; Lydia Maria b. Nov. 24, 1852, d. Oct. 25. 1854; Homer Putnam b. Aug. 13, 1855, d. Aug. zi, 188. Mary Putnam b. Oct. 14, 1858, m. Louis Fisher; m. James Under- wood; Lillies Isabel b. Aug. 30, 1862, d. Aug. 10, 1863; Emma Jane b. Oct. 20, 1864, m. William J. Strong; Don Delamore b. June 29, 1868, m. Anna H. Derrick. Married Sarah Trippess July 11, 1863, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Trippess and Susannah Barr of Foles- hlll, Eng.), who was born March 20, 1839, Coventry, Eng., and came to Utah 1862. Their children: Densmore Trippess b. Feb. 4, 1866, m. Nida Fuller; Sarah Ellen b. April 1, 1868, m. Robert Morris; May b. Sept. 17, 1871, d. March 9, 1901; Homer Horace b. May 26, 1873, m. Lottie Cheshire; Louis Chapman b. April 26, 1875, m. Zella Barton (deceased), m. Alice Foster; George b. July 8, 1877, d. same day; Israel Put- nam b. May 30, 1880; Martha Putnam b. Jan. 25, 1885, m. Rodney W. Bartlett. Family resided Salt Lake City, Cedar City and St. George, Utah. Missionary to Texas and England 1855-61; senior presi- dent 3d quorum seventies. Crossed the plains eleven times with oxteams. Called to help settle St. George 1863, later moved to Cedar City, returning- to Salt Lake City 1885, where he died March 23, 1906. DUNCAN, JOHN CHAPMAN (son of Homer Duncan and Asenath Malvina Banker). Born Sept. 9, 1846, Des Moines, Iowa. Came to Utah October, 1848, Barney Adams company Married Teresa Ann Heyborne May 27, 1872, at Cedar City. Utah (daughter of John Heyborne and Sarah Ann Melborn of Sydney, Australia, latter pioneer 1860, David H. Cannon com- pany). She was born Jan. 27, 1854. Their children: Asenath Melvina b. May, 1873, m. Charles Perry; Julia Emily m William Hitchcock; Sarah Jane, Naomi Bell, Jessie Agnes Emma Teresa, latter four died; George, m. Jennie Macdonald- John, d. infant; Bertha Roxana, m. Howard Pettle- Homer Chapman, d. infant. Family resided Cedar City and Ferron Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1875-76; member 91st quorum seventies; ward clerk and teacher. County commissioner- justice of peace. Farmer and stockraiser. DUNCAN. DENSMORE TRIPPESS (son of Homer Duncan and Sarah Trippess). Born Feb. 4, 1866, Cedar City Utah Married Nida Fuller June 22, 1893, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William and Elizabeth Fuller of that place pioneers 1862). Their children: Virginia b. Feb. 19. 1894- Marie b July 14, 1900; Lora Bernice b. May 28, 1903. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to eastern states. DUNCAN, JAMES (son of John and Lydia Duncan). Born May 1, 1794, in Robertson County, Tenn. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Rebecca Herring Feb. 20, 1823, who was born March 25, 1807, and died June 11, 1830. Their children- James M. b. Sept. 12, 1826, died; MalinMa b. June 14 1827 d July 17, 1844; Susan b. June 17, 1829, m. Joseph Henrle Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Huldah Jones, March 7, 1833 (daughter of Chap- win and Ellen Jones), who was born May 4, 1813, In Wilson county, Tenn., came to Utah with husband and died Feb 22 1887. Their children: William Riley b. May 16, 1834 d'ied : Matilda Ann b. April 25, 1836, m. Charles Henry Sto'ddard- Rebecca Jane b. June 14, 1842, m. John Poorman- John b' April 24, 1845, (d. Feb. 1, 1878), m. Martha Lewis. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Presented the prophet Joseph Smith with a horse which the prophet named Joe Duncan, after himself and the donor Farmer. Died May 4, 1874. DUNCAN, CHAPMAN (son of John Duncan and Betsy T. Putnam of Barnet, Caledonia county, Vt.). Born July 1, 1812, Bath N. H. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1848, Barney Adams company. Married Rebecca Rose. Only child: Ellen J., m. Charles Franklin Randall. Married Locky Jones. One child: Emily D. Married Rosanna Taylor Aug. 23, 1863. Their children: Taylor D. ; Becky D. Died Dec. 22, 1900, Loa, Utah. DUNCAN, JAMES (son of James Duncan and Mary McLaugh- lin of Lanarkshire, Scotland). Born Feb. 5, 1828, Greenend Lanarkshire. Came to Utah September, 1852, John Higby company. Married Jennett Snedden 1850 (daughter of David Snedden and Christenia Lyle, pioneers 1852, John Higby company She was born April 21, 1830, and came to Utah with husband' Their children: Mary J. b. April 15, 1854, m. James M Stew- art Dec. 22, 1873; James b. Feb. 26, 1857, m Annie J Beck- strand; David b. Feb. 4, 1859, m. Mary J. Stott; John'b Jan 7, 1861, m. Annie Prisby; Christena b. March 24 1863 m' Hugh Larson; Elizabeth E. b. Feb. 8, 1866 m James' M' Stewart; Adam b. Feb. 3, 1868, d. infant; Richard b Feb 8 1869, m. Anna M. Martin; George, d. infant. Family home Meadow, Utah. Early settler at Meadow. Bishop's counselor 18 years Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died Jan. 4. DUNCAN, -WILLIAM (son of Henry and Jane Duncan of Scotland). Came to Utah Sept. 13. 1861. Joseph Home com- pany. Married Mary Brown (daughter of Adam and Catherine Brown of Tranent, Haddtngton, Scotland). Their children: PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 851 Adam, m. Isabella Robbs; Peter, m. Annie McNeal; Henry, d. aged 4; Henry, d. aged 2; Catherine b. Dec. 28, 1846, m. John Thomas Moon; James, died. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. High priest. Died March 1874. DUNCOMBE, JOSEPH (son of Henry Duncombe and Martha Etano of Dorliston, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born March 15, 1806, at Dorliston. Came to Utah November 1865, Thomas Taylor company. Married Elizabeth Glover February 1833, Dorliston, Staf- fordshire (daughter of John Glover and Ann James, of that place). She was born Dec. 2, 1815. Their children: Caro- line, m. Edward Kendrick; Martha d. aged 17; Henry m. Nancy Turner; Joseph, Thomas and Hannah, died; Ann, m. John Halmberg; Thomas Elijah, died: Nrhemlah David, m. Fannie Haines; Eliza, m. Edwin F. Fletcher; Return, d. In- fant; Sarah, m. Melvin D. Cook; Franklin, m. Dora Hanson; Albert Joseph O., m. Mary Mackay. Family home Granger, Utah. Seventy; president Willenhall branch In England. Far- mer; miner. Died 1895. DITNFORD, ISAAC (son of John Dunford of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England). Born June 24, 1823, Trowbridge, Eng- land. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1856, John Banks company. Married Leah Bailey 1843 at Trowbridge, England (daughter of Jacob Bailey of Trowbridge, England). She was born September, 1825. Their children: Mary, died; Wil- liam, m. Melvinia C. B. Whitney; Savinia, died; Alma B., m. Susa Young; Seaborne, died; Moroni, m. Sarah Bridwell; Albert, m. Mary Nelson; Eliza, died; Parley, m. Mary Jacob- son; Oliver, m. Ida Osmond; James, m. Eliza Jacobson; Leah, m. David A. Brogue. Family home, Bloomington, Idaho. Seventy; president of branch of church at St. Louis. Merchant. Died Oct. 4, 1877, Salt Lake City. DUNFORD, ALMA B. (son of Isaac Dunford and Leah Bailey). Born Aug. 19, 1850, Trowbridge, England; came to Utah Oct. 4, 1856, John Banks company. Married Susa Young Feb. 23, 1873, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Brigham Young and Lucy Bigelow of Salt Lake City pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Feb., 1855. Their children: Leah E. b. Feb. 27, 1873, m. John A. Widtsoe; Alma B. b. Aug. 18, 1875. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Lovenia T. Clayton Feb. 27, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Clayton and Margarette Moon of England pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). Their children: Isaac Clayton b. April 16, 1883; Carlos LeRoy b. May 19, 1884; Margarette, b. Aug. 10, 1886; Alice Amelia b. July 31, 1888; Rachel Grant b. Dec. 16. 1890; Ruth Olive b. Oct. 6, 1892; William Chauncey b. Sept. 10, 1895; Mary Lovenia b. Dec. 16, 1897. Missionary to England 1877-78; member 52nd quorum seventies. Dentist. DtTNBT, SIMEON ADAMS (son of Simeon Dunn and Sally Bath of Williamstown, Ontario county, now Groveland, Liv- ingston county, N. Y.). Born Aug. 7, 1803, at Williamstown. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Adeline Rawson July 3, 1828 (daughter of Ama- rlah Rawson and Betsy Carpenter), who was born Nov. 27, 1811. Their children: Adeline b. June 11, 1830, m. Alpheus Haws 1845; Francis b. Dec. 5, 1831. d. 1834; Mary b. Nov. 2, 1833, m. Martin Luther Ensign; Maria b. March 3, 1836; Mo- slah D. and Amariah b. Feb. 19, 1837; Betsy b. May 22, 1840, ra. Alpheus P. Haws. Family home Nauvoo, 111. Married Margaret Snyder June 19, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Jacob Snyder and Hannah Anderson), who was born March 12, 1812. Their children: Susanna b. May 6, 1843, m. Allen Hunsaker April 24, 1859; Simeon b. Feb. 9, 1846. Married Jane Caldwell. Their child: Joseph Moroni b. Feb. 12, 1847, m. Susanna E. White Dec. 27, 1866. Married Harriet Atwood Silver Jan. 3, 1847, Winter Quar- ters, Iowa (daughter of Arad Silver and Sophia Nichols), who was born July 22, 1818. Their children: Sarah Sophia b. July 8, 1849, m. John Dunn Jan. 12, 1867; Simeon Adams b. Jan. 13, 1851, m. Eunice E. Harmon Nov. 6, 1876; Eveline S. b. Sept. 12, 1853, m. Allen Hunsaker Oct. 5, 1868; Emeline S. b. Sept. 12, 1853, m. Frances R. Cantwell; Charles Oscar b. Oct. 13, 1855, m. Letitia Smith, m. Martha Jane Welch; Harriet S. and Henry S. b. Dec. 31, 1857. Family home Brig- ham City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Wickham 1865, Salt Lake City, who was born Feb. 14, 1836, London, Eng. Their children: Eph- riam W. b. April 15, 1866, m. Marian Whitney June 12, 1889; Lorenzo W. b. March 11, 1868. President 15th quorum seventies 1845; missionary to Can- ada 1841; to New York 1844; Society Islands 1848-51; to Eastern states 1872. Settled at Brigham City, Utah, 1853. DUNN, JOSEPH MORONI (son of Simeon Adams Dunn and Jane Caldwell). Born Feb. 12, 1847, Winter Quarters. Iowa. Married Susanna Elizabeth White Dec. 27, 1866, Tooele, Utah (daughter of Jonathan White and Elizabeth Dodd, pio- neers 1849, E. T. Benson company). She was born Feb. 4, 1848, Tealby, Eng. Their children: Joseph Owen b. Dec. 16, 1867, m. Mary Ann Craner Sept. 24, 1890; Elizabeth b. Dec. 13, 1869; Martha Jane b. Feb. 9, 1872, m. Frank Bramet May 10, 1894; Ann Eliza b. Jan. 7, 1875, m. Edgar Victor Ander- son Dec. 8, 1897; Mary Adeline b. June 24, 1877. m. Herbert H. Vowles Jan. 6. 1898; Eveline b. Dec. 26, 1879; Erne Su- sanna b. Dec. 6, 1880, m. John Alfred Lindberg Oct. 9 1901- 'Vino ?i b- F ,*r b - 25> 1884 - m - George F. Richards Jr. Dec. 18, 1902; Llewellyn Crandall b. Feb. 6, 1888, m. Terresa V. Jensen June 9, 1909. Family resided Bountiful. Brigham City and Tooele, Utah. President elders' quorum 1884; member 43d quorum sev- enties; high priest. Served two terms in city council. Died Aug. o, 1913. DUNN CHARLES OSCAR (son of Simeon Adams Dunn and ,J rlet . Silver). Born Oct. 13. 1855, Brigham City. Utah. Married Letitia Smith Oct. 18, 1876, at Brigham City (daughter of Samuel and Janet Maria Smith, who was born May 8, 1860, at Brigham City. Their children: Lev! b. June 3, 1883, m. Mary Ann Miller Jan. 8. 1902; Oscar Smith b. Oct. 17, 1886, m. Media E. Nuttall Sept. 19, 1906; Harriet L b June 9, 1890, m. Victor J. Allen Dec. 18. 1913; Samuel A. b! March 12, 1898; Leslie S. b. April 16. 1900. Family resided Brigham City, Millville and College, Utah. Married Martha Jane Welch Oct. 24, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Welch and Eliza Billlngton), who wa born Feb. 24, 1859, Centerville, Utah. Thoir children: Charles Welch b. April 16, 1885, m. Lula M. Schenk Sept. 19 1906- Eliza Jane- b. Dec. 10, 1886, m. John A. Israelson Dec 23 1908; John William b. March 18, 1889; Eveline Silver b. Oct 9, 1893; Simeon A. b. March 2, 1896; Lester W. b. Aug. 18, 1898. Superintendent M. I. A. and assistant superintendent Sun- day school Brigham City. Utah; labored in St. George temple 82; bishop College ward 1891-1912. Moved to Cache county 1882. and labored in Logan temple 1884-85. DUIYST, WILLIAM G. (son of James Dunn and Jane Milner, of Staffordshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 16, 1812, in Staffordshire. Came to Utah June 6, 1861, freight company. Married Elizabeth Howells Oct. 2, 1837, In Lancashire Eng. (daughter of John and Elizabeth Howells of Manches- ter). She was born June 17. 1817. Their children: Elizabeth b. Jan., 1840, m. Peter Stubbs; James b. June 2. 1841, m. Hannah Fielding; Selina; Asenith; Hannah b. July, 1848, m Alfred Dunkley; Elisha. Family resided Salt Lake City and American Fork, Utah. Married Sarah Bradshaw. Their children: William B.; John S.; Joseph W. Member 36th quorum seventies; member tabernacle choir 1851-55; member Nauvoo brass band 1851. Farmer. Died Dec. 25, 1894. Provo, Utah. DUNN, JAMES (son of William G. Dunn and Elizabeth How- ells). Born June 2, 1841, at Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah September 1853, A. O. Smoot company. Married Hannah Fielding Jan. 10, 1861, Provo, Utah (daughter of James Fielding and Ann Henshaw, of Lanca- shire, Eng.. pioneers 1855). She was born Aug. 9, 1843, and died March 12, 1888. Their children: James F. b. Oct 1 1861, m. Harriett Ann Snow; William F. b. July 2, 1863, :n. Harriet Wilkins; Joshua F. b. July 30, 1866, m. Fanny El- liott; John Peter b. Dec. 14, 1867, d. child; Henry F. b. March 3, 1869, m. Zina Cluff; Elizabeth Ann b. Aug. 24, 1871, m. Charles F. Decker; Hannah A. b. Nov. 11, 1873, d. child; Alice Eva b. Dec. 3, 1875, m. Robert Cunningham; Mary Ellen b. May 17, 1878, m. Arthur Craven; Emma May b. May 20. 1880, m. George A. Startup. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Mattie Fitzgerald at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Fern, m. Mr. Furner; Vera Earl; LeRoy. Family home Robinson. Utah. High priest; member high council. Provo city councilman, alderman and commissioner. Lieutenant in Utah militia. Manager West Co-operative Association, also Provo woolen mills 10 years, and Mammoth Mining Company's mills 12 years. DUNN, JAMES FIELDING (son of James Dunn and Hannah Fielding). Born Oct. 1, 1861. American Fork, Utah. Married Harriett Ann Snow Feb. 1, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of John C. Snow, born in Lima, 111., and Harriett Baker, born in Herefordshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 9. 1862). She was born Nov. 6, 1861. Their children: Hannah H. b. Jan. 2, 1884, m. Nephi C. Hicks; Maud H. b. Feb. 9, 1886, m. Joseph A. Passey; Spencer S. b. Nov. 14, 1887. died; Erma A. b. Dec. 28, 1891, m. C. R. Stark; Marcus J. b. Oct. 20. 1893; Lora b. Aug. 23, 1896; Leon b. Oct. 15, 1898. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 34th quorum seventies. Provo city councilman 1885-86. Commercial traveler; merchant. DURFEE, JABEZ (son of Edmund Durfce and Lainey Pickle of Nauvoo, 111.). Born May 10, 1828. New York. Came to Utah 1850, oxteam company. Married Celestia Curtis Dec. 25. 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of Enos Curtis and Ruth Franklin of Pennsylva- nia pioneers 1850, oxteam company). She was born April 21, 1832. Their children: Marlah Elizabeth, m. Numan Van Luven; Jabez Erastus m. Sarah E. Kendall; Ellel, died; El- mira Deseret, died; Edmund Franklin, m. Nancy E. Martin; Celestia Chloe, m. Franklin D. Spencer; John Devaldi, m. Zabrina E. Draper; LeGrande, m. Mary Jane Crowther; VI- late, m. C. M. Ivie. Family home Springville and Aurora, Utah. First bishop of Aurora ward. Early settler to Aurora. Carpenter; farmer and fruitgrower. Died Dec. 27, 1884. 8.52 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH DTJRFEE, THOMAS. Came to Utah 1861, oxteam company. Married Charlotte Sanford. Their children: Henry, d. aged 18; Ellen, m. Abraham Penrod; Olive, m. George Pickup; Ida, m. Jep Dlnsdale; Rolla, m. John Dlnsdale; Fannie, m. John Faulkner, m. Elisha Wilbur. Family resided Ogden and Provo. Utah. Elder. Carpenter and sawyer. Died February 1897, at Ogden. DURRANT, JOHN (son of William Durrant and Mary Stewart of Bovington^ Herefordshire, Eng.). Born April 8, 1837, Bovington, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1861, E. R. Wright freight train. Married Jemima Berry Henson (Turner) Dec. 24, 1862, Endowment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Henson and Hetty Lancaster of Deans Hanger, Eng., came to Utah about 1872). She was born Aug. 2, 1835. Married Elizabeth Jane Ginger Aug. 9, 1870, Endowment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Ginger and Jane Childs of Herefordshire, Eng., latter came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Captain McMaster company, part of way on railroad). She was born Sept. 17, 1854. Their children: William A. b. Oct. 30, 1871, m. Eliza Conder; John Edward b. Dec. 23, 1873, m. Minnie Elizabeth Baxter; Lorenzo James b Oct. 4, 1876, m. Agnes Priscilla Lewis; Mary Stewart b. Jan. 25. 1879 (d. Dec. 31, 1903), m. Albert Sagers Mott; Katie Jane Childs b. July 17, 1881, d. Aug. 11, 1890; Joseph Smith b. March 2, 1884, m. Lenora Holding; Lucy Hetty b. Sept. 22, 1885, m. John W. Wright; Jemima Berry Henson b. April 19, 1888, m. George E. May; Rosa Emmellne b. Nov. 19, 1893; Hyrum Sterling b. Feb. 11, 1895, d. Infant. Family home American Fork, Utah. Member 67th quorum seventies; high priest. Janitor many years; watermaster 1878 to 1908; gardener, vine dresser, farmer; conducted a molasses factory In American Fork from 1863 to 1900. Jemima Berry Hensen was the widow of William Turner. Only child: a son, died infant. DtTRRANT, THOMAS HOAR (son of William Durrant, born July 1814, and Phoebe Hoar, born May 23, 1816, both of Deanshanger, Northamptonshire, Eng.). He was born March 27, 1849, at Deanshanger. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Loveland company. Married Agnes Nlsh Dec. 28, 1874 (daughter of Robert Nish and Agnes Wilson married Jan. 14, 1855, on Atlantic ocean, pioneers 1855, Richard Ballantyne company). She was born Feb 10 1857. Their children: Agnes Elvira b. Sept. 23, 1875, m. L. M. Mendenhall Dec. 15, 1897; Thomas William b. Dec. 20, 1876, m. Elizabeth M. Biggs Dec. 15, 1897; Phoebe Sarah b Sept 18. 1878, m. J. B. Robinson Sept. 15, 1898; James LeRoy b. Augr. 26, 1880. m. Lizzie Baker Dec. 17, 1902; Alonzo Robert b Aug. 11, 1882, m. Elnora Morrison Dec. 21. 1906; Ida Maud b. July 14, 1885, m. Jerome B. Porter Dec. 24, 1903- Annie Eveline b. Nov. 11, 1886, m. Reuben Lowe Dec. 19 1906; Ethel May b. Nov. 13, 1889, m. Hugh Sloan Nov. 9, 1S10- Fredrlc Elmo b. May 6, 1892, m. Myrtle Whitehead Nov. 1. 1911; Jennie Ray b. Oct. 9, 1894; Isaac Alma b. May 22, 1889. President T. M. M. I. A.; 2d counselor to bishop L. L. Hatch at Franklin; high priest; secretary of Sunday school Oneida stake 1884-97. Settled in Morgan City; assisted in building- Union Pacific and Utah Northern Ry. Agent and telegraph operator in Corinne, Utah, and two years in Franklin, Idaho. Member sixth session Idaho state legis- lature; member village board of trustees; village clerk; justice of peace; notary public and village magistrate in Franklin. Engrossing clerk for seventh session of Idaho state legislature. DUSENBERRY, MAHLON. Born March 1, 1808, Frenchtown, N. J. Came to Utah July 18, 1860, Capt. Williams independ- ent company. Married Aurilla Coray May 21, 1831, at Easton, Pa. (daugh- ter of Silas Coray, who died in Illinois, and Mary Stephens, both originally of Danville, N. Y., the latter a pioneer 1852). Their children: John b. Aug. 2, 1832, m. Montague; Mary Ann b Feb. 2, 1835, m. James P. Long, m. David Watson, m. Ellel Ogden; Warren N. b. Nov. 1, 1836, m. Adelaide Elizabeth Webb- Silas b. Dec. 11, 1838, d. child; Wilson Howard b. April 7, 1841, m. Harriet Virginia Coray, m. Margaret Thomp- son Smoot; Martha Jane b. April 15, 1843, b. Charles Dean Glazier; William b. June 12. 1845, d. Infant; George b. July 7 1848 and Albert b. Dec. 20, 1850, both died in childhood. 'Settled In California. Carpenter and cabinet-maker. Died Aug. 22, 1899, Sacramento, Cal. DUSENBERRT. WILSON HOWARD (son of Mahlon Dusen- berry and Aurilla Coray). Born April 7, 1841, Perry, Pike county, 111. Came to Utah July 18, 1860, independent com- pany. Married Harriet Virginia Coray Dec. 4, 1864. Provo, Utah (daughter of Howard Coray and Martha Jane Knowlton, of Danville N. Y., pioneers 1852). She was born Aug. 13, 1848, and died June 25, 1872. Their children: Charles Wilson b. June 2 1866- May b. Nov. 25, 1867, d. Sept. 16. 1869; Blanche b. April 20, 1870. m. Edwin L. Parker; Harriet Virginia, d. infant. Married Margaret Thompson Smoot Nov. 25, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Owen Smoot and Emily Hill, of Provo, Utah, pioneers September, 1847, Daniel Spen- cer company). She was born Aug. 27, 1854, Sugar House ward. Salt Lake county, Utah. Their children: Abraham Owen b. Dec. 5, 1875, m. Gertrude Louder; Lorena b April 3 1878; Ada b. April 6, 1881, m. Joseph F. Nibley; Cora b. Sept 13, 1883; Eva b. Jan. 23, 1887, d. April 2, 1890; Edith b May 16, 1891. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; member high council 1878. School teacher in Utah county 1863-76; county superintendent schools 1874- 80; with his brother organized Timpanogos branch of Uni- versity of Deseret 1870; secretary and treasurer of Brigham Young University since its organization in 1875. Member Provo city council 1872-88; mayor of Provo; county clerk 1875-83; member state legislature 1880, 1882 and 1884; chair- man of house committee on education. Cashier First Na- tional Bank of Provo 1882-91; cashier Utah County Savings Bank 1891-1901; assistant postmaster of Provo 1901-13. DYE, RICHARD (son of Thomas Dye and Sarah Gower, of Hertford, Hertfordshire. Eng.). Born Jan. 2, 1832, at Hert- ford. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1858. Iver N. Iverson company Married Mary Peek Nov. 23, 1859, South Weber, Utah (daughter of Thomas Peek and Mary Maiden, of Soham, Cambridgeshire, Eng.; latter pioneer Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born Aug. 21, 1841. Their chil- dren: Mary Adelaide b. Oct. 15. 1860. d. June 4, 1869; Richard Thomas b. Feb. 4, 1863. m. Elizabeth Jones; William Maiden b. March 26, 1865, m. Julia A. Child; James Henry b. March 30, 1867, m. Nellie A. Child; Elizabeth b. Aug. 14, 1869. d. March 2, 1879; James b. Jan. 16. 1872. m. Mamie Pike; Walter Ernest b. July 16, 1874, m. Nellie Crofts; Samuel G. b. Oct. 10, 1876, m. Lydia Hobson; Sarah Gower b. Dec. 24, 1879, m. Walter Jarrell. Family home Riverdale. Utah. Justice of peace 1872-1902; public school trustee 1876-1906- Sunday school superintendent 1876-1901; ward clerk 1880- 1908; president 76th quorum seventies 1884-91. DYE, SAMUEL G. (son of Richard Dye and Mary Peek). Born Oct. 10. 1876, Riverdale, Utah. Married Lydia Hobson Oct. 22, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jesse D. Hobson and Joannah Lewis of Utah and Arizona). She was born Jan. 16, 1882. Their children- Elden Hobson b. July 29, 1903; Melvin Lewis b. Feb. 18, 1906; Samuel Wayne b. June 22, 1910. Family home Ogden, Utah. Clerk of board of education 1905-09; clerk Weber county 1909-14. First counselor to bishop of Riverdale ward; member high council Weber and Ogden stakes. DYET, WILLIAM (son of Joean Campbell). Born 1836, Kelvin Grover, Scotland. Married Martha Barnes Dec. 24, 1858, Polnan Parish, Sterlingshlre, Scotland (daughter of Mark Barnes and Ann Armstrong of England, came to Utah July, 1881, with Ross Kelly). She was born Dec. 29, 1838. Their children: William B. b. March 7, 1860, m. Isabella Simpson; Joseph B. b. April 6, 1865, m. Katie Smith; Alexander b. April 6. 1865; Martha B., m. David Miller; James B. b. Aug. 29, 1867, m. Clara Lilya; John B. b. Dec. 29, 1869; Annie B. b. Jan. 22, 1871, m. Dougals McWilliams; Sarah B. b. July 3, 1874. m. Albert Butcher; Elizabeth b. Jan. 1. 1882. Family resided Salt Lake City, Utah, and Rock Springs, Wyoming. Ordained high priest June 2, 1907. DYET, WILLIAM B. (son of William Dyet and Martha Barnes). Born March 7, 1860, Bo'ness, Scotland. Married Isabella Simpson Jan. 11, 1892, Rock Springs, Wyo. (daughter of William Simpson and Frances Bell of England, came to Utah May, 1880). She was born Jan. 19, 1869. Only child: Mark W. b. March 31, 1900. Family re- sided Salt Lake City, Utah, and Rock Springs, Wyo. DYKES, GEORGE P. Married Dorcas Keeling, who came to Utah 1852, Ezra T. Benson company. Their children: Lee, m. Lillie Cook; Rhoda Ann, m. George Martin Burgess. Missionary ten years in England, Holland. France, Sweden and Denmark. Captain In Mormon Battalion. Died in Ari- zona. DITZETT, EDWARD P. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Klmball company. Married Mary Adaline Ewing at Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Ewing and Elizabeth Schaffer of Little Britain, Lancastershire county, Pa., pioneers 1847). Their children: Alveretta, m. Joseph Pettey; Minerva; Marjorie, m. Nathan Terry; Ursolla, m. Joseph A. Smith; Edward Hanmer, m. Rosa Hannah Slaughter; Rachel Vilate, died; Huldah, d. child. Family home Rockville, Utah. The children of the second wife were: Clarissa, m. Johnson; Eliza, died; Jane, m. Frank Farnsworth; Emma. Drummer In Nauvoo Legion. Teacher. Died November, 1874, Rockville, Utah. DUZETT, EDWARD HANMER (son of Edward P. Duzett and Mary Adaline Ewing). Born Jan. 1, 1861, at Salt Lake City. Married Rosa Hannah Slaughter Feb. 1, 1882, at Rockville. Utah, George Washington Terry officiating, daughter of Charles Merrlwether Slaughter and Fanny Piety of Missouri pioneers 1847, Mormon Battalion). She was born Sept. 11, 1863, Grafton, Washington county. Utah. Their children: Edward Hanmer b. May 5, 1883, d. infant; Rosa Blanche b. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 853 Nov. 10. 1884, m. Lewis W. Peterson: Virtue b. July 6. 1888, m Arthur M. Anderson; Mable b. Oct. 23, 1891; Melvin b. June 10. 1894, d .infant; Melburn b. July 20, 1896; Robert b. March 17, 1899. Family home Emery, Utah. Settled at Rockvllle when five years of age, where he as- sisted in making- ditches, wagon roads, bridges, and in developing the country; moved to Hlnckley 1890 and to Emery 1891. Farmer and stockraiser; merchant. E KAKl.i:, HENRY KENNEDY (son of John B. Eakle and Miss Kennedy, of Newhope, Va.). Born Nov. 28, 1828, in Virginia. Married Mary Jane Johnson, In Virginia (daughter of Francis Johnson and Mary Jane Hall). Their children: Sarah Catherine, m. William B. Folsom; Betty Kerr, m. Eugene Peel; Millard F., m. Minnie Wllchen; Edgar F., m. Emma Cox; Mary Abi, m. Thomas Tidwell; Henry Francis, m. Ida Gochenhour; Julia Everiot: John Brigham, died; Anna Asenath. Family lived in Virginia. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser. Faucett; Mary Ellen, m. Thomas Riding; John, m. Lottie Law; Emaline Phoebe; Florence, m. Joseph Hawk; Hen- rietta Drucllla. Family resided Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah. High priest. Pioneer to St. George. Potter. Died March 1909. EAMES, DAVID (son of Nathaniel and Cathrlne Eames of Wales). Born Nov. 16* 1826, in North Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, Jonathan Foote company. Married Esther Cullen in 1860. St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of James Cullen of England). She was born Oct. 15, 1830. Their children: David G., m. Elizabeth Greaves; Joseph C., m. Rebecca Williams; Cathrine, m. Joseph O. Greaves; Na- thaniel; Arthur, m. Lydia Kidd; Rowland; Brigham; James; Ezra, m. Tressie Pink; Henry. Family resided Salt Lake City and Logan, Utah. Seventy. Took part in Echo Canyon war. Carpenter and wheelwright. Died Nov. 17, 1885, at Logan. EAMES, DAVID C. (son of David Eames and Esther Cullen). Born Sept. 1, 1851, at Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth C. Greaves Dec. 29, 1877, at Logan (daughter of Joseph Greaves and Sarah Priscilla Chesley of Logan). She was born Oct. 21. 1856, Provo, Utah. Their children: David G. b. Sept. 29, 1879; Sarah G. b. Nov. 1, 1881; Elizabeth G. b. June 6, 1884; Rebecca May b. Dec. 28, 1886; Aerial G. b. July 18, 1889; Nathaniel H. b. Aug. 3, 1892; Jo- seph Leland b. June 23, 1895; Rowland b. May 14, 1899, d. May 16, 1899; Ilah b. June 18, 1902. Family resided Logan, Utah, and Preston, Idaho. High priest; home missionary Oneida stake 1900-01; counselor Preston ward bishopric nine years; member Oneida stake high council eight years. President and director of Cub River and Wormcreek Canal Co. 25 years. Farmer and stockraiser. EAMES. DAVID G. (son of David C. Eames and Elizabeth C Greaves). Born Sept. 29, 1879. Logan, Utah. Married Pearl L. Geddes Jan. 25, 1905, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Joseph S. Geddes and Dora Neeley of Plain City, Utah, and Preston, Idaho). She was born Feb. 22, 1882. Their children: David Ivo b. April 25, 1906; Melba Geddes b. May 14, 1909; Waldo Geddes b. April 11, 1911. Family home Preston, Idaho. High priest; missionary to Northwestern states 1902-04; president of Mutuals at Preston; superintendent 3d ward Sunday school at Preston four years; first counselor to Bishop Carver of 3d ward, Preston, 18 months; stake Mutual superintendent. Vice-president and director of Riverdale Fruit and Farming Co. Farmer and stockraiser. EARDLEY, JAMES (son of Edward Eardley and Elizabeth Grocket of Swadlincote, Derbyshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 25, 1830, at Swadlincote. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1854, James Brown company. Married Zurviah G. Fuller March 15, 1852, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of Walter Fuller, of Ludlow, Mass., and Eunice Gleason of Rowe, Mass., the former came to Utah 1856, the latter 1854, James Brown company). She was born Sept. 13 1834. Their children: Edward A. d. infant; James W., m' Catherine A. Woolley; Eunice E., m. Barton Snarr; Ade- line Z., d. Infant; Bedson M., d. infant; Mary E., m. Thomas J. Curtis; Reuben H., m. Charlotte Solomon; Annie Z., m. William A. Sperry; Delia A., m. Mark W. Calder; Louisa E., m. Edward P. Midgley. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Martha A. Preece 1871 (daughter of John Preece and Mary Ann Steel). Their children: John A., m. Eliza- beth E. Brown; Albert W., d. Infant; Martha M., m. Heber Donaldson; Ernest L. ; George A. Missionary to England 1884-86; superintendent Sunday school 3d ward, 33 years; high priest; patriarch. Captain of company In Echo Canyon war. Potter and merchant. EARL, BISHOP COLLIER (son of Charles Earl and Nancy Vinna Allen of Monroeville, Ohio). Born March 15, 1843, at Monroeville. Came to Utah July 4,1861. by overland stage. Married Sarah Ann Goates Dec. 28, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Goates and Susan Larkln of Lehl, Utah). She was born Oct. 20, 1846, and came to Utah late In 1852. Their children: Charles William b. Oct. 23. 1869, m. Jennie Fowler; Susan b. Jan. 8, 1872, died; Ellda Vierna b. Nov. 15, 1874, died; Rebecca b. July 4, 1877, died; Olive b. May 15, 1879, m. Clarence Lott; John Hinckley b. May 12. 1881, died; Clara b. Nov. 6, 1883; Alma b. July 26, 1885, m. Eliza- beth Candor; Jesse Allen b. Oct. 3, 1887. m. Lyle Boyle; Sarah A. b. Oct. 4, 1891, m. Junius McEwan. Family home Lehi, Utah. Helped bring last immigrants that came overland from Ft. Benton, Wyo. EARL, CHARLES WILLIAM (son of Bishop Collier Earl and Sarah Goates). Born Oct. 23, 1869. Lehi, Utah. Married Jennie Fowler Dec. 7, 1898, Lehl, Utah (daughter of Henry Charles Fowler and Sarah Lee). She was born Sept. 29, 1877. Their children: Mildred Jennie b. Oct. 2J, 1900; Lowell Allan b. Feb. 19, 1902; Harold Lee b. Dec. 8, 1903; Charles Franklin b. March 8, 1906. Miner, contractor and electrician. EARL, JONATHAN (son of George Earl and Sarah Earl of London, Eng.). Born July 29, 1816, Framllngham, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 7, 1852. Married Jane Wright March 22, 1847, in England (daugh- ter of William Wright and Maria Downing of England). She was born Jan. 6, 1822. Their children: John, died; Jo- seph, m. Nettie Paul; George, m. Mary Harrison; Josephine, m. Benjamin Bright; Edwin, m. Lily Edmons; Alford, m. Agnus Harvy, Jesse died; Harry, m. Rachel Badley; Har- riet, m. John W. Lunn; Frank, m. Sarah Olson. Family home Salt Lake City. Farmer. Died Sept. 11, 1873. EARL, MICHAEL (son of Launcelot Earl and Sarah Jack- son). Born Jan. 3, 1835, Kendal, Westmoreland, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur "Dixie" oxteam company. Married Elizabeth Woolnough June 20, 1859, Islington, Middlesex, Eng. (daughter of Mark Woolnough and Rachel Skinner of London). She was born Sept. 7, 1832, in London, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Elizabeth, m. John F. Lee; L. M.; M. W. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 13th quorum seventies; performed many ordi- nances in the temple, and was ardent religious worker. Followed business of merchant tailor at 130 Main street (near what was called Teasdale alley) for many years. When he built his permanent residence, 436 G street, now a choice residence district, he was ridiculed, as It was far out of town, and inaccessible to water. Was an omnlverous reader and accumulated a large library of choice literature. Was grandfather to nineteen and great-grandfather to five children, when he died Jan. 27, 1896, Salt Lake City. EARDLEY, JOHN (son of Edward Eardley and Elizabeth Grocket of Derbyshire, Eng.). Came to Utah in pioneer Married Ann Croffs of Derbyshire. Their children: Eliza- beth, died; Clara Elizabeth, m. James H. Mason; Agnes Ann, m. Joseph S. Smith; Hyrura Edward; Louisa Eliza, m. George EARL, SYLVESTER HENRY. Born Aug. 16, 1815, Scioto county, Ohio. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Was twice married, and the father of thirteen children, among whom was Joseph Ira born Sept. 6, 1852, who mar- ried Elethra Calista Bunker on March 15, 1880, and after- ward Agnes Viola Bunker. Performed several missions In the United States before coming to Utah; first counselor to Bishop A. H. Raleigh of 19th ward, Salt Lake City; missionary to England 1852-66. Died July 23, 1873, St. George, Utah. EARL, JOSEPH IRA (son of Sylvester Henry Earl). Born Sept. 6, 1852, Salt Lake City. Married Elethra Calista Bunker March 15, 1880 (daughter of Edward and Emily Bunker), who died in 1901. Married Agnes Viola Bunker Dec. 11, 1885 (daughter of Edward and Mary Bunker). Set apart as bishop of Bunkervllle ward, St. George stake January 1908. EARL, IRA JOSEPH (son of Joseph Ira Earl). Was born Dec. 16, 1884, and was an elder. EASTMOND, ELBERT (son of John Eastmond and Margaret Lawrence). Came to Utah In 1858. Married Elizabeth Brown (daughter of Joseph Brown and Ann Curtis, of Manasquam, New Jersey). Their children: Jefferson, m. Esther Hindley; Mary; Annie, m. John L. Snow; Joseph. Family resided Salt Lake City and American "was sometimes kindly termed the father of free public schools In Utah. Carpenter and builder. 854 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH EASTMOND, JEFFERSON (son of Elbert Eastmond and Elizabeth Brown). Born at Great Kills, Staten Island, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1858. Married Esther Jane Hindley Sept. 6, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jno. Hindley and Jane Charters Robinson, of American Fork, Utah). Their children: Elbert H. b. June 1, 1876; Jno. H. b. June 22, 1877, died; Jane May, m. Jas. Johnson; Elizabeth Ruby; Frank; Jefferson b. Sept. 16, 1880, died. Family home American Fork, Utah. Elder. Carpenter, builder and architect. Died July 1, 1899. EASTMOND, ELBERT HINDLEY (son of Jefferson East- mond and Esther Jane Hindley). Born June 1, 1876. Elder; member seventies; special missionary to New York city, 1900-1902. Instructor of manual training and art and design in Brigham Young University. EATON, JOHN SEGERS (son of Joseph Eaton and Merniva Segers). Born April 2, 1842, Montrose, Lee Co., Iowa. Came to Utah 1849. Married Emily Ann Robbins March 30, 1861 (daughter of Thomas F. Robbins and Ann Johnson), who was born Aug. 20, 1845. Their children: Lillian b. Dec. 25, 1862, d. Feb. 1, 1863; Leonora L. b. May 31, 1864, m. A. T. Doxey June 23, 1880; John Riley b. Sept. 5, 1866, m. Minnie Nicol; Annette M. b. Oct. 3, 1868, m. Lewis Ivie; Emily Ann b. Feb. 21. 1871. (d. Dec. 25, 1896), m. Frank Cherry; Bernice b. Feb. 18, 1873, m. Thomas Harris; Nora C. b. April 19, 1875, m. W. Slade; Daniel W. b. Dec. 6, 1877; Pheba A. b. Jan. 27, 1880, d. July 22, 1880; Chlorlla Usler b. June 19, 1881; Wallas R. b. April 8, 1884, m. Evaline Biggs; Thomas L. b. June 22, 1887, m. Ida B. Maxwell. Family resided at Scipio, Utah, St. Johns, Ariz., and Breen, Colo. Died March 25, 1912. EATON, JOSEPH ORLANDO BECKWITH. Came to Utah by oxteam. Married Victorine Elizabeth Walker at Pleasant Grove. Utah (daughter of Hanson Walker, Pleasant Grove, Utah). Born at Pleasant Grove. Their children: Joseph, died; Manson, m. Percilla Rlchens; Elmer B., m. Rose Merrill; Elizabeth, m. William Winn; John B., m. Perlettie Ross; Ernest, m. Susana McKowen; Benjamin; Irvin, m. Mary Fuller; Lewis, m. Sina Cook; Byron, m. Lucilla Hadlock; Zera, m. Alice Starkie; Vernee, m. Myrtle Wardle; Ethel, m. Reuben Hunting; Eva. Family resided Pleasant Grove and Vernal, Utah, where he died. EATON, JOHN BURTON (son of Joseph Orlando Beckwith Eaton and Victorine Elizabeth Walker). Born Dec. 7, 1872. Married Perlettie Ross Sept. 26, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of Stephen Ross and Ginevra Molen of Lehi, Utah). She was born July 20, 1881, and came to Utah with Captain Tidwell company. Their children: Baby b. Sept. 1906, died; Baby b. July 12. 1908, died. Family home Vernal, Utah. Missionary to Illinois and Indiana; Sunday school and ward teacher; bishop's counselor. Farmer. Died at Vernal, Utah. EATON, ERNEST (son of Joseph Orlando Beckwith Eaton and Victorine Elizabeth Walker). Born Jan. 12, 1875, Pleas- ant Grove, Utah. Married Susana McKowen March 10, 1897, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Phillip McKowen and Mary Hughes of Man- chester, Eng., pioneers 1853 by wagon from Colorado). She was born March 6, 1877. Their children: Ernest Vernal b. Jan. 19, 1898; Mary E. b. Feb. 15, 1900; Joseph Lovell b. May 16, 1903; Clement b. May 3, 1905; Stanley b. April 18, 1910; Reba b. April 12, 1910. Missionary to Manitoba, Canada, 1906-08; counselor to President Don B. Colton of Uinta stake; counselor to Bishop Glens Ward, Uinta stake; president Y. M. M. I. A., and su- perintendent of Sunday schools of Glens Ward. Teacher; trustee school district 14, Uinta county. Home-builder, farmer, stockman and merchant. EATON, IRVIN (son of Joseph Orlando Beckwith Eaton and Victorine Elizabeth Walker). Born Nov. 21, 1879, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Mary Adaline Fuller Feb. 25, 1903, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Ruben Calton Fuller and Anna Adaline Preece of that place, pioneers 1848). She was born Nov. 3, 1882. Their children: Mary Elva, b. June 18, 1904; Eunice Marsale b. Sept. 23, 1906; Baby, b. Aug. 26. 1912. President Y. M. M. I. A. 1908-12; ward teacher. City coun- cilman 1911-12. Butcher. BBY, JOHN. Born Oct. 6, 1814, Lancaster, Pa. Came to Utah in 1848. Married Elizabeth Pierce at Lancaster, Pa. (daughter of Edward Pierce and Posey Pierce), who was born April 1, 1820. Their children: Margaret, d. infant; Jacob; Eliza, m. John W. Phillips. Married Mary Wlnchel of Salt Lake City. Their child: John. Farmer and lived at Salt Lake City. Died May 18, 1900. Married Sarah Hutchinson (daughter of William Hutchin- son and Mary Speers), who was born March 17, 1820, County Donegal, Ireland, and died June 11, 1907, Ogden, Utah. Their children: John H. b. May 12, 1846, m. Mary Richmond; David b. May 12, 1849, m. Bertha Marie Jensen; m. Ellen Stoddard; Stewart b. Jan. 15, 1852, m. Marintha E. Bingham March 4, 1878; Sarah b. Dec. 31, 1854, m. Robert Baird Oct. 17, 1870; Margaret b. July 1857, m. John Hiatt, m. Charles Swinger; William Hutchinson b. March 15, 1860, m. Marian Scow; Samuel b. Feb. 17, 1862, m. Jeanette Hiatt June 22, 1883. Family home Ogden, Utah. Settled at Eden, Weber county, 1865. Patriarch. Wood turner. Died Dec. 4, 1903, Ogden, Utah. ECCLES, JOHN HUTCHINSON (son of William Eccles and Sarah Hutchinson). Born May 12, 1846, Paisley, Renfrew- shire, Scotland. Married Mary Richmond Dec. 10, 1865 (daughter of John Richmond, and Jeanette Barr), who was born Dec. 6, 1845. Their children: Mary, William, Sarah, Maggie and David, all of whom died; John b. Sept. 29, 1878, m. Hannah Davis; Jeanette b. Dec. 29, 1880, m. Charles Conrad; Virginia b. June 20, 1882, m. Joseph Edwin Caldwell; David Richmond b. March 20, 1887. m. Myrtle House. Cabinetmaker and turner. Contractor and builder. Presi- dent Eccles Mercantile Co., Baker City, Idaho; merchant. ECCLES, DAVID (son of William Eccles and Sarah Hutch- inson). Born May 12, 1849, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, with father. Married Bertha Marie Jensen Dec. 27, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christen Jensen, born Sept. 25, 1818, Aabey, Denmark, died May 7, 1875, Huntsville, Utah, and Mary Anderson, born April 8, 1825, Panerup, Aarhus, Denmark, died 1858, at Aarhus. The father with his family came to Utah Oct. 5, 1867, Leonard G. Rice company). She was born Jan. 30, 1856, Panerup, Aarhus, Denmark. Came to Utah with her father in 1867. Their children: David Christen b. Nov. 29, 1877, m. Julia Wright Feb. 8, 1905; LeRoy b. Nov. 20, 1879, m. Myrtle Banks Feb. 9. 1905; Vida b. July 9, 1882, m. George H. Davis; Royal b. Dec. 9, 1885; Bertha Olivia b. Jan. 22, 1887, m. William Arthur Wright; Joseph Merrill b. Aug. 22, 1889; Lila b. Nov. 26, 1891; Laura b. May 9, 1894; Flora b. May 9, 1894; William Jack b. Aug. 8, 1895: Annie Vivian b. April 18, 1897; Homer Gordon b. April 18, 1901. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Ellen Stod,dard Jan. 2, 1885, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John K. Stoddard and Emma Eckersley, pioneers 1856). She was born Jan. 28, 1867. Their children: Marriner S. b. Sept. 9, 1890; Marie b. Nov. 2, 1892; Spencer b. July 20, 1894; Jesse b. May 12, 1896; Emma b. March 6, 1898; George b. April 9, 1900; Norah b. July 18, 1902; Ellen b. June 23, 1905; Willard b. Feb. 22, 1909. Family home Logan, Utah. Member 160th quorum seventies. Member Ogden city council 1885-87; mayor of Ogden 1887-89. When the L. D. S. church authorized its $1,000,000 bond issue, David Eccles, with L. S. Hill was the trustee and negotiated this loan; he car- ried $100,000 of it. At the time of his death he was identi- fied with some fifty-six industrial corporations and twenty banking institutions, extending and operating in Utah, Ore- gon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, California, Colorado and Canada. He was president and director of sixteen industrial corporations and a director of twenty others; president and director of seven banking corporations, and director In four others. He conceived and organized the Utah & Pacific Railway company, which later became a part of the Oregon Short Line R. R. Co., and finally that part of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake railroad between Milford and Uvada; this construction was the nucleus of the great railroad system last above named. Among the major enterprises with which he was connected as the president and a member of the board of directors are: Amalgamated Sugar company; Lewiston Sugar company; Sumpter Valley Railway company (Oregon); Utah Construc- tion company; Oregon Lumber company (Oregon); Vinyard Land and Livestock company (Nevada); Promontory-Cur- lew Land company; First National Bank of Ogden; Ogden Savings Bank; Lion Coal company (Wyoming); Wyoming Coal company (Wyoming); Ogden Rapid Transit company; Logan Rapid Transit company; and Eccles Lumber company. Some of the more important corporations with which he was identified as a director are: Utah-Idaho Sugar com- pany; Deseret National Bank of Salt Lake City; Deseret Savings Bank of Salt Lake City; and Mount Hood Railroad Company of Oregon. Died Dec. 6, 1912, Salt Lake City, Utah, burled at Ogden. ECCLES, STEWART (son of William Eccles and Sarah Hutchinson, of Glasgow, Scotland). Born Jan. 15, 1852, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah with father. Married Marintha E. Bingham Mar. 14, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Erastus Bingham and Susan Green, of Hunts- ville, Utah, pioneers July. 1847. with Mormon Battalion. She was born May 26, 1862. Their children: Christabella b. May 9, 1879, m. Jacob Johnson; Stewart b. March 12. 1881, m. Anna Rasmussen; Marintha A. b. Sept. 20, 1883. Missionary to Great Britain 1894-96 and 1903-05; member high council Ogden stake. ECCLES, WILLIAM (son of William Eccles and Margaret Miller of Carlisle, Eng.; former died in England; latter came to America in 1843, and died at Nauvoo, 111.). He was born April 6, 1825, Old Kllpatrlck, Dumbartonshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company). ECKERSLEY, JOSEPH (son of Abraham Eckersley, born 1836, West Houghton, Lancashire, Eng., and Ellen Cleworth. born June 18. 1836, Davyhulme, Lancashire. Eng.. married 1854). He was born July 19, 1866, Eccles, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah May 24, 1890. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 855 Married Sarah Ellen "Wilkinson Dec. 10, 1890, Mantl, Utah (daughter of James Wilkinson of Hindley, Lancashire, Eng., and Alice Wright, married 1866 at Burnley, Lancashire, and came to Utah 1896). She was born Jan. 29, 1870, and came to Utah Aug. 1890. Their children: Joseph Smith b. Sept. 8, 1891; Alice Ellen b. June 19, 1893; George Teasdale b. May 6 1895; James Wilkinson b. Feb. 21, 1897; Abraham Cleworth b'. May 21, 1899; Daisy Hermine b. May 16, 1904; Lyman Wil- kinson b. March 24, 1907; Hyrum Wilkinson b. March IB, 1909. Settled first at Springville and later at Loa, Utah. County attorney; county superintendent of district schools; state senator. President 82d quorum seventies; stake superin- tendent of Sunday schools 1894-1901; missionary to Great Britain 1888-90, 1901-03; high priest; 2d counselor to Willis E. Robison, president of Wayne stake 1903; 1st counselor to Gearsen S. Bastian, president of Wayne stake 1906; pres- ident Wayne stake 1910. EDGEL, GEORGE (son of William Edgel). Born July 19, 1829, Headly. Hampshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Mariah Noble Apgood Oct. 8, 1864 (daughter of William Noble and Carolina Hansen, latter a pioneer 1859). She was born 1826; came to Utah with her mother in 1859. The only child was Sarah Ann b. Aug. 14, 1865, m. Shadrach Roundy 1887. Married Elizabeth Bailey Dec. 20, 1865, Coalville. Utah (daughter of Francis Bailey and Eliza Smith; former came to Utah 1864, Warren Snow company). She was born Sept. 23, 1842, Hardway, Hampshire, Eng. Their children: Albert b. Dec. 13, 1866; Mary E. b. Dec. 9, 1868, m. Civilian Winters Dec. 25, 1890; Louisa b. March 19, 1871, m. Alma L. Sargent May 26, 1898; John F. b. Aug. 30, 1873. m. Maud E. Hillier; Alberta b. March 19, 1875; Franklin J. b. Aug. 24, 1878, m. Florence A. M. Warner Aug. 18, 1909; Hattle b. Oct. 25, 1880; William R. b. July 6, 1882, m. Olive V. Lemon Aug. 4, 1909; Clara A. b. July 18, 1884; Ruby b. July 30, 1886. EDGEL, JOHN F. (son of George Edgel and Elizabeth Bailey). Born Aug. 30, 1873, Hoytsville, Utah. Married Maud E. Hillier Jan. 6, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of John W. Hillier and Edith E. Banham), who was born Jan. 3, 1888, London, Eng. Their children: Her- man H. b. May 27, 1911. Family home Hoytsville, Utah. EDGEWORTH, JOSEPH (son of William and Martha Edge- worth). Born Sept. 16, 1844, at Candle Green, Gloucester- shire. Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1866, Samuel White corn- Married Prudence Jones Nov. 10, 1867 (daughter of Wil- liam Jones and Mary Shill). She was born July 4, 1847; came to Utah 1866, Capt. Chapman company. Their children: Elizabeth Prudence b. Aug. 20, 1868, m. Alfred R. Jones Nov. 11, 1889; William b. Feb. 23, 1871, m. Eva Norwell Aug. 7, 1908; Jane Sophia b. May 7, 1873, m. Henry E. Randell Nov. 10 1893; Martha Jones b. March 25, 1875, m. Iden G. Bond Sept. 30, 1896; Mary Ann Shill b. Sept. 3. 1879, m. Thomas Ovard Aug. 9, 1899. Family home Henefer, Utah. Farmer. EDWARD, ALEXANDER D. (son of Alexander Edward and Mary Taylor of Scotland). Born Feb. 20, 1865. Married Ann E. Parker Dec. 17, 1896, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joshua Parker and Drucilla D. Hartley, pio- neers 1852, Robert Wimmer company). She was born Jan. 21. 1863, at Salt Lake City. Family home Salt Lake City. EDWARDS, JOHN O. (son of Philip Edwards and Mary Sim- mons). Born Aug. 20, 1873, at Millcreek. Utah. Married Minerva Anne Bagley Jan. 18, 1897, at Charleston, Utah (daughter of Joseph Bagley and Ann Van Wagoner of Charleston, Utah). She was born April 8, 1878. Their chil- dren: Clarence O. b. May 26, 1898; Minerva b. Oct. 11, 1900; Maud b. Sept. 22, 1904; Viola b. Dec. 31, 1908; Dana b. Aug. 26, 1911. Family home Charleston, Utah. Missionary to Missouri 1905-07; president elders' quorum; superintendent Sunday schools; bishop's counselor; home missionary. President of town and city council; school trus- tee. Manager co-op, at Charleston. EDWARDS, JOHN 4 (son of Owen Edwards and Ester Davis). Born Jan. 17, 1817, Langoedmore Parish, Cardiganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah in 1853. Married Margaret Roberts Aug. 28, 1843, Vanor, South Wales. Their children: Ann, m. Mr. Nelson; Margarette, m. Mr. Clarke; J. R.; Hyrum; Thomas, died; William; Edward; Mary Jane, m. Mr. Davis. Settled at Brigham City, Utah; moved to Logan 1859. Coal miner and farmer. Died Feb. 26, 1886, at Logan. EDWARDS, WILLIAM (son of John Edwards and Margaret Roberts). Born Oct. 22, 1857, Brigham City, Utah. Married Mary Ann Lewis Dec. 16, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Enoch Lewis and Emma Farrell of Wales). Their children: Annie R., m. Geo. W. Flamm; W. Lewis; Mae; McLairon; Oliver Wendell; Don C. Member Logan city board of education 1893-94; chairman Cache county commissioners 1901-02; mayor of Logan 1908- 09. EDWARDS, WILLIAM LEWIS (son of William Edwards and Mary A. Lewis). Born Auer. 19. 1886. at Logan, Utah. Elder; missionary to Great Britain 1909-10. Musician and merchant. EDWARDS. PHILIP. Came to Utah 1860. Married Mary Simmons February, 1860, In Sussex, Eng. Their children: Lucy, m. William N. Casper; Philip W., m. Bertha Webster; Eliza, m. George H. Bagley; George H., m. Mary A. Hartle; Emma, m. Elisha Webster; John O., m. Minerva Anne Bagley; J. Parley, m. Clara Bagley; Alice M., m. Robert S. Lindsay. Family home, Charleston, Utah. High priest. Butcher. EGBERT, SAMUEL (son of John Egbert, born 1776. Staten Island, N. Y., and Susanna Kahn, born Aug. 10, 1770, Staten Island, N. Y., both of South Cottonwood, Utah). He was born March 24, 1814, Breckinridge county, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Margrett Mariah Beckstead 1839 in Illinois (daughter of Alexander Beckstead and Catherine Lince of West Jordan, Utah, pioneers 1848). She was born Dec. 9, 1823. Their children: William Henry b. 1840. died; John Alexander b. March 28, 1842 [marriages below]; Martha Ann b. March 1, 1844, m. Isaac Wardell; Andrew Jackson b. Feb. 4, 1846, died; Susannah b. Feb. 14, 1848, m. Mr. Vannet- ten, m. Daniel Jerman; Catherine Mann b. Sept. 21, 1860, m. Henry Byrum Beckstead; Samuel Wesley b. Aug. 26. 1852, m. Ann Gardner, m. Lucinda Beckstead; Harriet b. Sept. 18, 1854, m. Samuel Bateman; Amanda Jane b. Jan. 6. 1857, m. Henry Byrum Beckstead; Joseph Smith b. Jan. 10, 1859, m. Sarah Pierce; Hyrum Smith b. Dec. 30, 1860, m. Annie Mc- Ghie; Mary Ellen b. Feb. 21, 1863, m. Hyrum Steadman; George A. Smith b. Nov. 18, 1865, died; David Alonzo b. Aug. 4, 1868, m. Hannah Aylett. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Married Louisa Minerva Pettie at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert C. Pettie and Margret J. Wells, pioneers 1848). She was born Dec. 22, 1839, Benton county, Tenn. Their children: Margret b. Aug. 8, 1858; Polly Ann b. April 21, 1860, m. Samuel Boyd; Galletta b. May 18, 1862; Robert C. b. Sept. 4, 1864, m. Clara Bradford; Henry Lewis b. Dec. 12, 1866, m. Sarah Farmer; Emily b. Nov. 6, 1869, m. Isaac War- dell; Louisa b. Feb. 22, 1872, m. Joseph Allsop; William La- fayette b. Nov. 22, 1876, m. Clara Farmer. Family home West Jordan, Utah. School teacher. West Jordan. Indian war veteran. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Dec. 11, 1888. EGBERT, JOHN ALEXANDER (son of Samuel Egbert and Margrett Mariah Beckstead). Born March 28, 1842, Han- cock county, 111. Married Emma Grimmett March 22, 1860, West Jordan, Utah (daughter of John Grimmett and Sarah Pettie, both of Bear Lake, Idaho, pioneers of 50's). She was born July 12, 1842, In England. Their children: Sarah Zerelda b. April 5, 1861, m. John Harris and Joseph Hammer; John Alma b. May 16, 1863, died; Samuel Alexander b. Jan. 20, 1865, m. Eunice 5. Prim, m. Louisa Gorilla White; Emma Mariah b. Sept. 27, 1866, m. R. W. Barnes; Martha Ann b. March 17, 1869, m. John Aylett; Annie Generra b. Sept. 2, 1871, m. Frank M. Young; Rosina b. Feb. 17, 1874, died; Adelbert Leroy b. Oct. 22, 1876, m. Verna Pack; Lorus Edgar b. April 30, 1879, died; Etna Lulu b. June 11, 1880, died. Family home West Jordan. Married Arminta Elizabeth Bateman March 9, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Bateman and Marinda Allen), who was born Dec. 4, 1862, West Jordan. Their children: Laura Marinda b. Jan. 5, 1883, died; John Alonzo b. Oct. 16, 1884, m. Nellie Beckstead; Cora b. Jan. 2, 1887, died; Ethel Laurelda b. Feb. 9, 1888, m. George Sivell Smith; Marinda Lisetta b. March 1, 1890, died; Elija Jenetta b. Dec. 23, 1891. died; Wilford Earl b. Nov. 8. 1893; Verd Irene b. Dec. 12, 1895; Margrett Arminta b. Jan. 5, 1897; Alma Mark b. Dec. 26, 1899; Arvill B. b. Jan. 15. 1902; Harold Allen b. April 17, 1904; Ross Duane b. Oct. 24, 1906, Ida Lathield b. Nov. 23, 1910. Family home West Jordan. President seventies' quorum; president 12th quorum elders; ordained bishop June 1, 1890, which office he held 20 years; went on a mission to help settle the Dixie country. Farmer and stockraiser. EGBERT, SAMUEL ALEXANDER (son of John Alexander Egbert and Emma Grimmett). Born Jan. 20, 1865, West Jor- dan, Utah. Married Eunice S. Prim Dec. 24, 1885, Lander. Wyo. (daughter of Hyrum P. and Mariah Prim of Sugar House ward, Salt Lake county). She was born Sept. 22. 1867. Their children: Roland L. b. Jan. 10, 1886, died; Keith Eugene b. Oct. 20, 1887, m. Margrett Nannie; Grace Marguerite b. Dec. 12, 1893, m. Joseph Parley White; Emma Maria b. Nov. 3, 1897; Loyal Douglas b. Jan. 15, 1900. Family home Grace, Idaho. Married Louisa Corilla White July 22, 1908 (daughter of Joseph Egbert and Louisa Taylor, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). One of first school trustees of Grace, Idaho. EGBERT. ROBERT C. (son of Samuel Egbert and Louisa Minerva Pettie). Born Sept. 4, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Clara P. Bradford March 13, 1889, West Jordan, Utah (daughter of Larkin H. Bradford and Annie Rex), who was born April 12, 1866, at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Tessie F. b. Oct. 11, 1889, m. William B. Turner; R. Glenn b. Aug. 13, 1891, m. Maude Bateman; Ferrell C. b. Oct. 25. 1892; Moss L. b. June 11, 1900; Valgie M. b. Nov. 7. 1901; Larkin H. b. March 8, 1906. Family home Salt Lake City. Died March 19, 1908, at Salt Lake City. 856 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH I-.<:(ii:it'i si:\, SIMON PETER (son of Peter Eggertsen and Caroline Larsen of Fyen, Denmark). Born Feb. 7, 1826. Fyen, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1867, Christian Christian- sen company. Married Johanne Thompson Feb. 7, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Andreason and Sarah Louisa Nyegreen of Jutland Hals, Denmark, pioneer Sept. 13, 1867, C. Chris- tiansen company). She was born Jan. 2, 1825. Their chil- dren: Sarah Louisa, m. Harvey H. Cluff; Simon Peter, m. Henrietta Nielsen; Andrew, m. Artie Louise Cook; Lars Echert, m. Annie Nielsen. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; missionary to Denmark 1863-66. Farmer. Died Sept. 27, 1900. EGGERTSEN, SIMON PETER (son of Simon Peter Eggert- sen and Johanne Thompson). Born Sept. 15, 1860, Provo, Utah. Married Henrietta Nielsen June 26. 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Soren Nielsen and Amelia Berg of Provo, pio- neers Sept. 25, 1868. John G. Holman company). She was born Sept. 8, 1861. Their children: Achsa Henrietta b. June 28, 1885, m. W. Monroe Paxman; S. Bernard b. Jan. 6, 1888; Doressa b. April 12, 1890, m. John S. Smith; Lorie Louisa b. March 3, 1892, m. Robert P. Fairbanks; Eudora b. Feb. 26, 1894; Grant N. b. May 1, 1898; Paul b. July 11, 1901. Family home Provo. Utah. Member high council; missionary to northern states 1886- 87; bishop; Sunday school teacher and superintendent; home missionary. School trustee and school teacher. Merchant and farmer. EGGLESTON, SAMUEL, (son of Samuel Eggleston and Elisa- beth Hill of Ogden, Utah). Born March 30, 1804, Marcellus. Onondaga county, N. Y. Came to Utah August 1862, James Wareham independent company. Married Lurania P. Burgess Aug. 23, 1827, Cayuga county, N. Y. (daughter of Harvey and Mary Burgess of Niles, Cay- uga county, N. Y.). She was born Aug. 15, 1808, died July, 1870. Their children: Dwight b. Aug. 9. 1828, and Benjamin b. April 6. 1830, both died infants; Reuben Burgess b. July 24, 1831 (d. March 1890), m. Emeline Allen; Edwin b. Oct. 26, 1833, m. Eliza Spinning; Harvey Burgess b. Feb. 8, 1836, d. Feb. 12, 1854; Orson Hyde b. Oct. 3, 1841, m. Constant A. Stephens; Samuel E. b. Aug. 16, 1847, died in infancy; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept 22, 1849, m. Enoch Farr Family home Ogden. Married Elizabeth Mumford. Married Catherine Kat. Second counselor to Bishop Robert McQuarrie of 2d ward, Ogden, several years; patriarch. Died May 26, 1884. EGGLESTON, ORSON HYDE (son of Samuel Eggleston and Lurania Burgess). Born Oct. 3, 1841, Niles, Cayuga county, N. Y. Came to Utah Aug. 16, 1861, David H. Cannon com- pany. Married Constant Ann Stephens (daughter of John Ste- phens and Elizabeth Briggs), who was born Feb. 17, 1849. Their children: Ida Evaline, d. Infant; Mary Lurania, m. John Jewett; Elizabeth Jane, m. Benj. F. Welch; Orson Bur- gess, m. Anna Peterson; Samuel Lee d. in childhood; John Stephens; William Jessy, m. Jensina Peterson; Walter Moroni, m. Emma Call; Laura, m. Elijah Cutler; Metta; Charles Alton d. Infant. Married Mariett O. Forley (daughter of Wlnthrop Forley and Angeline Calkin). Their children: Nellie, m. Wallace Gardner; Clara, m. Charles Berg; Constant A., m. Charles J. Dewey; Asa Winthrop; Rachel, m. Oliver Williams; Wllford; Vedia; Lottie; Ezra C. d. infant. Married Anna Christine Johnson (daughter of Peter John- son and Anna Marlah Madsen). Their children: David Orson d. Infant; Joseph Smith; Mattie May, m. Harold J. Stock; Florence; Theron Johnson. Settled in Ogden. Assisted the poor in immigrating to Utah several times. Missionary to Michigan 1876-77. Moved to Eden, Utah, where he served as Sunday school superin- tendent and 2d counselor to Bishop Josiah M. Ferrin; later 1st counselor. Postmaster at Eden three years. Moved to Afton, Wyo., where he served as Sunday school superintend- ent, clerk of high priests quorum and member of high council. Sergeant, lieutenant and captain in Utah militia. EK, CARL AUGUST (son of Carl Larsen). Born July 10, 1845, in Sweden. Came to Utah July 1, 1878, with company of which he was captain. Married Matilda Ekstrom Oct. 10, 1878, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Margarett Ekstrom of Upsala, Sweden), who was born Dec. 24, 1850. Their children: Carl Enoch b. July 17 1879, m. Elizabeth Mitchell; Alma August, m. Mary Ellen Worthen; Sigma Elizabeth, m. William White; Logena, m. August J. Tadje; Royal Julius, m. Margarett Sneddon; Ebba Florence, m. Goddard Quist; Louise Christiana, m. Frank Qulst; Violet Eugenia, m. Frank Mallony. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Mary Anderson August 1885 at Logan, Utah, who came to Utah in fall of 1884 and died July, 1912. Married Hlldegard Quist Nov. 10, 1904, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Qulst of Gothenberg, Sweden). She was born July 7. 1876, and came to Utah In 1901, Peter Qulst com- pany: Their children: Frank Augustus; Ethel Leona; Hilda Constance. Bishop of 26th ward for 11 years. Sheriff of Cache county. Worked on temple In Logan. Stonecutter. Died Nov. 8, 1912, at Salt Lake City. KLDREDGE, AI.ANSON (son of Micah Eldredge, born March 17, 1768, and Annie Hanks, both of New England). He wae born Nov. 16, 1780, in New England. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Esther Sunderlin in New England, where she was born Jan. 4, 1787; died 1824, Brutus, N. Y. Their children: Ira b. March 30, 1810, m. Nancy Black July 4, 1833; Horace Sunderlin b. Feb. 6, 1816, m. Betsy Ann Chase, m. Sarah W. Gibbs; m. Hannah Adams; m. Chloe Antoinette Redfleld; Lurana, m. John Hoagland; Ann Cady, m. Joseph Busby; John Sunderlin b. April 30, 1821, m. Sinah S. Chipman; m. Rhoda Silvia Collett. Family home Salt Lake City. Farmer; tanner. Died December 1867. ELDREDGE, IRA (son of Alanson Eldredge and Esther Sun- derlin). Born March 30, 1810, Middleton, Vt. Came to Utah 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Nancy Black July 4, 1833, Indianapolis, Ind. (daughter of Joshua Black and Elizabeth Burgess), who was born Nov. 22, 1812, in Maryland. Their children: Eliza- beth b. March 21, 1834, d. next day; Edmond b. May 1 1835 m. Hannah Huffman Jan. 24, 1863; m. Emma Staley; Diana b. March 28, 1837, m. Abraham Owen Smoot May 6, 1856; Esther Ann b. March 24, 1839, m. Thomas Garn March 14 1868; Alma b. Oct. 13, 1841, m. Marinda Merrill Jan. 24, 1863- Hyrum b. April 13, 1844, m. Julia Fippin July 28, 1861, d. Aug. 18, 1884; Alanson b. Dec. 6, 1846 (d. Oct. 22, 1899), m. Mar- tha Neff; m. Bertha Pollisen; Ira Edgar b. May 4, 1850, m. Sarah Staker May 13, 1872; Hannah Matilda b. Feb 9 1853 d. June 17, 1854; Horace b. Sept. 7. 1855, m. Anna Cummings March 23, 18S3; William Owen b. Jan. 24, 1859. Married Hannah Mariah Savage Feb. 28, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lev! Savage), who was born Jan. 10 1832 in Ohio. Their children: Chancy Marion (d. Dec. 3, 1864) and Nancy Mariah, twins, b. Dec. 6, 1852, she m. Edward Garn; John Albert b. Jan. 22, 1864, m. Eliza Wilkinson- Laura Sunderlin b. Jan. 20, 1856; Mulford b. Nov. 20, 1857 d Dec 2 1897; Sabrina b. July 13, 1859, m. Charles B. Wright; Jesse b. Feb. 8, 1861, d. Nov. 10, 1871; Levina b. July 30, 1863 d Dec. 2, 1905; Content b. April 16, 1865. Married Helvena Maria Jensen Nov. 22, 1861, Salt Lake City, who was born March 20, 1843, in Denmark. Only child- Mary Ann b. March 16, 1864, m. Pitcher. Member Utah legislature in early 50's. Captained three trips across the plains for immigrants. Member (first) high council of Salt Lake stake; bishop Sugar House ward 1858- 66. Died Feb. 6, 1866, Coalville, Utah. ELDREDGE, EDMOND (son of Ira Eldredge and Nancy Black). Born May 1. 1835, Warren, Ind. Married Hannah Huffman Jan. 24, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Huffman and Margaret Staley, pioneers Sept. 16, 1861). She was born Dec. 6, 1846, Nauvoo. 111. Married Emma Staley, who was born Feb. 10, 1839 in Canada, and died Dec. 30, 1854. in Iowa. They had one child born December, 1854, which died in infancy. Came to Salt Lake 1847; moved to Coalville 1860. Crossed the plains with the last mail before Echo Canyon war 1857- took active part in early Indian troubles. Coalville city councilman several terms; director of Coalville Co-op, and vice president of same for 25 years. Missionary to England 1868-69; missionary to Hawaii; high councilor in Summit stake 1877-1901. ELDREDGE, HORACE SUNDERLIN (son of Alanson Eldredge and Esther Sunderlin). Born Feb. 6, 1816 Brutus Cayuga county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1848, Brighara Young company. Married Betsy Ann Chase July 20, 1837, Buffalo, N Y (daughter of Benjamin Chase and Mehitabel Russell of New England), who was born Sept. 23, 1818. Their children- Lurana b. Feb. 21. 1838, m. Joseph W. Young Feb. 2, 1865- Mary Aurelia b. Jan. 20, 1840, m. Amini R. Jackman Sept. 9, 1858; Selina Mehitabel b. Oct. 12, 1842, d. March 10, 1844- Betsy Ann b. April 11, 1845, d. Feb. 26, 1846; Helen Louisa b. June 8, 1847, d. Aug. 30, 1847; Horace Alonzo b. June 8 1847, d. Sept. 12, 1847; Alice b. Oct. 26, 1848, m. David Years- ley Jan. 11, 1871, d. Sept. 19, 1912; Zina Presinda b. Jan. 17, 1853, m. Moroni Reese Dec. 29, 1870. Married Sarah W. Gibbs April 20, 1851, Salt Lake City (daughter of Aaron Gibbs and Prudence Carter of Benson- town, Rutland county, Vt.), who was born June 11 1827 and came to Utah Sept. 4, 1848. Daniel A. Miller company Their children: Horace S. b. Feb. 7, 1863, d. Jan. 22 1865- Eliza Evaletta b. May 29, 1855, m. Joseph H. Grant Oct 18 1874, d. Oct. 15, 1911; Jessie b. Nov. 17, 1857, m. Briant String- ham June 6, 1877; Byron Gibbs b. Feb. 7, 1867, d. April 9 1879. Family resided Salt Lake City and Bountiful, Utah Married Hannah Adams Feb. 2, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Adams and Betsy Leavitt of Centerville, Utah, former a pioneer September, 1851, James Allred com- pany, latter died 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa). She was born Jan. 11. 1833. Their children: James A. b. Feb. 16, 1857, m. Jane Jennings June 23, 1879; Clara Ursula b. Nov. 8, 1861, d. Nov. 23, 1862; Adelbert U. b. Aug. 23, 1863, m. Edith Pack Dec. 2, 1885; Christie b. July 19, 1866, m. John L. Fackrell Nov. 2, 1887; Clarence b. June 1, 1869, m. Effle Peck Oct. 14, 1890; Horton A. b. Aug. 22, 1872, m. Lillle Hatch Oct. 26, 1892. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Chloe Antoinette Redfleld Feb. 14. 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Harlow Levi Redfleld and Alpha L. Foster of North Madison, Conn., pioneers Sept. 8, 1850. Aaron John- son company). She was born Aug. 10, 1842, Pittsfleld, Pike county. 111. Their children: Harlow Moroni b. Dec. 12, 1861. d. Dec. 22, 1862; Alpha May b. Aug. 6, 1863, m. Reed Smoot PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 857 Sept. 17. 1884; Ben R. b. May 4, 1866, m. Lizzie Sharp Aug. 18, 1887; Ernest R. b. Feb. 20, 1868, m. Kate Sharp Oct. 1, 1890 (she d. July 1893); m. Cora Hooper Oct. 28, 1897; Horace R. b. June 17, 1869, m. Eleanor Groesbeck Feb. 3, 1897: Chloe Addie b. Aug. 14, 1871, m. William J. Bateman Dec. 17. 1891; Esther b. Oct. 5, 1874, m. Edwin C. Coffin Nov. 1, 1893 (divorced 1903); m. Theodore L. Center Feb. 15, 1906; David Harold b. Aug. 29, 1878, m. Barbara Mayr of Munich, Ger- many, April 24, 1906; Mary Jane b. July 23, 1880, m. Lee Green Richards Aug. 18, 1908; Guy S. b. March 12, 1882, m. Bess Shores of Ashland, Wis., April 9, 1903. Marshal of wagon train Brigham Young company; terri- torial marshal state of Deseret; collector and assessor of territory; brigadier-general Utah militia. High priest; one of seven presidents 1st quorum seventies; immigration agent St. Louis 1852; president and superintendent Z. C. M. I. Merchant and banker in Salt Lake City. Died Sept. 6, 1888. ELDREDGE, JAMES ALANSON (son of Horace S. Eldredge and Hannah Adams). Born Feb. 15, 1857, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Jane Jennings June 23, 1879, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Jennings and Jane Walker, pioneers 1852). She was born March 19, 1856. Only child: Afton b. Jan. 9. 1892. ELDREDGE, JOHN SUNDERLIN (son of Alanson Eldredge and Esther Sunderlin). Born April 30, 1821, Brutus, Cayuga county, N. T. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, A. O. Smoot com- pany. Married Sinah S. Chipman March 24, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of Stephen Chipman and Amanda Washburn, pio- neers July 24, 1847). She was born Sept. 13, 1831. Their chil- dren: Mary A. b. Dec. 19, 1849, m. George Hoggard; John b. Sept. 20, 1851, died; Jedediah b. April 14, 1857; Ann b. Feb. 22, 1859, m. Heber Hoggard; Martha b. May 20, 1861, m. William Jackson, m. William Thomas Brown; Zinah b. July 18, 1863, died. Family home American Fork, Utah. Married Rhoda Silvia Collett at Salt Lake City (daughter of Dar.iel Collett, born Dec. 12, 1808, and Esther Jones, born Oct. 10, 1814). She was born April 20, 1837. Their children: Ira b. Oct. 3, 1864; Esther Ann b. May 3, 1860, m. John S. Mer- rill; Daniel b. Nov. 1, 1863, m. Lola Kimball; Horace b. Feb. 5, 1865, m. Hannah A. Phillips. Family home American Fork, Utah. One of first to plow in Salt Lake valley. Missionary to Australia 1852-56. Farmer. Died May 5, 1871, in Wasatch Co., Utah. ELDREDGE, HORACE (son of John S. Eldredge and Rhoda S. Collett). Born Feb. 5, 1865, American Fork, Utah. Married Hannah A. Phillips Nov. 23, 1892, Dayton, Idaho (daughter of Thomas Phillips and Sarah Boden of Clifton," Idaho), who was born Jan. 15, 1875. Their children: Zella b. Jan. 9, 1894; Ernest b. Feb. 15, 1896; Ivan H. b. Nov. 30, 1897; Jennie b. Jan. 13, 1898; Elva b. Jan. 3, 1901; Annora b. April 19, 1903; Horace S. b. Aug. 1, 1905; Ross P. b. Jan. 27, 1908; Dell B. b. Oct. 22, 1909; Demar b. Jan. 25, 1912. Family resided Dayton and Preston, Idaho. Elder. ELEASON, ERKTC. Born May 11, 1815, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1863, John Royal Young company. Married Anna Nielsen 1840 (daughter of Hans Nielsen), who was born Feb. 9, 1819. Their children: Andrew Elea- son b. July 22, 1841, m. Johanne Nielsen; Johanne b. 1843, m. Steven Worthington; Betsy b. 1845, m. Dyerre Asmussen; Charles b. 1848, m. Mary Worthington; Alfred b. 1850, m. Sophia Andersen; Augusta b. 1854, m. Ormes Eaton Bates; Fredrick b. 1857, m. Eva Yeates. Family resided Grantsville and Millville, Utah. Married Christine Anderson. Their children: Joseph b. 1870, m. Esther Yeates; Edith b. 1872, m. William Gray; Emma b. 1874. Family home Millville, Utah. High priest. ELEASON, JOHN ALFRED (son of Erick Eleason and Anna Nielsen). Born July 22, 1841, at Arllngsas, Skaraborg, Sweden. Married Sophia Anderson April 1, 1877, Grantsville, Tooele Co., Utah (daughter of Andrew Anderson and Mary Swen- son of Grefbeck, Sweden, pioneers Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Young company). She was born Nov. 19, 1854. Their chil- dren: Amanda b. Dec. 30, 1877, m. William C. Tolman; John Alfred Jr. b. June 14, 1880, m. Mary E. Adams; Augusta Geneva b. July 28, 1882, m. J. Fred Adams; Ella Alvaretta b. Nov. 28, 1884, m. Lewis A. Ward. Family home Oakley, Idaho. ELEASON, JOHN ALFRED, JR. (son of John Alfred Eleason and Sophia Anderson). Born June 14, 1880, Grantsville, Utah. Married Mary E. Adams Oct. 5, 1904, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Adams and Anna Belle Warburton of Tooele, Utah. Their children: Thera Comorah b. Sept. 21, 1905; Lorada b. Feb. 17, 1908; Lano A. b. Sept. 28, 1910. Fam- ily home Oakley, Idaho. President high priests quorum Cassia stake; bishop Oak- ley, 2d ward. City councilman two terms. Married Christina Anderson in Sweden (daughter of Eric Anderson), who was born 1826 in Sweden. Their children: John Alfred b. 1854, m. Lucy Clark; August b. 1856, m. Emma Anderson; Annie Christina b. 1859, m. Jacob Dayley; Claus b. 1861 and Joseph b. 1863 died; Clara b. 1864, m. Wil- liam Dahlquist; Manda Matilda b. 1866, died; Etta b. 1869, m. Mr. Whitehouse. Families resided Grantsville, Utah. High priest. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Settled at Grantsville and was one of its active and progres- sive citizens. ELIASON, ANDREW GUSTAVE (son of Anders and Anna C. Eliason). Born Feb. 12, 1841. in Sweden. Married Matilda Johnson Aug. 8, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andreas Johnson and Anna Kaza Anderson, pioneers 1863). She was born Feb. 10, 1851, Allngsas, Sweden. Their children: Gustave Albin b. 1869, died; Edith Matilda b. 1870, m. Peter Sorenson; John Andrew b. 1872, m. Eliza Williams; Ricjiard Alfred b. 1875, m. Lovina Jensen; Anna Josephine b. 1877, m. John C. Nielson; Ernest William b. 1879; Charles August b. 1882, died; Elmer Leroy b. 1885, m. Frances Jensen; Alma Lorenzo b. 1887; Effie Arietta b. 1890, died. Settled at Grantsville, Utah, 1863; moved to Hyrum 1884. High priest. ELIASON, JOHN ANDREW (son of Andrew Gustave Eliason and Matilda Johnson). Born Oct. 22, 1872. Married Eliza Williams #.t Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Williams and Emily Allen, former of Wales, latter of Michigan). She was born Oct. 12, 1876, Hyrum, Utah. Their children: Lila b. Nov. 27, 1899; John Thomas b. Aug. 11, 1902; Charles Ross b. April 15, 1905; George Earl b. Nov. 4, 1906; Emily Matilda b. Sept. 14, 1909. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Elder. Farmer. ELKINS, PAUL, A. (son of John Elkins and Charlotte Roberts of Wiltshire, Eng.). Born July 15, 1849, In England. Came to Utah 1868, -working on railroad. Married Mary Miller Dec. 26, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of David Miller and Mary Hamilton of Ayrshire, Scotland), who was born April 28, 1852. Their children: Mary R., m. Radford Ostler; Amos b. Nov. 12, 1873, m. Sarah Bullock; Lottie, m. George L. Sneff; Annie d. aged 21; John; Alma, m. Laura Widdlson; William d. aged 3; Lily; Roy. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest. School trustee. Carder and spinner in woolen mills. Died Jan. 8, 1911, at Salt Lake City. ELKINS, AMOS (son of Paul A. Elkins and Mary Miller). Born Nov. 12, 1873, at Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Bullock Feb. 22, 1899, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Edwin Bullock and Mary Marguerite Parry, the former of England, came to Utah 1869, the latter of Wales, both later resided at Salt Lake City). She was born Nov. 9, 1873. Their children: Adelbert b. July 1. 1901; Ruth b. Nov. 12, 1903; Marguerite b. Sept. 18, 1905: Pearl b. Jan. 5, 1908; James b. May 3, 1910. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Plasterer. ELLERBECK, THOMAS WITTON (son of Thomas Ellerbeck and Mary Witton). Born May 14, 1829, Pendleton, near Man- chester, Eng. Jan. 23, 1851, sailed from Liverpool on the "Geo. W. Bourne," and arrived at Salt Lake City Oct. 7 same year. Married Emma Spence (daughter of John Spence and Mar- jorie Mary Leisk). Their children: George E., m. Winnie Clawson; Ettie V., m. Thomas D. Lewis; May, m. Elmer E. Darling; William Leon, m. Claire Clinton; Edith, m. Charles Read; Clarissa M. ; Marjorie Mary; Aurania. First engineer for Salt Lake City water-works; superin- tendent of gas and electric light works, Salt Lake City. Pioneer nurseryman; also engaged in banking. Died April 2, 1895, at Salt Lake City. ELLERBECK, WILLIAM LEON (son of Thomas Witton Ellerbeck and Emma Spence). Born Sept. 7, 1874, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Claire Clinton Jan. 26, 1898, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James E. Clinton and Rosella S. Peacock of Manti, Utah), who was born Sept. 22, 1877. Their children: Rosella Clinton b. Dec. 30, 1899; Katharine Claire b. July 22, 1905. Family home Salt Lake City. Original promoter Cllnton-Ellerbeck Clay company, later changed to Utah Fire Clay company; managing director of Nephi Plaster & Manufacturing company; doctor of dental surgery. ELIASON, ANDERS. Born Jan. 15, 1806, Alingsas, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Young company. Married Mrs. Anna Christina Eliason. Their children: Charles, m. Annie Anderson; Andreas b. 1838, m. Headvlg Carlson; Andrew Gustave b. 1841, m. Matilda Johnson. ELLETT, JOHN JAMES (son of John Ellett and Frances Price of London, Eng.). Born Dec. 29, 1820, at London, Eng.). Came to Utah 1851, Orson Pratt company. Married Eleanor Davison April 22, 1840, who was born May 13, 1824. Their children: Eleanor b. Jan. 4, 1841, m. George Sweetser; Sarah Ann b. Oct. 29, 1855, m. Willis Robison; John Davison b. June 1, 1857, m. Jeanette McAr- thur. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Married Mary Turner Clarkson (widow of John Clarkson) Nov. 11, 1861, at Fillmore, Utah (daughter of David Turner and Rose Collier, pioneers 1861, John R. Murdock company). She was born Feb. 3, 1840, near Leeds, Eng. Their children- John Alonzo b. Nov. 21, 1862; David William b. Feb. 21, 1864, 858 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH m. Hannah A. Pierce Sept. 6. 1892; Mary Louise b. April 16, 1886, m. F. A. Young Dec. 21, 1881; Edwin Clarkson b. Nov. 10, 1867; Frances Rose Ann b. Jan. 27, 1870, m. Isaac W. Pierce Jr. Dec. 9, 1886; Joseph Henry b. June 20, 1872, m. Clara B. Shiner Jan. 23, 1891; Charles Arthur b. Jan. 4. 1874, m. Millie F. Maxfleld March 19, 1901; Sarah Elizabeth b. Nov. 25, 1875. m. Albert W. Shiner Dec. 6, 1892; Martha Josephine b. Dec. 10, 1877, m. William C. Jensen Nov. 25, 1896; Susanna b. Jan. 25, 1880. Family home Fremont, Utah. Member 42d quorum seventies; high priest. Held various prominent positions of trust and responsibility. ELLIOTT, GEORGE (son of Benjamin D. Elliott and Ann Withers of New Radford, Nottinghamshire, Eng.). Born Oct. 15, 1815, in Nottinghamshire. Came to Utah August 1861, independent company. Married Eliza Vinton 1840, In Nottinghamshire (daughter of George Vinton and Eliza Hamilton of Kilkenny, Ireland). She was born July 10, 1816. Their children: Edwin b. March 25, 1841, m. Fannie A. Peck;"Sabina b. 1842, died 1847; Annie b. 1844, m. Frank Richardson; George b. Oct. 6, 1846, m. Mary Sweet, m. Annie E. Smart; Henry b. Feb. 28, 1848, m. Georgiana Clawson; Simon b. 1852, died 1855; William b. Oct. 30, 1850, m. Julia Ann Flemming; Eliza b. May 6, 1854, m. Harry R. M. Atkinson; Frederic b. 1856, died 1873; Hattie b. Oct. 1, 1858, m. John Westphal. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 45th quorum seventies; high priest. Machinist; farmer. Died Dec. 18, 1904, Provo, Utah. ELLIOTT, EDWIN (son of George Elliott and Eliza Vinton). Born March 25, 1841, in Nottinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1860. Married Fannie A. Peck Dec. 1, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Harrison G. O. Peck and Margaret R. Augier, both of Stoughton, Mass., pioneers October, 1852, Capt. Tid- well company). She was born Nov. 6, 1845. Their children: Fannie Eliza b. Nov. 6, 1865, m. Joshua Dunn; Margaret Vilate b. April 22, 1868; Mary Elenor b. Aug. 31, 1870, m. David J. Vincent; Leah Nora b. Feb. 26, 1875, and Emma Sabina b. June 7, 1876, died; Harriet Amelia b. June 20, 1879, m. Alphonso Adamson; Kathryn b. Nov. 7, 1882; Hazel R. b. Nov. 16, 1886, m. Clarence Ericksen; Genevieve b. Feb. 24, 1889, m. Thomas W. Shelley. Family home Provo, Utah. Elder. Sawyer; engineer. ELLIOTT, GEORGE (son of George Elliott and Eliza Vin- ton). Born Oct. 6. 1846. Came to Utah 1862. Married Mary Sweet. Married Annie Elizabeth Smart November 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of H. B. Smart and Eliza Windsor of Somer- setshire, Eng., pioneers 1868). She was born May 20, 1859, and died July 13, 1909, at Provo, Utah. Their children: Edwin H. b. Nov. 12, 1886, m. Ruby McKellar; Irene b. Aug. 5, 1888, m. Vern Searls; George died; Windsor; Florence; Clifford. President Y. M. M. I. A., 4th ward, Provo, Utah, three years. Watermaster; superintendent Wild Dutchman mine at American Fork three years. Farmer; contractor; miner. ELLIOTT, EDWIN H. (son of George Elliott and Annie E. Smart). Born Nov. 12, 1886, Provo, Utah. Married Ruby McKellar June 3, 1909, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hugh McKellar and Mary Henry of Scotland, who came to Utah by rail). She was born Oct. 16, 1889. Their children: George McKellar b. May 20, 1910; Gordon b. Nov. 2, 1911. Operator Knight Power Co., Elkhorn, Utah. Electrician and engineer. ELLIOTT, HENRY (son of George Elliott and Eliza Vinton). Born Feb. 28, 1848, Boulogne, France. Came to Utah July 1862. Married Georgiana Clawson March 17, 1871, at Toquervllle, Utah (daughter of Moses Clawson and Sarah Inkley of Nauvoo, 111.), who was born Aug. 3, 1854. Their children: George Henry b. May 17, 1873, m. Bertha Irinda McEwan; Hattie b. Aug. 14, 1875, died; Effle Eliza b. April 6, 1877; Ray- mond b. Sept. 25, 1879; Moroni b. Oct. 15, 1881; Annie Lucile b. Jan. 29, 1884; Lizzie b. March 20, 1886; Sabina b. Nov. 2, 1889; Joseph E. b. Dec. 7, 1892; Lena Dotty b. Sept. 6, 1899. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 46th quorum seventies. Farmer. ELLIOTT, GEORGE HENRY (son of Henry Elliott and Geor- giana Clawson). Born May 17. 1873, Provo, Utah. Married Bertha Irinda McEwan Dec. 16, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Thompson McEwan and Irinda Naoma Crandall of Springvllle, Utah). She was born Dec. 17. 1874. Their children: Erma Eliza b. April 21, 1898; Ethel b. March 21, 1900; Leah b. Aug. 17, 1901; Alma Ray- mond b. Jan. 28, 1903; Clawson Spicer b. Sept. 17, 1904; Wal- ter Simon b. May 21, 1906; Bessie b. March 21, 1908. Elder; counselor in presidency elders' quorum Tlmpano- gos ward, Provo, 1908-10; ward and Sunday school teacher. Printer; farmer and fruitgrower. don, who came to Utah 1870 by rail). She was born Feb. 19. 1846. Their children: Rosina Marie b. June 19, 1864, d. 1868; James Alexander b. May 26, 1865. d. 1865; William Thomas b. June 17, 1866, m. Anna Christine Hansen; Mary Jane b. July 27, 1868, m. John A. Richins; Walter Alexander b. July 8, 1870, m. Nellie Catell; Alfred John b. July 31 1872, d. 1903; Alonzo Edmond b. Oct. 16, 1874, m. Ellen Peter- son; Burley Elizabeth Martha b. Aug. 14, 1876, m. Benjamin West; Horace Bertram b. April 20, 1878, d. 1878; Lewis George b. Jan. 15, 1880, m. Lenne Waddall; Florence Helen b. Feb. 8. 1882, m. Vance McHan; Belle Maude b. May 22, 1884, m. James Baxter; Pearl Bertha b. May 28, 1887. Fam- ily home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Justice of peace; road supervisor. Owner and manager "Pioneer Nursery" at Pleasant Grove. ELLIS, JOHN (son of George Ellis and Elizabeth Hague of Manchester, Eng.). Born Jan. 5, 1828, Derby, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856. Daniel D. McArthur handcart company. Married Mary Ann Emmett June 4. 1853, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of John Emmett and Sarah Boothman of Clitheroe, Eng.), who was born Oct. 3, 1822. Their children: George b. March 31, 1854, d. Infant; Mary Ann b. March 6, 1857, d. Jan. 16, 1882, m. J. H. Watkins; John G. b. Aug. 22, 1859, m. Rose A. Drake; Elizabeth b. Aug. 26, 1861, m. George Shorten. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to England 1881-83. Carpenter; building Inspector of Ogden. Died Sept. 26, 1901. ELLIS, JOHN GREGORY (son of John Ellis and Mary Ann Emmett). Born Aug. 22, 1859, Ogden, Utah. Married Rose A. Drake May 24, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Drake and Emily White of Iowa, who came to Utah April, 1876). She was born Dec. 15, 1863. Their children: John F. b. Feb. 8, 1884, m. Telitha Brown- ing; George b. Jan. 24, 1886, d. infant; Willard D. b. April 8, 1887, m. Elda I. Pingree; Paul b. Dec. 20, 1889; Oliver G. b. July 22, 1892; Wallace H. b. Jan. 5, 1896; Mary A. b Oct 30, 1898; Rose E. b. June 9, 1901; Grant b. Oct. 2, 1903. Fam- ily home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1892-95. Member board of education 1898-1901. ELLIS, JOHN (son of John Ellis and Hannah Stoner). Born Jan. 4, 1814, Scarborough, near Toronto, Canada. Came to Utah 1851, Horton D. Haight company. Married Harriet Hales Oct. 31, 1839 (daughter of Stephen and Mary Ann Hales), who was born June 10, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary Ann b. Dec 30, 1840, m. Meltire Hatch; Hannah Isabella b. Dec. 31, 1843, m. Samuel Henrie; Stephen Hales b. Oct. 18, 1846, m. Helen Marr Lee Feb. 13, 1871; John Henry b. March 18, 1849, m. Phebe Clark; Harriet Louisa b. Dec. 21, 1861, m. Daniel C. Lee; Joseph Ezra b. March 28, 1854, m. Elnora Burnham; Sarah Ann b. Jan. 8, 1856, m. Joseph Hogan; Elizabeth Jane b. Jan. 3, 1859, m. Stearne Hatch; Laura Victoria b. Oct. 12, 1861, m. John E. Hatch; Charles William b. April 13, 1864, m. Robenia Marshall; George Franklin b. Aug. 30, 1866; James b. Aug. 12, 1868. Family home Woods Cross, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Helped haul stone for Salt Lake temple. Carpenter; cooper; miller; saw- yer. Died April 3, 1871. ELLIS, STEPHEN HALES (son of John Ellis and Harriet Hales). Born Oct. 18, 1846, Fort Madison, Iowa. Married Helen Marr Lee Feb. 13, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Henry Lee and Harriet Carter), who was born May 4, 1853, at South Cottonwood, Utah, Their children: John Henry b. Jan. 27, 1872, m. Mary A. Howard; Helen Marr b. May 17, 1874, m. Charles H. Atkinson; Stephen Hales b. Sept. 10, 1876, m. Rachel Ann Briggs; Harriet Ame- lia b. Oct. 5, 1878, m. William Riley; Ruth Clarlsa b. Oct. 28 1880, m. William Hardy; LeRoy Lee b. Dec. 28, 1882. m. Emma McFarland; Ralph Ezekiel b. Jan. 21, 1885, m. Fannie Richards; Cordelia b. July 11, 1887. Family home Woods Cross, Utah. Married Axellne P. Engebretsen March 30, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of Carl Peterson and Wilhelmina Scroll, pio- neers Sept. 22, 1861, Samuel A. Woolley company), who was born March 12, 1873, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Owen William b. Dec. 21, 1903; George Edwin b. Feb. 24, 1905; Carl Reed b. Jan. 30, 1907; Orson Hales b. Oct. 16 1908. Black Hawk war veteran. Superintendent South Bountiful Sunday school 16 years. ELLISON, JAMES (son of Adam Ellison and Ellen Glover). Born June 18, 1807, in Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Alice Haltwell 1842, in England. Their children: Ellen, m. John Bennett; George A., m. Hatheren Morgan; John W., m. Amanda Miller; Jane A., m. Andrew D. Park; Mary E., m. James P. Bennett; Alice S., m. David F. Park. Family home Nephl, Utah. ELLIS, ALEXANDER (son of William Ellis and Mary 'White of Crediton, Devonshire, Eng.). Born July 31, 1842, Wither- idge, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15. 1863, Samuel D. White company. Married Maria Elslmore May 14, 1863, London, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Elslmore and Martha Sandal of Lon- ELLISON, JOHN (son of Matthew Ellison, born Sept. 16, 1793, and Jane Wilson, born June 16, 1800, both of York- shire, Eng. married 1817). He was born May 23, 1818, In Yorkshire. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1852, Capt. Howell com- pany. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 859 Married Alice Pilling Feb. 4, 1841 (daughter of John Pill- ing and Peggy Banks, pioneers 1853 married 1816). She was born Nov. 20. 1820, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Margaret Jane b. Aug. 11, 1842, m. William Riley Taylor Sept. 1857; John Ammon b. April 22, 1845, d. Aug. 15, 1847; David Samuel b. March 4, 1848, d. July 24, 1849; Ephraim Peter b. June 10, 1850, m. Elizabeth White- sides Jan. 1873; Matthew Thomas b. March 25, 1853, m. Jane Rowen July 1882; Susanah Ellen b. March 28, 1855, m. Joseph T. Robine March 1875; Elijah Edward b. Aug. 1, 1857, m. Harriet Morgan Jan. 1883; Mary Alice b. Oct. 29, 1869. m William Wallace Feb. 1892; Sarah Ann Dinah b. Jan. 23, 1862, d. Jan. 29, 1863; Joseph Heber b. May 12, 1864, m. Lavena Wiggill Nov. 1884. Family resided in Nauvoo, 111., St. Louis, Mo., and in Utah. Married Catherine McClaine 1856, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Ann Kidd June 20, 1869, Salt Lake City. Married Grace Stewart June 1894, Salt Lake City. Settled on Jordan river 1852; moved to Kaysvllle October 1853. Assistant stake Sunday school superintendent; high counselor; patriarch. Selectman Davis county. Died Sept. 9, 1903, Kaysville, Utah. ELLISON, EPHRAIM PETER (son of John Ellison and Alice Pilling). Born June 10, 1850, St. Louis, Mo. Married Elizabeth Whitesides January 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lewis Whitesides and Susanah Perkins, pioneers 1852), who was born Nov. 13, 1851, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Their children: James Edward b. Sept. 9, 1873, m. Jane Watt Feb. 1897; Mary Annette b. Aug. 28, 1875, m. Warren S. Stevenson Feb. 1898; Lawrence Ephraim b. April 27 1879, m. Katherlne M. Adams June 1907; Morris Heber b. Oct. 20, 1881, m. Margaret J. Cowley March 1905; John Par- ley b Oct. 14. 1886; Alice Louise b. Jan. 22. 1889, m. Jabez S. Adams June 1911; Evan Lewis b. July 13. 1891; Marion White- sides b. Nov. 27. 1893. Family home Layton. Utah. Superintendent Sunday school at Layton; member high council, Davis stake. Farmer; stockraiser; miller; mer- chant. Kl.MF.lt, WILLIAM (son of John Elmer and Sally Peaque). Born Sept. 16. 1820, Norwich, Orange county, Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852.. Married Hannah Plina Child March 26, 1846, In Lee county, Iowa (daughter of Alfred B. Child and Polly Barber), who was born Jan. 24, 1828. and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John Samuel b. Oct. 13, 1847, died: Mark Alfred b. Dec. 16, 1848, m. Minnie Jost; William Warren b. Nov. 23, 1850. m. Adelaide Hall; Cynthia Tryphenia b. Dec. 16 1852, m. John Q. Leavitt Aug. 16, 1869; Hannah Plina b. Feb. 13. 1854, d. 1857; Polly Anna b. Dec. 6, 1856, m. M. D. Taylor Dec. 27, 1875; Phebe Arlnda b. Sept. 19, 1858, m. Mark Hall Dec. 7, 1874; Sally Rosa Bell b. Nov. 16, 1861, d. 1878; Sarah Josephine b. April 16. 1863, m. W. W. Browning; Electa Ann b Jan. 28, 1866. m. Chris. J. Brown; Charles Asa b. Aug. 17, 1869, d. July 3, 1870; Hiram Barney b. Feb. 11, 1871. d. May 21, 1872. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Ann Gean April 1857, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William A. Gean and Esther Ann Pierce, pioneers 1850). She was born Dec. 29, 1832. Their children: Levl James b. Oct. 1, 1858, m. Treen Louise Peterson Feb. 20, 1896- Esther Ann b. Dec. 27, 1861, m. Francis Keyes Oct. 27 1878; Amanda Vllate b. July 6, 1863, m. James Green Browning April 26, 1883; William Heber b. Feb. 13, 1869, m. Inga Peterson Dec. 20, 1899. Lieutenant-colonel Nauvoo Legion; captain cavalry Com- pany A. Assisted In building first railroad In Ogden, and flrst road in Ogden Canyon. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1856. High priest. ELMER, LEVI JAMES (son of William Elmer and Mary Ann Gean). Born Oct 1, 1858, Payson, Utah. Married Treen Louise Peterson Feb. 20, 1895, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jorgan Peterson and Ellen Anderson), who was born July 8, 1874, Copenhagen, Denmark. Their chil- dren- Joseph Levi b. May 10, 1896; William Jorgan b. Aug. 9 1898- Ellen Louise b. Sept. 23, 1900: Polly Ann b. Nov. 27| 1902- Ezra James b. April 21, 1905; George Wilfred b. Nov. 2, 1907; Hannah Plina b. Oct. 18, 1910. Family home Mar- riott, Utah. High priest. Farmer. ELLSWORTH, EDMUND (son of Jonathan Ellsworth and Sarah Galley of New York state). Born July 1, 1819, Paris, Oneida county, N. T. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, with Brig- ham Young. Married Elizabeth Young (daughter of Brlgham Youngr and Miriam Works). Their children: Charlotte b. 1843; Edmund b. 1845, m. Ellen Blair Nov. 6. 1864; Rowenah b. 1848, m. John Howard; Brigham H. b. 1850, m. Helen Gibson; Alice V. b. 1852, m. James O. Swift: Laura C. b. 1854, m. Richard F. Jardine; John W. b. 1858, m. Jennie Hanson; Minnie b. 1861, m. Emmett Horsley. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Ann Dudley Dec. 24, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of Oliver H. Dudley and Mary Ann Robinson of Willard. Utah), who was born Aug. 11, 1834. Their children: Mary A. b. June 26, 1856, m. Spencer V. Raymond; Albert Level b. Sept. 27, 1857, m. Isabel Hoggs, m. Elizabeth Eames; James D. b. Oct. 31, 1859; Oliver Dudley b. Oct. 4, 1861 m. Dina Blumquist; Susan Lorena b. Jan. 19, 1864, m. W. W. Stephens; Asa Charles b. Sept. 17. 1866, m. Emily E. Theurer; Jerome D. b. Feb. 11, 1869, m. Anna Mary Clinger; Hannah D. b. Nov. 4, 1872, m. Lewis Henry Poole. Family resided at Salt Lake City and West V/eber, Utah, and in Arizona. Married Mary Ann Bates. Their children: William b. June 24, 1S57, m. Emma Dailey; George F. b. Dec. 26, 1859, m. Sarah Fallet; Fanny b. April 28, 1862. m. C. H. Greenwcll; Orson b. Dec. 31, 1864, m. Lucy Oakley; Nellie b. June 1. 1866 in. A. J. Merrill; Loritta b. April 12, 1867, m. Hans Hansen; Julia b. Dec. 16. 1869, m. S. E. West; Annie M. b. Dec. 1, 1871 ni. Calvin Phelps. Married Mary Ann Jones Oct. 10, 185G, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Jones and Hannah Paine). Their chil- dren: Abner b. Nov. 24, 1857, m. Betsy Merrill In 1884; Agnes b. April 28, 18ES, m. James Hoage; Charles H. E. b. Dec. 23 1860, m. Isabell Mlrlot; Frank b. Feb. 26, 1863, m. Edna Mer- rill; Louis b. Sept. 18, 1865. m. Josephine Crlsmon; William W. b. Oct. 13, 1867, m. Martha A. Passey; Ernest b. Dec. 13, 1801). m. Estella Johnson; Wllford b. Feb. 18, 1872, died- Sarah V. b. Sept. 9, 1873, m. Ernest Crlsmon; Laura b. Oct. 28. 1575, m. John Hall; Harry b. May 3, 1877, m. Annie Hall; Byron b. Feb. 9, 1879, m. Clara Hall. Veteran Walker war. Counselor to bishop; missionary to England. Member Nauvoo Legion. Alderman Salt Lake City. Superintendent construction of Utah Northern Rail- road; lumberman. ELLSWORTH, EDMUND (son of Edmund Ellsworth and Elizabeth Young). Born 1845 at Hancock, Mo. Married Ellen Blair Nov. 6, 1864, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Seth M. Blair and Jane Espy), who was born Oct. 12, 1846, in Tennessee. Their children: Edmund b. Aug. 9. 1868; Seth M. b. Aug. 30, 1870; Frank B. b. Oct. 28 1872- Clara Cornelia b. Oct. 21, 1874; John M. b. Oct. 31. 1878- Elizabeth b. July 6, 1880; Alonzo G. b. Sept. 16, 1883- Preston B. b. May 6, 1887. Member Nauvoo Legion. President Parks and Lewisvllle Irrigation company; probate judge; superintendent of schools; president and director of Little Feeds Canal com- pany. ELLSWORTH, EDMUND (son of Edmund Ellsworth and Ellen Blair). Born Aug. 9, 1868, St. Joseph, Ariz. Married Edwina Walker (daughter of William Walker and Louisa Bingham, pioneers'1847), who was born Jan. 24, 1870, Oak Creek, Utah. Their children: Lydia b. April 25, 1889, m. Orson Greenwood: Clara b. Dec. 4, 1890; Orba b. Nov. 1 1892; Edmund F. b. Sept. 22, 1894; Genieve b. Sept. 14, 1896; Byron Y. b. Jan. 30. 1899; John Willard b. Nov. 20, 1901- Herald b. Feb. 9, 1904; Louisa b. Aug. 19, 1906; Ellen b. June 29, 1909. Family resided Lewisville and Rigbey, Idaho. State hay and grain inspector for Idaho. ELLSWORTH, ASA CHARLES (son of Edmund Ellsworth and Mary Ann Dudley). Born Sept. 17, 1866, West Weber Utah. Married Emily E. Theurer July 3. 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Theurer and Barbara Welrly, Providence Utah pioneers). She was born Aug. 30, 1866. Their chil- dren: Asa Sidney b. April 7, 1890, died; John Orval b. Nov 15. 1892; Idetta T. b. Nov. 8, 1894; Von T. b. June 6. 1896- Barbara T. b. June 31, 1898; Reho William b. Feb. 9, 1902- Spencer T. b. March 9, 1904; Heber Michal b. March 29, 1907- Joseph T. b. Dec. 14, 1909, died. Family resided West Weber, Utah, and Rexburg, Idaho. Elder; president deacons quorum; 1st counselor In presi- dency Y. M. M. I. A.; home missionary. Marshal; deputy game warden. Farmer; commission agent. ELLSWORTH, GERMAN (son of Israel Ellsworth of Atlca LaPeer Co., Michigan). Born 1812, in New York. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1848, Captain Allen company. Married Experience (Speedy) Brown, in New York State. Their children: Eveline, m. James Ellsworth; Esther, m. William Doudle; Ephraim; Minerva; Elizabeth; German, m. Christena Parsons. Elder; missionary in Michigan. Died October, 1848 Salt Lake City. Experience Brown (Ellsworth), after her husband's death, married Philo Johnson, who was one of the original pioneers of 1847. Their children: Reuben; Emily, Hannah- Lettle; Phllo; Speedy. ELLSWORTH, GERMAN (son of German Ellsworth and Experience Brown). Born Sept. 27, 1S48, Salt Lake City. Married Christena Parsons Dec. 25, 1869, Payson, Utah (daughter of Peter and Chorsta Parsons), who was born July 13, 1848, and came to Utah 1859. Their children: Speedy Armlna b. Sept. 13, 1870, Delos Tanner; German Edgar b. Oct. 12, 1871, m. Mary Rachel Smith: Reubln William b. May 2, 1873, m. Isabelle Barnes; George Arthur b. October. 1874, m. Charlotte Ellen Eyre; Albert, died; Luella b. May 14, 1876, m. James D. Thorne; Lewis Norman b. Sept. 28, 1878, m. Mary Tempest; Benjamin Franklin b. Feb. 28, 1880, m. Pearl Hale; Nellie b. 1882, died: Jesse Hyrum b. July, 1884; Sarah Eveline b. 1886, m. Elmer Mad- sen; Cyrus Wells b. Feb. 28, 1891; Wllford James b. 189S; Mary Ceclla b. 1895. Member 127th quorum seventies; counselor to bishop Jesse Taylor. City councilman. Bee and fruit inspector. Farmer, carpenter and builder. ELLSWORTH, GERMAN EDGAR (son of German Elli- worth, Jr., and Christena Parsons). Born Oct. 12, 1871, Payson, Utah. Married Mary Rachael Smith June 29, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jesse Smith and Mary Ann Price of 860 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Lehl. Utah, pioneers September. 1865, Washburn Chlpman company). She was born April 18, 1876. Their children: German Smith b. May 18. 1899; Blanche b. Aug. 10, 1901; Ruth b. March 11, 1907; Helen b. Dei. 3, 1909; Russell Smith b. May 29, 1913. Member 127th quorum seventies; missionary to Cali- fornia 1896-98; Assistant Superintendent Jordan Stake Sun- day school; president Northern States Mission 1903-13. Member Board of Education. Instrumental in publishing more than 250.000 of Book of Mormon. President Zlons Printing and Publishing Co., of Independence, Mo. School teacher. EMMETT, THOMAS (son of John Emmett and Sarah Boothman of Downan, Lancashire. Eng.). Born Sept. 19, 1827. at Downan. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1854, Capt. Field company. Married Nancy Hitchon Feb. 24, 1850, Sabdin, Lancashire, Eng. (daughter of Robert Hitchon and Margaret Irving of Downan), who was born Sept. 11, 1832. Their children: Henrietta A. b. Dec. 21, 1851, m. R. B. Wilson May 15, 1871; Thomas F. b. Jan. 27, 1856, m. Alice A. Hill Jan. 23. 1879; Robert W. b. Feb. 29, 1860, m. Mary Jensen Sept. 27, 1883; Nancy Ellen b. Nov. 6, 1861, m. George H. Greenwell May 24, 1883; Sarah E. b. Jan.. 24, 1864, m. Edwin F. Tout Sept. 24, 1884; James H. b. Nov. 9, 1868, m. Elizabeth Pingree May 29, 1895; Mary A. b. Jan. 4, 1870, m. Edgar A. Ensign May 2, 1900; Walter R. b. Feb. 15, 1875, m. Joan Woodmansee Oct. 10, 1900; Irving C. b. March 15, 1878, m. Nellie Young Aug. 11, 1904. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member high council Weber stake. School trustee two terms. Soda water manufacturer; farmer. Died Feb. 1, 1894. EMMETT, THOMAS F. (son of Thomas Emmett and Nancy Hitchon). Born Jan. 27, 1856, Ogden, Utah. Married Alice A. Hill Jan. 23, 1879, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Hill and Alice Mellor of Ogden, Utah pioneers 1853), who was born Oct. 9, 1855. Only child: Walter S. b. Sept. 3, 1881. In early days, assisted his father in farming and in the soda water manufacture. Railroad conductor; contractor and builder. EMERY, HENRY (son of George Emery of Doncaster, Eng.). Born at Doncaster. Came to Utah In the 50's. Married Elizabeth Brewerton at Council Bluffs, Iowa, who was born March 13, 1825, Doncaster, Eng., and came to Utah with mother in the EO's. Their children: Harry B., m. Katie Putman; Elizabeth, m. Theodore McKean; George R., m. Rose Wilding; John, died; Isaac, m. Marian Ajax; David S., m. Mary Port; Mary, m. Edward Mitchell; Charles Frank, m. Elizabeth Simpson; Sarah, m. John Timpson; Annie, m. James Roskelly; William, m. Lorlna Nebeker; Ada, m. John Stowe; Frederick, m. Mamie Lamb; Martha, died; Edith, m. Edwin Rich; Fanny, died. Seventy; bishop's counselor; choir leader. Manager ship- ping department Walker Bros. Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Died July, 1881, at Salt Lake City. EMERY, CHARLES FRANK (son of Henry Emery and Eliza- beth Brewerton). Born Jan. E, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Simpson March 5, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of Frank Simpson and Elizabeth Hutchinson of Durham, Eng., pioneers 1865), who was born March 16, 1866. Their children: Frank S. b. Dec. 22, 1893; Henry b. Oct. 1, 1895; Vilate b. Jan. 8, 1897; Vida b. Nov. 27, 1899; Elvle b. Aug. 18, 1901; Jessie b. May 13, 1903; Helen b. March 17, 1905; David b. Sept. 24, 1908; Elizabeth b. Sept. 4, 1910; Thaddeus b. Oct. 5, 1912. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to southern states 1890-92; superin- tendent Sunday school; sheriff Salt Lake county 6 years; state sanitary Inspector. EMPEY, CHARL.ES (son of Samuel Empey and Ann Peacock of Salt Lake City). Born 1847, Kanswarth, Eng. Came to Utah 1866. Married Sarah Ann Shipley 1878, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Robert and Sarah Shipley of Ogden), who died December, 1898. Their children: Charles B. S., m. Katie M. Meyers; Sarah L., m. Peter Mlnoch; George, m. Amadille Calloway; Clarence. Family home, Ogden. Engaged In dray business. Died Oct. 1, 1898. EMPEY, CHARLES B. S. (son of Charles Empey and Sarah Ann Shipley). Born March 15, 1879, at Ogden. Married Katie M. Meyers Feb. 28, 1904, Ogden (daughter of Ephraim Meyers and Cora M. Volker of Ogden, who came to Utah by rail). She was born Sept.. 11, 1885. Their chil- dren: Charles Henry b. July 18, 1906; Philip Howard b. March 13, 1910. Family home, Ogden. Manager and part owner of Ogden Wholesale Drug Com- pany. b. Oct. 18. 1848; Caroline b. Nov. 16, 1849: Jane Ann b. March 20, 1851; Ephraim S. b. May 27, 1852, m. Sarah A. Rhodes April 19, 1875; George b. March 20, 1855; William b. Aug. 31. 1856; Joseph b. Nov. 26, 1858, m. Christie Lewis Dec. 28, 1878; David Hyrum b. Feb. 25, 1861; Alfred b. Jan. 20, 1863, m. Mariah Lewis May 12, 1886; John b. March 25, 1865, m. Almira Norton Dec. 15, 1896; Amos b. Feb. 26. 1868; Orrin b. March 25, 1870. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Ann Folks 1858 at Salt Lake City, who was born Nov. 5, 1829, Tottenhoe, Bedfordshire, Eng. Member 44th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1876-76. Director in Lehi Co-op. EMPEY, EPHRAIM S. (son of Shadrach Empey and Ann Athes). Born May 27, 1852, Eatonbray, Eng. Married Sarah Ann Rhodes April 19, 1875, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Alonzo D. Rhodes and Sarah Bushman pioneers 1850), who was born March 4, 1857, Lehi, Utah. Their children: Sarah Ann b. April 14, 1876, m. Perry Molen Feb. 21, 1895; Ephraim Ellas b. Feb. 25, 1878, m. Jane Powell Oct. 22, 1897; Alonzo Ernest b. March 28. 1880, m. Olive Mitchell Dec. 7. 1904; Elsie Elizabeth b. May 6, 1882, m. Richard Tracy Sept. 18, 1901; Alfred Burton b. Aug. 5. 1884. m. lola Simmions March 27, 1905; Martin Lester b. March 6, 1887, m. Hallie Simmions March 20, 1907; Alva M. b. April 29, 1889; Pearl Lorena b. Oct. 9, 1891, m. Antone L. Peterson Jan. 11, 1910; Ray Shadrach b. Dec. 20, 1893; Homer Rhodes b. May 28. 1896; Edna Mary b. March 25, 1901. Family home Ammon, Blngham Co., Idaho. Missionary to eastern states 1897-99; 2d counselor in bishopric at Ammon 1903. ENGEBRETSEN, BERNT (son of Engebret Engebretsen and Malene Johnsen). Born Oct. 22, 1841, Eldsvold, Akershus Amt, Norway. Came to Utah 1884. Married Kirstine Anderson 1870. Their children: Ole Ansker, m. Seline DeGray; Einar Marcus, m. Exeline Peder- sen; Bernhart Gunerlus; Jennie Matilde, m. Perrigrine Ses- sions; Carl Johan, m. Ethel Abbott; Elize Marie, m. Henry Winter; Syverin Theodore, died; Moses Gustaph, m. Hazel Moyer; Martha Lovisa, m. Aderen Clinger; Adaubtet. Fam- ily home Lorenzo, Idaho. High priest; ward teacher. Moved to Idaho in 1906. EMPEY, SHADRACH (son of Joseph Empey, born 1790, and Elizabeth Kempson of Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born June 21, 1822, Eatonbray, Bedfordshire. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1862, George Kendall company. Married Ann Athes Oct 12, 1847 (daughter of William Athes and Elizabeth Prior), who was born Nov. 5, 1827, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Elizabeth Ann ENGLAND, JOHN. Born March 20, 1815, at Stafford, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan company. Married Jane Pavard May 4, 1834, at Berwick Church, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Pavard of Stafford, Eng.), who was born Aug. 22, 1815. Their children: George b. March 10, 1835; Anny b. June 30, 1837; Mina b. June 25, 1838; Martha b. 1839; David b. March 6, 1840; John b. Sept. 4, 1843; William b. 1845; William b. July 29, 1846; Emma b. March 6, 1848; Lillian b. Nov. 30, 1849; James b. May 24, 1851; Elizabeth b. Feb. 8, 1852; Esther; Florio; Thomas b. July 3, 1861. Family home Plain City, Utah; High priest. Died April 16, 1894, at Plain City, Utah. ENGLAND, JOHN (son of John England and Jane Pavard). Born Sept. 4, 1843, at Bridport, Dorsetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1861, working on telegraph line. Married Laura H. M. Thuesen Oct. 11. 1863. at Plain City. Utah (daughter of Niels Thuesen and Engllka Christina Lund of Copenhagen, Denmark pioneers Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross company). She was born June 22, 1846. Their children: Laura Christina b. March 28, 1865, d. February, 1866; John Vesilo b. March 20, 1867, m. Emma Stewart June 1, 1887; Julia b. July 11, 1869, d. Dec. 18, 1869; Ellen b. Feb. 1, 1871, m. Albert Miller Nov. 5, 1890; William T. b. Jan. 25, 1874, m. Eliza M. Geddes Sept. 5, 1894; Charles Mllo b. May 24, 1876, m. Susie Geddes Aug. 15, 1900; Alice Louisa b. Sept. 28, 1878, m. John Griffith Oct. 21, 1889; Violate Lorena b. Aug. 24, 1880, d. March 16, 1892; Ida Adellnda b. Feb. 17, 1883, m. H. Andrew Benson April E, 190E; Lille May b. Nov. 27. 1881, m. Eugene Ltljenquist Nov. 8, 1906; Alta Adella b. Aug. 9, 1889. Family home Plain City, Utah. Counselor to president of high priests quorum, Blackfoot stake, 1907-09. Black Hawk war veteran. Director P!aln City Ditch Co., 1870-82, and president of same 1871-76; direc- tor of Peoples Canal Co. of Moreland, Idaho, 1895-99. ENGLAND, WILLIAM T. (son of John England and Laura H. M. Thuesen), Born Jan. 25, 1874, Plain City, Utah. Married Eliza M. Geddes Sept. B, 1894, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Emma Geddes pioneers October, 1864), who was born Sept. 25, 1873. Their children: William H. b. July 15, 1895; Lurlea E. b. Oct. 26, 1898; Violet M. b. Feb. 16, 1903; Martha Louisa b. Oct. 6, 1908; Prescilla b. July 20. 1912. Family home Moreland, Idaho. Member stake Sunday school board five years; set apart and ordained bishop Moreland ward Jan. 11, 1908. ENGLAND, JAMES (son of John England and Jane Pavard). Born May 24, 1851, at Bridport, Dorsetshire, Eng. Married Rose Hannah Smith Jan. 24, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Andrew Smith and Sarah Huea of Birmingham, Eng., who came to Utah 1869). She was born May 6, 1854, at Birmingham. Their children: Rose Hannah b. Oct. 9, 1873, m. Joseph Wlnn; James Henry b. June 13, 1875, m. Elizabeth Draper; m. Maggie Griffiths; George Albert b. Nov. 23, 1877, m. Hattie Hartvldgson; Sarah Jane b. Oct. 24, 1879, m. Jesse Davis; Wlllard Victor b. Jan. 13, 1882, m. Alice Ammondsen; Belle Harris b. Aug. 10, 1883, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 861 m. E. H. Bench; Minnie b. Dec. 10, 3885, m. Earl Lamb; Emma b. Aug. 19. 1887, m. Robert Baxter; Carlos Smith b. Aug. 15, 1889; Nellie Smith b. Nov. 12, 1890; Charles William b. Sept. 26, 1892; Lizzie Smith b. April 13, 1894; Katy May b. June 4. 1896; Leona Smith b. April 17, 1898. Family resided Plain City and Collinston, Utah, Preston, Burley and Moreland, Idaho, LaGrande and Union, Oregon. Moved from Plain City to Collinston, Utah, 1888; to Preston. Idaho, 1890; and to Moreland, Idaho, 1896, where he was ordained a high priest and set apart as 1st counselor to Bishop H. P. Christensen; moved to LaGrande, Ore., 1900; set apart bishop of LaGrande ward 1901, and of Union ward 1902; patriarch. One of the incorporators of Peoples Canal at Moreland. Idaho. ENNISS. JOHN (son of John Enniss, born 1772, Forest of Dean. Gloucestershire, Eng., and Hannah Park, born April 14, 1778. parish of English Bidener; married Feb. 4. 1808). Born Dec. 10, 1821. Forest of Dean. Came to Utah 1852, Thomas Tidwell company. Married Elizabeth Boulter Dec. 14, 1845 (daughter of Thomas Boulter and Comfort Davies, both of whom died at Council Bluffs, Iowa). She was born Aug. 11, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Augusta Comfort b. Aug. 18, 1847, m. Ruel M. Rogers June, 1862; John Heber b. April, 1855, m. Annie M. Garfleld 1874; Willard Boulter b. June 8, 1857, m. Mary Emily Wadley Dec. 14, 1882. Family home Draper, Utah. Married Jane Okey (daughter of Thomas Okey). Only child: Rozella Jane b. Feb. 7, 1862, m. Joseph D. Wadley Dec. 30, 1884. Settled at Draper 1853. Presided over Pontshill branch in England. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. ENNISS, WILLARD BOULTER (son of John Enniss and Elizabeth Boulter). Born June 8, 1857, Draper, Utah. Married Mary Emily Wadley Dec. 14, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Wadley and Hannah Dorney; former pioneer 1853, latter 1856), who was born Aug. 17, 1859, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Their children: John Wadley b. Sept. 27, 1883, m. Laura Peart Dec. 6, 1906; Hannah Mabel b. Dec. 30, 1884. m. Earl S. Allen Dec. 20, 1906: Annie Estella b. April 18, 1886, m. Alma Terry Jan. 7, 1904; Alva Benjamin b. Dec. 3, 1892; Vern Wilson b. Nov. 12, 1894; Maysel Augusta b. July 7, 1897; Emily Elizabeth b. March 31, 1899; Franklin Dorney b. Nov. 23. 1900: Elmer Marr b. March 31, 1906. Family home Draper, Utah. Member 73d quorum seventies; high priest; bishop Draper ward 1898-10; missionary to England 1906-08. School teach- er. Justice of peace two terms; instrumental in incorporat- ing all water rights of settlers at Draper; director and active manager Draper Irrigation company 1890-96; then president till 1904. School trustee of 22d district Salt Lake county 16 years. One of organizers of Draper Mercantile company 1898. ENSIGN, LUMAN DANIEL (son of Luman Ashley Ensign). Born March 25, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Rosa Belle Dee Oct. 11, 1885, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas and Ann Dee of Ogden), who was born April 21, 1861. ENSIGN, MARTIN L. (son of Horace and Mary Ensign). Born March 31. 1831, Westfleld, Hampden county, Mass. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1847, Ira Eldredge company. Married Mary Dunn Jan. 8, 1852 (daughter of Simeon A. Dunn and Adaline Rawson, married July 3, 1828). She was born Nov. 2. 1833. Their children: Mary Adaline b. Nov. 10, 1852, m. John L. Roberts; Georgtana b. April 6, 1854, m. William J. Hill; Emma Lovlnia b. Aug. 22, 1856, m. Siveren N. Lee; Harriet Camilla b. April 24, 1859, m. Isaac Smith; Martin Luther b. Jan. 15, 1862, m. Martha Wright Jan. 15, 1888; John Henry b. May 8. 1864; Horace b. March 29, 1866; Effle Celestia b. Sept. 7, 1871, m. Lewis A. Merrill June 6, 1895; Adams Wesley b. Jan. 1. 1875, m. Charlotte Winnifred Boden Dec. 20, 1901. Family home Brigham, Utah. High councilor. Justice of peace; coroner. Built' ferries at, and bridges over Bear river at Standings, Bear River City, and Corinne, Utah: helped build first house on Church Farm, Cache Valley: built sawmills in Box Elder and Logan Canyons, Blacksmith Fork, Three Mile, Willard and Honey- ville. ENSIGN, ADAMS WESLEY (son of Martin L. Ensign and Mary Dunn). Born Jan. 1. 1875.- Brigham, Utah. Married Charlotte Winnifred Boden Dec. 20, 1901, Logan, Utah (daughter of Heber Coleman Boden and Charlotte Welch), who was born Jan. 16. 1881. at Brigham. Their children: Hugo B. b. Oct. 30, 1902; Wesley B. b. July 19. 1904; Coleman B. b. Feb. 28. 1906; Olive b. April 19, 1908: Mary Winnifred b. Jan. 1, 1910; Eliza Boden b. May 9, 1913. Family home Brigham, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1906. Dental surgeon, 1903; dairyman. ENSIGN, SAMUEL (son of Isaac Ensign and Lydia Noble of Westfleld, Mass). Born May 24, 1805. at Westfield. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1847, Ira Eldredge company. Married Mary Everett Gordon Nov. 29, 1832, Westfleld. Mass! (daughter of Conrad Gordon and Julia A. Searles of that place), who was born May 15, 1811, and died Feb. 12, 1868. Their children: Julia Searles b. Sept. 16, 1833. m. Joh " w - Woolley March 20. 1851; Samuel Lozene b. Jan. 24. I i^ m ' y An eeH Dec. 29. 1858; Horace Sobieskl b. April T' Martba T r , ip i ett March ' 1870 ' m - Thurza Case; i ?c ;o r T (ad P te b. July 1, 1850. m. Henry B. ' 25> 1870; Lorin Gor don b. Feb. 12. 1866, d. Febf 12 hM Ru , th K ? lson Dec - 27. 1867, at Salt Lake City Their child: Mary Jane b. March 17. 1859, m. Henry B. Rugg High priest. Worked as carpenter on Nauvoo temple 1844 in maT'wor'ke'd on^ ,'? T bu ' ldin ^ ma y &"st and sawmills f nT ; wor * pd on Salt Lake temple and lost his life by falling from its wall June 24, 1885. Millwright. ENSIGN, SAMUEL LOZENE (son of Samuel Ensign Mary Everett Gordon). Born Jan. 24. 1836? Westfield Mass Came to Utah Sept. 20. 1847. Ira Eldredse company Married Mary Angell Dec. 29, 1858, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Solomon Angell and 'Eunice Clark Young of Provi- dence. R. I.), who was born Nov. 22 1842 Their ohilrtrcn Orpha Adella b. Feb. 4 1860; Juiia Angelib. Sec 21? ml d AP , V,K 1871 ' San ">el Lozene Jr. b. May 9. 1863 m. Mary A ? Glb 80 S : Geor ? e Albert b. July 22. 1866. m. Mary C ^n? ^7 eb A,f 2 V 9 J 2: Amy Eunice b ' J e Sept 29, 1882; Alfred Horace b. Sept. 19, 1869. m Edith M C v K 'ftfr Ma 7 Ellzabeth b - A "&- 8. 1871 Frank Victor b. May 6. 1873 m. Gracie F. Free; Louis Osborn b. March 16 }*" ,"> Florence May Papworth; John Woolley b. April 1881 d I^n l? F i5nn ^"T Hu hes : Herman Ross b. Jan. 21. 1881, d. Jan. 15 1900; Stanley b. Nov. 14, 1882, m. Anna Mork wJh a " b ' ? V X 29 ' . 1889 ' Famt 'y "ome, Salt Lake City. High priest Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah- carried mail from Salt Lake City to Fort Kearney for the member f Nauvo Le(rlon - member of EPPERSON, SIDNEY HYRUM (son of Ellas Epperson and ma^lS^l T> n MW dla H a) - B rn !832 in Indian^ Came to Utah 1852, David Wood company Married Mary Jane Robey 1853 at Provo, Utah (daughter of Jeremiah Robey and Ruth Tucker pioneers 1852. David Wood company), who was born 1836, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Sidney Theophelis b. Jan. 23 1864 ?Vu E llza X an Wa -eoner; Charles Alonzo b. March 15, 1856 m' Llbbie Coleman; Mary Louverna b. July 28, 1858, m Dean Forrest; Albert b. Sept. 10, 1860; Elias Tipton b. Se'pt 16 1862 m. Janey Bonner; Viola Delphina b. Sept. 26, 1864 m' Adelbert Alexander; Robert Ross b. Jan. 20, 1867, m. Bertha ?? ,?? : w ' lllam Henry b. Dec. 17, 1868; Simon S. b. Jan. , 1 l'i 1 . 8 > 4? 1 - t W a M " Smith April 4 - 1889 ' Dan 'el D- b. Feb. 17, 1873: Ruth Lunica b. May 20, 1875, m. William J. Mathews- S n . a ,Sv/ aB *' ^U- m ' Ada Mohlman; Elmer Drew b Dec. 23, 1879, m. Maud Barker. , S "f d at Provo 1852 = moved to Snake Creek 1869. Bishop of Midway ten years. Member Utah militia; captain of Provo Valley cavalry three years; major. Indian war vet- eran Farmer and stockraiser. ERCAJTBRACK. W. T. (son of Smiton Ercanbrack and Lucinda Caroline Page of Niles, Mich). Born Dec. 16 1840 at Niles. Came to Utah July, 1853. Married Ruth Ann Seabury Nov. 11, 1864. Kamas Prairie Utah (daughter of Wesley Hudson and Louisa Keith of Vermont pioneers July, 1848). She was born Nov 14 1848 Their children: William Wesley b. Feb. 13. 1866. m ' Mary Ella Morgan; George Grey b. April 8. 1868, m. Luella Girley John b. July 3, 1870, died: Charles Frank b. Sept. 30 1871 m. Lena Jensen; Ruth Ester b. Nov. 3, 1873 m James Burston; Alice Velma b. Feb. 22, 1876. died; Caroline Lucinda b. March 23, 1878, died; Otis Larary b. July 13, 1880, m. Julia Bartholomew; Alta Malissa b. Aug. 29, 1883, m. Ezra B. Walker; Bertha Leonora b. July 2, 1885, died- Byron Abner b. July 15. 1887: Olive Mahely b. Feb. 6. 1891; Raymond Gilbert b. July 8, 1893; Arvilla Louisa b. May 14 1896 Family home Goshen, Utah. High priest. Merchant. Died June 17, 1911, Provo, Utah. ERICKSON, GUNNER. Born at Christiania, Norway. Came to Utah 1852. His only child: Jens Gunderson, m. Marie home Mt. Pleasant. Utah. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Carpenter and farmer. Died at Mt. Pleasant. Family GUNDERSON, JENS (son of Gunner Erickson). Born Sept. 21, 1830, Christiania, Norway. Came to Utah 1852. Married Marie , Salt Lake Endowment house, who was born Jan. 28, 1844. Their children: James P. b. March 4, 1865, m. Jennie Jensen Renburg; Gunner b. Jan. 19, 1867, m. Lucinda Madsen; Christine b. Jan. 28, 1869, m. Charles Jensen Renburg; Annie b. March 3, 1871, m. Joseph Coates; Mary b. Aug. 24, 1873, m. Charles Files; Caroline b. 1875, m. Edward Fowles; Tina and Charles, d. Infants; Henry b. Sept. 16, 1889. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war; high priest; ward teacher. Early settler to Mt. Pleasant. Farmer and car- penter. Died Nov. 4, 1902, Mt. Pleasant. GUNDERSON, JAMES P. (son of Jens and Marie Gunder- son). Born March 4, 1865, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Jennie Jensen Renburg April 10, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Jensen Renburg and Maren Jen- 862 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH sen of Ellng, Hjorring amt, Denmark: pioneers 1855). She was born Sept. 26, 1865. Their children: Charles J. b. Feb. 9, 1885; Dortha b. Aug. 7, 1887, m. Ira Cloud; Hazel b. March 24, 1891, m. Ivin Simmons; Levar b. Jan. 9, 1893; Foletta b. July 26, 1895, d. infant; Famia b. May 29. 1898; Virgil b. Oct. 27, 1901; Fredericka b. May 24, 1904. Family home Clear Creek, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Miner. Employed by Utah Fuel Company. EKICKSOX, OLSON LOUIS ERICK (son of Erlck Erickson Olson, born April 26, 1835, Wingaker, Sweden, and Marta Christina Anderson, born Aug. 29, 1834, Lennes, Sweden, who came to Utah July 10, 1882). Born June 22, 1866, Wingaker, Sweden. Came to Utah July 10, 1882. Married Christina Olson Nov. 6, 1890. Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Ola and Batilda Bartelson of Sweden), who was born Feb. 11 1867. Jeslof. Sweden. Their children: Alben L. b. Sept. 13, 1891; Chrestina Lovenia b. Feb. 25. 1894; Viola b. April 4. 1897, d. Nov. 22, 1903; Eugenia b. Jan. 31, 1901; Genette Josephine b. May 10, 1904: Verna Hortense b. March 16, 1906; Flora Vilate b. Nov. 4, 1911. Family home Glencoe ward, Idaho. Missionary to Sweden 1898-99; bishop of Glencoe 1909. ETHERINGTON, JOHN (son of John Etherington, born Jan. 10, 1757, and Alice Burdess, both of Bishop Auckland, Dur- hamshire, Eng.). He was born April 28, 1794, at Bishop Auckland, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, with second company of Noah T. Guymon. Married Elizabeth Hemsley (daughter of William Hemsley and Frances Dawson, married 1818). She was born Feb. 12, 1800, and came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, with second company of Noah T. Guymon. Their children: John b. Aug. 23, 1818; Jane b. Nov. 29. 1820. m. Appleton Elcoat; James b. Dec. 6. 1822, m. Mary Hopper; Frances b. March 16. 1825, m. James Bulmer; Elizabeth b. July 31, 1827, m. William Pew; Ann b. Jan. 24, 1830, m. Thos. Heslop; m. John Newey June 2, 1856; William; Mary b. Aug. 12, 1834, m. George Stanger; Thomas b. Nov. 1, 1836, m. Sarah Wheeler March 9. 1858; George b. July 13, 1839. Family home Faceby, Yorkshire. Eng. Ward teacher; high priest; helped many families In the emigration to Utah. Died Jan. 13, 1865. ETHERINGTON, THOMAS (son of John Etherington and Elizabeth Hemsley). Born Nov. 1, 1836, at Bishop Auckland, Durham, Eng. Married Sarah Wheeler March 9, 1858, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Wheeler and Elizabeth Gillings, who came to Utah 1857, William Walker company). She was born Oct. 21, 1840, at Gravely, Cambridgeshire, Eng. Their chil- dren: Elizabeth Ann b. Dec. 29, 1858, m. Samuel Hadley April 16, 1877; Sarah Jane b. Jan. 30, 1860, m. Hyrum Goodale, June 30, 1881; Mary E. b. July 19. 1862, m. James R. McFar- land April 13, 1882; Susan A. b. April 2, 1864, m. Charles B. McFarland, April 2, 1882; Frances A. b. March 9, 1886, m. Edward C. Charlton Nov. 26, 1884; Ellen Maria b. Jan. 4, 1868, d. Nov. 24, 1868; Thomas W. b. Sept. 29, 1869, d. Oct. 6, 1869; Emily E. b. Oct. 22, 1870, d. Aug. 24, 1873; Laura M. b. June 2, 1873. m Joseph Blanch Jan. 20, 1897: Esther C. b. Feb. 13, 1876, m. Peter F. McFarland Feb. 3, 1897; George W. b. Oct. 31, 1879, m. Hannah Clark March 7, 1900; James A. b. Oct. 31, 1882, m. Hannah M. Bingham Nov. 26, 1902; m. Rachel Hoskins Feb. 26. 1908. Married Margaret Newby 1867 at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Newby and Elizabeth Smurthwaite), who was born Sept. 4, 1835, at Sunderland, Durhamshire. Eng. Their children: John b. Feb. 24, 1869, m. Ann Skeen Jan. 7, 1890; Margaret b. July 31, 1872. m. Henry B. Dance March 7, 1889; Isabella A. b. Nov. 13, 1875, m. Nathaniel Montgomery Jan. 1904. Family home West Weber, Utah. Missionary to England 1886-1888; assistant superintendent of Sunday school in West Weber 1881 to 1883 and superin- tendent 1884 to 1889. Constable of West Weber from 1872 to 1878: trustee of West Weber public schools. President of Slatervllle Consolidated Creameries from 1897 to 1905. Died Jan. 20, 1907. ETHERINGTON, GEORGE W. (son of Thomas Etherington and Sarah Wheeler). Born Oct. 31, 1879, at West Weber, Utah. Married Hannah Clark March 7, 1900, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Clark and Ellen Wootton), who was born July 16, 1880, at Ogden, Utah. Their children: Sarah H. b. Aug. 3, 1901; Thomas W. b. Sept. 1, 1903; John A. b. June 3, 1905; Walter R. b. Feb. 18, 1908; George L. b. Oct. 26, 1909, d. June 14, 1911; Myrtle L. b. Aug. 9, 1911. Family home West Weber, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1905 to 1907; 2d counselor to bishop in West Weber ward 1909-1910, and bishop since March 27, 1910. EVANS, BENJAMix (son of Evan Evans and Margaret Richards of New Court, Wales). Born Sept. 16, 1826, New Court, Cardiganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah May, 1879. Married Mary Eynon 1847 in Carmarthenshire, South Wales (daughter of Daniel Eynon and Mary Jones of Car- marthenshire. South Wales), who was born May 29, 1826. Came to Utah 1880. Their children: John, m. Ann Lewis; Evan. m. Hannah Prosser; Margaret, m. John Davis; Polly Brinton; Daniel: David, deceased; William, m. Margaret Gardner; Morgan, m. Agnes Elenor Davis; James, m. Sophia Davis; Thomas, m. Elizabeth Chambers; Benjamin, m. Rose Jones; Daniel (adopted). Family home Spanish Fork. Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died June 13, 1912, Spanish Fork, Utah. EVANS, MORGAN (son of Benjamin Evans and Mary Eynon). Born Jan. 2, 1863, at Yestalyfera, South Wales. Came to Utah June, 1880. Married Agnes Elenor Davis August, 1888, at Provo, Utah (daughter of Caleb Hersey Davis and Hannah Strong of I'rovo, Utah pioneers 1852, Milo Andrus company). She was born Sept. 4, 1865. Their children: Mary Eldera b. May 14, 1889, m. George Hayes; James Irvin b. Nov. 25, 1891: Hannah Sophia b. Aug. 30, 1893; Ruth b. July 25, 1897; Lois Emma b. June 3, 1899; Margaret Agnes b. Jan. 7, 1902; Zela Fern b. March 24, 1904; Leland b. June 8, 1905; Wlnona b. June 17, 1908, died Oct. 6, 1908. Family home Castle Gate, Utah. Presiding elder of Castle Gate ward 1909-11; set apart bishop of Castle Gate ward Oct. 1, 1911: ward clerk; presi- dent and secretary of Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school superin- tendent. Justice of peace of Castle Gate. Miner. EVANS, CHARLES M. (son of David J. Evans and Sarah Minshul of Liverpool, Eng.). Born Jan. 27, 1831, Liverpool. Came to Utah 1852. Married Annie Reeves June 6, 1863, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of George Reeves and Charlotte Phillips of Sussex, Eng.), who was born Feb. 15, 1841. Came to Utah, Ansel Harmon company. Their children: John R., m. Mary Bowman; Charlotte A., m. Thomas Homer; Charles R.; George E. Sydney; Jessie E., m. August A. Hedberg; Edward G.; Ernest W., m. Chloe Bitner. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Stoner June 1. 1867, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Stoner and Harriet Davis of Brighton, Sussex, Eng., pioneers Sept. 29, 1866, Captain Halladay company). She was born Feb. 9, 1841. Their children: William S.; Mary J.; David: Sarah Jeannette; Arthur E.; Ethel A. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy. Theater musician. Bugler in Lot Smith com- pany. Bookkeeper and clerk. Died Sept. 20, 1902, Salt Lake City. EVANS, DAVID (son of Thomas Evans of Cathrays, Cardiff, Monmouthshire. South Wales). Born Aug. 25, 1810, in Car- diff. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith company. Married Amy Hughes 1833 at Cardiff (daughter of William Hughes and Ann Wattes of Cardiff), who was born 1808. Their children: Job b. Jan. 9, 1833, m. Letta Thomas; Moses. b. Dec. 20, 1835, m. Louisa Pollard; Emma b. March 2, 1839, m. Robert G. Taylor; David b. Sept. 10, 1841, d. boy; Sarah b. June 11, 1844, m. John L. Rutherford; John b. April 12, 1847, m. Zina Bascom. Family resided Salt Lake City and Mona, Utah. Elder; home missionary; ward teacher. Lived In Salt Lake, Ogden and Mona, Utah, where he assisted in develop- ing the country. Farmer. Died in 1872 at Mona, Utah. EVANS, JOHN (son of David Evans and Amy Hughes). Born April 12, 1847, in Cardiff. Came to Utah with father. Married Zina Bascom June 25, 1877, at Mona. Utah (daugh- ter of Joel Almon Bascom and Alice Jane Bell of Mona and Vernal, Utah, pioneers 1856 and 1857. She was born Dec. 1, 1858, Provo, Utah. Their children: John Almon b. May 9, 1878, m. Laura Gardner; David Watson b. Feb. 24. 1880; William Franklin b. Feb. 12, 1882, m. Rose Hodgkinson; Sarah Alice b. March 2. 1884, m. Stephen Adams; Zina Silitoa b. July 22, 1888. m. Albert Smith; Annie Louise b. Aug. 2. 1890, m. Clayborn Brimhall; Mary Amy b. Nov. 1, 1892: Flossie Rose b. Feb. 10, 1895; Joel Andrew b. Jan. 13, 1901; Pearl Bell b. May 24, 1903. Family home Naples ward, Utah. Member Nephi quorum seventies; missionary to South Wales; high priest; president 1st Y. M. M. I. A., Mona. Utah; superintendent Sunday school, Naples ward; ward teacher 30 years. Road supervisor; school trustee at Mona. Utah. Moved to Naples ward in 1891. Located home, helped build canals and roads. Farmer. EVANS, DAVID (son of Israel and Abigail Evans of Mary- land). Born Oct. 27, 1804, Cecil county, Md. Came to Utah Sept. 15, I860. Married Mary Beck July 25, 1826 (daughter of Henry and Margaret Beck), who was born Oct. 18, 1804; died June 20, 1841, Adams county. 111. Their children: Eliza Jane b. April 16, 1827, m. Ira Hinkley; Israel b. Oct. 2, 1828, m. Matilda Thomas; Henry b. Oct. 25, 1830, m. Anna Bruun; Mary Ann b. Sept. 2, 1832, m. John Gllnes; Margaret b. Jan. 3, 1835, d. Aug. 27, 1836; Araminta b. Aug. 21, 1838, d. Oct. 1, 1838; Emma b. Jan. 12, 1840, m. Prime Coleman. Married Barbara Ann Ewell Nov. 23, 1841 (daughter of Pleasant and Barbara Ewell), who was born May 16, 1821, Albemarle county, Va. Their children: Martha b. Oct. 20, 1842, m. William Winn; Amanda b. April 21, 1844, m. Edward Edwards; Abigail b. Jan. 27, 1846, m. Oley Ellingson; Joseph b. April 7, 1847, m. Jane Scofleld; Sarah b. April 27, 1849, m. Jacob Hodge; Susannah b. May 6, 1850, m. Isaac Aldridge; David b. Jan. 28, 1852, m. Leah Naegle; Hyrum b. July 8, 1853, d. July 29, 1862; Barbara Ann b. March 15, 1855, m. John P. Bush; Rozilla b. May 4, 1866, m. William E. Racker; Ephraim b. July 11. 1858, d. May 15, 1863: Eleazar b. Feb. 24, 1861, d. March 24, 1884; Mosiah b. Sept. 22, 1862, m. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 863 Esther Carter Dec. 14, 1882; Mary b. May 17, 1864, m. William P. Wanless; Jacob b. April 26, 1867, m. Ann Nelson. Married Sarah Thornton at Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Elizabeth Thornton), who was born June 11, 1807. Little Paxton, Eng. Married Edna Hinchliff (daughter of Elijah and Hannah Hinchliff), who was born March 24, 1846, Calico Bridge, Eng-. Their children: Samuel b. Nov. 3. 1855, d. Nov. 3, 1855; Hannah b. Jan. 4, 1857, d. Feb. 15, 1857. Married Clymenia Shaw March 16, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Shaw and Phoeba Whipple), who was born Feb. 2, 1834, Medina Co., Ohio. Their children: Phebe Jane b. Dec. 1, 1855, d. Dec. 18, 1855; James b. Aug. 17, 1857, m. Mary Wanless; Edwin b. Feb. 2, 1860, m. Catharine Lewis. Married Rebecca Coleman Nov. 18, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Prime and Sarah Coleman), who was born Oct. 4, 1838, Bedfordshire, Eng. Their children: George Coleman b. May 18, 1858, m. Agnes Taylor; Prime b. May 10, 1860, m. Sarah Taylor; Harriet b. June 11, 1862, m. John Wilson; Sarah b. Sept. 22, 1864, m. Samuel Taylor; Rebecca Susannah b. July 10, 1868, d. Jan. 4, 1869; Emma Jane b. Dec. 11, 1869, m. John Roberts; Martha Ann b. July 24, 1872; Ellen b. Dec. 23, 1875, m. Mr. Manning. Married Margaret Christina Holm May 4, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Holm and Margaret Christina), who was born Sept. 6, 1843, Bornholm, Denmark. Their children: John Holm b. Nov. 29, 1863, d. Oct. 3. 1864; Margaret Christina b. Aug. 27, 1865, m. James Turner; Jane b. Dec. 18, 1867, m. Richard Bradshaw; Hannah b. Feb. 4, 1870, m. Andrew B. Anderson; Rachel b. April 25, 1874, m. William Wing; Clara b. Dec. 21, 1876, m. Joseph Goates. Seventy; assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah; or- dained bishop of llth ward at Nauvoo 1842 by the prophet Joseph Smith; bishop at Lehi 30 years. Laid off the city of Lehi with a pocket compass and a square. Member first legislature of Utah and acted as a member of that body several terms; colonel in state militia; mayor of Lehi several terms. Died June 23, 1883. EVANS, MOSIAH (son of David Evans and Barbara Ann Ewell). Born Sept. 22, 1862, Lehi, Utah. Married Catherine Esther Carter Dec. 14, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of James P. Carter and Harriet Wood, pio- neers 1861), who was born May 12, 1859, Tredegar, Wales. Their children: Mosiah David James b. Sept. 23, 1883, m. Bessie Preston Aug. 28, 1906; Esther Maud b. March 28, 1885, m. David B. Foulger May 1, 1907; Howard b. Feb. 20, 1887, m. Grace Harding Feb. 10, 1908; Hazel May b. Jan. 8, 1889, m. David C. Chapman Sept. 1, 1909; Eleazar Carter b. Jan. 16, 1892; John Roscoe b. July 14, 1893; Glenn Merrill b. Aug. 15. 1895; Earl William b. March 9, 1898; Jessie Virginia b. March 30, 1902; Lyra Alice b. Oct. 7, 1904, d. Oct. 7, 1904. Lehi City recorder 1893-1904; mayor of Lehi four years; member house in fourth legislature from Utah county 1901; first president Garland town board 1905, and Garland Com- mercial Club 1907 and 1912; president Bank of Garland and the athletic association; resident manager Utah-Idaho Sugar company. EVANS, DAVID MINSHALLi (son of David Jones Evans and Sarah Minshall of Liverpool, Lancashire, Eng.). Born July 20, 1821, Liverpool. Came to Utah September, 1852. Married Mary Holding 1842, at Liverpool (daughter of John Holding and Mary Fitten of Liverpool), who was born July 16, 1821. Their children: William H. b. Dec. 22, 1843, d. May 29, 1838; David H. b. April 24, 1845, d. Dec. 22, 1847; John H. b. May 17, 1847, d. Dec. 26, 1847; Edward Holding b. April 25, 1849, m. Catherine Van Dam; Charles H. b. March 27, 1852, m. Elizabeth M. Smith; Josephine H. b. Jan. 31, 1856, m. Albert Kelly; Mary E. H. b. March 15, 1857, m. Herbert Van Dam; Sarah J. b. Oct. 29, 1859, m. George Brigham Kelly. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Jane Owen Court July 20, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Court and Amelia Owen of Salt Lake City, who came to Utah Oct. 23, 1869, James Needham com- pany). She was born Sept. 12, 1837. Came to Utah Sept. 24. 1863. One of presidents of 23d quorum seventies; high priest; member of band that played at breaking of ground for Salt Lake temple and laying of cornerstone of same, 1853; choir leader 7th ward. Contractor and builder. Died Aug. 20, 1911, Salt Lake City. EVANS, EDWARD HOLDING (son of David Minshall Evana and Mary Holding). Born April 25, 1849, New Orleans, La. Married Catherine Van Dam Nov. 8, 1875, Salt Lake City, who was born June 28, 1856, In Holland and came to Utah 1864. Their children: David Edward V. D. b. July 20, 1876, m. Lucile Margaret Hanson; Leonard V. D. b. Aug. 16, 1878, m. Ida Bates; Maud V. D. b. Nov. 3, 1881. m. Joseph Neve; Cornelius V. D. b. Aug. 8, 1883, m. Maude Tall; Margaret V. D. b. July 22, 1885, d. July 22, 1886; Harold V. D. b. Feb. 19, 1888, m. Pearl Harvey; Clarence V. D. b. Nov. 19, 1890; Clifford V. D. b. March 14, 1893; Moses T. V. D. b. Jan. 8, 1896; Vera V. D. b. Feb. 22, 1899. Family home Salt Lake City. Elder. Carpenter. ville, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born May 23, 1862. Their children: Celia Alice b. Aug. 7, 1871, m. Franklin A. Dimick; Frederick Charles b. Sept. 21, 1872, m. Caroline Eschler; Joseph Alvin b. Jan. 14, 1877, m. Nancy Pope; Asa Clarence b. Sept. 21, 1881; Andy Lawrence b. Sept. 21, 1881; Albert Max b. Dec. 18, 1887; Grandison b. Sept. 21, 1884, died in infancy. Family home Raymond, Idaho. Made three trips to Missouri river after immigrants 1859- 67. Settled at Thomas Fork Valley, Idaho, 1877. Died Feb. 11, 1910. EVANS, FREDERICK CHARLES (son of Frederick Henry Evans and Emma Raymond). Born Sept. 21, 1872, Kaysville, Utah. Married Caroline Eschler June 10, 1903, Logan, Utah (daughter of Gottfried Eschler and Rose Kunz, both of Raymond, Idaho. Came to Utah 1879). She was born Jan. 25, 1883. Their children: Roscoe Eschler b. April 18, 1904; Alice b. Sept. 24, 1905; LaGrande Eschler b. April 13, 1908. Family home Raymond, Idaho. Missionary to England 1900-02; superintendent religion class, Raymond, Idaho; bishop's counselor 1902-12. EVANS, JACOB (son of David Evans and Barbara Ann Ewell of Lehi, Utah). Born April 26, 1867, at Lehi, Utah. Married Anna R. Nelson Nov. 17, 1886, at American Fork, Utah (daughter of Niels Nelson and Karren Pedersen of American Fork), who was born Feb. 22, 1867. Their chil- dren: Barbara Irene; Effle June; Jacob Sterling; Virginia Lucile. Family home Provo, Utah. Utah county attorney 1899-1900 and 1908-12; city attorney Provo City 1904-5; Provo City councilman 1907; president Commercial Club at Provo 1908. Admitted to bar Feb. 23, 1895, to supreme court of United States Oct. 7, 1897; repub- lican candidate for district judge 1912. Lawyer. EVANS, JOHN (son of John Evans, born March 12, 1796, Kilcoom, South Wales, and Hannah Williams, born 1800, Llandovary, Wales). He was born Jan. 9, 1829, Llandovary, Carmarthenshire. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1861, Harvey Hul- langer company. Married Elizabeth Davis Nov. 15, 1852 (daughter of Thomas Davis and Ann Price, who were married at Llando- vary, Wales). She was born Feb. 22, 1825. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Moroni b. Oct. 24, 1853 (St. Louis), died in childhood; Thomas M. b. Feb. 4, 1856 (St. Louis), m. Rachel Wright Dec. 21, 1882; Ann Jane b. Dec. 6, 1859 (Genoa), m. John H. Forsgren Aug. 12, 1880; John G. b. March 1, 1862 (Brigham City), m. Sarah Ann Jones March 13, 1888; Joshua Davis b. March 4, 1864 (Brigham City), died in childhood; Mary Elizabeth b. April 7, 1867 (Brig- ham City), m. John W. Irens Nov. 7, 1884; Martha Madora b. Nov. 20, 1871 (Brigham City), m. Lauritz Berg Feb. 27, 1889. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Seventy and high priest; missionary to Llandovary 1851 and to Nebraska 1857. Assisted in building first telegraph line across the plains. Settled at Brigham City 1861; labored at Bear River City 1866 to 1868. Served as watermaster; labored at Honeyville 1868. Assisted in building the taber- nacle, and ward meeting houses. Worked on C. P. railroad. Member martial band 30 years; worked on Utah Northern railroad 1870. Missionary to Europe 1880-82. Member tab- ernacle choir 30 years. EVANS, FREDERICK HENRY (son of William Evans and Elizabeth Bowring of Whitechurch, Wales). Born Aug. 2, 1842, Cardiff, Wales. Came to Utah 1852, Claudius V. Spencer company. Married Emma Raymond November. 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Grandison Raymond and Celia Hall of Kays- EVANS, JOHN (son of John and Elizabeth Evans of Liver- pool, Eng.). Born April 2, 1807 at Liverpool. Came to Utah 1855. Married Ann Dlnwoodey at Liverpool, Eng. She was born 1806. Came to Utah 1855. Their children: Elizabeth b. May. 1832, m. Jacob Hayball; John b. Oct. 7, 1834, m. Mary Ellison. Family home Salt Lake City. Tailor. Deceased. EVANS, JOHN (son of John Evans and Ann Dinwoodey). Born Oct. 7, 1834, Liverpool, Eng. Married Mary Ellison Dec. 25, 1854, at St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of John Ellison and Mary Goulden, both of Bow- don, Cheshire, Eng.). She was born July 11, 1830. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 26, 1856, m. Ephraim Briggs; John Edward b. Oct. 11, 1868, m. Mary A. Andrew; Ann b. Sept. 7, 1860, m. Ephraim Briggs; William Ellison b. June 10, 1863, m. Lucy Oakey; James Dinwoodey b. Sept. 2, 1865; Elizabeth Mills b. May 24, 1867, m. D. H. Wood; Chancy Lev! b. Sept. 13, 1869, m. Christene Jensen; Joseph b. Dec. 16, 1873; Jesse G. b. Sept. 23, 1877, m. Inez W. Wood. Fam- ily home Bountiful, Utah. Married Emma Vine March ?0, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Henry Vine and Rebecca Mary Lang- don), who was born June 2, 1842, Portsmouth, Hampshire, Eng. Their children: George Henry b. May 1, 1863; Robert Alma b. March 25, 1864; Emma b. Nov. 23. 1866; Walter James b Feb. 26, 1869; Wilford Thomas b. June 12, 1871; Rebecca Jane b. Nov. 27, 1873; David Charles b. Dec. 17, 1876; Willard Vine b. June 1, 1879. Was 1st president of 29th quorum of seventy; ordained by H. S. Eldredge; ward clerk. Bookkeeper at Dinwoodey'* Furniture company. EVANS, JESSE G. (son of John Evans and Mary Ellison). Born Sept. 23, 1877, at Bountiful, Utah. Married Inez W. Wood Nov. 27, 1901. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph C. Wood and Josephine Chase, both of Woods Cross, Utah). She was born Nov. 16, 1879. Their 864 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH children: J. Goulden b. Sept. 20. 1902; Wells L. b. Aug. 31, 1904; John b. July 28, 1906; Mary Josephine b. Jan. 10. 1909; James b. Aug. 27, 1912. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Missionary to England 1899-01; president 100th quorum seventies. EVANS, THOMAS (son of Thomas and Hanna Evans of Kaysville. Utah). Born 1817, Cardiff, South Wales. Came to Utah 1856, Edward Martin company. Married Ann Johns 1845, Cardiff, Wales (daughter of Williams Johns), who was born 1817. Their children: Thomas b. Feb. 17, 1846, m. Sarah Campkin; Emma b. 1848, m. William N. Naulder; Hyrum b. 1851, m. Annie King. High priest. Died November, 1857. EVANS, THOMAS (son of Thomas Evans and Ann Johns). Born Feb. 17, 1846, Cardiff, Wales. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sarah Campkin Jan. 23, 1878 (daughter of George Campkin and Elizabeth Bell, pioneers 1850, Thomas Halmon company). She was born March 6, 1853. Their children: Elizabeth Bell b. Nov. 6, 1879, m. Isaac Adams; Ann E. b. June 29, 1882, m. John Wallen; Martha b. Dec. 5. 1885, m. David Green; Emma C. b. Dec. 5, 1887, m. Joseph Archie Allen; Ruth Campkin b. April 8, 1889, d. Aug. 1, 1890; Sarah L. b. March 15, 1890; George T. b. Jan. 31, 1892, died; Walter Elmer b. Aug. 18, 1895; John Campkin b. Jan. 17, 1897. Family home Layton, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Black Hawk war veteran. EVANS, WILLIAM M. (son of David J. Evans and Sarah Minshall). Born March 12, 1826, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1851, Orson Pratt company. Married Charlotte J. Hyder July 15, 1852, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Hyder and Sarah Jarrold of Cam- bridge, Eng., pioneers Oct. 2, 1851, Orson Pratt company). She was born Sept. 24, 1834. Their children: Charlotte H., m. Henry Adams; John William, died; Alice H., m. Charles H. Bird; Lucy J. H., m. William McLachlan; Charles H., died; David M., died; Richard Hugh H., m. Retty Webb; Sarah Jane H., m. Charles W. Love; Martha E. H., m. George Paxman; Edward W. H., m. Louisa Burton; m. Nora Lewis; Grace H., m. Albert Sowby; Ernest I. H., m. Belle Tennent. Family home Nephi, Utah. High priest; missionary to England 1875-76; high coun- cilor; presided over Bristol conference, England. Indian war veteran. Farmer and carpenter; mechanical engineer. Died Jan. 5, 1877, at Nephi, Utah. EVERETT, ADDISON (son of Ephraim Everett and Hetty Corwin). Born Oct. 10, 1815, Orange county, N. T. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Only child: Mary D., m. Revilo Fuller. Bishop at Nauvoo, also at Winter Quarters; bishop of 8th ward. Salt Lake City, 1848-60. Assisted in building Fort Supply. Called to help settle St. George 1860, and lived there until his demise, which occurred Feb. 12, 1885. EVERILL, JOSEPH (son of John Everill of New Jersey). Born 1824, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1861, James Brown company. Married Jane Bannister 1843 in Herefordshire, who was born 1814. Their children: Thomas, d. infant; John, m. Ruth Powell; m. Lois Chapman Williams; William R., m. Ellen Hilton; Mary Ann, m. William Hammond; m. John Spencer; Thomas J., m. Hannah Griffith; Joseph, d. infant. Family home Kaysville ward. Salt Lake City, Utah. Seventy; high priest. Farmer and stockraiser. Died 1906, Salt Lake City. EVERILL, JOHN (son of Joseph Everill and Jane Ban- nister). Born Oct. 6, 1845. Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1861, James Brown company. Married Ruth Powell May 2, 1870, Salt Lake Endowment house, by Daniel H. Wells (daughter of Jane Parks of Tunbridge Wells, Sussex, Eng., who came to Utah 1869). She was born Jan. 20, 1851. Their children: Jennie H. b. Feb. 25, 1872, m. Frank H. Stevens; Maud b. Jan. 29, 1873, d. Infant; John Joseph b. Jan. 15, 1875, d. aged 21 years; Minnie b. April 6, 1877, m. Charles Donalson; Emily, d. aged three years; William, d. infant; Mamie b. Feb. 8, 1882, m. Richard A. Williams; Mattie b. Jan. 11, 1886, m. Garfield McDonald; Frank L. b. March 29, 1890, m. May Newman; Ruth E. b. May 14, 1891, m. James Sagres. Family home 15th ward, Salt Lake City. Married Lois Chapman Williams (daughter of Ann Chap- man) Nov. 2, 1908, Salt Lake City. Elder. General contractor. Tilliam Biglow; Tanra Ann b. Aug. 20, 1872, m. Daniel Dennis; Ether b. May 27. 1877, deceased; Permit Samuel b. Aug. 20, 1879, m. Ethel Savage. Resided Cassel Valley, Payson and Provo, Utah. Senior president 101st quorum of seventy; presiding elder over Spring Glenn branch of Price ward 1883-89; teacher and superintendent of Sunday schools. Veteran of Blackhawk war. Manufacturer of shingles and farmer. Died Jan. 1, 1905, near Helper, Utah. EWI2LL, FRANCIS MARION (son of William F. Ewell and Mary Bland, both of Ray county, Mo.). Born Nov. 3, 1836. Came to Utah 1849. Married Francis Mary Weech July 27, 1858, in Provo, Utah (daughter of Samuel Weech and Elizabeth Gold of Somer- setshire, Eng.). Came to Utah October. 1856, with John Banks company; born Oct. 9, 1838. Their children: Sarah Eliza b. June 8, 1860, m. Teancum Pratt; Franklin Marion b. Feb. 6, 1862, m. Kate Thompson; Torenzo Hyriam b. Feb. 26, 1865, m. Mary Jane Dennis; Mary Elizabeth b. Feb. 25. 1868, m. John Biglow; William Walter b. Jan. 12, 1870, m. EWING, SAMUEL. Born 1803 in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah Oct. 2. 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Esther Shaffer April 17, 1828 (daughter of Ander- son Shaffer, pioneer Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant com- pany). She was born 1805 in Little Britain, Lancaster county. Pa., died 1847, near Laramie. Wyo. Their children: Rachel b. May 4, 1829, m. Miles Miller 1848; William H. b. July 10, 1830, m. Sarah Zabriskie; Adeline M. b. May 31, 1833, m. Edward Duzette; John Jackson b. May 12, 1835, m. Rebecca F. Smith Nov. 30, 1861; Samuel Porter b. July 25, 1838, m. Emma Baldwin 1860; Anderson Shaffer b. Oct. 11, 1840, m. Liberty Parker 1865; Eliza Matilda b. Nov. 1, 1842, m. Robert Hills; James Clark b. March 2, 1845, d. 1847, crossing plains. Family home Provo, Utah. Settled at Provo 1849. Farmer and blacksmith. Died 1882, Provo. EWING, JOHN JACKSON (son of Samuel Ewing and Esther Shaffer). Born May 12, 1835, at Little Britain, Lancaster county, Pa. Married Rebecca Florence Smith Nov. 30, 1861, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Smith and Maria Foscue; the former died crossing plains, the latter came to Utah October, 1850, Byron Pace company). She was born February, 1842, Coosa county, Ala. Their children: John Smith b. Aug. 26, 1862; Esther Maria b. Oct. 6, 1863; Frederick Miles b. Aug. 15, 1866, all foregoing dead; Samuel Preston b. Nov. 4. 1866, m. Lana Hansen 1897; Jackson Elmer b. Sept. 20, 1868, m. Alice Hammond 1900; Wickliff Anderson b. March 25, 1870, m. Kate Meikle March, 1905; Florence May b. Dec. 13, 1872, m. George W. Lewis May, 1899; Cordelia Jane b. Aug. 19, 1873, m. Alma Raymond April, 1892; Porter b. May 8, 1875, m. lone Thomas Oct. 30, 1902; Erie b. Feb. 18, 1877, m. Rose Pitcher; Lester b. Aug. 30, 1878; William b. May 23, 1880, m. Jane Merrill Dec. 1910; Russell b. Dec. 7, 1882; Lois Eliza b. Sept. 15, 1885. Family home Smithfield, Utah. Moved to Smithfield 1866. Served as city marshal. In- dian war veteran. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1864. EYRE, EDWIN (son of James Eyre and Ann Naylor of Hecington, Lincolnshire, Eng., former died on plains, en route to Utah, latter died at sea). Born April 16, 1845, Domsby, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1866, Independent freight train. Married Melinva Myers Dec. 3, 1866, Minersville, Utah (daughter of William Myers and Martha Ogden; pioneers Sept. 5, 1866, Samuel D. White company). She was born April 1, 1848, and came to Utah with parents. Their chil- dren: Edwin b. Jan. 30, 1868, m. Arilla M. Guymon; Martha Ann b. Nov. 21, 1870, m. Solomon Walker; Melinva Elsie b. Sept. 18, 1872, m. John Hollingshead, died; James William b. Sept. 7, 1874, m. Rosilla Murdock; Joseph Hyrum b. Jan. 2, 1877, m. Lula Zealskie; Sarah Ellen b. Jan. 21, 1879, m. Fred W. Gillins; Paulina b. Aug. 24, 1880, m. Sidney Carter; Jennie b. April 2, 1884, d. young; George Alma b. April 12, 1886, died; Jedediah b. April 21, 1888, m. Linda Gates. Family home Minersville, Utah. Presided over a branch of the church in England. Set- tled at Parowan upon arrival In Utah, and later moved to Minersville. Bishop's councilor, missionary to England 1881, and labored as president of Notts conference part of time, returning home June, 1883; Sunday school superintendent of Minersville ward 11 or 12 years; ward teacher; choir mem- ber; performed a mission In St. George temple 1902-04; president elders quorum; Instructor in high priests quorum. Has done much in the upbuilding of Minersville and sur- rounding country. Worked on St. George and Manti tem- ples. Farmer. EYRE, EDWIN, JR. (son of Edwin Eyre and Melinva Myers). Born Jan. 30, 1868, Minersville, Utah. Married Arilla M. Guymon at Minersville (daughter of James Guymon and Rhoda Leach Neas). Their children: Guy Edwin b. March 30, 1888; Eugene A. b. April 11, 1891; Clifford b. March 9, 1893; Floyed b. Sept. 9, 1895; Robert Basil b. Jan. 2, 1898; Howard b. March 11, 1900; Gertlda b. Feb. 19, 1903; Trulan Oriand b. Oct. 9, 1906; Vesta Arilla b. Nov. 24. 1907; Melvina Leach b. April 6, 1911. Member high council Beaver stake. School trustee at Minersville several years; county commissioner; town mar- shal; watermaster. PACER, GEORGE (son of Henry Facer born June 15, 1811. Colmworth, Bedfordshire, and Mary Jarvis born Aug. 31, 1810, Buckworth, Huntingdonshire, Eng.). He was born July 4, 1834, Eynesbury, Huntingdonshire. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 865 Married Mary Prior Sept. 6, 1867 (daughter of James Prior and Dove Brown), who was born Jan. 27, 1840, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: George H. b. Nov. 13, 1858, m. Caroline Erickson May 29, 1879; William J. b. July 13. 1861, m. Caroline P. Williams Jan. 3, 1884; Sarah Ann b. March 26, 1863, d. Jan. 18, 1864; Charles Heber b. Nov. 12, 1864, d. Jan. 27, 1867; Dove b. Jan. 10, 1867, m, Josiah Call Dec. 18, 1884; Prior b. July 14, 1869, m. Laura B. Williams Feb. 8, 1893; Joseph b. Nov. 7, 1871, m. Emma Richards Nov. 7, 1902; James Alma b. Feb. 11. 1874, m. Rose Dalton Novem- ber, 1896; Wlllard b. Oct. 13, 1876, m. Emma E. Davis Oct. 25, 1899; Mary E. b. May 24, 1879, m. William Anderson Nov. 15, 1899; Mabel b. Sept. 3, 1883, d. Sept. 8, 1883; Royal G. b. Nov. 29. 1884, d. March 25. 1894. Family home Willard, Utah. Married Sarah Thompson November. 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Thompson and Sarah Sewell married in England), who was born June 2, 1832, in England. Their children: Emma L. b. Aug. 10, 1864, m. William Renshaw; James J. b. June 10, 1866, m. Myrtle Lechtenberg May 1, 1888; m. Emma L. Jackson Aug. 14, 1907; Annie Mariah b. Sept. 8, 1868. Married Susanna Nebeker Sept. 6, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Nebeker and Elizabeth Davis), who was born April 9. 1848, Salt Lake City. Their children: Olive Nile b. Aug. 30, 1876; Susannah M. b. Sept. 26, 1878, m. Hyram E. Crocket 1898; Ethel Rose b. Aug. 20, 1880, m. Dr. P. W. Allison Jan. 12, 1891; Florence Zoe b. Sept. 20, 1882; Edna A. b. Jan. 24, 1884; Georgia Gretta b. June 7, 1886; Horace A. b. Sept.-20, 1887; Wanda L. b. May 18, 1889. Married Hattie Shumway April 9, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Andrew Shumway and Mary Jenson), who was born April 9, 1867. Their children: George Andrew b. Jan. 4. 1887; Cleo b. Oct. 10, 1889; Charles b. April 22, 1892; Leo b. April 28, 1895. Bishop of Willard two terms. Sub captain of ten hand- carts under Daniel Robinson. Director of Brigham City Co-op. Director First ward bank of Brigham City; manager Box Elder Co-op. Sheep company. School trustee Salt Lake district several terms. FACER, WILLIAM JOHN (son of George Facer and Mary Prior). Born July 13, 1861, Willard, Utah. Married Caroline Williams Jan. 3, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mishach S. Williams and Elizabeth Lewis, pioneers 1854, Robert Campbell and William A. Empey com- panies respectively). She was born July 13, 1861. Their children: William O. b. Dec. 3, 1884, m. Olive Harding 1911; Agnes C. b. March 8, 1886, m. Lorenzo Bailey 1903; Mary P. b. Oct. 31, 1887, m. George J. Marsh, Jr.; Martello V. b. July 24, 1890, m. Hazel Wood 1912; Elizabeth L. b. June 22, 1893, m. Joseph Leroy Housley 1911; Carrie A. b. Oct. 13, 1894; Moyle E. b. Dec. 4, 1903; Parker b. May 10, 1907. Family home Willard, Utah. Missionary to Bear Lake and Box Elder counties 1898; to Great Britain 1900-03; bishop Willard ward 1903-10. City councilman 1908-12. FACER, WILLARD (son of Georgre Facer and Mary Prior). Born Oct. 13, 1876, Willard, Utah. Married Emma E. Davis Oct. 26, 1889, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of George Davis and Alice Eliza Goodey, former a pio- neer October, 1854, Charles Empey company). She was born Oct. 21, 1879, Perry, Utah. Their children: -Mattie b. Jan. 11, 1901; Emma Lavon b. Aug. 7, 1905; Reed W. b. March 30, 1910. Settled at Willard. Farmer and stockraiser. President 69th quorum of seventy; first assistant superintendent of Sunday schools in Malad stake two years. FACER, JAMES JARVIS (son of George Facer and Sarah Thompson). Born June 10, 1866, Willard, Utah. Married Myrtle Lechtenberg May 1, 1888, Willard, Utah (daughter of Paul Lechtenberg and Susanna Nebeker), who was born Jan. 8, 1870, Salt Lake City. Their children: James Vere b. May 28, 1889, m. Bertha Rosenbaum October, 1912; George Lester b. June 10, 1891; Redmond Fay b. Nov. 8. 1892; Wanda Marie b. Dec. 6, 1894; Sarah Elizabeth b. March 16, 1897; Myrtle Rose b. June 16, 1903; Ethel Myer b. April 2, 1904. Family resided Willard, Paradise, Avon, Ogden and Logan, Utah. Married Emma L. Jackson (daughter of A. O. Jackson and Emma Jane Obray), who was born Feb. 3, 1878, Paradise, Utah. Their child; Elden Jackson b. Nov. 15, 1908. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1898-1900; bishop of Avon ward 1904-06; Bishop Hyrum third ward. Elected county commissioner Cache county Nov. 5, 1912, term 4 years. Farmer. FACER, WILLIAM O. (son of William John Facer and Caroline Williams). Born Dec. 3, 1884, Willard, Utah. Married Olive Harding 1911 (daughter of George Harding and Mary Jones, former a pioneer 1851, John G. Smith com- pany, latter October, 1863, Thomas Ricks company). She was born Nov. 8, 1883, Wlllard, Utah. Only child: Alice b. June 17, 1912. Missionary to Samoa and Torlgan Islands 1906-10; assist- ant Sunday school superintendent at Willard. FAIRBANKS, DAVID (son of Joseph Fairbanks and Polly White Brooks of Mount View, N. J.. and Sandy Hill, N. Y.). Born March 14, 1810 at Peru, Bennington county, Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1847. with John Taylor company. Married Susan Mandeville Nov. 26, 1838. Pompton Plains. N. J. (daughter of Cornelius W. Mandeville and Jane Jones of Pompton Plains), who was born Sept. 23, 1819. Their children: William Henry, m. Ann Ellsworth; m. Sarah Knight Jolly; m. Ann Elizabeth Hardy; Mary Jane, m. Warren Sidney Pace; Cornelius Mandeville, m. Emily A. Davis; Susan Jones, m. Stanley Davis; m. Philip L. Gauchet; Eliza- beth Ann, m. George Montague: Barbara Matilda, m. Ezra Warren Simmons; Margaret, died; David Brooks, m. Hannah Johnson; Joseph Warren, m. Estelle V. Dixon; Ralph Jaco- bus, m. Celestia Johnson; Martha Alice, m. Joseph Brlgham Keeler; Nicholas Jones and Nathaniel, died. Family resided Mountain View, N. J., and Payson, Utah. President high priests quorum; missionary to The Muddy 1864-66; bishop 1st ward Salt Lake City 1849-61. Justice of peace at Salt Lake City; bishop 8th ward, winter quarters; pioneer to Payson, 1851; built dam that gave Salem, Utah, the name of Pond Town. City marshal; school trustee and city councilman of Payson. Farmer; builder. Died Dec. 14. 1895. FAIRBANKS, JOSEPH WARREN (son of David Fairbanks and Susan Mandeville). Born Jan. 2, 1856, Payson, Utah. Married Estelle V. Dlxon July 27, 1880, at Payson (daugh- ter of Christopher Dlxon and Jane E. Wightman; pioneers 1852). She was born Oct. 16, , Kirtland, Ohio. Their only child: Magdaline b. March 2, 1882, d. same day. Settled at Annabella, Utah, 1881. Set apart bishop Anna- bella ward Feb. 20, 1893. President town board 1910. Ac- tive worker in the early development of Annabella. FAIRBANKS, JOHN BOYLSTON (son of Joseph Fairbanks and Polly White Brooks of Mount View, N. J., and Sandy Hill, N. Y.). Born April 28. 1817, at Sandy Hill. Came to Utah September, 1847, captain 3d ten, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Sarah Van Wagoner Aug. 31, 1844, Mount View, N. J., Bishop John Leach officiating (daughter of Halmah Van Wagoner and Mary Van Houten of New Jersey, latter pioneer September, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born July 11, 1822. Their children: John J., d. infant; Harriett F., m. William J. Douglass; Henry, m. Elizabeth Oharra; Nathaniel, d. aged 8; Sarah Ann, d. aged 4; John B. b. Dec. 27, 1855, m. Lilly Annetta Huish; Mary F., m. Austin C. Brown; Allicia F., m. Patrick L. Simmons; Lillie Maria; Franklin, m. Louise Arminnie Tanner; George A., m. Ann Worsencroft. Family home Payson, Utah. Missionary to England 1871-73; bishop Payson 10 years: ward clerk. City councilman at Payson. Merchant; farmer. Died May 14, 1876. FAIRBANKS. JOHN B. (son of John B. Fairbanks and Sarah Van Wagoner). Born Dec. 27, 1855, Payson, Utah. Married Lilly Annetta Hulsh June 24, 1877, at Payson, Utah (daughter of Walter H. Huish and Ann Smith of Birmingham, Eng., pioneers 1861). She was born Feb. 24, 1857. Their children: John Leo b. April 30, 1878; Lillie A. b. July 27, 1879, m. Thomas J. Yates; Vernon W. b. Nov. 15. 1881, m. Esther H. Games; Erven H. b. Nov. 9, 1884, m. Harriet Jones; Leroy b. Feb. 26, 1886, m. Orissa Smith; Ortho Lane b. Sept. 29, 1887; Claude L. b. June 12, 1889; Larmar R. b. Jan. 13, 1894; Delmar R. b. Jan. 14, 1894, d. infant; Alma C. b. Sept. 9, 1895, d. infant. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 47th and 152d quorums seventies; missionary to southern states 1881-83, and to South America 1900-02, a president in both missions; president mutual missionaries to Paris to study art 1890-92. Assessor and collector at Pay- son. Farmer; artist. FAIRBANKS, AMOS (son of Caleb Fairbanks, who was born July 30, 1768, Berlin, Mass., and Mary Goddard. married Nov. 10, 1786). He was born Jan. 4, 1802, Madrid, N. Y. Came to Utah October, 1851. Married Mary Bartholomew Nov. 11, 1832. Their children: Alva b. 1833; Karissa b. Oct. 29, 1838, m. Christopher Merk- ley; Jane b. Feb. 28, 1840. 55 FARMER, EDWARD JOHN (son of Richard Farmer and Elizabeth Morris of Herefordshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 20, 1825. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock com- pany. Married Elizabeth Ellen Wright 1858, Philadelphia, Pa. (daughter of John Wright and Elizabeth Bailey of Screglng- ton, Lincolnshire, Eng., pioneers Sept. 12, 1861). She was born Nov. 11, 1842. Their children: John Edward d. infant; Erastus Grenlg, m. Mary Ellen Holt; Emma, d. youth; Mary Ann Theresa, m. Edwin Reese; Richard Wright, m. Margret McCann; Robert Fredrick, m. May Evalin Henderson; Sarah Jane Elizabeth, m. Henry Egbert. Family home Herriman, Utah. Member 94th quorum seventies; ward teacher. School trustee. Farmer. FARMER, ERASTUS GRENIG (son of Edward J. Farmer and Elizabeth E. Wright). Born June 29, 1861, Florence, Douglas county, Neb. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Ellen Holt Jan. 12. 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Edward David Holt and Emma Billings, pio- neers 1862). She was born June 6, 1867. Their children: Nellie Mabel b. April 23, 1888; Eva Grace b. Jan. 21. 1890, m. Marion H Henderson; Erastus L. b. Nov. 8. 1891; Elsie May b May 18, 1893; Ivie Pearl b. March 27, 1896; Golden Holt b Oct 28 1897; Emma Ellen b. Feb. 15, 1900; Edward Tru- man b. Aug. 1, 1903; Cora H. b. Sept. 10. 1896. Family home Clifton. Idaho. Member 95th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1883-85; counselor to Bishop William F. Garner July 866 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 26, 1893, to Jan. 12, 1896; bishop of Clifton ward Jan. 12, 1896, to May 14, 1911. Chairman Republican State Central committee four years. School trustee and justice of peace. State land examiner. Farmer. FARNBS, THOMAS SAMUEL (son of John Fames and Har- riett Cambell, of London, Eng.). Born Jan. 6, 1836, London, Eng-. Came to Utah 1861. Married Sarah Ann Harrison (daughter of James H. Har- rison and Ang-elina Parry). She was born July 29, 1840. Their children: Thomas H. b. Dec. 13, 1861; Angelina H. b. Dec. 18, 1863, m. Edwin Batty June 13, 1882; Edwin James b. Dec. 16, 1866, d. Dec. 14, 1867; John Albert b. April 16, 1868, m. Ellen Lemor Jan. 4, 1897; Sarah Frances b. Nov. 25, 1870, m. Robert Slaughter June 17, 1888; Phebe Amelia b. Oct. 31, 1873, m. William R. Lang-ston Nov. 17, 1890; Jane Elizabeth b. Nov. 27, 1876, d. April 16, 1876; Joseph Fritter b. Sept. 27, 1877; Cora Alvira b. Jan. 17, 1880, m. Levl DeMill Jan. 13, 1901; Fanny May b. May 24, 1882, m. Andrew Buchan- nah March 20, 1908; Retta b. Sept. 29, 1886. Settled at "Dixie." Ward clerk there for years. FARNES, JOSEPH FRITTER (son of Thomas Samuel Fames and Sarah Ann Harrison). Born Sept. 27, 1877, Rockville, Utah. Business man and merchant. PARNSWORTH, STEPHEN MARTIBTDALE (son of Reuben Farnsworth and Lucinda Kent of Vermont). Born Oct. 9, 1809, Vermont. Came to Utah 1851, Capt. Higby company. Married Julia Ann Clark Aug. 30, 1837 (daughter of Rich- ard Clark and Miss Sheffer), who was born May 1, 1819, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Austin Martin- dale b. Dec. 16, 1838, m. Dorcas Terry; Alonzo LaFayette b. Oct. 22, 1841, m. Mary Staker Sept. 8, 1866; Albert Stephen b. May 22, 1844, m. Martha Longmore; Stephen Martindale Jr. b. Feb. 17, 1847, m. Martha Loujean Jones; Caroline Elizabeth b. March 21, 1849, m. Henson Walker Oct. 24, 1868; Julia Ann b. Nov. 26, 1852, d. May 1, 1863; Cyrus Walter b. April 20, 1864, m. Mary Isabel Tidwell; Harriet Nancy b. Dec. 16, 1856, m. James Thome; Reuben Richard b. Dec. 3, 1859, m. Lola Montez Bean. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Eliza Lewis (daughter of Nathan Lewis). Their children: Franklin Wallace, m. Anna Anderson; Clarinda; Alva Washington; Viola, m. William Shelton; Milford Bard; Curtis Bradford b. June 14, 1866; Olivia b. Sept. 15, 1867, m. Mr. Powell; Joseph; Eliza Jane; Benjamin. Family resided, Pleasant Grove and Richfield, Utah. Married Ellen Louisa Showell. Only child: Cosmelia Ellen b. June 7, 1860, m. George Ogilvie. FARNSWORTH, ALONZO LAFAYETTE (son of Stephen Martindale Farnsworth and Julia Ann Clark). He was born Oct. 22, 1841, South Bend, Ind. Married Mary Ann Staker Sept. 8, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nathan Staker and Jane Richmond), who was born Jan. 21, 1848. Married Christianna D. Bertelsen March 9, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Bertelsen and Mary Larsen, pioneers Sept. 10, 1863, William B. Preston company). She was born Jan. 8, 1852, Viberg amt, Denmark. Their children: Ray- mond Alonzo b. Nov. 15, 1876, m. Bertha Martineau May 7, ; Lester Burt b. Aug. 23, 1879, m. Rosina Nielsen Aug. 8, 1905; Mary A. b. Aug. 4, 1881, m. Joseph Fyans Dec. 26, 1906; Richard Kent b. Feb. 2, 1883, m. Hattie May Cluff Oct. 1, 1908; Elmer David b. April 8, 1885, m. Charity May O'Donnell Sept. 4, 1906; Franklin Lehi b. Oct. 24, 1889, m. Cora Walker; Anna Roine b. June 17, 1891, m. Thomas Dixon; Alonzo LaFayette b. Jan. 22, 1897, died. Family resided Tuba City, Ariz., and Colonia Garcia, Mexico. Married Edith Henrietta Tietjen April 8, 1875, at Salt Lake City (daughter of August Tietjen and Edith Kreeger), who was born in Sweden. Their children: Ernest LaFayette b. July 20, 1878, m. Edith Nielsen Feb. 28, 1902; Ida Belle b. Sept. 26, 1880, m. George Turley Feb. 16, 1899; Stephen August b. Dec. 2, 1882, m. Ethel Bingham; Jesse Charles b. July 13, 1885, died; Orrin Fay b. Nov. 26, 1886; Byron Nephl b. Jan. 7, 1890, m. Maud Cluff March 6, 1911; Ellis b. July 8, 1892, m. Karl Nielsen Nov. 25, 1909; Earl Benjamin b. Jan. 24, 1894; Jennie Tietjen b. June 24, 1896. Lieutenant Black Hawk war 1866. Member Richfield high council 1871; bishop of Joseph City 1873; went to Arizona on a mission 1877, and served as bishop Yuba City 1878. Moved to Mexico 1884. PARR, WINSLOW (son of Ashael Farr, baptized March 23, 1776, at Chesterfield, Vt., and Lydia Snow, born March 18, 1772, Chesterfield, Vt. married 1786). He was born Jan. 14, 1794, Chesterfield, Vt Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1860, Joseph Young company. Married Olive Hovey Freeman Dec. 6, 1816, Hanover, Vt (daughter of Elijah Freeman, born Nov. 3, 1767, Mansfield, Conn., and Olive Hovey, born Oct. 30, 1761, died Oct. 21, 1820 married Dec. 27, 1781). She was born June 23, 1799, Lebanon, Vt., died March 10, 1893. Big Cottonwood, Utah. Their children: John b. Dec. 14, 1817, d. infant; Aaron Free- man b. Oct. 31, 1818, m. Persis Atherton Jan. 16. 1844; Lorin b. July 27, 1820. m. Nancy B. Chase; Olive Hovey b. March 18, 1825, m. William Walker Nov. 3, 1843; Diantha b. Oct. 12, 1828, m. William Clayton Jan. 184.6; Wlnslow b. May 11, 1837, m. Emily Jane Covington Oct. 17, 1868. Family resided Waterford and Charleston, Vt., before coming to Utah. Appointed one of municipal high council of twelve 1846. Settled on Big Cottonwood river 1851. Died Aug. 25, 1867, Big Cottonwood, Utah. FARR, LORIN (son of Winslow Farr and Olive Hovey Free- man). Born July 27, 1820, Waterford, Vt Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Nancy B. Chase Jan. 1, 1845 (daughter of Ezra Chase, pioneer 1848, born Feb. 4, 1796, died Oct. 29, 1873, Ogden, Utah, and Tirzah Wells, who died April 4, 1867, at Ogden married Aug. 22, 1818). She was born Jan. 27, 1823, Bristol, Vt.; died Sept. 10, 1892, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Enoch b. Dec. 28, 1845, m. Mary E. Eggles- ton 1866; Julia b. April 1, 1848, d. May 14, 1851; Sarah b. Oct. 30, 1849, m. John Henry Smith Oct. 20, 1866; Tirzah b. May 3, 1852. m. John Gay Jan. 19, 1869; Lorin b. Feb. 21, 1854; Ezra b. Feb. 21, 1854, m. Elveretta Kay April 9, 1877; Newton b. May 31, 1856, m. Martha Davis; Diantha b. April 5, 1858, d. Oct. 30, 1858; Diana b. April 6, 1858, m. Ben E. Rich; Isabel b. March 3, 1861, m. Heber John Sears; Mary Belinda b. Oct. 16, 1863, d. July 21, 1864. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah Giles July 26, 1861, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Giles, born in Pembrokeshire, and Maria Davis, born Aug. 16, 1789, Norboth, Pembrokeshire, Wales, died June 1, 1866, Ogden. Utah married Dec. 7, 1817, Bidwilly, Monmouthshire, Wales). She was born Jan. 1, 1831, Merthyr Tydfll, Glamorganshire, Wales, d. Feb. 26, 1892, in Ogden. Their children: Joseph b. Aug. 7, 1862, m. Sally M. Porter Dec. 7, 1874; Thomas b. March 16, 1854, m. Amanda Badger Sept. 11, 1879; Marcus b. April 2. 1856, m. Caroline Josephine Ballantyne Feb. 2, 1882; Sarah Maria b. March 30, 1858, m. Richard J. Taylor Aug. 7, 1876; Roxana b. Feb. 3, 1860, m. Jedediah Pidcock March 6, 1877; Winslow b. May 9, 1862, m. Mary Hannah Williams Nov. 8, 1883; Rachel b. Sept. 24, 1864, m. Fred Packard Oct. 11, 1883; Leonorah b. March 22, 1867, m. Thomas Pardee Dec. 9, 1883; Hiram b. Feb. 15, 1870, d. June 19, 1870. Family home Ogden. Married Olive Ann Jones Feb. 28. 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Merlin Jones, pioneer 1862, born May 16, 1795, North Haven, Conn., died Dec. 4, 1879, in Ogden, and Roxana Ives, born April 17, 1799, Wallingford, Conn., died Aug. 6, 1866, in Ogden married Aug. 17, 1820, Wallingford, Conn.). She was born June 1, 1829, at Wallingford, and came to Utah Sept. 30, 1850, in Joseph Young's company. Their children: Laertes b. Jan. 23, 1853; Valasco b. Aug. 29, 1855, m. Diana Davis Fife Feb. 24, 1881; Olive Ann b. Aug. 3, 1857, d. May 1, 1866; Ellen b. Oct. 25, 1859, d. May 6, 1866; Merlin Jones b. Feb. 4, 1862, d. May 2, 1866; David b. April 5, 1864, m. Mag- gie Williams June 3, 1896; Ashael b. Oct. 17, 1866, m. Georg- iana Julia Drake March 14, 1888. Family home Ogden. Married Mary (Bingham) Snow Dec. 2, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Erastus Bingham and Lucinda Gates, pioneers Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer company). She was born April 1, 1820, St. Johnsbury, Vt.; died Sept 25, 1893, Ogden. Their children: Willard b. July 6, 1856, m. Mary Ballantyne; Eras- tus b. May 14, 1859, d. June 28, 1859; Isaac Farwell b. May 23, 1860, m. Isabel Poulter Feb. 23, 1882. Family home Ogden. Married Nicholine Erickson Jan. 29, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Neils Erickson, born 1803, Norway, died Sept. 21, 1892, in Ogden, and Maria Olsen, born 1801, and died 1873 in Frederikstadt). She was born Sept. 22, 1837, Frederik- stadt, Aggerhuys, Norway, and came to Utah Sept. 7, 1856, Noah Guymon company. Their children: Lorenzo Erickson b. Oct. 25, 1858, m. Minnie Woodmansie March 23, 1882; Laura b. April 10, 1861, m. Winfred S. Harris Sept. 26, 1880; John b. Jan. 4, 1863, m. Rachel Ann Witten Dec. 20, 1884; Elnora b. April 2, 1865, m. James Wotherspoon Oct. 26, 1882; Elijah b. Dec. 28, 1867, d. May 27. 1906; Mary b. March 22, 1870, m. George W. Driver Sept. 11, 1889. Family home Ogden. Settled at Ogden 1850. First president Weber stake; presi- dent high priests' quorum in 1850-61. Erected first grist mill and sawmill in Weber county. Member first territorial legislature from Weber county, and in the earlier days rep- resented Box Elder county from the time of the organization of the territory until 1887; first mayor of Ogden 1851-70, and re-elected in 1877. Missionary to Europe 1870. Prominent in building of railroads; superintendent of grading Central Pacific for two hundred miles west of Ogden, and also build- ing of Utah Northern to Brigham City. Died Jan. 12, 1909, Ogden. FARR, ENOCH (son of Lorin Farr and Nancy Bailey Chase). Born Dec. 28, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah 1847. Married Mary Elizabeth Eggleston Oct. 20, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Eggleston Jr., born March 30, 1804, Marcellus, Onondaga county, N. Y., died May 27, 1884, at Ogden, and Lurania Burgess, born Aug. 16, 1808, Sempro- nius, Cayuga county, N. Y., died July 6, 1870, at Ogden mar- ried Aug. 23, 1827, at Sempronius, pioneers Sept 1863, Capt. Wareham company). She was born Sept. 22, 1849, Council liluffs, Iowa. Their children: Enoch b. July 16, 1867, m. Mary Nelson Nov. 20, 1889; Mary Isabell b. Nov. 7, 1869, m. Christian Christensen Feb. 13, 1896; Julia May b. Feb. 29, 1872, d. Nov. 11, 1889; Reuben Ezra b. April 30, 1874, m. Nora Thornburg June 27, 1903; Frank b. Dec. 15, 1876, m. Mary Chappie Nov. 1902; Frederick b. Nov. 13, 1878, d. July 9, 1879; Walter Ray b. Dec. 7, 1879, m. Mary Carr May 18, 1901; Nancy Lurania b. Jan. 1, 1882, d. Sept. 1882; George b. Nov. 3, 1883, m. Mary Maria Roberts Sept. 28, 1910; Leslie b. June 16, 1888, m. Lydia Myers Dec. 14, 1910; Stanley Burgess b. Feb. 4, 1892. Family home Ogden. Married Esther Myers Sept. 27. 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Myers, born Aug. 16, 1815, Skipton, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 867 Yorkshire, Eng., died Sept. 11, 1886, at Ogden, and Isabell Bramley, born March 24, 1818, at Skipton, died Oct. 4, 1881. Ogden married Dec. 14, 1837, Skipton, pioneers Sept. 27, 1855, Richard V. Morris company). She was born March 12, 1864, Burnley, Lancashire, Eng. One of first seven presidents 76th quorum seventies: Oct. 1884 was ordained high priest; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1884-1887; was president of that mission and super- intendent of the Laei plantation. Fruit grower; cement and general contractor. FARR, EZRA (son of Lorin Farr and Nancy Bailey Chase). Born Feb. 21, 1854, Ogden, Utah. Married Elveretta Kay April 9, 1877 (daughter of William and Mary T. Kay). Their children: Ezra Leon; Clare K.; Inez; Zelma; Cecil Earl; Mabel; Jennette Ruth. Family home, Ogden. FARR, NEWTON (son of Lorin Farr and Nancy Bailey Chase). Born May 31, 1856, at Ogden, Utah. Married Martha Davis Oct. 19, 1882, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of M. L. Davis and Mary Kenner both of Salt Lake City. Came to Utah 1859). She was born May 15, 1863. Their children: Ethel LaBelle b. Sept. 17, 1883, m. W. J. Bennett; Merrill Newton b. June 17, 1885, m. Jean Spencer; Leah b. Oct. 12, 1887; Martha b. March 6, 1891, d. Jan. 4, 1892. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Seventy; missionary to England 1880-82. Deputy sheriff of Weber county. Interested in and helped develop many mines. FARR, JOSEPH (son of Lorin Farr and Sarah Giles). Born Aug. 7, 1852, in Ogden. Married Sally M. Porter Dec. 7, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Luther G. Porter and Aurora Ann Murry, of Antioun, N. T., pioneers Oct. 2, 1862, Isaac A. Canfield com- pany). She was born June 4, 1854. Their children: Joseph A. b. Jan. 1, 1876, m. Mabel M. Farr Aug. 16, 1897; Nellie R. b. Oct. 22, 1877, m. Andrea L. Farr Aug. 24, 1900; Marcia A. b. Aug. 29, 1880; Jennie L. b. May 14, 1882; Cora I. b. June 9, 1883; Hazel A. b. April 4, 1885; Hyrum A. b. Jan. 24, 1887; Leland N. b. March 16, 1889; Roxanna P. b. Nov. 27, 1892; Eugene b. Nov. 7, 1894. Member 76th quorum seventies. Member city council two years; municipal judge two years. Miller and merchant. FARR, MARCUS (son of Lorin Farr and Sarah Giles). Born April 2, 1856, Ogden. Married Caroline Josephine Ballantyne Feb. 2, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Ballantyne, born Aug. 26, 1817, Whiterigg, Scotland, and Caroline Albertine San- derson, born Sept. 19, 1837, Rogen, Norway; married 1856). She was born Jan. 30, 1861, Salt Lake City. Their children: Josephine b. Feb. 17, 1883, m. William H. Olson July 16, 1903; Marcus Ballantyne b. April 11, 1885; Lionel B. b. Nov. 28, 1888; Beatrice Albertine b. April 24, 1892; Lorin B. b. July 1, 1896. Family home Ogden. First counselor to 9th quorum elders July 13, 1891 to Dec. 13, 1897; missionary to Eastern states 1897; first assistant superintendent third ward Sunday school; senior member Ogden stake high council. FARR, MARCUS BALLANTYNE (son of Marcus Farr and Caroline Josephine Ballantyne). Born April 11, 1885, Ogden. Married Mary Elizabeth Watkins April 17, 1913 (daughter of Joseph Hyrum Watkins and Mary Ann Doxey). Filled a mission to the southern states. Was one who assisted in building the nrst Mormon church in the city of Atlanta, Ga. FARR, VALASCO (son of Lorin Farr and Olive Ann Jones). Born Aug. 29, 1855, in Ogden. Married Diana Davis Fife Feb. 24, 1881. Salt Lake City (daughter of William Nicol Fife, pioneer 1863, born Oct. 16, 1831, Kincardine-on-Forth. Perthshire, Scotland, and Diana Davis, born April 12, 1837, Caermarthenshire, South Wales, died Sept. 11, 1884, Cochise county, Ariz. married July 9, 1864, Salt Lake City). She was born Oct. 7, 1869, Ogden, died May 18, 1904. Their children: Diana Edith b. Nov. 28, 1881, m. Parley T. Moyes Feb. 22, 1906; Olive Ann b. Jan. 21, 1884, m. Harry Hales June 10, 1909; Raymond Valasco b. Nov. 20, 1886, m. Almira Shurtliff Oct. 29, 1909; Lamar Fife b. Feb. 1, 1889; Agnes Fife b. Nov. 6, 1891; Merlin Fife b. April 5. 1897; Ivan William b. Dec. 16, 1900. Family home, Ogden. Farmer and fruit grower. FARR, DAVID (son of Lorin Farr and Olive Ann Jones). Born April 6, 1864, Ogden. Married Maggie Williams June 3, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Lloyd William, born March 31, 1826, Santasaf, Flintshire, North Wales, died Feb. 24, 1889, Ogden, and Elizabeth Rowlands born March 20, 1836, New Bridge, near Denbigh, Denbighshire, North Wales, died April 30, 1899. Ogden married April, 1851, at Santasaf, pioneers Oct. 29, 1865, C. A. Harper company). She was born March 4, 1867, Ogden. Thtlr children: David Rowland b. May 12. 1897; James Frederick b. Aug. 14, 1899; Dorothy b. Aug. 16. 1901. Family home Ogden. Missionary to Alabama and Florida 1892-94. Merchant. FARR, ASAHEL (son of Lorin Farr and Olive Ann Jones). Born Oct. 17, 1866, Ogden, Utah. Married Georgiana Julia Drake March 14, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Drake, born Nov. 14, 1826, Chel- tenham, Gloucestershire, Eng., died Feb. 6, 1913, at Ogden, and Emily White, born Dec. 30, 1824. Newbury, Berkshire, died July 20, 1905, at Ogden married Nov. 1, 1861, Newbury; former came to Utah 1878, latter 1877). She was born Sept. 11, 1866, Boomer, Pottawattamie county, Iowa. Their chil- dren: Georgiana Jennie b. Dec. 17, 1888, m. William Arthur Budge Oct. 11, 1911; Lawrence b. March 25, 1891; Mabel Ellen b. Sept. 8, 1893; Ashael b. Oct. 24, 1895; Dexter b. April 9 1898; Verne b. June 9, 1901. Family home Ogden. First counselor to Julius Farley; president Y. M. M. I. A. Mound Fort ward, Ogden; counselor to bishop James Taylor of same ward; first counselor to L. Jones. Member school board of Ogden City, 1905-13. Fruit grower; coal dealer. FARR, ISAAC FARWELL (son of Lorin Farr and Mary Bingham Snow). Born May 23, 1860, Ogden. Married Isabel Poulter Feb. 23, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas A. Poulter and Hannah Butler, of London, Eng., and Ogden, Utah, pioneers 1864, Capt. Shields company). She was born July 28, 1862. Their children: Chloe B., m. Alfred H. Summerville; Norman I.; Walter T., m. Nellie Brown; Orlando died; Archie; Orlaf; Rhea. Family home Ogden. Manager Ogden flour mill 1876-83; bookkeeper; mining promoter. FARR, JOHN (son of Lorin Farr and Nichollne Erickson). Born Jan. 4, 1863. Ogden, Utah. Married Rachel Ann Witten Dec. 20, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel M. Witten, born Dec. 6, 1833, Jefferson City, Tazewell county, and Martha Jane Heninger, born May 14, 1840, Burks Garden, Tazewell county, Va. married there Nov. 13, 1860, and came to Utah June 2, 1869). She was born Sept. 23, 1863, Jefferson City, Va. Their children: John Clement, m. Mary Alice Priest June 16, 1909; Mabel Grace; Fern, m. Adolphus Frank Moss June 6, 1911; Martha Pauline; Lyndall; Mildred; Rachel Afton; Roscoe Kenneth. Family home Ogden. Missionary to England 1898-1900; second assistant super- intendent third ward Sunday school, Ogden, 1901-03; first counselor to president of Y. M. M. I. A. third ward, Ogden, 1902-05; one of seven presidents 63d quorum, and later of 98th quorum seventies. Horticulturalist; coal dealer. FARR, WINSLOW, JR. (son of Winslow Farr and Olive Hovey Freeman). Born May 11, 1837, East Charleston, Or- leans county, Vt. Came to Utah October 1848. Married Emily Jane Covington Oct. 17, 1868 (daughter of Robert D. Covington and Elizabeth Ann Thomas). Their children: Winslow Robert; Emily Olive; Lafayette Thomas; Lorin Freeman; David James; Moroni; Mohonrl; Ida Almena; Silva May; William Henry; Mary Isabel; Barnard Elijah; Aaron Adelbert; Jonathan. Walked and drove three yoke of oxen across the plains. FARR. LAFAYETTE THOMAS (son of Winslow Farr, Jr.. and Emily Jane Covington). Born Feb. 14, 1864, Paradise, Utah. Married Nancy Hipwell Sept. 30, 1885 (daughter of William Hipwell and Elizabeth Barton). Their children: William Hipwell; Winslow; Emily Jane; Elizabeth; Aaron Lafayette; Lawrence; Harriet Olive; Flossie; Laura May; Glenn. FARR, FRAJTKLm (son of Elbrige Farr and Sarah Buss, Eastern Massachusetts). Born Oct. 12, 1837, Chatham, Me- dina Co., Ohio. Came to Utah 1852. Married Anne Jones Dec. 22, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Prichard Jones and Mary Bevan of St. Brides, Gla- morganshire, Wales, and Spanish Fork, Utah, pioneers Oct. 4, 1864, William S. Warren oxteam company). She was born Aug. 22, 1848, St. Brides, Wales. Their children: Anne E. b. Oct. 10, 1867, m. Z. P. Bomeril; Pamella E. b. Aug. 13, 1869, m. John W. Lewis; Mary E. b. Jan. 27, 1872, m. Frank Abbott; Franklin J. b. March 12, 1874, m. Sarah Evans; George Ansel b. July 10, 18 , died; Jeanette Bevan b. June 6, 1878, m. Peter Bomeril; Sarah Louisa b. Nov. 22, 1880. m. William Bomeril; T. Vaughan b. Sept. 5, 1884; Wilford Ivor b. Jan. 1888. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Presided over elders quorum 1873-93; president deacons quorum four years; ordained high priest July 22, 1894; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher. Captain of ten in Utah militia; minuteman in Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer. Died April 24. 1901. Spanish Fork. Utah. FARRELL, GEORGE LIONEL, (son of William Farrell. born Jan. 1, 1785, Leek, Staffordshire, and Alice Saddler Bird, born Sept. 26, 1796, Minety, Wiltshire, Eng.). He was born Feb. 16, 1829, Hewelsfield, Gloucestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 12, 1859, James S. Brown company. Married Amanda A. Steel April 29. 1860 (daughter of William Steel and Margarett Goodwin, pioneers Aug. 12, 1859, James S. Brown company). She was born Feb. 17, 1844. Their children: Margarett Alice b. Jan. 6. 1862, m. William Pilkington Oct. 4, 1883; Emma b. April 17, 1864, m. Herbert P. Barber Ncv. 10, 1886; Annie Louisa b. Aug. 9. 1866, m. Solon Barber Nov. 14, 1887; Charlotte S. b. May 30, 1868, m. William Raymond March 8, 1889; May S. b. May 12, 1870. m. John Mack Dec. 4, 1896; Lionel S. b. Sept. 28, 1872. m. Florence Rainey May 8, 1901; Clara b. Aug. 1, 1876, died; Lewis S. b. Nov. 2, 1880, m. Namonia Naylor April 7, 1910; Francis D. b. March 13, 1883; Loraine b. Feb. 13, 1887, m. Ephriam Ralph July 6, 1911. Family resided Logan and Smithfleld, Utah. 868 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Mary Charlotte Lundburg April 11, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Solomon Lundburg and Christina Ander- son, pioneers 1861). She was born Dec. 15, 1842, Frothatta, Sweden. Their children: William G. b. May 24, 1864, m. Florence Caine Sept. 8, 1897; Laura L. b. Jan. 19, 1866, m. Don C. Musser 1899; Alfred L. b. March 4, 1868, m. Luna Thatcher July 15, 1897; George b. Aug. 24, 1870; Selma b. Aug. 1, 1875, m. David Robbins July 28, 1895; Vendla b. May 4, 1877; Lavene b. March 20, 1881. Family resided Salt Lake City and Logan. Utah. Married Lydia A. Anderson June 25, 1878. Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Anderson and Sophia Sorenson, pio- neers 1858, Rosel K. Homer company). She was born Oct. 4, 1858, Echo Canyon, Wyo. Their children: Andrew Otto b. Dec. 28, 1880, d. Dec. 28, 1880; Catherine Sophia b. Dec. 25, 1882, d. June 1893; Gladys Adline b. Oct. 1, 1885; Marion Lyman b. Dec. 1, 1890. Family home Smithfield, Utah. Married Mary Elizabeth Groshaw May 12, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Charles Crowshaw and Hannah Atkins; married Dec. 18. 1867, Barrow in Furness, Eng.). She was born Sept. 14, 1868, Willtamsburg, N. Y. Their children: Mary b. Nov. 29, 1888, d. infant; Joseph b. July 9, 1890; Lola b. Dec. 17, 1893; Lillie Vale b. Jan. 14, 1897; Charles C. b. Dec. 16, 1898; Robert Atkins b. June 22, 1902; Florence b. Oct. 16, 1904; Leah b. Dec. 30, 1905; Amanda L. b. Feb. 19, 1901, died; Hyrum Russell b. Oct. 17, 1909. Family home Smithfield, Utah. Tithing clerk Cache stake 1859-80; president elders' quo- rum 1859-76; president high priests quorum 1876-80. Cache county recorder 1860-84; postmaster at Logan 1862-74. Mis- sionary to England 1874-76; bishop of Smithfleld 1880-1900; patriarch 1900. Pioneer dry farmer. FARRELL, WILLIAM G. (son of George Lionel Farrell and Marie Charlotte Lundburg). Born May 24, 1864, Logan, Utah. Married Florence Caine Sept. 8. 1897, at Logan (daughter of John T. Caine and Margaret Nightingale, pioneers Sept. 20, 1852, James McGaw company). She was born Sept. 6, 1873, Salt Lake City. Their children: William Caine b. Sept. 28, 1898; Frederick Nightingale b. April 20, 1903. FARREN, JOSEPH (son of Edward Farren and Elizabeth Young of New York, N. Y.). Born Dec. 21, 1837, In New York City. Came to Utah 1871. Married Julia Sanders April 1868, at Austin, Nev. (daugh- ter of Charles Sanders of Ohio), who was born 1840. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Miningman. Had charge of Davenport-Matilda and City Rock Mining company; built two lead furnaces at Deep Creek, Utah; located Tacoma Lucine property and sold it to the Salt Lake copper plant. FARRER, ROGER (son of Thomas Farrer and Jane Grave- son of Helsington, Westmorland, Eng.). Born March 18, 1795, Westmorland, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, David Evans company. Married Catherine Adwln 1820, Westmorland, Eng., who died 1825. Their children: William b. Jan. 26, 1821, m. Eliza- beth Kary; James b. March 12, 1823, m. Mary Jane McCune, m. Phidelia Dame. Family resided at Provo and Beaver, Utah. Married Mary Stubbs Oct. 7, 1828, Westmorland, Eng. (daughter of John Stubbs of Westmorland, Eng., pioneer Sept. 17, 1850, David Evans company). She was born Dec. 23, 1800. Their children: Thomas b. Sept. 3, 1829, m. Mary Strong; Margaret b. Jan. 21, 1832, m. Hugh Syme; Jane b. Feb. 25, 1836, died; Roger b. April 17, 1838, m. Agnes Strong; Mary b. Sept. 22, 1844, died. Family home Prove, Utah. Seventy; high priest In Mormon church. Farmer and miller. Died June 1, 1887. FARRER, ROGER, JR. (son of Roger Farrer and Mary Stubbs). Born April 17, 1838, Westmorland, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Agnes Strong Feb. 18, 1857, Provo, Utah (daughter of John Strong and Agnes Miller, of Provo, pioneers Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born Oct. 3, 1837. Their children: Agnes A. b. Dec. 18, 1857, m. Josiah W. duff; James R. b. March 25, 1860, m. Mary J. Roberts; John W. b. July 15, 1862. m. Alice Vilate Loveless; Joseph T. b. July 1, 1865, m. Sarah Chipman; Mary Ettie b. March 28, 1874, m. Walter P. Whitehead: Edward b. Dec. 6. 1878, m. Ruth Peay. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 45th quorum seventies and high priest; high coun- cilor Utah stake. Provo city councilman 13 years. Farmer. FARRER, WILLIAM (son of Roger Farrer and Catherine Hadwtn, both of Brlgstreer, Westmorland, Eng.). He was born Jan. 26, 1821, Brigstreer, Eng. Came to Utah 1847, Capt. Taylor company. Married Elizabeth Ann Kerry Jan. 2, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Kerry and Elizabeth Sharp, both of England). She was born Dec. 11, 1840. Their children: Mary Elizabeth, died; William K., m. Mary Ann Halliday; Roger C.; Catherine A., m. Hugh Ross; Frances J., died; Kmma T., m. Hyrum F. Thomas; Sarah A.; Thomas, m. Rose Hardy. Family home, Provo. Utah. Seventy; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1848-51. Farmer. Died Feb. 17, 1890, Provo. Utah. FAUSETT, WILLIAM McGEE (son of Richard Fausett of Tennessee). Born Jan. 6, 1807, in Tennessee;. Came to Utah September, 1851, Alexander Stephens company. Married Matilda Caroline Butcher in Tennessee (daughter of Isaac Butcher and Narcissus Rebecca Rentfrow of Ten- nessee). She was born Aug. 18, 1809. Their children: Nancy Maria, m. William Follett; Martha Jane, died; Rebecca, m. Corneling Lott. m. Lewis Saunsosee; Mary Ann, m. John Lott; Harriet Catherine, m. James Addison Bean; Sarah Louisa, m. John Wesley Turner; Amanda Caroline, died; Joseph Smith m. Clarissa N. Wilcox;. William, died; Isaac Romanzo, m. Samantha Louisa Mecham. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Ruth Bailey Logan at Salt Lake City. Their child: Julia Ann, m. Thomas Holdaway. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Elizabeth Bukie (Boshard) at Salt Lake City. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Matilda Hardy. Family home Provo, Utah. Bishop of Provo 21 years. Farmer. Died Sept. 6, 1896. FAUSETT, ISAAC ROMANZO (son of William M. Fausett and Matilda Caroline Butcher). Born Dec. 19, 1853, Provo, Utah. Married Samantha Louisa Mecham March 4, 1874, Provo, Utah (daughter of Lewis Mecham and Lydia Wells, pioneers 1852, James Snow company). She was born Dec. 12, 1856. Their children: William b. April 25, 1875, m. Bertha Her- bert; Otis Eugene b. Sept. 8, 1876, d. infant; Raymond b. March 1, 1878, d. aged 11; Lydia Matilda b. Oct. 3, 1879, m. Raymond Davis; Julia Ann b. Sept. 11, 1881, d. infant; Edna b. June 3, 1883; Sarah b. Jan. 5, 1885, m. Robert D. Young; Florence b. Sept. 27, 1896, m. Marian Adamson; Lewis b. Sept. 4, 1888, m. Lucy Bigelow; Elmer b. Sept. 4, 1880; Estella b. Dec. 5, 1892, m. Frank Simmons; Jennie b. Dec. 25, 1894, d. infant; Whitmor b. June 16, 1896; Arnold b. Sept. 11, 1898; Polly b. Feb. 3, 1901. Family home Wallsburg. Utah. Elder. Farmer. FAUSETT, LEWIS (son of Isaac Ramonzo Fausett and Sa- mantha Louisa Mecham). Born Sept. 4, 1888, Provo, Utah. Married Lucy Lavina Bigelow July 13, 1908, Heber, Utah (daughter of Daniel Bigelow and Clara Ostensen of Camp Creek, Mercer county, 111., pioneers with Captain Snow com- pany). She was born Jan. 21, 1890. Their children: Lucy Ella b. June 25, 1909; Lewis Earle b. Oct. 21, 1911. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. Farmer. FAWSETT, JOHN. Born Dec. 22, 1804, Illinois. Came to Utah by oxteam. His children: Amanda, m. Washington Clift; William, m. Julia Stevens. Married Mary E. Shelton at Provo, Utah (daughter of Stephen Shelton and Nancy Brown of Jackson county, Mo.). She was born in 1825. Their children: Nancy, m. James Davis; Margaret Ann, m. John Van Wagner; Elizabeth, m. Phelix Murphy; Amanda, m. Heber Wardel; Sarah, m. John Hartnet; Julia, m. Charles Zufelt; Eliza, m. Thomas Hair; Jeanetta, died; Janie, m. William H. Graham; John W., m. Irene Burgner; Davin, died. Family home Midway, Utah. Bishop of Midway, Utah. Veteran of Black Hawk war. Farmer and sheep raiser. Died 1873. FAWSETT, JOHN W. (son of John Fawsett and Mary E. Shelton). Born Feb. 23, 1871, at Midway, Utah. Married Irene Burgner Jan. 10, 1896, Heber, Utah (daugh- ter of Christian Burgner and Amelia Sultzer of Switzerland). She was born Oct. 21, 1877. Their children: John William b. Nov. 6, 1896; Nancy Irene, b. Oct. 22, 1897; Sarah Jane b. Aug. 27, 1900; Charles Edmund b. Dec. 23, 1901; Amanda Elizabeth b. Oct. 29, 1903; Jessie Amelia b. Jan. 24, 1906; Walker Ray b March 24, 1908; Violet May b. May 24, 1910. Family home Midway, Utah. Sheepraiser and miner. FEATHERSTONE, THOMAS (son of John Featherstone and Eliza Berkinshaw of Kegworth, Leicestershire, Eng.). Born Sept. 15, 1834, at Kegworth. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1857. Married Emma Smith Jan. 11, 1853 (daughter of John Smith and Mary Ann Gauntly), who was born Aug. 9, 1832, Nottingham, Eng., and died April 12, 1913. Their children: John T. b. Nov. 16, 1853, d. Feb. 22, 1854; William Edwin b. July 12, 1856, d. Aug. 24, 1864; Mary Ann b. Nov. 10, 1859, (d. June 1, 1907), m. Hyrum Hoggard; Franklin Joseph b. Dec. 26, 1861, m. Martha Larson; Thomas b. Oct. 23, 1864, m. Mary Boley; Stephen b. July 9, 1867, d. May 17, 1912, m. Charlotte Rushton; Elizabeth b. Oct. 17, 1870, d. May 14, 1900, m. Frank Walker. Family home American Fork, Utah. Married Martha Richards July 12, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Richards and Ann Toulson), who was born Dec. 4, 1844, Attenborough, Derbyshire, Eng., and came to Utah 1864, John J. Rawlins company. Their children: John b. July 10, 1869, d. July 11, 1869; Heber Chase b. May 25, 1874, m. Celestial Brown 1894; Joseph F. b. June 26, 1881, m. Marie Snow; James b. Nov. 5, 1884, d. Oct. 21, 1895. Settled at American Fork 1857. Seventy and high priest. FELSHAW, WILLIAM (son of Elisha Felshaw and Sarah Hicks of New York state. Born Jan. 1. 1800, Granville, Washington county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1861, Abra- ham Day company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 869 Married Mary Harriet Gilbert 1826 in Washington county. N. Y. daughter of Josiah Gilbert and Susannah Hyde of that state). She was born June 6, 1808, in Otsego county, N. Y. Their children: Betsy b. July 1831, d. young; Julia b. June 27, 1832, m. Clarence Merrille Dec. 7, 1867; William Alma b. July 3, 1834; Mary; Lemuel; Josiah, latter four d. young; John b. Nov. 23, 1836, m. Frances Croft; Anna Mary b. Dec. 28 1839, d. young; Lucy b. March 1842, m. Frank Wilson; Carolina b. May 3, 1845, m. David R. Stephens; Olive b. Nov. 2, 1848, m. Amassa M. Lyman, Jr.; Sarah b. Feb. 3, 1861, d. young; Susannah b. Feb. 3, 1851, m. John Ashby. Member 70th quorum seventies; went to Wyoming to as- sist in relief of handcarts company 1856; high priest. Mem- ber legislature 1854; mayor of Fillmore two terms; member town council. Worked on temples at Kirtland, Ohio, Nau- voo, 111., and Salt Lake City, Utah. Contractor and builder. Died Sept. 24, 1867, at Fillmore, Utah. FELT, NATHANIEL, HENRY (son of Nathaniel Felt and Hannah Reeves of Salem, Essex county, Mass.). Born Feb. 6, 1816. at Salem. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1850, Heywood and Woolley merchandise train. Married Eliza Ann Preston Oct. 3, 1839, at Salem (daugh- ter of Joseph Preston and Rebecca Peele of that place). She was born Nov. 10, 1820, and died June 19, 1875. Their children: Joseph Henry, m. Louise Bouton; Nathaniel Pres- ton; Margaret Eliza, m. Thomas C. West; John G., m. Clara V. Hanks; Albert William, m. Ida Dalquist; George F. b. Dec. 8, 1857, m. Louise M. Ellerbeck Sept. 4, 1883; Charles B., m. Georgianna Spencer; Adaline Augusta; Mary Alice, m. Joseph G. Cutler; Annetta Rebecca. Family home Salt Lake City. President Salem branch of L. D. S. church 1843; and pres- ident St. Louis conference 1847; member 29th quorum seven- ties; missionary to Great Britain 1865-67; and to New Eng- land states 1869-70; high councilor many years. Alderman of Salt Lake City 1851; elected to the house of representa- tives in first legislature August 1851; colonel and chaplain In Utah militia 1852. Assisted George A. Smith in locating and surveying town of Parowan. Established paper in New York City called "The Mormon." Grain merchant. Died Jan. 27, 1887, Salt Lake City. FELT, GEORGE F. (son of Nathaniel Henry Felt and Eliza Ann Preston). Born Dec. 8, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Married Louise M. Ellerbeck Sept. 4, 1883, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Witton Ellerbeck, born Sept. 14, 1829, and Henrietta Dyer, born April 28, 1842, former pio- neer Oct. 15, 1851, Orson Pratt company). She was born May 10, 1864. Their children: Geneva E. b. July 7, 1884; Ethel b. March 3, 1886, m. J. P. Marshall; Alice b. Aug. 6, 1888; George Harold b. Aug. 13, 1891; Walter Lawrence b. Nov. 20, 1893; Richard Norman b. Oct. 10, 1890; Frank Allan b. Dec. 17, 1897; Marian b. June 20, 1907. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 124th quorum seventies. Assistant county treas- urer; secretary board of police and fire commissioners. Lumber merchant. FENN, WILLIAM. Married Sarah Fenn. Their children: Martha, m. William Nuttall; George; Frederick; Sarah, m. William Thompson. Family home Provo, Utah. He was drowned in Provo river near Charleston, Utah. FENTON, THOMAS (son of Robert Fenton and Mary Ander- son of Sheffield, Eng.). Born April 7, 1821, at Sheffield. Came to Utah 1851. Married Annie Maria Wilson 1862, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Wilson and Elizabeth Jackson of Derbyshire, Eng.). She was born May 11, 1843. Their chil- dren: William and George A., both d. aged 2; Elizabeth C., d. aged 16; John Wilson, m. Eliza West; Joseph Jackson, m. Sarah J. Jensen; Beatrice, m. William Ebert. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Emma Coombs. Their child: Robert Alfred b. Nov. 30, 1867, m. Sarah Elizabeth Burton Feb. 15, 1893. High priest; block teacher. Nurseryman and florist. Died Jan. 21, 1890, at Salt Lake City. FENTON, JOHN WILSON (son of Thomas Fenton and Annie Maria Wilson). Born March 3, 1873, at Salt Lake City. Married Eliza West Aug. 15, 1895, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jesse West and Isabella Windley of Derby- shire, Eng., pioneers 1860). She was born July 10, 1872. Their children: Thomas J. b. March 6, 1896; Irene I. b. April 22, 1898; John M. b. May 30, 1900; Edna A. b. May 11, 1903; Nellie T. b. Feb. 13, 1905; Russell W. b. Oct. 27, 1906; Leslie W. b. June 27, 1909. Family home Salt Lake City. Elder; block teacher. Bricklayer. FENTON, JOSEPH JACKSON (son of Thomas Fenton and Annie Maria Wilson). Born June 7, 1875, at Salt Lake City. Married Sarah J. Jensen Nov. 4, 1896, at Salt Lake City (daughter of C. H. L. Jensen and Helbertine Nelsen of Co- penhagen, Denmark, came to Utah June 23, 1878). She was born Jan. 7, 1876. Their children: Joseph J. b. April 23, 1898; Myrtle J. b. Nov. 28, 1899; Thomas J. b. Sept. 2, 1901, d. Infant; Harold J. b. Sept. 2, 1901; Hyrum J. b. Dec. 1, 1902, d. infant; Gladys J. b. Nov. 18, 1903, died; David W. b. Sept. 9. 1906; Sarah E. b. May 17, 1908; John M. b. Jan. 23, 1910. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest; president deacons quorum 6th ward; secre- tary 6th quorum elders; 2d counselor in bishopric 26th ward; Sunday school superintendent three years; ward clerk. Rail- way conductor; mail carrier; clerk in U. S. P. O. since 1902. FENTON, ROBERT ALFRED (son of Thomas Fenton and Emma Coombs). Born Nov. 30, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Elizabeth Burton Feb. 15, 1893, Logan, Utah (daughter of Robert T. Burton and Susan Ellen McBride. pioneers of Salt Lake City). She was born Feb. 29, 1868. Their children: Robert A. b. June 2, 1894; Harris Burton b. Sept. 6, 1898; Lee Coombs b. June 16, 1901; Ellen Clarissa b. Dec. 8, 1903; Burton Thomas b. July 30, 1908. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to New Zealand 1895-98; home missionary; block teacher. Farmer. U. C. traveler. FERGUSON, ANDREW (son, of William Ferguson, born Nov. 6, 1792, Rutherglen, Lanarkshire, Scotland, and Bar- bara Orthur Lindsay, born Feb. 20, 1797, at Rutherglen). Born Sept. 6, 1818, at Rutherglen. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856, Moses Thurston company. Married Catherine Douglas July 15, 1842 (daughter of Robert Douglas and Mary Bruce), who was born Oct. 6, 1819. Their children: Agnes Reid b. Sept. 21, 1843, m. Fredrick Lewis Jan. 28, 1865; Barbara Orthur b. Sept. 21, 1843, m. Willard O. Creer Dec. 16, 1862; Elizabeth Lock b. Nov. 19, 1846, m. John Houghton 1866; Eli B. K. b. Dec. 28, 1848, m. Christina Angus April, 1874. Married Elizabeth Watson July 15, 1850, at Rutherglen, Scotland (daughter of William Watson and Ann White), who was born July 4, 1811, at Kilmorack, Scotland. Their children: William Watson b. May 22, 1851, m. Caroline Thomas Dec. 21, 1876; Andrew M. T. b. Aug. 22, 1855, m. Marie Simmons Feb. 18, 1878; John Robert b. April 23, 1856. Missionary to Scotland 1879-80; president of Dundee con- ference. Justice of peace 1865-76; alderman 1883; city attor- ney of Spanish Fork. First president Spanish Fork Co- operative Mercantile Inst. FERRE, ROSWTELL, C. (son of Daniel Ferre and Elizabeth Chapins of Kanesville, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa). Born Nov. 6, 1818, Bostard Township, Canada. Came to Utah October 1862. Married Rachael Catherine Hollister Aug. 4, 1850, Kanes- ville (Miller's Hollow), Iowa. She was born Nov. 15, 1831, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Alva Alonzo b. June 14, 1851, m. Polly Harding; Josephine b. Dec. 26, 1853, m. Erastus Snow; Roswell b. June 10, 1856, m. Eunice Martin; John Henry b. Sept. 9, 1858, m. Rosalia Pot- ter; Rachel K. b. Dec. 26, 1860, m. Isaac McEwan; William b. June 16, 1863, m. Eva Davis; George A. b. Aug. 21, 1866, m. Susan Baum; Mary A. b. March 6, 1869, died; Warren S. b. Sept. 6, 1870, m. Emma Bowen. Family home Provo, Utah. Seventy. Farmer. Died Dec. 1886. FERRIN, SAMUEL (son of Ebnnezer Ferrin, born Sept. 4, 1777, and Lydia Phelps, born March 9, 1782, both at Hebron, Grafton county, N. H. married Nov. 26, 1801). He was born Nov. 12, 1804, at Hebron. Came to Utah 1862. Married Olive Fidelia Coon. Their children: Julia Fidelia, m. Hyrum Boynton; Jacob Samuel b. June 1, 1830, m. Janet A. McBride March 29, 1857. Married Sally Powell (Marsh) Jan. 21, 1833, In Pennsylvania (daughter of James and Clotilda Powell), who was born March 21, 1811. Their children: Josiah Marsh b. Jan. 22, 1834, m. Martha A. Bronson Feb. 10, 1856; James Madison b. July 14, 1836, m. Eliza Jane Lincoln Dec. 26, 1861; Ebenezer; Moroni; Sarah Maria b. Dec. 1, 1840, m. Omner Call Oct. 26, 1855; Heber Chase Kimball b. Oct. 4, 1846, m. Martha J. Burns; Brigham b. January, 1849; Lydia b. March 8, 1852. m. George W. Williams Sept. 13, 1869. Family resided Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Married Ann Plant Aug. 24, 1861, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Charles Plant and Ann Chapma.n), who was born A.ug. 14, 1842, Calver, Derbyshire, Eng. Their children: Annie b. June 15, 1862; Samutl b. June 30, 1864; Anna b. May 4, 1866; Jesse b. Nov. 19, 1868; Francis b. May 13, 1871; Philip b. Jan. 24, 1874. Family resided Salt Lake City and Pleasatit View, Utah. FERRIN, JOSIAH MARSH (son of Samuel Ferrin and Sally Powell Marsh). Born Jan. 22, 1834, Cherry Creek, N. Y. Married Martha Ann Bronson Feb. 10, 1856, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Leman Bronson and Lucy Brass), who was born June 13 1834, Brownstown, Mich. Their children: Martha Jane b Sept 26, 1856, m. Zachariah Ballantyne Dec. 27. 1877- Josiah Leman b. Sept. 26, 1856, m. Ella D. Stallings Dec 27 1877; James Clinton b. Aug. 30, 1858, m. Elizabeth E Edge Oct 9, 1879; Thaddeus Marsh b. Sept. 9, 1860, m. Cornelia Nielson Jan. 24, 1884; Moroni Daniel b. July 6, 1862, m Rosella Bachman Dec. 1884, m. Nancy V. Murphy June 19, 1895" George Elihu b. Aug. 30, 1864, m. Josephine Horten- sen July 13 1887; Wilmer b. Oct. 4, 1866, m. Nancy Pritchett Oct 25 1893; Lucy Lorinda b. Aug. 26, 1868, m. William Stringham; Winslow Bronson b. May 27. 1871; Chariton Philip b. March 8. 1874, m. Ida Farley; Sally Lovella b. May 12, 1877, m. John F. Sharp. Family resided Ogden and Eden, Bishop; high councilor. Member state legislature. Farmer and stock raiser. 870 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH FERRIN, JOSIAH LEMAN (son of Josiah Marsh Ferrin and Martha Ann Bronson). Born Sept. 26, 1856, Ogden, Utah. Married Ella D. Stalllngs Dec. 27. 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Stalllngs, born Aug. 26, 1813, and Char- lotte Jane Hussey, born July 8, 1838, Dover, N. H.). She was born June 3, 1869, Mill Creek, Utah. Their children: Joseph Leman b. Oct. 10, 1878, m. Minnie Slater March 30, 1899; Charles Leroy b. June 2, 1880, m. Delia R. Walker June 6, 1901; Arthur Moroni b. Dec. 10, 1881, m. Janet A. Lindsay Oct. 29, 1903; Lottie Jane b. Feb. 1, 1887, m. David C. Lind- say Sept. IB, 1909; Lorin Daniel b. Feb. 1. 1887; Florence May b. Feb. 8, 1889; Parley Ezra b. Sept. 14, 1891; Leonard William b. March 22, 1893. Family home Eden, Utah. Bishop's counselor 16 years. Farmer. FERRIN, ARTHUR M. (son of Josiah Leman Ferrin and Ella D. Stallings). Born Dec. 10, 1881, Eden, Utah. Married Janet A. Lindsay Oct. 29, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Lindsay, pioneer 1862, and Marie Peter- son, who came to Utah 1877).' She was born Oct. 31, 1881, Eden. Their children: Leonard Arthur b. Aug. 6, 1904; Ada Maud b. Jan. 18, 1906; Clyde William b. Dec. 16, 1907; John Cyrus b. Dec. 17, 1909; George Albert b. Feb. 26, 1912. Fam- ily resided Eden and Liberty, Utah. Bishop's counselor; bishop. FERRY, EDWARD PAYSON (son of William M. Ferry and Amanda White of Grand Haven, Mich.). Born April 16, 1837, at Grand Haven. Came to Utah October. 1878. Married Clara V. White June 1. 1870, at Grand Haven (daughter of Nathan White and Sarah Brittain of Grand Haven), who was born Dec. 4, 1844. Their children: Will- iam Montague, m. Ednah Truman; Edward S., m. Mabel Edie; Miriam, m. Charles C. Reynolds; Edith, m. Dane T. Merrill. Family home Grand Haven, Mich., until 1878. Government director U. P. railroad; president Trans-Mis- sissippi Congress at Denver, Colo., 1890; delegate to terri- torial legislature from Summit county 1888-92. Mining operator. FERRY, WILLIAM MONTAGUE (son of Edward P. Ferry and Clara V. White). Born March 12, 1871, Grand Haven. Mich. Came to Utah July 1891. Married Ednah Truman June 3, 1896, at Nashville, Mich, (daughter of George A. Truman and Juliet Frink of Nash- ville), who was born Aug. 18, 1872. Their children: William M. and Sanford T. b. Oct. 4, 1898. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. City councilman 1906-12; member state senate 1913. Min- ing operator; banker. FIELD, JAMES (son of William Field, of Osberry Parish, and Mary Harding latter born June 21, 1806, Bishop's Froom, Eng both of Bosbury, Herefordshire, Eng.). He was born Feb. 17, 1830, Bosbury, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1861, Alfred Cardon company. Married Catherine D. Brown July 16, 1863, Lynn, Utah (daughter of Richard D. Brown and Margaret Parkinson, of Wigan, Lancashire, Eng., pioneers Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born June 8, 1844. Their children: Mary E. b. June 29, 1864, m. John H. Cole; James F. b. April 6, 1866; Ida A. b. Aug. 20, 1868, m. William R. Moore; Eva C. b. April 6, 1871, m. William Stevenson; Wil- liam C. b. Feb. 23, 1873, m. Sarah Farnsworth (d.), m. Margaret Horan; Charles W. b. Jan. 17, 1876, m. Nellie Farnsworth; Margarett H. b. July 7, 1877, m. Joseph Balrd; Riley O. b. Feb. 12, 1880. m. Lena Summers; Ruby M. b. May 14, 1882, m. Ernest E. Conlin; Zeffle Z. b. April 14, 1884. Family home Lynn, Utah. Member 98th quorum seventies; bishop's counselor. School trustee. Farmer. Died Jan. 17, 1907, Lynn, Utah. FIELD, WILLIAM (son of William Field and Mary Harding). Born Jan. 16, 1836, in Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1862, Warren Snow company. Married Charlotte Bult Oct. 6, 1861 (daughter of Thomas Bult and Luesa Cuerneld, pioneers July 9, 1868, Horace S. Eldredge company). She was born Aug. 11, 1840, and came to Utah Sept. 14, 1861, Joseph Warren company. Their chil- dren: Charlotte Ann b. April 1, 1863. m. William Heber Perry; William Heber b. Jan. 1, 1866, m. Henrietta Leora Campbell; George Wesley b. Nov. 10, 1866, m. Ida Clifford; Elzy Howard b. Jan. 14, 1869, m. Olive Arvilla Perry; Lucy b. May 18, 1871. m. Haynes Robert Howell; Mary Olive b. June 7, 1873, m. James William Laughlin; Robert Warren b. Feb. 17, 1876, m. Ellen Randall; Levi Edward b. June 18.' 1879, m. Mary Amelia Larson. Family home Slaterville, Utah. FIELD. WILLIAM HEBER (son of William Field and Char- lotte Bult). Born Jan. 1, 1866. Slaterville. Utah. Married Henrietta Leora Campbell, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Moroni Campbell). Their children: Eva Pearl b. Nov. 26. 1895; Heber Delbert b. Sept. 15, 1897. FIELDING, JOSEPH (son of John Fielding and Rachel Ibbotson of Honiton, Eng.). Born 1817 at Honiton. Came to Utah September 1848, Captain Lott company. Married Hannah Greenwood June 11, 1838, Preston, Eng. Their children: Rachel b. June 27, 1839, m. William W. Bur- ton March 28, 1856; Mary Ann b. March 22, 1840, m. James MacKnight July 18, 1863; Ellen b. Feb. 9, 1841. m. William W. Burton Nov. 2, 1861; Heber d. 1868: Joseph; Josephine b. 1843. m. Orson Heath 1868; Sarah Ann b. May 19. 1861, m. William W. Burton May 23, 1870. Famfiy home Salt Lake City. Married Mary Ann Peak 1846, Nauvoo, 111. President first seven elders who went to England as mis- sionaries. Farmer. Died December 1863, Mill Crek, Utah. FIFE, ADAM (son of John and Margaret Fife of Sauchle, Scotland). Born July 4, 1806, at Sauchle. Came to Utah September 1861, David Wilkie company. Married Helen Sharp at Sauchie, Scotland (daughter of John Sharp, later of Salt Lake City, pioneer 1850). She was born Nov. 10, 1808. Their children: Mary b. June 8. 1827, m. Alexander Patterson; Margaret b. July 26, 1829, m. David Miller; John b. May 10, 1831, m. Sarah Lewis: James b. May 6, 1833, m. Jennette Triaddle; Andrew b. July 3, 1836, and Robert b. April 21, 1837, died; Adam S. b. July 24. 1838. m. Comfort Jelly; Cecelia b. Oct. 6, 1840, died; Joseph b. Sept. 9, 1842, m. Martha Ann Bingham; Ellen b. Sept. 26, 1844, died; Agnes b. May 14, 1846, m. Sanford Bingham; Catherine b. Aug. 13, 1848, m. Francis Russell; Janet b. March 1. 1851, m. William Child: Jane b. May 7, 1853, m. Charles Densel; Sarah b. Dec. 26. 1856. Family home Riverdale. Utah. Quarried stone in Red Butte canyon for wall around tem- ple grounds at Salt Lake City. Died January 1864. FIFE, ADAM S. (son of Adam Fife and Helen Sharp). Born July 24, 1838, Clackmannan, Scotland. Married Comfort Jelly June 27, 1863, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Comfort Jelly of Herechester, Northamptonshire, Eng. pioneers Sept. 30, 1864, Darwin Richardson company). She was born Jan. 6, 1846. Their children: Mary Ellen b. Jan. 24. 1869, m. William Jardlne; Adam J. b. May 8, 1872, m. Agnes Shumway; William J. b. Oct. 22, 1876, m. May Jardlne; Cecelia b. July 11, 1879, ra. John Vaughn; John J. b. Feb. 17, 1882, m. Elizabeth Terry; Joseph J. b. Nov. 28, 1884, m. Margaret Anderson; LeRoy b. June 2, 1887. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Assisted in hauling stone fop Salt Lake temple 1852-68; also assisted in hauling the cornerstone for that edifice. FIELD, JOHN (son of William and Mary Harding of Eng- land). Born Oct. 31, 1808. in Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1860, David Evans company. Married Susannah Cooper. Married Alice Lavender April 6, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Lavender and Charlotte Apthorpe married Oct. 21, 1827, Bedford, Bedfordshire, Eng.. pioneers 1861, Capt. Martlneau company). She was born Aug. 23, 1828, at Bedford. Their children: John Joseph b. Feb. 16, 1864, m. Emma Moesser; Thomas Manasseh b. Jan. 6, 1865 m. Mary Riley Oct. 13. 1897; Judah George b. Nov. 6, 1866, m. Hannah Park May 5, 1889; Israel Charles b. Jan. 31, 1869; Joshua b. July 26. 1872. High priest. FIELD, JOHN J. (son of John Field and Alice Lavender). Born Feb. 16, 1863, Taylorsville, Utah. Married Emma Moesser May 21, 1884. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Moesser and Elizabeth Rushton), who was born Jan. 16. 1866, Salt Lake City. Their children: Alice b. April 27, 1886. m. Canute Peterson March 1907; Maud M. b. May 14, 1887; Nellie Ray b. July 6, 1889. m. Parley War June 11, 1908; Emma b. June 13, 1892, m. Harry Empey Feb. 2, 1908; John Franklin b. Jan. 17, 1894; Bessie b. May 26, 1896. President deacons' quorum, Taylorsville, Utah; counselor In presidency 20th quorum elders. Salt Lake City; also 1st counselor, 10th quorum elders. Granite stake; president 2d quorum elders; one of presidents of 146th quorum seventies. FIFE, WILLIAM N. (son of John Fife and Mary Meek Nlcol, of Kincardine-on-Forth, Perthshire. Scotland). Born Oct. 16, 1831, at Kincardine. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1863, John Brown company. Married Diana Davis July 9, 1864, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Daniel Davis and Sarah Thomas of South Wales pio- neers Sept. 25, 1849, Daniel Jones company). She was born April 11, 1836. Their children: Sarah Jane, m. Barnard White; William Wilson, m. Elizabeth Stewart; Diana, m. Valasco Farr; John Daniel, m. Eliza Jane Stewart; Walter Thompson, m. Mary Jane Merrill; Agnes Ann; Emma; Robert; Bernard. Family home Ogden. Utah. Member 37th quorum seventies; member Ogden high council. Coroner in Weber county 1869-80; Ogden city marshal 1861-76; deputy U. S. marshal 1866; colonel of 1st regiment Weber military district. Architect and builder. FIFIELD, LEVI JOSEPH (son of David Fifleld). Born Dec. 12. 1803, Grantham. N. H.; came to Utah June 6, 1848, with other discharged Mormon battalion soldiers. Married Amy Tracy (daughter of Thomas Tracy and Amy TIbbits), who was born Sept. 10, 1803, and died Jan. 2, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Matthew P. b. June 18, 1830; Charles Byron. Married Sarah Smith June 7, 1846. Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of William Smith, pioneer 1848), who was born March 28, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 871 1828, Solford. Eng. Their children: William John; Joseph Levi, d. child; girl, d. Infant. Member Mormon battalion. Died Aug. 16, 1860, Ogden, Utah. FIFIELD, MATTHEW PHELPS (son of Levi Joseph Fifield and Amy Tracy). Born June 18, 1830, New Haven, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, William G. Perkins company. Married Almira Jane Gibson April 5, 1852, Bountiful, Utah (daughter of John and Elizabeth Gibson), who was born March 30, 1833. Came to Utah, Levi Murdock company. Their children: Almira Jane b. June 27, 1853, m. Andrew Quigley; Samuel b. July 5, 1855, and Elizabeth d. children; Orelia; Julia. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Rebecca Ann Hoopes March 30, 1862, Richmond, Utah (daughter of Warner Hoopes and Pricilla Glfford), who was born in Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Charles Eugene b. Feb. 7, 1863, d. child; Naomi Adelaide b. Oct. 2, 1864, m. H. C. Heninger; Matthew Warner b. May 1, 1866, and Daniel Lewis b. May 27, 1868, d. children; William Phelps b. April 10. 1870, m. Amorett Allen; Joseph Levi b. Feb. 24, 1872, d. child; Edwin Willard b. March 27, 1874, m. Margarett Cowley; Wesley Andrew b. Dec. 21, 1875, m. Abbie Fife; Albert Moroni b. June 29, 1877, m. Sarah Price; Melissa b. March 31, 1879, m. Ambrose Maughn; Rebecca Ann b. April 16, 1881, m. Ethan Allen 1900; Thomas Alma b. July 10, 1883; Jesse Harold b. Sept. 29, 1885. President high priests quorum; alternate high councilor, Oneida stake. Settled in Cache valley 1849; moved to Bear Lake valley. Went to the relief of Salmon river settlers. FIFIELD, WILLIAM PHELPS (son of Matthew Phelps Fifield and Rebecca Ann Hoopes). He was born April 10, 1870, Weston, Idaho. Married Amorett Allen Nov. 29, 1893, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Alexander Allen and Maria Cowley), who was born April 21, 1876, at Logan. Their children: William Allen b. Nov. 7, 1894; Lois b. Feb. 29, 1896; Matthew Glen b. March 31, 1898; Reah Amorett b. Sept. 7, 1901; Rachel b. April 15, 1903; Melvin Joseph b. Aug. 19, 1905; Mae b. May 7, 1907; Inez b. Mafch 21, 1909; Anna b. Feb. 28, 1911. Missionary to southern states 1899-1900; clerk Rockland ward 1909-11. FH.LERUP, ANDREW PETER (son of Peter Fillerup and Karen Rassmussen of Pannerup, Denmark). Born May 30, 1831, in Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1867, C. C. Rich company. Married Caroline Rasmlne Rassmussen 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Rasmus and Jensina Rassmussen of Den- mark), who was born May 24, 1842. Their children: Caro- line Rasmine b. Dec. 22. 1868, m. Solomon F. Kimball; Amelia Pedernell b. March 20, 1870, m. Silas Hutching; Andrew Peter b. Jan. 25, 1872, m. Emma Josephine Anderson; Carl Richard b. Nov. 11, 1873, m. Moneta Johnson; Erastus Kruse b. Feb 16, 1875, m. Lula Johnson; Zenas Kimberly b. May 24, 1878, m. Clara Williamson; Albert Frederick b. May 24, 1878, m. Luella Lane; Sofus Alexander b. July 10. 1880; Rosena Eleonora Andrea b. Jan. 22, 1882, m. Hugh Parks. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest missionary to Denmark 1893-95; ward teacher. Road supervisor. Assisted in building woolen mills and first jail at Provo. Farmer. Deceased. FILLERUP, ANDREW PETER, JR. (son of Andrew Peter Fillerup and Caroline R. Rassmussen). Born Jan. 25, 1872, Provo, Utah. Married Emma Josephine Anderson June 2, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Anderson and Cecilia Han- sen of Lake View, Utah. Came to Utah 1883). She was born May 10, 1874. Their children: Archie b. Feb. 27, 1900, and Andrew Pedro b. April 20, 1903, died; Vivian Gertrude b. Jan. 13, 1905; Delpha Valerie b. Feb. 23, 1911. Family home Vineyard, Utah. Elder. Farmer; dairyman. FIIXMORE, NORMAN (son of Miland Fillmore and Jane Shadbolt). Born March 1, 1848, in Waukesha county, Wis. Came to Utah, John Smith company. Married Eleanor Searle Dec. 31, 1867, Payson, Utah (daugh- ter of Courtland Searle of New York state and Jerusha Hill of Petersburg, N. H.). She was born March 30, 1852. Came to Utah Oct. 21, i860. Their children: Jerusha Jane, b. Dec. 1, 1868, m. Walter Gardner; Norman b. Oct. 19, 1870, and Millie Alameda b. Aug. 16, 1871, d. Infants; Rosa Eleanor b. June 29, 1873, m. John Reese; m. David Curtis; Enes Estella b March 3, 1875, m. Arden Elmer; Lillie May b. May 10, 1877, m. James Mitchell; Mary Effle b. Aug. 29, 1879, d. infant; Ada Agnes b. Dec. 2, 1881, m. James E. Blackburn; Clara Viola b. Jan. 24, 1884, m. Clarence Christensen; Chloe Amanda b. Aug. 23, 1886, m. Townsend Sampston; Orin Ezra b. Nov. 28 1889, m. Clara Ivie; Dora Maud b. April 18, 1891, m. William Nebeker; Edith Pearl b. Aug. 26, 1894. Family resided Payson and Richfield, Utah. High priest; bishop Burrville. Utah; ward teacher. School trustee, Salem, Utah. Farmer; merchant at Payson and Burrville, Utah. FINCH, WIL.L.IAM (son of Benjamin Finch of Tipton, Eng.). Born March 1803. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn Married Rebecca Woodall (daughter 1 of Joseph Woodall and Mary Harrison), who was born Oct. 2, 1796. Their chil- dren: Joseph b. Aug. 26, 1831, m. Jane Davis Feb. 8, 1855; Benjamin, m. Fanny Mathews; Jane, m. Joseph Argyle; William b. Aug. 19, 1837. m. Sarah Walker; Ann b. Aug. 6. 1839, m. Walter Weston; Maria died. Family home Bir- mingham, Eng. FINCH, JOSEPH (son of William Finch and Rebecca Wood- all). Born Aug. 26, 1831, Birmingham, Eng. Married Jane Davis Feb. 8, 1855, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John T. Davis and Anna Burns, former ploner 1861, Harrison Pratt company). She was born Feb. 14, 1834. Their children: Maria b. Jan. 19, 1856, m. Theodora Barmester; Jane b. March 26, 1858, m. Thomas Jarvls; Rebecca D. b. Feb. 11, 1860, m. Ezra Robertson; Mary E. Hanna b. May 8, 1862, m. Edward Heal; Joseph D. b. Aug. 2, 1864, m. Ruth Roach Dec. 30, 1885; Martha Helen b. June 1, 1867, .m. Stephen Standford; John W. D. b. Dec. 29, 1869, m. Lizzie King:; Benjamin H. D. b. Jan. 3, 1872, m. Margret Holm; Cloea b. March 16, 1874, m. Robert Snetten; Grace D. b. July 11, 1876, died; James Douglas b. Jan. 15, 1879, m. Augusta Anderson. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. FINCH, WH.L.IAM (son of Joseph Finch, born 1780, Wltlame, Herefordshire, Eng., and Charlotte Freeman). Born May 19, 1819, at Witlame. Came to Utah 1853, Vincent Shurtliff company. Married Margarette Edwards 1840, who was born 1820, Whitley, Eng. Their children: William b. 1845 and Rosetta b. 1847, died; John b. 1849, m. Ellen Jenkins; Hyrum b. 1851, m. Mary Ann Garbett; Sarah Ann b. 1854; Rossella, m. Henry Burnette; Jane, m. Ephraim Williams. Married Eliza Fowler 1862 (daughter of George Fowler and Ellener Masefleld, former pioner with handcart com- pany). Their children: William b. Feb. 2, 1866, m. Mary Ellen Jesperson; m. Caroline Ethel Cole; Ephraim, m. Emma Davis; Joseph, m. Alice Davis; Eliza Jane, m. John Draper; Minnie, m. George Gourley; Charlotte; Charles; Edwin, m. Geneva Page; Zella Noreen, m. Crlss C. Johnson. Family home Goshen, Utah. Settled at Pleasant Grove, Utah; moved to Goshen; presid- ing elder Bend ward Goshen, Utah; missionary in England eight years. FINCH, WILLIAM, JR. (son of William Finch and Eliza Fowler). Born Feb. 2, 1866, Goshen, Utah. Married Mary Ellen Jesperson Oct. 10, 1888, Manti, Utah (daughter of Hans Jesperson and Marinda Jepson, former pioneer Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company, latter, 1853, John Forsgren company). She was born at Goshen, Utah. Their children: Dorcas Ellen b. July 15, 1890; Levern b. Jan. 4, 1892; Eugene b. May 11, 1893; Leroy William b. Aug. 29, 1895; Rulon b. Jan. 20, 1898; Sarah Eliza b. April 23, 1900; Edres Marinda b. Dec. 26, 1902; Gladys b. June 7, 1905. Fam- ily home Goshen, Utah. Married Caroline Ethel Cole May 23, 1906. Salt Lake City (daughter of Gilbert G. Cole and Rosa Walsh), who was born Jan. 27, 1880, Overton, Texas. Their children: Homer b. May 11, 1907; John Mauris b. Nov. 16, 1908; Dora b. June 22, 1910. Willis Avery b. Nov. 20, 1912. Member 15th quorum seventies; 2d assistant Sunday school superintendent Goshen ward; missionary to southwestern states 1902; 2d counselor to Bishop William Okelbery, later 1st counselor. President amusement committee. Justice of peace four terms; school trustee. FINDLAY, HUGH (son of James Findlay and Mary Boyed of Scotland. Came to Utah 1855 and 1856, respectively). Born June 9, 1822. Came to Utah 1855. Married Mary Ellen Smith April 22, 1857, Salt Lake City, President Young officiating (daughter of Arthur S. Smith and Elizabeth Logue of Salt Lake City; pioneers October, 1854, James Brown company). She was born March 8, 1841, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Their chil- dren: Arthur S. b. Nov. 8, 1868, m. Elizabeth Ann Kearl; Clara Jane b. July 23, 1860, d. aged 6; Brigham H. b. June 18, 1862, m. Anna Elizabeth Wilcox; James W. b. Feb. 29, 1864, m. Ida Wooley; Charles H. b. Dec. 9, 1866, m, Emma West; Nephi b Oct 6, 1866 d aged 1 year; Walter b. Aug. 15, 1869, m. Laura Smedley. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to England 1878-80. Matchmaker. Died March 2, 1900, Paris, Idaho. FINLINSON, GEORGE (son of Joshua Finlinson and Mary Thomllnson of Thuteby, Eng.). Born Jan. 23, 1835. West Curthwait, Eng. Came to Utah 1864, John Ashman company. Married Susan Trimble 1866, Fillmore, Utah (daughter of Edward Trimble and Elizabeth Lennox), who was born Nov. 27 Their children: Elizabeth b. June 18, 1867, m. Walter C. Lyman Dec. 16, 1891; George E. b. Aug. 18, 1869. m Mary C. Roper Oct. 9, 1895; William J. b. Sept. 29, 1871, m Mary O. Walker Dec. 16, 1899; Margaret Ann b. Oct. 18, 1873, ra. Lorenzo Lovell June 5, 1901; Joseph T. b. March 8, 1876 m Edith E. Lyman Oct. 8, 1903: Joshua b. March 17, 1878 m. Ida Jacobson Oct. 3, 1907; Rachel b. Aug. 28, 1880, m John L. Nielson Dec. 17, 1902: Leo b. Nov. 2, 1883, m. Lydia Lyman Oct. 3, 1907; Ray b. Sept. 4, 1887. Counselor In bishopric Oak Creek ward 1878-1907; ward and tithing clerk. Millard county commissioner two terms; justice of peace at Oak City, Utah. 872 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH FINLINSON. JOSEPH TRIMBLE (son of George Finlinson and Susan Trimble). Born March 8. 1876, Oak City, Utah. Married Edith E. Lyman Oct. 8, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederic R. Lyman and Ann Lovell), who waa born Aug. 4, 1879, at Oak City. Their children: Burns Lyman b. Nov. 24, 1904; Fred Lyman b. Sept. 30, 1906; Ann b. July 19, 1908; Joseph Lyman b. April 26, 1912. Family home, Oak City. School teacher six years: Millard county school superin- tendent 1903-10; missionary to easterti states two years; bishop Oak Creek ward 1907-11; 1st counselor Deseret stake presidency. FIRTH, JOHN (son of William Firth of Wakefield, York- shire, Eng.). Born Feb. 6, 1823, at Wakefleld. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Jane Kendell May 12, 1846 (daughter of William Kendell and Sarah Wilkerson), who was born March 6, 1821, and came to Utah with husband. Their 1 children: William Henry b. April 2, 1847, m. Sarah C. Hickerson Dec. 7. 1870; m. Sarah A. Boulton Jan. 21, 1891; Arthur b. Jan. 18, 1849, m. Emily Firth Nov. 1869, d. Dec. 1, 1911; Heber John b. 1852, and John George b. August, 1855, died. Family resided Salt Lake City and South Weber, Davis Co., Utah. FIRTH, WILLIAM HENRY (son of John Firth and Jane Kendell). Born April 2, 1847, Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng. Married Sarah C. Hickerson Dec. 7, 1870 (daughter of George W. and Sarah Hickerson), who was born Aug. 3, 1852, and died Nov. 22. 1871. Only child: John George b. Nov. 16, 1871, died same day. Married Sarah A. Boulton Jan. 21, 1891, Uinta, Weber Co., Utah (daughter of Thomas Boulton and Sarah Cook, pio- neers 1860), who was born April 13, 1862, Ogden, Utah. Their children: John T. b. Feb. 6, 1892; Nellie b. Sept. 27, 1894; Jennie b. Aug. 11, 1898. Family home South Weber, Utah. FISH, HORACE (son of Joseph Fish, born April 22, 1770, and Sarah Speare, born March 24, 1770, both in New Hamp- shire). He was born Jan. 6, 1799. Came to Utah 1850, Milo Andrus company. Married Hannah Leavitt March 18, 1825 (daughter of Jonathan Leavitt and Sarah Shannon), who was born Dec. 26, 1805. Their children: Julia b. July 18, 1825. m. Edward W. Thompson 1849; Sarah b. October, 1828, m. John C. L. Smith 1848; Betsy Jane b. 1837, m. John A. West 1854; Joseph b. June 27, 1840, m. Mary C. Steele March 22, 1859; Anna Maria b. 1842, m. Sidney Burton March 22, 1859; Franklin Richards b. April 12, 1848, m. Rebecca Wimmer 1866. FISH, JOSEPH (son of Horace Fish and Hannah Leavitt). Born June 27, 1840, in Will county, 111. Married Mary C. Steele March 22, 1859, Parowan, Utah (daughter of John Steele and Catherine Campbell; pioneers July 29, 1847, James Brown company). She was borti Dec. 23, 1840, Belfast, Ireland. Their children: Mary Josephine b. March 11, 1860, m. John Barraclough Oct. 9, 1879; Frances Amelia b. April 12, 1862, m. Samuel Carson Oct. 12, 1879; Delphina Catherine b. June 29, 1864, m. Joseph W. Smith 1887; Joseph Campbell b. Nov. 4, 1866, m. Kate Reedhead Oct. 19, 1887; John Lazell b. Oct. 28, 1868, m. Vina Cheney Sept. 6, 1888; Jessie May b. May 19, 1872, m. James Y. Lee Oct. 6, 1897. Family home, Parowan. Sunday school superintendent Parowan 1869; member high council 1869. County clerk 1867; aide-de-camp with rank of major 1865; attorney at law; justice of peace. FISHBURN, ROBERT LEEMIJTG (son of Francis Fishburn, born Feb. 29, 1808, Darlington, Eng., and Eliza Jeffs, born Aug. 25, 1813, St. Ives, Eng.; married January, 1834). He was born Nov. 5, 1834, at St. Ives, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1857, Israel Evans handcart company. Married Eliza Priscilla Noble June 3, 1858 (daughter of William G. Noble and Mary Ann Harper; married Dec. 7, 1830, Irchester. Northampton, Eng.; pioneers Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company). She was born April 3, 1836. Came to Utah with husband 1862, Henry W. Miller company. Their children: Eliza Priscilla b. Jan. 27, 1860, m. J. W. Sheffield Dec. 28, 1877; Laura Maria b. Feb. 26, 1862, m. Abraham Smith Dec. 23, 1880; Robert Leeming b. Dec. 31, 1863, m. Mary Ellen Mack Nov. 28, 1890; Francis William b. Nov. 24, 1865, m. Serepta L. Mack Dec. 23, 1887; Aquilla Noble b. June 9, 1868, m. Elizabeth Dick Nov. 17, 1901; Zilphah b. June 27, 1870, d. April 2, 1873; Henriette b. Sept. 4, 1873, d. Oct. 22, 1874; Rachel b. Jan. 19, 1875, d. Dec. 13, 1876; Lavinia b. April 6, 1876, m. Thomas McMaster July 12, 1899; Leonora Louisa b. May 30, 1879, m. LeRoy Nelsen Dec. 17, 1902. Fam- ily home Brigham City, Utah. Married Laura Matilda Noble March 9, 18P9, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William C. Noble end Mary Ann Harper), who was born Feb. 17, 1860, Great Horton, Eng. Their children: Mary Ann b. Feb. 23, 1871, m. A. B. Chambers Jan. 31, 1895; Waterhouse Harper b. Oct. 24, 1872, d. Dec. 31, 1874; Arthur Goodwin b. April 6, 1875, d. Dec. 20, 1876; James Alfred b. April 14, 1877. m. Martha Callan June 22, 1904; Lilly Jane b. May 23, 1880, m. Everett Smith Sept. 10, 1901; Lauretta b. March 11, 1885, m. Albert McCann June 10, 1903. Organized first choir In Smithfleld. Utah, 1860, and served as its leader until 1866; choir leader Brigham City 1866-80; missionary to Great Britain April to September, 1880; 1st counselor in presidency high priests quorum 1877-83; re- leased account of ill health. Justice of peace Brigham City 1872-78; county collectors 1878-78. FISHER, IRVIN F. (son of John Fisher and Josephine R. Lyon). Born Aug. 31, 1864, Bountiful, Utah. Married Lydia E. Jones April 25, 1894, in Salt Lake temple (daughter of Evan Jones and Cynthia C. Porter of Porter- vllle, Utah, who came to Utah 1869). She was born Sept. 14. 1873. Their children: John E. b. Feb. 13, 1895; Linnie May b. Feb. 14, 1897; Evan F. b. Feb. 4, 1899; Warren A. b. Feb. 12, 1901; Irvin A. b. Jan. 12, 1904; Byron P. b. Nov. 4, 1906: Marlow L. b. June 9, 1910: Audrey J. b. Dec. 17. 1911, d. Infant; Hortense b. March 19, 1913. Family home, Bountiful. Sixth president 100th quorum seventies; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1890-93; 2d assistant Sunday school super- intendent Bountiful ward; ward teacher. Farmer and gardener. FISHER, JAMES (son of Thomas Fisher and ( ) Smith of St. Albans, Eng.). Born in England. Came to Utah 1853, oxteam company. Married Emma Burrows (daughter of John Burrows of England). Their children: Frederick, died; Jane, m. W. R. Huscroft; James, m. Ann Nelson; George. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary In England. Died July, 1883, Provo, Utah. FISHER, JAMES (son of James Fisher and Emma Burrows). Born Dec. 30, 1867, Provo, Utah. Married Ann Nelson at Provo (daughter of Isaac Nelson and Margaret Wiston of Wales and England pioneers 1854, Ten-Pound company). She was born Dec. 13, 1857. Their children: Erne b. Feb. 8, 1882, m. Louis Marriott; James Edward b. Oct. 16, 1883, m. Lillian Berkln; Henry Fisher b. Sept. 7, 1885, died; Dorothy Emma b. Aug. 29, 1886, m. William Frampton; Hazel Margaret b. Aug. 26, 1888, m. George Halladay; Emma B. b. March 14, 1891, m. Hans Chrlstensen; Rosezella b. Sept. 21, 1893, died; Florence W. b. April 14, 1895; Janie Marie F. b. Aug. 18, 1898; Maud b. Jan. 24, 1901. Family home Provo, Utah. Farmer and fruitgrower; stockraiser. FISHER, JAMES (son of James Fisher of Scotland). Born March 6, 1802, in Scotland. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1861, Lewis Bronson company. Married Mary Douglas (daughter of Donald Douglas), who came to Utah with husband. Only child: Maggie. FISHER, JOSEPH (son of Jessie Fisher and Betsy Martin). Born Oct. 20, 1800, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1850, Gilbert and Garish company. Married Evaline McLean 1826. at Freedom, Pa. (daughter of John Steel McLean and Elizabeth Kirk of that state), who was born Dec. 25, 1805. Their children: James Madison, m. Edith Pierce; m. Lydia Ann Rank; Curtis, d. infant; Helen Mariah, m. Patriarch John Smith; Elizabeth Jane, m. Isaac Seely; Joseph Armstrong, m. Sarah Lovina Harris; Henry Charles, m. Mary Freker; m. Mary Jane Kingsford; Rheuhamah, m. Joseph Brimm. Family home East Mill Creek, Utah. High priest. Millwright; built several sawmills and grist- mills in Utah. Died March 21, 1867. FISHER, JOSEPH ARMSTRONG (son of Joseph Fisher and Evaline McLean). Born July 28, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sarah Lovina Harris Dec. 20, 1862, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Chancey Sumner Harris and Caroline Chonut of Salt Lake City), who was born July 20, 1846. Their children: Sarah Elizabeth b. July 6, 1864, m. John H. Salmon; Cora Avillah b. Nov. 29, 1865, m. Willard Finley Smith; Geneva Jane b. April 20, 1868, m. Frank Croft; Edith Evaline b. April 26, 1871; Joseph Elmer b. July 17, 1873, m. Lenor Jensen; Ernest Sumner b. Aug. 20, 1875; Ella Flor- ence b. Dec. 17, 1879, m. Spencer O. Squires; Belva Lovina b. Dec. 1, 1884, m. John Leslie Reynolds. Family home Coal- ville, Utah. Married Mary Barr Carruth May 9, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Carruth and Margaret Ellwood of Renfrewshire, Scotland pioneers Sept. 23, 1848. Brigham Young company). She was born Aug. 2, 1852. Only child: William George b. May 10. 1871, m. Magdalena Allison. Married Margaret May Merrill Nov. 30, 1906, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Clarence Merrill and Bathsheba Smith of Nauvoo, 111.; former pioneer 1851, Capt. Howell company, latter, 1849, George A. Smith company). She was born Feb. 6, 1872. Their children: Abba Josephine b. Feb. 23, 1908; David Merrill b. Dec. 25, 1909; Clarence Merrill b. Jan. 26, 1912. High priest; member stake high council 25 years. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah 1863. Road supervisor; city councilman; chief of police. Indian war veteran; served under Capt. Lot Smith 1862. Carpenter and builder. FISHER, THOMAS FREDERICK (son of Thomas Fisher and Elizabeth Powell of Woolwich, Kent, Eng.). Born Feb. 7, 1811, Llanfyllin, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert L. Campbell company. Married Jane Christon 1832, Deptford, Eng. (daughter of William Christon and Mary Brown of Woolwich, Eng.). Their children: Thomas W. b. May 24, 1836, m. Elizabeth Prescott; William F. b. Nov. 16, 1839, m. Millennium Andrus; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 873 John b. Feb. 7, 1842, m. Josephine R. Lyon Aug. 16, 1864, m. Harriet Knighton April 11, 1878; Minnie M. b. May, 1844, m. Richard E. Egran; Georgiana, d. aged 8. Family home Boun- tiful, Utah. Shipbuilder for English government. High priest; home missionary. Justice of peace at Bountiful 12 years. Died Jan. 3, 1887. FISHER, WILLIAM F. (son of Thomas F. Fisher and Jane Christon). He was born Nov. 16, 1839, Woolwich, Kent, Eng. ; came to Utah with father. Married Millennium Andrus Jan. 1, 1861, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Milo Andrus and Abigail Jane Daily pioneers 1849 and 1848 respectively). She was born Aug. 31, 1845. Their children: William Edgar b. Nov. 21, 1861. m. Mary Rainey Oct. 8, 1880; Linnie May b. July 4, 1864, m. William Palmer June 18, 1884; Frederick James b. Nov. 5, 1870, ci. Oct. 29, 1890; George Howard b. Dec. 6, 1872, m. A. Laura Lewis Sept. 20, 1893; Minnie Jane b. March 2, 1878, m. Frank Ellsworth Jan. 1, 1900; Stella Josephine b. Jan. 4, 1880, m. Louis Brossard Sept. 12, 1900; Ray Homer b. March 9, 1883, m. Blanche Dierden June 8, 1909; Victor Russell b. March 26, 1886, m. Cecil Tucker Dec. 23, 1908. Family home Oxford, Idaho. Married Harriet Hougan Oct. 21, 1871, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Goudy Hougan and Christiana Christensen). She was born December, 1854, Richmond, Utah. Their chil- dren: Albert C. b. Feb. 8, 1873, m. Emma Harris; Hattie b. Aug. 6, 1875, m. Fred Christensen; Lorena b. Jan. 3, 1885, m. George Anderson. Family home Richmond, Utah. Missionary to Oxford, Idaho, where he was made bishop 1878. County assessor three terms. Merchant. FISHER, JOHN (son of Thomas F. Fisher and Jane Christon). Born Feb. 7, 1842, Woolwich, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Josephine R. Lyon Aug. 16, 1864, Bountiful, Utah, James Stoker officiating (daughter of Winsor Lyon and Sylvia Sessions of Portland, Me., latter pioneers October, 1854, PerrigTine Sessions company). She was born Feb. 8, 1844. Their children: Ivan J. b. Aug. 31, 1865, d. aged 4; Irvin F. b. Aug. 31, 1865, m. Lydia Eliza Jones; Sylvia J. b. Oct. 6, 1867, d. aged 2; Minnie b. Oct. 4, 1869, d. infant; Perry C. b. Dec. 12, 1870, m. Delia Harrison; Rosie L. b. Feb. 4, 1872, m. Edward Hanson; Erastus W. b. Feb. 18, 1874, m. S. Vina Major; Thomas L. b. Nov. 13, 1876, m. Josephine Eck- man; Kirkwood b. Nov. 1878, d. aged 21; Horton b. April 25, 1880, m. Martha Stoker. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Harriet Knighton April 11, 1878, Salt Lake Endow- ment House, Wilfond Woodruff officiating (daughter of William Knighton and Elizabeth Marrott of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Eng., who came to Utah November, 1869, James Needham company). She was born Jan. 1, 1860. Their chil- dren: George H. b. Jan. 27, 1879, m. Marie Hanson; John I. b. Feb. 2, 1881, m. Bertha Parker; Albert R. b. Sept. 1, 1882; Victor E. b. Sept. 12, 1885, d. infant; Frederick M. b. Jan. 31, 1887, m. Lucinda Tolman; Roy C. b. Sept. 15, 1890; William M. b. Aug. 11, 1892; Rulon Wells b. Sept. 10, 1898; Hattie E. b. Oct. 7, 1899; David M. b. Feb. 14, 1902; Minnie Jane b. June 5, 1904. High priest; bishop's counselor. Probate judge; county commissioner; justice of peace; mayor; member legislature 1880-98. Pony expressman; expressman between Salt Lake City and Carson City, Nev. Merchant; farmer and stock- raiser. Died Oct. 23, 1905, Bountiful, Utah. ter of Thomas L. Stevens and Hester B. Kimmel of Berrlen Springs, Mich.), who was born Nov. 13, 1868. Their chil- dren: Mary; Isabel; Francis; Thomas. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Real estate dealer. FISHER, VARDIS. Born 1782 In New York. Came to Utah 1864, oxteam company. Married Jane Fisher, who died on the plains on way to Utah. Their children: Elizabeth, m. William Avery, m. Jack Thomas; Lydia R., m. George Parsons, m. Leven Simmons; Joseph; Fanny, m. Ezekiel Lee; Sarah, m. Mr. DeVoll; Melissa, m. John Despaln; Oliver. Family resided In Missouri. Minuteman In Revolutionary war. Died February, 1866, Spanish Fork, Utah. FISK, IRA (son of Hezekiah Fisk of Silver Creek and Mary Walker of Fredonia, N. Y.). Born Feb. 21, 1801, at Silver Creek, N. Y. Came to Utah 1861. Married Lucretia Trask Feb. 16, 1832 (daughter of Lazarus Trask and Ruby Moulton), who was born Feb. 25, 1808, died In Pennsylvania. FITT, GEORGE (son of Thomas Fltt and Ann Bennett of Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1873). Born June 7, 1855. Married Caroline R. Wakefield, Nov. 14, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Wakefield and Caroline R. Wilson), who was born April 1, 1868, at London, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1866, Capt. Bullock company. Their children: Caroline E. b. Jan. 1, 1879, m. Adolph Hottizei*; Louise b. Aug. 14, 1880, m. James Boyd; George W. b. July 21, 1882, m. Rosetta Neuson; Sarah E. b. Sept. 29, 1884, m. John Greenhalgh; Cora I. b. Dec. 3, 1886, m. Henry Greenhalgh; Annie Laura b. Nov. 26, 1888; Hazel b. March 8, 1891; Leva B. b. March, 1893; Amy A. b. Nov. 15, 1894; Thomas W. b. Jan. 4, 1897; John W. b. Aug. 12, 1899; Charles P. b. Feb. 3, 1902. Family home, Salt Lake City. FJELDSTED, CHRISTIAN DANIEL. Born Feb 20 1829 Sunlbyvester, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1858, R. K. Homer company. Married Karen Olsen 1849, Denmark (daughter of Ole Olsen of Amager, Denmark). She was born Jan. 1, 1821. Their children: Peter J. b. Aug. 10, 1853, m. Bertha Marie Jensen; Willard S. ~b. Aug. 10, 1853, m. Sarah C. Hansen; Veta Josephine b. Aug. 8, 1857, m. Ebenezer Farns; Sarah b. September 1861, m. John Ellis. Family home Sugar house ward, Utah. One of seven presidents of seventies 1884; filled six mis- sions; president Scandinavian mission 1861. Died Dec 23 1906. FJELDSTED, PETER J. (son of Christian Daniel Fjeldsted and Karen Olsen). Born Aug. 10, 1853, Amager, Denmark. Married Bertha Marie Jensen Oct. 12, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Jensen and Bodel Clawsen, of Finen, Denmark). She was born Oct. 30, 1857; pioneer Utah 1862. Their children: Peter C. b. Dec. 18, 1876, m. Martha Parsons; Amelia Mary b. May 7, 1879, m. John W. Rogers; Bertha Marie b. April 28, 1882, m. Oliver B. Kurtz; Martha Caroline b. Sept. 4, 1885, m. W. H. Thomas; Ada Bodella b. May 25, 1887; Edwin Leroy b. Jan. 7, 1890; Norman Samuel b. Nov. 11, 1893; Edith Irene b. March 19, 1896. Family home Blackfoot, Idaho. FJELDSTED, LARS PETER. Came to Utah 1862, Ola Liljen- quist and Christian Amadsen independent Scandinavian com- pany. His children follow: James, m. Frederick Traolstrup; Andrew, m. Matilda Larson, m. Mary Merup; Peter, m. Ester Taylor; Morris, died; Annie Petrena, m. Joseph Bridge Cald- well. High priest. Farmer. FLETCHER, EDWIN FRANCIS (son of Francis Fletcher and Esther B. Fletcher of Westford, Mass.). Born in 1840, in Westford. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1851. Married Eliza Duncombe at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Duncombe of England). Their children: Francis Eugene, m. Edith K. Pearson; Melvina, m. William H. Jones; Rose, m. Dugal C. Wilson; Edwin, m. Emily G. Selley; Sarah Jane, m. Willis I. Chugg; Willard N., m. Emily Grether. Family home 10th ward, Salt Lake City. Veteran fireman; veteran Black Hawk Indian war; car- penter. Died March 22, 1913, at Salt Lake City. FLETCHER, EDWIN (son of Edwin Francis Fletcher and Eliza Duncombe). Born July 30, 1875, in Salt Lake City. Married Emily Selley Aug. 1, 1900, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Selley and Sarah Lake of Devonshire, Eng., who came to Utah Sept. 26, 1866, John Holliday com- pany). She was born Nov. 23, 1877. Their children: Howard William b. March 17, 1902; Calvin Edwin b. Feb. 5, 1904, d. aged 4; Elva b. Feb. 13, 1907; Evelin Grace b. July 14, 1910. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Priest. Carpenter. FLINT, WILLIAM (son of Josiah Flint and Annie Woodard of New York). Born Jan. 28, 1814, Spafford, Onondaga county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1848, Brigham Young and Heber Kimball company. Married Mary Jane Goodridge Dec. 24, 1850 (daughter of Benjamin Goodridge and Penelope Gardner, pioneers 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born June 11, 1825. Came to Utah with her parents. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Oct. 20, 1851, m. George Seaman Dec. 15, 1873; Valeria b. Jan. 14, 1853, m. Edward Laird Jan. 16, 1871; William Leonard b. March 24, 1854, m. Keturah Grover; Fidelia b. Oct. 21, 1856, m. Henry P. Jacobs Feb. 28, 1876; Abel Josiah b. Jan. 22, 1859, m. Persinda Winegar 1884; Harriet Rosella b. Jan. 22, 1861, m. A. D. Dickson June 26, 1879; George Martin b. Jan. 22, 1864, m. Catherine Smith Feb. 4, 1886; Sophia Lois b. Nov. 22, 1867, m. Robert Wills Dec. 21, 1887. Family home. Salt Lake City. Indian war veteran. Presided over a branch of the Mor- mon church in New York state. FOLEY, JAMES A. (son of Thomas Foley and Mary Jane Berner of Chicago, 111.). Born Jan. 8, 1878. at Chicago, 111. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1902. Married Rigmore M. Frisfeldt March 7. 1900, at Chicago, 111. (daughter of Oscar Frisfeldt and Caroline Bouldau of Chicago, 111.). She was born Sept. 22, 1880. Their children: Virginia; Patricia. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Railroad commercial agent. FITZERALD, THOMAS H. (son of Jerome B. Fitzgerald and Isabel Sweet of Niles, Mich.). Born March 17, 1868, at Niles. Came to Utah 1906. Married Edith Stevens Sept. 26, 1894, Niles, Mich, (daugh- FOLKMAN, JEPPA G. (son of Jergen Christopher Folkman. Born Sept. 10, 1792, Westmarie, Barnholm, Denmark, and Gertrude Kerstene Ipson, born March 19, 1790, Aokersogn, Denmark). Born Dec. 16, 1824, at Aokersogn, Denmark; Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1864, H. P. Olsen company. 874 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Anne Marie Petersen April 9, 1848 (daughter of Jens Petersen and Annie Catherine Knudsen). She was born Feb. 5, 1822. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. H. P. Olsen company. Married Catherine Kjerstne Lund Aug. 17, 1861, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Lars Peter and Wilhelmina Lund). She was born Oct. 6, 1826, at Copenhagen, Denmark. Their child: Lewis Peter b. Oct. 18. 1863. Married Anne Serena Anderson at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Gunder Anderson and Carry Anderson, pioneers Sept. 22, 1861, Wooley company). She was bortn Feb. 20, 1841. Their children: Jeppa George b. Feb. 29, 1864; Anne Maria b. Feb. 15, 1865; Ge Mary L. b. May 13, 1867; Joseph Anton b. March 11. 1869, m. Marion Izatt 1896; Rachel Serena b. Aug. 20, 1871, m. N. D. Thatcher 1892: Gertrude Caressa b. Dec. 25. 1873, m. Willard Robbins 1892: George Benjamin b. May 1. 1876, m. Adeline Bevan 1902; William Tunder b. Jan. 1880; Matilda Caroline b. Sept. 16, 1881, m. John Gooch, Jr., 1902; Ezra Christopher b. March 11, 1884, m. Mable Call, 1908; Jessie Carloss b. March 22, 1887. Family home Thatcher. Idaho. Married Olevia Nielsen. Their child: Maggie Josephine b. Dec. 17, 1871, m. Chris O. Anderson 1891. Missionary to Norway; first bishop of Soda Springs, where he aided in building up the country in 1873: moved to Gentile Valley 1876: member of high council of Oneida stake. As- sisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. FOLKMAN, JOSEPH ANTON (son of Jeppa G. Folkman and Anna Senena Anderson). Born March 16, 1869 at Plain City, Utah. Married Marion Izatt Nov. 27, 1895. at Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of David Izatt and Isabel McNeil). She was born July 15. 1870, at Logan. Their children: Joseph Tharen b. Oct. 15, 1896; Isobel Marion b. July 30, 1898; George Christopher b. Feb. 9. 1901; David Izatt b. Dec. 2, 1903; Basil b. July 14, 1906; Serena b. June, 1909. FOLLETTE, WILLIAM TILLMON (son of Catharine Van Dyke of New York). Born March 26, 1819. New York. Came to Utah June 5, 1848, with contingent of Co. D, Mormon Battalion. Married Esther Bayliss at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Bayliss and Anne Savage of Horley, Oxfordshire, Eng.). She was born Feb. 4. 1828. Mollington, Oxfordshire, Eng., and came to Utah 1853, Claudius Spencer company. Their children: Esther Ann b. Oct. 4, 1856, m. Andrew Lar- sen; William T. Bayliss b. July 14, 1857, m. Annie Nielson; Mary Catharine b. June 2. 1862, m. William Clark; John Savage b. April 30, 1866; Emma Mathilda b. March 12, 1870, m. Charles Swindle. Family resided Mill Creek, Spring- ville, Spanish Fork, Washington and Mantl, Utah. Early settler to Utah county: settled at Washington (in "Dixie"), 1861. Indian war veteran. Farmer and stock- raiser. Died Jan. 21, 1887, Orangevllle, Utah. FOLLICK, GEORGE ALEXANDER (son of Mathias Folllck and Rachel McLaughlin of Canboro, Canada). Born Oct. 12, 1831, Canboro, Canada. Came to Utah June, 1868, Capt. Taylor company. Married Nancy Parker April 15. 1857. Canboro, Canada (daughter of Abel Parker and Isabel Marshall of Youngs- town, N. Y. pioneers June, 1863), who was born Sept. 8, 1838. Their children: Isabel, m. F. M. Dayton: David, m. Marian Bridges: Mattie, died in childhood: Claude, m. Mary Blaser; James and George, d. children: Mary Jane, m. William F. Dayton; Margaret Ann, m. Roy George; Abel Mathias, d. child: MaPtha, m. John R. George. Blacksmith, carpenter and miner. Died Feb. 25, 1911, Montpeller, Idaho. FOLLICK, DAVID (son of George Alexander Follick and Nancy Parker). Born Dec. 30, 1860, Egypt. Fremont Co., Iowa. Came to Utah August, 1867. Married Marian Bridges Sept. 21, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Henry Bridges and Frances Elizabeth Pearson of Montpelier, Idaho pioneers 1856 and 1860. Edward Ellsworth handcart company). She was born March 31. 1861, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah Eliza- beth b. Oct. 12, 1883, m. John B. Hopkins; Marian Evaline, d. child; David Romaine b. Oct. 20, 1886, m. Mary Jane Randall- Charles Loraine b. Jan. 14, 1889; Minnie Ida b. May 11, 1892, m. Jesse Green: Mabel Ina b. May 11, 1892; Grace Irene: George Reuel: Sidney Bridges. Family resided Dingle and Montpelier, Idaho. President 79th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1888-90; contractor, builder and lumberman. FOLSOM, WILLIAM HARRISON (son of William Folsom. Born at Holliness, N. H., and Hannah Skinner, born at Lynn, Mass., of Grafton county, N. H., died at Buffalo, N. Y.). Born March 25, 1815, Portsmouth, N. H. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1860, Joseph W. Young company. Married Zerviah Eliza Clark Aug. 21. 1837. Pembroke, Mass, (daughter of Richard Clark and Susan Gillett. She was born Feb. 5, 1818, West Suffleld. Conn. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1860, died Aug. 16, 1863. Their children: Harriet Amelia b. Aug. 23, 1838, m. Brigham Young; Hyrum Pearse b. Sept. 1, 1841, m. Nancy Broadbent, m. Annie Eliza Lenzi; William B. b. Feb. 28, 1845, m. Sarah Eakle; Hinman D. b. Feb. 17, 1849, m. Barbara Romney, m. Gertrude Lin- gard; Frances Emily b. Sept. 20, 1853, m. George E. Wal- lace; Mary; Louisa F. b. Oct. 9, 1857, m. L. John Brown; Richard Clark b. July 22, 1862, died in infancy. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Gregory Dec. 25, 1863. Salt Lake City. She was born July 10, 1839. Their children: Henry G. m. Sarah Reid; Eliza; Ella; Elizabeth; William M.; Lucy d. child; Walter G. Married Lavina Huff Oct. 13, 1865, Salt Lake City. She was born Nov. 22, 1845. Their children: Elsy, m. Jean Cox; Clara, d. child; Ruth, m. William Wantland: Olivia, m. Thomas Butler; Harrison, died; Martha, m. Albert Asper; Alice, m. Milton Miles; Eva; Edgar, m. Grace Miller; Amy, Rachel. Died March 20 1901, Salt Lake. FOLSOM. HYRUM PEARSE (son of William Harrison Folsom and Zerviah Eliza Clark). Born Sept. 1, 1841, Buffa- lo, N. Y. Came to Utah with father. Married Nancy Broadbent Dec. 29, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Mary Broadbent of Alton, 111.). She was born May 18, Ashton-under-Lyne. Eng.. 1842. Their children: Gi' "' 19 8 ' Eureka ' FRISBY, WILLIAM (son of David and Jane Frisby of Married Elizabeth Ruff 1832 Birmingham, Eng. (daughter of James and Betty Ruff), who was born Oct 7 1813 Their children: William; Jane; Elizabeth; David- Emma : Ephraim; Joseph H. ; Lorenzo; Esther; Rachel; Ann. FREESTONE, THOMAS (son of George Freestone, born Dec. 10, 1760, and Anna Youngman, born Nov. 27, 1763, of Flixton, Suffolk, Eng.). He was born May 16, 1795, at Flixton. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1853, Daniel Miller company. Married Ann Fall on Prince Edward Island (daughter of James Fall and Elizabeth Rouston of Prince Edward Island). She was born Aug. 6, 1812. Their children: George b. Aug. 13, 1838, m. Alice Carlisle and Jennie Lind; James, m. Poline Poulson; Elizabeth, m. Langston and Lars Jenson; Rhoda, m. John Vance; Phoebe, d. infant; Johanna, m. George Bennett; Emma, m. Thomas Whitby; Jane, m. Dan Johnson. Family home Hardin Co., Ohio. Gardener and dyke builder. Killed July 1858 by Indians while crossing trail near Parowan, Utah. FREESTONE, GEORGE (son of Thomas Freestone and Ann Fall). Born Aug. 13, 1838, on Prince Edward Island, N. S. Came to Utah with father. Married Alice Carlisle at Alpine, Utah (daughter of Richard Carlisle of Alpine, Utah, came to Utah with ox- team company). Their children: Alice, m. John Bowden; Mary, m. Harrison Maughn; Rhoda, m. Robert Reynolds; Drucilla, d. child. Family home Alpine, Utah. Married Jennie Lind Aug. 12, 1872, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Anton Lind and Mary Ann Nelsen, both of Aalborg, Denmark, came to Utah October, 1868, Jessie Smith company). She was born March 26, 1855. Their children: George Oscar b. June 15, 1873, m. Ella Holliday; Georgine Marie b. May 10, 1875, d. May 11, 1879; Roselle Caroline b. Sept. 10, 1877, m. Stephen Beck; James Anton b. April 3, 1880, m. Vilate Batty; Emma Sine b. Jan. 22, 1883, m. Warren Beers; Louis Alonzo b. Oct. 17, 1886, m. Elmaide Labeau; Reuben Thomas b. April 11, 1888, m. Dora Batty; Emery Lind b. Aug. 30, 1890; Charles Royal b. April 19, 1893; May Afton b. May 26, 1895; Clarence Fall b. Feb. 26, 1898. Family home Vernal, Utah. Missionary to England 1894-96; high priest; bishop of Vernal. Captain of company in Black Hawk Indian war. Sunday school superintendent. Farmer and beekeeper. H " (son of Wlllia m Frisby and Elizabeth o-^ May 15> 1850 ' at Birmingham. Came to Utah 1864, Warren Snow company. Married Dicy A. Staley (daughter of Merrit Staley and Rebecca Farley), who was born Feb. 22, 1860, Ogden. Their children: Priscilla b. Aug. 3, 1877, m. O. O. Shill 1908- Joseph Merrit b. Feb. 2, 1879; Dicy Ann b. April 13 1880 fo-, W \ G - RUchie 1908: William b. May 6, 1883, m. Cora Ward 911: ,^ nie E ' b ' Dec - 13 ' 1884 ' Cora L - b. Jan. 4, 1888, m Arnold Burgerner 1908; H. LeRoy b. April 27, 1892; Karl b. oGpt. 0, 1 o 1)5. Missionary to England 1899-1901. Settled in Arizona 1877 Justice of peace 1880; Navajo, Ariz., county recorder 1896- moved to Provo 1903, where he served as mayor 1905. Gen- eral manager Frisby Mercantile Co. of Provo 1905-11 FROERER (GFROERER), FREDERICK G. (parents lived in Wiirttemberg, Germany). Born May 21, 1825, in Germany Came to Utah 1849. Married Elizabeth Sabin (daughter of David and Elizabeth Sabin of Lancaster, Pa., pioneers 1848). She was born Nov 10, 1832. Their children: Helen, m. David Wilson- Mary Elizabeth, m. Thomas Bingham; Margaret Louisa m Thomas Bingham; Frederick, m. Elizabeth Moffatt; David d youth- Anna Maria, d. child; Lester Herrick, m. Maria Richard Henry; Hyrum, d. child; George, m. Lena ' Family home Ogden. Elder; missionary to Germany 1874. Carpenter. Died April 23, 1900, at Ogden. FREW, JOHN (son of James Frew and Jeanette Frew of Ayrshire, Scotland). Born June 17, 1826, Ayrshire. Came to Utah October. 1856, Daniel McArthur company. Married Jane Clotworthy May 1, 1846 (daughter of Whugh Clotworthy), who was born June 10, 1821, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: James b. May 30, 1847, m. Ellen Woodward June 4, 1877; Jeanette b. Jan. 31, 1849, m. George O. Pitkin; Mary b. Sept. 1854, m. Ephraim Elsworth; William M. b. June 10, 1856, m. Elizabeth Smith Dec. 23, 1878; Emily Jane b. Sept. 3, 1868. m. John W. Riley; Joseph b. June 10, 1860, m. Mary Ann Smith Feb. 11, 1885; Hyrum b. June 10, 1860, m. Hannah Everett Sept. 2, 1883. Married Eliza Duce in Hooper, Utah (daughter of Thomas Duce, pioneer 1856). She was born in England. Their children: Robert B. b. June 13, 1880; Ronald M. b. Feb. 9, 1882; Walter Scott b. Sept 11. 1884. FROST, BURR. Born March 4, 1815, Westfleld, Conn. Came to Utah July 22, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Mary E. Potter at Westfleld (daughter of James Potter of Westfleld). She was born 1814. Their children: Elizabeth, d. infant; Emeline, m. Charles Hammer; m. Mr. Woods; m. Louis Marks; m. George Russell; Edwin, m. Eliza E. Palmer; Catherine, d. infant; Burr, Jr., d. aged 25; Mary, m. Aphonzo M. Palmer; Sarah, m. Aufus Ensign; William, d. aged two; Henry, m. Saline Simpson; George, twin of Henry. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Nash. Resided at Salt Lake City. Married Caroline Triplett 1863, who was born 1843. Their children: Albert, m. Catherine J. Forsyth; Isaac, m. Emma C. Nielson; Samuel, m. Alice Naylor; Rosa, d. infant; Martha, m. Edward S. Murphy; Laura, m. Eugene Dickenson. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 16th quorum seventies; missionary to Australia 1852-54; one of presidents 70th quorum seventies. Black- smith. Died March 16, 1878. FROST, JOHN FRANKLIN (son of Edward and Eliza Frost of England). Born Aug. 16, 1851. Married Elizabeth Grace Mackintosh Nov. 24, 1873. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Mackintosh and Elizabeth Ingles Hogg, pioneers 1852). She was born Jan. 29, 1853 at Salt Lake City. Their children: Grace Ingals b Sept 24, 1874; Frank Edward b. April 23, 1876, d. child 880 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH FROST, SAMUEL, BUCHANNAN (son of McCaslin Frost and Penlma Smith of Carolinas, Tennessee and Illinois and Fremont Co., Iowa). Born Jan. 2, 1810, in Knox county, Tenn. Came to Utah 1861, William K. McKessack company. Married Rebecca Forman in Illinois (daughter of John Forman and Hetta Horre of Carolinas). She came to Utah 1861 with husband. Their children: Mary, m. Jerome Adams; Sarah, m. Valentine Acord; Nancy, m. Abram Acord; William Anderson, died; Hetta, m. Stephen Allred; Samuel Buchannan, Jr., m. Mary Patty; James McCasslin, died; George Washington, died; John Wesley, died; Clay, died. Family resided Fremont Co., Iowa, and Spring City, Utah, after 1861. Married Ester Davis 1863 at Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Kezlah Davis of Gloucestershire, Eng., pioneers 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born April 24, 1839. Their children: Stephen, m. Sena Jensen; Chauncey, m. Lorevia Warner; Adolph; Rebecca, m. Peter Nielsen; Mar- garet, m. Organe Warner; Iven; Marion. Missionary to southern states; ward teacher. Judge. Farmer and blacksmith. Died June 27, 1888, Cyote, Utah. FRY, RICHARD (son of William Fry, born April 14, 1793, at East Down, Devonshire, Eng., and Mary Ridges, born 1800, at Devonshire). Born April 16, 1831. at East Down. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, J. D. Ross company. Married Ann Rawle (daughter of John Rawle and Ann Blackmore). She was born Sept. 3, 1830; came to Utah with husband in 1860. Their children: Mary Ann b. Feb. 2. 1861^ m. William J. Eddlngton Oct. 13, 1882; Susan b. April 12, 1862, m. Henry Tonks May 1, 1884; Richard Rawle b. Jan. 20. 1864, m. Emeline Eliza Toomer March 31, 1887; Agnes b. Nov. 7, 1866; Emily b. June 28, 1867, m. Robert H. Welch Nov. 29, 1888; William John b. March 18, 1869; John Rawle b. Aug. 22, 1870; David James b. Feb. 22, 1873, m. Mare Cam- bell; Henry B. b. Dec. 13, 1876, m. Mable L. Nelson Aug. 29, 1904. Family home Morgan, Utah. Married Susan Lerwill April 12, 1876, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Lerwill and Mary Rawle). She was born May 14, 1850, at East Down, Devonshire, Eng. Their children: Thomas William b. Nov. 12, 1877, m. Lillian N. Gorder Dec. 20, 1899; Alfred George b. Aug. 27, 1879; Flora Mary b. Oct. 13, 1882, m. George F. Roblson Dec. 18, 1902; Charles Lerwill b. Nov. 25, 1884, m. Laura Geary Oct. 17, 1904; Winnie May b. Dec. 18, 1886, m. Ebenezer T. Crouch. Early settler in Morgan county. Presiding elder of Mor- gan stake and later 1st counselor to President W. G. Smith of same stake; president of Morgan stake. Morgan county treasurer four years; city treasurer four years; mayor of Morgan City; city councilman two terms. FRY, RICHARD RAWLE (son of Richard Fry and Ann Rawle). Born Jan. 20, 1864, at Morgan, Utah. Married Emeline Eliza Toomer March 31, 1887, at Logan, Utah (daughter of James Toomer and Mary Jane Cook), who was born Sept. 10, 1866. Their children Richard Toomer b. Feb. 25, 1888; Ada Emily b. March 27, 1889; Maud Eveline b. Feb. 6, 1891; Lee Ralph b. May 25, 1893; Dora Blancy b. Sept. 5, 1895; Paul Joseph b. Dec. 29, 1896; William Lester b. March 20, 1899; Lucille Jane b. March 2, 1901; Emeline Violet b. April 25, 1903; Alberta Ann b. Nov. 17, 1906. Family home Morgan, Utah. Missionary to Canada and England 1884-86; member South Morgan bishopric 1887-1910. Sheriff of Morgan county two terms; mayor of Morgan two terms; city councilman twice. Member third state legislature 1900 and 1901. FRYER, ROBERT C. (son of William Fryer, who died In 1849 at St. Louis, Mo., en route to Utah, and Ann Colton, who died Aug. 13, 1867, at Salt Lake City). He was born Sept. 28, 1845. Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1854, with James Buckland, afterward of Bountiful, Davis Co., Utah, in Capt. James Brown company. Married Bashua Dorcas Kingsbury Oct. 4, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Cordon Kingsbury and Dor- cas Adella Kingsbury, pioneers Sept. 29, 1847, George B. Wallace company). She was born Ncv. 19, 1847, Salt Lake City. Their children: Bashua Ann b. July 13, 1868, m. Jerome Chapman; Robert William b. Oct. 10, 1870, d. Sept. 9, 1904; Joseph Thomas b. Dec. 20, 1872, d. May 13, 1887; Franklin George b. April 15, 1875, m. Rosa Steffensen; Rodney Hyrum b. July 16, 1877, m. Lucy Halladay; Nellie Dorcas b. Jan. 12, 1880, m. Peter C. Steffensen, Jr. Went to Prove with Thomas Kerry late In 1855; assisted In building home at Provo; returned to Salt Lake City 1869; from 1865 to 1866 followed teaming in Big Cottonwood can- yon for Joseph C. Kingsbury and James Jack of 12th ward. Salt Lake City; 1872 employed by Bishop Edward Hunter as night watchman on the property where now stands the Hotel Utah; 1872 built first home in 12th ward; same year built second home in Sugar House ward, Salt Lake county; 1877 to 1886 followed farming and fruit raising; 1S86 moved to Deweyville, Box Elder county, followed farming and stockralslng; 1902 built hotel and livery barn at Deweyvi.'le, and is following same business at this date. sen; Mary, m. Peter Scow. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Missionary in Denmark. Shoemaker. Died at Mayfield, Utah. FUGAL, CHRISTIAN (son of Christian Fugal). Born April 1, 1843, in Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Married Margarett Jensen 1869 at Salt Lake City. She was born June 2, 1842. Their children: Stena Maria b. Oct. 10, 1870, m. Thomas W. Gillert; Annie Margarett b. Feb. 20, 1872, m. John Boren; Martha b. Jan. 10, 1874, d. Nov. 30, 1891; James P. b. Nov. 16, 1875, m. Annie R. Thome; Louis b. Dec. 12, 1878; Lizzie b. June 28, 1886, m. James D. Thorne. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Missionary in Denmark. Tailor. Died Nov. 22, 1895, at Pleasant Grove, Utah. FUGAL, JAMES P. (son of Christian Fugal and Margarett Jensen). Born Nov. 16, 1875, at Pleasaiit Grove, Utah. Married Annie R. Thorne Feb. 27, 1906, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederick Thorne and Margarett A. Armitstead, both of Pleasant Grove, Utah). She was born Aug. 29, 1880. Their children: Levetta b. Jan. 31, 1907; Erma b. March 1. 1909; James Maynard b. Sept. 1, 1910. Family home Wood- ville, Idaho. Bishop's counselor; missionary to Scandinavia 1900-02; ordained bishop of Woodville ward Nov. 13, 1910. Justice of peace. Sheepman and farmer. FCGATE, HARRISON PERRY (son of Thomas Fugate, Clin- ton Co., Ohio). Born June 10, 1821, Clinton Co., Ohio. Came to Utah 1860, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Sarah Shoemaker 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jezreel Shoemaker of Bennington county, Ky., and Nancy Golden of Quincy, 111., pioneers 1847). She was born July 16, 1830, Bennington county, Ky. Their children: Harrison Moroni m. Jerusha Boswell; Theaphilus d. child; Jezreel b. Nov. 1, 1864, m. Mary Ellen Wrigley; Thomas, m. Margarete Elizabeth Crookston; Mary, d. child. Families resided Mantl and Ferron, Utah. Member seventies at Manti, Utah. Settled at Mantl 1849, and at Richfield 1867; from the latter place he was driven away by Indians. Settled at Ferron, Utah, 1880. Died Jan. 4, 1902, Ferron. FUGATE, JEZREEL (son of Harrison Perry Fugate and Sarah Shoemaker). Born Nov. 1, 1864, Manti, Utah. Married Mary Ellen Wrigley, Dec. 16, 1888, Ferron, Utah (daughter of Joseph Wrigley and Ann Singleton, both of Ferron). She was born Jan. 16, 1870. Their children: Ellen b. July 25, 1890, died; Alona b. March 2, 1892, d. child; Llewlles b. July 3, 1894, m. Jesse M. Killpack; Reul b Aug. 13, 1896, d. child; Yukon b. June 13, 1898; Promice Wendal b. June 9, 1900, d. child; Oren b. May 4, 1904; Naomi b. Aug 6, 1909. Family home Ferron, Utah. Settled at Ferron 1880. Assisted in making the canals and wagon roads and building up the country. Farmer and stockraiser. FUGATE, THOMAS (son of Harrison Perry Fugate and Sarah Shoemaker). Born Oct. 4, 1866, Richfield, Utah. Married Margarete Elizabeth Crookston Dec. 25, 1889, Ferron, Utah (daughter of John Crookston and Dinah Stod- dard, the former of Scotland and latter of Carlisle, England). She was born Dec. 26, 1869. Their children: Mary Lois b Sept. 29, 1890; Delilah M. b. April 21, 1892. d. April 6, 1900- Ina, b. Aug. 30, 1894; Vera b. Nov. 26, 1898, d. Jan. 6, 1899- Leah b. May 24, 1901; Aldwin Lyle b. May 17, 1903; Fern b Feb. 3, 1906; Jetta b. March 18, 1908; Margarete b. April 29, 1911. Family home Ferron, Utah. Settled at Ferron 1880. Assisted in making canals, wagon roads and building up the country. Farmer. FUGAL,, CHRISTIAN. Born in Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1868. His wife came to Utah with him. Their children: Nlela; Andreas, m. Hannah Carlson; Christian, m. Margarett Jen- FITHRIMAI!', JACOB (son of Jacob Fuhrlman, born Aug. 10, 1800. Oeschenback, Canton Bern. Switzerland, and Anna Maria Kampfer, bom Dec. 12, 1802, Wadenswyl, Switzer- land). He was born Jan. 16, 1831, at Oeschenback. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860. James T. Ross company. Married Anna Barbara Loosll March, 1866 (daughter of Andreas Loosli and Barbara Kaser). She was born Sept. 14, 1833, at Durrenroth, Switzerland; died 1895. Their chil- dren: Gottfried b. June 15, 1859, m. Bertha May Frederick July 7, 1881; Jacob R. b. Dec. 23, 1861, m. Olga Alkie Jan. 7, 1898; Barbetta b. May 3, 1864, m. Emil Ellason March 9, 1887; Emellno b. Sept. 21, 1866, m. Ferdinand Zollinger Sept. 7. 1S92; Joseph Henry b. May 28, 1869, m. Mary Ann Johnson Jan. 25. 1893; Elizabeth b. June 9, 1871, m. Isaac Smith; Hyrum b. Feb. 9, 1873, m. Emelie Aikle Jan. 30, 1901; John David b. S?pt. 1, 1876, m. Margareth E. Rice Dec. 5, 1898. Married Mory Loosll 1869 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Andreas Loosll and Barbara Kaser), who was born Sept. 7, 1846, at Durrenroth, Switzerland; died 1892. Their children: Andrew Ephralm b. Dec. 4, 1872, m. Effle Jones Dec. 15. 1897; Frank William b. June, 1?74, m. Maud Brown Dec. 18, 1901; George Washington b. Jan. 14, 1879, m. Mary Scheonhals Dec. 12, 1906; Ezra b. July 4, 1887, m. Mallnda Jones Dec. 15, 1909. Married Carolina Bollschweiler May 12. 1897 (daughter of Jacob Frederick Bollschweller and Emelie Otelle Maurer of Bavaria). She was born Nov. 24, 18o4. Their children: Al- bert b. Jan. 27, 1902; Emelie b. April 20. 1903: Mary b. Sept 6, 1904: Otto b. Dec. 26, 1906; Carl b. Jan. 27, 1912. Presided over the Germans of Providence ward 33 years; acting teacher 40 years. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 881 FUHRIMAN, GOTTFRIED (son of Jacob Fuhriman and Barbara Loosli). Born June 15, 1859, at Durrenroth, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James T. Ross company. Married Bertha Mary Frederick July 7, 1881 (daughter of Arnold Jacob Frederick and Elizabeth Enz. Came to Utah 1870). She was born Jan. 7, 1860; came to Utah with parents; died Feb. 11. 1898. Their children: Godfrey Jared b. Aug. 22, 1883, m. Irene Campbell Feb. 24, 1909; Arnold Jacob b. July 2, 1885, m. Rachel Partington June 3, 1908; Bertha Minerva b. Sept. 11, 1887, m. Leroy Jones Sept. 16, 1908; Rachel Elizabeth b. Feb. 26, 1890, m. William Kleopfer Dec. 20, 1911; Festus Marion b. Oct. 8, 1892; Oliver Wendell b. Feb. 9, 1895. Family home Providence, Utah. Married Elizabeth Fluckiger July 10, 1895, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Ulrich Fluckiger and Anna Kaser). She was born May 25, 1860, at Durrenroth, Switzerland. Their chil- dren: Walter Ulrich b. July 8, 1896; Rulon Leroy b. Oct. 27, 1898; David Hyrum b. Nov. 30, 1900; Dora b. July 24, 1903. Missionary to Switzerland and Germany 1884; 2d counselor to Bishop Fredrick Theuer of Providence ward 20 years, bishop of Providence 1st ward May 1, 1909. Connected with many business affairs as president and director of Provi- dence Co-operative Mercantile Institution; South Cache Mill- ing Company; Providence Water Works Company; Provi- dence Irrigation companies; Providence Canyon Land Com- pany; director Cache Valley Banking Company. FULLER, LUBURJT LIVONIA (son of Asaheb Fuller and Esther Smith). Born Dec. 9, 1841, at Nashville, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1856. Married Minerva Brown April 10, 1862, at Des Moines, Iowa (daughter of Aaron Brown and Margaret Corey of Elk Rapids, Iowa). She was born Feb. 10, 1843. Their children: Harvey; William; Minerva Esther; Maggie May; Jesse S.; Minnie B.; Perry B.; Amey Grace. Family home Provo, Utah. FULLER, PERRY B. (son of Luburn Livonia Fuller and Minerva Brown). Born Nov. 23, 1876, Elk Rapids, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1879. Married Zina Wilkins June 12, 1901, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Oscar Wilkins and Mary J. McEwen, of Provo, Utah). She was born Sept. 1, 1880. Their children: Livonia W.; Zina Naomi; Jenna Bert; L. Roy. Family home Knightsville, Utah. Bishop of Knightsville ward since March 11, 1909. Super- intendent of Beck Tunnel, Colorado & Iron Blossom Min- ing company. FULLER, REVILO (son of Elijah K. Fuller and Harriet Loomis). Born Oct. 8, 1843, Windham, Greene county, N. Y Came to Utah 1847. Married Mary D. Everett (daughter of Addison Everett, pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). Missionary at St. George, Utah, 1860, and to Tonto Basin In 1877. FULLMER, ALMOW. Came to Utah with the first pioneers. Married Rachel Wyman, born May 26, . Their children: Thaddeus Edgar b. Jan. 13, 1853, m. Juliette Dallin; Frank- lin Pierce b. April 27, 1855, m. Roselle Dalton; John Hyrum b. Aug. 30, 1857, m. Ellen Lundblad. FULLMER, JOHN H. (son of Almon and Rachel Wyman Fullmer). Born Aug. 30, 1847, Cottonwood, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Married Ellen Lundblad, Beaver, Utah (daughter of James and Karote Lundblad, pioneers with first oxteam). She was born Nov. 11, 1860. Their children: John Lorin b. Dec. 12, 1879, m. Lizzie Smith; Frank Wyman b. April 26, 1881, died; Edith Idel b. Nov. 12, 1887; Ida Dott b. April 22, 1885, m. Clement Tebbs; Dwight L. b. Aug. 29, 1887; Ellen Ina b. May 23, 1890, m. Ellis Chamberlain; Effle Maine b. Feb. 18, 1892; Arvil Elton b. Dec. 5, 1893; Nora Loreta b. May 17. 1897, died; Rolla Jay b. March 18, 1901, died; Ardis Nevoe b. Aug. 8, 1903. Was deputy U. S. marshal from 1893 until statehood ob- tained and was representative to the state legislature in 1899. FULLMER, JOHN LORIN (son of John H. Fullmer and Ellen Lundblad). Born Dec. 12, 1879. Married Lizzie Smith, Circleville, Utah. Only child: Harry Smith b. Dec. 7, 1911. FULLMER, DAVID (son of Peter Fullmer and Susannah Zerfoss, of Winter Quarters, Neb.). Born July 7, 1803, Chilisquaque, Northumberland county, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Rhoda Ann Marvin Sept. 18, 1831, Union township, Luzerne county, Pa. (daughter of Zera Marvin and Rhoda Williams of Union township). She was born Feb. 12, 1813, Union township, and died Aug. 18, 1892, Salt Lake City. She came to Utah Oct. 14, 1860, Edward Hunter company. Their children: Eugene Bertran, m. Sarah Jane Mitchell; Junius Sextus, m. Lucy Ellier; Hannibal Octavius, m. Rachel Brown; Elvira Martha, m. John Hlckenlooper; Hortentia Jane d. aged 11 years; Susannah, m. Ephraim Stockwell 56 Snyder; Rhoda Ann, m. Hyrum Chapman; David (twin of Rhoda Ann), m. Caroline Linnell; Don Peter Marvin, m. Ida Martin; Mary Vilate, m. Samuel Andrew; Esther, m. John S. Bowers. Family home 6th ward Salt Lake City. High priest; high councilor of Hancock stake; missionary; president Garden Grove branch; home missionary. Salt Laka stake; first counselor to Daniel Spencer; president Salt Lake stake 1849; patriarch. Member of company appointed to explore southern Utah; captain of company sent to Inde- pendence Rock, to relieve a belated immigrant company. Member of territorial legislature from Salt Lake county; city councilman at Nauvoo, 111. Treasurer of university of Deseret; treasurer, pro tem, Salt Lake county, and later of Salt Lake City. Delegate to territorial convention from 6th ward, at which convention he was appointed director of agricultural society. Farmer. Died Oct. 21, 1879, Salt Lake City. FULLMER, EUGENE BERTRAND (son of David Fullmer and Rhoda Ann Marvin). Born May 3, 1833, Plymouth, Luzerne county, Pa. Married Sarah Jane Mitchell (daughter of Benjamin Mit- chell and Miss Treesbaugh of Jefferson Co., Ohio). She was born June 9, 1838. Their children: Rhoda Ann b. Jan. 20, 1866, m. George D. Deaton; David Eugene b. Jan. 21, 1858, m. Sarah A. Green; Sarah Lavina b. Jan. 7, 1860, m. Peter Frederick Goss; Emily b. Nov. 30, 1861, m. George S. Tall; Mary Adelaid b. April 19, 1864, m. Alma H. West; Annie E. b. Oct. 7, 1866, died; Junius Bertran b. March 17, 1868, m. Adalaid Hart; George b. April 4, 1870, m. Catherine McLause; Benjamin b. May 4, 1872, m. Nellie Needham; Florence b. May 30, 1874, m. Robert McLause; Minnie b. Oct. 7. 1876, m. Harry Howe; Oscar b. 1878, m. Phoebe . ; LeRoy, died. One of presidents of 2nd quorum of seventies; high priest; ward teacher. Worked on Salt Lake temple 40 years. Died Oct. 21, 1879, Salt Lake City. FULLMER, BENJAMIN (son of Eugene Bertrand Fullmer and Sarah Jane Mitchell). Born May 4, 1872, Salt Lake City. Married Nellie Needham June 12, 1895, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Needham and Elizabeth Snalem of Salt Lake City). She was born April 23. 1873. Their children: Myrtle b. June 23, 1896; Earl b. June 20, 1900; Mildred b. Sept. 1, 1903; Arvilla b. May 25, 1905; Elizabeth b. Oct. 14, 1907; Sarah b. Dec. 13, 1909. Bishop of Alpine ward 1907; missionary to eastern states 1897-99; president Y. M. M. I. A. Mayor of Alpine 1910-11. Superintendent water works of Alpine. FULLMER JOHN SOLOMON (son of Peter Fullmer). Born July 21, 1807, Luzerne county, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1848, Willard Richards company. Married Mary Ann Price May 24, 1837 (daughter of John Price), who was born Sept. 16, 1815, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Lavina Elizabeth b. March 5, 1838, m. Eli Ashcroft; Joanna Price b. Dec. 13. 1830, m. Erastus Curtis; Ann Adalaide b. Oct. 25, 1841, m. William T. Dennis; Mary Ann Frances b. May 19, 1844; John Solomon, Jr. b. April 12, 1846, m. Juliet Fullmer Jan. 1, 1868, m. Miss Agatha Darow; William Price b. May 27, 1849, m. Maria Jane Curtis Jan. 2, 1871; Don Carlos b. Nov. 7, 1851, m. Eliza Ann Mason; Samuel David b. Nov. 4, 1866, m. Roxy Jane Kendall. Family resided Salt Lake City, Spanish Fork, Provo and Springville, Utah. Married Olive Amanda Smith, who was born Sept. 26, 1826. Their children: Chauncy Harvey b. Nov. 26, 1843, m. Claricy Curtis; Mary Ann Smith b. Oct. 25, 1846, m. William Lisonbee; James Dickens Smith b. April 29, 1849, m. Mary Ann Babcock; Joseph L. Haywood Smith b. Nov. 25, 1850; Albert Heber Smith b. Sept. 17, 1852, m. Margaret Arzilla Oaks; Olive Amanda Smith b. Sept. 15, 1866. m. Abner Buckley; Van Osden Smith b. May 26, 1858, m. Caroline Van Leuven; Edwin Smith b. March 13, 1860, m. Ada Mendenhall; Alonzo Smith b. March 17, 1862, m. Luella Perry; Alma Smith b. Sept. 20, 1864, m. Deseret Stilson; Charlotte Smith b. April 3, 1867, m. George Perry. Family resided Salt Lake City, Spanish Fork, Provo and Springville, Utah. Married Sarah Ann Stevenson Oct. 12, 1856, Salt Lake City. She was born July 31, 1835, Loughborough, Leicestershire. Eng. Their children: M. Deseret b. Dec. 2, 1857, m. Jesse Baldwin Feb. 16, 1874; John Charles b. March 23, 1859, m. Floritta Ann Curtis July 14, 1881; Caroline Lucy b. March 20, 1860, m. Amos B. Warren July 23, 1876; Agnes b. Dec. 9, 1861; James Stevenson b. May 29, 1863; Thomas b. Jan. 11, 1866; George Wallace b. Dec. 29, 1867, m. Katie Estella Fail Aug. 18, 1891; Frank b. March 19, 1869, m. Altha Warren Jan. 11, 1890; Theodore b. Dec. 29, 1871, m. Sylvia Ada Sanford March 11. 1895; Sarah Ann b. Aug. 28, 1873. m. William Christofferson Oct. 26, 1892; Blanch Estell b. May 29, 1876; Leonard Ray b. May 14, 1878. Family resided Salt Lake City, Provo, Spanish Fork and Springville, Utah. Missionary to England; member committee of three. John S. Fullmer, Joseph L. Haywood and Almon W. Babbitt, left at Nauvoo at time of exodus to complete business of those departing for Utah; high priest. Member legislature. FULLMER, WILLIAM PRICE (son of John Solomon Full- mer and Mary Ann Price). Born May 27, 1849, at Salt Lake City. Married Maria Jane Curtis Jan. 2, 1871, at Salt Lake City (daughter of David Avery Curtis and Lutitia Shearer, who were married Aug. 28, 1852, pioneers 1850). She was born Sept. 23, 1863, Springville, Utah. Their children: William Price, Jr. b. Nov. 10, 1871, m. Fannie Veronl Whiting; 882 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Samuel Curtis b. June 8, 1874, m. Elizabeth Bromley; Lutitia May b. May 30, 1876, m. Silas W. Johnson; Mary Ann b. April 10, 1878, m. Harvey Edward Perry; Adelaide Maria b. Feb. B, 1880, m. Erastus Jensen; Phebe Jane b. April 2, 1882, m. Marquis de Lafayette Perry; Gertrude b. March 1, 1884, m. James Shepherd; Beatrice b. March 4, 1886, d. April 17, 1887; Amy b. Feb. 18, 1888, m. Horace Either; Eva b. Aug. 1, 1890; Joseph Amon b. April 26, 1893; Elmer b. June 28, 1895; David John b. April 9, 1897. Family resided Spring- ville and Mapleton, Utah. Married Elizabeth Alice Salisbury June 19, 1884, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Martha Whiscombe and John Henry Sainsbury), who was born July 9, 1866, Wyoming. Their children: Martha Ann b. Aug. 2, 1888; Hazel Bell b. July 6, 1890; Alice Geneva b. April 26, 1894; Myrtle Viola b. Dec. 24, 1896; Sarah Marie b. Oct. 5, 1900; Irma Leone b. Nov. 4, 1903. Settled at Mapleton 1875. President 51st quorum seventies; superintendent Mapleton Sunday school; president T. M. M. I. A.; counselor to Bishop Tew since 1896; missionary to Ohio and Pennsylvania 1887-89; assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah. FULLMER, WILLIAM PRICE, JR. (son of William Price Fullmer and Maria Jane Curtis). Born Nov. 10, 1871, Spring- ville, Utah. Married Fannie Verona Whiting Jan. 15, 1896, Manti, Utah (daughter of Albert Milton Whiting and Harriet Perry of Mapleton, Utah). She was born 1877. Their children: William Ross b. March 6, 1890; Beatrice b. Oct. 12, 1896; Margarett Mary b. March 13, 1899; Richard Alvin b. May 29, 1901; Maud b. Nov. 20, 1902; Alice b. Sept. 3, 1905, d. April 3. 1912; Albert Whiting b. Feb. 5, 1907; John Howard b. July 29, 1908; Maria and Harriet b. Oct. 24, 1909, d. infants. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. Moved to Wallsburg 1903. Member 76th quorum seven- ties; high priest; bishop Wallsburg ward 1911; counselor in Mutual; president elders' quorum. Superintendent Mapleton ditch and water distribution; superintendent road construc- tion. Planted and raised first sugar beets. Farmer; rancher and stockraiser. FULLMER. JAMES DICKENS (son of John S. Fullmer and Olive Amanda Smith). Born April 29, 1849, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Mary Ann Babcock Aug. 14, 1872, Monroe, Utah (daughter of Lorenzo Babcock and Amy Ann Marble, both of Nauvoo, 111., came to Utah with oxteam company). She was born Aug. 20, 1856, Manti, Utah. Their children: Amy Amanda b. April 14, 1873, d. aged 16; James Dickens, Jr. b. Sept. 19, 1875, m. Frances Idona Mead and Margaret Ann Laura Miller; Mary Ann b. Oct. 1, 1877, d. aged 12; Van Oscar b. July 15, 1880, m. Dora Davis; Veretta Jane b. Nor. 25, 1883. m. Samuel Eldridge; Olive Vera b. March 3, 1886, m. George Hanselman; Luella Chlse b. Oct. 18, 1888, m. Albert Anderton; Lorenzo Babcock b. Oct. 27, 1890, m. Mag- gie Ferrish; Laura b. Dec. 18, 1892, d. aged 16; Joseph b. April 12, 1896, d. aged 14; Ada Pearl b. Sept. 30, 1896; Neva Glee b. Dec. 12, 1903. Family home Annabella, Sevier Co., Utah. Elder; member of bishopric of Spring Glen; Sunday school teacher; ward teacher. Registration agent. FULLMER, JAMES DICKENS, JR. (son of James Dickens Fullmer and Mary Ann Babcock). Born Sept. 19, 1875, Anna- bella, Sevier Co.. Utah. Married Frances Idona Mead July 6, 1900, Spring Glen, Utah (daughter of Orlanda Fish Mead, Lake Shore, near Spanish Fork, Utah). She was born March 17, 1872. Their children: Ruby b. Feb. 22, 1901, d. April 4, 1901; James Wallace b. May 12, 1902; Calvin Dickens b. Feb. 1, 1905. Family home Spring Glen, Utah. Married Margaret Ann Laura Miller March 21, 1906, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William P. Miller and Martha Ellen Prows of Kanosh, Millard Co., Utah). She was born Oct: 6, 1884. Their children: Irma Cleo b. Jan. 12, 1907; William Evan b. July 23, 1908; Earl b. April 1, 1910; Lila Margaret b. Aug. 12, 1910. Family home Spring Glen, Utah. Teacher; farmer; railroadman. FUBTK, DANIEL BUCKLEY (son of Susanna Stoner of Penn- sylvania). Born In Ohio Came to Utah 1848. Married Mariah DeMill (daughter of Freeborn DeMill and Ann Knight of Manti, Utah, pioneers 1848). She was born May 9, 1822. Their children: Sarah Ann, d. Infant; William DeMill, m. Ingrie Sandbar; Ezra K., m. Mary Amanda Hen- rie; Daniel B., m. Mariah Terry; Irene, m. Dwight Atwood; Arsenath, m. Moroni Bradley; Emerett, m. Charles Musige. Family home Pennsylvania. Married Mary Jane Pectol at Manti (daughter of William Pectol of Kentucky and Manti, Utah). Their children: Arlisha, m. Abner Lowry, Jr.; Jesse, m. Mlna Nielson; Sylvia, m. Ira Allen Beal; George Alfred, m. Millie Hogan; Geneve; Andrew, m. Nora Mills; Frank, m. Myrtle Mills. Family home Manti. Member 48th quorum seventies. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Served in Echo Canyon trouble. One of the first settlers to Manti. Farmer; plasterer and builder. Died Nov. 30, 1888, at Funks Lake, Manti. FUNK, EZRA K. (son of Daniel B. Funk and Mariah De- Mill). Born June 1, 1846, at Quincy, 111. Came to Utah 1848. Married Mary Amanda Henrie Nov. 9, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Henrie and Amanda Bradley of Bountiful, Utah, pioneers 1848, contingent Mormon Battal- ion). She was born Sept. 4, 1850. Their children: Amanda b Sept. 27, 1869, m. Arthur Cox; Myra L. b. Aug. 17, 1871 m Joseph Hansen; Ezra K. b. Nov. 5. 1873, m. Etta Crawford; Emerett Lavern b. Oct. 1, 1875. m. Lewis Larsen; Olive Chel- nishia b. Oct. 24, 1877, m. William Stringham; John Henrie b. April 16, 1879, m. Ann Conover; George B b May 18 1882, m. Mary A. Olsen; William Arthur b. April 3, 1885, m. Zelma Westenskow; Alvira b. July 21, 1888, d. Oct 23 1911; Susie b. Oct. 22, 1890, d. infant; Ruby May b. March 20, 1892, m. Antone Hovgaard. Family home Manti, Utah Member 48th quorum seventies. Mlnuteman in Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer; carpenter; plasterer; builder and prospector. G GADD, ALFRED (son of Samuel Gadd. born July 25, 1816, and Eliza Chapman, born March 13, 1815, both in Cambridge- shire, Eng. married April 13, 1836). He was born July 16 1837, Orwell, Cambridgeshire. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1866, James G. Willie handcart company. Married Mary Ann Hobbs Jan. 10, 1864 (daughter of Wil- liam D. Hobbs, pioneer. Captain Murdock company and Mary Ann Pope married Nov. 8, 1835. Brighton, Eng ). She was born June 16, 1841. Their children: Eliza Ann b. Jan. 18, 1865, m. John S. Linton Dec. 17, 1885- William Alfred b. Dec. 19, 1866, m. Laura B. Fly Sept. 29, 1890- Samuel George b. Dec. 6, 1868, m. Elizabeth Jackson; Arthur b. April 29, 1871, m. Jeanle Sinclair Oct. 6, 1897; Alice Jean- ette b. Dec. 6, 1873; Walter Pentlow b. Oct. 26, 1876 m Mary May Sutton Sept. 14, 1898; Ernest Alma b. Jan 7, 1878; Alvin b. Dec. 11, 1879; Loris Albert b. Nov. 10, 1880; Albert Victor b. Dec. 17, 1882, m. Ethel Carter Dec. 23, 1908; Ethel Charlotte b. Aug. 23, 1884. Family home Nephl, Utah. Indian war veteran. Horticulturist. GADD, SAMUEL GEORGE (son of Alfred Gadd and Mary Ann Hobbs). Born Dec. 6, 1868, at Nephi Married Elizabeth Jackson May 10, 1895, at Nephi (daugh- ter of John Jackson and Rachel Cope). Their children- Mary Fern b. Aug. 6, 1897; Ida Rachel b. Jan. 16, 1900- Bertha b. Sept. 2, 1904; George Aldew b. April 6, 1907; Melvin Roy b. May 1908. Family home Nephi. GOGAN (GEOGHEGAN), WILLIAM HIGHLAND (son of James Geoghegan and Mary Highland, County Meath, Ire- land). Born Aug. 22, 1860, North River, New York city. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1876, independent company. Married Lydia Ann Taylor Dec. 17, 1876, at Ogden, Utah (daughter of Joseph Taylor and Jane Lake of Harrisville, Utah, pioneers 1847, with a contingent of Mormon Battal- ion). She was born 1858. Their children: James Will- iam b. Nov. 3, 1877, d. infant; Joseph Albert b. Dec. 15. 1879, m. Emily G. Finch; Ira David b. March 17. 1882, m. Mary E. Smith; Marzela Jane, died; William Highland b. Jan. 28, 1887, m. Albie Glen. Married Mary Augusta Goodrich Nov. 20, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Albert Goodrich and Eliza Ann Taggart of Vernal, Utah, pioneers 1853). She was born Jan. 4, 1868. Their children: Mamie Goodrich b. June 18, 1892, m. Marion H. Roberts; Fannie b. Jan. 10, 1894; Ella Rose b. Dec. 20, 1895; Leona May b. Dec. 3, 1897; George Raymond b. Jan. 17, 1901; Earl Golden b. Feb. 20, 1903; Carlie Maud b. May 21, 1906, died; Leslie Owen b. Sept. 17, 1907. Clerk Duchesne stake 1910; member high councils Uinta and Duchesne stakes; president Y. M. M. I. A. of Naples ward; assistant Sunday school superintendent. Assessor and collector Ulntah county 1892-98; Vernal city councilman two years. Settled In Ashley valley 1878; secretary and director Ashley Central Canal Company. GALE, JAMES (son of James Gale, born May 10, 1801, and Sarah Tavinder, born 1798, both in Warminster, Wiltshire, Eng.). He was born May 14, 1829, in Warminster. Came to Utah Aug. 25, 1862, independent company. Married Emma Blake (daughter of Isaac Blake and Sophia Wood), who was born March 4, 1829, Salisbury, Eng. Their children: Charles b. Aug. 30. 1849; Lorenzo b. March 17, 1851, and Henry Charles b. May 23, 1854, latter three d. infants; James Chancy b. Oct. 21, 1857, m. Lenoria Brown- Ing; Francis Albert b. July 26, 1860, m. Esther Malon; Edward Isaac b. April 4, 1868, d. infant; Heber Daniel b. Sept. 29, 1869, m. Harriet Robinson; Horace Ernest b. Dec. 7, 1871. Married Mary Ann Derrick, Salt Lake City (daughter of Zacharias Derrick and Mary Shephard), who was born Jan. 8. 1837, London. Eng. Their children: Zacharias John b. Dec. 29, 1858; William Orson b. Nov. 1, 1860; Joseph b. Jan. 17, 1863; latter three d. infants; Hyrum Edwin b. Feb. 13, 1S64, m. Edna Stimpson. Married Lilley Sutcliffe (daughter of Thomas Sutcliffe, born 1830, and Mary Sutcliffe. born 1836, both in Yorkshire, Eng.). She was born Feb. 3, 1861, in Yorkshire, Eng. Only child, Wllford b. Sept. 10, 1892, d. Infant. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 883 GALLOWAY, GEORGES CURTIS (son of Curtis Galloway and Harriet Annie Rowley). Born June 17, 1889, Meadow Creek, Utah. Active teacher; priest. Farmer; inventor; poet. Family home Shelley, Idaho. GAPPMAYER, BARTL (son of John Gappmayer and Anna Winken of Thompswig, Austria). Married Mary Emily Nelson Jan. 1, 1895, Buysvllle, Utah (daughter of Henry Nelson and Sarah Ann Richmond), who was born Dec. 29, 1871, Heber City, Utah. Their children: Lewis Bartl b. July 8, 1896; Anna Laprlel b. Sept. 2, 1898; Roy Harry b. March 31. 1900; Reed Elgil b. Oct. 14, 1902; John Edwin b. June 23, 1904; Sarah Ella b. April 15, 1906; Hiram Nelson b. Sept. 20, 1911, died. Family home Provo, Utah. GARDINER, JOHN WILLIAM (son of William Gardiner and Sarah Hughes of Chalford Hill, Gloucestershire, Eng.). Born May 17, 1840, at Chalford Hill. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1864, John D. Chase company. Married Harriet Dyer April 16, 1864, Brownshill, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Dyer and Sarah Weight of Avening, Eng.). She was born Aug. 30, 1840. No children. Married Annie Nichols Aug. 30, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Nichols and Ann Webber of Viney Bridge, Crew Kerne, Eng., who came to Utah June 1, 1883). She was born March 9, 1863. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Aug. 8, 1884, m. Charles Weber; Matilda b. Oct. 8, 1885, m. Walter F. Healey; Hattie May b. Feb. 6, 1887, m. Edgar T. Healey; John William Jr. b. April 23, 1892; Heber b July 22, 1893; Joseph N. b. Jan. 26, 1896; George Henry b. Nov. 2, 1897; Roy Hughes b. Feb. 10, 1900; Alma Edward b. April 2, 1901; Robert Lloyd b. Aug. 25, 1903. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Missionary to England 1880-81; high priest. Farmer. GARDNER, BENJAMIN (son of Nathaniel B. Gardner, born Oct. 17, 1765, in New York state, and Hannah Briggs, born June 1, 1767 married Jan. 10, 1786). He was born Aug. 19, 1800, Johnstown, Montgomery county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1852, captain of his company. Married Electa Lamport May 29, 1822, in Erie county, Pa. (daughter of William Lamport, born July 17, 1778, and Martha Babbitt, born May 17, 1784, of Sharon, Schoharie county, N. Y. married 1799, at Sharon). She was born March 5, 1800, and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: Benjamin b. Nov. 24, 1823, d. same day; Hannah b. Dec. 19, 1824, m. George S. Mason b. March 22, 1855; William L. b. Feb. 3, 1827, m. Angeline Gould March 31, 1852; Belinda Sophia b. May 16, 1829, d. June 22, 1829; Nathaniel Bradley b. May 8, 1830, d. April 16, 1851; Mahala b. Feb. 6. 1833, m. Robert Hughs March 10, 1861; Milo Vandozen b. June 4, 1835, m. Margret Montgomery Sept. 29, 1859; Lucinda b. May 30, 1837, m. James Leithead March 7, 1856; Martha Belinda b. Oct. 12, 1839, m. Daniel W. Holdaway April 16, 1857; Electa E. b. March 8, 1842, m. John Montgomery Sept. 29, 1859; Joseph S. b. March 15, 1847, m. Mary Elizabeth Williams March 16, 1869. Family resided in Erie county, Pa., and at North Ogden and Deweyville, Utah. President North Pigeon branch 1847-62; captain of tenth church train, which crossed the plains 1852; seventy. Set- tled at North Ogden 1857; later moved to Deweyville. Jus- tice of peace at North Ogden 1865-69. Miller. Died July 3, 1875. GARDNER, MILO VANDOZEN (son of Benjamin Gardner and Electa Lamport). Born June 4, 1835, in Erie county. Pa. Married Margret Montgomery Sept. 29, 1859, at North Ogden (daughter of Robert Montgomery and Mary Willson of Scotland, pioneers Sept. 10, 1850, Jonathan Foote com- pany). She was born July 31, 1839, Montreal, Canada. Their children: Mary I. b. March 27, 1861, m. Orson C. Love- land March 6, 1879; Milo Martin b. Oct. 25, 1862, m. Adalaide Anderson Jan. 12, 1886; Robert Nathaniel b. Jan. 23, 1865, m. Harriet A. Dewey Jan. 23, 1889; Benjamin Perry b. March 5, 1867, m. Johanah Poulsen Jan. 11, 1899; Margret Ann b. May 3, 1869, m. John T. Hansen Feb. 16, 1891; Hannah Lucinda b. April 18, 1871, m. William Loveland Nov. 18, 188 ; Martha Lorett b. Jan. 30, 1873, d. Feb. 11, 1873; Hyrum Alma b. July 31, 1874, d. Dec. 5, 1885; James Alva b. Jan. 7, 1877, m. Harriet Eveline Dewey Dec. 27, 1904; Electa Bulet- tie b. Sept. 29, 1880, m. Brigham Martelo Burbank Dec. 22, 1899; Estella b. Aug. 2, 1883, m. John A. Fryer Oct. 21, 1903. Family resided at North Ogden and Deweyville, Utah. Drum major in Ogden band. Moved from North Ogden to Deweyville 1872. Farmer. Died March 26, 1908. GARDNER, MILO MARTIN (son of Milo V. Gardner and Margret Montgomery). Born Oct. 25, 1862, North Ogden, Utah. Married Adalaide Anderson Jan. 12, 1886, Deweyville (daughter of Oga Anderson and Carline Nelson), who was born July 14, 1856, in Sweden. Their children: Martin M. b Nov. 10, 1886, m. Florence Loveland Feb. 10, 1909; Vivian A. b. Aug. 17, 1888, m. Cleone A. Hunsaker June 22, 1909; Margret b. Nov. 24, 1891; Lloyd M. and Floyd N. b. Dec. 7, 1898, latter d. Oct. 15, 1899. Family home Deweyville. Moved from North Ogden to Brigham City; later to Dew- eyville. School trustee. GARDNER, ROBERT NATHANIEL (son of Mllo V. Gardner and Margret Montgomery). Born Jan. 23, 1866, North Ogden, Utah. Married Harriet A. Dewey Jan. 23, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Cook Dewey and Harriet May of Dewey- ville, Utah, former pioneer Sept. 28, 1853, latter March 14, 1852). She was born Dec. 27, 1868, at Deweyville. Their children: Robert N. b. Feb. 21, 1890; George A. Dewey b. March 31, 1892; Leone D. b. April 14, 1895; Milo D. b. March 18, 1898; Alphonzo D. b. June 30, 1900; Rulon D b. Nov 2, 1903; Harriet E. b. Aug. 3, 1910, d. Sept. 13, 1910. Family home Deweyville, Utah. Justice of peace 1909-12; juvenile court officer 1911. Su- perintendent Sunday school; counselor and president Y. M. M. I. A. GARDNER, JOSEPH SMITH (son of Benjamin Gardner and Electa Lamport). Born March 15, 1847, Vernon, VanBuren Co., Iowa. Married Mary Elizabeth Williams March 16, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ezra Granger Williams and Hen- rietta Elizabeth Crombie of that place, pioneers Oct. 28, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born Feb. 2, 1851 Salt Lake City. Their children: Joseph Nathaniel b. Jan. 30, 1870, d. Dec. 28, 1886; Lucinda Elizabeth b. Jan. 7, 1872, m. Richard Robinson Jan. 12, 1890; Hyrum Chauncey b. March 25, 1874, m. Mary Ellen Marshall Jan. 16, 1895; Emma Rebecca b. June 15, 1876, d. Dec. 4, 1886; Benjamin Ezra b. July 17, 1878, m. Effie Jane Walker Dec. 14, 1898; Electa Henrietta b. Oct. 4, 1880, m. Joseph Edward Southwick Feb. 27, 1900; William Frederick b. March 4, 1883; Isaac Moroni b. May 27, 1885. d. March 27, 1886; Francis Adna b. Sept. 5, 1887, m. Rose Percilla Randall Oct. 9, 1907; Andrew b. Nov. 11, 1889. Family resided at Deweyville, Pleasant View and Liberty, Utah, and Grant, Idaho. Drummer boy in Utah militia. School trustee. Farmer. GARDNER, CHARLES. Married Rhoda Kellogg. Their children: Charles Alma, m. Martha Timothy; Laura, m. John Nuttall. Family home Provo, Utah. Farmer. Died 1886, Wallsburg, Utah. GARDNER, CHARLES ALMA (son of Charles Gardner and Rhoda Kellogg). Born 1857. Married Martha Timothy December 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of John G. Timothy and Martha Davis of Wales). She was born Aug. 3, 1863. Their children: John Alma b. Dec. 20, 1879, m. Ella Pike, m. Alice Long; Martha La Prele b. May 6, 1882, m. Fred Hoeft; Mary Alice b. Nov. 2, 1884, m. Charles Perry Bingham; Rhoda b. Aug. 12, 1886, d. aged 7; Mabel b. Sept. 12, 1887; Jeannette b. May 5, 1889, m. Ernest Hess; Cora Bell b. Nov. 30, 1890, m. Ira Belden. Family, home Vernal, Utah. GARDNER, ELIAS HARVEY (son of Walter A. and Martha A. Gardner of Salem, Utah). Born Dec. 6, 1855, Payson, Utah. Married Caroline Ada Jackman 1878, at Salem (daughter of Albert Jackman of that place). She was born June 4, 1859. Their children: Ada Lucinda, m. Kenyon T. Davis; Daisy Martha, m. Charles W. Stone; Maud May, m. Howard B. Warnick; Harvey Elmer, m. Vera Rockhill; Frank Lynn. Carpenter; farmer. GARDNER, HENRY (son of Henry B. Gardner, born Nov. 18, 1817, Bosham, Brig., and Harriett Ingram, born Jan. 29, 1816, Slindon, Sussex, Eng.; married Nov. 22, 1845). He was born Aug. 9, 1848, Oving, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1864, Daniel Garn company. Married Madalene Dailey Oct. 19, 1899 (daughter of Milton Dailey and Mary M. Wilson married June 14, 1874, Salt Lake City, pioneers 1850, Slaughter and Cavett company). She was born Feb. 3, 1876. Their children: Birt b. Aug. 31, 1900; Merrltt D. b. July 13, 1909; Grant H. Gardner, b. April 18, 1911. GARDNER, JAMES (son of William Gardner and Ellen Beardworth of Langton, Lancashire, Eng). He was born June 4, 1829, Preston, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25. 1855, Richard Ballantyne company. Married Jane Trelfull March 3, 1855. on the sea (daughter of Thomas Trelfull of American Fork, Utah; pioneer Sept. 25, 1855). She was born July 6, 1828. Their children: Wil- liam, m. Frances B. Rondeau; Jane G., m. Joseph B. Forbes; Ellen, m. Robert Proctor; James T., m. Ruth Greenwood; Annie E., m. Washburn Chipman; Lydia, m. George F. Shelley. High priest. City councilman and sexton. Farmer. Died Aug. 14, 1906. GARDNER, JOHN (son of William Gardner and Ann Hudd, of Gloucestershire, Eng.). He was born May 31, 1806, Water- lane. Gloucestershire. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1863, Appleton Harmon company. Married Mary Ann Goodship (daughter of William Good- ship and Mary Pettet), who was born Jan 2, 1806, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: William b. Oct. 18, 1825, m. Sarah Sisam; James b. Aug. 31. 1828, m. Hannah Gubbins; Sarah Ellen, d. child; Frederick b. Nov. 12, 1832. 884 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH m. Sarah S. Smith; Mary Ann b. Dec. 26, 1834, d. child; Joseph Hyrum b. Feb. 28, 1837, d. child; John Brigham b. Jan. 16, 1839, died; Henry b. May 14, 1840, m. Mary 'Walker; Alfred b. Sept. 25, 1842, m. Mary E. Coon May 29, 1871; Emma b. April 6, 1848, m. Martin L. Bird. Family resided Chalford Hill, Gloucestershire, Eng., and later in Utah. GARDNER, JAMES (son of John Gardner and Mary Ann Goodship). Born Aug. 31, 1828, Chalford Hill, Gloucester- shire, Eng-. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie com- pany. Married Hannah Gubbins (daughter of William Gubblns and Elizabeth Damsel). She came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary Ann b. June 8, 1849, m. Alphonso Wil- lie; Agnes E. b. Feb. 27, 1851, m. Henry Hughes; Frederick b. Dec. 28. 1852, m. Sedilfa Bird; John W. b. June 28, 1855, m. Jennette Muir; Henry Stephen b. Nov. 2, 1857, and Eliza- beth Jane b. Feb. 6, 1859, died; Hannah M. b. Nov. 29, 1860, m. Joseph Acock; Albert b. Aug. 27, 1863, m. Caroline Law- rence; Brigham b. Dec. 12, 1864, m. Nellie Robbins; Emma Z. b. Oct. 1868, m. Thomas Smith. Family resided Mendon Utah, and Teton, Idaho. GARDNER, FREDERICK (son of James Gardner and Hannah Gubbins). Born Dec. 28, 1852, Chalford Hill, Eng. Married Sedilla Bird Aug. 15, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of John P. K. Bird and Sarah Hoops), who was born Sept. 13, 1863, Mendon, Utah. Their children: Laura E. b. Aug. 25, 1885, m. Frederick Mace; Frederick b. Feb. 16, 1887, died; Elmer b. Nov. 7, 1888; Vera b. April 27, 1890, and Sylvia H. b. Aug. 12, 1892. died; Eras b. Sept. 16, 1893; Vernon b. May 19, 1897; Orval b. April 10, 1902, and Evan b. April 15, 1899, died. Family home Teton, Idaho. GARDNER, ALFRED (son of John Gardner and Mary Ann Goodship). Born Sept. 25, 1842, Chalford Hill, Eng. Married Mary Elizabeth Coon May 29, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Coon and Elizabeth Wilson), who was born Jan. 12, 1856, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah Jane; Alfred Irvin b. May 11, 1875, m. Margaret E. Bird; Emma Maud; John Abraham; Henry Arthur; Alice Mabel; Esther Mae; Josephine; Amy lone; Frederick Arnold; Hugh Raymond. Family home Mendon, Utah. Ward clerk 30 years; counselor in bishopric 10 years; clerk high priests quorum 10 years; Sunday school teacher 38 years. City recorder 12 years; city treasurer nine years; notary public 1892-1912; postmaster Mendon five years; city councilman four years; justice of peace two years. GARDNER, ROBERT (son of William Gardner and Christina Henderson of Huston, Scotland). Born March 12, 1781, Hus- ton, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1847, Edward Hunter company. Married Margaret Calinder (daughter of Archibald Cal- Inder and Margaret Ewen, pioneers Oct. 1, 1847), who was born January 1777. Their children: William b. Jan. 31, 1803, m. Ann Lackey Jan. 1829; m. Janet Livingston 1841; -Margaret b. Jan. 5, 1807, m. George Sweeten March 29, 1836; m. Roger Lackban Oct. 21, 1847; Archibald b. Sept. 2, 1814, m. Sarah Jane Hamilton June 17, 1857; m. Mary Larsen Dec. 22, 1869; Robert b. Oct. 12, 1819, m. Jane McEwen March 17, 1841. GARDNER, ARCHIBALD (son of Robert Gardner and Margaret Calinder). Born Sept. 2, 1814, Kilsyth, Scotland. Married Sarah Jane Hamilton June 17, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hamilton and Mary Ann Campbell of Mill Creek, Utah, pioneers 1852), who was born June 11, 1842. Only child: James Hamilton b. July 27, 1859, m. Rhoda Priscllla Huffaker. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Married Mary Larson Dec. 22, 1869, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Hans Larson and Karen Stene Olsen, pioneers Sept. 15, 1859, Robert F. Nelsen company). She was born June 15, 1850, Moen, Presto amt, Denmark. Their children: Andrew Bruce b. Feb. 5, 1874, m. Elizabeth Baxter May 23, 1894; Clarence b. Nov. 6, 1875, m. Alice Ann Burton Oct. 8, 1897- Ernest Adelbert b. Feb. 14, 1877, m. Kate Roberts Oct 22 1903; Royal b. Sept. 11, 1879, d. March 3, 1880; Edwin Leroy b. May 16, 1881, m. Dagmar Christensen 1905; Lillian Elnora b. March 2, 1883, m. James G. Widdison, Jr., Sept. 18 1907- Wilford Woodruff b. May 17, 1885; Franklin Richards b July 23, 1888. Family resided West Jordan, Utah, and Afton, Wyoming. Bishop of West Jordan ward. Member territorial legisla- ture two terms. Patriarch in Jordan stake. Constructed first sawmills at West Jordan, Spanish Fork, St. George, Utah, and Star Valley, Wyo. Died 1902. GARDNER, JAMES HAMILTON (son of Archibald Gardner and Sarah Jane Hamilton). Born July 27, 1859, Mill Creek Utah. Married Rhoda Priscilla Huffaker Oct. 15, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of Simpson D. Huffaker and Rhoda P. Bar- num of Cottonwood, Utah, pioneers Nov. 6, 1847). She was born Dec. 30, 1864. Their children: James Hamilton b Jan 4, 1888; Archibald Delos b. March 26, 1890; Viola b April 24 1892; Vera b. Jan. 10, 1894; Reid Huffaker b. May 20, 1897; LeRoi Barnum b. April 13, 1900; Marian b. Dec. 6, 1903; Feme b. Dec. 28, 1905; Lois b. Feb. 20, 1908. Family resided Lehl Utah, and Elba, Idaho. Bishop of Lehl 2nd ward 1903. General consulting super- intendent Utah-Idaho Sugar Company. City councilman Leh,' 1902-04; commissioner Utah county 1910-12. GARDNER, ANDREW BRUCE (son of Archibald Gardner and Mary Larson). Born Feb. 6, 1874, West Jordan, Utah. Married Elizabeth Baxter May 23, 1894, Afton, Wyo. (daughter of John Baxter and Eliza Ross, former pioneer 1865, Capt. Taylor company). She was born Feb. 2, 1877, Coalville, Utah. Their children: John Royal b. March 15, 1895; Bruce LeVere b. Sept. 10, 1896; Muriel Elnora b. March 13, 1899; Milford Irvin b. Jan. 5, 1902; Mary Thelma b. April 8, 1904; Olive Adele b. May 22. 1910. Seventy. Constable eight years in Uinta county. Miller; lumberman. GARDNER, CLARENCE (son of Archibald Gardner and Mary Larson). Born Nov. 6, 1875, West Jordan, Utah. Married Alice Ann Burton Oct. 8, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Walton Burton and Sarah Ann Field- ing), who was born Sept. 2, 1875, Ogden, Utah. Their chil- dren: Albert b. June 27, 1898, d. same day; Marian b. Nov. 17, 1901; Lawrence Alton b. Aug. 19, 1904; Rollin Elworth b. Oct. 9, 1906. Second counselor to Bishop George Waite of Afton, Wyo., 1894-99; missionary to Eastern states 1898-1900; Star Valley stake Y. M. M. I. A. aid and stake high councilor 1900; Sun- day school superintendent Afton ward 1900-01; first assistant Star Valley stake Sunday school superintendent 1901-02 1909-12; stake superintendent T. M. M. I. A. 1902-06; presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A. Afton ward 1907-10; alternate high coun- cilor; secretary Sunday school. City councilman 1902-05- mayor 1905-08; member Wyoming state legislature 1909-10; school trustee; vice-president Afton commercial club. GARFP, PETER jr. (son of Nels Garff, born Jan. 20, 1811, and Marie Jackobson, born Dec. 9, 1820, both of Eskebjerg, Sjelland, Denmark; former died on plains, latter came to Utah). He was born Feb. 17, 1843, Serslov, Holbek amt, Sjelland, Denmark. Came to Utah 1857, Christiansen's handcart company. Married Antomina Sorensen July 26, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lars Sorensen and Maren Kerstine Petersen of Bjergby, Hjorring, Denmark, pioneers 1861, Samuel A. Wooley company). She was born May 5, 1852. Their chil- dren: George P. b. June 17, 1870, m. Phena Brimhall; Mary Ann b. Dec. 28, 1871, m. B. F. Fitzgerald; Huldah b. Jan. 23, 1873, m. F. C. Mickelson; Matilda b. April 1, 1874, m. B. M. Crossgrove; Heber N. b. Feb. 10, 1876, m. Louise Murphy; Royal B. b. Oct. 23, 1877, m. Rachel Day; Moses S. b. Nov. 10, 1879, m. Mary Rasmussen; Aaron Z. b. March 29, 1881; Mina C. b. May 7, 1883, m. S. J. Mickelson; Orson A. b. March 2, 1885, m. Bodel Lyngby; Connie M. b. Sept. 8, 1888, m. Enno Drown; Regnald W. b. May 6, 1890. Family home Draper, Utah. Senior president 73d quorum seventies; high councilor; acting teacher since he was 18 years old; assisted in bring- ing immigrants to Utah in 1866; was one of a company of 500 who brought in about 4,000 people. As trustee he suc- cessfully established the first free public school at Draper (the Park school), and at Crescent taxing the railroads $1,800, which was used in supplying Draper with its first school house. School trustee. Teacher and superintendent of Sunday school at Draper 25 years; missionary to Linton, Brown county, Minn., where he organized a branch of the church; missionary to Norway, where he baptized 27 per- sons, 15 of them young ladies, who were organized Into first Y. L.. M. I. A. in Bergen, Norway; there he served as presi- dent of the conference in 1899, and until near the end of his mission, returning in 1902; home missionary; high coun- cilor. Farmer and horticulturist. GARN, PHILIP J. (son of John Garn, born 1771, and Susan- nah Pringle, born 1773, both at Bedford, Pa married 1794). He was born May 1, 1819, at Bedford. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1855, Moses Thurston company. Married Mary M. Vogt (daughter of Michael Vogt and Elizabeth Kline married March 8, 1803, in Perry Co., Ohio). She was born Sept. 12, 1820, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mahala b. Feb. 4, 1840, m. Daniel Garn April 1856; Micah b. Oct. 14, 1841, m. Fanny Wood March 11, 1865; Philip J. b. Feb. 14, 1845, m. Sarah English Feb. 18, 1878; Samuel b. March 24, 1847, m. Lizzie Walker; Nathaniel b. May 1, 1849, m. Nettie Evans; Elizabeth b. April 19, 1851, m. John Ford Feb. 4, 1867," Daniel b. May 18, 1853, d. Jan. 1856; Mary M. b. March 31, 1855, m. W. H. J. Smith 1872; Emma b. Feb. 27, 1857, m. Joseph Ford Feb. 7, 1876. Settled at Centerville 1855. High priest. Died Jan. 1, 1859. GARN, MICAH (son of Philip J. Garn and Mary M. Vogt). Born Oct. 14, 1841, at Fremont, Ohio. Married Fanny Wood March 11, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Wood and Fanny Coble, pioneers 1855, Moses Thurston company). She was born Oct. 11, 1841, Brighton, Eng. Their children: Fanny C. b. Oct. 22, 1866, m. Samuel Capener May 11, 1887; Micah A. b. Sept. 13, 1869, m. Mary M. Leonard Feb. 23, 1899; John H. b. Nov. 1, 1871, m. Nancy Udy Nov. 17, 1897; Mary Larelda b. July 12. 1874, m. Arthur Capener July 12, 1893; Daniel b. Aug. 15, 1877, m. Aramlnta Monahan Jan. 3, 1903; Nathaniel b. Aug. 15. 1877, m. Clara Monahan Aug. 20, 1908; Emma R. b. Jan. 29. 1879, m. William L. Apgood June 14, 1908; Mahala J. b. Sept 7, 1882, m. Cooper Haffleld April 14, 1909. Family home Fielding. Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 88.) Seventy; missionary to the Muddy 1868-69; treasurer of Centerville Sunday school six years. Moved to Bear River valley 1887. Superintendent of first Sunday school in Field- ing, and served for seven years. Postmaster eight years, and road supervisor seven years. Malad stake high coun- cilor 17 years. GAH1V, THOMAS (son of Martin Garn, born Feb. 17, 1814. and Catharine Croyl, born May 4, 1818, both in Bedford county, Pa.). He was born Aug. 11, 1839, In Fremont, San- dusky Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Esther Ann Eldredge March 14, 1868 (daughter of Ira Eldredge and Nancy Black, pioneers Sept. 22, 1847, Daniel Spencer company). She was born March 24, 1839, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Flavilla Catharine b. April 29, 1869, m. Henry Wright Aug. 27, 1890; Nancy E. b. April 24. 1871, m. David Birch March 9, 1892; Amanda Matilda b. March 30, 1873, m. Franklin R. Meadows Oct. 16, 1901; Thomas Martin b. Aug. 12, 1875; William Joshua b. Aug. 28, 1877, m. Ella Spriggs Dec. 12, 1900; Edmond b. March 22, 1880, m. Pearl Spriggs June 26, 1903. Family resided Salt Lake City and Coalville, Utah. Settled In Sugar House ward; moved to Coalville 1869, where he was ward teacher; high priest. GARNER, DAVID (son of David Garner and Jane Stephens). Born Jan. 30, 1818, at Lexicon, N. C. Came to Utah July 28, 1847, with a section of Mormon Battalion. Married Dolly Durfee Oct. 18, 1842 (daughter of Edmond Durfee, killed in raid by mob). She was born March 8, 1816. Their children: Louisa Ann b. July 12, 1844. m. Bailey Lake; Fannie Merilla b. July 2, 1845. m. William Tracey; David Edmond b. Jan. 10, 1847. m. Sarah Davis; William Franklin b. Dec. 12, 1848, m. Mary A. Barker; Mary Marinda b. Feb. 20, 1850, m. Abram Chadwick; Nancy Jane b. Sept. 7, 1851, d. child; Amelia Jane b. May 10, 1853, m. Henry Dixon; Charles Henry b. April 16, 1856; Lydia b. March 2, 1859, m. Ellas Bybee. Family home North Ogden. Married Bethzina Burns April 16, 1857. Salt Lake City (daughter of Enoch Burns and Elizabeth Moffet), who was born March 5, 1842, at Nauvoo, 111. Their only child: Beth- zina Elizabeth b. Oct. 3, 1858, and d. Nov. 5, 1859. Family home North Ogden, Utah. Member Mormon Battalion; assisted bringing immigrants to Utah; one of the seven presidents of 78th quorum seven- ties. Farmer. Died April 27, 1889, North Ogden. GARNER, WILLIAM FRANKLIN (son of David Garner and Dolly Durfee). Born Dec. 12, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah 1851. Married Mary Ann Barker Feb. 9, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Barker and Polly Emeline Blodgett of North Ogden, pioneers 1850, Benjamin Brown company). She was born Dec. 24, 1853. Their children: Olive Alberta b. Oct. 9, 1871, m. Oscar J. Maddox; William Henry b. Nov. 30, 1873, m. Mary E. Tolman; James Albert b. Oct. 2, 1875, m. Sarah K. Hill; Mary Emeline b. Feb. 20, 1878, m. Joseph E. Ward; Ida Louisa b. April 9, 1884, m. George H. Jones; Florence I. b. Dec. 7, 1886, m. James R. Rawlings; Hazel A. b. Oct. 1, 1889. Family home North Ogden, Utah, and Clifton, Idaho. Seventy; bishop of Clifton ward 1886-97; president high priests' quorum; high councilman. Farmer. GARNER, JAMES ALBERT (son of William Franklin Gar- ner and Mary Ann Barker). Born Oct. 2, 1875, North Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah K. Hill Dec. 19, 1900, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John R. Hill and Margory Kerr, both of Wellsville. Utah, former coming to Utah 1852, latter 1861, Job Pingree company). She was born Oct. 1, 1882. GARNER, PHILIP (son of David Garner and Jane Stephens of Council Bluffs, Iowa). Born Oct. 11, 1808, in Rowan county, N. C. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith company. Married Mary Hedrlck, April 4, 1830, Rowan county, N. C. (daughter of Francis Hedrick and Elizabeth Howard of Rowan county, pioneers Oct. 25, 1849, with Captain Rock- wood in George A. Smith company). She was born Sept. 25, 1811. Their children: Sarah b. Jan. 18, 1832, m. Lester J. Herrick; Henry b. Feb. 13, 1833, m. Mary M. Browning; David b. Aug. 13, 1834, m. Eliza Coffin; Jane b. Aug. 3, 1836, m. David H. Browning; Frederick b. Oct. 13, 1837, m. Ann Horrocks; Martha b. Jan. 18, 1840, m. Benjamin C. Critchlow; Asael b. June 6, 1843, m. Georgia Everett; Roemma b. April 7, 1845, m. Joel Terry; Joseph b. Nov. 22, 1847, m. Mary Phil- lips; Philip b. May 6, 1850, m. Mary Gaisford; William F. b. June 3, 1852, m. Sarah A. Furniss; John A. b. Sept. 11, 1856, m. Charlotte Pincock. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member of the Mormon Battalion in Company B, under Capt. Jesse D. Hunter. He enlisted July 16, 1846. Was hurt on picket duty while en route to Santa Fe, N. M., by falling Into a deep ravine and breaking three ribs. Was returned to Pueblo and was afterward honorably released and returned home to Council Bluffs, Iowa. In the spring of 1849 himself and family journeyed in a wagon drawn by oxteam over the plains to Utah. Farmer. Died- Sept. 16, 1872. GARNER, HENRY (son of Philip Garner and Mary Hedrick). Born Feb. 13, 1833, near Vincennes, Ind. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith company. Married Mary Melvina Browning June 22, 1854, Ogrden, Utah (daughter of Jonathan Browning and Elizabeth' Stol- cup, who were married Nov. 9. 1826, Nashville, Tenn., pio- neers Sept. 16, 1852, Henry Miller company). She was born Jan. 15, 1840. Came to Utah with her parents. Their chil- dren: Henry James b. June 9, 1855, m. Eliza A. Ballantyne Jan. 31, 1884; Jonathan Browning b. Aug. 31, 1857; Mary Ann b. March 4, 1860, m. Hyrum S. Wood Nov. 12, 1879; Emma Elizabeth b. May 4, 1862; Frederick Swen b. Feb. 6, 1864, m. Margaret Ann Gibbons Jan. 10, 1884; Enoch Charles b. Feb. 9, 1866; Barbara Alice b. Nov. 30, 1867; Rufus Alma b. Oct. 18, 1869, m. Rosa Belle Porter Dec. 2, 1891; Sarah Ida b. Oct. 8, 1871; Rosa Rebecca b. Dec. 8, 1872, m. Francis Horspool; Frank Philip b. Aug. 25, 1874. m. Katie Pratt Nov. 25, 1899; Hyrum Elihu b. Nov. 6, 1876, m. Mary V. Bigler Nov. 18, 1904; Reuben Page b. Jan. 9. 1878; Alta Charlotte b. May 22, 1880. m. Junius Cook Oct. 25. 1905. High priest. Indian fighter; member of the Echo Canyon volunteers. GARNER, HENRY JAMES (son of Henry Garner and Mary M. Browning). Born June 9, 1855, in Ogden, Utah. Married Eliza A. Ballantyne Jan. 31, 1884 (daughter of Richard Ballantyne and Mary Pearce), who was born June 8, 1866, Eden, Utah. Their children: Richard H. b. Nov. 22, 1884; Ethel b. June 29, 1886, m. Ephraim W. Manning June 20, 1906; Mary Edna b. Aug. 8, 1888; lona b. Aug. 2, 1893, m. James Bingham Dec. 20, 1911; Rulon B. b. March 31, 1900; Lyda b. July 24, 1902; Harold b. March 4, 1906; Milton Eu- gene b. Oct. 21, 1907. Family resided Ogden and Plain City, Utah. Superintendent Plain City Sunday schools 1901-03; first counselor to Bishop George W. Bromwell 1903-06; bishop of Plain City ward 1906-10; high councilor in North Weber stake 1910. Merchant. GARNER, RUFUS ALMA (son of Henry Garner and Mary M. Browning). Born Oct. 18, 1869. in Ogden, Utah. Married Rosa Belle Porter Dec. 2, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of Charles A. Porter and Rachel L. Hall of Ogden). She was born Sept. 23, 1875. Their children: Vird Carlisle b. Sept. 22, 1897; Alma Edwin b. Aug. 29, 1901. Family home Ogden. Member high council Weber stake. Assistant postmaster at Ogden. Bookkeeper and salesman. GARNER, FREDERICK (son of Philip Garner and Mary Hedrick). Born Oct. 13, 1837, in Hancock county, 111. Married Ann Horrocks Jan. 1, 1862, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of Edward Horrocks and Alice Houghton of England, the former coming to Utah in October 1857, Albert Carring- ton company, the latter dying in England). She was born May 4, 1844. Their children: Annie Elizabeth b. April 2, 1863, m. James Henry Pincock; William Frederick b. Feb. 16, 1865, m. Minnie Black; Aaron George b. Feb. 17, 1867, d. Oct. 17, 1879; Samuel Edward b. May 1, 1869, d. Sept. 8, 1879; James Nathan b. Aug. 7, 1871, m. Sylvia Layne; Alice Mozell b. Oct. 7, 1873, m. James William Banford; Horace Eugene b. June 29, 1876, m. Isabell Scott Ure; Burk LeRpy b. Sept. 3, 1878, m. Annie Elizabeth Clark; Benjamin Franklin b. March 28, 1881, m. Mary Salena Carr; Alpha b. June 4, 1887. Family home Ogden. Second counselor to bishop of Ogden first ward 1878-89; home missionary 1889-95. School trustee; road supervisor; justice of peace. Brought first alfalfa seed into Utah in 1861. GARNER, JOHN A. (son of Philip Garner and Mary Hed- rick). Born Sept. 11, 1856, in Ogden, Utah. Married Charlotte Pincock Nov. 24, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Pincock and Isabella Douglass of Ogden, pioneers 1852, John Parker company). She was born Oct. 7, 1861. Their children: John Earl b. Aug. 4, 1882, m. Edith Morgan; Violate Pincock b. May 22, 1884; George Albert b. Oct. 29, 1886; Walter Mack b. Sept. 21, 1890; Ray Douglass b. Nov. 27, 1892; Florence May b. Aug. 3, 1897; Lucile b. Oct. 6, 1901; Mary Ethel b. Nov. 14, 1902; Heber Ross b. Feb. 9, 1905. Family home Rexburg, Idaho Missionary to California 1898-01; high priest; member high council 1902; counselor to Bishop Oliver C. Dally of Rexburg 1st ward 1907-12. GARNER, WILLIAM. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1862, Harmon Cutler company. Married Mary S. Holmes (Stowell) in 1852 (daughter of James Holmes and Millie Rossen of eastern New York, pio- neers 1862). She was born Sept. 15, 1797, and came to Utah in 1852 with her family. There were no children. Mary S. Holmes was the widow of Augustus Oliver Arte- mus Stowell. Their children: Sophia, m. William Parshall; William Rufus Rogers, m. Hannah Topham, m. Cynthia J. Park m Saphrona Kelly, m. Harriet Stowell; Minerva, m. Christopher Merkley; Laura, m. Nelson Baker; Matilda, m. Orin Packard; Augustus, m. Emma Hill; Alice and Juliette, m. William Howard Perry; Mary Alvira, d. child. Family home New York. High priest. Settled at Provo, and later moved to Cedar Valley, and farmed at Lynn. Died March 1872, Hooper, Utah. 886 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH GARRETT, JAMES (son of John Garrett of Quincy, 111.). B Married' Mary E. Wallace May 2, 1880. at Salt Lake City (daughter of George B. Wallace and Martha Davis), who was born June 10, 1858, at Salt Lake City. Their children: James H. b. Sept. 9. 1881. m. Sucy D. Wardrupt; George E. b Dec. 8. 1883, m. Martha J. Crookston; William A. b. Dec. 6. 1886, d. infant. Family home Salt Lake City. GARRICK, HAMILTON MORRISON (son of John Garrick and Esther Wheatford of Gallowayshlre, Scotland). Bor " Nov. 29, 1834, in Gallowayshire. Came to Utah Sept. l7. 1909. CLEAVE, JOHN (son of John Cleave, born March 6, 1795, Altringham, Eng., and Lucy Potts, born June 4, 1798, Stock- port, Eng.) Born March 2, 1822. at Stockport. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Lovelard company. GLINES, JAMES HARVEY (son of James Pearsons Glines, born Aug. 31, 1796, and Ruth Brown, born April 17, 1802, both at Franklin, Merrimack county, N. H.). Born April 17, 1822, Franklin. Came to Utah July 28, 1847, with a sec- tion of the Mormon battalion. Married Elizabeth Ann Mayer Oct. 20, 1845. Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of George Mayer and Ann Yost, both of Bucyrus, Crawford Co., Ohio pioneers 1848, Heber C. Kimball com- pany), who was born Feb. 4, 1831, and died Nov. 3. 1876, in Salt Lake City. Their children: James Erastus b. Oct. 27, 1847, d. child; George Albert b. March 17, 1850, m. Mary Johannah Lundqulst; Elizabeth Ann b. March 13, 1852, m. Frank Beers; Charles Harvey b. May 18. 1854, m. Melvie Amanda Bassett; Mary Jane b. May 6, 1856, m. Edison King; Annie Mariah b. May 11. 1858, m. James Hacking; John Franklin b. March 13, 1860, m. Mary McKowen; William Henry b. July 24, 1862, m. Adaline Workman; Emma Mayer b. April 8, 1865, died; Sarah Helen b. May 23, 1866, m. Peter Hansen; Andrew Lawrence b. Oct. 17, 1868. m. Mary Thorn- ton; Alvin Clair b. May 6, 1870, d. Aug. 3, 1870; Alice Clara b. May 6, 1870, d. July 30, 1870; Moses b. Aug. 16, 1871, d. Aug. 16. 1871; Aaron b. Aug. 16. 1871, d. Aug. 16, 1871; Warren Carl b. Feb. 13, 1873, d. Aug. 16. 1890. President 32d quorum seventies; high priest; missionary to eastern states from Aug. 12, 1899, to Oct. 28, 1899. Ser- geant-major under Col. James D. Allen in Mormon battalion. Settled in Cedar Valley 1853, where he served as ward and tithing clerk and president teachers' quorum. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. President Cedar Fort Irriga- tion company 1879; justice of peace 1880; moved to Ashley Valley 1883, where he reorganized the Ashley Central Irri- gation Company 1884; president Upper Canal Company; pro- bate judge two terms; bishop of Glines ward 1884; justice of peace 1891. Died Aug. 31, 1906, Vernal, Utah. GLINES, CHARLES HARVEY (son of James Harvey Glines and Elizabeth Ann Mayer). Born May 18, 1854, Cedar Fort, Utah. Married Melvie Amanda Bassett Dec. 19, 1875, Cedar Fort (daughter of Charles Henry Bassett and Mary Elizabeth Knight, of Salt Lake City pioneers 1852), who was born July 28, 1856. Their children: Charles Herbert b. Sept. 14, 1876, m. Martha Gallaway; Roscoe Bassett b. June 12, 1878, m. Martha Jeanette Dingman; Reginald Harvey b. Sept. 18, 1880, m. Martha Yriselda Fraughton; Leah Melvie b. Aug. 22, 1883, m. Miles Melvin Scofleld; William Ernest b. July 22, 1885, m. Ada Lathona McGuire; Junius Philip b. Sept. 30, 1887, died Jan. 2, 1891; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 1889, died Dec. 6. 1891; Diantha Merle b. Aug. 26, 1893; Henry Glines b. Nov. 19, 1895, died Nov. 19, 1895; Lois Knight b. Oct. 9, 1897; Byron Clawson b. Aug. 13, 1901. High priest; president elders' quorum ten years; superin- tendent Mill ward Sunday school eight years; ward teacher 28 years. Settled at Cedar Fort; moved to Tooele City 1876. returned to Cedar Fort 1877; from there went to Ver- nal In 1910. Justice of peace 1909-10. Farmer and breeder of thoroughbred horses. GLOVER, WILLIAM (son of William Glover and Catherine Amer of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland). Born March 31, 1813, at Kilmarnock. Came to Utah 1849, Samuel Brannan company. Married Jane Cowen 1832 at Pottsvllle, Pa. (daughter of John Cowen and Jane Mitchell of Pottsville, pioneers 1! Samuel Brennan company, via California), who was born Dec. 9, 1816, in Lanorkshire. Scotland. Their children: Wil- liam; Jacob; John; David; Ann; Jane. m. Barnett Rigby; Catherine, m. William Rigby; Joseph Smith, m. Ellen Mariah PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 891 Rice: William, m. Sarah J. Dapp; Mary Ann. m. Joseph Hancock; Abraham; Marian, m. Henry Dapp; Sarah, m. Elijah Fuller. Married Zelnora Snow 1851, In Salt Lake City. She came to Utah 1849. Their children: Asinath b. 1862, m. Melvin Potter; Andrew; Brigham, m. Lucy ( ); Prince Alma; Nora Eliza, m. George Smith. Married Margaret Loteed 1856, in Salt Lake City. She was born in Scotland and came to Utah 1855. Their children: Ellen; Seth, m. Elizabeth Smith; James, m. Catherine Barber; Margrett Jane, m. William Jenkins; David, m. Sarah Barber; George, m. Margret ( -). Member of seventy; missionary to England 1852-55. Farmer. Died August, 1892, at Farmington, Utah. GLOVER, JOSEPH SMITH (son of William Glover and Jane Cowen). Born Sept. 13, 1846, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1849. Married Ellen Mariah Rice Dec. 26, 1869, in Salt Lake City (daughter of William R. Rice and Lucy Witter Gees of Farmington, Utah, pioneers Sept. 13, 1847, Bishop Hunter company), who was born Sept. 13, 1846. Their children: Joseph Hyrum b. April 16, 1869. m. Edith Van Orden; Jane b. Nov. 25, ( ), m. William E. Davis; Ellen b. July 28, 1874, m. William Wheeler Thompson; Catherine, m. William V. Hodges; Delila Adeline b. Jan. 20, 1879; Caroline b. May 2. 1881, m. Clarence O. Cherry; Sarah M. b. April 25, 1885, m. Shem G. Purnelle; Orvill W. b. May, 1890, m. Eve Hutchinson; Lewella Marian b. Oct. 10. 1892. GLOVER, JOSEPH HTRUM (son of Joseph Smith Glover and Ellen Mariah Rice). Born April 15, 1869, at Farmington, Utah. Married Edith Van Orden Feb. 19, 1891, in Idaho (daugh- fter of Everett Clark Van Orden and Elizabeth Harris of Lewiston, Idaho), who was born Dec. 4, 1870. Their chil- dren: Edith Lourena b. Jan. 11, 1893, m. J. E. Martindale; Alta May b. Nov. 12, 1894; Joseph Everett b. Sept. 6, 1896; Esther Leroy b. Aug. 26, 1898; Leland Smith b. Aug. 22, 1900; Raymond b. June 7. 1902; Hyrum b. Dec. 21. 1903; Arvid F. b. Feb. 3. 1905; Clement b. Dec. 11, 1906; Audessa L. b. July 25. 1908; Eva E. b. Aug. 24, 1911. Family home Marys- ville, Fremont Co., Idaho. Member 113th quorum seventies; missionary In Fremont stake; ward teacher. Constable and justice of peace, Marya- ville, Idaho. Farmer. GLOVER, WILLIAM F. (son of William Glover). Born at San Francisco, Cal. Came to Utah in early days. Married Sarah Jane Barnes (daughter of Sarah Barnes). Their children: William Henry b. April 14, 1870, m. Nettie May Rosenbaum; Alice Asenth, m. Harmon Wiser; Marlon Armeda, m. James Hodges; Andrew; Ada, m. Julius Allen; Stella, m. Ephraim Blair; Carl, m. Luella Pope; Burt; Chester, m. Elva Wheeler. Soldier; farmer; stockraiser. GLOVER. WILLIAM HENRY (son of William F. Glover and Sarah Jane Barnes). Born April 14, 1870, Brigham City. Married Nettle May Rosenbaum at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Morris David Rosenbaum and Abigail Snow). Their children; William Lamont b. Feb. 14, 1897; Alice Maude b. Oct. 16, 1900; Wynn Eddy b. March 9, 1904; Morris Wayne b. Aug. 23. 1909; Afton b. April 24, 1911. Family home, Brigham City. City councilman 1906-10. Liveryman; farmer and Btock- ralser. GOASLIND, JOHN (son of John Goaslind, born 1788, Flemon, Ky., and Hannah Cornog, born 1789, Kentucky married 1813). Born Jan. 26, 1818, Augusta, Bracken county, Ky. Came to Utah 1854, Texas company. Married Matilda White Jan. 24, 1838, who was born 1813. Their children: Amanda b. 1838. d. infant: Levl b. 1840; John b. 1842. m. Mary J. Alder 1867; Edmond b. 1844; Willis b. 1846, died; Jacob b. 1848, died; Joseph b. 1850. Family home Houston, Texas. Married Susan Allen July 4, 1858, Provo, Utah (daughter of Andrew Lee Allen and Clarinda Knapp, married 1825, Burton, N. Y., pioneers 1852, John Higby company). She was born Dec. 31, 1837, Klrtland, Ohio. Their children: Lydla Susannah b. April 22, 1859, m. Ernest A. Purnell Jan. 1, 1877; Charles David b. Nov. 18, 1860. m. Clara C. Parkinson March 25. 1885; Clarinda Hannah b. March 21, 1862, m. Ellas S. Larsen Jan. 4, 1883; Mary Eugene b. Jan. 27, 1865, m. Thomas E. Tlttansor April 10. 1882; George Knapp b. April 27, 1867, d. Dec. 1, 1883; Francis Zina b. Jan. 27, 1870, m. William Stockdale Feb. 22, 1888; James Orln b. Feb. 17, 1872, d. Dec. 26, 1883; Julia Sophronia b. Feb. 6, 1875, m. Heber Hanson Sept. 28, 1898, d. Feb. 10, 1910; Eliza R. b. Dec. 7, 1877. d. child. Family resided in Franklin, Idaho, and Coalville, Utah. Assisted in building a gristmill at Provo. 1858, and at West Weber 1859. In 1860 he built a sawmill at Richmond and In 1862. the first sawmill at Franklin, Idaho. In 1864 he built the first gristmill at Logan and in 1865 the first gristmill at Franklin. Aided In bringing immigrants to Utah 1866-67. Operated the first threshing machine at Franklin, Idaho. School trustee at Franklin 1870-75; or- ganized Coalville school and was Its trustee 1876-77. Organ-, ized first Sunday school at Coalville 1877. High priest. Died June 6, 1878. GOASLIND, CHARLES D. (son of John Goaslind and Susan Allen). Born Nov. 18, 1860, Richmond, Utah. Married Clara Janat C. Parkinson March 25, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Samuel R. Parkinson and Arabella Ann Chandler, .pioneers 1854, Capt. Field company). She was born April 18, 1865, d. Jan. 20, 1897. Only child: Charles Earl b. April 28, 1889. Married Caroline Matilda C. Parkinson Feb. 23, 1898, Logan, Utah (daughter of Samuel R. Parkinson and Arabella Ann Chandler). She was born Nov. 10, 1866. Their chil- dren: Clara P. b. June 25, 1899; Caroline P. b. Jan. 14, 1902; lone P. b. Dec. 12, 1904; George David P. b. Sept. 9. 1908. Family resided in Franklin and Preston, Idaho. School trustee at Franklin, Idaho, 1884; missionary to Great Britain 1885-87: Oneida stake clerk 1889-1907, and stake tithing clerk 1896-1907; Oneida stake high counselor 1900-07; second counselor to Pres. George C. Parkinson 1907- 10. State insurance commissioner and ex-offlclo state exam- iner of Idaho, two terms. GOATBS, WILLIAM (son of James Goates and Ann Dockery of Wimpole, Cambridgeshire, Eng.). Born May 11, 1817, Wimpole. Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, A. O. Smoot company. Married Susan Larkln at Cambridgeshire, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Larkln and Ann Raynor of Chesterton, Cam- bridgeshire, Eng., pioneers Sept. 3, 1852, A. O. Smoot com- pany), who was born Aug. 1, 1821. Their children: Mary Ann, d. child; Sarah, m. Bishop C. Earl; Martha, m. John William Wing; Joseph W. m. Malissa Losee; James Thomas, m. Mary Losee; John, d. child; William, m. Elizabeth Annie Munns; George Hyrum, m. Louisa Munns. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Rebecca Pilgrim 1868, Lehl, Utah (daughter of Samuel Pilgrim and Elizabeth Cootes of Cambridgeshire, Eng.). She was born Jan. 1, 1826, Cambridge, Eng. Came to Utah, 1856, Capt. Willie handcart company; d. April 18, 1909. Family resided at Lehl. President elders quorum of Utah county; first counselor to Bishop David Evans of Lehi ward; president high priests quorum Utah stake. Gardener and farmer. Died Oct. 23, 1896, Lehi, Utah. GOATES, WILLIAM (son of William Goates and Susan Larkln). Born Jan. 1, 1861, Lehi, Utah. Married Elizabeth Annie Munns May 1, 1884, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Munns and Elizabeth Collis of Orwell, Cambridgeshire, Eng.), who came to Utah Nov. 7, 1877). She was born July 7, 1865. Their children: Agnes Viola b. March 22, 1886. m. Horace Denton Wofflnden; Adela b. April 17, 1887, m. Robert S. Fox; Leo Walman b. Aug. 20, 1889; William Rayner b. Nov. 1, 1891; Elsie b. June 3, 1894, d. infant; Essie Lerene b. Sept. 6, 1896. Family home Lehi, Utah. Elder. Member Lehl Silver band 1887-96. Carpenter and farmer. Died April 16, 1896, Lehl, Utah. GOATES, LEO WALMAN (son of William Goates and Elizabeth Annie Munns). Born Aug. 20, 1889, Lehi, Utah. Elder; missionary to Germany 1908-10; president Austrian conference in 1910; member Sunday school superlntendency of Lehi, 1910. Member Lehl Silver band. Sugar boiler at Lehl and Austin, Utah. GOOBTC, WILLIAM SAMUEL (son of John Godbe and Sarah LaRevere of London, Eng.). Born June 26, 1833, London, Eng. Came to Utah 1851, independent company. Married Mary Hampton (daughter of Benjamin Hampton and Patience Skull of Philadelphia, Pa., pioneers 1856). She was born Aug. 12, 1838, at Philadelphia, Pa. Their children: Millicent, m. Charles Peter Brooks; Anthony Hampton, m. Ruby Clawson; Miriam, m. Charles Peter Brooks; Ernest Lacy, m. Sally Wertheimer; Murray Charles, m. Alta Young; Elva Bertoch, m. Patrick Sheahan. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. GODBE, ANTHONY HAMPTON (son of William Samuel Godbe and Mary Hampton). Born Nov. 22, 1862, Salt Lake City. Married Ruby Clawson Sept. 16, 1898, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hyrum B. Clawson and Ellen Curtis Spencer of Salt Lake City). She was born March 15, 1876. Their chil- dren: Virginia b. Dec. 13, 1899; Margaret b. June 18, 1901; Hampton b. May 21, 1906. One of organizers and developers of Ohio-Kentucky Mine and the Prince Consolidated M. & S. Co. Assayer; chemist; superintendent of mines; mine mill builder. Family home Salt Lake City. GODBE, ERNEST LACY (son of William Samuel Godbe and Mary Hampton). Born Sept. 13, 1867, Salt Lake City. Married Sallie Wertheimer Jan. 21, 1888, Salt Lake City (daughter of Leopold and Henrietta Wertheimer of San Francisco; latter came to California 1849). She was born Oct. 23, 1866. Their children: Viola, m. E. E. Work; Millie; Bertha; Marian; Benjamin, died; liillie; Lillian; Jack; Ernest. One of the promoters of the Prince Consolidated Mining Co. and the Ohio-Kentucky Mining Co. Mining man; metal- lurgist. Family resides Salt Lake City. 892 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH GODBE. MURRAY CHARLES (son of William Samuel Godbe and Mary Hampton). Born Sept. 20, 1870, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Alta Young March 17, 1892 (daughter of Heber Young and Vllate Clayton of Salt Lake City). She was born Sept. 7, 1871. Their children: Ruth b. Jan. 14, 1893; Mary b. Sept. 28, 1895; Helen b. July 12. 1898; Murray b. June 23. 1901. Family home Salt Lake City. Electrical engineer; mine operator. GODDARD, GEORGE (son of Cornelius Goddard b. Dec. 28, 1783, at Leicester, Eng., and Mary Grace b. Jan. 27, 1780, at Leicester). Born Dec. 6, 1815, at Leicester. Came to Utah Sept. IB, 1852, Captain Tidwell company. Married Elizabeth Harrison Sept. 10, 1839 (daughter of John Harrison and Elizabeth Pipes. Came to Utah with son- in-law), who was born March 17, 1817. Their children: George b. Sept. 28, 1840; Eliza b. Oct. 20, 1841; Joseph b. April 6, 1843; Mary b. Nov. 22, 1844; Annie b. April 2, 1846; Betsey b. March 14, 1847; Henry b. Jan. 10, 1849; Cornelius b. June 7, 1850; Edward b. Nov. 1851; John b. July 23, 1853; Almah b. April 22. 1855; Hyrum H. b. Jan. 3, 1857; Brigham H. b. Sept. 28. 1859. Missionary to Canada; superintendent 13th ward S. S. 1867- 1876; stake superintendent of Salt Lake stake Sunday school 1877-1882; assistant general superintendent of Sunday schools 1872-1898; clerk to presiding bishop 1856-1883; of general conference 1874-1884 and of school of prophets; ward teacher; member of Tabernacle choir, and Old Folks committee. GODDARD, HYRUM HARRISON (son of George Goddard and Elizabeth Harrison). Born Jan. 3, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Martha Williams April 11, 1898, at Salt Lake City (daughter of David Williams and Sarah Lockwood), who was born in March, 1857, in Wales. Their children: Geo W. b. Sept. 22, 1879, m. Bertha Lessinger; Hyrum W. b. Feb. IB, 1882, d. Jan. 10, 1891; Frederick W. b. Oct. 14, 1884, d. Jan. 6, 1891; Albert W. b. Sept. 28, 1896, m. Melvina Omet Oct. 24, 1910; Clara W. b. Oct. 26, 1889, m. Alonzo A. Browning, Oct. 26. 1910; Irma W. b. Nov. 10, 1893; David W. b. April 11, 1896. Family resided Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Married Elizabeth M. Stanford March 11, 1886, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Jos Stanford and Elizabeth Young), who was born Oct. 31, 1863, at Logan. Their children: Ivy S. b. Jan. 29, 1888, m. Samuel F. Whittaker Sept. 25, 1907; Eliza- beth S. b. July 1, 1893; Raymond S. b. May 26, 1895; Laura S. b. Feb. 24. 1897: Myrtle S. b. May 14, 1899; Joseph S. b. Feb. 14, 1901; Hyrum S. b. Jan. 27, 1903; Ruth S. b. Dec. 18, 190B. Secretary first Y. M. M. I. A.; member seventies. Sewing machine business 1880-1889; railroad contractor. GODDARD, GEORGE W. (son of Hyrum H. Goddard and Martha Williams). Born Sept. 22, 1879. Married Bertha Lessinger' (daughter of Mark Lessinger). Only child: George W. GODDARD, BRIGHAM HARRISON (son of George Goddard and Elizabeth Harrison). Married Helena Lucretia Kelly Sept. 28, 1880, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John B. Kelly and Helena Quirk, both of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1853). She was born May 7, 1861. Their children: Brigham Kelly b. July 4, 1881, d. April 15, 1891; Leo Kelly b. March 29, 1883, d. April 6. 1891; Edna Kelly b. Sept. 28, 1885; Francis Kelly b. June 12, 1888; Azalia Kelly b. May 2, 1890; Ella Kelly b. Aug. 24, 1893; Helen b. Jan. 24, 1896; John b. Oct. 30, 1897, d. Nov. 13, 1897; George b. Oct. 30, 1897; Lucretia b. April 5. 1901. Family home, Ogden and Salt Lake City. Member Weber stake Sunday school board; superintendent 3d ward Sunday school, Ogden; high priest; 2d counselor to Bishop D. H. Ensign of Ogden 1st ward 1907-09; superin- tendent Weber stake Sunday schools. Deputy assessor of Cache county 1879; member board of education which started the first free school system at Ogden 1888. In 1882 formed copartnership with Heber J. Grant in the insurance business; one of the original incorporators of Heber J. Grant & Co. GODDARD, HENRY (son of Enoch Goddard and Charlotte Mayfleld of Nottingham, Eng.). Born Feb. 16, 1821, Notting- ham. Came to Utah October, 1855, Captain Harper company. Married Hannah Astill Dec. 11, 1847, Nottingham, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Astill and Harriet Wild of Nottingham). She was born June 20, 1823. Their children: Joseph b. Jan. 28, 1853. died; Hannah Charlotte b. Dec. 11, 1856, m. Thomas Leonard; Henry J. W. b. Nov. 20, 1858, m. Betsy A. Kay; Enoch Samuel b. June 27, 1861, m. Annie Cox. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died April 9, 1901, Provo. GODDARD, HENRY J. W. (son of Henry Goddard and Han- nah Astill). Born Nov. 20, 1858, Provo, Utah. Married Betsy Ann Kay Dec. 17, 1886, Payson, Utah (daughter of John Kay and Esther Howorth of Darwin, Lancashire, Eng.. came to Utah July 16. 1890). She was born Feb. 14. 1863. Their children: Ernest Henry b. Sept. 18. 1887; Ester Janette b. July 15. 1889; John William b. Nov. 12, 1891: Elvin Kay b. March 9, 1898; Hugh Kay b. March 12, 1901; Estella Jane b. Oct. 14, 1904. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. Commissioner Provo City. Farmer. GODFREY, JOSEPH (son of William Godfrey and Margaret Bauer). Born March 1, 1800, Bristol, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1852, David Wood company. Married Eliza Rheeves 1840, New Jersey. There were five children. Two, a son and a daughter, died at Winter quar- ters, and were the first to be laid away in the graveyard at that place. She died Jan. 7, 1857. Married Mary Rheeves Coleman, who was the widow of George Coleman, who died while in California with the Mor- mon battalion, and mother of Moroni Coleman. Married Sarah Ann Price. Followed the sea for 19 years, and served English army in Canada. Worked for Joseph Smith, at Nauvoo. Settled at North Ogden, Utah, 1852. Member 38th quorum seventies; counselor to Bishop Thomas Dunn. Died Dec. 16, 1880. GODFREY, RICHARD (son of Thomas Godfrey, born Jan. 30, 1798, and Elizabeth Ainge, born March 18, 1798, both of Worcestershire, Hanbury, Eng.). He was born March 11, 1835, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie company. Married Jane Jelley 1868 (daughter of William Jelley and Comfort Allibone, married at Irchester, Eng.; the former died May 16, 1854, in Kansas, the latter came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson company). She was born Oct. 8, 1841. Their children: William R. b. Sept. 21, 1864, m. Sophia Peterson 1883; Thomas H. b. May 23, 1866, m. Roselinda Loosle; John Edward b. June 21, 1868, m. Rosa Grover; Joseph A. b. April B, 1873, m. Julia M. Myler Nov. 2, 1891; George A. b. Jan. 14, 1882, d. Feb. 22, 1882; Franklin M. b. March 16, 1883, d. March 11, 1884; Comfort E. b. Jan. 13. 1861, m. William S. Flinders; Maria J. b. Sept. 17, 1862, m. M. W. Nish; Mary E. b. March 30, 1871, d. March 16. 1876; Sarah E. b. Aug. 24, 1876; Agnes M. b. Dec. 22, 1878. m. Joseph M. Larson June 28, 1899. Family resided Salt Lake City, Riverdale and Clarkston, Utah. Married Mary Ann George February, 1865, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Spencer George and Ann Allibone), who was born Sept. 17, 1837, Irchester, Eng. Their children: Spencer G. b. June 13, 1868, m. Christena Hansen 1901; Annie E. b. March 30, 1869, d. Oct. 23, 1873. Worked on construction of Salt Lake temple and taber- nacle. Served in Lett Smith company during Echo Canyon campaign. Pioneer of Clarkston, Cache county, and clerk of Clarkston ward. GODFREY, WILLIAM R. (son of Richard Godfrey and Jane Jelley). Born Sept. 21, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Sophia Peterson January, 1883, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans and Margaret Peterson, who died in Denmark). She was born Jan. 2, 1865. Their only child: Martha L. b. Oct. 26, 1883, d. Feb. 24, 1884. Family home Clarkston, Utah. Married Sarah Amelia Avery (daughter of John Avery and Josephine Roberts, who were married May 26, 1866, Kanosh, Utah, the former pioneer 1849, Capt. Allred company). She was born April 13, 1871. Kanosh. Their children: Eva Amelia b. Jan. 1, 1890, d. Jan. 1, 1890; Elva Adelia b. Feb. 11, 1891, m. Harford Baxter March 4, 1907; Clara Josephine b. March 27, 1893. m. Bert Potter Aug. 17, 1910; Clarence William b. June 10, 1895; John Virl b. July 3, 1897; Cora Jane b. Nov. 13, 1899; Enid Dorthella b. April 10, 1902; Elma Ethlyn b. Oct. 29. 1906. Family home Dempsey, Idaho. Married Drusilla Bell March 8. 1910. Dempsey, Idaho (daughter of William Bell and Esther Jane Booth, who were married Dec. 17, 1857, at Salt Lake City, the former pioneer 1850, Capt. Sharp company, the latter 1851, Capt. Davis com- pany). She was born Nov. 7, 1873, Franklin, Idaho. GOFP, ISAAC (son of Abraham Goff, born 1768. and Alice Lester, both of Longwhatton, Leicestershire, Eng.). Born July 1, 1812, in Longwhatton. Came to Utah 1863, Rosel Hyde company. Married Mary Naylor 1833 (daughter of Samuel Naylor and Ann Smith both died in England). She was born Dec. 9, 1815, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: William b. Oct. 16, 1833, m. Emma North; Thomas b. Aug. 12. 1836, m. Harriet Smith; Tamer b. July 25, 1838; Emma b. Sept. 6, 1840, m. Levl Naylor Oct. 6, 1862; Sarah b. April 17, 1842, m. John C. Stevenson October, 1862; Isaac Jr. b. May 21, 1844, m. Ann Sisam March 9. 1867; Henry; Alice; Hyrum b. July 29, 1849, m. Maria T. Arnold Jan. 2, 1871; Jedediah b. July B. 1857, m. Semira M. Grange March 2, 1880. GOFF, ISAAC, JR., (son of Isaac Goff and Mary Naylor). Born May 21, 1844, Longwhatton, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah 1862, William S. Godbey company. Married Ann Sisam March 9, 1867. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Sisam and Catherine Payne, pioneers August, 1868, James Halght company). She was born Oct. 11, 1847. Worcestershire, Eng. Their children: Rebecca b. Dec. 4, 1867, m. Alberto Bateman 1888; I. Frank b. Dec. 30, 1869, m. Almina Bateman Feb. 22, 1893; Joseph H. W. b. Nov. 25. 1872, m. Naomi Lawrence April 9, 1897; Mary Ann b. Feb. 6, 1878, d. March 13, 1891. Family home East Jordan. Utah. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah 1866. Died July 24, 1908. GOFF, I. FRANK (son of Isaac Goff. Jr., and Ann Sisam). Born Dec. 30, 1869, at West Jordan, Utah. Married Almina Bateman Feb. 22. 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter of William L. Bateman and Sophronia Watkins, who were married Dec. 26, 1870, Salt Lake City; former PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 893 came to Utah I860, Farrymore and Little freight train, latter September, 1862, William Craighead company). She was born April 1, 1873, West Jordan, Utah. Their children: Frank Deverne b. Sept. 11, 1897; Merle b. Sept. 25, 1899; Glen Doral b. Feb. 27, 1902; Wesley Darwin b. Sept. 16, 1904; Zelda b. Aug. 26, 1906; Stanley Delmont b. April 23, 1909; Verlie b. Feb. 7, 1911. Family home Sandy, Utah. President first quorum deacons at West Jordan; secretary of T. M. M. I. A. 1887-90; missionary to Society Islands 1893- 96. Justice of peace of seventh precinct, Salt Lake county, 1910. Farmer and stockraiser. GOFF, HTRUM (son of Isaac Goff and Mary Naylor). Born July 29, 1849, Longwhatton, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan company. Married Maria T. Arnold Jan. 2, 1871 (daughter of Josiah Arnold and Clarissa L. Jones married July, 1854, Salt Lake City, pioneers 1848, Brigrham Young company). She was born May 1, 1855. Their children: Cora M. b. Nov. 27, 1871; Hyrum H. b. July 29. 1873; Hyrum L. b. July 23, 1875; Clifford I. b. July 27, 1877, m. Sablna J. Larson Sept. 2, 1903; George A. b. Nov. 28, 1879, m. Josephine Morris May 24, 1905; Ellen A. b. March 2, 1882, m. Nels H. Hallstrom Aug. 12, 1903; Harold b. June 13, 1884, m. Lulu Ormsby Aug. 16, 1911; Alma A. b. Aug. 4, 1886; Irene L. b. Dec. 25, 1888; Melissa L. b. Oct. 26, 1890; Clarissa L. b. Feb. 23, 1893; Alicia M. b. June 12, 1895. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Married Marinda P. Bateman Oct. 24, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Bateman and Marinda Allen married Nov. 27, 1854; former came to Utah 1850, with merchandise train, latter 1853, Daniel Miller company). She was born Sept. 29, 1861, West Jordan, Utah. Their children: Clara M. b. April 12, 1880, m. Walter R. Wilson Aug. 28, 1891; Samuel H. b. Oct. 12, 1882, m. Irene Maginness June 17, 1903; Edna Ray b. Jan. 14, 1884, m. Schuyler Call Oct. 12, 1904; Edith May b. Jan. 14, 1884, m. David Bennion June 19, 1907; Dora A. b. Dec. 8, 1885. m. Joseph S. Bennion March 26, 1908; Edgar A. b. Feb. 5, 1888; Mary b. March 13, 1892, m. James Nielsen March 13, 1913; Wilford J. b. Feb. 8, 1896; Harvey L b. Dec. 18, 1901. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Member of presidency of 33d quorum seventies 1887-91; first counselor to bishop of West Jordan ward 1891-96; bishop of East Jordan ward 1895-1900; first counselor to Pres. O. P. Miller of Jordan stake 1900-01; president Jordan stake 1901. First mayor of Midvale, 1909. Merchant. GOFF, THOMAS (son of Abraham Goff and Alice Lester of Long Whatton, Leicestershire, Eng.). Came to Utah 1863, Itosel Hyde company. Married Harriett . Their children: Heber, m. Ellen Ellwood; Mary, m. Hyrum Lancaster; Ruth, m. John Lloyd; Naomi, m. William Hardcastle; Joseph, m. Phoebe Ann Hard- castle; Tamer, m. Barnard Anderson; Harriett, m. Benjamin Ainsworth; Jane, m. Walter Dumas; Isaac; two others who died infants. GOFF, HEBER (son of Thomas and Harriett Goff). Born 1854. Came to Utah with father. Married Ellen Ellwood 1874, Endowment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Ellwood), who was born November 22, . Their children: Heber Robert b. Dec. 12, 1875, m. Mary Josephine Neilsen; Elizabeth Ellen b. 1877, m. George Downing; Joseph Hyrum, m. Selma Erlckson; Dora Ann, m. George Hansen; William Henry; George Ellwood; Edith Ann, m. William Olesen; Alma, d. child. Seventy; assistant superintendent Sunday school, Sandy ward. Sandy, Utah. Located In Sandy, where he engaged In farming. GOFF. HEBER ROBERT (son of Heber Goff and Ellen Ell- wood). Born Dec. 12, 1875, Sandy, Utah. Married Mary Josephine Neilsen Jan. 14, 1903, Salt Lake temple (daughter of Jens Christian Neilsen and Ann Maria Christensen of Duchesne (Theodore), Wasatch Co., Utah, cam* to Utah about 1883). She was born Aug. 30, 1885. Their children: Heber Lawrence b. June 12, 1904; Arvil Robert b. June 24, 1908; Laverne Marie b. Jan. 23. 1911. Elder. Moved to Theodore, Wasatch Co., Utah, from Sandy, August, 1907, as a pioneer, and located a homestead there. Has assisted In building about 200 miles of water ditches and has built wagon roads, bridges, homes and many public Improvements. Farmer. COLDER, r.HF.Il. Came to Utah 1867, Captain Babbit com- pany. Married Viola Shippee. Their children: Richard James, m. Mary Lee; Zaben Henry, m. Cora Grube; Lorena Arminda, m. Charles Pickle; Albert Ishmael, m. Rachel Hill; Lois May, m. George Bertsch. COLDER, ALBERT ISHMAEL (son of Eber Colder and Viola Shippee). Born June 15, 1870, in Iowa. Married Rachel Hill Sept. 26, 1892, at Salem, Idaho (daugh- ter of William Hill and Mary A. Williamson of England). She was born Sept. 22, 1872. Their children: Lauretta b. July 2, 1893, m. Parley Evans; Elva b. Feb. 17, 1897; Albert b. March 6, 1899; William b. Nov. 6, 1901; Ralph b. Sept. 3, 1903; Dora b. Dec. 14. 1905; Gladys b. March 7, 1910. Family home Rexburg, Idaho. GOLIGHTLY, RICHARD. Born In Northumberland, Eng. Married Elizabeth Jessop (daughter of Edward Jessop and Frances Milward of Salt Lake City, Eighth ward). Their child: J. J., m. Millicent Williams. Family home, Salt Lake City. Baker. GOLIGHTLY, J. J. (son of Richard Golightly and Elizabeth Jessop). Married Millicent Williams. Their children: Joseph W. b. 1879, m. Mabel Chatterton; Florence; Osburn. GOLIGHTLY, JOSEPH W. (son of J. J. Golightly and Mini- cent Williams). Born 1879, Preston, Idaho. Married Mabel Chatterton Feb. 18, 1902, Logan, Utah (daughter of Wilford Chatterton and Nellie E. Card, of Preston). She was born 1882. Their children: Joseph E. b. 1903; Virginia b. 1906; Card b. 1908; LaRue b. 1911. Family home Preston, Idaho. Elder; missionary to southern states 1905-06; president Florida Conference one year; councilor in Sunday school stake board two years. Manager Studebaker Bros. Co. GOODAL.E, I. N. Born Feb. 6, 1815, Berkshire, Tioga county, N. Y. Came to Utah September, 1847. Married Maria L. Bingham January, 1849, Salt Lake City. Family home Ogden, Utah. Was the oldest member of the high council of Weber stake; bishop's counselor. Settled in Iron county. Mission- ary to Canada 1841. Superintended construction of road through Ogden canyon to Bear Lake; also Ogden Bench canal. City councilman of Ogden 15 years; school trustee 20 years. GOODHITE, JUSTIN A. Born 1841 in Ohio. Came to .Utah 1885. Resided in Salt Lake City, where he died July 23, 1908. GOODRICH, BENJAMIN (son of Joseph Oliver Goodrich and Elizabeth Hastings of Lunenburg Mass.). Born Oct. 3, 1794, at Lunenburg. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Wood- ruff company. Married Penelope Randall Gardner April 1, 1823, in Massa- chusetts (daughter of Abel Gardner, born Feb. 12, 17G3, at Hingham, and Lousanna Bryant born August, 1767, Plym- outh, Mass.). She was born Dec. 27, 1793, at Hopkinton, Mass. Their children: Mary Jane, m. William Flint; Sophia Lois, m. Leonard Hardy; Harriett Ann, m. Leonard Hardy; Lenard Burridge, died; Sarah Louisa, m. Joseph Hovey; Lou- sanna Emeline, m. Joseph Hovey; Estes Smylmda, m. Leon- ard Hardy; George Albert, m. Eliza Taggart, m. Harriett Taggart, m. Rhoda Slade. Family home, Salt Lake City. Farmer. Died Dec. 1, 1859. GOODRICH, GEORGE ALBERT (son of Benjamin Franklin Goodrich and Penelope Randall Gardner). Born March 3, 1839, Lunenburg, Mass. Came to Utah 1860. Married Eliza Ann Taggart in 1863, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of George W. Taggart and Harriet Atkins Bruce of Nau- voo, 111.), who was born Jan. 28, 1844. Their children: George Leonard, m. Marion Remington; Eliza C., m. John E. Carlyle; Mary Augusta, m. William H. Goegan; Louis Henry, m. Josephine Merrill; Harriett Penelope, m. Adelbert Collett; Charles and Esther, died; Rhoda. m. Marion Rob- erts; Abbie Viola, m. Burt Henry; Leslie Bruce, m. Elvina Hancock; Byron, m. Violet Starkey. Married Harriet Taggart May 6, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Washington Taggart and Fannie Parks of Morgan county, Utah,- pioneers October 1852). She was born Sept. 2, 1848. Their children: Benjamin Franklin, and Fannie Sophia, died; Albert Gardner, m. Lydia Merrill; Rachael Maria, m. George A. Slaugh; William Burrage, Julia Louisa, Hyrum Parks, and Wallace, all died; Parley Herbert, m. Viva Hunting; Vilate, m. Julius Jensen; Leona, m. Elmer Man waring; Lucy. Married Rhoda Slade at Salt Lake City. Their children: Marion, died; Leroy, m. Sarah Bingham; Amelia Eliza, m. John Cook; Gardner L.; Alfred; John; Arthur; Edith; Ruth. Families resided Vernal, Utah. Seventy; missionary to Tennessee 1894-96. Sheriff of Mor- gan county. Farmer and miller. Died Feb. 19, 1911. GOODRICH, GEORGE LEONARD (son of George Albert Goodrich and Eliza Ann Taggart). Born Oct. 30, 1863, Salt Lake City. Married Marlon Vilate Remington Oct. 28, 1886. Logan, Utah (daughter of Jerome N. Remington and Lydia Ripley Badger of Salt Lake City and Paradise, Utah). She was born April 8, 1863. Their children: Laura Violet b. Aug. 28. 1887; George Remington b. Aug. 1, 1889; Charlie Remington b. Dec. 31, 1891; Jerome b. June 5, 1893; Birchell b. Oct. 21, 1894; Helen b. Feb. 6, 1897; Joseph Afton b. Aug. 23, 1901; Esther b. May 6, 1903. Family home Naples ward, Uintah, Utah. High priest; counselor to superintendent of Sunday schools at Richville ward, and to Wm. H. Gagon, superintendent Y. M. M. I. A.; counselor In deacons' quorum, and to Bishop Thomas J. Caldwell of Naples ward; ward teacher. Road supervisor eight years; constable ten years. President Ash- ley Central Irrigation company; proprietor George L. Good- rich Mercantile business. As a settler in Ashley Valley since 1885, he has assisted in building up the country. "GOODRICH, ALBERT GARDNER (son of George Albert Goodrich and Harriet Maria Taggart). Born May 1, 1871, Mt. Carmel, Kane Co., Utah. 894 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Lydia Merrell Oct. 14, 1892, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Porter William Merrill and Harriet Amelia Badger Remington of Naples ward, Uintah, Utah, pioneers 1860), who was born Feb. 20, 1876. Their children: Fannie b. Sept. 7, 1893, died; Elma b. March 12, 1896, m. Jacob Norman Lyb- bert; Albert b. Oct. 1, 1897; Karl Iver b. May 11, 1901; Pearl b. Feb. 7, 1903, died; Ruth b. Aug. 6, 1905; Frank b. April 14, 1909; Merrell b. Aug. 24. 1911. Family home Uintah, Utah. Bishop of Naples ward 1910; high counselor 1904; assistant Sunday school superintendent; ward teacher; ward chorister 1900-09; counselor to Bishop James M. Shaffer of Naples ward 1906-10; secretary Y. M. M. I. A.; member 97th quorum sev- enties; missionary to Michigan 1898-1900. School trustee twelve years; county register agent eight years. Secretary Central Irrigation Canal company. Carpenter; farmer; miller. GOODRIDGE, JAMBS WILLIS. Born May 1, 1843, Haverhill, Mass. Came to Utah 1862. Married Eliza Frances Deuel 1871, Kanarraville, Utah (daughter of William Henry Deuel and Mary Avery Whit- Ing, of Centerville, Utah), who was born June 23, 1854. Their children: William Willis b. Jan. 16, 1872, m. Josephine John- son; George Milton b. 1875, m. Ada Bateman; Mary Avery b. May, 1877, m. Charles Wilkins; Eliza Mabel b. 1878, m. George Smith; Amelia Emeline b. 1880, m. William Anderson; Lewis Barnard b. Feb. 13, 1883; Byron Deuel b. April 14, 1885; Minerva, m. Nick Docas; Hazel, m. Parley Glover; Geneva, m. Theodore Johnson; Josephine; Jessie. Family home Midvale, Utah. Member elders' quorum; assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah; drove oxteam across plains with machinery for first woolen mills in Utah. Smelterman. GOODRIDGE. WILLIAM WILLIS (son of James Willis Good- ridge and Eliza Frances Deuel). Born Jan. 16, 1872, Kanar- raville, Utah. Married Josephine Johnson Oct. 31, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Johnson and Inger Sward, of Provo, Utah, pioners 1864, John Smith company). She was born May 22, 1874. Their children: Effle Josephine b. Aug. 4, 1895, died; Zettella b. Sept. 27, 1896; Mourine b. Nov. 2, 1899; Barbara b. July 13. 1901; Willma b. Feb. 29, 1904; Lynn Willis b. Nov. 13, 1906; Helen b. Aug. 16, 1911. Family home Lake View. Utah. Member 70th quorum seventies; superintendent Lake View Sunday school ten years. Justice of peace of Lake View six years. Agricultural superintendent for Utah Sugar Beet company. GOODWIN, ISAAC I*, (son of Isaac M. Goodwin and Rhoda Richards). Born June 18, 1810, North Hartford, Conn. Came to Utah 1868. Married Laura Hotchkiss (daughter of Benjamin Hotchkiss and Elizabeth Tyrell), who was born April 3, 1813, and died In 1846. Their children: Isaac H.; Lewis; Emerette E.; Edwin A.; Nancy Eleanor; Lucinda L.; Albert S. Married Mary Cox, who was born Aug. 3, 1827, Sussex, Eng. Settled at Lehi and served as mayor. High priest. Said to be the first to introduce lucern Into southern Utah. Farmer; carpenter; gardener. Also lived 12 years at San Bernardino, Cal. GOODWIN, ISAAC H. (son of Isaac R. Goodwin and Laura Hotchkiss). Born Aug. 26, 1834, Hartford, Conn. Came to Utah with father. Married Betsey Smith Dec. 1, 1859, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Alexander Nichol Smith and May McEwan, the latter and her daughter pioneers Nov. 9, 1866, James G. Willie handcart company). She was born March 7, 1843, Dundee, Scotland. Their children: Isaac Smith; Laura May Albert S.; Mary Jane; Alexander S.; Lewis Henry; Edwin A James E.; John McEwan. Family resided Lehi, Smithfleld' Escalante, Thurber and Beaver, Utah. Elder. Merchant and farmer. GOODWIN. ISAAC SMITH (son of Isaac H. Goodwin and Betsey Smith). Born Feb. 8, 1861, Lehi, Utah. Married Mary Jane Adams March 20, 1885 St George Utah (daughter of David Cook Adams and Mary Eleanor Armstrong), who was born July 14, 1868, Adamsville, Utah Their children: Isaac A.; Lewis Adams; Laura E.- Betsey May; William J.; Lucinda: Martin Cook; Vernon McEwan- Vera Leona. Family resided Teasdale, Frisco, and Beaver' Utah. Farmer; carpenter. Elder. GORDON, JOHN (son of Foster and Sarah Gordon of New- castle-on-Tyne, Eng.). Born at Newcastle, Eng, Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1861, oxteam company. Married Hannah Hudson March 21, 1848, who was born Aug. 1, 1828, and came to Utah Sept. 10, 1861, with husband Their children: Fannie, m. William Mills; Foster, m. Mary Parks; Robert, m. Agnes Davis; John, m. Mary Bolton; Samuel, m. Jane ; George; Minnie, m. Plum Haslet. Family resided St. John and Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Stone mason. Last heard from at Blackfoot, Idaho. GORDON, ROBERT (son of John Gordon and Hannah Hud- son). Born March 14, 1851, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Came to Utah 1863. Married Agnes Davis June 3, 1870, Panaca, Nevada (daugh- ter of James and Catherine Davis of Panaca, Nevada). She was born June 3, 1851. Their children: William b. May 3, 1871, d. infant; Robert James b. June 5, 1872, m. Gertrude Estelle Sherman; Agnes Katherine b. Dec. 26, 1875, m. O. L. Sherman; Joseph Henry b. Feb. 28, 1878, m. Augusta John- son; Samuel Raymond b. July 3, 1880, m. Katy Johnson; Hannah Frances, m. G. A. Johnson; George Edward m Elizabeth Burgess: Rose Ellen b. 1886, d. aged 22; Katy Hudson, m. A. V. Leonard; Emily Jane, m. Lawrence Leonard; Ruty; Clarence. Family home Huntington, Utah. Elder; Sunday school superintendent. School trustee. Town marshal 1906-08. Farmer and stockraiser. GORDON, ROBERT JAMES (son of Robert Gordon and Agnes Davis). Born June 5, 1872, Rush Valley, Utah. Married Gertrude Estelle Sherman Oct. 18, 1894, Hunting- ton, Utah (daughter of Alby L. Sherman and Mary E. Swan of Fountain Green, Utah). She was born Oct. 18, 1874. Their children: Corine Cornelia b. June 1, 1896; Robert Don b. Jan. 22, 1898; Von b. Oct. 14, 1900; Luella b. Nov. 23, 1904; Florence b. Dec. 10, 1905; Edna b. Sept. 13, 1908; Ellis b. Oct. 17, 1910. Family home Huntington, Utah. Farmer. GORDON, JOHN HENRY (son of John Gordon and Hannah Hudson). Born Sept. 25, 1855, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Bolton Nov. 19. 1876, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Curtis E. Bolton and Mary Bunker of Long Island, Queens county, N. Y., and Nauvoo, 111., the former trans- lated the Book of Mormon into the French language). She was born Nov. 15, 1857. Their children: Frances Maud b. Dec. 12, 1877, m. Otto Olsen; Lewis Waterman b. Dec. 18, 1879, m. Jennie Carter; John b. Jan. 19, 1882, m. Nellie Scott, m. Eliza Boberg; Minnie b. April 16, 1884, m. Oliver Knowles; Hannah b. April 4. 1886, m. Wallace Baum; Guy b. Feb. 26, 1888; Robert b. Jan. 26, 1890, m. Lydia Whitely; Leon h. July 7, 1892, m. Ethel Ashton; Curtis b. Dec. 29, 1894; Vera b. Feb. 29, 1896; Alphretta b. May 23, 1899. Family resided Pleasant View and Provo, Utah. Elder. Moved from Salt Lake City to Provo Bench 1886, and was among the first to plant orchards at that place; raised the first lucerne seed in Utah county. He assisted in making the canals and wagon roads and worked ten years on the Blue Cliff canal: he also assisted in planting the orchard on the farm known as the Carry farm. Took part in protecting the settlers against the Indians. GORDON, JOHN (son of John Henry Gordon and Mary Re- becca Bolton). Born Jan. 19, 1880, Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Boberg June 17. 1808, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Boberg of Gotland, Sweden, and Maria Anderson of Denmark, both of Provo, Utah, came to Utah 1874). She was born Nov. 24, 1882. Their children: Dorothy b. April 23, 1909; Donna Mary b. Sept. 13, 1910; Howard John b. March 12, 1912. Elder; ward teacher. Farmer and fruitgrower. GORDON, JOHN THOMAS (son of John A. Gordon and Emaline Wells). Born Oct. 11, 1871, York county, S. C. Came to Utah 1888. Married Margret Miller Dec. 24, 1895, American Fork, Utah (daughter of Martin Miller and Christena Peterson of Lehi; pioneers Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock company). She was born June 1, 1873. Their children: Myrtle Levhona b. Oct. 16, 1896; Erma Lee b. March 4, 1898; Rudger Mosiah b. Nov. 9, 1899: Alta b. Nov. 12, 1901; Franklin John b. June 1, 1909. Family home Lehi, Utah. Seventy and ward teacher. GORLEY, LEVI, of Alabama. Came to Utah 1857, by cow- team. Married Martha Isabel Scott in Illinois, who was born in Alabama. Their children: Ann, m. Mr. Weeze; Esther, m. Ole Eddingberg; David, m. Sarah ; Thomas, d. aged 22; Mary, m. Joseph Truax; Keturah C., m. Francis Smith; Jonathan E., m. Sarah Higgins; George W., m. Lizzie Montague; James Henry Creswell, m. Mary Jane Grames. Family home Provo, Utah. Farmer. Died at Provo. GORLEY, JAMES HENRY CRESWELL (son of Levi Gorley and Martha Isabel Scott). Born Oct. 27, 1855, in Illinois. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Jane Grames Aug. 14, 1875, Spanish Fork, Utah (daughter of Charles William Grames and Maria Lillywhite of Cote, Eng., pioneers with Captain Home oxteam company). She was born July 13, 1857, Fakim, Sussex, Eng., and came to Utah with parents. Their chil- dren: Ella b. Feb. 4, 1878; Millie b. July 25. 1881, m. Levi Tryon; James b. April 15; Charles Henry; Cora Isabel, m. Victor Hendrickson; Peter LeRoy; Mary Keturah; Francis Walter; Leonard. Family resided Garden Creek and Carbon- ville, Utah. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died Aug. 14, 1909, Salem, Utah. COUGH, JAMES (son of James Gough, born 1800, and Elenor Jones, born 1810, both of Monmouthshire. Eng.). Born Jan. 14, 1840, Murbridge Hill, Herefordshire. Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 895 Married Charlotte Crockett Oct. 17, 1863 (daughter of William Crockett and Ann Williams), who was born April 25 1840, and came to Utah 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company. Their children: Mary Ann b. Oct. 28, 1864, m. Soren Sorenson April 24, 1884; Lavina Jane b. Feb. 17, 1866, m. Moroni Thayne Nov. 24, 1881; James Charles b. Sept. 14, 1868. m. Elizabeth Trinnaman Feb. 14, 1894; Elenor b. June 19, 1870, m. James Carter Dec. 24, 1889; Harriet b. March 26, 1873, m. Thomas A. Taylor Nov. 2, 1891; William b. May 19, 1895, m. Lucy Shaw; Samuel b. July 22, 1877, m. Luella Anderson Nov. 26, 1902- Thomas E. b. April 21, 1879, m. Linda Day June, 1901; Richard b. May 20, 1881, m. Pearl Clift June 22, 1904; Charlotte b. Feb. 8, 1884, m. William Hadfleld June 28, 1900; Robert b.. March 5, 1886. Family home Lehi, Utah. President teachers quorum. GOULD, ROBERT (son of Robert Gould and Mary Boyd of Stirling and Edinburgh, Scotland). Born Jan. 21, 1830, Edinburgh. Came to Utah 1861, Homer Duncan company. Married Annie Simpson 1855, Philadelphia, Pa. (daughter of John Simpson and Elizabeth Carig of Edinburgh, Scot- land). She was born Feb. 2, 1831. Their children: Elizabeth, m. Heber McBride; Robert, d. aged 20; Mary J., m. H. J. Fuller; John S., m. Mary Mortensen; William S., m. Maria Peterson Lindsay. Family home Eden, Utah. Married Elizabeth Eube 1870, Eden, Utah, who was born 1846. Their children: Henry; Robert; Richard; Joseph, m. Miss Littlefleld. Family home Ogden, Utah. Ward teacher. Joiner and mechanic. GOULD, JOHN S. (son of Robert Gould and Annie Simpson). Born July 10, 1865, Liberty, Utah. Married Mary Mortensen Nov. 29, 1889, Huntsville, Utah (daughter of Neil C. Mortensen and Mary Christensen of Huntsville, Utah pioneers 1864, John Smith independent company), who was born Aug. 14, 1871. Their children: Florence M. b. Oct. 2, 1892; Glenard A. b. July 7, 1894; Merrill J. b. Oct. 24, 1898; Arvena M. b. Oct. 20, 1903; Eileen G. b. Aug. 29, 1908; Clarissa E. b. Dec. 21, 1912; Claire C. b. Dec. 21, 1912. Member 75th quorum seventies; ward teacher. Farmer. GOWANS, ANDREW (son of Alexander Gowans and Mary Bowden of Canel, Scotland). Born December, 1800, at Canel. Came to Utah October, 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Anne McLeish (daughter of James McLeish and Betsy Gibb of Canel), who was born Feb. 26, 1788. Their children: James b. July 25, 1824; Mary b. March 30, 1826, m. George Cook; Barbara b. May 27, 1828, m. John Simpson; Betsy b. Feb. 22, 1832, m. Hugh S. Gowans. Family home Tooele, Utah. Florist and landscape gardener. Died Nov. 20, 1891. Married Jane Cresswell (daughter of Richard and Ann Cresswell of Mt. Pleasant, near Stourbridge), who was born July 17, 1817, and died at St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Thomas b. March 17, 1839; Elizabeth b. June 7, 1841; Ann b. Oct. 10, 1843, m. Henry Lunt; Richard Henry b. June 2, 1846. Married Martha Ann Stockdale Nov. 4, 1850. Their chil- dren: John Thomas, m. Harriet Jane Corry; Joseph, died; Albert Francis, m. Mary Grace Condie; Betsy Ann b. May 26, 1857, d. June 2, 1857; Jane Elizabeth b. May 12, 1858, m. James McHamilton May 2, 1881, divorced 1886; m. William E. Yardley Nov. 12, 1889; Martha Ann b. April 30, 1860, d. Aug. 29, 1861; Mary Isabelle b. Jan. 16, 1862, d. March 6, 1879; Catherine Katura b. Nov. 27, 1863, m. Thomas Urie; Charlotte b. Nov. 3, 1865, m. Joseph A. Rosenburg; Horace Tidswell b. Dec. 13, 1867, d. Jan. 12, 1901; Louisa May b. May 31, 1870, m. William James Condie April 25, 1899. Married Annie Williams April 4, 1863. Their children: David Stephen b. Dec. 17, 1863, d. Oct. 21, 1902; Jared, d. June 28, 1867; Benjamin b. Sept. 14, 1869, d. April 10, 1903. Family home Cedar City, Utah. Called by Brigham Young to go to Iron county to smelt iron. Took part in early Indian troubles at Long Valley. Assisted in building canals, roads and sawmills in early days. Farmer. Died May 1, 1877. GOWANS, HUGH S. (son of Robert Gowans, born May 12, 1811, Arbroath, Forfarshire, and Grace McKay, of Perth, Perthshire, Scotland). He was born Feb. 23, 1831, in Perth. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Betsy Gowans in March, 1854, Arbroath (daugh- ter of Andrew Gowans and Anne McLeish, married in Ar- broath, 1823, pioneers Oct. 24, 1885, Milo Andrus company). She was born Feb. 22, 1832, and came to Utah with husband; died Sept. 26, 1912. Their children: Barbara b. Feb. 13, 1855, m. Benjamin L. Bowen July 24, 1876; Robert M. b. Oct. 9, 1856, d. July 31, 1863; Hugh G. b. June 10, 1858, d. May 21, 1863; James b. Nov. 21, 1860, m. Alice de la Mare Feb. 12, 1885; An- drew b. Sept. 8, 1862, m. Willena Henson, Feb. 12, 1894; Betsy b. Dec. 7, 1864, m. Francis M. Lyman, Jr., Oct. 16, 1889; Ephraim G. b. Feb. 1, 1868, m. Mary C. Lyman June 1, 1893; Alonzo G. b. Dec. 7, 1869, m. Deseret Leaver Nov. 16, 1899; Charles A. b. Jan. 21, 1872, m. Harriet Martineau June 12, 1904. Family home Tooele, Utah. Married Elizabeth Broomhead April, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Broomhead and Margaret Morton), who was born Feb. 24, 1847, Sheffield, Eng. Their children: Barbara E. b. Feb. 24, 1884, m. Edward Nelson; Thomas E. b. Feb. 26, 1886; George H. b. Aug. 4, 1887; Albert H. b. Aug. 10, 1889. Assessor and collector Tooele county; mayor Too.ele City; probate judge Tooele county. President Tooele stake. Died Sept. 10, 1912. GOWANS, EPHRAIM G. (son of Hugh S. Gowans and Betsy Gowans). Born Feb. 1, 1868, Tooele, Utah. Married Mary Crismon Lyman June 1, 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter of Francis M. Lyman and Rhoda Ann Taylor of Fillmore, Tooele and Salt Lake City, Utah). She was born July 29, 1871. Their children: Louis Lyman b. April 22, 1894; Lois b. Dec. 20, 1895; Marjorie b. June 7, 1899; Emerspn Lyman b. Jan. 19, 1906; Marion Lyman b. May 17, 1908. Fam- ily home, Salt Lake City. Member 47th quorum seventies; missionary to Great Brit- ain 1888-90. Judge of juvenile court 3d judicial district 1907- 09; superintendent State Industrial school since 1909. Physi- cian; teacher. GOWER, THOMAS (son of Thomas Gower and Catherine Cresswell of Stourbridge, Worcestshire, Eng.). Born May 23, 1816, at Stourbridge. Came to Utah Oct. 1864, Joseph Field company. GRACE, ISAAC (son of John Grace and Margaret Abbott, of Liverpool, Eng.). Born April 17, 1820, at Liverpool. Came to Utah 1851. Married Elizabeth Williams, 1843, at Liverpool (daugh- ter of John Williams and Ann Jones, of Liverpool). Their children: Elizabeth, m. Henry F. McCune; Amelia, d. infant; Margaret, m. James Jenkins Jr.; Annette, d. infant; Harriet Ann, m. Alexander Pyper; Celestia Jane, m. Lyman L. Hud- son; Isaac Henry, m. Helen H. Hudson; John William, m. Tacy Whitmore; Emma Lorette, d. infant; Charles Howard, m. Elizabeth A. Lunt. Family home Nephi, Utah. Member 49th quorum seventies. Ship-builder and farmer. Died May 21, 1871, at Nephi. GRACE, ISAAC HENRY (son of Isaac Grace and Elizabeth Williams). Born Aug. 9, 1857, at Nephi. Married Helen H. Hudson Jan. 19, 1882, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Christopher Columbus Hudson and Annajenette Sisson of Oberlin, Ohio; the latter came to Utah 1880), who was born Dec. 18, 1850. Their only child: Helen Grace b. April 22, 1884. Family home, Nephi. High priest; missionary to Hawaiian Islands 1891-94; high counselor; counselor to stake president; superintendent M. I. A.; counselor to stake mutual superintendent 1888. County school superintendent; county commissioner; city councilman; mayor of Nephi; school trustee. Contractor; carpenter; farmer. GRAEHL, GEORGE LOUIS (son of Johan Ludvio Graehl and Marie Magdalena Renner of Bohl, Germany. Came to Utah Oct. 1854. Robert L. Campbell company. Married Louise Charlotte Leuba Aug. 31, 1844, Geneva, Switzerland (daughter of Henry Francois Leuba of Neuf- chatel, Switzerland, and Audrienne Elizabeth Elger; pio- neers October, 1854, Robert L. Campbell company). She was born Sept. 16, 1822, and died October, 1904. Their chil- dren: Eliza, Emile, Lena and Emma, died infants; Mary Ade- line, m. Henry C. Jensen; Fanny; George Louis b. March 17, 1863, m. Ada Reese; Henry, d. child; Lorenzo, m. Elizabeth Bott; Joseph Serge, m. Mima Robie; Hyrum Henry; Amelia. Family home Geneva, Switzerland. Married Katherine Isenman, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary Louise, d. child; August; Clara; Eli, m. Miss Goodliffe; Ellen, d. child; Edmund, m. Maud Hatch. Family home Brigham City, Utah. High priest. Confectioner; farmer. Died Feb. 19, 1896. GRAEHL, GEORGE LOUIS, JR. (son of George Louis Graehl and Charlotte Louise Leuba). Born March 17, 1863, Geneva, Switzerland. Came to Utah Oct. 1854, with parents. Married Ada Reese Jan. 6, 1885 (daughter of John D. Reese and Zillah Mathias of Wales), who was born Dec. 8, 1866. Their children: Ada Louise b. Dec. 22, 1886; Hortense Zillah b. Sept. 10, 1888; Geneve b. March 28, 1890; George Leuba b. Feb. 24, 1892; Florence Laprille b. July 22, 1895; Adele Fanny b. July 22, 1896; Helen b. April 6, 1900, d. in- fant; Leland b. March 28, 1902; Harold b. Oct. 12, 1906. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Switzerland twice; high priest. County clerk Box Elder county; city treasurer, Brigham. Mer- chant and mining man. GRAHAM, ALEXANDER STEWART. Born Dec. 31, 1831, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah in its early history. Married Elizabeth Jane Nuttman at St. Louis, Mo. (daugh- ter of George Nuttman of England), who was born Oct. 2, 1832 Their children: George, died; Jane, m. Joseph Check- etts- Agnes McDonald, m. Charles Odd; Charles, died; Elenor Elizabeth, m. Willard Bishop; Margaret I., died; Jeannette Ennis m. Daniel Lockhart, Jr.; Alexander Stewart, d. child; Henry James, m. Annie Weaver; John Thomas, m. Eliza Family home Kaysville, Utah. Married Maggie . She lived at Kaysville, Utah. Married Ann Malan. Their only child was Sarah. Fam- ily home, Kaysville, Utah. Railroader. Died Sept. 1882 at Leamington, Utah. 896 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH GRAHAM, ROBERT (son of William Graham and Jane Ross of Edinburgh, Scotland, latter born Feb. 12, 1820). Born Oct. 2. 1850, in Edinburgh. Came to Utah with Captain Scott company. Married Gertrude Stallings Dec. 27, 1876 (daughter of Joseph Stalilngs and Caroline Hartford of Council Bluffs, Iowa, pioneers 1850, Stephen Wareham company), who was born Oct. 28, 1854. Their children: Joseph William b. Sept. 2, 1876, m. Ellen Elizabeth Burt Nov. 2, 1905; Robert Orson b. Aug. 31, 1878, m. Annie Hogge May 8, 1901; Caroline Ger- trude, m. Ray B. Thompson Aug. 2, 1905; Jane Charlott b. May 11, 1886; Perry James b. May 10, 1892. Family home Eden, Utah. Member bishopric of Eden ward. Road supervisor eight years; school trustee. Farmer. Died Sept. 2, 1901. GRAHAM, ROBERT ORSON (son of Robert Graham and Ger- trude Stallings). Born Aug. 31, 1878. Eden. Married Annie Hogge May 8, 1901, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of George William Hogge and Margaret Ann Rirrie of West Weber, Utah), who was born Feb. 22, 1879. Their children: Orvil Robert; Nina Margret. Family home Eden. Missionary to Central states 1909-11; counselor in bishop- ric of Eden ward. Farmer. GRAHAM, THOMAS B. Born Aug. 12. 1807, in Pickens county, Ala. Came to Utah 1849. Married Sarah E. McCrary Jan. 27. 1828, In Pickens county. She was born May 1, 1810, and died in Iowa, on way to Utah. Their children: Jane; James M., m. Sarah J. Brandon; John; Martha; Caroline; Francis; David; Amanda; George; Jane and Francis did not come to Utah. Killed by a bear in 1864, at Mendon, Cache county, Utah. GRAHAM, JAMES M. (son of Thomas B. Graham and Sarah E. McCrary). Born Sept. 17, 1829, in Alabama. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sarah J. Brandon Feb. 12, 1854 (daughter of Thomas J. Brandon and Martha E. Bunch married 1834, pio- neers 1847, Jared Roundy company, latter died at Nauvoo, 111.), who was born Dec. 25, 1833. Came to Utah with father. Their children: James F. b. Nov. 5. 1854, m. Alice Hardman; John M. b. Oct. 29, 1856; Sarah b. Jan. 28, 1858, m. J. S. Brady Nov. 17. 1870; George A. b. Aug. 14, 1861, m. L. Cole April 14, 1886; David b. April 4, 1864, d. 1864; Martha E. b. Oct. 17, 1863, m. F. Kemmer April 4, 1884; Joseph H. b. Feb. 12, 1865, m. Villey Green 1887; Alice A. b. March 17. 1874, m. A. MacMillan 1892; Merretta b. April 19, 1879, m. E. Bacchus April 12, 1902; Thomas B. b. April 2, 1883, d. 1883. Family home, Salt Lake City. GRAHAM. JAMES F. (son of James M. Graham and Sarah J. Brandon). Born Nov. 5, 1854, Sugarhouse ward. Salt Lake City. Married Alice Hardman Nov. 6, 1879, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Hardman and Nancy Booth, pioneers Sept. 25, 1856, Richard Ballantyne company), who was born Aug. 29, 1853, in England. Their children: Matilda F. b. Aug. 9, 1880, m. S. Schwendlman March 6, 1901; Roy b. April 25, 1882, m. Pearl Harris May 6, 1902; Ida L. b. Oct. 18, 1884. m. Mark Fullmer Nov. 27. 1905; Cady M. b. Aug. 26. 1887; Claude V. b. Dec. 24, 1890. m. Hannah Gardner April 14, 1910; Harry V. b. April 25, 1892; Olive b. Jan. 6. 1894; Luella b. Dec. 4, 1897. He was an elder. Married Chariot Lee 1862, Springville, Utah, who was born Oct. 8, 1843. Only child: Chariot, died. Family home Springville, Utah. Married Esther Stevenson Feb. 11. 1864, Springville, Utah (daughter of James Stevenson and Martha Charles of Eng- land pioneers October, 1857, Capt. Hofflne company), who was born Jan. 17, 1848. Their children: Samuel Stevenson b. Dec. 25, 1864, m. Clara Belle Brasher; Joseph b. Oct. 14, 1866, died; James b. Aug. 27, 1867. died; Ulysses Wallace b. Nov. 11, 1868, m. Margaret Elizabeth Jones; Ernest Jamea b. Dec. 28. 1870, m. Rose Ramsey: Elizabeth Letitia b. Oct. 10, 1872, m. S. M. Whitmore; Beryl Ann b. July 6. 1876, died; Violet b. July 3, 1877; Ethel Tamer b. May 27, 1879, m. J. H. Stevenson; John Atkinson b. April 19, 1881, died; Arthur b. Nov. 3, 1883, m. Hllma Pierson; Ray Clifford b. May 29. 1885, m. Verda Jensen; Franklin Charles b. June 24, 1887. m. Mary Weiby; Esther Maud b. March 31, 1889, m. Ferdinand Anderson. Family home Huntington, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Settled at Springville. 1852. moved to Huntington 1883, where he assisted In building up the country. Member board of education; school trustee. File cutter; shoemaker; mining man. Died Dec. 1, 1893, Huntington, Utah. GRANGE, SAMUEL STEVENSON (son of Samuel Grange and Esther Stevenson). Born Dec. 25, 1864, Springville, Utah. Married Clara Belle Brasher Oct. 1, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Leisal Brasher and Eliza Cheshire of Kentucky), who was born Jan. 4, 1867. Their children: Leisal Samuel b. Sept. 14-, 1887, m. Coreila Taylor; Nlda b. Dec. 14, 1888; m. Byronel Howard; Nora b. June 1, 1891. m. Ezra Harrison; Nellie S. b. Sept. 30, 1893; Florence b. Feb. 12. 1896, died; Ida b. July 7, 1892; Ada b. July 7, 1892; Clif- ford b. June 3. 1905. Family home Huntington, Utah. Member 81st quorum seventies; ward teacher fifteen years in Hunttngton ward. Member town council two terms; district trustee three years. Fruitgrower and farmer. GRANGE, ULYSSES WALLACE (son of Samuel Grange and Esther Stevenson). Born Nov. 11, 1868, Springville, Utah. Married Margaret Elizabeth Jones Oct. 12, 1893, Hunting- ton, Utah, by Daniel Tyler (daughter of Elisha Warren Jones and Georgana Jane Pierce of Nauvoo, 111., and Kanesville, Iowa), who was born Oct. 4, 1874. Their children: Wallace Guy b. Oct. 3, 1894; Elisha Myron b. July 14, 1896; Ella Lucile b. March 28, 1898; Ruby b. Jan. 17, 1901; Elizabeth Erma b. May 26, 1907; Hilma b. April 26, 1908; Samuel Lloyd b. July 24, 1911. Family home Huntington, Utah. Missionary to northwestern states 1903-04; president high priests quorum of Emery stake; member high council; home missionary; president Y. M. M. I. A. 1909; Sunday school superintendent 1906-08; counselor to Bishop Peter Johnson of Huntington ward; counselor in Y. M. M. I. A. of Hunting- ton ward; and .counselor in elders quorum. President Hunt- ington town board 1906-07; member Huntington town board 1910-11; road supervisor. Settled at Huntington 1883, where he has done much In the upbuilding of the country. GRAMES, CHARLES WILLIAM (son of Charles and Mary Grames of England). Born at Finden, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Mary Bird in England. Their children: Walter, m. Julia ; Ellen, m. William Lake. Family home Finden, Eng. Married Maria Llllywhlte, at Finden, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Llllywhite and Maria Stafford of Finden, Eng.). Their children: Alfred, m. Sarah Sparks; Emily, m. Peter Bell, m. William Campbell; Esther, d. aged 2; Frederick, m. Mary Seaberry, m. Martha Powell; Charles, m. Rhoda Chestina Hill; Mary Jane, m. James Henry Creswell Gorley; Albert, m. Casilia Donnard; m. Lilly Bass. Family home Ephraim, Utah. High priest. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Tinker, watchmaker and tailor. Died March 17, 1901, Price, Utah. GRAMTES, CHARLES (son of Charles Henry Grame and Maria Lillywhlte). Born May 16, 1855, Finden, Eng. Came to Utah 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Rhoda Chestina Hill 1904, Price, Utah (daughter of James and Melissa Hill of Logan, Utah, pioneers with ozteam). Their children: Henry; George, m. Miss Davis; Rhoda; Sina. m. Hy Chlttendon. Family home Welling- ton. Utah. Rancher and stockraiser. GRANGE, SAMUEL (son of John Grange and Nancy Atkin- son of Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 11. 1826, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Married Ann Bunting Jan. 2, 1860, on shipboard (daugh- ter of Abraham Bunting of England). Their children: Ann Elizabeth, died; Lydia Ellen, m. R. H. Barnard; Samuel, died; Almyra Maria, m. Jedediah Goff; John William, died. Family home Springville, Utah. GRANGER, WALTER (son of Robert Granger and Catherine McDonald). Born Aug. 4, 1821, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1866. D. D. McArthur company. Married Catherine Guthrie 1841 (daughter of John Guthrie and Agnes Emought), who was born January, 1819. Their children: Robert b. Jan. 18, 1842; Catherine b. December. 1848, m. David Gibson 1868; Peter b. August, 1867; Nellie; Emma; Walter, John, both died. Family home St. George, Utah. Settled at Spanish Fork 1856; moved to St. George 1861, where he served as bishop of third ward and later of second ward 1869-92; moved to Cedar City 1892; high priest. Died May 6, 1904. GRANT, GEORGE DAVIS (son of Joshua Grant and Thalia Howard of Neversink, N. Y.). Born Sept 10, 1812, Windsor, N. Y. Came to Utah June, 1848. Married Elizabeth Wilson Jan. 22, 1834, Naples, N. Y. (daughter of Thomas Wilson of Tuley, Onondaga county, N. Y.), who was born April 26. 1816, Tuley, N. Y. Their children: Thalia Elizabeth, m. Joseph Angell Young; George Wilson, m. Lucy Curtis Spencer; William Smith, m. Mary Ann Mulr; Josephine, m. Benjamin Franklin Snyder; Don Carlos, died; Julia Caroline, m. Edwin W. Gilman; Joseph Smith, died. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Lamb. Their children: Pauline; Charles Albert; David, died; Georgiana, m. Mr. Pace; Andrew, died. Married Margaret Baxter. Their children: Ella, m. Mr. Grant; Jedediah and Nettie, died. Family home Woods Cross, Utah. Married Susan Grant. Only child: Frank. Family home, Woods Cross. Married Jennie Baxter. Their children: Caroline, Clara and Willard, died. Family home. Woods Cross. He. with William H. Kimball, picked the "minute men;" bodyguard of Joseph Smith; general in Indian wars; captain of handcarts of Nauvoo Legion 1857; captain of "life guards." Trader and farmer. Died Sept. 20, 1876, Woods Cross. GRANT, JEDEDIAH MORGAN (son of Joshua Grant and Thalia Howard). Born Feb. 21, 1816. at Windsor, Broome county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 1847, with own company. Married Susan Noble Fairchild (came to Utah Sept. 1847, with George B. Wallace company), who was born July . PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 897 , 1832. Their children: Joseph Hyrum b. Oct. 17, 1853. at Salt Lake City, m. Eliza Evaeletta Eldredge Oct. 18, 1875, at Salt Lake City; Susan Vilate b. Sept. 19. 1855, m. William S. Muir. Jr., 1871. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Rossetta Robinson. Their children: Jedediah Morgan b. Oct. 9, 1863, m. Lucy Fackrell; Henrietta b. 1855, m. D. S Marshall. Married Maryette Kesler 1854, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of Frederick Kesler and Emeline Parker of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1852). She was born Feb. 23. 1839. Only child: Brigham Frederick, b. Oct. 15, 1856, m. Johanna Schluter. Married Rachel Ridgeway Ivins November, 1855, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of Caleb Ivins and Edith Ridgeway of Toms River, N. J., and Philadelphia, Pa.). She was born March 7, 1821, Hornerstown, N. J., died Jan. 27, 1909. Only child: Heber Jeddy b. Nov. 22, 1856, in. Lucy Stringham, m. Huldah Augusta Winters, m. Emily Harris Wells. Family home. Salt Lake City. One of the presidents of the first council of seventies 1845; chosen second counselor to Brigham Young April 7, 1854. First mayor of Salt Lake City and continued in that office until his death, Dec., 1856; was speaker of the house of the territorial legislature from 1852 to 1855; superintendent of public works of Salt Lake City. Plowed the first furrow in Morgan county, which county was named after him. Farmer and stockraiser. GRANT. JOSEPH HYRUM (son of Jedediah Morgan Grant and Susan Noble Fairchild). Born Oct. 17, 1853, at Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Evaeletta Eldredge at Salt Lake City, Oct. 18, 1875 (daughter of Horace S. Eldredge who came to Utah with his own company, and Sarah W. Gibbs). Their chil- dren: Joseph H. b. July 20, 1876, m. Algie Lydia Hatch, June 30, 1898; Sarah b. Dec. 20, 1877, m. Fred J. Pack, Nov. 26. 1896; Susan E. b. Aug. 7, 1879, m. E. David Mann Jan. 18, 1899; Jessie E. b. June 13, 1881, m. David E. Reed June, 1906; Walter E. b. March 29, 1883, m. Ellen Smith Sept. 2, 1908; Carter E. b. Dec. 31, 1885, m. Pamela E. Smith April 2, 1905; Eva E. b. Aug. 13, 1888, m. Daniel Roy Moss April 2, 1908; Howard E. b. Nov. II, 1890; m. Hazel Howard June 14, 3912; Lyle b. Aug. 26, 1893; Horace James b. Oct. 7, 1895. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Bishop of West Bountiful ward from 1888 to 1889; second counselor to Pres. Wm. R. Smith of the Davis stake 1890 to 1893; first counselor to Pres. John W. Hess of the Davis stake; called to the presidency of Davis stake Sept. 25, 1904. Farmer; stockraiser. GRANT, JOSEPH HYRUM (son of Joseph Hyrum Grant and Eliza Evaeletta Eldredge). Born July 20, 1876, at Bounti- ful, Utah. Married Algie Lydia Hatch June 30, 1898, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Orvin Hatch, one of the battalion, 1847, and Elizabeth Perry, who came to Utah 1847), who was born June 5, 3877, at Bountiful. Their children: Van Hatch b. April 15, 1900; Adelaide b. March 16, 1902; Myra b March 26 1905; Dale Eldredge b. Feb. 29, 1908. Family home Kays- ville, Utah. Missionary to Colorado 1897-98; high councilor in the Davis stake. Justice of the peace at Kaysville. Dentist. GRANT, BRIGHAM FREDRICK (son of Jedediah M. Grant and Maryetta Kesler). Born Oct. 17, 1856, Salt Lake City. Married Johanna Schluter, Nov. 22, (daughter of Wil- liam Schluter and Phoebe Ann Wickel of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1867, independent company). She was born March v4, 1862. Their children: Fredrick W. b. May 11, 1880, m. Margret Smith; Jedediah b. March 16, 1882, m. Lavina Sainsbury; Hazel Maude b. March 9, 18S4, m. J. V. Needham; Eugene S. b. July 17, 1887, m. Ella V. Owen; Luella Belle b. Nov. 9, 1889, died; Heber ~b. Nov. 16, 1899; Delora b. May 5, 1902. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member high council Salt Lake stake; member Y. M. M. I. A. of Salt Lake City. Chief of police of Salt Lake. En- gaged in mining, insurance, general merchandising, farming and stockraising. GRANT, HEBER JEDDY (son of Jedediah Morgan Grant and Rachel Ridgeway Ivins). Born Nov. 22, 1856, Salt Lake City. Married Lucy Stringham Nov. 1, 1877, St. George Temple, Utah (daughter of Bryant Stringham and Susan Ashby of Salt Lake City, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young com- pany). She was born April 27, 1858, and died Jan. 3, 1893. Their children: Susan Rachel b. Aug. 30, 1878, m. John H. Taylor; Lucy Grant b. Oct. 22, 1880, m. George Jenkins Cannon; Florence b. Feb. 7, 1883, m. Willard Richards Smith; Edith b. April 2, 1885, m. Clifford Earl Young; Anna b. Dec. 28, 1886, m. John George Midgeley, Jr.; Heber b. Dec. 9, 1888, d. Feb. 27, 1896. Married Huldah Augusta Winters May 26, 1884* Salt Lake City (daughter of Oscar F. Winters and Mary Ann Stearns of Pleasant Grove, Utah, pioneers). She was born July 7, 1856. Only child: Mary b. Feb. 6, 1889. Married Emily Harris Wells May 27, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel H. Wells and Martha Harris of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1848). She was born April 22, 1857, and died May 25, 1908. Their children: Martha Deseret b. April 21, 1886, m. Ashby Douglas Boyle; Grace b. Dec. 21, 1888, m. Isaac Blair Evans; Daniel Wells b. Nov. 21, 1891, d. March 10, 1895; Emily b. June 5, 1896; Frances Marion b. Sept. 23, 189. Families resided, Salt Lake City. Secretary Y. M. M. I. A. Salt Lake stake 1879-80; or- dained high priest and set apart as president Tooele stake Oct. 30, 1880; ordained member Twelve Apostles, Church of 57 Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Oct. 16, 1882; member 30th quorum seventies; missionary to Japan 1901-03; president European mission 1903-06; has been doing missionary work throughout the stakes of Zion for the past 30 years; one of the counselors of the first mutual organization (13th ward), under the personal direction of President Young, Salt Lake City. Member Salt Lake City council 1883-86; member legislative council (senate) of the territory of Utah 1883-84. President Home Fire Insurance Co., of Utah; president Heber J. Grant and Co.; president Utah Implement & Vehicle Co.; vice-president Utah State National bank, Salt Lake City; director Utah-Idaho Sugar Co., and Zion Co5perative Mer- cantile Institution; was president State Bank of Utah, which he organized, and president Salt Lake Theatre Co.; presi- dent Cooperative Wagon & Machine Co.; vice-president Salt Lake Herald Co., (morning newspaper, since Herald- Republican) and owned control of the stock. GRANT, JOSHUA FREDERICK. Born July 24, 1818, in Stueben county, N. Y. Married Louise Marie Goulay Aug. 27, 1843 of Vevey, Switzerland county, Ind. She was born May 28, 1826. Their children: Adelaide b. Oct. 4, 1845, Kanesville, Iowa; Florence Caroline b. May 11, 1851, Council Bluffs, Iowa; Joshua Frederick b. April 19, 1856, Woods Cross, Utah. Their early residence was at Vevey and later Salt Lake City. He, with his brother, Jedediah Morgan Grant were the youngest missionaries to labor in the southern states (when boys in their teens). Migrated to Utah in 1847 with a private freighting outfit hauling material for the United States army part way. Died Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 21, 1851. Buried in the city cemetery, lot 7, block 8, plat C, near corner of Main street and 8th avenue. GRAVES, DANIEL (son of Daniel Graves born April 3, 1770, Carbook, Norfolk, Eng., and Mary Blanchflower born at Sahamtorry, Norfolk, Eng.). Born April 17, 1806, Yarmouth, Eng. Came to Utah 1854, Capt. Harker company. Married Elizabeth Sarah Baker, who was born April 16, 1810. Their children: Elizabeth b. July 24, 1824; William Durant b. Nov. 8, 1829; Isabella b. Sept. 27, 1833; Joseph b. June 11, 1834; Robert; Maria Ann b. Feb. 7, 1836; Jane b. June 20, 1837; Isabella b. May 18, 1838. Family home Yar- mouth, Eng. Married Mary Newman June 7, 1840, St. Olives, Southwork, London, Eng. (daughter of Henry G. Newman and Elizabeth Bull), who was born March 27, 1817, Hayes, Middlesex, Eng. Their children: Edward Henry b. Aug. 12, 1841; Elizabeth Sarah b. June 24, 1843; Daniel Robert b. April 17, 1846; Charlotte M. b. Nov. 1, 1847; Joseph Nephi b. Jan. 16, 1849; Lehi Moroni b. Nov. 4, 1850; Mary Ann b. Dec. 6, 1852; Ebenezer b. Sept. 28, 1866; Alma b. Nov. 4, 1857; Joshua b. Dec. 16, 1859. Family home Provo, Utah. Elder. President agriculture association. Artist. Died 1892 at Provo. GRAVES, JOSHUA (son of Daniel Graves and Mary New- man). Born Dec. 16, 1859, Provo, Utah. Married Mary E. Vanwagoner June 11, 1881, Provo (daugh- ter of John Vanwagoner and Elizabeth Young). She was born May 19, 1866, Provo. Their children: Daniel b. Nov. 26, 1881; Tessie May b. Nov. 12, 1882, m. Fred Herron May 20, 1907; Lizzie Maud b. Jan. 16, 1886, m. Joseph Chambers Oct. 25, 1905; Jessie b. May 19, 3887; Jennie b. March 12, 1888. Married Martha Hansen Graves Sept. 3, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of Hans Frederick Hansen and Cathron Nielson, the former a pioneer 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company, the latter with Capt. Christenson company). She was born March 3, 1872, Spanish Fork, Utah. Their chi'dren: Fred- erick Joshua b. Sept. 1, 1891; James Henry b. April 18, 1894; Mary Cathron b. June 21, 1896; Lavera Charlotte b. Aug. 7, 1898; Zina Jane b. Nov. 26, 1900; Bertha Loretta b. March 28 1903; Leona Martha b. Oct. 2, 1905; Walter Stoddard b. Dec. 31, 1908; Velma Lavern b. Dec. 17, 1910. GRAY, JOSEPH REEVES (son of James Gray of Dorchester, Eng.). Born May 29, 1824, Dorchester, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1854, John Brown company. Married Mary Franklin 1851, Dorchester, Eng., who was born 1832, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Franklin Thomas b. Dec. 9, 1852, m. Mary Jane Titcomb; Joseph, died; James b. Dec. 31, 1856, m. Elizabeth Holds- worth; William b. 1858, m. Phoebe Yates; Charles b. 1860, m. Eunice Brown; Mary Rachael, died. Family home Lehl, Utah. Married Elizabeth Marshall 1867, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of John and Elizabeth Marshall). Their children: Rhoda Ann, died; Rosa, m. William Makln; Lilly and George, died; John, m. Goldle Cummings; Edward, died; Elizabeth, m. George Webb. Family home Lehi, Utah. Secretary high priests quorum; Sunday school teacher. Located at Lehi 1854. Indian war veteran; veteran Echo Canyon war. Assisted in building the first canals, wagon roads, and in the development of the country. Shoemaker and farmer. Died Feb. 2, 1877, Lehl, Utah. GRAY, FRANKLIN THOMAS (son of John Reeves Gray and Mary Franklin). Born Dec. 9, 1852, Dorchester, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1854, John Brown company. Married Mary Jane Titcomb Nov. 18, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Luke Titcomb and Lydia Jane Tanner of Cot- 898 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH tonwood. Salt Lake county, pioneers September, 1850, Wil- liam Wall company). She was born Dec. 31, 1855. Their children: Winfleld Franklin b. Oct. 20, 1873. m. Eliza Bolin; James H. b. April 7, 1876, m. Winifred Price; Mary Susan b. May 30, 1877, m. Seth Littleford; Joseph William b. Dec. 28, 1879, m. Jane Saby; Lydia Rebecca b. June 7, 1881; Charles Delos b. Dec. 7, 1883, m. Leverne Anderson; Thomas M. b. March 12, 1886, m. Ethel Fox; Ina Gladis b. Oct. 31, 1888; Ezra Tollman b. Sept. 30, 1890. Family home Lehl, Utah. Elder. Settled at Lehi when a boy and has spent his entire life in developing the country, building canals, wagon roads, irrigation ditches and bringing timber from the mountains for building purposes. Farmer. GRAY, WILLIAM SYLUS (son of Joseph Reeves Gray and Mary Franklin). Born Nov. 28, 1858, Lehi, Utah. Married Phoebe Yates Aug. 3, 1887, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of William Yates and Mary Ann Peck of Bath, Eng.). She was born Feb. 26, 1872. Their children: Mary Edith b. June 12, 1888, m. Murray O. Hayes; Phoebe Louisa b. Sept. 19, 1889, m. Claud Emmett Hayes; William Edward b. Aug. 9, 1891, m. Ethel Roberts; Archie Charles b. June 21, 1893; Hyrum Richard b. Aug. 18, 1895; Elisha Franklin b. July 15, 1897; Jesse Sylus b. Oct. 28, 1898; Myrton James b. June 13, 1901; Eldon Leroy Gates b. Jan. 11, 1903; Ruland Joseph b. Dec. 14, 1904; Alvin Stanford b. Nov. 13, 1906; Duaine Yates b. Feb. 27, 1909; Elaine b. Feb. 27, 1909; Ernest Elip- ton b. Jan. 8, 1912. Family home Lehi, Utah. Elder. Has spent his life in developing the country in and around Lehi, building irrigation ditches, canals, wagon roads and bridges. Freighter and farmer. GRAY, SAMUEL R. (son of Samuel W. Gray, born June 27. 1823, Kirkintilloch, Scotland, and Sarah Gray, born Oct. 31, 1830, who were married March B, 1852). Born Jan. 19, 1853, Kirkintilloch. Came to Utah 1861, Joseph W. Young com- pany. Married Nancy Stewart Aug. 1880 (daughter of William A. Stewart and Jane Browning; the former came to Utah 1847). She was born Nov. 10, 1861. Their children: Eugene b. Nov. 10, 1881; John S. b. Feb. 21, 1885; Hazel b. Feb. 1, 1888; Wallace b. May 6. 1891; Archie b. Nov. 7, 1893; Lucille b. May 30, 1897; Mildred b. March 4, 1900; Leland b. May 6, 1905. Family home Central, Utah. GREAVES, PETER (son of Thomas Greaves, born 1800, and Dorothy Gescal of Lancashire, Eng. married 1825 in Lanca- shire). He was born Aug. 26, 1837, Paterson, N. J. Came to Utah 1852, Capt. Howell company. Married Elizabeth Motley June 20, 1858 (daughter of William Motley and Elizabeth Hughes married 1833, Here- ford, Eng.; former died at Nauvoo, 111., latter pioneer, William Wall company). She was born June 10, 1837, and came to Utah with mother. Their children: Peter b. Sept. 17, 1859, m. Catherine Mortenson; John b. Jan. 24, 1867, m. Hannah Frost; Albert M. b. March 10, 1872, m. Lorinda Peterson. Member first city council of Ephraim eight years; member last territorial legislative council (senate); commissioner San Pete county, holding position as chairman two years. GREEN, ALPHONZO. Born July 8, 1810, Brookfleld, N. Y. Came to Utah 1847. Married Betsy Murdock Dec. 29, 1838, Hamilton, N. Y., who was born May 6, 1810. Their children: Alva Alphonzo, m. Ellen Gibson; Sarah Annadellah, m. James Chipman; Joseph Daniels, and John Murdock, died. Family home American Fork, Utah. Married Elizabeth Chadwick, at Salt Lake City, who came to Utah 1867. Their children: Rastus, m. Emily Adamson; Alice, m. Joseph Oler. Family home, American Fork. Died Aug. 6, 1875, at American Fork. GREEN, ALVA ALPHONZO (son of Alphonzo Green and Betsey Murdock). Born Nov. 14, 1859, at American Fork. Married Elizabeth Buckwater (daughter of John and Sarah Buckwater). Their children: Alva Alphonzo b. Nov. 14, 1859, m. Mary H. Hindley; John Buckwater b. Jan. 31, 1861, m. Annie Proctor; Rastus, died; Sarah Mariam, m. David P. Pratt; Delia Betsey, m. John I. Chipman; Perry, died; Jessie, m. Elizabeth Boley; William Quincy, m. Emma ; Margaret Vilate, m. Peter G. Clark; Fred Leroy, m. Jessie Clark. Family home, American Fork. Married Ellen Gibson May 2. 1884, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Gibson and Liza Kennedy of Scotland, pioneers 1862, William Hicks company). She was born Nov. 26, 1847. Their children: Junta Elizabeth b. June 15, 1885, died; Alphonzo b. April 18, 1887, m. Hilda Boley; Ross Rodney b. Sept. 16, 1889. Family home, American Fork. Seventy; ward teacher. City councilman. Farmer and stockraiser. Died March 2, 1901, at American Fork. GREEN, ALVA ALPHONZO, JR. (son of Alva Alphonzo Green and Elizabeth Buckwater). Born Nov. 14, 1859, at American Fork. Married Mary Hindley Green Jan. 13. 1880. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hindley and Jane C. Robinson of England). She was born Oct. 23, 1860. Their children: Mary L., died; Mark Hindley b. Dec. 12, 1880; Jane Feme b. Feb. 28, 1891; Bessie Irene b. July 6, 1892; Minnie b. Oct. 1, 1898; Anna Maybelle b. July 12, 1901. Family home, American Fork. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser. GREEN, ALVIN (son of Robert Green and Fanny Greely). Born May 27, 1829. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1847, Ira Eld- redge company. Married Frances A. Gibson Dec. 27, 1850, Brigham Toung officiating (daughter of George W. Gibson and Mary Sparks of South Cottonwood, Utah, pioneers 1848, John Brown com- pany). She was born May 15, 1823, in Mississippi and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Mary J., m. Isaac Fer- guson; Frances A., m. Robert Oakden; Alvin W., m. Alice White; Robert A., m. Carrie Neilson; William A., m. Cena Jensen; Moses K., m. Sarah Wood; George A., m. Lucy Graham; Harriet A., m. Joseph Graham. Family home Brin- ton ward, Murray, Utah. High priest. Water master at Big Cottonwood 20 years. Miner; farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 3, 1912. GREEN, GRANDFATHER came to Utah in 1851. Married Floretta . Their children: Riley, m. Addie Lambert; Ephraim, m. Sidney Florence Thayne; Sandford, m. Elnora Elckenson; Benjamin, m. Julia Lark. GREEN, EPHRAIM. Came to Utah with oxteam. Married Sidney Florence Thayne at Salt Lake City. Their children: Chas. Ephraim; John Edward, m. Esther Allen; Millie May; Amanda Elizabeth, m. Don Carlos Pope; Flor- etta, m. David Toliver; Elmera, m. Warren L. Allen; Alma, and Ada, d. infants; Matilda, m. Frank Searle; Sadie Flor- ence. Family home Vernal, Utah. Elder. Veteran Black Hawk war. Farmer. GREEN, HERVEY (son of Ebenezer Green, born Sept. 22, 1777, and Ruth Weed). Born Dec. 4, 1806, in New York state. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball com- pany. Married Sally Ann Pickard April 14, 1828 (daughter of Henry Pickard and Jane Coleman). She was born April 14, 1811, and died in Jackson county, Mo. Their children: Henry Sheldon b. April 22, 1833, d. at birth; Ammon (twin of Henry Sheldon), m. Almira Mesick. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Jane Rich September, 1837 (daughter of Joseph Rich and Nancy O'Neal, who were married June 23, 1808, pioneers 1847, Charles C. Rich company). She was born Nov. 6, 1813, in Indiana. Their children: Mary Ann b. Aug. 11, 1838, m. William Hyde April 7, 1858; Nancy Jane b. Feb. 7, 1840, m. James H. Raser 1858; Celestia Artemesia b. Jan. 14, 1847, m. George Davis; Joseph Hervey b. July 30, 1850. GREEN, AMMON (son of Hervey Green and Sally Ann Pick- ard). Born April 22, 1833, Kaw township, Jackson county, Mo. Married Almira Mesick April 22, 1855, San Bernardino, California (daughter of Peter I. Mesick and Maria Spencer, former pioneer July 27, 1847, James Brown company; lat- ter died in New York state). She was born Nov. 8, 1838, Leyden, Lewis county, N. Y. Their children: Ammon b. April 1, 1859, m. Annie Peterson Sept. 6, 1888; Cynthia Lois ; b. Nov. 25, 1860, m. George Heslop Nov. 1, 1880; Almira b. March 11, 1862, d. Feb. 22, 1863; Henry Peter b. June 3, 1863, m. Robina Noyes Nov. 5, 1890; George b. April 22, 1865, m. Charlotte I. Bartholomew Dec. 16, 1891; William Hervey b. Sept. 28, 1867, m. Mary Ann Bartholomew Dec. 16, 1891; Al- bert b. Aug. 5, 1869, m. Minerva Knight; Mary Ann b. March 13, 1871, m. Merlin J. Bartholomew; Edward S. b. Nov. 26, 1872, m. Martha E. Aldous June 13, 1900; Harriet Ann b. June 13, 1874, m. Ellas Peterson; Charles Lawrence b. April 19, 1876, m. Margaret Peterson; Benjamin F. b. Dec. 28, 1878, m. Ellen Bartlett Sept. 18, 1901; Emily Maria b. Oct. 5, 1880, m. Jesse Fowers. Family home West Weber, Utah. Presiding elder; president seventies; superintendent Sun- day schools; missionary. Justice of peace; constable. Died April 23, 1911. GREEN, AMMON (son of Ammon Green and Almira Mesick). Born April 1, 1859, Beaver, Utah. Married Annie Peterson Sept. 6. 1888, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Christian and Maren Peterson, who came to Utah 1875). She was born Nov. 28, 1865, Ringsted. Sor8 amt, Tyvilsa, Denmark; and died Nov. 21, 1910, West Weber, Utah. Their children: Annie b. July 11, 188>9; Leonle b. Dec. 5, 1! Bertha Marguerite b. July 5. 1894; Ammon b. Sept. 26, 1896; Almira Flint b. Sept. 24, 1902. GREEN, JOHN H. (son of William Green). Born in Wor- cestershire, Eng. Came to Utah 1849, Captain Clark com- Pa Married Susannah Phillips 1834, Acton, Eng. (daughter of William Phillips), who was born October 1815. Their children: Thomas; Ann; Charlotte; Robert, m. Sarah Ann Harris; James; Elizabeth: Emma; Amelia; John H.; Alice Maud. Family home Kaysville, Utah. High priest; bishop's counselor. Farmer. Died April le, 1886. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 899 GREEN ROBERT (son of John H. Green and Susannah Phillips). Born April 4, 1842, Nauvoo. Came to Utah with Married Sarah Ann Harris Jan. 2, 1865, Layton, Utah (daughter of Robert Harris and Hannah Maria Egles of ADcerley Gloucestershire, Eng., pioneers 1850). She was horn June 11 1845. Their children: Sarah Maria b. Nov. 6, 1866 m James H. Gibbs Feb. 4, 1886; Elizabeth Browett b. Anri'l 22 1867, m. John W. Moss Jan. 27, 1897; Ada Ann b. March 4 1869, m. George Moss Jan, 5, 1893; Lucy Emma b. Nov 28 1870 m. Edwin Williams Dec. 25, 1888; Susannah b Sept '4 1872, m. David W. Morris Jan. 3, 1895; John Robert h Oct ~9 1874; Daniel Milton b. Nov. 19, 1876, m. Ella Clark 1902; James William b. Sept. 22, 1878; Joseph Albert h Sept 3 1880, m. Edna Evans Dec. 19, 1907; Alice Elvira b. April 27. 1882, m. Joseph S. Morris Dec. 24, 1902. High councilor Malad stake; bishop's counselor at Wood- ruff, Idaho. Farmer. GREEN, PETER C. (son of Christian Petersen Green, born ! 1789 and Elsie Jensen Bek, born Feb. 2, 1789, both In Denmark). He was born March 1, 1827, in Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862, oxteam company. Married Elsie Marie. Bertlesen Nov. 5, 1853, who died April 9 1899 Their children: Peter B. b. Feb. 4, 1864; Elsie Marie b' April 26, 1866; Annie Josephine b. March 31, 1868; Eliza Godelia b. Dec. 22, 1871. Seventy; presiding teacher Plain City ward; high priest; bishop's counselor 27 years. GREEN, ROBERT (son of Klnyon Green of New Hampshire, and Nancy Austin of England). Born August. 1806. in New Hampshire; came to Utah Sept. 19, 1847, Ira Eldredge com- >a Married Fanny Greely (daughter of Ezekiel and Annie Greely former pioneer Sept. 19, 1847). She was born Aug. 12 1806, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Alvin b. May 27, 1828, m. Frances Gibson 1849; Austin G. b. March 26, 1834, m. Mary Ann Marchant 1858. GREEN, AUSTIN G. (son of Robert Green and Fanny Greely). Born March 26, 1834, in New York state. Married Mary Ann Marchant 1858. Their children: Austin A, b Dec. 18, 1860, m. Sarah Hawkes; Oscar W. b. April 10, 1862 m. Christina Pool; Robert A. b. Feb. 8, 1864, m. Hattie Shippen; Albert b. Oct. 7, 1865; Alma L. b. Jan. 3, 1870, m. Meda Stephens; Amasa b. Jan. 2, 1872; Gilbert M. b. Feb. 4, 1874, m. Eva Ballantyne; Justin M. b. May 26, 1878, m. Julina Ballantyne. Farmer. William G. Young company). She, Susan Kent, was born April 3, 1816, in Vermont. Their children: Emily Frances, d. infant; Evan Flavius, m. Mary E. Kennedy; Rhoda, m. J. J. Bullock; Nancy Leonora, m. Franklin W. Young; Susan Eveline, m. Edmond Homer; Ann Eliza, d. June 16, 1846; Melissa, m. Edmond Homer; Louisa Lula, m. Lev! W. Richards; John Portineus, d. March 3, 1852; Admanzah, d. Jan. 30, 1863; Jasper W., d. infant; Daniel Kent, m. Adallne Allen; Edwin M. Married Susie Platt April 12, 1889, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Platt and Betty Butterworth of Royton, Lancashire, Eng., latter pioneer 1868, Theron Spencer com- pany). She was born Oct. 13, 1844. Their children: Joseph Platt b. Jan. 15, 1872, m. Mary Ann Read; Zerviah Susie b. Jan. 28, 1874, m. George Y. Smith; Melbourne Platt b. Oct. 26, 1876. m. Eva Bertha Bennett; Elizabeth Fanny b. April 28, 1879. d. Oct. 21, 1902; John Platt b. June 15, 1881, m. Effle Allsop. Missionary to eastern states; patriarch: high councilo.r. Mayor of Provo two years; postmaster of Provo; member legislature four years; compiled book of laws for Utah territory; school teacher. Farmer; stockralser; merchant. Died May 2, 1882, in Sevier Co., Utah. GREENE, EVAN FLAVIUS (son of Evan M. Greene and Susan Kent). Born Feb. 22, 1838, Kirtland, Ohio. Married Mary E. Kennedy March 17, 1873. at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Kennedy and Sarah Warren of Tazewell county, Va. former died in Indiana, latter came to Utah 1869). She, Mary E., was born July 14, 1843. (Her children by Milburn Whitt, former husband: Sarah b. Aug. 12, 1865, m. Francis P. McNeil; Josephine b. Dec. 3, 1866, m. Robert Hamilton; Reece B. b. March 9, 1868, d. aged 18.) Their children: Mary E. b. Jan. 15, 1874, m. Frank P. Ellis; Susan Y. b. March 19, 1876, m. Fennessy; Rachel M. b. Jan. 19, 1878, d. Dec. 12. 1884; Hyrum S. b. May 25. 1880. and Rhoda M. twins) b. May 25, 1880, d .infants; Evan Flavius b. Nov. 2, 1882, d. aged 27. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest; assistant Sunday school superintendent Springdale. Utah; ward teacher. Freighter; farmer and stockraiser. GREEN, WILLIAM (son of James Green and Ann Mellows of Shelford, Nottinghamshire, Eng.). Born March, 1803, at Shelford. Came to Utah with Christiansen handcart corn- Married Harriet Hulet, who was born 1813. Only child: John (stepson) b. May 12, 1835, m. Mary Partington Dec. 26, 1857. Family home Fountain Green, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Pioneer in irrigation. GREEN, JOHN (stepson of William Green and son of Harriet Hulet). Born May 12, 1835, Lambly, Nottingham- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 18, 1856, Philemon C. Mer- rill company. Married Mary Staford (Partington) Dec. 26, 1857 (daugh- ter of James Staford and Hannah Williams), who was born Sept. 25, 1830, and came to Utah 1854. Their children: Elizabeth Harriet b. Sept. 6, 1869, m. James Green; William J. b. Nov. 3, 1861, m. Margret A. Johnson May 20, 1880: John b. Dec. 11, 1863; Allace b. Jan. 14, 1865, m. Isaac Huff Nov. 24, 1881; Allen b. Jan. 14, 1866, died. Married Hephzibah Mathews Nov. 11, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Mathews and Hephzibah Jarvis, who were married Dec. 31, 1832, Radford, Eng. former pioneer Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company, latter Oct. 4, 1864, William S. Warren company). She was born Feb. 10, 1844, Belston, Nottinghamshire, Eng. Their children: John Henry b. Oct. 28, 1867; Mary Eliza b. March 14, 1869; Charles Mathews b. April 12, 1870, m. Eva May Bailey Dec. 25, 1899. Married Elizabeth Ann Willson Jan. 16, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Willson and Allace Smith, married Feb. 9, 1869, St. Louis, Mo.). She was born Nov. 8, 1859, at St. Louis. Their children: George W. b. Jan. 20, 1880, m. Sarah Ann A. Taylor Jan. 24. 1908; Richard Edgar b. Nov. 20, 1881, m. Nellie May Anderson Sept. 2, 1908; Thomas Franklin b. Jan. 10, 1884; Wallace and Wilford b. March 22, 1886; James Arthur b. July 23, 1888; Frances Maud b. Dec. 9, 1890, m. Edward Bailey July 28, 1909; Orson b. March 8, 1893; Geneva Alice b. Sept. 24, 1898; Reah Harriet b. March 10, 1903. Families resided Fountain Green, Utah. Served in Echo Canyon war; Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Pioneer in irrigation. GREE1YEWALD, AARON (son of Jacob and Tina Greenewald of Germany). Born March 28, 1831, in Germany. Came to Utah April 6, 1865. Married Lena Lang- Oct. 12, 1856, Philadelphia, Pa. (daugh- ter of Isaac Lang of Baden, Germany), who was born Oct. 12, 1833. Their children: Bertha, m. Jacob E. Bamberger; Sarah, died; Lillie, m. Joseph Oberndorfer; Jacob A., m. Mildred Rheinstrom; Isadore and Clara, died. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Hotel keeper and merchant. GREENEWALD, JACOB A. (son of Aaron Greenewald and Lena Lang). Born Aug. 1, 1866, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Mildred Rheinstrom June 1, 1908 (daughter of Edward Rheinstrom and Ida Lang of Portland, Ore.), who was born June 2, 1888. Their children: Richard I. b. June 6, 1909. Family home. Salt Lake City. President Greenewald Furniture Company. Colonel 1st regiment Utah national guard; member Governor John C. Cutler's staff 1904-08. Richard I. Greenewald, his flrst son, said to have been the flrst Jewish child born in Utah. GREENHALGH, ABRAHAM H. Came from England to Utah 1853. Married Sarah Hope in England. Their children: Jasic, died; Sarah; Ellen, m. Hyram Bennett; Peter, m. Mary Ann Fisher; m. Jennette Stewart; Margaret, m. Robert Fergeson; William, Abraham and Lizzie, died; Joseph, m. Jane Adams; Jane, died. Family home Meadow, Utah. Block teacher; choir leader. Road supervisor; postmaster 20 years at Meadow. Farmer. GREENHALGH, PETER (son of Abraham H. Greenhalgh and Sarah Hope). Born May 3, 1853, orf the banks of the Mississippi river in Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Ann Fisher 1872 at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Fisher and Hannah Stott of Meadow, Utah), who was born February, 1863, and died 1880. Their children: Emma, m. George Lamburn; Peter, m. Anne Duncan; Mary, m. Charles Smith; Hannah, m. Wesley Barton. Family home Meadow. Married Jennette Stewart May, 1882 (daughter of William Stewart and Jane Jenkins of Meadow). Their children: Jane, m. William Sutherland; Neil, m. Hilda Swenson; Jennette, m. Harry Hamburg; Rhoda, m. Roy Aubry; Leona; Ruby; Luceil. Family home Salt Lake City. GREENE, EVAN MOLBOURNK (son of John Portineus Greene and Rhoda Young of New York, and Kirtland, Ohio). Born Dec. 22, 1814. Aurelius, Cayuga county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1852, Allen Weeks company. Married Susan Kent Aug. 29, 1835, in New York state (daughter of Daniel Kent and Nancy Young of Kirtland, Ohio, and New York state, latter pioneer Sept. 26, 1867, GREENHALGH, PETER (son of William Greenhalgh, born 1790, and Margaret Hope, both of Leigh, Lancashire, Eng.). Born March 1, 1830, at Leigh. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey company. Married Sarah Heald May 3, 1852 (daughter of Henry Heald and Margaret Milligan). She was born Nov. 17, 1827. Their children: Margaret b. Dec. 12, 1852, Lorenzo b. Aug. 28, 1853, and William Henry b. May 26, 1854, latter three died infants; Peter b. Nov. 9, 1855, m. Rebecca A. Welker Sept. 29, 1881; Thomas Alma b. Nov. 28, 1857, m. Josephine Krogne; Sarah Ann b. April 1, 1860, and Catherine b. May 1, 1862, d. children; Mary Ellen b. Jan. 13, 1864, m. David A. Nelson; 900 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Adelia b. June 27, 1867, m. Charles H. Hart; Franklin b. July 13, 1870, m. Frances Thomas. Family home Willard, Utah, and Bloomington, Idaho. Settled first at Willard, Utah; served in Echo Canyon war 1857; moved to Bloomington, Idaho, 1863. Served two years as 1st counselor to president of elders' quorum at Willard; Feb. 8, 1858, ordained a seventy and set apart a president of 59th quorum, which position he held until Aug. 26, 1877, when he was ordained a high priest and set apart as a member of high council of Bear Lake stake, holding this position about 20 years; superintendent Bloomington Sunday school 1871-1909; choir leader 35 years. Director and secre- tary Bloomington Co-op, store 35 years. Farmer and stock- raiser. GREENHALGH, PETER, JR. (son of Peter Greenhalgh and Sarah Heald). Born Nov. 9, 1855, Willard, Utah. Married Rebecca A. Welker Sept. 29, 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James W. Welker and Annie Pugh, pio- neers 1852). She was born Jan. 24, 1864, at Willard. Their children: Sarah Annie b. June 17, 1882, m. Christian Hansen Sept. 6, 1900; Peter Asa b. Jan. 27, 1884, died; Leonard b. Sept. 12, 1886, m. Annie M. Allen Nov. 25, 1908; Elliot Severe b. Nov. 7, 1888; Adeline b. June 6, 1891, m. Hugh Stewart Dec. 19, 1907; Alma W. b. Aug. 2, 1894; Glida b. Aug. 5, 1898; Elelyn Pearl b. Nov. 20, 1902. Family home Wilford. Idaho. GREENHALGH, THOMAS (son of William Greenhalgh, born Jan. 12, 1790. and Margret Greenhalgh, born Feb. 10, 1792, both at Swinton, near Manchester, Lancashire, Eng.). He was born Jan. 15, 1821, Worsley, Lancashire. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins company. Married Mary Morecroft Sept. 26, 1847, Eccles, Eng. (daughter of James Morecroft and Hannah Downing of Macclesfield, near Manchester). She was born Feb. 24, 1827. Their children were: Mary Ann, m. George Mace; Sarah, m. James L. Newton: Martha, died; Abraham, m. Maria Nel- sena Henrichsen; Thomas, m. Elizabeth Greenhalgh; Mar- garet Alice, m. William Wallace Billings; William, m. Jolley; Frances, d. child; Ruth Elizabeth, m. Charles S. Cram; George, m. Elizabeth Mackleprang. Family home Washington, Washington Co., Utah. Married Harriet Wardle 1873 at Salt Lake City, who came to Utah 1872 from Lancashire, Eng. Their children were Thomas John; Henry; Esther. Home missionary England 1840-65. High priest and ward teacher. Settled first in Sugar House ward, Salt Lake City, moving to Washington, Utah, in 1867, where he took charge of weaving department of Brlgham Young cotton factory. Died May 2, 1882. GREENHALGH, ABRAHAM (son of Thomas Greenhalgh and Mary Morecroft). He was born April 12, 1855, Man- chester, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Maria Nelsena Henrichsen March 9, 1882, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Henrichsen and Jacobine Ernst of Veile, Denmark, latter came to Utah July 12, 1872, Anthon H. Lund company). She was born Jan. 18, 1862, came to Utah with mother. Their children: Ernest Abraham b. Feb. 26, 1883, m. Hazel Adams; Thomas Charles b. Oct. 14, 1884; Leo Morecroft b. July 17, 1887; Earl Henrichsen b. April 11, 1891; Erma Mary b. Feb. 28, 1896; Jacobine b. Jan. 30, 1S01, died. Worked in cotton mill under father at Washington, Utan; moved to Kanab, Utah, 1873, and to Provo 1875, where he worked in Provo Woolen Mills until 1895. Settled at Scho- fleld, Utah, 1899, where he engaged in the mercantile busi- ness, serving also as postmaster 1901-09; justice of the peace; town councilman. President of deacons' quorum; Sunday school and ward teacher; high priest; 2nd counselor in Schofleld bishopric 1904-12, becoming first counselor Jan. 17, 1912. GREENWOOD, WILLIAM (son of Robison Greenwood of Yorkshire, born 1782, and Elizabeth Cryer, born 1784, both at Burnley, Eng.). He was born Aug. 7, 1822, at Burnley. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1847. Married Alice Houghton May 30. 1843 (daughter of William Houghton), who was born May 1, 1823. Their children- Joseph R. b. March 16, 1844; Elizabeth b. March 8, 1846; Benjamin Y. b. Feb. 9, 1846, m. Jane Julian; Margaret A. b. Feb. 25, 1847, m. James Carter; Alice b. Feb. 26, 1849, m. Alfred Moyle; William b. April 13, 1850, m. Charlotte Wood; Samuel b. March 3, 1852, m. Ellen Julian; Jacob b. Feb. 26, 1853. m. Melissa Snow; Alma b. Oct. 18, 1854, m. F. M. Brown; Rachel b. Feb. 23, 1856, m. Willaim H. Hunter; Jedediah M., m. Barbara Boley; Mary E. b. March 26, 1859, m. Frank Herbert; Joshua b. July 29, 1860, m. Josephine Payne; Ruth b. June 22, 1862, m. James Gardner. Married Emma Julian Jan. 1864, Salt Lake City. Their child: William J. b. Jan. 30, 1865. Married Bertha C. L. Eyring March 22, 1864 (daughter of Edward C. Eyring and C. L. Von Blomberg), who was born June 12, 1836, In Germany. Their children: Stephen b. Feb 26, 1870; Bertha E. b. April 20, 1872, m. Perry Webster; Francis Charlotte b. Nov. 14, 1874: Abraham O. b. Feb. 6, 1877. Family resided American Fork. One of first conference clerks in L. D. S. church In Utah. Active in manufacturing and building school houses. Mem- ber of first bishopric and first school teacher in American Fork. Pioneer surveyor of Utah county. GREENWOOD, JOSHUA (son of William Greenwood and Alice Houghton). Born July 29, 1860, at American Fork, Utah. Married Josephine Payne Jan. 18, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Payne and Harriet McBride), who was born May 26, 1861, Fillmore, Utah. Their children: Marian J. b. Oct. 24, 1883, m. Louis Melville April 1905; Hattie E. b. Oct. 18, 1886, m. C. A. Kimball June 10, 1907; Lucile E. b. Nov. 1, 1891; Norma M. b. Oct. 31, 1894; Ruth Afton b. Aug. 30, 1897; Evangeline b. July 2, 1900. Family home Fillmore and Nephi, Utah. One of first graduates of Brigham Young University. Territorial deputy school commissioner; justice of peace; mayor; city attorney; county attorney; county treasurer; county superintendent of schools; probate judge; district attorney and at present judge fifth judicial district of Utah. GREENWOOD, WILLIAM (son of William Greenwood and Sarah Hartley of Burnley, Eng., and Warsaw, Hancock county. 111.). Born March 4, 1819, at Hepinstall, Eng. Came to Utah 1862, Benjamin Gardner company. Married Ann Hartley 1841 at Burnley (daughter of Barnard Hartley and Mary Beck of Burnley), who was born July 26, 1821. Their children: Martha, d. child; Sarah, m. Isaac Turley 1861; Foster, d. infant; Barnard Hartley, m. Eunice Howd; William, m. Matilda Stewart; Mary Ann, m. Charles D. White May 4, 1875; Adam, m. Henrietta Young; Nathan, m. Alice Parkinson; Titus, m. Edith Sidwell June 19 1897; Rachel, d. infant; Ruth, m. William A. Twitchell. Fam- ily home. Beaver, Utah. High priest; missionary to Iron Co., Utah, 1852-56; ward teacher. Road supervisor. Farmer. Died Oct. 11, 1899 at Riverside, Millard Co., Utah. GREENWOOD, BARNARD HARTLEY (son of William Greenwood and Ann Hartley). Born Sept. 9, 1849, at War- saw, 111. Came to Utah July, 1852. Married Eunice Howd Dec. 19, 1871, Beaver City, Utah (daughter of Simeon F. Howd and Luclnda Morgan former pioneer July 24, 1847, and latter Sept. 1847). She was born Aug. 8, 1862, at Beaver City. Their children: Hart- ley b. March 13, 1873, m. Bertha Hawley; Rachel b. June 6, 1875, m. Wing Ence; Amelia b. Feb. 7, 1878, and Adelia b. Feb. 7, 1878, d. infants; Carlos B. b. Oct. 31, 1879, m. Esther Stevenson; William Simeon b. Feb. 18. 1882, m. Stena Christensen; Ernest Morgan b. March 4, 1884, m! Florence Reese; Ray Howd b. June 8, 1886, m. Hazel Cray; Lester Duane b. May 3, 1888; Raleigh Vern b. Dec. 6, 1890; Rhoda Lucinda b. March 5, 1895. Family home Inverury, Utah. High priest; bishop Inverury ward 1882-1906. Sevler county selectman 1883-90; representative two terms in state legislature, 1896-99. Director in Elsinore Roller Mills Co., Sevler Valley Canal Co. and Richfield Canal Co. Died June 27, 1906. GREENWOOD, HARTLEY (son of Barnard Hartley Green- wood and Eunice Howd). Born March 13, 1873, at Beaver, Utah. Married Bertha Hawley Sept. 6, 1893, Inverury, Utah (daughter of Asa Smith Hawley and Mary Beers of that place, former pioneer 1852, James Shaw company, latter 1848, Zera Pulsipher company). She was born June 21, 1875. Their children: Mary Eunice b. June 7, 1894; Jennie b. Dec. 4, 1898; Irene b. April 24, 1899; Priscilla b. June 3, 1901; Sylvia b. March 4, 1905; Lavon b. April 21, 1908. Family home Inverury, Utah. High priest; bishop Inverury ward. Farmer. GREENWOOD, CARLOS B. (son of Barnard Hartley Green- wood and Eunice Howd). Born Oct. 31, 1879, Inverury, Utah. Married Esther Stevenson June 10, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Stevenson and Josephine Myers), who was born Dec. 15, 1880, at Kersor, Denmark. Their chil- dren: Melba b. Feb. 14, 1906; Fern Josephine b. Jan. 11, 1907; Reed Barnard b. Nov. 10, 1908; Eunice Ileen b. Jan. 7, 1911. Family home Inverury. Missionary to southern states 1902-04; bishop Inverury ward 1906-11. Director Elslnore Canal Co.; president Central Rural Telephone Co.; vice-president Central Water Works Co. Farmer. GREER, l)l\o\ HAMLIN (son of Nathaniel Hunt Greer, died 1855, and Nancy Ann Roberts of Georgia and Texas). Born April 16, 1834. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1865, Seth M. Blair company. Married Mary Sprouse in 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Sprouse and Catherine Handley of that place, pioneers 1854, Benjamin L. Clapp company). She was born 1839. Their children: Nathaniel Dixon b. 1868. m. Sarah Howorth; Catherine b. 1861, d. infant. Family resided Walls- burg and Provo, Utah. Married Harriet Camp Murphy In February 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Camp and Dlanah Greer of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1860). She was born Jan. 9, 1839. Their children: John C. b. Feb. 15, 1864, m. Annie Gardner; Dianah b. Feb. 1866, d. infant; William b. 1867, d. 1891; Nancy b. 1869, d. child; Stephen b. 1871, m. Susa Gardner; Susie b. 1873, and Mark b. 1875. d. Infants; Grace b. 1877, m. W. A. Nuttall; Willmlrth b. 1879. m. William Boshard; Alice b. 1881, m. Mors S. Duffleld. Family home Wallsburg. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 901 Left Mormon Grove on the Missouri river June 1856 with freight in company with his father; the father dying at Grasshopper Creek near Atchison. Kan., he and brothers brought goods to Salt Lake City and set up a store at corner of 1st South and Main streets. School teacher at Heber, Utah, 1862, and at Wallsburg 1864; at latter place was first school trustee, organized first school district and built first school house, 1865. GREGORY, ROBERT (son of John Gregory, born 1786 at Pitminster, Somersetshire, Eng., and Elizabeth Sylvester, born 1791). He was born Nov. 30, 1826 at Pitminster. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1862. Married Mary Stevens Nov. 12, 1854, who died Sept. 15, 1862, near Fort Laramie, while en route to Utah. Married Selena Marshall Jan. 2, 1863, Franklin, Idaho (daughter of Thomas Marshall and Sarah Good, pioneers Sept. 26, 1856, Edmond Ellsworth and Daniel McArthur com- pany). She was born Feb. 22, 1844, Lintonhill, Eng. Their children: Mary Levenia b. Oct. 17, 1863, m. David Davis Jan. 4, 1883; Sarah Selena b. Jan. 6, 1866, m. Mark Porter Dec. 3, 1884; Charlotte Maria b. Feb. 1, 1868, m. M. H. Preece May 20, 1885; R. F. b. March 17. 1872, and R. A. b. Sept. 28, 1873, died; J. W. b. Nov. 17, 1874. m. L. M. Albiston Nov. 20, 1895; E. T. b. Dec. 25, 1877, m. J. R. Hansen April 19, 1900; E. L. b. Feb. 28, 1878, m. H. Hatch Sept. 20, 1888; George F. b. April 19, 1880, m Delila Bright June 11, 1903; T. J. b. July 16, 1882, m. Mary Hawkeswood Sept. 14, 1904; Amy L. b. Oct. 22, 1884, m. A. Morrison March 8, 1906; S. Cirling b. Jan. 5, 1887; Evea Vonie b. Feb. 13, 1888, m. J. Chrlstoffer- eon Nov. 8. 1905. Missionary. Settled at Franklin, Idaho, 1862. Died Dec. 28, 1900. GREGORY, GEORGE F. (son of Robert Gregory and Selena Marshall). Born April 19, 1880, Cove, Utah. Married Delila Bright June 11, 1903, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John Bright and Phoebe Smith). She was born March 16, 1884, at Lewiston, Utah. Their children: G. R. b. April 24, 1904; F. L. b. July 1, 1905; Edith b. Dec. 31, 1906; D. C. b. Dec. 14. 1908; A. B. b. April 28, 1910; J. M. b. Jan. 19, 1912. Missionary to Missouri Jan 4, 1900, to March 26, 1902; member superintendency Cove and Mountain Home Sunday schools. GRIFFETH, PATISON DELOSS (son of Judah Griffeth and Mariah Rockwell). Born Jan. 3, 1824, in Orleans county, N. T. Came to Utah Oct. 1851, William H. Walton company. Married Elizabeth Carson April 20, 1841 (daughter of George Carson, born July 17, 1794, and Ann Hough, born June 27, 1794). She was born July 7, 1822. Their children: Phebe Ann b. Feb. 9, 1847. m. William Hyde; George A. b. Jan. 6, 1849, m. Mary Thurman; Louisa E. b. Sept. 19, 1851, m. Samuel Seamons; Lovina S. b. Feb. 19, 1854, m. Ed- ward Thurman; Marinda E. b. March 7, 1857, m. Henry Hob- son; Urmina T. b. Jan. 12, 1860. m. Heman Hyde; Mary M. b. July 17, 1862, m. Austin C. Hyde; Patison Deloss b. March 2, 1867, d. April 29, 1867. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Counselor to Bishop William Hyde. Died May 11, 1901, Grover, Wyo. GRIFFIN. THOMAS (oon of Jemima Griffin of Birmingham, Eng.). Born Dec. 28, 1828, in Birmingham. Came to Utah In September, 1854, Job Smith company. Married Amanda Ellen Perkins Oct. 19, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ute Perkins and Anna Warren, married Feb. 18, 1835, Macedonia, III., pioneers Sept. 17, 1860, Jona- than Foote company). She was born March 15, 1838, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Selina Ellen b. July 26, 1857, m. Franklin Gregson Robinson Feb. 1, 1878; Thomas Fulton b. Feb. 15, 1860; Lodicy Ann b. March 17, 1862, m. William Herbert Leroy Olsten Nov. 27. 1884; Jullen Perkins b. Nov. 15, 1864, m. Emma Kathrine Rainey Oct. 12, 1887; Hortense Vilate b. Aug. 8, 1867, m. James Isaac Shepard Feb. 24, 1886; Anna Jemima b. Dec. 15, 1869; Orion Thomas b. Sept. 6, 1872; Ute Elon b. March 10, 1876, m. Millie Redford Feb. 17, 1904. Member acting teachers' quorum under Bishop Tidwell at Richmond, Utah, 1863; president elders quorum; high priest; officer in Richmond Sunday school fifteen years. At annual exhibition of Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing So- ciety at Salt Lake City In Oct. 1856, was awarded silver medal for building first model steam engine in Utah ter- ritory; assisted in designing and making tools for manu- facture of first firearms and nails in Utah. Left Salt Lake City and settled at Richmond in 1860, conducting a machine and blacksmith shop. Leader of Richmond Brass Band; Richmond city councilman 1884. 1890 and 1897; mayor of Richmond 1866, 1888, 1892. 1893, 1895 and 1903; commis- sioner of Cache county 1891; commissioned to locate uni- versity lands 1892; member federal grand jury at Salt Lake City 1901; school trustee. Director of Richmond Co-op, several years; administrator of estate of C. H. Monson. 1840. and came to Utah In Oct. 1865. Their children: William Henry b. Jan. 11, 1872, m. Lydia Ballard, 1897; Franklin T. b. March 1, 1874. m. Jennie Ballard, 1899; Bessie b. March 17, 1877, m. W. R. Ballard June 10, 1896. Married Elizabeth Clarke (daughter of Amos Clarke and Ann Thomas), who was born Nov. 29, 1858, in North Wales Their children: George Heber b. April 20, 1886: Nettie Ann b. Dec. 14, 1886, m. Pearl Jenkins 1909; Amos R. b. May 7, 1891; David H. b. July 20. 1894; Samuel H. b. Sept. 18, 1896; Lula Viola b. June 24, 1898; Spencer G. b. Sept. 7, 1901. Families reside Newton, Utah. Bishop of Newton ward 1893-1904. GRIMMETT, JOHN (son of George and Elizabeth Grlmmett). Born Jan. 5, 1827, in England. Came to Utah 1855. Married Sarah Passey (daughter of Thomas and Mar- gret Passey), who was born June 24, 1818. Their children: George b. Jan. 11, 1848; Orson b. March 5, 1850, m. Ella Bernely 1876; Rosina b. Feb. 20, 1852, m. James W. O'Nell; Hyrum b. Jan. 6, 1854, m. Emma A. Pomeroy Oct. 14, 1875. m. Hannah A. Sleight June 17, 1894; Sarah Jane b. May 23, 1856, m. Alfred W. Sparks; John Henry b. May 23. 1856. m. Louisa Nate. Family resided Cedar Fort, West Jordan, Utah, and Bear Lake Co., Idaho. GRIMMETT, HYRUM (son of John Grlmmett and Sarah Passey). Born Jan. 6, 1854, Birmingham. Eng. Married Emma Adella Pomeroy Oct. 9. 1S75. Salt Lake City (daughter of Francis Martin Pomeroy and Irene Ursula Haskell, former came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brlgham Young company). She was born June 16, 1858. Provo, Utah. Their children: Hyrum Alberto b. Jan. 24, 1877. m. Annie McBride Feb. 24, 1897; Rosa Ella b. Dec. 23, 1878. m. Olen Ockerman; John Francis b. June 15. 1880, m. Bertha C. Benson; Chester Pomeroy b. May 1, 1883; Sarah Emma Fran- celle b. Aug. 29, 1888, m. W. W. Young. Family resided Paris, Dingle, Blackfoot, Idaho, and Lander, Wyo. Married Hannah Ann Sleight June 17, 1894. Dingle, Idaho (daughter of Thomas Sleight and Mary M. Wixom of Salt Lake City). Their children: Fruel Arvina b. Nov. 14. 1895: Archibald Thomas b. May 2, 1898; Wayne Waldo b. Dec. 21, 1899; Medora Alice b. Nov. 30, 1901; Gordon Edmund b. April 14, 1901; June Estella b. Aug. 1, 1906; Juno Arvella b. Aug. 1, 1906; Norma Jane b. July 31, 1910; Carma Mary b. July 31, 1910. Deputy sheriff of Bear Lake county 1891-92; deputy treasurer and assistant postmaster; postmaster at Bryan, Idaho 1896-1904. Justice of peace 1911-12. GRIMMETT, HYRUM ALBERTO (son of Hyrum Grimmett and Emma Adelia Pomeroy). Born Jan. 24, 1877, Dingle, Idaho. Married Annie C. McBride Feb. 24. 1*197 (daughter of James Oliver McBride and Elizabeth Christansen). who was born June 13. 1892, Hyrum, Utah. Their children: -Chester Alberto b. Nov. 1, 1898; Pearl Adella b. Dec. 17, 1900: Annie Ulllla b. Jan. 3, 1903; Violet Ella b. March 23. 1906; Rosa May b. June 23, 1907; Emma Mildred b. July 30, 1910. Family home Moreland, Idaho. GRIFFIN, WIL.L.IAM HYRUM (son of William H. Griffin and Mary Pitts of Worcestershire, Eng.). Born Nov. 8, 1847, In Worcestershire. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1863, James R. Miller company. Married Elizabeth Trehern Oct. 3. 1870 (daughter of James Trehern and Ann Holder), who was born Nov. 9, GRIMSHAW, JOHN (son of Lawrence Grimshaw and Mary Duckworth of Accrington, Lancashire, Eng-.). Born June 12, 1811, at Accrington. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1863, Peter Nebeker company. Married Alice Whittaker in 1836 at Accrington (daughter of Lawrence and Mary Whittaker of Accrington). She was born Dec. 28, 1809. Their children: James, d. Infant: Mary, died; Elizabeth; Duckworth b. March 3, 1842, m. Mary Jane Moyes; Susannah, d. infant; Sarah Ann; Alice. Family home Tottington. Lancashire, Eng. High priest. Laborer. Died May 25, 1894, Beaver, Utah. GRIMSHAW, DUCKWORTH (son of John Grimshaw and Alice Whittaker). Born March 3, 1842. Tottington, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862, James Wareham company. Married Mary Jane Moyes April 4, 1867 (daughter of Wil- liam Moyes and Mary Eastcott, married Oct. 3. 1840, Ottra- ham, Cornwall, Eng., pioneers February 1858, San Ber- nardino company). She was born June 6, 1850. Their chll- 'dren: John G. b. March 15, 1868, m. Mary Elizabeth Bradfield Jan. 1, 1894; Elizabeth Alice b. May 7, 1870. m. Archie Fotheringham July 4, 1889: Mary Ann b. Aug. 19. 1872. m. Josiah Rogerson May 4, 1894; Martha Jane b. Jan. 6. 1875, m. William T. Rogerson Feb. 6, 1895: Franklin b. March 13, 1877; William Henry b. May 12, 1879, m. Mary May Hunter Sept. 16, 1902; Ray b. June 12, 1881; Ida b. Jan. 16 1884; Lawrence b. Jan. 19, 1886, m. Delia Parkinson March 18, 1908; May b. May 1, 1888; Arnold b. Sept. 2, 1890, m. Myrtle Hodges Jan. 1, 1910: Randolph b. Dec. 28. 1893: George Whittaker b. Feb. 22, 1896. Married Ellen Muir April 12, 1887, St. George, Utah (daughter of John Walter and Grace Muir, married 1860, pioneers 1852, Capt. Miller independent company). She was ' born Feb. 12, 1855, Cedar City, Utah. Their child: Thomas Duckworth b. July 7, 1891. Families reside at Beaver. Utah. Assisted in organizing Sunday school at Beaver in June, 1865. and acted in the superintendency for same for twenty- five years. Has been member of Beaver ward choir for forty-seven years and still acting: member Beaver stake high council twenty-six years; clerk of high priest's quorum 902 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH a number of years. Worked on St. George temple 1874, and on Manti temple 1878. Ward teacher; home missionary. Black Hawk war veteran. City councilman 1881-82, and 1887-88; Beaver city treasurer 1908-09; school trustee; pre- cinct justice 1905-06 and 1909-12. GROBSBECK, JOHN A. (son of Nicholas Groesbeck and Elizabeth Thompson of Springfield, 111.). Born July 14, 1849, at Springfield. Came to Utah 1856. Married Ann D. Brlnghurst 1871, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Brlnghurst and Ann Dillworth of German- town, Pa., pioneers 1847). She was born Aug. 14, 1854. Their children: John A., m. Tessie Clawson; Frank, m. Nell Young; Clara, died; Louise, m. E. V. McCune; Florence, m. J. J. Cannon; Scott; Emma, m. J. O. Nlbley; Mark; Milton, died; Allen. Seventy; missionary. Sheriff. Mining. Died 1905, Peru, South America. GROESBECK, JOHN A.. JR. (son of John A. Groesbeck and Ann D. Bringhurst). Born March 22, 1872, Salt Lake City. Married Tessie Clawson Nov. 29, 1892. Salt Lake City (daughter of Hiram B. Clawson and Margaret Judd of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1849). She was born Jan. 26, 1872. Their children: Gay b. Sept. 26, 1895; J. D. b. May 30, 1903; Katherine b. April 3, 1906. Family home, Salt Lake City. County treasurer four years. Merchant. GROESBECK, NICHOLAS (son of Harmon Groesbeck and Mary Bovee of Springfield, 111., and New York). Born Sept. 6, 1819, Buskirk Bridge, Rensselaer county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1856, John Banks company. Married Elizabeth Thompson March 25, 1841, Springfield, 111. (daughter of John A. Thompson and Ruth Peterson), who was born Aug. 16, 1820. Their children: Nicholas H. b. April 27, 1842, m. Rhoda Sanderson Dec. 16, 1862; Stephen W. b. Sept. 18, 1844, d. Sept. 24, 1846; William b. Jan. 17, 1847, m. Elenor Pack Nov. 2, 1867; John A. b. July 14, 1849, m. Ann D. Bringhurst Feb. 27. 1871; Helen M. b. Feb. 7, 1852, m. John Morgan Oct. 24, 1868; Hyrum b. July 19, 1854, m. Ann E. Maycock Feb. 28, 1878; Josephine b. Oct. 13, 1857, m. John H. Smith April 4, 1877; Samuel S. b. July 14, 1860, m. Josephine Pettit Dec. 14, 1882; Joseph S. b. Dec. 18, 1864, m. Sarah A. Blood March 24, 1887; James T., died. Married Elizabeth McGregor In 1857 at Salt Lake City. Families resided at Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to England 1875. Had charge of eastern division of Young Express company March to December, 1857. Salt Lake City councilman one term. Capi- talist. Died June 29, 1884. GROESBECK, NICHOLAS H. (son of Nicholas Groesbeck and Elizabeth Thompson). Born April 27, 1842, Spring- field, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1856. Married Rhoda Sanderson Dec. 16, 1862, Springville, Utah (daughter of John and Rebecca Sanderson, pioneers 1861, David H. Cannon company). She was born -Dec. 15, 1846, at Farsley, near Leeds, Eng. Their children: Nicholas H. b. Jan. 12, 1864, d. Dec. 24, 1865; John Sanderson b. March' 11, 1866, m. Nettle Kerr Feb. 2, 1893; Rhoda R. b. Nov. 16, 1868, m. H. M. Dougall; Elizabeth M. b. July 10, 1871, d. March 8, 1872; Mary b. Aug. 7, 1873, m. M. W. Bird; Sarah b. March 10, 1876, m. A. O. Packard; George W. b. April 29. 1878, m. Emma Worsencroft; Louisa b. Aug. 31, 1880; d. June 6, 1881; Phillip E. b. June 5, 1883, m. Dora A. Novacovlch Sept. 6, 1908; Ralph Amos b. March 6. 1886. Married Cornelia Melissa Sanford June 28, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ira Sanford, pioneer of 1862, and Susan Clark). She was born Aug. 11. 1849, Augusta, 111. Their children: Wm. Jesse b. Sept. 3, 1870, m. Hila McKenzie April 12, 1893; Cornelia E. b. July 18, 1873, m. Clarence Snow Sept. 5, 1900; Abby b. Oct. 21, 1875; Susan b. July 23. 1879. m. P. M. Kelly June 8, 1905; Marion b. July 22, 1881; Edgar b. Sept. 14, 1883, d. same date; Josephine b. Sept. 30, 1884: Helen Mar b. Dec. 18. 1886, m. Ben;). Carlisle Dec. 12. 1906. Married Katherine Houtz July 21, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Houtz, pioneer 1847, John Taylor com- pany, and Bridget Daley). She was born Oct. 6, 1862, Springville, Utah. Their children: Jacob M. b. Dec. 11, 1884, m. Berdena Rothwell Aug. 16, 1907; Katherine b. Nov. 8. 1886; Karl M. b. Aug. 1, 1888, m. Helen E. Ruff Feb. 1, 1910; Eunice b. March 2, 1892, d. March 17, 1892. Families reside Springville. Utah. Engaged In mercantile business at Springville 1863-69: assisted in opening up Flagstaff mine In Little Cottonwood mining district 1870. Missionary to eastern states 1872, and to New Zealand 1880-82. GROESBECK. HYRUM (son of Nicholas Groesbeck and Elizabeth Thompson). Born July 19, 1854, Springfield, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1856. Married Ann Elizabeth Maycock Feb. 28, 1878. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Maycock and Helen Leslie of Spring- vine, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born Aug. 23, 1856. Their children: Hyrum b. Dec. 21, 1879, m. Lena Badger, m. Lue Emma Stephenson; Leslie b. Dec. 24, 1881, m. Hazel A. Calder; Ethel E. b. Feb. 10, 1884; George M. b. Aug. 11, 1886. m. Luclle C. Clinton; Roy b. May 10, 1889; Nicholas Mack b. Feb. 7, 1893, d. Oct. 6, 1907. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. Custodian of Salt Lake City street depart- ment property. Executor of hia father's estate. GROVER, THOMAS (son of Thomas Grover and Polly Spaulding of Whitehall, Washington county, N. Y.). Born July 22, 1807, Whitehall, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1847, Charles C. Rich company. Married Caroline Whiting 1828 (daughter of Nathaniel Whiting and Caroline Young), who was born in 1809. and died at Nauvoo, 111., 1841. Their children: Jane b. March 30, 1830, m. James Stewart 1848; Emeline b. July 30, 1831, m. Charles C. Rich 1846; Mary E. b. 1832, m. Wm. Simmons 1848, m. David Robinson; Adeline b. Feb. 1834, m. Phineas Daley 1854; Caroline b. 1836, m. John Heath 1855; Eliza Ann b. March 3, 1839, m. Wm. Simmons, m. Wyman M. Parker; Emma b. Jan. 1841, d. infant. Family home Nau- voo, 111. Married Caroline Eliza Nickerson (Hubbard) Feb. 20, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Freeman Nickerson and Huldah Chapman, of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers Sept. 24. 1850, Jackson Stewart company). She was born June 26, 1808. Their chil- dren: Percia Cornelia b. 1842, m. Stephen I. Bunnell; Mar- shall Hubbard, m. Belle Orr; Leonard, d. Infant; Data, d. child. Married Hannah Tupper Dec. 17, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of Silas Tupper and Hannah Ladd of Nauvoo, 111.) She was born March 23, 1823, at Parishville. N. Y. Their chil- dren: Thomas b. 1846, m. Elizabeth Heiner, m. Louise Picton, m. Annie B. Saunders; Hannah; Joel, m. Mary Asenath Richards; Pauline, m. Charles A. Brown; Jededlah Morgan Grant, m. Eliza Bigler, m. Emma Blackburn, m. Nettie Lazenby. Died in infancy or early childhood: James, Evelyn, Hyrum Smith, Silas, Josephine, Jerome, Maria Louisa, Ezra, John Ladd, Charles Coulson Rich. Family home Farmineton, Utah. Married Lodolska Tupper 1846, Nauvoo temple (daughter of Silas Tupper and Hannah Ladd, latter pioneer 1853). She was born May 22, 1829; came to Utah Oct. 12, 1847, Charles C. Rich company, driving an oxteam across plains. Their children: Lucy, m. David A. Sanders; Moroni, d. Infant; Jacob, m. Anna Smith; Napoleon, m. Armelia Bigler; Ed- ward Partridge, m. Fannie Clawson; Inez, d. aged eight years; Don Carlos, d. infant. Family home Farmington, Utah. Married Elizabeth Walker 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of John William Walker and Elizabeth Coleman of England, latter a pioneer Oct. 1855, Edmund Ellsworth handcart com- pany). She was born Oct. 17, 1839. Their children: Clara, d. child; Walter L., m. Celia Millard; Nettie, d. child; Zeruah, m. Thomas Poulton; Enoch, m. Amber Call; Pollie, m. Lorenzo Smith; Alma Fredrick and Samuel, d. in childhood; Lafayette, m. Ella Parkinson. Family home Farmington, Utah. Married Emma Walker in 1867 at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Henry Walker), who was born March 16, 1837, Bristol, Eng. Came to Utah with Edmund Ellsworth handcart com- pany, Sept. 26, 1856. Their children: Keturah b. May 8. 1868, m. W. L. Flint June 1877; Rosella b. March 1860. m. Henry Simpson 1876; Henry A. b. April 12, 1862, m. Esther B. Smith Oct. 18, 1886; Amy Blanche b. 1864, d. infant; Vernisha b. Nov. 1866, m. Ira Poulton 1886; William Frank b. March 1868, m. Lettle Pierce; Abner and David, d. In childhood; Albert Isaiah b. June 7, 1874, m. Hortense Hess. Family home Farmington, Utah. Member of first high council held at Nauvoo; lifeguard of Joseph Smith; assisted in burial obsequies of martyrs Joseph and Hyrum; missionary to eastern states, 1844, and 1870; member of Davis stake high council. Probate judge Davis county two terms; member Utah state legislature at Fillmore. Farmer. Died Feb. 19, 1886, Farmington. GROVER, THOMAS (son of Thomas Grover and Hannah Tupper). Born Nov. 17, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1847, Charles C. Rich Company. Married Elizabeth Heiner Feb. 10, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Martin Heiner and Adelgunda Deitzel of Mor- gan, Utah). She was born April 4, 1847. Their children: Thomas Martin b. Nov. 27, 1866, m. Isabel Hogg; Evelyn Maria b. Sept. 3, 1868, m. William Worlton; Hannah b. Nov. 26, 1870; Adelgunda b. June 7, 1873, m. Alfred J. Hem- ming; Daniel Wells b. April 8, 1876. m. Martha May Rich; Pauline Elizabeth b. Nov. 25, 1878; Freeman Tupper b. Aug. 6, 1882. Family resided Morgan and Nephl. Utah. Married Louisa A. Picton December 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of James Picton and Jane Phillips of England, pioneers 1852). She was born Aug. 20, 1854. Their children: Ethel b. Feb. 6, 1879, m. George Wheaton; Louisa Winnette b. March 26, 1880, m. Daniel A. Robinson; Rosetta b. Aug. 24, 1882; James Picton b. June 14. 1884, m. Lottie Robison; Fanny Joyce b. May 5, 1887, m. Howard Thackray; Ellen Genevieve b. June 21. 1889; Lilian b. Feb. 11. 1891; Pearl b. Nov. 11, 1894; Lula b. Dec. 3, 1896. Family home Morgan. Utah. Married Annie B. Saunders 1885, Logan, Utah. Their children: Annie May b. 1886; Charles b. 1889; Jerald b. 1902. Family home Morgan, Utah. President 35th quorum seventies; missionary to The Muddy 1868-71; ordinance worker in Logan temple 1885; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher; high priest. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah. Constable Nephl. Utah. Mem- ber Captain Burton company during Morrlslte war. Stone mason; farmer; blacksmith. GROVER. WALTER L. (son of Thomas Grover and Elizabeth Walker). Born Dec. 25, 1860, Farmington, Utah. Married Cella Millard Jan. 18, 1883, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Radford Millard and Kathryne Richard* of Farmington, pioneers Oct. 1863, Joseph W. Young com- pany). She was born June 16, 1862. Their children: George PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 903 Fredrick b. Jan. 8, 1884, m. Mary Vilate Clayton; Walter Leslie b. June 21, 1886, m. Thorburn Murie; Mary b. April 22, 1888, m. Thomas W. Innes Aug. 21, 1912; Alice b. Sept. 24, 1889, m. J. C. Jensen Sept. 26, 1912; James Mlllard b. Feb. 27, 1891; Thomas Odell b. June 30, 1896; Leland Raleigh b. May 10, 1899; Preston Legrand b. Nov. 21, 1900; Edna Kathryne b. Sept. 10, 1907. Family home Garland, Utah. Pioneer of Bear river valley. Presiding elder and bishop, Garland ward 1894-1909; member Bear River stake high council. Elected mayor of Garland Nov. 8, 1911. Merchant. GROVER, HENRY A. (son of Thomas Grover and Emma Walker). Born April 12, 1862, Farmlngton, Utah. Married Esther Beart Smith Oct. 18, 1885, Farmington, Utah (daughter of Alkanah J. Smith, and Mary Bade Fulcher of England). She was born April 9, 1869, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Henry Abner b. June 6, 1886, d. infant; Royal Andrew b. Aug. 6, 1888, m. Minnie I. Larson 1907; Mary Emma b. March 31, 1890, d. Aug. 13, 1891; David Smith b. Nov. 19, 1891; Thomas b. Feb. 16, 1894; Ester B. b. June 10, 1898, d. same day; Ella Spaulding b. Oct. 8, 1900; Birdie Marie b. Nov. 19, 1904; George Albert b. March 31, 1908; Roscoe b. Sept. 24, 1909, d. in infancy. Family home Parker, Idaho. Missionary to southern states and to England; president 113th quorum seventies; high councilor Yellowstone stake. CROW, HENRY (son of Henry Grow and Mary Riter of Philadelphia, Pa. Born Oct. 1. 1817, at Norristown, near Philadelphia, and came to Utah Oct. 1, 1851, with James Cummings company. Married Mary Moyer 1834 (daughter of Charles and Eliza- beth Moyer). She was born in 1818. Their children: Maria L. b. Sept. 10, 1837, m. Samuel Worthen April 27. 1856; Charles M. b. Jan. 6, 1840, m. Elizabeth Langlois Jan. 26, 1863; William M. b. May 30, 1842, m. Esther Coffin July 2, 1866; George W. b. Sept. 10. 1845; John W. b. Dec. 21. 1848; m. Cathrine McKay Nov. 8, 1869; Ann Grow b. Dec. 16, 1851, m. Henry Smith June 21, 1869; Elizabeth b. Jan. 30, 1854, m. Iowa Hall Feb. 8, 1870. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Julia M. Veach April 17, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Veach and Nancy Ann Elliott of Pittsburgh, Pa., pioneers Oct. 1, 1851). She was born March 10, 1842. Their children: Theodore M., m. Sadie Stuart; Sylvester Veach b. Aug. 29, 1861, m. Matilda Ann Smith and Hanna Michelson; Mary Ann, m. Walter Worthen; Julia Ellen,- m. Andrew Leonard; George Elliot, m. Rose Griffiths; Amelia, m. John Dobbs; Walter V., m. Belle Bryson; Maud Rose, m. Will Lowrie; William Henry, m. Elizabeth Adams; Sarah Elizabeth, m. Ora Maddi; Otto Sylvanus, m. Phebe Argil; Eugene Parnell, m. Lillie Habish; Frank V., died; Marco Bartlett, m. Selma Fernstrom. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Served as bishop of 19th ward, Salt Lake City. Promi- nent architect and builder. Among the buildings he erected in Salt Lake City were Social Hall, Mormon Tabernacle 1865-1867, Salt Lake Theater, Z. C. M. I. 1868, Assembly Hall 1877; also built first suspension bridge in Utah, 1863, across Ogden river; the first sugar factory in Utah, 1854, at Sugar House; built several saw mills for President Young in 1855; the first woolen mills, 1859; the first suspension bridges over the Jordan and Weber rivers, 1861; and com- pleted the New Deseret Paper Mills, the first in Utah, in 1883. Missionary to Pennsylvania 1876. City councilman Salt Lake City 1870-76. Played in the first martial band in Salt Lake City. Died Nov. 4, 1891. GROW, WILLIAM M. (son of Henry Grow and Mary Moyer). Born May 30, 1842, at Philadelphia, Pa. Married Esther Coffin July 2, 1865. at Huntsville, Utah (daughter of William B. Coffin and Abigail Starbuck, latter a pioneer Oct. 3, 1862, Harmon Cutler company. She was born Aug. 15, 1844, Richmond, Ind. Their children: Mary Abigail b. March 27, 1866, m. Joseph H. Owen Aug. 15, 1883; William N. b. Sept. 8, 1867; James A. b. March 16, 1872, m. Maud Hays Dec. 1892; David H. b. Nov. 19, 1873, m. Mary Luette Rawson Oct. 1893; Jesse M. b. Oct. 22, 1876, m. Christa Edith Empey Oct. 1900; Horace I. b. Aug. 8, 1877, m. Rosella Rounds March 7, 1900; Cyrus L. b. March 10, 1879, m. Cecilia Yittings June 1899; Charles E. b. Nov. 30, 1882; Esther E. b. April 16, 1885, m. L. C. Poulter Sept. 6, 1911. Assisted in locating Huntsville, Utah. In 1867 moved to western Oregon and on the way assisted in making the first brick manufactured at Boise City, Idaho; later engaged in freighting from Umatilla, Ore., to mines of northern Idaho. Returned to Huntsville, Utah, 1871 and moved to Ammon, near Idaho Falls, Idaho, in 1880. Farmer. GROW, JOHN W. (son of Henry Grow and Mary Moyer). Born Dec. 21, 1848, in Platte county, Mo. Married Cathrine McKay Nov. 8, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William McKay and Ellen Oman, pioneers 1856, Captain James Brown company). She was born May 1, 1851, at Thurso, Scotland. Their children: Lena Faverett b. Sept. 2. 1871; John M. b. June 26, 1874, m. Amelia Wangs- gaard Oct. 18, 1895; Mary Janett b. Sept. 1, 1876, m. John Halls Feb. 14, 1895; David Henry b. Nov. 8, 1878, m. Mary Lofgreen Feb. 22, 1906: Charles Isaac b. Nov 3, 1880 m. Adelia Abbot Sept. 6. 1910; William Angus b. June 17, 1883; Cathrine Rosel b. April 3. 1886; Arthur W. b. Sept. 16, 1887, m. Ella Thurston Nov. 26, 1909; Lorin M. b. Sept. 16, 1889; Clarence Oman b. Oct. 1, 1891; Isabell b. June IS 1894. Family home Huntsville, Utah. Member of bishopi-ic of Huntsville ward. GROW, SYLVESTER VEACH (son of Henry Grow and Julia M. Veach). Born Aug. 29, 1861, at Salt Lake City. Married Matilda Ann Smith Dec. 21, 1880, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Mary Smith of Huntsville, Utah, formerly of England). She was born May 2, 1861. Their children: Julia Ellen b. Aug. 21, 1881, m. Christian Peterson; Mary Ann b. Sept. 2, 1882, m. George Gwilliams; Sadie M. b. May 25, 1884, m. Sam Slater; Henry b. Nov. 29, 1885, m. Ruth Halls; Sylvester b. Feb. 4, 1889; Ethel b Aug. 16. 1887, died; Amelia b. Aug. 24, 1891, m. Lev! Walker; Theodore b. Feb. 21, 1892, died. Family home Huntsville. Utah. Married Hanna Michelson Jan. 29, 1896, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Michelson and Alberta Agnes Lasson of Huntsville, Utah, who came to Utah from Denmark, arriving in June 1880). She was born Oct. 7, 1869. Their children: Veach C. b. Oct. 11, 1896; Theo Matilda b April 30, 1898; Parnell b. Feb. 24, 1900; Wayne J. b April 30, 1902; Nevil Leo b. April 24, 1904; Samuel Elmo b. Nov 20, 1906; Sylva Johanna b. Oct. 10, 1908. Family home Hunts- ville, Utah. Ward teacher. County game warden six years; deputy game commissioner two years; representative to state legis- lature. Farmer and sheepman. GRiriVDVIG, FRANTZ CHRISTIAN (son of Frederik H. Grundvig and Katherine Maria Frandsen of Jutland, Den- mark). Born March 27. 1836. Came to Utah in 1865, Miner G. Atwood company. Married Jensenia Hostmark in 1857, Copenhagen, Den- mark. She was born March 26, 1837, and was captured by Indians while crossing the plains and has never since been heard from. Their only child, Severin Holger, was born March 27, 1858, and married Catherine Alflna Palmer. High priest; missionary to Norway 1863-64. First set- tled in Salt Lake and afterward in Cottonwood, Richfield and Fayette, Utah; later he moved to Wellington, Utah. GRUNDVIG, SEVERIN HOLGER (son of Frantz Christian Grundvig and Jensenia Hostmark). Born March 27, 1868 at Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah 1866. Married Catherine Alflna Palmer in 1883 (daughter of Abram Whitney Palmer and Huldah Catherine Hill of Ogden and Fayette, Utah). She was born Sept. 8, 1863. Their children: Severin Francis b. March 7, 1884, m. Beatrice Adella Pinegar; Orville Abram b. Feb. 14, 1886; Abram b Feb. 14, 1886; Reuben b. Nov. 20, 1887, died; William Earl b. Jan. 2, 1889; Don Carlos b. Nov. 29, 1890; Joseph Taylor b. March 29, 1893; Lenard Allen b. May 31, 1895; Lester Oron b. July 26, 1897; Daniel Richard b. Nov. 25, 1899- Alflna Charlottie b. Dec. 10, 1901; Inez Catherine b. Sept. 1, 1904; Laura Jensenia b. June 26, 1907; Ruby Delilah b March 6, 1911. Moved from Fayette to Wellington, Utah, 1888. Ward teacher; counselor in presidency of Y. M. M. I. A.; choir leader; Sunday school teacher. Constable. Farmer. GUDMITNDSON, SAMUEL, (son of Gudmund Sommundson, born Dec. 27, 1804, and Mary Olsen, born July 29, 1805, both at Kurtsoe, Tellimarken, Norway). Born May 13, 1831, at Kurtsoe. Came to Utah in early days. Married Ellen Marie Mork July 1861. Their children: Samuel T. b. July 29, 1862, m. Mary K. Birchinall April 17, 1907; Emma M. b. July 18, 1864, m. Bertrand A. Tanner; C. Amalia b. Feb. 18, 1866, m. J. M. Wilson; Nephi b. Jan. 26, 1868. Family resided at Falrview and Springville, Utah. Married Inger Anntina Olsen May 16, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans and Gunhllda Olsen), who was born Feb. 6, 1851, at Skein, Norway. Their children: Heber G. b. Oct. 6, 1870, m. Lucy Nielson; Mary J. b. Oct. 12. 1872, m. John D. Childs; Myron A. b. April 3, 1874, m. Abbie Chase; Octavius F. b. May 7, 1876, m. Anna Mae Clark Nov. 1906; Gunhilda E. b. March 7, 1878, m. Parley B. Burt; Moses S. b. Sept. 16, 1879, m. Erma Crandall; Inga M. R. b. July 20, 1881, m. Albert J. Knudseii Nov. 1905; Bessie E. b. May 13, 1883, m. Heber O. Hale Dec. 1905; Erma L. b. April 25, 1886, d. aged 5. Family home Spring- ville, Utah. Missionary to Norway 1867; conference president at Chrls- tlania. Indian war veteran. One of first settlers of Fair- view 1863. GUDMUNDSON, SAMUEL T. (son of Samuel Gudmundson and Ellen Marie Mork). Born July 29, 1862, at Salt Lake City. Married Mary K. Birchinall April 17, 1907. at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Kelly and Honora Meagher, both of whom died in New York). She was born Nov. 29, 1868, at New York City. Family home Springville, Utah. Served in all the degrees of priesthood to high priest. GULL,, JOHN (son of William Gull, born Aug. 11, 1811, and Sarah Bryant, born Aug. 9. 1809, both at Caples, St. Marys, Suffolk, Eng. married Aug. 4, 1831). He was born Nov. 20, 1832, at Caples. Came to Utah Dec. 6, 1864, William Darling freight train. Married Elizabeth J. Skeets April 6, 1867 (daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Skeets, who were married 1827 at Bentley, Suffolk. Eng.). She was born Oct. 8. 1838. and died In England. Only child: John P. b. July 27, 1859, m. Elizabeth J. Bills April 9, 1884. 904 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Harriet Pennell Nov. 8, 1861, Holbrook, Eng. (daughter of Shadrach Pennell and Hannah Farthern mar- ried 1827 at Holbrook). She was born Oct. 8, 1843, at Hol- brook. Married Mary A. Nlckerson April 1866 (daughter of Levl Nickerson apd Mary A. Nyrman, pioneers 1851), who was born Aug. 6, -1862. Only child: Emma Jane b. 1867, m. Mr. Gates 1885. Married Charlotte Griddle Jan. 12, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Criddle and Mary Bull married June 22, 1837, at West Buckland, Eng., pioneers Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born Nov. 21, 1847, in Somersetshire, Eng. Their children: Harriet E. b. April 17, 1868, m. F. H. Stewart; William H. b. July 2, 1869, m. Bessa A. Adams; George A. b. March 26, 1871; Mary J. b. Feb. 23, 1873, m. R. A. Cowley; Charles R. b. Dec. 21, 1874, m. Martha Martin; Albert E. b. May 17. 1877, m. Martha A. Adams; Harry A. b. Sept. 10, 1879, m. Emma Stewart; Sarah L. b. Dec. 28, 1881; Joseph B. and Hyrum B. b. Sept. 25, 1883, latter m. Lula Duncan; Jesse A. b. Oct. 4, 1886; A. Leonard b. March 7, 1889; A. Ezra b. May 13, 1891. Family home Meadow, Utah. Missionary to England; church teamster bringing Immi- grants to Utah 1866. GUNNELI/, FRANCIS WILSON (son of Christopher and Ann Gunnell of England). Born March 3. 1831, Houghton, Not- tinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company. Married Polly Ann Edwards July 24, 1851 (daughter of Essias Edwards), who was born Oct. 25, 1836. Their chil- dren: Francis Chruther b. Aug. 4, 1853, m. Sarah Ann Owen Dec. 23, 1872; Sarah E. b. Oct. 16, 1855, m. Louis Howell; Ann E. b. March 12, 1858, m. Dan Walters; Mary b. March 14, 1860, d. July 8, 1860; Charlie b. Sept. 8, 1861, m. Sarah Ann Brown Feb. 23, 1882. Family home Wells- vllle, Utah. Married Elizabeth Bickmore April 7, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Bickmore and Martha Hawley), who was born May 31, 1842. Their children: John b. Feb. 18, 1861, d. April 6. 1861; Martha b. Dec. 14, 1862, m. Joseph Lloyd July 3, 1879; George b. March 9. 1865, m. Janet Hill Dec. 13, 1883; Polly Ann b. July 12, 1867, m. John Darley Dec. 23, 1885: Jemima b. Oct. 2, 1869, m. Thomas W. Hall Jan. 20, 1886; Printha b. Jan. 8, 1872, m. Daniel Leroy Hill Jan. 16, 1890. Married Esther Lewis July 2, 1864, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Lewis), who was born Nov. 18, 1848, in Wales. Their children: Thomas L. b. June 18, 1865, m. Sarah Poppleton Jan. 6. 1886; Mary Catherine b. July 16, 1867, m. Daniel G. Hill Dec. 13, 1883: Franklin L. b. Oct. 7 1869, m. Mary E. Hill Nov. 30, 1892; Zina b. April 20, 1873, m. Robert H. Maughan June 7, 1893; Lionel b. April 20, 1873, d. July 17, 1893; Laura b. March 11, 1876, m. Thomas William- son Jan. 12, 1898; Evan b. March 1, 1878, d. July 17, 1893; David b. April 7, 1882; Nora b. Sept. 27, 1884, m. Henry Brezze, Jan. 27, 1904; Maggie b. April 18, 1886', d. same day. Married Emma Jeffs (daughter of William Jeffs and Mary Ann Ashard, married 1848, Birmingham, Eng., pioneers 1852). She was born Oct. 5, 1850. Their children: Emeline b. Jan. 24, 1873, m. Robert Brown Jan. 16, 1895; William J. b. July 7, 1875, m. Mary Bailey Dec. 5, 1901, m. Annie Popple- ton April 27, 1910; Peter J. b. June 6. 1878, m. Olive Ward June 6, 1907: Llewellyn b. Dec. 18, 1880, m. Sarah Hawkins Dec. 14, 1910; Sarah Elizabeth b. July 1, 1883, m. Orson Bailey March 8, 1905. Family home Wellsville, Utah. Married Jane Baxter April 7, 1869 (daughter of Robert Baxter and Jane Love, married Jan. 10, 1848,' Greenock, Scotland, pioneers Sept. 26, 1855, Richard Ballantyne com- pany). She was born Oct. 31, 1851. Their children': Robert B. b. Sept. 28. 1870, m. Agnes Kerr March 1893; Ezra B. b. March 10, 1872, m. Mary Mitton March 8, 1898; Essie May b. May 17, 1876, d. Feb. 28, 1877; Archibald B. b. Oct. 31, 1877, m. Maude Parke Feb. 8, 1905; Parley B. b. Oct. 12, 1880, m. Eva Haslem March 1905; Joseph B. b. Aug. 7 1883 m. Alice Redford Dec. 19, 1906; Preston B. b. Feb. 28, 1886. Settled in Cache Valley, Utah, Sept. 16, 1856; first school teacher and first choir leader there, and associated with William Maughan in first mail contract for that valley, carrying mail from Brigham City. First agent of Utah Northern railway at Mendon. Agent for care of church property in Cache Valley. Home in later life, Rexburg, Idaho, where he died Oct. 20, 1889. GUNNELL, FRANKLIN L. (son of Francis Wilson Gunnell and Esther Lewis). Born Oct. 7, 1869, Wellsville, Utah Married Mary E. Hill Nov. 30, 1892, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of William J. Hill, pioneer September 1853, and Georgiana Ensign). She was born Nov. 21, 1874, at Wellsville. Their child: Maud b. Feb. 16, 1898. Family home, Wellsville. Missionary to England 1905-07; set apart bishop Wellsville ward July 26, 1909. One of organizers and vice-president of Wellsville City Bank. City councilman of Wellsville four years. Farmer and stockraiser in early life. GUNNEL, ARCHIBALD B. (son of Francis Wilson Gunnell and Jane Baxter). Born Oct. 31, 1877, Wellsville, Utah Married Maude Parke Feb. 8, 1906, Logan, Utah (daughter i 4 e I*T , an , d Hannah Dover), who was born July 8, K- n? k -g SL ity ' Their Children: Essie P. b. Jan. 9. 1909 MerriU P ' b - Se Pt- !9. 1907; Gerald A. P. b. Oct. 1 GURR, ENOCH ELDRIDGE (son of James and Sarah Gurr, of England). Born July 29, 1813, in Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah April 1857, Ezra Curtis company. Married Ruth Buckman in Australia (daughter of Jas. Buckman and Susanna Price of that country), who was born Sept 23, 1809. Their children: William; Mary; James; Susanna; Sarah; Peter; Reuben. Family home Benjamin, Utah. High priest. Farmer. GURR, REUBEN (son of Enoch Eldridge Gurr and Ruth Buckman). Born Dec. 29, 1849, in Australia. Came to Utah 1857 with father. Married Elyadie Miles in 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Miles and Lucy Polina Ford). Their children: William R.; Enoch Elijah; Elizabeth; John Miles; Lucy Polina; Delbert; Sarah. - Elder. Farmer. GURR, WILLIAM R. (son of Reuben Gurr and Elyadie Miles). Born 1869, Provo, Utah. Married Ida Harmon 1898, in Mexico (daughter of Levi Harmon of Joseph City, Utah). Their child: Reuben. GUTTERRIDGE, ROBERT (son of William Gutterridge and Mary Houx of Berville, Berkshire, Eng.). Born in Berk- shire. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Horton D. Haight company. Married Hannah Grover December 1840, Berville, Eng. (daughter of William Grover and Hannah Chamberlain). Their children: Maria b. Nov. 10, 1841, m. William Calton Aug. 12, 1861; Mary Ann, m. Jonas H. Ingersoll; Eliza, m. William Calton; George, died; Fredrick, d. aged 11; William, d. infant. Family home Berville, Eng. Presiding elder at Liverpool, Eng. Iron worker. Died April, 1879, Salt Lake City. GUYMON, THOMAS (son of Isaiah Guymon). Born March 10, 1787. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson company. Married Sarah Gordon Feb. 23, 1809 (daughter of John Gordon), who was born Nov. 20, 1791. Their children: Isaiah b. Feb. 15, 1810; John b. Nov. 28, 1811; William b. Jan. 23, 1815; James b. Dec. 27, 1816; Noah T. b. June 30, 1819; Martin b. June 12, 1821; Barzilla b. Dec. 31, 1823, m. Mathew Caldwell; Elizabeth b. July 19. 1826; Polly Ann b. July 11, 1829, m. R. Johnson; Sarah Jane; Melissa Jane b. Feb. 14, 1833, m. Levi Gregory Metcalf. Died Oct. 20, 1856, Springville, Utah. GUTMON, NOAH THOMAS (son of Thomas Guymon and Sarah Gordon). Born June 30, 1819. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1860. Married Mary D. Dudley Dec. 24, 1837, at Caldwell, Mo. Their children: Mary Jane, m. Geo. B. Matson Jan. 26, 1854; Luclnda, m. Phillip Hurst; Emma M., m. H. H. Kearnes. Married Margaret Johnson. Their children: Elizabeth, m. Oscar Crandall; Martin Lewis, died; Harriet, m. Oscar Cran- dall; Julia Luella, m. Geo. Maycock; Edward Wallace, m. Elizabeth Preator; Lillian M., m. Lou Pearson. Married Elizabeth Ann Jones (daughter of James and Sarah Ann Jones), who was born Feb. 12, 1829. Their chil- dren: William Albert b. April 25, 1849, m. Marcillia Fowles; Clarissa E. b. Aug. 29, 1851, m. Amasa Scovial; Noah Thomas, Jr. b. April 18, 1853, m. Caroline M. Hanson; Sarah Ann b. Aug. 30, 1856, died; Amy Amelia b. Jan. 18, 1859, m. A. G. Jewkes; Elizabeth Ann b. Jan. 8, 1861, died. Family home Fountain Green. Utah. Married Louisa Rowley March 2, 1867. who was born May 8, 1831. Their children: James W. b. Sept. 17, 1858, d. Nov. 17, 1858; John Wesley b. Aug. 7, 1860; Wm. Lee, m. . Black; David R. b. Feb. 21, 1862, died; Willard R. b. Sept. 20, 1864; Owen W. b. April 16, 1866; Thos. H. b. Oct. 23, 1868; Ann Louisa b. Oct. 12, 1870. m. Edward Garry; Sarah Jane b. Oct. 21, 1872; Joseph H. b. Aug. 20, 1874; Melissa L. b. May 31, 1876; Laura E. b. April 7, 1879; Franklin b. May 12, 1883. Missionary to Great Britain 1852-55; president 51st quorum seventies. Merchant; farmer; stockraiser. Died Jan. 7, 1911, Orangeville, Utah. GUTMON, EDWARD WALLACE (son of Noah T. Guymon and Margaret Johnson). Born Dec. 15, 1869, at Springville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Preator Jan. 27, 1883, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Preator and Mary Harper, hand- cart pioneers from England). She was born May 31, 1860. Their children: Edward Ray b. Oct. 24, 1884, m. Ida J. Dayley; Beatrice Blanche b. March 16, 1886, died; Mary Margaret b. Dec. 26, 1887; Gregg Eugene b. Feb. 2, 1890; Martin Lewis b. Nov. 10, 1891; Beulah Grace b. Nov. 8, 1893; Leslie Lynn b. Oct. 20, 1896; Hazel b. March 12, 1897: Vernon Melvern b. Dec. 2, 1898; Richard Nathan b. Dec. 13, 1900; Leora Olga b. Jan. 24. 1902; Eva Wilda b. Dec. 19, 1903. Family resided Huntington and Vernal, Utah; Otto, Wyo., and Oakley, Idaho. Ward teacher; president T. M. M. I. A. Road supervisor; constable, Burley, Idaho. Railroad contractor; farmer. PION.EERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 905 GUTMON. NOAH THOMAS, JR. (son of Noah Thomas Guy- mon and Elizabeth Ann Jones). Born April 18, 1853, at Springville, Utah. Married Caroline Maria Hanson Nov. 8, 1875 (daughter of Soren Hanson and Anna Maria Bendixen of Denmark, former pioneer Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Young company, latter killed on way to Utah in stampede of oxen). She was born Oct. 3, 1856. Their children: Ophelia Alzada b. Oct. 19, 1876, m. Jasper N. Robertson; Annie Laura b. July 29, 1878. and Lavina b. March 16, 1880, died; Noah Thomas b. Jan. 1, 1882, m. Isabella Sanderson; Louis "Wes- ley b. Oct. 30. 1883, m. Pearl Mackleprang; Mary Caro- line b. Jan. 2, 1886, m. Ralph Oliphant; William Lee b. May 25, 1888; Alvin Clarence b. Nov. 20, 1891. Family home Orangeville, Utah. High priest. Farmer; apiarist. GW1LLIAMS, HENRY B. (son of Henry B. Gwilliams of Shrewsbury, Eng.). Born May 7, 1835, Shrewsbury, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Jane Fisher Oct. 1854 at Birmingham, Eng., who was born 1834 and died 1855 at Atchison, Kans. Married Elizabeth Palmer March 21, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Palmer and Mary Chambers of Shef- field, Eng.), who was born Dec. 11, 1834, and came to Utah Oct. 28, 1853. Their children: Henry William b. Feb. 21. 1857, m. Frances Mariah Chambers; Charles John b. April 8, 1859, d. aged 6; George Washington b. July 22, 1861, m. Mary Grow; Benjamin Franklin b. July 22, 1861, m. Amelia Stanford; Josephine b. Oct. 22, 1863, m. Joseph Manning; Harry Chambers b. Aug. 6, 1865, m. Lea Moore; Orscn Pratt b. March 29, 1867, m. Minnie Parker; Elizabeth Jane b. Feb. 16, 1869, d. aged 3; Carrie b. July 16, 1871. m. Orson Wadsworth. Family resided Salt Lake City, Draper, Para- dise, Logan and Hooper, Utah. Missionary to Salmon River, Idaho, 1868-69;; bishop of South Hooper 1874-78. Farmer; merchant. Died Sept. 22, 1907, at Hooper. GWILLIAMS, HENRY WILLIAM (son of Henry B. Gwilliams and Elizabeth Palmer). Born Feb. 21, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Frances Mariah Chambers Jan. 13, 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Garratt Chambers and Mariah Duffln of Salt Lake City, Logan and Ogden, Utah, pioneers 1853). She was born Feb. 29, 1860. Their children: Florence M. b. May 9, 1882, m. Horace G. Nebeker; Henry Chambers b. Nov. 24, 1883, m. Arvilla West; Maria Elizabeth b. Jan. 13, 1886, m. Frank J. Chamberlain; Roscoe Chambers b. Sept. 13, 1891; Ralph Chambers b. June 1, 1897. Member 53d and one of the presidents of 77th quorum seven- ties; high priest; first counselor to Bishop Stratford, also to Bishop E. T. Wooley, and later bishop 4th ward, Ogden, Utah; bishop 6th ward, Salt Lake City. Weber county assessor 1897 and 1898; street commissioner 1895-96; mem- ber board of education 1901-08. Engaged in lumber business. H HACKING, JOHN SAMPSON (son of James Hacking- of Burton Eng. (died Sept. 12, 1840), and Jane Pearson of Whitehaven, Eng.). Born Sept. 16, 1835, at Preston, Lan- cashire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1861, Captain Cardon company. Married Jane Clark May 5, 1856, at St. Louis, Mo. (daugh- ter of James Clark and Elizabeth Pearson of Preston, pio- neers 1856, John Banks company). She was born Feb. 21, 1839, at Preston. Their children: James b. Dec. 23, 1856, m. Annie M. Glines Aug. 11, 1876; Harriet Ambersine b. Nov. 14, 1858; Phoebe Ann b. Dec. 8, 1860, m. George D. Merkley Oct. 10, 1881; Jane Elizabeth b. March 29* 1863, m. George H. Southam Oct. 10, 1888, d. July 12, 1890; Eleanor b. March 5, 1865, m. Alfred Anderson April 17, 1885; John S. b. June 23, 1867, m. Mary E: Hall March 29, 1893; Henry Franklin b. Nov. 28, 1869, m. Martha Wilcox Oct. 28, 1895; Charles Lorenzo b. Jan. 18, 1872, d. June 30, 1896; Joseph Pearson b. Feb. 5, 1874, m. Carrie Claire Stringham June 22, 1898; George Alfred b. April 6, 1876, m. Frances Briggs June 20, 1900; Mary Emily b. April 15, 1878, d. April 30, 1878; Martha Caroline b. March 18, 1880, m. Earl Cook May 27, 1901; Orson Ezra b. Sept. 16, 1882, m. Ida Brown Feb. 22, 1901; Thomas William b. April 15, 1886, m. Keren Bingham Oct. 16, 1912. Family home Cedar Fort, Utah. High priest. Settled first in American Fork, moved to Cedar Fort in 1853. Went with Gunnison party to Cali- fornia in 1854, thence via Isthmus of Panama and New York to St. Louis, where he married, returning to Utah with wife and letter's parents in 1856. Served as militiaman In Walker war, during- which time drove the "Sow" cannon from Provo to Salt Creek (now Juab). Served on home guard in Black Hawk war. Director Cedar Fort Co-op, store 1868-76, for which he was purchasing agent 15 years; director of water board 25 years, and has been watermnster since 1860 continuously. School trustee nine years. Black- smith; farmer. HACKING, JAMES (son of John S. Hacking- and Jane Clark). Born Dec. 23, 1856, at Cedar Fort, Utah. Married Annie M. GHnes Aug. 11, 1876, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Harvey Glines and Elizabeth Ann Mayer, pioneers 1852, Robert Wimmer company). She was born May 11, 1858, at American Fork, Utah. Their chil- dren: James C. b. Jan. 1, 1878, m. Harriet Bodily Jan. 3, 1900; Elizabeth Jane b. April 23, 1879, m. Frank E. Colton; John Glines b. Jan. 18, 1881, m. Isabell M. Bodily; William Ralph b. Aug. 26, 1882, m. Mabel Gerber; Ambrosine b. Aug. 22, 1884, m. Stephen W. Ashby Aug. 30, 1906; Nellie b. Feb. 26, 1886, m. Charles H. Colton June 28, 1906; Anna Myrtle b. Jan. 4, 1888, d. Sept. 19, 1906; Ray b. Nov. 1, 1889. d. Aug. 28, 1890; May b. Aug. 24, 1891, m. Wallace Calder; Cora b. Sept. 19, 1893; Fern b. Aug-. 28, 1895; Finnie b. May 28, 1898; Owen b. Dec. 16, 1900. Family home Vernal, Utah. Ward Sunday school superintendent; stake superintend- ent Y. M. M. I. A.; stake superintendent Sunday schools; 2nd counselor in stake presidency; high councilor. Chair- man People's party; county commissioner six years; county bee Inspector; county tree inspector. Director in several corporations. HACKING, JOSEPH PEARSON (son of John S. Hacking and Jane Clark). Born Feb. 5, 1874, at Cedar Fort, Utah. Married Carrie Claire Stringham June 22, 1898, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Philip Stringham and Caroline Crouch of Vernal, Utah), who was born Nov. 3, 1874. Their children: Lucile b. May 3, 1899; Josephine Marie b. Dec. 3, 1900; Rulon Stringham b. Dec. 19, 1903; Sterling- Don b. Sept. 21, 1906; Joseph Ferron b. Dec. II, 1906; Grant Leland b. Feb. 23, 1908; Harold Lorenzo b. July 11. 1909; Junius Paul b. Aug. 28, 1910. Family home Vernal, Utah. Member 97th quorum seventies 1904-10; missionary to Germany 1900-03; high priest; member bishopric 1910. Farmer; sheepman. HADDOCK, JOHN (son of John Haddock and Betty Beech of Barnton, Cheshire, Eng.). Born July 17, 1827, Barnton. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Maria Collins Feb. 10, 1856 (daughter of John Collins and Jane Proverbs). Home South Cottonwood, Utah. Married Margaret Penman Sept. 6, 1866 (daughter of George B. Penman and Mary Cowan), who was born Jan. 19, 1847, at Airdrie, Scotland. Their children: Mary b. Dec. 15, 1867, m. William A. Bee Nov. 20, 1883; Maria Eliza- beth b. May 30, 1869, m. James C. Thomas; John George b. July 8, 1871, m. Alzina A. Kent Nov. 10, 1893; Jessie Chris- teena b. Jan. 29, 1873, d. childhood; William Penman b. Oct. 6, 1874, d. infant; Thomas b. Oct. 8, 1875, d. at 16 years; Margaret Ann b. Oct. 12, 1879, m. Joseph Nye May 1900; Arthur Edward b. Jan. 4, 1881, m. Marintha Briscoe Dec. 1899; James b. Nov. 17, 1882, d. at 20 years; Joseph b. Jan. 17, 1884. Family home Bloomington, Idaho. Early settler In Bear Lake valley. Died May 8, 1911. HADDOCK, JOHN GEORGE (son of John Haddock and Margaret Penman). Born July 8, 1871, Bloomington, Idaho. Married Alzina Adelaide Kent Nov. 10, 1893, Logan, Utah (daughter of Sidney W. Kent, born in Utah, and Adelaide Ward). She was born March 26, 1873, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: George Elmer b. Aug. 13, 1894; John Alton b. April 6, 1896, d. June 18, 1896; Elna Adelaide b. Nov. 5, 1897; Jesse Warren b. Jan. 26, 1900; Blain Kent b. March 28, 1902; Ruth Ella b. Sept. 27, 1904; Myra Alzina b. Aug. 16, 1909. Family home Wardboro, Idaho. Presiding elder, Diamondville, Wyoming branch, July 23, 1899 to Sept. 1, 1901; chosen 1st councilor in bishopric of Wardboro, Idaho, Dec. 8, 1901; set apart as bishop of Ward- boro, Jan. 3, 1909. HADDON, THOMAS C. (son of Thomas Haddon and Sarah Bayes of Norfolk, Eng.). Born Dec. 26, 1816, at Norfolk. Came to Utah 1852, A. O. Smoot company. Married Elizabeth Cherry April 12, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mr. Cherry and Sarah Boyes of Norfolk), who was born Feb. 6, 1830. Their children: William Alvin, d. aged 48 years; Mary Elizabeth, m. Nicolas C. Hair; Ellen Maria, m. Edward Mlddlemess; Mahala, d. infant. Family home Ephralm, Utah. Sunday school superintendent; high priest. Farmer. Died May 31, 1899. HADFIELD, JOSEPH (son of George Hadfleld and Alice Hazelrim, of Hazel Grove, Eng.). Born March 3, 1827, Hazel Grove. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1864, Daniel Garn company. Married Jane Walker Redfern Dec. 26, 1853, in England (daughter of Joseph Redfern and Janett Walker, pioneers Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn company). She was born Jan. 12, 1821. Their children: Joseph, Jr. b. Oct. 24, 1854, m. Mary Jane Oliver; George Samuel b. June 26, 1856, m. Laura Smith; Janett Alice b. April 5, 1858, m. James Henry Steed; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 8, 1859. d. Oct. 14, I860; Jane Ann b. Nov. 2, 1862, m. William A. Hess. Member 66th quorum seventies; high priest; acting teacher. Pioneer silk weaver; brick-maker. Died Jan. 16, 1894, at Portage, Utah. HADFIELD, JOSEPH, JR. (son of Joseph Hadfleld and Jane Walker Redfern). Born Oct. 24, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Jane Oliver Aug. 26, 1877, at Farmington, Utah (daughter of Francis Oliver and Elizabeth Bailey of Brown Candover, Eng., pioneers Sept. 25, 1866, John HollI- day company). She was born Jan. 30, 1859. Their chil- dren: Joseph Francis b. May 20, 1878, d. Sept. 4, 1879; 906 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH George S. b. June 21, 1880, m. Mary I. Smith; Elizabeth J. b. Oct. 1, 1881, m. Delbert Bowers; Janett E. b. July 1, 1883, m. Ebenezer Letter; Alice A.' b. Feb. 14, 1885, m. Fredric W. Buxton; Mary L. b. June 26, 1887, d. Sept. 2, 1888; Job O. b. Nov. 18, 1888; William E. b. March 13, 1890, d. Aug. 10, 1891; John H. b. March 2, 1892, m. Louisa Hancock; Ida May b. Jan. 6, 1894; Hazel b. March 29, 1896; Myron Ralph b. Dec. 2, 1901. Family home Riverside, Utah. Member 74th quorum seventies; Sunday school superin- tendent 26 years. Constable ten years; statistical recorder. Farmer. Married Rosena Stucke Blickenstorfer Feb. 28, 1885 (daughter of Samuel Stucke and Magdalena Stadler). Their children: Charles; Ellen; Viola. Missionary to northern states in 1877 and to Switzerland 1882-84; bishop of Santa Clara ward, Nov. 1884 to Oct. 1912. II MiFil'.i.n, JOSEPH (son of Samuel Hadfield and Mary Ann Godby, of Manchester, Eng.). Born April 13, 1832, in Manchester. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1856, Jacob Croft company. Married Jeanette Goudie Dec. 25, 1857, Pine Valley, Utah (daughter of James Goudie and Isabelle Tenuck, of Scot- land), who was born Sept. 18, 1841. Their children: Henry J. b. Oct. 13, 1858; Mary Jane b. Nov. 26, 1861; Sarah E. b. July 25, 1863; Annie b. Nov. 7, 1864, m. George Jensen; Emma A. b. Nov. 17, 1866, m. Edgar Burk; Joseph S. b. July 25, 1867; Jeanette b. July 25, 1868; Lillian b. Sept. 21, 1870, m. Charles Averette; William F. b. April 28, 1872; John L. b. Sept. 1, 1873; William A. b. Aug. 8, 1874; Albert T. b. Sept. 26, 1875, m. Sarah E. Housekeeper; Alford Charles b. Sept. 29, 1878, m. Julia Young; Laura M. b. June 20, 1881, m. Eli Kirkham. Elder. Cabinet maker and carpenter. HADLEY, GEORGE (son of Joseph Hadley of Derby, and Mary Ann Harper of Bilper, Eng., latter born 1795 at Shrop- shire, Eng.). He was born Nov. 14, 1816, in parish of St. Peters, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company. Married Hannah Brown 1840 (daughter of Thomas Brown, died in England), who was born Aug. 15, 1817. Their chil- dren: Alonzo b. 1840. d. childhood; Louisa b. 1842, d. in- fant; George b. Jan. 7, 1844, m. Mary Ann Kennel; Walter b. June 5, 1845, m. Elizabeth Hunter; William b. Sept. 11, 1847, m. Ann Welch; Mary Ann b. Aug. 21, 1849, m. James Lockland; Lorenzo b. Nov. 6, 1851. m. Elizabeth Jane Bitton; Samuel b. Nov. 15, 1854, m. Elizabeth Ann Etherington; Ezra Richard b. Nov. 14, 1859, m. Harriet Hipwell. Family home West Weber. Utah. High priest. Blacksmith; worked several years In erec- tion of Salt Lake temple making boilers and sharpening chisels; boiler maker by trade in England. HADLET, LORENZO (son of George Hadley and Hannah Brown). Born Nov. 6, 1851, at Werborghs, Derby, Eng. Married Elizabeth Jane Bitton Nov. 6, 1876, at Ogden, Utah (daughter of John E. Bitton and Sarah Wintle, pioneers handcart company, 1857). She was born May 26, 1861, at West Weber, Utah. Their children: Hannah b. Sept. 3, 1877, m. Henry Williams; Sarah Jane b. April 27, 1879, m. Wheatley H. Gibson; Louisa b. Feb. 25, 1881, m. Orson Folk- man; Mary Ann b. Jan. 2, 1883, m. George Goodell; Ida b. Oct. 23, 1885, m. Joseph Butler; Lorenzo B. b. March 30, 1887; Joseph E. b. Sept. 11, 1889, m. Florence Greenwell Feb. 12, 1908; Oscar E. b. April 4, 1892, m. Verna Greenwell July 2, 1910; Ada b. Sept. 25, 1895. HADLET, SAMUEL (son of George Hadley and Hannah Brown). Born Nov. 15, 1854, at Derby, Eng. Married Elizabeth Ann Etherington April 16, 1877, at Ogden, Utah (daughter of Thomas Etherington and Sarah Wheeler), who was born Dec. 29, 1858, at Slaterville, Utah. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Feb. 21, 1878, deceased: Clara b. March 26, 1880, m. James J. Gibson June 17, 1901; John Etherington b. Aug. 24, 1882, m. Amy Alvord Dec. 1903; Edith Hannah b. Nov. 20, 1884, m. Thomas McLean Feb. 17, 1904; Elizabeth Ann b. Aug. 25. 1887, m. James B. Hunter, Jr. Dec. 1907; Samuel b. Nov. 22, 1889; Emily Alice b. Feb. 16, 1892; Thomas Albert b. Aug. 7, 1894; George Leland b. Sept. 30, 1896. Family home West Weber, Utah. Seventy; missionary to England 1898-1900. Farmer and stockraiser. HAFEJT, JOHST GEORGE. Born In 1803 at Scherzligen, Canton Thurgau, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson company. Married Magdalena Hafen. Their children: Barbara b. 1835 (d. 1873), m. Ignaz Willl Oct. 18, 1861 (who died July 24, 1863); John George b. Oct. 17, 1838, m. Sussette Bosshard. Settled at Santa Clara, Utah, In 1861. Died in 1863. HAFEN, JOHN GEORGE (son of John George and Magdalena Hafen). Born Oct. 17, 1838, at Scherzligen, fnnton Thurgau, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson company. Married Susette Bosshard Oct. 18. 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Bosshard and Katherine Eglie). Their children: John; Emma; Edward, died; Herman; George, died; Adolph; Hermina, died; Sussette; Mina, died; Ernest. Married Mary Ann Stucke in 1873 (daughter of Samuel Stucke and Magdalena Stadler). Their children: Albert: Mary; Bertha; Selina; Wilford, died; Lovina; Leroy. Married Anna Elizabeth Huber in Nov. 1884 (daughter of Andreas Huber and Anna Elizabeth Gigar). Their chil- dren; August, died; Joseph: William and Heber, died; Frank- lin; Eliesi; Janette, died; Walter HAGUE, JAMES (son of James Hague of Sheffield, Eng.). Born in 1823. Came to Utah In 1852. Married Sarah Ann Beaver in Sheffield in 1842. She was born Dec. 25, 1823. Their children: James, Jr., m. Sarah Carson; John Henry, m. Jane R. Peacock; Frank; Joseph, died; Sarah, m. D. G. Calder; George, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Gunsmith. Died in 1871; shipwrecked between U. S. A. and England on steamship Gambia. HAGUE, JAMES, JR. (son of James Hague and Sarah Ann Beaver). Born Jan. 28, 1844, at Sheffield. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Sarah Carson Jan. 1871 at Fairfleld, Utah (daughter of John Carson and Elvira Egbert of Fairfleld, pioneers 1861). She was born March 28. 1850. Their chil- dren: Margaret b. June 16, 1872; Charles b. Sept. 19, 1874, m. Ida Harmon; Dilla b. Nov. 10 1876; Effle b. Sept. 28. 1879, m. McCandless Moffet; Hazel b. March 2, 1885. died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Business man. Died Aug. 13, 1911. HAIGHT, CALEB (son of Samuel Haight of Dutchess county, N. Y.). Born Aug. 22, 1778. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Keturah Horton Feb. 11, 1799. She was born May 28, 1777, and died Nov. 18, 1843, at Nauvoo, 111. Thoir children: Oscar b. Nov. 14, 1800; Harriet Helen b. April 9. 1802. m. John Southard; Julia Ann b. Oct. 6, 1805, m. William Van Orden; David Bateman b. Oct. 18, 1808. m. Clarice Buckmyre; Hector Caleb b. Jan. 17, 1810, m. Julia Van Orden 1829; Isaac Chauncy b. May 27, 1813, m. Eliza Ann Snider; Eliza Caroline b. Feb. 2, 1816, m. Wesley Snider; Maria Antoinette b. July 25. 1818, m. Gob Canp Dibble; Catherine Adelia b. Nov. 28, 1820, m. Dorr P. Curtis. Family home Sempronius and Windham, N. Y. HAIGHT, HECTOR CALEB (son of Caleb Haight and Keturah Horton). Born Jan. 17, 1810, in New York. Came to Utah in 1847 with second company. Married Julia Van Orden (daughter of Peter Van Orden and Mary Crocker), who was born Jan. 19, 1811. Their children: Mary Adelia b. Jan. 1830, m. John L. Smith; Hector b. June 20, 1831, d. young; Horton David b. June 20, 1832, m. Louisa Leavitt 1854; Caleb b. July 22, 1834, d. young; William Van Orden b. Sept. 18, 1841, m. Louise Turner July 4, 1861. Family home Farmington, Utah. Married Miss Weiler. Only child: Hector W., m. Nellie Clawson. Family home, Farmington. Married Margaret Stewart 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Stewart and Millie Wilson of Iowa), who was born March 27, 1850. Their children: Duane Miller (adopted); Isaac, died; Millie, m. John Dugan, m. Harry Thoburn; Meta, died; Cora, m. William H. Smith. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Denmark 1855-58. Captain of infantry in Utah militia. Served as assessor and collector, sheriff and probate judge 1865-74, all in Davis Co., Utah. Hotel pro- prietor; farmer and stockraiser. Died June 29, 1882, at Farmington. HAIGHT, WILLIAM VAN ORDEN (son of Hector Caleb Haight and Julia Van Orden). Born Sept. 18, 1841, in Steven- son county, 111. Married Louise Turner July 4, 1861, at Farmington, Utah (daughter of Henry Turner and Ann Steed, pioneers 1857, Captain Martin company). She was born Sept. 12. 1845. at Malvern, Worcestershire, Eng. Their children: William A, b. June 15, 1862, m. Mary E. France Dec. 7, 1882; Julia A. b. Dec. 8, 1864, m. William France Dec. 20, 1888; Henry C. b. July 24, 1868, m. Josephine Oviatt June 4, 1889; Alice L. b. March 9, 1873, m. Albert D. Ford Dec. 11, 1900; Lllliam E. b. Jan. 20, 1879, m. James C. Brown .Feb. 21. 1901; Grace F. b. Oct. 21, 1887, m. Alma Norman Jan. 26, 1910. Family home, Farmington. Member of relief party sent to meet Martin handcart company in winter of 1856. Assisted in settlement of south- ern Utah in 1865. Served in Black Hawk War in 1866. Missionary to eastern states April 21, 1897-May 11, 1899. Farmer and stockraiser. HAIR, JOHN (son of Jeremiah Hair and Bridget Murphy of Ireland). Born Aug. 15. 1821, at Newcastle, Northum- berland, Eng. Came to Utah in Sept. 1864, Captain Chan- dler's train bringing freight. Married Elizabeth Copeland in Oct. 1868 at Ryap, Durham, Eng. (daughter of Nicholas Copeland and Johanna Craggs of Sunderland, Eng.), who was born Feb. 3, 1838. Their children: Nicholas C., m. Mary E. Haddon; James, m. Martha Christiansen; Elizabeth, d. infant; Joseph C.. d. infant; Charles W., d. aged 4 years; George C., d. aged 2 years; John D., d. aged 2 years. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest; block teacher. Manager of lumber company. Died June 26, 1893, Salt Lake City. HAIR, NICHOLAS C. (son of John Hair and Elizabeth Copeland). Born Oct. 21, 1869, at Southwick, Durham, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1866, Captain White company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 907 Married Mary E. Haddon April 27, 1882, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas C. Haddon and Elizabeth Cherry of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1852, A. O. Smoot company). She was born Feb. 15, 1860. Their children: John C. b. March 17, 1883, m. Lillie Waters; Thomas C. b. Nov. 19, 1885; William N. b. April 29, 1888, d. aged 23 years; Clifford b. July 7, 1890; Clarence b. Oct. 23. 1892, d. aged 4 years; Joseph b. Jan. 3, 1899. Family homo. Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to England 1904-06; Sunday school superintendent nine years; first counselor to Bishop William P. Waters of Bingham ward. Member school board of 43d district. Miner and engineer. II AM:. ALMA HELAMATf (son of Jonathan Harriman Hale and Olive Boyington, both of whom died at Council Bluffs, Iowa). Came to Utah 1848. Married Elizabeth Walker. Their eldest child. Alma Hela- man, m. Elizabeth Percinda Hendricks. Married Sarah Ann Clark. Their eldest child, Ernest Frederick, m. Drucilla Harris. Married Ellen V. Clark Aug. 19, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Clark and Elizabeth Gower the latter came to Utah Oct. 26, 1864, with William Hyde company, the former died crossing the plains to Utah). She was born Jan. 6, 1848, Colchester, Essex, Eng. Their children: Edgar Daniel b. Jan. 3, 1868, m. Emma Louisa Seamons Oct. 1. 1890; Aroet Clinton b. Aug. 17, 1869, m. Elizabeth A. Seamons Nov. 15. 1893; Arthur Willard b. July 3, 1871, m. Alice Jacobson Dec. 24, 1903; Franklin George b. July 10, 1874, m. Cora Hammond Nov. 17, 1897; Rosa Ellen b. Dec. 28, 1876, d. Aug. 13, 1897; Alvin Wilford b. Feb. 19, 1879, m. Julia Dean Oct. 9, 1907; Eugene Clark b. March 26, 1886, m. Sylvia L. Jensen June 2, 1909; Zina Emeline b. June 11, 1888, m. Melvin Barrus Dec. 22, 1909. President of 31st quorum seventies, and later of 17th quorum; high priest; high councilor in Benson stake; mis- sionary to eastern states; assisted in organizing first Sunday school in Grantsville, of which he served as teacher; stake superintendent of Sunday schools. Settled 'at Grantsville 1854. Participated in Echo Canyon war 1857, and also did considerable service as guard during the "Move" in 1858. In 1862 went to the Missouri river in Capt. Home's company to assist the poor immigrants; on the return trip acted as wagonmaster and commissary. Moved to Cache Valley where he served as superintendent of Tooele County Co-op. Grist Mill. Constable and city marshal. Commissioned by Governor Durkee as captain's adjutant in territorial militia. Moved to Smithfleld In 1888. Died March 30, 1908, Logan, Utah. HALE. ALMA HELAMAN, JR. (son of Alma Helaman Hale and Elizabeth Walker). Married Elizabeth Percinda Hendricks (daughter of Joseph S. Hendricks and Sariah Pew), who was born Dec. 16, 1867, Richmond, Utah. Their children: Elizabeth Percinda b. Sept. B, 1885, m. Jasper M. Hammon Dec. 18, 1907; Mabel Fidelia b. March 20, 1889, m. Justin A. Knapp Aug. 17, 1909; Joseph A. b. May 16, 1893; Alta b. Aug. 25, 1895; Theolia b. Jan. 16, 1899; LeGrand Sheldon b. Oct. 1, 1901; Leila b. Aug. 10, 1905; Harold Hendricks b. Jan. 21, 1911. Family home Marysville, Idaho. Oneida stake clerk; first counselor in presidency T. M. M. I. A. Oneida stake; clerk Marysville ward; high councilor of Yellowstone stake. HALE, ERNEST FREDERICK (son of Alma Helaman Hale and Sarah A. Clark). Born Sept. 4, 1863. Grantsville, Utah. Married Drusilla Harris Feb. 23, 1887, Logan Temple, Utah (daughter of Eli McGee Harris and Elizabeth Gammel). who was born Sept. 25, 1868, Richmond, Utah. Their children: Drusilla b. Dec. 25, 1887, m. John Sorensen March 30, 1909; Grace b. June 8, 1890, m. Jesse Ford March 30, 1909; Pearl b. May 18, 1892; Ernest Grant b. April 3, 1894; Golden Harris b. April 12, 1897, d. May 20, 1907; Alminnie b. Jan. 31. 1901, d. May 28, 1907; Almannia b. Jan. 31, 1901; Douglas Ross b. July 22, 1903. Married Mary Amanda Peterson June 19, 1907, Logan, Utah (daughter of John August Peterson and Maria Hansen, married 1854, Salt Lake Endowment House). She was born April 10, 1882, Logan. Their children: Leah b. June 12, 1908; Gladys b. March 26, 1910. Ward teacher four years and Sunday school teacher sev- eral years; seventy. Settled in Gentile valley 1887, and served as superintendent of Sunday schools and home mis- sionary. On Aug. 24, 1888. was called to preside over Mormon ward, Gentile valley; ordained high priest and bishop by Apostle Moses Thatcher; bishop of Cleveland ward; home missionary of Groveland ward, Blackfoot stake; missionary to Lost River country; member high council and superin- tendent religion classes Blackfoot stake. In his early years he was very skillful in handling wild horses, having broken to work about 200 head before he was 21 years old. Chief promoter of Gentile valley creamery, and served as its first manager; was overseer of the building of the plant and installing of the machinery. Founded the Cleveland Co- op, and became Its first president. Assisted in the manage- ment and building of the bridges over Bear river in that section of the country. Member building committee and did a great deal of work on the Central building; worked as carpenter on Thatcher meeting house, and donated ex- tensively toward the erection of the Preston academy. Moved to Grbveland ward, Blackfoot, Idaho, 1905. Overseer of all the canals along the Sanke river through the southern part of Bingham county four years. HALE, JONATHAN H. (son of Alma H. Hale and Sarah Ann Clark). Born Aug. 10, 1875, Grantsville, Utah. Married Mary R. Moss April 28, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Moss and Sarah P. Sessions, both born at Woods Cross, Utah). Their children: Blanch b. June 25, 1898; Horace b. March 26, 1900; Owen Moss b. Aug. 19, 1901; Mary b. Feb. 8, 1903; Joseph b. July 18, 1905; Sarah b. March 1, 1907; Nathan b. May 16, 1909; Ezra Foss b. May 29, 1911; Olive b. April 5, 1913. Family resided Smithfleld, Utah, and Groveland, Idaho. One of presidency 147th quorum seventies; missionary to Tennessee 1894-96; Sunday school superintendent; stake superintendent Mutual Improvement Association; president elders' quorum. School trustee. Farmer and dairyman. HALE, EDGAR DANIEL (son of Alma Helaman Hale and Ellen V. Clark). Born Jan. 3, 1868, at Grantsville, Utah. Married Emma Louisa Seamons Oct. 1, 1890, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Samuel Seamons and Louisa Emily Grif- fith, the former a pioneer with William B. Preston company). She was born April 18, 1871, at Hyde Park, Utah. Their children: Varian Edgar b. June 25, 1891; Raymond Seamons b. June 4, 1893, m. Faunt Killian Dec. 14, 1911; Arden Delos b. Oct. 3, 1895; Rhoda Louisa b. Sept. 24, 1898; Lyman Maesar b. March 17, 1901; Merlin Alma b. Nov. 16, 1903; Clayton Samuel b. Nov. 24, 1906; Calvin Leroy b. Aug. 1, 1909; Karl Griffith b. Dec. 2, 1911. Family resided Grantsville, Utah, Gentile Valley and Blackfoot, Idaho. Engaged in Sunday school work as teacher and in super- intendency almost continuously 1887-1909. Secretary elders' quorums 1891-1903 and 1905 to present. Justice of peace in Bingham county, Idaho, 1910. Farmer. HALE, AROET CLINTON (son of Alma Helaman Hale and Ellen V. Clark). Born Aug. 17, 1869, at Grantsville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Alferetta Seamons Nov. 15, 1893, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Samuel Seamons, pioneer, William B. Preston company, and Louisa E. Seamons). She was born July 26, 1873, at Hyde Park, Utah. Their children: Elmer Clinton b. Nov. 1, 1894; Katie Louisa b. Oct. 12, 1897; Orvin Melrose b. April 27, 1900; Delos Griffith b. Sept. 19, 1902; Ferrin Alma b. May 1, 1905. Family resided Grantsville, Utah, Gentile Valley and Groveland, Idaho. Member Mound Valley ward bishopric four years; member Blackfoot stake Sunday school board since June 1905, and of the religion class board since Aug. 1911. Farmer. HALE, ARTHUR WILLARD (son of Alma Helaman Hale and Ellen Victoria Clark). Born July 3, 1871, at Grantsville, Utah. Married Alice Evangeline Jacobson Dec. 24, 1902, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Julius W. B. Jacobson and Hannah Evangeline Hall, who came to Utah In July 1877). She was born Nov. 3, 1879, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Rosa- lind b. May 13, 1906; Whitney Bryan b. May 3, 1911. d. May 16, 1911; Bernice, b. April 20, 1912. Family resided Logan, Utah, and Blackfoot, Idaho. Missionary to Logan Temple 18 months 1897-98; missionary to California 1898-1902. At time of marriage settled In Logan, Utah; moved to Blackfoot, Idaho 1905. Class leader and president Y. M. M. I. A.; ward and Sunday school teacher. HALB, AROET LtJCICS (son of Jonathan Harriman Hale, born Feb. 1, 1800, and Olive Boyington, born July 30, 1805, at Bradford, Mass. married Sept. 1, 1825). Born May 18, 1828, at Dover, N. H. Came to Utah Sept. 1848 with Heber C. Kimball company. Married Olive Whittle Sept. 6. 1849 (daughter of Thomas Whittle and Amelia Fullmer, pioneers of Sept. 1848 with Heber C. Kimball company), who was born Dec. 9, 1833, in Canada; died Sept. 14, 1860, at Grantsville, Utah. Their children: Aroet Lucius b. June 6, 1850, m. Eliza Ann Lee Sept. 11, 1869; Olive Amelia b. July 11. 1852. m. Henry Sagers Oct. 11, 1869, died, and Robert E. Reed April 17, 1906; Jonathan Harriman b. Jan. 19, 1S54, m. Eliza Clegg Jan. 3, 1876; Thomas Whittle b. Nov. 29, 1855, d. Nov. 13. 1880; Rachel Susan b. Dec. 1, 1857, m. Thomas Clark Jan. 4, 1875; Solomon Eliphet b. March 22, 1859, m. Louisa Hunter May 7, 1889. Family home, Grantsville, Utah. Married Louisa Phippen; divorced three months after marriage. Their child: Esther b. Nov. 28, 1859, m. Joseph Acuff Aug. 17, 1878. Married Louisa Cook Dec. 24, 1861, at Grantsville, Utah (daughter of Henry Cook and Martha Morris, pioneers of Sept. 1864), who was born Jan. 25, 1837 at Chichester, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, with Ira Eldrtdge com- pany. Died May 20. 1910, at Grantsville, Utah. Their chil- dren: Aroetta b. Nov. 24, 1862, m. Thomas A. Judd Jan. 6, 1886, d. April 4, 1889, and John H. Holgate Sept. 12, 1894; Clarissa Louisa b. Sept. 30, 1864, m. William S. Matthews May 7, 1889; Henry Little b. Oct. 28, 1866, d. Nov. 21, 1866; Leonard Wilford b. March 2, 1869. m. Rosa Judd April 11, 1887; Phoebe Elizabeth b. Aug. 7, 1872, m. Joseph P. Mecham May 29, 1890; Sarah A. b. Sept. 4, 1874, d. Dec. 6. 1888; Frank Boyington b. March 27, 1877, m. Grace Robinson April 23, 1900; Janet b. March 6, 1880, m. John W. Anderson Oct. 21. 1903. Family home Grantsville, Utah. Married Charlotte Cook March 18, 1866, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Cook and Martha Morris, pioneers with John Murdock company). She was born March 7, 1844. in Sussex, Eng. Their children: George Edward b. April 4, 1867, d. Sept. 18, 1881; Alma Fredrick b. March 11, 1870, m. Eliza S. McCombs May 16, 1889; Lottie b. Dec. 5, 1872, m. 908 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Davis Hunter May 19, 1890; Benjamin Walter b. Nov. 20. 1874 m. Susan Idella Cazier Feb. 5. 1903; Martha Harriet b Feb. 25. 1876, d. July 21, 1892; Morris James b. May 19. 1878. m. Lois Call May 9, 1900; Mary Lulu b. Oct. 20. 1882, m Ira A. Call April 3, 1903; Amy Lucile b. April 6, 1884, m William A. Osmond March 13, 1907; Louie Ann b. Oct. 10. 1887, m. Willard Call Sept 23, 1909. Family home Afton, Wyo. Drummer boy in Nauvoo Legion at time of martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Scout and hunter on journey to Utah. First settled at Salt Lake City, but later moved to Tooele. Served in Walker Indian war; commissioned by Brigham Young-, June 10. 1854, second lieutenant Com- pany A battalion of life guards, cavalry, G. S. L. military district; commissioned by Governor Durkee, May 16, 1868, adjutant second battalion Infantry, Nauvoo Legion at Tooele; paymaster of G. S. L. military district. In company with Dimick B. Huntington secured the body, papers, etc., of Lieutenant Gunnison after he was killed by the Indians In southern Utah. Assisted in settlement of "Muddy" and Las Vegas. Nev. ; served as member of bishopric at former. Member first bishopric Grantsville, Utah; member Tooele stake high council 24 years; patriarch. Died Dec. 13, 1911. HALE, AROET LUCIUS II. (son of Aroet Lucius Hale and Olive Whittle). Born June 6, 1850. at Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Ann Lee Sept. 11, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Lee and Julia Ann Chapman, pioneers 1862). Their children: Aroet Lucius b. Dec. 20, 1870, m. Eliza E. Teaman May 7, 1890; Isaac Lee b. Aug. 8. 1873, m. Mary Hyde Oct. 11, 1900; Jonathan Harriman b. Oct. 9, 1875, m. Alice Moffett April 3, 1900; William W. b. May 14, 1878, m. Ella Brown Oct. 5, 1905; Casper A. b. Dec. 11, 1880, m. Matilda Thurman July 1. 1903; George A. b. Feb. 22, 1890; Thomas E. b. Jan. 9, 1893. Family home Afton, Wyo. Teamster In Captain Mumford's company, one of last to cross the plains with Immigrants in 1868. Settled in Bear Lake Valley 1869. and in Star Valley, Wyo., 1885. Member of first high council Star Valley stake. City councilman. Business manager of the building of the Star Valley Stake Tabernacle. HALE. AROET LUCIUS III. (son of Aroet Lucius Hale and Eliza Ann Lee). Born Dec. 20, 1870 at Liberty, Idaho. Married Eliza E. Teaman May 7, 1890 (daughter of Thomas Teaman and Martha Moore), who was born Sept. 27, 1872, at Huntsville, Utah. Their children: Eliza Pearl b. Sept. 1, 1891, m. Joseph Michaelson Oct. 6, 1910; Aroet Leo b. June 18, 1893; Myrtle A. b. Nov. 8, 1896; Louis Holbert b. Dec. 17, 1897; Hazel Bell b. Oct. 17, 1900; Eugene b. Oct. 29, 1902; William Le Roy b. Nov. 13, 1904; Edward Everett b. Oct. 28, 1906; Walter Barber b. March 20, 1908. Family home Afton, Wyo. HALE, BENJAMIN WALTER (son of Aroet Lucius Hale and Charlotte Cook). Born Nov. 20, 1874, at Grantsville, Utah. Married Susan Idella Cazier Feb. 5, 1903, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Charles Gates Cazier and Susan Blngham), who was born June 20, 1884, at Bennington, Idho. Their children; Izora b. May 10. 1904; Charles Benjamin b. Oct.. 6, 1907; Edward Cazier b. Dec. 3, 1911. Seventy; missionary to southwestern states. HALE, MORRIS J. (son of Aroet Lucius Hale and Char- lotte Cook). Born May 19, 1879, at Grantsville. Married Lois Call May 9, 1900, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Joseph H. Call and Sarah Isabel Barlow of Bountiful, Utah), who was born May 28, 1880, at Bountiful. Their children: Lamar M. b. March 21, 1901; Hattie L. b. Dec. 28, 1902; Vasco Lester b. Feb. 10, 1905; Charlotte Isabel b. March 19, 1907, d. July 4, 1908; Clarence b. June 14, 1909; Wilford b. May 30, 1911. Family home Afton, Wyo. Member 103d quorum seventies; president elders quorum 1899-1905; stake superintendent Y. M. M. I. A. since 1909. At Afton served as city marshal 1902-04; member city council 1906-11; mayor of Afton 1911-13. Farmer and stockraiser. 1856, and into Bear lake valley 1857. Settled at Liberty, Idaho, 1865, and at Soda Springs 1872. and in Gentile valley 1875. Engaged heavily in stock raising. Member Bear lake stake high council 1865-75; first counselor in Oneida stake presidency 1884-1907. Moved to Preston, Idaho, 1890, where he superintended erection of Oneida stake acad- emy. Indian interpreter. Commissioner Oneida county, Idaho; elected mayor of Preston, 1907. HALE, SOLOMON HENRY (son of Jonathan Harriman Hale and Olive Boylngton of Quincy, 111., both of whom died at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sept. 1846, leaving four children, Aroet Lucius, Rachel, Alma Helaman and Solomon Henry, all of whom came to Utah in 1848). Born April 20, 1839, at Quincy, 111. Came to Utah 1848 with Heber C. Kimball company. Married Anna Clark April 17, 1863 (daughter of Samuel Clark and Rebecca Garner), who was born April 19, 1841. Their children: Solomon Henry b. May 30 1864, m. Ginerva Nowlin Dec. 8, 1886; Jonathan Joseph b. July 26, 1867, d. March 12, 1876; Samuel Clark b. April 24. 1870, d. Feb. 7, 1876; Hattie Vllate b. Sept. 10, 1872, m. Milton H. Thatcher June 11, 1890, d. Aug. 1908; Arta D'Christa b. April 19, 1877, d. June 29, 1878; Heber Quincy b. March 6, 1880, m. Bessie Gudmundson Jan. 17, 1906; Aroet Alma b. Oct. 29, 1881, m. Florence Belnap Nov. 5, 1906; Anna LaVinna b. Aug. 14, 1884, m. James H. Cannon April 5. 1911. After coming to Utah resided at Salt Lake and Farm- ington until 1854. Went with herd of cattle with first settlers to Cache Valley 1856, but returned to Salt Lake at time of Johnston's army Invasion in 1857. Expert horse- man, broke wild horses for pony express company in 1862; commissioned by President Abraham Lincoln as wagon- master for Utah volunteers company, which set In order stage stations and telegraph line between Salt Lake and Missouri river, which had been destroyed or damaged by Indians. Headed exploring party into Bear river valley HALES, CHARLES H. (son of Stephen and Mary Ann Hales, of Rainham, Kent, Eng.). Born June 17, 1817, in Kent. Came to Canada in 1832, and to Utah in September, 1852. Married Julia Ann Lockwood Oct. 31, 1839, at Quincy, 111. (daughter of George Lockwood and Anas Gillet, of Buffalo, N. T., pioneers Sept. 1852). She was born Aug. 10, 1824. Their children: Julia A.; Stephen F.; Eliza Ann; George G.; Mary I.; Charles H.; Joseph L.; John T.; William H.; Mariah J.; Jonathan H.; Harriet E. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Seventy; home missionary; member Spanish Fork choir. School trustee; member city council. Farmer and brick- mason. Died July 1, 1889, at Spanish Fork. HALES, JOSEPH LOCKWOOD (son of Charles H. Hales and Julia Ann Lockwood). Born Jan. 16, 1851, at Garden Grove, Decatur county, Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Jane Berry Feb. 21, 1875, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John W. Berry and Jane E; Thomas, of Spanish Fork, pioneers 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born Aug. 24, 1855. Their children: Jane I. b. June 6, 1876; Julia E. b. March 16. 1878; Lauretta b. April 9, 1880; Elenor b. Jan. 27, 1882, d. Feb. 21, 1882; Zina D. b. April 8, 1885; Lester J. b. April 26, 1894. Family home, Spanish Fork. High priest; missionary to Arizona 1881-89; bishop's aid; member presidency of elders' quorum. Farmer and stock- raiser. HALES, HENRY WILLIAM (son of Stephen and Mary Ann Hales, of Kent, Eng.). Born Aug. 7, 1829, at Rainham, Kent, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1857. Married Eliza Ann Ewing May 19, 1850, at Garden Grove, Iowa (daughter of Alexander Ewing and Sarah Ann Lehman, latter a pioneer, Sept. 17, 1850, David Evans company). She was born April 4, 1830, at Philadelphia, Pa. Their children: Stephen Alexander b. Feb. 22, 1851, m. Nancy Ann Peterson; Rebecca Jane b. Dec. 27, 1862, m. Wm. Spencer and J. R. Hall; Eliza Ann b. June 9, 1865; Henry William b. Dec. 23, 1867, m. Mary Hannah Carson; Thomas Bradford b. May 14, 1860; Mary Isabel b. Nov. 21, 1862, m. Nathan W. Bailey; George Lawrence b. Oct. 17, 1865; Harriet b. Feb. 6, 1867, m. Geo. F. Stanley; Richard b. Jan. 13, 1871, m. Elizabeth Wilson. Family resided Little Cottonwood, Cedar Fort, En- terprise and Deseret, Utah. Married Sarah Jane McKinney Jan. 11, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hugh McKinney and Sarah Ann Lehman, pioneers Sept. 17, 1850, David Evans company). She was born Oct. 30. 1838, at Philadelphia, Pa. Their children: Sarah Jane b. March 2. 1858, m. Taylor Crosby; Charles Henry b. Nov. 19, 1859, m. Eliza McKinney; Hugh b. March 27, 1861; Joseph William b. Nov. 22, 1862, m. Christena Hansen; Jacob Lehman b. March 11, 1864, m. Mary Crafts; Albert b. Nov. 27, 1865, m. Emma Sloan; Mary Ann b. Oct. 9. 1868; Matilda b. March 11, 1870; Martha Elizabeth b. Sept. 26, 1871. m. Percy Crafts; George Alven b. May 16, 1873, m. Anna Warnick; Lillie May b. May 20, 1876, m. Joshua R. Bennett; John Smith b. Feb. 19, 1877, m. Rebecca Mickleson; Horace Franklin b. April 21, 1879, m. Erma Hansen; Roy b. June 9, 1881; Isa b. Oct. 1, 1883. Family home, Deseret. Member bishopric Peterson ward, Morgan stake, 1861; presiding elder Lake town 1867-91; patriarch 1901, until his death. County road commissioner. Died June 26, 1909, at Woods Cross, Utah. HALES, STEPHEN ALEXANDER (son of Henry William Hales and Eliza Ann Ewing). Born Feb. 22, 1861, at Ap- panoose, 111. Married Nancy Ann Peterson May 30, 1868, at Salt Lake Cltj (daughter of Charles S. Peterson and Ann Patten of Alpine, Peterson and Plymouth, Utah, pioneers Feb. 1850). She was born March 30, 1862. Their children: Nancy Ann b. Oct. 24, 1869, m. Joseph Kelley; Stephen Alexander b. Sept. 12, 1871, m. Mary Ellen Fox; Charles Henry b. Sept. 29, 1873, m. Joanna L. Kennard; George Robert b. Feb. 9, 1876, m. Kate Kennard; Albert William b. May 19, 1878. m. Maud Chamberlain; Rosalie b. July 1, 1880, m. John McComie; Mable b. Oct. 20. 1882, m. David McComie; John Alma b. May 9, 1885, m. Edith May Covenington; Earl Bradford b. Feb. 21, 1888, m. Marion Nye; Manetta b. Jan. 21, 1891. Family resided Peterson, Enterprise, Cedar Fort and Riverside, Utah. HALES. HENRT WILLIAM (son of Henry William Hales and Eliza Ann Ewing). Born Dec. 23, 1857, at Cedar Fort, Utah. Married Mary H. Carson June 12, 1889, at lona, Idaho (daughter of George W. Carson and Agatha Morgan, of Iowa). She was born Oct. 6, 1867. Their children: Ethel b. Aug. 28. 1890; Lenora b. Nov. 23. 1892; Hazel b. Oct. 31, 1894; Clara b. Aug. 21, 1897; Clarence b. Aug. 21, 1897; Florence Edna b. Oct. 26, 1901; Olive b. Oct. 6, 1903; Harold Wynne b. Aug. 26, 1908. Family home Park City, Utah. City councilman 1899; county commissioner 1908-12. Teamster. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 909 HALES, RICHARD FRANKLIN (son of Henry William Hales and Eliza Ann Ewing). Born Jan. 13, 1871, Enterprise, Utah. Married Lizzie Linzy Wilson June 23, 1897, Park City, Utah (daughter of William Walter Wilson and Emily Mansfleld Gray, Midway, Utah, pioneers Aug. 7, 1866). Their children: Mont Richard b. July 31. 1898; William Mansfield b. July 9, 1902. Family home Park City, Utah. Superintendent of Daly Judge mill. n M.r.s, GEORGE (son of Stephen Hales of Province of Ontario, Canada). Born 1813, in England. Came to Utah with a contingent of the Mormon Battalion. Married Sarah Ann Gregory, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of William Gregory of lone. 111.). She was born Jan. 26, 1814. Their children: Mary, m. Hyrum Burgess; Charles, m. Eva May Burgess. Family home Beaver. Utah. Married Louisa Tripp, Salt Lake City (daughter of. John Tripp and Jess Ess of Salt Lake City). She was born 1825. Their children: Libbie, m. William Bird; Willard, m. Jean Frasier; -Rena. m. Sheff Tanner; Caroline, m. Frank Talton; Harriet, m. Julius Bearnson; Rhoda, m. Rollin Tanner; Bartlet. Family home Beaver, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Justice of peace. Member Nauvoo Legion. One of the earliest workers in Deseret News printing office at Richfield, Utah. Printer and shoe- maker. Died 1898, Beaver, Utah. HALES, CHARLES (son of George Hales and Sarah Ann Gregory). Born March 26, 1865, Beaver. Utah. Married Eva May Burgess Oct. 24. 1887, Huntlngton, Utah (daughter of Wilmer Burgess and Jane Heath of Hunting- ton). She was born May 1, 1872. Their children: Tressa b. Aug. 6, 1888, d. infant; May b. Feb. 27, 1890, d. child; Leona b. Feb.- 6, 1892, m. Lewis Conrad: Edgar b. Oct. 2, 1893; Bertha b. April 16, 1896; John b. May 14. 1898; Vera b. Aug. 10, 1900; Afton b. Jan. 18, 1903; Frank b. March 22, 1905; Feron and Fern b. Oct. 21, 1908; Clarence b. Jan. 9, 1911, d. infant. Family home Winter Quarters, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Carpenter and car repairer for Utah Fuel company 12 years. II V I,<;HK V TRULS A. (son of Asser Sven Halgren and Ingre Truelson of Klorup, Malmohuslan, Sweden). Born Jan. 5, 1835, at Klorup. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1864, Isaac Canfleld company. Married Clara Bjurling May 22, 1864, on Atlantic ocean (daughter of John Eric Bjurling and Anna Greta Isaacson of Kulla. Sweden). She was born April 11, 1840. Their children: Asser Theodore, died; Ellen Wilhelmina, m. Daniel Hamer; Annie Magdalene, m. Parley T. Wright; Alma, died; Clara Sophie and Olivia Victoria, died; Joseph; Ottelia, m. Parley M. Perry. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member 63d quorum seventies; missionary to Sweden 1868-64 and 1889-91. Machinist. Died Sept. 4, 1892. HAM,. BENJAMIN K. Born Nov. 7, 1793, New York. Came to Utah in October, 1850, Captain Bennett company. Married Mehitabel Sawyer 1827, Maine (daughter of Amos Sawyer of Maine), who was born Oct. 1, 1806. Their chil- dren: Horace Loomis b. March 3, 1828; Eliza M. b. May 22, 1830; Dorothy Merrill b. Dec. 31, 1831; Mary K. b. Aug. 19, 1833; Katherine b. July 9, 1835; Helen S. b. April 18, 1837; Louisa Maria b. Dec. 30, 1839; William Henry b. Sept. 30. 1842; Benjamin Frank b. April 16, 1847. Family home Ogden. Utah. Seventy. Broom-maker and farmer. Died in 1882, Ogden, Utah. HALL, DAVID (son of William Hall, born Feb. 13, 1778. and Anna Copeland, of Danville, 111., born April 23, 1786). Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1862, Lewis Prunson company. Married Jane Hale July 23, 1860, in Vermilion county, 111. (daughter of Elijah B. Hale and Mary Hoskins), who was born Nov. 20, 1832; pioneers, Lewis Brunson company). Their children: Mary Ann b. Oct. 25, 1852, m. Levi John; Leroy b. Nov. 13, 1866, m. Julia A. Harris; Racine b. Oct. 23, 1857, m. Anna Green; Philene b. Aug. 26, 1863, m. Isaac E. D. Zundel; Almira b. Dec. 5, 1865, m. William Orgill; David W. b. Oct. 10, 1867, m. Eliza Halford; Jane Orgill; Julia B. b. Oct. 16, 1869, m. Isaac David Zundel; Letha Jane b. Oct. 6, 1873, d. Oct. 23, 1874; Elijah Dotson b. Oct. 23, 1876. Family home West Portage, Utah. Served as superintendent of Portage Sunday school 1883- 88: as superintendent of Malad stake Sunday school 1888-90. High councilor. Died April 10, 1902. HALL,, EBER w. (son of Selden S. and Larlnda M. Hall of Burlingame, Kan., but formerly of Ohio). He was born March 21, 1868, at Brighton, Ohio. Came to Utah April 11. 1897. Married Artie L. Pratt April 8, 1897. Burlingame, Kan. (daughter of Hyrum B. Pratt and Mary Hoover of Burlin- game), who was born Feb. 19, 1874. Their children: Ber- nlce; Howard Pratt; Gwendolyn; Genevieve. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Funeral director. HALL, EDWARD (son of Jacob Hall and Polly Pritchard of Waterbury, New Haven county. Conn.). Born Nov. 16, 1813, Waterbury. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1850, David Evans company. Married Nancy Eleanor Ballinger Feb. 2, 1842, at James- town, Russell county, Ky. (daughter of Thomas Ballinger and Mary Ann Hartley of Jamestown, Ky., pioneers Sept. 2, 1860, David Evans company), who was born Oct. 23, 1826. Their children: Mary Ann, m. Lorenzo Johnson; William Isaac, m. Lydia Thorn; Sarah Jane, m. Philip Houtz; John Thomas, died young; James Edward, m. Katie Wiggins; Nephi Edwin, killed by accident; Joseph Smith, m. Sarah Sophrona Perry; Martha Elennor, m. Richard H. Thorn; Harriet Elizabeth, m. Robert A. Hutchlnson; Julia Roseltha and Lydia Mariah, died young. Family home Springville, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Died Aug. 26, 1886, Provo, Utah. HALL, HENRY, of St. Clair, Ala. Married Amanda Elizabeth Andrews 1855, in Floyd county, Ga. (daughter of Samuel Andrews and Elizabeth Potts, who lived seven miles north of Rome, Floyd county, Ga., came to Utah Oct. 1, 1869). She was born June 6, 1838. Their children: Mary Elizabeth, m. Peter Brown; Martha Frances, m. Burdell Davis. Family home Provo, Utah. HALL, JOSHUA. Came to Utah with oxteam. Married Sally . Their children: Lee, m. Emma Richardson; Gord; Iowa, m. Mary Elizabeth Grow; Chellis, m. Lola Elmer; Orson, m. Eliza Tracy; Mary, m. George Ramey. Family home Beaver, Utah. HALL, IOWA (son of Joshua and Sally Hall). Born in Iowa. Married Mary Elizabeth Grow, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Henry C. b. Oct. 2, 1871. m. Elizabeth Merkley; Mary Elizabeth, m. John Hacking; Sarah Melissa, m. Charles Davis; Iowa Jefferson, m. Mina Adams; Mark, m. Myrtle Arnold; Joseph, m. Ethel Dolman; Rutha May, m. Lee Cald- well; Orson E., m. Marinda Allen; Charles William, m. Effle Peters; Cloe Mariah, m. Quince Johnson; Alfred. Family home Huntsville, Utah. Farmer. Died April 9, 1905, Dry Forks, Utah. HALL, HENRY C. (son of Iowa Hall and Mary Elizabeth Grow). Born Oct. 2, 1871, Huntsville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Merkley Dec. 24, 1893, Maeser ward. Vernal, Utah (daughter of Nelson Merkley and Sarah Jane Sanders of Cedar Fort, Utah). She was born Dec. 29, 1871. Their children: Henry Grant b. July 22, 1895; James Arthur b. Oct. 21, 1897; Wallace Edgar b. Sept. 30, 1900; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 30, 1902; Nelson Albion b. Aug. 18. 1904; Helen Laverne b. April 9, 1906; Sarah May b. June 18, 1911. Family resided Dry Fork and Hayden, Utah. Rop.d supervisor. Farmer and lumberman. HALL, NEWTON DANIEL (son of Daniel Hall and Sarah Loomis). Born March 12, 1819, at Byron, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1847. Vincent Shurtliff company. Married Sarah Jane Busenbark 1843 in New York state (daughter of Isaac Busenbark and Abigail Manning of Niagara county, N. Y.; the former came to Utah in 1849, the latter died on the plains), who was born March 2, 1826. Their children: Louisa Jane; Newton D.: Mary E.; Lemira; Lewna; Byron H.; Alice; Ephraim; Lydia; Calvin, m. Cenia Iverson. Seventy; ward teacher. Died March 11, 1889, at Washing- ton, Utah. HALL. CALVIN (son of Newton Daniel Hall and Sarah Jane Busenbark). Born Aug. 6, 1865, at Providence, Utah. Married Cenia Iverson June 26. 1885, at St. George, Utah (daughter of Hans Peter Iverson and Anne D. Nisson of Denmark, pioneers 1869, Robert F. Neslen company), who was born Dec. 5, 1865. Their child (adopted): Caddie. Fam- ily home Washington, Utah. Bishop; superintendent Sunday school; missionary to cen- tral states 1898 to 1901. City recorder. Merchant; farmer. HALL, THOMAS (son of Robert Hall of Scotland and Eliza- beth Miller of England). Born Sept. 1, 1816. at Liverpool. Came to Utah 1861 with Alfred Cardon company. Married Ann Hughes 1840 (daughter of Samuel Hughes and Hannah Bevan), who was born Dec. 30, 1817. Their children: Samuel P. b. March 17, 1841. m. Margaret William- son Feb. 2, 1864; Joseph S. b. Aug. 21, 1843, m. Margaret Hill; Thomas J. b. Oct. 18. 1846, m. Henrietta Pearce; James H b. Sept. 8, 1860, m. Cyrenla Nebeker; Hannah M. b. July 27, 1864, m. Ellis W. Wiltbank; Brigham Y. b. Sept. 29. 1856, William H. b. June 24, 1859. Family resided Salt Lake City, Wellsville and St. George. Married Hannah Stephens. Their child: Sarah A. b. Oct. 26, 1856, m. Charles Brizzie. Resided in Salt Lake City from Oct. 1861 to 1860; later went to Las Vegas, Nev., then to Wellsville, Utah, and later was called to Dixie, settling at St. George. Missionary to Canada. Died at St. George at age of 78 years. 910 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH HALL. SAMUEL P. (son of Thomas Hall and Ann Hughes). Born March 17, 1841. at Liverpool, Eng. Married Margaret Williamson Feb. 2, 1864, at Wellsvllle, Utah (daughter of James Williamson and Mary Rae, the former a pioneer, 1851, Alfred Cardon company). She was born Jan. 26, 1844, at Slamannan, Scotland. Their children: Samuel W. b. Nov. 29, 1864, m. Catherine Stuart; Thomas W. b. Oct. 7, 1866. m. Jemima Gunnell; James W. b. Dec. 2. 1868, m. Martha Owen; William W. b. Jan. 4, 1871, m. Antoinette Larsen; Hyrum W. b. Aug. 27, 1873, m. Margaret Hill; Margaret W. b. Feb. 18, 1876; John Rae W. b. Nov. 26, 1878, m. Alice Nuttall; David W. b. July 1, 1881, d. April 1888; Leroy W. b. Oct. 6, 1883, m. Barbara Allan. Family home Wellsville, Utah. Farmer. HALL, JOSEPH SMITH (son of Thomas Hall and Ann Hughes). Born Aug. 21, 1843, at Hawarden, North Wales. Came to Utah 1851 with Afred Cardon company. Married Margaret Hill Jan. 20, 1866, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hill and Margaret Brlce), who was born Nov. 28, 1848. Their children: Margaret A. b. Dec. 2, 1865, m. Daniel Price (died in 1896) and John Timothy (died in 1899); Mary E. b. Dec. 26, 1867, m. Absalom Bybee; Joseph H. b. Nov. 28, 1869, m. Henrietta Bronson; Rebecca b. Oct. 22, 1871, m. Parley Inglet; Hannah M. b. Jan. 30, 1874, m. Thomas Thompson; Thomas J. b. Oct. 29, 1876, m. Carrie M. Cafferty (died Aug. 4, 1904), m. Harriet Bodily Aug. 7, 1907; Julia b. Dec. 21, 1878, m. William E. Steers; Sarah A. b. Feb. 14, 1881, m. Thomas W. Jenkins; William Rojf b. May 6. 1883, m. Caroline Smith; Zina b. March 15, 1886, m. Thomas Eugene Peck; Loretta b. Nov. 29, 1887, m. William D. Gilbert; Wilford b. Sept. 25, 1889, m. Ada Gilbert. Family home Fairview, Idaho. Died April 9, 1908, at Fairview. HALL, JOSEPH H. (son of Joseph Smith Hall and Mar- garet Hill). Born Nov. 28, 1867, at Wellsville, Utah. Married Henrietta Bronson Feb. 8, 1893, at Logan, Utah (daughter of E. H. Bronson and Lydla Cole of Fairview, Idaho), who was born Dec. 24, 1873, at Willard, Utah. Their children: Joseph H. b. July 14, 1894; Henry I. b. March 28, 1896; Orva C. b. Dec. 19, 1897; Orlan E. b. Jan. 2, 1902; Margaret A. b. July 16, 1904; Willis Loyd b. May 14 1911. HALLS, JOHN (son of William Halls and Louisa C. En- derby). Born July 11, 1872, Huntsville, Utah. Married Mary J. Grow Feb. 15, 1895, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John W. Grow and Catherine McKay), who was born Sept. 1. 1876, Huntsville, Utah. Their children: Milton E. b. Feb. 4, 1901; Julian W. b. Dec. 10, 1903; Edna b. Sept. 9, 1909. Family home Huntsville, Utah. Second counselor in bishopric of Huntsville ward; bishop same ward. City councilman at Huntsville; member county board of education of Weber county 1908. School teacher. HALLADAY, ABRAHAM (son of William Halladay and Sarah Batchalor of Allesley, Warwickshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 24, 1824, at Fillongley, Warwickshire. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1852, with Warren Snow company. Married Mary Ann Beesley Jan. 27, 1845, at Chllvercoton, Eng. She was born May 25, 1826. Their children: William A., m. Mary Ann Price; Joseph, died; Daniel Henry, m. Harriet Carter; Sarah Ann, m. Albert Jones; Abraham E., m. Mary Chadwick; George; Mary Elizabeth, died: Mary Ann, m. William K. Farrer; John Franklin, m. Elizabeth A. Jones. Family home Prove, Utah. Married Ellen Reese at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Reese and Hagar Pugh of Wales). Their children: Thomas, died; Joseph R.; Ellen Ann, m. William Mildenhall; Walter R., m. Rachel McDonald; David R., m. Annie Cooper: James A., m. Isabell Lamb; Mary E., m. Alvln Boardman; Arthur A., m. Agnes Florence Sorenson; Phyllis, m. William R. Home. High priest; missionary to England 1881; high councilor; assistant Sunday school superintendent; acting bishop. Dep- uty sheriff; city councilman. Farmer; merchant. Died May 12. 1906. Provo, Utah. HALLADAY, ABRAHAM E. (son of Abraham Halladay and Mary Ann Beesley). Born Feb. 17, 1856, at Provo, Utah. Married Mary Chadwick May 13, 1885, at Logan (daugh- ter of William R. Chadwick and Susannah Drew of Lon- don, Eng.; the latter came to Utah Sept. 1882). She was born May 24, 1864. Their children: William R. b. May 4 1886, died; Lydia S. b. April 7, 1888; George A. b. June 21, 1890; Raymond b. Jan. 13, 1893; Clyde b. Aug. 16. 1900, died- Claude b. Aug. 16, 1900, died. Family home, Provo. Elder. Farmer. HALLS, WILLIAM (son of John Halls. Orsett, Essex, Eng. and Susanna Selstone, born Jan. 24, 1801, West Thurrock). Born May 25, 1834, Orsett, Essex. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Louisa C. Enderby April 16, 1861 (daughter of William Enderby and Elizabeth Carritt). She was born Oct. 31. 1840. Their children: Mosiah b. March 12, 1862, m. Rosa Walton; William b. Sept. 6, 1863, m. Ella Barker; Thomas b. June 18, 1866, m. Luella Hammond; George Henry b i-'I une 2 ' 1867 > m - Cel 'a Raymond; Louisa E. b. April 6. I8i0. m. Christian Wangsgaard: John b. July 11, 1872. m. Mary J. Grow Feb. 16, 1895. Family home Huntsville Married Johanna M. Frandsen June 26, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Frandsen and Kjersten Chrlstensen, pioneers with Captain Hunt company; came from Den- mark). She was born Aug. 21, 1855, Denmark. Their chil- dren: Johanna Susanna b. Jan. 29, 1873, m. John Smith; Mary b. Aug. 29, 1876, m. Charles S. Brown; David b. Oct. 12, 1877, m. Lillian E. Dean; Lucy and Emma (twins) b. Nov. 4, 1879, latter m. P. C. Lansing; Sarah b. Nov. 21. 1881; James Louis b. June 23, 1883, m. Elvira Burnham; Eliza M. b. Feb. 16, 1886; Franklin b. July 12, 1887; Herbert b. Oct. 6, 1891; Florence b. March 12, 1894. Family home Mancos, Colo. Married Eleanor Howard Jan. 8, 1880, who died March 7, 1884. Their child: Lottie b. April 25, 1881. Missionary to England 1854-61. Taught school at Kays- ville 1861-62. Moved to Huntsville 1862. Assisted in bring- ing immigrants to Utah, 1864, William B. Preston company. Set apart as first counselor in Huntsville bishopric June 1877. March 1885 went on mission to assist in settlement of San Juan Co., Utah; and on organization of San Juan stake June 188E was chosen first counselor in stake presidency. Moved from Bluff, Utah, to Mancos, Colo. 1886. Acting president San Juan stake, with exception of few weeks, from Nov. 1900 to May 1902, when he was again set apart as first counselor. Ordained patriarch May 17, 1908. Stake tithing clerk. Secretary Huntsville Co-op, store and postmaster of Huntsville, Utah, several years. In Colorado, director public schools in Mancos; served two terms as county superin- tendent of schools, Montezuma county; also justice of the peace. Farmer and stockraiser. HALVERSON, SIMON FREDERICK (son of Halver Simonson and Moren Frederickson, both of Onse, Norway). Born Oct. 2, 1829, at Onse. Came to Utah, via Copenhagen, Denmark, and Hull and Liverpool, Eng. 1854-55, reaching Salt Lake City Sept. 7, 1866, Noah T. Guymon company. Married Torbeg Kistene Gunderson March 25, 1855, while en route to Utah (daughter of Gunder and Annie Erickson), who was born May 18, 1838, Risor, Norway, and came to 14, 1880, at Ogden, Utah. Their children: Andrew b. April 26, 1866, d. May 4, 1856; Matilda b. July 4, 1857, m. Wlnslow Farr Dec. 12, 1878; Samuel Franklin b. July 15, 1869. m. Emily Farr; Annie b. Feb. 4, 1862, d. Feb. 4, 1879; Simon b. April 6, 1864, d. July 2, 1878; Hyrum b. June 26, 1866, m. Ann Ritchie; George b. Nov. 25, 1868, m. Evelyn Whittaker; James b. Nov. 25, 1868, m. Lillian M. Robbins: Mary Ellen b. July 8, 1871, m. John W. Owen; Bertha Elinda b. Nov. 16, 1874, m. William Swinyard; Owen Walter b. March 21, 1878, m. Geneva Driggs. Family home Marriott, Weber Co., Utah. Married Ingebor Gurena Fredrickson Dec. 10, 18G4, Salt Lake City (daughter of Knude Fredrickson and Ann Carson), who was born May 18, 1838, Risor, Norway, and came to Utah 1861, Captain Thompson company. Their children: Mary Ann b. Sept. 3, 1865, d. July 29, 1875; Fredrick b. April 18, 1867, m. Maude Worthington; Amelia b. June 6, 1869, m. Reuben M. Wright; Charles Albert b. Jan. 19, 1871, m. Diana Watson Sept. 6, 1899; Sarah b. March 6, 1873, d. Feb. 13, 1876; Francis Theodore b. April 6, 1875, m. Frances Bitton; Ann Etta b. Jan. 13. 1878; Arthur b. April 27, 1880, m. Elizabeth J. Pierce June 12, 1907. Family home, Marriott. First president Marriott district 1863-77; justice of the peace; school trustee. Died Jan. 6, 1901. HALVERSON, GEORGE (son of Simon Frederick Halverson and Torbeg Kistene Gunderson). Born Nov. 26, 1868, at Marriott, Weber Co., Utah. Married Evelyn Whittaker Nov. 17, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas S. Whittaker and Elizabeth Mills, former a pioneer). She was born Jan. 1, 1875, Centerville. Utah. Their children: George Byron b. Aug. 21, 1900; Spencer Lyndon b. March 20, 1905. Graduated from normal school university of Utah 1888; taught school two years principal South Washington school, Ogden, Utah, one year. Graduated university of Michigan, 1894, with degree LL. B. and began practice of law at Ogden same year. Weber county attorney two terms; dis- trict attorney about seven years; admitted to practice before supreme court of U. S. April 23, 1901. HALVERSON, CHAS. A. (son of Simon Frederick Halverson and Ingebor Gurena Fredrickson). Born Jan. 19, 1871. Married Diana Watson Sept. 6, 1899. at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Watson and Sarah Mortimer of Goole, Eng.; came to Utah June 1881). She was born June 17, 1877. Their children: Edna W. b. Nov. 2, 1902; C. Alton b. July 16, 1901; Marlowe b. Jan. 28, 1907; Phyllis b. Aug. 19, 1910. Family home Ogden. Utah. Missionary to Norway 1899-1902; member Weber stake high council. HAMBLIN, ISAIAH (son of Barnabas Hamblin, born 1739, and Mary Bassett). Born 1790, Falmouth, Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1860, Milo Andrus company. Married Daphney Haynes of North Hero, Vt., Nov. 30, 1812 (daughter of William Haynes and Miss Stoddard), who was born 1797, and died en route to Utah. Their children: Melissa Daphney b. Feb. 1, 1814, m. Isaac Fuller Sept. 14, 1833: Emily Haynes b. Oct. 30, 1816, m. James Fuller June 3, 1832; Jacab Vernon b. April 2, 1819, m Luclnda Taylor April 30 1839; Olive H. b. May 1, 1821, m. Henry Johnson Aug. 27. 1838; Adallne Amarllla b. Sept. 18, 1823, m. Lyman O. Littlefleld; Obed b. Feb. 25, 1826; Alsen Hayns b. April 28, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 911 1828, m. Hester A. Stoddard 1849; William Haynes b. Oct. 28, 1828, m. Mary Leavitt 1850; Oscar b. April 4, 1833, m. Mary Ann Corbridge Feb. 14, 1854; Edwin b. May 20, 1835, m. Hannah Mariah Cook 1855; Francis Marion b. Nov. 27, 1839, m. Arminda Crow Oct. 31, 1859; Fredrick b. Feb. 12, 1841, m. Frances Jane Prudum May 29, 1859. Family home Bain- bridge, Ohio. Higrh priest. HAMBLIN, EDWIN (son of Isaiah Hamblin and Daphney Haynes). Born May 20, 1835, Bainbridge, Geauga Co., Ohio. Came to Utah with father. Married Hannah Mariah Cook May 24, 1855 (daughter of Joseph P. Cook and Hannah M. Lashmelia), who was born 1834, and came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey company. Their children: Obed Edwin b. Feb. 13, 1856, m. Margret Aycock July 19, 1883; Isaiah b. Nov. 8, 1857; Hannah Mariah b. Dec. 12, 1859, m. Thomas Logan May 27, 1883; Catherine Monsell b. Nov. 1, 1861; Sarah Ann b. Aug. 11, 1863, m. David R. Sinclair Sept. 19, 1889; Josephine b. Nov. 9, 1864, m. Joseph Rice July 1, 1891; Joseph Peter b. Nov. 28, 1866, m. Charlotte Adair 1895; Emma Elizabeth b. Dec. 18, 1869, m. Andrew Edwards 1892; William Haynes b. July 18, 1872, m. Morey James; Mary Ellen b. Aug. 6, 1873, m. Alonzo Johnson. Family home Clover Valley, Lincoln county, Nev. Missionary among the Indians of Southern Utah 1858-61; high priest. First lieutenant in militia Tooele county; minuteman. Justice of peace at Clover Valley, Nev. 1882, m. Theopholis Chambers; Hyrum T. b. Aug. 19, 1884; David b. Nov. 11, 1887, m. Delia VanWagronen; Emma A. b. Dec. 8, 1888, d. aged 4. Family home Midway, Utah. Member 66th quorum seventies; ward teacher. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1862. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer. HAMER, SAMUEL (son of Samuel and Jane Thornley of Bolton, Lancashire, Eng.). Born Aug. 31, 1831, Bolton, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1851, Orson Pratt company. Married Ann Albion Nov. 5, 1857, Salt Lake City, Bishop Kesler officiating (daughter of James Albion and Ann Byers of Eng., formerly a pioneer 1851, handcart company). She was born May 2, 1835. Their children: Ann M., d. youth; Jane; Samuel, d. youth; John, m. Nellie Jones; Dan- iel, m. Ellen W. Halverson; Jessie, d. young; Clara, m. Rob- ert A. Moyes; Joseph, d. aged 3; David H., d. aged 1; Willard, m. Maria Stevenson. Married Sarah Openshaw July 8, 1870, Salt Lake City, Brigham Young officiating (daughter of Job Openshaw and Nancy Beswick of Manchester, Eng., came to Utah June 1869). She was born Dec. 21, 1848. Their children: Nancy Ellen b. Aug. 20, 1871, m. Albert S. Reiser; Samuel Ernest b. May 1, 1873, m. Sarah Jane Burton; Martha Matt b. Jan. 19, 1875, m. Oscar W. Nyberg; Mary b. June 19, 1877, m. Hyrum B. Smith; Walter b. Sept. 10, 1879, m. Mary Stevenson; Emma b. March 9, 1882, m. Newton C. Schellen- ger; William Franklin b. Sept. 22, 1884, d. infant; Elsie b May 22, 1890, m. Frank Taysum. Families resided Salt Lake City. Seventy; home missionary; counselor to James Henry, bishop of Panaca ward, Nev.; high priest. Patrolman at Salt Lake City. Machinist and blacksmith. Died Feb. 8, 1895. HAMILTON, ANDREW M. (son of James Baker Hamilton of Ohio). Born in Ohio. Came to Utah 1852, Bryant Jolly company. Married Ella Wilson, in Tennessee. Their children: Ely, m. Sarah Orton; Zacharlah; David, m. Ellen Bennett; Lovisa, m. John Butler, m. Moroni Olney; Joseph, d. aged 9; James B., m. Martha Shelton; Brigham, d. aged 46; Cath- erine, m. Ephraim Van Wagonen; Malissa, m. Moses Reeves; William, d. infant. Family resided Springville and Richfleld. Utah. Seventy; bishop's counselor at Midway, Utah; presiding bishop of Juniper, Arizona; missionary. Veteran Walker, Black Hawk and Tintic Indian wars. He was sealed to Jo- seph Smith's family. Miller and carpenter. Died at Spring- ville, Utah. HAMILTON, DAVID F. (son of Andrew M. Hamilton and Ella Wilson). Born May 27, 1833. Came to Utah 1847, oxteam company. Married Martha Ellen Bennett Nov. 18, 1858, at Spring- vine, Utah (daughter of David Bennett and Jenna Lowell, both of Illinois). Came to Utah 1847, Rodolphus Bennett oxteam company). She was born March 1, 1840. Their children: David William b. April 22, 1860, m. Eliza Bird; James Alma b. Jan. 18, 1862, m. Susan Waggner; Robert b. Jan. 20, 1864, d. aged 13; Rodolphus b. Dec. 11, 1866, d. Infant; Henry b. May 11, 1868, d. infant; Brigham b. March 31, 1869, m. Ella Gentry; Calvin b. July 20. 1871, m. Melia Hunt; Ellen b. Sept. 4, 1873, m. Frank D. Warren; Emma b. March 14, 1875, m. Frank Wiseman. Family home Richfield, Utah. Member of the church. Indian War veteran. Farmer; stockraiser. Died Nov. 18, 1893, at Price, Utah. HAMILTON, JAMES B. (son of Andrew M. Hamilton and Ella Wilson). Born Nov. 2, 1842, Hancock county, 111. Came to Utah with father. Married Martha Shelton Dec. 17, 1865, Mound City, Utah (daughter of Stephen Shelton and Abigail Harris, pioneers 1850, Melvln Ross company). She was born June 22, 1844. Their children: Ella A. b. Nov. 4, 1866, m. Lev! Snyder; Nancy J. b. Nov. 13, 1868, m. Joseph Nielson; James A. b. March 6, 1870, m. Lizzie Kummer; Lovisa b. March 25, 1873, m. Kimball Snyder; Margaret b. May 7, 1876, m. William Campbell; William B. b. June 19, 1878; Mary b. Feb. 16, HAMILTON 1 , JAMES McDONALD (son of John Hamilton, Jr., and Mary McDonald of Hamilton's Fort, Iron county, Utah). Born Oct. 15, 1859. Married Jane Elizabeth Gower May 2, 1881, at Cedar City, Utah (daughter of Thomas Gower and Martha Ann Stock- dale). Their children: James Donald; Martha Isabelle. Family home Hamilton's Fort, Utah. HAMMER, HANS ANDERSON (son of Hans Hammer of Burgholm, Denmark). Born Oct. 11, 1829, at Burgholm, Denmark. Came to Utah 1864. Married Anna C. Reese 1853. Their children: George b. 1858; Maggie b. 1860, m. Edward Cox 1886; Aldora b. 1862, m. Henry Ashton 1887; Julius; John; William. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Anna Christina Orego 1868 (daughter of Chris- tian Larsen Orego, pioneer of 1866, and Maria Peterson), who was born 1839. Their children: Myria b. 1868; Eliza- beth b. 1869; Joseph b. 1871, m. Zerelda Egbert 1897; Chris- tian b. 1873; Alma b. 1875; Moses b. 1877; Samuel b. 1879, m. Linda Stewart 1899. Settled at Salt Lake City 1854, moved to Lehi, Utah, 1858. Worked on temple. Trader; hotel and livery keeper. Died 1905. HAMMOND, FRANCIS ASBITRY (son of Samuel Smith Ham- mond and Charity Edwards of Patchogue, Long Island, N. T.). Born Nov. 1, 1822, Patchogue, N. T. Came to Utah Nov. 1848. Married Mary Jane Dilworth Nov. 17, 1848, Salt Lake City (daughter of Caleb Dilworth and Eliza Wollerton of Lionville, Chester county, Pa., former came to Utah July 24, 1847, Edward Hunter company, latter 1848, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born July 29. 1831. Their chil- dren: Francis Asbury, d. while on a mission; Samuel Smith, m. Eleonora Marie Sorensen; Fletcher B. m. Chalista Bron- son; Mary Moiselle, m. George Halls; Eliza Dilworth, m. Mons Peterson; Luella Adelaid, m. Thomas Halls; Joseph Heber, m. Isa Wright; George Albert, died; William Edmond, died; Maybell Ophelia, m. Hyrum W. Fielding; Lizzie Fon- tella, d. child; Amelia May (died) m. J. U. Allred. Family home Huntsville, Utah. Member 59th quorum seventies; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1850-55; 2d counselor to Bishop C. W. West of Ogden; president of a branch; bishop; president San Juan stake. County commissioner; justice of peace; member legislature. Farmer; stockraiser; dealer in boots, shoes and saddlery. Died Nov. 27, 1900, Largo, N. M. HAMMOND, SAMUEL SMITH (son of Francis Asbury Ham- mond and Mary Jane Dilworth). Born April 15, 1853, La- haina Maui, Sandwich Islands. Married Eleonora Marie Sorensen July 14, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian Sorensen and Nelsine Anderson of Huntsville, Utah, who came to Utah July 2, 1872, Anthon H. Lund company). She was born May 4, 1863, in Den- mark. Their children: Samuel Smith, m. Vera Wilde; Zina Eleonora, m. Alfred Agren; Clara May, died; John Henry; Eda May, died; Genevieve. Family resided Huntsville, Utah, Mancos, Colo., and Moreland, Idaho. One of presidents of 76th quorum seventies; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1889-92; to Navajo Indians 1887; president high priests' quorum; bishop's counselor. Farmer and stockraiser. HAMMOND, JOHN. Born 1799 in England; came to Utah 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Mary Luvica Parker 1821 in New York, who was born September 1797. Their children: Joseph; Mary; Sarah; Sufrona. Family home South Cottonwood, Utah. Died 1859 at South Cottonwood, Utah. "HAMMOND, JOSEPH (son of John Hammond and Luvica Parker). Born June 14, 1822, In New York. Came to Utah 1848 with his father. Married Elizabeth Egbert March 1843, Hancock Co., 111. (daughter of John Egbert and Susanna Hann both of Little Cottonwood, Utah, pioneers 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born March 22, 1824. Their children: John E. b. Jan. 1, 1844, m. Baling Walker; Robert A. b. Oct. 1845, m. Sarah Wilson; Joseph, d. child; Susannah b. Jan. 10, 1850, m. James Deans; Elizabeth, m. Hosea Stout; Luvica Ann, d. infant; Helen Josephine, m. Peter Hanson. Family home St. George, Utah. Married Delta Kelsy at St. George, Utah. Their children: Orson: Abigal. Family home St. George, Utah. HAMMOND, JOHN EGBERT (son of Joseph Hammond and Elizabeth Egbert). He was born Jan. 1, 1844, Hancock county. 111. Married Sellna W. Walker Nov. 21. 1862, at South Cotton- wood, Utah (daughter of Henry Walker and Anne Preece of Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853, with Claudius V. Spencer company). She was born April 19, 912 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1841, at Little Elm, Herefordshire. Their children: John H. b. Dec. 29, 1863; Joseph E. b. April 8, 1866, d. Sept. 17, 1867; Elizabeth J. b. June 6, 1868; Gorilla S. b. Oct. 24, 1870; Wil- ford E. b. Oct. 24, 1872; Annie V. b. June 13, 1875; Nellie S. b. Dec. 20, 1877; Lillie b. April 18. 1880; Rose E. b. Sept. 14, 1882, d. Aug. 6, 1884; Alice H. b. Dec. 17, 1886, d. July 20, 1893. Family home Eagle Valley, Nev. Moved to St. George, Utah, 1862; and from there to Eagle Valley, Lincoln county, Nev., 1865. Presiding elder Eagle Valley branch of Panaca ward in Nevada five years. Farmer and gardener. HAMMOND, MILTON D. (son of Nathaniel R. Hammond and Alzina Spencer of Michigan). Born Oct. 7, 1831, in New York. Came to Utah 1850. Married Lovisa Miller Dec. 11, 1853. Farmington, Utah (daughter of Daniel A. Miller and Clarlsa Palm of Farming- ton, pioneers 1848). She was born Oct. 1, 1834. Their chil- dren: Melvin M., m. Sarah Thornton; James T., m. Leonora Blair; Clarisa Alzina, m. J. H. Brown, Jr.; Estus "W., m. Ida Pitkin; Lionel, m. Ester Gamble; Datus R., m. Sarah Gamble; Lovisa, m. Andrew A. Allen, Jr.; Viola; Daniel A.; Minnie, m. Robert Allen. Family home Providence, Utah. High priest; bishop Providence ward; counselor to presi- dent of Cache stake. Probate judge of Cache county many years. Farmer; machine and implement dealer. HAMMOND, JAMES T. (son of Milton D. Hammond and Lovisa Miller). Born Dec. 11, 1856, Farmington, Utah. Married Leonora Blair Dec. 18, 1884, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Seth M. Blair and Sarah Jane Foster of Logan, Utah, pioneers 1849). She was born Dec. 22, 1860. Their children: James T. b. Dec. 11, 1886; "Wendell B. b. Oct. 31, 1888; Roscoe E. b. Feb. 19, 1891. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 124th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1881-83. Clerk, recorder and attorney Cache county; president board of education, Salt Lake City; member state legislature two terms, and state senate one term; secretary of state 1895-1904. Attorney-at-law. HAMPTON, BENJAMIN (son of Benjamin Hampton and Patience Schull). Born Feb. 11, 1827, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah October 1853, Moses Clawson company. Married Adelaide Eugenia Grant Jan. 30, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joshua Grant and Loufse Marie Goulay of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 2, 1851. private company). She was born Oct. 4. 1845. Their children: Adelaide; Grant, m. Catherine Aurelia Lowe; William Goulet, m. Hattie Lyman; Horace Benjamin, m. Jean Pearson; Robert Roy, m. Margaret Howat; Joseph Eugene, d. Dec. 1, 1877. Family home. Salt Lake City. Miner and smelting man. HAMPTON, GRANT (son of Benjamin Hampton and Ade- laide E. Grant). Born Sept. 8, 1867, Salt Lake City. Married Catherine Aurelia Lowe Sept. 15, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of George A. Lowe and Anna M. Dewing). Their children: Anna b. July 21, 1905; Aurelia b. Aug. 28, 1910. HANCEY, JAMES (son of George Hancey, born 1806, and Hannah Reynolds, born June 16, 1811, both 6f Suffolk, Eng.). He was born Sept. 1, 1835, Chedeston, Suffolk. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1860, Franklin Brown company. Married Rachel Seamons Oct. 12, 1855 (daughter of Henry Seamons, who died Feb. 14, 1860, Omaha, Neb., and Mary King, pioneer Sept. 4, 1860, Franklin Brown company married 1832). She was born May 31, 1834. Their children: James Sands b. March 24, 1856, m. Ellen Balls Oct. 9, 1879; George Henry b. June 21, 1858, d. Sept. 25, 1859, Omaha; Horace William b. Feb. 25, 1860, m. Jensine Christensen March 5, 1890; Mary Eliza b. Feb. 1, 1862, m. William Metcalf July 8, 1880; Henry Edwin b. Feb. 19, 1864, m. Nellie M. Hyde July 7, 1892; Amelia Rachel b. Jan. 19, 1866, m. John A. Woolf May 8, 1884; Alvin David b. Feb. 15, 1868, d. Feb. 26, 1868; Jesse Samuel b. June 8, 1869, m. Christine Erhartsen March 5, 1890; Alma John b. June 5, 1871, m. Ellen E. Thurs- ton Dec. 16, 1897; Hannah Elizabeth b. Aug. 2, 1873, m. William Henry Price Nov. 16, 1891; Arthur Claudius b. April 14, 1876, m. Minnie Bybee Dec. 6, 1901. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Married Louise Purser April 9, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Francis Purser, pioneer Thomas Ricks com- pany, and Frances Eynon, died while crossing ocean to America married in Pembrokeshire, Wales). She was born July 17. 1843, in Wales. Their children: Frederic P. b. Sept. 24, 1866, m. May Emily Hebdon April 24, 1897; Laura Louise b. Dec. 15, 1867, d. Feb. 21, 1868; Lottie Lorenne b. Dec. 19, 1869, m. Joseph Broadbent Dec. 8, 1886; Lillian b. Oct. 13, 1870, d. Jan. 7, 1877; Lettie Bell b. Aug. 27, 1872, m. George Q. Rich Dec. 9, 1891; Leonora b. May 15, 1874, d. June 22, 1874; Lula b. May 9, 1875, m. Otto B. Erlandson June 12, 1895; Moses Moroni b. Oct. 28, 1877: Justus Edmund b. April 4, 1889, m. Elizabeth Monk July 27, 1910. Family home, Hyde Park. Married Annie Marie Christopherson Oct. 10, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian Christophersen and Chris- tine Nielsen; married 1860, Aalborg, Denmark, and came to Utah 1875). She was born March 9, 1863, at Aalborg. Their children: Rachel May b. May 3, 1881, m. George Kirby Feb. 5 1902; James Alfred b. July 2, 1883, m. Susan Arnold June 27, 1900; Mary Menetie b. Oct. 7, 1885, m. Martin C. Reeder May 19, 1905; George Ernest b. Jan. 17, 1888; Leander b. May 12, 1890; Leslie Peter b. Oct. 1, 1892; Evan Homer b. Dec. 25, 1894; Clarence b. March 8. 1897; Georgiana b May 23, 1899; Lillian b. June 26, 1902; Aleda b. May 2, 1904. Elder. Assistant surgeon in Utah militia in 60's. Car- penter and builder; cabinet maker; wheelwright; machinist- dentist. Inventor of automatic spill-gate used in Logan Canyon. Registration and health officer of Hyde Park Utah Died April 6, 1913. HANCET, JAMES SANDS (son of James Hancey and Rachel Seamons). Born March 24, 1856, on the ship Caravan on Atlantic ocean. Married Ellen Balls Oct. 9, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Balls and Sarah Baxter, pioneers Sept. 2, 1868. Simp- son M. Molen company). She was born Nov. 3, 1859, Chedes- ton, Eng. Their children: Sarah Ellen b. Sept. 7, 1881 m Willon Wildmun June 4, 1903; James Sands, Jr., b. Nov.' 10, 1883. m. Florence I. Merrill June 28, 1905 (died 1908), m. Mabel Benson Jan. 15, 1912; John Willard b. Nov. 7 1885 m. Vira C. Hansen Nov. 3, 1909; George Leonard b. May 15 1888; Susie b. June 27, 1890; Norval Heber b. Dec 8 1892- Vilate b. April 6, 1896; Manila b. Feb. 12, 1899. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Elder. Snare drummer Utah militia in '60's. Organist for church choir and Sunday school 1875-1903; organist for all priesthood meetings; teacher and leader of first brass band 10 years, of second brass band eight years; member of pres- ent brass band, arid of Home Dramatic Company nine years. Carpenter and builder; painter and paperhanger; keeps fur- niture and repair shop. HANCOCK, C. B. (son of Solomon Hancock, born Aug. 14, 1793, Springfield, Mass., and Sarah Herrick Adams, born May 17, 1795. Pawlet. Vt. married March 12, 1815). He was born in 1823 at Columbus, Ohio. Came to Utah 1847 with an independent company. Married Samantha Rawson in 1850 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Horace Rawson and Elizabeth Coffin, pioneers 1849). She was born in 1830. Their children: C. B. b. Jan. 1, 1851. m. Louisa Shurtliff 1874; Cornelia Samantha b Aug 16, 1852, m. Noah Shurtliff; Alta Percillia b. Dec. 27. 1863 m, Francis Shurtliff. Family resided Harrisville, Weber Co, Utah. High priest; second bishop of Payson, Utah. Farmer; stockraiser. HANCOCK, C. B., JR (son of C. B. Hancock and Samantha Rawson). Born Jan. 1, 1851. Married Louisa Shurtliff Sept. 28, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Luman Shurtliff and Mary Adams), who was born in 1856 at Ogden, Utah. Their children: Charles Wil- liam b. March 1, 1876, m. Martha Richardson; Mary Samantha b. Aug. 22, 1877, died; George b. Dec. 25. 1879, m. Florence Bennett 1904; John Riley b. March 5, 1881; Ida Luella b. Dec. 6, 1883, m. Hyrum Bowman; Cyrus Alvin b. Dec. 8 1885 m. Nettie Griddle; Chloe Larinda b. May 13, 1887. m. Hyrum Curtiss; Alma b. Aug. 16, 1889. m. Lucella Baker; Louisa Adeline b. June 27, 1893, m. John Hatfield Jan. 19, 1911; Louis Delbert b. July 2, 1895. HANCOCK, JAMES (son of William Hancock and Susan Hooper of London, Eng.). Born Aug. 27, 1827, London. Came to Utah 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Ann Melsom Hughes (daughter of John Hughes and Sarah Stephenson), who was born June, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Joseph Hiram b. April 27, 1849, m. Mary Anna Glover; Susan b. Nov. 13, 1852, m. Jacob Sorensen; James Brigham b. July 10, 1856, m. Emma Sorensen; Anna Mary b. April 7, 1857, died. Family resided Salt Lake City and Mendon, Utah. Veteran Echo Canyon war. Guard of Brigham Young's residence. Helped to build the walls of temple and taber- nacle. Ward teacher; high priest. Was in first settlement at Mendon. Assisted in irrigation and making ditches. HANCOCK, JOSEPH HIRAM (son of James Hancock and Ann Melsom Hughes). Born April 27, 1849, Bradford, York- shire, Eng. Married Mary Anna Glover 1872, Salt Lake City, her birth- place. Their children: Joseph William b. April 19, 1876, m. Agnes Richards; Jane Melsom, m. Walter J. Sloan; Mary Luella b. July 10, 1878, m. Julius Hauerbach; James Autie b. Aug. 23, 1880; Orson; Oscar; Chloe May b. Nov. 8, 1889. Family home, Salt Lake City. Drove team to Weeping Water, Mo., for immigrants. Member cavalry under Colonel Ricks. High priest. Farmer. Hotel keeper. HANCOCK, 1.EVI W. Came to Utah in 1847, with contin- gent Mormon Battalion, Company E. Married Clarissa Reed of Vermont. Among their children was John, born April 19, 1845, married Julia C. Huntington July 24, 1865. Fourth of the seven presidents of first quorum seventies organized in the L. D. S. church. Musician in Company E of Mormon Battalion. Delegate from Utah county to first legislative assembly 1851. HANCOCK, JOHN (son of Lev! W. Hancock and Clarissa Reed of Vermont, pioneers 1847. Mormon Battalion). Born April 19, 1846. Came to Utah with parents in 1847. Married Julia C. Huntington July 24, 1866, Salt Lake City, by Dimmick B. Huntington (daughter of Dimmick B. Hunt- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 913 ingrton and Fannie M. Allen of Salt Lake City, pioneers July 28, 1847, Mormon Battalion). She was born June 21, 1848, Salt Lake City. Their children: Caroline b. April 19, 1866, d. infant; John E. b. June 3, 1867, m. Elizabeth Moss; Dim- mick B. b. Feb. 10, 1870, m. Annie White; Julia b. April 3, 1872, d. ag-ed 8; Fannie b. Oct. 9, 1874, d. aged 5; Lot b. Aug. 18. 1876, m. Susan Coon; Martha b. Dec. 19, 1879, m. Jacob Coon. HANCOCK, THOMAS (son of William Hancock and Hannah Harvey of Derbyshire, Eng.). Born July 3, 1844, Derbyshire. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1866, Captain Scott company. Married Sarah A. Macduff May 29, 1864, Chesterfield, Eng. (daughter of John Robertson Macduff and Ellen Hancock of Chesterfield, pioneers Oct. 1864, Captain Warren company). She was born Oct. 16, 1844. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to England 1896-98; block teacher. Lime burner. HANDLEY, GEORGE (son of George Handley and Jane Smith of Boston, Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born June 2. 1826. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Elizabeth Clark June 26, 1846, Chesterton, Cam- bridgeshire, Eng. (daughter of Benjamin Clark and Ann Shuker, pioneers 1853, Captain Wheelock company, settled in Salt City). She was born June 5, 1824, Cambridge, Eng., and came to Utah in 1853 with husband. Their children: Elizabeth Ann, d. aged 18 months; George B., d. aged 11 months; Ann Elizabeth, d. aged 10 years; Lewis, d. infant; John George, m. Ruth B. Stratton; William F., m. Sarah A. Stratton; Clara Jane, d. infant; Joseph H., d. infant; Charles Caleb, d. aged 2 years; David Thomas, d. infant; Charles Ira, m. Wilhelmina Gam; Emma N., m. Lorenzo Price, Jr. HANDY, SAMUEL, (son of Joseph Handy, born at Clifford- upon-Stour, Gloucestershire, and Rebecca Harris, born at Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, Eng.). He was born March 23, 1819, at Alveston, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah in Sep- tember 1859, James Brown company. Married Hannah Watts Oct. 25, 1841, Atherston, Glouces- tershire (daughter of William Watts and Mary Hayden), who was born March 14, 1820. Their children: William b. July 30, 1842, m. Mary Ann Day (Flueitt) Nov. 11, 1866; Joseph b. April 10, 1844, d. Sept. 18, 1855; Mary b. Dec. 6, 1847, m. Isaac H. Vail 1863; Eliza b. Dec. 20, 1849, m. David Bolce Nov. 17, 1866; Samuel b. Nov. 5, 1853, d. May 27, 1854; James Henry b. April 18, 1855, m. Lucy Day Dec. 2, 1872. Family resided Clifford, Eng., Provo, Utah, and Franklin, Oneida Co., Idaho. First watermaster of Franklin, holding position until 1880; minuteman during early Indian troubles. High priest. Farmer. Died Jan. 15, 1882, being thrown from horse and Instantly killed. HANDY, WILLIAM (son of Samuel Handy and Hannah Watts). Born July 30, 1842, Halestone, Warwickshire, Eng. Married Mary Ann Day (Flueitt) Nov. 11, 1866, at Franklin, Idaho (daughter of Joseph Day and Ann Harvey, pioneers to Utah 1853, Jacob Gates ten-pound company). She was born Jan. 14, 1840, Essex, Eng. Their children: Hannah Rebecca b. Nov. 3, 1867, m. Edgar West Dec. 7, 1885; Lucy Elenora b. Oct. 22, 1869, m. Fredrick Harding Dec. 25, 1888; Elsie Cath- erine b. Oct. 29. 1871, m. George Sprunt Oct. 3, 1892; Phoebe Ellen b. Nov. 27, 1873, m. Al Dorsey May 11. 1895; William James Flueitt b. Dec. 6, 1875, d. May 20, 1877; Hulda Almeda b. Jan. 25, 1877, m. George John Newbold July 16, 1897; Alonzo Hazelton b. Nov. 6, 1879, m. Nettie Pearl Mendenhall Nov. 19, 1902; Samuel Preston b. Dec. 13, 1881, m. Lydia Adela Bybee Dec. 8, 1899, d. Aug. 11. 1909; David E. b. Sept. 19. 1887. Family resided Whitney, Idaho. Married Jane Day Nov. 24, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Joseph Day and Ann Harvey), who was born Feb. 21, 1853, Lancashire, Eng. Their children: Emeline b. Aug. 24, 1870, m. William Lundergreen; William Thomas b. Dec. 17, 1872, m. Annie Stone Naef Dec. 23, 1909; Joseph Henry b. Oct. 15, 1875, d. June 10, 1877; Cloie Ann b. May 12, 1878. m. Joseph Titnesor Dec. 15, 1897. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Minuteman during early Idaho history; settled at Whitney In 1873. High priest. HANDY, JAMES HENRY (son of Samuel Handy and Hannah Watts). Born April 18, 1855, Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. Married Lucy Day Dec. 2. 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Day and Ann Harvey), who was born Nov. 14, 1855, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: James Harvey b. Sept. 19, 1873, d. Feb. 26, 1874; Lucy Ann b. April 2, 1875, m. Uriah Wilkinson; George Henry b. April 16, 1877, m. Ruby Mendenhall; Samuel Joseph b. May 3, 1879, m. Mabel Hobbs June 30, 1901; Leonard Thomas b. May 22, 1881, m. Jennie Tomason June 22, 1904; Emma b. Aug. 27, 1883, m. Lester Garr&tt June 18, 1903; Elmer Day b. March 28, 1886; m. Mae Biggs; Newell Day b. Jan. 18, 1888; Nora Day b. Dec. 18, 1889, m. W. M. Daines, Jr., Nov. 17, 1910; Elgin Day b. March 11, 1892; Ida Day b. Aug. 15, 1894, d. June 16, 1895; Martha May b. May 1, 1896. d. same day; Edna Day b. May 2, 1898. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Their children: Ephraim Marcelles b. June 21, 1849; Marcia Amelia b. July 3, 1851; O. Alvarus b. Sept. 15, 1863; Harriet Page b. Feb. 25, 1856; Clara Vilate b. July 10, 1858; Charles Decker b. Dec. 22, 1860; Perry Isaac b. Jan. 20, 1863. Family home, Salt Lake City. Harriet Amelia Decker was the widow of Edwin S. Little, who died shortly after leaving Nauvoo. They had one child: George Edwin b. Aug. 6, 1844, who came to Utah with his mother. Married Jane Maria Capener March 27, 1856. Salt Lake City (daughter of William Capener and Sarah Verander of London, Eng., pioneers Oct. 2, 1852, Isaac Bullock com- pany). She was born Oct. 16, 1840, Dry Brook, Ulster county, N. Y. Their children: William Albert C. b. Feb. 17, 1859, m. Eunice L. Murdock; Alice Maria b. Jan. 15, 1861, m. Moroni S. McAffee; Sarah Elizabeth b. March 10, 1863, m. Ethan Leonard Brown; Ephraim Knowlton b. May 18. 1865. m. Lottie Bagley; George Augustus b. Jan. 3, 1868, m. Malissa Merrell, m. Bessie Johns; David C. b. March 6, 1870, m. Mary Baum; Louisa Rebecca b. June 27, 1872, m. George W. Lowe. Jane Maria Capener (Hanks) married Joseph E. Taylor. Their children: Jane, m. George Alexander; Margret Wicks, m. Fred Cluff. Married Thisbe Quilly Read April 6, 1862 (daughter of Samuel and Georgiana Read), who was born April 26, 1847, London, Eng., and came to Utah with Daniel Tyler handcart company. Their children: Ella M. b. Nov. 3, 1863, died; Wal- ter Ernest b. June 19, 1865, m. Mary E. Stewart April 15, 1887; Martha Georgiana b. Aug. 20, 1867, m. Daniel Allen March 20, 1886; Amy Alicia b. Jan. 29, 1870, m. John Giles Dec. 21, 1887; Thisbe b. March 28, 1872, m. Samuel Allen Oct. 27, 1892; Knowlton b. Jan. 26, 1874, died; Sidney Alvarus b. April 4. 1875, m. Martha Rubber; Ray Elijah b. Aug. 24, 1877, d. Sept. 3, 1910; Lillie Maria b. Aug. 2, 1879, m. James Wodscow; Arthur Eugene b. May 14, 1882, m. Mattie Little; Nettie May b. Nov. 8, 1884, m. Henry Giles; Clara Ellen b. Aug. 9, 1888, m. Robert Kittley. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. First counselor to Bishop Henry Giles of Blue Valley ward; patriarch. Mail carrier in early days. Died In Grass Valley, Utah. HANKS, WILLIAM ALBERT CAPENER (son of Ephraim Knowlton Hanks and Jane Maria Capener). Born Feb. 17, 1859, Salt Lake City. Married Eunice Louisa Murdock in May, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nymphus Murdock and Esther Davis of Charleston, Utah). She was born May 27, 1862. Their chil- dren: William Murdock b. Dec. 1, 1882, m. Ida Folland; Nymphus Coridan b. Nov. 3, 1883; Hattie Josephine b. Nov. 29, 1885, m. Stanley Marchant; Fredrick E. b. Sept. 7, 1887; Esther M. b. Oct. 16, 1889, m. Ernest Foulks; Alvan M. b. Jan. 25, 1891; Joseph E..b. Dec. 13, 1894; Reed H. b. Jan. 23, 1896; Clyde C. b. Sept. 6, 1900; Eunice L. b. Feb. 10, 1904. Family home Charleston, Utah. Missionary to Tennessee 1881; high priest. Justice of peace. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 19, 1912. HANKS, WALTER ERNEST (son of Ephraim Knowlton Hanks and Thisbe Quilly Read). Born June 19, 1865, Provo, Utah. Married Mary E. Stewart April 16, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Urban Van Stewart and Ellen Adams, former a pioneer September 1847). She was born July 20, 1867, Beaver, Utah. Their children: Ellen Josephine b. Jan. 23, 1890, m. Sidney C. Rymer Aug. 17, 1910; Walter Benjamin b. April 4, 1892; Thisbe Alicia b. Aug. 23, 1894; Ephraim Knowl- ton b. Sept. 4, 1896; Edna Mary b. Oct. 9, 1898, d. Jan. 6, 1904; Urban Van b. Nov. 29, 1900; Verd Arthur b. June 12. 1904; Retta Arthella b. April 22, 1907. Family home Caine- ville, Utah. Missionary to northwestern states 1887-89; bishop of Catneville ward 1893-1910; superintendent Y. M. M. I. A. of Wayne stake; president high priests' quorum Wayne stake; high councilor. Conductor on first electric car in Salt Lake City. Forest ranger on Powell reserve 1904. HANKS, SIDNEY AL.VARCS (son of Benjamin Hanks and Martha Knowlton of Madison, Lake Co., Ohio). Born Aug. 16, 1820, Madison. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Mary Ann Cook June 7, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Cook and Mary Jones of St. Johns, Worcestershire, Eng.). She was born June 22, 1830. Their children: Knowlton; Mary Ann, m. Thomas B. Brighton; Lydla H., m. Joseph H. Parry. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Society Islands. Farmer. Died March 9, 1870. HANKS, EPHRAIM KNOWLTON (son of Benjamin Hanks and Martha Knowlton). Born March 21, 1826, Madison, Lake Co., Ohio. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, James Brown contin- gent Mormon Battalion, Company B. Married Harriet Amelia Decker (Little) Sept. 22, 1848, who was born March 13, 1826, and came to Utah Oct. 6, 1847. 58 HANKS, STANLEY ALONZO (son of Alfred Frederick Hanks of Gloucestershire, Eng., and Ellen Taylor Lyman, latter a daughter of Francis M. Lyman and Ann Taylor). Born Dec. 3, 1878, Tooele, Utah. Married Maude Frame Feb. 15, 1905, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Archibald Frame, pioneer 1865, Capt. Sidney Miller company, and Hellen Duff Dick, pioneer 1868, John Gillespie company, settled at Taylorsville, Utah). She was born April 1, 1883. Their children: Lincoln Frame b. Nov. 10, 1905; Maurlne Helen b. Aug. 26, 1907; Janetta b. March 1, 1910. Family home. Salt Lake City. Counselor Y. M. M. I. A.; one of presidency 17th ward. Salt City; home missionary. Justice of the peace. Salt Lake City precinct, 1909-10. Lawyer. 914 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH HANKS, ALFRED L.YMAN (son of Alfred Frederick Hanks and Ellen Taylor Lyman). Born Aug. 28, 1880, Tooele, Utah. Married Mary Alice Tate June 14, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of John William Tate and Elizabeth de la Mare of Tooele, Utah). She was born Nov. 8. 1882. Their child: Ellen Romona b. March 16, 1906. Family home Tooele, Utah. Member 43d quorum seventies; secretary Y. M. M. I. A. Tooele ward. Postmaster of Tooele. HAIVSEN, ANDERS K. (son of Peter Hansen and Metta Hansen of Sjelland, Denmark). Born Jan. 27, 1818, Sjelland, Denmark. Came to Utah 1861, John R. Murdock company. Married Aurella Quistgaard Feb. 2, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Julius Quistgaard and Louisa Puilike of Sjelland). She was born Sept. 22, 1842. Their children: Matha Louisa, died; Caroline, m. C. W. Walker; Henrietta, died; Anders K., Jr., m. Amelia L. Heppler; Julia (died), m. J. E. Heppler; Isaac, m. Sophia Sorenson; Abraham, m. Effle Sorenson; Jacob. Family resided Draper and Glenwood, Utah. High priest; missionary In Denmark before coming to Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 1, 1903, Glen- wood, Utah. HANSEN, ANDERS K., JR. (son of Anders K. Hansen and Aurelia Quistgaard). Born Dec. 12, 1870, Draper, Utah. Married Amelia L. Heppler Oct. 13, 1897, Manti, Utah (daughter of Andrew Heppler and Louisiana Seegmiller of Canada came to Utah 1872 by railroad). She was born Oct. 27, 1871. Their children: Arndale Kelch b. Feb. 12, 1899; Velva b. Oct. 27, 1900, d. infant; Leland Anders b. Oct. 12, 1901; Lina b. Jan. 23, 1903; Alta b. Dec. 17, 1905; Phil b. Oct. 26, 1907. Family resided Glenwood and Richfield, Utah. Member 36th quorum seventies; missionary to northern states 1S97-99; counselor Sevier stake Y. M. M. I. A.; coun- selor in bishopric of Richfield second ward; Sevier county assessor 1900-04; town president Glenwood; city council- man Richfield. Farmer and stockraiser. HANSEN, ANDREW (son of Hans Andersen, born June 23, 1766, of Jerskow, Skilo, Odense Amt, Fyen, Denmark, and Maren Andersen, born May 5, 1792, Norup, Odense Amt). He was born July 10, 1809, at Egense, Norup, Odense Amt. Came to Utah 1853. Married Karen Jacobsdaughter 18B7, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Nielsen and Maren Petersdaughter), who was born May 3, 1826. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Christensen company. Their children: James b. Nov. 20, 1860, m. Elizabeth Frandsen March 8, 1883; Andrew b. Nov. 4, 1863, m. Carlina Anderson. Family home Ephraim, Utah. HANSEN, JAMES (son of Andrew Hansen and Karen Jacobs- daughter). Born Nov. 20, 1860, Ephraim, Utah. Married Elizabeth Frandsen March 8, 1880, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Frandsen), who was born Feb. 12, 1861, in Denmark. Their children: Erma b. Dec. 14, 1884, m. Horace Hales; James Orvill b. May 25, 1886; Niels Andrew b. March 11, 1888, m. Olive Sorensen; Delbert b. March 25, 1890; Ruth Maria b. Aug. 8, 1895. Family home Redmond, Utah. Member 1st city council Redmond, Utah. Vice-president Rocky Ford Irrigation company 1895-1905; vice-president Vermillion Extension Irrigation company. Deputy road supervisor, District 9, Redmond, Utah. HANSEN, ANDREW N. (son of Hans Larsen, born Sept. 24, 1776, and Anna Nielsen, born Aug. 30, 1790, Ide, near Fred- rikshald, Norway married 1815). He was born March 6, 1836, at Ide. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1863, with Peter Nebe- ker company. Married Jenslne A. Petersen April, 1865 (daughter of Christian Petersen and Anna Elizabeth Jensen, pioneers Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Madsen company). She was born May 3, 1844. Their children: Andrew b. Feb. 16, 1866, m. Zina Taylor April 22, 1887; Parley b. Nov. 25, 1868, m. Emma Johnson; Adolph b. Jan. 30, 1871, m. Julia Richie; Zina b. Feb. 26, 1873, d. March 6, 1874; Joseph b. July 30, 1874, m. Sarah Olsen; Thorwald b. April 3, 1877, m. Laura Jensen Jan. 20, 1903; Hans Christian b. Aug. 2, 1879. m. Hulda Andersen; Anna Elizabeth b. Aug. 26, 1884, m. Fred Hunt Jan. 7, 1903; Ida Augusta b. Aug. 1. 1884, d. Feb. 1885. Family home Ephraim, Utah. HANSEN, CHRISTEN. Born Jan. 11, 1819, at Senglose, Kjo- benhavn amt, Denmark. Came to Utah 1857. Married Ingar Mortenson. Their children: Martin, m. Mary Elizabeth Steele; Caroline, m. Joseph Adams; Hannah, m. John Conder; Hans. m. La Vina Herbert; Joseph, died; Ingar, m. Richard Mitchell. Family home American Fork, Utah. High priest. Farmer; shoemaker. Died July 8, 1906. HANSEN, MARTIN (son of Christen Hansen and Ingar Mor- tenson). Married Mary Elizabeth Steele Aug. 14, 1871, at Salt Lake -.Ity (daughter of Richard Steele and Mary Ann Reese of Staffordshire, Eng., pioneers October 1861). She was born Aug. 10, 1851. and came to Utah October 1851. Their chil- dren: Richard Henry b. Aug. 19, 1872, m. Margrarette Thorn- ton; Charles Edward b. Sept. 15, 1874, and Martin Ephraim b. Dec. 20, 1876, died; William Reese b. Nov. 25, 1877, m. Rosabelle Wilcox; Moses Albert b. Dec. 31, 1879, m. Mary Elizabeth Radmall; Isaac Walter b. Aug. 14, 1882, m. Hattie Wagstaff; George Heber b. Oct. 1, 1884, m. Maude Lowe; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 22, 1886, m. Gilbert Lesley Wootton; Thomas Grafton b. Feb. 22, 1892. Family home American Fork, Utah. High priest; member American Fork 4th ward bishopric 10 years. Farmer and fruit grower. HAJVSEN, HANS. (For his genealogy see Hans Jorgensen, his father.) HANSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (son of Andrew Hansen and Regena Andersen of Denmark). Born May 6, 1824, in Den- mark. Came to Utah 1853 John Forsgren company. Married Annie H. Jensen 1849 (daughter of John Jensen). She was born 1826. Their children: Praben A. b. July 12, 1860, m. Emma Petersen 1876; Josephine b. 1852, m. C. J. Thomson 1870; Nephi b. 1856, m. Mae Monk 1896; Annie M. b. 1859. m. J. S. Bingham 1880; Hans C. b. 1863, m. Jane R. Bingham 1882; Chauncy E. b. 1865, m. Laura 1888; Dor- cose R. b. 1866, m. John Eames. Married Annie Catherine Neilsen March 21, 1863, at Salt Lake City (daughter of A. C. Neilsen), who was born June 6, 1842, at Fly, Denmark. Their children: Joseph E. b. Dec. 4, 1865, m. Sarah Wayment 1897; Hyrum R. b. Feb. 2, 1868, and Moroni b. June 14, 1870, died; Joanna b. July 13, 1873, m. Sanford S. Bingham 1894; Louis A. b. Feb. 29, 1876, m. Martha Wayment 1898; Lorenzo E. b. June 13, 1879, died; Martin G. b. June 14, 1883, m. Alice King 1906; George P. b. July 19, 1886, m. Zebonia Anderson 1911. Families resided Plain City, Utah. Member 7th quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1860. HANSEN, PRABEN A. (son of Hans Christian Hansen and Annie H. Jensen). Born July 12, 1850, Copenhagen, Den- mark. Married Emma Peterson 1876 (daughter of Hans Peterson and Martena Hansen, pioneers 1863 with John Forsgren company). She was born October 1857, Lehi, Utah. Their children: Annie M. b. March 16, 1877, m. Oscar Jensen 1896; Lorenzo E. b. July 9, 1879, m. Ethelmaid Bosworth 1900; Leonard E. b. Nov. 29, 1882, m. Laura Lebo 1901; Clarence b. March 13, 1885, m. Clarebell Berzon 1903; Delilah b. June 6, 1887, m. J. A. Taylor 1906; Samuel N. b. Sept. 29, 1889, m. Annie Jenkins 1908; Sylvia H. b. Aug. 15, 1892. Family home Preston, Idaho. Elder in Mormon church. HANSEN, HANS F. (son of Hans Nielsen born May 12, 1791, at Bukrod, Denmark, and Anna Olsen). Born April 23, 1831, at Kaierod, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1852. Married Anna Maria Sorensen (daughter of Rasmus Soren- sen), who was born June 16, 1832, and came to Utah Oct. 6, 1856, Hancock company. Their children: Anna Sophia b. Jan. 22, 1858, m. Michael Johnson Jan. 1, 1877; Peter O. b. March 3, I860, m. Sarah Ann Jensen March 11, 1885; Gertrude b. Feb. 6, 1862, m. W. Leishman Oct. 22, 1884; Maria b. June 27, 1864, m. John Wilckins Dec. 19, 1884; Emma b. Aug. 14, 1868; Sarah b. March 13, 1870, m. J. A. Leishman. Missionary to Denmark 1866-66. Stone cutter on temples at Salt Lake City and Logan, Utah. Indian war veteran. HANSEN, PETER ORSON (son of Hans F. Hansen and Anna Marie Sorensen). Born March 3, 1860, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Ann Jensen March 11, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Andrew C. Jensen and Anna Maria Carlson), who was born Feb. 25, 1867, and died April 12, 1890. Their children: Eulalia b. May 25, 1886, d. Aug. 30, 1906; Sylvia b. Dec. 15, 1887, d. April 19, 1889; Orrin P. Married Udeta Rose Hansen. She died July 18, 1905. Their children: Valare R. b. Sept. 10, 1891; Elva R. b. Dec. 17, 1893; Monta M. b. May 6, 1896. Family home Logan, Utah. Monument dealer and cut stone contractor. HANSEN, JACOB (son of Hans Petersen, born May 17, 1808, Hvedstrup, Denmark, and Johanna Jacobsen, born 1803, Svogerslov, Denmark). He was born Nov. 21, 1842, at Klov- tofte, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1867. Married Karen Andersen Oct. 2, 1871 (daughter of Anders Andersen and Inger Nielsen), who was born April 27, 1860. Their children: Hannah Roseline b. Dec. 28, 1872, m. Alma Nelsen; Hyrum J. b. Jan. 2, 1875, m. Hettie Howell; Joseph Waldemar b. April 30, 1877, died;. Nancy Ingebor b. July 17, 1879, m. Albert Holmgren; Richard T. b. Nov. 9, 1882; Agnes b. April 16, 1885; Lorin E. b. April 19. 1890; Flora b. April 30, 1896. Family home Bear River City, Utah. Married Isadore Leutz Nov. 24. 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Ole Leutz and Maren Olsen), who was born May 10, 1840, at Roskilde, Denmark. Married Mary Hansen Feb. 14. 1884, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Jorgensen), who was born Nov. 22, 1854, at Thorby, Denmark. Their children: Bernard b. Sept. 10, 1885, m. Luclnda Hanson. Bishop's counselor 1884-1900, and 1904 to the present time. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 915 HANSEN, JENS. Born In Denmark. Came to Utah 1862, oxteam company. Married Bertha Chrlstena Petersen, in Denmark (daugh- ter of Chris Petersen of Denmark). Their children: Martha, d. infant; Emma, d. infant; Caroline, m. Mr. Anderson; Mary, m. Matt Peters; Joseph; Minnie, m. Chris Halverson; Josephine, m. Levl Anderton; Sophia, m. B. T. Jones; Bertha, m. Charley Salt; Margaret, m. Harry Daniels; James, m. Sarah Wiseman; Hyrum, m. Laura Cook. Family resided Monroe and Helper, Utah. Seventy; home missionary. Echo Canyon war veteran. Farmer and railroad contractor. Died at Monroe, Utah. HANSEN, HTRUM (son of Jens Hansen and Bertha Christena Petersen). Born Feb. 18, 1875, Monroe, Utah. Married Laura Cook April 6, 1908, Spring Glen, Utah (daughter of Chauncy Cook and Clarissa Curdith of Salt Lake City, pioneers with oxteam). She was born Dec. 11, 1889. Their children: Hyrum, Jr., b. March 9, 1909; James Peter b. Oct. 22, 1911. Family home Spring Glen, Utah. Farmer. HANSEN, JENS (son of Hans Sorensen and Karen Lucy Niel- sen of Denmark). Born Feb. 15, 1822, Hulgart, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1853, John Forsgren company. Married Charlotte Sophia Dorthea Petersen (Mickelsen) June 19, 1847 (daughter of Peter Michelson and Maria Ras- mussen of Denmark). She was born Jan. 17, 1828, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Karen Maria b. July 20, 1848, m. Peter H. Madsen; Hans Christian b. Sept. 14 1850 m. Mary Leonora Morley; Geraldine b. Feb. 14, 1853, m. Louis Hougard; Dorthea b. March 20. 1856, m. Niels Jorgensen; Ellen b. July 18, 1858, m. -William B. Lowry; Sophia b. Dec. 19, 1860, m. Jacob Winch; Jens J. D. June 19. 1863, m. Jeanette Ritchey; Emeline b. Nov. 13, 1865, m. Joseph H. Jenson; Joseph b. March 9. 1868, m. Elmira Funk. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Mary Anderson Sept. 2, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Anderson of Denmark). Their children: Jens Peter b. Aug. 5, 1866, m. Karen Ranburgr; Albina b. Jan. 2, 1868, m. Joseph Bemus; Mary Ann b. July 5, 1875, m James Breathwaite. Family home Manti, Utah. High priest; ward teacher; superintendent teachers quorum of North Manti ward. One of the first settlers of Manti- city councilman; school trustee. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Nov. 29, 1884, Manti, Utah. HANSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (son of Jens Hansen and Charlotte Sophia Dorthea Petersen (Mickelsen). Born Sept. 14, 1850, Roskeld, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1853, Married Mary Leonora Morley Jan. 3, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Morley and Hannah Blalsley Finch of Montague, Mass., pioneers 1847). She was born March 26 1852. Their children: Hannah Charlotte b. March 4, 1871. m.' John William McDonald; Effle Leonora b. June 20, 1872, m Christian Christiansen; Jens Isaac b. Nov. 11, 1874, d. infant- Lafayette b. Dec. 31, 1875, m. Effle Pulsipher; Ellen b Feb. 18, 1877, m. John Frederick Larsen; Edwinetta b. Feb 6 1879, d. child; Hans Willis b. Sept. 13, 1881, d. child; Mary Rosalind b. Feb. 7. 1885, m. Leroy Livingston; Joseph Morley b May 21, 1887, d. child; Lucy Cordelia b. June 1, 1889; Francis Leon b. Sept. 1, 1892. Family home Molen (Ferron), Utah. High priest; counselor to Bishops Lyman S. Beach and Hans Peter Rasmussen; presiding elder of Molen ward; Sunday school superintendent; ward chorister; president Y M. M. I. A. Has assisted in making canals, wagon roads, and In developing the country In and around Manti and Ferron. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Farmer and apiarist. HANSEN, JENS J. (son of Jens Hansen and Charlotte S. B. Petersen). Born June 19, 1863, Manti, Utah. Married Margaret Ann Ritchey March 4, 1886, Manti, Utah (daughter of William B. Ritchey and Johanna Marlah Hou- gaard of Manti, pioneers 1848, oxteam company). She was born Nov. 3. 1868. Family home, Manti. Married Jeanette J. Ritchey May 30, 1888, Manti. Utah (daughter of William B .Ritchey and Johanna Marian Hou- gaard) who was born July 25, 1871, Manti, Utah. Their children: Margaret Ann b. Sept. 7, 1889, m. Elmer Sorensen; William J. b. Oct. 9, 1891; Jay B. b. Nov. 19, 1893; Lola b. Feb. 6, 1896; Joseph Wayne b. July 30, 1897: Howard F b May 7, 1900; Lamar R. b. Aug. 4, 1902; Audria E. b. June 30, 1904; Alton L. b. Sept. 1, 1908. d. Dec. 31, 1908; Mary Wlllina b. Dec. 17, 1911. Families resided Manti and Ferron, Utah. Member 48th and 138th quorum seventies; Sunday school teacher. Horticultural Inspector for Emery county; observa- tion Inspector and crop reporter. Farmer and builder. HANSEN, NIELS PETER (son of Hans Nielsen and Karen Rasmussen of Alindamogle, Sjelland, Denmark). Born April 1, 1841, at Alindamogle. Came to Utah Oct. B, 1864, John Sharp company. Married Anna Marie Lofgren Nov. 15, 1866, Brlgham City, Utah (daughter of John August Lofgren and Kama Niels of Rostanga, Sweden). She was born June 1, 1838. Their chil- dren: Mary A.; Eliza; Rachel; Neeley L., m. Dorothea Mad- sen June 14, 1899; Joseph F.; John A., d. aged 8 months. Family resided Brigham City and Smithfleld. Utah. Missionary to Scandinavia 1862-63; home missionary; elder. Shoemaker; watchmaker. HANSEN, NEELEY LOFGREN (son of Niels Peter Hansen and Anna Marie Lofgren). Born July 25, 1873, Smithfleld, Utah. Married Dorothea Madsen June 14, 1899, Lake View, Utah (daughter of Peter Madsen and Caroline Knudson of that place). She was born March 9, 1875. Their children: Lola M. b. May 5, 1900; Ted b. June 3, 1904; Rama M. b. May 27, 1909. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Missionary to Denmark 1911-13; Sunday school superin- tendent; bishop's counselor. Merchant. HANSEN, OLE. Born Sept. 26, 1825, Lunde, Denmark. Came to Utah 1870. Died Sept. 16, 1908. HANSEN, PETER (son of Hans Christen and Johannah Marie Hansen). He was born March 27, 1837, Hyssten Torg Sovet amt, Syeland, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1862, Capt. John Van Cott company. Married Beata Gustava Burresen November, 1863, Manti, Utah (daughter of Mr. Burresen of Halmstam, Sweden). She was born November, 1837; came to Utah 1863. Their children: Eda b. Nov. 1864, m. John Ralphs; Peter b. Feb. 1866, m. Martha Stevens; Frederick b. Aug. 1867; Hannah m. Parley Ralphs; Mary, m. Richard Keele; Beata, m. Lewis Olsen; Alfred William b. Jan. 23, 1875, m. Lydia Ann Jolly- Niels b. Feb. 15, 1877, m. Carrie Williams; William b. Sept. 7, 1879, died; Andrew b. March 28. 1881, m. Nora Abaline. Family home Emery, Utah. Called by Brigham Young to help settle "The Muddy." Moved to Castle Dale 1880. Moved to Manti 1862, where he worked as a mason in constructing stone buildings and also on the Manti temple for two years; moved to Ferron; moved to Emery in 1893, where he assisted in making canals and wagon roads. Indian war veteran. HANSEN, ALFRED WILLIAM (son of Peter Hansen and Beata Gustava Burresen). Born Jan. 23, 1877, Manti, Utah. Married Lydia Ann Jolly Sept. 4, 1901, Manti, Utah (daughter of Williamson Wesley Jolly and Lydia A. Brim- hall, both of Emery, Utah). She was born May 11, 1882. Their children: Screlda b. June 25, 1902; Wesley b. July 28, 1904; Farrel b. Oct. 21, 1906; Vera b. Feb. 22, 1909; Everett b. Feb. 25, 1912. Family home Emery, Utah. Member 197th quorum seventies; counselor to superintend- ent of Sunday schools; aid in Y. M. M. I. A.; ward teacher at Emery. Farmer. HANSEN, PETER (son of Hans Jorgensen and Anna Daniel- son of Haulykke (Marlbo), Denmark). Born Sept. 29, 1827, Haulykke, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 22, 1866, Captain Lowry company. Married Anne Danlelson 1851, Haulykke, Denmark (daugh- ter of Daniel Neilson and Anne Marie Jensen of Haulykke). She was born Feb. 5, 1827. Their children: Jorgen, m. Mary Nielson; Neils Antone, Hans Daniel and Marlus (Anders), died. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Mary Kathryne Hansen (Ludvigsen) December, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Matts Hansen and Karren Steffensen of Vlndepy, Denmark). She was born Aug. 24, 1840. Their children: Charles Peter, m. Nora Nebeker; Annie, m. Karl Gren; Sarah Rebecca, m. Lee Nauce; Karo- llne, m. Edward Vincent; Enoch Elbert, "m. Fern Gatherum; Ephriam E., m. Maude Hawkins. Member 34th quorum seventies; high priest. Farmer. Died June 21, 1903, Provo, Utah. HANSEN, JORGEN (son of Peter Hansen and Anne Daniel- son). Born Aug. 1, 1852, Haulykke, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Nielsen May 13, 1877, Provo, Utah (daughter of Seren Nielsen and Amelia Berg of Provo, Utah, pioneers Sept. 25, 1868, John G. Holman company). She was born Nov. 14, 1857. Their children: Amelia A. b. Feb. 15, 1878. m. Andrew Anderberg; Francis J. b. Feb. 24, 1881, died; Birdie B. b. May 26, 1883, m. Ernest Moore; Calvin C. b. May 2, 1886; Edna E. b. Sept. 28. 1888, m. Ivan Bean; George G. b. Aug. 28, 1890; Henrietta b. Aug. 15, 1892, died; lona I. b. Sept. 17, 1894; Jullna J. b. March 21, 1897; Cora K. b. May 10, 1899; Louis L. b. Feb. 7, 1904, died. Married Alma Nielson Oct. 9, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Hacon and Sophia Nielson of Salt Lake City). She was born May 4, 1864. Only child: Donizett D. b. Sept. 27, 1886, m. Gary Draper. Member 34th quorum seventies; high priest; missionary to Denmark 1883-85; bishop's counselor; Sunday school super- intendent. County road supervisor. Farmer and fruit- grower. HANSON, CHRISTIAN (son of Hans Andersen and Maren Christensen of Fyen, Denmark). Born April 2. 1822, at Has- mark, Fyen, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, Captain Murdock company. Married Gertrude Kirstine Rasmussen (daughter of Ras- mus Neilsen and Abelone Marie Knudsen, both died in Den- mark). She was born Nov. 8. 1826. Their children: Hana C. b. Sept. 16, 1849, m. Annie Brunson June 5, 1876; Abolone Marie and Maren, d. Denmark; Erasmus Martin b. March 26, 1859. m. Caroline Christiansen April 6, 1881; Joseph Henry, m. Diantha Black. Member of Millard stake high council. Carpenter, did work on Manti and St. George temples. Died Aug. 1, 1889. 916 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH HANSON, HANS C. (son of Christian Hanson and Gertrude Kirstine Rasmussen). Born Sept. 16, 1849, at Bederslev, Denmark. Married Annie Brunson June 5, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lewis Brunson and Catherine Carling), who was born March 3, 1859, at Fillmore, Utah. Their children: Catherine b. June 9, 1877, d. July 9, 1879; Mary Abelene b. June 29, 1879, m. Frank Russell; Francis b. Jan. 29, 1882, d. Feb. 1, 1882; Joseph Lewis b. Sept. 13, 1883, m. Eva Paul July 13, 1910; Jenett b. Sept. 3, 1889; Harriet Annie b. Feb. 22. 1893; Hans Alma b. May 10, 1896; John b. June 16, 1901, died same day. One of presidents of 42d quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1908. Carpenter; farmer. HANSON, ERASMUS MARTIN (son of Christian Hanson and Gertrude Kirstine Rasmussen). Born March 26, 1859, Beder- slev, Denmark. Married Caroline Christiansen April 6, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hendrick Christiansen [died in Denmark] and Anne Marie Petersen). She was born July 6, 1862, in Den- mark. Their children: Carrie K. b. Dec. 29, 1881, m. Edward Davis. Jr., March 16, 1904; Annie Laura b. July 19, 1885, m. Orin C. Black Oct. 11, 1907; Martin Henry b. June 18, 1887, m. Loa Black May 26, 1909; Lorenzo Christian b. Aug. 28, 1889; Peter Grantley b. Nov. 4, 1891; Lillian Olive b. May 1, 1894; David Arden b. Sept. 27, 1897; Gladys Marie b. Aug. 28, 1899; Nephi Burton b. Dec. 4, 1903; Celia Roselin b. Nov. 23, 1905; Millard August b. Aug. 13, 1905. Family home Fill- more, Utah. Missionary to Sandwich Islands 1881-84. Carpenter. pany). She was born March 4, 1847. Their children: Henry, died: George, m. Stena Williamson; Sarah C., m. Moroni P. Stark Feb. 10. 1897; Joseph, m. Elizabeth Williams; Augusta, m. James Finch; Jacob C., m. Lillie Brown; Hyrum, m. Eva Peterson; Annie E., m. Ferris Holley. HANSON, CHRISTOPHER O. (son of Ole Hanson and Kon Christenson of Denmark). Born Nov. 18, 1832, in Denmark. Came to Utah in October 1861, Captain Woolley company. Married Johanna Gibson Nov. 29. 1862, Salt Lake City, who was born June 29, 1829. Their children: Josephine b. Jan. 1, 1864, m. Soerene Godwin; Martin b. April 5, 1867, died; John b. Feb. 12, 1871, m. Caroline Hanson; Martin b. April 1, 1873, m. Eliza Miles; Matilda b. April 2, 1875, m. Joseph Miles. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. High priest. Helped in settlement of Sevier valley and Kanab; veteran of Black Hawk war. Farmer. HANSON, EMIL, (son of Elias Hanson, born 1839, and Eliza- beth Thor, born 1835, both at Gothenburg, Sweden married 1857). He was born Oct. 30, 1861, at Gothenburg. Came to Utah 1868. Married Martha Heep July 1889, Montpe'lier, Idaho (daugh- ter of William Heep and Sarah Marsh, pioneers to Utah 1866). She was born Nov. 22, 1870. Their children: Ida May b. March 27, 1890, m. Otto Moser; Olive Hanson b. Aug-. 20, 1892, m. Alvin Robinson; Lorin b. Sept. 20, 1894; Mammie b. Nov. 25, 1896, and Lyman b. Sept. 5, 1902, died; Selma b. Aug. 30, 1904; Laura b. April 11, 1907; Orel b. Sept. 14, 1909. Family home Freedom, Wyo. Elder; member Sunday school superintendency 1892. HANSON, HANS A. Born Jan. 10, 1814, in Denmark. Came to Utah 1855. Married Anna Margaret Mickleson in Denmark, who was born Aug. 9, 1812. Their children: Rasmus, d. in Utah; Michael A. b. April 11, 1848, m. Lena Jenson. Family resided Ephraim and Elsinore. Utah. Pioneer. Died at Elsinore. HANSON, MICHAEL A. (son of Hans A. Hanson and Anna Margaret Mickleson). Born April 11, 1848, In Denmark. Came to Utah 1855. Married Lena Jenson Nov. 2, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas C. Jenson and Karen Maria Iverson of Denmark, pioneers 1865). She was born Nov. 15, 1848, and came to Utah 1864. Their children: Peter Michael b. Jan. 26. 1869, m. Emma M. Anderson; Hans Daniel b. Feb. 27, 1871, m. Clara Kirkman. Family resided Ephraim and Elsinore, Utah. Missionary to Denmark; president of seventies. Black Hawk war veteran. Road supervisor. Watermaster Elsi- nore Canal company; farmer. Died Nov. 27, 1907. HANSON, PETER M. (son of Michael A. Hanson and Lena Jenson). Born Jan. 26, 1869, Ephraim, Utah. Married Emma Martha Anderson Jan. 2, 1895, Manti. Utah (daughter of J. August Anderson of Sweden and Marie Niel- son of Denmark). She was born Oct. 25, 1872. Their chil- dren: Zereta b. Nov. I, 1895. d. March 25, 1903; Leland Aurelian b. Feb. 19, 1897; Delora Marie b. Oct. 18, 1899; Maud Augusta b. Aug. 5, 1901; Boyd Peter b. Aug. 12, 1903; John LeRoy b. June 27, 1906; Morris August b. May 26, 1909. Family home Elsinore, Utah. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser. HANSON, JAMES J. (son of Hans Neilsen born 1791. Ber- kered, Denmark, and Anna Frederike Olsen born 1801, Den- mark). Born Nov. 8. 1844, Kaierod, Frederiksborg-, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1856, Knud Peterson company. Married Caroline Christene Hanson (daughter of Hans and Karen Hanson), who was born in 1847 and came to Utah in 1863, Capt. Preston company. Married Anna Katrena Jensen (daughter of Peter Jensen, pioneer 1856, Knud Peterson company), who was born March 14, 1860, Hyrum, Utah. Their children: Verda Christene b. Dec. 8, 1893; Ivy Carolina b. March 3, 1896; May Elizabeth b. Aug. 9, 1898; James J. b. April 20, 1901. President 62d quorum seventies; first counselor to bishop of third ward at Hyrum. Justice of peace eight years. Second lieutenant in Black Hawk war in San Pete county 1866. HANSON, MADS (son of Hans Peterson and Gertrude Han- son of Foslev, Denmark). Born Dec. 6, 1830, at Foslev. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, with Ola N. Liljenquist com- pany. Married Mattie Petersen June 23, 1855, at Vemmelev, Den- mark (daughter of Niels Petersen and Chesty Olsen of Fos- lev, pioneers 1862, Ola N. Liljenquist company). She was born May 17, 1837. Their children: Minnie Dorothy b. Feb. 22. 1856; Hans Peter b. March 2, 1858; Carrie Mariah b. March 27, 1860; Peter b. Aug. 30, 1862; Elias Peter b. Oct. 24, 1863. m. Margaret Bullock March 16, 1887; Hyrum Wil- liam b. Jan. 20, 1866, m. Emma Jensen Feb. 10, 1897; Joseph b. March 1, 1868; Henry b. 1870; George David b. July 18. 1871, m. Hannah Lula Hammond Oct. 20, 1897; James Edward b. March 10, 1874, m. Elaine Smith Feb. 6, 1-901; Emma Ma- tenia b. May 2, 1877; Annie b. July 14, 1880. Family home Providence, Cache county, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. School trustee. Farmer. Died Dec. 20, 1910. HANSON, GEORGE DAVID (son of Mads Hanson and Mattie Petersen). Born July 18, 1871, Providence, Utah. Married Hannah Lula Hammond Oct. 20, 1897, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Milton Datus Hammond born Oct. 7, 1832, Randolph, N. Y., and Chesty Transtrom, born July 7, 1851, at Onslonda, Sweden former pioneer July 22, 1850; latter Sept. 23, 1862, Ola N. Liljenquist company). She was born Dec. 20, 1872. Their children: George Hammond b. Nov. 17, 1900; Lula Gwendol b. Aug. 2, 1904; Wynona Mae b. April 13, 1908; Clyde Winston b. Feb. 26, 1912. Family home. Providence. Member 32d quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1897-99; ward teacher. School trustee. Farmer. HANSON, SOREN (son of Hans Jacobsen and Annie Maria Lauridsen of Denmark). Born Feb. 16, 1817, Gjerslev, Den- mark. Came to Utah 1863, Capt. Young company. Married Anna Maria Bendixen (daughter of Benedlx Pe- tersen and Karen Jensen), who was born in 1835 and was killed by stampeding oxen while crossing plains in 1863. Their children: Hans, m. Ernestine Buchanan; Caroline Ma- ria b. Oct. 3, 1856, m. Noah T. Guymon; Benedix, m. Nancy Curtis; Lars, b. Dec. 28, 1860, m. Laura Lund. Family home Fountain Green, Utah. Married Myran Hansen. Their children: Soren, m. Clara Seeley; Maria, m. Victor'Olsen; Paul. Died Aug. 10, 1909, at Castledale, Utah. HANSON, SOREN (son of Hans Larson and Myrlah Jenson of Neoodager, Denmark). Born Dec. 4, 1823. Came to Utah 1862, Capt. Madison independent company. Married Karen Salmonsen (daughter of Jacob Salmonsen and Annie Jacobensen), who came to Utah with Capt. Madi- son Independent company. Their children: Maria b. Jan. 26, 1850, m. Peter Christiansen; Hans b. Nov. 17, 1856, d. 1874; Caroline b. Jan. 9, 1865; Soren b. May 2, 1863; Solomon b. March 25, 1876. Family home Hyrum, Utah. HANSON. SOREN (son of Soren Hanson and Karen Salmon- sen). Born May 2, 1863, Hyrum. Married Martha Eva Unsworth (daughter of James Uns- worth and Alice Cockshott), who was born Feb. 13, 1870, Hyrum. Their children: Leo b. Aug. 6, 1889, m. Marie Jen- sen; Ruby Alice b. March 6, 1891, m. Archy Stout; S. Russell b. Jan. 28, 1897; Ferry LeGrande b. Jan. 16, 1899; James Car- roll b. Dec. 31, 1901; Eva Lila b. Nov. 23, 1903, in California; Zola Melba b. March 10, 1906; June Ella b. June 11, 1909. HANSON, WILLIAM LAWRENCE (son of Paul Hanson and HANSON. HENRY (son of Henry Hanson). Born In Schles- Maria Sophis Kannt of Copenhagen. Denmark). Born May wig Germany. Came to Utah in October 1868, Hans Jensen 20, 1838, Copenhagen. Came to Utah In 1864. II company. Married Mary Jane Judson Aug. 21, 1859. Salt Lake City Married Annie C. Oleson In Denmark (daughter of Jorgen (daughter of Samuel Judson and Arllla Rice of Prisky. Iowa; Oleson, came to Utah in October 1868, Hans J. Hall com- started with Charles C. Rich's company and died on way). PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 917 She was born Oct. 26, 1843. Their children: William L., m. Nellie Cooper; Mary Jane and Sarah Jane, died; Fannie E., m James M. Mack; Martha Ella, died; Emelius Godfred. m. Caroline Kimball Knowlton; Alice, m. Henry M. Mack; Vic- toria Eugenia m. Alexander Judson; Florence May. died; Albert J.. m. Louise Estella Clark; Leslie Raymond. Family h TevVnty t L wa?d Ci teacher. Worked for church In public blacksmith shop; had charge of Singer machine department of I CM I- several years. Active member territorial mili- tia. Died April 9, 1904. ir \itm\G DWIGHT (son of Ralph Harding and Nancy GoodaVe ?a'tt"r born 1780. Wood-lock. Conn.). Born April 1807 Sturbridge. Worcester county, Mass. Came to Utah t,' Oct 23 1840 m. Isaac Zundel Sept. 30, 1865; Nancy Ann b! Nov. 8. 1843; Phebe b. Aug. 23, 1845, m. Amos Warner D ReprSative from Box Elder county to flrst state legis- lature. First counselor in flrst .bishopric of Wlllard ward. Erected flrst school house in Willard, 1852. HARDING GEORGE (son of Dwight Harding and Phebe ^olbrook) He was born Dec. 18. 1833, Wethersfleld. Conn. MarHed Mary 7oncs July 2. 1864. Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Jones and Esther Davis, former a pioneer 1863 i Thomaf'Sept. 1907; Phoebe E. b Jan. 18, "77; Sarah A. b. Oct. 20 1878 m. Clarence E. Horsley Jan. 18, 1905. Alic c. D. "feeWS nV &W Z. N C V 1 } 8 ; 83 one of flrst directors of Willard City Co-op. Farmer and stockraiser. HARDING. CHARLES (son of Dwight Harding and Phoebe wnihron Born April 2. 1838. Came to Utah 1859. H Married Matilda Zundei Sept. 30. 1865 (daughter of Jacob 7,in 1 and Sarah Forstner). who was born Jan. 18. - -. Their children- Joseph; Charles Don Carlos, m. Jennie Soyd: C eorge n ForstnVb Oct. 3. 1869. m. Flora Bell Birdie ?now- Matilda m. Alma Carvine; Daniel, m. Edeth Black- rT-' Jacob m Ada White; Sarah Phoebe, m. William T. vis- Clarice m. Charles Hardy; Elizabeth; Jennie Lavern. m George Brim^ Louis H., m. Hazel -- Family home, Sa Mem a b k er Seventy; teacher and merchant Willard City Utah Made three trips across the plains for freight. Died June 1899, at Willard City. WA-RDTNG GEORGE FORSTNER (son of Charles Harding ?nd MaUlda Zundel) Born Oct. 3. 1869, Willard City, Utah. Married Flo Bell Birdie Snow June 26, 1899. Salt Lake City (daughter of Lorenzo Snow and Mary Houtz of Brig- ham City Snd Salt Lake City Utah, pioneers 1853) She was hnm Tulv 19 1871 Their children: Vortia b. Sept. 10, 1. George Rush b March 21. 1904; Virginia b.Nov 10 1906; Mercedesb April 10, 1910. Family home. Salt Lake City. MembeV 33d ward seventies; missionary to California 1896-98; ward teacher. Member state and county medical 'iPtv- secretary Utah state board of medical examiners l0 to date Member staff of L. D. S. hospital. Graduate University of Utah Normal School 1891; Rush Medical Col- lege 1903. Physician and surgeon. HARDING. EDWARD C. (son of Edward G. Harding of Trowbridge, Wiltshire. Eng.). Born Nov. 2, 1832, at Trow- tr Mf rried*^ An^Mcek. June 28. 18-. Cambridge. Eng. (daughter of Robert Meeks and Elizabeth Sheldrick, of Cam- bridge) She was born Nov. 23, 1837. Their children: Idwird Robert m Alice Talmage; Alfred William m. Mar- Lewis' Alice E., m. Austin Bennett; Sidney Thomas, m. EmmaTuke; Heber Samuel, m. Elizabeth Bray; Minnie S.. m William B. Meldrum; Rosa Elizabeth, m. William A. Ker Anna Maria, died; Mary Maud, m. Lorenzo Taylor. F< High prUstrm^sionary in England. Foreman of looms in woolen mills at Provo. Died Dec. 11, 1903. ef n s S opn?oni^A e nn t0 B.Jani7, 1875. Logan. Utah (daughter of Daniel B. Bull and Elizabeth Tantam, pioneers 1849V She was born Sept. 22, 1849, at Sweetwater Wyo while her parents were en route to Utah. Their children: Sve yn B b. Dec. 23. 1875. m. Peter J. Chrl.tenen: Thomas C. b. Dec. 5, 1877, m. Pearl Rollins; Daniel B. b. May 23. 1880. Family home Morgan, Utah. Farmer and gardener. HARDING, THOMAS C. (son of Thomas Harding and Sophro- nia Ann Bull). Born Dec. 5, 1877, at Morgan, Utah. Married Pearl Rollins Sept. 17, 1902, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Rollins and Elizabeth A. Morris of Center- ville, Utah). She was born in Utah. Their children: Erma b. Dec. 2. 1904; DeWelt b. Oct. 16, 1906; Twila b. Jan. 16, 1910. Family home Morgan, Utah. Member of seventy: missionary to Great Britain. County recorder two years; city councilman two years. HARDV, CHARLES MARCUS (son of Rudolph Hardy and Lizetta Mater of Lenzburg, Canton Aargau, Switzerland). Born March 13. 1828. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1861. Married Maria Sophia Doldi Aug. 2. 1852, Zurzach, Switz- erland, who was born Feb. 24, 1831. Their children: Sophie, m. Henry Snyder; Charles Herman; Pauline Emelia, m. Jamee William Bean; Paul Emil; Mary; Hermine, m. Herman E. Osterloh; Josephine. Family home Provo Utah. Tailor by trade. Died Nov. 3, 1903. HARDY, CHARLES W. (son of Josiah G. Hardy and Sarah C. Parker of Groveland, Mass.). Born July 28, 1843, Grove- land, Mass. Came to Utah 1852. Marr'.ed Marinda Andrus March 31, 1872. Salt Lake City (daughter of Milo Andrus and Mary Ann Webster of Lan- castershire, Eng., pioneers 1851). She was born May 18. 1856. Their children: Lucy May, m. Allen R. Cutler; Sarah Alice, m. Sther Esplin; Marinda Maud, m. Mathew Spiers; Mary Edna, died; Charles Jesse, m. Clarice Harding: Minnie Viola, m. Harry Gillett; Bertha A., m. Nephi Reynolds; Cyn- thia. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 8th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1881-83; bishop's counselor; high priest. County sur- veyor eight years. Civil engineer. HARDY, ELISHA PHILBROOK (son of Zacariah Hardy and Eliza Phllbrook of Nauvoo, 111.). Born July 26, 1837, Cam- den, Me. Came to Utah 1862, Benjamin Gardner company. Married Flora Worlton Jan. 13, 1867, Morgan, Utah (daughter of James T. Worlton and Elizabeth Bourne of Bath, Eng., pioneers Sept. 25. 1855, Richard Ballantyne com- pany). She was born May 9, 1851. Their children: Eliza- beth b. Jan. 4, 1868. m. Brigham Robison; Martha A. b. Dec. 17, 1870, m. William Wadsworth; Lucinda b. Sept. 19. 1872, m. Lorenzo Olsen; James E. b. April 17, 1874, m. Elizabeth Toone; Nellie C. b. Dec. 29, 1875, m. George West: Margrette b. July 8, 1877, m. John Toone; Charles W. b. April 22, 1879, m. Eliza Ann West; Rosabelle b. May 22, 1881. m. Robert J. Durrant; Bertha E. b. Oct. 14, 1887, m. Wallace H. Dickson; Lillian b. Nov. 17, 1891, m. Alonzo D. West. Family home Hooper, Utah. Early bridge and road builder. Railroad contractor. HARDY, JOSEPH. Born 1810, Camden county, Maine. Came to Utah 1850. Married Lucy Blandeon. Their children: Robert, m. Ann Kempton; Pamelia, m. Moroni Edmonds, m. Nathan Kington; Caroline, d. youth; Adelia, m. Stephen Gheen; Deborah, m. Alfred Johnson; Adeline, m. Charles Robinson; Joseph, m. Lydja Rebecca Davis; George A., m. Mary Jane Mayberry; Maryette, m. Lafayette Pierce; Sarah, m. Myron Higby, m. John Walsh. Family home Ogden, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Member Nauvoo Legion. Farmer. Died Feb. 24, 1888, Vernal, Utah. HARDY, JOSEPH, JR. (son of Joseph Hardy and Lucy Blandeon). Born April 8, 1848, near Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Married Lydia Rebecca Davis Oct. 3, 1868, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of Nathan C. Davis and Isabel Wills of Salt Lake City, pioneers Aug. 10. 1860). She was born Aug. 15, 1850, Bolton, Warren county. N. Y. Thetr children: Cora Adelia b. Oct. 17. 1869. m. William Temple- ton- Joseph Hyrum b. March 11, 1871, m. Rose Reynolds: Nathan Cutler b. Jan. 24, 1874. m. Jane Fisher; Charles Allen b. Nov. 20, 1876, m. Stella Colton; Albert Alvin b. April 17, 1878, m. Clara Griffin; Ernest LeGrand b. Aug. 15, 1881, d. infant; Ruby May b. May 30, 1882. m. Pardon Dodd Jr Lydia Ellen b. March 9, 1886, m. Michael Morom Cook': Hulda Viola b. April 2, 1890, m. Marlon Westover; Flossie Marie b. April 2, 1895. Family home Vernal. Ut Elder. Constable of Uinta county six years. Farmer stockraiser and fruitgrower. HARDY JOSEPH HYRUM (son of Joseph Hardy. Jr.. an Lydia "Rebecca Davis). Born March 11, 1871. Laketown. R1 M h ar??ed U Roseltha Melissa Reynolds Jan 6. 1897. Vernal. Utah (daughter of William George Bardwell Reynolds and Elfzabeth Maria Peterson of Vernal, Utah, pioneers 1855). ^he was born Jan. 23. 1874. Their children: Iris Afton b. Set ^9 1897; Doris Merle b. Aug. 15, 1899; Lowell Rey- nolds b. Oct. 4, 1901; Gladys b. Oct. 29, 1905; Bernlce b. '"Missionary to southern states 1902-04; counselor to Presi- dent Smart In presidency of Duchesne stake 1J10; high councilor; Sunday school superintendent Vernal ward; presi- 918 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH dent T. M. M. I. A. of Maeser ward; president Mississippi conference 1902-03; secretary southern states mission; coun- selor to Benjamin E. Rich, president of southern states mis- sion. One of the founders, and assisted in issuing the first number of the "Elders" Journal, later it became the Lihona Elders Journal. City recorder at Vernal. Manager Roose- velt Mercantile Co.; president Roosevelt Realty Co.; secre- tary Sego Lilly Bee Co.; president Roosevelt Water Works Co.; manager Uinta Creamery Co.; credit manager and cashier Ashley Co-op. Merc. Co. of Vernal; secretary Vernal Drug Co. Postmaster at Vernal 1897-1900. HARDY, LEONARD WILFORD (son of Simon and Rhoda Hardy of Bradford, Essex county, Mass.). Born Dec. 31, 1805, Bradford. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company. Married Elizabeth Nicols. Their children; Clarissa, m. Alonzo Russell; Charles, died; Rufus, died. Married Sophia Lois Goodridge in 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Goodridge and Penelope Gardner of Bradford, Mass., pioneers Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born July 2, 1826. Their children: Leonard G., m. Miriam Young; Oscar Harvey, m. Esther A. Margetts; William Bell, m. Tacy Woodford and Mary E. Laird; Sophia M. H., m. Samuel W. Jenkinson; Jesse W., m. Elizabeth Skidmore; George G., m. Sarah Ann Skidmore; Penelope Marian, m. Don Carlos Young; Susannah J., m. Henry T. McEwan; Martha Lois, m. Reginald McKaig. Fam- ily home, Salt Lake City. Married Esther Smilinda Goodridge. Their children: Owen S., m. Lilly Hansen; Esther Isabel!, m. Peter Hansen; Rhoda A., m. Martin Garn; Sarah, d. infant; Edward, d. infant. Married Harriett Ann Goodridge. An only child: Frank, d. infant. High priest; missionary to England 1844-45 and to the States 1869-70; presided over Manchester conference; bishop of 12th ward, Salt Lake City, 1851-76; first counselor to Bishop Edward Hunter 1856-80; counselor to Bishop Preston 1880-84. Member legislature. Captain of police. Captain of Company B, Nauvoo Legion. City councilman. Merchant and stockraiser. Died July 31, 1884, Salt Lake City. HARDY, LEONARD GOODRIDGE (son of Leonard Wilford Hardy and Sophia Lois Goodridge). Born June 24, 1852, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Skidmore Nov. 25, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry B. Skidmore and Sarah Ann Elliott of Philadelphia, Pa., pioneers Sept. 1855, John Hindley com- pany). She was born May 3, 1860, East Mill Creek, Utah. Their children: Wallace E. S. b. Sept. 4, 1881, d. aged 31; Leonard W. S. b. Jan. 1, 1883, m. Ethel Allred; Eliza- beth S. b. Oct. 18. 1884; Hazel S. b. Nov. 23, 1886, m. William D. Fawns; Jesse Victor S. b. July 16, 1888, d. aged 18 months; Alta S. b. Sept. 18, 1892, m. Bert E. Crockett; Frank S. b. Feb. 15, 1896; Aretta S. b. March 3, 1900; Virtue S. b. June 13, 1905, d. infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to Canada 1899-1905; block teacher; high councilor Alberta stake. First overseer. Ster- ling, Canada. Chairman of school board. Merchant; farmer and stockraiser. HARDY, JESSE WALLACE (son of Leonard W. Hardy and Sophia Lois Goodridge). Born Dec. 30, 1S57, Salt Lake City. Married Miriam Young Aug. 28, 1878 (daughter of Brigham Young and Emily Partridge of Salt Lake City, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Oct. 13, 1856. Their children: Miriam b. Aug. 7, 1879, m. Roy S. Hawkins; Eugenie b. Sept. 20, 1881, m. James H. Rampton; Emily b. Feb. 1, 1883, m. Thomas Blair; Leonard G. b. Feb. 25, 1885; Alice b. Dec. 8, 1887, died; Aaron b. May 14, 1890; Georgia b. Jan. 1, 1893; Lucile b. April 23, 1895, died; Brig- ham b. June 9, 1897; Vernon b. Jan. 7, 1900; Dorothy b. Sept. 23, 1902. Missionary to Indiana 1879-80; bishop's counselor 12th ward; bishop of 2d ward 1889-99; member high councils of Liberty and Alberta stakes. County collector, Salt Lake county, 1886-93; city councilman. Director Zion Savings & Trust Company; Brigham Young Trust Company; president Silver Dipper Mining Company, American Fork, Utah; direc- tor Iron Canyon Gold Mining Company of Nevada; president Mojara Land & Cattle Company; general manager Lucky Deposit Mining Company of Nevada; director Woolley, Young & Hardy Company and Burton Gardner Lumber Com- pany; senior member Hardy, Young & Company, merchants. Mining expert. HARDY, LEWIS O. Born Oct. 15, 1803, Camden, Me. Came to Utah with Lewis O. Hardy handcart company. Children through first marriage: Henry; Phoebe, m. Lewis Bonitis; Robert; Mary, m. Lawson; Lucy; Lewis. Married Claridia Jane Doffelmyre (daughter of Louisa Doffelmyre, who came to Utah with handcart company). She was born April 3, 1840. Their children: William, m. Matilda King; Louisa, m. Thomas Wilson; Nathan; Lucetta, m. Samuel Nichols; Patience, m. Hyrum Smith Meeks; Ade- line, m. George Haws; Nettie, m. Charles Wall; Esther, m. John T. Rassmusaen; George, m. Clara Rudd; Albert, m. Celestia Foisey. Family home Marysvale, Utah. Member of seventies. Served in Echo Canyon campaign; mlnuteman; Indian war veteran. Settler of southern Utah. Tarmer. Died March 27, 1895, in Session's Settlement, near Salt Lake City. HARDY, MILTON H. (son of Josiah G. Hardy and Sarah C. Parker). Born Sept. 26, 1844, Groveland, Mass. Came to Utah 1852. Married Libby Smoot 1879 (daughter of Abraham O. Smoot and Diana Eldredge of Provo, Utah, pioneers Sept. 1847, A. O. Smoot company). They had five children, three sons and two daughters. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to England, returning in 1878. First assistant to Dr. Karl G. Maeser of the Brigham Young Academy at Provo 1876-83; student in the University of Utah, and later took charge of a department. Pioneer organizer of Y. M. M. I. A. Took his degree from the medical department of the University of New York 1885. Utah county physician; Utah county superintendent district schools; president Teachers' Association of Utah county; principal Provo city schools; territorial superintendent district schools. Gained national reputation as superintendent of state insane asylum, or mental hospital. Died Aug. 23, 1905, Provo, Utah. HARDY, WILLIAM (son of Robert Hardy and Jeanette Wil- son of Falkirk, Scotland). Born Feb. 21, 1842, Glasgow. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1855, C. A. Harper company. Married Harriet Ann Wood Dec. 25, 1865, Farmington, Utah (daughter of John Wood and Fanny Goble of Brighton, Sussex, Eng., pioneers Sept. 28, 1855, Moses Thurston com- pany). She was born June 11, 1847. Their children: Wil- liam John b. April 19, 1867, m. Susie Wilcox; Harriet Ann b. Feb. 16, 1870, m. George Sanders; Edward Agustus b. Oct. 8, 1872, m. Millie Lindquist; Robert James b. Oct. 14, 1876, m. Alice E. Hess; Fanny Janet b. Aug. 7, 1880, m. Edward Haskell; Alice Estella b. Oct. 13, 1883; Bertha Adelia b. Feb. 23, 1887, and Clyde Cyril b. Jan. 16, 1890, died in infancy; Katie Ella b. Jan. 9, 1892, m. Arthur Sanders. Family resided Farmington and Fielding, Utah. Indian war veteran; one of first to drive mail stage from Salt Lake to Montana, 1862. Died March 10, 1905. HARDY, ROBERT JAMES (son of William Hardy and Har- riet Ann Wood). Born Oct. 14, 1876, Farmington, Utah. Married Alice E. Hess Dec. 19, 1906, Logan, Utah (daughter of James H. Hess and Elizabeth White of Fielding, Utah). She was born Aug. 14, 1885. Their only child: Harriet Bell b. Dec. 11, 1907. Farmer and stockraiser. HARMON, ALPHES AMULECK (son of Alphes Amuleck Harmon and Hulda Dimrus Vaughn, both of Kirtland. Ohio). Born April 14, 1839. Came to Utah 1854, oxteam company. Married Eliza Bramwich (daughter of John Bramwich and Mary Brown, latter pioneer 1854, Milo Andrus company). She was born March 29, 1834. Their children: John Henry Moulton, d. aged 12; Henrietta Terrill, m. Edward Orr Cov- ington; Harriet Elizabeth, m. Niels Larson Marsing; Al- meda, m. Joseph A. Moore; Susan, d. infant; Eliza Riddle, d. aged seven. Family home Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. HARMON, CHARLES (son of Charles Harmon of Carmar- thenshire, South Wales). Born in Carmarthenshire, South Wales. Came to Utah 1860. Married Mary Mathias in Carmarthenshire. Their chil- dren: Benjamin, m. Ann Powell; William, m. Ann Michiel; David, m. Sarah Evans and Mary Williams; Charles, m. Mar- tha Powell; Ann, m. William Crowther; Robert, m. Amanda Mitchell; George, m. Eliza Reese; Edwin, m. Catherine Wil- liams; Isaac, m. Margaret Morgan. Member of seventy; president of missions, Wales. Shoe- maker to Brigham Young. Died at Salt Lake City. HARMON, DAVID (son of Charles Harmon and Mary Ma- thias). Born June 8, 1838, Carmarthenshire. Came to Utah 1864, Thomas Jeremy company. Married Sarah Evans 1858 in South Wales (daughter of Joseph and Sarah Evans). Their children: Benjamin, m. Ra- chel Williams and Sarah Jones; Mary Ann, m. Samuel H. Williams. Married Mary Williams Oct. 1866. Salt Lake City (daughter of David Williams and Sarah Ludwig of South Wales, pioneers 1864, Thomas Jeremy company). She was born May 17, 1842. Their children David b. May 23, 1867, m. Mary Bullock; Sarah b. March 6, 1870, and Catherine b. Sept. 13, 1872, died; Margareth b. July 10, 1874, m. Heber C. Ander- son; Martha b. July 8, 1876, m. Steven T. Durant; Charles b. July 6, 1878; Elizabeth Ann b. Dec. 22, 1885, died. Families resided Salt Lake City, Utah. Member of seventies 34 years; high priest and teacher 29th ward. Foreman on railroad built from El Paso, Texas, to the colonies; built the railroad from Salt Lake to Ogden and to the mines at Scofield, Utah, also from Kelcham to Hailey, Idaho. Railroad and canal contractor. HARMON, JESSE P. (son of Martin and Triphena Harmon of Vermont). Born Aug. 11, 1795, Rupert, Bennington county, Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Anna Barnes April 29, 1819, Springfield, Pa. (daughter of Abljah and Abie Barnes of Springfield, Pa). She died Jan. 1847, Winter Quarters, Iowa. Their chil- dren: Appleton M. b. May 29, 1820, m. Elmeda Stringham; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 919 Saphronia Malinda, d. 1847; Amos Washington, m. Mary Jane Old; Ansel Perce, m. Rosaline Chandler. Family resided Springfield, Pa., Salt Lake City and Holden, Utah. One of seven presidents llth quorum seventies 1844. Al- derman first municipal ward Salt Lake City at time of or- ganization; colonel in Utah Nauvoo Legion. Moved to south- ern Utah 1861 and settled at Holden 1868. Died Dec. 24, 1877. HARMON APPLETON MILO (son of Jesse P. Harmon and Anna Barnes). Born May 29, 1820, Conneaut, Pa). Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Elmeda Stringham Jan. 1, 1845. Nauvoo, 111. daugh- ter of George Stringham and Polly Hendrickson of Nauvoo, pioneers Sept. 24, 1848, Isaac Haight company, later resid- ing at Salt Lake City and Holden, Utah). She was born Dec. 31, 1829. Their children: Milo and Mary, died: Willis M., m. Martha E. Spillesberry ; Bryant, died; Appleton S., d. 1896; Hosea F.. m. Julia Stringham: Anna, m. George W. Cherring- ton; Hyrum. m. Luella Tuttle; Polly, m. Joseph R. Giles; Julia, m. B. L. Kesler; Jesse M. b. July 19, 1868, m. Sarah E. Holman. Family resided Salt Lake City, Toquerville and Holden, Utah. Member 11th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1850-53; bishop's counselor. Pioneer sawmill operator of Salt Lake, Millard and Washington counties, Utah. Built furniture factory at Toquerville and woolen mills at Wash- ington, Utah. Indian war veteran. Blacksmith; contractor and builder. Died Feb. 27, 1877, Holden, Utah. HARMON, JESSE M. (son of Appleton M. Harmon and El- meda Stringham). Born July 19, 1868, Toquerville. Utah. Married Sarah E. Holman Dec. 27, 1892, Holden, Utah (daughter of John G. Holman and Rachel Elevens, pioneers 1847, Brigham Young company). Their children: Clarence H. b. Oct. 24, 1893; Appleton J. b. July 3, 1895; Ardell b. Feb. 25 1897- Warren T. b. Oct. 27, 1900, died; Dorothy b. April 24, 1904; Bryant b. Sept. 9, 1906; John b. Feb. 23, 1910; Robert Holman b. April 5, 1912. Family home Provo, Utah. Sheriff of Utah county 1903-09; school trustee. Stock- raiser; merchant; lumber and coal dealer; president of Utah Timber and Coal company. HARMON, ANSEL PERCE (son of Jesse P. Harmon and Anna Barnes). Born April 5, 1832, Conneaut, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Rosaline Chandler Nov. 29, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abel Chandler and Mary Ann Jerome of New York), who was born March 15, 1841, and came to Utah 1862. Their children: Anna Rose b. Nov. 11, 1863, m. Jacob String- ham; Milo Ensel b. March 1, 1866, m. Elizabeth Jane Hunter; Mary Saphronia b. July 24, 1869, m. William Adam Seeg- miller; Lucy Elmeda b. Sept. 23, 1871, m. James Jenson; Emma Thressa b. Oct. 17, 1874, m. John Reeve; Jane Marinda b. Jan. 10, 1877, m. Thomas Pratt; Zina Belle b. July 15, 1879, d. infant; Lillie Orilla b. March 31, 1881, d. Jan. 7, 1887. Family home Holden, Utah. Assisted in bringing emigrants to Utah 1860-61. Teamed to Los Angeles for supplies 1862; captain of a company of immigrants 1862. Bishop's counselor; high priest; mission- ary to Pennsylvania 1874. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Sept. 12, 1908, Holden. Utah. HARPER, RICHARD (son of Richard Harper of Swlneshead, Eng., and Harriett Edwards of Sleaford, Eng.). Born April 5, 1827, Swineshead. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company. Married Susann Faulkner, Anwick, Eng. (daughter of Wil- liam Faulkner and Ellen Fox), who was born June 17, 1827, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Betsy Ann b June 9, 1850, m. Joseph Hill Dec. 6, 1871; William F. b. July 3, 1852, m. Ellenor Morrell Nov. 28, 1878; Eliza L. b. Aug. 18, 1853, m. Joseph Richardson Nov. 1869; Richard N; Har- riet b. July 1857, died; Ellen b. July 1857, m. James Hill; Harriet Louvisa b. Oct. 25, 1859, m. Willis Kelsy Dec. 9, 1880; Emma b. July 31, 1861, m. William Hillyard Oct. 15, 1861; Alice b. Jan. 18, 1865, m. Lorenzo Toolson Oct. 22, ; Lucy Jane; Ida b. Dec. 24, 1866, m. A. J. Merrill Nov. 14, 1890; Tacy, m. Joseph Burton. HARPER, WILLIAM F. (son of Richard Harper and Susann Faulkner). Born July 3, 1852. Married Ellenor Morrell Nov. 28, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Morrell and Matilda Kelsey), who was born Aug. 22, 1859, Smithfield, Utah. Their children: Ellen G. b. Dec. 31, 1879, m. William Homer Nov. 28, 1900: Richard S. b. May 12, 1881, died; William F. b. March 31, 1883, died; Archie John b. Feb. 15, 1885, m. Ellenor Homer Dec. 4, 1907; Joseph H. b. Nov. 12, 1885, died; Ruby M. b. April 18, 1889; Earl S. b. Dec. 12, 1891. Families resided at Smithfleld, Utah. Chairman judiciary committee Utah legislature 28 years; mayor of American Fork City. Promoter of first Utah free school 1866; trustee of B. Y. Academy 1870-83. Died June 1883. HARRINGTON, DANIEL (son of Leonard E. Harrington and Mary Jones). Born March 15, 1860, American Fork, Utah. Married Leonora Taylor March 17. 1886. Logan, Utah (daughter of John Taylor and Margaret Young; former came to Utah 1847. latter 1858). She was born March 25, 1864. Their children: Jennie; Daniel T.; Florence; John; Russell; Mary: Everett. Superintendent Sevier county schools 1881-85; assistant Salt Lake county district attorney 1896-96. Attorney at law. HARRINGTON, LEONARD B. Born Jan. 7, 1816, New York state. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1847, Edward Hunter company. Married Lois Russell prior to coming west. Their children: Theodore S. ; Sarah E., m. Robinson; Jane, m. Tanner. Married Mary Jones in 1855. Their children: Daniel; Mary, m. Duncan. Married Harriet Noon in 1858. Their children: Heber A.; Leonard S.; Chancey Delos. HARRIS, EMER (son of Nathan Harris, born March 23, 1758, Providence, R. I., and Rhoda Lapham, born April 27, 1759, Providence). He was born May 29, 1781, Cambridge, N. Y. Came to Utah 1850. Married Roxana Peas July 22, 1802, who was born Dec. 5, 1781. Their children: Sclina b. Oct. 10, 1803; Elathan b. Oct. 7, 1805; Alvira b. Aug. 7, 1807, m. Mr. Howies; Sephrona b. Aug. 17, 1809, m. Mr. Manchester; Nathan b. Sept. 26, 1811; Ruth b. Sept. 7, 1813. Family home New York. Married Deborah Lott Jan. 16, 1819, In Pennsylvania (daughter of Zephaniah Lott and Rachel Brown), who was born Nov. 1799, in New York. Their children: Emer b. 1819; Martin H. b. Sept. 29, 1820, m. Georgeanna Aldous; Harriet T. b. Dec. 26, 1822, m. Judson Daly; Dennison L. b. Jan. 17, 1825, m. Sarah Wilson; Deborah. Married Parna Chapel March 29, 1826, who was born No- vember 1792. Their children: Fannie M. b. Jan. 1827; Joseph M. b. July 19, 1830, m. Mary Pons; Alma b. June 6, 1832, m. Sarah Earl; Charles b. July 2, 1834, m. Louisa Hal!; Rebecca b. Dec. 25, 1845. Patriarch; elder. Brother of Martin Harris, one of three witnesses to Book of Mormon; obtained first bound copy of the Book of Mormon. Worked as carpenter on Kirtland tem- ple; missionary in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Set- tled at Provo 1850. Died Nov. 28, 1869, Logan, Utah. HARRIS, MARTIN H. (son of Emer Harris and Deborah Lott). Born Sept. 29, 1820, Mahoney, Pa- Married Georgeanna Aldous Jan. 18, 1855 (daughter of Robert Aldous), who was born Aug. 6. 1838. Only child: Emer M. b. Aug. 6, 1856, m. Hannah M. Poulter Jan. 5, 1883, and Louisa Kearns 1895. Married Louisa Sargent April 3, 1859, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of John and Ann Sargent, former pioneer 1852). She was born Dec. 18. 1841, Newbury, Berkshire, Eng. Their chil- dren: Leander S. b. April 20, 1860, m. Alice Jenson Sept 19 1888, m. Eliza Barlow Oct. 10, 1900; Lovisa G. b. March 4 1862, m. David Davis Jan. 1883; Nathan J. b. March 29, 1864, m. Emma E. Oakaron July 1887; Martin D. b. May 4, 1866, m. Lillie R. Hayes Feb. 6, 1890; Louisa P. b. May 30. 1868 m William H. Anderson March 4, 1897; Ida E. b. Nov. 27 1875 m Alfred Dixon May 15, 1901. First presiding elder of Harrisville, Utah; first Sunday school superintendent of Harrisville 1865; missionary to Fort Limhi, on Salmon River, 1857; secretary of 38th quorum sev- enties; missionary to eastern states 1876-77. Member Nauvoo Legion. Settled at Harrisville 1851, where he planted the first crop. Road supervisor 1858-69. Fife major in martial band. First school teacher of Harrisville; school trustee Farmer. Died Feb. 14, 1888. HARRIS, CHARLES (son of Emer Harris and Parna Chanel of Harrisville, Utah). Born July 2, 1834, in Huron Co Ohio. Came to Utah in October, 1852, Captain Cutler company. Married Louisa Maria Hall April 20, 1855, Ogden, Utah, later in Endowment house, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin K. Hall and Mehitable Sawyer of Maine, pioneers October, 1850, Captain Bennett company). She was born Dec. 30, 1839, Exeter, Scott county, 111. Their children: Charles Elisha b. Jan. 23, 1857, m. Nellie Warner (Harris)- Alva b. Feb. 28, 1859, m. Nellie Warner; Isabelle Maria b. April 15, 1861, m. Clarence Merrill, m. U. L. Nelson; Jesse Orson b. March 29, 1864, m. Louise Buckley; Mary Aderine b. June 3, 1866, m. Milo A. Hendrix; Eugene b. Jan. 10 1869, m. Nellie Barton (Hopkins); Silas Albert b. June 14, 1871, m. Chasta Olsen; Ida May b. Oct. 1, 1873, died; Ole Van b. Dec. 5, 1875, m. May Perry; Clarence Earl b. May 24, 1878, m. May Bell Booth; Mertie Adell b. July 27, 1883. Family resided Washington and Junction, Utah. Married Elizabeth Anderson. Their children: Juanita, died; Susan; Milo. Family home Junction, Utah. First located at Ogden, and afterward moved to Wlllard, Toquerville, and Parowan, finally settling at Junction 1878; called to settle "Dixie" 1862, locating in Washington. He has been a pioneer to many places where it was necessary to build wagon roads, canals, ditches, homes, subdue the wilds and turn a desert into a habitable place. Participated In the Indian wars of northern Utah and southern Idaho, also the Black Hawk and Walker Indian wars and the troubles in southern Utah with the Utes and other tribes. HARRIS, CLARENCE EARL (son of Charles Harris and Louisa Maria Hall). Born May 24, 1878, Parowan, Utah. Married May Bell Booth June 25, 1902, Salt Lake temple (daughter of John Roston Booth and Elizabeth Hourth of Provo, Utah; former came to Utah 1875). She was born Oct. 4, 1881. Their children: Clarence Elroy b. Aug. 10, 1903; Wanda May b. March 17, 1907; Lurllne b. Jan. 25, 1910. 920 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Seventy; assistant superintendent Sunday school; presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A.; stake aid Sunday school. Moved from Junction to Provo, where he attended the Brigham Young university; then to Pocatello and Salt Lake City; finally settled at Schofield 1907, where he is engaged in the mer- cantile business under the firm name of the Schofleld Mer- cantile Co. HARRIS, NATHAN J. (son of Martin H. Harris and Louisa Sargent). Born March 29, 1864, Harrisville. Utah. Married Emma E. Oakason June 15, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Hans Oakason and Mary Swenson; former came to Utah Sept. 24, 1861, Heber Kimball company, latter Octo- ber 1861, Captain Home company). She was born July 8, 1866. Their children: Lawrence E. b. April 30, 1888; Leo A. b. Jan. 13, 1890; Everett C. b. Dec. 25, 1891; Mabel b. March 20, 1894; Irene Louise b. Sept. 19, 1896; Wilford D. b. April 29, 1899; Ruth Evelyn b. Oct. 28, 1901; Luella May b. Jan. 19, 1905; Nathan J. b. Jan. 10, 1908. Family home, Harrisville. Missionary to southern states 1901-03; Sunday school su- perintendent and member bishopric of Harrisville ward; member high council of "Weber and Ogden stakes. District judge of Ogden; school trustee; justice of peace; member of two state legislatures; county and district attorney. Grad- uate Ann Arbor Law School 1894. HARRIS, MARTIN D. (son of Martin H. Harris and Louisa Sargent). Born May 4, 1866, Harrisville, Utah. Married Lillie R. Hayes Feb. 6, 1890 (daughter of Richard Hayes and Anna M. Turner; came to Utah 1869). She was born Jan. 28, 1869, In Wales. Their children: Louie Grace b. Dec. 23, 1891; Emma E. b. Feb. 24, 1893; Fern R. b. March 8. 1895; Priscilla E. b. Jan. 25, 1897; Martin H. b. March 8, 1898; Alma R. b. Aug. 1, 1901; Lillie S. b. Dec. 20, 1904; Albert D. b. March 19, 1911. Family home, Harrisville. Senior president 60th quorum seventies; Sunday school su- perintendent 1906-08; president Y. M. M. I. A. 1900-04 at Harrisville. Justice of peace 1890-96; deputy assessor 1904-10; road supervisor 1894-96, 1913. HARRIS, GKORGE HENRY ABBOTT (son of James Harris, born April 26, 1793, Hayle, Copperhouse, Cornwall, and Eliza Rawlings Harris, born Feb. 1, 1791, Marazion, Cornwall, Eng married Oct. 22, 1822). Born Dec. 7, 1830, Ilfracombe, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1852, Henry Miller company. Married Ann Burraston March 27, 1855 (daughter of Wil- liam Burraston and Sarah Johnson married 1830, Ashton, Eng. latter pioneer 1855). She was born March 20, 1833. Came to Utah 1854. Their children: Eliza Jane Harris b. Jan. 15, 1856, m. Hyrum Tremayne Dec. 8, 1873; George Henry Burraston b. April 10, 1867, m. Victoria Sandgreen April 3, 1884; Cyrus Richard James b. Dec. 9, 1858, m. Mary Celestia Black Dec. 4, 1885; John William Shorland b. May 5, 1860, m. Rhoda Mason Aug. 1882; Marianne Desdenory b. July 25, 1861, d. Aug. 30, 1861; Annie B.. d. Sept. 13, 1861. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Sarah Loader May 30, 1862, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of James Loader and Amy Britnel; former died on plains, latter pioneer 1857, handcart company). She was born May 1, 1844, Oxfordshire, Eng. Their children: James Loader b. Feb. 21, 1863, m. Mary Anne Morris June 10, 1887; Sarah Ellen b. April 29, 1865, m. William Ricks 1886; Amy C. b. April 29, 1865, d. Sept. 1879; Bernice Rawlings b. March 6, 1867, m. Annie Martha Fogg Dec. 19, 1894; Darwin R. b. Nov. 23, 1868, m. Euphena Lutz April 3, 1894, m. Sarah Re- becca Bell June 9, 1897. Married Mariah (Loader) White. Her children by previous marriage: Emma Mariah b. March 3, 1868, m. Samuel Rad- mel May 15, 1876; James Henry b. 1859, d. April 28, 1865; Alexander Roswell b. Dec. 23, 1861, m. Minerva Thomas April 18, 1891. Their children: Abner Britnel b. March 1, 1867; Carlos Vivian b. Oct. 14, 1868, m. Emma Fox 1884; Frank L. b. May 19, 3871, m. Annie E. Cutler Aug. 26, 1891, and Julia Mitchell Sept. 8, 1902. Member 37th quorum seventies 1851; constable 1856; high priest. Moved to Salem 1888. Appointed commissioner of education at Salem 1889. HARRIS, BERNICE R. (son of George Henry Abbott Harris and Sarah Loader). Born March 6, 1867, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Martha Ann Fogg Dec. 19, 1894, Logan, Utah (daughter of Mr. Fogg and Martha Ann Woodard; former d. March 13, 1891, latter aged 32). Their children: Bernice Leon b. Nov. 30, 1896; Martha L. b. Sept. 24, 1897; Luella b. Nov. 19, 1899; Leah b. Aug. 9, 1902; Ruth b. May 29, 1904; Agness b. Dec. 29, 1906; Vernon Fogg b. May 26, 1909. Family home Salem, Idaho. Moved to Rexburg, Idaho, 1884, where he quarried and did a general freighting business. In 1898 engaged in gen- eral merchandising business with his father at Salem. Ap- pointed postmaster of Salem March 14, 1903. High priest and high councilor; superintendent of Sunday schools; presi- dent of mutual organizations; ex-executive member of the stake board of education; assistant stake superintendent Sunday schools; chosen bishop of Salem ward Jan. 29, 1906. Instrumental in erection of $18,000 meeting house at Salem. pioneers 1848). She was born Dec. 17, 1807. Their children: Daniel b. March 13, 1831, m. Lydia Harr; Lucinda b. Nov. 13, 1832, m. Abner Blackburn; Angeline b. Nov. 21, 1834, m. William Hyde; Jacob b. March 10, 1837, m. Eliza Carpenter; Susannah b. Feb. 14, 1840, m. Clark Fabin; Rebecca b. Aug. 21, 1842, m. William S. Warren; Joseph b. Nov. 28, 1844, d. child; Oliver b. June 13, 1847, m. Lodemia Sly; George b. May 18, 1850, m. Martha Thornton. Family home Farm- ington, Utah. Died May 4, 1899. HARRIS, JOHN (son of Charles Harris and Mary Sutton of Worle, Somersetshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 5, 1837, at Worle. Came to Utah Sept. 18, 1860, John Taylor company. Married Annie Maddock Jan. 12, 1861, Salt Lake City, Counselor Carter officiating (daughter of Thomas Maddock, died in England, and Mary Taylor of Cheshire, Eng., pioneer Sept. 18, 1860). She was born Oct. 8, 1842. Their children: Emily; Harriet, m. Ephraim N. Morris; John O., died; Eliza- beth, m. Willard Smith; Jessie, m. Robert Hunt; Edward J., m. Lillian James; William H., m. Catherine Miller; Walter T. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 2d quorum elders. Cooked for the men in Cot- tonwood while quarrying rock for Salt Lake temple. Worked for Brigham Young in Globe Bakery. One of first candy- makers in Utah. HARRIS, JOSHUA (son of Isaac Harris, born 1810, Cardiff. South Wales, and Esther Bowerning, born 1807, Somerset- shire, Eng. married 1832). He was born June 23, 1848, Glamorganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah 1853, Vincent Shurtliff company. Married Ann D. Whitesides May 28, 1868 (daughter of Louis and Susan Whitesides married May 6, 1860, Council Bluffs, Iowa pioneers Oct. 1852, John Walker company). She was born Dec. 20, 1853, Kaysville, Utah. Their children: Susan b. June 22, 1869, m. Rosel Taylor Nov. 3, 1892; Ester E. b. Aug. 30, 1871, m. Hans Monson March 1, 1888; Lavisa b. Feb. 7, 1873, d. Feb. 6, 1880; Selena b. Dec. 16, 1876, m. Alonzo Corbridge Jan. 10, 1894, d. Sept. 26, 1900; William L. b. Dec. 1, 1877, m. Lottie Bronson Feb. 8, 1899; Joshua b. Dec. 22, 1879, d. April 24, 1895; Alvin b. March 28, 1881, m. Hayner Marler Nov. 21, 1901; Jabez M. b. June 29, 1884, m. Etta Van Luvin Dec. 17, 1902; Mary b. July 20, 1886, m. Winfred Jones Aug. 30, 1906; Ella b. April 17, 1888, m. Wil- liam Settles March 26, 1910; Myrtle b. May 28, 1891, m. Bryant Tilford Feb. 7, 1908; Laura Bell b. June 15, 1892, m. Marl Beckstead Nov. 3, 1909; Edna b. Aug. 8, 1893. Family resided Kaysville, Utah, and Fairview and Preston, Idaho. HARRIS, MeGEE. Born in 1800. Came to Utah 1848. Married Mary Givens of Kentucky, who was born in 1802. Their children: Alexander, m. Mary Craner; William, m. Emeline Whittle Aug. 20, 1861; Ely, m. Elizabeth Gamble; Martha, m. Daniel H. Wells; Mary Ann, m. Casper Whittle; Emily, m. Alexander Bullock. Family home, Salt Lake City. HARRIS, JOHN (son of Jacob Harris and Susannah Hart- man of Michigan). Born 1808, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1848. Married Lovlna Eller Jan. 5, 1831, In Indiana (daughter of Daniel Eiler and Barbara Stutsman of Pennsylvania, HARRIS, ROBERT (son of Robert Harris, born 1778, Ogle- cut, Gloucestershire, and Sarah Okey, born 1781, Saunter, Gloucestershire, Eng.). He was born Dec. 26, 1808, In Glou- cestershire. Came to Utah 1S50, Joseph Home company. Married Hannah Maria Eagles in Gloucestershire, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Eagles and Ann Sparkes), who was born 1817 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Joseph b. March 26, 1836, m. Charlotte Green March 18, 1856; Elizabeth b. April 1, 1838, m. Everett Van Orden March 12. 1857; William E. b. March 23, 1839, m. Lucinda Landon Sept. 23, 1866; Thcmas E. b. Nov. 29, 1841, m. Mary Ann Payne Jan. 14, 1866; Enoch b. May 29, 1843, m. Jane Hoskins Dec. 31, 1866; Sarah Ann b. June 11, 1845, m. Robert Green Jan. 3, 1866; Robert b. Feb. 3, 1847, d. July 30. 1847; Daniel Browett b. Oct. 30, 1848, m. Elizabeth Ann Thornley April 1876; Marria b. June 20, 1851, d. June 20, 1861; Lucy Emma b. June 17, 1862, m. John Phillips Dec. 19, 1870; Jennett b. Aug. 11, 1854, m. James Parkinson Nov. 26, 1873; Henriette b. Aug. 11, 1854, m. John Milton Bernhisel Jan. 3, 1876; Rob- ert Charles b. April 27, 1856, m. Sarah Green 1882; Julia Ann b. April 1, 1858, m. Lcroy Hall Jan. 20, 1876; Mary Ellen b. Sept. 26, 1860, m. Don McCrary Feb. 8, 1879. Family resided Salt Lake City and Kaysville, Utah. Settled in Salt Lake City 1860; moved to Kaysville 1854 and to southern Idaho 1869; returned to Kaysville 1874. President of 66th quorum seventies. Farmer and stock- raiser. Died in 1876. HARRIS, ENOCH (son of Robert Harris and Hannah Maria Eagles). Born May 29, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. Married Jane A. Hoskins Dec. 31, 1866, Kaysville, Utah (daughter of Oliver C. Hoskins and Lucinda Howell). who was born Feb. 11, 1851, Decator Co., Iowa. Their children: Laura Bell b. Sept. 30, 1867; Emma E. b. March 30. 1870, m. John F. Conley; Ranson E. b. June 30, 1872, m. Emma Elizabeth Morris Nov. 14, 1894; Robert C. b. Dec. 23, 1874. m. Sylvia Green March 30, 1897; William D. b. April 16. 1877, m. Zlna E. Gibbs May 15, 1901; George F. b. Feb. 6, 1880; Wilford T. b. Feb. 24, 1882, m. Jennie McCrary; Annie J. b. Nov. 23, 1883, m. Jonas Htaton: Eliza A. b. July 15, 1885, m. David R. Anthony Oct. 19. 1904; Parley B. b. March 28. 1887; Mary L. b. May 15. 1888, died; Grace E. b. June 23, 1889 (died), m. Deeroy Hanks June 6, 1905; Lovina PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 921 H. b. July 25, 1892, died; Ellen R. b. Aug. 24, 1893. Family resided Kaysvllle and West Portage, Utah. Missionary to northwestern states 1895; high priest; coun- selor to Bishop Hosklns of Portage ward; bishop Portage ward; president high priests quorum of three wards In Malad stake. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. HARRIS, DANIEL BROWETT (son of Robert Harris and Hannah Maria Eagles). Born Oct. 30, 1848. Married Elizabeth Ann Thornley April 10, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Thornley and Martha Seed), who was born 1851, Lancaster, Eng. Their children: Robert Thornley b. Jan. 10, 1877, m. Nora Robinson; Daniel Brow- ctt b. May 27, 1879, d. Aug. 15, 1879; Elizabeth Ann Thornley, d. June 24, 1879. Married Mary Ann Parkinson Jan. 6, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Parkinson and Elizabeth King, pio- neers Captain Brown company). She was born Aug. 9, 1858, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Fred b. Sept. 3, 1881, m. Mary Ellen Thornley Aug. 17, 1904; Thomas J. b. Feb. 19, 1883, m. Chloe Louise Layton June 23, 1909; Daniel D. b. Oct. 7, 1884, m. Jennie Caroline Anderson Dec. 12, 1906; Mary Elizabeth Ann b. Aug. 19, 1886, m. James H. Walker Feb. 21, 1912; Chloe Marriah b. July 21, 1888, m. Franklin Hawks Dec. 12, 1909; David Oscar b. Dec. 12, 1890; Sarah Cecil b. June 28, 1893; Ezra Parkinson b. July 20, 1895. Family home Layton, Utah. Bishop of Layton ward 1889-1909. Worked on first Utah railroad; hauled rock for Salt Lake temple. Farmer and atockralser. HARRIS, THOMAS (son of Thomas Harris, born 1780, and Mary Parre married 1816). Born 1816, Caerleon, Monmouth- shire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 1863, independent oxteam company. Married Ann Williams April 1, 1844 (daughter of John and "Grandmother" Williams). She was born Dec. 31, 1819, died In 1873 came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: Thomas Edwin b. Dec. 31, 1844, m. Catherine Davis 1870; Micah Francis b. Aug. 3, 1848, m. Mary Jane Bond Jan. 15, 1868; Daniel Richard b. May 5, 1853, m. Jennette Fife March 17, 1882. Settled in Summit county. Miner. HARRIS, MICAH FRANCIS (son of Thomas Harris and Ann Williams). Born Aug. 3, 1848, Nanty Glow, South Wales. Came to Utah 1863 with parents. Married Mary Jane Bond Jan. 15, 1868, Henefer, Utah (daughter of William Bond, who died April 29, 1910, and Mary Ann Barker pioneers Dec. 10-16, 1856. William B. Hodgett handcart company, rescued by relief trains sent to meet them). She was born Jan. 15, 1850, Fall River, Mass. Their children: Thomas William b. Sept. 26, 1868, d. Sept. 26, 1868; Micah b. Nov. 25. 1869, d. Nov. 25, 1869; George Richard b. Dec. 31, 1870, m. Elizabeth Deardon; Daniel Heber b. March 21, 1873, d. Oct. 12, 1874; Willard Bond b. Aug. 29, 1874; Eldora Ann b. Nov. 25, 1876, m. William George Richins 1897; Joseph Bond b. March 22, 1879, m. Lucy Ashton 1907; David Oscar b. Nov. 30, 1882, m. Rebecca Gustavson 1905; Mary Ida b. July 9, 1885, m. Parley Croft 1909; Hyrum Bond b. Dec. 3, 1882; Myrtle Jane b. Aug. 2, 1890, m. William O. Stephens Seot. 1911. Family home Henefer, Utah. Married Mrs. Agnes C. Peterson (daughter of Carl Samuel Peterson and Annie Anderson), who was born July 3, 1870, Orebro, Sweden. Came to Utah Nov. 1, 1886. Ordained seventy 1876, and high priest 1889; first coun- selor to Bishop John Paskett of Henefer ward 1889-1902, and made bishop of Henefer ward May 26, 1902; president Mutual Improvement Association; assisted in building stake taber- nacle at Coalville; member stake high council two years. President Henefer Irrigation Company; stockraiser. HARRIS, WILLIAM (son of McGee Harris of Illinois, born 1800, and Mary Givens of Kentucky, born 1802). He was born June 8, 1836, Williamson county, Tenn. Came to Utab 1848, Captain Kimball company. Married Emeline Whittle Aug. 20, 1861 (daughter of Thomas L. Whittle and Mary Fullmer married 1833, Mont- real, Canada pioneers 1848, Zera Pulsipher company). She was born March 7, 1845. Their children: William McGee b. May 23, 1862, m. Harriet Ann Carson Feb. 4, 1885; Charles Z. b. March 9, 1864, m. Sarah Alice Anderson April 14, 1886; Casper W. b. May 31, 1871, m. Tena Christensen 1892; Alex- ander E. b. Oct. 20, 1873, m. Blanche Bullen Jan. 3, 1901; Aroet L. b. Nov. 20, 1876, m. Olive Kerr Dec. 21, 1898; Emma b. March 20, 1878, m. Albert C. Fisher Dec. 19, 1900. Family home Richmond, Utah. Member city council and school trustee at Richmond for many years. Farmer and stockraiser. HARRIS, WILLIAM McGEE (son of William Ha.ris and Emeline Whittle). Born May 23, 1862, Richmond, Utah. Married Harriet Ann Carson Feb. 4, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of David Carson and Millie Jane Rawlins of Rich- mond, Utah, pioneers Brigham Young company). She was born June 18, 1861. Their children: Millie E. b. Nov. 27. 1885, m. Theo. Mickelson; Byron McGee b. Nov. 12, 1887, m. Fronie Bassett; David Earl b. June 14, 1890; Thomas Glen b. Oct. 7, 1892; Guy b. April 28, 1895; Viola b. April 12, 1898; Florence b. Oct. 1, 1901. Family home Lago, Idaho. Bishop. Member legislature 1896. School trustee and road supervisor. Rancher and farmer. HARRIS, CHARLES ZERA (son of William Harris and Emeline Whittle). Born March 9, 1864, Richmond, Utah. Married Sarah Alice Anderson April 14, 1886 (daughter of George Anderson and Mary Ann Davis, pioneers 1852, Brig- ham Young company). She was born Jan. 10, 1870, Rich- mond. Utah. Their children: Melvin C. b. Sept. 21, 1887; William Z. b. July 5, 1890; George McGee b. Oct. 30, 1904. Family home Richmond, Utah. Graduate University Deseret 1885. Assistant superintend- ent Richmond Sunday school 1887-89. Member state legis- lature 1889 and 1900: member Cache county school board 1908-09. Founder and owner of People's Mercantile Com- pany, Richmond; one of founders Utah Condensed Milk Com- pany and superintendent of same 1903-07. Farmer and dairyman. HARRISON, GEORGE (son of William Harrison and Hannah Ellis of Springville, Utah). Born Aug. 24, 1841, Manches- ter, Eng. Came to Utah 1866, Martin and Tyler handcart company. Married Rosella D. White 1866 at Springville (daughter of Noah White and Arvilla Lewis of Nauvoo, 111., and New Hampshire). She was born 1838. Their children: George W., m. Ada Bissell; Rosella A., m. Joseph H. Storrs; Lewis E., m. Clara Stewart: Anna May, m. George Smith; William W., m. Myrtle Hall; Gertrude, m. William M. Packard: Win- fred H., m. Martha Fereday. Family home, Springville. Member of seventies; high priest; president elders' quo- rum; choir leader 20 years. Black Hawk Indian war vet- eran. Director Springville Banking Company; proprietor Hotel Harrison, Springville. HARRISON, HENRY JAMES (son of James Harrison, born Jan. 13, 1804. and Ann Harrison). He was born Feb. 6, 1834, in Marlines, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robin- son handcart company. Married Sarah Elizabeth Burningham Oct. 6, 1860 (daugh- ter of Thomas Burningham and Sarah White, latter pioneer 1861). She was born May 25, 1834, and came to Utah with handcart company. Their children: Arthur b. 1861; Thomas b. 1862; Harold Henry b. 1863, m. Clara Mold Sept. 21, 1882; Elizabeth Burningham b. 1866, m. Riley Burnham; James Alfred b. 1867; William John b. 1870, m. May Miller; Ger- trude Anne b. 1873, m. David Fenwick. Married Mary Acocks April 29, 1897 (daughter of George Acocks and Elizabeth Dodd, former came to Utah 1869, latter 1871). She was born Oct. 16, 1852, in England. Deputy sheriff. Brick and rock mason. HARRISON, HAROLD HENRY (son of Henry James Harri- son and Sarah Elizabeth Burningham). Born 1863, Bounti- ful, Utah. Married Clara Mold Sept. 21, 1882, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Mold and Jane Spencer), who was born June 5, 1865. Their children: Lillian Clara b. Sept. 13, 1883, m. John Poorman; Harold Roy b. Dec. 26, 1885, m. Sarah Beatrice Steele Oct. 3, 1906; Ross Leo b. March 24, 1887; Ona Alvin b. June 24. 1893: Vivian Cecil b. Oct. 20, 1899; Rex Leland b. March 15, 1901; Lema LaRell b. July 10, 1903; Lola Leila b. Feb. 13, 1906; Thora Arenith b. June 22, 1906. HARRISON, JAMES H. (son of Joseph Harrison and Sarah Hobday of London, Eng.). Born April 9, 1817, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company. Married Angelina Parry Aug. 11, 1839, Birmingham (daughter of Thomas Parry and Mary Hldson of Birming- ham). She was born Aug. 22, 1816. Their children: Sarah Ann, m. Thomas S. Fames; Martha, died; Henrietta, died; Fannie, m. Edwin Curtis; James Parry, m. Elvira Williams; Joseph Hidson, m. Mary Ann Slight; Angelina, m. W. N. Shilling; William Hobday, m. Mary Ann Poll; Heber Chase, m. Capitola Birdno; Mary Elizabeth, m. George W. Earl; Edwin Daniel, m. Ellen Simmons. High priest; teacher. Engraver. Deceased. HARRISON, WILLIAM HOBDAY (son of James H. Harrison and Angelina Parry). Born June 18, 1862, London, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Ann Poll Aug. 1877, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Flint Poll and Charlotte Long of Lofo- Btaff, Eng., pioneers fall of 1867). She was born Dec. 28, 1858. Their children: Alta Maud b. April 13, 1880, m. Leonard Kessler; Iva May b. Jan. 10. 1881, m. Frank Scott; Albert William b. May 16. 1883, died; Celia b. May 13, 1887, m. Duke Lawrence; Verne David b. April 30, 1889; Angelina b. May 2, 1890, d. Jan. 29, ; Moroni Duval b. April 6, 1893; Clifford Charles b. March 11, 1896; Glen Poll b. Dec. IB, 1900. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Catherine Mary Louisa Jones May 7, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Conforth Jones and Eliza Jesson of Birmingham, Eng., pioneers Sept. 2, 1868, Daniel D. McArthur company). She was born Aug. 30, 1869. High priest; counselor in elders' quorum. City registrar 1904-06. Foreman cooperage department of Salt Lake Brew- ery Company. Merchant. 922 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH HARRISON, JOHN (son of Elizabeth Harrison of St. Ellen, Lancashire, Eng.). Born Dec. 13, 1839, at St. Ellen. Came to Utah 1862, oxteam company. Married Nancy Platt (daughter of James Platt of St. Ellen, pioneer 1862, oxteam company). Their children: Isabel Josephine, m. Peter M. Hiskey; Jane, m. Edward Wilkins; James W. b. April 14, 1865, m. Victoria Sprouse; Peter b. Nov. 9, 1867. m. Margaret Murray; Elizabeth, m. Ephraim Rob- erts: Nancy, d. child. Family home Mona, Utah. Married Margaret Vest 1880, Mona, Utah (daughter of John and Elizabeth Vest of England). Their children: John, m. Beatrice Neil; Alice, m. Ray G. Labrum; Joseph, m. Ollie Labrum. Family home Mona, Utah. Member of seventy; Sunday school superintendent. Dis- trict No. 11 school trustee Deepcreek, Utah, twelve years. Indian war veteran. Sheepraiser; railroader; farmer. HARRISON, PETER (son of John Harrison and Nancy Platt). Born Nov. 9, 1867, Nephi, Utah. Married Margaret Murray Nov. 2, 1892, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Jeremiah H. Murray and Mary Ashby of Span- ish Fork, Utah). She was born Sept. 9, 1876. Their chil- dren: Nancy Noble b. May 23, 1893, m. Franklin Jenkins; Jeremiah Hatch b. Oct. 22, 1894; Lavina b. June 17, 1896, d. Aug. 13, 1896; Elzina b. June 17, 1896; Russell Peter b. Sept. 9, 1898; Hazel Pearl b. Aug. 16, 1900; Mary Ruth b. Nov. 14, 1902; Bertha b. Oct. 10, 1904, d. infant; Frances Ellen b. June 10, 1906; Carl Reed b. May 7, 1911. Family home Ver- nal, Utah. Trustee District No. 11 for twelve years, Deep Creek, Utah. Farmer. HART, JAMES (son of Richard Hart). Born April 17, 1806, Devonshire, Eng. Died Dec. 25, 1879. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Capt. Miller company. Married Mary Cape, who was born 1810 and died 1858. Their children: Harriet b. June 4, 1836, m. Christopher Brown; Emma b. Oct. 14, 1838, m. James Notion; Ann b. Nov. 20, 1840; Sarah b. Sept. 18, 1842; William b. Jan. 2, 1845, m. Ann Home; Mary Ann b. 1847; Charlotte Louise b. 1849; Levl Richard b. March 2, 1851. m. Harriet Maria Conley Nov. 24, 1874; Samuel Walter b. Oct. 31, 1853, m. Martha Raymond; Henry James b. Jan. 1867. Worked on Salt Lake Temple. Mason. HART, LEVI RICHARD (son of James Hart and Mary Cape). Born March 2, 1851, Bristol, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Harriet Maria Conley Nov. 24, 1874, Evanston, Wyo. (daughter of Solomon Nelson Conley and Eve Merkley, pioneers 1848). She was born April 21, 1857, Centerville, Utah. Their children: James R. b. Aug. 28, 1875, d. April 14, 1903; William Augustus b. Sept. 7, 1877, m. Susan Birch June 7, 1907; Albert Leslie b. June 11, 1879, m. Amelia Eschler April 4, 1907; Harriet Eve b. March 2, 1882, d. Aug. 18, 1882; Mary Caroline b. Oct. 17, 1884, d. July 22, 1899; Franklin b. July 5, 1887; Willard Edward b. Sept. 7, 1896. Settled in Bear Lake county, Idaho, 1872. HART, SAMUEL WALTER (son of James Hart and Mary Cape). Born Oct. 31, 1853, Devonshire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Martha Raymond Feb. 20, 1880, Woodruff, Utah (daughter of Grandison Raymond and Cella Hall, pioneers 1862). She was born Jan. 1, 1850, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Their children: Melvin Ray b. March 16, 1881, m. LeNore Dal- rymple June 7, 19U5; Celia Eva b. July 2, 1S83, m. Wiley Call Dec. 15, f904; Mary C. b. Aug. 28, 1887; Celdon Ray- mond b. May 17. 1890; Henrietta b. May 11, 1893. Family resided at Raymond, Idaho. Sfttled In Salt Lake City; moved to Kaysville 1869; to Woodruff 1874; to Raymond, Idaho, 1878. First counselor to Bishop N. P. Larson; presiding high priest 1900, and bishop of Raymond ward. HART, JAMES HENRY (son of Thomas Hart and Elizabeth Maryatt of Hemingford, Huntingdonshire, Eng.). Born June 21, 1825, at Hemingford. Came to Utah 1866. Married Emily Ellingham 1850, England (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Ellingham), who was born July 16, 1820. Only child: James E. Hart b. Jan. 17, 1856. m. Elmira Birdneau. Family resided Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah, and Bloomington, Idaho. Married Sabina Scheib May 4, 1861, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John P. Scheib and Catharine Neinmann, pioneers Sept. 20, 1852, Capt. McGaw company). She was born March 2, 1839, London, Eng. Their children: Anna Maria b. July 22, 1862; Alice C. b. Sept. 14, 1864, m. Anson C. Osmond; Eugene S. b. Dec. 16, 1864, m. Nellie Osmond June 16, 1897; Charles H. b. July 6, 1866, m. Adc-lia Greenhalgh 1889; Arthur W. b. Oct. 16, 1869, m. Ada D. Lowe Aug. 22, 1900; Alfred A. b. Oct. 9. 1871, m. Sarah Patterson Oct. 11, 1905; John Thomas b. Jan. 22, 1874, d. infant; Sabina Hermoine b. July 18, 1876, m. David Roberts Feb. 2, 1911; Emily Roslna b. March 31, 1880, m. Ivan Woodward Nov. 13, 1901. First probate judge Rich county; member Idaho legislature from Bear Lake county. Bishop of Bloomington, Idaho, for several years; first counselor to president of Bear Lake stake for thirty-five years; Mormon Immigration agent at New York for several years. Had charge of President Young's nail factory in Sugar ward. Died Nov. 12, 1906, Blooming- ton, Idaho. HART. CHARLES HENRY (son of James Henry Hart and Sabina Scheib). Born July 6, 1866, Bloomington, Idaho. Married Adelia Greenhalgh Sept. 25. 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of Peter and Sarah Greenhalgh of Manchester Eng.). She was born June 27, 1867, died March 18, 1913 Their children: Lucile Adelia b. Sept. 14, '890; Leona Sabina b. April 3, 1892; Viola Genevieve b. Oct. 1893; Charles James b. June 27, 1896; Mary Clarissa b. Jan. 10, 1C98, d. at age of six weeks; Harold Henry b. April 19, 1899; Paul Eugene b Jan. 31, 1902; Dean Eldon b. Nov. 3, 1903; Melvin Greenhalgh b. Aug. 31, 1906; Raymond George b. June 1. 1908; Phyllis b. Nov. 22, 1910. Family resided Logan and Salt Lake City Utah. Member first council of seventies since April 1906; super- intendent 6th ward Sunday school 1906; assistant superin- tendent Y. M. M. I. A. Bear Lake stake 1889-90. Cache county prosecuting attorney 1893-94; member legislative council of Utah 1893-1904; member state constitutional con- vention Utah 1905; district judge first judicial district 1896- 1905. HART, JOHN ISAAC (son of Isaac Hart and Ann McGeorge). Born Dec. 11, 1826, Taunton, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1852, George Kendall ten-pound company Married Elizabeth Rice July 26, 1846, Bristol, Eng. (daugh- ter of Thomas Rice and Easter Mayo of Minchampton, Gloucestershire, Eng.), who was born 1826. One of seven presidents 64th quorum seventies; performed five missions in England 1869-90; high priest; bishop of West Weber ward; missionary to Pueblo, Colo., five years. HART, SAMUEL, (son of Stephen Hart). Born May, 1828. Kinsgwood, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1865, Thomas Taylor company. Married Sarah Ann Leah March 3, 1848 (daughter of James Leah and Sarah Berry, who died on way to Utah). She was born May 25, 1833. Came to Utah with Capt. Warren company. Their children: Samuel Cornelius; Stephen James; Sarah Ann; Joseph; Elizabeth; Marinda; Merintha; John Elijah; Frances; Edith; Nephi. Family home Bountiful, Utah. HART, STEPHEN JAMES (son of Samuel Hart and Sarah Ann Leah). Born July 4, 1852, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah, 1864. Married Sarah Orglll Sept. 25. 1876, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Orgill and Charlotte Ann Cartwright; former came to Utah September, 1868, Daniel McArthur company latter died in England). She was born March 19, 1854 Their children: Stephen James b. Oct. 8. 1877, m. Arteamssia Porter May 15, 19 ; Sarah F. b. Dec. 22, 1879; George Cartwright b. Sept. 6, 1881, m. Pearl Burnham Oct. 27 1903- William Leah b. July 23, 1883, m. Laura Parkin May 24 1905; Edith b. June 6, 1885, m. Henry C. Tovey Nov. 18, 1908- Joseph Hyrum b. March 10, 1887, m. Matilda Tovey June 9 1909; Mary May b. April 28, 1889, m. Joseph Knighton Nov 18, 1908; Ida Ann b. March 8, 1891; Maudeline b. May 4, 1893- Heber Lorenzo b. March 13, 1895; Frederick Leo b. March 21 1899. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Ordained member seventy Feb. 28, 1888. Member East Bountiful choir 1866. Stone cutter on St. George temple 1874-75. HARTLE, SAMUEL. Born in England. Came to Utah 1849. Married Mary Nichols in England. Their children: Phile- mon, d. aged 19; Lydia, m. William Cook; Rudolph; Mary Ann, m. Samuel McClemonds; William, m. Percilla Cook- James, d. aged 45; Gertrude, d. infant; Samuel, d. infant; Samuel, m. Emma Underwood; Harry, m. Dollie McSwain- Fred Charles, m. Adaline Allen. Family resided England- Payson and Salt Lake City, Utah. Church member. Died at Payson, Utah. HARTLEY, CALEB (son of Clement and Mary Hartley of Oxfordshire, Eng.). Born March 19, 1842, Oxfordshire. Came to Utah in 1855, Parley Allred company. Married Christine Peterson Nov. 24, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Peterson and Annie Maria Olson of Denmark, pioneers 1862), who was born Sept. 15 1855 Their children: Mary Christina, m. James Bills; Lutisha m Leroy Rigby; Andrew, m. Mai Peterson; Caleb, m. Caroline Peterson; Lorenzo, d. infant; Annie, m. Alexander Bell- Sylvie, m. Outrey Anderson; Urban, m. Maud Mower; Minerva, m. Arthur Burrows; Peter; Isabel; Dosenla- Teckla d. childhood; Glen. Family home Fairview. Utah. Elder. Black Hawk war veteran. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah; settled at Mount Pleasant. Farmer and stockratser. HARTLY, SAMUEL, of Sheffield, Yorkshire, Eng. Married Eliza Gill, Sheffield, Eng. (daughter of Robert Gill of Sheffield). She was born Nov. 28, and came to Utah, handcart company; died Nov. 17, 1892, Oak (Creek) City, Utah. Their children: Sarah, m. Lyman Curtis; Matilda Jane, m. Russell Brownell, m. William White, m. Chrest Overson; Samuel; Clementina, died; Josephine Lucy Smith, m. Thomas Zundle; Farwell; Lorenzo James, died. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 923 HARTWELL, ELLIOTT (son of Stephen Hartwell of Massa- chusetts). Born July 11, 1820, in Massachusetts. Came to Utah in 1863. Married Hortense Rogers (daughter of Anne Slade of New York, pioneer 1853), who was born Aug. 18, 1823. Their children: Helena G., m. Joseph Hicks; Geneva A., m. Edwin Kimball; Orville, m. Ada Druce; Byron E., m. Margaret Mulholland; Inez H., m. John Livermore; May I., m. Oliver C. Lockhart; Ella M., died; Nina Rosabelle; Oscar L., m. Sarah Martin; Louis D., m. May Saunders. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy. Nurseryman. Died Oct. 11, 1901. HARVEY, DANIEL, (son of John Harvey, born 1780, Pritty- well Essex, and Elizabeth Eastwood born 1800, Stanford, Eng.). Born May 29, 1830, Stanford. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde company. Married Hannah Smuin (daughter of Joseph Smuin), who was born Sept. 28, 1836. Came to Utah with husband in 1863. Their children: Annie b. June 21, 1856, m. Limon S. Conley; James Smuin b. Nov. 1, 1858, m. Mary Rosworth Feb. 2, 1898' Daniel Jr. b. Nov. 21, 1860, m. Olive Welker Nov. 2, 1896; Susannah b. June 9, 1865, m. J. H. Morgan Nov. 7, 1885; Mary b. Jan. 8, 1868, m. E. M. Whitesides 1892; Martha b. March 30, 1870, m. J. H. Hutchens 1893. Married Ellen Woolen Dec. 17, 1868, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Wooten and Ruth Smuin, married at Eaton- bray, Bedfordshire, Eng.). She was born Nov. 1. 1843, Eatonbray. Their children: George W. b. Jan. 8, 1870, m. Mary Baker May, 1896. Families resided at Kaysville, Utah. Ordained seventy 1875. Died Sept. 16, 1899. HARVEY, DANIEL JR. (son of Daniel Harvey and Hannah Smuin). Born Nov. 21, 1860, London, Eng. Married Olive Welker Nov. 2, 1896, Bloomington, Idaho (daughter of Gilbert Welker and Charlotte Nelson), who was born Sept. 24, 1875, Bloomington. Their children: Daniel Orval b. July 26, 1897; James Evert b. Jan. 15, 1900; Demo Welker b. Jan. 14, 1902; Charlotte b. March 15, 1904; Olive Annie b. July 29, 1906. Ordained seventy Oct. 30, 1910. HARVEY, JOHN. Born Dec. 12, 1816, Balleston, Lanark- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Eliza Everett March 31, 1841, who was born July 12, 1814; died on way to Utah. Their children: John, d. April 27, 1900; Murray, d. March, 1903; Margeret A., m. Thomas Ross. Married Ann Coope (Minchell) July 23, 1864, Salt Lake City, who was born April 13, 1826. Their children: Ester (Minchell) b. Oct. 1, 1846, m. Dr. L. Coons; Jenett b. June 1, 1856, m. Albert Walch; Alice Young b. June 1, 1857, m. Manassa Gallagher; Rhoda E. b. May, 1861, m. Joseph Foster; Frances Ireeta b. May 21, 1863, m. William Hundley; Rich- ard Coope b. Oct. 6, 1865, m. Mildred Cluff; Hugh William b. Feb. 15, 1868, m. Arbelia Howe. Family home Heber, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died July 4, 1887, Center Creek, Utah. HARVEY, HUGH WILLIAM (son of John Harvey and Ann Coope). Born Feb. 16, 1868, Heber, Utah. Married Arbelia Howe Feb. 14, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Howe and Mary Jane McLider of Tonis Brook, Virginia), who was born July 2, 1870. Their chil- dren: Annie b. Nov. 25, 1894; Hugh b. May 7, 1896; James b. July 7, 1902; John b. Sept. 28. 1904; Myrth b. Aug. 16, 1909. High councilor; missionary to northern states 1898-1901; bishop of Center ward 1903; president of Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer and sheepraiser. HARVEY, LOUIS (son of Jonathan Harvey and Sarah Harbert of Harrison county, W. Va.). Born Feb. 1, 1822, In Harrison county. Came to Utah in 1860. Married Lucinda Clark April 6, 1849 (daughter of Richard Clark and Mary Ann Shaffer of Pennsylvania, pioneers 1850), who was born April 18, 1824. Their children: Maria Josephine, m. John A. Booth; Sarah Elizabeth, m. Wilford Baker; Jonathan Louis, m. Mary Helen Alexander; Lucinda Jane, m. Orlando Herron; Clarinda, died; Flora Samantha, m. Theo R. Sundberg; Rosetta and George Alfred, died Fam- ily home Pleasant Grove, Utah. President of seventies; high priest. City councilman two terms. Farmer. Died in 1900. HARVEY, JONATHAN LOUIS (son of Louis Harvey and Lucinda Clark). Born March 8. 1855, Cedar City, Utah. Married Mary Helen Alexander Dec. 30, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Horace M. Alexander and Catherine Houston of Springville and Provo, Utah pioneers 1847, Mormon battalion Company B). She was born Jan. 16, 1854. Their children: Effle Jane b. May 7, 1882. m. Stephen Roy Chipman; Catherine Fredonia b. May 7, 1884, m. Robert McComle; Jonathan Louis Jr. b. May 23, 1886, m. Mae Langstaff; Helen Ora b. March 1, 1889. m. D. R. West; William C. b. March 1, 1891; Maria Lucile b. May 8, 1894; Leo P. b. May 1, 1896; Florence B. b. April 9, 1898; Dean Alexander b. March 19, 1900. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Home missionary; city councilman 1881-96; justice of peace 1896-99: precinct justice 1902-03; member school board 1889- 1902. Farmer and stockraiser. HASLAM, JAMES HOLT (son of John Haslam, born 1796, and Alice Young of Bolton, Lancashire, Eng., who were married 1823). Born Sept. 16, 1825, Bolton. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1851, Philip Morgan company. Married Mary Bough April, 1846 (daughter of John Bough and Rachel Bailey, the former died at St. Louis in 1849, the latter did not come to Utah). She was born March 20, 1826, and came to Utah 1851 with husband. Their children: Mary Alice b. June 4, 1848; Martha Ann b. Aug. 19, 1849; Sarah Jane b. Dec. 17, 1850; Rachel B. b. Nov. 19, 1862, m. Heber Bankhead; Lucy Elizabeth b. March 23, 1855, m. George Bankhead; Ellen Liza b. Oct. 20, 1857; Rosalie b. June 23. 1861; James Holt b. March 15, 1863, m. Amelia Riggs; Hannah b. Sept. 23, 1865; John b. June 15, 1868, m. Katherine Anderson. Married Ann Redford May 21, 1869, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Robert Redford and Letta Eckersley). She was born May 27, 1846, Pilkington, Halfacre, Lancashire, Eng. Their children: John Ephraim b. Jan. 11, 1870, m. Clara Tellefson; Mary b. Oct. 7, 1871; Robert b. Nov. 22, 1873; Letta Ann b. Dec. 21, 1877, m. Lev! Broadbent; Samuel b. Dec. 27, 1876, m. Eliza Broadbent; Richard b. Feb. 2, 1880; Emily b. Nov. 27, 1881; Florence b. Nov. 26, 1884, m. Thomas W. Archibald Nov. 22, 1905; Maud b. June 26, 1886; Brian b. Aug. 3, 1888. Settled in Salt Lake City 1851; moved to Iron county 1855. to Cache county 1860. Carried the dispatch of the Mountain Meadow massacre to Brigham Young. HASLAM. RICHARD R. (son of James Holt Haslam and Ann Redford). Born Feb. 2, 1880, Wellsvllle, Utah. Missionary to Great Britain, Oct. 17, 1910. HASLAM, JOHN R. (son of Robert Haslam and Mary Nut- tall of Manchester, Eng.). Born Jan. 10, 1828, Berry, Lan- cashire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1853, Cyrus Wheelock company. Married Marguerite Howarth May, 1861, Berry, Eng. (daughter of Robert Howarth and Mary Kay of Berry, Eng.), who was born Feb. 2, 1828. Their children: Robert H., m. Esther C. Williams; Margerite A., m. Thomas Francis; John W., m. Mary E. Kidd; James N., m. Mary E. Eardley; Joseph H., m. Sarah Bohling; Brigham, m. Jane and Eliza- beth Breeze; Mary Jane, m. Roert Bult. Married Annie Catherine Brabandt May, 1866, Salt Lake City, by Brigham Young (daughter of Peter Brabandt and Sophia Willberg of Copenhagen, Denmark), who was born Jan. 30, 1836. Their children: Florence M., m. Joseph Brady; Ernest, m. Nellie Ash; Thomas, d. child; Heber C., m. Anena Anderson; Annie C., m. Harry McDonald; William, m. Minnie Schafer. Family home 28th ward, Salt Lake City. Seventy; high priest; block teacher. Store-keeper and commissary 20 years. Gardener and painter. Died Dec. 14, 1899, 28th ward, Salt Lake City. HASLAM, ROBERT HOWARTH. Son of John R. Haslam and Marguerite Howarth. Born Aug. 16, 1864, at Salt Lake City. President 24th quorum seventies; Sunday school superin- tendent. HASLAM, JOHN W. (son of John R. Haslam and Marguerite Howarth). Born April 7, 1860, at Salt Lake City. Married Mary E. Kidd January, 1880, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William B. Kidd and Emma Lake of Devon- shire, Eng. they came to Utah 1871), who was born Sept. 25, 1862. Their children: Emma L. b. Oct. 2, 1880, d. infant; Mary Ann b. Oct. 23, 1881, m. Robert E. Jones; John W. b. Aug., 1884, d. child; Nellie M. b. Sept. 5, 1886, m. Arthur B. Winter and John J. Bird; Bessie F. b. March 17, 1889. m. Richard M. Haddock; Cora M. b. May 5, 1892, m. E. D. Shelley; Harvard Y. b. May 13, 1894, m. Antonia Millicarn; Matthew R. b. Oci. 8, 1899; Josephine b. Feb. 5, 1902. Family home. Salt Lake City, Utah. Seventy; missionary to England 1900-03; secretary of elders quorum 34 years; Sunday school and block teacher. Carpenter and contractor. HASLAM, ERNEST (son of John R. Haslam and Annie Cath- erine Brabandt). Born Sept. 6, 1870, 28th ward, Salt Lake City. Married Nellie Ash Oct. 28. 1892, Salt Lake City, by Alex- ander Garrick (daughter of Thomas Ash and Sarah Ann Hick of Birmingham, Eng., came to Utah 1890), who was born March 6, 1870. Their children- Nellie A. b. July 17, 1893; Ernest W. b. July 29, 1895; Richard B. b. June 23, 1899; Annie M. b. Oct. 2, 1902. Family home Salt Lake City. Gardener. HASLAM. HEBER C. (son of John R. Haslam and Annie Catherine Brabandt). Born Jan. 18, 1874, Salt Lake City. Married Anena Anderson April 4, 1898, Salt Lake City, by Bishop Kesler (daughter of Peter Anderson and Annie Ole- son of Aarhus, Denmark, came to Utah 1888), who was born Oct. 12, 1875. Their children: Heber R. b. Oct. 8, 1898; Senter A. b. March 9, 1902; Annie E. b. July 4, 1907; Ruth H. b. March 19, 1900. Family home 28th ward, Salt Lake City. Gardener. HATCH, IRA STEARNS (son of Ira Hatch, born 1772, and Lucinda Rice of Rochester. N. Y.). Born Feb. 9, 1800, Win- chester, Cheshire county, N. H. Came to Utah September. 1849, Enoch Reese company. Married Welthea Bradford Jan. 26, 1824, at Farmerville, N. Y., who was born 1803, d. Nov. 3, 1841, Hancock county. 924 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 111. Their children: Meltiar b. July IB, 1825, m. Permelia Sny- der Jan. 1, 1846; Ransom b. Nov. 13, 1826, m. Frances C. Atkinson Dec. 18, 1854; Orin b. May 9, 1830, m. Eliza- beth M. Perry Oct. 10, 1855; Rhoana b. May 19, 1832, m. James Henry Dec. 28, 1860; Ira b. Aug. 6, 1835, m. Mandy Pace Sept. 17, 1869; Ephraim b. Nov. 30, 1837, m. Roseellen King June 13, 1864; Ancil b. June 18, 1840, m. Phebe Brown. Married Abigal Whitley March 1842 (daughter of John and Margaret Whitley), who was born Dec. 19, 1797. Married Jane Bee McKechine Nov. 27, 1852 (daughter of George Bee and Jennett Atchison), who was born Feb. 25, 1827. Their children: Stearns b. Dec. 6, 1853, m. Elizabeth Jane Ellis Oct. 9. 1876; Philander b. June 2. 1855, m. Priscilla Muir Sept. 25, 1883; Abram b. June 22, 1857, m. Ida J. Levitt Dec. 9, 1880; Reuben b. July 23, 1859, m. Nora Ure April 24, 1884; Lucinda Jannett b. April 6. 1861; Lenord b. April 9, 1863; Alvin Willard b. April 17, 1865, m. Elizabeth Jackson; Ira Ette Elzina b. May 8, 1869, m. Stephen Ure Jan. 5, 1898. Family home Bountiful Utah. Married Jane Ann Stuart March 20, 1857, Salt Lake City, who was born Dec. 27, 1824, Aberdeen, Scotland. Their chil- dren: Welthea Ann b. Jan. 23, 1858, m. Hyrum Hartley Dec. 6, 1876; Gilbert Stuart b. Jan. 16, 1860, m. Ellen Moss Oct. 4, 1884; Stephen Cornelius b. Aug. 20, 1861, m. Sarah Jane Atkinson Oct. 10, 1881. Joined the church* In 1832; ordained elder 1852; member Nauvoo Legion; member Mormon battalion. Settled at Bountiful, 1849. Ordained seventy 1869. Died Sept. 30, 1869. HATCH, MELTIAR (son of Ira Stearns Hatch and Welthea Bradford). Born July 15, 1825, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Came to Utah October, 1849, Enoch Reese company. Married Permelia Snyder Jan. 1, 1846, Jobes Creek, Han- cock county, 111. (daughter of Samuel Snyder and Henrietta Maria Stock well of Hatch, Utah, pioneers Oct., 1849, Enoch Reese company), who was born Oct. 7, 1827. Their chil- dren: Meltiar; Orson; Samuel; Ira Wilder; George S.; Wel- thea Maria; Permelia Elzina; Octavia; Jesse; Laura Ann. Married Mary A. Ellis May 6, 1856, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Ellis and Harriet Hales of Hatch.Utah, pioneers 1850), who was born Dec. 30, 1840. Their children: John Henry; Ellas; Julia; David; Harriet; Myra; Margret; Rhoana; Mary A.; Permelia. Called in 1"856 to go to Carson Valley to preside over a colony, and In 1871 to go South, and later went to Eagle Valley where he was set apart as bishop, from there went to Panguitch, where he served as high councilor. HATCH, JOHN H. (son of Meltiar Hatch and Mary A. Ellis). Born July 22, 1857. Carson Valley, Nevada. Married Elizabeth Frances Davis Nov. 26, 1879, St. George, Utah (daughter of Joseph C. Davis and Maria Williams of Tropic, Utah), who was born Feb. 26, 1862. Their children: Elizabeth Frances b. July 28, 1880; John Henry b. April 1, 18"82; Rose Ettie b. March 17, 1883; Maria Vaughn b. Oct. 29, 1884; Mary Permelia b. Oct. 17, 1887; William Arthur b. Feb. 1, 1890; Ira Stearns b. Sept. 24, 1892; Joseph Aaron b. March 27, 1895; Orville C. b. April 22, 1897; Rachel b. May 13, 1899; Francis Ellis b. Feb. 8, 1902. Family home, Tropic. Married Almira M. Cox Dec. 18, 1902, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Orville S. Cox and Eliza J. Losse, Tropic, pioneers 1850), who was born Oct. 20, 1867. Their children: Ancell Alva b. Nov. 14, 1903; Orlan Earl b. Dec. 31, 1906; Merlin Vance b. June 6. 1908; Reid M. b. June 23, 1911. Farmer and stockraiser. HATCH, ORIN (son of Ira Stearns Hatch and Welthea Brad- ford). Born May 9, 1830, Farmersville, N. Y. Came to Utan 1848 with a section of Mormon battalion. Married Elizabeth M. Perry Oct. 10, 1856 (daughter of John and Grace Ann Perry), who was born Sept. 13, 1836. Their children: Orin Perry b. July 28, 1856, m. Marinda Woodard; John Edward b. Jan. 26, 1859, m. Laura Ellis Oct. 16, 1879; Grace Ann b. Oct. 18, 1860, m. William Moss; Elizabeth Amelia b. Sept. 30, 1862, m. David Jackson; Joseph E. b. Oct. 30, 1864, m. Margaret Benson; James Ernest b. Nov. 11, 1866, m. Elizabeth Mann; Alice b. April 8, 1868. m. James Jackson; Chloe b. Jan. 11, 1870, m. Andrew Grant May 10, 1894; Ezra T. b. Dec. 29, 1871, m. Edith Folsom July 19, 1904; Wilder T. b. Nov. 14, 1873, m. Patty Sessions: Myra b. Oct. 12, 1875, m. Charles B. Mann; Algie Lydia b. June B, 1877, m. Hyrum Grant, Jr., June 30, 1898; Jabez B. b. Aug. 6, 1879, m. Annie Putman. Family home. Bountiful, Utah. Married Maria Thompson May 2, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of William G. Thompson and Elizabeth McCauley), who was born Aug. 16. 1838, Davis county, Mo. Their chil- dren: William Ira b. March 10, 1857, m. Maggie Muir Jan. 12. 1881; Orvil b. Jan. 1, 1860, m. Mary Albrand Nov. 17, 1886; Daniel b. March 4, 1863, m. Ida May Pace Nov. 16, 1885; David b. Jan. 22, 1867. died; Walter b. April 17, 1868, m. Charlotte Atkinson Nov. 9, 1892; Elizabeth b. Nov. 3, 1871; George b. April 28, 1874, m. Llllie L. Vance Dec. 18, 1901; Ella Maria b. July 10, 1876, died. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Assisted in colonizing Green River country 1852, moved to Carson valley; ward teacher; president 74th quorum seven- ties: high priest; ordained patriarch 1898. Farmer and stockraiser. HATCH, WILLIAM IRA (son of Orin Hatch and Maria Thompson). Born March 10, 1857, Eagle Valley, Carson county, Nev. Married Maggie Muir Jan. 12, 1882, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William S. Muir and Jane Robb, former came to Utah with the Mormon battalion). She was born June 17, 1863. Their children: Frank S. b. Oct. 30. 1882, m. Charlotte Cottam June 16, 1909; Carrage b. July 18, 1884; Marvin M. b. May 27, 1886, m. Freda Olsen June 16, 1909; Mary Ann b. Nov. 25, 1887; Jean Maria b. July 6, 1892; Edyth b. May 7, 1895; Ella b. Jan. 4, 1897; Maggie b. Sept. 12, 1898; Ruth b. July 25, 1902; Elizabeth b. March 10, 1904. Family home Scipio, Utah. Millard county commissioner, two terms; president Scipio town board two terms; school trustee of Scipio school dis- trict. Member bishopric 26 years. Farmer. HATCH, ORVIL (son of Orin Hatch and Maria Thompson of Bountiful, Utah, pioneers). Born Jan. 1, 1860. Married Mary A. Albrand Nov. 17, 1886, at Logan, Utah (daughter of William John F. Albrand and Jane Ann Richardson of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1864), who was born Nov. 18, 1862. at Salt Lake City. Their children: Orvil R. b. Oct. 15, 1887: Charles F. b. Sept. 16, 1889. d. infant: Alfred B. b. Nov. 30, 1892; Dorothy B. b. Dec. 16. 1897: Seymour A. b. May 27, 1903. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. HATCH, WAL'TER (son of Orin Hatch and Maria Thompson). Born April 17, 1868, South Bountiful. Married Charlotte A. Atkinson Nov. 9. 1892, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Atkinson and Sarah Ann Tingey), who was born Feb. 27, 1873, Woods Cross. Utah. Their children: Walter A. b. July 21, 1893; Eva b. Feb. 24, 1897, d. Jan. 16, 1898; Clara Alzina b. March 28, 1898; Roscoe A. b. July 16, 1902, d. July 1, 1906; Henry A. b. Feb. 15, 1904; Charlotte b. July 23. 1906, d. July 23, 1905; Thompson b. Dec. 4, 1906; Hazen A. b. July 20, 1909; Isaac b. Feb. 6, 1911, d. Feb. 6. 1911. Missionary to northern states 1899-1901; bishop of Oxford ward 1904-12. HATCH. STEARNS (son of Ira Stearns Hatch and Jane B. McKechine). Born Dec. 6, 1863, Bountiful, Utah. Married Elizabeth Jane Ellis Oct. 9, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Ellis and Harriet Hales, pioneers Sept. 25, 1851), who was born Jan. 3, 1858, Bountiful. Their chil- dren: Ira Stearns b. June 27, 1878. m. Sarah Robey Oct. 17. 1901; Harriet Elizabeth b. Dec. 10, 1880, m. David Melvin Nelson Oct. 11, 1900; John Lawrence b. May 8, 1883, m. Emma W. Miller Oct. 18. 1907; Leona Jane b. Dec. 8, 1885, m. Joseph Edward Wilcox Dec. 6, 1905; Laura Lucinda b. April 2, 1888, m. Oscar Edwin Eckelson Sept. 4, 1907; Wilford W.; Irene, m. George H. Reed; Mary Isabelle; Lillian G.; Sarah; Lenard Ellis. Family home Woods Cross, Utah. Section foreman of Utah Central railroad eight years. Instrumental in organizing Deseret Live Stock Co., Hatch Bros. Co., Woods Cross Sheep Co., and Woods Cross Canning Co.; served as president of the latter for 18 years. One of seven presidents of 74th quorum of seventies; member high council; Sunday school superintendent; ordained bishop of South Bountiful ward, April 29, 1906. Stockraiser. HATCH, ABRAM (son of Ira Stearns Hatch and Jane B. McKechine). Born June 22, 1867, South Bountiful. Married Ida J. Leavitt Dec. 9, 1880, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of John Q. Leavitt, born Oct. 1, 1860, Canada, and Mellnda Minion, born April 23, 1838, the former a pioner of 1856), who was born Feb. 3, 1863, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Melinda P. b. April 23, 1883, m. J. W. Evans; Ethel J. b. Dec. 15, 1884, d. 1889; Abram b. March 17, 1887, d. 1890; Valjean b. March 4, 1889, d. 1908; Ida Luclll b. Jan. 31, 1891, m. L. D. Foreman; Afton Lucinda b. Feb. 25, 1895; Gladys b. June 18, 1899; Florence b. Jan. 3, 1909. Engineer, Oregon Short Line R. R. HATCH, JEREMIAH (son of Hezekiah Hatch and Aldurah Summers of Atchinson county, Vt.). Born July 7, 1823, Vermont. Came to Utah 1850, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Louisa Pool Alexander at Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Alvah Alexander and Phoebe Houston of Vermont, pio- neers 1860, Lorenzo Snow company), who was born 1826, died April. 1869. Their children: Hezekiah, died; Phoebe, m. Samuel Cozzens; Aldura, died; Alvah Alexander, m. Mary Elizabeth Nelson; Jeremiah, m. Elizabeth Winn; Lorenzo, m. Adaline Winn: Abraham, m. Emaline Miles; Louisa, m. Timothy Malin; Aisabell, m. David P. Woodrull; Theodosia, m. John Clark; Josephus, m. Luella Thomas. High priest. Settled at Salt Lake City, moved to Lehi. to Cedar Fort, to Salt Creek and to Manti, where he served as Indian agent under Brigham Young for five years; from there went to Moroni, and in 1862 to Cache Valley, to Heber, and in 1878 to Ashley Ferk, where he spent the remainder of his life. Bishop. Farmer and blacksmith. Died May 1903, Vernal. HATCH. ALVAH ALEXANDER (son of Jeremiah Hatch and Louisa Pool Alexander). Born March 6, 1851. Salt Lake City. Married Mary Elizabeth Nelson Nov. 7, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Nelson of Scotland, and Elizabeth Joseph of Ireland, pioneers 1853), who was born May 4, 1852. Their children: Elizabeth b. Sept. 18, 1869. m. Charles C. Rich; Robert b. Nov. 18, 1871, d. child; Louisa P. b. Sept. 11. 1873. m. Joseph Rich; Jane b. March 9, 1874, m. Thomas Sabey; Alvah A. b. Nov. 26, 1876, m. Anna Peck; Minnie May b. March 6, 1878, m. Robert Varnon; Jeremiah b. March 30, 1880, m. Florence Alexander; David b. Jan. 26, 1882, m. Margaret Milburn; Samuel b. Nov. 25, 1883, m. Ira Teeples; John b. Dec. 4, 1885, m. Catherine McCarrell; Charles b. Dec. 9. 1887. m. Mary Lewis: Loren b. July 22. 1888. m. Roda Price: Abram b. Sept. 13. 1891: Clyde b. April 14. 1893. Missionary to New Mexico 1866: high priest: ward teacher eight years; called to Ashley Fork Valley 1878. Assisted in PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 925 building canals, irrigation systems and wagon roads In and around Ashley Fork; county commissioner two terms; school trustee. Director in Central Canal company. Farmer; miller; stockraiser. HATCH, LORENZO HILL (son of Hezekiah Hatch, born Dec. 2, 1798, Charlotte, Vt., and Aldurah Sumner, born May 4, 1803. Bristol, Vt., married 1819). Born Jan. 4, 1826, Lincoln, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1850, David Evans company. Married Hannah Elizabeth Fuller Feb. 3, 1846, who was born Feb. 24, 1827. Married Sylvia Savonia Eastman Feb. 27, 1851, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Eastman and Clarissa Goss, mar- ried Jan. 1, 1812; former died on way to Utah, latter came Sept. 23, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company), who was born Nov. 4, 1826, New Fane, Vt. Their children: Lorenzo Lafay- ette b. Dec. 25, 1851. m. Annie Scarborough Dec. 1, 1873; Clarissa Aldurah b. Nov. 28, 1853, m. Sheldon Bela Cutler May 20, 1885; Hezekiah Eastman b. Dec. 16, 1855, m. Georgia Thatcher Oct. 6, 1884; Ruth Amorette b. Dec. 31, 1869; Elizabeth Ann b. Dec. 23, 1861, m. William M. Daines Jan. 18, 1883. Married Catherine Karren Nov. 11, 1854, Lehl, Utah (daughter of Thomas Karren and Ann Ratcliff), who was born Aug. 12, 1836, Liverpool, Eng. Their, children: Celia Ann b. March 19. 1856, m. John A. Woolf April 10. 1876; Catherine Alvenia b. Feb. 13, 1859, m. Thomas Smart Jan. 11, 1875; Lydia Lenora b. Sept. 1860, m. Lev! M. Savage Bee. 24, 1879; Thomas b. Oct. 22, 1862, m. Viola Pearce Sept. 24, 1883; Hyrum b. Jan. 8, 1865. m. Esther L. Gregory Sept. 20, 1888; Hannah Adeline b. March 24, 1867, m. Levi M. Savage Sept. 28, 1883; Sarah Ella b. Sept. 6, 1870, m. Clarence E. Owens July 17, 1889; Chloe b. March 4, 1872, m. William M. Daines; Ephraim b. July 30, 1874; Achsah May b. Aug. 29, 1875, m. Louisa A. Decker; Lorenzo Wilford b. Dec. 31, 1878, m. Adelia Owen Oct. 9, 1901. Married Alice Hanson Jan. 2, 1860, who was born Dec. 10, 1837, Bradford, Eng. Their children: John b. Oct. 26. 1860, m. Jane Stanford Oct. 21, 1885; Willard b. June 10, 1862, m. Prlscilla Stanford Sept. 11, 1895; Ezra Taft b. Feb. 16, 1864, m. Maria Stanford Feb. 3, 1891; George Jeremiah b. Nov. 11, 1866, m. Elnora Brimhall March 16, 1887; Heber Albert b. Aug. 26, 1868, m. Abigail A. Webb Nov. 7, 1890; Maria Annett b. Oct. 30, 1870, m. James J. Shumway Dec. 9, 1887; Joseph Lorin b. Dec. 24, 1873, m. Louisa Lyrela June 6, 1901; Lulu Jane b. May 22, 1876, m. Samuel F. Smith April 6, 1900. Member Utah legislature 1856. Bishop of Franklin, Idaho, 1863-76. Representative of Idaho legislature 1872-73. First counselor to Lot Smith in presidency of Little Colorado stake, and to Jesse N. Smith of Eastern Arizona stake. HATCH, LORENZO LAFAYETTE (son of Lorenzo Hill Hatch and Sylvia Savonia Eastman). Born Dec. 25, 1861, Lehi, Utah. Married Annie Scarborough Dec. 1, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Scarborough and Elizabeth Brook; the latter came to Utah Sept. 1861, Milo Andrus company), who was born June 1, 1853, Leeds, Eng. Their children: Lorenzo Fayette b. Jan. 16, 1875, m. Georgiana Smith Oct. 31, 1900; Delia Savonia b. June 30, 1877, m. Ernest E. Cayman Oct. 30, 1901; Ina Elizabeth b. Dec. 23, 1879, m. Samuel W. Parkinson Aug. 14, 1901; Arta Brook b. June 22, 1882; Ruth Blanche b. Aug. 3. 1883, m. Daniel P. Woodland June 24, 1909; Hezekiah James b. Oct. 6, 1887; Unita b. April 6, 1890; Leah Annie b. Nov. 14, 1892; Aura Charles b. Aug. 16, 1895; Catherine Clarissa b. Sept. 27, 1896. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Married Sarah Doney Nov. 22, 1883, Payson, Utah (daugh- ter of John Doney and Ann George, pioneers with Edmund Ellsworth handcart company), who was born Oct. 17, 1868, Payson. Their children: Elmer Doney (adopted) b. Sept. 4, 1890, m. Phoebe Preece Feb. 28, 1911; Cora Doney (adopted) b. Jan. 16, 1903. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Bishop of Franklin, Idaho, 32 years. Chairman of board of county commissioners. HA WES, 'WILLIAM. Came to Utah In early pioneer days. Married Emily Meekham at Provo, Utah (daughter of Moses Meekham and Elvira Meekham of Provo). Their chil- dren: William; Emily, m. John Timothy; Martha, m. David Timothy. Family home, Provo. Married Celestia Mecham (daughter of Ephrlam Mecham and Polly Durphy of Wallsburg, Utah). Their children: Ephriam, m. Effle Arminta Smith; Sarah, died. Elder. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Drove pony express between Salt Lake City and Provo. Died at Teton Basin, Idaho. HAWKES, NATHAN (son of Peter Hawkes, born June 20, 1802, Stow Marus. Essex, Eng. and Ann Brookiman). Born Nov. 15, 1840, Hockley, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1866, Benjamin Holliday company. Married Elizabeth Bowman Dec. 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Bowman and Margaret Piggott), who was born March 25. 1838. Their children: Margaret A. b. Sept. 1870, d. Jan. 16, 1897; Sarah E. b. Aug. 7, 1872. m. D. W. Adamson Nov. 9, 1904; Julia E. b. Oct. 6, 1874, m. James B. Ririe Oct. 14, 1908; Nathan A. b. Dec. 15, 1876, m. Ethel Jack- son Jan. 13. 1904; Heber B. b. Aug. 26, 1879, m. Emma Ander- son May 13, 1305. Family home West Weber, Utah. Settled at West Weber 1866. HAWKINS, JAMES RICHARD. Born in England. Came to Utah. 1853. Married Ann Suel in England. She came to Utah in 1853. Their children: William Edward b. Jan. 31. 1844; Charles b. June 26, 1845, m. Susan Sophia Jenkins Dec. 1, 1865; Ell B.; Joseph; Susanna, died. HAWKINS, WILLIAM EDWARD (son of James R. Haw- kins and Ann Suel, pioneers 1853). Born Jan. 31, 1844, London. Eng. Came to Utah, with parents. Married Margaret Thomas May 3, 1870 (daughter of Thomas S. and Mary Thomas of Ogden, Utah). Their chil- dren: Mary, Margaret, William, Ida, James R., Alice, Thomas, Jededlah, Sarah, Oswald, Seth and Irvine. Family home Logan, Utah. Pioneer of Tooele Co., Cache Co., Utah, and Malad Valley, Idaho. Died April 27, 1911. HAWKINS, CHARLES (son of James R. Hawkins and Ann Suel). Born June 26, 1846 at Netting Hill, London, Eng. Came to Utah 1853. Married Susan Sophia Jenkins Dec. 1, 1865, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Ed. Jenkins and Mary Roeberry of Wellsvllle, Utah), who was born Oct. 13, 1847. Their chil- dren: Mary Eliza b. Dec. 1. 1866, d. 1880; James b. Sept. 9. 1868, d. 1880; William b. Sept. 9, 1868. d. 1880; Ann b. Dec. 25. 1871; Charles E. b. Aug. 27, 1874; Elijah D. b. Oct. 21, 1880, m. Lillie Hone Sept. 26, 1901. Family home Benjamin, Utah. President elders quorum; superintendent Sunday school; high priest. Member high council of Payson. Farmer. Dl"d Aug. 21, 1912, Payson, Utah. HAWKINS, CHARLES E. (son of Charles Hawkins and Susan Sophia Jenkins). Born Aug. 27, 1874. HAWLEY, WILLIAM JOHN (son of Henry Hawley and Mary Wooden, former of Old Redding, Conn., later of Boyham, Middlesex Co.. Canada). Born Nov. 25. 1803, Fishkill, N. Y. Came to Utah 1852, James Snow company. Married Elsie Ellis Smith 1821, Boyham, Canada (daugh- ter of Asa Smith and Hannah Kellum of Boyham, pioneers 1852). She was born June 4, 1804. Their children: William Henry, m. Mary Webb; Elizabeth, m. Henry Pinnell; George Washington, m. Lodenia Rogers; Anna, m. William Fletcher Reynolds; Cyrus Benjamin Edwin, m. Rachel Mary Ann Allred; Asa Smith, m. Mary Beers; Hannah, d. Infant; James Ephraim, m. Susan McArthur. Family home, Pleasant Grove. Married Sarah Jane Staker (daughter of Nathan Staker and Jane Richmond of Pleasant Grove, pioneers November 1852, Henry Miller company). She was born 1836, Pickering, Canada. Their children: Francis Marion b. Oct. 6, 1865, d. child; Sarah Ellis b. Sept. 10, 1860, m. Benjamin Pearson June 30, 1879; Anna Elnora b. Oct. 25, 1862, d. child. Family home Pleasant Grove. Built first road in American Fork canyon. Alderman 1856. Appointed to open up the mining district. Judge of Piute county. Furnished nails, glass and putty for first school house in Pleasant Grove 1863. Trail blazer, miner, pioneer surgeon; farmer and miller. Died March, 1881, at Pleasant Grove. HAWS, EPHRAIM (son of William Haws and Emily Mecham). Born March 15, 1869, Wallsburg, Utah. Married Effle Arminta Smith June 9, 1890, Midway, Utah (daughter of Phillip Smith and Eliza Ann Frampton of Mt. Plsgah, Iowa, pioneers 1852, oxteam). She was born June 8, 1869. Their children: William Elmer b. May 14. 1891; Laura Pearl b. July 26. 1893, m. William J. Llndeberg; Ineza b. Aug. 27, 1897. Family resided Midway and Heber, Utah. Teacher. Farmer and cattleraiser. HAWS, GILBKRTH (son of Jacob Haws and Hannah Neil of North Carolina). Born March 10, 1801, in Kentucky. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Hannah Whitcomb June 2, 1822, in Illinois (daughter of Oliver Whitcomb and Olive Bidlock of New York), who was born April 17, 1806, In Madison county, N. Y., died Aug. 21, 1880, at Provo, Utah. Their children: Caroline b. Jan. 7, 1825, m. Walter Barney 1848; Matilda b. Oct. 31. 1826, d. June 4, 1849; Lucinda b. Oct. 20, 1828, m. Shadrach Holdaway Dec. 24, 1848; Eliza b. March 29, 1830, m. George Pickup 1848; Francis Marion b. Dec. 8, 1831, m. Sarah Ann Jones 1866; Amos Whitcomb b. July 10, 1833. m. Mary Bean; William Wallace b. Feb. 18, 1836, m. Barbara Mills; Albert W. b. Feb. 15. 1837, m. Nancy Haws; Caleb W. b. Oct. 1, 1838, m. Eliza Snow: George Washington b. March 12, 1841, m. Elizabeth Worsley; Emma Smith b. Aug. 6, 1843, m. Lyman Carter; Mary Olive b. June 28. 1845, m. James C. York; John Madison b. March 24, 1847, m. Martha B. Glazier; Gilbert Oliver b. Oct. 8, 1849, m. Luella Newell. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. Pioneer of Provo. Farmer. Died March 3, 1877, Provo. HAWS, AMOS WHITCOMB (son of Gilberth Haws and Han- nah Whitcomb). Born July 10, 1833 at Greentown, Wayne county. 111. Married Mary E. Bean Dec. 27, 1855, at Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of James Bean and Elizabeth Lewis both of Provo). who was born April 17, 1839 in Adams county, 111. Their children: 926 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Elizabeth Caroline b. Oct. 6, 1856, m. Arthur Newell and Wil- liam Hundley; William Amos b. May 23. 1858. d. Dec. 23, 1865; Mary Ellen b. June 10, 1860, m. William McEwan, d. June 3, 1909; James Gilberth b. March 4, 1862, m. Belle Wil- liams; Cornelia Ann b. Jan. 27, 1864, d. March 12, 1864; Lewis Milo b. Jan. 13, 1865, d. Feb. 1, 1865; Sarah Louisa b. April 20, 1866, m. Thomas John Foote; George Whitcomb b. Nov. 20, 1868, died; Caleb Arthur b. Nov. 4, 1871, m. Mary Gee; Junius Orlando, m. Sarah Meznen. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. Carpenter and builder. Died May 28, 1888, at Provo. HAWS, JAMES GILBERTH (son of Amos Whitcomb Haws and Mary Elizabeth Bean). Born March 4, 1862, Provo, Utah. Married Nancy Isabella Williams Dec. 23, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Nathaniel Williams and Eliza Helen Wall of Provo, Utah, pioneers 1847, second company). She was born Aug. 14, 1865. Their children: Gilbert Lynn b. Jan. 31, 1888, m. Evelyn Smith; Amos Waldo b. Oct. 24, 1889, died; Erma b. Jan. 20, 1891; Wilford Bruce b. Feb. 15, 1893; Guy Murice b. Dec. 7, 1894; James Noel b. May 20, 1897; Mary Vivian b. March 30, 1899, died; Alvah Merrill b. May 12, 1901; Helen Luclle b. Jan. 19, 1905. Family home Provo, Utah. Ward teacher. Carpenter. HAWS, WILLIAM WALLACE (son of Gilberth and Hannah Whitcomb). Born Feb. 18, 1835, in Wayne county, III. Mar- ried Barbara Mills. Was baptized into the church by Apostle Erastus Snow in Salt Lake City, November 1848. He located at Provo In the spring of 1849, helped to build the first old Fort on Provo river, and was put on military duty when a boy 14 years old. He served in the fight with the Indians when Joseph Higbee was killed; was made captain of a company of infantry which' was sent into Echo Canyon to meet Johnston's army In 1857; helped to build the fortifications and was commis- sioned a major. He was a member of the Provo police force for 20 years. He was priest, teacher, elder, seventy and on his 59th birthday (Feb. 18, 1894) was ordained a high priest by Elder John Henry Smith; missionary to Illinois 1871. Pioneer settler to Mogollon mountain district, Arizona, 1879; to Gila Valley in 1882; and to Casas Grandes, Mex., 1885; moved to Colonia Dublan, Colonia, Juarez, and finally Colo- nia Pacheco, being among the early settlers in the Cor- rales basin. He has a large family of 20 children and 38 grandchildren and a multitude of friends. HAWS, ALBERT (son of Gilberth Haws and Hannah Whit- comb). Born Feb. 15, 1837, Wayne county. 111. Came to Utah 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Nancy Haws Jan. 16, 1857, at Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of John and Martha Haws of Provo), who was born Dec. 25, 1840. Their children: Albert Alonzo; Elnora. m. Almon Bascom Oct. 28, 1885; Joseph Marlow, d. Jan. 22, 1863; Marion Oliver; Mary Olive; Emily Melisa, d. March 17, 1890; Owen Alpheus, d. Feb. 6, 1872; Lydia Alberta, d. Oct. 4, 1873; John Elmon, d. July 22, 1886. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Harriet Mayberry September, 1879, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Mayberry and Mary Ann Chitten- den of Australia. Came to Utah 1879). She was born May 6, 1860. Their children: Lillian Lestra; Jane Harriet; Nancy Elizabeth; Martha May, d. Sept. 18, 1905; Heber Bertel; Caleb Alfred, d. Jan. 4, 1910; Wilfred; Mary Ann; Gilbert LeRoy b. Sept. 17, 1898; Alice Amber b. Jan. 17, 1899. Seventy. Sheriff and watermaster at Provo. Carpenter, wheelwright, blacksmith and farmer. Died May 20, 1912, at Naples, Utah. HAWS. GEORGE WASHINGTON (son of Gilberth Haws and Hannah Whitcomb). Born March 12, 1841, Wayne county, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Elizabeth Ann Worsley Dec. 25, 1861, Provo, Utah (daughter of John Worsley and Sarah Hamer of Nauvoo, 111., latter came to Utah), who was born Dec. 6, 1843. Their children: George Juan b. Nov. 23, 1862, m. Miss Moffatt; Elizabeth Ann b. Feb. 12, 1865, m. Albert E. Davis; Charles Henry b. Aug. 6, 1867, m. Elizabeth Richman; Mary Jane b. Dec. 27, 1869, m. John Anderson; Matilda b. Oct. 6, 1872; Electa F. b. Dec. 14, 1874, m. Wiear Baker; June Edwin b. June 17, 1877; John Ervln b. Sept. 12, 1879, m. Vera Loveland; Morilla Maude b. Dec. 23, 1887; Cortland b. Nov. 16, 1884; Effle May b. May 20, 1885, m. Henry M. Garn; Zina Vera b. June 13, 1890, m. Hugh Byrne. Member Teton, Idaho, town board. Farmer. HAWS, JOHN MADISON (son of Gilberth Haws and Hannah Whitcomb). Born March 24, 1847, Wayne county, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Martha Bitner Glazier March 6, 1866, Provo, Utah (daughter of Shepherd Glazier and Rozetta Dean of Potta- wattamie Co.. Iowa; pioneers 1851. Isaac Allred com- pany). She was born Oct. 8. 1848, died Jan. 30, 1912. Their children: John Kimball b. May 18, 1868, m. Alice Florilla Wight Jan. 6, 1897; Lorin Dean b. Feb. 6, 1870, m. Mary Evans Jan. 1, 1896; Joseph Willman b. Jan. 19, 1872, m. Inez E. Rose March 3, 1897; Gilbert Shepherd b. Jan. 26, 1875, m. Meda J. Hansen Jan. 6, 1897; Oliver Caleb b. June 10. 1877. d. Sept. 13. 1877: Martha Lovlca b. March 31, 1879; Francis Orlin b. April 22. 1882, m. Grace E. Munns June 21. 1905; Mary Olive b. April 26. 1885, m. Warren Elmer Hall Dec. 19, 1906. Family resided Mona and Elwood, Utah. Married Laura Jane Partridge Nov. 22, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Partridge and Mary Smith of Pottawattamle Co., Iowa; pioneers 1862). She was born Oct. 10, 1851. Their children: Laura Rozetta b. March 18, 1871, m. Thomas Kay; Mary Ann b. Aug. 1, 1872, m. James G. Higginson; Charles Madison b. Sept. 11. 1874, m. Harriet V. Hunsaker Jan. 6, 1897; Wallace Smith b. Aug. 18, 1876, m. Zoe May Thompson Jan. 1899; Rowena b. March 15, 1879, m. Joseph M. Jenson Jr. Sept. 16, 1896; Hannah Eliza b. Dec 29, 1881, m. Alson H. Nihart; Matilda b. Feb. 2, 1887, d. Feb. 17, 1888. Family home Mona. Utah. Settled at Provo, Utah, 1848; moved to Mona, 1868, where he served as presiding elder in 1876. -iigh priest; bishop of Mona ward 1877-86; missionary to southern states 1899- 1901. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. County commissioner four years; president of Mona town board several years. Farmer. HAWS, GILBERTH OLIVER (son of Gilberth Haws and Hannah Whitcomb). Born Oct. 8, 1849, Provo, Utah. Married Luella Isola Newell Oct. 3, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Elliott Alfred Newell and Maria Louisa Roberts; pioneers October, 1852), who was born April 2, 1852, Springville, Pottawattamle Co., Iowa. Their chil- dren: Myrta Isola, m. John W. Baum; Ruby Lorena, m. Orson Baum; Edna Murl, m. William E. Andrews; Zora Dee, m. Lester E. Holman. Family home Provo. Utah. Member 46th quorum seventies. Road supervisor 12 years 1883-95. Second white child born in Provo. Assisted In making roads and canals in Provo and vicinity. Farmer and freighter. HAY, ROBERT, of Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah In 1856. His children by first wife: William; James; Robena; Jean. Resided at Glasgow. Married Mary Haley In Glasgow (daughter of John Haley and Mary Haley of Glasgow). Their children Isabel, m. John Lards; Alexander, m. Eliza Watson; George Smith; Annie, m. Abram Warburton; Elizabeth; Albert. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. She was also the widow of Mr. Durfey, whom she married at Glasgow. Their child: Mary, m. James Smith; John Powell. Resided in Glasgow. Elder; home missionary. Coal miner and farmer. Died February 1879 at Pleasant Grove, Utah. HAYES, ALMA (son of Thomas Hayes and Polly Hess). Born Jan. 11, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Annselina Thomas Dec. 9, 1867 (daughter of Rob- ert Thomas and Catherine Lewis), who was born Dec 12 1852, in Missouri. Their children: Elizabeth b. Nov. 13 1868 m. Albert F. Rolph July 23. 1884, died March 13, 1908;' John R. b. Oct. 3. 1870, m. Emma Dunn June 10, 1892; Alma H b. Sept. 28, 1874, m. Lota Smart Oct. 19, 1897; Mary Jane b. Dec. 21, 1872, d. Dec. 27, 1872; Catherine b. April 23, 1877, m. George King Nov. 9, 1899; Alice L. b. Sept. 11, 1880. m. Robert Weber June, 1903; Margaret b. Jan. 19, 1882, m. Wilford King Sept. 11, 1901; Robert b. July 16, 1885, d. July 30, 1886; Edith b. July 29, 1887, d. Jan. 7, 1895; Harriet Ann b. March 13, 1889, m. Glee Erb March 17, 1913; Esther b. May 23, 1891, m. Fred Smart Aug. 20, 1908; David W. b. Feb. 19, 1894, d. Dec. 28, 1896. Married Louisa Jane Sheffield July 1, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Sheffield and Jane Fowles). Their children: Joseph S. b. March 6, 1874, m. Elizabeth Smitt Oct. 19, 1894, d. March 26, 1892; Jane b. Sept. 10, 1877, m. William Hoff Oct. 21, 1896; Walter b. Dec. 8, 1875. d. March 20, 1889; Thomas b. Aug. 18, 1879, m. Margaret G. Bee March 27. 1905; Ann Sellna b. July 1, 1881, d. Aug. 28. 1881: Zina R. b. July 16, 1883, m. Mr. Armitage June 25, 1902; Horace b. April 13, 18.86, m. Alice Roberts April 12, 1911; Wilford b. Sept. 10, 1890, m. Althea Rasmussen April 12, 1911; Hattle b. Nov. 11, 1892, m. Mr. Payne June 9, 1909; Lucy b. March 1. 1896. Fam- ily home Georgetown, Idaho. Indian war veteran. Bishop of Georgetown ward, Bear Lake stake. HAYWARD, HENRY J. (son of Gammon Hayward and Sarah A. Cripps of London, pioneers Sept. 30, 1863, Jacob Roach company). Born Sept. 2, 1862. Came to Utah with parents. Married Elizabeth Ann Pugsley Dec. 23, 1875, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Philip Pugsley and Martha Roach), who was born Dec. 23, 1864. Their children: Henry G. b. Oct. 16; Emily J. b. Feb. 11, 1878; Philip P. b. June 6, 1880; Sidney A. b. Sept. 4, 1883; Martha R. b. July 8, 1885; the first four died in childhood; Hazel G. b. March 0, 1887, m. Henry R. Wessman; Merle b. Dec. 8, 1889, d. child; Elizabeth C. b. Jan. 12, 1892; John E. b. June 19, 1895. Family home Salt Lake City. HAZEST, SAMUEL, B, (son of Robert Hazen and Mary Ann Bainbrldge of New Castle, Eng., pioneers 1862). Born Jan. 1, 1867. Married Clara E. Lane Sept. 9, 1891, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of James Lane and Sophia S. Brown of Brighton ward, Sale Lake City, pioneers 1861, James S. Brown company). She was born Dec. 22, 1866, Salt Lake Ctiy. Their chil- dren: Samuel C. b. July 29. 1892, d. child; Ruth M. b. Aug. 30, 1894; Laura S. b. Oct. 28, 1899; James L. b. June 29, 1902, and Clara L. b. April 8. 1903, d. infants; Leone M. b. July 18. 1904; Ida Lucretia b. Oct. 8. 1907. Family home Center ward, Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 927 HEALEY, JAMES (son of Joseph Healey and Mary Eggley- ahaw of Commonside, Derbyshire, Eng.). Born March 31, 1824, Derbyshire. Came to Utah September 1854, Job Smith company. Married Elizabeth Smith 1846, Wittake, Leicestershire, Eng. (daughter of William Smith and Mary Ethcott of Wit- take, Leicestershire, former died on way to Utah, latter came September, 1854, Job Smith company). She was born 1825, died March 29, 1854. Their children: Ephraim b. Jan. 26, 1847, m. Mary Matilda Watkins, m. Mary Read; William b. 1849, m. Clara Hansen; Mary Ann b. 1852, died. Family home Leicestershire, Eng. Married Mary Carlisle (James) 1855, Alpine, Utah (daugh- ter of Richard Carlisle of Alpine, came to Utah 1847, John Taylor company). Their children: Alice, m. William T. Brown; Elizabeth, m. Jacob Beck; Jane, m. Hans Olsen; Martha, m. David J. Strong; James, m. Hannah Devey; Rich- ard, m. Jane Winn. Family home Alpine, Utah. Settled at Alpine 1855. High priest; teacher. Farmer. Died November 1907, Alpine. HEALET, EPHRAIM (son of James Healey and Elizabeth Smith). Born Jan. 26, 1847, Wittake, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah September 1854, Job Smith company. Married Mary Matilda Watkins Jan. 15, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Watkins and Mary Smallman of England, Nauvoo and Alpine, pioneers 1852). She was born July 8, 1849, Garden Grove, Iowa. Their children: Rosella b. Nov. 10, 1869, m. William Jenkins; Ada b. May 29, 1871, d. Aug. 15, 1872; Ida Delilah b. Oct. 2, 1874, m. Otto Steinbock; Mary Edith b. Sept. 21, 1876, m. George Nielson; Olevia b. Feb. 13, 1879, m. Thomas McGregor; Margeret May b. March 9, 1881, m. Guy Shoemaker; Ephraim Franklin b. March 22, 1883, m. Lucy Elizabeth Okey; Fred Smith b. May 27, 1887, m. Gertrude Nash; Sarah Gertrude b. July 27, 1889, m. Mark Bennett. Family home Alpine, Utah. Married Mary Read May 6, 1908, at Provo (daughter of Robert Read and Mary Fletcher Greensmith of Lenton, Nottingham, Eng.). She was born Jan. 23, 1859. Came to Utah 1888. High priest. County justice of peace twenty years; alder- man and city councilor. Settled at Alpine 1861; lived at Pleasant Grove seven years. Assisted In bringing Immi- grants to Utah in 1866. Indian war veteran. Farmer and stockraiser. 1900; delegate to state convention at Boise 1902; state senator of Fremont county 1902-03; Fremont county treas- urer 1904-08. Chairman executive committee of Fremont stake tabernacle 1911; Deputy sheep Inspector of Bannock county 1895. Director and secretary Independent Canal Co., Fremont; director of First National bank, Rexburg, 1911. Police judge at Rexburg 1913. School teacher 1885-1901. Farmer. HEAP, WILLIAM (son of William Heap and Margaret Beasley of Cedar Grove, Ind.). Born Jan. 2, 1837, in Indi- ana. Came to Utah October, 1862, oxteam company. Married Sarah Marsh Oct. 19, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Henry Marsh and Martha Miller of Salt Lake City, pioneers October 1850). She was born April 18, 1862. Their children: Marion; Martha, m. Emll Hanson July 3, 1889; William; John; Joseph; Aaron; Eli, died; Maggie; Ella; Henry; Ira. Elder. Farmer and rancher. HEAPS, HENRY (son of William Heaps and Mary Cragg of Lancashire, Eng.). Born April 13, 1832, Lancashire. Came to Utah October 1869, James Needham company. Married Susannah Turner 1853, Yorkshire, Eng. (daugh- ter of John Turner and Martha Flutwood of Worcester Bridge, Yorkshire). She was born Nov. 22, 1831. Their chil- dren: Lorenzo; William Henry b. Dec. 14, 1858, m. Cyntha Jane Adams April 28, 1882; Thomas Heber; John Henry; Jefferson Franklin. Family home Panaca, Nev., and Es- calante, Utah. Ward teacher. School trustee. Died Sept. 27, 1909, Esca- lante. HEAPS, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Henry Heaps and Susan- nah Turner). Born Dec. 14, 1858, Swallow Hill, Eng. Came to Utah October 1869, James Needham company. Married Cyntha Jane Adams April 28, 1882 (daughter of David B. Adams and Lyda Catherine Mann of Adamsville and Escalante, Utah). She was born Jan. 12, 1866. Their chil- dren: William Henry b. Dec. 25, 1883; Lorenzo b. Sept. 24, 1893; David Wilford b. April 7, 1896; Lawrence Turner b. Sept. 3, 1898; Marion Francis b. June 25, 1905; Joseph Melvin b. March 26, 1908. Family home Teasdale. Utah. Bishop of Teasdale ward. Wayne county commissioner. School trustee. Farmer and stockraiser. HEATH, ALBERT (son of George Heath, born Jan. 21, 1832, Huffcutt, Wiltshire, Eng., and Hannah Gleed, born May 4, 1836, Broadhinton. Eng. married Sept. 22, 1860). He was born May 8, 1863, Dinas Powis, Glamorganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah July 3, 1877. Married Mary P. Hillman Feb. 12, 1889, Oxford, Idaho (daughter of Ira K. Hillman and Priannah Petty), who was born Feb. 21, 1854. and died June 19. 1895. Only child: Albert R. b. Jan. 9, 1890, m. E. May Hemsley Sept. 13, 1911. Married Martha J. Davenport Feb. 17, 1897, Logan, Utah (daughter of James N. Davenport and Margaret J. Petty married Feb. 3, 1866, Salt Lake City, former a pioneer 1848). She was born Jan. 15, 1868, Richmond. Utah. High priest; high councilor; president Y. M. M. I. A.. Hiatt ward. Idaho 1896; ward clerk 1897; bishop Plpnp ward 1903- 06; second counselor to Thomas E. Bassett, president of Fre- mont stake 1905; first counselor to Mark Austin, president Fremont stake 1910. District enumerator of 12th census HEATH, FREDERICK (son of John and Barbara Heath of Henley, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born May 1, 1833. Came to Utah September, 1847, Captain Hunter company. Married Harriett Butcher Dec. 2, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Butcher and Sophia Sayers of Norwich, Eng., pioneers 1855, Claudius Spencer company). She was born April 4, 1833. Their children: Frederick G. b. Aug. 23. 1856, m. Henrietta Haigh; John Franklin b. Aug. 8, 1858, m. Sarah M. Husbands; Henry O. b. Oct. 14, 1860, m. Nana Chapman; William E. b. Oct. 15, 1862, d. infant; Joseph A. b. Sept. 18, 1863. m. Mami Yeager; Horace A. b. April 29, 1866, m. Sarah Wheeler, m. Eva Ward; Harriett K. b. April 12, 1871. d. Infant; Francis D. b. Aug. 15, 1876. Drove a team to Salt Lake and settled at Old Fort Square on arrival. One of those participating in the farming of "The Family Farm,'' where was inaugurated the first system of irrigation in Utah; assisted in making the first dam and making the canal that carried the stream to the east side of the bench farm. Took part in the Indian fight at Battle Creek (now Pleasant Grove). Engaged in contracting sup- plies for the troops at Fort Douglas 1858 to 1893. Indian war veteran. HEATH, FREDERICK GEORGE (son of Frederick Heath and Harriett Butcher). Born Aug. 23, 1856, at Salt Lake City. Married Henrietta Haigh July 24. 1878, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Haigh and Sarah Kershaw, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. They came to Utah 1870). She was born Dec. 19, 1858. Their children: Sarah H. b. Feb. 6, 1880; Rosenia b. Oct. 21, 1881, m. Hazel W. Kartchner; Frederick John b. Sept. 1, 1883, m. Emma C. Cahocn; Hazel E. b. Sept. 21, 1886; Arthur R. b. Dec. 10, 1888; Otto D. b. May 16, 1890; Warren H. b. March 18, 1892, d. infant; Dora b. Sept. 1, 1893 d. infant; Howard W. b. May 12, 1895; Florence b Dec 3 1898; Mabelle A. b. May 1, 1901; Olive b. Jan. 5, 1903. Engaged in real estate and loans. Farmer and contractor. HEATH, JOHN FRANKLIN (son of Frederick Heath and Harriett Butcher). Born Aug. 6, 1858, at Salt Lake City. Married Sarah M. Husbands Feb. 8, 1888, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Husbands and Sarah Curtis of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1866). She was born March 29, 1867. Their children: Ivy Pearl b. Nov. 25, 1888; Alta P. b. Oct. 6 1891; Frank b. Dec. 25. 1892, d. infant; John C. b. June 21, 1894; Clifford H. Family home. Salt Lake City. Road supervisor five years. General contractor and real estate agent. Builder and owner of Salt Palace. Gardener. HEATH, HENRY O. (son of Frederick Heath and Harriett Butcher). Born Oct. 14, 1860, at Salt Lake City. Married Nannie B. Champion Nov. 26, 1885, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph B. Champion and Honara Mc- Namar of Cornwall, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 1882). She was born July 6, 1864. Their children: Lawrence H. b. Sept. 24, 1886; William C. b. June 14, 1888; Rauel G. b June 20, 1892; Madaline b. July 12, 1894; Mildred b. Jan. 20, 1900; Thomas C. b. Feb. 27, 1903; Clara H b. Feb 4 1905. Family home. Salt Lake City. Farmer and gardener. HEATH, LAWRENCE H. (son of Henry O. Heath and Nannie B. Champion). Born Sept. 24, 1886, at Salt Lake City. Clerk at Merchants Bank. HEATH, FRANCIS D. (son of Frederick Heath and Har- riett Butcher). Born Aug. 15, 1876, at Salt Lake City. Married Lulu G. Wilson Feb. 1, 1899, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John R. Wilson and Jane E. Pridy of Salt Lake City pioneers Oct. 6, 1863, Captain Haight company). She was born April 17, 1881. Their children: Ethel V. b. Aug. 10, 1900; Gertrude M. b. May 26. 1901; Lulu H b July 26, 1903; Geneve E. b. Oct. 8, 1905; Francis D. C. b. Feb. 9, 1908; Victor R. b. April 13, 1910. Family home Salt Lake City. Utah. Manager Pure Ice Company two years; collector at gates of Salt Palace 1901; watchman, superintendent and man- ager Salt Palace resort 1902 to present date. Farmer. HEATH, JAMES HARVEY. Born March 16, 1814, in Louisi- ana. Came to Utah 1851. Married H. Mariah Holden 1844 (daughter of Joshua and Mary Holden, pioneers 1862). She was born Nov. 29, 1824. Their children: Jacob b. Aug. 6, 1846, m. Matilda Russell; William Riley b. March 25, 1848, m. Clarissa Faughbush; Martha Elizabeth b. April 17, 1850, died; Terissa Jane b. Feb. 5, 1852, m. Willmer Burgess; Mary Louisa b. Feb. 27, 1854, m. James Burgess; James Harvey b. Dec. 3, 1856, m. Ellen Thornton; Mariah Lucinda, m. Joseph E. Mangum; Dortha b. May 27, 1860, m. Ozewell Barlow; Harriette b. Dec 18. 1862, m. Frank Nickerson; Hulda S. b. Jan. 8, 1865, m. John Chidister. 928 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Terlssa . Their children: Jefferson Smith b. Feb. 28, 1837, died; George Fluker b. March 13, 1838, m. Annie Marker; Sarah Ann b. Dec. 3, 1839, and Mary Jane b. Oct. 7, 1841, died. Married Abigail Unpstead. Their children: James Harvey, m. Susianna ; William, m. Celia Mott. Member 76th quorum and later senior president of 60th quorum seventies; high priest; missionary in Denmark seven years and presided over the Wensyssel and Copenhagen con- ferences. Settled In Salt Lake City 1865, and moved to Huntsville 1866, from here he went to Harrisville March 20, 1876, and later moved to Idaho. HEATH, THOMAS. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Toung company. Married Sarah Foster at Salt Lake City (daughter of Wil- liam Foster of England. Came to Utah 1853). She was born March 26, 1836. Their children: Thomas, m. Sarah Hrown; Amelia and Barbara, died; William, m. Margaret Shelton; Henry F., m. Sarah Shelton; Clara, m. Charles Skewes; Ca- milla and Drucilla, died; Lillian, m. O. T. Carlson; Chaplain, died. Family home Salt Lake City. Farmer. Died March, 1879, Salt Lake City. HEATH, HENRY F. (son of Thomas Heath and Sarah Fos- ter). Born July 28, 1865. Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Shelton Feb. 14, 1887, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Shelton and Margaret Slother of Eng- land, pioneers 1865). She was born Jan. 14, 1867. Their chil- dren: Delcie, m. Kenneth Britton; Walter; Bertha; George; Barbara. Family home. Salt Lake City. Park keeper; superintendent parks. Carpenter. Died Dec. 4, 1911, Salt Lake City. HEATON, JOHN (son of Jonas Heaton and Ann Richardson, Yorkshire, Eng., former died 1861, St. Louis, Mo.). Born 1828, Thorn Hill, Eng. Came to Utah 1863. Married Janet Sinclair 1859 (daughter of William Sinclair and Christina Archibald, pioneers 1863). She was born June 11, 1843. Their children: Jonas b. Aug. 19, 1860, m. Laura Bell Hill Oct. 1881; Elizabeth Ann b. Dec. 19, 1862, m. Solomon M. Hale; Christina Archibald S. b. March 1, 1863, m. William A. McCrary July 26, 1880; Mary Jane b. March 18, 1864, m. Thomas J. Howell April 7, 1881; Martha b. Nov. 11, 1865, m. James W. Howell Feb. 15, 1884; John b. July 8. 1867, m. Annie L. Lewellyn Jan. 18, 1888; Sarah Agness, died April 1873; William Sinclair b. Jan. 17, 1871; James Henry b. 1872, died Jan. 1873. HEDGES, GEORGE W. (son of James Hedges and Maria Andrews of Surrey, Eng.). Born June 20, 1842, Surrey. Came to Utah 1847. Married Christina Olson April 26, 1867, Salt Lake City, by Bishop Speers (daughter of Hans Olson and Johanna Ander- son of Svedala, Sweden, pioneers Sept. 20, 1862, John R. Mur- dock company). She was born June 12, 1847. Their children: Drucilla M. b. Feb. 23, 1868, m. J. G. Kelsom; Annie M. b. April 24, 1870, d. aged 3; Edith B. b. Feb. 16, 1873, m. William R. Turner; George A. b. Jan. 4, 1877; Chester J. b. April 1880, d. Infant; Frank L. b. May 5, 1885, d. aged 23; Harrison S. b. 1900. Family home Salt Lake City. Musician. Died March 12, 1906, Salt Lake City. HBGGIE, ANDREW WALKER (son of Andrew Heggie, born March 19, 1796, Forgan parish, Fifeshire, Scotland, and Cath- rine Walker, born 1795. Hilland, Scotland). Born Jan. 9, 1826, Fraistown, Forgan parish. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson company. Married Annie T. Stewart Feb. 3, 1866 (daughter of William Stewart and Sarah Thompson, married Jan. 1839, Belfast, Ireland, the former pioneer 1862, Captain Rollins dxteam company). She was born Dec. 11, 1839 and came to Utah with father. Their children: Annie S. b. Nov. 20, 1865, m. James B. Jardine Sept. 17. 1884; Cathrine W. b. March 4, 1867, m. William J. Griffiths Jan. 6, 1886; Andrew S. b. Nov. 15, 1868, m. Mary Loosle June 10, 1897; Sarah S. b. Jan. 7, 1871, m. John Helga Dohle Dec. 13, 1894; William S. b. Oct. 9, 1872, d. March 13, 1874. Family home Clarkston, Utah. Settled at Salt Lake City 1860; moved to Clarkston 1865. Sunday school superintendent 25 years; president 7th quorum seventies; second counselor to Bishop John Jardine of Clark- ston for 13 years beginning Nov. 26, 1888. School trustee; justice of peace. HEGSTED, HANS CHRISTIAN SORENSON (son of Soren Christian Hansen, born 1797, and Johanna Christiansen, born 1802, HJorring Amt, Denmark). Born Aug. 17, 1830, Wreilev parish. Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah Nov. 8, 1866, Miner G. Atwood company. Married Mary Borglum Dec. 10, 1861, Hjorring, Denmark (daughter of Augustine and Anna Borglum of Hjorring), who was born March 2, 1837, Hjorring, died March 29, 1902, Salem, Idaho. Their children: Victor Charles b. April 18, 1865, m. Ada Martin; Jacob b. May 6, 1874. Family resided Harrisville, Utah, and Salem, Idaho. Married Christena Olson Jan. 20, 1866, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Ivor John Olson and Anna Christensen, they came to Utah 1873). She was born Jan. 4, 1844. Their chil- dren: Hans C. S. b. April 6, 1871, m. Mary Walker Oct. 30, 1895; John b. Feb. 9. 1875, m. Edna Porter Nov. 10. 1909. Family home Salem, Fremont Co., Idaho. Married Nelsina Nielsen April 14. 1866, at Salt Lake City, who was born April 8, 1840, died Sept. 26, 1879. Their chil- dren: Joseph b. Nov. 1, 1873, m. Mabel McKensie April 21, 1909; Isaac b. May 20, 1876. HEINER, MARTIN (son of Johanas Heiner born Oct. 16, 1777, and Anne Eliza Hondorf, born Aug. 9, 1790, Saxe-Muningen, Germany, who were married 1814). Born March 17, 1818, Waldorf, Saxe-Muningen. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company. Married Adelgunda Dietzel Jan. 6. 1839 (daughter of Michal Dietzel and Sophia C. Kniesa, who were married July 12, 1803, Germany). She was born June 11, 1815. Their chil- dren: Mary b. July 28, 1840, m. Arza E. Ninckley 1862; Amelia b. Feb. 20, , m. George A. Black July 31, 1864; John b. July 2, 1842, m. Sarah Coulan March 23, 1867; Anthony b. June 24, 1844, m. Lucinda Henderson Sept. 16, 1865; George b. March 26, 1846, m. Mary Henderson Dec. 22, 1866; Elizabeth b. April 24, 1848, m. Thomas Grover Feb. 10, 1866; Daniel b. Nov. 27, 1850, m. Martha Stevens March 31, 1873; Susannah C. b. Oct. 15, 1862, m. Joseph Ovard June 28, 1876; Emma Ann b. Aug. 17, 1856, d. 1865; Rachel b. Sept. 16, 1858, d. 1863; Eliza b. Oct. 22, 1860, d. 1866. High councilman and patriarch. School trustee, and city councilman. Assisted in building first canal on north side of Weber river; planted first shade and fruit trees in Morgan; cleared sage brush from present site of North Morgan City. HEINER, ANTHONY (son of Martin Heiner and Adelgunda Dietzel). Born June 24, 1844. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company. Married Lucinda Henderson 1865 (daughter of David E. Henderson and Mary Macfadgeon, pioneers 1866). She was born May 30, 1842. Their children: Anthony b. July 6, 1866; Rachel b. Feb. 8, 1868; Lucinda Ann b. June 20, 1870; David Martin b. Jan. 1, 1873; John Wesley b. Sept. 27, 1876; Mary Agnes b. Oct. 11, 1881, d. April 6, 189; Henry Melvin b. April 29, 1884. Family home Morgan, Utah. Married Sarah Elizabeth Henderson (Morris), who was born April 3, 1844. Children: Eliza Morris b. May 22, 1866; Lucinda Morris b. Oct. 22, 1867; Canway Morris b. May 17, 1869, by her former marriage. Their children: Evaline b. Nov. 6, 1875; Agatha H. b. Feb. 8. 1877; Joseph Anthony b. Jan. 17, 1879; Sparle b. Nov. 27, 1881, d. June 7, 1882; Royal Oscar b. Sept. 1, 1882; Lafayette b. Aug. 21, 1885; Maryette b. Aug. 1886. HEINER, DANIEL (son of Martin Heiner and Adelgunda Dietzel). Born Nov. 27, 1850, Franklin county, Pa. Married Martha A. Stevens March 31, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Roswell Stevens and Mary Peterson, former came to Utah with Mormon Battalion). She was born Dec. 14, 1856, Peterson, Utah, first white child born in Morgan county. Their children: Daniel Nephi b. July 14, 1874; Ros- well M. b. Dec. 22, 1875, m. May Littlefield March 20, 1809; Moroni b. Feb. 12, 1877, m. Eva Pernell Dec. 14, 1898; George A, b. Dec. 7, 1879, m. Sara Robison June, 1902; Charles b. April 13, 1881, m. Perses Farr June 1904; Geber J. b. Nov. 18, 1882, m. Theresa Tribe Dec. 14. 1904; Martha Sophia b. April 26, 1884, m. James A. Anderson 1906; Estella b. May 12, 1887, m. Alford Croft Aug. 20, 1908; Mary Elizabeth b. Aug. 13, 1889, m. T. V. Thomas April 17, 1912; Brenton Wells b. June 24, 1891; Spencer b. Nov. 21, 1894; Disc b. Dec. 1. 1896; Cash b. Feb. 7, 1899. Family home Morgan, Utah. Married Sarah Coulam March 31. 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Coulam and Sarah Cordon, former came to Utah 1848). She was born Jan. 19, 1846, England. Their children: Adelgunda b. Feb. 1, 1874, m. James Taggart 1894; John b. Feb. 7, 1876, m. Annie Croft 1903; Daniel Hanmer b. Feb. 24. 1878, m. Hattie Robison 1897; Fannie b. Aug. 6. 1880. m. C. M. Croft 1903; Henry b. Sept. 11, 1882, m. Lissie Robi- son 1905; George Sylvester b. March 2, 1886, m. Elfle Claw- son 1911. President of Morgan stake. Mayor of Morgan; member first state legislature; president Black Hawk Coal Co.; pres- ident Morgan County Commercial Club; president First National bank of Morgan. HELM, ABRAHAM (son of David Helm and Elizabeth Book- man). Born Feb. 22, 1813, Cumberland county, Pa. Came to Utah 1865, Moses Thurston company. Married Mary Richards (daughter of Phillip Richards), who was born July 21, 1812, in Germany and came to Utah with husband. Their children; Joseph b. July, 1837, m. Emma Smith; John b. April 1839, m. Emeline Verres; Bartrum b. 1840, m. Emily Griffin; Samuel b. 1846, m. Eliza- beth Gardner; Marshall b. 1847, m. Margaret Mitchell; An- drew b. 1849, m. Rachel Mitchell; David b. 1866. died 1862; Levl Phillip b. 1851, m. Viola J. Ward Jan. 6, 1886. HELM, LEVI PHILLIP (son of Abraham Helm and Mary Richards). Born Oct. 22, 1851, Sandusky Co., Ohio. Married Viola J. Ward at Logan. Utah (daughter of James F. and Louisa Ward; former d. ^869; latter 1866). She was born July 21, 1866. Their children: Seth Ward b. Feb 1, 1887; Orion b. Sept. 24, 1890; lola Joy b. July 20. 1894-. High priest; president 61st, and member 91st quorum sev- enties; 1st counselor and president, in the San Luis stake, Col. Member Utah legislature 1887. Farmer and stock- raiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 929 HEMMING, WILLIAM (son of John Hemming, born 1805. at Burford, and Sarah Embra. born Dec. 21, 1807, Hooknorton, Oxfordshire. Eng.). He was born June 8, 1827, at Hook- norton. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson hand- cart company. Married Emma Sanford Aug. 31, 1851 (daughter of James Sanford and Elizabeth Powell), who was born Sept. 26, 1829, Warwickshire, Eng. Their children: Fanny b. June 9, 1852, m. John Foomee 1868; Harriet b. June 6, 1854, and William b. April 16, 1856, both d. infants; Emma Elizabeth b. 1859, m. James T. Rich Dec. 27. 1877; Mary Ann b. Feb. I, 1862, d. infant; Frederick William b. 1864, m. Olive Por- ter Dec. 4, 1895; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 1866, m. Roswell S. Stevens March 24, 1891; Alfred John b. Feb. 1, 1869. m. Adel- gunda Grover March 24, 1891; Charlotte Matilda b. March 18, 1872, m. Aaron B. Cherry Nov. 28, 1894. Family home, Mor- gan, Utah. One of the first to push a handcart across the plains. Settled in Weber Valley 1860, and has devoted the greater portion of his life in actively developing the resources of his adopted commonwealth. Patriarch. City councilman two terms. HEMMING, FREDERICK WILLIAM (son of William Hemming and Emma Sanford). Born April 23, 1864, Mor- gan, Utah. Married Olive Porter Dec. 4, 1895, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Lyman Wight Porter and Electa Maria Kilborn), who was born March 20, 1870, Porterville, Utah. Their children: Frederic C. b. 1896; Ella Maria b. 1897; James Sanford b. 1901; Jessie Mardell b. 1905. HEMSLEY, RICHARD (son of Mr. Hemsley and Dinah Fuller, Brighton, Sussex, Eng.). Born Oct. 20, 1801, at Ditchling, Sussex. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1866, Samuel H. Hill company. Married Sarah Potter 1835 (daughter of Henry Potter who was married about 1798, Cookfield, Sussex, Eng.). She was born Feb. 3, 1807. Their children: Richard b. May 25, 1836. m. Christina Maria Jensen 1861; Edward b. April 22, 1839, m. Meriam Slmmonds 1861; Eliza b. Dec. 24, 1841; Ellen b. May 10, 1844, m. John Halford; Job b. Jan. 6, 1847, m. Eliza- beth Kensett. Family home Sugar, Utah. HEMSLET, RICHARD (son of Richard Hemsley and Sarah Potter). Born May 25, 1836, Ditchling, Sussex, Eng. Emi- grated to Utah 1856, handcart company. Married Christina Maria Jensen 1861, at Mill Creek, Salt Lake county (daughter of O. Christen Jensen and Annie Headiwick, pioneers 1861, oxteam company). She was born Aug. 18, 1842, Aryling-, Denmark, died June 27, 1867, San Pete Co., Utah. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Nov. 27, 1862, m. Ste- phen G. Candler Oct. 30, 1879; Richard b. Oct. 12, 1864, m. Mary Ann Davies Feb. 16, 1887; James b. Feb. 23, 1866, m. Anne Robinson June 1, 1896. Family home Mill creek, Utah. Married Sarah Frances Heaton, who was born Feb. 2, 1846, and died July 5, 1878. Their children: Mary Jane; Joseph Hyrum; Christina Maria; George Edward; Francis Joseph. Married Mary Roxbury. Their children: John; Ellen; Job; Maggie; Edward; Hamilton. Settled at Mill Creek 1857. Missionary to Dixie, 1865, from where he was driven by Indians, returning to Mill Creek. Moved to Egin Bench, Fremont Co., Idaho. Mem- ber bishopric of Hiatt ward; presiding elder of Brighton Branch for many years. HEMSLEY, RICHARD (son of Richard Hemsley and Chris- tina Maria Jensen). Born Oct. 12, 1864, Mill Creek, Utah. Married Mary Ann Davies Feb. 16, 1887 (daughter of John Thomas Davies and Ann Ellis, former came to Utah Nov. 18, 1886, latter June 6, 1888 married March 7, 1864, Pontypool. Wales). She was born Jan. 20, 1865, Pontypool, South Wales, came to Utah 1883. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Jan. 28, 1888, m. Herbert E. Perrenond April 11, 1906; Richard John b. Feb. 23, 1889, m. Avilda H. Jackson May 12, 1907; Mabel Christena b. Sept. 25, 1890, m. Weber C. Weather- ston Dec. 20, 1912; Emily May b. May 20, 1892, m. Albert R. Heath Sept. 13, 1911; Clyde Davies b. Sept. 8, 1893; Agnes Lepwretta b. March 15, 1895; James Jensen b. June 26, 1896; Josephine Jane b. Nov. 8, 1897; Irene b. Jan. 27, 1899; Job b. Feb. 20, 1901; Lila Berths b. Dec. 8, 1902; Mary Ellen b. Jan. 31, 1904; Myrtle Martha b. July 30, 1905; Frances Charlotte b. Nov. 19, 1907. Family home Piano, Idaho. Worked in brickyard at Salt Lake City 1879. Moved to Piano, Idaho 1901, and was ordained 2d counselor to Bishop Hyrum J. Lucas May 26, 1902; ordained 1st counselor to Bishop Albert Heath May 26, 1903; bishop Piano ward July 30, 1905; missionary to Great Britain Jan. 28, 1908, return- ing May IB, 1910. Bricklayer and contractor; merchant and farmer. HENDERSON, SAMUEL, NEWTON (son of James Henderson, born Nov. 27, 1805. and Annie Harris, born 1812, both died at Nauvoo, 111.). He was born April 18, 1838, in Crawford county, Mo. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1847. Married Esther Dewhurst Jan. 11, 1869 (daughter of James Dewhurst and Elizabeth Fielding), who was born Feb. 17, 1847, Blackhaven, Lancashire, Eng., and died March 15, 1872, Randolph, Utah. Their child: Elizabeth Ann b. April 12, 1870, d. April 13, 1883. Family home Randolph. Utah. Married Sarah Jane Pugmire May 16, 1877, Randolph, Utah (daughter of Joseph Hyrum Pugmire, pioneer 1847, John 59 Taylor company, and Eleanor Craten, pioneer with a hand- cart company). She was born April 18, 1858. Their chil- dren: Samuel Henry b. Feb. 23, 1878, m. Isabel Sims June 16, 1904; Esther Eleanor b. April 23, 1880, m. John Thomson Barker Sept. 18, 1902; Florence Celeste b. Aug. 20, 1883, m. Riley Day, Jan. 20. 1905; Mary Maud b. Aug. 20. 1885, m. Joel Melvin Schenck June 22, 1904; James b. Oct. 10, 1887, d. Oct. 13, 1903; Jasper b. Jan. 14, 1889, m. Nancy Alice Barker Oct. 22, 1909; Annie Adelia b. Feb. 25, 1890, d. Sept. 12, 1901; Harriet Lilian b. April 2, 1892, m. Ole Mattson, Nov. 29, 1910- Martin b. March 10, 1895; Clfford Newton b. June 8, 1897; Nancy Josephine b. Nov. 25, 1899; George Allen b. June 30, 1902; Ira Pugmire b. Oct. 15, 1904. Family home Laketown, Utah. Settled at Mill Creek 1848. Major in Utah militia 1856; veteran Black Hawk war. Moved to Randolph, Utah, 1870, and to Laketown 1880. Member 61st quorum seventies. Sheriff Rich county two terms; constable of Randolph one term. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Took an active part in Echo Canyon campaign. HENDRICKS, JAMES (son of Abraham Hendricks and Char- lotte Hinton). Born June 1808 Franklin, Ky. Came to Utah 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Drusilla Dorris 1825 (daughter of William Dorris and Catherine Frost), who was born Feb. 8, 1810. Their children: Elizabeth Mahala; William Dorris; Catherine Tab- itha; Rebecca; Joseph Smith. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Hannah Riggs. Bishop of 19th ward Salt Lake City 1850-67. Justice of peace in Salt Lake City. Moved to Richmond 1860. Badly wounded in battle of Crooked River in Missouri, Oct. 25, 1838. Died July 8, 1870, Richmond, Utah. HENDRICKS, WILLIAM DORRIS (son of James Hendricks and Drusilla Dorris). Born Nov. 6, 1829, Franklin, Ky. Came to Utah 1847, Mormon battalion. Married Mary Jane Andrus March 12, 1861, at Salt Lake City, Brigham Young officiating (daughter of Milo Andrus and Abigail Jane Daley of New York, pioneers 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Nov. 16, 1833. Their children: Mary Jane, m. A. B. Harrison; Drusilla, m. I. K. Hillman; Brigham Andrus, m. Mary R. Stoddard; William Henry, m. Emma Traveler; Charlotte, m. William Under- wood; Milo Andrus, m. Adeline Harris; Elizabeth, m. N. R. Lewis; Hildah Hannah, m. Andrew Morrison; Chloe, m. C. E. Merrill; George Gideon, m. Susa Eldridge. Family home Richmond, Utah. President Oneida stake; bishop, of Richmond ward; patri- arch in Benson stake. Mayor of Richmond. Farmer; rail- road contractor; banker. Died May 6, 1909, Lewiston, Utah. HENDRICKS. JOSEPH SMITH (son of James Hendricks and, Drusilla Dorris).. Born March 23, 1838, Far West, Caldwell county, Mo. Married Sariah Pew Tibbetts Jan. 4, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of John H. and Caroline Tibbetts, pioneers on July 24, 1847, and in 1848, respectively). She was born Aug. 11, 1833. Their children: Drusilla; Fidelia; Joseph; Eliza- beth; Inez. Family resided Salt Lake City and Richmond, Utah. Married Lucinda Bess 1866, Salt Lake City. She was born In New York state. Their children: Juel Josiah; Laura; William D.; John Henry; Lola; Lorinda; Asa; Hyrum. Fam- ily resided Oxford, and Marysville, Idaho, and Lewiston, Utah. Member Oneida stake high council. Moved to Oxford, Idaho 1876, from whence he went to Marysville, Idaho, where he served 16 years in the bishopric. HENDRICKS, BRIGHAM ANDRUS (son of William Dorris Hendricks and Mary Jane Andrus). Born Nov. 27, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Married Mary Rebecca Stoddard Jan. 13, 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Henry Stoddard and Anna Telford of Bountiful, Utah, pioneers 1851, Harry Walton company). She was born May 1, 1862. Their children: George B. b. Nov. 25, 1881, m. Caroline A. McAlister; Mary Lalene b. Aug. 24, 1885; Odessie Lapreal b. June 3, 1889; Nellie b. Oct. 22, 1890, m. Ralph Bernhisel; Brigham Victor b. June 30, 1895; Charles Durrell b. Nov. 17, 1899. Family home Lewiston, Utah. Member 70th quorum Seventies; missionary to Southern states 1886-87, to Northwestern states 1897-98, and to South Africa 1909-11; counselor in presidency of Benson stake. County commissioner; school trustee at Lewiston; member Utah legislature. Farmer and stockraiser. HENDRICKS, GEORGE B. (son of Brigham Andrus Hendricks and Mary Rebecca Stoddard). Born Nov. 25, 1881, at Lewiston, Utah. Married Caroline Armeda McAlister June 6, 1912, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John A. McAlister and Clarissa Snow of Logan, Utah). She was born March 17, 1887. Family home Logan, Utah. Member elders' quorum. Member faculty of Utah Agricul- tural College. Professor. HENDRICKSON, JOHN A. (son of Andreas M. Hendrickson, born 1821, and Maren Andrea Olsen, born May 3, 1823, both of Fredrikstad, Norway). He was born Aug. 19, 1860, Fred- rikstad, Norway. Came to Utah 1863, oxteam company. 930 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Mary D. Lloyd Jan. 1, 1885 (daughter of Thomas Lloyd and Susanna Stone, pioneers 1865 and 1856, respec- tively). She was born Oct. 16, 1866, Wellsville, Utah. Their children: Mary Irene b. March 25, 1891; Dorothy b. Nov. 6, 1907. Family home Logan, Utah. Missionary to Norway and England 1887-89; and in 1904. Opened knitting industry in the state in 1890. Organized College Pure Food company, manufacturers of Koffee-et and other cereals, 1908; also Farmers' and Merchants' savings bank of Logan, which began business March 26, 1913. HENEFER, JAMES. Born 1820, in Staffordshire, England. Came to Utah 1853. Married Sarah Hulks Aug. 30, 1846, in England, who was born Nov. 25, 1823, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Lehi; Charlotte; Phoebe: Sarah Ann; James E.; William T.; Mary; Jane; Elizabeth; Rachel; Rebecca Ann; Edward Richard. High priest. Blacksmith. Died August 1898, at Henefer, Utah. HENEFER, LEHI (son of James Henefer and Sarah Hulks). Born July 5, 1847, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1853. Married Margaret Bond Jan. 15, 1868, at Henefer (daugh- ter of William Bond and Mary Ann Barker of Boston, Mass., pioneers 1857). She was born July 5, 1847. Their children: Margaret Ann b. Oct. 26, 1869; Sarah Jane b. May 25, 1870; May Emma b. Aug. 7, 1872; Lehi Alma b. May 30, 1874; Hannah B. b. Aug. 25, 1876; James William b. Feb. 3, 1879. Married Mary Ann Randall Jan. 6, 1881 (daughter of Henry Randall and Susannah Jones), who was born July 23, 1862. Their children: Heber C. b. Sept. 23, 1882; Mary May b. March 24. 1885; Theodore b. June 15, 1888; Irvin b. Feb. 11, 1892; Marcus b. March 31, 1894. Elder. School trustee; constable. Drove an oxteam across the plains in 1867. Helped to build roads and bridges in Henefer. Member Canal board. Farmer. :. WIIXIAM. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Myra Mayall. Their children: Daniel, m. Amanda Bradley and Susan Brown; James, m. Lorana Hatch, m. Christena Skow, m. Augusta Skow; Joseph, m. Susan Leslie, m. Susan Duncan; Margaret, m. Moses Dailey; Samuel, m. Isabell Ellis. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Millwright. Died at Bountiful, Utah. HENRIE, DANIEL (son of William Henrie and Myra May- all). Born Nov. 15, 1824, in Hamilton county, Ohio. Came to Utah 1848, with part of Mormon Battalion. Married Amanda Bradley Oct. 29, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of George W. Bradley and Elizabeth Betsy Kroll). She was born Jan. 15, 1829. Their children: Mary Amanda b. Sept. 4, 1850, m. Ezra K. Funk; Myra Elizabeth b. Jan. 28, 1852, m. John Olsen; Susan Lucretia b. April 29, 1853, m. Byron Cox; Daniel Jr. b. Dec. 24, 1854, m. Elzina Stringham; Diantha b. Nov. 4, 1856, m. William Stringham: James b. Jan. 25, 1858, m. Hannah Snow; Jerome B. b. Nov. 25, 1859, m. Mary C. Westenskow; William b. Oct. 12, 1861, m. Hannah Westenskow; Malinda b. Nov. 16, 1863, m. Wil- liam Killpack; Margaret E. b. Oct. 1866, m. Alma Johnson; Luna A. b. Sept. 13, 1869; Jefferson b. Nov. 1872; Jedediah G. b. Nov. 1874, and Loran b. Nov. 1876, last three died In- fants. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Susan Coleman at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Margaret, d. infant; Joseph T., m. Mary Sorensen; Rachel, m. Charles Patten; Arthur, m. Mary Jorgensen; Maud, d. infant; Samuel, m. Hannah Boyington; Elizabeth, m. Ed Reid; Cora, m. Frank Maylet; Ellis; Ethel, died. Family home Manti, Utah. President 48th quorum seventies 35 years. Captain minutemen in Black Hawk Indian war. Mayor and marshal of Manti; road supervisor at Manti. Butcher, farmer and etockraiser. HENRIE, DANIEL, JR. (son of Daniel Henrie and Amanda Bradley). Born Dec. 29, 1854, Manti, Utah. Married Zina Stringham Jan. 17, 1875. Manti. Utah (daugh- ter of William Stringham and Eliza Lake of Salt Lake City, Provo and Manti, TItah; pioneers 1855). She was born Nov. B, 1857. Their children: May Franrelle b. Oct. 19, 1875, m. Smith Herring; Daniel Eugene b. Jan. 16, 1878. m. Hattie Thomas; Rosslynn b. May 25. 1880, d. Infant; Lila b. Aug. 15, 1882, m. John Bohlenn; Roscoe b. July 2, 1885, d. aged 6; William Herbert b. Dec. 20, 1887; Zina b. April 28, 1890, m. John LeRoy Bell; Maryetta b. Oct. 7. 1892; LeGrande b. April 26, 1895; Ada Ray b. Oct. 13, 1900. Family home Manti and Ferron, Utah. Ward teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. HENRIOD, EUGENE A. (son of Jean Louis Henry Henrlod, born Nov. B. 1802, Boussens, Canton de Vaud. Switzerland, and Domitile de Ligne, born March 18, 1798, Brest, France married Nov. 25, 1826). He was born March 9, 1833, Havre de Grace, France. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Mary T. Mallett Nov. B, 1854 (daughter of Henry Mallett born at Starcross, Devonshire, and Mary Brima- combe born at Oldsworthy, Devonshire). She was born June 11. 1828; came to Utah in 1853. Their children: Eugene Henry b. Aug. 12, 1855, m. Rachel Conder Jan. 16, 1880; William b. July 4, 1857. m. Emma Conder Nov. 3. 1877; Mary Henrietta b. May 12, 1859, m. Don M. Bigler Jan. 16, 1880; Helen b. Jan. 10, 1861, m David C. Adamson Jan. 12, 1882; Edward b. July 1, 1864, d. infant; Frederic Augustus b. Sept. 29, 1865, m. Lena Greenwood June 4, 1900; Thomas b. Sept. 8, 1867, d. infant; Emily Mallett b. Nov. 23, 1869, m. Thomas J. Chipman Nov. 28. 1888. Family resided at Salt Lake City and American Fork, Utah. Settled at Salt Lake City 1853; moved to American Fork 1855. Captain of Home Guards 1856-57. Missionary to France 1860. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1860. Assisted in organizing the first Free school in Utah 1865, and was its first teacher. City recorder 1882-86. Member Nauvoo Legion and captain of Company B in Colonel Washburn Chipman's regiment. Notary public 1882-90. County surveyor one term and deputy county surveyor two terms. HENRY, 'WILLIAM CALVIN (son of James Henry of Rhode Island and Huldah Menerva Murray of Connecticut. They lived at Cambria, Niagara county, N. Y.). He was born June 16. 1827 at Cambria, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1854. Married Priscilla Barnum in 1850 at Pontiac, Oakland county, Mich. They came to Utah in the fall of 1853. She was born in 1834. Their children: James Barnum b. June 30, 1851, m. Mary Frances Brown; Lauretta Ann b. April 25, 1854, m. Alma L. Johnstun. Married Agnes Taylor in the fall of 1862, In the Salt Lake Endowment house. (She was the daughter of John Taylor and Agnes Robinson of Glasgow, Scot, and came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan company). She was born April 18, 1837. Their children: Chas. Thos. b. July 4, 1863, died; Sarah Lois, m. Heber J. Campbell; Calvin DeLos and William Alex- ander, died; John Mearl, m. Ada Beebe; Rhoda Melissa, Hulda Ann, Agnes Minerva and Mary Priscilla, died; Celia Jane b. Aug. 31, 1879, m. John W. Hicks. Families resided Heber City, Utah. Located in Cottonwood in 1855, went to Heber City, 1869; to Lyderville in 1874, and to Ashley Valley 1879. In all these places he was a pioneer and helped in the first work to open up the country. HENRY, JAMES BARNHAM (son of William Calvin Henry and Priscilla Barnum). Born June 30, 1851, at Pontiac, Mich. Came to Utah 1863. Married Mary Frances Brown July 25, 1878, in Salt Lake City Endowment house. (She was the daughter of Jona- than Brown and Sarah Couzins of England, and came to Utah in 1853 with Jacob Gates company.) She was born April 9, 1857. Their children: James Calvin b. April 12, 1879, d. 1901; Sarah Priscilla b. May 6, 1881, m. Joseph A. McKea; Alnert Monroe b. Sept. 3, 1883, m. Abigal Good- rich; Emma May b. Oct. 11, 1885, m. James Hofeltz; Frances Mary b. Nov. 4, 1887; Lauretta b. Sept. 23, 1890. m. Murray Merkley; Merrell b. April 8, 1894; Bartlett b. Dec. 9, 1895, d. infant; Bertha b. April 16, 1899. High priest; high councelor Unita stake 19 years; ward teacher. Constable. Went to Heber City with early settlers in 1860; went to Snyderville, Summit county, 1874, thence to Vernal Nov. 7, 1878, and built the first cabin on the site of Vernal. In the spring of 1881 he, with David P. Woodruff and Peter Peterson, went to Green River City for provisions for the settlement. On the morning before their return the settlement had but little food and asked Jeremiah Hatch what to do. He told them to eat all they had, because the boys would be there next day, and sure enough they came. HENSON, AI/FRED (son of James Henson). Born June 24, 1830, in England. Came to Utah 1868. Married Mary Anna Robinson in England. Their children: Lucy R., m. Knute Hill; Luey, m. Joseph Marrison; Oliver R. Married a second time, Dec. 11, 1857. The children were: Alma S., d. infant; Orson S., d. on ocean; Lovinta S., m. Chris Monson; Albert T., m. Elizabeth Vale; Livinla S., m. Levi Allen; Ameziah T., m. Minnie Bailey; Luztle T., m. Joel Lewis; Laura S., m. Mibre Scott; Alonzo S., m. Ella Preece. Missionary to England two years. One of guards while crossing plains. Died Nov. 1902, Franklin, Idaho. KENWOOD, JOHN (son of John Henwood, born June 23, 1782, and Elizabeth Eath, born 1786, both of Cornwall, Eng.). He was born June 29. 1809, in Cornwall. Came to Utah 1856, Edmund Ellsworth handcart company. Married Jane Treganna (daughter of Richard Treganna and Elizabeth Hancock), who was born May 16. 1813. Their children: Richard b. Dec. 5, 1837, m. Ann Kirk; Elizabeth T.; John Edwin; Charles E.; Mary Jane. Married Elizabeth Stockdale at Plymouth, Eng. She was born in Cornwall, Eng. HENWOOD, RICHARD (son of John Henwood and Jane Treganna). Born Dec. 6. 1837, Cornwall, Eng. Came to Utah 1866, Edmund Ellsworth handcart company. Married Ann Kirk Jan. 3, 1866. South Cottonwood, Utah (daughter of Philip Kirk and Mary Ann Taylor, pioneers Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born July 14, 1846. Their children: John R. b. Nov. 8, 1866, m. Emma Hiss; Joseph H. b. Jan. 3. 1871; Ann E. b. Nov. 4, 1873, m. Joseph H. Dayton; Charlotte M. b. Sept. IB, 1876, m Caleb Orton; Sarah S. b. July 14, 1880, m. Orin Skelton; Willard S. b. Aug. 23, 1884, m. Susie Bates; Mabel B. b. March 29, 1887. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah under Pete Nebeker in 1863, and again as teamster of Captain Rollins company in 1866. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 931 HEPWOnTH, EDMUND (son of Joseph Hepworth, born Sept. 11, 1816, Yorkshire, and Mary Hurst born Nov. 8, 1820, Bristol, Eng.) He was born March 7, 1841, Yorkshire. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1863. Samuel D. White company. Married Hannah Cowling, Sept. 17, 1862, Bristol, York- shire, Ens', (daughter of David Cowling and Eliza Scho- fleld), who was born April 2. 1834, and came to Utah with husband in 1863. Their children: Sarah Cathrine b. June 23, 1863; Joseph Edmund b. June 26, 1866, m. Mary B. Thur- man 1889; William Henry b. Aug. 30, 1867, m. Artemicia Noble Oct. 10, 1888; Hannah Eliza b. July 26, 1869, m. James Jensen, Jr. Nov. 1, 1889; Mary Jane b. March 12, 1871; Emily Anice b. Sept. 23, 1872; Lauretta b. Sept. 26, 1874, m. John F. Astle Sept. 9, 1891; David Edgar b. Nov. 28, 1879, m. Mary E. Simons May 16, 1902. Family resided at Smithfleld, Springdale, American Fork and Bountiful, Utah; Oxford, Idaho, and Grover, Wyo. Married Eliza Sant March 9, 1869, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Sant and Mary Shaw), who was born Jan. 15, 1856. Runcorn, Cheshire, Eng. Their children: John Ed- mund b. Oct. 10, 1870, m. Mary Bee Sept. 3, 1896, m. Caro- line Thompson Oct. 10, 1900; George William b. Sept. 20, 1872, m. Camera B. Thurman Nov. 1, 1896. m. Annie Matthew- son Jan. 4, 1911. Family home Oxford, Idaho. Married Lydia Wells Feb. 9, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joshua Wells and Margaret Farrer), who was born Oct. 11, 1867, Nethertown. Yorkshire, Eng. Their children: Clarence Joshua b. Feb. 24. 1883, m. Rose Ellen Dutson Sept. 16, 1904; Margaret Ann b. June 11, 1885, m. Anson V. Call; Emma b. Oct. 10, 1887, m. Joseph N. Anderson Oct. 12, 1910; Lovisa Matilda b. Aug. 29, 1889, m. Gustave Larsen June 16, 1911; Estella b. Oct. 20. 1892; Lydia Grace b. Oct. 19, 1894; Florence Rachel b. Feb. 6, 1899. Family home Grover, Wyo. High priest; presiding elder of Oxford branch, Idaho, 1871. Moved to Smithfleld 1864. to Oxford, Idaho. 1865, to "Dixie" 1877, to American Fork 1880, to Bountiful 1883, and to Star Valley, Wyo., 1887. Presiding elder in "Dixie" 1877-80. First counselor to Bishop James Jensen of Grover ward, Star Valley, for 16 years. HEPWORTH, JOSEPH B. (son of Edmund Hepworth and Hannah Cowling). Born June 26, 1865, Smithfleld, Utah. Married Mary E. Thurman Oct. 20, 1889, Grover, Wyo. (daughter of Edward M. Thurman and Lavina S. Griffith, the former came to Utah 1862, Henry W. Miller company). She was born March 24, 1871, Hyde Park, Utah. Their chil- dren: Joseph Eugene b. Sept. 12, 1890, m. Myrtle Nielson June 19, 1912; George William b. Oct. 23, 1892; John Leonard b. Oct. 3, 1893; Edward Mondell b. Jan. 2, 1896; Mary Ethel b. April 10. 1898; Edith Lovina b. Oct. 14, 1901; Gerald Delynn b. Jan. 23, 1906; Hannah Leone b. June 26, 1909. Family home American Fork. Utah; Grover, Fort Briger and Star Valley, Wyo., and Kimball. Idaho. Moved to Wyoming when 17 years of age where he spent five years, working on cattle ranches and carrying U. S. mail. Settled at Grover 1889; moved to Kimball, Idaho. 1909. First counselor to Bishop William B. Taylor of Kimball ward, Kimball, Idaho. HERBERT, ROBERT (son of Thomas Herbert and Mary Jane Hone). Born Jan. 1, 1874, Benjamin, Utah. Married Helen Lindstrom Dec. 6, 1900. Benjamin, Utah (daughter of John E. Lindstrom and Zellma Cederstrom of Benjamin, who came to Utah June 23, 1893). . She was born Dec. 8, 1882. Their children: Violet b. Nov. 10, 1901; Elwood R. b. Jan. 10, 1904; Elsie C. b. March 13, 1908; John Lenden b. May 22, 1911. Family home Benjamin, Utah. Farmer. HERBERTSON, CHRISTIAN PETERSON (son of Mr. and Mrs. Pongren of Randoth, Denmark). Born 1798, Denmark. Came to Utah 1861. Martin Lund oxteam company. Married Anna Christiansen in Denmark. Their children: Anketren; Christian Peterson, m. Mary Christiansen. High priest; missionary to Denmark. Farmer. Died 1872, Pleasant Grove, Utah. HERBERTSON. CHRISTIAN PETERSON (son of Christian Peterson Herbertson and Anna Christiansen). Born Dec. 14, 1830, Denmark. Came to Utah September 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins company. Married Mary Christiansen 1864, Denmark (daughter of Christian and Mitkastine Sating). ' Their children: Annie m. Niels Hiesel and Dorlas Kundel; Heber; Rasmus Christian, m. Lottie Peck. Married Lena Doll 1866, Denmark (daughter of Jens Doll of Kisten. Denmark). Their children: Lewis; Charles, m. Cora Phillips. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest; Sunday school teacher at Pleasant Grove, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk war. Farmer. Amanda, m. William O. Blanton; Lester James, m. Sarah Ann Garner; Lucy Jane, m. Barnabus Lake; Nelson, m. Harriet Hellen Sprague; Diana, m. Isaac Clark. Family re- sided Jackson county. Mo. and Ogden, Utah. Tailor. Died Sept. 1, 1861, Ogden. HERRICK. LESTER JAMES (son of Lemuel Herrick and Sally Judd). Born Dec. 14, 1827, Nelson, Portage Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 12. 1850. Thomas Johnson company. Married Sarah Ann Garner July 13, 1861, Ogden (daughter of Phillip Garner and Mary Hedrick of Rowan, N. C., pioneers Oct. 27, 1849. Capt. George A. Smith company). She was born Jan. 18, 1832. Their children: Lester Alonzo b. April 23, 1862. m. Lydia Esther Ensign. Married Mary Eliza Brooks Aug. 25, 1857, born Oct. 14. 1839, Flintshire. North Wales. Their children: James Albert b. Sept. 7, 1859, m. Susan Child; Sarah Eliza b. Sept. 18, 1861, m. O. G. Randall; Nelson Amos b. May 28, 1864, m. Lucinda Browning; Francis Brooks b. Sept. 14, 1867, m. Florence May Ryan; Samuel b. Nov. 21, 1869. Married Agnes McQuarrie June 22, 1867, born Dec. 9, 1841, Kilmalcolm, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Their children: John Lester b. June 2, 1868, m. Jane Richards West: Lemuel b. Oct. 4, 1869; Aggie b. Nov. 18, 1870, m. Frank J. Stevens; Clyde b. April 16. 1872; Lucy Jane b. Oct. 19. 1873; Nettie May b. May 1, 1875: Diana Letltia b. July 8, 1877, m. William E. Purdy; Robert Peery b. Feb. 21, 1879; Walter b. Jan. 20, 1881. Family home, Ogden. Settled in Ogden 1850. Appointed second counselor to Bishop Bunker of -second ward of Ogden 1856. Sheriff of Weber county 1858. His commission from Governor Cum- mings being first official document issued by Mr. Cummings as governor of Utah territory; elected county selectman three terms; policeman; city councilor 1861. Bishop of 2nd ward 1861. Alderman 1864-67. Presiding bishop of Weber county 1872-76. Mayor of Ogden 1871-75 and 1879-83. Mis- sionary to England 1873-74; appointed to take charge of European mission 1873. Formed partnership with D. H. Peery and W. W. Burton in milling and merchandise 1875. First counselor to David H. Peery in presidency of Weber stake 1877. Member implement company of Burton, Her- rick & White. Member 38th quorum seventies; alternate high councilor. Farmer; miller and general merchant. Died April 18, 1892, at Ogden. HERRICK, JOHN LESTER (son of Lester J. Herrick and Agnes McQuarrie). Born June 2, 1868, Ogden. Married Jane Richards West June 1, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph A. West and Josephine Richards of Ogden), who was born Dec. 29, 1873. Their children: Josephine b. May 26, 1895: John West b. Aug. 3, 1897; Lester James b. June 12. 1902. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member stake board Y. M. M. I. A. of Weber and secretary from 1887 to 1899; stake superintendent Y. M. M. I. A. 1899- 1908; high priest; member high council 1906; president Wes- tern States mission 1909. Clerk and bookkeeper Z. C. M. I. five years; bookkeeper First National bank five years. As- sistant postmaster of Ogden six years; secretary and treasurer Boyle Furniture company two years. Partner with George J. Kelly 1903-08, real estate loans and in- surance. I iF.lt no \. ALEXANDER (son of Daniel Herron and Mary Anderson of Scotland). Born April 5, 1832, in Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1851, Captain Browning company. Married Mary White Dec. 8, 1856 (daughter of Jonathan White and Elizabeth Dodd, latter came to Utah Oct. 28, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born Feb. 9, 1839, and came to Utah with mother. Their children: Alexander, Jr. b. Nov. 2, 1857, died; Mary b. Dec. 29, 1859, m. William Me April 28. 1880; Elizabeth, b. Jan. 25, 1862. m. Harvey Walters Dec. 29, 18S7; Ella b. May 8, 1864, m. George McLaws Dec. 28, 1886; Maggie b. July 6, 1867; Annie b. March 25, 1870, m. R. H. Rowberry 1890; Joseph April and Ross May, died; Howard b. May 24, 1876, died; Ruby b. Sept. 2, 1878, m. G. M. Nuttall Aug. 10, 1901; Elmer W. b. April 24, 1883: Mabel b. Oct. 3, 1886. m. Ernest H. Minns Dec. 8, 1908. Family home Tooele, Utah. HERRICK, LEltiuisLi (son of Amos Herrick and Eunice Scerl of Charleston, N. Y.). Born March 13, 1792. at Charleston. Came to Utah Sept. 12, i860. Thomas Johnson company. Married Sally Judd April 29, 1813. Hamilton, Madison county. N. Y.. born March 17, 1792. Their children: Clinton Jeremiah; Eliza Ann. m. Harrison Keyes; Alonzo Tarquln, m. Mary Elizabeth (Reed) Ayers; Lucinda, m. Perry Keyes; Clinton, m. Lucinda Green; Mary Elizabeth, m. E. P. Coffin; HERRON, ORLANDO FISHER (son of James Herron and Catherine Boulk of New York). Born Dec. 26, 1835, Wash- tenaw county, Mich. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich company. Married Hannah Jane Drlggs May 5, 1856, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of Shadrick H. Driggs and Elizabeth White of Pleasant Grove, pioneers 1852, independent com- pany). She was born June 5. 1839. Their children: Emma Jane b. 1857, m. William Stewart: Clarice Melissa b. 1859, m. Alexander Bullock: James Orlando b. 1861, m. Lilly Nesbltt; Mary Louisa b. 1865, m. James Adamson; Fay Clifton; Myrtle, m. Frank Blair; Ruth, m. Thomas Cromp- ton; Catherine, m. Mr. Ryan. Married Lucinda Jane Harvey May 25, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Louis Harvey and Lucinda Clark of Pleas- ant Grove, pioneers October, 1850, Captain Lake company). She was born June 19, 1857. Their children: Lucinda, m. Charles Furron; John L., m. Louisa Hendrlckson; Gideon Ernest; Rosella, m. Benjamin Miller; Grace; Mlrl; George Leroy. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Member 44th quorum seventies; high priest; first Mormon convert from Michigan who went to Utah. Served three terms in the state penitentiary for unlawful cohabitation. Farmer. 932 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH HESI.OP, GEORGE (son of Thomas Heslop and Ann Ether- ington, born Jan. 24, 1830, in England). Born Feb. 19, 1855, Liverpool, Ens- Came to Utah September 1855, independent company. Married Cynthia L. Green Nov. 1880 (daughter of Mr. Green and Almira Mesick married April 2, 1855, San Bernardino, Cal.). She was born Nov. 25, 1860. Their children: George A. b. Aug. 19, 1881, m. Sarah E. Gibson Dec. 12, 1906; Almira b. July 7, 1883; Cynthia Lois b. Dec. 26, 1884, m. Hyrum Peterson March 16, 1910; John A. b. March 20, 1886; William b. May 3, 1888; Charles L. b. Jan. 12, 1890; Jesse b. Dec. 22, 1892; Edward T. b. Nov. 11, 1894; Franklin b. March 14, 1897; Austin b. Nov. 8, 1898; Herbert S. b. May 20, 1900; Elsie Ann b. May 28, 1902. Family home West Weber, Utah. President of 6th quorum elders. Director In Hooper Irrigation company. BESS, ALMA (son of Jacob Hess and Elizabeth Foutz of Farmington, Utah). Born June 3, 1839, Bay county. Mo. Came to Utah July 28, 1849. Married Mary Elmira Miller at Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry William Miller and Elmira Pond of Farmington, and St. George, Utah). Their children: Alma Clarence b. Oct 23, 1862, m. Eliza Flamm; Lucia b. April 2, 1864, m. William Cook. Family home Farmington, Utah. Died Aug. 9, 1863. HESS, ALMA CLARENCE (son of Alma Hess and Mary Elmira Miller). Born Oct. 23, 1862, Farmington, Utah. Married Eliza Flamm Feb. 17, 1888, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Henry Flamm and Helena Bock of Cottonwood and Logan, Utah, pioneers 1862). She was born Dec. 15, 1865. Their children: Alma Clarence b. March 13, 1889; Henry Leron b. Oct. 12, 1890; Charles Ellis b. July 15, 1892; George Irvin b. July 29, 1894; Iva b. Oct. 12, 1896; Ferrel Emerson b. Oct. 31, 1899; Leland b. May 13, 1902; Thelma Irena b. Nov. 9, 1904; Eliza Mae b. Dec. 1, 1907. Family reside Rex- burg, Idaho and Union, Ore. Member fifth session of Idaho legislature; chairman of board of trustees of Rexburg, 1899-1900. HESS, JOHN W. (son of Jacob Hess, born May 21, 1792, and Elizabeth Foutz, born June 4, 1797, both of Franklin county, Pa. married in 1816). Born Aug. 24, 1824, in Franklin county. Came to Utah July 28, 1847, with Capt. James Brown's contingent of Mormon battalion. Married Emeline Bigler Nov. 2, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of Jacob Bigler and Elizabeth Harvey, pioneers 1851). She was born Aug. 20, 1824, and came to Utah with hus- band. Their children: Jacob b. Jan. 6, 1848; John Henry b. May 14, 1850, m. Susan Smith; Sarah Jane b. Jan. 11, 1852; Hyrum b. April 20, 1853, m. Adeline Earl; Elzada b. Aug. 11, 1864, m. David Sanders; Moroni b. Dec. 30, 1856, m. Emma Smith; Jedediah M. b. July 8, 1857, m. Mary Earl; Joseph Wells b. Oct. 11, 1859, m. Minnie Palmer 1881; Albert C. b. March 17, 1861, m. Lucetta Smith. Married Emily Card March 30, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Simeon Card, pioneer 1850, and Ruhanna Lan- caster). She was born Sept. 27, 1831, in Maine. Their children: Ruhanna b. May 2, 1853, m. Joseph Ovard 1871; Emma Rebecca b. June 26, 1864, m. M. C. Udy 1875; Harriet Sophrona b. March 18, 1857, m. Milton Earl; Eliza- beth Jane b. Jan. 26, 1859; Mary Lovina b. April 10, 1861, m. Hyrum Moon; Maud b. Aug. 4, 1862; Joseph Lancaster b. Aug. 16, 1864, m. Alice Udy; Joel Preble b. Feb. 4, 1866; Alma Riley b. Aug. 16, 1868; Dexter Waterman b. Feb. 9. 1870. Married Julia Helena Person Nov. 6, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Per Person and Ingeborg Halvorson), who was born Sept. 30, 1837, and came to Utah 1854, Jacob Secrist company. Their children: Heber Chase b. Nov. 12, 1869; Arthur b. May 22, 1861, m. Nellie Moon; John Fred- erick b. Jan. 14, 1864, m. Elenor Udy; Emeline R. b. July 22, 1868, m. John A. Bourne 1902. Married Mary Ann Steed March 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Steed and Caroline Holland; pioneers 1850, Milo Andrus company). She was born Nov. 27, 1837, In England. Their childen: James Henry b. March 6, 1858, m. Elizabeth White 1881; Alma William b. Sept. 3, 1869, m. Jane Ann Hadneld 1881; George A. b. July 20, 1861, m. Lucy Sanders 1889; Madeline Eudora b. Aug. 20, 1863, m. William Miller 1881; Eliza b. June 29, 1865, m. Jonathan D. Wood 1882; Wilford b. March 5, 1868, m. Sarah Capener; Mary Elizabeth b. Jan. 18, 1870, m. George Smith; Caroline Rebecca b. March 25, 1872, m. Henry Moon; Orson Pratt b. Feb. 26, 1874, m. Francis Tubbs; Lorenzo Snow b. June 29, 1878. Married Caroline Workman April 12, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham S. Workman, pioneer 1861, and Martha Witcher, who died on the way to Utah). She was born March 28, 1844, and came to Utah 1851. Their children: Josephine b. Aug. 12, 1864; David C. b. Aug. 16, 1866, m. Lois Kimball; John W. b. Sept. 20, 1867, m. Ann King; Adaline b. Dec. 11, 1869, m. Charles Udy; Franklin b. March 10. 1872, m. Sarah A. Compton; Charles C. b. March 7, 1874, m. Jane Owen; Lot b. Jan. 27, 1876; Caro- line b. March 29, 1878; Minerd Lyman b. Aug. 5, 1880, m. Nellie Holt; Mark b. June 19, 1884, m. Elsie Hughes. Married Sarah Lovina Miller May 30, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel A. Miller and Hannah Bigler; pioneers 1848. Daniel A. Miller company). She was born June 24, 1850, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Sarah Jane b. March 30. 1869, m. Lewis E. Abbott 1888; James T. b. Jan. 26, 1871; Alice Malinda b. March 16, 1873, m. Asa Pierson 1890; Josephine A. b. June 3, 1876, m. J. R Mellus 1894; Hellen Lovina b. Aug. 23, 1879, m. Lewis Mellus 1896; Horace Arnold b. Sept. 17, 1880, m. Mildred Smith 1907; Milton Miller b. Dec. 23, 1882, m. Margaret Steed 1908; Hannah Lenore b. July 26, 1885, m. S. R. Butterfield 1910; Jesse Eugene b. Aug. 9, 1890. Married Frances Marion Bigler July 28, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Adam Bigler and Sarah Ann Compton; pioneers 1859, J. W. Cooley company). She was born Oct. 22, 1859. Their children: Claudius b. June 21, 1879; Clarissa b. Aug. 1880, m. Jessy J. Chipman 1896; Harriet b. May 21. 1882, m. Charles A. Secrist 1902; Edward b May 8, 1884; Amy b. Jan. 22, 1885; Joseph J. b. May 6, 1886; Andrew b. May 19, 1889; Florence Ireta b. April 14, 1892; Lucy b. Jan. 19, 1895; Reuben b. Feb. 27, 1897; Carl Bigler b. March 27, 1899. Families resided at Farmington, Utah. Settled at Mill Creek 1847; moved to Farmington 1849. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Bishop of Farm- ington ward 27 years; first counselor to President William R. Smith, Davis stake; president of Davis stake 1894; called by President Young in 1875 to take charge of a band of Indians and assist them in the arts of civiliza- tion. Representative to state legislature from Davis county three terms; delegate, to Trans-Mississippi Congress at Omaha, Neb. Died Dec. 16, 1903. HESS, JOSEPH WELLS (son of John W. Hess and Emeline Bigler). Born Oct. 11, 1859, Farmington, Utah. Married Minnie Palmer Nov. 24, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Palmer and Eliza Howes, who came to Utah 1874). She was born July 4, 1864, Broome, Eng. Their only child was Minnie Laurite (adopted) b. Jan. 23, 1906. Family resided Elba, Idaho, and Farmington, Utah. President fifty-sixth quorum seventies 1904; counselor In stake presidency two years and stake president two years of Y. M. I. A. at South Davis stake; missionary to Oklahoma and Texas 1896-98; president North Texas con- ference eleven months; Sunday school and ward teacher; home missionary three years. HESS, JAMES H. (son of John W. Hess and Mary Ann Steed). Born March 6, 1868, at Farmington, Utah. Married Elizabeth White Nov. 24, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of John S. White and Adliad Everette of Farm- ington; pioneers). She was born April 24, 1865. Their children: Mary Jane b. Aug. 31, 1882, m. Vinson Knight; Annie Eliza b. Nov. 6, 1884, m. Wilford B. Farnsworth; Alice E. b. Aug. 14, 1885, m. Robert Hardy; James H., Jr. b. Nov. 1887, m. Alice Tovey; Russell b. July 14, 1891, m. Louise Hansen; Willda E. b. Oct. 12, 1889; Alvln b. March 13, 1893; Hazel b. Jan. 4, 1895; Elwood b. Feb. 20, 1897; Emery b. Oct. 31, 1898; Carter b. Nov. 26, 1900; Clara b. Dec. 20, 1903; Ella b. Aug. 19, 1906; Evelyn b. April , 1908. Family home, Fielding. Settled at Bear River Valley 1877. Bishop's counselor and Sunday school superintendent of Plymouth ward 1884-94; bishop of Fielding ward 1904-1906. ' HIBBERT, BENJAMIN (son of James Hibbert and Hannah Brown, Newton Heath, Eng.). Born March 16, 1841, at Newton Heath; came to Utah 1859 with one of the hand- cart companies. Married Mary Mills Jan. 1, 1862, Peterson, Utah (daugh- ter of Charles Edmund Mills, pioneer 1863, Rosel Hyde company, and Frances Farr, both of Southampton, Eng.). She was 1 born April 6, 1836. Their children: George W., m. Elizabeth Walton; Mary E., m. Andrew B. Kennedy; Annie J., m. William H. Bennett; Sarah E., m. Henry D. Auger; Melinda, m. Samuel J. Bennett; Eugene, m. Dolores Bartlett; Lillian M., m. John Bright; Maud, m. Claude O. Fulton; Angeline, died; Benjamin C., m. Evelyn Thomp- son. Family home Enterprise, Morgan Co., Utah. Elder; Sunday school superintendent; home missionary. Constable. Farmer. Died Nov. 1894. HIBBARD, GEORGE (son of John Hibbard and Mary Brown of Honslow, Middlesex, Eng.). Born Aug. 22, 1836, Honslow, Eng. Came to Utah 1854. Married Hannah Williams 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Williams and Hannah Maddy of Bedford, South Wales; former started for Utah, but died on the way). She was born Aug. 25, 1830. Their children: George A., m. Julia C. Lemmon; Mary Ann, m. Thomas E. Ricks; James Edwin, m. Mary Jen Luttz; Charles Albert, m. Mary Will- ham; Flora, d. Jan. 1885; Rose, m. James E. Togg; Emaline, m. John Evans. Family home Logan, Utah. Elder. Shoemaker and tanner. Died Oct. 30, 1890, Hib- bard, Idaho. HIBBARD, GEORGE A. (son of George Hibbard and Han- nah Williams). Born July 18, 1857, Farmington, Utah. Married Julia C. Lemmon Oct. 29, 1884, Logan temple (daughter of Willis Lemmon and Anna E. Homer of Smith- field, Utah, pioneers 1852, former with Russell K. Homer company). She was born May 31, 1865. Their children: Mabel I. b. Sept. 3, 1885. m. Henry Arnold; Georgia b. Aug. 30. 1887, d. Jan. 26, 1888; Nellie May b. May 8, 1889, m. William Sheppard; Stella b. Aug. 27, 1890, d. Aug. 31. 1901; Willis L. b. March 24, 1892; Alice b. Jan. 12, 1894, d. March 26. 1910; Rhoda L. b. June 12, 1896; Julia L. b. Nov. 18, 1898; Silas L. b. March 4, 1903; Don T. b. June 20, 1906. Family home Hibbard, Idaho. High priest; bishop Hibbard ward June 9, 1895; bishop Warm River ward Nov. 10, 1907. Farmer and stockralser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 933 HICKEX, THOMAS (son of Thomas Hicken and Ann 'Ward of Leicestershire, Eng.). Born June 15, 1826. Came to Utati 1862, Eli B. Kelsey company. Married Catharine Fewkes June 1845, Whitwick, Eng. (daughter of Benjamin and Culloden Fewkes of England), She was born 1825. Their children: Elizabeth, m. William Everet; Orson, m. Emily Rasband; Addison, m. Elizabeth Molton; Thomas, m. Sarah McMullan; John, m. Isabel Todd; Benjamin, d. aged 2; David William, m. Kate Murdock. Family home Heber, Utah. Married Margaret Powell Aug. 15, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Powell and Maria Mously of Tipton, Staffordshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 15, 1864, Jos. S. Rawlins company). She was born March 8, 1848. Their children: Maria, m. William Baum; Sarah Ann, died; Rachael Emma, m. Adolphus Sessions; Charles Willard, m. Minnie Cum- mings; Ruth, m. Albert Douglas Dixon. High priest; presided over Whitwick ward In England; seventy and patriarch. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war, 1853-54. Farmer and stockraiser. HICKEN, JOHN HENRY (son of Thomas Hicken and Cath- arine Fewkes). Born June 14, 1859, Provo, Utah. Married Isabel Ellen Todd Jan. 14, 1885, Heber, Utah (daughter of Thomas Todd and Margaret Shankland, of Heber). She was born March 17, 1863. Their children: Margaret Catharine b. Sept. 1, 1886, m. George Thomas Rasband; John Thomas b. Dec. 15, 1888, d. Dec. 15, 1888; Ethel lone b. Dec. 22, 1892; Lizzie Belle b. Nov. 3, 1895; Irwin Todd b. Nov. 8, 1898; Geneve b. Sept. 8, 1901; Nellie Melva b. Feb. 23, 1907. Family home, Heber. Elder. Member Heber city council. Butcher; farmer and stockraiser. II I< K r.M.ooi'l lit. ' WILLIAM HAINEY (son of Andrew Hickenlooper and Rachel Long of Westmoreland county. Pa.). Born Sept. 22, 1804. in Westmoreland county. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Sarah Hawkins Aug. 29, 1837, in western Penn- sylvania (daughter of Caleb and Sarah Hawkins of Indiana county, Pa.). Their children: Jane, m. Stratton Thornton; Belinda, m. Edward Wade; John T., m. Elvira Fullmer. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Ward. Their children: William, m. Emily Gould; Rebecca, m. Thomas McEwan. Married Ann Ham. Their children: Orson Hyde, m. Eliza- beth C. Wallace; Rachel, m. Duncan McLain; Charles Andrew, m. Medora Blanchard; George. Bishop 6th ward. Salt Lake City. City councilman. Man- ager Co-op, store; farmer. Died Jan. 14, 1888, Salt Lake City. HICKENLOOPER, CHARLES ANDREW (son of William Hainey Hickenlooper and Ann Ham). Born Jan. 23, 1862, "^tarried Medora Blanchard Dec. 13, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alma Moroni Blanchard and Emma Bocock of SoringvUle). She was born Feb. 23. 1866. Their children: William Alma b. Dec. 4, 1884; Luella b. March 19, 1886; Delia Ann b. Sept. 24, 1888; Florence b. Aug. 4, 1890; Ray Charles b. Aug 28 1892; Merl Horace b. Feb. 14, 1896; Lottie Emma b. July 26, 1900; Glen Andrew b. July 7, 1903; Melva b. Feb. 18 1907. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1895-97; bishop's counselor; bishop of Pleasant View ward. County fruit tree and horti- cultural inspector; constable; secretary state board horticul- ture; director state fair association. Fruitgrower and shipper; general horticulturist. HICKENLOOPER, WILLIAM ALMA (son of Charles Andrew Hickenlooper and Medora Blanchard). Born Dec. 4, 1884, Pleasant View, Utah. Member stake board religion classes of Weber and Ogden stakes. Real estate dealer. HICKS, JAMES M. (son of Sylvanus Hicks and Eveline A. Marvin, both of New York state). He was born June 29, 1833, in New York. Came to Utah 1850, Captain Johnson C Marrled Jane Ann Chase, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Sisson A. Chase and Miriam Gove of Vermont, pioneers li!53, Joseph Thorne company). She was born June 15, 1 Their children: Emma J. b. Jan. 6, 1858, m. Smith Covert; Marvin J. b. Aug. 16. 1859, d. Aug. 23, 1884; Miriam E. b. April 27, 1862, m. Jabez Taylor; Sisson A. b. April 3, 1864. m. Hannah Scoby; John D. b. May 26, 1866, d Feb. 2 1874; Henry S b. April 3, 1868, m. Viola Smith; Amia L. b. March 29. 1870, m. James E. Coult; Charles A. b. Sept. 19, 1872 m. May Robinson; George A. b. April 20 1876 m Elizabeth Edmonds; Levl D. b. May 15, 1877, d. Aug. 13, 1878; Annie L. b. July 20, 1879, m. Horace Fielding. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Died June 27, 1892. HICKS, JOHN T. R. Born April 19, 1826. Married Harriet Doe in England, who came to Utah ana lived and died in Salt Lake City. Married Anna Buhler, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ulrich Buhler of Zurich, Switzerland). She was born April 1, 1846. Their children: Harriet and Emeline, d. infants; John W. B b May 26, 1873. m. Amy Erlckson; Anna J. b. Aug. 23, 1875, m. Frederick Pipegrass; Meily J. b. Feb. 9, 1878, m. Heber C. Nielsen; Heber C. b. Oct. 20, 1880; Nephl C. b. Feb. 1, 1883, m. Hannah Dunn; Olive M. b. July 28, 1885, died; Bertha P. b. April 27, 1888. Family home South Cottonwood, near Murray, Utah. Seventy. Participated in Echo Canyon campaign. Shoe- maker. Died Dec. 16, 1890. HIGGINS, JESSE) (son of William Higgins, born March 20, 1809, at Skitsecotters, Eng., and Harriet Kennard, born 1810, Doddington, Eng. married 1828). Born June 26, 1830, Len- ham, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 24, 1868, Horton D. Halght company. Married Frances Hampshear in 1863 (daughter of William Hampshear and Ann Hales), who was born Oct. 6, 1834. Their children: William b. June 19, 1864, m. Cena Christopherson Nov. 24, 1882; Alfred John b. April 8, 1867, d. infant; George b. March 25, 1858, m. Martha Rice July 14, 1882; Frances b. April 28, 1862, m. John Nielsen Nov. 17, 1882. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Married Louisa Ann Swinyard Jan. 16, 1866, Tunstall, Kent, Eng. (daughter of Edward Swinyard and Sarah Jennings), who was born April 5, 1829, at Tunstall. Their children: Louisa Ann b. Aug. 2, 1867, m. Hyrum Bateman Sept. 27, 1893; Lovina R. b. Feb. 3. 1870, m. Christopher Bateman Sept. 12, 1888. Family home West Jordan, Utah. HIGGINS, NELSON. Born 1806, Otswego, Canada. Came to Utah with a contingent of the Mormon Battalion, captain of Company D. Married Nancy Marybah Behunln (daughter of Elijah Behunin), who was born Feb. 8. 1840. Their children: Melvin, died; Nelson W., m. Christina M. Hanson; Joseph H., m. Margaret A. Luster; Isaac M., died; Lewis; Hyrum and Marybah Elmina, died; Nancy Loretta b. March 31, m. Samuel B. Harmon. Family resided Nephi, Richfield and Elsinore, Utah. First bishop of Richfield before and after the Indian wars. Major-general of Sevler county troops In Black Hawk Indian war. Justice of peace, Elslnor. Farmer. Died 1890, Elsinore. HIGGINS, LEWIS (son of Nelson Higgins and Nancy Mary- bah Behunin). Born Dec. 15, 1870, Nephi, Utah. HIGHAM, THOMAS ROBERTS (son of Ambrose Higham and Cathrine Roberts of Eydon, Northamptonshire, Eng.). He was born July 27, 1821, Eydon, Northamptonshire. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1851, Orson Pratt company. Married Annie Stewart July 11, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Archibald Stewart and Esther Lyle of Glas- gow, Scotland, pioneers Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn company). She was born Jan. 6, 1833. Their children: Thomas S., m. Ida Young Dec. 21, 1882, m. Hannah Gould July 7, 1885; Mary S., m. Charles W. Brewerton Nov. 20, 1884; Robert S., died; Archibald S., m. Hattie Dixon May 1883; George S., died; Annie S.; John S., m. Gwendolyn Vernetta April 16, 1906; William S., m. Ida Cope Sept. 19, 1894; Ambrose S., m. Clara Hoffman July 12, 1898; James S., died. Family home, Salt Lake Ctiy. Member 4th quorum seventies; high priest. Veteran Indian war. Landscape gardener. Died Oct. 19, 1902. HIGHAM, AMBROSE S. (son of Thomas Roberts Higham and Annie Stewart). Born March 3, 1873, Salt Lake City. Married Clara Hoffman July 12, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Herrman Hendrich Martin Hoffman and Chris- tine Marie Frolander of Malmb, Sweden latter came to Utah July 12, 1886). She was born Oct. 23, 1879. ' Their children: Lyle H. b. July 8, 1900; Mary H. b. Aug. 11, 1902; Ambrose H. b. Oct. 1, 1904; Harding H. b. Oct. 27. 1906; Clare H. b. June 16, 1909; Ruth H. b. July 12, 1911. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 4th quorum seventies. Master plumber; member of firm of Higham Brothers. HIGLEV, GEORGE W. (son of Myron Spencer Hlgley and Priscilla Eberson). Born Nov. 20, 1831, Leeds county, Canada. Came to Utah in 1851. Married Nancy Ellen Wadsworth July 24, 1855, who was born July 23, 1839. Settled at Salt Lake City; In 1852 moved to Green River, Wyoming, where he bought an interest in the Ferry. He went to meet his parents at Laramie. Wyo., and assisted them to Salt Lake City in 1852. Went to Marsh Valley, Idaho, and built a bridge across the Marsh Creek, and opened a trading post at that pace. HIGLEY, MYRON SPENCER (son of Job Higley and Dorcas EgKleston). Born Dec. 29, 1801. Came to Utah 1852. Married Priscilla Eberson In 1826. Leeds, Can. Their children- Viz Nelson b. April 1, 1827. d. 1828; Clarissa b. children vi ^ George W. b. Nov. 20, 1831; Edwin b. Nov 12' 1833 d. April 10, 1852; Adelia b. June 23, 1836; Abigail b. Oct. 6 1838; James b. 1841, d. 1841; Dorcas b. Dec. 2, 1843, 934 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH d Oct. 1864; Mary Jane b. Feb. 13, 1847; Elizabeth Ann b. April 1. 1850; Myron b. Feb. 6, 1863. Family home Mountain Green, Utah. Settled in Salt Lake valley 1852; lived in Morgan and Davis counties till 1872; moved to Hooper, Weber county, 1872. Bowl-turner; farmer. Died in 1887 at Hooper, Utah. HIGSOPf, JOHN (son of Jerrard Higson and Anne Hopkins of West Houghton, Lancashire, Eng.). Born Dec. 29, 1836, West Houghton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1859. Robert Neslen company. Married Caroline Kidgell June 10, 1858, Wigan, Lan- cashire, Eng. (daughter of Charles Kidgell and Miss Loftus of Lancashire, pioneers Sept. 15, 1859. Robert Neslen com- pany). She was born Sept. 15, 1836. Their children: Charles J., m. Georgia Smith; Henry, m. Mary O'Rork; Etta, m. Thomas H. Atkins; Frank E.; Alford, m. Miss Evans; Hugh H.. m. Miss Peterson; John W., m. Blanch Becker. Family home Salt Lake City. Seventy. In charge of Salt Lake City Sewerage depart- ment two and one half years. Mining man. HIGSON, CHARLES J. (son of John Higson and Caroline Kldg-ell). Born April 8, 1859, in New York. Came to Utah with father. Married Georgia Smith Nov. 8, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Smith and Catherine Wootton of Farmington, Utah, pioneers October, 1855. Milo Andrus company). She was born Jan. 23. 1859, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Roy C. b. Aug. 29, 1883, m. Effle Swanner; Earl K. b. Aug. 9, 1885, m. Maud West. Family home Salt Lake City. Plumbing, heating and contracting. HILL, ALEXANDER. Born October 1779 Skipness, Argyle- Bhlre, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1851, Abraham Day company. Married Elizabeth Curry. Their children: Daniel; Agnes b. June 6, 1808. m. John Richards; John b. Jan. 14, 1814, m. Margret Brice, m. Agnes Steele; Archibald N. b. Aug. 20, 1816, m. Isabella Hood, m. Margaret Fotherlngham; m. Mary Milam, m. Caroline Graham; Alexander; Mary, m. James Bullock; Elizabeth. HILL, JOHN (son of Alexander Hill and Elizabeth Curry). Born Jan. 14, 1814, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Came to Utah 1850. Married Margret Brice (daughter of Robert and Eliza- beth Brice), who was born Dec. 15. 1816. and died in 1858. Their children: Elizabeth B. b. 1839, died; Mary B. b. Jan. 25. 1841. m. D. D. McArthur Feb. 13. 1857; Isabell B. b. 1843, died; John B. b. March 17, 1846, m. Margery Kerr Dec. 15. 1876; Margret B. b. Nov. 28. 1848. m. Joseph Hall; Sarah B. b. Oct. 9. 1850, m. Bradford Bird: Agnes Christy B. b. Jan. 20, 1853, died; Martha Ann B. b. May 19, 1856, m. A. B. Hill; Robert B. b. 1858, died. Married Agnes Steele Nov. 26, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander Steele), who was born Dec. 25, 1823. Their children: Jane S. b. Sept. 23, 1860, m. J. J. Hill; Jennett S. b. Jan. 18, 1862, m. Charles Hill; Archi- bald S. b. Jan. 18, 1862; Frances S. b. June 30, 1863, m. Charles Hill. Settled at Wellsville, Cache Valley, 1860, where he and his brother built and owned the first grist mill. Cooper; carpenter. Accidentally shot and killed while hunting 1863. HILL, JOHN B. (son of John Hill and Margret Brice). Born March 17. 1846. Nauvoo. Married Margery Kerr Dec. 15, 1876, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of David Kerr and Agnes Archibald; pioneers 1861, Job Plngree company). She was born July 27, 1859, in Pennsylvania. Their children: Laura K. b. Oct. 22, 1877; Mary K. b. April 24, 1880; Sarah K. b. Oct. 1. 1882. m. J. A. Garner Dec. 19. 1900; James K. b. Nov. 11. 1885, m. Nettle Leishman Sept. 11, 1907; Margret K. b. Jan. 26, 1889, m. Fred Robinette Dec. 20, 1911; Lozena K. b. Jan. 3, 1892; Gladys K. b. Nov. 24, 1894; Margery K. b. Dec. 14, 1898; Beatrice K. b. July 11, 1905. Family home Wells- ville, Utah. President and secretary of elders' quorum; president T. M. M. I. A. HILL, ARCHIBALD N. (son of Alexander Hill and Eliza- beth Curry). Born Aug. 20, 1816. at Johnstown, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1847, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Isabella Hood Feb. 21, 1840 (daughter of James Hood and Margaret Bislen of Toronto. Canada). She died at Winter Quarters on way to Utah. Their children: Samuel Hood. m. Audrey Payne; Hannah Hood, m. Miles Romney; Rebecca Hood, m. Edwin Pettit. Married Margaret Fotheringham July 12, 1851. Their children: Charlotte (adopted); Isabella; Lizetta; Newel; Frank. Married Mary Milam Dec. 26, 1855. Their children: Emma; William. Married Caroline Graham April 7, 1857. Their children: Lolza; Martha; Perley A.; Daniel; Audrey, m. Mary Houes Jan. 22, 1872. Was in charge of tithing office at Salt Lake City 15 years. Missionary to England 1865-67, returning to Utah In charge of a company of emigrants: missionary to United States and Canada 1887-88; watchman at Z. C. M. I. and Constitution Building five years. Died Jan. 2, 1900. HILL, GEORGE WASHINGTON (son of Richard Hill, born Nov. 29, 1793, near Fredericksburg. Md.. and Sarah Strait, born March 26, 1799, Dutchess county, N. Y.). Born March 6, 1822, Amesville, Athens Co., Ohio; came to Utah Sept. 18, 1847, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Cynthia Utley Stewart Sept. 18, 1846, in Mis- souri (daughter of George Stewart, died in Missouri, and Ruth Baker, pioneer Sept. 1847, Abraham O. Smoot company, Tuscaloosa, Ala.). She was born Jan. 15, 1823. Came to Utah Sept. 1847 with mother. Their children: George Richard b. Aug. 22, 1846, m. Elizabeth N. Burch Dec. 18, 1871; Clarinda Cynthia b. Oct. 19, 1848, m. James Beus Oct. 19, 1868; Heber James, d. child; Ruthinda Evelyn b. Nov. 3, 1853, m. Lewis F. Moench; Isaiah Lorenzo, d. child; Joseph John, m. Martha Stowell; Charles Wash- ington, m. Janett Hill; Parley Pratt, m. Mary J. Roylance; Edna Rebecca, d. child. Family resided at Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah. High priest; patriarch; missionary among: the Indians at Salmon River, Idaho, 1855; assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah 1849 and 1864; Indian interpreter; worked among the Indians of the Malad River Valley, establishing them on their farms. Farmer. Died Feb. 21, 1891. Salt Lake City. HILL, GEORGE RICHARD (son of George W. Hill and Cynthia Utley Stewart). Born Aug. 22, 1846, Mt. Pisgah, Iowa; came to Utah Sept. 10, 1847. Married Elizabeth N. Burch Dec. 18, 1871 (daughter of Daniel Burch and Ann W. McClellan), who was born Jan. 31. 1849. Ogden, Utah. Their children: George R. b. April 10, 1884; Daniel B. b. Dec. 4, 1886; Reuben L. b. March 4, 1888; Anna Elizabeth b. April 11, 1890, m. James R. Hindley June 1909. Married Charity J. Shelton (daughter of William Shel- ton and Delphina Kirkman), who was born Jan. 22, 1858, Mt. Airy, N. C. Their children: John Shelton b. Aug. 30, 1884, m. Minerva Johnson; Mary D. b. Aug. 9, 1886; Cyn- thia J. b. May 18. 1895; William Richard b. Sept. 28, 1896. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah 1866; hauled rock for Salt Lake temple; school teacher 1869 and 1870; missionary to southern states 1879-81; Sunday school super- intendent at Ogden first ward 1884-89; moved to Spring- vllle 1889 and he was ordained bishop of third ward April 17, 1892; served as home missionary two years. County commissioner 1901. HILL, CHARLES W. (son of George W. Hill and Cynthia Utley Stewart). Born May 30, 1861, Ogden, Utah. Married Jannett Hill Aug. 26, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hill and Agnes Steele both of Scot- land, the former came to Utah). She was born Jan. 18, 1862. Their children: Charles W. b. June 30, 1881, m. Etta Marshall; Jennette b. Jan. 8, 1883, m. Edward P. Dahle; Cynthia A. b. Aug. 21, 1885, m. Moses Dahle; George W. b. Sept. 26. 1887, d. infant; Disa C. b. Sept. 26, 1887, d. Infant; Archie G. b. Aug. 11, 1889; Noble b. Feb. 21, 1891, d. infant. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Frances Hill Sept. 26. 1882. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hill and Agnes Steele), both of Scot- land, the former came to Utah). She was born June 30, 1863. Their children: Edith F. b. June 8, 1885; Zina R. b. March 14, 1888: Mercy R. b. April 10. 1891, m. Henry K. Bytheway: Ruby M. b. May 13, 1893. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest; member high council of Pocatello stake; block teacher. Merchant. Died Oct. 14, 1908. HILL, ISAAC (son of John Hill and Mary Ward of Penn- sylvania). Born Sept. 29, 1808, In Ohio. Came to Utah 1849. Married Mary Jane Miller, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Miller and Sarah Surcey of Ohio, pioneers 1849, latter with Capt. Hooper company). She was born Jan. 9, 1834. Their children: Elizabeth b. Sept. 21, 1854, m. Phlneas Cook; m. Chris Johnson; Isaac b. June 25, 1857, m. Rebecca Tremellin; Jacob, d. infant; Eliza b. Jan. 3, 1860, m. William Howard, Jr.; Samuel b. Jan. 11, 1862, m. Christy Reed; Margaret b. Jan. 21, 1864, m. Thomas Smith; Joseph b. March 17, 1866; Sylvia b. May 14, 1868, m. Beeman L. Ovlatt; Emellne b. April 6, 1870, m. David A. Johnson; Hyrum S. b. Aug. 6, 1873, m. Miss Hendrickson. Family home Salt Lake City. Missionary to Missouri 1857-58; bishop 2d ward. Salt Lake City. Blacksmith. Died June 25, 1879, Fish Haven, Idaho. HILL. JAMES came to Utah by oxteam. Married Mallssia . Their children: Sally Malissia; James; George; Rhoda, m. Charles Grames, Jr. Seventy; high priest. Farmer. Died 1910, Wellington, Utah. HILL, JOSEPH (son of Joseph Hill of Gloucestershire, Eng.). Born March 17, 1806. Came to Utah 1861, Capt. Caldwell company. Married Ann Marsden in England, who was born about 1808 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John, m. Mary Bennett; Joseph, m. Ellen Sheen; Alice Ann, m. John Bloxom. Farmer and stockraiser Died Aug. 21, 1889, Layton, Utah. HILL JOSEPH (son of Joseph Hill and Ann Marsden). Born about 1841. Santers Parish, Gloucestershire, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 935 Married Ellen Sheen Dec. 26, 1868, Kaysville, Utah (daughter of James Sheen and Maria Leverage of Glouces- tershire, pioneers Sept. 26, 1866, Edmund Ellsworth com- pany). She was born Feb. 14, 1838. Their children: Joseph William b. April 18, 1860, m. Caroline Layton; Alice San Cordelia b. Jan. 1862, died; Jeanette Maria b. Dec. 1863, m. George W. Layton; Sarah Ann b. Dec. 14, 1865, m. Rufus Adams; Louisa b. Dec. 2, 1869, m. Marion F. Adams; Emeline b. Oct. 6, 1874, m. Christopher Burton; David Franklin b. Sept. 27. 1886, m. Amanda Jane Bennett. Family home Layton, Utah. Elder. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble; went to Sal- mon River with Horton Haight company; went to San Pete and also to Skull Valley to protect the settlers against Indians. Horse herder for the pony express; stockman and farmer. HILL, RICHARD (son of Richard Hill and Sarah Strait of Athens county, N. T.). Came to Utah 1850, Independent company. Married Rhoda Wheeler. Their children: Catherine, m. Mr. Palmer; Sarah, m. George Lake; Newton, m. Lucy Ann Henson (Packer); Frank, m. Sarah Edwards; James, m. Clara . HILL, NEWTON (son of Richard Hill and Rhoda Wheeler). Born March 19, 1846, Athens county, N. T. Came to Utah with father. Married Lucy Ann Henson (Packer) (daughter of Alfred Henson, who came to Utah 1868). She was born Aug. 15, 1853. Their children: George Newton; James; Laura; An- nie; Rhoda; Franklin Oliver b. Sept. 20, 1884, m. Vera Glenn; Obert; Mary; Elva; Orlin; Lee; Ruford Wade. Elder. Located at Ogden. Lucy Ann Henson was the widow of James Packer. Their children: Alfred Packer and Nathan Packer. HILL, FRANKLIN OLIVER (son of Newton Hill and Lucy Ann Henson). Born Sept. 20, 1884, Doven, near Gunnison, Utah. Married Vera Glenn Sept. 20, 1910, Vernal, Utah, by James M. Shafer (daughter of John Glenn, born at Vernal, Utah, and Olive Haws, born at Provo, both of Wallsburg, Utah). She was born Sept. 13, 1892. Only child: Lena May b. July 22, 1911. Deacon. Merchant at Wellington. HILL, SAMUEL HOOD (son of Archibald Hill and Isabel Hood of Toronto, Canada). Born Dec. 23, 1840, Toronto, Canada. Came to Utah 1851. Married Jane G. Seaman Nov. 7, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Seaman and Rachel Rand of Littles- bury, Eng., pioneers 1867). She was born Aug. 6, 1843. Their children: Ernest S. b. May 26, 1881, m. Annie An- drews; Ethel Jane b. Dec. 14, 1882; Jane S. b. Sept. 6, 1884; Joseph S. b. Sept. 4, 1889. Family home, Salt Lake City. Bishop's counselor several years. Member constitutional convention of 1895. Indian war veteran. Died Feb. 10, 1903. HILL, THOMAS (son of Thomas Hill and Betty Rlggs of Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 25, 1820, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah 1853. Married Alice Mellor 1861 at St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of John Mellor and Mary Hardman of Lancashire, Eng., pioneers 1853, Captain Clawson company). She was born April 27, 1816. Their children: Sarah, m. Allen Hon- dry; Alice A., m. Thomas F. Emmett; Betsy A., m. Dan Zundel. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest. Plasterer. Died March 1, 1887. HILL, WILLIAM JAMBS (son of Richard Hill and Sarah Strait and brother of George Westernton Hill). Born March 3, 1834, Athens, Greene Co., N. Y. Came to Utah 1850, with an independent company. Married Cellicia Hadlock Feb. 25, 1855, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Stephen Hadlock and Sally Alton of Vermont, pioneers Sept. 20, 1850, Edward Bunker company). She was born Sept. 23, 1836, in Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, and died June 30, 1896, Spanish Fork, Utah. Their children: Stephen Wil- liam b. Nov. 27, 1855, died; Mary Elizabeth b. March 2, 1857, died; Sally Lavina b. Feb. 25, 1858, m. Parker; James Henry b. Feb. 20, 1860, m. Nancy Matilda Beckstrom; Sarah Melvina b. April 1, 1862, m. John C. McKendrick; Henrietta Augusta b. Nov. 28, 1864, m. Renfew Smith; George Richard b. March 18, 1866, m. Rose Davis: Rozina Emeline b. July 23, 1868, m. Hyrum Chittenden; Nancy Naoma b. Feb. 13, 1823, m. Robert Bruce Martin; Rhoda Christina b. April 16, 1875. m. Henry Olsen: Adeline Precinda b. June 3, 1878, m. David Davis; Zoula Cilicia b. Aug. 15, 1880, died. Family home Ogden and Wellington, Utah. Married Henrietta Hadlock Sept. 20, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Stephen Hadlock and Sally Alton), who was born July 10, 1843, in Brown county, 111. Their children: Sally Ladosca b. Aug. 28, 1860, died; Roselthea Amena b. April 10, 1870, d. Jan. 17, 1911; Emily Celicia b. Aug. 4, 1871, M. John Calstrom; Cyntha Calista b. July 19. 1873. m. George Dimmick; Charles Sylvester b. Oct. 11, 1874, m. Florence Rollinson; Esther Marlnda b. Aug. 20, 1876, m. William Eldredge; Zina Balinda b. Oct. 11, 1877, m. Brlgham Von Victor Gould; Henrietta Perisina b. July 16, 1879. m. William Park; Hulda Clarinda b. Oct. 19, 1881, m. William Norton; Betty Petty b. Sept. 4, 1884, m. Seamon Golden; William Strait b. Feb. 23. 1886. Member 60th quorum seventies; high priest; Sunday school superintendent at Ogden and Wellington, Utah; ward teacher. Settled in Ogden where he remained until 1884, when he moved to Wellington, and assisted in building canals and wagon roads. Minute-man In Indian war. As- sisted in the survey of Ogden city. Farmer. Died Dec. 26, 1910, Wellington, Utah. HILL, WILLIAM JOHN (son of William Hill and Lucy Gibbons of England). Born Jan. 9, 1856, in England. Came to Utah 1866. Married Charlotte Emily Holbrook June, 1878, Endow- ment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jonathan Hol- brook and Melissa Smith of Canada). She was born 1879. Their children: John William, m. Sarah Ann Frisby; Jonathan; Charlotte (died), m. David Groves; Lucy; Millie; William; Alfred; Lyman; Bryan. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Teacher; high priest. Road Supervisor and Watermaster at Bountiful. Farmer and market gardener. HILL, JOHN WILLIAM (son of William John Hill and Charlotte Emily Holbrook). Born Nov. 1, 1879, Bountiful. Married Sarah Ann Frisby November, 1900, Salt Lake temple (daughter of Ephraim Frisby and Sarah Ann Lowe, pioneers 1866). She was born Aug. 26, 1881. Their chil- dren: John Ephraim b. July 22, 1901; Percy b. Nov. 25, 1902- Guy b. Nov. 12, 1904; Elsie b. Oct. 22, 1906; Lloyd b. May' 12, 1909; Ralph b. April 22, 1911. Member high council Carbon stake; bishop Wellington ward Sept. 6, 1910; Sunday school teacher and stake chorister; teacher and class leader Y. M. M. I. A. Principal Wellington schools Feb. 3, 1905-12. General merchant. HILTO1V, HUGH (son of John Hilton). Born 1819, Bolton, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Married Jane Hewet 1846. Only child: Charles b. 1847, m. Annie Johnson 1868. Family home Salt Lake City, Lehi, and Virgin, Utah. Married Isabella Pilkington 1852, St. Louis, Mo. She was born 1826, Bolton, Eng. Their children: Hugh b. 1853; Sarah A. b. 1855, m. George Hunt 1874; John Hugh b. Nov. 17. 1867, m. Maria Parker June 1, 1881; Joseph b. 1860, m. Ellen M. Richards; Hyrum b. 1864, m. Sarah J. LaFevre. Family home Virgin, Utah. High priest. HILTON, JOHN HUGH (son of Hugh Hilton and Isabella Pilkington). Born Nov. 17, 1867, Salt Lake City. Married Maria Parker June 1, 1881, St. George, Utah (daughter of John Parker and Maria Jackson, former a pioneer 1852 latter with first handcart company, Ednr.'nd Ellsworth, 1856). She was born May 19, 1852, Taylorsville, Utah. Their children: Isabel b. March 13, 1882, m. Bernard Hinton April 24, 1906; Annie M. b. Dec. 10. 1884, m. Ray Bishop Feb. 8, 1911; Hugh b. June 10, 1887, m. Chloe S. Black Aug. 17, 1910; Eugene b. Nov. 12, 1890; Wilford b. March 21, 1892; Ray P. b. Oct. 22, 1895: Ivin b. Jan. 21, 1897; Virgil b. Sept. 14, 1899; Clement b. April 19, 1902; Hazel b. May 13, 1906; Lyda b. Nov. 5, 1907. Family home Virgin, Abraham, and Hinckley, Utah. Assistant Sunday school superintendent; presiding elder Abraham branch, Hinckley ward. HINCHCLIPF, CHARLES W. Born Jan. 2, 1850, in Lan- cashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Mary Allen Aug. 21, 1871, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Albern and Marcia Allen of Ogden, pioneers 1847). She was born Jan. 14, 1850. Their children: Ella; Marcia, m. Gomer A. Nicholas: Charles A., m. Carrie Wansgaard; Francis W., m. Lizzie Evans; Edmond A., m. Amelia James; John R., m. Effie Bullock; Estella, d. aged 26; Lorin A., m. Mamie Hipp; Lester G.; Lulu V. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest; choir leader. Shipping clerk. HINCKLEY, ARZA ERASTUS (son of Nathaniel Hinckley. who lived at Leeds. Can. born Dec. 5. 1794, in the United States and Lois Judd of Upper Canada, born Sept. 15, 1805, at Leeds married 1821). He was born Aug. 15. 1826, in Leeds. Came to Utah July 27, 1847, with company B, Mormon battalion. Married Amelia Woodhouse March 1853 (daughter of Charles Woodhouse, who died In Illinois, and Ann Long, who came to Utah with Capt. Jepson company 1852 married Oct. 6, 1829, in the United States). She was born April 17, 1834; came to Utah with her parents. Their children: Amelia Ellen b. Dec. 22, 1853; Arza Erastus b. June 15, 1855;- Ira Nathaniel b. March 15, 1857, m. Elizabeth Rock 1878; Lois Ann b. Feb. 28, 1859. m. Wm. Vance 1881; Daniel Hanmer b. Jan. 3, 1861. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Temperance Ricks Dec. 18, 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joel Ricks and Elinor Martin, who came to Utah with H. C. Klmball company, Sept. 24, 1848; mar- 936 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH tied May 1, 1827, In Kentucky). She was born Jan. 4, 1837. at Edwardsville. Madison county. 111. Their children: Lois Elinor b. Sept. 17. 1858: Joel b. Nov. 5, 1860, m. Lucy Woodard 1880; Ann Elizabeth b. Jan. 1863; Edwin Lewis b. March 28, 1866; Ella Clarinda b. Sept. 17, 1867, m. T. B. Cardon June 11, 1884; Rhoda Adelaide b. Nov. 6, 1869, m. J. T. B. Mason Dec. 28. 1887; Silas Kicks b. Jan. 28, 1872, m. Lilly Bell Nov. 1894; Arthur Seymour b. April 30, 1874, m. Clara Mason Dec. 20, 1900; Minnie Mary b. March 8, 1877, m. F. C. Bowen Sept. 2, 1903; Nathan Roy b. Dec. 20, 1880. Family resided Salt Lake City, Coalville, Richville, Cove Creek, Utah, and Rexburg, Idaho. Married Mary Christina Heiner April 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Martin Heiner and Adlegunda Dietzel, mar- ried Jan. 6, 1837, in Germany, and came to Utah with Edward Stevenson company 1857). She was born July 20, 1839, in Germany. Their children: Heber b. July 10, 1862; Mary Lolza b. Aug. 28, 1864, m. C. A. Welch April 6, 1883; Martha Adlegunda b. May 13. 1866, m. F. S. Branwell June 11, 1890; Luna Ardell b. March 18, 1868, m. J. R. Paul May 20, 1886; John Heiner b. March 15, 1870, m. Jessie Taggart June 13, 1906; Frances Amelia b. Feb. 18, 1873. m. Joseph Roskelly June 13, 1900; Franklin Arza b. Feb. 18, 1873, m. Ellen Row- berry Aug. 6, 1902; Harvey b. July 10, 1875. Family resided at Salt Lake City. Morgan. Coalville, Richville and Cove Creek, Utah, and Rexburg, Idaho. As a boy of nine years of age was teamster in Zion's camp. Helped bring immigrants to Utah. Policeman, Salt Lake City. Black Hawk war veteran. Probate judge. Sum- mit county high priest; high councilor; missionary to Arizona Indians; bishop Papago ward; patriarch. HINCKLEY, IRA NATHANIEL, (son of Nathaniel Hinck- ley, born Dec. 6, 1794, and Lois Judd. born Sept. 16, 1806. Leeds, Canada, both of Rochester, N. Y., later. He waa born Oct. 30, 1828. Johnstown Dist., Canada. Came to Utah 1850, David Evans company. Married Eliza Evans (daughter of David Evans), who died 1850 crossing plains. Their child: Eliza, m. Edward L. Robertson. Married Adelaide C. Noble Dec. 11, 1853 (daughter of Lucian Noble and Emily Wilcox of Livona, Mich., pioneers 1860, William Snow company). She was born Aug. 15, 1834. Their children: Minerva, m. William A. Ray; Lois, m. James Frampton; Delia, m. James H. Mace; Lucian N., m. Ada Robison; Frank, m. Helen Moody; Edwin Smith, m. Addie Henry; Nellie, m. Joseph H. Robison; Samuel Ernest, m. Ida Cheever; Sarah, m. Mosher F. Pack. Family home Salt Lake City, Coalville, Cave Fort and Fillmore, Utah. Married Angellne Wilcox Noble (daughter of Lucian Noble and Emily Wilcox of Livona, Mich., pioneers 1850). She was born 1832. Their children: Angeline, m. Lafayette Holbrook; Laverne, m. James M. George; Ira N., m. Lillian King; Bryant S.; m. Tenie Johnson and Ada Bitner; Alonzo A., m. Rosa M. Robison; Elmer E., m. Angle Callister; two children died in infancy. Married Maggie Harley. Their child: Mary, m. Mr. Carter. President of Millard stake 26 years. Captain of a com- pany to guard U. S. mail from depredations of Indians. Pioneer to Arizona and New Mexico. Called by President Young to build Cove Fort 1867. Policeman at Salt Lake City; mayor of Fillmore. Blacksmith; farmer and stock- man. Died April 10, 1904, Provo, Utah. HINCKLEY. EDWIN SMITH (son of Ira Nathaniel Hlnckley and Adelaide Cameron Noble). Born July 21, 1868, Cove Fort, Utah. Married Addie Henry Sept. 3, 1890. Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Robert Henry of Ireland and Elizabeth Bacon of England, pioneers 1850. settled at Fillmore, Utah). She was born Jan. 12, 1868. Their children: Robert Henry b. June 8, 1891; Leonore Adelaide b. April 17, 1894: Edwin Carlyle b. July 25, 1896; Norma Elizabeth b. Oct. 12, 1897; Claudius Warren b. May 30, 1899; Paul Bryant b. Oct. 8. 1900; Frederick Russell b. May 28, 1902; John Noble b. Aug. 6. 1903; Evaline Marguerite b. March 9. 1905; Gordon Holbrook b. June 12, 1906; Muriel Aileen b. Sept. 4, 1907; Marion b. March 1, 1909; Angela Ruth b. May 30, 1910. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to Colorado 1897; high priest; first counselor to Bishop Moroni Snow of 6th ward, Provo. Utah. Mem- ber Provo city council. Second counselor to George H. Brtmhall, president of Brigham Young University of Provo; professor of geology and physiography at Brigham Young University of Provo, Utah. HINDLEY, JOHN (son of Thomas Hindley and Mary Seden Lumls of Lancashire, Eng.). Married Jane Charters Robinson Feb. 1856 /it Salt Lake City (daughter of John Robinson of England). Their children: Esther Jane. m. Jefferson Eastmond; Elenor Edith, m. Richard Preston: Mary Helena, m. Alva Greene; John Robinson, m. Ann Chipman; James Ernest, m. Emily Huggard; Anna Elizabeth, m. Oscar F. Hunter; William Hyrum. m. Maud Karen. Family home. American Fork. Bishop's counselor. Mayor of American Fork; Justice of the peace, American Fork. Painter; farmer; merchant. Married Elizabeth Barton March 1, 1863 (daughter of William Barton and Nancy Kay of West Weber, Utah, pioneers Oct. 1862, Thomas Rich company). She was born Feb. 16, 1842. Their children: Harriet Handley; Ephraim; Nancy Farr; John; Mary Ann; Martha Knight; Elizabeth Hadley; Margeth Ann Walker; Sarah May Stone; Lizzie McLane. Family home West Weber, Utah. Farmer. HIPWELL. EPHRAIM (son of William Hipwell and Eliza- beth Barton). Born April 22, 1866. West Weber, Utah. Married Mary Jane Walker Dec. 2, 1885, Logan (daugh- ter of Samuel F. Walder and Sarah Dixon of West Weber, pioneers 1861, Captain Hooper and Captain Thomas Rex companies). She was born May 1. 1866. Their children: Sarah Elizabeth b. May 6, 1887; Mary Jane b. Sept. 20, 1888; William Barton b. Dec. 23. 1890; Margaret Eliza b. Jan. 7, 1893: John Ephraim b. Nov. 7, 1895; Samuel Fred- rick b. March 26, 1902; Willis Thomas b. Jan. 11, 1907. Family home West Weber, Utah. Farmer. HIRSCHI, ARNOLD DANIEL (son of Jacob Hlrschi born June 21, 1830, Reutigen. Bern, Switzerland, died June 18 1909, Montpelier, Idaho, and Susanna Katerinna, born Oct 28, 1834, Zwischenfluh, Bern, Switzerland, died July 2 1902 Montpelier, Idaho). Born Dec. 20, 1868, in Zwischenfluh. Came to Utah Sept. 23. 1883, Captain Goss company. Married Sophie Haehlen Sept. 12, 1894 (daughter of Jacob Haehlen and Rosena Katerine Dubach, who were married Sept., 1859, Borchlen, Diemtigen, Bern, Switzerland) She was born Nov. 14, 1870; came to Utah July 17. 1894. Their children: Arther b. June 20, 1895: Arnold Fredrick b. April 6. 1897: Sophie Katerina b. April 12. 1898: Clara Virginia b. Jan. 7, 1901; Rose Eliza b. Dec. 12. 1904; Gladis Lena b. June 11. 1910. Family home Geneva, Idaho. Bishop of Geneva ward 18 years; missionary to Switzer- land 1892-94; teacher in Montpelier ward. Business man. HIRSCHI, GOTTLIEB (son of Ulrich Hirschi. born Aug. 7, 1802, Schaugnaw, Switzerland, and Anna Amacher, born 1800, Wilderswiel, Switzerland. He was born Jan. 16, 1837, Danbreson, Switzerland. Came to Utah Aug. 1860. Married Mary Ann Rupp Sept. 14, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian Rupp, who died at Shotfo, and Susanna Winkler, who came to Utah from Shotfo Ct.. Neufchatel, Bern, Switzerland). She was born Jan. 12, 1838. Their children: Albert b. July 18. 1862, d. Feb. 23, 1881: Mary Anna b. June 10, 1864. d. Oct. 11, 1866: Joseph b. Dec. 16, 1865; Henry b. June 28, 1867. m. Mary C. Stout; John b. July 26. 1869, d. June 16, 1871; David b. Dec. 13, 1870, m. Mary M. Petty Oct. 3, 1890; bamuel b. Aug. 29. 1872, d. Oct. 10, 1872; Daniel b. May 17. 1874, m. Amelia V. Petty June 27. ; Susanna b. April 26, 1876. m. James N. Stanworth; Eliza b. Dec. 28, 1882, m. Oliver DeMill III. Family home Rockville, Utah. Bishop of Rockville ward 1891-1900; missionary to Switz- erland 1883-85. Settled in Santa Clara 1861, moved to Rockville 1863. Died Jan. 24, 1900, at St. George, Utah. HIRSCHI, DAVID (son of Gottlieb Htrschl and Mary Ann Rupp). Born Dec. 13, 1870, Rockville, Utah. Married Mary Matilda Petty Oct. 3. 1890, Rockville (daughter of Joseph H. Petty and Alfaretta M. Duzett, former a pioneer 1848, Captain Chase company, latter was native born). She was. born Aug. 20, 1872, at Rockville. Their children: Claudius b. Sept. 13, 1892; Margery b. March 8, 1894, d. Aug. 24, 1905: Heber b. Nov. 19, 1895; Kenneth b. June 22, 1897; Susie b. May 6, 1899; David Mllo b. Feb. 26. 1902: Wraph b. June 16, 1903, d. June 16, 1903; Hugh b. June 16. 1905; Annona b. May 6, 1907; Junius b. July 14. 1908: Jennie b. July 24, 1910; Karl Albert b. Aug. 26. 1912. Family home, Rockville. Missionary to Switzerland 1902-04; bishop Rockville ward: school teacher 1892-1902. Director of Bank of St. George; member stake board of education. HIRSCHI, DANIEL (son of Gottlieb Hirschi and Mary Ann Rupp). Born May 17. 1874, Rockville. Married Amelia V. Petty Jan. 27, 1895 (daughter of Joseph H. Petty and Alfaretta M. Duzett, pioneers 1848. Captain Chase company). She was born Feb. 4, 1879. Their children: Mary A. b. Oct. 9, 1895; Gottlieb A b. May 18, 1897. d. April 1. 1897; Daniel A. b. Dec. 3. 1898; Walden b. Dec. 9, 1900. d. Dec. 16. 1900; Dewey b. Jan. 29, 1902; David L. b. Jan. 3, 1904. HIRST, JOHN (son of Abraham Hirst and Nancy Dykes of Yorkshire. Eng.). Born March 7, 1816, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah September 1868. Married Charlotte Brook about 1839, Yorkshire, Eng. (daughter of William and Hannah Brook). She was born 1818. Their children: Abraham, d. infant; James, d. infant: Harriet, m. Thomas Marshall; Hannah, d. aged 17; Nancy, m. Joseph Dearden; Eliza, m. Jonathan Gledhill: Mary, m. George Wood: Martha, m. James Taylor: Fannie, m. William Jenkins: John. m. Elvira Spencer: Sarah, m. Jacob Coon; Charlotte, m. John A. Coon; Ellen, m. Daniel Whipple. HIPWELL, WILLIAM (son of John- Hipwell and Harriet Grucoek of Hansby. Eng.). Born Jan. 11, 1836, Dunton, Bassette. Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Sextus John- son company. HISKEY, BENJAMIN. Born 1822 at Schuylkill Haven. Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862. Henry W. Miller company. Married Mary Ann Dankel. Lehi county. Pa. (daughter of Mr. Dankel of Schuylkill Haven, pioneers Oct. 1862, Capt. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 937 Miller company). She was born 1818 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: W. F. and Emma Linda, both died; Peter M.; Clara; Augusta S.; John S.; Thomas A.; Cassa; Alfred B. : Allen. Latter three died. Teacher. Car repairer. Died 1884, Erda. Utah. HISKET, JOHN S. (son of Benjamin Hiskey and Mary Ann Dankel). Born May 22, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Lyman May 12, 1902, Boulder, Utah (daugh- ter of Amasa Mason Lyman, Jr., and Rosanna Reynolds). She was born July 20, 1885. Only child: Max Lyman b. Aug. 2, 1909. Family home Teasdale, Utah. HITCHCOCK, JOHN CHESTER (son of Seth Hitchcock and Sally Ann Rhodes, both died in Missouri). He was born March 3, 1832, Warsaw, Genesee county, N. T. Came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Petrea Jensen March B, 1857, Ephralm, Utah (daughter of Soren Jensen and Kistina Maria Jensen, Torse, Hjorring ami, Denmark, pioneer 1854, Capt. Olson com- pany). She was born March 1840. Their children: John Seth b. Dec. 28, 1857, d. infant; Franklin b. March 8, 1859, m. Anna Rosetta Cook; Louisa Jane b. May 11, 1861; Mary Ann b. Nov. 20, 1863, d. infant; Petrea Melissa b. Jan. 30, 1865, m. Moses Burdick; Maria Lavina b. Jan. 26, 1868, d. infant; Violet b. Feb. 18, 1869, d. Infant; William Henry b. May 26, 1870, m. Julia Emily Duncan; Willard b. Feb. 16, 1873, m. Mary Thomas; James Edward b. Oct. 16, 1875, d. aged 11; Leonora b. Aug. 4, 1878, d. Oct. 23, 1878; Sarah Elizabeth b. June 23, 1880, d. Sept. 6, 1880. Family home Ferron, Utah. High priest; ward teacher 40 years. Finally settled at Ferron 1883. Lieutenant in Blackhawk war 1865-68. As- sisted bringing immigrants to Utah. HITCHCOCK, WILLIAM HENRY (son of John Chester Hitchcock and Petrea Jensen). Born May 26, 1870, Spring City, Utah. Married Julia Emily Duncan Nov. 2, 1892, Manti (daughter of John Chapman and Teressa Duncan, of Scotland and Ferron). She was born April 13, 1875. Their children: Dora Evelyn b. March 31. 1894, m. LaMar Kilpack; Blanche b. Oct. 25, 1896; Louis William b. May 18, 1899; Rulon John b. March 15, 1905; Helen b. March 22, 1913. Family home, Clawson. Bishop Clawson ward, Oct. 25, 1904. Settled at Ferron 1884. County road commissioner 1912. Farmer and stock- raiser. HITCHCOCK, FRANKLIN (son of John C. Hitchcock and Petrea Jensen). Born March 8, 1859. Married Anna Rosetta Cook. Their children: Delos, m. Rachel Thomas; Seth, m. Sarah Felstead, died; Olive, m. Livy Olsen; Monte; Ruth, m. Peter Alfred Knudson; Val; Reeva; Cleo. Elder. Farmer. HJORTH, PETER H See page 944. 1IOHHS, WILLIAM DOWN (son of Henry Hobbs and Ann Down of Framfleld, Sussex, Eng.) Born Jan. 6, 1814, Fram- fleld, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren Snow company. Married Mary Ann Pope Nov. 9, 1835, Brighton, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Pope and Ann Grenier), who was born April 11, 1815. Their children: Annie b. April 30, 1837; William Down, Jr. b. Nov. 1839, m. Elizabeth Cook 1864; Mary Ann b. June 16, 1841, m. Alfred Gadd Jan. 1864; Emma Lucy b. Feb. 21, 1843, m. Alexander Meads Oct. 1864; Tryphena Jane b. April 29, L847, m. William West 1867; Sarah Eliza- beth b. Feb. 3, 1852, m. Henry H. Harriman; Ellen Agnes b. June 1853, m.| Hyrum Fielding; George Brigham b. Feb. 22, 1856, m. Julia Broadhead Oct. 1883; Alice Lavina b. 1858, m. William Banks. Family home, Parowan. Helped settle Iron county, 1885. Carpenter; builder and farmer. HOBBS, WILLIAM DOWN (son of William Down Hobbs). Born in November 1839. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson company. Married Elizabeth Cooke (daughter of Henry Cooke), who was born Sept. 27, 1843, and came to Utah 1865, John R. Murdock company. Their children: Annie Constance b. Nov. 27, 1866, m. Benjamin H. Cooke March 10, 1886; William Henry b. Sept. 5, 1871, m. Mary E. Hathaway; Benjamin George, m. Mary G. Southworth; Amy, d. aged 3; Jesse T., m. Ethel Molyneux 1904; Franklin M., m. Mary Bault 1901; Edith Pearl, m. Rasmus Mickleson; Alvin M. b. Feb. 17, 1891. Family reside Parowan, Utah, and Wilford, Idaho. HOCHSTRASSER, RUDOLPH (son of Rudolph Hochstrasser, born 1803, Fahrwangen, Canton Aargau, Switzerland, and Margaret Miller, born July 15. 1814, Reitnau, Canton Aargau, Switzerland). He was born Sept. 1, 1839, Wikermos, Canton Luzerne. Switzerland. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860, Jesse E. Murphy company. Married Maria Sutter March 10, 1859, mid-Atlantic, on ship Emerald Isle (daughter of Daniel Sutter and Margaret Witmer of Bozberg, Aargau, Switzerland). She was born Aug. 13, 1824. Their children: Jacob b. Nov. 25, 1860, d. infant; Mary b. Jan. 15, 1863, m. Frederick Theurer Aug. 6, 1880; Joseph b. Jan. 9, 1866, m. Alice Fullmer. Family home Providence, Utah. Married Mary Ann Lanz Nov. 1, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ulrich and Maria Lanz), who was born Sept. 5, 1841, Lotzuil, Bern, Switzerland. Their children: Rudolph Hyrum b. Aug. 20, 1865, m. Alice Fullmer; Nephi W. b. Feb. 26, 1867, m. Jane Fullmer; Eva Liottea b. May 8, 1869, m. Neils Hansen 1887; Sarah Ann b. July 11, 1871, m. Frank Hinman; Rachel Eliza b. Aug. 24, 1873, m. Thomas Low; Mary Ann b. Oct. 6, 1875, m. Julius Jacobsen; Alma b. Oct. 16, 1878. Married Ursula Kerner May, 1865, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Kerner and Ursula Trichler), who was born Sept. 9, 1837, Hamereisenbach, Baden, Germany. Only child: Thomas O. b. March 1866, d. infant. Married Anna Maria Torbjornson Oct. 20, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Neils Torbjornson and Mary Mason), who was born May 5, 1864. Their children: Martha b. Nov. 7, 1882, m. Charles Bradley: Elizabeth b. Jan. 26, 1886. m. Samuel Ahlman Dec. 24, 1910; Samuel b. Feb. 1888, d. April 1890; Daniel b. Jan. 15, 1890, d. same year. Married Rhoda Jane Kietten Feb. 10, 1892, Salt Lake City (daughter of Eugene and Sarah Jane Fullmer of Salt Lake City). She was born 1856, Salt Lake City. Their children: Leah Lavon H. b. Aug. 1893, m. Mr. Webb 1911; Ruby Drucilla H. b. July 1895; Chloe Margaret H. b. Aug. 18, 1897. Married Matilda A. Jahnke Dec. 10. 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Louis Jahnke and Ernstena Nixdorf of Ger- many). She was born Sept. 9, 1876, Milwaukee, Wis. Member 32d quorum seventies; missionary to Switzerland 1883-85; bishop's counselor 1885-89; high priest. Shoe- maker and farmer. HODGES, NATHANIEL MORRIS (son of William Hodges and Ann Sweet of Bristol, Eng.). Born Jan. 4, 1847, Sparks- ford, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Captain S. M. Molen company. Married Louisa Weston Oct. 11, "1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nehemiah Weston and Rosanna Gilford of East Harptree, Somersetshire, Eng., came to Utah Aug. 11, 1870). She was born Feb. 11, 1847. Their children: William Nehemiah b. July 15. 1870, m. Edith Pearl; Na- thaniel John b. Aug. 15, 1872. m. Rose Early; Hyrum b. Sept. 20, 1874, d. Feb. 11, 1888; Edward b. Oct. 20, 1876, m. Eva Olene Kimball; Mary Louisa b. July 15, 1879, m. Reuben Hyden; Samuel b. May 31, 1881; Orson Henry b. July 10, 1887; Leonora b. May 28, 1889, m. Frank Linford; Hortense b. June 26, 1892, d. Oct. 14. 1894. Family home, Laketown. Missionary to England 1883-84. Built first roller flour- mill and steam sawmill in Laketown 1876. Stock raiser. HODSOJf, WILLIAM (son of William Embleton Hodson and Anna Pigford of Durham county, Eng.). Born Aug. 30, 1841, Quarrington Hill, Durham county. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1863, John R. Young independent company. Married Isabella 'Williamson Dec. 25, 1861, Pomeron, Meigs Co., Ohio (daughter of Thomas Williamson and Ann Robinson of Durham county, Eng.). She was born July 6. 1845. Their children: Ann Williamson b. Feb. 7, 1864, m. William G. Rhead; Isabella b. Oct. 11, 1866, died May 31, 1867; William Williamson b. June 18, 1868, m. Agnes Walker; John Thomas b. July 28, 1S70, m. Coralie Elvira Smith; Benjamin Franklin b. May 3, 1872, m. Evar Martell; Margaret Elizabeth b. March 27, 1876, m. John Ambrose Pack; Sarah Juliet b. Nov. 22, 1878, m. Joseph Theron Carruth Sept. 29, 1909; Mary Isabell b. Dec. 25, 1880, m. Leo L. Robertson, later Vincent Shepherd; Edward Elmore b. Aug. 15, 1883; Ethel Irene b. Sept. 11, 1885, m. Joseph E. White; Alvin Claude b. Nov. 9, 1888, d. aged 7. Family home, Coalville. Settled at Coalville Sept. 9, 1863. Counselor to Bishop Robert Salmon of Coalville ward from its organization to 1877. When divided into three wards he was made bishop of North ward 1889-95; stake tithing clerk; superintendent of Sunday school; ward teacher; ward clerk; high coun- cilor of Summit stake since 1901. School trustee; city surveyor 1877-78; city councilman 1877-93; member school board of examiners 1879 and 1880. Assisted in organizing Coalville co-operative work; salesman; bookkeeper; half owner of Robinson and Fletcher-Hodson coal mines; also of Hodson-Olson coal mine of Coalville; had big interest in Summit County Railroad; helped orga.ni?e a cattle com- pany and grist mill company in Coalville. Secretary and treasurer of Summit stake tabernacle 1878-98. HODGSON, HENRY WILLIAM SUTLIPF (son of Jonathan Hodgson and Grace Sutliff of Yorkshire, Eng.). Born July 26, 1824, in Yorkshire. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1866, Daniel Thompson company. Married Mary Shaw 1846, Yorkshire. Eng. (daughter of John Shaw and Ann Greenwood of Yorkshire), who was born May 4, 1826. Their children: Hannah, m. Jeffrey Hodgson; Miriam, m. Jeffrey Hodgson; Oliver, m. Ann Plckard Hollingworth; m. Mary E. Simmons, Nephi; Grace Ann m. Richard Sidoway; Moroni, m. Clara Skidmore; Mercey m. Henry Williams. Family home. Salt Lake City. Elder. Weaver and machinist. Died 1892, Salt Lake City. HODGSON. OLIVER (son of Henry William Sutliff Hodg- son and Mary Shaw). Born March 8, 1851. Yorkshire, Eng.). Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1866. Married Ann Pickard Hollingworth Nov. 27. 1871, Salt Lake Endowment House, Daniel H. Wells officiating 938 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH (daughter of Thomas and Mary Hollingworth). Came to Utah July, 1871, K. Read company). She was born July 24, 1851. Married Mary Ettie Simmons April 12, 1876, Salt Lake Endowment House, Wilford Woodruff officiating: (daughter of Joseph M. Simmons and Rachel E. Woolley of Salt Lake City, former came to Utah 1850, latter 1848). She was born Nov. 15, 1866. Their children: Oliver Leroy b. March 11, 1876. d. aged five; Leslie Simmons b. Dec. 18, 1879, m. Louie Taylor; Rachel b. Jan. 3, 1882, m. Isaac B. Ball: Mary b. Dec. 18, 1883, d. infant: Frederick William b. March 12, 1886, m. Elinor Bingham; Philip b. June 15, 1888, d. infant; Maud b. May 13, 1889, m. Frank Fullmer; Clifford Shaw b. Jan. 16, 1893; Edgar Dilworth b. April B. 1896; Russel Beales b. Dec. 6, 1897; Jasper Henry b. March 13, 1898, d. infant; Paul Sutliff b. July 21, 1900. Family home Salt Lake City. Seventy; high priest; bishop 3d ward five years. City councilman four years. Building contractor. HODSON, JOHN (son of William Hodson and Ann Wig- nough of Pendleton. Eng.). Born Jan. 10, 1808, Pendleton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1853, Jesse Crosby company. Married Maria Gillard January, 1834. Pendleton, Eng. (daughter of George and Maria Gillard of Pendleton. Eng.). She was born Jan. 10, 1811. Their children: William b. Sept. 18. 1834, m. Ruth Ware: Elizabeth b. Jan. 20, 1836, m. Joseph Allen; Ann b. 1837, d. infant: John H. b. Oct. 10, 1844, m. Rebecca Marriott; Thomas H. b. Nov. 10, 1846, m. Millie Flint; Alma b. 1848, d. aged 23; Jane b. March 1850, m. James Bowler; Rebecca b. Feb. 12, 1854, m. William Flint; Ann b. Sept. 1839, m. Thomas Finley. Family home Kaysville. Seventy; one of first Mormon converts in England. Built first flour mill at Kaysville 1854; helped plan and work out first irrigation system from Kays creek 1854. Farmer. Died Oct. 7, 1881, Kaysville. HODSON. WILLIAM (son of John Hodson and Maria Gil- lard). Born Sept. 18, 1834. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1853, Jesse Crosby company. Married Ruth Ware Feb. 9. 1859, Kaysville (daughter of George Ware and Naomi Bigg of Kaysville, pioneers Sept. 1855. Richard Ballantyne company). She was born Feb. 16. 1840. Their children: William J. b. Dec. 7. 1859, m. Adaline Terry; George A. b. Feb. 11, 1861, m. Susanna Green; Sarah M. b. Sept. 1, 1862, d. aged 3; Naomi E. b. July 9. 1864, d. aged 2; James R. b. April 14, 1866, d. aged 3; Joseph S. b. March 31. 1868, d. aged 5; Mary A. b. March 21, 1870, m. Rodolph Parry; Thomas H. b. March 13, 1872, d. aged 6; Leonard B. b. June 3, 1874; Drusilla R. b. Aug. 7, 1878, m. Joseph T. Covington: Delbert F. b. Sept. 28, 1880, m. Elizabeth O. Butler. Family home, Marriott. Member 55th quorum seventies. Justice of peace. Farmer. HODSON. WILLIAM JOHN (son of William Hodson and Ruth Ware). Born Dec. 7. 1859. Marriott. Married Henretta A. Terry Oct. 6. 1880. Marriott (daugh- ter of Partial P. Terry and Esther Adlock of Marriott pioneers 1847, Brigham Young company): She was born Feb. 24. 1863. Their children: William A. b. April 4, 1881, m. Sarah Richardson; Sarah L. b. March 4, 1883. m. Leonard Wayment; Parley P. b. Dec. 19, 1887, m. Mary Anderson; Murald b. March 8, 1889; Ruth b. Sept. 4. 1892, m. Fred- erick Wheeler: Bertha b. Aug. 1. 1893; Esther M. b. Nov. 11, 1900. Family home, Plain City. Teacher. Farmer. HOFF, HENRY HERMAN (son of John Gottlieb Hoff and Catherine Phitzenmaier, both born at Wetzheim, Germany). Born March 16, 1849, at Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 19. 1872. Married Harriet Bacon March 8, 1875. Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of Chauncey Bacon and Celestia F. Sisson pioneers 1861). She was born 1856. Salt Lake City. Their children: Beatrice H. : Henry Herman: Edmund C. ; Ernest P.; Celestia G. ; Myrtle D. ; Frank E. Family home George- town. Idaho. Settled in Georgetown, Idaho, 1876; appointed regent of University of Idaho by Governor McConnell 1893; in 1895 appointed director Albion state normal school by Governor Steunenberg; commissioner Bear Lake county three terms. Counselor to Bishop Alma Hayes 1896: bishop Montpelier 2d ward 1909. Mayor Montpelier, Idaho, 1911 and 1912. HOGENSEN. CHRISTIAN (son of Hoken Ntelson, born April 17, 1789, and Ingborge Olsen, born 1791, natives Lear, Norway). He was born Feb. 9, 1830, Lear, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 4. 1859. George Rowley company. Married Peteria Larsen May 6. 1869 (daughter of Lars Neilsen and Anna Petersen), who was born Dec. 20, 1830. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1859, George Rowley company. Their children: Caroline b. July 26. 1861. d. Dec. 1867: Agnes b. Nov. 9. 1863, m. Charles Rodwell Pearce Sept. 22. 1882: Mary Jane b. Dec. 9. 1867, m. Ole Swensen Nov. 1886: Charles Henry b. Aug. 12, 1871, m. Emily Andersen Dec. 1897: Lorenzo b. Dec. 26, 1873, d. July 23, 1881. Family home Montpelier, Idaho. Married Mary Jensen Aug. 2. 1884, Logan, Utah. Their children: James b. May 9. 1886: Clara b. Dec. 9, 1887, m. Walter Hancock Oct. 2. 1912. Seventy; missionary 1880-82. Home guard during: Indian wars. Early settler to Cache valley, moved to Bear Lake county, Idaho, 1863, and to Montpelier, 1864. HOI. BROOK, JOSEPH (son of Moses Holbrook, born May 18, 1779, Massachusetts, and Hannah Morton, born March 16, 1788, Rhode Island married 1805). He was born Jan. 15, 1806, in New York City. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Nancy Lampson Dec. 30, 1830, Western Massa- chusetts (daughter of David and Sarah Lampson), who was born Aug. 14. 1804, and died at Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Sarah Lucretia b. Jan. 21, 1832, m. Judson A. Tolman 1846; Charlotte b. Nov. 26, 1833, m. Vasco Call Jan. 28, 1863; Joseph Lamoni b. Jan. 31, 1837. m. Catharina Waterson July 24, 1855; Mary Jane b. Jan. 27, 1839; David b. Feb. 11, 1840. Married Hannah Flint Jan. 1, 1843, Nauvoo. 111. (daughter of William Angel and Phebe Marton). Their children: Caroline Tunis b. Oct. 21. 1851, m. John Corbridge Nov. 13, 1871; Joseph Hyrum b. Feb. 8. 1854, m. Catharine Cooper Jan. 13. 1878; Brigham Angel b. Feb. 10, 1856, m. Hannah Cook Dec. 17, 1876: Moses Angel b. Jan. 16, 1858. m. Jane Ann Throughton Nov. 23, 1882; James Angel b. April 3, 1860: John Angel b. Dec. 9, 1861: Ephraim Angel b. April 18, 1863; Enoch Angel b. July 12, 1865. m. Mary Smedley Nov. 14, 1894: Heber Angel b. Jan. B, 1867, m. Martha Sweeten Jan. 4, 1893. Family home. Bountiful. Married Lucy Jones Nov. 10, 1855. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William and Lucy Jones). Their children: Lucy Ann b. Oct. 7, 1S56: Joseph b. Jan. 23. 1858, m. Alice Ceah Dec. 19, 1878; William b. Jan. 4, 1860, m. Polly Burminghara Dec. 28. 1880. Married Louisa Haitt Jan. 2, 1864, Salt Lake City, who was born June 4, 1822. Seventy. Worked on Kirtland, Ohio, and Nauvoo. 111., temples. Special policeman at Nauvoo; took part in Crooked river battle. Member territorial legislature two terms; pro- bate judge of Davis county three terms. Counselor in bish- opric of Bountiful ward. Helped bring immigrants to Utah. HOLDAWAY, DANIEL. W. (son of Timothy Holdaway, born Dec. 3, 1801, Jefferson county, Tenn., and Mary Trent, born Feb. 8, 1803, Hawkins county, Tenn.). He was born July 14. 1834, Putnam county, Ind. Came to Utah Nov. 17, 1850, immigration company. Married Martha Belinda Gardner April 16, 1857 (daugh- ter of Benjamin Gardner and Electa Lamport, who were married May 29. 1822 pioneers Sept. 28. 1852, Train No. 10). She was born Oct. 12, 1839: came to Utah with parents in 1852. Their children: Mary Ann b. Feb. 23, 1858: Daniel Timothy b. May 27, 1859, m. Minnie Petersen April 27, 1890; Electa Emaline b. May 2, 1861, m. Andrew Patterson May 27. 1883; William Benjamin b. Sept. 27, 1864, m. Minnie Hoss- feld March 6, 1898; James Nathaniel b. Jan. 2. 1868. m. Louisa Bragger March 6, 1900: Martha Vilate b. Oct. 20, 1871, m. Charles A. Kroksh April 23, 1891: Hannah Leslie b. June 28. 1876. m. Guy N. Rose April 10, 1901. Family home Deweyville, Utah. HOLDAWAY, JAMES N. (son of Daniel W. Holdaway and Martha B. Gardner). Born Jan. 2. 1868. North Ogden. Utah. Married Louisa Bragger March 6. 1900. Brigham City. Utah (daughter of Abraham Bragger and Solema Grtinder, and came to Utah in 1887). She was born Jan. 8. 1876. in Ger- many. Their children: Etta b. May 2, 1901; Vesta b. Dec. 27, 1902: Solema b. April 11. 1905; Alice b. May 29. 1906; James Daniel b. July 24, 1909. Family home Deweyville, Utah. Box Elder county surveyor 12 years. Irrigation engineer. HOL.DAWAY, DAVID (son of Timothy Holdaway and Mary Trent, of Hawkins county, Tenn.). Born March 9, 1832, in Hawkins county. Came to Utah 1850. Married Elizabeth Haws June 1852, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Haws and Martha Sessions of Wayne county. 111 ; the latter came to Utah 1850). She was born June 23, 1830. Their children: David William b. Nov. 23, 1850, m. Bertha Potter; Martha Angeline b. Jan. 2. 1852. m. Monte Edwards: George Timothy b. Nov. 4, 1854, m. Deseret Durfy. Family home Provo, Utah. Married E. Prater Dec. 1866, Provo, Utah (daughter of Thomas Prater and Sarah Kinsworthy of Brownstown, Jackson county. Ind. widow of John Huntsman, whom she married June 7. 1846. Bonaparte, Iowa. Their children: Sarah Katherine b. Sept. 12, 1847, m. William A. Woolsey; Julia, m. Hyrum Smith and Mr. Liberty. They lived at Kanesville, Iowa). She was born Jan. 12, 1828. Their chil- dren: Thomas Teancum b. Aug. 24. 1857. m. Julia Fossett and Mary White: Mary Milvina b. June 24, 1869. m. Robert Blackburn and David Lucas; Joseph Alma, m. Sarah Robin- son: Elizabeth Rachel, m. Edward W. Robinson. Family resided at Vernal and Provo. Utah. High councilor; member 44th quorum seventies. Probate judge. Machinist. Died March 13, 1907, Provo, Utah. HOL.DAWAY, SHADRACH (son of Timothy Holdaway and Mary E. Trent of Hawkins county, Tenn.). Born Oct. 16. 1822, in Tennessee. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1848, with division of Mormon Battalion company. Married Lucinda Haws Dec. 24. 1848. Salt Lake City (daughter of Gilbert Haws and Hannah Whitecomb of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 21, 1848, Lorenzo Snow com- pany). She was born Oct. 20, 1828. Their children: George Bradford and Timothy, died; William Shadrach, m. Pebe PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 939 Pratt; Amos David, m. Lydia Thrower; John Madison, m. Jane Gillispie; Mary Elizabeth, m. Charles C. Conrad; Lev! Stewart, m. Caroline Anderson and Rebecca Clark; Logan Gilbert, m. Mary Blair; Syntha Mahala and Nancy Emeline, died; Andrew Nathan, m. Lydia Ann Riddle; Louisa Diantha, died; Warren Hacos, m. Lilly Riddle; Amanda Lucinda, m. Almono Loeto Young and James King Pierpont; Marion, m. Prudence Peay. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 31st quorum seventies; high priest. Brought first carding and wool spinning machine to Utah Dec. 31, 1860; made flrst threshing machines In Utah from wagons left by Johnston's army; made flrst canal out of Provo river to lake bottoms. Lumberman; engineer; miner; rancher and farmer. Died Dec. 24, 1902, Provo, Utah. HOLD AW AY, MARION (son of Shadrach Holdaway and Lucinda Haws). Born Feb. 25, 1855, Provo, Utah. Married Prudence Eliza Peay Nov. 25, 1876, Provo, Utah (daughter of Francis Peay and Eliza Baker of Provo, pioneers 1853). She was born March 7, 1854. Their chil- dren: Clara Eva b. Nov. 3, 1877, m. Dudley Chase; Francis Marion b. July 6, 1879, m. Nellie Handley; Albert Arthur b. June 5, 1881, m. Annabel Clegg; Prudence Eliza b. April 21, 1883, m. William C. Chase; Florence Rosetta b. Jan. 30, 1887, m. Frank Carter; Zelda Maud b. Jan. 17, 1889, m. Joel Bunnell; Jennie Arville b. Nov. 30, 1891. Family home Vineyard, Utah. Helped to construct roads In canyons. Farmer and stock- raiser. HOLDAWAY, ANDREW NATHAN (son of Shadrach Holda- yray and Lucinda Haws). Born Dec. 27, 1864, Provo, Utah. Married Lydia Ann Riddle June 10, 1884, Coyoto, Utah (daughter of Isaac Riddle and Mary Ann Eagles of Coyoto and Provo). She was born Sept. 15, 1866, Beaver, Utah. Their children: Wallace, died; Wilford; Murl M.; Rhoda A.; Cyrus N.; Orrin C.; Ilia L., died; Cleo L. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to West Virginia 1893-94. Miner and stock- raiser. HOLDAWAY, WILLIAM SHADRACH (son of Shadrach Holdaway and Lucinda Haws, Provo, Utah). Born Dec. 12, 1851, Provo. Married Pebe Soper Pratt Sept. 11, 1872, Spanish Fork, Utah (daughter of Parley P. Pratt and Pebe E. Soper of Salt Lake City; came to Utah in Sept. 1847. Daniel Spen- cer company). She was born May 19, 1852. Their children: William Shadrach b. June 6, 1873, m. Vina C. Holt; Parley P. b. Feb. 1, 1876; Lucinda May b. April 23, 1879, d. infant; Gilbert Orson b. Aug. 27, 1881; Hall H. b. March 27, 1888, m. Mrs. Owens; Hazel Pebe b. Nov. 7, 1890; Lorus Trent b. June 27. 1894; Eva (adopted) b. June 19, 1903. Family home Provo, Utah. Member of 123d quorum seventies. Member Provo city council 1894-98. Patentee of Holdaway button sewing attachment and Holdaway sugar beet harvester. Mechan- ical engineer. HOLDAWAY, WILLIAM SHADRACH (son of William Shad- rach Holdaway and Pebe Soper Pratt). Born June 5, 1873, Provo, Utah. Married Vina C. Holt Dec. 9, 1896, Springville, Utah (daughter of Jessie Patten Holt and Sarah Naoma Carr of Spanish Fork, Utah). She was born Dec. 31, 1875. Their children: Vaughn La Mar b. Sept. 27, 1897; Reva Lucile b. June 16, 1890. Family home Provo, Utah. Doctor of dental surgery; professor of music. HOLDAWAY, AMOS DAVID (son of Shadrach Holdaway and Lucinda Haws). Born Jan. 23, 1853, Provo, Utah. Married Lydia Thrower Oct. 10, 1872, Beaver, Utah (daughter of Thomas Thrower, who died on the plains en route to Utah, and Lydia Pilch, pioneer Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan company; they were married 1841, Norwich, Eng., she was the daughter of James and Lydia Pilch of Norwich). She was born Oct. 19, 1826, Norwich. Their children: Amos Claud b. Aug. 2, 1873, and Don Alvin b. Jan. 23, 1877. died; Elmer Thomas b. Oct. 13, 1879, m. Ellen Eklns; Elsie Alberta b. Sept. 27, 1881, died; Milton Leroy b. April 20, 1884; Leland Eugene b. Jan. 20. 1887; Walter Roland b. Nov. 25, 1889, m. Edna Knudsen; Edna Lydia b. Aug. 5, 1892. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. County commissioner Utah county 1882- 93; Provo city councilman 1880-89; member state fair board; member state mental hospital at Provo 1886-90; director of Deseret Agriculture Manufacturing Society 1890-96. Railroad builder and financier. Died April 30, 1900, Provo, Utah. HOLDAWAY, ELMER THOMAS (son of Amos David Hold- away and Lydia Thrower). Born Oct. 13. 1879, Provo, Utah. Married Ellen Ekins March 11, 1903, Provo, Utah (daughter of George Ekins and Mary Mezener of Pleasant View ward. Provo). She was born Jan. 6, 1880. Their chil- dren: Lucile b. Feb. 14, 1904; Elmer Harold b. July 6, 1909. Family home Vineyard, Utah. Elder. Farmer and dairyman. HOLDAWAY. JOHN MADISON (son of Shadrach Holdaway and Lucinda Haws). Born April 30, 1854, Provo, Utah. Married Jane Peterson Gillispie Dec. 6, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Gilllspie, born Feb. 8, 1829, and Mary Sharp of Fifeshire, Scotland, pioneers Aug. 1869, Independent company). She was born March 11, 1852, Fifeshire. Their children: Mary Jane b. March 27, 1872, d. child; John Shadrach b. March 23, 1874, m. Margerett Adamson; Edith Lucinda b. Feb. 8, 1876, m. Edward H. Holt; Ruby May b. Sept. 29, 1877, m. Webster Hoover. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to northern states 1904-06; president Y. M. M. I. A. Provo city councilman; superintendent Provo city water works four years. Contractor and constructor of D. R. G. railway 12 years; carpenter; miner and civil engineer. HOLDAWAY, LOGAN GILBERT (son of Shadrach Hold- away and Lucinda Haws of Provo, Utah). Born Aug. 1, 1859. Provo, Utah. Married Mary Blair March 18, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Seth Millington Blair and Sarah Texanna East of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1850). She was born Oct. 1, 1859. Their children: Dora b. Aug. 8, 1881, died- Ethel b. March 21, 1883; Etna Neal b. March 6, 1884, m. Ernest Foulger; LeRoy Logan b. Aug. 17, 1886; Emma Sarah b. Jan. 26, 1889; Helen b. Nov. 1, 1890, m. Ernest Pierce; Willmarth b. Dec. 25, 1893; Seth Millington, died; Mary B. b. Sept. 6, 1897. Family home Provo, Utah. Deputy county assessor of Utah county several terms. Real estate, insurance and loans; carpenter and builder. HOLDSWORTH, JONAS (son of Thomas Holdsworth. born June 13, 1788, and Nancy Bibby, born June 26, 1794, In England). Born May 22, 1821, Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Married Dorothy Harriet Brook 1852 (daughter of Rich- ard Brook and Ann Doe). She was born Dec. 9, 1825. Their children: Thomas b. April 20, 1853; John b. March 20, 1855; Elizabeth b. April 8, 1859, m. James G. Gray Dec. 29, 1877; Harriet b. Sept. 22, 1864; Jonas b. Sept. 22, 1864. m. Harriet Bahr Aug. 3, 1896; Martha Ann b. July 23. 1866, m. Joseph E. Dorton Dec. 3, 1884; Sarah Jane b. Nov. 10, 1869. Family home Lehi, Utah. High priest. Tanner. HOLDSWORTH, JONAS (son of Jonas Holdsworth and Dorothy Harriet Brook). Born Sept. 22, 1864, Lehi, Utah. Married Harriet Bahr Aug. 3, 1896, Lehi (daughter of William Bahr and Harriet Jackson). She was born Feb. 12, 1875, Salem, Utah, Their children: William J. b. July 3, 1897; Alice b. June 23, 1899; Hazel b. Jan. 3, 1903; Louis B. b. Feb. 9, 1907. Family home Lehi, Utah. HOLLAND, JOHN (son of William Holland, born 1802, died 1844, Nauvoo, 111., and Sarah Tomlinson of Barton- under-Needwood, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born March 23, 1836, in England. Came to Utah October, 1850. Married Mary Burton (daughter of James and Isabelle Burton). She was born Feb. 26, 1844, pioneer 1855, died Jan. 15, 1874. Their children: John William b. Oct 25 1861, m. Anna Stucker March 7, 1901; Sarah Isabella b Sept. 8, 1863, died 1864; Hyrum Thomas b. July 15, 1865- Joseph b. Oct. 29, 1867; James Heber b. Oct, 3, 1869; Chris- topher b. Nov. 7, 1871. Family resided Weber Co., Utah, fifty years, and Lorenzo, Idaho. HOLLAND, JOHN WILLIAM (son of John Holland and Mary Burton). Born Oct. 25, 1861. Ogden, Utah. Married Anna Stucker March 7, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Elizabeth Stucker of Switzerland; former came to Utah 1900). She was born June 10, 1882. Their children: Dora b. Jan. 19, 1902; Pearl Irene b. June 19, 1908; Lila Isabelle b. March 30, 1913. HOLLEY, HENRY. Born April 3, 1828, Hereford, Eng. Came to Utah 1854, Thomas Thomas company. Married Ann Hutchins 1859, Slaterville, Utah (daughter of William Hutchins and Anne Putman, former died at St. Louis, Mo., latter came to Utah 1853, locating at Slaterville, Utah). She was born September, 1829. Their children: Henry, m. Amanda Knight; John, m. Margret Ellen Kelly; Edwin, m. Samantha Parry; William C., m. Annie Jensen; Annie Edith, m. William A. Taylor; Lucy, m. Chris Lee. Family home Slaterville, Utah. Grocery and dry goods merchant. Farmer. HOLLEY, JOHN (son of Henry Holley and Ann Hutchins). Born May 29, 1862, Slaterville, Utah. Married Margret Ellen Kelly Dec. 19, 1881, Ogden, Utah (daughter of George Kelly and Mary Ann Slater of Slater- ville, Utah, pioneers 1850, contingent of Mormon Battalion). She was born Sept. 18, 1862. Their children: Edith Ann b. Nov. 29, 1883, m. Joseph C. Westwood; Nellie b. Nov. 13, 1886, m. Joseph P. Bailey: John C. b. Oct. 5. 1890; Lincoln James b. Jan. 5, 1894; Margerite b. March 19, 1897; Henry George b. Feb. 25. 1901: Louis Edwin b. June 25, 1904. Family home Salt Lake City. Elder. City councilman 1907-12. Engaged in wholesale produce. HOLLIDAY, GEORGE T. (son of Thomas M. Holliday and Ann H. Mathews of Santaquin, Utah). Born Jan. 10, 1867, at San Bernardino, Cal. Married Alveretta C. Jones Sept. 18, 1879. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas E. Jones and Mary Ann Males). She was born Jan. 4, 1857, at Kaysville. Davis Co., Utah. Their children: Mary A. b. Sept. 17, 1880, m. Osbourn 940 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Richins; George T. b. Aug. 10, 1882, m. Annie Thomson; James E. b. Feb. 9, 1886. died; Effle A. b. Oct. 1, 1887, d. child; Catherine M. b. Dec. 15, 18S9. Family home Salt Lake City, 17th ward. HOLLIDAY, JOHN (parents South Carolinians). Born In South Carolina. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, William Crosby company. Married Catherine B. Higgins 1822 In South Carolina (parents Carolinians). Their children: Susannah F., d. infant; Luticia H., m. Alleia Smithson; Katherine B., m. Braxtox Acres; John D., m. Mahala Matthews; Sarah Ann, m. Porter Dowdle; Keren Happuich, m. Thomas Bingham; David, m. Henriet Taylor; Keziah, m. Henry Boyle; Thomas, m. Ann Matthews; Lenernorah, d. child. Family home Santaquin, Utah. Elder; missionary to San Bernardino, Cal., 1851-59. Farmer. Resides Santaquin, Utah. HOLLIST, HENRY (son of William Hollist and Elizabeth Draby of Amberly, Sussex, Eng.). Born March 2, 1816, Amberly. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home com- pany. Married Elizabeth Chandler Dec. 25, 1837, Dorking, Surrey, Eng. (daughter of William Chandler and Hannah Taylor of Buckland, Eng.). She was born March 31, 1806. Their chil- dren: Elizabeth b. Feb. 14, 1842, m. John H. Stinger Oct. 1, 1859; William C., d. Nov. 11. 1846; Deborah b. July 25, 1846, m. Eli Manning March 24, 1865. Family home, Farmington. Married Frances Berry Nov. 1865, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Richard Berry and Sarah Randals), who was born Nov. 17, 1835, Cookfleld, Sussex, Eng. Their children: Henry William b. Aug. 18, 1867, m. Rachel D. Lovesy Jan. 1, 1896; John T. b. Nov. 12, 1870, m. Nancy Oviatt March 8, 1890. Family home, Farmington. Sunday school teacher 1865-70; president branch of church at Omaha, Neb., and also in England. Died 1870. HOLMAN, JAMES S. (son of Jonathan Holman). Born Sept. 17, 1805, Templeton, Mass. Came to Utah 1847, Franklin D. Richards company. Married Naomi R. Le Baron, who was born Oct. 7, 1816. Their children: James A.; Harriet N.; Sarah M.; Zilpha; Susan A.; Sanford; Silas William; Emma Jane; David E.; Charles S.; Lydia B.; Isaac Lester. Bishop at Santaquin, Utah Co., Utah. Died June 21, 1873, Holden, Millard Co.. Utah. HOLMAN, ISAAC LESTER (son of James S. Holman and Naomi R. Le Baron). Born Dec. 21, 1859, Fountain Green, Utah. Married Phoebe Kenney Feb. 21, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Kenney and Elizabeth Bennett), who was born Jan. 11, 1867. Their children: Lester E. b. Oct. 7, 1885; James W. b. Dec. 30, 1887; Benjamin Earl W. b. Dec. 18, 1889; Clarence b. Dec. 4, 1892; Elizabeth b. Sept. 28, 1894; Leona b. March 15. 1897; Rulon b. March 31, 1900; Naomi Grace b. Nov. 21, 1902; Vivian b. Jan. 22, 1905; Raymon K. b. June 27, 1907; Rea Mabel b. July 11, 1909; Emma Kath- leen b. July 31, 1911. Seventy; ward teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. HOLMAN, JAMES A. (son of James S. Holman, pioneer 1847, and Naomi Le Baron of Illinois). Born 1836 in Pennsyl- vania. Came to Utah in 1848 with Lorenzo Snow. Married Sarah Mathis Nov. 30, 1857, Payson, Utah (daugh- ter of Isaac Mathis and Elizabeth Mathis of Payson). She came to Utah in 1852 with Chas. C. Rich, who was born Dec. 7, 1837. Their children: James I., m. Lucy Johnson; Jane, m. Appollos Benjamin Walker; John A., m. Fannie Coombs; David W., m. Mary Hanson; Nancy, m. John Low; Parley, m. Mary Lewellyn; Warren, m. Mary E. Jackson; Robert, m. Mary Brown; Naomi, m. Joseph Huggins; Ray, m. Catherine Brown. High priest. Railroad contractor. Was present at the time of the driving- of the golden spike which connected the Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific. Indian war veteran. Farmer. HOLMAN, JOHN GREENLEAF (son of Joshua Sawyer Hol- man and Rebecca Greenleaf, of Klrtland, Ohio). He was born Oct. 18, 1828, Genessee county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Nancy Clark Aug. 23, 1849, Kanesville, Iowa (daughter of Richard Clark and Annie Lizzie Shafer of Indiana, pioneers Sept. 13, 1850, Bailey Lake company). She was born Feb. 26, 1829. Their children: John Dennis b. Sept. 2, 1851; Artemus b. Sept. 25, 1852, m. Annie M. Rawlings; Nancy Elizabeth b. Nov. 25, 1854, m. Joseph E. Thome; John Clark b. Nov. 8, 1857, m. Mary Ann Open- shaw; Rebecca b. Jan. 17, 1861, m. George T. Tomlinson; Marie Josephine b. Jan. 14, 1862, m. Samuel Green; Clarinda b. Oct. 10, 1867; Benjamin Franklin b. Dec. 26, 1869, m. Margaret Harvey; Lewis Clark b. July 30, 1873, m. Myrtle Groo. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Rachel Stevens Feb. 3, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Stevens), who was born Dec. 1, 1835. Their children: Rachel Marinda b. March 6, 1858, m. George Holladay. Jr.; Chastlna b. Nov. 30. 1859, m. John Walker; Joshua Stevens b. Feb. 6, 1862, m. Kate Nielsen; Ordell b. Sept. 27, 1866, m. Peter Johnson, Jr.; William Rielly b. Oct. 8, 1868. m. Lizzy Foster'Oct. 8, 1892, Fillmore. Millard county; Sarah Ellen b. Sept. 27, 1871, m. Jesse M. Harmon; Elinora b. Sept. 19, 1873, m. German Buchanan. Family home. Pleas- ant Grove. Married Sarah Harris (Loder). Their children: Zilpha Ann; Jane; Albert; Ezeklel. Family home, Pleasant Grove. Member city council. Bishop's counselor for a number of years; missionary to England 1862-65. Called to Fort Bridger in 1856 to build Fort Supply. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah. Indian war veteran. Moved from Pleasant Grove to Santaquin in 1878, and from there moved to Rexburg, Idaho, in 1883. Member city council, Pleasant Grove. Died Nov. 6, 1888, Rexburg. Idaho. HOLMAN, ARTEMUS (son of John Greenleaf Holman and Nancy Clark). Born Sept. 25, 1852, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Annie Marie Rawlings Dec. 2, 1877, Provo, Utah (daughter of Eber B. Rawlings and Ann Skinner of England, pioneers 1860). She was born Feb. 27, 1860. Their children: Artemus Ezekial b. June 19, 1879, m. Luella Patten; George Eber b. July 16, 1882, m. Alice Thorton; Annie Edith b. June 7, 1884, m. Marten Monson; John Henry b. March 29, 1886, d. Jan. 1, 1888; Willard Rawlings b. May 26, 1888, m. Nellie Dorothy McQulvey; Leroy Benjamin b. Aug. 22. 1890, d. Nov. 20. 1891; Clarinda b. July 11, 1892; Tursey Nancy b. Aug. 5, 1894, died; Ora Velma b. March 3, 1896; Charles Milton b. March 13, 1899; Ida Mame b. Aug. 9, 1901. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Road supervisor at Pleasant Grove. Early freighter; worked on railroad in Echo and Weber canyons; farmer and stockraiser. HOLMES, JONATHAN H. (son of Nathaniel Holmes and Sarah Harriman of Georgetown. Essex county, Mass.). Born March 11, 1806, Georgetown. Came to Utah 1848 with a divi- sion of the Mormon Battalion. Married Marrietta Carter. Their children: Sarah E., m. Mr. Weaver; Mary Emma, d. infant. Married Elvira Anna Cowles at Nauvoo, 111., who was born June 13, 1813. Their children: Marrietta b. July 17, 1849. m. Job Welling May 12, 1866; Phoebe Louisa b. Feb. 5, 1861, m. Job Welling Dec. 21, 1868; Emma Lucinda b. Feb. 1, 1866, m. Job Welling April 28, 1875. Member Mormon Battalion. Died 1881, Farmington, Utah. HOLMES, HENRY (son of John Holmes and Mary Ann White). Born May 8, 1837, Hochliffe, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1853. Married Ellen Anderson March 21, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Elizabeth Anderson). Their chil- dren: Henry J.; William R.; Elizabeth A.; Heber C.; Mary E.; Milton C.; Margaret; Lamonia. HOLROYD, THOMAS EDWARD (son of Richard Holroyd and Hannah Hebden of Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 7, 1820, at Halifax. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Dinah Williams Jan. 2, 1846, Everton, Lancaster- shire, Eng. (daughter of Robert Williams and Anne Pugh of Mynarrah, Denbighshire, North Wales). She was born Nov. 14, 1814. Their children: Richard, d. infant; Mary Hebden, m. James Moroni Thomas; Robert Williams, m. Mary Emeline Eggleston; Ellen Taylor, m. Joseph Argyle; Thomas, d. infant; Dinah, d. child; Hannah Sutcllffe, m. Jesse Franklin Brown; Anne Pugh, m. Alma Duffln Cham- bers; Elizabeth Smith, d. infant. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest. Merchant and tailor. Died May 27, 1888, Ogden, Utah. HOLT, ROBERT (son of John Holt and Eleanor Newman). Born Dec. 27, 1802, Broadwindsor, Dorsetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863. Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Mary Ann Toms (daughter of Matthew and Gathethood Toms), who was born July 16, 1799. Their children: Ellen G., m. Jesse Vincent; Matthew, m. Ann Har- rison; Edward David, m. Emma Billings; Francis, m. Elizabeth Baker; William, m. Jane Mabey; Albert, m. Maria Mabey. Family home, Salt Lake City. Weaver and gardener. Died March 20, 1881, South Jor- dan, Utah. HOLT. MATTHEW (son of Robert Holt, born Dec. 27, 1802, and Mary A. Tomes, born 1803, Britport, Eng.). Born Dec. 23, 1828. at Britport. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Ann Harrison May 9, 1851, Dorchester, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Harrison and Harriet Hann). She was born Aug. 3, 1827, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Ellen G. b. March 10, 1859, m. Gbrdon S. Bills Sept. 27, 1876; William M. b. May 7, 1861, m. Anna Hemmingsen Dec. 21, 1904; Rosa Ann b. Aug. 31, 1863, m. Samuel H. Howard Dec. 2, 1891; Arthur J. b. Dec. 10, 1866. m. Catherine Beckstead July 15. 1886; Samuel E. b. Aug. 30, 1868, m. Geneva Beckstead Aug. 16, 1893; Edward H. b. June 1, 1872, m. Edith Hold^way June 26, 1896. Family home South Jordan, Utah. High priest. Settled on west side of Jordan River. Assisted in building- the canals in Salt Lake county. Sun- day school superintendent; ward teacher. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 941 HOLT, WILLIAM M. (son of Matthew Holt and Ann Har- rison). Born May 7, 1861, Britport, Eng. Married Emma Thatcher at Salt Lake City. She died Sept. 1890. Married Anna J. Hemmlngsen Dec. 21, 1904, Logan, Utah (daughter of Peter and Christina Hemmingsen). She was born Nov. 8, 1879. Their children: Ann b. Dec. 3, 1905; Essie b. May 13. 1907; Arnold W. b. May 2, 1908; Hyrum P. b. June 20, 1909; Ida b. Oct. 30. 1911. Missionary to southern states 1893-96. High priest. Farmer and stockraiser. HOLT, SAMUEL E. (son of Matthew Holt and Ann Har- rison). Born Aug. 30, 1868, South Jordan, Utah. Married Margaret G. Beckstead Aug. 16, 1893. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry B. Beckstead and Catherine M. Egbert). She was born April 2, 1874, South Jordan, Utah. Their children: Samuel Adelbert b. Feb. 22, 1895; Ivy G. b. Nov. 23, 1896; Oral Ann b. Feb. 9, 1899; Verda C. b. Dec. 21, 1901; Rosamond b. Dec. 15, 1903; Mabel b. Sept. 21, 1905; Byrum Matthew b. Dec. 11, 1907; Reola b. Oct. 6, 1909; Allen Leslie b. Oct. 12, 1912. Missionary to Missouri 1899 and 1900; first counselor to Bishop Blake eight years. Bishop of South Jordan ward 1911. Farmer and stockraiser. HOLT, EDWARD DAVID (son of Robert Holt and Mary Ann Toms). Born May 23, 1839, at Broadwindsor, Eng. Came to Utah with his parents. Married Emma Billings March 10, 1895, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Billings and Emily Chesson, of Nor- folk, Eng.), who was born May 8, 1849. Their children: Emma Mary Ann b. May 13, 1866, m. James A. Oliver; Mary Ellen b. June 6, 1867, m. Erastus B. Farmer; Edward David, Jr. b. Aug. 15, 1868, m. Sarah E. Jackson; Annie Jane b. Aug. 26, 1870, m. Byron H. Beckstead; Robert Newman b. Dec 8, 1871, m. Hannah Wardle; Elizabeth Abigail b. Feb. 27, 1873. m. Milton H. Henderson; William Billings b Feb. 20, 1874, m. Effle Sellus; Alma Matthew b. Nov. 11, 1875 d. March 6, 1878; Albert John b. Feb. 3, 1878, d. March, 1878- Jesse Henry b. July 10, 1879, m. Eva Porter; Olive Blanche b. Jan. 16, 1884, d. July 16, 1889; Rosa Alberta b. Aug. 14, 1885, d. March 26. 1886; Joseph Hyrum b. Jan. 29, 1887, m. Nancy Knoftell; Victor Chesson b. April 14, 1894. Family home South Jordan, Utah. Senior president 93d quorum seventies; ward clerk. Far- mer. Died Oct. 24, 1900, Salt Lake City. HOLT, ALBERT (son of Robert Holt and Mary Ann Toms of Broadwindsor, Dorsetshire, Eng.). Born July 23, 1841, at Broadwindsor. Came to Utah September, 1861, inde- pendent company. Married Maria Mabey October, 1862, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Mabey and Esther Chalker of Loscombe, Dorsetshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 6, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company). She was born Dec. 23, 1838. Their children: John, m. Mary Ann Soflte; Albert Francis; Mary Ann; Thomas Mabey, m. Bertha Chipman; Robert Mabey, m. Edna Palmer; Joseph Mabey, m. Emma M. Stocking Nov. 28, 1894; Celestine; Lawrence Ackerman; Samuel; Maria Annie; Mathew Eugene, m. Louie Gardner; Royal Ernest, m. Edith Beckstead; Florence Maria, m. Delos Gardner. Family home South Jordan, Utah. High priest; missionary to England 1885-86; Sunday school superintendent. School trustee. Contractor; farmer. Died Sept. 29, 1907, at South Jordan, Utah. HOLT, JOSEPH MABEY (son of Albert Holt and Maria Mabey). Born Jan. 20, 1872, at Salt Lake City. Married Emma Margaret Stocking Nov. 28, 1894, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Ensign Israel Stocking and Eliza- beth Ellen Arnold of South Jordan, Utah, pioneers Sept. 1849). She was born Feb. 6, 1876. Family home South Jordan, Utah. Member 95th quorum seventies; high priest; member stake high council; missionary to southern states 1899- 1901; assistant stake Sunday school superintendent. Mem- ber Utah legislature 1909 and 1910; justice of peace; school trustee. Merchant; farmer. HOLT, JOHN (son of Albert Holt and Marie Mabey). Married Mary Soffe January, 1878, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of George L. and Mary N. Softe of Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah, pioneers 1861). She was born Jan. 4, 1860. Their children: Virginia, m. D. R. Coombs; Louise; Daisy, m. C. L. King; Claudia; John A.; Mable; Glenn; Leland. Family home, Salt Lake City. Contractor. HOLYOAK, GUY (son of Isaac Holyoak and Ann Bird of Worcestershire, Eng.). Born Jan. 17, 1799, In Worcester- shire. Came to Utah October, 1854. Dr. Rich company. Married Sarah Green of Mosely Ware, Green Common, near Birmingham, Eng. (daughter of Daniel Green and Edith Hopkins of that place), who was born July, 1798, and died in 1854, while crossing the plains of Nebraska. Their children: William; Mary, m. John Knowles: George; Ann, d. on plains; Daniel, died; Sarah, m. Joseph James; Henry b. March 5, 1839, m. Sarah A. Robinson; Hannah, m. Wil- liam LeFevre Dec. 25, 1856. Family home Parowan, Utah. Died 1882, Parowan. HOLYOAK. HENRY (son of George Holyoak and Sarah Green). Born March 6, 1839, Worcestershire, Eng. Married Sarah A. Robinson Jan. 29, 1869 (daughter of John R. Robinson, born March 6, 1815, Yorkshire, Eng., and Alice Cupp, died at Council Bluffs; former a pioneer 1852), who was born Dec. 22, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Their chil- dren: Sarah Ann b. Oct. 27, 1865, died; Alice Jane b. Jan. 25, 1869, m. J. C. Thompson; Henry John b. Oct. 29, 1871, m. Hattie Luetz; Mary Luellen b. Jan. 17, 1873, m. A. J. Young; Eliza Ellen b. April 1, 1876, m. John McConkie; Albert Daniel b. Sept. 1, 1879; Richard James b. March 16, 1882, died. Family resided Parowan and Moab, Utah. HONE, GEORGE (son of George Hone of Warmington, Eng.). Born March 10, 1810, at Warmington. Came to Utah May 30, 1866, Daniel Thomson company. Married Mary Boss (daughter of William Hoseman and Mary Boss), who was born Aug. 7, 1813 pioneer 1866, Daniel Thomson company. Their children: Sarah A., m. William Chitham; David b. July 3, 1837; Sarah Adams; George b. Jan. 24, 1840, m. Jane Mills; Emma, m. George Evans; Caleb, m. Alice Taylor; Mary Jane b. Sept. 18, 1847, m. Thomas Herbert; Joshua b. May 30, 1861, m. Susan Losser; Henry b. April 16, 1856, m. Rebecca Mills. Family resided Provo and Benjamin, Utah. HONE, HENRY (son of George Hone and Mary Boss). Born April 30, 1856, Fonsil, near Coventry. Eng. Married Rebecca Mills (daughter of Thomas Mills and Ann Clegg; former came to Utah in 1874, Capt. Birch com- pany, the latter died in England). She was born July 3, 1856, Bedford, Lancaster, Eng. Their children: Henrietta b. Sept. 3, 1876, m. George William June 29, 1898: Charley H. b. June 28, 1878, m. Alena Ludlow; Mabel Florence b. Oct. 10, 1880, m. Jessie Ludlow; Edward b. Dec. 23, 1882: Edith b. May 16, 1885; Lucy b. June 2, 1887; Arthur b. June 9, 1889, m. Ida Tietjen Jan. 1, 1909; Pearl b. Jan. 15, 1892; Norman F. b. Dec. 11, 1894; Wilford W. b. March 1. 1897; Arlyin b. May 10, 1903. Family home Benjamin, Utah. Judge of election in Benjamin. HOOTOJT, JOSEPH RAYNER (son of Peter Hooton and Catherine Beswick, born 1827. Bolton, Eng. Came to Utah 1858, Smith and Amies company). Born May 21, 1851, Phila- delphia, Pa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Jane Parkingson Oct. 11, 1875 (daughter of Thomas Parkinson and Mary A. M. Bryant; former came to Utah with Captain Limans company). She was born Oct. 16, 1855, San Bernardino, Cal. Family home Beaver, Utah. Married Lucy A. Jensen May 17, 1882, St. George, Utah (daughter of Jens L. Jensen and Ingra Pearson, who were married in Salt Lake City). She was born in 1865, at Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Their children: Joseph R. b. April 4, 1883, m. Elmora Nielson Dec. 13, 1909; Ephraim Levan b. May 24, 1888. m. Ednia Bates June 19, 1911; James Earl b. Oct. 29, 1895; Walter Ambrose b. Aug. 16, 1898. Sunday school superintendent 1893-1907. Postmaster 12 years; precinct justice of the peace 10 years; road supervisor in Sevier county for 25 years. Lumberman. HOOVER, JOHN WHITMER (son of Abraham Hoover and Mary E. Adair of Bridgeport, Pa.). Born Nov. 13, 1834. Came to Utah 1851. Captain Homer company. Married Mary Elizabeth Coursa Dec. 23, 1865, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Coursa and Mary Moore; former died near Nauvoo, 111.). She was born Sept. 30, 1839, came to Utah Sept.. 1849, Howard Egan company. Their chil- dren: John Whitmer, m. Margret Naomi Park; Mary, m. James Snyder; Agnes, m. Louis Meacham; William, m. Sarah Cook; Upton James, m. Barbara Loveless; Joseph, Diantha, both died; Florence, m. George Swan; Webster, m. Ruby Holdaway; Elsie; Frank, m. Eugene Noyse; Mertlce, m. John Rus>sell. Family home Provo, Utah. Miller. Died May 29, 1902, at Provo, Utah. HOOVER. JOHN WHITMER (son of John Whitmer Hoover and Mary Elizabeth Coursa). Born Dec. 2, 1857, at Spring- vine. Utah. Married Margret Naomi Park Jan. 8, 1880, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Park and Louisa Smith of Provo, Utah, pioneers Oct. 1847, Edward Hunter company). She was born May 13, 1868. Their children: John Whitmer III b. Oct. 25, 1880, m. Emma Brown; Albert Andrew b. Nov. 22, 1883. n>. Hazel Emily Carter; Margaret Floss b. Nov. 17, 1886, m. Don R. Davis; William Ralph b. July 6, 1890; Joseph Roy b. July 5, 1890, died; Ferris Webster b. June 26, 1892; Glen Park b. Aug. 29. 1896; Jean Arvill b. May 8, 1898; Reed Park b. Dec. 22, 1900; Mary Louisa b. Aug. 12, 1905. Family home Provo. Utah. Elder. City councilman of Provo. Miller. HORMAN, CHARLES (son of Charles Herman, born 1800, and Mary Gallichan, born about 1102, on Isle of Jersey). He was born March 3, 1825, Isle of Jersey. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1868, John Gillespie company. Married Margaret De La Haye. widow of William Powell (daughter of Francis De La Haye and Nancy Le Merchant, the latter a pioneer of Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie com- pany). She was born Feb. 16, 1828, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Charles D. b. June 18, 1864; 942 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Francis D. b. Oct. 6, 1 855, m. Thecla Lindholm Nov. 17, 1886; Mary D. b. July 18, 1859, m. Arnald Cooner; Edmund D. b. Dec. 25, 1860, m. Martha Smith; George D. b. July 31. 1863, m. Floranda Vowles; Ann D. b. Oct. 3, 1866, m. Ed. Green- William D. b. May 26, 1870, died; Thomas D. b. Nov. 7, 1871 m. Sarah Ann Vowles May 11, 1891. Dentist; shoemaker; farmer. HORMAN, FRANCIS D. (son of Charles Horman and Marga- ret De La Haye). Born Oct. 6, 1855, lona, Idaho. Married Thecla Lindholm Nov. 17, 1886, Logan. Utah (daughter of Carl Eric and Johanna Lindholm). who was born Jan. 29. 1868, Tooele City. Utah. Their children: Fran- cis L. b. Nov. 19, 1887; Clara L. b. March 31, 1889, m. Joseph C. Moss Dec. 18, 1907; Albert L. b. Aug. 26, 1891; Lulu L. b. Feb. 25, 1893; Maud L. b. Nov. 1, 1895; Ross L. b. April 18, 1898; Charles L. b. April 13, 1900; Johanna L. b. May 6. 1901; Martha L. b. Nov. 19, 1903; Phyllis L. b. May 8, 1906; Merrill L. b. June 10, 1908; Leroy L. b. March 12, 1912. Manager of lona Coal & Lumber Yard, lona, Idaho. Jus- tice of the peace of lona precinct. HORJTE, JOSEPH (son of Joseph Home and Maria Maidens of London, Eng. Settled near Toronto, Canada, 1818). He was born Jan. 17, 1812, London. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1847, captain of fifty in Edward Hunter company. Married Mary Isabella Hales May 9, 1836 (daughter of Stephen Hales of England), who was born Nov. 20, 1818, Rainham, Eng., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary Ann b. Jan. 22, 1837, and Robert (twin of Mary Ann) both died Infants; Henry James b. July 24, 1838, m. Mary Ann Crismon July 24, 1860; William Joseph b 1840, d. infant; Joseph Smith b. May 14, 1842, m. Lydia Ann Weiler Nov. 7, 1868: Richard Stephen b. July 9. 1844, m. Lizzie Price 1868; Elizabeth Ann b. June 3, 1846, m. Edward M. Webb; Leonora Taylor b. Jan. 16, 1849, m. George B. Spencer; Julia Maria b. Aug. 12, 1851, m. William S. Burton; Mary Isabella b. Nov. 9, 1853, died; John Parley (twin of Mary Isabella), m. Sophronia Spencer; Permelia Eliza b. Dec. 9, 1S55, m. David W. James; Cornelia Harriet (twin of Permelia Eliza), m. James L. Clayton; Martha Jane b. Oct. 15. 1857, m. Joseph S. Tingey: Clara Ella b. April 5, 1861, m. Henry C. James. Family resided Farr West, Mo., Nauvoo, 111. and Salt Lake City. Married Mary Shepard Nov. 30, 1855, Salt Lake City. Their children: Annie Elizabeth b. Jan. 1. 1857, d. infant; William Joseph b. Jan. 1, 1859, m. Lorilla Little; Edward b. July 25, 1862, d. infant; George Henry b. Nov. 5, 1864, m. Alice Merrill; Emma Eliza b. Nov. 9, 1866, d. Infant: Thomas Richard b. July 5, 1868, m. Etta Murphy; Fred Andrew b. Dec. 29, 1870, d. Infant; Albert Shepard b. Nov. 25, 1872, m. Alice Saunders; Margaret Nettie b. June 12, 1875. m. Alexander Pyper; Lillian Mary b. May 12, 1880, m. Mr. Woolley. Was in the troubles In Missouri and Nauvoo, 111. Left Nauvoo February, 1846, captain of 50 crossing the plains. Aided in exploring San Pete, Sevier, Piute and Iron coun- ties; built the first log cabin In Parowan. School trustee, bishop's counselor; Sunday school superintendent; high priest: high counselor patriarch. Justice of peace; city councilman and city watermaster. Captain of immigrant trains in 1862 and 1863. Superintended labor on temple block 1854-58. Spring of 1858, went in charge of a com- pany of men to make cotton farms on Rio Virgen River. Died April 27, 1897. HORNE, JOSEPH SMITH (son of Joseph Home and Mary Isabella Hales). Born May 14, 1842, Nauvoo. 111. Married Lydia Ann Weller Nov. 7. 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Weiler and Annie Maria Malln), who was born Sept. 20, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Annie Maria b. Oct. 13, 1869, m. Marquis L. Bean Nov. 12, 1890; Joseph Leo b. Sept. 10, 1871. m. Flora D. Bean; Lydia Isa- bella b. Aug. 22, 1875, m. Thomas Tates; Jacob Weiler b. Aug. 15, 1878, d. Feb. 13, 1895. Family resided Gunnison and Richfield, Utah. Settled at Salt Lake City 1847; moved to Gunnison 1868, to Richfield 1878. Ordained a teacher 1858; elder 1860; seventy 1864; high priest and bishop August, 1878: missionary to Switzerland 1865-68 and again In 1876, where he presided over the Swiss and German mission; was called to take charge of Gunnison ward 1868, and presided there eight years; bishop Richfield second ward 1878, 15 years; Sunday school superintendent; stake tithing clerk; counselor to William H. Seegmlller, president of Sevier stake, 1894, for 16 years; patriarch. County superintendent of schools; city councilman; mayor. First to establish undertaking business in Sevier county. HOimoCKS, EDWARD (son of John Horrocks and Alice Hulme of Bolton, Lancashire, Eng.). Born 1806 at Bolton. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin company. Married Alice Houghton (daughter of Samuel Houghton, born Jan. 13, 1779. Ashton, Eng., and Betty Eaton, born Aug. 2, 1780, died July 5. 1850, in England). She was born 1803 at Ashton, and died 1856 at Macclesfield, Eng. Their children: Elizabeth b. Aug. 5, 1826, m. Aaron Jackson and Mr. Kingsford; Martha b. Nov. 9, 1828, m. Joseph Harrop; John b. Feb. 1831, and Sarah, died; Samuel b. July 7, 1834, m. Catherine Sarah Buckingham; Mary b. Sept. 11, 1836, m. Nnthnntel Leavitt April 4, 1857; Alice b. March 3, 1841, m. Charles Wood: Edward b. May 4, 1843, died; Annie b. May 4, 1845; Aaron b. Dec. 3. 1872, m. Theresa Carter n oo Mabel b " May 25 ' 1876 - m - E - S. Rolapp Oct. 19, 1894: Richard James b. Aug. 11. 1880. m. Gertrude Tackett April 22, 1908. Family home Ogden. Utah. Located at Ogden, where he engaged in the mercantile business, establishing the firm now known as Horrocks Bros. HORROCKS, EDWARD G. (son of John Horrocks and Mary Gregory of Macclesfleld, Chestershire county, Eng.) Born 1842 in England. Came to Utah 1856. Married Ida M. Johnson June 1873 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Johnson and Mary Peterson of Sweden Came to Utah 1870). She was born Aug. 15. 1856. Their children: Ida, and Augusta, died; Mary, m. William A. Lewis: Minnie, m. Harvey P. Randall; Effle, m. Charles R. McGreger. Family home, Ogden, Utah. Elder. Died May 14, 1886. HORROCKS, SAMUEL (son of Edward Horrocks and Alice Houghton). Born July 7, 1834. Macclesfield, Cheshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey company. Married Catherine Sarah Buckingham Jan. 23, 1853, Pres- bury, Eng. (daughter of William Henry Buckingham and Jane Ann Abbott), who was born Nov. 19, 1834, London, Eng., and came to Utah with husband. Their children- Samuel b. Oct. 10. 1854, d. March 18, 1855; Elizabeth Ann b. Jan. 9. 1856, m. Joseph Baxter Feb. 9, 1874; Jane b. March 28, 1858, m. James E. Davis Aug. 16, 1876: Catherine b March 22, I860, d. April 10. 1860; William Henry b. Aug. 22, 1861, d. Oct. 4, 1861; Mary b. July 2, 1862, d. same day- Martha b. June 13. 1863, m. H. H. Rolapp Dec. 9. 1885; Alice b. Feb. 25, 1866, d. same day: Edward J. b. Feb. 14, 1867, m. Adaline Dana Aug. 15, 1888; Maria b. April 24, 1870. d. Sept. 7, 1870; Joseph Aaron b. Dec. 3. 1872, m. Theressa Carter March 27, 1890: Mabel b. May 25, 1876, m. E. S. Rolapp Oct. 19, 1894; Richard James b. Aug. 11, 1880, m. Gertrude Tackett April 22, 1908. Located at Odgen where he engaged in the mercantile business, establishing the firm now known as Horrocks Bros. HORSLEY. HARRY (son of John Horsley and Susan Clem- ents of Soham, Cambridgeshire, Eng.). Born Oct. 24, 1857, in London. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861. Married Lois Hook Sept. 2, 1865 (daughter of Richard Hook and Alice Saunders. pioneers 1860, handcart company). She was born Sept. 6, 1848, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Lois M. b. July 7. 1866; Henry D. b. Jan. 9. 1868; Harriet E. b. Aug. 29, 1869, m. Eugene Lambourne 1893: Louis W. b. Nov. 11, 1871; Alice R. b. April 27. 1873. m. Edward Rushten 1900; Lilies P. b. Oct. 24, 1874, m. Ste- phen Reed; Clements H. b. Aug. 10. 1876, m. Florence Ander- son 1904; Joseph H. b. April 11. 1878; Susan M. b. Aug. 22, 1879. m. Joseph Van Steeter; Permelia M. b. June 6, 1881; Annie M. b. May 24. 1883, m. Richard Fletcher 1903; Ger- trude b. Sept. 10. 1885; Eugene Ray b. Jan. 6, 1890; Ralph b. Dec. 28, 1892. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Margaret L. Foreman July 16. 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Foreman and Margaret Jane Mousley, married 1845 at Centerville, Newcastle county. Del., pioneers of Sept. 1867, Captain Hofflnes oxteam company). She was born July 14. 1857, at Prairie Creek, Neb., and came to Utah with parents. Went to St. George 1867 to help settle country. Mission- ary to England 1900. Worked at Salt Lake theatre 16 years; motorman and conductor for Utah Light Company since Oct. 11, 1889. HORSLEY, HERBERT (son of Thomas Horsley, born May 6, 1816, at Alcester. Eng., and Ann Maiden, born June 6, 1818, at Birmingham, Eng.). He was born Sept. 6, 1845. Alcester. Came to Utah Nov. 1862. Henry W. Miller company. Married Sarah Edghill Jan. 1864 (daughter of Thomas and Harriott Edghill. the latter a pioneer in 1863. John W. Wooley company). She was'born July 23, 1846. Their chil- dren: Thomas H. b. Feb. 22. 1865, m. Louisa Lau: James M. b. Feb. 6, 1866, m. Matilda Jensen: Harriett b. Sept. 22. 1867, m. John Montrose; Elizabeth b. Feb. 19, 1869, m. Hugh Dor- rien; Sarah Ann b. June 12, 1870, m. D. H. Rowley: Sodine b. March 13, 1872, m. Jessie Moore; Laura b. Sept. 17, 1873, m. W. G. Carr; George b. Jan. 18. 1876: Willard b. Oct. 9. 1876; Harry b. June 30, 1878, m. Ella Jensen: Sophia b. Jan. 24, 1880. m. J. J. Hayes: Alice b. July 9, 1882. m. Brig. Skinner. Married Lucy Smith Skinner Jan. 1, 1899. at Soda Springs, Idaho (daughter of William Smith and Mary Mole, the for- mer a pioneer with Captain Seeley company). She was born Aug. 18. 1867. at Bristol, Eng. Their child: Mabel Lucy b. March 20, 1901. Seventy: missionary to Great Britain 1896-97, and also In 1906. Justice of the peace and notary public. HORSLEY, JOHN P. (son of Robert Horsley and Mary Ann Pickett of Rochester, Eng.). Born Feb. 16, 1844, coming to Utah with the first oxteam company. Married Frances Jane Mills March 3, 1864, at St. George and later Endowment House. Salt Lake City, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas Mills, who lived at Bogner. Sussex county, Eng., until they came to Utah about 1860). She was born July 1, 1845. Their children: Eliza Ann b. Feb. 24, 1865, m.. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 943 Henry G. Mills; Mary Ann b. July 1, 1867, m. John Joseph Rhodes; Lottie, d. child; John P. b. July 26, m. Hannah Jen- eon; Rosetta b. Oct. 21, m. Thomas H. Jones; Caroline, died; Agnes L. b. Sept. 12, m. James Bearnsen; Robert Thomas died; Frances Jane b. Feb. 5, 1883, m. Walker Shellenber- ger; Samuel Ensign, died; Jemima, m. David Harris. Family home Ferron, Utah. Elder; home missionary. Called by Brig-ham Young three times to haul supplies for the people. Mason; farmer and stockraiser. Now living at Preston, White Pine county Nev. HORTON, EDMUND. Came to Utah 1860, oxteam company. Married Maria . Their children: John; Harriet; Ann, m. Charles Machaw; Esther, m. John Morehouse; Jane m. George Edward Bench, Sr.; Eliza, m. William Henry Ste- vens; Elijah, m. Christie Frazier. Family home Wanship, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died at Wanship, Utah. HOUGAARD, RASMUS H. Came to Utah, 1848. Oxteam company. Married Mary Magdaline, in Denmark. Their children: Peter, m. Mary Stefflsen; Kirstine; Johanna Maria, m. Wil- liam B. Richey; John H., m. Petrea Petersen; Mary, m. Jens Madsen; Louis H., m. Jeredlne Hougaard; Annie, m. Robert Johnson. Family home Manti, Utah. Member 48th quorum seventies. Farmer. Died at Manti. Utah. HOUSLEY, GEORGE P. (son of Charles Housley and Harriet Cook of Sutton Ashfleld, Nottinghamshire, Eng.). Born 1836 at Sutton Ashfleld. Came to Utah 1856, Martin and Tyler handcart company. Married Myra Jacobinson at Salt Lake City, who was born 1844, and came to Utah with independent company. Their children: Harriet b. Nov. 28, 1860, m. Robert Wilson; Char- lotte b. April 1, 1863, m. John C. Jackson; Geo.rge J. b. March 29, 1865, m. Ida Obrey; Lewis b. Nov. 28, 1866, m. Mona Singleton; Benjamin b. March 28, 1871, m. Paulina Allen; Julia b. March 1, 1873, m. James Farley; Elizabeth b. Sept. 16, 1875, m. George Crapo; Nellie b. Feb. 16, 1876, m. Andrew Hanson; Emma b. Aug. 15, 1878, m. Dennis Mc- Nulty; Carrie b. Sept. 24, 1883, m. James Squires. Married Mary Ann Buckley 1896, Logan, Utah (daughter of Edmund Buckley and Alice Grun, married 1859, Man- chester, Eng.; former a pioneer, Joseph W. Young com- pany). She was born 1860 in Manchester, Engr. Their chil- dren: George Jezu; Florence; Vilate. Brought to Utah the paper that the first Deseret News was printed on. Made two return trips to bring immigrants to Utah. Indian scout and war veteran. Miller. HOUSTON, ISAAC (son of Samuel Houston and Phoebe Mayo). Born Oct. 15, 1799, in New Hampshire. Came to Utah 1850. Married Theodocia Keys July 19, 1827, who was born Sept. 27, 1804. Their children: Jane Mariah, m. Mr. Alexander; Louisa and Silson C., died; Emiline, m. James W. Preston; Minderell, m. Washburn Chipman; Alma, died; Isaac. Family home Alpine, Utah. Died Aug. 23, 1856, at Alpine. HOUSTON, JAMES (son of John Houston and Mary Demster of Paisley, Scotland). Born June 1, 1817. Came to Utah 1848. Married Margaret Crawford August 1845 (daughter of James Crawford and Elizabeth Brown, former a pioneer Lorenzo Snow company). She was born March 1, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Elizabeth b. June 1, 1846, m. Albert Delongr; John b. April 13, 1848; James b. Feb. 6, 1850, m. Rebecca Lucy Cooper Nov. 18, 1875; m. Sarah Ann LeFevre April 22, 1881; Joseph b. Dec. 21, 1851, m. Elizabeth Clark Dec. 28, 1874; Thomas b. Sept. 6, 1853, m. Christena R. Schow May 2, 1880; Margaret b. Dec. 1, 1885, m. R. G. Clark Dec. 28, 1874; Mary Demster b. June, 1858; m. Ira W. Thatch; Hyrum b. Sept. 9, 1860; Brigham b. Aug. 7, 1863. Family home, Salt Lake City until Oct. 1861; then St. George until April 1873, and Pan- guitch since. Counselor to bishop first ward Salt Lake City. Died Jan. 3, 1863, St. George, Utah. HOUSTON, JAMES (son of James Houston and Margaret Crawford). Born Feb. 6, 1850, Salt Lake City. Married Rebecca Lucy Cooper Nov. 18, 1875, Washington, Utah (daughter of Wm. D. Cooper and Lydia Rochester), who was born Jan. 10, 1855, in Georgia. Their children: John Cooper b. Aug. 24, 1876, m. Addle Asay; James Wil- liam b. July 22, 1878. Married Sarah Ann LeFevre April 22, 1881 (daughter of William LeFevre and Hannah Holyoak; former pioneer Sept. 17, 1852, Captain Wood's 6th company; latter Oct. 2, 1854; Dr. Rich company). She was born Sept. 20, 1860. Their chil- dren: Alonzo b. May 25, 1882; Lorin b. Nov. 14, 1887; Wil- liam Wallace b. Nov. 17, 1889; Lucy Edna b. March 18, 1892; James Marion b. Dec. 18, 1893; Ozro b. July 4, 1896; Hannay Aza b. Aug. 27, 1898; David Crawford b. April 13, 1901. Family home Panguitch, Utah. High councilor In Panguitch stake 1878; missionary to Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado 1880; missionary to Central States 1884-1885; counselor to Bishop Allen Miller and to president David Cameron of Panguitch stake 1900-08; became president Panguitch stake Aug. 1, 1908. County selectman Iron and Garfield counties; commissioner Gar- fleld county. R ' CHR o S ^ A J V , (son of Christian Houtz). Born July 16, 1805, near Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 22 1848 Lorenzo Snow company. Married Susan Pawling at Philadelphia, Pa., who was born June 19. 1811. Their children: John S.. m. ElTea^ol Palmer; Elleanor, m. Lorenzo Snow; Henry, m. _ Ensign- Philip, m. Sarah J. Hall; Watson, m. Sophia Bonny; Levina' S It L k ' killed by Indians : Lorenzo, died. Family home High priest. Farmer. Died 1852, Salt Lake City. HOUTZ, J. S. (son of Christian Houtz and Susan Pawling). Born 1833, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah with father. HOUTZ, PHILIP (son of Christian Houtz and Susan Paw- ling). Born Sept. 13, 1838, Harrison county, Pa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sarah Jane Hall May 1, 1856, Springville. Utah (daughter of Edward Hall and Nancy Elleanor Bailinger of Jamestown, Ky., pioneers Sept. 2, 1850, David Evans company). She was born Oct. 12, 1846. Their children: Philip E. b. Sept. 23, 1865, m. Elva J. Clyde; Christian W. b. April 1, 1867, m. Esther Waters; 3arah Rozina b. June 11 1869, m. Alfred Whitehead; John T. b. March 16, 1871 died- Nancy E. b. March 16, 1871, died; Lettie May b. Dec 23 1872, m. John T. Beardall; Susan Inzie b. March 18, 1875, m. George Russon; Mary Catherine b. July 18, 1877 m Zuince King-; Heber Hall b. Oct. 28, 1879; Esther b. March 12, 1881, died; Pearl b. April 16, 1884, m. James Coombs; James Elvan b. Oct. 13, 1887, m. May Metcalf. Family home Springville, Utah. Member 61st quorum seventies; high priest. Farmer. HOUTZ, PHILIP EDWARD (son of Philip Houtz and Sarah Jane Hall). Born Sept. 23, 1865, Springville. Utah. Married Elva Jane Clyde Aug. 28, 1889, at Manti, Utah (daughter of William M. Clyde and Eliza McDonald of Springville). She was born April 11, 1868. Their children- Vida b. July 10, 1891, m. G. Dell Wood; Clyde Ervine b Feb. 16, 1893, died; Verian b. Jan. 11, 1896, died; Glenden E. b. Sept. 6, 1897; Karl G. b. Feb. 25, 1902; Ray C. b. Jan 21, 1907. Family home, Springville. Member 61st quorum seventies. County recorder; city recorder. Accountant. HOUTZ, DANIEL D. (son of Jacob Houtz and Bridget Daly). Born March 11, 1859, at Salt Lake City. Married Edna Lyman June 23, 1886, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Francis M. Lyman and Rhoda Ann Taylor of San Bernardino, Cal.). She was born Sept. 8, 1866. Their chil- dren: Martell b. March 25, 1887; Zula b. June 28. 1888, m Joseph W. Bishop; Rhoda b. July 29, 1890; Elwood b May 24, 1892; Edith b. April 12, 1894; Virginia b. July 23, 1901; Maxime b. March 6, 1903. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy. Prosecuting attorney Tooele county; district at- torney of 3d district two terms. Lawyer. HOVEY, JOSEPH GRAFTON (son of Thomas Hovey, born Aug. 8, 1766, at Roxbury, Mass., and E'izabeth Sever born Jan. 31, 1770, at Brighton, Mass). Born Nov. 17, 1812, at Middlesex county. Mass. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1848, Brigham Toung and Heber C. Klmball companies. Married Martha Ann Webster (daughter of Joslah and Hannah Webster), who was born in 1816. Their children: Elizabeth W. b. May 11, 1835; Martha J. b. May 11, 1835; Grafton W. b. Jan. 11, 1838; Joseph G. b. June 8, 1839, m. Mary Ann Hulse, 1865; Thomas J. b. Dec. 17, 1842; George W. b. June 14, 1844; Hannah A. b. July 17, 1845. Married Sarah Baley Dec. 23, 1847, at Winter Quarters, Iowa, who was born at Lowell, Mass. Their child: Sarah E. b. Oct. 18, 1850, m. Luis pviatt. Married Sarah L. Goodridge Nov. 28, 1860 (daughter of Benjamin Goodridge and Penelope Gardner, pioneers of 1860, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born in 1832. Came to Utah with her parents in 1850. Their child: John G. b. Sept. 26. 1851. Married Lusannah E. Goodridge Jan. 14, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Goodridge and Penelope Gard- ner, pioneers 1850, Willford Woodruff company). She was born March 24, 1834, at Luxenberg, Mass. Their children: Penelope L. b. April 29, 1853, m. Samuel Clark; James A. b. June 13, 1855, m. Esther M. Pitkin 1879; Olive A. b. Aug. 24, 1857; William Neve; Mary L. b. July 18, 1869, m. Charles J. Lambert; Martha C. b. Sept. 10, 1861, m. Richard Lam- bert; Esther A. b. Feb. 22, 1863; George B. b. May 16. 1866; Grafton F. b. Sept. 7, 1869. Missionary to southern Utah in the early fifties; coun- selor to Bishop Raleigh of the 19th ward, Salt Lake City, several years; arrived in Cache valley April 26, 1860, where he served as bishop of Millville, Cache county, Utah. Stone cutter on Salt Lake temple. HOVEY, JAMES A. (son of Joseph Grafton Hovey and Lu- sannah E. Goodridge). Born June 13, 1856. Salt Lake City. Married Esther M. Pitkin April 10, 1879, at Salt Lak'o City (daughter of George O. Pitkin and Martah L. Wood, 944 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH pioneers 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Aug. 28, 1861. Millville, Utah. Their children: Maria L. b. Sept 24, 1880, m. Guy H. Hill Jr. Nov. 16, 1904; James Archie b. July 25, 1882, m. Josephine Cox June, 1907; George Orin b. Oct. 26, 1883; Rex b. Oct. 22, 1888; Angus Ray b. April 6, 1885, m. Hazel Garr Dec. 20, 1907; Merlin R. b. Sept. 21, 1886, m. Lauretta Johnson, 1907; Sidney G. b. March 29, 1S9I; Izene b. Oct. 10, 1892; Leslie Wilford b. Nov. 6, 1889. Served as ward clerk from 1902 to 1912. School trustee 15 years; on town board two years; justice of the peace from 1906 to present time. HJORTH, PETER H. (son of Niels Peter Hjorth and Dor- thea Larson). Born Jan. 23, 1843, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1861. Married Anna Jensen Dec. 7, 1868 (daughter of Jens Jen- sen and Elsa Neilson, pioneers Sept. 29, 1866, Peter Nebe- ker company). She was born Aug. 15, 1853. Their chil- dren: Joan Vilate b. Dec. 12, 1869, m. "Israel Barlow Sept. 21, 1892; Hannah Augusta b. April 2, 1872, d. Feb. 9, 1879. Family home Millville, Cache Co., Utah. Ward teacher; assisted bringing: immigrants from Mis- souri. Died March 17, 1872. HOWARD, JOHN RICHARDS (son'of Richard Howard, born at Gosport, Hampshire, Eng., and Martha Richards, born at Landport, Portsea, Hampshire; former drowned Feb. 26, 1862, in wreck of H. M. S. S. "Birkenhead," which sank off Cape of Good Hope). He was born Sept. 18, 1841, Fareham, Hampshire. Came to Utah Sept. 1864, Arthur Brown com- pany. Married Harriet Spinks Brooks 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Brooks and Maria Stanly of Morley, Norfolk, Eng.). She was born Dec. 4, 1843, Morley; died Sept. 10, 1883. Their children: Richard Fitz Alan, d. July 6, 1884; John Fitz Alan, m. Drucilla Sears; Mary Fitz Alan and Martha Fitz Alan, d. infants; Alice Fitz Alan, m. Dan Mclntosh; Josephine Mowbray, m. Albert C. Matheson; Mar- guerite Mowbray, m. Hyrum Jensen. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Herwin (Manning) 1873, Salt Lake City, who was born Feb. 1829, died Dec. 25, 1912, Salt Lake City. Only child: Franklin Fitz Alan, d. infant. Married Mary Browne Aug. 24, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Wesley Browne and Eliza Wolley of Derby, Eng.). She was born June 26, 1863, Derby, died June 26, 1813. Their children: Vere d'Albini b. Dec. 25, 1885, m. Ray Wagstaff; William d'Albini b. Nov. 26, 1887, m. Eliza- beth Jones; Ernest Maltravers b. Feb. 12, 1890; Llewellyn D'Braese b. Nov. 30, 1893, died; Elizabeth Marie Stuart b. Oct. 13, 1897; Amy Vengham b. Jan. 8, 1901; Ann Olding b. July 2, 1903. Family home Sandy, Utah. Member 93d quorum seventies; missionary from Cape of Good Hope to England 1863-64; and from Utah to England 1880-82; block teacher; tithing clerk. Was the first to start public bathing; this was at Lake Side, on Judge Height's property at Farmington, in 1870. Brought the first mowing machines to Utah 1864. Shipping clerk for Z. C. M. I. 10 years. Survivor of H. M. S. S. "Birkenhead," which sank off Cape of Good Hope Feb. 26, 1852, 462 lives lost. Manu- facturer. HOWARD, JOSEPH (son of William Howard of Kings No>-- ton, Eng., born 1789, in Worcestershire, Eng., and Tamar Mills of Dickensheath, born 1789, in Worcestershire). He was born Nov. 12, 1819, Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1864, William Hyde company. Married Ann Shelton 1842, Birmingham, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Shelton of Birmingham), who was born 1816, and died on way to Utah. Their children: Thomas b. Sept. 14, 1843, m. Mary Lowe Dec. 25, 1864; William b. Nov. 2, 1844, m. Betsey J. Fackrell; James b. Jan. 29, 1846, m. Juliet Fackrell April 19, 1869; Joseph b. May 11, 1849. m. Jane Kenney, m. Mary Ann Perkins; Mary Ann b. March 21, 1851, m. Adam Tolman; Emma b. July 31, 1852, m. William Cor- bridge; John b. March 12, 1854, m. Josephine Johnson, m. Sarah Downs; Samuel S. b. June 3, 1856, m. Sarah Ann Tay- lor; Elizabeth b. July 20, 1869, m. John Dean; Matilda b. July 20, 1859, d. aged 6; Tamar b. June 13, 1861, d. child. Family home Bountiful, Utah. President Hokley branch at Birmingham, Eng., six years, and of Ashted branch five years; high priest; Sunday school superintendent at West Bountiful; ward teacher. Farmer and gardener. Died Oct. 17, 1896, Bountiful, Utah. HOWARD, THOMAS (son of Joseph Howard and Ann Shel- ton). Born Sept. 14, 1843, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 7. 1861. Married Mary Lowe Dec. 25, 1864, Bountiful, Utah, Wilford Woodruff officiating (daughter of Richard Lowe and Sarah Dudley of Staffordshire, Eng.; they came to Utah 1874). She was born Nov. 30, 1837. Their children: Thomas J. b. Dec. 16, 1866, m. Hattie Pack; William J. b. March 23. 1867, m. Rose Oliver; Charles J. b. March B, 1869, m. Eva C. Larson; Sarah b. Feb. 3; 1871. m. Wilford Tuttle Jan. 23, 1889; Mary L. b. April 6, 1876, m. John Ellis; Richard E. b. Aug. 26, 1877, m. Catherine Lukar. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Member 70th quorum seventies; high priest, and president of same at Bountiful; Sunday school superintendent; ward teacher; presiding teacher. Farmer and gardener. HOWARD JAMES (son of Joseph Howard and Ann Shelton). Born Jan. 29, 1846, Birmingham, Eng. Married Juliet Fackrell April 19, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Fackrell and Clarrisa Dempsey), who was born Jan. 19, 1849. Their children: Juliet b. Feb. 18, 1870, m. George C. Wood Jan. 6, 1886; William b. Dec. IB, 1871, d. Feb. 19, 1874; Joseph b. Oct. 28, 1873, d. Sept. 9, 1893; Matilda Ann b. Nov. 29, 1874, m. John Johnson March 9, 1893; Lucy Jane b. Sept. 23, 1876, m. Richard Purcell June 29, 1898; James Henry b. Feb. 25, 1880, m. Effle Rose Sept. 22, 1898; Clara Shelton b. March 18, 1882, m. G. Q. Hatch Dec. 18, 1901; Maud Tamar b. Jan. 12, 1884, m. Eugene Lud- wig June 17, 1903; Rachel Mary b. Aug. 9, 1885, m. Joseph E. Davis April 17, 1907; Owen Isom b. June 8, 1888, d. Sept. 3, 1889; Luella b. March 25, 1891, m. D. F. Davis, Jr., June 22, 1911; Leona b. Jan. 21, 1894, m. Emer S. Arbuckle Jan. 29, 1913. Family home Bountiful, Utah. HOWARD, SAMtTEI, L,. (son of Samuel Lane Howard and Betsey Park of St. Louis, Mo.). Born Oct 16, 1840, Bedford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856, Helm family hand- cart company. Married Sarah Jane Hamilton April 1, 1864, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Lang Hamilton and Mary Ann Campbell of Goodridge, Canada, pioneers Oct. 6, 1862, John Wimmer company). She was born June 11, 1842. Their chil- dren: Mary Ann, m. S. H. Beckstar; Samuel H., m. Rosa A. Holt; Sarah L., m. J. S. H. Bodell; Elizabeth V. and John W., died; Robert L., m. Sytha Terry; Lenora E., m. Elamse Olsen; Joseph R., m. Millia Robessen. Family home Riverton, Utah. High priest; Sunday school superintendent 20 years. Died Sept. 10, 1906, Riverton, Utah. HOWARD. SAMUEL HAMILTON (son of Samuel L. Howard and Sarah Jane Hamilton). Born Oct. 21, 1867, Mill Creek, Salt Lake county. Married Rosa A. Holt Dec. 2, 1891, at Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Mathew Holt and Ann Harrison of England, pioneers Oct. 6, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur company). She was born Aug. 31, 1863. Their children: Samuel E. b. Sept. 27, 1893; Eva P. b. March 18, 1894; Lorenzo M. b. Dec. 20, 1896; Vir- ginia A. b. Jan. 9, 1898; Sarah b. Nov. 29, 1900; Leroy H. b. July 9, 1902; Orin P. b. July 25, 1904; James W. b. April 1906, d. Aug. 11, 1910. Family home Riverton, Utah. Elder; teacher. Road commissioner. Farmer. HOWARD, WILLIAM (son of Stott Howard and Catherine Babbington of Belfast, Ireland). Born Jan. 17, 1815, Bel- fast. Came to Utah September, 1853. Married Elizabeth Anderson June 9, 1841, at Belfast (daughter of Robert Anderson and Lucretia Ward of North- ern Ireland, pioneers September, 1853). She was born July 12. 1823. Their children: Catherine Alice b. April 25, 1843, m. Isaac Brockbank; Lucretia b. May 27, 1845, m. John Arrowsmith; William Howard b. Jan. 13, 1847, m. Mary Pead, m. Lenora J. Perkins, m. Eliza Hill; Robert Ander- son b. June 21, 1848, d. April 13, 1849; Elizabeth Bennett b. Feb. 20, 1850, d. March 20, 1870; Lucas Babbington b. May 7, 1851, m. Sena Anderson; Mary Webster b. Jan. 9, 1853, m. Joseph H. Brinton; Thomas Anderson b. Oct. 30, 1854; Lockhard Anderson b. March 25, 1856, m. Mary Crystal' Erin Anderson b. Feb. 23, 1858, m. Clara E. Luce, m. Cathe- rine- Klrby, m. Eliza J. Thompson. Family resided Salt Lake City and Holliday, Utah. Seventy; missionary to England and Ireland 1868-69; Real estate and iron foundry. Died Dec. 19, 1890, Holliday Utah. HOWARD, WILLIAM, Jr. (son of William Howard and Elizabeth Anderson). Born Jan. 13, 1847, Belfast, Ireland. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Pead Dec. 21, 1868, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Pead and Elizabeth Wilkerson of Bedfordshire, Eng.; latter came to Utah 1868, Captain Rawlins company). She was born Jan. 30, 1848. Their children: Elizabeth Wilkerson b. Sept. 9, 1869, m. Joseph E. Johnson; William James b. Sept. 10, 1870, d. July 2, 1878; Catherine Alice b. March 24, 1872, d. 1883; Robert Anderson b. April 28. 1874. m. Vilate Meeks; Lev! Howard b. May 10, 1876, m. Elizabeth Johnson; Mary May b May 12, 1878, m. Lewis P. Oveson; Maud b. April 4, 1880, m. Thomas P. McElprang; Erin T. b. April 19, 1882, m. Marion Mangram. Family resided at Randolph and Huntington, Utah. Married Lenora J. Perkins June, 1873, Salt Lake En- dowment house (daughter of John and Elizabeth Perkins of Bountiful, Utah), who was born November, 1856. Their children: Charles Leroy b. June 17, 1874, d. April 6, 1893; Lenora Webster b. Jan. 28, 1876, m. William Howard' Lockhard b. May 16, 1877, d. June 1893; John b. Nov. 6. 1879, m. Gertrude Musser; Wilson Allen b. Sept. 1881. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Hill Oct. 11, 1878, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of Isaac Hill and Mary Jane Miller, latter came to Utah 1849), She was born Jan. 3, 1860. Their children: Sarah Ella b. July 9, 1879, m. Charles Stewart; Jane b. Jan. 31, 1881, m. George W. Rowley; Joseph E. b. Oct. 29, 1883, m. Sarah E. Gardner; Lucas b. April 12, 1884 d. aged 5; Eliza Amy b. Feb. 11, 1886, m. Lawrence R. Staker; Frank Arthur b. Dec. 16, 1888; William Roy b. Dec. 6, 1-890, d. aged 1; Louisa b. March 1, 1894; Lucretia Zina b. Oct. 19, 1899. Family home Hunting-ton. Member 72d quorum seventies; member high council of Emery stake; bishop's counselor; counselor to C. G. Laraen, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 945 president of Emery stake; ward teacher. Director and secretary Huntington Co-op; director, secretary and treas- urer Huntington Canal Agricultural Association; member Huntington school district two terms. Superintended the building of the Huntington school house. President Hunt- ington town board. Lieutenant in Nauvoo Legion. Took an active part in Black Hawk Indian war. Chairman of Peoples party eight years. Mailing clerk of the Utah Senate. Justice of peace three terms. Delegate to National Irrigation Convention held at Salt Lake City; member Na- tional Irrigation Congress at Ogden 1903. Member Consti- tutional convention of Salt Lake City 1895. Notary public. Member first legislature of Utah. Emery county attorney 1896. Postmaster of Randolph 10 years. U. S. Commis- sioner for Utah 1872. County and probate clerk; county recorder; county assessor and collector; county attorney 1875. Called to assist in settling the Bear Lake country 1870. Superintended the building of the first meeting house In Emery county 1880. Chairman of board of federation of Emery county. Appointed and received commission as member world's congress, auxiliary of the World's Colum- bian Exposition held in Chicago Oct. 16, 1893. Blacksmith. HOWD, SIMEOIV FULLER (son of Samuel Howd and Eunice Fuller of Camden, N. Y.). Born May 13, 1813, Camden. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Lucinda Morgan March 16, 1847, Winter Quarters, Iowa, who was born Nov. 1, 1820, and came to Utah Sept. 1847. Their children: Elmira b. Sept. 23. 1848, m. James Blingsley; Lucinda b. June 30, 1850, m. Gideon A. Murdock; Eunice b. Aug. 8, 1852, m. B. H. Greenwood; Flora b. Feb. 7 1855, m. Allen Russell; Sarah b. June 30, 1857, m. James Veater; Simeon Fuller b. March 5, 1859, m. Julia Lev! June 3 1881- Abigail b. March 13, 1861, m. Thomas Parkinson; Frances b. May 11, 1863, m. Asa Hawley. Family home Beaver, Utah. Died May 20, 1878, at Beaver City, Utah. HOWD, SIMEON FULLER (son of Simeon Fuller Howd and Lucinda Morgan). Born March 6, 1859, Beaver City, Utah. Married Julia Lev! June 3, 1881, St. George, Utah (daugh- ter of David Levi and Ann Gillispie; the latter came to Utah 1852, Captain Smoot company). She was born June 29, 1859. Their children: Jennie b. March 5, 1882; Levi b. Dec. 9, 1884, m. Clara Henderson; James b. Jan. 31, 1890, m. Eva Oakden; Zora b. Aug. 17, 1895. Family home Beaver, Utah. City marshal and member city council of Beaver City, Utah. HOWE, AMOS (son of Eli Howe, New York city). Born Feb. 19, 1830, New York. Came to Utah Oct. 25, 1864. Married Julia Cruse June 9, 1850, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of James Cruse and Mary Jane Joyce, Boxford, Berkshire, Eng.), who was born June 17, 1823. Their children: Edgar, m. Annie Talmage; George E., m. Sarah A. Barney; Charles R., m. Nettie Taylor; Amos, Horace and Eli James, died. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 3d quorum seventies; member church board of education. Farmer; mechanical engineer. Died June 16, 1908, Salt Lake City. HOWE, CHARLES R. (son of Amos Howe and Julia Cruse). Born Aug. 28, 1860, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah Oct. 25, 1864. Married Nettie Taylor Sept. 11, 1884, Logan, Utah (foster daughter of John Taylor and Sophia Whittaker of Salt Lake City), who was born June 12, 1864. Their children: Charles Ralph b. June 30, 1885; Sophia T. b. Aug. 9, 1887, died; Harold T. b. Jan. 18, 1889; Cruse T. b. Feb. 6, 1891; Lucile b. Dec. 10, 1893; Jennetta b. Aug. 5. 1896; Bessie b. Nov. 2, 1900; Amos Ross b. Oct. 18, 1903. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 3d quorum seventies; missionary to Virginia 1885-87; Sunday school and block teacher. City councilman 1900-91. Partner in Davis Howe Company. HOWE, GEORGE E. (son of Amos Howe and Julia Cruse). Born July 14, 1858, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah with father. Married Sarah A. Barney Sept. 27, 1883, Salt Lake Endow- ment House, Joseph F. Smith officiating (daughter of Royal A. and Esther Barney), who was born Aug. 8, 1858. Their children: Erne B. b. Sept. 3, 1884, m. John O. Mellor; Amos B. b. June 12, 1886, m. Zinna Hoover; Esther Hazel b. March 4, 1889, m. Fred A. Caine; Charles F. b. Feb. 10. 1891; Edna b. Jan. 11, 1893; Royal G. b. Jan. 28, 1896; Julia b. June 6, 1901. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 4th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1881-82. HOWFLL, EUAS WILLIS (son of Esmond W. Howell and Sarah Vail, Long Island, N. Y.). Born April 29, 1836, Long Island. Came to Utah in 1852 with Captain Wood. Married Martha Jane Rigby February 1858 at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Rlgby). Their children: Sarah Lovenia, m. Otis Lysander Perry; Martha A., m. Christian Peter Jensen; Rosalie F., m. Peter Hansen; Brusilla, m. Thomas Hackford. Family resided Union and Fairview Utah. High priest. Associated with all the principal movements for growth of Fairview. Farmer; miller; stockman. Died about 1909 at Fairview. 60 HOWELL, JAMES (son of James Howell and Jane Copeland). Born Oct. 15, 1828, Vermilion county, 111. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1863, William Patterson company. Married Rosannah Monk Jan. 29, 1857 (daughter of John Monk and Sarah Hatfleld), who was born Feb. 1, 1842, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sarah Jane b. March 16, 1858, m. Levi Thornton Nov. 14, 1875; Thomas Jefferson b. March 7, 1860, m. Mary Jane Heaton April 7, 1881; Nancy Melvina b. Feb. 26, 1862, m. William H. Thorn- ton Jan. 28, 1878; James William b. July 29, 1865, m. Martha Heaton Feb. 15, 1884; Mohonri Moriancumer b. Aug. 19, 1870, d. Sept. 30, 1898; John Cromwell b. March 7, 1874, m. Mar- garet Rebecca John Nov. 1899; Leroy b. Oct. 6. 1875, m. Han- nah Sariah John Dec. 29, 1898, d. May 31. 1913, Blackfoot, Idaho; Rosie Annie b. April 23, 1879, m. Adam Bigler Nov. 18, 1900. Family resided Kaysville and Portage, Utah, and Woodruff, Idaho. Ward teacher at both places 1875-1902. Pioneer to Port- age and was active in making canals and roads in early days. Died June 1, 1906. HOWELL, THOMAS JEFFERSON (son of James Howell and Rosannah Monk). Born March 7, 1860, Franklin, Decatur Co., Iowa. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1863, William Patterson company. Married Mary Jane Heaton April 7, 1881 (daughter of John Heaton and Janet Sinclair, married 1859, St. Louis, Mo., pioneers 1863). She was born March 18, 1864, Wellsville, Utah. Their children: Rosa Janet b. Aug. 2, 1882, m. James Heber Yearsley Nov. 10, 1899; Thomas Leslie b. April 30, 1884, m. Margaret Rozella Gibbs April 8, 1909; Mary Melvina b. Oct. 4, 1885, m. George Samuel Young April 27, 1904; Ruby b. Sept. 4, 1887, m. Benjamin Lundberg Sept. 4, 1907; Laura Leona b. April 26, 1889, m. Ernest Hyrum Sorenson Dec. 6, 1911; Oliver Cromwell b. March 7, 1891; Sarah Elizabeth b. May 27, 1893; James Herald b. Sept. 3, 1896; Mildred b. Dec. 30, 1900; Lillian Heaton b. Jan. 21, 1903; Ida Luvena b. Nov. 16, 1905; Grace Avelda b. Dec. 23, 1907. Family home Wood- ruff, Idaho. First assistant Sunday school superintendent of Portage ward 1877-84; secretary 52d quorum seventies 1884-91; coun- selor in Y. M. M. I. A. of Muddy Creek branch; ward teacher Cherry Creek ward 1885-90; first counselor to Bishop Thomas A. Davis of Cherry Creek ward 1891-1902; missionary to northern states 1897-99; president of branch in Omaha; clerk of Nebraska conference; president of Nebraska conference; president high priests quorum of Malad stake 1902-08; m^m- ber high council since 1907. School teacher. Religious class superintendent. HOWELL, THOMAS C. D. (son of Caleb Howell and Cella Boyett of Waynesborough, Wayne county, N. C.). Born Feb. 22, 1814, North Carolina. Came to Utah 1852, his own com- pany. Married Sarah Stuart July 5, 1835 (daughter of Samuel Stuart and Ann Wallace, latter died in Iowa). She was born Jan. 15, 1815, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Jason E. b. Sept. 2, 1837, m. Jane M. Thomas; Henry Nelson b. May 23, 1840, m. Elizabeth W. Bird Dec. 16, 1861; William J. b. April 8, 1842, m. Lydia A. Beebe; Charles D.; Thomas A. b. Sept. 17, 1855, m. Harriet A. Henderson Feb. 19, 1875. Family resided Payson, Utah, and Franklin and Clifton, Idaho. Member Mormon Battalion. Enlisted in war with Mexico 1847. Appointed captain of third company of 1852 to come to Utah. Settled at Payson 1853; moved to Franklin, Idaho, 1860, where he served as justice of peace five years. Took active part in early Indian wars. Moved to Clifton, Idaho, 1865, where he resided until his death. HOWELL, HENRY N. (son of Thomas C. D. Howell and Sarah Stuart). Born May 23, 1840, Yorkville, Gibson county, Tenn. Married Elizabeth W. Bird Dec. 16, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edmund F. Bird and Mary Montgomery, former pioneer 1850, latter died Jan. 3, 1846, Boston, Mass.). She was born Jan. 1, 1846, Cambridge, Mass. Their children: Henry J. b. Sept. 2, 1862, m. Lucy L. Bingham Oct. 13, 1883; Sarah A. b. Feb. 22, 1864, d. infant; Mary M. b. April 7, 1866; Lydia L. b. July 10, 1868, m. William A. Lewis; Amelia E. b. Sept. 3. 1870; Edmund F. b. Nov. 11, 1872, m. Annie Hender- son; Ida A. b. Dec. 4, 1874, m. George E. Porter; Clara E. b. Nov. 8, 1877, m. C. M. Alston; John E. b. Dec. 18, 1879, m. Maud Henderson; Wallace B. m. March 1, 1882, m. Elizabeth Sant Nov. 28, 1907; Angus b. Oct. 2, 1886. Family home Clifton, Idaho. School teacher Oxford and Clifton, Idaho, three years each. Sunday school superintendent, Clifton; ward clerk 20 years. Built first house in Clifton, 1869; postmaster there 17 years. HOWELL, WILLIAM (son of Stephen Howell and Margarette Williams, latter of Lambstoneparlsh, South Wales). Born Aug. 15, 1819, Lambstoneparish, Pembrokeshire. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Homer Duncan company. Married Louisa Thomas 1842 (daughter of James Thomas and Ann Harris), who was born June 12, 1823, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Martha Leah b. Nov. 21, 1843, m. William Wheeler Nov. 15, 1861; Richard b. March 30, 1847, m. Mary Moore 1870; Maria; William; Ann b. Nov. 19 r ig , m. Parley Smout; Arthur; Margarette, m. John Slater June 1875; Stephen; James Parley b. Nov. 25, 1861. m. Lois Perry May 1890; Frances Jane; Louisa b. July 25, 1863, m. McGraw Vandyke. Family home Slatervllle, Utah. Elder. 946 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH HOWELL, JAMES P. (son of William Howell and Louisa Thomas). Born Nov. 25, 1860, Fristrap, Wales. Came to Utah 1861. Married Lois L. Perry May 1890 (daughter of Stephen W. Perry and Mary Bishop), who was born 1871. IIOYT, SAMUEL PIERCE (son of James Hoyt and Pamelia Brown). Brn Nov. 21, 1807, Devonshire, N. H. Pioneer 1850, independent company. Married Emily Smith April 17, 1832 (daughter of Asael Smith), who was born Sept. 1, 1806. Family resided Fillmore and Hoytsville, Utah. Married Catherine Emma Burbidge June 3, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Rhoades Burbidge and Mary Brown, the latter a pioneer 1854, Captain Richardson com- pany). She was born Nov. 17, 1839, in England. Their chil- dren: James William b. Sept. 28, 1858, d. Nov. 17, 1859; Mary b. Aug. 9, 1863, m. J. W. Lee; Pamelia b. May 22. 1865, m. Alonzo A. Mills Aug. 10, 1891; Elizabeth b. May 31, 1867, m. J. P. Stonebraker Feb. 22, 1898; John B. b. Jan. 16, 1869, m. Inez Park Dec. 4, 1907; Eiias B. b. March 6, 1871, d. April 6, 1871; Martha b. May 18, 1872, m. William Myrick; Joseph B. b. Dec. 6, 1873, m. Sarah J. Johnson; Aphia b. May 13. 1875, d. April 17, 1879; Emma b. Aug. 27, 1878, m. H. H. Stevens June 3. 1902; Samuel b. Aug. 2, 1880, d. March 17, 1892. Pioneer to Fillmore. Located at Hoytsville. Seventy. Brought the first iron turning lathe to Utah and owned the first flour mill in Summit county. Member of the first con- stitutional convention and helped to make the first territo- rial laws. County commissioner. Farmer; tanner; rancher; merchant. Died Aug. 12, 1889, Rhoade's Valley. HUBBARD, CHARLES WESLEY (son of Noah Hubbard, born Oct. 20, 1778, Sheffield, Mass., and Cynthia Clark of Michigar.). He was born Feb. 7, 1810, Sheffield. Came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Mary Ann Bosworth 1832, Monroe county, Mich, (daughter of Jared Bosworth and Lucy Hubbard), who was born Aug. 12, 1816. Their children: Noah Ell b. Feb. 9, 1834; Emma b. Feb. 13, 1836; Rhbda Ann b. June 22, 1839, m. Moroni Cole; Lucy b. Aug. 16, 1841; John b. Oct. 22, 1843, m. Rosabell Shaw; Heber William b. Jan. 31, 1845, m. Susan Dudley; Julia C. b. April 3, 1848, m. Byron Barker; Albert b. Feb. 27, 1850; Mary Malinda b. Dec. 31, 1851, m. Charles William Merrill; Charles N. b. Dec. 5, 1853, m. Rebecca J. Davis; Permelia S. b. June 25, 1856; David Clark b. Feb. 7, 1860, m. Charlotte Morgan. Family home Willard, Utah. Married Mary Edwards in February 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Edwards and Ann Jones, married in Cardiganshire, South Wales, former pioneer 1855). She was born May 30, 1835, Cardiganshire. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Nov. 5, 1856, m. Thomas Taylor Jan. 18, 1875; Joseph b. Oct. 20, 1859, m. Salley Marsh March 4, 1880; David b. Nov. 30, 1861, m. Ida Cordon Nov. 10, 1881; Ann Rebecca b. March 14, 1864; John Hyrum b. April 18, 1867; Lucynthia b. May 22, 1869, m. Lorenzo Robbins; Jane b. Feb. 8, 1872, m. Ezra Lloyd Dec. 23, 1897; Alma E. b. April 13, 1874; Sarah Gevennie b. Oct. 4, 1877, m. T. L. Redford Dec. 22, 1904. Family home Willard, Utah. Married Sophia Pollard June 4, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Pollard and Sarah Robertshaw), who was born Feb. 26, 1831, and came to Utah in 1853, Cyrus Wheelock company. Their children: James Willard b. Feb. 12, 1861. m. Emma M. Pettingill; Sarah Ann b. Feb. 7, 1863. First bishop of Willard ward 1851-56; missionary to England and Scotland 1856-58. Moved to the Muddy, where he lived six years, 1864-70. Mail carrier to the Muddy four years. Returned to Willard 1871. Died Dec. 19. 1903. HUBBARD, CHARLES N. (son of Charles W. Hubbard and Mary Ann Bosworth). Born Dec. 5, 1853, Willard, Utah. Married Rebecca J. Davis 1877, Brigham, Utah (daughter of Richard and Rebecca Davis of Willard). who was born July 31, 1856, died 1891. Their children: Mary Ann b. Nov. 19, 1878, m. John M. White; William b. Nov. 21, 1880. m. Mary E. Powlsen; Lucy Jane b. May 8, 1882, m. Lawrence Abegglen; Morgan P. b. Oct. 31, 1884, m. Merrit J. Wood. Family home, Willard. Missionary to southern states 1888-90. HUBBARD, JAMES WILLARD (son of Charles Wesley Hub- bard and Sophia Pollard). Born Feb. 12, 1861. Willard, Utah. Married Emma M. Pettingill Jan. 8, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Elihu Pettingill and Jane C. Marsh), who was born April 20, 1862, Willard. Their children: Sarah Paulina b. July 31, 1880; Clotilda b. Dec. 6, 1881, m. Henry Mickel- sen July 31, 1903; Edith Marlah b. Dec. 26, 1883, m. John Whitehead Oct. 13, 1904; Rhoda Ann b. Nov. 6. 1885; Charles W. b. May 25, 1888; Ida b. May 31. 1890, m. Nephi Petersen Oct. 5, 1909; Jane b. Feb. 5, 1893: Vara b. May 5, 1898; Cora b. July 22, 1900. Family home Raft River and Trout Creek, Idaho. Missionary to southern states 1895-96; bishop of Bench ward three years; high councilor of Bannock stake. HI'BER, JOHN (son of Johannes Huber, born 1810, Wein- felden, and Anna Elizabeth Huber, born 1815, Dodtnacht. Switzerland married In 1840). Born in 1840, at Dodtnacht. Came to Utah 1863, Peter Nebeker company. Married Mary Magdalena Munz Oct. 18, 1863 (daughter of Henry and Margaret Munz), who was born Jan. 21, 1843, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John Martin b. Oct. 22, 1865, m. Elizabeth Gertsch; Henry Albert b. Oct. 7, 1867, m. Margaret Abegglen; Mary Mag- dalena b. Oct. 15, 1869, m. Jacob Brobst 1891; Emma Eliza- beth b. Dec. 19, 1871, m. James Gibson; Otillia Eliza b. March 29, 1875, m. Alexander Gibson; Matilda b. May 8 1877, died; Nephi b. Oct. 10, 1879, m. Anna Bronson; Joseph Emanuel b. Aug. 18, 1881; Ida b. May 7, 1883, m. William W. Abplanalp. Family home, Midway, Utah. Missionary to Switzerland 1860-63. 1871-74; ward clerk at Midway 1878-1908; ward chorister 1880-1910. Black Hawk war veteran. Agent for Wasatch & Jordan valley railroad, shipping granite for Salt Lake temple 1875-78; took U. S. census 1880 and 1900; member school board 24 years; secretary of Midway Irrigation Company 10 years- compiled history of Midway ward from 1859 to 1905; justice of peace two years; agent of crop reporting for agricultural department of U. S. A. Composer of numerous songs and poetical compositions in German and English. HUBER. HENRY ALBERT (son of John Huber and Mary Magdalena Munz). Born Oct. 7, 1867, Midway, Utah. Married Margaret Abegglen Dec. 9, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of Gottlieb Abegglen and Anna Gertsch of Gund- lischwand, Bern, Switzerland, came to Utah September, 1873). She was born March 16, 1871. Their children: Elmer b. Sept. 19, 1892; Henry Lyman b. March 1, 1894. d. March 17, 1894; Frank Ervin b. June 1. 1895; Leroy b. April 1, 1897; Albert Dean b. Jan. 11, 1899. Family home Midway, Utah. High priest. Road supervisor. Member town board. Farmer. HUCKVALE, JONATHAN (brother of Mrs. George Osmond, the mother of Alfred Osmond). Married Sarah Huckvale. Their children: Frederick, m. Ella ; Ethel, m. Charles Stone; Perkins, died. Family home, Bloomington, Idaho. Farmer and painter. Deceased. HUDMAN, JOHN (son of Thomas Hudman and Ann Dan- cose of Ripple, Worcestershire, Eng.). Born Oct. 23, 1821, at Ripple. Came to Utah 1856 with Knud Peterson company. Married Sophia Langley Nov. 12, 1848 (daughter of Mathias Langley and Diana Cornell), who was born Jan. 7, 1822. and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Emma b. June 25, 1851, m. William H. Manning June 9. 1873; Alvin J. b. April 4, 1854, m. Jane A. Webb; Henry Heber b. Aug. 14, 1859, m. Annie Cowan; Ellen Maria b. Dec. 6, 1861, m. James Cowan Jr. Family home Slaterville, Utah. Ordained high priest, April 14. 1855. HUPP, JOSEPH (son of John Edwards Huff and Hilda Hicks of Canada). Born April 24, 1818, Upper Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1861, Joseph Young company. Married Mary Jane Losee Nov. 10, 1836, Lower Canada (daughter of David Losee and Lydia Huff), who was born Oct. 4. 1820. Canada; came to Utah with husband. Their children: James b. July 24, 1837. m. Sena Nibley, m. Sophia Atkins; Jemima b. Dec. 24, 1839, d. child; John Edwards b. Dec. 3, 1843, m. Sarah Ann Robinson; David Losee b. April 10, 1845, m. Amelia Robinson Jan. 21, 1866; Joseph b. July 10, 1847, m. Jane Hodgetts; Mariah b. Aug. 26, 1849, m. Nephi Williams; Mary b. March 5. 1852, m. Robert Pope; George W. b. May 7, 1854; Elvira b. June 2, 1856, m. Samuel Robinson; Isaac b. Nov. 22, 1859, m. Alice Green; Abraham b. Oct. 6, 1862, m. Annie Clark. Family home Coal- ville, Utah. Bishop of Upton ward 1864-76. Forced from Upton by Indians and moved to Coalviile. Built several sawmills in Summit county. Farmer. Died in February, 1895, Span- ish Fork, Utah. HUFF, DAVID LOSEE (son of Joseph Huff and Mary Jane Losee). Born April 10, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1861, Joseph Young company. Married Amelia Robinson Jan. 21, 1866 (daughter of William Robinson and Mary Dexter married 1846, in England; pioneers 1868, Captain Murdock company). She was born Nov. 29, 1847. Came to Utah in September. 1864, Captain Rawlins company. Their children: William Edward b. Jan. 24, 1867, m. Sarah Tippetts; David B. b. June 22, 1869, m. Lettacle Hayes; Joseph Hyrum b. Dec. 10, 1871, m. Lulu Myers April 10, 1895; Mary Amelia b. Feb. 24, 1874, m. John Ballard; Rosalia b. Nov. 22, 1876, m Thomas Hone; John Rufus b. March 27, 1879, m. Martha Larson; George Elmer b. Aug. 5, 1881, m. Annie Westernlg; Earnest James b. Oct. 31, 1883, m. May Hall; Jane b. Aug. 15, 1886, m. David Evans; Ralph b. Nov. 15, 1888.. Family home Lake Shore, Utah. Moved from Upton, Summit county, to Randolph In 1870; assisted in erection of first sawmill in Randolph; In 1877 moved to Lake Shore. Freighter. HUFF, THOMAS. Born June 22. 1788, Roanoke. Va. Came to Utah in September 1853, Captain Dailey company. Married Betsy Adams March 7, 1815, Hancock county, Ga. (daughter of Jonathan Adams and Charlotte Lawrence of Pontotoc, Miss., pioneers 1853, Captain Dailey company). She was born Sept. 19, 1798. Their children: Alivia, m. Asa A. Felts; Wlllaim T. ; Pheriba; Sarah Jane, m. William PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 947 Hall; Maragaret, m. John C. Bowman; Rebecca, m. Tillery Mitchell; Bethena, m. John Ellegre; Jonathan G.; Joel, m. Annie Winters; Thaddeus, m. Frances Russell; Betsy V., m. David N. Shanahan; Lucy Ann; Mary F., m. John C. Lemmon; Jefferson Adams, m. Mary Kim-line Moore. Family home Pontotoc, Miss. Farmer. Died Oct. 16, 1855. HUFF, JEFFERSON ADAMS (son of Thomas Huff and Betsy Adams). Born May 12, 1842, Chambers county. Ala. Came to Utah September 1853, with parents. Married Emeline Moore Oct. 15, 1884, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Joseph Webber Moore and Hannah Seely Young of Moab, Grand county, Utah, pioneers 1847, John Taylor com- pany). She was born July 24, 1864. Their children: Jef- ferson A. b. Dec. 7, 1885; Joseph Thomas b. Dec. 22, 1886; Jonathan Rile b. June 22, 1888; Enos Marion b. Sept. 1, 1889; William Lee b. Feb. 22, 1891; Sarah Blanche b. June 6, 1892, m. Francis Jean Rogerson; Archie Ross b. March 14 1894; Cyrus b. May 6, 1895; Ivy Emeline b. April 22, 1897; Francis Seth b. Dec. 14, 1898; Joel Roaf b. Dec. 14, 1900; Ruth Elizabeth b. June 6, 1903; Clarence b. March 29, 1905; Acil Wayne b. April 23, 1907. Family home, Moab. Member 84th quorum seventies; high priest; bishops counselor. Probate judge; county commissioner Grand county, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. HUFFAKER, SIMPSON D. (son of Jacob Huffaker and Mar- garet Bodkins of Kentucky). Born July 23, 1812, in Wayne county, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Susan Green Robinson Feb. 25, 1836, Morgan county, 111. (daughter of Joel Robinson), who was born Oct. 16, 1817. Their children: Rozella, m. John Pulsipher; Sarah M., died; Lewis Albert, m. Martha Sarah Murray; Sidney, Sarah and Augusta, d. young. Married Elizabeth Richardson in January 1846, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Stephen Richardson and Erepta Wilder of New Hampshire, pioneers 1847, Jedediah Grant company). She was born May 28, 1829, died April 26, 1911, Salt Lake City. Their children: David S., m. Eva Neff; Elizabeth M., m. W. H. Perry; Susan E., m. D. B. Brinton; Delia, m. H. G. Williams; Welby R., m. Martha Wlnn; Wilford D., m. Jane McMillian; Ray E., m. Etta Davis; Earl P., m. Matilda Scott; Etta B., m. Livingston Gardner. Married Elizabeth Brady in September, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lundson and Elizabeth Brady of Union, Utah), who was born 1839. Their children: Frances M., m. W. K. Wallon; George M., m. Abigail Bradford; Arardna T.. m. Joseph Gardner; Simpson L. ; Beatrice; Mary; Franklin. Married Priscilla Barnum March 24, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of James and Loretta Barnum), who was born Oct. 3, 1834. Their children: Shelby V., m. Sophia Neville; Eugenia, m. George D. Gardner; Herman, died; Rhoda P., m. James H. Gardner. Families lived at South Cottonwood, Salt Lake county. One of presidents 7th quorum seventies. Selectman. Farmer. Died Oct 25, 1891. HUFFAKER, LEWIS ALBERT (son of Simpson D. Huffa- ker and Susan Green Robinson). Born March 19, 1841, Bureau county. 111. Came to Utah In 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Martha Sarah Murray July, 1863, South Cotton- wood, Utah (daughter of Asahel Plumb Murray and Laur- etta Barnum, of Knox county, 111., pioneers with Perrigrine Sessions company). She was born March 28, 1848. Their children: Susan A., m. John Cutler, m. Charles O. Harmon; Simpson D., d. infant; Sarah Maria, m. Parley Cutler; Lewis Albert, d. aged 7 years; Francis D., d. young; Mary Lois, m. Albert Larson; Asahel C.; Lauretta L., m. William C. Melogue; Esther R., m. Geoorge Mast; Dermont and Martha Melvina, d. infants. Married Sarah Ann Use Oct. 8, 1897, Salt Lake temple (daughter of Jeremiah Use and Mary Ann Taylor, who came to Utah in July, 1891). She was born Aug. 19, 1866. Their children: Sarah Maud and Lewis John, d. infant. Families lived at Salt Lake City. Member 105th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1900-1902; high priest; home missionary 21 years; acting president high priests of Bingham stake, Idaho, three years; president block teachers. Constable of Summit county four years. Took part in Echo Canyon war; Indian war veteran. Farmer and stockraiser. HUFFMAN, JACOB (son of George Huffman and Hannah Johnson, born July 31, 1806, Albany, later of Buffalo, N. Y.). He was born Aug. 28, 1823, West Waterloo, Canada. Came to Utah September 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Margaret Staley in 1843 (daughter of Conrad Staley and Hannah Tripp), who was born June 4, 1826, and came to Utah with husband, died 1862, at Coalville. Their children: Hannah b. Dec. 6, 1845, m. Edmond Eldredge Jan. 4, 1863; George b. Feb. 1, 1848, m. Ellen Marlah Wild; Har- riet b. Oct. 6, 1851, m. Joshua Wiseman; Susan Alvira b. Sept. 13, 1854, m. Edward Henry Rhead Jan. 27, 1873. Married Elizabeth Frisby Dec. 13, 1864, Coalville, Utah (daughter of William and Elizabeth Rebecca Frisby), who was born July 17, Ii38. Their children: Margaret b. Oct. 19, 1865, m. Samuel Haslam; Sarah Ann b. Nov. 20. 1867; May b. Dec. 12, 1868, m. Alfred Blonzuist; Jacob William b. April 6, 1871, m. Elizabeth Swalnston; Joseph Henry b. May 27, 1873, m. Annie Underwood; Eliza J. b. July 12, 1875, m. Aaron Densley; Emma P. b. Jan. 4, 1878, m. Moses Densley; Gertrude b. Jan. 2, 1880, m. William Bagnell; Frank b. Sept. 24, 1882, m. Mary Wilson. Family home Coal- ville, Utah. Settled at Coalville 1861. Member high council Summit stake. Brought first threshing machine to Summit county; built first meeting house in Coalville. Justice of peace. Died Aug. 22. 1899. HUFFMAN, JACOB WILLIAM (son of Jacob Huffman and Elizabeth Frisby). Born April 6, 1871, Coalville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Swainston June 15, 1897, Coalville (daughter of Elijah Swainston and Mary Ann Williamson; former came to Utah 1868, latter 1873). She was born July 19, 1877, Coalville. Their children: Vera E. b. May 11, 1898; Mildred M. A. b. July 12, 1900; Wyona H. b. Jan. 8, 1908; Orville b. Aug. 21, 1912. Family home, Coalville. HUGGINS, WILLIAM (son of John Huggins). Born June 2, 1811, in New Jersey. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, Anthony Ivans company. Married Emeline Aker (daughter of Stephen Aker and Elizabeth Lemon), who was born March 14, 1816, and came to Utah Aug. 10, 1853. Their children: Elizabeth; George Aker b. April 5, 1839, m. Eliza Adams April 3, 1866; Permelia b. May 23, 1841, m. William Cordingley Dec. 25. 1865; Hannah P. b. June 8, 1844, m. Alonzo Nay June 8, 1861; Mary Ann b. Aug. 24, 1847, m. Hyrum Johnson April 9, 1867; Sarah b. July 2, 1850, m. Joshua Combs. High priest. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Deceased. HUGHES, JOHN (son of John Hughes and Ann Jones, both of Llanedan, Denbighshire, North Wales). Born December 1814, in Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith company. Married Sarah Jones in August 1840, in Wales (daughter of William Jones and Grace Owens, both of Wales, pioneers August 1860, John Smith company). She was born in 1811, and died June 26, 1887. Only child: Ann Hughes, m. Wil- liam Treharne. Family home, Salt Lake City. He died April 16, 1901. HUGHES, MORGAN. Born Oct. 30, 1824, in Wales. Came to Utah In 1852. Married Hannah David Dec. 3, 1853 (daughter of Morgan David of Spanish Fork, came to Utah 1852). She was born March 3, 1837. Their children: Morgan J.; Hannah E., m. Ephraim G. Davis; William B., m. Louise S. McKell, m. Margaret Black, m. Alice E. Payzant; David F., m. Ellen McKell; Thomas D., died; John B., m. Katherine Banks; Henry, m. Mary E. Myler, m. LaRene King; Benjamin, m. Belva Warner; Alfred, m. Carrie Nielson; George, m. Alice Moore; Joseph, m. Delila Gardner; Ephraim G., m. Katherine Jones; Mary, died. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Jan. 11, 1890. HUGHES, WILLIAM B. (son of Morgan Hughes and Hannah David). Born Feb. 27, 1859, Spanish Fork. Utah. Married Louisa S. McKell Dec. 18, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert McKell and Elizabeth Boyack of Span- ish Fork, pioneers 1852, Captain Tidwell company). She was born Jan. 1, 1860. Their children: William M. b. Dec. 6, 1880, m. Retta Kahn; Hannah E. b. Feb. 25, 1883, d. Feb. 28, 1883; Delbert B. b. May 27, 1884, m. E. Lois Wright; Jennie M. b. Dec. 12, 1886, m. Albert G. Brockbank; Robert Edward b. Aug. 21, 1889, d. July 3, 1892; Louise S., d. Aug. 30, 1889. Married Margaret Moore (Black) July 20, 1892, at Mantl, San Pete county, Utah (daughter of John Moore and Jen- nette Henderson of Scotland), who was born May 12, 1862, and died May 3, 1896. Their children: Janet L. b. July 6, 1894; Morgan J. b. Aug. 8, 1895, d. Sept. 28, 1911. Married Alice E. Payzant 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Payzant and May Emma Bucher of Spanish Fork, Utah). She was born April 16, 1877. Their children: George D. b. April 22, 1898; Mary E. b. Nov. 18, 1899; David b. Sept. 20. 1902, died; Gladys b. April 2, 1904; Myrtle b. Nov. 27, 1906; Ronald b. Sept. 19, 1909. Elder; teacher. Utah county commissioner; Spanish Fork city councilman. Merchant. HULLINGER, HARVEY COE (son of John Hulllnger and Olive Coe of Mad River, Champaign Co., Ohio). Born Dec. 2, 1824, Mad River. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stephenson company. Married Julia Bloce 1847 in Champaign Co., Ohio (daugh- ter of John Bloce and Omelia Pence), who was born March 21, 1821. Their children: Winfleld Scott b. Jan. 5, 1848, m. Anniel Davis, Nov. 22, 1869; Omelia, d. Nov. 30, 1852. Married Marrett Woolworth Dec. 24, 1854, Comanche, Clinton Co., Iowa (daughter of Joshua Woolworth and Phi- lecta Morley), who was born Dec. 4, 1828. Their child: Adel- bert (adopted), m. Abby Shelton. Married Christena Peterson Nov. 22, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Soren Peterson and Marn Jensen of Denmark), who was born Jan. 3, 1842. Their children: Mary Olive b. July 6, 1872, d. infant; Marrett b. Aug. 24, 1873, d. Aug. 21, 1876; John Frank b. May 7, 1876, d. June 2, 1878; Rhoda Ann 948 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH b. June 15, 1879, m. Eli Lee; Sarah C. b. June 6, 1884, m. Seth B. Perry. Member 16th quorum seventies of Salt Lake City; mission- ary to Council Bluffs 1860-61; counselor in 77th quorum seventies of South Cottonwood; missionary to Ohio 1902. Called to St. George as a physician 1862-64; first physician of Uintah county. County surveyor four years; county com- missioners four years; school treasurer. Volunteer sur- greon in U. S. army 1862; assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah; member Utah State Medical Association. Recorder at Big Cottonwood mining district three years. Worked on Nauvoo temple and all temples in Utah. HULLINGER, WINFIELD SCOTT (son of Harvey Coe Hul- linger and Julia Bloce). Born Jan. 6, 1848, Tremont, Ohio. Came to Utah in 3869 with parents. Married Anniel Davis Nov. 22, 1869, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Meeks Davis and Elizabeth Abshire of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1854). Their children: Winfield Scott b. Sept. 23, 1870, m. Emma Theresa Lybbert Jan. 1, 1895; John Har- vey b. Feb. 22, 1872, m. Elnora Bergeson; Julia Elizabeth b. Oct. 4, 1873, m. Arthur Gardner; Mary B. b. June 24, 1875, d. young; Susan b. April 22, 1878, m. Henry Merkley; Jesse b. Nov. 6, 1880, died; Dora b. Jan. 3, 1883, m. Alfred Hunting; Spencer b. June 24, 1886, died; Anniel b. June 16, 1888, m. George McCarrel; Sarah C. b. Nov. 20, 1892, m. Monroe Hatch. Family home Vernal, Utah. High priest; ward and Sunday school teacher. Settled in Uintah county 1883, assisting in building up the country. Farmer. HULLINGER, WINFIELD SCOTT, JR. (son of Winfleld Scott Hullinger and Anniel Davis). Born Sept. 23, 1870, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Theresa Lybbert Jan. 1, 1895, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Christian Frederick Bernard Lybbert of Ger- many and Antonetta Meria Olsen of Norway, pioneers 1847). She was born April 11, 1873. Their children: Harvey L. b. Nov. 18, 1895; Mary Theresa b. Oct. 25, 1897; Harold Everett b. Dec. 11, 1899; Jesse Enoch b. Nov. 30, 1901; Norma Anniel b. Oct. 17, 1903; Jacob Neldon b. March 24, 1906; Emma Elvera b. June 2, 1908; Adalbert Owen b. July 30, 1910. Ward and Sunday school teacher; counselor to president of Y. M. M. I. A. of Naples ward; elder. Road supervisor 1906-07; deputy road commissioner 1908-12. Assisted in building up country around Vernal. HULLINGER, ADELBERT (adopted son of Harvey Coe Hullinger and Marrett Woolworth). Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, with adopted father. Married Abby Shelton. Their children: Harvey b. Dec. 22, 1874, m. Minerva Cook; Adelbert b. Dec. 31, 1876, d. Dec. 31. 1879; Philecta b. April 2, 1878, m. John Mott; Phidelia b. Dec. 2, 1880, m. Walter Anderson; Hyrum b. Feb. 4, 1884; William b. March 25, 1887; Stephen b. March 28, 1891; James E. b. Dec. 7, 1894. HCMFHEHYS, GEORGE (son of Thomas Humpherys, born April 20, 1812, Nottinghamshire, and Mary Sudberry, born April 19, 1811, Mansfield, Eng.). He was born April 19, 1842, in Nottinghamshire. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1856, John Banks company. Married Sarah Ann Eaton Oct. 9, 1864 (daughter of William Eaton and Zillah Wayne, the latter pioneer Oct. 15, 1864, Joseph Rawlins company). She was born June 5, 1845, and came to Utah with her mother 1864. Their children: George William b. Feb. 23, 1866, m. Kate Weible; Thomas Heber b. Nov. 19, 1867, m. Amelia Bolton Sept. 14, ; Zillah Ann b. Feb. 1, 1870, m. Frank Bolton, d. Dec. 31, 1899; Mary Eliza- beth b. May 7, 1872, m. James Henry Davis; Joseph b. Sept. 28, 1874, m. Ethel Davis; Sarah Ann b. June 20, 1877, d. April 16, 1878; Emeline b. July 13, 1879, m. John Skiner; Harriet b. Aug. 4, 1882, m. James S. Poulsen July 19, 1905; John Henry b. April 18, 1885, m. Lillian Lulu Lindsay June 28, 1912; David Ray b. Feb. 19. 1888. Missionary to Great Britain 1896-98. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1864. HCMPHEHYS, HYR17M THOMAS (son of Thomas Hum- pherys, born April 20, 1812, Nottinghamshire, and Mary Sudberry, born April 19, 1811, Mansfleld, Eng.). Born May 13, 1850, in Nottinghamshire. Came to Utah in October 1856, with older brothers. Married Caroline Whiting Rich Oct. 7, 1878 (daughter of C. C. Rich and Emeline Grover, former pioneers 1847). She was born Jan. 2, 1852, San Bernardino, Cal. Their, children: Thomas Hyrum, m. Carrie Stewart; Charles Rich, m. Con- stant Price; Ray Rich, m. Jennette Gardner; LeGrande Rich, m. Nettie Wright; Emeline; Caroline; Asia. Family resided at Salt Lake City, Ogden and Sprlngvllle, Utah, and Paris, Idaho. Bishop of Paris 1st ward sixteen years. City council- man two years. HUMPHERYS, SAMUEt, (son of Thomas Humpherys, born April 20, 1812, Nottinghamshire, and Mary Sudberry, born April 19. 1811, Mansfleld Eng.). Born Jan. 31, 1846, Notting- hamshire. Came to Utah October 1866 with older brothers. Married Mary Ann Clifton Oct, 2, 1876 (daughter of John Clifton and Hannah Pettlnger married at Crawl, Yorkshire, pioneers 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born March 26, 1859, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Samuel G. b. March 6, 1878, m. Christina Sorensen July 3, 1903; Mary E. b. Oct. 29, 1880, m. John A. Berry Nov. 1898; Emma S. b. Jan. 27, 1882, m. Joseph Hansen June 8, 1899; Vinnie b. April 7, 1890, m. Jacob C. Jensen in June 1907; Phoebe M. b. Sept. 23, 1895; Ivy M. .b. Oct. 17 1898. Married Hannah M. Clifton Sept. 3, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Clifton and Hannah Pettinger, pioneers 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born May 12, 1864 Paris, Idaho. Their children: Louisa b. Aug. 17, 1885, m Earnest Sparks Dec. 16, 1910; Oliver b. Jan. 12, 1888; Alfred b. Dec. 20, 1899; Alta b. Feb. 11, 1892; Ella b. July 14. 1894- Nora L. b. Sept. 4, 1896; Irene b. May 19, 1899; David b. Aug 16, 1902; Vera b. Feb. 28, 1905; Edna b. July 27, 1910. Fami- lies resided at Dingle, Idaho. Bishop of Dingle ward since 1887. HUMPHRYS, GEORGE, of Gloucester, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1866, with James G. Willie company. Married Harriet Harding in Gloucester. Their children- Richard, m. Elizabeth Brown; George, d. aged 10 years- Edwin, m. Mary Jewet; Ann, m. Henry Webber; Mary m Bishop Amos Maycock; Elizabeth, m. William Hill; Hannah' m. George Wheeler; Salena, m. Stacy Fairbanks; James. HUMPHRYS, EDWIN (son of George Humphrys and Har- riet Harding). Born Dec. 14, 1838, at Gloucester Eng Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856. Married Mary Jewet March 23, 1876, at Pleasant View Utah (daughter of William Jewet and Margaret McCart- ney), who was born June 2, 1857. Their children- Margaret A. b. Oct. 23, 1877; Mary E. b. May 30, 1879; Edwin b. July 11, 1881; Ellen b. Sept. 23, 1883, and Riller, b. Oct. 23, 1885 all died; George E. b. May 26, 1892; Bertha b. May 17 1894 Family home, Pleasant View. Farmer. m.VSAKKK, ABRAHAM (son of Jacob Hunsaker. born Nov. 4, 1781, in Pennsylvania, and Polly Luce, born Mullen- berg, Ky. married in 1808). Born Nov. 29, 1812, Jonesboro Union county, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1848, Andrew Cun- ningham company. Married Eliza Collins Jan. 3, 1833 (daughter of Allen Collins and Mary Broady), who was born March 5, 1817, and came to Utah with husband in 1848. Their children- Jacob b. Oct. 22, 1833; Mary J. b. Dec. 3, 1835, m. David Grant- Elizabeth b. Nov. 17, 1837; Lewis J. b. April 6, 1839; Allen C. b July 9, 1840, m. Susannah Dunn April 24, 1858 m. Eveline Dunn Oct. 6, 1868; Nephi b. Aug. 31, 1842; Nephi b. Dec. 11, 1844; Abraham b. Sept. 16, 1848, m. Hannah Andersen, m. Annie Wright; Isaac b. Oct. 11, 1850, m. Eliza M. Hansen 1868; Israel b. Sept. 28, 1852, m. Ester L. Neeley; Franklin b. July 2, 1855, m. Laura E. Neeley; Eliza b. Oct. 29, 1857 m. Heber Hampson. Family home Honeyville, Utah. Married Harriet V. Beckstead at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Alexander Beckstead and Catherine Lince, pioneers 1849, Allen Taylor company). She was born June 17, 1831, West Canada. Their children: Alexander b. May 9, 1852, m. Malissa C. Johnson; Katherine b. Aug. 8, 1853, m. John W. Winward; Hyrum b. March 12, 1855, m. Julia V. Han- sen; Joseph b. May 11, 1856, m. Emily Graham; Polly b. Dec. 24, 1857; Elnora b. June 31, 1859; Enoch b. Sept. 8 1860, m. Martha E. May; Cyrus b. July 20, 1862, m. Mary Anderson; John L. b. July 11, 1864, m. Celestia C. Allen; Gordon b. March 27, 1866, m. Annie Peterson; Elzarus b June 15, 1867, m. Eveline May; Rapliel b. Dec. 29, 1869; Harriet b. March 9, 1871, m. Hyrum S. Lewis; Daniel W. b. Sept. 13, 1872, m. Alfrarette M. Neeley; Walter H. b. Sept. 28, 1876. Family home, Honeyville. Married Margaret Sweeten at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Sweeten and Mary Gardner), who was born Dec. 28, 1837, Brook City, West Canada. Their children: Mary Ann b. Sept. 16. 1855, m. William P. Willie; George b. July 27. 1857; Lorenzo b. March 21, 1859, m. Florida I. Castele; Idumea b. Dec. 8, 1860, m. Isaac D. E. ;iundel; Robert S. b. Oct. 12, 1862, m. Minnie M. Whealy. Married Katherine Jensen at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans P. Jensen and Anna M. Clausen), who was born Feb. 12, 1843, in Denmark. Their children: Annie M. b. Feb. 10, 1862, m. Lewis Grant; Margaret b. Dec. 6, 1863, m. Joshua Hawks; Julia b. Nov. 28, 1865, m. David Lovland' Esther b. Feb. 29, 1868, m. Allen Wagstaff; Hans Peter b. July 9, 1871, m. Matilda Allen; Benham b. July 6, 1873, m. Emily Summeral; Ha b. Jan. 16, 1876; Frederic b. June 28, 1878; Leo b. Feb. 16, 1879, m. Thuresa Neumeyer May 4, 1903; Newman b. July 7, 1881, m. Myrtle Smith July 22, 1903. Married Mary Leukham (daughter of Roger Leukham and Mary Gardner), who was born Aug. 15, 1845, in Canada. Their children: Susannah b. Feb. 25, 1867, m. Frederic G. Graham Oct. 25, 1901; Martha b. April 8, 1869, m. George Harper; Roger b. June 8. 1871; Thomas L. b. Oct. 13, 1873; Weldon b. Nov. 20, 1876, m. Rose V. Allen; Minta b. Feb. 16, 1878; Oakhan b. Dec. 14, 1880; Amos. First Sergeant Co. D., Mormon Battalion; bishop of Honey- ville ward 26 years. HUNSAKER, ALLEN C. (son of Abraham Hunsaker and Eliza Collins). Born July 9, 1840, Payson, Adams county, III. Married Susannah Dunn April 24, 1868, Brlgham City, Utah (daughter of Simeon A. Dunn and A-argaret Snyder, former pioneer 1848). She was born May 6, 1842, iji Han- cock county. 111. Their children: Eliza b. March 17, 1862, m. John S. Willie Nov. 12, 1886; Allen D. b Sept. 2, 1866. m. Ivy M. Green Dec. 17, 1885: Abraham b. April 22, 1870; Jacob A. b. July 8, 1873; Martin L. b. Oct. 26, 1876, m. Anna A. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 949 Christensen June 20, 1909, m. Calla L. Frisby Sept. 6, 1906. Married Eveline Dunn Oct. 5, 1868, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Simeon A. Dunn and Harriet A. Silver, pioneers 1848, Brigliam Young company). She was born Sept. 12, 1853, Brigham City, Utah. Their children: Simeon A. b. July 20, 1869, m. Mary A. Green Dec. 27, 1893, m. Matilda Teuber July 19, 1896; Lewis b. Jan. 17, 1871, m. Sarah E. Warner Feb. 6, 1898; Louisa b. Oct. 4, 1872, m. Hyrum Christensen Nov. 12. 1891; Lily M. b. April 28, 1874. m. Seymour L. Miller Nov. 12, 1891; Emeline M. b. Jan. 15, 1876, m. Henry Seeger Sept. 9, 1896; Harriet V. b. Oct. 27, 1877, m. Charles Haws Jan. 6, 1897: Ethel b. April 2, 1879, m. J. William Smith Oct. 3. 1901; Adaline b. Dec. 3, 1880; Letitie b. Jan. 19, 1882, m. Lester L. Hansen Dec. 14, 1904; Margaret b. Nov. 24, 1883, m. Parley W. Christensen Nov. 25, 1903; Susie b. Nov. 20, 1885. m. Wilford W. Christinsen Oct. II. 1904; Aleen b. March 13, 1887, m. John N. Thomas June 22, 1910; Nephi b. July 10, 1889; Oscar b. June 1, 1891; Lorenzo S. b. May 29, 1892; Amy b. Oct. 18, 1894; Harold b. Nov. 6, 1897. Family home Honeyville, Utah. Presiding elder of Bear River City ward ten years. As- sisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah. Served In Echo Canyon war. HUNT, AMOS. Born Feb. 18. 1819, at Muklingburg, Ky. Came to Utah in October, 1862, Benjamin Gardner company. Married Rebecca Wiggins Salt Lake City, who was born March 14. 1843. Their children: Elias b. Oct. 14, 1858, m. Luna Terry; Eliza Ellen b. Dec. 10, 1860, m. John A. Peterson; Cena Ann b. Oct. 3, 1863, m. Mathew W. Mansfield. Family home Hebron, Utah. Married Nancy G. Welborn. Their child: Angeline b. Oct. 7, 1869, m. George S. Coleman May 5, 1886. HUNT, LEVI (son of William Hunt of Worcestershire, Eng.). Born Aug. 21, 1833, in Worcestershire. Came to Utah In 1850. Married Jane Gadd June 26, 1858, at Nephi. Their children: Joseph William, m. Marie ; Levi Alderman, m. Elvira Hyatt; Samuel Sylvester, d. Infant. Family home Nephi, Utah. Married Phebe Louisa Fellows April 1, 1863, at Nephi (daughter of William Fellows of Nephi), who was born Aug. 4, 1840. Their children: Samuel Isaac, m. Laura L. Lott; Eliza Jane, m. Thomas Ould; Mary Ellen, m. Thomas Shepherd; Sarah Susanna, m. Alfred G. Chidester; Amelia Emeline, m. Charles Grundy; Alice M., m. William Nay; Rosetta, m. Orson Talbot, m. James Harman; Wilfred. Fam- ily home Richfield, Utah. Married Elizabeth McDonald March 15, 1886, at Joseph City, Utah. Family home Monroe, Sevler Co., Utah. Seventy. Farmer. Lived at Joseph City, Utah. HUNT, THOMAS (son of John Hunt, born July 1802, Derby, Eng., and Sarah Hunt, born March 29, 1804). He was born June 15, 1826, at Derby. Came to Utah In 1862. Married Hannah Moon 1848 In England (daughter of James Moon of Derby), who was born Dec. 27, 1827. Their children: Sarah b. March 16, 1860. m. Charles Hale; Moroni b. May 9, 1852, m. Emma Casto; Frederick Nephi b. Sept. 2, 1854, m. Tomina Larsen; Ruth b. April 3, 1857, m. George Frazer; Fanny Moon b. Feb. 28. 1860, m. Hans Hansen; Thomas Alvin b. March 14, 1862, m. Alice Mary Jenson; Ammon b. March 26, 1865, m. Albertlna Okerlund; Eliza Ann b. April 2, 1867, m. George Okerlund; Teancum b. Oct. 16, 1870, m. Ella Robinson; Hannah Isabella b. Jan. 6, 1872, m. John Andersen. Family resided Moroni, Gunnison and Mon- roe, Utah. Member high council of Sevier stake. Director In United Order at Monroe 1873-77. Farmer; sheepraiser; miner. Died March 16, 1899, Monroe. HUNT, FREDERICK NEPHI (son of Thomas Hunt and Han- nah Moon). Born Sept. 2, 1864, In England. Came to Utah in 1864. Married Tomina Larsen at Monroe, Utah. Their children: Harriet Isabella b. Oct. 11, 1876, m. Robert Orland Pope; Mary, m Chris Andersen; Frederick Nephi, Jr., m. Lizzie Hansen; Franklin; Birdie; John Nathan; Maud, d. infant; Leah; Teancum. Family home, Monroe. Elder. Farmer. HUNT, THOMAS ALVIN (son of Thomas Hunt and Hannah Moon). Born March 14, 1862, Alton, 111. Married Alice Mary Jenson March 27, 1889, Mantl. Utah (daughter of Jens Jenson and Celia Andersen of Monroe, Utah), She was born May 4, 1865. Their children: Delma b. Dec. 26, 1889, m. Irvin Olsen; Edna b. Sept. 9, 1891; Horace b. March 22, 1893, d. child; Theron b. Jan. 15, 1895; Irwtn Jay b. Sept. 8, 1896; Byron b. Sept. 3, 1898; Ruth b. Sept. 28, 1901, d. March 26, 1910: Dona b. Jan. 22. 1904, d. March B, 1905; Alice Helen b. Nov. 16. 1906; Maggie Alva b. Dec. 6, 1909. Family home, Monroe. Missionary to England 1898-99. HUNTER, ADAM PATTERSON (son of David Cook Hunter and Margaret Patterson of Fifeshire, Scotland). Born April 16, 1818, at Fifeshire. Came to Utah Aug. 13, 1862. Married Elizabeth Patterson April 26, 1842 (daughter of William Patterson and Elizabeth Blair), who was born Oct. 6. 1822. Their children: Elizabeth b. July 2, 1843, m. David Cook Feb. 4, 1859; David P. b. Oct. 16, 1845, m. Mary Hughes Aug. 9, 1867; Margaret b. Sept. 28, 1847, m. Abraham Van Orman March 6, 1867; Mary b. Nov. 18, 1849, m. Archie Moffat June 14, 1876; Janette b. Oct. 27, 1862, m. John Kingdon Aug. 22, 1870; Isabella b. Oct. 27, 1862, m. George Perkins July 18, 1870; Christina b. May 10, 1865, m. James Brown July 27 1882; George P. b. Sept. 13, 1867. d. infant; Gean b. Aug 21 1858. m. Dave Mullholland 1880; Adam P. b. Nov. 26 1860, m. Estella Sephson Nov. 11, 1886; Ellen b. Oct. 22, 1863, m. William McCammeron June 15, 1887; William P. b. Aug 20, 1867. m. Jane McDuff Oct. 24, 1895; Lorena G. b. Nov. 19, 1870, m. Alma Burdett 1893. Quarried stone for Salt Lake temple 1862-79. Elder. Died Jan. 26, 1879. HUNTER, DAVID P. (son of Adam Patterson Hunter and Elizabeth Patterson). Born Oct. 15, 1846, Fifeshire, Scot- land. Married Mary Hughes Aug. 9, 1867, Farmlngton, Utah (daughter of William and Cathrine Hughes), who was born July 28, 1847, Liverpool, Eng. HUNTER, ALEXANDER (son of Alexander Hunter and Sarah Maine of Scotland). Born April 3, 1849, in Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company. Married Elizabeth McBride Dec. 22, 1877 (daughter of James McBride and Elizabeth Glenn, pioneers Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company). She was born Feb. 16, 1867. Came to Utah with parents. Their children: Elizabeth M. b. Dec. 20, 1879: Alexander b. Feb. 8, 1881, m. Nora Smout Oct. 18, 1905; Sarah b. May 16. 1884, m. Orson P. Linford June 3, 1908; James S. b. Jan. 24, 1887, m. Stella Rogerson Nov. 22, 1911; John Angus b. Oct. 14, 1889, m. Ruby Ipsen Oct. 7, 1910; William Clyde b. Aug. 5, 1893; Hazel May b. Feb. 23, 1896; Lawrence Glenn b. Feb. 17. 1899; Clarence E. b. May 27, 1904. Family home Slaterville, Utah. Seventy. Ward teacher. HUNTER, ALEXANDER Jr. (son of Alexander Hunter and Elizabeth McBride). Born Feb. 8, 1881, Slaterville, Utah. Married Nora Smout Oct. 18, 1905, Ogden, Utah (daughter of William Smout and Sarah Moore), who was born March 10, 1882, Slaterville, Utah. Their children: Elton Glenn b. March 20, 1907; Hazel L. b. Oct. 20, 1908; Darrell W. b. Oct. 15. 1910. HUNTER, EDWARD (son of William Hunter and Mary Ann Davis). Born March 29, 1821, Newtown Square, Delaware county. Pa. Married Mary Ann Whitside November 1843 (daughter of James Whitside and Penina Evans). Their children: Sarah Ann; Margaret; Elizabeth; Emily J.; William E.; Mary Ann; Penina; Hyrum L. ; Ada Rosetta. Married Martha Ann Hyde March 30, 1856 (daughter of Rosel Hyde and Mary Ann Cowles). Their children: Rosel; Louisa; Herman; Ida; Davis; Mary Ann; George A.; Edward; Edna; Martha M.; J. Austin. Member Mormon Battalion; bishop Grantsville ward. HUNTER, ISAAC (son of Isaac Hunter and Elizabeth Tay- lor). Born Aug. 14, 1816, Haversham Parish, Westmoreland- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1849. Married Ann Lund Nov. 8, 1840, Brlgsteer, Eng. (daughter of Robert Lund and Mary Wilson of Brigsteer), who was born May 3, 1816. Their children: Jacob, m. Mary Shaffer; Mary Ann; Margaret, m. Isaac Groo, m. Joseph M. Phelps; Martha, m. Levi Wolstenholme; Abraham, m. Harriet Astle; Ann Elizabeth, m. John R. Clawson; Isaac, m. Mary Hansen; Ellen, m. Francis L. Ball. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 42d quorum seventies; ward teacher. One of President Young's guards. Captain of home militia; police- man. Worked on Salt Lake theatre and temple. Stone- cutter and contractor. Died May 28, 1898, Salt Lake City. HUNTER, 'WILLIAM (son of James Hunter and Marian Pat- erson, the former of Newtonshaw, Clackmanan, Scotland). Born August 1794, Newtonshaw. Came to Utah 1861. Married Mary Sandon May 13, 1813 (daughter of Joseph Sandon and Mary Hunter), who was born March 1789 and came to Utah Jan. 14, 1849. Their children: James H. b. March 17; 1816, m. Janet Reid; Joseph b. Aug. 20, 1818, m. Elizabeth Davidson Jan. 6. 1840; John b. July 23, 1820, m. Ann Davidson 1849; Mary b. April 6, 1823, m. George Con- die; William b. Nov. 1825; George b. March 30, 1828, m. Mary Muir Dec. 23, 1868; Janet b. July 28, 1830, m. Robert Strang 1849; David b. Nov. 4, 1833. Family home Cedar City, Utah. HUNTER, JOSEPH (son of William Hunter and Mary San- don). Born Aug. 20, 1818, Rekyrow, Clackmannan, Scotland. Married Elizabeth Davidson Jan. 6, 1840, at Clackmannan, Scotland (daughter of John Davidson, pioneer 1852, Jasen Howell company). Their children: Alexander (adopted) b. Dec. 31, 1837; William D. b. March 30, 1841, m. Emma Free- man; John D. b. May 19, 1842, m. Elizabeth Bennett Oct. 27, 1863; Joseph Sandon b. Nov. 20, 1844. m. Eliza C. Pincock Jan. 1, 1866; Euphenia b. March 24, 1848, died. Family home Cedar City, Utah. Early settler to Cedar City 1862. Farmer and stockraiser. 950 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH HUNTER, JOHN D. (son of Joseph Hunter and Elizabeth Davidson). Born May 19, 1842, Clackmannan, Scotland. Married Elizabeth Bennett Oct. 27, 1863, Fillmore, Utah (daughter of John Bennett and Jane Roberts, pioneers Oct. 16, 1863, Samuel D. White company). She was born Aug. 25, 1844, in Connahs Quay, North Wales. Their children: John Edward b. Oct. 8, 1864, m. Margret Hulda Teepler April 21, 1886; Elizabeth Jane b. Oct. 14, 1866, m. Milo Har- mon April 1887; Catherine b. July 18, 1869, m. Thomas Memmott May 1900; Joseph B. b. Dec. 23, 1871, m. Lillias J. Morris Feb., 1896; Mary Ann b. April 11, 1874, m. George Mil- burn Mills Jan. 6, 1897; Benjamin b. Nov. 28, 1876, m. Ellen Lewis Dec. 1901; George William b. March 26, 1879, died; Emma b. June 3, 1881, m. Charles Edmond Lewis Dec. 1905; Lavinia b. April 30, 1883, m. Joseph Alvin Lyman Feb. 1, 1905; James Samuel b. May 9, 1885, m. Delia C. Allred Dec. 1907. Family home Holden, Utah. Worked on St. George temple. Assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah 1863. Farmer and stockraiser. HUNTING, JAMES (son of Nathan Hunting of Earls Com- mons, Worcestershire, Eng.). Born 1791, Earls Common. Eng. Came to Utah 1853, Appleton Harmon company. Married Elizabeth King, Grafton, Worcestershire, Eng. (daughter of Abel King), who was born April 24, 1803, and died May, 1891. Their children: James, d. Infant; Eliz- abeth, m. George Ballard, m. Thomas Smith; Hannah b. Dec. 1832, m. William Smith and Mr. Reynolds; George, died; Benjamin, died; William James, m. Martha Ann Hale, m. Laura Wiscomb (Sainsbury). Family home Spring- ville, Utah. Farmer. Died 1871, Cottonwood, Utah. HUNTING, WILLIAM JAMES (son of James Hunting and Elizabeth King). Born June 24, 1839, Earls Commons, Eng. Married Martha Ann Hale June, 1866, Springville, Utah, later In Endowment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of James and Lucy Hale of Weber county, came to Utah by oxteam). She was born Jan. 20, 1845. Their children: Annie b. July 4, 1867, m. John Schofleld; William b. 1869, m. Susie Cherry; Lucy b. 1871, m. John Kitchens. Family home Springville, Utah. Married Laura Wiscomb (Sainsbury) Feb. 16, 1882, En- dowment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Wis- comb and Mary Ann Fleet of Portfield [Chidester], Eng., came to Utah 1871). She was born June 14, 1850. Their children: Benjamin Franklin b. Dec. 1882, d. Infant; Elizabeth A. b. Oct. 22, 1883, d. child; Laura b. April 22, 1886, d. infant; George Q. b. June 11, 1887; Minnie Mary b. Nov. 26, 1890, m. James Joseph Tromley. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. Member 72d quorum seventies; high priest. Participated In the Echo Canyon war; veteran Walker and Black Hawk wars. First located in Cottonwood ward, and after moved to Springville 1858, Malad, Idaho, Ashley valley, locating In Jensen ward 1889, finally settled at Roosevelt, Utah, 1906. when the Uintah Indian Reservation was opened. Pioneer Irrigation canal and wagon road builder. Farmer. Laura Wiscomb married John Sainsbury October, 1871, Endowment House, Salt Lake City. His parents lived at Portsmouth, Eng., and came to Utah about 1867. He was born Dec. 6, 1826, and died 1876, Springville, Utah. Their children: James b. Aug. 26, 1872, d. infant; Ellen Marie b. June 22, 1874, m. Alma N. Timothy; Charles b. June 14, d. Infant. Family resided Minersville and Springville, Utah. HtTNTINGTON, DIMMICK B. (son of William Huntington and Zina Baker of Watertown, N. Y.). Born May 26, 1808, at Watertown. Came to Utah July 28, 1847 with Captain James Brown, Contingent, Mormon battalion. Married Fannie Maria Allen April 28, 1830, Watertown, N. Y. (daughter of Clark Allen and Martha Thompson of Watertown), who was born Oct. 26, 1810. Their children: Clark A., m. Rosanna Galloway; Lot E., m. Naomi Gibson; Margett, d. infant; Fannie M., d. infant; Martha Zina, m. Edmon Paul; Betsy P., d. infant; Julia C., m. John Han- cock, m. John R. Mellen; Sarah A., d. infant. High priest; Indian missionary, forty years; Indian inter- preter; patriarch. Farmer. Drum major in martial band. Early settler at Provo. Died Feb. 1, 1879. HtTNTINGTON, OLIVER B. (son of William Huntington). Born 1826 in New York state. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Mary Melissa Neal 1843, Cambria, Niagara county, N. Y. (daughter of George A. Neal and Aseneth Cooley of Cambria, pioneers 1862, Captain Brown company). Their children: Mary A., m. Andrew Cooley; Baby, d. infant; George W., m. Elizabeth Sprouse and Rosetta A. Squires. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to England two years; patriarch; -^superintendent Sunday school at Springville, Utah. Bee in- ,A t 'spector. School trustee. Farmer and stockraiser. Died J*nur-rS09, at Springville, Utah. Zina b. Aug. 14, 1871, d. young; George Augustus b. Nov 1, 1872, m. Elizabeth Ross; Mabel Elizabeth b. June 1, 1874, m. Louis O. Knight; John William b. Jan. 17, 1876, d. infant. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Rosetta Agnes Squires, Feb. 14, 1878, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Augustus Squires and Sarah M. Cottlin of Salt Lake City, pioneers Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company). She was born March 14, 1855. Their children: Zina Ida b. Jan. 4, 1879, d. infant; Minnie Precinda b. Oct. 15, 1880, d. young; Rosetta Agnes b. June 16, 1883, m. William J. Bronson; William C. b. Dec. 10, 1885, d. infant; David Oliver b. May 10, 1887, d. 1890; Henrietta b. April 18. 1890, d. infant; Bessie Clestia b. Nov. 3, 1892, d. in- fant, Chauncy Boardman b. Sept. 26, 1897. Family home. Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder; block teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. HUNTINGTON, GEORGE AUGUSTUS (son of George W. Huntington and Sarah Elizabeth Sprouse). Born Nov. 1. 1872, at Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Ross March 30, 1904, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert B. Ross and Ella Gertrude Alexander, of Midway, Utah). She was born Feb. 12, 1882. Their chil- dren: George Ross and William Rex b. March 12, 1905; Don Clifford b. Oct. 26, 1906; Ella Mourine b. June 17, 1909. Fam- ily home Midway, Utah. Member 109th quorum seventies; home missionary 1905- 07; high priest; Sunday school superintendent. Justice of peace. Farmer and stockraiser. HUNTSMAN, JAMES. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Mary Johnson, who came to Utah Aug. 17, 1851, with her children. Their children: Lavina; Katy Ann, m. Gilbert Bickmore; Isaiah, m. Rebecca Ames, m. Emma M. King, m. Sophia Egbert; Isaac, died; William, m. Mary Bickmore; Jacob, m. Jane Bickmore; Gabriel, m. Eunice Holbrook; Jesse Peter, m. Emma Crompton; Sarah, m. Joseph Gills; Kesiah, m. Levl Huntsman. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Farmer. Died at Fillmore. HUNTSMAN, ISAIAH (son of James Huntsman and Mary Johnson). Born Sept. 14, 1826, in Rlchland county, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1849. Married Rebecca Ames Jan. 16, 1849, at Kanesville, Pot- tawattamie county, Iowa (daughter of Ira Ames and Charity Carter of Vermont, pioneers 1851). She was born 1830, Mooers at Fork, Clinton county, N. Y.. Their children: Ezra b. Nov. 12, 1849, m. Mary Ann Walton and Mary (Williams) Chandler; Harriet b. Sept. 25, 1852, m. John H. Bankhead, m. Daniel Dalton; Ira b. Oct. 6, 1854, m. Anna (Palmer) Hutchinson; Clarissa b. Dec. 11, 1858, m. Benjamin Stewart, m. Orson Dalton; Isaiah b. Sept. 24, 1856, m. Mary Ann Meller Palmer, m. Susan Dalton, m. Thursa Lewis; Isabella b. Nov. 21, 1862, m. John William Dalton; Estella b. Jan. 24, 1863, m. Lewis Monroe Nebeker, m. William Nelson Spaf- ford, Jr.; James b. April 13, 1865, m. Eunice Pritchett; Wil- liam b. Dec. 17, 1867, m. Eveline Thurston, m. Minnie John- ston; Emer A., died; Elmer A. b. April 9, 1870, m. Augusta Norton; Ida Rebecca b. Nov. 13, 1873, m. Thomas Mitchel Pritchett. Family home Annabella. Utah. Married Emma Melissa King 1856, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Morris King and Sarah Ann Jewell, of Amer- ican Fork, pioneers Sept. 17, 1852, John Tidwell company). She was born Sept. 18, 1840; died Jan. 10, 1905 in Basin, Cassia county, Idaho. Their children: Sarah, d. infant; Mary, m. Philander H. Bell; Edson, m. Elizabeth Johnson; Jane, m. John Tolman; John, m. Lucy Hardy; Amanda, m. Ebenezer Dalton; Ada, m. Isaac Dalton. Family home Annabella, Utah. Married Sophia Egbert 1868, Salt Lake City. Widow of Robert Egbert with six children. Their only child: Louisa, died. Family home Wellsville, Utah. Member company B Mormon battalion. Settled at Fillmore and took an active part in the Indian warfare of that period. Moved to Wellsville 1864, then back to Fillmore 1870; in fall of 1874 moved to Annabella and died there June 3, 1878. Justice of peace; blacksmith and general mechanic. HUNTSMAN, EDSON (son of Isaiah Huntsman and Emma King). Born March 16, 1863, Fillmore, Utah. Married Elizabeth Johnson Sept. 7, 1884, Spring City, Utah (daughter of Andrew and Hannah Johnson), who was born Feb. 14, 1866. Their children: Grace b. June 10, 1885, m. John Cook; Ada b. Oct. 3, 1886; Ethel b. July 13, 1888, m. Clifford Jensen; Mamie b. March 24, 1890; Ray b. Dec. 22, 1892, d. 1898; Vaurice b. Dec. 25. 1894: Furl b. Nov. 24, 1896; Thelma b. Dec. 2, 1898; Owen and Ona b. June 28, 1900; Austin b. April 12, 1902; Blenda and Blanche b. Jan. 26, 1904, both d. infants. Family resided Spring City and Ferron, Utah. Elder. Farmer. HUNTINGTON. GEORGE W. (son of Oliver B. Huntington and Mary Mellsa Neal). Born Sept. 18, 1848, Cambria, N. Y. Came to Utah with father. Married Sarah Elizabeth Sprouse Sept. 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Sprouse and Catherine Woldridge of Texas); she was born Oct. 27, 1844. Their children: Mary IIUHD, WILLIAM BAKER (son of John Hurd and Fanny Baker of Devonshire, Eng.). Born Sept. 20, 1835, Devonshire. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Frances Taylor Jan. 1. 1868, at St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of Edward Ebenezer Taylor and Mary Ann Tar- rant of London, Eng., pioneers October 1868). She was born June 2, 1833. Their children: John William b. Feb. 20, 1860, m. Eliza Williams; Francis b. Oct. 6, 1862, died; Joseph Hyrum b. Dec. 20, 1864, m. Blanche Duke; William Henry b. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 951 Dec. 20, 1864, m. Margaret Leukel; Ruben Arthur b. March 17, 1867, m. Anna Gillott; David Elmer b. Aug. 29, 1869, m. Edith Frome; Albert Edwin b. Jan. 20, 1872, m. Emily J. Clark; Sarah A. b. Jan. 10, 1876, m. Thomas W. Bell; Walter Clarence b. Feb. 3, 1880, m. Kate M. Erskine. Family home Salt Lake City. Elder. Bailiff of third district circuit six years. Con- tractor, plasterer and painter. HURRE1V, JAMES (son of William Hurren, born Feb. 24, 1795, Chediston, and Mary Fisher Martin, born Nov. 27, 1786, Suffolk, Eng.; married in 1813). Born Feb. 24, 1827, Suffolk. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie hand cart company. Married Eliza Reeder, 1847 (daughter of David Reeder and Lydia Balls, former died at Omaha, Neb.; latter in 1839, In England). She was born Jan. 31, 1830, came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary b. July 29, 1848, m. Joseph M. Wight Oct. 1864; George b. March 30. 1851, d. infant; Emma b. Feb. 21, 1852, m. James Woolf Dec. 1869; Sarah b. March 23, 1854, m. Samuel K. Seamons April, 1875; Selena b. July 14, 1856, d. infant; Rosannah b. Nov. 6, 1857, m. William Hyde Jan. 1879; James William David b. Dec. 8, 1859, m. Margaret A. Ashcroft June 10. 1886; Martin Francis b. Sept. 8, 1862, d. Nov. 2, 1863; Eliza Marietta b. Jan. 7, 1865, m. Stephen Thurston April 7, 1884; Phebe Jane b. April 15, 1867. m. Rosel Homer Hyde Oct. 15, 1886; Frank Edmund b. Sept. 1, 1873, d. infant. Family resided at Brigham City and Hyde Park, Utah. Presided over Chediston branch in England; counselor to Bishop Robert Daines of Hyde Park ward; teacher and priest. Served in Echo Canyon trouble. HURREN, JAMES WILLIAM DAVID (son of James Hurren and Eliza Reeder). Born Dec. 8, 1859, Brigham City, Utah. Married Margaret A. Ashcroft June 10, 1886, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Henry Ashcroft and Mary Glover, pio- neers with Isaac Allred company). She was born Feb. 10, 1865, Hyde Park, Utah. Their children: James William b. Dec. 2, 1889; Mary lone b. Feb. 19, 1892; Clarence Ashcroft b. May 14, 1894; Carrie b. Jan. 26, 1897; Henry Reeder b. Aug. 27, 1899; David Glover b. Feb. 27, 1902; Eulalia b. April 4, 1906. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Officer in Y. M. M. I. A. 13 years. Member school board. Worked on Logan temple 1887-89. Missionary to Holland 1901-04; bishop's counselor 1903. School teacher eleven years. HUSBANDS, CHARLES THOMAS (son of Thomas Husbands and Maria Weight of London, Eng.). Born March 15, 1844, London. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith company. Married Elizabeth Slater Oct. 3. 1868, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Slater and Jane Booth of Lancashire, Eng., and Beaver, Utah; pioneers Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillcs- pie company). She was born Aug. 17, 1851, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah 1868 with her parents. Their children: Charles Henry, d. infant; Rosetta, m. Alma Chalker; Charles Millard, m. May Wilson; John Eugene, m. Martha M. Axton; Herbert Henry, m. Ada Thomas; Albion C., m. Emily McMillian; Hazel, d. young. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder. Made two trips to Omaha, Neb., for immigrants 1862, and to Rawlings, Wyo., 1868. Locomotive engineer. HUSBANDS, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Husbands and Maria Margarett Weight of London, Eng.). Born Feb. 27, 1838, in London. Came to Utah September, 1861, Capt. Harmon company. Married Sarah Curtis March 19, 1869, at London, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Curtis and Sarah Morrell that place; pioneers Sept. 23, 1861, Ansell P. Harmon company). She was born April 12, 1836. Their children: William C. b. May 13. 1861, m. Lucy Goodfellow; Charles T. u. Nov. 17, 1863, m. Julia Mikesell; Sarah M. b. March 29, 1865, m. John F. Heath; Hewson H. b. Sept. 29, 1866, m. ^arnie Amy; Edwin M. b. Jan. 9, 1869, m. Esther Sandberg; Francis J. b. March 21, 1871; Lillian L. b. Dec. 17, 1872, m. Arthur Kent; Arthur D. b. Sept. 6, 1875, d. infant; Thomas Carlos b. Nov. 16, 1876, m. Alvira Edler; Amy A. b. Nov. 6, 1879, m. George L. McKeaver. Family home, Salt Lake City. Employed on construction of Salt Lake theatre about two months; worked on Salt Lake temple about three years. On Feb. 6, 1885, received an appointment to a position in U. S. treasury department, during administration of President Chester Arthur and has continued an officer in that depart- ment to date; U. S. storekeeper in the service of U. S. Inter- nal Revenue, collection district of Montana. HUSSEY, DANIEL AGUSTTTS (son of Elijah Hussey and Caroline Hartford of Dover, N. H.). liorn Nov. 29, 1833, Dover. Came to Utah November, 1850, Stephen Markham company. Married Sarah Louisa Bridges 1861, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Henry Mallion Bridges and Sarah Louisa Lowe of Birmingham, Eng., the former came to Utah in September. 1864, the latter died on the plains). She was born March 29, 1841. Their children: William Agustus, d. infant; Flor- ence Marian, m. James M. Brown; Charles Henry, m. Mary Alice Lambert: Caroline Rosella, m. Joseph T. Grover; Sarah Louisa, m. William Delbert Grover; Charlotte Agusta, m. Heber Burch; Daniel Warren, m. Rose Riley; Elijah, d. Infant; Julia Isabel!, d. aged seven; Joseph Seymour, d. in- fant. Family home East Mill Creek, Salt Lake county. Went to the Missouri river in 1864 for immigrants with Joseph Rawlins' company. Lumberman. HUSSEY. CHARLES HENRY (son of Daniel Agustus Hussey and Sarah Louisa Bridges). Born July 10, 1866, East Mill Creek, Salt Lake county, Utah. Married Mary Alice Lambert 1896, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Charles John Lambert and Lilly Harriet Druce, the former of Nauvoo, 111., the latter of Haverstraw, N. Y.; pioneers September, 1849, Allen Taylor company and Sept. 16 1861, Ira Reid company). She was born Jan. 26, 1871. Their children: Warren Lambert b. 1896; ..lice Lambert b. 1899; Norma Lambert b. 1901; Elton Charles 1903; John Daniel 1906; Marian lown 1910. Family home Ogden, Utah. President fourth quorum elders of Veber stake; first counselor of Y. M. M. I. A. of first ward, igden; first assist- ant Sunday school superintendent of first ward, Ogden: member Weber stake board of religion class; superintendent Weber stake religion classes seventies. Real estate broker- age and Tungsten industry. President Idaho Tungsten Co. Lumberman, working in both mills and forests. HCTCHINGS, WILLIAM YVILLARD (son of Elias Hutchings, born April 20, 1784, in New York, and Sally Smith, born Feb. 26, 1794; married in 1816). Born April 3, 1823, in Ohio. Came to Utah Dec. 29, 1849, in a company of which he was captain. Married Ruth C. Chase March 12, 1845. Their children: Sarah Ann; Emeline J.; Ruth C.; Mariam. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Ann Baldwin March 4, 1851, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Junius and Sarah Baldwin; pioneers 1849), who was born Nov. 25. 1837, Ledsvery, Hartfordshire, Eng. Their child: William Willard b. Nov. 23, 1851, m. Sarah Agnes LeBoron April 7, 1874. Major in Black Hawk war and Utah militia. HUTCHINGS, WILLIAM WILLARD (son of William Willard Hutchings and Sarah Ann Baldwin). Born Nov. 23, 1851, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Agnes LeBoron April 7, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alonzo H. LeBoron and Sarah Jeffs). She was born Nov. 18, 1851, at New Orleans. Their children: Sarah Eliza b. Jan. 9, 1875, m. A. B. Cline; Ellace Matilda b. Dec. 4, 1876; Lydia Monah b. Feb. 10, 1878, m. Edward Bohn; Mary Emeline b. March 2, 1881, m. James Rollins; Julia T. b. Aug. 25, 1883, m. W. T. Boyle; Emma Jane b. July 28 1885, m. Ray Guttler; Edna b. July 21, 1887; Effie Luciel b. Feb. 12, 1891; Suson Baldwin b. Nov. 3, 1894; William LeBoron b. April 24, 1896. Family home Beaver, Utah. President of elders quorum; ward teacher; president Y. M. M. I. A. Sheriff of Beaver county, two terms, and city marshal of Beaver City two years. City councilman two years. Deputy U. S. marshal two years. HUTCHINS, JAMES. Born in England. Came to Utah 1855. Married Ellen Corbridge in April, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Corbridge and Ellen Parker of Frank- lin, Utah; pioneers 1852, John Parker company). She was born Nov. 11, 1840. Their children: John James, m. Mary M Knight; Ellen E., m. John W. Stanger. Elder. School trustee; justice of peace. Farmer, stock- raiser and merchant. Died April 16, 1491, Slaterville, Utah. HUTCHINS, JOHN JAMES (son of James Hutchins and Ellen Corbridge). Born March 27, 1860, Slaterville, Utah. Married Mary M. Knight Dec. 23, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Knight and Sarah Taylor of Slaterville, Utah; pioneers 1854, independent company). Their children- Mary M. b. Oct. 4, 1882, m. Eli Lund; Ellen b. Sept. 9, 1884; James b. July, 1885; Rosina b. Sept. 15, 1886, m. Charles W. Cottel; Edeth b. April 24, 1889; Luella b. Sept. 23. 1891, m. Frank A. Blngham; Delwin b. Jan. 25, 1894, m. Elizabeth Farr; Iva b. March 29, 1896; Clara b. May 1, 1898; Marie b Aug. 15, 1899. Married Mattie L. Bragg May 24, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of James M. Bragg and Martha E. Tucker of Mississippi. She was born Oct. 5. 1873, Lexington. Miss. Their children: James Spencer b. July 8, 1906; Anna Ellen b. May 8, 1908; Louis B. b. May 6, 1910. Elder; ward teacher. Constable six years; justice of peace two years. Judge of election. Member state convention. HUTCHINSON, JACOB FLYNN (son of Solomon Hutchinson and Catherine P. Flynn of Nashua, N. H.). Born Aug. 14, 1816, East Wilton, N. H. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Constantia E. C. Langdon 1837 (daughter of Nathaniel Langdon and Pernelopy Sampson of Bowdoinham, Maine). She was born Nov. 11, 1818. Their children: Pernelope and Henrietta, d. infants; Nathaniel b. Nov. 5, 1841; Catherine b. Feb. 14, 1843, m. Newton Zyrick 1862; Margret b. 1844, died; Jacob Flynn b. June 15, 1846. m. Rhoda Jane Smith Aug. 8, 1870; George Henry b. May 3, 1849. m. Edwina Walker: Sarah Ellen b. Aug. 9. 1850. m. Henry Ketcham 1868; David Langdon b. April 30, 1852, m. Sarah Budge Nov. 8. 1885; Mary. d. infant; Ruth b. Jan. 24, 1858, m. Peter Liddell Feb. 3. 1875. 952 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Alice Peniston Wasden June 9, 1861. at Gunnison, Utah (daughter of Thomas Wasden and Mary Upson of Gunnison, Utah, pioneers Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company). She was born Aug. 29, 1842. Their children: Joseph b. May 28, 1862, m. Rosanna Stratton; Orson b. Dec, 9, 1863, m. Martha M. Sorenson; Alice A. b. Jan. 17, 1866, m. Harmon Esklund. First bishop of Gunnison ward. Tithing bookkeeper. No- tary at Springville; assessor and collector of Salt Lake county I860. Member legislative assembly from Salt Lake City at Fillmore in the early fifties. Painter; barber; book- keeper and salesman. Died May 7, 1867, Springville. HUTCHINSON, JACOB FLYNN (son of Jacob Flynn Hutch- inson and Constantia E. C. Langdon). Born June 15, 1846, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Rhoda Jane Smith Aug. 8, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Lott Smith and Jane Walker of Farmington, Utah), who was born Sept. 26, 1853. Their children: Jacob Lot b. Oct. 29. 1871; Rhoda Jane b. June 16, 1873; Joseph Flynn b. Aug. 10, 1874, m. Margaret E. Butchart Dec. 25, 1910; Clementina b. July 30, 1876, m. John Drew Dec. 30, 1894; William b. Feb. 7. 1878. m. Nellie McCurdy Dec. 1, 1902; Har- riet S. b. Dec. 30, 1880; Jean b. Feb. 4, 1883, m. Rebecca Edwards Oct. 4, 1904; Ida Effle b. Feb. 2, 1885; Quincy David b. Dec. 13, 1886, d. April 16, 1889; Estella b. March 4, 1889; Leila b. Jan. 20, 1892; Earl b. July 3. 1894, d. infant;. Dewey b. Oct. 12, 1897. Family home Kimball,.Idaho. Settled at Salt Lake City. Elder. Moved to Farmington In 1870, to Randolph, Utah, 1874, from there to Rockland, Idaho, 1883, and in 1887 went to Kimballward, Idaho. Worked on Salt Lake tabernacle. Assisted in the erection of the meeting house at Randolph. Assisted in the organi- zation of the first, school district at Rockland, Idaho, and served as trustee for" three years; built the circular water power sawmill at Rockland, also* mills at Randolph and Kimball. Carpenter and lumberman. HCTCHINSON, JAMBS (son of William Hutchinson, born Jan. 28, 1814, Woodhouse,. and Mary Wilson, born Oct. 25. 1818, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born July 25, 1838, Wood- house, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1862, Kimball and Law- rence Merchandise company. Married Ellen Redman March 29, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo., (daughter of Thomas Redman and. Alice Rothwell; pioneers 1862). She was born. May 17, 1833. Came to Utah 1862. Their children: John W. b. July 11,. 1864, m. Catherine Erickson Nov. 23, 1886; Alice b. April 26, 1866, m. Samuel Western, Sr.; James b. Aug. 3, 1868, d. infant; Sarah Ellen b. Oct. 12, 1869, d. Sept. 3, 1885; George H. b. Jan. 3, 1872, d. Infant; Annie E. b. July 3, 1873, m. James Garrett; Luvenia b. Aug. 15, 1875, m. Edward Davis. Ward teacher; Sunday school superintendent; choir lead- er; high priest. Black Hawk war veteran. Died in 1905. HUTCHINSON, JOHN W. (son of James Hutchinson and Ellen Redman). Born July 11, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Catherine Erickson Nov. 23, 1886, Deseret, Utah (daughter of Neils Erickson and Christina Peterson, who came to Utah 1870). She was born June 1, 1869, in Denmark. Their child: Claris (adopted). Family home Hinckley, Utah. Seventy; missionary to southern states. HYDE, HEMAX (son of James Hyde and Betty Pennock of Stratford, Orange county, Vt.). Born June 30, 1788, Strat- ford. Came to Utah September, 1849. Married Polly W. Tilton, Stratford, Vt. (daughter of li'p. Tilton and Tabitha Bullock), who was born Jan. 20, 1786. Their children: Heman Tilton b. June 18, 1812, m. Eunice Sawyer; Charles W. b. July 16, 1814; Rosel b. May 20, 1816, m Mary Ann Cowles and Hannah Maria Simmons; William b. Sept. 11, 1818; Mary Ann b. Sept. 18, 1820, m. Mr. Grant. Family home Stratford, Vt.; Livingston, New York; Nauvoo, 111.; Salt Lake City. Veteran war 1812. Died June 11, 1869. HYDE, ROSEL (son of Heman Hyde and Polly W. Tilton). Born May 20, 1816, York, Livingston county, N. Y. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Ann Cowles Dec. 12, 1839 (daughter of Austin Cowles and Phebe Wilbur), who was born Dec. 81, 1820. Their children: Martha Ann b. Nov. 20, 1841, m. Edward Hunter March 30, 1856; Sarah Maria b. April 30, 1843, m. James C. Taylor Jan. 8, 1860; Rosel James b. May 25. 1845, m. Jane Driggs; Mary Louisa b. March 9, 1851. m. James Bodily; Helen Elvira b. Dec. 6, 1852, m. Arthur Staynor Sept. 17, 1879; Heman b. Feb. 3, 1865. m. Urmlna T. Grlffeth May 9, 1878; Austin Cowles b. April 12, 1858, m. Mary M. Griffeth Feb. 12, 1880; Charles Croydon b. May 9, I860, m. Mary Galbreth; William Alonzo b. June 6, 1863, m. Maria Reddich June 16, 1886. Family home, Kaysville. Married Hannah Maria Simmons Feb. 22, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Simmons and Hannah Maria Shekles), who was born Sept. 2, 1843, Bristol, Eng. Their children: Samuel b. Aug. 22, 1863, d. Oct. 1, 1863; Henry b. Aug. 4, 1864, d. Sept. 20, 1866; George Tilton b. Nov. 26, 1866, m. Emma Nlbley Nov. 18, 1897; Clara Maria b. Dec. 25, 1868, m. Christopher E. Layton Nov. 27, 1895; John Simmons b. Dec. 18, 1870, m. Josephine Kennett 1900; Mary Ann b. Oct. 16, 1872, m. Francis Mortensen Oct. 11, 1900: Mabel b. Oct. 30, 1875. m. Frank B. Flint March 9, 1904; Rosel T. b. Aug. 24. 1877, m. Lula Wray Sept. 7, 1903; Frank b. Jan. 25, 1881, m. Winnlfred Barnes May 26, 1904; Ida b. Jan. 10, 1883, m. Mark L. Johnson Sept. 9, 1908. Family home, Kaysvtlle. HYDE, HEMAN (son of Rosel Hyde and Mary Ann Cowles). Born Feb. 3, 1855, Kaysville, Utah. Married Urmina F. Griffeth May 9, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Patison Deloss Griffeth and Elizabeth Carson, pioneers 1861), who was born Jan. 12, 1860, Lehi, Utah. Their children: Heman b. April 14, 1879, m. Elizabeth Alh- down; William A. b. May 4, 1881. m. Lucy Wheelock; Dora E. b. Aug. 8. 1885. Family lived in Kaysville; home, Lewiston. Bishop Fairview ward, Oneida stake, 1884. Moved to Star Valley, Wyo., 3888. Served there as counselor to Bishop William E. Crobridge, Auburn ward; bishop Auburn ward, 1894. HYDE, WILLIAM ALONZO (son of Rosel Hyde and Mary Ann Cowles). Born June 6, 1863. Kaysville. Married Maria Reddish June 16, 1886, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Henry Reddish and Eliza Hurst), who was born Sept. 3, 1864, Brimmington, Eng. Their children: Myrtle Presindia b. Oct. 21, 1888; Elaine Mania b. Aug. 5, 1892; Charles Wilkis b. Sept. 18, 1894. Family lived Layton, Utah; Downey, Idaho; home Pocatello, Idaho. Bishop Cambridge ward 1895; counselor to Pres. William C. Parkinson 1898; president Pocatello stake 1901. Member Idaho legislature 1898-99. HYDEf GEORGE TILTON (son of Rosel Hyde and Hannah Maria Simmons). Born Nov. 25, 1866, Kaysville. Married Emma Nibley Nov. 18, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Nibley and Fannie Gibbs), who was born Nov. 6, 1873, Paradise, Utah. Their children: George Osmond b. Dec. 17. 1898; Rosel Hirschel b. April i2, 1900; Emma and Enna (twins) b. May 15, 1902; Charles Corydon b. Aug. 7, 1904; Donald b. Aug. 20, 1909; Reed Tilton b. Nov. 9, 1911. Family lived Kaysville, Utah; home Downey, Idaho. Missionary to Kentucky 1893-95; bishop Cambridge ward. Pocatello stake 1899-1907, Downey ward 1907. Settled at Downey, Idaho, 1895. Chairman board county commission- ers Bannock county 1903-08. President and manager W. A. Hyde company, Downey, Idaho; director Gate City Furniture company, Pocatello, Idaho; president Downey state bank; president Downey townsite and dsve'opment company; treasurer Portneuf-Marsh Valley Irrigation company. HYDE, WILLIAM (son of Heman Hyde and Polly W. Ttlton). Born Sept. 11, 1818, York, Livingston county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1849. Captain Gulley company. Married Elizabeth How Bullard Feb. 23, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Joel and Lucretia Bullard), who was born Oct. 2, 1813, Holliston, Mass. Their children: J-ne Elizabeth b. Feb. 12, 1843, m. Simpson M. Molen; Angeline F. b. July 12, 1846, d. March 30, 1849; William b. Jan. 7, 1847, m. Matilda Card; Mary L. b. Dec. 23, 1848, m. John A. Woolf; Ellen M. b. Oct. 16, 1850, m. Isaac Woolf. Married Sally Allred Sept. 1, 1850, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Martin Allred and Polly Hesket), who was born Dec 31, 1834, Salt Creek. Mo. Their children: Sariah b. July 26, 1861, d. July 25, 1861; Eliza Elvira b. July 6, 1852, m. Fred Turner d. 1870; Caroline Deseret b. Kay 3, 1865, m. Fred Turner; Don Carlos b. April 1, 1867, m. Zina Roskelly; Roseltha b. Feb. 8, 1859, m. Martin Woolf; Clara b. Feb. 28, 1861. m. Luther C. Burnham; Heman Tilton b. Jan. 3, 1863- Emma b. July 24. 1865, d. May 6, 1866; George b. July 24, 1866, d. May 11, 1866; Arthur Frank b. March 26, 1867, m. Lettie Woolf; Annie Laura b. Jan. 10, 1869, m. Robert W. Reeder; Ezra b. Jan. 25, 1871; James Martin b. Feb. 8, 1874. Married Sarah Hamlin Pratt Jan. 1, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of Otis Pratt and Clarissa Hamlin, pioneers Oct. 11, 1869, Abraham R. Wright company), who was born Nov. 10, 1818, Plainfield, Mass. Their child: Nellie Maria b. July 4, 1861, m. Henry B. Hancey. Married Abigail Gloyd Jan. 1, 1860, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Charles Gloyd and Abigail Pratt, pioneers Oct. 11, 1859, Abraham R. Wright company), who was born Nov. 16, 1820, Cummlngton, Hampshire county. Mass. Their chil- dren: Charles Gloyd b. Nov. 13, 1861, m. May Dalnes Feb. 6. 1891; Abbie b. Jan. 19. 1863, m. M. F. Cowley; Rosel Homer b. Oct. 24, 1864, m. Phebe Hurren. Married Phebe Ann Griffeth Aug. 31, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Pattison D. Griffeth and Elizabeth Carson), who was born Feb. 9, 1847, Garden Grove, Iowa. Their chil- dren: Martha Elizabeth b. May 11, 1868, d. June 1, 1868: Wllford A. b. July 20, 1869; Delos William b. Oct. 1Q, 1871: John Alma b. Feb. 12, 1874. Elder, Oct. 7, 1839; member seventy April 17, 1840; filled missions in Illinois. Indiana, Michigan, Maine, Vermont, New York and Australia; first bishop Hyde Park 1860 to death. Member Mormon Battalion. Probate judge of Cache county 1866 to death. HYDE, CHARLES GLOYD (son of William Hyde and Abigail Gloyd). Born Nov. 13, 1861, Hyde Park, Utah. Married May Daines Feb. 6, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of Robert Dalnes and Mary Glover; former pioneer 1869, Feramorz Little company, latter 1863, Isaac Allred com- pany). She was born May 26, 1872, Hyde Park. Their child: May b. Oct. 28, 1891, d. Oct. 28, 1891. Married Sarah C, H. Parry (daughter of John Parry and Harriet Roberts), who was born Feb. 27, 1866. Their chil- dren: Lavinia b. June 16. 1896; Willard Parry b. Aug. 30, 1899; Oneita b. Aug. 30, 1899; Hattie b. Dec. 9. 1902, d. Jan. 6. 1903; Nettie b. Sept. 4, 1904; Irma b. June 18, 1908. Fam- ily home, Hyde Park. President deacons quorum 1877; president elders quorum 1886; missionary to Illinois and Indiana two years: member seventy Feb. 9. 1891; bishop March 19. 1893. Justice of peace; county recorder; president Hyde Park board of trus- tees ten years. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 953 HYBR, CHRISTIAN (son of Lars Hyer and Ann Olsen of Norway). Born Sept. 17, 1817, Christensen, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company. Married Carlina Hogan Nov. 23, 1850 (daughter of Eric Gaudyson Mibben Hogan and Halgra Hanutedater Nestabe, married Dec. 1828 in Norway, pioneers Sept. 22, 1848, Zera Pulsipher company). She was born July 24, 1831. Came to Utah with parents. Their children: Carline b. Aug. 28, 1851, m. Robert Lewis; Ann b. Jan. 25, 1853, m. "William Budge April 4, 1868; Harriet b. Sept. 14, 1854, d. Nov. I. 1861; Christian b. April 30, 1859, d. Dec. 16, 1881; Andrew L. b. Dec. 1, 1860, m. Ellen Gilbret Feb. 14, 1880; Lizzie Helen Telfort b. May 20, 1886; Orson b. Sept. 3, 1862, d. Feb. 24, 1878; Elizabeh R. b. June 23, 1866, d. Aug. 23, 1880; Joseph b. July 11, 1867, m. Sarah Ann Tittensor June 1, 1892; Ellen b. Sept. 23, 1869, m. Fred Tittensor Dec. 11, 1889; Heber P. b. Sept. 3, 1872. d. Nov. 17, 1873; Brigham b. Dec. 6, 1874, m. Emma May Bright Nov. 24, 1897. Married Lovina Hogan March 4, 1854. Salt Lake City (daughter of Eric Gaudyson Mibben Hogan and Halga Hanutedutter Nestabe), who was born July 14, 1836, Chris- tensen, Norway. Their children: Lovina b. March 4, 1855, m. Hyrum A. Watson May 11, 1874; Ira b. July 27, 1859, d. July 9, 1881; Oliver b. Jan. 14, 1862, d. Sept. 16, 1862. Married Rozina Shepard, Salt Lake City (daughter of Issa Shepard and Sarah Sackore, latter died May 7, 1847 In Missouri), who was born Jan. 31, 1829, in Denmark. Their children: Ezra Taft b. Dec. 11. 1869, d. Sept. 1870; Esther Jane b. Sept. 27, 1871, m. Samuel W. Hendricks Dec. 28, 1892, Family home Richmond. High priest; member seventy, 1846; missionary to Scandi- navia 1856-58; president teachers' quorum 1861-77; first coun- selor Richmond bishopric. Moved from Richmond to Bountiful 1860. Indian war veteran. Member territorial legislature. Helped bring immigrants to Utah. Died Sept. 20, 1901. HYER, ANDREW L. (son of Christian Hyer and Carolina Hogan). Born Dec. 1, 1860, Richmond. Married Ellen Gilbret Feb. 14, 1880, Richmond (daughter of James Gilbret and Sarah Choles), who was born May 24, 1862, Crafton, Eng. Their children: Annie Eliza b. Dec. 1, 1880, m. John Henry Kemp June 4, 1902; Andrew William b. Aug. 9, 1882, m. Emma Elaine Hillyard June 29, 1910; Orson Urban b. March 4, 1884; Elizabeth Ellen b. Jan. 31, 1886, m. Walter F. Hogan June 24, 1908; Ira and Ora (twins) b. Feb. 6, 1889, latter m. Blanche Benson Nov. 1, 1911; Sarah b. Nov. 16, 1890; Saul Edward b. Aug. 4, 1892; Ralph James b. June 25, 1894; Merle Gilbret b. June 17, 1896; Seneth b. May 16, 1898; Lovell b. June 12, 1900; Zethel b. April 7, 1902; Estell b. May 29, 1904. Married Lizzie Helen Telford May 20, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Dodds Telford and Sarah Mitalda Col- trln; former pioneer 1850, latter Sept. 1850, Ben Hawkins company). She was born Oct. 21, 1862, Richmond, Utah. Their children: Lois Hellen b. March 7, 1886, d. Sept. 13, 1901; Norma b. Feb. 2, 1889; John Christian b. Sept. 10. 1890; Orvil b. Sept. 3, 1892, d. Oct. 6. 1892; Beatrice b. Feb. 18, 1896; Mardean b. Oct. 22, 1896; Eunice b. Feb. 8, 1898; Ross Telford b. July 28, 1900; Violeet b. June 4, 1902; Clester Wallace b. Dec. 13, 1903; Dorris Dale b. May 2, 1905. Family homes, Lewiston. President 39th and 117th quorum seventies; bishop Lewis- ton ward 1905; missionary to Europe 1885-88. One of or- ganizers of Lewiston; member first town board 1904. In- terested In Cache Valley creamery; director Union Cream- ery company and Utah Condensed Milk company. Farmer. HYMAS, WILLIAM. Born July 26, 18D6, at Raylelgh, Es- sex, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1862. James Wareham com- pany. Married Mary Ann Atkins Jan. 6, 1834. Their children: George b. 1835, d. in England; William Alfred b. March 22, 1837, m. Mary Edwards May 7, 1861; John A. b. Sept. 1, 1839, m. Mary Ann Pitman Nov. 10, 1861; Sarah M. b. 1841, m. Ormus Bates; Susan b. 1844, m. Noah Wardle; Benjamin b. May 6, 1846, m. Hannah Thurston 1868; James b. March 14, 1849, m. Sarah C. Evans; Mary Ann b. 1851, m. Thomas Duce. Family home Liberty, Idaho. HTMAS, JOHN A. (son of William Hymas and Mary Ann Atkins). Born Sept. 1, 1839, at Raylelgh, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1861, Creighton telegraph train. Married Mary Ann Pitman Nov. 10, 1861 (daughter of James Pitman and Ann King, latter pioneer 1862, James Wareham company), who was born Oct. 4, 1846. Came to Utah with husband 1861. Their children: John W. b. Feb. 22, 1866, m. Rossa Lee Orr; Mary Ann A. b. April 20, 1866. m. Thomas H. Watkins; Joseph M. b. Oct. 21, 1867, m. Emma Lyons; Benjamin P. b. Aug. 7, 1869, m. Eliza- beth Price; Hyrum H. b. Oct. 10, 1870, m. Julia Poulsen; Clara D. b. May 8, 1872, m. John S. McMurray; Caddie C. b. Nov. 27, 1873, m. David R. Morgan; Arthur J. b. March 18, 1875, m. Delia Davis; Alice L. b. June 12, 1876, m. Heber Johnson; David M. b. Jan. 9, 1878, m. Mary Agerter. Married Mary Jane Watkins Oct. 24, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Watkins and Ann Derricott), who was born Aug. 18, 1859, St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Thomas N. b. July 24, 1879, m. Mary J. Boyle; Martha J. b. April 7, 1881. m. Isaac Johnson; Bertha A. b. Nov. 30, 1882, died; Rebecca R. b. Nov. 11, 1884, m. Christian Jensen; Charles E. b. Jan. 7, 1887, m. Lora M. Pratt; Emily E. b. Feb. 4, 1889, died; Wilford W. b. March 6, 1890; Lottie b. June 26, 1892; Melvin M. b. June 9. 1894; Mabel b. May 12, 1896. Family homes Liberty, Ida. HTMAS, BENJAMIN (son of William Hymas and Mary Ann Atkins). Born May 6, 1846, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Married Hannah Thurston 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Thurston and Mary Siamons, pioneers 1860, inde- pendent company), who was born June 1864. Their chil- dren: Mary Monltta b. Nov. 2, 1869, m. Wilfred Hyde; Binnie b. May 5, 1872, d. aged 8 months; Almidia b. Nov. 8, 1874, m. Phillip Quail; Emma b. Nov. 1875, died; Caroline b. Dec. 1876, m. Charles M. Shumway; Alma b. Nov. 1878, Willard b. Nov. 1879, Ida b. Dec. 1880, and Ada b. March 1882, died; Burt b. Sept. 16, 1887; Sarah Edith b. 1890; Jennie Clarissa b. 1893, m. Laura Neeley; Dell Grover b. 1895. Bishop Treasuretown ward 19 years. Postmaster. Helped bring immigrants to Utah. HTMAS, WILLIAM ALFRED (son of William Hymas and Mary Ann Atkins). Born March 22, 1837, Rayleigh, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26. 1862, James Wareham inde- pendent company. Married Mary Edwards May 7, 1861, Omaha, Neb. (daugh- ter of Thomas Edwards and Elizabeth Lewis of Merthyr Tydfil, Wales, pioneers Sept., 1861, Job Pingree company). She was born Oct. 12, 1839. Their children: Mary Ann; Elizabeth Ann; William T.; Samuel E.; Margret V.; Charles V.; May Janett; Alfred C.; Susan; Mary E. Fam- ily home Liberty, Ida. High priest; stake president T. M. M. I. A. 1888-96; first counselor to bishop Liberty ward 30 years. Farmer. HTMAS, SAMUEL EDWARD (son of William Alfred Hymas and Mary Edwards). Born Dec. 10, 1867, Liberty, Idaho. Married Fanny L. McMurray Oct. 17, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of James McMurray and Elizabeth Stevenson of Grantsville, Utah, pioneers 1862, Warren Snow com- pany). She was born Nov. 2, 1873. Their children: Densil S. b. Oct. 22, 1902; Jesse R. b. May 28, 1904; Douglas b. July 28, 1906; Winnie b. Dec. 29, 1907; Willard A. b. Sept. 8, 1909; Gladys b. Aug. 12, 1911. Family home Sharon, Idaho. Bishop Sharon ward 11 years; missionary to Northwest- ern states 1898-1900. County commissioner 1906-10; justice of peace four years. Farmer. INGRAM, JAMES (son of Samuel Ingram and Kezia Coggins of Bicester, Oxfordshire. Eng.). Born June 17, 1833, at Bicester. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1853, Vincent Shurtliff company. Married Charlotte Holland March 26, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Holland and Ann King Renall of Molden, Essex, Eng. pioneers Sept. 2, 1860, James D. Ross com- pany). She was born Nov. 16, 1839. Their children: George William, m. Aurelia Amerette Mecham; Mary Ellenor, m. Abraham Zundel; Drusilla Louise; Fanny Ann, m. Thomas J. Morgan; James Oliver, m. Lula Gertrude Frodsham. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Carpenter; farmer; wood turner. INGRAM, JAMES OLIVER (son of James Ingram and Charlotte Holland). Born June 17, 1873, at Brigham City. Utah. Married Lula Gertrude Frodsham 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Seymour Frodsham and Adelia Avasta Rudd), who was born March 31, 1882. Their children: Olive Ingram b. July 6, 1905; Douglas F. b. April 26, 1907; Burnace Gertrude b. April 11, 1909; Grace b. May 12, 1911. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Member 68th quorum seventies; missionary to California 1889-1900. Farmer. IRVINE, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Irvine and Agnes Shaw of Scotland). Came to Utah 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Agnes Kerr in Scotland. She came to Utah with husband. Their children: Margaret, m. James E. Leatham; George, m. Annie A. Burt; William, m. Jane Fife; John, m. Ellen Egan; Lizzie, m. Henry Nesbit; Lorenzo, died; James, m. Janie Richardson; Robert, m. Josephine Peterson. Fam- ily home. Salt Lake City. Elder. Miner. Died 1855. IRVINE, GEORGE (son of William Irvine and Agnes Kerr of Scotland). Born April 6, 1839, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to Utah October, 1865, Milo Andrus company. Married Annie A. Burt Sept. 20, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Margaret Burt of Scotland; pioneers Oct 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight company). She was born Nov. 13, 1838. Their children: George b. Oct. 30, 1866, m. Clara Lyon; Thomas b. May 13, 1868, died; Margarett b. Jan. 3, 1870, m. Orson Harper; John William b. July 9, 1872, m. Edna May; Agnes Kerr b. Sept. 20, 1876. George Burt (adopted) b. Aug. 8, 1879, m. Sadie Kilpatrlck; Edna Mor- risey (adopted), b. Oct. 22, 1877, m. Emll Mossburgr. Family home, Salt Lake City. Drove three yoke of oxen across the plains. Lumber con- tractor and miner. 954 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH IRVINE, GEORGE, JR. (son of George Irvine and Annie A. Burt). Born Oct. 30, 1866, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Clara Lyon Sept. 15, 1897, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Matthew Lyon, Salt Lake City, pioneer 1853). She was born Sept. 14, 1870. Their child: Annie b. June 20, 1898, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to southern states 1892-95; seventy. Merchant. IRVING, WILLIAM (son of John Irving- and Elizabeth Heron of Gatehouse of Fleet, Scotland). Born June 22, 1845, at Gatehouse of Fleet, Scotland). Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1863, William Hyde company. Married Rebecca Williams Nov. 17, 1878, in Montpelier, Idaho (daughter of Thomas Williams and Janet Rogers), who was born 1862 and came to Utah 1875. Their children: William Thomas b. July 29, 1880, m. Mary Lindsay April 3, 1901; Samuel James b. Dec. 3, 1881, m. Minnie Hunter Sept. 27, 1910. Family home Montpelier, Idaho. Married Christina Larsen Jan. 25, 1887, Paris, Idaho (daughter of Christian Larsen and Anna Sophia Peterson, married in 1862 pioneers 1862, Capt. Lindquist company). She was born Feb. 22, 1865, at Hyrum, Utah. Their chil- dren: John Leo b. Dec. 15. 1887; Washington b. Jan. 18, 1890; Alonzo Chester b. Feb. 22, 1892; Beatrice Sophia b. May 8, 1894, m. Albert Bowcutt July 19, 1911; Vivian Zora b. March 11, 1899. Family home Montpelier, Idaho. Farmer. ISAAC, JOHN PHILLIP (son of Reese Isaac and Margarette Phillip of Trevaughan, Carmarthen, South Wales). Born Feb. 2, 1833, Trevaughan, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, John Smith company. Married Rachel Williams April 27. 1855, St. Clear, Car- marthen, South Wales (daughter of Theophilus Williams and Mary Wilkin of St. Clear), who was born Aug. 27, 1835, and came to Utah with husband. Their child: Mary Ann b. Feb. 10, 1856, d. March 16, 1856. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest. Worked on Salt Lake temple. Stone mason. Died Nov. 25, 1875. ISAACSON, NEILS (son of Isaac Neilson and Massa Evans, both of Christiania, Norway). Born Jan. 6, 1817, at Chris- tiania, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861. Married Bertha Catherine Ogis Sept. 8, 1850 (daughter of Ogis Johnson and Hila Anders), who was born April 6, 1826, In Norway and came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861. Their children: Mary Ellen b. Nov. 21, 1851, m. William Thompson; Ingeborg Maria b. March 5, 1857; m. Jens Christian Johnson; Petra Annette b. Oct. 21, 1854; Lorenza b. Oct. 18, 1859; Isaac b. Feb. 9, 1864; Caroline b. May 14, 1865, m. Justin V. Shepard; Martha Ann b. July 27, 1867; Neils Henry b. April 4, 1870. ISGREEN, ANDREW JENS (son of Jens Isgreen and Ker- stena Tufras of Sodermanland, Skone, Sweden). Born May 24, 1830. Skonabeck, Skaninge, Sweden. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1859, James S. Brown company. First wife died, leaving one son, John M., who married Jane Dick. Married Anna B. Stromberg at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Frederick Stromberg and Ulrika Juliana Johnson of Benggstorp, Kyrefalla, Sweden pioneers Sept. 13, 1861. Joseph Home company). She was born Jan. 1, 1838. Their children: Anna Wilhelmina, m. Charles Pocock; Emil Benja- min, m. Minnie Peterson; William Charles, m. Ida Jane Lindsay; Solomon, m. Alice Thomas; Martha Matilda, m. Charles C. Bush; Emily Jane, m. Lafayette Orme. Family home Tooele, Utah. High priest; missionary in Sweden 1856-58. City sexton. Blacksmith; tinsmith; farmer and stockraiser. Died Oct. 6, 19C9. ISRAEI.SKN. TELLIF JOHN (son of Israelsen Tellif and Anna Christena Zachariasen, born Aug. 3, 1803. both of Kas- fjorden, Norway). Born Feb. 18, 1826, at Kasfjorden. Came to Utah Oct. 1864, Captain Christoffersen independ- ent company. Married Mary Dorthea Markusen (daughter of Markus Andreas Nielsen and Mary Anna Rasmussen, married at Kasfjorden, Norway). She was born Aug. 9, 1836. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Andrew Martin b. Jan. 9, 1857, m. Boletta Wilson; Mary Ann b. July 11, 1858, m. Christen Jensen; Annie Christine b. Sept. 17, 1860, m. John Jensen; Israel, died; Zacharias Ward b. Feb. 24, 1865, m. Edith F. Janes April 24, 1907; Maria Dorthea b. April 27, 1867, m. Ezra Wilson; Ellen Sophia b. Nov. 4, 1869, m. Joseph S. Allen; Clara Matilda b. Aug. 22, 1871. and Tellif John b. Nov. 14, 1873, both d. children; Emily Caroline J. b. May 17, 1876, m. Jeremiah Christiansen; Ida Malinda b. Nov. 11, 1878, d. child; Willard H. b. Aug. 26, 1879, m. Sadie Ames. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Settled at Hyrum 1864; high priest; missionary to Nor- way two years 1881-83. Teacher. Died Dec. 6, 1897. ISRAELSEN, ZACHARIAS WARD (son of Telliff John Is- raelsen and Mary Dorthea Markusen). Born Feb. 24, 1865, Hyrum, Utah. Married Edith F. Janes April 24, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Janes and Mary Ann Harrison, pio- neers Sept. 15, 1866, William Henry Chipman company). She was born Nov. 9, 1877. Missionary to Norway 1897-1900; president 62d quorum seventies 1906; first counselor to Bishop James J. Facer (3rd ward) Hyrum. Treasurer Hyrum 1892; deputy asses- sor west side Cache county 1897; registration officer for Hy- rum precinct 1895. Manager Allen Bros. Mercantile com- pany. IVIE, WILLIAM FRANKLIN (son of James R. Ivie and Eliza M. Foset of Bedford county, Tenn.). Born Dec. 18, 1826, Bedford county, Tenn. Came to Utah 1848. Married Malinda Jane Young, Provo, Utah (daughter of A. D. and Rhoda Young). Their children: John Franklin, died; William Alfred, m. Mariette Johnson; Jacob Alma, m. Lydia Okerlawd; Eliza Ann, m. J. J. Ivie; James Riley, m. Jensina Nielsen; Wilford, m. Matilda Okerlawd; Louis F., m. Nettie Eden; Delia, m. William A. Taylor; Calvert Mil- ton, m. Vilate Durfee. Family home Scipio, Utah. Married Emily Young, Provo, Utah (daughter of A. D. and Rhoda Young). Their children: Addle, m. Warren Peck; Edwin, m. Lette Porter; Rosie, m. Thomas Memmott; Arthur; James; Estella; Burt. Family home Scipio, Utah. Seventy. Indian war veteran. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died May 4, 1880. IVIE, CALVERT MILTON (son of William Franklin Ivie and Malinda Jane Young). Born April 7, 1869, Scipio, Utah. Married Vilate Durfee Nov. 25, 1892, Richfield, Utah (daughter of Jabez Durfee of New York, and Celestia Curtis of Pennsylvania, pioneers oxteam company). She was born June 29, 1873. Their children: Milton b. Sept. 9, 1893; Wilford Byron b. Oct. 6, 1895; Raymond b. Dec. 16, 1897; Elvada Jane b. Aug. 4. 1901; Otto Verlin b. March 7, 1904; Theresa Lucile b. April 9, 1907; Golden La Voy b. Aug. 10, 1909; Vergil June b. June 6, 1912. Family home Aurora, Utah. Missionary to Eastern states 1898-1900; ward clerk 11 years; ward teacher; Sunday school superintendent of Au- rora ward 5 years; bishop of Aurora ward since 1906. School trustee Aurora district 12 years. Farmer and stockraiser. IVERSEN, JEPPE (son of Iver and Elsie Sorensen of Aar- huus Amt, Denmark). Born Aug. 16, 1814, Orslev Kloster, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1856, Knud Peterson company. Married Annie Christina Mortensen, at Esterborg, Aar- huus Amt, Denmark (daughter of Andrew Mortensen and Christina Anderson of Roivi, Aarhuus Amt, Denmark). She was born Sept. 13, 1802. Their children: Hans Peter, m. Annie Nilson; Elsie Maria, m. Stephanus Moss: Martin, d. 1862; Caroline Christina, m. William Morrison; Elizabeth Catherine, m. Ole Salisbury. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died 1899, Washington, Utah. IVERSEN, MAGNUS (son of Iver Klemensen and Gunhlld Olsen of Engen, Buskerud, Norway). Born Dec. 22, 1816, at Engen. Married Ingeborg Kirstlne Nielsen (daughter of Ole Nielsen and Ann Margrette Nielsen of Haugsund, Norway), who was born Dec. 9, 1845. Came to Utah 1875. Their children: Iver; Gustave Arnt, m. Mary Olsen. Family home Christiania, Norway. Died Aug. 24, 1874, Christiania, Norway. IVERSEN, GUSTAVE ARNT (son of Magnus Iversen and Ingeborg Kirstine Iversen). Born Nov. 17, 1871, at Drobak, Norway. Came to Utah July 24, 1875, L. S. Anderson com- pany. Married Mary Olsen Oct. 23, 1895, Manti, Utah 'daughter of Fredrick Olsen and Matilda Jensen of Ferron, Emery county, Utah), who was born Aug. 6, 1873. Their chil- dren: Maude May b. March 31, 1897; Glendon Gustave b. Dec. 11, 1898; Clarence Magnus b. Jan. 4, 1899; Richard Donald b. March 15, 1902; Ray Clifford b. Nov. 24, 1903; Ethel Jean b. Sept. 23, 1906; Kenneth Ross b. May 25, 1909; Evelyn Augusta b. June 1, 1911. Family resided Manti and Price, Utah. Missionary to Norway 1892-4; second counselor in presi- dency South San Pete stake; president Carbon stake. Price. County recorder of San Pete county 1896; Utah state senator 12th district 1911-14; assistant attorney general of Utah 1913. Attorney. IVERSEN, PETER (son of Christian Iversen, born Aug. 24, 1805. and Anna Elizabeth Jensen, born April 27, 1807, both at Viele, Denmark married 1829). Born Jan. 21, 1840. Viele, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862. Joseph Home company. Married Kiersten Rasmussen Feb. 16, 1863 (daughter of Rasmus Clausen and Karen Eabensen), who was born March 1840. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Peter Martin b. Jan. 31, 1865, m. Augusta Nelsen Sept. 15, 1893; Niels Carl b. Oct. 8, 1866, m. Hilda Lundquist March 16, 1898; Richard b. Aug. 22, 1868, m. Annie K. Larsen 1891. Family home Mill Creek. Utah. Married Karen Rasmussen Sept. 17, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Rasmus and Knudsine Petersen, who were married in 1836, Aarhuus. Denmark). She was born April PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 955 23, 1844, Aarhuus, Denmark. Their children: Lelian Sine b. March 21, 1880, m. John Calvin Cobb Oct. 19, 1904; Emma Carrie b. Sept. 16, 1882, m. Reeves D. Heigh Dec. 16, 1903; Amanda b. May 10, 1884, m. Joseph Israel Pierson Oct. 3, 1906. Family home Bear River City, Utah. High priest and ward teacher. Assisted in erection of St. George, Manti, Logan and Salt Lake temples. Settled in Mill Creek ward 1862 and moved to Box Elder county 1867. Helped build canal from Cottonwood to Salt Lake City to convey water to Temple. Worked on Canadian Pacific from Ogden to Promontory, also on Utah Northern narrow gauge from Brigham to Logan. Pound-keeper 7 years; watermaster 25 years; mailcarrier from Bear River City and Corrine 8 years; registrar agent 4 years. IVERSO1V, IVER NICHOLAS (son of Nicholas and Mary Catherine Iverson of Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark). Born March 19, 1821, in Schleswig. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1853, Moses Dailey company. Married Catherine Williams Jan. 19, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christopher Williams and Millicent Van Nostran of Upper Canada, former a pioneer, 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born June 6, 1836. Their chil- dren: Mary Catherine b. Feb. 15, 1855; Alma N. b. Aug. 7, 1857, m. Sarah Jane Tuckett; Christopher W. b. Dec. 30, 1859. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Missionary to Denmark 1857-58. Had charge of a com- pany of emigrants from Denmark. Died Aug. 19, I860, Pleasant Gorve. IVERSON, ALMA NICHOLAS (son of Iver Nicholas Iverson and Catherine Williams). Born Aug. 7, 1857, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Sarah Jane Tuckett Oct. 16, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Tuckett and Sarah Ann Gee of Salt Lake City and Springville, Utah). She was born Jan. 2, 1863. Their children: Thalia b. Aug. 10, 1885, m. Arthur Lay- cock; Eda Laryotha b. April 14, 1887, m. Louis Ditmore; Eltha May b. Oct. 10, 1889, m. Niels L. Monson; Alma Nicho- las b. Dec. 5, 1891; Nellie b. Jan. 31, 1894; Olive b. Aug. 8, 1896; Reva Caroline b. March 18, 1899; Jessie Catherine b. Oct. 21, 1901; Laid Dewayne b. Nov. 25, 1904; John G. b. May 18, 1907. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Worked for 43 years in canyons building roads, trails, hauling logs, running a sawmill and cutting lumber for houses, beginning when he was 13 years of age, and tak- ing a man's place; built the trail over which the first sacks of ore were brought from American Fork canyon. Also conducted a farm. IZATT, ALEXANDER (son of William Izatt and Grace Adamson of Fife, Scotland; latter came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864, William S. Warren company). Born May 14, 1843, Fife- shire. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864, William S. Warren com- pany. Married Elizabeth Boyle 1865. Salt Lake City (daughter of George Boyle and Mary McDugall). Their children: Mary and Grace, died; William B., m. Rhoda Ann Turner; Elizabeth, m. John S. Andrews; Janett, m. Albert Hugo; Margaret, m. Alfred Osborn Shelton; Jane, m. Robert Briggs; Anne, m. Joseph E. Wilson, Jr.; Alexander G.. m. Rebecca Turner; Georgena, m. Edward J. Clark. Family home Lo- gan, Utah. High priest; temple wokrer. Stone mason. Died Jan. 1913. JACK, JAMES (son of John Jack and Margret Cooper of Scotland). Born 1829, in Scotland. Came to Utah 1853, in- dependent company. Married Jemima Innis Feb. 11, 1853, in Scotland (daughter of James Innis), who was born 1829. Their children: James C. died; Jemima M.. m. M. H. Weight; John M., died; William H., m. Ann Meek; Jane A., m. T. L. Halliday; Jessie E., died; Rolla I., m. Mable Longfellow; Joseph C., m. Louise Young. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member eighth quorum seventies; chief clerk and treas- urer to first presidency. Director Saltair Beach Co. Di- rector Inland Crystal Salt Co.; director Grass Creek Coal Co.; vice president Salt Lake & Los Angeles R. R. Co.; Utah territorial treasurer many years. Died March 2, 1911, Salt Lake City. JACK, WILLIAM H. (son of James Jack and Jemima Innis). Born Jan. 2, 1859, Salt Lake City. Married Ann Meek July 9, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Meek and Louisa Rogers of Salt Lake county; pioneers 1866, independent company). She was born June 12, 1861. Their children: Myrtle; James E.; William I., died; Joseph E.; Jemima E.; Ruth A., died; Rolla I.; Jessie; Anita J.; John M. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member eighth quorum seventies. Superintendent Inland Crystal Salt Co.; president Holliday Drug Co. Married Ann Oades Feb. 22, 1843 (daughter of William Oades and Elizabeth Sowersby), who was born May 7, 1823. Their children: Henry William b. July 24, 1851, m. Mary Adeline Montierth; Elizabeth Sarah b. May 21, 1854, m. Jerome E. Remington; Alma Oades b. March 25, 1856, m. Emma Jane Obray; Hannah Ann b. Dec. 13, 1857, d. Sept. 23, 1861; John Clark b. Aug. 31, 1859, m. Charlotte Housley; Frederick Walter b. Dec. 4, 1863, m. Hannah Evans. Married Mary Gilmore White May 4. 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of William White and Martha Griffith), who was born Dec. 27, 1837, at Fishguard, Pembroke, Wales. Their children: Mary Jane White b. May 3, 1862, d. Aug. 24, 1863; Bessie White b. Feb. 18, 1865, m. Joseph Cowley; Amanda White b. Jan. 25, 1867, d. July 8, 1869; Robert William White b. Jan. 8, 1870, m. Eliza Welch Sept. 17, 1891; Thomas Frank- lin White b. Jan. 11, 1873, m. Hannah Welch. President 36th quorum seventies; first counselor in bish- opric of Paradise ward 1877-84; bishop of Paradise ward 1873-76; president high priests quorum 1894; ordained patri- arch May 8, 1898. Participated in Echo Canyon campaign 1857-58. Built sawmill at Paradise in 1860, and in 1865 built gristmill at same place. Moved to Hyrum in 1869. Died Jan. 9,' 1905, Paradise. JACKSON, HENRY WILLIAM (son of Henry Clark Jackson and Ann Oades). Born July 24, 1851, Kanesville (Council Bluffs), Iowa. Married Mary Adeline Montierth Feb. 6, 1871, Paradise, Utah (daughter of Alvin M. Montierth and Harriet Crapo), who was born Nov. 27, 1853, Salt Lake City. Their children: Henry Somes b. Nov. 4, 1871, m. Mary Jane Flint; Charles William b. Aug. 28, 1873, m. Luella Clegg; Alvin Somes b. Aug. 8, 1875, m. Effle M. Mangum; Laura May b. June 27, 1877, m. Edward D. Jones; Eugene Somes b June 6, 1879, m. Edith Dayley; Ann Somes b. Sept. 17, 1881, m. Orin M. Hess; Frederick Clark b. Aug. 11, 1883, m. Ann Karlson; Harriet Somes b. Sept. 9, 1885, m. Edward Teeples; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 15, 1887, m. Sidney Nlelson; Esther Somes b. Aug. 22, 1890, m. George F. Rudd; Hazel b. Jan. 29, 1894. Family home St. Anthony, Idaho. Settled at Salt Lake City 1852, moved to Paradise with his parents in 1865. Presiding elder at Old Paradise branch of Paradise ward: bishop of Avon 1891-94; counselor to Bishop E. Z. Carline 1896-97: high councilor of Fremont stake; ordained patriarch March 15, 1908. Moved to Parker, Idaho. 1894. JACKMAN, LEVI (son of Moses French Jackman, born June 16, 1767, and Elizabeth Carr, born Sept. 19, 1763, both of Salisbury, Essex county, Mass.). Born July 28, 1797, Corinth, Vt.; pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Angeline Myers (daughter of Henry Myers and Ruth Rodgrers), who died at Kirtland, Ohio. Their chil- dren: Albert Brady, m. Lucinda Stone; William Ruel b. Oct. 6, 1818; Aurilla Peckham b. Sept. 20, 1820, m. Moses Curtis; Parmenia Adams b. Aug. 6, 1822, m. Phebe Lodema Merrill; Ammi Rumsey b. Feb. 6, 1825, m. Aurilla Eldredge; Lev! b. May 2, 1828. Family resided at Kirtland, Ohio, and Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Lucinda Harmon Nov. 18, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of Oliver and Sarah Harmon), who was born March 16, 1822, Conneaut, Pa. Their children: Sarah Lucinda b. March 20, 1851, d. young; Levi Harmon b. Sept. 6, 1853, m. Sarah E. Hatch; Almira Sophronia b. June 30, 1856, m. Joseph Hanks Oct. 29, 1876; Daniel Wells b. April 18, 1860, m. Sarah M. Marble Nov. 1, 1878. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Member of high council. Worked on Kirtland and Nauvoo temples. First counselor to Bishop Roundy of the sixteenth ward and acted as bishop during the bishop's mission to England; patriarch. Died July 23, 1876, Salem, Utah. JACKMAN, LEVI HARMON (son of Levl Jackman and Lucinda Harmon). Born Sept. 6, 1853, Palmyra, Utah. Married Sarah Elizabeth Hatch April 12, 1875, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Lewis Hatch, pioneer Sept. 17, 1850, Jonathan Foote company, and Sarah Ann Jolley of Salem, Utah). 'She was born July 25, 1856, Payson, Utah. Their children: Levi Lewis b. Jan. 12, 1876, m. Annie M. Petersen July 28, 1897; Reuben Oliver b. Nov. 6, 1877, m. Mary Peter- sen July 10, 1897; Clarence Manning b. May 21, 1880, d. young; Francis Albert b. April 11, 1882, m. Nancy Pearl Baldwin Dec. 23, 1903; Sarah Lucinda b. June 15, 1885, d. young; Wallace Arthur b. Oct. 20, 1888, m. Velma A. Fore- man, May 21, 1913; Wilford Hamner b. May 26. 1891, m. Etta Pearl Hanks, Dec. 18, 1912; Ezbon Laton b. March 26, 1895; Necha Estella b. April 9, 1898. Family home Joseph, Utah. Seventy; clerk of quorum of elders; clerk of Salem ward 1870. Settled at Salem, 1864, moved to Joseph February, 1885. Assistant Sunday school superintendent, Joseph ward for 20 years; high priest; ward clerk of Joseph ward Dec. 6, 1909. Acted as member of town board 1904-6; town clerk. JACKSON. HENRY CLARK (son of Robert Jackson, born Jan. 12. 1788. and Hannah Clark, born June 13. 1790, Crowle, Lincolnshire. Eng.). He was born June 3, 1819, Gainsbor- ough, Lincolnshire. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1852, James C. Snow company. JACKSON, AARON (son of Samuel Jackson of England). Born Sept. 30, 1823, Eyrne, Derbyshire. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Elizabeth Horrocks May 28, 1848, Macclesfield. Eng. (daughter of Edward Horrocks and Alice Houghton of England, pioneers 1857). She was born 1823. Their chil- dren: Martha b. Feb. 6, 1849, m. T. R. Thomas; Mary E. b. July 22, 1851, m. George Boulter; Aaron b. Jan. 18, 1854, m. Eliza J. Rawson Family home Ogden, Utah Died while crossing plains Oct. 25, 1856. 956 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH JACKSON, AARON (son of Aarpn Jackson and Elizabeth Horrocks stepson of William Richard Kingsford, pioneers Nov. 28, 1864, Robert L. Campbell company). Born Jan. 18. 1854, Macclesfield, Ens. Married Eliza J. Rawson Jan. 26, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of William C. Rawson and Eliza J. Cheney of Indiana and Ohio, pioneers 1850). She was born Aug. 31, 1857. Their children: Grace Eliza b. Dec. 24, 1878, m. Martin R. Barrows Dec. 6. 1899; Ethel Elizabeth b. March 6. 1880. m. Nathan A. Hawkes Jan. 13, 1904; Mary Vanetta b. Oct. 28, 1882, m. Leland K. Nelson Aug. 31. 1904: Aaron William b. Nov. 29. 1884. d. Aug. 3. 1906: Samuel Francis b. Sept. 22, 1886: Zina Geneva b. Feb. 8, 1889, m. Gerard G. Klomp June 23, 1909: Emma Isabell b. Sept. 12, 1893. d. Sept. 30. 1909: Myrtle Florence b. Oct. 19, 1896: Joseph Rawson b. Oct. 29, 1898. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member 77th quorum seventies; high priest; missionary to Great Britain 1891-1902. Merchant. Worked on state roads and temples. JACKSON. JOHN (son of John Jackson of Oscroft, Cheshire, Eng.). Born March 7, 1819, at Barrow, Cheshire. Came to Utah Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock company. Married Mary Joynson 1837 (daughter of Thomas Joynson and Mary Clay), who was born Aug. 30, 1819. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Henry; John, m. Ann Jones; Thomas, d.: Enos b. Feb. 27. 1845. m. Ellen Ferington Feb. 24, 1863; Hyrum; Joseph; Daniel; Ephraim, m. Christena Jorgensen; Moses, m. Mary Dalimore. Family home Lehl, Utah. Elder. Painter. JACKSON, ENOS (son of John Jackson and Mary Joynson). Born Feb. 27, 1845. Married Ellen Ferington Feb. 24. 1863. Their children: Eugene b. Feb. 8, 1882, m. Lucy Hitesman March 8. 1904; Charles b. June 8. 1884, m. May Wheeler; John b. Sept. 14, 1886. m. Victoria Coledge Jan. 7, 1906; James b. March 24. 1888; Ernest b. Sept. 4, 1891; Alvin b. May 16, 1896. Fam- ily home Lehl, Utah. Painter. JACKSON, THOMAS (son of John Jackson, born Feb. 7, 1802, and Susannah Grundy born Feb. 5, 1795. Blockley, Eng.; married 1822). Born Sept. 13, 1823, at Blockley, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1866, Nicholas Groesbeck company. Married Alice Crompton Aug. 14, 1842 (daughter of Wil- liam Crompton and Alice Hall), who was born Aug. 14. 1820. Came to Utah September, 1856, Nicholas Groesbeck company. Their children: Maria b. June 2, 1845, m. Henry Jackman June 2, 1879; John William b. June 4, 1849, m. Sarah E. Bingham Aug. 7, 1878; Elizabeth b. Jan. 18. 1851, m. John K. Reid; Joseph Brigham b. Oct. 18. 1852. m. Mary Beckstead; David Franklin b. July, 1854, died; Thomas Edward b. Oct. 7. 1856. m. Eliza Shaw; Alice Ann b. May 15, 1858, m. Franklin Jones; Amilesent b. Feb. 23, 1861, m. A. T. Old- royd; James b. 1862, died. Family resided at Nephl, Pay- son and Glenwood, Utah. Married Dinah Burres. Their children: Fanny; Lydia; George; Frederic; Horace; Alice; Bertha; Hermion. Missionary to eastern states 1869-70 and to England 1880- 81. Indian war veteran. Cabinet-maker. JACKSON, JOHN WILLIAM (son of Thomas Jackson and Alice Crompton). Born June 4, 1849, at Manchester, Eng. Married Sarah E. Bingham Aug. 7, 1870. at Payson, Utah (daughter of Jeremiah Bingham and Sarah Keel), who was born April 16, 1860, in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Their chil- dren: John Henry b. June 13, 1873, m. Mariah Vandyke July 24, 1891: Jeremiah b. Aug. 9, 1874, m. Cloe Merrell Jan. 18, 1895: William Thomas b. Sept. 5, 1876, m. Mary J. Allen Jan. 4. 1911; James Perry b. Aug. 10, 1878, died; Sarah Ellener b. Oct. B, 1880; Alpheus b. Sept. 9, 1882, m. Hattle Vandyke March 8. 1905; Joseph Bert b. Aug. 30, 1884: Ernest b. Aug. 16, 1886, m. Ida May Larsen April 18, 1910: Susa b. June 17, 1888: Minnie b. Oct. 3, 1891. Family resided Payson. Glen- wood and Lyman, Utah, and in Arizona. Married Margaret Josephine Nordford Nov. 4. 1883. at St. George, Utah (daughter of Andrew M. Nordford and Cath- rine Olsen: married at Krongeade, Sweden). She was born Oct. 13. 1864. at Kongeade, Sweden. Their children: Alice Cathrlne b. Oct. 21. 1887, m. Junius F. Ogden June 4, 1909; William Andrew b. April 8, 1889, died: Junius Wilford b. Sept. 27, 1891. m. May Baker Jan. 4. 1912; Margaret Emily b. Sept. 21. 1893; Victor Leroy b. July 26. 1896; Orvill Q. b. Augr. 2. 1899: Cora Luella b. Feb. 18, 1902; Thelma Matilda b. Nov. 16. 1904. High priest: missionary to Arizona 1876; missionary to Michigan and Wisconsin 1880-81. Veteran Indian wars 1865-67. JACOB, I.ITCIAN (son of Norton Jacob and Emily Heaton). Born Feb. 28, 1836. Married Janet Anderson Clottworthy, Midway, Utah (daughter of Hugh Clottworthy and Jean Maltland of Scot- land pioneers 1854), who was born Sept. 8, 1846. Their children: Emily Jane b. May 20. 1862, m. Moroni Gerber: Hugh Alexander b. Sept. 4, 1864, m. Isabel West; Lucian Heaton. d. child: Mary Elizabeth, m. John Gibson. Family home Midway, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Died 1875, Midway. Utah. JACOB, NORTON (son of Udney H. Jacob, born April 24, 1781, Sheffield, Mass.. and Elizabeth Hubbard born Aug. 24, 1881. Middletown, Conn.). He was born Aug. 11, 1804, at Sheffield. Berkshire county. Mass. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company, himself captain of ten. Married Emily Heaton Nov. 20, 1830, who came to Utah 1848. Heber C. Kimball company. Their children: Lucian Heaton b. Feb. 22, 1836. m. Janet Clottworthy; Ira Norton b. Oct. 16, 1840, m. Julia A. Gerber and Ellen Clift; Joseph b. May tO. 1846, m. Ellen H. Gerber. Family resided Salt Lake City, Payson and Midway, Utah. Married Elizabeth Harris. Salt Lake City. Their children: Norton Kellog; Frank; Sidney; Lonzo. Presiding- elder Snake Creek branch 1863-64. Mechanic. JACOB. JOSEPH (son of Norton Jacob and Emily Heaton). Born May 20. 1845. Nauvoo. 111. Married Ellen H. Gerber May 8. 1864. Midway. Utah (daughter of John Gerber and Anna Maria Ackeret, pio- neers 1864, Captain Van Buren company). She was born Sept. 26. 1847. Huntsville, Ala. Their children: Mary Jane b. April 24. 1865: Joseph b. Aug. 1, 1867, m. Lucy Baker April, 1898; Emma b. Sept. 14, 1869, m. John M. Parry May 7. 1895; Ann Eliza b. Dec. 1. 1871. m. John A. Phillips March 1899: Milton b. May 20. 1874. m. Mary Carlson Nov. 1904; Isaac b. May 11, 1876, m. Thea Anderson June, 1906; Nellie b. July 10, 1878, m. George A. Anderson Sept. 1906; Tillie b. May 17. 1881; Elmer Acred b. Nov. 25, 1883. m. Maude M. Beeley Aug. 30, 1910; Clarence Cecil b. June 9. 1886, m. Florence Johnson June 13. 1910; Irvin Heaton b. Auer. 24, 188. Family resided Midway, Vermilllon, Daniels, Pleas- ant Grove and Provo, Utah. Captain in Utah militia 1863-66 at Snake Creek. Indian war veteran. JACOBSON, OLE JOHN. Born March 17, 1824, Christlania, Norway. Married Osaa , in Norway. Their children: Matilda. m. Frank Hanson: Rachel, m. William Dennison; Benjamin; Jacob, m. Clara Larson; Calaman, d. aged 14-17. Family home Ephraim. Married Caroline Frederickson (Christensen), Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Carl and Annie Frederickson of Sjelland, Denmark), who was born Dec. 5, 1835, and came to Utah with handcart company. Their children: Daniel John b. March 13, 1874, m. Sophia Schwalbe; David Olius b. Nov. 27, 1876, m. Juliette Stevens, m. Agnes Ellen O'Neil. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Priest. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Farmer and tailor. Caroline Frederickson first married Antone Christensen In midoo.ean. Their children: Neils, m. Annetta Larson; Charles, drowned, aged 21; Sarah, m. H. P. Larsen; Mary, m. Oliver M. Larsen; Antone, m. Stena Peterson; Rosetta, m. Charles Christensen: Frank, m. Augusta Dorius. Fam- ily home Ephraim, Utah. JACOBSON. DAVID OLIUS (son of Ole John Jacobson and Caroline Frederickson). Born Nov. 27, 1876, Ephraim, Utah, Married Juliette Stevens June 15, 1898, Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Henry Stevens and Augusta Dorius of Can- ada and Denmark, respectively), who was born Jan. 1, 1875 Their children: David Wells b. March 12, 1901; Vernon b. April 3, 1903; Marcella May b. May 14, 1905. Family resided Ephraim. Salt Lake City and Vernal. Utah. Married Agnes Ellen O'Neil Aug. 14, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of James O'Neil and Mary Elizabeth Alexander of Midway and Vernal, Utah; former a pioneer 1864, oxteam company). She was born Jan. 24, 1887. Their children: Florence Louise b. Juna 8, 1908; Anthony Olius b. Nov. 6, 1909; Daniel John b. Jan. 2, 1911; Audrey lone b. July 27, 1912. Family home Vernal, Utah. Member 97th quorum seventies; ward teacher; 1st coun- selor in T. M. M. I. A. Farmer and stockraiser. JACOBSON, OLE WILLIAM (son of Ole H. Jacobson and Rebecca D. Dutson). Born Oct. 5, 1880, Oak City, Utah. Married Silvia Alice Anderson Oct. 4, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Anderson and Martha Ann Lovell, former pioneer 1854. latter 1852). She was born Feb. 25, 1881 Oak City. Their children: Milan William b. July 24, 1906; Wtlmer Thurlow b. Sept. 17, 1908. Family home Oak Ci Mi'ssionary to central states Nov. 2, 1908, to April 4, 1911. Chorister, organist, religion class teacher and ward clerk Oak City ward. JACOBS, JOHN (son of Sven jacobsen and Johanna John- sen of Norway). Born Dec. 7. 1825. at Byglandsf jord, Berjnisley, Norway, pioneer 1849, Ezra T. Benson com- Pa Ma'rried Elizabeth Coleman (daughter of Prine Coleman and Sarah Thornton former died in Norway: latter pioneer 1850 David Evans company). She was born 1835. Came to Utah with mother. Their children: John S. b. AUR-. 7, 1856, m. Sarah Jane Savage 1875; George P. b. Feb. 9, II 50, m. Cynthia Duell Sept. IB. 1896: Hyrum b. March 9. 1858, died; Prine b. May 11, 1860, m. Ellen Ashton Aug. 25, II Aaron b. July 9, 1862, died: Sarah Elizabeth b. Jan. 9, 1862, m. Heber Allred Aug. 1886; Swen A. b. Jan. 16, 1865, died; Hanna Myrea b. 1867. m. William Ralph March 27, 1888; Isaac N. b. Nov. 11, 1869, died; Andrew b. Nov. 5. 1872, m. Jane dough Dec. 30, 1903. Family home Lehl. Utah. Married Harriet Austin March 23, 1867, Salt Lake < (daughter of John Austin and Emma Grace, married Marcn PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 957 20. 1847, Studham, Eng., pioneers 1866, Captain Chipman company). She was born Aug. 6, 1847, at Kenwith Hot, Eng. Their children: Joseph Rawllns b. Aug. 20, 1868; Emma Ann b. Dec. 23, 1869; Franklin b. Dec. 3, 1871, m. Sarah E. Wing June 19, 1895; Harriet Elizabeth b. March 13, 1874, m. George H. Wing June 19, 1895; Julia b. Aug. 22, 1877" Lud b. Feb. 29, 1880, m. Florence Gilchrest Feb. 25, 1903; Dell Ray b. Oct. 17, 1883; Delia b. Oct. 17, 1883, m. B. D. Lott Nov. 18, 1903; Josephine b. May 13, 1886; Clara M. b. Sept. 21, 1887; Isre Thomas b. Feb. 7, 1889. Settled Lehi 1851, moved to Cedar City 1853 and back to Lehi in 1858. Indian war veteran. Counselor in deacons quorum 32 years. E. b. July 12, 1889, m. Daniel C. Kesler; Marius J. b. Feb. 8, 1892; Joseph M. b. June 24, 1896; Lillian M. b. Jan. 10, 1900; Wilford M. b. Jan. 29, 1909. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. JACOBSEN, L.ARS (son of Jacob Larsen and Marie Larsen of Jutland, Denmark). Born Oct. 26, 1833, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13. 1857, Chr. Christiansen handcart company. Married Inger Andrea Thompsen Feb. 7, 1858, Salt Lake City Utah (daughter of Thomas Andreasen and Sarah Louisa Johansen of Denmark), who was born 1829. Their children: Lars b. March 1859, m. Sarah May Scott; Sarah b. Sept. 3, 1861, m. Harry Williams; Marie b. March 17, 1863. m. Jasper Davis; Josephine b. April 11, 1867, m. Geo. C. Scott Jr.; Brighamina b. April 11, 1866. m. Mads Johnsen; Caroline b. Jan. 3, 1869, died; Johnanna b. June 24, 1871, died. Family home Lake View, Utah. Married Marie Christensen May 3, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mads Christensen and Annie Christina Hale- sen of Mt. Pleasant, Utah, pioneers 1862, ox team company). She was born Feb. 6, 1855. Their children: Christian b. Feb. 9, 1871, died: Annie Christina Marie b. June 9, 1873, m. William Christian Williamson; Emily b. Dec. 14, 1876, m. Hyrum Clark Scott; Hyrum b. Jan. 30, 1878, died; Wilford b. July 22, 1880, died; Albert b. Jan. 14, 1882. m. Stella Col- lins; Parley Lewis b. Sept. 12, 1884, m. Myrtle Grua; John b. Feb. 14, 1890, died; Dora Elmina b. Oct. 31, 1894. Fam- ily home Lake View, Utah. Member 70th quorum seventies; missionary to Minnesota 1883; high priest; ward teacher. Participated in Echo Canyon trouble. Farmer; stockraiser;i fisherman. Died March 12, 1912. Lake View, Utah. JACOBSEN, LARS (son of Lars Jacobsen and Inger Thomp- son). Born March, 1859, Lake View, Utah. Married Sarah May Scott Sept. 7, 1892, Manti. Utah (daughter George Comb Scott and Cornelia Kennedy of Lake View), who was born May 6, 1873. Their children: Inger May b. May 10, 1S94; Cornelia b. Oct. 24, 1896; Frances Grace b. Aug. 11, 1899; Heneretta b. Nov. 19, 1902; Reva b. March 30. 1907; Lola b. Oct. 23, 1909. Family home Lake View, Utah. High priest; counselor in elders quorum; ward teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. JACOBSEN, I.AT7RITZ (son of Severine Jacobsen and Anna Marie Abrahamsen of Albeck, Denmark). Born Feb. 2, 1844, in Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, C. A. Mad- son company. Married Matilda Nielsen April 4, 1867, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Andrew Nielsen and Anna Mary of Slagalshe, Denmark). She was born May 18, 1850. Their children: Anna Matilda, m. John Watkin; Minna Marie; Lauritz, m. Elizabeth Wright; Rosetta Elinore. m. C. W. Glasier; Joseph William Hyrum, m. Elizabeth Sim; George Albert, m. Anna Lorena Jensen; Oscar Peter; Nephi Mo- roni, m. America Wall; Wilford Alexander Benjamin; Re- becca Berdina Josephine, m. Orson W. Badger; Rhoda Eliza- beth, m. Herbert Foutz; Olive Goldie b. Sept. 9, 1890; Hazel May b. Aug. 5, 1895. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest. Helped bring immigrants to Utah 1863 and 1868. Veteran Black Hawk war. Farmer. JACOBSEN, OLE H. (son of Hans Jacobsen of Kloutofte, Denmark, and Maren Hansdatter). Born Jan. 1, 1853, at Kloutofte. Came to Utah, 1867. Married Rebecca D. Dutsen (daughter of John Wm. Dut- sen and Elizabeth Jane Cowley; former pioneer Sept. 20, 1867 married Aug. 10, 1850, St. Louis, Mo.). She was born Jan. 28, 1856. Their children: Mary Ellen b. May 8, 1879, m. Christian C. Christensen; Ole William b. Oct. 5, 1880, m. Silvia Alice Anderson Oct. 4, 1905; Ida Jane b. Feb. 14, 1882, m. Joshua Finlinson Oct. 3, 1907; Maggie Ann b. Aug. 14, 1883; Eddie Matthias b. Nov. 28. 1884, m. Sarah Delilah Anderson Aug. 19, 1907; Elizabeth b. Oct. 9, 1886, m. Lem Roper Dec. 4. 1907; Nellie b. Feb. 14, 1888; Irvln Elmer b. Aug. 12, 1889; Joseph Alfred b. Oct. 13, 1891; Alma Evan b. Aug. 20, 1893; Ruby Rebecca b. April 5, 1895. Family home Oak City, Millard Co., Utah. JACOBSEN, THOMAS E. (son of Thomas Jacobsen and Anna M. Larson of Ebeltoft, Denmark, who came to Utah 1883). Born May 30, 1863. Married Elizabeth A. Mumford Nov. 18, 1886. at Logan. Utah (daughter of Thomas Mumford and Elizabeth Moore of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 24. 1862. Homer Duncan company). She was born Dec. 7, 1866, at Mill Creek, Utah. Their children: Elman T. b. Jan. 27, 1888, d. Infant; Anna JACQUES, THOMAS (son of Alexander Jacques and Mary Durling of Aylesford, Nova Scotia). Born Aug. 8, 1805, Nova Scotia. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864, Orson Pratt and Horace S. Eldredge company. Married Sarah Farnsworth 1828, Aylesford, Nova Scotia (daughter of Daniel Farnsworth), who was born May 21, 1804. Their children: Mary Jane, died; Jerusha Ann, m. John Patterson; Susan, m. George Mathew Dow Phillips; Daniel, died; George W., m. Louisa Phillips; Caroline, m. Zamira Palmer. Family home Provo, Utah. Shoemaker. Died at Provo, Utah. JAKEMAN, JAMES THOMAS (son of James Jakeman and Ann Field of Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 28, 1863, at Leeds. Came to Utah September 1863, Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Ellen Lee 1888, Beaver, Utah (daughter of John P. Lee and Eliza Foscue of Beaver, pioneers 1858), who was born 1869. Their children: Howard Lee, died; Cora Ellen, m. Percy Block; James Franklin; Gladys Annetta, m. Mr. Saunders; Spencer Wells. Family home Beaver, Utah. Married Hulda Pauline Swanson 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of August Swanson of Sweden), who was born July 5, 1880. Their children: James Glen b. 1901; Theodore G. b. 1905. Family home, Salt Lake City. Counselor in deacons quorum; recorder elders quorum; Sunday school teacher. Publisher. JAMES, \ nit \ II vil (son of Abraham James of Kentucky). Born 1824. Came to Utah 1867, independent company. Married Elizabeth Jane Ragsdale who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Louise M. R. b. May 22, 1847, m. William Powers; William Irvin, m. Emily Hale; Augustus, m. Sarah ; Mary Jane, m. Nathan Huckleby; James Marion; Margarett Elizabeth, m. Mr. Thompson; Martha Ann, died; David, m. Julia . Elder. Died 1882, Flagstaff, Arizona. JAMES, DAVID, JR. (son of David James). Born Nov. 6, 1833, in England. Came to Utah 1852. Married Jane Humphreys 1851, in England, who was born Nov. 29, 1835. Their children: David W., m. Permelia Home; Henry C., m. Clara Home; Mary A., m. Samuel O'Bray; Jen- nette. m. Mark Spencer. Family home Salt Lake City. Seventy; bishop in Cache county. Plumber and gas fit- ter. Died April 27, 1909, at Salt Lake City. JAMES, DAVID W (son of David James, Jr., and Jane Humphreys). Born April 2, 1857, Draper. Utah. Married Permelia Home Jan. 21, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Home and M. Isabella Hales of Salt Lake City, pioneers October, 1847, John Taylor company). She was born Dec. 9, 1856. Their children: Minnie H. b. Oct. 12, 1880, m. L. T. Whitney; David W., Jr., b. May 27, 1883, m. Mabel Wills; Cornelia b. Nov. 29. 1888. m. H. L. Mulliner; Frank b. Sept. 29, 1890; Marie b. June 1, 1894; Louise b. Dec. 19, 1907. Seventy. Plumber and gas fitter. JAMES, JOSEPH (son of Thomas and Ann James of Pem- brokeshire, South Wales). Born in 1798 in Pembrokeshire. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1854, Job Smith company. Married Sarah John, 1834, in Pembrokeshire (daughter of James John and Alice Sayse of Pembrokeshire, married in 1789 pioneers Sept. 24, 1854, Job Smith company). She was born Aug. 10, 1801. Their children: Thomas John, m. Emma Jones; Joseph, died. Family home 10th ward. Salt Lake City. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Dec. 19, 1877. JAMES, THOMAS JOHN (son of Joseph James and Sarah John). Born Oct. 31, 1835, in Pembrokeshire. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1864. Job Smith company. Married Emma Jones Feb. 28. 1858, Salt Lake endowment house, Brigham. Young officiating (daughter of Edward Jones of Manchester, Eng., pioneer 1852). She was born Aug. 29. 1841. Only child: Thomas Edward b. Dec. 7, 1858. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Newton Nov. 18. 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Newton and Elizabeth Blackburn of Manchester, Eng.), who was born Dec. 12, 1844. Their chil- dren: Thomas Alma b. Aug. 12. 1865, m. Maggie Pyme; James Ammon b. Dec. 6, 1867, m. Olive Judd; Joseph Irwin b. Jan. 28, 1870. m. Martha Swaner; Elizabeth Amelia b. April 19, 1872, m. Amos Cardwell; Lilly Maria b. July 11, 1876. m. Edward Harris; Sarah Alice b. Dec. 22, 1877. m. Brigham Vincent; Hyrum Ernest b. Aug. 31. 1880, Ada b. July 28. 1882, and Adam Samuel b. Dec. 28, 1883, all died. Family home. Salt Lake. Married Mary E. Taylor Aug-. 31. 1887. Logan, Utah (daughter of Edward Taylor and Sarah Turner; first couple married in 10th ward, Salt Lake City pioneers 1862). She was born In 1864. Only child: Eva May b. Sept. 6, 1894. 9,58 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Elder and high priest, 10th ward, Salt Lake City. Worked on Salt Lake temple 16 months and public works for the church about three years; head carpenter and wagon maker for Brigham Young. JAMES, JOSEPH. Born Feb. 26, 1830, at Halse, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, David Jones company. Married Sarah Holyoak Oct. 3, 1854 (daughter of George Holyoak and Sarah Green; former pioneer Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson company, latter died on plains en route). She was born Aug. 4, 1835, and came to Utah with father. Their children: Joseph H. b. Oct. 22, 1855. m. Elizabeth Bloomfleld; William F. b. April 30, 1857, m. Julia E. Whitehead; George R. b. May 4, 1859; Edward B. b. Dec. 11, 1860; Charles W. b. Sept. 9, 1862, m. Eveline Backer March 18, 1887; Sarah H. b. Sept. 20, 1864, m. Francis Rushton Dec. 6, 1883; Mary E. b. June 17, 1866, m. Eleazer Jones Oct. 7, 1887; Abinidi b. March 28, 1869, m. Edith Bowers April 29, 1891; Frederick b. Feb. 22, 1873; Heber b. Dec. 24, 1874; Hyrum R. b. Feb. 23, 1878; Harriot b. Jan. 14, 1881. JAMES, WILLIAM F. (son of Joseph James and Sarah Holyoak). Born April 30, 1857, at Ogden, Utah. Married Julia E. Whitehead Sept. 5, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of George Whitehead and Julia Morris), who was born Feb. 19, 1860, Somersetshire, Eng. Their children: William H. b. June 14, 1878; Julia R. b. Oct. 6, 1879; George M. b. March 4, 1882; Clara b. Nov. 8, 1888; Lillian b. June 30, 1890; Evallne b. Feb, 14, 1892; Florence b. Nov. 8, 1894; Pearl b. Nov. 8, 1896; Myrtle b. Nov. 8, 1898; Alfred b. Jan. 22, 1902; Laura b. Oct. 22, 1903. Family home, Ogden. President and manager of James Coal & Ice company and the Pioneer Plate Ice plant. JAMES, REES D. (son of Howell James, born April 3, 1816, at Brecknockshire, and Mary Jones, born April 13, 1817, at Carmarthenshire, South Wales). Born Dec. 31, 1842, at Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1866, Captain White company. Married Jane Hopla Feb. 3, 1873 (daughter of John Hopla and Cathrine Edwards, pioneers Captain Stephenson com- pany; married in 1845 at Pembrokeshire). She was born Nov. 12. 1848. Their children: Harriet E. b. Dec. 14, 1873, m. Robert Starling: Mary Ellen b. Nov. 20, 1875, m. Niels Peter Larsen; David H. b. Jan. 22, 1877, m. Mary Ann Sorenson; Howell b. July 19, 1883; Rees William b. Oct. 3, 1886; Jane b. Dec. 6, 1888, m. William Roundy. Choir and band leader. Constable. President East Bench Water, Creamery and Canning company; director Spanish Fork Co-op. JAMES, SYLVESTER (son of Sherman James and Jane E. Manning of Salt Lake City, pioneers in September, 1847, Captain Eldredge company). Born March 1, 1835. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Perkins Jan. 31, 1865, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Franklin and Esther Perkins, pioneers 1848, A. Perkins company). She was born April 6, 1840, in Grundy county. Mo. Their children: William H. b. Oct. 28, 1866; Esther J. b. Feb. 14, 1869, m. Henry Leggroan; Nellie b. April 28, 1870, d. aged 16; Sylvester b. Feb. 12, 1874. and Albert S. b. Jan. 31, 1876. d. infants; Nettie b. July 29, 1877, m. Louis Leg- groan; Mantssa b. May 8, 1881, and Mary b. June 14, 1885, d. Infants. Family home, Salt Lake City. Farmer. JAMES, WILLIAM (son of Lee James of Eckington, Worces- tershire, Eng.). Born in 1809 in Worcestershire. Frozen to death in 1856 at last crossing of Sweetwater river, Wyo., on way to Utah. Married Jane Haines 1836, Plnvin, Eng., who was born Jan. 1, 1815, Bristol Hampton, Worcestershire, and came to Utah Nov. 10, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company. Their children: Sarah b. Aug. 13, 1837, m. Aaron Johnson; Emma b. June 3, 1840, m. Lorenzo Johnson; Reuben b. June 15, 1842, m. Sarah B. Allen; Mary Ann b. Dec. 16, 1844, m. Jabez Dangerfield; Martha b. June 8, 1846. m. Benjamin Richmond; George b. June 16, 1849, m. Matilda Saunsasee, m. Mary Elizabeth Wordsworth; John b. July 12, 1852, m. Elizabeth Warner, m. Jenett McKinley; Janes b. Aug. 16, 1855. d. on ocean; William Maud b. May, 1862 (latter a son of Mathew Maud and Jane Haines by a later marriage). Family home Provo, Utah. JAMES, REUBEN (son of William James and Jane Haines). Born June 15, 1842, Plnvin, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856 with mother. Married Sarah B. Allen Feb. 20, 1878. St. George. Utah (daughter of William Allen, who died on plains). She was born Feb. 24, 1835, and came to Utah in 1852. High priest; pioneer to St. George. Badly frozen on the plains. Farmer. JAMES, GEORGE (son of William James and Jane Haines). Born June 16. 1849, Plnvin, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 10, 1856, with mother. Married Matilda Sausasee in April, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Louis Saunsasee and Rebecca Fawcett of Provo, Utah; pioneers 1850). She was born in 1852. Their children: Estella b. March 26, , m. Warren Fenn; Albert, m. Elizabeth Snyder; Louis, m. Annie Davis; Susie and Emma, died. Married Mary Elizabeth Wordsworth Sept. 23, 1883, Spring- ville, Utah (daughter of William Wordsworth and Nancy Ann Vance of Lehi, Utah; pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Feb. 9, 1854. Their chil- dren: Glenn Lee b. Jan. 2, 1887; Annie Elizabeth b. Sept 20 1889, m. Earl Clark; Willis b. Feb. 14, 1892, m. Lorena Carlson; Leo b. Aug. 8, 1894; Clarence b. Nov. 26, 1897; Minnie b. Feb. 7, 1899. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. Elder. Pioneer of Pleasant View in 1872. Teamster- farmer and horticulturist. JAMESON, CHARLES. Born in Scotland; came to Utah 1847, contingent Mormon Battalion company. Married Mary Shadrick, who died while crossing plains Their children: Julia Ann, m. Jehu Blackburn; Mary Ann, m. James Hirers; Alexander; Lucinda, m. Hyrum Woolsey; Susann, m. Jehu Blackburn; Margarett, David and Agesee, died; Hyrum, m. Rhoda Foy; Charlotte, m. Mr. Hubbs. Wounded at Hauns Mill massacre in Missouri and died at Minersvllle, Utah. JANES, JACOB (son of Joseph Janes and Elizabeth Cavil of Abertillery, Monmouthshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 18 1844 Carston, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1866, William Henry Chipman company. Married Mary Ann Harrison Jan. 11, 1869, Salt Lake En- dowment House (daughter of Ralph Harrison and Mary Jane Edmonds pioneers 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins company) who was born July 2, 1847. Came to Utah with her parents Their children: Allice Elizabeth, m. Frank W. Owen; Mary Eliza, m. Alma L. Sargent; Jacob Ralph, m. Margaret Lav- rina Jacobsen; Emily Louisa, m. William O. Dearley; Edith Frances, m. Zachariah W. Israelsen; Susan Annie; Ruth Ellen; Caroline Sarah, m. George F. Ellsworth; Joseph Cavil, d. child; Clara Ann, m. Sargent A. Rice; Royal Benjamin; Viola, d. child. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Member 27th quorum seventies; president branch of Coal- ville ward. Grass Creek, Summit stake. Worked on Salt Lake tabernacle 1866. Engineer of mines at Grass Creek. Worked on telegraph line from The Muddy to Green River, 1866, and on railroad in Echo Canyon. JANNEY, THOMAS A. (son of James Janney and Maggie Gillespie of Virginia). Born July 26, 1816, In Virginia. Came to Utah in 1857. Married Mary Anna Whittaker Aug. 14, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Whittaker and Sarah Hemison of Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born July 2, 1840. Their children: E. M., m. Maggie Player; William H., m. Lou K. Gibson; Frank G., m. Flower B. Player; George W. Family home, Salt Lake City. Bookkeeper and accountant. Died Dec. 15, 1881. JANNET, E. M. (son of Thomas A. Janney and Mary Anna Whittaker). Born June 21, 1860, Salt Lake City. Married Maggie Player June 21, 1887, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Player and Nancy Hamer of Salt Lake City). She was born In November, 1861. Their children: Maggie b. June 11, 1888, m. William M. McDonald; E. b Aug 2, 1893; Vivian b. July 23, 1897. Family home, Salt Lake City. City marshal; turnkey at state pentitentiary; detective police force Salt Lake City. JANSEN, JOHV A. (son of Johnsen Jansen of Norway). Born Sept. 19, 1792, in Norway. Came to Utah In September, 1863, with the Dorius company. Married Andrea Petersen in Norway (daughter of Amon Petersen and Andrea Munsen, of Norway), who was born March 3, 1829. Their children: Matilda, m. John G. Jorgen- sen; Josephine, m. N. L. Christensen; Joseph Y., m. Margaret Andersen; Maria, died; Amanda, m. Andrew C. Nelsen; Julia, died; Amelia, m. Fred Christensen; Hannah, m. Hiram Brim- hall; Anna, died. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Member seventies; missionary to Norway. Sea captain; farmer. Died June 6. 1872. JARDINE, JAMES (son of Richard Jardine and Sarah Wil- son of East Klllbride, Lanark, Scotland). Born May 6, 1819, East Killbride. Came to Utah Sept 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company. Married Isabella White July 17, 1840, East Killbride. Scotland (daughter of John White and Isabella Scott of East Killbride), who was born June 14, 1822. Their chil- dren: Isabel b. July 1, 1841, m. William Simpson; Sarah b. June 1, 1843, d. July 29. 1851; Janie b. March 9, 1845, d. July 19, 1846; Elizabeth b. Jan. 25, 1847, m. Charles Shum- way; Richard F. b. Dec. 30, 1848, m. Luna Elsworth; Janie b. July 21, 1851. d. Nov. 29, 1853; James b. Sept. 10, 1854. d. Aug. 18, 1855; Mary b. June 22. 1856, m. Jacob Gibson; Isadora b. April 21, 1858, m. Hyrum Thompson; Margaret b. March 21, 1860, m. Thomas Moore; John b. March 19, 1863, d. Sept. 5. 1864; William H. b. Feb. 11, 1865, m. Geor- gina L. Morrison. Family home Taylor ward, Utah. Farmer. Died Aug. 7, 1891, West Weber, Utah. JARDINE, WILLIAM H. (son of James Jardine and Isabella White). Born Feb. 11, 1865, Wellsville, Utah. Married Georgina L. Morrisen Feb. 11, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Jens Morrisen and Dorothy Larsen of Den- mark), who was born Aug. 26, 1864. Their children: Minnie I. b. Aug. 23, 1886; James E. b. Dec. 16, 1888, in. Ida R. Bar- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 959 ton; Dorothy E. b. March 14, 1891; Margaret A. b. Sept. 21, 1894; Mary H. b. Dec. 20, 1896; Florence b. July 21, 1900; William H. b. Aug. 11, 1906. Family home West Weber. Utah. Member 64th quorum seventies; missionary to Central states 1897-99; high priest; bishop's counselor; bishop Tay- lor ward. Farmer. JARDIJfE, JOHN (son of Richard Jardlne of Minnagaff, Scotland, born 1792, and Sarah Wilson of Townhill, Scot- land, born Aug. 2, 1786). Born Oct. 31, 1830, at Middlequar- ter, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1859, Edward Steven- son company. Married Agnes Beveridge Aug. 15, 1851, Parkhead, Scot- land (daughter of John Beveridge and Mary Burns of Park- head), who was born May 29, 1829. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sarah b. Dec. 7, 1854, m. Charles Shumway Sept. 1874; John B. b. Nov. 24, 1856, m. Marinda Homer Jan. 1, 1880; Richard H. b. Sept. 10, 1858, m. Emily Homer Sept. 17, 1879; James B. b. Dec. 6, 1860, m. Annie S. Heggie Sept. 17, 1884; Agnes B. b. March 23, 1863, m. Charles Shumway Sept. 17, 1879; Mary B. b. April 1, 1865, m. Aim* Jenson; William B. b. Dec. 17, 1867, m. Mary E. Fife. Fam- ily home Wellsville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Griffiths July 1884, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John and Theo Griffiths), who was born July 23, 1866, Clarkston, Utah. Acting bishop of Wellsville ward 1875-76; bishop of Clarkston ward 1876-1902; patriarch. Farmer. Died Aug. 8, 1903, Clarkston, Utah. JARDINE, JOHN B. (son of John Jardine and Agnes Bev- eridge). Born Nov. 24, 1856, at St. Johns, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1859, Edward Stevenson company. Married Marinda Homer Jan. 1, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Russell K. Homer and Elija Thornton, Salt Lake City, pioneers 1858, Russell K. Homer company). She was born Jan. 18, 1861. Their children: John P. b. Jan. 9, 1881, m. Ellen Clark; Russell K. b. April 16, 1886, m. Effle Clark; Lilly b. Nov. 19, 1889; Irene b. Sept. 24, 1892; Leo b. June 8. 1895; William H. b. March 30, 1898; James E. b. Feb. 9, 1900. Family home Clarkston, Utah. School trustee. Farmer. JARDINE, JAMES B. (son of John Jardine and Agnes Beveridge). Born Dec. 6, 1860, at Wellsville, Utah. Married Annie S. Heggie Sept. 17, 1884 (daughter of An- drew W. Heggie and Annie T. Stewart; former came to Utah 1860, handcart company). She was born Nov. 20, 1865. Their children: James b. June 2, 1885, m. Margaret Buttars April 17, 1907; Annie b. Feb. 17, 1888. m. Herman Thompson Dec. 11, 1907; Andrew b. Dec. 18, 1889; Agnes b. March 6, 1892; Lottie b. Dec. B, 1894; Electa H. b. Sept. 25, 1896; Peru H. b. Oct. 26, 1898; John S. b. March 20, 1901; La Reu b. Oct. 5, 1903. Family home Clarkston, Utah. President deacons quorum 1877; home missionary 1877- 81; president of T. M. M. I. A. 1881-85; bishop of Trenton ward 1885-88. Moved to Clarkston 1889; missionary to Great Britain 1889-91; 1st assistant Sunday school super- intendent; secretary of Sunday school; first counselor to Samuel Roskelly high priests quorum Penson stake five years; now president high priests quorum of Clarkston ward; superintendent Sunday school at Clarkston ward two years. Member Clarkston town board six years; justice of peace four years; school trustee six years. JASPERSEN, JENS. Born March 14, 1809, Jylew, Denmark. Died 1854, on Missouri river while en route to Utah. Married Maria Hansen. who was born Sept. 12, 1809. Gaverslund, Denmark. Their children: Catherine; Hans; Yearn. Family first resided Fort Ephraim, San Pete county: moved to Provo, later to Goshen, Utah. JASPERSEN, HANS (son of Jens Jaspersen and Maria Han- sen). Born Aug. 5, 1843, Uhlan, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. B, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Marinda Christena Ipsen Nov. 6, 1864, Goshen, Utah (daughter of Andrew and Christena Maria Ipsen; former died on ocean 1853; latter came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, John Forsgren company). Their children: Julia Maria b. Dec. 5, 1865, m. Peter Okelberry Jan. 28, 1886; Marinda Christena b. Feb. 22, 1868, m. Peter Peterson Dec. 20, 1892; Mary Ellen b. Aug. 20. 1870 (d. Sept. 15, 1905), m. William Finch Oct. 10, 1888; Lydia Catherine b. Feb. 6, 1873, m. Alva Moore Feb. 3, 1897; Annie Matilda b. June 11, 1875, m. Walter Manlove May 18, 1898; Minnie Margaret b. Jan. 28, 1878, m. Albert Manlove; Alma Hans b. April 16, 1881, m. Rhoda Manlove May 11, 1904; James Andrew b. Jan. 1, 1884, d. March 18, 1884; Stephen Johnson b. June 28, 1885, m. Emma Stark Nov. 2, 1910; Joseph Brigham b. March 24, 1889, d. Infant. Family home Goshen, Utah. Married Laura A'ice Dean April 8, 1889 (daughter of James and Esthr Dean of Virginia), widow of Jefferson Horton whom she had married in Virginia Dec. 26, 1878. To this union were born: Gastan S. b. Oct. 1, 1879, d. Nov. 18, 1884; James A. b. April 18, 1881, d. Nov. 13, 1884; Oscar F. b. Oct. 8, 1882, m. Annie Thomas; Belva Ann b. Oct. 14, 1884, m. Edd Rudd. She was born March 29, 1857, In Vir- ginia. Their children: Esther Jasperson b. Jan. 16, 1890, d. March 8, 1910; Calvin Joseph b. Nov. 1, 1893; Dean b. Sept. 18, 1896. Family resided at Virginia and Goshen, Utah. High priest; seventy; assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1864; assisted in the "move" South 1858. Pioneer to Ephraim, Utah. JEFFS, RICHARD. Born in England. Came to Utah 1862. Captain Murdock company. His child: William Walker, m. Emma Summers. JEFFS, WILLIAM WALKER (son of Richard Jeffs). Born in England. Came to Utah October, 1862, Captain Murdock company. Married Emma Summers 1853, in England (daughter of Richard and Ann Summers of England, pioneers), who was born 1832. Their children: Arthur James b. May 17, 1855, m. Lucinda Seely; Ephraim Rastus, m. Miss Zabriskie; Elizabeth, m. Louis Buntz; Lorenzo, m. Harriet Fauscott. Family home Manti, Utah. Married David V. Bennett 1864. Manti, Utah. Their chil- dren: Annie Jane, m. Fred Nicholas; Emma Rosetta, m. Riley Pace. Family home Manti, Utah. Seventy; president Staffordshire branch in England. Died September, 1862, Laramie, Wyo. JEFFS, ARTHUR JAMES (son of William Walker Jeffs and Emma Summers). Born May 17, 1855, in England. Married Lucinda Seely Dec. 12, 1876, Mt. Pleasant, Utah (daughter of William Stewart Seely and Elizabeth DeHart of Mt. Pleasant, pioneers Sept. 29, 1847, John Taylor com- pany). She was born Nov. 1, 1859. Their children: William Arthur b. March 12, 1878, m. Sarah A. Stott; Moroni Ray- mond b. March 6, 1881, m. Merlie Bouldin; Emma Elizabeth b. Oct. 24, 1883, m. Alford D. Dixon; Alice Seely b. Aug. 12. 1886; George Nephl b. April 5, 1889; Jimmie Clifford b. Jan. 26, 1891; Elmer b. Aug. 26, 1895; Ada Fay b. April 19, 1897; Jella Lucinda b. Dec. 1, 1899; Dustin Valjane b. April 21, 1902. Family home Castle Dale, Utah. Elder. Fruitgrower and stockraiser. JEFFERIES, WILLIAM (son of William Jeffertes, born Oct. 20, 1808, and Lita Flower, born Feb. 19, 1804, of Somerset- shire, Eng. married 1827). He was born March 8, 1831, at Goodeaves, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1861, with Ansel P. Harmon company. Married Mary Frances Ould April 3, 1861 (daughter of William Ould and Mary Fox, who was born May 29, 1840; Mary Fox was a pioneer Sept. 23, 1861, with Joseph W. Young company married 1830, at Lelant, Cornwall, Eng.). Their children: William Ould b. Feb. 12, 1862, m. Emma Jane Clark Feb. 19, 1885; Mary Frances b. Oct. 31, 1863, m. Joseph R. Olsen, June 19, 1889; James Frederic b. Nov. 1, 1865; Richard b. Nov. 29, 1867, m. Jane E. Rydalch, Nov. 26, 1890; Franklin b. Oct. 3. 1869; Lita b. Sept. 11. 1871; Matilda b. April 28, 1873. m. Mahonri M. Stookey Sept. 24, 1896; Frederic b. March 25, 1875; Albert b. Sept. 6, 1876, m. Maud M. Boshard Sept. 11, 1901; Henry b. March 11, 1879, m. Edith E. Cooley Sept. 10, 1902; Murray b. June 23, 1881, m. Martha M. Hunter Jan. 21, 1903; Sarah b. Nov. 10, 1884. Family home Grantsville, Utah. Married Mary Fox March 17, 1865, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Fox). She was born March 14, 1809, at Lelant, Cornwall, Eng. Settled at Grantsville, Tooele county. Tithing clerk 1861- 78; president elders' quorum 1864; member of bishopric 1869-73; chosen second counselor to Pres. Francis M. Lyman Tooele stake 1877; superintendent Sunday schools of Tooele stake 1882-88; member presidency high priests of Tooele stake 1882-88. First postmaster 1866-78; city councilman; mayor two terms, 1879 and 1881. Assisted In establishing Grantsville Co-op, store March 1869. of which he was sec- retary and treasurer, and in 1882 became manager. JEXKINS, EVAN. Born June 22, 1817, Cowbridge, Glamor- ganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah 1861, Homer Duncan company. Married Ann Davis, who was born Feb. 8, 1823. Came to Utah 1861, Homer Duncan independent company. Their chil- dren: John, m. Mary Oviatt; Ann, m. John Steed; Moroni, m. Martha Benson; William,, m. Margaret Jane Glover; Sarah Ellen, died; Juliette, m. Lemuel Rice; Henry, m. Catharine Rice; Mary, m. Will Smith; Margaret, m. Allie Lamb, David, m. Mary Porter. Family home Farmington, Utah. JENKINS, JOHN (son of Evan Jenkins and Ann Davis). Born May 8, 1845, at Cowbridge, Glamorganshire, Wales. Married Mary Oviatt Dec. 28, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Ira Oviatt and Ruth Bennett, pioneers 1851, Independent company). She was born Feb. 1, 1850, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Their children: John F. b. Sept. 13, 1868. m. Mary Haskell March 17, 1890; William E. b. Sept. 14, 1870, m. Lena Weber October, 1901; Alice b. Sept. 28, 1872; m. Chris. Christensen March 7, 1894; Eva b. Oct. 9, 1874, d. Oct. 6, 1887; Lewis I. b. Jan. 4, 1877, m. Mary Ann Griffin Dec. 16, 1898; Ruth b. Sept. 27, 1878: Edmund D. b. Sept. 2, 1880, m. Elvena Hansen March 27. 1902, Rosabel b. June 11, 1884, m. Leroy Sparks March 27, 1902; Rhoda b. Dec. 18, 1886, d. May 11, 1889; Philip b. Dec. 15, 1889, m. Ida Haderlie, Sept. 1912. Married Ann Clarke at Salt Lake City (daughter of Amos Clarke and Ann Johnston). She was born March 18, 1856. Their children: John Henry b. Oct. 3, 1874, d. Jan. 30, 1875; David Robert b. Jan. 18, 1876, and Sarah Ann (twins), b. Jan. 18, 1876, d. infants; Mary Elizabeth b. July 30, 1877, d. Infant; Sophora b. Nov. 25, 1879, m. Eli Hansen Dec. 19, 1902; Junlus F. b. Sept. 28, 1881, m. Mary Ann Peterson March 24 1909; Ida b. July 21, 1884, m. Arthur Crookston June 6, 1906- Stella b. Jan. 16, 1887, m. Carl Jorgensen Feb. 20, 1907; George Edgar, d. infant: and Edna Almira b. Nov. 5. 1890, d Infant; Lorin Amos b. Jan. 7, 1892; Archie A. b. May 1, 1894- Veneta b. Sept. 23, 1896; Donald Thomas b. June 19, 1899; Spencer Samuel b. Feb. 7, 1902. 960 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Maria Jensen Oct. 12, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans and Maren Jensen), who was born Aug. 9, 1863, while parents were crossing the plains. Their chil- dren: James Oliver b. Aug. 10, 1884, m. Maria Stevens July 20, 1904; Marian Lorena b. Nov. 16, 1886, d. child; Peter Moroni b. March 19, 1889; John Raymond b. May 15, 1891; Ann Olivia b. Oct. 2, 1893; Wilford Lorenza b. Nov. 12, 1895; David Seymore b. May 13, 1898; Media Lucile b. May 28, 1900; Lavon b. Sept. 17, 1903; Burton b. Feb. 8, 1909. Family home Newton, Utah. Missionary to Wales 1882-83; high priest; counselor to Bishop William H. Griffin. Took part in early Indian troubles. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah; drove oxteam across the plains seven times. One of first settlers in Cache Valley 1869. JKYKINS, EVAN (son of David Jenkins, born 1814, Llandwr, South Wales, and Anna Evans, born June 9, 1820, Merthyr Tydfll, South Wales, married 1841). He was born May 18, 1849, Cwm Batch, Galmorganshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1858, Captain Loveland company. Married Ann Williams (daughter of David Williams and Sarah Ludwig of Llanelly, Caermarthenshire, South Wales; latter came to Utah 1869, Elias Morris company). She was born Feb. 8, 1854, and came to Utah with mother. Their children: Evan b. June 14, 1878, m. Alice Hawkins; Sarah b. March 27, 1880, m. William J. Powell; Anna b. Feb. 26, 1882, m. David Crowther; David b. May 11, 1884; Mary Ann b. July 23, 1886, m. Henry J. Thomas; Rachael b. April 24, 1889; Vida b. March 2, 1891; Esther b. Jan. 7, 1893; Samuel b. Oct. 3, 1894. Family home Samaria, Oneida Co., Idaho. Married Sarah Jenkins March 18, 1903, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Jenkins and Ann Deer), who was born Jan. 28, 1860, Swansey, Glamorganshire, South Wales. Peace officer four years. First counselor to Bishop Daniel E. Price of Samaria ward. JENKINS, JAMES (son of Thomas Jenkins and Mary Thomas of South Wales). Born October, 1817, South Wales. Came to Utah October 1854, Dorr P. Curtis company. Married Elizabeth Davis 1843, Llanelly, Wales (daughter of John Davis of Wales), who was born 1807. Their chil- dren: Jane, m. Andrew W. Cooley; John, m. Rosella Morris; William, m. Fannie Hirst. Family home West Jordan, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Elder; block teacher. Farmer ynd stockraiser. Died March 6. 1904. JENKINS, JOHN (son of James Jenkins and Elizabeth Davis). Born May 27, 1846, Llanelly, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1854, Captain Richards company. Married Rozella Morris Nov. 25, 1870, Salt Lake City, by Bishop Hoagland (daughter of George Morris and Hannah Newberry of Ohio, pioneers 1848). She was born March 29, 1848. Their children: John M. b. April 21, 1873, m. Florence Brown; Zina E. b. March 2, 1875, m. Valton M. Pratt; George E. b. April 11, 1877, m. Elma Stogell, m. Rozella Brown; Ada R. b. Sept. 20, 1878, m. Frank L. Clark; Arthur V. b. July 23, 1880. m. Grace Moss; Mary M. b. March 16, 1885, m. Everett Watrous; Viola P. b. Dec. 18, 1892. Family home Pleasant Green, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser. JENKINS, WILLIAM (son of James Jenkins and Elizabeth Davis). Born Oct. 7, 1848, South Wales. Came to Utah October 1854, Dorr P. Curtis company. Married Fanny Hirst Dec. 20, 1869, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Hirst and Charlotte Brook of Yorkshire, Eng., pioneers Aug. 26, 1868, Hans Jensen Hals company). She was born May 10, 1852. Their children: John W. b. Dec. 13, 1870, m. Harriet Davis; Hannah E. b. Jan. 1, 1873, d. aged 6; Sarah J. b. April 1, 1875, m. Leroy Morris; Fanny G. b. Aug. 26, 1877, d. infant; James H. b. June 30, 1880, m. Helma Ek; Annetta Eve b. Dec. 5, 1882. m. A. W. Exstrand; Mary C. b. July 9, 1885, m. W. H. Smith; Henry A. b. Aug. 23, 1887, m. Pearl Smith; Amos B b. Nov. 16, 1889, m. Edith Wagner; Thaddeus b. Dec. 25, 1892, d. infant; Annis b. July 18, 1894. Family resided in Salt Lake Co., Utah. Member 8th quorum seventies; high priest: missionary to Indiana 1896-97; block teacher; president T. M. M. I. A. Farmer and stockraiser. TENKINS, JAMES HARDY (son of John Jenkins and Ellen Hardy of Stirlingshire, Scotland). Born July, 1822. Came to Utah October 1863. Married Jeanett Laird 1842 (daughter of Charles Laird). She was born 1822. Their children: John Laird b. Jan. 17, 1844, m. Emma Louisa Taylor, m. Annie Maria Sorenson; Charles b. Oct., 1845, m. Mary Conover; Jane, m. William Stewart; Ellen, m. John Finch; Henry, m. Emma Stanneld; Elizabeth, m. Heber Stanfield; Jeanette, Agnes, James, Mar- geret, James, Isabel, latter six d. young. Married Miriam Saunders 1880, Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: William b. January, 1882, m. Lucile Cook; Francis M.; Robert Lusle. Family home Goshen. Utah. High priest. Died February, 1891, Salt Lake City; buried at Goshen. JENKINS, JOHN LAIRD (son of James Hardy Jenkins and Jeanett Laird). Born Jan. 17, 1844, In Scotland. Came to Utah October, 1863. Married Emma Louisa Taylor (daughter of George Taylor and Louisa Gwyther, Candle Green, Gloucestershire, Eng.). She was born Aug. 13, 1854, Parish Besley, Eng., and came to Utah Oct. 3, 1862, Capt. Duncan company. Their chil- dren: Emma Louisa b. June 23, 1872, died; Jeanett Laird b. Sept. 6, 1874, m. Charles H. Wentz; James Hardy b. Nov. 20, 1876, m. Mary Elizabeth Bucklar; Son b. July 28, 1878, died; Alice Taylor b. Aug. 28, 1879, m. Lars L. Olsen; Lucy Jane b. Dec. 2, 1881, m. Peter N. Anderson; Louisa Gwyther b. July 2, 1883, died; John Laird b. March, 1885, died; George Taylor b. July 10, 1888; Joseph b. March 13, 1892; Hyrum b. March 13, 1892; Junis Paxman b. June 13, 1894; Hattie Eva b. April 10, 1896; May Afton b. May 30, 1899. Married Annie Maria Sorenson November, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jeppa Sorenson and Catherine Ceila John- son, Koosharem, Utah). She was born / pril 26, 1859. Their children: Annie Maria b. July 9, 1880, died; Catherine Ceila b. July 16, 1882, m. Albert Earl Davis; Henry J. b. April 24, 1886, died; David William b. May, 18S7, died; Isabell b. June 28, 1888; Wilford W. b. April 28, 1892; Gilbert b. July 14. 1895; Jennie Marretta b. May 6, 1900. Family home Goshen, Utah. Member of presidency of 15th quorum of seventies; mis- sionary to Scotland 1889-1890; counselor to Bishop Peter Okelberry, Goshen ward; superintendent of Sunday school; counselor to president Y. M. M. I. A. School trustee. As- sisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1866. Worked on St. George temple. Carpenter; miner; farmer. Died May 22, 1905. JENKINS, JAMES HARDY (son of John Laird Jenkins and Emma Louisa Taylor). Born Nov. 20, 1876, Goshen, Utah. Married Mary Elizabeth Bucklar June 24, 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Bucklar of Burton Overy, and Jane Fant of Swineshead, Lincolnshire, Eng.). She was born Nov. 9, 1876. Their children: Ruth Mary b. Feb. 18, 1910; John Laird b. Dec. 6. 1911; Pearl Fant b. June 8. 1912. Missionary to Missouri 1902-04; bishop Grand View ward; secretary elders quorum, Goshen, Utah. Fruit raising; mining. JENKINS, X.EWIS (son of Thomas Jenkins and Margaret Griffeth, Glamorganshire, South Wales). Born March 28, 1834, in Glamorganshire. Came to Utah 1859. Married Eliza Ann Harrison May 22, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Harrison and Hanna Dore of Belper, Derbyshire, Eng., came to Utah 1879). She waa born Nov. 24, 1840. Their children: Lewis R. b. April 2, 1871, m. Laura Cynthia Moench Dec. 22, 1899; Rosa, m. Louis Beason Bingham; Eliza Ann; William, d. young; Thomas, m. Florence Turner; Clara Jane; Margaret; George Albert, m. Lillian Malquist. Family home Plain City. Utah. Member 64th quorum seventies; president Y. M. M. I. A.; first assistant Sunday school superintendent. Justice of peace. Farmer. Died July 30, 1903. JENKINS, LEWIS ROBERT (son of Lewis Jenkins and Eliza Ann Harrison). Born April 2, 1871, Plain City. Married Laura Cynthia Moench Dec. 22, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of Louis F. Moench and Ruthlnda Eveline Hill of Ogden, Utah). She was born Sept. 13, 1875. Their children: Genevleve Eliza b. Nov. 22, 1900; Lewis Rulon b. Sept. 12, 1902; Laurence William b. Nov. 6, 1904; Gwendo- lyn b. June 28, 1907; Ruthinda La Rue b. March 26, 1909; Donald Moench b. Aug. 7, 1911. d. young; Donna Mae b. Nov. 4, 1912. Family home Plain City, Utah. One of presidents 87th quorum seventies; missionary to Hawaiian Islands 1895-99; assistant Sunday school super- intendent; first counselor and secretary Y. M. M. I. A.; secretary elders' and seventies' quorums. Farmer. JENKINS, THOMAS (son of David Jenkins and Jane Fer- geson of Lancaster county, Pa.). Born 1808 in Lancaster county. Came to Utah 1852. Married Joanna Marshall April 19, 1838, In Lancaster county (daughter of Joseph Marshall and Joanna Halzel of Philadelphia. Pa.). She was born April 21, 1816. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest. Blacksmith and farmer. Died Dec. 3, 1893. JENKINS, THOMAS (son of John Jenkins and Hannah Cartwright of Herefordshire, Eng.). Born Sept. 18, 1829, In Herefordshire. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Anna Smith Jan. 16, 1851 (daughter of Thomas Smith, pioneer John Young company). She was born Dec. 2, 1833. Their children: Mary Ann, m. Richard G. Lambert; Alice, m. David L. Dean; Sarah J., m. Abraham H. Cannon; Annie, m. Frank Wilcox; John A., Eva, George B.. Thomas W., last four died. Married Mary R. Avery Oct. 27, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Erastus and Jerusa Avery), who was born Oct. 19, 1834. Their children: William E., m. Maria Kim- ball; Sophia, m. W. A. Aubrey; Rachel (deceased), m. Charles Slade; Thomas H., m. Minnie Moffat; Cyrus F., m. Matilda Burrows; Maud, m. J. U. Eldredge, Jr.; Joseph J., Jerusa A., James A., latter three died. Married Mary A. Fuller Dec. 22, 1866, at Salt Lake City. No children. Married Mahala Elmer Dec. 19, 1870. Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Elmer and Elizabeth Ann Blundon. of Suffolk, Eng.). She was born Dec. 12, 1847. Came to Utah 1870. Their children: Edward Elmer, m. Elizabeth Cutler; Harrison E., m. Julia Wleser; Rose, m. Carl A, Badger; Emily, m. David A. Smith. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 961 Married Mary Buckley at Salt Lake City. Only child: May (deceased), m. Albert B. Needham. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; bishop of 4th ward. City councilman. Con- tractor; stockraiser. Died at Salt Lake City Oct. 21, 1906. JENKINS, EDWARD ELMER (son of Thomas Jenkins and Mahala Elmer). Born Nov. 25, 1873, at Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Cutler Oct. 14, 1897, 'at Salt Lake City (daughter of John C. Cutler and Elizabeth Taylor of England). She was born Oct. 5, 1874. Their children: Elmer C. b. Oct. 6, 1898; Irving E. b. March 12, 1902; Harold C. b. Dec. 28, 1905; John C. b. May 3, 1908. Missionary to England 1898-1901; high priest. Member firm Ashton & Jenkins, real estate dealers. JENKINSON, SAMUEL, WILFORD (son of Noah Jenktnson and Hannah Smith of Oldham, Lancashire, Eng. ; came to Utah May, 1878). Born Dec. 18, 1851. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850. Married Sophia M. Hardy May 21, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Leonard Wilford Hardy and Sophia Lois Goodridge of Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born April 21, 1856, Salt Lake City. Their children: Wilford b. Sept. 17, 1879, d. infant; Frank N. b. April 21, 1881, m. Edna M. Hemphill; Florence S. b. Jan. 21, 1883, m. Fred Jacobson; Samuel W. b. May 30, 1886. m. Susie Johnson; Lena V. b. Sept. 16. 1888, d. infant; Isabel b. Oct. 22, 1890, d. infant; Joseph A. b. Oct. 22, 1890; Alma H. b. Dec. 13, 1892; Leonard H. b. Feb. 19, 1895; Harold H. b. Oct. 18, 1896, d. child; Wallace H. b. April 8, 1899. Family resided Smithfield and Salt Lake City, Utah. Chaplain state legislature; superintendent home for the blind; justice of the peace, Smithfield, and member city council. Superintendent 20th ward Sunday school, Salt Lake City. JENNE, BENJAMIN (son of Prince Elisha Jenne and Olive Lincoln). Born May 16, 1806. Came to Utah 1848, George Snyder company. Married Sarah Snyder Jan. 20, 1830 (daughter of Isaac Snyder and Louisa Comestock of New York). She was born April 11, 1813. Their children: Hyrum; Isaac; Louisa b. June 15, 1832, m. Jared Curtis Roundy; Olive b. Oct. 1, 1835, m. William Peck; Chester; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 11, 1839, m. George Q. Cannon; Roseanna, m. Peter Hanson; Maria; Brigham; William H. b. April 22, 1848, m. Minnetta Johnson; Robert; Lucy. Died in Idaho in 1897. JENSEN, ANDREW. Born February, 1810, Klotofte, Den- mark. Came to Utah 1860. Married Methei Catherine Nilsen, Copenhagen, Denmark, who was born May 22, 1810, in Denmark, came to Utah with husband, and died Aug. 14, 1878. Died Nov. 29, 1883. JENSEN, ANDREW NIELSOTV (son of Neils Jensen and Gunilla Erlandsen of Sweden). Born May 7, 1829, Herestad, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1864, Isaac Canfield company. Married Caroline Nielson in Oct. 1860, at Malmb, Sweden (daughter of Ola Nielson and Petronilla Larsdatter of Malmo). She was born Aug. 25, 1839. Their children: Gunilla b. Dec. 18, 1861, d. while crossing the Atlantic; Niels b. Dec. 23, 1862, d. Oct. 16, 1864; Andrew I). Dec. 20, 1865, d. Sept. 16, 1866; John b. Aug. 11, 1867, m. Elma Sanberg; Mary Caroline b. July 30, 1869, m. Charles L. Bean; James b. Oct. 14, 1871, m. Lucy Harmon; Martha Sophia b. Feb. 24, 1874; Lewis b. Aug. 17, 1876, m. Adele Gottfridson; Alexander b. Nov. 20, 1878, m. May Harmon. Family resided in Sweden and at Fountain Green and Rich- field, Utah. High priest; counselor in bishopric of Richfield ward. Farmer and stockraiser. Died May 14, 1893, at Richfield. JENSON, JAMES (son of Andrew Nielson and Caroline Nielson). Born Oct. 14, 1871, Richfield, Utah. Married Lucy Harmon April 30, 1902, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Ansel P. Harmon and Rosaline Chandler, pioneers 1848 and 1862 respectively). She was born Sept. 23. 1871. Their children: Ruth b. Sept. 8, 1903; Carrie b. Oct. 19, 1905; James Harmon b. Nov. 13, 1907; Rose b. Feb. 3, 1910; Milo Andrew b. Feb. 23, 1912. Family home Richfield, Utah. Elder and ward teacher at Richfield. Farmer and stock- raiser. JENSEN, CHRISTIAN (son of Jens Jensen and Metta Maria Jensen of Laasby, Skanderborg amt, Denmark). Born June 6. 1841. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Albertlna Carlsten Nov. 10, 1863, at Manti, Utah (daughter of Charles Anton and Amanda Carlsten of Solves- borg, Blekinge, Sweden). She was born Jan. 23. 1841, and came to Utah Sept. B, .1863, John F. Sanders company. Their children: Amanda b. Aug. 17, 1864, m. Joseph Ralphs; Jens Christian b. July 30, 1866, m. Agnes Christie Brown; Albert b. Sept. 6, 1868, m. Olive Stephens; James b. Aug. 13, 1870, died; Carl Anton b. March 23, 1873, died; Albertina Annetta b. April 16, 1875, m. Andrew Samuelson; Cora Josephina b. Aug. 16, 1877, m. Hans Nelson. Settled at Manti, Utah, 1854. Veteran Black Hawk war. Quarried stone for St. George temple. Brought immi- grants from Missouri river to Salt Lake City in 1863, with Capt. Sanders company. Moved to Ferron, Utah, 1896. JENSEN, JENS CHRISTIAN (son of Christian Jensen and Albertina Carlsten). Born July 30, 1866, Manti, Utah. Married Agnes Christie Brown Jan. 22, 1886, Manti, Utah (daughter of James Cant Brown and Margarette Christie of Lochee, three miles west of Dundee, Scotland). She was born June 10, 1869, and came to Utah in 1882. Their chil- dren: Christian b. Dec. 13, 1886, m. Blanche Caldwell; Agnes Bertha b. Sept. 2, 1888. m. William Ralphs; James Stanley b. June 7, 1890; Eva b. Nov. 26, 1899; Maggie Vera b. April 7, 1901; Gerald Quintin b. April 13, 1905. Family home Ferron, Utah. Moved from Manti to Ferron, Utah, 1890. Farmer; brick- maker. JENSEN, CHRISTIAN (son of Jens Christensen and Anna Jensen of Aaby, Denmark). Born Sept. 25, 1818, Aaby, Den- mark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1867, Independent company. Married Karen Petersen Aug. 12, 1860 (daughter of Peter Andersen and Kjarstin Jensen), who was born May 16, 1825. Their children: Bertha M. b. Jan. 30, 1858. m. David Eccles; Mary b. Sept. 2, 1863, m. R. W. Emmett; Peter M. b. Jan. 22, 1868, m. Elizabeth Bronson. Farmer. JENSEN, PETER M. (son of Christian Jensen and Karen Petersen). Born Jan. 22, 1868, Huntsville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Bronson June 20, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of Wilmer W. Bronson and Elizabeth Fisher), who was born March 10, 1870, Huntsville, Utah. Their chil- dren: Wilmer C. b. Dec. 23. 1890; Floyd C. b. Nov. 17, 1892; Ronald V. b. March 18, 1895; Clarice b. June 7, 1897; Royal Q. b. Nov. 9, 1899; Lillian b. Sept. 10, 1901; Myrtle b. Sept. 19, 1905; Oren L. b. Jan. 28, 1902; Dillworth D. b. Oct. 1, 1910. Family home, Huntsville. Farmer. JENSEN, CHRISTIAN RUDOLPH PHILLIP (son of Jens Kristiansen, born 1751, and Maren Jensdatter). Born March 8, 1796, Horhaven, Aarhuus Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah In 1854. Married Anne Johanna Rasmusen (daughter of Bendlx Sorensen), who was born March 15, 1790. Their children: Jens b. April 16, 1814; Niels b. June 15, 1824, m. Karen Jensen 1851; Soren b. Dec. 26, 1830, m. Caroline Theodora Loft 1854. Family resided Ephralm and Fountain Green, Utah. CHRISTIANSEN, SOREN (son of Christian Rudolph Phillip Jensen and Anne Johanna Rasmusen). Born Dec. 26, 1830, Aarhuus Amt, Denmark. Married Caroline Theodora Loft in 1854, in Denmark (daughter of Mikkel Christensen Loft and Anna Marie Nielson, who came to Utah in 1873). She was born July 6, 1836, in Denmark. Their children: Christian John b. April 17, 1855, m. Ellen Jane Oldroyd 1876; Maria MIkkeline b. Sept. 29, 1856, m. Lars Nielson 1871. Family home Foun- tain Green, Utah. School trustee; Sunday school treasurer and librarian; ward teacher; president high priests quorum. CHRISTIANSEN, CHRISTIAN JOHN (son of Soren Chris- tiansen and Caroline Theodora Loft). Born April 17, 1855, in Denmark. Married Ellen Jane Oldroyd, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Oldroyd and Katharine Micklejohn; former came to Utah 1850, latter 1851). She was born Nov. 8, 1856, Ephraim, Utah. Their children: Christian T. b. Aug. 10, 1876. m. Estelle E. Cook 1892; Peter M. b. March 29, 1880; Agnes M. b. Nov. 8, 1881, m. James W. Christensen 1910; Ellen Jane b. April 1, 1885, m. Eugene Ivory Oct. 22, 1911; Soren A. b. Sept. 19. 1886; Archibald L. b. Oct. 8. 1888; Roy O. b. Jan. 29, 1892; Catharine J. b. Oct. 4, 1895; Leah B. b. Nov. 7, 1897; Joseph R. b. Sept. 26, 1898; John Eldon b. Feb. 27. 1901. Family home Fountain Green, Utah. Town trustee. Ward teacher; Sunday school superin- tendent; bishop 20 years. Member brass band. JENSEN, DAVID J. Born April 15, 1835, Tolton, Norway. Came to Utah in 1863. Married Birta Serena Peterson, who was born Aug. 20, 1844, Norway. Their children: Segvart Julius, d. Norway; Josephine, d. on plains; David Henry, d. Lehi, Utah; Sarah Christina, m. Alfred Alder Jan. 1884; Hyrum Daniel, m. Augusta Alder Nov. 23, 1891; David Oscar, m. Martina Hansen; Nora Elvlna, m. James Smart; Anton Henry, m. Nellie Bowen; Carl Fredrick, m. Dagmar Lund; Joseph William, m. Sarah Chadwick; Naham, m. May Monson. Married Margaret Ann Alder Sept. 1, 1898, Logan, Utah (daughter of Alfred Alder and Susan Field), who was born Aug. 10, 1864, Kaysville, Utah. Their children: Olean Alder b. Nov. 24, 1899; Winifred b. May 1, 1904; Lenard Alder b. Sept. 2, 1907. Bishop's counselor of Preston; first Sunday school super- intendent of Preston stake; high councilor of Oneida stake. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Jan. 1909, at Preston, Idaho. 962 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH JENSEN, HTRUM DANIEL (son of David J. Jensen and Birta Serena Peterson). Born Feb. 22, 1868, Franklin, Idaho. Married Augusta Alder Nov. 23, 1891, Preston, Idaho (daughter of Alfred Alder and Silsan Field of St. Louis. Mo., pioneers Sept. 23, 1853, Cladius V. Spencer company). She was born Aug. 27, 1866. Their children: Alta b. Sept. 2, 1892, m. William H. Anger; Serena Jensen b. Dec. 29, 1893. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to Norway 1896-98; member presidency Scan- dinavian organization, Oneida stake. First marshal of village of Preston. Farmer. JENSEN, HANS (son of Jens Andersen and Anna Katrina Jespersen). Born April 10, 1842, Frybjerg. Orte Sogn, Den- mark. Came to Utah 1866. Married Cecelia Jensen in April 1864 (daughter of Peter and Martha Jensen), who was born Feb. 28, 1848. Their children: Waldemar b. June 1, 1867, m. Selma Johnson Sept. 1, 1894; Hans b. April 3. 1869; Jacob b. Sept. 1, 1871; Martha b. Jan. 20, 1874, m. John C. Johnson; Jens Mikkle b. July 8, 1876; Anne Katrine b. Oct. 4, 1878, m. John Lerwell Jan. 1, 1898; Maria Christina b. March 19, 1881, m. Delos F. Tanner April 9. 1902; Alma b. Dec. 23. 1884; Moses b. 1888, m. Eva Francom Nov. 28, 1906; Cecelia and Emilia, twins, b. 1896. Family home Goshen, Utah. Married Maren Hansen Oct. 11, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lars Hansen and Karen Petersdatter), who was born Jan. 13. 1848, Meby, Denmark. Their children: Lars b. June 21, 1872; Johanas b. Jan. 20, 1874; Hans b. March 14. 1875; Peter Christian b. Nov. 11, 1877; Andrew Jorgen b. June 7, 1878; Joseph b. Nov. 19, 1879; Hyrum b. Oct. 3, 1881; Carl Moroni b. March 22, 1884; Adam b. Feb. 22, 1888; Dan Frederick b. June 9, 1890; John b. July 31, 1892; Albert b. Jan. 7, 1896. Missionary to Sjselland, Denmark, 1862-65. High priest and seventy. First settler at Salt Lake City, afterwards moved to Goshen and lived there until his death. Tailor by occupation. JENSEN, WALDEMAR (son of Hans Jensen and Cecelia Jensen). Born June 1, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Married Selma Johnson Sept. 1, 1894, Santaquin, Utah (daughter of Ludvick and Christine Johnson; came to Utah Aug. 1883). She was born Feb. 15, 1875, in Sweden. Their children: Edmund Walter b. July 23, 1896; Emma Christen b. Sept. 3, 1898; Elmer Ludvick b. Oct. 21, 1901; Agnet Cecelia b. Feb. 8, 1903; Hans Delos b. Aug. 20, 1905; Robert Franklin b. Aug. 30, 1907; Sylvia Selma b. Oct. 14, 1909; Ruth Carrie b. March 8, 1912. Missionary to Aalborg and Aarhuus, Denmark, two years; 2d counselor to Bishops Peter Okelberry (dead), and later to Wm. P. Okelberry. JENSEN, HANS RICHARD. Married Mary S. Christensen, Denmark (daughter of Carrie Marie Madsen, Denmark). She was born Feb. 23. 1852. Their children: Hans Richard, Jr., m. May Pitt; Carrie Marie, m. Joseph Ellison Murray; Julius, m. Vllate Goodrich. Family home Vernal, Utah. JENSEN, JAMES (son of Niels Jensen, born In 1817 at Starup, and Inger Marie Madsen, born March 17, 1819, at Fleisborg, Denmark). Born July 14, 1847, at Starup. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John Miirdock company. Married Anna Sophia Christensen Sept. 26, 1868 (daughter of Frederik Christensen and Dorthea Sophia Tiesen, mar- ried in 1848; former pioneer 1862, Capt. Van Cott company, latter died in Denmark). She was born Nov. 8, 1849; came to Utah with father in 1862. Their children: James B. b. Sept. 9, 1869, m. May Gushing; Niel C. b. Jan. 28. 1872. m. Rose Graham; Joseph F. b. April 12, 1874, m. Isabel! Sidoway Sept. 24, 1902; Mary A. S. b. Sept. 27, 1876, m. A. G. Gushing Dec. 16. 1896; Amos E. b. July 2, 1879, m. Ida Despain March 28, 1906; Mabel E. b. Nov. 22, 1881, m. August M. Nelson April 25, 1906; Sarah Florence b. Aug. 16, 1884. m. Louis E. Van Dam April 20, 1905; Evan Orlando b. April 16, 1887, m. Edith Brown Sept. 20, 1911. Family home Draper, now Sandy, Utah. Bishop of Sandy ward, Salt Lake county. May 15, 1892; counselor in presidency, Jordan stake of Zion, 1900. Veteran Black Hawk war. Precinct constable. Draper, 1876-1880; justice of peace 1882; postmaster 1879-1892. JENSON, JAMES B. (son of James Jenson and Annie Sophia Christensen). Born Sept. 9, 1869, Bear River City, Utah. Married Ellen May Cushlng Feb. 28, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of A. J. and Ellen M. Cushing of Sandy, Utah; former came to Utah 1869, latter 1850). Their children: James Arthur b. Jan. 16, 1896; Irraa May b. Jan. 21, 1898. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 57th quorum seventies. Mining engineer. JENSEN, JAMES (son of James Jensen, born 1797, Kender- tofte, Denmark, and Mary Nielsen, born at Kirkehealsange, Denmark). He was born Oct. 3, 1832, Lyea Rye, Gorlovsogn, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, Captain Murdock company. Married Bodel Larsen April 20, 1862, on board ship (daughter of Lars Pederson and Anne Olsen of Wortingborg, Denmark). She was born Dec. 23, 1832, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary Josephine b. April 17, 1863, d. infant; James, Jr., b. April 16, 1864, m. Hannah Eliza Hepworth Nov. 8, 1889; Lars Peter b. Sept. 12, 1866, m. Elizabeth Colton Oct. 26, 1886. Family resided Brigham City and Mantua. Utah. Married Henrietta Christensen July 6. 1869, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of Jacob and Maren Christen- sen), who was born Jan. 22, 1843. came to Utah 1866, Inde- pendent company. Their children: Joseph b. April 16, 1870, d. March, 1892; Hyrum b. May 8. 1871, m. Sarah Ellen Allen Oct. 21, 1903; Martin b. Sept. 30. 1874. m. Elnora Nielsen Oct. 24, 1895; Henrietta b. March, 1874, m. Richard T. Astle Oct. 24, 1895. Family home Mantua. Married Albine Jensen Sept. 25. 1879, Brigham City, Utah (daughter of Jens Karstiane Jensen and Annie Maria Peter- sen), who was born March 1, 1859. Their children: Alfred b. July 15, 1881, m. Ina Griffith Nov. 20, 1902; Lorenzo b. Sept. 8, 1883, m. Kattie A. Carpenter Oct. 19, 1907; Nephi b. July 21, 1886, m. Luella Esther Allender July 29, 1909; Annie Elizabeth b. Oct. 26, 1888, m. William Kirby Feb. 13. 1907; Nellie Bodel b. Oct. 1, 1891, m. Louis J. Jensen April 12, 1911; Heber Charles b. March 9. 1894; Wilford Lavon b. June 18. 1896; Leland Levere b. Oct. 23, 1899; Leo James b. June 20, 1904. Settled at Brigham City 1862: moved to Mantua, and In 1883 went to Curlew Valley, where he resided until 1886 and then went to Star Valley, Wyo. Presiding elder of the Grover ward from 1888 to 1889, when he was set apart as bishop of that ward and served till 1905. JENSEN, JAMES, JR. (son of James Jensen and Bodel Lar- sen). Born April 16, 1864, Brigham City, Utah. Married Hannah Eliza Hepworth Nov. 8, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of Edmond Hepworth and Hannah Cowling, pioneers 1863, Captain White company). She was born July 5, 1869. Oxford, Idaho. Their children: James Edmond b. Sept. 13, 1890, d. Oct. 11, 1906; Jesse Lyman b. Oct. 26, 1892; Ruben Adelbert b. Aug. 8, 1894; Willis Clifford b. Nov. 16, 1896: Maud Bodel b. April 9, 1901; Hannah Rowena b. March 27, 1903; Mabel Anice b. June 24, 1906; Ira Wilford b. Oct. 2, 1908; Lyle Hepworth b. Jan. 30, 1911. Family home Grover. President T. M. M. I. A.; missionary to Norway 1897-1900; high councilor in Star Valley stake; bishop Grover ward 1905; ' Sunday school teacher. School trustee 15 years. Deputy district assessor six years. JENSEN, JAMES CHRISTIAN (son of Soren Peter Jensen, born Oct. 30, 1836, Glimsholt, Ugilt, Denmark, and Kirsten Marie Christensen, born Nov. 24, 1834; married Ugilt church Oct. 24, 1862; came to Utah July 14, 1877). He was born Sept. 9, 1863, at Glimsholt. Came to Utah July 14, 1877. Married Joannah Eliza Jennings Oct. 16, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mansfield Jennings and Fanny Jane Ferris of Springville and Levan, Utah). She was born Sept. 2, 1866. Their children: James Christian, d. infant; Jay Clalr b. Sept. 1, 1888; Erma Inez b. March 9, 189.2; Glen Martin b. Jan. 18, 1895; Ralph Owen b. Aug. 3, 1897; Ferris Soren b. Feb. 5, 1902; Leo Ray b. July 26, 1906; Eva Frances b. April 10, 1908. Family resided Salt Lake City and Heber City, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. of 13th ward. Salt Lake City 1888; secretary Granite stake Sunday schools 1897-1901. County recorder, Salt Lake county 1897-1901. First coun- selor in presidency of Wasatch stake. Abstractor; In- surance; real estate and loans. JENSEN, JAMES IVER (son of Thomas C. Jensen and Karne Marie Iverson, both of Denmark). Born Aug. 8, 1846, in Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1867, independent company. Married Inger Sejnedegaard Nielson May 22, 1868, in Den- mark (daughter of Christian Nielson of Denmark). She was born Feb. 17, 1845. Their children: James Iver, Jr., died; Charles, m. Sarah Peterson; Daniel, m. Matilda Lee; Caroline, died; Walter, m. Elizabeth Sylvester; Emma, m. Herbert Z. Lund; Wilhelmina, m. F. Horace Guymon; Clementine, m. John Hagen. Family home. Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to Denmark 1865-67 and 1880-82; high priest; bishop; patriarch. Merchant. JENSEN, DR. CHARLES (son of James Iver Jensen and Inger Sejnedegaard Nielsen). Born Dec. 21, 1872, Ephraim, Utah. Married Sarah Peterson September, 1895. Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter C. Peterson and Hannah Thompson of Norway), who was born Feb. 27. 1872. Their children: Charles Easton b. Dec. 19, 1896; Ethel b. July 23, 1901; Dorothy b. Feb. 1906. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Seventy. School trustee, Ephraim. County physician. Physician and surgeon. JENSEN, JAMES PETER (son of Andrew Jensen and Bertha Maria Jensen). Born Aug. 2, 1835, Kastberg, Randers, Den- mark. Came to Utah 1867. Married Mary Christina Jensen Nov. 12, 1865, Ginerup, Randers amt, Denmark (daughter of Christian Jensen), who was born Feb. 7, 1844, and came to Utah 1867. Their chil- dren: Andrew, d. on North Platte Rivier; Niels, d. infant; Mary Christina, m. N. E. Mortensen; Eliza Martha, m. Joseph Mortensen; James Peter, m. Laura Baker; Joseph William, m. Viola Thompson; Sarah Merretta, m. John McMaster; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 963 Bertha Lenora, m. Joseph H. Smith; Hyrum Edward, m. Mary Anderson. Family home Newton, Cache Co., Utah. Postmaster six years. Farmer. Died April 6, 1901. JENSEN, JAMES PETER, JR. (son of James Peter Jensen and Mary Christina Jensen). Born Oct. 12, 1876. Newton, Utah. Married Laura Baker June 6, 1901, Logan temple (daugh- ter of Albert Mourey Baker and Edna Jane Coon of Mendon, Utah, pioneers Oct. 2, 1847). She was born June 11, 1881. Their children: Mabel b. March 4, 1902; Peter Raymond b. July 16, 1903; Laura Le Rue b. Aug. B, 1904; Royal Baker b. Oct. 1, 1905; Edna b. Jan. 26, 1908; Albert Rex b. Sept. 6, 1910. Family resided Brigham, Utah, and Malad, Idaho. Member Sunday school board of Box Elder stake three years; second assistant to superintendent of Malad stake Sunday schools; bishop Malad ward from 1908. Member school board. Corporal In Battery A, Utah Artillery, during Spanish-American war, serving in the Philippines. Mer- chant. JENSEN, JENS (aon of Jens Larsen and Metta Hansen of Sundstrup, Sjselland, Denmark). Born March 22, 1829, Sundstrup. Came to Utah in September 1867, Mathlas Cowley company. Married Hannah Hansen in 1851 at Hosterkjob, Denmark (daughter of Hans Jensen and Christine Rasmussen of Hosterkjob). She was born April 22, 1830. Their chil- dren: James, m. Hannah Larson; John, m. Annie Israelson; Christine, m. Andrew Larson; Sophia, died; Emma, m. Hyrum McBride; Joseph, m. Mary A. Christensen; Benja- min, m. Hlena Christiansen; Martha, died. Elder. Farmer. Died April 10, 1902, Hyrum, Utah. JENSEN, JAMES (son of Jens Jensen and Hannah Han- sen). Born Dec. 17, 1853, Sundstrup, Denmark. Came to Utah in September 1857 with parents. Married Hannah Larson Jan. 1, 1875, Hyrum, Utah (daugh- ter of Peter Larson and Cecelia Peterson of Trode, Sweden, pioneers 1863, W. W. Cluff company). She was born Sept. 2, 1857. Their children: Joseph b. Oct. 7, 1876, died; Amanda b. June 16, 1878, m. Joseph J. Hall; Edith b. Jan. 6, 1881, m. Clarence Nielsen; Hilda b. May 8, 1883, m. Estelle Smith; Clara b. Aug. 1, 1885, m. Emery Mitton; Victor b. Nov. 10, 1887; Alice b. Nov. 22, 1889, m. Henry Danielsen; Harvey b. Oct. 14, 1893; Phyllis b. Nov. 19, 1901, died. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Elder. City councilman; watermaster; member water board; member first irrigation congress in Utah. Director South Cache Mill Co. Farmer. JENSEN, JENS LARSON (son of Jens Larson and Kirsty Monsen of Sweden). Born July 14, 1827, Dalby, Scona, Sweden. Came to Utah in October 1860. Married Ellen Jepson in 1858 at Copenhagen, Denmark. She was born Oct. 6, 1838. Their children: Anna Sophia b. Aug. 12, 1860, m. Bennett Monk; John L. b. Nov. 1, 1862, d. Infant; Emma Kirsty b. Dec. 18, 1864, m. William Jarvis; Ellen b. May 9, 1867, m. Charles Barnhart. Family resided at Lehi, Mill Creek and Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Engre Parson in 1862, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Andrew and Lucy Parson of Sweden; former came to Utah in 1874, latter in 1861). She was born Oct. 13, 1832. Their children: Joseph L. b. March 20, 1864, m. Han- nah Peterson; Lucy Amelia b. Aug. 3, 1865, m. Joseph R. Hooton; Andrew L. b. July 2, 1868, d. June, 1869; Bphraim b. Oct. 16, 1869, d. March 9, 1883; Edith Josephine b. March 1, 1872, d. Feb. 24, 1883; Mary Ann b. Jan. 28, 1876, m. P. C. Hansen. Married Emma C. Roseberry Jan. 2, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Roseberry and Helena Erickson, Malmo, Sweden, pioneers Sept. 4, 1869, Captain Rowley handcart company). She was born Sept. 10, 1858, at Malm8. Their children: John Roseberry b. Oct. 11, 1874, m. Emma Jane Barlow; James L. b. Aug. 30, 1876, d. Jan. 17, 1906; Anna H. b. Oct. 24, 1878, m. J. W. Lund, m. Joseph B. Dennis; Julia b. July 12, 1881, m. Clarence Isbelle; Charles J. b. May 6, 1884; Cora Elizabeth b. Aug. 31, 1886, d. infant; Lillian E. b. Oct. 25, 1887, m. Clarence Isbelle; Almo O. b. May 12, 1891, d. child; Rachel L. b. March 3, 1894; George W. b. Feb. 22, 1898. Missionary in Sweden; high priest; second counselor to Bishop Greenwood, central ward, in 1891. Veteran Black Hawk war; early settler in Sevier and Sanpete counties. Farmer and lime burner. Died at Richfield, Utah, Jan. 3, 1907. JENSEN. JOHN ROSEBERRT (son of Jens Larson Jensen and Emma C. Roseberry). Born Oct. 11, 1874, Santaquin, Utah. Married Emma Jane Barlow Jan. 12, 1899. Manti, Utah (daughter of John and Lunes Barlow of England, former came to Utah in 1852). She was born June 17, 1881. Their children: Viola Hortense b. Dec. 14, 1900; Kindon Rose- berry b. Aug. 10, 1902; Noel b. Jan. 4, 1906; Montel B. b. April 27, 1907; Madeline b. Dec. 31, 1911. Family home Rlchfleld, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Married Dorthea Gregersen Oct. 23, 1866, at Salt Lake City, by Edwin D. Wooley (daughter of Gregers Jensen and Kjersten Christensen of Reersnes, Laaland, Denmark, latter came to Utah 1868). She was born June 16, 1841, died Feb. 23, 1913. Their children: Jens Joseph August b. Aug. 10, 1867, d. June 16, 1868; Peter Daniel, m. Sarah Jane Rees; Adolph Willard, m. Elizabeth James; Sophia Kjerstlne; Anna Cathrine b. May 6, 1875, d. Oct. 12, 1876; Hans Ephraim, m. Kirstene Marie Andersen; Josephine Eltne b. Nov. 7, 1878, d. Sept. 13, 1879; Christian Nephi, m. Mary Ann Blackham, who died Aug. 28, 1907, m. Marian Lee Choate Dec. 21, 1909. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Missionary to Denmark 1882-84; high councilor 17 years; Sunday school superintendent; stake president high priests' quorum South Sanpete stake. City councilman; school trustee 13 years. Farmer and stockraiser. JENSEN, PETER DANIEL (son of Jens Peter Jensen and Dorthea Gregersen). Born May 17, 1869, Ephraim, Utah. Married Sarah Jane Rees Sept. 26, 1894, Manti, Utah (daughter of Nephi Rees and Mary Ann Jones of Wales, Sanpete Co., Utah, pioneers 1855, Captain Murphy company). She was born Dec. 13, 1873. Their children: Eva Dorthea b. July 3, 1895; Dellisle Rees b. June 30, 1897; Ruby Uarda b. Jan. 9, 1900; Daniel Talmage b. May 30, 1903, d. April 6, 1905; Sarah Utahna b. Oct. 13, 1906; Joel Peter b. Nov. 2, 1907; Mary Zoe b. Nov. 9, 1912. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Member 41st and 47th quorums seventies; Sunday school superintendent; assistant superintendent religion classes of Sanpete stake. County superintendent of schools Sevier county five years; mayor of Ephraim; principal of Ephraim public schools. JENSEN, JENS PETER (son of Jens Christian Jensen of . Holme, Aarhuus amt, Denmark, and Anne Marie Jensen). Born Aug. 10, 1838. Holme, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott company. Married Christiane Andersen May 6, 1S66 (daughter of Anders Jensen). She was born Sept. 10, 1832, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary Christiane b. Sept. 24, 1867, m. J. P. Holmgren, 1889; Andrea Christiane b. Nov. 6, 1869, m. Ben E. Rich 1888; James Peter b. June 28, 1872, m. Annie Anderson Nov. 24, 1897; Eleonora b. Nov. 6, 1874; Alfred Christian b. Jan. 5, 1878, m. Elvina Anderson 1902. Family home Bear River City, Utah. High priest. Active pioneer. School trustee three terms. JENSEN, JENS PETER (son of Jens Anderson and Johanna Maria Jensen of Vensysel, Denmark). Born Sept. 4, 1831, Vensysel. Came to Utah autumn 1867. Married Inger Nielsen Jensen Oct. 22, 1861, first couple wedded at Hyrum, Utah (daughter of Hans I. Nielsen and Johanna Christina Andersen of Clausbolle, TullebOlle Sogn, Denmark, pioneers Sept. 22, 1861, Captain Wooley com- pany). She was born Oct. 27, 1843. Their children: Hans P. b. Oct. 17, 1863, m. Christina Mortensen; James P. b. Dec. 19, 1866,. m. Caroline Larsen; Johanna M. b. Feb. 9, 1868, m. Jens Peter Mortensen; Inger M. b. Feb. 12, 1870, m. Charles R. Jensen; Hyrum b. April 14, 1872; Martha Ann b. July 24, 1876, m. William C. Nielsen. Family home, Hyrum. Seventy. Member city council. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Jan. 20, 1889. JENSEN, KNtTT (son of Jens Knutsen and Margaret Rass- mussen of Torbey, Laaland, Denmark). Born 1810 in Den- mark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Ola N. Liljenquist company. Married Boddell Olsen in Denmark. She was born 1807. Their children: James; Anna b. Nov. 2, 1834, m. Mats Jor- genson; Boddell b. Sept. 1836, m. Mr. Tuesen; Caroline b. April 3, 1838, m. Peter Madsen; Dorothy b. April 26, 1840. m. Morten Peterson; Elizabeth b. April 11, 1842, died; Ellen b. Aug. 11, 1844, m. John Tuesen; Elsa Margaret b. April 21, 1846, and Ola b. April, 1847, died. Family home Round Valley, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died at Round Valley, Utah, in 1875. JENSEN, OL.OF. Born in Sweden. Came to Utah 1866, ox- team company. Married Alice , in Sweden. Their children: Niels, m. Bertha Davis; Hannah, m. James Brown; Van, d. aged 27; John, m. Melissa Davis; Christena, d. infant. Carpenter. Died 1864, in Sweden. JENSEN, JOHN (son of Olof and Alice Jensen). Born March 8 1863, in Sweden. Came to Utah in 1866, with father. Married Melissa Davis Feb. 24, 1903, Price, Utah (daughter of Alexander Davis and Mary Morrill of Junction, Utah), who was born March 3, 1884. Their children: John William b. Feb. 18, 1906; Lloyd Alexander b. Jan. 20, 1907; James Howard b. Jan. 26, 1910. Family home Spring Glen, Utah. Director Spring Glen Canal Co. School trustee. Justice of peace. Watermaster. Farmer and sheepraiser. JENSEN, JENS PETER (son of Hans Jensen and Anna Kjerstine Hansen of Honsinge, Holbek amt, Denmark). Born Dec. 12, 1846, Honsinge. Came to Utah Oct. 22, 1866, Abner Lowry company. JENSEN, OL.E ANDREW (son of Andres Jensen and Ane Christens of Sjselland, Denmark). Born Sept. 21, 1839, at Allsege, Sjselland, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1863, Captain Young company. Married Annie Maria Larsen July 4, 1863, at Florence, Neb. (daughter of Lars Magnes and Annie Christens Peter- 964 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH sen), who was born Dec. 16, 1829, Norvenge, Denmark. Their children: Alma L. b. July 4, 1864, m. Mary B. Jardine, d. July 8, 1909; Annie Christena b. April 6, 1866, d. Dec. 22, 1866. Family home Clarkston, Cache Co., Utah. Married Margaret Ann Jolley Feb. 29, 1868, at Clarkston (daughter of John Jolley and Susan Carter of Logan, Utah). Their children: John J. b. Jan. 16, 1869, d. Jan. 19, 1869; Susanah J. b. Dec. 2, 1869, m. Ammi Alonzo Shumway Oct. 22, 1888; William J. b. July 31, 1871, m. Clarissa Ames Sept. 30, 1892; Mariah b. May 4, 1873, m. Phillip Ames; Ole Andrew b. Feb. 17. 1874, d. Jan. 6, 1894; Mary b. Nov. 19, 1876, m. Seth B. Neild Dec. 25, ; Sarah Ann b. Sept. 26, 1878, m. Oliver Ames Nov. 21, 1896; Thomas J. b. Oct. 13, 1880, d. Dec. 31, 1905; Margret J. b. May 3, 1883, m. Orson Harmon Sept. 28, 1904; Joseph b. April 12, 1886, m. Isabella McJavin Sept. 21. 1905: Hannah Agnes b. Dec. 18, 1887, m. Willard G. Brown Sept. 14, 1910; Ralph LeRoy b. Sept. 19, 1888; Rubin R. b. Sept. 23, 1894; Murland Wall b. Aug. 3, 1896. Married Caroline Margaret Nelsen Feb. 22, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels and Ane Hansen, Nablerod, Sjaelland, Denmark; came to Utah in 1881). She was born Oct. 26, 1858. Their children: Lena b. Dee. 27, 1883; Jorgen b. Sept. 9, 1885. m. J. G. Jensen Dec. 13, 1909; Annie b. July 28. 1887; Nephi b. June 1, 1891, d. June 6, 1891; Hyrum b. March 10, 1893; Ella Nora b. Aug. 24, 1895. Married Caren Marie Nelsen Dec. 21, 1883 (daughter of Nails and Ane Hansen of Nablerod, Sjseliand, Denmark). She was born March 11, 1855. Their children: Peter b. June 28, 1885. d. Jan. 6, 1911; Henry b. Oct. 12, 1889; Mar.y Annie b. July 28. 1890; Ezra Parley b. Nov. 12. 1895. Missionary to Denmark 1859-63; counselor to Bishop John Jardine of Clarkston; high councilor Star valley stake. Road overseer six years Uinta county, Wyo. JENSEN, ALMA L. (son of Ole Andrew Jensen and Annie Maria Larsen). Born July 4, 1864, Mendon, Cache Co., Utah. Married Mary Beveridge Jardine Oct. 27. 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Jardine and Agnes Beveridge, pioneers of Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company). She was born April I, 1866, and died July 8. 1909. Their children: Annie Marie b. May 23, 1888, m. Ezra Wickham Nov. 24. 1909; Agnes Jardine b. Sept. 1, 1891, m. Jorgen G. Jensen Dec. 13, 1909; Mary J. b. Jan. 28. 1894, m. George L. Jones June 22, 1911; Sarah Elizabeth b. Sept. 8, 1895, d. Nov. 6. 1896; Alma J. b. Oct. 8. 1897. Married Eldena Wilhelmina Ericksen March 23, 1910, Logan, Utah (daughter of Bendt J. Ericksen and Anna Sophia Danielsen of Preston, Idaho, pioneers of 1864). Their children: Lavor E. b. Jan. 16, 1911; Reta Jensen b. Aug. 9. 1912. Missionary to Bingham Co., Idaho, 1886-87; assistant superintendent Bannock stake Sunday schools 1887-1909; bishop of Dayton ward, Onelda stake, Idaho. JENSEN, PETER (son of Jens Jensen of Denmark). Born 1812, Skanderberg, Denmark. Came to Utah 1862. Married Kjesten Anderson who died 1880, Moroni, Utah (daughter of Andres Anderson), who was born 1808, came to Utah 1862, Christian Madsen company. Their children: Jens W. b. 1837; Ellen M. b. 1839; Andres b. 1841; Soren P. b. Aug. 17, 1843, m. Maren Christensen, m. Dorthea Fulken- sen, m. Martina Ring; Andres b. Dec. 4, 1844; Christian b. 1846; Karen K. b. 1848. Family home Moroni, Utah. Died 1872, Moroni, Utah. JENSEN, SOREN P. (son of Peter Jensen and Kjesten Ander- son). Born Aug. 17, 1843, Farre, Denmark. Married Maren Christensen Nov. 8, 1866, Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Christian Christensen and Kjesten Nielsen, latter came to Utah 1863). She was born April 12, 1846. Jersley, Denmark. Their children: Mary K. b. Jan. 18, 1868, m. Jens Sundrup 1888: Peter R. b. Aug. 29, 1869, m. Anna C. Christensen 1892; Maria b. Jan. 26. 1872, m. James E. Larsen 1893; Christian R. b. Sept. 24, 1874; Hyrum b. March 10. 1876, d. Sept. 25, 1882; Soren P. b. Feb. 17, 1878. m. Laura Abbott 1903; El vena N. b. Sept. 18, 1882, m. Ras C. Larsen 1900; Carrie Mabel b. May 8, 1888, d. Sept. 1888. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Married Dorthea Fulkersen (daughter of Christian Fulkersen and Ersger Hansen), who was born Aug. II 1863. Their children: Sedonla b. July 18. 1889; Elmer b June 25, 1891; Wilford b. March 15, 1893. Family home Ephraim. Married Martina Ring Sept. 8, 1897, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Peter Martin Ring and Gonelda Christensen), who was born May 11, 1864, Aarhus, Denmark. Their children: Harold M. b. Sept. 23, 1903; Gonelda M. b. Jan. 21, 1908. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah. Missionary to Europe 1889-90; high priest; ward teacher. JENSEN, PETER (son of Jens Madsen, born April 17, 1793, Sneilerup, Holbeck, Denmark). He was born Nov. 27, 1836, Snellerup, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1860. Married Annie M. Hansen (daughter of Soren Hansen and Annie Jensen, pioneers Sept. 30, 1862, Joseph Home com- pany). She was born June 27. 1835, in Denmark, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Annie Christena b. Aug. 17, 1859; Lena C. b. Aug. 20, 1861, m. Martin M. Jensen; Prter b. Nov. 11. 1863, m. Christena Larsen Dec. 29, 1886: Hyrum b. May 2. 1866; Joseph b. Nov. 29, 1868, m. Mantina Keller April 16, 1890; Lewis b. April 6, 1871; James b. April 6. 1874, m. Sarah Jeppsen April 8. 1897; Annie M. b. Dec. 17, 1879, m. Alvin Keller. Family home Mantua, Box Elder Co., Utah. Assistant superintendent of first Sunday school organized at Mantua ward; second and later first counselor to the first bishop of Mantua ward; missionary to Scandinavia. School teacher; justice of peace; school trustee; superintendent and manager of the Co-op store 12 years; county assessor. Died Nov. 24, 1897. JENSEN. JOSEPH (son of Peter Jensen and Annie M. Han- sen). Born Nov. 29, 1868, Mantua, Utah. Married Mantina Keller April 16, 1890, Logan. Utah (daughter of James Keller and Margaret Larsen, who re- sided at Mantua, Brigham and Garland, Utah). She was born March 3, 1870. Second assistant superintendent Mantua Sunday school Jan. 14, 1894, first assistant March 19, 1899, superintendent April 21, 1901; ward chorister 1895 to 1902; second coun- selor in bishopric of Garland ward, until the organizing of Bear river stake, when he was chosen second counselor to the president of that stake. Succeeded his father as superintendent and manager of the Mantua Co-op store, which business he successfully managed for a number of years. School trustee. Clerk Box Elder county Nov. 6, 1900, and again Nov. 4, 1902. Moved to Brigham City, De- cember, 1902. Moved to Garland, Utah, 1906, where with his three brothers, organized the company of Jensen Brothers, dealers in lumber, furniture and hardware, also operating a large dry farm in the Blue Creek Valley. Member board of trustees Garland. JENSEN, PETER. Cama to Utah with oxteam company. Married Mary , in Denmark. Their children: Mar- garet, m. Hans Thunnison; Rasmus, m. Ingre ; Jens, m. Dorothy Petersen, m. Elvena Bj Hans; m. Margaret . Family home in Denmark. Farmer. Died at Gunnison, Utah. JENSEN, JENS (son of Peter and Mary Jensen). Married Dorothy Petersen at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Mary Dorothy, m. D. W. Woolsey; Lena, d. aged 4 years; Anne Josephine, m. Harrison Edwards, Jr.; Eliza Andrea, m. Andrew -Hamilton Kearns; James Peter, d. aged 21 years; Matilda Eleanor b. Jan. 14, 1878, m. Orson Hyrum Lowry July 20, 1897; Isabel b. 1880, d. aged 1 year; Francis Marion; Lydia, m. Mark Brewer. Family home Gunnison, Utah. Married EJvena Bj at Manti, Utah. Their children: Ruby; Herold, d. aged 6 years; Heber; Edna. Family home Center- field, Utah. President elders quorum 25 years; choir leader at Gun- nison. School trustee. Farmer. Died in 1906. JENSEN, PETER (son of James A. Christensen and Johannah Larsen of Bybyarg, Denmark). Born July 16, 1831, at Bybyarg. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Young independent company. Married Bodelia Marie Jacobson Feb. 12, 1859, in Denmark (daughter of Ole Jacobson and Ana Poulsen of Gjorlewby Frederiksborg, Denmark, pioneers Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Young independent company). She was born July 8, 1839. Their children: Johannah Maria b. June 1860, d. July 1863 on plains; Ole Peter b. June 27, 1863, m. Eliza Whitehead; Lars P. b. Nov. 24, 1864, m. Margarett V. Hymas; Anna Han- nah b. April 6, 1866, d. May 1866; Annie Christena b. Aug. 10, 1867, m. Abel Smart; Johannah Christena b. Oct. 9, 1868, m. Alanzo Cook; James A. b. May 16, 1870, m. Johannah Overgaard. Married Marie Sorenson in 1870, Ovid, Idaho (daughter of Lars P. Sorenson and Gertrude M. Gregersen. of Vesster- hassing, Aalborg, Denmark, pioneers 1869). She was born March 18, 1852. Their children: Georgina Sicllia b. Jan. 17, 1882, m. John Osborne; Christian Peter b. Sept. 24. 1883, m. Rebecca Hymas; Lorenzo Wilford b. April 6, 1886, m. Minnie Hymas; Mary Bodelia b. Dec. 13. 1888; Alvin Hana b. Dec. 27, 1S91. Family resided at Ovid, Idaho. Bishop of Ovid ward nearly 16 years. Postmaster many years. JENSEN, LARS P. (son of Peter Jensen and Bodella Marie Jacobson). Born Nov. 24, 1864, Ovid, Idaho. Married Margarett V. Hymas Oct. 19, 1887 (daughter of William Hymas and Mary Edwards, pioneers Sept. 26, 1862, James Wareham company). She was born March 4, 1870. Their children: Maggie Ann b. Sept. 9, 1888. m. Arthur Peterson; Lars William b. April 20, 1890, m. Ethel Findley; Asa Ray b. April 16, 1892, m. Venice Johnson; Ethel b. Dec. 10, 1893; Archie b. March 8. 1896; Charles Telbert b. Feb. 19, 1898; Idell b. Feb. 2, 1900; Leda b. April 10, 1903; Alfred Ona b. Feb. 10, 1907; La Vaun b. Dec. 8. 1910; Dean Wesley b. Sept. 9, 1912. Family home Ovid, Idaho. Missionary to Denmark two years; high councilor, Bear Lake stake and superintendent Ovid Sunday school for many years. JENSEN, PETER CHRISTIAN (son of Christian and Boletta Jensen of Svenstrup, Denmark). Born Feb. 18, 1833, Svenstrup. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Mary Anderson in Oct. 1863. Thornbergh, Den- mark (daughter of Christian Anderson and Caroline Ander- son of Svenstrup, pioneers 1861). She was born Aug. 16, 1826. Their children: Ingerbor; Mary Christena; Heber PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 965 C.; Peter C. ; Alma; Caroline Cecelia. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Kisten Jensen Jan. 15, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Soren Jensen and Mary Christensen of Barimer, Denmark). She was born March 27, 1844. Their children: Anna Kistena; Judith Cecelia; Hans Peter; James Christian; Mary Boletta; Nilsine Sorine; Joseph; John Frank; Hyrum C.; Ella S.; Wilford M.; Stella L. Families resided at Fair- view and Milburn, Utah. Member bishopric; seventy; teacher. Marshal at Fair- view. Farmer. ,n;\si:V. SOREN (son of Jense Peter Sorenson, born Sept. 23, 1809, Hvirring, Denmark, and Anna Kjerstine Jenson, born 1807, Honum married 1834). Born June 14, 1838, Hvirring, Denmark. Came to Utah 1860, last handcart company. Married Elma Peterson, who was born 1824 in Sweden. Their children: Soren b. Sept. 22, 1861, died; Elna Annie b. March 9, 1863, m. Severen Nelson; Kjerstine b. May 25, 1869, d. July 30, 1878. Married Kjerstine Rasmusen March 9, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Rasmus Hansen). She was born March 22, 1837, in Denmark. Their children: Joseph Erastus b. April 21, 1868, m. Grace Horton; Kaermtha Mora b. Aug. 6, 1870, died; Jense Peter b. March 9, 1872, died; Jense Jule b. Dec. 25, 1873, m. Seela Wilden; Nephi U. C. S. b. Feb. 16, 1876, m. Margaret Smith; Alma Christian b. April 6, 1879. Married Karen Jullusen April 18, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Julius Peterson), who was born Nov. 28, 1836, in Denmark; died Dec. 1906. Their children: Hyrum Julius b. M.-.rch 13, 1869, m. Bodil Jensen; Nelse Peter b. Oct. 11. 1870, d. 1885; Brigham Miles b. Nov. 20, 1872, m. Kate Samars; Caroline Elizabeth b. Dec. 9, 1874, m. Alma Squires; Julie R. b. Nov. 15, 1876; Daniel Christian b. Sept. 2, 1879, m. Adella Decker. Married Ann Johanna Jensen Sept. 12, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Jensen, came to Utah 1878). She was born April 29, 1855, In Denmark, died Sept. 11, 1883. Their children: Katerina Kristena b. July 10, 1879, m. Andrew Jackson Stephens; Sarah Myriah b. Sept. 24, 1880; Anne Christina b. Jan. 23, 1883, d. 1883. Married Petrea Cathrina Hansen Feb. 21, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Peter Hansen, born 1817, and Margreta Christena Kirstine Kofoed, born March 16, 1825 married In 1848; former came to Utah with William Chris- tensen company). She was born April 3, 1859, Bornholm, Denmark. Their children: Petrea b. Oct. 13, 1886, d. infant; Ann Margaret b. May 6, 1888; Soren M. b. May 8, 1890; Morgan Moroni b. Aug. 23, 1894; Mary Grace b. May 23, 1896. Missionary to Denmark 1876-78; high priest; settled in Salt Lake City 1860; worked on tabernacle three years, joining together the circular arch supporting the roof at both ends of the building; built tithing house and relief room at St. Johns, Ariz. Moved to Mancos, Colo., and remained there 25 years. Farmer and carpenter. JENSEN, SOREST. Born May 6, 1810, Torse, Hjorring amt, Denmark. Came to Utah 1854, Captain Olsen company. Married Kistina Maria Jensen 1834 (daughter of Jens Jensen and Mette Johana Madsen of Torse, Denmark). She was born July 26, 1812, d. Nov. 1891. Their children: Jens Christian and Andrew Peter, died; Petrea b. March 5, 1840, m. John Chester Hitchcock; Nettle Maria, m. Ole Olsen; Henry Godfredt, m. Stina Nielson Skow; Peter. Family home, Ephraim, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Died 1906 at St. Joseph, Mo. JENSEN, SOREN PETER (son of Jens Pedersen and Maren Sorensdatter of Glimsholt, Ugilt Sogn, Denmark). Born Oct. 30, 1836, at Glimsholt, Denmark. Came to Utah July 14, 1877. Married Kirsten Marie Christensen Oct. 24, 1862, Ugilt Church, Ugilt Sogn, Denmark (daughter of Christen Chris- tensen and Inger Jensdatter of Horsevad, Ugilt Sogn came to Utah July 14, 1877). She was born Nov. 24, 1834. Their children: James Christian, m. Joannah E. Jennings; Charles, m. Lettie Christensen; Martin, died: Anders Chris- tian, d. child; Inger Marie, and Soren ,Peter, d. infants; Andrew Christian, m. Emma Lefgren. Family home Levan, Utah. High priest. County selectman in Denmark several terms. Farmer. Died Jan. 15, 1905, Levan, Utah. JENSEN, THOMAS CHRISTIAN (son of Christen Kyer and Maren Mickelsen). Born Jan. 16, 1818, Jersley, Hjorring amt, Denmark. Came to Utah in November 1866, Captain Lowry oxteam company. Married Karen Marie Iversen in 1842, Vreislev, Den- mark (daughter of Iver and Maren Hansen), who was born Jan. 12, 1817. Their children: Marie b. June 12, 1842; Mary Ann b. April 1844; Jens Iver b. Aug. 8, 1846; Mlcallne b. in Nov. 1848; Stena b. Aug. 4, 1853; Christian Julius b. July 1, 1855; Niels Peter b. in Dec. 1856; Mathilda b. in Feb. 1858. Family home Elsinore, Utah. Elder. Brass molder and mechanic. Died July 6, 1903. JENSEN, JENS IVER (son of Thomas Christian Jensen and Karen Marie Iversen). Born Aug. 8, 1846, Jerslev, Hjorring amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1867, Captain Rice oxteam company. Married Ingar Nielsen Sondergaard May 24. 1867, Aal- borg, Denmark (daughter of Jens Nielsen Sondergaard and Karen Madsen of Vorsaa, Hjorring amt, Denmark), She was born Feb. 17, 1845, and came to Utah with hus- band in 1867. Their children: James Iver b. Nov. 25, 1868, d. April 30, 1879; Dr. Charles b. Dec. 21, 1870, m. Sarah Peterson; Daniel P. b. Sept. 1, 1872, m. Mathilda Lee; Carolina, died; Walter b. July 14, 1S77, m. Elizabeth Syl- vester; Emma b. in June, 1879, m. Dr. H. Z. Lund; Wil- helmina b. April 16, 1883, m. F. H. Gunn; Clementina b. April 14, 1885, m. Dr. J. W. Hagen. Family home Elsinore, Utah. Married Inger Anna Christiansen Oct. 24, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of C. Christiansen and Anna Klrstlna Jen- sen), who was born April 23, 1857, Hormestad, Denmark. Their children: Hannah, died; Sarah b. June 21, 1888; Oscar b. Jan. 4, 1893. Missionary to Denmark twice; bishop of Elsinore ward 1887-1911; patriarch. Superintendent of Elsinore Co-op, about 25 years. JENSEN, CHRISTIAN JULIUS (son of Thomas Christian Jensen and Karen Marie Iversen). Born July 1, 1856, Soby, Denmark. Came to Utah with parents. Married Zionlena Smith in Jan. 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ralph Smith and Sophia Hansen of Kolding, Denmark, pioneers 1862, San Pete ox team company). She was born Feb. 16, 1856, died Dec. 10, 1900. Their children: Eva b. March 17, 1876; Elnora b. April 10, 1878; Zionlena b. Dec. 6, 1881; Blanche b. Aug. 19, 1884; Afton b. June 15, 1892; Hope b. Sept. 4. 1896. Married Anna Johanna Katter. Their children: Mar- garet b. Dec. 9, 1907; Grace Louisa b. Sept. 19, 1912. Fami- lies resided at Elsinore. Elder. Farmer. JENSON, JENS (son of Jens Knutson of Sweden). Born Feb. 12, 1829, Felestad, Sweden. Came to Utah in 1867 with handcart company. Married Cella Anderson in 1862, Salt Lake City, who was born Dec. 28, 1832, Helsingborg, Sweden, and came to Utah in 1860 with oxteam company. Their children: Emma C. b. Sept. 23, 1863, m. Samuel W. Ceilings; Alice M. b. May 4, 1865, m. Thomas A. Hunt; Joseph Henry b. Aug. 23, 1867, m. Emmaline Hansen, m. Ellen Louise Ander- son. Family home Monroe, Utah. Missionary to Sweden 1879-81; high priest; ward teacher. Early settler in Morgan and Sevier counties. Farmer. Died July 2, 1900. JENSON, JOSEPH HENRY (son of Jens Jenson and Cella Anderson). Born Aug. 23. 1867, Round Valley, Utah. Married Emmaline Hansen Nov. 6, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of Jens -Hanson and Charlotte S. D. Peterson of Denmark, pioneers Sept. 29, 1853, John Forsgren com- pany). She was born Nov. 13, 1865, at Manti and died April 12, 1904. Their children: Josephine b. Oct. 1, 1891; Evan Henry b. Feb. 15. 1893; Charlotte b. Nov. 10, 1894; Celta b. Feb. 22, 1896; Emmaline b. Dec. 29, 1897; Wilford Wells b. July 21, 1900. Married Ellen Louise Anderson Aug. 12, 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of Glaus Anderson and Sophia Anderson of Sweden). She was born Dec. 31, 1879, in Sweden. Their children: Sophia b. Oct. 20, 1909, d. May 27, 1910; Glaus b. June 10, 1911, d. infant. Families resided at Monroe, Utah. Missionary to Sweden 1901-03; high priest; president and clerk of 41st quorum seventies; bishop of Monroe North ward 1904; president of deacons quorum; president of teachers quorum. President of Monroe town board two terms. President of Monroe Creamery Corporation. School trustee six years. Farmer and stockraiser. JENSON, LARS (son of Jons Jonson of Anderslb'f. Sweden). Born Sept. 30, 1823, at Anderslof. Came to Utah 1866, Peter Nebeker company. Married Engar Andersen March, 1852, Ostra Torp, Sweden. She was born Aug. 11, 1822, and came to Utah with hus- band. Their children: James L.. m. Bertha Maria Carl- son; Olof, m. Mary Francos Ralph; Nels, m. Minna Holm- gren. High priest. Stone mason and farmer. Died at family home. Bear River City, Utah, Sept. 24, 1896. JENSON OLOF (son of Lars Jensen and Engar Ander- sen). Born Jan. 18, 1856, Ostra Torp, Sweden. Came to Utah 1866, Peter Nebeker company. Married Mary Frances Ralph May 22. 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Ralph and Sarah Johnson of Brigham City, Utah). She was born Feb. 15. 1857. Their children: Sarah Irena b. Feb. 25, 1877, m. Hyrum Hogensen; Olof Lionel b. Oct. 6, 1880, m. Henrietta Hudson; Viola Sophia b. March 3. 1882, m. Nels Enoch Iversen; Ernest Ralph b. Oct. 6, 1884, m. Leona Taylor; Orestes b. June 6, 1886, m. Amanda Johnson; Conrad Heber b. Oct. 16, 1890; Myrtle Geneva b. Jan. 28, 1894. Family home, Bear River City. Member 68th quorum seventies; missionary to Sweden 1877-89; Sunday school superintendent 12 years. Farmer. 966 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH JEPPESE1V, CHRISTIAN (son of Jeppe Jeppesen of Odense, Denmark). Born Oct. 6, 1817. Came to Utah fall of 1867, Captain Nelsen company. Married Christina Orsted Christensen 1852, Nakskov, Sjelland, Denmark (daughter of Niels Christensen and Mary Hansen of Kublen, Sjelland). She was born April 16, 1807. Their children: Minnie b. Jan. 3, 1853, m. Thomas H. Jones; Matina b. March 4, 1855, died. Married Abelle Steffens 1863, Salt Lake City. She was born in Nakskov, Sjelland, Denmark. Married Hansena Nielson Jan. 22, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans and Mary Nielsen of Odense, Denmark). She was born Feb. 11, 1850. Their children: Christian b. Jan. 22, 1868, m. Adlie Christina Anderson; Nephi b. Nov. 8, 1869, m. Minnie Jorgensen; Christina b. Oct. 24, 1871, died; Mary b. Dec. 7, 1873, died; Zina Johanna b. Nov. 12, 1875, m. John B. Seamounto; Daniel b. Sept. 3, 1877, m. Pearl Loverridge: Ephraim b. Aug. 1, 1880, m. Martha Selmon; Sarah Elizabeth b. March 2, 1882, m. Ben- jamin Wride; Alfreda Jacobina b. Dec. 29, 1883, m. John Collins. Families resided Lake View, Utah. Ward teacher. Sailor; farmer; stockraiser. Died May 13, 1884, Lake View, Utah. JEPPESEN, CHRISTIAN (son of Christian Jeppesen and Hansena Nielsen). Born Jan. 22, 1868, Provo, Utah. Married Adlie Christina Anderson July 1, 1903, Manti, Utah (daughter of Andrew Anderson and Cecilia Gertrude Pherson, Gothland, Sweden). She was born Dec. 4, 1870. She came to Utah Nov. 17, 1883. Their children: Christian Rhodes b. April 7, 1904; Geraldine Christina b. Aug. 25, 1905; Oden Cecil b. Aug. 12, 1907; Chrissie Lucile b. May 22, 1909; George Nephl b. June 15, 1910. Family home Lake View, Utah. Ward teacher; assistant Sunday school superintendent Lake View. Farmer. JEPPESEN, PETER NIELSEJf (son of Niels Jeppesen, born Sept. 3, 1788, Vegersted, Denmark, and Marie Rasmussen, born 1786, same place married Nov. 25, 1814). He was born Sept. 19, 1816, Sigersted, Denmark. Came to Utah 1868, oxteam company . Married Caroline Sophie Sorensen April 12, 1845 (daughter of Soren Sigvardsen and Karen Sorensen, married June 11, 1819, In Denmark). She was born Sept. 28, 1822, Kirke Hvalso, Denmark. Their children: Annie b. March 3, 1846, m. A. P. Schow; Karen Marie b. Aug. 20, 1848, m. H. N. Jeppesen; Sigvard b. Oct. 23, 1851; Niels Peter b. Aug. 2, 1854, m. Anne M. Jeppesen; Sophia b. May 2, 1857, m. Joseph Ricks; Christian Peter Edward, d. on plains. Family home Mantua, Utah. JEPPESEN, NIELS PETER (son of Peter Nielsen Jeppesen and Caroline Sophie Sorensen). Born Aug. 2, 1854, Hvalso, Denmark. Came to Utah with parents. Married Anna M. Jeppesen Jan. 25, 1876, Brigham City, Utah (daughter of Rasmus N. Peppesen and Ellen Catherine Ottosen, pioneers 1854). She was born June 9, 1860, Brig- ham City, Utah. Their children: Niels P. b. June 17, 1877, m. May Call (died), m. Luella Nelsen; Caroline Sophia b. Nov. 21, 1S79, m. Anton Jensen; Albert Edward b. March 25, 1882, m. Emelia Ipson; Agnes Millicent b. July 27, 1884; Oscar Arnold b. Nov. 10, 1886; Meda Christena Elizabeth b. Feb. 11, 1889; William Wallace b. April 15, 1891; Evelyn Catherine b. March 29, 1893; Ronald Olsen b. June 30, 1895; Hazel Geneva b. Jan. 5, 1898. Family home Mantua, Utah. Member 59th quorum seventies; high priest; missionary to Scandinavia 1907-09. Justice of peace two terms; school trustee three terms. First postmaster of Mantua. Director and secretary Mantua Co-op, now owner of same. Director in Mantua Land and Live Stock Company. JEPSOBf, JAMES. Came to Utah 1849, oxteam company. Married Eleanor Nightingale, who was born July 4, 1816, and came to Utah 184S, with husband. Only child: Eleanor b. Sept. 1, 1858, m. John Alfred Spendlove. Family home Virgin City, Utah. High priest; first counselor In bishopric of Virgin City ward. Farmer. Died at Virgin City. JEPSOJT, JAMES (son of Mlkel Jepson and Alice Headock of Lancashire, Engr.). Born June 24, 1816, Artly Bridge, Lancashire. Came to Utah 1852, ox team company. Married Eleanor Nightingale June 27, 1838 (daughter of Miles Nightingale and Lucy Thornly). She was born July 4, 1816, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: James, Jr., b. Oct. 13, 1854, m. Lucinda Stratton Dec. 28, 1876; Mary Ellen b. Nov. 1851, m. M. M. Steele April 1874; Eleanor b. Sept. 1, 1857, m. Estelvin Owens Dec. 28, 1876, m. John Alfred Spendlove 1886. Family home Virgin City, Utah. Missionary to England 1841-42; first counselor to Bishop John Parker, Virgin City 1865-81. Farmer. Died Sept. 1881 at Virgin City. JEPSON, JAMES (son of James Jepson and Eleanor Night- ingale). Born Oct. 13, 1854, Centerville, Utah. Married Lucinda Stratton Dec. 28, 1876, Virgin City (daughter of Anthony J. Stratton and Martha Jane Lane). She was born Jan. 12, 1857, Cedar City, Utah. Their chil- dren: James Anthony b. March 2, 1878, m. Louisa Cox Oct. 16, 1905: Martha b. May 12, 1880, m. John H. Hastings Sept. 12, 1900; Mary Eleanor b. Oct. 18, 1881. m. Richard Isom Sept. 12, 1905; Rozilpha b. July 27, 1883, m. George Q. Knowlton Sept. 11, 1907; Lucy b. Sept. 21, 1886, m. Calvin D. Barnum Sept. 16, 1909; Jesse N. b. April 21, 1888, m. Brenda Angell Dec. 27, 1910; Artemissla b. Feb. 19, 1893. Family home Virgin City, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A., Virgin City; first counselor to Bishop John Parker 1881-83; second counselor to Bishop Beebe 1899-1903; first counselor to Bishop Samuel Isom 1903-07; bishop of Virgin ward 1907-09. President Hurri- cane Canal Company 1902-09. JEREMY, THOMAS E. (son of Thomas Jeremy and Sarah Evans of Carmarthenshire, South Wales). Born July 11, 1816, In South Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 28. 1849, George A. Smith company. Married Sarah Evans March 16, 1838, in South Wales. She was born April 27, 1816. Their children: John, m. Sarah Riley; Thomas E., Jr., m. Elizabeth W. Pettit; Han- nah; Margaret; Esther, m. David L. Davis; Sarah, died; Mary, died; Ann, m. Sarge Stenhouse; Eliza, m. Harvey Hardy; Martha, m. Samuel Wallace; Francis, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to Wales. Farmer; gardener. Died April 17, 1891, at Salt Lake City. JEREMY, THOMAS E. (son of Thomas E. Jeremy and Sarah Evans). Born Dec. 1, 1839, Carmarthenshire, South Wales, Came to Utah with father. Married Elizabeth W. Pettit Feb. 10, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ethan Pettit and Margaret Ellsworth of Long Island, N. Y.). She was born Sept. 27, 1846. Came to Utah Sept. 1848 with Heber C. Kimball company. Their children: Ethan J. b. April 17, 1869, m. Minnie Hodges; Margaret A. b. July 27, 1872, m. Thomas I. Irvine; Chloe b. May 28. 1875, m. Calvin Kempf; Mary O. b. Aug. 22, 1877, m. Grant Andrus; Stella W. b. July 23, 1879, m. William B. Taylor; Emily b. April 27, 1881, m. Walter Wright; Ernest L. b. Aug. 18, 1884, m. Vera Jamison. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. City councilman. Farmer. JESSOP, RICHARD (son of Edward Jessop, born Aug. 9, 1806, Lincolnshire, Eng., and Frances Millward, born Sept. 30, 1800, Kirptown, Derbyshire, Eng.). Born May 3, 1838, Stoke Rogford, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1862. Married Mary Ellen Shaffer Nov. 26, 1863 (daughter of Joseph Russel Shaffer and Gilead Taylor, pioneers Oct. 1853, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Nov. 27, 1848. Came to Utah with her parents. Their children: Richard Edward b. March 3, 1865. died; Mary Alice b. April 18, 1867, m. James Greene Taylor March 31, 1886; Joseph Smith b. Jan. 26, 1869, m. Martha Moore Yeates Oct. 16, 1889; Louisa Frances b. April 29, 1871, m. Martin Olson Jan. 22, 1890; Nephi b. July 36, 1873, died; Moroni b. Nov. 3, 1874, m. Bertha Jackson June 24, 1903; Tessie Geneva b. Dec. 6, 1881; Lilleth Ethel b. Sept. 13, 1884, m. George Timothy Cummings, Jr., Oct. 4, 1902; Ellen b. Nov. 29, 1887, m. Edmund J. Bailey Sept. 6, 1911; Gilead b. July 29, 1889, m. William Daniel Saurey March 4, 1911. Family home Millville, Utah. Married Jenett Leronia Shaffer Nov. 26, 1873. Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Russel Shaffer and Gilead Taylor, pioneers Oct. 1853, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born May 11, 1858, Cottonwood, Salt Lake county. Their children: Sarah Cathrine b. Feb. 3, 1876, m. Joseph Graf- ton Hovey, Jr., March 6, 1895; William Oscar b. Sept. 21, 1879. d. Dec. 13, 1897; George Henry b. Dec. 6, 1881, m. Frances Stephens; Lester Russel b. June 1, 1887, m. Leone Telford; Alma b. Feb. 10, 1889; Parley b: April 18. 1893; Agnes Merle b. Jan. 7, 1895, m. Edward Hanson Feb. 13, 1913; Jenett b. Feb. 15, 1897. Assisted in bringing company of Immigrants to Utah 1868. Stood guard during early Indian troubles. Presi- dent and watermaster Providence and Millville Irrigation Company; assisted in organizing in 1887 and served as first president of Millville Stock and Agriculture Associa- tion; an organizer of Millville Broom Company, and United Order; president of the former 1878-81. Died March 13, 1899, at Millville, Utah. JESSOP, JOSEPH SMITH (son of Richard Jessop and Mary Ellen Shaffer). Born Jan. 25, 1869, Millville, Utah. Married Martha Moore Yeates Oct. 16, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of Frederick Yeates and Sarah Webb, former came to Utah Sept. 21, 1867, Capt. Hofflnes company, latter Oct. 1861, Mllo Andrus company). She was born July 8, 1871, at Millville. Their children: Sarah Genevleve b. Oct. 3, 1890; Joseph Lyman b. Feb. 10, 1892; Richard Seth b. Jan. 22, 1894; Dowayne Neor b. Sept. 9, 1895; Violet b. Jan. 10, 1897; Ruby b. Dec. 9, 1898; Martha b. Sept. 24, 1900; Vergel Yeates b. Oct. 31. 1902; Sylmar Green b. Nov. 25, 1904; Fawnetta b. Dec. 31, 1906; Millicent b. Nov. 20, 1908, died; Fredrick M. b. April 20, 1910; John Mlllward b. March 19, 1912. Family home Millville, Utah. JEX, WILLIAM (son of William Jex and Ann Ward of Norfolk, Eng.). Born Sept. 6, 1831, Crostwick, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson company. Married Eliza Goodson Feb. 22, 1864 (daughter of John Goodson and Sarah Trexon), who was born Jan. 1, 1826, and PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 967 came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sarah Ann Trexon (adopted) b. April 1, 1851, m. Joshua Brockbank March 7, 1868; Emma Eliza b. Oct. 11, 1855, m. Robert W. McKell Feb. 28, 1876; Alice Velat b. Aug. 28. 1857, m. Henry J. McKell Jan. 9, 1879; Rosetta Coreline b. March 30, 1859, m. Heber Robertson Dec. 18, 1880; Artemesla Jane b. Oct. 6, 1860, m. Lars O. Lawrence May 13, 1880; Richard Henry b. April 7, 1862, m. Ruth Jex Feb. 24, 1886; George Hyrum b. Dec. 28, 1863, m. Burl Christena Larsen Jan. 31, 1889; Ann Melinda b. Sept. 25, 1865, m. Albert T. Money Jan. 9, 1889; Hanna Eliza b. Oct. 6, 1867, m. Roswell Bradford March 22, 1893; John William b. Oct. 5, 1867, m. Emily Hed- quist March 22, 1893; Heber Charles b. Aug. 12, 1871, m. Emeline Bird Dec. 23, 1898. Married Jemima Cox Jan. 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Cox and Ann Elizabeth Newby), who was born Jan. 15. 1836, in Leicestershire, Eng. Their children: George William b. Dec. 3, 1865, d. Oct. 25, 1866; James Henry b. Oct. 4, 1867, d. Jan. 3, 1879; Jemima Sophia b. Dec. 22, 1869, d. Feb. 24, 1879; David Walter b. April 23, 1872, d. Jan. 3, 1885. Families resided at Spanish Fork, Utah. Senior president 50th quorum seventies 20 years; high priest; presided over Norwich conference 1885; missionary to England 1883; presiding teacher Spanish Fork ward several years. Worked on Salt Lake temple In 1854. Took active part in early Indian troubles and in Echo Canyon campaign 1857. Chosen to supervise the work of opening up roads into canyons near Spanish Fork; had charge of co-op, saw mill for a time; general watermaster 1861-62; city councilman and school trustee, Spanish Fork. Assisted financially in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1910. De- scendants number 110 grandchildren and 59 great-grand- children. Made patriarch 1912. JOHANSON, CARL,. Came to Utah in 1862. Married. His children: August, m. Christina Jorgensen; Sophia, m. Mads Larsen. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Had charge of co-operative sheep herd. Sheepman and farmer. Died about 1872 at Ephraim, Utah. JOHANSEN, LARS (son of Johan Christiansen and Kjersten Mortensen of Orum, Veile amt, Denmark). Born Feb. 8, 1792. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. Married Anna Margreta Sorensen (daughter of Soren Christensen and Cecelia Larsen), who was born May 12, 1797; came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, H. P. Olsen company. Their children: Soren b. March 28, 1821, m. Maria Frederick- son Dec. 1854; Johannes b. Dec. 18, 1824, m. Anna Jorgensen Oct. 19, 1850; Sesel Kjestine b. May 11, 1826, m. Jens Blak 1855; Chresten G. b. Dec. 17, 1828, m. Marie K. Sorensen April 1, 1857; Christian J. b. March 21, 1831, m. Barbara J. D. Olsen Oct. 30, 1853; Lauritz b. Jan. 25, 1834, m. Maria Thomp- sen April 1, 1857; Mary b. Aug. 2, 1836, m. Chr. Willarsen July 18, 1868. Family resided Spring City, Ephraim, Castle- dale and Logan, Utah. High priest. Settled at South Weber 1854, moved to Ephraim 1858, and to Spring City 1862. Died in 1884, Spring City, Utah. JOHN, THOMAS (son of William John and Letitia Phillips of Wood Roach parish, Pembrokeshire, Wales). Born Jan. 29, 1820. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company. Married Margaret Thomas July 14, 1840 (daughter of William Thomas and Ann James), who was born Aug. 14, 1815; came to Utah with husband in 1862. Their children: Phebe b. Dec. 18, 1838, m. James Cusworth; William b. Nov. 7, 1841, m. Sarah Ann Ashton; Charles b. April 21. 1843, m. Elizabeth Williams; Ann b. Feb. 1, 1844, m. Edward W. Smith; James b. Nov. 10, 1846, m. Hannah Abbott; Levi b. Feb. 4, 1849, m. Mary Ann Hall; Henry b. Feb. 15, 1851, m. Margaret Rees; Letitia b. April 6, 1853, m. William H. Gibbs; Mary Jane b. Nov. 18, 1855. m. Joseph B. Hawkley. Family resided Wellsville and Malad Valley, Utah. Married Jane Green Oct. 28, 1872, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas and Ann Green), who was born Nov. 8, 1819, Preston, Eng. Ward teacher; high councilor. Settled at Wellsville 1862, moved to Malad Valley 1867. Planted first wheat on west side of Malad river; helped found town of Portage. JOHN, JAMES (son of Thomas John and Margaret Thomas). Born Nov. 10, 1846, Mathry parish, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Married Hannah S. Abbott May 9, 1865, Wellsville, Utah (daughter of Jacob Abbott), who was born at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Their children: Thomas Jacob b. Aug. 27, 1866; Mary Jane b. Oct. 19, 1867, m. Henry Parkinson Jan. 18, 1888; Martha Jane b. Oct. 17, 1869; Elizabeth b. Dec. 24, 1870, m. Frank Hall Jan. 18, 1888; Emily Ann b. Jan. 18, 1873, m. Edwin Vaughn July 4, 1889; Harriet b. Nov. 15, 1874, m. C. W. Hall; James b. Sept. 25, 1876; Angline b. Oct. 4, 1877, m. Joseph Olsen April 19, 1892; Sarah b. Feb. 21, 1879; Margaret S. b. May 13, 1880; David A. b. Jan. 18, 1883; Letha b. Nov. 16, 1884, m. Samuel Smith Nov. 21, 1901; Rosella b. July 26, 1886. Family resided Wellsville and Portage, Utah. Married Mary James May 16, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Thomas James and Sarah Vaughn, who were married Aug. 1, 1843, Castle Braith, Wales, the former came to Utah July 1876). She was born Aug. 22, 1844, Castle Braith. Their children: Emma b. March 20, 1867, m. Hyrum Ashton Aug. 18, 1884; Annie b. June 20, 1870, m. John Heaton; Thomas b. March 14. 1878, m. Rose E. Ward Feb. 27 1903; Hannah S. b. May 9. 1880, m. Leroy Howell; Minnie I. b. May 3, 1883; m. Lorenzo Hoskins April 19, 1899- Mirinda [. b. Jan. 20, 1884, m. Richard Ward April 26, 1904; Henry Edgar b. Nov. 21, 1886. High priest. Farmer. JOHN, HENRY (son of Thomas John and Margaret Thomas) Born Feb. 15, 1851, Mathry Parish, Pembrokeshire. Wales ' Married Margaret Rees Dec. 8, 1876. Portage, Utah (daush- T?. r u f , ^ omas Rees and Rebe <=ca Williams, they came to Utah 1872). She was born Nov. 16, 1858, Broadway Pem- brokeshire, Wales. Their children: Thomas Parley b May 17, 1878, m. Annie M. Wells Feb. 16. 1899; Margaret Rebecca b. May 25, 1880, m. John C. Howell Nov. 16, 1899; Elizabeth b. July 15, 1881, d. July 15, 1881; Brigham Henry b. Feb. 20. 1883, m. Letha J. Landon Jan. 19. 1910; Ethel Mary b. Sept 13, 1884, m. John Roderick Nov. 12, 1902; Ruth b. Sept. 6, 1886 d. Sept. 8, 1906; Samuel Franklin b. Feb. 23, 1888, d. Aug 28 1888; Bertha Naomi, b. Sept. 21, 1889; William Arthur b. May 24. 1891; Noah James b. Dec. 2, 1894; Edwin b. Dec. 23, 1898 d Dec. 25, 1898. Family home Portage, Utah. President 52nd quorum seventies; Sunday school superin- tendent; missionary to Great Britain and to California Justice of the peace and school trustee. JOHNS, JOHN (son of Morgan Johns of Glamorganshire, South Wales). Born May 26, 1805, Wells, St. Donats, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1861, Sextus E. Johnson company. Married Margaret Thomas in 1835, Prlsk parish, South Wales (daughter of Morgan and Blanch Thomas), who was born Feb. 19, 1810. Their children: Morgan b. April 2, 1840, m. Mary Jenkins; Jonathan b. April 27, 1843 m Elizabeth A. Bishop; William b. Nov. 27, 1845. and Meriam b. Aug. 13, 1848, d. infants; David b. March 19, 1853, m. Sarah A. Thomas. Family resided North Ogden, Pleasant View, Utah. President Pendylon branch in Wales; high priest. Died March 20, 1884. JOHNS, DAVID (son of John Johns and Margaret Thomas). Born March 19, 1863, Wells, St. Donats, South Wales. Married Sarah A. Thomas March 1, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Thomas and Elizabeth Philips of Brig- ham City, Utah, pioneers Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus and John R. Murdock company). She was born July 15, 1858. Their children: David J. b. July 13, 1880, m. Susan V. May- cock; Diana B. b. May 4, 1882; William M. b. Oct. 26, 1883, m. Anna E. Chamberlain Nov. 20, 1912; Robert J. b. April 5, 1886, d. child; Margaret b. Aug. 2, 1887; Elizabeth b. May 4, 1890, m. William H. Shaw; Sarah b. Nov. 11, 1891. Family home Pleasant View, Weber Co., Utah. Missionary among the Indians 1876; missionary to Great Britain 1892-93; presiding teacher, Pleasant View ward. JOHNSON, AARON (son of Didymus Johnson and Rheuama Stephens of Haddam, Conn.). Born June 22, 1806. Haddam. Came to Utah Sept. 18, 1850, captain of his own company. Married Polly Zerviah Kelsey Sept. 13 1827, New Haven, Conn, (daughter of Willis Kelsey and Polly Parmalee, Killingworth, Conn.). She was born Sept. 13, 1808, and died June 27, 1860. Their children: Willis Kelsey b. Sept. 13, 1828, m. Laura Crandall; Marilla b. Oct. 12, 1830, m. William Miller, m. James E. Daniels; Mary Ann, died; Emma Maria b. Sept. 13, 1836, m. William N. Spafford. Family home Killingworth, Conn. Married Jane Scott July 12, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of George and Abigail Scott of Nauvoo, pioneers 1850, Aaron Johnson company). She was born May 10, 1822. Their children: Don Carlos b. July 1, 1847, m. Lydia M. Boyer; Aaron b. May 22, 1850, m. Louisa M. Whiting; Sophia b. Nov. 20, 1853, d. Sept. 24, 1854; Stephen D. b. Oct. 6, 1856, m. Luella Curtis; Mose b. April 14, 1860, m. Annie Kearns; Heber C. b. June 4, 1864, d. Feb. 1, 1866. Family home Springville, Utah. First bishop of Springville 1850-72; president high coun- cil Utah stake; high councilor Nauvoo, 111., for four years; missionary to eastern states 1843-44. Chief justice Utah county for eight years; major general Utah militia; speaker of first legislature at Fillmore; member Utah legislature 20 years; postmaster of Springville fon 26 years. Founder of Springville. Died May 10, 1877, Springville. JOHNSON, AARON (son of Aaron Johnson and Jane Scott). Born May 22, 1850, Garden Grove, Utah. Married Louisa M. Whiting Oct. 8. 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edwin Whiting and Elizabeth Tilotson, Sprlng- ville, Utah, pioneers 1849, Capt. Morley company). She was born May 17, 1850, at MantI, San Pete Co. Their chil- dren: Aaron Wayne b. July 14, 1873, m. Anna Whitney; Winifred b. Nov. 17, 1874, d. child; Claudia b. June 12, 1877. m. Harvey A. Whitney; Willis K. b. Sept. 16, 1879, m. Annie E. Clark and Hattie Lee; Frank b. Oct. 25, 1881, m. Rosa Francis; Elmer b. Nov. 14, 1874, m. Luella Snow; Hugh Dougal b. July 27. 1887, m. Maggie Van Orman; Louis A. b. Dec. 8, 1889, m. Alice Jackson; Leland b. Aug. 15, 1893; Bryan b. June 20, 1897. Family home Springville Utah. Elder; Sunday school teacher; president Y. M. M. I. A.; colonizer in Arizona in 1878; at Kanab was chosen cap- tain of the company. Member educational board; Justice 968 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH of the peace; assessor and collector; sergeant-at-arms of Utah legislature in 1895; postmaster at Taber, Alta., Can- ada, for four years. At age of 16 crossed plains in Capt. Scott's train of 78 wagons in 1866, acting as night guard; was in Alberta, Canada, 1901-07. Dramatist and elocu- tionist. JOHNSON, ANDREAS (son of Jonas Larson, born Feb. 21, 1798, and Katrina Olson, born May 4, 1794, at Alingsas, Sweden). Born Nov. 29, 1827. Came to Utah 1863, Capt. Edwards company. Married Annie Kaza Anderson. Their children: Matilda Christina b. Feb. 10, 1851, m. Andrew Gustave Eliason; Anna Sophia b. 1854, m. Fred Pederson; Edith Charlotte b. 1859, died; John Andrew b. 1866, m. Mattie Parkinson; Nettie Tillula b. 1871, died. High priest. Settled at Moroni. Utah, 1863; moved to Sevier county 1865; to Ephraim 1865; to Spring City 1866; to Grantsville 1868, and to Hyrum, Cache county, 1886. Indian war veteran. Farmer and carpenter. Died 1889, Hyrum, Utah. JOHNSON, .v .M> it low. Came to Utah in 1866. Married Hannah Johnson. Their children: Lena, m. Jacob Kofford; Elizabeth, m. Edson Huntsman; Andrea, m. Alfred Smith. Family home. Spring City, Utah. He was killed Aug. 13, 1867, in a Black Hawk Indian ambush while hauling hay into Spring City. JOHNSON, ANDREW J. (son of Johanas Hokanson, born July 30. 1788, and Elra Pehrson, born May 1782, of Asige, Halland, Sweden). Born June 14, 1827, Asige. Came to Utah in 1859, Capt. Rawlins company. Married Elna Petronela Pehrson in 1854 (daughter of Nels Pehrson and Engeborg Mouson). She was born April 28, 1823. Their children: Nels J. b. June 12, 1856, m. Agness Murray; John E. b. April 4, 1858, m. Josephine Sedelius; Hannah b. Sept. 6, 1861, m. John Bowen; Emma b. March 12. 1863, m. George Atkin; Andrew b. April 14 1866; Samuel b. March 30, 1869, m. Clara S. Johnson. Fam- ily home Tooele Utah. Farmer. JOHNSON, SAMUEL, (son of Andrew J. Johnson and Elna Petronela Pehrson). Born March 30, 1869, Tooele, Utah. Married Clara S. Johnson March 19, 1890, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Andrew G. Johnson and Anna Sophia Bjork). She was born Nov. 23, 1871, Grantsville, Utah Their children: Samuel H. b. Oct. 15, 1892; Clara Feametta b. June 18, 1894; Lucile M. b. June 29, 1896; Delbert b Feb. 8, 1899; Vera b. Oct. 27, 1901; Bernice b. July 1, 1909. Family home Tooele, Utah. Deputy county assessor; county treasurer Tooele county. Farmer. JOHNSON, BENGT (son of John and Hanna Bengston of Sodervidinge, Sweden). Born Jan. 31, 1822, Sodervidinge Came to Utah October 1862, Joseph Home company. Married Guinala Benson in May 1850 at Sodervidinge Sweden (daughter of Mr. Benson, pioneer 1862, Joseph Home company). She was born Oct. 28, 1821. Their children: Bengt, m. Betsie Christoferson; Nels B. m Laura Larsen; Peter B., m. Hester Robbins; Abraham B., m. Eliza Ross; Guinala, m. Frank Tucker. Family home Provo Utah. Farmer. Died March 13, 1912. JOHNSON, BENGT (son of Bengt Johnson and Guinala Benson). Born June 13, 1850, Sodervidinge, Sweden Came to Utah with father. Married Betsie Christoferson March 7, 1871 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Nels Christoferson and Hanna Poison Gislof of Sweden, the latter came to Utah by rail) She was born Dec. 23, 1848. Their children: Emma ~B b April 29, 1872; Hanna S. b. Jan. 7, 1875, m. John B Cardall : Benjamin A. b. Aug. 18, 1877, m. Ellen Johnson; Aleda N b. June 29. 1880; Alvln C. b. March 9. 1883, died- Reed T. b. Nov. 4, 1885, m. Alfrida Blomquist; Vernie C b Mav 25, 1888; Bessie R. b. June 20, 1891. Family home Provo Utah. High councilor; missionary to Sweden 1888-89 and in 1910. Farmer. JOHNSON, BENJAMIN (son of William and Fanny John- son of Northampton, Northamptonshire Eng ) Born 1811 Buckinghamshire. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868 Joseoh S Rawlins company. Married Charlotte Budd in 1838, Aston, Clinton Newmill Chapel, Herefordshire, Eng. (daughter of George Budd and Rebecca Ford of Whipsnade. Bedfordshire, Eng ) She was born Aug. 20, 1812. Their child en: Sarah F m Joseph Sharp; William, m. Annie Hammond; Fanny' m' William Bishop; Rebecca F., m. William Harnmond; Be JOHNSON, * BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, of Palmyra, N. T. Born July 28, 1818. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Melissa LeBaron. Their children: 2 Benjamin F., m. Mary Eliza Williams and Caroline Butterfleld; David Albion, m. Christine Jensen; Julia Diadma, m. David Wilson; Esther, m. Samuel Openshaw; Melissa, m. Don Carlos Babbit; Delcina, m. Almon W. Babbit. Family home Spring Lake Villa, Juab Co., Utah. Missionary to Sandwich Islands; seventy; patriarch; pri- vate secretary to Joseph Smith. Farmer, orchardist and freighter. Died in 1904, Mesa, Ariz. JOHNSON, 2 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (son of Benjamin P. Johnson and Melissa LeBaron). Born Dec. 29, 1842, Palmyra, N. T. Came to Utah July 24; 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Mary Eliza Williams Sept. 18. 1877, at Santaquin, Utah (daughter of Elias Willard Williams and Lucy Hen- dricks of Whitinsville, Mass., pioneers 1852). She was born June 8, 1856. Their children: Mary* Eliza b. Jan. 10, 1878, m. Herman A. Miller; Benjamin Willard b. Sept. 19, 1880, m. Dora E. Slaugh; Charles A. b. July 22, 1882; Lucy Dadma b. May 24, 1884, m. Thomas Kendall. Family home Mona, Utah. Married Caroline Butterfleld. Their children: Evaline (d. Aug. 1912), m. John Dodge; " Benjamin F., m. Maim Cloward; Elmer, died; Melissa (died), m. John Dussard; Marcus, died: Julian H. ; Inez (died), m. Ernest Ellworth; Carrie, m. Heber K. Maxham. Elder. Orchardist and farmer. Died Jan. 21, 1884, Tempe, Ariz. JOHNSON, BENJAMIN WILLIAM (son of - Benjamin Frank- lin Johnson and Mary Eliza Williams. Born Sept. 19, 1880, Spring Lake, Utah. Married Dora Elizabeth Slaugh Oct. 21, 1899, at Naples, Utah (daughter of John Jacob Slaugh. Sr.. and Matilda Smuin), who was born Aug. 22, 1879. Their children: Mary Matilda b. July 11, 1900; Charles Willard b. Feb. 26, 1902; George Elias b. June 23, 1903; Florence "Melissa b. Jan. 4, 1905; Dora Nell b. March B, 1906: Carl Hentherly b. Sept. 21, 1907; Lucy Ellen b. Oct. 28, 1909; Benjamin Franklin b. Jan. 30, 1911; Ruth b. Aug. 9, 1912. Family home Naples, Utah. Elder; ward and Sunday school teacher; Sunday school superintendent Naples ward. Farmer. JOHNSON, CHAS. A. (son of 2 Benj. F. Johnson and Mary Eliza Williams). Born July 22, 1882, Mona, Juab Co., Utah. Family home Vernal, Utah. Elder; second assistant superintendent Davis Sunday school and Sunday school teacher. Farmer. Ward teacher. Ex-mailcarrier. JOHNSON, C. P. W. (son of Lars Johnson, born March 1, 1785, and Maria Holm, born May 3, 1793, both of Copenhagen, Denmark). Bom Dec. 29, 1823, Copenhagen. Came to Utah In 1862. Married Alblena Henrietta Weiss July 24. 1852. at Copen- hagen (daughter of Christian Frederick Weiss, born Dec. 11, 1786, and Johanna Christina Mork, born Jan. 15, 1794). She was born April 22, 1833. Their children: William b. 1853: Sophus W. W. b. Dec. 24. 1854, m. Maria Sorenson March 31, 1877; Edmund H. C. b. Nov. 7, 1856, m. Josephine V. Nielsen Jan. 20, 1882; Arnold E. C. b. Oct. 5, 1858; James J. A. b. Oct. 12, 1860. JOHNSON, EDMUND H. C. (son of C. P. W. Johnson and Albiena Henrietta Weiss). Born Nov. 7, 1856, Copenhagen, Denmark. Married Josephine Nielsen Jan. 20, 1882. at Mt. Pleasant, Utah (daughter of Fredrick P. and Christina Nielsen), who was born Feb. 14, 1862, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Their children: Edmund A. b. Dec. 6, 1882, m. Clida Dodge Feb. 12, 1907; Pearly L. b. Aug. 3, 1884; Ferrington W. b. Aug. 10, 1886; Eugene W. b. June 23, 1889; Virtue L. b. Dec. 12, 1892; Mary A. b. Sept. 7, 1896; Josie b. Sept. 11, 1902; Viola J. b. April 14, 1905. Died Dec. 23, 1869. JOHNSON, DANIEl, (son of Jonas Danielson and Marie Jensen, both of Elvingstorp, Calmarlan, Sweden). Born July 24, 1820, Elvingstorp. Came to Utah Oct. 1854, Hans P. Olson company. Married Catherine Jensen at Bornholm, Denmark (daugh- ter of Rasmus Jensen and Johanna Christena Nielsen, both of Bornholm, Denmark, pioneers 1864, Hans P. Jensen com- pany). She was bom March 16, 1827. Their children: Wilhelmine b. July 10, 1850. m. Erastus Petersen; Joseph b. May 11, 1855, m. Mary Annette Sorensen; Jacob b. April 22, 1857, m. Marian Perry; Daniel b. Aug. 22, 1859; Erastus b. July 31. 1862, m. Ruth Pulsipher; Catherine b. April 22, 1864; Emma b. Nov. 25, 1865; George A. b. Aug. 3, 1870, m. Alice Lucy Kilgore; Clara Rosetta b. Dec. 4, 1871, m. Charles Spierman, m. James Ainsworth; Alice Florence b. May 31, 1874. m. -Nephi Smith. Family resided Logan, Utah, and LaGrande, Ore. Married Sena Hansen at Salt Lake City. Their children: Fredrick b. Nov. 28, 1870. m. Clara Larence Jensen; Anna Maria b. 1872, m. Nephi Andrews: Hyrum m. Berta Gulmanal; Aaron; Moses, m. Eliza Pulsipher. Mason by trade and assisted in building three Mormon temples. Died Dec. 4. 1890. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 969 JOHNSON, GEORGE WASHINGTON (son of Ezekiel Johnson and Julia Hills of Uxbridge, Mass. Born Feb. 19, 1823. Pomfort. Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1851, Alfred Cardon company. Married Maria Jane Johnston April 14, 1844, Macedonia, 111. (daughter of Oliver Campbell Johnston and Hanna Hall Buckley, of Wilson county, Tenn.). She was born Oct. 28. 1824, at Wartrace Creek, Tenn. Their children: George Washington b. March 20, 1845, d. child; Amos Partridge b. Sept. 25, 1846, m. Elizabeth F. Stone; Ezekiel Albert b. July 7, 1848, d. child; William Oliver b. Dec. 9. 1849, d. child; Milas Edgar b. July 31, 1851, m. Alice Malena Wilkins; Maria Jane b. Dec. 11, 1852, m. Thomas O. Wakefleld; Julia Ann b. Feb. 28. 1855, m. John F. Wakefleld; Joseph Ellis b. Jan. 31, 1858, m. Catherine Annie Johnson; m. Elizabeth Howard; Nancy Loretta b. Sept. 23, 1860, m. Andrew Jackson Woodward. Family home Mona, Juab Co., Utah. Married Eveline Burdick Oct. 1, 1861, in Salt Lake City (daughter of Alden Burdick and Jerusha Parks of Nauvoo, III., the latter pioneer 1852). She was born Sept. 18, 1832. Their children: Joseph Horace, m. Julia Hills Eagar; Mar- garet Ellen, d. child; Mary Eveline, m. Orris C. NewelU Charlotte, d. child; George Washington, m. Sarah Partridge; Laura Marinda. m. Stanley Keat; m. John E. Jones; David Almon, m. Emeline Hill; Jerusha Annetta, m. Stephen Jones; Herbert Ernest, d. child; Esther Minnie, m. David B. Farnsworth; Charles Edwin, m. Maud Carter; m. Florence Crapo. Family home Mona, Utah. Helped to build the Nauvoo temple, and in 1848, in con- nection with David T. LeBaron had charge of it, and was present and saw it while it was burning. Physician; Indian interpreter; compiled the first dictionary of the languages of the Utah Indians. High priest; bishop of Fountain Green ward 1860-65. Postmaster for 35 years. Poet. Seedsman and florist. Died Jan. 22, 1900, Moab, Grand Co., Utah. JOHNSON, MILAS EDGAR (son of George Washington Johnson and Maria Jane Johnston). Born July 31, 1851, 15 miles north of Platte river. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1851, Alfred Cardon company. Married Alice Malena Wilkins March 16. 1874, at Mona, Utah (daughter of Alexander Wilkins and Alice Malena Barney of Provo. Utah; they came to Utah in 1851). She was born Feb. 28, 1857. Their children: Milas Partridge b. March 28, 1876. m. Eliza Viola Loveless; George Alexander b. March 9, 1877, m. Hannah Frances Gordon; Joseph Buriah b. Aug. 13, 1879, m. Alice Allen; Edgar Vernon b. May 27. 1881, m. Ethlind Bradley; Inez Geraldine b. April 7, 1884, m. John Edward Johnson; Hattie Minerva b. Nov. 18, 1885, d. infant. Family home Huntington, Utah. Married Hannah Eliza Rowley Aug. 25, 1887, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Samuel Rowley and Ann Taylor of Paro- wan, Utah). She was born Jan. 20, 1872. Their children: Alice Malena b. Oct. 18, 1888, d. infant; Rolla Virgil b. Dec. 17. 1889; Irene Ann b. Oct. 6, 1891, m. George Gardner; Mar- garet Ellen b. April 25, 1893; Jerold Rowley b. April 1, 1895. d. child; Senate Jane b. Feb. 17, 1897; Norma Delsa b Feb. 24, 1899; Byron Francis b. Sept. 23, 1901, d. infant; Mildred Erma b. Jan. 3, 1904; Milton Erman b. Jan. 3, 1904; Sarah b. Dec. 12, 1906, d. infant; Lowell b. Sept. 29, 1909. Family home Huntington, Utah. High priest; stake secretary Y. M. M. I. A. Emory stake 1890-96. Water commissioner; jury commissioner; registra- tion officer: town clerk; trustee; notary public; state sena- tor for twelfth senatorial district; postmaster 20 years. Merchant: traveling salesman. Commander Indian war veterans for department of Emory and Carbon counties and secretary Huntington commercial club. JOHNSON, GUSTAVE (son of John and Ann Maria Snygg of Sweden). Born July 23, 1821. Gathered, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home company. Married Louise Erickson March 25, 1845, in Sweden (daughter of Jacob and Johana Erickson of Sweden). She was born March 25, 1816. Their children: Hannah Sophia b. April 9, 1849, m. J. J. Cummings; Eda b. Sept. 7, 1861, m. Andrew Johnson. JOHNSON, HANS PETER (son of Johanas Paurigg and Magretha Paurigg). Born Oct. 7, 1816, In Sjselland, Den- mark. Came to Utah in 1866. Married Annie Dorthea Jensen In 1842. She was born in 1814. Their children: Dorthea Christina b. March 4, 1843, m. James Hansen April 1869; Grete Bergitha b. Feb. 2, 1849, m. August Swenson Nov. 14, 1868. Married Helen Anton in the spring of 1881. Settled at Provo 1866; moved to Spanish Fork 1868- to Fountain Green 1870; to Spring City 1873; to Spanish Fork 1886. Musician; farmer. JOHNSON, JAMES (son of John Johnson and Ellen Jensen of Brigham City, Utah). Born March 14, 1820, in Denmark. Came to Utah July, 1857, Captain Nesbitt company. Married Mary Nielsen, in Denmark (daughter of Lara Nielsen and Maron Hanson of Denmark), who was born June 11, 1830. The_ir children: Ellen; Lars; Christina; Mary, m. John Hailing; James, m. Harriet E. Lamb Dec. 23, 1880; Laura, m. Peter Hansen Dec. 28, 1877; Joseph, m. Olive R. Lamb Oct. 28, 1884; Sarah; Lorenzo, m. Mary E. Hansen Nov. 25, 1891: Jane. Family resided Brigham City and Hyde Park, Utah. High priest. Died May 16, 1891, Hyde Park, Utah. JOHNSON, JAMES Jr. (son of James Johnson and Mary Nielsen). Born Nov. 20, 1859, Brigham City. Utah. Married Harriet E. Lamb Dec. 23, 1880, Salt Lake En- dowment house (daughter of Suel Lamb and Elizabeth Zimmerman of Hyde Park, Utah), who was born Feb. 23, 1862. Their children: James E. b. Sept. 25. 1881, m. Annie A. Lewis Nov. 16, 1894; Laurence b. Nov. 5, 1883, m. Mary A. Stephens October, 1907; Edna b. May 19, 1886, m. Har- rison R. Merrill Jan. 27, 1909; Louis b. Sept. 2, 1888; Floyd b. Sept. 8. 1892; Howard b. Feb. 21, 1895; Harriet b. Aug. 14, 1897; Hazel b. Nov. 5, 1899; Orene L. b. Oct. 12, 1904. Family home Preston, Idaho. Missionary to Denmark 1900-03, and presided over the Aalborg conference at that place; counselor to Bishop Lar- son of Preston ward; and also to G. H. Carver of 3d ward, Preston; counselor to Joseph S. Geddes, president Oneida stake. JOHNSON, JOSEPH (son of James Johnson, Sr., and Mary Nielsen). Born July 19, 1865, Brigham City, Utah. Married Olive Lamb October, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of Suel Lamb and Elizabeth Zimmerman), who was born May 30, 1864, Lehi, Utah. Their children: George b. July 25, 1885, m. Linna Heldsted Dec. 12, 1909; Willard b. Oct. 1, 1887, m. Margie Oliverson 1909; Leonard b. April 21. 1890; Wallace b. Oct. 28. 1892; Leslie b. Feb. 20, 1895; Jessie b. June 9, 1899; Ina b. July 5, 1901; Frank b. April 19, 1904; Bertha b. March 16, 1906. Family resided Brigham City, Utah and Preston, Idaho. Married Nellie Elizabeth Thomas June 30, 1909, Logan, Utah (daughter of Harrison Ayers Thomas and Ann More- head, former a pioneer with John Brown company, latter with Aaron Johnson company married Feb. 12, 1858, Salt Lake Endowment house). She was born Sept. 25, 1870, Smithfleld, Utah. Only child: Harrison Thomas b. June 10, 1910. Missionary to southern states 1906. Railroad contractor in Montana and Idaho. Member board of education of Pres- ton. Engaged In farming and stockraising. Sawmill owner. JOHNSON, JAMES MCIIOI.AI (son of Niels Sorensen and Christena Mickelsen of Denmark). Born Nov. 11, 1838, Risegaard, Denmark. Came to Utah November 1856, Knud Peterson company. Married Nellie Truelson 1869 at Salt Lake City, who died June 1888. Their children: Niels; Soren, d. infant. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Married Elna Bodelson May 1866, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Bodel Olson and Christena Parson, former came to Utah with Captain Baker, latter came Sept. 1864). She was born May 20, 1835, Broby, Sweden. Their children: James Lorenzo b. Jan. 23, 1869, d. Dec. 1888; Niels Oscar b. Dec. 4. 1871, d. Dec. 1888. Called to assist in settling the Muddy at St. Thomas, Nev., where he resided three years and moved to Pan- guitch; moved as a pioneer to Richfield. Sevier Co., Utah, 1871. Pioneer farmer and canal builder. Died Oct. 26, 1900, near Galiana, Mexico. JOHNSON, JARVIS (son of Peter Johnson and Lurina Roberts of Vermont). Born July 6, 1829, at Lincoln, Addi- son county, Vt. Came to Utah 1847 with division of Mor- mon Battalion. Married Hester Ann Jackson Aug. 6, 1849 Their chil- dren: Mary Charlotte b. Dec. 14, 1850, m. Rais B. Cahoon; Malissa Caroline b. Feb. 19, 1853, m. Alexander Hunsaker; Lusina b. April 6, 1855, m. Denmark Jensen; William Lea- man b. Jan. 27, 1867, m. Katie Wickham; John H. b. Jan. 29, 1859, m. Sophena Hansen. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Married Sarah Jane Angel 1861 at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of T. O. Angel and Polly Johnson). She was born May 28, 1834, in New York state. Their children: Martha Ann b. Aug. 19, 1862, m. Orsen Burrell; Jarvis Truman b. Dec. 1, 1863, d. child; Race Alphalus b. Oct. 4. 1865, m. Charlotte Whitworth March 28, 1888; Alice A. b. Dec. 17, 1866, m. George Simmons; Alonzo A. b. Dec. 17, 1866, m. Eva Boothe; Sarah Jane b. March 21, 1869, d. child; Peter b. March 21, 1869. Married Mary Jane Ainsworth Jan. 17, 1870, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Joseph Ainsworth and Mary Hupp). She was born in Staffordshire, Eng. Their children: Mary Emereta b. Feb. 6, 1871, m. L. W. Standing; Sarah Adelaide b. Jan. 18, 1873, m. Wilford Stevenson; Jarvis b. Sept. 27, 1876, m. Effle Busenback; Joseph Seiman b. Nov. 28. 1880, m. Katie Yates; Cyntha Delilah b. Feb. 20, 1884, m. Harry Goodsell; Hazel Emmer b. Jan. 30, 1886, m. Alma Knapp; Myrtle Inez b. Aug. 6, 1888, m. Chester Webb: Owen Ains- worth b. Feb. 2, 1891, m. Sarah Elizabeth Coombs: Wallace b. Oct. 11, 1892; Ruby b. March 8, 1896. Family home Beaver Dam, Box Elder Co., Utah. Machinist. JOHNSON, WILLIAM LEAMAN (son of Jarvis Johnson and Hester Ann Jackson). Born Jan. 27, 1857, Otoe county. Neb. Married Katie Wickham Nov. 11, 1877, Brigham City, Utah (daughter of John Wickham. who came to Utab Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Loveland company, and Sarah An- drews, who came to Utah In 1866). She was born May 11, 1859. Their children: William Leroy b. Aug. 29. 1878, m. Lillie Scott; Warren Edward b. Sept. 6, :880, died; Sarah Maud b. Oct. 27, 1882, m. L. H. Bullen; Sylvanus b. Dec. 31. 1884, died; Hester Ann b. March 24, 1886, died; Lola 970 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH May b. June 18. 1888, m. George E. Pulsipher; Leona Min- nie b. June 18. 1888; Walter Leslie b. Dec. 15, 1890; John Wickham b. April 10, 1892, and Ethel b. Jan. 22. 1894, died; Lester R. b. May 23, 1895. Hig-h priest. Settled at Brigham City; moved to Avon. Farmer. JOHNSON, RACE ALPHALUS (son of Jarvis Johnson and Sarah Jane Angel). Born Oct. 4, 1865, Brigham City, Utah. Married Charlotte Whitworth March 28, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Whitworth and Mary Wheat- ley). She was born Oct. 22, 1868, at Calls Fort, Utah. Their children; Pearl b. Dec. 16, 1888, died Jan. 9, 1889; Mary Lavona b. March 23, 1890; Vedia b. March 30, 1892, d. Oct. B, 1904; Alphalus b. May 2, 1894; Florence b. June 3, 1896; Martha Fern b. July 22, 1898, d. Jan. 18, 1905; Cath- rine b. Aug. 11, 1900; George Elmer b. Sept. 2. 1902; Char- lotte b. April 6, 1905; Alice Virginia b. Feb. 28, 1907; Ben- jamin Francis b March 25, 1909. Family home Beaver Dam, Box Elder Co., Utah. Engaged in Sunday school work 17 years; missionary to eastern states; high piest; bishop of Beaver Dam, Utah. JOHNSON, ALONZO ALVARO (son of Jarvis Johnson and Sarah Jane Angel). Born Dec. 17, 1866, Brigham City, Utah. Married Eva Boothe Oct. 9, 1895, Logan, Utah (daughter of Lewis Nathaniel Boothe and Mary Jane Reese, the former pioneer 1851, Captain Smith company). She was born April 2, 1875, Brigham City. Their children: Alvero b. Aug. 19, 1896, Jarvis Glen b. Dec. 28, 1897; Alice Alvi- retto b. Aug. 5, 1899; Mary Jane b. Jan. 16, 1902; Martha E. b. Dec. 8, 1903; Louis Alonzo b. Oct. 15, 1905; Mauda June b. June 19, 1907; Leah b. Sept. 21, 1909; Mertle Ladine b. Oct. 11, 1911. JOHNSON, JARVIS (son of Jarvis Johnson and Mary Jane Ainsworth). Born Sept. 27, 1876. Brigham City, Utah. Married Effle Busenbark March 22, 1899, Logan, Utah (daughter of Ellas Monroe Busenbark and Sarah Ann Smith, the former was born in Farmington, Utah, latter came to Utah with Captain Murdock company). She was born Sept. 22, 1879, Beaver Dam, Utah. Their children: Jarvis Erwin b. July 10, 1900; Marcellis B. b. Feb. 3, 1906. Lawrence M. b. Feb. 18, 1904; Farren B. b. Feb. 3, 1906, d. Sept. 15, 1907; Wilford B. b. April 16, 1908; Elmer Carlisle b. April 30, 1909; Ray Lavor b. May 5, 1911. Moved from Brigham City to Beaver Dam In 1880. Ward clerk, Fielding, Utah, 1909-10; high priest; member bish- opric of Fielding, Utah. JOHNSON, JOEL H. (son of Ezekiel Johnson and Julia Hill). Born March 23, 1802, Grafton, Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 19. 1848, Willard Richards company. Married Annie P. Johnson Nov. 2, 1826, at Pomfort, N. T. (daughter of Timothy Johnson and Dimmis Welch, of Pomfret, N. Y., pioneers 1848, Willard Richards company). She was born Aug. 7, 1800. Their children: Sixtus E.; Sariah; Nephi b. Dec. 12, 1833, m. Mandana R. Merrill; Susan T.; Seth b. March 6, 1839, m. Lydla Ann Smith. Missionary to Iowa and Nebraska 1857-60; bishop; high councilor; patriarch. Member city council; chaplain of terri- torial legislature at Fillmore. Farmer and stockraiser. Was present at the dedication of the Kirtland temple. Died Sept. 24, 1882, Johnson, Utah. JOHNSON, NEPHI (son of Joel H. and Annie P. Johnson). Born Dec. 12, 1833, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1848, Franklin D. Richards company. Married Mandana R. Merrill Jan. 4, 1856, at Cedar City, Utah (daughter of Justin Merrill and Lovinna Manchester of Nauvoo, 111.; came to Utah in 1848). She was born Oct. 4, 1838, Shelby, Mich. Their children: Lovinna A., m. Frank L. Farnesworth; Nephi, m. Julia Shumway; Joel H., m. Harriett Broadbent; Justin M., m. Emma Fuller; Editha M., m. John C. Stewart; Susan E., m. William Hamlin; Sixtus E., m. Ann Hamlin; William W., d. infant; Lillian C., m. William Jolley; Seth J. Family resided Virgin City and Kanab, Utah. Indian missionary 1853-65; bishop's counselor; patriarch. County commissioner four terms; road commissioner 10 years; town president; justice of the peace. Mail contractor and farmer. JOHNSON. SETH (son of Joel H. and Annie P. Johnson). Born March 6, 1839, Carthage, 111. Came to Utah 1848, Willard Richards company. Married Lydia Ann Smith Nov. 11, 1861, Parowan, Utah (daughter of Thomas P. Smith and Mary Dugard, of Fort Johnson, Utah). She was born Feb. 17, 1847. Their chil- dren: Mary Julia b. Nov. 13, 1862; Seth Alvin b. Nov. 9, 1864; George W. b. June 27, 1866; Lydia Annie b. Sept. 13, 1868; Joel Hills b. July 6, 1870; Sixtus Ellis b. July 29, 1872; Nephi b. Dec. 15, 1874; Seth b. Dec. 17, 1876; Janet Matilda b. Jan. 13, 1878; Susan Sariah b. Nov. 29, 1880. In 1863 called to the Missouri river with a company of teams to assist immigrants to Utah. Bishop of Hillsdale ward and Cannonville ward; high councilor 24 years; patriarch. County superintendent of district schools; mail carrier. Farmer and stockraiser. Married Edla Lundell Oct. 22, 189, Utah (daughter of Andrew Gustave Lundell and Carolina G. Erickson, who were married 1844 in Westmanland). She was born Dec. 5, 1865. Their children: J. Edward b. Oct. 2, 1890- Edna b Jan. 31, 1892; George Q. b. March 21, 1894; Nora b. March 20, 1895; Elsie b. Dec. 28, 1896; Lorenzo Carl b. Jan. 17, 1899; Vera b. April 1, 1902; Halver T. b. Jan. 13, 1904; Wilma b. Nov. 9. 1906; Darwin W. b. Nov. 20, 1910. Joined L. D. S. church Sept. 12, 1886; missionary in Sweden 1887-89, and to Sweden 1899-1902; bishop Benjamin ward, Nebo stake 1904. Moved from the northern part of the state to Benjamin in 1891. First president Benjamin Electric Light & Telephone Company 1904. JOHNSON, JOHN (son of Jorgen Esberson and Gertrude Larsen of West Maria, Bornholm, Denmark). Born Sept. 20, 1812, at West Maria, Bornholm, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Karen Kirstine Jensen Aug. 8, 1835, at Aaker Sogn, Bornholm, Denmark (daughter of Christen Jensen), who was born Sept. 1, 1809, in Klemersker Sogn, Bornholm, Denmark. Their children: Sine Cathrine b. May 14, 1837, m. Niels Mikelsen 1855; Mary Ann b. July 23, 1841, m. Alvin Nichols April 8, 1857; Lewis Peter b. March 12, 1844, m. Susan Elizabeth Watkins Jan. 25. 1869; Teah Jensina b. Dec. 14, 1847, m. William Lampard Watkins July 13, 1867; John Peter b. Nov. 16, 1850, m. Mary Klenn June 9, 1873. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Married Annie C. Petersen in 1860, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans N. Petersen and Caroline Sophia An- driasen, pioneers 1856, with Knud Peterson company). She was born April 4. 1844, Sjselland, Denmark. Their chil- dren: Sophia b. April 19, 1861, m. Frank W. Earl March 31, 1909; Eliza b. June 30, 1864, m. Nels Madson Feb. 12, 1885; Aurelius E. b. June 26, 1879, m. Hattie Forrest June 7, 1904; Harmon J. b. May 23. 1882, m. Sarah Nelson April 27, 1907; George L. b. Dec. 7, 1884, m. Loa Ttngey June 26. 1907. Family home, Brigham City. Married Annie Maria Nielsen Nov. 1865 (daughter of Christian Nielsen and Karen Larsen Olsen, the latter pioneer 1862). She was born July 18, 1834; came to Utah 1863, Captain Clapp company. Their children: Meda A. b. Aug. 11, 1866, m. Nels C. Jensen Dec. 21, 1892; Sarah b. March 13, 1868, m. David L. Reese Jan. 2. 1896; Oluf b. Oct. 24, 1859, m. Annie White June 25, 1902; Louisa b. Oct. 8, 1872, m. Lorenzo Peterson April 11, 1894. High priest; member 1st bishopric of Bear River City, Utah. Helped found Brigham City in 1864. and Bear River City in 1866. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Died Feb. 21, 1896. JOHNSON, LEWIS PETER (son of John Johnson and Karen Kirstine Jensen). Born March 12, 1844, West Maria, Born- holm, Denmark. Married Susan E. Watkins Jan. 25, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Lampard Watkins and Mary Almina Hammond, pioneers of Sept. 11, 1852). She was born Aug. 30, 1848, Little Pigeon, Pottawattamle Co., Iowa. Their children: Lewis Orlando b. April 29, 1870, m. Celine Anderson Nov. 9, 1898; Susan Almina b. April 22, 1874, m. Thomas W. Whitaker Jan. 1, 1896; John Watkins b. Aug. 20, 1876, m. Oralee Cheney June 18, 1908; Lucius Octavius b. Dec. 13, 1884, m. Florence R. Wilde June 13, 1906; George Wallace b. Nov. 1, 1889. Family home Brigham City, Utah. High priest; member of presidency T. M. M. I. A. of the first ward of Brigham City four years; usher in Box Elder tabernacle from 1877 to 1905. Assisted In founding Brigham City in 1854, and Bear River City in 1866. Assisted in bring- ing immigrants to Utah in 1864. City treasurer two terms; school trustee 1894-96; road supervisor 1888-93; city council- man in Brigham City 1896-1902. Had charge of Brigham Co- operative farm in Malad valley during seasons 1876-76-77. Fruit grower. JOHNSON, OLUF (son of John Johnson and Annie M. Nielsen). Born Oct. 24, 1869, at Brigham City, Utah. Married Annie White June 25, 1902, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Barnard White and Mary Williams), who was born July 12, 1876, at Ogden, Utah. Their children: Ruth Annie b. Jan. 18, 1906; Russel, died; Mildred b. Aug. 31, , died. Missionary to Denmark; 3rd president 163d quorum seven- ties Bear River stake. JOHNSON, JOHN (son of John Erickson, born Aug. 26. 1835, Westmanland, Sweden, and Christina Person, born Feb. 3, 1835. Westmanland). He was born April 20, 1864, West- manland. Came to Utah June 24, 1889. JOHNSON, JOHN. Married Bergite Larson Loken at Elverum, Hedemarken, Norway (daughter of Lars Loken of Elverum), who was born Dec. 23, 1816, and came to Utah Oct. 1, 1864, John Smith Independent company. Their children: Ingere b. March 14, 1844, m. J. P. R. Johnson; Lena b. Dec. 9. 184S. m. Peter Madsen; John, Jr., b. June 7, 1849, m. Ingere Sward. Family home Provo, Utah. Bergite Larson Loken later married Hans Knutson, (son of Knud Kokenson and Eli Neilsen) pioneer 1864. Their children: Chrlstena, m Christian Nelson; Andrew, m. Chasty Sward; Herman, m. Amanda Evert; Bertha, m. Peter Mad- Ben; Ellen died. JOHNSON, JOHN (son of John Johnson and Bergite Larson Loken). Born June 7, 1849, Ostreveen. Lorten, Hede- marken, Norway. Came to Utah with father. Married Ingere Sward June 13, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Aake Aakeson Sward and Eena Olson of PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 971 Ostravram, Skaane, Sweden came to Utah August, 1874). She was born May 2, 1848. Their children: Ellen Bergite b. April 3, 1871, m. Leslie L. Bunnell; Josephine b. May 22, 1873, m. William W. Goodridge; Ingere Julia b. Nov. 20, 1875, m. Ted Hatton; Emma b. Dec. 30, 1877, m. Conrad Marg, Jr.; John b. July 20, 1880, d. Sept. 21, 1881; Tenle b. June 26, 1882, m. Martin Clinger; Alfred Henry b. Sept. 3, 1884; m. Murel Holdaway; Nora b. Nov. 19, 1886, m. William W. Taylor; August Jeremiah b. Feb. 4, 1888; Anna Goldie Halverson (adopted) b. April 27, 1884, m. John McCune. Member 45th quorum seventies; missionary to Norway 1889-91; hljjh priest; bishop Lake View ward since Feb. 14, 1892; presiding teacher since 1877; president Y. M. M. I. A. and Sunday school superintendent. Peace officer. Farmer and stockraiser. JOHNSON, JOHN A. (son of James and Josephine Johnson of Denmark). Born April 14, 1883. Married Sarah Jane Thomas (Matthews) July 7, 1908, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Thomas and Mary Darknell, of Salt Lake City). She was born Oct. 15, 1874, at Salt Lake City. Their children: John W. b. Jan. 3, 1909; Stanley T. b. Sept. 23, 1910. Motorman; stationary engineer. JOHNSON, JOHN PETER RASMUS. Born April 10, 1824, near Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. Married Caroline Maria Nelson Tuft in 1845, in Denmark (daughter of Lars Nielson, who resided near Copenhagen). She was born Feb. 2, 1822. Their children: John T., m. Dortha Merk; Niels b. Sept. 1848, m. Josephine Johnson; Hans Christian, Dortha and Rebecca, died; Andrew Christian, m. Anna Rosser; Annie Maria, m. Samuel Stephen Jones; Minnie; Johanna Patrina Rasmina, m. Samuel Jepperson; Peter, died; Hyrum, m. Julia Shepherd. Married Mary Poulsen at Salt Lake City (daughter of Mads Poulsen of Copenhagen, Denmark, who came to Utah about 1854). Their children: Ellas, m. Mary Greenough; Brigham, m. Nora Peay; Maria, died; Pauline, m. Joseph Kirkwood. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Inger Johnson at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Johnson and Bergeta Knutson; they came to Utah in 1864). Their children: John Joseph, m. Emma Brown; Ellen; Marietta; Abraham Owen, m. Alice Henrickson; Hans, m. Juliet Stewart; David, m. Grace Gay; Hannah, m. John Smith; Inger. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; missionary to Denmark 1860-64; president Christiania conference in Norway; bishop 1st Provo ward 1864-83. Took active part in the early Indian troubles. Helped build tabernacle. Railroad contractor in Echo Canyon; cabinet maker and carriage builder; farmer and stockraiser. JOHNSON, NIELS (son of John Peter Rasmus Johnson and Caroline Maria Nelson Tuft). Born Sept. 1848, near Copen- hagen Denmark. Came to Utah with parents. Married Josephine Johnson May 3, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John J. Johnson of Fredrickstad, Christiania, Norway, and Inger Jonsen; she came to Utah Oct. 7, 1866, Andrew Hunter Scott company). She was born Dec. 17, 1846. Their children: Christina, b. June 4, 1870, m. B. S. Hinckley; Caroline b. March 30, 1872, m. Walter M. Wolfe; Emma b. July 25, 1874, and George b. Sept. 9, 1875, died; William b. Jan. 22, 1878, m. Eliza Safford; James Edwin b. May 20, 1881, m. Marion Jones; Alfred b. Feb. 22, 1883, m. Josephine Brown; Stephen b. March 26, 1886, m. Winefred Overlaid; Josephine b. July 5, 1889, m. Curtis Cohn. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; counselor to his father, Bishop Johnson, 1st ward, Provo, Utah. Member Provo city council eight years; 1894-95, supervisor Provo city streets; superintendent of construction Provo city water works four years; president and director Upper Union Irrigation Company. Farmer and railroad contractor. JOHNSON, JAMES EDWIN (son of Niels Johnson and Jose- phine Johnson). Born May 20, 1881, Provo, Utah. Married Marion Jones Aug. 20, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Jones and Florence Taylor), who was born Oct. 25, 1883. Their children: Norman Edwin b. Oct. 1, 1907; Alton Bryant b. Nov. 1, 1908; William Dazil b. April 21, 1910; Niels Shelly and Thomas Scott, twins, b. Aug. 25, 1912. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to southern states 2 years; elder. Assisted in freighting material for Strawberry tunnel. Contractor. JOHNSON, JOSEPH (WEAVER) (son of William Weaver and Catherine H. Beck Johnson). Born Feb. 28, 1866, Ogden, Utah. Married Addle L. Morrill Sept. 25, 1891, Ctrclevllle, Utah (daughter of Horatio Morrill and Sarah Ann Ludweeks of Cedar City, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born March 28, 1873. Their children: Elva Josephine b. Nov. 4, 1892, m. Erin Beal Nov. 8. 1911; Alta Merilla b. Dec. 11, 1894; Addle Ora b. Sept. 7, 1895; Marguerite b. May 13, 1897; Joseph Ottis, b. Nov. 15, 1899; Catherine Mertllla b. July 13, 1903; Aileen b. Feb. 8, 1905; Eldon b. March 13, 1908. Family resided Circleville and Richfield, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1900-02. President Circle- vine Irrigation Co.; manager Richfleld branch Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co. JOHNSON, WILLIS (WEAVER) (son of William Weaver and Catherine H. Beck Johnson). Born Nov. 4, 1868, Ogden, Utah. Married Emma Phedora Merrill April 1, 1891, Manti, Utah (daughter of Laban D. Morrill, pioneer 1852, and Emma W. Dalley of Circleville, Utah). She was born April 6, 1875. Their children: Dora Pearl b. March 2, 1892, m. Marion Seegmiller; Willis Franklin b. Sept. 21, 1895; Reginald Mor- rill b. May 10, 1898; Merlin Roland b. Aug. 2, 1900; Laban Owen b. Dec. 1, 1902, d. Jan. 2, 1906; Jacquita b. Dec. 13, 1907; Howard D. b. Sept. 4, 1910. Family home Richfleld, Utah. High priest; missionary to North Carolina 1892-94; 1st counselor to Sunday school superintendent; Sunday school superintendent; president Y. M. M. I. A. of Circleville, Utah. Member school board of Circleville. State senator from tenth district 1901-08. Member St. Louis World's Fair commission from Utah. Merchant; hotel proprietor; farmer. JOHNSON, LARS FERDINAND (son of Hans Jorgensen and Marie D. Brinck). He was born Nov. 21, 1858, North Sjaelland, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1868. Married Johanna Thomsen Sept. 4, 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nels Peter Thomsen and Johanna A. Andersen of Hjorring, Denmark). She was born Aug. 10, 1874. Their children: Edward L. b. Oct. 25, 1894; Norman M. b. June 27, 1896; Lerve H. b. March 19. 1898; Lorenza J. b. Sept. 27, 1899; Edna Viola b. July 21, 1901; Vernald F. b. Aug. 3, 1902; Alvin Oleen b. May 16. 1904; Erma Marie b. May 12, 1906; Raymond b. June 4, 1909, d. Oct ?9, 1909. Family home. Bear River City. Member 5th quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1891-93; alternate high councilor 1899; bishop Bear River ward. County commissioner two terms, school trustee; trustee town board. Farmer and stockraiser. JOHNSON, LOUIS (son of D. C. Johnson and Matilda Madi- son). Born Nov. 9, 1885, at Richmond, Utah. Married Clarinda H. Allen June 19, 1907 (daughter of Levi Allen and Livinia Henson). She was born Nov. 3, 1889, at Cove, Utah. Their children: Louis Allen b. June 2, 1908; Lyman Leon b. Aug. 30. 1909; Ora Wendell b. Nov. 24, 1911. JOHNSON, JOHN LYCURGUS (son of Willis Johnson and Nancy Greer of Brennen, Tex.). Born Aug. 25, 1844, Brennen. Came to Utah in 1854. Married Cora Isabella Davis March 1, 1867, at St. Charles, Idaho (daughter of Nathan Cutler Davis and Isabella Wells, Bolton, Warren county, N. Y., pioneers to Utah Oct. 1857 with John Smith company). She was born Oct. 25, 1847, Bolton, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 1857. Their chil- dren: Willis Lycurgus b. March 18, 1869, d. child; James Warren b. Oct. 25, 1870, m. Minerva Wilkins; Nathan b. April 2, 1872, d. infant; Alfred N. b. April 2, 1872, m. Mary De Freeze; Snellen b. Sept. 3, 1874, m. Genevieve Sprouse; Eugene b. Feb. 28, 1876, d. child; Le Roy b. Sept. 18, 1877, d. child; Clarence Irwin b. March 23, 1879. m. Ada May Rich; Nancy Pearl b. April 16. 1881, m. Brigham Chris- tensen; Cora Myrtle b. April 21, 1883, m. Edward Harvey Belcher; Hazel b. Sept. 23, 1886. High priest; high councilor; ward teacher. Settled at St. Charles, Idaho, In 1864; moved to Vernal, Utah, 1879. Delegate to state constitutional convention; member of state legislature in 1898; United States marshal several years; county sheriff; county commissioner; mayor of the city; school trustee. Farmer. JOHNSON, CLARENCE IRWIN (son of Lycurgus Johnson and Cora Isabella Davis). Born March 23, 1879, Vernal, Utah. Married Ada May Rich April 11, 1900, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Charles Coulson Rich, Jr., and Jane Susannah Stocks of Vernal, Utah). She was born March 23, 1880. Their children: Clarence Etheridge b. Nov. 10, 1901; Narvol Rich b. Sept. 28, 1903; Therma May b. May 13, 1906; Nila Hazel b. May 19, 1909, d. May 19, 1911. Fam- ily home Roosevelt, Utah. High priest; alternate high councilor; first superintend- ent Sunday school at Roosevelt; ward teacher, Vernal and Roosevelt; first superintendent Y. M. M. I. A. at Roose- velt; first president Duchense stake M. I. A. and president Y. M. M. I. A. at Vernal four years; president of deacons' and elders' quorum at Vernal; junior president of seven- ties, Roosevelt Registration officer in Uintah county. Vice- president Dry Gulch Irrigation Co., Roosevelt. Merchant. JOHNSON, PTELS PETER (son of Jens Johansen and Johanne Christine Simonsen).Born March 21, 1871, Skanderborg, Den- mark. Came to Utah July 13, 1886. Married Olga Caroline Winkler March 23, 1892, Logan, Utah (daughter of Jens Winkler and Chatrina Felt, both of Sweden, the latter came to Utah from Denmark Aug. 1890). She was born April 12, 1873. at Copenhagen, Den- mark. Their children: Eldora Cathrlna b. Dec. 13, 1892; James John b. Feb. 9, 1908; Oscar b. Feb. 10. 1912. Missionary to Denmark 1899-1901; first bishop of eighth ward. Logan, Utah. Street supervisor of Logan. Merchant; farmer. 972 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH JOHNSON, PETER (son of Jens Benson and Hannah Ander- son of Skona, Sweden). Born Jan. 1, 1825, Skona, Sweden. Came to Utah 1854, Captain Olsen company. Married Dorthea Madsen 1854, Manti, Utah (daughter of Mads Monk of Brestroup, Denmark), who was born 1823. Their children: Peter, Jr., b. Dec. 30, 1855, m. Mina Zoe- bell; Mads, m. Brighamina Jacobson; Annie, m. George Klinger; Abraham, m. Merby Davis. High priest; ward teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. JOHNSON, MADS (son of Peter Johnson and Dorthea Mad- Ben). Born March 6, 1860, Lake View, Utah. Married Brighamina Jacobson March 21, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Lars Jacobson and Inger Thompson of Denmark, pioneers 1857, Christian Christiansen handcart company). She was born April 11, 1867. Their children: Florence Minnie b. Feb. 23, 1889; Lafayette Mads b. March 4, 1891; Clarence Peter b. Sept. 30, 1894; Jennings Bryan b. Oct. 20, 1897; Vera Dorthea and Vesta Inger (twins) b. July 19, 1899; Verrile Independent b. July 4, 1902; Clifford Oline b. May 4, 1906, died; Elden Lamar b. Aug. 7, 1909. Family home Lake View, Utah. Elder; home missionary; secretary of Sunday school; secretary and treasurer Y. M. M. I. A. Constable and jus- tice of peace at Lake View; sheriff at Provo. Built first meeting house at Lake View, also first store at that place. Farmer, fruitgrower and carpenter. Manager Lake View Dramatic Organization. JOHNSON, PETER (son of Jens Johanson and Margaret Marquet of North Jutland, Viborg, Denmark). Born May I, 1839, Drum, Denmark. Came to Utah October 1854, Cap- tain Olsen company. Married Annie Catherine Anderson May 29, 1861, Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Lars and Maron Anderson of Sistrop, Viborg, Denmark, pioneers 1856). She was born Feb. 16, 1843. Their children: Catherine Ann b. June 28, 1862, m. Joseph E. Johnson; James Peter b. Nov. 11, 1863, m. Jane Leonard; Margaret Ann b. Oct. IE, 1865, m. William J. Green; Mary Ann b. Oct. 19, 1867, d. young womanhood; Peter Ellis b. Oct. 31, 1869, m. Orelia Overson; Lewis Wil- liam b. April 3, 1872; Hannah Matilda b. March 19, 1874, m. Heber Leonard; Elizabeth May b. May 1, 1876; Charles Robert b. May 7, 1878; Heber Andrew b. Feb. 8, 1880, d. infant; Pethrier Estell b. July 21, 1881, m. Amos Petersen; Fanny U. b. Jan. 12, 1885, d. child. Family resided Cleve- land and Huntington, Utah. Married Annie Margaret Hansen Nov. 19, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham and Mary Hansen of Denmark, pioneers Oct. 1854). She was born May 1, 1841. Their children: Andrew F. b. Sept. 1865; John P. b. July 1867, m. Oscena Olson; Daniel A. b. April 1871, m. Carrie Morten- sen; Helen b. Nov. 1873, m. Bowther Erickson; Eliza b. March 1876, m. George H. Oviatt; Ellen B. b. Oct. 1878. Family home Huntington, Utah. Superintendent of Sunday school in Fountain Green 1874 in Huntington 1882 and general superintendent of Sunday schools Emery stake 1883; member of high council of Emery stake 1883; bishop of Huntington 1891-1902; patri- arch. Indian war veteran. Helped to bring in last oxteam company of immigrants. Member Huntington town board; registration officer 1910. Sheep herder; farmer; carpenter. JOHNSON, REED TAYLOR (son of Bengt Johnson, Jr. and Betsy Chrlstopherson). Born Nov. 4, 1885, Provo, Utah. Married Bertha Alfrida Blcomquist Jan. 28, 1909, Salt Lake temple (daughter of Johan Alfred Bloomquist and Carlina Sophia Johanson of Malmo, Sweden, came to Utah July 8, 1909). She was born Feb. 1, 1S81. Their children: Alvin Eben b. Oct. 17, 1909; Wellis Regdon b. April 22, 1911. Family home Provo, Utah. Elder; missionary to Sweden May 1. 1906-Oct. 3, 1908; block and Sunday school teacher; president religion class second ward; first counselor in elders quorum; acting chorister in priesthood meetings; member stake choir. JOHNSON, ROBERT (son of William Johnson, born Sept. 14, 1785. Button, Cheshire, Eng., and Ann Edwards, born 1786 married Jan. 12, 1845, in England). He was born Sept. 4, 1823, Guilden Button, Cheshire. Came to Utah 1853, Captain Brown company. Married Elizabeth Johnston Jan. 12, 1845 (daughter of Joseph Johnston and Elizabeth Clark). She was born Oct. 20, 1825. Their children: William b. Sept. 4, 1845. died; John b. Feb. 19, 1848: Robert b. March 3. 1849, m. Anna Hougaard Jan. 26, 1873; Mary Ellen b. Aug. 16, 1851, m. Ephraim Denison Jan. 12, 1873; Elizabeth Ann b. Jan. 19, 1855, m. Francis M. Cox Jan. 12, 1S73; Joseph b. Oct. 17, 1863, died; Samuel b. Sept. 6, 1857, died; Alma b. Dec. 2, 1858, m. Margret E. Henry Nov. 25, 1886; Martha b. May 1. 1861, m. Robert Counliffe March 7, 1880; Nephi b. Oct. 12, 1868, m. Marien Hogen Dec. 6, 1894: Cicley b. Sept. 6, 1866, died; Sarah Jane b. June 14, 1864. Family home Manti, Utah. Settled at Manti 1854. Guard in Black Hawk war. Mis- sionary to England 1883-85. Farmer. JOHNSON, ROBERT (son of Robert Johnson and Elizabeth Johnston). Born March 3, 1849. Stockport. Eng. Married Anna Hougaard Jan. 26, 1873, Manti, Utah (daughter of Rasmus and Magdalena Hougaard, former came to Utah 1862). She was born April 13, 1865, Falster, Denmark. Their children: Robert W. b. Feb. 21, 1874, m. Tresie Willson Oct. 14, 1898; Rasmus R. b. Jan. 24. 1876, died; Annethy E. b. Jan. 16, 1877, m. Oliver Wakefteld Sept. 2, 1897; Alma Eugene b. Nov. 12, 1879, m. Stella Col- lard July 10, 1902; John Edward b. Dec. 26, 1881, m. Ing Johnson Feb. 26, 1904; Louis Nephi b. Jan. 7, 1883, m. Nettie Nielson Dec. 29, 1903; Mary Magdelien b. April 2, 1885, m. Hyrum Peterson Oct. 21, 1903; Hannah Evlin b. Dec. 27, 1887, m. Leo Mofflt March 14. 1905; Samuel Richard b. March 10, 1889; Verona Gertrude b. Jan. 22, 1891, died; Clarane P. b. Feb. 10, 1893. Family home Orangeville, Utah. Settled at Manti 1854; moved to Orangeville 1881. Black Hawk war veteran. Farmer; musician. JOHNSON, THOMAS SMITH (son of Isaac Johnson and Grace Smith of New York). Born Jan. 1, 1818, Schenectady, N. Y. Came to Utah with his own company. Married Mary Harrison. Their children: Parhant b. May 4. 1852, m. John Hill; Thomas Smith b. Dec. 18. 1854. m. Eliza Anne Higley; Louisa b. 1857; Deece b. 1860, m. Charles Hlgley; Adeline b. 1864, m. George E. Higley; Eliza b. 1866, m. George Haynes; Charles b. 1869, m. Martha Priest; Annice b. July 31, 1876, m. Charles Cunningham. JOHNSON. THOMAS SMITH, Jr. (son of Thomas Smith Johnson and Mary Harrison). Born Dec. 18, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Anne Higley July 6, 1880, Hooper, Utah (daughter of George Higley and Nancy Wadsworth), who was born May 4, 1862, Riverdale, Utah. Their children: Thomas Smith b. July 31, 1881, m. Leveta Olive Lewis 1908; Charles Warren b. Aug. 22, 1883, m. Nellie Childs 1908; George Edwin b. Aug. 23, 1885; Maud Eden b. Feb. 8, 1888. m. Clarence Bates 1906; Ola b. Oct. 16, 1891, d. Aug. 3, 1908; Leroy b. Jan. 29, 1893; Delia May b. Feb. 23, 1895: Mary Lillian b. Sept. 20, 1898; William Lloyd b. Dec. 30. 1900. JOHNSON, WILLIS KELSEY (son of Aaron Johnson and Polly Zeviah Kelsey). Born Sept. 13, 1828, Haddam, Middle- sex county. Conn. Married Laura Crandall Jan. 1, 1850. Kanesville. Iowa (daughter of David Crandall and Margaret McBride.) Their child: Willis Kelsey b. Oct. 2. 1860, m. Sarah Mendenhall. JOHNSON, WILLIS KELSEY (son of Willis Kelsey John- son and Laura Crandall). Born Oct. 2, 1860, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Mendenhall (daughter of William Men- denhall and Sarah Lovell, the formor came to Utah Sept. 18, 1852). She was born May 12, 1853, Springville, Utah. Their children: Willis Kelsey b. June 30, 1875, m. Eva Clark; James Bayard b. Oct. 20, 1877, m. Alice Whitney; Franklin M. b. Sept. 9, 1879, died; Minerva b. Dec. 6 1881, m. John S. Hill; Harrison b. Dec. 17, 1883. died; Chester b. Jan. 12, 1886; Richard M. b. Feb. 20, 1888; Thursa b Sept. 17, 1890; Mary Edna b. Oct. 10, 1892; George Leo b. Sept. 10, 1895. Family home Springville, Utah. Member of quorum of seventies for 25 years; president of quorum of seventies for 10 years. Early settler in southern Utah. District school trustee of Springville, Utah, for two terms; member of city council for two terms. JOHNSTUN, JESSIE WALKER (son of James Johnstun and Amity Welsh of New Jersey). Born Jan. 21, 1820, in Ohio. Came to Utah July 28, 1847, with section of Mormon Bat- talion. Married Betsy Ann Snyder March 2, 1848, Jamestown, Mo. (daughter of Samuel Cainstock Snyder and Henrietta Mona Stockwell of Canada, came to Utah in 1847). She was born July 17, 1836. Their children: Alma James, m. Loretta Henry; Maria Amity, m. Jacob Reader Workman; Laura Menetta, m. William Jennie; Elizabeth Rebecca, m. John Blankenship; Anny Lovesa, m. John Toone. Presiding elder at Snydervllle, Utah. Lumberman. Died May 8, 1860, Parley Park, Summit county. JOHNSTUN, ALMA JAMES (son of Jesse Walker Johnstun and Elizabeth Ann Snyder). Born July 23, 1853, Big Cotton- wood, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Married Loretta Mariah Henry May 30, 1875. Endowment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of Calvin William Henry and Priscilla Barnham, pioneers 1854). She was born April 25, 1855. Their children: Minnetta b. March 20, 1876 m Charles B. Atwood, Jr.; Emily b. Sept. 2, 1878 d child- James b. Oct. 27. 1880, m. Mary Timothy; William b. March 10, 1883, m. Fedelia Labrum; Eugenie b. Aug. 23 1885 m Harvey Marshall; Elizabeth b. Jan. 2, 1888, m. Elvin Hod- son; Jeremiah b. Jan. 13, 1890, d. infant; Joseph b March 15, 1892; Derrell and Delpha b. May 30, 1894; George b Oct 27. 1896; Owen b. July 16, 1899. Family home Vernal. Utah. High priest; second counselor to Bishop Joseph Black of Snyderville ward 1877. Called a* home missionary to settle Ashley Valley (now Vernal) April 6, 1878, by President John Taylor, and his homestead was where the tabernacle, academy, stake office and town of Vernal now stands. With him were Joseph H. Black and David Johnston. Dur- ing the same fall, there were families by the names of Clark, Bird, Hatch, Morrison and Bodly located at Vernal. He built the first house, made the first canal for water, opened the first coal mine, brought the first threshing ma- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 973 chine, the first steam sawmill, the second grist mill and many of the other public improvements in Vernal. Went to Snyderville as a child with parents, where his father conducted a sawmill, and he remained there until he moved to Vernal. County commissioner 1891-92. Operates saw, lumber, Hour and planing mills; is engaged in farm- ing; is interested in the Uinta State Bank, Acorn Mercan- tile Company and the Vernal Drug Company. .ml I i:\, HENRY BRYANT MANNING (son of Henry Jol- ley and Frances Manning of North Carolina). Born Sept. 18, 1813, Bedford county, N. C. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1862, captain his company. Married Brittania Mayo in Weakley county, Tenn. (daugh- ter of John Mayo and Gatsey Franklin of Bedford county, N. C.). She was born 1814. Came to Utah Sept. 1852 with husband. Their children: Mary b. Doc. 25, 1834, m. Thomas Keele; Elizabeth, m. George Hicks; Wesley, m. Annie Chambers, m. Lydia Ann Brimhall; Henry, died; Frances, m. Robert Moncur; Nephi, m. Mary Ann Harris, m. Mary Daily; Bryant Heber, m. Orissa Taylor; Ruben, m. Emily Pace; Joseph, m. Martha Ann Brown. Married Cintha Ann Shurtcliff Sept. 16, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Haskel of Massachusetts). Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852, Henry Bryant Jolley company. Their children: Haskel Shurtcliff, m. Effie Leathhead, m. Nellie Harrison; Lorenzo, m. Maletta Spencer, m. Mary Mayo at St. George, Utah. Seventy; missionary to North Carolina 1890-92. Indian war veteran. Settled at Palmyra; moved to Sprlngville; later to Long Valley. Farmer; stockman; storekeeper. Died March 4, 1895, at Mt. Carmel, Utah. JOLLET, BRYANT HEBER (son of Henry Bryant Man- ning Jolley and Brittania Mayo). Born Feb. 26, 1851, Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1862, with his father's company. Married Orissa Taylor Dec. 25, 1869, New Harmony, Utah (daughter of Allen Taylor and Reddicka Allred of New Harmony, came to Utah 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born Oct. 13, 1851. Their children: Bryant Heber b. Oct. 4, 1870, m. Annie Pernella Nisson and Annie Sproul; Joseph Allen b. Oct. 14, 1872, m. Ingre Emerett Nisson; Alma Franklin b. May 9, 1876, m. Annie Schlappey and Dora Hutchings; Riley Taylor b. March 28, 1879, m. Sadie Neilsen, m. Nora Winn; Gatsey Lorisa b. Nov. 6, 1881, m. Silas E. Hutchings. Family resided at Elsenora, Theodore and Duchtsne, Utah. Elder. Settled at Spanish Fork 1865; later moved to Duchesne, Idaho. Veteran Indian war. Farmer and stock- raiser. JOLLY, WILLIAMSON \VESLEY (son of George Jolly). Born July 16, 1635, In Tennessee. Came to Utah by team. Married Lydia Ann Brimhall (daughter of John Brimhall and Ann Reddy, pioneers 1847). Their children: John Man- ning, m. Drewey Hartley; Malinda, m. Steven Wilson; Donald, m. Emma Allred; Heber, m. Letta Whetstone; Aurilla, m. Erastus Bastian; Lydia Ann b. May 11, 1882, m. Alfred William Hansen; Louise, m. Ola Olsen; Magneus; Wesley. Family resided Mt. Carmel, and Emery, Utah, and Heyburn, Idaho. High priest. Settled at Mt. Carmel In early '60s, and one of the leaders in the Order of Enoch at that place. Farmer and freighter. Died Jan. 10, 1911, Heyburn, Idaho. JONES, BENJAMIN. Born Feb. 24, 1796, In Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1848. Married Rosannah Cox in January (daughter of Jehu Cox and Sarah Pyle of Knox county, Ky., pioneers Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Jan. 26, 1825. Their children: Heber C., m. Rosannah Brady; Benjamin, m. Sarah Jane Cheney; Sarah, m. Almir B. Cox; Rosannah, m. Orville Cox. Family home Union Fort, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Shoemaker and farmer. Died April 4, 1876, Fairview, Utah. JONES, BENJAMIN (son of Benjamin Jones and Rosan- nah Cox). Born July 10, 1850, Union Fort, Utah. Married Sarah Jane Cheney June 28, 1875, Fairview, Utah (daughter of Elam Cheney and Martha Taylor, pioneers), who was born Sept. 7, 1857. Their children: Martha Ellen b. April 4, 1876, m. Lyman Sherman; Elam L. b. May 1, 1877, m. Ada C. Sherman; Celestia Castel b. Dec. 15, 1878, m. Marion J. Brady; Benjamin b. Sept. 7, 1880, m. Mary Frances Foote; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 10, 1882, m. Andrew Johansen; David H. b. Aug. 29, 1884; Rosannah b. May 1, 1886, d. child; Orin Samuel b. April 12, 1888; Jehu b. Jan. 2, 1890; Hettie b. Dec. 7, 1891, d. infant; Zelma b. Jan. 7, 1896, d. infant. Family home Hunttngton, Utah. Married Mary Maria Burrison Oct. 1, 1907, Castledale, Utah (adopted daughter of Philip and Rachel Burrison of Denmark). Member 31st quorum seventies; elder; ward teacher 1890- 1900. Farmer and stockraiser. B. Foster of Grafton, pioneers, Wilford Woodruff com- pany). She was born Oct. 27, 1848. Their children: Charles Alvin, m. Harriet Spendlove; Annie Viola; George A., m. Clara Wilson; William Alfred; Edwald D., m. Rhoda A. Ballard; Philetus, m. Annie Laura Stout; Lavenia; John Frank, m. Hilda Coleman. Family home, Grafton. Elder. Printer. Died April 30, 1903. JONES, PHILETUS (son of Charles H. Jones and Viola Maria Russell). Born Jan. 13, 1875, Grafton, Utah. Married Annie Laura Stout Dec. 23, 1898, St. George. Utah (daughter of Alfred Fisk Stout and Mary Emma Langston, Rockville, Utah). She was born April 14, 1881. Their children: Alvin Vernon b. Oct. 10, 1899; Madge b. Aug. 22, 1901; Vernessa Fern b. Feb. 2. 1904; Mary Viola b. March 6, 1906; Rcna b. Feb. 9, 1908: Ada b. Feb. 26, 1909; Winnie b. March 5, 1911. Family home Rockville, Utah. Member 21st quorum seventies. Farmer. JONES, DAN (son of Thomas Jones and Ruth Jones of Swansea, South Wales). Born Aug. 4, 1811, in Flintshire, Wales. Came to Utah September 1849, Captain Jones com- pany. Married Elizabeth Jones Dec. 1849, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Jones and Elizabeth Jones of Cleddy, South Wales). She was born April 5, 1813. Their children: Thomas, died; John, m. Augusta Smith; Eliza, m. Isaac Vorhees; Cannan, m. Sarah Reese; Louis; Ruth, m. George B. Squires; Brigham, m. Ella Freo. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Wales; president of Wales mission 1862-65. Seaman; built first boat on Great Salt Lake. Died Jan. 3, 1862, Provo, Utah. JONES, DAVID PROSSEK (son of David Jones and Eliza- beth Prosser of Rosa, near Beaufort and Abwvale, Mon- mouthshire, Wales). Born 1836, near Brecknocktown, Breck- nockshire, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1866, John D. Holladay company. Married Elinor Smart (Corns) about 1858, Rhymney, Wales (daughter of Joseph Corns of Pontypool, Monmouth- shire). She was born in 1814. Family resided Willard City and Cherry Creek, Utah, and Malad, Idaho. Bishop; chorister. Poet. Mason, freighter and farmer. JONES, EDWARD (son of Edward Jones and Margrett Roberts of Ruthin, Denbigh, Wales). Born March 10, 1832, at Ruthin. Came to Utah 1856. Married Hannah Pendlebury Oct. 11, 1852, Manchester, Eng. (daughter of James Pendlebury and Sarah Walker), who was born June 10, 1832. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Israel Evans handcart company. Their children: Emily Jane b.- Dec. 11, 1860, m. John L. Sperry Aug. 21, 1877; Mar- grett b. 1862 and James Edward b. 1864, died; Martha Ann b. April 1, 1865, m. Robert G. Pyper Jan. 7, 1884; George b. 1866, died; Selena Bell b. May 29, 1869, m. Thomas M. Mc- Cune Feb. 11, 1891; Mary Jane b. May 29, 1871, m. John William McPherson Sept. 11, 1895. Married Martha Jackson, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Jackson and Ann Grimshaw of Manchester, Eng., pioneers Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin company). She was born April 22, 1830, Manchester, Eng. Their children: Edward b. Nov. 23, 1857, m. Sarah Jane Tolley; William b. May 11, 1859, m. Elizabeth Ann Tolley April 11, 1883; Ellen b. Feb. 14, 1861, m. Nephi Jackson 1879; Elizabeth b. Feb. 7, 1863. m. John H. Cazier March 1, 1882; Louisa b. April 1865, m. William Broadhead March 10, 1886; Benjamin b. 1867, died: Samuel b. 1869; Joseph b. 1875, m. Maud Salis- bury; John Henry, died; Martha Maud, m. Bertrand Kendall July 6, 1897. Families resided Nephi, Utah. Elder. Blacksmith and farmer. JONES, EDWARD (son of Edward Jones and Martha Jack- son). Born Nov. 23, 1857, Nephi, Utah. Married Sarah Jane Tolley Feb. 10, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Fisher Tolley and Sarah Warren, pioneers, Captain Stenhouse company). She was born Feb. 7, 1863, Fountain Green, Utah. Their children: Edward Leonard b. Dec. 26, 1881; William Louis b. Dec. 6, 1883; Jenerva b. Jan. 27, 1886, m. William M. Jenkins June 13, 1906; Franklin Roger b. Dec. 30, 1889; Charles Warren b. April 17, 1891; Harry Tolley b. June 11, 1893; Ruth Colen b. June 24, 1895; Donald Q. b. Aug. 11, 1897: Raymond Leon b. Dec. 30, 1900; Elma Louise b. Feb. 10, 1903; Waldo Leroy b. Aug. 13, 1905. Family home Nephi, Utah. High priest. Farmer and stockraiser. JONES, CHARLES II. (son of John Jones and Maria Mather of New York). Born Aug. 30. 3836, in New York. Came to Utah 1857, Johnston's army. Married V ola Maria Russell Dec. 20, 1862, Grafton, Kane Co., Utah (daughter of Alonzo H. Russell and Nancy JONES. ELISHA (son of Thomas Jones and Mary Naylor). Born June 11, 1813, in Jefferson county, Ohio. Came to Utah 1850, Matthew Caldwell company. Married Margeret Talbott, Jefferson Co., Ohio (daughter of Absalom Talbott and Sarah Mullholland of Maryland). Their children: Martha, m. Erastus D. Meacham; Thomas, died; Richard, m. Mary Cummings; William and James, died; John, m. Elizabeth Young; Mary, m. John Duke; Sarah, m. Isaac Cummings; Elizabeth, m. James Knight; Margaret Ellen, died; Elisha Warren b. June 7, 1849, m. Jane A. Pierce; Jacob Absalom, died; Joseph, m. Metta Maria Nielson, m. Sybil Seeley; Hyrum, m. Allice Ryan. Married Sarah Ann Cummings (daughter of John Cum- 974 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH mings and Rachel Ann Canada, Heber City, Utah). She wag born March 20, 1839. Their children: Samuel b. July 12, 1858, m. Margeret Fisher; Rachel Ann b. Jan. 8, 1861, m. Orson Henry Lee; Mary Malinda b. March 23, 1864, m. Joseph McDonald; Nancy Jane b. March 26, , m. Elmer Mahoney; John, m. Minnie Davis; Harmon, died; Susan, m. Albert Mitchell; Louisa, m. Harry Morris. Married Anna Poulson at Provo, Utah. Married Caroline Delight Allen (daughter of Joseph S. Allen and Lucy Morley, both of Nauvoo, 111.). Their chil- dren: Simeon, m. Lulu Cordingley; Heber, died; Eliza, m. Thomas Houlton; Edward, m. Jane Clegg; Leonora, died; Caroline, m. Marion Lewis. High priest; bishop of east ward, Heber City. Indian war veteran. Justice of the peace. Farmer; blacksmith and shoemaker. Died Aug. 1880, at Heber City. JONES, ELISHA WARREN (son of Elisha Jones and Mar- geret Talbott). Born June 7, 1849, Kainesville, Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Married Jane A. Pierce March 6, 1871, Heber City. Utah (daughter of George ~W. Pierce and Margeret Watson, Lock- galley, Scotland, pioneers, Thomas Watson company). She was born Nov. 7, 1853. Their children: William Thomas b. March 16, 1872, m. Margeret McKelprang; Margeret Eliza- beth b. Oct. 4, 1874, m. Ulysses W. Grange; Jessie Squire b. Nov. 27, 1876, m. John Huggins Cordingley; Edward Franklin b. Aug. 30, 1877, died; Joseph Myron b. July 26, 1879, m. Alice Horrocks; Hyrum b. June 21, 1880, died; Sarah Jane b. Oct. 23, 1882, m. Quartus Sparks Catlin; Agnes Malinda b. June 3, 1885, m. Charles William Kimber; Martha May b. Sept. 9, 1887, m. Seymour D. Cordingley; Richard Warren b. Dec. 23, 1889, m. Jennie Provost; John Samuel b. Oct. 25, 1891; Hazel G. b. May 17, 1894; Francis Lamont b. March 2, 1897. Family home Heber City, Utah. High priest; teacher; home missionary; secretary and counselor elders quorum. Assessor and collector Emery Co., Utah. JONES, JOSEPH (son of Elisha Jones and Margeret Tal- bott). Born May 18, 1854, Provo, Utah. Married Metta Maria Nielsen June 1880, Heber City, Utah (daughter of Jens Nielsen and Annie Christina, Heber City, Utah). She was born Sept. 6, 1864, died Oct. 24, 1894. Their children: Margaret Ellen b. April 3, 1881, m. Carl R. Marcusen; James b. July 30, 1883, m. Laura Gallaway; Elisha Ernest b. May 25, 1885, m. Maud Ward; Joseph Alvin b. Nov. 20, 1887, d. Feb. 12, 1892; Noah b. March 14, 1890, d. child; Christine Myrtle b. April 16, 1891, d. April 20, 1891; Metta Mable b. June 4, 1892; Annie Christina b. Oct. 15, 1894. Family home Price, Utah. Married Lottie Sybil Seeley June 20, 1901, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Don Carlos Seeley and Hannah E. Seeley Reynolds). Their children: Clarissa Elizabeth b. June 25, 1903; Reta Hannah b. July 5, 1905; Wilton Carlos b. July 28, 1908; Ivan b. Dec. 17, 1910, d. Dec. 29, 1910; Rolland Seeley b. Dec. 16. 1912. Member of presidency of seventies; missionary to southern states 1889, to California 1903-04; Sunday school superin- tendent; high priest. Farmer and merchant. JOXES, EVAN (son of John Jones of Llanegwad and Susan- nah Titus of Brechfa, Caermarthenshire, South Wales). Born July 13, 1839, at Felingwon, Caermarthenshire. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company. Married Jane Thomas January, 1858, Swansea, Glamorgan- shire (daughter of David Thomas and Elizabeth Nash of Neyland, Pembrokeshire, pioneers Sept. 4, 1866, Thomas E. Ricks company). She was born April 10, 1838. Their chil- dren: Elizabeth Susannah b. Jan. 20, 1859, m. Parley W. Price; Sarah Jane b. Dec. 12, 1860, m. John H. Lloyds; John Claudius b. Feb. 3, 1863, m. Luella Croft; Joseph Hyrum b. Oct. 24, 1864, died; Parley Parker b. July 4, 1867, m. Mar- garet Jyort; Evan James b. Feb. 10, 1870, m. Eliza E. Tan- ner; David William b. March 8, 1872, m. Clara Parks; Lean- der Thomas b. March 26, 1879, m. Ida Carlson; Mary Ann b. Aug. 1, 1877, m. David Andrew; Charles Henry b. March 6, 1880, died. Family home Logan, Utah. High priest; missionary to South Wales 1893-95. Ran first steam plow on President Young's farm, Jordan River; ran first train to Logan, Utah, to Idaho and Montana on the Utah Northern; also steamer "Garfield" on Salt Lake for three years. JONES, HOPKINS (son of Thomas and Mary Jones, both of Neath, Wales). Born Jan. 25, 1824, Neath, Wales. Came to Utah 1865, Captain Willis oxteam company. Married Winnifred Morris July 4, 1846, at Neath (daugh- ter of William Morris and Lucy Hughes), who was born Oct. 12, 1828. Their children: Mary b. March 7, 1848, m. Currie H. Banks; Martha b. Nov. 19, 1851, m. Bernard Mc- Adams; Lucy b. Dec. 4, 1854, m. Abraham Liddell. Family home Neath, Wales. Member seventies; missionary to St. George, Utah; teacher; president of branch in Neath, Wales. Guard in Salt Lake City against Indians. Mason and stonecutter. Died April 28. 1897, Salt Lake City. burned to death Oct. 25, 1860; Isaac Morley b. Aug. 3, 1862, m. Anne Elizabeth Starkie; Lovina b. Feb. 8, 1864, m. William Coleman Boren; James Naylor b. Nov. 18, 1865, m. Mary Ann Bodily. Family resided Heber and Fairview, Utah. High priest; bishop's counselor. Called to The Muddy. First white man that ever wintered at Marysville. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 14, 1866, North Bend, Utah. Caroline Delight Allen married Elisha Jones after the death of her husband James Naylor Jones. Their chil- dren: Leonora b. Jan. 30, 1868, d. infant; Eliza b. June 7, 1869, m. Thomas E. Moulton; Simeon b. Dec. 30, 1872, m. Lula Cordingly; Heber b. June 3, 1874, d. Aug. 11, 1891; Edward A. b. Nov. 8, 1877, m. Jane Clegg; Caroline A. b. Dec. 22, 1879, m. Marian Lewis. Family home Heber, Utah. JONES, ISAAC MORLET (son of James Naylor Jones and Caroline Delight Allen). Born Aug. 3, 1862, Fairview, Utah. Married Anne Elizabeth Starkie Dec. 4, 1890, Merrills ward, Uinta Co., Utah (daughter of Edward John Starkie and Ann Spray of Yorkshire, Eng., came to Utah July 3, 1878). She was born Oct. 11, 1869. Their children: Morley b. Oct. 30, 1891; Mary Elizabeth b. March 15. 1893; Sarah Rosalin b. March 6, 1895; Isaac Allen b. Dec. 16, 1897; Caroline Mabel b. Oct. 22, 1899; Lucy Viola b. Dec. 23, 1901; Warren Starkie b. Feb. 21, 1904; Rachel Ann b. March 28, 1906; Olive Floretta b. April 14, 1908: Albert Edward b. July 19. 1911. Family home Maeser, Uinta Co., Utah. High priest; president Y. M. M. I. A.; assistant Sunday school superintendent nine years; president deacons' Quorum; counselor in elders' quorum; ward teacher 26 years. Boss-farmer, teaching the Indians how to farm, on Uinta Reservation, and later transferred to White Rock, Indian Agency 1886. Farmer and miller. JONES, JENKIN (son of Thomas Jones, born Feb. 13, 1814, Pentra Farm, and Elizabeth Jenkins, born June 10, 1813, Ton Farm, both of Ystradyfodog, South Wales). He was born July 17, 1840, Park Isha Farm, Ystradyfodog. Came to Utah fall of 1867, handcart company. Married Mary E. Jones Aug. 31, 1870 (daughter of Griffith Jenkins), who was born June 20, 1846. Their children: Catherine Palmer b. March 29. 1872, m. W. H. Palmer Nov. 3, 1907; Annie b. Oct. 17, 1873, m. James T. Jones Jan. 23, 1905; Mary E. b. Sept. 5, 1875; Margaret b. June 10, 1876, m. E. R. Jones June 8, 1908; Jenkin b. Nov. 26, 1880; Evan b. Oct. 21, 1882; Thomas b. June 12, 1884. Family home Malad City, Idaho. Bishop of Malad ward five years; missionary to Wales. Treasurer of Oneida county; mayor of Malad City. JONES, JENKIN, JR. (son of Jenkin Jones and Mary B. Jones). Born Nov. 25, 1880, Malad City, Idaho. Connected with city government, Malad, last eight years; clerk district court, Fifth judicial district, Oneida county; also deputy auditor and recorder, Oneida county. JONES, JOHN D. (son of Moses Jones of Mt. Pisgah, Iowa). Born at Mt. Pisgah. Came to Utah by ox team. Married Susan Boren. Their children: John E., m. Laura Johnson; Billie, died; Minerva, m. Grayham Daley; Stephen; Charles E., m. Martha J. Jones; Rosy B., m. Jed Robinson; Annie; Irvine, m. Millie Barrett. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Lena B. Sims Dec. 18, 1907, Provo, Utah (daughter of Frederick Sims and Margaret Nelson of Lee County, 111., came to Utah 1886). She was born June 18, 1869. Only child: Ralph Waldo b. Sept. 28, 1908. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer. JONES, CHARLES E. (son of John D. Jones and Susan Boren). Born April 19, 1868, San Bernardino, Calif. Married Martha J. Jones May 16, 1888, Provo, Utah, later Manti temple (daughter of John G. Jones and Mary John of Lancashire, Eng., pioneers 1852). She was born April 6, 1867. Their children: Charles Alma b. Sept. 3, 1890, m. Julia Sackett; La Real b. Dec. 7, 1892; John Gilbert b. Dec. 21, 1901; Martha Adelaid b. Oct. 27, 1903, died; Etta Jane b. June 7, 1906; Florence Irene b. Aug. 8, 1908. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 134th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1898 to 1901; Sunday school and block teacher. Farmer. School teacher. JONES, JOHN G. Born Nov. 27, 1830, In Wales. Came to Utah 1862. Married Mary John. Their children: Adelaid, m. John Meldrum; David H., m. Dianthia Petty; Mary Ann, m. Rich- ard Nuttall; Daniel, died; Eleazor, m. Mary James; Martha, m. Charles E. Jones; Shadrach, m. Josephine Cannon; Lizzie; Thomas, m. Susa Barton; Bennie, died. Family home Provo, Utah. Seventy; missionary to Wales; patriarch. Farmer. Stone- mason. JONES, JAMES NAYLOR (son of Thomas Jones and Mary Naylor). Born April 3, 1810. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Caroline Delight Allen. Their children: Mary b. Dec. 4, 1856, m. Henry Boren; Lucy b. September, 1869, JONES, JOHN PIDDING (son of Isaac Jones and Mary Pid- ding of Wiltshire. Eng., latter born May 1774). He was born June 10, 1819, Greenber Field, Yorkshire. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, James K. Maxwell company. Married Margaret Lee about 1840 (daughter of Joseph Lee and Margaret Crosby of England). She was born April 11, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 975 1821, Liverpool, Eng. Their children: John Lee b. May 18, 1841, m. Rachel Simkins Jan. 14, 1862; Joseph William b. Oct. 26, 1843; Daniel L. b. May 6, 1847; Sylvester F. b. Dec. B. 1848, m. Susannah Melling 1871; Frederick Isaac b. Feb. 6, 1851, m. Mary McKelprang Dec. 23, 1874; Elizabeth b. Dec. 13, 1853, m. Joseph Perry; Isaac Charles, d. infant; Hyrum b. May 3, 1869, m. Lucy Jones; Margretta Jane b. Sept. 16, 1861, m. William W. Dalley; Mary Crosby b. July 3, 1864, m. Nelson B. Dalley. Family home Cedar City, Utah. Adjutant Company D, Iron Military district, 1857-59. Iron molder and machinist with Deseret Iron Company five years. JONES, JOHN LEE (son of John Pidding Jones and Mar- garet Lee). Born May 18, 1841. Came to Utah with father. Married Rachel Simkins Jan. 14, 1862, Cedar City, Utah (daughter of James Simkins and Jane Kirkbride), who was born Nov. 3, . . Their children: John James b. Oct. 14, 1862, m. Louisa Dover June 4, 1884; Isaac b. Sept. 22, 1864, m. Elizabeth Melling 1884; Jane Kirkbride b. June 1, 1866, m. James A. Bryant- Samuel Bell b. Jan. 8, 1869; Ward b. Aug. 16, 1870, m. Ada Smith 1893; William Frederick b. March 6, 1872, m. Jesse Sterling; Rachel Margret b. Dec. 31, 1874, m. Alma Mathews Sept. 7, 1898; James Simkins b. March 17, 1877, m. Esther Alice LeFevre Sept. 15, 1904; Vio- let Ann b. March 4. 1879, m. Elroy Wood Oct. 2, 1907; Orson Pratt b. Feb. 10, 1882; Myron Simkins b. March 4, 1884; Jessie Lee b. Dec. 17, 1886; Lilly Maud Simkins and Pearl Simkins (twins) b. Nov. 16, 1888; Leonard Willemont b. Dec. 6, 1893. Family resided Enoch and Cedar City, Utah. Married Betty Marsden Walker Feb. 6, 1879, St. George, Utah (daughter of Joseph Walker and Emma Smith), who was born March 15, 1858, Cedar City, Utah. Their children: Rosetta b. Dec. 19, 1878; Emily Rachel b. Dec. 23, 1882; Mat- tie Walker b. Jan. 27, 1885; Ida Walker b. Feb. 24, 1887; Ruben Walker b. June 9, 1889; George Wilford b. March 6, 1892; Willard Walker b. Jan. 7, 1895; Blanche Walker b. April 20. 1887; Grace Ashton b. Oct. 16, 1899. Missionary to Great Britain 1879-81. Settled at Cedar City 1853. Participated in Echo Canyon campaign. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Indian war veteran. Assisted in establishing fort in Long Valley, Utah. JONES, JAMES SIMKINS (son of John Lee Jones and Rachel Simkins). Born March 17, 1877, Enoch, Iron Co., Utah. Married Esther Alice LeFevre Sept. 15, 1904, St. George (daughter of William LeFevre and Hannah Hollyoak of Orton [now Spry], Utah). She was born Sept. 3, 1883. Their children: James Chester b. Sept. 20, 1905; La Fevre b. May 26, 1907; Lavawn b. Oct. 12, 1909; Devor b. April 16, 1910; Eddie Lee b. Aug. 7. 1912. Family home Tabby, Wasatch Co., Utah. Member 97th quorum seventies; missionary to Society Islands 1900-03; bishop Tabiona ward, Tabby, Utah; 2d as- sistant superintendent Sunday school, Enoch, Iron Co., Utah; president Y. M. M. I. A. at Enoch. Farmer. JONES, JOHN R. (son of Roger and Amelia Jones of Here- ford, Herefordshire, Eng.). Born July 24, 1829. Came to Utah 1860. Married Agnes Martin July 15, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of George L. Martin and Janet Osborne of Kil- marnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, came to Utah 1872). She was born Oct. 17, 1829. Their children: George M. (adopted), m. Hortense M. Lang; Henry, d. infant; John, d. infant; Janet, m. Frank McDonald; Allen, d. aged 2. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy; high priest; 2d counselor to Bishop Schoenfield. Farmer; sheepraiser; freighter. Died 1909 in Mexico. JONES, GEORGE MARTIN (adopted son of John R. Jones and Agnes Martin). Born June 19, 1858, Kilmarnock, Ayr- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Raw- lins company. Married Hortense Marie Lang Oct. 26, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Daniel Lang and Josephine Laporte of Geneva, Switzerland, came to Utah 1869). She was born July 2, 1859. Their children: Josephine Lang b. Aug. 6, 1883, m. Orson F. Christensen Oct. 12, 1904; Hortense Lang b. Feb. 8, 1885; Agnes Lang b. Sept. 5, 1886, m. Jonathan Lloyd; Jeanette Lang b. June 5, 1888, m. Nathan O. Fullmer; George Lang- b. March 25, 1890, d. Aug. 1, 1902; Daniel Lang b. Jan. 10, 1892, d. July 27, 1902; Louise Lang b. Aug. 29. 1894, d. Sept. 12, 1902; Allan b. June 26, 1898, d. June 26, 1898; Evan Stevens b. Nov. 4, 1899, d. Aug. 4, 1902. Family resided Salt Lake City and Richfield, Utah. High priest; president first elders' quorum Sevier stake; Sevier stake chorister 1897-1910; Sevier stake tithing clerk; stake clerk; clerk of high council; clerk of high priests' quorum. Railroader in Salt Lake City on Utah Central, Union Pacific, O. S. L., and Saltair lines. Merchant. JONES, MERL.IN (son of Samuel Jones, born 1761 at North Haven, died May 21, 1810, and Sally Marks, born 1763, Wal- lingford, Conn., died Feb. 3. 1815). He was born May 16, 1795, North Haven, Conn. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852, Cap- tain Tidwell company. Married Roxana Ives Aug. 17, 1820, Wallingford, Conn, (daughter of Joel Ives, born April 16, 1760, died June 3, 1808, and Olive Ives, born April 20, 1758, died March 14, 1822, of Wallingford married Oct. 22, 1778). Their chil- dren: Horace b. May 24, 1821, d. July 17, 1821; Minerva Leantine b. June 4, 1822, m. Amos Pease Stone; Ruth Ives b. Nov. 19, 1824, m. Davis Bartholomew, d. March 10, 1911; Olive Ann b. June 1, 1829, m. Lorin Farr; Miles Hudson b. Jan. 27, 1835. Family resided Wallingford and North Haven. Married Mary Ann Pinfield (Heath) Feb. 9, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Pinfleld and Mary Gray), who was born Aug. 26, 1819, In England; died Dec. 20, 1896, Ogden, Utah. JONES, MILES HUDSON (son of Merlin Jones and Roxana Ives). Born Jan. 27, 1835, at North Haven. Came to Utah with father. Married Ann Elizabeth Rollins Jan. 27, 1864, Ogden, Utah (daughter of David Rollins, born April 1811, Eaton Bray, died Sept. 12, 1870, Ogden, Utah, pioneer 1852, and Mary Ann Sharrett, born Jan. 6, 1814, London, Eng., died March 13, 1880, Ogden, Utah). She was born Sept. 12, 1846, Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire, Eng., died Nov. 27, 1877. Ogden, Utah. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company. Only child: Miles L. b. Oct. 31, 1866, m. Isabell Chase. Fam- ily home, Ogden. Married Rachel Morton Dec. 29, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Morton, born Nov. 15, 1806, Cheshire, Eng., died Dec. 26, 1884, Salt Lake City, and Ann Jones, born June 7, 1812, Stockport, Cheshire, died June 1, 1888, Ogden, Utah). She was born April 6, 1851, Macclesfleld, Eng. First counselor to President Amos P. Stone, Mound Fort district. Served in Echo Canyon campaign. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah. JONES, MILES L. (son of Miles Hudson Jones and Ann Elizabeth Rollins). Born Oct. 31, 1866, Ogden, Utah. Married Isabell Chase Oct. 10, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Elisha Wells Chase, born April 21, 1830, Sparta, Living- ston county, N. Y., pioneer 1848, and Harriet Barker, born Aug. 29, 1835, LeRay, Jefferson county, N. Y. married April 30, 1860, Salt Lake City). She was born May 12, 1868, at Ogden. Their children: Harriet Ann b. July 30, 1889; Ray- mond Miles b. Oct. 8, 1891; Ezra Byron b. Aug. 20, 1893; Olive May b. Oct. 14, 1895; Marion b. April 28, 1897; Wilbur b. Aug. 11, 1899; Elizabeth b. Dec. 10, 1902; Lois b. Aug. 9, 1906. Bishop of seventh ward; missionary to England 1906-07; superintendent Y. M. M. I. A.; assistant superintendent Mound Fort Sunday school. City councilman. JONES, NATHANIEL VARY (son of Samuel Jones and Lucinda Kingsley of Brighton, now Rochester, N. Y.). Born Oct. 13, 1822, Brighton, N. Y. Came to Utah July 20. 1849, with contingent of Mormon Battalion. Married Rebecca Maria Burton March 14, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Samuel Burton and Ann Shipley of Leam- ington, West Canada, former a pioneer), who was born Feb. 16, 1826. Their children: Clara L., m. John W. Young; Harriet C., m. Richard V. Morris, m. J. W. Plckett; Na- thaniel V., m. Janet I. Swan, m. Elizabeth D. Barlow, m. Barbara E Morris; Mary A, m. Stanley H. Clawson; Fredrick B., d. 1881; William B. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Caroline M. Garr Oct. 9, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Fielding Garr). The only child was Mark V. b. Jan. 3, 1863, m. Elizabeth Taylor, m. Lovinia A. Talbot. Married Eliza Reed March 21. 1857. Salt Lake City. The only child was Maria A. b. Feb. 5, 1859, m. E. V. Taylor. Married E. Brown May 31, 1857, Salt Lake City. Their children: Charles B. b. Dec. 21, 1869, m. Adeline M. Mon- teith; Seth V. b. May 16, 1862, m. Annie B. Layton. Bishop 15th ward. Salt Lake City; missionary to eastern states, Hindoostan, India and England; elder. Took part in Echo Canyon campaign; 1st lieutenant cavalry, Nauvoo legion life guard battalion. First alderman of 2d ward; city councilman Salt Lake City. Carried mail from Salt Lake City to Deer Creek, Wyo. Died Feb. 16, 1863. JONES, NATHANIEL VARY (son of Nathaniel Vary and Rebecca M. Burton). Born Nov. 9, 1850, Salt Lake City. Married Janet I. Swan Dec. 24, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Swan and Agnes McDonald of Edin- burgh, Scotland), who was born Aug. 1, 1860. Their chil- dren: Agnes S. b. Oct. 20, 1873, m. John W. Twiggs; Julia B. b. May 23, 1875, m. Henry E. Sharaven; Janet I. b. March 21. 1877, m. P. P. Targetta; Isabel b. March 14, 1879; Nathala V. b. Nov. 4, 1881, m. Benjamin T. Clark. Married Elizabeth D. Barlow (daughter of James M. Barlow and Susan Mott). Their children: Lillian V. b. Nov. 17, 1886, m. C. Grant Bird; Clara L. b. Jan. 12, 1890; Calvin B. b. May 31, 1892; Aaron B. b. Oct. 17, 1895. Family resided at Salt Lake City. Member 32d quorum seventies; high priest; missionary to northern states 1876-77; counselor in bishopric of 16th ward; counselor in presidency high priests quorum Salt Lake stake; president high priests quorum Granite stake. Collector and deputy sheriff of Salt Lake county 1875-86. Lawyer. JONES, RICHARD (son of Richard Jones, born 1790, and Elizabeth Greenland, born 1791. London Eng.). Born Oct. 4. 1824, London. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company. Married Naomi Parsons in 1850, who was born May 22. 1830, and came to Utah with husband. Their children- Richard Jr. b. Sept. 21. 1860, m. Viola Cazier November 1870; Elizabeth N. b. March 9, 1852. m. David J. Evans- John b. Oct. 7, 1863, m. Rhoda Berrett Feb. 16, 1874; Sarah 976 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH b Feb. 12, 1855; m. David Francis; Charles A. b. Dec. 30, 1857, m. Catherine Beckstead Oct. 16, 1879; William b. March 2, 1860; Mary Ann b. Oct. 30, 1862, m. Joseph Rhodes Dec. 1881. Family home North Ogden, Utah. Married Elizabeth Mickham 1870, Salt Lake City, who was born Feb. 14, 1836, London, Eng. Their children: Emma G. b. Oct. 24, 1870, m. George E. Chadwick March 8, 1893; Rosabel b. April 3, 1872, m. Frederick Berrett 1893; Abra- ham b. March 17, 1873, m. Mary Brunker Sept. 4, 1896; Mary E. b. Dec. 13, 1874, m. A. G. Graham June 19, 1893; Joseph E. b. Jan. 18, 1877, m. Vilda A. Perks; Eva b. May 25, 1878, m. Melvin Godfrey March 4, 1897. Family home, Ogden and Greenville, Cache Co., Utah. President of branch in London two years; president of elders' quorum in North Ogden 33 years. Sailor and steve- dore 25 years in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. JONES, RICHARD Jr. (son of Richard Jones and Naomi Parsons). Born Sept. 21, 1850, London, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Viola Cazier in November 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Cazier and Olive Shaw, former pioneer Oct. 10, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company). She was born at North Ogden, Utah. Their children: Olive Naomi b. Oct. 21, 1871; Permelia b. Nov. 7, 1874, m. Frank Carpenter; Richard B. b. Oct. 27, 1876, m. Dianna Weisinger; John Clarence b. Oct. 3, 1878, m. Myrtle Lucile Nov. 14, 1907; Viola Ann b. Sept. 9, 1884, m. Phillip Ferrin Sept. 15, 1897; Sarah Manerva b. July 1, 1884, m. David Chard. Clerk of elders quorum. JONES, JOHN (son of Richard Jones and Naomi Parsons). Born Oct. 1, 1853, at London, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Rhoda Berrett Feb. 16, 1874, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Griffin Berrett and Sarah Ann Wood- head, of North Ogden, Utah), who was born Jan. 19, 1856, at North Ogden. Their children: John Arthur b. Jan. 3, 1875, m. Rachel Heninger; Charles William b. Oct. 14, 1876; Sarah Naomi b. Nov. 27, 1878, d. Aug. 14, 1879; Rhoda Pearl b. Aug. 2, 1880; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 23, 1882, m. Samuel Randall; Jennie May b. Sept. 25, 1884, m. William E. Shaw; Charlotte Emily b. Aug. 29, 1886, m. Nathaniel Bailey; Robert Berrett b. Sept. 4, 1888, d. Dec. 23, 1888; James Edmund b. April 16, 1891, m. Hazel Bell Berrett; Elsie Ireta b. Oct. 30. 1893; Carl Henry b. June 28, 1897. Family home, North Ogden. Ordained elder Feb. 16, 1874. Farmer and miner. Died May 15, 1910. JONES, RICHARD (son of William and Mary Thomas Jones of Llangranog, Cardigan, South Wales; former born March 18. 1771, and latter Jan. 1, 1783). He was born March 6. 1819. at Llangranog. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1851. Married Mary Evans Jones Aug. 20, 1848 (daughter of William and Ellinor Hughs Evans), who was born Nov. 8, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Ellen b. Aug. 29, 1850, m. Oliver Haskins May 7, 1873; Mary Jane b. Jan. 17, 1853, m. Benjamin D. Evans Oct. 10, 1872; Rachel Ann b. May 30, 1855, m. Benjamin L. Thomas; Richard E. b. Nov. 10, 1857, m. Louisa Lusk Dec. 20, 1883; William E. b. March 18, 1860, m. Cynthia M. Lusk Dec. 2, 1885; Hannah M. b. Oct. 24, 1864, m. Enoch Sawyer 1898; David E. b. April 7, 1867. m. Catherine Evans May 23, 1890. Active church worker. Settled at Salt Lake City, moved to Brigham City in 1853, and in 1866 moved to Malad City, Idaho. JONES. RICHARD E. (son of Richard Jones and Mary Evans). Born Nov. 10, 1857, Brigham City, Utah. Married Louisa Lusk Dec. 20, 1883, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John W. and Martha Tidwell Lusk), who was born July 9, 1862, Wellsville, Utah. Their children: Darias L. b; Dec. 28, 1884; Daniel L. b. Jan. 24, 1886; John L. b. Jan. 31, 1887; Richard L. b. Nov. 11, 1888; Harvey L. b. Aug. 3, 1891, m. Catherine Price Sept. 4, 1911; Lavern b. Aug. 9, 1897; Mary A. b. May 21, 1904. Missionary to Great Britain 1899-1901; seventy. JONES, SAMUEL STEPHEN (son of Samuel Jones and Sarah Bradshaw of Rose Cottage, Baling Lane, Brentford. Mid- dlesex, Eng.). Born Feb. 9, 1837, seven miles from London, Eng. Came to Utah Sunday, Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin and Daniel Tyler "frozen" handcart company. This was the handcart company that endured so much suffering on the plains, losing fully one-third of their number. About 586 persons started on this memorable journey. He was the secretary and clerk of the company. Married Lydia E. Hooker Feb. 9, 1857, Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of William Hooker of Kent, Eng.), who was born Aug. 18, 1837, and died Dec. 21, 1874. Their children: Mary Ann Sarah b. July 7, 1858, m. W. C. A. Smoot, Jr.; Samuel William b. Feb. 11, 1861, d. Oct. 18, 1861; Ady Rosena h. Aug. 18, 1862, d. Nov. 13. 1863; Annie L. b. Sept. 24, 1864, m. George Atkin, Jr.; Charles Albert b. Oct. 7, 1866, d. Sept. 17, 1867; Grace Darling b. Nov. 24. 1868, d. October, 1869; Arthur Wellington b. Jan. 28, 1870, d. Feb. 12, 1870; Vermelia b. July 21. 1871, d. August, 1871; Lydia Maud b. Sept. 30, 1874, d. April 15, 1875. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Julia Ipson, Aug. 27, 1867, Endowment House, Salt Lake City. Her parents lived at Bornholm, Denmark. She was born Jan. 11, 1847, Bornholm, and came to Utah 1854. Their children: Christina Maria b. Aug. 28, 1868, m. Frank Thomas; Albert Stephen b. Jan. 15, 1871, m. Sadie E. Fletcher; Rasmus Eugene b. June 16, 1874, m. Alice Teas- dale; Alma Andrew b. Jan. 5. 1877, d. June 28, 1880. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Annie Maria Johnson Dec. 27, 1875, Endowment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Peter Rasmus Johnson and Caroline Maria Tuft of Denmark, pioneers 1854). She was born Sept. 15, 1858. Their children: Samuel Johnson b. Oct. 16, 1876, m. Effle May Fenn; John Milton b. Oct. 3, 1878, m. Lulu Lameraux; Horatio b. Oct. 23, 1880, m. Elizabeth Silver; Lydia Geneve b. Feb. 19, 1883- Pearl b. Feb. 7, 1886; Ralph Harry b. May 23, 1888; Eva Caroline b. Oct. 14, 1891; Lucille Emma b. Aug. 17, 1893, d. March 29, 1894. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Emma Jane Allman July 26, 1878, Endowment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas and Jane All- man), who was born Nov. 18, 1853, Salt Lake City, and died July 9, 1879. Only child: Ernest Allman b. June 18, 1879, d. Aug. 29, 1879. One of the presidents of the 52d quorum seventies; high priest; missionary to Great Britain 1872-73; traveling elder London Conference; president Sheffield Conference; assist- ant editor "Millennial Star." Was instrumental in starting co-operative movement in Provo with A. O. Smoot and E. F. Sheets; the Provo Co-op antedated the Z. C. M. I. about one year. Owner of the S. S. Jones Mercantile Co., Provo and Price, Utah. Tie contractor, furnishing the Utah Southern Railway with ties at its beginning, and the Rio Grande Western with 147,000 in one year, between Provo and Price. He with T. R. Cutler organized the Sioux and Utah mines at Tintic, and has been largely interested in mining 1900-12. Made the big cut at the Jordan River narrows for power and irrigation. Interested with John T. Pope in asphalt, iron and oil properties in Uinta Co., Utah. Charcoal manu- facturer; saw mill operator; railroad contractor. Author of "Adown Provo River," and many poems on Utah, especially "Utah's Natal Days" which was rendered on the state's 21st birthday, under the Bowery in President Brigham Young's presence, part of which he (Young) tied repeated. "Home of the Old Years" and "The Life of the Master" are some of the masterpieces from his pen. JONES, THOMAS (son of John and Ann Jones of South Wales). Born July 20, 1827. Came to Utah 1851. Married Sage Treharne October, 1852 (daughter of William and Ann Treharne). Born Nov. 27, , came to Utah 1852, Dan Jones company. Their children: Alma Treharne b. Aug. 21. 1853, d. aged 4; Lehi Willard b. Nov. 15, 1854, m. Henrietta Lunt Feb. 13, 1878; Kumen b. May 5, 1856, m. Mary Neilson Dec. 19. 1878; Thomas Jedediah b. June 5. 1858, m. Ellen Eva Lunt Nov. 17, 1878; William Treharne b. Sept. 12, 1860, m. Keturah Arthur b. Dec. 27, 1881; Uriah Treharne b. Feb. 11, 1861, m. Mary Alice Higbee Feb. 7, 1883; Sarah Ann b. Feb. 11, 1861, m. Samuel A. Higbee Dec. 27, 1881. Family home Cedar City, Utah. JONES, LEHI WILLARD (son of Thomas Jones and Sage Treharne). Born Nov. 15, 1854, Cedar City, Utah. Married Henrietta Lunt Feb. 13, 1878, St. George, Uta-h (daughter of Henry Lunt and Mary Ann Wilson, latter pioneer 1857, Jessie B. Martin company). She was born Nov. 12, 1858; Cedar City. Their children: Thomas Willard b. Dec. 5, 1878, m. Sophia Forsyth June 25, 1902; Kumen Lunt b. Feb. 21, 1881, m. Ann Elizabeth Leigh June 26, 1907; Henry Lunt b. July 20, 1883; Henrietta Lunt b. Feb. 2, 1886, m. Ferdinand F. Hintze Sept. 3, 1908; Ann b. June 15, 1888, m. Robert S. Gardner Dec. 21, 1910; Lehi Milton b. Oct. 4. 1890; Martha b. Feb. 16. 1893, d. same day; Erastus L. b. Dec. 3, 1895; William b. Sept. 14, 1897. Family home Cedar City. Mail contractor and carrier between Cedar City, Utah, and Bullionville, Nev. Justice of peace, city treasurer, city councilman, mayor and county commissioner. Member ward bishopric. Has done much for the development of southern Utah. JONES, THOMAS (son of John R. Jones and Ann Evans of Dawlals, South Wales). Born July 24, 1858, at Dawlais. Came to Utah in August 1866, William Henry Chipman company. Married Florence Taylor Jan. 1, 1883, at Lehi, Utah (daughter of James W. Taylor and Ann Rogers of Oldham, Eng., pioneers 1853). She was born Aug. 7. 1862, at Lehi. Their, children: Marion, m. J. Edwin Johnson Aug. 20, 1906, Salt Lake City; Florence, m. David Firmage; J. Leonard; Maurice; Earl F.; Clarence; Verna Margrette; Norma; Alice; Leyland. Family home, Lehi. Elder. Farmer. JONES, THOMAS B. (son of Richard Jones of Denbigh- shire, North Wales). Born Oct. 16, 1820, at Denbighshire. Came to Utah in 1860, Captain Corbett company. Married Diana Roberts 1840, Denbighshire, who was born in 1820. Their children: Amelia, m. John Griffiths; James R., m. Mary Ann .; Robert R., m. Agnes Squires; Jane, d. aged 1; George D., m. Ann Thomas; Jane, m. Theodore (Augusta) Reamer; Samuel, d. infant. Family home ISth ward, Salt Lake City. President of a branch In Wales. Coal miner; stone cut- ter for Salt Lake Temple. Died March 20, 1904. JONES, GEORGE D. (son of Thomas B. Jones and Diana Roberts). Born Aug. 23, 1849, Denbighshire, North Wales. Came to Utah in 1860 with parents. Married Ann Thomas 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Thomas and Sarah Jeremy of Caermarthenshire, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 977 South Wales, pioneers 1849, Daniel Jones company). She was born June 22. 1848. Their children: Mary Ann b. Jan. 27, 1869, m. Sheridan Smith; George D., m. Hilda Lundgren; Eva, m. Robert B. Currie, d. aged 1; Benjamin, m. Mr. Parsons; Ada, d. aged 6; Samuel, m. Angle Anderson; Bertha D., m. Frederick Anderson; Claud, m. Celia Sanders. Family home 15th ward. Salt Lake City. Miner; blacksmith; machinist. Died Dec. 10, 1902. JONES, SAMUEL (son of George D. Jones and Ann Thomas). Born Jan. 1, 1879, Salt Lake City. Married Angle Anderson Feb. 21, 1890. Salt Lake City, Bishop Ashton officiating: (daughter of John Anderson and Awrey Little of Augusta, Ga., who came to Utah in 1889). She was born Nov. 25, 1882. Their children: Samuel Oddus b. Dec. 21, 1900. d. Infant; George S. b. July 5, 1901; John Melvin b. May 12, 1904; Mildred E. b. June 9, 1907; Lena G. b. Jan. 23, 1909; Fred Norman b. Sept. 9, 1911. Family home 15th ward, Salt Lake City. Brass and iron molder. JONES, THOMAS C. (son of William Jones and Sarah Corn- forth of Birmingham, Eng.). Born Feb. 11, 1825, Birming- ham. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Daniel D. McArthur com- pany. Married Elizabeth Clarissa Blincke July 22, 1849, Birming- ham (daughter of Edward Blincke of Birmingham), who was born April 27, 1826. Their children: Merentha Althera, m. Peter Miller, m. George Austin; Jeter Edward, m. Emma Thayne; Clarissa Elizabeth; Franklin Thomas; Brigham Wil- liam. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Jesson Feb. 12, 1865, Birmingham (daughter of John Jesson and Elizabeth Beesley, former came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Daniel D. McArthur company). She was born Oct. 19, 1832. Their children: Sarah Elizabeth; John Heu- ber; Eliza Celestial; Cathrine Mary Louisa, m. William H. Harrison; Joseph Hyrum; Emma Susannah; Martha Amelia. Married Mary Orgill June 27, 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas and Mary Ann Orgill, pioneers Sept. 2, 1868, Daniel D. McArthur company). She was born May 31, 1848. Their children: Heber Lorenzo, m. Jemima Derrick; Char- lotte Anne; Rhoda Ellen; Willard Charles; Joshua Wilford, m. Harriet Bagshaw; Julia Kate. Member 13th quorum seventies; president New Hill dis- trict, England, 1851; recorder of 10th ward. Salt Lake City, 1880-87; member Tabernacle choir. Brushmaker. Died Sept. 11, 1887, Salt Lake City. JONES, JETER EDWARD (son of Thomas C. Jones and Elizabeth Blincke). Born Feb. 9, 1852, Birmingham, Eng. Married Emma Thayne Feb. 10, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Johnson Thayne and Sidney Boyer of Mill Creek, Utah, pioneers Sept. 3, 1861). She was born Sept. 10, 1855. Their children: Emma Clarissa b. Jan. 8, 1874, m. William J. Tidwell; William Edward b. Dec. 30. 1875, m. Mary Ann Rowley; John Johnson b. April 23, 1883, m. Re- becca Lucis. Family home. Salt Lake City. Died July 16. 1883. in Idaho, killed by a train. Emma Thayne afterward married George Millner, and they had the following children: Esther, m. George Brig- ham Grundvig-, m. William Tidwell; George Bruit; Arnold Seaton; Ernest Yardly. JONES, WILLIAM EDWARD (son of Jeter Edward Jones and Emma Thayne). Born Dec. 30, 1875, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Ann Rowley July 2, 1908, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Thompson Rowley and Mary Jane Smith of Spring Glen, Utah). She was born Dec. 6, 1887. Their children: Lewella b. Nov. B, 1909; Irene b. Dec. 7, 1911. Family resided at Wellington and Spring Glen, Utah. High priest; missionary to southern states 1904-06; first counselor to president of South Carolina mission; president deacons quorum of Sunnyside 1902-03; president T. M. M. I. A. of Wellington 1906-08; member Emery stake Sunday school union board 1907-09; president third quorum elders 1908-09; second counselor to Bishop Edgar H. Thayne of Wellington ward 1908-11; superintendent Sunday school at Spring Glen. Justice of peace at Wellington 1906-07. JONES, HEBER LORENZO (son of Thomas C. Jones and Mary Orgill). Born March 18, 1871, Salt Lake City. Married Jemima Derrick Feb. 26, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of Zacariah Derrick and Mary Emma Horspooll of London, Eng., pioneers 1859, James S. Brown company). She was born May 17, 1872. Their children: Jemima b. Oct. 26, 1896, died; Heber Derrick b. Jan. 23, 1898; Hyrum Clif- ford b. Sept. 30, 1900; Mary Leon b. Oct. 15, 1902; Thelma b. March 10, 1905; Emma Marie b. June 1. 1907; Zacariah Thomas b. Oct. 14, 1910; Mamie Irene b. Sept. 28. 1912. Fam- ily home, Salt Lake City. Elder; teacher. Engineer on D. & R. G. R. R. eight years. Member B. of L. E. JONES, THOMAS E. (son of William Jones, born about 1779, and Catherine Jones, born about 1780, of Brosbury, Eng.). He was born April 5, 1811, Bishop's Frome, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1848, Heber C. Kimball com- pany. Married Mary Parson in 1836, who was born about 1805, died in England. Their child: William Parson b. Aug. 20, 1837, m. Elizabeth Shaw Feb. 25, 1858. Married Mary Ann Males Jan. 16, 1842, at Nauvoo, 111. She was born Oct. 25, 1816, Easnor, Herefordshire, Eng. Their children: Hannah; Isabell; John; Mary Ann, Justice of peace; policeman. Farmer; lumberman. JOUGKXSEX", MADS (son of Jeppa Jorgensen of Cophen- hagen, Denmark). Born March 7, 1832, at Copenhagen. Came to Utah 1869. Married Eva Coderstrom of Ooteborg, Sweden, who was born Feb. 23, 1842. Only child: Edward Johannas b. March 25. 1856, m. Eva Catherine Hansen Zobell. Seventy; high priest; counselor to Bishops Madsen and John J. Johnson of Lake View ward; missionary to northern states 1878-81; to Scandinavia 1887-89; Sunday school super- intendent; president of Y. M. M. I. A. of Lake View ward. Farmer. Died April, 1905, Lake View, Utah. JORGENSEN, EDWARD JOHANNAS (son of Mads Jorgen- sen and Eva Coderstrom). Born March 26, 1856, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah July 24, 1870. Married Eva Catherine Hansen Zobell Nov. 26, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ole Hansen and Annie Zobell of Sjelland, Denmark came to Utah 1877). She was born Feb. 21, 1860. Their children: Edward Johannaa b. Sept. 18, 1881. m. Chloe Blackburn June 10, 1903; Eva Catherine b. July 24, 1883, m. Oscar Blackburn Aug. 20, 1900; Joseph William b. Dec. 19, 1886, m. Mary Kelsey Oct. 24, 1906; m. Julia Akelund; Anna Maria b. Feb. 19, 1888, m. Albert Blackburn Nov. 21, 1906; Edna Marinda b. Nov. 30, 1890, d. June 11, 1891; Clara Minerva b. Dec. 8, 1891, m. Perry Miller Oct. 27, 1909; James Henry b. Sept. 10, 1896, died; Jesse Clarence b. March 23, 1901. Family home Clawson, Utah. Member 9tth quorum seventies; president T. M. M. I. A. 1911; assistant Sunday school superintendent and ward teacher at Clawson. Settled at Provo 1870; moved to Clawson 1894, and was the first settler of that place; assisted in making canals, wagon roads and in developing the country.: *J omBt " Salt Lake City 1867; worked at Brigham Young's sawmill at City creek canyon. Resided at Oxford, Idaho, 1863 to 1866 Family home, Weston. , . JOHGEXSEX, MASS. Came to Utah 1859, oxteam company. Married Annie Jensen in Denmark. Their children: Mar- garet, d. aged 40; Hannah, m. John Madsen; Eva; Annie, m. Andrew Madsen; Rebecca, m. George Nixon; Ellen, m. Carl Christensen. Family home, Lake View. Married Elvena Hansen. Salt Lake City. Their children: Mass; Alma; Heber; Abe, died young; Elvira; Sarah, d. aged 22. Family home. Lake View. Missionary to Denmark; bishop of Lake View ward; Sunday school superintendent; Veteran Blackhawk war. Farmer. Died In 1907. JORGENSEN (GEOIIGESEX), NIELS (son of Jorgen Kmid- son, born 1765, and Anna Sophia Nielsen, born Sept. 20, 1801, Karlebo, Denmark). Born Jan. 17, 1834, Hosterkjob. Blrkerod, Fredericksberg, Denmark. Came to Utah Octo- ber, 1864. Married Johanna M. Kofoed July 24, 1863 (daughter of Hans Anker Kofoed and Cecelia Monk). Their children: Niels Oliver b. Dec. 12, 1864; William b. Oct. 21, 1866, m. Annie S. Hansen Sept. 6, 1893; Laura, b. May 21, 1868, m. Albert N. Clements Sept. 8, 1886; Annie Cecelia b. May 10, 1870, m. Fred Berntsen Jan. 17, 1894; Hans Hyrum b. Dec. 26, 1871, m. Minnie Berltps Oct. 23, 1907; Alice Lenora b. May 6. 1874, m. James Kingsford March 12, 1S90; Josephine b. June 3, 1876. Married Mette Catharine Jensen June 16, 1877, Logan, Utah (daughter of Jens Jensen and Ane Kerstena Nielsen), who was born May 6, 1859, Silkaborg, Denmark. Their children: Niels Wilford b. April 30, 1878, m. Martha E. Rose April 12, 1899; Joseph b. Sept. 21, 1881, m. Mira Amelia Nielsen March 19. 1902; Mette Catharine b. Dec. 18, 1883; George Peter b. Oct. 10, 1886, m. Ida Coburn Dec. 16, 1910; Anna Sophia b. March 25, 1888, m. Roland Williams Dec. 18, 1908; Lucy K. b. April 18, 1890; Heber Moroni b. Oct. 27, 1891; Ruby Margareta b. Dec. 21, 1893; Lorenza Knud b. Sept. 24, 1897. Families resided Weston, Idaho. Patriarch of Oneida stake counselor of bishopric Weston ward; member high council Oneida stake; missionary to Scandinavia 1895-97. Resided at Pleasant Grove 1854, JORGENSEN, RASMUS G. (son of Jorgen Just Jorgensen and Anna Metta Rasmussen of Ailrhus, Denmark) Born April 8, 1863, Aarhus, Denmark. Came to Utah June 4 1884. Married Thora D. Jensen April ?8, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of Hans H. Jensen and Lise Lechbant of Sjaelland Denmark, came to Utah June 4, 1884). She was born Dec 21 1866. Their children: Albert Eraatus b. March 2, 1887' h A*"'.! ',: 8 i 8 lo : / enni ?T Laura b ' July 16 ' 1888 = Anna Teresa b n ,^n, 6 ' 1890> m ' Nahum Hancock; Pearl Elize b. Sept IR'OI r\ r m - c - M - Chri stensen; Hans rtelbert b. May 22, Arti' H r \r m u U< M?i. Nov - 4 ' 1894 ' m - otto Hegstrom; Klara Adelab. March, 1896, d. Oct. 6, 1896; Arthur Lorenza b June 26, 1897; Rosette Arilla b. Dec. 19. 1899; Herman Rasmus h 222* 9i ;2JS? : T * Amanda b - April 7. 1904; Jessie Just h A?, \ 'loin : w e L , y T n b " Jan ' 18 ' 1908; Howard Chester b. Aug. 3, 1910. Family home Central. Idaho. High priest; presiding elder East Lund branch; 1st coun- r <* JOSEPHSON, ANDREW M. (son of Nels Josephson and ?o?? a T, reta Swenson of Pilfer. Sweden). Born April 14. 124, Liungesocken, Jonkoplng, Sweden. Came to Utah 1863 John F. Sanders company. Married Anna Anderson July, 1863. Florence, Neb. (daugh- ter of Oka Anderson and Kama Nelson, pioneers Sept. 5 63, John F. Sanders company), who was born March 29 141. Their children: Olive Josephine, d. May 24 1864 ; Joseph A., m. Sarah E. Zundel; Ephraim, m. Nellie Arbon : Christena Josephine, died; Emma Shorlett, m. Robert Lee Joyce; Nephi d. April 18, 1903; Alma, m. Ella Hudson; Anna Mary, d. June 1, ; Josephine C., m. Joseph R. Olsen- Clara, m. William Wight. Family home Brigham City, Utah. . ,OT8t ,0: .-suA ! Prt HT JOST, JOHN A. Born Dec. 17, 1811, in Nova Scotia. Came to Utah Dec. 16, 1856, Wooley & Atwood company. Married Mary A. Zwicker, who was born July 1811 Came to Utah with her husband. Their children: George H.; Eliza A.; Alice E.; Kate; John D.; Samuel E.; Thomas- Minnie; Alexander; Andrew. Family home Ogden, Utah. JOST, SAMUEL EDWARD (son of John A. Jost and Mary Ann Zwicker). Born Dec. 1, 1844, Lunenburg, N. S pio- neers Dec. 16, 1866, Wooley & Atwood company. Married Elizabeth A. Baker (West) April 2. 1872 Ogden Utah (daughter of Henry Baker and Jean Rio), who was born April 2. 1842. Their children: Mary A. Frances I Feb. 23, 1873, m. Alexander Huss Nov. 1, 1893; Katie B b' Aug. 27, 1874, m. George Huss Oct. 6, 1894; Lila E b Dec' 20. 1876; Samuel E. b. April 2, 1879, m. Ann Christiansen June 19, 1908; Walter H. b. Feb. 4, 1882. Family home Ogden. Married Flora B. Durling (Dilley) Oct. 6, 1909, at Ogden (daughter of John Durling and Elizabeth Reddig, married about 1848, in Pennsylvania). She was born May 14 1860 Harrisburg, Penn. As teamster brought first telegraph wire. JUDD, ZADOK KNAPP (son of Arza Judd, born Jan 10, 1798, and Lucinda Adams, born Dec. 13, 1799, natives Can- ada). He was born Oct. 15, 1827, Johnstown, Canada. Cama to Utah September 1848 with Mormon Battalion contingent Married Mary Minerva Dart Nov. 14, 1862, Parowan, Utah (daughter of John Dart and Lucy Ann Robert, former pio- neer at Parowan 1851, James Foote company, latter died en route), who was born March 31, 1838. Their children- Lucinda Abigail, m. Charles H. Olephant; Zadok K., m. Ada M. Howell; Harriet Polina, d. Infant; Lois Sabina, d. infant; Henry Ell, m. Mary E. Johnson; Ezra Abner, d. infant; Esther Irene, m. John Mantripp Ford; Asa Walter, m. Alice M. Young, m. Llby Brown; Samuel Ami, m. Polly A. John- son; James Arthur, d. infant; William Leonard, d. infant; Mary Gertrude, m. Charles S. Cottam; Arza Orange, d. In- fant; John Lael, d. infant. Family home, Kanab. Member of seventy; missionary to Santa Clara 1856; bishop Santa Clara ward 1866. School trustee at Kanab. Member Company E, Mormon Battalion. Pioneer at Parowan; re- sided Santa Clara 1866; Kanab 1871. Farmer. Died Jan. 28, 1909. JUDD, ZADOK KNAPP (son of Zadok K. Judd and Mary Minerva Dart). Born Nov. 25, 1866. Parowan, Utah. Married Ada M. Howell Jan. 21, 1884, St. George, Utah (daughter of Robert Howell). Only child: Daniel K. b. Nov. 2, 1884, m. Elizabeth Church. JUDD, ASA W. (son of Zadok K. Judd and Mary Minerva Dart). Born Aug. 28, 1868. Married Alice May Young May 31, 1893 (daughter of Brig- ham L. Young and Ida F. Lewis), who died Jan. 6, 1898. Their children: Asa Walter; Amy Elizabeth, d. aged 14. Married Tilly Leonore Brown Dec. 22, 1903 (daughter of A. W. Brown and Emma S. Sibley). Their children: Thora Mae; Rex Aberdeen, d. Infant; Abla Waldemar; Verda Leo- nore; Whitney Carlyle; Ellse lone. Bishop Fredonia ward; second counselor to Bishop Joel !)SO PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Johnson of Kanab 1890-1903: missionary to Holland; presi- dent Netherlands mission 1895-96; second counselor to Bishop Fredonia one year; bishop Fredonia ward since December, 1901. JUDGE, JOHN (son of John and Annie Judge), born 1845, County Sligo, Ireland. Came to Utah April, 1876. Married Mary Harney Nov. 25, 1867, Port Henry, who became the mother of his five children. Family home Salt Lake City. Enlisted In Union Army as private in Company K, second regiment. New York Volunteer Cavalry, and served a little over two years. Miner at Wood River, Idaho. Returning to Utah, he went to Park City where he did considerable prospecting and worked upon some of the most valuable properties in that section, notably the Daly mine. One of the original lessees of the "Mayflower." One of the or- ganizers of the Silver King Mining Company. In his will, he provided for the building of the Judge Mercy Hospital, which was to be a home for destitute or sick men who had given their lives to mining and prospecting. The Judge building at the southeast corner of Main and Third South streets was built by his widow. Mining. Capitalist. Died Sept. 14, 1392, Salt Lake City. JUDY, WILLIAM CLARK (son of Samuel Judy of Illinois). Born June 1, 1826, in Ohio. Came to Utah 1850. Married Kesiah Benson March 22, 1846 (daughter of Alva Benson and Cynthia Vail, pioneers 1852, Uriah Curtis com- pany), who was born March 10, 1825. Only child: William Alva b. Dec. 2, 1847, m. Alseoun Smith Nov. 15, 1869. Family home, Big Cottonwood. Died July 6, 1851. JUDY, WILLIAM ALVA (son of William Clark Judy and Kesiah Benson). Born Dec. 2, 1847; Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married Alseoun Smith Nov. 15, 1869. Salt Lake City (daughter of Adam and Melissa Henry Smith, pioneers 1857). Their children: Melissa Kesiah b. Aug. 29, 1870, d. Aug. 1883; William Aaron b. Nov. 28, 1871, m. Mary Ann Ward Oct. 22, 1897- Elvira b. May 14, 1873, d. Aug. 17, 1890; Merilla b. Feb. 27, 1875, m. Charles H. Fogg April 15, 1896; Elmina b. March 31 1877, m. Delonza Cherry Sept. 13, 1899; Angelia b. Nov. 18, 1878. d. Aug. 26, 1883; Charlotte b. Sept. 21, 1888, m. Joseph B. Anderson June 12, 1905; Ivie Josephine b. May 9, 1890 m. Wilfred J. Price April 8, 1909; Junius Victor b. April 6, 1895. Resided Hyrum, Cache Co., Utah, and Salem, Fre- mont Co., Idaho. High priest; missionary. JTTLANDER, JACOB A. Born April 8, 1805, Denmark. Came to Utah 1856, handcart company. Married Johanna Christina Vacht, who died 1863. Came to Utah 1866 with husband. Their children: William, m. Ida Ingerberg Darling; Caroline, m. Ira Button; Brigham, m. Annie Johnson; Julia A., m. Henry John Rich; Jacob m. Mary Johnson; Lucretia, m. Martin Larsen. High priest. Pioneer Sevier county. Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died June 1898, Monroe, Utah. K KAIGHTV, MAURICE M. (son of William S. Kaighn and Nancy S. McElroy). Born March 30, 1843, Camden, N. J. Came to Utah October 1876. Married Effle M. Coates July 31, 1901. His children by a former wife: Jean F.. m. A. H. Gawler; Maurice E.; Walter H.; Herbert E. ; Merill M. First appointed receiver of United States land office, Salt Lake City, In February 1907; reappointed in March 1911. Department commander of Utah G. A. R. 1899. Admitted to the bar by Supreme court of District of Columbia 1870. Clerk in the interior department of law, Washington, D. C., 1869-76. Mining and corporation lawyer Salt Lake City. Served with the 44th and 197th regiments, Pennsylvania volunteer infantry. In the Civil war. KARLSON, CLAUS HERMAN (son of Lars Karlson, born July 26. 1813. and Breta Anderson, born Sept. 23, 1822, both of Bergvlk, Sweden). He was born Sept. 26, 1849. Came to Utah In 1857, Christiansen handcart company. Married Henrietta Severe Jan. 10, 1876 (daughter of Har- rison Severe and Elizabeth Orr), who was born June 3, 1853. Their children: Herman W. b. Sept. 23, 1876, died; Noel b. Oct. 15, 1879, m. Maud Cook; Raymond Karlson b. Nov. 16, 1883, m. Nellie Martindale Nov. 29, 1910; Lawrence b. Aug. 16, 1886, m. Eva Jenkins Feb. 1, 1904; Lewis b. March 28, 1890; Leo b. Jan. 14, 1899. Missionary to Sweden 1887-90; member of high council In Cassia stake 1892-1900. Member of Grantsville city council 1875-80; justice of the peace of Oakley precinct 1883-87; chairman of Parker village board 1904-10 K \ltur.V. THOMAS (son of Thomas Karren, born in 1784, and Catherine Clark of Isle of Man). He was born in 1810 on Isle of Man. Came to Utah July 28, 1847, with part of Company E, Mormon Battalion. Married Ann Ratcliff (daughter of John Ratcliff and Lydia Farecliff married at Farnely, Eng.). She was born Nov. 1, 1815, Liverpool, Eng., and came to Utah 1850, Captain Dil- ley company. Their children: John b. 1834, m. Mariah Law- rence; Catherine K. b. 1836, m. Lorenzo Hatch; Lydia K. b. 1838, m. Silbvens Collett; Thomas, Jr., b. 1840, m. Sarah Reed; Joseph b. 1842, d. child; Hyrum b. July 9, 1844, m. Martha Langley Dec. 30, 1865; Charles H. b. 1846, m. Sarah Agnes Davis; Ann b. 1848, d. child; Mary K. b. Feb. 1852, m. Hyrum Bennion; Isabel K. b. Jan. 1, 1866, m. S. R. Thurman; David b. 1858, died. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Elizabeth Gilcrist at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: George b. 1865; Robert b. 1867; James b. 1869; Eliza b. 1871, m. Mr. Carra. Married Hannah . Their children: Jane; Anna; one boy died young. Missionary to Sandwich Islands In 1853; bishop's coun- selor. First man to plow a furrow and start the settlement of Lehl. Built first house in Lehl. Indian war veteran. KARREN, THOMAS (son of Thomas Karren and Ann Rat- cliff). Born Dec. 22, 1839, Liverpool, Engr. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Sarah Garrett. Their children: Thomas b. March 4, 1864, m. Sarah Caldwell and Nettie Van Norton; David H. b. June 22, 1866, m. Elizabeth Haworth; Charles. Married Ellen Wllkshire (Rolf) in 1876 at Lehl, Utah, who was born April 2, 1845. Their children: Virginia b. Aug. 8, 1877, m. Roy B. Ander- son; Pearl b. Nov. 21, 1879, m. Hatch Murray; Merton b. April 22, 1883, m. Minerva Melvina Wilkins Johnson; Maud b. May 25, 1885, m. Frederick W. Richards; Margaret b. May 26, 1885, and Clarence, d. child. Family home Vernal, Utah. Ellen Wilkshire was the widow of Jasper Rolf, a pioneer of 1847, to whom were born: William, m. Hannah Jacobs; Annie, m. Garabaldi Gamble; Lydia, m. J. M. Shaffer; Samuel, m. Hetta Crandall. Missionary to England 1891-93; high priest; ward and Sunday school teacher. Early settler to Lehl; moved to Vernal in 1879. Sheepman. Died November 1903 at Vernal, Utah. KARREN, MERTON (son of Thomas Karren and Ellen Wilk- shire). Born April 22, 1883, at Vernal, Utah. Married Minerva Melvina Wilkins (Johnson) Nov. 22, 1900, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Oscar Wilkins and Mary Jane McEwan of Provo, Utah, pioneers. She was born Dec. 17, 1872. Farmer and stockralser. Minerva Melvina Wilkins was the widow of J. Warren Johnson, whom she married May 29, 1895, Salt Lake City, and by whom were born: Warren L., April 8, 1896; Venice, Dec. 29, 1899; Isis, Feb. 10, 1902; Arvan, Aug. 1, 1903; Jessie, Aug. 25, 1905. KARREN, HYRUM (son of Thomas Karren and Ann Rat- cliff). Born July 9, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Married Martha Langley Dec. 30, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Langley and Martha M. Frost, former came to Utah with Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Jan. 17, 1847, Winter Quarters, Iowa. Their children: George Hyrum b. Dec. 2, 1866, m. Ella Kent; Mary Isabel b. Sept. 29, 1868, m. E. M. Harris; Thomas Sylvester b. Aug. 12, 1870, m. Annie Pingray; Fredrich William b. May 12, 1873, m. Annie Pingray; Lydia Elnora b. Nov. 11, 1879, m. Edward Leavitt March 9, 1899; Dennina Ann b. Jan. 11, 1876, m. John Blair May 20, 1895; Vila May b. Dec. 2. 1882, m. George Elfonzo Pope Dec. 10, 1902. Family home Lewiston, Utah. Hauled rock for Salt Lake temple, 1861. High priest. Drove cattle across the plains several times. Mlnuteman In early Indian troubles. KARREN, THOMAS S. (son of Hyrum Karren and Martha Langley). Born Aug. 12, 1870, at Richmond, Utah. Married Georgiana Leavitt (daughter of George Leavitt and Jeanette Brinkerhoff married Aug. 29, 1852, Center- ville, Utah former came to Utah in 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company; latter Sept. 26, 1847, Ira Eldredge company). She was born Oct. 29, 1873, at Lewiston, Utah. Their children: Liva b. July 6, 1892; Verta b. March 16, 1894; Leahfay b. Oct. 26, 1896; Lowell Sylvester b. Sept. 23, 1897; Myrtle b. Aug. 10, 1899; George Leavitt b. April 17, 1902; Zenda b. June 4, 1904; Langley Clawson b. May 14, 1906; Fred Velford b. June 16, 1909. Family home Lewiston, Utah. Missionary to eastern states in 1898, and to southern states in 1901; member high council of Benson stake 1901-09; bishop of 3d ward at Lewiston in 1909. KARTCHNER, WILLIAM DECATUR (son of John Christ- opher Kartchner and Prudence Wilcox, of Hartvllle, Mont- gomery county, Pa.). Born May 4, 1820, Hartvllle. Came to Utah In 1847, Captain Emmett company, escorted by members of the Mormon Battalion. Married Margaret Jane Casteel (daughter of Jacob I. Casteel and Sarah Nowlin, of Cooper county. Mo.), who was born Sept. 1, 1826, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sarah Emma, m. Nlnlan Miller; William Amnuin. died; Prudence Jane, m. William J. Flake: John, m. Lydia A. Palmer; Mark Ellsha, m. Phoebe Palmer; Alzada S.. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 981 m. Alma Z. Palmer; James, died; Mary Marinda, m. Don C. Clayton; Nowlin D., m. Margaret Savage; Orrin, m. Annie Hunt; Euphemia A., died. Family home Beaver City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Gale at Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Gale of Australia, who came to Utah with oxteam company). Their children: Aaron, m. Margaret Blythe; Culver, m. Rebecca Stewart; Minnie, m. William E. Stratton; Byrtleson, m. Emma McCleve; Darien, m. Haggle McCleve; Elsie, m. George Gale; Etta, m. John McCleve; Melva, died. Family home Snowflake, Ariz. Seventy; superintendent of Sunday school; ward and block teacher. Postmaster Panguitch, Utah, and Snowflake, Ariz. Blacksmith; farmer. Died May 14, 1892, Snowflake. KARTCHNER, MARK ELISHA (son of William Decatur Kartchner and Margaret Jane Casteel)- Born Dec. 10, 1853, San Bernardino, Cal. Came to Utah, spring of 1858. Married Phoebe Palmer May 11, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Zemira Palmer and Sally Knight of Provo, Utah, pioneers 1847, division of Mormon Battalion). She was born Feb. 18, 1858. Their children: Mark Elisha b. June 6, 1876, m. Nellia Loveless; Zemira b. April 12, 1879, died; Asael W. b. June 21, 1882, m. Rosina Heath; Ellora b. Oct. 24, 1889, m. Benjamin H. Knudsen; Lydia b. Oct. 30, 1891, died; Rachel b. March 1, 1895; Lyman Alma b. March 17, 1897; Jesse C. b. July 11, 1899. Family resided Snowflake, Ariz., and Provo, Utah. Seventy; high priest; block teacher; superintendent of Sunday school; president T. M. M. I. A. Farmer. Frances O. b. Dec. 3, 1875, m. Fred N. Swalberg; Nels Frank b. Oct. 2, 1877, m. Carrie B. Mayfleld; Lydia b. April 26, 1881, m. Charles E. Ferre; Elmer E. b. Jan. 15, 1884; Blanche b. Aug. 3, 1886, m. Herbert Beck March 7, 1906. Family home Gunnison, Utah. High councilor. Farmer. KATZ, MICHAEL S. (son of Michael Katz and Catherine Jolley of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born April 20, 1853. Married Mary J. Thomas Dec. 25, 1880, Salt Lake City, Elias Smith performing ceremony (daughter of Samuel Thomas and Ann Jones of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 25, 1849, Dan Jones company). She was born June 8, 1858, Salt Lake City: Their children: Edith b. Nov. 1, 1881; Vera b. Sept. 7, 1887; Harold T. b. Dec. 6, 1894. Family home. Salt Lake City. KAY, THOMAS (son of John Kay and Margaret Batisby of St. Helens, Lancashire, Eng.). Born June 21, 1836. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854. Married Margret Ann Vest April 16, 1864 (daughter of Elizabeth Barnaby), who was born March 31, 1849. Their children: John Thomas Kay, m. Laura Rosetta Haus Nov. 12, 1890; Amanda Melvina Kay, m. Andrew B. Roberts Nov. 13, 1890; Abraham Kay, m. Ellen Burgin; Lorenzo Kay, m. Martha Kay. Married Eliza Day Dec. 13, 1869, In Salt Lake City (daughter of William Day and Mary Ann Leonard, came to Salt Lake City with Wheeler Duncan married Nov. 23, 1840, St Augustine, Lancashire, Eng.). She was born Dec. 4, 1846, in Stock Port, Lancashire, Eng. Their children: Sarah Ann Kay, b. Aug. 3, 1871, m. Charles Henry Stark; Mary Elizabeth Kay, b. Nov. 8, 1874, m. James William Kay June 20, 1896. Farmer. Died 1875, Mona, Juab Co., Utah. KAY, JOHN THOMAS (son of Thomas Kay and Margret Ann Vest). Born Feb. 8, 1865, in Mona, Juab Co., Utah. Married Laura Rosetta Haus Nov. 12, 1890, Provo. Utah (daughter of John M. Haus and Laura Jane Partridge, of Mona, Juab Co., Utah), who was born March 28, 1871. Their children: Calvin Kay b. April 25, 1894; Lucinda Kay, b. Nov. 16, 1896; Loren Kay b. May 4, 1897; Millie Rosetta Kay b. July 21, 1898; Laura Ann Kay b. frov. 17, 1899; Lapreal Kay b. March 21, 1901; Leona Kay b. Nov. 1, 1902; Carma Alta Kay b. Aug. 29, 1904; Arvella Kay b. Dec. 6, 1906; Dorothy Kay b. Aug. 11, 1908; Enico Verll Kay b. Feb. 18, 1911; Lillian Marie Kay b. April 24, 1913. Farmer and stockraiser. KAY, WILLIAM (son of William and E'izabeth Mercer of Chailey, Lancashire, Eng.). Born April 11, 1811, Challey. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1848. Willard Richards company. Married Mary Twinberrow Wattis 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Edmund Wattis and Sarah Twlmberrow), who was born Aug. 26, 1819. Their children: Jeanetta, m. David George Nelson; Sarah Elizabeth, m. Willace Foulger; Maria Deborah, m. George Walker; Martha A., m. James Allen; Isabella, m. William David Littlefield; Elveretta, m. Ezra Farr. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary in Great Britain 1840-44, and to Carson, Nev. 1856; bishop of Kaysville; president of West Weber district. Farmer. Died March 25, 1875, Ogden. KM VUVS. AUSTIN (son of Hamilton H. Kearns and Char- lott White). Born Sept. 2, 1845, in Iowa. Married Mary Jergensen Jan. 29, 1865, Gunnison, Utah (daughter of Andrew Jergensen and Elizabeth Snelson of Denmark, pioneers January, 1856, Martin and Willis hand- cart company). She was born July 15, 1846. Their children: William b. Jan. 12, 1866. m. Lillie May Whitlock; Charlott b Dec. 16, 1868, m. William S. Roper; Mahala b. Sept. 18, 1869, m. William C. Marten; Andrew H. b. Nov. 29, 1871, m. Eliza Jenson; John M. b. Sept. 8, 1873, m. Fleata Long; KEAHNS, HAMILTON H. (son of Matthew Kearns of Ohio and Mahala Frazier of Ireland). Born Sept. 17, 1817, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson company. Married Charlott White in 1840, in Ohio (daughter of William and Elizabeth White of Ohio), who was born in 1825. Their children: Mahala; William b. Oct. 3, 1841, m. Martha Snellson; John; Austin b. Sept. 2, 1845, m. Mary Jergensen; Elizabeth b. May, 1848, m. Hans Jergensen. Family home Springville, Utah. Married Emma M. Guymon Feb. 4, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Noah T. Guymon and Mary D. Dudley of Nau- voo, 111.; they came to Utah in 1850. Matthew Caldwell com- pany). She was born July 8, 1842. Their children: Edwin J. b. Dec. 29, 1858, m. Ovanda Whltbeck; Emma Jane b. March 15, 1861, m. George H. Knlghton; Marion D. b. Feb. 23, 1863; Helena M. b. March 16, 1865, m. William Parker; Harriet L. b. Oct. 12, 1867, m. Heber S. Goddard; Anna A. b. May 3, 1870, m. Moses Johnson; Noah G. and Margaret B. b. Dec. 24, 1873; Noah, m. Ella Garrick; Margarett, m. Samuel Dowse; Joseph A. b. June 17, 1876, m. Cordelia Peterson; Zina b. April 22, 1878; Zada b. March 2, 1880, m. Hubert T. Andrews; Leah b. Sept. 1884. Families resided at Springville and Gunnison, Utah. Bishop of Gunnison. Indian war veteran. Wheelwright; millwright; blacksmith. Died Feb. 28. 1893. KEARNS. EDWIN J. (son of Hamilton H. Kearns and Emma M. Guymon) Born Dec. 29, 1858, Springville, Utah. Married Ovanda Witbeck Feb. 1, 1899, Gunnison, Utah (daughter of John C. Witbeck and Susan Roper of Gun- nison, Utah, pioneers 1857). She was born March 3, 1876. Their children: Helen b. Nov. 25, 1899; Edwin J. b. April 28, 1901; Richard Dudley b. Dec. 18, 1906; Henry Witbeck b. May 27, 1910. Family home Salt Lake City. Member board of sheep commissioners 1902-04. KEARNS, THOMAS (son of Thomas Kearns and Margaret Maher of Ireland). Born April 11, 1862, Oxford county. Upper Canada. Came to Utah 1883. Married Jennie Judge Sept. 14, 1890 (daughter of Patrick Judge of Ireland, and Jane Pattison of America). She was born Nov. 30, 1869, Port Henry, Essex county, N. T. Their children: Margaret, d. 1893; Edmund J.; Thomas F.; Helen Marie. Family home, Salt Lake City. Worked on Denver & Rio Grande railroad until the com- pletion of the line to Salt Lake City. In June, 1883, he went to Park City and entered the employ of the Ontario Min- ing Company; in 1889 went to work for the Woodside mine, which was then owned by Edward Ferry. That same year he bought Into a lease on the Mayflower mine, the other lessees being David Keith, John Judge, A. B. Emery and W. V. Rice. In 1891 he, with David Keith and their part- ners, bonded the Silver King mine site, and purchased the same in 1892. He became its manager and through his enterprise and ability effected Its rapid and successful development. Member city council of Park City, and In 1894 was elected to the Constitutional Convention which, in 1895, framed the basic law of the present state of Utah. Delegate to the National Republican Convention held at St. Louis, Mo. Elected United States senator in 1901. Donated $50,000 for the erection and endowment of St. Ann's orphanage In Salt Lake City. Sole owner of the Pixton property on Main street; owner of the Kearns terraces at corner of Sixth South and State, and corner of First and G street. Part owner in the Grand Central, Raymond, Crown Point and other mines. Builder and owner of the Kearns building. With David Keith, principal owner of the Daily Salt Lake "Tribune." Capitalist. Ki'.r.i.i:. RICHARD. Came to Utah 1853, oxteam company. Married Elenor . Their children: Aleck; Dabney; Thomas; Elizabeth; J. Polly. Family home Payson, Utah. Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died 1877, at Mt. Carmel, Utah. KEELE, THOMAS (son of Richard and Elenor Keele). Born Aug. 16, 1828. Came to Utah 1863, oxteam company. Married Mary Jolly (daughter of Henry Bryant Jolly and Britannia Mayo, of Spanish Fork, Harmony and Mt. Carmel, Utah, came to Utah 1863, oxteam company). She was born 1834. Their children: Nancy E. b. Jan. 15, 1863, m. William H. Worthen; Susan Elizabeth b. Oct. 1854. m. Harvey Pace; Henry b. 1856, m. Maggie Englestead; Mary b. 1858. m. Henry Jolly; William b. 1860. m. Annabell Bullock; Richard Bryant b. 1862, m. Mary Hanson; John b. 1864, m. Vind Owens; Alice b. 1866, m. John Jolly; Nephl b. 1868, m. Martha Boick; Cynthia Ann b. 1870, m. Chris. Larsen; Maggie b. 1873, m. Heber Petty. Family home Harmony, Mt. Carmel and Emery. Utah. Elder. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer. Died in Uinta reservation. 982 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH KKF.LER, DANIEL HITTCHINSON (son of John Budd Keeler and Amy Hutchlnson of Pemberton, N. J.). Born July 26. 1811, at Pemberton, N. J. Came to Utah in Septem- ber 1862 with Horace S. Eldredge company. Married Ann Brown (Taylor) in 1853 (daughter of James Brown and Elizabeth Atkin of Tildsley, Eng.). Their chil- dren: Amy b. July 28, 1864, died; Joseph Brigham b. Sept. 8, 1856, m. Martha Alice Fairbanks May 17, 1883; Theodosia b. Aug. 31, 1858. m. Jacob Collier; Lucy b. Oct. 27, 1860, died. She was the widow of Benjamin Taylor, by whom she had the following children: James; Sarah; Ann; Mary Jane; Martha, died. Married Philinda Eldredge (Merrick) in July 1843 at Nau- voo, 111. Their children: Abner Eldredge, m. Jane Shaw; Daniel, died. High priest; ward teacher. Mason; contractor; builder. KEELER, JOSEPH BRIGHAM (son of Daniel Hutchinson Keeler and Ann Brown). Born Sept. 8, 1855, Salt Lake City. Married Martha Alice Fairbanks May 17, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Fairbanks and Susan Mandville of Mountain View, N. J., came to Utah in October 1847, with John Taylor company). She was born June 29, 1860. Their children: Major Joseph b. Feb. 19, 1884, m. Esther Reese:' Beulah May b. Oct. 25, 1885, m. Daniel H. McAllister; Karl Fairbanks b. Jan. 1, 1887, m. Kitty Leetham; Irvin Talmage b. Nov. 29, 1889; Hattie Brown b. April 3, 1891; Eva Josephine b. Oct. 25, 1894; David Hutchinson b. April 1, 1896; Ralph Budd b. Dec. 27, 1897; Daniel Mandeville b. Oct. 28, 1900; Paul Fortesque b. Feb. 12, 1904. High priest; missionary to southern states 1880-82; super- intendent of T. M. M. I. A. of Utah stake 1893-96; bishop of 4th ward, Provo, 1896-1901; president of Utah stake of Zion 1908-13. County recorder 1882-84; city councilman 1876-79; member of board of trustees of Agricultural College at Logan 1894-96. Author and publisher; one of the presi- dency of the Brigham Toung University, Provo, 1913. Htiol 10 1fJi(ai/Kl>l i'f .iiviun KEELER, JAMES (son of George Keeler and Laura Thomp- son of Vermont). Born Jan. 4, 1817, Ferrisburg, Vt. Came to Utah in 1849. Married Jane Herritt June 8, 1842, Jacksonville, 111. She died in 1845. Their child: Sophia b. July 29, 1843. Married Eliza Shelton March 3, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Booth Shelton and Bethiah Slawson of New Brunswick, N. S.). She was born Aug. 7, 1840, in New Brunswick, and came to Utah in 1854. Their children: Eliza Bethiah b. Sept. 10, 1856, died: Lailia Ann b. July 7, 1859, m. Joseph Thurber; James Shelton b. Sept. 1, 1861, d. March 6, 1887; Margaret b. Dec. 28, 1863, m. Theodore Brand- ley; Alice Adell b. Oct. 29, 1865, m. George A. Hatch, m. Peter Gottfredson; Joel Gideon b. Jan. 31, 1867, d. Feb. 24, 1867; Martha E. b. Aug. 7, 1869, m. Christian Sorenson; Orson Olmsted b. Oct. 1, 1871, m. Emma Jeppeson, m. Ireta Davis; Susan b. March 10, 1873, died; Ernest William b. May 10, 1875, d. 1888; Audrey Cannon b. Sept. 29, 1879, m. C. R. Snowdon. Married Emily Shelton April 22, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Booth Shelton and Bethiah Slawson of New Brunswick, N. S.), who was born July 21, 1842, In New Brunswick. Their children: Lucretia b. Nov. 3, 1868, m. Joseph Roseberry; George Albert b. Nov. 17, 1862, d. April 6, 1863; Charles Obld b. Jan. 3, 1864, m. Nora Johnson; Grace Arlettie b. Oct. 25, 1866, m. G. A. Norton; David Arthur b. Feb. 18, 1869, m. Josephine Christiansen; Hyrum Alfred b. March 19, 1870, m. Josephine Bulow; Joseph b. April 24, 1876, died; Ruth Ada b. Jan. 6, 1877. died. Families resided Santaquin, Goshen and Richfield, Utah. Missionary to Sandwich Islands 1860-55. Built first grist mill at Goshen. Carpenter; farmer. Died April 18, 1909, Monroe, Utah. KEELER, DAVID ARTHUR (son of James Keeler and Emily Shelton). Born Feb. 18, 1869, Santaquin, Utah. Married Josephine Christiansen May 22, 1894, Monroe, Utah (daughter of C. P. Christiansen and Caroline Nazer of Monroe), who was born Oct. 13, 1873, in Monroe. Their chil- dren: Ivan Arthur b. Sept. 29, 1896; Charles Ernest b. Sept. 24, 1897, d. Oct. 24, 1897; Delbert B. b. March 18, 1900; Wilford Orson b. Aug. 2, 1903, d. April 6, 1904; Fern b. Nov. 2, 1906; Donna Rose b. July 30, 1908; Kenneth Wells b. Sept. 25, 1910. Families resided Monroe and Kimberley, Utah. Farmer; fruitgrower; stockraiser. KEEP, JAMES JOSEPH. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Anne Miller of England. Their children: Annie, m. Morgan Davies; Mary Elizabeth, m. Alford Turner; Sarah, m. David Buttars; James Joseph, Jr., died; Lucy, m. Fred Dounward; Jane, William Richard, Harriet and Emma Mar- tha, all four dead; Ruth, m. John Griffln. Mason. Died in March 1899 at Lehi, Utah. . . . . . KEETCH, ALFRED GREENWORD (son of William K. Keetch and Ann Greenwood of Kempston, Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 3, 1840, Kempston. Cvne to Utah Nov. 4, 1862, Willie and Atwood company. Married Emily Harris Nov. 10, 1866, at Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of John Harris and Ann Stanley of Red- ditch, Worcestershire, Eng., pioneers Sept. 16, 1866, William Henry Chipman company). She was born April 3, 1849. Their children: Emily Ann, m. Edwin Aston; Lizzie, m. William James Cullimore; Martha J., m. Amasa Meacham; Luella, m. Albert Lorenzo Cullimore; Mary Eva, m. David B. Thome; Alfred G., m. Martha Thorne; Ruthie M., m. Ben- jamin Walker; Effle, m. Enderson Wilson; William John, m. Lora Fage; Hazel Berthena, m. Parson Richards; Stanley Birdsell; Samuel Charles. Family home, Lindon ward. High priest; bishop's counselor. Assisted in bringing im- migrants to Utah in 1866; went to Bear Lake, Idaho, to assist in settling that country 1864-65; missionary to the Muddy, Ariz., 1867-71. Mayor of Pleasant Grove two terms; mem- ber city council three terms. Farmer and fruitgrower. KEETCH, CHARLES GREENWOOD (son of William K. Keetch, born Sept. 3, 1811, and Ann Greenwood, born Dec. 18, 1811, both of Kempston, Eng.). He was born July 2, 1837, Kempston. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1861, Joseph Young com- pany. Married Mercy Truth Barker Dec. 14, 1860 (daughter of Thomas Barker and Elizabeth Thomson), who was born Feb. 21, 1835, and came to Utah Sept. 20, 1861, with Joseph Young company. Their children: Charles Greenwood, Jr., b. Sept. 12, 1861, m. Ellen N. Pugmire July 22, 1886; Heber C. b. Dec. 22, 1862, m. Lizzie Bennet April 6, 1890; Eliza C. b. May 31, 1866, m. Annie S. Pugmire Nov. 19, 1889; Mercy T. b. Feb. 10, 1867; Elizabeth T. b. Jan. 27, 1869, m. Swan O. Arnell; William A. C. b. Oct. 11, 1871, m. Theodosha Dalrymple Nov. 10, 1904; Elisha C. b. July 16, 1873; Ann G. b. June 8, 1876, m. Rasmus Nelson April 5, 1906. Family resided Grantsville, Utah, and St. Charles, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. Seventy; teacher. Worked on Logan temple; helped build road from Bear Lake valley to Cache valley. Died Sept. 3, 1896. KEETCH, CHARLES GREENWOOD (son of Charles Green- wood Keetch and Mercy Truth Barker). Born Sept. 12, 1861, Gunnison, Utah. Married Ellen N. Pugmire July 22, 1886, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Jonathan Pugmire and Caroline Nelson of St. Charles, Idaho). Their children: Charles P. b. July 18, 1886, m. Frances Bridges; Jonathan P. b. July 10, 1888; Elisha P. b. Aug. 7, 1896; Genevleve P. b. July 19, 1898. KEITH, DAVID (son of John Keith and Margaret Ness of Scotland). Born May 27, 1847, Mabou, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Came to Utah in March, 1883. The children of his first marriage were: Charles F.; Margaret; Etta; Lillian, m. Albert C. Allen. Married Mary Patrick Ferguson June 12, 1894, Park City, Utah (daughter of James Ferguson and Jane Robin- son), who was born Oct. 23, 1854, Salt Lake City. Only child: David F. Families resided. Salt Lake City. Came to Utah from Nevada, and settled at Park City, where he became connected with several of the most pros- perous mines notably the Ontario and the Silver King. In 1894 he was elected representative to the constitutional convention from Summit county, which was held at Salt Lake City the year following. In 1888 he connected himself with the Woodside mine, taking charge of the underground work. The next year he bought into a lease on the May- flower mine, the other lessees being Thomas Kearns, John Judge, A. B. Emery and W. V. Rice; in 1891 the same parties bonded the Silver King mine. Manager Anchor Mining company. Part owner, with James Ivers, of the Summit block, and sole proprietor of the Pioneer Roller mills, and the ten acre block known as the Tenth Ward square, con- taining the old exposition building; owner of the David Keith block. Principal owner, with Thomas Kearns, of the Daily Salt Lake "Tribune," and Silver King Mining com- pany, being president of the latter. Capitalist. |s [ .ifo'-I .d -ffi'A In >"/ 9'iidH :0'M .If .^uA A 'f.f'A vrftcnorf IO .; ,_R~A titaK niI(LI ;ri!I KELLER, JACOB (son of Daniel Keller and Elizabeth Frischknecht, both of Schwellbrunn, Switzerland). Born June 22, 1837, at Schwellbrunn. Came to Utah in 1863. Married Anna R. Hemman July 11, 1863, at sea (daughter of Jacob Hemman and Anna Catharina Dierauer. both of Berneck, Switzerland). She was born April 8, 1837, at Ber- neck. Their children: Anna b. Dec. 8, 1864, m. Peter H. Westenskow; Mary b. Dec. 9, 1866, m. Christian Munk; Jacob Hlrum b. April 19, 1868, m. Annie Dorothy Westenskow; Emma b. June 1, 1870, d. Sept. 28, 1870; Louise b. Sept. 2, 1871, m. James W. Cherry; Eliza R. b. March 13, 1874, m. Luther A. Stringham; Emily Rebecca b. Nov. 29, 1876, m. Halbert S. Kerr; Daniel b. March 22, 1878, d. April 17, 1878. High priest; seventy; elder; teacher. Farmer. Died Oct. 6, 1892. | '^- KELLER, JAMES MORGAN (son of James Morgan Keller and Annie Pearson of Bjornsholm, Denmark). Born April 6. 1826. at Bjornsholm. Came to Utah Oct. B, 1864, Han Peter Olsen company. Married Karen Margaret Valentine (daughter of Peter Velentine and Margaret Hansen), who was born July 9, 1821. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Peter J., died; James E., died; Theodore b. Nov. 16, 1848, m. Christena Larsen Nov. 1873, m. Lydla Rasmussen Sept. 29, 1877; Julius P., died; Margaret, died; Lena b. Jan. 22, 1855, m. John Olsen; William b. Feb 8, 1857; James E. b. April 24, 1869, m. Cathrine Larsen April 8, 1877; Jamina, died; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 983 James M. b. June 9, 1866, m. Mary Ellen Baird Dec. 9, 1883. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Married Annie Margaret Larsen 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Anders Larsen and Margaret Nelsen, former pioneer 1855, Peter O. Hansen company). She was born Feb. 27, 1836, Weiby, Fredericksborg, Denmark. Their chil- dren: Julius b. Sept. 28, 1857, m. Christena Jeppsen Dec. 8, 1881; Anton Keller b. Aug. 6, 1859; Emelia b. Jan. 19, 1862, m. Peter C. Jensen. Dec. 8, 1881; Annie M. b. Feb. 26. 1864, m. Moroni Jensen March 1888; Hans b. April 29, 1866, m Mattie Sornsen Dec. 22, 1893; Mantina b. March 3, 1870, m. Joseph Jensen April 16, 1890; Lenora. b. Feb. 11, 1872, m. Niels Nielsen Oct. 1, 1890; Alvin b. July 1, 1874, m. Annie Jensen Sept. 21, 1898. Family home Mantua, Utah. Married Christena Larsen Jan. 5, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Larsen and Bartha Sophia Anderson, pioneers 1858, Captain Brown company). She was born August 1843, Helsingor, Denmark. Their children: Sophia b. Jan. 19, 1859, m. William Pratt Nov. 1884; Adella b. Feb. 28, 1861; Maria b. Feb. 27, 1863, m. Peter Priest; Charlotte b. Aug. 6, 1865, m. William D. Baird July 23, 1884; Tora b. Oct. 28, 1868, m. Albert A. Wilde July 23, 1884; Towal b. Oct. 28, 1868, m. Delila Dudley Oct. 23, 1895; Romania b. Dec. 1870, m. Oscar Dockstader 1889; Sylvanus b. Aug. 22, 1872; Adam b. Feb. 14, 1874, m. Adrian Clanton Jan. 3, 1900; Newgena b. Jan. 1, 1876, m. Lorenzo Baird Aug. 28, 1896; Urias b. April 6, 1878, m. Ada Smith Sept. 27, 1905; Sylvestres b. Dec. 7, 1879, m. Clara Egley Oct. 19, 1904; Ernest b. Aug. 13, 1883; Louella b. Oct. 3, 1885, m. Arthur Schwilder Oct. 3, 1907. Married Sophie Marie Chrlstensen Dec. 26, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederick and Johanna M. Christensen, pioneers Sept. 15, 1864, William B. Preston company). She was born June 3, 1847, Helsingor, Fredericksborg, Denmark, Their children: Amos b. March 27, 1806, m. Hannah Roberts Oct. 21, 1884; Nephi b. Aug. 1867, d. Infant. Married Annie Petria Larsen 1879, at Salt Lake City, who was born 1859, Laaland, Denmark. Their children; Sylvester b. Dec. 6, 1880, m. Esther Jensen Oct. 19, 1904; Royal b. Dec. 8, 1882, m. Annie Oliverson Jan. 5, 1910; Allie b. Feb. 14, 1885, m. Hans C. Hanson tsept. 27, 1904; Octavia b. March 31, 1887, m. Ernest Cardingly March 4, 1907; Ell T.; Elsadia b. Feb. 6, 1894. Family home Mink Creek, Onelda Co., Idaho. Elder; missionary to Scandinavia 1876. Took part In Echo Canyon campaign. KELLER, JAMES MORGAN (son of James Morgan Keller and Karen Margaret Valentine). Born June 9, 1865, Mantua, Utah. Married Mary Ellen Baird 1883, Logan, Utah (daughter of Alexander Baird and Sarah Delacy), who was born Oct. 28, 1867, Brigham City, Utah. Their children: Threase b. Oct. 21, 1884, m. Alvin Peterson Dec. 12, 1909; Mabel Carrie b. June 16, 1886, m. Hyrum James Bell Dec. 21, 1905; Ellen Lovene b. Feb. 16, 1888. d. Aug. 29, 1907; Kloa b. April 5, 1892, m. Elmer Larsen Dec. 22, 1909; James Leo b. March 25, 1894; Susie Lena b. March 29, 1897; Melvin M. b. Jan. 30, 1899; Rulon M. b. Jan. 21, 1901; Elmo M. b. Sept. 18, 1903; Tennie June b. June 28, 1906; Mary Ellen b. March 16, 1912. Family home Mink Creek, Oneida Co., Idaho. Missionary to Denmark 1889-1891, .nd In 1907; bishop of Mink Creek ward; bishop's counselor 14 years; presided at Berger conference. ->A .m ,9731 .3 .nsl .n b. March 19, 1894; McLloyd b. May 30, 1896; Maralda b. March 18, 1898; Zona b. April 13, 1900; Marion b. Sept. 11, 1902; Alton Bradley b. May 29, 1905. Family home Ferron. Utah. Elder; Sunday school and ward teacher. Moved to Ferron from Manti 1890; at these places he has used his life in the upbuilding of the country making canals, wagon roads, bridges, breaking out the land and building the homes. Farmer and dairyman. dBllnW fuir. vji'> arfjU KIMBALL, EDWIN (son of Prescott Kimball and Mary Spaulding, New Hampshire and Massachusetts). Born Jan. 3, 1832, in Massachusetts. Came to Utah 1865. Married Geneva A. Hartwell Nov. 29, 1876, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Elliot Hartwell and Hortense Rogers of Massachusetts and New York; pioneers 1863), who was born July 20, 1853. Their children: Mary Hortense; Edwin Elliot; Douglas Brooks; Scott Prescott. Family home. Salt Lake City. Mayor of Park City, Utah. Mine supplies business. Died Oct. 11, 1893, in Massachusetts. KIMBALL, EDWIN ELLIOT (son of Edwin Kimball and Geneva A. Hartwell). Born March 10, 1882, Salt Lake City, Utah. Family home Schenectady, N. Y. Electrical enirinepr electrical engineer. , ..,,, a [f .^, M h ,.,,, nr mrl/ . b .H .1 H-iqA .d -{uli >! >M [ .<"> il'nc.M .f> .ifiSI ,9 KIMBAT.L, HKBER CHASE (son of Solomon Farnham Kim- ball, born 1770, in Massachusetts, and Anna Spaulding of Plainfleld, N. H.). Born June 14. 1801, at Sheldon, Vt. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Vilate Murray Nov. 22, 1822, Victor, Ontario coun- ty, N. Y. (daughter of Roswell Murray and Susanah Gould of that place), who was born June 1, 1806, and came to Utah 1848. Their children: Judith Marvin; William Henry, m. Mary M. Davenport; m. Melissa Cora Burton; m. Naomi Eliza; Helen Mar, m. Horace K. Whitney; Roswell Heber; Heber Parley, m. Phoebe Judd; David Patten, m. Caroline Williams; Charles Spaulding, m. Elvira Free; Brigham Wil- lard; Solomon Farnham, m. Zula Pomeroy; m. Caroline Fil- lerup; Murray Gould. Married Sarah Peak of England at Nauvoo, 111., who came to Utah in 1848, with husband. Their children: Adelbert Henry, Sarah Helen and Heber, all died. Married Sarah Ann Whitney (daughter of Newel K. and Elizabeth Ann Whitney; pioneers Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born March 22, 1825, Victor, N. Y. Their children: David b. 1847, and Orson b. 1848 d. Infants; David Heber b. Feb. 26, 1849. m. Lizzie Hammon; Newel W. b May 19, 1852, m. Martha W. Winder; Horace H m. Precllla Tufts; Maria, m. William Jenkins; Joshua H., m. Kate McClain. Married Lucy Walker, in Nauvoo temple, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Rachel Sylvia, died; John H., m. Adalaid Hopkins; Willard H., died; Lydia H m Mr. Lowry; Annie Spaulding, m. Mr. Knox; Eliza, m. Frank- lin Woolley; Washington; Franklin H., did. Married Prescindla Lathrope Hunttngton, Nauvoo temple who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Prescindia Celestia, died; Joseph, m. Lathilla Pratt. Married Clarissa Cutler, Nauvoo temple (daughter of Alpheus Cutler), who died at Cutlerville, Iowa. Only child- Abraham Alonzo, m. Mary Eliza Hatton. Married Emily Cutler, Nauvoo temple (daughter of Alpheus Cutler), who died at Cutlerville, Iowa. Only child: Isaac Alphonzo. Married Mary Ellen Abel, Nauvoo temple, who came to Utah in 1847, John Taylor company. Only child: Peter, died Married Ruth Reese, Nauvoo temple, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Susannah R., Jacob R., and Enoch H., all died. Married Christeen Golden, Nauvoo temple. She came to Utah with husband. Their children: Cornelia C., died- Jona- than Golden, m. Jeanette Knowlton; Elias Smith, m. Miss Whitney; May Margaret, m. Mr. Mofltt. Married Annie Gheen. Nauvoo temple, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Samuel H., m. Oradine Pratt- Danie H. b Feb. 8, 1856, m. Joan Okleberry; Alice, m. Joseph F. Smith; Andrew, m. Louis Seccles; Sarah. Married Amanda Gheen, Nauvoo temple, who was born Jan. 16, 1830, in Pennsylvania, and came to Utah with hus- band Their children: William G. b. March 3, 1861. m Calista M'rJni rnt n i A1 ^ ert , H -;, ra - Hattle Partrld f*; Jeremiah, died; Moroni, m. Agatha Kelley. Married Harriet Sanders. Nauvoo temple, who came to H ^EiTene Their children: Harriet, died; Hyrum Married Ellen Sanders, Nauvoo, Til., who came to Utah with husband Their children: Joseph Smith. Samuel and Augusta, all died; Jedediah; Rosalia, m. William Edward Married Frances Swan, Nauvoo temple, who came to Utah with husband. Only child: Frances, died Married Martha Knight, Nauvoo temple, who came to Utah with husband. Only child: Baby d infant Married Mary Smithies. Their children: Melv'lna m Mr Driggs; James, died: Wilford A., m. Miss Free Lorenzo, mi Miss Burrows; Abbey. Families resided Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 987 In connection with the above genealogy the following Is from the Life of Heber C. Kimball, by Orson F. Whitney. "In the foregoing lists we have classed together the wives who were the mothers of his children. Besides these there were many others, most of them aged ladies and widows whom he merely supported, without living with them. Following is a list of their names: Mary Fielding Smith (widow of Hyrum Smith, sealed to Heber for time), Margaret McMinn, Hannah Moon, Dorothy Moon, Adelia Wilcox, Huldah Barnes, Eliza Cravath, Mary Ann Shefflin, Charlotte Chase, Theresa Morley, Ruth L. Pierce, Maria Winchester, Laura Pitkin, Abigail Pitkin, Ruth Welling- ton, Abigail Buchanan, Sophronia Harmon, Sarah Stiles, Elizabeth Hereford, Rebecca Williams, Sarah Buckwater, Mary Dull. Thus it will be seen that Heber C. Kimball was the husband of forty-five wives (at the funeral of his wife Vilate, Heber, pointing to the coffin, said: "There lies a woman who has given me forty-four wives.") and the father of sixty-five children. Truly a patriarchal house- .hold. It may well be surmised that the government and sup- port of a family of such dimensions were no small tax upon the wisdom, patience and provident care of even the wisest and most opulent. Forever banished be the thought aspersion upon reason and consistency as it is that self- seeking, ease-desiring human nature would take upon Itself such burdens and responsibilities from any motive less honorable and pure than that which Mormonism main- tains is the true one. Luxury and lust go frequently hand In hand: licentiousness and honest toil but rarely. Heber C. Kimball was a man of Industry, a man of virtue, of self-denial, who would sooner have thought of severing his right hand from his body, than to have cherished an unchaste sentiment, or sacrificed a principle to sin or selfish ease. He was often heard to declare that the plural order of marriage, with Its manifold cares and perplexities, had cost him "bushels of tears." Yet his was an exemplary family as much so as any In all Israel, polygamous or otherwise. His wives loved each other as sisters, and dwelt together in peace and unity; while his children, especially the males, sons of various mothers, clung together with an affection all but clannish in its intensity. Woe betide the luckless wight, who even in childhood's days, imposed upon a boy " The whole family of urchins would resent the Insult, and that, too, with pluckiness surpassing even their Family prayer was an Institution In the Kimball house- hold. Morning and evening the members were called In to surround the family altar and offer up praise and peti- tions to the Throne of Grace. It is a common remark to this day that such prayers are seldom heard as were wont to issue from the heart and lips of Heber C. Kim- ball Reverence for Deity was one of the noticeable features that the God to whom he prayed was a being "near at hand and not afar off." He worshiped not as "a worm of the dust " hypocritically meek and lowly, or as one con- scious of naught but the meanness of his nature, and the absence of merit in his cause. But in a spirit truly humble, confessing his sins, yet knowing something of the nobility of his soul, he talked with God "as one man talketh with another"; and often with the ease and familiarity of an On "no occasion, while offering up an earnest appeal In behalf of certain of his fellow-creatures, he startled the kneeling circle by bursting into a loud laugh in the very m"dst of his prayer. Quickly regaining his composure and solemn address, he remarked, apologetically: Lord, it makes me laugh to pray about some people. Heber loved his children, and was justly proud of his numerous noble posterity. If at times he appeared stern, and was severe in his correction, it was not that he loved them less, but their welfare and salvation more^ He made no compromise with sin, but nipped it in the bud, though the soil wherein It grew were the hearts of his dearest friends and relations. His greatest desire for his family was that they should be humble virtuous and God-fearing. The riches, fashions, and even culture of the world were as nothing in his eyes, compared with honesty, morality and the treasures of eternal truth. Nor was he morose and sullen, because thus sober- minded and religious. Mingling with his deeply earnest, profoundly solemn nature was a keen sense of humor, a continuous play of mirth, like "sunlight gilding the edges First counselor to President Brigham Young In the presi- dency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints until his death, 1868. Visited Kirtland, Ohio, late in 1832, and met the Prophet Joseph Smith on Nov. 8. In 1834 went to Jackson county. Mo., with Joseph Smith. Brigham Young and about 200 others. Feb. 14, 1835, was made a member of first body of the twelve apostles, and accompanied them In their first preaching mission in the eastern states and Canada. In 1837 was placed at the head of th'e first mission to England; returned In 1838, going to Far-West, Caldwell county Mo. Returned to England 1840, founding the London conference with Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith. Returning to Nauvoo in 1841 and accepting the principles of plural marriage taught to him by the Prophet Joseph, Smith who also practiced it. his eldest daughter, Helen Mar Kimball, was sealed to the Prophet in full ritualistic form. (See Whitney's history of Utah, Vol. IV, page 19). _ Performed various missions to eastern states and con- stantly sustained President Young as the rightful successor to Joseph Smith after his death. Left Nauvoo and joined the migrating- church members at Sugar Creek, Iowa, Jan. 14, 1846. That summer he recruited the Mormon Battalion on the Missouri river; came to Utah with Brigham Young July 24, 1847; and returned with him to Winter Quarters. Dec. 27, 1847, when the first presidency of the church (unorganized since the death of the Prophet) was organized, he became flrst counselor to President Brig- ham Young, and Willard Richards second counselor. May, 1848, started on return trip to Utah, arriving there Sept. 20. First chief justice of the provisional government of Deseret, and lieutenant governor. He introduced at the general conference the subject of the Perpetual Immigration Fund Company, which was forthwith organized. President of the council branch (senate) of the State of Deseret legislature March, 1851, and again of the Territory of Utah September, 1851. Assisted President Brigham Young in laying the southeast cornerstone of the Salt Lake temple April 6, 1853, and offered thereon the prayer of consecration. During- the famine of 1856 he fed hundreds from his provi- sions, having to put his own families on short rations to feed those who were destitute. Sent his sons William H. and David P. with wagons of food and bedding in connection with the relief corps to assist the belated handcart com- panies caught in the early snows along the Platte and Sweet- water rivers, thus saving hundreds of lives from perishing, as their companions had. Whitney, in his history, says of him: "Preaching, colonizing, traveling through the settlements, encouraging the saints in their toils and sacrifices, sitting in council with church leaders, ministering in sacred places, and in various other ways playing the part of a public bene- factor so wore away the remaining earthly years of Presi- dent Kimball. His name is a household -word wherever his people dwelt, and 'Brother Heber' was everywhere honored and beloved even the Gentiles esteemed him, admiring his high courage and outspoken candor." He died at Provo June 22, 1868, principally, as the result of an accident, by the overturning of a vehicle in which he was riding at night. KIMBALL, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Heber Chase Kimball and Vilate Murray). Born April 10, 1826, Mendon, Monroe county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Mary M. Davenport (daughter of James and Marion Davenport, former a pioneer 1847, latter 1848). Their children: Helen Vilate, m. Charles E. Hilton; Marion M., m. Lindsay S. Sprague; Isabell M., m. William Pitts; John H., m. Margaret N. Clayton; William D., m. Emily Serine; Parolee, m. John Haley; Heber R.; Victoria, m. Frank Jack- man. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Melissa Burton (Cora) (daughter of John Burton). Their children: Burton Shipley; Ida Maria; Charles; Robert Taylor b. Sept. 15, 1857, m. Amanda Hannah Evans Jan. 1, 1878; Rauch Stanley; Lawrence Prosper; Ernest Lynn. Married Naomi Eliza Redden March 27, 1891 (daughter of Return Jackson Redden and Eliza Naomi Murray; pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Oct. 5, 1855. Missionary to England 1854-57. Deputy U. S. marshal three years; sergeant-at-arms in legislature two terms; brigadier-general of Utah militia. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah, and went to meet the Edward Martin "frozen" handcart company. Received reward for discover- ing the flrst coal mine within 40 miles of Salt Lake City, known as "Sprague" mine. Postmaster at Parley's Park. Captain of minutemen in early Indian troubles. Proprietor' of Kimball hotel; drove mail and stage line between Salt Lake and Park City 1870-85. Second settler in Parley's Park. Died at Coalville, Utah, Dec. 30, 1907. KIMBALL, JOHN HENRY (son of William Henry Kimball and Mary M. Davenport). Born Nov. 22, 1851, Salt Lake City. Married Margaret C. Clayton (daughter of William Clayton and Ruth Moon, former a pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company, latter 1848). Their children: Henry F. b. 1873, m. Gertie Felt 1902; Elliot T. b. 1876, m. Edith Lowther 1904; Roy De Alton b. 1877; Claire b. 1879, m. William W. Roger 1902; Afton b. 1881, m. A. B. Pembroke 1903. Family home, Salt Lake City. Hauled freight across plains In 1868; worked at Ontario Mills 11 years. Engaged in livery and transfer business Jn Salt Lake City 23 years. KIMBALL, ROBERT TAYLOR (son of William Henry Kim- ball and Melissa Burton). Born Sept. 15, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Amanda Hannah Evans Jan. 1, 1878, Centerville, Utah (daughter of Parley Pratt Evans). Their children: Ada; Clara; Phyllis; Florence; Gilbert Gregor; Robert Walter. KIMBALL, DAVID PATTEN (son of Heber Chase Kimball and Vilate Murray). Born Aug. 23, 1839, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah in 1848. Married Caroline Marian Williams (daughter of Thomas S. Williams and Allenry M. Merrill, coming with a contingent of the Mormon Battalion, pioneers 1847). She was born April 24, 1843. Only child: Thatcher b. Aug. 30, 1883, m. Mamie Lee Melton March 1, 1911. Missionary to Europe; minuteman of early days; president of Bear Lake stake five years; deacon and elder; first coun- selor to President Saxton. Moved to Arizona and has as- sisted in developing that country. 988 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH KIMBALL, THATCHER (son of David Patten Kimball and Caroline Marian Williams). Born Aug. 30, 1883. St. David, Ariz. Married Mamie Lee Melton March 1, 1911 (daughter of Robert Smith Melton and Mary Jane Bryant), who was born April 30, 1885, Madisonville, Ky. Only child: Doris Melton b. March 3, 1912. Missionary to southern states 1908. Ranchman. Engaged in harness and hardware business. KIMBALL, NEWELL W. (son of Heber Chase Kimball and Sarah Ann Whitney). Born May 19. 1852. Salt Lake City. Married Martha W. Winder Nov. 28. 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of John R. Winder and Ellen Walters, pioneers Oct. 10, 1853, John W. Young company). She was born July 7, 1862, Liverpool, Eng. Their children: Sarah Ellen b. July 26, 1872. m. Lorten Cranney; Newel W. Jr. b. Feb. 26, 1876. m. Lottie B. Goodwin Feb. 28, 1899; Mary E. b. Dec. 8, 1877, m. Leonidas Thatcher June 16, 1898; Winnifred b. June 20, 1880, m. Charles D. Friday Sept. 2, 1903; John R. b. Sept. 26, 1882, m. Irma Roza Feb. 6, 1906; Leroy W. b. June 13, 1886. m. Ethel Pilkin Feb. 6, 1904; Leo M. b. June 20, 1889, m. Marie Smith June 23, 1910; Laurence W. b. Sept. 1, 1891; Grant W. b. July 28, 1894, died. Family home, Logan City. Missionary to southern states 1880; member bishopric In Logan second ward 16 years; member Cache stake presidency five years. Member city council of Logan City three terms; county commissioner two terms; mayor of Logan City in 1888. Branch manager of Cooper Wagon and Machine Co., of Logan for 16 years. KIMBALL, JOSEPH (son of Heber Chase Kimball and Prescindia Lathrope Huntington). Born Dec. 22, 1851, Salt Lake City. Married Lathilla Pratt Oct. 30, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Orson Pratt and Mary Merrill, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born July 19, 1855. Their children: Joseph Raymon b. Nov. 4, 1871, m. Abbie H. Rice; Louie Prescindia b. Oct 3, 1873, m. Ly- sander C. Pond; Florence b. June 16, 1876, m. John Wil- liam Hyde; Ernest b. Sept. 12, 1876, m. Vienna Hortense Booth; Orson Heber b. May 8, 1878, m. Zuie Chambers; Alma b. Jan. 3, 1880, m. Kate Wasden; Clark b. Dec. 1, 1881, m. Lydta Maud Partridge; Ethel Beatrice b. Jan. 20, 1884, m. Herbert Williams; Oliver b. Dec. 20, 1886, m. Etta Garrett; Naomi Pearl b. Jan. 16, 1888, m. Alfred Wooley Davis; Reba Geneva b. Sept. 23, 1889, m. Stanley Eugene Hooper; Willard Lathrope b. Dec. 16, 1892, m. Mae Hardy; Pratt b. Aug. 31, 1897. Family home. Salt Lake City. Reared In Salt Lake City and attended the leading schools; finished with Morgan's Business College and Deseret Uni- versity. Always took active part in church work. Moved from Salt Lake to Meadowville, Rich Co., Utah, 1871; bishop of that ward 1871-90, when he moved to Cache county; member bishropric 1st ward, Logan; selectman 1878-84, from 1887-89, and probate judge of Rich county 1884-85; chosen member of territorial legislature from dis- tricts of Cache and Rich counties; delegate to constitutional convention from Rich county 1882; member second legis- lature from Cache county; delegate to Trans-Mississippi Congress in Ogden and Salt Lake. Has been largely inter- ested and materially aided in the development of the agri- cultural resources, stockraising and mining in this inter- mountain country. Was president and director of many irrigation and canal companies; made the first successful withdrawal of land under Carey Act in Utah; president and director of many mining companies; president of the Logan Chamber of Commerce; actively engaged in irrigation and land development in Southern Utah; extensively interested in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. KIMBALL, DANIEL H. (son of Heber Chase Kimball and Annie Gheen). Born Feb. 8, 1856. Salt Lake City. Married Joan Okleberry Sept. 26, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Paul and Cherstia Okleberry of Malmo, Sweden). She was born Nov. 11, 1864. Their children: D. Carlos b. July 16, 1877, m. Annie Clark; Ernest R. b. Sept. 1, 1878, m. Fannie Coulam; Joan Pearl b. Sept. 4, 1881; Louis C. b. Aug. 16, 1884, m. Lucretia Mangum Aug. 2, 1911; Lester E. b. Aug. 22, 1888, m. Emma Peterson; Charles V. b. Oct. 26, 1892; Sarah Katie b. March 24, 1894. He became a seventy. Retired business man. KIMBALL, LOUIS C. (son of Daniel H. Kimball and Joan Okleberry). Born Aug. 16, 1884, at Salt Lake City. Married Lucretia Mangum Aug. 2. 1911, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Mary Trantery of Nephl, Utah), who was born Jan. 17, 1880. He was an elder. KIMBALL, WILLIAM GHEEN (son of Heber Chase Kim- ball and Amanda Gheen, latter born Jan. 16, 1830). Born March 3, 1861, Salt Lake City. Married Callsta F. Thornton March 13, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Thornton and H. J. Hlcken- looper), who was born August 26. 1854. Their children: Florence b. May 11, 1876, m. Lars Francen; May b. Nov. 16, 1878, m. W. H. Mace; Temperance b. Nov. 24, 1880, m. Alma Hill; Pearl b. Dec. 4, 1882, m. John Layman; Birda b. Jan. 16, 1885; Calista b. May 6, 1887. m. William Crowther; Idaho b. Sept. 30, 1889; Chase b. Aug. 24, 1891; Charles b. July 23, 1894. KINDRED, i:mio\l> HENRY (son of Edmond Henry Kin- dred and Lucy Wright of Farthingham, Suffolk, Eng.). Born June 8, 1817, Farthingham. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1856, Milo Andrus P. E. fund company. Married Harriet Lord October, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Reuben Lord and Charlotte Wright of Ipswich, Suffolk, Eng.), who was born June 3, 1817. Their chil- dren: Edmond Henry, died; Harriet, m. Edwin Lee; Lydia Mary, m. George Storrs; Martha, m. James Dowdle, m. John McTague; Charles Alfred; Fannie, m. Joseph William Al- len; John Reuben, m. Luella Bird; Nephi (died), m. Annie Pennington. Seventy; block teacher; ward clerk. Wheelwright and carriage-maker. Died Jan. 28, 1874, Springville, Utah. KING, DAVID MORRIS (son of Thomas King and Mary Morris of Winfreth, Dorsetshire, Eng., married 1812). Born March 23. 1825, at Winfreth. Came to Utah 1866. Married Susanna Clark Jan. 1, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Clark and Ann Shuker of Cam- bridge, Eng., pioneers Oct. 16, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She was born Dec. 17, 1840, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Maria Minnette b. Dec. 3, 1858, m. James F. Bunn 1876; Franklin Morris b. Oct. 16, 1860, m. Gertrude Sorensen 1887; Elizabeth Ann b. March 13. 1863. m. William G. Smith 1882; Emily Jane b. June 21, 1866, m. Thomas C. Orr 1885; David Charles b. Oct. 17, 1868, m. Rose Thornick 1894; Isabel Caroline b. Oct. 10. 1871, m. Frederick H. Wood 1897; Thomas Clark b. Oct. 10, 1874, m. Ruella Pearl Rogers 1897; Mary Olive b. April 10. 1878; Nellie May b. Feb. 16, 1880, m. Oliver Orr 1900; Effle Frances b. Sept. 22, 1882, m. Orson Derricott 1902. Family resided Salt Lake City, Utah, and Liberty, Idaho. Elder. Worked on temple. Echo Canyon war veteran and guard at Salt Lake City. Farmer and stockraiser. Dfed Jan. 29, 1910. KING, THOMAS CLARK (son of David Morris King and Susanna Clark). Born Oct. 10, 1874, Liberty, Idaho. Married Ruella Pearl Rogers Nov. 3, 1897, Logan, Utah (daughter of Ruel Mills Rogers and Hannah C. Nelson of Pleasant Grove; latter pioneer 1867, handcart company), who was born Oct. 30, 1878. Their children: Rowean b. Feb. 28, 1900; Florence b. Feb. 22. 1906: Nellie May b. Oct. 2, 1906; Vilate b. Aug. 12, 1910. Family resided Liberty and Twin Falls, Idaho. Elder; ward clerk. KING, ELEAZAR. Married Nancy Fowler. Their children: Nancy Diana; Abigail Moreney; John; Eleazar, Jr., m. Mary Caroline Fowler; Phoebe; Lorenzo Don; Alonzo; Enoch; Huldah; Mary; Robert. Elder. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer. Died at Spring City. Utah. KING, ELEAZAR (son of Eleazar King and Nancy Fowler). Married Mary Caroline Fowler. Their children: Caro- line Matilda b. Dec. 11, 1836, m. Charles Whltlock; Eveline Jeanet b. April 15, 1838, d. child; Emily Jane b. March 24. 1840, m. Isaac M. Behunin; Susan Nancy b. Dec. 23. 1842, d. child; Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 16. 1847. d. child; Abigail M. b. Sept. 16, 1849, m. Joseph S. Stevens; Samuel Eleazar b. Jan. 26, 1852, m. Cena Nielsen; Elsie Lovina b. March 17, 1854, m. Ole Olsen; George William b. Nov. 9, 1856; Francis Enoch b. Sept. 21, 1858, m. Julia Dodge; James Alonzo b. Dec. 12, 1861, d. child; John Lorenzo b. Jan. 19, 1864, d. aged 10. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Seventy; elder. Mason and farmer. Settled at Spring City, but was driven from there by the Walker Indians. Was called to settle Circle Valley, and was driven from there by the Black Hawk Indians, losing his home and everything he owned, with the exception of what few things he could gather together, and a few head of cattle. Veteran Walker and Black Hawk Indian wars, and the Echo Canyon campaign in which he served as drummer boy. Died March 20, 1897, Spring City, Utah. KING, JOHN (son of John King and Hannah Halls of Hockley, Essex, Eng.). Born Sept. 27. 1836, at Hockley. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, Horton D. Haight company. Married Eliza H. Sermon Nov. IB, 1861, who was born October, 1836, and came to Utah Sept. IB, 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Only child: Edith b. Aug. 1, 1871. Family home, Mlllvllle. Cache Co., Utah. Married Elizabeth Griffin Nov. 1, 1868, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Henry Griffin and Maria Allen, pioneers Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company), who was born Feb. 7. 1851. Walsall, Eng. Their children: Lydia Eliza b. Sept. 6, 1869, m. George S. Obray Nov. 1888; Elizabeth Sarah b. May 19, 1871, m. William C. T. Peterson Jan. 1889; Rosebelle b. Sept. 12, 1873, m. P. L. Nlelson Jan. 1896; Harriet Louise b. Sept. 16, 1876, m. William R. An- drew Dec. 1899; Maryette b. Oct. 4, 1877; John Hyrum b. Oct. 28, 1880; Camilla Victoria b. Sept. 26, 1881; Alice May b. April 2, 1883; Jennie Ilene b. July 21, 1887, m. Mor- gan P. Yeates June, 1907: Grace Evelyn b. Sept. 7, 1889. m. Alma L. Riggs Dec. 1910; Clara Beatrice b. May 4, 1891, m. Golden M. Fergus Oct. 1910; Pearl b. Sept. 14, 1894. Bishop's counselor 1865-1897. School trustee 1870-85; jus- tice of the peace 1875-79; notary public 1897-1909. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 989 KING, JOHN MORRIS (son of Eleazer King and Nancy Fowler of Massachusetts, pioneers). Born Sept. 23, 1809, Sunderland, Bennington county, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1S52, John Tidwell company. Married Sarah Ann Jewell February, 1833. Green. Alle- gheny county, Pa. (Parents lived at Three Rivers, Mich.). Their children: Robert Edson, m. Margaretta Lemon, Jane Purdy and Angeline Thrift Boley; Vemer, m. Isaiah Hunts- man; Joseph H., m. Emma Julian; John, m. Erne Cable. Family home, Salt Lake City. Hig-h priest; member Mormon Battalion. Died Nov. 13, 1855, at Salt Lake City. KING, ROBERT EDSON (son of John Morris King and Sarah Ann Jewell). Born Nov. 1, 1834, Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Came to Utah with father. Married Margaretta Lemon March IS, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of William McClure Lemon and Catherine Mayer of Cass county, Ind., pioneers Sept. 24, 1847, Perrigrrine Ses- sions company). She was born Oct. 4, 1839. Their children: John E. b. Feb. 26. 1856, m. Mary Jane Glines; William b. April 12, 1868, m. Jane Proctor and Annie Johnson; Thaddeus C. b. Aug. 2, 1860, m. Sina Chipman; Mortimer b. Jan. 6, 1863, died; Eva M. b. May 24, 1865, m. Caleb Cotton; Sarah Ann b. July 27. 1867, m. Frank Allen; Catherine b. May 2. 1870, died; Lillian b. June 4, 1873, m. Joseph Brown; Laura b. March 6, 1876, m. Joseph L. Duntley; Martha b. Sept. 25. 1880. m. John F. Kirk. Family home American Fork, Utah. Married Jane Purdy March 15, 1862, Salt Lake City, who was born April 6, 1838, Ayrshire, Scotland, pioneer, 1862. Their children: Mary Adretta b. Jan. 20, 1863. died; Robert E. b. April 15, 1864; James P. b. Oct. 2, 1866, m. Dot Smith; Melissa Jane b. Nov. 18, 1869, m. Leo T. Shelley; Joseph H. b. May 2, 1871. and David b. Dec. 11, 1873, died; Arthur b. Nov. 2, 1875; William b. Aug. 27, 1878, died. Married Angeline (Thrift) Boley Feb. 18, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Boley [stepfather] and Elizabeth Davis of American Fork, Utah), who was born Nov. 23, 1843, In Missouri. Their children: Angeline b. Sept. 28, 1866, died; Frances Louisa b. Dec. 28, 1867, m. Joseph Payne; Sena b. Dec. 6, 1869, m. W. W. Rose; Guy T. b. Oct. 15, 1871; Arabella b. Jan. 6, 1876, died; Morris b. Oct. 21, 1877; Edson b. July 13, 1879. Family home American Fork, Utah. Member 67th quorum seventies; Sunday school teacher. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Located at American Fork 1856, and assisted in building up the country. City councilman. Farmer. KING, THOMAS (son of Thomas King), born April 6, 1800, at Dernford Dale, near Stapleford, Cambridgeshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company. Married Hannah Tapfleld in 1824 (daughter of Peter Tap- field and Mary Lawson), who was born 1809. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Georgina b. Oct. 4, 1830, m. Claudius V. Spencer, 1852; Louisa b. Aug. 12, 1833, m. Clau- dius V. Spencer Nov., 1853; Bertha Mary, b. Oct. 4, 1834, m. Brlgham Y. Hampton 1855; Thomas Owen b. April 27, 1840, m. Dorcas Debenham May 23, 1868. Family home, Salt Lake City. KING, THOMAS JEFFERSON (son of Enoch King and Rhoda Phillips of Ashford, Mass.). Born May 27. 1806, at Ashford. Came to Utah Aug. 9, 1854, Benjamin Thurman company. Married Rebecca E. Olin July 8. 1S27, Shaftsbury, Ben- nlngton county, Vt. (daughter of Jonathan Olin and Amy Johnson of Shaftsbury), who was born April 30, 1805. Their children: George E. b. Oct. 23, 1828, m. Sabrina Curtis; m. Mary Susan Kinsley; William J. b. July 13, 1833, m. Eliza- beth Baer; Jonathan A. b. Feb. 2, 1835, d. Dec., 1849, Amy Jane b. Oct. 2, 1836. m. Elias Smith; Enoch E. and Rhode E. b. Oct. 3, 1839, d. young; Thomas Franklin b May 1, 1842, m. Lucy A. Ogden; m. Hannah T. Moon; Rebecca A. b. June 29. 1845, m. John O'Brien. Family home Kays Creek (now East Lay ton), Davis Co., Utah. Hauled supplies from Camp Floyd, Utah, to Atchison, Kas, for General A. S. Johnston 1861; July, 1862, secured contract for carrying mail from Salt Lake to Brigham City; the Boise express was also included in 1864. At time of death is said to have been the oldest member of the L. D. S. church. Died Sept. 23, 1876. KING, THOMAS FRANKLIN (son of Thomas Jefferson King and Rebecca E. Olin). Born May 1, 1842, Mantua, Portage Co., Ohio. Married Lucy Ann Ogden Jan. 1, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Ogden and Sarah Garrett of Staly- brldge, Lancashire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 18, 1853. John Brown company). She was born Aug. 6, 1839. Their children: Franklin Ernest b. March 6, 1864, m. Jane Earl; m. Lula May Hall; Lucy Englesby b. Sept. 23, 1866, m. Anson V. Call; Thomas Edward b. Jan. 17, 1867, m. Elizabeth Manning; Sarah Amy b. May 16, 1869, m. John W. Hess; Elias Silas b. Jan. 24. 1871, m. Elizabeth Shipley; George William b. June 20, 1873, d. young; Esther Ada b. June 20, 1784, m. Josiah Howe Loveland; Alma b. 1875, d. young; Rebecca Jane b. July 7, 1877, m. Howard Perkins; Jonathan Olin b. Sept. 30, 1879, m. Helen May Gibson; Hyrum Otis b. Sept. 9, 1882, d. 1883. Ramily resided South Weber and Farmington, Utah. Married Hannah Temperance Moon April 12, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Moon and Temperance West- wood of England, former pioneer Oct. 5, 1850, latter pioneer, Sept. 11, 1853, Jesse W. Crosby company). She was born Oct. 7, 1861. Their children: Hannah EInora b. Nov. 22, 1884, m. Ira Decker; Olive Temperance b. Aug. 16, 1886, d. Jan. 13, 1901; Henry LeGrande b. March 19, 1888; Roland Roy b. Sept. 5. 1890; Herbert Moon and Lillian May (twins) b. Aug. 6, 1895; Reuel Franklin b. Jan. 19. 1898; Merle Moon b. Feb. 26, 1900. Family home Farmington, Davis Co.. Utah. Member first bishopric South Weber, 1877-81. Is said to have carried first passenger from Salt Lake City to Brigham City. 1862; assisted in building Union Pacific railway 1869. Assisted in quelling Morrisite disturbance at South Weber. Fruitgrower. KING, THOMAS EDWARD (son of Thomas Franklin King and Lucy Ann Ogden; he died Jan. 8, 1913). Born Jan. 17, 1867, Mountain Dell, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Married Elizabeth Manning: June 6, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Eli Manning and Deborah Hollist of Farming- ton, Utah, former pioneer Oct. 18. 1853. John Brown company, latter Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born Sept. 6, 1868. Their children: Lucy Elizabeth b. Aug. 3. 1890; George Edward b. Jan. 8, 1892; Deborah May b. Feb. 16, 1894; Rhoda Evallne b. March 25. 1896; Ralph Manning b. Sept. 29, 1898; Edna b. June 13, 1902; Rebecca b. Nov. 16. 1904; Lorus Olin b. Aug. 16, 1911. Family resided South Bountiful, Farmington, Salt Lake and Garland, Utah. Ordained elder 1882; ward teacher; president of 153d quo- rum seventies; pioneer of Garland. KING, THOMAS RICE (son of Thomas King and Ruth Hyde). Born March 9, 1813, Marcellus, Onondaga county, N. T. Came to Utah 1851, Vincent Shurtllff company. Married Matilda Robison Dec. 26. 1831 (daughter of John Robison and Cornelia Gumal), who was born March 11, 1811. at Charleston, N. Y., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: William b. April 8, 1834, m. Josephine Henry; Culbert b. Jan. 31, 1836; John R.; Thomas Edwin b. April 19, 1839, m. Rebecca Jane Murray; Deliliah; Matilda; Volney LeRoy. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Missionary to Michigan 1842; assisted in establishing United Order; member Millard stake presidency. Probate judge for years. Resident of Fillmore 25 years; moved to Kingston 1877. KING, CULBERT (son of Thomas Rice King and Matilda Robison). Born Jan. 31, 1836, in Onondaga county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1851, Vincent Shurtliff company. Married Eliza Esther McCullough Feb. 6, 1855 (daughter of Levi Hamilton McCullough and Clarinda Altainia Bar- tholomew), who died June 11, 1898. Their children: Culbert Levi b. June 11, 1856, m. Polly Ann Ross July 31, 1876; Esther Clarinda b. Sept. 24, 1858, m. George Black; Ida Roseltha b. Sept. 7, 1860, d. April 23, 1869; Matilda E. b. April 10, 1863, m. William Black; Deliah b. Feb. 4, 1865. m. Charles E. Rowan; Volney Henry b. Jan. 22. 1867, m. Maria Ross; Julia Frances b. Feb. 4, 1869, m. David Nichols; Wil- liam b. April 3. 1871. m. Olive Dora Wallace; Elda H. b. Aug. 3. 1873, died; Parley b. Aug. 17. 1875; Alonzo b. May 24, 1877, m. Mary Ann Wallace. Family resided Fillmore, Kanosh and Coyote, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Callister (daughter of Thomas Calllster and Helen M. Clark), who was born March 20. 1848, and died December, 1901. Their children: Thomas C. b. May 6, 1866, m. Elizabeth Dunsire; Caroline b. May 16, 1869, m. Edward Savage; Elizabeth Ann b. March 22, 1871, m. Daniel T. Ross; Collins R. b. June 1, 1873; John b. March 16, 1876. d. April 17, 1892; Helen Lulu b. Sept. 2, 1878, d. March 31, 1884; Marion, m. Maria Antoinette Snow; Julina b. July 17, 1887, d. 1890. Married Sarah E. Pratt (daughter of Parley P. Pratt and Sarah Houston). Their children: Orson Pratt b. Dec. 4, 1879, m. Irene McNally; Heber b. June 24, 1881; Larena b. Feb. 14, 1883, m. Henry Hughes; Junius; Catherine b. Feb. 1, 1886. Bishop of Petersburg 4 years, of Kanosh 16 years and of Marion ward 22 years; counselor to bishop in Kingston 6 years. Militiaman; Indian interpreter and scout. Ex- press carrier. KING, CULBERT LEVI (son of Culbert King and Eliza Esther McCullough). Born June 11, 1856, Fillmore, Utah. Married Polly Ann Ross, Salt Lake City July 31, 1876 (daughter of Thomas Ross and Margret Mecham), who was born Oct. 18, 1858, Provo, Utah. Their children: Eva Clalr b. Aug. 14, 1877, m. Robert O. Warner; Culbert Levi b. Nov. 28, 1879, m. Louisa May Gardner Jan. 9, 1902; Mar- gret Ruby b. March 11, 1882, m. John E. Riddle; Thomas Ervin b. March 31, 1884; Lewis b. Feb. 6, 1886. d. Feb. 9, 1902; Elbert b. April 9, 1888, d. May 1, 1887; Florence b. July 18, 1889; Lyman b. April 27, 1892; Maud b. Jan. 13, 1896; Wells Rulon b. Feb. 6, 1900; Mazel Q. b. Aug. 11, 1902. Family resided Kanosh and Coyote, Utah. Missionary to Southern States 1887; bishop of Marlon ward eight years. Settled in Garfield county. KING, THOMAS CALLISTER (son of Culbert King and Elizabeth Ann Callister). Born May 6, 1866, Petersburg. Utah. Married Elizabeth Dunsire (daughter of Archibald Dun- sire and Marian Brown), who was born July 9, 1867. Their children: Marian Ethel b. Sept. 30, 1887, m. Robert Burns Sherratt Sept. 28, 1910; Thomas Arthur b. Jan. 8, 1889. Family home Coyote, Utah. KING, THOMAS EDWIN (son of Thomas Rice King and Matilda Robison). Born April 19, 1839, Schroupie, Oswego Co., N. Y. Came to Utah 1851, -with father. Married Rebecca Jane Murray April 29, 1862, Fillmore. 990 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Utah (daughter of Robert Murray and Rebecca Henry), who was born Aug. 17, 1842, Woodstock, N. Y. Their chil- dren: Eva Matilda b. March 10, 1863; Ella Vilate b. Feb. 18, 1864. m. Wister B. Harmon June 1, 1881; Naomi b. June 27, 1866, m. Lewis Willis Dec. 16, 1889; Viola b. March 9, 1869; Josephine May b. June 28, 1872; Clifford Carroll b. Aug. 12, 1873; Murray Edwin b. Aug. 7. 1874. Married Isabella Elicia Savage Jan. 16, 1878, St George, Utah (daughter of David Savage and Mary Ward), who waa born Oct. 28, 1859, Holden, Utah. Only child: Mary Laberna, m. John H. Stoney Dec. 10, 1902; Emily Louisa Heap (adopted) b. March 19, 1895. Elder; first counselor to Bishop Allen, 2d counselor to Bishop John Morrill; assisted in building St. Georgre tem- ple; missionary to Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. County surveyor. School teacher; merchant; farmer. KING, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Rice King and Matilda Robison of New York state). Married Josephine Henry (daughter of Andrew Henry and Margaret Creighton of Ireland at Nauvoo, 111., and Fillmore, Utah, pioneers 1860), who died 1868. Their chil- dren; William H., m. Louisa Ann Lyman; Lillian, m. Ira N. Hinckley; Josephine, m. John W. Thornley; Samuel A., m. Nettie Bagley. Family home Fillmore City, Utah. Married Mary Ann Henry 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Henry of Fillmore, Utah). Their children: Harry W. b. Feb. 28, 1871, m. Katie McBride; Margaret b. 1873, m. Frank Holbrook; Robert b. 1876, m. Hermle Robison; Claudius b. May 15, 1878, m. Daisy Holt; Arthur R. b. Aug. 18, 1880; Lester; Elmer. Member of high council; bishop; in charge of mission at Hauvern, Ireland, five years. Merchant; manufacturer; stockraiser. Died 1892, Salt Lake City. KING, WILLIAM HENRY (son of William King and Jose- phine Henry). Born June 3, 1863, Fillmore, Utah. Married Louisa Ann Lyman March 17, 1889, Manti City, Utah (daughter of Francis M. Lyman and Rhoda Taylor, pioneers Oct. 19, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company), who was born Dec. 28, 1868. Their children: Romola; Paul Brown- ing; Josephine; Adrieinne. Family resided Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah. Member 72d quorum seventies; missionary to Great Bri- tain; member of high council. County attorney; clerk; as- sessor and collector. Member of city council; attorney recorder; member of legislature three times; president of council; judge Supreme Court; member of congress. At- torney at law. aS I .Si [jiqA .f> ,0';8t ." .Jfi-jJJ .tl rifl-iao>i KINGDOM, WILLIAM HUNTER (son of John Kingdom and Jennet Hunter of Salt Lake City). Born Feb. 21, 1873. Married Annie May Peck June 21, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Augustine Peck and Ann Miller of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1848, Brigham Young company), who was born Dec. 28, 1876. Their children: Gladys Mae b. June 15, 1899; William Douglas b. March 10, 1901; Phyl- lis Jeanette b. March 21, 1903; Joseph Herman b. Oct. 15, 1905; Bernice b. June 16, 1910; Annie b. Dec. 30, 1911. Fam- ily home Salt Lake City, Utah. t'idjsxiln .m .8B8T .f! -is'f. .fl ' ;->nr.YiiH [yjjr.v/fjM .m .OSgr -itlo'* ;p.p>H .T fii.-tr.a .1:; 'r "' rim A. .D ,;?;? r ,sr KINGFORD, WILLIAM RICHARD (son of John Kingford and Elizabeth Files, East Langden, Kent, Eng.). Born Jan. 9, 1820, at East Langden. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert Campbell company. Married Louisa Burrows July 26, 1861, St. James Church, Dover, Kent, Eng., who was born Oct. 4, 1816. No children. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member 76th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1886-87; high priest. Worked on Ogden tabernacle; assisted in making Ogden Bench canal, and did much for the upbuild- ing of Ogden and vicinity. KINGSBURY, JOSEPH C. (son of Solomon Kingsbury and Bashua Amanda Pease of Enfteld, Hartford county, Conn., and Painesville, Ohio). Born May 2, 1812, at Enfleld. Came to Utah 1847. Married Dorcas Adelia Moor March 4, 1846 (daughter of Thomas and Mahalia Moor), who was born Jan. 22, 1829, Bennington. N. Y. She died Dec. 27, 1869, Salt Lake City. Their children: Bashua Dorcas, m. Robert C. Fryer; Jose- phine Adelia, m. Joseph Fryer; Mary Ophelia, m. Joseph Miservy; Joseph T., m. Jany Mair; Elizabeth M., m. John Druce; Annis L.; Solomon S.; David P., m. Mary Morris; Melvina, died. Married Loenza A. Pond, born Feb. 16, 1830, died June 16, 1853. Their children: Martha Ann; Vilate Elizabeth; Maria. Family home 12th ward, Salt Lake City. A descendant of the "Pilgrim Fathers." A close asso- ciate of the prophet Joseph Smith. Bishop of 2d ward, Salt Lake, 1861; ordained patriarch 1883 by Wilford Woodruff and Franklin D. Richards. Keeper of the tabernacle gate for many years. His genial, kind disposition caused him to be loved throughout the community. Painesville, Ohio, is located on his father's old homestead. Superintendent of the tithing store many years, and filled many other useful positions during his active career. One of his forefathers came with the pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 another to Boston Bay in June, 1630. He followed their example of pioneering and came to Utah 1847. KINNEY, JEROME WILLIAM (son of James Kinney, born 1800 Hartford, Conn., and Clarissa Balcom of St. Catharines, Canada). Born April 29, 1835, at Cambridge, Niagara county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1856, John Banks company. Married Sophia Dustin Jan. 28, 1864, at Bountiful, Utah (daughter of Seth Dustin and Hannah Loveland), who was born at Salt Lake City. Their children: Hannah Clarissa b. Sept. 1, 1864, m. Joe Rolf; Nancy Jane; Emma Josephine; Estella. Family home. Bountiful. Married Mary E. Buchor (daughter of Henry Squires, pio- neer 1866, Edward Martin handcart company). She was born Aug. 14, 1848, in England. Their children: Celestia Josephine b. 1880; William James b. Dec. 19, 1882; Florence Mary b. in July, 1884; Augustus Frederick b. in January, 1886. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Missionary to White Mountain 1850. Early mail carrier. i-jvxK 'iit'n^fKr'i lifiK nonriJ utirl'ijM mj;illlW 1o io.triauj>.h) . , . .- I meiUWl -i-i/rilO otir.L vijiM .rn .ftpS! ,3 .da'-t .d .3. niiot KINNEY, I.OHIY. Born in Illinois. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Hannah Nichols in 1843 in Illinois. Their chil- dren: Ellen b. 1846, m. William Bestin; Albert Lorin b. 1848, d. 1863; Denis b. 1860, d. 1860. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Married Mary Ann Tucker, Kanesville, Iowa, who was born 1833. Their children: Mary Deseret b. 1853, m. P. C. Bour- son; Elsie Selene b. 1865, m. Gideon Jero; Amisy b. 1867, m. Annie Gledhill. Family home Fillmore, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. I! lvdo;i 'h-r'b >:'?! ,ftS .mil. .d j_r-ibA. vijjM MtaToliiiD li-sriT ;iMlv:3 i(l .m ,i) '31 , _ ^.iinjBl :M8I .21 Hint, .d| KIRBY, THOMAS WRIGHT (son of John Kirby, born 1792, Stockton, Norfolk, Eng., and Charlotte Wright, born Feb. 15, 1796, Shipmeadow, Suffolk, Eng.). He was born Dec. 12, 1831, Ringsfleld, near Beccles, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Horton D. Haight company. Married Ann Stokes Oct. 16, 1863 (daughter of Jane Stokes), who was born Dec. 4, 1833, and came to Utah, J. L. Murdock company. Their children: Robert Watson b. Sept. 1, 1864, d. Dec. 1, 1876; Ann Stokes b. June 19, 1866, d. in November, 1866; Ellen Elizabeth b. Nov. 4, 1867, m. Robert Carver Sept. 11, 1887; Sarah Jane b. Aug. 12, 1869, m. John Purser Aug. 6, 1888; Thomas Wright b. Dec. 3, 1871, d. Dec. 3, 1876; Amelia Ann b. June 2, 1873, d. 'Dec. 3. 1876; George Stokes b. June 11, 1876, m. Rachel M. Hancey Feb. 6, 1902. Married Amelia Irons May 26, 1867, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas James Irons and Jane Stokes, who came to Utah in 1869 by rail). She was born April 24, 1848, Dover, Eng. Their children: Albert b. Nov. 10, 1875, m. Caroline Daines Oct. 14, 1903; Ida Eliza b. Feb. 15, 1881, d. March 24, 1881. Married Elizabeth Irons Oct. 3, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas James Irons and Jane Stokes), who was born Nov. 29, 1850, Dover, Eng. Their children: Emily b. March 26, 1870, m. John L. Morse Sept. 11, 1887; Charlotte b. May 13, 1872, m. Lars L. Nielsen July 20, 1892; John Benchley b. March 6, 1874, m. Emma Elizabeth Seamons Dec. 22, 1897; Walter b. Feb. 8, 1876, m. Harriet Matilda Pearsen Oct. 8, 1902; Alfred Edward b. Jan. 30, 1878, d. Dec. 24, 1903: Alice b. Feb. 9, 1880, m. Nephi Jorjensen Oct. 25. 1905; James Irons b. Dec. 6, 1882, m. Margaret Jane Brown Sept. 11, 1907; Lizzie b. Nov. 19, 1884, m. George C. Christoffersen Dec. 22, 1903; Jane b. July 22, 1887, m. Warren Hendersen Nov. 22, 1911. Families resided Hyde Park and Pleasant View, Utah. Sunday school superintendent at Hyde Park 1877-78; first president Y. M. M. I. A. 1876-77; high priest; missionary in England five years. Settled at Hyde Park, where he worked in the rock quarry, and together with his brother Edward, quarried all the rock for Hyde Park meeting house, and worked as mason on same. Color bearer of 1st regiment of Cache county militia. Moved to Pleasant View In 1870 and back to Hyde Park in 1874. Died Aug. 16, 1908. .riilJU ..''') ril //*<-! ,( fIOj'.8..I KIRBY, JOHN BENCLEY (son of Thomas Wright Kirby and Elizabeth Irons). Born March 6, 1874, Pleasant View. Utah. Married Emma Elizabeth Seamons Dec. 22, 1897, Logan Utah (daughter of Elijah Seamons and Sarah Balls; former came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company, latter Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company). She was born July 20, 1877, Hyde Park. Utah. Their children: Virda Emma b. March 24, 1900; Harold John b. Aug. 6, 1902- Lillian b. Oct. 20, 1906; Earl Thomas b. Nov. 24, 1909- Stella b Aur 24. 1911. Family home, Hyde Park. Seventy; treasurer of Y. M. M. I. A. several years. Farmer. KIRK, PHILIP (son of William Kirk and Susann Cllft, Arnold, Nottinghamshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 10 1817 at Arnold. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1866, Joseph S. Rawllns company. Married Mary Ann Taylor Feb. 26, 1838, at Arnold (daugh- ter of John Taylor and Mary Ann Bradbury of same place), who was born Nov. 28, 1820. Their children: John b May 23, 1840; Mary Ann b. March 18, 1842, died; James b. April 11, 1846, m. Mary Peasnall; Ann b. July 14, 1846, m. Richard Kenwood; Philip, Jr. b. Feb. 20, 1848, died; Charlotte b. June 11, 1860, m. James Martin; Joseph Hyrum b. Feb. 8, 1862, m. Elizabeth Dew; Elizabeth b. Nov. 8, 1854, m. Heber Dew; William b. Feb. 20, 1856, died. Family resided Ar- nold. Eng.. and Tooele, Utah. High priest. Died at Tooele. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 991 KIRK, JAMES (son of Philip Kirk and Mary Ann Taylor). Born April 11, 1846, Arnold, Nottinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1862, Joseph Home company. Married Mary Peasnall Dec. 20, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Peasnall and Eliza Sanders, Aldbury, Worcestershire, Eng., pioneers Sept. 16, 1868, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born April 18, 1861. Their children: Mary Eliza b. Sept. 17, 1870, m. Alvin James Mc- Cuistan Oct. 1, 1891; James b. Aug. 20, 1872, m. Irene Dai- ton Jan. 26, 1899; Sarah Ann b. Nov. 7, 1874, m. Charles Frederick McDonald Dec. 19, 1907; William Philip b. Nov. 11 1876; Clair May b. May 1, 1879, died; Elizabeth b. Dec. 7 1880, m. Edgar June Rich; Rosetta Olive b. April 6, 1885, m Percy Marshall Oct. 4, 1899; Ada Viola, m. George Hick- man Nov. 22, 1906; Spencer Benjamin b. Oct. 27, 1889, m. Vine Blair Jan. 28. 1911; Frank Actor Wakefield b. Aug. 11, 1893, m. Myrtle Helen Williams April 7, 1913. Married Alice Tarrant Spray (daughter of John Robert Tarrant and Ellen Jarmane of Portsmouth, Hampshire, Eng.), who was born May 24, 1858. Elder. Assisted in bringing last immigrants to Utah by oxteam 1868; also assisted in carrying provisions that year from Fort Benton to Bitter Creek with Crismon and Wylie. militiamen. Worked on construction of Union Pacific and Western Pacific railroads. KIHKWOOD, ROBERT CAMPBELL (son of Thomas Kirk- wood and Margaret Campbell of Bridge-of-Weir, Scotland). Born Aug. 14, 1834, at Bridge-of-Weir. Came to Utah Nov. 9 1856, James G. Willie handcart company. Married Elizabeth Cook (Daft) July, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Cook and Rachel Marson of Eastwood, Nottingham, Eng., pioneers October, 1861, Ira Eldredge com- pany). Their children: Delia Maud b. Dec. 19, 1866, died; Katherine b. Aug. 22, 1868, m. Alfred Moyle; Rachel b. Aug. 13, 1870, m. Antone Sorenson; John Alfred b. Jan. 7, 1873, m. Mae Knight; Joseph b. June 13, 1875, m. Pauline John- son; Milton; Zella. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Mary Mathews Oct. 21, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Mathews and Hepzibah Jarvls of Nottingham, Eng., pioneers 1864). She was born Aug. 17, 1837, and came to Utah Sept. 24, 1860, Oscar O. Stoddard handcart company. Their children: Margaret b. Sept. 22, 1861, m. John E. L. Nelson; Thomas Mathews b. March 30, 1863, m. Sarah Jane Whitehead; Robert Campbell b. Dec. 3, 1868, m. Hilda Johnson; Ruth b. Aug. 15, 1870; William b. May 14, 1872; Annie M. b. Jan. 8, 1874, m. Alfred Master- man; Albert Centennial b. Jan. 1, 1876, died; Emma Blanche b. Sept. 9, 1877; Richard Colquhoun b. June 15, 1879, m. Martha Ellen Freshwater; Heber Charles b. April 17, 1882, m. Edith Eliza King. Family resided Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah. Married Eliza Cook in 1870 Salt Lake City (daughter of John Cook and Rachel Marson). Their children: Tennie b. May 31, 1874; Eugene b. Jan. 7, 1876, died; Ella Mae b. March 26, 1879, m. Charles M. Beckstead; Alice Martha b. Jan. 22, 1881, m. Thomas Albert Bailey; Daniel b. Dec. 9, 1882, m. Bertha Series; Tessie b. June 10, 1886. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; member 45th quorum seventies. Sealer of weights and measures and city councilman in Provo. Super- intendent Co-op, stores 1874-85; merchant. KIRKWOOD, JOSEPH SMITH CAMPBELL (son of Thomas Kirkwood and Margaret Campbell of Bridge-of-Weir, Scot- land). Born June 21, 1851, in Scotland. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1866, with older brother, James G. Willie handcart company. Married Alice Elizabeth Pulley July 1, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Pulley and Sarah Morse of Eng- land), who was born Feb. 6, 1869. Their children: Olive Margaret b. July 7, 1881, m. George Linn; Joseph Robert b. Feb. 20, 1884; Charles Albert b. Feb. 16, 1886; James b. Aug. 20. 1891, and Leonard b. May 13, 1893, latter three died; Mary Alice b. June 1, 1901. Family home American Fork, Utah. Elder. Fruit grower and farmer. KJAR, LOUIS CHRISTIAN (son of Lars Christian Kjar, born in 1816 in Denmark). He came to Utah in 1862, Cap- tain Martin company. Married Annie Edith Jensen at Logan temple. Their children: Louis Melroy b. Oct. 25. 1885, m. Ephai L. Bird; Clinton b. March, 1887; Aldred Claudius b. July 18, 1890; Edith Pearl b. Jan. 1892; Curtis Anthon, died; Ruth Gelean b. Feb. 26, ; Florence Cathrine; Lenard Jensen. Family home Manti, Utah. Bishop of Manti south ward. KJAR, LOUIS MELROT (son of Louis Christian Kjar and Annie Edith Jensen). Born Oct. 26, 1885, at Manti. Utah. Married Ephai L. Bird June 18, 1909, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Heber Bird and Alice Ann Evans, of Nephi, Utah), who was born Oct. 31, 1886. Their child: Ronald Melroy b. Nov. 6, 1910. Family home Provo Bench, Utah. Elder. Member M. I. A. of Sharon ward. Farmer and stock raiser. KLEINMAN, CONRAD. Born about 1820 in Germany. Came to Utah in 1847. First wife had no children. His second wife was Mary Ann Germer and of the children, a son is given below. The family home was St. George and Toquerville, Utah. He was a patriarch. Farmer and stock grower. KLEINMAN, JOHN M. (son of Conrad Kleinman and Mary Ann Germer). Born March 10, 1868, Toquerville, Utah. Did not marry. Lived at Marsh Center, Idaho. Was bishop's first counselor and a missionary to the North- western states 1900-1902. Farmer. KNAPP, ALBERT. Born July 10, 1825, Antwerp, Jefferson county, N. T. Came to Utah 1847, contingent Mormon Bat- talion. Married Rozina Shepard at Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Shepard), who was born Jan. 21, 1827. Their chil- dren: Azilca Patena; Lydia M.; Sarah Armina, m. William Lobark Skidmore; Silas A.; Justin A.; Morgan A. Family home Farmington, Utah. KNIGHT, ALONZO (son of Stephen Knight, born May 22, 1784, New Ipswich, N. H., and Polly Knight, born April 29, 1788, Hancock, N. H.; married June 6, 1806). He was born Oct. 14, 1830, Marlow, N. H. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1850, Joseph Young company. Married Catharine Meguire April 24, 1853 (daughter of William Wells Meguire and Charlotte Meguire; pioneers 1862. Captain Curtis company; married Dec. 10, 1828, in Pennsyl- vania). She was born Oct. 15. 1833. Their children: William b. May 31, 1864, m. Florence Dunne March 28, 1872; Charlotte b. May 2, 1857, m. Stephen Green Jan. 3, 1876; Catharine b. Oct. 16, 1858, d. Aug. 21, 1861; Alonzo b. Aug. 22. 1860, d. Sept. 16, 1878; Lucy b. Jan. 16, 1863, m. Robert J. Eames March 29, 1880; Julia Ann b. Dec. 25, 1864, m. Henry Eames Dec. 8, 1881; Stephen b. March 18, 1867, m. Ellen Carver Dec., 1888; Crandal b. March 13, 1869, d. May 10, 1870; Curtis b. Jan. 8, 1871, d. Sept. 4, 1872; Noah b. March 15, 1873, d. Sept. 8, 1878: Marion b. Feb. 6, 1875. Married Martha Sanders Feb. 10, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Moses M. and Amanda Sanders, pioneers 1849- 60), who was born May 25, 1836, in Montgomery county, 111., and died Dec. 31, 1897. Their children: Amanda b. April 3, 1868, m. Charles Richardson Oct. 27, 1873; Dexter b. Jan. 28, 1860, m. Mary Jane Trappit Jan. 7, 1884; Martha b. Oct. 12, 1861, m. Frederick Wheeler March 7, 1883; Joseph b. Jan. 4, 1863, m. Julia Waymin Dec. 8, 1887; John F. b. Feb. 8, 1865; Samuel b. Oct. 9, 1866, m. Maggie Campkin Feb. 10, 1904; Catharine b. April 29, 1869, m. David Jeremy Dec. 17, 1890; Emma b. May 23, 1871, m. Robert Warring Feb. 18, 1890; Mark M. b. June 21, 1877, m. Sarah Rosetta Young- June 26, 1907. Families resided at Plain City, Utah. High priest; seventy. Teacher. KNIGHT, JOHN ALLEW (son of James Knight and Charlotte Allen of Cape Colony, South Africa). Born Jan. 10, 1846, Eutenaug, South Africa. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1864, Captain Patterson company. Married Isadore M. Atwood July 25, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Miner Atwood and Mary Julie of Connecticut; pioneers 1850). She was born Oct. 27, 1848. Their chil- dren: Llllie I.; John M., m. Florence R. Cornell; Adelaide, m. Frederick J. Hatt; William A., m. Effle Phippen; Mary, m. Warren Hilton; Jessie; Charles L., m. Elsie Glen; Milford D.; George H.; Ivey L., m. Harry White; Millan G. Family home, Salt Lake City. Patriarch. Carriage manufacturer. KNIGHT, JOHN M. (son of John Allen Knight and Isadore M Atwood). Born Sept. 14, 1871, Salt Lake City. Married Florence R. Cornell Dec. 21, 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Cornell and Helen C. Graves of Salt Lake City), who was born Jan. 22, 1870, London, Eng. Their children: Montague b. Sept. 27, 1894; Minnie May b. March 27, 1896; Melvin J. b. April 7, 1899; Florence L. b. Dec 24 1900; Phillis L. b. Oct. 13, 1901; Arthur C. b. May 7, 1903- Richard K. b. April 4, 1905; Newell G. b. Feb. 11. 1909; Ralph D. b. Nov. 27, 1911 Family home. Salt Lake City. Member eighth quorum seventies; missionary to central states 1895-98; second counselor In presidency of Ensign stake. Carriage manufacturer. KNIGHT, JOSEPH (son of Joseph Knight and Polly Peck of Marlborough, Windham county, Vt.). Born June 22, 1808, Marlborough, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1850, Thomas Johnson company. Married Betsy Covert March 22, 1832, at Kirtland. Ohio (daughter of James Covert of Cuyahoga county, Ohio) who was born July 27, 1813. Their children: Martha Ann, m. Windsor; Mary E.. m. C. H. Bassett; Rhoda C., m. Thomas Moore; Joseph J., Orpha F., Ellen R., all d. infants. Family home, Salt Lake City. Acting bishop of Winter Quarters and Council Bluffs Iowa. Cooper. Died Nov. 3, 1866, at Salt Lake City. 992 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH KNIGHT, NEWEL, (son of Joseph Knight, one of six men who laid the corner stone of Nauvoo temple and Polly Peck, of Nauvoo, 111.). Born Jan. 11, 1800; died on plains on way to Utah. Married Sally Colburn. Only child: Samuel b. Oct. 14, 1832. Family home Conesville, Broome Co., N. Y. Married Lydia Goldthwaite Nov. 23, 1835, Prophet Joseph Smith officiating at Kirtland, Ohio (daughter of Jesse Goldthwaite and Lydia Goldthwaite Knight, pioneers Oct. 3, 1850, Edward Hunter company, Jesse Havens, Captain 10). She was born 1812. Their children: Sally, m. Zemyra Palmer; James; Joseph, m. Elizabeth Jones; Lydia, m. John R. Young; Newel, m. Caroline Loveless; Jesse, m. Amanda Melvina McEwan; Hyrum, died. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Died Jan. 11, 1847, at Fort Niobrara, Neb. Jesse Knight has erected a monument at his burial place and that of his companions. This monument Is seven miles northwest of Fort Niobrara. KNIGHT, JESSE (son of Newel Knight and Lydia Gold- thwaite). Born Sept. 6, 1845, at Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Amanda Melvina McEwan Jan. 18, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John McEwan and Amanda Higbee, born May 26, 1826, in Chestnut county, Ohio, pioneers 1848). She was born Nov. 13, 1851. Their children: Lydia Minerva b. May 20, 1870, d. 1888; Oscar Raymond b. April 8, 1872, m. Isabel Smith, m. Lottie Heneger; Jesse William b. Aug. 20, 1874, m. Lucy Jane Brimhall; Amanda Inez b. Sept. 8, 1876, m. R. Eugene Allen; Jennie Pearl b. Nov. 7, 1885, m. W. Lester Mangum Sept. 6, 1905; Addie lona b. Dec. 18, 1891, m. Knight Starr Jordan Sept. 1, 1913. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. Founder of the town of Raymond, Canada; built first sugar factory in Northwest territory, being sec- ond sugar factory in Canada. President of all the Knight Investment Company's industries: sugar company, power company, woolen mills, smelter company, Iron Blossom mining company, Colorado mining company, Beck Tunnel, Black Jack and Dragon Consolidated Mining Companies; rail- road, reservoir, light and irrigation companies. Served the party in many capacities and was unanimously nominated as democratic candidate for governor of Utah, but refused to accept. Large contributor to church and charity. Prime mover and principal contributor in the founding of Maeser Hall of the Brigham Young University at Provo. Director Utah Pioneer Book Publishing Co. KNIGHT, JESSE WILLIAM (son of Jesse Knight and Amanda Melvina McEwan). Born Aug. 20, 1874, at Payson, Utah Co., Utah. Married Lucy Jane Brimhall Jan. 18, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Henry Brimhall and Alsina Elizabeth Wilkins of Salt Lake City, Spanish Fork and Provo, Utah, pioneers of 1849). She was born Dec. 13, 1875. Missionary to England 1896-98; first bishop of Raymond ward, Taylor stake, Alberta, Canada; second counselor to President Allen of the Taylor stake; first counselor Jn Utah stake presidency. Nominee for governor on demo- cratic ticket 1908. Associated in the management of the Knight Investment Companies' Interests. KNIGHT, WH.LIAM (son of Thomas Sargent Knight and Charlotte Maires, of Devonport, Devonshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 2, 1846, Devonport. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, War- ren S. Snow company. Married Jane Eliza Holden March 21, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Michael Holden and Eliza Orme of England, pioneer 1854). She was born July 25, 1848. Their chil- dren: William T., d. aged 14; Eliza, m. Charles Johnson; Amy C., m. William J. Burnett; Walter S., m. Emma Drys- dale; Louis M., m. Florence Smith, m. Lillian Gates; Caro- line E., m. Ray E. Montrose; Ivy E., m. Clyde E. Miller; Hazel; Ruby, m. Eugenia M. Clark; Rebecca Gordon, d. in- fant. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Member of 24th quorum seventies; high priest; block teacher. Boot and shoe salesman. KNIGHTON, GEORGE (son of George Knighton and Kath- erlne Rigley of Derbyshire, Eng.). Born April 23, 1846, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1873, on railroad. Married Eliza Johnson May 15, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Johnson and Martha Collough of Bountiful. Utah, who came to Utah 1874, on railroad). She was born Nov. 22, 1858. Their children: George T., m. Mamie Gilbert; Samuel H., m. Hazel Levitt; Katherlne, m. Herman A. Gardner; Mary E., m. Oliver A. Penrod; Martha H., m. William C. Penrod; Elizabeth M., m. William H. Oram; Daniel W.; Myrtle A., d. Infant. Elder and ward teacher. Farmer. Served In Civil war 18 months. Died Jan. 4, 1899, Benjamin, Utah. KNOWL.ES, EDWAHD AUSTIN (son of Samuel Knowles. born July, 1811, Kingsnorth, Eng., and Ann Austin born March, 1812, Parish of Wye, Kent, Eng.). Born March 4, 1848, at Parish of Wye. Came to Utah 1869, last company. Married Elizabeth Jane Smith Nov. 9, 1892. in temple at Logan, Utah (daughter of William Smith and Hannah Dufosee, married April 23, 1862, Salisbury, Wiltshire, Eng., pioneers 1862, Henry Miller company). She was born Feb. 13, 18G8, Mill Creek, Utah. Their children: Emily L. b. Sept. 18, 1895; Elizabeth A. b. May 14, 1897; Hannah D. b. Nov. 1, 1900; Edward S. b. July 13. 1903; Nellie I. b. Oct. 4, 1904; James W. b. Sept. 5, 1908. Family home Avon, Utah. Priest. Settled at Salt Lake City; moved to North Ogden, 1873; Avon, Cache county, 1895. President Y. M. M. I. A. at North Ogden; missionary to England 1892; bishop's coun- selor. Farmer. KNOWLES, THOMAS (son of Richard Knowles and Sarah Roster, of Lancashire, Eng.). Born May 11, 1823, at Man- chester. Came to Utah 1852. Married Eliza Osborn, Dec. 27, 1844, at Bristol, Eng., who was born March, 1820. Their children: Henry Thomas; Emma Eliza; Emiline Louisa; Alva Gowin; Unity Ann; Sarah Maria. Family home Nephi, Juab Co., Utah. Member 47th quorum seventies; teacher. Farmer. Died Dec. 30, 1887. KNOWLES, HENRY THOMAS (son of Thomas Knowles and Eliza Osborn). Born April 10, 1847, Lowell, Mass. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sarah Elizabeth Stewart, Dec. 23, 1875, at Nephl (daughter of John Stewart and Mary Crawshaw, of Man- chester, Eng.), who was born Feb. 1, 1853. Their children: Henry Franklin b. Sept. 26, 1876; Gertrude Stewart b. Feb. 15, 1879; Florence Elizabeth b. April 12, 1881, died; Thomas William b. June 14, 1883, died; Oscar Dennis b. Sept. 4, 1886, died; Ida Stewart b. Sept. 29, 1887; Leo Osborn b. March 21, 1890; Alva Raymond b. Dec. 15, 1892; Mary Stew- art b. April 27, 1895, died. Family resided St. Johns, Ariz, and Nephi, Utah. Member 47th quorum seventies; missionary to Arizona 1876-88; teacher. Coroner. Carpenter. KSTOWLTON, SIDNEY ALCARNER (son of Ephralm Knowl- ton born Oct. 3, 1773, and Jemima Farnham of Ashford, Conn.). Born May 24, 1792. Married Harriet Burnham June 30, 1816 (daughter of John and Sarah Burnham). She was born March 7, 1797. Their children: Ruhamah B. b. Sept. 6, 1817, m. Erastus H. Derby Aug. 10, 1834; Harriet Virginia b. March 30, 1820; Martha Jane b. June 3, 1822, m. Howard Cory Feb. 6, 1841; Julian b. Aug. 17, 1824; Ephraim b. March 22, 1827; Mary Ann b. Sept. 11, 1829, m. William H. Hooper Dec. 24. 1852; George Washington b. July 4, 1832; John Quincy b. July 9, 1835, m. Margette Vanderhoof Feb. 8, 1857; Benjamin Franklin b. Jan. 30, 1838, m. Rhoda A. J. Richards Oct. 31, 1863; Marcia Eliza b. Dec. 19, 1841. Married Charlotte Artegren at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Allen Artegren), who was born Dec. 25, 1825, In Sweden. Their children: Abraham B. b. Oct. 30, 1863, m. Nettie D. Horsley May 13, 1891. Farmer and stockraiser. KNOWLTON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (son of Sidney Algar- ner Knowlton and Harriet Burnham). Born Jan. 30, 1838, at Bear Creek, Hancock county, 111. Married Rhoda A. J. Richards Oct. 31, 1863, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Willard and Jennetta Richards). Their children: Wilhelmlna b. Feb. 13, 1865; Benjamin Franklin b. Sept. 11, 1866, m. Sarah Clark April 14, 1886: Jennetta b. Oct. 12, 1868; Harriet b. Nov. 23, 1870, m. Daniel T. Miller June 27, 1897; Sidney b. March 4. 1873; William Hooper b. Dec. 27, 1874; Ida b. Nov. 4, 1876, m. S. Norman Lee Sept. 11, 1899; Heber John b. Sept. 20, 1878; George Quincy b. June 19, 1880, m. Rozilpha Jepson Sept. 11, 1907; Willard Richards b. April 8, 1882. Farmer and stockraiser. KNOWLTON, GEORGE QUINCY (son of Benjamin Franklin Knowlton and Rhoda A. J. Richards). Born June 19, 1880, Farmington, Utah. Married Rozilpha Jepson Sept. 11, 1907, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of James Jepson born Oct. 13, 1854, Center- ville, 'Utah, and Lucinda Stratton born Jan. 12, 1857, Cedar, Iron Co., Utah). She was born July 27, 1883, at Virgin, Utah. Their children: Jessie Jennetta b. Sept. 20, 1908; Dorothy b. Nov. 1, 1911. KNOX, WIIXIAM (son of William Knox and Dorothy Carlisle of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng.). Born July 5, 1816, Splttal. near Berwick, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855. Married Kate Team 1856. at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Team of Ferryhill, Eng., pioneer 1860). She was born Dec. 25, 1840. Their children: John, m. Agnes Roper; Sarah, m. Charles Host; Peter; Katherine, m. Arthur D. Springall; Helen, m. Samuel Pollck; Hannah, m. John Ward; Matilda, m. John Thomas; Mary, m. George Kemp; James, m. Nora Booth. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy; high priest; block teacher; home missionary. Worked as carpenter on Salt Lake temple. Contractor and builder. Died Feb. 22, 1891, Salt Lake City. KNUDSON, WIL.L.IAM (son of Jense Knudson and Juliane Maria Jensen of Copenhagen, Denmark). Born Jan. 26, 1834, Copenhagen. Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1852. Married Lauria Amelia Christensen March 20, 1854, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Hoirup and Hannah PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 993 Christensen of Holbek, Denmark). She was born Feb. 14, 1834. Came to Utah 1863, John Forsgren company). Their children: Charles William, m. Emily Clarke; Joseph, m. Josephine Carlson; Peter, m. Dlniah Hanson; William O., m. Alice Larsen; James, m. Amelia Kaiser; Lauria Amelia, d. Nov. 8, 1864; Juliane Fatlme, m. August Valentine; Jonathan C., m. Jennie Prichard; Lorenzo, d. July 16, 1869; Franklin, d. April 29, 1871; Rozella, m. Oluf Petersen; Williamine Dosine, d. Feb. 11, 1876; Hanna Lorinda, d. Dec. 29, 1877. Family home Brigham City, Utah. One of the first nine converts of the L. D. S. church to sail from Copenhagen to America, Jan. 31, 1862. Settled at Brigham City 1864. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Guard during- Indian troubles. Farmer and fruitgrower. Died April 20, 1900. KNUDSON, CHARLES WILLIAM (son of William Knudson and Lauria Amelia Christensen). Born Jan. 18, 1865, at Brigham City, Utah. Married Emily Clarke Oct. 23, 1879, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John H. Clarke and Elizabeth Heaver of Weston, Idaho, pioneers October, 1866, Richard Ballantyne company). She was born March 12, 1860. Their children: Charles Albert b. July 8, 1880, d. Infant; Orville b. June 13, 1881, d. Nov. 18, 1882; Lylla Emily b. Sept. 19, 1883, m. C. C. Clayton; Vinna b. June 16, 1886, d. Jan. 29, 1890; Louella Emeline b. Sept. 16, 1888; Ethel Elizabeth b Dec. 1, 1890; Earl John b. Sept. 16, 1893; Ray Evelln b. Nov. 17, 1896; Opal b. Oct. 9, 1898; Baby girl b. June 4. 1906, d. same day. Family home Brigham City, Utah. One of council 68th quorum seventies; missionary to Scan- dinavia 1883-85; ward clerk seven years; city councilman. Fruit and produce dealer. KNUTSON, II v\s (son of Knud Kokenson and Eli Neilsen). Born Oct. 24, 1819, Finstadsveen, Lorten, Hede- marken, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1864, John Smith independent company. Married Bergite Larson Loken (Johnson) 1850, In Norway (daughter of Lars Loken of Elverum, Hedemarken, Norway). She was born Dec. 23, 1816. Their children: Chrlstena, m. Christian Nelson; Andrew, m. Chasty Sward; Herman, m. Amanda Evert; Bertha, m. Peter Madsen; Ellen, died. Fam- ily home Provo, Utah. Bergite Larson Loken first married John Johnson, pioneer, Oct. 1, 1864. Their children: Ingere b. March 14, 1844, m. J. P. R. Johnson; Lena b. Dec. 9, 1846, m. Peter Madsen; John b. June 7, 1849, m. Ingere Sward. KOEEN, SVANTE JOHAN (son of Svante Anderson, born 1798 at Kil, Sweden, and Brita Anderson of Rada, Sweden). He was born Dec. 30, 1836, at Rada, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866. Married Anna Arvidson 1868 at Salt Lake City, who came to Utah with Captain Scott company. Only child: Oscar b. Sept. 22, 1872. Married Johannah Louisa Karlson 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Anders Karlson). Their children: Frances b. July 17, 1789. d. 1906; Isaac b. Nov. 11, 1891; Ruth b. Sept. 14, 1893; Esther b. April 29, 1895; Mary b. Feb. 24, 1897; Enes b. April 1, 1899; Svean J. b. May 15, 1901. Missionary to Sweden twice; high priest. Tailor; farmer; stockralser. KOFFORD, WILLARD. Married Christena Nellson Nov. 14, 1881, at Mount Pleas- ant, Utah (daughter of Hogan Neilson and Johannah Larson). Their children: Anna Christena, died; Wlllard Hogan, m. Veda Mieling; Clarence Louis, m. Elnora Millett. Family home, Provo, Utah. KOFFORD, WILLARD HOGAN (son of Willard Kofford). Born May 24, 1858, at Bornholm, Denmark. Married Veda Mieling July 20, 1909, at Provo, Utah (daugh ter of James Christena Mieling and Hanna Peterson both of Mount Pleasant, Utah). She was born Aug. 31, 1888. Their children: Evelyn Viola b. April 3, 1910. KOFFORD, CLARENCE LOUIS (son of Wlllard Kofford and Christena Nielson). Born July 31, 1887, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Nancy Lanora Millett Sept. 26, 1906, Provo Bench, Utah (daughter of Artemus Millett and Nancy Beal of Provo), who was born Feb. 8, 1890. Their children: Berla b. April 6. 1907; C. Clarence b. Dec. 17, 1908; Ned Millett b. Oct. 2, 1910. KOTTER, HENRY HERMAN LUDVICK (son of Frederick Kotter born Nov. 22, 1806, of Housten Beck, Lippdetmoltd, Germany, and Johana Held born March 13, 1807, at Lage, Germany, who were married Jan. 25, 1835). Born Nov. 20, 1837. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott company. Married Patrenna Henrietta Boasroup August, 1866, Wyoming, Neb. (daughter of Redellck Christian Boasroup and Anna Christen Mons). She was born Nov. 8, 1840, d. Aug. 3, 1890. Their children: William Fredrick b. Jan. 14, 1868, m. Ellen Jensen; Johana b. March 8. 1870, m. J. Z. Stewart; Henry Ludvlc b. Feb. 19, 1872, m. Alfreda Larsen 63 (died), m. Jean Bott; Patrenna b. Jan. 18, 1874, m. J. H. Sel- ley; Ludvick Boasroup b. Oct. 29, 1877, died; Christena Sophia b. Feb. 21, 1876, died; Frederick Oscar b. Jan. 16, 1880; Elnora Henrietta b. Aug. 21. 1882. Married Wihelmlna Erlckson Feb. 22, 1893, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Carl Victor Erickson and Bertha Eliza- beth Erickson; former came to Utah 1894). She was born April 6, 1868, in Sweden. Their children: Henrietta Wilhel- mina b. May 4, 1894; Ruby Viola b. Aug. 4, 1896; Victor Mc- Kinley b. Nov. 3, 1896; Herman Bernard b. July 20, 1897; Homer Clifford b. Nov. 26, 1900; Gertrude Almina b. April 22, 1903; Norma Elizabeth b. Jan. 2, 1905; Elmer Henry b. Aug. 24, 1907; Vendell Carl b. March 31, 1909. Families re- sided at Brigham City, Utah. Member city council of Brigham six years; superintend- ent of water works two years. Brickmaker; farmer, gar- dener and fruit grower. KUHRB, MARTIN PEDERSEN (son of Peder Hansen Kuhre, born 1803, and Gundel Kristine Pederson, born May 26, 1802, both of Ronne, Bornholm. Denmark). Born Sept. 16, 1838, at Ronne. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862. Married Hansine Katrine Jensen Feb. 1, 1862 (daughter of Hans Jensen and Ane Kjerstine Hansen), who was born July 27, 1838, and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: William Dobbie b. Jan. 21, 1863, m. Alice A. Drown April 14, 1886; Kristine Maria b. Jan. 16, 1864. Family home Ephraim, San Pete Co., Utah. KUHRE, WILLIAM DOBBIE (son of Martin Pedersen Kuhre and Hansine Katrine Jensen). Born Jan. 21, 1863, at Ephraim, Utah. Married Alice Adella Drown April 14, 1886, at Logan, Utah (daughter of David T. Drown and Sarah O. Newell), who was born Dec. 18, 1865, West Jordftn, Utah. Their children: Leon William b. May 10, 1887; Helen b. May 12, 1889; Kenneth Drown b. Feb. 21, 1891; Martin Grover b. March 4, 1893; Alice b. June 12, 1896; Ella b. July 16, 1898; Newell John b. July 7, 1900; Thelma b. Sept. 9, 1903; Udell Jensen b. Aug. 21, 1908. Family resided Mantl, Salt Lake City and Sandy, Utah. Member bishopric 1892-1900; bishop of Sandy, Utah; mis- sionary to Denmark. Member of school board; mayor of Sandy. KCNZ, JOHN (son of John Kunz and Roslna Catharine Klossner). Born Jan. 20, 1823, Dlemtigen, Canton, Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah Aug. 5, 1870, Karl G. Maeser company. Married Rosina Knuttt Oct. 20, 1842 (daughter of David Knutti and Catharine Mani), who was born June 21, 1819. and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John b. Feb. 7, 1844, m. Magdaline Straubhaar Nov. 11, 1863, m. Sophia Straubhaar Oct. 26, 1874; m. Magdalena Linder Nov. 2, 1874; m. Louisa Weibel; m. Margerette Lauener; m. Elizabeth Boss; Roslna b. Oct. 21, 1845, m. Jesse Dredge Oct. 22, 1866; Christian b. Dec. 26, 1846, m. Eliza Buhler Oct., 1870; Catharine b. Sept. 20, 1848, m. James Chlvers July 1903; Samuel b. May 18, 1851, m. Eliza Hannl 1872; Gott- fried b. June 30, 1863; David b. Oct. 30, 1856. m. Louise Jacobs Oct. 10, 1878; Jacob b. Aug. 5, 1859, m. Rosa Hlrschi April 1883; William b. Dec. 5, 1860, m. Eliza Eschler May 4, 1882; Robert b. Dec. 16, 1862, m. Caroline Eschler May 4, 1882. Married Catharine Zemp Oct. 29, 1884. Logan, Utah (daughter of Peter Zemp and Barbara Stadelmann), who was born Oct. 6, 1837, In Canton, Luzerne, Switzerland. Families resided at Bern, Idaho. KUNZ, JOHN, JR. (son of John Kunz and Rosina Knutti). Born Feb. 7, 1844, Diemtigen, Switzerland. Came to Utah July 2, 1873. Married Magdellne Straubhaar Nov. 11, 1863 (daughter of Peter Straubhaar and Johanna Eggen). Their children: William John b. March 14, 1865, m. Anna Schmld May 6, 1887; Jacob b. April 17, 1866; Rose b. May 16, 1867, m. Gott- fried Eschler May 4, 1882; John b. July 14, 1869, m. Mary Schmld April 11, 1894; Magdelina M. b. Oct. 11, 1871. Married Sophia Straubhaar Oct. 26, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Straubhaar and Johanna Eggen). No children. , Married Magdalena Linder Nov. 2, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Linder). Their children: Mary M. b. Oct. 16, 1875; Catharine b. Jan. 30, 1878; Eliza R. b. June 14, 1880, m. Jesse H. Dredge Sept. 20. 1898; Wilford J. b. Sept. 24, 1883. Married Louisa Weibel (daughter of Jacob Weibel and Louisa Kaufman). No children. Married Margerette Lauener (daughter of Christian Lauener and Margerette Gertsch). Their children: Charles C b May 21, 1892; Lovina H. b. July 28, 1893; Abel C. b. Aug 23, 1896; Heber C. b. Dec. 7, 1898; Melvin b. June 21, 1900- Milton L. b. Jan. 6, 1902; Jesse A. b. Oct. 6. 1903; George S. b. Sept. 20, 1906; Ursula G. b. March 8, 1908; Louisa b. Feb. 16, 1910. Married Elizabeth Boss (daughter of John Boss and Mary Ann Gertsch). Their children: Agnes R. b. July 23, 1890, m A. H. Dansle; Julia E. b. Jan. 20, 1893, m. A. Schmid; Parley P b. Oct. 28, 1894; Hedwlg H. b. Sept. 29. 1896; Lucy M. b. Nov. 13, 1898; Lydia b. May 13, 1900. Families re- sided Bern, Idaho. Bishop of Bern ward 1890-1913. 994 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH L.4IRD, JAMBS (son of Edward Laird and Sarah Barr of Bonebefore, County Antrim, Ireland). Born Dec. 25, 1825. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, Captain Willie handcart company. Married Mary Rainey Aug. 20, 1847, in Scotland (daugh- ter of Hughey Mickle Rainey and Elizabeth Creelman of Scotland). She was born July 3, 1826. Their children: Joseph Smith, m. Persls McKee; Edward; Elizabeth, m. Richard Windmill; Almina, m. William Wright; Mary; James; Harriett Ann, Sophia, and Sarah, died; Alexander (died), m. Clarisa Riley. Family home. Salt Lake City. One of the first settlers at Spanish Fork 1867, Heber City 1869 and Parley's Canyon 1862. Farmer. LAIRD, EDWARD (son of James Laird and Mary Rainey). Born Feb. 12, 1852, at Anet Lodge, Irvin Parish, Scotland. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, Captain Willie handcart com- pany. Married Valeria Ann Flint Jan. 15, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Flint 1848 and Mary Jane Goodrich 1860. pioneers 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Jan. 14, 1853, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Ed- ward William b. Oct. 27, 1872, m. Annie McKean; Valeria Ann b. May 31, 1874, m. James Taggart; Mary b. Oct. 8, 1875, m. Henry Taggart; James b. May 14, 1877, m. Mayme Harris; Joseph Albert b. Sept. 12, 1878, m. Louie Davidson; Harriett Jane b. May 27, 1880, m. Howell H. Harries; Eliza- beth Elmira b. Dec. 30, 1882, died; Rhoda Lois b. Dec. 6, 1883, m. Frank Naylor; Fidelia Flint b. March 6, 1886, m. Charles F. Snelgrove; Royal Martin b. March 6, 1888, died 1892. Family home 820 East Twelfth South, Salt Lake City. Farmer; freighter; general contractor; sheepman. Early settler to Idaho. LAKE!, WILLIAM (son of John and Nancy Lake of Bramp- ton, Eng.). Born March 11, 1812, Brampton. Came to Utah in 1862, Milo Andrus company. Married Maria Wight. Their child: Ann Maria b. July 9, 1844. Married Ellen Grimes, Council Bluffs, Iowa. She was born April 16, 1840. Their children: John William b. April 13, 1862, m. Annie Elizabeth Everett; Robert b. Oct. 2, 1863, m. Lilly Coats; Emma Jane b. March 22, 1865, m. Mr. Thornstensen; James Henry b. March 2, 1867, m. Maggie Coats; Annie b. Aug. 2, 1868, deceased; Mary Ellen b. Sept. 23, 1870, m. John William Truscutt; Sarah Elizabeth b. Dec. 25, 1872, m. George Farnsworth; Edward b. Sept. 28, 1874; Rossie b. Dec. 16, 1875, m. Herbert Farnsworth; Ella b. Aug. 11, 1878, died. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Settled at Ephraim; moved to Circleville where he took an active part in the early Indian troubles. Physician. Died Nov. 5, 1891, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. LAKE, JOHN WILLIAM (son of William Lake and Ellen Grimes). Born April 13, 1862, Ephraim, Utah. Married Annie Elizabeth Everett March 13, 1883, Mt. Pleasant, Utah (daughter of Charles Washington Everett and Elizabeth Coats). She was born April 13, 1866. Their adopted child: Basil Guy b. Feb. 2, 1895. Family home Castle Dale, Utah. President 91st quorum seventies; missionary to Oregon; ward teacher 18 years; Sunday school superintendent. Treasurer Castle Dale two years. Stockralser and farmer. LAMB, SUEL (son of Erastus Lamb, born 1806, and Abigail M. Jackson, born 1808, both of Connecticut, former died while crossing plains to Utah). He was born March 1, 1833, Huron, Wayne county, N. Y. Left Nauvoo 1846, arrived in Utah October, 1862, James Snow company. Married Elizabeth Zimmerman Nov. 30, 1864, Lehi, Utah (daughter of George G. Zimmerman and Julia Ann Hoke). who came to Utah in William Critchlow's company. Their children: Elizabeth Victorine b. Oct. 19, 1866, m. William Hyde Jan. 20, 1873; Julia Ann b. Dec. 26, 1867, m. Joseph B. Roper Dec. 28, 1877; Susie b. Jan. 12, 1860, m. William Hawkes Oct. 11, 1878; Harriet Emeline b. Feb. 23, 1862, m. James Johnson Dec. 23, 1880; Olive Rosan b. May 30. 1864, m. Joseph Johnson Oct. 29, 1884; Suel Erastus b. Nov. 20, 1866, m. Phoebe A. Thurston Dec. 12, 1888; Margaret Elsie b. April 1, 1869, m. Joseph T. Sharp April 1, 1888; Myra Christenia b. April 19, 1871, m. Joseph B. Daines Oct. 24, 1889; George Zimmerman b. Aug. 2, 1873, m. Jane E. Grant June 6, 1894; John James b. Oct. 4, 1876, m. Tracy Thurston March 6, 1896. Married Anna Wys in 1864 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Wys and Elizabeth Wayman, former a pioneer, handcart company). She was born Sept. 1, 1839, Zurich, Switzerland. Married Susan Kirby in 18S4 at Logan, Utah (daughter of John Klrby and Charlotte Wright), who was born May 6, 1836. Shipmeadow, Suffolk, Eng. Missionary among the Indians 1863; bishop's counselor to Robert Daines of Hyde Park 16 years. School trustee of Hyde Park. Died Feb. 10, 1913. Married Mary Alice Cannon Nov., 1844, at Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of George Cannon and Ann Quayle of Liverpool, Eng.). She was born Dec. 9, 1828. Their children: Charles J., m. Lillie Druce and Mary Hovey; George C., m. Mary Alice Needham and Rosina Cannon; Richard G.. m. Mary Ann Jenkins and Martha Hovey; Mary A., m. Thomas H. Woodbury; Ann T. and Leonora E., m. Isaac M. Waddell; David H.. m. Minnie Eldredge; Sarah M., m. Louis C. Shaw; Elizabeth, died; Angus M., m. Edna Snow; Joseph, d. infant; James C, m. Mary Waddell; Ellas, died infant; Alma C. m. Mary Woods. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Euphemia Gillespy 1872 at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Ralph Gillespy and Margaret Thompson, who came to Utah July 12, 1871). Their children: Elizabeth, m. Joseph Porter; William G., m. Olive Patten; Isaac G. m Florence Cottrell; Thomas G., m. Pearl E. Tomllnson; Maggie G., m. John Carlson. Family home. Salt Lake City. Senior president 23d quorum seventies; missionary to England, 1882-83 and 1870-71; block teacher. Stone cutter and mason. Died May 2, 1892, at Salt Lake City. LAMBERT, GEORGE C. (son of Charles Lambert and Mary Alice Cannon). Born April 11, 1848, at Winter Quarters Neb. Came to Utah October, 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Mary Alice Needham May 1, 1871, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Needham and Alice Warburton, both of St. Louis, Mo., pioneers 1864). She was born March 25, 1853. Their children: May N. b. May 4, 1872, died infant- George C. b. Dec. 10. 1873, m. Kate Y. Clawson; James N! b. June 18, 1876, m. Maria G. James; Mary A. N. b. Ausr 10 1878, m. John G. Peart; William N. b. Nov., 1881, died when 10 years old; Lester N. b. Sept. 20, 1885, m. Afton Eldredge- Zina N. b. Nov. 17, 1S87. m. W. Haven Willey; Grace N. b. May 19, 1890, m. George P. Frayner; Felicia N. b. April LAMBERT, CHARLES (son of Charles Lambert and Sarah Greaves of Kirk Delghton, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 30, 1816. Came to Utah October, 1849, was captain in Allen Taylor company. , o. Married Rosina M. Cannon Nov. 4, 1872, at Salt Lake City (adopted daughter of George Q. Cannon, but daughter of James Mathews and Mary Oakey). She was born Oct., 1862. Their children: Edna C. b. April 27,- 1874, m. Eugene M. Cannon; Leroy C. b. Dec. 23, 1877. d. infant; Ettie C b. May 23, 1880. m. Emil Egli; Mamie C. b. Dec. 17 1885 m. James Smith; Sidney C. b. Jan. 22. 1891. d. aged is' Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1882-84; senior president 23d quorum seventies; worker in Salt Lake temple. Manager Deseret News 1887-92. President and manager Lambert Paper Company 1893; president Lambert Manufacturing Co., Lambert Roofing Co. and Lambert Calendar and Novelty Company. LAMBERT, JOHN (son of Richard Lambert, born July 10 1771, West Martin, Yorkshire, Eng., and Patience Vey of Yorkshire married Oct. 6, 1811, in Yorkshire). Born Jan. 31, 1820, at Gargrave, Yorkshire. Came to Utah Sept 11, 1860, Lorenzo Young company. Married Adelia G. Groesbeck Feb. 6, 1846, at Sugar Creek, Iowa (daughter of Garret L. Groesbeck and Mercy Bos- worth), who was born April 14, 1822; came to Utah Sept. 12, 1860, Thos. Johnson company. Their children: Martha Adelaide b. Feb. 24, 1847, m. William R. Green Feb. 24, 1866; John Carlos b. Sept. 20, 1849, m. M. A. Woodard 1882 and Olevia F. Anderson 1886; Mary Adelia b. Sept. 11, 1851, m. William Gibson 1873; Sarah Amelia b. March 9 1863 m Silas M. Pack Jan. 6, 1874; Richard Franklin b. Feb 11 1856, m. Elva E. Woolstenhulme 1886; Jededlah Grant b. July 10, 1867, m. Alice M. Myrick 1887; Ann Maria b. May 24, 1861, m. Thomas A. White 1883; Emma Cordelia b. Jan. 6, 1864, m. Don C. Pack 1896; Mercy Harriet b. March 21 1866, m. Daniel B. Lewis Jan. 25, 1887. Family resided Salt Lake City and Kamas. Married Elena Hansena Larsen in 1885, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Larsen and Elena Dorathea Benson of Denmark, pioneers Sept. 30, 1853, Capt. John Forsgren com- pany married Aug., 1836, at Copenhagen, Denmark). She was born Sept. 13, 1838, in Denmark. Their children: Joseph Heber b. Oct. 27, 1856. m. Alice Matilda Mitchie Jan. 7, 1886; Ephraim b. Nov. 4, 1858, m. Agnes Catherine Harriette Mitchie April 1880; Dan b. March 2, 1861, m. May Young March 6, 1884; Eleanor Dorothea b. April 9, 1863. m. Robert Moroni Mitchie Jan. 7, 1886; Mary Elizabeth b. June 14, 1866, m. Robert Booth Montgomery Oct. 18, 1886; Sarah Christine b. Aug. 20, 1867, d. Sept. 18. 1867; Rebecca Cornelia b. Aug. 30, 1868, m. Ephraim Merritt Jan. 26, 1886; John Benjamin b. March 10, 1871, m. Edith Lemon Oct., 1892; Laura Amanda b. July 1, 1873, d. July 3. 1876; Parley William b. H July 28, 1876, d. Dec. 4. 1892; Emeline Agnes b. May 19. 1879, m. Frank Carpenter 1901; Alice Adelia b. Feb. 7. 1882. d. infant. Family resided. Salt Lake City and Kamas. Member 9th quorum seventies. Settled at Salt Lake City 1860, moved to Kamas in 1861; at both places took an active part in upbuild of country. Member Nauvoo legion. Echo Canyon war veteran. Worked on Salt Lake temple. Brick- mason. Died Nov. 26, 1893, at Kamas. LAMBERT, JOHN CARLOS (son of John Lambert, born 1820, Yorkshire, Eng., and Adelia G. Groesbeck, born 18?2, Trum- bull Co., Ohio, married 1846). Born Sept. 20, 1849, at Kansas City, Mo. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1860, L. Young company. Married Margarete Ann Woodard Feb. 23, 1882, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles N. Woodard and Margarete Ann Malin, pioneers 1847). She was born Feb. 19, 1859, at Salt Lake City, died Jan. 6, 1883, at Kamas, Utah. The only child was Margarete Ann, who died young. Married Olevia Frances Anderson April 14, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Ove Anderson and Dorothy PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 995 Erlckson, pioneers 1847). She was born Nov. 11, 1860, at Salt Lake City. Their children: John Carlos b. Feb. 12, 1887. m. Laura Seymour Sept. 23. 1908; Roy Grant b. April 18, 1888; Olive Alberta b. Feb. 2, 1890, m. Clarence E. Jones June 1, 1910; Alfred William b. March 22, 1892; Harold Alma b. June 18, 1894; Parley Henry b. March 27, 1896; Lorraine b. April 27, 1900. Family resided, Salt Lake City and Kamas. Ward clerk at Kamas eight years. County commissioner; county road commissioner; justice of peace; school trustee; constable; mayor of Kamas. School teacher. Indian war veteran. Farmer and stockraiser. Died June 29, 1912, at Kamas. LAMBERT, JOHN CARLOS, JR. (son of John C. Lambert and Olevia Frances Anderson). Born Feb. 12, 1887, Kamas, Utah. Married Laura Seymour Sept. 23, 1908 (daughter of Charles W. Seymour and Elizabeth Brown; former came to Utah 1853, latter in 1864). She was born June 8. 1886. Only child: Beth b. Aug. 3, 1911. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder; superintendent Sunday school at Kamas 1907-08; 2d counselor in Y. M. M. I. A. of Kanab ward 1909. School teacher 1907-09. Deputy state dairy and food commissioner 1911-13. Graduate B. Y. U. 1907. Bachelor of Science Utah Agricultural college 1911. LAMBERT, JOSEPH HEBER (son of John Lambert and Elena H. Larsen). Born Oct. 27, 1866, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Alice Matilda Mitchie Jan. 7, 1886, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Robert Mitchie of Scotland and Frances Potts of England, pioneers Aug. 1861). She was born Jan. 6, 1866. Their children: Joseph Robert b. Nov. 11, 1886; Ralph b. Nov. 14, 1888, d. Infant; Delia b. Feb. 13, 1893; Donald b. April 20, 1896, d. infant; Harold b. Aug. 1, 1898; Gladys b. Dec. 6, 1900; Minola b. July 28, 1903; Alta b. Oct. 6, 1906; Reed b. June 12, 1908. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. President high priests quorum, Roosevelt; missionary to Holland 1889-92; high councilor; stake Sunday school super- intendent; one of presidents of seventies; counselor to Bishop Hansen of Roosevelt ward; secretary Y. M. M. I. A. of Kamas ward. Member Heber City council. Settled In Kamas 1861; moved to Heber City 1885, and to Roosevelt 1908; at all these places has assisted in building up the country. I.AMBORN, JOSEPH THOMAS (son of John Lamborn and Ellen Bailey of Bath, Somersetshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 20, 1885, at Bath. Came to Utah 1864. Married Emily Hulda Sprague, born Jan. 16, 1858 (daugh- ter of Festus Sprague and Lydia Barrus). Their children: Joseph Edwin b. July 18, 1879; Mary Ellen b. Oct. 4, 1881; Emily Eliza b. March 23, 1883; Lydia Maltnda b. Jan. 18, 1885; Cora b. May 6. 1889. President of fourth elders quorum 1903-07; assistant super- intendent of Sunday school; ward teacher. Village treasurer. Director In Marysville State bank and Farmers' elevator; stockholder in Marysville Mercantile Co. and Marysville creamery. L.AMBSON, ALFRED B. (son of Boaz Lampson and Polly Walworth of Niagara Co., N. Y.). Born Aug. 27, 1820, Niagara Co., N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1847, Elijah E. Fuller company. Married Melissa G. Bigler Nov. 25, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Mark Bigler and Susanna Ogden of West Virginia). She was born March 24, 1825. Their children: Melissa J., m. Albert W. Davis; Julina L., m. Joseph F. Smith; Edna L., m. Joseph F. Smith; Alfred B., m. Eveline DeWitt. Family home 17th ward, Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to West Indian islands 1852-54. Ma- chinist and blacksmith. Died Feb. 26, 1905, 17th ward, Salt Lake City. LANE, JAMES. Born March 1, 1834, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1861, James S. Brown company. Married Sophia S. Brown in 1859, Redding, Berkshire, Eng. (daughter of Daniel Brown and Sarah Stopes of Oxfordshire, Eng.). She was born April 17, 1834. Their children: William J., d. aged 18 months; Louisa, m. James Herridge; Sophia J., m. Theodore McKean; Clara E., m. Samuel B. Hazen; Charlotte A., m. Nathan Gedge; Ida M., m. Peter Clegg; Camilla N., m. Horace Hollingworth. Family home Brighton ward, Salt Lake City. Seventy; choir leader. Boiler maker and farmer. Died Feb. 10, 1879, Brighton ward, Salt Lake City. LANEY, ISAAC (son of Culbert Means Laney and Margaret Cook of Simpson county, Ky.). Born Dec. 19, 1815, in Simpson county, Ky. Came to Utah in 1847, Captain Hunter company. Married Sarah Ann Howard March 26, 1841, in Glrard, Macoupin county. 111. (daughter of Samuel Howard and Margaret Disher), who was born Sept. 16, 1822. Their chil- dren: Margaret Elizabeth b. Jan. 13, 1843, m. James Elijah Malin; George Culbert. Family home. Salt Lake City. One of the presidents in seventies quorum. Died Oct. 31, 1873, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Sarah E. Olson March 18, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Shure Olson and Ellen Jacobs of Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct. 26, 1849, Charles Hopkins company). She was born Dec. 30, 1864. Their children: Sarah Ellen and Mary Ann b. Oct. 29, 1881; Jeremiah E. b. March 1, 1884, m. Florence Tuddenham; Estella b. Jan. 16, 1887, m. Albert Leroy Taylor; Lester O. b. Nov. 14, 1890; Florence b. Dec. 22, 1892; Ralph Jackson b. Dec. 23, 1896. L.ANCFORD, WILLIAM E. (son of Jeremiah Langford and Mary E. Jackson). Born Jan. 16, 1860. Married Caroline A. Reed (daughter of Lev! W. Reed and Matilda Pettit). She was born April 1, 1869. at Salt Lake City married Oct. 10, 1876, at Salt Lake City. Their children: William L. b. April 25, 1878; Levl A. b. Oct. 31, 1879, d. aged 27; Pearl A. b. June 28, 1881; Jeremiah b. May 27, 1883, d. aged 8; Francis b. May 27, 1883, d. infant; Ira A. b. June 12, 1886, m. Lillian Baker; Ruby O. b. Sept. 16, 1890; Mary E. b. Dec. 28, 1892; John O. b. Nov. 6, 1894; Lewis W. b. Nov. 15, 1898; Archie C. b. Dec. 26, 1900. Family home, Salt Lake City. LANGLEY, GEORGE. Born Sept. 20, 1818, in Tennessee. Came to Utah in September, 1848. Married Mary Turner. Their children: Elsie; Mary; George. Married Martha Frost Aches in 1846, Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of McCleane Frost and Pirrina Smith of North Caro- lina pioneers Sept., 1856). She was born 1826, Knox county, Tenn. Their children: Martha Mclnna, m. Hyrum Karren; Perrina McCleane, m. James Allen. Missionary to Memphis, Tenn; Brigham Young's body- guard. Captain of police at Nauvoo. Captain of first company that came across the ice at Nauvoo. Standing guard at Nauvoo temple. Built first adobe house at Salt Lake City. Died Feb. 24, 1850, and was first man buried in Salt Lake cemetery. I/ANGSTON, JOHN (son of Francis Langston and Elizabeth Heathecut). Born March 8, 1822, in London, Eng. Came to Utah in 1854. Married Clarinda Phillips Sept. 6, 1844 (daughter of Israel Phillips and Dorothy Rose, the former came to Utah 1864). She was born Jan. 19, 1829. Their children: John F. b. Sept. 16, 1862, m. Ann Morris; Clarinda Jane b. Feb. 2, 1857, m. H. F. Stout; Mary Emma b. Feb. 16, 1869, m. Alfred F. Stout; Isaac Heber b Nov. 28, 1860, m. Rosilpha Dalton; Jacob Heathecut b. Jan. 20, 1863, m. Alice M. Hall; Alice Ann b. Feb. 1865, m. -Orley Dalton; Laura Matilda b. April 15, 1869, m. Brigham Dalton; William Robert b. Feb. 15, 1872, m. Phoebe Fames. Family resided Alpine and Rockville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Freestone March 7, 1867, at Salt Lake City. She was born Jan. 26, 1841, in Harden Co., Ohio. Their children: Elizabeth Ellen b. April 4, 1868; George Heber b. Sept. 22, 1860. Seventy. Indian war veteran. Settled in Dixie in 1862. Died Dec. 21, 1882, at Rockville. LANGSTON. JACOB HEATHECUT (son of John Langston and Clarinda Phillips). Born Jan. 20, 1863, at Rockville, Utah. Married Alice Maud Hall Oct. 1, 1884, at St. George (daughter of John C. Hall, pioneer 1861, and Kezla DeGrey). She was born April 6, 1864, at Rockville. Their children: Maud, m. D. Earl Bishop Dec. 20, 1906; Jacob Alma b. May 3, 1887, m. Jennie P. Camp Dec. 21, 1910; Ella b. Jan. 12, 1889; Sarah b. Sept. 26, 1890; Myrtle Kezla b. Dec. 16, 1892; Charles John b. March 24, 1895; Carrie b. Oct. 22, 1898; Tressle b. April 2, 1901; Enola b. Sept. 24, 1903. Family resided Rock- ville and Hinckley. Utah. Bishop's counselor at Rockville and also at Hinckley. Member state legislature, 1910 session. I/ANGFORD, JEREMIAH EUCHLET (son of Jeremiah E. Langford and Mary Ann Jackson of Rome, Ga.). Born Sept. 18, 1848, at Rome. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1866, Seth M. Blair company. I/APISH, JOSEPH (son of Joseph Lapish and Ann Mltchel of Woodhouse, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born April 3, 1830, Wood- house. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, with Daniel Robinson handcart company. Married Hannah Settle July 3. 1853, Bradford, York- shire, Eng. (daughter of William Settle and Hannah Strick- land of Beaston, near Leeds, Yorkshire). She was born Nov. 2, 1834. Mrs. Lapish founded the society of the Daugh- ters of the Handcart Pioneers April 14, 1910. Their chil- dren: Marintha A., d. child; Laura J., m. William H. Bird; Emily V., m. Silas D. Beebe; Joseph S.; James W., m. May Kirby, m. Addie Brlce; Sarah Ann, m. Phillip Stelzer; Rose Hannah, d. infant; Kate Amalia and Fanny Sherwood (twins), d. infants. Missionary to eastern states and England, 1883 to 1886; president high priest's quorum; Sunday school superintend- ent at Salina. Upon arrival In Utah he settled at Lehl, where he taught school and engaged in farming. In 186* and 1867, in company with Edward Webb, he made an overland trip for freight to Los Angeles, Cal.; In 1867 and 1868, in company with Gilbert Webb, he built a tele- graph line between Cheyenne, Wyo., and Denver, Colo. In 996 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868 he moved to Salt Lake county, where he engaged In mining and smelting work; in 1876 he moved to Sallna, where he served as school trustee, town clerk and justice of peace. Died March 2, 1909, Sallna, Utah. LAPISH, JOSEPH SETTLE (son of Joseph Laplsh and Hannah Settle). Born Nov. 4, 1861, Lehi, Utah. Member 4th state legislature of Utah. Inventor. I. \K VMII-:. ONEZIME (son of Louis Laramie and Mary Vinet of Canada). Born Sept. 25, 1837, St. Rock, Canada. Came to Utah 1859. Married Harriet Ground Dec. 16, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Amond Ground), who was born 1840. Their children: Harriet Esther b. Jan. 25, 1863. m. Richard Wil- son; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 21, 1865, m. David Allen; Onezime Louis, died. Family home Orangeville, Utah. Married Alice Heaps Dec. 25, 1870, Panaca, Nev. (daugh- ter of Henry Heaps and Susannah Turner of Garston, Eng., pioneers 1863). She was born March 18, 1855. Their chil- dren: Susannah b. April 18, 1872, m. Henry Davis; Alice Annis b. April 11, 1874, m. John W. Woolsey; John Henry b. Oct. 18, 1879, m. May Moffett; Armeline b. June 30, 1886, m. William Taylor; Josette b. Feb. 21, 1886, died; Henrietta b. June 8, 1890,' m. Orsen Miles. Family home Orangeville, Utah. Member 86th quorum seventies. Farmer; shoemaker; apiarist. LARK, WILLIAM (son of Samuel and Miss Coe of Norfolk, Eng.). Born March 15, 1819, at Norfolk. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860, Jesse E. Murphy company. Married Mary Clarkson in 1843 at Beverly, Eng. (daugh- ter of Mathew and Elizabeth Clarkson of Beverly). She was born Oct. 28, 1824. Their children: Maria Elizabeth b. Jan. 11, 1844; Mary Francis b. May 3. 1846; Clarissa b. March 26, 1848, m. James Knight; Minus b. March 1, 1851; Erastus Robert b. Feb. 15, 1853, m. Mary Peterson; Isabella b. Aug. 23, 1855, m. James Knight; William Henry b. May 23. 1868; Angus Edward b. Aug. 9, 1859; Louisa b. Aug. 13, 1861; John Albert b. May 16. 1863; Julia Ann b. Nov. 1, 1866, m. Benoni Green. Family resided Beverly, Eng:., and Salt Lake City. Utah. Clerk for George Q. Cannon in immigration work; ward clerk. Died May 23, 1889. LARK, ERASTUS ROBERT (son of William Lark and Mary Clarkson). Born Feb. 15, 1853, at Beverly. Yorkshire. Eng:.). Married Mary Petersen Feb. 13, 1879, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian Petersen and Elizabeth Jensen of Denmark, pioneers of Oct., 1860, John W. Young company). She was born March 3, 1860. Their children: Erastus Ed- ward b. Jan. 26, 1880, m. La Verna Nelson; Mary Elizabeth b. Nov. 30, 1882, m. Eri W. Butler; Frank Theodore b. July 4, 1886; Clarissa Ellen b. June 7, 1888, m. Joseph D. Wil- "kins; William Charles b. March 16, 1891; Alice Lenora b. May 21, 1894; Robert Ozro b. Nov. 30, 1898; Milton Leland b. June 26, 1901; Hazel Geneva b. June 29, 1905. Family home Brlnton, Utah. I. \KKIV ELIJAH (son of Thomas Larkin and Sarah South- well of Cambridge, Eng.). Born April 20, 1829, at Chester- ton, Cambridge. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Sarah Parley 1846 at Chesterton, Cambridge, Eng. (daughter of James Parfey and Mary Phillips of Chesterton). She was born Aug. 16, 1812. Their children: George William Larkin b. April 1, 1847, m. Ann Lane; Joseph S. Larkin b. Dec. 6, 1861, m. Harriett Chatterly. Married Ruth Coe Nov. 17, 1863, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Coe and Rose Gostling Barrett of East Dere- ham, Norfolk, Eng.). She was born April 27, 1833. Their children: Ruth b. Jan. 6, 1865, m. Orrin W. Bates: Susan b. Feb. 19, 1867, Elijah b. Jan. 16. 1869; John b. Dec. 31, 1871; James and Alma b. Oct. 29, 1874. Died Jan. 4, 1906. at St. Johns, Tooele Co., Utah. LARKIN, GEORGE WILLIAM (son of Elijah Larkin and Sarah Parfey). Born April 1, 1847, at Chesterton, Cam- bridge, Eng. Married Ann Lane Aug. 2, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Henry Lane and Bridget Lyles of Leicester, Eng., pioneers of Sept. 6, 1864, Captain Rawlins company). She was born Dec. 16, 1860. Their children: George William b. July 30. 1870, m. Annie Trott; Elijah A. b. March 30, 1876, m. Aurella Mary Kremer; Emily A. b. Aug. 19, 1873; Sarah J. Larkin b. July 29, 1879, m. William W. Shaw; Alma J. b. Dec. 12, 1881, m. Nellie Stark; Zlna R. b. Aug. 23, 1884; Ellen E. b. Jan. 8, 1889, m. Lester H. Patterson; Josephine P. b Oct. 23, 1891. Family home, Ogden. Counselor in first quorum of elders, Weber stake; later made president; first counselor to Bishop T. J. Stevens of fifth ward, Ogden; ordained patriarch July 21, 1901. Holds Royal Humane medal of Great Britain for saving lives of three persons. Married Mary Jensen. She was born June 26, 1812; came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Lars C. b. Jan. 28, 1842, m. Clara C. Jensen Nov. 6, 1864; Ness b. May 4. 1843, m. Sarah Nelson; John b. May 1, 1846, m. Anna Jensen; Maria, m. Paul Hansen; Anna C., m. Jens C. Jensen. Family home Logan, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Nov. 1864. LARSEN. LARS C. (son of Anders Larsen, born Dec. 23. 1814, and Mary Jensen, born June 26. 1812, of Sunder- stranders, Denmark). Born Jan. 28, 1842. at Guedumluned. Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1861, Goodby and Wright company. Married Clara C. Jensen Nov. 6, 1864 (daughter of Jens C. Jensen and Christina Peterson, the former pioneer 1862. Mattson company, the latter died at Florence, Neb., en route to Utah). She was born May 1, 1848. Their children: Clara C. b. June 9. 1866; Lars C., Jr. b. June 27, 1867, m. E. A. Hebdon March 29. 1890; Mary b. Dec. 21, 18G9, m. Joseph Nelson Feb. 12, 1890; Andrew b. March 19, 1872; James b. Dec. 26, 1874, m. Olga F. L. Peterson Feb. 27, 1902; George b. June 16, 1877; Alma P. b. Dec. 19, 1879; Alice M. b. Aug. 1. 1882; Nephi Hyrum b. April 26, 1885, m. Cathrine Mc- Kinney Dec. 12, 1906; Annie L. b. July 23, 1888. m. Herbert Owen June 3, 1908. Family home Logan, Cache Co., Utah. Presided in absence of bishop 3rd ward, Logan. Utah; ward teacher 40 years; home missionary Cache stake 1890; worked on various church buildings. Assisted in building Utah Northern R. R. Farmer. LARSEN, LARS, C., JR. (son of Lars C. Larsen and Clara C. Jensen). Born June 27, 1867, at Logan, Utah. Married Elizabeth A. Hebdon (daughter of James R. Hebdon and Mary A. K. White, pioneers July 1869, Captain Loveland company). She was born April 6, 1876, at Paris. Idaho. Their children: Christina James b. Jan. 17, 1894; Clara Elizabeth b. March 14, 1895; Lars Harvey b. Feb. 11, 1897; Melinda Alice b. Nov. 22. 1898; Merlin Joseph b. March 21, 1902; Percy William b. Aug. 24, 1905; Arland Alvin b. Nov. 29, 1909; Vesta b. Sept. 1, 1911. Family home Glendale, Idaho. First counselor In deacons quorum; president deacons quorum two years; assistant secretary of Sunday school. 3rd ward; director-secretary, 3rd ecclesiastical organiza- tion; ward clerk; first counselor to E. E. Hopkin of Worm creek branch of Preston ward; first counselor to Austin T. Merrill; bishop. Justice of the peace of Riverdale precinct two terms; school trustee. LARSEN, JOHN (son of Anders Larsen and Mary Jensen). Born May 1, 1845, at Guedumluned, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1861. Married Anna Jensen Nov. 26, 1866, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Ole Jensen and Enger Pearson, pioneers 1862, Captain Home company). She was born Dec. 4, 1846, at Herby, Sweden. Their children: Mary Ann b. Sept. 3, 1867; John A. b. Sept. 14, 1869, m. Myra Allen Dec. 3, 1895; Nephl b. Aug. 1, 1872, m. Bertha S. Parkinson Dec. 7, 1898; Willard b. Jan. 8. 1876, m. Anna B. Cowley March 4, 1902; Alma b. Oct. 3, 1877, m. Martha Swainston Jan. 17, 1906; Charley b. March 10, 1880; Louisa b. March 10, 1880; Marinda b. April 15, 1886; George Lee b. Jan. 11, 1889; Blanch b. June 27, 1890, m. J. Eugene ClufE Oct. 12, 1910. Family home Logan, Utah, and Preston, Idaho. Bishop's counselor 15 years; bishop of Preston three years; high councilor. Merchant and banker. I.ARSEN, ANDREW (son of Larse Andrews and Hannah Eskelson of Sweden). Born Jan. 26. 1819. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Christensen handcart company. Married Caroline Andrews in 1846, born Dec. 23, 1812, at Nalma, Sweden. Their children: Lewis b. March 12, 1847; Anna Hannah b. Nov. 30, 1849, m. Dunham Van Leuven, Nov. 30, 1864; Mary Christine b. May 6, 1862, m. Henry F. Collin Feb. 7. 1872. Family home Sprlngville, Utah. Ward teacher; merchant. Died June 4, 1899, at Mapleton, Utah. LARSEN, ANDREW (son of Ole Larsen and Ingeborg Maria Rholfsen of Reesoer, Norway). Born March 26, 1844, Reesoer, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1863, Peter Nebeker company. Married Esther Anne Follette Dec. 18, 1879, St. George, Utah (daughter of William Tillmon Follette and Esther Bayliss of San Pete Co., Utah, the former came to Utah with a division of the Mormon battalion). She was born Oct. 4, 1856. Missionary to Norway 1892-94; first counselor to Bishop D. L. Harris of Monroe, Utah. President of Monroe town board; town trustee. Early settler in Sevier county. Veteran Indian war. Farmer and stockraiser. LARSEN, ANDERS. Born Dec. 23. 1814, at Sunderstranders, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock company. LARSEN, CHRISTEN A. (son of Christen and Maria C. Larsen, of Denmark). Born March 6. 1836, in Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1854. Captain Olsen company. Married Mary Ann Jensen May 18, 1868, Ephraim. Utah (daughter of Andrew and Annie Jensen of Loland, Den- mark). She was born March 6, 1842. Their children: Wil- liam A., m. Matilda Anderson; Mary C, m. H. P. Larsen: Anna b. July 12. 1866, m. James R. Larsen Dec. 2, 1885; m. Emil W. Larsen May 10, 1902; Christian, m. Sarah Sodo- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 997 burg; Olivia, m. Heber Nielson; Alma C., m. Mamie Tucker; m. Vina Rockhill; Zenobia, m. Alma Jenson. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Seventy. Leader in city affairs of Ephraim; councilman two 'year.-; postmaster seven years. Black Hawk Indian war veteran, and had a horse shot from under him in this war. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Director of co-op, at Ephraim. Strong believer in free speech and re- ligious freedom. He erected a large hall and fitted it up, giving any and all denominations, without cost, the privilege of using it for many years. In 1891 took a trip to Europe, and visited his old home in Denmark; while on this trip he did a great deal of good for the people of Utah. Farmer; stockraiser and capitalist. LARSEN, ALMA CLARENCE (son of Christen A. Larsen and Mary Ann Jensen). Born July 10, 1877, Ephraim, Utah. Married Mary E. Tucker April 19, 1899, at Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Amasa Tucker of Fairview, Utah). She was born May, 1879, died. Only child: Cecil Alma b. 1899. Married Vina Garland Rockhill Aug. 2. 1903, at Nephi, Utah (daughter of John Rockhill and Cynthia Amelia Thurber of Spanish Fork, Utah, pioneers 1854). She was born June 20, 1877. Hotel-keeper. LARSEN, CHRISTIAN GRICE (son of Lars Johansen and Anna Margaret Sorensen). Born Dec. 17, 1828, Veile amt, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1867. Married Maria Caroline Sorensen April 1, 1857, at Copen- hagen. Denmark (daughter of Peter and Mariaret Soren- sen of Bornholm, Denmark, pioneers Sept. 1857). She was born Oct. 27, 1838. Their children: Annie M., m. Ras- mus Jenstesen; Christian Grice, m. Emma Jane Seely; Han- nah Margaret; Samuel Henry, m. Sarah Seely; Joseph Smith, m. Jeanetta Peacock and Carrie Olsen; Orson Albert, m. Ella Christensen; Franklin Peter, m. Ella Burresen; George Washington, died; Erastus Snow, m. Emma E. Petersen; Luella Minerva, m. William Petersen; Edna El- nora, m. Ray Olson. Family home Castle Dale, Utah. Presided over Scandinavian mission 1873-75; president Emery stake; bishop of Spring City. Mayor of Spring City. Moved to Castle Dale 1880. LARSEN, SAMUEL HENRY (son of Christian Grice Larsen and Maria Caroline Sorensen). Born Dec. 8, 1865, Spring City, Utah. Married Sarah Seely Oct. 24. 1890, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Orange Seely and Annie Olsen of Castle Dale, Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born Feb. 7, 1872. Their chil- dren: Horace Henry b. April 9, 1891; Glen Seely b. Feb. 25. 1894; Lyman Grice b. May 5, 1896; Thelma b. July 1, X911. Member 91st quorum seventies; missionary to northern states 1907-09; counselor Peter J. Akelund 1910-12; presi- dent T. M. M. I. A.; ordained high priest and bishop of Castle Dale ward Aug. 10, 1912; teacher In -ward and Sunday school. School trustee seven years. Farmer. LARSEN, CHRISTIAN J. (son of Lars Johansen and Anna Margreta Sorensen). Born May 21, 1831, at Griesviele, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1854, himself as captain in Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Barbara J. Dortha Olsen Oct. 30. 1853, Copen- hagen, Denmark (daughter of Jens Olsen and Maria Berg), who was born April 24, 1833, Aalborg, Denmark. Their children: John Christian b. Jan. 13, 1856, m. Susannah Titen- sor Feb. 7, 1877; Maria b. April 11, 1857, m. Willard S. Hansen 1876; Brlgham Louis b. Jan. 2, 1869, m. Anna Olsen June 8, 1892; Jacob Peter b. Oct. 26, 1860, m. Sophia Titensor Dec. 14, 1887; Julia Christina b. Oct. 16, 1862, d. April 27, 1864; Joseph Abraham b. Dec. 15, 1864, d. Dec. 8, 1873; Erastus Snow b. Jan. 14, 1867, m. Ruth Cornish June 28, 1892; Anna Margreta b. July 30, 1870, d. July 30, 1870; Hyrum Christopher b. May 28, 1872, m. Carlin Cornish June 28, 1893; Barbara Dorthea b. Oct. 17, 1875, m. Milton D. Hammond March 12, 1902. Family resided at Spring City, Logan and Cove, Utah, and Preston, Fairview and Rexburg, Idaho. Married Ingeborg Ellefsen (daughter of Elef Ellefsen and Bertha Danielsen, former pioneer 1856, Knud Petersen company). She was born Oct. 30, 1821, Risor, Norway. Their children: Elias Saverin b. June 2, 1859, m. Clarinda Hannah Goaslind June 4, 1884; Mary b. Feb. 9, 1861, m. Daniel Clark Feb. 20, 1885; Anna Margreta b. Dec. 9, 1863, d. Dec. 9, 1863; Anna Louisa b. Dec. 9, 1863, m. Martin Hansen. - Married Inger Margreta Petersen Dec. 9, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alf Petersen and Osster Christensen, former pioneer 1863, Captain Needham company). She was born July 7, 1838, at Risor, Norway. Their children: Ellef Ellefsen b. Jan. 14, 1869, died (adopted); Almartin Ellefsen b. Aug. 1, 1861, died (adopted); Magdalene b. Sept. 9, 1864, d. Aug. 4. 1866; David Ellef b. July 1, 1866, m. Mary Alice Smith Sept. 9, 1886; Almartin b. Dec. 25, 1868, m. Ellen Cornish Oct. 16, 1893; Joseph Franklin b. Oct. 4, 1874, d. Nov. 16, 1900; Alexander Willard b. Jan. 28, 1877, m. Anna Jamesen Dec. 8, 1897. Missionary in Denmark 1860-63; second counselor to Bishop Thomas Kinkton; first counselor to Bishop Bal- lard of Logan; bishop of Logan; high councilor 1872-77; patriarch. Veteran of Echo Canyon and Black Hawk In- dian wars. Farmer. LARSEN, JOHN C. (son of Christian J. Larsen and Bar- bara J. Dortha Olsen). Born Jan. 13, 1866, West Weber, Utah. Married Susannah Titensor Feb. 7, 1877, Logan, Utah (daughter of Thomas Titensor and Sarah Robbins of Rich- mond, Utah, pioneers 1861). She was born Jan. 7, 1855. Their children: John C. b. Nov. 22, 1877, m. Hattie Cornish; Oliver T. b. June 4, 1880, d. Sept. 27, 1881; Ida Larsen b. June 6, 1882, m. David Nash; Louis W. b. Oct. 27. 1884, m. Ada Hendricks; Joseph R. b. May 22, 1887, m. Char- lotte Andersen; Hazen b. April 25, 1891, d. July 4, 1900; Hazel b. April 25, 1891, m. Louis Ricks. Family resided Logan and Coveville, Utah. Married Mary Ellen Titensor Nov. 24, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Titensor and Sarah Robbins of Richmond, Utah, pioneers 1861). She was born Jan. 13, 1859. Their children: Alice b. July 22, 1882, d. July 22, 1882; David b. June 23, 1883; Almeda b. Nov. 20, 1885, m. Alma Hendricks; Irene E. b. July 27, 1888, m. Thomas Rose; Inez S. b. July 27, 1888; Barbara Lavern b. Jan. 29, 1896; Edna Maria b. Nov. 16, 1897; Mary Teresa b. Dec. 8, 1900. Family home Coveville, Utah. Married Emma Jane Howland April 27, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Henry Howland and Martha Diana Case of Flaggtown, Ogle county, 111., former died on the plains, latter pioneer 1852, Thomas Tidwell company). She was born Jan. 14, 1849. Only child: Newel H. b. Jan. 30, 1888, m. Louise Larsen. Family home Coveville, Utah. Bishop of Coveville 1882 to date. Road supervisor. Presi- dent Cove Water Works Corporation. Farmer. LARSEN, EMIL W. (son of Even Larsen Laerum and Fred- rike Wilhelmine Ohlsen). Born Feb. 28, 1859, Moss, Norway. Married Anna Larsen May 10, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of C. A. Larsen and Mary Ann Jensen of Ephraim, pioneers Oct. 5, 1854, Captain Olsen company). She was born July 12, 1866. Cashier of Stockvllle Bank in Nebraska. Bookkeeper for T. C. Martin Furniture Company, Pocatello, Idaho. LARSEN, BRICK (son of Lars Ericksen and Dorothy Jor- gensen of Sjelland, Denmark). Born June 20, 1845, at Seirslev, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1866, Captain Rawlings company. Married Annie Elizabeth Ericksen April 4. 1868. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jorgen Ericksen and Sidse Peter- sen of Tjornmard, Sjelland, Denmark, pioneers Sept. 29, 1866, Peter Nebeker company). She was born July 22. 1846. Their children: Emma Elizabeth b. May 21, 1869, m. Jeremiah Roby; Nancy Dorothy b. March 16, 1872; Alma E. b. Oct. 19, 1874, m. Harrietta Eden; Lars Peter b. May 11, 1877, m. Nora Oveson; Joseph Jorgen b. Aug. 3, 1879. m. Geneva Oveson; Elsina Sophia b. Dec. 20, 1884, m. James T. Johnson; Junius Benjamin b. May 3, 1889. Family home Cleveland, Utah. High priest; bishop's counselor at St. Johns, Ariz., 1887- 92, and at Cleveland, Utah, 1897-1910; patriarch; member high council of eastern Arizona stake. Assisted in settling St. Johns, Ariz. Farmer. LARSEN, JOSEPH JORGEN (son of Eric Larsen and Annie Elizabeth Erickson). Born Aug. 3, 1879, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Geneva Oveson Oct. 28. 1908, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Lars P. Oveson and Louisa Otterstrom of Larslev, Hjorring, Denmark, pioneers Oct. 12, 1863). She was born June 5, 1885. Their children: Joseph La von b. March 28, 1910; Alma Verdell b. May 24, 1912. Family home Cleveland, Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1906-07; president New Eng- land conference; ordained bishop of Cleveland ward Aug. 7, 1910. Farmer. LARSEN, HANS PETER (son of Lars Rasmussen. born 1803, at Falster, Denmark, and Christina Petersen, born 1800, in Denmark). Born Sept. 24, 1836. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1865, Noah T. Guyman company. Married Eleanor Andersen Shelton Dec. 6, 1875 (daugh- ter of Richard John Shelton and Mary Wann, pioneers Sept. 12, 1861, who were married May 15, 1863, at Philadel- phia, Pa.). She was born Jan. 4, 1859. Their children: Christiane b. Jan. 9, 1877, d. Jan. 26, 1877; Peter b. March 6 1878, m. Hannah Acomb June 29, 1904; Mary b. Dec. 23, 1880, m. William Patrick Feb. 4, 1907; Joseph b. Sept. 20, 1882, d. June 18, 1883; Ellenor b. June 27, 1884, m. John Worley June 29, 1904; Annie Marie b. Feb. 9, 1886, m. Alfred Curtis March 28, 1909; Isabell b. Dec. 1, 1887, d. Aug. 30, 1888; Elizabeth b. Oct. 28, 1889; Lucy b. Oct. 10, 1891; Jennie b. Dec. 6, 1893; Maggie b. Feb. 11, 1896; Wilford b. Dec. 6, 1897. Presiding high priest 16 years. Settled in Big Cotton- wood 1856; moved to Mendon, Cache county, 1869. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1862. Served two terms in Mendon city council. 998 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH LARSE.V, HANS S. (son of Lars Larsen and Sidre Chris- tina Nielsen of Odden, Sjelland, Denmark). Born April 13, 1858, at Eyderly, Odden, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1868, Edward T. Mumford mule team. Married Lucy Sephrona Janson Dec. 29, 1881, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Anthony A. Janson and Anna Christena Maria Pallisen of Brigham City, Utah, pioneers July 9, 1858). She was born Sept. 27, 1862, died March 16. 1886. Their children: Hans Ethelbert Larsen b. Oct. 17, 1882, m. Sophrona Johnson; Ruby Sophrona b. Sept. 25, 1884. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Married Sophia Pertreia Sorensen Oct. 28, 1886, at Logan City, Utah (daughter of Lars Sorensen and Christena Petersen of Brigham City, Utah, who came to Utah 1871 by rail. She was born Jan. 14, 1869. Their children: Lucy C. b. Aug. 5, 1890; Milton N. b. April 17, 1892; Leland L. b. Nov. 10, 1893; Leora M. b. Jan 20, 1896; Tracy H. b. April 4, 1898; Alta b. July 10, 1900; Frank S. b. Dec. 9, 1903; Sopreal b. April 24, 1908. Family home Brigham City, Utah. County commissioner 1911-12; city councilman, 1896-1900 and 1910-11; state senator 1900-06. Fruit grower and farmer. LARSEN, HENRICK (son of Lars Jensen of Smeserop, Denmark, and Annie Hansen of Rumlesse, Denmark). Born June 20, 1833, at Rumlesse, Fordenkbough, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1864, W. B. Preston company. Married Mary Hansen (daughter of Lars Hansen; came with W. B. Preston company). She was born May 29, 1831. Their children: Henry b. May 17, 1872, at Logan City, Utah, m. Mary E. Jensen Nov. 3, 1893; Hannah b. Nov. 12, 1859, m. Peter L. Larsen; Mary b. Oct. 27, 1866, m. Peter Nielsen Dec. 25, 1880; Emma b. July 16, 1869, m. Ole Hansen Oct. 16, 1893. LARSEN, HENRY (son of Henrick Larsen and Mary Han- sen). Born May 17, 1872. Married Mary Elizabeth Jensen Oct. 3, 1892, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Niels Jensen and Annie Elizabeth Niel- sen, the former a pioneer). She was born Feb. 16, 1867, at Mendon, Utah. Bishop of Cleveland ward. LARSEN, JACOB. Born Feb. 6, 1841, Deiret, Mols, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1862, Captain Massen independent company. Married Anna Catherine Nelsen 1869, at Sale Lake City (daughter of Simon Nelsen of Lumby Mark, Odense, Den- mark came to Utah 1868). She was born Dec. 8, 1841, died May 4, 1899. Paradise, Utah. Their children: Jacob N.; Caroline S.; Martha J. N.; Eliza S. N.; Joseph S. N. Family home, Paradise. Married Eva Larsen. Missionary to Denmark 1893-96; member bishopric of Paradise ward. Member school board 16 years. Director of Paradise Co-op. LARSEN, JACOB N. (son of Jacob Larsen and Anna C. Nelsen). Born March 11, 1871, at Paradise, Utah. Married Ella Bickmore May 20, 1895, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Isaac D. Bickmore and Ellen Oldham). Their chil- dren: Vincent b. April 20, 1896; Nelsen b. March 1902; Thelma b. Feb. 26, 1906; Paul b. March 22, 1909; Ellen b. Nov. 22, 1911. Family home Preston, Idaho. Missionary to northern states 1898-01; 1st counselor In bishopric of 4th ward, Preston, Idaho. County clerk, Cache county 1902-06; justice of peace, at Paradise 1893-96; mem- ber city council of Preston, Idaho 1909-11; mayor of Preston 1911-15- Cashier of Idaho State & Savings bank, Preston 1906-09: director Lundetrom Furniture & Carpet Co., Logan, Utah; vice-president First National bank of Preston, Idaho. LARSEN, JAMES R. (son of J. P. and Kisty Larsen). Born Dec. 29, 1863, Ephraim, Utah. Married Anna Larsen Dec. 2, 1886, Ephraim, Utah (daugh- ter of Christen A. Larsen and Mary Ann Jensen of Ephraim, pioneers Oct. 6, 1864, Captain Olsen company). She was born July 12. 1866. Only child: Urania M. b. Sept. 3. 1886, m. Harry G. Shafer. Family home Ephraim. Seventy; high priest. Farmer and stockraiser. Died April 6, 1888, Ephraim. Missionary to Denmark 1867-70; 2nd counselor to Bishop James A. Allred of Spring City ward 14 years. Settled in Ogden 1867, moved to Spring City 1860. Member of constitu- tional convention 1896; mayor of Spring City two terms; justice of the peace four terms. Farmer. Died, Spring City, Utah 1896. LARSEN, LAURITZ ORSEN (son of Lauritz Larsen and Louise R. Jaspersen). Born Feb. 7, 1867, Spring City Utah. Married Deseret M. Anderson June 13, 1894, Manti, Utah (daughter of James Anderson and Matilda Cheney), who was born May 13, 1871, Fairview, Utah. Their children: Ruby Gladys b. Nov. 27, 1895, d. April 14, 1896; Sylvia Firl b. June 1, 1898; Liona Louise b. Dec. 25, 1900; Dora Fay and Flora May b. Sept. 16, 1909. Missionary southwestern states 1897-1900; choir leader ten years; president of 80th quorum of seventies; ward superintendent Y. M. M. I. A.; bishop of Spring City; member of board of Snow academy; bishop 1906-11. City councilman four years; mayor two years. Merchant. LARSEN, LAURITZ EDWARD (son of Lars Emanuelsen and Berthar Maria Olsen of Fredrikshald, Smaalenene, Nor- way). Born Dec. 6, 1832, at Fredrikshald. Came to Utah with William B. Preston company. Married Carolina Larsen Sept. 15, 1864 (daughter of Lars Larsen and Annie Christensen of Haegeland, Norway). She was born Feb. 21, 1836; came to Utah April 6, 1864, William B. Preston company. Their children: Carolina Maria b. May 20, 1866, m. George Petersen April 3, 1890; Edward Lauritz b. Dec. 6, 1866, m. Christina Andersen Feb. 13, 1907; Ludvig Joseph b. Jan. 22, 1870, m. Sarah S. Valentine Dec. 31, 1889; Orson Alfred b. Oct. 30, 1871, m. Nancy Rock Dec. 6. 1894; Alma Benjamin b. Oct. 18, 1876, m. Lydia Hales Dec. 1, 1904; Matilde Eliza b. Oct. 16, 1877, m. Henry Frank Hulze April 1907; Charles Wilford b. Dec. 15, 1879, m. Maria Jacobsen April 12, 1906; Anna Bolette b. Oct. 29, 1872, d. infant. Family resided Hyrum, Cache Co., Utah, and Salem, Fremont Co., Idaho. Missionary to Scandinavia 1856-64 and 1897-99; high priest; teacher. LARSEN, ALMA B. (son of Laritz Edward Larsen and Carolina Larsen). Born Oct. 18, 1875, at Hyrum, Cache Co.. Utah. Married Lydia Hales Dec. 1. 1894, at Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Stephen and Alice Jane Hales of Bountiful, Utah; the former came to Utah, but the latter did not). She was born Sept. 30, 1882. Their children: Gerald Leeland b. Feb. 3, 1906; Alice Melva b. March 15, 1910; Alma Melvln b. March 16. 1910; Gladys Lydia b. Aug. 14, 1911. Family home, Salem, Freemont Co., Idaho. High councilman of the Freemont stake; missionary to Scandinavia 1907-09. Farmer. Presided over Chrlstiania conference 13 months LARSEN, PETER (son of Lars Larsen and Elizabeth Hart- wick of Lobeher, Sjelland, Denmark). Born Oct. 14, 1843. Came to Utah October, 1868, Joseph S. Rawlings company. Married Ellen Johnson May 9, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jons and Annie Nelsen of Marthasholm, Sweden). She was born Jan. 30, 1844, came to Utah 1868, Captain Lowland company. Their children: Annie Eliza- beth, m. Olander Pearson and Peter W. Nelson; Peter, died; Ellen Charlotte, m. James Peterson; Margarett Mag- dalene, m. John Peterson; Chestey, died. Family home Lehl. Utah. Married Mathea Fredericksen Dec. 9, 1880, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian Fredericksen and Maria Olsen of Lueten, Hademarken, Denmark, who came to Utah by railroad). She was born Feb. 28. 1868. Their children: Frederick Peter b. Jan. 2, 1882, died; Marie Christina b. March 27, 1883, m. John H. Parker; Henry Christian b. April 12, 1885, died; Edward Joseph b. Jan. 19, 1887, m. Clara Woodhouse; David b. Aug. 30, 1889, died; Leslie Franklin b. Feb. 19, 1892; Ernest Wllburn b. Jan. 15, 1893; Elvira Hellena b. Jan. 12, 1894; Oscar b. March 7. 1896, died; Ole Moroni b. June 11, 1897. Family home Lehl, Utah. Teacher In 14th ward. Salt Lake City, and 4th ward, Lehi. Helped build railway to Promontory, Utah; had charge of material for construction Utah Southern R. R. United States grand juryman. Farmer and butcher. LARSEN, I.AVHITZ (son of Lars Johansen and Anna Mar- greta Sorensen). Born Jan. 26, 1834, at Veile, Denmark. Came to Utah 1867. Married Marie Thompson 1867, who died Dec. 28. 1887. Their children: Marie Catherine, m. Louis Olsen Feb. 19, 1880; Eliza M., m. James Crawforth. Married Louise R. Jaspersen Jan. 15, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Rasmus Jaspersen and Kirstina Olsen), who was born Sept. 25, 1838, at Nyborg, Denmark; died Oct. 28. 1892. Their children: Laura M. b. 1866, d. 1866; Lauritz Orsen b. Feb. 7, 1867, m. Deseret M. Anderson June 13, 1894; Emeline M. b. Aug. 18, 1871, m. John S. Blain 1900; Mary L. b. April 16, 1873, m. Charles Zabriskie Dec., 1893; Albert E. b. Sept. 2, 1876, m. Lizzie Behunin. Family home Spring City, Utah. Married Minnie Jensen. Their children: Leona b. 1894, d. 1898; Lauretta b. 1896. LARSEN, SOREN (son of Lars Johansen and Anna Mar- greta Sorensen). Born March 28, 1821, at Copenhagen Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1864. Married Maria Hansen of Denmark, who was born May 3, 1831. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1864, died April 23, 1907. Their children: Hans Ephraim, m. Bell Davidson; Soren, m. Meta; Marenius. m. Anna Mena Mlckelson; Daniel, m. Sarah Jane Farmer; Josephine, m. Christian Christlanson; Mary Ann, died; Otto, m. Hannah Ellis; David, died; Peter Christian b. March 23, 1874, m. Nellie Acord. Family home Spring City, Utah. Married Christena Nielsen of Denmark. Their chil- dren: Maria, m. Fred C. Sorensen; Niels; Hyrum, m. Ann Ellis; Joseph, died: Fredrick, m. Maud Alfred; Ida Marinda, m. Vincent Bellington. Elder. Settled at Ephraim, moved to Spring City. Min- uteman. Carpenter and farmer. Died August. 1892. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 999 LARSEN, PETER CHRISTIAN (son of Soren Larsen and Maria Hansen). Born March 23, 1874, Spring City, Utah. Married Nellie Acord April 19, 1899, at Manti, Utah, who was born July 7, 1879, at Spring City. Their children: Leslie Acord b. May 9, 1900; Henry Clarence b. Feb. 18, 1902- Hue Ernest b. July 7, 1907; David Arthur b. March 19, 1909, d. April 11, 1909. High priest; ward teacher; assistant superintendent Sun- day school; counselor to Bishop David McMillan of Clear Creek ward. Settled at Clear Creek 1904. 1810, died March 4, 1877. Their children: Ellen Matine Paulen b. 1837, d. 1837; Elena Hansine b. Sept. 13. 1838, m. John Lambert: Carl Olof b. 1840, d. 1846; Peter b. 1843, d. 1843; Petrine Christine b. Aug. 13, 1844, m. Samuel Miller; Mary Magdalene b. March 11, 1847, m. John F. Oblade: Margrete Kjerstine b. 1849, d. 1863; John George Erastus b. Sept. 3, 1852, m. Mary Cecilien Smith. Family home Salt Lake City. High priest. Worked on Salt Lake temple many years. Sailor. Died Feb. 27, 1876, at Salt Lake City. LARSON, CARL, HENNING (son of Lars Olson and Anna B Swenson of Snotorp, Sweden). Born Dec. 26, 1839, Halm- stad. Halland, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1863, John F. Sanders company. Married Elizabeth Swenson Sept. 7, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Swenson and Johannah Gilbert of Halmstad, Sweden). She was born Feb. 8, 1840. Their child: Amelia C., m. C. J. A. Lindquist. Family home Ogden. Utah. Elder. Contractor and builder. Died March 11, 1877. LARSON, CHRISTEAN S. Born May 9, 1802, In Denmark. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1869, James S. Brown company. Married Johanna Marie Christiansen Feb. 19, 1836, A1- borg, Denmark (daughter of Christian Christianson), who was born Jan. 21, 1813. Their children: Christian Peter, m. Mary Larson; Inger Marie, m. Peter Ahlstrom; James P., m. Kisty Larson; Lars C., m. Hansena Peterson; Maren Margretta, m. Louis Larson. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Blacksmith and farmer. Died October, 1884, Ephraim, Utah. LARSON, LARS C. (son of Christean S. Larson and Johanna Marie Christianson). Born Dec. 4, 1844, Alborg, Denmark. Came to Utah with parents. Married Hansena Peterson Dec. 22. 1865. Circleville, Utah (daughter of Jens Peterson and Metta Christena Olsen of Hals, Denmark, former died en route to Utah, latter came In 1864). She was born Nov. 19, 1846. Their children: Christian A. b. Sept. 27, 1866. m. Cynthia Keel; Louis D. b. Aug. 18, 1868. m. Amelia Christianson; James E. b. Sept. 2, 1870, m. Nora Sorenson; Johanna Christena b. Feb. 23, 1873, m. Andrew Sorenson; Orvil L. b. May 25, 1876, m. Hazel Kimball; Zina R. b. Oct. 8, 1877, m. Peter C. Lund; Alma LeRoy b. Feb. 25, 1880; Malinda Ann b. Nov. 19, 1882. m. Albert Rosenlund; John M. b. Oct. 1, 1885, m. Vivian Whitlock; Helen C. b. Feb. 12, 1889, died. Family resided Ephraim and Mayfleld, Utah. Married Metta Polena Peterson June 6, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Peterson and Metta Christena Olsen, pioneers 1854). She was born March 12, 1849, Hals, Den- mark. Their children: Peter Franklin born July 4, 1872, d. July 26, 1872; Joseph H. b. Nov. 19. 1873, m. Lottie Lay- ton; Mary H. b. March 17, 1877, m. Hyrum Olsen; George O. b. Dec. 16. 1879, d. Oct. 25, 1905; Raymond D. b. June 16, 1882, m. Lilly Christianson; Wilford E. b. Feb. 26, 1885, m. Agnes Holland; Mabel Lena b. Dec. 26, 1887, m. Claud D. Michaelson. Ordained teacher in 1862; elder May 2, 1868; seventy March 6, 1885; one of the council of 75th quorum seventies for many years; Sunday school teacher 26 years. In 1864 drove an oxteam from Ephraim to the Missouri river for immigrants in August Canfleld company. Black Hawk Indian war veteran; took active part In early Indian troubles. Farmer and breeder of horses. LARSON, CHRISTIAN HANSEN (son of Hans Larson, born 1809, at Torop, Frederiksborg amt, Denmark, and Karen Petersen, born April 27, 1817, at Craguma, Frederiksbnrg). Born Jan. 30, 1844, at Meleby, Frederiksborg. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1868, J. G. Holman company. Married Mary Ann Larson Dec. 21. 1868 (daughter of Lars Jorgensen and Maren Kirstena Jorgensen, who were married April 1840, pioneers of Sept. 26, 1868, J. G. Hol- man company stepdaughter of Lars Niels Christensen, pio- neer of Sept. 25. 1868, J. G. Holman company). She was born Nov. 11, 1841. Their children: Lorenzo C. b. Nov. 20, 1869, m. Altena Ericksen Aug. 24, 1892; Hyrum M. b. Feb. 3, 1872, m. Anna Petersen June 29, 1898; Joseph J. b. Sept. 27, 1873, m. Letta Christensen Oct. 18, 1900; Mary Ann b. Nov. 16, 1875, m. R. Amos Dowdle Nov. 11, 1903; Caroline B. b. June 25, 1878: William L. b. Feb. 24, 1883. m. Sarah Ada Porter Dec. 4, 1907. Family resided Brigham City. Kanab and Newton, Utah. Missionary In Denmark three years: assistant super- intendent of Sunday school; second counselor in bishopric at Newton; high priest. LARSON, HANS (son of Lars Petersen. born 1766, died Nov. 26, 1833, and Maren Hansen. born 1770, died March 20, 1839, of Lunde. Lyderslaw. Preasto amt, Denmark). He was born July 8, 1806. at Lunde. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, John Forsgren company. Married Elena Dorathea Bensen Aug. 5, 1836, at Copen- hagen, Denmark (daughter of Christian Bensen and Pauline Klrstlne Margrette Falkenberg), who was born Dec. 27, LARSON, LARS (son of Lars and Martha Larson of eastern Iowa). Born Jan. 11, 1825, Hadngar, Norway. Came to Utah 1860. Married Mary Adelphla Bellows 1848, en route to Utah (daughter of James Bellows and Judith Hopper of Nauvoo, 111., the latter came to Utah 1860). She was born Aug. 17, 1832. Their children: Martha Ann, m. Thomas Baker, d. 1896; Mary Jane, d. 1852; Lars James, m. Isidore Andrus, m. Olena M. Peterson; John Thomas, m. Henrietta Riding; Thurston, m. Maria Perkins; Judith Marillia, m. James Alfred Larson: Charles William, m. Jane Riding; Elizabeth Betsy, (d. 1893) m. William B. Baker: Sarah Maria, m. Francis T. Morse; Joseph Merlan. Family resided Mill Creek and St. George, Utah. Member 29th quorum seventies; missionary to Ponca Indians in northern Nebraska and Dakota with W. C. Stames 1846 and to "Dixie" 1862; ward teacher. Brick and stone-mason; farmer. Died Feb. 7, 1903, at St. George, Utah. LARSON, LARS JAMES (son of Lars Larson and Mary Adelphia Bellows). Born June 7, 1863, Mill Creek. Utah. Married Isidore Andrus May 20, 1879, at St. George, Utah (daughter of Milo Andrus and Margaret Boyce of Price and St. George, Utah). She was born May 20. 1869. Their chil- dren: Martha Marillia b. March 6, 1880, m. Granville H. Fullerton; Milo b. May 20, 1882, d. June 26, 1894: Isidore b. May 4, 1884, m. Wallace Blake; Aaron b. Feb. 13, 1886, m. Clara Fawcett. Married Olena M. Peterson Dec. 17, 1885, St. George, Utah (daughter of Lars P. Peterson and Martha Neilson of Richfield, Utah). She was born April 26, 1868. Their children: Willard b. June 28. 1887, m. Emma L. Booth; Elsie Victoria b. Sept. 22, 1889, m. Alfred A. Carpenter; Reuben b. Nov. 26, 1892; Pearl b. Nov. 18, 1894; Charles b. Dec. 18, 1896; Martha Adelphia b. July 17, 1899; LeRoy b. Dec. 19, 1901; Ellis b. June 6, 1904; Elizabeth b. April 22, 1907. Family home Bloomington, Utah. High priest; bishop's counselor; Sunday school superin- tendent and teacher; home missionary. Justice of peace. School trustee. Pioneer to Bloomington. Farmer and hor- ticulturist. LARSON, LARS C. (son of Christian Larson and Kjersttne Nielsen of Denmark). Born Jan. 1, 1808, in Denmark. Came to Utah Nov. 10, 1863, W. B. Preston company. Married Maren Bertelsen in 1836, in Denmark (daughter of Christen Bertelsen and Johanna Christensen), who was born Nov. 22, 1816. Their children: Johanna Christena, m. Marcor Petersen; Christian Peter, m. Charlotte C. Johnson; Christina Marie, m. Charles Peter Warnick. Farmer. LARSON, MADS. Born April 21, 1837. Came to Utah in 1865. Married Sophia Johanson in 1867, at Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Carl Johanson, of Sweden, later of Denmark; came to Utah 1862). She was born Dec. 21, 1843. Their chil- dren: John Frederick b. Sept. 19. 1868, m. Ellen Hansen; Alexander b. July 28. 1871. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Married Cecilia about 1870. Their children: Annie, died; Louise, m. Walter Hickey. High priest: bishop's counselor; high councilor; president of ward teachers. LARSON, JOHN FREDERICK (son of Mads Larson and Sophia Johanson). Born Sept. 19, 1868. at Ephraim. Married Ellen Hansen Oct. 27. 1897, at Molen, Utah (daughter of Hans C. Hansen and Mary Lenora Morley of Denmark). She was born Feb. 18, 1878. Their children: Pearl b. Dec. 21, 1898; Lavera b. May 9, 1900; John Frederick b. Oct. 23, 1901; Elmer Ray b. April 8, 1903; Aprilla b. April 1, 1906; Ella b. March 16, 1907; Leonard b. Dec. 3, 1911. Bishop's counselor; president Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school superintendent. School trustee. Farmer. LARSON, MONS (son of Lars Olson and Birtha Jonson of Sweden). Born June 6, 1823, Skagllnge. Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1869, George Rowley handcart company. Married Elian J. Malstrum, in Sweden (daughter of Olof Jensen Malmstrum and Carna Parsen of Sweden). She was born Feb. 13, 1826. Their children: Betsy, m. Edwin L. Carter; Caroline, m. Wesley B. Robbins; Lehl, m. Letitia Carter; Olof. m. May Hunt: James M., m. Stella Wllkins; Emma E., m. Jesse N. Smith; Ellis J., m. Silas D. Smith. Family home in Sweden. Seventy. Farmer. Died March 1890, Fairview, Utah. 1000 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH LARSON, NIELS PETER (son of Lars Nielsen and Metta Christian of Jutland, Denmark). Born April 20. 1826, Weiby, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1869, Robert F. Neslen company. Married Karem K. Swensen in 1864 (daughter of Swen Larscn and Anne Pedersen of Weiby). She was born May 17, 1830. Their children: Anna, m. Alexander Gillespie; Lauritz, Emma, Peter and Clara, died; Maria Clarinda, m. James Bell Heywood; Joseph, m. Ostella Baker; Ella, m. James Lehi Brown; Alma, died. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Missionary to Omaha, Neb., 1880; missionary to Denmark in 1892; high priest. Farmer. Died Nov. 20, 1911. LARSON, NILS (son of Lars Larson, born Oct. 6, 1800, and Elna Jacobson, born July 2::, 1793, of Willie Parish, Malmo, Sweden). He was born July 17, 1833, Malmo. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home company. Married Bengta Flaygare May 13, 1864 (daughter of Nils Flaygare and Anna Neilson, pioneers Aug. 29, 1863, John R. Murdock company). She was born May 11, 1835. Their children: Mary Ann b. April 1, 1865, m. George M. Smoot Dec. 19, 1888; Settle Elenor b. Jan. 25, 1867, m. Joseph L. Wiggand July 17, 1902; Nils Olaf b. April 11, 1869, d. Sept. 29, 1870; Ester Johanna b. Sept. 19, 1871, d. June 26, 1877; John Lawrence b. Aug. 28, 1873, d. Sept. 26, 1877; Emma Christina b. July 21, 1875, m. Joseph Oliver Stone Jan. 19, 1898; Isaac Jacob b. Sept. 27, 1877, m. Jane Delila Stone Dec. 9, 1903. Family home Salem, Utah. . LASHBROOK, EDWARD LAKER (son of Henry Lashbrook, born 1801,- Horson Sussex, and Elizabeth Finch, born at Readhill, Eng.). Born 1839 at Croydon, Surrey, Eng., died in Montpelier, Idaho. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, Ansel Harmon oxteam company. Married Mary Lenor Johnson, who was born Nov. 1864, in Denmark. Their children: Johann Elizabeth b. Oct. 18. 1875, m. John S. Green; Mary Ellen b. May 25, 1877, m Carl Leisering; George Finch b. March 19, 1879; Charles Brigham b. Nov. 9, 1880; Laker John b. Sept. 22, 1882, d April 4, 1902; Annie Alina b. April 21, 1884, m. Carl Stron- borg; Minnie b. Nov. 27, 1885, m. David Bischoff; Lillie Jayne b. Jan. 26, 1889, m. Albert Preston; Edward Ancel b. Nov. 26. 1890; Lawrence b. June 13, 1892. Family home Geneva. Bear Lake Co., Idaho. High priest; Sunday school superintendent Morgan, Weber stake, Utah; also in Ovid ward, Bear Lake stake. Worked on Salt Lake temple. Carpenter. LATER, PETER (son of Peter Later, born 1796, Lancashire, and Margrate Barrington. born 1799, Mostyn, Eng.). Born May 30, 1835, Newton Heath, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1859, George Rowley company. Married Elizabeth D. Brown (daughter of Richard D. Brown and Margrate Parkinson, former pioneer 1864). She was born Oct. 28, 1841, Wigan, Eng. Their children: Samuel 5. b. March 14, 1864, m. Helena M. Hayes Dec. 22, 1886; Elizabeth Ann b. Oct. 24, 1865. m. James L. Robson Feb. 27, 1890; Peter b. Dec. 3, 1867, m. Laura Ann Taylor Jan. 21, 1891; Richard b. Nov. 20, 1869, m. Mary A. Prophet Dec. 8, 1897; William b. Oct. 16, 1871, died; Mary b. Nov. 20, 1873, died; Rebecca b. March 28, 1876, died; Joseph b. April 16, 1877, m. Lucetta Taylor; Abner b. March 26, 1881, m. Alvira Myler. Family resided Sugar House and Lynn, Utah. LATER, SAMUEL S. (son of Peter Later and Elizabeth D. Brown). Born March 14, 1864, Sugar House, Utah. Married Helena Mary Hayes Dec. 22, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of Richard Hayes and Anna M. Turner, who came to Utah 1869). She was born Oct. 4, 1866, Yorkshire, Eng. Their children: Lewis S. b. Nov. 6, 1887, m. Chloe Call April 21, 1907; Lawrence R. b. Oct. 28, 1889, m. Mable Cordon Oct. 4, 1911; Hazel b. Jan. 6, 1891. died; Athel E. b. June 28. 1894; Curtis C. b. Aug. 26, 1896; Reta L. b, Jan. 21, 1898; Thelma G. b. May 31. 1901; Gladys M. b. Nov. 13. 1905; Jeston J. b. Oct. 31, 1907; Dillon W. b. July 7, 1909; Floyd H. b. May 10, 1911. Family resided Harrisville, Utah, and Rigby. Idaho. LATIMKH. THOMAS (son of Sarah Ann Jones of Stafford- shire. Eng.). Came to Utah 1863. Married Ann Hardy Feb. 10. 1856, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Robert Hardy of Falkirk, Scotland). She was born June 3, 1838. Their children: Sarah Ann, m. John W. A. Tlmms; Thomas H.. m. Annie M. Gant; William G., m. Amelia Hunter; John J., m. Ella Gant; Elizabeth H., m. Almond Rust; Jeanette W. H., m. Robert Anderson; Robert H., d. Infant; Euphelia H., m. William D. Pyper; Richard H., m. Emma Mclntyre; Henry James, m. Nellie Halliday, m. Myrtle Brown; Lucy H.. m. Benjamin Hunt; Warren N., m. Emily Grinsdell. Family home, Salt Lake City. Lumber merchant and planing miller. Died Nov. 1881, at Salt Lake City. i M it. GEORGE! (son of Jacob Laub and Barbara Resler of Lancaster county. Pa.). Born Oct. 6, 1814, Lancaster county. Came to Utah 1862. Married Mary Jane Megtnness Jan. 6. 1846, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of nenjamln Meginness and Sarah Johnston of Lancaster Co.. pioneers 1860). She was born Jan. 11. 1831. Their children: Luemma E., m. John W. Snell; Sarah, m. Ute W. Perkins; George W., m. Willamma Terry; John F., m. Mary Pulsipher; Mary J., m. Arnold D. Miller; Alice, d. child; Rachel, m. William Perkins; William B., m. Mary Robison; Caroline, m. Frederick W. Richards; Corinda E., died. Family resided Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah. Member 26th quorum seventies. Called to St. George in 1862 to help settle that country. Worked on Salt Lake theater. Built several saw and grist mills. Car- penter. Died Nov. 14, 1880. at St. George. LAWRENSON, WILLIAM. Born 1799 at Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1856, handcart company. Married Ann Quick, born Feb. 1, 1801, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary b. Aug. 24, 1824- Ann b. Oct. 2, 1826; William b. Dec. 18, 1830; James b Oct. 6. 1832; Richard b. June 6. 1835; Eliza b. April 9 1837; Jane b. Oct. 9. 1838, m. Abraham Shaw Dec. 2. 1856- Margret b. April 7, 1842, d. 1843; Margret b. May 9. 1845 m. William Sampson. Family home, Liverpool. LAWSON, JOSEPH. Born Dec. 9, 1824. Isle of Man Eng Came to Utah 1864. Bishop Hogland company. Married Ruth M. Greenway (daughter of John Green- way and Elizabeth Price), who was born Dec. 6, 1826, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Joseph b Jan. 16, 1866, d. June 8, 1866; Brigham b. Jan. 18, 1858 m. Susa Poole; Sarah b. Dec. 6, 1860, m. Lamonl Grtx- Benjamin b. Jan. 17. 1862. d. June 16, 1864; Ephraim b. Aug. 16, 1864, m. Mary Scott; David Cottier b. July 6 1866, m. Orrilla Ann Stephens Feb. 6. 1889; John b. May 18. 1871, m. Martha Trott March 7, 1895. Secretary of seventies 20 years and high priests 16 years. Black Hawk war veteran. Colonizer. Secretary and treasurer of Ogden Bench canal 1868-66; secretary and treasurer David Heber canal 1873-94. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1866-69 from Liverpool, Eng. Farmer. LAWSON, DAVID COTTIER (son of Joseph Lawson and Ruth M. Greenway). Born July 6, 1866. Ogden. Utah. Married Orrilla Ann Stephens Feb. 5, 1889, at Ogden (daughter of Cornelius J. Stephens and Harriet Orrilla Shaw), who was born Nov. 6, 1870, at Ogden. Their chil- dren: David S. b. Oct. 16. 1889, m. Jane Greenwell; Lillian S' K- ov -,\ 3 - 1890; Wllllam H - >>. Aug. 6. 1892; Benjamin T. b. Dec. 29, 1893; Maxwell B b. April 18, 1896; Sarah May b. May 3, 1898; Eyvonne Orrilla b. July 18, 1904- Harriet Jane b. April 11. 1906; Edward Nephi b. Feb. 11 1908- Edith Marie b. Nov. 4. 1909; John Francis b. Jan. 21 Mil died. Family home, Ogden. LAYMAN, JOHN (Johannes Lehmann) (son of Felix Leh- mann, born May 16, 1782, and Elizabeth Gassmann born Oct. 9, 1784, both of Rumlang, Switzerland married March 10, 1807). Born Sept. 23, 1816. at Rumlang. Zurich, Switz- erland. Came to Utah October, 1861. Married Anna Geering May 27. 1850, Rumlang. Switzer- land (daughter of Kasper Geering and Elizabeth Roshlin latter pioneer Oct. 1861 married Aug. 28, 1826). She was born April 16, 1833. Their children: Adolph b Oct 4 1851, m. Annie E. Stanger Jan. 13, 1873; Gottlieb b Dec' 11, 1853; Conrad b. July 1, 1865. m. Hannah Baird April' 11. 1891; Mary b. March 23, 1860. m. Samuel L. Brown Un S ,V, 1883: Betty Annte b - Oct - 20 - !81. m. Thomas Reed White Dec. 5. 1882; Herman b. Aug. 16. 1863, m Mary Herzig Oct. 8, 1892; Anna Rosa b. Jan. 27, 1866. m Samuel Harrop March 3. 1886; John b. April 26, 1867 m Melissa M. Fogg May 3, 1899; Hyrum b. Oct. 8, 1868 d' Ma Ti h 7 6> 1 . 1 o 8 J 1 \, W '! llam b ' May 9 ' 1871 ' m - Caroline Baird' April 7. 1894; Nettie b. Aug. 24. 1873, m. Francis W Dud- man May 31, 1899. Family home Lynn, Utah Active church worker. Assisted in bringing "immigrants Utah. Freighted carding mill across the country to Bingham Fort and erected It In 1863. Farmer and fruit LAYMAN. ADOLPH (son of John Layman and Anna Gear- ing). Born Oct. 4, 1851, at Rumlang. Married Annie E. Stanger Jan. 13, 1873, Salt Lake Citv (daughter of Thomas Stanger and Jane Wilson, pioneers Sept. 25, 1865, Richard Ballantyne company) She was born April 28. 1864. Faceby. Yorkshire. Eng Their chll dren: Edward Adolph b. Aug. 22, 1874, d. May 30 1878 Thomas Wilson b. Aug. 14. 1877; Laura Jane b. May 16 Sl^ervUle^Utah Meyerhoffer June 2 - 1909 - Family homo High priest. Farmer and dairyman. LAYTON, CHARLES (son of Mr. Martin, who died about 1831, and Bathsheba Layton; son assumed mother's name according to custom of that day). Born April 6 1832 Sandford, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1862 Married Elizabeth Bowler at Salt Lake City. Their children: S. J., m. Sarah Trappet; Charles A., m. Victoria Walker; William I., m. Rosa Warren; Eliza, m. Charles Wall; Orson, m. Ruthe Bodily; Phoebe, m. Mr Warrrn- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1001 Timothy, m. Harriet Jarmen; George, m. Annie Deshazo. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Married Sarah A. Crockett at Salt Lake City, who was born April 12, 1833. Peterborough, Northamptonshire, Eng. Their children: Edith, ra. James A. Cottrell; Christopher E m. Clara M. Hyde Nov. 27, 1895; Nettie I., died; Erminie, m.' Charles Cottrell; Frank L., m. Elizabeth Hall. Family home, Kaysville. Seventy. Died April, 1901, at Kaysville. LAYTON, CHRISTOPHER E. (son of Charles Layton and Sarah A. Crockett). Born September. 1867, at Kaysville. Married Clara M. Hyde Nov. 27, 1895. Salt Lake City (daughter of Rosel Hyde and Hannah Simons of Kays- ville), who was born Dec. 2B, 1868. Their children: Gladys b. March 10, 1897; Corydon H. b. Jan. 1. 1899; Mabel b. Jan. 26. 1901; Lena b. Aug. 24, 1903; Willis H. b. Jan. 19, 1906; Charles H. b. Oct. 30, 1908; Alice b. April 6, 1911. Missionary to southern states 1893-95; bishop of Hunter ward 1899-1901; high councilor in Pocatello stake. Furni- ture dealer. I.HATIIAM, JAMES (son of Robert Leatham and Janet Urquhart, Lanarkshire, Scotland). Born Dec. 15, 1830. Lanarkshire. Came to Utah Oct. B, 1853, Appleton M. Harmon company. Married Margaret Irvine Dec. 31, 1852, Lanarkshire (daughter of William Irvine and Agnes Kerr of Lanark- shire, pioneers Oct. 26, 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born Jan. 3, 1837. Their children: John, m. Annie Critchlow; Agnes, m. John Acomb; Janet; Margaret, m. R. C. Pitt; Jane; Selina, m. D. J. Mackintosh; James, m. Agnes Reid; Alice, m. J. B. Kesler; William A., m. Florence Beck; Robert; Sarah A., m. R. B. Wooley. Family home, Salt Lake City. First counselor In presidency of high priests' quorum of Pioneer stake. Stone cutter. LEATHAM, WILLIAM A. (son of James Leatham and Mar- garet Irvine). Born Feb. 12. 1872, at Salt Lake City. Married Florence Beck at Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Beck and Isidora Jameson of Prove, Utah). She was born Oct. 1, 1877. Salt Lake county assessor. Bookkeeper. LEAVER, SAMUEL H. (son of Samuel Leaver and Mary Ann Hartlett, England). He was born Nov. 5, 1847, Winter Quarters, Neb. Came to Utah 1850. Married Mary Sprtggs Sept. B, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Spriggs of Wales, came to Utah 1853). She was born Jan. 9, 1851. Their children: Mary L., m. Frederick Stauffer: Edmund Spriggs, m. Netah Yearsley; Moroni, m. Cora Wilson; Hartlett S., m. Theresa Hopf en- bach; Genevieve, m. George Hopfenbach; Barnes; Earl S., m. Florence Pratt; Sidnay A., m. Lenora Lewis; Thomas O.; Leona. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy. Bookkeeper. Died Jan. 31, 1910. LEAVITT, GEORGE (son of Wire Leavitt, born 1785, and Phoebe Cole of New Hampshire). Born Aug. 29, 1828, In Sherbrooke Co., Quebec, Canada. Came to Utah October, 1847, Bates Noble company. Married Janet Brinkerhoff Aug. 29, 1852, Centervllle, Utah (daughter of James Brinkerhoff and Sally Ann Snyder, pioneers Oct. 1847, Bates Noble company). She was born Oct. 30, 1836. Their children: Phoebe Ann b. June 13, 1853, m. A. B. Cherry Aug. 15, 1868; Sarah Janett b. April 17. 1855, m. John R. Allen Nov. 2, 1875; George b. Oct. 23, 1857, d. Sept. 23, 1861; James Brinkerhoff b. Aug. 31, 1858, m. Pennina J. Rawlins May 6, 1881; Leona b. Sept. 25, 1861, m. F. A. Rawlins Dec. 18, 1879; Hyrum b. Dec. 9, 1863, m. Jane F. Stoddard Feb. 23, 1888; Mary Edith b. Dec. 27, 1864, d. Feb. 22, 1878; Levle b. April 25, 1866, d. Feb. 9, 1888; John C. b. Feb. 16. 1868, d. July 16, 1869- Lucy E. b. April 14, 1870, d. March 14. 1871; Horton Brink- erhoff b. May 12, 1871, m. Lurinda A. Hendricks Nov. 15, 1895; Georgia Anna b. Oct. 29. 1873, m. Thomas S. Karren Dec. 2, 1891; Edward b. Nov. 18, 1876, m. Lydia E. Karren March 8, 1899; Wire b. Jan. 18, 1878, d. March 18, 1878. Family home Lewiston, Utah. Married Sarah A. Porter April, 1857 (daughter of Chauncy Warriner Porter and Amy Sumner, former pioneer of 1849, latter died at Winter Quarters, Iowa). She was born 1841 at Green Plains, Hancock county, 111. Their children: Nina Malinda b. Nov. 25, 1861, m. Sanford Marius Porter Sept. 4. 1879; Elva Armina b. Feb. 15, 1864, m. William Henry Bond 1881; Ada Permelia b. July 29, 1865, m. William H. Bond Jan. 6, 1886; Amy Teresa b. Feb. 1, 1868, m. Sullivan C. Richardson 1886. Family resided at Porterville, Utah, and Sunset and St. Joseph, Ariz. Married Nancy Minerva Earl July 11, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Asa Earl and Minerva Rich), who was born Oct. 13, 1840, Hancock county. 111. Came to Utah Oct. 1847, Charles C. Rich company. Their children: Joseph Wire b. Nov. 14, 1859, m. Mary E. Rawlins May 4, 1882; Charles Coulson b. Oct. 7, 1861, m. Sarah E. Cazier; Louisa b. May 16, 1863, d. May 26. 1865; William b. July 17, 1864, m. Carline F. Corlage Aug. 12. 1889; Charlotte Ann b. Oct. 3, 1867, d. May 16. 1868; Landon b. April 15, 1869, d. Dec. 20. 1869; Orson b. Feb. 23. 1871, m. Alice Spackman 1898; Henry b. Oct. 17, 1874, m. Hepsebeth Webster Aug. 26, 1893; Albert b. May 25, 1878, d. May 10, 1898; Julia b. March 9, 1882. m. Marriner W. Jackson Nov. 12, 1902. Family home Lewiston, Utah. First settled at Salt Lake City, moved to Centerville. Assisted in settlement of Parowan, Cedar City and Lewis- ton, Utah, Muddy, Ariz., and Star Valley, Wyo. Mem- ber of bishopric; high priest. President Cub River Canal Company. Died Jan. 23, 1889, Lewiston, Utah. LEAVITT, JOSEPH WIRE (son of George Leavitt and Nancy Minerva Earl). Born Nov. 14, 1869, Centerville, Utah. Married Mary E. Rawlins May 4, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Harvey M. Rawlins and Margaret E. Frost). Their children: Joseph McCaslin b. Jan. 2, 1883; William Francis b. Nov. 22, 1883; Eulalle Ardella b. June 7, 1886. m. Fredrick Taggart Dec. 17, 1902; Arden Odell b. Oct. 3, 1887; Charles Newel b. Feb. 1, 1891; Elden Harvey b. July 1, 1893; George Lament b. June 11, 1896; Hettie Mildred b. Sept. 1, 1898; Edith Alvira b. March 29, 1901; Hyrum Andrew b. July 3, 1903. Family home Lewiston, Utah. Officer in Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school teacher. Farmer; carpenter; dairyman. LEAVITT, JOHN QUINCY (son of John and Lucy Leavitt, Compton, Quebec, Can.). Born Oct. 1, 1834, at Compton. Came to Utah September, 1860, Captain Brown independent company. Married Malinda Minion Sept. 21, 1858, Pulaski, Jackson county, Mich, (daughter of Isaac Minion and Clartcy Curn of Pulaski). She was born April 22. 1838. Their children: Elmer Brigham b. 1859, m. Mary Ellen Spitzer; John Julian b. Oct. 4, 1861, m. Annie World; Ida Josephine b. Feb. 3, 1863, m. Abram Hatch. Family home Farmlngton, Utah. President 14th quorum seventies; ward teacher. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Assessor and collector of Davis county; county recorder; county clerk; justice of peace at Farmington. Lieutenant in Utah militia. Di- rector Utah Central railroad. Vice-president Utah Live Stock Company. LEAVITT, LEMUEL STURDIFONT (son of Jeremiah Leav- itt and Sarah Sturdifont). Born Nov. 3, 1826, Compton Canada. Came to Utah October, 1849. Married Melvina Thompson Oct. 15, 1850, by whom he had seven children, among whom was Lovisa b. Oct. 22 1861, m. Myron Abbott Jan. 11, 1878. She died 1862. Married Betsy Mortlnson Feb. 1864. She died 1867. Only child: Mary Matilda b. Nov. 6, 1864, m. Myron Alma Abbott April 14, 1881 (son of Myron Abbott above). Married Mrs. Craig, an English widow, who died a year or two after marriage. Married Mary Ann Adams, an English widow, by whom he had one son. Married Mrs. Waite, an English widow, who died a few years later, bearing him one son and one daughter. About 1850 settled near Pine Canyon, Tooele county in 1856 assisted in planting the first grain in Cache valley- located at Santa Clara, Utah, 1867. In 1863 drove an ox- team to Omaha, Neb., and returned with Immigrants same year. LEE, ALFRED (son of Samuel Lee, born April 14 1778 Orange county, N. C., and Elizabeth Gilham). Born Sept. 12, 1805, in North Carolina. Came to Utah 1849. Married Elizabeth La Flesh (daughter of Peter La Flesh and Polly Dudley), who was born Aug. 24, 1806. Their children: Isaac b. Sept. 12, 1826, m. Julia Ann Chatman- Thomas b. Jan. 12, 1828, m. Harriet Wolkitt; Eliza Ann b. July 30, 1830; Mary b. May 18, 1832, m. Andrew Blodget- Samuel Francis b. July 26, 1836, m. Ann White; Alfred L. b. April 21, 1837; Joseph Smith b. April 23. 1839; George Henry b. July 11, 1841; Eli b. Aug. 13, 1843; John b Nov 29, 1848. Family home Tooele, Utah. Married Rebecca Orme, who was born Jan 17 1838 Leicester, Eng. Their children: Alfred O. b. April 6 1858 : Carolina b. April 6, 1860; William O. b. Nov. 28, 1861: James Alma b. Feb. 6, 1867. LEE, THOMAS (son of Alfred Lee and Elizabeth La Flesh) Born Jan. 12, 1828, Winchester, Ind. Married Harriet Wolkitt July 20, 1849, while crossing the plains (daughter of Samuel Wolkitt and Emmeline Neilson). Their children: Sarah Jane b. Feb. 19, 1861, m Joseph Rowberry; Thomas W. b. March 29, 1863, m. Martha Bowen; Emmeline b. Sept. 6, 1864; Alfred b. July 13, 1856, m. Elizabeth Dorman; Elizabeth b. Sept. 14, 1857, m. Mr' Mythena; Samuel b. Aug. 18. 1869, m. Minnie Mythena; Mary b. Oct. 6, 1861, m. Charles Bassett; Emma b. July 1, 1863; Eli b. June 27, 1866; Henry b. March 3. 1867; Caro- line b. March 24, 1869; Alice b. May 28, 1872; Franklin W. b. Aug. 15, 1876; Charles W. b. Jan. 1, 1879. Married Primrose Shields March 10, 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Shields and Primrose Cunningham) She was born July 7, 1842, in Renfrewshire Scotland Their children: Harriet b. Nov. 6, 1859, m. James Whitby : Primrose b. Nov. 9, 1861, m. Brigham Davies; John Shields 1002 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH b. Feb. 22, 1862, m. Harriet E. Sabine; Joseph b. Jan. 11, 1866, m. Polly Skelton; Hyrum b. Dec. 18, 1866; Eli S. b. Jan. 31, 1868, m. Grace Moss; Annie Elizabeth b. Sept. 6, 1871, m. Benjamin Henson; William b. May 10, 1874; Ida b. June 7, 1877, m. Walter E. Beers; Alma S. b. Feb. 12, 1881, m. Bertha Craner; Clara May b. April 16, 1884, m. Bert Drury. Superintendent of Sunday school; president of T. M. M. I. A.; seventy. Hunter for company crossing plains; cap- tain of Indian militia. LEE, JOHN SHIELDS (son of Thomas Lee and Primrose Shields). Born Feb. 22, 1862, Tooele, Utah. Married Harriet E. Sabine Dec. 23, 1886, at Milton, Utah (daughter of Ara W. Sabine and Nancy Ann Hanes, pio- neers Sept. I860). She was born Aug. 27, 1867, at Grants- ville. Their children: John Leroy b. Oct. 3, 1887, m. Emma Huffaker; Marion b. Oct. 11, 1889; Ida b. Oct. 21, 1893; Ralph b. Jan. 29, 1896; Amy b. Nov. 12. 1897; Ruth b. July 22, 1899; Eurilda b. March 9, 1902; Thomas b. April 9, 1906; Maurice b. Feb. 11, 1908. Family home Tooele, Utah. Missionary two years; superintendent of religion classes; president of Y. M. M. I. A.; assistant superintendent of Sunday school; senior president of 43d quorum of seventies. LEE, ELI S. (son of Thomas Lee and Primrose Shields). Born Jan. 31, 1868, Tooele City, Utah. Married Grace Alice Moss Dec. 22, 1887, at Milton, Utah (daughter of William Francis Moss, who came to Utah 1866, and Eliza Crich of Lake Point). She was born Jan. 10, 1866. Their children: Alice May b. July 23, 1888, m. John Hansen; Florence b. June 15, 1890, m. Ernest Presbridge; Primrose b. Dec. 29, 1892; Lurilla b. Sept. 23, 1893; Ell Thomas b. Feb. 2, 1896; Eva b. Jan. 14 1898- Delia b. July 23, 1900; Ida Grace b. July 10, 1902; Helen b. May 13, 1904; William Moss b. July 18, 1906. Family home Lake Point, Utah. Elder; teacher; assistant Sunday school superintendent. Constable of Tooele county 1891-92. Farmer; lumberman. I,i;i:. CHRISTEN C. (son of Christen C. Lee, Sr., and Dorothy Marie Jensen, of Narre-lie, Aabentorp, Denmark) Born Oct. 20, 1833, at Aabentorp. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Mathias Cowley company. Married Kjersten Marie Jensen, 1863, in Denmark She was born Sept. 24, 1824. and died Jan. 7, 1863, Brlgham City, Utah. Married Sophia Karen Madsen Nov. 18, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Madsen and Martha Marie Hansen who came to Utah Aug. 8. 1860, Captain Wallings company) She was born May 3, 1846, In Denmark. Their children- . Mary Lerinda b. Nov. 11, 1863, m. Joseph Waite, Nov 11 1887; Francis Christen b. Nov. 11, 1865, m. Julia P Cash' Nov. 29, 1893; Peter Madsen b. May 1, 1869, d. Oct. 2, 1876- Martha Louisa b. Dec. 20, 1870, d. Nov. 1, 1876; Wilford Neils b. Jan. 10, 1874, d. Oct. 26, 1876; Irene Prudence b Nov 10, 1876, d. Oct. 10, 1878; Alta Sophia b. Feb. 22. 1879, m. Wilford Daines Feb. 22. 1905; Edna Trudie b. Sept 23 1882- Orville Leonard b. Dec. 3, 1886, m. Martha W. Smith, Sept 7, 1910; Royal Elmer b. March 3, 1888. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Married Tomine Petersen July 8, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of John C. Petersen and Christene Jensen, mar- ried Dec. 1843 in Denmark, came to Utah Sept. 20, 1866 Knud Peterson company). She was born June 9, 1847, Farso sogn, Denmark. Their children: Clara b. March 8 1866, m. Walter Hawks Jan. 17, 1885; John Earnest b. Oct. 2. 1867, m. Jennie Reeder Oct. 12, 1898 (died), m. Hattie Vilate Reeder Oct. 1, 1903; Tomine C. b. July 16, 1869, d. Oct. 10, 1876. Missionary to Denmark; temple worker; secretary during "United Order" move. Watermaster; farmer; merchant- sheepman; dairyman. Died Jan. 1, 1905, Logan, Utah. LEE. FRANCIS CHRISTEN (son of Christen C. Lee and Sophia Karen Madsen). Born Nov. 11, 1865, Brigham City, Utah. Married Julia Perier Cash Nov. 29, 1893, Logan Utah (daughter of Lewis Lunceford Cash, and Juliet Perier Wil- liams; former came to Utah Sept. 27, 1890; latter died Feb 11, 1871, Howes Valley, Ky.). She was born March 14, 1868. Their children: Eva b. Oct. 18. 1894; Avon b. Sept. 8 1896- Geneva b. Oct. 18, 1898; Eulalia b. April 18, 1902; Afton b. July 1, 1904; Inez b. Jan. 22, 1908; Francis Cash b. July 10, 1910, d. April 2, 1911. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Missionary to England; Sunday school teacher for 15 years. Treasurer of school board of trustees three years. Merchant. Married Elizabeth Strong Jan. 31, 1822 (daughter of Wil- liam Strong and Lydia Ferrin), who was born Nov. 17, 1795, and came to Utah Oct. 1, 1850, Aaron Johnson com- pany. Their children: Marquis Fayette b. Dec. 1822, m. Ann Lee; Jane b. Aug. 17, 1824, m. Pardon Webb; William Henry b. May 12, 1827, m. Harriett Carter; Orrin Strong b. Dec. 7, 1835, m. Sally A. Miles. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Fanny Britton Fisher May 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mr. Fisher), who was born Aug. 4, 1841. Their children: Elizabeth b. April 1858, m. Frank Peirce; Rhoda b. June 14, 1860, m. Parley P. Parker; John F. b. June 18, 1862, m. Elizabeth Earl; Lucy b. April 14, 1864, m. George Evans; Catherine b. April 15, 1866, m. Frank Raleigh; Adelia b. May 8, 1868, m. Chas. Brown; Irene b. July 17, 1870. m. George Nichols; Joseph Warren b. April 31, 1873. Served in war of 1812. In October 1848 carried first mall to Utah. Settled at Cottonwood. Presiding elder of first branch of church In Comstock, Mich., 1843; bishop of Holli- day ward 1851-58. One of the first physicians to practice In Utah. Died 1878, Salt Lake City. LEE, ORRIN STRONG (son of Ezekiel Lee and Elizabeth Strong). Born Dec. 7, 1835. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sally Ann Miles Oct. 30, 1869 (daughter of Albert Miles and Mariah Veich; came to Utah Oct. 1, 1860, Aaron Johnson company). She was born 1842, in Illinois. Their children: Luella M. b. Nov. 13, 1860, m. Jasper Horn, Dec. 7, 1882; Orrin S., Jr. b. April 13, 1862, m. Jane White Dec. 26, 1882; Joseph W. b. Dec. 17, 1863. m. Mary H. Hoyt Dec. 23, 1884; Clarissa J. b. Jan. 13, 1868, m. Sam'l Woolley Aug. 4, 1887; Sally A. b. Nov. 14. 1870, d. infant; Zella May b. Feb. 7, 1872, d. 1881; Frank A. b. Aug. 28, 1874; Edith A. b. July 27, 1877, m. Albert Roos July 19, 1899; Lucy I. b. July 26, 1880, m. John J. Angel April 23, 1901. Family home Peoa, Utah. Counselor In the bishopric of Peoa ward 1861-66; superin- tendent of Sunday school five years; missionary to Michigan 1878. Assessor and collector Summit county three years; county commissioner four terms; member of the Utah legis- lature 1871-72. Walker and Black Hawk war veteran. Participated in Echo Canyon trouble. LEE, ORRIN S. (son of Orrln Strong Lee and Sally Ann Miles). Born April 13, 1862, Peoa, Utah. Married Jane White Dec. 26, 1882, Peoa, Utah (daughter of Wm. White and Martha Gray, the former came to Utah, California company). She was born at Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Zella M. b. Oct. 6, 1883, m. Dwight Henry 1903; Lavenia b. Nov. 25, 1886, m. Stanley Bybee 1906; Orrin Ward b. May 22, 1888, m. Lydia Tracey 1908; Mary Myrtle b. Feb. 24, 1890, died; Henry Stanley b. May 12, 1892; Mark White b. Jan. 25, 1897, and Bessie Fern b. July 10. 1899, died; Perry Arnold b. Aug. 11, 1903; Minnie b. Jan. 21, 1906; Marrion Albert b. March 26, 1905, died. Family home Leorin. Idaho. County commissioner of Bingham Co., Idaho, for two years. LEE. JOSEPH WARREN (son of Orrin Strong Lee and Sally Ann Miles). Born Dec. 17, 1863, Peoa, Utah. Married Mary Hoyt Dec. 23, 1884, Hoytsville, Utah (daugh- ter of Samuel Pierce Hoyt and Catherine Emma Burbidge, Marion, Utah). Their children: Ethel b. Nov. 14, 1886; Elmer H. b. June 7, 1888, d. May 10. 1901; Winifred b. March 17. 1890; Mary Lucile b. March 17, 1892; Fay Warren b. Dec. 7, 1893; Bertie H. b. Jan. 13, 1897; Ernest O. and Elbert O. b. Jan. 16, 1899, the latter d. Feb. 6, 1899; Merlin R. b. June 8, 1903; Kermit P. b. Feb. 16, 1908. Family home Hoytsville, Utah. Justice of the peace 1904-06. Farmer; stockraiser; dairy and laundryman. LEE, JOHN F. (son of Dr. Ezekiel Lee and Fanny Britton Fisher). Born June 18, 1862. Married Elizabeth Earl Jan. 3, 1884, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Michael Earl and Elizabeth Woolnough, pioneers Oct. 3, 1862, Captain McArthur "Dixie" oxtrain). Their chil- dren: Earl L.; Bessie; Myrtle; Mabel; Mark W.; Lucy; Oliver. Family home Rexburg, Idaho. i.i:r,. EDDY ORLAND (son of Josiah Lee and Rockselana Davis of Quebec, Canada). Born Sept. 16, 1865. Came to Utah January, 1891. Married Jennie Cummings Aug. 20, 1884, Sheffield, 111. (daughter of Fitchyon Cummings and Ester Garrett of Sheffield). She was born Aug. 1, 1868. Graduate Illinois State University. Prosecuting attorney Cheyenne county. Neb., 1888-90. Lawyer. LEE, GEORGE. Born Sept. 27, 1824, Nottinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company. Married Sarah Peaker (daughter of George Peaker and Hannah Smith), who was born Nov. 14, 1826, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary Ann b. Jan. 24, 1846, m. John Albtston Dec. 3, 1863; Hannah b. Dec. 30, 1847, m. John Corbidge Dec. 9, 1866; John b. Jan. 6, 1860; Sarah b. Dec. 24, 1861, m. Henry Fowler; Elizabeth J. b. Jan. 1. 1854, m. William Corbidge; Ellen b. Jan. 8, 1856; George b. Dec. 30, 1865; Willamina b. Jan. 3, 1858; Moroni b. July 11, 1869: William J. b. Sept. 2, 1860; Fannie E. b. Dec. 4, 1862, m. Elliott Butterworth; Joseph b. March 7, 1867. Pioneer and member choir, Franklin, Idaho. Indian fighter. Died Oct. 29, 1868. LEE, EZEKIEL (son of Charles Lee, born Oct. 15, 1763, Worcester county, Mass., and Rhoda Keith, born Dec. 2, 1768, Chesterfield, Mass., married. 1789). Born Nov. 8, 1795, Chesterfield, pioneer October, 1848. LEE, ISAAC (son of Alfred and Elizabeth Lee). Born Sept. 12, 1826, Randolph county, Ind., pioneer 1852. Married Julia Ann Chapman. Their child: Eliza Ann, m. Aroet Lucius Hale, Jr., Sept. 11, 1869. Assisted in building of Nauvoo temple; member Nauvoo martial band. On coming to Utah, settled In Tooele; ran saw and shingle mill, Tooele Canyon. Moved to Grouse PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1003 Creek, Utah 1879; and nine years later to Salt River \alley. Wyo and six years later to Marion, Idaho. President of seventies quorum in Wyoming. Died Jan. 30, 1899, at Marion, Idaho. LEE, JOHN PERCIVAL (son of John Lee and Margaret Dudney of Lincoln county, Tenn.). Born April 26, 1824, in Lincoln county, Tenn. Came to Utah October or No- vember, 1850, started with Thomas Johnson company, lost their way and later were picked up by Shadrach Roundy C Married Eliza Foscue Feb. 18, 1844, in Coosa county, Ala (daughter of Benjamin Foscue and Eliza Skurlock of Clark county, Ala.). She was born Sept. 23, 1829, in Jackson county, Fla. Their children: John Rupard, m. Sarah Banks; Sarah Lucinda, m. Charles Wakeman Dalton; Ann Eliza, m. E. W. Thompson, m. Patrick Henry Mc- Guire, m. Willard Amos Nixon; Mary Caroline b. 1850, m. Martin Luther Black Aug. 22, 1868; Emma R., m. Charles Dalton, m. Jabez Gilbert Sutherland; Charles Andrew, m. Julia Speck; Ellen, m. Ellas Sims, m. James Thomas Jake- man, m. Martin Sanders; Rosamond, m. George Suther- land. Family home Beaver, Utah. Married second wife 1879, her name and family unknown. Member 24th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1866-68. Superintendent of schools; school teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. Died April 30, 1907, at Thatcher, Ariz. LEE, THOMAS OCTAVIOUS (son of Richard Lee and Lydia Lee, Nottingham, Eng.). Born Dec. 4, 1828, in Notting- ham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1863. Married Ellen Tadwell March 1844 in Rotherham, York- shire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1860 with handcart com- pany. She was born July 15, 1819. Their children: Emma b 1845, died; Mary b. Aug. 26, 1846, Hi. William D. Doulton; John b. Nov. 21, 1848, frozen to death near Park City Jan. 8, 1868; Orson Henry b. Oct. 28, 1850, m. Rachel Ann Jones. Home missionary in England; Sunday school teacher; ward worker. Worked in quarries; carpenter. Aided in building up the community. Engineer and foundry man in England. Was killed March 1865 at Heber City in Crook's rock quarry. LEE ORSON HENRY (son of Thomas Octavious Lee and Ellen Tadwell). Born Oct. 28, 1850, in Sheffield, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1861. Married Rachel Ann Jones Feb. 12, 1880, in Salt Lake City Endowment House (daughter of Elisha Jones and Sarah Ann Cummings, family resided Heber City, Utah). She was born Jan. 8, 1861. Their children: Thomas b. Sept. 2, 1881, d. Oct. 3, 1881; Sarah Ann b. Aug. 5, 1884, m. Nymphua H. Murdock; Margeret Lydia b. April 15, 1889; Orson Monroe b. Aug. 22, 1891; Fay b. Dec. 21, 1894; Dell b. April 6, 1898. Moved Into the ward in 1883 among the first and has devoted his life to the good of the ward and building up the country. Bishop of Elkhorn ward, Wasatch stake; superintendent Sunday school since the ward was organized May 12, 1895; teacher and secretary 1891; elder May 19. 1878. Justice of the peace; school trustee. Farmer; ranchman; dairyman. I.KIO. WILLIAM (son of Richard Lee, born April 16, 1799, at Upper Mitten, Eng., and Jane Baynum, born May 3, 1800, at Stourport, Eng.). He was born Sept. 6, 1820. at Upper Mitten, pioneer Oct. 8, 1850. Married Elizabeth Jasper Jan. 8, 1844 (daughter of Thomas Jasper and Elenor Baker), who was born May 3, 1820, in England. Their children: William R.; Mary Jane; Sarah Ann; Alice Ann; John Jasper; George Henry; William Richard; Selina Elizabeth; Thomas Jasper. Family home Grantsville, Utah. Married Jane Lyon April 10, 1855, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William and Mary Lyon of England). She was born in England. Their children: Mary; Joseph; Emma; Rachel; Damsel; Isaac; Rosema; Charlotte. LEE, WILLIAM RICHARD (son of William Lee and Eliza- beth Jasper). Born Oct. 16, 1866, Grantsville, Utah. Married Dorcas J. Whittle Oct. 10, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Whittle and Ann Janette Severe, the former pioneer 1849, the latter Oct. 185C). She was born Aug. 28, 1861, Grantsville, Utah. Only child: Gladys b. Oct. 15, 1896. Missionary to southern states 1887-88, to Idaho 1896 and to Missouri and Texas 1904-06; first counselor to Bishop Hector C. Haight of Oakley, first ward, 1906; ordained first counselor in high priests quorum June 29, 1906. LEES, JOHN (son of John Lees and Elizabeth Buckley). Born March 9, 1833, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Martha NeeJham in June 1853, Lancashire, Eng. (daughter of Joseph and Jane Needham of Lancashire). Their children: John N., m. Luella J. Balser; Amazon, m. Charles Player; Sarah Jane, m. William Gillespie; Eliza- beth, m. Jonathan Openshaw; Josiah N., m. Ellen M. Perkins; Martha and Samuel, died. Married Emma Chetham Oct. 27, 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Chetham and Sarah Taylor of Birmingham, Eng.). She was born March 6, 1838. Seventy; block teacher. Butcher. LEES, JOHN N. (son of John Lees and Martha Need- ham). Born May 23, 1860, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Luella J. Balser Feb. 15, 1883, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Balser and Emma Evans of St. Louis, Mo., and England, pioneers 1852 Abraham O. Smoot company). She was born Jan. 8, 1862, Salt Lake City. Their children: Martha E. b. Dec. 28, 1885, d. aged seven; Luella G. b. Sept. 8, 1886; John Lewis b. Aug. 20, 1888, d. infant; Mary May b. Dec. 16, 1889; Frank D. b. Dec. 1, 1892: Earl B. b. Sept. 8, 1894; Nettie b. Dec. 30, 1897, and Nellie b. Dec. 30, 1897, d. infants; Evan B. b. April 18. 1899; Eugene A. b. Nov. 1, 1908; Willie b. May 16, 1902. d. infant. Family home. Salt Lake City. Elder; block teacher. Employed by Utah Hide and Live Stock Company. LEES, JOSIAH N. (son of John Lees and Martha Need- ham). Born Sept. 23, 1865. Married Ellen M. Perkins Sept. 22, 1892, at Manti, Utah (daughter of John Perkins and Martha Filer, pioneers 1866). She was born March 22, 1873. at Salt Lake City. Their children: Lester J. b. March 5, 1899; Emma R. b April 24, 1901; Murtice E. b. Oct. 27, 1904. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder; Sunday school and block teacher. Butcher. LEES, JOSIAH (son of John Lees and Elizabeth Buckley). Born Dec. 27, 1840, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah 1862. Married Mary Ann Boyden Nov. 13, 1866, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Boyden and Sarah Korns, pio- neers 1860, James D. Ross company). She was born Jan. 2*, 1847, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England. Came to Utah with parents in 1860. Their children: Josiah Jr., b. Oct. 5, 1866, m. May E. Ridges; Sarah b. Dec. 3, 1868, m. Jos- eph Wood; Charles M., b. Feb. 13, 1870, m. Elizabeth Bishop; Susannah b. Aug. 26, 1873, m. Mary Duncombe; William b. Dec. 17, 1875, d. infant; John E. b. Sept. 28. 1877, d. aged 4; Clarence b. Dec. 16, 1879, m. Etta Hodson; Eva b. June 4, 1882, m. Emmett W. Bywater; Le Roy b Oct. 26, 1885, m. Ivy Farr; Ethel b. Jan. 11, 1887, m. Samuel A. Brown; Frank E. b. Jan. 1, 1890. Elder; home missionary. Deputy sheriff under Joseph Sharp, Salt Lake county, four years. Freighter and mer- chant. Died Feb. 21, 1908, at Salt Lake City. LEES, JOSIAH (son of Josiah Lees and Mary Ann Boyden) Born Oct. 6, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Married May E. Ridges Nov. 1889 at Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Joseph Ridges and Adelaide Whiteley of Salt Lake City). She was born March 1866. Their children: Leone b. Aug. 1891; Myrtle b. Feb. 1893, m. George Eastwood- Earl R. b. June 1895; Adelaide b. Feb. 9 1899- Mary E' b. Jan. 15, 1902. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 109th quorum seventies. Car inspector. Freighter. LEES, JOHN (son of Joseph Lees of Manchester, Lanca- shire, Eng.). Born 1801 Lancashire. Came to Utah October, 1863, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Elizabeth Buckley about 1828, Lancashire, Eng. Their children: James, m. Elizabeth Walker; Joseph, died; Susanna, m. John Blackham; John, Jr., m. Martha Need- ham; George, d. aged 72 years; Josiah, m. Mary Ann Boy- den. Family home. Salt Lake City. Elder; block teacher. Laborer. Died Jan. 28, 1886, at Salt Lake City. LE FEVRE, WILLIAM (son of John Le Fevre and Ann Dalton of Crowland, Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born Aug 31 1833, at Crowland. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1852, David Woods company. Married Hannah Holyoak Dec. 25, 1865, Parowan, Utah, and later in the Endowment house, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of George Holyoak and Sarah Green of Mosely Ware Green Common near Birmingham, Eng., pioneers Oct. 1 or 2, 1854, Dr. Rich company). She was born March 26, 1841. Their children: William Dame, b. Sept. 10, 1867, m. Cornelia Robinson; Sarah Ann b. Sept. 20, 1860, m. James Houston- John Henry b. May 2, 1861, m. Hattie Gale; Hannah Eliza b. March 5, 1864, m. Albert F. McEwen; Daniel James b. Oct. 29, 1867, m. Jane A. Robinson; Ann Elizabeth b. Aug 28. 1870, m. William D. Haycock; Martha Jane b. Sept. 12 1872; Jesse Holyoak b. Nov. 11, 1874, m. Nora McClelland: Mary Ellen b. March 7, 1877, m. Byron M. Orton; Clara Parthenia b. June 23, 1879, m. William E. Chatwin; Esther Alice b. Sept. 3, 1883, m. James Simkins Jones. Married Frances Banks Oct. 3, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of William E. Banks and Ellen Eyre of Sidney, Australia, pioneers 1858). She was born Nov. 4, 1844, died July 30, 1911. Their children: Susannah Delfiney b. Aug. 16, 1864, m. Michael G. Lloyd; George Edwin b. March 13. 1866. m. Margaret A. DeLong; Luke Dalton b. Nov. 12, 1867. m. Julia A. Orton; Ellen Lovina b. Sept. 6, 1869, m. Edward R. McEwen; Joseph Ellis b. April 10, 1871, died; Charlotte Moore b. March 24, 1873, m. Mahonri M. Steele, Jr.; Frank Banks b. April 24, 1876, diedr Sarah Alice b. Feb. 14, 1877, died; William b. Oct. 19, 1879, m. Jessie M. Robinson- Claudia Pernetta b. Jan. 10, 1882, d. July 24, 1883; Fannie May h Oct. 9, 1883, m. James Burrown Davenport; Leon b. Feb 1004 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH IB. 1886, m. Pearl Houston. Family resided Cleveland, Gar- rteld Co., Utah. Member 6th quorum seventies; missionary to St. George temple 1900-02; ordained high priest Aug. 29, 1897 and elder Oct. 31, 1852. Stockraiser and farmer. I.EFFLER, JAMBS A. (son of Joseph Leffler, born Sept. 11, 1806, and Mary Rummons, born Ma/ 12, 1811, in Missouri). Born July 28, 1840, Boon county. Mo. Pioneer July 10, 1862, private company. Married Mary Jane Gleave July 24, 1872 (daughter of John Gleave), who was born Jan. 2, 1858. Only child: Joseph Levlngston b. 1873, d. child. Married Anna Maria McGregor Jan. 4, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of William McGregor and Ann Hossack, married Dec. 28, 1841, in Scotland, pioneers Sept. 1852, Captain Wood company). She was born Aug. 21, 1863. Salt Lake City. LEMMON, WILLIS (son of Washington Lfmmon and Tamer Stevens of Big Cottonwood, Utah). Born Aug. 12, 1837, Quincy, 111. Came to Utah 1852. Married Anna E. Homer Nov. 1, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of Russell King Homer and Eliza Williamson, pioneers 1868). She was born March 19, 1844. and died July 3. 1911, Smithfleld. Their children: Anna Eliza, m. Justin Knapp; Willis, died; Julia C. m. George A. Hibbard; Nancy M., m. Fred Saurey; Eva A., m. James Skeen; Alice, m. Axel Anderson; Lee, m. Nellie Richardson; Rozette, m. William Anderson; Nellie, m. Henry Barnes; Homer, m. Emma Anderson. Family home Smithfleld, Utah. High priest; missionary to Florence, Neb., 1863; assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer. Died Feb. 4, 1909, Smithfleld, Utah. LEMON, WILLIAM McCLURE (son of Alexander Lemon and Margaret McClure of Pennsylvania). Born April 25, 1808, In Cumberland county. Pa. Came to Utah 1847, Perrigrine Sessions company. Married Catherine Mayer in Pennsylvania (daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth Mayer). Their children: Alexander A. b. March 1, 1831; Elizabeth b. July 26, 1833, m. Barrel Covington; Samuel b. Oct. 4, 1836, died; Margaretta b. Oct. 4, 1839, m. Robert E. King; Mary Ann b. Sept. 1, 1843. m. Henry Pickering; John Knox b. Aug. 19, 1845, m. Jane Burgess; William b. April 16, 1849. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. High priest. Surveyor. l.r. V/.I, MARTIN (son of John and Eliza Lenzi of Walbach, Switzerland). Born Oct. 19, 1815, at Walbach, Rhinefelden. Canton Aaragan, Switzerland. Came to Utah in September 1857, Jacob Hofflnes company. Married Jane Height in Philadelphia, Pa. She died 1877. Their children: Cornelia, m. John D. T. McAllister; Martin and William Tell, died. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Lutz in Philadelphia, Pa. (daughter of Charles Lutz and Mary Skidmore of Philadelphia; came to Utah with parents). She was born Feb. 1, 1835. Their chil- dren: John Alexander, m. Erenstine Holling; Annie Eliza, m. Hyrum Pearse Folsom; Charles Henry, m. Ada Ferguson; Samuel Frank, died; Sophia Elizabeth, Joseph Albert, George Washington, Wendell Leon, and Clara, d. in childhood. Family home. Salt Lake Ctiy. Married Caroline Johnson. Their child: Gertrude. High priest; counselor to Bishop Hoagland, 14th ward. Salt Lake City, Utah; president Zurich mission. Merchant. Died Oct. 18, 1898, Salt Lake City, Utah. LEONARD, DAVID HENRY (son of James Leonard and Jane Caldwell of upper Canada). Born March 7, 1841, In upper Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1853, Moses Clawson company. Married Emma Eliza Child Jan. 7, 1861 (daughter of John Child and Eliza Newport of London, Eng., pioneers Sept. 17, 1863, Moses Clauson company). She was born Aug. 13, 1841. Their children: Emma Leu Alice b. July 25, 1866, m. William Willis Wimmer; David Heber b. July 13, 1869, m. Hannah Matilda Johnson; Myra Annie b. Jan. 6, 1872, m. Henry Charles; Mary Eliza b. Jan. 6, 1874 and George Alma b. June 25, 1876, d. infants; Alonzo Newport b. Feb. 22, 1878, m. Georgiana Spilsbury; Marian Lyman b. Jan. 9, 1885, m. Rosa Ward. Married Elizabeth Charles Sept. 16, 1865, in Salt Lake City (daughter of David Charles and Elizabeth Thomas, of South Wales, pioneers 1862). She was born Dec. 7, 1846. Their children: William Henry b. Aug. 9, 1866, m. Annie Luce; Elizabeth Jane b. March 1868, m. James Johnson; James Vaughan b. April 4, 1870, m. Janet Collard; John Hyrum b. Dec. 18, 1871. m. Alice Rowley; Alice- Ann b. April 2. 1874. m. George Westover; Margaret b. Dec. 1, 1876, d. infant: Agnes b. Dec. 9, 1877, d. child; Elsie Adeline b. Feb. 2, 1880, m. Robert Litster; Caroline Althera b. March 3. 1882. m. George A. Albright; Davis Charles b. April 26. 1884. m. Bessie Collard; Emma Eulila b. Sept. 23, 1886, m. Amasa Portor Clark; Alvin Eugene b. Aug. 7, 1888, m. Katy Gordon; Myron Herald b. Sept. 1, 1890, m. Elsie Bartlett. Family home Huntington, Utah. Missionary to frontier; elder. School trustee for several years in St. Johns, Tooele county. Bee and tree inspector. Black Hawk war veteran. Farmer; blacksmith and stock- raiser. Missionary to settle Hush Valley, Tooele county, St. Joseph, The Muddy, Nevada and Emery county 1870, returned to Missouri river 1863 for immigrants for the church crossing the plains with oxteams three times in all. LEWIS, DAVID (son of David Lewis). Born April 10, 1814, in Simpson county, Ky. Came to Utah October, 1850. Married Duritha Trail 1836, in Kentucky (daughter of Solomon Trail and Nancy Durant of Kentucky, pioneers Oct. 1850). She was born Jan. 5, 1813. Their children: Armita, m. George Baker; Preston, m. Virtue Ann Bow- thorpe; m. Sarah Coleman; David, d. Oct. 30, 1866; Siney, m. Elizabeth Coleman; m. Elizabeth Blair; Olive, m. David Brenton; m. Hill Wylie; William Trail, d. aged 14. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Huntsman at Salt Lake City. Their children: Annie Elizabeth; Liza. Married Jane Huntsman at Salt Lake City. Married Clarlssy . High priest. Photographer; cooper and farmer. Died in 1854 at Parowan, Utah. LEWIS, PRESTON (son of David Lewis and Duritha Trail). Born Nov. 16, 1838, Simpson county, Ky. Came to Utah 1851. Married Virtue Ann Bowthorpe Jan. 4, 1856, Salt Lake City, by Elija Sheets (daughter of William Bowthorpe and Mary Ann Tuttle of city of Norwich. Norfolkshlre, Eng., pioneers Oct. 13, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She was born Feb. 28, 1836. Their children: David W. b. Feb. 4, 1858, d. aged 2; Preston K. b. Dec. 21, 1859, m. Margeret R. Herbert; George S. b. Feb. 17, 1862, d. aged 10; Virtue Ann b. Feb. 4, 1864, m. Fredrick Kent; Marlon T. b. March 10, 1867, d. aged 2; Mahaley A. b. Jan. 9, 1870, m. William H. La Pearl; Franklin T. b. Feb. 22, 1872, m. Lorett Butler; Emeretta b. July 23, 1875. d. aged 2; Ira A. b. March 22, 1877, m. Annie Quist. Family home, Big Cottonwood ward. Married Sarah Coleman (daughter of George Coleman and Elizabeth Bailey, of Big Cottonwood, Utah). Seventy at Big Cottonwood; missionary to "Dixie" one year and to The Muddy six months; priest; block teacher. Road supervisor at Big Cottonwood three years; school trustee. Farmer and Stockraiser. Died Jan. 13, 1913, Heber, Utah. LEWIS, PRESTON KING (son of Preston Lewis and Virtue Ann Bowthorpe). Born Dec. 21, 1869, Big Cottonwood. Utah. Married Margeret R. Herbert Jan. 4, 1900, Vernal, Utah, by George A. Davis (daughter of Thomas Herbert and Ann Wardle of Vernal, Utah). She was born May 27, 1882. Their children: Margeret A. b. Feb. 24, 1901; Mary b. Jan. 16, 1903; Charles b. Dec. 22, 1904; Frank b. Oct. 24, 1906. Family home, Big Cottonwood. Carpenter. LEWIS, SINEY (son of David Lewis and Duritha Trail). Born Aug. 1, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah 1860, oxteam company. Married Elizabeth Coleman Jan. 6, 1874, at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Coleman and Elizabeth Bailey of England, pioneers with oxteam company). She was born Dec. 6, 1866. Their children: David b. Nov. 23. 1874. d. child; Lenorah b. Aug. 16, 1876, m. Alfred Watkins; m. E. W. Evans; Annie Elizabeth b. May 9, 1878, m. Joseph H. Carroll; Minnie b. Sept. 21, 1880, m. William Pierce; Siney Jr. b. June 6, 1883, m. Lena Hoft; Frank C. b. July 26, 1885; Mary Coleman b. Nov. 25, 1887, m. Charles Hatch; Georgeana b. July 12. 1890, m. Linn McClelland; Charles b. March 3, 1892; Aaron b. Jan. 17. 1892, d. child; Birdie b. June 9, 1898; Jennie b. Dec. 6, 1900. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Blair Oct. 10, 1876, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Harrison Blair and Mary McNutt). She was born May 9, 1856. died Nov. 19. 1887, at Big Cottonwood, Utah. Their children: Lottie b. Dec. 28, 1877, m. Allen Hodson; William Harrison b. Dec. 9, 1879, d. aged 16: Royal b. Dec. 6, 1881, died; Mary Elizabeth b. March 2, 1883, and Olive b. Aug. 13, 1884, d. child; Baby b. Nov. 19, 1887, d. infant. Family home Big Cottonwood, Utah. High priest; Sunday school superintendent; superintendent T. M. M. I. A.; ward teacher. Assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah. School trustee at Vernal. Director in Wasatch water company at Midway. Indian war veteran. Farmer. LEWIS, ENOCH (son of Thomas and Rachel Lewis). Born Nov. 25, 1824, in Wales. Came to Utah 1869, James Brown company. Married Emma Farrell In 1849, at Newport, Walea Their children: Alice, m. Mr. Kewley; Thomas H. ; George, died: Mary, m. William Edwards; Enoch H.; Martha, m. Mr. Carlisle; Lewis, died. Settled at Farmlngton, Utah; moved to Logan 18. Died Feb. 7, 1890, Logan, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 100.5 LEWIS, JESSE WILLIAM (son of John Lewis, born 1799, in Virginia, and Mary Douglas, born 1800, in Kentucky). Born Oct. 27. 1836. Came to Utah in 1861. Married Mary A. Fuller Dec. 27, 1855, Des Moines, Iowa (daughter of Amos Botsford Fuller and Esther Smith, both born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y.). She was born Aug. 31, 1833. Their children: Oran Amos b. Nov. 2, 1857, m. Ellen Gillisple Aug. 2, 1883; m. Laura Larson June 30, 1887; Seth b. Jan. 30, 1860; Mary Esther b. March 2, 1863; Ella Sophina b. June 20, 1865; Alcesta Adelia b. May 21, 1867; Loretta Alice b. Aug. 20, 1870, m. John Mitchell Cowan Dec. 19, 1889; Jesse William, Jr. b. Oct. 15, 1872, m. Melissa Manwell June 30, 1897: Elmer Ray b. Dec. 23, 1874; Cora Cordelia b. Feb. 24, 1877; Ora Jane Gertrude b. Oct. 8, 1879, m. John August Allen Feb. 29, 1903. Family home Provo, Utah. LEWIS, JOHN A. (son of Edmund Lewis, born 1771, and Amelia Preece, born 1780, of Cardiff, South Wales, who were married in 1800). He was born Dec. 11, 1814, at Llandaff, South Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson company. Married Ann John (daughter of John and Elizabeth John, who were married about 1808). She was born May 3, 1818. Their children: Ann b. June 25, 1836. m. Henry Clegg 1855; Mary b. Nov. 22, 1839, m. Joshua Hawks Dec. 21, 1859; Fredrick b. May 29, 1844, m. Agnes Ferguson Jan. 28, 1865; William b. Jan. 6, 1847, m. Sarah Ann Malcom April 3, 1875. Family resided Salt Lake City, Brigham City and Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Priscilla Merrlmen in 1851 (daughter of Joseph and Mary Merrimen), who was born Feb. 22, 1811, at Pem- brokeshire, Wales. Their children: Amelia Priscilla b. June 3, 1852, m. Moses B. Gay Feb. 22, 1874; John Samuel b. July 13, 1864, m. Mary Jane Warner Dec. 28, 1874. Missionary to Wales 1872-74. Planted first orchard at Brigham City in 1866. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1864. Contractor and builder LEWIS, FREDRICK (son of John A. Lewis and Ann John). Born May 29, 1844, at Cardiff, Wales Married Agnes Ferguson Jan. 28, 1865, at Spanish Fork, Utah- (daughter of Andrew Ferguson and Cathrine Douglas, former came to Utah 1855, with Moses Thurston com- pany). She was born Sept. 21, 1843, at Airdrie, Scotland. Their children: Priscilla b. Oct. 26, 1867, m. John O. Swenson Jan. 2, 1890; Agnes b. April 5, 1872, m. Myron Newton Crandall Feb. 13, 1895; Mary Cathrine b. March 21, 1874, m. Joseph Markham Jan. 28, 1899; Adlinda b. Jan. 8, 1877, m. Paul Ludlow June 28, 1899; Fredrick b. Aug. 17, 1880, m. Sarah Jane Amos Sept. 6, 1906. Family resided Salt Lake City, Brigham City and Spanish Fork, Utah. Leader of military band 1862-76. Missionary to Wales 1883-85. Policeman and city marshal of Spanish Fork 1870-77. LEWIS, JOHN MOSS (son of Benjamin Lewis and Joannah Ryan of Simpson county, Ky.). Born Feb. 16, 1829, in Simp- son county. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Martha Jane Crismon In 1848, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Crismon and Mary Hill of Simpson county, Ky., pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young com- pany). She was born Sept. 8, 1831, Jacksonville, 111. Their children: Martha Joannah b. Oct. 16, 1851, m. Jesse Hobson; Charles Benjamin b. Aug. 15, 1853, 'm. Libbey Carpin; Clara Jane b. Nov. 24, 1856, m. Charles Peterson; Ida Francis b. June 24, 1857, m. Harve Blair; John Franklin b. May 19, 1861, m. Eliza Morris; Emily Ann b. Jan. 12, 1863, d. March 20, 1873; George William b. Oct. 29, 1866, m. Oleni Kemp; Walter Beers b. Nov. 21, 1866, m. Fannie Holly; Henry Mahalen b. Feb. 8, 1869, m. Rose Ingram; Leonard Ryan b. Nov. 6, 1870, m. Alice Ingram. Family home Mesa City, Ariz. High priest in Maricopa stake, Arizona. Farmer. Died May 6, 1894, Mesa City. LEWIS, NERIAH (son of Neriah Lewis of Kentucky). Born April 29, 1816, Simpson county, Ky. Came to Utah October, 1861, James Cummings company. Married Rebecca Hendricks in Kentucky (daughter of Samuel Hendricks of Kentucky, who came to Utah with Orson Pratt company). Their children: William H., m. Martha Pitt; Benjamin Marion b. March 20, 1841, m. Barbara Crockett; Neriah R. b. March 10, 1843, m. Amanda Jane Allred Jan. 20, 1864; Rebecca Louisa b. Sept. 7, 1848, m. M. W. Merrell. Family resided at Salt Lake City and Rich- mond, Utah. High priest. School trustee. Farmer. LEWIS, BENJAMIN MARION (son of Neriah Lewis and Rebecca Hendricks). Born March 20, 1841, in Kentucky. Came to Utah with his father. Married Barbara Crockett at Logan, Utah (daughter of David Crockett and Lydia Young of Maine). She was born April 6, 1845. Their children: Marion Alonzo, m. Lena Feiste; Harriett, m. William Brown; Lettie. LEWIS, NERIAH R. (son of Neriah Lewis and Rebecca Hendricks). Born March 10, 1843. Married Amanda Jane Allred at Richmond, Utah, Jan. 20, 1864 (daughter of Isaac Allred and Julia Ann Taylor), who was born Nov. 16, 1843. Their children: Robert Charles b. Dec. 10, 1864, m. Mary Ann Anderson; William Alma b. June 1, 1867, m. Laura Howell; Rebecca Augusta b. March 6, 1869; Augusta Louisa b. March 6, 1869; Amanda Laura b. Aug. 7, 1870, m. Henry Johnson; Isaac Neriah b. Jan. 27, 1872, m. Jane Hillman; George Wara b. Sept. 28, 1874, m. Florence E. Ewing; Julia E. b. Dec. 31, 1876, m. Albert M. Merrill; Clarence Leroy b. April 29, 1879, m. Margaret Black; Nellie P. b. Feb. 16, 1882, m. C. A. Meeker: Lillie V. b. Oct. 17, 1884, m. Herbert W. Mauring; Edna V. b. Sept. 6, 1887, m. Moses Gustaveson. Family home Oxford, Idaho. Settled at Richmond, Cache county, 1860. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1861, making round trip to Florence, Neb., by oxteam. Moved to Oxford in 1883, where he served as bishop for 23 years; high priest. Farmer and stockraiser. LEWIS, WILLIAM CRAWFORD (son of Benjamin Lewis, born April 20, 1803, at Pendleton, S. C., and Joanna Ryons. born April 6, 1808, in Clark county, Ky., who were married 1826). He was born Nov. 24, 1830, in Simpson county, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1847, David Spencer company. Married Sarah Jane Veach Feb. 27, 1853 (daughter of William Veach and Ann Elliot, the former died at Nauvoo and the latter came to Utah in September, 1851, Orson Pratt company). She was born Oct. 26, 1834; came to Utah with her mother. Their children: Mary E. b. Dec. 30, 1853, m. J. P. Collins 1889; Joanna S. b. April 9, 1855, m. J. W. Bain- bridge 1874; Ellen b. Sept. 16, 1866; Adelaide H. b. Feb. 20, 1859, m. J. N. Van Noy Oct. 8, 1878; William W. b. Sept. 14, 1860, m. Julia A. Tidwell Nov. 28, 1882; Eliza J. b. Jan. 20, 1862, m. Frank V. Lamb March 24, 1882; Benjamin E. b. Nov. 13, 1863, m. Fanny Williams Oct. 16, 1890; Julia A. b. Jan. 4, 1866; Martha A. b. Sept. 14, 1867, m. Chas. Oakley June 1894; James Leonard b. Aug. 26, 1869; Lorette V. b. Nov. 11. 1871, m. H. A. Adamson Dec. 21, 1896. Married Martha Ann Kingsbury Nov. 15, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph C. Kingsbury and Loenza A. Pond, who were married Jan. 27, 1846, pioneers Sept. 29, 1847, A. O. Smoot company). She was born Oct. 17, 1860, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Abbie Loenza b. Nov. 30, 1871, m. H. S. Stephenson Oct. 4, 1905; Maria Luctnda b. Dec. 14, 1873; Vilate Elizabeth b. Dec. 4, 1875, m. Albert J. Elggren June 5, 1901; Sanford Bingham b. July 8, 1878; Amy Frances b. May 19. 1882; Ray Crawford b. Feb. 27, 1891; Hazel Cosby b. Nov. 22, 1896. Moved to Richmond 1860. Indian war veteran. LIDDELL, WILLIAM. Born Jan. 13, 1822, in Lanarkshire. Scotland, died Jan. 16, 1862. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1863. Rosel Hyde company. Married Agnes Cassell Park Dec. 20, 1841, Rutherglen, Scotland (daughter of John Park), who was born Oct. 24, 1822, and died in May, 1912, Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Mary, William, James and Margaret, died; Peter Gillespie, m. Ruth Voce Hutchinson; Agnes, died; Mary, m. Soren Peter Neve; Abraham, m. Lucy Jones; Elizabeth, m. Joseph Hyrum Felt. Family home. Salt Lake City. LIDDELL, PETER GILLESPIE (son of William Llddell and Agnes C. Park). Born Sept. 12, 1851, Ervin, Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde company. Married Ruth Voce Hutchinson Feb. 3, 1875, Randolph, Utah (daughter of Jacob Flynn Hutchinson and Constantia Elizabeth dementia Langdon of Nashua, N. H.). She was born Jan. 24, 1858. Their children: William Barker b. May 1, 1876. m. Kate Blackburn; Jacob Flynn b. Aug. 26, 1877, died; Peter James b. Jan. 21, 1879, m. Elizabeth Jane Phelps- Mildred b. April 11, 1887, m. Frank Holmes; David Na- thaniel b. Dec. 30, 1882; Wallace George b. June 10, 1885 died; Ruth Voce b. Sept. 8, 1887, m. Roscoe Philip Whit- more; Agnes Elizabeth b. Feb. 14, 1890, m. Abraham Ouel- lete; Abraham b. May 6, 1894, died; Frank b. May 16 1893- Helen Mar b. Dec. 20, 1897. Elder. Rancher; miner; farmer. LIDDELL, 'ABRAHAM (son of William Liddell and Agnes Cassell Park of Glasgow, Scotland). Born Oct. 27, 1856, Ervin, Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1868, with John Gillespie's oxteam company. Married Lucy Jones Sept. 21, 1876, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Hopkins Jones and Winifred Morris of South Wales pioneers Nov. 29, 1866, with William S. Willis oxteam company). She was born Dec. 4, 1854. Their children- Bernard William b. Aug. 9, 1876, m. Stella Flower and Lillian Brown Clayton; Agnes Winifred b. May 6, 1878 m. Eugene Branch, Jr.; "Abraham b. March 4, 1880. m Mary Crawford; Hopkins Jones b. Jan. 26, 1882. m. Ethel Moss; Lucy May b. Jan. 26, 1832, m. Arthur Day; Mary Lillian b. Jan. 30, 1884, m. Ernest Miller; Martha Elizabeth b. July 31, 1887, m. Bliss Roberts; Iris Ruth b. Jan. 15 1890, d. Jan. 28, 1891; Willis James b. Dec. 20, 1891; Carl' Lynwood b. April 10, 1894; Beatrice Maud b. Sept. 16, 1897. Family home. Salt Lake City. Elder; block teacher. Commissioner Carbon county four years; also assessor Carbon county. Carpenter; builder- farmer; stockraiser. Died at Salt Lake City. LIDDELL, "ABRAHAM (son of Abraham Llddell and Lucy Jones). Born March 4, 1880, Smithfork, Wyo. Married Mary Crawford 1904, Sunnyside, Utah (daughter of John and Agnes Crawford of Scotland). She was born April 11, 1886. Their children: Willis Lynwood b. Jan! 1006 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 12. 1905; Clarence Dyer b. Feb. 7, 1906: John b. April 1908; Agnes b. 1910. Family home Sunnyside and Myton, Utah. Deacon; Sunday school superintendent. Salesman; farm- er; liveryman. I.IDDIARD, SAMUEL, (son of James Llddiard and Mary Nippress). Born June 27. 1841, Aldbourne, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel McArthur company. Married Sarah Collins May 6, 1863, Collingbourne, Kings- ton. Wiltshire, Eng. (daughter of John Collins and Pris- cilla Sheffred of Collingbourne, came to Utah in October, 1863. in Daniel D. McArthur company). She was born March 31, 1844. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 34th quorum seventies; high priest; Sunday school superintendent 1876-91; high councilor 1886-98. City councilman of Provo 1890-91; school trustee 1868-74 and 1878-90. Contractor and builder; manufacturer. LIKCHTY, JOHN (son of John Liechty and Christina Gug- gisburg of Langnau, Canton Bern, Switzerland). Born Nov. 27, 1827. Came to Utah October, 1863, Peter Nebeker corn- Married Louisa Wintsh, Provo, Utah (daughter of Casper Wintsh and Annie Willieman of Zurich, Switzerland, pio- neers to Utah Oct. 1862, Captain Decker company). She was born Feb. 13, 1849. Their children: Louisa, died; John Nicholas, m. Mary Keppler; Abraham Brigham, m. Ida Stooki, m. Louisa Relnwald; Frederick Bernhart, died; Christian Hyrum, m. Elizabeth Andrews, died; Enoch, died; Josephine m. John Nicholas Muhlestetn; Joslah Nephi; Rosinna Ester, m. Stoyl Cheney; Ephraim Amon, Elizabeth Edna. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary in Switzerland; high priest; ward teacher. Guard against Indian invasion; pioneer canal and road builder. Farmer. Died Sept. 17, 1910. LIECHTY. ABRAHAM BRIGHAM (son of John Liechty and Louisa Wintsh). Born March 10, 1870, Provo City, Utah. Married Ida Stooki Jan. 20, 1897, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Jacob Frederick Stooki and Elizabeth Morgenegg, of Bern, Switzerland). She was born April 3, 1873. died Dec. IB, 1900. Their children: Brigham Jacob b. Nov. 27. 1897; Eda Elizabeth b. Jan. 18, 1899; Heber J. b. Dec. 9, 1900. Married Louisa Reinwald April 20, 1904. Salt Lake City (daughter of William Reinwald, born at Brackenheim, and Louisa Brauenberger, born Steinfeld, Germany, resided Heil- bronn, Wurttemberg). She was born June 15, 1875, in Germany. Came to Utah In 1903. Their children: Ida Louisa b. July 14, 1905, Clear Creek, Utah; Gertrude b. Nov. 17, 1907; Helen Rose b. May 27, 1910. Families reside at Pleasant View, Utah. Missionary to Germany 1901-03; high priest; second coun- selor to Bishop Gillespie of Pleasant View; president dea- cons' quorum; secretary Pleasant View ward; secretary of the Y. M. M. I. A. at Pleasant View and Scofleld, Utah; ward teacher. Blacksmith; engineer; mechanic; farmer. I.INU, ANTON. Born Oct. 18, 1822, Aalborg. Denmark. Came to Utah 1868, Jesse Smith oxteam company. Married Mary Ann Nelson, who was born April 8, 1824. Their children: Baby; Larsine; Niels Peter, first three died infants; Marie, m. James Freestone; Sine, m. Peter Mor- tesen; Jennie, m. George Freestone; Caroline, m. Edward Adams; James Christian, died at age of one year; George Christian b. April 4, 1863; Louis Peter b. June 17, 1865, m. Eliza Grey; Marion, m. Emery Williams, m. Henry Winslow, m. Edward Adams. Elder. Iron molder. Died April 6, 1877, Weston, Idaho. i.i.vimOLM, CARL. ERIC (son of John Skantz and Brita Catherine Olsson, Fombo, Locksta county, Sweden). Born Nov. 16, 1835, at Fombo. Came to Utah 1861. Married Johanna Nilsson May 15, 1861, on the Atlantic ocean (daughter of Nels Johnson and Christina Anderson, Greyby, Gothland county, Sweden). She was born July 29, 1836. at Greyby. Their children: Charles, d. Nov. 29, 1900; Franklin, m. Agnes Stewart; Parley, d. Oct B, 1867; Thecla, m. Francis D. Herman; Clara, d. Jan. 8, 1870; Martha, d. Feb. 26, 1888; Albert, m. Agnes Adams; Alma Eric, m. Agnes Smith. Family home Tooele City, Utah. Tailor. Died April 19, 1875. L.INDQUIST, NIL.S AARON. Born Dec. 24, 1830, Norrala, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, John F. Sanders com- pany. Married Josephine Hagerlund Sept. 6, 1863, who was born Aug. 19, 1844 and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: Charles John Aaron b. July 24, 1864, m. Amelia C. Ness Larson Aug. 15. 1888; Elizabeth Carolina; Selma b. July 2, 1869. m. Christian Olsen Jan. 13, 1892; George William b. Sept. 29, 1871, m. Mettlne Olsen Dec. 3, 1890; Albert Relnbalt b. Oct. 6, 1873; Millie Christina b. Oct. 7, 1875. m. E. A. Hardy Dec. 1, 1891; Alfred Henning b. March 11, 1880, m. Ethel N. Ashcroft Dec. 1902; Jennie Harriett b. Nov. 27, 1882, m. James R. Dinsdale Dec. 14, 1904; Edward Elmer b. Dec. 17, 1884, m. Delia Dinsdale Dec. 15, 1904; Niels Ernest b. April 7, 1888, m. Bergulat Slmonsom June 22, 1911. High priest. Furniture dealer. Undertaker. LINDQUIST, CHARLES JOHN AARON (son of Nils Aaron Lindquist and Josephine Hagerlund). Born July 24, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Amelia C. Ness Larson Aug. 16, 1888, Logan, Utah (adopted daughter of Carl Larson and Elizabeth Larson, pioneers Sept. 6, 1863. John F. Sanders company). She was born Jan. 12, 1867. Huntsville, Utah. Their children: Bessie Amelia b. Feb. 16. 1890; Carl Archibald b. Jan. 29, 1892; Myrtle Josephine b. March 4, 1894; Ruby Estella b. May 16, 1896; Milton Wilford b. June 4, 1898; Clyde Arthur b. Sept. 7, 1900; Norene May b. Oct 6, 1908. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to Sweden 1883-85 and 1903-05; home mis- sionary; second counselor to Bishop Robert McQuarrle. Undertaker. LILJENO,TTIST, OL.E N. (son of Nils Tykerson and Bengta Larson, Ignaberga, Skaane, Sweden). Born Sept. 23, 1825, Ignaberga. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Mathias Cowley company. Married Christine Hansen Jacobson 1848, Copenhagen, Denmark, who was born Jan. 1, 1822. Their children: Theodore, N., m. Henrietta Benson; Otto, died; Clara Jose- phine, m. Julius Johnson; O. Oscar, m. Emma Anderson; Harold F., m. Laurine Rasmussen; Nina, died. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Children by second marriage: Joseph, died; Charles, m. Katurah Williams; Olivia, died; Waldamer O.. m. Nora Antousen; Zina. Children by third marriage: Conrad, died; Ezra, m. May Wilcox; Victor; Truel, died. Missionary to Scandinavia 1859-62 and 1876-73; bishop of Hyrum ward 1863-72; president Scandinavian mission 1876: ordained patriarch June 22, 1873; president Copen- hagen conference. First mayor of Hyrum 1870; delegate from Cache county to constitutional convention 1871. LILJENQUIST, HAROLD F. (son of Ole N. Llljenquist and Christine H. Jacobson). Born Jan. 19, 1857, Copen- hagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, with parents. Married Laurine Rasmussen Jan. 1, 1876, Hyrum, Utah (daughter of Jens Rasmussen and Bendta Nielsen of Ag- gebo, Denmark, pioneers Sept. 1863, John Young company). She was born May 28. 1858. Their children: James Harold b. Nov. 4. 1876, d. April 6, 1877; Olaf Ncphl b. June 30, 1878, m. Ida Allen; Otto E. b. Nov. 24, 1880, m. Ivy Y. Allen; Wal- lace H. b. Aug. 8, 1883, m. Mellnda Petersen; George E. b. Feb. 22, 1886; Warren M. b. Aug. 18. 1888; Willie S. b. Oct. 28. 1893. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Member 62d quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1890-92; president Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school super- intendent; ordained bishop of first ward, Hyrum, Aug. 25, 1901; president Copenhagen conference 1892. County com- missioner of Cache county; city councilman three terms; mayor of Hyrum three terms. Farmer. LINDSAY. JAMES (son of William Lindsay and Christna Howie of Scotland). Born 1849, Hudson Bridge, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan company. Married Agnes Watson Jan. 9, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Watson and Jennett Cambell), who was born 1852. Their children: Jennett L. b. Nov. 4, 1871; Christna T. b. March 6, 1873, m. Jonathan M. Duke July 24, 1891; Minnie Mattle b. Oct. 30, 1875, m. Frederick Crook 1893; James W. b. July 30, 1877, m. Christina Bowers Nov. 17, 1908; Lizzie b. June 14, 1879, m. Edward Jones Oct. 6, 1899; Maggie B. b. Feb. 22, 1881, m. Eugene Brown July 18, 1906; Bennett b. Oct. 23. 1882, m. Sarah Sweat Nov. 23, 1905; Jean b. March 16, 1885, m. Alonzo Hicken Dec. 13, 1905; Hazel L. b. Nov. 8, 1890, m. Albert Giles Feb. 24, 1910; Gladys b. Oct. 13, 1892. Family home Heber and Center, Utah. Farmer; miner. LINDSAY, WALTER (son of Walter Lindsay and Janeta McLain of Lanarkshire, Scotland). Born April 1, 1837, Lan- arkshire. Came to Utah fall of 1862, William Brunson com- pany. Married Elizabeth Burt about 1859 at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Burt and Mary McBride of Salt Lake City and Eden, Utah, latter came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight company). She was born Sept. 2, 1851. Their children: Mary Alice, m. Andrew A. Clark; Jeanette May, m. Robert N. Ames; Christina, m. Charles McLaughlin; Walter A., m. Harriett Wade; James B., m. Christina Gels- ler; Ellen, m. Peter R. Geisler; Mirnen, m. Cornelius Van- Denakker; Hulda, m. Niels Peterson; Hattle; William C.; John P., d. Infant. Family home Liberty, Utah. Member 67th quorum seventies; Sunday school superin- tendent at Liberty, Utah. Mall carrier at Liberty and Eden for 20 years. Farmer. LINDSAY, WIL,L,IAM BUCKMINSTER (son of Ephraim Lindsay and Mercy WHley). Born March 30, 1797, In Ver- mont. Came to Utah 1862. Captain Day company. Married Sarah Myers, who was born July 9, 1800. Their children: Ephraim b. May 4, 1820, m. Jane Parish; William PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1007 B., Jr., b. Dec. 25, 1821, m. Julia Parks; Mary M.; Thomas M. b. Sept. 16, 1826; Edwin R. b. Sept. 25, 1828, m. Tabitha Cragun; Mercy M.; Sarah M. b. March 10, 1833; George R. b. Jan. 16, 1837, m. Sarah Shipley. LINDSAY, WILLIAM BUCKMINSTER. JR. (son of William Buckminster Lindsay and Sarah Myers). Born Dec. 25, 1821, at Leeds, Upper Canada. Came to Utah 1852, Captain Walker company. Married Julia Parks Feb. 19, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of William Parks and Fannie Hyde of Livonia, N. T.) She was born Feb. 2, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary Amanda b. May 4, 1847; Julia Ann b. Sept. 9, 1849, m. Hyrum Henderson Oct. 3, 1865; Fannie Louisa b. March B, 1852; William Thomas b. Oct. 22, 1854, m. Hanna Sparks Sept. 22, 1881; Edgar Monroe b. Jan. 17, 1857, m. Sarah A. Beach Sept. 30, 1880; Norman A. b. Aug. 8, 1859. d. aged 10; Warren Parks b. July 22, 1862, m. Eve- line Welker Oct. 23, 1885; m. Selma C. Hartigan; m. Annett S. Anderson; Marion David b. July 19, 1868, m. Luella Stewart Oct. B, 1898. Family home Paris, Idaho. Married Permelia Blackman Augr. 12, 1849, Kanesville, Iowa (daughter of Stephen Blackman of Nauvoo, 111., pio- neer 1852, Captain Walker company). Their children: Har- riet b. Feb. 1, 1851, m. Morman Williams: Charles M. b. Sept. 1853, d. aged 16; Priscilla b. June 21, 1856, m. Morris Holmes; Philemon b. Aug. 23, 1857, m. Marintha Athay; William H. b. April 19, 1860, m. Mary Beck; Mary b. June 23. 1862, m. James Athay; Mercy b. March 1864, d. Infant; Albert E. b. July 24, 1868, m. Mercy A. Clark; Joseph b. May, 1870, d. infant; Delila b. Oct. 28, 1873, m. George A. Humphreys. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Married Sarah Henderson 1854, at Salt Lake City (daugh ter of James Henderson and Sarah Harris, pioneers 1862, Captain Walker company). Their children: George H. b. Dec. 12, 1855; Martha J. b. Jan. 13, 1858, m. Reuben Bingham; Annie M. b. March 1, 1860, m. Miles Weaver; Sarah E. b. March 8, 1862, m. Frank Weaver; Mary D. b. March 6, 1864. m. Isaac Biglow; Alvira D. b. March 16, 1867, m. F. W. Hurst; Jasper b. Aug. 6, 1869, m. Ellie Minson; Fredrick William b. March 11, 1873. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Member Nauvoo Legion. Moved to Paris, Idaho, 1864. Counselor In bishopric of Paris ward several years. Died Jan. 3, 1889, at Paris. LINDSAY, EDGAR MONROE (son of William Buckminster Lindsay and Julia Parks). Born Jan. 17, 1857, Kaysville, Utah. Married Sarah A. Beach Sept. 30, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Orson Gillett Beach and Sarah Palmer, former pioneer 1851, latter October 1862, Captain Wheelock com- pany). She was born March 23, 1861, Logan, Utah. Their children: Edgar Charles b. Oct. 11, 1881; Warren Leroy b. March 3, 1884, m. Mary C. Anderson Sept. 7, 1911; George William b. July 19, 1886; Franklin David b. Nov. 28, 1890; Sarah Erma b. Dec. 7, 1893, d. infant; Denina b. Nov. 25, 1896; Julia b. Feb. 13, 1900; Rulon Beach b. June 6, 1903. Family home Nounan, Idaho. Missionary to Great Britain 1894-96: ordained bishop of Nounan ward Aug. 7, 1897. LINDSAY, WARREN P. (son of William B. Lindsay and Julia Parks). Born July 22, 1862. Married Susan Eveline Welker Oct. 23, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Wilburn Welker and Susan Caroline Stephen- son of Bloomington, Idaho). She was born March 19, 1866, died Oct. 23, 1898. Their children: Warren Jesse b. Jan. 2, 1887; Lola Eva b. Aug. 26, 1888, m. Abram Hatch March 6, 1912; Maud Julia b. Dec. 7, 1890; James Russel b. Feb. 10, 1893; Ora Edgar b. Aug. 2, 1895; Jennie Caroline b. Jan. 10, 1898. Family home Moreland, Idaho. Married Selma C. Hartigan, Logan, Utah, Sept. 8, 1899. She died Sept. 17, 1900. Married Annett S. Anderson at Salt Lake City, Oct. 4, 1906. Bishop. Farmer; merchant. LINDSAY. WARREN J. (son of Warren P. Lindsay and Susan Eveline Welker). Born Jan. 2, 1887, Paris, Idaho. Missionary to England 1912. LINDSAY, PHILEMON (son of William Buckminster Lind- say and Permelia Blackman). Born Aug. 23, 1857, at Kays- ville. Married Marintha Athay Sept. 29, 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Athay and Ellen Morris of London, Eng., pioneers 1864). She was born July 26, 1861. Their children: Minnie b. Feb. 22, 1883, m. John C. Sorenson, Lago, Idaho; Philemon LeRoy b. June 25, 1884, m. Josephine Peterson; Ellen L. b. Jan. 6, 1889, d. March 7, 1889; Hazel b. May 22, 1890, m. Oliver Peterson; James C. b. May 7, 1892; Willard b. Jan. 27, 1896; Lyman b. Dec. 11, 1897; Beatrice b. Aug. 11, 1898, d. Sept. 12, 1898; Blanche b. Nov. 6, 1899; Wal- lace b. July 7, 1903. Family home Ovid, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. Worked on Temple sawmill In Logan Canyon 1878. Mis- sionary to southern states 1886-88; bishop of Ovid ward 1888. County coroner 1895; county commissioner three terms. LINDSAY, EDWIN REUBEN (son of William Buckminster Lindsay and Sarah Myers). Born Sept. 25, 1828, Johnstown, Ont., Can.). Came to Utah 1852, Captain Day company. Married Tabitha Cragun Dec. 25, 1860, who was born March 6, 1830, Boone county, Ind. Came to Utah with hus- band. Their children: Sarah Adeline b. Nov. 6, 1851, m. D. M. Burbank; Mary Jane b. Aug. 7, 1853, m. D. M. Bur- bank; George Edwin b. April 4, 1856, m. Mary A. Hawkins; William Nelson b. Feb. 11, 1857, d. March 7, 1911; James Samuel b. Nov. 9, 1868, m. Emma Dewey (died); Thomas Hyrum b. Aug. 26, 1860, d. Sept. 7, 1912; Ephraim b. Aug. 28, 1862, m. Mary E. Barton; Trisha E. b. Nov. 19, 1864, David E. b. Oct. 4, 1866, John C. b. Dec. 1, 1868, Tabitha A. b. Dec. 1, 1868, latter four died. Married Emma Bowden In 1871 at Salt Lake City. She was born at Swansea, Wales. Their children: Trisha E., m. I. J. Dewey; Edwin R., m. Christena Van Orman (died); Warren T., m. Edith Tippetts; Alpheus (died), m. Annie Higgens; Eliza V., died; Lydia A., m. Clarence Flancher; Elizabeth, m. Mr. Marchant; Mary Irene, m. Mr. Marchant; Joseph Arley; Abigail. Died Dec. 6, 1893. LINDSAY, GEORGE EDWIN (son of Edwin Reuben Lindsay and Tabitha Cragun). Born April 4, 1855, Kaysville, Utah. Married Mary A. Hawkins Aug. 7, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of George W. Hawkins and Amanda S. Boothe of California). She was born May 22, 1859, Santa Rosa, Cal. Their children: George E. b. Sept. 1, 1877; Mary T. b. July 30, 1880, m. Thomas William Irving April 1, 1901; Hyrum Lester b. Nov. 6, 1882, m. Vera Morteson Sept. 27, 1911; Amanda J. b. April 13, 1886, m. Albert G. Richards Aug. 3. 1904; Celestia, d. Dec. 3, 1900; Adaline b. Oct. 3, 1887, m. William Short Aug. 3, 1909; Edna Imogene b. Oct. 19. 1890, m. William Wildman; Reuben R. b. Dec. 14. 1893. Family home Bennington, Idaho. Farmer and stockraiser. LINTORD, JOHN (son of James Linford and Miss Ashcroft of Swavesey, Cambridgeshire, Eng.). Born 1808, Eltisley, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, Captain Willie handcart company. Married Marie Christian about 1832, Graveney, Cambridge- shire (daughter of William Christian and Mary Bently), who was born April 10, 1813. Their children: James H. m Zillah Crocket; George John, m. Eliza Wheeler; Joseph W., m. Mary B. Rich; Amasa C., m. Miranda Savage. Family home Centerville, Utah. Farmer. Died November, 1866, on the plains. LINFORD, JOSEPH W. (son of John Linford and Marie Christian). He was born March 30, 1842, Graveney. Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, Captain Willie handcart com- pany Married Mary B. Rich Dec. 6, 1866, Paris, Idaho (daughter of Charles C. Rich and Eliza Ann Graves of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers Oct. 2, 1847). She was born Feb. 11, 1846. Their children; Joseph W. b. Sept. 2, 1867, m. Lois Esther Ricks; Eliza M. b. April 12, 1870, m. Joseph H. Denio; John C. b. Oct. 18, 1872, m. Hannah Morgan; James W. b. Feb. 26, 1875, m. Edna Hulme; George C. b. Sept. 7, 1877, m. Alice Peterson; Phebe A. b. April 8, 1880, d. Aug. 4, 1892; Mary E. b. Aug. 29, 1882, m. George E. Gibby; Amasa R. b. Jan. 31, 1886, m. Carrie Merrill; Frances L. b. Nov. 20, 1888, m. Hervin Bunderson. Family home St. Charles, Idaho. Member of high priests quorum. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah 1863. County commissioner. Farmer. LINFORD, AMASA (son of John Linford and Maria Chris- tian). He was born Jan. 6, 1845, Swavesey, Eng. Came to Utah November, 1856, James G. Willie company. Married Miranda Savage June 29, 1867 (daughter of David Savage and Mary A. White married Oct. 17, 1841, Knox county, 111., pioneers September, 1847, Perrigrlne Sessions company). She was born April 24, 1851. Their children: Mary Maria b. Dec. 8, 1868, m. George H. Hall Feb. 2, 1887; Agnes Belzora b. Oct. 23, 1870, m. John S. Bryson May 30, 1889; George Clark b. April 1, 1874; John Amasa b. Oct. 1, 1876, m. Elizabeth Rowlan; Albert Henry b. May 25, 1879, m. Elizabeth Hess; Joseph Ernest b. Sept. 13, 1882, m. Addle Hess; James Franklin b. June 16, 1886, m. Leonora Hodges May 23, 1907. High priest. Settled at Centerville, Utah, and moved to Bear Lake Valley, Idaho. LINFORD, ALBERT HENRY (son of Amasa Linford and Miranda Savage). Born May 26, 1879, Garden City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Hess Sept. 17, 1902, Logan, Utah (daughter of Jacob Hess and Hannah Thornock), who was born Dec. 1, 1882, Bloomington, Idaho. Their children: Fenton Hess b. March 6, 1904; Albert Hess b. May 26, 1908. Elder and ward teacher; president Y. M. M. I. A.; ward historian. LINTON, SAMUEL, (son of William Llnton, Philadelphia, Pa., and Elizabeth Selfridge, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Can.). Born June 27, 1827, In Ireland. Came to Utah in Married Ellen Button April 26, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Sutton and Mary Ellison, Parestokes, Lan- cashire, Eng., who came to Utah October 1853, Joseph A. Young company). She was born Jan. 22, 1832. Their chil- dren; John Sutton b. April 6, 1869, m. Eliza Ann Gadd Dec. 17 1886; Mary Ann b. Feb. 11, 1865, m. John Morgan; Samuel b. Jan. 7, 1867, m. Elizabeth Jenkins; Alice b. Dec. 30 1869, m. Joseph Obard; Julia b. Feb. 4, 1873, m. Thomas 1008 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH W. Crawley; William b. Sept. 29, 1877, m. Elmina Cox. Family resided at Nephi and Salt Lake City, Utah. Member 49th quorum seventies; high priest. Veteran Kcho Canyon war. Farmer. LINTON, JOHN BUTTON (son of Samuel Linton and Ellen Button). Born April 6, 1859, Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Ann Gadd Dec. 7, 1886, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Alfred Gadd and Mary Ann Hobbs, of England, former pioneer of November, 1866). She was born Jan. 18, 1865. Their children: Mary Ellen b. Sept. 29, 1887, m. Frank William Crow; Leora b. Dec. 28, 1889; Zua Alice b. May 17, 1891; Genevieve b. May 7, 1894; Jeanette b. Aug. 14, 1895; Grace Idella b. Dec. 16, 1897; Wllma Belle b. Jan. 28, 1901; Hi-ber John b. Aug. 27, 1904. Family resided at Nephi, Juab, and Provo, Utah. Member 49th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1882-84; 1st counselor to Bishop Robert Stevenson of Juab; high priest. School trustee. Farmer. LISH, JOSK1MI LIONS. Born April 8, 1803, Orange. N. Y. Came to Utah 1850. Married Harriet Ann Trlpp Oct. 14, 1823, New York (daughter of Blaksley Tripp of New York), who was born May 24, 1807. Their children: William S., m. Fairzina C. Cornwell; Everet; Enos L. B. m. Marie Alexander; Peter; Timothy C., in. Huldah Wells; Jonathan, m. Matilda Langford; Henry D., m. Emily Allen; Harriet Angellne, m. Jacob Welker; George; Rhoda Jane, m. Henry Bell; Alma, d. infant; Charles, m. Sarah Teeters; Joseph, d. Infant; Alva A., d. infant. Family resided at Ogden and Willard, Utah. Seventy. Wheelwright. Died September, 1886, Albion, Cassia Co., Idaho. LISH, WILLIAM SEELY (son of Joseph Lions Lish and Harriet Ann Tripp). He was born Nov. 9, 1824, Minislnk, Orange county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1850. Married Fairzina C. Cornwell Jan. 11, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Lemuel Cornwell and Susan Darling of Michi- gan and New York, pioneers). She was born Jan. 9, 1822. Their children: George T. b. Jan. 3, 1847, m. LydlaR. Bingham; Henry D. b. March 10, 1849, m. Luella A. Norton; Albert J. b. Jan. 17, 1857, m. Delinda A. Norton; Harriet A. b. Oct. 3, 1853, m. S. H. Cotterel; William S. b. Oct. 22, 1866, m. Sarah J. Moss; Hyrum P. b March 8, 1857, m Erminie V. Norton; Charlotte L. b. Oct. 1859, m. Josiah Haskins; Annie M. b. April 12, 1861, m. Comadorl Moss; Charles E. b. May 12, 1863, m. Ethelda Palmer; Alta W. b. Oct. 12, 1866, m. Albert Cunningham; Annettie A. b. Sept. 12, 1868, m. William A. Norton. Family home Ogden, Utah. Seventy; counselor to President F. A. Hammond at Hunts- ville, Utah. Wheelwright; merchant. Died July 16, 1896, McCammon, Idaho. MSOXBEE, HUGH DOBBINS. Born May 30, 1830. Came to Utah 1850. Married Elma J. Raymond (daughter of Edward Owen Raymond and Margaret Ann Sissell, who were married March 15, 1826). She was born Feb. 17, 1837. Their chil- dren: Hugh E. b. Jan. 5, 1866, m. Susan Newby March 6 1880; Frances A. b. Jan. 28, 1868, m. David Colllngs Jan. 28, 1873; Margaret A. W. b. Aug. 30. 1860, m. A. J. Sargent Dec. 29, 1877; Elma L. b. June 6, 1863, m. Baily Kiner June 13, 1880; Martha J. b. Dec. 3, 1865; John A. b. June 23, 1868, m. Carrie D. Oldham; Lula D. b. Nov. 24, 1870, m. W. T. King June 22, 1893; Ola b. Jan. 26, 1874; Nellie b. April 12 1876, m. R. E. Lawler June 4, 1896; Mae b. Oct 29, 1877. m Frank Chase Oct. 28, 1908. LITTLE, EDWIN S. (see Ephraim Knowlton Hanks). Married Harriet Amelia Decker (Hanks). Their child- George E. b. Aug. 6, 1844. Died shortly after leaving Nauvoo. LITTLE, FISRAMORZ (son of James M Little and Susan Young, of Seneca county, N. Y.). Born June 14, 1820 Auriesville, Cayuga county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1861. Married Fannie M. Decker Feb. 12, 1846, Nauvoo, 111., Brigham Young performing ceremony (daughter of Isaac Decker and Harriet Page of New York, pioneers July 24, 847, Brigham Young company). She was born April 24 1830. Their children: James Tyler, m. Alice S. Souja; Juliett, m. Adelbert Roundy; Clair Susan, m. Bradley Cawson; Roselle L., m. Fredrick W. Gardiner; Janett Viola, m. John Reiyslmar; Frank C., m. Minerva Anderson. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy; first counselor to Bishop Wooley of 13th ward Vice president Deseret National bank; mayor- banker and capitalist. Died Aug. 14, 188$ Salt Lake City. LITTLE, JAMES TYLER (son of Feramorz Little and Fannie Married Alice S. Souja June 6, 1883, Salt Lake City, hia ither performing ceremony (daughter of Theoflal Souja and Mary Bowdldge, Paris, France, latter pioneers 1864. Captain DeLamar company). She was born Aug. 3, 1862. children: James J. b. May 16, 1884, d. aged 6- Fannie M. b. Aug. 6, 1885, m. Joseph W. Stringfellow; Clair B. b. Jan. 20, 1887; Alice S. b. March 11, 1890, d. infant; Romaine B. b. Jan. 30, 1892; Feramorz T. b. April 6, 1894; Decker J. b. March 27, 1897. Family home, Salt Lake City. President Deseret Savings Bank; director Deseret National Bank; banker and capitalist. Died Feb. 27, 1898. LITTLE, JAMES AMASA (son of George Edwin Little and Susan Young, of Auriesville, N. Y.). Born Sept. 14, 1822. at Auriesville. Came to Utah 1848. Married Mary Jane Lytle Dec. 16, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Christina Lytle, of Middletown, Butler Co., Ohio). She was born Aug. 6, 1834. Their children: Feramorz b. June 10, 1851, died; James b. Feb. 19. 1852, m. Emma Evans; Edwin b. Dec. 2, 1853, died; Phineas Howe b. June 2, 1858; Ada b. May 24, 1860, m. Alfred D. Young; Fannie Marie b. May 4, 1862, m. William T. Stewart; Leo Charles b. Feb. 14. 1865, m. Myra Johnson; Claudie Augusta b. July 22, 1867, m. John Robinson; Rose b. Jan. 6, 1872, died. Married Anna Matilda Baldwin Dec. 21, 1867, Salt Laki> City (daughter of David Baldwin and Elizabeth Cole, of Birmingham, Eng., pioneers 1861). She was born March 28, 1839. Their children: Mary Jane b. Dec. 31. 1869, m. Elmer W. Johnson; Christina b. Jan. 12, 1863, m. Leonard John Nuttall Jr.; Lorin Amasa b. April 29, 1864, m. Eliza Peugh; Willis Copland b. Sept. 8, 1869, m. Addle Jackson; Susan Elizabeth b. Jan. 6, 1871, m. Heber G. Robinson; Laura b. March 21, 1873, m. Fuller Broadbent; Harriet b. Nov. 14, 1874, m. James Jacobsen; Malcolm b. Nov. 14, 1876 m. Elizabeth Galbraith; David Baldwin b. Oct. 13, 1878. m. Hettie Acord, m. Harriet Fredricksen. Married Elizabeth Tulledge Nov. 19, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Tulledge, of Salt Lake City). Their children: John Tulledge b. Jan. 20, 1869; Edward William b. Oct. 11, 1872; Frank b. March 29, 1876, m. Bessie Finley. Families resided at Kanab, Utah. Missionary to England and also to eastern states; high priest; patriarch; counselor to Bishop Levy Stewart of Kanab. Veteran of Mexican war. Settled at St, George 1863; helped to survey and lay out the town of Kanab Farmer. Historian. LITTLE, JESSE C. Born 1808 in Maine. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Emily Hoagland at Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Hoagland and Margaret Quick of Michigan, came to Utah September 1847). She was born Sept. 20, 1840. Their children: Thomas K.. m. Eliza Stewart; Mary, m. B. F. Jones; Ella, m. Dr. William H. Bucher; Abraham H., m. Dille Reese; Georgia, m. Paul J. Daly; Walter W., m. Jessie Martin. Family home, Salt Lake City. High councilor. Fire chief and town marshal. Farmer and sexton. Died Dec. 26, 1894, Salt Lake City. LITTLE, WALTER W. (son of Jesse C. Little and Emily Hoagland). Born Dec. 28, 1876, Salt Lake City. Married Jessie Martin June 10, 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lewis and Elizabeth Martin of Pennsylvania). Their children: Martin W. b. April 8, 1910. Family home. Salt Lake City. Prosecuting attorney. Lawyer. LITTLEPIELD, JOSEPH (son of AVllliam Littlefteld, born 1803, Portsmouth, Cornwall, and Ann Toomer, born Nov. 18. 1818, Hummington, Eng.). He was born Dec. 24, 1854, in England. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Walren S. Snow com- pany. Married Agness A. Simmons Dec. 6, 1876, at Salt Lake City (daughter of George and Mary Ann Simmons, who came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne company). She was born Nov. 16, 1866. Their children: Joseph George b. Aug. 29, 1876, m. Kate Wadsworth Dec. 2, 1902; Mary Agness b. March 21, 1879, m. Rosewell M. Helner March 1899; Maud Amelia Simmons b. Jan. 2, 1882, m. Robert Ellis June 1903; Sarah Isabelle b. Nov. 6, 1884, m. Fritz Eck- hardt Oct. 1906. Family home Morgan, Utah. First counselor to president of Y. M. M. I. Association of Morgan stake when Y. M. M. I. A. was first organized. Captain of Morgan city brass band for 30 years. Served two terms as city councilman. LITTLEFIELD. JOSEPH GEORGE (son of Joseph Littlefleld and Agness Simmons). Born Aug. 29, 1876, at Morgan, Utah. Married Kate Wadsworth December 1902 at Ogden, Utah (daughter of Thomas Shore Wadsworth, who came to Utah September 1863, with David Wilkins company, and Cather- ine Moore, who came to Utah October 1864, with Captain Ricks company). She was born April 9, 1881. at Payson. Utah. Their children: Catherine b. Aug. 1903; Garnett b. June 1905; Bernice b. Oct. 1907; Joseph b. Aug. 1909; Isa- belle b. Nov. 1911. Family home Morgan, Utah. LLOTD, THOMAS (son of Benjamin Lloyd, born April 3. 1806, Wolverhampton. Eng., and Mary Elidge of Wolver- hampton). Born June 16, 1833, Wolverhampton. Came to Utah 1866. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1009 Married Susanna Stone Nov. 6, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Stone and Diana Grant), who was born Dec. 24, 1830. Came to Utah 1866, James G. Willie handcart company. Their children: Thomas William b. Sept. 21, 1857, m. Elizabeth Lea Feb. 26, 1877; Joseph Ben- jamin b. Nov. 28, 1858, m. Martha Gunnell July 1879; Jesse Willard b. June 3, 1860, m. Sarah Ellen Jones Nov. 25, 1885; Sarah Susanna b. Dec. 6, 1861, m. Robert Bedford; Daniel David b. Feb. 8, 1863, m. Alice Haslem; Charles Edward b. Jan. 19, 1865, m. Janey Haslem, m. Lucy Parkinson; Mary Diana b. Oct. 16, 1866. m. John A. Hendrickson; Brigham Samuel b. Feb. 28, 1868, d. aged 7 months; Heber Lorenzo b. Sept. 8, 1869, d. Infant; Annie Eliza b. Sept. 8, 1869. m. Alfred Osmond; Ezra Timothy b. Feb. 10, 1871, m. Jennie Hubbard; John Ephraim b. Sept. 17, 1872, d. aged 23; Olive Margret b. Aug. 2, 1874, m. Oscar Bjorkman; George Francis b. June 27, 1876, m. Beatrice Hoff. Family home Farming- ton, Utah. President 28th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1877-79. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Set- tled at Farmington 1855; moved to Wellsville 1863. Saddle and harness maker. Died April 1894, Wellsville, Utah. LLOYD. THOMAS WILLIAM (son of Thomas Lloyd and Susanna Stone). Born Sept. 21, 1857, Farmington, Utah. Married Elizabeth Lea Feb. 26, 1877, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John Lea and Elizabeth Lamb, who came to Utah 1873, John Needham company). She was born March 15, 1857, Salford, Lancashire, Eng. Their children: William Thomas Lea b. Dec. 9, 1877, m. Sarah Wyatt Myers Dec. 7, 1898; John b. March 21, 1879, m. Hortense Park March 13, 1901; Charles Alfred b. Nov. 20, 1880, m. Zena Conner March 9, 1904; Norman b. Aug. 28, 1883, m. Beatrice Jones Dec. 15, 1908; Parley b. March 23, 1885, m. Nettie Spence March 14, 1906; Archey b. Nov. 4, 1887, m. Agnes Neddo June 16, 1907; Ellis b. July 10, 1889, m. Mary Sorensen June 7, 1911; Lyman b. Jan. 1, 1892, d. aged 3. Family home Wellsville, Utah. Seventy; missionary to Europe 1899; high priest at Logan. Farmer and cattleman. LLOTD, WILLIAM THOMAS LEA (son of Thomas William Lloyd and Elizabeth Lea). Born Dec. 9, 1877, Wellsville, Utah. Married Sarah Wyatt Myers Dec. 7, 1898, Logan, Utah (daughter of Alma Myers and Sarah Helen Wyatt, former came to Utah, latter born in 1856, Salt Lake City). She was born April 4, 1877, Wellsville. Utah. Their children: Beat- rice Myers b. Dec. 1, 1899; Sarah Helen M. b. Nov. 1, 1901; Elizabeth M. b. Dec. 11, 1903; William Herman M. b. Feb. 11, 1906; Russell Carl M. b. Dec. B, 1907; Oliver Freelen M. b. March 21, 1910; Gladys M. b. March 26, 1913. Family home Wellsville, Utah. One of the seven presidents of 108th quorum seventies of Bannock stake, Idaho. Farmer. LLOTD, EZRA T. (son of Thomas Lloyd and Susanna Stone). Born Feb. 10, 1871, at Wellsville, Utah. Married Jennie Hubbard In 1897, Logan, Utah (daughter of Charles Hubbard of Willard, Utah). She was born in 1872. Their children: Gwendolyn b. March. 25, 1899; Ezra T. ; Donnette; Viola; Hubbard; Jennie. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 119th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1899-1902. Proprietor Lloyd Knitting Mills. LLOYD, WILLIAM JOHN (son of John Lloyd and Mary Thomas cj Carmarthen, Wales). Born Aug. 9, 1823, at Car- marthen. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, Jacob Gates com- pany. Married Ann Thomas March 28, 1853, on board "Falcon" on Atlantic ocean (daughter of John Thomas and Ann Reese of Monmouth, Wales). She was born May 24, 1834. Their children: Mary Jane and Elizabeth Ann, died; Wil- liam Thomas, m. Martha Lloyd; John Heber, m. Sarah Jane Jones; Thomas Hyrum, died; Benjamin Ira, m. Laura Mor- gan; Ann Isabel, died; George Willard, m. Kate Davis; Charles^ Henry, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. ' Married Elizabeth -Evans Dec. 7, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Evans and Mary Thomas of Brechfa, Carmarthen, Wales). She was born March 25, 1829. Only child: David, died. Member 62d quorum seventies; missionary to Wales 1874-75; ward teacher. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Shoemaker 1853-1903. Died May 29, 1903, Salt Lake City. LLOYD, JOHN HEBER (son of William John Lloyd and Ann Thomas). Born July 23, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Jane Jones Aug. 6, 1880, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Evan Jones and Jane Thomas of Carmarthen, Wales, pioneers Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company). She was born Dec. 12, 1860. Their children: John Willard b. June 17, 1881, died; Florence May b. Aug. 22, 1883, m. George S. Soderborg; Elizabeth Jane b. Jan. 3, 1886, died; Luella b. Nov. 6, 1888; Charles Heber b. Feb. 13, 1891; Par- ley William b. June 20, 1894. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 2d quorum seventies; home missionary; president deacons-quorum; ward teacher. Painting contractor. Brigham, died; Daniel, m. Murran M. Young and Jeannette Ennis Graham; Margaret, m. Speirs Wilson; Mary, m. Charles Lund; Elizabeth, died; Jeannette, m. Angus Buchanan. Family home Richfield, Utah. High priest. Miner. Died 1879 at Richfield. LOCKHART, DANIEL (son of Daniel Lockhart and Mar- garet Glenn). Born Feb. 24, 1858, Motherwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to Utah In 1873. Married Murran Mitchell Young Sept. 27. 1881, at Rich- field (daughter of Archibald Young and Mary Graham of Kirkintilloch, Scotland). 'Their children: Mary Graham b. Jan. 7, 1883, m. James William Boyden; Daniel b. April 15, 1884, d. infant; Archibald Bert b. May 30, 1886, m. Nessie S. Killacorn. Family home Neils Station, Utah. Married Jeannette Ennis Graham Jan. 2, 1890, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Alexander Stewart Graham and Eliza- beth Jane Nuttman of St. Louis, Mo.). She was born Oct. 2. 1872. Their children: Daniel Alexander b. Sept. 16, 1890; George William b. May 6, 1893; James Lee b. Nov. 14, 1894; Glenn Dewey b. March 6, 1898; Jeannette Oreen b. Aug. 13. 1900; Murran Elizabeth b. Dec. 23, 1903; Verl Dellis b. April 23, 1906; Eugene Lester b. May 24, 1909. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. Elder. Railroader; farmer. LOFTHOUSE, JAMES (son of Anthony and Ann Lofthouse, Downham, Lancastershire, Eng.). Born November 1833, Downham. Pioneer Oct. 6. 1853, H. C. Wheelock company. Married Charlotte E. Woodhead Feb. 19, 1856, North Ogden, Utah (daughter of William Woodhead and Charlotte Spenceley, Goole, Yorkshire, Eng., pioneer Oct. 22, 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born Oct. 19, 1837. Their chil- dren: Charlotte Ann b. Oct. 5, 1857; James Richard b. Feb. 22, 1860, d. at Paradise Sept. 9, 1889, m. Dorcas Crager; Anthony William b. Sept. 6. 1862, m. Sarah Housley; John Henry b. April 27, 1866, m. Josephene James; Joseph Thomas b. Sept. 18, 1867, m. Emma Bishop; George Frederick b. Feb. 16, 1870, m. Ellen M. Danielson; Margaret Elizabeth b. Jan. 12. 1873, d. Sept. 10, 1873; Sarah Helen b. Dec. 24, 1875, m. Ellas T. Tarns; Charles Edwin b. Feb. 1, 1879. m. Rachel Weld; Parley W. b. Aug. 9. 1883, m. Jennie A. Miller. Died June 6, 1908, Paradise, Utah. LONDON, JOHN (son of George London of England, born 1806, and Sarah Garfield of Allcester, Eng., born March 25, 1808). He was born Nov. 7, 1840, at Allcester. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1862, Homer Duncan company. Married Hannah E. Smith Nov. 8, 1863 (daughter of Sam- uel Smith and Elizabeth Baldwin). She was born June 22, 1838; came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Horton D. Haight company. Their children: Annie Elizabeth b. Sept. 19, 1864, m. George R. Thackeray May 4, 1883; George Thomas b. June 25, 1866, m. Sarah L. Geary Aug. 15, 1888; Mary Louisa b. March 22, 1868, d. March 27, 1878; Alfred John b. March 28, 1870, m. Annie M. Kirkland; Alice Rebecca b. March 28, 1872, m. Thomas A. Condle Dec. 8, 1897; Emily Maud b. May 16, 1874, m. James Edwin Lingenfelter Oct. 9, 1907; William Henry b. Oct. 27, 1876, m. Lucy B. Robinson Feb. 1, 1906; Oliver Charles, m. Katie B. Blackwell Feb. 12, 1902. Family home Croydon, Utah. High priest; superintendent of Croydon Sunday school 30 years. Postmaster of Croydon for 24 years. LONDON, GEORGE THOMAS (son of John London and Han- nah E. Smith). Born June 25, 1866, at Echo, Summit Co., Utah. Married Sarah L. Geary at Logan, Utah, Aug. 15, 1888, who was born April 11, 1870, at Morgan. Their children: Walter George; Clarence Oliver; Cordelia; Mary Alice; Leone Seymour; Flora May; Ella Maud. Family resided Morgan and Ogden, Utah. LOCKHART, DANIEL. Born in Lanarkshire, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1868. Married Margaret Glenn in 1864 at Lanarkshire, Scotland (daughter of David Glenn of Lanarkshire). Their children: 64 LONGHURST, WILLIAM HENRY. Born Jan. 22, 1818. Came to Utah in 1864. Married Ann Preston, who was born in 1827 and died Feb- ruary, 1873, at Woodruff, Utah. Their children: Thomas, m. Emma Bruff; Amelia, m. William Rounds; Clara, m. Warren Tinney; William, m. Betsy Dean; Charles, m. Volate Davis; Marintha, m. George Whittington; George Heber, m. Mary E. Moore; Joseph, m. Lydia Bennett; Edwin John, m. Adalina Orno Orlendo Pope; Warren, m. Myra I. Allred. Family home Woodruff, Utah. Missionary In England; high priest. Resided at Bounti- ful, Uta*, until 1872; moved to Woodruff, Utah. Was one of the original members of the United Order and remained In the order until its dissolution. Cofflnmaker; wheelwright. Died April 1888, at lona, Utah. LONGHURST, EDWIN JOHN (son of William Henry Long- hurst and Ann Preston). Born Jan. 22, 1865, at Salt Lake City. Married Adalina Orno Orlendo Pope Oct. 2, 1884, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Robert Pope and Sarah La Duke of Ver- nal, Utah, pioneers 1858). She was born Sept. 24, 1869. Their children (all adopted): Elizabeth Pope; Charles Hln- ton; Syntha Margerln; Jerald V. Hunting. Family home Vernal, Utah. Member of seventies at Garden City, Utah; missionary to England 1889-1900; president seventies at Vernal, Utah; 1010 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH missionary to Colorado 1904-06; president of Colorado (Pueblo) conference; one of the first superintendents of Uintah stake Sunday schools; superintendent Riverdale Sunday school for nine years; president Y. M. M. I. A. sev- eral times. School trustee for nine years; deputy sheriff of Uintah county. Mine and smelterman at Dyer, 28 miles north of Vernal, Utah. Promoter of farms. LONGSTRATH, STEPHEN. Came to Utah 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Ann Gill In England (daughter of George Gill of Lancashire, Eng.). She was born 1793. Their children: Alice, m. Moses Whitaker; Sarah, m. Willard Richards; Nannie, m. Willard Richards; George, died; Mary, died; William, m. Lottie Baker; Ann, m. John K. Whitney. Fam- ily home Iron Cliff, Lancastershire, Eng. Cabinetmaker. Died about 1859, Salt Lake City. . LONGY, FRANCIS (son of Peter Longy and Mary Ann Bywater, former of New York, latter of Canada). Born June 19, 1835, Toronto, Canada. Came to Utah in 1849. Married Mary A. Warburton June 19, 1856 (daughter of Edward Warburton and Sophia Bywater, pioneers Oct. 28, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born May 29, 1839, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Francis X. b. June 19, 1856, died; Edward W. b. Sept. 4, 1869, m. Mary A. Atkin Sept. 9, 1880; Mary Ann b. Dec. 25, 1861, m. Thomas Nix in 1879; Edgerton b. Nov. 28, 1863, m. May Smith; John b. June 19, 1867, died; Richard b. Oct. 29, 1869, m. Mary A. Martin; Sophia b. June 19. 1871, m. Hyrum Dronby; Isabell b. Dec. 12, 1873, m. James A. Smith; Clara b. May 11. 1876; Luetta b. June 21, 1879, m. William Nix. Family home Tooele City, Utah. High priest. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Indian fighter of Tooele county. LOOFBOUROW, CHARLES F. (son of Franklin S. Loof- bourow of Ohio). Born 1841 in Ohio. Came to Utah Feb- ruary, 1889. , Married Fanny H. Hodgkins at Marshalltown, Iowa. Their children: Wade; Jesse H. ; Leon L. ; Frederick C., m. Maud H. Read. Family home, Salt Lake City. Judge of llth district of Iowa. President of city council at Salt Lake City. LOOFBOUROW, FREDERICK C. (son of Charles F. Loof- bourow and Fanny H. Hodgkins). Born Feb. 8, 1876, Atlan- tic, Iowa. Came to Utah February, 1889. Married Maud H. Read Oct. 31, 1901, at Helena, Mont, (daughter of Francis S. Read and Laura Thoroughman of Helena). She was born July 7, 1880. Their children: Fred- erick Read b. Feb. 13, 1904; Leonidas T. b. March 31, 1906; Francis H. b. Nov. 17, 1907. Family home. Salt Lake City. Graduate law department of University of California. Assistant county attorney at Salt Lake City two years; dis- trict attorney 1904; judge 3d judicial district of Utah 1931-12. LOOSLE, JOHN KASPER (son of Andrew Loosle, born Dec. 11, 1803, in Canton Bern, and Barbra Kahser, born Oct. 15, 1807, Durrenroth, Switzerland). He was born Oct. 21, 1831, at Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah Sept 1, 1860, John Smith company. Married Anna Elizabeth Huncebager (daughter of Christen Huncebager and Elizabeth Mautidize, pioneers Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith company). She was born Aug. 18, 1836. Their children: George b. July 11, 1858, m. Anna Dahle March 29. 1906; Adolph b. Oct. 26, 1860; Elizabeth b. March 13, 1863; Emma b. June 24, 1865; John W. b. Aug. 11, 1867; Roslindy b. June 21, 1869; Sarah b. Aug. 19, 1872; Mary b. Nov. 17, 1874; Anna Elizabeth b. March 1, 1877; Rosette b. May 15, 1881. Family resided Providence, Clarkston and Ogden, Utah. Married Anna Foster. She was born May 16, 1824, at Alkon, Zurich, Switzerland. LOOSLE, GEORGE (son of John Kasper Loosle and Anna Elizabeth Huncebager). Born July 11, 1868, at Bern, Switz- erland. Married Anna Jeannette Dahle March 29, 1906, at Logan, Utah (daughter of John Dahle, born Nov. 16, 1837, at Ber- gen, Norway, and Jeannette B. Dahle, born February, 1846, at Trenadgern, Norway). She was born In 1874 at Logan, Utah. Their children: George D. b. Dec. 11, 1906; John C. b. May 16, 1909; Normen D. b. Nov. 6, 1910. Family home Clarkston, Utah. I.OOSLI, TJLRICH (son of Andrew Loosli, born 1803, and Barbra Kahser, born 1807, both of Switzerland). He was born April 22, 1830, DUrrenroth. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross company. Married Magdalin Aeschemann In 1862 (daughter of Christian Aeschemann and Barbra Brand), who was born 1818 at Trachselwald, Switzerland; came to Utah with hus- band. Their children: Rosetta b. 1853, m. Jacob Zollinger; John b. 1854, d. 1862; Jabez b. August, 1859, d. 1898. Family home Newton, Utah. Married Elizabeth Eggimann September 1869, at Salt Lake City, who was born 1842, Gumiswell, Switzerland. Their children: Anfaniel, died; Boundy Endore b. June 2*. 1872: DImond M. b. Oct. 20,' 1876, m. Hattie Salisbury Nov. 11. 1898; Edward S. b. April 24, 1879, m. Nellie Price Oct. 5, 1904; Andrew b. 1881; Joseph b. May 14, 1884, m. Minnie Cunningham Nov. 7, 1906; Henry, d. infant. Family home Marysville. Idaho. High priest; missionary to Switzerland 1868. Pioneer to Newton, Clarkston and Trenton, Utah, and Marysville, Idaho. LOOSLI, DIMOND M. (son of Ulrich Loosli and Elizabeth Egemann). Born Oct. 20, 1876, Clarkson, Utah. Married Hattie Salisbury Nov. 11, 1898, Logan, Utah (daughter of Joseph M. Salisbury and Miranda Ramsden, former a pioneer 1856, latter of 1863). She was born May 13, 1876, Brlgham City, Utah. Their children: Dimond Herschel b. Sept. 26, 1899; Stanley b. Aug. 13, 1901; Anna Lisle b. June 6, 1903; Clayton Girr b. March 18. 1905: Adrienne b. March 12, 1907; Leo Arden b. March 18. 1909; Berlin Ramsden b. June 10, 1911. Bishop's counselor; choir leader. Farmer and engineer. LORDS, WILLIAM S. Born Oct. 13, 1820, in Massachusetts. Married Mary Ann Nlrden July 23, 1854, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of Thomas Nirden and Elizabeth Dunn, pioneers Sept. 19, 1852, Captain Clawson company). She was born July 27, 1836, in England. Their children: Thomas b. April 26, 1857, m. Charlotte Long May 1, 1878; Henry B. b. Nov. 16, 1859, m. Anna Lance July 23, 1879; John S. b. Oct. 12, 1861, m. Isabell May; Joseph C. b. May 26, 1866. m. Agnes Cook July 23, 1887; David N. b. March 25, 1868. m. Morilla Locks May 14, 1893; Susan A. b. Nov. 14, 1871, m. Erastus Bingham Jan. 1, 1888; Daniel J. b. Nov. 10, 1873, m. Ella Cook Jan. 2, 1895; Amy L. b. Nov. 9, 1880, m. Joshua Cook Dec. 25, 1898. Drummer boy and soldier in the United States army 10 years. Settled In Pleasant Grove. Captain in Black Hawk Indian war. Cattle herder. LOHENTZEN, CHRISTEN (son of Lorentzen and Margaret Chrlstensen of Geisling, Denmark). Born March 26, 1821, Geisling, Denmark. Came to Utah July 3, 1878. Married Dorthea Larsen, Follesslov, Denmark (daughter of Lars and Ane Larsen, Slagelse, Denmark). She was born March 26, 1824. Their children: Soren Peter b. April 13, 1847, d. 1888; Anna b. Feb. 15, 1863, m. Andrew Nelson; Ane Margaret b. Sept. 23, 1864, m. Christen Peterson; Marie b. July 19, 1870, m. Nephi Pierce. Family home Follesslov, Denmark. Seventy. Farmer. Died Nov. 25, 1895, Ferron. Utah. LORENTZEN, GODTFRED (son of Soren Lorentzen and Anna Helene Roager of Sclesvig, Denmark). Born Dec. 23, 1862, Sclesvig, Denmark. Came to Utah June 1884. Married Chrestlne B. Smith Dec. 15, 1887, Logan. Utah (daughter of Jens Smith and Fredricka Jepsen of Hjorup, Denmark, came to Utah June, 1881). She was born 1868, Terp Sclesvig; died May, 1900. Their children: Annie R.; Eden C.; Ernald G.; Verna C. Family resided Moroni and Salina, Utah. Married Elmer Olivia Johnson Sept. 29, 1903, Mantl. Utah (daughter of Gustaf Johnson and Marie Jansen of Stock- holm, Sweden, came to Utah 1879). Their children: Ora M.; Emma L.; Vera. Family home Salina, Utah. Member of 107th quorum seventies; bishop of Salina ward. Miller; farmer. LOTT, CORNELIUS P. Came to Utah July 24, 184T, Brig- ham Young company. Married Rebecca Fawcett (Saunsosee) (daughter of Wil- liam Fawcett and Matilda Butcher of Kentucky and Ten- nessee. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1851, Roswell Stephens com- pany). Only child: Islah Barkdell b. Nov. 12, 1846, m. Lavonia Andrews. Rebecca Fawcett was the widow of Louis Saunsosee, pio- neer 1862. Their children: Susan, m. Joseph Nuttall; Ma- tilda, m. George James; Rosilla, m. William C. Hathenbrook. Family home Provo, Utah. LOTT, ISIAH BARKDELL (son of Cornelius P. Lott and Rebecca Fawcett). Born Nov. 12, 1846, at Winter Quarters. Neb. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1861, Roswell Stephens com- pany. Married Lavonia Andrews May 10, 1870, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Samuel Andrews and Elizabeth Potts, both of Rome, Ga. Came to Utah October, 1869). She waa born Jan. 19, 1849. Their children: Walter J. b. Feb. 7. 1872, m. Margaret Norton; Daisy b. April 2, 1873, m. William Thorton; Alnora b. Dec. 10, 1874, m. Joseph Mills; Nellie b. Jan. 20, 1876, m, Millage Jaques; Willie b. Nov. 14, 1878; Charles W. b. Aug. 4, 1880, m. Minnie Gillespie and Myrtle Mowers; Frederick b. March 2, 1883, m. Tobitha Norton; Wallace b. Dec. 14, 1884, m. Elsie Cook; Lavona b. May 7, 1887, m. Nelson Seamount; Ella b. Dec. 13, 1889, m. Lafayette Baum; Ora b. Nov. 28, 1890, m. Myrtle Doudle. Farmer. Located In Pleasant View ward in 1861. where he was active in building up the country. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1011 LOTT, CORNELIUS P. (son of Peter Lott and Mary Jane Smyle of Holland). Born Sept. 27, 1798. Came to Utah September, 1847. Married Permelia Darrow (daughter of Joseph Darrow and Mary Ward). Their children: Mellisa, m. Ira Willes; John S.; Mary E., m. Abraham Lossee; Almira H., m. J. R. Murdock; Jane, m. Abram Hatch; Alzlna L., m. Sidney Willes: Amanda; Joseph; Peter, m. Sarah Snow; Corne- lius; Benjamin S., m. Mary A. Evans. Superintendent of the Church farm for a number of years. LOTT, BENJAMIN S. (son of Cornelius P. Lott and Per- melia Darrow). Born Nov. 16, 1849, Salt Lake City. Married Mary A. Evans Oct. 25, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Israel Evans and Mallta Ann Thomas, former came to Utah with the Mormon Battalion, latter 1847, Parley P. Pratt company). She was born Feb. 15, 1850, Salt Lake City. Their children: Lillian b. July 30, 1870, died; M. M. b. Oct. 16, 1872; B. C. b. Sept. 5, 1874, m. G. R. Broadbent; L. E. b. Aug. 6, 1877, m. Agnes Adamson; E. A. b. Oct. 17, 1880, m. Ellis A. Peterson; B. D. b. July 18, 1883, m. Delia Jacobs; I. L. b. July 30, 1885, m. Emma Brown; M. S. b. July 30, 1885, m. R. B. Peterson. d. aged 3; Sarah Elizabeth, d. aged 9. Family home Payson, Utah. Elder. Black Hawk Indian war veteran; veteran Echo Canyon war. Farmer. Died Jan. 6, 1882, at Payson, Utah. LOTT, JOHN S. (son of Cornelius Lott of Pennsylvania). Came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Mary Ann Faucett at Provo, Utah (daughter of William and Matilda Faucett of Provo, Utah, pioneers 1849). Their children: Cornelius, d. Infant; Pemelia, m. Richard B. Shinner; John W., m. Sarah J. Robison; Joseph A., m. Mural A. Twlchell; Asa, d. child; Amosy, d. youth; Angelia H., m. Rodolp Lucre; Elmyra, m. Henry Berlin; Francis; Benja- min S.; Isaac R., d. youth. Family home Joseph City, Sevier Co., Utah. High priest. Sheriff of Utah county 15 years; Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Took part in Tintic and Echo Canyon wars. Farmer. Died at Joseph City. LOTT, JOHN W. (son of John S. Lott and Mary Ann Fau- cett). Born Oct. 24, 1850, Mill Creek, Utah. Married Sarah J. Robison Feb. 23, 1873, at Petersburg, Utah (daughter of Peter Robison and Salina Chaffe of Pennsylvania). Their children: John S. b. Oct. 10, 1874, m. Otilda Johnson; James P. b. April 21, 1876, m. Annie Rowburry; Sarah M. b. Oct. 10, 1878, m. Anton Nielson. Family home Petersburg, Utah. Married Hannah C. Johnson Jan. 27, 1882, Joseph City, Utah (daughter of Bengt Johnson and Annie Hogan of Sevier county, Utah). She was born in November, 1865. Their children: William b. Nov. 1, 1882, d. child; Emma C. b. Feb. 25, 1884, m. John S. Knight; Pary F. b. Dec. 14, 1884, d. Infant; Adelbert J. b. Feb. 20, 1887, m. Vina J. Gardiner; Hyrum F. b. Jan. 14, 1889; Myrtle A. b. March 25, 1891; Pearl H. b. April 15, 1893; Ira F. b. May 22, 1895; Mary A. b. May 17, 1911. Family home Huntington, Utah. Deacon. Trustee of town board of Huntington, Utah. Guard In Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer and stockralser. LOVE, DAVID. Born Jan. 1, 1822, at Blackbraes, Scotland. Came to Utah Aug. 12, 1852. Married Margaret Hunter 1852 In St. Louis (daughter of James Hunter of Clackmannan, Scotland). Their children: David; Henry: Margaret; John; Stephen H.; James W.; Joseph H.; Neil; Winnifred. Fmaily home 6th ward, Salt Lake City. Died at Salt Lake City 1888. LOVE, STEPHEN H. (son of David Love and Margaret Hunter). Born Jan. 15, 1865, Salt Lake City. Married Eleanor Wilding Feb. 8, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Wilding and Mary E. Layne of Salt Lake City, 19th ward, pioneers 1852). Their children: Eleanor Hazel; Geneva; Lucy; Stephen Russell; Milton H.; Viola; Steve Layne; Afton; Douglas; Doris; Eugene; Eloise. State senator eight years; twice president of the senate. Traffic manager of the Z. C. M. I. President Commercial Club traffic bureau. LOVELESS, JOHN. Came to Utah in 1851. Married Rachel Mahaley. Their children: Ellen, m. Charles White; James, m. Matilda McClelland; Nephl, m. Louisa Williams; Joseph J., m. Sarah Jane Scriggins; Parley Pratt, m. Ann Parry; Hyrum, m. Eliza Wimmer; William, m. Rebecca Gaines; Mary Elizabeth, m. Lucius Elmer; Prlscilla, m. David Wilson. Family resided West Jordan and Payson, Utah. High priest; elder. Farmer. LOVELESS, JOSEPH J. (son of John Loveless and Rachel Mahaley). Born in Jackson county. Mo. Came to Utah in 1851, oxteam company. Married Sarah Jane Scriggins at Provo, Utah (daughter of Samuel Scriggins and Ellen Printiss of Salem, Mass., pio- neers 1852, Archibald Gardner oxteam company). She was born Aug. 13, 1839. Their children: Matilda Jane b. Aug. 7, 1863, m. William H. Wignal; Martha Ann, m. Charles Hawkins; Jedediah J.; Joseph Henry, m. Hattie Savage; Rachel Mahaley, m. Morris Davis, m. A. Crump; Raphael Grant, d. aged 24; John Franklin, d. aged 12; Stella Emeline. LOW, SYLVESTER (son of David Low and Jane Oliver of parish of Tealing, Scotland). Born March 12, 1836, at Teal- Ing. Came to Utah Nov. 13, 1855. Isaac Allred company. Married Annie Allen Paton Feb. 28, 1858 (daughter of Jacoblna Osborne, pioneer Nov. 13, 1855). Their children: James Paton, m. Sarah Ida Barber; Sylvester, m. Lillian Jones; Osborne b. April 1, 1865, m. Sylvia Merrill Dec. 21. 1887, m. Mary A, Kennington Nov. 8, 1893; William, m. Car- rie Dahl; Annie, m. Robert Reid; Janetta, m. Alfred Erick- son; Lydia, m. George Nelson; Lawrena May, m. Joseph Richardson; Sylva Euphemia, m. June Jensen; Charles David, m. Grace Nelson; Millicent, m. Oliver Nilson. Family home Smlthfleld, Utah. Married Mary Smith Nov. 13, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of Nathan Smith and Jane Sant). Their children: Jane; Sylvester; Joseph Smith; Brigham Young; Sterling; Oliver; Mabel. Missionary to Scotland 1887-88. Early settler in Cache valley. Resided at Bear Lake, Idaho, and Smithfleld, Utah, and Afton, Wyo.; finally settled at Cardston, Canada, 1892. Flourmiller. LOW, OSBORNE (son of Sylvester Low and Annie Allen). Born April 1, 1865, Ovid, Idaho. Married Sylvia Merrill Dec. 21, 1887, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of George Merrill and Alice Smith), who was born Oct. 10, 1867, Smithfield, Utah. Only child: Alice Ann b. Jan. 1, 1889, d. in July, 1889. Family home Afton, Wyo. Married Mary A. Kennington Nov. 8, 1893, Logan (daugh- ter of William H. and Annie Rebecca Kennington, former pioneer Sept. 26, 1856, Daniel D. McArthur company, latter pioneer Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde company married April 1, 1866, Salt Lake City). She was born April 29, 1872, Lib- erty, Idaho. Their children: Osborne b. Sept. 9, 1894; Jen- nie b. Nov. 3, 1896; Bessie b. Aug. 26. 1899; Wanda b. Sept. 2, 1903; Nora b. Oct. 15, 1905; Rolla b. July 1, 1908. Ordained as bishop of Freedom ward, Wyoming, In 1894; moved to Afton and ordained bishop of that ward Aug. 12, 1899, to date. Mayor one term; city marshal; member board of education Star Valley stake. Manager telephone ex- change. LOWE, JOHN (son of Peter and Ellen Lowe of Ashton, near St. Helens, Lancaster, Eng.). Born April 24, 1818, Wigan, Lancaster, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Mary Wilgoose 1839, Wigan, who was born Aug. 13, 1817. Their children: Richard, m. Mary Rebecca War- ner 1872; William, m. Emma Cordon Oct. 14, 1864; Jarvis, d. 1845; Peter, m. Esther Ford (died), m. Martha Summers; Elizabeth, d. 1848; Elizabeth, d. 1862; John, m. Ann Eliza- beth Ward; Mary Ellen, m. Alfred Ward; Alice, died; Sarah Jane, m. John Darington. Married Elizabeth Dueherst in 1859, died; no children. Married Mary Rebecca Warner 1872. Families resided Willard, Utah. Blacksmith. Died Oct. 15, 1891. LOWE, RICHARD (son of Richard Lowe). Born Dec. 26, 1826, Nottingham. Eng. Came to Utah In 1851. Married Ada Clements at Grantsville, Utah (daughter of Alvin and Ada Clements; former came to Utah In 1849, latter in 1847, both of Missouri). She was born in 1841. Their children: Richard Alvin, m. Charity Foreman; Ada, m. Wil- liam S. Lemmon; Joseph Hyrum, m. Rose Jensen; John, m. Annas Barlow; Harriet Louisa, m. Jack Lemmon; Juliaette, m. George Dallln; Adelia, m. Lee Daniels; Betsy Ann, m. C. B. Scovllle; William Nephl, m. Mary Powell. Married Jane Hale at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hale and Lucy Clements of Hooper, Utah). Their child: James E., m. Almira Powell. Families resided Sprlngville, Utah. Settled at Sprlngville in 1857. President of elders quo- rum of Springville. Early settler in Tooele and Box Elder counties. Veteran Indian war. Farmer; stockraiser and apiarist. Died Dec. 26, 1899. LOWE, RICHARD ALVIN (son of Richard Lowe and Ada Clements). Born Sept. 13, 1856, Brigham City, Utah. Married Charity Foreman Nov. 22, 1880, Monroe, Utah (daughter of Thomas Cephas Foreman and Eliza Biggs of North and South Carolina, pioneers 1863). She was born Aug-. 6, 1864, Pine Valley, Utah. Their children: Richard Franklin b. Oct. 20, 1881, m. Lydia Yergensen; Thomas Cephas b. Dec. 16, 1882, m. Clara Anderson; Clara b. June 8, 1885, m. Joseph Ross; Eliza b. Oct. 9, 1887, m. Peter Wash- burn; William b. Dec. 16. 1889; Birdy b. June 30, 1893, m. Hyrum Peterson; Silvia b. March 26, 1896; Ada b. Nov. 13, 1898; Alvin b. June 26, 1901. Family home Monroe, Utah. Farmer and apiarist. LOWRY, JOHN' (son of William Lowry of Nashville, Tenn.. and Polly Norrls). Born Aug. 10, 1799, at Nashville. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1847, John Taylor company. Married Susan Groom, who died in Missouri. Their chil- dren: William; Sarah, m. George Peacock April 4, 1840. 1012 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Mary Wllcox (daughter of Hazard Wllcox and Sarah Seeley. latter came to Utah Sept. 30, 1847, John Taylor company}. Their children: James Hazard b. June 3, 1825, m. Mary Ann Bryerly; Hyrum b. March 16, 1827, d. March 16, 1847; John b. Jan. 31, 1829, m. Sarah Jane Brown, m. Mary A. Allen; Abner b. Oct. 12, 1831, m. Louisa Bradley; Susan Lucretia b. March 13, 1834 (d. Oct. 21, 1859), m. William George Pettey Dec. 13. 1854; Mary Artemesia b. March 13, 1834, m. George Peacock Aug. 6, 1854; George Moroni b. Aug. 9. 1836. d. May 26, 1856: Sarah Jane b. Jan. 26, 1838, m. Nelson D. Higgins: Elizabeth b. March 16, 1841, d. Aug. 18, 1846; William Mahonrl b. April 28, 1844, d. Sept. 14, 1846. Family home Manti, Utah. First counselor to Bishop Hunter, the first bishop of Salt Lake City; also bishop of second ward. Salt Lake City, 1849; first bishop of Manti 1850. Justice of peace at Manti. Farmer and stockraiser. Sent with John Crawford, by Brlgham Young, to colonize Elk Mountain country, Nevada. Died Jan. 7, 1867, at Manti. LOWRT, JOHN. JR. (son of John Lowry and Mary Wilcox). Born Jan. 31. 1829, In Lewis county, Mo. Came to Utah Sept. 30. 1847. Edward Hunter oxteam company. Married Sarah Jane Brown Nov. 27, 1851, at Manti (daugh- ter of James Polly Brown and Eunice Reesor, pioneers July 29, 1847, Captain Higgins company of James Brown contin- gent Mormon Battalion). She was born Oct. 27, 1834, Green- ville, Ind. Their children: John b. Oct. 3, 1852, m. Lorency Anderson March 14, 1876; James Hazard b. Dec. 8, 1853, m. Maria B. Larson March 8, 1877; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 22, 1855, m. James C. Reynolds May 9, 1878; William Brown b. Dec. 21. 1857, m. Ellen Hansen Nov. 11, 1879; Eunice b. April 16. 1860, m. Michael W. Molen; Olive b. Sept. 1, 1862, m. George Edward Anderson May 30, 1888; Ida May b. July 30. 1865. m. Samuel H. Allen June 8, 1892; Dora b. Nov. 9, 1869, m. Edwin Olsen June 8, 1892; Ethel b. July 6. 1873, m. Clare William Reid Oct. 9, 1895. Family resided Manti and Spring- ville. Utah. Married Mary Ann Allen in March 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Allen and Mary Ann Maurice, pioneers oxteam company). She was born March 10, 1837. Kirtland, Ohio. Their children: Daniel Allen b. Jan. 7, 1858, m. Emily Ludvigsen Oct. 22. 1885; Mary Artemesia b. March 30, 1860, m. Hyrum A. Nelson; Clara Bell b. March 7. 1863, m. Samuel Singleton: Evelyn b. Oct. 23, 1865, m. Nathaniel Crawford Oct. 22, 1885; Diantha b. March 31, 1868, m. Wil- liam F. Reid; Orson Hyrum b. Aug. 23, 1873 (d. March 26, 1913), m. Matilda Eleanor Jensen July 20, 1897. Family home. Manti. High priest; patriarch. Settled at Manti in 1849. Veteran Indian war. Commissioned, by Brig-ham Young, as pay- master in infantry of San Pete county 1855. Missionary to Elk mountains, under President Alfred Billings, 1855. Inter- preter for Ute and Shoshone Indians. Member of legislature from Manti 1896; also city councilman four terms, 1851-69, and assessor and clerk four years. Farmer and stock - raiser. LOWRY. DANIEL ALLEN (son of John Lowry and Mary Ann Allen). Born Jan. 7, 1858, at Manti, Utah. Married Emily Ludvigsen Oct. 22, 1885, at St. George. Utah (daughter of Eric Ludvigsen and Anna Steck of Manti, pio- neers with oxteam company). She was born May 5, 1868. Their children: Mervin Daniel b. July 12, 1886; Mary Eve- lyn b. May 11, 1888; Ivy C. b. Oct. 26, 1890; Zora b. Oct. 30, 1893, d. Oct. 29, 1894: Llyle Revere b. Sept. 20, 1898; June Lament b. June 14. 1903; Floyd b. June 29, 1906, d. infant. Family home Ferron, Utah. Member 49th quorum seventies; missionary to central states 1897-99; Sunday school superintendent. School trus- tee 15 years. Mechanic. LOWRY, ORSON HYRUM (son of John Lowry and Mary Ann Allen). Born Aug. 23, 1873, at Manti, Utah. Married Matilda Eleanor Jensen July 20, 1897, at Manti (daughter of Jens Jensen and Dorothy Petersen of Den- mark), who was born Jan. 14, 1878. Their children: La- Fonta b. April 11, 1899; Aleda b. Feb. 8, 1901, d. Nov. 8, 1903; Allen b. Feb. 13, 1904. Family resided Manti and Ferron, Utah. Manti city marshal. Farmer. , JAMES (son of James Loynd of Bolton, Eng.). Born In May, 1815, Chatham, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1866, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Elizabeth Thompson in England (daughter of Joseph Thompson and Sarah Thompson of Lancaster, Eng.), who was born Sept. 22, 1810, Worksop, Eng. Their children: John b. Aug. 21, 1837, died; James, Jr.. b. March 1, 1838, m. Sophis Pew; Thomas b. Sept. 19, 1840; Joseph b. Dec. 19, 1843, m. Mary Ann Holllngdrake; Richard b. Jan. 11, 1846. m. Larsine Sorenson. Family resided Cheshire, Eng., and Springville. Utah. High priest. Pioneer of Davis and Utah counties. Gar- dener. Died in 1891 LOYND, JOSEPH (son of James Loynd and Elizabeth Thompson). Born Dec. 19, 1843, Dukinfleld, Chestershire, Kng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1866, with parents. Married Mary A. Hollingdrake Dec. 18, 1864 (daughter of John Holllngdrake and Ann Swain, former pioneer Joseph i. Rawllns company Sept. 20, 1864 married at Bradford, Eng.). She was born Aug. 20, 1842, and came to Utah with father. Their children: Elizabeth A. b. March 6, 1866, d. same day; John b. Feb. 28, 1867, d. same day; Joseph S. b. July 25, 1868, m. Amelia Allsworth; Thomas b. June 11, 1871, m. Mary E. Gabitias; Mary A. b. Aug. 17, 1874, d. same day; James A. b. Nov. 16, 1877. m. Louise L. Daniels; Albert b. Sept. 26, 1883, m. Carry M. Ekker. Family home Spring- ville, Utah. Married Sarah Ann Briggs April 19. 1899, Manti, Utah (daughter of John Briggs and Amelia Hilton; former came to Utah in 1876. latter having died in England). She was born Jan. 16, 1876, Atherton, Eng. Their children: Amelia Gladys b. Jan. 15, 1901; Josephine b. Jan. 10, 1903; Sarah b. Jan. 21, 1906; Alice b. July 4, 1907; Elizabeth b. Nov. 1, 1909. Bishop of 4th ward, Springville; ward teacher. City coun- cilman; school trustee. LOYND. JOSEPH S. (son of Joseph Loynd and Mary Ann Hollingdrake). Born July 25, 1868, Springville. Utah. Married Amelia Allsworth February, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of James E. Allsworth and Emily Whitehead), who was born July, 1874, in England. Their children: Harry Joseph b. Feb. 1889; El very b. May 1900; Frank b. Aug. 1902; William b. 1903: Walter b. Nov. 1904. Road supervisor and deputy marshal at Springville. Presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A. and Sunday school teacher. Agricultural superintendent for the American Beet Sugar Co., in Colorado. LOYND, RICHARD (son of James Loynd and Elizabeth Thompson). Born Jan. 11, 1846, at Hyde, Cheshire, Engr. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, with parents. Married Larsine Sorenson Sept. 1, 1872. Monroe, Utah (daughter of Soren Rasmussen and Annie Hogensen of Denmark, who came to Utah in October, 1862). She was born Feb. 21, 1851. Their children: Richard James b. Aug. 6, 1873, m. Ida Larson; Sine Annie b. Nov. 12. 1876, m. Steven Prince: John b. Feb. 8, 1878, m. Birdie McMurtury; Mary b. Aug. 11. 1880. died; Sarah Elizabeth b. July 13, 1882, m. Lars Christian Larsen; Martha Ann b. Aug. 1, 1886, and Josephine b. Dec. 17, 1886, died; Emma Jane b. Nov. 13, 1888, m. Edgar R. Lloyd; Thomas b. Jan. 6, 1891, died; Har- riet b. June 21, 1892. Family home, Monroe. Elder. Veteran Indian wars. Farmer; freighter. LUDVIGSEJT. ERIC. Married Mary in Denmark. Only child: Peter, who was killed by Black Hawk Indians. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Stena Only child: Baby, who died at birth. Family home, Manti. Married Anna Steck (daughter of Jens Steck and Mariah Vosse, pioneers with oxteam company). Their children: Christina, m. Edward Clark, m. P. J. Goble; Mary, m. Chris K. Jensen; Emily, m. Daniel Allen Lowry Oct. 22. 1886; Anna, m. Arthur Nelson; Eric; Sophronia, m. John Wilson, m. Will Nelson; Lillian, m. George Bradley: Elmer, m. Pearl Snow; Leona, m. Alva Barrackman; Merelda, d. aged 18 months. Family home, Manti. Weaver and farmer. LUFF, GEORGE T. (son of George Luff and Mary Simpkina of Surrey, Eng.). Born Oct. 23, 1836, In Surrey. Came to Utah Sept. 13. 1861, Homer Duncan company. Married Mary H. Dixon Dec. 11. 1869, London, Eng. (daughter of James W. Dixon and Hannah Taylor), who was born Aug. 29, 1836, and came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, with husband. Their children: Mary A., m. Charles Castle- ton; George D. (d. April 12, 1893), m. Sarah Owen; Elbertha Louise, m. Lorenzo J. Aubrey; Elizabeth Jane, d. infant: Emily H., m. Albert Bergman; Frank T., m. Kate Dunbar; Harry A., m. Callie Carter; Fred S., m. Myrtle Persell; Lin- vill J. (d. Oct. 9, 1910), m. Flora Longley. Family home, Salt Lake City. Deacon; missionary in England 1866-58: high priest; block teacher. Carpenter and builder. Died Feb. 22, 1904, at Salt Lake City. 1.CFKIN, SAMUEL, (son of Samuel Lufktn, born March 29. 1762. and Sarah Livingston, born Feb. 18. 1766. both at Chelmsford, Mass.). He was born June 22, 1788, Chelms- ford, Mass. Came to Utah October, 1862, Blind Lennard company. Married Eleanor Johnson 1816 (daughter of James John- son and Eleanor O'Brien), who was born 1795, and came to Utah with Captain Hawley company. Their children: Cyrus, m. Sarah Goodele: Sarah E., m. Eastman Reedham; Acenach E. b. Oct. 18, 1827, m. H. Taylor: George Washing- ton b. June 30, 1831, m. Martha A. Townsend; Jane Ann b. Nov. 8, 1836, m. John Wesley Jennlson; Charles H. b. July 18, 1839, m. Catherine Jones. Married Olena Nelson 1856, who was born In Norway. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Dec. 1866. m. Henry Rudy; Eleanor Olena, m. Jedediah Klmball; Samuel, m. Martha Yates. High priest; superintendent of Sunday school, Lehi, Utah. LUFKIN, GEORGE WASHINGTON (son of Samuel Lufkin and Eleanor Johnson). Born June 30, 1831, Lincoln, Vt. Married Martha A. Townsend 1853, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Foss Townsend and Susan Davis. Came to Utah with John M. Higby company). She was born March 2, 1832, Buxton, Me. Their children: John T. (adopted) b. Jan. 21, 1863, m. Hanna Barron; Florence May b. March 2, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1013 1855, m. William A. Barren; George Eastman b. May 26, 1857, m. Hanna Hanson; Emma M. b. March 26, 1859, died; Susan Asenith b. Nov. 11, 1860, m. Adelbert Phippen; Jessie b. July 20, 1863, m. Ashmer Meloney; Jane Maria b. Feb. 14, 1866, m. Stephen Hailstone; Marion Davis b. Aug. 7, 1868, m. Douglas M. Todd; Vernie Isabell b. April 18, 1871, m. Samuel Thatcher; Kate Naomi b. Jan. 3, 1880, m. Franklin R. Davenport. High priest. Went with Lot Smith to Fort Bridger to resist Johnston's army and, with 24 others, burned 70 wagons destroyed provisions, captured over 1,000 head of oxen and some beef cattle, used by the army in hauling their outfit. Veteran Walker war. Owner Salt Lake Transfer Company five years. Furniture merchant. Cabinetmaker. President and manager North Point Canal Company of Salt Lake county. Watermaster and justice of peace two years at Logan, Utah. Farmer. LUKE, WILLIAM (son of Charles and Hannah Luke of Manchester, Eng.). Born May 8, 1801, at Manchester. Came to Utah 1850, oxteam company. Married Emma Perkins Dec. 31, 1824, at Manchester, Eng. She was born In 1803. Their children: Emma b. Sept. 29, 1825; John Henry b. Sept. 1827; Charles Oliver b. Jan. 25, 1829, m. Ann Beaver b. Feb. 27, 1853; Thomas William b. Nov. 3, 1830; William b. Sept. 2, 1834, m. Mary Haydock Jan. 10, 1857; Henry b. 1836; Uriah b. Oct. 10, 1838; Elizabeth b. 1840; Angelina b. 1841; Charlotte b. Sept. 25, 1843; Mary b. 1845. Family home Manchester, Eng-. Seventy; ward teacher. Settled at Manti 1850. Indian war veteran. Killed by Indians October, 1853, near Fountain Green. LUKE, CHARLES OLIVER (son of William Luke and Emma Perkins). Born Jan. 25. 1829. at Manchester, Eng. Married Ann Beaver Feb. 27, 1853, at Manchester (daugh- ter of John Beaver and Ann Bradshaw, latter pioneer Oct. 9, 1853, Appleton Harmon company). She was born Dec. 25, 1826, at Shevlent, Eng. Their children: Emma Ann b. Aug. 15, 1854; Elizabeth Charlotte b. April 6, 1856, m. James C. Tooth Feb. 18, 1896; Charles William b. Dec. 25, 1867, m. Amanda Anderson Feb. 20, 1896; Sarah Jane b. Oct. 16, 1859, m. Henry Wintch; Mary Malinda b. July 27, 1861, m. Aaron D. Squire; Margret Beaver b. Sept. 22, 1863, m. Christian Poulsen; Thomas James b. July 24, 1865; Joseph Oliver b. Aug. 18, 1867, m. Lev! Davis; Benjamin Franklin b. Aug. 6, 1871, m. Emily Jane Davis. Family home Manti, Utah. High priest. LUKE, CHARLES WILLIAM (son of Charles Oliver Luke and Ann Beaver). Born Dec. 25, 1857, at Manti, Utah. Married Amanda Anderson Feb. 20, 1896, at Manti, Utah (daughter of Anders Anderson and Johannah Erickson), who was born May 11, 1866, at Aleverta, Kullsveden, Sweden. Their children: Delis Ann b. Aug. 16, 1902; Mabel Margret b. June 6, 1905; Melroy C. b. Nov. 9, 1908. Family home Manti, Utah. Elder. Farmer. LUKE, WILLIAM, JR. (son of William Luk'e and Emma Per- kins). Born Sept. 2, 1834, at Manchester, Eng., pioneer Oct. 16, 1853, Captain Harmon company. Married Mary Haydock Jan. 10, 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Haydock and Elizabeth Crompton, former died in England, latter pioneer with Robinson hand- cart company). She was born Jan. 29, 1835, at Little Eton Lance, Eng. Their children: William Haydock, Jr., b. Jan. 25, 1858, m. Anne Martina Ottoson March 14, 1878; George Henry b. Feb. 4, 1859, d. Dec. 6, 1880; John Thomas b. May 26, 1861, m. Henrietta C. Barlow Oct. 19, 1881; Joseph b. Aug. 4, 1863, d. Oct. 6, 1863; Mary Emily b. Nov. 6, 1864, m. N. W. Anderson Aug. 17, 1882; Elizabeth Ann b. Nov. 27, 1866, m. Willard Barlow May 6, 1887; Charlotte Jane b. March 8, 1869, m. Oliver C. Peacock; Alonzo b. Dec. 12, 1871, d. Jan. 4, 1873; Franklin b. April 21, 1874, d. same day; Albert Edward b. Aug. 2, 1875, m. Inger M. Ahlstrom Dec. 18, 1895. Family home Manti. Utah. Settled at Manti in 1853. Veteran Indian war. One of the founders of the Co-op, at Manti and acted as its director for many years. School trustee; road supervisor 13 years; county commissioner three years; Manti city councilman six years; alderman four years; mayor of Manti two terms. Died Sept. 28, 1904, at Manti, Utah. LUKE. WILLIAM HAYDOCK. JR. (son of William Luke, Jr., and Mary Haydock). Born Jan. 25, 1858, at Manti, Utah. Married Anne Martina Ottoson March 14, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Ottoson and Johannah Sorenson, former came to Utah in 1858, latter with last handcart com- pany). She was born Nov. 15, 1861, at Goshen, Utah. Their children: William James b. Dec. 22, 1878, m. Levina Allen; Joseph Lolnal b. March 12. 1880, d. Aug. 9, 1882; George Leroy b. Nov. 3, 1881, m. Delia Connell June 30, 1903; Melvln b. Oct. 13, 1883, m. Clarissa Esplin June 13, 1907; Hannah Cleo b. Sept. 30, 1885; Mary Hazel b. April 12, 1887, m. John Pendleton June 16, 1909; Odien b. March 11, 1889; Jessie b. April 5, 1891; Clinton Lamar b. Feb. 20, 1893, m. Fern I. Morrill Sept. 20, 1910; Ottoson b. April 21, 1895; Isabell Martina b. Aug. 14, 1897; Lorenzo Franklin b. Oct. 14, 1899; Orral Stanford b. July 23, 1903; Alton Arnold b. April 8. 1905. Family home Junction, Utah. Worked on St. George temple. Counselor to first presi- dent of Y. M. M. I. A. at Manti; ward teacher. Moved from Manti to Junction in 1888. School trustee. Sunday school superintendent at Junction; missionary to central statea 1905-07; high priest; counselor to Bishop Morrill of Junc- tion ward. Clerk Piute county two terms. LUKE, HENRY (son of William Luke and Emma Perkins). Born March 17, 1836, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah Octo- ber, 1853, oxteam company. Married Harriet E. Luce at Spanish Fork, Utah. Their children: Maria b. Jan. 30, 1858, m. Abram C. Hatch; Wil- liam Andrew b. Jan. 29, 1860, m. Ellen M. Busby; Emma Caroline b. Aug. 29, 1861, m. Frederic L. Clegg; John Henry b. June 18, 1864, m. Sophia Clyde; Mary Ann b. March 28. 1866. m. Fred Davis. Family home Heber, Utah. Assisted in settling the "Dixie" country. Indian Inter- preter. Farmer. Died June 26, 1876, at Heber City, Utah. LUKE, WILLIAM ANDREW (son of Henry Luke and Har- riet Luce). Born Jan. 29, 1860, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Ellen M. Busby Jan. 27, 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John K. Busby of Glasgow, Scotland, and Harriet Emma Killlan of Missouri, pioneers with oxteam company). She was born July 23, 1860. Their children: John Henry b. Dec. 28, 1881; William Andrew b. Dec. 30. 1883, m. Leona Jenson; Nellie May b. Oct. 1, 1885, m. Wil- liam Gibson; George Edward b. May 20, 1887, m. Jennie Gibson; Charles Franklin b. Nov. 26, 1888, m. Cordelia Shelton; James Alfred b. Dec. 17, 1890, d. Sept. 4, 1891; Douglas b. Oct. 13, 1892, d. Aug. 22, 1899; Wallace b. Jan. 10, 1895; Otto b. July 26, 1896; Violet b. June 10, 1898. d. Jan. 21, 1899; Pansy b. May 18, 1900, died same day; Law- rence b. May 22, 1901; Avon b. April 18, 1903. Family home Midway, Utah. Elder. Road supervisor. Farmer and freighter. Man- ager Lukes Hot Pots at Midway, Utah. LTTIVCEFORD, WILLIAM (son of George and Nancy Lunce- ford, both of St. Clalr county, 111.). Born April 15. 1796. Came to Utah 1850, oxteam company. Married Rawsey Robertson (daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Robertson of Illinois. Their children George b. Nov. 14, 1821, died; Mary Ann b. Aug. 1, 1823, m. Thomas Berry; Elizabeth b. March 6, 1825, m. William Padfleld; John Dew b. Jan. 23, 1826, died; Joseph b. Dec. 12, 1828, m. Angeline Skinner; Martha Jane b. Nov. 8, 1830, m. William Ashmead; Samuel b. Dec. 22, 1832; Caroline b. Nov. 15, 1834, died; Rawsey b. Nov. 22, 1836, died. Family home, Illinois. Married Mary Trent Holdaway in Illinois (daughter of Timothy Trent of Tennessee), who was born 1805. Their children: William Trent b. Aug. 7, 1838, m. Mary Jane James; Nancy Emaline b. Dec. 4, 1840, m. Sirus Snell, m. Silas Call; Sarah Melvina b. Feb. 18/1884, m. William Keller; Synthia Mary Mahaly b. Sept. 6, 1847. Family home, Illinois. Veteran Walker Indian war. Died 1886, San Luis Oblspo. Cal. LUNCEFORD, JOSEPH (son of William Lunceford and Rawsey Robertson). Born Dec. 12, 1828, in Illinois. Came to Utah 1850, Shadrach Holdaway company. Married Angeline Skinner Oct. 18, 1860, Provo, Utah (daughter of Horace Billins Skinner and Elinore Clace of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers October, 1852, Captain Walker oxteam company), who was born Oct. 4, 1843. Their children: Rawsey Angeline b. Aug. 20. 1862, died; Joseph William b. Aug. 7. 1864, m. Mary Gardner; John Hyrum b. Nov. 26, 1866, m. Melvina Hansen; Martha Elinore b. Oct. 21, 1869, m. Frank Birmingham; Emma Almeda b. Jan. 19, 1873, m. Lewis Birmingham; Hannah Elizabeth b. July 20. 1876, m. Lewis Olsen; Sarah Caroline b. April 3, 1879, m. Julius John- son; Annie b. Aug. 27, 1882, m. Joseph S. Wheeler; Alonzo b. Oct. 3. 1886, died. Family home Lake View, Utah. Married Esther Jane Skinner, 1868, Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of Horace Billins Skinner and Elinore Clace of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers October, 1852, Captain Walker company). Their children: Elizabeth Esther, m. John Hick; Mary Ann. died; Cynthia Melvina; David Hyrum; Wilford; Ellen Or- minda, m. Andrew Lovegrande; Alma, m. Sadie Randall; George, m. Lutty Hale. Elder; ward teacher. Black Hawk and Walker Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died June, 1896, Lake View, Utah. LCJfD, ANTHON H. (son of Henry Lund and Anna Christina Anderson of Denmark). Born May 16, 1844, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, C. A. Madsen independent company. Married Sarah Ann Peterson May 2, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Canute Peterson and Sarah Ann Nelson of Illinois, pioneers September, 1849). She was born Jan. 4. 1853. Their children: Anthony C., m. Cornelia Sorenson; Henry C., m. Julia A. Farnsworth; Sarah H. ; Herbert Z., m. Emma Jensen; Canute L.; Othniel R., m. Mabel Hall; August William, m. Josephine Brown; George C.; Eva A. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Denmark 1871-72, to Scandinavia 1883-86. to England 1893-95, to Palestine 1897-98 and to Europe 1909; first counselor to Joseph F. Smith in presidency; church historian. Member legislature 1886 and 1888; author of bills creating the industrial school at Ogden and the agricul- tural college at Logan. Vice president of Zion's Savings & Trust company; director of Z. C. M. I. and of Utah State 1014 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH National bank; regent of the university of Utah; member of the capitol commissions and president of the genealogical society of Utah; president of the board of trustees of the L. D. 8. university. LUND. ANTHONY CANUTE (son of Anthon Henrik Lund and Sarah Ann Peterson). Born Feb. 25, 1871, Ephraim, Utah. Married Laura Greaves Aug. 14, 1895, Ephraim. Utah. Their children: Weber Anthony b. July 16, 1896; Grant b. Oct. 2, 1898. Married Cornelia Sorenson Dec. 24, 1902, Manti, Utah (daughter of Neils Christian Sorenson of Gunnison, Utah, and Sareh Christina Capsson, born July 31, Spanish Fork, Utah), who was born March 8, 1882. Their children: Anthon Hc-nrlk b. Dec. 11, 1903; Herschel Sorenson b. Feb. 11, 1905; Sarah Cornelia b. Sept. 20, 1907; Max Welton b. July 31, 1910. Families reside Prove, Utah. LUND, HENRY C. (son of Anthon H. Lund and Sarah Ann Peterson). Born April 13, 1873, Ephraim, Utah. Married Julia A. Farnsworth Sept. 20, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of P. T. Farnsworth and Julia P. Murdock). who was born Nov. 2, 1874, Beaver, Utah. Their children: Henry C. F. b. Sept. 8, 1900; Philo F. b. Jan. 9, 1902; Anthon F. b. Oct 10, 1905, died; John C. F. b. March 3, 1907; Alton F. b. Jan. 29, 1909; Julia F. b. Oct. 26, 1911. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 124th quorum seventies; member general board of Y. M. M. I. A. Lawyer. LUND, HERBERT Z. (son of Anthon H. Lund and Sarah Ann Peterson). Born Jan. 17, 1877, Ephraim, Utah. Married Emma Jensen May 16, 1902, Mantl, Utah (daugh- ter of James Iver Jensen and Inger Nlelson Syndegard of Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1868, Independent com- pany). She was born June 29, 1879. Their children: Sarah Inger b. June 2C, 1904; Herbert Z. b. July 19, 1907; Richard b. March 7, 1911. Member seventy; missionary to southern states 1899-1901. Physician and surgeon state prison; member of state board of medical examiners. Physician and surgeon. LUND, OTHNIEL R. (son of Anthon H. Lund and Sarah Ann Peterson). Born Feb. 28, 1882, Ephraim, Utah. Married Mabel Hall Jan. 27. 1906. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Edwin Hall and Clara Bringhurst), who was born 1885. Their children: Robert b. July 29, 1907; Elmo b. Feb. 16, 1912. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Deputy treasurer of Salt Lake county four years. School teacher. Farmer. I.UtiTt, ROBERT C. (son of Wilson and Eliza B. Lund). He was born May 29, 1847, New Diggins, Wis. Came to Utah 1850. Married Mary A. Romney 1870. Settled at Salt Lake City; moved to St. George 1860. Tel- egraph operater Deseret telegraph company, at St. George, Utah, and Ploche, Nev.; Wells Fargo express agent at St. George and Silver Reef, Utah; chairman board of county commissioners, Washington county; served in territorial legislature; member and president state board of equaliza- tion. Died Jan. 30, 1906. LTntTDBLAD, HAWS. Born Sept. 29, 1821, in Sweden. Came to Utah 1866 with oxteam. Married Karste Mortenson in Sweden (daughter of Andres Mortenson and Anna Pahrson of Sweden), who was born Sept. 10, 1821. Their children: Johanna, m. John T. Coving- ton; Mary Chrlstena, m. Joseph Ash; Charlotte Elena, m. Joseph Slmkins; John Willlard, Joseph and Emma Helena, died; Ellen, m. John H. Fullmer. Family home Beaver, Utah. President Scandinavian mission before emigrating to America. Settled first In San Pete county, later In 1861 moved to Washington county. Tailor by trade. Died June 29, 1868, Beaver, Utah. n MUlOf.M. ANDREW G. (son of Anders E. Lundholm and Maria Louisa Llndberg of Sweden). Born May 17, 1833, Tillinge Socken, Upsallalan, Sweden. Came to Utah August, 1868, working on Union Pacific railroad. Married Gustava Charlotta Grlndstrom, In Sweden, who died Jan. 12, 1903, Santaquin. Utah. They had two daugh- ters, both of whom died In Sweden. Married Louisa Gustafson May 27, 1903. Salt Lake temple. Settled at Santaquin in 1869. Teacher; president elders quorum; high priest; high councilor in Nebo stake. En- gaged in farming at Santaquin, at which he was very suc- cessful. Died Feb. 19, 1911, Santaquin. L.TJNDQ.ITIST, AXEL THEODORE (son of Carl Gustav Lund- qulst born Dec. 7, 1804, and Katrine Abrlka Hornstrand, both of Stockholm, Sweden). He was born Feb. 6, 1838, at Stockholm. Came to Utah October, 1863, Captain Fabus company. Married Sarah Erson Nov. 27, 1866 (daughter of Anders Erson of Dalene, Sweden, and Sarah Miles), who was born Aug. 22, 1843 (deceased). Their children: Axel Jalmer b. Jan. 20, 1867, d. same year; Alexander Theodore b. Sept. 3, 1868. m. Alvilda Fonnesbeck; Sarah Josephine b. March 6, 1870, m. Willard Carlson March 23, 1892; Charles William b. Jan. 22, 1872. m. Catherine E. Kofoed Dec. 6, 1894. and Martha E. Olsen Jan. 22, 1902; Selma Catherine b. March 23, 1873, died; Anders Enoch b. April 21, 1874; John Parley b. Sept. 6, 1876, m. Antonine Christina Nielsen March 6, 1901; Alvin Theodore b. March 3, 1878, died; Hulda Johanna b. Jan. 19, 1879, m. James J. Nelson Nov. 16, 1899; Albert Peter b. Dec. 28, 1880, died; Anna Sophia b. July 23, 1882, died. Family home Weston, Idaho. Worked on Logan temple. i,lTNT, EDWARD (son of John Lunt, born 1786, Walsall. Staffordshire, Eng., and Ann Elton). Born July 10, 1816, at Walsall. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1867, Israel Evans hand- cart company. Married Harriett Wood Sept. 17, 1844 (daughter of James Wood and Ann Amos), who was born Oct. 6, 1822, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Alfred b. Sept. 27. 1845, m. Prlscilla Pitt Dec. 8, 1865; Elizabeth b. Dec. 16. 1848. m. Eli Batchelor Jan. 1, 1866; Shedrach b. Oct 2, 1850. m. Ann Pitt May 27, 1872; Nephl b. May 23, 1864; Sarah Ann b. Aug. 11, 1868, m. Henry Lunt Jan. 16, 1878; James Ed- ward b. Oct. 15, 1860, m. Mary Ann Shaw Sept 1, 1881. LUNT, ALFRED (son of Edward Lunt and Harriet Wood). Born Sept. 27, 1845, Wlllenhall, Staffordshire. Came to Utah with parents. Married Priscllla Pitt Dec. 8, 1866 (daughter of John Pitt and Caroline Wright, pioneers 1866. Daniel Thompson's oxteam company), who was born Oct. 10, 1846, Willcnhail, Eng., and came to Utah 1864, W. S. Warren company. Their children: Elizabeth Ann b. Nov. 17, 1866, m. Charles H. Grace; Shedrach James b. Oct. 26, 1869. m. Sarah Flor- ence McCune; George William b. July 23, 1872, m. Rose Etta Morhan; Alfred Oscar b. Dec. 4, 1874, m. Jeanette Sperry; John Edgar b. May 3, 1880, m. Lydia Jane Kendall. Family home Nephl, Utah. , Member 71st quorum seventy; high priest. City council- man of Nephi six years. Helped bring immigrants to Utah 1864; Black Hawk war veteran. Rancher; sheepman; farmer. L.UJTT, HENRY (son of Handle Lunt and Ann Morgan both of Midley Hall Farm, Eng.). Born July 20, 1824, Midley, Hall Cheshire, Eng.). Came to Utah October, 1850. Married Ellen Whittaker March 26, 1862, Parowan, Utah (daughter of James Whittaker and Rachel Taylor both of Heywood, Lancashire, Eng., pioneers 1851, W. W. Phelps com- pany), who was born June 6, 1830. Married Mary Ann Wilson Oct. 7, 1857, Salt Lake City, who was born Jan. 19, 1832, Carlisle, Cumberland, Eng. Came to Utah 1867, Jesse B. Martin company. Their chil- dren: Henrietta Wilson; Ellen Eva W.; Henry Whittaker; Randle W.; William W.; Florence W.; Violet W.; Maude. Family home Cedar City, Utah. Missionary to England 1854-57; bishop of Cedar City. County selectman; mayor and city councilman. Cedar City; member of legislature and state militia. Farmer. Died Jan. 22, 1902, Pacheco, Old Mexico. LUNT, HENRY W. (son of Henry Lunt and Mary Ann Wil- son). Born Jan. 25, 1863, Cedar City, Utah. Married Roselia Hunter Dec. 10, 1884, St. George, Utah (daughter of George Hunter and Mary Muir, both of Scot- land, pioneers 1860). She was born Feb. 26, 1866. Their children: Henry Hunter b. Nov. 24, 1886; George b. June 8, 1887; Raymond b. Nov. 19, 1889; Wallace b. July 14. 1891; Mary Ellen H. b. May 16, 1895; Corrls H. b. June 18, 1897; lona H. b. May 27. 1900; Anthon H. b. Oct. 14, 1902; Willard H. b. Oct. 20. 1904; Rose Olive II. b. March 22, 1909. Family home. Cedar City. Missionary to England 1892-94; bishop of Cedar City. County commissioner; mayor; city councilman; state sena- tor. Farmer and stockraiser. I.UTZ, FREDRICK. Born Feb. 25, 1838. Came to Utah 1865. Married Fannie Barton April 10, 1871. Salt Lake City (daughter of William Barton and Mary Ann Taylor of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1866, Edward Martin company). She was born Aug. 7, 1862, Southport, Eng.; came to Utah with parents. Only child: Fredrick P. b. March 6, 1872, d. aged 3. Wells Fargo mallcarrier across the plains. Died Sept. 20, 1911, Salt Lake City. 1YBBERT, CHRISTIAN FREDERICK BERNHARD (son Of Joachim Frederick Lybbert of of Mecklenburg, Schwerin, Germany, and Margrethe Elsebethe Wllkelmlne Evart of Denmark). Born Nov. 6, 1834, Flade, Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah Nov. 8, 1865, Miner G. Atwood company. Married Mary M. Andersen June 16, 1862. Copenhagen. Denmark (daughter of Christian Andersen and Anna Chris- tine Petersen), who was born May 27, 1833, and came to Utah with husband. There were no children. Married Antonette M. Olsen March 10, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian Olsen and Christine Halvarsen, pioneers 1868). She was born Jan. 6, 1845, Chrlstianla, Norway, and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: Enoch C. b. Nov. 26, 1867, m. Augusta O. Rinnon June 11, 1902; Waldemar C. b. Oct. 21, 1869, m. Ella Dora PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1015 Darnell Nov. 10, 1892; Emma T. b. Aug. 8, 1871, d. infant; Emma Theresa b. April 11, 1873, m. Winfleld S. Hullinger, jr. Jan. 1, 1896; Rachel C. b. July 27, 1875, m. John W. Bascom Jan. 1, 1895; Mary Sophia b. Sept. 25. 1877, m. William P. Merrill Oct. S. 1896; Daniel Evert b. Oct. 26. 1879, m. Fannie M. De Friez Aug. 19, 1903; Charles Joachim b. Oct. 19, 1881, m. La Pearl Cook June 19, 1909; John Isaac b. March 6, 1884, m. Verda Elmira Timmons Sept. 23, 1903; Jacob Norman b. April 24, 1886, m. Elma Goodrich; Esther b. Feb. 2, 1890, m. Daniel F. Olsen. Family home Naples, Utah. Priest; missionary to Randers June 1854; clerk of Aalborg conference and later of the pastorate, district and branch. While doing missionary work was called into the service of his native land as a soldier, and while serving in the army remained clerk of the Copenhagen conference. Member of the choir. Returned to Salt Lake City Nov. 9, 1865. L.YMAN, AMASA MASON (third son of Roswell Lyman, who was born in 1784, Lebanon, and Martha Mason, born June 7, 1787, at Grafton, both in New Hampshire married March 14, 1810). He was born March 30, 1813, at Lyman, Grafton county, N. H. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Louisa Maria Tanner June 10, 1835 (daughter of John Tanner and Lydia Stewart married 1801, Green- wich, N. T.; former a pioneer Oct. 17, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company; latter died May 31, 1825, Bolton, Warren county, N. Y.). She was born Nov. 28, 1818, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Matilda b. Nov. 14 1836, m. Isaac P. Carter Oct. 6, 1856; Francis Marion b. Jan. 12, 1840, m. Rhoda Ann Taylor Nov. 18, 1857 (see genealogy); Ruth Adelia b. Aug. 1, 1843, d. Feb. 27, 1848; Amasa Mason, Jr. b. Feb. 22, 1846, m. Hannah Olive Fel- shaw Jan. 6, 1867; Maria Louisa b. May 8, 1849, m. William Clayton Oct. 3, 1866; Lelia Deseret b. Jan. 21, 1852, m. Edwin Bartholomew Dec. 25, 1871; Love Josephine b. April 25, 1854, m. Hyrum S. Coombs June 23, 1872; Agnes Hilda b. Dec. 6, 1857, m. George C. Veile Dec. 16, 1877. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Married Caroline Ely Partridge Sept. 6, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Edward Partridge and Lydia Clisbee former died May 27, 1840, Nauvoo, 111.; latter a pioneer Oct. 17, 1848). She was born Jan. 8, 1827, Patnesville, Ohio, and came to Utah with mother and husband. Their children: Martha Lydia b. April 1, 1853, m. Alvin Roper Oct. 26, 1874; Frederick Rich b. Oct. 12, 1856, m. Ann Elizabeth Lovell Dec. 6, 1875; Annie b. July 2, 1860, m. Peter Anderson Oct. 9, 1882; Walter Clisbee b. Oct. 1, 1863, m. Sylvia Ann Lovell Oct. 4, 1883; Harriet Jane b. Aug. 17, 1866. m. John Edmond Lovell Oct. 4, 1883. Family home, Fillmore. Married Eliza Maria Partridge Sept. 28, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Edward Partridge and Lydia Clisbee), who was born April 20, 1820, Painesville, Ohio; came to Utah w'th husband's company. Their children: Don Car- los b. July 14, 1846, d. Dec. 12, 1846, Florence, Neb.; Platte DeAlton b. Aug. 20, 1848, m. Adelia Robinson May 18, 1867; Carlie Eliza b. Aug. 1, 1851, m. Thomas Calllster Feb. 14, 1878; Joseph Alvin b. Dec. 13, 1856, m. Nellie Gray- son Roper April 25, 1878; Lucy Zina b. Aug. 26, 1860, m. Lemuel Hardlson Redd Oct. 31, 1883. Family resided Fill- more, Salt Lake City and Oak City, Utah. Married Cornelia Eliza Leavttt Nov. 14, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Enoch Virgil Leavitt and Abigail Leonora Snow, former pioneer Oct. 17, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman com- pany). She was born Jan. 5, 1825, Warren, Ohio. Their children: Lorenzo Snow b. Nov. 6, 1851, m. Zuriah Rowley Nov. 21, 1874; Henry Elias b. July 4, 1854, m. Ina Caldwell Dec. 31, 1883. Family resided Salt Lake City and Parowan, Utah. Married Diontia Walker In July, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of Oliver Walker and Nancy Crissy, pioneers Oct. 17, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company). She was born March 10, 1816, Dayton, Ohio, and died childless. Family resided Salt Lake City and Mlnersville, Utah. Married Paulina Eliza Phelps Jan. 16, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Morris Phelps and Laura Clark), who was born March 20, 1827, Lawrencevllle, 111. Their children: Oscar Morris b. Dec. 16, 1847, m. Phebe Medora Benson April 5, 1869; Mason Roswell b. July 5, 1851, d. May 31, 1866, Parowan, Utah; Clark b. Oct. 5, 1853, d. April 7, 1854, Salt Lake City; Charles Rich b. Feb. 18, 1857, m. Barbara Alice Ward July 8, 1876; William Horn b. Feb. 19, 1859, m. Julia Hannah McGregor Oct. 26, 1888; Solon Ezra b. Aug. 9, 1863, m. Luella Ward Feb. 8, 1884; Laura Paulina b. Aug. 19, 1865, m. Porter van der Clark Dec. 31, 1883. Family resided Salt Lake City and Parowan, Utah. Married Prlscilla Turley Jan. 17, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of Theodore Turley and Frances Kimberley, former pioneer Oct. 17, 1818, Amasa M. Lyman company). She was born June 1, 1829, Toronto, Canada. Their children: Theodore Kimberley b. April 13, 1853, m. Elizabeth Duggins Dec. 29, 1875; Ira Depo b. April 30, 1855, m. Elizabeth Ann Rowley Jan. 1, 1878; Isaac Newton b. Oct. 18, 1857, d. Sept. 27, 1858, Parowan; Albert Augustus b. Oct. 5, 1859, d. Oct. 25, 1860, Minersvllle, Utah; Stephen Alonzo b. Aug. 11, 1865, m. Ellen King Dec. 24, 1887; Frances Prlscilla b. July 21, 1868, m. Robert Edward Barry April 20, 1884. Family resided Salt Lake City and Fillmore, Utah, and San Bernardino, Cal. Married Lydia Partridge Feb. 7, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Partridge and Lydia Clisbee), who was born May 8, 1830, Painesville, Ohio. Their children: Edward Leo b. Jan. 4, 1857, m. Mary Maranda Callister Nov. 14, 1878; Ida Evelyn b. March 28, 1859, m. Hans Joseph Nlelson Nov. 30, 1881; Frank Arthur b. Sept. 9. 1863, d. April 26, 1864, Salt Lake City; Lydia May b. May 1, 1865, m. Kumin Treharne Jones Nov. 2, 1882. Family resided Salt Lake City and Fillmore, Utah. He was early placed upon his own resources, for when he was about two years old his father left home for the western country, never to return, and is supposed to have died in New Orleans. At the age of eighteen, just a year after the organization of the church, he became somewhat thoughtful on religious subjects. In the spring of 1832, Lyman E. Johnson and Orson Pratt visited the neighborhood where he lived and Amasa believed In their doctrine and was baptised by the former on April 27, 1832, being confirmed the following day by Orson Pratt. On account of his Joining the Latter-day Saints 111 feeling arose against him, in his uncle's family where he resided, and for that reason he sot off for a journey with only scanty provisions and clothing. He arrived at Lyons, Wayne Co., New York, and hired out to Thomas Lackey, who, by- the-bye, was the man who purchased Martin Harris* farm when he sold it to raise money for printing the Book of Mormon. He only stopped here a couple of weeks, and then made his way to Buffalo, and thence to Cleveland, Ohio, and later to Hyrum, Portage Co., Ohio, where he was received by Father Johnson and family. He soon met the Prophet Joseph Smith and was given a living testimony by the spirit that he was a man of God. He was called on a mission on the 23d of August, 1832, by the Prophet Joseph, who ordained him an elder, and labored during the following winter with Zerubabel Snow In southern Ohio and Cable Co., Virginia. They returned to Kirtland early the following spring having added forty souls to the church. He filled a second mission with William F. Gaboon, leaving March 21, 1833, and journeying as far as Chautauqua and Cattaraugus counties, New York. During this mission he held 150 meetings and there were about a hundred souls added to the church. While on this mission the call reached him to go to Missouri. Arriving in Kirtland on May 1st, 1834, a few days later he joined Zion's Camp at New Portage, and traveled with this organization to Missouri, suffering all the privations and difficulties of that famous trip. Hav- ing attended the dedication of the Kirtland temple. In the spring of 1836, in company with Elder Nathan Tanner ho filled another mission that year to the state of New York. In 1837, he went to Missouri and there experienced all the persecutions to which those of his belief were subjected. His family in the meantime were enabled to move to Illinois and he joined them in March, 1839. During that year he made two dangerous trips to Missouri for the purpose of assisting Elder Parley P. Pratt and his fellow-prisoner* and to attend to unsettled business. He settled in Iowa In the spring of 1840, building a cabin for his family on the half-breed Indian tract in Lee county. In 1841, with his family, he moved to Nauvoo and later was called on a mission to northern Illinois and Wisconsin. He was subsequently directed in company with Peter Haws to go on a mission to secure means to build the Nauvoo temple and Nauvoo House, going as far east as Indiana. In the spring of 1842 he was sent on a mission to the state of Tennessee with Horace K. Whitney and others. On the 20th of August, 1842, Elder Lyman was ordained to the apostleship, and the following month sent on a mission to southern Illinois in company with Elder George A. Smith, being a part of the time in company with Brigham Young and Heber C. Klmball. He went through many of the privations and trials at Nauvoo and filled many other missions in the states around about. In the spring of 1844 he went to Nauvoo to attend the April Conference, and It was here determined that he should go to Boston. He had proceeded only as far as Cincinnati (remaining until July), when he received the news of the massacre of the prophet and patriarch. Joseph and Hyrum Smith. He was recalled to Nauvoo, arriving there July 31, 1844, and was present at the meeting at Nauvoo on August 8th following when the twelve apostle* were acknowledged as the presiding quorum of the church. He rendered efficient aid during the exodus of his people from Illinois In 1846, and was one of the pioneers of Utah In 1847. In 1848 he led a large company of immigrants to the great Salt Lake valley. In 1850 he went on a mission to California, returning September 30th, of that year, and in 1851 he and Apostle Charles C. Rich were appointed to lead a company of settlers to California. This company left Payson, March 24, 1851, and arrived at San Bernardino the following June. It was a few months later. In September, that the ranch of San Bernardino was purchased, and a settlement was located. This was continued until 1857, when the Johnston army-Echo Canyon hostilities caused it to disintegrate when most of the Inhabitants had gone to Utah. In 1860 he filled a mission to Great Britain, arriving July 27th, and in connection with Apostle Charles C. Rich pre- sided over the European mission until March 14, 1862, when he returned home. It was while on this mission that he delivered the remarkable sermon at Dundee, Scotland, March 16, 1862, In which he denied the atonement of the Savior. Some time later he was summoned to answer the charge of having preached false doctrine, and he acknowledged his error, and signed a. document January 23, 1867, In which he asked forgiveness of the authorities. Soon after, however, he again preached In the same strain, and was finally excommunicated May 12, 1870. He died at Fillmore, Millard county, Utah, February 4, 1877. 1016 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH LYMAN, FRANCIS MARION (son of Amasa M. Lyman and Louisa Maria Tanner). Born Jan. 12, 1840, Goodhope. 111. Married Rhoda Ann Taylor Nov. 18, 1867, San Bernardino, Cal. (daughter of James Taylor and Ann Stanley Kingston, former died in Australia, latter a pioneer in February 1858, Capt. Bell Company). She was born Aug. 29, 1840, New South Wales, Australia. Their children: Rhoda Alice b. April 26, 1869, m. Charles R. McBride Nov. 20, 1876; Ellen Taylor b. Jan. 7, 1861, m. Alfred F. Hanks Jan. 24, 1878; Francis Marion Jr. b. Sept. 25, 1863, m. Betsy Ann Gowans Oct. 16, 1889, Edna Jane b. Sept. 8, 1866, m. Daniel D. Houtz June 23, 1886; Louisa Ann b. Dec. 28, 1868, m. William Henry King April 17, 1889; Mary Crlsmon b. July 29, 1871, m. Ephraim G. Gowans June 1, 1893; Lois Victoria b. Sept. 27, 1876, m. Phares Wells Dunyon Aug. 9, 1899; Ada Alta b. July 4, 1878, d. Nov. 6, 1881, Tooele, Utah; Hilda Olive b. Jan. 25, 1881, d. Jan. 21, 1882, Tooele. Family resided Beaver, Fillmore, Tooele and Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Clara Caroline Callister Oct. 4, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Callister and Caroline Smith, pioneers 1847), who was born April 18, 1850, Salt Lake City. Their children: Richard Roswell b. Nov. 23, 1870, m. Amy Cassandra Brown Sept. 9, 1896; George Albert b. Nov. 14, 1873, m. Susan Mae King Sept. 25, 1901, Salt Lake City; Lucy Smith b. Aug. 6, 1876. m. George Arthur Partridge Nov. 14, 1895; Ida b. Aug. 2, 1878, m. Eric Herman Anderson Nov. 18, 1908; John Callister b. Sept. 24, 1880, m. Zella Jane Brown Oct. 15, 1908; Amy b. Dec. 10, 1882; Don Callister b. June 21, 1886, d. Sept. 24, 1892, Manassa, Colo. Family resided Fillmore and Tooele, Utah, and Manassa, Colo. Married Susan Delilah Callister Oct. 9, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Callister and Helen Marr Clark, pioneers 1847), who was born May 25, 1863, Salt Lake City. Their children: Clark Callister b. July 4, 1891, d. same day; Waldo Wilcken b. March 2, 1893, Salt Lake City, Grant Herbert b. May 10, 1896, Fillmore; Floe b. July 6, 1898, Fillmore; Rudger Clawson b. Nov. 2, 1900, d. May 17, 1909; Helen Marr b. Oct. 30, 1904, Fillmore. When Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were assassin- ated at Carthage jail, in his native state of Illinois, President Francis M. Lyman was four and one-half years old. Only as a child would know and remember such great personages was it possible for him to know them, but in his mature manhood he has had a thorough knowledge of all their successors and through them a better understanding of those who have gone before. At home and abroad for fifty years, President Lyman has been in the missionary service, beginning the work at the age of twenty. He has officiated In the offices of elder, seventy, high priest and an apostle during the past thirty years of his life. Three missions In Europe, occupying all together seven and one-half years, have been filled by him. Elder Lyman's childhood was spent in Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Utah and California. For six years he lived at San Bernardino, Cal., and he was married there In 1867. During that year he returned to Utah, it being the time of the Echo Canyon Imbroglio, and resided later in Cedar City, Beaver, and Farmington. After his first mission in 1860-2, he located with his father and family, under the direction of President Brigham Young, at Fillmore, and it was his home for fourteen years. During this time he en- gaged enthusiastically in all the activities of the people of Millard county, being much of the time their public and official servant. On March 23, 1866, he was appointed assistant assessor of Internal revenue for District No. 6 of Utah, by Hugh McCulloch, then secretary of the U. S. treasury. He served In this capacity under the following assessors: Col. J. C. Little, A. L. Chetlain, John E. Smith, Richard V. Morris, and Dr. John P. Taggart. It was in 1866 that Elder Lyman with his father built the O. K. Flour Mills of Fillmore, and he was largely engaged in the flour and grain trade as well as in many more busi- ness enterprises. In September, 1867, he was commissioned by Governor Durkee as lieutenant colonel of the first regiment of militia In the Pauvan military district. Two years later, 1869, he was elected a member of the house of representatives of the general assembly of the state of Deseret for Millard county and subsequently represented that county In the territorial legislature of Utah In the 17th, 18th, 22d and 23d sessions, and Tooele county in the 24th and 25th sessions. In the 25th session (1882), he acted ao speaker of the house, while President Joseph F. Smith was president of the council (now senate). He served as high councilor in Millard stake about six years, and In political activities occupied the positions of district attorney, superintendent of common schools, county and probate clerk and recorder. He was also secretary and treasurer of the county cooperative companies, and did the land business of the county, such as homesteading, pre- empting and the entering of townsltes with Probate Judge Edward Partridge and Mayor Joseph V. Robison. It was during the organization of the stakes of Zlon by President Brigham Young In 1877 [died Aug. 29 of that year], that Elder Lyman was called to preside over the Tooele stake of Zlon when It was organized by [Apostle] President John Taylor and the other apostles on June 24 % 1877. Later he was chosen by election of the people as a representative of Tooele county, and county clerk and recorder, serving In those positions about four years. He had a most thrilling experience in the fight with the liberals, and it was during his term of office that the people succeeded in redeeming Tooele county from their unrighteous rule. With Elders Erastus Snow, Brigham Young, Jr., and eight others, he went on a mission, In 1880, to San Juan county, Utah, and Into Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. During this trip they traveled 1,800 miles with teams. It was during this year and while at Orderville, Kane county, on the 10th of October, that he was chosen at the general semi- annual conference of the church, one of the council of the twelve apostles, John Henry Smith being chosen at the same time. Both were ordained by President John Taylor and Wllford Woodruff on the 27th of October, 1880, in the Endowment House. He filled a second mission to Europe In 1873-4-6, just before moving to Tooele. Since he was chosen an apostle he has been engaged exclusively in the spiritual and tem- poral welfare of the people of the church. He has visited the stakes of Zion over and over again and given counsel and advice to the people serving towards their spiritual growth and strength. In a temporal way he has served as a director in such institutions as Z. C. M. I., Zion's Savings Bank and Trust Company, Consolidated Wagon and Machine Company, Home Fire Insurance Company, Heber J. Grant & Company, Deseret National Bank, Beneficial Life Insur- ance Company, Zion's Cooperative .Home Building and Real Estate Company, president and director Utah Pioneers Book Publishing Company, etc. After the death of President Brigham Young, Jr., in 1903, he was sustained president of the council of the twelve and was blessed and set apart for that presidency In the temple by President Joseph F. Smith and his counselors and the twelve, on the 7th of July, 1904, since which time he has filled another mission to Europe, presiding over the European mission, May, 1901, to January, 1904, besides labor- Ing diligently in his office and calling at home. While on this last mission, he not only visited many of the European countries, including Russia, but also the Holy Land, and Egypt, and wherever he went he turned the keys for the establishment of liberty and the preaching of the Gospel. His traveling companions were Elders Sylvester Q. and Joseph J. Cannon. LYMAN. FRANCIS MARION, JR. (son of Francis Marion Lyman and Rhoda Ann Taylor). Born Sept. 25, 1863, at Fillmore. Married Betsy Ann Gowans Oct. 16, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of Hugh S. and Betsy Gowans, pioneers 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born Dec. 7, 1864, Tooele, Utah. Their children: Manon b. Nov. 30, 1890, m. Charles Colson Smith April 16, 1909; Merl b. June 5, 1892, m. Irene Gray Nov. 8, 1909; Hugh Marlon b. March 7, 1894; Taylor b. Dec. 14, 1895; Coral b. Feb. 6, 1898; Frank Gowans b. June 23, 1901; Donald Gowans b. Jan. 2, 1905. Family re- sided Tooele and Salt Lake City, Utah. Civil and mining engineer and surveyor. At 20 years of age went on a 3 years' mission to Germany and traveled extensively In Russia, Palestine and Egypt, as well as In Turkey and Italy. Seventy. LYMAN, RICHARD ROSWELL (son of Francis M. Lyman and Clara C. Callister). Born Nov. 23, 1870, Fillmore. Married Amy Brown Sept. 9, 1896, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Brown and Margaret Zimmerman of Pleasant Grove, Utah, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young com- pany). She was born Feb. 7, 1872. Their children: Wen- dell Brown b. Dec. 18, 1897; Margaret b. Sept. 15, 1903. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; superintendent of M. I. A. of Salt Lake stake 1896-1902; supervisor of parents' classes of Ensign stake 1907. Vice chairman of State road commission 1909. Pro- fessor of civil engineering at University of Utah; civil and consulting engineer. Director In Inter-Mountain Life In- surance Co., and also In Delta State bank. LYMAN, WALDO WILLKEN (son of Francis M. Lyman and Susan Delilah Calllster). He was born March 2, 1893, Salt Lake City. LYMAN, AMASA MASON. JR. (son of Amasa Mason Lyman and Louisa Maria Tanner). Born Feb. 22, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah 1848. Married Hannah Olive Felshaw Jan. 6, 1867, Fillmore, Utah (daughter of William Felshaw and Mary Harriet Gilbert), who was born Nov. 2, 1848, Callands Grove, Iowa. Tbeir children: Olive Ethel b. Oct. 30. 1867, m. Seth Taft Sept. 23, 1885; Amasa Mason b. June 5, 1870, m. Elizabeth Jane Moosman Nov. 7. 1896; William Milton b. May 12, 1872, d. July 9, 1872. Married Cynthia Wright Oct. 9, 1872, Fillmore, Utah (daughter of Jonathan C. Wright and Cynthia Martin), who was born Aug. 12, 1851, Big Cottonwood, Utah. Their children: Sarah b. May 1, 1873. d. May 1. 1873; Rachel b. May 1, 1873. d. May 1. 1873; Willard Henry b. April 9. 1874, m. Hlldagard Sophia Schoenfleld Nov. 15, 1893. Married Rosannah Reynolds May 16, 1877, Panguitch, Utah (daughter of John Reynolds and Mary Haskln), who was born May 23, 1857, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Their chil- dren: Vern b. Jan. 5, 1878, m. Mary Wllcock Oct. 7, 1909; Haskln b. Feb. 20, 1880, m. Ruth Elizabeth Peters Dec. 12, 1901; Reynolds b. June 4, 1882; Mary b. July 20, 1884. m. John S. Hlskey May 12, 1902; Maria b. Aug. 9, 1886, m. Volney Emery King Aug. 9, 1904; Francis b. Nov. 26. 1888; Maurice b. Nov. 27, 1892, m. Inez Merl Shaw Oct. !). 1911; Amasa b. Oct. 23, 1894, m. Fanny May Stewart Jan. 29. 1913. Settled at Little Cottonwood 1848: moved to San Ber- nardino, Cal., 1851; returned to Utah 1855; and to California again In 1856. In 1859 went again to Utah and settled at Cedar; moved to Beaver 1860. In 1862 drove a ten mule team to Sacramento, Cal., for his uncle Freeman Tanner; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1017 in 1864 went with Captain John R. Murdock to the Missouri river with a six mule team to assist a company of immi- grants to Utah. Served in the Black Hawk Indian war under James C. Owens. Assisted in the erection of the O. K. flouring mill at Fillmore 1866; In 1879 and 1880 went with a company of Saints Into San Juan county and as- sisted in the construction of the road known as the "Hole in the Rock," where the wagons were let down with ropes. Moved to Rabbit Valley in 1883, where he resided 7 years, assisting In developing the country; from here he went to Boulder, and resided there 20 years and did much in reclaiming the country and making it habitable; later he went to Teasdale, where he now resides. LYON, ALBERT C. (son of John B. Lyon and Arvilla Olcott of Lunenburg, Vt.). Born Sept. 15, 1832, at Lunenburg. Came to Utah Aug. 17, 1859, Harlow Redfleld company. Married Susan R. Redfleld Sept. 27, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of Harlow Redfleld and Alpha P. Foster of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 3, 1850, Aaron Johnson com- pany). She was born Aug. 7, 1839, in Illinois. Their chil- dren: Clarissa A. b. Sept. 2, 1862, d. infant; Alpha b. Oct. 10, 1866, d. infant: Rachel E. b. July 31, 1869, d. aged eight; Albert M. b. June 24, 1873, d. aged four. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Farmer. LYON, JOHN (son of John Lyon and Jennette McCarter of Kilmarnock, Scotland). Born March 3, 1803, Kilmarnock. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1853, Jacob Gates company. Married Janet Thompson Dec. 4, 1825, Kilmarnock (daugh- ter of Kobert Thompson and Janet Lament), who was born March 15, 1809. Their children: Thomas, m. Mary Ann Hug- gins; Janet, m. George Spiers; Annie, m. Allen Hilton; Rob- ert Thompson, d. aged 17; John, Jr., m. Mary E. Toone; Lillian, m. William C. Staines; David Carruthers, d. aged 11; Matthew Thompson, m. Sarah Shilitoe; Mary, m. Ami Shum- way; Margaret, d. aged six; Agnes, d. infant; Franklin Richards, d. aged three. Family home, Salt Lake City. Superintendent House until the dedication of the temple. Died Nov. 28, 1889, Salt Lake City. LTON, JOHN, JR. (son of John Lyon and Janet Thompson). Born Jan. 18, 1835, Kilmarnock, Scotland. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Elizabeth Prosser Toone April 4, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Toone and Emma Elizabeth Prosser of Leamington, Warwickshire, Eng., pioneers 1852). She was born April 18, 1840. Their children: John James T. b. March 24, 1858; David Lyon b. Jan. 22, 1860, d. same day; William Henry b. July 5, 1861, m. Alice Brown; Matthew Thompson b. Jan. 25, 1864, m. Delia Mangum; Thomas b. Oct. 14, 1866, d. same day; Charles Ernest b. April 28, 1868; Emma Elizabeth b. Oct. 9, 1870, m. James B. Eddington; George A. b. April 6, 1873, d. April 7, 1873; Mary G. b. March 21, 1875, d. Aug. 19, 1875; Albert Edgar b. Feb. 25, 1877, m. Cora Mears; Janet M. b. Sept. 7, 1880, d. Oct. 4, 1880; Martha b. April 5, 1883, d. same day. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 36th quorum seventies. LYON, WILLIAM HENRY (son of John Lyon, Jr., and Mary Elizabeth Toone). Born July 5, 1861, at Salt Lake City. Married Alice Brown March 20, 1884, at Salt Lake Gity (daughter of William Brown and Sarah Apperley of Here- ford. Eng., the latter came to Utah 1881). She was born March 29, 1861. Their children: William H. b. Dec. 16, 1884, d. Aug. 23, 1885; Alice D. b. Oct. 12, 1886. m. George W. Phillips March 4, 1908; John William b. Oct. 12, 1888, d. Dec. 16, 1888; Albert E. b. Dec. 20, 1889, d. Jan. 4, 1892; Archibald T.' b. Jan. 14, 1892; George B. b. Dec. 26, 1893; Emma E. b. Nov. 25, 1895; Charles Leonard b. Aug. 21, 1897; Paul I. b. June 30, 1899; Mary M. b. May 24, 1902; Wilhelmina b. April 12, 1904. Family resided Salt Lake and Morgan, Utah. Elder. Farmer. LYON, JOSEPH DE (son of William and Hannah Tilley of Rainhlll, Lancaster, Eng.). Born Feb. 19, 1836, at Ralnhlll. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guymon company. Married Eliza Goddard April 5, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Goddard and Elizabeth Harrison of Leicester, Eng., pioneers 1852). She was born Oct. 20, 1841. Their children: Joseph Cornelius, m. Millie Foster; Mary Elizabeth, m. A. F. Angell; Katie Goddard, m. J. E. Wright; Gertrude Eliza, m. T. C. Patten; Lorretta Edna, m. Daniel Taylor; George Archibald, m. Ella Grace Robertson; Ida Louise; Ruby Goddard, m. Ernest Rumell; Elsie Goddard, m. Harry Anderson. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Ann Rumell (daughter of John Rumell and Elizabeth Gray). No children. High priest; bishop's counselor. Contractor; plasterer and builder. LYON, JOSEPH CORNELIUS (son of Joseph De Lyon and Eliza Goddard). Born Jan. 31, 1865, Salt Lake City. Married Millie Foster June 4, 1890, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William and Neslen Foster of Salt Lake City). She was born 1853. Their children: Vera Foster b. April 13, 1891; Afton Foster b. Feb. 25, 1893; Marion Foster b. April 25, 1903. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. LYONS, OSCAR FITZALLEN (son of Caleb Lyons and Sarah Biglowe of Ireland). Born Dec. 25, 1838. Came to Utah 1849. Married Maria L. Marchant 1869, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Abraham Marchant and Lydia Johnson, pioneers 1849). She was born Oct. 12, 1851. Their children: Oscar F.; Maria Louise, m. Albert Miles; Abraham M., m. Jenetta Wltklns; Gilbert, d. aged 9; Herbert A., m. Maude M. Herridge; Elbert, d. infant: Amy C., m. George Criddle; Emory L., d. aged 18 months: Edith, m. Frank Barnum; Hazel; Gladys. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England; Sunday school superintendent; ward clerk. County attorney; justice of peace; postmaster. Telephone operator in Summit county; actor; farmer and stockralser. Died Jan. 1908, Peoa, Summit Co., Utah. LYTHGOE, JAM US (son of Thomas Lythgoe, born July 12, 1905, died Sept. 30, 1887, at Pendlebury, Lancaster, Eng.. and Esther Wllcock, born April, 1806, died July 23, 1885, Henefer, Utah, both of Leigh, Lancaster, Eng.). He was born March 15, 1842, at Pendlebury. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins oxteam company. Married Martha Heelis April 17, 1864, Manchester, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Heelis and Elizabeth Singleton), who was born Dec. 12, 1840, Breathmet, Lancaster, Eng., and died Aug. 14, 1881, Henefer, Utah. Their children, born at Porterville, Morgan Co., Utah: Joseph Sept. 22, 1865, m. Emily Harris; Thomas b. Oct. 5, 1867, m. Mary Harston; James Heelis Jan. 24, 1870, m. May King. Born at Henefer, Summit county; Mary Jane April 5, 1872, m. James Burton; Edward Dec. 18, 1874, m. Mary Johnston; Elizabeth S. Jan. 14, 1880, m. Dee Roy Keithley. Born Santaquin, Utah county; John July 13, 1877, m. Clara Hlnes. Married Esther Howarth Feb. 23, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Howarth, born in 1788, and Ann Miller, born Aug. 12, 1879). She was born March 1, 1827, in Lan- cashire, Eng., and died Aug. 11, 1889, In Henefer. Married Elizabeth Ann Birks Feb. 23, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Birks and Mary Wealdlng, born March 12, 1837, Stockport, Lancaster, Eng., died Nov. 3, 1875). She was born Jan. 22, 1859, Stockport, Eng. Their children, born at Henefer: William B. Jan. 22, 1883- Her- bert Howarth Nov. 7, 1886. Married Hannah S. Peterson Aug. 16, 1892, Logan, Utah (daughter of Neils Peterson and Annie Bolletta Borsen. latter came to Utah with oxteam company). She was born March 21, 1861, in Norway. Her children by former mar- riage, born at Mill Creek, Utah: Mary Johnson Feb. 17, 1880, m. Edward Lythgoe; Hyrum Johnson Dec. 24, 1882, m. Gertrude Stevens; Ephraim Johnson Feb. 18, 1884; Joseph Sept. 21, 1886. Children of James Lythgoe, born at Henefer- Martha Heelis Aug. 16, 1893; Neils Peterson July 2, 1895- Brigham Aug. 3. 1897, d. March 8, 1899; Bolletta Wllcox Sept. 21, 1899; Otto Jan. 8, 1902; Sophia Dec. 6, 1904; Esther March 1, 1907. Ordained first a church teacher; elder; seventy; high priest. Justice of peace two terms. Has received bless- ings from three different patriarchs; all said, "Thy name shall be handed down from generation to generation in honorable remembrance." M MABEY, THOMAS (son of William Mabey and Sarah Acker- man of Mapperton, Dorsetshire, Eng.). Born Oct. 15, 1812, at Mapperton. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel Harmon company. Married Esther Chalker in Dorsetshire (daughter of Jo- seph Chalker and Mary Hoskins of Dorsetshire). She was born May 1, 1813. Their children: Maria b. Dec. 3, 1838 m Albert Holt; Jane b. May 13, 1841, m. William Holt; Albert b. Sept. 4, 1843, m. Celestie J. Wood; Joseph T. b. June 30, 1845, m. Sarah L. Tolman; Esther b. July 4, 1850, m Perrlgrine Sessions; John James b. Nov. 22, 1857, m. Dan- lelette Wood. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Farmer. Died March 8, 1863. MABEY, ALBERT (son of Thomas Mabey and Esther Chalker). Born Sept. 4, 1843, Wraxall, Dorsetshire, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1862, Kimball and Lawrenco freight train, arriving about two weeks In advance of his family. Married Celestie J. Wood May 12, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Wood and Emma M. Ellis of Boun- tiful, Utah, former a pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young . ompany, the latter with Appleton Harmon company). She was born March 7, 1855. Their children: Thomas b. Aug. .'4, 1874, and Ellen b. Dec. 17, 1875, died; Albert b. Feb. 4, 1878, m. Aileen Irvine; James E. b. July 4, 1879, m. Maj-y Lewis; Esther Verena b. March 30, 1881, m. William New- bold; Samuel, died; Daniel W. b. Aug. 16, 1885; Ella Maria b. Jan. 31, 1886, m. Samuel Newbold; Myrtle b. April 13, 1890, died; Walter A. b. Aug. 10, 1893. Family home South Jordan, Utah. Bishop's counselor South Jordan ward 1892-1900; assist- ant Sunday school superintendent South Jordan ward. School trustee 35th district. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Worked on Union, Central and Southern Pacific .railroads during their construction ; director In South Jordan Canal Co. since 1S96. Farmer and sheepman. Died March 28, 1912. 1018 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH MABET. JOSEPH THOMAS (son of Thomas Mabey and Esther Chalker). Born June 30, 1845, Wraxall, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, Ansel Harmon company. Married Sarah L. Tolman March 13. 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Judson Tolman and Sarah L. Holbrook of Bountiful, Utah, pioneers Sept. 28, 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born April 7, 1855. Their children: Joseph T. b. March 24, 1872, d. Oct. 17, 1873; Judson A. b. Nov. 26, 1873, m. Ruby P. Pickett Oct. 11, 1900; William A. b. Oct. 7, 1875, m. Nancy Oct. 8, 1912; Charles R. b. Oct. 4, 1877, m. Afton Rempton Dec. 20, 1905; Joseph L. b. Aug. 30, 1879, m. Margaret Payne May 18, 1906; George E. b. July 30, 1881, m. Jennie Roberts June 15, 1906; Clar- tnce b. Dec. 23, 1883, m. Sarah Wagstaff Oct. 1905; David b. May 2, 1886, m. Nellie Pack March 20, 1913; Sarah L. b. Feb. 14, 1888, m. Jasper Hepworth June 5, 1913; Orson H. b. Aug. 9, 1890; Alice E. b. Jan. 11, 1893; Esther b. Aug. 5, 1897. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Member 100th quorum seventies; high priest; president Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school superintendent. County com- missioner 1904-05; constable and city marshal. Sheepraiser and gardener. MACDUFF, JOHN ROBERTSON (son of Malcolm Macduff and Mary Morrison, of Dumfrieshire, Scotland). Born Oct. 12, 180], at Lochgllphead, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4. 1864, William S. Warren company. Married Ellen Hancock in 1859. Nottingham, Eng. (daugh- ter of Joseph Hancock of Chesterfield, Eng.). She was born June 19, 1813. Their children: Mary E., m. William Varley; Malcolm b. May 17, 1842, m. Jane Lord; Sarah Anna, m. Thomas Hancock: John M., d. infant; Ada A., m. Henry Hampton; Jane R. M., m. William Butler. Family home. Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to England 1854-64; block teacher. Laborer. Died Oct. 17, 1871. MACDUFF, MALCOLM (son of John Robertson Macduff and Ellen Hancock). Born May 17, 1842, Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah in 1861. Married Jane Lord Aug. 11. 1866, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Lord and Mary Allen of Radcliffe, Eng.; latter died en route to Utah). She was born May 25, 1846. Their children: Sarah Hannah, d. infant; John Williams; Malcolm, m. Harriet Horsley; Ellen M., m. George E. Asper; Jane, m. William Hunter; Minnie E. ; Thomas W., d. infant. Family home. Salt Lake City. Elder. Lime-burner. Died Sept. 27, 1881. MACK, HENRY M. (son of James Mack (McCracken) and Elizabeth F. Miller). Born Jan. 30, 1867, Smithfield. Utah. Married Alice Hanson Nov. 29, 1893, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William L. Hanson and Mary Jane Judson, latter a pioneer Oct. 3, 1847, Charles Coulson Rich company). She was born March 8, 1867, Salt Lake City. Only child was Helen Mar, born Nov. 14, 1894. Family home Ogden, Utah. Deputy recorder of Salt Lake county 1890-97; secretary and treasurer, and acting manager Ogden Milling 1 & Eleva- tor company of Ogden, Utah. MACFARL.ANE, JOHN MENZIES (son of John and Anna- bella Sinclair Macfarlane). Born Oct. 11, 1833, Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1852, A. O. Smoot company. Married Ann Chatterley Dec. 30, 1854, Cedar City, Utah (daughter of Joseph and Nancy Morton Chatterley). Their children: Isaac Chancey; Charlotte Ann; Annabella; John Morton; Joseph Chatterley; Ellen; Elizabeth; Kate; Daniel Sinclair; William Chatterley. Married Agnes Eliza Heyborn Oct. 9, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Sarah Ann Heyborn). Their chil- dren: Sarah Ann: Agnes Eliza; Robert Urie; Catherine; Archibald; Jennie Bell; Ann; Menzies John; Erastus. Married Elizabeth Jane Adams Jan. 30, 1879, St. George, Utah (daughter of Samuel Lorenzo Adams and Emma Jack- eon). Their children: Emma; Donald; Samuel Alexander; Elizabeth; Jane; John; Hubert. Pioneers of Cedar City, Utah. Died June 4, 1892, St. George, Utah. MARFARLANE. ISAAC CHANCEY (son of John Menzies Macfarlane and Ann Chatterley). Born Nov. 6, 1855, Cedar City, Utah. Married Hephzlbah Smith Jan. 9, 1878, St. George (daugh- ter of Charles Smith and Eliza Mathews). Their children:. Ellen; Charlotte Ann; Delia Maude; Isaac; Chancey, Jr.; Hephzibah. Married Christina Forsyth March 16. 1892. St. George, Utah (daughter of Thomas Forsyth and Mary Browit). Their children: Christina; Lauree; Donald. MACK, JAMBS (McCracken) (son of Henry McCracken and Sarah Shaw). Born Nov. 15, 1836, at Duntocker. Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1865, Richard Ballantyne company. Married Elizabeth F. Miller Jan. 16, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Miller and Mary McGowan of Glas- gow, Scotland). She was born Sept. 3, 1842. Their chil- dren: Sarah E. b. Nov. 3, 1858, died; James M. b. Dec. 14, 1860, m. Fannie Hansen; Mary E. b. Oct. 4, 1862, m. Robert L. Flshburn; Sarepta L. b. Jan. 26, 1865, m. Frank Flshburn; Henry M. b. Jan. 30. 1867, m. Alice Hanson; Charles W. b. April 3. 1869, m. Alice M. Miles; Ada J. b. Sept. 26, 1871; Moses M. b. Nov. 12, 1876, m. Charlotte Douglas; Glen H. b. March 16, 1882, m. Edith Dee; Wanda b. Jan. 9, 1886; Pearl m. Foster Wardlelph; Lettle, Margaret and David, died. Family home Smithfield, Utah. Counselor to Bishop Geo. Farrel 12 years; county com- missioner of Cache county; city councilman two terms; mayor Smithfield one term; school trustee; president and manager Ogden Milling and Elevator company; vice-presi- dent Plngree National bank, Ogden; director Thatcher Bros, bank, Logan. MACKAY, THOMAS (son of Mackay and Nancy Sloan or Ireland). Born July 23, 1810. Belfast, Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 1847, John Taylor and Edward Hunter company. Married Ann Rodgers on the Isle of Man (daughter of Peter Rodgers and Eleanor Cowley), who was born Sept. 1799. Their children: Margaret Ellen; John b. March 18, 1834, m. Isabella Calder Oct. 6, 1865; Thomas Rogers b. 1836; Annie R. b. Sept. 23, 1837, m. David O. Calder; Charles R. b. 1839. Family home Taylorsville, Utah. Married Charlotte James In 1853, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Mary James of Taylorsville, pioneers 1852). She was born 1830. Their children: Hyrum b. June 1, 1864, m. Sarah and Newbold; Margaret b. Jan. 31, 1856, m. Charles Wright; Joseph b. Sept. 1, 1868, m. Susan Taylor; Mary A. b. June 7, 1860, m. Albert Duncombe; David b. June 10. 1862, m. Agnes Park; Edward b. July 6, 1865, m. Mary Park; Heber b. Sept. 13. 1868, m. Hattie Todd; Charlotte b. April 1871, m. William Clark; Jane b. May 10, 1872, d. Dec. 1896. Family home, Taylorsville. Married Sarah Franks January 1857 (daughter of Joshua Franks and Sarah Stanley of American Fork, Utah, formerly of England, latter a pioneer Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus company). She was born May 9. 1832. Their children: Elizabeth Ann b. Jan. 16, 1859, m. John Richardson; William b. Oct. 11, I860, m. Miss Park; George b. March 10, 1862, d. Jan. 12, 1870; Emma b. Sept. 28, 1863, d. Feb. 1, 1865; Samuel b. Feb. 19, 1865, m. Miss Hill; Sarah Ellen b. Oct. 2, 1866. m. Mr. Park; Daniel b. Sept. 15, 1868. m. Elizabeth Smith; Joshua A. b. May 10, 1870, m. Laura Smith; Clara b. May 16, 1874, m. Charles Davis. Family home, Taylorsville. School trustee 1868-71. Farmer and stockralser. Died Feb. 19, 1880, at Taylorsville. MACKAY, JOHN (son of Thomas Mackay and Ann Rodgers). Born March 18, 1834, on the Isle of Man. Married Isabella Calder Oct. 6, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of George S. Calder and Ann S. Johnston of Scotland, latter a pioneer 1861, Captain Clawson company). She was born Sept. 20, 1833. Their children: Annie John- ston b. Oct. 2, 1866, m. Mark Murphy; John Calder b. Nov. 30, 1867, m. Catherine J. Moses Nov. 8, 1883; Isabella C. b. Feb. 1, 1860; David Orson b. May 8, 1862, m. Maria A. Gaboon Dec. 17, 1886; William Wallace b. Dec. 30, 1864, m. Mamie Jensen; Jane C. b. Feb. 12, 1868, m. Enos Bennion; George C. b. Oct. 4, 1869, Albert Thomas b. Sept. 30, 1871 and Arthur C. b. Sept. 18. 1872. latter three died; Walter Scott b. Nov. 8, 1873, m. Ellen Winder; Julian Benedict b. March 26, 1877, m. Lillie Tripp. Family resided Salt Lake City and Taylorsville, Utah. High priest. Freighter. Farmer and stockralser. MACKAY, JOHN CALDER (son of John Mackay and Isa- bella Calder). Born Nov. 30, 1867, Salt Lake City. Married Catherine J. Moses Nov. 8, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Moses and Alice Christie), who was born March 23, 1863, Salt Lake City. Their children: John Elmer b. Nov. 1, 1884, m. Abijall Tanner April 10, 1907; Eugene b. Feb. 1, 1886, m. Geneva Player June 12, 1907; Alice b. July 24, 1887, m. L. I. Acomb June 17, 1909; Alonzo b. April 17, 1889; Albert Calder b. Feb. 11, 1891; George Washington b. Jan. 11, 1893; Roland Carlisle b. Nov. 26, 1896: Harold Moses b. Aug. 1, 1897; Dewey Calder b. March 28, 1899; Wendell b. Dec. 20, 1901; Thomas Wayne b. March 30, 1903; Catherine Isabella b. May 3, 1905. Family home, Salt Lake City. Chairman board of county commissioners. Salt Lake county. Member legislature of 1891. President Western Wyoming Land and Live Stock company; vice-president North Irrigation company. Graduate from university of Utah 1875; president of the Alumni 1907. MACKAY, DAVID ORSON (son of John Mackay and Isa- bella Calder). Born May 8, 1862, Salt Lake City. Married Maria A. Cahoon Dec. 17, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of Andrew Cahoon and Margaret Carruth of Murray, Utah, pioneers 1848). She was born April 11, 1866. Their children: Margaret Isabella b. Dec. 24, 1886, m. Edward L. Hoagland; David Orson, Jr. b. Nov. 9, 1888, m. Mary H. Collins; Winnie b. Oct. 3. 1891; Gertrude b. Dec. 14, 1893; Lincoln Clyde b. April 14, 1896; Genevieve b. Sept. 16, 1898; John W. b. Aug. 6. 1901; Thurza b. Sept. 29, 1903: Annie J. b. Oct. 20, 1906. Family resided Taylors- ville, Jensen and Roosevelt, Utah, also Emmett, Idaho. Ordained high priest Sept. 22. 1912; ward teacher; presi- dent deacons quorum 20th ward. Salt Lake City; assistant to president Y. M. M. I. A. at Taylorsville ward; superin- tendent Sunday school of Bramwell (Idaho) ward; superin- tendent religion class Duchesne stake; missionary to Arizona 1884-86; senior president 162d quorum of seventy; home missionary. Postmaster of Roosevelt. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1019 MACKAY, DANIEL (son of Thomas Mackay and Sarah Franks). Born Sept. 15, 1868, at Taylorsville. Married Elizabeth Smith, Logan, Utah (daughter of Daniel Smith and Caroline Burr of Murray, Utah; came to Utah 1876). She was born Jan. 13, 1870, Birmingham, Eng. Their children: Laura C. b. Feb. 13, 1890, d. Dec. 6, 1891; Daniel T. b. Nov. 11, 1891, m. Norma Christopherson; Hazel L. b. July 13, 1893; Elsie A. b. March 31, 1895; Velma M. b. Feb. 6, 1897; Frederick M. T. b. Dec. 26, 1899; Raynor J. b. Sept. 9, 1902; Clarice E. b. July 26, 1905, d. Dec. 12, 1907; Sterling b. July 10, 1907; Luella May b. May 22, 1909; Chadwick C. b. Dec. 8, 1910; Karma Aurania b. Sept. 14, 1911. Family home, Salt Lake City. Stockraiser. MACKEY, SAMUEL (son of Joseph Mackey of Scotland and Ann Kimmens, born 1755 in Pennsylvania). He was born Sept. 3, 1806, Lancaster, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1852, Isaac Stewart company. Married Phoebe Wilkinson Sept. 3, 1834 (daughter of Anthony Wilkinson of Ireland and Catherine Miller of Ger- many, both immigrants to Pennsylvania). She was born Feb. 17, 1804, and came to Utah Oct. 29, 1852, Isaac Stewart company. Their children: Joseph b. Nov. 22, 1836, died; Harriet b. Nov. 22, 1836, m. Alan Wilkinson Jan. 16, 1853; John b. Nov. 25, 1838, m. Marie Davenport; Ann b. Oct. 8, 1839, m. Welcome Chapman; Fanny b. Nov. 15, 1840, d. Sept. 6, 1846; Hannah b. Aug. 11, 1842. d. Aug. 16, 1846; Samuel, Jr., b. June 7, 1844, m. Annie Amanda Gifford Oct. 11, 1869; Phoebe b. July 14, 1846. d. Sept. 19, 1846; Eliza- beth Catherine b. July 5, 1848, d. March 30, 1849; Sarah b. March 17, 1850, m. Samuel Davenport. MACKET, SAMUEL, JR. (son of Samuel Mackey and Phoebe Wilkinson). Born June 7, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Married Ann Amanda GifCord Oct. 11, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Dill Gifford and Elmira Ann Braffet, latter pioneer 1852). She was born March 11, 1850, at Plum Hollow. Their children: Almira Ann b. Aug. 17, 1870, m. Don Carlos Ross Oct. 3, 1889; Samuel b. Oct. 1, 1872, m. Charlotte Jane Levy May 16, 1894; Mary Lucretia b. July 26, 1876, d. Sept. 20, 1876; Sarah Minerva b. Jan. 17, 1878, d. Sept. 18, 1879; Henry John b. June 19, 1880, m. Sarah Lottie Moore June 25, 1907; Anthony b. April 18, 1884; Phoebe b. Sept 25, 1888, m. John Burgess Utley Oct. 16, 1906. MACKINTOSH, DANIEL (son of James Mackintosh and Grace Stewart of Perthshire, Scotland). Born Aug. 12, 1821, Caline, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Elizabeth Ingles Hogg in 1846, Edinburgh, Scot- land (daughter of Mr. Hogg and Miss Ray of Edinburgh). She was born June 1825. Their children: Daniel James, m. Emeline Young, m. Barbara S. Leatham, m. Elizabeth Ockey, m. Josephine Reiser; Thomas John, m. Rhoda Young; Charles S., d. infant; Elizabeth G., m. John F. Frost; Cath- erine Gow, m. Edwin S. Snelgrove; Laura Ray, m. George- H. Snelgrove; William W., m. Elizabeth W. C. Young-. Family home Edinburgh, Scotland. Married Ellen Nightingale in 1855, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Henry Nightingale and Agnes Leach of Preston, Eng.). She was born Dec. 2, 1835. Their only child was Agnes, who married Mahonni M. Young. Member 39th quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states; private secretary to President Young. Merchant; bookkeeper. MaoKNIGHT, JAMES (son of John W. MacKnight of Cleve- land, Ohio). Born, Irish Channel Islands. Came to Utah In 1852. Married Mary Ann Fielding (daughter of Joseph Fielding). MacKNIGHT, JOSEPH FIELDING (son of James MacKnight and Mary Ann Fielding). Born July 20, 1872, Salt Lake City. Married Katherine Heystek June 6, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Heystek and Nellie Fountain of Zendam, Holland; they resided at Rotterdam, Holland, pioneers of 1854). She was born Dec. 5, 1880. Their children: Joseph b. Oct. 15, 1901; Helen Mlrona b. April 15, 1903; Hallet Glen b. Dec. 27, 1905; Mary Virginia b. March 17, 1907; Baby b. Aug. 26, 1912. Family home Vernal, Uinta Co., Utah. Member first quorum seventies of Uinta stake; coun- selor. Superintendent Mutual Improvement Association of Uinta. Counselor elders' quorum; teacher; class leader. City land and water commissioner of Salt Lake City 1904- 06; claim agent Utah Light and Railway Co. 1906-08; cashier Consolidated Wagon and Machine Co. 1907-1912. Republican nominee for city treasurer of Salt Lake City In 1906. MADSEN, HANS PETER (son of Mads Petersen of Aal- borg, Wadum Sogn, Denmark, and Caroline Petersen of Denmark). Born Aug. 18, 1824, Aalborg, Denmark. Came to Utah 1860. Married Christina Petersen in Denmark, who came to Utah with husband 1860. She was born Sept. 17, 1823, and died Aug. 8, 1902, at Willard. Married Anne Mette Ericksen Dec. 19, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Soren Ericksen, pioneer with Captain Young company, and Boletta Christina, Kyen). She was born Dec. 15, 1839, Morkholt, Gjerslev Parish, Velle amt, Denmark. Their children: Hans Peter, Jr., b. Oct. 25, 1864, m. Edith Ella Robbins Dec. 31, 1888; Annie b. April 25. 1867, m. Omer S. Call Dec. 31, 1884; Christina b. March 1, 1869; Matthew b. Aug. 12, 1871, m. Olive Gray May 15, 1903; Serena b. Oct. 29, 1873, m. James S. Mason March 4, 1897; Charles b. Oct. 25, 1875; Zina b. Oct. 30, 1878. Family resided Big Cottonwood, Salt Lake county, and Willard, Utah. Married Evangeline Brig Ida Nielsen Nov. 25, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Soren Nielsen and Inger Andersen), who came to Utah 1871 with mother. Their children: An- thony Frederick b. Feb. 9, 1876; Marie b. March 29, 1878, m. George W. Jacobs April 3, 1900; Mary Ann b. March 29, 1878, m. D. B. Woodland, Jr., June 1, 1898; Caroline b. April 21, 1880; Ida b. Jan. 12, 1882, m. John H. Single- ton May 3, 1899; Margaret b. June 13, 1884, m. Hobert A. Thompson June 17, 1908; Patrea Hancena b. Aug. 5, 1887; Cyril Peter b. Nov. 28, 1889. Seventy; high priest. Settled at Salt Lake City; moved to Big Cottonwood 1861, and to Willard late in 1868. Car- penter; farmer; Stockraiser. MADSEN, HANS PETER, JR. (son of Hans Peter Madsen and Anne Mette Ericksen). Born Oct. 25, 1864, Big Cotton- wood, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Married Edith Ella Robbins Dec. 31, 1888, at Rigby, Idaho. Their children: LaVern P. b. Dec. 23, 1889; Dan; Howard; Loyal; Arnold; Edith Annie; Melvin; Theodore; Eva; Zenda. Ordained member of high council of Rigby (Idaho) stake June 11, 1911. MADSEN, MADS PETERSEN (son of Peter Madsen of Odense, Denmark). Born June 30, 1852, at Odense. Came to Utah July 17, 1876, Andrew Andersen company. Married Minnie C. Christiansen July 24, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Casper Christiansen of Aashur, Denmark; they came to Utah July 17, 1876, Andrew Andersen com- pany). She was born June 27, 1858. Their children: Charles P., m. Ora Dooly; William F., d. infant; Rosila M., d. aged 17; Oscar H., d. infant; Lillian M., d. aged 3; Ida A, Family home, 4th ward. Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to Denmark 1872-76; counselor to Bishop H. Sperry of 4th ward, Salt Lake City. Sales- man for P. W. Madsen, furniture merchant, 25 years. Died Oct. 29, 1906. MADSEN, NEL.S (son of Mads Nelsen and Karen Nelsen of Denmark). Born March 27, 1813, Toreby Ryde, Den- mark. Came to Utah Aug. 10, 1860. Married Martha M. Hansen of Denmark (daughter of Nels Hansen and Catherine S. Jacobsen of Denmark, pio- neers Aug. 10, 1860). She was born Sept. 16, 1816. Their children: Adolph b. June 12, 1841, m. Mary Wogensen; Peter F. b. Aug. 10, 1843, m. Emelia Dahlgren; Karen Sophia b. May 3, 1846, m. C. C. Lee; Caroline b. Jan. 9, 1849, m. G. B. Reeder; Trenla b. Jan. 6, 1851; Nels b. Aug. 14, 1853, m. Eliza Johnson; Josephine; Nephena b. Oct. 4, 1858, m. Joseph Frodsham. Died May 18, 1891. MADSEN, PETER F. (son of Nels Madsen and Martha M. Hansen). Born Aug. 10, 1843, at SJaeland, Denmark. Came to Utah August, 1860, independent company. Married Emelia M. C. Dahlgren Nov. 10, 1873, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Jorgen Ulrik Dahlgren and Anne Sophia Basse), who was born June 16, 1848, In Skjil- skol, Denmark. Their children: Waldemar T. F. b. Aug. 19, 1874, m. Adah Nichols Nov. 1901; unnamed b. Jan. 9, 1876, died; Emelia Maria b. Aug. 21, 1877, m. Frank Well- ing June 1911; Victor Emmanuel b. March 17, 1879; Roland Adolph b. Oct. 2, 1880, m. Abble Reese Jan. 24, 1906; Lillle May b. March 19, 1882; Leo Dahlgren b. Feb. 1, 1884, m. Albertie West June 19, 1912; unnamed b. July 23, 1887, died; Sterling Dahlgren b. April 4. 1890; Constance b. June 12, 1892. Missionary to Europe three years; bishop's counselor; high councilor. Bookkeeper tithing office. First man to subscribe to Edmunds-Tucker oath In Utah and voted In 1887. Justice of the peace; county clerk and recorder; commissioner and probate judge. First telegraph operator in Brigham 8 years. MADSEN, VICTOR E. (son of Peter F. Madsen and Emelia M. C. Dahlgren). Born March 17, 1879, at Brigham City, Utah. Married Beatrice Winnifrid Midgley April 23. 1902 Salt Lake City (daughter oi Benjamin Midgley and Sarah J. Midgley, former pioneer May 1855, Mllo Andrus company, latter of Nov. 2, 1864, Warren Snow company). She waa born Aug. 28, 1877, at Nephl, Utah, died Oct. 6, 1902. Fam- ily home Brigham City, Utah. Married Sarah Fleofa Forsgren June 24, 1908, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John H. Forsgren and Annie Jane Evans of Brigham City, Utah). She was born May 11, 1881. Their children: Victor Earl Madsen b. April 14, 1909; Irwin Denton b. Dec. 16, 1910, died Dec. 18, 1910. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Missionary to Scandinavia 1905-07; high priest; chorister in 3d ward since 1900; leader of tabernacle choir. Manager of Box Elder creamery 1900-05. Editor Box Elder News. Member 32d ward bishopric. MADSEN, NELS (son of Nels Madsen and Martha If. Han- sen). Born Aug. 14, 1853, in Sjaeland, Denmark. Married Eliza Johnson Feb. 12, 1885 (daughter of John 1020 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH and Annie C. Johnson of Brigham City. Utah, pioneers Aug. 10. 1860). She was born June 30, 1864. Their children: Marcus N. b. Dec. 13, 1886; Francis M. b. Aug. 13, 1887; Stanley J. b. Aug. 13, 1889; Violet M. b. Oct. 24, 1891; Marco b. Dec. 30, 1893; Irving L. b. Aug. 21, 1896; Augusta b. Sept. 19, 1899. Family home Brigham City. Utah. Missionary to central states 1877; assistant superintend- ent Y. M. M. I. A. Box Elder stake 20 years; stake super- intendent of religion classes Box Elder stake 2 years; presi- dent of the 58th quorum seventies; second counselor in high priests' quorum; assistant superintendent Sunday school third ward; home missionary 20 years. Pound keeper Box Elder county; school trustee and city council- man Brigham City. Superintendent' of construction of Brigham City water works. MADSEN, PETER (son of Mads Madsen and Grandmother Madsen of Bredstrup, Denmark). Born April 6, 1824, in Den- mark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1864, Hans Peter Olsen ox team company. Married Mary Ann Madsen 1847 In Denmark (daughter of Mads Monk of Bredstrup, Denmark). She was born 1832. Their children: Mads Peter b. Aug. 6, 1848, m. Johanna Gronnaman; m. Frances C. Scott; Anna Marie b. 1860, died; Hans Olof b. 1862, died; John b. 1865. m. Hannah Christine Jorgensen; Peter b. 1858, m. Bertha Knutsen. Family home Lake View, Utah. Married Johannah Christine Anderson at Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Peter Anderson and Marie Kristine Ammitzbohl of Germany). She was born Feb. 19, 1827. Only child: Andrew b. Feb. 2, 1869, m. Ellison Archibould; m. Annie Jorgensen. Family home. Lake View. Married Caroline Jensen April 1860 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Knud Junsen and Boddel Olsen of Toreby, Laaland, Denmark, pioneers Sept. 23, 1862. Ola N. Liljen- quist company). She was born April 3. 1838. Their chil- dren: James b. Jan. 7, 1861, m. Priscilla Stephenson; Mary Ann b. Oct. 3, 1862. m. Christian Sorensen; Caroline b. Oct. 25. 1864, m. John Park; Ephraim b. May 28. 1867, died; Boddel Margaret b. March 6, 1869, died; Sarah Elizabeth b. July 15, 1872, m. Jacob Fullgreen; Dorothy b. March 9, 1875, m. Nels Hanson; Charles b. Oct. 23, 1877, m. Roxie Garner; Eliza b. March 22, 1880, m. Fred Starton. Family home, Lake View. Married Wilhelmina Jorgensen May 14, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nels Jorgensen and Johanna Petersen of Fyen, Denmark, pioneers 1866, oxteam company). She was born Nov. 6. 1847. Their children: Nels Christian b. Oct. 7. 1866, died; Rasmina b. March 16, 1868, m. David Bowen; Johanna b. Jan. 11, 1871, m. Levy Carpenter; Brigham b. June 16, 1873, m. Mattie Chesley; George Abraham b. Nov. 25. 1876, m. Nettie Wilson; David Heber b. Feb. 12. 1878, m. Annie Hardy; Emma b. Aug. II, 1880, died; Mary Josephine b. April 20, 1882, m. William Bean; Albert Ephraim b. Aug. 5, 1884, died; Annie Gullna b. Sept. 24, 1886, m. Alma Clare Ferguson; Clarence Elmer b. May 8, 1893. Kamily home. Lake View. Married Lena Johnson at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Johnson and Bergite Larson of Hedemarken, amt, Norway, pioneers Oct. 1, 1864, John Smith independent company). She was born Dec. 9, 1846. Their children: Julia b. Nov. 27, 1866, m. Samuel E. Bunnell; John Joseph b. Feb. 23. 1869, m. Susan Elmina Scott; Ellen Bergite b. Nov. 29, 1870, d. Jan. 21, 1890; Hyrum b. Nov. 2, 1872, m. Clara Lovina Edwards; Marie b. Dec. 23, 1874, m. Rufus Daniel Babcock; Alma Theodore b. April 18, 1877, m. Sarah E. Carter; Parley William b. Oct. 22. 1879, m. Christina Nuttall b. Nov. 21, 1888; Inger B. b. March 20, 1883, m. Arthur James Harding; Edwin Anton b. July 18, 1886. Family home, Lake View. Missionary to Denmark and also to Sandwich Islands; bishop of Lake View. Veteran Danish-German war 1848-50. Provo City councilman. Farmer; stockraiser and fisher- man. Died In 1911 at Provo, Utah. MADSEN, MADS PETER (son of Peter Madsen and Mary Ann Madsen). Born Aug. 6, 1848, Bredstrup, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Johanna F. W. Gronnaman 1871 at Salt Lake City (daughter of George L. Gronnaman and Andrea Rose of Provo, Utah, pioneers, 1864, John Smith Independent company). She was born Nov. 26, 1861. Their children: Mary Ann Andrea b. Dec. 13. 1872. m. Heber W. Harrison; Johanna Dorothea b. Sept. 7, 1874, m. Henry Wing. Family home, Lake View. Married Frances Cornelia Scott Dec. 18, 1885, at Logan, (daughter of George Comb Scott and Cornelia Elmina Ken- nedy of Provo, Utah). She was born Dec. 4, 1863. Family home, Lake View. Member 45th and 123d quorums seventies; high priest; Sunday school superintendent; home missionary; president Y. M. M. I. A. two years. Justice of peace at Lake View; Provo city councilman; school trustee. Dairyman and fisherman. MADSEN, JOHN (son of Peter Madsen and Mary Ann Mad- sen). Born May 15, 1855, Fort Ephraim, Utah. Married Hannah Christine Jorgensen Jan. 26, 1882. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Mads Jorgensen and Annie Jensen), who was born Nov. 19, 1862. Their children: John Peter b. Feb. 16, 1884, m. Florence Bullock; Curtis Adolphus b. April 14, 1886, m. Ruby Bean; Ernest b. Oct. 25, 1887, m. Stella Roberts; Edith Hannah b. April 17, 1890; Leonard Jorgensen b. April 13, 1892; Margaret Ann b. Nov. 16, 1894, died; Harold b. Aug. 31, 1897, died; Onetah Mabel b. Sept. 7, 1901; Alta Eva b. April 4, 1904; Sylvia b. April 8, 1907. Family home Vineyard, Utah. High priest; Sunday school superintendent at Vineyard nine years; ward teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. Fisher- man. MADSEN, JOHN PETER (son of John Madsen and Hannah Christine Jorgensen). Born Feb. 16, 1884, Vineyard, Utah. Married Florence Bullock, 1909, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Alexander Bullock and Emily Harris of Pleasant Grove, Utah). She was born Feb. 7, 1884. Their child: Emily b. July 10, 1911. Family home Duchesne, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1902-06; Sunday school superintendent; president second quorum elders of Duchesne stake; ward teacher. Farmer. MADSEN, PETER (son of Peter Madsen and Mary Ann Madsen). Born June 2, 1858, Lake View. Married Bertha Knutsen June 2, 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans and Beget Knutsen of Lake View, pioneers, 1864, John Smith Independent company). She was born Feb. 26, 1860. Their children: Peter Hans b. May B. 1882. died; John William b. April 22, 1884, m. Margaret Grace Forsythe; Ann Pearl b. April 3, 1887, m. Don T. Allred; Clara b. Nov. 8, 1890; Evelyn b. June 12, 1893; Spencer b. Nov. 4, 1896; Raymond Lamar b. April 22, 1901. Elder; high priest; ward teacher; president Y. M. M. I. A. School trustee; religious teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. MADSEN, ANDREW (son of Peter Madsen and Johannah Christine Anderson). Born Feb. 2, 1869, at Lake View. Married Ellison Archibould April 1884 at Salt Lake City (daughter of Archibould of Salt Lake City). Only child: Jessie b. 1886, d. same year. Married Annie Jorgensen Feb. 20, 1892, at Logan (daugh- ter of Mats Jorgensen and Annie Jensen of Lake View, pioneers 1869, oxteam company). She was born June 28. 1866. Their children: Ethel b. 1890; Josephine b. 1892: Andrew b. 1894; Luella b. 1900; Eugene b. 1900; Jessie b. 1902. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 46th quorum seventies; high priest; counselor to Bishop Roundy of Knightsville ward; home missionary. School trustee of Vineyard precinct. Mine foreman. Farmer. MADSEN, JAMES (son of Peter Madsen and Caroline Jensen). Born Jan. 7, 1861, at Lake View. Married Priscilla Stephenson Jan. 25, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Thomas Paul Stephenson and Jane Cobb of England, pioneers Sept. 26. 1855. Richard Ballantyne com- pany). She was born Aug. 10, 1865. Elder; home missionary. Justice of peace. Farmer. MADSEN, CHARLES (son of Peter Madsen and Caroline Jensen). Born Oct. 23, 1877, at Lake View. Married Roxle A. Garner Dec. 26, 1900, Lake View (daugh- ter of Robert Nute Garner and Marie Ann Staley of Hunting Creek, N. C.). She was born Nov. 25, 1880. Their children: Gladys Mary Ann b. Sept. 20, 1903; Alfred James b. Dec. 24, 1905; Robert Peter b. Sept. 30, 1907; Herbert Charles b. Dec. 31, 1909; Helen b. Jan. 16, 1912. Family home. Lake View. Elder; treasurer of Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school teachor at Lake View. Farmer and stockraiser. MADSEN, BRIGHAM (son of Peter Madsen and Wilhelmina Jorgensen). Born June 15, 1873, Lake View, Utah. Married Mattie Chesley March 23, 1896, at Provo (daugh- ter of William Alexander Chesley and Matilda Robertson of Provo, pioneers oxteam company). She was born Jan. 14, 1876. Their children: Erma Esther b. Dec. 3, 1897; Leah b. June 23, 1899; Shirley Brigham b. Jan. 30, 1900; Gordon David b. July 1, 1903, d. May 9, 1911; Grace b. March 20, 1904; Stanley Alexander b. Aug. 17, 1906; Grant Chesley b. Jan. 2, 1909. Family home, Lake View. Elder. County game, warden 1907-09; chief deputy state flsh and game warden until his death. Died July 11, 1910, Sprlngville, Utah. MADSEN, JOHN JOSEPH (son of Peter Madsen and Lena Johnson). Born Feb. 23, 1869, at Lake View. Married Susan Elmina Scott Jan. 11, 1893, Manti, Utah (daughter of George Comb Scott, Sr. and Cornelia Kenm-dy of Lake View). She was born Oct. 13, 1870. Their children: John Joseph b. Oct. 27, 1894; Leland Scott b. Dec. 14, 1896; Susan Elmina b. Nov. 25, 1899; Druzella b. Feb. 7, lf>04; George Willis b. May 17, 1907. Family home Vineyard. Utah. President elders quorum; Sunday school teacher four years; home missionary. School trustee of Lake View precinct; deputy state flsh and game warden. Farmer. MADSEN, PARLEY WILLIAM (son of Peter Madsen and Lena Johnson). Born Oct. 22. 1879, at Lake View. Missionary to north-western states 1906-08; elder; assis- tant Sunday school superintendent of Lake View ward three years; member Utah stake Sunday school board: secretiiry of deacons quorum 10 years. Salesman for Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co. MADSEN. EDWIN ANTON (son of Peter Madsen and Lena Johnson). Born July 18, 18?5, at Lake View. Elder; Sunday school teacher. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1021 MVl)Si:\, HANS (son of Jacob and Dorothy Madsen of Denmark). Born Jan. 4, 1840, Randers, Denmark. Married Annie Broom (daughter of John and Elizabeth Heywood). Their children: John Franklin; Oscar B.; Del- bert; Walter; Parley; Dorothy; Wilford; LeRoy; Carl; Lewis. MADSEN, OSCAR B. (son of Hans Madsen and Annie Broom). Born March 28. 1870, at Ogden, Utah. Married Adella Bauscher Feb. 17. 1904 (daughter of Joseph and Eliza Bausoher). Their children: Kathryn; Dorothy; Josephine. Weber county commissioner and prominent In Republican politics. Wholesale milk dealer and farmer. NAIR, ALLEN (son of John Mair and Mary Fowles of Grass- water. Ayrshire, Scotland). Born April 28. 1816. Married Mary Murdock June 24 (daughter of James Mur- dock and Mary Murray of Common Dyke, Ayrshire, Scot- land). She was born Nov. 19. 1819, and brought her family to Utah 1866 with Captain Scott company. Their children: John; James; Fowles; Mary ri. William Lindsay: Andrew m. Mary Ann Thompson; Alexander Eliza Thompson. Family home Heber City. Utah. MAIR, ANDREW (son of Allen Mair and Mary Murdock). Horn Feb. 18, 1856, Grasswater, Scotland. Came to Utah 1868. Married Mary Ann Thompson July 24, 1879. at Heber City, Utah (daughter of William Thompson and Sarah Fenn of Heber City, Utah). She was born Oct. 6, 1863. Their chil- dren: Wm. Allen b. Oct. 19. 1880, m. Isabell Burt; Mary b. Aug. IB, 1882, m. George D. Giles; Sarah b. Oct. 14, 1884. m. Thomas Horrocks; Esther b. Dec. 18. 1886. m. Thomas Davis; Andrew b. April 14, 1889, m. Myrtle Young; John b. Aug. 28, 1891, m. Alma Florence Harcourt; Franklin b. Sept. 1, 1893; Martha b. Jan. 17, 1895: Nellie b. Sept. IB. 1899; Mabel b. Sept. 24, 1902; Emma b. Nov. 6, 190B. Family home Heber City. Utah, since 1869. Elder. Blacksmith. MAI, IN, ELIJAH (son of Thomas and Hannah Malin). Born Feb. 1, 1774, in Chester county. Pa. Came to Utah 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company. Married Catherine Essex March 19, 1799, in Chester county, Pa. (daughter of Rudolph and Mary Essex, both of Vincent township, Chester county. Pa.). She was born Jan. 3, 1779. Their children: Sidney Ann b. Oct. 20, 1800, d. Dec. 22, 1817; Ann Maria b. March 28, 1802, m. Jacob Weiler Aug. 12, 1830; Sarah b. Jan. 10, 1804, m. Brigham Young April 18, 1848; Nancy b. Nov. 9, 1806, m. Joshua Hookes Dec. 2B, 1827; Elijah, Jr. b. March 11, 1808, m. Sarah McQuicken Feb. 4. 1830; Levl b. April 18, 1811, m. Eliza Lewis Nov. 6, 1835; Samuel b. June 29, 1813. m. Mary Ann Bosley Nov. 14, 1846; Rudolph b. Aug. IB, 181B, d. 1820: Thomas b. Aug. 14, 1818. d. 1818; Eliza Ann b. March 24. 1820, m. John Gleason April 20, 1861. Family home, Salt Lake City. MALIN, ELIJAH. JR. (son of Elijah Malln and Catherine Essex). Born March 11, 1808, In Chester county. Pa. Died 1848, en route to Utah. Married Sarah McQuicken Feb. 4, 1830, In Chester county, Pa. She was born Aug. 29. 1803. Their children: John McQuicken b. Aug. 16, 1833, m. Alice Smith Jan. 2, 1864: Margaret Ann b. Feb. 14, 1836, m. Charles Woodard April 27, 18B6; Catherine b. April 6, 1837, d. July 19, 1837; James Elijah b. Sept. 10. 1839, m. Margaret Laney Nov. 29, 1861. Died May 6, 1848. at St. Louis, Mo. MALIN, JAMES ELIJAH (son of Elijah Malin and Sarah McQuicken). Born Sept. 10, 1839, In Chester county, Pa. Came to Utah 1851, Ansel Harmon company. Married Margaret Laney Nov. 29, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Laney and Sarah Ann Howard of Girard, Macoupin county, 111. pioneers Sept. 29. 1847, Edward Hunter company). She was born Jan. 13, 1843. Their children: James Elijah, Jr. b. Jan. 28, 1863, m. Jeannetta Barnard Gibson Feb. 2, 1888; Isaac Howard b. Dec. 29, 1866, d. Feb. 4, 1899, m. Jessie Brown; Sarah Ann b. June 28, 1871, m. George F. Baldwin Feb. 19, 1904; George Hyrum b. Dec. 14. 1873, m. Sena Craig June 16. 1897; John Charles b. June 18, 1874, m. May Gray Sept. 9, 1907; Joseph Abiah b. June 30, 1880. m. Alice Phelps Sept. 2, 1908; Margaret Pearl b. Jan. 28, 1884, d. July 13, 1886: Ivy Hazel b. Aug. 28, 1885, m. Elva V. Black June 19, 1907. Family home. Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to Wisconsin 1868-70; president elders quorum. Peace officer. Died Oct. 26, 1909. MALIN, JAMES EL/UAH, JR. (son of James Elijah Malin and Margaret E. Laney). Born Jan. 28, 1863, Salt Lake City. Married Jeannette Barnard Gibson Feb. 2, 1888, Salt Lake City (daughter of John S. Gibson and Jeannetta Barnard). She was born March 13. 1863. Their children: Jeannetta G. b. June 15, 1889, and Margaret G. b. Oct. 29, 1890, d. Infants; Sarah Ann b. May 6, 1891; James Elijah b. Oct. 20, 1892, d. infant; Raymond G. b. Oct. 18, 1893; Bar b. Aug. B, 1896, d. infant. First president street car drivers union. Drove mule street cars in Salt Lake City. Motorman on first electric car in Salt Lake City. MALIN. SAMUEL (son of Elijah Malin and Catherine Essex). Born June 29. 1813, In Chester county, Pa. Married Mary Ann Bosley (daughter of Edmund Bosley, came to Utah 1848. Ezra T. Benson company). Their chil- dren: Council B. June 19, 1849, m. Elizabeth Shorten Dec. 4, 1878; Millard F. b. Oct. 24, 1851, m. Annie Pinnock Jan. 22, 1885; Sarah A. b. Dec. 28, I860, m. W. G. Seamands Sept. 26, 1886; Almira I. b. April 13. 1866, m. William Everett June 4, 1884; Samuel B. b. July 6. 1860. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Ann Rodeback (daughter of Charles Rode- back and Jane Morgan), who was born June 30. 1839. Chester county. Pa. Their children: Freeman b. Nov. 26. 1857, m. Louise Anderson: Edmund b. Dec. 16. 1862; Millburn b. Sept. 6, 1867; Ida b. March 10, 1877, m. Gilbert Judd. Salt Lake City councilman. MALIN, FREEMAN (son of Samuel Malin and Mary Ann Rodeback). Born Nov. 25, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Annie Louisa Anderson Aug. 1, 1880, Hoytsville. Utah (daughter of Anders Anderson and Annie Marie Jacob- son, who came to Utah Sept. 6, 1863). Their children: Frank A. b. Jan. 18, 1887; Annie Louisa b. Oct. 23, 1882. m. June 17, 1907; Chester F. b. April 5, 1884, m. Aug. 18, 1909; Edmund L. b. Nov. 14, 188B, m. Dec. 6. 1904. County commissioner of Summit county. Superintendent Sunday school of Hoytsville ward. ItfALLORY, LEMUEL. Born April 1801, Charleston, Canada. Came to Utah, 1850, Captain Bennett company. Married. Only child: Elisha b. 1830. Married Elizabeth Canada. Their children: Eliza Jane, m. James Akins; Charles Henry b. Aug. 15, 1840. m. Caroline M. T. Lesueur March 10, 1866; Frances, m. James Furgeson. Family home Ogden, Utah. Pioneer of Cache Valley, Utah. Helped build many mills. Millwright. Died at Logan, Utah. MALLORY, CHARLES HENRY (son of Lemuel Mallory and Elizabeth Canada). Born Aug. 15, 1840, Macon, Mich. Married Caroline M. T. Lesueur, who was born Jan. 27. 1847, died July 2, 1878. Their children: Charles Lemuel b. Jan. 17, 1867, m. Emily S. Stoffers March 6. 1896; Warren James b. Oct. 23, 1868, m. Anna M. Freeman Feb. 15, 1893: Emma Jane b. Oct. 17, 1870, m. Chester S. Staley Dec. 26, 1891; Lorenzo b. March 3, 1873, m. Mamie Herrlck; John William b. Oct. 23, 1874, d. Nov. 14, 1874; Rosetta b. Nov. 27, 1876, m. John Boyer; Caroline M. b. June 23, 1878, d. July 22, 1878. Made two trips across the plains to bring immigrants to Utah, also made one trip to California, pioneer of Cache valley and Bear Lake valley. Moved with family to Mesa, Ariz. In 1878 and helped to construct the Mesa canal; built the first house on the Mesa. MALLORY, WARREN JAMES (son of Charles Henry Mallory and Caroline M. T. Lesueur). Born Oct. 23, 1868, Montpeller, Idaho. Married Anna Marie Freeman (daughter of Elzah N. Free- man and Anna M. Poulsen, married 1872). She was born Dec. 31, 1872. Ogden. Utah. Their children: Warren Free- man b. Dec. 11, 1893: Anna Florence b. May 24, 1896; Charles Guy b. March 6, 1899; Elijah F. b. Jan. 29, 1902, d. Feb. 16, 1902; Wilford Gold b. Sept. 23, 1903. d. Jan. 3, 1904; Alta Leona b. June 28, 1906; Theola b. Nov. 3, 1907; Beatrice b. Dec. 18, 1909. Bishop 2d ward Shelley, Idaho; president elders quorum and Sunday school superintendent of St. Johns ward; presi- dent elders quorum; stake secretary Y. M. M. I. A. and high counselor in St. Johns stake. Engaged in the drug and mer- cantile business at St. Johns, Ariz. Member of village board for two years, Shelley. Manager of the Shelly Merc. Co. After several months located at Shelley. Idaho, in the spring of 1907, where he engaged in the mercantile business. MANGUM. JAMES MITCHELL. Born January. 1820, Mobile county, Ala. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Edward Hunter company. Married Eliza Jane Clark (daughter of Samuel Clark and Miss Adair). Their children: Joseph Daniel; James Harvey b. Nov. 29, 1848, m. Amy Lorette Bigler Feb. 21, 1870; John William b. Nov. 14, 1860, m. Eliza Hamblin; Heber C. b. Oct. 7, 1852, m. Louisa Leavitt 1870; Martha Jane b. May 5, 1856. m. George W. Kendall; Lydia Ann b. Aug. 31. 1867, m. Wil- liam H. Apperly. Family resided Salt Lake, Provo, Payson and St. George, Utah. Married Mary Smith 1866. Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Smith). Their children: Frances; Robert; Albert; Carel. Seventy. Expert millwright, conducting saw and grist mills on Mill Creek and at Provo and Payson, Utah. MANGUM, JAMES HARVEY (son of James Mitchell Mangum and Eliza Jane Clark). Born Nov. 29, 1847, Salt Lake City. Married Amy Lorette Bigler Feb. 21, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob G. Bigler and Amy Lorette Chase, pioneers 1862). She was born July 17, 1852, at the crossing of the pioneer trail on the Platte river. Their children: James Harvey b. Nov. 18, 1870; W. Lester b. Nov. 27, 1873, m. Jennie Pearl Knight Sept. 6, 1905; Lewis Irvin b. O<*t. 30, 1876; Ernest b. March 12. 1878; Mark LeRoy b. April 23, 1879; Effle Maud b. May 19, 1881, m. Alvin S. Jackson; 1022 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Minnie Lorette b. June 23, 1884, m. C. H. Miles; Clark Chase b. Nov. 16. 1886. m. Mayme Kerr; Amy Ann b. Dec. 10, 1889, ra. C. R. Jones Sept. 7. 1910. Elder. Worked on St. George temple. Drove teams across the plains for church immigrants and supplies. MANGUM. W. LESTER (son of James Harvey Mangum and Amy Lorette Bigler). Born Nov. 27, 1873, Nephi, Utah. Married Jennie Pearl Knight Sept. 6, 1905 (daughter of Jesse Knight and Amanda Melvina McEwan married Jan. 18, 1869, Salt Lake City, the former a pioneer of 1869. Edward Hunter company). She was born Nov. 7, 1885, at Provo. Their children: Gloria K. b. July 31, 1906; Max K. b. July 6, 1908; Beth K. b. Aug. 19, 1910; Dixie K. b. March 26, 1913. Missionary to Asiatic Turkey. Tutor In Brigham Toung university. Director, manager, secretary and treasurer In various mining, milling, smelting, railroad, banking and in- dustrial companies. Director of Utah Pioneers Book Pub- lishing Co. MANGUM, JOHN. Born 1814. Came to Utah October, 1852, Jacob Bigler company. Married Mary Ann Adair in Mississippi (daughter of Samuel Adair). who was born 1817. Their children: William, Laney and Martha, died; Francis, m. James Mangum; Joseph Eslem, m. Maria Lucinda Heath; John Wesley, m. Martha Ann Smith; Lucinda, m. James W. Wilkin; Cyrus, m. Unity Alexander; Harvey, twin of Cyrus, died; Abigail, m. Wil- liam Hamlin, Jr.; Caroline, m. James Wilkins; David New- ton, m. Elizabeth Thornton; Mary Ellen, m. Ebenezer Cherry; Julia, died. Married Ellen Bargeley 1852, Payson, Utah (daughter of George and Ellen Bargeley). Their children: George, m. Jane Hamlin; Ellen, died. Family home St. George, Utah. Married Mary Hamlin (daughter of Jacob and Priscilla Hamlin, pioneers 1852). Seventy. Marshal at Nephl. Farmer and stockraiser. Died May 1881 In Arizona. MANGUM, JOSEPH ESLEM (son of John Mangum and Mary Ann Adair). Born Dec. 12, 1850, in Iowa. Came to Utah October, 1852, Jacob Bigler company. Married Mariah Lucinda Heath July 21, 1872, Pahreah, Utah (daughter of James Harvey Heath and Mariah Holden of Louisiana, pioneers 1851). She was born Jan. 21, 1858. Their children: Samantha Lucinda b. Nov. 24, 1873, m. Benjamin J. Baker; Joseph Harvey b. Oct. 17, 1875, m. Malinda Johnson; Celestia b. Feb. 13, 1878 (died May 2. 1913), m. John W. Warf; Jennie Vlvy b. March 16. 1880, m. Charles Bullard; Benjamin F. b. July 30, 1882, m. Minnie P. Smith; Tamar b. Nov. 13, 1883, m. Lev! Chrlstenson; John Ammon b. March 29, 1887, m. Eliza Jane Brinkerhoff; Wll- ford Woodruff b. April 16, 1889, died; William Arthur b. June 4, 1891, died; George Edwin b. July 27, 1893; Cora Ovilla b. Sept. 17, 1895; Burl Atellia b. Jan. 24, 1898; Ether b. Dec. 25, 1905. Family home Price, Utah. High priest; missionary to Arizona and New Mexico 1880-87. MANNING, JOHN RUSSELL (son of John Russell Manning and Eliza White of Bedmlnster. Bristol, Somerset, Eng., born 1795 and 1796 respectively, at St. Mary, Redcliff, Bristol married Jan. 12, 1813). He was born May 9, 1823, at Bedmlnster. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Sarah Tucker Sept. 5, 1847 (daughter of James Tucker and Elizabeth Hill), who was born June 18, 1821, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: William Henry b. Nov. 6, 1848, m. Emma Hudman June 9, 1873; Emanuel b. Jan. 12, 1855, m. Sarah A. Singleton Jan. 31, 1878; Sarah E. b. Aug. 29, 1859, m. Hyrum Raylane Feb. 24, 1898. Family home Slaterville, Utah. High priest. MANNING. WILLIAM HENRY (son of John Russell Man- ning and Sarah Tucker). Born Nov. 6, 1848, Bedmlnster, Eng. Married Emma Hudman June 9, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hudman and Sophia Langley, pioneers Feb. 7, 1856, Knud Peterson company). She was born June 25, 1851, Alton, 111. Their children: Emma S. b. June 10, 1874, m. John Wheeler June 13, 1894; Edith A. b. March 11, 1876, m. Arthur Barnett June 21, 1899; Clarence A. b. April 16, 1879. m. Mattie Hofer June 21. 1906; Amelia E. b. Feb. 25, 1882; Ephraim W. b. Dec. 16. 1884, m. Ethel Garner June 20, 1906; Nephl H. b. July 23, 1887, m. Flor- ence E. Barker Nov. 4, 1908. Family home Slaterville, Utah. Elder; high priest; ward teacher; president 60th qiforum of seventies; ward clerk. MANNING, WILLIAM C. (son of David Manning and Susan Callard of Devon, Eng.). Born Jan. 23, 1819, at Buckfast- lelgh. Devon. Came to Utah Oct. 16. 1853, with ox and cow for team, C. E. Bolton Independent company. Married Elizabeth Elliott June 12, 1843 (daughter of John Elliott and Ann Webber), who was born Nov. 22, 1818. and came to Utah with husband. Only child: Ell b. April 15, 1844. m. Deborah Hollist March 24, 1865. Family home Farmlngton, Davis Co., Utah. Elder. Settled at Farmlngton Oct. 19. 1853. and spent the first winter sawing lumber with hand saw. Assisted In building sawmill in Pears' Canyon 1854; assisted in build- Ing first flour mill In Ogden 1854; assisted In building first carding mill in Farmlngton and the first In Utah. During the winter of 1857 and 1858 was In Echo Canyon with Capt. Philemon Merrill company resisting Johnston's army. Went south with the "move"; returned to Farming- ton fall of 1878, where he resided until his death, Sept. 7, 1887. MANNING, ELI (son of William C. Manning and Elizabeth Elliott). Born April 15, 1844, Totnes, Devon. Eng. Married Deborah Hollist March 24, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Hollist and Elizabeth Chandler, pio- neers Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born July 25, 1846, Brighton, Sussex, Eng. Their children: David E. b. Sept. 9, 1866. m. Margaret R. WIlcox April 11. 1888; Elizabeth b. Sept. 6, 1868, m. Thomas E. King June 6, 1888; William H. b. March 29, 1871, m. Alice Taylor March 24, 1897; John C. b. Aug. 1, 1873, m. Mary A. Ed- monds Dec. 18, 1895; George C. b. Nov. 5, 1875. m. Eliza J. Reddish April 29, 1896; Charles E. b. May 7, 1878, m. Nellie Butcher May 18, 1910; Alice D. b. Dec. 16, 1880, m. Francis H. Edmonds April 26, 1905; Annie S. b. July 6, 1883, m. Henry W. Talbot April 17, 1912; James E. b. Oct. 20, 1885, m. Zilla J. Walker Nov. 1, 1911; Joseph W. b. Nov. 25, 1890. Family home Farmlngton, Utah. Assistant Sunday school superintendent; secretary North Farmington ward Jan. 25, 1885-1909. Delegate to several irrigation congresses 1902-10. Farmer and dairyman. MANNING, DAVID E. (son of Eli Manning and Deborah Hollist). Born Sept. 9, 1866. Farmington, Utah. Married Margaret WIlcox April 11, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of James D. Wilcox and Anna Maria Robinson, latter pioneer 1848). She was born Sept. 30, 1869, at Farm- lngton. Their children: David Henry b. April 1, 1889; Alissa Maria b. Feb. 22, 1891; LeRoy WIlcox b. Sept. 1, 1893; Ruth b. Sept. 13, 1896; Rulon Hollist b. Dec. 9, 1898; Victor Eugene b. Jan. 19. 1901; Julia b. Oct. 4, 1903; Oleen Marion b. June 29, 1906; Margaret b. July 29, 1909; La Vera Alice b. June 22, 1912. Family home Garland, Utah. Chosen and set apart as president of Y. M. M. I. A. of Sunset branch, at which he served 1896-98; first counselor in bishopric of Garland ward 1910; alternate high council- man of Bear River stake. MANSFIELD, MATTHEW (son of John Mansfield and Sarah Plnket of Brambly parish, Surrey, Eng.). Born Oct. 25, 1810, Brambly parish. Came to Utah 1848. Married Johannah Christine Winberg Petersen 1855. Salt Lake City (daughter of Swen Winberg and Elna Nielsen of Sweden, latter a pioneer 1865). She was born May 24, 1824. Their children: Isabel Maria, m. Brigham Reese; Mary Ann, m. W. O. Bentley; Matthew W., m. Cena Ann Hunt; Sarah. Family resided at Salt Lake City, Mill Creek and St. George, Utah. Married Isabella Mansfield, who was born in Scotland, and died 1891, Mill Creek, Utah. Married Margaret Haslam (daughter of John Haslam), who died 1870 at St. George. Only child: John M. b. Sept. 1863, d. Feb. 10, 1884. Family home, St. George. Pioneer. Died March 6, 1891, Mill Creek, Utah. MANSFIELD, MATTHEW WINBERG (son of Matthew Mansfield and Johannah Christine Winberg). Born Jan. 15, 1862, St. George, Utah. Married Cena Ann Hnut Feb. 23, 1882, St. George, Utah (daughter of Ames Hunt and Rebecca Wiggins of Hebron, Utah, former a pioneer Oct. 1, 1852). She was born Oct. 3, 1863. Their children: Matthew Lorenzo b. Jan. 20, 1883. m. Jennie Bastian; Mary Eliza b. Feb. 17, 1885; John Amos b. March 9, 1887, m. Maud Robbins; Ellas Edward b. June 14, 1889, m. Effle L. Pace; Ephraim b. May 10, 1892; Pearl b. Jan. 8, 1895, m. Charles Chappel; Cena Josephine b. April 26, 1897. Family home Thurber, Utah. Married Annie M. T. Bastian Dec. 14, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of J. S. and Harriet Bastian). No children. Member 112th quorum seventies; high priest; bishop Thurber ward; high councilor Wayne stake; stake super- intendent and president Y. M. M. I. A. Wayne county attorney; assessor; collector; school trustee; justice of peace; representative state legislature. Attorney at law. Family home, Salt Lake City. MANWILL, JOHN WORKLEY. Born May 8, 1791, In Maine. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1852, Bryant Jolley company. Married Patty Tracey (daughter of Samuel Tracey and Elizabeth Getchill), who was born May 20, 1807. and died In Iowa in 1847. Their children: Daniel Booker, m. Mary Shumway; John Ferrington b. Dec. 2, 1832, m. Emily Sophia Brown June 22. 1856; James B. b. Oct. 5. 1835, m. Sarah A. McClellan Feb. 25, 1863; Orson M. b. March 6, 1840, m. Alice Crandall Nov. 16. 1863; Mary Elizabeth b. May 6, 1843. m. Horatio Calkins May 28, 1859. Family resided Salt Lake City and Payson, Utah. Married Losana Bentley Sept. 16, 1852, Salt Lake City. MANWILL, JOHN FERRINGTON (son of John Workley Manwlll and Patty Tracey). Born Dec. 2, 1832, Oxford Co., Maine. Married Emily Sophia Brown June 22, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Brown, pioneer 1852, and Lydia. Maria Lathrop, died en route to Utah). She was born April 16, 1837, In Davis county. Mo. Their children: Emily PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1023 Elizabeth b. April 19, 1857,' m. Lorenzo Arayle; Lydia Maria b Feb. 1, 1859, died; John Monroe b. Aug., 1860, m. Ann Cowan May 14, 1884; Riley b. April 9. 1863, died; Mary Ann b. Oct. 16, 1864, m. Alpheus Bingham; Virginia b. May 16, 1866, m. Charles Bingham; George A. b. Aug. 14, 1868, m. Elmira Jensen; Melissa b. Aug. 5, 1874, m. William Lewis; Princessetta b. Jan. 9. 1876, m. Robert Cowan; Cynthia May b. May 1, 1870, died; David b. Dec. 11, 1872, m Viola McBeth; Sarah b. July 7, 1877, m. James N. Hansen. Married Rosina Trevort Dec. 15, 1881. Their children: William Rtley b. Nov. 17, 1882; Daisy b. Dec. 5, 1883, m. William A. Francom; Myrtle b. June 8, 1885, m. Frank Daley. Families resided at Payson, Utah. Priest; elder; seventy; high priest. Farmer. MARBLE, HENRY L. (son of Nathaniel Marble of Ohio, born Jan. 25, 1800, and Mary King, born Feb. 29, 1802, both of England). He was born June 2, 1836, in Geauga Co., Ohio. Came to Utah In October, 1851, Reddick N. Allred company. Married Mary L. Burbank (daughter of Daniel Burbank. came to Utah in 1852, John Walker company, and Abigail Blogit, died on plains). She was born Jan. 30, 1844. Their children: Henry L., Jr., b. April 1862, m. Sarah Abigail Burbank In 1887; Mary B. b. Jan. 10, 1864, m. Edwin Git- tent in 1883; Abigail B. b. Feb. 22, 1866, m. Henry J. Rogers in 1889; Daniel B. b. July 20, 1868, m. Mary Hansen March 31, 1892; Nathaniel B. b. June 25, 1870, m. Jena Germer in 1901; Almeda B. b. Feb. 1, 1880, m. John Rumrell in 1903. Merchant; farmer; stockraiser. MARBLE, DANIEL B. (son of Henry L. Marble and Mary L. Burbank). Born July 20, 1868, Brigham City, Utah. Married Mary Hansen March 31, 1892, Collinston. Utah (daughter of Christian Hansen and Anna Mortensen), who was born Dec. 23, 1872, Logan, Utah. Their children: D. Milton b. Feb. 23, 1895; H. Irving b. Feb. 20, 1897; Earl C b. July 4, 1899, died; Harold H. b. June 29, 1900; John Leroy b. Feb. 27, 1903; Anna Alfreda b. July 2, 1905; Lettia G. b. Sept. 14, 1907; Eddie H. b. Jan. 3, 1910. Family home Deweyville, Utah. Bishop Deweyville since Sept. 20, 1911; high priest. School trustee; constable. MARCHANT, ABRAHAM (son of Abraham Marchant of Bath, Somersetshire, Eng.). Born March 17, 1816, Bath, pioneer Oct. 28, 1854, Robert L. Campbell company. Married Lydia Johnson, who was born March 8, 1814, Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary Ann b. March 19, 1839, m. Austin Green; Sarah Matilda b. Sept. 1, 1841, m. John Newman; Abraham Robert b. April 5, 1843, m. Mary Ann Barter; Albert George Henry b. Jan. 3, 1845, m. Harriet Casper; Lydia Elizabeth b. Oct. 27, 1846, m. Stephen Walker; John Alma b. May 7, 1848, m. Hannah Russel; Franklin William b. Sept. 20, 1858, m. Annie Pearson; Gilbert Johnson b. Sept. 20, 1858, m. Eliza- beth Wright; Maria Louisa b. Oct. 12, 1861, m. Oscar Lyons. Bishop of Peoa, Utah. Justice of the peace. Merchant; farmer. Died Oct. 6, 1881. MARCHANT, ABRAHAM ROBERT (son of Abraham Mar- chant and Lydia Johnson). Born April 5, 1843, Bath, Eng. Married Mary Barter Nov. 30. 1869. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Barter and Emma Walden), who was born at Tedegar, South Wales. Their children: Mary Ann b. Nov. 15, 1867, m. Arthur W. Maxwell; Abraham Robert b. Dec. 25, 1870, and Marion Joshua b. Jan. 1, 1873, died. Married Annie Margaret Larson Jan. 8, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Trols Larson and Ingra Larson), who was born July 20, 1861, Henras, Sweden. Their children: Robert Henry b. Feb. 23, 1881, m. Ivy Winigar; Franklin William b. Nov. 30, 1882, m. Annie Jenson; Lydia Ann b. Aug. 29, 1884, died; George b. Aug. 7, 1885; Reuben b. Aug. 28, 1887; Hannah Mabel b. June 18, 1889; Esther b. March B, 1891; Alice Blanche b. June 1, 1892; Mariah Louisa b. Feb. 21, 1894; Alvin and Almina b. March 18, 1895; Edgar Walden b. Aug. 31, 1897; Howard Larson b. Jan. 17, 1900. Married Hannah Dora Larson Dec. 15, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Trols Larson and Ingra Larson), who was born March 3, 1856, in Sweden. Hijrh priest; member of bishopric of Peoa 1871. Justice of the peace; school trustee. Farmer. MARCHANT. ALBERT GEORGE HENRY (son of Abraham Marchant and Lydia Johnson). Born Jan. 3, 1845, Bath, Eng. Married Marriet M. Casper Feb. 17, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Duncan Spears and Matilda Allison Casper, pioneers Sept. 3, 1855, Captain Hindley company). She was born Nov. 9, 1849, Platt county. Mo. Their children: Albert George b. March 22, 1874, m. Mary Harper Sept. 7, 1898; Duncan William b. Oct. 9, 1875, m. Malinda Anna Gunderson June 24, 1903; Lydia Maria b. Aug. 14, 1877, m. John William Jones June 18, 1902; Robert Henry b. Dec. 21, 1880, m. Agnes Taylor June 10, 1910; Matilda Cas- per b. April 6, 1879; Alonzo Justice b. Sept. 23, 1882; Abra- ham Franklin b. Sept. 30, .1884; Mary Ann Casper b. July 19, 1886; Edward Casper b. July 31, 1888; Stephen Casper b. Jan. 10, 1890; Harvey Allison b. Oct. 8, 1891; Harriet Casper b. July 5, 1894; Leroy Casper b. April 22, 1896. Family resided South Cottonwood and Peoa, Utah. Ward and Sunday school teacher. Justice of the peace; school trustee. Helped to bring immigrants to Utah with John D. Holliday company 1866. Veteran of Black Hawk war. M.VHKIIAM, STEPHEN (son of David Markham and DIna Hosmer of New York). Born Feb. 9, 1800, New York. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, with Brigham Young company. Married Mary Curtis Oct. 6, 1848, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Jeremiah Curtis and Ruth Straton of Michigan and widow of Orren Houghten, by whom she had one child, Edgar Straton, who married Martha Ann Parnett). She was born Nov. 15, 1832. Their children: Orvill Sanford, m. Mary Ann Robertson; Mary Lucy, m. Andrew Dudley; William Don Carlos, m. Sarah Ann Warner; Sarah Eliza- beth, m. William Ashby; Atta Ruth, m. Henry Angus; Hosmer Merry, m. Jessie Geneva Cleveland; Emily Aurilla, m. William McKee; Margaret Eliza, m. Owen Morgan; Joseph, m. Mary Lewis; Julina Charlotta, m. Charles S Crow; Ira Mltchen, m. Rose Patterson; Clarissa Maretta, m. Ellas Bona; Carolina Louisa, d. child. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Bishop of Spanish Fork for several years; assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1848; captain of Nauvoo Legion and bodyguard of Joseph Smith. Colonel, Walker Indian war. Farmer and stockraiser. Died March 10 1878 Spanish Fork, Utah. MARKS, LOUIS A. (son of Louis Marks and Emeline Frost) Born Nov. 10, 1865, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Pope Nov. 16. 1900, Fishhaven, Idaho (daughter of Charles Pope and Maria McCann of Garden City, Utah, pioneers 1857). She was born May 5 1870 Their children: Louie Thelma b. Sept. 13, 1901; Lewis Lathalr b. Oct. 25, 1904. Family home, Salt Lake City Capitalist. MARRIOTT, HENRY (son of Edward Marriott, born Nov 22, 1788, and Mary Hallingsworth, born Oct. 30, 1788 both of Nottingham, Eng. married September, 1812). He was born Aug. 18, 1813. at Nottingham. Came to Utah Oct. B. 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company. Married Esther Spencer Jan. 18, 1836, who was born March 22, 1817, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Joseph Marriott b. April 4, 1838, m. Elizabeth Williams; Thomas E. b. Nov. 30. 1842, m. Ann Paramore f e - 2 1 !, 65: u Sarah Ann b " May 16> 1847 ' m - R - Y r k 1865. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Elder; missionary to England 1877-78. Merchant In West Jordan for several years. MARRIOTT, THOMAS E. (son of Henry Marriott and Esther Spencer). Born Nov. 30, 1842, Nottingham, Eng Married Ann Paramore at Salt Lake City Feb. 27 1865 (daughter of George Paramore, a pioneer with William S. Seeley company, and Rose Hannah Clark). She was born Oct. 16, 1849, Nottingham, Eng. Their children- Rose Hannah b. Jan. 15, 1866, m. Archibald Stuart- Henry G b. April 26, 1868. m. Mary J. Gough July 30, 1890; Thomas E. b. Feb. 6, 1871; Samuel b. Sept. 14, 1873; Albert b. July 18, 1878, m. Zina Williams; Florence b. Aug 20 1882 m L. L. Raddon; Laura b. Sept. 4, 1885, m. William Hughes Jan. 30, 1906; Roscoe b. April 21. 1888, m. Lillie Loveridfre Sept. 1909; Zella b. March 16, 1890, m. Peter Clyde Swenson Sept. 1908. Family resided West Jordan and Sandy Utah Blacksmith originally, but was engaged for a time 'in mercantile business. City councilman; justice of the peace- was practicing optician at time of his death. MARRIOTT, HENRY G. (son of Thomas E. Marriott and Ann Paramore). Born April 26. 1868. West Jordan Utah Married Mary J. Gough July 30, 1890 (daughter of Joseph H. Gough and Mary J. Stone, married Nov. 23, 1864) She was born Aug. 5. 1870, Ogden, Utah. Their chtldren:'Maud [. b. Feb. 8, 1891, m. Roy Mounteer Nov. 17, 1909; Leon Fay b. Jan. 9, 1898; Leavon b. Oct. 5, 1901; Leola b Julv 18, 1905. Family home Sandy, Utah. Blacksmith; wagon maker. City councilman 1905. MARRIOTT, JOHN (son of John Marriott and Frances Warren of Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born March 6. 1817. Rhode Northamptonshire, Eng. Came to Utah May 1851, Livingston-' Kinkade company. Married Susannah Folk 1840 (daughter of Samuel F. Folk and Susannah Holton), who was born July 2, 1825- came to Utah with husband. Their children: Caroline Swanton b 1841, died; Lorenzo b. 1844, m. Melissa Baker; John b. 185o! m. Alberta Spiers; Susannah b. 1852, m. Andrew Lepper- Rebecca b. 1854, m. John Hodson; Martha b. 1856, m. Moroni Skeen; Benjamin b. 1858, m. Louisa Gampton. Married Elizabeth Stewart Feb. 26, 1854, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Stewart and Sophia Tlngey), who was born April 12, 1829, at Colmworth, Bedfordshire, Eng. Their children: Elizabeth b. April 22, 1855, m. David S. Tracy Nov. 13, 1872; Moroni Stewart b. Oct. 31, 18B7, m. Rose W. Parry Jan. 29, 1879: Annie Treazer b. Aug. 7, 1859, m. Bernard Parry 1873; Louisa b. Oct. 28, 1862, died; Esther Amelia b. Dec. 6, 1863, m. Fredrick Brown 1881; Hyrum Wil- lard b. Dec. 6, 1863, m. Ellen Morris Dec. 1, 1897; Caroline Emma b. April 8, 1866, m. James Hewitt Oct. 12. 1898; Ellen Maria b. March 6, 1868, m. James B. Morris Feb. 21, 1900; David Charles b. May 13, 1872, m. Maude Kimball Oct., 1894. Married Trezer Southwlck Nov. 5, 1855. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Southwick and Ann Golden, former died 1849 at St. Louis, latter died in England). She was born May 6, 1840, in Staffordshire, Eng. Their children: Mary Ann b. Sept. 10, 1860, m. James Shoupe; Edward b. Nov 13 1862, m. Lily Merrill; Lisle b. Dec. 4, 1867, m. William J 1024 PIOXEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Louder Feb. 21, 1893; David b. Aug. 18, 1868, died; Charles Arthur b. May 6, 1870, m. Mary Agnes Farley March 28, 1894; Brlgham b. Dec. 30, 1873, m. Linda Fidelia Leavitt June 1897; Ida May b. Aug. 8, 1876, m. Daniel A. Creamer Jan. 24, 1894; Israel b. June 25, 1878, died. Married Margaret Burton Dec. 17, 1867 (daughter of James Burton and Isabell Walton, latter pioneer 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born April 1839, at Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. Their children: Annie b. Feb. 27, 1861, m Hyrum Hogge; Isabell b. April 29, 1864, m. Charles Henry Ellsworth; Maggie b. Sept. 2, 1873, m. John R. Morris; Mary b. Feb. 22, 1876; Lucy b. Oct., 1880, m. John Lamoreaux. First settler at Marriott, Utah, moving to that place from Kaysville 1855. Presided over Marriott ward eight years. Died June 10, 1899. - MARRIOTT, HYRUM WILLARD (son of John Marriott and Elizabeth Stewart). Born Dec. 6, 1863, Marriott, Utah. Married Ellen Morris Doc. 1, 1897, Ogden, Utah (daughter of William Morris and Elizabeth Russell), who was born Dec 14 1869. Their children: Doris Elizabeth b. Aug. 6, 1898' John Willard b. Sept. 17, 1900; Ellen b. Dec. 29, 1902; Eva Fontella b. April 1. 1905; Paul Morris b. April 6, 1907; Kathryn Esther b. Sept. 30, 1909. Family home Ogden, Utah. M4RSDEN, WILLIAM (son of Abraham Marsden and Han- nah Thornton of Oldham, Lancashire, Eng.). Born March 15 1814, Oldham, Lancashire. Came to Utah April 15, 1855. Married Jane Appleby (deceased) 1836, St. John's Church Manchester, Eng. (daughter of David and Betty Appleby of Manchester). Their children: Samuel b. March 2, 1852; Mary Ann b. Oct. 22, 1863; Cornelia Phelps; Elizabeth; Abra- ham; William; Sarah. Married Maria Dalley. Married Sariah Scovil June 16. 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lucius Nelson Scovil, who died 1889 at Spring- ville Utah, and Lura Snow of Provo, Utah). She was born May 27. 1837. Their children: Lura Alice b. April 3, 1857. m. Thomas Benson; Joseph William b. Jan. 14, 1869; Sarah Ellen b. Dec. 16, 1860, m. Joseph Smith; Lucius Nelson b. Oct. 11, 1862, m. Mary Matheson; Roxa Lenora b. June 10, 1866, m. John K. Paramore. Family resided Provo and Paro- wan, Utah. Priest; missionary in New Jersey and New York. Settled at Provo in 1855. Deputy sealer of weights and measures 1882; justice of peace for city and county. Erected first factory at St. George, Utah. Cotton-spinner. Died June 4, 1890. MARSDEN, LUCIUS NELSON (son of William Marsden and Sariah Scovil). Born Oct. 11, 1862, Parowan, Utah. Married Mary Matheson Jan. 16, 1886, St. George, Utah (daughter of David Matheson and Mary Craig of Dundee, Scotland, pioneers Sept. 12, 1868. Daniel D. McArthur com- pany). She was born Oct. 13, 1866. Their children: William b. Nov. 13, 1886; Mary Ellen b. Oct. 11, 1888, m. George H. Durham; Florence b. May 14. 1891, m. Arthur L. Joseph; Maggie Dean b. 1893; Lucius Nelson b. 1896: Albert Matheson b. 1900; Glena b. 1903; Milo Scovil b. 1906. Family home Parowan. Utah. Missionary to southern states 1900; president Parowan stake. Superintendent Equitable Co-op, store of Parowan 1898. Parowan city councilman and mayor; Iron county commissioner; cashier. Farmer and sheepraiser. Early freighter between Silver Reef (near St. George) mining camp and Delamar, Nev. Owen P. b. Nov. 22, 1905; Serge P. b. July 28, 1908; Paul Eugene b. May 24, 1911; Veda Maria b. Feb. 17, 1913. Family resided Franklin, Preston and Blackfoot, Idaho. Missionary to north central states 1892-94. Sheriff of Oneida county 1905-07. Superintendent 1st ward Sunday school at Blackfoot 1909; alternate high councilor Black- foot stake 1912. Salesman. MARSHALL,, GEORGE THOMAS (son of George T. Marshall of Herefordshire, Eng., and Sarah Good, born March 22. 1822, Mitchelldean, Gloucestershire, Eng.). He was born Nov. 9, 1852. in Herefordshire. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1866, Edmund Ellsworth company. Married Alvira Van Curen Dec. 20, 1870 (daughter of Paul Van Curen and Alvira Teeples), who was born Jan. 8, 1855. Salt Lake City. Their children: George Thomas, Jr. b. June 23, 1872, m. Sarah Ann Parkinson March 23, 1892; Ellen Elvine b. Jan. 6, 1875, m. Charles Walker 1893; Sarah Rosella b. April 26, 1878, m. H. J. N. Adams 1896; Lovlna b. June 28, 1880, m. Thomas 5,1. Perkins 1900. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Married Mary Jane Alder (Goaslind) Nov. 9, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Alder and Mary Ann Hamil- ton, pioneers with Daniel A. Miller company). She was born Aug. 7, 1853, at Sweetwater, Wyo. Their children: Francis b. Aug. 9, 1883; Mary Jane b. Nov. 23, 1884, m. Chase Chat- terton; Charles Frederick b. Dec. 27, 1886; Percilia b. July 14, 1888; Bert b. Dec. 31, 1891; Carl b. Jan. 14, 1894; Lavon b. Jan. 6, 1896; Lola b. Aug. 2, 1898. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Elder. Policeman of Franklin six years. Was in van- guard always in defending the settlers against Indians 1865-70. MARSHALL, GEORGE THOMAS (son* of George Thomas Marshall and Elvira Van Curen). Born June 23, 1872, Franklin. Idaho. Married Sarah A. Parkinson March 23, 1892, at Logan, TTtah (daughter of Samuel R. Parkinson and Maria Smart). She was born April 22, 1876. Franklin, Idaho. Their chil- dren: Ania S. b. Feb. 28. 1895: Sarah Phyllis b. March 16, 1896; Lavern S. b. Oct. 28, 1897; George P. b. March 18, 1899; Clifford P. b. April 21, 1901; Ellen Elvira b. Feb. 6, 1903; MARSHAL,!,, JOHX (son of John Marshall and Jennet Wright of Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 10. 1821, Glasgow, Scot- land. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Captain Roylance company. Married Margarette Alexander Wood Rutledge Nov. 13. 1846, Southside, Glasgow, Scotland (daughter of Rev. Rut- ledge and Alexandria Wood of New Town, Glasgow, Scot- land). She was born March 3, 1822. Their children: John; Margarette. Family home Mossend, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Married Elizabeth Joyce Robson May 28. 1855, at Escomb Church, Witten Park, Durham, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Robson and Jane Joyce of Barley Mow, Chester Parish, Eng.). She was born June 20, 1835. Their children: Thomas; Eliza Jane; Jessie; William; Edmond James; Mary Ann; Robert; Elizabeth Katherine; Mercy Alice; Joseph Hyrum, m. Lettie Hickenlooper. Family home Bountiful, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Refiner of iron and smelterman. Died Jan. 3, 1904, View, Weber Co., Utah. MARSHALL, JOSEPH HYRUM (son of John Marshall and Elizabeth Joyce Robson). Born Oct. 24, 1876, Liberty, Utah. Married Lettie Hickenlooper (daughter of Orson Hyde Hickenlooper and Elizabeth Charlton Wallace of View, Utah). She was born Nov. 27, 1886. Their children: Eliza- beth Ann b. April 15, 1906; Jessie Letttia b. Nov. 8, 1909; Joseph Hyde b. April 1, 1913. Family home Logan, Utah. Member second quorum elders; chorister 1st ward Sunday school. Manager of New Eagle hotel, Logan, Utah. MARSHALL, WILLIAM (son of William Marshall of Eng- land). Born March 9, 1822. Came to Utah 1863. Married Frances Brldger Kadewell of England, who was born July 2, 1817. Their children: John; George b. Oct. 5. 1846; Edward b. March 11, 1860; Jane b. April 26, 1852. m. George Fowler; Frances b. Jan. 6, 1855; William, Jr. b. Dec. 7, 1867, m. Martha P. Allen. Family home Parowan, Utah. Married Martha Allen 1862, San Bernardino, Cal. (daugh- ter of Rial Allen of Andrew county. Mo.). She was born March 2, 1819. Family home Parowan, Utah. Ward teacher. Parowan city councilman. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Feb., 1894, Parowan, Utah. MARSHALL, WILLIAM (son of William Marshall and Fran- ces Bridger Kadewell). Born Dec. 7, 1857, San Bernardino, Cal. Came to Utah 1863. Married Martha P. Allen April 17, 1878, St. George, Utah (daughter of Lewis Allen and Elizabeth Alexander, of Andrew county, Mo., pioneers 1862). She was born May 23, 1869. Their children: William Lewis b. Sept. 16, 1879, m. Sarah E. Otteson; John W. b. June 9, 1881, m. Martha E. Cox; James Ira b. May 14, 1883, m. Janet Otteson; Adelbert b. Feb. 6, 1886, m. Barbara Otteson; Elizabeth b. May 22, 1887, d. infant; Arley b. May 28, 1888; Loren b. July 18, 1891. d. April 6, 1903; Andrew Marion b. Jan. 20, 1896; Allison b. April 30, 1897; Jessie b. Nov. 26, 1903. Family home Hunting- ton, Utah. Member 81st quorum seventies; high priest; ward teacher; missionary to Texas 1900-02. School teacher. Member town board 1904-05. Farmer; stockraiser; apiarist. MARSIXG, NIELS LARSON (son of Lars Marslng and Ingre Martenson of Malmohus Lan, Sweden). Born Dec. 23, 1828, in Malmohus. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1860, Captain Anderson oxteam company. Married Karn Nlelson 1854 at Malmo Lan, who was born Aug. 14, 1814, and died Oct. 4, 1856. Only child was Niels, who died in childhood. Married Katrine Christina Smith April, 1860, Florence, Neb. (daughter of Hans Peter Smith of Aalborg, Jutland, Denmark, pioneer 1854). She was born March 23, 1835, and died Dec. 7, 1865. Their children: Lars Julius b. July 13, 1861, m. Elvira Powell; Hans Peter b. Jan. 22, 1863, m. Sarah E. Powell; Martin L. b. July 16, 1865, m. Lucy Powell. Family resided Salt Lake City, Corn Creek and Mt Pleas- ant, Utah. Married Klarstl Nielsen Sept. 1866, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Olf Nielson of MalmO Lan, Sweden, pioneer 1866. oxteam company). She was born 1841 and died Oct. 1869. Their children: Niels Olf b. Sept. 25, 1867; Joseph b. Oct. 1869, d. infant. Family resided Corn Creek and Bountiful, Utah. Married Sarah Bedford (daughter of John Bedford and Charlotte Love of Bradford, Eng.). She was born April 29, 1834, and came to Utah with a handcart company. Their children: Sarah Betsy, m. Mason L. Snow; Hyrum, m. Alice Thyne; Alma, m. Annabel Thyne; Mary Jane, d. aged 6. Family resided Konosh and Joseph City, Utah. Married Harriet Elizabeth Harmon June 12, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alphes Amuleck Harmon and Eliza Rrumwick of Leicestershire, Eng.). She was born Dec. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1025 20, 1860, in Iowa. Their children: Alphes Amuleck b. Feb. 18, 1878, d. Feb. 10, 1891; John Henry b. May 24, 1880, d. Feb. 2, 1891; Carljohn b. Dec. 11, 1881, d. June 11, 1882; Huldah Eliza b. May 2, 1883, d. Feb. 8, 1891; Rachel Elena b. Dec. 22, 1884, d. Feb. 10, 1891; Edward Orrd b. Sept. 7, 1886, d. Feb. 8, 1891; Ether LeRoy b. May 25, 1887, d. Feb. 17, 1891; Chester Arthur b. June 2, 1889, d. Jan. 30, 1891; Henrietta b. Dec. 4, 1891; Lily Almeda b. June 2, 1893; Francis Marion b. March 1895; Dessie Julia b. Feb. 17, 1898; Ernest Lionel b. April 28, 1901. Family home Price, Utah. Teacher In Millard county 12 years. Member 17th quorum seventies; high priest; first counselor to Bishop Gideon Murdock; called by President Young to The Muddy Mission; missionary in Sweden five years; superintendent Sunday schools Millard stake. Farmer. MARTIN, JESSE BIGEL.OW. Born 1815. Came to Utah In 1848. Married Ann Clark of Cheltenham, Engr. Only child: Esdras, b. 1860, m. Ella Beck Feb. 12, 1896. Family resided Cheltenham, Eng., and in Utah. MARTIN, ESDRAS (son of Bigelow Jesse Martin and Ann Clark). Born at Lehi, Utah. Married Ella Beck Feb. 12, 1896 (daughter of Frederick Beck and Henrietta Henson, pioneers Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born April 7, 1871. Their children: Huron E. b. Dec. 1, 1896; Emma b. March 22, 1898; Linn Beck b. Feb. 19, 1900; Inez b. Nov. 17, 1903; Cleone b. Dec. 13, 1906; Angus J. b. June 23, 1909, died. President second quorum elders Millard stake; with Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution for five years. Merchant. MARTIN, JOSIAH FL.EMMING (son of Joslah Martin and Sarah Flemming). Born Dec. 15, 1815, in Huntingdon county, Pa. Came to Utah 1853. Married Celinda Hannah Russell June 28, 1846 (daugh- ter of Amasa Russell and Hannah Knight, pioneers 1850). She was born Feb. 29, 1832, and came to Utah with hus- band. Their children: Elizabeth b. Feb. 13, 1848. m. Charles A. West Feb. 18, 1863; Celinda Adeline b. Feb. 20, 1855; Joslah Flemming b. Aug. 12, 1857, m. Emma Fenn May 26, 1882; Catharine b. Nov. 11, 1859, m. Mans J. Gottfred- son Oct. 21, 1885; Margaret A. b. Jan. 6, 1863, d. Feb. 2, 1865; Sarah Isabell b. Oct. 1, 1865, m. Carlos Rasmussen Jan. 22, 1885; Angeline b. Feb. 17, 1869, m. Jacob Gottfred- son Nov. 25, 1887. Married Catharine Fahy Nov 3, 1858, at Salt Lake City, who was born 1828 In Scotland. Their children: Hannah Jane b. July 30, 1860, m. Franklin Spencer Feb., 1875; Nancy Ellen, m. Edmond Durfee. Moved to Pay son from Salt Lake City 1858; to Moroni 1861; and in 1863 was called to help settle Salina, where he assisted in building 1 up the country. He took an active part In protecting the settlers against the Indians 1850-72. Sevier county selectman several years. Died April 13, 1881. MARTIN, JOSIAH FLEMMING (son of Flemming Martin and Celinda Hannah Russell). Born Aug. 12, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Married Emma Fenn May 26, 1882, at St. George, Utah (daughter of George Fenn and Sarah Ann Jarvis, former pioneers 1851 and 1860 respectively). She was born March 17, 1864, Gunnison, Utah. Their children: Josiah Flemming b. Dec. 23, 1882, d. same day; Elizabeth b. Sept. 13, 1883, d. same day; Alfred b. Dec. 2, 1884, m. Minnie Shepherd Dec. 28, 1904; Rebecca b. Aug. 20, 1886, d. Oct. 23, 1887; Lucian b. May 17, 1888, m. Anna Larson April 3, 1906; William and Sarah b. June 7, 1891, d. same day; Edmond b. April 9, 1892; Jarvis b. May 4, 1894; Emmett b. Feb. 8, 1896; Emma Jettie b. March 16, 1902, d. Sept. 15, 1902; Arthur b. July 25, 1904, d. June 1, 1909. Family home Salina, Utah. MARTIN, L.EWIS D. (son of Henry H. Martin and Corlne Denlo of Nebraska). Born Dec. 23, 1861, Galena, 111. Came to Utah April, 1889. Married Grace Gallacher Dec. 23, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of James Gallacher and Jennet Izett of Scot- land, who came to Utah 1870). She was born March 22, 1865, Glasgow, Scotland. Their children: Russel V.; Norma C.; . Lewis D. Jr., died. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member Salt Lake City council 1903 to 1910. Architect. MARTIN, MARION M. (son of William Augustine Martin and Charlotte Robion of Virginia). Born Nov. 16, 1825, near Richmond, Va. Came to Utah in early days. Married Luclnda Busenbark Nov. 18, 1855 (daughter of Isaac Busenbark and Abigail Manning). Their children: Lucinda, m. Buckley M. Fullmer; Lerona Abigail b. Feb. 23, 1862, m. Joseph E. Wilson; Theodore M., m. Sarah Maria BIngham; William Henry, m. Irene - ; David Alvaro; Marcellus, d. Infant. Family resided Ogden, Huntsville and Providence, Utah, and Clifton, Idaho. Married Josephine Jensen 1885 at Clifton, Idaho (daugh- ter of Ole Jensen and Bengta Olson), who was born April 13, 1861. Their children: Walter b. June 29, 1886; Victor b. Dec. 26, 1887; Joseph b. May 28, 1889 d. infant; Arthur 65 b. Dec. 28, 1890; Louis b. March 26, 1892; Anna b. July 26, 1894; John b. April 11, 1896; Pearl b. April 27, 1901. Served in war with Mexico 1846-48; In Echo Canyon war 1847-58. One of leaders of relief to Salmon river 1858. Worked on Logan temple 1882-83. Millwright; carpenter. MARTIN, THEODORE MONROE (son of Marion M. Martin and Luclnda Busenbark). Born Oct. 1, 1864, Providence, Utah. Married Sarah Maria Bingham Feb. 5, 1884, Clifton, Idaho (daughter of Perry Levi Bingham and Sarah Elizabeth Lusk), who was born Sept. 8, 1867, Three Mile Creek, Utah. Their children: Alta Ardella b. Nov. 12, 1884, m. Willard Deuain Bell Nov. 12, 1902; Ada Lucinda b. April 18, 1886; Sarah Viola b. Jan. 31, 1889, m. Earl Moss Nov. 19, 1908; Lucy Lerona b. April 17, 1892; Clara Elizabeth b. June 24, 1893, m. Fred Bond Dec. 16, 1910; Florence b. July 14, 1895; Hazel b. May 5, 1897; Theodore William b. Nov. 13, 1898; Leora b. July 31, 1900; Rhoda Alberta b. Nov. 14, 1902; Dora Lavon b. Oct. 22, 1904; Eva May b. Aug. 23. 1906; Irven Perry b. April 6, 1908; Lula Maria b. Dec. 1, 1910. MAHTINEACT, JAMES HENRY (son of Martineau of Staten Island, N. Y., and Eliza Mears of Eldridge, N. Y.). Born March 13, 1828, Amsterdam, N. Y. Came to Utah July 20, 1850, California Gold Seekers' Company. Married Susan Ellen Johnson Jan. 8, 1852, Fort Johnson, Utah (daughter of Joel Hills Johnson and Anna PIxley of Kirtland, Ohio, and Nauvo, 111., pioneers Sept. 1, 1848). She was born July 11, 1836, in Kirtland. Their children: Henry Augustus, m. Editha Melissa Johnson; Moroni Hela- man, m. Sarah Sophia Johnson; Susan Elvira, m. Benjamin Samuel Johnson; John William, d. aged 3V4 years; Nephi, m. Emeline Pamelia Knowles; George Albert, m. Emma Pauline Allred; Joel Hills, m. Mary Ann Thurston; Gertrude, m. Everett Guy Taylor; Theodore, m. Josephine Thurston; Anna Sarah, m. Henry Samuel Walzer; James Edward, d. aged 3 years; Dora, d. aged 19 years. Married Susan Julia Sherman Jan. 18, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lyman Royal Sherman and Delcena Diadamia Johnson of Kirtland, Ohio and Missouri, pioneers 1853, Almon W. Babbit company). She was born Oct. 21, 1838, Far West, Mo. Their children: Delcena Diadamia b. Nov. 27, 1857, died; Lyman Royal b. April 21, 1859, m. Alley Preston; Charles Freeman b. July 24, 1861, m. Eva Rosetta Rice; Jesse Nathaniel b. April 6, 1863, m. Eliza Bell Johnson; Julia Henrietta b. Feb. 4, 1865, d. Jan. 9, 1885; Elizabeth b. Aug. 13, 1867, m. Frank Knowlton. Nebeker; Virginia b. July 16, 1870, m. Edward E. Sudbury; Joseph b. April 23, 1873, d. May 10, 1873. Family resided Logan and Salt Lake City. Married Jessie Helen Anderson Russell Grieve April 18, 1887, Salt Lake City (daughter of Simon Grieve and Miss Anderson of Salt Lake City), who was born Nov. 23, 1867, died 1902 in Salt Lake City. High priest; bishop's counselor. Regimental adjutant of Iron and Cache military districts, Nauvoo Legion; Indian war veteran. County surveyor; county clerk; sheriff; U. S. deputy internal revenue collector; U. S. deputy land and mineral surveyor. Located what is now called Oregon Short Line from Ogden City to Idaho; was topographical and construction engineer in construction of the Union Pa- cific Railroad; also located railway in Mexico. MARTINEAU. LYMAN ROYAL (son of James Henry Mar- tineau and Susan Julia Sherman). Born April 21, 1859. Parowan, Utah. Married Alley Preston Dec. 29, 1881, Salt Lake City, died Sept. 15, 1907 (daughter of William Bowker Preston and Harriett Ann Thatcher of California, former pioneer Jan., 1858). She was born March 2, 1863. Their children: Alley b. Dec. 20. 1882, m. Kenneth A. Crismon; Harriett Ann b. July 25, 1884, m. Charles A. Gowans; Lyman R. J. b. Sept. 17, 1886, m. Zayda Bothwell; Henrietta Julia b. Dec. 3, 1888, died; Preston b. Aug. 23, 1890, m. Eleanor Herringer; Martha Claytor b. Nov. 24, 1892; Allen Sherman b. Jan. 23, 1897; May b. Dec. 8, 1898, d. April 21. 1899. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1879-81; high councilor, Cache stake 1884-1904; stake superintendent Y. M. M. I. A.; member general board Y. M. M. I. A.; a trustee of the Brigham Young college board of trustees. County assessor and treasurer 1882-87; member of Logan City council; member of reform school board 1893-95. Farmer and stockraiser. MATHER, JAMES (son of John Mather, born Feb. 14, 1780. and Catherine Higginson, born 1780, both of Lancashire, Eng.). He was born Nov. 14, 1811, in Lancashire. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Cuyman company. Married Mary Ditchfleld (daughter of William Ditchfleld and Hannah Higginson), who was born Oct. 28, 1811, came to Utah with husband. Their children: John b. 1838; Thomas b. April 28, 1846, m. Mary Ann Cantwell Dec. 6, 1870; Han- nah b. Nov. 1847; James b. 1848. Family home Cedar Valley, Utah. Assisted financially in bringing immigrants to Utah. MATHER, THOMAS (son of James Mather and Mary Ditch- field). Born April 28, 1846, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah 1855. Married Mary Ann Cantwell Dec. 6, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Shirlock Cantwell and Elizabeth 1026 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Hammer, former pioneer Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company). She was born Sept. 9, 1863, St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 3, 1871. m. Ira E. Noble; James b. April 5. 1873; William b. Jan. 12, 1875. m. Bertha Done; Alice b. April 8, 1877, m. Harper W. Noble; Ellen b. Nov. 13, 1879; Rachel b. Sept. 20, 1880; Thomas Edgar b. Feb. 18, 1883; Zina May b. March 12, 1885, m. Hyrum Sorenson; John b. Sept. 23, 1887, m. Leon Robinson; Ellas b. Dec. 31, 1889; Ethel b. April 9, 1892. Family home Smith- field, Cache Co., Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1866; director of ecclesiastical organization of Smithfield; seventy; mis- sionary to England 1893; high councilman of Benson stake. City councilman of Smithfleld. MATHEWS, JAMES NICHOLS (son of Knowel and Martha, Ann Mathews of the southern states). Born July 4, 1823. Came to Utah in 1849 by mule team. Married Clara Slade at Washington, Utah (daughter of William Slade and Julian Higginbottam), who came to Utah 1848 from Texas (with Blair or Jolley). Born Dec. 25, 1842, and died Aug. 1891, Vernal, Utah. Their children: James b. March 6, 1858; Martha Ann b. March 9, 1860, m. Orlando Henry Bracken; Joseph, m. Mary Ann Marshall; Alice, m. John T. Clark; Jefferson, m. Edith Jones. Family home Pine Valley, Utah. Missionary to southern Utah to make peace with the Indians and assisted in development of "Dixie." Elder and teacher. Farmer. Died June 27. 1871. MATHEWS, JOSEPH D. (son of Thomas Mathews and Ann Davis of Triboth, Glamorgan, Wales). Born Sept. 20, 1819, Triboth, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Ann Roberts 1840, Triboth, Wales (daughter of John Roberts of Llandilo, Wales). She was born 1818. Their children: Thomas, m. Abigail L. Baker; Joseph R., m. Fannie D. Chase; Mary Ann, m. Griffith Roberts. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest and block teacher. Stone and brick mason; contractor. Died at Pleasant View, North Ogden, Utah. MATHEWS, THOMAS (son of Joseph D. Mathews and Ann Roberts). Born May 29, 1841, Triboth, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, A. O. Smoot company. Married Abigail L. Baker June 17. 1865, Salt Lake City. Edward Hunter performing ceremony (daughter of Simon Baker and Charlotte Leavitt of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers Oct. 2 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born Jan. ?' 1846. Their children: Thomas W. b. April 8, 1866, m. Annie Gray; Lottie Ann b. Jan. 5, 1868, m. Miles R. Taylor; Francis M. b. Dec. 10, 1869, m. Sarah Williams; Joseph S. b Dec. 11, 1873, m. Bessie Ence; Mary M. b. Dec. 21, 1875, d. aged 9 years; Roy B. b. Nov. 25, 1878, m. Elizabeth Lawrence. Family home, Salt Lake City. Deputy sheriff under Adam Naylor for two years. Freighter. MATHEWS, WI1.I-IAM (son of Richard Matthews and Eliza- beth Byron of Radford, Nottingham, Eng.). Born Oct. 14, 1809, at Radford. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864, William S. Warren company. Married Hephzibah Jarvis Dec. 31, 1832 (daughter of Joseph Jarvis and Mary Bedsley), who was born March 3, 1810. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Eliza b March 28, 1834, m. Charles Smith Nov. 5, 1855; Richard b. Dec 29, 1835, m. Mary Ann Sanders; Mary b. Aug. 17, 1837, m Robert C. Kirkwood Oct. 21, 1860; Elizabeth, d. Infant; Annie b. Aug. 12, 1840, m. George Morris Dec. 24, 1863; Emma, d infant- Hephzibah b. Feb. 10, 1844, m. John Green Nov. 11 1866; William b. Nov. 14, 1845, m. Mary Hannah Parting- ton Oct. 16, 1870; Thomas b. July 10, 1847. Family home Nottingham, Eng. MATHIAS, THOMAS (son of John Mathias and Mary Michael of Wales). Born June 6, 1808. Carmarthen. Wales. Came to Utah 1852, William Morgan company. Married Margaret Williams July 1, 1831 (daughter of William Williams and Elizabeth Jeremy), who was born Dec 22 1811. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Jared b. Jan. 3, 1832; Ada b. Aug. 12, 1836, m. Leander H. Clifford 1855; Zillah b. Dec. 14, 1839, .m. J. D. Rees Dec. 13, 1857; Jonah b. July 30, 1843, m. Abigail Burbank April 4. 1868; Ephraim S. b. March 9, 1850, m. Abl Gardner April 10, 1872. Family home Brigham City, Utah. MATHIAS, JONAH (son of Thomas Mathias and Margaret Williams). Born July 30, 1843, Carmarthen, Wales. Married Abigail Burbank April 4, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel M. Burbank and Abigail Blodget, former pioneer 1852, latter died on the plains). She was born Aug. 14, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Their children: Jonah B. b. May 10, 1869, m. Mary Ardella Blngham Nov. 18. 1896; Margaret Abigail b. Oct. 11, 1870. m. J. S. Bingham Sept. 18. 1895; Thomas B. b. July 12, 1872, m. Harriet Reeves Nov. 18, 1896; Daniel B. b. April 4, 1874, m. Rebecca Tlngey Oct. 7, 1909; John B. b. Oct. 29, 1875, m. Esther Marble June 21. 1905; Mary Elvira b. July 9. 1877. m. Ernest P. Horsley Oct. 27, 1897; Ephraim B. b. Aug. 11, 1879. m. Rllla Knudsen Oct. 3, 1908; Laura Liona b. Oct. 13, 1881; Sarah Luella b. July 8, 1884; Ada Vivian b. June 30, 1886, m. A. M. Reeder Oct. 2, 1906; Zillah Elevene b. Jan. 24, 1890; Ivy Hortense b. Dec. 24, 1892, d. Sept. 12, 1895. Family home, Brigham City. Second counselor in bishopric of Brigham City, first ward, 1877-92. Assessor and collector of Brigham 1885-87; clerk of Box Elder county 1886-90; justice of peace 1889; collector 1890 of Box Elder county; justice of peace at Brigham City 1891, and city councilman 1893-95; county commissioner of Box Elder county 1894-96; mayor of Brigham City 1895- 97, and school trustee four years. Assisted in bringing im- migrants to Utah 1862-64. Minuteman in home guard eight years. MATHIS, HANS HE1VRICH. Born Feb. 22, 1803, in Switzer- land. Came to Utah 1864. Married Anna Dorothea Myers 1827. Their children: Jacob; Anna Marie Dorothea, m. Hans Ulrick Bryner, Jr.; John, m. Barbara Bryner; Henry, m. Elizabeth Hubsmith. Family home Lehi, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Financially assisted Immigration of several families to Utah. MATHIS, HENRY (son of Hans Henrich Mathis and Dorothea Myers). Born at Zurich, Switzerland, 1834. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1862, William H. Dame company. Married Elizabeth Hubsmith 1862 in Wyoming while com- ing to Utah (daughter of George Hubsmith of Hedigen, Canton Zurich, Switzerland, pioneers Oct. 29, 1862, Wil- liam H. Dame company). She was born Sept. 30, 1839. Their children: George Henry b. Dec. 5, 1863, m. Louise Pace; Mary Elizabeth b. March 28, 1866, m. James F. Pace; Louise, died; James Samuel b. March 10, 1870, m. Mary Ann Robb; John Arnold b. May 3, 1875, m. Rachel Parthenia Cottam, m. Lilly Pearl Morrison; Albert Ferdinand b. April 27, 1877. Family home New Harmony, Utah. Elder. Freighted across plains 1863-64; assisted in build- Ing wagon roads, canals, and getting out material for Deseret telegraph line. Settled at St. George 1862, and in this year he and his brother John built first log houses in St. George; moved to Harmony, then moved to Toquerville for two years, then moved back to New Harmony, where he has since made his home. Popularly known by inhabitants of southern Utah as "Uncle Henry," and as being very generous and liberal with his fellow citizens. MATHIS, JAMES SAMUEL (son of Henry Mathis and Eliza- beth Hubsmith). Born March 10, 1870, New Harmony, Utah. Married Mary Ann Robb April 3, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Robb and Caroline Jones, pioneers 1857). She was born Sept. 1, 1878. Their children: Elwood James b. Jan. 3, 1904; Clair Robb b. Sept. 24, 1905; Rex Henry b. Aug. 13, 1908. Family home Price, Utah. Elder; ward teacher; treasurer of Price Sunday school; first counselor and president T. M. M. I. A. of New Harmony ward. Settled at Price 1897, where he assisted in building up the country. MATHIS. JOHN ARNOLD (son of Henry Mathis and Eliza- beth Hubsmith). Born May 3. 1875. Married Rachel Parthenia Cottam May 5, 1899, St. George, Utah (daughter of George Thomas Cottam and Rachel Parthenia Holt of St. George, Utah). She was born March 2, 1877. Only child: Milton Arnold b. Oct. 5, 1900. Married Lilly Pearl Morrison April 12, 1911, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Morrison and Mary Jane Warren of Price, Utah). She was born Feb. 20, 1891. Only child: Bernard Henry b. April 5, 1912. Member presidency 101st quorum seventy; missionary to Switzerland, Germany and Austria-Hungary 1903-06; presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A. Price ward 1899-1900; Sunday school teacher; secretary and treasurer Y. M. M. I. A. Carbon stake. Secretary and treasurer Tanners' Exchange and Implement Co. Settled at Price 1899 and served as school trustee and town councilman. Farmer and stockraiser. MATHIS. JOHN (son of Hans Henrich Mathis and Anna Dorothea Myers). Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Martin and Tyler handcart company. Married Barbara Bryner at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Ulrick Bryner of Zurich, Switzerland). She was born Jan. 29, 1831, and came to Utah 1856, Martin and Tyler handcart company. Their children: Henry George b. May 2, 1861; John H., m. Emma Nixon; Barbara Anna, m. Brigham O. Mclntyre; Louisa; Lena, m. Joshua Crosby; Albert; Pauline; Alma; Frank; latter four died; Wallace, m. Minnie Miles. Family home St. George, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Settled at St. George, Utah. 1861. Worked on temple and tabernacle. Built first house in St. George. Died Aug., 1899. MATHIS. HENRY GEORGE (son of John Mathis and Bar- bara Bryner). Born May 2, 1861, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary DeFrelze Jan. 30, 1890, St. George, Utah (daughter of William DeFreize and Mary Aurelia Venton of London, Eng., who came to Utah 1877). She was born Aug. 24, 1868. Only child: Mary Florence b. July 12, 1891. Family home Price, Utah. Married Sarah Ann MacFarlane Nov. 22, 1893, St. George, Utah (daughter of John Menzies MacFarlane of Sterling, Scotland, and Agnes Eliza Heybor of Australia, pioneers 1852, A. O. Smoot company). She was born July 21, 1867. Their children: George MacFarlane b. June 22, 1895; Iven John b. Dec. 18, 1898; Zelma b. Aug. 31. 1903; Myrtle and Murray b. July 9. 1905, twins; LeGrande b. June 22, 1908. Family home Price, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1027 High priest; second counselor to Ruben G. Miller of Emery stake 1898-1910; counselor to Bishop Horsley of Price ward 1896-98; president Y. M. M. I. A. several years. Farmer and implement dealer. MATSO1Y, GEORGE B. (son of George B. Matson and Ann Pierson, the latter born April 13. 1797, Chester county, Pa. married Oct. 12, 1819). He was born Oct. 26, 1827, Centerville, Del. Came to Utah October, 1847, A. O. Smoot company. Married Mary Jane Guymon Jan. 25, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Noah T. Guymon and Mary H. Dudley mar- ried Dec. 24, 1837, Caldwell, Mo., pioneers 1850, Aaron Johnson company). She was born Oct. 25, 1838. Their children. George Brinton; Evaline; Aaron Wesley; Mary Louella; Aymor Frederic; Noah Thomas; Ida Bernicia; Clar- ence Rafael; Raymond Marcellus; Dudley Guymon; Erma. Assisted in building: state house at Fillmore; assisted in bringing handcart company to Utah 1856. Veteran Indian war. Built Camp Floyd in 1857. Missionary to Philadelphia 1898. Springville city councilman. In 1864 he went to the Missouri river for freight. Moved to Fountain Green in 1865; to Moroni in 1866, and in 1867 he went to Springville. Contractor and builder; mason and freighter. MATSON, GEORGE BRINTON, JR. (son of George B. Matson and Mary Jane Guymon). Born Feb. 1, 1855, Springville, Utah. Married Jane Elizabeth Waters Feb. 14, 1877, at Spring- ville, Utah (daughter of John Waters and Sarah Burch, pioneers Oct. 6, 1853). She was born Dec. 12, 1854, Big Cottonwood, Utah. Their children: George Ernest b. Feb. 14, 1878; William b. Aug. 11, 1880, m. Myrtle Robinson; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 11, 1882; Ella May b. March 30, 1886, m. Eugene Petrie; John Wesley b. Aug. 11, 1890; Afton Monroe b. June 23, 1896. Family home Springville, Utah. In 1871 hauled ore from West to East Tlntlc with ox teams; assisted in making the wagon road into Pleasant Valley 1876; assisted in surveying the township; mined first load of coal out of Pleasant Valley. Moved to Mapleton ward 1890. Missionary to northern states 1893-95. Mer- chant; farmer and stockralser. MATSON, WILLIAM (son of George B. Matson and Jane Elizabeth Waters). Born Aug. 11. 1880, Springville. Utah. Married Myrtle Robinson (daughter of Hugh Robinson and Margaret Stringfellow. who were married Sept. 11, 1864, at Cappel Church, Eng.). She was born July 9, 1881, at Farnsworth, Lancashire, Eng. Only child: Genevieve b. July 20, 1906. Family home Green River City, Utah. Machinist, fireman and engineer on D. & R. G. R. R. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM (son of William Matthews and Elizabeth Rowney of North Hill, Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 21, 1817, North Hill, Bedfordshire. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1855, John Wardle company. Married Elizabeth Flinders 1842 (daughter of Samuel Flinders and Sara Garner, who were married at Bedford- shire, Eng.). She was born at North Hill, Bedfordshire. Died at sea Oct. 1850. Their children: Samuel b. May 4, 1843, m. Elizabeth Keetch Oct. 12, 1864; George b. Dec. 1845, m. Elizabeth Hunter; Timothy b. April 1848. m. Mary Poulton. Family home Grantsville, Utah. Married Sara at St. Louis, Mo., who died 1852. Only child, a son, died 1851. Married Charlotte Swift at St. Louis, Mo., 1853 (daughter of William Swift, who came to Utah with John Wardle company, and Harrah Reynolds). She was born Aug. 12, 1821, at Pollokshill, Bedfordshire, Eng. Their children: Walter William b. Feb. 22, 1854, m. Martha E. McMurray; Joseph b. July 17, 1856; Hyrum b. July 17, 1856; Elizabeth Hannah b. April 23, 1858; Harrison R. b. March 24, 1860, m. Sara Ann Williams; William Swift b. Feb. 8, 1862, m. Clara Hale; Charlotte Ann b. March 26, 1867, m. James Barrus. MATTHEWS, SAMUEL (son of William Matthews and Eliza- beth Flinders). Born May 4, 1843, North Hill, Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1855, with William S. Godbe freight train. Married Elizabeth Keetch Oct. 12, 1864 (daughter of William K. Keetch and Ann Greenwood), who was born April 7, 1842. Came to Utah Oct. 1862, David P. Kimball freight train. Their children: Samuel William b. Aug. 25, 1865, m. Caroline E. Orr; Elizabeth A. b. Feb. 5, 1877, m. Henry N. Pugmire; Emily M. b. July 9, 1869, m. William L. Rich: Charlotte A. b. July 2, 1872; Eliza A. b. March 7. 1874. m. Richard Toomer; Martha E. b. Dec. 12, 1877; Ella b. June 21, 1880, m. James A. Hymas. Married Annie E. Kennlngton Feb. 28, 1884, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William H. Kennington, came to Utah 1856 with handcart company, and Annie R. Seward, who came to Utah Oct. 13, 1863, with Rosel Hyde company married April 1, 1864, at Salt Lake City). She was born Feb. 3, 1866, in Tooele, Utah. Their children: George T. b. Oct. 29, 1886; Alonzo H. b. April 20, 1888; A. Ada b. July 5, 1890; Edna A. b. Dec. 13, 1892; Harvey K. b. Feb. 1895; Esther S. b. Aug. 14, 1897. Families resided at Liberty, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah, 1863 and 1866. High priest; bishop of the Montpeller ward. Commis- sioner Bear Lake county 1883-85. MATTHEWS, WILLIAM A. (son of William Matthews of Dunstable. Eng., and Rebecca Hill of Glasgow, Scotland, pioneers to Lehi 1852). Born July 2, 1871. Married Sarah Jane Thomas April 27, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Thomas and Mary Darknell of Salt Lake City). She was born Oct. 15, 1874, 15th ward. Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary R. b. Feb. 9, 1900; Samuel W. b. Sept. 3, 1901; Sarah Jane b. Oct. 28, 1903, d. infant; Abbey E. b. March 6, 1905, d. aged 2. Family home, 15th ward, Salt Lake City. Farmer. Died Sept. 15, 1904. MATTI1VSOIV, ROBERT (son of Peter Mattlnson, born Dec. 3, 1803, and Ann Shaw, born Feb. 6, 1812, of Sunderland, Eng.). He was born July 16, 1835, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Betsy C. Burnhope (daughter of Isaac Bum- hope and Elizabeth Charlton, latter a pioneer Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock company). She was born In Eng- land. Their children: E. A., m. James Nolan; Laura S., m. Peter Borup; Marie, m. Richard Barrett; Anna, m. J. F. Rushter; R. Frank; H. B. b. Nov. 24, 1880; Effle M., m. E. O. Simons; Joseph B., m. Ella Balch; Roy B. b. Sept. 11, 1891; Veatus b. Oct. 16, 1893. Family home Payson, Utah. MACGHAX, PETER (son of William Maughan and Martha Walton of Alston, Cumberland, Eng.). Born May 7, 1811, Milton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 17, I860, William Wall company. Married Ruth Harrison 1830 at Alston, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Harrison and Agnes Walton of Milton). She was born Feb. 26, 1812. Their children: John b. Oct. 8, 1830, m. Sarah M. Davenport July 24, 1853, m. Mary Nibley Aug. 1863, m. Hannah Toombs 1869; Agnes, m. Jonathan Teas- dale; William Harrison b. May 7, 1834, m. Barbara Morgan Dec. 25, 1853; Thomas V. b. May, 1851, died; Mary Ann, m. Thomas Atkin; Ruth, died at sea. Family home E. T. City, Utah. Married Mary Ann Weston December, 1841, at Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Charles W.; Peter; Joseph; Hyrum; Wlllard, m. Lavina Parry; Elizabeth R. Cole; Martha N. Davis; Peter W., m. Mary Neff. Presiding bishop. Probate judge. Quartermaster of 1st brigade of military district, Cache county, and representa- tive to territorial legislature from Cache and Rich counties. Farmer. Died April 24, 1871, at Logan, Utah. MAUGHAN, JOHN (son of Peter Maughan and Ruth Har- rison). Born Oct. 8, 1830, at Alston, Cumberland, Eng. Married Sarah M. Davenport July 24, 1853, at Tooele City, Utah (daughter of James Davenport and Almyra Phelps of Grantsville, Utah, pioneers 1851, Philo Merrill company). She was born Nov. 22, 1836. Their children: Sarah A. b. July 1854, m. W. C. Robbins; Mary A. b. Aug. 1856, m. C. A. Norton; John b. Jan. 1859, m. Agnes Olsen; Harrison D. b. Sept., 1861, m. Mary E. Freestone; Ruth E., m. Thomas Griffln; Peter D., m. Eliza Neilsen; Martha A., m. George A. Hansen; George, m. Matilda Jensen; Ambrose, m. Melissa Fifleld; Elise, m. S. T. Merrell; Margaret, m. I. W. McKay; Hyrum; William; latter two died. Married Mary Nibley August, 1863. Their children: Jane, m. Henry Thomas; Charles, d. Oct. 9, 1869. Married Hannah Toombs 1869. Only child: James. Settled in Cache valley 1856; helped settle Bear Lake valley in 1863. Bishop of Preston, Idaho. MAUGHAN, WILLIAM HARRISON (son of Peter Maughan and Ruth Harrison). Born May 7, 1834, at Alston, Cumber- land. Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1860, William Wall company. Married Barbara Morgan Dec. 26, 1853, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Morgan Morgan and Cecelia Lewis of K. T. City, Utah, pioneers 1852, William Morgan company). She was born Dec. 23, 1834. Their children: Ruth b. Oct. 7, 1854, m. Thomas Williamson; Mary E. b. July 8, 1856, m. Joseph Howell; Peter Morgan b. Oct. 18, 1858, m. Jerusha G. Baxter Feb. 23. 1882; William H. b. Oct. 17, 1860, m. Margret Baxter; Sarah A. b. Dec. 12. 1862, m. Walter W. Jones; Agnea b. March 19, 1865, m. Horman C. Allan; Thomas b. June 14, 1869, m. Emily Perkins; Joseph b. Sept. 26, 1872, m. Fannie Salsbury; Brigham b. Sept. 26, 1878, m. Jessie Hendry. Family home Wellsville, Utah. Bishop of Wellsville ward; ward teacher; patriarch. County selectman; mayor of Wellsville several terms; mem- ber constitutional convention from Cache county. Farmer and contractor. Died Aug. 28, 1905, at Wellsville. MAUGHAN, PETER MORGAN (son of William Harrison Maughan and Barbara Morgan). Born Oct. 18, 1868, at E. T. City, Utah. Married Jerusha G. Baxter Feb. 23, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Wright Baxter and Jane Love of Wellsville, Utah, pioneers Sept. 25, 1866. Richard Ballantyne company). She was born Jan. 1, 1869. Their children: Jane B. b. June 21, 1885, m. Thomas P. Walters; Peter Melvln B. b. July 27, 1887; William Harrison B. b. Jan. 25, 1889, m. Mary Ann Jackson; Robert Milton B. b. March 16, 1891; Adelbert B. b. Sept. 12, 1898; Parley B. b. July 1, 1902; Rulon B. b. Nov. 11, 1906. Family home, Wellsville. Member 28th quorum seventies; president deacons', teachers' and elders' quorum; Sunday school superintendent; assistant stake Sunday school superintendent; first counselor 1028 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH to bishop of Wellsville ward. County assessor two years; mayor two terms; city councilman two terms; justice of peace; city assessor and collector, Wellsville; member first and fourth state legislatures from Cache county. Merchant and farmer. MAITSS, MICHAEL (son of Jacob Mauss, born Oct. 20, 1832, at Lothringen, Germany, and Lena Kelsch, born Aug. 28, 1841 married June 1867). He was born Nov. 2, 1871, at Papillion, Neb. Married Charlotte Wright June 28, 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Wright and Eliza Darton, pioneers Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company). She was born Oct. 18, 1873. Murray, Utah. Their children: Myrtle E. b. Nov. 9, 1894; Mylo M. b. Jan. 26, 1897; Vinal G., Velma M., and Vilda C. (triplets) b. Oct. 16. 1900; Adella D. b. Nov. 26, 1903; Ruby L. b. April 25, 1906; Lowell b. Jan. 12, 1911. Family home Murray, Utah. Deputy sheriff of Salt Lake county 1901-02; city marshal since 1903. Missionary to Ohio and Nebraska 1897-99; first counselor to Bishop Orson Sanders of South Cottonwood ward 1900-03; first counselor to Bishop William B. Erekson of South Cottonwood ward 1903-06; ordained bishop of Murray, first ward, Jan. 16, 1909. MAW, EDWARD. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight company. Married Dina Gledall, who died in England in 1841. Their children: Robert, m. Ann Davis, m. Lois Reeves, m. Hertha Schoenfeld; Abraham, m. Eliza Tripp; Isaac, Jacob, d. Infants; Sarah, m. William Coy; Ephraim; Aaron; Ellen, m. Hans Poulsen; Alice, m. Moroni Poulter; Susannah, d. on plains In 1862 (21 years old). Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest. Shoemaker and farmer. Died Aug. 9, 1893. MAW, ROBERT (son of Edward Maw and Dlna Gledall). Born Sept. 12, 1834, Root, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1864, Darwin Richardson company. Married Ann Davis July 15, 1858, Lehl, Utah (daughter of Thomas and Mary Davis of Wales, pioneers 1855, A. O. Smoot company). Their children: Robert Edward b. Oct. 15 1859 m. Victorine Sharp; Abraham Thomas b. Nov. 3, 1861; Mary Eliza b. Oct. 4, 1863, m. William Rawson; Katherine b. Oct. 17, 1865, m. J. A. Lampert; Rose Ann, d. child. Family home Plain City, Utah. Married Lois Reeves Nov. 16, 1873, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Abraham Reeves and Miss Straw of Kaysville, Utah, pioneers with oxteam company). She was born Feb. 6, 1844. Their children: Robert b. May 11. 1879, m. Mary Victoria Johnson; James Abraham b. April 29, 1880; Marintha b. May 23, 1881, d. infant. Married Hertha Schoenfeld May 13, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of F. W. Schoenfeld and Henrietta Loman of Brighton, Utah, pioneers with John Smith company). She was born Oct. 11. 1873. Their children: Richard Fredrick b. June 19, 1898; Ralph Edwin b. Dec. 28, 1899; Howard Wil- ford b. July 19, 1901; Rudger Floyd b. Nov. 3, 1902; Orin b. May 24, 1905; Edna May b. Jan. 22, 1910. Family home Plain City, Utah. Member 87th quorum seventies; high priest; missionary to England 1883-86. Farmer. MAW, ROBERT (son of Robert Maw and Lois Reeves). Born May 11, 1879, Plain City, Utah. Married Mary Victoria Johnson Dec. 22, 1909 (daughter of Victor Johnson and Hilda Kay of Woods Cross, Utah). She was born Feb. 2, 1887. Their children: Clarence Victor b. Sept. 17, 1910; Earl Lloyd b. Feb. 19, 1912. Family home, Salt Lake City. Priest. Street car conductor. MAW, ABRAHAM (son of Edward Maw and Dlna Gledall). Born April 10, 1837, Root, Lincolnshire, Eng. Came to Utah with his father. Married Eliza Tripp Aug. 1, 1859, in England (daughter of Thomas Tripp and Jane Snell). Their children: Robert William; Mary Jane; Dinah; Abram; John; Henry; Joseph; Charles; Florence Snell. Family home Plain City, Utah. Married Olive Williams June 27, 1884. Salt Lake City. Only child: Albert William, m. Hattie P. Grant Dec. 7, 1910. Family home, Salt Lake City. MAXFIELD, JOHN ELLIS (son of John Ellis Maxfleld, born 1762, and Hannah Appleton, born 1760, both of Hull, York- shire, Eng. married about 1782). He was born March 21, 1801, at Hull. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1851, Abraham Day company. Married Sarah Elizabeth Baker about 1827 (daughter of Jesse Baker and Sarah E. Schuerman married about 1784 at Prince Edward Island, Canada). She was born May 10, 1810, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Robert b. April 29, 1830, m. Emma Smith Jan., 1855; Richard b. May 5, 1831, m. Artie M. Harris Oct., 1854; Elijah H. b. Nov. 5, 1832, m. Helen A. Tanner Aug. 24, 1856; Jesse b. April 29, 1835, d. aged 15; James b. Jan. 14, 1837, m. Sophia Johnson 1861; John E. b. Nov. 15, 1838, m. Minnie Johnson 1859; William b. Dec. 10, 1839, m. Elizabeth Caldwell 1863; Sarah b. Jan. 18. 1844, m. George N. Stager 1859; Joseph S. b. June 13, 1847, m. Matilda Van Valkenburg Jan. 16, 1872; Quincy b. July 3, 1862, d. 1873; Henry b. Sept. 1, 1X51, m. Helen Morrell 1873. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Worked on Salt Lake temple. Settled at South Jordan 1851. High priest; ward teacher. Died Feb. 1, 1875. MAXFIELD, ELIJAH H. (son of John Ellis Maxfleld and Sarah Elizabeth Baker). Born Nov. 5, 1832, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Married Helen A. Tanner Aug. 24, 1856, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Nathan Tanner and Rachel Smith, pio- neers with Amasa M. Lyman company). Their children: Hiett E. b. Feb. 7, 1859, m. Kate Covert 1881; Helen A. b. Sept. 8, 1860, m. Hans M. Hanson 1878; Nathan P. b. Sept. 15, 1862, m. Rosannah Sampson Feb. 5, 1886; Julia b. Dec. 18, 1864, m. Thomas Blackburn 1882; John S. b. Feb. 28, 1866, m. Lillle Taylor 1892; Junietta b. June 2. 1869. d. April, 1878; Quincy b. May 9, 1867, d. 1874; Archelaus b. Dec. 19, 1876, d. 1895; Ethel b. Oct. 19, 1878, m. George A. Chappell 1897. Family resided Cottonwood and East Loa, Utah. Assisted In settling "Dixie" five years. Took part In Civil War. Veteran Indian wars. Brought first library to Utah. Moved to Fremont Valley 1877. High priest; ward clerk at Lyman. Belonged to Y X company; rode the pony express and drove fast express. Was spy in Johnston's army in the Black Hills. MAXWELL, JAMES (son of Gavin Maxwell and Martha McMillan of Thornliebank, Renfrewshire, Scotland). Born Nov. 30, 1852, at Thornliebank. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1869, John E. Pace company. Married Jessie Lovina Rands Dec. 25, 1879, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Rands and Sarah Anderson, both of Cape Town, South Africa, pioneers Oct. 1868, John Gll- lespie company). She was born March 13, 1862. Their children: Joseph Rands b. Oct. 27, 1881, m. Ida Thoreson; William Edward b. April 24, 1883, m. Ann E. Klrkman; Jessie Ruth b. Dec. 24, 1884, m. John Henry Bean; Martha Elizabeth b. May 13, 1886, m. Frank Pocock; Hyrum James b. Feb. 14, 1889, m. Harriet Morris; Sarah Lillie b. Aug. 2, 1887; Margaret Lovina b. Sept. 15, 1891; John McMillan b. Oct. 27, 1893; Charles Henry b. Aug. 25, 1896. Family home. Salt Lake City. Settled at Hoytsville 1869; moved to E. T. ward, Tooele county, same year. Ward clerk; president Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school superintendent. Moved to Salt Lake City 1880 in 21st ward and served as block teacher; president 4th quorum seventies; Sunday school superintendent; sec- ond counselor to Bishop M. S. Woolley; ordained bishop of 27th ward. Salt Lake City. Jan. 27, 1902. MAY, JAMES (son of George May, born 1807, and Hannah Hobson, born March 18, 1809, of Courage, Eng. married April 8, 1873). He was born June 1, 1832, Chievely, Berk- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1852, Eli B. Kelsey company. Married Martha Allen Aug. 24, 1856 (daughter of Jude Allen and Mary Ann Nicholas, pioneers 1852, Ezra Benson company). She was born Sept. 26, 1839. Their children: James Ira b. Nov. 29, 1857, m. Elizabeth Ann Henrie Dec. 29, 1876; Jude Allen b. Oct. 14, 1859, m. Rose Perry; George b. Nov. 28, 1861, m. Alice Hall; Henry Lyman b. Jan. 25, 1863; Martha Ellen b. March 14, 1865, m. Enoch Hunsaker; Sarah Margaret b. Sept. 22, 1867, m. Osro L. Barnard; Eve- line b. June 26, 1869, m. Elzarus Hunsaker; Andrew b. Feb. 22, 1871, m. Laura Summerill; Frank b. Nov. 18, 1872, m. Nettle Wight; Harrett b. Aug. 7, 1874, m. Robert C. Kelley. Family home Calls Fort, now Harper Ward, Utah. Married Rhoda Ann Lang Nov. 21, 1878, St. George, Utah (daughter of William Lang). Their children: William Lavan b. Aug. 28, 1879; Mary Angline b. April 10, 1880. m. Will Cleveland; Jane b. Feb. 5, 1882; Artemisia b. March 27, 1883; Ben Hugh b. Jan. 5, 18S5; Agnes b. Nov. 29. 1887; Eunice Effie b. April 12, 1889; Zlna Lang b. July 10, 1891; Rhoda Alice b. Oct. 24, 1893; Sterling Iby b. March 6, 1896; Ross Ronald b. April 6, 1900. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1855. Missionary to New York 1869. MAY, JAMES IRA (son of James May and Martha Allen). Born Nov. 29, 1857, Bountiful, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Henrie March 1, 1877. Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Henrie and Susan Lasley), who was born Nov. 2, 1859, at Bountiful, Utah. Their children: James Henrie b. Feb. 6, 1881, m. Hadden Wood; Archeantus b. Dec. 3, 1884; Ira Allen b. March 18, 1892; Joseph Andrew b. April 20, 1897. Missionary to southern states 1891 to 1893; bishop of Jack- son ward; high priest. MAYCOCK, JAMES. Born Feb. 22, 1778, in Warwickshire, Eng., pioneer 1852. Married Esther Berry (daughter of John Berry and Eliza- beth Prew of Warwickshire), who was born 1797 In War- wickshire. Their children: Ann; George; Elizabeth; Thomas, m. Selara Payton; William; John, m. Helen Leslie; Amos m. Mary Humphreys, m. Mary Jane Hurst. Family resided at Warwickshire, St. Louis and North Ogden, Utah. Farmer. Died Feb. 18, 1869, at North Ogden, Utah. MAYCOCK, AMOS (son of James Maycock and Esther Berry). Born May 1, 1836, Warwickshire. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Humphreys 1861 (daughter of George Humphreys and Harriet Harding of England, pioneers Nov. 9. 1856, James Willie handcart company). She was born March 21, 1841. Their children: Esther Ann b. Dec. 23, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1029 1861, m. Samuel S. Ferrln; James A. b. April 21, 1864, m. Mary Ann Marshall; George H. b. April 4, 1866, m. Ruth Evans, m. Elizabeth Parrott; John E. b. April 16, 1868, m. Alice Marshall. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. Married Mary Jane Hurst September, 1875, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Hurst and Susannah Webley of Southampton, Engr., pioneers 1852, Captain Jepson com- pany). She was born Nov. 7, 1838. Their children: Mary Helen b. March 3, 1877; Emma Elizabeth b. Nov. 14, 1878, m. William M. Wade; Susannah Vermeil b. Dec. 11, 1882, m. David J. Johns. Missionary to central states 1876-77; bishop of North Ogden ward; member of Pleasant View bishopric. Member of Young Express Co. Veteran Black Hawk and Walker Indian wars. Was one of the rescuers of the "Frozen" handcart company. MATCOCK, JAMES AMOS (son of Amos Maycock and Mary Humphreys). Born April, 1864, at North Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Ann Marshall April 25, 1888, at Logan (daughter of John Marshall and Elizabeth Joyce), who was born Jan. 24, 1867. Their children: Ethel Maycock b. Feb. 25, 1889; Rhoda b. May 21, 1890; Cyril A. b. March 27, 1892; Herman J. b. May 21, 1893; George B. b. Aug. 24, 1894; Nona b. Sept. 7, 1895; William M. b. Nov. 23, 1896; Esther J. b. Nov. 22, 1897; Joseph W. b. Jan. 19, 1900; Laura b. March 1, 1902; Merril C. and Mariam b. Jan. 22, 1904. Ward teacher; Sunday school teacher; assistant super- intendent Sunday school. School trustee. Fruit grower and farmer. Died March 10, 1913. MATCOCK. JOHN EDWIN (son of Amos Maycock and Mary Humphreys). Born April 16, 1868, Pleasant View, Utah. Married Alice Marshall Aug. 25, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Marshall and Elizabeth Joyce of Pleas- ant View, pioneers Aug. 20, 1868, Captain Roylance com- pany). She was born July 19, 1874, died Aug. 1, 1910. Their children: Amos Joyce b. Sept. 11, 1900; Marshall Wright b. July 22, 1904. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. Member 38th quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states 1897-99. Teacher; farmer. MATCOCK, JOHN (son of James Maycock and Esther Berry of Warwickshire, Eng;.). Born in Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1852. Married Helen Leslie 1853 at Springville, Utah. She was born May 2, 1836. Their children: George Henry, m. Julia Guyman; Ann Elizabeth, m. Hyrum Groesbeck; Helen Marilla, m. Romanzo A. Deal; John Berry, m. Tryphena Crandall. Family home Springville, Utah. Missionary to England. Farmer. Died Feb. 14, 1888. MAYER, GEORGE:. Born 1805. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Ann Tost. Their children: Rachel Ann, m. George Washington Brimhall; Catherine, m. Jack Blvens; Eliza- beth, m. James H. Gllnes; Maria T., m. Leonard Smith; Sarah Jane, m. James Manly; Dlantha, m. John Lollin; Benjamin, died at Ponca, Neb.; George T., m. May Ann Whitney. Family home. Salt Lake City. She died and he married Mary L. Wilson. Married Maria Cable. Their children: Samuel, m. Jula Davis; Martha, m. Moslah Handcock; Flora Ann, m. Everett Peck; Esther, m. Hosiah Handcock; John; Elizabeth, m. George A. Wilkins. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Freda Johnson. Only child: Abraham, died. President 22d quorum seventies; missionary to Switzer- land; patriarch. Farmer MAYHKW, EI.IJAH (son of Elisha Mayhew and Abigail Tibbets). Born April 15. 1807, at Levant, Penobscot, Me. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1853, Daniel Miller company. Married Lydia Farnsworth Oct. 2, 1832, Shelbyville, Ind. She was born 1808 and came to Utah Sept. 9, 1863. Their children: Lucinda; Laurana; Otto Lyman; Austin Ship m. Martha Walker; Elijah; Elisha; Caroline Abigail, m. Wash- burn Chipman; Elijah Warren; Walter Franklin, m. Eliza Breinholt. Married Elizabeth Seeley February, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Toung Peck July 10, 1859, Salt Lake City. She was born Oct. 8, 1834. Their children: Mary, m. Ferdi- nand Nelson; Elijah; Sarah, m. Fred Meachum; Elizabeth, m. James Astle; Charlotte; Grace. Married Ann Rogers April 18, 1868, Salt Lake City. She was born Aug. 3. 1883. Their children: Lydia Ann, m. Samuel Kirk; Elisha Thomas, m. Miss Harper. Families resided Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest; tithing clerk; ward clerk at Pleasant Grove, Utah. County commissioner of Utah county: alderman Pleasant Grove. Railroad man. Died Jan. 17, 1896. MATHEW, OTTO LTMAN (son of Elijah Mayhew and Lydia Farnsworth). Born Oct. 2, 1836, Edlnburg, Ind. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1853. Missionary to Alabama 1881-82; high priest. City recorder. Mail messenger. Farmer. MAYHEW, AUSTIN SHIP (son of Elijah Mayhew and Lydia Farnsworth). Born at Indianapolis, Ind. Came to Utah with oxteam company. Married Martha Jane Walker at Salt Lake City (daughter of Hensen Walker and Sophrona Clark of Pleasant Grove, Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born May 18, 1853. Their children: Austin, Jr.; Elijah Walker b. July 11, 1871, m. Rosetta White; Martha Medora, m. Benjamin Gibbons; Berthenia, m. Rufus Stoddard; Cordelia, m. Hyrum Knight; Ernest, d. infant; Caroline, m. Myron Lance; Walter Frank- lin, m. Nellie May Abbott; Robert Ray; Luella, m. Joseph Pedersen; Otto Benjamin; Shelby. Family home Giles, Utah. Elder; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah. Veteran Indian wars. Far- mer;, stockraiser; mechanic. Died May 22, 1910, at Giles, Utah. MATHEW, ELIJAH W. (son of Austin Ship Mayhew and Martha Jane Walker). Born July 11, 1871, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Rosetta White May 22, 1896, at Giles, Utah (daughter of John C. White and Mary Ann Ingram, of Nephl and Orderville, Utah, pioneers Sept. 20, 1853, Hyrum Claw- son company). She was born Aug. 7, 1872. Their children: Wayne Elijah b. March 13, 1897; Melvin Ray b. Nov. 28, 1899; Burdett b. Dec. 3, 1901; Berney b. Aug. 22, 1903; Edna b. March 30, 1905; Fay White b. Jan. 7, 1907; Dora Helen b. Feb. 19, 1909; Rosey May b. April 17, 1910; Lillie White b. Nov. 6, 1911. High priest; ward teacher; Sunday school superintendent; president T. M. M. I. A.; counselor to Bishop White. Post- master at Giles, Utah. Now lives at Duchesne, Uinta county. Farmer and stockraiser. MAYJTES, JOHN A. (son of John A. Maynes and Jane Watson of London, Eng., who came to Utah 1878). Born Oct. 28, 1859, Hull, Eng. Married Selina J. Sabine March 16, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Sabine and Jane Holder), who was born July 29, 1861, at Wiltshire, Eng., and came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, with parents. Their children: John A. b. March 21, 1883; Albert J. b. July 27, 1884; Edith L. b. March 15, 1886, m. Milton G. Wilson Nov. 27, 1907; Ernest E. b. Dec. 23, 1887, d. infant; Joseph S. b. July 23, 1889, d. infant; Frederick W. b. Dec. 4, 1890; Dorothy J. b. Oct. 21, 1903. Family home, Salt Lake City. Manager and jewelry salesman. MEAD, ORLANDO FISH. Came to Utah 1847, contingent of Mormon Battalion. Married Lydia Aby Presley (daughter of Joseph Presley of Carthage, Mo., who died on the plains en route to Utah). Their children: Anna E., m. T. Pratt; Zlna, m. Don Corbit, m. Mike Conners; Kiszer, m. E. Dimlck; Emily Jane, m. Nephl N. Perkins; Amanda, m. Samuel Montgomery, m. John Thompson, m. Henry Checkett; Idonia, m. Heber Thompson, m. James Dickens Fullmer; Orlando, m. Pheney Davis; George, m. Sadie Thompson; Eleanor, d. Infant. Family resided Spanish Fork and Price, Utah. Guard In Indian troubles In Salt Lake Valley. Died Feb. 26, 1897, Price, Utah. MECHAM, EDWARD (son of Joshua Mecham and Permelia Chapman of New Hampshire). Born Feb. 22, 1802, in New Hampshire. Came to Utah 1851, Morris Phelps company. Married Irena Currier In Pennsylvania (daughter of John Currier and Sallie Silver of New Hampshire). Their chil- dren: Roxena, m. William F. Carter; Sallie Ann, m. William F. Carter; Amasa Lyman, m. Emily Cobbley and Lorena Boren. Married Sophia Burris (Osman) May 1864, Provo, Utah. Married Hannah Phillips at Provo, Utah (daughter of Mathew Phillips of same place). Only child: Mathew, m. Miss Phillips. Families resided Provo, Utah. Seventy. Furniture dealer. Died July 31, 1895. MECHAM, AMASA LTMAN (son of Edward Mecham and Irena Currier). Born March 30. 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah October, 1851, Morris Phelps company. Married Emily Cobbley Dec. 1866, Provo, Utah (daughter of Thomas Cobbley and Sarah Smith of Pleasant Grove), who was born Feb. 21, 1851. Their children: Edward C. b. Dec. 15, 1867; Amasa Lyman, Jr., b. Feb. 21, 1870, m. Nettie Ketah; Irene b. Aug. 16, 1872, m. Frank W. Crlsmon; Eugene b. Aug. 1, 1875, died. Married Lorena Boren (daughter of Colman Boren and Malinda Keller of Provo, pioneers Oct. 1851). She was born June 28, 1847, Mt. Pisgah, Iowa. Their children: Wells Osmond, m. Rachel Hood; Emily, m. Dean McEwen; Alma, m. Ava Rilla Hlatt, m. Mary Cook; Earl, m. Vera Burr; Ethel; Amy. Families resided Provo, Utah. High priest; member bishopric 17 years 1886-1901; Sunday school superintendent. School trustee. Fruit grower. MECHAM, EPHRAIM (son of Joshua Mecham and Permelia Chapman). Born March 6, 1808, Canaan, Grafton county, N. H. Came to Utah 1852, oxteam company. Married Polly Derby Nov. 22, 1829, in Mercer county. Pa. (daughter of John Derby and Sarah Currier), who was born Aug. 13, 1813. Their children: Amos Mecham, d. infant; Permelia, m. Daniel Bigelow; Lewis, m. Esther Herbert; 1030 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Elvira, d. child; Emma, m. William Hill; Hyrum Moroni, m. Sarah A. Stephens; Sarah Ann, d. child; Ephraim Don Carlos, d. infant; Mary Henrietta, m. Miles Batty; Polly Celestta, m. William Haws; John Albert, m. Rosella Ann Bigelow; Adelia Vilate, m. Robert Glenn. Family home Wallsburg. Utah. Farmer and horticulturist. Died July 6, 1891. MECHAM, LEWIS (son of Ephraim Mecham and Polly Derby). Came to Utah 1862, oxteam company. Married Vasta Johnson (daughter of Luke Johnson). Their child: Lafayette (deceased), m. Sarah Ann Richens. Married Ester Herbert. Their children: Luke R.; Polly Esther; Orson; George Fayette, m. Ida Viola Boren; Emma Naomi; Ephraim Liberty; Marquis Herbert; Mary; Gib Ami; Burnet; Alice. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. Seventy; second counselor to Bishop Fraghton at Walls- burg, Utah. Veteran of the Black Hawk and the Walker Indian wars, and also took part in the Johnston army trouble. Farmer. Died Oct. 14, 1907. MECHAM, GEORGE FAYETTE (son of Lewis Mecham and Ester Herbert). Born April 5, 1875, Wallsburg, Utah. Married Ida Viola Boren April 29, 1896, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Jasper Boren and Lucina Mecham, Nauvoo, 111.), who was born March 5, 1878. Their children: Arthur Fayette b. June 6, 1897; Amorie b. Sept. 5, 1898; Dean b. Aug. 9, 1901; Erma V. b. June 26, 1903; Viola b. April 26, 1907. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. Elder. Farmer. MECHAM, LEWIS (son of Joshua Mecham and Permelia Chapman, Canaan, N. H.). Born Sept. 4. 1814, Canaan, N. H. Came to Utah Oct. B. 1851, James Snow company. Married Lydia Wells April 9, 1836, Mercer, Pa. (daughter of Judah Wells and Temperance Mecham of Mercer, Pa., the latter came to Utah Oct. 5, 1851). She was born Aug. 6, 1817. Their children: Emeline, m. Hyrum Sweet; Mosiah, died; Margaret, m. Thomas Ross; Joshua Josiah, m. Donna M. Mecham; Klmira Ann, m. Henry Meeks; Melissa, died; Brlgham, m. Harriet Kirby; Lydia, m. James Herbert; Mar- tha Jane, m. William Wall; Lewis, m. Agnes Hoover; Saman- tha, m. Isaac Romanzo Faucett; Johnathan, m. Elizabeth Duke; Judah, died; Sarah, m. George J. Duke. Family home Provo, Utah. Member of bodyguard of Joseph Smith. Wheelwright; farmer; fruitgrower; nurseryman. Died March 22, 1895. MECHAM, BRIGHAM (son of Lewis Mecham and Lydia Wells). Born Nov. 24, 1847, Garden Grove, Decatur Co., Iowa. Came to Utah 1851. Married Harriet Kirby Oct. 20, 1873, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Francis Kirby and Mary Le Carnier of Chan- nel Islands. Isle of Jersey. Came to Utah 1860). She was born Jan. 13, 1855. Their children: Mary Viola b. Dec. 2, 1874, m. Joseph Young; Harriet E. b. Oct. 22, 1876, m. Ephraim Mecham; Ray b. Aug. 29, 1880, died; Roy b. Aug. 29, 1880, died; Lewis Walter b. Sept. 3, 1881, m. Pearl Ivie; Francis b. Feb. 2, 1883, m. Alice Myler; Alice b. Nov. 4, 1886, m. Robert Sweet; Brigham Warren b. May 25, 1889; Mar- garet b. April 27, 1892, died; Albert Wells b. March 20, 1896; Herschell R. (adopted) b. May 7, 1898. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. High priest; bishop for two years at Rosehlll church of Wallsburg; teacher and home missionary; 1865 stood guard on Provo river and at Heber City. Veteran of Black Hawk war. Farmer. MECHAM, LEWIS (son of Lewis Mecham and Lydia Wells). Born March 28, 1854, Provo. Utah. Married Agnes Jane Hoover Nov. 28, 1878, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of John W. Hoover, Sr., and Mary Elizabeth Corsey of Provo, pioneers with oxteams). She was born Dec. 8, 1860. Their children: Daisy b. June 28, 1879, m. Gibson Condle; Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 1, 1881, d. infant; William Whitmer b. Dec. 4, 1883; Elsie May b. Feb. 27, 1886, m. Joseph Sweat; Lewis Otis b. March 9. 1889; Joseph Smith b. Aug. 12, 1891; Ferris Earl b. Nov. 20. 1893; Agnes b. April 13, 1896; Joshua b. Feb. 13, 1899; Lynn b. July 11, 1901. Family resided Provo and Wallsburg, Utah. Elder; ward and Sunday school teacher. Farmer. Died March 29, 1910, Wallsburg, Utah. MECHAM, WILLIAM WHITMER (son of Lewis Mecham and Agnes Jane Hoover). Born Dec. 4, 1883, Provo. Utah. Deacon. Farmer. MEEKS, PRIDDY (son of Athe Meeks and Margaret Snead of Greeneville, S. C.). Born Aug. 29, 1795, Greenevllle. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Mary Bartlett March. 1815. She died in Spen- cer county, Ind., 1824. Their children: Lovin b. March 7, 1816, d. 1851; Eliza b. Dec. 10, 1817, d. 1825; Athe b. Oct. 4, 1819; Elizabeth b. July 2, 1823. Married Sarah Mahurin (Smith) Dec. 24, 1826 (daughter of Steven Mahurin and Sarah Meeks), who was born Dec. 12, 1802, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Susan Smith (adopted) b. May 30, 1819, m. O. B. Adams; Mary Jane b. Sept. 29, 1827; Steven Mahurin b. March 30, 1830; Huldah b. Aug. 17, 1833; Margaret Jane b. May 8, 1838, m. Samuel Hamilton; Sarah Angeline b. Nov. 9, 1845. Married Mary Jane McCleve Nov. 13, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of John McCleve and Nancy Jane McGov- ern, who came to Utah, Daniel D. McArthur company married at Belfast, Ireland). She was born Aug. 21, 1842, Belfast, Ireland. Their children: Joseph b. Dec. 13, 1857, m. Mary Ellen Dorrity April 20, 1879; Nancy b. Aug. 12, 1859, m. Jerome Asay; Hyrum b. Oct. 4, 1861, m. Patience Maria Hardy; John Priddy b. Sept. 29, 1863, died; Sarah Deseret b. Dec. 9, 1864, m. J. B. Morris; Mary Ellen b. Jan. 31, 1867, m. Josiah M. Hoyt; Heber Jesse b. May 9, 3869, m. Clara Bowers; Charles Mason b. March 31, 1872, died; Elizabeth Dalton b. March 31, 1874, m. Norman P. Fackrell; Alfred Randall b. May 13, 1877, m. Linda Cov- ington. MEEKS, JOSEPH (son of Priddy Meeks and Mary Jane McCleve). Born Dec. 13, 1857, Parowan, Utah. Married Mary Ellen Dorrity at Leeds, Washington Co., Utah, April 20, 1879 (daughter of James Bruse Dorrity and Amanda Jane Lee, who came to Utah In 1857 with William Moody company). She was born Sept. 21, 1861, Gunnison, Utah. Their children: Elsie b. March 16, 1880, m. Wilford Albert Halladay April 6, 1897; Ellen Amanda b. Dec. 11, 1881, m. Edgar Pierce Fullmer March 29, 1897; Sarah Susan b. Nov. 25, 1883, m. Wilford Rynearson Feb. 19, 1904; Ida b. Feb. 15, 1887, m. John Bolker May 1, 1908; Joseph Priddy b. Aug. 18, 1889; James Orson b. Dec. 15, 1891. Family home Leeds, Washington Co.. Utah. Second counselor in bishoporic, Circleville ward, Pan- guitch stake 1894; stake superintendent of Sabbath school, Kanab stake, 1888-93. Commissioner Kane county 1891; justice of the peace seven years; school trustee for nine years. President of Y. M. M. I. A. Chief probation officer for Plute Co., Utah. MEEKS, HYRUM SMITH (son of Priddy Meeks and Mary Jane McCleve). He was born Oct. 4, 1861, St. George, Utah. Married Patience Hardy Feb. 21, 1882, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Lewis O. and Clarinda Jane Doffelmyre, Ogden, Utah), who was born May 12, 1864. Their children: Hyrum b. July 2, 1883, d. child; Alfred James b. Aug. 31, 1885, m. Zilpha Caroline Wall; Belle B. b. May 9, 1888; Ora b. April 25, 1892, d. 1898; Virde b. May 29, 1894; Ida May b. May 8, 1903; Zara Thelda b. Dec. 12, 1905. Family home Jensen, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Marshal; deputy sheriff; super- visor of roads and watermaster two years, Vernal, Utah. Vice-president of Farmer Burns bench irrigation company and Jensen Irrigation company. MEEKS, WILLIAM. Born 1815, Spencer county, Ind. Came to Utah 1852, Captain Nisonger company. Married Mary Elizabeth Rhodes (daughter of George), who was born 1818. Their children: Harvey b. April 9, 1838, m. Catherine Dowle; Henry b. Jan. 1840, m. Ann Mecham; Elizabeth b. June 1841, m. Jared Bullock; May Annie b. Nov. 23. 1844, m. William Cummings; William b. 1846, m. Sarah Gardner; Joseph b. 1848, m. Vilate Burgess; Mary Jane b. 1850, m. James Pierce; Mary Melissa b. 1856, m. Willard Snow; Mary Louisa b. Aug. 23, 1859, m. James Gardner. Family home Provo, Utah. MEGUIRE, WILLIAM WELLS (son of Thomas and Catherine Meguire, of Chester county. Pa.). Born June 25, 1809, Chester county. Came to Utah 1852, Captain Curtis com- pany. Married Charlotte Dec. 10, 1828, Chester county, Pa. She was born Nov. 22, 1803. Their children: Catherine b. Oct. 15, 1833, m. Alonzo Knight April 24, 1853; Julia Ann, m. Mr. Dunn Feb. 11, 1855. Family home Plain City, Utah. Seventy. Justice of peace; postmaster. School teacher. Died Dec. 8, 1887. MEIKLE, JAMES (son of William Meikle, Hamilton, Scotland, and Margaret Jackson, born July 19, 1798, Cumbuslang, Scotland married June 22. 1834). Born July 5, 1839, Hamil- ton. Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1856, Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Harriette Louisa Peacock Jan. 3, 1864 (daughter of William and Phillis Hyam Peacock, pioneers 1865 mar- ried Nov. 9. 1835, London, Eng.). She was born Nov. 10, 1837. Their children: James Jackson b. Sept. 24, 1864, m. Malinda Tidwell Feb. 23, 1888; Thomas William b. July 8, 1866, d. Oct. 27. 1867; Robert Gilbert b. June 5, 1868, m. Sophia Mack 1894; Alfred William b. Jan. 30, 1870, m. Amelia Allen Feb. 23, 1893, d. June 21, 1911; Isabell Merrion b. Jan. 22, 1872, m. Foster J. Gordon Dec. 29, 1898; Samuel b. March 20, 1874, d. Dec. 29, 1874; Joseph Arthur b. Jan. 10, 1877, m. Temperance Allen May 10, 1899; Harriette Louisa b. June 28, 1879. m. Samuel A. Gordon Feb. 27, 1901. Family home Smlthfleld, Utah. Married Lovlna Noble Oct. 17, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Noble and Mary Ann Waterhouse, pioneers 1862), who was born March 23, 1839, Hartford, Eng. Their children: Lavlna Prlscilla b. Sept. 25, 1873, m. James Kirby 1898; Katy Violett b. Aug. 16, 1875, m. Wickliff Ewlng June, 1904; Margaret Jessey b. Jan. 17, 1877, d. May 4, 1877; Zilpha b. June 3, 1879, m. Lindsey Lightfoot Jan. 12, 1899; Mamie Rebecca b. April 7, 1882, m. Carl Nielson June B, 1902; Birdie b. Sept. 11, 1884, m. Frank Covey 1902. Missionary to England and Scotland 1882-84; president Birmingham conference, England; chairman old folks com- mittee of Benson stake; president of the high priests of PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1031 Smithfield, Utah. Member of the university land board two years; county commissioner of Cache county two years; water commissioner seven years. Member of Lieut. Gen. James Furgeson's detachment Mormon Battalion; minute man in Cache Valley under Major Thos. E. Ricks. MEIKLE, JAMES JACKSON (son of James Melkle and Harrlette Louisa Peacock). Born Sept. 24, 1864, Smlthfleld, Cache Co., Utah. Married Malinda Tldwell Feb. 23, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Peter and Sophronia Hatch Tldwell, the former pioneer 1849), who was born Sept. 29, 1866, Smithfleld, Utah. Their children: Clarence b. March 15, 1889; Rada b. July 14, 1891; Vivian b. May 11, 1898, d. Dec. 17, 1898; Jennie b. Dec. 31, 1905. Smlthfleld city councilman two years and mayor of Smith- field four years; chairman of Cache county commissioners. MEIKLEJOHJf, nOBF.RT (son of Peter Meiklejohn and Jeannetta Wilson). Born March 10, 1812, Glasgow, Scot- land. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Mary McLackan (daughter of Colin McLackan and Agnes McCroon), who was born April 14, 1812. Their children: Peter b. April 10, 1836, and Agnes b. March 15, 1838, died; Jeannetta b. April 13, 1840, m. Philip De La Mare July 16, 1857; Mary b. July 29, 1842, m. John A. Smith 1864; Jean b. Feb. 13, 1845, m. John C. Shields Dec. 22, 1865; Catherine b. Aug. 16, 1851, died; Robert (adopted) b. April 17, 1872, m. Elvenia. H. Hanks 1896. Family home Tooele City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Sanders Jan. 11, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Sanders and Elizabeth Gordon), who was born Jan. 11, 1867, Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary E. b. Nov. 17, 1879, died; Robert William b. Jan. 20, 1882; Arthur b. Nov. 8, 1884; Sarah b. Feb. 16, 1890, m. George \V. Eddlns Jan. 3, 1912. Family home Tooele, Utah. MEI.DRUM, GEORGE (son of John Meldrum and Agnes Hean of Carlston, Forfarshire, Scotland). Born Aug. 24, 1830, Carlston, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1860. Ed- ward Martin and Daniel Tyler handcart company. Married Jane Barclay Jan. 17, 1848, Leslie, Scotland (daughter of David and Jane Graham Barclay of Leslie). She was born Nov. 22, 1825, and came to Utah Sept. 24. 1860, with the last handcart company. Their children: John B. b. March 21, 1849, m. Sarah Forsythe (died), m. Adeline Jones; David b. July 31, 1851, m. Etta Hooks; James Low b. Aug. 5, 1853, m. Hannah Jane Haws; George b. April 21, 1856, m. Olive Penrod, m. Jane Richmond; William Barclay b. Nov. 14, 1859, m. Minnie Harding; Thomas Alexander b. Feb. 14, 1862, m. Jane Duke; Mary Jane, died; Margaret E. b. Sept. 5, 1866 (died), m. Thomas Dryber; Joseph b. April 17, 1869, m. Sonoma Richmond. Family home Provo, Utah. Member of quorum seventies; missionary to Edinburgh, Scotland. 1877-79, and to Shetland Islands 1880; second counselor to Bishop John Edge Booth for 20 years, fourth ward. Interested in Provo Woolen Mills, East and West Company operative stores and other mercantile companies; shoemaker; farmer; fruitgrower. MELDRUM, JAMES LOWE (son of George Meldrum and Jane Barcley). Born Aug. 5, 1853, in Leslie, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1860, Edward Martin and Daniel Tyler com- pany. Married Jane Hannah Haws Aug. 6, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Wallace Haws, pioneer 1848, and Bar- bara B. Mills of Provo). She was born in 1852. Their chil- dren: James, died; Lillie May, m. Frank Sackett; Elmer Cornelius; Nellie, m. Owen Hull; George; Donald Wesley (died), m. Sarah Moore; G. Gilbert; Effle; Calvin; Fleta; Ver- nal. Family home Provo, Utah. Elder. County fruit tree inspector 1903-05; supervisor Provo-Olmstead county boulevard; planted first orchard in Pleasant View ward; director of Timpanogos canal com- pany; owner in Fawcett Field canal company. Railroad tie and lumber business for 17 years; had charge of Hold- away's sawmill and loggers in Spanish Fork canyon 1880- 82. Pioneer Glla, Ariz., 1882. Successful farmer and horti- culturist Utah county. MELDRUM, WILLIAM BARCLAY (son of George Meldrum and Jane Barclay). Born Nov. 14, 1859. Came to Utah 1860 with parents. Married Minnie S. Harding Aug. 29, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward G. Harding and Sarah Ann Meeka of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1874). She was born Aug. 22, 1872. Only child: Nellie Irene Contaser (adopted) b. May 12, 1902. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. Carpenter and builder. MELDRUM. THOMAS ALEXANDER (son of George Mel- drum and Jane Barclay). Born Feb. 14, 1862, Provo, Utah. Married Jane Duke Feb. 16, 1887, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Jonathan Oldham Duke, pioneer 1850, and Martha Tompson, he of Derby and she of Oldham Parish, Eng. married Dec. 3. 1855, at Provo). She was born Aug. 23, 1862. Their children: Emma b. Aug. 25, 1888; Thomas Albert b. Sept. 3, 1890; Reed Duke b. Sept. 28, 1892; Walter b. Oct. 11, 1894, d. July 17, 1895; Martha Jane b. Sept. 16. 1897; Ralph b. June 13, 1900. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser; plasterer. Died May 9, 1912. MF.I.I.F.X. JOHN (son of John Mellen and Ann Horrick of Lancastershire, Eng.). Born Aug. 18, 1813, in Lancaster- shire. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young com- pany. Married Jane Ramsden 1836, Lancastershire, Eng. (daugh- ter of James Ramsden and Catherine Lever of Lancaster- shire). She was born Sept. 26, 1816. Their children: John R., m. Julia Huntington; Jane, m. John Winegar; Wil- liam, d. young; Alice, m. George W. Perkins; Joseph, m. Martha Cumberland; Catherine Ann, m. Isaac Coon; Eliza- beth, m. Richard Margetts; Mary, m. John F. Bouck; Sarah, m. Fredrick Mitchell; Martha, m. Judith Howell. Family home 16th ward. Salt Lake City. Seventy; high priest. Stonemason. Died Feb. 16, 1896. MELLEN, JOHN R. (son of John Mellen and Jane Rams- den). Born May 27, 1838, Bolton, Eng.). Came to Utah 1848, Erastus Snow company. Married Julia Huntington June 7, 1885, Salt Lake City (daughter of Dimmick B. Huntington and Fannie M. Allen of Watertown, N. Y., pioneers July 29, 1847, Capt. James Brown's detachment of the Mormon Battalion). She was born June 21, 1848. Only child: Theresia b. Nov. 23, 1887, m. Martin Larson. Family home Pleasant Green, Utah. Pony express rider. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Miner; farmer and stockraiser. MELLEN, JOSEPH H. (son of John Mellen and Jane Rams- den). Born April 11, 1848, Winter Quarters, Neb. Came to Utah with his parents. Married Martha A. Cumberland in September, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Cumberland and Elizabeth Kelly of Salt Lake City). She was born Sept. 4, 1851. Their children: John H. b. March 4, 1872, d. infant; Joseph W. b. March 8, 1873, m. Estella Jacobson; Frank b. May 24, 1875, m. Bessie Peterson; Edith J. b. Jan. 3, 1877, m. Edward A. Morehouse; Elizabeth E. b. March 31, 1879, d. aged 17; Clara b. Sept. 30, 1881, d. aged 25; Martha A. b. Jan. 27. 1884, d. aged 2; Flora b. Jan. 22, 1886, m. Lewis F. Harris; Inez L. b. June 1, 1893. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Seventy. Contractor. MELLEN, JOSEPH W. (son of Joseph H. Mellen and Martha A Cumberland). Born March 8, 1873, Salt Lake City. Married Estella M. Jacobson Sept. 14, 1898, Salt Lake City, by Judge Bartch (daughter of Aaron Jacobson and Ann M. Simons of Bountiful). She was born Nov. 29, 1876. Their children: Ivy M. b. June 22, 1899; Harvey J. b. Dec. 13, 1900; Clyde L. b. March 8, 1909; Glen S. b. April 7, 1911. Family home 19th ward, Salt Lake City. General contractor. MELLOR, JOHN (son of William Mellor and Ann Dilks of Leicestershire, Eng.). Born 1811, in Leicestershire. Came to Utah 1868. Married Mary Fletcher in England (daughter of William Fletcher and Mary Bellamy). Their children: John; Mary Ann; William; Edwin Dilks; Sarah B. Family home, Leicestershire. Married Amy Bellamy (daughter of Charles Bellamy and Ann Dilks), who was born in Leicestershire, Eng. Their children: Sarah b. Jan. 9, 1848, m. Wilber Foss 1877; Wil- liam b. Dec. 30, 1849; Amy b. Dec. 4, 1852, m. Amos Howe; James b. April 27, 1856, died; Annie b. July 15, 1858, m. Levl Brown; James Charles b. Nov. 8, 1860, died; Alice b. July 15, 1861, died; Edwin James b. May 20, 1862, m. Mary McBeemus; Elizabeth b. Aug. 19, 1864, died; Elizabeth Ann b. Jan. 1, 1867, m. J. W. Duffln; Rachel Dilks b. Aug. 25, 1869; Albert Charles b. Feb. 4, 1873. MELLOR, EDWIN JAMES (son of John Mellor and Amy Bellamy). Born May 20, 1863, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Martha McBeemus 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of George M. and Margerite McBeemus, pioneers 1858, among flrst settlers of Gunnison). She was born Sept. 6, 1866. Their children: Diana Elizabeth; William James; Amise Leone; Flossie Margerite. Family home Fay- ette, Utah. MEMMOTT, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Memmott, born 1789, and Sarah Willden, born 1788, Aston, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born July 11, 1813, Aston, Yorkshire. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Ann Wilson (daughter of James Wilson and Martha Wilkinson), who was born Aug. 12, 1813. Their children: Thomas b. Feb. 27, 1838, m. Emma Whitham April 12, 1857; Martha b. Oct. 21, 1839; James Wilson b. Feb. 25, 1841, m. Elizabeth Hopkins 1861; John William b. Dec. 3, 1845; William b. Oct. 4, 1847, m. Elizabeth Monroe Jan. 17, 1875; Samuel b. July 18, 1850, m. Mary Ann Monroe Jan. 26, 1873; Sarah Ann b. Nov. 6, 1856, m. Jacob Miller June 22, 1870. Family home Scipio, Millard Co., Utah. High priest; president of elders' quorum, Scipio, Utah; president of Deepcar and Rotherham branches, Sheffield conference, England, three years. Justice of the peace, Scipio precinct, two terms; postmaster of Scipio over 30 years. MEMMOTT, SAMUEL (son of William Memmott and Ann Wilson). Born July 18, 1860. Married Mary Ann Monroe Jan. 26, 1873, Scipio, Utah (daughter of George Monroe and Margaret Sanders), who was born April 16, 1853, Pentrabach, Merthyr Tidfll, Glamor- 1032 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH ganshire, Wales. Their children: Niletta b. Dec. 4, 1873, m. Henry W. Schutter Oct. I, 1894; Gilbert b. July 22, 1876; Mary Edna b. Aug. 9, 1877, m. Silas H. Carman Sept. 12, 1900; Florence b. Aug. 28. 1881, m. Joseph Brenchley April 12, 1906; Robert Lyman b. March 1, 1884, m. Emma K. Peter- son Oct. 18, 1905; Angus b. March 30, 1887; Lizzy b. June 27, 1889. Family home Scipio, Utah. Married Alice Arilla Hutchinson (daughter of Jacob Flynn Hutchinson, pioneer 1850, Edward Hunter company, and Alice P. Wasden, pioneer 1859, Edward Stevenson con- pany). She was born Jan. 17, 1866, Springville, Utah. Their children: Ray Lincoln b. Sept. 20, 1902; Dorothy b. Oct. 9, 1903; Seymour Carl b. July 6, 1907; Samuel Paul b. July 29, 1909. Family home, Scipio. High priest; high councilor in Millard stake; assistant Sunday school superintendent; president of Y. M. M. I. A. many times; ward teacher. School trustee; justice of the peace. Veteran Indian war. M. M. I. A. Onieda stake; ordained to Aaronlc priesthood; first counselor to President Lewis S. Pond of Bannock stake, Zion. Merchant. .Member 12th Idaho legislature; notary public. School teacher. Farmer. III:MII:MI\I,I,. THOMAS (son of Abraham Mendenhall. born March 28. 1766, Mill Creek, Newcastle county, Del., and Elizabeth Weils, born Dec. 15, 1778 married Jan. 4, 1798). He was born March 10, 1806, Wilmington, Mercer county. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852, David Wood company. Married Mary Ann Synix, who was born Sept. 16, 1812, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Susannah b. Sept. 26, 1834, m. Jacob Cloward; George Madison b. Sept. 29, 1836, m. Celestia Ann Mecham; Lewis Henry b. Sept. 26. 1838, m. Maria Gay; Edmund b. Sept. 29, 1841; Thomas Jr. b. Feb. 18, 1844, m. Louisa Fleet; Elizabeth b. Feb. 1847. Family resided Spanish Fork, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. Settler of Spanish Fork, Utah, and a pioneer of Franklin, Idaho. Farmer and trader. Died 1S88, Dayton, Idaho. MENDENHALL, GEORGE MADISON (son of Thomas Men- denhall and Mary Ann Synix. Born Sept. 29, 1836, Wilming- ton, Del. Married Celestia Ann Mecham Sept. 28, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Moses Warthen Mecham and Elvira Derby), who was born Sept. 12, 1848. Their children: Mary Elvira b. Sept. 3, 1S68, m. Nephl M. Perkins; George Madison b. Jan. 1, 1870; Valeria Jane b. Dec. 24, 1872; Thomas Leslie b. Sept. 24, 1874; Moses Leroy b. June 24, 1876; Arthur John b. June 3, 1878, m. Olive Ann McCarrey; Estus Clinton b. Jan. 8, 1880; Effle Maria b. Oct. 7, 1S81; James Mecham b. Aug. 16, 1883, m. Effle C. Perkins; Lucina b. May 9, 1885; Elsie Mecham b. June 9, 1887; Elmer Mecham b. Aug. 3, 1889; Zella Mecham b. Sept. 21, 1S91; Willis b. Aug. 31, 1893. Family home Dayton, Oneida county, Idaho. Early settler at Spanish Fork, Utah, and at Dayton, Idaho, In 1868. Minute man. Assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah. MENDENHALL, ARTHUR JOHN (son of George Madison Mendenhall and Celestia Ann Mecham). Born June 3, 1878, Dayton. Idaho. Married Olive Ann McCarrey Sept. 7, 1904, Logan, Utah (daughter of William McCarrey, pioneer 1852 and Hannah Melissa Hooper, pioneer 1859, Harlow Lev! Redfleld com- pany). She was born Oct. 20, 1879, Richmond, Utah. Their children: Fern McCarrey b. Sept. 18, 1905; Donna Mac b. Oct. 29, 1906; Olive Me. b. July 6, 1908; Wilma Me. b. Oct. 25, 1910; Arthur John b. Nov. 22. 1912. Family home Richmond, Utah. Assistant Sunday school superintendent, Dayton, Idaho; ward clerk; missionary Oct. 28, 1899 to March 15, 1902. Settled at Richmond May 18, 1906. Farmer. MENDENHALL, THOMAS (son of Thomas Mendenhall and Mary Ann Synix). Born Feb. 18, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah with father. Married Louisa Smart March 31, 1863, Franklin, Idaho (daughter of Thomas Smart and Ann Hayter of Franklin, pioneers Sept. 4, 1852). She was born Oct. 11, 1846. Their children: Catherine Ann b. Dec. 29, 1863; Thomas George June 7, 1865; Mary Ann b. May 3, 1867, m. Samuel Webster; Rhoda Kizlah b. July 25, 1S69. m. John Wilkinson; Susanna b. Nov. 29, 1871, m. Elias W. Doney; William Henry b. Nov. 21, 1873. m. Naomi Herd Sept. 20, 1893; Lorin Matthew b. March 18, 1876, m. Elvira Durrant; Ada Louisa b. Jan. 12, 1878, m. Samuel Webster; Ruby May b. Nov. 16, 1880, m. George Handy; Nettle Pearl b. March 7, 1883, m. Alonzo Handy; Leo b. April 7, 1886, m. Agnes Turner; Bert b. July 4, 1888. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Indian war veteran. Died March 21, 1909. MENDENHALL. WILLIAM HENRY (son of Thomas Menden- liall and Louisa Smart). Born Nov. 21, 1873, Preston, Idaho. Married Naomi Herd Sept. 20, 1893, Logan, Utah (daughter of James Herd and Grace Knowles, of Darwin, Eng., and Franklin, Idaho; came to Utah Oct. 5, 1875). She was born Oct. 29, 1S73. Their children: Vernon Herd b. April 5, 1898; Lovell James b. Aug. 21, 1899; William Thomas b Feb. 26, 1901; Murat Herd b. July 18, 1902; Millen Herd b Feb. 26, 1904; Naomi Herd b. Nov. 28, 1905; Ruth Herd b Feb. 17, 1910; Elease Herd b. March 24, 1912. Family home Thatcher, Idaho. Member of seventy; missionary to Sandwich Islands: bishop of Mound Valley ward, Oneida stake; second counselor to Lewis S. Pond, Bannock stake; first counselor in the stake presidency; counselor In the superintendency of Y. MEIVDEIVHALL, WILLIAM (son of Abraham Mendenhall of Brandywine Springs, Del, and Elizabeth Wells). He was born April 8, 1815, Mill Creek Hundred, Newcastle county Del. Came to Utah Sept. 18, 1852. Married Sarah Lovell Feb. 21, 1838 (daughter of Richard Lovell and Frances Sawdon), who was born March 12, 1818. Their children: Mary Frances; Thomas Lovell; Abraham; Richard Lovell b. Aug. 19. 1845, m. Catherine Boyer Dec. 5, 1870; John Elizabeth Wells; Sarah Mariah Lovell; William Amasa; Hannah Matilda. Pioneer to Springville, Utah. Sept. 26. 1852. Ordained elder and seventy at the October conference 1842, at Nauvoo. 111.; high priest Sept. 28, 1884, and patriarch April 14, 1901; mis- sionary to eastern states; presiding teacher and superin- tendent of Sunday school several years. Master mason; contractor and builder; helped build first meeting house and worked on the Mud Wall which was built around the fort, one half mile square as a protection from Indians, at Springville. Died June 5, 1906. MENDENHALL RICHARD LOVELL (son of William and Sarah Lovell Mendenhall). Born Aug. 19, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Married Maria Catherine Boyer Dec. 5, 1870, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Augustus Sell Boyer, who died in Penn- sylvania, and Catherine Houtz Boyer, latter a pioneer). She was born Oct. 13, 1850, near Freeburg, Union county, Pa. Their children: Irena Boyer b. Dec. 13, 1871, m. Joseph Jensen Dec. 23, 1896; Richard Lovell Jr. b. Nov. 15, 1873, m Hannah Bird May 14, 1902. Missionary to Colorado 1902-04. Pioneer to Springville, Utah. City marshal for several years. Moved to Mapleton, Utah, 1878. Indian war Veteran. Farmer and stockraiser. MENDENHALL, RICHARD LOVELL Jr. (son of Richard Lovell and Maria Catherine Boyer). He was born Nov. 15, 1873, Springville, Utah. Married Hannah Bird May 14, 1902 (daughter of Charles Monroe and Abigail Ann Whiting), who was born July 23, 1883, Mapleton, Utah. Their children: Helen b. Feb. 28, 1903; Wendell Bird b. Sept. 26, 1907; Louise b. Oct. 13, 1909- Arthur Lovell b. Feb. 13. 1913. Elder. Missionary to southern states May 20, 1897; super- intendent of Sunday schools and president of East Ken- tucky conference. MERKLEY, CHRISTOPHER (son of Jacob Merkley and Elizabeth Stata of Williamsburg, Dundas county, Ontario, Can.). Born Dec. 18, 1808, at Williamsburg. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1849, Enoch Reese company. Married Sarah Davis, in February 1828 (daughter of Nathaniel Davis and Sarah Jacobs), who was born May 19, 1811. and came to Utah 1848. Their child: Nelson, m. Jane Sanders. Married Minerva Stowell 1S45, at Nauvoo. 111. Married Karissa Fairbanks 1858, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Amos Fairbanks, pioneer 1851, and Mary Bartholomew married Nov. 11, 1832). She was born Oct. 29, 1838, Michigan City, Ind. Their children: Sarah Frances b. May 13, 1858, m. Amos Virgin 1875; Christopher Amos b. Feb. 28, 1859, m. Lydia Lavette Allred; Jacob Nathaniel b. Feb. 28, 1859, m. Theressa A. Wilhelmsen; Alva Marion b. Nov. 5, 1862, m. Jehzeel Glbb June 27, 1900; Martha Elizabeth b. March 18. 1866, m. George Y. Pugmire Oct. 1888; Mary Jane b. March 18, 1866; Susa b. July 11, 1875, m. Elmer Cleve- land March 1892; Lucy b. July 11, 1875, m. Heber S. Pug- mire 1893. Missionary eight times. Assisted in building Nauvoo, Salt Lake, and Logan Temples. Indian war veteran. MERKLEY, NELSON (son of Christopher Merkley and Sarah Davis). Born Nov. 11, 1828. Came to Utah 1848, Amasa Lyman company. Married Sarah Jane Sanders (daughter of Ellis M. Sanders and Rachel Roberts, of Delaware). She was born Dec. 15, 1841, Wilmington, Del. Their children: Nelson Jr. b. March 24, 1857, m. Keturah Peterson; George Davis b. July 14, 1859, m. Phoebe A. Hacking; Sarah Jane b. Aug. 24, 1861, m. William P. Colthorpe; Susan Maria b. Oct. 28, 1863, m. George Finly Britt; Christopher Ellis b. Aug. 26. 1865, m. Aldura Hatch; Mary b. 1867, d. Infant; Charles Albert b. Jan. 11, 1868, m. Mary L. Murray; Elizabeth b. Dec. 29, 1871. m. Henry Hall; John b. Aug. 29, 1874, m. Nellie Lanorah Bartlett; Henry b. Dec. 3. 1877, m. Susan Hullinger; William b. July 1, 1880. m. Rose Walker; Rachel Ellen b. Sept. 2, 1882, m. Jeremiah Hatch Murray; Jacob b. Feb. 5, 1886, m. Annal Hullinger. Family home Salt Lake City, Morgan Valley, Cedar Valley, Cedar Fort, and Vernal, Utah. Member of seventy. Veteran Echo Canyon war. Car- penter, farmer and stockraiser. MERKLEY, NELSON. JR. (son of Nelson Merkley and Sarah Jane Sanders). Born March 24, 1857, Genoa, Nev. Married Keturah Peterson June 9, 1884, Vernal. Utah (daughter of Peter Peterson, born In Denmark, and Mary Elizabeth Thurman, born in Kentucky; came to Utah fall of 1869). She was born Oct. 8, 1867, In Hart county, Ky. Their children: Ellis b. May 2, 1885, m. Jean Eleanor Gerber; Ezra b. Sept. 23, 1887; Helen b. April 9, 1890, m. Byron O. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1033 Colton; Milton b. April 30, 1893, d. infant: Sarah b. April 30, 1894, d. infant; Mary Elizabeth Aug. 25. 1896; Asher b. July 19, 1899; Margaret Jane b. April 14, 1902; Kate b. Nov. 27, 1906, d. infant. Family home Vernal, Utah. Bishop's counselor: patriarch; president of high priests' quorum; high councilor. Farmer. MERKLEY, JOHN (son of Nelson Merkley and Sarah Jane Sanders). Born Aug. 29, 1874, Cedar Fort, Utah. Married Nellie Lenorah Bartlett July 25, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Claymore Bartlett and Anna Jensen of Vernal, Utah), who was born Nov. 3. 1875. Their children: Christopher b. Oct. 22, 1893; John Golden b. Sept. 11, 1897: Sarah Madeena b. Jan. 4, 1900: Charles Nelson b. March 6, 1902; Rachel b. March 3, 1905; Clyde Emil b. Feb. 9, 1907; Loyal Ross b. Jan. IB. 1909; Nelda b. June 3. 1912. High priest; bishop's counselor; assistant Sunday school superintendent: president elders' quorum; ward teacher; assistant to president Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer and honey producer. MERKLEY. CHRISTOPHER AMOS (son of Christopher Merkley and Karissa Fairbanks married 1858, Salt Lake City, Utah). Born Feb. 28. 1859. Salt Lake City. Married Lydia Lavette Allred May 24. 1877, St. Charles, Bear Lake Co., Idaho (daughter of William More Allred, pioneer October, 1851, and Orissa A. Bates). She was born Sept. 23. 1859, Grantsville, Utah. Their children: Lettie Lavette b. April 3. 1878, m. John Bennett Oct. 28. 1897; Alva Christopher b. May 6, 1880, m. Ellen L. Allen June 27, 1906; Inez Orissa b. July 25, 1882, m. George L. Winslow Jan. 1, 1903; Lorin William b. June 22, 1885; Lavern Mathias b. May 3, 1887; Ray Edgar b. Dec. 8. 1889. m. Francis E. Peterson Jan. 20, 1910; Vera Allred b. July 31, 1892; Cecil Allred b. April 15, 1897; Ruby Allred b. Oct. 11. 1901. High councilor; bishop of Wapello ward. Blackfoot stake, Idaho; missionary to southern states; ward teacher; Sunday school superintendent. MERKLEY, ALVA CHRISTOPHER (son of Christopher Amos Merkley and Lydia Lavette Allred married May 24, 1877, St. Charles, Idaho). Born May B. 1880, St. Charles. Married Ellen Leonora Allen June 27, 1906, Orderville, Utah (daughter of Albert Allen and Harriet Fowler), who was born April 27, 1881, Salt Lake City. Their children: Arlin Alva b. July 15, 1907; Delia Leonora b. Nov. 24, 1908; Zeldon Allen b. Oct. 30, 1910. Missionary to Samoan Islands four years; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher; ward chorister. MERRELL, HOSEA. (son of Simeon Merrell of Michigan). Came to Utah 1850. Married Mary Saxton in Michigan, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Alonzo. m. Eliza Bird; Jerusha, m. John Davis; Edna. m. Warren Reynolds; Joseph, died; John, m. Eliza VanLeuven; Silas Jerome, m. Lydia Eugenia Remmington; Porter William, m. Harriett Amelia Badger Remmington. Family resided Big Cotton- wood, Salem. Mendon and Paradise, Utah. Died February, 1863, Paradise, Utah. MERRELL, SILAS JEROME (son of Hosea Merrell and Mary Saxton). Born Oct. 28, 1843, Oakland county, Mich. Came to Utah 1851, Harry Walton company. Married Lydia Eugenia Remmington Jan. 28, 1866, Para- dise, Utah (daughter of Jerome Napoleon Remmington and Lydia Ripley Chamberlain Badger of New York, pioneers 1849). She was born June 1, 1851. Their chil- dren: Lydia b. March 10. 1867; Millie b. Oct. 15. 1868; Rodney b. Oct. 24, 1870; Elwin b. Nov. 6. 1872; Elma b. Feb. 6, 1874; Joseph b. July 8, 1875; Vilate b. March 12, 1879. Family home Paradise, Utah. Bishop Mountain Dell ward; ward teacher; Sunday school superintendent; president Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. MERRELL. PORTER WILLIAM (son of Hosea Merrell and Mary Saxton). Born Sept. 10, 1846, Garden City, Iowa. Came to Utah 1850. Married Harriett Amelia Badger Remmington June 11, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jerome Napoleon Rem- mington and Lydia Ripley Chamberlain Badger of New York, pioneers 1849). She was born Feb. 7, 1854. Their children: William Porter b. 1870, m. Mary Sophia Eliza- beth Olson Lybbert; Rosa Amelia b. Jan. 26, 1871, m. Elmer B. Eaton; Josephine b. Oct. 6, 1872, m. Louis H. Goodrich; Mary b. April 18, 1874, m. Avia Leonidas Lison- bee: Lydia b. Feb. 20, 1876, m. Albert Gardner Goodrich; Fuller b. Dec. 23, 1877, m. Christina Angus; Helen b. Aug. 6, 1880, m. David Richardson; Roxana b. Aug. 6, 1880, m. Albert Mott; Charles Elwin b. Feb. 13, 1882, m. Rhoda Knight; Franklin b. June 3, 1884, m. Mary Angus. Family home (Merrell). Naples ward, Uinta Co., Utah. Seventy; presiding elder and Sunday school superintend- ent of Merrell ward, Wasatch stake 1883; called to work on Salt Lake temple. Went to Fort Benton for immigrants 1868. Settled at Vernal 1879. President Central Irriga- tion Canal Co. Farmer, freighter. Died Aug. 29, 1884, Merrell, (Naples ward), Utah. MERRELL, WILLIAM PORTER (son of Porter William Merrell and Harriett Amelia Badger Remmington). Born Aug. 30, 1869, Paradise, Utah. Married Mary Sophia Elizabeth Olson Lybbert Oct. 8, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian Frederick Ber- nard Lybbert and Antonetta Olsen of Naples (Merrell), Utah, pioneers Nov. 9, 1865). She was born Sept. 25, 1878. Their children: Irene b. April 23. 1899; Porter b. Jan. 15, 1901; Lucile b. Nov. 20, 1902; Bernard b. Jan. 28, 1904; William Alton b. Jan. 28, 1906; Elva b. March 17, 1908; Victor b. March 25, 1910; Baby b. Sept. 14, 1912. High priest; first bishop of Bluebell ward, Duchesne stake 1911; ward teacher; Sunday school superintendent; presid- ing elder of Bluebell; counselor in elders quorum; coun- selor in deacons quorum; counselor in Y. M. M. I. A. of Jensen and Naples wards. Member Dry Gulch Irrigation Co. Farmer. MERRELL, JOSEPH (son of Charles Merrell and Sarah Flnley). Born 1847, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah 1852, Captain Weeks company. Married Martha Ann Campkin May 6, 1872, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of Isaac Campkin, died at St. Louis. Mo., en route to Utah, and Martha Webb, both of England, latter a pioneer Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company). She was born Jan. 15, 1854. Their children: Charles M. b. May 22, 1873; Isaac George b. Sept. 24. 1874; Joseph L. b. Jan. 28, 1876: Jonathan b. Sept. 20, 1877; Martha Henrietta b. March 17, 1879; Archibald b. Aug. 5, 1881; James Ruben b. July 25, 1883; Sarah S. b. Dec. 26, 1884; Nancy M. b. Oct. 13. 1886: Benjamin S. C. b. Aug. 4, 1888; Emma Luella b. July 8, 1890; Elija Vilate b. April 8, 1892: Albert Ervin b. March 28. 1894. Moved from Plymouth to West Portage 1872, and served as counselor in the Y. M. M. I. A. at that place; moved to Brigham City 1882, and served as Sunday school teacher, assistant Sunday school superintendent and counselor in the Y. M. M. I. A.; moved to Rich, Bingham Co.. Idaho, 1898, where he took an active part in the ward organizations, serving as high priest and high counselor: president Rich branch: moved to Blackfoot 1908. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1868. Took an active part in the early Indian troubles, and did much in the upbuilding of the state. MERBICK, GEORGE (son of James and Elizabeth Mer- rick). Born June 13, 1838, Leamington, Warwickshire, Eng-. Came to Utah 1854. Married Hannah Green, at Pleasant Grove, Utah (daugh- ter of William and Mary Green, former of Pleasant Grove, both of Bridgenorth, Shropshire, England, pioneers 1848). She was born March 15, 1844. Their children: George W., m. Almeda Davis, m. Elizabeth Edmondson; Mary E., m. Thomas Simpers; Sarah J., m. John Dalton; Ann Eliza b. Jan. 22, 1870. m. Franklin Anderson Miller; Hannah M., m. John Dalton; James D.. m. Esther Miller; John F. Died Oct. 21, 1885, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. MERRILL,, ALBERT (son of Valentine Merrill, born Jan. 30, 1783, and Lydia Sisson, born Oct. 18, 1786, former of South Norwalk, Fairfield county. Conn., latter of Green Port, Long Island, N. Y.). He was born July 17. 1815, on Long Island, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1852, Captain Howell company. Married Margaret Ann Richardson March 21, 1836 (daugh- ter of William Richardson and Ann Jones), who was born Nov. 15, 1816. and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: Amanda b. Sept. 10, 1837, d. 1846; Alonzo b. July 23, 1839, d. 1846; Clarence b. May 18, 1841, m. Bathsheba Smith Jan. 3, 1861, m. Julia Felshaw Dec. 7, 1867, and Isabelle M. Harris Oct. 8, 1879; Franklin b. March 17, 1843, m. Elizabeth Peck; Austin b. Oct. 8. 1844; Alfred b. Aug. 6, 1846, d. infant; Albert b. Oct. 10, 1848, d. 1870; Margaret Elinor b. Dec. 19, 1850, d. 1904; Marion b. March 29, 1853, m. Lydia A. Young Jan. 27, 1873; Melville b. 186S, d. Infant; Irene b. Jan. 14, 1855, d. 1864; Alice b. Sept. 28, 1859, d. 1865; Austin, d. infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. Marrk-d Frances Machin Oct. 21, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Machin and Sarah Mermick). who was born Sept. 15, 1843, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Eng. Their chil- dren: Annetta b. Aug. B, 1863. m. William Lunnen June 16, 1881; Valentine b. April 22, 1865, d. infant: Ada b. April 6, 1866, m. John Barrows; Annie b. May 19, 1868, m. Jake Mahone; Mark Earnest b. Jan. 10, 1870, m. Jane Norris; Clara b. Aug. 13, 1871. m. William Thompson Feb. 1901; Leo Sisson b. Feb. 4, 1873, d. infant. President 16th quorum seventies, Salt Lake City; mis- sionary to eastern states 1841-44 and 1869-70; ordained patriarch May 7, 1873. Captain of Hardie Independent Rifle Company 1856, and major of battalion 1857 in Nauvoo Leg- Ion; captain of 17 families of Captain Howell company, which arrived in Utah September, 1852. Farmer. Pioneer hat manufacturer of Utah. Died Nov. 1, 1873, Salt Lake City. MERRILL. CLARENCE (son of Albert Merrill and Margaret Ann Richardson). Born May 18, 1841, South Norwalk, Fair- field county. Conn. Came to Utah September, 1852, Captain Howell company. Married Bathsheba Smith Jan. 3, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Albert Smith and Bathsheba W. Biglow of Nauvoo, 111., former pioneer July 24, 1847, Brig- ham Young company, the latter 1849, Captain Jones com- pany). She was born Aug. 14, 1844. Their children: An- nella b. Dec. 19, 1861, d. infant: Leila b. Sept. 6, 1863, m. David R. Allen; George Albert b. Feb. 2, 1866, d. aged 33; Alice b. Jan. 2, 1868, m. George H. Home; Maud b. Feb. 7, 1034 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1870, m. B. T. Lloyd; Margarett M. b. Feb. 5, 1872, m. Joseph A. Fisher; Clarence Jr. b. Jan. 7, 1874, m. Louisa Amott; Irene b. June 4, 1876, m. Stephen L. Richards; Alton b. July 15, 1878. d. aged 14 months; John H. b. Feb. 28, 1880, m. Marie Rounds; Joseph S. b. May 8, 1882 (killed April 23, 1913. in railroad accident), m. Jennie Nordvall; Thomas S. b. March 6, 1884, m. Mary Ridges; Lewis Bigler b. July 30, 1887; Charles S. b. April 27, 1890. Family home Salt Lake City and Fillmore, Utah. Married Julia Felshaw Dec. 7, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Felshaw and Mary Harriett Gilbert of New York, pioneers fall of 1851). She was born June 27, 1832. Their children: Frank F. b. Sept. 30, 1868, m. Frede- reka Poulson, m. Elizabeth A. Petersen; Luta F., b. Aug. 3, 1870, d. aged 15. Married Isabelle M. Harris Oct. 8, 1879, at St. George, Utah (daughter of Charles Harris and Louisa Hall), who was born April 15, 1861. Their children: Albert b. Feb. 16. 1881, m. Rosella Gertrude Seely; Horace G. b. July 19, 1882, m. Murl Miller. Member 16th quorum seventies; high priest. First lieu- tenant to Major John L. Smith of Nauvoo Legion. Member city council of Fillmore two terms; superintendent schools of Piute county. Telegraph operator; hatmaker; farmer; stockraiser; merchant. MERRILL, MARION (son of Albert Merrill and Margaret Ann Richardson). Born March 29, 1853, Provo, Utah. Married Lydia Young Jan. 27, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Young- and Sarah McCleave, former pio- neer Oct. 22, 1847, latter 1853). She was born Nov. 7, 1854. Their children: Lydia Mable b. Dec. 17, 1873, died; Madelon b. May 18, 1875, m. Frank W. Merrill Sept. 9, 1893; Nellie Marie b. Feb. 14, 1877, died; John b. April 27, 1881, m. Jessie Busby April 2, 1906; Sarah b. March 22, 1884, m. Joseph E. McGinty Nov. 21, 1901; Albert b. Feb. 22, 1892. Family home. Salt Lake City. Miner; owner of "Bill Nye" mine at Deep Creek, Utah. MERRILL, AUSTIN S. (son of Epaphreas Merrill and Sarah Taylor of New York). Born 1805, in Massachusetts. Came to Utah 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Laura W. Harris (daughter of Joseph Harris, pioneer). Their children: Laura C., m. Jehu Cox; Ira E., m. Lucinda Olmsted; Horatio H., m. Jane Webb; Solo- mon S., m. Lucinda Jane Olmstead; Sarah C., m. Aquilla Noble; Austin T. m. Mary Hatton; Freborn S., m. Mary Davis. Family home Smithfleld, Utah. MERRILL, SOLOMON S. (son of Austin S. Merrill and Laura W. Harris). Born 1840, Will county. 111. Married Lucinda Jane Olmsted Sept. 26, 1862, Smithfleld, Utah (daughter of Hyrum Olmsted and Eliza Winters), who was born 1841. Hancock county, 111. Their children: Elias S. b. 1864, m. Melvina Scott 1889; Mary T. b. 1866, m. John F Hillyard 1886; American C. b. 1867, m. J. A. Rainey 1886; Abarbara E. b. 1873. m. William Hawk 1894; Grace A. b. 1879, m. George Cunningham 1897; Elsie I. b. 1881, m. Pearls Raymond 1897; Warren L. b. 1885, m. Mary Hall 1906. Minuteman In early Indian troubles, In the course of which he was wounded. MERRILL, EDWIN DE LAFAYETTE (son of Oren Merrill, born 1805, and Emily P. Merrill, born Feb. 2, 1804, of New y or k married 1825). He was born Jan. 8, 1836, Genesee county, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1851, Captain Williams mer- chandise train. Married Eliza Ann Perkins (daughter of Lewis Perkins), who was born 1840, married 1863, died 1872. Their chil- dren: Edwin D. b. June 1871; Emily C. b. 1869, m. Samuel Hargraves. Ordained elder 1862; president Y. M. M. I. A. four years. Minuteman several years; took part in several raids against the Indians; enlisted in U. S. service, Lot Smith company; guard for Brigham Young. Has six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. MERRILL, HORATIO HARRIS (son of Austin Taylor Mer- rill, born 1805, in Massachusetts, and Laura Wilder Harris). He was born Jan. 3, 1834, Alden, Erie county, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Jannette Webb July 28, 1861 (daughter of Charles Young Webb and Margaret Allen), who was born Oct. 24, 1876. Their children: Laura Margaret b. Oct. 13, 1863, m. Samuel C. Weeks Nov. 8, 1880; Horatio Epaphras b. Dec. 13, 1866 d. Sept. 12, 1884. Family home Smithfleld, Utah. Married Martha Mouritsen Dec. 24, 1866. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Lars Mouritsen and Maren Sorensen, pioneers September, 1859, Captain Nibley company). She was born Nov. 11, 1851, in Denmark. Their children: Joseph Harris b. March 10, 1868, m. Grace Emma Hale June 21, 1894, m. Katie Eliza Hale Sept. 6, 1889; Martin Herman b. Jan. 20, 1870, d. Aug. 16, 1870. Married Sarah Ann Smith (daughter of John Glover Smith and Margaret Allen Webb), who was born Sept. 4, 1858, Mill Creek, Utah. Their children: Robert Wilson b. June 4, 1879; Ann Eliza b. July 27, 1881, d. Dec. 4, 1894; Ira La- fayette b. Jan. 27, 1885, m. Jessie Saphronia Smith Oct. 9, 1907: Ivin Allen b. Aug. 30. 1886, m. Carey Gray Jan. 30, 1909; Margaret b. Oct. 4, 1888. m. Balus Hendricks May 25, 1902; Austin Smith b. Sept. 4, 1891, m. Clara Larsen Aug. 30, 1910. Member 17th quorum seventies. Located at Big Cotton- wood; moved to Smithfleld in early '60s. Pioneer wheel- wright and carpenter of Smithfleld. Fifer In first martial band. Moved to Pima, Ariz., where he was shot from am- bush and killed by Indians, Dec. 4, 1894. MERRILL, JOSEPH HARRIS (son of Horatio Harris Mer- rill and Martha Mouritsen). Born March 10, 1868, at Smith- fleld, Utah. Married Katie Eliza Hale Sept. 6, 1889 (daughter of Alma Helaman Hale and Sarah Annie Clark), who died June 29, 1890. Married Grace Emma Hale June 21, 1894 (daughter of Alma Helaman Hale and Sarah Annie Clark), who was born March 16, 1873, Grantsville, Utah. Their children: Leland Hale b. May 19, 1895; Leonard Mouritsen b. Nov. 27, 1896; Melvin Horatio b. Jan. 14, 1899; Joseph Ernest b. Dec. 27, 1901; Alma Harold b. Jan. 6, 1904; DeMar b. July 14, 1905; Kenneth b. April 25, 1907; Katie Anona b. July 26, 1910; Donald Gower b. Sept. 20, 1912. Missionary to Samoan Islands 1890, where he was instru- mental in opening up several branches of the church and presided over Savii conference; released April 25, 1894; sec- retary and later one of the presidents of 17th quorum seven- ties; president of 147th quorum seventies; second mission to Samoa 1901-02; presided over the mission there. Moved from Smithfield, Utah, to Groveland, Idaho, 1894. Member Blackfoot stake Sunday school board three years; and of Y. M. M. I. A. three years. Farmer. MERRILL, JUSTIN J. (son of Samuel J. and Phebe Odell Merrill of Salt Lake City, Utah). Born Feb. 18, 1806, Byron, Genesee county, N. Y. Came to Utah September, 1848, Wil- lard Richards company. Married Camilla Wirack in 1840, Pawpaw, Pawpaw Grove, De Kalb county, 111. (daughter of Jacob and Camilla Wirack of Nauvoo," 111., pioneers July 24, 1847). She was born Oct. 3, 1817. Their children: George G.; Justin J.; Maryette; Lucy; Julia; Jacob; Samuel J.; Jededlah; Morgan; Parme- lia, d. child. Family home Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah. Farmer. Died Jan. 14, 1887, Smithfteld, Utah. MERRILL, GEORGE G. (son of Justin J. and Carmllla Wirack, Salt Lake City). Born March 17, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah in 1848, Willard Richards company. Married Alice Smith May 30, 1864, Smithfleld, Utah (daugh- ter of Barnett and Delilah Hilock Smith of Logan, Cache Co., Utah. Came to Utah August, 1863, William B. Preston company). She was born Jan. 14, 1845. Their children: George Wallace b. July 31, 1865; Sylvia b. Oct. 14, 1867; Alice Adelia b. Feb. 10, 1870; Josephine b. July 5, 1872, and Frank b. Nov. 8, 1874, d. child; Maud Milly b. Sept. 13, 1877; Catie b. March 7, 1880; William Leroy b. Sept. 3, 1882; Delilah May b. May 6, 1885; Florence lone b. Oct. 7, 1887; Rada Rane b. Feb. 11, 1895. Family home Smithfield, Utah. Missionary to Omaha 1863-65. Marshal of Smithfleld for 10 years. Farmer. MERRILL, MARRINER WOOD (son of Nathan Merrill and Sarah Ann Reynolds of Sackville, N. B., Canada). Born Sept. 25, 1832, Sackville. Came to Utah September, 1853, William Atkinson company. Married Sarah Ann Atkinson Nov. 11, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Atkinson and Phoebe Campbell of Sackville, pioneers September, 1853, William Atkinson com- pany). She was born Sept. 28, 1834. Their children: Phoebe Ann, m. James R. McNeil; Marriner Wood, Jr., m. Mary M. Garden, m. Lucina Shepard; Thomas Hazen, m. Emma B. Olsen, m. Margaret W. Thompson; Alma, m. Almira E. and Rebecca Hendricks; Rhoda Louisa, m. William S. Hendricks; Clarissa; William, m. Lucy Cardon; Louis Edgar, m. Clara Hendricks, m. Carrie Jane; Amos Newlove, m. Eliza Drys- dale. Married Cyrene Standley June 6, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander Standley and Philinda Upton of Nauvoo. 111., pioneers 1852). She was born May 1, 1840. Their children: Nathan Alexander; Healon, m. William H. Jackson; Parley, m. Mary Jackson, m. Emma Griffeth; Ella Rebecca, m. Joseph M. Kerr; Alonzo David, m. Lulsina Whit- tle; Ida, m. Peter E. VanOrden; Ezra J., m. Mary McCann; Alice. Married Almira Jane Bainbridge April 1, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Fredrick Bainbridge and Elizabeth Pond), who was born Aug. 27, 1849. Their children: Charles' Ed- ward, m. Ortencia and Chloe Hendricks; Elizabeth Almira, m. James W. Hendricks; Heber Kimball. m. Ora Dudley; Albert Marion, m. Julia Lewis; Lewis Alfred, m. Effle En- sign; Lorln Asa, m. Laura Reese; Fredrick Whitmore, m. Ida Homer; Emma Irene, m. Joseph Sharp; Preston Reyn- olds, m. Millie Lowe; Alvaretta. m. George A. Lewis. Married Maria Loenza Kingsbury Oct. 4, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph C. Kingsbury and Loenza Pond), who was born Sept. 19, 1852. Their children: Joseph Fran- cis, m. Annie Laura Hyde: Hyrum Willard, m. Bessie duff; Hattie Loenza, m. Andrew Morrison; Laura Vilate, m. Clarence Funk; Lucy Alcene, m. James W. Funk; Newel Alvin; Ambrose Pond, m. Lydia Stevens; Melvin Clarence; Nellie Maria, m. Erastus Johnson; Lenora Evallne. Married Elna Jonson Feb. 11. 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Peter Jonson and Elsa Sajer Carlson of Sweden, who came to Utah 1882). She was born Oct. 30, 1863. Their PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1035 children: Elna b. Jan. 29, 1886. m. Victor Johnson April 1905; Hilda b. Feb. 7, 1889. m. Thomas W. Richards Aug. 28. 1907; Loretta b. Nov. 13, 1891; Luella b. June 17, 1896; Wil- ford b. Aug. 22, 1898. Family home Richmond, Utah. One of the most prominent and personally well-known men of his day, a counselor to thousands, a peripatetic traveler and intermittent visitor. Past Utah histories are strangely brief concerning this wonderfully unique charac- ter, as only a glimpse here and there is given of his activi- ties. Bishop of Richmond July 1861-79; first counselor to William B. Preston in stake presidency 1879-84; first coun- selor to Charles O. Card in stake presidency 1884-89; presi- dent Logan temple 1884-1906. Oct. 4, 1889, on reorganization of first presidency, with Anton H. Lund and Abraham H. Cannon, he was called to apostleship of the council of the twelve, succeeding the revered veteran Erastus Snow. In 1899. though a member of the council of the twelve to solve a difficult problem, he was appointed president of Cache stake, which office he held until the division of the stake in 1901. Member of the B. T. College board for a number of years, 1896-1906; member of Agricultural College board nearly four years. Member Utah legislature 1876 and 1878, the first term in the lower house and the second in the council (senate); member county court Cache county for 10 years. One of the subcontractors on C. P., and succeeded Moses Thatcher as superintendent of Utah Northern in the '70's; then as contractor built this railroad from Franklin, Idaho, to Butte, Mont., 1877-81. Died Feb. 6, 1906, Rich- mond, Utah. MERRILL, THOMAS HAZEN (son of Marriner Wood Mer- rill and Sarah Ann Atkinson). Born June 11, 1859, Boun- tiful, Utah. Married Emma Boletta Olsen April 7, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christopher Marenus Olsen of Denmark and Caroline Christina Johnson of Norway), who was born Feb. 2, 1862. Their children: Thomas Hazen b. Nov. 25, 1885, d. May 26, 1897; Roscoe Cyril b. May 24. 1888; Edna Boletta b. Sept. 21, 1891: Veda Adella b. May 3. 1894; Emma Gwen- doline b. Feb. 3, 1897; Reno Olsen b. June 6. 1899; Irma Berneice b. Jan. 15, 1903; Osmond Marriner b. Sept. 2. 1906. Married Margaret Winifred Thomson April 22, 1884. Logan, Utah (daughter of George Thomson of Scotland and Alice Tomlinson of England, pioneers September, 1851). She was born March 16, 1860. Their children: George William b. Nov. 4, 1885, d. Nov. 5, 1885; James Newlove b. April 12, 1887, d. April 12, 1887; Ira Edgar b. March 7, 1889. d. June 18, 1899; Athel Wood b. Nov. 11, 1891, d. Feb. 3, 1892; Mazel Melburn b. Sept. 25, 1893: Alice Winifred b. Nov. 30, 1895; Rhoda Luoile b. March 15, 1898; Eva Thom- son b. Jan. 26, 1901; Phyllis Janet b. May 18. 1904. Bishop of Richmond ward since April 23, 1900. Member Richmond city council in 1881; state representative two terms, 1903-05; member state land board. Farmer; dairy- man; stockraiser. MERRILL. LEWIS A. (son of Marriner Wood Merrill and Almira J. Bainbridge). Born June 23, 1874, Richmond, Utah. Married Effle Ensign June 6, 1895, Logan, Utah (daughter of Fuller Ensign and Mary Dunn of Brigham City, pio- neers 1847). Their children: Lola b. Aug. 13, 1896; Myla b. June 11. 1898; Edna b. Aug. 4, 1899. Family home, Salt Lake City. Bishop of 31st ward. Liberty stake, 1909-12. Director extension work of Utah Agricultural College; member state conservation commission. Agricultural expert. MERRILL, JOSEPH FRANCIS (son of Marriner Wood Mer- rill and Maria L. Klngsbury). Born Aug. 24, 1868, Rich- mond, Utah. Married Annie Laura Hyde June 9, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alonzo Eugene Hyde, born Feb. 28, 1848, Coun- cil Bluffs. Iowa, and Annie Taylor, born Oct. 21, 1849, Salt Lake City, both of Salt Lake City). She was born Dec. 25, 1871. Their children: Joseph Hyde b. March 18, 1899; Annie H. b. Nov. 2, 1900: Edith H. b. Jan. 5, 1903; Rowland H. b. Jan. 11, 1904; Taylor H. b. June 2, 1906; Eugene H. b. June 25, 1908. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 3d and 106th quorum seventies; first assistant superintendent T. M. M. I. A. of Salt Lake stake 1897-03; second assistant Sunday school superintendent, Granite stake, 1904-07; stake superintendent Sunday schools 1907- 11; second counselor in Granite stake presidency 1911. Trustee of Forest Dale 1911-12; member and secretary state conservation commission 1907-12; professor and director State School of Mines. Member of several technical and scientific societies, as American Institute Electrical Engi- neers, American Physiological Society, American Electro- chemical Society, American Association Advanced Science, etc. MERRILL, ALMA (son of Marriner Wood Merrill and Sarah Ann Atkinson). Born Nov. 9, 1861, Richmond, Utah. Married Almira Esmerilda Hendrlcks March 19, 1885, Logan temple (daughter of William Dorris Hendricks and Almira Davenport, former came to Utah with the Mormon Battalion from California). She was born Oct. 28, 1866, Richmond, Utah. Their children: Alma Lowell b. Jan. 24, 1886; Wesley Hendrlcks b. April 5, 1887; Rhoda Mildred b. Oct. 18, 1888; Nathan Dorris b. Sept. 26, 1891; Annie Esmerilda b. Nov. 26, 1893; Ruby Leora b. Feb. 12. 1896; Eliza Zelka b. Nov. 9, 1899; Tenna b. April 8. 1901; Atha b. May 29, 1903; Denzal Reed b. Aug. 16, 1905; Juanita b. March 28, 1907. Married Rebecca Hendricks, Logan temple (daughter of William Dorris Hendricks and Almira Davenport). She was born Jan. 30, 1868. Their children: Carrie Rebecca b. June 20, 1887. m. Amasa Linford Oct. 16, 1907; Alfred Adrian b. Dec. 12. 1890; Erma Almira b. May 31, 1889; Ruel Derby b. Jan. 24, 1893; La Rue Hendricks b. Aug. 3, 1895; Phebe Ann b. Dec. 12, 1897; Ethelia Fern b. Dec. 29, 1899; Marriner Hendricks b. Feb. 8, 1902; Ruth b. Jan. 5. 1904- Matthias Wood b. July 14. 1905; Rilda b. July 11, 1907; Vermont b. Nov. 15, 1909; Neomi b. Jan. 1, 1912. MERRILL, HIRAM WILLARD (son of Marriner Wood Merrill and Maria L. Kingsbury). Born Jan. 19, 1870, Richmond, Utah. Married Bessie Cluff March 26, 1891, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Benjamin Cluff and Eliza Arnetta Foster of Logan. Utah, pioneers 1850). She was born May 25, 1873. Their children: Wlllard Alvin b. Feb. 19, 1892; Reynold Cluff b. Oct. 2, 1893; Aaron Utillus b. July 15, 1895; Maria b. Jan. 29, 1897: Rosley Cluff b. Oct. 17, 1899; Glaucus Godfrey b. May 27, 1905; Foster Cluff b. Sept. 26, 1908. Family home Richmond, Utah. Missionary to western states 1901-03; ward teacher 15 years; member Benson stake Sunday school board 3 years; Sunday school officer at Richmond 12 years. An up- to-date, progressive farmer. MEIiniLL, SAMUEL (son of Jared Merrill and Abigail Phelps of Sansbury. N. Y.). Born Sept. 28. 1780, Sansbury, N. Y. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, Capt. James Brown and his detachment of Mormon Battalion. Married Phoebe Odell (daughter of Jones and Lucy Wea- ver Odell), who was born April 29, 1788. MERRILL, SAMUEL B. (son of Samuel Merrill and Phoebe Odell). Born Jan. 4, 1812, Smithfleld, N. Y. Came to Utah 1849, Captain Gardner company. Married Elizabeth Runyan, in 1836. Utica, Mich, (daughter of Ralph Runyan and Rachel Gardner), who was born Aug. Ifi. 1818. Their children: Adelbert Owen b. Aug. 16, 1837; Cynthanah R. b. Nov. 10. 1840, m. William Douglass Nov. 9, 1862; Elthurah Roseltha b. Sept. 8, 1842, m. Ruben S. Collett Jan. 19, 1861; Samuel Adams, b. April 2, 1846, m. Elnora Noble Feb. 3, 1865; Ralph Teancum, b. June 13. 1849, m. Matilda Collett May 23, 1869; Sarah E. b. Oct. 22, 1852, m. Joseph Gold; Orrin Jackson b. June 22, 1855, m. Elizabeth White Feb. 15, 1875: Caroline b. June 12, 1858, died: Prin- cetta R. b. May 2, 1861, m. James Christenson. Family home Mill Creek and Smithfleld, Utah. Counselor to Bishop John B. Smith, Smithfield, Utah, for a number of years; high priest. Farmer. MERRILL, PHELEMON C. (son of Samuel Merrill and Phoebe Odell). Born Nov. 12, 1820, Byron, N. Y. Came to Utah July 29, 1847. Married Cyrena Dustin, who was born Jan. 6, 1817. Their children: Sabina Ladena b. Aug. 21, 1841, died; Phelemon Alisandra b. Nov. 18, 1843, m. Lucinda Rowe; Lucy Cyrena b. April 7. 1846, died; Melissa Jane b. Sept. 10, 1848. died; Morgan Henry b. Feb. 17, 1860, m. Emma Fenemaker; Albina Altamira b. Oct. 31, 1851, died; Thomas Stephen b. Jan. 3, 1853, m. Ester Collett: Seth Adelbert b. Aug. 10, 1859, m. Lucy Ann Merrill. Family resided in Utah, Idaho and Arizona. Married Mary Jane Smith. Their children: John Smith b. March 5, 1853, m. Rebecca Weaver; Jedediah Grant b. Dec. 14, 1857, m. Harriett A. Dunn; Hannah Ann b. Jan. 24, 1860, m. Charles C. Collett; Cyrena Imorjean b. Nov. B, 1861, died; David Elmore b. May 4, 1863; Joseph Lott b. June 4, 1865; Henry Morgan b. March 4, 1867, m. Amy Welker; Peter Herbert b. June 6, 1869, died. Family resided In Utah, Idaho and Arizona. Patriarch. Worked on the construction of first railroad in Utah. Died August. 1903. MERRILL, JEDEDIAH GRANT (son of Phelemon C. Merrill and Mary Jane Smith). Born Dec. 14, 1857, Farmington, Utah. Married Harriett Amelia Dunn Dec. 18, 1876, Paris. Idaho (daughter of John Dunn and Julian Ann McGuire of Utah and Idaho), who was born March 2, 1860. Their children: Catharine b. July 27, 1877, died; Mary Jane b. Aug. 22, 1878, m. C. A. Jensen; Ambrose Dunn b. Aug. 29, 1880, m. Ada Welker, m. Estella Hansen; Jedediah Grant b. Feb. 3, 1883, m. Marian McNiel; Mable b. Oct. 20, 1884, m. Mahonri Crane Aug. 19, 1912; Lorn Smith b. Sept. 12, 1885, m. Jennie Barrett Dec. 25, 1912: Harriet Amelia b. May 15, 1893. d. July 5, 1902: Julius LaRoue b. Dec. 9, 1905. Family home Bennington, Idaho. MERRILL, ORRIN JACKSON (son of Samuel B. Merrill and Elizabeth Runyan). Born June 22, 1855, Little Cottonwood, Utah. Married Elizabeth White Feb. 14. 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel D. White and Elizabeth Thomas), who was born Feb. 14, 1855, Lehi, Utah. Their children: Orrln Preston b. Aug. 5, 1876, m. Alice N. Stephensen; Elmer S. b. March 12, 1878, m. Annie Neaf; Frank T. b. Feb. 1, 1880, m. Emma Bennett; Jessie b. Sept. 13, 1881; Harrison b. Nov. 11, 1884, m. Edna Johnson; Ralph b. April 23, 1888; Martil b. Nov. 4, 1890; Maddie b. Jan. 22, 1896; Maggie b. Jan. 22 1896. Family home Preston, Idaho, where he settled In 1860. 10315 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH MERRILL, ORRIN PRESTON (son of Orrin Merrill and Elizabeth White). Born Aug. 5, 1876. Married Alice May Stephenson (daughter of Archibald B. Stephenson, born Sept. 13, 1843, pioneer 1861, and Mariah Slmpkins, born in 1853, St. Louis; came to Utah 1863 mar- ried March 17, 1871, Adamsville, Utah). She was born June 9, 1886, Lewiston, Utah. Their children: Virginia b. Aug. 7, 1906; Donald b. Aug. 17, 1908; Levohn b. April 8, 1909. Family home Smithfleld, Utah. Formerly bishop's counselor, now a bishop; Sunday school superintendent. President of M. I. A. Farmer. MERRITT, SAMUEL, (son of George Merritt and Elizabeth Scott). Born Nov. 18, 1838, near Indianapolis, Ind. Came to Utah about 1864. Married Emma Naylor July, 1865 (daughter of William Naylor and Diana Ireland), who was born Dec. 18, 1846, Bedford, Nottinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, Rosel Hyde company. Their children numbered six sons and seven daughters. Family home Bedford, Wyo. MEYER, CARL FREDERICK CHRISTIAN (son of Carl Frederick Meyer, born Jan. 8, 1797, and Marie Elizabeth Morgensen, born Nov. 2, 1795, both of Copenhagen, Den- mark). He was born June 29, 1819, Rodie, Copenhagen. Married Anne Jensine Jacobson Dec. 6, 1839 (daughter of Mr. Jacobsen and Sophia Amelia Krog), who was born Feb. 15, 1817, and came to Utah in 1862. Their children: Carl b. April 1841; Jacob b. Sept. 23, 1842; Carl b. March 30, 1845; Jacob b. May 21, 1847; Sophia b. Sept. 11, 1849, m. Isaac Wardle; Enger b.* Nov. 2, 1851; Bien Marie b. March 11, 1855, m. Christian Lovendahl; Carl Peter b. June 5, 1857, m. Wilhelmine Larson; Josephine Caroline b. April 9, 1860. Family home Murray, Utah. Married Anne Mary Meyer in February, 1867, Salt Lake City, (daughter of Hans Jensen Meyer and Karen Rasmus- sen, latter a pioneer married in Denmark). She was born June 1, 1842, Valsolille, Gingsted, Denmark. Their children: Hans William b. Feb. 23, 1869. m. Rebecca Jenkins; Jose- phine b. Aug. 9, 1872; John Christian b. Oct. 5, 1875; Hannah Teoro b. Aug. 5, 1880, m. Edwin Charles Tame Dec. 20, 1905; Mary Ann b. Jan. 19, 1882, m. William Wood Sept. 23, 1904; Emma Christine b. June 6, 1884, m. Charles Rudger Larsen May 19, 1908. METER, CHARLES PETER (son of Carl Frederick Meyer and Anne Jensine Jacobsen and brother of Jacob Myers on page 1052). Born June 5, 1851, at Ledoie. Married Wilhelmine Larsen Jan. 12, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans and Karen Nielsen Larsen, who came to Utah 1877). She was born Jan. !t, 1862, Copenhagen, Den- mark. Their children: Charles Henry b. Feb. 2, 1883, m. Mary Ann Hamilton June 28, 1905; Clara Jenette b. March 16, 1884, m. James Lundberg June 7, 1905; Minnie Elizabeth b. Aug. 30, 1886, died; Annie Helane b. Aug. 13, 1888, m. Lorenzo Jensen Dec. 9, 1908; Joseph Lawrence b. Aug. 16, 1890; Agnes Florentine b. May 24, 1892; Louis Edward b. April 27, 1897; John Raymond b. Sept. 21, 1899; Geo. Clinton b. May 29, 1904. Family home Grant Ward, Murray, Utah. High priest. School trustee. Farmer. MEYER, JACOB E. (son of Peter Meyer and Barbara Schmidt, of Calmar, Iowa). Born Dec. 26, 1864, Calmar, Iowa. Came to Utah 1899. Married Ella Pierpont Jan. 6, 1904, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Pierpont and Naomi King, of Toronto, Can., pioneers October, 1866, Abner Lowry company). She waa born Dec. 29, 1878. Their children: Naomi; Edmond; Virginia. Family home, Salt Lake City. Mining man. MICHIE, ROBERT (son of John Michie and Agness Mel- colm, of Aberdeen, Scotland). Born Feb. 29, 1822, near Aberdeen. Came to Utah in 1861, having first located in Boston. Married Frances Potts March 16, 1857, in Kent, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Potts and Harriett Pulling, of Center- bury, Eng.), who was born Dec. 22, 1836, and died July 20, 1904. Their children: Agnes Catherine Harriett, m. Ephraim Lambert; Eliza Ann Elena, d. infant; Robert Moroni, m. Elena Dorothea Lambert; Frances Harriett, d. infant; Alice Matilda b. Jan. 6, 1866, m. Joseph Heber Lambert; John and Mary Ellen, both died; Delia, m. John James Horrocks; William George, m. Eliza Annie Murphy; Christiana, m. Louis H. Blsel. Family home Woodland, Utah. Senior president 20th quorum seventy, Heber City; high priest. Settled at Nephi 1864; moved to Sugar House ward to run a flour mill and salt refinery; moved to Malad, to Salt Lake City, to Woodland, thence to Heber City, where he resided fifteen years and then returned to Woodland- postmaster there 1893-1901. Farmer. Died April 20, 1909. MICKELSEN, JENS (son of Mlckel Jenson). Born March 2, 1816, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John Mur- dock company. .Married Margret Christenson. born Aug. 29, 1816. She came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John Murdock company. Their only child: James Peter was born April 18, 1847, m. Annie B. Hanson and Hannah Jensen. Family home Weston, Idaho. High priest; ward teacher, Weston, Idaho. MICKELSEN, JAMES PETER (son of Jens Mickelson and Margret Christenson, pioneers Sept. 12, 1861, John Murdock company). Born April 18, 1847, In Denmark. Married Annie B, Hanson Nov. 4, 1866, Bear Lake, Idaho (daughter of Bengta Hanson), who was born Dec. 3, 1843, in Sweden. Married Hannah Jenson March 4, 1871, Logan, Utah (daughter of Jens Jenson and Elsie Nilson, pioneers Sept. 29, 1866, Peter Nebeker company). In bishopric 1877-1902. Weston, Idaho. Assisted in bring- ing early immigrants to Utah. IIH KDI.SON. JENS (son of Mickel Sorensen and Petrlne Hansen of Eig, Aarhus Amt., Denmark). Born May 2, 1853, Eig. Came to Utah September, 1861, Captain Wilhelmsen oxteam company. Married Anne Christine Anderson, June 24, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Anderson and Ellen Cathrine Olsen, of Trellose, Presto Amt, Denmark, latter came to Utah Sept. 19, 1884). She was born Oct. 6, 1853. Their children: James M., m. Christine Anderson June 24, 1903; Ellen Cathrine, d. Oct. 31, 1884; Anna Christine, m. Fred E. Wil- lardson March 9, 1910; Elmer A., m. Leora Billings Dec. 27, 1912; Minerva; Alice; Lydia M. Family home Manti, Utah. High priest; high councilor; bishop's counselor. Wool- grower; farmer; stockraiser. MICKLEJOHN, DAVID FORBES (son of George Mlckle- john and Cathrine Forbes, of Glasgow, Scotland). Born In 1816, Kinross, Scotland. Came to Utah 1865. Married Esther Cowan Martin (daughter of John Martin and Esther Cowan, of Kinross), who was born in 1821. Their children Elizabeth, m. George D. Watt; Mary C., m. Henry Enon Phelps; David F., m. Anna Clark. Married Anna McGowan, who was born Dec. 25, 1815. and came to Utah in 1855. Their children: Jane b. 1847; Anna b. 1855; George b. 1857; Margaret b. 1859; Isabelle; Elmyra, m. John Noyes; Alice, m. Jeremiah Roach; Ellen; William b. 1864. MIDDI.ETON, JOHN (son of William Mlddleton and Amy Parsons of England). Born Oct. 25. 1841, in England. Came to Utah November, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Jane Withers (daughter of George Withers of Scotland), who was born in 1840. Their children: John, died; Amy, m. Frank Brown; George W., m. Margaret E. Palmer; Annie, m. Isaiah Cox; Mary A., m. Jethro Palmer; Francis, m. Sarah Holland; Katherine, m. William Pace. Family home Hamilton's Fort, Iron Co., Utah. Missionary to England 1891-92. Farmer and stockraiser. Died September, 1896. MIDDLETON, DR. GEORGE W. (son of John Middleton and Jane Withers). Born Dec. 10, 1866, Hamilton Fort, Utah. Married Margaret E. Palmer Sept. 27, 1894, St. George, Utah (daughter of Richard Palmer and Johanna Reese of Cedar City, Utah, pioneers 1850). She was born Jan. 1. 1869. Their children: Roka b. July 3, 1895; Richard b. Aug. 10, 1901; Eugene b. Feb. 23, 1905; Anthony W. b. April 25, 1907; John b. May 12, 1910. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; alternate high councilor. Mayor of Cedar City, Utah; regent of University of Utah. Physician and surgeon. MIKESELL, HYRUM W. (son of John A. and Catherine Mikesell (cousins), of Hagerton, Md.). Born June 13, 1812, in Montgomery, Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1852. Married Ann Augusta Scott Feb. 21, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Mathew and Nancy Scott). She died on the plains en route to Utah. Their children: Ammosiah and Mathew Scott, died; Sarah Jane b. June 11, 1849, m. Osborn Angel; Sariah Ann b. Oct. 8, 1851, m. George Cheshire. Married Sarah B. Butler Feb. 3, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Franklin Butler, born In Virginia Aug. 15, 1774, and Louisa Heron, born in Now York). She was born Dec. 26. 1832, and came to Utah in 1852. Their children: Louisa, d. infant; Azariah H., m. Annie Hanson; Hyrum W.; Sarah Ann, d. infant; Elizabeth D.; Julia E., m. C. T. Husband; William W.; Alice; Eldora J., m. Reginald Anderson. Family home, Salt Lake City. President 15th quorum seventies; block teacher; door- keeper Tabernacle; helped to build Nauvoo temple; served three years' mission in Endowment House, Salt Lake City. Stonemason. Died May 8, 1883, at Salt Lake City. Mil. MS. ALBERT (son of Thomas Miles of New York, born 1790, and Sally Seger, born at Newton, Mass., 1793). He was born Jan. 22. 1S12. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Mariah Veits 1833 (daughter of Benjamin Veils and Sallie Donalson of Ohio married at Southington, Ohio). She was born Jan. 31, 1810. Their children: Henry Albert b. Dec. 1833, d. Jan. 1834; Benjamin Adrian b. Dec. 3, 1836, m. Rachel M. Lockhart 1856; Edwin Ruthven b. May 25. 1838, m. Jane Ruth Warefleld March 11, 1857; Franklin b. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1037 Dec. 10, 1841, d. Dec. 26, 1850; Sally Ann b. Oct. 6, 1843, m. Orrin S. Lee 1859; Marian Louisa b. Sept. 1849, d. 1861. Fam- ily resided Ohio, Illinois, Nebraska and Utah. Married Hannah Daniels in 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Daniels, pioneer 1856, handcart company), who was born at Caermarthenshire, Wales. Their children: Marian b. Jan. 1857, m. Charles Powell 1866; Thomas b. Aug 14, 1857, m. Elizabeth Merrill 1880; John, m. Alice Summers 1884; Hannah, m. Charles Montrose 1879; Daniel, m. Jane Walker; David, m. Lillie Rasmussen. Family re- sided Idaho and Utah. Seventy. Member of Nauvoo Legion. Indian war veteran. Member of Utah militia. MILES, EDWIN RUTHVEN (son of Albert Miles and Ma- riah Veits married in 1833). Born May 25, 1838, Parkman, Geauga Co., Ohio. Married Jane Ruth Wakefleld March 11, 1857, Big Cotton- wood Salt Lake Co., Utah (daughter of Thomas Wakefleld, who died in Nauvoo, 111., 1843, and Mary Clark). She was born Feb. 3, 1840, Springfield, 111. Their children: Edwin Ruthven b. Oct. 3, 1858, m. Annie Smith Jan. 9, 1879; Thomas b Sept. 7, 1860, d. Sept. 7, 1860; Mary Jane b. Sept. 20, 1861. ni Parmenus Jones June, 1879; William Albert b. April 7, 1864 m. Eleanor Douglas Jan. 22, 1887; Lucinda Louetta b. March 29, 1866, m. Samuel P. Neilson Oct. 9, 1885; Harriet Ann b. July 16, 1868, m. Joseph Watts Dec. 19. 1889; Alice Mariah b. Dec. 20, 1869, m. Charles William Mack March, 1889- Sylvia May b. May 12, 1872, d. Oct. 31, 1873; Eleanor b. Jan. 25, 1874, m. John T. Hind May 8, 1901; Franklin Wake- field b. March 14, 1876, m. Amanda Neilson March 1897. Family resided Ohio, Illinois, Nebraska and Utah. Married Jane Christiansen Mouritzen May 5, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lars Mouritzen and Mary Mouritzen, latter born Oct. 17, 1825). She was born Jan. 29, 1853, Hjorring, Denmark. Their children: Lettie Luella b. Jan. 19 1877, m. Hugh Dowdle March 20, 1896; Ruth b. March 19' 1879 d. Oct. 25, 1885; Jeddie Leroy b. Jan. 1. 1881, m. Myra Smith April 29, 1902; Mina b. Nov. 30, 1884, m. John W. Roundy Oct. 14, 1903; Leone b. Aug. 25. 1887, m. Hugh S. Rash Dec. 12, 1094; Ruby b. July 23, 1895. Family home Smithfield, Utah. Married Jeanette Hendrickson Oct. 5, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nicholas Hendricks and Diana E. Kelsey), who was born Jan. 11, 1854, Springfield, 111. Their chil- dren- Fred b. March 11, 1886, d. March 14, 1887; Harvey b. Nov 9 1887, m. Effle Elvina Tibbets Oct. 2, 1907; George b. Aug. 11, 1889, m. Ira Marie Corbet Sept. 8, 1909; Diana b. Dec 25 1890; Glen b. April 6, 1892; Olive b. Nov. 9, 1894; Zina b. Feb. 4, 1897; John b. April 12, 1899. Family home, Smithfield. High priest; president of 17th quorum seventies 50 years; missionary to England and to southern states; helped in construction of all temples in Utah. Commissioner of Cache Co., Utah. City surveyor, Smithfleld; president of Smithfleld Z. C. M. I. Indian war veteran. Member of Cavalry Company A, First Brigade, Nauvoo Legion. MILES EDWIN RUTHVEN, JR. (son of Edwin Ruthven Miles and Jane Ruth Wakefleld married March 11, 1857). Born Oct 3, 1858, Big Cottonwood, Salt Lake county. Married Annie G. Smith Jan. 9, 1879 (daughter of George Young Smith and Johanna Suckle, latter pioneer 1 862). She was born Nov. 9, 1859, Dundee, Scotland. Their children: George E b. Dec. 25, 1879, m. Rae Nelson Jan. 4, 1905; Jane Ruth b. March 3, 1882, d. April 28, 1892; Edwin Ruthven b July 9 1884; Leonard Smith b. July 17, 1887; Johanna Pearl b. May 30, 1890; Hazel Vern b. Nov. 12, 1892; Mainice Kent b. Jan. 26, 1899. Family home, Smithfleld. Bishop of first ward, Smithfleld, Utah. Merchant. Presi- dent of the Bank of Smithfield; president of Smithfleld Brick & Tile Company; first vice president of Trenton Irri- gation Company of Utah; president Smithfield Lumber Com- pany, and also of Smithfleld Implement Company. .mi. MS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (son of Benjamin Albert Miles and Mahuldah Lockhart). Born in 1857, Wanship, Married Rachel Emily Shippen In Wanship, Utah (daugh- ter of Charles Shippen and Mary Alice Casper), who was born in 1859, Big Cottonwood, Utah. Their children: Zina Estella b. Sept. 2, 1878. m. George Edgar Wilkins; Jennie, m. William Wardell; Mary, m. Joseph Beecroft; Benjamin; Blanche; Pearl; Margaret. Family home Peoa, Utah. Elder. Farmer. 7, 1887; James Edwin b. Oct. 26, 1867; Charles Henry b. July 2, 1870, m. Minnie Mangum Aug. 2, 1905; Hannah Marinda b. Aug. 13, 1874, m. W. B. Mathis March 22, 1897. Family resided Salt Lake City, St. George and Price, Washington Co., Utah. High councilor; Sunday school superintendent; patriarch. Justice of peace. School teacher. Adjutant in Nauvoo Legion. Secretary Price Irrigation Company. Mil. MS. SAMtHSL (son of Samuel Miles, born Sept. 3, 1779, Bransford, New Haven county, Conn., and Prudence Marks, born May 1, 1795, Rutland county, Vt married May 19, 1825). He was born April 8, 1826, Attica, Genesee county, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848, with a portion of Company B, Mormon Battalion. Married Hannah M. Colborn Sept. 6, 1849 (daughter of Thomas Colborn and Sarah Bower married Aug. 11, 1825, Genoa, Cayuga county, N. Y. pioneers Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Dec. 29, 1831, and came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company. Their children: William Gustavus b. Sept. 13, 1851, m. Paralee A. Church May 25, 1874; Samuel b. Dec. 23, 1853, m. E. Louisa Worthen Dec. 6, 1875; Thomas Colborn b. March 12, 1856, m. Annie Pulsipher March 27. 1878; Ira b. Dec. 17, 1859, m. Alice Bell; John Salmar b. May 7, 1862, m. Merza White- head; Franklin Godbe b. April 7, 1865, m. Nellie Moss April MILLIARD, JAMES RADFORD (son of John Millard and Martha Radford of England). Born March 22, 1827, Bidi- sham, Somersetshire. Came to Utah October, 1853, Joseph A. Young company. Married Kathryne Richards (daughter of William Rich- ards and Alice Howells, the former a pioneer Oct. 2, 1854, Daniel Garn company). Their children: John James b Oct. 23, 1855, m. Katurah Haight; Alice Elizabeth b. March 15, 1857, m. William Watson; Mary Kathryne b. June 27, 1860; Celia b. June 16, 1862, m. Walter L. Grover Jan 18 1883; William Joseph b. Sept. 3, 1865, m. Maud Walker. MILLBURN, HERBERT WEST (son of John B. Millburn and Jennie Tingley of Battle Creek, Iowa; they came to Utah 1887). Born Nov. 28, 1873, Battle Creek, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1887. Married Olive Branch April 22, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Henry Branch and Ella Coombs, pio- neers Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born Dec. 19, 1878, St. George, Utah. Their children: Aure- lia b. Dec. 7, 1897; Jennie Kuth b. June 12, 1900; John Her- bert b. Feb. 16, 1908; Frank Branch b. Nov. 8, 1909. Family home Price, Utah. MILLER, CHARLES J. (son of William Miller and Ann Ellis of Maresfleld, Sussex, Eng.). Born Oct. 8. 1818, Fletch- ing, Sussex, Eng-. Came to Utah June 24, 1868, Harvey H. Cluff company. Married Harriet Hill in England (daughter of John Hill and Elizabeth Budgen of England), who was born Feb. 16, 1785. Their children: James, m. Elizabeth ; Harriet, m. William O'Kinney; Susan, m. John Duke; Charles, m. Amelia Hawkins, d. March 23, 1883; Jane, died; Eliza, m. George Barnett; Andrew, m. Caroline Saunders; Job, m. Alice Per- kins, d. Feb. 28, 1873; Oliver, d. March 5, 1875; Emma, m. John Goes. Family home Cleveland, Ohio. Railroader. Died Aug. 18, 1900, Cleveland. MILLER, ANDREW (son of Charles Miller and Harriet Hill). Born March 8, 1862, at Clayton, England. Came to Utah with parents. Married Caroline E. Saunders Dec. 16, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Gilbert Saunders and Phoebe Merrill of Soham. Cambridgeshire, Eng.). She was born March 5, 1853, and came to Utah in 1854. Their children: Andrew b. Aug. 22, 1873, m. Mary Buse; William Charles b. Aug. 2, 1876, died; Caroline Eliza b. Feb. 20, 1878, m. George G. Rose; Oliver Steven b. June 14, 1880, m. Rose Kershaw; Elizabeth Moyes; Rhoda Harriet b. Oct. 29, 1882, m. John Williams; James G. b. March 13, 1885, m. Elizabeth Brown- ing; John H. b. Aug. 17, 1887, m. Gwenna Rhees; Parley b Jan. 16, 1890, d. July 24, 1890; Albert Joseph b. April 14, 1891, m. Cordelia London; Wiley b. March 1, 1893; Earl b. June 27, 1896. Resided North Ogden, Utah. Ordained elder Dec. 16, 1872; clerk of quorum; ordained high priest March 28, 1908. Brickmaker and poultry raiser. MILLER, OLIVER STEVEN (son of Andrew Miller and Caroline' E. Saunders). Born June 14, 1880, North Ogden, Utah. Married Rose Kershaw April 30, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew J. Kershaw and Rose Whitten of England). Their only child died In infancy. Married Elizabeth I. Moyes Oct. 22, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of John H. Moyes and Elizabeth Ingles of Ogden, pioneers with John Nicholson and P. C. Christenson com- panies. Family home Ogden, Utah. Elder. Fruit, bee and poultry raiser. MILLER, CHRISTIAN JENSEN (son of Jense Christian Miller, born 1808, Rorbek, Dastrup, Denmark, and Chris- tina Myriah Christensen, born 1813, Dastrup, Denmark). He was born Aug. 6, 1840, Thrue, Denmark. Came to Utah 1863. Married Mary Poulsen 1866, Hyrum, Utah (daughter of Jense Poulsen and Dorthea Andersen, former died on plains, latter came to Utah 1866, Peter Nebeker company). She was born 1847, Dastrup, Denmark, and came to Utah with mother. Their children: James C. b. March 3, 1869, m. Martha L. Bradshaw; Myriah b. Dec. 10, 1871. m. Theodore Peterson; Caroline b. Aug. 2, 18'i5, m. J. Wilford Munk; Emma Margrete b. April 1878. m. Hyrum N. Hanson; Lauritz W. b. May 18, 1882, m. Eliza Robins; Hyrum Jensen b. March 1885, m. Maud Anderson; Amanda Jensen b. June 8, 1887, m. Robert P. Lotham. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Married Anna Poulson 1869, Hyrum, Utah (daughter of Jense Poulson and Dortha Andersen of Denmark). She was born Nov. 27, 1853, Eastrup. Denmark. Their children: Anna b. Nov. 11, 1873, m. Herman Johnson; Niels C. b. Aug. 24, 1876, m. Carrie ; Milla Jensen b. April 7, 1878, m. 1038 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH J. A. Lowry; Charles C. b. Nov. 7, 1881, m. Herman Fosley; Laura June b. Jan. 13, 1884, m. John Bankrod; Rosetta b. April 13. 1880, m. George B. Cannon; Agnes A. b. Sept. 30, 1885, m. George Banket; Pearl b. Jan. 8, 1887; Momel b. 1888, m. Will Nielson; Janin b. Jan. 25, 1890; Ruben Jensen b. Sept. 3, 1892. Missionary to Denmark 1905-06; high priest. Has done much for the upbuilding of Hyrum and surrounding country. Farmer and stockraiser. MILLER, DANIEL ARNOLD (son of James Gardner Miller and Ruth Arnold, born 1767, of Lexington, Green county, N. Y married Oct. 29, 1798). He was born Aug. 11, 1809. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1848, captain of one of the large immigrant trains preceding the large number who came that year. Married Clarissa Pond Dec. 29, 1833 (daughter of Tho- deas Pond, born in 1770, died Aug. 20, 1847, and Lovisa Minos, born in 1777, died Oct. 30, 1844 married 1797). She was born Jan. 8, 1806, and died Sept. 1. 1844, near Carthag-e, Hancock county. 111. Their children: Lovisa b. Oct. 1. 1834, m. Milton D. Hammon; Jacob b. Dec. 9, 1835, m. Hellen Mar Cheney; James Thodeas b. Dec. 19, 1837, d. Feb. 25, 1858; Susan Hulda b. Sept. 11, 1839, m. William Carbine; Clarissa Jane b. Aug. 11, 1841, m. Oscar Rice; Daniel Arnold b. Oct. 8, 1843, d. Oct. 8, 1843. Family home Adams, Hancock county. 111. Married Hannah Bigler Dec. 29, 1844, near Carthage, 111. (daughter of Jacob Bigler, pioneer Sept. 4, 1848, Daniel A. Miller company). She was born Jan. 20, 1820. Their chil- dren: Isabelle Clarinda b. Jan. 21, 1846, m. Adam Bigler; Joseph Smith b. Aug. 12, 1847, m. Lydia Steed; Emeline Elizabeth b. May 1, 1849, m. Calvin Wilson; Sarah Lavina b. June 24, 1850, m. John Hess; Ruth Abagail b. July 29, 1852, m. Charles Turner; Hannah Malinda b. June 23, 1854, m. Elija Jones; David Edgar b. Oct. 28, 1855, m. Julia E. Rog- ers- Bathsheba b. Jan. 12, 1857, m. Ira R. Steede; Daniel G. b. May 29, 1859, m. Nellie M. Smith; Henry William b. Oct. B. 1860, m. Annlel Leonard. Family home Farmington, Utah. Married Elenor Williamson Feb. IB, 1857 (daughter of Thomas Williamson and Hannah Robinson), who was born Sept. 28, 1827, and died Feb. 26, 1864. Their children: Clarissa Ruth b. May 28, 1859, m. Arthur Stayner; Charles Arnold b. May 22, 1861, m. Gertrude Stayner; Frederick Septimus b. Feb. 10, 1864, died. Family home Farmington, Utah. High priest; missionary to Indiana in 1842; bishop of Kanesville, Iowa, 1846-47. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1848, and again in 1853. Treasurer of Davis Co., Utah. Consecrated all his property ($3,871) to the Mormon Church. Moved to southern Utah May 2, 1868. Director of Z; C. M. I. Farmer and stockraiser. MILLER, JACOB (son of Daniel Arnold Miller and Clarissa Pond). Born Dec. 9, 1835, Quincy, Adams county, 111. Married Helen Mar Cheney March 16, 1856, Farmington, Davis Co., Utah (daughter of Nathan Cheney and Eliza Ann Beebe, pioneers Oct. 6, 1850, with William Snow company). She was born July 26, 1835, Freedom, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Their children: Jacob Franklin b. Dec. 10, 1856, m. Hulda Larson; Eliza Ann b. Jan. 15, 1859, d. Jan. 31, 1859; James Bertram b. April 22, 1860, d. May 14, 1860; Helen Vestlna b. Nov. 10, 1861, d. Sept. 24, 1866; Nathan Wallace b. May 23, 1864, d. Sept. 25, 1864; Bertina Nathalia b. Aug. 21, 1865. m. James J. Steed; Daniel Thomas b. May 15, 1870, m. Hattie Knowlton. Married Annie Sophia Christensen May 13, 188B, Logan, Utah (daughter of Mads Christensen and Mary Johannah Jenson, pioneers Sept. 13, 1867, with a handcart company). She was born March 4, 1864, Farmington, Utah. Their chil- dren- Joseph Royal b. May 18, 1890; Harold C. b. April 25, 1894, d. March 26, 1895; Annie Elna b. Aug. 3. 1896; Hyrum Julian b. Sept. 27, 1898; Horton C. b. Nov. 18, 1900. Seventy; high priest; patriarch; called on a mission to Australia on June 12 and left on June 16, 1875-76; counselor to Bishop John W. Hess and first counselor to Bishop J. M. Secrist; stake tithing cle-rk; missionary to Indian mission at Limhi, Idaho. Moved to southern Utah May 2, 1868. School teacher 25 terms. 1856-69. Superintendent of Sunday school 1869-73. School trustee for three terms; president of the board of examination of teachers. Director, secretary and treasurer of Z. C. M. I. Justice of peace for two terms. Helped in the attempt to colonize the Little Colo- rado valley in Arizona, but the undertaking was a failure. Director, treasurer and assistant superintendent of a Farm- ington Co-op, for tanning, manufacturing and stockraising. "Director and secretary and assistant superintendent of a Davis county company, successor to the Farmington Co-op. Agent for Hammond, Hendrecks & Co., D. & R. G. R. R. contractors for grading and track-laying. Served one term as county clerk of Davis county, 1883. Died Oct. 15, 1911. MILLER, JACOB FRANKLIN (son of Jacob Miller and Helen Mar Cheney). Born Dec. 10, 1856, Farmington, Utah. Married Hulda Larson Sept. 18, 1901, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Ole Larson, who came to Utah Aug. 21, 1885, and Johanna Nelson). She was born June 26, 1872, Skane, Sweden. Their children: Joseph Larson b. Sept. 1, 1902; Helen Mar b. Nov. 13, 1903. President 40th quorum seventies; missionary to Tennes- see 1883-86; stake tithing clerk; member of board of Y. M. M. I. A.; student of Deseret University. Professor of his- tory and political science in the B. Y. C. 1892-96. In 1896 the degree of Bachelor of Didactics, and in 1902 the degree Bachelor of Arts were conferred upon him. Died March 25 1906. MILLER, DANIEL G. (son of Daniel Arnold Miller and Hannah Bigler married Dec. 29, 1844, near Carthage, 111 ) Born May 29, 1869, Farmington, Utah. Married Nellie M. Smith Dec. 23, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jesse W. and Catheren A. Vanvelver Smith) who was born Dec. 14, 1861, Farmington, Utah. Their chil- dren: Daniel Gardner b. Feb. 18, 1882. m. Sarah Luella Brower; Jesse Arnold b. April 8, 1885, m. Myrtle Eva Brower- Charles Henry b. Feb. 18, 1887, m. Olive May Orgill; Horace S. b. Feb. 2, 1889; Andrew b. Nov. 13, 1890; Wallace Arland b. Dec. 12, 1892; Ralph b. Jan. 8, 1895; Hellen b. March 30, 1900; Sarah b. Oct. 26. 1902; Stella b. Oct. 27, 1904. Family resided Farmington, Utah, and Parker, Idaho. Second assistant superintendent Sundy school, north dis- trict, Farmington ward; president Y. M. M. I. A.; president Y. M. M. I. A. Eg-in (Parker), Idaho; assistant Sunday school superintendent Parker, Idaho; counselor to Bishop Carbine in 1893; bishop of Parker ward 1902-10; president of Yellowstone stake; missionary to southern states 1896-98. MILLER, ELEAZAR. Came to Utah 1847. Married Rebecca Rathbone. Their children: Gilbert; Van Rensler, died; Perry, d. aged 70; Harrison; Elliott- Subrlna, m. John Hackshaw; Baby, d. Infant; William, m Margaret Neibaur, m. Christene . Farmer. Ran church farm In early days. Died at Salt Lake City. MILLER, WILLIAM (son of Eleazar Miller and Rebecca Rathbone). Born June 10, 1832. Came to Utah 1847. Married Margaret Neibaur 1856, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Alexander Neibaur of Salt Lake City, pioneer 1848, with oxteam). She was born Feb. 20, 1836. Their chil- dren: Ellen b. March 14, 1857, m. Fred Brind; Rebecca Jane b. Nov. 24, 1858, m. Herbert Savage; William Perry b. Jan. 7, 1860, m. Martha Ellen Prows, m. Mary Jane Birch; Van Rensler b. Jan. 3, 1861, m. Salina Gay; Alice, m. Robert Morgan, m. Richard B. Keffer; Gilbert, d. aged 21; Subrina, d. infant; Harrison, m. Elnora Wiseman; Elliott, m. Serepta Vicker; James Nathan, m. Lilly Stallings; Isaac Alexander, d. May 1, 1900; Heber John, d. infant; George Washington, m. Abigail Fullmer; Margaret. Family resided Salt Lake City and Kamas, Utah. Married Christene . Salt Lake Endowment house. Their children: Joseph; Hyrum. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. Farmer and freighter. Died July 5, 1910, Spring Glen, Utah. MILLER, WILLIAM PERRY (son of William Miller and Margaret Neibaur). Born Jan. 7, 1860, Salt Lake City. Married Martha Ellen Prows April 27, 1881, Kanosh, Utah (daughter of William Cook Prows and Lodesky Ann Roberts, pioneers 1850). She was born March 27, 1862, and died Feb. 4, 1889, Kanosh, Utah. Their children: Clara Ellen b. Aug. 17, 1882, d. infant; Margaret A. L. b. Oct. 6, 1884. m. James Dickens Fullmer; William Albert b. Sept. 19, 1886; Parley b. Jan. 23, 1889; Perry b. Jan. 23, 1889, m. Clara Jorgensen. Family home Kanosh, Utah. Married Mary Jane Birch Dec. 1, 1892, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Richard Birch and Mary Ann Hale of Hoytsville, Utah, latter a pioneer 1849 married Aug. 15, 1865, Salt Lake Endowment house). She was born Nov. 10, 1864. Their children: Gilbert b. Nov. 29, 1893; Helen Mar b. July 28, 1896; Woodruff b. Oct. 19, 1898; Isaac b. Dec. 20, 1900; James Earl b. July 26, 1902; George Ellis b. Nov. 27, 1904; Eleazar b. March 14, 1907. Family resided at Joseph City, Cleveland and Spring Glen, Utah. Seventy; high priest; counselor to Bishop James Nathan Miller; counselor to Bishop J. T. Rowley; Sunday school superintendent; president Y. M. M. I. A.; ward teacher. Farmer and freighter. MILLER, FREDERICK ANDRUS (son of Frederick Andrus Miller of Germany, born 1811, and Mary Wilson of Scotland, born Feb. 16, 1811 married in New York city). He was born March 24, 1838. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1851, Morris Phelps company. Married Geneva Shaw Oct. 31, 1870 (daughter of William Shaw and Diana Chase), who was born Feb. 6, 1854, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Frederick S. b. July 28, 1871, m. Polly Ann Taylor; William b. Aug. 11, 1873, died; James b. Dec. 27, 1874; Frank b. March 14. 1876, m. Anna Colman; Mary b. Nov. 14, 1877, m. Walter Taylor; Jerome b. Aug. 21, 1879; Geneva b. March 22, 1881, m. R. R. D. Brown; Diana b. April 10, 1883, m. Frank Blair; Margret b. Nov. 16, 1884. m. Isaac D. Fife; Reuben b. Sept. 13, 1886; Agnes b. March 2, 1888; Rosabell b. Nov. 26, 1889; Robert L. b. Dec. 4. 1891; Archie D. b. Feb. 16, 1893; Jesse E. b. Sept. 29. 1894; Juliet F. b. July 6, 1899. Counselor to bishop, Harrlsville, Utah, for four years; missionary to Lemhi, Idaho, 1867-58. Alderman for Ogden city two terms; justice of the peace for six years, Lynne precinct, Ogden, Utah; school trustee 20 years for Lynne. and Harrisville districts. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1039 MILLKR, FREDERICK S. (son of Frederick Andrus Miller and Geneva Shaw). Born July 28, 1871, Lynne. Utah. Married Polly Ann Taylor Dec. 2, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of Harvey G. Taylor and Emeline Rawson). She was born Aug. 22, 1873, Harrisville, Utah. MILLER, HENRY WILLIAM (son of James Gardner Miller, born March 15, 1771, in Connecticut, and Ruth Arnold, born 1769 married Oct. 27, 1798). He was born May 1, 1807, Lexington, Greene county, N. T. Came to Utah 1852. Married Elmira Pond June 19, 1831 (daughter of Silas and Clarissa Pond), who was born Feb. 14, 1811, and came to Utah 1852, Captain Miller company. Their children; Eliza- beth b. Sept. 25, 1832, m. Andrew Quigley; Ruth Ann b. March 30, 1834, m. George McBride; m. James McBride; Lucy b. Jan. 10, 1837, m. Oliver L. Robinson; Wm. Henry b. Dec. 22, 1838, m. Helen M. Hinmon; Alma b. Jan. 20, 1841, m. Louisa Jane Hall; Mary Elmira b. Sept. 10, 1843, m. Alma Hess; Freelove b. July 24, 1845, m. Milton D. Hammond; Hyrum Smith b. May 4, 1847, m. Caroline Smithson; Sarah Jane b. March 22, 1849, m. Wm. V. Carbine; David b. Feb. 14, 1851; Arnold Daniel b. March 2, 1852, m. Mary Jane Laub. Family resided Council Bluffs, Iowa, Farmington, and St. George Utah. High priest. High councilor. Representative Iowa legis- lature. Missionary to Indian territory in 1852. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah; member of Mormon Bat- talion; pioneer to southern Utah 1865. Located at Farming- ton in 1882. Lawyer; farmer and stockralser. Died October, 1885. MILLER, WILLIAM H. (son of Henry W. Miller and Elmira Pond). Born Dec. 22, 1838, at Quincy, 111. Came to Utah with father. Married Helen M. Hinman, March 20, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lyman Hinman of Massachusetts pioneer of Sept. 8, 1848), who was born Sept. 20, 1840. Their children: Edna, d. aged 13; William M., m. Udora Hess; Aurelia, d. Infant; Lyman H., m. Mary J. Smith; Seymour L., m. Lillie Hunsaker; Eva, m. Franklin L. Walker; Maud, m. David Cook; Hattie, m. Harvey Moore; Rhoda, m. Raddon. Family home Farmington, Utah. Fruitgrower and stockraiser. MILLER, WILLIAM M. (son of William H. Miller and Helen M. Hinman). Born Feb. 12, 1861, Farmington, Utah. Married Udora Hess, Nov. 24, 1881, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John W. Hess and Mary Ann Steed, of Farmingiton, Utah pioneers 1849). She was born Sept. 28, 1863. Their children: Helen M. b. March 26, 1883, d. aged 2; William M. b. March 11, 1885; George Lewis b. May 14, 1887, m. Alice Rohwer; Mary Ann b. Nov. 5, 1889, m. William T. Rogers; Clarence (Eugene) b. Aug. 15. 1892; John (Wilford) b. Nov. 17, 1894. Family home Penrose, Box Elder Co., Utah. Married Olive Pierson, Sept. 8, 1895, Plymouth, Box Elder Co., Utah, (daughter of Harmon D. Pierson and Mary , of Plymouth, Utah pioneers fall, 1847). She was born about 1870. Their children: James H. b. Sept. 3, 1897; Maud b. May 12, 1899; Olive U. b. Nov. 1901; Aurelia E. b. Dec. 12, 1902; Jessie b. Sept. 30, 1906; Irene (twin of Jessie); Helen b. March 19, 1909; Althea b. In 1911. Elder. Farmer; fruitgrower; stockralser. MILLER, ARNOLD DANIEL (son of Henry Wm. Miller and Elmira Pond). Born March 2, 1852, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married Mary Jane Laub Dec. 14, 1873, Salt Lake City, Utah, (daughter of George and Mary Jane McGinnes Laub, pioneers 1852, Captain Higby company). She was born Nov. 29, 1856, Salt Lake City. Their children: Arnold Daniel b. Oct. 23, 1874, m. Effle A. Secrist; Bert Henry b. Dec. 15, 1876, m. Rose Davis; Franklin Alma b. Sept. 3. 1879, m. Bertha Flint; Erwin Stanley b. Aug. 11, 1882; George Wm. b. Dec. 26, 1885, m. Jennie Southworth; Mary Elmira b. Nov. 7, 1887, m. Lee Stanford; John Frederick b. Nov. 10, 1891; Edgar Ray b. Jan. 3, 1894; Leah Lurene b. July 13, 1896. Family resided St. George, Utah; Parker, Idaho, and St. Anthony, Idaho. High councilor Zion stake, Oregon, 1902-3; bishop of St. Anthony, Idaho. Was a leading member of the build- ing committee of the Yellowstone stake tabernacle. Pioneer in farming and stock raising In the Egin Bench (now Parker), Idaho. Assessor and collector of Fremont county, Idaho, 1896-98. Served in constructing and developing the Irrigation system of the Upper Snake River valley. Freighter and railroader of the Rocky Mountain regjion 1870-84. Bishop's counselor at Parker, Idaho, 1884. MILLER, ARNOLD DANIEL JK. (son of Arnold Daniel Miller and Mary Jane Laub). Born Oct. 23, 1874, St. George, Utah. Married Effle A. Secrist Dec. 1, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of Heber Nephi Secrist and Florence Adelta Smith). She was born Feb. 1, 1878, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Vernessa Irene b. Dec. 26, 1899; Eunice Gertrude b. Jan. 8, 1902; Florence Mary b. Jan. 14, 1907; Effle Myrle b. May 20, 1909. Family home Parker, Idaho. Bishop of Parker, Idaho; assistant superintendent of Sun- day school; stake Sunday school board member; missionary to northwestern states 1897-99. Attended school at the B. Y. U., Provo, Utah. Pioneer of Idaho 1884. Assisted In the development of the upper Snake River valley. Member building committee Yellowstone stake tabernacle. Ward president Y. M. M. I. A. eight years. MILLER, JAMBS. Born Nov. 20, 1829, Blrtherglen, Lanark- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah with oxteam. Married Margaret Anderson, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary Elizabeth, m. George Boyen; Margaret Ann, m. Alma Charles Davis; Charles William, m. Minnie Creamer; James David, m. Margaret Snell; Agnes Ann. m. Joseph Creer; John Archibald. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Lavenia Andrus Dec. 6, 1869, Salt Lake Endow- ment house (daughter of Milo Andrus and Lucy Loomls of Big Cottonwood, Utah, pioneers with handcarts). She was born Feb. 28, 1854, Big Cottonwood. Their children- Brigham b. Nov. 24, 1870; Lucy b. Aug. 2, 1872; Lavenia b. July 29, 1873; Alma R. b. Jan. 12, 1876; June b. June 1, 1878; Francina b. Sept. 14, 1880; Amos b. Oct. 19, 1882, d. Aug. 22, 1909. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Died October, 1904, Spanish Fork, Utah. Lavenia Andrus later married James McComb, at Salt Lake City. Their children: Eleanor b. March 17, 1889, m. Jesse Miles, m. James Raymond; Mary Alma b. May 29, 1890, m. Clifford Robinson; Viola b. Dec. 2, 1891, m. Edward House; Ida b. July 14, 1893, d. aged 2; William James b. July 2, 1895. Family home Helper, Utah. MILLER, JOHN. Born Jan. 11, 1811, Wymondham, Nor- folk, Eng. Married Mary Jolley, at Norfolk, Eng. Married Jane Childs (Ginger) Nov. 1, 1868, Salt Lake En- dowment house (daughter of George Childs and Rachel Proyer of Herefordshire, Eng., pioneers Aug. 20, 1868, Cap- tain McMaster company). She was born Dec. 10, 1818. Died Aug. 11. 1892, Salt Lake City. Jane Childs was the widow of William Ginger. MILLER, MARTIN (son of George Miller, born 1807, Den- mark, and Margret Healey, born in Denmark). Born June 23, 1843, in Denmark. Came to Utah in 1853. Married Christena Peterson Dec. 15, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Peterson and Norma Anderson of Sweden, pioneers Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock company). She was born May 21, 1845. Their children: Martin George b. Dec. 17, 1868, m. Lovina Williams July 4, 1892; Mary Ann b. Jan. 9, 1869, died; Margret b. June 1, 1873, m. John Thomas Gordon Jan. 24, 1895; Emma Christena b. Aug. 27, 1876, m. Boise A. Wells July 3, 1900; Alma, m. Anna Bushman Oct. 3, 1902; Franklin John; Hannah Lottie, m. Myron Harker Feb. 15, 1907; Anna, died; Elma, m. Earl Harker. Family first resided Lehi, then Mount Pleasant (1859), Utah, and Magirath (1892), Canada. Seventy. Teacher. Black Hawk war veteran. Member water board Lehl for years. Made trip across plains with oxteam for immigrants 1862. Farmer. Died Dec. 5, 1912, Magrath. MILLER, MILO (son of Josiah and Amanda Miller of Ohio). Born July 26, 1818, in Ohio. Came to Utah 1849. Ephraim Hanks company, by way of California with Mormon Batta- lion. Married Rachel Ewing 1851, Salt Lake City, Brigham Young officiating (daughter of Samuel Ewlng and Elizabeth Schaffer of Little Britain, Lancaster county. Pa., pioneers 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Aug. 12. 1829, and died August, 1898. Their children: Samuel, m. Maggie Sheppee; Daniel, m. Loanda Tidwell; James, died; Charles Andrew; John Edward, m. Mariah Jensen; Franklin Anderson, m. Ann Eliza Merrick (Toot); William Ashmer, m. Hannah Jensen; Sarah Frances, died; Joseph Henry; Ora Ann, died; Hyrum Emer, died. Family resided Nephl and Emery, Utah. President seventies quorum; block teacher. Was called to settle Nephl, and his child, James, was the first child buried there; helped to build canals, Irrigation ditches and wagon roads; moved to Rabbit Valley from Nephi 1875, then to Loa, and then to Emery county 1877, where there was but one family at the time he arrived, Casper Christensen. He was the upbuilder of this part of the country, and his work paved the way for the others that came. Veteran Black Hawk and Tintic Indian wars. Farmer. Died March 3, 1900, Nephi. MILLER, FRANKLIN ANDERSON (son of Mllo Miller and Rachel Ewing). Born Jan. 9, 1861, Nephi, Utah. Married Ann Eliza Merrick (Toot) Dec. 25, 1886, on his ranch, seven miles south of Emery, David Jones officiating (daughter of George Merrick and Hannah Green of Mt. Pleasant and Emery, Utah). She was born Jan. 22, 1870. Their children: Franklin Edwin, died; Rachel b. Jan. 14. 1891, m. Alfred Jensen; Delphia b. Jan. 19, 1893; Ruth b. Dec. B, 1894: May b. Feb. 27, 1897; Esther b. Dec. 1, 1899; William b. Nov. B, 1901; Sherman b. June 16, 1904; George b. May 24, 1908. Family home, Emery. Deacon. Came to Emery as a boy, where he passed his life In building up the county and town of Emery; all that has been accomplished in building the south side of the county to its present high state of cultivation and develop- ment has been done since he came here; the Irrigation canals and wagon roads that have been the hardest to build has 1040 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH been a part of his labor; he has devoted his time to farming, and owns the first farm taken up in this part of the country; it is where his father located in 1877; he was the first man to successfully raise corn In this part of Utah. on account of 111 health. Engaged in fruitgrowing and gen- eral farming on Provo bench. President and manager Utah Products Company at Murray. Member school board. School teacher in Salt Lake City 1895-96. Graduate of University of Utah, 1895. Mil.l.F.n. KEFBEX (son of Isaac Miller, born Jan. 19, 1782. Reading, Pa., and Esther Glime, born Feb. 27, 1789, in Lan- caster county, Pa.). He was born Sept. 4, 1811, Lancaster, Pa. Came to Utah 1849. Married Rhoda Ann Letts April 17, 1836 (daughter of David Letts and Martha Strawn), who was born Nov. 25, 1814. Their children: Edwin C. b. Feb. 9, 1837, d. July 26, 1838; James R. b. Oct. 2, 1838. m. Mary Jane Gardner; Martha b. March 17, 1843, d. May 12. 1843; Reuben P. b. Dec. 22, 1844. m. Margaret Gardner Oct. 1, 1868; Melvin M. b. Oct. 17, 1846, m. Martha Maria Shurtliff; Chillian L. b. Nov. 29. 1848. m. Harriett Jane Webb June 24, 1870; Edgar G. b. June 22, I860, d. Jan. 2. 1863; Rhoda Ann b. June 28, 1862. d. April 20, 1864; Uriah G. b. Sept. 24, 1864, d. Dec. 9, 1867: David L. b. Oct. 8, 1856. m. Emerett Boyce Dec. 27, 1877. Family home Mill Creek ward, Salt Lake county, Utah. Married Orace Burnham (daughter of Dyer Burnham and Grace Cone). She was born Nov. 20. 1816. Mexico. Oswego county. N. Y. Their children: Ellen Elizabeth b. Feb. 14, 1850, d. May 28, 1865: Julia Ann b. Oct. 8, 1854, d. June 3, 1866; Charles Eugene b. Aug. 25, 1852, m. Christeena McAllister. Married Ann Cramer Dec. 9, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of George B. Cramer and Elizabeth West). She was born July 15. 1838, Warwickshire, Eng. Their children: Orrin Porter b. Sept. 11, 1858. m. Minnie Morgan; Mary Elizabeth b. Nov. 1, 1860, m. Thomas Boam; Louisa b. Nov. 22, 1862, d. Oct. 11, 1883; George Benjamin b. Feb. 19. 1865, m. Jane Merrill; Harriet Ann b. March 11, 1867, m. John W. Morgan; Lenora b. March 20. 1869, m. George Green; Milton Henry b. Aug. 8. 1871, d. Oct. 31, 1875; Walter Frederick b. Sept. 6, 1873; Marlon John b. Sept. 20, 1877, m. Lydia Bolton; Nellie Cramer b. Sept. 30, 1880, m. Otto Headman Dec. 19, 1900; Deuane b. Jan. 15, 1883. m. Mary Elizabeth Burgon Sept. 7, 1904. Family home Mill Creek, Utah. Married Jane Hughes Jan. 11. 1869. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Hughes and Elizabeth Swallon). She was born Jan. 21, 1849, Leominster, Herefordshire, Eng. Their chil- dren: Ella Jane b. Dec. 30, 1869, m. Ernest Croxford; Frank Hughes b. Sept. 7, 1872, m. Blanche Williams; Letts Gllme b. March 5, 1874, d. March 5. 1875; Esther Elizabeth b. April 11, 1876, d. Sept. 6, 1878; Emma Maria b. Oct. 6, 1877, m. Wil- liam Park; Ellas Smith b. Aug. 5, 1882. Family home Mill Creek, Utah. First located at Mill Creek. When the Mill Creek ward was organized in 1850. he was set apart as bishop of that ward, which position he held to his death. County com- missioner 1850. He was known to be a hard worker and a keen business man, and succeeded in accumulating consider- able worldly goods. Nearly, if not all of the main water ditches lying north of Big Cottonwood Creek were laid out by him, with an old water level and a teakettle that he used for an instrument. During his life as a commissioner he opened .!! of the roads both ways across the valley, and the present system of roads Is due to his foresight and Judgment. MILLER, REUBEN PARLEY (son of Reuben Miller and Rhoda Ann Letts). Born Dec. 22, 1844. Beech Creek, LaSalle county. 111. Came to Utah 1848. Married Margaret Gardner Oct. 10, 1868 (daughter of Robert Gardner and Jane McCune, pioneers October, 1847, Edward Hunter company). She was born Sept. 11, 1844, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Reuben Edgar b. Oct. 30, 1869, m. Janetta McMillan.; m. Elizabeth Dixon; Robert Gardner b. April 20, 1872. d. Nov. 29, 1878; David b. June 19, 1873, d. July 31, 1873; Uriah George b. Nov. 28, 1874, m. Rosamond Carlisle; Margaret May b. May 7, 1878, d. June 12, 1878; Edith Lyle b. Aug. 7, 1879; Melvin Parley b. April 30, 1882, m. Cora Brugger; Ernest Tay b. April 30, 1884, d. Dec. 20, 1892. Family home Mill Creelc, Utah. Member Nauvoo Legion from early 1860 until its disorgan- ization 1870; 1862 was called by President Lincoln to guard mail route; crossed plains In all 13 times, making six trips for immigrants; 1867-68, freighted to Los Angeles; 1871, with his brother, Melvin, entered Cheny Creek in the cattle business; 1876 they entered Castle Valley where they established a flourishing sheep and cattle Industry; also engaged in farming, manufacturing and mercantile business. Just previous to his death, he secured controlling interest in what was known as the Inter-Mountain Milling Company. Died March 27, 1891. MILLER, URIAH GEORGE (son of Reuben Parley Miller and Margaret Gardner). Born Nov. 28, 1874, Mill Creek, Utah. Married Rosamond Pearl Carlisle (daughter of Joseph Carlisle and Isabel! Sharp, married 1863. St. Louts, Mo., and came to Utah same year). She was born July 29, 1876. Their children: Uriah Lynn b. Dec. 12, 1902; Marvin George b. Sept. 2, 1905. Missionary to northern states June 2, 1896 to Dec. 21, 1898; missionary to West Mountain mining district Nov. 16, 1899, and remained there until the Granite stake was organized, when he was chosen second counselor in the Y. M. M. I. A. When Murray first ward was organized Oct. 28, 1900, he was chosen as bishop; released January, 1909, MILLER, WILLIAM (son of Seth Miller and Martha Tilden of Avon, N. Y.). Born Jan. 8, 1914, Avon, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1849, with his own company. Married Marilla Lucretia Johnson Dec. 27, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Aaron Johnson and Polly Zerviah Kelsey. of Nauvoo, 111.; came to Utah September, 1850, the former's own company). She was born Oct. 12, 1830. Their child: Wm. Alonzo, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Phoebe Scott May 4, 1834, Avon, N. Y. She was born Aug. 19, 1816. Their children: George; Rebecca Scott. Married Emeline Potter Feb. 7, 1846. She was born May 18, 1828. Married Annie Lewis Sept. 8, 1859. She was born July 23. 1837. Married Jane Lewis Oct. 22, 1864. She was born Nov. 20, 1840. Member second quorum seventies; missionary to England 1860-68; president of Utah stake. Probate judge Utah county. Merchant; farmer; stockraiser. Died Aug. 7, 1875, Provo, Utah. MILLETT, ARTEMUS (son of Artemus Millett and Susan- nah Peters of Kirtland. Ohio). Born June 15, 1836, Kirt- land, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1866, independent company. Married Nancy Jane Beal Oct. 11, 1866, at Glenwood. Utah (daughter of William Beal and Clarissa Allen of Glenwood, Utah; came to Utah in 1860, Independent company). She was born Oct. 22, 1846. Their children: Artemus b. Dec. 4. 1866; Franklyn W. b. Sept. 23. 1868, m. Caroline Jarmln; Charley William b. April 18, 1871, m. Ethel Larson; Emma Maria b. Nov. 4, 1873. m. Edwin Lytle; Susan Harriett b. Aug. 15. 1876, m. Melvin A; Court; Eliza Lemira b. hov. 4, 1878, m. William E. Barney; Paul Alma b. Dec. 12, 1880. m. Effie May Burr; Clarice Effle b. June 21, 1883, m. Joseph Hill, m. Elwood Davis; Sarah Jane b. April 19, 1885; Ella Augusta b. Aug. 15, 1887, m. Arthur Newell; Lenora Nancy b. Feb. 18, 1887, m. Clarence Kofford. Farmer and fruitgrower. Died Oct. 31, 1902, Provo. MILLETT, PAUL ALMA (son of Artemus Millett and Nancy Jane Beal). Born Dec. 12, 1880, Spring Valley, Nev. Came to Utah May, 1900. Married Effle May Burr Dec. 9, 1903, at Manti, Utah (daughter of Henry Uriah Burr and Julia Caroline Beal of Grass Valley. Utah). She was born April 1, 1883. Their children: Maggie Edna b. Sept. 14, 1904; Lorin Elmer b. July 7, 1906; Archie Levon b. Oct. 18, 1908; Orson Paul b. Nov. 1. 1910; Hazel Ruby b. Nov. 13, 1912. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; assistant superintendent Sharon Sunday school 1903-11; superintendent 1911; bishop's counselor. Fruitgrower and farmer. MILLS, CHARLES EDMOPTD THOMAS (son of Charles Mills and Frances Farr of Southampton, Eng.). Born Jan. 14, 1838, Southampton. Came to Utah Oct. 11, 1861, William Wright independent freight company. Married Eliza Harriet Bailey at Southampton (daughter of Francis and Eliza Bailey of Southampton; they came to Utah in 1869). She was born Sept. 22, 1838. Their children: Charles Frank b. Dec. 14, 1861, m. Caroline Daniels; Alonzo Alvin b. Aug. 31. 1863, m. Pamelia Hoyt; Eliza Jane b. Aug. 23, 1865, m. William Crittenden; Mary Ellen b. June 4, 1867. d. June 6, 1878; Samuel James b. Oct. 2. 1869, m. Olive Irene Crittenden; Ella Louisa b. Oct. 6, 1871, d. May 22, 1878; Maud Elizabeth b. April 6. 1873, m. Andrew Peterson; Albert Edmond b. Nov. 8, 1874, m. Martha Ann Wilkinson; Walter Louis b. July 18, 1876, d. Dec. 21, 1876; Ezra Thomas b. Jan. 16, 1878, d. Dec. 2, 1878; Amy Clara b. Nov. 9, 1879, d. Feb. 24, 1893. Family home Hoytsville, Utah. County superintendent of Sunday schools. County super- intendent of schools. MILLS, ALBERT EDMOND (son of C. E. T. Mills and Eliza Harriet Bailey). Born Nov. 8, 1874. Hoytsville. Utah. Married Martha Ann Wilkinson June 27, 1906. Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph and Martha Ann Wilkinson of Hoytsville, pioneers of 1862 and 1869, respectively). She was born April 7, 1883. Their children: Grace Bernice b. April 27, 1907; Alice Afton b. Sept. 16, 1908; Emma b. Sept. 18, 1910. Family home Hoytsville, Utah. Stake aid In Y. M. M. I. A.; second counselor in stake Y. M. M. I. A. MILLS, RICHARD ISAAC (son of Thomas Mills and Ann Stevens of Walsall. Staffordshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 26, 1836, Birmingham, Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah In 1859. Married Charlotte Giles Oct. 27, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Giles and Charlotte Napper of Walsall; the former died at Green River, latter came to Utah In 1863). She was born Oct. 4, 1839. Their children: Jamea PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1041 Thomas: Charlotte Ann; Sarah Jane; Richard Isaac. Family home West Weber, Utah. High priest; ward teacher; Sunday school superintendent. Died Jan. 28, 1910, West Weber. MILLS, JAMES T. (son of Richard Isaac Mills and Charlotte Giles). Born Jan. 29. 1863. West Weber. Married Sarah Buck March 29, 1895, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Buck and Hannah Chanlrey, pioneers 1866, Thomas E. Ricks company). She was born Jan. 8, 1874. Family home. West Weber. Member 108th quorum seventies; missionary to Society Islands 1899-01; president elders quorum of Bannock stake 1899: assistant Sunday school superintendent; ward teacher. Farmer. MILLS. THOMAS. Born April 4, 1814, Radcliff, Lancaster- shire, Eng. Married Alice Allen in 1838, at Radcliff. She was born April 14, 1819, and died July 14, 1891. at Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1862, James S. Brown company. Their children: Mary and James, d. infants; Mary Ann, m. James Allen; Elizabeth, m. Joseph Page; Alice, m. Joseph Page; William, died; Samuel, m. Mary Jane Winegar; Sarah Jane, d. infant. Died Sept. 5, 1858, Alton, 111. MII.VKlt, STANLEY B. (son of John Milner and Sarah S. Bark of Lancaster. Wis.). Born Jan. 11, 1860, Little Grant, Wis. Came to Utah in June. 1891. Married Truth Campbell, Sept. 26. 1875, Atlantic. Cass Co., Iowa (daughter of Stanton A. Campbell and Theresa Lamson of Mt. Washington, Mass), who was born Sept. 23, 1852. Their children: Archibald C. b. June 8, 1877; Clarence B.: Joy S., m. Hazel Robinson. Family home. Salt Lake City. Promoter of the irrigation on the Snake river, in Idaho. President Twin Falls Irrigation Company. Mining and reclamation. Died May 2, 1901, Salt Lake City. MILNER, ARCHIBALD C. (son of Stanley B. Milner and Truth Campbell). Born June 8. 1877, Atlantic, Iowa. Came to Utah in 1891. Resides at Salt Lake City. Mining and reclamation operator. MITCHELL. HEZEKIAH (son of Thomas Mitchell -and Martha Haigh, of Bolton, Lancastershire, F.ng.). Born May 31, 1810, Simondly. near Stockport. Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1854. James Brown company. Married Sarah Mallinson, Oct. 7, 1832, Manchester, Lan- castershire. Eng. (daughter of John Mallinson and Mary Shaw Mallinson, of Pltsmoor [near Sheffield!, Yorkshire. Eng.). She was born Nov. 16, 1810. Their children: Martin Luther, d. infant; Frederick Augustus Herman Frank, m. Margaret Thompson; Lavinia, m. James Brown; m. John Hor- rocks; Manti Ann, d. infant: Maria, m. and Ed. G. Hor- rocks; Elizabeth, m. Ed. G. Horrocks: Ebeneza, d. infant; Sarah Ann, m. Joseph Graham: m. Winslow Farr; Prlscilla Victoria, m. Rasmus Christiansen. Family resided Tooele, Ogden and Salt Lake City. High priest; counselor in the bishopric of 1st ward. Salt Lake City, Utah, at the time of demise. Machinist; farmer. Died Sept. 25, 1872, Salt Lake City, Utah. MITCHELL. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS HERMAN FRANK (son of Hezekiah Mitchell and Sarah Mallinson Mitchell). Born July 14, 1835, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah September. 1854, James Brown company. Married Margaret Thompson Nov. 15, 1855, -Salt Lake City (daughter of Ralph Thompson and Ann Bently of Nauvoo, 111., and later of St. Louis, Mo., pioneers September, 1852). She was born Jan. 31, 1840, Alston. Cumberland, Eng. Their children: Margaret Ann b. Aug. 28, 1859, m. Alfred H. Caine; Emily Lavinia b. July 13, 1861, d. infant: Ella b. Jan. 18, 1864, m. Lafayette Grant Burton; Francis Laura b. March 20, 1866, m. Alexander McMaster; Frederick Au- gustus b. Dec. 30. 1867. d. infant: Eleanor Mary b. June 20. 1870, m. Hyrum Mickle Blackhurst; Ida Rachel b. Sept. 24, 1872; Herman Frank b. Oct. 18, 1874, m. Mary Maude Thomp- son; Ralph Thompson b. Feb. 4. 1877, m. Sarah Oliver Yeates; Alfred Hezekiah b. March 26, 1879, m. Beatrice Carlisle: Milton Reuben b. Jan. 21, 1883, m. Helena Belinken; Edgar Bentley b. Sept. 13. 1885, m. La Prile Barber. Family resided Salt Lake City and Logan, Utah. Member of 27th and 57th quorum seventies; missionary to Hawaiian Islands 1856-8 and 1873-5, to Great Britain 1899- 1902; presided over Hawaiian mission from 1873-5; member of council 57th quorum seventy from 1860-1902; counselor In the high priest quorum of Cache stake of Zion; second counselor in bishopric of 13th ward, Salt Lake City; super- intendent of Sunday school, twentieth ward, Salt Lake City. County surveyor Summit Co., Utah; commissioner to lo- cate University lands, territory of Utah; deputy U. S. mineral surveyor 1887-1900. Merchant; civil engineer; farmer. Family home Logan, Utah. MITCHELL, ALFRED HEZEKIAH (son of Frederick Au- gustus Herman Frank Mitchell and Margaret Thompson). Born March 26, 1879. Salt Lake City. Married Beatrice Carlisle Nov. 19, 1902, Logan. Cache Co., Utah (daughter of John G. Carlisle, pioneer 1855, Wm. S. 66 Godbe company, and Margaret Kewley, who came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin company, of Logan, Utah). She was born April 13, 1882. Their children: Beatrice b. Sept. 5, 1903; Lavinia b. Sept. 13. 1905; Margaret b. Nov. 3, 1908; Alfred Hezekiah b. June 19, 1911. Family home Logan, Utah. Member of 8th quorum elders of Cache stake of Zion; second of 8th quorum of elders. Barber. MITTOX, SAMUEL CROWTHER (son of William Mitton and Hannah Crowther). Born May 27, 1835, Halifax, Yorkshire. Eng. Came to Utah 1857. Married Mary Ann Bailey Dec. 25, 1861. Their children: Ann Maria; Samuel B.; John: William Edwin: Mary Ann. Family home Wellsville. Cache Co., Utah. Died Dec. 27. 1902, Logan, Utah. MITTON, SAMUEL BAILEY (son of Samuel C. Mitton and Mary Ann Bailey). Born March 21, 1863, at Wellsville. Married Mary Hawkins March 28, 1888 (daughter of William E. Hawkins and Margaret Hawkins). Their chil- dren: William Edwin: Ada: Annie; Leroy; Mary; Ruby. Family resided Wellsville and Logan, Utah. MOFFAT, DAVID KAY (son of Alexander Moffal and Cath- erine Kay of Scotland). Born Dec. 30, 1811, Parish of In- veresk (Junction). Scotland. Came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robison handcart company. Married Janet Leishman July 1, 1842, Pension, Scotland (daughter of William Leishman and Janet Donaldson of Pension), who was born Sept. 10. 1816. Their children: Janet b. May 17, 1843, m. John McLain; Calherine b. Nov. 4, 1844; Joseph S. b. June 16, 1846, m. Mary Jane Brown; Wil- liam b. Feb. 11, 1848, m. Eliza Barnes; Chrisline b. March 26, 1850, m. Henry Grow; Alexander D., m. Mallie Dewey; Marian, m. Manassa Williams; Millen A. b. Ocl. 9. 1856. m. May Kim- ball; Mary J. t m. Lorin Eldredge. Family home. Salt Lake City. Laborer and coal miner. Died 1885. MOFFAT, JOSEPH S. (son of David Kay Moffat and Janel Leishman). Born June 16, 1846. Croflhead. Scolland. Married Mary Jane Brown Dec. 7, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughler of Robert Brown and Mary Dearden of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1847), who was born Dec. 12, 1849, and died February, 1881. Their children: David W. b. March 26, 1870, m. Sarah E. Howe; Mary M. b. Sept. 26. 1872. m. Thomas H. Jenkins; Percy D. b. May 4, 1875, m. Kate John- son: Joseph S. b. March 31, 1878. m. Mary E. Karl; Mary Jane, d. Feb. 1881. Family home Meadowville, Ulah. Married Lois B. Gunn Jan. 5, 1886, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John C. and Caroline B. Gunn of Salt Lake City, pio- neers August. 1860). who was born March 7. 1858. Their children: Caroline B. b. Sept.. 1886. m. Martin Kearl; John Kay b. May, 1888, m. Hannah Robinson; Lois L. b. June, 1889, m. Lawrence Johnson; Clarence G. b. Aug., 1890; Lucile J. b. Dec.. 1891; Janet L. b. March, 1894, m. Simon Thornick; Roy A. b. July, 1896; Ralph S. b. Sepl., 1898. Family home Meadowville, Ulah. Juslice of peace; school Iruslee. Rancher; stockraiser. MOLEN JESSE. Came to Ulah Oct. 2, .1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Lurania Huffaker. Their children: Margarel Ann, m. Orris Murdock; Alexander C., d. aged 4: Simpson M., m. Jane Hyde; James Wesley, m. Jane Sloddard: Francis Marion, m. Emma Lawrence; Docey E., m. John Loll; Sophrona R., m. John Reese; Hannah E., m. Benson Roper; Nancy Jane, d. aged 3: Michael W., m. Eunice Lowry; Glnevra E.. m. Slephen Weeks Ross. Jr.; Martha M., m. David Grant: Mary E., m. George Murdock. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Died at Salt Lake Clly. MOLEN, MICHAEL W. (son of Jesse Molen and Lurania Huffaker). Born Jan. 15, 1842, Camp Creek, Bureau counly, 111. Came lo Utah with falher. Married Eunice L. Lowry Aug. 14, 1879 (daughler of John Lowry and Sarah Jane Brown, who were married Nov. 27, 1850, al Manli, Ulah; former pioneer Seplember, 1847, Ihe laller July 29, 1847, wilh conlingenl Mormon Bal- lalion company). She was born April 16, 1860, al Manli, Ulah. Their children: Michael Kennelh b. April 15, 1882, m. Minerva Richards Feb. 14, 1907: Adrienne b. Aug. 6, 1880, m. Walter J. Park Sepl. 30. 1903; Jesse Lowry b. Feb. 14. 1884: Simpson Hazellon b. Aug. 12. 1888. died; Vera b. Dec. 8, 1890; Verda b. Jan. 24. 1893; Ronald Lowry b. Feb. 26, 1896; Mildred b. Sepl. 5, 1898, died; Reid Lowry b. Feb. 8. 1901; Slerling Lowry b. Aug. 16. 1903. Family home Ferron, Springville and Maplelon, Ulah. High priesl; Isl counselor to Bishop William Taylor of Ferron ward; director of Manti lemple. Juslice of peace al Ferron; counly commissioner of Emery counly 1888-89. MOLEN. MICHAEL KENNETH L. (son of Michael W. Molen and Eunice L. Lowry). Born April 15, 1882, al Fer- ron. Ulah. Married Minerva Richards Feb. 14. 1907 (daughter of Thomas and Adelaid Richards, both of St. Anlhony, Idaho). Their child: Mildred b. 1909. Elder; missionary lo soulhern states 1902-04. Railroad contraclor; engaged in implement business. 1042 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH MOTS SOU, CHRISTIAN HANS (son of Hans Monson. born September, 1798, and Berte Nilsdater, born Aug. 10, 1795, both at Rakkestad, Norway). He was born June 16, 1837, Fredrikstad, Norway. Came to Utah 1867, handcart com- pany. Married Nilslne Hansen June 29, 1858, who was born Jan. 23, 1823, Copenhagen, Denmark. Their children: Christian b. May 22. 1860, m. Lavina Henson; Hyrum b. March 22, 1862, d. March 22, 1863. Family resided Lehi, Logan and Richmond, Utah. Married Annie Catherine Peterson April 26, 1861, who was born Sept. 25, 1831, in Denmark. Their children: Joseph b. Feb. 2, 1862, m. Laura Larsen; Annie C. b. Dec. 10, 1863, m. Frank Whltehead; Hans b. June 4, 1866, m. Esther Har- ris; Elizabeth b. June 10, 1868. d. Oct. 25, 1868. Married Ellen Monson March 16, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Per Monson and Hanna Person; latter pioneer 1862, John R. Murdock company), who was born Sept. 5, 1850, Hufverod, Sogn, Sweden. Their children: Parley Herman b. Oct. 26, 1868, m. Matilda Ljungman June 13, 1890, m. Augusta Axelson Oct. 27, 1900; Charles Andrew b. March 2, 1870, m. Eliza Thomas Nov. 20, 1895; Ellen Marinda b. Dec. 1871, m. William A. Skidmore Dec. 13, 1893; Hyrum Moroni b. Nov. 1873, m. Cecil Funk Jan. 2, 1895; "Walter Peter b. June 30, 1875, m. Leona Parksinson Oct. 30, 1896; Brigham b. Aug. 30, 1877, m. Matilda Anderson Nov. 7, 1900; Aaron A. b. April 11, 1879, m. Sarah Kirkup Sept. 26, 1900; Otto J. b. June 20, 1881, m. Mary Burnham June 21, 1905; Bertha Maria b. Aug. 9, 1883, d. Feb. 11, 1901; Lafayette b. Nov. 4, 1886, d. Feb. 12, 1901; Emma Chersta b. Aug. 19, 1888, m. Ernest Gilgen Oct. 19, 1910. Family home Richmond, Utah. Married Karen Maria Olsen May 2, 1870 (daughter of Ola Nelson and Metha Larsen), who was born Aug. 9, 1843, In Denmark and came to Utah Sept. 10, 1863, William B. Pres- ton company. Family home Richmond, Utah. Married Ella Jenson Jan. 6, 1874, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Peter Jenson and Boel Shunerson), who was born Oct. 23, 1850, near Malmb, Sweden. Came to Utah July 24, 1873, Erastus Snow company. Their children: Ezra Peter b. Sept. 30, 1874, m. Olive S. Parkinson Oct. 16, 1S95; Ema- line b. Oct. 25, 1876, d. Oct. 25, 1876; Ella Evaline b. Oct. 11, 1877, m. Albert H. Parkinson Oct. 2, 1901; Frederick Lorenzo b. May 2, 1881. m. Maggie Perkins Oct. 4, 1906; Julia Amanda b. June 7, 1883, m. Joseph S. Wright Nov. 30. 1904; Rachel b. July 31, 1885. m. S. W. Allen Dec. 20, 1905; Sarah b. Aug. B, 1888, m. William Whitehead, Jr. Oct. 25, 1905; Franklin Leroy b. Jan. 10, 1891; Willard b. April 11, 1893, d. Nov. 15, 1893; William Aquilla b. Jan. 12, 1895. Family resided at Richmond, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. Married Vendla Jacobson April, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Jacobson and Christiana Peterson of Sweden), who was born Nov. 20, 1858, Sweden. Their chil- dren: Josephine b. Oct. 2, 1884, d. June 20, 1902; Ernest E. b. July 22, 1886; Eliza b. Dec. 2, 1887. Family home Rich- mond, Utah. Senior president 39th quorum seventies; missionary to Scandinavia. First settled at Lehi, moved to Logan, and finally settled at Richmond. Guard in Echo canyon 1857- 68; worked on St. George temple; second man to own and operate a planing machine In Utah; owned a saw and plan- ing machine at Franklin, Idaho; pioneer builder and lum- berman. Died Sept. 23, 1896, Richmond, Utah. MONSON, EZRA PETER (son of Christian Hans Monson and Ella Jenson). Born Sept. 30, 1874, Richmond, Utah. Married Olive Smart Parkinson Oct. 16, 1895, Logan, Utah (daughter of Samuel R. Parkinson and Maria Smart), who was born May 25, 1877, Richmond, Utah. Their children: Ezra Parkinson b. Nov. 7, 1896; Matthias Parkinson b. Jan. 10, 1900; Carol Parkinson b. Aug. 5, 1901; Roland Parkin- Bon b. Aug. 20, 1904; Franklin D. b. Aug. 23, 1906; Irma b. Dec. 31, 1909. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Missionary to southern states 1897-99; secretary of 18th quorum seventies; ward clerk at Franklin. Bookkeeper for Oregon Lumber Company 1900-08; entered in general merchandise business at Franklin, Idaho, 1908. Nov. 14, 1905; Calvin Orlando b. Jan. 20, 1907; Esther Mae. b Sept. 2, 1908; Elwyn Murrel b. Jan. 31, 1912. Family home Grace, Idaho. Elder; ward teacher; assistant president deacons quorum; member Y. M. M. I. A. School trustee seven years. Farmer. MONTAGtTE, I.EVI WEST (son of Nathaniel and Lucy Mon- tague of Cambridge, Vt.), who was born Oct. 12, 1806, at Cambridge. Came to Utah 1852. Married Elizabeth Durrant Ursula Graves 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Graves and Elizabeth Sarah Baker of yarmouth, Norfolk, Eng., pioneers 1852), who was born July 24, 1835. Their children: Elizabeth, m. George Corley, m. Thomas Tait; Levl Zenith, m. Louisa Atwood; Sarah, m. Don Carlos Snow, m. George Ball; Charlott Louisa, m. John Willard Hawkins; Mary Emily, m. Frederick L. Hanson; Edward Ephraim, m. Esther Marriott; Madora, m. George Allsop. Family resided at Salt Lake City and Prove, Utah. Seventy. Shoemaker and farmer. Died 1874, Provo, Utah. MONTAGUE, EDWARD EPHRAIM (son of Levl W. Mon- tague and Elizabeth Durrant U. Graves). Born April 1, 1866, Payson, Utah. Married Esther Marriott Jan. B, 1887, Provo. Utah (daugh- ter of Joseph Marriott and Elizabeth Williams of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1861, Ira Eldredge company), who was born April 2, 1863. Their children: William Edward b. Nov. 29, 1887; Louis Claud b. April 2, 1889; Vivian Elizabeth b. May 14, 1891, m. Lawrence O. Stewart; Floy La Verna b. Aug. 11, 1893, m. John Darwin Walton; Easling Harold b. Oct. 11, 1895; Ralph Waldo b. Oct. 23, 1897; Grace Leona b. April 29, 1900; Marriott West b. Jan. 11, 1903; Warren DeVerle b. MONTGOMERY, ROBERT (son of Robert Montgomery and Agnes Shepard of Churchtown, Ireland); born Jan. 7, 1825 at Churchtown. Came to Utah in 1861. Married Mary Lourie 1846, in Ayrshire, Scotland (daughter of John Lourie and Agnes Gould of Whitletts Toll, Ayrshire She was born April 25, 1830. Their children: Agnes, m John Turner; Sarah, m. Moroni Duke; Mary, m. William Foreman; Robert, m. Sarah Young, m. Elizabeth Lambert- Alexander, died; Livingston, m. Amelia Ann Clegg; Chris- tine, m. Joseph H. Simthers; Elizabeth, m. W. C. Britt. Fam- ily home Heber, Utah. Machinist. Died Jan. 10, 1863 at Heber, Utah. Mary Lourie's second husband was Joseph Booth, whom she married in 1863, Salt Lake City. Only child was Jose- phine, who married James Rasband. Mary Lourie's third husband was John Horrocks. whom she married late in 1866 at Salt Lake City. Only child was John L. Montgomery, who married Nellie Moulton. MONTGOMERY, LIVINGSTON (son of Robert Montgomery and Mary Lourie), born March 28, 1858, Waterside, Ayrshire Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1862, Homer Duncan com- pany. Married Amelia Ann Clegg Dec. 28, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Henry Clegg and Ann Lewis of Heber, Utah former pioneer 1854, latter 1855). She was born Jan. 19, 1869. Their children: Livingston Clegg, b. Oct. 3, 1888- Mary Ann, b. Dec. 28, 1899, d. March 3, 1891; Francis Clayton' b. Aug. 7, 1892; Juventa, b. Sept. 1, 1895; Walter, b. Oct 3' 1904. Family home Heber, Utah. Missionary to Indiana 1898-1900; teacher; elder; high councilor. Constable; justice of the peace. Farmer. MOON, HENRY (son of Robert Moon and Ann Walton of Eccleston, near Shirley, Lancaster, Eng.). Born March 29 1819, Walton Hall, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1850, John Moon company. Married Lydia Moon Jan. 30, 1841 in Pennsylvania (daugh- ter of Hugh Moon and Alice Plumb of Eccleston, Eng.), who was born 1811. Their children: John T., m. Catherine Dun- can; Joseph H., m. Alice Pully; Alice Ann, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Temperance Westwood March 18, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Westwood and Ann Webly of Groms Grove, Worcestershire, Eng.), who was born Aug 19, 1839. Their children: Robert H., m. Marriett Smith; Joseph H., m. Mary L. Hess; Hannah T., m. Thomas F. King; Helenora, m. Arthur Hess; Rowenah, m. Thomas J Udy Henry M., m. Caroline R. Hess; Edmund, m. Helen L. Bark- dull; Philip W., m. Polly Smith; Lelia O., m. William E. Potter; Mercy E., m. George Q. Udy; Louisa W.; Albert- Franklin E. Family home Farming-ton, Ulah. Married Mary Ann Thayne Jan. 4, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of John J. Thayne and Sidney Boyer of Canada, pioneers 1861, Perrigrine Sessions company), who was born Aug. 27, 1849. Their children: Orson, d. May 16, 1896; Amanda Jane, m. Peter Duncan; William, m. Sarah Luella Swift; Charles Henry, d. March 11, 1884; Eliza Ann, m. Roger Horricks; Florence Sidney, m. Henry Vantassell- Heber, m. Emily H. Vantassel; Nephi, m. Malinda White- Parley, d. Sept. 1, 1886. Family home Woodland, Utah. High priest; missionary to central states 1871-72; bishop of first ward Salt Lake City 1856-70; bishop of Woodland ward 1881-85. Member first company of L. D. S. immigrants that left England 1840. School trustee. Farmer and stock- raiser. Died Nov. 14, 1894, Farmington, Utah. MOON, JOHN THOMAS (son of Henry Moon and Lydia Moon). Born Sept. 13, 1844, Des Moines, Iowa. Married Catherine Duncan Feb. 16, 1867, Salt Lake En- dowment house (daughter of William Duncan and Mary Brown of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1861, Richard Home company). She was born Dec. 28, 1846. Their children: John Thomas, Jr. b. Dec. 5, 1867, m. Kettle Bicell; William D. b. Nov. 10, 1869, m. Elmira Mecham; Lydia Ann b. Nov. 23, 1871, m. David Richardson; Catherine b. July 10. 1874. m. Lorenzo Pitt; Mary b. Sept. 19, 1876, d. aged 2: Jemima b. Jan. 29, 1880, m. Joseph S. Dudley; Henry Moroni b. Aug. 4, 1883, m. Maggie Bell Richardson. Family resided Salt Lake City and Farmington. High priest; bishop Woodland ward. Called to assist in settling Arizona. Farmer, lumberman and stockralser. Died September, 1910, Colonia Diaz, Chihuahua, Mexico. MOON, HENRY MORONI (son of Henry Moon and Temper- ance Westwood). Born March 22, 1868, Salt Lake City. Married Caroline R. Hess September. 1895, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John W. Hess and Mary Ann Steed, pio- neers July 28, 1847, contingent Mormon Battalion). Sho was born March 25, 1872. Their children: Henry Hess b. April 26, 1897; Mary Laverne b. April 28, 1899; John Rulland b. Nov. 7, 1901; Joseph b. Oct. 9, 1904; Drucilla b. March 11, 1907; Herald b. Aug. 29, 1911. Family home Farmington, Utah. Member fifty-sixth quorum seventies. School trustee four years. Sergeant Utah militia three years. Farmer and stockralser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1043 MOON. HENRY MORONI (son of John Thomas Moon and Catherine Duncan). Born Aug. 4. 1883, Woodland. Utah. Married Maggie Bell Richardson Dec. 4, 1907, Jensen, Utah (daughter of John Thornton Richardson and Isa- bella Muir of Heber, Utah, pioneers Oct. 1, 1863, Isaac C. Haight company). She was born Nov. 3, 1886. Their child: Vera Bell b. July 8, 1908. Family home Jensen, Utah. Seventy; president Y. M. M. I. A.; ward and Sunday school teacher; counselor in deacons quorum. Constable. Water- master for Burns Bench Irrigation Co. Farmer and freighter. MOORE, DAVID (son of Dudley Moore born Aug. 8, 1773, in Saratoga county, N. Y., died March 17, 1852, Eardley, Canada and Mary Moulton born Aug. 8, 1774, in Windsor county, N. Y., died Oct. 10, 1845, Eardley married at Rut- land, Vt.). He was born Jan. 20, 1819, Eardley, Province of Quebec, Canada. Came to Utah Oct. 20, 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Susan Maria Vorce August, 1841, Eardley, Canada (daughter of Warren and Amanda Vorce), who was born Feb. 5, 1810, Windsor county, Vt., and died March 2, 1882, Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah Barker Sept. 6, 1850, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Frederick Barker born in 1800, at Diss, Eng., died Nov. 4, 1866, North Ogden, Utah, and Ann Blygh born Feb. 8, 1802, Tibbenham, Eng., died Sept. 18, 1876, Ogden, Utah; pioneers 1849). She was born Aug. 7, 1829 at Diss, Norfolk, Eng., and died July 12, 1908, Ogden, Utah. Their children: David Moulton b. July 1, 1851, m. Elizabeth Stone; Mary Ann b. March 17, 1853, d. April 2, 1882; Joseph Byron b. Feb. 9, 1855, m. Louisa M. Bybee, m. Alice Twitchell; Ellen Louisa b. April 26, 1858, m. John L. Wilson; Franklin b. Nov. 22, 1861, m. Julia G. Taylor; Leonard b. June 2, 1863, d. Sept. 22, 1863. Family home Ogden, Utah. Early settler to Ogden, Utah. First recorder of Ogden 1851; county clerk and both city and county treasurer 1851- 65; member city council. Colonel Utah militia. Member high council of Weber stake. Missionary to the Salmon River. Bishop of Mount Fort ward. MOORE, DAVID MOULTON (son of David Moore and Sarah Barker). Born July 1, 1861, Ogden, Utah. Married Elizabeth Stone Dec. 3, 1871, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of Amos P. Stone and Dinah Rawllns, pioneers 1850). She was born Sept. 27. 1853 at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Ida b. Oct. 9, 1872, m. Samuel Thomas; Clyde b. Oct. 5, 1874, d. April 24, 1878; Florence b. April 25, 1879, d. March 7, 1904, m. F. W. Bishop; Jesse b. Aug. 19, 1882, m. Winifred Goddard; Elberta b. Jan. 4, 1888, m. Joseph O. Read; Edna May b. March 3, 1893. Family home Ogden, Utah. Horticulturist and nurseryman. MOORE, DAVID (son of Thomas Moore and Hannah Horl- gan of Whitwick, Edmonton. Eng.). Born Aug. 1, 1847, Whitwick, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott company. Married Mary Rees Dec. 26, 1870, Coalville, Utah (daugh- ter of Edmund and Suriah Margret Rees of Pontaperben- gurn, Monmouthshire, Wales, and Coalville, Utah, pioneers September, 1859, Independent company). She was born Jan. 28, 1853. Their children: Morgan b. Nov. 11, 1871, m. Jennie Armstrong; William b. Nov. 15, 1873, m. Rose Leamaster; Thomas Ellis b. April 25, 1876, m. Emily Wilde; John Edmond b. Sept. 11, 1878, m. Jennie Izatt; Suriah Margret b. Sept. 3, 1880, m. W. S. Twornbly; David Edward b. Aug. 23, 1882, m. Pearl Powell; Elizabeth Mary b. March 23, 1885, m. J. Q. Lawson; Samuel b. Sept. 2, 1887; Carrie E. b. March 25, 1890, m. Ben J. Dye; Charles Henry b. Dec. 27, 1892. First justice of peace and postmaster of Castle Rock, Utah. Black Hawk Indian War veteran 1866-67. MOORE, THOMAS ELLIS (son of David Moore and Mary Rees). Born April 25, 1876, Castle Rock, Utah. Married Emily Wilde Sept. 20, 1911, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Wilde and Fanny Gunn of Coalville, Utah, pioneers Nov. 6, 1859, George Rowley handcart com- pany), who was born Dec. 30, 1884. MOORE, GEORGE S. (son of Joseph Moore and Maria Shar- rat of Walsall, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born April 2, 1830, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1861, Ansel Har- mon and Joseph Young companies. Married Agness Ann Bancroft (Daybell) May 15, 1871, Salt Lake City Endowment House (daughter of William Bancroft and Ma-ry Newham of Breaston, Derbyshire, Eng., who came to Fort Benton by rail and to Utah with Samuel D. White company). She was born April 26. 1847. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1866. Their children: Robert, m. Jane Burton; William, m. Selma Anderson; Godfray Finity, died; Susie, m. Harmon David Baum; John Newham, m. Annie Lamb; Mabell, m. Edwin J. Sumners; Sarah Ann, m. Don Meldrum, m. Ruben Ernest Woolf; Ernest, m. Birdie Hansen; James Edan, m. Ethel Hawks; Constance, m. John B. Bott; Flor- ence. Home missionary in England; teacher for many years: elder; member of school of prophets. Wood-turner and glazier. MOORE, LEWIS B. (son of Isaac Moore and Sarah Bogart of New York City). Born June 13, 1864, Neponset, Bureau county, 111. Came to Utah April 1900. Married Mary A. Curtis September, 1898, Livingston, Mont, (daughter of Zenis and Margaret Curtis of Liv- ingston). Their children: Eva; Birdena; Bessie. Family home, Salt Lake City. Engaged in railroad work and mining. MORE, CALVIN WHITE (son of Ethan Allen More and Soval Webber of Massachusetts). Born July 21, 1827, Taun- ton, Mass. Came to Utah in 1848, with 37 other members Mormon Battalion (Co. C). Married Elizabeth Catherine Allred Jan. 13, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Levi Allred and Abigail McMurtrie), who was born March 6, 1833. Their children: Calvin C.; Joseph Orlando; Louis Alexander, m. Rose Boren; Calvin White; William J.; Maryetta, m. Samuel David Bunnel; Eugene; Earl, m. Annie Abbey; LeRoy; Nellie, m. Fritz Earl Reyn- olds. High priest of quorum at Lawrence, Utah. Took active part In Black Hawk war and Echo Canyon trouble. Died May 9, 1908, at Castledale, Utah. MORGAN, DAVID (son of John Morgan and Letitia Anson). Born Oct. 10, 1812, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Hannah Turner. Their children' Mary b. Aug. 19. 1833, m. Job Pingree 1854; Olive b. June 3, 1835; Olive b. June 29, 1840, m. Thomas Howell 1862; Jesse b. Jan. 23, 1843, m. Lizzie Hadden 1874; David b. Feb. 25. 1845, m. Mary Walker 1877; Agatha b. March 30, 1850, m. George W. Car- son 1867; Amanda b. April 27, , m. Joseph Barlow; Clara Eudora b. May 4, ; Benjamin L. b. Dec. 20, , m. Lizzie Ewing 1876. Family home Fairfield, Utah. MORGAN, EDWARD (son of Joseph Morgan and Elizabeth Hardman of Preston, Lancaster, Eng.). Born Oct. 20, 1838, at Preston. Came to Utah 1850, Stephen Markman company. Married Louisa Scott Aug. 3. 1856, Salt Lake City, Brlgham Young officiating (daughter of John Scott and Elizabeth Menery of Mill Creek, Utah, pioneers 1848). She was born March 20, 1840, d. Nov. 1, 1900. Their children: Louisa Matilda b. Nov. 7, 1867, m. George Smith Grant; Elizabeth M. b. Nov. 10, 1859, m. O. P. Miller; Edward M. b. March 3, 1862, m. Agnes Park; John William b. Sept. 29, 1864, m. Harriet Miller; Joseph M. b. Jan. 3. 1867, m. Louisa M. Miller; Isaac M. b. Sept. 29, 1869, m. Anna Louise Bell; Ephraim Royal b. Aug. 16, 1873, m. Adalade Spencer; Earnest Leroy b. Dec. 27, 1877, m. Josephine E. Bawden; Alvina E. b. June 20, 1878, m. Forrest N. Stillman; Louisa E. b. March 31, 1883, m. Leslie P. Bawden. Family home Mill Creek, Utah. Married Sophia Scott Oct. 24, 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Scott and Elizabeth Menerey of Mill Creek, pioneers with Captain Broomfleld company), who was born Aug. 20, 1854, Mill Creek, Utah, d. May 28, 1874. Their children: Joseph Albert b. May 18, 1872, d. 1873; Sophia C. b. May 26, 1874, d. 1874. High priest; seventy: missionary to England 1864. Took part in Echo Canyon war. Pioneer to Dixie country 1862. Indian war scout; minute-man. Took part In move South. MORGAN, EVAN S. (son of William Morgan, born February, 1800, Languick, Lnysymond, Glamorganshire, Wales, and Sarah Davies, born 1800). Born Nov. 29. 1833, at Lnysy- mond. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1857, Israel Evans handcart company. Married Mary Parry October, 1862, who was born 1840, and came to Utah 1861; died Feb. 7, 1862. Only child: John Parry b. Jan. 30, 1862, d. infant. Family home Sham- bip, Tooele Co., Utah. Married Margaret Roberts May 1, 1863, at Shambip (daugh- ter of Hugh Roberts and Mary Roberts Humphreys, pio- neers 1864), who was born May 17, 1841, Eglwys Bach, Wales. Their children: Hugh Evan b. Sept. 12, 1864, died; David Roberts b. Sept. 12, 1867, m. Caddie C. Hymas Dec. 8. 1892, d. May 10, 1912; William Roberts b. July 27, 1870, m. Martha Christiansen June 15, 1898; Sarah Jane b. Dec. 12. 1873, m. Arta Austin June 14, 1901; Hannah b. March 11, 1878, m. John C. Linford Sept. 14, 1904; John Samuel b. Feb. 20, 1882, m. Ethel M. Rich Oct. 10, 1906. Family home Liberty, Idaho. Missionary to Caermarthenshtre, Wales, 1864; also to North Wales; high priest; member high council of Bear Lake stake; missionary to Great Britain 1889-92. Settled at Shambip, Tooele county, 1857, moved to Bear Lake valley 1864. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1861. MORGAN, WILLIAM R. (son of Evan S. Morgan and Mar- garet Roberts). Born July 27, 1870, Liberty, Idaho. Married Martha Christenson June 16. 1898. Logan, Utah (daughter of Jacob Christenson and Mary T. Myres, pio- neers 1862, Joseph Home company). She was born Oct. 18, 1869, Bloomington, Idaho. Their children: Iris Theresa b. Dec. 22, 1901; Evan William b. Jan. 7, 1903: Cassie Lucile b. Feb. 11, 1904; Clifford Christenson b. Dec. 11, 1906; Larue 1044 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH b. May 10, 1909; Eunice b. Oct. 23, 1911. Family home Liberty, Idaho. Missionary to eastern states 1898-1900; Sunday school superintendent Liberty ward 1909-10; member bishopric of Liberty ward 1900; bishop of Liberty ward. MORGAN, JOHN (son of Morgan Morgan, born 1800, and Catherine Jones, born 1808, both at Brecon, Wales, later of Caseyville, 111.). Born Feb. 28, 1833, Merthyr Tydfll, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen com- pany. Married Emma Richards May 1, 1854 (daughter of Wil- liam Richards and Rachel Williams), who was born July 13. 1835. Their children: Cathrine. m. Peter Okelberry; Rachel, died: Emma, m. A. H. Pettis; John R., m. Lizzie Burraston; William, died; Mary Ellen, m. W. W. Ercan- brack; David, m. Ida White; Maggie, m. Thomas P. Stubbs; Pearl, m. Albert E. Cox; Lilliare; Maud. Family home Goshen, Utah. Seventy; ward and Sunday school teacher 20 years; mis- sionary to Wales. Settled at Cedar City 1854; moved to Goshen valley. Hotelkeeper at Goshen 40 years. Died Sept. 4, 1896. MORGAN. JOHN R. (son of John Morgan and Emma Rich- ards). Born Aug. 11, 1863, Goshen. Utah. Married Elizabeth Burraston July 23, 1890. at Goshen (daughter of John Burraston, pioneer 1852. James Cum- mings company, and Elizabeth Dall, pioneer 1854, Jacob Hot- fines company). She was born at Honeyville, Utah. Their children: John B. b. Jan. 21, 1891; William Leo b April 10. 1894; Ireta b. Aug. 22, 1896: Lillian b. Feb. 23. 1899: Rachel b. Sept. 10, 1901; Bert b. April 25. 1903: David b. March 1, 1905; Albert b. Nov. 12, 1906; Sadie b. March 1, 1910; Willis M. b. March 8, 1903. Family home, Goshen. MORGAN, JOHN (son of Gerard Morgan and Eliza Ann Hamilton of Greensburg, Ind.). Born Aug. 8. 1842. Married Helen M. Groesbeck Oct. 24, 1868. Salt Lake City (daughter of Nicholas Groesbeck and Elizabeth Thomp- son, pioneers Oct. 2, 1856. John Banks company), who was born Feb. 7. 1852. Springfield. I1J. Their children: Helen M. b. Jan. 19, 1870, m. Andrew Burt: Elizabeth b. Oct. 7, 1872, d. infant: Eliza M. b. Feb. 8, 1875. m. James F. Smith; Ruth b. Oct. 4. 1877, m. Burke Kinkle; John b. Feb. 12, 1881. d. infant: Flora b. Sept. 19. 1882. d. infant; Nicholas G. b. Nov. 9, 1884, m. Ethel S. Tate: Gail b. April 3, 1888, m. John Clayton: Bessie b. Jan. 11, 1891, m. Percy H. Rex; Gerard E. b. Oct. 8, 1892; John H. b. Feb. 7, 1894. Family home, Salt Lake City. MORGAN, SAMUEL, (son of William Morgan of Forest of Dean, Gloucester, Eng.). Came to Utah 1866, oxteam com- pany. Married Elizabeth Beddis April, 1831, Little Deans Hill, Gloucestershire, Eng. (daughter of Thomas and Susanah Beddis of Little Deans Hill, pioneers 1868). Their children: Margaret, m. Frederick Firley; Joseph Rehoboam. m. Mary Margarett Jane Turner; Thomas, m. Elizabeth Tingle; Martha, m. William Burris; Emma, deceased; Absolom, de- ceased. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder. Iron ore miner. Died at Salt Lake City. MORGAN, JOSEPH REHOBOAM (son of Samuel Morgan and Elizabeth Beddis). Born April 26, 1835, Little Deans Hill, Eng. Came to Utah 1862, William H. Dame company. Married Mary Margarett Jane Turner May 6, 1862, Chel- tenham, Gloucestershire, Eng. (daughter of James M. Tur- ner and Maria Simeons of Bishop's Cleave, Gloucester, pio- neers 1862, William H. Dame company), who was born Oct. 15, 1841. Their children: Frederick Willard b. Aug. 12. 1863, m. Elizabeth J. Roberts and Isabel Penfold; Harry Thomas b. Nov. 30, 1864. died; Laura Elizabeth b. Aug. 15. 1866. m. Ben Lloyd; James Samuel b. Dec. 21. 1868, m. Pearl Pratt: Emma Zllpha b. Jan. 28. 1871, m. Thomas Gill; Mag- gie May b. Feb. 12, 1873, died; Joseph Charles b. July 23, 1874, m. Ada Marsh and Leah Wilson: Albert George b. Oct. 30, 1876, d. Feb. 15, 1880; Erne Mabel b. Oct. 15. 1878. m. James Rlgby; Stanley Roy b. Aug. 6, 1882. Family home. Salt Lake City. Home missionary five years; president seventies; bishop of 15th ward. Salt Lake City, four years. Worked on Salt Lake temple two years. Member tabernacle choir 25 years; leader of 15th ward choir two years. Connected with Z. C. M. I. 35 years as packer and salesman. MORGAN, WILLIAM (son of Edward and Janett Morgan of Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, Wales). He was born 1813. Came to Utah October, 1852, with William Morgan company. Married Mary Treharn 1835, Wales (daughter of Edward Treharn of Wales: came to Utah October, 1852). Only child: Edward Morgan, m. Rachel Cole. Family home Brigham City, Utah. High priest. Died March, 1889. at Willard City. Utah. MORGAN. EDWARD (son of William Morgan and Mary Treharn). Born Jan. 1, 1842. at Merthyr Tydfll, Wales. Came to Utah October. 1852. with William Morgan company. Married RarhM Cole Jan. 27. 1865, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Cole and Charlotte Jenkins of Willard, Utah; came to Utah 1850). She was born July 17, 1844. Their children: Charlotte E. b. Dec. 23, 1865, m. Mr. Hubbard Dec. 27, 1883; Mary Ann b. Feb. 18, 1868; Eliza J. b. Oct. 3 1869, m. Mr. Mason; William E. b. Sept. 29, 1871; John R. b. Dec. 3, 1873; Robert H. b. Aug. 25. 1876; Joseph L. b. Nov 5, 1878; Pauline M. b. Feb. 13, 1881, m. Mr. Ramsey; Frank b. Nov. 12, 1887. Member 59th quorum seventies. MORGAN, WILLIAM (son of William Morgan and Johannah Williams of Blaernargarth Glamorganshire, South Wales). Born Sept. 14. 1834. Married Malinda Rhoades (Williams) April 30, 1895 (daughter of Caleb Baldwin Rhoades, Sr., and Malinda Powell), who was born Dec. 23, 1863. Their children: Johannah b. June 3, 1896, d. Infant; Mary Margaret b. May 6, 1900, d. infant. MORLEY, ISAAC (son of Thomas Morley, born March 26, 1758, Ansonia, Conn., and Edetha Morley, born Oct. 2, 1762, Montague, Mass. they lived at Kirkland, Ohio). He was born March 11. 1786, Montague, Mass. Came to Utah 1847. Married Lucy Gunn June 20, 1812, Montague, who was born Jan. 24, 1786. and died Jan. 3. 1848, burled in grave No. 4, 13th row, camp of Israel, Omaha, Neb. Their chil- dren: Philena b. Oct. 2. 1813. m. Amos Cox; Lucy Dlantha b. Oct. 4. 1815, m. Joseph Allen; Edetha Ann b. Jan. 25. 1818. m. Chaunoy Whiting: Calista b. May 11, 1820; Cordelia b. Nov. 28, 1823, m. Walter Cox; Arathusa: Therissa B. b. July 18. 1826. m. Heber C. Kimball; Isaac b. May 2, 1829. m. Abiah Bradley. Married Hannah Blaixley Finch 1844, Nauvoo temple (daughter of Daniel and Mary Finch of Waterbury and Woodbridge. Conn.). She was born March 19. 1811. Their children: Joseph Lamoni b. July 15. 1845, died: Simeon Thomas b. June 12, 1S49, died: Mary Leonora b. March 26, 1852, m. Hans Christian Hansen. Family home Mantl, Utah. Married Leonora Snow (Leavitt) 1844, Nauvoo temple (sister of Lorenzo and Eliza R. Snow). Ordained a patriarch by the Prophet Joseph Smith: first counselor to the first bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Was the first man to settle in Mantl: plowed the first furrow; built the first house; made the first table in that new settlement. Died June 21, 1864, Falrview, Utah, buried in Manti. MORRILL. LABAN (son of Abner Morrill and Mary Carpen- ter of Wheelock. Vt.). Born Dec. 8, 1814. Wheelock, Vt. Came to Utah 1852. Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Permelia H. Drury Feb. 22. 1844, in Illinois (daughter of Joel Drury and Tirzah Winters of Illinois, pioneers 1852), who was born Aug. 20, 1822, came to Utah with husband. Their children: Horatio: John; Laban D.: Joseph; Charles; Hyrum; George D.; Sarah P.; Horace. Family homes Iron and Piute counties. Utah. High priest. Member of city council Cedar City, Utah. Blacksmith: farmer and stockraiser. Died Dec. 8, 1900, Junction, Utah. MORRILL. JOHN (son of Laban Morrill and Permelia H. Drury). Born Feb. 21, 1848, Garden Grove, Iowa. Came to Utah about November. 1852, Daniel McArthur company. Married Esther E. LeBaron May 18. 1874, Salt Lake City Utah (daughter of David T. LeBaron and Esther M. John- son of Salt Lake City, pioneers of May, 1854), who was born Nov 27 1853. Their children: Ella Belle b. Feb. 27, 1876. d. child; John D. b. Oct. 3, 1877; Milo J. b. March 30, 1880. d. 1904; George Albert b. July 27, 1882, d. Sept. 21, 1882; Hattie P. b. Sept. 4, 1883: Myrtle C. b. Jan. 25, 1886, d. Dec.. 1905; Hazel b. April 6, 1888, d. April 14. 1900; Ivy V. b. Dec. 10, 1890; Fern I. b. Sept. 30, 1892. Family home Junction, Piute Co., Utah. Bishop of Junction ward 18 years, still acting. Recorder 1884-90; clerk 1884-94: elected county clerk 1912. Post- master since 1881. Farmer. MORRILL. LABAN D. (son of Laban Morrill and Permelia H. Drury). Born Oct. 4, 1850, Keg Creek, Iowa. Came to Utah 1852. Married Emma W. Dalley Jan. 6, 1874, Summit. Utah (daughter of James Dalley and Emma Wright of Ohio, pio- neers 1852). who was born Dec. 15, 1854. Their children: Emma Phedora b. April 6, 1875. m. Willis Johnson (Weaver); Mary Permelia b. April 2, 1877. m. M. D. Morgan; Annie D. b. Aug. 26. 1879, m. G. H. Johnson; Delia b. April 19. 1882. m. Walter Farnsworth: Ida b. Dec. 23, 1885. m. H. D. Scott; Laban Rupert b Sept. 14, 1888: Rural D. b. July 5, 1892. d. Nov. 27, 1905. Family home Circleville. Utah. High priest; member bishopric of Circleville. Utah. School trustee Circleville. Farmer Twin Falls, Idaho. MORRIS. HYRUM BOWLES (son of Thomas Morris and Sophia Talbot of Bourbon county. Ky.). Born Dec. 23, 1821. in Bourbon county. Came to Utah Aug. 9, 1860, War- ren Walling company. Married Eleanor Crawford Roberts Aug. 8. 1862. Quincy. 111. (daughter of Adonijah Roberts and Elizabeth Crawford PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1045 of Illinois, Utah and Arizona, pioneers Aug. 9, I860). She was born Nov. 9, 1830, died Aug. 2. 1909, at Mesa. Their children: Laura Elizabeth b. April 20, 1854, m. David Frank- lin M. Rappleye; William Edwin b. Aug. 18, 1857, d. 1860; Hyrum Bowles b. Feb. 14, 1863, m. Eliza Smith; Eleanor Rebecca b. May 14. 1866. m. George A. Smith; Eliza Roberts b. April 10, 1870, m. Frank Lewis; Sophia Isadora b. April 10, 1873, m. Franklin Thomas Pomeroy. Family home Mesa City, Ariz. High priest; patriarch in Maricopa stake. Justice of peace. Farmer; cooper. Died Jan. 23, 1908. MORRIS, GEORGE (son of Joseph Morris and Elizabeth Vernon of Manchester, Eng-.). Born Aug. 23, 1816, Man- chester, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1848. Married Hannah Maria Newburry Aug. 23, 1843, Clay Co., Iowa (daughter of James Newburry and Mary Smith of Clay Co., Iowa), who was born March 13, 1823. d. Nov. 6 1898. Their children: Lavina, m. Nathan Davis; Julia Ann m. Thomas Golightly; Rozilla, m. John Jenkins; George V. m. Catherine Davis and Agnes LeCheminant; Maria R. J. m. Edward Sarace; Joseph N., m. Sarah A. Grow; Mary Ann m. Alfred J. Ridges; James N., m. Harriet Elliott; Ellen M. d. young; Franklin N., m. Elizabeth Mitchell; Harriet N. m. Calvin Pendleton; Ephralm N., m. Harriet Harris. Died Jan. 29, 1897, at Salt Lake City. MORRIS. GEORGE V. (son of George Morris and Hannah Maria Newburry). Married Agnes LeCheminant Nov. 29, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter LeCheminant, d. In England, and Sarah Farr of Isle of Guernsey, Eng., latter pioneer 1854, Wil- linm Taylor company). She was born Aug. 6, 1848. Their children: Edmund H. b. Sept. 28, 1885, d. aged 29, m. Lois Skelton; Agnes E. b. Dec. 28, 1886, m. Jasper Hobbs; Albert O. b. June 9, 1888; Sarah L. b. June 20, 1890; Lavenia b. April 18. 1892, d. aged 9. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Catherine Davis Nov. 9, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Davis and Ann Owen of South Wales and Salt Lake City; former came with Mormon Battalion, latter 1851). She was born June 22, 1852. Their children: Maria L. b. Dec. 8, 1870, d. aged 16 years; Delila b. Dec. 9, 1872, d. infant; George V. b. Feb. 27, 1874, m. Flora Foster; James D. b. Jan. 7, 1876, d. aged 28, m. Alice Jeff; Frank Eugene b. Nov. 23, 1877, m. Fredrica Rouche; Orin H. b. Jan. 3, 1881, m. Lillian Jeff. Family home. Salt Lake City. MORRIS, ISAAC C. (son of William Morris born Feb. 2, 1793, Llanfair, Montgomeryshire, North Wales, died Jan. 30, 1857, same place, and Sarah Morris born March 21, 1799, Llansanan, Denbighshire, died April 24, 1875, at Llanfair). He was born April 26, 1828, at Llanfair. Came to Utah 1853. Married Elizabeth Williams In Wales (daughter of Thomas L. and Caroline Williams of Eglwys Bach, Den- bighshire, Wales, pioneers 1853). She was born April, 1828, at Eglwys Bach, died Oct. 25, 1865, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah E. b. Sept. 13, 1853, d. May 13, 1881, m. Charles Stevens; Mary b. Oct. 25. 1855, d. Feb. 14, 1895, m. Daniel Alexander Robison Aug. 31, 1873; William b. Septem- ber, 1857, m. Amanda Rock; Isaac C. b. Aug. 23. 1859, m. Sarah E. Stewart Jan. 9, 1890; Lizzie Ann b. May 18, 1861. m. William Rollins; Priscilla b. Nov. 30, 1863, m. John Maranda; Eliza b. May 21, 1866; Lucinda b. Oct. 21, 1867; Conway b. May 17, 1869. Died Nov. 27, 1868, Richvllle. Utah. MORRIS, JOHIV (son of John Morris and Catherine Vaughan of Llanfair, Talharine, Denbighshire, North Wales). Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1853, Joseph A. Young company. Married Barbara Thomas (daughter of Ellas Thomas). Their children: Price; William; Lucy; Elias b. June 30, 1825, m. Mary E. Parry and Mary L. Walker; John; Richard V. b. Sept. 3. 1830, m. Hannah Phillips, m. Hattie C. Jones, m. Leventa Robbins; Barbara; Hugh. Died Sept. 18, 1871. MORRIS, ELIAS (son of John Morris and Barbara Thomas). Born June 30, 1825, at Llanfair, Wales. Came to Utah Nov. 1, 1852, Philip De La Mar company. Married Mary Parry May 23, 1852, Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of John Parry and Elizabeth Parry of New Mar- ket, Flintshire. North Wales, pioneers Oct. 2, 1856, Edward Bunker company). She was born Dec. 21. 1834. Their chil- dren Barbara b. May 30, 1853. m. Nathaniel Jones; Winifred b. Oct. 26, 1855, m. Peter T. Tibbs; Harriet b. Sept. 3, 1857, died; Elias Jr. b. Sept. 23, 1859; Mary E. b. March 11, 1862; Edward b. Sept. 20, 1864, died; Rosa Frances b. Sept. 20, 1864, m. James A. Brown; John Parry b. March 23, 1870; Ernest Edwin b. June 21, 1872; Albert Conway b. June 8, 1847, died; Jessie Pearl b. Aug. 22, 1876; Josephine Edna b. Oct. 23, 1879, m. George A. Goff. Married Mary L. Walker May. 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Gibson Walker and Mary Godwin of Manchester, Eng.; former pioneer October, 1853, Joseph W. Young company, latter died at St. Louis, Mo.). She was born May 14, 1835, Leek, Staffordshire, Eng. Their children: Erne Walker, m. Edward T. Ashton; Marlon Adelaide, m. George M. Cannon; Nephi Lowell, m. Harriet Young; George Quayle, m. Emma Ramsay; Katherlne Vaughan; four chil- dren d. Infants. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to Wales, 1865-69; president high priests quorum; bishop fifteenth ward. Member of Utah legisla- ture; city councilman; member of constitutional convention. Builder; contractor; president sugar company. Died March 17, 1898, In Salt Lake City. MORRIS. NEPHI LOWELL (son of Elias Morris and Mary L. Walker). Born Oct. 2, 1870, Salt Lake City. Married Harriet Young June 5. 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Willard Young and Harriet Hooper of Salt Lake City, both born in Utah), who was born Feb. 25, 1885. Their children: Lowell Young b. March 12, 1908; Willard Young b. March 29, 1910: Mary Young b. Aug. 22, 1911. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member second quorum seventies; missionary to Great Britain, 1892-95; president Salt Lake stake. Member state legislature; Progressive party nominee for governor of Utah, 1912. President Elias Morris & Sons Co., Deseret Building Society, and Utah Concrete Pipe company. MORRIS, RICHARD V. (son of John Morris and Barbara Thomas). Born Sept. 3. 1830. Came to Utah 1855. Married Hannah Phillips. Their children: Richard P., m. Sarah Isaacs, m. Florence Dinwoodey; A. V., m. Maggie Brian; Melvin C., m. Lydia Osborne. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Hattie C. Jones. Their children: Clara, m. Sel- den I. Clawson; Victor V.; Sidney H.; Hannah, m. John E. Hanson. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Levenia Robbins. Only child: Orvin, m. Nellie Patrick, m. Stella Barton. Family home, Salt Lake City. Bishop of nineteenth ward, Salt Lake. Revenue collector. Stonecutter and bookkeeper. MORRIS, RICHARD P. (son of Richard V. Morris and Han- nah Phillips). Born Dec. 23, 1855. Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Isaacs January, 1883 (daug/hter of Ben- jamin Isaacs and Phoebe Davis of Spanish Fork, Utah, pio- neers 1860), who was born November, 1854. Their children: Emma b. Jan. 23, 1888; Benjamin P. b. Oct. 13, 1890, m. Hazel Tomlinson. Married Florence Dinwoodey. Their children: Russell P. b. Dec. 31, 1900; Thornton D. b. Aug. 25, 1903; Marion b. Aug. 17, 1905. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Member Salt Lake city council 1893-1906; city treasurer 1897-1903; mayor 1904-05. Elected one of the five commissioners of Salt Lake City, 1911, for four years. In charge of streets, public improvements and engineering. Telegraph operator twenty-five years, and in railroad work; local freight agent for Union Pacific railroad 1888-90. En- gaged in coal business under the firm name Woolstenholme & Morris 1890; organized Citizens Coal company. Director in Farmers & Stockgrowers Bank, Merchants Bank, and Din- woodey Furniture company. MORRIS, JOHN STEPHEN (son of Benjamin Morris, born Feb. 23, 1809, Letterston, Wales, and Charlotte Morse, born May 18, 1815, Fishguard, Wales married 1832). Born Nov. 7, 1838, near Fishguard. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Thomas Ricks company. Married Esther Williams (daughter of Isaac Williams and Esther Francis, latter a pioneer Oct. 6, 1863. Thomas Ricks company). She was born Nov. 6, 1842. Their children: John George b. Dec. 31, 1866, m. Emma Teresa Landon; David William b. March 27, 1869, m. Susanah Green; Char- lotte b. Feb. 14, 1871, m. Leonard Porter Hall; Benjamin Thomas b. Jan. 13, 1874, m. Helen May Neely; Mary Ann b. Dec. 24, 1875, m. George Moroni Ward; Joseph Stephen b. Sept. 16, 1877, m. Elvira Green; Martha Elizabeth b. July 21, 1879, m. Ransom Enoch Harris; Samuel Francis b. Aug. 13, 1881, m. Anna Pearl Hansen; George Williams b. June 3. 1883, m. Margaret Call; Parley Morse b. June 20, 1885, m. Anna Sarah Eliasen; Thomas Roskelly b. March 13, 1888. Family home West Portage, Utah. Ordained patriarch by Rudger Clawson Dec. 21, 1902. MORRIS, ROBERT (son of John Morris and Maria Billings of Barrowden, Rutland, Eng.). Born Sept. 13, 1843, at Bar- rowden. Came to Utah Aug. 16, 1861, David H. Cannon company. Married Janet Watson Dec. 21, 1867, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Mary Ann Watson of Glasgow, Scotland), who was born Oct. 28, 1842, and came to Utah 1863. Their children: Robert b. Oct. 10, 1868, died, m. Irene Free; Mary b. Oct. 5, 1870. m. John L. Groo; William C. b. Augu 21, 1872, died; Marie b. Oct. 10, 1874; Jeanette b. Aug. 3, 1876, m. Hugh T. Rippeto; Louise b. Aug. 27, 1880, m. George L. Weiler. Married Josephine H. Meyer Oct. 14, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Fredrick Henry John Meyer and Anna Dor- othy Elizabeth Jensen of Schleswlg-Holstein, Germany; lat- ter with daughter came to Utah September, 1862, Jamea Wareham company). She was born March 22, 1856. Their children: Fred Joseph b. Dec. 27, 1879. m. Susie Bitner; Charles Meyer b. June 18, 1882, m. Elizabeth Bowring; Leroy Meyer b. Jan. 9, 1884; Frank Meyer b. July 19, 1887; Logan b. Oct. 25. 1889. Married Mary Monson July 16, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mons Monson and Cecelia Peterson of Forham, Blekinge, Sweden, who came to Utah 1882). She was born Dec. 26, 1854. Their children: Henry Monson b. July 2, 1046 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1885, died; Josephine Monson b. May 7, 1888, m. Joseph A. F. Everett. Married Sarah E. Duncan July 18, 1900, Manti, Utah (daughter of Homer Duncan, pioneer Oct. 16, 1848, Barney Adams company, and Sarah Trippess, pioneer October, 1862, Homer Duncan company, both of Salt Lake City). She was born April 1, 1868. Their children: Isabelle b. July 4, 1902; Ella Viola b. Sept. 26, 1904; Rose Lucile b. Feb. 1, 1907, died; Myron Duncan b. March 16, 1909, died. Families re- sided Salt Lake City. Member eighteenth quorum seventies; assistant Sunday school superintendent eleventh ward, Salt Lake City; pres- ident T. M. M. 1. A. eleventh ward prior to 1877; bishop of eleventh ward Nov. 1, 1891-Oct. 13, 1912. Member city coun- cil of Salt Lake City 1897-98. Participated in Indian expe- dition in San Pete county 1867. Tanner and wool merchant. Died April 25, 1913. MORRIS, CHARLES M. (son of Robert Morris and Josephine H. Meyer). Attorney-at-law, Salt Lake City. MORRIS, WILLIAM (son of William Morris, born 1794, Clee, Shropshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 27, 1821, Clee. Came to Utah 1854. Married Harriett Evans, who was born Jan. 17, 1822. Their children: Elizabeth b. June 19, 1851; Sarah Ann b. Dec. 25. 1852; Mary Jane b. Dec. 3, 1854. m. D. M. Sheldon; Wil- liam Edward b. Nov. 10, 1856; Elizabeth Ellen b. June 30. 1858; Martha b. March 25, 1860; John Thomas b. June 18, 1861; Lucy Emma b. June 15, 1863. Family home Weber Co., Utah. Married Elizabeth Russel March 11, 1865, Marriott, Utah (daughter of John Russel and Ellen Blackwood), who was born July 2, 1836, Clackmannanshire, Scotland. Their chil- dren: William R. b. Jan. 17, 1866, died; Elizabeth b. Feb. 24, 1867, died; Ellen b. Dec. 14, 1869, m. Hyrum W. Marriott Dec. 1, 1897; John R. b. Feb. 3, 1871. m. Maggie Marriott March 2, 1894; James B. b. Jan. 27, 1873. m. Ellen M. Mar- riott Feb. 21. 1900; Peter Thomas b. Oct. 28, 1874, died; Cath- arine b. June 15, 1876, m. Thomas E. Powell March 16, 1910; George b. Nov. 12, 1878, died. One of first settlers of Bingham Fort and Marriott, Utah. Died Dec. 23, 1892, Marriott, Utah. MORRIS, JAMES B. (son of William Morris and Elizabeth Russel). Born Jan. 27, 1873, Marriott, Utah. Married Ellen M. Marriott Feb. 21, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Marriott, pioneer Livingston Kincaid company, and Elizabeth Stewart, pioneer Hyrum Clawson company). She was born March 6, 1868, at Marriott. Their children: Verna b. Dec. 1, 1900; Wallace Floyd b. Jan. 11, 1902; James Russel b. March 10, 1905; Afton Marriott b. Feb. 27, 1907. Family home Marriott, Utah. MORRISON, JOHN (son of Andrew Morrison). Born In 1805 In Ireland. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1852, Eli B. Kelsey company. Married Sarah Mark of Ireland, 1835, who was born In 1820. Their children: Jane, m. Samuel Pine, 1853; Andrew, m. Mary Anne Fleet, 1862; John, m. Mary Jane Warren; Joseph, m. Luey Annie Henson, Nov. 3, 1878; Ellen, m. Ed- ward Clayton; Thomas, m. Marguerite Perkins. Family resided at Palmyra, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. High priest; assisted in building Nauvoo temple. Pioneer of Franklin, Idaho. Farmer. Died April 1, 1881, Franklin. Idaho. MORRISON, JOSEPH (son of John Morrison and Sarah Mark). Born Nov. 25, 1846, at Plymouth, Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Married Luey Annie Henson Nov. 3, 1878, Franklin, Idaho (daughter of Alfred Henson and Mary Ann Frost of Eng- land, pioneers 1868). She was born March 3, 1861. Their children: John Alfred b. March 28, 1880, m. Annie Miller Sept. 11, 1907; Martha Ellen b. May 8, 1882, m. Peter G. Whitehead, Dec. 18, 1907; George Leo b. May 9, 1884; Alvin Oliver b. May 18, 1886, d. June 27, 1905; Sarah Violet b. Dec. 6, 1888, m. Fredrick Henry Campbell Nov. 18, 1908; Joseph Andy b. June 7, 1891; James Philemon b. Feb. 14, 1893, m. Ray Perkins April 10, 1912. Family home Frank- lin, Idaho. High priest. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah 1868 with Chester Loveland company. Pioneer of Franklin, Idaho. Freighter; farmer. MORRISON, GEORGE LEO (son of Joseph Morrison and Luey Annie Henson of Franklin, Idaho). Born May 9, 1884. Franklin. Idaho. Missionary to southern states 1904 to 1906. Graduate of U. A. C. with degree of B. S. A. 1911. Agriculturist. MORRISON. JOHN, JR. (son of John Morrison and Sarah Mark). Born Aug. 15, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 16. 1852, Ell B. Kelsey company. Married Mary Jane Warren May 15, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of William James Warren and Sarah Jane Sim- mons of Spanish Fork and Price, Utah, pioneers 1853). She was born March 26, 1857. Their children: Sarah J.; Mary Ellen; John William; Colemus Maclaurin; Clarence Zenos; Luella Pauline; Lewis Franklin; Lilly Pearl, m. J. A. Mathis; Joseph Mellburn; Paul Desmon. Family home Spanish Fork and Price, Utah. Elder. Mechanic. Died April 30, 1906, Hyrum, Utah. MORRISON, WILLIAM (son of George Charles Morrison and Mary Ann Bruce of Aberdeen. Scotland). Born Sept. 7. 1820, at Inverury, Aberdeen, Scotland. Came to Utah 1856, Knud Peterson company. Married Margaret Forquhar Cruikshank Dec. 22, 18-13, Aberdeen, Scotland (daughter of William Cruikshank and Mary Forquhar of Aberdeen, Scotland), who was born June B, 1823. Their children: Anthony Bruce b. Oct. 30, 1844, d. 1848; Andrew, Mary Margaret, Mary Isabella and Sarah, all died in childhood; William b. Dec. 9, 1856. m. Emma Sorenson; Mina b. March 13, 1859. m. Henry Erickson; Tina b. Feb. 15, 1863, m. Ferdinand Erickson. Family resided Aberdeen, Scotland, and Utah. Married Caroline Christina Iverson, Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Jeppe Iverson and Anna Christina Jensen of Jutland, Denmark, pioneers 1856, Knud Peterson company). She was born Dec. 15, 1842. Their children: James Bruce, m. Caroline Amanda Foutz; Amanda Puella, m. John A. Hellstrom; Alexander, m. Cecelia Seare; Annie Christina, m. John W. Orrock; George Charles, m. Mary Avery; Walter William, m. Christina Sellers; William, died; LaFayette, m. Cora Snow; Lula, m. Lorenzo Barr. Family resided Mt. Pleasant and Richfield, Utah. Married Martha Maria Hansen Sept. 21, 1861, at Mt. Pleasant, Utah (daughter of Niels Hansen, died In Den- mark, and Mette Maria Hansen of Denmark, pioneer 1860, handcart company). She was born Nov. 21, 1846, and came to Utah with mother. Their children: Martha b. April 20, 1863. m. Joseph S. Home; Hannah, d. child; Charles Henry, m. Isabella Dunn; Robert Bruce, m. Lillie Seare; Mary Ann Bruce, m. Christopher D. Swan, m. Jeff Drake; Mary Mar- garet, d. infant; Cosmelia Jamlma, d. infant; Henrietta Angelina, m. Chester A. Altsire; William Arthur, m. Esther Elgreen; Isabella, m. O. A. Gushing. Family resided Mt. Pleasant and Richfield, Utah. President Woolwich conference of England. Settled at Richfield 1864. Sevier stake clerk; president high priests quorum; patriarch. Probate judge of Sevier county; rep- resentative Utah territorial legislature; clerk of Sevier county. Veteran Indian war; member Utah militia. Ship- builder; farmer. Died Aug. 7, 1889, Clear Creek, Utah. MORRISON, JAMES BRUCE (son of William Morrison and Caroline Christina Iverson). Born Nov. 7, 1860, Mt. Pleas- ant, Utah. Married Caroline Amanda Foutz Jan. 30, 1882, St. George, Utah (daughter of Joseph Lehi Foutz, pioneer 1847, and Amanda Child, pioneer 1851, John Brown company). She was born Jan. 10, 1861. Their children: James Bruce b. Jan. 19, 1883, m. Anna McGilvie; Leith Lumsden b. Sept. 29, 1884, m. Flossie Preston; Estelle b. Oct. 16, 1886, m. Guy H. Goodlander; Reuel b. July 9, 1890; William b. Sept. 11, 1892; Bandera DeVara b. July 6, 1895; Gladys b. Jan. 14, 1898; Elloid and Elloise (twins) b. April 20, 1900; Verona b. April 12. 1902; Sybil Foutz b. April 19, 1904. Family home Rlchfleld, Utah. Missionary to northwestern states 1888-89; high priest; superintendent Sevier stake Sunday school; high councilor. City recorder; justice of peace at Richfield; chaplain of territorial legislature and docket clerk of first Utah state legislature. President Otter Creek reservoir board. Farmer. MORRISON. ROBERT BRUCE (son of William Morrison and Martha Maria Hansen). Born Nov. 28, 1868, Mt. Pleasant. Utah. Married Lilly Jane Seare Sept. 6, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Seare and Jane Slmmonds both of Abingdon, Berkshire, Eng.), who came to Utah Sept. 16, 1884). She was born April 17, 1864, at Abingdon. Their children: Walter Bruce b. Aug. 30. 1895; Von Seare b. Aug. 16, 1897; William b. March 12, 1899; Albert b. March 10, 1901; Lucile Elta b. May 20, 1903; Lillian Jane b. Sept. 14, 1907, d. April 14. 1908. Family resided Richfield, Helper and Mill Creek, Utah. Presiding elder at Spring: Glenn; bishop's counselor; presi- dent Y. M. M. I. A.; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher. Justice of peace at Helper; notary public of Carbon county; postmaster at Helper. School teacher; farmer; contractor; stockraiser. MORSE, FRANCIS YOUNG (son of Ebenezer Morse and Lydia Young of Boston, Mass.). Born Jan. 25, 1834, at Boston. Came to Utah In 1869, Peter Nebeker company. Married Elizabeth Thomas in 1859. Boston, Mass, (daugh- ter of John Thomas and Phoebe Body of Wattford, near London. Eng.), who was born Jan. 19, 1830. Their chil- dren: Lydia Young, m. Joseph S. Rowley; Francis Young, m. Sarah Larson; John Thomas, m. Louisa Fay; William B., d. child; Jededlah, m. Hannah Cunningham. Family home St. George, Utah. Elder; ward teacher; pioneer of St. George. Carpenter. MORSE, RICHARD (son of William Morse of South Wales). Born July 10, 1837, at Llanelly, Caermarthenshlre, South Wales. Came to Utah In October, 1863. Married Maria Jones Oct. 11. 1856, at Merthyr Tydfll. South Wales (daughter of William and Martha Jones of South Wales), who was born Feb. 18, 1837, and died March 21, 1909. Their children: Mary Ann, m. Samuel Reese; Margret, m. Daniel J. Williams; Marthur and William, d. Infants; Jane, m. Jonah Evans; Rebecca, m. John H. Williams; Sarah E., PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1047 m. George H. Williams; Maria, m. David H. Anderson. Family home Samaria, Idaho. Member 52d quorum seventies; missionary to South Wales 1887-89; first Sunday school superintendent of Samaria ward; high councilor of Malad stake. County commissioner; chairman of school board; chairman of town board. Mer- chant; farmer. Died Nov. 11, 1901. MORSE, WILLIAM (son of William Morse and Mary Thomas of Mountain Ash, South Wales). Born June 6, 1830, Llanelly, Caermarthenshire, South Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863. Captain Wight company. Married Margaret Evans October, 1859, at Merthyr Tyd- fil, Glamorganshire, South Wales (daughter of Ebenezer Evans and Amy Jones of Cynwyl Elfed, Caermarthenshire), who was born Oct. 10, 1836. Their children: Mary Jane, m. Jeremiah Jones; Ann, m. William P. Camp; Emma, m. John B. Price; William E., m. Sarah A. Evans; Margaret, m. Hyrum W. Jones; Rachael, m. Joseph Williams; Sarah, m. Lewis Williams: Sophia, m. James R. Hawkins. Family home Samaria, Idaho. Farmer. Died April 16, 1904. MORSE, WILLIAM E. (son of William Morse and Margaret Evans). Born Oct. 31, 1867, Logan, Utah. Married Sarah A. Evans Jan. 25, 1905, at Logan (daughter of Thomas Evans and Elizabeth Reese of Pembrokeshire, South Wales; came to Utah in June, 1882). She was born Sept. 29, 1883. Their children: William E. Jr. b. Nov. 19, 1905; Sarah Verla b. July 21. 1909. Missionary to Great Britain 1897-99; secretary 62d quo- rum seventies; Sunday school superintendent. Mayor. Farmer. MORTENSEN, ANDERS (son of Morten Christiansen and Metta Mortensdatter of Lille Rorbek, Fredericksborg, Den- mark). Born Nov. 9, 1828, in Denmark. Came to Utah In July, 1873. Married Anna Cathrina Hansen In 1866, Copenhagen (daughter of Hans Hansen and Mary Christina Christens- datter, Juderup, Holbek, Denmark), who was born May 18, 1839. Their children: Mary Julia; Metta Christena and Hans Christian, died; Andrew Daniel; Marten Christian; Paul, died. Family resided at Spring City, Utah, and Pres- ton, Idaho. High priest; ward teacher; president Worm Creek branch. Farmer. Died Dec. 7, 1892, at Preston. MORTENSEN, ANDREW D. (son of Anders Mortensen and Anna Cathrina Hansen). Born July 15, 1874, at Spring City, Utah. Married Christena Gregersen Dec. 14, 1904, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Laurids Gregersen and Metta Fredericksen of Brande, Denmark), who was born May 12, 1871. Their children: George A. b. Feb. 24, 1906; Ada M. b. July 12, 1907: Carl A. b. Oct. 14, 1908; Orson A. b. Feb. 14, 1911. Family home Glendale, Idaho. Member 114th quorum seventies; missionary to Scandi- navia 1900-1903; ward teacher; bishop. Farmer; stockraiser. MORTENSEN, ANDREAS P. (son of Morten Swenson and Dorthea Sophia Rost). Born July 14, 1822, Dronningaard, Denmark. Came to Utah In 1864, William B. Preston com- pany. Married Ingeborg Petersen June 25, 1848, Sollerod, Den- mark (daughter of Peter and Kjirsten Christiansen), who was born April 27, 1821, Overod, Denmark. Their children: Anna Sophia; Sine Maria; Niels William; Jens Christian; Adam Anders. Family home Huntsville, Weber Co., Utah. MORTENSEN, NIELS WILLIAM (son of Andreas P. Mor- tensen and Ingeborg Petersen). Born May 28, 1853, Dron- ningaard, Denmark. Came to Utah with parents. Married Cecelia Schow Oct. 25, 1875 (daughter of Hans and Maren Schow). Their children: Niels William, Jr., b. Dec. 16, 1876; Anna Maria b. Feb. 17, 1879; Hans Andrew b. Feb. 25, 1882; Joseph Alma b. Nov. 3, 1884; Aaron b. June 26, 1888. Married Johanna C. Chrlstensen June 19, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of Hans and Wilhelmlne Chrlstensen). Their chil- dren: Adam b. June 9, 1891; Rhoda Cecelia b. Dec. 16, 1894; Nora Rosabell b. Nov. 6, 1897. Families resided at Huntsville, Utah. MORTENSON, JOHN PETER. Married Eva Rasmusson Feb. 20, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Rasmus Rasmusson and Johanna Holmberg), who was born Jan. 2, 1836, Trelleborg, Sweden. Came to Utah 1861 with her sister in oxteam company, and died Sept. 4, 1911. Their children: Eva Hilma; Jennie Caro- line. Family resided Salt Lake City and Logan, Utah, and In Idaho. Married Caroline Rasmusson Oct. 4, 1868, Salt Lake En- dowment house (daughter of Rasmus Rasmusson and Johanna Holmberg), who was born Feb. 10, 1831, Frau Alsted, Sweden; came to Utah Sept. 26, 1868, and died Dec. 13. 1912, Salt Lake City. Their children: Matilda; Rose Amelia. Family home. Salt Lake City. Died Sept. 23, 1911. MORTENSEN, KNTJD (son of Christen Mortensen of Lille Rorbek, Denmark, born July 2, 1758, and Mette Knudsdat- ter of Olstykke, born Sept. 19, 1756). He was born Dec. 13, 1819, Lille Rorbek. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, John F. Sanders company. Married Karen Ericksen In March, 1845 (daughter of Erick Andersen and Karen Belersdatter married Sept. 20, 1815). She was born May 8, 1822. Came to Utah with her husband. Their children: Morton C. b. June 3, 1846, m. Christene Knudsen Nov. 8, 1869; Marie b. Sept. 30, 1848, m. Hans P. Andersen Nov. 8, 1869; Elizabeth b. March 13, 1854, m. Lars Olsen in June 1880; Peter b. June 6, 1857, m. Mary Iversen Sept. 24, 1884; Moroni b. Oct. 3, 1864, m. Elizabeth Trenchard June 9, 1898. Counselor to Bishop William Neely 1870-80 and to Bishop Carl Jensen 1880-99; ward teacher several years. Pioneer of Bear River City, Utah. Died Jan. 13, 1909. MORTENSEN, PETER (son of Knud Mortensen and Karen Ericksen). Born June 6, 1857, Copenhagen, Denmark. Married Mary Iversen Sept. 24, 1884, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Nels Iversen and Maren Olsen), who was born July 21, 1867, In Denmark. Their children: Elvira b. Sept. 9. 1885, m. Henry Jensen June 4, 1905; Samuel b. Aug. 22, 1887; Jedediah M. b. Feb. 11, 1894; Benjamin P. b. June 30. 1896; Edna I. b. Dec. 28, 1898; Enos N. b. March 30, 1901; Heber R. b. June 24, 1903; Pearl b. Aug. 30, 1909; Ethel b. Oct. 4, 1911. Family home Tremonton, Utah. MORTENSEN, NIELS CHRISTIAN (son of Martin and Inger Nielsen of Nykjobing, Sjelland, Denmark). Born July 4, 1833, in Denmark. Came to Utah In 1864, John Smith inde- pendent company. Married Mariana Christensen in 1864 at Huntsville, Utah (daughter of Christian Mortensen and Anna Kathrina Peter- sen of Astrup, Denmark), who was born March 27, 1835. Their children: Emma Elizabeth, m. Charles S. Wood; Jose- phine Anderina, m. George E. Ferrin; Mariana, m. John S. Gould; Niels Christian, m. Nell Russell; Elvina Caroline, m. J. J. Allen; Ingar Sophia Amelia, m. Theron L. Rogers. Married Thora Emalina Christensen. Their children: Nlelzina Christena, m. Jens Jensen; Peter Andrew; Thora Etmalina, m. A. C. Schade; Ernest Joseph; Anna Cecelia; Irene Georgene. Families resided at Huntsville, Utah. High priest; missionary to Denmark 1883-85; bishop's counselor. One of the first to go to the penitentiary for religious convictions. Farmer and merchant. Died Sept. 22, 1898. MORTON, THOMAS FINCHER HARRY (son of William Harry Morton and Hannah Tanner of Aldridge's Run, Mor- gan Co., Ohio). Born Sept. 27, 1832, Pennsville, Ohio. Came to Utah Nov. 29, 1865, William S. S. Willis company. Married Mary Ann Croy In 1853 at Pennsville (daughter of John Croy and Prudence Edgar of Virginia, who came to Utah, Sidney Willis company). She was born July 7. 1827. Their children: Jemima J. b. March 6, 1856; Hannah Ann b. July 27, 1857; Melissa E. b. March 16, 1861, m. Edward McLelland; Laura Geneva b. Nov. 29, 1865, m. Don C. Tufts; Flora Geneva b. Nov. 29, 1865, m. Robert Cowan; Prudence Luvera b. June 1, 1868; John William b. Nov. 27, 1870. Married Julia Ann Conley June 15, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Solomon N. Conley and Martha Smith, Morgan Co., Utah, pioneers 1849). She was born Feb. 6, 1855. Their children: Thomas Fincher Harry b. April 15, 1875, m. Nellie Pettit; Franklyn Willard b. July 12, 1877; Edgar Townsend b. Oct. 4, 1879; Amos Nelson b. Sept. 19, 1881; Julia Myrtis b. Feb. 10, 1884, m. Samuel H. Worthen. Fam- ilies resided at Salt Lake City. President of fourth quorum of seventies. Died April 8, 1899. MORTON, THOMAS FINCHER HARRY, JR. (son of Thomas Fincher Harry Morton and Julia Ann Conley). Born April 15, 1875, Salt Lake City. Married Nellie Pettit Sept. 6, 1905, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Edwin Pettit and Rebecca Hill of Salt Lake City, pio- neers 1847). She was born Feb. 10, 1878. Their child: Paul Harry b. May 26, 1910. Family home, Salt Lake City. Practicing physician; graduated in medicine and surgery in 1908 at Medico-Chirurglcal College, Philadelphia, Pa. MOSES, JAMES (son of Jesse Moses, born in June, 1774, South Manchester, Conn., and Ester Brown of Norfolk. Conn., born 1776 married in Norfolk in 1796). Born Feb. 28, 1806, Norfolk. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1861, Ira Reed company. Married Roxy M. Terry April 9, 1833 (daughter of Tim- othy Terry and Roxy Latimer, married at Simsbury, Conn.). Their children: Jane b. April 20, 1835, m. Ezra Pettit Nov. 28, 1860; John b. 1837, d. child. Family resided North Canaan, Conn., and Kirtland, Ohio. Married Eliza Spencer Oct. 17, 1839, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Solomon Spencer and Martha Jones), who was born June 15, 1813, Johnson, Ohio. Their children: Martha b. In Oc- tober 1845; Jesse Tilton b. May 9, 1848, m. Phebe A. Wood- ruff June 14, 1875; Eliza b. in August 1850, m. Joseph Neu- man; James b. Feb. 14, 1853, died; Fred F. h. June 5, 1856. Family resided at Nauvoo, 111., Council Bluffs, Iowa, North Canaan, Conn., and Salt Lake City. 1048 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH MOSES, JESSE TILTON (son of James Moses and Eliza Spencer). Born May 9, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married Phebe A. Woodruff June 14, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Wilford Woodruff and Sarah Brown), who was born May 30, 1859, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah Eliza b. April 18, 1876, d. Feb. 16, 1877; Jesse Tilton b. Jan. 28, 1878, m. Lavine Harper Sept. 23, 1903; Sylva Arabell b. Aug. 24, 1880, m. B. F. Handley June 27, 1906; Wilford New- ton b. Nov. 18, 1882; James Julian b. July 29, 1885. d. Aug. 6, 1885; David Courtney b. July 6, 1886; Clarence Frederick b. April 15, 1891; Elmer Woodruff b. June 5, 1894; Ethel Woodruff b. June 5, 1894, d. March 20, 1895; Phoebe Ester b. Jan. 20, 1896; Henry Brown b. Nov. 1, 1898; Mary Wood- ruff b. June 14, 1901; Brigham b. Nov. 22, 1903, d. Nov. 23, 1903. Family resided at Randolph, Big Cottonwood and Smithfleld, Utah, and Mesa, Ariz. MOSS, JOHN (son of Hugh Moss and Elizabeth Rushton of Newton, Yorkshire, En&). Born March 6, 1820, Newton. Came to Utah in 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Rebecca Wood in 1845 in Pike county, 111. (daugh- ter of Daniel Wood and Mary Snyder, pioneers 1848, Brig- ham Young company). 'She was born May 11, 1826. Their children: Mary, m. Henry Moyle; Daniel, m. Melvina Rush- ton; Elizabeth, died; Joseph, m. Sarah Phoebe Sessions; John Hugh, m. Missouri V. Lincoln; William, m. Grace Ann Hatch; Moroni, m. Mary Ann Hale; Rebecca Jane, died; Ellen, m. Hilbert S. Hatch; Nephi, m. Rhoda Pace; Alice, m. Rastus Eagan; Henry, fa. Minnie M. Atkinson. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Emma A. Alexander March 25, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abel Alexander and Sarah Alexander [cousins] of Colne, Wiltshire, Eng., pioneers Nov. 3, 1864). She was born April 14, 1846. Their children: David A., m. Ellen B. Deppie; Alma, m. Amelia E. Cleaverly; Sarah, d. infant; Adaline, d. in September 1908; Alexander, m. Annie Jones; Robert A., m. Linnie Eagan; Stephen, m. Martha A. Jones; Margret, m. Ernest R. Grant. President seventy-seventh quorum seventies. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 4, 1884. MOSS, JOSEPH (son of John Moss and Rebecca Wood). Born Aug. 10, 1850, Bountiful, Utah. Married Sarah Phoebe Sessions Dec. 18, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Sessions and Phoebe C. Foss of Bountiful), who was born Nov. 26, 1853. Their children: Sarah Phoebe b. March 28, 1873, m. Edwin P. Porter Feb. 1, 1899; Mary Rebecca b. Aug. 9, 1875, m. Jonathan H. Hale April 28, 1897; Joseph William b. Dec. 15, 1877, m. Lillian A. Porter Aug. 13, 1902; Olive Cerdenia b. Aug. 25, 1881. m. Ansel Hatch June 7, 1899; Carrie b. Sept. 8, 1884; Cora b. Sept. 8, 1884, m. Sylvanius Nelson May 27, 1908; Calvin b. Dec. 31. 1886, m. Olive P. Bolton Oct. 9, 1912; David S. b. May 4, 1889; Ellen b. Jan. 11, 1892. High priest. Farmer. MOSS, WILLIAM (son of John Moss and Rebecca Wood). Married Grace Ann Hatch. Their children: Grace b. Nov. 19, 1879, d. Dec. 25, 1879; Leonard W. b. April 1, 1881, d. June 3, 1889; Ethel b. Dec. 22, 1883, m. Ezra Waddoups Jan. 6, 1904; Gertie M. b. Jan. 14, 1886, m. Joseph W. McMurrin, Jr.; Florence b. Oct. 2, 1887, m. M. E. Waddoups; Chloe E. b. July 27, 1890, m. William Roberts March 6, 1907; Ralph J. b. April 3, 1893; Delilah b. Jan. 12, 1896; Ezra O. b. Aug. 19, 1898; Amelia b. Aug. 13, 1900. Family home West Boun- tiful, Utah. Missionary to England 1902-04; bishop of West Bountiful ward since March 27, 1909. Superintendent Deseret Live Stock Company. MOSS, WILLIAM P. (son of William F. Moss, Sr., and Sarah Stokes of Derbyshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 16, 1825, Notting- hamshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1861, John R. Murdock company. Married Eliza Crich In England (daughter of William Crich and Eliza Summers of England), who was born Oct. 27, 1829, Mansfield, Eng. Their children: Sarah Ann, m. Caleb Luker; Emily Elizabeth, m. Andrew Barker Forsyth; Rosenia, m. Heber Lorenzo Crockett; William Edward, m. Salina Paget; Eliza Charlotte, m. William Owens; Frances Ellen, m. Alfred F. Denney; Grace Alice, m. Eli Lee; Cath- erine Jane, died; George F., m. Ada Hammond; Joseph F. and Henry Crich; last two died. Family home E. T. City, Utah. Bishop of E. T. City 30 years; patriarch. Justice of peace; postmaster; school trustee. Merchant. Died Sept. 20, 1909, East Garland, Utah. MOTT, SAMUEL (son of John Mott and Eunice Thompson of Vermont). Born in 1782 in Vermont. Came to Utah In 1854, independent company. Married Elizabeth Dewight in Vermont (daughter of Mr. Dewight and Electa Garret of Vermont), who was born In 1790 and died July 6, 1865. Their children: Maria Howe, m. Anson Sheffield; Wesley, d. Infant; William Harrison, m. Almina Plato, m. Sallie Plato; Jeremiah and Harmon, died; Ann, m. Daniel Dye; Mary, m. Zebdee Coltren; Samuel, d. aged 3 years; John W., m. Caroline , who died; m. Catherine Holden; Daniel Richmond, m. Elizabeth Graham; m. Isabelle Wilkin McCleave; Electa, m. James Barlow; Susana, m. James Barlow; Thomas, died; Simon, d. aged 11 years. Family home Batavia, N. Y. Farmer. Died Feb. 6, 1867, Payson, Utah. MOTT, DANIEL RICHMOND (son of Samuel Mott and Eliza- beth Dewight). Born April 23, 1826, Batavia, N. Y. Came to Utah with parents. Married Elizabeth Graham in 1850, Decatur, Wis. (daugh- ter of Sylvenus Graham and Electa Garret of Batavia), who was born July 8, 1828. Their children: Helen b. 1851, d. Infant; Juliett b. Feb. 12, 1852, m. Franklin Augustus Fraughton; Dewight Graham, d. infant; Elizabeth Jane b. Dec. 25, 1856, m. Heber Taylor. Married Isabelle Wilkin McCleave May 19, 1861, at Payson (daughter of John and Nancy Jane McCleave, the former died on way to Utah, the latter came in Sept. 1856, Daniel D. McArthur handcart company). She was born Jan. 29, 1843. Their children: Ceclia Arthemia, m. William R. Heath; Isabelle Eliza, m. Lorenzo Curtis; Daniel Richmond, d. 1869; Joseph Harrison, d. 1869; Jeremiah, m. Eliza C. Smith; Electa Rhoda Ann, m. Elias Arthur Johnson. Families re- sided at Payson, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Black Hawk war veteran. Farmer; freighter. Died Jan. 18, 1904, Walls- burg, Utah. MOURITSEN, LARS. Born Oct. 17. 182B, Fastropsogn, Den- mark. Came to Utah in 1859, Captain Nibley company. Married Maren Sorensen, who was born April 22, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Johanna Marie b. June 17, 1846, m. Lars C. Petersen Nov. 25, 1860; Mourits b. Jan. 28, 1849, m. Lizzie Hillyard; Maren b. April 10, 1850, m. Anton Jensen 1865; Martine Martha b. Nov. 11. 1851, m. Horatio Harris Merrill Dec. 24, 1866; Johanna Kirstine b. Jan. 29, 1853, m. Edwin R. Miles. Elder. Settled at Kaysville, but soon moved to Plain City and thence to Smithfield in 1864. Pioneer brickmaker. Died at Smithfleld Feb. 1, 1913, being 87 years, 7 months, 14 days of age. MOWER, HENRY (son of Michael Mower and Cathrine Gelsinger of Frederick, Md.). Born in 1798 in Frederick. Came to Utah in 1851. Married Mary Amick in 1816 (daughter of John Amick, Sr., of Bedford, Pa.), who was born in 1796. Their chil- dren: Catherine; Mahala, m. George Shaw; Leah; Henry, Jr., m. Susan Strong; John, m. Sarah Ann Bldwell; Susan, m. Simeon Cragun; Mary; Ezra; George, m. Emma Bid- well; Hannahette, m. Joseph Bldwell. Family home Bed- ford, Pa. Married Lucretia Hupper Feb. 15, 1847 (daughter of Wil- liam Hupper and Margaret Craig), who was born Sept. 16, 1818, Port Clyde, Maine. Their children: Matilda, died; Orson Hyde, m. Margaret Van Valkenberg; Oscar Middleton, m. Elizabeth Beardall; Eliza, m. Rubert Singleton; Lucretia, died; Deliah Jane, m. Seth Hansen. Married Elmyra Wheeler 1855 (daughter of Levl Wheeler). Their children: Brigham and Heber, died; Henry Levl, m. Sarah Elizabeth Smith; Elmyra, m. William Brower; Joseph, m. Cynthia Mower; Hyrum, died; Michael F., m. Louisa Lewis; Andrew; William, died. Missionary to eastern states; president high priests quorum. Member city council of Springvllle. Farmer. Died April 4, 1878, at Springville. MOWREY, HARLEY (son of Barton Mowrey, Providence, R. I.). Born Aug. 9, 1822, Burrillville, near Providence, R. I. Came to Utah July 27, 1847, with Capt. lames Brown con- tingent Mormon Battalion. Married Martha Jane Sargent (Sharp), widow of Nor- man Sharp, who was accidentally shot during Battalion's march to Pueblo. Member first high council of Bear Lake stake and later of Uinta stake; missionary In New Hampshire 1844. Worked on Nauvoo temple. Member first artillery company that left Nauvoo, Feb. 9, 1846; mustered Into Co. C Mormon bat- talion July 6, 1846. Accompanied C. C. Rich and Amasa M. Lyman to California, residing there seven years. Took part in the move south, after which he lived at Centerville until 1864. Called to assist in settling Bear Lake valley, Idaho. He brought the first reaper, or mower, to Utah and Idaho. Moved to Vernal, Utah, in 1885. Stone and brick mason. Died In December 1906. MOYES, ROBERT (son of James Moyes, born 1780, Paisley, and Margaret Mann, born 1780, Kilmarnock, Scotland). Born In 1812 at Belfast, Ireland. Did not come to Utah. Married Elizabeth Hutchison in June, 1835, at Paisley (daughter of William Hutchison and Mary Spears), who was born In October, 1814, In County Donegal, Ireland, and died Aug. 16, 1907, at Ogden, Utah. Came to Utah with her family Sept. 29, 1866, Daniel Thompson oxteam company. Their children: James Hutchison b. April 13, 1838, m. Mar- garet Ann Barton; William b. May 17, 1841, m. Robina Gowans June 22, 1860; Robert Hutchison b. Jan. 1, 1844, m. Lucy Wilson, m. Esther Pingree, m. Agnes Stewart; John Hutchison b. March 22, 1846, m. Agnes Douglass, m. Eliza- beth Ingals; Stewart Hutchison b. Aug. 11, 1848. m. Anna Rogers; Alexander Hill b. March 22, 1851, m. Nancy Marlnda Tracy; Margaret b. April 28, 1853, m. Charles Larson, m. Bennett Anderson. Died July 11, 1861, at Paisley. Mrs. Moyes five years later came to Utah with part of her family and settled at Ogden. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1049 MOTES, WILLIAM (son of Robert Moyes and Elizabeth Hutchison). Born May 17, 1841, Paisley, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1868, Edward T. Mumford mule train. Married Robina Gowans June 22, 1860, at Paisley (daugh- ter of James Gowans, born 1799, at Paisley and died there March 7, 1849, and Robina Bryson, born in June. 1806, at Paisley, died there Aug. 12, 1876). She was born Nov. 15, 1843, at Paisley. Their children: Robert b. Jan. 29, 1861, d. Feb. 16, 1861; William Gowans b. Jan. 10, 1862, m. Sarah Ann Allen; James G. b. Jan. 14, 1864, m. Elizabeth Fields; Robina b. Feb. 14, 1866, m. Henry Green; Elizabeth Ivers b. Aug. 8, 1868, on board ship in American waters, d. Oct. 20, 1869; Elizabeth Ann b. Sept. 30, 1870, d. March 19. 1873; Robert Alexander b. Sept. 14, 1872, m. Clara Hamer; Jane b. Feb. 6 1875. m. William Charles Schmalz; John b. Feb. 23, 1877, d. Feb. 25, 1877; May b. May 31, 1878, d. June 23, 1878; George Gowans b. May 26, 1879; Arthur Gowans b. Sept. 10, 1881, d. May 18, 1882; David Gowans b. June 28, 1883, d. Oct. 8, 1901; Eva b. Aug. 23, 1885. Family home, Ogden. Member 75th quorum seventies; high councilor 1903-08. Health inspector 1896-1901. Worked on Union Pacific R. R. 1868-87. MOYES, JOHN HUTCHISON (son of Robert Moyes and Eliza- beth Hutchison), born March 22, 1846, at Paisley, Scot- land. Came to Utah July 14, 1866, John Nicholson company. Married Elizabeth Ingles Sept. 4, 1876. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Ingles and Elizabeth Eccles of Paisley). She was born Aug. 17, 1856, and came to Utah July 15, 1874, P. C. Christensen company. Their children: John I. Moyes b. Nov. 26, 1877, m. Maggie Cottam; Elizabeth I. b. April 27, 1880, m. Oliver Miller; Robert I. b. Aug. 29, 1883, m. Agnes Purdie; Jane I. b. March 12, 1886, m. William Curte- man; Maggie I. b. July 5, 1888, m. Orville Rupe; Robena G. b. Oct. 19, 1891, m. Thomas Harris; Ella b. March 30, 1894; Alice M. b. April 14, 1897; Bertha M. b. Jan. 29, 1900. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest. Farmer and janitor. MOTES, ALEXANDER HILL (son of Robert Moyes and Elizabeth Hutchison). Born March 22, 1851, at Paisley. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, with mother. Married Nancy Marinda Tracy in Oct. 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Walter and Nancy Tracy of Ogden). She was born in 1862. Their children: Margaret, m. Samuel Doxey; m. Arthur Long; Alexander Walter; Elizabeth; Robert, m. Ethel Hill; Dora. m. D. J. Pidcock; Norine; Julia; Helen; three died. Family home Ogden, Utah. State deputy game warden. MOYL.E, JOH1V HOWE (son of James Moyle and Elizabeth Rowe, of Wendron, Cornwall, Eng.). Born Feb. 22, 1808, in Wendron. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth handcart company. Married Phillippa Beer In 1834, Island of Guernsey, Engr. (daughter of William Beer and Elizabeth Cook of Devon- port, Devonshire). She was born Dec. 13, 1815. Their chil- dren: James b. Oct. 31, 1835, m. Elizabeth Wood; Elizabeth b. Jan. 12, 1837, m. Chauncy G. Webb; Henry b. Jan. 23, 1839, d. child; Stephen b. Nov. 27, 1840, m. Mary Ann Kelley; Phillippa b. Dec. 12, 1842, d. child; Henry b. Jan. 3, 1844, m. Mary Moss; Alfred b. Oct. 11, 1846, m. Alice Greenwood; William b. Nov. 13, 1848, d. 1853; John b. May 25. 1851, m. Fanny Carlisle; Joseph Edward b. Nov. 19, 1857, m. Matilda C. Hansen. Family home Alpine, Utah. Seventy; senior president of 68th quorum of seventies. Worked for several years on Salt Lake temple. Died Feb. 16, 1889. MOTLE, JAMES (son of John Rowe Moyle and Phillippa Beer). Born Oct. 31, 1835, Rosmellen, Cornwall. Eng. Married Elizabeth Wood July 22. 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Wood and Mary Snyder of Kingston county, Canada). She was born Dec. 20, 1839. Their chil- dren: James Henry b. Sept. 17, 1858, m. Allice Evelyn Din- woodey; Mary Elizabeth b. Jan. 25, 1860; John Alma b. May 2, 1862, and Phillippa Ann b. Dec. 4. 1863, latter three died; Bertha May b. May 16, 1865, m. Andrew John Gray; Daniel Wood b. Jan. 28, 1866, died; Oscar Wood b. Jan. 20, 1868, m. May Preston; Steppen Lawrence b. Dec. 22, 1869, m. Cnar- lotta H. Atkinson; Deseret Blanch b. Feb. 19, 1872, died; Idda b. Sept. 25, 1873, m. Ray VanCott; Walter b. May 28, 1876, Mahonria b. Aug. 8, 1878, and Ellen b. May 28, 1880. latter three died; Louise Rebecca b. May 28, 1881, m. James Watson Silver. Family home, Salt Lake City. MOTLE. JAMES HENRT (son of James Moyle and Eliza- beth Wood). Born Sept. 17. 1858, Salt Lake City. Married Allice Evelyn Dinwoodey Nov. 17, 1887, Logan, Utah '(daughter of Henry Dinwoodey and Sarah Kinnersley of England). Their children: Henry Dinwoodey b. April 22, 1889; James Hubert b. Feb. 5, 1891, d. Oct. 2, 1892; Allice Evelyn b. March 21, 1893; Walter Gladstone b. March 13, 1895; Gilbert Dinwoodey b. Jan. 5. 1898: James Douglas b. Oct. 26, 1901; Richard Granvllle b. Dec. 20, 1903, d. April 1904; Sarah Virginia b. Aug. 13, 1906. Family home, Salt Lake City. Lawyer; city and county attorney. MOTLE. HENRT (son of John Rowe Moyle and Phllllppa Beer). Born Jan. 3, 1844. Plymouth, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Moss Jan. 11, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Moss and Rebecca Wood of Bountiful, Utah, pioneers 1848). She was born Nov. 16, 1844. Their children: Henry Alonzo b. March 31, 1868; Mary Rebecca b. June 26, 1869, m. J. W. Booth; Elizabeth b. June 25, 1871, m. Martin Hanson; Phillippa b. Feb. 15, 1873, m. Joseph A. Stubbs; Phebba Mal- vina b. Jan. 12, 1875, m. Samuel S. Cluff; John Franklin b. March 30. 1877, m. Vernett Thomas; Ellen Amellia b. June 1, 1879, m. Oscar Wilkins; Parley b. June 12, 1881, m. Maud Austin; Clara Vilate b. June 7, 1884, m. William Vincent; Sylvia Etta b. Nov. 6, 1886, m. Alma Bourne; Alletta b. April 25, 1889, m. Samuel S. Grant. Family home Alpine, Utah. Missionary to Great Britain June 4, 1890, to July, 1892; set apart as president of 67th quorum seventies Oct. 28. 1883, and senior president 128th quorum seventies in fall of 1900; ordained high priest and patriarch Jan. 20, 1901; deacon; teacher; elder. Member first company of cavalry from Utah county in Indian war of 1866. Marshal; city councilman; justice of peace; postmaster of Alpine. MtTHLESTEm, NICHOLAS (son of John Muhlesteln and Elizabeth Luthy of Bern, Switzerland. Born Oct. 7, 1831, Toffen, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah October, 1863, Peter' Nebeker company. Married Mary Hauenstein in April 1858, Koelliken, Switz- erland (daughter of Frederick Hauenstein and Verena Ash- bough of Koelliken, Switzerland). She was born Nov. 26, 1835, Koelliken, Canton Argau, Switzerland. Their children: Mary. Rosalie and Emma, all three died; John Nicholas b. Sept. 23, 1864, m. Martha Josephine Liechty; Emil, m. Barba Richenbach; Joseph Aaron, m. Margarett Hitz; Chris- tian Hyrum, m. Lizzy Conrad; Martha Josephine, m. Karl Hassler; Frederick B. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Anna Caroline Wintsh April 9, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Casper Wintsh and Annie Willleman of Zurich, Switzerland). She was born Jan. 11, 1851. Their children: Mary Ann, m. Joseph E. Smith; Louisa Bertha, m. Reece Hooks; Esther, m. Albert Brown; Enoch, m. Jennie Wintsh; A. Brlgham, m. Pearl Brown; Israel, m. Dorthy Elva; Ida, m. Arthur Conrad; Ephraim'A. ; Edna, died. Fam- ily home Pleasant View, Utah. High priest; one of the presidents of 34th quorum seven- ties. Veteran Indian wars. Musician; watchmaker; jeweler- farmer and fruitgrower. MUHLESTEIN, JOHN NICHOLAS (son of- Nicholas Muhle- stein and Mary Hauenstein). Born Sept. 23, 1864, Provo Utah. Married Martha Josephine Liechty Jan. 20, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Liechty and Luisa Wintsh of Zurich, Switzerland, pioneers Oct. 1862). She was born Feb. 20, 1879. Their children: Louisa Mary b. Jan. 19 1898 d. Jan. 19, 1898; John Wilford b. June 1, 1900; Zina Ann b. Dec. 6, 1901; Albert Nicholas b. Sept. 24, 1903; George b March 15, 1905; Martha b. March 13, 1907, d. March 1, 1908- Roy Casper b. Sept. 5, 1909; Leah b. Aug. 5, 1911. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. President 15th quorum elders; president deacons quorum; teacher. Assessor 1906. Farmer; fruitgrower; gardener. MUIR, JAMES. Born in Scotland. Came to Utah 1853 by oxteam. Married Mary Reid In Scotland. (She had one child by o. former husband: James Reid, m. Elizabeth .) Their children: John, m. Margaret Fotherlngham; George b. Oct. 16, 1831, m. Margaret Hannah; Mary, m. William McCoslin; Isabella, m. James Shanks. Family home Heber City, Utah. Seventy; high priest. Shoemaker. Died at Salt Lake City. MUIR, GEORGE (son of James and Mary Reid). Born Oct. 16, 1831, In Scotland. Came to Utah 1856, handcart company. Married Margaret Hannah (daughter of William Hannah and Jane Howie, pioneers 1856). She was born Jan. 1, 1829. Their children: Mary Jane, m. William Richardson; James; Margaret Ann; Isabella b. June 1860, m. John Thorn- ton Richardson; Elizabeth; George; Christina Maria; Agnes. Family home Heber City, Utah. Married Christina Howie (Lindsay) 1862, Salt Lake City. Their children: John, m. Sarah Rooker; George, m. Agnes Arinda Thomas. Christina Howie was the widow of William Lindsay of Scotland and mother of the following children: Robert, m. Sarah Murdock; William, m. Mary Mair; James, m. Agnes Watson; Baby, died; Samuel, m. Mary Reid; Andrew, m. Sarah Jane Thompson; Jane, m. William Shepard; Isabel, m. Joseph Smith; Elizabeth, d. aged 14 months. Family home Heber City, Utah. Seventy. Opened coal mines at San Pete. Veteran Indian wars; participated In Echo Canyon trouble. Farmer. Died May 16, 1908, Heber City, Utah. MUIR, WIL.LIAM SMITH (son of Stephen Mulr and Eliza- beth Blackwood of Scotland). Born July 17, 1822, Bannock- burn, Scotland. Came to Utah 1848 with a contingent of the Mormon battalion (first sergeant, Co. A). Married Jane Robb at Bannockburn, Scotland, who was born Jan. 10, 1817. Their children: W. S., m. Vilate Grant; Moses, m. Mary Call; Aaron, m. Emeline Day; James; Dan, m. Lillian F. Fisher. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Missionary to Scotland 1850-53. Farmer. 1050 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH MUIR, MOSES (son of William S. Muir and Jane Robb). Born May 11, 1852, Bountiful, Utah. Married Mary V. Call March 15, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Anson Vasco Call and Charlotte Holbrook of Bountiful, Utah, pioneers Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born Jan. 29, 1859. Their children: Charlotte b. Feb. 16, 1877, m. C. A. Higginson; Vasco b. Nov. 16, 1879, m. Elizabeth Grant; Jane b. Dec. 25, 1881, d. March 23, 1892; Stephen b. June 28, 1883, m. Ada C. Paull; Cathrine b. July 25, 1885, m. J. T. Whitworth; Cassie b. Sept. 18, 1887, m. William Lasley; William b. Sept. 15, 1890; Anson b. Nov. 4, 1892, d. July 5. 1899; Mary A. b. April 22, 1895; Lillie b. Jan. 4, 1900; Lillus b. Jan. 4, 1900, d. Jan. 4, 1900. High priest; bishop's counselor. Justice of the peace 4 years. Farmer. MULLETT, JOSEPH B. (son of James Mullett and Amelia Meade). Born Nov. 29, 1838, Charleton, Somerset, Eng. Came to Utah 1868. Married Rhoda Pocock July 2, 1867, St. Louis, Mo. (daugh- ter of John Pocork and Mary Hapgood), who was born Dec. 13, 1834, Newbury, Berkshire, Eng., and came to Utah Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Loveland company, from Laramie terminus of Union Pacific Railroad. Their children; Joseph E. b. Sept. 30, 1868, m. Charlotte Alquist; Rhoda A. b. Jan. 5. 1871, m. Richard Conely; Lydia M. b. May 3, 1873, d. Infant; William H. b. Feb. 11, 1875, d. aged 5; Mattie S. b. May 15, 1878, m. Chester Hope. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to New Jersey April 7, 1881. MULLINER, SAMUEL. Born Jan. 15, 1809, Haddington, Scotland. Came to Utah 1850. Married Catherine Nisbet Dec. 4, 1830. Their children: Jeanette, m. Easton Kelsey; Elizabeth, m. John M. Jones. Married Harriet Berry. Their children: Heber J.; Martha J., m. William Ford; .Katherine, m. Samuel Pollock; Samuel; Brlgham; Amelia, m. Mr. Higgins; William; Albert, m. Sarah Willis; Robert; Cyntha, m. Mr. Varney. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Richardson. She was born May 15, 1829, England. Their children: Ursula b. Nov. 26, 1854, m. Isaac H. Allred June 4, 1871; Joseph S. b. Dec. 10, 1856. m. Amelia Woodward; Sarah b. 1858, d. infant; Fannie b. Nov. 14, I860, m. Isaac Gudmundson; Hyrum S. b. Feb. 18, 1863. m. Maggie Adams; Mary Ann b. Feb. 22, 1865, d. aged 6. First missionary to Scotland 1839; one of presidents of 12th quorum seventies. Pioneer leather manufacturer In Utah. MUMFORD, THOMAS (son of Thomas Mumford and Mary Horsnel of Essex, Eng.). Born Dec. 24, 1829, in Essex. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Homer Duncan company. Married Elizabeth Moore Nov. 8, 1860, In Dorsetshire, Eng. (daughter of John Moore of Dorsetshire). She was born Feb. 11, 1826. Their children: Thomas M., m. Emily M. Wright; John W., m. Maud Saxton; Elizabeth A., m. Thomas E. Jacobsen. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to England 1858-60; block teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. MUMFORD, JOHN W. (son of Thomas Mumford and Eliza- beth Moore of England, pioneers 1862). Born April 27, 1865. Married Maud Saxton Nov. 9, 1885, Coalville, Summit Co., Utah (daughter of Solomon Saxton and Matilda Dexter), who was born April 30, 1868, Coalville, Summit Co., Utah. Their children: Matilda E. b. Aug. 4, 1886; Daisy M. b. Jan. 7, 1888, m. Vern Metcalf; William J. b. July 8, 1892; Gladys S. b. "April 20, 1894. Family home. Salt Lake City. MUNK, HANS JORGEN (son of Jens Sigfred Munk and Annie Jorgensen of Bornholm, Denmark, married June 19, 1845). Born Aug. 17, 1831. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856, Knud Peterson company. Married Petrl Nellie Larson (daughter of Anders and Mar- grette Larson, former a pioneer 1855. Captain Hog-gen com- pany). She was born June 13, 1828. Their children: Andrew b. Feb. 15, 1858, m. Mary C. Jorgensen; Malvena b. March 8, 1860, m. Jacob Jorgensen. Family home Logan, Utah. Married Sene Larson May 30, 1863, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Magnus Larson and Mary Hanson, pioneers Oct. 1, 1862. Joseph Home company). She was born Nov. 20, 1847, Sjaeland, Denmark. Their children: Emma b. March 25, 1869, m. Charles Wilkes; Rose b. Nov. 3, 1871, m. Wilber F. Cranney; Lottie M. b. Oct. 14, 1874, m. Joseph Carlson; Joseph Segfred b. Feb. 6, 1878; Albert Jacob b. Sept. 17, 1880; Elizabeth C. b. March 29, 1883, m. Edward Justus; Oliver Magnus b. Aug. 11, 1885. Family home Logan, Utah. Married Kirsten Sorensen June 13, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Sorensen who came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, William Preston company, and Nellie Sorensen). She was born June 21, 1844, Denmark. Their children: Eliza b. Jan. 11, 1866, m. Noah Williams; Alma b. Oct. 2, 1870, m. Ester Williams; Amanda b. May 19, 1877, m. Fred Smith; Aaron b. May 19, 1873, m. Sadie Bird; Sophia b. Feb. 9, 1880, m. T. A. Tarhenson. Family home Logan, Utah. High priest; member Nauvoo legion. Took part in Echo Canyon campaign. One of the first school trustees of Logan Utah. Pioneer of Logan 1860. MUNSON, HANS (son of Peter Munson and Kirsten Mlxkel- sen of Sjaelland, Denmark). Born March 6, 1803, at Laa- land, Denmark. Came to Utah In 1854. Married Martha Jensen In Laaland (daughter of Hans Jensen and Anne Hansen Jensen of Laaland). Born Dec 12, 1804. Their children: John Munson b. Jan. 7, 1836, m Mary Christina Christensen; Tens Munson b. 1839, m. Anne Sophia Hansen. MUNSON, JOHN (son of Hans Munson and Martha Jensen) Born Jan. 7. 1836, Laaland, Denmark. Married Mary Christina Christensen Feb. 22, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Christensen and Maria Ander- sen), who was born Oct. 28, 1844. Their children: John Henry b. April 9, 1865, m. Mary Emma Crystal; Charles b. Aug. 23, 1867; Lorenzo b. June 6, 1874, m. Margarett Jane Yates. MUNSON, JOHN HENRY (son of John Munson and Mary Christina Christensen). Born April 9, 1864, Hyrum, Utah. Married Mary Emma Crystal Dec. 28, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Crystal and Lera Jane Barret), who was born April 19, 1883; came to Utah in 1853. MURDOCH, DAMKL HALL, (son of Levi Murdock and Eliza- beth Campbell). Born Nov. 10, 1839, Warren county, Ind Came to Utah 1850, Captain Bennett company. Married Mary Snyder Feb. 16, 1864, and five sons and five daughters were born. Settled at Mound Fort, near Ogden, where he assisted in developing the country. Took part In Echo Canyon cam- paign, served under Gen. C. W. West, and rose to first lieu- tenant under Charles C. Middleton. Moved to Fountain Green In 1894, to Provo In 1897, and to Lovell, Big Horn county, Wyo., in 1902, at which places he has done much for the upbuilding of the community. Hauled rock for Salt Lake temple and worked on the Ogden tabernacle. Hauled and planted the first shade trees in Ogden. Farmer and chair-maker. Died Feb. 16, 1864. MURDOCK, JOHN (son of John Murdock of Delaware county, N. Y., and Elleanor Riggs of New York, N. Y.). Born July 15, 1792, Kortright, Delaware county, N. Y. Pioneers Sept. 24, 1847, Captain Wallace company. Married Julia Clapp. Their children: Orrice C., m. Mar- gret Molen 1850; John R., m. Almira H. Lott 1849. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Electa Allen (daughter of Gideon Allen and Rachell Hand, pioneers 1848). She was born Dec. 6, 1806, Litchfleld, Conn. Only child: Gideon A. Murdock, m. Lucinda E. Howd March 1, 1866. Married Sarah Zufelt. Their children: George (adopted); Brigham. First bishop of 14th ward, Sail Lake City. First mis- sionary to Australia in 1851; patriarch. Member of the first legislature in Utah 1849. Died Dec. 23, 1871, Beaver, Utah. MURDOCK, GIDEON A. (son of John Murdock and Electa Allen). Born Aug. 1, 1840, Lima, 111. Married Lucinda E. Howd March 1, 1866, Beaver City (daughter of Simeon F. Howd, pioneer Brigham Young com- pany and Lucinda Morgan pioneer 1847). She was born June 30, 1860, Salt Lake City. Their children: Electa b. May 12, 1870, m. Francis M. Dirrity; Lucinda E. b. Oct. 13, 1872, m. Myron O. Cooley; Rosella M. b. July 19, 1876, m. James W. Eyre; Almira H. b. March 2, 1879, m. John McKnight; J. Simeon b. May 8, 1883, m. Ella Dotson; Orrin b. Aug. 12. 1885, m. Cassie Myers; Lucy b. July 12, 1889, m. Cyrus Osborn; Edmond H. b. Aug. 24, 1891. Family home Miners- vllle. Utah. Bishop of Joseph, Sevler Co., Utah 1877-93. Deputy sheriff of Beaver county 1868-75. Adjutant of cavalry; lieutenant of cavalry during the Black Hawk war. MURDOCK, JOSEPH STACY (son of Joseph Murdock and Sally Bonny Stacy of Hamilton, Madison county, N. Y.). Born June 26, 1822, Hamilton, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 1847. Married Eunice Sweet June 26, 1842, at Albany, N. Y. (daughter of William and Hanna Sweet of Augusta, N. Y.) She was born Oct. 27, 1818. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Clark June 2, 1852, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas and Carlotte Clark of Grantsville. pioneers 1860, Orson Pratt company). She was born May 17, 1830. Their children: Sarah Ann, m. Robert Lindsay; John Heber, m. Mary Gallagher; m. Emily A. Bond; Joseph Thomas, m. Margaret Duke; Rocksina, m. Isaac Nathaniel Brown; Char- lotte, m. William Wright; George Calvin, m. Louisa Bagley; Ester Melissa, m. George Lindsay. Married Jane Sharp June 11, 1854, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Nathaniel and Cecilia Sharp of Clackmannan, Scot- land, pioneers 1850). She was born April 13, 1836. Their children: David N. Murdock, m. Margaret S. Tood; Nymphas, died; Willard Milton, m. Christine Watson; William Henry, m. Melissa Baum; Cecilia, d. child; Stanley Gibson, m. Annetta Solon; Margaret Ellen, m. George F. Murray; Sarah Jane, m. Owen Hilton; Royal Stacy, m. Margaret Molton; m. Nellie Duncan. Family home Heber, Utah. Married Elizabeth Hunter June 11, 1854. Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert and Agnes Hunter of Clackmannan, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1051 Scotland). She was born April 17, 1839. Their children: Johnathan R.. m. Hulda Mary Elm; Alvy M., m. Josephine Nichol; Parley A., m. Lucy R. Hunley; James S., m. Dora Nichol; Alphonso B.. m. Phoebe Lee; Annie E., m. Leonard Coleman; Nelson, m. Levina Averttte; Clara, m. Alfred Rlcheus; Joseph G. and Erastus, both died young; Andrew, m. Jane Homer. Family home Heber City, Utah. Married Pernette (Piede Indian) June 26, 1859, Salt Lake City. She was born 1842. Their children: Benjamin, d. Infant; Betsy, m. Thomas Blackley; Almy, d. June 1911; Edward T., m. Jenta Murdock; Franklin Judson, m. Stella McNaughton. Missionary to Carson valley and to the Muddy In Nevada; bishop in Wasatch stake 1861. Member of legislature. Veteran Indian war. Died Feb. 4, 1899, Heber City. MURDOCK, JOHN HEBER (son of Joseph Stacy Murdock and Eliza Clark). Born April 28, 1854, Old Church Pasture, four miles north of Salt Lake City. Married Mary Elvira Gallagher Dec. 15, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Gallagher and Amelia Brittingham of St. Louis, Mo., pioneers 1863). She was born Feb. 22. 1852. Their children: John Gallagher b. Aug. 14, 1874, d. Feb. 22, 1880; Amelia Brittingham b. Dec. 26, 1875, m. Wil- liam Witt; Eunice Sweet b. Dec. 11, 1877, m. Orson Thomas Hicken; Eliza b. Nov. 13, 1879, m. Archibald Sellers; Mary Elvira b. Jan. 8, 1882, d. Oct. 10, 1882; Pearl b. May 23, 1884, m. George Buckley; Joseph Stacy b. April 24, 1886, m. Zina Hill; Sarah Esther b. Jan. 31, 1888; Heber b. Dec. 12, 1889, m. Erne Morton. Family resided at St. Johns, Ariz., 1884-90, and since at Heber, Utah. Married Emily Ann Bond Dec. 4, 1895, Salt Lake City (daughter of Stephen Bond and Sarah Clark of Road, Somersetshire, Eng., pioneers 1857). She was born Oct. 30, 1873. Their children: Marella Irene b. Sept. 30, 1896; Leah b. June 26, 1898; Paul Bond b. Feb. 28, 1900; Thomas Calvin b. Jan. 7, 1902; Ellen b. March 7, 1907; Edith May b. May 28, 1909. High priest; missionary to Arizona 1884-90, and to Vir- ginia 1907; high counselor of Wasatch stake. President of St. Johns Irrigation Co., and Wasatch Irrigation Co., 1912. Farmer. MURDOCK, JOSEPH THOMAS (son of Joseph Stacy Mur- dock and Eliza Clark). Born Dec. 15, 1855, near Blngham, Utah. Married Margaret Sedenia Duke Feb. 14, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Duke and Mary Jones of Heber City, Utah; came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, James Pace company). She was born Oct. 18, 1858. Their children: Joseph Thomas b. Jan. 8, 1876, died; Margaret Sedenia b. March 20, 1877, died; John Heber b. Oct. 1, 1880, m. Tessie Maria Thacker; Mary Alvina b. Nov. 20, 1882, m. William Jedediah Casper; Eliza Rocksina b. Dec. 12, 1884, m. William Lloyd; Claude b. Feb. 12, 1887; Carrie b. May 30, 1889, m. Frank Webster; Lawrence Lee b. March 20, 1892; Sylva b. June 1, 1895. Family home Charleston, Utah. Member elders quorum; missionary to St. Johns, Ariz., 1884. Member Charleston town board 1908-12. Vice-presi- dent and director of Pioneer Irrigation company and was associated with Charleston Irrigation & Canal company. Settled at Heber City, Utah 1859. Indian war veteran. Has resided in Provo valley since 1862. Farmer and ranch- man. MURDOCH, NYMPHUS CORIDON (son of Joseph Murdock, died at Nauvoo, 111., 1844, and Sally Stacy, died at Salt Lake City, both from Hamilton, Madison county, N. Y.). Born May 12, 1833, Hamilton, Madison county, N. T. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1847, Ira Eldridge company. Married Sarah Malissa Barney Oct. 31, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Royal Barney and Sarah Bowen Esta- brook of Amherst, Ohio, came to Utah 1852, Samuel Wooley company). She was born March 31. 1834, died May 21, 1911. Their children: Nymphus Coridon, Sarah Malissa, both died; Joseph Royal; Betsey Emeline, died. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Esther Marian Davis Nov. 12, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Franklin Judson Davis and Anna Rich- mond of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1851). She was born 1838, died Nov. 12, 1909. Their children: Franklin Judson, died; Stanley b. May 27, 1865; Eunice Louisa b. May 27, 1865, m. William C. Hanks; Alphonso, died; Alva Nymphas, m. Margarett Watson; Ella b. Feb. 22, 1871, m. Harry Watson; Frederick, died; Anna; Melissa, died. Family resided Salt Lake City, Charleston and Heber City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Chadwick Green, a former wife of Alphonso Green, Oct. 2, 1912 (daughter of John Chadwick and Elizabeth Tomlinson), who was born July 27, 1842, Liverpool, Eng. Member 10th quorum seventy; missionary to eastern states 1867-68; deacon; elder; first bishop Charleston ward, Wasatch Co., Utah, 1877-1900; patriarch. Representative to constitutional convention to form state of Deseret; post- master; second sheriff of Wasatch county; school trustee many years. Farmer; merchant; stockraiser and dairyman. Brought the first sheep to Utah; brought the first fiaxseed and made the first linen thread made In Utah. MURDOCK, JOSEPH ROYAL (son of Nymphus Coridon Murdock and Sarah Malissa Barney). Born Aug. 11, 1858. Salt Lake City. Married Margaret Wright Nov. 28, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Wright and Jamima Dands of Liver- pool, Eng-., pioneers 1858). She was born Aug. 11, 1860 Their children: Mima Malissa b. Nov. 26, 1879, m. David A. Broadbent; Maggie Josephine b. Oct. 6, 1883, m. Syl- vester Broadbent; Royal Joseph b. April 19, 1885, m. Zina Armadella Chipman; Nymphus Warren b. June 17, 1887. m. Emma Hicken; Sarah Emeline b. April 14, 1889, m. Leonard C. Henroid May 7, 1913; Emer Wright b. Sept. 22, 1891, m. Tarza Henry; Chloe b. April 24, 1893; Cora b. Jan. 13, 1895; Ira Barney b. July 8, 1889, died June 6, 1904; Nellie b. Dec. 13. 1902; Erma b. July 5, 1904. Family home Heber City, Utah. President Wasatch stake; counselor to Bishop Murdock, Charleston ward; president of Charleston Y. M. M. I. A. and superintendent Sunday school. Member of the constitu- tional convention 1895; representative to legislature 1896; member of state senate; commissioner Wasatch county six years; justice of the peace Charleston ward. Banker; merchant; farmer and rancher. MURPHY, EMMANUEL, MASTERS (son of Mark Murphy, born March 8, 1763, and Holly Duke, born Feb. 27, 1769 married March 19, 1786). He was born Sept. 15, 1809, Union county, S. -C. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860, Jesse E. Murphy oxteam company. Married Nancy Judd Easters April 5, 1831 (daughter of Robert Easters and Celia Hyatt), who was born July 30. 1813, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Jesse Easters b. Jan. 27, 1832, m. Grace Broadbent April 28, 1857; Holly Ann b. March 30, 1834, m. Martin Baxter May 1, 1855; Mark b. July 6, 1837, m. Harriet Kemp Dec. 24, 1860; Louisa Jane b. June 3, 1840, m. William Allman Nov. 1858; William Columbus b. April 1, 1842, m. Elizabeth Bean June 27, 1863; Martha Frances b. Dec. 11, 1843; Hyrum b. March 3, 1846, m. Martha Sarah Ann Murphy Nov. 1, 1869; Thomas Gaden b. June 22, 1848, m. Matilda Slater Oct. 6. 1868; Charles b. May 15, 1851; Emmanuel Bird b. Oct. 14, 1854, m. Eliza Lambert Oct. 16, 1878. Married Sarah Elizabeth Alexander May 12, 1861, Salt Lake City. She was born June 14, 1845, Hancock county, 111. Their children: Nancy Merzy b. May 17, 1862; Randolph . b. Nov. 12, 1864; Joseph b. Oct. 25, 1866; Masters Alexander b. Sept. 22, 1868; Burilda b. Aug. 1, 1870; Clara b. Aug. 30. 1871. Married Margret Denning April 1864. No children. Married Elizabeth Irving August, 1864. Their children: Brigham Young b. Jan. 28, 1867; Robert E. Irving b. Oct. 5, 1870. High councilor. Farmer. MURPHY, WILLIAM COLUMBUS (son of Emmanuel M. Mur- phy and Nancy Judd Easters). Born April 1, 1842, Fayette county, Ga. Came to Utah 1860, Jesse Murphy company. Married Mary Elizabeth Bean June 27, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Bean and Sarah Beanland of Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng., pioneers 1859). She was born Feb. 16, 1845. Their children: Sarah Nancy b. May 27, 1864, m. Richard Humphrey; William C. b. April 1, 1866, m. Malone Casto; George W. b. June 12, 1868, m. Amanda Clawson; Annie E. b. July 19, 1870, m. Absalom Williams- Joseph B. b. Sept. 16, 1872, d. Oct. 7, 1873; Martha A. b. May 28, 1874, m. George Fenn; Emma B. b. Aug. 12, 1876, m. John Gribble; Eliza Lorna b. May 20, 1879, d. Aug. 3, 1881; Emmanuel Mark b. Oct. 23, 1881, d. Aug. 29, 1883; Malissa b. March 24, 1884, m. E. W. Crane; Amy Florence b. June 18, 1886, m. Peter Oldemalder; Richard Heber b. Feb. 17, 1890, m. Lavenia Johnson. Family home Salina Utah. Member 23d quorum seventies; missionary to Arizona 1876-77; first counselor to Jens Jensen 1883-87; acting bishop. School trustee. Minuteman in Black Hawk Indian war. Carpenter. Died Feb. 17, 1895, Salina, Utah. MURPHY, HYRUM (son of Emmanuel Masters Murphy and Nancy Judd Easters). Born March 3, 1846, Fayette county, Ga. Came to Utah with parents. Married Martha Sarah Ann Murphy (daughter of James D. Murphy and Anna Elizabeth Hudson), who was born July 9. 1853. Their children: Ida b. Aug. 17, 1870; Hyrum Daniel b. Feb. 20, 1872, m. Alta Baxter Nov. 11, 1896; Alma b. March 3, 1874, m. Mary A. Curtis Nov. 24, 1897; Ernest b. May 19, 1876. m. Carrie Nielsen Oct. 11, 1899; Martha A. b. Aug. 28, 1878, m. Enos Curtis Feb. 3, 1897; Alice b Nov. 17, 1880, m. Orrin Williams Oct. 1, 1897; Grace R b June 12, 1883, m. Asel Curtis Dec. 17, 1902; Nancy Lillian b. Nov. 5, 1885, m. Marlon Cloward May 1, 1907; Eva b. March 20. 1888, m. Eugene Christensen Aug. 16, 1909; Sam- uel Bert b. Sept. 20. 1890; Archie b. March 9, 1893; Euphema b. Sept. 2, 1895. Family home Salina, Sevler Co., Utah. Married Arminta Curtis (Deaton) Sept. 12, 1906, Manti, Utah (daughter of John W. Curtis and Matilda Miner married Oct. 21, 1855, Salt Lake City). She was born June 19, 1871, Springville, Utah. Their children: Ruby Rozilla b. Dec. 20, 1907; Matilda Mae b. May 13, 1910. Family home, Salina. MURPHY, JESSE JEANES (son of John Murphy and Miss Jeanes. both of Union District, S. C.). Born June 22, 1824, at Union, S. C. Came to Utah February, 1869, Jesse Murphy company. Married Jerusha Elizabeth Pledger Dec. 8, 1842, at Jones- boro, N. C. (daughter of Joseph P. Pledger and Elizabeth Chambers, both of Georgia). She was born July 10, 1823. Their children: Francis; John Joseph; Elizabeth Ann; E. M Sarah D.; William B.; George W.; Emma. Family home Ogden, Utah. Medical doctor. Died March 17, 1894, at Salt Lake City. 1052 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH MURPHY, WILLIAM B. (son of Jesse J. Murphy and Jeru- sha E. Pledger, both of Georgia). Born Jan. 14, 1849, at Jonesboro, N. C. Came to Utah September, 1868, William S. Seeley company. Married Mary A. Cousins Sept. 30, 1877, at Ogden, Utah (daughter of Moses Cousins of Harnerford, Wales). She was born June 12, 1852. Their children: Elwood Ray b. Nov. 5, 1878; William E. b. April 17, 1881; George Ernest b. March 30, -1883; Josephine Alta b. April 23, 1885; Moses A. b. Oct. 14, 1890. Family home Ogden. Utah. Justice of the peace at Promontory, Box Elder Co., Utah. Locomotive engineer. MURRAY, JOHN (son of Andrew and Chrlstena Murray of Edinburgh, Scotland). Came to Utah 1852, with ox- team. Married Sarah Bates, In Michigan (daughter of John Bates and Sophia Anderson of Ireland). Their children: John, m. Mary Ann Marlow, m. Rachel Allred; Richard, m. Margaret Beck, m. Martha Hicks; Elizabeth, m. John Moyes; Jeremiah, m. Maria Nelson, m. Mary Ashby; Edwin, Joseph and Albert, d. infants; Robert, d. aged 8. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Patriarch; missionary to The Muddy where he endured many hardships, and took an active part in developing that country. Veteran Black Hawk and Walker Indian wars. Farmer and wheelwright. Died at Spanish Fork, Utah. MURRAY. JEREMIAH HATCH (son of John Murray and Sarah Bates). Born July 11, 1844, Lucerne township, Mon- roe county, Mich. Came to Utah with father. Married Maria Nelson Feb. 6, 1863, Salt Lake Endow- ment house, who was born Jan. 3, 1846, in Denmark. Their children: Jeremiah, m. Christine Nelsen; Sarah Ellen, m. Peter Petersen; Andrew, m. Stella Stewart, m. Delia Yeger- sen; William Riley, m. Emma Hunting; Elizabeth, m. Hugh Snow; Rebecca, m. Albert Snow; Stephen Robert; Hyrum Smith, m. Ethel Dudley; Jonathan Moyes, m. Anna Hol- llngshead, m. Miss Stewart. Family home Spanish Fork., Utah. Married Mary Ashby March 4. 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Ashby and Hannah Ward of Leices- tershire, Eng.). She was born April 1, 1852. Their chil- dren: John Richard, m. Anna Hodson; Elizabeth Ellen, d. Infant; Thomas Ward, m. Maryette Caldwell, m. Zinnle Nichols; Mary Lavlna, m. Charles Merkley; Samuel Ashby, m. Jane Hansen; Margaret, m. Peter Harrison: Jeremiah Hatch, m. Pearl Karren, m. Rachel Merkley;, Joseph Smith, m. Lilly Davis; William Ashby, m. Beatrice Howarth, m. Stella Woodruff. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Road supervisor and school trustee at Roosevelt. Farmer. Died Sept. 5, 1909, Maeser ward, Vernal, Utah. MURRAY, RICHARD (son of John Murray). Born Dec. 16, 1852. in Michigan. Married Margaret Fannie Beck, Salt Lake City Endow- ment House (daughter of Joseph Ellison Beck, came to Spanish Fork, Utah, 1849). She was born Jan. 11, 1840. Their children: Joseph Ellison b. Nov. 17, 1862, m. Carrie Marie Jensen; John Richard b. June 1863; Alfred, died; George, m. Charlotte Searles; Margaret, m. Edward Wilkins; Annie, died age 2 years; Hannah, m. Ormal Wilkins; James, m. Alt Ashby; Thomas; Edward, Bert, both died. Family home Vernal, Utah. Married Martha Hicks Salt Lake City (daughter of George Hicks, Spanish Fork, Utah, came to Utah in early days). Their children: Caroline, m. William Bradshaw; Moroni, m. Hall; Martha Ann, m. Henry Gltnes; Jeremiah Bates, m. Caldwell; Alice Nora, m. Robert Carroll; Wilson; Richard; Scott, m. Bessie Sprouse; William; Nathalia, m. Barnhill. Lived at Spanish Fork, Utah. MURRAY, JOSEPH ELLISON (son of Richard Murray and Margaret Beck). Born Nov. 17, 1S62, at Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Carrie Marie Jensen Feb. 1, 1891, Vernal, Utah, and temple. Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Richard Jen- sen and Mary S. Christensen of Salt Lake City). She was born Nov. 6, 1871, Salt Lake City. Their children: Richard Ellison b. Nov. 13, 1892; Carrie b. Sept. 21, 1894; Vera Mary b. Sept. 24, 1896; Albert b. Sept. 2, 1898; Florence b. Nov. 28, 1902; Grant b. July 5, 1908; Carl Jay b. March 29. 1911, d. May 4, 1911; Thomas Jefferson b. Oct. 31, 1912. Lived at Vernal and Duchesne, Utah. Member of the quorum of elders. Road supervisor; dep- uty sheriff; constable Duchesne, Utah. Farmer and stock- raiser. MURRAY, ROBERT. Born 1816, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1861, Job Plngrree company. Married Jessie Archibald, who was born 1824 and came to Utah Sept. 5, 1861, Job Pingree company. Their chil- dren: James b. Feb. 25, 1844, m. Emma L. Steward; David b. Feb. 23, 1849, m. Christina Archibald; William b. March 23, 1853, m. Sarah Parker; John b. Aug. 25, 1857. m. Mary Garrett; Thomas b. July 11, 1861, m. Agnes Hendry; Christin b. June 21, 1865, m. William Jones; George H. b. Jan. 9, 1867, m. Swian Baity. Family home Wellsville, Utah. MURRAY, DAVID (son of Robert Murray and Jessie Archi- bald). Born Feb. 22, 1849, in Scotland. Married Christina Archibald Dec. 11. 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Archibald and Elizabeth Russell, for- mer died In Scotland, latter a pioneer 1862, Horton D. Haight company). Family home Wellsville, Utah. Married Martha Ann Baugh Jan. 31, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Baugh and Martha Suttiff mar- ried Jan. 24, 1877). She was born Jan. 22, 1853, Salt Lake City, died Jan. 24, 1877. Married Martha J. Woodward Dec. 26, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Woodward and Margaret Barnes, came to Utah 1853). Their children: D. Jessie b. Aug. 28, 1880, and Margaret b. Aug. 1, 1882, d. infants; David W. b. Sept. 5, 1884, m. Jennie Bayter; Joseph W. b. Sept. 10, 1884, m. Dulla Bradshaw; Martha Ann b. May 1, 1892, d. Infant; Milton W. b. March 5, 1895. Bishop of Mt. Sterling ward, Utah; member of high coun- cil of Hyrum stake; missionary in Scotland 1889-91. City councilman of Sterling two terms; mayor 1900-02. MUSSER, A. MILTON (son of Samuel Musser and Ann Barr of Donegal township, Lancaster county. Pa.). Born May 20, 1830, Lancaster county. Pa. Came to Utah 1851. Married Annie Seegmiller Jan. 30, 1874, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Adam Seeg,miller and Anna Eva Knectle of Stratford, Perth county, Ont., Canada, the latter came to Utah 1865). She was born Jan. 31, 1841. Their children: Anna Eva S., m. Ellas M. James; Frederick S., m. Mattle Petersen; Maroni S. ; William S., m. Mae Arnold; Roscoe S., m. Louisa Judd; Orson P. Seegmiller, d. aged 17. Fam- ily home, Salt Lake City. President 57th quorum seventies; missionary to Hindu- stan, India, Asia, 1852-56; missionary to Pennsylvania 1877; high priest; historian. Fish commissioner. Capitalist. Died Sept. 24, 1909, Salt Lake City. MUSTARD, DAVID (son of William Mustard and Ann Jeme- son of Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland). Born July 6, 1819, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, A. O. Smoot company. Married Margaret Kay April 1841, Edinburgh, Scotland (daughter of William Kay and Margaret Moyes of Burn- tisland, Flfeshire, Scotland). She was born March 9, 1822. Only child: Margaret b. March 9, 1842, m. George Sant Oct. 3, 1858. Family resided at St. Gorge, Utah, and Treas- ureton, Idaho. Missionary to Scotland, 1859-61 and 1872-75; high priest; sent to St. George in 1861, where he resided seven and a half years and worked on the temple. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Carpenter and furniture maker. Died March 15, 1895, Treasureton, Idaho. MYERS, ALMA THORNTON. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph Rawlins company. Married Sarah Hellen Wyatt. Their child: Sarah Wyatt, m. William T. Lloyd. MYERS, JACOB (son of Carl F. C. Myers and Anna Jen- . sine Jacobsen of Denmark). Born May 21, 1847, Ledo, Copenhagen amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home company. Married Anna M. Johnsen Aug. 23, 1876, Sugar House ward. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Peter Johnsen and Anna Carlsen of Denmark, pioneers 1866). She was born May 15, 1852. Their children: Anna Laura; Hyrum P., m. Cenia Andersen; Louis J., m. Ida M. Garrett; Lionel L., m. Stella Holley; Annie J. C., m. Aaron Garside; Clara S. E., m. Claude Hibbard; Lillie M. H., m. Raymond Boya- kln; Charles F., m. Annie May Butterfleld; Florence E., m. Mark Stokes; Wilford J. ; Nellie C.; Mannie M.; Urban G. Family home Riverton, Utah. High priest. Railroader; canal constructor; merchant; freighter. Farmer. MEYER, CHARLES P. Brother of Jacob Myers. MYERS, WILLIAM (son of Benjamin Myers of Idle, near Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 22, 1812, Idle, Eng. Came to Utah 1866. Married Martha Ogden 1834, at Idle, Eng. (daughter of William Ogden and Sarah Heaton of Idle, Eng). She was born March 12, 1813. Their children: Joseph, m. Eliza Bentley; m. Sarah Eyre: Sarah; Betty; Ezra; Sophia; Mel- vina; Paulina; Moroni; Emily. High priest teacher and elder. Worked as stone cutter on Salt Lake and St. George temples. Died Jan. 9, 1891, Minersvllle. Utah. MYERS, JOSEPH (son of William Myers and Martha Ogden). Born May 31, 1835. Idle, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1859, A. R. Wright company. Married Eliza Bentley July 1855 (daughter of Nathan and Grace Bentley), who was born Aug. 26. 1835, and came to Utah with husband. Married Sarah Eyre January, 1859 (daughter of James Eyre and Ann Naylor, former died on plains, en route to Utah, latter died at sea). She was born at Dowsby, Lincoln- shire. Eng. Their children: John W. b. Jan. 25, 1860, m. Mary McKnight Nov. 11. 1884; Sarah Eliza b. Feb. 3. 1862. m. R. W. Dotson; Joseph E. b. Sept. 30, 1864, m. Lillie Corbridge; Moroni b. Dec. 4, 1866, m. Hattle Brandshaw; Martha b. Jan. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1053 23 1869 m. John Fotherlngham; George L. b. July 25, 1871; James Heber b. Sept. 19. 1873, m. Edith Roberts; Francette b May 29, 1875; Erastus Edwin (step son) b. May 9, 1857. Family resided at Salt Lake City and Minersville, Utah. Seventy and high priest. Judge of election. MYLER, JAMES (son of James Myler. born Nov. 19, 1794. West Moreland N. Y., and Olive Maine, born May 16, 1796, New York). Born Feb. 3, 1822, Butler Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1849, William Miller's contingent of Mormon ba Marred Julia A. Brownell Oct. 5, 1843, Buchanan, Mich, (daughter of Gideon Brownell and Betsy Wheeler, pioneers Sept 22, 1849 married at Dayton, Ohio). She was born Feb ' 12 1826 came to Utah with husband. Their children: Oscar b Dec. 27, 1844. m. Christine Jensen April 1866; Joseph E b Jan. 31, 1846, m. Emma Godfry 1872; Calvin b. li!48, d. 1856: James b. 1850, d. 1860; Julia A. b. July 25. 1852, m. Arthur Goody Nov. 29, 1869; John b. June 14, 1854, d. June 1868- Orin Maine b. Sept. 14, 1856, m. Elizabeth Stokes Nov. 8. 1874; Margaret L. b. May 2, 1858, m. Martin H. Hannon 1877' Charles C. b. June 1860, m. Isabell Morton Oct. 1879; Rosetta E. b. April 1862, m. James Archibald Nov. 1880; Frank b. Aug. 1864, d. Nov. 1875. Family home Logan, Member 5th quorum, and later one of the seven presidents of 6th quorum seventies at Farmington, Utah; president teachers' quorum. Resi'ded at Farmington ten years, and moved to Logan in 1859. Took part in Echo Canyon cam- paign. Pioneer to Sanke River, Idaho. Died May 21, 1894, Lewisville, Idaho. MYLER, ORRIN MAINE (son of James Myler and Julia A. Brownell). Born Sept. 14, 1856, Farmington, Utah. Married Elizabeth J. Stokes Nov. 8, 1874. Clarkston. Utah (daughter of Henry Stokes and Elizabeth Hale, pioneers 1862 Henry Miller company). She was born Feb. 5, 1857. Their children: Sarah E. b. Sept. 2, 1875, m. William W. Selek Nov. 23, 1892; Mary J. b. Nov. 22. 1877, m. Harry S. Robinson Dec. 15, 1904; Eliza O. b. April 22, 1880, m. William Isby Nov. 18, 1898; Alice -A. b. March 4, 1883, m. Harry Howard May 1899; Orrin M. b. Nov. 20, 1886, m. Mary Walker Nov 17, 1908; Joseph C. b. Nov. 17, 1887; Lorenzo b. Aug. 2 1890; Lester b. March 21, 1892, d. Jan. 3, 1894; John H. b Nov 23 1895, d. Feb. 28, 1904; William E. b. Nov. 23, 1895, d. Nov. 23, 1895; James M. b. April 26, 1898, d. April 8. 1904; Eullalia b. Aug. 20, 1899. Family home Lewisville, Idaho. High counselor in Rigby stake, Idaho; bishop of Lewis- ville, Idaho; first counselor to B. P. Jardine 21 years; super- intendent Sunday school; president of deacons' quorum. Teacher. MYRUP, LARS CHRISTEN N. (son of Niels Larsen Christen Myrup, of Glade. Thisted, Denmark, born March 25, 1812. Farerster Thisted, Denmark, and Mette Maree Pedersen, born 1811, Glade married 1835). Born March 26, 1845, Glade. Came to Utah April 6, 1866, Abner Lowry company. Married Maren Christen April 22, 1866 (daughter of Chris- ten Christensen and Karen Larestysen of Denmark, pioneers April 6, 1856, Abner Lowry company married March 25, 1845 Denmark). She was born Feb. 14, 1849; came to Utah April 6, 1856, with Abner Lowry company. Their children: Mary b. March 22, 1868; Lars Christen b. March 1. 1870; Niels Christen b. March 29, 1872; Adolph M. b. Aug. 24, 1874; Karen Laurene b. June 4, 1877; Joseph Henry b. May 10, 1879; Sarahann b. Nov. 10, 1881; Manda May b. May 24, 1883. Married Josephine Marie Jensen Jan. 17, 1876 (daughter of Swen Jensen and Marian Larsen of Denmark married Nov. 1, 1862, Denmark; came to Utah July 21, 1871, with Peter Madson company). She was born at Hjorring, Den- mark. Their children: Mattie Marie b. Oct. 8, 1877, m. A. E. Sorensen; Josephine b. Dec. 28, 1879, m. Chas. B. Carr; Minirie Gustave b. Aug. 7, 1882, m. Alma Dorius. Married Mary Ann Jensen Sept. 5, 1877, Wisconsin (daugh- ter of Hans Jensen and Anna Jenson). Their children: Mary Ann Ella Onora b. Nov. 18, 1878, m. W. C. Metcalf Nov. 18, 1897; Anna Maria b. Oct. 26, 1881, m. A. E. Dalton May 1, 1907; Lars L. b. April 30, 1884, m. Luella Anderson July 22, 1908; Rany May b. May 29, 1886, m. Earl M. Dack Feb. 20, 1907; Stella P. b. March 1, 1888, m. Newman Beck Jan. 18, 1913; Bertie U. b. June 25, 1890; Joseph Christen b. Feb. 13, 1894; Leah Y., Levl Z. (twins) b. May 12, 1897; Almena b. Sept. 21, 1900. Counselor elders quorum; member of the seventies; mem- ber of the high council of the South Sanpete stake of Zion. President Grim Irrigation Co. Missionary to Denmark. Pioneer of Gunnison, Utah 1870. Elmer Broadhead; Barbara Ann, m. Thomas Broadhead; Martha, m. William Price; Melissa, m. John Bell; William, m. Mary Sims; Sarah Agnes, m. John Anderson; Leona Florence. Family home Charleston, Utah. Seventies. Farmer. McAFEE, JOHN (son of Samuel McAfee and Ann Campbell Baird). Born Nov. 21, 1871, Charleston. Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Clayton Oct. 15, 1895, Morgin, Utah (daughter of John Clayton and Elizabeth Tonks, of Morgan). She was born July 31, 1876. Their children: Leslie Nadine b. June 30, 1896; Samuel Maurice b. April 6, 1898; Albert Clayton b. Jan. 10, 1900; John Willis b. Nov. 4. 1901; Louis Raymond b. Dec. 17, 1903; Earl Leroy b. July 28, 1905; Charles Lester b. Feb. 11, 1907, d. infant; Bessie May b. Nov. 4. 1908; Vera Elizabeth b. Sept. 17, 1910; Harold b. May 1, 1912. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. Priest. Farmer and stockraiser. McAFEE, JOHN SHARP. Came to Utah by oxteam. Married Ann Lyons of Scotland, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Samuel; Sarah; Ephraim; Moroni; Lizzie. Family home Charleston, Utah. Seventies. Died at Lehi, Utah. McAFEE, SAMUEL (son of John S. McAfee and Ann Lyons). Born Aug. 4, 1842, in Scotland. Came to Utah by oxteam. Married Ann Campbell Baird Nov. 21, 1870. Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Elizabeth Baird of Scotland). Their children: John, m. Elizabeth Ann Clayton: Samuel, m., Henrietta Graves; James, m. Juliet Taylor; Elizabeth, m. MCALLISTER, DUNCAN MCNEIL, (son of George McAllister). Born June 24, 1807, at Kirkintulloch, Scotland, and Christina McNeil, born May 9, 1815, at Glasgow, Scotland). Born April 18, 1842, at Glasgow. Came to Utah Oct. 22, 1863, via Denver with private contracting company. Married Catherine Perkes Oct. 20, 1866 (daughter of Henry Perkes and Charlotte Lowe, pioneers 1861). She was born at Liverpool. Eng. Feb. 16, 1846, and died Jan. 24, 1907. Their children: Duncan William b. Nov. 25, 1867, m. Anna Hatch Dec. 3, 1902; George Stanley b. May 26, 1869, m. Jeanette Maeser June 17, 1896; Catherine b. June 4, 1871, d. July 25, 1871; Katie b. Nov. 27, 1872; Henry Perkes b. Dec. 31, 1874. d. Aug. 12, 1875; Malcolm b. Feb. 23, 1877, m. Johanna Zitz- man Dec. 18, 1907; Christina V. b. April 22, 1880, m. N. Lament Wilson June 16, 1909. Family home, Salt Lake City. Clerk of general conference of C. of J. C. of L. D. S., since Oct. 1906; business manager L. D. S. church office, Liverpool, 1887-89; employed in Salt Lake temple recorders' office from the beginning, 1893; ordained a seventy in 1870; president of third quorum 1898; secretary of manufacturing departments of Z. C. M. I. 1869-87; clerk of 17th ward 1896- 1913. Mail clerk Salt Lake City postofflce 1865-69. Appointed battalion adjutant of Box Elder cavalry, of Nauvoo legion 1864. Charter member of Genealogical Society of Utah and a director. Wrote numerous articles for Deseret News, on health, hygiene, etc., 1885-87. Associated, until recent years, with musical and dramatic organizations. MCALLISTER, JOHN DANIEL THOMPSON (son of William James Frazier McAllister and Elizabeth Thompson of Lewes, Sussex county, Del., and later of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born Feb. 19, 1827, at Lewes. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1851, Alfred Cardon company, secretary of a fifty. Married Ellen Handley July 6, 1847, in Philadelphia, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Moroni H., m. Marinda Brown; John D. H., m. Alfreda Fitzgeralds; Ellen Handley, m. Nephi Sheets; Daniel H., m. Rhoda Young, m. Susie Barnett; Mary H., m. Schuyler Gates. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Angeline Sophronla Goforth Jan. 11, 1857, Salt Lake City, Brigham Young officiating (daughter of Dr. William Goforth and Martha Nelson, former of St. Louis, Mo., where he died, latter of Bellview, 111., came to Utah in 1848, bringing her daughter and son, William Goforth). She was born July 10, 1840. Their children: Angeline b. Oct. 9, 1858, m. Amos Gabbott; James Goforth b. Dec. 22, 1860, m. Emily Marinda Chase; Allister b. 1864. d. Infant; Richard G. b. March 25, ; Eliza Thompson b. Oct. 26, 1869, m. William Henefer; William Wallace b. July 1872; Effle Dean b. Oct. 2, 1875, m. Edward Sprout; Josephine, d. aged 5. Family home, Salt Lake City. He also married Cornelia Agatha Lenzl, Alvina MacLean and Julia Nielson. One of presidents of 16th quorum of seventies; missionary to England 1853-56; president of Belfast conference; mis- sionary in Scotland and Wales; in 1860 missionary to the States, presiding over all branches of the church east of the Rocky mountains; missionary to England and presided over Birmingham conference; for many years in charge of Salt Lake Endowment House; moved to St. George in 1876; set apart as president of the temple; set apart 1877 as president of St. George stake and did missionary work among the Indians in southern Utah; moved to Manti 1893 and was set apart as president of Manti temple; counselor to Bishop Elijah F. Sheets and acting bishop of the 8th ward, Salt Lake City. Raised a company of life guards 1857; served major of cavalry for Great Salt Lake military district during the Echo Canyon war. In 1862 brought a company of immigrants to Utah. January, 1863 the legisla- tive assembly elected him territorial marshal, which office he held until late in the '70s; 1866-76 Salt Lake City marshal and chief of the fire department; January, 1869 and January 1870 sergeant-at-arms of the territorial legislature. Jan. 10, 1870. marshal of the day at the celebration of the driv- ing of the last spike of the Utah Central railway when it reached Salt Lake City. Sept 3. 1872, as chief of the fire de- partment, assisted in breaking and dedicating the ground for the first Salt Lake City water works in City Creek canyon. Brigadier general of the Utah militia. School teacher; built many dwellings in Salt Lak? City and mills in the canyons; was associated with the eighth ward industrial society. 8th ward co-op, store, the parent Z. C. M. I. organiza- tion; in charge of the Brigham Young Woolen Factory; ex- 1054 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH president of the Rio Virgin Manufacturing Co., operating woolen and cotton factories in southern Utah; owned the real estate where the O. S. L. depot and Salt Lake fire department No. 1 now stand, and much land below Tenth South and West Temple streets; prominent in dramatics and one of the actors In the opening of the Salt Lake theatre 1862; was noted for his patriotism, and as the leading soloist of the Mormon tabernacle choir, for many years at con- ference time sang the "Star Spangled Banner" and other patriotic songs. Died in St. George Jan. 18, 1910. MCALLISTER, MORONI H. (son of John Daniel Thompson McAllister and Ellen Handley). Born July 28, 1848, Phila- delphia, Pa. Came to Utah with father. Married Marinda Brown Oct. 12, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Brown and Mary Deardon of Salt Lake City). She was born April 13, 1862. Their children: Edith B., died; Constance B., m. Arthur E. Handley; Harold, m. Nettie Chamberlain (Nichols); Robert; Sadie, m. Harmon Weight; Mary, died. High priest; member tabernacle choir 46 years. Agent Utah Central, U. P. and O. S. L. railroad companies for 29 years. MCALLISTER, JOHN DANIEL HANDLEY (son of John D. T. McAllister and Ellen Handley). Born Jan. 9, 1861, Kanes- ville, Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Married Alfreda Fitzgerald Oct. 23, 1875 (daughter of Perry Fitzgerald and Ann Wilson of Draper, Utah, pioneers 1847). Their children; Perry; Ethel; John D.; Laura; Archibald; Ellen; Joseph F.; Gale F.; Leon F. High priest; missionary 1875-79. Surveyor. MCALLISTER, JAMES GOFORTH (son of John Daniel Thompson McAllister and Angeline Sophronia Goforth). Born Dec. 22, 1860, Salt Lake City. Married Emily Marinda Chase (McKee) Oct. 15, 1889, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Ogden Chase and Emily Marinda Hyde of Centerville, Utah, pioneers Sept. 20, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born Dec. 12, 1856. Their children: Emily Chase b. July 12, 1890; James Go- forth b. June 1, 1892. Emily Marinda Chase married H. W. McKee Feb. 5, 1874, he died 1879. Two sons: Hugh Chase b. Aug. 15, 1876; Earl Young b. June 15. 1878, m. Nellie Douglas their child: Clela b. Aug. 13, 1900. Mr. McAllister was born between Third and Fourth South on the west side of State street, Salt Lake City, and has spent his entire life in Utah. He served a carpenter's ap- prenticeship and worked on the tabernacle; helped to build the pipes for that famous pipe-organ. In the early days of his boyhood, the principal necessaries of life were food and clothes for his mother's family, and he turned his time to any occupation that would produce these necessaries. He followed farming, teaming and carpenter contracting. As ha grew older and the mines opened at Park City, he became actively engaged in teaming and freighting, having a con- tract to haul the machinery for the Marasac mill, which was one of the first mills built at Park City. He served an apprenticeship as a wagonmaker and blacksmith, which occupation he followed for several years. In 1886 engaged In the real estate business; during 1887-88 engaged in min- ing in Marysvale, Utah, going from there to Ophir and then to Bingham. Provision Inspector under Mayor Bascom two years. Head salesman and assistant manager of the Studebaker Bros. Co., 1897-1906. In 1902 organized the McAllister Bros. Sheep Co. (John D. H. and James G. McAllister), which in 1911 was incorporated as the Mc- Allister Land and Ice Stock Company, of which he is now the president. In 1907 associated with Frank Esshom In the beginning of the history of the "Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah," being the first president and director of the company, and a director until the completion of the work. He and C. B. Stewart were the originators, promoters and the organizers of the Farmers and Stockgrowers Bank, which was incorporated Jan. 20, 1913, when he was elected director and member of the executive board, and as one of the members of the board, purchased the ground and arranged for the construction of their banking house at 123-125 South Main street. Director and chairman of the executive board of the Bird's Eye Marble Company and director and adviser in other manufacturing, mercantile and Industrial companies. Member of the state board of equali- zation 1911-13. One of the committee to organize the first republican party In the state, and has remained constantly with the party ever since. Stockgrower; banker and ranch- man. MCALLISTER, RICHARD WESLEY (son of wniiam James Frizen and Eliza Elizabeth Bell of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born Oct. 15, 1825, Pottsville, Del. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Elizabeth Elenor Bell in Philadelphia (daughter of James Bell of Delaware). Their children: Wil.lam James Frizen; Joseph W.; Susanna Bell; Mary; Llllie; John; James; Rich. Married Emma Wallen. High priest. Deputy marshal in territorial days for a number of years. Died in 1905. MCALLISTER, WILLIAM JAMES FRIZEN (son of Richard Wesloy McAllister and Elizabeth Elenor Bell). Born Aug. 16, 1845, Pottsville, Del. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Elenor Jackson Adams Oct. 3, 1868 (daughter of Samuel Lorenzo Adams and Emma Jackson, married in England). She was born Aug. 3, 1853, Sugar House, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Their children: William J. F., Jr. b. Nov. 17, 1870, m. Minnett Adams Jan. 6, 1890; Emma Elizabeth b. Jan. 18, 1872, m. John Q. Adams Jan. 4, 1888; Richard Samuel b. Oct. 27, 1874, m. Harriet L. Brown Nov. 19, 1895, m. Ida Young Jan. 10, 1903; Alma Leo b. June 3, 1877, m. Mary Elizabeth Lewis March 1, 1898, m. Luella Maud Dec. 31, 1908; Walter Adams b. May 23, 1880, m. Rachel Albe; John b. Aug. 1889, died; Arthur Dee b. Oct. 29, 1884, m. D. Hatch Oct. 1909; Melita Bell b. Oct. 7, 1887; Dellor Ray b. May 6, 1889. Married Angeline Brown at St. George, Utah (daughter of Joseph Guinzey Brown and Harriet Musa Young, married at Salt Lake City). She was born Jan. 6, 1861, Draper, Utah. Their children: Granam Brown b. March 4, 1880, m. Aseneth Chamberlin 1904; Nellie b. Dec. 13. 1881, m. Edgar L. Clark 1906; Clara b. April 5, 1883; Symour Young b. May 17, 1887; Pursus b. Sept. 17, 1894; Wesley Theo b. Jan. 3, 1904. Families resided at Kanab, Utah. Deputy marshal (territorial) for seven years. Served In court in Beaver and St. George. Indian war veteran. Moved to Kanab from St. George in 1876. Served as chorister Kanab ward for 30 years. McARTHUR, WASHINGTON PERRY (son of Duncan Mc- Arthur and Susan McKein of Mt. Pleasant, Utah). Born Dec. 24, 1824, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Urana Gregg Oct. 25, 1846 (daughter of John Gregg and Elizabeth Roberts), who was born Feb. 13, 1826. Their children: Almeda Jennet, m. John Carter; Emma Lucretia; Duncan, m. Lucina Whalin; Perry Melvln, m. Carrie Jorgensen; Herbert Eldrege; Urana Loreta; William Henry, m. Zetta Hutchison; Charles; Silas Gregg, m. Christena Jensen; Annie, m. Erastus Frandsen; Agnes. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High priest; bishop; counselor to W. S. Seely. City councilman. Farmer and doctor. Died at Mt. Pleasant. Ait- it it I in-:, HARLUM (son of James McBride and Betsy Mead of Chautauqua county, N. Y.). Born Dec. 8. 1824, In New York. Came to Utah In 1849. Married Jensine Gyldenlove Dec. 25, 1864, Hyrum, Utah (daughter of Andrew Gyldenlove and Johannah Jocbemsen of Randers, Denmark). She was born March 21, 1832. Their children: Betsy Sophia, m. Hans G. Johnsen; Harlum James, d. Jan. 30, 1894; Helen Maria, m. Andrew B. Niel- sen. Family home, Hyrum. High priest. Member Mormon battalion. City marshal several years. Farmer. Died Nov. 21, 1901. MeBRlDE, HEBER R. (son of Robert McBride of Rothesay, Scotland, born Nov. 16, 1803, and Margret Howard, born Dec. 21, 1814, at Churchtown, Lancashire, Eng. married Nov. 25, 1833). He was born May 13, 1843, at Churchtown. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Martin and Taylor handcart company. Married Elizabeth Ann Burns July 28, 1868 (daughter of Enoch Burns and Elizabeth Jane McGeth Pierce, mar- ried Jan. 11, 1842, Hancock county. 111.). She was born Feb. 17, 1851. Their children: Elizabeth Jane b. April 30, 1869, m. Alexander Ririe Jan. 5, 1887; Margarett H. b. March 31, 1871, m. Joseph Bachmand Dec. 8, 1890; Anna Bethsina b. Nov. 24, 1873, m. Frank Biard Dec. 30, 1894; Heber R. b. Aug. 28, 1875; Enoch F. b. July 30, 1877; Orlando b. Jan. 24, 1880, m. Mary Wangsgaard Oct. 8, 1902; Thirza b. April 25, 1882, m. Leroy Fackrell April 24, 1901; Clar- ence Burns b. July 6, 1884, m. Helen Bennett Dec. 28, 1908; Parley b. June 26, 1886, m. Jeneva Day Nov. 21, 1909; Amber b. Dec. 26, 1888, m. Nels C. Petersen Dec. 9, 1908; Edna b. Jan. 15, 1891, m. George Rasmussen Jan. 13, 1909. Married Elizabeth B. Gould Nov. 24, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of Robert Gould and Anna Simpson), who was born May 27, 1857, In New York. Their children: Elizabeth Elnora (adopted) b. March 20, 1879, m. Christen D. Peter- son; Mary Evelee b. July 6, 1887, m. J. Norman Fackrell; Delecta b. June 12, 1895; Ira Robert b. Sept. 10, 1896; Detta Olive b. Nov. 7, 1898; Omer b. Feb. 7, 1901. Family home Eden, Utah. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah In 1865. Vet- eran Indian war. President 75th quorum seventies; high priest; bishop's counselor. McBRIDE, JAMES (son of Thomas McBride and Catherine John of Iowa). Born May 15, 1818, In Ohio. Came to Utah In October, 1850. Married Olive M. Cheney (daughter of Aaron Cheney and Mahetable Wells, pioneers 1850). She was born May 16, 1817. Only child: Amos O., m. Mary E. Jenson. High priest. Farmer. Died Jan. 6, 1881, Grantsvllle, Utah. McBRIDE, AMOS O. (son of James McBride and Olive M. Cheney). Born Jan. 3, 1850, Appanoose Co., Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary E. Jenson May 22, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Trults and Ingraber Jenson of Tooele, Utah). PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1055 She was born Feb. 14, 1854. Their children: Olive M.; James T.; Amos O., Jr.; Alvin H.; Andrew C.; Mary L.; Ellen E.; Edith I.; Leland L. Family home Grantsville, Utah. High priest. Farmer and fruit raiser. >!<< \HHF.L, JF.SSK HUGHES (son of Jesse McCarrel and Mary Hughes). Born March 26, 1825, in Louisiana. Came to Utah 1852, oxteam company. Married Amanda Wood In 1848 (daughter of David and Catherine Wood of Canada, pioneers 1852). She was born Sept. 2, 1829. Their children: Jesse David b. Feb. 7, 1849, m. Jane Cliff; Sidney Osborn b. Sept. 22, 1851, m. Susan Sulzer; Mary Catherine b. Sept. 25, 1853, m. Daniel Evans; Joseph Peter b. May 5, 1855, m. Elizabeth Sulzer; Amanda, m. Harmon Knoble; Charles Oscar, m. Margaret Gill; Agnes, m. John D. Mecham; William Mark, died; Eliza, m. Lafayette Woods; George Hughes. McCARREL, SIDNEY OSBORN (son of Jesse Hughes McCar- rel and Amanda Wood). Born Sept. 22, 1851, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah 1852, the oxteam company. Married Susan Sulzer Jan. 24, 1878, Midway, Wasatch Co., Utah (daughter of Casper Sulzer and Catherine Stued- ler of Pike Pond, Sullivan county, N. T., the former of Midway, Utah, the latter of Esenbogan, Switzerland, pio- neers 1861, Joseph "Soung company). She was born Nov. 24, 1853. Their children: Auriela b. April 24, 1879, m. Alfred Simpson; Amanda Catherine b. Jan. 12, 1881, died; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 31, 1881, m. Virden Thompson; Frank b. April 14, 1884, m. Carrie Holmes; Sidney Osborn b. June SO, 1886, m. Luetta Cook; Harriet b. March 26, 1890, m. David MeHenry Keays; Vernon Monroe b. May 11, 1893. Elder; president of deacon quorum. Located at Ameri- can Fork, Utah, 1852; moved to Provo; then to Midway, Wasatch Co., Utah, and later to Ashley Fork (Vernal), Uin- ta Co., Utah, 1881. McCAHREY, WILLIAM (son of James McCarrey, born Sept. 21, 1799, and Catherine Crane, born July 5, 1793, Kirk Melew, Isle of Man married in 1824, Kirk Melew). He was born Feb. 12, 1832, Peel, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1853. Married Hannah Melissa Hoopes July 24, 1864 (daughter of Warner Hoopes and Priscilla Gifford, pioneers Aug. 2, 1859, Harlo Redfleld company married 1840, Kirtland, Ohio). She was born April 30, 1845. Their children: Wil- liam, Jr., b. June 26, 1865; Catherine Priscilla b. March 6. 1867, m. Thomas Smith Oct. 22, 1890; Rebecca Jane b. June 27, 1869; James Lewis b. May 3, 1872, m. Alice Maiben Squires Sept. 6, 1899; Hannah Elizabeth Adelaid b. Aug. 21, 1874, m. George Ellis Daly June 26, 1901; John b. April 29, 1877, m. Gustina Roggencamp Dec. 21, 1904; Olive Ann b. Oct. 20, 1879, m. Arthur J. Mendenhall Sept. 7, 1904; Melissa May b. May 13, 1882. Family home Richmond, Utah. Ordained seventy 1861. Pioneer of Richmond March 1860. Built first home at Lewiston, Utah, in August, 1871. Director of Richmond Co-op. 1875-1900. Minuteman 1861-62; militia- man Johnson army trouble. McCARRET, JAMES LEWIS (son of William McCarrey and Hannah Melissa Hoopes). Born May 3, 1872, Richmond, Utah. Married Alice Maiben Squires (daughter of John Fell Squires and Alice Penn Maiben, pioneers Sept. 30, 1853, Jacob Gates company). She was born Oct. 13, 1876, Logan, Utah. Their children: Alice Squires b. July 20, 1900; Flor- ence Squires b. Feb. 1, 1902; James Lewis b. Jan. 30, 1906; Lucile Squires b. Feb. 7, 1908; Elva Squires b. May 24, 1910. Family home Richmond, Utah. Missionary to northern states, returning, 1899. Graduate Brigham Young College in June 1896. School teacher Rich- mond, Utah, Sept. 1899-June 1902; principal 1903-04; super- intendent of schools Cache Co., Utah, Jan. 1, 1895-July 1909. Ordained high priest Jan. 5, 1908; superintendent Benson stake Sunday schools Jan. 5, 1908; superintendent of Rich- mond Sunday school May 1900 to Feb. 10, 1907. Director of Richmond Co-op. McCARTY, KELSON. Born in 1812 In Canada. Came to Utah in September 1849, contingent Mormon battalion, Co. B, Jesse B. Martin captain. Married Louisa Payne in 1833 in Canada and she died at Nauvoo, 111., in 1842. Their children: Charlotte b. Feb. 22, 1834, m. Thomas Browning June 1, 1854; Susan Catherine b. 1836; Susan Maria b. 1837, d. 1844; Lemington b. Oct. 10, 1842, m. Hannah Williams, d. Feb. 21, 1903. Married Mary Jane Morris in 1843, Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of Jacob Morris, pioneer, died in 1856 at Ogden). She was born April 11, 1818, Kirtland, Ohio, died Dec. 4, 1893, Ogden. Their children: Sarah b. Oct. 11, 1844, m. Daniel Snell Oct. 30, 1870; Delilah b. April 4, 1846, m.. Thomas Browning, m. Edward Keys 1864; Nelson b. Oct. 28, 1849, m. Mary Ann Banford. October 18, 1847, he, with Co. B, Mormon battalion, went to winter quarters, arriving Dec. 18, 1847. In May 1849 he left with his family in Captain Home's company for Utah. Family arrived at Salt Lake City in September 1849. McCARTY, NELSON, JR. (son of Nelson McCarty and Mary Jane Morris). Born Oct. 28, 1849, Salt Lake City, died April 5, 1912, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Ann Banford Nov. 29, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Banford, died 1856, Worcestershire, Eng., and Charlotte Farron, born Feb. 7, 1814, Worcester- shire, died Nov. 12, 1905, Ogden Utah). She was born May 11, 1851, in Worcestershire. Left Liverpool March 28, 1857, ship George Washington. Came to Utah with mother Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin company. Their children: Char- lotte Jane b. Sept. 23, 1870, m. Robert Fields June 21, 1890; William N. b. Feb. 12, 1872, m. Fannie Foulke; Delilah b. Oct. 21, 1874, m. George Wahlen; m. Charles L. Mitchell June 11, 1909; John b. May 22, 1878, m. Belle Leavitt; Samuel b. Jan. 28, 1880, m. Anna Wilson. McCHRYSTAL, JOHN (son of Philip McChrystal of Montreal, Canada). Born July 14, 1834, Belfast, Ireland. Came to Utah in 1857. Married Sarah Hancock April 15, 1869, in Houghton county, Mich, (daughter of John Hancock and Margaret Gorham of Michigan). She was born Feb. 10, 1843. Their children: John H. H., m. Belle Robins; Jackson C., m. Miss Earls; Noah, m. Stella Lafeet; Alexander; Sadie, m. Edward Parsons; Mark A., m. Grace Schuster; Jason. Fam- ily home, Salt Lake City. Miningman. Died July 14, 1897, Eureka, Utah. McCLELLAX, JAMES (son of Hugh McClellan, born Feb. 8, 1773. and Polly McCall). He was born Aug. 8, 1804, York district, S. C. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1850, William Snow company. Married Cynthia Stewart Jan. 19, 1826, who was pioneer Oct. 6, 1850, William Snow company. Their children: Wil- liam Carroll b. May 12, 1828, m. Almeda Day July 19, 1849; Matilda Elizabeth b. Dec. 15, 1829, m. James W. Love- less; Mary Jane b. Aug. 22, 1831. m. William Head; Samuel Wilburn b. Aug. 23, 1833, m. Arthusa Head; Hugh Miles b. Feb. 4, 1835; Hugh Jefferson b. Nov. 13, 1836, m. Juliet Chase; John Jasper b. Aug. 6, 1838, m. Eliza Walser; Louisa Ann b. April 11, 1841, m. Eli Bell; Sarah Amanda b. Nov. 5, 1844, m. James Mamoill; James b. Aug. 19, 1848; Cynthia Selena b. Aug. 22, 1850, m. David Brown; Araminta b. Aug. 11, 1852, m. Edward Bunker. Married Elsie Jane Richardson April 14, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Richardson and Minerva Ann Wil- liams Richardson married 1836, came to Utah April 30. 1872, Henry G. Boyle company). She was born May 2, 1848, in Franklin county, Va. Their children: Laura Cath- erine b. June 9, 1874, m. Hyrum Whipple March 1, 1891; Lorenzo Carroll b. Nov. 17, 1876, m. Assenath Porter Sept. SO, 1908; Wilford b. Aug. 7, 1879, m. Clara Kingsford May 13, 1908; Orson Wells b. Nov. 17, 1882, m. Geneva Porter June 11, 1908; Joseph Earl b. March 28, 1884, m. Lois Hurst Oct. 5, 1907; Minerva Jane b. March 1, 1887, m. David Mayer June 8, 1910; Lois Elizabeth b. Oct. 23, 1889; Alta Willmerth b. Feb. 4, 1893. Ordained high priest in Nauvoo, 111. Moved to Payson 1851, where he resided for many years. Lumberman; gun- smith; blacksmith. McCLELLAN, WILLIAM CARROLL (son of James Mc- Clellan and Cynthia Stewart). Born May 12, 1828, Bedford county, Tenn. Married Almeda Day July 19, 1849, Pottawattamie, Iowa (daughter of Hugh Day, pioneer Oct. 6, 1850, William Snow company, and Rhoda Ann Nickles). She was born Nov. 28, 1831, Leeds, Lower Canada. Their children: Mary Almeda b. May 11, 1850, m. Alma E. Bagley Sept. 17, 1867; William Hugh b. March 24, 1852, m. Elizabeth A. Mitchell; Maria Matilda b. May 2, 1854, m. John Hutch March 14, 1873; Cynthia Lovesta b. May 2, 1856, m. George W. Bailey; James Jasper b. Dec. 28, 1858, m. Hannah Soren- sen; Sarah Evaline b. Feb. 10, 1860, m. Elisha E. Bailey Sept. 13, 1878; John Henry b. April 12, 1863; David Alvin b. June 16, 1865, m. Esther Tusley; Samuel Edwin b. July 23, 1867, m. Bertha M. Lewis Sept. 27, 1891; Rhoda Ann b. Oct. 27, 1871, m. Joseph S. Cardon; George Alma b. June 13, 1872, m. Mary A. Wright Sept. 18, 1893; Charles Eli b. Feb. 8, 1875, m. Josephine Haws April 11, 1900. Bishop of Pleasanton, N. M.; president 46th quorum sev- enties; member high council Juarez stake 17 years. As- sisted in ferrying pioneers across Missouri river. Member Company E Mormon battalion. Came to Utah July 27, 1847, and in August 1847 started for Missouri to assist family, reaching Council Bluffs in November 1847; moved to Payson in March 1851. Called to Sunset, Ariz., Sept. 24, 1877; moved to Forest Dale, Ariz., and resided there one year, when called to preside over church at Pleasanton, N. M., where he remained three years. Veteran Indian war. McCLELLAN, WILLIAM HUGH (son of William Carroll McClellan and Almeda Day). Born March 24, 1852, Payson. Married Elizabeth A. Mitchell May 18, 1875, at Payson (daughter of David Mitchell and Christiana Frost, pio- neers Sept. 1862, A. H. Patterson company). She was born May 3, 1859, in South Africa. Their children: Ethel Ger- trude b. April 28, 1877; Almeda Ladell b. April 5, 1879, m. Lee Vannosdol Feb. 12, 1900; William Hugh b. July 15, 1882, m. Jennie Taylor April 13, 1902; Elizabeth Jane b. Jan. 11, 1884, m. John Gamwells Feb. 17, 1902; Christiana Marlah b. Dec. 27, 1886, m. Willard Ellertson Oct. 5, 1905; David Mitchell b. Feb. 4, 1888; James Samuel b. Feb. 12, 1890; Alfred A. b. May 18, 1892; Sarah Arminta b. March 3, 1894; Learah Deseret b. Jan. 5, 1896; Norah Marian b. Nov. 1, 1898. Family home, Payson. 1056 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH McCLELLAN, HUGH JEFFERSON (son of James McClel- lan and Cynthia Stewart). Born Nov. 13, 1836, Shelby county, 111. Came to Utah In 1847, James McClellan corn- Married Juliet Chase Aug. 11, 1858, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of Ezra and Tirzah Wells Chase of Harrisville, Utah). She was born Sept. 13, 1841. Their children: Hugh Manuel b. Sept. 11. 1859; Elsie b. Sept. 18, 1861; James Ezra b. Sept. 15, 1863; Tirzah Juliet b. Nov. 11, 1865; Cynthia Let- ticia b. Nov. 7, 1867; Georg]e B. b. July 12, 1870; Henry Vernon b. May 30, 1872; Ernest b. Aug. 25, 1874; Winficld Scott b. Feb. 7, 1877; Nellie b. Oct. 8, 1879; Ethel b. July 21, 1882; Albert L. b. Sept. 13, 1884. Rancher; farmer; merchant; miller. Died Jan. IS, 1912, Loa, Utah. McCLEMOND, SAMUEL. Born in Ireland. Came to Utah in 1853. Married Mary Ann Hartle at Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Hartle and Mary Nichols of England, pioneers 1849). Their children: Lydia Jane b. May 8, 1888, m. Sam- uel R. Page; Sarah Ellen b. April 21, 1889, m. Francis Melvin Caldwell. Family resided Salt Lake City and Vernal, Utah. McCLEVE, JOHN (son of John McCleve). Came to Utah with handcart company. Married Nancy Jane McFarren (daughter of Margaret McHarra of Ireland). Only child: Mary Jane, m. Priddy Meeks. McCRACKEN, HENRY (son of James and Sarah McCracken, of Letterkenny, near Londonderry, Ireland). Born in 1810, at Letterkenny. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock company. Married Sarah Shaw 1834 at Duntocker, Scotland (daughter of Hugh Shaw and Sarah Summerville, of Duntocker). She was born in 1818 at Dumbarton. Their children: James, m. Elizabeth F. Miller; Henry; Robert; Sarah; John, m. Jane Downes; Joseph, m. Annie Scrowthers; Thomas, m. Emma Downes; Elizabeth, m. Charles Rash. Family home Smith- field, Cache Co., Utah. Elder. President of Bradford district near Manchester, Eng. Chemist. Died May 4, 1879, Smithfield. [Note The son of Henry McCracken adopted the name of Mack.] McCULLOCH, JOHN BLACK (son of George McCulloch, Puston, Scotland, born in 1801, and Marion Black, born Stub- hill, Scotland). He was born in August, 1829. Came to Utah Aug. 27, I860, Daniel Robinson company. Married Margeret McNeil in June 1852 (daughter of Charles McNeil and Marion Dobie. pioneers Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson company married in 1830, Penston, Scot- land). She was born Jan. 1, 1834. Their children: George b. May 25, 1855, m. Katherine Smith 1876; Charles b. Aug. 14. 1857, m. Jane H. Smith 1879; Marian b. May 23, 1860. m. William Nelson 1878; John Henry b. Nov. 12, 1862; Isa- bell b. March 3, 1866, m. Frank Hubbard 1890; Alexander b. April 29, 1868, m. Ethel Mary Oct. 14. 1909; Margeret b. Dec. 9, 1870. m. Charles Davey, Jr. 1900; Agnes b. June 8, 1873. m. Richard Smith 1890; Anna b. June 24. 1881, m. Otto Bt'arson 1902; George b. Jan. 1885. Family resided Salt Lake City and Logan, Utah, and Rexburg, Idaho. Pioneer of Logan, Utah, in 1861. Died In 1893 at Rexburg. McCULLOCH, ALEXANDER (son of John Black McCulloch and Margeret McNeil). Born April 29, 1868. Logan. Utah. Married Ethel Mayo at Towcester, Eng. (daughter of Valentine Joseph Mayo and Harriet Wheeler), who was born March 26, 1882. Their child: Hazel Marion b. July 19. 1910. McCULLOUGH, LEVI HAMILTON (son of Lev! McCullough and Isabel Hamilton). Born April 18. 1810, Norwich, Chen- ango county, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848, Captain Howell company. Married Clarinda Bartholomew Jan. 9, 1834 (daughter of Isaac Bartholomew and Jerusha Molby), who was born June 4, 1815. and died at Winter Quarters, Neb. Their children: Julia Frances b. July 26, 1836, m. Amos Bemis 1863; Eliza Esther b. Dec. 31, 1837, m. Culbert King 1854; Henry Judson b. April 13, 1842, m. Helen Mar Callister May 22, 1864; Emily Jerusha b. Aug. 11, 1845. d. Aug. 2, 1847. Sheriff of Millard county 1854-65; mayor in Nauvoo legion 1855: member presidency 42d quorum seventies; member Co. C Mormon battalion. School teacher at Fillmore 1865-66. Member Fillmore city council. McCULLOUGH, HENRY JUDSON (son of Levl Hamilton Mc- Cullough and Clarinda Bartholomew). Born April 13. 1842, Jackson. Mich Married Helen Mar Callister May 22, 1864, Fillmore, Utah (daughter of Thomas Callister and Helen Mar Clark, pioneers Sept. 26, 1847, Daniel Spencer company). She was born Kpt. 26, 1846. Winter Quarters, Neb. Their children: Helen Mar b. March 12, 1866. m. John Elbert Wi'cox; Caroline F.liza b. Nov. 13, 1866. d. Nov. 16, 1866; Clarinda Altana b. Nov. 20, 1867, m. Peter Lorenzo Brunson; Frances Melissa b. Nov. 1, 1870. m. David Oswell Wilcox: Henry Judson, Jr. b. June 12. 1874. d. June 7, 1876; Claribell b. Jan. 19, 1877. m. Parley Franklin Savage; Esther b. Dec. 7, 1879, d. July 6, 1894; Levi Hamilton b. March 27, 1833. m. Sarah Alvey March 26. 1903; Thomas Clark b. Dec. 16, 1885, m. Rose Day June 28, 1911; Eleanor b. March 26, 1888, m. Charles R. Sampson Dec. 21, 1910. Family resided at Fillmore, Marion ward, and Burtner, Utah. Ward teacher; president Y. M. M. I. A.; superintendent Sunday school; second counselor to Bishop Alexander Mel- ville; member high council of Millard stake; missionary to Great Britain 1867-68. Councilman at Fillmore; constable. MeClJNE, MATTHEW (son of Robert McCune, of Newtown Ards, Ireland, and Lucy Jane Fleming, of Scotland). Born July 23, 1811, Douglas, Isle of Man. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1867. Delaware company. Married Sarah E. C. Scott April 11, 1836. who came to Utah with husband and who was born Jan. 28, 1812. Their children: Henry F. b. May 31, 1840, m. Elizabeth Grace Dec. 24. 1861; George b. Dec. 27, 1846, m. Sarah E. Wright Jan. 11, 1868; Alfred W. b. July 11, 1849, m. Elizabeth A. Clarridge July 1, 1876; Edward J. b. Sept. 27, 1851, m. Mar- garet A. Hague Sept. 30, 1872. Missionary to Great Britain twice. Military officer. Physi- cian and surgeon. Pioneer of Nephi, Utah 1868. Died Oct. 27, 1889. McCUNE, HENRY F. (son of Matthew McCune and Sarah E. Scott). Born May 31, 1840. Calcutta, India. Married Elizabeth Grace Dec. 24, 1861, Nephi. Utah (daugh- ter of Isaac Grace, pioneer Oct. 15, 1851, James W. Cummings company, and Elizabeth Williams Grace). She was born July 23, 1843, Liverpool, Eng. Their children: Henry M. b. Sept. 27, 1862, m. Esther E. Paxman April 9, 1885; Elizabeth Grace b. May 21, 1864, m. Adelbert Cazier Jan. 1890; Hen- rietta b. Sept. 2, 1867, m. Mark A. Coombs March 6. 1890; Alfred A. b. March 2, 1870, m. Sarah Broadhead June 22. 1892; George W. b. May 24, 1872, m. Sarah A. Scowcroft Nov. 21, 1900; Sarah Florence b. Sept. 16, 1874. m. S. J. Lunt Oct. 17, 1898; Royal Albert b. Jan. 29, 1877. m. Elizabeth May Rice Dec. 19, 1905; Mabel b. March 12, 1881, m. J. W. Ure. Jr. Sept. 12, 1906: Margaret Leah b. June 21, 1883, m. B. W. Musser Jan. 3, 1906; Ross Hamilton b. Oct. 9. 1887; Clarence Scott b. June 9, 1890. Family resided Nephi and Ogden, Utah. Was member of Juab stake high council for 19 years. Veteran Black Hawk war. Missionary to East Indies and to New Zealand. Pioneer to Nephi 1858; moved to Ogden In 1906. McCURDY, ALBERT GALLINTON (son of John Robert Mc- Curdy and Mary Epperson, of Glenwood, Iowa). Born Nov. 6, 1844. Came to Utah In 1867. Married Chrlstena Bonner Sept. 7, 1869, at Midway, Utah (daughter of George Bonner and Margerette Edmiston, pioneers 1857). She was born Sept. 7, 1862, in Scotland. Their children: tlmeda Loretta b. May 19. 1870, m. George Bird; Albert b. Feb. 8, 1872, m. Delia Workman; George Bonner b. April 4. 1874. m. Clarissa Antonette Clark; Mar- gerett Edmiston b. May 1, 1876, m. Myron Roberts; Ann b. April 6, 1878, m. George Clark; Daisy b. Feb. 24, 1880. m. Lars Sorensen; Jane b. May 6, 1882, m. Louis Galley; Tina Lucretia b. Aug. 19, 1884, m. Archer Jenkins; Robert b. May 18, 1886, m. Allie Decker; Elizabeth b. April 29, 1888, and Ethel May b. May 2, 1890. latter two died. Elder. Farmer. Died Jan. 24, 1892, at Vernal, Utah. McCURDY, GEORGE BONNER (son of Albert Gallinton Mc- Curdy and Christena Bonner). Born April 4, 1874, Heber City, Utah. Married Clarissa Antonette Clark Jan. 1, 1897, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Israel Justice Clark and Emily Jane Pearson, pioneers 1848, John Smith company). She was born Nov. 4, 1880. at Vernal. Their children: Alice Mel- vina b. Aug. 7, 1898; Lavista Pearl b. Dec. 24, 1907. Farmer. McCURDY, JACOB WENTLING (son of John McCurdy, born In Ireland, and Elizabeth Wentling, born in Germany). He was born March 11, 1818, in Ocean county, N. J. Came to Utah Aug. 10, 1853, Anthony and Israel Ivans company. Married Emerline Applegate in June 1845 (daughter of John Applegate), who was born Sept. 7, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Martha Ann b. 1847, d. 1852; Charles Ivans b. 1849, d. 1852; Mary Emma b. 1852, d. 1852; France Anna b. 1854. m. J. S. Wing 1876; Jacob Ellwood b. Oct. 9. 1856, m. Olive L. Packard, Provo, Utah, Oct. 15, 1894: Anthony b. 1864, d. 1875. Ironmolder. Veteran of Walker Indian war. Pioneer to Gunnison, Utah; moved to Sprlngville in 1863. Pioneer miner. McCURDY, JACOB ELLWOOD (son of Jacob Wentling Mc- Curdy and Emerline Applegate). Born Oct. 9, 1856. Salt Lake City. Married Olive L. Packard Oct. 15, 1894, Provo. Utah (daughter of Romanzo Packard and Mary Ross), who was born Nov. 10, 1870, in Iowa. Their children: J. R. b. Nov. 6. 1897; Howard E. b. July 10, 1899; Elsie L. b. April 7, 1910. MoDANIEL, JOHN (son of James McDaniel of Ohio and Zbinh McCarley). Born 1812 in Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 29. 1852. Isaac Stewart company. Married Christine Stocker in Ohio (daughter of David PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1057 Stocker, pioneer Oct. 29, 1852, Isaac Stewart company). She was born in Hancock county. 111. Their children: Electa Jane b. 1835, m. Eli Ashcraft; Tabltha b. 1837, m. Dale Norton; John R. b. 1839, m. Sarah Ann Watkins; Cathrine b. 1842, m. Alma Winn; George Washington b. 1844, m. Mary Jane Taylor; Matilda b. 1841, m. T. J. Mc- Cullough; James William b. 1847, m. Vina Mantle; David b. 1851, m. Sarah Ann Clark; Michael Sylvester b. 1857, m. Emma Beck. Family home Alpine, Utah. Settled at Alpine 1852. High priest. Farmer. McDANIEL, GEORGE WASHINGTON (son of John McDan- lel and Christine Stocker). Born 1844 in Hancock county, 111. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Jane Taylor Dec. 29, 1867, Alpine, Utah (daughter of Mary Ann Taylor of England, pioneer Sept. 4, 1866, Thomas E. Ricks company). She was born in Bir- mingham, Eng. Their children: Mary Matilda b. Oct. 23, 1868, m. Francis Lyman Carlisle; William Ellas b. Dec. 21, 1870, died; George Willard b. Dec. 1871, m. Cathrine Oakley; Charlotte Alice b. Dec. 19, 1874, m. John Gould Davis; Alvin Sylvester b. 1877, m. Alice Hunter; William John b. 1879, died; Delbert Carroll b. 1880, m. Hazel Rishens; Esther Eliza b. 1882, m. John S. Curzon. High priest; ward teacher. Builder. Indian war veteran. McDONALD, EDWARD. Born Feb. 1, 1821, Ruskey, Tyrone, Ireland. Came to Utah in 1866. Married Elizabeth Kellun, who was born May 6, 1827, and died In April 1912. Their children: Isabella, m. John Batchelor; William; John Taylor; Mary b. March 5, 1863, m. J. T. Dorchnus Dec. 20, 1882; Jessie, m. Walter Bingham. Family home Riverdale, Utah. Died In 1891 at Ogden, Utah. MCDONALD, JOHN KILPATRICK. Came to Utah 1849. Married Rachel Burck Taaffe. Their children: Elizabeth Taaffe b. Dec. 27, 1823; William Taaffe b. Dec. 13, 1825; John Taaffe b. April 11, 1830; Alexander Taaffe b. April 8, 1833; Washington Taaffe b. Aug. 9, 1835; James K. Taaffe b. Aug. 4, 1837; Jane Taaffe b. In March 1840; Joseph Taaffe b. Jan. 1, 1842. All came to America except Elizabeth, who died in Ireland. William died In California; all the other children died in Salt Lake City. MCDONALD, JOHN TAAFFEE (son of John Kiipatrtck and Rachel Burck Taaffe of Armagh, Ireland). Born April 11, 1830, in Armagh. Came to Utah with father. Married Eleanor Amelia Crossland May 17, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of Junius Crossland and Frances Otton of London, Eng., pioneers Sept. 11, 1853, Jacob Gates company). She was born March 24, 1841. Their children: Fannie Rachel, m. George B. Margetts; John Crossland, m. Laura Elvira Minor; Joseph Smith, died; Rachel, m. F. E. Margetts; James G., m. Edith Cartwright, m. Lillie Neal; Junius C., m. Alice Byetheway; William C., m. Annie Strongberg; Ronald C., died; Eleanor Amelia, m. Richard Chamberlain; George Washington C., m. Kate South; Ronald C. and Alexander, died. Family home. Salt Lake City. Seventy; high priest. Merchant. Died Aug. 15, 1910. McDONALD, JAMES G. (son of John Taaffe McDonald and Eleanor Amelia Crossland). Born April 30, 1865, Salt Lake City. Married Edith Cartwright at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Cartwright and Ann Hartwick, pioneers 1862). She died. Their children: Florence; Irene; James G. ; Lucile. Married Lillie Neal (daughter of Casper W. Neal and Elizabeth Hanna, came to Utah in 1869). Their children: Neal: Lillie; Earl. Families resided at Salt Lake City. High priest. President and director of Utah State Fair Association. Manufacturer of candy, cocoa and chocolate. Director Utah State National Bank. McDONALD, WILLIAM (son of James McDonald and Sarah Ferguson of Crawford's Burn, County Down, Ireland). Born In Ireland In 1805. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1850, oxteam company. Married Seriah Shirts Dec. 10. 1853, Cedar City, Utah (daughter of Peter Shirts and Margaret Cameron of Cedar City, Utah, pioneers Oct. 1, 1850, oxteam company). Their children: Jane b. Oct. 19, 1854, m. Thompson McNaughton; Sarah Ann b. March 3, 1856, m. Brigham Young; William b. Dec. 16, 1857, m. Hannah Handberg; Margaret Seriah b. Jan. 15, 1860, m. Jonas Anderson, m. John Erickson; James b. Dec. 21, 1861, m. Sarah Broadhead; Mary b. Feb. 1, 1864, m. David Young; Eliza Ann b. July 4, 1865, m. John Blackley; George b. Dec. 12, 1866, m. Sarah A. Hamilton; Olive b. Aug. 20, 1868, died; Nancy b. April 11, 1870; Roda Francis b. Dec. 6, 1871, m. David Jones; Joseph b. Nov. 11, 1872, died; Lucy and Robert (twins) b. May 18, 1874, died; Fannie Levina b. Sept. 7, 1875, m. Henry R. Cluff; Ermlna b. Sept. 2, 1876; Alma b. Jan. 11, 1878; John b. April 11, 1879; Lenora b. March 12, 1882; Allilea b. Sept. 28, 1885. These last five all died. Family home Heber City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Shirts Nov. 3, 1865, Salt Lake Endowment House (daughter of Peter Shirts and Margaret Cameron of Cedar City, Utah, pioneers Oct. 1, 1850, oxteam 67 company). She was born Feb. 15, 1849. Their children: Hyrum b. Feb. 7, 1867, died; Seriah Jane b. April 14, 1870, m. Andrew Johnston; Margaret Ann b. July 15, 1872, m. Daniel L. Griffith; Henry Carlos b. Nov. 21, 1874, m. Flor- ence Morgan; Susan Sophia b. Aug. 4, 1877, m. Richard R. Giles; Elizabeth b. April 24, 1880, m. Jesse Munroe Witt; Joseph b. Aug. 24, 1882, m. Nettie Clegg; Elva Loretta b. Feb. 7, 1884, died; Clara b. Jan. 3, 1885, m. John McAfee: Edward b. May 4, 1888. m. Myrtle Clayborn; Daniel Lewis b. Nov. 25, 1890, m. Nina Sulcer; Maudie May b. July 27, 1893, died. Family home, Heber City, Utah. High priest; ward teacher at Springville, Utah; appointed by Brigham Young to locate agricultural sections for set- tlement; worked on Nauvoo temple. First county treas- urer Wasatch county; selectman same county. Scout in Echo Canyon campaign; veteran Walker and Black Hawk Indian wars. Farmer and stockraiser. McEWAN, HENRY (son of John McEwan and Jane Mc- Anley of Ireland). Born Feb. 14, 1802, Parish of Garvaby, County Down, Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross company. Married Jane Thompson in Ireland (daughter of Joseph Thompson and Eliza Boyce of VanBridge, Down, Ireland). She was born Dec. 25, 1801. Their children: John, m. Amanda M. Higbee; Jane, died; Joseph, died; Robert T., m. Jeanette Hogg; Henry, m. Agnes Hogg; Jane, m. Wil- liam T. Reid; William, died; Joseph, died; Eliza, m. Joseph M. Brown; Joseph Thompson, m. Irinda Naomi Crandall. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; president Edinburgh conference several years. Farmer. Died Sept. 24, 1882, Provo, Utah. McEWAN, JOHN (son of Henry McEwen, born February 1802, County Down, Ireland, and Jane Thompson, born Dec. 25, 1801, Bonbricly, Ireland). Born February 1824 at Bon- bride, County Down, Ireland. Came to Utah 1848. Married Amanda M. Higbee Dec. 23, 1845 (daughter of Isaac Higbee and Keziah String, married Feb. 11, 1819, former pioneer 1848, latter died at Nauvoo, 111.). She was born May 20, 1826. Their children: Mary J. b. Nov. 17, 1846, m. Oscar Wilktns Nov. 27, 1866; William b. June 17, 1848, m. Ellen Haws; Joseph b. May 17, 1850; Amanda M. b. Nov. 13, 1851, m. Jesse Knight Jan. 18, 1869; John H. b. Sept. 22, 1854, m. Nellie Flemings; Isaac H. b. Dec. 3, 1856, m. Rachel Ferre; Julia R. b. Feb. 20, 1860, m. William Haws; David O. b. Aug. 6, 1863; Jesse b. July 7, 1867; Eleanor b. Oct. 10, 1869, m. John Roundy. Family home Provo, Utah. President 22nd quorum seventies; secretary to Joseph Smith In Nauvoo, 111. Clerk 3rd judicial district court; postmaster Provo. McEWAN, JOSEPH THOMPSON (son of Henry McEwan and Jane Thompson). Born Sept. 1, 1840, Edinburgh, Scot- land. Came to Utah with father. Married Irinda Naomi Crandall Aug. 25, 1867, Provo. Utah (daughter of Spicer Wells Crandall and Sophia Kellogg of Michigan and later Springville, Utah, pioneers Aug. 1850, Captain Johnson company). She waa born Aug. 18, 1851, Springville, Utah. Their children: Joseph C. b. July 1, 1870. died; Laura Sophia b. Sept. 24, 1871, m. Louis Wil- liam Nuttall; Robert Wells b. May 16, 1873, died; Bertha Irinda b. Dec. 17, 1874, m. George Henry Elliott; William Spicer b. Feb. 6, 1877, died; Daniel Dean b. Aug. 14, 1878, m. Emily Mecham; Mabel Ottilie b. Dec. 9, 1881, m. Reed A. Boren; Rhoda b. Aug. 16, 1883, m. Raymond Boren; Jennie Theresa b. Oct. 31, 1885, m. Frank C. Thome; Ella- therla b. June 6, 1887, m. George V. Selman; Owen Cran- dall b. Jan. 10, 1889; Erma b. Sept. 20, 1892, m. J. Oliver Hood. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; president 45th and 123rd quorums seventies; ward clerk 4th ward, Provo. County commissioner; city councilman. One of those who started the Salt Lake Herald and started the first newspaper at Provo. Printer. McEWAN. DANIEL DEAN (son of Joseph Thompson McEwan and Irinda Naomi Crandall). Born Aug. 14, 1878, Provo, Utah. Married Emily Mecham Nov. 16, 1898, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Amasa Lyman Mecham and Lorana Boren of Provo, pioneers 1851, Morris Phelps company). She was born Nov. 23, 1879. Their children: Kenneth Eugene and Gilbert Dean (twins) b. Aug. 27, 1899; Murry Wells b. July 25, 1902; Vivian Lorana b. March 27, 1904; Inez b. Nov. 16, 1908: Marvin D. b. Jan. 13, 1912. Family home Provo Bench, Utah. Member 123d quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states 1908-10; bishop; president Y. M. M. I. A. Miller and farmer. McFARLAND, JAMES (son of John McFarland and Mary Irvin of Paisley, Scotland). Born May 18, 1818, in Ireland. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins oxtratn. Married Sarah Mitchell In Ireland (daughter of Henry Mitchell and Mary McCalvay of Belfast). She was born Nov. 14. 1814. Their children: Mary, m. William Morrow; Mar- garet, m. William Morrow; Agnes, m. William Nephi Casper; William Henry, m. Trade Brown; Sarah Jean, m. James Moroni Casper. Family home Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah. High priest. Settled at Mill Creek and after seven years moved to Granger; lived there 15 years, then to Star Valley, Wyo. Farmer. Died April 10, 1891, at latter place. 1058 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH MeFARLAND, WILLIAM (son of Archibald McFarland and Mary Blair of Dromora, Ireland). Born June 8, 1795, Tril- lick, Tyrone Co., Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 25. 1855, Richard Ballantyne company. Married Margret McCormick January, 1832, Dysart, Fife- shire, Scotland (daughter of James McCormick and Jennet Mitchel of Fifeshire). She was born April 11, 1804. Their children: Archibald b. Dec. 17, 1832, m. Isabell Mitchel; James b. Oct. 25, 1835, m. Hannah Boyck; William b. May 14, 1838, m. Rose Cole; Mary Ann b. Oct. 22, 1842, m. Hans D. Pet- terson; Robert b. Sept. 11, 1844, m. Mahale Wilson; Jennet b. Sept. 8, 1846, died. Family home West Weber, Utah. Patriarch; high priest. Justice of the peace. West Weber precinct. Died Jan. 27, 1890, West Weber. McFARLAND, ARCHIBALD (son of William McFarland and Margret McCormick). Born Dec. 17, 1832, Hawklymuir, Fife- shire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Bal- lantyne company. Married Isabel Mitchel Aug. 3, 1856, Boness, Linlithgow, Scotland (daughter of William Mitchel and Isabella Nimmo of Linlithgow). She was born March 5, 1837. Their chil- dren: James R. b. Dec. 20, 1859, m. Mary E. Etherington; Charles B. b. April 8, 1862, m. Susan A. Etherington; Isa- bella b. Sept. 25, 1864, m. Joseph Hogge; Archibald b. Jan. 16, 1867, m. Emiline Nelson; John b. Dec. 31, 1868, m. Grace McKay; Albert R. b. May 1, 1871, m. Elizabeth Greenwell; Margret E. b. Oct. 13, 1873, m. Joseph Nelson; Janet b. June 29, 1879, m. Thomas R. Faddis; Daniel b. May 17, 1882, m. Esther Greenwell. Family home West Weber, Weber Co., Utah. Presided over West Weber ward nearly ten years; filled three foreign missions. Two terms In legislature; justice of the peace ten years. McFARLAND, CHARLES B. (son of Archibald McFarland and Isabell Mitchel). Born April 8, 1862, West Weber. Married Susan A. Etherington April 2, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Etherington and Sarah Wheeler of West Weber, Utah, pioneers 1855, Jacob Secrist com- pany). She was born April 2, 1864. Their children: Ida b. March 2, 1883, m. Jacob W. Gibson; Charles H. b. Nov. 6, 1884, m. Esther E. Drake; Archibald J. b. Sept. 29, 1887; Thomas L. b. Sept. 24, 1891; William M. b. June 8. 1894; Roy b. May 14, 1896; Susan A. b. Aug. 9, 1898; Donald B. b. Oct. 18, 1900; Sarah Isabell b. July 26, 1903. Second counselor elders' quorum. Died Oct. 16, 1909. McFARLANE, PETER (son of George McFarlane and Agnes Bryson of Scotland). Born Aug. 28, 1819, Glasgow, Scot- land. Came to Utah September, 1862, Israel Canfleld company. Married Mary Clark 1846 at Glasgow (daughter of John Clark of Johnston, Scotland). She was born June, 1820. Their children: James, m. Martha Smuln; Peter K., d. Infant; John; Peter B.; Mary C., d. infant; Arthur, d. aged 33. Family home, Glasgow. Home missionary 1864-68; president of branch, Grenock, Scotland; block teacher. First lieutenant territorial militia. Shoemaker. Died July, 1883, Ogden, Utah. McFARLANE, JAMES (son of Peter McFarlane and Mary Clark). Came to Utah with father. Married Martha Smuln Oct. 6, 1868, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Smuin and Jane Honey of London, Eng., pioneers 1869). She was born Aug. 8, 1848. Their children: James, m. Thursia Shaw; Mary Jane; Martha A.; Joseph C., m. Pearl Richards; John S., m. Alice Llddell; Louisa, m. Gilbert Mears; Arthur, m. Gertrude Rock; Harriet, m. Julias Millican; Florence; Lawrence C.; William C., d. aged 4. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member 131st quorum seventies; missionary to England 1904-07; block teacher. Station baggage agent U. P. R. R. at Ogden. McFERSON, DIMON (son of William McFerson and Miriam Runnels of New York state). Born June 15, 1809, Newport. N. H. Came to Utah In 1855, Isaac Allred company. Married Mary Ann Neas Nov. 29, 1845, at Nauvoo (daughter of Peter Neas and Ellen Martin of Pennsylvania). She was born Jan. 29, 1824. Their children: Sarah b. Oct. 20, 1846, m. Peter Van Orden; Abner b. Sept. 14, 1849; Delila b. Jan. B, 1852; m. William Bodily; Lydia b. Aug. 26, 1853, m. Lev! Phillips; Jedediah b. Dec. 7, 1866; Miriam b. Oct. 12, 1858, m. J. G. M. Barnes; Mary Ann b. Nov. 4, 1860, m. Jacob Layton; Rhoda Matilda b. May 6, 1863, m. Irvin Keetely; Dolly b. March 7, 1865, m. Frank Brown; David b. March 31, 1867, m. Mary Ann Watte. Family home Kaysvllle, Davis Co., Utah. Justice of the peace; orderly sergeant and color bearer; member of city council. Died Feb. 14, 1876. MeGARY, CHARLES. Born about 1810. Came to Utah 1850, Captain Evans company. Married Charlotte Earle in Canada (daughter of William Earle of Logan, Utah, pioneers 1850, Captain Evans com- pany). She was born 1816. Their children: William, m. Ellen Pratt; Jane, m. Wells Chase; Ellen, m. Potter Bowen; Sarah, m. James Browning; James; Malissa. m. Benjamin Garr. Family home Ogden, Utah. Road supervisor several years. Blacksmith and farmer. Died April 1875. McGAVIN, ROBERT (son of Robert McGavin and Janet Johnston of Glasgow, Scotland). Born July 6, 1843, at Glasgow. Came to Utah 1865, Hooper & Eldredge merchant train. Married Rozelia Gee Oct. 7, 1865, Tooele City, Utah (daughter of Lysander Gee and Theresa Bowley of St. Louis Mo., pioneers 1852). She was born June 1, 1848. Their chil- dren: Laura Theresa; Sarah Inez, m. 1898; Robert Lysander; Rozelia Irene, m. 1895; Almond E., m. 1900; Jeannette, m 1900; George G. Family home Glen, Idaho. Elder. McGHIE, JAMES (son of Richard McGhle and Helen Ander- son of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland). Born Dec. 1, 1834, in Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. IB, 1861, Ira Eldredgc company. Married Isabella Lindsay Dec. 28, 1868, Liverpool, Eng. (daughter of Alexander Lindsay and Annie Mathle of Glas- gow, who came to Utah Dec. 28, 1861). Sue was born Oct. 17, 1833. Their children: Isabella b. Dec. IB, 1859, m. A. F. Cummings; Annie b. Aug. 1, 1861, m. S. H. Igbert; James b. March 24, 1864, m. Susanna Wagstaff; Nellie b. March 1867, died; R. L. b. April 14, 1874, m. Angle Cabbot; Catherine b. Aug. 1877, m. A. A. Alkier. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Scotland; patriarch. Manager Burton & Sharp woolen mills. McGHIE, JAMES, JR. (son of James McGhie and Isabella Lindsay). Born March 24, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Susanna Wagstaff Sept. 10, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Wagstaff, pioneer from England Sep- tember, 1854). She was born Jan. 18, 1867. Their chil- dren: James L. b. June 21, 1887, died; Arthur W. b. June 3. 1889, m. Emma Sylvester; Jesse Earl b. Oct. 8, 1891, m. Maude Fisher; Susie D. b. Aug. 15, 1893, m. Ralph Quayle; Joseph E. b. July 13, 1895, died; Richard D. b. April 19. 1896; Frank W. b. May 10, 1898; Rulon S. b. Jan. 2, 1900; Emily L. b. June 17, 1905; Isabelle b. June 17, 1905. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member first quorum seventies of Granite stake; division president. Fire insurance agent. and Henrietta Came to Utah who was born b. Jan. 6, 1830, b. Jan. 6, 1832, Henrietta 1st; Mr. Robinson. MrGHIE, WILLIAM (son of Mr. McGhle Gibson). Born 1811 Dumfrieshire. Scotland. Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn company. Married Elizabeth Collins in Scotland, 1809 in Ireland. Their children: William m. Mary McBlain Dec. 31, 1850; Elizabeth m. Thomas Boam 1854; John; Sarah 1st; Sarah 2d; Henrietta 2d; Agnes b. 1843, m, Family home Cottonwood, Utah. Member of seventy. McGHIE, WILLIAM, JR. (son of William McGhie and Eliza- beth Collins). Born Jan. 6, 1830, In Scotland. Married Mary McBlain Dec. 31, 1850, in Scotland (daugh- ter of Alexander McBlain and Mary McMaster, former pioneer Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn company). She was born July 27, 1832, in Scotland. Their children: William b. Dec. 20, 1851, m. Sarah J. Spillett; Alexander b. Nov. 8, 1853, m. Emma Rowan; Mary b. Oct. 25. 1855, m. Nerl But- ler; Agnes b. Sept. 2, 1857, m. Hyrum Covert; John b. Aug. 15, 1859, m. Rozetta Daw; Joseph b. Aug. 9, 1861, m. Chris- tina Porter; Thomas b. July 22, 1863, m. Viola Draw; Eliza- beth b. July 22, 1863, m. William O. Blair; Sarah b. Nov. 8, 1865, m. Charles Colebrook; Henrietta b. March 19, 1868, in. Parley Hansen; Jean b. Oct. 7, 1870, m. Charles Buhler; Annie b. March 27, 1873, m. Joseph I. Staker. Family resided Midway, Provo Valley and Butler, Utah. Postmaster at Butler. McGHIE, ALEXANDER (son of William McGhle and Mary McBlain). Born Nov. 8, 1853, Scotland. Married Emma Rowan (daughter of Matthew Rowan and Jane V. Martin, pioneers Oct. 28, 1855, C. R. Harper com- pany), She was born March 15, 1856, South Cottonwood, Utah. Their children: Raymond A. b. March 29, 1882, m. Hazel Staker Nov. 18, 1904; William Matthew b. Jan. 31, 1884, m. Jane Brady Nov. 18, 1904; Mary Evalyn b. July 13, 1886, m. William W. Butler Nov. 18, 1908; James Ber- trand b. March 20, 1888, m. Marvel Hulsh Sept. 22, 1909- Oliver Calvin b. Aug. 16, 1890; Florence Jane b. June 16. 1892; Annie Caryl b. April 22, 1896. Family resided Park City and Butler, Utah. McGREGOR, WILLIAM (son of William McGregor and Agnes Murray of Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland). Born Oct. 4, 1842. Came to Utah 1850. Married Charllla Emily Browning May 1, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Ellas Browning, pioneer 1852, and Charilla Abbott, pioneer 1849, of Ogden, Utah). She was born Jan. 29, 1854. Their children: William David b. Jan. 22, 1877, m. Hannah Victoria Larson; John Jona- than b. June 25, 1878, m. Evelyn Leona Woods; James Stephen b. Oct. 14, 1880, m. Agatha Georglena Woods; Charles Roy b. July 1, 1882, m. Effle Horrocks; Charilla Abigail Christmas b. Dec. 25, 1883, m. Ernest M. W. Jones; Frank Duncan b. Nov. 29, 1885. m. Annie Empey; Mary Agnes b. April 6, 1887, m. Lawrence Anderson; Joseph b. June 10, 1889, m. Hortense Toung; Arthur b. Sept. 10, 1891; Arba May b. May 6, 1895. Family home Og.den, Utah. Died Oct. 15, 1906. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1059 McGREGOn, JAMES STEPHEN (son of William McGregor and Charilla Emily Browning). Born Oct. 14, 1880, Ogden, Utah. Married Agatha Georglena Woods Nov. 25, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Francis Charles Woods, who came to Utah Sept. 14, 1869, and Evelyn Pratt, born In Salt Lake City). She was born Dec. 18, 1883. Their children: Agatha Woods b. Sept. 14, 1904; James Edmond Woods b. July 12, 1906; Parley Wallace b. Jan. 18, 1908; Athleen Woods b. Oct. 12, 1909; Francis Walker b. June 11, 1911. Family home Ogden, Utah. Seventy. Lorenzo Burrtdge; Abraham Edward b. March 4, 1860, m. Mary Ghould; Lillian Elizabeth, m. Heber McBride; Caro- line Jennett b. Nov. 2, , m. Joseph Jordon; Joseph Albert, m. Annie Russell. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High priest; presided over St. John mission; missionary to Panaca, Nev., and Pangultch and Rush Valley, Utah. McGUIRE, PATRICK HENRY (son of Bernard McGuire and Susan McHugh of Derry Lahan, County Cavan, Ire- land). Born June 14, 1844, at Derry Lahan. Came to Utah July 9, 1872. Married Sarah Elizabeth Parcell May 31, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of John C. Parcell and Esther Lewis of Wallsburg, Utah, both formerly of Cambridge, Eng.). She was born May 19, 1855. Their children: John Parcell b. March 6, 1876, m. Amanda Elizabeth Anderson; Patrick Henry b. Oct. 15, 1877, died; Anna Elizabeth b. Aug. 19, 1879, m. William D. Bethers; Edna b. Jan. 12, 1881, m. Ephralm Bethers; Esther b. Oct. 16, 1883; Francis Pres- ton b. Oct. 10, 1885; Bernard b. Dec. 7, 1887; Lewis Curtis b. Oct. 24, 1889; Ada b. Dec. 5, 1893, died; Orson b. June 16, 1897; James Ernest b. Nov. 2, 1899. Married Annie Eliza Lee Jan. 1, 1881, St. George, Utah (daughter of John P. Lee and Eliza Foscue of Beaver, Utah). She was born Jan. 11, 1849. Their children: Rupert Lee b. March 12, 1882; Alice Hulda b. May 17, 1885, died. Bishop Daniels ward Nov. 12, 1899; president elders' quorum; ward clerk; superintendent Sunday school, Wash- ington ward, St. George stake; president of Daniels branch of center ward. County assessor of Wasatch county 1899- 1910. Missionary to Ireland Oct. 6, 1910; returned Nov. 21, 1911. MoGURRIN, FREDERICK T. (son of Manis McGurrin and Ellen Malone of Grand Rapids, Mich.). Born 1869 Grand Rapids. Came to Utah 1889. Married Estelle La Fitte McChrystal, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1903. Attorney. McINTIRE, WILLIAM PATTERSON (son of George Mc- Intire and Sarah Davis of Wheatfleld, Pa.). Born May 29, 1813. Came to Utah 1849, Orson Spencer company. Married Anna Patterson in Pennsylvania (daughter of William Patterson and Margaret Weir), who was born in Pennsylvania Dec. 19, 1811, died June 28, 1880. Their chil- dren: Wallace M., m. Adelaide Hovey; Margaret Jane, m. Melancthon Burgess; Erastus W., m. Anna Birch; Alex- ander, m. Viola Paxton; Mary and Sarah, twins, d. Infants; Caroline A., d. aged 16; John O., m. Alice Empey; Brigham Oscar, m. Barbara Mathls; Joseph H., m. Rose Clark. Fam- ily home St. George, Utah. Missionary to eastern states in 1840; seventy. Called to St. George by President Young to build up that country. Tailor. Died Jan. 7, 1881. McINTIRE. BRIGHAM OSCAR (son of William Patterson Mclntire and Anna Patterson). Born Aug. 21, 1852, Salt Lake City. Married Barbara Mathls Dec. 7, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of John Mathis and Barbara Brayner of St. George, pioneers 1855, Richard Ballantyne company). She was born Oct. 14, 1858. Their children: Zina b. Sept. 29, 1878, d. Infant; Brigham Franklin b. March 4, 1880, m. Effie Cottam; Anna B. b. Feb. 26, 1882, m. Oliver Harmon; William Mathis b. June 28, 1884, m. Zelma Harmon; Oscar b. Sept. 7, 1888; Lena b. Dec. 28, 1890, m. J. W. Nelson; Leon b. Nov. 23, 1896, died aged 4; Evelyn b. March 2, 1901, d. Infant. Family home Price, Carbon Co., Utah. Elder; teacher; worked on St. George temple. Road super- visor. Minuteman in Indian war. Farmer and cattle- raiser. Died Feb. 15, 1907. McINTIRE, BRIGHAM FRANKLIN (son of Brigham Oscar Mclntire and Barbara Anna Mathis). Born March 4, 1880, at St. George, Utah. Married Effle Cottam June 23, 1910, at St. George (daugh- ter of George Thomas Cottam and Rachel Holt of St. George). She was born Nov. 23, 1890. Their child: Wayne Franklin b. Sept. 7. 1911. Missionary to Germany and Austria-Hungary 1893-96; high priest; member of high council; member of stake mutual 1897-99; president Y. M. M. I. A.; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. McINTOSH, "WILLIAM (son of John Mclntosh and Isabell Rankln of highlands of Scotland). Born Sept. 16, 1819. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Maria Caldwell Sept. 16, 1841, In Lanark county. Canada (daughter of David Caldwell and Mary Ann Vaughn of Lanark, the latter a pioneer 1852). She was born Feb. 17, 1827. Their children: John Ephralm, died; Mary Ann and David, died; William Henry (died), m. Mary Keelle; James Franklin (died), m. Annie Jordon; Malissa Jane, m. Jacob Keelle; Alice Maria b. Sept. 16, 1858, m. Thomas MoINTYRE, SAMUEL (son of William Mclntyre and Margret Anglin of Texas). Born Dec. 16, 1844, *n Texas. Came to Utah 1853, Captain Daily company. Married Mary Alexander July 4, 1872, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of Robert Alexander and Mary Melvin of St. Louis, who came to Utah 1872). Their children: Samuel G.; Frank; Lapere, m. Stella Switz; Stella, m. Capt. R. H. Allen; Earl; Roy. Family home, Salt Lake City. Stockraiser. With brother William he Is owner of the Horn Silver mine. MoINTVRE, WILLIAM HOWELL (son of William Mclntyre and Margret Anglin of Grimes county, near Anderson City, Texas). Born March 19, 1848, in Grimes Co., Texas. Came to Utah 1853 with his mother. Married Phoebe Ogden Chase July 10, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of George O. Chase and Emily Marinda Hyde). Their children: June M. b. June 23, 1881, m. Frederick Carl Dern; Elizabeth G. b. Dec. 28, 1883, m. Arthur G. Hertzler; William Howell b. Jan. 2, 1887; Robert Bradford b. March 2, 1891; Margaret Anglin b. Aug. 11, 1894; Marion b. Nov. 19, 1898. Director Z. C. M. I. and Deseret National bank. Owner and builder of the Mclntyre building; owner Mclntyre ranch of sixty-four thousand acres, Alberta, Canada. Engaged in cattle business. Freighter between Blackfoot, Idaho, and California; furnished the U. S. government, at Ft. Douglas, Utah, with supplies. Went to Texas 1869, returning to South Tintic, Utah, the next year with 1,000 cattle. In 1872 brought 2.000 cattle to Utah from Fort Hayes, Kan., and has fol- lowed the cattle and land business ever since. In 1875 he and his brother Samuel bought an interest in the Mammoth mine, Tintic, Utah, and gained control of the mine 1879, owning it until 1901. This mine produced about two million dollars. McKAY, ANGUS (son of William McKay and Grace Gunn of Kirtomy, Parish of Farr, Sutherlandshire, Scotland). Born June 3, 1839, Kirtomy, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas Ricks company. Married Williamena McKay Dec. 14, 1866 (daughter of William McKay and Ellen Oman of Thurso Parish, Caithness, Scotland, pioneers Oct. 1859, James Brown company). She was born Dec. 23, 1846. Their children: Barbara E., m. A. E. Barnes Oct. 21, 1891; Cathrine G., m. John McFarland Oct. 17. 1889; Angus W., m. Christina Wangsgard Oct. 23, 1902; Isabella; Harriet C., d. 1878; Donald D., m. Ethel E McLean Dec. 8, 1905; James G. ; Mary, m. John Christy Dec. 24, 1902; Hugh Leroy, d. 1894; Ernest R. Family home Huntsville, Utah. Senior president 75th quorum seventies; missionary to Arizona February, 1873, and March, 1876; to southern states November, 1882, and to Scotland October, 1883: president Y. M. M. I. A. 6 years; Sunday school teacher 40 years. Justice of peace; road supervisor; school trustee 19 years; state representative. First lieutenant Utah territorial militia. Farmer and stockraiser. McKAY, WILLIAM (son of John McKay, born 1779, and Barbara Monroe, both of Sutherland, Scotland). He was born March 18, 1804, Sutherland. Came to Utah September, 1859, James S. Brown company. Married Ellen Oman (daughter of David Oman and Isa- bella Sutherland), who was born 1810, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Isaac b. Nov. 2, 1839, m. Ellen Jesperson; Isabella b. Aug. 26, 1842, m. William Wadley 1858; David b. May 3, 1844, m. Jennette Evans April 9, 1867; Willhelmlna b. Dec. 23, 1846, m. Angus McKay Dec. 14, 1866; Barbara b. Dec. 23, 1846; John George b. 1848; Catherine b. May 1, 1849, m. John Grow Nov. 8, 1869. Family home Ogden, Utah. President elders quorum, Weber stake. Founded first co-operative mercantile and drug company in Ogden, and was its president. McKAY. DAVID (son of William McKay and Ellen Oman). Born May 3, 1844, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland. Came to Utah with father. Married Jennette Evans April 9, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Evans and Margaret Powell of Cefn- Coed, near Merthyr Tydfll, Wales, pioneers 1859, Captain Buz- zard company). She was born Aug. 28, 1850, at Cefn-Coed. Their children: Margaret Elizabeth b. Jan. 22. 1869, d. March 25, 1880; Elena Odetta b. March 16, 1871, d. April 1. 1880; David Oman b. Sept. 8, 1873, m. Emma Ray Riggs Jan. 2, 1901; Thomas Evans b. Oct. 29, 1875, m. Faun Brimhall Sept. 11, 1912; Jennette Isabelle b. Nov. 12, 1879, m. Joseph R. Morrell June 19, 1907; Annie Powell b. April 19, 1881, m. Thomas B. Farr Sept. 20, 1905; Elizabeth Odetta b. Oct. 30, 1884; William Monroe b. Sept. 3, 1887; Katherine Favorite b. Feb. 16. 1891; Morgan Powell b. June 25, 1893. Family home Huntsville. Utah. One of presidents of 75th quorum seventies; missionary to Scotland 1891-93; president 75th quorum high priests; presi- 1060 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH dent Scotch conference 1882-83; bishop Eden ward 1884; bishop Huntsville ward 1885. Member lower house of first state legislature, and later elected to the senate. Justice of p ace. Farmer and stockralser. ' McKAT, DAVID O. (son of David McKay and Jennette Evans). Born Sept. 8, 1873. Huntsville, Utah. Married Emma Ray Riggs Jan. 2. 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Obadlah H. Riggs and Emma L. Robblns of Salt Lake City). She was born June 23, 1877. Their chil- dren: David Lawrence b. Sept 30, 1901; Llewelyn Riggs b. June 5, 1904; Louisa Jennette b. Oct. 13, 1906; Royle Riggs b. Oct. 21, 1909. Family home Ogden, Utah. Secretary Sunday school; ward officer In T. M. M. I. A.; president Scotch mission 1898-99; called as a member council of twelve apostles 1906; member superintendency Weber stake Sunday school. Principal Weber academy 1902-08. Teacher. Stockraiser. McKEAlV, THEODORE (son of Washington McKean and Margaret Ivins of Tom's River, Ocean county, N. J.). Born Oct. 26, 1829, Allentown, N. J. Came to Utah Aug. 11, 1853, Orson Pratt and Horace S. Eldredge company. Married Mary Page Gulick 1847 at Tom's River (daughter of Stephen Gulick and Deborah Homes Page of Tom's River). She was born Aug. 6, 1825. Their children: George b. April 12, 1848; Sarah Ivins b. April 11, 1849, m. William Perry Nebeker; Mary Gulick b. Oct. 10, 1851, m. William J. Newman; Theodore b. Oct. 10, 1855, m. Sophia J. Lane; Stephen G. b. July 11, 1858; Margaret I. b. Sept. 3, 1861; Ruth Gulick b. May 28, 1864; Maud b. Sept. 30, 1868. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Emery 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Emery and Elizabeth Brewerton of Salt Lake City). She was born March 1, 1854. Their chil- dren: John Emery; Elizabeth E., m. Idwill Ajax; Mabel: Dorothea E.; Samuel E.; Vida E., m. Jesse Argile; Edith E.; Bertha E., m. Claron Swan; Joseph E.; David; Salome E.; Theodoris E.; Naomi E.; Jean E. Seventy 1859 and high priest 1877; high councilor Salt Lake stake; counselor to Bishop Kesler June, 1872 to Decem- ber, 1884; missionary to eastern states 1869, to Europe July, 1891; Sunday school superintendent. Surveyor of Salt Lake county August. 1860; county treasurer September, 1860-76; collector internal revenue 1862-69; sheriff August, 1876 to October, 1883; road commissioner January, 1860; superintend- ent of water works; city councilman Sept. 30, 1860. Director Z. C. M. I. 1872. Colonel of Nauvoo Legion Feb. 1, 1868. Veteran Indian war. McKEAN, THEODORE, JR. (son of Theodore McKean and Mary Page Gulick of Tom's River, N. J., pioneers Aug. 11, 1853). Born Oct. 10, 1856. Married Sophia Jane Lane Feb. 7, 1884, Salt Lake City, Daniel H. Wells officiating (daughter of James Lane and Sophia S. Brown of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1861, James S. Brown company). She was born Jan. 24, 1864, 16th ward, Salt Lake City. Their children: Theodore L. b. Nov. 17, 1884, m. Nina Burnham; Howard, J. b. Sept. 16, 1886, m. Mable Fredrickson; Franklin L. b. Nov. 18, 1888, m. Cora Millecam; Margaret b. April 7, 1891, m. Robert C. Newson; Alvin b. May 31, 1893; Royal L. b. March 10, 1896; Rachel I. b. March 10, 1896; Mary b. Jan. 18, 1900; Edna b. Nov. 11, 1901. Family home 29th ward. Salt Lake City. High priest; bishop of 29th ward 1901-10. Sheep inspector and stockman. McKEE, JAMES (son of David McKee and Mary Tweed McMillan, both of Butler county. Pa.). Born May 8, 1820, In Butler county, Pa. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Matilda Sweat. Their children: James Albert, m. Ruth Chase; Sarah Jane, m. Andrew Stephensen; David D., m. Emily Giles. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Elder. Veteran Walker Indian war. Farmer. Died July 14. 1861. McKEE, JAMES ALBERT (son of James McKee and Matilda Sweat). Born Dec. 27, 1854, Palmyra, Utah. Married Ruth Chase Jan. 17, 1878, Nephl, Utah (daughter .of John Darwin Chase and Almira Higglns of Vermont, pioneers 1847). She was born Oct. 12, 1859. Their children: Ruth Almire b. April 15, 1880; James Albert b. Aug. 3, 1883, m. May Sherman; Laura Matilda b. Feb. 2, 1885; Goldie Euzell b. March 25, 1887, m. Robert C. Woodward; Archie Montell b. Feb. 17, 1889, died; Alma Dorus b. Dec. 14, 1892; Miriam Chloe b. May 27, 1895; Sarah Lazette b. March 27, 1897, both d. Infants; David Vardine b. June 26, 1899. Family home Huntington, Utah. Member 81st quorum seventies; high priest; president of priests, teachers and deacons 1883-87. Farmer; restau- rateur. MrKEE, WI I.I.I AM (son of David McKee of Pennsylvania). Born 1825 in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1852, captain of oxteam company. Married Sarah Ann Hodgson at Salt Lake City, who was born in Bradford, Eng. Their children: David, d. infant; Mary Tweed, m. Thomas Butler; William, m. Emily Aurilla Markham; Joseph A. b. April 3, 1859, m. Laura Orser, m. Sarah Priscilla Henry; Sarah Ann, d. child; Louisa Ann, m. Marion Dudley. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Member of seventy. Brought Immigrants to Utah. Vet- eran Echo Canyon campaign and Indian wars. Captain police Spanish Fork 15 years. Farmer. Died 1900 Vernal, Utah. McKEE. WILLIAM, JR. (son of William McKee and Sarah Ann Hodgson). Born Feb. 24, 1857, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Emily Aurilla Markham March 10, 1886, Spanish Fork, Utah (daughter of Stephen Markham and Mary Cur- tis of Spanish Fork, Utah, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Jan. 4, 1864. Their chil- dren: Mary b. Jan. 27, 1887; Joseph Ray b. Oct. 21, 1889; Emily Aurilla b. Feb. 28, 1892; Sarah Ann b. Jan. 15, 1895: Margaret Elsie b. Aug, 11, 1900; William Harvey and Stephen Harold b. Nov. 25, 1903; Lynn Curtis b. Jan. 12, 1912. Family home Maeser, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Farmer and stockralser. McKEE, JOSEPH A. (son of William McKee and Sarah Ann Hodgson). Born April 3, 1859, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Laura Orser Dec. 28, 1887, Vernal, Utah (daugh- ter of Everet Orser and Mary America Mecham of Provo, Utah), who was born Nov. 13, 1868. Their children: Laura America b. Dec. 10, 1888, m. John Alma Workman; William F. b. Sept. 23, 1890; Eugene b. Feb. 12, 1892, d. Infant; Mary Alice b. Jan. 15, 1896; Joseph Clair b. Feb. 20, 1899, d. aged 13; Ella Leon b. Aug. 31, 1902. Family home Vernal, Utah. Married Sarah Priscilla Henry Sept. 7, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of James B. Henry, born In Michigan, and Mary Brown, born In South Cottonwood, who resided in Heber and Vernal, Utah). She was born May 5, 1881. Their children: Rena Permelia b. June 23, 1905, d. May 7, 1906; Josephine b. April 22, 1910; Vella b. Sept. 6, 1912. Family home Vernal, Utah. President T. M. M. I. A.; bishop's counselor; bishop Ulnta. County commissioner. President Ashley Upper Irrigation Co.; president Ouray Valley Irrigation Co. Farmer. MeKEL,!,, ROBERT (son of John McKell and Robena Wil- son of Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah 1852, Captain TId- well company). Born Feb. 23, 1823, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah 1852 with parents. Married Elizabeth Boyack January, 1856 (daughter of James Boyack and Elizabeth Mealmaker of Dundee, Scot- land, who were married at Dundee; came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born April 15, 1838, came to Utah with parents. Their children: Robert W. b. Nov. 16, 1856, m. Emma E. Jex; Henry J. b. May 25, 1858, m Alice V. Jex; Louisa S. b. Jan. 1, 1860, m. William B. Hughes- Ellen R. b. Feb. 26, 1862, m. David A. Hughes; William B. b. Feb. 19, 1864, m. Marelda Andrus; Emma J. b. March 4, 1866, m. Joseph Brockbank; Margaret Ann b. April 19, 1868, m. Jacob A. Hansen; David A. b. March 8, 1870, m. Sarah Ann Wood; John E. b. Feb. 25, 1873, d. Dec. 5, 1896; Joseph G. b. April 27, 1875, m. Rebecca J. Sterling; Lucy M. b. Aug. 8, 1877, m. James Clayton Beck. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. President East Bench Irrigation and Manufactory Co. and director In board of Spanish Fork Co-op, for several years. Pioneer blacksmith of Spanish Fork, Utah. Veteran Indian war. Helped forge flrst cannon used In Spanish Fork. McKELL, ROBERT W. (son of Robert McKell and Eliza- beth Boyack). Born Nov. 16, 1856, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Emma E. Jex Feb. 28, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Jex and Eliza Goodson, who came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, with the Darwin Richardson com- pany). She was born Oct. 11, 1855, Salt Lake City. Their children: Elizabeth R. b. Feb. 14, 1877, m. Peter Regtreep- Alice E. b. Oct. 28, 1878. d. March 10, 1891; Robert R. b. Dec 18, 1880, d. Oct. 14, 1887; Effa b. Dec. 5. 1882, m. John T. Williams; Eva b. Dec. 5, 1882, m. E. Arthur Nielsen- Wilson E. b. March 24, 1885, d. March 5. 1891; Harriet E. b. Aug. 3, 1887, m. J. Delbert Banks; Ellen J. b. Aug. 14 1889, m. Arnold Lee; Rodney W. b. April 4, 1892; Henry B b. Oct. 21, 1894; Lenard E. b. Jan. 21, 1897; Ruby L b Dec. 1, 1899. Bishop Spanish Fork; missionary to Illinois May 1, 1888. Director Spanish Fork Co-op.; director in Jex Lumber Co. City councilman of Spanish Fork three terms. McKEE, THOMAS. Came to Utah with oxteam company. Married Percy Sweat. Their children: David, m. Rachel Dlmmick; Polly, m. George Alnge; Harriet, m. John Bab- cock; Sarah, m. David Hutchlnson; Elizabeth, m. Georga Gates: Susan, m. Charles Mechem. Family home Spaniah Fork, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died at Salina, Utah. MrKF,\7.IF., RODF.IIICK (son df Rod.-rii'k JlcICcrinIi-. died 1869, Howick, Canada, and Euphemia McKImron, died 1875, Keene, N. H., both of Winchendon Springs, Mass.). Born Aug. 25, 1865, at Howick, Canada. Came to Utah 1891. Married Mable Scott Aug. 24, 1908, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Rev. D. B. Scott of Windsor, Nova Scotia, and Sarah Ann Tibbits of New Brunswick, Conn; came to Utah 1905). She was born Oct. 29, 1884. Member board of public works 1911; chief of pHc Salt Lake City, 1907. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1061 McKINLEY, GEORGE (son of James McKlnley and Jane Hogg of Fernent, Midlothian. Scotland). Born Jan. 6, 1805, at Fernent. Came to Utah 1864. Married Mary Hamilton (daughter of Richard Hamilton and Mary Forsythe of Fernent. Scotland), who was born In 1807. Their children: Mary, m. Alexander Gillespie; James, m. Augusta Mengies; Robert, m. Isabella Watson; George Hamilton, m. Jane Johnston, m. Agnes Johnston; Archlbold, m. Hannah Adamson; Peter, m. Margaret Adam- son. Lived In Scotland. High priest. Died In 1876 at Provo, Utah. McKINLEY. GEORGE HAMILTON (son of George McKln- ley and Mary Hamilton). Born Jan. 6, 1835, Preston Paus, Scotland. Came to Utah July, 1880. Married Jane Johnston Dec. 21, 1855 (daughter of George Johnston and Ann Clark of Cowdensbeath, Scotland), who was born Dec. 22, 1830. Their children: Ann, m. John Birch March 22, 1856; Mary b. Jan. 10, 1858, m. John Hen- derson; George b. March 9, 1859, died; James b. Dec. 22, 1860, m. Sarah Wllley; George b. Jan. 22, 1863; Jane b. April 9, 1865; Janet b. Aug. 9, 1867 three died; Elizabeth, m. Lee Warner; Agnes b. Oct. 6, 1872, m. Walter G. Taylor; Hannah b. July 22, 1870, m. Almy Baker; Roblna b. Oct. 8, 1875, m. Edward G. Tieke. Married Agnes Johnston June 6, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Johnston and Ann Clark of Cowdens- beath, Scotland), who was born In 1844. Missionary to Scotland 1876-80; high priest. Engineer and miner. McLACHLAN, WILLIAM (son of Gilbert McLachlan and Hannah W. Glencorse of Scotland). Born May 3, 1840. Gatelawbridge. Dumfrieshire, Scotland. Came to Utah October, 1863, John W. Wooley company. Married Caroline Filer 1860, Coggishal, Eng. (daughter of William Filer and Maria Stow of Essex, Eng.), who was born July 6, 1837. Their children: William, George, and Gilbert, died; Ellen, m. I. R. Wilson; Alice, m. Benjamin E. Rich; Lily, m. A. C. Sperry; Ida, died; Joseph, died; Hannah, m. Warren Lyon; Isabel, m. Adam Sharp. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Margret Nalsmith 1874, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William and Margaret Naismith of Salt Lake City, who came to Utah 1873). She was born 1850. Their chil- dren: George, died; May, m. Alvin Cundick; Mary, m. David Lindblom; John, m. Nettie West; Robert, died; James, died. Family home Taylorsville, Utah. Married Lucy J. H. Evans 1886, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Evans and Charlotte Hyder of Nephi, Utah, pioneers Oct. 2, 1851). She was born 1858. Their children: Nephi; Grace; Lucile, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 23d quorum seventies; missionary to New Zea- land 1875-77; bishop's counselor; superintendent 7th ward Sunday school 40 years; president Pioneer stake. Carpenter and contractor. McLAWS, JOHN (son of John McLaws, born June, 1793, Campsle, Scotland, and Sarah Whitworth, born July 23, 1802, Dalmotter, Scotland married July 28, 1817). Born Nov. 27, 1827, Renfrew, Scotland. Came to Utah August, 1851. Married Joanna Ross Dec. 6, 1850 (daughter of Daniel Ross and Agnes McKeller married April 28, 1814). She was born Dec. 23, 1831. Their children: John b. Sept. 14, 1862, m. Sophia De La Mare 1875; Daniel Ross b. March 6, 1854, m. Julia Lee June 7, 1876; William b. Feb. 16, 1856, m. Mary Herron April 19, 1880; George b. March 9, 1858, m. Ella Herron; Robert Fleming b. April 7, 1860, m. Florence Ful- mer; Agnes McKeller b. Dec. 31, 1861. m. Peter M. Clegg; Alexander b. Aug. 28, 1864; Sarah Whitworth b. June 30, 1866; Jane b. May 30, 1867; Catherine b. March 29, 1869, m. George Fulmer; Joanna b. Aug. 27, 1871; Mary Ann b. Aug. 14, 1874, m. A. M. Shields; James b. Aug. 14, 1874. Family home Tooele, Utah McLAWS, JOHN, JR. (son of John McLaws and Joanna Ross). Born Sept. 14, 1852, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Sophia De La Mare Dec. 27, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Philip De La Mare and Mary Chivlier, pioneers 1851), who was born Aug. 10, 1857, Tooele, Utah. Their children: John William b. Aug. 3, 1876, m. Ellen Elsie Bradshaw March 7, 1900; Joanna b. Nov. 22, 1877; Francis b. Feb. 24, 1880, m. Lydla Pearl Flake Sept. 27, 1901; Mary Alice b. Jan. 20. 1882, m. R. A. Wilkinson April 20, 1910; Walter b. Nov. 11, 1883; Agnes Estella b. Aug. 29, 1885. m. F. L. Cummins March 17, 1909; Robert b. Nov. 12, 1887; Philip Delmar b. July 4, 1889; Jennie b. March 1, 1891; Kuby Elizabeth b. Jan. 30, 1894; Millie May b. Dec. 6, 1896; Daniel Ross b. Dec. 31. 1897; Archie Leo b. Oct. 29, 1899. Family home St. Joseph, Ariz. High priest; stake superintendent Sunday schools Little Colorado stake. First postmaster at Allen, now St. Joseph, Ariz. High counselor Snowflake stake. Drummond b. Jan. 15, 1845, m. John Priestley; Grace, d. Infant; Israelus, d. infant; William Athol, m. Rachel Smith; Virginia Faithful, m. William Major; Donald Henderson b. Aug. 16, 1855; Alexander b. Aug. 12, 1867, m. Frances Laura Mitchell; James Bruce, d. infant; Hannah E. b. March 16. 1860, m. Charles J. Foulger; Mary A. b. April 28, 1862, m. Charles M. Latyon; Joseph H. b. July 31, 1865. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to Great Britain 1865-69; member llth ward bishopric; first superintendent of llth ward Sunday school. First rope-maker In Utah. Merchant. Died Jan. 20, 1887. Salt Lake City. McMASTER, JOHN BRIGHAM (son of William Athol Mc- Master and Margaret D. Ferguson of Scotland, married Sept. 2, 1842). Born Aug. 17, 1843, Dumfermline, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn company. Married Elizabeth M. Forrest December, 1869. Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas M. and Elizabeth Ferguson For- rest, Vale of Levon, Scotland; came to Utah June 25, 1869, Ellas Morris company). She was born March 6, 1844. Their children: William O. b. March 25, 1871; Thomas M. b. July 21, 1872; Margeret D. b. Sept. 12. 1874; John b. April 14, 1877. Family home Brigham City, Utah. High priest; missionary to Scotland 1895-96; bishop. Treasurer; commissioner; justice of the peace; school trustee; member of city council. Merchant. McMASTER, ALEXANDER (son of William Athol McMaster and Margaret D. Ferguson). Born Aug. 12, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Frances Laura Mitchell Dec. 27, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederick A. H. F. Mitchell and Margaret Thompson of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1853), who was born March 20, 1866. Their children: Lucile b. June 10, 1885. m. Daniel Coulam; Alexander b. March 11, 1888, m. Hazel Pepper; Frank Athol b. Sept. 24, 1890; Frances Laura b. April 12, 1897. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 67th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1887-89; member high council of Ensign stake; super- intendent llth ward Sunday school. Justice of peace, fifth precinct, two terms; judge of juvenile court, third district. Salt Lake, Summit and Tooele counties. Printer and editor; lawyer. McMICHAEL, ROBERT (son of Thomas McMichael of Thornebank, Scotland). Born Aug. 9, 1811, tn Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Elizabeth McMullen, Scotland (daughter of John McMullen and Elizabeth Plckett of Scotland, pioneers Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company). She was born March 20, 1816. Their children: Jane b. Jan. 3, 1836, died; Eliza- beth b. Dec. 18, 1836, m. E. H. Rodeback; Mary Ann b. Dec. 27. 1838, m. Franklin Hodge; John b. Jan. 27, 1841, died; William b. Feb. 9, 1842, m. Arsula Brim 1863; Robert b. March 25, 1844, m. Celestia Griffiths; Sarah b. Oct 7, 1845, m. Goerge B. Lymes; Martha b. May 8, 1848, m. Adelbert Hillhouse; Joseph Clements b. Oct. 1, 1850, died; Maria b. July 14, 1853, m. Robert McQueen; Isabell Esther b. Feb. 13, 1855, m. Hugh H. McQueen; Emma b. Sept. 11, 1857, m. Jonah Birch. Family home Sugar House, Utah. Died In 1896. McMICHAEL, WILLIAM (son of Robert McMichael and Elizabeth McMullen, pioneers Sept. 3, 1852, with Abraham O. Smoot company). Born Feb. 9. 1842, Scotland. Married Arsula Brim 1863. Coalville, Utah (daughter of Verness and Margaret Brim of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1852), who was born April 1844. Their children: Elizabeth b. 1864. m. John Leonard Frazier; Sarah Margaret b. 1865, m. Robert Birch; Martha Jane b. 1867, m. Alma Stonebreaker; William Frederick, died; Robert Verness b. 1871, m. Alice Alferetta Johnson, d. 1910; Deseret Amelia b. 1873, m. William Sar- gent. Family home Summit Co., Utah. Married Elizabeth Robinson 1878, Coalville, Utah (daugh- ter of Samuel and Ann Soar Robinson of Eastwood, Not- tingham, Eng.; former came to Utah 1873 by rail. Samuel Robinson company). She was born Jan. 1, 1860. Their chil- dren: William Henry b. May 12, 1879, d. Sept. 4, 1879; Le Roy b. July B, 1880, m. Margaret Fadliest; Mary Anice b. June 9, 1886, m. John H. Young; Theone Theressa b. Sept. 30. 1892. Family home Summit Co., Utah. MeMASTER, WILLIAM ATHOL (son of Peter McMaster and Grace Henderson of Scotland). Born Sept. 20, 1816, Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1864, Daniel Garn company. Married Margaret Drummond Ferguson 1841, Paisley, Scotland (daughter of James Ferguson and Margaret Drum- mond of Scotland). Their children: John Brigham b. Aug. IS. 1843. m. Elizabeth Forrest, m. Vera Forrest; Margaret McMILLAN, DAVID (son of Hugh McMillan and Catherine Fowler of Ballyrick, County of Down, Ireland). Born March 10, 1860, at Ballyrick. Came to Utah October, 1890, Independent company. Married Agnes Bell March 2, 1888, Laramie, Wyo. (daugh- ter of Thomas Bell and Agnes Cumingham of Sprlngside, Ayrshire, Scotland; came to Utah October, 1890). She was born Dec. 17. 1869. Their children: Agnes Cumingham b. Dec. 16. 1889, m. Charles Henry Hill; Hugh b. Jan. 3, 1891; Catherine Fowler b. April 7. 1892; Thomas b. April 4, 1894; Margerite b. Nov. 18, 1901; Mary Burns b. Jan. 25, 1903; David b. Dec. 14, 1905, died; John M. Baxter b. March 1, 1908. Family home Clear Creek, Carbon Co., Utah. High priest; bishop of Clear Creek ward. Carbon stake, Oct. 29, 1911, of Kemmerer ward, Woodruff stake, Wyoming, Feb. 2, 1902; counselor to Presiding Elder Daniel Clark, Kemmerer branch; Sunday school superintendent. School trustee Clear Creek; coal mine inspector Clear Creek. Moved from Wyoming to Castle Gate, Utah, 1890; to Clear Creek, 1907. Engaged in coal mining. 1062 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH MoMULLIN, HENRY (son of Archible and Sarah Lufkin McMullin of Vinal Haven, Me.). Born 1816 at Vinal Haven. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855, with John Hlndley company. Married Mary Pierce (daughter of Joslah and Elizabeth Hudson Pierce of Vinal Haven, pioneers Sept. 3, 1855, John Hlndley company). She was born 1824. Their children: Albert Eats b. July 15, 1847, m. Nancy Jane Ross; Alphonzo Payson, m. Lucy Witt; Calvin Pendleton, died; Henry Luf- kin, m. Nettie Murdock; Sarah Jane, m. Thomas Hicken; Susan, died; Edwin Pierce. Family home Heber City, Utah. High priest; member of high council. Selectman; post- master. Carpenter. Died May 2, 1886, Heber City, Utah. McMULLIN, ALBERT E. (son of Henry McMullin and Mary Pierce, Vinal Haven, Me.). Born July 15, 1847, Vinal Haven. Came to Utah with father. Married Nancy Jane Ross Dec. 15, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas and Rachel Smith Ross, Heber, Utah, pioneers 1850), who was born Dec. 11, 1848. Their children: Estella Jane b. Oct. 26, 1869, m. Ernest Ekins Jan. 3, 1891; Albert Orlando b. Oct. 14, 1871, m. Annie Bryner Jan. I. 1894; Bryant Ross b. Jan. 24, 1874, m. Manerva Ellis; Rachel Arietta b. Dec. 24, 1876, died; Mary Elizabeth b. Jan. 20. 1878, m. Lee Caunaday; Florence Lucinda b. Jan. 22, 1880, died; Elmer Henry b. Jan. 20, 1882, m. Ethel Jenson; Clara b. March 14, 1884, died; Chloe Clair b. March 14, 1884, m. lanthus Barlow; Leanor b. Aug. 28, 1886, died; Thomas Nelson b. June 4, 1889; LeRoy b. Jan. 15, 1892. Married Elizabeth F. Bell July 25, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of William Bell and Jane Laidlaw of Heber City, Utah, pioneers 1853), who was born Sept. 15, 1858. Their children: Jane Ann b. May 26, 1878, m. George N. Hill; Nellie Bell b. Dec. 31. 1880, m. Maronl Turner; Mary Luclle b. April 30, 1882, m. Van Tromp; William Bell b. Sept. 6, 1884, m. Bertha Ellis; Elizabeth Bell b. Oct. 5, 1886, died; Susan Bell b. Aug. 11, 1888, m. Lewis Ray; Althora Bell Feb. 14, 1898; Ruby Bell b. Oct. 15, 1900. Families resided at Wellington, Carbon Co., Utah. High priest; member of high council Heber, Utah; bishop at Wellington, Emery Co., Utah. Constable of Heber; road supervisor. Contractor and farmer. McMURRAY, JOHN (son of William McMurray). Born March 1798. Came to Utah October, 1852, Warren Snow company. Married Mary Hutton Aug. 18, 1821 (daughter of Simeon Hutton and Mary Underwood, latter a pioneer October. 1852, Warren Snow company). She was born Nov. 6, 1801. Their children: James b. Dec. 24, 1829, m. Elizabeth Steven- son; Joseph b. April 13, 1832, m. Elizabeth Fairchlld; Charles K. b. June 24, 1854, m. Melvina Wilson; Arrabella, m. Oliver Weatherby 1846; Matilda J. b. 1836, m. Willam C. Martin- dale 1854; Harriet Lucinda b. 1840, m. Moroni Fairchild 1853. High priest. Died October, 1853, Salt Lake City. McMURRAT, JAMES (son of John McMurray and Mary Hutton). Born at Hodgetown, Pa., Dec. 24, 1829. Married Elizabeth Stevenson, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Stevenson, and Mary Vickers, pioneers 1862, Joseph Home company). She was born Dec. 21, 1828, Breaston, Eng. Their children: James S. b. July 13, 1863, m. Sarah Orr Aug. 5, 1886; John S. b. March 6, 1865, m. Clara D. Hymas April 9, 1891; Charles b. Nov. 30, 1866, d. Infant; Jesse b. Oct. 3, 1867; Mary b. April 3, 1870, died June 1870; Hannah M. b. May 13, 1871; Fanny Lee b. Nov. 2, 1873, m. Samuel Hymas Oct. 17, 1900; Bertha b. Nov. 5, 1876, m. Julius Fairchild 1904; George V. b. Jan. 1, 1880, m. Nellie Austin Oct. 11, 1905. Family home Liberty, Bear Lake coun- ty, Idaho. High priest; second counselor in Liberty ward a number of years. I,, THOMAS (son of Thomas McNeil, born March 20, 1769, and Emily Selkirk, of Scotland). Born Feb. 15, 1823, Tranent, Scotland. Came to Utah October, 1859. Married Jannette Reid June 19, 1845 (daughter of Peter and Margaret Martin Reid), who was born Aug. 2, 1823. Their children: Margaret b. April 14, 1846, m. Henry Ballard May 5, 1861; Thomas b. Dec. 6, 1847, m. Mary J. Montgomery March 11, 1872; Emily b. June 19, 1849, m. Henry Ballard Oct. 4, 1867; James Reid b. Oct. 24, 1854, m. Phebe Ann Merrill March 15, 1875; Charles T. b. May 1, 1856, m. Emma Hibbard Dec. 1880; Joseph b. Jan. 14, 1859, d. 1875; Jannet Jane b. March 14, 1861, m. Robert Davidson; William R. b. May 3. 1863; Hyrum b. Oct. 30, 1864; George b. Oct. 17, 1866, m. Ellen Becket. Family home Logan, Utah. Presiding elder Tranent, Scotland, 1849-66; first counselor to Bishop Robert Davidson May 31, 1877. McNEIL, JAMES REID (son of Thomas McNeil and Jannette Reid). Born Oct. 24, 1854, Tranent, Scotland. Married Phebe Ann Merrill March 15. 1875. at Salt Lake City (daughter of Marriner Wood Merrill and Sarah Ann Atkinson, pioneers 1853, William Atkinson company). She was born Oct. 24, 1854, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Sarah Jannette b. Sept. 16, 1876, d. June 5, 1878; Mary Mar- graret b. Sept. 16, 1876, d. Sept. 16, 1876; Phebe Deseret b. Oct. 29, 1878, d. Jan. 19, 1901; Chloe Leona b. Nov. 3, 1880, m. Thomas O. Howell July 17, 1901; Ida lone b. Aug. 23, 1882. m. James A. Hadley July 6, 1905; James Reid b. Dec. 7, 1884. d. June 20, 1885; Marriner Wood b. Dec. 7, 1884, m. Lucy Elvira Cnfferty; J. Taylor b. Nov. 12, 1886, d. Nov. 12, 1886; Rhoda Wlnerfred b. Feb. 20, 1888, d. Aug. 23, 1892; Preston Morril b. May 3. 1890, d. Oct. 7, 1891; Velma Ethel b. June 21, 1892, m. George H. Gardner Jan. 6, 1911; Elva Mahala b. March 27, 1895. Family home Preston, Idaho. Married Jane Montgomery (McNeil) July 30, 1889, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of John and Ann Montgomery), who was born Aug. 2, 1853, England. Children by former marriage: Joseph Reid b. June 17, 1881, d. Sept. 14, 1898; Margaret Roxie b. May 13, 1884, m. Orson F. Lewis; Henry Ballard b. Feb. 1, 1887. m. Ruby Hakes. Married Elizabeth Nlelson April 5, 1882 (daughter of Peter Nlelson and Huldah Fransiski Larson), who was born July 19, 1865, Peterson, Morgan Co., Utah. Their children: William Reid b. March 1, 1884, m. Edith Chedgzey Feb. 16, 1913; Thomas Peter b. Nov. 10, 1886, d. Sept. 18, 1887; Huldah Emily b. Oct. 22, 1889, m. Henry E. Larson Sept 14, 1910; Mary Elizabeth b. April 19, 1892; Esther Erastus b. May 24, 1895; James Russell b. July 19, 1898, d. March 8, 1900; Edgar Verne b. Dec. 7, 1901; John Nielson b. May 7, 1904; Vaughn b. Sept. 11, 1907. d. Sept. 11, 1907; Mar b. May 2. 1912, d. Jan. 29, 1913. Missionary to Ramah, McKinley county, N. M. Moved to Fairview, Idaho, 1896, to Preston, Idaho 1907. Member Onelda stake high council; bishop of Ramah ward, New Mexico. McPHERSON, JAMBS RAMSAY (son of Dav'd McPherson. born 1804, Dundee, Forfarshire, and Mary Ramsay, born July 26, 1803, Arley, Scotland married 1823). He was born March 31, 1831, Glenproson, Forfarshire. Came to Utah Dec. 9, 1853, Preston Thomas company. Married Jane Ann Ollorton July IB, 1860, Eccleston, Lan- caster, Eng. (daughter of John Ollorton and Alice Dandy, pioneers Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin company). She was born Jan. 2, 1841. Their children: Mary Lovina b. Nov. 27, 1861, m. William Andrews Wright Feb. 10, 1881; James b. April 6, 1863; Alice Ann b. Oct. 28, 1864, m. James Banford Riches Oct. 9, 1884; John William b. Jan. 28, 1867, m. Mary Jane Jones Sept. 11, 1895; Seth Ollorton b. Ju'y 13, 1869, m. Margaret Shaw July 18, 1894; Jane Ann b. Feb. 26, 1871; Elizabeth Helen b. Nov. 1, 1872, m. Marcus Lorenzo Swoby June 6, 1901; Rose b. June 3, 1874, m. Osmond Card July 19. 1903; Thomas Whitson b. Jan. 29, 1876; Janet b. Feb. 27, 1877; Esabell Estelle b. June 15, 1878; Heber Ernest b. June 28, 1880, m. Emeline Huggins Dec. 5, 1906; Amelia b. Aug. 15, 1882; Bertha b. Jan. 2, 1884; Ruby b. Nov. 23, 1886, m. Abner Bigler, Jr., Oct. 9, 1909. Missionary to England 1884-85. Director of Nephl Irriga- tion Company. Councilman of Nephi 1889-92; member board of education 1890 and 1892. Vice-president of Nephi Co-op. 1896. Member of Captain Picton's company of Infantry; transferred to Col. Warren S. Snow's regiment of cavalry. Member of Gen. Horace S. Eldredge's company In Septem- ber, 1858. Captain of Home Guard, Monroe, Sevier county, 1866-67. McaUARRIE, ALLAN (son of Hector McQuarrie, born 1769. Kildalton, Argyleshire, Scotland, and Annie McQualg. born 1759). He was born Oct. 22, 1800, Kildalton. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1867, Jesse B. Martin company. Married Agnes Mathieson 1831 (daughter of Nell Mathie- son and Agnes Graham married at North Knapdale, Argyleshire). She was born Jan. 1, 1807. Their children: Robert b. Aug. 17, 1832. m. Mena Funk April 29, 1860; Hector b. Oct. 2, 1834, m. Agnes Gray Nov. 29, 1857; Mary G. b. Jan. 20, 1837, d. infant; Neil b. May 12, 1839, rn. Margaret Thomson April 12, 1869; Agnes b. Dec. 8, 1841, m. Lester J. Herrick June 22, 1867; John b. March 9, 1844, m. Mary E. Ensign Nov. 13, 1871; Mary M. b. Aug. 23, 1846, m. Edward Bunker April 20. 1861. Ordained high priest Feb. 1, 1869, by Charles R. Dana. McQUARRIE, ROBERT (son of Allan McQuarrie and Agnes Mathieson). Born Aug. 17, 1832. North Knapdale, Scotland. Married Mena Funk April 29, 1860, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Dedrick Funk and Christina Madsdaughter, pioneers 1859, James S. Brown company). She was born Dec. 20, 1834, Brunholm, Denmark. Married Hester Summerhays Ballam (widow of Mr. Ballam and mother of Alice M. b. July 25, 1874, d. infant; Isaac A. b. Feb. 6, 1876, d. infant; Frederick T. b. April 22, 1877, m. Lurany E. Grant Nov. 28, 1900; Florence b. Feb. 18, 1879, m. Frederick Elwood May 9, 1900; Willard b. March 18, 1881, m. Eliza E. Peterson June 8, 1905). Only child: Robert S. b. July 16, 1886, m. Lilly E. Mikkleson Nov. 21, 1906. Family resided Ogden and Hyde Park, Cache Co., Utah. High priest; presided over second ward, Ogden; mission- ary to Great Britain two years; bishop of Ogden, second ward, 1877; stake tithing clerk for 12 years; Sunday school superintendent at Ogden, second ward, two years. County treasurer four years, Weber county; alderman second mu- nicipal ward of Ogden 1882-85; Ogden city councilman six years; Weber county treasurer eight years; school trustee six years; Ogden city treasurer two years; county commis- sioner three years. N NAEF, JACOB I. (son of Johannes Naef and Elizabeth Schweitzer of Ebnat, St. Gallen, Switzerland). Born Nov. 1, 1836, at Ebnat. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860. James D. Ross company. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1063 Married Mary Frey May 29, 1860, Florence, Neb. (daugh- ter of Jacob Frey and Barbara Erni of Babikon, St. Gallen, Switzerland, latter died at sea April, 1860). She was born April 9, 1840. Their children: Mary L. b. May 14, 1861, m. Peter W. Maughan; Jacob D. b. Jan. 11, 1864, m. Jennie L. Parker; Robert H. b. March 7, 1866, m. Rosali Haderli; Lydia E. b. Dec. 20, 1868, m. Halsey D. Fullmer; Annie E. b. April 8, 1870, m. Albert J. Hewlett; John A. b. April 7, 1872, m. Mary Parker; Joseph W. b. March 5, 1874, m. Min- nie Parker; Rudolph G. b. May 9, 1876, m. Ellen Archibald; Elsie B. b. April 6, 1881, m. Ernest Kendrick. Family homo Providence, Utah. Married Anna Kathrina Tobler Oct. 29, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Martin Tobler and Anna Kathrina Klarer of Herian, Switzerland), who was born May 21, 1855. Their children: Hyrum J. b. Sept. 6, 1874, m. Elizabeth Backer; Annie K. b. Feb. 6, 1876, m. Elmer S. Merrill; Ernest A. b. March 19, 1878, m. Violet Ivle; Franklin U. b. March 30, 1880, m. Annie M. Stone; Rhoda B. b. Feb. 26, 1882, m. Niels C. Olsen; Daniel C. b. April 27, 1884, m. Katie Scheibel; Rosa E. b. April 26, 1886, m. Samuel Buckley; Lily J. b. Dec. 28, 1888, m. Jacob A. Wheeler; Elmer M. b. April 26, 1891; Arnold E. b. March 8, 1894. Family home Mapleton. Idaho. Missionary to Switzerland and Germany 1885-87. Secre- tary of Irrigation Company; farmer; lumberman; weaver; rancher. NATE, SAMSON (son of Richard Nate and Sarah New of Upton-on-Severn, Eng.). Born May 8, 1834, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1853, George Kendall company. Married Mary Ann Cottrell December, 1852 (daughter of Benjamin Cottrell), who was born Dec. 23, 1831, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Samson W. b. Oct. 24, 1854, m. Alice Kellsey; Mary Ann b. March 4, 1857, m. Joseph Lewis; Sarah Jane b. March 1, 1859, m. Reuben Oakey; Willard Benjamin b. April 18, 1861, m. Ann Bird Oct. 3, 1888; Elizabeth H. b. May 6, 1863, m. George H. Cook; George b. June 1866; Lucy Ann b. May 17, 1868, m. Theo- dore Dayton; Rosina M. b. June 19, 1870, m. James Sparks Oct. 3, 1888; Effle Minerva b. Dec. 27, 1872, m. Alfonso Quayle. Family home Fort Herriman, Utah. Married Elizabeth Cornell Feb. 17, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederick E. Cornell and Mary A. Munton, former a pioneer 1863, Captain McCarthy company). She was born Sept. 23, 1839, Enfield, Middlesex, Eng. Their chil- dren: Emma Elizabeth b. Jan. 6, 1865; Frederick Ebenezer b. April 24, 1866, m. Ettie C. Dayton Nov. 4. 1885; Louisa Adelaide b. Oct. 14, 1868, m. Hyrum A. Dayton Nov. 4, 1886; Henry William b. Nov. 18, 1870, m. Mary G. Sawyer Oct. 1891; Mary Ellen b. July 18, 1872, m. Charles H. Bridges Oct. 4, 1888; Charles Cornell b. June 13, 1874, m. Emma May Bird Feb. 14, 1899; Ettie Rebecca b. May 13, 1880, m. John H. Bird Sept. 29, 1899. Family home Paris, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. First counselor to bishop 1879-1911. NATE, SAMSON WILLIAM (son of Samson Nate and Mary Ann Cottrell). Born Oct. 24, 1854, Fort Herriman, Utah. Married Alice Kellsey, at Dingle, Bear Lake Co., Idaho (daughter of Stephen Kellsey and Lydia Snyder, former came to Utah with a contingent of the Mormon Battalion). She was born Feb. 15, 1861, Little Cottonwood, Utah. Their children: Arthur b. Dec. 16, 1878, m. Alice M. Demick; Lydia Ann b. July 6, 1881, m. Matthiar Schmidt; Samson William, Jr. b. Dec. 27, 1883, m. Ella Stephens; Rosina b. Sept. 12, 1885; Stephen Henry b. Sept. 12, 1890; George Talmage b. July 27, 1892; Mary Blanch b. Nov. 30, 1894. Family home Dingle, Idaho. NAYLOR, ROBERT (son of George Naylor and Mary Sefton of Little Budworth, Chestershire, Eng.). Born Oct. 7, 1831, in Chestershire. Came to Utah July 24, 1872. Married Annie Woodward 1867, Manchester, Lancaster- shire, Eng., who was born 1841. Their children: George, m. Catherine Thomson; Robert; William, m. Elizabeth Sid- doway; Mary Jane, m. Lorenzo S. Briggs; Sarah Ann, m. J. L. Tracy; Amy, died. Family home Manchester, Eng. Farmer. Died September, 1897, In Shasta county, Cal. NAYLOR, GEORGE (son of Robert Naylor and Annie Wood- ward). Born Dec. 25, 1858, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Catherine Thomson Aug. 4, 1885, Salt Lake City (daughter of John S. Thomson and Catherine Muir, Fife- shire, Scotland, pioneers September, 1866). She was born June 2, 1864. Their children: Ethel K. b. June 26, 1887; George A. b. July 20, 1888; Annie Maude b. Jan. 10, 1891; Clarence R. born Aug. 16, 1895; Lawrence T. b. April 16, 1897; John Quincy b. April 22, 1900; Inez W. b. Feb. 1902; William H. b. Feb. 13, 1904; James E. b. May 11, 1907. Family home, Salt Lake City. Deacon. County road supervisor. Sheepraiser. was born March 31, 1837. Their children: Mary, m. Mar- cellius Wooley; Abbey R., d. aged 2; Louisa, d. aged 40; William, d. aged 14; Nettie, m. Henry Spencer; George F., m. Bessie Taylor; Joseph Edward, m. Sadie Games; Frank Sefton, m. Dora Laird; Howard B. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member Salt Lake quorum seventies; missionary to Sand- wich Islands 3V4 years; high priest; second counselor to Bishop Wooley; superintendent Sunday school 15 years. Wheelwright; maker of the Naylor wagon. STEAL, GEORGE AUGUSTUS (son of Walter Neal. born 1755, died 1823, and Rachel Scammon, born 1754, died 1842. both of Newmarket, N. H., and Cambria, Niagara county, N. T.). He was born Oct. 3, 1794, Wakefleld, Rockingham county, N. H. Came to Utah October, 1862, James Brown company. Married Asenath Cooley Jan. 30, 1820 (daughter of Sam- uel Cooley, born Nov. 14, 1775, died Feb. 2, 1843, and Polly Dyke, born Aug. 4, 1781, died Sept. 10, 1838, both of Rutland, Vt.). She was born Aug. 27, 1798, at Rutland, and died Oct. 1, 1872. Their children: Mary Melissa b. July 31, 1824 (d. Jan. 9, 1900), m. Oliver Boardman Huntington Aug. 17. 1845; William Cooley, m. Ann Eliza Dalton. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary in United States 1853-64; presi- dent of branch at Cambria, N. Y., 1843-52; block teacher. Called by Brigham Young to go south to locate places for the people on the "Move South" in 1867. One of the earliest pioneer nurserymen to import fruit trees into Utah from New England states. Veteran war of 1812. Farmer; stock- raiser; nurseryman; capitalist; philanthropist. Died Oct. 16, 1874. NEAL, WILLIAM COOLEY (son of George Augustus Neal and Asenath Cooley). Born July 1, 1828, Cambria, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1862, Augustus Canfleld independent company. Married Ann Eliza Dalton June 9, 1852, Cambria, N. Y. (daughter of William Dalton and Ann Eliza Savage of Niagara and Genesee counties, N. Y.), who was born Sept. 2, 1833, Rochester, N. Y., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Josephine Asenath b. Aug. 28, 1853, m. William H. Schluter Oct. 16, 1876; Ann Eliza b. Nov. 19, 1866, d. Sept. 8, 1869; William Dalton b. Jan. 31, 1869, m. Myra Matilda White; Walter Scammon b. July 17, 1871, killed by O. S. L. train Dec. 8, 1907; Emma Elbertine b. Dec. 18, 1873. d. May 10, 1874. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to New England states 1869-70, and to Arizona in 1873; block and ward teacher. Started first woolen mills in Ogden. Commissioner under Judge Elias Smith three years. County selectman 1869, and 1870 to 1873; grand juror; justice of peace of third precinct 1882. Served in Andrew Burl's company during Black Hawk Indian war 1866, and received medal for bravery. Farmer; stockraiser; freighter. Capitalist. Died Nov. 11, 1912. NEAL, WILLIAM DALTON (son of William Cooley Neal and Ann Eliza Dalton). Born Jan. 31, 1869, Salt Lake City. Married Myra Matilda White June 26, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of William White and Ann Thomas of Salt Lake City; they came to Utah 1876). She was born Feb. 26, 1873. Their children: William "White b. Jan. 18, 1900; Lucile Ann b. May 22, 1903; Myra White b. Jan. 27, 1904, d. Jan. 27, 1904; Carrie b. Nov. 4, 1906; George Augustus b. Dec. 26, 1907; Bessie b. Oct. 19, 1909; Frances Dalton b. June 4, 1912. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 30th quorum seventies; missionary to Switzer- land and Germany 1896-99; president 4th quorum deacons; Sunday school and block teacher; M. I. A. class leader; president Chemutz branch 1898-99. Assistant in United States geological survey of Book Cliff coal regions in Colo- rado and eastern Utah 1906; chemist for the Amalgamated Sugar Company 1908 in factories at Lewiston, Logan and Ogden. Joined Utah Society, Sons of American Revolution, in 1896; treasurer of same 1904-06; member International Congress of Geologists at St. Petersburg, Russia, 1897; counselor of Utah Academy of Sciences 1909-13; member 12th International Congress of Geologists. Toronto, Canada, August, 1913; member National Geographical Society. Book- keeper and clerk for Consolidated Wagon and Machine Company 1911. B. S. and M. S., University of Utah; teacher of geology, University of Utah, Salt Lake high school, and Weber Stake Academy. Charter member Utah Academy of Sciences. Geologist and chemist. Worked at plumbing and gasfltting for David James & Co. 1888-89. IMA VI. on. WILLIAM (son of George Naylor and Mary Sefton of Little Budworth, Chestershire. Eng.). Born Aug. 19, 1835, in Cheshire. Came to Utah 1848, Daniel Spencer com- pany. Married Annie Wright 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Wright and Ruth Nevinson of Crewe, Chestershire, Eng., pioneers 1862. Claudius V. Spencer company). She NEBEKER, JOHN (son of George Nebeker and Susannah Meredith of Newcastle county, Del.). Born Aug. 1, 1813, at Newport. Del. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, Abraham Smoot C Married Lurena Fitzgerald Oct. 25. 1835, Reily, Butler Co., Ohio (daughter of John Fitzgerald), who was born April 25, 1819. Their children: William Perry, m. Sarah Ivins Mc- Kean, m. Phoebe Stafford Tingey; Ira, m. Delia Lane; Aaron, m. Jane A. Smith, m. Jane E. Brunker; Ashton, m. Lucy Pratt; Rosella, m. Christopher Stokes; Samuel; John; Almira Jane, m. Fredrick B. Eldrldge; Wiley; Preclnda. m. Erastus Richards; Laura Lurena, m. Ellas A. Smith; Aquila, m. Hortense Haight. Family resided Vermilion, 111., and Salt Lake City. 1004 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Mary Woodcock Sept. 12, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Woodcock and Hannah Stone of Pilleygreen, Yorkshire, Eng.). She was born Sept. 19, 1830, and came to Utah Oct. 14, 1863, Cyrus Wheelock com- pany. Their children: Encora Lurena; William W.; Alfred W., m. Elizabeth Snowball; Sarah Ann, m. Alma Flndlay; Susannah Adelia; George W., m. Annie Wilcox; Mary Luella; Zettie May, m. Manasseh Kearl. President elders quorum; high priest. Justice of the peace; deputy U. S. marshal; member territorial legislature two terms, and of constitutional convention of 1872. Farmer. Died Oct. 25, 1886, Laketown, Utah. NEBEKER, WILLIAM PERRT (son of John Nebeker and Lurena Fitzgerald). Born Sept. 5, 1836, Reily, Butler Co., Ohio. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sarah Ivins McKean Oct. 31, 1STO, Salt Lake City (daughter of Theodore McKean and Mary Page Gulick of Toms River, Ocean county, N. J., pioneers 1867). She was born April 11, 1849. Their children: Theodore M. b. Aug. 28, 1871; Maud b. Jan. 31, 1874, m. Clarence A. Thompson; Sarah Lurena b. April 20, 1876, m. William L. Emery; Wil- liam Perry b. Sept. 17, 1876; Laura b. Sept. 17, 1876, m. Milton B. Parks; Mary Page b. Sept. 9. 1878; Ethel b. Feb. 10, 1880. Family home Laketown, Utah. Married Phoebe Stafford Tingey Feb. 19, 1885, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Tingey and Phoebe Stafford, pio- neers Sept. 1, 1852). She was born Dec. 20, 1854. Their children: Charles Stafford; Leo Stokes; Harold Wesley. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Germany, France and Switzerland. Mem- ber territorial legislature; U. S. census enumerator. Notary public. Died Oct. 16, 1910. NEBEKER, IRA (son of John Nebeker and Lurena Fitz- gerald). Born June 23, 1839, Vermilion, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, George B. Wallace company. Married Delia Lane 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hyrum Lane and Naomi Chase of Jamestown, Grant county, Wis., latter a pioneer 1850). She was born June 30, 1845. Their children: John, m. Josephine Wahlstrom; Hyrum, m. Almlra Hulme; Frank K., b. May 15. 1870, m. Lillian M. Martineau June 10, 1891; Horace G., m. Florence Gwilliam; Clara, m. Joseph A. Hulme; Naomi, m. W. Z. Terry; Ella, m. H. C. Parker; Erne, m. William Jardine; Laura, m. George Torgeson; Ruby, m. Guy Cardon. Family resided Laketown and Logan, Utah. Bishop of Laketown 1868-1905. Member board county selectmen several terms. Farmer and stockraiser. Died April 29, 1905, Los Angeles, Cal. NEBEKER, FRANK K. (son of Ira Nebeker and Delia Lane). Born May 15, 1870, Laketown, Utah. Married Lillian Martineau June 10, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of James H. Martineau and Susan Julia Sherman of Logan; former pioneer July 22, 1850, latter October, 1863). She was born Aug. 13, 1868. Their children: Frank K.. Jr., b. July 2, 1892; Marjorie b. April 10, 1896; Lyman M. b. Nov. 27, 1899; Joyce b. Aug. 10, 1901; Delia b. April 26. 1906; Ruth b. May 21. 1909. Family resided Logan and Salt Lake City, Utah. Instructor of mathematics at Brigham Young College, Logan, Utah. Cache county attorney two terms; district attorney of first judicial district. Lawyer. \i:i)i)0. ISAAC JAMES (son of Charles Neddo of Monroe, Monroe county, Mich., born March 7, 1812, and Caroline Elizabeth Caldwell of La Salle, Monroe county, born Nov. 3, 1827, in Canada married in 1849). He was born March 14, 1851, La Salle, Monroe county, Mich. Came to Utah 1863, independent company. Married Pauline S. Burridge Jan. 8, 1880 (daughter of George Wllcox Burridge and Hannah Jane Shaw married Nov. 16, 1847, In England pioneers Oct. 24, 1856, Milo An- drus company). She was born Feb. 26, 1858, Tooele, Utah. Their children: Isaac James b. May 1, 1882, m. Alice Oster- hout June 2, 1906; Hannah Pearl b. Aug. 8, 1884, m. Aaron A. Zolllnger Nov. 24, 1909; Agnes Elizabeth b. Jan. 6, 1888, m. Archie E. Lloyd June 5, 1907; Ivie Grace b. June 26, 1890, m. Alma Rasmussen May 26, 1909; Charlotte b. July 11, 1892; Ella Pauline b. Jan. 6, 1897; George Willard b. March 6, 1900; Annie Marlon b. July 8, 1902. Family home St. John, Tooele Co., Utah. Veteran Black Hawk war. Brought Immigrants to Utah In 1868 under John Gillespie. Missionary to northern states In 1890; president Y. M. M. I. A.; high priest. Farmer and sheepraiser. NEDDO, ISAAC JAMES, JR. (son of Isaac James Neddo and Pauline S. Burridge). Born May 1, 1882, St. John, Utah. Married Alice Osterhout June 2, 1906, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John Carlos Osterhout, born at Willard, Utah, and Lottie Estella Condit). Their children: Estella Pauline b. Oct. 31, 1906; Isaac James b. March 12, 1908; Milton Le Roy b. May 13, 1910. Family home Malta, Cassia Co., Idaho. Sunday school superintendent; ward clerk; counselor to president of Y. M. M. I. A. in Malta, Cassia Co., Idaho. President Malta brass band. Farmer and stockraiser. Darsbury, pioneers 1854), who was born March 10, 1826. Their children: Sophia, d. infant; Mary Alice, m. George C. Lambert; James and John, d. Infants; William A., m. Eliza- beth Brown; Martha E., m. William T. Rose; George H., d. Infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Martha Barton November, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Barton and Martha Skinner of Dover, Eng., pioneers 1856). She was born Jan. 25, 1838, in Dover. Their children: Thomas B. b. Feb. 16, 1862; Georgiana B. b. Sept. 10, 1864; Muriel B. b. Sept. 24, 1867; Louisa B. b. Aug. 12, 1871; Frank B. b. Dec. 9, 1873; Albert B. b. Jan. 15. 1876. Married Elizabeth Snalem March 27. 1858 (daughter of William and Martha Snalem, pioneers 1854), who was born March, 1842, Preston, Eng. Their children: Walter S. b. Oct. 12, 1865, m. Kate Hansen; Nellie S. b. April 23, 1873. m. Benjamin Fullmer. One of presidents of seventies; missionary to England 1866-69. School teacher. Merchant. Died June 7. 1890. Salt Lake City. M:I:I>II AM. JOHN (son of James Needham of Arton. York- shire, Eng.). Born April 1, 1819, in Yorkshire. Came to Utah 1850. Married Martha Millens June 27, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Millens of Arton, who died on plains en route to Utah). She was born Sept. 14, 1833. Their chil- dren: Elizabeth T., m. Charles Tuckfleld; Amelia J.. m. Seth Tingey, m. Fred T. Taylor; Edward H. N., m. Lydia Green; Charles A., d. aged 21; William and Clara, d. infants; Maud L., m. Frank Earl; Claude N. and Seymore, d. Infants. Family home, Salt Lake City. Patriarch; member 13th quorum seventies; missionary to England nine years; block teacher. Manager clothing de- partment Z. C. M. I. many years. Died June, 1901, Logan, Utah. NEEDHAM, JONATHAN (son of Joseph and Jane Needham of Lancastershire, Eng.). Born Dec. 4, 1836, in Lancaster- shire. Came to Utah Oct. 20, 1862, Horton D. Haight com- pany. Married Mary Ann Furnias Jan. 20, 1856, Ashton-Under- Lyne, Lancastershire, Eng. (daughter of Samuel Furniss and Elizabeth Simpson of Yorkshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 20, 1862, Horton D. Haight company). She was born April 14, 1839. Their children: Martha, d. infant; Joseph B., d. aged 1 year; Lorenzo; Jane E., m. Alexander S. Gillespie; Jonathan, m. Georgina Brown; Charles William, m. Julia F. Donavan; Sarah, died; Francis H., d. aged 1 year. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Assistant jailer. Laborer. Died May 1, 1873. NEKLEY, ARMENIUS MILLER (son of Lewis Neeley and Elizabeth Miller of Illinois). Born Jan. 7, 1836, in Ver- milion county. 111. Came to Utah in 1849. Married Susan Morgan Dec. 22, 1856 (daughter of William and Betsy Morgan), who was born Dec. 8, 1841. Their chil- dren: Armenius Miller b. Sept. 30, 1857, m. Emma A. Mecham Nov. 25, 1879; Orson D. b. Dec. 23. 1859, m. Mary Shumway Nov. 26, 1880; Dora E. b. June 26, 1861, m. Joseph S. Geddes Dec. 29, 1882; Lauretta G. b. April 14, 1863, m. William Chadwick Nov. 25, 1879; William L. b. May 7, 1865, m. Louisa Foster Dec. 21, 1887; Jonathan H. b. Sept. 2, 1867, m. Elizabeth M. Packer Nov. 25, 1892; Lo- renzo H. b. June 8, 1869; Eli Davis b. May 6, 1871; Ezra Ellas b. June B, 1872, m. Eliza F. Lowe; Mary Myrum b. Sept. 19, 1874, m. Amasa Beekstead Nov. 13, 1895; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 14, 1876; Susan b. Dec. 31, 1877, m. Benjamin Dunkley. Family home Franklin, Idaho. NEELEY. ARMENIUS MILLER, JR. (son of Armenius Mil- ler Neeley and Susan Morgan). Born Sept. 30, 1857, Brig- ham City, Utah. Married Emma A. Mechnm Nov. 25. 1879 (daughter of Leonidas C. Mecham and Margaret E. Champlaln), who was born Nov. 30, 1860, Provo, Utah. Their children: Chloe A. b. Sept. 27, 1880, m. Francis J. Waters April 2, 1903; Leslie A. b. July IB, 1882, m. Mary Evans March 29, 1906; Ira L. b. Jan. 23, 1884, m. Myrtle Greaves Dec. 13, 1905; Asa H. b. Dec. 15. 1885, d. Oct. 30. 1897; Orville b. March 11, 1889, m. Allda Peterson April 27, 1910; Loren b. Jan. 22, 1891. m. Jennie Hymas Nov. 27, 1912; Myrtle b. April 7. 1893; Clarence b. Oct. 6, 1895; Milton b. March 22, 1898: Herschel M. b. April 13, 1899: Lowell M. b. Sept. 13, 1902. Family home Riverdale, Idaho. Assistant postmaster 21 years. Assistant superintendent Sunday school 16 years. School trustee 18 years. M:I'.IMI \>I. JAMES (son of James Needham and Mary Armitage of Warrington, Eng. Born Aug. 20, 1826, at War- rington. Came to Utah October, 1854. Married Alice Warburton Jan. 24, 1849, Darsbury, Engr. (daughter of John Warburton and Martha Wilkinson of NEELEY, LEWIS (son of John Neeley and Elizabeth Miller of Ohio). Born Oct. 4, 1806, in Ohio. Came to Utah I860, Captain Wall company. Married Elizabeth Miller April 20, 1828, in Ohio (daughter of Armenius Miller, that state), who was born April 4. 1808. Their children: Alanson; William, m. Hellen Car- bath; Armenius, m. Susan Morgan; Mary Jane, m. Jona- than C. Wright; Harriet, m. William Strong; Lewis, m. Maud Mary Treseder; John; Hyrum; Elizabeth. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. Farmer. Died Nov. 6, 1856. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 106.5 NBELET, LEWIS, JR. (son of Lewis Neeley and Elizabeth Miller). Born Aug. 1, 1841, Vermilion county. 111. Came to Utah 18BO, Captain Wall company. Married Maud M. Treseder Aug. 3, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard D. Treseder and Elizabeth Makay of same place, pioneers 1862, William Godby company). She was born June 20, 1849. Their children: Lewis Richard b. June 7, 1870, m. Elizabeth Hughs; Ada Elizabeth b. Sept. B, 1873, m. Ell S. Winward; Maud Irene b. June 6, 1876, died; Etna May b. June 30, 1877, m. Thomas Whitman; Harvey LeRoy b. Aug. 20, 1879. m. Hedwig Bills; George Raymond b. Oct. 16, 1881; Willard b. Feb. 3.' 1884, m. Hannah Atkinson; Ella Dean b. March 9. 1887, died; Mary Anna, died. Family home Granite, Utah. High priest. Mail carrier between Sandy and Alta. Farmer. Went to Missouri in 1860 for freight. Drove stage for Ben Halllday 1861. Went to Missouri and Colorado for freight 1863: and to Los Angeles and Montana 1864. Ap- pointed deputy sheriff of Salt Lake City 1883, under John Groesbeck. mark). Their children: Sophus, m. Mary Petty; Maria, ra. Thorvald Peterson; Anna Chrlstena, d. infant; Oscar, m. Mary Jane Bearnson; Thorvald, m. Ethel Nelson; Fanny, d. Infant; Guy, m. Eunice Madsen; Myrtle. Family home Manti, NEELEY, WILLIAM N. (son of John Neeley of Ireland and Elizabeth Miller, born Oct. 8, 1808, Miami, Ohio). He was born Aug. 29, 1830, in Dane county, Wis. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company. Married Helen Cravath Sept. 19, 1862 (daughter of Austin Cravath and Eliza Doty), who was born Sept. 19, 1836. Their childri-n: Viroqua V., m. Peter Nelson; Lauretta, m. Israel Hunsaker; William, died; Laura, m. Frank Hunsaker; Mary Elizabeth, m. John Smith; Lewis and Horace, died; Arthur C., m. Rose House; Ira J., m. Mr. Loveland; Alferette, m. William Hunsaker. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Married Mary C. Nelson April. 1862, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Neils and Ingabas Nelson of Denmark). She was born June 17, 1847, Sjelland, Denmark. Their children: John Miller b. Nov. 12, 1864, m. Ellen Johnson; Oliver b. 1866 and Lucy Sophia b. Jan. 24, 1878, died; Amos William b. Dec. 26, 1870, m. Ada M. Natts; Enos Austin b. May 19, 1873, m. Eva Ricks; Elanson Armennina b. Sept. 10, 1875, and Melleturde Alvlra b. June 18. 1877, died; Helen May b. March 9, 1879, m. B. Thomas Morris; Isabella b. March 5, 1881, m. Theodore Daniels; Peter Edgar b. Sept. 3, 1883; Ruben Snow b. March 18, 1885, m. Myrl Heyeslov; Irene b. Sept. 2. 1888, m. David Whitaker; Viola b. Feb. 16, 1891, died. Family home Oneida Co., Idaho. Bishop of Bear River City ward, Utah, and Neeley ward, Idaho. Founded village of Neeley, Idaho. NEELEY, PETER E. (son of William Neelt-y and Mary C. Nelson). Born Sept. 3, 1883, Neeley. Idaho. NEIBAUR, ALEXANDER (sort of Nathan Neibaur and Re- becca Peretz Samuel of Ehrenbreitstein, near Coblenz, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia). Born Jan. 8. 1808, In Ehrenbreit- etein. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young com- pany. Married Ellen Breakell Sept. 16, 1833, Preston, Eng. (daughter of Richard Breakell and Alice Bannister of Preston), who was born Feb. 28, 1811. Their children: Joseph William, m. Elizabeth Cranshaw; Margaret, m. Wil- liam Miller; Isaac, m. Emily Holland; Samuel, died; Alice, m. Morris Rosenbaum; Bertha, m. Levl Pangburn; Hyrum Smith, m. Jane Sprigs; Leah, m. Adam M. Paul; Sarah Ellen, m. John O'Driscoll; Rebecca Ann, m. Charles W. Nibley; Matilda Isabel, m. William Lorden; Nathan Alexander, m. Georgiana Clyde, m. Lena Borup; Rachel and Mary Esther, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 5th quorum seventies. Dentist, and original matchmaker in Utah. Died Dec. 16, 1876. NEILSON, HOGAN (parents lived at Belivelia, Sweden). Came to Utah September, 1862, oxteam company. Married Johanna Larson in Sweden. Their children: Ma- tilda, m. George A. Wilcox; Christina, m. Willard Kofford; Johanna, died; Hyrum, m. Fanny Fisher, m. Malinda Malissa McBrlde. Family home Mount Pleasant, Utah. NELSEN, ANDRTCTV. Born March 8, 1834, Velle, Denmark. Came to Utah 1852 by oxteam. Married Metta Nelsen at Spring City, Utah (daughter of Godfrey Nelsen, of Jutland, Denmark), who was born 1827. Their children: Andrew, m. Annie Lorentzen; Emma, m. John Lemon; August, m. Maggie Brown and Elmina Stevens; Christian, m. Caroline Olsen; Joseph, m. Eleanor Worthen and Annie Sorensen. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Christina Jensen July 1858, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Jens J. Jensen and Anna Lucile Fransen, both of Sjelland, Denmark, "pioneers September, 1857, handcart com- pany). She was born March 7, 1840. Their children: James, m. Mary Olsen; Hyrum, m. Arttmisla Lowry. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Camilla Miller 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Soren Miller and Anna Chrlstena Hirch, of Roscoe, Den- mark, pioneers 1860, last handcart company). Their chil- dren: Erastus, m. Celia Olsen; Annie, m. William Geek; Clara, m. James P. Nelson; Franklin, m. Dorothy Calkins Thompson; Julia, d. child; Matilda, d. child. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Sophia Miller 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Soren Miller and Anna Chrlstena Hirch, of Roscoe, Den- Utah. Hawk war- Farm er. Died September, NELSEN, ANDREW, JR. (son of Andrew Nelsen and Metta Nelsen). Born April 2, 1857, Manti, Utah. Married Anna L. Lorentzen July 12, 1880, Manti, Utah (daughter of Christen Lorentzen and Dorthea Larsen of Holbek amt, Sjelland. Folleslov, Denmark; came to Utah July 3, 1878). She was born Feb. 15, 1863. Their children- Andrew Lawrence b. March 25, 1881, m. Rhoda L. Smith- Metta Elnora b. Nov. 8, 1882; Lillian D. b. Dec. 21 1884 ' Silvia T. b. Nov. 6, 1886; Anna Ethel b. Oct. 16, 1889 : Jess R. b. Nov. 29, 1890; Mildred M. b. July 31, 1893- Stanley C. b. Nov. 25, 1895; Linda M. b. July 28, 1899; James Rulon b. May 19, 1901; Ernest Edwin b. May 23, 1904; Emma Mar- garet b. June 2, 1908. Family home Ferron. Utah. NELSEN, ERASTUS (son of Andrew Nelsen and Camilla Miller). Born Jan. 29, 1872, Manti. Utah. Married Celia Olsen March 10, 1897, Ferron, Utah (daugh- ter of Ole Olsen and Elsie King, both of Ferron and Spring City, Utah; former a pioneer, handcart company). She was born May 10, 1877. Their children: Celia Edrie b. June 7, 1898; Charles Foster b. Aug. 16, 1900; Gall Elden b. Jan. 3, 1903; Zelma Lelta b. Jan. 9, 1905; Lyle O. b. Feb. 11, 1907 d. infant; Vivian b. Jan. 18, 1908. Family home Ferron, Utah. Farmer and dairyman. Died Nov. 27, 1910. NELSEN, MADS P. (son of Madson Nelsen of Ephraim). Born Aug. 5, 1835. in Denmark. Came to Utah in 1862. Married Margaret Hansen 1860, at Ephraim. Parents lived at Lehi, Utah. Came to Utah in 1862. She was born Jan 11. 1829. Their children: Andrew C. b. Jan. 20, 1864, m. Amanda Jansen; Charles C. b. in 1866, m. Tora Brimholt- Peter C. b. In 1868, m. Hulda Brimholt; Nels P. b. Jan. 16, 1872, m. Amanda Bunnel. Family home Redmond, Utah Seventy. School trustee. Teacher; farmer. Died Jan 29, 1880. NELSON, ANDREW C. (son of Mads P. Nelsen and Margaret Hansen). Born Jan. 20, 1864, at Ephraim, Utah. Married Amanda Jansen Aug. 5, 1872, at Redmond. Utah (daughter of John A. Jansen and Andrea Petersen, of Ephraim, Utah; they came to Utah in September, 1863, with the Doms company). She was born March 28, 1863. Their children: Andrew C. b. June 8, 1886, m. Leah Tuttle; Chloe A b. Nov. 1, 1887, m. Emerson J. Miller; Joseph C. b. Jan 7 1891; C. Lamar b. June 9, 1893; Claron b. March 13, 1895; Marion C. b. Jan. 11, 1897; Charles I. b. April 19, 1898; Everett Y. b. Oct. 2, 1900, died; Lloyd C. b. Jan. 26, 1903; Clyde E b Sept. 29, 1905; Cleo L. b. Aug. 19, 1907. Seventy; president Y. M. M. I. A.; tithing clerk. County superintendent of schools; state superintendent of school! since 1900 (term expires 1917). NELSEN, SAREN (son of Christian Nelsen and Christina Peterson, born in Denmark). He was born Jan. 10, 1866, Denmark. Came to Utah 1864. Captain Preston company. Married Elmyra Purser In 1877 (daughter of Frank Purser and Fannie Enon, pioneers 1861 and 1868). She came to Utah 1864, Captain Preston company. Their children: David b. 1882, m. Olga Fern Topping; Pearl b. 1884, m. Thomas J. Barger; Mary b. 1888; Frank b. 1890; Glenn b. 1897; Ruby b. 1900; Edith b. 1902; Stanley b. 1904. Family home Treasureton, Idaho. High priest; bishop's counselor. Farmer; stockraiser. NELSON, AARON (son of James and Sarah Nelson, Lamb- ley, Eng.). Born March 6, 1823, Lambley. Came to Utah in 1863. Married Mary Stamforth. Only child: William b. April 4, 1844, at Lambley, m. Mary Alice Thompson. Married Selvia Rulfreyman March 19, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Rulfreyman and Hannah Butler of Denbigh, Eng., pioneers 1862, Captain Hyde company). She was born Sept. 24, 1843. Their children: Hannah, m. Ed- ward H. Snow; James, died; Alice, m. Lafayette Carter; Mary, m. Henry Kemp; Amelia, died; Selma; Alma, m. Rose Reucher; Lettie, m. Heber E. Harrison; Joseph, died; Jennie; Edward, m. Nellie Lamb. Family home St. George, Utah. High priest. City sexton and marshal; assessor and col- lector. Shoemaker. Died Oct. 3. 1908. NELSON, DAVID (son of Jonathan Nelson and Eunice Stone of Shrewsbury, Worcester county. Mass.). Born 1801, Shrewsbury, Mass. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1852, Thomas Tldwell company. Married Mary Thompson Miller March 6, 1836, Providence, R. I. (daughter of George and Mary Miller of Providence: latter came to Utah 1873). She was born 1818. Their chil- dren: Mary Eunice; James Horace, m. Sarah Ann Pool, m. Annie B. Peterson; Josiah; David George; Samuel Jonathan: Martha Ann. Family home Ogden, Utah. 1066 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Elizabeth Jane West. Their children: Louis, d. infant; Henry Walker; Guy Brown, m. Alice Cave; Earl, d. infant. Missionary to eastern states 1872-73; high priest. Justice of peace at Kaysville, Utah. Died September, 1882, Ogden. Utah. NELSON, JAMES HORACE (son of David Nelson and Mary Thompson Miller). Born March 28, 1839, Jacksonville, Mor- gan county, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1862, Thomas Tid- well company. Married Sarah Ann Pool Aug. 1, 1859, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of William and Elizabeth Pool of Ogden, pioneers 1862, oxteam company). She was born 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: James Horace b. May 21, 1860; David George b. Nov. 24, 1862; Sarah Elizabeth b. Dec. 30, 1865; Mary Mar- tha b. April 10, 1868; William Francis b. Sept. 21, 1871; Chester Pool b. Feb. 16. 1874; Roscoe Miller b. March 30, 1876; Summer Parker b. June 7, 1879: Maynard Elliott b. Jan. 7. 1882; Leland Kay b. April 6, 1884. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Annie B. Peterson Aug. 21, 1876. Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Peterson and Petrina Barlak of Ogden, Utah; came to Utah 1875). Their children: Annie Amelia b. July 12. 1877; Clarence Smith b. July 29. 1879; Ella Eva- line b. May 22, 1881; Lillie Nicoline b. March 16, 1883; Ellen Josephine b. July 8, 1885; Howard Stanley b. Aug. 6, 1887; Mabel Exila b. Aug. 9, 1889; Horace Jacob b. May 6, 1891; Waldo Petersen b. Aug. 2, 1893; Wilford Leslie b. June 19, 1896; Daniel Stone b. June 1, 1897; Edna Joan b. Aug. 11, 1904. Missionary to eastern states 1872-73; senior president 63d quorum seventies 26 years. Real estate agent; farmer. NELSON, EDMOND (son of Thomas B. Nelson and Martha Williams of North Carolina and Illinois). Born Dec. 12, 1799, in North Carolina. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1850, Thomas Johnson company. Married Jane Taylor 1828, Mt. Vernon, Jefferson county, 111. (daughter of Thomas Billington Taylor and Martha Mardgelin of Jefferson county), who was born Jan. 1, 1807. Their children: Pryce Williams, m. Lyda Lake; Hyrum, m. Susan A. Wimmer; William Goforth b. June 10, 1831, m. Elvira Vail; Thomas B. b. May 9, 1833, m. Mary Walker; Joseph Smith b. Dec. 30, 1838, m. Hannah Patten; Edmond, m. Annie Petersen; Mark b. May 6, 1844, m. Orphla Dowdell. Family home Alpine, Utah. NELSON, WILLIAM GOFORTH (son of Edmond Nelson and Jane Taylor). Born June 10, 1831, Jefferson county. 111. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1860, Thomas Johnson company. Married Elvira Vail Nov. 26, 1856, Alpine, Utah (daughter of Gamaliel Vail, who died June 7, 1844, and Martha Bar- tholomew of McLean county. III., pioneers Sept. 1, 1861, Morris Phelps company married March, 1830). She was born April 25, 1839, and came to Utah, Morris Phelps com- pany. Their children: William b. Aug. 31, 1856, d. Aug. 16, 1867; Elvira b. Jan. 18, 1858, d. Sept. 23, 1863; Martha b. Oct. 25, 1859, d. April 28, 1891; Luna b. Sept. 18, 1861. m. Charles F. Chadwick; Emmaline b. Sept. 10, 1863, m. Alex- ander Stalker; George Goforth b. Sept. 25, 1865, m. Eliza Preece; Rhoda b. Oct. 28. 1867, m. William J. Davis; Brig- ham Young b. July 20, 1869, m. Nancy C. Bagley; Gamaliel Vail b. Dec. 8, 1871, m. Emma E. Packer; Angela b. Jan. 11, 1874, m. William T. Packer; Rachel b. Dec. 8, 1876. d. Dec. 23, 1878; Taylor Nelson b. Dec. 23, 1878, m. Susie Hawkes; Ezra b. Sept. 5, 1881. Family resided Alpine, Utah, and Franklin, Oxford and Rtvcrdale, Idaho. Bishop Oxford. Idaho. Oneida stake. 1864-76; member of Oneida stake high council 12 years. Farmer; stockraiser. NELSON, HENRY (son of Thomas Nelson and Elizabeth Thompson). Born Sept. 18, 1826, in England. Came to Utah in 1850, oxteam company. Married Sarah Ann Richmond in 1847 at Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Thomas Richmond and Sarah Burrah, both of England), who was born Nov. 20, 1829. Their children: Hy. Thomas, m. Mary Ellen McMillian; Elizabeth Ann, m. Ely Gordon; Jesse .Richmond, m. Annie Bonner; William Richard; Wilford. m. Matilda H. Peterson, m. Sadie Morse; Sarah Alice, m. Robert Baird; Merch Jane, m. Henry Moss; Joseph Everett, m. Mary J. Casper; Margaret, m. Thomas L. Vincent; Emmie, died; John Benjamin; Hiram, died; Mary Emily, m. Bartl Gappmayer. Family home Heber City, Utah. High priest; farmer. Died Sept. 8, 1910, at Burrville, Utah. NELSON, ISAAC (son of Thomas Nelson and Elizabeth Thompson, both of Westmoreland, Eng.). Born In West- moreland. Came to Utah 1851, oxteam company. Married Margaret Weston 1863, Provo, Utah. Their chil- dren: Isaac, m. Esther Birch; Elizabeth, m. Edgar Parry; Ann, m. James Fisher; Ellen, m. Jake Young; John, m. Mag- gie Kirkwood; Mary Eliza, died; Fannie, m. Mervin Bowen; Rose, m. John Vincent; David, m. Annie Skinner; Joseph, died. Family home Provo. Utah. High priest; ward teacher: Sunday school teacher; block teacher. Farmer. Died at Provo, Utah. Married Annie Maria Anderson in 1856 at Salt Lake City. She was born June 18, 1837. Their children: Daniel C., m. Mary Sorenson (d. 1896), m. Cecilia Sorenson 1900; Andrew, m. Mena Daniels; Joseph, m. Leonora Smith; Mary, m. Lara Johnson; James C., died; Annie N., m. William Hylor. Fam- ily home Moroni, Utah. Seventy; missionary. Mayor of Moroni. Merchant; farmer. NELSON. JOSEPH (son of Jens C. Nelson and Annie Maria Anderson). Born Dec. 30, 1862, Moroni, Utah. Married Leonora Smith June 14, 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter of President Joseph F. Smith and Sarah E. Rich- ards. She was born Jan. 30, 1871. Their children: Joseph S. b. Feb. 22, 1897; George S. b. Oct. 20, 1898; Alvin S. b. Aug. 7, 1900; Alice b. Sept. 27, 1901; Franklin S. b. Sept. 26, 1906. Family home, Salt Lake City. Early life spent on the farm and in the lumber and tia camps; helped build the Utah Central Railway grade in 1879. Student and school teacher 20 years. President and manager Saltair Beach Company; president and manager Salt Lake & Los Angeles R. R. Engaged in banking 1901-07, and in mining 20 years. NELSON, JOHN (son of Nels Nelson, Cosalt, Tennesea). Born Oct. 7, 1827, at Tennesea, Eringa Halland Lan, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1864, William B. Preston company. Married Annetta Benson in 1852 (daughter of Nels Benson, who died in Sweden, and Johannah Johanson, pioneer Sept. 31, 1862, Captain Home company). She was born Dec. 9, 1832. Their children: Matilda b. 1853; James Peter b. Dec. 13. 1855; Nels August b. May 8, 1857, m. Fidelia Ellen Koffoed Jan. 24, 1884; Josephine b. 1859; Amanda b. 1862; Annetta Josephine b. Nov. 18, 1864, m. Joseph Jonas 1882; Joseph Hyrum b. June 14, 1868, m. Delilah ; Jacob and Jacobine (twins) b. 1870; Lottie Abigail b. 1871; Moses b. Oct. 1873. Family home Logan, Cache county, Utah. NELSON, NELS AUGUST (son of John Nelson and Annetta Benson Nelson). Born May 8, 1857, Eringa, Halland Lan, Sweden. Married Fidelia Ellen Koffoed Jan. 24, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Paul Ernest Koffoed and Fanny Myrlck, who came to Utah 1853, John Forsgren company). She was born April 29, 1858, Ephraim, Utah. Their children: August Lev! b. April 27, 1885; Lawrence Egbert b. Nov. 5, 1886; Paul Ernest b. June 13, 1888; James Hyrum b. April 24, 1890; Virgil Homer b. May 15, 1892; Moses Aaron b. June 29, 1894; Fidelia Ellen b. Oct. 12, 1897. Sunday school superintendent 22 years; ward teacher 24 years; president of Y. M. M. I. A. and other minor offices such as religion class worker committee on finance of L. D. S. U.; high councilor 11 years; member of Sunday school lecture bureau. NELSON (NIELSEN), JENS C. (son of Niels Jensen of Den- mark). Born Aug. 10, 1830, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1856. NELSON, KNI7D CHRESTENSEN (son of Chresten Nelsen and Bergette Chrestensen, of Oppelstrup, Denmark). Born Nov. 24, 1793. Oppelstrup. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, John Forsgren company. Married Karen Magratte Jenson (daughter of Chresten Jenson and Mette Chrestensen), who was born Nov. 28, 1803. Their children: Christiana b. Jan. 6, 1830, m. Goudy Hogan; Chresten b. Nov. 1831, m. Mary Israelson; Bergette b. Aug. 5, 1833, m. Goudy Hogan; Mette Marie b. May 3, 1835. m. Thomas M. Jeffs Aug. 1854; Ann b. March 17, 1839, m. Goudy Hogan; Jens Christian b. May 8, 1841, m. Eliza S. Bryson Nov. 21, 1869; Nels b. April 19, 1842. m. Karen Marie Larsen March 19, 1865; Christian b. Jan. 24, 1845, m. Char- lotte Vienna Call Nov. 21, 1869. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Joined the church of J. C. of L. D. S., and was baptized Jan. 1, 1851. Crossed the ocean on ship "Foriest Monark." Arrived in Salt Lake 1853. Moved to Bountiful 1854 and bought a farm of Goudy Hogan. Suffered severely from the grasshopper plague. Helped to bring immigrants from the old country, spending all his surplus money for that purpose. High priest. Died April 11, 1862. NELSON, JENS CHRISTIAN (son of Knud C. Nelsen and Karen Magratte Jenson). Born May 8, 1841, at Kjelgaar- den, Aalborg Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah with parents. Married Eliza S. Bryson Nov. 22, 1869, at Salt Lake City Utah (daughter of Samuel Bryson and Sarah Ann Conray, pioneers Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born June 13, 1854, in Glasgow, Scotland. Their children: Jens Knud b. Dec. 2, 1870, m. Sarah Jane Duerden; Samuel Roy b. Oct. 4, 1873, m. Zupporal Parker June 25, 1896: David Melvln b. June 7, 1S76, m. Hattie E. Hatch April 11. 1900; Sarah b. Dec. 25, 1879, m. John Stoker May 17, 1900; Sylvan- nus b. Dec. 25, 1879, m. Cora Moss May 27. 1908; Eliza b. July 10, 1883. m. W. Walter Barlow Sept. 18, 1902; Hyrum b. July 13, 1885, died; Lawrence Nels b. Sept. 10, 1886. m. Ellen B Hatch April 16. 1909; Clarence Christian b. Sept. 10, 1886, m. Athlinda Snowball Oct. 2, 1908; James Everett b. Dec. 7, 1889, m. Mirtle Willey Nov. 2, 1910; Harold Clyde b. Feb. 18, 1894. Family home Bountiful, Davis county, Utah. One of the presidents 74th quorum seventies. Settled at Mill Creek 1853, moved to Bountiful 1854, to Saleratus Creek, Rich county 1874, returned to Bountiful 1883. Com- missioner, Davis county; vice president Deserot Live Stock Co.; farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 6, 1910. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1067 NELSON, JENS KNUD (son of Jens Christian Nelson and Eliza S. Bryson). Born Dec. 2, 1870, at South Bountiful, Utah. Married Sarah J. Duerden (daughter of Richard Duerden and Sarah A. Starkie, pioneers Sept. 15, 1868 who were married February, 1865). She was born July 3, 1874, at South Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Edith Jane b. July 22, 1898- Jens K. b. Nov. 4, 1900; Golda b. Jan 18, 1903: Clarence Merrill b. July 8, 1906; Sarah Alice b. April 17, 1909. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Missionary to New Zealand 1893-97. City councilman Bountiful; treasurer Davis county. NELSON, NELS (son of Knud Chrestensen Nelsen and Karen Magratte Jensen). Born April 19, 1842. Came to Utah with Married Karen Marie Larsen, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Soren Larsen and Ane Marie Jeppesen; the latter came to Utah October, 1860). She was born Dec. 16, 1843. Their children: Nels K. b. May 24, 1866; Ane Marie b. Aug. 17, 1870; Anton C. b. Dec. 29, 1873; Nepht J. b. Feb. 4, 1876. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Anne Petree Johnson (daughter of John Johnson and Marie Isrelson). Their children: Margrette M. A. b. Sept. 22, 1875; Eliza Sophie Nelsen b. Dec. 18, 1877. Farmer; stockralser; mechanic. Died Aug. 26, 1880. NELSON, CHRISTIAN (son of Knud Chrestensen Nelson and Karen Magrette Jensen). Born Jan. 24, 1845, Kjelgaarden, Denmark. Came to Utah with parents. Married Charlotte Vienna Call Nov. 22, 1869, Salt Lake City' (daughter of Anson Vasco Call and Charlotte Holbrook), who was born Nov. 7, 1853, Willard, Utah. Their children: Christine Sorensen; Emma Patrae Nielsen; Ephraim (who has taken their name) b. Oct. 2, 1884, m. Lula Call Oct. 1904; Olena Jane (adopted and sealed) b. April 14, 1897. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Missionary to Denmark 1883-85; high priests second quorum; later first counselor to Bishop J. A. Tolman. Helped to haul stone for the Temple 1863; helped to bring immi- grants across plains 1866; helped settle "Dixie" 1868; then moved to Bountiful; moved to Port Deneuf Valley, Idaho, 1880. While on a mission to Denmark 1883-85, his wife Joined him; on their return home visited Hamburg, Paris, London, Bristol and Liverpool. Moved to his present home Bountiful, 1903. Has spent much time on the frontier. Farmer and stockman. 16, 1884, m. Henry L. Gittlns Aug. 1912; Evelyn b. July 5. 1887, m. Estus N. Hammond, Jr., Dec. 7, 1910; Joseph A. b. March 10, 1889; Arnold R. b. Sept. 5, 1891. Ward teacher for 16 years; presided over elders quorum three years; assistant Sunday school superintendent; bishop's counselor. Justice of the peace for two years. NELSON, LARS P. (son of Peter Nelson and Klertstl T. Nelson, both of Onnestad, Christianstad, Sweden). Born Aug. 25, 1835, Onnestad, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Captain Olsen company. Married Mary Magdalene Lovendahl Nov. 26, 1861, Provo, Utah (son of Henry Lovendahl and Anna Monson, both of Horby, Malmo. Sweden). She was born Feb. 17, 1831. Their children: Anna L. b. Feb. 2, 1863, died; Lars L. b. Oct. 1, 1864, m. Eliza Nelson March 26, 1890; Henry L. b. June 18, 1866; Mary Magdalene b. June 2, 1872, last two died. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to Sweden 1878-79; counselor in high priests' quorum of Utah county stake; high priest. Took an active part In guarding against *he Indians In early days; assisted In building the fort wall around Alpine for protection against Indians; crossed plains 1861, with John Murdock's company to bring Immigrants to Utah. NELSON, LARS LOVENDAHL (son of Lars P. Nelson and Mary Magdalene Lovendahl). Born Oct. 1, 1864, Provo, Utah. Marr.ed Eliza Nelson March 26, 1890, Mantt, Utah (daugh- ter of Jeppa Nelson and Anna Swenson, both of Malmo, Sweden. Came to Utah July 24, 1873). She was born Sept. 16, 1866. Their children: Larence Raymond b. Dec. 1890; Mary Illah b. March 12, 1893; Henry Arthur b. July 28, 1895; Ervin J. b. March 8, 1897; Wilford Karl b. June 26, 1900: Verne Smith b. April 26, 1904; LaGrande Lars b. Nov. 16, 1909. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to Sweden 1890-92; ordained bishop of second ward April 20, 1902; clerk in high council seven years; ward clerk four years; counselor In T. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school teacher. One of the Incorporators of the Provo Building & Loan Association. Provo city recorder 1896-1900; member Provo city council 1900-02; chief deputy county treasurer 1901-09; member Provo city board of equalization 1907-11. Agriculturist. NELSON, LARS PETER (son of Peter Nelson, born March 4, 1799 and Bodel Olsen of Annelef, born 1804, Sweden). He was born Sept. 9, 1834, at Annelef. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, Captain Preston oxteam company. Married Bodel Marie Nelson Oct. 9, 1869 (daughter of Christian Nelson, who came to Utah Aug. 6, 1869, Olsen company, and Karny Nelson). She was born Jan. 30, 1849, died Jan. 13, 1875. Their children: Lorenzo Peter b. Oct. 9, 1870, died 1873; Roxle Marie b. Oct. 17, 1872; Lewis P. b. Jan. 8, 1875, died 1881. Family home Bear River City, Utah. Married Bertha Rasmusen Oct. 13, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Martin Rasmusen, who came to Utah 1874, and Mary Hanson, who came In 1875). She was born Aug. 3, 1847, in Sweden. Their children: Bertha Mary b. July 23. 1876. m. Charles W. Hoopes Aug. 12, 1897; Laurence A. b. April 28, 1878; Orson W. b. Feb. 3, 1880: Emma A. b. May SI, 1882, m. James W. Jenson Aug. 5, 1905; Selma b. June NELSON, SOREN (son of Nels Nelson, of Flada, Denmark). Born March 20, 1803. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856, Knud Peterson company. Married Christiana Hailsen (daughter of Lars Hallsen), who was born March 27, 1804. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856. Knud Peterson company. Their children: Nels C. Nelson b. Jan. 26, 1828, m. Catherine Jensen; Christian b. 1838, m. Josephine Evens; Charlotte b. 1841, m. James Peter Krogue; Otana b. 1846, m. James C. Thomas Nov. 20, 1865. Family home Bloomlngton, Idaho. Farmer. NELSON, NELS CHRISTIAN (son of Soren Nelson and Christiana Hailsen). Born Jan. 26, 1828, Flada, Denmark. Married Catherine Jensen Nov. 11, 1855, Alstrup, Denmark (daughter of Jens Jensen), who was born Dec. 5, 1832, Brattere, Denmark. Their children: Charlotte C. b. Oct. 14, 1857, m. Gilbert Welker; Nels C. b. Feb. 14, 1860, m. Mary Ann Soulsby; James A. b. May 2, 1862, m. Mary E. Arnell; Mary M. b. Aug. 11. 1864, m. Albert B. Dunford; Catherine J. b. April 26, 1867, m. Will Laker; Annie C. b. Sept. 11, 1869, died; Miranda b. Jan. 26, 1872, m. Nelson C. Allred; Warren T. b. March 16, 1875, m. Josephine Jensen. Family home Bloomington, Idaho. Married Ingar Christina Jensen 1863, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter and Mattie Jensen, the latter came to Utah with Independent company). She was born April 7, 3845, Noroks, Denmark. Their children: Andrew b. Aug. 5, 1864; Martha b. April 26. 1867, m. Swan Sanderson; Soren C. b. June 20, 1869, m. Erne Pearce; Joseph b. Oct. 26, 1871. m. Daisy Jones; Jacob b. April 3, 1874; Ingar C. b. Dec. 9, 1876, m. Daniel E. Thornock; Mary Allen b. Sept. 9, 1879, m. Joseph Heap; Sarah b. May 26, 1882, m. John Slzemore; John Thomas b. June 3, 1885. Counselor to Bishop Hulme. Assisted Immigrants to Utah. NELSON, NELS CHRISTIAN JR. (son of Nela Christian Nelson and Catherine Jensen). Born Feb. 14, 1860, In Utah. Married Mary Ann Soulsby Sept. 22, 1881, Salt Lake City, Utah, Endowment house, who was born Sept. 27, 1863, North- umberland, Eng. Their children: Elenor Ann b. Aug. 16, 1882, m. David Alma Thornock June 17, 1900; Joseph Chris- tian b. July 20, 1885, m. Mary Amanda Johnson April 11, 1907; Edward b. July 19, 1888; James Leo b. Dec. 31, 1891; Jane Dorothy b. May 9, 1894; Jesse Roy b. Dec. 1, 1896; Cardon Phillops b. Doc. 23, 1899; Annie Laura b. July 27, 1903. NELSON, SWANTY (son of Anna Jacobson). Born October 1853. in Sweden. Came to Utah 1862. Married Charlotte Johnson, Salt Lake City, Utah Nov. 23, 1874 (daughter of Johannes Johnson and Annie Gabriel, of Sweden, who came to Utah 1871). She was born Nov. 12, 1849. Their children: Alice Josephine b. Sept. 9, 1875, m. .- Lars P. Larson, d. Sept. 21, 1908; Swanty William b. Feb. 24, 1877, m. Sarah Penelope Bettridge; Caroline b. July 25, 1878, m. Thomas Taylor; Annie Loretta b. Nov. 6, 1880, m. John S. Smith; Jacob Raymon b. Dec. 8, 1882, d. Feb. 11, 1899; Clarence LeRoy b. Oct. 25, 1884; Julia May b. April 29, 1887; Parley Wallace b. Feb. 9. 1889; Pherry Edgar b. April 21, 1891; Estella Louisa b. May 15, 1893; Elva Rachel b. April 20, 1896, d. Nov. 14, 1900. Family home Oakley, Idaho. Second counselor to Bishop John L. Smith, at Oakley, from July 1888 to May 1900; first counselor to Bishop R. H. Hunter, second ward of Oakley, from May 1900 to Oct. 1909; missionary among the Indians in Tooele county; ward teacher In Oakley, at present county road commissioner. Canyon district, Cassia county. Farmer. NESLEN, SAMCEL (son of Richard Neslen of Mutford, Suffolk, Eng.). Born Dec. 3, 1808, at Mutford, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company. Married Eunice Francis (daughter of Robert Francis and Rachel Burgess, Lowestoft, Suffolk, Eng.). She was born June 8, 1809. Their children: Sussanah, m. Claude V. Spencer; Samuel F., d. aged 27; Robert F., m. Eleanor Stevens, m. Eliza Savell; Elizabeth B., m. Samuel Tucker; Esther F., m. Samuel Dean; Eunice, m. William H. Foster; Phoebe N., m. George M. Ottlnger; William F., m. Eleanor Mitchell, m. Eliza Westerman, m. Mary Evans; Hannah, m. John Sharp Jr. Family home Salt Lake City. President Lowestoft Branch, Suffolk, Eng. Carpenter and cabinetmaker. Died Aug. 29, 1888. NESLEN, WILLIAM F. (son of Samuel Neslen, born Dec. 10, 1807, Mutford, Suffolkshlre, Eng.. and Eunice Francis, born June 1808, Lowestoft, Eng.). He was born Jan. 5, 1841, Lowestoft, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853. His children: William Samuel; Eunice Mitchell; Samuel Francis; Margaret Grace; Alfred Clements; David Arthur; Eleanor; Charles Frederick; Pearl Westerman; Ruby; Ethel Evans. Veteran Civil war 1861-62; and Black Hawk war 1866. IOCS PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH NEWBOLD, JOSEPH (son of John Newbold, born 1820 at Castle Donington, Lincolnshire, Eng., and Elizabeth Dakin, born 1820, Castle Donington, both of Draycott, Eng.). He was born April 12, 1858, Breaston, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1873, James I. Hart company. Married Hanna M. Chrlstensen October. 1882 (daughter of Neils C. Christensen and Bertha M. Sorensen, pioneers 1852, John R. Murdock company). She was born Sept. 22, 1866. Smithfleld, Utah. Their children: Joseph N. b. Sept. 29, 1884, m. Jennie M. Cole April 6. 1906; Bertie E. b. Sept. 24, 1886, m. Ole Sonne June 27, 1906; Metta P. b. May 28, 1893; Gertie E. b. Nov. 23, 1896. Family home, Smithfleld. Bishop of fourth ward, Logan, 1906; president 64th quo- rum seventies; missionary to England 1890-92, and to cen- tral states July 12, 1906; assistant superintendent of Sun- day school, fourth ward, Logan; chorister Smithfleld ward 1876-94; also Logan, fourth ward. 1896-1906. Director in the Cache Valley Banking Company. Logan, Utah. Merchant. NEWELL. ELLIOT ALFRED (son of Alman Newell and Olive Comstock of Amboy, Oswego county, N. T.). Born Aug. 20, 1830. Amboy. Came to Utah October, 1852. Married Maria Louisa Roberts May 4, 1851, Kanesville. Iowa (daughter of Horace Roberts and Harriett McEvers of Montezuma. 111., pioneers 1851). She was born Nov. 11, 1829, Montezuma; died Sept. 15. 1904. Their children: Luella Isola, m. Gilbert Oliver Haws: Elliot Alfred, m. Ma- linda Loveridge; Arthur, m. Caroline Haws; Myron C., m. Alice Smoot; Celia O., m. Zella Wood, m. Ella Clay; Charles Ephraim and Ida Olive, died; Frank Ernest, m. Rebecca Hardy; Maria Louisa, m. Joseph A. Sessions; Lucy Edeth, ra. Sidney Harding; George Henry, died. Member 34th quorum seventies; missionary to New York. Farmer. Died Jan. 14, 1893, Provo, Utah. NEWEY, JOHN (son of Mathew John Newey and Elizabeth Greenfield of Purbright, Surrey, Eng.). Born Jan. 25, 1806, Worplesdon. Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 7, 1855, Noah T. Guymon company. Married Leah Welland Aug. 2. 1835, Surrey, Eng. (daugh- ter of John Welland and Ann Swan of Purbright). She was born Feb. 10, 1809, Elstead Parish, Eng. Their children: Jamlma Barker; Mary A.; Elizabeth Welsh. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Panela Woode. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Ann Etherington Heslop (widow of Thomas Heslop) June 2, 1856 (daughter of John and Elizabeth Eth- erington). She was born Jan. 24, 1830, Durham, Eng. Their children: John Heslop; George Heslop; William; Janle: James L.; Annie E.; Henry Thomas; Effle E. High priest. Farmer; gardener. Died Aug. 17, 1895, Ogden, Utah. NEWEY, HENRY (son of John Newey and Ann Ethering- ton). Born April 12, 1866, Ogden. Utah. Teacher. Employee of the Southern Pacific R. R. for 20 years. NEWMAN, JOSEPH. Born in England. Came to Utah about 1852. Married Elizabeth Hughes, pioneer 1862. Their children: John b. Jan. 27, 1838, m. Sarah Marchant Dec. 26, 1859; Ann; Joseph, m. Eliza Moses; James, m. Annette Poulsen; Wil- liam H.; Thomas, m. Maria Way man. Family ht>me. Big Cottonwood, Utah. NEWMAN, JOHN (son of Joseph Newman and Elizabeth Hughes). Born Jan. 27, 1838, in England. Married Sarah Matilda Marchant Dec. 26, 1859 (daugh- ter of Abraham Marchant and Lydia Johnson, came to Utah in 1884). She was born Sept. 1, 1841, in England. Their children: John Henry b. Oct. 16, 1860, m. Josephine Harmon Oct. 19, 1887; Abraham William b. Sept. 16. 1862, m. Amanda W. Nelson Nov. 18, 1888; Sarah Matilda b. Jan. 7, 1864; Lydia Maria b. March 13, 1865, m. Charles O. Har- mon Oct. 19. 1887; Joseph Alma b. Oct. 3, 1866, m. Ellen J. Nelson March 8, 1898; Robert Marchant b. Feb. 24, 1871, m. Violet G. Manning Jan. 12, 1899; James Johnson b. Jan. 11, 1873, m. Ella A. P. Horkley March 5, 1903; Albert Samuel b. Dec. 2, 1874, m. Sarah Julia Anderson Oct. 10, 1900; Amelia Sophia b. July 11, 1878, m. Joseph W. Horkley April 6, 1900. Family resided Peoa, Utah, and Milo, Idaho. Blacksmith. Died July 18, 1902. NEWMAN. ALBERT SAMUEL (son of John Newman and Sarah Matilda Marchant). Born Dec. 2, 1874, Peoa, Summit Co., Utah. Married Sarah Julia Anderson (daughter of Neils Ander- son and Anne Kristine Paulson, came to Utah In 1863, and Salt Lake City Oct. 19, 1900). She was born July 31, 1874, Goshen, Utah. Their children: Thora b. Dec. 25, 1902; Ralph Fern b. Dec. 10, 1904; Erma Yvonne b. Aug. 15, 1907; Albert Roland b. May 19. 1909; Arnold Anderson b. April 12, 1911. Family home Milo, Idaho. Set apart as second counselor to Bishop Parley J. Davis Sept. 23, 1900. Farmer. Married Catherine E. Morrisey June 12, 1862, Grahams- town, South Africa (daughter of John Morrisey and Kate O'Brien of Kilworth, Araglyn, County Cork, Ireland). She was born Feb. 7, 1835. Married Lucy M. Devereaux Nov. 15, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Devereaux and Lucy Bailey of Wolver- hampton, Staffordshire, Eng.). She was born Oct. 27, 1858. Their children: Muzzetta M., m. Goorge Fltt; William A., m. Vivian Hendricson; Claudius; Catherine E.; Fredrick G.; John Lorenzo. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to England one year; block teacher. Engineer; paperhanger; painter. NIBLEY, JAMES. Born in 1815, Hunterfleld, Scotland. Came to Utah in 1862, Capt. Ross company. Married Jean Wilson, Edinburgh. Scotland (daughter of Thomas Wilson and Euphamie Chalmers of Hunterfield). Their children: James, m. Elizabeth ; Mary. m. John Maughan; Margaret, m. William Maughan: Charles W.. m. Rebecca Neibaur, m. Ellen Ricks; Henry, m. Amelia Knowles: Euphamie, m. William Maughan. Family home Cache Valley, Utah. Farmer; merchant. Died August, 1898, Baker City, Ore. NIBLEY, CHARLES W. (son of James Nibley and Jean Wilson). Born Feb. 5, 1849, at Hunterfield, Scotland. Came to Utah with parents. Married Rebecca Neibaur March 30. 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander Neibaur and Ellen Breakell, Nauvoo, 111., pioneers Sept. 23, 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born March 30, 1861. Their children: Ellen b. April 21, 1870, died; Charles W. b. April 7, 1872, m. Ollie M. Thatcher; Jean b. May 22, 1874, died; Alexander b. May 7, 1876, m. Constance Thatcher, m. Agnes Sloan; Joseph F. b. March 1, 1880, m. Ada S. Dusenbery; James Oro b. Dec. 21, 1882, m. Emma E. Groesbeck; Merrill b. March 21, 1884, m. Bella Woodmansee; Rebecca b. April 19, 1886, m. Horace B. Whit- ney; Grover b. June 10, 1888, died; Alice b. April 3. 1890, m. Harold R. Smoot. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Ellen Ricks March 30, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joel Ricks and Sarah A. Fiske, Potsdam, N. Y., pioneers Sept. 14, 1852). Their children: Preston, m. Anne Parkinson; Joel, m. Terressa Taylor; Edna; Flo- rence; Nathan. Family home Logan, Utah. High priest; missionary to New York 1869; England 1880-82; presiding bishop of the church. Lumberman; mer- chant. NICHOLAS, JOHN (son of William Nicholas, Lorestone Parish, Wales). Born Dec. 31. 1839, Lorestone Parish. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1866, Thomas E. Ricks company. Married Anne Affleck (Tite) In 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Affleck and Margaret Truitt, New- castle-on-Tyne, Eng.). She was born March 31, 1840, died Feb. 20, 1886. Ogden, Utah. Their children: Georgi-. m. Libbie Wadman; John, m. Martha Cole; Thomas, d. Oct. 19, 1818; Daniel, d. Sept. 3, 1878; Gomer A. b. Dec. 5, 1873, m. Marcia Hinchcllff; Jane A., m. William Pierce. Family home Ogden, Utah. Elder. Blacksmith. Died Sept. 3, 1878. NICHOLAS, GOMER A. (son of John Nicholas and Ann Affleck). Born Dec. 5, 1873, Ogden, Utah. Married Marcia Hinchcliff June 8. 1898, in Ogden (daugh- ter of Charles W. Hinchcliff and Mary Allen of Ogden. both born in Utah). She was born March 28, 1875. Their chil- dren: J. Allen b. April 6, 1899; Francis G. b. Dec. 4, 1902; Virginia b. Sept. 14, 1910. Family home Ogden, Utah. Merchant. NEWSOME, WILLIAM D. (son of George H. Newsome and Sarah Prole of Arklow, County Wicklow, Ireland). Born Feb. 21, 1832, at Arklow. Came to Utah Nov. 10, 1866, Miner G. Atwood company. NICOL, THOMAS (son of Thomas Nicol and Elizabeth Dry- ber, Coleton, Scotland). Born Nov. 22, 1824, at Coleton. Came to Utah 1853. Married Elizabeth Watson 1842, Fifeshtre, Scotland, who was born March 10, 1819, and came to Utah 1853; died 1858. Their children: Abraham b. Oct. 1, 1847; Catherine b. Sept. 30, 1848; Thomas b. Jan. 1, 1850; George b. Jan. 3. 1861; Elizabeth b. Dec. 18, 1852; James b. May 20, 1854; Ann b. Feb. 8, 1856; Archibald b. Jan. 23. 1858; all these children died young. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Johanna Christina Handberg March 11, 1858. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Handberg and Christina Traine of Copenhagen, Denmark, pioneers 1857, Christian Christiansen handcart company). She was born March 11. 1839. Their children: Josephine Maria b. Jan. 25. 1859, m. Alva M. Murdock; Thomas Handberg b. Jan. 20, 1861; Johanna Christina b. Dec. 25, 1863, and Jeannette Elizabeth b. Nov. 4, 1864, latter three died in childhood; Rachel Ann b. March 6, 1866, d. young; Sarah Matilda b. April 18, 1868, m. Heber Giles Crook; Adolphus Alex- ander b. May 9, 1870, d. child; Moroni b. Jan. 9, 1871. d. 1881; Joseph Alma b. Jan. 7, 1873, d. young; Hyrum Chase b. Feb. 9, 1876. m. Isabella Crawford Murdock; Gabriel Blake b. Oct. 29. 1878. m. Estella Duke. Married Johanna C. Hansen Dec. 14, 1864, Salt Lake City, who came from Denmark. Only child: Dora Elizabeth b. Sept. 29, 1866, m. James S. Murdock. Family home Heber City, Utah. Married Maria Nelson Dec. 1. 1866. Salt Lake City, native of Denmark. Only child: John Thomas b. Sept. 3, 1867, died. Family home Heber City, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1009 Missionary in Scotland; high priest. Indian war veteran. In the forefront in Echo Canyon trouble, with Lot Smith company. Located at Bountiful 1854. and in 1858 returned to Salt Lake City. In 1860 moved to Moroni; then to Heber City: fought Indians both places. Pioneered in all the early necessary improvements; made two trips to Missouri river to bring immigrants to Utah. Died Dec. 23, 1909, Heber City, Utah. NICOL, HYRUM CHASE (son of Thomas Nicol and Johanna Christina Handberg). Born Feb. 9, 1876, Heber City, Utah. Married Isabella Crawford Murdock Sept. 22, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Murray Murdock and Isabella Crawford of Heber City), who was born Jan. 10, 1876. Their children: Thomas Murdock b. Aug. 26, 1904; Hyrum Chase b. March 19, 1906; Kenneth Crawford b. July 11, 1908; John Murray b. June 20, 1912. Family home Duchesne. Utah. Member 20th quorum seventies; missionary to New Zea- land Jan. 1, 1900. to June 8, 1903; high priest; counselor to Bishop George Victor Billings, Theodore ward, Duchesne stake; Sunday school teacher Heber City and Theodore wards; ward teacher at Theodore. Helped in every possible way the first settlers who came to Uinta reservation May. 1906, and has assisted in all improvements incident to a new country. Rancher. Vice president of Duchesne Irrigation Company; now associated with Pioneer Supply Company; and also engaged in farming. NIELSEN, AtTGUSTINTJS (son of Niels Jensen and Maren Jensen, Jutland, Denmark). Born April 14, 1833, in Jut- land. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen corn- Married Ane Benedicta Hansen Engelbrecht Feb. 5, 1864, on ship "Benjamin Adams," on Atlantic ocean (daughter of Hanse Peterson and Hedevtg Lucie Engelbrecht of Fyen, Denmark; former died in Denmark, latter came to Utah in 18B8). She was born Nov. 6, 1833. Their children: Ephrai- mina B. b. July 11, 1855, m. H. P. Hansen; August b. March 3, 1857, m. Harriet Thurber; Hedevig H. C. b. Oct. 27, 1858, m. Louis Dungar, m. James Crosland; Mary S. b. Nov. 27, 1860, m. Chris. Christiansen; Caroline L. b. Nov. 13, 1862. m. W. E. Thurber; Annie J. b. Nov. 14, 1864, m. Alma Niel- sen; Rphena b. April 10, 1867, m. George Cal'oway; George C. b. June 14. 1869, m. Jessaphine Outzen; Niels Peter b. Oct. 23, 1871, d. in 1889; Joseph b. Dec. 16, 1873, m. Eliza Jane Dall; Clarinda L. b. Aug. 2, 1876, m. Otto S. Dormitzer; LeRoy b. March 9, 1878, m. Bertha Watkins. Family resided South Cotonwood, Ephraim, Mount Pleasant and Richfield, Utah. Member of high council in Cottonwood; 48th quorum seventies; missionary to Germany 1851. Active pioneer in San Pete and Sevier counties. Farmer; miner; assayer. Died April 4. 1902. at Richfleld. NIELSEN, BENDT (son of Niels Bensen. Chrlstianstad, Sweden). Born May 14, 1796. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854. Married Margrite Eilertsen 1821, Denmark, who was born In 1796. Their children: Niels B., m. Dorthea Margret Jensen, m. Sophia Halvorsen; George, m. Walborg Ericksen, m. Marie Thoreson; Marie; Hans Enoch, m. Nancy Margaret Osborn; Annie; Christine, m. Fredric Nielsen; Andrew B., m Elizabeth Ericksen, m. Helen McBrlde. Family home East Weber, Utah. Married Kisten Knudsen. Their children: Bendt, m. Sarah J. Stanley; Ephraim, m. Annie Petersen; Jacob. Fam- ily home East We"ber, Utah. NIELSEN, NIELS B. (son of Bendt Nielsen and Margrite Eilertsen). Born July 14, "1822, Horsholm, Frederiksborg, Denmark. Came to Utah 1856. Married Dorthea Margret Jensen May 3, 1851, at Horsholm (daughter of Hans Hansen and Greta Tergersen), who was born June 18, 1832. Their children: Margret Christina b. Dec. 20. 1836, m. I. C. Thoresen; Niels Joseph b. May 6, 1869 m Nancy Anderson, m. Susannah Smuin; Anna Myriah b Aug. 28, 1861, died; James Henry b. Jan. 16, 1864, m. Lizzie Unsworth; Martha Ann b. July 25, 1866, m. J. P. Nielsen; Ezra Erastus b. July 18, 1868, m. Nora Hansen; Maria Elizabeth b. Sept. 3, 1870, m. Charles Orell; Hans Benjamin b. July 11, 1873, m. Emma E. Jensen Dec. 7, 1898: Emma Nicline b. Dec. 14, 1875; Peter Willard; Flora Cla- menta; latter three died. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Married Sophia Halvorsen 1862, Salt Lake City, who was born Sept. 25, 1849, Christianla, Norway. Their children: Blsa Sophia b. Nov. 30, 1868: Pauline b. July 12, 1871; Louis Wilford b. Jan. 22, 1874; Ida Ann b. Nov. 25, 1878; Rhoda V. 'One of' the pioneers , THOMAS (son of George Ord and Mary Watson, of South Shields, Eng). Born May 5, 1826, at South Shields. Came to Utah 1856, Edmund Martin handcart company. Married Eleanor Grant March 4, 1856, Leicester, Eng. (daughter of John Grant and Mary Hall of Leicester), who was born June 14, 1828. Their children: Mary Eleanor; Thomas George; Elizabeth Ann; John William; Isabella Maria; Samuel Grant; Robert James. Family home Nephl, Utah. High councilor; high priest. Superintendent of schools; county clerk; justice of peace. Lawyer; farmer. Died Oct. 7, 1907. ORD, JOHN WILLIAM (son of Thomas Ord and Eleanor Grant). Born Oct. 5, 1863, Nephi. Utah. Married Amelia Hendrlckson Sept. 18, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of Andrew Hendrickson and Hannah Hansen, of Levan, Utah), who was born May 3, 1867. Their children: Amelia Isabella b. July 29, 1891; John Byron b. May 13. 1894; Eleanor Bernlce b. April 22, 1903; Mabel Hannah b. March 30, 1905. Member 71st quorum seventies; missionary to England 1894-1896; stake superintendent; high councilor. Member school board 2 terms. Farmer; stockralser. OKEM, ALBERT J. (son of Joshua and Martha Orem of Indiana). Born March 2, 1851, Valparaiso, Porter county, Ind. Came to Utah 1890. Married Martha A. Leabo 1871, in Ray county. Mo. (daugh- ter of Samuel and Mary Leabo), who was born March 21, 1853. Their children: W. C., m. Mabel Emery; Frank M. m. Orla Mays; Archie J., m. Gertrude Butter; Mattie, m. H. C. Joy; Mary; Deane. Family home Boston, Mass. Mining; man and railroader. OREM, W. C. (son of Albert J. Orem and Martha A. Leabo). Born May 23, 1873, In Missouri. Came to Utah 1890. Married Mabel Emery Dec. 19, 1894, In Iowa (daughter of William W. and Jennie A. Emery of Wapello, Iowa), who was born Dec. 19. 1871. Their children: William W. b. 1897; Gladys M. b. 1899; Margaret b. 1901; Albert b. 1904; Horace b. 1911. Family home. Salt Lake City. Mining man and railroader. ORME, SAMUEL, WASHINGTON (son of Samuel Orme of Coalvllle, Eng., born May 2, 1802, Sllesby, Eng., and Amy JCerby of Leicestershire, Eng., born Jan. 13, 1804, married about 1823). Born July 4, 1832, Mentor, Ohio. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin "Frozen" handcart company. Married Sarah Cross October, 1857 (daughter of Joseph Cross and Keziah Marshall), who was born March 3, 1833, and came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Israel Evans handcart company. Their children: Samuel W. b. Sept. 19, 1858, m. Mary A. Smith Feb. 24, 1886; Joseph Cross b. Aug. 1, 1860, m. Margeret England June 27, 1888; John Klrby b. Oct. 3, 1862, m. Janeta Park Dec. 1, 1887; Silas Cross b. Dec. 26. 1864, m. Emma J. Smith Oct. 11. 1894; Arthur b. Oct. 1867, d. Infant; Charles Alvln b. Oct. 21, 1869, m. Ada Dunn Dec. 20. 1899; LaFayette b. March 14, 1872, m. Emily J. Isgreen Sept. 20. 1905; Edwin Marshall b. July 18, 1874, m. Millie McLaws April 24, 1901. Seventy; superintendent Batesvllle Sunday school 1876- 1879. Mayor of Tooele two terms; school trustee 1882-1889. Settled at E. T. City 1857, moved to Tooele City 1858, and to Lehl same year. Blacksmith and farmer. ORME, SAMUEL WASHINGTON, JR. (son of Samuel Wash- ington Orme and Sarah Cross). Born Sept. 19, 1858, Tooele, Utah. Married Mary Agnes Smith Feb. 24, 1886. Logan, Utah (daughter of John A. Smith and Mary Meiklejohn of Tooele, Utah, pioneers 1849. Silas Richards company), who was born Nov. 19, 1865. Their children: Samuel b. Jan. 14, 1887, m. Laura H. Baker; Alberta b. Feb. 17, 1889, m. Ell M. Jorgensen; Mllo S. b. May 30, 1892; Joseph R. b. June 3. 1894; Sarah C. b. Oct. 11. 1896; Dean b. Sept. 21, 1898; Luetta b. Nov. 27, 1900; Elva b. April 8, 1904; Reed b. Oct. 15, 1906. Family resided Tooele, Utah, and Wllford, Idaho. Second counselor to Bishop Thomas Atkin of Tooele ward 2 years; 2nd counselor In T. M. M. I. A., Wllford ward, 1901- 1st counselor to Bishop George A. Pincock, Wllford ward- ordained bishop of Wilford ward April 24. 1903. Mayor of Tooele 1892-94; county commissioner Fremont county, Idaho. 1909-1910; school trustee three years. Director In Wilford Canal company. Farmer and stockralser. ORME, JOSEPH CROSS (son of Samuel Washington Orme and Sarah Cross). Born Aug. 1, 1860. Tooele, Utah. Married Margeret England June 27, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of John England and Eliza Kennlngton; former pioneer Sept. 14, 1860, Brlghara H. Young company, latter Sept. 26. 1856, D. D. McArthur company). She was born Oct. 6, 1867. Tooele. Utah. Their children: Joseph Arthur b. June 1. 1889; Gilbert Charles b. Nov. 20, 1891; Ada Mar- cell b. June 5, 1896; Eliza Luella b. Oct. 3, 1898; Parley b. Aug. 16, 1900; Adrian L. b. Jan. 15. 1903; Julia b. April 16, 1905; Maggie Leona b. April 19, 1908; Sherman M. b. May 8, 1910. Family home Tooele, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1893-1895; 2nd counselor to Bishop Thomas Atkln; member of high council Tooele stake; 2nd counselor to Tooele stake presidency; ward superin- tendent of religion classes 1898-1899. City marshal; mem- ber of city council 2 terms; county commissioner. ORME, LAFAYETTE (son of Samuel Washington Orme and Sarah Cross). Born March 14, 1872, Tooele, Utah. Married Emily J. Isgreen Sept. 20, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Jens Isgreen and Anna B. Stromberg; former pioneer Aug. 29, 1859, James Brown company, latter Oct. 1, 1862). Their children: Marcellus LaFayette b. Aug. 7, 1906, d. June 29, 1907; Emily Maurlne b. Oct. 13, 1908. President Y. M. M. I. A. 1896-1899; stake aid Y. M. M. I. A. 1900-1906; religion class teacher 1894-1896 and 1899-1900; assistant superintendent Sunday school 1902-1906; seventy; stake secretary Y. M. M. I. A. Business manager of Tooele City Milling' company 1903, 1906, 1909 to present time. ORSER, EVERET. Came to Utah 1856, oxteam company. Married Mary America Mecham at Provo, Utah. Their children: Frank, m. Mary Rogers; Alice, m. A. N. Billings; Everet, Jr.; Ellen; Laura, m. Joseph A. McKee. Family home Vernal, Utah. Stockralser. Died at Vernal. ORTON, SAMTTEL, TAYLOR (son of William Orton and Hannah Taylor of Nottinghamshire, Eng.). Born July 1, 1832, Carltonhill, Nottinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1856, Edward Bunker company. Married Julia Ann Johnson Nov. 29, 1862, Fort Johnson, Utah (daughter of Joel Hills Johnson and Susan Briant of Bellvlew, Utah, pioneers 1848, Wlllard Richards company). She was born Feb. 20, 1847. Their children: Julia Ann, m. Elmer W. Johnson; Samuel T., m. Sarah A. Taylor; Oscar J.; Nephl J., m. Alice Benson; Mary A. H.; Charles B.; Joel Hills, m. Eliza J. Warren; Susan A.; Hannah T.; Seth J.; Osman T. b. Jan. 5, 1878; Minnie B. b. April 9, 1879. Married Esther E. Johnson Dec. 26, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Joel Hills Johnson and Margaret Threlkeld), who was born Dec. 23, 1861. Their children: Mary E. b. March 11, 1880, m. Samuel A. Halterman; Silas T. b. Dec. 10, 1881, m. Mary B. Pendleton; Ernest J. b. Oct. 29 1883 m. Mary E. Benson; Ellis T. b. Oct. 27, 1885, m. Mary M. Bentley; Donald T. b. Dec. 13, 1887; Rebecca T. b. Nov. 17, 1889, m. Charles C. Smith; William T. b. March 28, 1892- Twenty T. b. May 21, 1894; Maggie J. b. Sept. 2, 1896; Verna M. b. April 14, 1899; Jared J. b. April 2, 1901; Almon H b April 1, 1905. Families resided Parowan. Utah. Counselor to stake President W. H. Dane 1878; counselor to Bishop McGregor 1877; member high council 1881. Mar- shal, 1872; watermaster, 1873; road supervisor; city council- man, 1880; treasurer, 1888; sexton, 1904; Vetei j.n Indian wars Farmer and tanner. Died April 20, 1907. ORTON, JOEL HILLS (son of Samuel Taylor Orton and Julia Ann Johnson). Born March 4, 1871, Parowan, Utah. Married Eliza J. Warren July 12, 1892, at Parowan (daugh- ter of William Stockbridge Warren and Ann Fowler, of Parowan; former a pioneer 1854, Amasa M. Lyman company, latter a pioneer In 1863). She was born Feb. 8, 1872. Their children: Julia Leon b. July 4, 1893; Mable W. b. May 22 1895; Osmond W. b. Feb. 13, 1897; Agnes b. May 26, 1899- Wanda b. April 25, 1902; Virda b. Aug. 10, 1903; Elma b. Dec. 3, 1906; Alva W. b. Dec. 27, 1908; Warren b. Aug. 7. 1911. Family home, Parowan. Missionary to Southern states 1899-1901; president Y. M M. I. A. of Parowan stake 1901; bishop's counselor 1892-1912.' Deputy sheriff; road supervisor; city marshal; watermaster Blacksmith. 1080 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH OSGUTHORPE, JOHN (son of Thomas Osguthorpe and Ann Kitson of Sheffield, Eng.). Borij March 10, 1823. Sheffield, Enir Came to Utah late in 1853, Charles Wllkln company. Married Lydla Roper about 1844, In Sheffield, Eng. (daugh- ter of Abel and Sarah Roper, of Sheffield). She was born Feb 4, 1828. Their children: Sarah A., m. Breneman B. Bitner; Emma, died; Priscilla. m. Charles Bolton; Hannah, d. aged 18; John H., m. Mary Gam; Lydia, m. Charles Bolton, Abel d. aged 3; Thomas, m. Ida Roach; Joseph, m. Lueiia Russell; Selina, m. Samuel Stillman; Mervin, d. aged i. Family home East Mill Creek. Utah. Seventy; block teacher; elder. Lawyer. Died April 13, 1884. OSMOND, GEORGE. Born 1835, in England. Married Georgena Huckvale 1853. She was born 1835, In England. Their children: Clara, m. Adam Welk George Anson. m. Alice Hart; Alfred, m. Frances Nelson, m Annie Lloyd; Ira; Rosa, m. William Starkey; Ida, m. Oiive? DunTord; Ella. m. Louie Newman; Nellie. -.=* Hart; Georgena, died; Alice, m. Forest Reed. Family home B1 MaTHed t0 Am I e1fa h0 Jacobson. Their children: Arthur and ^Miss'ion'ary in England 1884-91. where he had charge of the Millennial Star, church paper. Bishop of Bloomington ward, Idaho; counselor to President Budge of Bear Lake stake; president Star Valley stake, Wyoming. Wyoming state senator two terms. Judge and lawyer. OSMOND, ALFRED (son of George Osmond and Georgena Huckvale). Born Oct. 5, 1862, Wlllard, Utah. Married Frances Nelson Dec. 30, 1888, Bloomington. Idaho (daughter of Christian and Josephine Nelson). Their only child was Pearl, born Dec. 23, 1889, died May, 1890. Married Annie Lloyd June 16, 1897 (daughter of Thomas Lloyd and Susanna Stone, of Logan, Utah, pioneers handcart company). She was born Sept. 7. 1869. Their children: Alfred Wendell b. April 24, 1898: Harvard Reginald b. March 31 1903; Waldo Lloyd b. Jan. 13, 1904; Constance b. Jan. 7, 1905; Mary Irene b. Sept. 16, 190Z; Annie Hermies b. Jan. 27, 1909. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1893-95; president 153d auorum seventies of Provo; president T. M. M. I. A. of Bear Lake stake. Probate judge; county school superintendent; member Idaho state legislature from Bear Lake county. Professor and head of department of English of B. Y. U. at Provo. Graduate of Harvard University 1903. OSTENSEN, PETER. Born in Norway. Came to Utah 1858. Married Caroline Anderson. Their children: Parley, died: Mary; Edway Starr; Annie, m. Sim Brady; Clara, m. Daniel Bigelow; Sarah, m. Joseph Fuller; Caroline; Olivia, m. Mar- lin Cox; Vina, m. Lee Kelsey; Phillip, Ella McNeil. Family home Fairview, San Pete county, Utah. Seventy. Farmer. Died in June, 1911. OSTERMANN, JENS CARL DIDDERICK (son of Johan Carl Ostermann and Johanne Jensen, of Copenhagen, Denmark). Born Sept. 17, 1830, Randers, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1868, John G. Holman company. Married Caroline Marie Berg Nov. 7, 1857, Grenaa, Den- mark (daughter of Rasmus Rasmersen Berg and Caroline Marie Tolboe of Grenaa). She was born Aug. 24, 1831. Their children: Johanne C. b. Oct. 3, 1858, m. John T. Thorup; Hen- rlette A. b. Dec. 26, 1859, d. aged 9; Johan C. b. April 21, 1861, d. aged 7; Mary J. b. Jan. 15, 1863, m. Brlgham C. Ward; Frederick E. b. March 14, 1865, d. aged 3; Anne M. A. E. b. March 21, 1867, d. infant; Eliza b. May 6, 1870, d. aged 2; James b. May 9, 1874, d. aged 32. Family home. Salt Lake City. Seventy at Sandy; presiding elder of Grenaa, Denmark. School trustee at Sandy. Shoemaker and general merchant. Died Oct. 20. 1883, Sandy, Utah. OSTLER, DAVID, Born Sept. 28, 1841, In England. Came to Utah 1861. Married Anne Beagley on the plains. Their children: Ellen, m. William Watson; Mary. m. William Buttle; Oliver B., m. Ruby Merrill; David J., m. Martha Smiley; Emily,' m. Joseph Love; Joseph, m. Pauline Hornbuckle. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Ann Scott Nov. 16, 1875, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Robert Scott and Jane Martin). Their children: Henrietta, died; Lula Devet b. May 2, 1878, m. Ernest Winn. High priest. Died Sept. 19, 1911. OTTERSTROM, JONAS. Born Dec. 9, 1820, Carlsbad, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1856, Knud Peterson com- pany. Married Marie Kalsa Nielsen (daughter of John Nielsen and Maria Jansen of Carlsbad), who was born Jan. 25, 1825. Their children: Johan, d. child; Stlne Marie, m. Orson Hyde; John Henry, m. Lena Olson; Augusta, died; Augusta K., d. child; Josephine, m. Christopher Cramer; Louisa, m. Lars Peter Oveson; Joseph, d. Infant; Caroline, d. child; Brlgham, m. Minnie Balson. Family home Ephralm, Utah. Member 47th quorum seventies; ward teacher. Veteran Black Hawk war. Blacksmith and farmer. Died April 30. 1884. OTTINGER, GEORGE MARTIN (son of William Ottlnger and Elizabeth Martin of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born Feb. 8, 1S33, In Montgomery county. Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Mllo Andrus company. Married Mary Jane McAllister Jan. 9, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of William McAllister and Eliza Thompson of Philadelphia, pioneers Sept. 12, 1861). She was born Feb. 2, 1829, and died Dec. 19, 1862. Their only child: William, married Hortense Goddard. Married Phebe Neslen Dec. 3. 1864, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Samuel Neslen and Eunice Francis), who was born Sept. 27, 1839, Lowestoft, Suffolkshire, Eng.; and came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company. Their children: John M. b. April 29, 1866, d. infant; Hannah E. b. Dec. 1, 1867, m. George E. Romney; Esther D. b. Feb. 22, 1873, d. 1876; George N. b. Oct. 17, 1875, m. Dora Llngscog; Sarah Jane b. Jan. 28, 1875; John S. b. Oct. 3, 1876, m. Elvina Parkinson; Rowena b. July 6, 1879, m. Abram Hatch, Jr. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1879. Adjutant General National Guard of Utah two years. Superintendent waterworks at Salt Lake City; chief engineer in both volunteer and paid fire departments 14 years. Lieutenant-colonel 3d Infantry. Nauvoo Legion. President Utah Art Institution; artist in Deseret Dramatic association. Veteran Indian wars of southern Utah. Author of "A Boy's Voyage Around the World," "Leaves from a Log-Bock." and "Old America." OSTLER, J. S. (son of John C. and Mary Anne Ostler). Married Hattie Kearns (Goddard) May 25, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry H. Kearns and Emma Guymon of Sprlngville, Utah, pioneers 1850). She was born Oct. 12, 1868, Their children: Pruette Kearns Goddard (child by previous marrlag-e adopted); Oleva Ostler, and Lovell Ostler. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member state board sheep commissioners. Sheepraiser. OTTOSEN, JENS (son of Otto Nielsen and Kirstine Anders of Denmark). Born June 20, 1813, Bedster, Woognfil parish, Ualdborg Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah September, 1858. Married Anne Jens 1852, in Den-nark (daughter of Jens and Johannah Marie Christensen). Their children: Jens b. Dec. 12, 1852, d. Dec. 16, 1856; Niels b Sept. 3, 1855, d. Sept. 9, 1861; Marie b. Dec. 18, 1857, d. Sept. 9, 1858; Emma b. Oct. 10, , d. Oct. 28, 1859; Joseph b. Oct. 10, , d. Nov. 2, 1859. Family resided Salt City and Goshen, Utah. Married Johannah Sorensen Nov. 18, 1860, Goshen, Utah (daughter of Niels Sorensen and Anne Marie Jensen, pio- neers Sept, 24, 1860. handcart company). She was born Oct. 15, 1839, Aarup, Denmark. Their children: Anne Martina b. Nov. 15, 1861, m. William H. Luke March 14, 1878; Otto b. July 27, 1863, m. Lina Henrie Feb. 4, 1891; Jessie b. Nov. 30, 1866, m. B. D. Seigfus May 11, 1891; Nephi b. April 17, 1870, m. Lizzie Ahlstrom June 6, 1900. Family resided Goshen, Salina and Manti, Utah. Missionary to Denmark 1854-57. Dead. OVARD, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Ovard and Anna Stoaks). Born Dec. 23, 1850, in England. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1866, Samuel D. White company. Married Phoebe Henefer Jan. 3, 1870 (daughter of James Henefer and Sarah Hulks). She was born April 17, 1852. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Nov. 12. 1870, died; Emily O. b. Oct. 27, 1871, m. Thomas Grosse June 4, 1894; George Wil- liam b. Nov. 14, 1874, died; John Alma b. Nov. 16, 1875, m. Grace Livingston; Thomas b. June 4, 1878, m. Mary A. S. Edgeworth Aug. 9, 1899; Fanny b. June 4, 1881. died: Joe b. March 31, 1883; Rachel Adeline b. July 3, 1884; Sarah Anna b. Oct. 3, 1885, and Margret Elizabeth b. Oct. 12, 1886, died. Married Bangta Hegg Dec. 26, 1889 (daughter of Andrew Randall Hegg and Anna Jensen). She was born March 25. 1848, Estervan, Sweden. Their child: Anna Rebecca Flor- ence b. Feb. 18, 1894. Family home Henefer, Utah. Carpenter. OVARD. THOMAS (son of William Ovard and Phoebe Hen- efer). Born June 4, 1878, Henefer, Utah. Married Mary Ann Shlll Edgeworth Aug. 9, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Edgeworth and Prudence Jones, pioneers; former with Captain White company, latter with Captain Chapman company). She was born Sept. 3. 1877, Henefer. Utah. Their children: Joseph William b. Sept. 14, 1901; George Thomas b. March 21, 1903; Roy b. Nov. 6, 1909. Family home Henefer, Utah. Teacher. Laborer. OVERLAID, ANDREW. Came to Utah ahead of Johnston's army, 1857. Married Caroline . Their children: Mary Krlstena, m. John Williams; Andreas, m. Andrew Whltlock; Andrew, m. Mary Anderson; Elizabeth, m. Edward Allred; Matilda, m. David Thompson; Josephine, m. Nells O. Anderson, m. Erastus Anderson; Caroline, m. Lehi Peterson Dorcas. Participated In Black Hawk Indian war. Carpenter. Died about 1890, at Ephralm, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1081 OVKSON. rk, Ut Seventy. Carpenter; cooper; farmer. Died at Spanish Fork. PADFIELD, SA9TCEL, (son of Jeremiah Padfleld and Mary Tayton of Somersetshire. Eng.). Born In 1835 in Somerset- rredsncnn In 1871 at Salt Lake City (daughter of David Hutchinson and Jeanette Crookston), who was born in 1856. Their children: Samuel James b. 1872, m. Catherine Evans; David b. 1879; Thomas b. 1881, m. Alice Pellman: Jessie b. 1883; Mary Jane b. 1885, m. Ira Preston; Amelia b. 1887. m. Towell Larson; Violet b. 1900; George Washington and Daniel, died. Family home American Fork, Utah. PADFIELD. SAMUEL JAMES (son of Samuel Padfleld and Christina Hutchinson). Born in 1872 at American Fork. Married Catherine Evans (daughter of William Evans). Their children: Pearl b. 1896; James b. 1898; Thelma b. 1900. PAGE, JONATHAN SOCWELL (son of Daniel Page and Mary Socwell). Born June 4, 1833, Newport, N. J. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, with parents and family. Married Mary Leaver Aug. 12, 1855, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Samuel and Mary Ann Leaver of New York, N. Y.. formerly of Sheffield, Eng., pioneers Sept. 1852). She was born Aug. 26, 1837. Their children: Jonathan Socwell b. May 14, 1856, m. Lilyus Curtis May 23, 1878; Anna M. b. April 26, 1858, m. Samuel J. Rich; Samuel Leaver b. Nov. 16. 1859, m. Cena Anderson; Mary L. b. Jan. 2, 1862, m. Edward S. Reid; Ruth E. b. March 28, 1864, m. John J. Powell; Hannah Elizabeth b. Jan. 26, 1866, m. George A. Peery; Joseph Edmund b. Feb. 21, 1868, m. Gertrude Thur- man; William Henry b. Sept. 22, 1869, m. Lucia Daniels; Nellie Ingram b. Aug. 8, 1872, m. August J. Hanson; George Milton b. Dec. 3, 1874; Hartlett Hall b. Feb. 9, 1877; Ethel A. b. March 7, 1879, m. Thomas Crandall; Cora V. b. March 27, 1881. Family home Payson, Utah. Bishop's counselor Payson ward; president high priests' quorum Nebo stake; patriarch. Captain cavalry in Walker and Black Hawk Indian wars and in Utah militia; partici- pated in Echo Canyon campaign. Commissioner Utah county 15 years; justice of the peace; alderman and mayor Payson, Utah, 18 years: member state board of equalization; member state legislature house two terms, senate one term. PAGE, JONATHAN SOCWELL, JR. (son of Jonathan S. Page and Mary Leaver). Born May 14, 1856, Salt Lake City. Married Lilyus M. Curtis May 23, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Curtis, born Oct. 27, 1823. Pontiac, Mich., and Emma Whaley of England, pioneers Oct. 1848). She was born June 10, 1859. Their children: Emma L. b. March 25, 1879, m. Thomas W. Lerwill; Mary Page b. May 3, 1881, m. Laban Harding; Jonathan Socwell b. Nov. 23, 1883, m. Clara Huish; Arza Curtis b. Jan. 7, 1887, m. Ethel A. Taylor; Eva b. March 6, 1889, m. William Wan- lass; George W. b. Feb. 19, 1893; Earl Leaver b. April 8, 1S89: Anna b. Sept. 29, 1901. Family home Payson, Utah. Missionary to West Virginia Nov. 1899 to June 1901; bishop of Payson second ward Nov. 1891 to Feb. 1901; ordained president of Nebo stake of Zion Feb. 13, 1901. Justice of the peace one term; recorder for Payson, Utah, three terms; city councilman one term; postmaster at Pay- son eight years. Merchant; farmer and horticulturist. PAGE}, DANIEL (son of Joseph Page and Sarah Ingram of Newport, Cumberland county, N. J.). Born July 11. 1300, at Newport. Came to Utah September, 1852, Captain Out- Ma < rr C ied nP Ma.ry Socwell April 18, 1822, In New Jersey (daughter of Jonathan Socwell and Lorana Whitaker of Dividing Creeks, N. J.). She was born April 26, 1805. Their children: Ruth b. May 1, 1823, m. Samuel H. Rogers; David b Nov 17, 1824; Daniel b. June 23. 1827, m. Caroline Petti- grew Joseph b. Feb. 6, 1830, m. Elizabeth Mills, m. Alice Mills; Lucy Ann b. Sept. 3, 1831, m. George R. Dare; Jona- than S. b. June 4, 1833, m. Mary Leaver; Mary Ellen b. March 1, 1835, m. Edward Davis Wade; George Washing- ton b. Nov. 15, 1836, m. Abby Champion, m. Kate P. Stanger; William Whitaker b. Feb. 15, 1839; Lorana b. Aug. 17, 1843. m. Samuel H. Rogers; Jeremiah Day b. Feb. 21, 1847, m. Deseret Page. Family home Newport, Cumberland C Higrh' priest. Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died Aug. 17, 1882, at Mount Pleasant, Utah. PAGE JOSEPH (son of Daniel Page and Mary Socwell). Born Feb. 6, 1830. near Newport, N. J. Came to Utah 1852. Married Elizabeth Mills Aug. 8, 1863, Mt. Pleasant, Utah (daughter of Thomas Mills and Alice Allen of Radcliffe, Lancashire, Eng.). She was born March 16, 1844, d. Jan. 14, 1869. Their children: Joseph Thomas b. June 3, 1864, died: Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 12, 1866, m. S. H. Freston; Jona- than Socwell b. Jan. 9, 1869, died. Family home, Mt. Married Alice Mills May 3, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Mills and Alice Allen of Radcliffe, Lancashire, Eng.). She was born Jan. 2, 1847. Their children: Joseph Ulyssess b. June 23, 1870; Edward C_ b. Jan. 29, 1872, died; William T. b. May 11, 1874; Jeremiah I. b. Feb. 21, 1876, m. Ida Jensen; Alice Addle b. April 3, 1878, m. Daniel W. Hancock; Ruth b. May 6. 1880, d. Infant; Lorana b. Nov. 18. 1881, m. Joseph Willard Anderson; Samuel R. b. Feb. 12 1884. m. Lydia Jane McClemonds; Renzie b. Feb. 6, 1886, d. aged 8; Eulalia May b. April 23, 1888, m. Niels S. Nielsen. Family resided at Mt. Pleasant, Orangevllle and Roosevelt, Utah. High priest. Mayor of Mt. Pleasant 10 years; postmaster at Mt. Pleasant 12 years. Assisted In bringing Immigrants to Utah 1862. Indian war veteran; member Nauvoo Legion. One of Mt. Pleasant's first school teachers. ' Farmer; stock- raiser; apiarist. Died Jan. 29, 1911, Roosevelt. Utah. PAGE, SAMUEL R. (son of Joseph Page and Alice Mills). Born Feb. 12, 1884, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Lydia Jane McClemonds March 21, 1910, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Samuel McClemonds and Mary Ann Hartle of Vernal, Utah, pioneers 1853). She was born May I, 1888. Their children: Joseph b. Jan. 28. 1911; Jonathan Samuel b. April 21, 1912. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. Deacon. Farmer and apiarist. PAGE, JAMES. Born Aug. 21, 1815, Wyonondham, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13. 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Louisa Graves, who was born Dec. 28, 1820, and came to Utah with her husband. Their children: William b. Aug. 4, 1838, m. Mary Ann Clark March 24, 1863: Martha b. June 28, 1840, m. William Waddoups Nov. 27, 1864; Maria b. March 16, 1842, m. Henry Tingey 1862; Thomas b. Dec. 19, 1843, m. Mary Ann Waddoups May 11, 1867; Samuel b. March 12, 1845, died; Louisa b. April 11, 1847, and Louisa b. Feb. 7, 1849, died: Hyrum b. June 27. 1851, m. Emma Jane Tingey March 21, 1873; Alma b. Oct. 5, 1852, m. Fanney Ashby; Cyrus b. March 10, 1854, m. Susa Ashby March 12, 1875; Orson b. Oct. 14, 1856; Lorenzo b. Dec. 31, 1858, m. Jemima Lewis Feb. 16, 1888; Hannah Bell b. March 15. 1860, died; James b. Feb. 12, 1862, m. Emma Kemp Dec. 12, 1886. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Farmer. PAGE, THOMAS (son of James Page and Louisa Graves). Born Dec. 19, 1843. Birmingham, Eng. Married Mary Ann Waddoups May 11, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Waddoups and Elizabeth Por- ter, pioneers August, 1868, Horten Gate company). She was born Jan. 3, 1845, Walgrave on Sow, Eng. Their chil- dren: Willard James b. May 22, 1868, m. Lillian E. Thur- good Nov. 16, 1892; Irvin Thomas b. Sept. 27, 1870, m. Martha Jane Smith Oct. 12, 1892; Joseph Hyrum b. Nov. 2, 1873, m. Ada We'st March 31. 1904; Orson Mark b. Oct. 6, 1876, m. Annie M. Parker April 27, 1904; Porter Elizabeth b. Nov. 27, 1878, died; Louisa May b. Oct. 10, 1881, m. John Ray George April 15, 1904; Hannah Pearl b. Oct. 24, 1884, m. John Wolley Randall Dec. 14, 1910; Annabell b. Oct. 24, 1887. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Assisted in the construction of the line of the Deseret Telegraph Co.; worked on Utah Central railroad. School trustee district No. 2, Davis county. PALMER, ABRAM WHITNEY. Born Dec. 14, 1307, New York. Came to Utah In 1847, captain of own company of fifty. Married Huldah Catherine Hill In 1857 (daughter of Rich- ard Return Hill and Rhoda Wheeler of Missouri, pioneers 1850). She was born Jan. 7. 1842. Their children: Delilah b. 1858, m. William Charles Mellor; Josephine b. 1861, m. William Lltchfleld; Catherine Alfina b. 1863, m. Severln Holger Grundvlg; Richard Marcellos b. 1866, m. Amanda Stephens; Mary b. 1869, m. Brlgham Plckett; Frank Abram b. 1871, m. Emma Keeneson. High priest; bishop of Calnesville, Mo.; counselor to Lorln Farr in Weber stake presidency. School teacher. Died May 25, 1875, Fayette, Utah. PALMER, MIFFLIN (son of Joseph Palmer and Esther -Leonard of Pennsylvania). Born June 21, 1813, Chester county. Pa. Came to Utah 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Kathrlne K. Dolbey Dec. 28, 1837, Chester county. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1085 Pa. (daughter of Abram Dolbey and Katherine King of Chester county). She was born April 6, 1817. Their chil- dren: Rebecca W.; Phoebe C.; Belinda D.; Elesia E.; A. Morris; Sarah Bethula, m. John C. -Sharp; Laura; Esther. Family home, Salt Lake City. Blacksmith. May b. Nov. 3. 1892; Stephen Mack b. March 29, 1895; Royle Spencer b. April 4, 1897; Helmar Covey b. June 9. 1899; Lavon Ree b. Feb. 4, 1901; Thelma Mayne b. June 17. 1903; Harold Ray b. Oct. 12, 1905; Roland Covey b. Sept. 12, 1907. PALMER, THOMAS (son of Thomas Palmer). Born Jan. 16, 1820, Windsor, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856. Married Frances Starkins in 1856, Salt Lake City, who was born in England. Their children: William C. b. Nov. 30, 1857, m. Margrett Condle Oct. 13, 1881, m. Emily Jennett Smith March 7. 1900; Thomas, m. Rath Stewart; Fannie, died; John, m. Eliza Wainwright. Family home Enterprise, Morgan Co., Utah. Elder; high priest; bishop's counselor Enterprise ward of Morgan stake. Farmer; stockraiser. PALMER, WILLIAM C. (son of Thomas Palmer and Frances Starkins). Born Nov. 30, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Margrett Condle Oct. 13, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Gibson Condie and Elizabeth Robinson), who was born in 1858, American Fork, Utah. Their children: Thomas C. b. Oct. 30, 1882; William G. b. July 16, 1884; Heber C. b. Dec. 23, 1885; Jedediah Morgan b. Dec. 23, 1885; Joseph Earl b. Feb. 16, 1888; John Olive b. Feb. 16. 1888; Maggie Elizabeth b. Nov. 1, 1889. Married Emily Jennett Smith March 7, 1900, Logan, Utah (daughter of Nathaniel Smith and Sarah Ann Sim, pioneers 1847). She was born in 1875 in Morgan Co., Utah. Their children: Elmer S. b. March 12, 1901; Lulu b. Nov. 29, 1902; Jennie b. Feb. 4, 1905; Leone b. Oct. 23, 1907; Orvil Nathaniel b. July 13, 1908. Family home Preston, Idaho. High priest; ward teacher. Farmer; stockraiser. PALMER, ZKMIRA (son of George A. Palmer and Phebe Draper of Canada). Born Aug. 9, 1831. Came to Utah with first detachment Mormon battalion in 1847. Married Sally Knight Dec. 1, 1851, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Newel Knight and Lydia Goldthwait of Kirtland, Ohio). She was born Dec. 1, 1836. Their children: Alma Z., m. Alzada S. Kartchner; Martha and Mary, twins, died; Lydia A., m. John Kartchner; Phebe, m. Mark Elisha Kartch- ner; James W., m. Mary Ann Black; George A., m. Luclty Stalworthy; Jesse M., m. Amanda Hoyt; Emma, m. Wil- ford W. Heaton; Newel, m. Lydia Robertson; Joseph, m. Helen Jane Robertson; Chloe. Married Caroline Jacques in 1856 at Prove Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas Jacques). Their children: Sarah A., m. Amos Cox; Susan, m. Benjamin Black; George Edwin, m. Kstella MacElprang; Daniel W., m. Violet Walker; Eve m. Theodore Cox; Laura, m. Henry Walker. Families resided at Provo. Teacher. Veteran Indian war; took part in Echo Can- yon trouble. Farmer. Died Oct. 22, 1880, Orderville, Utah. PAPWORTH, JAMBS (son of Richard Papworth and Susan Washington of Cambridge, Eng.). Born Jan. 2, 1826, Cam- bridge, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1864, William Hyde company. Married Elizabeth Tavener 1847, Cambridge, Eng. (daugh- ter of Osborne Denton Tavener and Ellen Watson of Cam- bridge, latter pioneer 1866). She was born Jan. 3, 1827. Their children: Susannah b. Dec. 4, 1848, m. George Covell; Ellen Watson b. Oct. 23, 1850, d. June 20, 1859; Richard b. Feb. 14, 1852, m. Elizabeth Davis; Emma Elizabeth b. Dec. 10. 1853, m. James Kemp; James Robert Hull b. April 8. 1856; Clara b. April 2, 1858, m. Oren Hadlock; Frances Washington b. March 18, 1860, d. March 13. 1865; Mary Ann b. June 19, 1862. d. June 29, 1864; Henry Tavener b. Oct. 24, 1864. d. next day; Osborne Tavener b. Jan. 27, 1866. m. Grace Christy Covey Dec. 24, 1883; George Washington b. Jan. 7. 1869, d. Oct. 19, 1869. Family home Chesterton, Cambridge, Eng. He died March 23, 1898. PAPWORTH, RICHARD (son of James Papworth and Eliza- beth Tavener). Born Feb. 14, 1852. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1864, William Hyde company. Married Elizabeth Davis Oct. 21, 1874, Big Cottonwood, Utah (daughter of John Meeks Davis and America Jane Overland, former pioneer 1854, latter 1856). She was born June 21, 1858, in Beaver Co., Utah. Their children: Flor- ence May b. Dec. 31, 1875, m. Louie Ensign; Richard b. Aug. 22, 1877, m. Miss Llewellyn; Lillian J. b. March 2 1879, m. William B. Hall; Raymond E. b. Feb. 2, 1881, m. Bertha King; Parley A. b. Feb. 19, 1883, m. Edna Cottrell; Ruby E. b. Jan. 9, 1885, m. John H. Parks; Marvie B. b. Sept. 22, 1887; Charles E. b. Dec. 8, 1889, d. Infant; Leroy J. b. Feb. 15, 1892, m. Ethel Duffleld; Clyde J. b. Jan. 9, 1895; Wesley G. b. Dec. 29. 1897; Lyle B. b. March 30, 1899. Family home, Salt Lake City. PAPWORTH, OSBORNE TAVENER (son of James Pap- worth and Elizabeth Tavener). Born Jan. 27, 1866, Salt Lake City. Married Grace Christy Covey Dec. 24, 1883 (daughter of Enoch Covey and Jannet Carruth Young of Salt Lake City). She was born May 10, 1865. Their children: Jannet Elizabeth b. July 17, 1885, m. Willard Lancaster; Ethel Grace b. April 27, 1887. m. Thomas J. Call: Osborn Enoch b. March 7, 1889; Elmo William b. Nov. 27, 1890; Leona PARCEL,!,, JOHN C., of Wallsburg and Provo, Utah. Came to Utah 1854, Captain Bullock company. Married Esther Lewis. Their child: Martha Jane b. Dec. 21, 1882, m. Ethan Allen Duke. PARDEE, JAMES D. (son of William E. Pardee and Helen S. Dickey of Cleveland, Ohio). Born July 27, 1863, Cleve- land. Came to Utah Aug. 1. 1891. Married Daisy S. Taylor April 29, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lev! Taylor and Emaline Owens of Kaysville. Utah). She was born in November, 1876. Family home Salt Lake City. Attorney-at-law. PARK, HAMILTON GRAY (son of Samuel Park and Isabell Gray of Kilbarnie, Scotland). Born Nov. 25, 1826, at Kil- barnie. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Annes Steele at Kilbarnie (daughter of John Steele and Jenette Alexander of that place). Their chil- dren: Jenette A., m. Heber Clayton; Hamilton G., d. Infant; Marion M., d. aged 5; Isabel G., m. Scipio Kenner; Edwin A., d. aged 7; Agnes S., d. aged 5; John S., d. infant; Edwin A., d. aged 7; Annie, m. Joshua Midgley; Mabel, m. Joseph Thomas. Family home, Salt Lake City. President high priests' quorum Ensign stake; bishop's counselor 13th ward, Salt Lake City; missionary to Scot- land 1869-7S. Worked at Z. C. M. I. 32 years. Died May 1 1912. PARK, JOHN (son of James Park and Marlon Allen of Kent, near Glasgow, Scotland). Born May 11, 1802, Glasgow. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Edward Hunter company. Married Louisa Smith March 24, 1840, Plympton, West Ontario. Canada (daughter of William Smith and Mary Ann Staples of Lambton, Ontario, pioneers Sept. 30, 1847. John Taylor company). She was born June 24, 1818, and came to Utah in October, 1847, Edward Hunter company. Their children: Jane, m. Albert Jones; Mary Ann, m. Isaac Brock- bank; Marion, m. Daniel Vincent; Louisa, m. Harvey Har- per; James William; John Smith, m. Martha M. Parker; Joseph Smith, m. Maria Elizabeth Harding; Martha Ellen, m. Thomas W. Allen; David Smith, m. Epsy Pace; Margaret Naomi, m. John W. Hoover; Andrew Albert, d. aged 18. Family home Provo, Utah. Elder; high priest. Veteran Echo Canyon campaign. Farmer. Died March 30. 1869. PARK, JOHN SMITH (son of John Park and Louisa Smith). Born Dec. 30, 1849, Provo. Utah. Married Martha M. Parker Oct. 26. 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Wyman Minard Parker and Martha Simmons of Morgan City, Utah). She was born Oct. 28, 1856. Their children: Johnnie Parker b. Oct. 4, 1875, died; Hugh b. Aug. 12, 1877, m. Nora Fillerup; Nora b. Aug. 29, 1879. died; Albert Andrew b. Sept. 2, 1881. m. Ruth Dilworth- Louisa B. b. June 21, 1883, m. Josiah Howard; William Smith b Sept. 3, 1885. m. Lizzie Mecham; Eliza lona b. Aug. 16, 1889, m. Alfred E. Aston; Mary Ann b. May 20, 1893; Uella Jane b. Nov. 6, 1896; Erma Uetris b. June 20. 1899. Family home, Provo. Member elders' quorum seventies; teacher; ward clerk 1888-1911 Timpanogos ward. Constable two years; Justice of peace 14 years; water superintendent. Fruitgrower. PARK, JOSEPH SMITH (son of John Park and Louisa Smith). Born Aug. 1, 1852, Provo, Utah. Married Mariah Elizabeth Harding Dec. 21, 1876, Provo (daughter of Samuel Harding and Mary Jeannette Stowe of Provo). She was born Sept. 16, 1858. Their children- John Samuel b. Sept. 19, 1877, m. Mary Hann; Elizabeth Jean b. May 20, 1879, m. Andrew H. Scott; Mary Ellen b July 28, 1881, m. John Thurgood; Louisa b. May 2, 1883 m. John K. Gilbert; Estella Maud b. March 29, 1885. m. S. Julius Duggins; Lydia Lynn b. April 27, 1887; Edna Florence b. Jan. 26, 1889, m. George Wesley Meyers; Joseph Earl b. March 8, 1891, died; William Vernee b. June 14 1892, died; Verl Reed b. Dec. 10, 1894; Erma Leree b. Aug. 25, 1897; Vera Lorene b. Dec. 24, 1900; Melba b. Dec 26 1904. High priest. Gardener courthouse grounds. Farmer. PARK, WILLIAM (son of James Park and Marion Allen, who had emigrated to Ontario, Canada). Born Oct. 26, 1805, Camslang, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Edward Hunter company. Married Jane Duncan In 1828 In Canada (daughter of John Duncan and Agnes Thompson of Canada, ploneera, Edward Hunter company). She was born in 1808. Their children: Agnes Thompson b. 1828, m. John Borrowman- James D. b. July 15, 1830, m. Marion Park; John D. b. Jan. 18, 1832, m. Elizabeth Hill; Marion b. 1834, m. James Gordon; Jane b. 1836, m. Alexander H. Hill; William D b. Nov. 25, 1837. m. Jeanette Gordon; Hugh D. b. Feb 24 1840, m. Agnes Hill; Mary b. 1843. m. Peter Sutton; Andrew 1086 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Duncan b. March 24, 1845, m. Jane Ann Ellison; Joseph D. b. Aug. 18, 1848, m. Agnes Chappel; Martha Hannah, died. Family resided Salt Lake City and Cottonwood, Utah. Married Janet Finley (no date given). High priest. Farmer and stockraiser. Died March 11, 1890, Mill Creek, Utah. PARK, ANDREW DUNCAN (son of William Park and Jane Duncan). Born March 24, 1845, in Canada. Came to Utah in 1847 with parents. Married Jane Ann Ellison March 14, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Ellison and Alice Halliwell of Nephi, Utah, pioneers Oct. 14, 1853, C. H. Wheelock company). She was born in England March 18, 1849. Their children: Alice Ellison b. March 16, 1869, m. Reuben J. Bailey; Mar- tha Jane b. Oct. 26, 1871, m. John Frank Pexton; William Andrew b. June 22, 1874, m. Emma M. Miller; James Henry b. April 9, 1877, m. Sadie B. Flory; Ethel Gertrude b. Nov. 23, 1880, m. William Eugene Watts; Lilly May b. May 11, 1883, m. Jesse Hulse; Amanda Fern b. Jan. 28, 1886, m. Edward J. Mooney; Pearl Lyle b. Nov. 10. 1890, m. James Ernest Neilson; Clive P. S. b. April 29, 1895, m. Elnora C. Draper. Family home Mill Creek, Utah. High priest. School trustee Mill Creek. Farmer. PARKB, CHARLES (son of Harrison Parke and Hulda Curtis of Albion, Idaho). Born 1834 in Illinois. Came to Utah In 1848. Married Lavlnna Coltrin Dec. 13, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of Graham Coltrin and Anner Norwood of Ohio, pioneers 1850). She was born in 1832. Their children: William Henry, m. Mary Lucinda Capener; Joseph, m. Elizabeth Harris; Charles Ira, m. Sarah Vaughn; Jane, m. James B. Hitt. Family home Conant, Cassia Co., Idaho. Rancher and sheepraiser. Died May 2, 1902. PARKE, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Charles Parke and Lavinna Coltrin). Born Dec. 15, 1855, at Bountiful, Utah. Married Mary Lucinda Capener, July 14, 1881, Center- ville, Utah (daughter of William Capener and Ellen Rigby of Centerville. pioneers 1852). She was born Aug. 11, 1865. Their children: Clarence W., m. Christie Hatch; William C., m. Alice Arbuckle; Dale H., m. May Rich Taylor; Ellen Lavinna; Ralph G., m. La Verne Mason; Sarah M., m. Edward R. Knerr; Lois I.; Grace E.; Marion. Family home Riverside, Utah. Rancher and sheepraiser. Died Feb. 2, 1907. PARKE, DALE H. (son of William Henry Parke and Mary Lucinda Capener). Born July 17, 1885, Malta, Idaho. Married May Rich Taylor Dec. 14, 1910, Farmington, Utah (daughter of John W. Taylor and May Leona Rich of Farmington). She was born Dec. 30, 1885. Family home, Salt Lake City. Attorney-at-law. Member law flrm of Booth, Lee, Bad- ger, Rich & Parke. PARKER, ABEL (son of James Parker, a veteran of the War of 1812, and Nancy Fulford of Brockville, Ontario Canada). He was born June 27, 1816, Brockville, Canada. Came to Utah June, 1863. Married Isabel Marshall (Elliott) January, 1838, Brockville (daughter of John Marshall and Mary Wilson of Deanston, Perthshire, Scotland). Their children: James, m. Lucretia Sherry; Nancy, m. George A. Follick; William, m. Bell Gallagher. Family home Middle Canyon, near Tooele, Utah. Child by second marriage: Abel, b. 1874. Member of presidency of higrh priests' quorum of Tooele stake. President Tooele City Cooperative Mercantile Insti- tution, and of the Tooele County Milling Company. Farmer and sawmill man. Died Jan. 22, 1896, at his home near Tooele. Isabel Marshall was the widow of George Elliott. PARKER, HENRY. Born Sept. 26, 1807, Brindle, Lancashire, England. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter com- pany. Married Ann Comings, Beadle, Yorkshire, Eng. Her father died Sept. 3, 1843 at Nauvoo, 111. She was born May 22, 1820. Their children: John Parker b. May 1, 1837, died Aug. IB, 1846; William b. Aug. 30, 1843, m. Debora Greer. Married Nancy Riley, who was born May 20, 1817, Lan- cashire, Eng. Their children: Joseph H. b. Feb. 27, 1845. m. Emarine Jenkins Jan. 13, 1865; Vilate b. June 30, 1"847, d. Jan. 28, 1861; Heber T. b. Aug. 30, 1849, m. Sarah Ann Cooper; Ruth b. Jan. 1, 1852, m. Joseph Cooper; Willard b. Oct. 7, 1854, m. Isabel Hendry; Sarah b. Feb. 16, 1857, m. William Murray; Henry A. b. Aug. 11, 1859, d. Jan. 23, 1861; Nancy Ann b. Aug. 11, 1859, d. Feb. 16, 1861. Family home WellsvUle, Cache Co., Utah. Married Lucy Burgler who was born Jan. 23, 1828, and died Feb. 8, 1899. No children. Missionary to Great Britain 1878. PARKER, JOSEPH H. (son of Henry Parker and Nancy Riley). Born Feb. 27, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Married Emarine Jenkins Jan. 13, 1865, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Jenkins and Mary Roebarr, pioneers Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company). She was born Feb. 12, 1843, St. Louis. Mo. Their children: William J. b. Nov. 26, 1867, m. Alta Hardman Jan. 23, 1907; Sarah b. Jan. 9, 1869, m. Henry Durfee Dec. 13, 1888; Mary J. b. Aug. 22, 1871; Carrie b. Oct. 10, 1873, m. Samuel Miller Oct. 16, 1895; Joseph J. b. March 10, 1876, m. Mary Salversen, Jan. 24, 1907; Nancy b. March 27. 1878, m. Henry Curtis Nov. 14, 1907; Henry J. b. June 12, 1881, m. Emma Redford July 17, 1901; Emma J. b. Feb. 10, 1884, m. John Glenn Feb. 27, 1907; Roy J. b. Nov. 4, 1886, m. Cloe Pearce March 23, 1910; Emma Durfee (granddaughter) b. Oct. 20, 1889, m. O. W. Garrett Dec. 20, 1911, Stella b. May 6, 1902; William b. Jan. 14, 1904; Henry b. Oct. 30, 1905; Reese b. July 1, 1907; Elva b. Dec. 11, 1908; Pearl b. Aug. 14, 1911. Family home Mt Sterling, Cache Co., Utah. Missionary to Council Bluffs, 1864, for immigrants, and to Arizona, 1876; superintendent of Wellsville and assistant superintendent Mt. Sterling Sunday schools. PARKER, JOHN. Born Aug. 17, 1775, Chalgley Lane, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1852, Captain Parker oxteam com- pany, independent. Married Ellen Heskins, who was born Jan. 23, 1778. Their children: Isabella, m. Thomas Cotton; Ann, m. Thomas Watson; John; Ellen b. July 7, 1817, m. William Corbidge Jan. 1840; Alice, m. Edward Corbidge; William; Mary, m. Samuel W. Richards; Elizabeth b. March 14, 1837, m. John R. Winder Jan. 11, 1857. High priest. Deceased. PARKER, JOHN DAVIS (son of Abel Parker and Mary Davis of New York). Born Nov. 22, 1799, Saratoga, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Almeda Sophia Roundy Feb. 3, 1846. Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Shadrach Roundy and Betsy Qulmby of Nau- voo, pioneers July 24, 1847). She was born March 7, 1829, at Spafford, N. Y. Their children: Jared Curtis b. Dec. 29, 1847, d. infant; John Davis, Jr., b. April 12, 1849, d. age 1?; Malinda b. April 4, 1851; Charles b. Jan. 31, 1853; Mary Ellen b. Oct. 16, 1856; Betsy Jane b. March 21, 1858; Otho b. Nov. 29, 1861; Lauraette b. Feb. 26. 1865; Almeda Sophia b. March 7, 1868; Samantha b. May 27, 1872. Family home Kanarraville, Iron Co., Utah. Member first quorum seventies; missionary; member Zion's camp; high priest. Member of legislature; assessor; collector. Wagonwright; farmer. Died Feb. 27, 1891. PARKER, JOSEPH F. (son of Thomas Bryant Parker and Martha Ann Nelson of Missouri, former born In Virginia, latter Kentucky). Born April 7, 1841, Marion county. Mo. Came to Utah in July, 1852. Married Mary E. Ross June 30, 1861, Heber City, Utah (daughter of Thomas Ross and Rachel E. Ross Smith), who was born March 4, 1845, in Hancock county. 111. Their children: Huldah Jane, m. James Leavltt; Joseph William, m. Maggie Neil; Thomas Bryant, m. Ada Gilbert; John Alma, m. Mary C. Gilbert Oct. 9, 1889; Mary Susannah; Anna Elizabeth; Amy Elleanor; Rachel Estella; Ella Minerva; James Marion; Alta Frances. Married Adelia Cooley June 11, 1890, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Osborne and Frances Rodebach Cooley), who was born March 11, 1874, at Joseph, Utah. Their children: Melvin b. May 27, 1891, m. Brlgham Young Baird; Ada Lavern b. Sept. 22, 1893; Oriel F. b. Aug. 21, 1895; Frances Marie b. Oct. 11, 1897; Florence Adelia b. Sept. 17, 1899; Byron Nelson b. Oct. 17, 1901. Bishop of Joseph, Utah, for years. PARKER, JOSHUA (son of Joshua Parker of New York). Born Nov. 2, 1809, New York City. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1852, Robert Wimmer company. Married Drucilla D. Hartley In 1844 at Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Mary Dickey of Mercer, Pa.). She was born July 23, 1824. Their children: Martin (adopted), m. Nora Robbins; Orson H., m. Erne Minkler; Joshua, Jr., and Ben- jamin, d. infants; Frank W., m. Elizabeth Tuckfleld; Melissa M., m. Joseph W. Summerhays; Hannah Jane, m. Fred Ballwlnkle; Parley P., m. Rhoda Lee; Fredrick A., m. Mary Thomas; Charles H., m. Ida Zachrisson; Ann E., m. Alex- ander D. Edward; Daniel, m. Annie Morris; Joseph A., m. Fannie Westman. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 24th quorum seventies; block teacher. Carpen- ter and cabinetmaker. Died July 17, 1880. PARKER, FRANK W. (son of Joshua Parker and Drucilla D. Hartley). Born Sept. 2, 1850, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah in September, 1852. Married Elizabeth Tuckfleld in Oct. 1883 at Ogden, Utah (daughter of James and Elizabeth Tuckfleld of England, pioneers 1862). She was born February, 1863. Their chil- dren: Bessie, d. aged 6; Birdette b. 1889, m. Mr. Bertosh; Franklin O. b. 1890. Family home, Salt Lake City. Mining engineer. PARKER, CHARLES H. (son of Joshua Parker and Dru- cilla D. Hartley). Born March 31, 1861. Salt Lake City. Married Ida Zachrisson March 25, 1885, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Methias Zachrisson and Emma Anderson of G8teborg, Sweden, who came to Utah In 1879). She was born Nov. 5, 1864. Their children: Charles L. b. Aug. 14, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1087 1887; Ida F. b. Oct. 29, 1889, d. aged 1 year; Drucilla M. b. Oct. 8, 1891, m. Edgar Craddock; Alice b. Jan. 31, 1894, m. John Boyd; Theodore and Leo (twins) b. May 19, 1896; Silvia b. April 6. 1899. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Teamster. PARKER, THOMAS H. G. (son of Thomas Parker, born Sept. 20, 1829, and Mary H. Peake, born April 14, 1834, at Derby, Derbyshire, Eng.; latter died May 26, 1882). He was born May 27, 1861, Derby. Came to Utah in 1863 with mother, who married Thomas Miller. Married Ellen Lovina Schofleld (daughter of Thomas J. Schofleld and Sarah Foster), who was born Jan. 14, 1860, nnd died Dec. 20. 1905. Their children: Mary Ellen b. May 23, 1885; Sarah Ida b. March 27, 1887; Elizabeth Wynona b. March 9, 1890; Thomas Harold; Martha Manerva b. Nov. 14, 1893; William Schofleld b. Aug. 8. 1895; Florence Eloise; Rulon Schofleld b. May 23, 1900; Flora Louise b. Feb. 10, 1902. Family home Nephi, Utah. Married Goldie Itha Bigler June 20, 1907 (daughter of Abner Chase Bigler and Elizabeth Tranter), who was born June 20, 1881, Nephi, Utah. Their children: Itha Lovina b. March 27, 1908; Nelda Alice b. April 11, 1910; Vera Dean b. Feb. 21, 1912. Bishop of second ward, TJephi, Utah; president of deacons quorum; elder; priest; seventy; high priest; missionary to Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia 1887-89. School trustee 1898-1907. Farmer; miner; wheelwright. PARKIN, WILLIAM JOHN (son of John Parkin and Eliza- beth Brown of Bountiful, Utah). Born May 19, 1839, Loscoe, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Eliza Foulds Aug. 18, 1864, at Bountiful (daugh- ter of James Foulds and Sarah Saxton of Hucknall Tor- kard, Nottinghamshire, Eng.), who was born Dec. 7, 1839. Their children: Sarah Elizabeth b. May 1865, m. Thomas Hatch; Harriet b. .April 1867, m. William Varley; William J. b. Oct. 1869, m. Eliza Birmingham; James Henry b. 1871. died; George b. March 1873, m. Jessie Mann; Stephen b. Oct. 1875 (died), m. Llllie Bell; Zipporah b. April 1878, m. Samuel Nelson; Eliza Jane b. June 1880, m. Charles Teiter; Grace Hannah b. Oct. 1883, m. Harry Dean; Mary Olive b. May 1886, m. John Davis. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Elizabeth S. Thurgood April 24, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Thurgood and Sarah A. Banks of London, Eng., pioneers Oct. 6, 1864, William Hyde com- pany). She was born April 29, 1863. Their children: Sarah L. b. Feb. 5, 1885, m. William Hart; Alice E. b. July 9, 1889, m. Joseph Heaps; Thomas C. b. Feb. 21, 1890; Rella A. b. Feb. 3, 1892; Roland T. b. March 24, 1894; Edith L. b. Sept. 5, 1896; Lincoln D. b. Jan. 4, 1899; Carrie A. b. March 14, 1901; Clifford F. b. Feb. 28, 1902; Erma b. Aug. 13, 1906. High priest; Sunday school superintendent; ward teacher. School trustee. Farmer. PARKER, WILL.IAM COPE (son of George Parker, born March 3, 1799, Bickerton. Chestershire, Eng., and Jane Cope, born Feb. 23, 1806, Tattenhall, Chestershire married about 1826). Born March 21, 1827, Bulkeley. Chestershire. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert Campbell company. He drove an oxteam across the plains for Thomas Beb- blngton. Married Sarah Bebbington Edgely May 13, 1855 (daugh- ter of William Edgely of Nantwich, Eng.). She was born Feb. 19, 1835. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1854, Robert Camp- bell company. Their children: Sarah Jane b. April 22, 1857. m. Frederick Stimpson Oct. 21, 1876; Thomas b. Dec. 31, 1860, m. Jennett Mitchell July 5, 1883; Joseph b. Aug. 20, 1864, m. Minnie May Elmer Sept. 30, 1886; John b. Oct. 3, 1866, m. Laura Burch June 18, 1890; Edwin b. June 18, 1870, m. Ella Maud Elmer Nov. 27, 1891; Daniel b. April 22, 1877, m. Pearl Taylor April 4, 1900. Family home River- dale, Weber Co., Utah. Justice of peace 4 years at Riverdale. Married Lydia Brewer Dec. 13. 1899, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Brewer and Elizabeth Stratton of Trow- bridge, Wiltshire. Eng.), who was born Dec. 17, 1859, at Trowbridge. Their adopted child: Ethel Elizabeth b. Dec. 23, 1897. Seventy; high priest; missionary to Great Britain 1871; Sunday school teacher; member of Sunday school super- Intendency 25 years. Miller. President Riverdale Canal Co.; superintendent Davis and Weber Counties Canal Co. Helped to build first railroads in Utah. PARKER, WYMAN MINER (son of Wyman Parker and Maria Miner). Born April 2, 1828, Franklin, Delaware county, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Eliza Ann Grover Jan. 15, 1860 (daughter of Thomas Grover, pioneer Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich com- rany, and Caroline Whiting, died in Nauvoo, 111.). She was born March 13, 1839. Their children: Eliza A. b. March 27, 1861, m. A. L. Stoddard; Julia Maria b. Sept. 30, 1862; Thomas G. b. Sept. 14, 1864, m. Cynthia Smith Jan. 1, 1884; Emeline b. Feb. 1, 1867, m. George Winegar Dec. 16. 1883; Henry M. b. Feb. 5, 1869, d. Jan. 21, 1870; Lionel Parker b. Dec. 26, 1870, m. Laura M. Vaudrey Dec. 24, 1910; Welrose b. Dec. 8, 1872, m. Alice Miller; 'Joel b. Dec. 31, 1874, d. March 16, 1875; David G. b. Jan. 23, 1875, m. Nettie Dayley; Delia b. June 17, 1878, m. John R. Moon; Lucy C. b. March 9, 1880, m. Franklin Oviatt; Albert B. b. June 14, 1882, m. Helen Stoddard. Family resided Morgan, Utah, and Parker, Idaho. Bishop In Morgan, Utah, and Egin and Parker, Idaho; patriarch. Chairman board of county commissioners Fre- mont county, Idaho. PARKER, LIONEL (son of Wyman Miner Parker and Eliza Ann Grover). Born Dec. 26, 1870, Morgan, Utah. Married Laura M. Vaudrey Dec. 14, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nepht Vaudrey and Emily Crapo), who was born in Draper, Utah. Family home Parker, Idaho. PARKIN, JOHN (son of William Parkin and Annie Allen of Loscoe, Derbyshire, Eng.). Born April 12, 1812, Loscoe, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company. Married Elizabeth Brown Feb. 28, 1838, Duffleld church, Derbyshire, Eng. (daughter of John Brown and Ann Wright of Loscoe), who was born March 18, 1821. Their children: William John, m. Eliza Foulds, m. Elizabeth S. Thurgood; George; Harriet, m. Thomas Wardle Matchet; John, m. Mary Ann Lewis; Joseph, m. Eliza S. Cooper; Hyrum, m. Phoebe Stanley; Heber, m. Roanna Hatch. Family home Woods Cross, Utah. Elder. School trustee. Farmer. Died Nov. 4, 1886, South Bountiful. Utah. PARKI1VSO1V, JAMES. Born Feb. 5, 1811, Rauckliff-on- Wyre, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1864, John R. Murdock company. Married Sarah Evans at Liverpool, Eng., who was born July 1, 1815. Their children: William; James, d. infant; Thomas; Sarah E., d. aged 16; John, m. Josephine Osborn; Margret A., d. aged 6: Joseph, d. aged 18: George, m. Mar- garet Prescott. Family home Milton, Morgan Co., Utah. High priest; home missionary. Merchant; farmer. Died Feb. 26, 1875. PARKINSON, GEORGE (son of James Parkinson and Sarah Evans). Born Sept. 26, 1854, Salford, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Margaret Prescott March 6, 1884, Bountiful, Utah, Richard E. Egan officiating (daughter of James Prescott and Margaret Westhead of Liverpool, Fng., pioneers 1855). She was born July 30, 1853. Only child: William R. Pres- cott b. Aug. 7, 1890. Market gardener- dairyman. PARKINSON, SAMUEL ROSE (son of William Parkinson, born at Newklrk, Lancashire, Eng., and Charlotte Rose, born 1805 in Kent, Eng. married 1827 in Kent). He was born April 12, 1831, Barrowford, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah May 5, 1854, Captain Field company. Married Arabella Ann Chandler Jan. 1, 1852 (daughter of George Chandler and Esther Glover, who died In Eng- land). She was born Feb. 27, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Samuel Chandler b. Feb. 23, 1853, m. Mary Ann Hobbs Dec. 9, 1872; Charlotte Chandler b. Aug. 1, 1855, m. William J. Pratt April 10, 1873 (died), m. Joseph Palmer 1910; William Chandler b. Aug. 2, 1855, m. Ellen Elvira Nash Dec. 12, 1878, m. Louisa Benson Feb. 11, 1887; George Chandler b. July 18, 1857, m. Lucy Maria Doney April 14, 1881; Franklin Chandler b. July 7, 1859, m. Ada Elizabeth Nuttall Jan. 1, 1885; Esther Arabella b. Feb. 2, 1862, m. Henry T. Rogers Oct. 2, 1893; Albert b. Aug. 15, 1863. d. May 28, 1864; Clara Janet Chandler b. April 18, 1865 (died), m. Charles D. Goasllnd March 25, 1885; Caroline Matilda Chandler b. Nov. 18. 1866. m. Charles D. Goasllnd Feb. 23, 1898. Family resided Kays- ville, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. Married Charlotte Smart Dec. 8, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas S. Smart and Ann Hater, pioneers 1852). She was born Nov. 6, 1848, at St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Annie Smart b. Oct. 15, 1867, m. O. L. Packer Jan. 1, 1885; Lucy Smart b. Oct. 7, 1869, m. Charles E. Lloyd Dec. 23, 1898; Joseph Smart b. July 15, 1872, m. Ida Maughan Dec. 9. 1900; Frederick Smart b. Jan. 8, 1875. m. Bessie Ann Doney Sept. 2, 1896; Leona Smart b. March 25, 1877, m. Walter P. Monson Nov. 6, 1895; Bertha Smart b. Sept. 24, 1879, m. Nephi Y. Larsen Oct. 7, 1898; Eva Smart b. March 7, 1882, m. Rufus Wood Leigh Sept. 4. 1908; Hazel Smart b. March 31, 1884, m. Peter P. Peterson May 4, 1903; Nettie Smart b. April 9, 1886, m. Isaac Albert Smoot March 31, 1909; Vivian Smart b. Nov. 28, 1893. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Married Maria Smart Feb. 16, 1868, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas S. Smart and Ann Hater), who was born April 24, 1851, at St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Samuel Thomas S. b. March 27, 1869, m. Ellen Blnnlngton Sept. 2, 1891; Luella S. b. Sept. 23, 1871, m. Matthias F. Cowley Sept. 22, 1889; Arabella S. b. Oct. 23, 1873, m. Robert H. Daines May 25, 1898; Sarah Ann S. b. April 22, 1875, m. George T. Marshall March 23, 1892; Olive S. b. May 25, 1877, m. Ezra P. Monson Oct. 16, 1895; Edmond S. b. Feb. 9, 1879, m. Ada West Sept. 11, 1901; Clarence S. b. Dec. 17, 1880, m. Charlotte Wright Oct. 8, 1908; Susa S. b. March 8, 1882, m. Nell P. Neilson June 8, 1904; Hazen S. b. April 1, 1884, m. Lena Allen May 12, 1910; Henry S. b. June 19, 1886, and Chloe b. June 2, 1887, latter two died; Glen S. b. June 20, 1892. Family home Franklin, Idaho. 1088 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH School trustee. Helped establish mall route between Mis- souri river and Utah; helped build flrst schoolhouse in Idaho Veteran Indian wars. Farmer; stockraiser; dairy- man and merchant. General manager Franklin Co-op. 20 years. PARKINSON, SAMUEL CHANDLER (son of Samuel Rose Parkinson and Arabella Chandler). Born Feb. 23, 1853, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Ann Hobbs Dec. 9. 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles R. Hobbs and Mary Ann Ems, pio- neers 1863). She was born 1855 at Cheltenham, Eng., and died Dec. 21, 1912. Their children: Nessy Estella, m. George Hobbs; Edith Arabella, died; Samuel William, m. Harriett Taylor (died), m. Ina Hatch; Albert Hobbs, m. Eva Monson; May Hobbs; Leonard George, m. Emma Chatterton; Theresa; Raymond Charles; Anita; Bernice Richard; Rowland Hobbs; Myrtle; Roma. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Missionary to southern states 1884-86, and to northwest- ern states 1898; high councilor 1886-1907; president high priests' quorum, Oneida stake; ordained bishop of Frank- lin ward July 7, 1907; president Y. M. M. I. A. four years. Vice-president Idaho State Savings Bank, Preston, Idaho. PARKINSON, WILLIAM CHANDLER (son of Samuel Rose Parkinson and Arabella Ann Chandler). Born Aug. 2, 1855, Kaysville, Utah. Married Ellen Elvira Nash Dec. 12, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Bartlett Nash and Hester Elvira Pool of St. Louis, Mo., pioneers 1849 and 1863). She was born Feb. 17, 1863. Their children: Mary Nash b. Jan. 26, 1883, d. same day; Lillian Nash b. Feb. 3, 1884; Nellie Elvira b. Sept. 13, 1885, m. Alfred L. Kelley; Irene Nash b. March 28, 1887, m. I. Eugene Thoresen; Ray Nash b. March 27, 1889, m. Ralph D. Smuin; William Nash b. Jan. 21, 1891. 06; Harry, died; Ruth, m. George H. Naylor; Mary. m. George R. Emery; Annie; Thomas Falrclough, m. Vilate Smoot; Naomi, died; Florence, m. W. W. Ta.gga.Tt; Ella May, m. J. E. Meyer. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Javenta Beck 1872, Salt Lake Endowment House (daughter of Thomas Beck and Elizabeth Carlisle, of Lan- cashire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon com- pany). She was born April 21, 1855. Their children: George H. b. Oct. 16. 1874. m. Camilla Winberg June 1 22, 1911; Eliza- beth, m. H. J. Young; Anne; Clara; William F.; Margret F.; J. Vera; Albert E. ; Mabel; Leah. Family home. Salt Lake City. Elder. Master mechanic of O. S. L. R. R. President Salt Lake Foundry. Died April 17, 1908. PIERPONT, JAMES KING (son of Thomas Plerpont and Naomi King). Born May 21, 1861. St. Cathrlnes, Canada. Came to Utah with father. Married Amanda Luclnda Holdaway (Young) July 2, 190(5. Salt Lake City (daughter of Shadrlck Holdaway and Luclnda Haws, of Provo, pioneers Oct. 24, 1848. contingent Mormon battalion. Widow of Almono Leoto Young. Married Dec. 11, 1889 (son of J. W. Young and Lucy Canfleld of Salt Lake City, and New York City, at Mantl, Utah. One child was born: Lothelld Young). Amanda Luclnda Was born Jan. 17, 1870. Family home Provo, Utah. Boilermaker and machinist. PIERPONT, THOMAS FAIRCLOUGH (son of Thomas Pler- pont and Naomi King). Born Sept. 16, 1870, Salt Lake City. Married Vilate Smoot Jan. 4, 1893, Provo, Utah (daughter of A. O. Smoot and Diana Eldredge of Provo, pioneers Sept. 23, 1847, Daniel Spencer company). She was born Nov. 30, 1873. Their children: Pauline b. March 8, 1894; Clifford Smoot b. May 7. 1897; Naomi b. Dec. 26, 1899; Vilate b. Jan. S, 1902; Margeret b. Nov. 10, 1904; Thomas George b. Dec. 21. 1906; Ruth b. Feb. 28, 1908; John Barney b. June 1, 1910. Family home Provo, Utah. Manager Provo Foundry and Machine Company. Inc., Provo, Utah. I'iKHSON, P. Born In Sweden. Came to Utah with oxteam company. Married In Denmark. His children: John P., m. Ellen Mathews; Elvlna H. Olsen (adopted), m. Isaac E. Black. High priest. Farmer. Died In 1904, Huntington, Utah. PIKE!, JOHN NIGHTINGALE (son of Edward Pike and Han- nah James Baker, of Westholme, near Shepton Mallet, Som- ersetshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 2, 1846, Pllton, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie oxteam company. Married Elizabeth Rawllngs June 21, 1868, Upton Noble, Somersetshire (daughter of James Rawllngs and Elizabeth Sharp of Upton Noble, Eng., the former a ploner Sept. 19, 1869). She was born Sept. 8, 1845. Their children: Eliza- beth Ellen b. Aug. 23, 1869, d. Dec. 1. 1876; John Edward James b. June 4, 1872, m. Clarlbel Ridges June 21, 1893; Ethel Hanah Georgeina b. Sept. 8, 1875. m. Walter L. Hoi- brook June 28. 1899; Edward Ernest b. June 19, 1877, m. Louise J. England, April 22, 1903; William Albert b. Aug. 5, 1879, d. Jan. 12, 1882; Charles Raymond b. Dec. 4, 1881. m. Beatrice Anderson Sept. 21, 1910; Frederick Rawllnga b. Nov. 13, 1884, d. Dec. 9, 1891; Elsie Marian b. Oct. 9, 1890. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 30th quorum seventies; high priest; member high council of Liberty stake. Member Salt Lake City board of education. PIKE, CHARLES RAYMOND (son of John Nightingale Plka and Elizabeth Rawlings). Born Dec. 4. 1881, Salt Lake City. Married Beatrice Anderson Sept. 21, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles L. Anderson and Ellen Okelberry of Grantsville, Utah). She was born Jan. 15, 1886. Their child: Raymond Anderson, b. April 8, 1912. Family home. Salt Lake City. Elder; missionary to Germany, 1902-05. Wholesale dealer of bakers' and confectioners' supplies; firm name, Pike Anderson company. PIMM, JOHN (son of John Pimm, born Jan. 21, 1793. Measham, Derbyshire, Eng., and Ann Martin, born March 20, 1790, Keady, Armagh, Ireland). He was born Sept. 13, 1815, Bellatore. Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin wagon company. Married Sarah Tabberer (daughter of Henry Milward Tab- berer and Sarah Fisher, married at Derby, Derbyshire, Eng.; both died In England). She was born Sept. 5, 1814, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Henry b. Feb. 28, 1836. d. August, 1857; Isaac b. May 3. 1838. d. April 17. 1843; Sarah Ann b. April 8, 1840. m. James P. Park Oct. 28, 1857; Beth Austin b. June 23, 1842, m. Eliza Jane Dent Nov. 1. 1869; John b. April 15. 1845, d. March 20. 1846; John b. June 13. 1849. d. Feb. 1, 1856. Family resided Salt Lake City, Mill Creek and St. George, Utah. Married Agnes Donald Feb. 23. 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Malcolm Donald and Mary Shaw), who was born Oct. 10, 1834, Blackwood, Scotland. Their children John D. b. Dec. 1. 1861. m. Eva Dodge Dec. 23, 1888; Jame D. b. Feb. 21, 1864, died; Mary D. b. Sept. 22, 1865, m. Pres- cott Lamb June 19, 1885; Agnes D. b. Jan. 1, 1868, m. Sher- man Hardy Jan. 27, 1887; Ann D. b. Nov. 24, 1869, m. Ashby Snow; Malcolm D. b. July 14, 1871, m. Elizabeth Gray May 1. 1894; Archibald D. b. July 16, 1873; Jane D. b. Aug. 2, 1874; Charlotte D. b. April 9, 1877; latter three died. Family home St. George, Utah. Moved to Provo. 1858, In the general move, and returned to Mill Creek in the fall; called to help settle St. George, 1861. President 61st quorum seventies; tithing clerk at St. George 1861, Held marshal; city secton; poundkeeper and city assessor and collector. Postmaster, 1873-1901 Died March 12, 1901, St. George. PIMM, SETH AUSTIN (son of John Pimm and Sarah Tab- berer). Born June 23, 1842. Married Eliza Jane Dent Nov. 1, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Dent and Jemima Keeble, former died In England, latter pioneer Sept. 2, 1868, Daniel D. McArthur company). She was born Dec. 29, 1848, Maldon, Essex county, Eng. Family home St. George, Utah. Missionary to England 1864-66. County clerk and re- corder 10 years; assistant postmaster. 1876-1901. School teacher. 16 years. Draftsman in county surveyor's office. Now retired from business. PINCOCK, JOHN (son of John Plncock and Mary Marsden of Exton, Eng.). Born July 27, 1830. Exton. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1852, John Parker company. Married Isabella Douglass Feb. 3, 1851, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of George Douglass and Ellen Briggs of Down- ham, Eng., and immigrated to St. Loula, Mo.; former died in Missouri; latter a pioneer Aug. 28, 1862, John Parker com- pany). She was born Nov. 1, 1833. Their children: Mary Ellen b. Nov. 8, 1851, m. Sollman C. Stephens; John Edmond, m. Alice Parker Richard Feb. 27, 1879; Isabell Alice, m. H. B. Forbes June 7, 1873; James Henry, m. Annie E. Garner Nov. 24, 1881; Ann, d. Aug. 20, 1860, d. birth; Charlotte, m. John A. Garner Nov. 24, 1881; Jane b. Nov. 16, 1863, d. Nov. 16. 1863; George Albert, m. Lucinda E. Bingham Oct. 20, 1886; Vilate, m. Charles H. Woodmanser Oct. 26, 1887; Charles, m. Josie Porter Dec. 29, 1893; William Aaron, d. April 13, 1888; Josephine b. Jan. 20. 1874, d. July 22, 1875; Richard Douglass, m. Ethel Jane Fowler Nov. 30, 1905; Wealthy. Family home Ogden, Utah. High councilor in Weber stake; high priest. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1863. County commissioner two terms; Ogden city councilman: depot policeman at Og- den for 20 years. Farmer. Died Dec. 16, 1906, Ogden. PINCOCK, JOHN EDMUND (son of John Plncock and Isa- bella Douglass). Born Dec. 16. 1863. Kaysville, Utah. Married Alice Barker Richards Feb. 27, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel W. Richards and Mary Ann Par- ker of Salt Lake City). She was born Oct. 29, 1857. Their children: John Franklin b. Jan. 15, 1880, m. Susie Black- ford June 22, 1910; Mary Alice b. Dec. 22, 1881, m. Charley Nlbley Jan. 19, 1905; Henry Dewey b. Dec. 6, 1883, m. May Graham; Richard Parker b. Jan. 21, 1886; Samuel Whitney b. Dec. 31, 1887; William Aaron b. Aug. 8, 1890; Howard b. Nov. 8. 1892; Edith b. July 17, 1895; Carrie Alene b. Feb. 11, 1898; Parley Parker b. Dec. 17. 1900, d. Dec. 29, 1901. Families resided Ogden, Utah, and Wilford, Teton and Sugar City, Idaho. President quorum Fremont stake; high priest; counselor to bishop of Wilford ward 1888-93; bishop of Teton ward 10 years; high councilor In Fremont stake. Sheriff Fre- mont county two years; assessor and collector two years; chairman board of county commtsioners two years; state grain commissioner two years. Farmer and stockralser. President and manager of Roxbury Milling company. PINCOCK, JAMES H. (son of John Plncock and Isabella Douglass). Born Jan. 20, 1858, Ogden, Utah. Married Annie E. Garner Nov. 24, 1881. Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederick Garner and Ann Horrocks of Ogden. Utah). She was born 1863, Ogden. Their children: Jose- phine b. Sept. 13, 1882, m. Robert Thomson Jan. 17. 1907; James F. b. Aug. 29. 1884; C. Bert b. April 28, 1889; Annabel!.- b. March 24. 1891; Alice Pearl b. July 14, 1894; Ida Fern b. May 28. 1900; Rulon D. b. Feb. 26, 1902. Family home Sugar City. Idaho. PINCOCK, GEORGE A. (son of John Plncock and Isabella Douglass). Born March 1, 1865, Ogden, Utah. Married Luclnda E. Bingham Oct. 20. 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of Sanford Bingham and Martha Ann Lewis of Rlverdale, Utah, pioneers September, 1847). She was born Nov. 27, 1868. Their children: Martha Isabella b. July 10, 1887; Lottie May b. May 9, 1889; Lucinda Elizabeth b. Oct. 8. 1891; George Sanford b. April 11. 1893; William Albert b. Feb. 21. 1896: Wealtha Jane b. April 9. 1899: Douglass b. Sept. 27, 1900; John Lewis b. Oct. 7, 1902; Lorin b. March 24, 1904; Mark Lavaine b. Sept. 19, 1907, d. May 10, 1912; Grant Bingham b. Sept. 26, 1910. Family home Sugar City, Idaho. Missionary to southern states 1895-98; counselor to bishop PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1107 of Wilford ward 5 years; bishop of Wilford 5 years; alter- nate member high council and later high councilor; super- intendent of religion classes Fremont stake. Representative In Idaho legislature 1911-12. Field superintendent Utah- Idaho Sugar Company. Farmer. PLUMB, JEREMIAH (son of Merlin Plumb and Elizabeth Bellows of Salem, Utah, pioneers I860). Born Nov. 27, 1850. Married Sarah Jane Shields Jan. 24, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of John F. Shields and Mary Howell, pioneers 1849), who was born Sept. 29, 1854. Their only child was: May E. b. Feb. 6, 1871, m. James R. Davis. Family home Salem, Utah. PINGREE, JOB (son of Job Pingree and Charlotte Tyrant of Struntley, Worcestershire, Krig.). Born Nov. 21, 1837, Struntley, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin company. Married Esther Hooper Sept. 27, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hooper and Susan Hancock of Hallow, Worcestershire, Eng., pioneer Job Pingree company), born Sept. 22, 1839. Their children: James; Annie; William; Esther; Ellen; Elizabeth; Charles; Joseph; Hyrum; Franklin; Pearl. Family horn* Ogden, Utah. Missionary to England 1858-61; president eastern states mission 1892-94. City councilman; water-works superin- tendent; road supervisor; agricultural superintendent of Amalgamated Sugar Company; president of Pingree Na- tional bank. PINGREE, FRANKLIN (son of Job Ptngree and Esther Hooper). Born July 16, 1880, Ogden, Utah. Married Pauline Taggart, Logan, Utah, Jan. 6, 1906 (daugh- ter of George Taggart and Jessie McNiven); born March 28, :885. Their children: Franklin b. Oct. 6, 1906; Ruth b. June 24, 1907; Paul b. Feb. 4, 1910. Missionary to Germany March 20, 1901 to May 10, 1904; mayor of Coalville Nov. 1911; president T. M. M. I. A. Sum- mit stake; president 27th quorum of seventy. Treasurer Summit county 1909-1911. PITT, JOHN (son of Mathew Pitt and Elizabeth Martin of Willenhall, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born April 9, 1816, Wil- lenhall. Came to Utah September, 1866, Daniel Thompson oxteam company. Married Caroline Wright February, 1839, St. Peter's church, Wolverhampton, Eng. (daughter of John Wright and Ann Perry of Willenhall). She was born Oct. 19, 1820. Their children: Priscilla, m. Alfred Lunt Dec. 8, 1865; Meshach, m. Alie Price, Jan. 16, 1871; Ann, m. Shadrick Lunt May 27, 1872; Noah b. June 4, 1864, d. June 9, 1867; Hannah, m. Charles Ahlstrom; Caroline, m. C. W. Foote Dec. 10, 1883; John, m. Mary Ann Lund Jan. 14, 1884. Family home Nephi, Utah. Sunday school worker over 23 years; high councilor. Blacksmith. Died March 25, 1891. PIXTON, ROBERT (son of George Pixton and Mary Han- kinson of England). Born Feb. 27, 1819, Manchester, Lan- cashire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1848, with Mormon Bat- talion division. Married Elizabeth Cooper May 5, 1839, Chesterfield, Derby- shire, Eng. (daughter of John Cooper and Charlotte Hallotte of England), who was born Feb. 8, 1820. Their children: Charlotte b. Feb. 8, 1840, m. William Van Dyke; George b. Sept. 23, 1841, Mary b. Dec. 12, 1844. and John Helaman b. Oct. 3. 1846, d. infants; Robert b. Nov. 6, 1860, m. Amelia IS, Atwood; Elizabeth b. Sept. 15. 1852, m. Henry Harker, Br.; Willard b. Nov. 4, 1854, m. Isabella U. Carter; Sarah b. 1867, d. infant; Joseph C. b. Dec. 18, 1868, m. Emma Ashby: Sariah H. b. Dec. 7, 1862, m. Henry Wheeler. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Martha Silcock Jan. 26, 1869, Salt Lake City," who was born April 30, 1852, Tooele, Utah. Their children: Alma b. July 1, 1870, d. July 19, 1870; Nellie b. Sept. 3, 1872, d. Sept. 18, 1874; Seth b. June 20, 1874, m. Emma Weaver; Jane b. March 17, 1879, m. John D. Bowers; Olive b. Jan. 17, 1881, m. Edward H. Eardley. Missionary to England 1862-66. Farmer. Died Nov. 23, 1881, Taylorsville, Utah. PIXTON, WILLARD (son of Robert Plxton and Elizabeth Cooper). Born Nov. 4, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Isabella U. Carter Jan. 22, 1876, St. George, Utah (daughter of William Carter and Harriette Temperance Utley of St. George, Utah; former pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company, later pioneer 1852). She was born March 10, 1867. Their children: Willard C. b. April 13, 1877 (d. Dec. 20, 1900), m. Alice Lindsay June 22, 1899; Lafayette C. b. April 21, 1879. d. June 23, 1903; John Edward b. Dec. 9, 1880; Samuel b. Nov. 30, 1882 (d. Oct. 30, 1911), m. Nellie Frampton Aug. 3, 1910; Norton Ray b. Dec. 17, 1884; Hazel Isabella b. April 11, 1888, m. Eugene Paxton Sept. 29, 1909; Grace b. May 8, 1890; Mary Elizabeth b. July 9, 1892, d. Feb. 23, 1905; Robert Carter b. Feb. 28, 1896: Ephraim b. May 24, 1899; George M. b. Aug. 18, 1901. Family home Taylorsville, Utah. One of the presidents of 116th quorum seventies; mission- ary to northern states 1894; ward teacher. Farmer. PLATT, JAMES. Born in England. Came to Utah 1862, ox- team company. Married Elizabeth , who died at Mona, Utah. Their children: Margary, William Much; Johathan, m. Bet Depot- tie; Elizabeth, m. Thomas Yates; Nancy, m. John Harrison; William, m. Mary Alice Kay; Sarah, m. Hyrum Vest; Ma- rintha, m. William Ostler. Family home, Mona. Seventy. Veteran Black Hawk war. Farmer. Died at Mona. POLL,, WILLIAM F. (son of William Poll and Jane Long of Norfolk, Eng.). Born June 16, 1823, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah November, 1862, Captain Nelson company. Married Charlotte Long Nov. 3, 1843, Norfolk, Eng. (daugh- ter of John Long of Norfolk). She was born June 29, 1822. Their children: William John, m. Louis Strong; Maria, m. Joseph Gibson; Frederick R., m. Rose Pinock; Jeanette, m. Joseph Earl; Martha A., m. Orson S. Thomson; Maryann, m. William Harrison; Alice, m. George Crabtree; Harriet, m. James Strong; Charles, m. Cora Vine; Joseph, m. Mary Bond. Family home, Salt Lake City. Presiding teacher. Carpenter. Died Nov. 7, 1896, Salt Lake City. POMEROY, FRANCIS MARTIN (son of Martin Pomeroy and Sybil Hunt of Somers, Conn.). Born Feb. 22, 1822, at Som- ers. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Irene Ursula Haskell 1844, Salem, Mass, (daugh- ter of Asabel Green Haskell and Ursula Billings Hastings of Salem and Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1847, John Smith com- pany). She was born Nov. 1, 1825, died at Salt Lake City. Their children: Francelle Eugenia, m. Charles Innez Rob- son; Francis Ashbel. m. Mary A. Rich Jan. 10, 1876; Elijah Pomeroy, m. Mary Annetta Coleman Oct. 16, 1879, m. Lucre- tla Phelps; John Haskell, m. Emily Hutchinson, m. Clara Drollinger July 13, 1889; Irene Ophelia, m. William M. Newell April 28, 1874; May Isabel: Ella Amelia, m. William L. Rich. Sept. 6, 1877; Emma Adelia, m. Hyrum Grimmltt Oct. 9, 1875. Family home Little Cottonwood, Utah. Married Sarah Matilda Colborn April 20, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Colborn, born Aug. 3, 1801, Lyons, Wayne county, N. Y., and Sarah Bowers, born Dec. 30, 1800, Lansing, Tompkins county, N. Y., of Big Cottonwood, Utah, Paris. Idaho and Mesa, Ariz.; latter came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Nov. 4, 1834. Their children: Mary Ursula b. June 27, 1860, m. Sol. F. Kimball March, 1881; Talmai Emerson b. May 6, 1863, m. Sarah M. Johnson Oct. 13, 1886; William Edley b. March 26, 1866, m. Isabel Robson; Franklin Thomas b. Sept. 1$, 1870, m. Isadora Morris March 28, 1893; Sarah Rosina b. March 21, 1873, m. Adam Brewer April 21, 1903; Edward Leslie b. March 19, 1876, m. Serene McGulre July 4, 1892. Family home Mesa City, Ariz. Married Jassamine Elizabeth Routledge Feb. 27, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Routledge and Martha Pets of Paris, Idaho, and Mesa, Ariz.). She came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company, and died March 19, 1900. Their children: Charles Routledge b. Jan. 26, 1869, d. July 6, 1860; Martin Isaac b. Jan. 16. 1860, m. Mary M. Brizzee Aug. 18, 1884; Eleanor Rosetta b. Nov. 4, 1863, m. Edwin E. Jones June 23, 1891; Gertrude Ophelia b. Feb. 22, 1865, d. June 12, 1888; Henry Austin b. Jan. 6, 1867. d. Oct. 7, 1888; Heber Chase Kimball b. June 6, 1869, m. Cas- sandra Johnson July 10, 1893. High priest: missionary to California 1849-60. Justice of Peace at Paris, Idaho and Mesa, Arizona. Engaged In the sawmill, shingle and lathe machine business. Farmer. Died Feb. 28, 1882, Mesa, Ariz. POMEROY. FRANKLIN THOMAS (son of Francis Pomeroy and Sarah Matilda Colborn). Born Sept. 15, 1870, Paris, Idaho. Married Sophia Isadora Morris March 28, 1893, Mesa City, Ariz, (daughter of Hyrum Bowles Morris, born Dec. 23, 1821, Bourbon county, Ky., and Eleanor Crawford Roberts, born Nov. 9, 1830. Morgan county, Mo., both of Quincy, 111., Kanarah, Rockville, Utah, and Mesa, Ariz., pioneers Aug. 9, 1860, Warren Walling company). She was born April 10, 1873, Kane Co., Utah. Their children: Franklin Ivan b. Jan. 26. 1894; Karl Francis b. Feb. 13, 1899; Adah Eleanor b. March 11, 1902; Gladys b. Dec. 11, 1904; George Hyrum b. Nov. 16, 1907. d. May 7. 1913; Ralph De and Roland Eltweed (twins), b. Sept. 25. 1910, Ralph, d. Oct. 1, 1910. Family home, Mesa City. High priest; president Y. M. M. I. A. 1904-05; missionary to southern states 1895-98; president Mississippi conference 33 months; first stake superintendent of religion classes Maricopa stake 1898-1906; senior teacher theological class 13 years; one of the seven presidents 90th quorum seven- ties; second counselor to John T. Lesueur; president Mari- copa stake 1906-11; senior class leader of Y. M. M. I. A. nine seasons; superintendent religion classes 1911. Justice of peace; notary public and city clerk of Mesa City, Ariz. Engrossing and enrolling clerk legislature of 1905. Real estate broker; Persian lamb woolgrower and farmer. POND, STILLMAN (son of Preston Pond,- born Jan. 2, 1779, Wrentham, Mass., and Hannah Rice, born May 13, 1787, Hubbardston, Mass.). Born Oct. 26, 1803, in Worcester county, Mass. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1847, John Taylor company. Married Almira Whltemore In Massachusetts, who died. Of five children the three youngest died. Married Miss Davis. Of six children, all died as did their mother. 1108 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Abigail Thorn (daughter of Richard Thorn) who was born April 2, 1821, and came to Utah with husband in 1847 Their children: Mary Anna b. Jan. 1, 1850, m. John Buxton- Charles Stillman b. Jan., 1852, died; Brigham b. June 9, 1853, m. Arretta Whittle, m. Catherine Whittle; Lewis Sumner b. Dec. 25. 1854, m. Julia Whittle; Abigail b. Jan. 11, 1857; Joseph Thorn; Martin H.; Zina Adaline. Married (Mrs.) Mountx 1852. Their only child: Martha b. Oct. 6, 1853, m. Walter P. Reed. Married (Mrs.) Christensen 1870. Their children: Lisan- der; Noah C. ; Moses Alonzo, Aaron and Alfonzo, died. Presiding high priest at Richmond. Resided in Salt Lake City until 1856 when, after several moves landed at Rich- mond, Cache valley in 1860. Took part in Echo Canyon campaign. One of the founders of the Z. C. M. I. at Rich- mond. POND, BRIGHAM (son of Stillman Pond and Abigail Thorn). Born June 9, 1853. Salt Lake City. Married Arvetta Whittle (daughter of Thomas L. Whittle and Mary Fulmer, pioneers 1848). She was born Oct. 29, 1867. Their children: Charles; Ruey; Marietta; Bertrand Thome; Irene; William Leon; Edna; Lewis Vilroy; Mildred. Married Catherine Whittle (daughter of Zera Whittle and Casanda Pope). She was born June 17, 1867. Their children: Rufus Holland; Zera Whittle; Horace Raymond; Preston; Blanch; George; Edith; Abigail; Howard. Family home Lewiston, Utah. POND, LEWIS S. (son of Stillman Pond and Abigail Thorn). Married Julia Ann Whittle (daughter of Casper Whittle and Mary Ann Harris), who was born Jan. 15, 1859. Their children: Lewis Sumner b. Nov. 9, 1880; Casper W b. Oct. 16, 18S2; Flora b. Feb. 3. 1885; Myrtle b. Sept. 18. 1887; Clara b. Dec. 9, 1889; Eugenia b. March 2, 1896; Russell Thorn b. Sept. 7, 1899; Teressa b. March 15, 1901; Abigail b. Sept. 26, 1902. Family home Thatcher, Idaho. Missionary to Southern states 1889-91; Bishop. 1892-98; slake president. County commissioner two terms; county treasurer. Rancher. POND, MARTIN (son of Stillman Pond and Abigail Thorn). Born May 21, 1862, Richmond, Utah. Married Martha Caroline Harris Dec. 14, 1881, Thatcher, Idaho (daughter of Alexander Harris and Harriet Craner), who was born at Richmond. Utah, Sept. 27, 1862. Their chil- dren: Harriet b. Dec. 29, 1882; Hazel b. Aug. 16, 1885; Martin Harris b. Aug. 31. 1887; Alta b. July 17, 1890; Still- man H b. March 12, 1892; Mary b. July 21, 1894; Alexander Loyal b. Sept. 29, 1897; Gladys b. Dec. 11, 1899; Genevieve b. Aug. 31, 1904; Asael Thorn b. April 25, 1906. POPE. ROBERT (son of Robert M. Pope and Rebecca Whit- taker, of London, Eng.). Born June 16, 1828 in London. Came to Utah, 1858, David Brinton's muleteam company. Married Sarah LeDuke, 1851, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles LeDuke of Vermont). She was born July 21, 1834. Their children: Charles Holmes, m. Maria Jane McCann; Hattle Ann, d. infant; Robert Alexander, m. ; John Theodore, m. Charlotte Stock; George Eugene, m. Mar- earet Ann Jones; Richard Henry, m. Jane Bennett; William Frank, died age 19; Adeline, m. Edward Longhurst; Sarah Adell, m. Nathan Hunting; Marcellus B.. m. Bessie Bruno; Rock m. Minnie Holdaway. Family home Vernal, Utah. Married Mary Huff Nov. 1, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Huff and Mary Jane Losee, of Canada, pioneers Sept. 20, 1861, with Joseph W. Young oxteam). She was born March 5, 1852. Their children: Joseph b. Dec. 9, 1870, m Sarah Jane Anderson; Robert Orlan, b. Dec. 20, 1873. m. Harriet Isabell Hunt; Isaac Stephen b. Feb. 26, 1875, m. Sarah Nielsen; Harley Elmer b. June 8, 1877, m. Rozelly Campbell; Don Carlos b. Nov. 27, 1881, m. Margaret Southam nnd Amanda Elizabeth Green; Mary Maria b. June 5, 1883. m William Southam; Mark E. b. March 22, 1886, m. Valda Anderson; Baby b. Sept. 28, 1888, and James b. Aug. 22, 1890, d. infants. Family home, Loa, Utah. Farmer. POPE, ROBERT ORLAN (son of Robert Pope and Mary Huff) Born Dec. 20, 1873, at Fish Haven, Idaho. Married Harriet Isabella Hunt at Manti, Utah (daughter of Frederick Nephi Hunt and Tomena Larsen, both of Monroe, Utah). She was born Oct. 11, 1875. Their children: Baby, and Robert D., d. infants. Baby and Baby, d. infants; Harriet b. Aug. 31, 1910, d. Sept. 8, 1910; Frederick Leroy b. Nov. 19, 1911, d. Nov. 20, 1911. Family home Vernal, Utah. Elder; deacon; secretary deacon; counselor to T. M. M. I. A.; missionary. Farmer; freighter; blacksmith; shepherd. POPE, HARLET ELMER (son of Robert Pope and Mary Huff). Born June 8, 1878, in Idaho. Married Agnes Rozella Campbell April 24, 1901, Vernal, Utah (daughter of James Heber Campbell and Sara Henry, of Vernal). She was born Dec. 4, 1881. Their children: Elmer Dee, d. infant; Harley Devon b. Dec. 10, 1902; Mary Aloas b. May 14, 1904; Rufus Lynn b. June 8, 1907, died age 4; Hazel; Mark. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. Elder; ward teacher; president Y. M. M. I. A. School trustee. Road builder; farmer; freighter; thresher. POPE. DON CARLOS (son of Robert Pope and Mary Huff). Born Nov. 27, 1881, Garden City, Utah. Married Margaret Southam Aug. 7, 1900, at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Southam and Katherine Cameron, of Evanston, Wyo. Came to Utah in 1861). She was born Jan. 30, 1882. Their children: Don William b. March 15, 1002; Margaret Eve b. Dec. 19, 1903. Family home Vernal, Utah. Married Amanda Elizabeth Green July 17, 1906, at Vernal, Utah (daughter of Ephraim Green and Sidney Florence Thayne, of Kamas, Utah), who was born Jan. 31, 1885. Their children: Iris Lavaur b. June 12, 1907; Carlos b. Dec. 14, 1910; Baby b. Sept. 15, 1912. Family home, Roosevelt, Utah. Farmer. PORRITT, THOMAS (son of Thomas Porritt, born Jan. 14, 1817, Stockport, Eng., and Margaret McCann, born 1819, in Ireland). Born Aug. 13, 1849, Stockport. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Sarah E. Hampton Nov. 13, 1868 (daughter of Thomas Hampton and Martha R. Bracken, pioneer Edward Martin handcart company). She was born March 13, 1853. Their children: Thomas b. Oct. 14, 1869; Sarah Jane b. May 12, 1872; Martha-b. Aug. 30, 1874; George b. Nov. 12, 1878; Margaret b. Sept. 1, 1881; Lev! b. Oct. 7, 1884; Nephi N. b. Jan. 27. 1887; John M. b. June 4, 1888; William R. b. April 25, 1891; Bertha b. Oct. 18, 1892; Leola b. Oct. 24, 1894; Rula R. b. Oct. 22, 1896. PORTER, ABSALOM. Came to Utah, 184Y, oxteam company. Married Sarah Ann Holladay, Marion county, Ala., pioneer 1848. Family home, Santaquin, Utah. Missionary to Australia. PORTER, JARED (son of Nathan Porter of Danby, Rutland county, Vt., and Avisa Salsbery). Born March 23. 1812, Danby, Vt. Came to Utah. 1850. Married Abiah Franklin Feb. 14, 1831 (daughter of Ebe- nezer Franklin, died Oct. 17, 1841, Nauvoo, 111., and Esther Hammond, pioneer 1850). She was born Feb. 21, 1815, North- flfcld. Mass. Only child: Jared (adopted after death of his mother, Cornelia Staker, second wife of Jared Porter), b. Oct. 8, 1848, m. Alice L. Griffln Jan. 1, 1872. Married Cornelia Staker Jan. 1, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. She was born, 1811, in Canada, died July 7, 1850, Fort Carney. Neb. Only child: Jared Riley b. Oct. 8, 1848, m. Alice L. Griffin Jan. 1, 1872. Married Harriet Preece Nov. 2, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Preece and Susanna Prichard. married in England; former died on the plains, latter a pioneer 1851). She was born March 17, 1833, in Herefordshire, Eng. Their children: John Henry b. Aug. 21, 1854, m. Mary Mc- Nelly Sept. 6, 1884; Benjamin Preece b. July 31, 1857, m. Henrietta Jane Dowdle Dec. 19, 1878; Isaac Arnold b. Oct. 12, 1859, m. Mary Ann Alvy; Andrew Richard b. March 23, 1?62, m. Susanna C. Heaps March 8, 1882; Mark Frederick b. Sept. 22, 1864, m. Sarah S. Gregory Dec. 3, 1884; Cecelia Abiah b. Dec. 27, 1867, d. May 19. 1879; Harriet Susanna b. Aug. 7, 1870, m. Preston Howell Jan. 9, 1894. Families resided at Grass Creek, Summit Co., Utah. Settled at Salt Lake City in 1850. moved to Cottonwood in 1852, and after several moves settled at Escalante, Utah, 1881. Counselor to Bishop Ellas Aspher of Echo ward; patriarch. Shoemaker. Died Jan. 2, 1891, at Escalante, Utah. PORTER, JARED RILEY (son of Jared Porter and Cornelia Staker). Born Oct. 8, 1848. Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Married Alice Levina Griffen Jan. 1, 1872, Coalville, Utah (daughter of Charles Griffen and Sarah Smith), who was born March 21, 1856, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah Inez b. April 26, 1874, m. Wallace Shirts; Joseph Jared b. Dec. 8, 1877, m. Molly Scow; Emily Cornelia b. April 2, 1880, m. Thomas Alvy; Hyrum Adelbert b. July 28, 1882, m. Alice Roundy; Edith b. Sept. 2, 1884, m. George H. Barney; Alice Hannah b. Sept. 10, 1886; Adelia b. Dec. 28, 1888, m. Albert Roundy; Parley Pratt b. Nov. 2, 1890; Emerson; Leland; Roland. Family home Escalante, Utah. PORTER, BENJAMIN PREECE (son of Jared Porter and Harriet Preece). Born July 31, 1857, South Cottonwood, Utah. Married Henrietta Jane Dowle Dec. 19, 1878 (daughter of Robert H. Dowle and Henrietta Miservy; married March 29, 1858, Santaquin, Utah; former a pioneer 1849, Kinghad and Livingston company, latter, Oct. 17, 1853, Joseph Young com- pany). She was born July 25, 1861, Franklin, Idaho. Their children: Benjamin Jerome b. Oct. 1, 1879, m. Ida Maud Durrant Dec. 23, 1903; Henrietta Adelia b. Dec. 25, 1882. m. Alma Olsen March 7. 1906; Sarah Ada b. June 9. 1885. m. William Lewis Larsen Dec. 4, 1907; Parley Milton b. June 27, 1891; Ina b. Dec. 25. 1893; Verna b. April 16, 1898; Wilford Dowdle b. April 23, 1900. Family home Franklin, Idaho. High priest; superintendent of Sunday school,' 1897; assist- ant superintendent Sunday school of Oneida stake 1898. Member village board several terms, and chairman one term; trustee of- village school board; ward teacher, 25 years. Farmer; carpenter; thresher. PORTER, SANFORD (son of Nathan Porter and Susannah West). Born March 7, 1790, Brimfleld, Mass. Came to Utah October 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich company. Married Nancy Warrlner Jan. 1, 1812, in Orange county, Vt. (daughter of Reuben Warriner and Sarah Colton). who PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1109 Was born July 29, 1791. Their children: Chauncy Warrlner b. Oct. 20, 1812, ra. Amy Sumner, 1833; Malinda b. 1814, m. Ezra Chipman; Sarah b. 1816, ra. David Willard, August, 1839; John President b. July 28, 1818, m. Nancy Rich Feb. 6, 1843, m. Mary P. Graves; Nathan Tanner b. July 10, 1820, m. Rebecca Cherry Nov. 12. 1848, m. Eliza Ford; Reuben b. May, 1822, d. infant; Sanford b. June 25, 1823, m. Emma Ensign, m. Malinda Porter July 25, 1852; Nancy Areta b. Aug. 8, 1825, m. Edward Stevenson; Justin Theodore b. 1828. killed by a falling horse, 1841; Lyman Wight b. May 5, 1833, m. Electa Kilbourn March 5, 1852. Soon after coming to Utah he settled at Mill Creek, Salt Lake county; in 1849, moved to Centerville, Davis county. Presiding elder, over Centerville branch, and in 1852, upon organization of a ward at that place, became its first bishop. Original pioneer of Porterville, Morgan county, where. In 1860, he built the first house. Farmer and sawyer. Died Feb. 7, 1873, at Portervllle. PORTER, CHAUNCY WARRINER (son of Sanford Porter and Nancy Warriner). Born Oct. 20, 1812, Holland, Erie county, N. Y. Came to Utah October, 1848. Married Amy Sumner 1833, Independence, Mo., who was born Feb. 22. 1815. Their children: Alma b. Dec. 15, 1834, m. Minerva Duell; Malinda Ann b. July 9, 1836, m. Sanford Porter; William b. Nov. 5, 1838, died; Sarah Angeline b. Sept. 14, 1841, m. George Leavitt; Nancy Areta b. March 15, 1845, m. Nelson Mattice; Hyrum S. b. March 15, 1845, died; Joseph and Benjamin (twins) b. Dec. 11, 1846, died next day. Family resided, Mill Creek, Centerville and Porter- ville. Utah. Married Lydla Ann Cook, March 1846 (daughter of Ahaz and Mercy Cook), who was born Aug. 6, 1830, Peoria, 111., and died Dec. 20, 1882. Their children: Warriner Ahaz b. May 20, 1848, m. Mary Malinda Norwood Oct. 5, 1867, m. Martha Norwood July 22, 1873, m. Rachel Ann Black April 23, 1879; Cyntha Caudness b. June 22, 1850, m. Evan Jones; Amy Zenora b. May 4, 1851, m. John P. Porter; Justin Rocks- ford b. Oct. 18. 1853, m. Mary Mariah Porter; Nancy Arvena b. Sept. 20, 1855, m. Sanford Chipman; Mary Ziona b. April 25, 1857, d. 1857; Edson Darias b. April 12, 1859, m. Catherine Carling, m. Phoebe Carling; Omni Lehl b. Jan. 27, 1861, d. Nov. 22, 1873; Annie Ozina b. April 27, 1863. m. Benjamin D. Black; Abinadi b. March 28, 1865, m. Annie Louisa Jen- sen; Arvel Marion, died; Lydla Bereft b. Jan. 21, 1868, died. Married Priscilla Strong Feb. 10, 1847, Winter Quarters. Neb. (daughter of Ezra Strong and Mary Lowell, former pioneer 1848). She was born Dec. 11, 1830. Their children: Chauncy Union b. March 16, 1850, m. Farvette Rich; Daniel Dorath b. June 27, 1851, died; Printha Priscilla b. Aug. 29, 1852, m. Charles Simpson; Francis Lysander b. July 4, 1854, m. Mariah Hoyt; Mary Etta b. July 5, 1856, m. Edward Crofts; Melvin Omer b. June 11, 1858, d. June 10, 1879; Carml Nephi b. Oct. 31, 1860, m. Hannah E. Hoyt; David Nathaniel b. Feb. 23, 1862, died; Wilford Woodruff b. Feb. 22, 1864; Olive Martha, died; Ezra Solomon b. Dec. 1. 1867, m. Mattla Turman. High priest; presiding elder over East and West Porter- vllle. Millwright, sawyer and carpenter. Died March 3, 1868, Centerville, Utah. PORTER, WARRINER AHAZ (son of Chauncy Warriner Porter and Lydia Ann Cook). Born May 20, 1848, Florence, Neb. Married Mary Malinda Norwood Oct. 5, 1867, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of Richard Smith Norwood and Elizabeth Stevenson of Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct. 12, 1848), who was born Nov. 1, 1851. Their children: Warriner Eugene b. Sept. 17, 1868, d. Oct. 28, 1889; Walter Alvin b. Feb. 3, 1870, m. Ablone Black; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 9, 1872, m. Walter J Stlmer; Orvel Wallace b. April 19, 1875, m. Eliza- beth Carroll; Effa Vilate b. July 23, 1877, m. Lorenzo Row- ley; Lydia Ellen b. Nov. 21, 1879, m. Morley L. Black; Jesse Smith b. Aug. 13, 1882; Hyrum Edward b. June 6, 1885, m. Lucy Carroll; Jennie Arvena b. Oct. 13, 1887. d. July 12, 1889; Milla Maud b. Nov. 28. 1891; Mabel Amelia b. Dec. 31, 1'894. Family resided Porterville and Ordervllle, Utah, and Colonla Pacheco, Chihuahua, Mexico. Married Martha Norwood July 22, 1873, Salt Lake Endow- ment house (daughter of Richard Smith Norwood and Elizabeth Stevenson), who was born July 27, 1856, Big Cot- tonwood, Utah; died Aug. 31, 1893. Their children: Martha Luella b. Aug. 10, 1874, m. John E. Stetner; Ann Eliza b. June 30, 1878, m. William L. Young; Emma Zenora b. June 1. 1881. d. March 9, 1882; Cyntha Jane b. April 9, 1885, m. Abel W. Hardy; Ahaz Abinadi b. March 30, 1889. Married Rachel Ann Black April 23, 1879, St. George temple (daughter of William M. Black and Mariah Hanson), who was born March 8, 1863, died May 5, 1906. Their chil- dren: Ann Mariah b. April 27, 1880, m. Aaron B. Hardy; Omni Morley b. Aug. 16, 1882; Joseph Henry b. April 14, 1885, m. Hannah James; David Sanford b. May 13, 1887, d. July 8, 1887; Myrtle Drucilla b. June 4, 1888, m. Herbert H, Redd; Hatty Hortense b. Dec. 2, 1890, d. Aug. 30, 1910; Katie Marinda b. Jan. 3, 1893, d. Jan. 23, 1893; Ablone b. Feb. 24, 1894; Minnie Minerva b. June 12, 1896; Warren Snow b. July 4, 1898, d. Aug. 10, 1898; Rachel Maletta b. July 25, 1899; Roxey Gertrude b. Oct. 2. 1901; Margery Arreta b. Sept. 18, 1903; Blanch b. April 27. 1906, d. next day. Missionary to Mexico 1899-1912; seventy; high priest. Con- stable of Kane county. Machinist; lumber dealer; sawyer; cabinet maker; farmer. PORTER. JOHN PRESIDENT (son of Sanford Porter and Nancy Warriner). Born July 28, 1818, Plymouth, N. Y. Married Nancy Rich Feb. 5, 1843, Nauvo, 111. (daughter of Joseph Rich and Nancy O'Nlel of Indiana and Kentucky; pioneers Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich company). She was born Dec. 5, 1821. Their children: Joseph Rich b. March 29, 1844, m. Eliza Jane Bratton, m. Electa E. Porter; Sanford C. b. Dec. 26, 1845, m. Olive Kilbourn; John P. b. Sept. 4, 1847, m. Zenora Porter; Nancy b. March 16, 1851, d. May 7, 1851. Family resided Salt Lake City, Centerville and Por- terville, Utah. Married Mary P. Graves, born Sept. 13, 1818, Concord, Essex county, Vt. Their children: Charles G. b. April 3, 1S54, m. Bessie White, July. 1876; Sarah b. Feb. 8, 1860, m. Frederick White. Pioneer to Porterville 1861 and Centerville 1850, where he was a leader in making roads, building school houses and canals. School trustee, and water commission many years. Died May 28, 1895. PORTER, JOSEPH RICH (son of John President Porter and Nancy Rich). Born March 29, 1844, Charleston, Lee county, Iowa. Married Eliza Jane Bratton Jan. 4, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Washington Bratton and Mary Palmer Graves, of Council Bluffs, Iowa; latter pioneer 1852). She was born March 6, 1845. Only child: Eliza B. b. Feb. 19, 1870, m. Alva S. Porter. Married Electa E. Porter May 8, 1876. Salt Lake City (daughter of Lyman W. Porter and Electa Mariah Kilbourn of Porterville; pioneers 1848, Charles C. Rich company). She was born 1858, Centerville. Their children: Marlow Rich b. May 8, 1877, m. Emily Aramlnta Hooper; Nellie E. t. Aug. 17, 1879, d. April 17, 1881; May, b. May 23, 1882, d. May 30, 1882; Bertha M. b. Nov. 25. 1883, m. Arthur Rich; Nancy Athena b. June 5, 1886; Nathaniel V. b. Nov. 11, 1888; Joseph Irvine b. Jan. 28, 1894; Mary Viola b. Sept. 29, 1897. Families resided Porterville, Utah. Missionary to Illinois and Kentucky 1875-77; bishop of Porterville ward 1877-97; high councilor Morgan stake 1908- 12. County commissioner and superintendent district schools 1870-74; prosecuting attorney 1878-82 and 1910-12; probate judge 1882-86; commissioner 1886-92, all in Morgan Co.. Utah; member house of representatives 1889-91 and 1908-10; chaplain 1903-05. School teacher 1862-1902. PORTER. SANFORD (son of Sanford Porter and Nancy Warriner). Born June 25, 1823, Vienna, Trumbull Co.. Ohio. Came to Utah from California Oct. 16, 1847, contingent Mor- mon battalion. Married Emma Ensign July 25, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Zophar Ensign and Priscilla Billings, latter a pioneer). She was born March 4, 1833, Spafford, Onon- daga county, N. Y. Their children: Emma Priscilla b. Sept. 23, 1853, m. Thomas Spencer April 2, 1877; Sanford Marlus b. Aug. 5, 1855, m. Nina M. Leavitt Sept. 4, 1879; Jared Ensign b. Oct. 22, 1857, d. May 13, 1869; Cevllla Ann b. Nov. 5. 1859; Sarah Lavera b. April 2, 1861, d. July 22, 1861; Marion Marcellus b. Oct. 1, 1862, d. Oct. 13, 1885; Aaron Milton b. Aug. 13, 1866, m. Cylvla Vanfleet; Mary Arizona b. March 27, 1870, m. David Jenkins; Warren b. Nov. 18, 1872, d. Dec. 13, 1872; Ensign Moses b. Dec. 21, 1873, m. Matilda Stratford. Family resided at Centerville and Porterville. Utah. Married Malinda Ann Porter July 25, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Chauncy Warriner Porter and Amy Sum- ner), who was born July 9, 1836. Their children were: Nathan Theodore b. May 27, 1863, m. Mary Emma Bond; Samuel Uriah b. Oct. 21, 1855, m. Mary Minerva Porter; Amy Arena b. Dec. 23, 1857. m. Charles Whiting; William Ira b. Jan. 28, 1859, m. Adeline Porter; Alva b. Feb. 8, 1862, m. Elizabeth Shelley; Alma b. Feb. 8, 1862, d. infant; Edith b. April 18, 1864, m. Thomas Brockbank; Joseph Isaiah b. June 24, 1866, m. Maud Shelley; Hyrum Jeremiah b. June 24, 1866; Benoni; Moroni; latter three d. infants; Nancy Angeline b. Jan. 24, 1872, m. David Cluff; Chauncy Warriner, died. Family resided at Porterville, Utah, and Sunset, Ariz. Member of Mormon battalion Company E. Built first sawmill In Morgan Co., Utah, 1854, in Hardscrabble Can- yon, carrying the necessary machinery on pack mules over the Wasatch mountains from Centerville, Davis county. Assisted In settling The Muddy in southeastern Nevada in 1868. In 1877 made a visit to the valley of the Little Colo- rado river In northern Arizona; and in 1880 moved one of his families there, settling at Sunset in what is now Navajo county. PORTER, SANFORD MARIUS (son of Sanford Porter and Emma Ensign). Born Aug. 5, 1855, Centerville, Davis Co., Utah. Married Nina Malinda Leavitt Sept. 4. 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Leavitt and Sarah A. Porter), who was born Nov. 25, 1861, Richville, Morgan Co., Utah. Their children: Marlus Earl b. July 8, 1880, d. Aug. 10, 1881; Rulon Ensign b. Feb. 4, 1882; Emma Ethel b. April 24, 1884. m. Edwin S. Westover Oct. 8, 1903; Adah Janet b March 23, 1886, m. J. Clark Owens; Aaron Bond b. Aug. 23, 1887, m. Jane Rogers; Miral Adrian b. Feb. 15, 1889, d. June 27, 1889; Mamie Teresa b. April 3, 1890; Sarah Elva b. Feb. 1, 1892, m. Jesse S. Bushman; Liona Ordell b. Feb. 6, 1894, d. Nov. 19, 1902; Myron Leavitt b. May 13, 1896, d. Nov. 3, 1902; Leo Fenton b. Feb. 24, 1898; Sanford Emil b. May 4, 1900; Nina Areta b. June 12, 1901; Thora b. Oct. 15, 1902. Moved from Porterville. Utah, to Sunset, Ariz., 1880, and to St. Joseph, Ariz., In 1884. Constable of St. Joseph pre- cinct 1887-90; school trustee. High priest; member Snow- flake stake high council. Farmer and stockraiser. 1110 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH PORTER, AARON BOND (son of Sanford Marius Porter and Nina Malinda Leavitt.) Born Aug. 23. 1887, St. Joseph, Ariz. Married Jane Rogers Oct. 7, 1909, Salt Lake City (daughter of Davis Rogers and Minnie Woolley of Snowflake, Ariz.). She was born Oct. 7, 1888, at Snowflake. Their child: Glenda b. June 16, 1911. Family home St. Joseph, Ariz. Farmer; stockman; rancher. PORTER, WILLIAM F. (son of John Porter of England and Mary Ann Bryant, born May 13, 1826, Kent, Eng.). Born Jan. 6, 1845. New Castle, New South Wales, Australia. Came to Utah 1869. Married Margret L. Benson June 27. 1868 (daughter of Joseph W. Benson and Mary C. Lee, who were married 1843, in Graves county, Ky. t pioneers Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock company). She was born May 14, 1847, pioneer Aug. 19, 1868, John R. Murdock company. Their children: William J. b. April 21, 1870, m. Malissa Thurston Dec. 16, 1891; John F. b. Jan. 3, 1873; Thomas Leroy b. Dec. 21, 1874; Margret Lillian b. March 4, 1876; Samuel Arthur b. April 1, 1879; Ruben Victor Penson b. June 8, 1885; Rheuben. First counseloi to Bishop Greenwood of central ward 1882-96. Moved from Beaver to Sevier county 1877. POTTER, GARDNER GODFREY (son of Thomas Potter and Wealthy Weiller of Essex, N. T.). Born 1820 at Essex. Came to Utah Dec. 22, 1848. Married Emily Allen, Essex, N. T., who died without issue. Married Evelina Maria Hlnman December, 1844, Iowa River, Iowa (daughter of Lyman Hinman and Aurelia Lewis, married Aug. 16, 1819, New Lebanon, N. T., pioneers 1848). She was born Aug. 8, 1829, West Stockbridge, Mass. Their children: Melvln Lyman b. Sept. 1, 1850, m. Asenith Glover, 1871; Earnest Henry b. Aug. 3, 1854, m. H. Priscilla Bourne Oct. 11, 1876; Monica Amelia b. Sept. 2, 1856, m. Jacob M. Secrist 1879. Family home Farmington, Utah. POTTER, ERNEST HENRT (son of Gardner Godfrey Potter and Evelina M. Hinman). Born Aug. 3, 1854, Springville, Utah. Married Hannah Priscilla Bourne Oct. 11, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Bourne and Jane Alder, pioneers Sept. 14, 1863, Claudius V. Spencer company), who was born Sept. 21, 1864, Salt Lake City. Their children: William Ernest b. Aug. 20, 1876, m. Olive L. Moon March 15, 1905; Horace C. b. Aug. 28, 1878; Alice M. b. Oct. 22, 1881; Wal- lace b. May 31, 1886; Vernon Leo b. Feb. 18, 1890; Inez Aureta b. May 6, 1892. Family home Farmington, Utah. POTTER, WILLIAM ERNEST (son of Ernest Henry Potter and Hannah Priscilla Bourne). Born Aug. 20, 1876, Farm- ington, Utah. Married Olive Leila Moon March 15, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Moon and Temperence Westwood; mar- ried March 18, 1856. Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct. 6, 1860, latter Sept. 11, 1853, Jesse W. Crosby company). She was born Oct. 16, 1874, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Her- man E. b. May 3, 1906; Helen Louise b. July 18, 1908; Lucile b. June 13, 1911. Family home Riverside, Utah. POTTER, RANSOM R. (parents lived at Waterbury, Conn.). Born March 4. 1807. Married Rhoda E. Ferrell Sept. 25, 1826, who was born Jan. 10, 1807, at Waterbury, Conn. Their children: Rhoda Emeline, m. William Miller; Ransom Robert, died; Isaac S., m. Mary Ford; Benjamin F., m. Eliza Demmick. Family home Springville, Utah. Farmer. Died Nov. 15, 1884, Albion, Idaho. POTTER, ISAAC S. (son of Ransom Potter and Rhoda E. Ferrell). Born April 19. 1833, in Loraine Co., Ohio. Married Mary Ford, Salt Lake City. Their child: Isaac M., m. Lucy Williams. Married Asenith Lawrence, Salt Lake City (daughter of Aaron Lawrence). Their children: Emily M. b. Nov. 19, 1855, m. John A. Warner; James b. April 19, 1867, m. Jennie Peck; Rhoda b. Dec. 13, 1859, m. James F. Clyde; Rosalia b. Nov. 7, 1861, m. John Ferry; Bertha b. Jan. 13, 1863, m. David W. Holdaway; William b. Dec. 26, 1866, m. Tryphene Burrs. Married Amelia Brown, Salt Lake City. Their children: Charles; Emeline, m. Charles Lyons; Annie. Families resided Springville. Utah. Stockraiser. Died Aug. I, 1867, Coalville, Utah. POTTER, \VIL,LIAM GEORGE. Came to Utah Sept. 19. 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Sarah Ann Whitney. Their children: William George, m. Atimlshia Minerva Washburn; Elijah, m. Sarah Joiley; Sarah Ann, m. Walter Winsor; Weltha, m. Joseph Scott. Family home Fort Ephralm, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Killed during Black Hawk war. POTTER. WILLIAM GEORGE, JR. (son of William George Potter and Sarah Ann Whitney). Born about 1839 in Ohio. Came to Utah with father. Married Artimishia Minerva Washburn about 1865, Fort Kphraim, Utah (daughter of Daniel Abraham Washburn and Tammer Washburn, of Monroe, Utah, pioneers). She was born June 17, 1849, in Nebraska. Their children: Artimishia Minerva, m. Joseph Burnett; Sarah Ann, m. Samuel B Shumway; William George, m. Mary Brown; m. Parley Church (Hart); Elija John, died; Tammer Jane, died; Daniel Abraham, m. Sophia Jensen; Thomas Gardner, m. Agnes Hughes; Stephen and Susan, died; Almeda, m. John Burnham- Essa, m. Knude Jensen. Family home Mesquite, Nevada. Made three trips across plains for immigrants and freight Hauled the tithing grain from San Pete county to Salt Lake City. POULSEN, ANDREW (son of Peter Jensen Poulsen of Weiby. Denmark). Born June 8, 1843, at Weiby. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1862, Christian A. Madsen company Married Caroline Hansen Oct. 18, 1866 (daughter of Jorgen L. and Annie Hansen, pioneers handcart company). She was born 1848; came to Utah with parents. Their children: Caroline b. Nov. 28, 1867, m. Peter Nielson; Andrew Peter; Andrew b. Oct. 18, 1870, m. Cloe Parish; George C. b. March 11, 1876. Family home Richfield, Utah. Married Annie Christina Andersen (daughter of Chresten Andersen and Christina Marie Sorensen, former a pioneer, Jensen handcart company). She was born Feb. 1, 1863 Their children: Peter C. b. March 21, 1876; Marie b. Jan. 11. 1879; Joseph F. b. Nov. 30, 1880; Ellen Nora b. Jan. * 4 , 1 883. High councilor 25 years; teacher 40 years. POULSEN, JENS (son of Poul Nielsen, born 1792, Valby, Denmark, and Kirstina Katrine Elim, born 1801, Sorslev Denmark). Born Oct. 28, 1831, Kirkestillinge, Denmark. Pioneer Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home company. Married Kirsten Nielsen November, 1851, in Denmark (daughter of Jens and Kirsten Nielsen, both died in Den- mark). She was born Aug. 17, 1832, died 1862 while crossing Atlantic ocean. Their children: Frederika Marie b. Sept. 16, 1857, James Peter b. May 9, 1869, and Poul b. May 8, 1862, died. Family home, Denmark. , Married Maren Kirstina Arff June, 1862, Florence Neb. (daughter of Peter Soren Arff, who died in Denmark). She was born Aug. 17, 1836, at Dyereng, Denmark. Their chil- dren: James S. b. May 8, 1864, m. Grace Price, m. Harriet Humphreys; Mary Caroline b. Jan. 1866, m. Hyrum H. Wooley; Sophia b. Jan. 22, 1868, m. Robert Shepherd; Joseph F. b. Dec. 4, 1870, m. Elizabeth Strauthaar; Julia M. b. 1872, m. Hyrum H. Hymas; Lena b. July 22, 1874, m. Henry Passey; Charles C. b. Jan. 26, 1876, d. 1897. Family home Liberty, Idaho. Married Mary Humphreys Feb. 16, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Humphreys and Mary Matthews, both died in Wales). She was born Feb. 4, 1848, in Wales. Their children: Hyrum Smith b. Jan. 25, 1871, m. Sarah Ann Hymas; David Moroni b. Feb. 1, 1873, d. 1899; William Eli b. April 22, 1875, m. Sarah Ann Johnson; Mary Ann b. March 28, 1877; Klim b. Dec. 4. 1878, m. Martha Nelson; Margaret Elizabeth b. Nov. 10, 1880, m. Simpson Rich; Alma Matthews b. Oct. 12, 1882, m. Laura Toomer; Amelia Ann b. Sept. 14, 1884, m. Wesley Collins; George Lorenzo b. Nov. 22, 1886, m. Susan Smith; Walter b. Nov. 22, 1888; Elonora b. May 13, 1892; Edgar b. April 6, 1895; Kenneth b. May 26, 1897. Family home Liberty, Idaho. Married Trine Jensen July 26, 1885, at Salt Lake City, who was born In Denmark. Their children: Christian Nelson (adopted), Karl Nelson (adopted). High priest; missionary to Denmark 1859-62 and 1887-90 bringing 22 relatives to Utah; home missionary 15 years. Trustee. Farmer. POULSEN, JAMES SHRYNE (son of Jens Poulsen and Maren Kristina Arff). Born May 8, 1864, Paris, Idaho. Married Grace Price Oct. 18, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Robert Price and Matilda Raley, pioneers, Milo Andrus company). She was born Sept. 1, 1871, at Paris. Their children: Ezra James b. Dec. 26, 1889; Henry Benjamin b. Oct. 14, 1891; Grace Ellen b. Dec. 10, 1901. Married Harriet Humphreys July 19, 1904, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Humphreys and Sarah Ann Eaton, pioneers). She was born Aug. 4, 1882, at Paris. Their children: Leraine b. June 21, 1906; Ruth b. Oct. 30, 1907; Louis b. May 21, 1910. Families resided at Paris. Bishop of second ward, Paris, Idaho. POULSEN, JOSEPH F. (son of Jens Poulsen and Maren Kristina Arff). Born Dec. 4, 1870, Ovid, Idaho. Married Elizabeth Straubhaar Nov. 2, 1892, Logan, Utah (daughter of Jacob Straubhaar and Anna Elizabeth Strahm, who came to Utah 1883). She was born May 22, 1870, in Canton Bern, Switzerland. Their children: Joseph Archie b. Nov. 6, 1893; Etta Elizabeth b. Aug. 18, 1895; Gladys Kirstina b. March 3, 1898; Charles Hubert b. Dec. 14, 1901- Nola b. Dec. 23. 1904; Clarence b. Jan. 11, 1908; Lawrence b. March 21, 1910. Family home Raymond, Idaho. POULSEN, PAUL (son of Peder Jensen Poulsen, born Feb. 24, 1816, at Lokken, Denmark, and Sldsel Kathrine Andersen, born Sept. 7. 1815; Weiby, Denmark married July, 1839). Born Sept. 10, 1845, at Weiby. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Medsen independent company. Married Annie Marie Christensen Aug. 24, 1872 (daughter of Jens Christensen and Maren Andersen), who was born PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1111 Feb. 6, 1850. Their children: James P. b. July 16, 1875, m. Mary Ann Ogden Dec. 22, 1897; Ammon W. b. July 3, 1879. m. Mathilda Christensen Dec. 14. 1899; Elida C. b. May 12, 1881, m. Frank Olson Oct. 10, 1906; Arthur M. b. Dec. 21, 1883, m. Diantha L. Barrows Feb. 8, 1905. Family home Rlchfleld, Utah. Married Oliana Martina Olsen Oct. 2, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ole Larsen and Karen Andrea Olsen). who was born July 4, 1852, Aalesund, Norway. Their children: Henry O. b. July 31. 1881, m. Elizabeth M. Brady Sept. 1910: Joel Milton b. Oct. 16, 1883; Clara Annetta b. April 29, 1886, m. Stephen Perry Abbott July 20, 1906; Ezra Exile b. Sept. 27, 1888. Married Mary Davidson March 11, 1887. Logan, Utah (daughter of David Culdbransen and Maren Kirstina Johan- sen), who was bora Feb. 6, 1867. Idswold, Norway. Their children: Prudence b. April 2, 1891; Byron O. b. July 25, 1897; Erma D. b. Feb. 17, 1900; Dorthella L. b. April 27, 1902; Ellen b. April 13, 1906; Silven R. b. March 28, 1908. Was baptized Jan. 28, 1862. Started for Utah April 4, 1862, with his mother, brothers and a sister; his father, sister and youngest brother not coming. They walked the entire distance from the Missouri river to Salt Lake City. Moved to Pleasant Grove in fall of 1862, to Gunnison, San Pete county, April, 1863. Raised a crop and hauled wheat to Camp Floyd for U. S. soldiers on contract x>f President Brigham Young. This paid their immigration transporta- tion. Moved to Richfield March, 1866. 128 claims of 20 acres each were distributed among the settlers, and they surveyed and built with spade and shovel a canal, nine miles long and nine to twelve feet wide, to irrigate this land; the first water reached Richfield March 22d. Food was very scarce, the nearest grist mill being at Manti, so wheat was ground in a hand mill. Tea was $15 per pound and money almost unknown, taxes and salaries being paid In produce. In 1866 the Indians started their depredations, killed many settlers, drove the people in from Glen Cove and other outlying settlements, necessitating placing the. town under guard, as also the herds, and men had to work to- gether in squads for protection. In April, 1867, Richfield was abandoned, and the settlement moved to Fountain Green. Missionary to Denmark in 1871, and visited his father. Had charge of Hjorring branch of the church at Osth; traveling elder in Aalborg. Returned to Richfield June 22, 1872, bringing with him his youngest brother. Set apart first counselor to William H. Seegmiller April, 1877; ordained bishop of first ward July 25, 1877, by Erastus Snow, remain- ing bishop until 1894, when the wards were united, and he was set apart as first counselor to Bishop Theodore Brand- ley, which position with that of acting bishop he held until March 25, 1899, when he was ordained high councilor, until Sept. 18, 1910. He was made patriarch Sept. 24, 1899; member prayer circle 28 years; superintendent Sunday school first ward three years, released on account of polyga- mous prosecution; arrested for unlawful cohabitation May 24, 1888, sentenced to four months in state penitentiary and a fine of $200; again arrested August, 1892, and discharged; again on Oct. 11, 1894, sentenced to 30 days in penitentiary; again Oct. 21, 1899, and fined $160 by Judge W. M. McCarty; all of these offenses were for "unlawful cohabitation." Is the father of 22 children, 14 of whom are living and appear in this genealogy. Was city councilman three years, school trustee two years, treasurer of Sevier stake tabernacle, dis- bursing $27,000 in its construction. Connected with many co-operative institutions. POULSON, CHRISTIAN (son of Peder Jensen Poulson. born Feb. 24, 1816, Lokken, Denmark, and Sidsel Kathrine Ander- sen, born Sept. 7, 1816, Weiby, Hjorring Amt, Denmark married July, 1839). He was born 1848 at Weiby, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Medsen company. Married Anna Kathrine Oietzen May 25, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Christian and Martha Marie Oietzen of Richfield, Utah). She was born March 31, 1857, died April 16, 1888. Their children: Henry C. b. April 11, 1876; Martha K. b. April 2, 1876; Parley Peter b. April 7, 1878; Augusta M. b. June 21, 1881; E. W. b. May 6, 1886; Anna E. b. Feb. 27, 1887. Married Annie Macelia Jessen Jan. 20, 1892, Manti, Utah (daughter of Mads Peter and Anna A. Jensen, of Mt. Pleas- ant, Utah, pioneers 1857). She was born Jan. 4, 1863. Their children: Jesse W. b. Sept. 24, 1893; Agnes C. b. April 8, 1896; Ephraim L. b. Dec. 11, 1896; Rulon Grant b. March 20, 1903. Missionary to Denmark 1882-86; home missionary eight years. Assisted in leveling the present site of the Manti temple. Veteran Indian wars. POULSON, JOHN CHRISTIAN (son of Christian Abel Poul- son, born July 8, 1813, at Flyngborg, Denmark, and Jensine Axelllne, born Jan. 10, 1813, Orse, Denmark). Born Feb. 21, 1841, in Hjorring Amt, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 22, 1866, Abner Lowry company. Married Eliza Thompson 1866 (daughter of Thomas Madson and Mary Ann Peterson), who was born June 11, 1842. Their children: Frederikke b. Oct. 18, 1867, m. Frank F. Merrill 1897; John C. b. Nov. 3, 1868, m. Edna Earl Hawley March 26, 1897; Pauline, m. Henry Hughes; George Alma, m. Zilla Johnson. POULSON, JOHN C. (son of John Christian Poulson and Eliza Thompson). Born Nov. 3, 1869, Holden, Millard Co., Utah. Married Edna Earl Hawley March 25, 1897, Manti, Utah (daughter of William P. Hawley and Violate Snow), who was born March 25, 1873, Provo, Utah. Their children: Edna Lorene b. Dec. 17. 1897; Myrl b. Aug. 19, 1899; John Stanley b. June 28. 1901; Alton Melrose b. May 17, 1903; Winford Pierce b. Sept. 29, 1906; Spencer Earl b. March 23 1910 Family home Holden, Utah. POULTER. WILLIAM (son of Thomas Poulter and Sarah Davis). Born March 3, 1820, Moulsey. Surrey, Eng. Came' to Utah Sept. 29, 1854, Joseph Field company. Married Caroline Strubell in Surrey, Eng. (daughter of Richard Strubell and Mary Ann Davis of Moulsey) She was born Jan. 23. 1820, Surrey, and died Nov. 7, 1887, Ogden, litah. Their children: William b. March 19, 1845, died; George b. Nov. 25, 1846, m. Mary E. Jackson Feb. 9, 1874- Sarah Jane b. Oct. 1851, died; Ephraim b. March 11 1849 d. April 1, 1879; Thomas b. July 19, 1853; Moroni Strubell b. Jan. 6, 1856, m. Hannah Burton Sept. 6, 1878, m. Alice Snell Maw Oct. 4, 1887; Rachel b. Sept. 23, 1858. m. Asa Parley Sept. 5, 1878; Joseph b. 1860. died. Family home Ogden, Utah. Settled at Ogden 1855; moved to Salt Lake City 1858- returned to Ogden 1865. Member of first brass band of Ogden, which accompanied the militia in the Echo Canyon campaign. One of the committee to induce President Brigham Young to build the Salt Lake theater. Member first theatrical company that played in Salt Lake theater March 8, 1862; was an associate of Phil Margretts. Harry Bowring, McEwan. and was in the Mechanics Dramatic association. Accidentally killed by a falling tree in Ogden Canyon March 7, 1866. POULTER, GEORGE (son of William Poulter and Caroline ?,V l l b '; 1 ,! ) - Born Nov " 25 ' 1846 ' London. Engr. Came to Utah 1854 with parents. Married Mary E. Jackson Feb. 9, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Aaron Jackson, born Sept. 30, 1823 Eyne Derbyshire. Eng.. died Oct. 20, 1856, while crossing the plains, and Elizabeth Horrocks, born Aug. 5, 1826, Maccles- fleld, Chestershire, Eng., pioneer Nov. 30, 1856. Edward Martin handcart company, died Oct. 17. 1908, Ogden Utah) She was born July 22, 1851, at Macclesfield and came to Utah with mother and family. Their children: George Aaron b. Nov. 12, 1874, m. Lillie Obern April 1901; Grace Elizabeth b. March 6. 1877. d. May 24, 1893; Claude Jackson b. Nov. 4, 1879. d. Oct. 8, 1891; William Richard b. Aug. 30, 1882, m. Matilda Hancock June 23, 1909; Martha Caroline b. Nov. 3, 1885; Mary Frances b. Aug. 17, 1888, m. George Burton June 14, 1911. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to England 1890-92. Assisted in plastering the Salt Lake theater and took part in the first play at the opening March 8, 1862. Plastering contractor. POULTER, MORONI STRUBELL (son of William Poulter and Caroline Strubell). Born Jan. 6, 1856, Ogden, Utah. Married Hannah Burton Sept. 6, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Walton Burton, born March 23 1833 Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng., and Rachel Fielding, born June 27, 1839, Preston, Eng.. former pioneer Sept. 23, 1854 Job Smith company, latter 1848 with her parents). She was born Jan. 14, 1859, at Mill Creek. Utah. Their children: Rachel May b. June 3. 1879, d. April 13, 1880; Clara Burton b. March 12, 1881, m. Joseph J. Hancock Sept. 29, 1909; Hannah Ellen b. Sept. 14, 1883, m. Albert H. Krumperman Aug. 23 1911- Moroni Carl b. Nov. 4, 1886, m. Mary J. Peterson June 26 1907; Florence Carrie b. March 31, 1888, m. Isaac S. Hunt Jan. 17, 1912; Ruby Isabel b. March 21. 1890, d. May 27 1892; Ina Roseltha b. Oct. 6, 1893; William Irvin b Nov' 10, 1895; Glenn Minerva b. May 26, 1898. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Alice Snell Maw Oct. 4, 1887, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Maw, born Feb. 19, 1800, in England died Aug. 16, 1893. Ogden, Utah, and Christina Snell, born March 16, 1831, died Nov. 7, 1861, at Hull, Eng.; married Aug 16, 1855, former pioneer Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D Haight company). She was born May 29, 1859, at Hull, Yorkshire Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight com- pany. Their children: Lawrence b. May 18, 1890 m Lucy S. Moyes Oct. 9, 1912; Ephraim b. Sept. 30, 1893; Alice Lament b. Dec. 24, 1897; Marvel Lucile b. June 13, 1904. Family home Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. First counselor to Joseph A. West, president of the first Y. L. M. I. A. and organized in Mormon church' first presi- dent of Y. M. M. I. A. of the 4th ward, in 1878, Ogden. POWELL, JAMES (son of Abraham and Elizabeth Powell of North Carolina). Born 1809 in North Carolina. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1852, Robert Wimmer oxteam company. Married Jamima Wimmer 1834 in Indiana (daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Wimmer, both of Indiana, pioneers 1850, oxteam company). She was born March 14, 1814, in Ohio! Their children: Elizabeth, d. aged 3; Peter, d. infant; Robert A., m. Rachel J. Davis; Simion Comfort, m. Lydia Hawley m. Edith Carnaby; John A., m. Matilda Snyder; Malinda', m. Caleb Rhodes, m. Josephus Gammage; Martha E., m. Frederick E. Grames; James, d. aged 14 months; Abraham killed by a grizzly bear on Mt. Nebo, Utah, aged 23. Family resided at Ogden, Mill Creek, Springville, Provo and Kamas Utah. Elder. Farmer and stockraiser. Drowned in Weber river July 19, 1867. 1112 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH POWELL, ROBERT A. (son of James Powell and Jamima Wimmer). Born Oct. 13, 1839, Adams county, 111. Pioneers Oct 13, 1852. Brought an oxteam company. Married Kachel J. Davis Aug. 17, 1872, at Diamond City, Utah (daughter of George Preston Davis and Elizabeth Lewis, both of Logan, Utah). She was born Oct. 23, 1855. Their children: John Riley b. Sept. 18, 1873, d. infant; Robert Wimmer b. Aug. 18, 1874, m. Estella Hall; Martha Ellen b. Sept. 2, 1876, m. Charles McKendrick; Sarah Eliza- beth b. Oct. 13, 1878, m. Benjamin G. Wyther; Betsy Jamima b. Sept. 18, 1880, m. Charles Honick; Simion Comfort b. May 14, 1882; James Abraham b. July 10, 1884; George Preston b. Nov. 8, 1886; Joseph b. March 8, 1889; Lucy Mallnda b. Dec. 23, 1891, m. Tony Ma,lino; Hyrum b. Jan. 28, 1893, d. March 20, 1893; Ransom Peter b. Feb. 2, 1894; David b. April 1, 1896. d. Sept. 14, 1897; Jaroma A. b. Feb. 23, 1898. Family resided at Salem and Carbonville, Utah. Elder. School trustee. Farmer and stockraiser. POWELL, JOHN AMON (son of James Powell and Jamima Wimmer). Born Nov. 27, 1844. Came to Utah 1850. Married Hannah Matilda Snyder January, 1864, at Kamas, Utah (daughter of Robert and Hannah Snyder of Payson, Utah, pioneers 1848). She was born Feb. 23, 1846. Their children: John A. Jr., b. Oct. 14, 1864, m. Hanna Halverson; Maria b. May 18, 1867, m. William Warren; Elmeda Matilda b. Sept. 29, 1869, died; James b. March 14, 1872; Leah b. Aug. 23, 1874, m. Raymond Madison, m. George Rand; Robert b. Jan. 4, 1877, m. Emma Eugals. Married Sarah Jane Plumb (Shields) Jan. 6, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of John F. Shields and Mary Howell of Salem, Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born Sept. 29, 1854. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Dec. 13, 1874, m. Eben Snow; Lot b. April 14, 1876, m. Mary Jane Burgess; Flor- ence b. Sept. 30, 1878, m. John Johnson, m. George Sawyer; Martha b. Dec. 1. 1880, d. Infant; Abraham b. March 6, 1882, m. Pearl Leonard; Joseph F. b. Feb. 1, 1884, and Pearl b. Nov. 24, 1885, d. children; Zoe E. b. Dec. 6, 1887, m. Leo Leonard; Franklin Irvln b. Nov. 12, 1894, d. child. Family home Price, Utah. Married Rose Altha Allred Jan. 10, 1882, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Green W. Allred and Amy Howse of San Pete Co., Utah). She was born March 7, 1863. Their children: William R. b. May 21, 1883, m. Jennie Luke; Maud M. b. Aug. 23, 1885, m. John Safley; Dora A. b. Dec. 6, 1887, n^.- George Spencer; Elmer W. b. March 5, 1890, m. Gertrude Roberts; Clarence H. b. May 31, 1892; Ethel N. b. Sept. 3, 1894; Sheridan R. b. Sept. 13, 1896; Earl H. b. Nov. 9, 1898; Ada J. b. May 21, 1901; Grant b. Sept. 21, 1903. Family home Price, Utah. Elder. Served in Black Hawk war. Farmer and stock- raiser. POWELL, JOHN AMON, JR. (son of John Amon Powell and Hannah Matilda Snyder). Born Oct. 4, 1864. Lambs Canyon, Utah. Married Hannah Fredericka Halverson April 2, 1885, Price, T'tah (daughter of Frederick Halverson and Hannah Nielsen of Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah 1872). She was born March 16, 1868. Their children: Hannah Matilda b. May 30, 1887; Verner Amon b. Oct. 2, 1889; John Frederick b. Oct. 28, 1891; Clarence b. April 11, 1894; May b. May 1. 1896. Married Margarette Catherina Johnson Oct. 3, 1906, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Halldor Johnson and Gertrude Berenson of Cleveland, Utah. Came to Utah 1881). She was born Aug. 12, 1882. Their children; Parley Grant b. Aug. 6, 1908; Gertrude and Geneva (twins) b. Sept. 18, 1910. Elder; ward teacher. Settled at Wellington 1893, where he assisted in building up the country. Farmer; miner; stockraiser POWELL, JAMBS Q. Born Nov. 7, 1807, In Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1848, Zera Pulsipher company. Married Mary Jane Cooper 1841, Lancaster, Lancaster county, Pa., who was born Oct. 17, 1810, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Isaac b. Aug. 2, 1842, d. Jan. 1848; Naomi b. Aug. 16, 1844, m. Norman Wines Dec. 25, 1863; James b. June 15, 1846, d. Jan. 1848; Augustus N. b. Aug. 1, 1851, m. Sarah Losee July 7, 1872; Thaddeus b. Sept. 30, 1854, m. Esther Ann Ashton Jan. 24, 1883. Married Hannah Anderson 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Anderson), who was born March 7, 1818, Den- mark. Their children: Susan b. 1860, m. Charles C. Trane April 12, 1888; Benjamin b. March 7, 1867, m. Mary Anne Southwlck. Pioneer In sheep and cattle business; from his sheep the greater part of the clothing worn In the neighborhood of Lehl 1855-72 was made. POWELL, THADDEUS (son of James Q. Powell and Mary Jane Cooper). Born Sept. 30, 1854, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Married Esther Ann Ashton Jan. 24, 1883. Lehi, Utah (daughter of Thomas Ashton and Arminta Lawrence, pio- neers Morris Phelps company). Their children; Thaddeus A. b. March 27, 1884, m. Nicoline E. Schow Oct. 30, 1905: Eugene b. Nov. 11, 1885, m. Mable Snider Jan. 8, 1909; Leland b. July 24, 1887, m. Grace Comer Feb. 15, 1910; Hazel May b. May 1, 1889; T. J. b. April 2, 1893. Family home Lehl, Utah. City councilman Lehi two years. Owner of the Mulllner mill property, which was sold to the Utah Sugar Co. 1890. Director Lehi Commercial & Savings Bank 1893-1900. Married Fanny Chamberlin. Their children: Mary Ann b. Sept. 16, 1843, m. Jacob Croft; Fanny Louisa b. July 16, 1845, m. Lee Cropper; John b. Sept. 14, 1847; Jessie b. June 3, 1849, m. Peter Huntsman; Mercy b. May 15, 1852; Samuel b. April 20, 1855; Ephraim b. Oct. 13, 1856; Bessy b. Nov. 5 1858, m. Heber J. Mitchell; Alice Jane b. June 18, 1864. Married Henrietta Seaton Blyth June 18, 1864 (daughter of Charles Blyth and Isabelle Brown, former pioneer Cap- tain Clark company 1856). She was born June 6, 1831, Dalkeith, Scotland. Their children: Sarah b. April 13, 1865 m. John Broadhead; Annie b. Sept. 8, 1866, m. Joseph Beck- with; Henrietta b. Aug. 15, 1868; Lilly b. March 29, 1870, m. Willard Rogers; Alma b. Jan. 13, 1872, m. Margret Burt- May b. May 7, 1873, m. Lars Rasmussen; Ellen b. April 1, 1875, m. James A. Kelley. Married Martha Ashby March 20, 1885. Their children- John Franklin b. July 22, 1886; Jessie Truman b. April 11 1888; Nathaniel b. Feb. 15, 1891. Took active part in Echo Canyon campaign. Pioneer of Fillmore. Died June 3, 1902, Fillmore. POWELL, THOMAS (son of Joseph Powell and Anna Crocker of Yorkshire, Eng., who came to Utah September, 1886). Born May 27, 1857. Came to Utah 1864. Married Emma Maria Warburton Dec. 10, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Warburton and Emma Maria Whatnough), who was born Dec. 1, 1863, Salt Lake City Their children: Albert T. b. Sept. 25, 1885, m. Irene Braby Florence E. b. Feb. 27, 1888, m. Augusta Brown; Lawrence R. b. March 1, 1892; Clyde J. b. July 17, 1897; Vera b. Dec 15, 1903. Family home, Salt Lake City. POWELL, WILLIAM JAMES (son of Thomas Powell). Married Mary Ann Simson. Their children: Mary Jane, d. child; Martha Ann, m. Thomas Rhoads; Elvira, m. Lars J. Marslng; Sarah Elizabeth, m. Hans Peter Marsing; William James, Jr., m. Rachel Ann Hadden; Dan Thomas b. Jan. 26. 1871, m. Emma Lozzetta Higby; Joseph Hyrum, m. Ada Hadden; Francis Lyman, m. Lucy Stilson; Orson Mark, m. Lorena Jensen; Lucy Fidelia, m. Martin Luther Marsing; John Taylor, m. Mary Smith. Family home Castle Dale Emery Co., Utah. POWELL, DAN THOMAS (son of William James Powell and Mary Ann Simson). Born Jan. 26, 1871, St. Thomas, Lincoln county, Nev. Married Emma Lozzetta Higby May 6, 1891, Castle Dale, Utah (daughter of William Higby and Emma Maria Larsen of Castle Dale). She was born Sept. 1, 1873. Their chil- dren: Nellie May b. Nov. 23, 1892, m. Paul G. Cluff Oct. 5, 1911; Arthur Enos b. March 17, 1895; Clara Grace b Aug 25, 1897; William Lee b. Sept. 2, 1899; Emma Pearl b. Feb 3, 1903; Mary Elizabeth b. July 30, 1906. Family home Theodore, Utah. High priest; counselor to Manassa J. Blackburn of Deseret. Lake ward, Emery county; ward and Sunday school teacher. Moved to St. Joseph with parents, then to Kanab, to Rich- field, to Huntington river, and to Castle Dale ward with first settlers; moved to Deseret lake among first settlers, and assisted in building canals, wagon roads and homes, and In reclaiming the land; from here he went to Uinta Indian reservation Feb. 20, 1905, and in 1906 began building the canal at Moffatt, finishing it that summer; in August of 1906 he located at Duchesne, took up a homestead, and re- sides there at the present time. School trustee. Farmer and stockman. POULTON, THOMAS (son of Richard Poulton and Margaret Hand of England). Born April 10, 1834, In England. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Mary Hand Dec. 4, 1857, in England (daughter of John Hand), who was born 1837. Their children: William b. Nov. 3, 1858, m. Sarah Ann Birch; Thomas b. 1859, died; Ira Eldredge b. Aug. 23, 1861, m. Emma V. Grover. Family home Coalville, Utah. Married Zeruah M. Grover April 17, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Grover and Elizabeth Walker of Farm- ington, Utah; former pioneer 1847, latter Sept. 26, 1866. Edmond Ellsworth company). High priest; missionary to England 1896; pioneer In build- Ing up Goose Creek valley. Moved to Oakley, Idaho, Died April 21, 1912. POWELL, JOHN (son of John Powell and Ann Belfleld, both of London, Eng.). Born Oct. 31, 1822, St. Sepulchres parish, London, Eng. Came to Utah 1856. PRATT, JONATHAN BLACKMORE (son of William Pratt of Virginia and Isabel! Hall of Ireland). Born Jan. 18, 1807, Greenville, Tenn. Came to Utah 1857. Married Susannah Halbert (daughter of William Halbert and Susannah Taylor), who came to Utah with husband. Their children: William Halbert b. May 8, 1844, m. Ann Bur- gress Jan. 19, 1864; Rebecca, m. Mr. Jones; Martha, m. James Worthington; Isabel!, m. William Martindale; Mary, m. Cla- bourn Elder; Frances, m. Claborn Elder. Family home Duncan's Retreat, Washington Co., Utah. Earlier settler to "Dixie," Utah. PRATT, WILLIAM H. (son of Jonathan Blackmore Pratt and Susannah Halbert). Born May 8. 1844. Married Ann Burgess June 19, 1864, Virgin City. Utah (daughter of Thomas Burgess and Elizabeth Isaac, pioneers 1864, Nelson Empey company). She was born June 11, 1843. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1113 Badmington, Eng. Their children: Elizabeth S. b. April 3. 1865, m. Hyrum F. Wright; William F. b. April 27, 1867, m. Elizabeth E. Tolbert Nov. 23, 1892; Jonathan B. (3rd bishop of Hinckley, Utah) b. June 28, 1869, m. Emma Alldredge Nov. 23, 1892; Thomas H. b. Dec. 3. 1873, m. Jane Harmon Oct. 8. 1903; James b. Oct. 29, 1876, died. Family home Hinckley. Utah. First bishop of Hinckley ward, Millard stake. PRATT. WILLIAM F. (son of William H. Pratt and Ann Burgess). Born April 27, 1867, Duncan's Retreat, Utah. Married Elizabeth E. Tolbert (daughter of William Tol- bert, pioneer 1859, and Sarah Pack, born 1848, Salt Lake City). She was born Aug. 27. 1875, Kamas, Utah. Their children: Rosette E. b. Nov. 8, 1894; Wilford F. b. Nov. 6, 1897; Golda b. Dec. 25, 1899; Lawrence b. June 19. 1902; Nora and Olive b. Dec. 19, 1904, Olive d. same day; Eva Ann b. Sept. 1, 1908; Parnell b. Dec. 3, 1910. Family home Hinckley, Utah. Bishop Hinckley ward, Millard stake. PRATT, ORSON (son of Jared Pratt and Charity Dickinson of Hartford, Washington county, New Lebanon and Canaan, Columbia county, N. T.). Born Sept. 19, 1811, Hartford, Washington county, N. Y. Came to Utah July 21, 1847, Brig- ham Young company. Married Sarah Marlnda Bates July 4, 1836, Henderson, Jefferson county, N. Y. (daughter of Cyrus and Lydia Bates of Henderson. N. Y.). She was born Feb. 5, 1817. Their children: Orson, Jr., b. July 11, 1837, m. Susan Snow Oct. 1, 1856, d. Dec. 6. 1903; Lydia b. Dec. 17, 1838, d. Aug. 13, 1839; Celestia Larlssa b. May 10, 1842, m. Albert P. Tyler Jan. 4, 1858, d. Jan. 6, 1905; Sarah Marinda b. Oct. 27, 1844. d. July 26, 1845; Vanson b. Jan. 23, 1846, d. July 22, 1847; Laron b. July 10, 1847. m. Ethelwynn Clarissa Brown June 27, 1869, d. Aug. 21. 1908; Marlon b. Oct. 13, 1848, d. Sept. 4, 1849: Marintha Althera b. Dec. 31, 1849, d. March 24, 1851; Harmel b. Aug. 21, 1851, m. Mary Elizabeth Cullen Nov. 18, 1873, d. Dec. 20, 1907; Arthur b. March 12, 1853, m. Agnes Ellen Caine Dec. 25, 1872; Herma Ethna b. May 16. 1856, m. William F. Belding Feb. 18. 1874. d. Dec. 26, 1877; Loila Menella b. Oct. 22, 1858, d. Sept. 21, 1860. Married Charlotte Bishop 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of John Fitch Bishop and Lucy Goff), who was born March 1824, Crown Point, Essex county, N. Y. Married Adelia Ann Bishop Dec. 13, 1844, Nauvoo. 111. (daughter of John Fitch Bishop and Lucy Goff of Crown Point, N. Y.). She was born Nov. 6, 1826, Crown Point. Their children: Lucy Adelia b. Sept. 15, 1847, m. Ashton Nebeker March 9, 1865; Zina Bishop b. Feb. 26, 1861, m. Francis M. Bishop Jan. 24, 1873, d. May 16, 1902; Lorum b. Dec. 18, 1852, m. Frances Lane Theobald May 17, 1876; Lorus b Nov. 27, 1855, m. Elzina Wheeler Nov. 27, 1879; Eltha b. Dec 12 1858, m. John Stephen Edwards Aug. 2, 1880; Orthena b Oct 31 1863, m. John Askie Silver Nov. 5, 1880. Married Mary Ann Merrill March 27, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Voluntine Merrill and Lydia Sisson of South- hold and Greenport, Long Island, N. Y.). She was born June 2 1819, Southhold; came to Utah with husband In 1851 died Dec. 12, 1903. Their children: Milanda b. Sept. 30 1848, m. Elizabeth Rich May 16, 1870; Vianna b. March 13 1851 m. Joseph U. Eldredge Oct. 30, 1870; Oradine b. March 5 1853, m. Samuel H. Kimball Oct. 30, 1870, d. Aug. 1872- Lathilla b. July 19. 1865, m. Joseph S. Kimball Oct. 30 1870- Valton Merrill b. May 23, 1860, m. Estella Jenkina June 26 1895; m. Mary Ellen Cragun Jensen Nov. 27, 1912. Married Louisa Chandler 1846, who died June 12, 1846. Married Marian Ross Feb. 19, 1852, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Robert Ross and Margaret McBane of Glasgow, Scot- land). She was born Aug. 23, 1830, at Glasgow; came to Utah with part of Geo. D. Watts party of British converts, In 1861, and died July 19, 1901. Their children: Marian Agnes b Feb 16 1853, d. Oct. 17, 1863; Larinda Marissa b. Dec. 16, 1865 m Willard E. Weihe July 10, 1876; Milson Ross b. Nov 4, 1859, m. Jemima G. Vincent Kilgore March 14, 1888, (d. 1893); m. Mary Frances Tuttle Kimball March 29, 1894; Irintha b. July 6, 1862, m. James Henry Douglas Jan. 12. 1882- Ray Ross b. Feb. 14, 1871, m. Mulvie McCloed 1898; Ruby b. Feb. 20, 1874. m. Alvln Augustus Beesley May 24, 1894 Married Sarah Louisa Lewis June 21, 1853, Birmingham, Eng who was born July 7, 1831, Old Radnor, Hereford, Eng.; came to Utah September, 1854, died Sept. 27, 1855, Salt Lake City. Only child: Willow Lewis b. Sept. 8, 1854, d. Oct. 27, Married Jullaett Phelps Dec. 14, 1865, Fillmore, Utah (daughter of Alva Phelps, who died in service Mormon Battalion, and Margaret Phelps). She was born April 19, 1839 Their children: Alva Phelps b. Jan. 31, 1859, m. Cassie Allen d. Feb. 18, 1906; Clomenia b. Jan. 29, 1861, m. Frank Larse'n; Ortherus P. b. Oct. 26, 1863, m. Emma Louise Taysum Oct 28 1885. m. Kittle Evelyn Eagan June 27, 1906; Mar- garet b Oct. 6, 1868, m. Mr. Armstrong; Rella b. Jan. IS. 1872 m. Mr. Farrington; Neva b. July 27, 1874, m. William Lyman Shiverick Aug. 6, 1908; Julius P. b. May 12, 1877, m Etta D. Boucher Sept. 8, 1900. First eight families re- Bided Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Crooks July 24, 1857, Islington, Liverpool, Eng. who was born July, 1829, Monaghan, Glastock, Ireland; came to Utah 1857, died Jan. 9, 1869, Tooele City, Utah. Their children: Lerlus Crooks b. April 9, 1858, d. June 17, 1862: Dora b. March 23, 1860, m. Willard Snow May 14, 1878; Jared b. July 15, 1862, killed by snowslide March 11, 1877; Onthew b. Dec. 30, 1864, d. same day; Samuel b. Nov. 24, 1868, killed by falling into a hot spring in Nevada, Oct. 4, 1888. Family home Tooele, Utah. Married Margaret Graham Dec. 28, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Graham and Jane Ross of Edinburgh, Scotland, latter pioneer 1865). She was born Jan. 20, 1852, Edinburgh. Scotland, pioneer with mother in 1865. Their children: Orion Graham b. Sept. 14. 1869, m. Amy William- eon; Pearl b. May 2, 1872, m. James S. Morgan; Royal b. June 3, 1874. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member first apostles quorum; missionary in United States, Great Britain and Austria 1830-81; high councilor; church historian. Regent University of Deseret. Member legisla- ture and speaker of the house of representatives; city coun- cilman. Established the Great Salt Lake Base & Meridian, S. E. corner temple block (topographical survey); topo- graphical engineer in the general staff, with the rank of colonel, of the territorial militia. Scientist; mathematician; translator; author, etc. Died Oct. 3, 1881, Salt Lake City. PRATT. MILANDO (son of Orson Pratt and Mary Ann Merrill). Born Sept. 30, 1848, Harris Grove, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1851, Orson Pratt company. Married Elizabeth Rich May 16, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Coulson Rich and Sarah DeArmon Pea of Kirtland, Ohio, pioneers 1847, Charles C. Rich com- pany). She was born Oct. 6, 1849. Salt Lake City. Their children: Viola Bell b. Oct. 7, 1871, m. George H. Gillett Sept. 12, 1896; Milando, Jr., b. Dec. 8, 1873; Charles Rich b. March 1, 1876, m. Zina Mowrey Nov. 10, 1897; Orson Mer- rill b. Aug. 19, 1878; Leonie DeArmon b. July 18, 1882, m. George Douglas Bergenet Feb. 25, 1905; Benjamin Rich b. Feb. 10, 1888, d. Oct. 12, 1912; Frederick Earl b. March 19, 1891, m. Edna V. Saunders June 28, 1911. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to eastern states 1876-77; high councilor Salt Lake stake of Zton 1873-1911; then patri- arch. Member of the church bureau of information, Temple Block, since its organization. Served in legislature. Among his various activities he was railroad contractor, farmer, merchant and mining man. PRATT, PARLEY PARKER (son of Jared Pratt and Char- ity Dickinson). Born April 12, 1807, Burlington, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1847, John Taylor and Perrlgrlne Sessions company. Married Thankful Halsey (Hand) Sept. 9, 1827, Canaan, N. Y., who was born March 18, 1797. Only child: Parley Parker, Jr., b. March 25. 1837 (d. Aug. 26. 1897). m. Esther Romania Bunnell Feb. 23, 1859, m. Brigamena Nealson Jan. 18, 1877, m. Susan Pulley. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Ann Frost (Stearns) May 9, 1837, Kirt- land, Ohio (daughter of Aaron Frost of Bethel, Oxford Co., Maine, pioneer 1852). She was born Jan. 14, 1809. Their children: Nathan b. Aug. 31, 1838, d. Dec. 12, 1843, Nauvoo, III.; Olivia b. June 2, 1841, m. Benjamin W. Driggs Feb. 16, 1857; Susan b. April 7, 1843, d. Aug. 28, 1844, at Nauvoo; Moroni L. b. Dec. 7, 1844 (d. April 18, 1913), m. Caroline Mabel Beebe Sept. 5, 1870, who died March 27, 1913. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Elizabeth Brotherton July 24, 1843, who was born March 27, 1816, Manchester. Eng., and died May 9, 1897. Married Mary Wood Sept. 9, 1844, who was born June 18. 1818. Glasgow, Scotland, and died March 5, 1898, Forest Dale, Utah. , Their children: Helaman b. May 31, 1846, m. Emeltne V. Billings July 25. 1868, m. Dorothy Wilkin, m. Miss Wilkin; Cornelia b. Sept. 5, 1848, m. Apollos G. Driggs Oct. 5, 1867, died; Mary W. b. Sept. 14, 1853, m. Royal Barney Young, died; Mathoni W. b. July 6, 1856, m. Eliza- beth Leaver Sheets Nov. 17, 1880. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Hannahette Snively 1844 (daughter of Henry and Mary H. Snively), who was born Oct. 22, 1812, and died Feb. 21. 1898, Salt Lake City. Their children: Alma b. July 31, 1846 (d. Nov. 13, 1902), m. Rebecca Beebe Jan. 10, 1876, who died Sept. 1, 1886; Lucy b. March 9. 1848, m. Samuel Russell Feb. 4, 1869; Henrietta b. Oct. 26, 1851, m. Samuel Russell June 14, 1877. Married Belinda Marden Nov. 20, 1844, who was born Dec. 24, 1820, Chichester, Merrimack county, N. H., and died Feb. 19, 1894. Salt Lake City. Their children: Nephl Pratt b. Jan. 1, 1846 (d. April 29, 1910), m. Lizzie Warren April 13, 1867, m. Hannah Phillips Feb. 20, 1871, m. Alice Jerome Ray Nov. 25, 1872, m. Sarah Melissa Callister; Belinda b. May 8, 1848 (d. Dec. 10, 1893), m. Heber H. Stenhouse Nov. 28, 1863, m. Henry J. Smith Jan. 9. 1871, m. Amos Milton Musser Sept. 4, 1872; Ablnadi b. May 8, 1848; Lehi b. June 9, 1851 (d. Aug. 15, 1905), m. Sarah Ann Mitchell Nov. 21, 1870. m. Nora Athilda, m. Emma Dalley Jan. 3, 1878; Isabel Elenor b. Sept. 1, 1854 (d. April 24, 1912), m. Franklin Alonzo Robison April 10, 1872. Fam- ily resided Salt Lake City and Fillmore, Utah. Married Sarah Huston Oct. 15, 1845, Nauvoo, 111., who was born Aug. 3, 1823, Starke Co., Ohio, and died May 26, 1886, Coyote, Garfield Co., Utah. Their children: Julia b. April 1, 1847, m. John Gardener June 1, 1860; Mormon b. Jan. 8, 1850, d. Nov. 19, 1850; Teancum b. Nov. 15, 1851 (d. Sept. 8, 1900), m. Annie Eliza Mead Oct. 10, 1872, m. Sarah Eliza Ewell Oct. 25, 1875; Sarah Elizabeth b. May 31, 1856 (died), m. Culbert King. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Phoebe Soper Feb. 8, 1846, Winter Quarters, Neb., who was born July 8, 1823, Hempstead Harbor, Queens county. Long Island, N. Y., and died Sept. 17, 1887, Provo, Utah. Their children: Moslah b. Feb. 26, 1850, d. March 1114 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 26, 1850; Omner b. Nov. 30, 1851. d. Jan. 7, 1852; Phoebe Soper b. May 19, 1853, m. William Shadrach Holdaway Sept. 11, 1872. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Martha Monks April 28, 1847, who was born April 28, 1825, Raynor, Chestershire, Eng., and came to Utah with husband. Only child: Ether b. Jan. 30, 1849, d. Feb. 22, 1849. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Ann Agatha Walker April 28, 1847, Winter Quar- ters, Neb. (daughter of William Gibson Walker and Mary Goodwin of Manchester, Eng.). She was born June 11, 1829, Leek, Staffordshire, Eng., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Agatha b. July 7, 1848, m. Joseph Harris Ridges Jan. 21. 1866; Malona b. April 15, 1850, m. Elnathan Eldredge, Jr., Nov. 11, 1870; Marion b. Nov. 28, 1851, d. Oct. 6, 1852; Moroni Walker b. Oct. 10, 1853, m. Mary Chugg, m. Mary Owens; Eveline b. Aug. 8, 1856, m. Francis G. Woods. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Keziah Downes Dec. 27, 1853, Salt Lake City, who was born May 10, 1812, Raynor, Chestershire, Eng.. and died Jan. 11, 1876. Salt Lake City. Married Elenor J. McComb Nov. 14, 1855, Salt Lake City, who was born Dec. 29, 1817, Wheeling, W. Va., and died Oct. 24, 1874, Salt Lake City. PRATT, MORONI WALKER (son of Parley Parker Pratt and Ann Agatha Walker). Born Oct. 10, 1853, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Chugg. Their children: Ellis, m. Frank Cole; Mary Louie, m. Truman J. Cole; Francis Moroni, m. Myrtle Grace Young; Evelyn Vilate. m. George A. Griffeth; Cora Agatha; Mabel Elizabeth, m. Willard Leroy Van Orden; Hazel; Florence. Family resided Meadowville, Utah, Malad and Fairview, Idaho. Married Mary Owens Nov. 7, 1894, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Owens, pioneer 1854, and Elizabeth Roberts, pioneer 1855, Seth M. Blair company married Jan. 28, 1856, Salt Lake City). She was born March 7, 1866, Henefer, Summit Co., Utah. Their children: Esther b. Aug. 8, 1895; Laura b. Jan. 29, 1897; Viola b. Jan. 26, 1899; Vida b. Feb. 22, 1901; Parley Owens b. Dec. 14, 1903. died; Athleen b. Feb. 21, 1904; Ruth b. March 30, 1906; Milton O. b. Nov. 5. 1908; Harold O. b. Dec. 13, 1910. Family resided Fairview and Preston, Idaho. Bishop of Fairview ward 16 years; bishop's counselor at Meadowville; stake president of high priests quorum several years; high councilor; missionary to Indiana. Trus- tee Oneida Stake Academy. Poet. Died June 28, 1911, Salt Lake City. PRATT, WILLIAM DICKINSON (son of Jared Pratt and Charity Dickinson). Born Sept. 3, 1802, Worcester, Otsego county, N. T. Came to Utah Oct. 7, 1851, with Orson Pratt, who was returning from the European mission. Married Hannah Ward Jan. 1, 1837, Kirtland, Ohio, who was born Feb. 26, 1808, Chester, Windsor county, Vt., and died Sept. 20, 1840, Nauvoo, 111. Their child: Sarah Jane b. Feb. 19, 1838, d. Oct. 1838. Married Wealthy Shumway (widow) March 1, 1841. Their children: Martha b. Dec. 13, 1841, d. Oct. 15, 1847; William Jared b. June 22, 1844 (d. June 16, 1909), m. Alice Smart Dec. 1, 1862; Stephen b. 1847, d. Infant; Mirza Lyona b. 1849, d. 1851. The third and fourth wives bore no children. Married Jane Holley (O'Bannion). Only child: Alice b. Aug. 23, 1856, m. Orson Merrill Dec. 28, 1878. Family home. Salt Lake City. The sixth wife bore no children. Married Azubah Cox July 27, 1867, Salt Lake City, who was born Nov. 6, 1850, Lehl, Utah. Only child: Joseph Milando b. April 6, 1870, d. child. Residue of all these families resided In Salt Lake City. Seventy. Took part In Echo Canyon and Indian wars. School teacher. Died Sept. 15, 1870. PREATOR, RICHARD (son of William Preator and Mary Jones). Born Feb. 24, 1826, Chalford Hill, Gloucestershire, Eng. Came to Utah with handcart company. Married Mary Harper Sept. 2, 1847 (daughter of Thomas Harper of Eastrombs, Gloucestershire), who was born Sept., 1824. Their children: Fred Thomas, d. In England; Mary Salome, m. Hyrum Egan; Lora, d. on the plains; Richard Lorenzo, m. Florenzo Mclntosh; Elizabeth, m. Ed- ward Wallace Guymon; Joseph William. Family home Rich- mond, Utah. Married Ruth Harper Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Harper). Only child: Rosa Lilly, m. George McCormick. Member of seventy; choir leader Providence; bandmaster and choir leader Richmond, Utah. Carpenter and joiner- farmer. Died March, 1911, Independence, Mo. PREECE, JOHN. Born Nov. 26, 1811, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Elizabeth Jenkins in England (daughter of Thomas Jenkins, pioneer 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). Their children: Heber, m. Isadora Jameson; Annie, m. Reu- ben Fuller; Alma, died; William, m. Eliza Jacobs (Snyder); Moroni, m. Mamie Atwood; Mary Ann, m. George Taylor Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Ann Overend 1856 Salt Lake City (daughter of James Overend and Mary Woolyard of Button, Eng.). She was born Feb. 21, 1830. Their children: Albert, m. Mar- garet Thome; Nephi, m. Sarah Ellingston; Margrett, m. David McKenzie; Louise, m. Wilford Smith; Oliver; Joseph, m. Minnie Sperry. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Salmon River, Ariz., 1859-61; bishop's coun- selor. Died Oct. 1, 1887, Salt Lake City. PREECE, WILLIAM (son of John Preece and Elizabeth Jenkins). Born Feb. 11, 1856, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Eliza Jacobs (Snyder) Dec. 5, 1880, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Norton Jacobs and Emily Eaton of Salt Lake City and Woods Cross, Utah, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Dec. 25, 1849, at Woods Cross and had previously married Robert Hyrum Snyder Dec. 12, 1874, Salt Lake City (son of Samuel Cornwell Snyder and Maria Stockwell of Snyderville, Utah, who was born March 19, 1852, and was father of Mary Ida Snyder b. Sept. 16, 1875; Robert Ashley Snyder b. May 12, 1878, the first white child born in Ashley Fork, Utah, but who died March 22, 1881). The Preece children were: William Rowland b. July 2, 1881; Margaret May b. Feb. 27, 1884, m. Lafayette Richardson; Nellie Elizabeth b. Sept. 27, 1886; Clarence Jacobs b. Feb. 3, 1889; Vera b. Nov. 16, 1891. Came to Park City in 1871 and was the first white boy to stay overnight in Park City; in the fall of 1878 he came to Ashley Ford and wintered on the Duchesne river with cattle. Freighter between Vernal, Salt Lake and Rock Springs ten years. Sheriff. Worked for the government. Farmer. PREECE, JOSEPH H. (son of John Preece and Ann Over- end). Born May 10, 1869. Salt Lake City. Married Minnie E. Sperry Nov. 24, 1897, Salt Lake City (daughter of Harrison Sperry and Susan Mosley of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1847). She was born March 18, 1871. Their children: John Lament b. Aug. 29, 1898; Sherman J. b. July 13, 1900; Minnie S. b. June 27, 1906; Louise Ann b. Oct. 23, 1912. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to California 1910-11; Sunday school superintendent. City councilman. Merchant. PREECE, MARK (son of Richard Preece. born Oct. 21, 1806, and Susannah Prltchard, born May 16, 1806, both of Here- fordshire, Eng.). He was born Sept. 1. 1839, Rollston, Here- fordshire. Came to Utah 1852, Thomas Tidwell company. Married Ellen Cornish Nov. 21. 1865 (daughter of William Cornish and Elizabeth Kegg, pioneers Sept. 3, 1855, John Hindley company married January, 1831, Douglas, Isle of Man). She was born Dec. 30, 1840. Their children: Susanna Elizabeth b. Oct. 19, 1863, m. Andrew B. Allen Jan. 6, 1881; Mark Henry b. Nov. 26, 1866, m. Charlotte M. Gregory May 20, 1885; William Frederick b. Nov. 19, 1867; Francis Chase b. Oct. 24, 1869, m. Nina Peck May 16, 1894; Isabell Ellen b. Nov. 11. 1871. Family resided Franklin, Idaho, and Coveville, Utah. Married Octavia Elener Braley June 3, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Braley and Nancy Melvina Stowe, latter came to Utah Nov. 25, 1883). She was born Dec. 1, 1851, Linden, Perry Co., Tenn. Their children: Elener Vilate Braley b. April 20, 1886, m. Alonzo J. W. Henson July 12, 1904; Freeman Braley b. Oct. 12, 1888. Children adopted by them: Byron E. Braley b. Sept. 1, 1869, m. Thomas W. Cornish Nov. 28. 1888; Harriett L. Braley b. Feb. 17, 1872; Beulah B. Braley b. Dec. 20, 1874, m. John W. Biggs July 11, 1894; John W. Braley b. Dec. 19, 1878. Family home Coveville, Utah. PREECE, MARK HENRY (son of Mark Preece and Ellen Cornish). Born Nov. 26, 1866, Franklin, Idaho. Married Charlotte M. Gregory May 20, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Robert Gregory and Selena Marshall; former came to Utah Oct. 18, 1862. Horton Haight company, latter with Ellsworth handcart company). She was born Feb. 1, 1868, Franklin, Idaho. Their children: Ellen Selena b. March 6, 1886, m. George F. Bowman Nov. 28, 1906; Robert W. b. Oct. 26, 1887, m. Mary J. Bair Oct. 30, 1907; Aaron H. b. May 6. 1890; Charlotte Phebe b. Feb. 1, 1892, m. Elmor D. Hatch Feb. 28, 1911; Lula G. b. Dec. 21. 1897; Lona G. b. March 21, 1900; Mark Golden b. Jan. 25, 1902; Estey Geneva b. Dec. 2, 1903; Hylda G. b. May 22, 1907; Norris G. (adopted) b. Feb. 11, 1911. Family home Coveville. Utah. PRESTON, JAMES WHITMORE (son of Richard Preston of Salem, Mass.). Born Oct. 7, 1822, at Salem. Came to Utah 1861. Married Emeline Houston 1861 In Vermont (daughter of Isaac Houston and Theodosia E. Keyes, both of Vermont; pioneers 1851). She was born Feb. 28, 1834. Their children: Theodosia, m. William Brown; James Whitmore, m. Annie Conder; Richard, m. Bessie Chipman; Emeline. d. child; Mary Ann, m. William Henry; Isaac H., m. Eliza Bishop; Washburn C., m. May Huish; William A., m. Elsie Goft: Minawell, m. Ephraim Nash; Charles Henry, m. Dalla Cutis; Harriet A., m. John Vier. Family home American Fork, Utah. Member of 67th quorum seventies; missionary to Boston, Mass., 1880-82. School trustee at American Fork for 12 years. Assisted in the building of all canals about American Fork, Alpine and Provo, Utah. Farmer; sheepman and stockman. PRESTON. JAMES WHITMORE, JR. (son of James Whit- more Preston and Emeline Houston). Born Jan. 7, 1854, Alpine, Utah. Married Annie Conder Nov. 14, 1874, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Edward Conder and Helen Pierce of American PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1115 Fork, Utah; pioneers Nov. 1850, Edward Hunter company). She was born May 1, 1856. Their children: Emellne b. Oct. 6, 1875, m. William Sykes; Ellis b. Aug. 20, 1880, m. Max Holman; James b. Sept. 2, 1882, d. aged 14; Frederick b. Feb. 18, 1885, m. May Padfleld; Helen b. April 6, 1887, m. Benjamin F. Moffett; William b. May 2, 1889; Anna b. June 1891; Pearl b. Nov. 27, 1895. City councilman three terms 1893-99; mayor of American Fork 1899-1901; watermaster one term and substitute water- master two terms. Farmer and stockraiser. PRESTON, SAMUEL, (son of John Preston and Elizabeth Laycock of Wycalder, Lancastershire, Eng.). Born Nov. 6, 1825, at Wycalder. Come to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company. Married Louisa Coe Nov. 6, 1848, England (daughter of John Coe and Mary Kemp of Sussex, Eng.), who was born April 1827. Their children: John A. b. March 26. 1850, m. Agnes Fife; William b. Feb. 10. 1860, m. Annie Clarke; Thomas b. Jan. 16, 1865, m. Evelyn Clarke. Family home Weston, Idaho. High priest; Sunday school superintendent. Justice of peace. Weaver; spinner and farmer. Died July 1906. PRESTON, WILLIAM (son of -Samuel Preston and Louisa Coe). Born Feb. 10, 1860, Norwood, Peterboro, Ontario, Canada. Came to Utah with father. Married Annie Clarke Oct. 10, 1882, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John H. Clarke and Elizabeth Heaver of Weston, Idaho), who was born May 12, 1862. Their children: Lorin W. b. July 31, 1883; Elizabeth L. b. April 9, 1886. Family home Weston, Idaho. President 88th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1903-05; secretary, assistant superintendent and superin- tendent of Sunday school; 2d counselor bishopric of Weston ward, and aid in Y. M. M. I. A., Beaver River stake. Farmer and merchant. PRESTON, THOMAS (son of Samuel Preston and Louisa Coe). Born Jan. 16, 1865, in Ontario, Canada. Married Emellne H. Clarke April 26, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of John H. Clarke and Elizabeth Heaver of Weston, Idaho). She died June 11, 1888. Married Evelyn H. Clarke Dec. 5. 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of John H. Clarke and Elizabeth Heaver, born Aug. 24, 1870). She died Oct. 12, 1906. Their children: May Evelyn b. July B, 1892; Ines Louisa b. May 10, 1896; Herbert Thomas b. Jan. 13, 1901; Vera Emeline b. Dec. 5, 1902; Hortense Emily b. Sept. 24, 1905, d. Oct. 14, 1906. Family home Weston, Idaho. Missionary to northwestern states July 1897 to October 1899; 1st counselor to bishop 1902-05; superintendent of Sunday school 1909-12. Representative from Oneida county, Idaho 1902; senator from Oneida county, 1908 and 1910. Merchant. PRESTON, WILLIAM BOWKER (son of Christopher Pres- ton and Martha Mitchell Claytor, of Franklin county, Va.). Born Nov. 24. 1830, near Staunton, Augusta (then Franklin) county, Va. Came to Utah from California Jan. 1, 1858, Henry G. Boyle company. Married Harriett Ann Thatcher Feb. 24, 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hezekiah Thatcher and Alley Kitchen, Berkeley county, Va.; Springfield, Ohio; Springfield and Nauvoo, 111.; and Winters Quarters, Iowa; pioneers Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer company). She was born Feb. 11, 1839. Their children: Alfred b. May 27, 1861; Alley b. March 2, 1863; William Bowker b. Aug. 25, 1864, m. Katherine Dollinger Pyper May 20, 1885; May b. May 30, 1869. Family resided Logan and Salt Lake City. Utah. Married Bertha Anderson, who was born July 5. 1849, and died Oct. 4, 1889. Their children: Lee b. May 16, 1873, m. Amy D. Davidson; Stephen b. May 28, 1876, d. April 1878; Nephi b. June 14, 1879, d. infant; Samuel A. b. Oct. 11. 1881; Mary A. b. March 7, 1885. One of the founders and first bishop of Logan, Utah, 1859. Surveyed and laid out Logan City and its first Irrigation system, the Logan and Hyde Park canal, with Jesse W. Fox. Captain immigration trains 1862 and 1863. Representative of state legislature 1862-63, and ensuing two sessions ending 1865. Missionary to Europe 1865-68; presi- dent Newcastle and Durham conferences 1865; Liverpool, 1865-68, on the "Millenial Star," Liverpool, and In charge of Immigration. Representative to state legislature 1868- 83, continuously. Founder, vice-president and superin- tendent of construction of the Utah Northern railroad. In charge of all Cache valley settlements from the death of Peter Maughn until Cache stake was organized 1869-77. First counselor to Moses Thatcher, the first president of Cache stake 1877. Director and vice-president of the Brig- ham Young college at Logan for many years. Mayor of Logan City, March 7, 1870 to March 1882. President of Cache stake 1879-84. Presiding bishop of the church 1884- 1907. Died Aug. 2, 1908. PRESTON, WILLIAM BOWKER (son of William Bowker Preston and Harriett Ann Thatcher). Born Aug. 25, 1864. at Logan. Married Katherine Dollinger Pyper May 20, 1885, at Logan (daughter of Alexander Crulckshanks Pyper and Catherine Dollinger of Salt Lake City), who was born Jan. 5, 1862. Their children: William Bowker b. Aug. 2. 1886, m. Mable Amussen; Alexander Pyper b. Nov. 16, 1887; Verne Monroe b. April 22, 1892; Claytor b. Feb. 12, 1894; George Dollinger b. Feb. 24, 1897; Katherine b. Nov. 6, 1906. Family home, Logan. Seventy; missionary to Germany 1888-91; second counselor to bishop of first ward, Logan. Merchant. Died Aug. 13, 1907, Cache Junction, Utah. PRESTON, WILLIAM BOWKER (son of William Bowker Preston and Katherine Dollinger Pyper). Born Aug. 2, 1886, at Logan. Married Mable Amussen June 18, 1912, Salt Lake City (daughter of Carl Cristensen Amussen and Barbara Mc- Isaac Smith former of KJoge, Sjaelland, Denmark, latter of Lake View, Tooele Co., Utah, pioneers 1865, Thomas Taylor company). She was born May 19, 1890. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to Germany 1906-09. Physician. PRESTWICH, WILLIAM (son of Abraham and Sarah Prest- wich of Lancastershire, Eng.). Born May 9, 1816, Odenshaw, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1861. Married Jane Lanshaw Feb. 14, 1835, Lancastershire, Eng. (daughter of George Lanshaw, born in Wigan, Lancaster- shire, moved to Ireland). Their children: Elizabeth, m. Arrin Hardy; Sarah, m. John Killett; Caroline, m. Robert Mallinson; Jane, m. David Atchison; William, m. Jennett Harvey; Cyrus H. W., m. Lacy Morley; George, m. Julah N. Draper; Mary Ann, m. Moses H. Draper. Family home Timpanagas ward, Provo, Utah. High priest; home missionary. Farmer. Died Dec. 8, 1892, Moroni, Utah. PRESTWICH, CYRUS HERBERT WHEELOCK (son of Wil- liam Prestwlch and Jane Lanshaw). Born June 20, 1852, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight company. Married Lucy Amanda Morley Oct. 11, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Morley and Abah Bradley), who was born Dec. 20, 1867. Their children: Cyrus Eugene b. Sept. 8, 1875, m. Eleanor Roseltha Bunnell; Adelaide b. Sept. 17, 1877, m. Christen Larson; Abraham b. Feb. 8, 1880; Sarah b. Feb. 8, 1880; Orsen b. Nov. 15, 1881, m. Sarah Cran- dell; Leonard b. Sept. 16, 1883, m. Ethel Jackman; Eva b. Sept. 29, 1886; Edith b. Oct. 31, 1887, m. Samuel Kitchen Feb. 16, 1913; Amanda b. July 21, 1890, m. Barny Biglow; Jane Abia b. Oct. 12, 1892; William Moriey b. Sept. 27. 1894; Horace Emerson b. Dec. 24, 1896; Ormeldo b. Feb. 7, 1900; Ora Viola b. March 21, 1902. High priest. School trustee. Fruitgrower. PRESTWICH, CYRUS EUGENE (son of Cyrus Herbert Wheelock Prestwich and Lucy Amanda Morley). Born Sept. 8. 1875, Moroni, Utah. Married Eleanor Roseltha Bunnell Dec. 1, 1897, Provo. Utah (daughter of Daniel Kimball Bunnell and Mary Mulh, Heber, Utah), who was born Aug. 12, 1878. Their children: Merlin Eugene b. Sept. 6, 1898; Elvin b. Sept. 18, 1900; Elner R b Nov. 17, 1902; Leland Kimball b. March 10, 1906; Feme b. Sept. 20, 1908; Mary Claudia b. March 22, 1911. Family home Sharon ward, Provo, Utah. Elder. Fruitgrower. PRICE, EDWARD (son of William Price and Jane Roden). Born Sept. 29, 1811, Tentenhall, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight company. Married Matilda Lawrence, Birmingham, Eng. (daughter of John Lawrence and Letesa Longstrom), who was born Feb. 13, 1821, Brosgrove, Eng. Their children: Matilda, m. Claudius Spencer; Lorenzo, m. Annie Buckley; Isabell, m. Frank Smith, m. Saul Kunkle; Agnes, m. Ellas Price (not related); Walter L., m. Esther Bird; Arlinda, m. Addison Kurd, m. William Woodard; EH L., m. Georgle Needham; William L. All born In England. Family home. Salt Lake City. Merchant. Died August 1874, Salt Lake City. PRICE, LORENZO (son of Edward Price and Matilda Law- rence). Born May 27, 1846, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight company. Married Annie Buckley Nov. 27, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Buckley of Oldham, Lancashire, Eng., who died en route to Utah, but his family came on to their destination Oct. 4, 1854, Captain Nebeker company). She was born Nov. 27, 1844, and came to Utah with mother. Their children: Lorenzo, Jr., m. Emma Handley; Edward, m. Artie Smith; Harry, m. Miss Burnett; Matilda, m. Mr. Edmonds; Florence, m. George L. Hardy; Bessie, m. Hardy K. Downing; Lawrence, m. Leona Christensen, m. Gladys Stlfler; James Nelson. Family home. Salt Lake City. Cabinet-maker. PRICE, LORENZO, JR. (son of Lorenzo Price and Annie Buckley). Born May 10, 1868, Salt Lake City. Married Emma N. Handley June 26, 1890, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Handley and Elizabeth Clark of Cam- bridgeshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 6, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She was born Oct. 17, 1867. Their children: George B. b. Aug. 20, 1891, m. Bessie Sadley; Inez b. May 6. 1894, m. George W. Morse; Lorenzo V. b. Dec. 20, 1897; Blanche b. Jan. 20, 1900; Ona b. Oct. 12, 1902; Evana b. July 14, 1906, d. aged 18 months; Myna b. May 20, 1909. Family home. Salt Lake City. 1116 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH PRICE, JAMBS (son of James Price and Ann Banks of Ludlow, SalopshJre, Eng.). Born May 17. 1837, Salopshire. Came to Utah in September, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins com- pany. Married Ann Powell March 28, 1857, at Ludlow (daughter of George Powell and Maria Mausley of Blockwitch, Staf- fordshire, Eng., pioneers 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born June 2, 1840. Their children: Ann b. June 21, 1858, m. William Daybell; George b. Jan. 6, 1861, m. Mary Hannah Daybell: James, Jr.. b. Feb. 12, 1863, died on the plains: Maria Rawlins b. Aug. 22, 1864, m. Charles E. Thacker; Sarah Jane b. Dec. 28, 1866, m. Fred Thacker; John H. b. May 22, 1869, m. Sarah Ellen Wintertor; Emma b. June 10, 1871, m. John Penfold; Charles E. b. Oct. 1, 1873, m. Sarah Collins Bethers; Rachel Mary b. Dec. 18, 1875, m. Al Penfold; James William b. Dec. 31, 1877, m. Martha McAffee: Margaret b. April 18, 1879, m. James Casper; Lottie R. b. Aug. 16. 1881, died: Maybell b. Nov. 5, 1883, in. George Walker. Family home Charleston, Utah. High priest; assistant Sunday school superintendent; counselor Y. M. M. I. A. School trustee. Settled at Heber City, Utah, 1864. Farmer. PRICE, GEORGE (son of James Price and Ann Powell). Born Jan. 6, 1861, Tipton, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Hannah Daybell Nov. 29, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Daybell of Sheffield. Eng., and Agnes Ann Bancroft of Breaston, near Barrows Hill, Derby- shire, Eng., pioneers Sept. 1866, Samuel White company). She was born Jan. 9, 1866, at Breaston. Their children: James Robert b. April 3. 1885, m. Mabel Alexander; George Finity b. June 28, 1886, m. Effle May Wag-staff; Theresa b. June 28, J888, m. Stephen A. Simmons; Ray Levi b. March 4, 1890; Franklin Daybell b. June 12. 1892; Fern b. Sept. 27, 1894; Rintha b. Feb. 4, 1897; Willard Powell b. Sept. 11. 1898; Rodney Daybell b. Aug. 20, 1901; Ruby b. May 3, 1903: Mabel b. May 9, 1905, died; Ernest b. Oct. 19, 1907, and Winnette b. Dec. 7, 1908, latter three died; Wen- dell Bancroft b. Dec. 7, 1908. Family home Charleston, Wasatch Co., Utah. High councilor; president Y. M. M. I. A.; second coun- selor to Bishop William Daybell, Charleston ward 1899-1904. President Charleston town board 1902-05. Member of firm of Price Bros., merchants, Charleston. Director In Charles- ton and the Midway Irrigation Companies. PniCE, JOHN I. (son of John Price and Ann Cook of Glastry, Radnorshire, Eng.). Born May 10, 1830, Glastry. Came to Utah In 1862, William Keywood freight train. Married Mary Ann Wingrove (daughter of Richard Win- grove and Margaret Parker). Only child: Isaac T. b. Oct. 26. 1855, m. Ann Maria Reed Sept. 26, 1877. Family home, Wanship, Summit Co., Utah. Married Ellen Hick in December. 1864, at Wanship (daugh- ter of Thomas Hick and Sarah Roberts, former a pioneer, Captain Snow company). She was born at Birmingham, ring. Only child: John Thomas b. May 3, 1866, m. Mary Ellen Allen Dec. 7, 1888. Settled at Wanship 1864. Moved to Laketown, Utah, 1872. PRICE, ISAAC T. (son of John I. Price and Mary Ann Win- grrove). Born Oct. 26, 1855, Cincinnati, Ohio. Came to Utah with father. Married Ann Maria Reed Sept. 26, 1877. Their children: Alice A. b. Nov. 14, 1879, m. Arthur Smith Oct. 11, 1898; Elizabeth E. b. Dec. 23, 1881, m. Joseph H. Astle June 13, 1906; Mary A. b. June 2, 1884, m. Joseph Stuck! April 6, 1904; Isaac Elvln b. Jan. 29, 1887; Ezra Luther b. Feb. 12. 1890, m. Alzina Tingey Nov. 23, 1910; Franklin Jesse b. May 21, 1892; Wllford Marion b. May 8, 1895; Myrtle H. b. May 22, 1898; Laverne R. and Melverne W. b. June 30, 1900; Leslie Lyman b. June 18, 1901; Asael Woodruff b. Dec. 23, 1904. Family home Round Valley, Utah. Bishop of Round Valley 1893. PRICE, ROBERT (son of Simon Price, born March 1, 1808, and Mary Stamers, born April 12, 1807). He was born June 19, 1835, in England. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Matilda Louisa Kelsey Oct. 13, 1855 (daughter of Edward Kelsey), who was born 1832. Their children: Matilda Mary b. Jan. 3, 1857, m. George Sparks 1877; Robert Henry b. Nov. 2, 1858, m. Ellen Croft Oct. 2, 1884; Welcome William b. July 8, 1860. m. Lottie Imes 1886; Ellen Louisa b. Feb. 25, 1863, m. Henry Athay Oct. 2, 1884. Family home Paris, Idaho. Married Susannah Juchaw March 2, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Daniel Juchaw and Susannah Deigh- ton, pioneers 1861, Milo Andrus company). Their adopted children: Violet b. June 1, 1905; Pearl b. July 3, 1907; Gwen- dolyn b. March 17, 1909. Married Christine Shepherd Sept. 1, 1879 (daughter of William and Ann Shepherd). Married Wilhelmina Grey Feb. 6, 1887. Married Ann Platts at Coleton, who was born in Sept. 1808. Their children: Charles; Jane; Herbert, m. Sarah Howcroft. Family home. Salt Lake City. Shoemaker. Died October, 1890. PRICE. HERBERT (son of William S. Price and Ann Platts). Born Sept. 17, 1848, Coleton, Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Sarah Howcroft Sept. 7, 1874. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Howcroft and Mary Holland of Farns- worth, Lancashire, Eng.; came to Utah in 1870. Captain Mumford company). She was born Nov. 1, 1853. Their children: Mary Ann b. July 18, 1875, m. David O. Willey; Sarah Jane b. June 6, 1877; Herbert. Jr., b. July 24, 1880; Gertrude Alice b. Dec. 27, 1882, died; Charles William b. Nov. 19, 1887, m. Edna Hampton. Family home. Salt Lake City. Farmer and stockraiser. Died August, 1909. PRICE. CHARLES WILLIAM (son of Herbert Price and Sarah Howcroft). Born Nov. 19, 1887, Salt Lake City. Married Edna Hampton April 7, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of Brigham Young Hampton and Mary Jane Rob- inson of Sunderland, Durham, Eng., pioneers Sept. 1, 1868, Captain Murdock company). She was born Jan. 3, 1891. Their child: Charles Hampton b. March 2, 1911. Family home, Salt Lake City. Clerk in general passenger department of Oregon Short Line at Salt Lake City for last ten years. PRIESTLEY, JOHN (son of John Priestley and Jane Adam- son of Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 25, 1843, Bradford. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Houtz and Bringhurst company. Married Margaret D. F. McMaster Oct. 31. 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of William A. McMaster and Mar- garet Drummond Ferguson of Dunfermline, Flfeshire, Scot- land, pioneers Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn company). She was born Jan. 15. 1845. Their children: Margaret Jane b. Sept. 24, 1864; John William b. March 8, 1866; Grace Lil- lian b. Dec. 10, 1871; Annie Elizabeth b. April 22, 1874; Mary Emily b. July 12, 1877; Alex Athol b. Nov. 1, 1878; Sarah McMaster b. Aug. 8, 1881; Donald A. S. b. March 19, 1886; Virginia Irene b. May 5, 1889: Thomas Bruce b. Dec. 28, 1890. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 6th quorum seventies. Printer on Deseret News for 25 years. PRICE, WILLIAM S. (son of Charles Price of Coleton, Leicestershire, Engr.). Born In 1808, Coleton. Came to Utah in 1853. PRITCHETT, LEONIDAS ALFRED (son of James Prltchett) Born Dec. 14. 1838, Rich Valley, Va. Came to Big Cotton- wood, Utah, in 1864. Married Elizabeth Ann Henlngar In Virginia (daughter of Philip Heningar). Their children: Cathern L.; Eliza- beth Ann. m. Parley P. Carver Nov. 27, 1889: Rose Ellen- Alfred Leonidas; Margaret C.; Matilda P.; Nancy M. Fam- ily resided at Harrisville and Eden (Ogden valley), Utah. Seventy; Sunday school superintendent. Justice of peace. Carpenter. Died June 9, 1889, at Eden. PROBST, JOHN ULRICH (son of John Ulrich Probst and Anna Barbara Hess of Lutzelfluh. Canton Bern, Switzer- land). Born April 23, 1838, Lutzelfluh. Came to Utah July 4, 1872. Married Anna Barbara Klener Oct. 16, 1857, at Herzogen- buchsee. Canton Bern, Switzerland (daughter of Christian Kiener and Rosina Hofer of Boltlgen, Canton Bern, Switz- erland). She was born June 17. 1831. Their children: John Gottlieb; John Ulrich. m. Susannah Gertsch; Fred- erich; Jacob, m. Mary Magdalena Huber; Ernest, m. Emma Kohler; Emil; John; Edward August, m. Margaret Wat- kins; Emma Elizabeth. Family home Midway, Wasatch Co.. Utah. President 96th quorum seventies; missionary to Switzer- land 1888-90. Tailor; farmer. PROBST, JACOB (son of John Ulrich Probst and Anna Barbara Kiener). Born Jan. 3, 1864, Habstetten, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah July 4, 1872. Married Mary Magdalena Huber Sept. 23, 1891, Mantl. Utah (daughter of John Huber and Mary Magdalena Munz of Midway, Utah, pioneers 1863. Peter Nebeker company) She was born Oct. 15, 1869. Their children: Karl Lorenzo b. June 7, 1895; Vernon Huber b. Jan. 17, 1897; Leah Huber b. May 19, 1899; Estella Huber b. Dec. 10, 1901; Stanley Huber b. April 2. 1905. Family home Midway, Wasatch Co. Utah. Missionary to Switzerland and Germany 1891-94- president 96th quorum seventies; president Y. M. M. I. A. 1897-98- high councilor 1900-1903; bishop of second ward Midway since 1903. County commissioner; county assessor- jus- tice of peace; city councilman. Farmer and stockraiser. PROVIS, RICHARD S. (son of John Provis and Grace Wil- liams). Born July 15, 1825, Cornwall, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1859. Nephi Johnson oxteam train. Married Dorothy L. Langevild Nov. 1, 1851, Cape Town South Africa (daughter of Phillip Langevild and Wllhel- mena Barchneld). Their children: Grace, m. Henry W DeSpaln of Joseph City, Ariz.; Annie L. Family home Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1117 Left England May 19, 1849, for South Africa. Converted L. D. S. April 5, 1853. High priest; seventy; block teacher; Sunday school superintendent. Gardener. Died Sept. 3, 1008. PROVOST, LUKE (son of Luke Provost and Catharine Henon of Pompton, N. J.). Born Jan. 2, 1809, at Pompton. Came to Utah Dec. 18, 1856, William B. Hodgett company. Married Julia Ann Wheeler in July, 1832, Newark, N. J., who was born Sept. 23, 1815. Their children: Julia, m. David Van Wagenen; Charles Baldwin, died; James W., m. Clara Love; David, m. Clara Van Wagenen; Luke, m. Alice Hofelts; Sarah, m. James Ross. Family home Provo, Utah. President of branch at Newark. Died March 1866, St. Marys, Iowa. PROWS, WILLIAM COOK (son of Thomas and Elenor Prows). Born June 11, 1827, in Indiana. Came to Utah with division Mormon battalion. Married Modeska Ann Roberts In 1852 (daughter of Thomas Roberts, pioneer 1850). Their children: John Thomas, m. Mary Manhnrd and Lovina Cooley; William, d. infant; Joseph, m. Caroline Christensen; Francis, d. Infant; Martha Elenor, m. William Perry Miller; Hyrum, m. Annie May Hewlett; Elizabeth, died; Margaret Ann, m. Charles Bement; Lovina, m. Osborn Cooley; Sarah, m. Arthur Hewlett; George, died. Family resided In California and at Deseret and Kanosh, Utah. Married Louisa M. R. James at Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham James and Elizabeth Jane Ragsdale of Little Rock, Ark., pioneers 1867, independent company). She was born May 22, 1847. Their children: Josephine, m. James E. Memmott; Thomas Abraham, d. aged 6; James Calvin, m. Nancy E. Humphrey; David Alvin, m. Mary Ann Davis; Elizabeth Jane, m. Joseph Orson Barney; Charles Aaron and Lorln Edward, died; Leslie Webster. Family home Ciawson, Utah. Seventy and high priest. Farmer. Died April 29, 1893. Juarez, Mexico. PROWS, JAMES CALVIN (son of William Cook Prows and Louisa M. R. James). Born Oct. 11, 1872, Kanosh, Utah. Married Nancy Elmlna Humphrey at Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico (daughter of Charles Humphrey of Mill Creek, Utah). Their children: Charles William b. June 20, 1896; Elmina b. May 3, 1899; Morrel; Baby, d. Infant. Family resided Music Mountains, Ariz., Kanosh, Utah, and In Mexico. Married Lilly Alice Wayman at Ciawson. Utah (daughter of Charles Wayman of Ferron, Utah), who died April 22, 1908, Ciawson, Utah. Their child: Ovid Fay b. April 5, 1908. Family home Ciawson, Utah. Elder. Farmer. PUGSLEY, PHILIP (son of Philip Pugsley, born Decem- ber, 1791, Sherwell. Devonshire, Eng., and Mary Baker, born 1790, Somersetshire married 1819). He was born Dec. 18, 1822, parish of Witheypool, Somersetshire. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853, Ten-pound company. Married Martha Roach June 28, 1851, Bristol, Eng. (daugh- ter of John Roach and Mary Knapp of North Curry, Som- ersetshire). She was born Dec. 14, 1829. Their children: Joseph E. F. b. April 15, 1852, m. Evelyn R. Harmon; Eliza- beth A. b. Dec. 23, 1854, m. Henry J. Hayward Dec. 23, 1875; Emily b. Jan. 30, 1856, m. Ezra Thompson Feb. 14, 1883; Philip and Martha L., twins, former d. child; William, d. aged 31; Philip b. Feb. 11, 1858, m. Nellie Druce Nov. 7, 1883; William; Minnie b. Aug. 17, 1862, m.' Samuel M. Bar- low April 11, 1889; Adelaide b. Jan. 23, 1864, m. Adelbert Beesley July 20, 1892; Albert b. Jan. 23, 1864, d. aged 14; Eva, d. child; John, d. aged 21. Married Clarissa Ames In August, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ira Ames and Charity Carter married Dec. 14, 1826, Benson, Vt.). She was born Dec. 16, 1827, at Shoreham. Vt. Their children: Sarah Isabel b. July 22, 1856, m. James A. Raleigh July 22, 1878; Mary b. July 27, 1858, m. George L. Lambourne Dec. 1877; Clarissa b. Aug. 31, 1860, m. Joseph S. Barlow Nov. 12, 1885; George b. Aug. 29, 1865, m. Emily Harper May 1890. High priest; block teacher; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1865-66. Miller; farmer; salt manufacturer. Died Aug. 7, 1902, Salt Lake City. PUGSLET, JOSEPH E. F. (son of Philip Pugsley and Martha Roach). Born April 15, 1852, Bristol, Eng. Married Evelyn R. Harmon Dec. 23, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Norton Harmon and Thankful Tanner), who was born May 6, 1854. Their children: Joseph Norton b. Oct. 22, 1876, d. Sept. 30, 1890; Philip Roy b. Oct. 10, 1878, m. Louise Kunzler Aug. 9, 1905; Mabel Evelyn b. Sept. 30, 1880, m. Philip F. Giles Jan. 17, 1906; Edna b. Dec. 6, 1882; Dora Estella b. Dec. 23, 1885, m. Horace A. Goodfellow June 30, 1909; Elsie b. Jan. 17, 1888; Sherley Wilton b. Nov. 10, 1890; Martha Roach ~b. Jan. 12, 1896; Dewey Cresswell b. April 4, 1898. Family home, Salt Lake City. Desk sergeant and patrolman Salt Lake City. b. May 5, 1848, m. Sarah Augusta Pulley; Joseph Henry b. Dec. 9, 1849, m. Alice E. Moon; David Alexander b. July 9, 1852. m. Lydia Moon; Alice Jane b. Jan. 18, 1855, m. Joseph Henry Moon. Married Lydla Esther Hall May 11, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Hall of England), who was born April 23, 1854. Their children: Edward Parley, m. Miss Rodgers; Shadrach, m. Nettie Allqulst; Chester Charles, m. Minnie Martin; Noah Malanda, m. Rebecca Goat; Esther, m. Hans Nielson; Elsie, m. Lewis Nielson; Ether; Levirl; Lydia Marie. Families resided American Fork, Utah. High priest; home missionary. Took active part in Mor- risite war. Farmer. Died Dec. 14, 1906, at American Fork. PULLET, JAMES FRANKLIN (son of James Pulley and Alice Moon). Born May 5, 1848, Alton, 111. Came to Utah with father. Married Sarah Augusta Pulley March 15, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Pulley and Annah Chandney of Ayton, Herefordshire, Eng., the latter a pioneer 1873). She was born Jan. 25, 1848. Their children: Ophelia b. April 13, 1877; Leonidas b. June 17, 1879; Edith b. Sept. 22. 1881; Luella b. Oct. 29. 1887; Armond b. Dec. 23, 1889. Family home American Fork, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer. PULLET, CHESTER CHARLES (son of James Pulley and Lydla Esther Hall). Born Feb. 8, 1883, American Fork, Utah. Married Minnie Martin Jan. 13, 1909, Salt Lake Temple (daughter of James Martin and Mary A. Lysons of Low Valley, Torkshire, Eng., pioneers 1904). She was born April 9, 1890. Their children: Wilford b. Nov. 20, 1909; Ray b. Oct. 17, 1911. Family home. Pleasant Grove. High priest; second counselor to James T. Gardner of first ward, American Fork; missionary to southern states 1903-05; president Y. M. M. I. A. of first ward, American Fork, and teacher of second intermediate and theological classes; second assistant Sunday school superintendent. Farmer. PULSIPHER, ORSON HYDE (son of Ellas Pulsipher, born Nov. 12, 1805, Newbury, Vt., and Polly Chubbuck, born March 26, 1809, Londonderry, Vt.). He was born May 9, 1835, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Susannah Rasmussen, who was born June 14, 1839. Their children: Orson Henry b. Aug. 26, 1863, m. Martena Olsen; Susannah b. Jan. 27, 1865, m. Oliver F. Davis Sept. 17. 1884; Ephraim; William b. June 15, 1868. m. Carrie Wight Nov. 19, 1892; Asenath; Polly Ann; Eliza J.; Ellas. PULLKV, JAMES (son of Francis Pulley and Martha Emery of parish of Aylton, Herefordshire, Eng.). Born May 17, 1823, Aylton. Came to Utah in August, 1856. Married Alice Moon Feb. 4, 1846. Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Mathias Moon of Eccolson, Lancashire, Eng.). She was born July 31, 1818. Their children: James Franklin PULSIPHER, ZERA (son of John and Elizabeth Pulsipher of Vermont). Born June 24, 1789, Vermont. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1848, captain of own company. Married Mary Brown In August, 1815, in Vermont, who was born March 2, 1799, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John, m. Esther Hufacre; Charles, m. Ann Beers; William, m. Esther Chitdster; Almlra, m. H. Burgess; Sarah, m. John Alger; Mariah, m. William Burgess; Mary Ann, m. Thomas Terry; Eliza J. Family home Hebron, Utah. Married Martha Hughs April 1851. Their children: Martha Ann, m. J. Barnum; Mary Elizabeth; Zera J.; Sarah James; Andrew Milton. Family home Hebron, Utah. Member 70th quorum seventies; member high council. City councilman. Rancher and cattleman. Died at Hebron. PULSIPHER, CHARLES (son of Zera Pulsipher and Mary Brown). Born April 20, 1830, Onondaga county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1848, with parents. Married Ann Beers April 30, 1849, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William and Susan Beers of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 22, 1848, Zera Pulsipher company). She was born Dec. 25, 1828. Family home. Salt Lake City. Uarried Sariah Bobbins July 10, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lewis Robbins of Salt Lake City, pioneer 1852). She was born Sept. 8, 1838. Their children: Charles, Jr., m. Stacy Lovina King; Frances Ann, m. Thomas C. Miles; Sariah E., m. Andrew J. Allen; Mary Ida, m. Willard Alger. Family home Cottonwood, Utah. Married Julia Johnson Dec. 13, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of William D. Johnson and Jane C. Brown of Kanab, Utah, pioneers Sept. 1861, George Teasdell company). She was born April 22, 1858. Their children: Florence Ahly, m. Worth Tucker; Effa, m. L. Hanson; Eva, m. Walter Clegg; Jannie, m. Francis J. Mortenson; Charles Derby; John Wilham; Mary Julia, m. Franklin R. James; Willford; Zera C. ; Sarah M.; Lorenzo C. Family home Kane county, Utah. High priest; bishop of Huntlngton, Utah; bishop's coun- selor; patriarch. Constable. Carpenter and farmer. PULSIPHER, CHARLES (son of Charles Pulsipher and Sariah Robbins). Born Oct. 3, 1859. Union Fort, Utah. Married Stacy Lovina King Oct. 9, 1884, St. George, Utah (daughter of William King of Fountain Green, Utah, pioneer 1850). She was born May 3, 1867. Their children: Charles William b. March 19, 1886, m. Annie H. Brown; Lovina May b. May 1, 1888, m. James Brown; Robert b. Feb. 19, 1890, m. Ellen Aldred; Andrew b. Dec. 5, 1891, d. infant; Lewis b. April 3. 1893; Barzella Ann b. July 1894; Sariah b. Nov. 1, 1896; Joseph Marion b. Aug. 9, 1898. Family home Maple- ton, Utah. Employed by Utah Fuel Co. Stockraiser and farmer. 1118 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH PUZEY, HENRY (son of William Puzey and Jane Briar of Alton, Hampshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 7, 1828. Came to Utah in 1866. Married Ann Selina Earney in Nov. 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Arthur Earney and Harriett Hodges, of Hale, Hampshire; pioneers 1866, William Henry Chipman com- pany). She was born Jan. 11, 1841. Their children: Frank E., m. Jane Todd; Mary Ena, m. James Loyn; Edwin Arthur, m. Alta Mae ( hugg. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest; bishop's counselor; block teacher. School trustee. Blacksmith and wheelwright. Died May 8, 1896, Salt Lake City. PUZEY. EDWIN ARTHUR (son of Henry Puzey and Ann Selina Earney). Born Sept. 12, 1878, Salt Lake City. Married Alta Mae Chugg June 2, 1909, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Chugg and Catherine Jones of Salt Lake City), who was born Feb. 12, 1886. Their child: Alta Catherine b. May 30. 1910. Family home, Salt Lake City. Deacon. Draftsman Oregon Short Line R. R. PYPER, JOHN (son of Alexander Pyper of Fife, born in 1784, and Catherine Munro. born in 1796, of Ross, Scot- land). He was born June 17, 1820, Kilmuir, Ross, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Madaline Gardner April 24, 1846 (daughter of James Gardner and Mary Noble, pioneers Oct. 16, 1849, Allen Taylor company). She was born Oct. 12, 1830. Their chil- dren: James Monroe b. July 14, 1847. m. Mary Anna Barton Dec. 22. 1865; m. Nancy J. Caldwell June 29, 1879; Alexander .G. b. March 15, 1849, m. Harriet A. Grace; Mary Madaline b. Feb. 23, 1851; John, Jr. b. March 24, 1853; William b. July 17, 1855; Catherine Agnes b. July 14, 1857; Robert b. May 19, 1859, m. Martha Ann Jones Jan. 1, 1885; Madaline Chap- man b. April 2, 1861, m. Mark Bigler Dec. 18, 1879; Joseph b. April 18, 1863: Margaret Ellen b. April 24, 1865; George Edward b. March 18. 1867; Edward Noble b. Jan. 6, 1869. m. Ellen Frances Goldborough June 19, 1889; Charles John b. Feb. 16, 1871, m. Clara J. Gunderson July 25, 1899; Arthur Liddell b. May 24, 1873. Missionary to Scotland 1871; high priest. County re- corder 1873-81. PYPER, JAMES MUNRO (son of John. Pyper and Madaline Gardner). Born July 14, 1847, St. Louis, Mo. Married Mary Anna Barton Dec. 22. 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Barton and Martha Skinner), who was born Aug. 16. 1848. Dover, Kent, Eng. Their children: Mary Alice b. Sept. 21, 1867; Rose Ellen b. Jan. 1. 1870; John Barton b. May 7, 1872, m. Sarah Elizabeth Johnson Feb. 20. 1895; Clara Ann b. April 14, 1876. m. Heber Peter John- son Dec. 14, 1892; James Thomas b. April 2, 1877, m. Clarissa Van Wagener Feb. 1900. Married Nancy Jane Caldwell June 29, 1879, Nephi, Utah (daughter of Matthew Caldwell, pioneer 1846, and Nancy Buttler). She was born Dec. 14, 1855, Spanish Fork, Utah. Their children: George C. b. May 31. 1880, m. Sarah E. Giles June 12, 1901; Charles M. b. April 26. 1882; Alex L. b. March 3, 1885. m. Anne E. Thomson Dec. 2, 1908; William W. b. Aug. 20, 1888; Jennie M. b. April 20, 1891; Matthew C. b. Feb. 24. 1893; Donald M. b. Feb. 18, 1895; Arthur G. b. July 6, 1897; Walter S. b. July 14, 1899. Family resided Fairview and Taylorville. Canada, and Nephi, Utah. Elder. PYPER, CHAS. JOHN (son of John Pyper and Madaline Gardner). Born Feb. 16, 1871. Nephi, Utah. Married Clara J. Gunderson July 26. 1899, Santaquin, Utah (daughter of Mathias Gunderson and Marie Cristson). Q QUAY1.E, JAMES (son of Robert Quayle, born In 1804. at Kirkmlchael, Isle of Man, and Catharine Shimmon, of Isle of Man). Born July 16, 1831. at Kirkmichael. Came to Utah Oct. 14. 1853. Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Elizabeth Saxton Gillions (daughter of William Gillions, who died May 17, 1864, Quarantine Island, and Elizabeth Saxton, who died on the plains). She was born Feb. 23, 1830, and came to Utah Oct. 24, 1864. William A. Empey company. Their children: James William b. June 6. 1856, m. Adelia Bird: m. Gundhell Kurd: John b. Jan. 8, 1858, m. Emma H. Thorp; Christian b. Jan. 24, 1860; Philip b. June 29, 1861. m. Almeda Hymas; m. Mary Ellen Thornton. Married Margaret Hodson Clegg, Logan, Utah, who was born in England and came to Utah Sept. 25, 1863. Peter Nebeker company. Married Sarah Ann Bull in March 1867, at Logan (daugh- ter of Lovell Bull, pioneer Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow company). Married Betty Larsen May 1. 1893, at Logan. Vice-president Logan temple 15 years. Mayor of Logan City. Vice-president First National bank, Logan. Master mechanic. QUAYLE, PHILIP (son of James Quayle and Elizabeth Saxton Gillions). Born June 29, 1861, Logan, Utah. Married Almeda Hymas Jan. 27. 1897. Logan (daughter of Benjamin Hymas and Hannah Thurston). who was born Nov. 7. 1873, Hyde Park. Utah, and died July 6, 1902. Married Mary Ellen Thornton Jan. 10, 1906, Logan (daugh- ter of James Thornton and Elizabeth Fowler), who was born Oct. 23, 1875. Clayton-le-Moors, Lancastershire, Eng. Their children: Doris Almeda b. Nov. 2, 1907; Mona Elizabeth b. Jan. 19, 1908; Philip Douglass b. June 30. 1910; Melba b. April 26, 1912. Family home Perry, Box Elder Co.. Utah. Bishop of Treasureton ward four years: missionary to England 1898-1901; member high council of Box Elder stake. Farmer and fruitgrower. Ut'AVl.K, JOHN (son of John Quayle and Ann Cowley). Born June 24, 1801, Ramsa, Isle of Man. Came to Utah in September, 1847, John Taylor company. Married Catherine Killip (daughter of Thomas and Eleanor Killip), who was born in 1813, and died Nov. 6, 1860. Their children: John, Jr. b. 1833, killed 1853, by Indians; Thomas b. March 1836, m. Sarah Partington; Catherine b. 1837, m. John Carson; William b. 1839. m. Jane Cook; Joseph R. b. 1841; Charles b. 1842: Eleanor b. 1843; James b. 1844; Maria b. 1845; Henry b. 1846; Mary Ann b. 1848, latter seven died. Sarah b. 1849 (d. Jan. 5, 1892), m. John Cook. Family home, Salt Lake City. Died Jan. 6, 1892. QUAYLE, THOMAS (son of John Quayle and Catherine Killip). Born in 1836, Isle of Man. Came to Utah with father. Married Sarah Partington, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ralph Partington and Ann Taylor, pioneers 1853). She was born Dec. 17, 1840, Preston. Lancastershire. Eng. Their children: Catherine Ella b. Jan. 13, 1869. m. Waldemar Van Cott; Henry b. Sept. 28, 1860, m. Frances Free; John R. b. Sept. 28, 1862, d. Jan. 15. 1868; Ida b. Sept. 24, 1864, m. Oscar Van Cott; Ernest b. Nov. 1866, m. Julie A. Young; Byron b. Feb. 7, 1870 (d. July 20, 1899), m. Persis G. Young; Willard b. May 16. 1872, d. Dec. 13, 1882; Laurence b. July 28. 1874, m. Persis Young; Charles b. July 18, 1876, m. Coral Senior; Bert Leroy b. Nov. 15, 1878, m. Eleanor Quayle; Thomas Ray b. April 17, 1881 (d. May 28, 1913), m. Hazel Osborn; Mortimer b. Jan. 11, 1886 (d. Oct. 21, 1910), m. Mary Fish. Freighter from Utah to West 1858-60. between Utah and Missouri river 1866-67. Rancher in Utah county 1866-67; farmer 1870-90. Owner real estate Salt Lake City and Oakland, Cal. Capitalist. R RADDATZ, E. J. (son of Otto C. Raddatz and Wilhelmine Lange of Wentzvtlle. Mo.). Born Oct. 5, 1867, Stettin, Ger- many. Came to Utah in 1887. Married Emma Guth June 4, 1890, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Guth of St. Louis). She was born Sept. 14, 1865. Their children: Pearl; Flora; Eunice; Harold; Lucille. Family home, Salt Lake City. Mayor of Stockton, Utah; state representative from Tooele county, 1906. Miningman; president and treasurer of the Tintic Standard Mining Co. HADMALL, HENRY B. (son of William John Radmall and Ann Butler both of Nottinghamshire, Eng.). Born Oct. 23, 1814, at Nottinghamshire, Eng.; came to Utah 1853, with independent company. Married Caistine Severn 1844 in England (daughter of James Severn and [Miss] McDermot), who was born Sept. 28, 1825. Their children: Elizabeth Ann, m. Nathan Hunting; Samuel Daniel, m. Emma M. White, m. Caroline Levan, m. Annie Catherine Anderson; Alma, m. (Miss) Larson; Henry James, m. Annie Richards; Joseph A., m. Victoria Anderson; Zera D. ; Mary Jane, m. Thomas Ainsworth; Caroline W., m. George Woodtread. Bishop. Donated land for Pleasant Grove Park to the city. Farmer and stockraiser. RADMALL. SAMUEL DANIEL (son of Henry B. Radmall and Ann Butler). Born July 21, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.; came to Utah 1853, with independent company. Married Emma M. White May 16, 1876, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Roswell White and Myrah Leader pioneers 1860. the Handcart company). She was born March 3. 1868. Their children: Samuel Henry b. March 24, 1877, m. Forman Hodback; Eroswas B. b. Aug. 1881, m. Ida Bennett: James Servin b. Sept. 1, 1883, m. Annie Damer; Caroline Myrah b. Aug. 19, 1888, m. Albert Williams. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Annie (Barrett) Anderson (daughter of Hans C Anderson and Myria Overtson, both of Fountain Green, Utah). She was born July 15, 1874. Their children: Elhaline b April 9, 1894. m. Sterling Vickers; George Clifford b. Feb. 16, 1896; Joseph Samuel b. Feb. 16, 1896: Elva M. b. June 26, 1902; Claude Marvel b. Feb. 19, 1904; Zera D. b. June 2, 1908. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Counselor elders quorum. Pioneer of Pleasant Grove 1862. Farmer. School teacher. Horticulturist. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1119 RAINEY, DAVID PHYKNEY (son of David and Nancy Rainey of Tennessee). Born Feb. 1, 1816, in Tennessee. Came to Utah in 1866 with a detachment of Mormon battalion, flrst corporal, Co. B. Married Dorothy Jane Dennis Feb. 9, 1867 (daughter of William Taylor Dennis and Tabitha Bankhead, pioneers 1866, Gilbert I. Gavin company). She was born June 16, 1840. and came to Utah with parents. Their children: David William b. Jan. 6, 1868, m. Mary Maria Olsen March 24, 1880; Margaret M. b. Sept. 16, 1869, m. W. S. Hendrlcks; Joseph P. b. Sept. 19, 1861, d. child; Mary E. b. Aug. 26, 1863, m. William B. Fisher; George W. b. Oct. 2, 1865, m. Emma Robinson; James A. b. Feb. 2, 1867, m. Mamie Merrill; Frederick H. b. Oct. 29, 1868, m. Maud Tibbetts; Emma C. b. Aug. 9, 1870, m. J. P. Grlffln; Tabitha D. b. Sept. 18, 1873, m. Fred Kearns; Chloe E. b. Dec. 7, 1876. m. William Harrison; Jennie B. b. June 23, 1879, m. John Campbell; Inez L. b. Jan. 26, 1882, m. Albert Jenkins. Family home Richmond, Utah. Bishop of Salem (Pondtown); missionary to California and southern states. Died Nov. 6, 1888. RAINET, DAVID WILLIAM (son of David P. Rainey and Dorothy Jane Dennis). Born Jan. 6, 1868, Prove, Utah. Married Mary Maria Olsen March 24, 1880, Richmond, Utah (daughter of Christopher M. Olsen and Caroline C. Johnson), who was born April 26, 1859, South Weber, Utah. Their children: Florence May b. May 8, 1881, m. Lionel Farrell May 8, 1896; Iva I. b. Feb. 22, 1884, m. Wilford F. Burton Dec. 22, 1910; Claudine b. Aug. 9, 1886; David W., Jr. b. July 4, 1888; Ruby M. b. April 14, 1891; Christie J. b. Nov. 18, 1893; Lucile b. March 6, 1896; Josephine b. Jan. 26, 1899; Ralph b. Aug. 11, 1902. RALPHS, THOMAS (son of Benjamin and Mary Ralphs). Born July 22, 1819, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1849. Married Sarah Johnson May 10, 1842, in Missouri (daugh- ter of Joseph and Margaret Johnson), who was born Feb. 3, 1821, in Ireland, and died April 14, 1896. Brigham City, Utah. Among their children were: Ephraim; Mary Frances. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Settled at Brigham City 1866. Died June 11, 1869. RALPHS, WILLIAM B. (son of Benjamin and Mary Ralphs of Shorpshire, Eng.). Born May 6, 1816, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah with oxteam. Married Elizabeth Brooks of Staffordshire, Eng., May 10, 1841, who was born March 30, 1819. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 22, 1842, m. William Hunter; Sarah b. May 12, 1845, d. child; William b. June 6, 1847, d. child; Joseph b. July 10, 1849, m. Amanda Jensen; Thomas B. b. Nov. 9, 1861, d. child; Emily b. March 23, 1855, m. Mark Tanner; Parley P. b. July 26, 1868, m. Hannah Hansen; John Heber b. March 24, 1860. m. Ede Hansen. Family resided Nauvoo and Burlington, 111., and Salt Lake City and South Cottonwood, Utah. Married Mary Ann Johnson, at American Fork, Utah, who was born Oct. 17, 1870. Their child: William Benjamin b. May 17, 1872. Family home American Fork. Seventy. Enlisted and served in Echo Canyon trouble. Shoemaker. Died April 20, 1900, American Fork. RALPHS, JOSEPH (son of William Ralphs and Elizabeth Brooks). Born July 10, 1849, Burglington, 111. Came to Utah with father. Married Ann Cable, at American Fork (daughter of William Cable of Pleasant Grove, pioneer oxteam company). Their children: Mary, m. David Meldrum; Baby, d. Infant. Family home American Fork. Married Amanda Jensen, at Manti, Utah (daughter of Christian and Albertina Jensen of Manti, Utah). Family home Ferron, Utah. Priest. Farmer. RANDALL, ALFRED (son of Jason Randall and Martha Thompson). Born June 13, 1811, Bridgewater, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1848. Married Emerette Davis Jan. 8, 1834. Their children: Charles Franklin b. Feb. 8, 1836, m. Ellen Jane Duncan; Sarah L., died; Alfred Jason b. Jan. 8, 1845, m. Ruth Camp- kins- Emerette J., Levi L., Alizon R., Davis R., and Char- lotte' A., latter five died; Martha J. m. Edward S. Luty. Married Margaret Harley Jan. 31, 1848. Their children: Orrin H.; Melvin H.; Mary E.; Margaret Ellen b. March 31, 1868 m James Hyrum Baird; Thurza A.; Alice; Emily. Married Mildred E. Johnson May 30, 1860. Their children: Francis; Eli B. Married Hannah S. Severn March 7, 1863. Their chil- dren: James E.; Ann S.; David E.; Heber J.; George E.; Lucy S.; Samuel; Esther. Married Elsie Anderson May 13, 1866. Their children: Jared A.; Isaac L.; Joseph H. Missionary to Sandwich islands twice. Carpenter and farmer. Died March 19, 1891, North Ogden, Utah. RANDALL, CHARLES FRANKLIN (son of Alfred Randall and Emerette Davis). Born Feb. 8, 1835, Munson, Ohio. Came to Utah with parents. Married Ellen Jane Duncan Jan. 14, 1867 (daughter of Chapman Duncan), who was born Jan. 10, 1840, Lee Co Iowa and died Nov. 4, 1876, Ogden, Utah. Their chil- dren- Sarah P., m. William H. Brereton; Charles C., m. Harriet Woodhead; Ellen E., m. Robert E. Fisher; John A., m. Esther Smout; Rebecca, died; Franklin A., m. Rosebell Bronson; Harvey P., m. Minnie I. Horrocks; Homer A., m. Annie Westergard; Otis A., and Orval A., latter two died. Married Sarah Ann Smith Nov. 13, 1878, Ogden, Utah, who was born Dec. 31, 1856. Leicester, Eng. Their children: William J.; Joseph B.; Edward S.; Robert E.; Clarence D.; Rhoda E.; Cora M. ; Lester S. Died June 27, 1904. RANDALL, JOHN A. (son of Charles Franklin Randall and Ellen Jane Duncan). Born April 10, 1864, Virgin, Utah. Married Esther Smout May 7. 1891 (daughter of Edwin W. Smout and Leah Oakley), who was born April 12. 1862, Ogden, Utah. Their children: J. William b. Sept. 23, 1892; E. Laura b. March 21, 1894; Ellen J. b. Jan. 23, 1896; Edwin C. b. Aug. 7, 1900. Family home Ogden, Utah. RANDALL, HARVEY P. (son of Charles Franklin Randall and Ellen Jane Duncan). Born Oct. 22, 1870, Harrisville, Utah. Married Minnie I. Horrocks March 16, 1906, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Edward Gregory Horrocks and Ida Johnson), who was born Oct. 6, 1879, Ogden. Their children: Myrtle I. b. Dec. 30, 1906; Viola I. b. Jan. 29, 1908; Estella M. b. May 13, 1910; Tressle L. b. Sept. 8, 1911. Family home, Ogden. City councilman two terms 1902-06; member state legisla- ture 1907-10. Lumber and coal dealer. RANDALL, ALFRED JASON (son of Alfred Randall and Emerette Davis). Born Jan. 8, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah with parents. Married Ruth Campkins, at St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Annie E.; Alfred B.; Emeretta; Walter; Frank; Burt; Harry; Howard. Missionary to Sandwich Islands. Settled at Salt Lake City 1848. Carpenter and farmer. Died Sept. 26, 1907. RANDALL, LEVI L. (son of Alfred Randall and Emerette Davis). Born Nov. 18. 1850, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Burton Jan. 14, 1879 (daughter of William and Elizabeth Burton of Mansfield, Eng-.). Their children: Nora L. ; Edward L. ; Verna L. ; Hazel L. Family home Ogden. Utah. Died Nov. 10, 1893. RANDALL, JOSEPH HENRY. Born March 17, 1822. Came to Utah In 1853. Married Anne Burdette, who was born Dec. 9, 1825, and died Feb. 11, 1878. She was a widow and had one child by former husband, viz.: Oscar Isaac b. June 15, 1854 (d. Feb. 11, 1878), m. Annie C. Reed Jan. 1876. Their children: Annie Burdett b. Dec. 1, 1857, m. Joseph W. Carpenter Feb. 4, 1875; Clara Jane b. Feb. 23, 1859 (d. 1882), m. Haden Wells Church Jan. 11, 1875; Joseph H. b. Aug. 23, 1863, m. Rebecca Ann Lewis; John William b. June 24, 1867. Family resided St. George and Spanish Fork, Utah. Missionary to "Dixie" 1874. Went to meet flrst hand- cart company that came to Utah. Policeman at Spanish Fork nine years. Minuteman Black Hawk war. Worked in stone quarry at St. George. Janitor St. George temple 1878-1909. Died March 1, 1909, St. George. RANDS, JOSEPH (son of Isaac Rands and Sarah Short of Suffolk, Eng.). Born Aug. 27, 1827, Hampstead, Eng., moved to Cape Town, South Africa, 1843. Came to Utah October, 1868, John Gillespie company. Married Sarah Anderson 1847 In England (daughter of William Anderson and Ann Cowley of Middlesex, Eng.). She was born April 12, 1829. Their children: Sarah Rodia, m. John Leigh; Joseph William, m. Louise Sadler; Lydia Jane, m. Barney Weyland; Hyrum, m. Sarah Winters; Jessie Lovina, m. James Maxwell; Elizabeth, m. Hyrum Larsen. Family home, Salt Lake City. Gardener for President Brigham Young. Died Oct. 11, 1875. RANDS, HYRUM (son of Joseph Rands and Sarah Ander- son). Born July 1, , Cape Town, South Africa. Married Sarah Winters, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Bishop and Myra Winters). RAPPYLEYE, TUNIS (son of John R. Rappleye and Mar- garet Tlllie of New Jersey). Came to Utah July 24, 1847. Brigham Young company. Married Louisa Cutler at Kirtland, Ohio (daughter of John Alphens Cutler and Lois Lathrop of New York). Their children: Emily Jane b. Dec. 21, 1836, died; John Olpheus b. Aug. 22. 1838, died; Lauraette b. March 23, 1840, m. George Staples; Clarissa b. March 23, 1842, m. John Lott; Ammon L. b. Sept. 23, 1844, m. Sophia Larson; David F. M. b. June 22, 1849, m. Laura A. Morris; Harriet F. M. b. June 22, 1849, died; Ezra Tunes, m. Jane Black; Edwin R., m. Alice Black. Family resided in Ray county, Mo., and in Illinois. Missionary to eastern states. Assisted in bringing Immi- grants to Utah. Veteran Indian war. Farmer. RASBAND, THOMAS (son of John and Mary Rasband of Lincoln, Eng.). Born Dec. 21. 1818, Hinckley, Warwickshire, Kng. Came to Utah August, 1856. Married Elizabeth Giles Jan. 25, 1847, Lincoln, Eng-. 1120 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH (daughter of William Giles and Sarah Hutchinson, pioneers Aug. 1856). She was born April 11, 1826 . Their children: John died in England; Emily b. June 30, 1849, m. Orson Hicken Jan. 1, 1869; William Giles b. Dec. 24, 185:;, m. Maria Ann Carlisle Nov. 29, 1877; Frederick b. Sept. 2, 1856, m. Mary Elizabeth Hawkins Sept. 28, 1879; Thomas Heber b. Jan. 15, 1859, m. Sarah Jane Murdock Nov. 28, 1879; George Westey, d. infant; James Franklin b. Aug. 6, 1862, m. Josephine Booth Feb. 18, 1888; Joseph A. b. March 17, 1867, m. Eliza Jeffs Dec. 3, 1890; Charles b. July 21, 1870, m. Emily Esther Hawkins May 27, 1891. Family home Heber City, Utah. Ordained bishop of Heber east ward July 18, 1877, and remained until his death. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Died July 24, 1884, Heber, Utah. RASBAND, WILLIAM GILES (son of Thomas Rasband and Elizabeth Giles). Born Dec. 24, 1852, Qulncy, 111. Came to Utah August, 1856. Married Maria Ann Carlisle Nov. 29, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Carlisle and Laura Ann Giles of Heber City, Utah). She was born June 3, 1858. Their children: William Franklin, m. Sarah Ellen White; Elizabeth Ann b. July 9, 1881, m. Henry Baird; Mary Levina b. Oct. 5, 1883, m. Vernon Wickham; George Thomas b. May 31, 1886, m. Catharine Hicken; Edwin Giles b. June 24, 1889; Viva Blanche b. Aug. 4, 1893; Don Alfred b. July 30, 1887; Muriel b. Jan. 16, 1900, d. infant; Ida b. Feb. 18, 1902. Member 20th quorum seventies; high priest. Farmer. RASBAND, FREDERICK (son of Thomas Rasband and Eliz- abeth Giles). Born Sept. 2, 1856, Provo, Utah. Married Mary Elizabeth Hawkins Sept. 29, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Bemet Hawkins and Sarah Moulton, latter pioneer, Martin S. Lyles handcart com- pany). Their children: Sarah Elizabeth b. May 4, 1885, m. Earl J. Slade Sept. 11, 1907; Ethel May b. Jan. 31, 1890, m. William J. Lewis Oct. 26, 1910; Delia b. May 10, 1895. Family resided Heber and Park City, Utah. First bishop Park City ward; ordained Aug. 18, 1901, serving until Nov. 1, 1909, when he moved to Provo. State senator 1904; member state legislature from 5th district, comprising Summit and Wasatch counties, two terms. RASMUSSEN, ANDREW (son of Rasmus and Moren of Sjaelland, Denmark). Born Jan. 22, 1834. Came to Utah In 1860, Wideborg company. Married Severna Maria Madsen Oct. 12, 1862, West Jordan, Utah, Bishop Gardner officiating (daughter of Mads Soren- sen and Johanna Jensen of Linderum HJorrlng, Denmark, pioneers 1862, Christian Augusta Madsen and John Van Cott company). She was born Aug. 21, 1836. Their chil- dren: Andrew, m. Sarah Barnes; Amasa. m. Sarah Eliza- beth Stewart; Nephi, m. Annie Elizabeth Lawhorn; Jacob, m. Sarah Rebecca Howell; Mary Johanna, m. Ellas Adol- phus Terry and Otis Lysander Terry. Family home Fair- view, Utah. Senior president 26th quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1856-60. Farmer. Died February, 1903. RASMUSSEN, JENS (son of Rasmus Hansen and Magda- lene Larsen of Valloby, Denmark). Born Jan. 31, 1815. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Toung company. Married Bendta Nielsen Nov. 20, 1846, at Valloby (daugh- ter of Lars Nielsen and Mary Larsen of Monge, Denmark, former a pioneer Sept. 12, 1863, John R. Young company, latter died in Denmark). She was born March 11, 1818. Their children: Rasmus, died; Mads, m. Mary C. Jorgenson; Sena, died; Laurine, m. Harold Llljenqulst. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Elder; high priest. Farmer. Died Feb. 18, 1902. RASMUSSEN, i. VHSK. Born Dec. 30, 1844, Denmark. Came to Utah 1866, oxteam company. Married Christane Sorensen Salt Lake City, who was born July 9, 1850. Their children: Mary Lucy, m. Charles A. Winn; Christane, m. Erastus Sorensen; Larse Brady, d. aged 4; Karen Metthea b. June 2, 1875, m. Frank A. Young. Family home Richfield, Utah. Farmer. Died August, 1873. RASMUSSEN, JORGAN (son of Rasmus Jensen and Boal Jensen, both born at Borgense Fen, Ellesborro Fen, Den- mark). He was born Feb. 26, 1814, at Ellesborro. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1864, John Smith company. Married Hansena M. Hansen December, 1847 (daughter of Lars Peter Hansen and Anna Elizabeth Hansen), who was born May 9, 1817. Their children: Julius N. and Petria B., d. infants; Dorcas Julia b. Aug. 5, 1857, m. Thomas Dyer Nov. 1877; William E. b. April 12, 1859, m. Trena Jensen Feb. 17, 1885. Family resided Council Bluffs, Iowa; Omaha, Neb.; Ogden and Butler, Utah. RASMUSSEN, WILLIAM E. (son of Jorgan Rasmussen and Hansena Maria Hansen). Born April 12, 1859, Omaha, Neb. Married Trena Jensen Feb. 17, 1885, Holiday, Salt Lake Co., Utah (daughter of Soren P. Jensen and Jensena M. Jensen), who was born March 17, 1868, In Denmark. Their children: W. Edward b. Sept. 8, 1886; J. Frank b. March 19, 1888; Albert I. b. Oct. 22, 1889, d. infant; H. Delias b. Feb. 27, 1891; Ivan J. b. May 25, 1895; Pearl E. b. Dec. 9. 1898. Family home Butler, Salt Lake Co., Utah. RASMUSSEN, JORGEN HANSTED (son of Rasmus Anderson and Cecelia Peterson Anderson of Hansted, Denmark). Born April 8, 1837, at Hansted. Came to Utah 1867. Married Sine M. Mortensen (daughter of Andrew P. Mor- tensen and Ingerborg Peterson). Their children: Jorgine Cecelia; Anna N.; Jorgen P.; Andrew C.; Amelia I.; Mary E.; Elvena M. RASMUSSEN, MORTEN (son of Rasmus and Maria Ras- mussen). Born Oct. 27, 1834, Brendekilde, Fyen, Denmark. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Karen Marie Christiansen April 1, 1859, Ephraim, Utah (daughter of Christian N. Christiansen and Anne Margaret Jensen, of Assens, Fyen, Denmark, pioneers Sept. 13, 1857, Chr. Christiansen company). She was born July 26, 1842. Their children: Morten, Jr., m. Nicoline Christen- sen, May 27, 1880; Maria Sophia, m. Lars P. Madsen Oct. 10, 1881; Lars Christian, m. Cecelia Johansen Oct. 9, 1890; John, m. Albertine Christensen Dec. 30, 1884; Mary, died; Anna Margaret, m. Robert Kenner Oct. 15, 1893; Henry, died; Erastus, m. Emma Winkleman Nov. 14, 1893; Daniel, m. Annie Jane Jorgensen July 30, 1902; George, died; Wilford W., m. Matilda Winkelman April 9, 1902; Hyrum, died. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Member 66th quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1881-83. City councilman at time of death. Farmer. Died June 28. 1885. RASMUSSEN, DANIEL (son of Morten Rasmussen and Karen Marie Christiansen). Born Feb. 25, 1876, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Annie Jane Jorgensen July 30, 1902, Manti, Utah (daughter of Jens Jorgensen and Kirsten Bertelsen), who was born April 15, 1867. Their children: D. Irvine b. May 21, 1903; Mary b. Sept. 24, 1905; Lester Paul b. Sept. 19, 1907; James Howard b. Aug. 21, 1909; Esther b. March 26, 1912. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. President 66th quorum seventies; missionary to New Eng- land 1899-1901; bishop Mt. Pleasant North ward 1904-09. City recorder; school teacher and principal. Family resides Cedar City, Utah. RASMUSSEN, NIELS (son of Henrik Rasmussen and Re- bekka Hansen of Maderup Fyen, Denmark). Born May 29, 1854. Came to Utah Oct. 1866, Abner Lowry company. (Nearly half this Ill-fated company, including Rasmussen's mother and eldest brother, had died from privations and hardships before they were met, about 400 miles east of Salt Lake City, by a mule relief train of 10 wagons, which had been sent to convey the orphans and survivors. The first detachment of the company arrived Oct. 8, 1866, In charge of Arza E. Hinckley, the main body under Lowry arriving Oct. 22.) Married Laura A. M. Thorup Sept. 11, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Herman A. Thorup and Mary C. Christen- sen of Copenhagen, Denmark, pioneers 1869). She was born Feb. 10, 1854. Their children: Niels Moroni b. July 13, 1880, d. aged 4; Alma Emmanuel b. Aug. 1, 1882, m. Agnes M. Peterson; Laura M. R. b. Aug. 19, 1884; Sarah Josephine b. Feb. 25, 1886; Annie Eliza b. Dec. 25, 1888; Rhoda Con- stance b. Sept. 21, 1890. Married Christine V. Thorup Nov. 21, 1885, Salt Lake City (daughter of Herman A. Thorup and Mary Christine Chris- tensen of Copenhagen, Denmark, pioneers 1869). She was born Nov. 3, 1858. Their children: Ellen C. b. Nov. 26. 1886, m. George W. Poulson; Clara Veronica b. Dec. 18, 1888, d. aged 20; May Catherine b. May 13, 1891; Esther Olive b. Nov. 25, 1893; David Leroy b. June 26, 1896; Adeline b. Sept. 30, 1899; Florence Geneve b. Dec. 27, 1906. Missionary to Nebraska 1878-79; high priest; counselor in 1st quorum elders; Sunday school superintendent of 1st ward 15 years; 2d counselor to bishop of 1st ward 12 years; active worker in Y. M. M. I. A. and Sunday school of Liberty stake. Bookkeeper In presiding bishop's office 40 years. Farmer. RASMUSSEN, PETER (son of Rasmus Miller). Born at Mots, Jutland, Denmark. Came to Utah 1859. Married Karen Peterson 1859 (daughter of Sern Peterson and Ane Margrltte Peterson, latter pioneer 1860). Their child: Joseph Solon b. May 7, 1869; Anna. Settled In Morgan county, moved to Bear Lake, Idaho, then to Uinta Co., Utah. RASMUSSEN, JOSEPH SOLON (son of Peter Rasmussen and Karen Peterson). Born May 7, 1869, Farmington, Utah. Married Susie Hughes June 18, 1892, Morgan City, Utah (daughter of George Hughes and Anna Elizabeth Welch, both died at Salem, Ohio). She was born Feb. 28, 1867, in Franklin county. Pa. Their children: Eva; Nancy; Thelma; George J.; Gilbert H. Seventy; first counselor Y. M. M. I. A. RASMUSSEN, SOREN. Born July 12, 1818, in Denmark. Came to Utah in 1862, George Stringhaus company. Married Annie Hogensen in Denmark, who was born May 15, 1813. Their children: Rasmus, m. Mrs. Sophia Smith Nlelson; Susanna m. Orson Pulsipher; Emma. m. Martin F. Martinson; Soren, died; Soren II.; Brighamina, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1121 died; Larslne, m. Richard Loynd. Family home Copen- hagen, Denmark, and Utah. Missionary in Denmark before coming to Utah. Farmer. Died Dec. 16, 1870, Richfield, Utah. KAVSTBJV, BENGT MATHIS (son of Mathis Ravsten, born July 17, 1796, Olstorp, Sweden, and Boel Matson, born 1755, both of Sweden). Born Aug. 29, 1838, Saxtorp, MalmS Lan. Sweden. Came to Utah Aug. 6, 1869. Married Betty Johanson May 9, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Johan Jensen), who was born May 4, 1837, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John b. Feb. 17, 1871, m. Eliza B. Christensen March 18, 1896; Allen b. March 2, 1873, died; Bennie b. April 8, 1875, m. Clara Christensen Dec. 10, 1902; Frank b. Sept. 14, 1877, m. Josephine Christensen March 6, 1901; Anna Sophia b. Sept. 28, 1879, died. Family resided Logan and Clarkston, Utah. Missionary to Sweden, where he served as president of Malmo conference 1894-96; presiding elder of Trenton ward four years; president 7th quorum seventies; high priest. RAVSTEN, JOHN (son of Bengt Mathis Ravsten and Betty Johanson). Born Feb. 17, 1871, Logan, .Utah. Married Eliza B. Christensen March 18, 1896, Logan, Utah (daughter of James Christensen and Trena Benson, who came to Utah 1880). She was born Feb. 9, 1875, died April 23, 1913. Their children: Betty Eliza b. Aug. 23, 1902; Leah b. May 22, 1906; Amy b. June 28, 1907; John Byron b. Aug. 10, 1908; Ida b. Jan. 9, 1910; Ivin Oliver b. June 24, 1911. Counselor In elders quorum; missionary to northern states 1897-99; president 7th quorum seventies 1900-02; ordained bishop of Clarkston ward Aug. 24, 1902. President Clarkston water works. KAWLINGS, BBER B. (son of John B. Rawlings and Marlah Hunt of Eydon, Northamptonshire, Eng.). Born June 24, 1826, at Eydon. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1862, James Wareham company. Married Ann Skinner Dec. 31, 1860, In England (daughter of John Skinner and Ann Beeby of Daventry, Eng., pioneers 1862). She was born Sept. 13, 1828. Their children: Henry E., m. Sarah A. McLauslin; Zeda Emma, m. E. S. Lund; George P., m. Kate Gatherum; Annie M., m. A. Holman; "William S., m. Margaret Gillespie; Kate Estella, m. John T. Pyne; Ernest. Family resided Alton, 111., and Prove, Utah. President of branch at Alton. Lived at Alton 1850-61. RAWL.INS, JAMBS (son of Charles Rawlins, veteran of the Revolutionary war, and Eustacie Gregory, both of Pitt county, N. C.). Born Jan. 6, 1794. Came to Utah 1848, Andrew Cunningham company. Married Jane Sharp (daughter of James Sharp), who was born March 22, 1794, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sarah b. March 3, 1817, died; Lucinda b. March 12, 1819, m. Andrew Cunningham; Elizabeth b. Feb. 27, 1821, died; Joseph Sharp b. April 9, 1823, m. Mary Frost; Harvey McGalyard b. Feb. 14, 1825, m. Margaret Eliza Frost Dec. 3, 1846; Leah b. Sept. 19, 1827, m. Henry Day Dec. 1851; Millie Jane b. July 16, 1831, m. David Carson July 31, 1853; Elva A. b. Jan. 6, 1834, m. George Carson July 31, 1853; Charlotte Melvina b. Feb. 9, 1837, m. Jasper Lemons Feb. 1858. Family home Big Cottonwood, Utah. Married Mrs. Harriet Wheat at Salt Lake City. Married Rachel Rawlins at Salt Lake City. Moved from Big Cottonwood to Draper in 1852; to Spring City in 1865; then to Richmond, and from there to Lewis- ton In 1871. High priest. Farmer. RAWLINS, HARVEY McGALYARD (son of James Rawlins and Jane Sharp). Born Feb. 14, 1825, in Greene county, 111. Married Margaret Elzira Frost Dec. 3, 1846, Fremont Co., Iowa (daughter of McCaslin Frost and Penina Smith, pioneers 1856). She was born April 28, 1830, in Knox county, Tenn. Their children: Margaret Eliza b. April SO, 1848, m. Robert Marion Kerr March 28, 1863; James Mc- Caslin b. July 3, 1850, d. infant; Harvey McGalyard, Jr., t>. Dec. 13, 1851, m. Rebecca Lewis Dec. 28, 1877; Samuel Lafayette b. July 17, 1854, m. Sarah E. Van Orden Feb. 16, 1882; Franklin Archibald b. Jan. 22, 1857, m. Leona Leavitt Dec. 18, 1879; Penina Jane b. April 6, 1859, m. James B. Leavitt May 5, 1881; Mary Eslyn b. Nov. 19, 1861, m. Joseph Wire Leavitt May 4, 1882; Joseph William b. March 4, 1864, m. Mary Ann Pope June 24, 1885; Alma Frost b. Oct. 23, 1866, m. Lauretta Huff March 26, 1890; Elva Arminta b. May 14, 1869, m. Goudy A. Hogan Nov. 8, 1892; Jasper Alphonzo b. Feb. 1. 1872, m. Cora May Burbank March 5, 1902; Nancy Ellen b. Aug. 1, 1874, m. Edwin Murray Stocks Dec. 4, 1894. High priest. Farmer. RAWLINS, HARVEY McGALYARD (son of Harvey M. Rawlins and Margaret Elzira Frost). Born Dec. 13, 1851, Big Cottonwood, Utah. Married Rebecca Lewis Dec. 28, 1877 (daughter of Wil- liam Hendricks Lewis and Martha N. Petty married 1856 Fort Herriman, Utah, former a pioneer 1851, latter Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born Nov. 1, 1859, Richmond. Utah. Their children: William Harvey b. Oct. 13, 1878; Lina Dean b. Sept. 9, 1882, d. May 21, 1888; Clement Lewis b. Aug. 12, 1885, m. Gertrude O. Smith June 28, 1911; Fern b. May 20, 1889; Lorenzo Ktmball b. Sept. 4, 1896, d. June 2, 1898; Elmina b. July 12, 1899, d. April 19, 1903. Family home Lewiston, Utah. Married Louisa Waddoups June 5. 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Waddoups and Martha Page mar- ried Nov. 27, 1864, Bountiful Utah, former a pioneer Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde company, latter 1862, Captain Thorne company). She was born Aug. 13, 1865, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Burnes b. June 12, 1887, d. April 20, 1903; Ila Rene b. March 16, 1892; Alvira b. March 1, 1902. Family home, Lewiston. Moved from Big Cottonwood to Draper, then to Spring City and to Richmond, finally settling at Lewiston. Home missionary; second counselor Y. M. M. I. A. of Lewis- ton ward 1877-80; president of same 1880-84; one of presi- dents of 39th quorum seventies; missionary to Indian Ter- ritory 1891-95; superintendent religion class Lewiston ward 1895-1901, and Benson stake 1902-08; high priest; member high council of Benson stake. Constable of Lewiston pre- cinct 1879-83; school trustee; member town board 1904-06. RAWLINS, FRANKLIN ARCHIBALD (son of Harvey M. Kawlins and Margaret Elzira Frost). Born Jan. 22, 1857, Draper, Utah. Married Leona Leavitt Dec. 18, 1879 (daughter of George Leavitt and Janette Brinkerhoff, pioneers 1847, former Jedediah M. Grant company, latter Ira Eldredge company). She was born Sep. 25, 1860, Centerville, Utah. Their chil- dren: George F. b. Dec. 4, 1880, m. Nellie D. Lambert June 17, 1908; Elzira J. b. July 13, 1882; James b. Feb. 23, 1884, died; Alpheus L. b. Feb. 10, 1886, m. Mabel Lloyd Dec. 23, 1908; Merle L. b. Nov. 22, 1887, William b. Feb. 23, 1889, and Roy b. Aug. 25, 1891, died; Edith b. Feb. 19, 1893; Zeddie b. March 28, 1895, died; Reuel L. b. Sept. 22, 1896; Aurill b. Aug. 7, 1903, died. Family home Lewiston, Utah. High priest; counselor to Bishop William Waddoups; member high council of Benson stake. Farmer and dairy- man. KAWSON, HORACE STRONG (son of Daniel Rawson and Polly Strong of New York). Born July 15, 1799, Oneida county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company. Married Elizabeth Coffin Oct. 9, 1825, who was born In 1807. Their children: Mary Ann Olive b. Oct. 8, 1826, m. John Garner; Daniel Berry b. Dec. 16, 1827, m. Nancy Boss; Samantha Priscilla b. April 26. 1830, m. Charles Hancock; William Coffln b. Jan. 13, 1832, m. Eliza Jane Cheney; Oriah b. March 15, 1834, d. young; Sariah b. March 15, 1834, m. James Owens; Chloe Ann b. Aug. 15, 1836, m. C. B. Hancock; Caleb Linsey b. March 5, 1839, d. young; Arthur Morrison b. June 17, 1840, m. Margret Pace; Sariah Urinda b. Feb. 8, 1844, m. Orvil R. Child; Cyrus b. June 15, 1846, m. Mary Dixon; Horace Franklin b. Oct. 9, 1848, m. Malinda Hancock; Elizabeth b. Aug. 21, 1853, m. Myron Butler. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member high council of Weber stake. Weber county selectman; member Ogden city council; justice of peace 7 years. Died Oct. 10, 1882. RAWSON, WILLIAM COFFIN (son of Horace Strong Raw- son and Elizabeth Coffin). Born Jan. 13, 1832, in Randolph county, Ind. Came to Utah with father. Married Eliza Jane Cheney Oct. 12, 1856, Farmington, Utah (daughter of Nathan Cheney and Eliza Ann Rube of Kirtland, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois and Davis Co., Utah, pio- neers Oct. 6, 1850, William Snow company). She was born Aug. 29, 1837. Their children: Eliza Jane, m. Aaron Jack- son Jan. 26, 1877; William Franklin, m. Mary Alice Wil- son; Olive Ann, m. William N. McEntyre; Zenia Venette, m. Joseph Chugg; Sarah Emily, m. John Prichett; Nathan Cheney, m. Minnie Allred; Elizabeth Rebecca, m. Elsberry Garlic. Member 40th quorum seventies; missionary 1875; Sunday school superintendent; ward teacher; bishop's counselor. Worked for George A. Lowe company. Materially aided in building roads and canals and otherwise improving the adjacent country. Died April 26, 1891, Far West, Weber Co., Utah. RAY, JOHN ALEXANDER (son of John Ray, born at Shel- ton, Eng., and Elizabeth Nuttall). Born in Mississippi 1817. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1853, Moses Dailey company. Married Mary Wingo Young 1841 In North Carolina (daughter of William Calvin Young, major general Mexican war, and Mary Hayes, pioneers Whitmore Mclntire, John- son and McCullah company). She was born in North Caro- lina in 1820 and died April 20, 1890. Their children: Ellen Barton, m. John Vickers; Martha Jane, m. Sims Matheny; Hester, m. W. W. Dameron; Mary Virginia, m. Orson Hoi- brook; William Alexander, m. Minerva Hinckley; Joseph Edward, m. Mary Emily Warner; Alice Jerome, m. Nephl Pratt; Melissa Hayes, m. W. S. Smith; John A., died; Eleanor, m. Alonzo Huntsman; Ann Wingo, died. Family home Fill- more, Utah. Settled at Fillmore, Utah, early in 1854. First govern- ment Indian agent in that section, receiving his appoint- ment 1858; also first probate judge; member territorial legislature. Missionary to England, where he was asso- ciate editor of the "Millennial Star"; president Millard stake 4 years. Merchant; farmer. Died July 4, 1862. RAY, JOSEPH EDWARD (son of John Alexander Ray and Mary Wingo Young). Born Jan. 7, 1851, Walke, Madison Co.. Texas. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Emily Warner Dec. 25, 1870, Fillmore, 1122 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Utah (daughter of Orange Warner and Mary E. Tyler, pioneers October, 1851, with Shurtliff part of the way, the remainder alone). She was born July 13, 1852. Their children: Ruby b Aug. 5, 1872, m. Albert W. Davis; Raymond E. b. Dec. 26, 1874, m. Ruby Collister; Clinton Dewitt b. Oct. 22, 1876, m. Sarah Jessie Whitaker; Claude Calvin b. Nov. 10, 1878; Josephine b. June 14, 1884, m. S. A. Green- wood; William Alonzo b. Dec. 25, 1886; John A. b. June 21, 1891, died. Family home Fillmore, Utah. John A. Ray and family arrived in Fillmore, Utah, in the spring of 1854, where they found about 20 families who had built a mud wall 10 feet high around 50 acres of ground for the protection of their families against In- dians. These Indians were known at that time as the Walker band. After the death of Walker, however, the notorious Black Hawk dominated the tribes for many years. These Indians were very numerous and commit- ted many depredations, stealing stock and killing many people. John A. Ray was the first Indian agent in this part of the country, getting his appointment in 1858. This gave his son, Joseph E. Ray, a splendid opportunity to learn the ways of the red man. He became at a very early date an expert with the bow and arrow and sported with them in all their pastimes; in fact, almost lived with them until he was 15 years of age. He developed into a splen- did shot and a good horseman; in fact, was as wild as the Indians themselves. Later he joined the state militia and continued in the service for four years and until hon- orably discharged. During these early days the white boys and Indian papooses had many battles, using slings for weapons. That with his early experience with the bow and arrow, associated with a natural inclination to the use of fire- arms, was responsible for the fact that he developed into an expert shot, and in later years he killed a great amount of game of all kinds; probably 3,000 deer. As a young man he was engaged in the cattle business, and he made two trips; one to Abilene, Kansas, in 1870, the other to Cheyenne, Wyo., in 1877. After he grew to manhood he assisted greatly in rid- ding the country of many outlaws, among whom were the "Ney" and "Ben Tasker" gangs. Following closely upon the days of Indian outbreaks came a period when the early settlers had nearly as much trouble with the white outlaws. Among some of the thrilling experiences in which he figured conspicuously was the capture of eight highwaymen about Jan. 20, 1883. These outlaws had held up a Southern Pacific train at Montello, Utah, about 100 miles west from Ogden. They first captured the station, stampeding eight Chinese section men who fled into the hills and froze to death. This was one of the coldest periods in the history of the state, the thermometer reaching 40 degrees below zero. These highwaymen flagged the incoming express train and undertook to rob it. The messenger, however, barricaded himself in his car, fought several hours holding the robbers at bay, while they were riddling his car with bullets. When the incoming train came in sight they retreated in a south- erly direction. The next day they were pursued by the sheriff with a posse, who were waylaid and captured by the robbers and their horses and firearms, etc., taken away, and they were privileged to return home afoot. On their retreat through the country the robbers committed a number of other crimes. At Deep Creek they robbed the Devine store, and also entered a woman's house and robbed her, who soon after died from fright. About this time, J. E. Ray was making a farm at Deseret. One day six men, heavily armed, rode into the town of Deseret, and from their general demeanor it was immediately assumed by the citizens that there was something unusual in their visit. W. A. Ray, an older brother, was at that time running a store in the small settlement, and he informed his brother Joseph that these strangers were buying large quantities of cartridges, and that this action on their part looked very suspicious. These men made arrangements with the people of Deseret, by which they were to take care of their horses on the range. This, however, was only a ruse, and given for the purpose of hiding their identity. It de- veloped later that they had prepared a strong fortification in the top of the mountain range which lay to the north- west of this community. John Sharp was a leading railroad man in the territory, and knowing that J. E. Ray and G. W. Crapper had at different times captured outlaws, wired them to be on the alert, and described these strangers. Messrs. Ray and Crapper knew immediately that he had reference to the suspicious men in question. They at once organized a party to go out and intercept them or attack them in their mountain fortification. This party left Deseret at one o'clock on the morning of Jan. 20, 1883, and rode about 70 miles in a northwesterly direction. As they approached the mountains they stopped and sent two of their men, Edward Craft and Charles Webb, on a scouting expedition. These scouts were captured by the outlaws and held until the next day, when they were re- lieved by a rescuing party. "The party" traveled until sunset in a northerly direction when they saw two men riding up a long draw or hollow. Upon the first sight of these men they dropped back under cover, hitched their horses and cautiously slipped over the hills to a point of advantage. As "the party" came to the hill top they looked down into the hollow below, and at a distance of 250 yards again saw these two men. The pursuing party was then directly south from, and above them. They called to them to throw up their hands. Instead of surrendering, however, they slipped off their horses, dropped their guns across the saddles and opened fire. There was a lively exchange of shots for a few minutes, the result being that both robbers were badly wounded and their horses killed. At this juncture two more outlaws came in sight, and they also were captured. The posse was then about seven miles from the fortification, and the weather extremely cold, it being 20 degrees below zero. They could not make a fire, for fear the four un- captured men now in the stronghold might see the smoke and escape. They waited until twelve o'clock at night for a detachment from their party, to get a wagon and return so that the wounded men might be sent to the railroad. At three o'clock in the morning, the pursuing party was reenforced by 15 other fighting men from all over the country. They then proceeded to the fortification, seven miles distant, and there they captured the remainder of the gang. These men were all sent to Carson City prison for from 12 to 15 years. He was one of the pioneer movers in the opening up of lands by means of reservoir irrigation systems, and took an active part in purchasing and cultivating large tracts of dry farm land. He has also assisted in developing mines at Rico, Colo., and in other places. RAYMOND, GRANDISON (son of Lemuel Raymond and Catherine Woodbeck, the latter of New York). Born May 25 1818, Liberty, Sullivan county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1852* Married Celia Hall Aug. 12, 1849 (daughter of Bradley and Elizabeth Hall), who was born April 20, 1825 (d Oct 29 1898), and came to Utah in 1862 with husband. Their chil- dren: Martha b. June 21, 1850. m. Samuel Walter Hart Feb 20, 1880; Emma b. May 23. 1852. m. Henry Evans; Alice b Jan. 17. 1854. d. Dec. 26, 1865; Assenath b. Nov. 11, 1855, m. Albert Bomar; Grandison b. Sept. 29, 1857 (d. Aug. 1, 1909) m Elizabeth Tunks; David b. Jan. 21, 1860. d. Feb. 25 1882- Walter b. Oct. 9. 1861; Bradley Lemuel b. Dec. 4, 1863 d Jan. 4. 1866; Elizabeth b. April 6. 1865, m. Joseph Openshaw; Celia b. April 1, 1868, m. George H. Hall. Family home Kays- Missionary to New York. Settled at Bountiful 1853. As- sisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Moved to Kays- ville 1855. Died Feb. 10, 1898. READ, WILLIAM SMITH (son of William Read and Sarah Brimley). Born Dec. 1, 1816, North Crawley, Buckingham- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853. Married Elizabeth Simmons April 30, 1852, St. Louis, Mo., who was born June 14, 1825, London, Eng.; came to Utah with husband, and died May 11, 1904, at Ogden. Their chil- dren: Sarah Ann b. May 21, 1853. d. Jan. 2, 1862; William Simmons b. June 26, 1855, m. Elizabeth Mary Taylor- Joseph Reform b. Aug. 30, 1857, d. Oct. 13, 1857; Josiah George b. Jan. 2, 1859, m. Mary Rodelpha Thomas; Tryphena Maria b. March 30. 1861, m. Albert John Aland Oct. 11, 1880; Annie Rebecca b. June 10, 1864, m. Frank Weston Coburn April 5, 1890, m. Edwin Dix July 26, 1905; Oscar Isaac b. Feb. 19, 1867, m. Elizabeth Mackay Treseder. Family home, Ogden. Missionary to England 1884. Died Dec. 3, 1891. READ. WILLIAM SIMMONS (son of William Smith Read and Elizabeth Simmons). Born June 26, 1855, at Ogden. Married Elizabeth Mary Taylor May 29, 1878, at Ogden (daughter of Joseph Taylor and Elizabeth Mary Collier, lat- ter pioneer 1853). She was born April 2, 1858, Iowa City, Iowa. Their children: William Royal b. Jan. 8, 1881, d. July 29, 1892; Lewis Josiah b. Nov. 28. 1882, m. Mattte Rushton May 8, 1907; Joseph Oscar b. Sept. 30, 1884, m. Elberta Moore May 6, 1907; Albert Eugene b. Nov. 8, 1886, m. Har- riet Ann Jones Feb. 14. 1912; Viola Mary b. March 6, 1890. m. Preston Badger Feb. 21, 1912; Edith Grace b. Aug. 24, 1893; Melba Mae b. April 28, 1896. Family home, Ogden. Member J. G. Read & Bros. Harness Company. READ, JOSIAH GEORGE (son of William Smith Read and Elizabeth Simmons). Born Jan. 2, 1859, Slaterville. Utah. Married Mary Rodelpha Thomas March 11, 1887, Ogden, Utah (daughter of James Moroni Thomas and Mary Hol- royd), who was born Feb. 28, 1565, Ogden. Their children: Bertie Josiah b. March 19, 1888, d. July 6, 1888; Lionel Thomas b. Aug. 1, 1890; William Earl b. Oct. 9, 1892; Mary Elizabeth b. May 30, 1895; Walter Thomas b. Jan. 24, 1897. Family home, Ogden. President J. G. Read Bros. Harness Company since 1883. READ, OSCAR ISAAC (son of William Smith Read and Elizabeth Simmons). Born Feb. 19, 1867, Ogden, Utah. Married Elizabeth Mackay Treseder Oct. 16, 1890. Logan, Utah (daughter of Richard Mackay Treseder, born March 9, 1838, Davenport, Eng.. and Jane Edmunds, born May 15, 1841, Glasgow, Scotland, latter pioneer 1855). She waa born Sept. 25, 1870. Their children: Oscar Leland b. Oct. 8, 1891; Marian Treseder b. Nov. 21. 1896; Donald Treseder b. Nov. 7, 1908, d. Feb. 7, 1909. Family home, Ogden. Member of Read Bros. Harness and Saddlery Company of Ogden. READER, JAMES (son of Herbert and Mary Reader). Born 1830, Dorsetshire, Erig. Started for Utah In 1857, but died on the way. Married Honor Welch Sept. 3, 1851 (daughter of Job Welch and Charlotte Rawlins of South Cottonwood, Utah, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1123 pioneers). She was born Nov. 8, 1829, and came to Utah with children, who were: John Henry b. Jan. 2, 1855, m. Mary Malinda Erekson, m. Marie Vorden; Charlotte, m. Frederick Fowks. Priest. Tailor. Died July 15, 1857, crossing the plains. Honor Welch Reader afterward married James Gallyer. READER, JOHN HENRY (son of James Reader and Honor Welch). Born Jan. 2, 1855, Alton, 111. Came to Utah with mother and sister in 1857 with handcart company. Married Mary Malinda Erekson Jan. 12, 1882, South Cot- tonwood, Utah (daughter of Peter Erekson and Maria Crumpton, pioneers 1847, settlero of American Fork; also lived at South Cottonwood). Their children: Stella b. Jan. 29, 1884, died same day; Ray b. Oct. 30, 1886, m. Olive Beers; Leon b. Dec. 18, 1888; Herald b. April 20, 1892; Shirley b. June 2, 1894, died. Family home Vernal, Utah. Married Marie Vorden (Votght) July 24, 1905, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Henry Vorden and Rosina Blaser of Mon- tagny, Switzerland; came to Utah 1890, Fred Inebent com- pany). She was born March 13, 1859. Her child by a former marriage to Vincent Voight: Louis Vincent Voight b. Dec. 21, 1879, Neufchatel, Switzerland, d. Nov. 1910. Elder. Cattle and sheepman. Uinta county commis- sioner; postmaster at Vernal. Banker; president sheep asso- ciation; stockholder In many corporations throughout the state. Apiarist. HEADING, WILLIAM (son of William Reading of Stone- lagh, Eng., and Sarah S. Kelsher of Cublington, Eng.). Born April 16, 1808, Bubbenhall, Eng. Came to Utah 1863. Married Elizabeth Mansfield of Hunningham, Eng. Their children: John b. Aug. 24, 1834, m. Annie Brown May 29, 1856; William b. April 26, 1843; Job b, 1847; Joseph, died. READING, JOHN (son of William Reading and Elizabeth Mansfield). Born Aug. 24, 1834, Bubbenhall, Ens. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Annie Brown May 29, 1856 (daughter of William and Fannie Brown of Leamington, Eng.). Their children: Annie b. Aug. 8, 1857; Frances J. b. May 20, 1859, m. Roscoe E. Savage 1878; Eliza G. b. May 7, 1862, m. W. F. Williams 1882; Sarah L. b. Feb. 10, 1864, m. Rollo Taysum 1883; Ann b. Feb. 28, 1866; William J. b. Feb. 17, 1867, m. Nellie Crane 1888; John B. b. Feb. 5, 1869; Daniel M. b. April 16, 1871; Charles J. b. Dec. 9, 1873, m. Ella Meears; Elbert O. b. June 22, 1875, m. Lula Evans. Married Eliza Isom 1868, at Salt Lake City (daughter of David Isom and Charlotte Morris of Asholne, Eng., the latter came to Utah 1864 or 65, Thomas Taylor company). Their children: David, died; Charlotte, m. Samuel Rlerce; Annettie, m. Hyrum Hubbard; May, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1885-86. Volunteer fireman; mem- ber police 1867. Served in Black Hawk Indian war In Captain Burl's company, 1866. Salt Lake County constable; Justice of peace at Centerville four years. First to Intro- duce the Lombard poplar tree in Utah 1862; built first greenhouse In Utah, at Salt Lake City. REDD, JOHN H. (son of Whitaker Redd of Spanish Fork, Utah). Born Dec. 27, 1799, in North Carolina. Came to Utah September, 1850, James Pace company. Married Mary Hardison March 2, 1826, In North Carolina (daughter of Zebedee Hancock, pioneer 1850, James Pace company). She was born Jan. 25, 1798. Their children: Ann M. b. July 26, 1830. m. Wilson D. Pace; Elizabeth Ann b. Dec. 16, 1831, m. Harvey A. Pace; Mary C. b. Jan. 4, 1834, m. Wilson D. Pace; Lemuel H. b. July 31, 1836, m. Keziah Butler; Edward W. b. Jan. 31, 1838, d. child; John H. b. June 13, 1837, died; Benjamin J. b. Jan. 20, 1842, m. Clarissa Tay- lor. Family home, Spanish Fork. Died 1858. REDDEN, RETURN JACKSON (son of George Grant Redden, born Nov. 8, 1790, In New Jersey, and Adella Higley. born In New York). He was born Sept. 26, 1817, in Hiram, Por- tage Co., Ohio. Came to Utah July 23, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Laura Troske. Their children: Marion b. Aug. 80, 1841, m. James McBride; Charles b. Sept. 11, 1843, d. child. Married Martha Whiting. Married Naomi Eliza Murray Feb. 16, 1847, Winter Quar-, ters, Neb. (daughter of William E. Murray and Mary Springer), who was born July 9, 1830, Victor, N. Y. Their children: William Carlos b. April 5, 1849, m. Margaret Fletcher; Adelbert Jackson b. May 20, 1853, m. Kate Eskel- on; George Grant b. June 15, 1854, m. Elizabeth Ann Wilson; Eliza Naomi b. Oct. 5, 1855. m. William H. Klmball March 27, 1891; Vllate Murray b. Feb. 30, 1856, m. Ell Saxton; Heman Murray b. June 25, 1859, m. Kate Eskelson; John Henry b. Sept. 28, 1861, m. Martha Cloward; Murray Carlos b. Oct. 11, 1863, m. Julia Olsen; Carlos Murray b. Oct. 11, 1863, m. Amelia Cloward; Richard Edmond b. Aug. 29, 1866, m. Emma Peterson; Heber Roswell b. April 11, 1869. d. In- fant. It has always been claimed and tacitly acknowledged by authorities, that he was really the first of the advance party of "Mormon" pioneers to gaze upon the beauties of the great Salt Lake Valley, on the 23d day of July, 1847. He was hunt- Ing for some of their driving stock that had strayed away dur'ng the night. Arriving on the top of the mountain, which afterward was called Little Mountain, he beheld that strange and wonderful body of water. Great Salt Lake. On looking back toward the camp, he is said to have discerned Orson Pratt coming up toward his view-place on the crest of the mountain. When Pratt came up, the two stood and gazed upon and admired the exquisite panorama spread out in a marvelous scenic expanse. He then went on and drove In the stock, and with them returned to camp. He after- ward found that Pratt had had Thomas Bullock record him as the first to see the valley. The characteristic of the man was duty before glory or notoriety, and the incident seemed forgotten, as proper credit was never rendered. It was always said that Heber Chase Kimball acknowledged that Redden was the first of the advance company of "Mormons" to see the valley. He staked and laid the overland route from Salt Lake City to California, and the Overland Stage Company "got away" with the road, but retained the same names he had christened the rivers, creeks, peaks, hills, fords and loitering places in that vast overland expanse until then prac- tically unknown. The commerce of a great nation now rolls over this highway. He was at one time Justice of the peace in Tooele county, and three times at Summit county. He was U. S. deputy marshal under Leonard Phillips and was known in all the pioneer camps as a bold and fearless man. He possessed and exhibited those traits of character which were essential to blazing a trail or per- forming the miracle of reclamation now greeting the tired eye of the traveler. He was a member of the 35th quorum seventies at the time of his demise, and had joined the church when very young. He was private detective and bodyguard to Joseph Smith, saving him from many serious and threatened troubles. He returned in 1847 to Winter Quarters. Justice of the peace in Tooele county, and in Summit county, Utah; deputy marshal under Leonard Phillips. Died Aug. 30, 1891, Hoytsville, Utah. [The foregoing resume furnished by the Editor of this volume.] REDDEN, GEORGE GRANT (son of Return Jackson Redden and Naomi Eliza Murray). Born June 15, 1854, at Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Ann Wilson at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Wilson and Margaret Molyneaux; former pioneer Jacob Gates company 1853, the latter of Richard Ballantyne company 1855). She was born Feb. 7, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Their children: George C. b. April 24, 1875, m. Lorena Yeager Mousley; John J. b. April 13, 1877, m Ethel Hobson; Elizabeth N. b. May 8, 1879, d. 1879; Maggie b. May 5, 1880, d. 1894; William A. b. April 18, 1883, d. 1894; Maude E. b. March 22, 1885, m. Bert Eldredge. Family home Coalvllle, Utah. Home missionary; president Y. M. M. I. A. 1898-1899. Justice of the peace at Wanship, Utah, 1889; city councilman at Coalvllle 1901-1905. Lives at Coalville. REDDEN. RICHARD EDMON (son of Return Jackson Red- den and Noaml Eilza Redden). Born Aug. 29, 1866, at Coal- vllle. Married Emma Petersen Oct. 26, 1893, Wanship, Utah (daughter of Andrew Peterson and Caroline Dabelstein, pioneers Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born June 16, 1871, Kamas, Utah. Their children: Irene Elsie b. Sept. 1, 1894; Richard Edmon b. Jan. 3, 1897; Mabel Caroline b. Oct. 7, 1898; Nita Althea b. Sept. 24, 1900. Family home Hoytsville, Utah. REDPIELD, LEVI HARL.OW (son of Redfleld of Connec- ticut). Born North Madison, Conn., Sept. 25, 1801. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson company. Married Alpha L. Foster 1835, In Connecticut (daughter of Orln Foster and Rachel Stone of Connecticut, pioneers 1855). She was born May 12, 1816. Their children: Rachel, m. Edward Bovler; Susan R., m. Albert C. Lyon; Alfred, d. Infant; Chloe A., m. Horace S. Eldrldge; Adelaide, d. aged 6: Amelia, d. infant; Eva J., m. Joseph Grow; Edward M., d. aged 8; William H., d. Infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; block teacher. Farmer and fruit-grower. Died August, 1866, Salt Lake City, Utah. REDINGTON, JOHN (son of Joseph Redington, born May 29, 1804, and Elizabeth Llttlechild, born 1810, of Harlow, 'Essex, Eng.). He was born Oct. 23. 1835, Nazln, Essex. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1863. John R. Murdock company. Married Marian Brown Dec. 2, 1860 (daughter of Francis Brown and Marian Hays), who was born 1837, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Marian Elizabeth b. Sept. 4, 1861, d. 1863; Kate Emily b. Nov. 29, 1863, m. Benja- min B. Robinson; John Walter b. Feb. 26, 1868, m. Annie M. Robinson; Annie Sarah b. July 21, 1866, d. 1867; George Robert b. June 11, 1873, d. 1874; Alice Maud b. April 17, 1876, m. Sylvester Pierce. Family resided Payson and Fayette, Utah, and Oxford, Idaho. First settled at Salt Lake City; moved to Payson 1864; to Dover 1879, and to Oxford, Idaho, 1903. Member Utah mili- tia In Indian troubles 1865-66. School teacher. Farmer. REDINGTON, JOHN WALTER (son of John Reddlngton and Marian Brown). Born Feb. 26, 1868, Payson, Utah. Married Annie Maria Robinson Jan. 15, 1890, Mantl temple (daughter of William Robinson and Elizabeth Nealy). She 1124 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH was born Nov. 4, 1870, Fayette, Utah. Their children: Ray William b. Dec. 6, 1892; George Arthur b. July 17, 1895; Prank Edward b. Oct. 8, 1897; Annie Ruth b. Sept. 21. 1900; Burton Joseph b. April 7, 1903; Agnes Grace b. June 29, 1906; Glenn b. Sept. 29, 1908. Family resided Dover and Fayette, Utah, and Oxford, Idaho. Farmer. REED, I.EVI W. (son of John Reed of Cleveland, Ohio). Born Nov. 16. 1831, at Cleveland. Came to Utah 1849. Married Matilda Pettit 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ethan Pettit and Margaret Ellsworth of Long Island, N. T.). She was born April 4, 1839. Their children: Matilda E., m. George Baldwin; Mary R., m. Orson Rudy; Ira A., m. Kather- ine Rudy; Elizabeth R. d. aged 12; Caroline A., m. William E. Langford: Levi A., m. Elizabeth Alford; Harriet A., m. Charles Erickson; Tamson R., d. aged 5; Clarica R., m. Otto Larson; Rachael R., m. William Larson; Laura R., m. John P. Evans. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; bishop North Point ward 16 years; teacher. Farmer; stockraiser. Died Nov. 30, 1893. i:i:i:i>i;it, FRANCIS HUBBARD (son of Edward Reeder, born 1763, Maxtoke, Eng., died Nov. 25, 1842, and Frances Hubbard. born 1800. in Warwickshire, Eng., died Nov. 30. 1851). He was born Oct. 13, 1830, in Warwickshire. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1853. Married Elizabeth Maria Hemming Jan. 4, 1853, Trinity Church, London, Eng. (daughter of George Hemming, born 1807 in England, and died July 3, 1863, and Ambrosia Haynes, born in England May 7, 1807, and died April .5, 1851). She was born April 30, 1830, Coventry, Eng., came to Utah with husband, and died Sept. 19. 1885, Ogden, Utah. Their chil- dren: Francis George Edward b. April 14, 1854, d. Oct. 13, 1855; Jane Ambrosia b. Oct. 22, .1855, m. Robert Crawshaw, m. Peter McBride; William Henry b. Oct. 26, 1857, m. Eliza- beth Bachmann Nov. 15, 1879; Emily Eliza b. Nov. 13, 1859, m. "William S. Hill, d. Oct. 11, 1896; Leo Jesse Charles b. Aug. 12, 1861, m. Jennie Morrison; Elizabeth Maria b. June 6, 1863, d. Jan. 10, 1865; Franklin Samuel b. June 16, 1865, m. Birdie Armstrong; Cha'uncey Bickington b. Oct. 1, 1867, m. Mary Keenan. Married Jane Ambrosia Hemming Feb. 8, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Hemming and Ambrosia Haynes), who was born March 22, 1835, Coventry, Eng., came to Utah Dec. 2, 1856, "Frozen" handcart company, died Aug. 21, 1876. Wellsville, Utah. Their children: Ann Collingwood b. Nov. 17, 1859, m. Washington Jenkins; Frances Hannah b. April 28, 1862, m. George Reader; Thomas Hemming b. May 29, 1864, m. Cordelia Smith; Arthur b. May 2, 1866, d. July 22, 1866; Harriet b. Dec. 18, 1867, d. Feb. 5, 1868; Sarah b. April 3, 1870. d. April 9, 1870; Edwin Furgus b. April 19, 1871, m. Margaret Minnoch, m. Phoebe Wharton; John Alma b. Jan. 12, 1874, m. Hannah Hayes. Families resided Wellsville and Ogden, Utah. Candy merchant; tailor; farmer. Used first candy-making machinery brought to Utah. REEDER, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Francis Hubbard Reeder and Elizabeth Maria Hemming). Born Oct. 26, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Bachmann Nov. 15, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Bachmann and Elizabeth Sutler of Switzerland, former born April 26, 1830. pioneer 1863, died Dec. 19, 1907, Ogden, Utah; latter died Nov. 18, 1866, Eden, Utah married Dec. 3, 1852). She was born March 14, 1860, in Switzerland. Their children: Elizabeth Maria b. Aug. 6, 1881; William Henry, Jr., b. April 27, 1884, m. Birdie Farr Wotherspoon Sept. 22, 1909; Francis Hubbard Hemming b. May 8, 1886, m. Madeline Chatelain July 27, 1906; Herbert Thaddeus b. Sept. 9, 1889, d. July 5, 1909; Annetta Grace b. Jan. 21, 1892, m. Ray G. Blaketey July 17, 1912; Earl Arthur b. March 14, 1895; Rowena Lenora b. Feb. 1, 1897. Family resided Ogden, Utah, and Rose Fork, Idaho. Indian agent at Fort Hall. Carpenter and builder. Elder. REEDER, ROBERT (son of David Reeder, born Dec. 21, 1801, and Lydia Balls of Suffolk, Eng.). He was born May 24, 1837, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company. Married Lydia Wilkinson April, 1861 (daughter of Na- thaniel Wilkinson and Lydia Daynes), who was born Aug. 16, 1841, and came to Utah Aug. 27, 1860, Daniel Robinson handcart company. Their children: Robert W. b. June 16, 1864, m. Annie Hyde 1886; George D. b. June 9, 1866, m. Alice Hawkes 1886; Martin C. b. June 3, 1871; Amanda L. b. May 3, 1873, m. Ezra F. Richards 1891; Rose b. June 24, 1875, m. Samuel Jeffs 1895. Married Ellen Flatt April 15, 1872, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Jonathan Flatt, pioneer 1868, Simpson M. Molen com- pany, and Aletha Allred). She was born Jan. 13, 1853, Suffolk, Eng. Their children: Virginia M. b. May 5. 1873, m. John E. Lee Oct. 12, 1898: Aletha E. b. Oct. 28, 1875, m. Albert E. Bowen June 4, 1902; Nettie E. b. Sept. 9, 1877. m. Orson P. Thatcher May, 1903; Hattie V. b. Feb. 20, 1880. m. John E. Lee Oct. 1, 1903; Jonathan b. July 21. 1882, m. Anne E. Reese June 1910; Edna b. Nov. 23, 1885; Moses b. Oct. 7, 1888; Florence b. Dec. 18, 1891; Golden F. b. June 18, 1894. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah, William Hyde company. Participated in Echo Canyon campaign. Helped te build Hyde Park. REES, EDMUND' (son of Morgan Rees, born 1737, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales). He was born Feb. 7, 1814, Cardiff, Wales Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1859, Captain Beebe company. Married Margaret Ellis 1842 (daughter of Thomas Ellis and Jane Rees), who was born April 18, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: David b. Nov. 30 1847, m. Jane Crompton Sept. 12, 1870; Ellis b. Aug. 18 1850, m. Rachel Frisbee 1876; Mary b. Jan. 28, 1853, m! David Moore Nov. 1870; Thomas b. Nov. 5, 1855, m. Charlott Addy Oct. 3, 1883; Edmund b. May 1, 1858, m. Hannah Chappel Jan. 7, 1882; Sarah J. b. Feb. 11, 1861; Morgan b. Dec. 27, 1863; Ruth A. b. May 22, 1866, m. Buriah Wilkins Feb. 1882. Family home Coalville, Utah. REES, DAVID (son of Edmund Rees and Margaret Ellis). Born Nov. 30, 1847, Abberpengan, Wales. Married Jane Crompton Sept. 12, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Crompton and Hannah Hobsoii, pioneers September, 1866, Captain Thompson company). She was born July 19, 1853, Kearlley, Eng. Their children: Phoebe J. b. June 20, 1874; Minnie M. b. Feb. 10, 1876; David, Jr. b. Dec. 22, 1879, m. Lillian Clayton Aug. 11, 1906; William b. Dec. 4, 1881, m. Pearl L. Porter Nov. 20, 1907; Elinor b. Sept. 6, 1883, m. Benjamin Gunn Nov. 20, 1907; Edmund C. b. May 12, 1886, m. Lottie N. Fulkerson Oct. 19, 1907; Raymond b. June 14, 1889, m. Lois Porter March 15, 1911; Lois b. Jan. 27, 1893; Clarice b. May 25, 1895; Ralph M. b. Jan. 1, 1900. Family home Castle Rock, Utah. Presiding elder of Castle Rock; bishop of same place; assistant Sunday school superintendent at Coalville. Town trustee; city councilman. Rancher and stockraiser. REES, WATKIN (son of Thomas Rees. born Sept. 1, 1807, and Mary Jones, born Sept. 10, 1808, both of Merthyr Tydfll, Wales married 1829). He was born Jan. 23, 1830, at Mer- thyr Tydfll. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Daniel Garn com- pany. Married Jane Williams Dec. 25, 1852 (daughter of John Williams and Elizabeth Davies, married about 1829, Dowlais, Glamorganshire, Wales, and died there). She was born April 23, 1836, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Alice b. Nov. 15, 1853, d. child; Elizabeth b. Nov. 24, 1855, m. Henry Emerson 1874; John W. b. Nov. 20, 1856, d. Oct. 23, 1874; Thomas Henry b. Dec. 9, 1860, m. Anna Rees Jan. 1, 1882; Watkin William b. May 22, 1863, m. Izabel Smith 1885; Jacob b. Oct. 17, 1865, m. Grace Williams 1887; Rees Hyrum b. March 9, 1868, m. Frances Young Nov. 1899; Matthew David b. May 18, 1870; Jane Griffith (adopted) b. Jan. 12, 1873, m. Jacob Timer 1900; Edwin b. July 12, 1873, m. Mary Elizabeth Lymb 1899; Willard Arthur b. Jan. 27, 1876, m. Elizabeth Pearce 1899. Family resided Fillmore, Cedar, Beaver, Minersville, Greenville and Adamsville, Utah. High priest; counselor in bishopric of Adamsville ward 1876-99; missionary. Justice of peace at Adamsville; school trustee 1890-99. REESE, ENOCH (son of John Reese and Susanna Owen of Montgomeryshire, Wales). Born May 26, 1813, Whitestown, N. Y. Came to Utah 1849. Married Hannah Harvey Sept. 5, 1843, Buffalo, N. Y. Their children: Enoch M. b. July 14, 1844, m. Zina D. Eldredge; David b. Aug. 27, 1846, James H. b. Aug. 11, 1848, Hannah A. b. Aug. 16, 1851, latter three died; Isaac G. b. Feb. 13, 1866, d. May 16, 1912. Married Sarah E. McKinley June 22, 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of John McKinley and Elizabeth Dixon of Sack- vllle, N. B., pioneers 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born March 10, 1831, and came to Utah 1849. Their chil- dren: John H. b. April 18, 1851, m. Frances E. Fox, m. Eleanor Edler; Enoch L. b. July 9, 1856, d. Feb. 25, 1911, m. Mary Ellen Knowlton. Married Anne Dunlap April 18, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph and Alice Dunlap of Ireland, latter pio- neer 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born Nov. 26, 1822. Their children: Ruth Amelia b. Sept. 27, 1857, and Alice, died; Mary Ellen b. Dec. 5, 1859, m. Edward Loven- dahl. Married Amy Whiteman (daughter of Charles Whiteman and Mary Dixon of Kirtland, Ohio, pioneers 1860). Their children: Alma, died; Charles W. b. April 8, 1869, m. Lily Christenson; Estella b. April 14, 1871, died; Joseph W. b. May 10, 1873. Presided over a branch of the church at Buffalo, N. Y., for about a year; missionary to Europe, going with the memorable handcart company of missionaries from Salt Lake to the Missouri river. Built the first saw and grist mills in Carson Valley (Utah), Nev. Pioneer merchant of Utah, and one df the first business men in the West. Repre- sented Carson county (Utah) in the state legislature of 1856. The oil and lamp store which he conducted on West First South street is among the well remembered old land- marks. For a number of years he was a member of both the territorial legislature and the city council of Salt Lake City. His business integrity and character were of the highest standard. Died July 20, 1876, Salt Lake City. REESE, ENOCH MORONI (son of Enoch Reese and Han- nah Harvey). Born July 14, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah 1852. Married Zina D. Eldredge Dec. 29, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Horace S. Eldredge and Betsey Ann Chase, pioneers 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1125 Jan. 17, 1853, Salt Lake City. Their children: Enoch Moroni b. Sept. 23, 1871, m. Rachel Davis; Isaac W. b. Dec. 29, 1874, m. Dora Crockwell; Chase Harvey b. Aug. 14, 1877, d. aged 13 months; Nora b. Sept. 13, 1881; Luna and Leona b. July 3, 1884 (twins), d. infants; Myrtle Edna b. June 28, 1885; Zina b. July 21, 1890. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Virginia one year. Pioneer to Carson Val- ley, Nev. Freighter; contractor; stockraiser. REESE, JOHN H. (son of Enoch Reese and Sarah E. Mc- Kinley). Born April 18, 1851, Salt Lake City. Married Frances E. Fox Jan. 3, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jesse W. Fox and Eliza Gibbs of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1848). She was born 1856. Their children: John Roy b. Nov. 13, 1875, died; Enoch William b. Nov. 13, 1879, m. Ruth A. Dalquist. Married Eleanor Edler Dec. 31, 1889, Salt Lake City (daughter of Carl Edler and Mary Jensen of Tooele, Utah, pioneers 1866). She was born 1869. Their children: Sarah E. b. Oct. 19, 1890; Clarence E. b. Dec. 27, 1891; Carl E. b. Dec. 16, 1893; first three died; Margaret E. b. April 29, 1897; Francis E. b. Nov. 26, 1898, died; John Heber b. April 27, 1905; Richard E. b. Aug. 15, 1912. In early life followed freighting to Idaho, Montana and Nevada. Began civil engineering 1879, which occupation he followed for 10 years on the Utah Central and other southern Utah railroads. In 1882 began railroad contract- Ing and canal building; built railroads in Spanish Fork Canyon, Colorado and southern Utah; also canal for Cara- boo Mining Company, and the Lucerne irrigation canal be- tween Utah and Wyoming. Built the first macadamized wagon road In Utah at Fort Douglas, and has followed con- tracting and mining until the present time. REESE, CHARLES W. (son of Enoch Reese and Amy White- man). Born April 8, 1869, Payson, Utah. Married Lillian G. Christensen Nov. 20, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Christensen of Denmark and Annie M. Dunsdon of England, pioneers). She was born Aug. 31, 1879. Their children: Estella L. b. May 28, 1903; Wyma M. b. Nov. 11, 1904; Charles Wayne b. March 8, 1907; Kenneth D. b. July 13, 1911; Ruth E. b. Jan. 6, 1913. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; bishop's counselor; missionary to eastern states. Surveyor Juab county four years. Miningman; real estate dealer. Ada Adelaide b. Jan. 17, 1879, m. Julius K. Thompson; David Oscar b. Sept. 1, 1880. Family resided Mt. Carmel and Oasis, Utah. Died July 22, 1910. REID, JOHN P. (son of John Reid and Fanny White of Belfast, Ireland). Born Feb. 25, 1825, in County Down. Came to Utah 1871, family follow 1872. Married Margaret Kirkwood Oct. 10, 1844, in Ireland (daughter of Edward and Mary Kirkwood of Ireland). She was born March 14, 1826. Their children: Edward, died; William K., m. Jane Leathern; John Kirkwood, m. Elizabeth Jackson Jan. 5, 1869; Eliza, m. Hugh Smith; Margaret, m. Hugh Sloan; Alexander, m. Ann Macky; Agnes, m. James Tooth; Lucy S., m. George Peacock, m. Alexander Tennent; Robert, m. Mae Leathern; Sarah, m. H. G. Folsom; Thomas, died. Family home Belfast, Ireland. Elder. Farmer and gardener. REID, JOHN KIRKWOOD (son of John P. Reid and Marga- ret Kirkwood). Born Dec. 22, 1850, Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock company, accompanying his uncle, William L. Reid and family. Married Elizabeth Jackson Jan. 5, 1869. Payson, Utah (daughter of Thomas Jackson and Alice Crompton of Man- chester, Eng., pioneers August, 1856, Captain Groesbeck company). She was born Jan. 17, 1851. Their children: Margaret b. March 2, 1870, m. Ben F. Jewkes; John Thomas b. April 6, 1871, m. Edna Niel; Alice b. July 14, 1872; Eliza- beth b. Nov. 9, 1873, died; Edward J. b. June 23, 1875, m. Clara J. Gentry; Minnie b. Dec. 31, 1876, m. Jesse D. Jewkes; Milly May b. May 7, 1878, m. Qulmby Lamplaugh; Eliza Jane b. Feb. 6, 1880, m. O. M. English; William J. b. Dec. 14, 1881, m. Olive Gentry; Robert b. Aug. 5, 1884, m. Cora Stutt; Lucy b. April 1, 1886, died; Joseph Royal b. July 16, 1888, died; Alexander Terrance b. Nov. 29, 1890, m. Kate Fox; Clalr- mont J. b. May 4, 1892; Rhea b. May 6, 1894, m. Bryant A. Moffltt. High priest; bishop's counselor Orangeville, Emery Co., Utah, 11 years. Justice of peace six years; first treasurer; postmaster 11 years; notary public; admitted to the bar of the Seventh judicial district court 1896; prosecuting attor- ney Emery county nine years. First settler Castle Dale, nee Orangeville, and originated the name of Castle Dale Novem- ber, 1878. Pioneer of Emery county 1878. REID, JOHN WHIRK (son of George Reid and Elizabeth Whlrk). Born July 12, 1831, Wigtown, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 26, 1864, William Hyde company. Married Agnes Western April 24, 1865 (daughter of Sam- uel Western and Ann Wlnsborough, married April 9, 1836, at Tlverton, Devonshire, Eng.). She was born May 30, 1841, and came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow company. Their children: George b. Feb. 11, 1866, d. same day; Ann Marie b. Jan. 27, 1867, d. Feb. 14, 1869; John William b. Jan. 14. 1869, m. Phoebe Debora Black; Agnes Emma b. Jan. 4, 1871, m. George Davis; Elizabeth Ann b. Dec. 29, 1873, m. James F. Thompson; Samuel Western b. May 6, 1875, d. July 11, 1885; Mary Jane b. May 6, 1875, m. Samuel George Dye; Thomas George b. April 30, 1877, m. Edith M. Haynes; REID, PETER (son of Peter Reid and Annie Campbell of Argyleshire, South End parish, Scotland). Born Aug. 14, 1826, South End parish. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Diana Davidson July 22, 1856, Salt Lake City, Thomas Bullock performing ceremony (daughter of James Davidson and Margaret Armstrong, pioneers 1866). She was born Dec. 22, 1832. Their children: Peter J. b. May 30, 1857, m. Janet Alice Spencer; David, m. Mary Rockwell; Alfred C., m. Eliza Jacobs; George A., m. Eliza Garrick; Walter S., m. Jane Edith Spencer; Helen M., m. Archibald S. Geddes. Family home, Salt Lake City. Senior president 24th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1878-80; Sunday school superintendent. Captain in state militia; master carbuilder for Union Pacific R. R. Carpenter; contractor and builder; stage carpenter Salt Lake Theatre for 25 years. Died April, 1902. REID, PETER J. (son of Peter Reid and Diana Davidson). Born May 30, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Janet Alice Spencer Dec. 29, 1879, at Pleasant Green, Bishop Kessler performing ceremony (daughter of Hiram Theron Spencer of Nauvoo, 111., and Mary B. Young of Scotland, pioneers, former came 1847, latter 1848). She was born March 28. 1860. Their children: Mary Diana (adopted) b. Oct. 21. 1880, m. Ernest C. Sutton; Ray S. b. July 1, 1882, d. infant; Scott S. (adopted) b. Jan. 21, 1883, d. 1900. Family home Pleasant Green, Utah. Deacon. Deputy sheriff and assessor of Nye county, Nev., two years; postmaster at Fish Springs five years. Miner; farmer; stockraiser. REID, WALTER S. (son of Peter Reid and Diana Davidson). Born Oct. 17, 1866, Salt Lake City. Married Jane Edith Spencer May 25, 1893, Pleasant Green, Utah, by Bishop Spencer (daughter ef Hiram Theron Spen- cer of Nauvoo, 111., and Mary B. Young of Scotland; former came to Utah 1847, latter 1848). Their children: Walter Spencer b. July 15, 1894; Glen W. b. July 1, 1896; Merl Y. b. Aug. 24, 1898; Diana b. Nov. 19. 1900; Edith b. Aug. 6, 1993. Family home Pleasant Green, Utah. Postmaster and mining recorder of Fish Springs mining district five years; deputy statistician of Juab county one year; deputy assessor Salt Lake county two years; deputy sheriff Salt Lake county four years; road supervisor Salt Lake county 10 years. Farmer. REID, WILLIAM TAYLOR (son of John Reid and Fanny White of Ireland). Born July 21, 1830, at County Down, Ireland. Came to Utah September, 1862, John Murdock com- pany. Married Jane McEwan of Scotland (daughter of Henry McEwan and Jane Thompson, Edinburgh, Scotland). Their children: John, m. Isabella Wllklns; Jane, m. E. H. Cox; Henry McEwan, m. Harriet L. Cox; Francis, died; Fanny, died; William Francis, m. Diantha Lowary; Eliza, m. Steven Vorhees; Edward E., m. Izenna Anderson. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Adelaide Cox, Salt Lake City (daughter of Fred- rick Walter Cox and Jemima Losee), who was born Aug. 28, 1848. Their children: Clair William, m. Miss Lowry; Edgar, m. Miss Farrenworth; Alice, m. Doctor Bird. Bishop. County clerk, Manti; county superintendent of schools for several years. Farmer; stockraiser. Dead. REID. HENRY McEWAN (son of William Taylor Reid and Jane McEwan). Born Dec. 18, 1853, at Edinburgh, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John Murdock company. Married Harriet Lenora Cox Jan. 31, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Fredrick W. Cox and Emlllne Whiting of New York state). She was born Feb. 6, 1855. Their children: Henry McEwan b. Oct. 24, 1876, died; Howard Marion b. Jan. 14, 1879, m. Celia Jenson; Ernest Edward b. April 29, 1881, m. Nettie Huntington; Fredrick Walter, b. Oct. 10, 1883, m. May Poulsen; Jane b. Sept. 9, 1886, m. Lincoln Grant Kelly; William Taylor b. Sept. 22, 1890; Jessie b. Nov. 15, 1893; Lanora b. Dec. 2, 1896. Family home Orangeville, Utah. Missionary to Ireland 1886-88; bishop for six years; teacher of ward for 20 years; town clerk for six years; member school board for six years. Farmer. REISER, HENRY (son of Henry Reiser and Susannah Otti- ker, both of Fischenthal, Canton Zurich, Switzerland). Born July 29, 1832, at Fischenthal, Canton Zurich. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1860, William Budge company. Married Susannah Rupp June 14, 1856, Canton Bern, Switzerland. She was born Aug. 10, 1834, at Slgrisweil, Canton Bern, and died Jan. 1, 1874, Salt Lake City. Married Magdalena Schneider May 9, 1861, Salt Lake City. She was born Nov. 27, 1836, Almendingen, Canton Bern, Switzerland, and died Aug. 3, 1893. Their children: Joseph- ine Johanna b. Jan. 8, 1866, m. Daniel Mclntosh; Albert Schneider b. March 1, 1871, m. Nellie Hamer; Mary Magda- lena b. Nov. 20. 1875, m. John Gallacher. Married Catherine Auer Feb. 16, 1866, Salt Lake City. She was born July 19, 1850, Sennwald, Switzerland. Their chil- 1126 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH dren: Henry Alma b. Oct. 6, 1872; Sidonla b. April 3, 1876, d. May 6, 1900, m. Edwin Halverson; Arnold b. July 6, 1876, m. Hazel Rawlins; Theodore George b. Dec. 17, 1877, m. Ellen Forsieth; Paul David b. March 24, 1883, m. Nellie Jacobson; Selina May b. Aug. 11, 1886, m. William Ormond. Married Margaret Von Bergen July 26, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Johannes Von Bergen, born July 15, 1815, died Dec. 8, 1898, Schattenhalb, Switzerland, and Barbara Kleck, born Nov. 1, 1818, at Thaingen, Switzerland, died Dec. 29, 1894, Unterstock, Switzerland). She was born Jan. 11. 1852, Meiringen, Switzerland, and came to Utah July 8, 1875. Their children: Alice b. Sept. 12, 1876, m. Burgess Miller; Susette b. June 16, 1878, m. George Leslie; Olga Isabel b. Feb. 6, 1882; Cora Adeline b. April 4, 1884; Lily Josephine b. Aug. 2, 1888; Marguerite N. b. Aug. 6, 1890, m. Howard Paskett; Ruby Pearl b. Feb. 12, 1894. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 2d quorum seventies. Died Aug. 29, 1904. REISER, ALBERT S. (son of Henry Reiser and Magdalena Schneider). Born March 1, 1871, Salt Lake City. Married Nancy Ellen (Nellie) Hamer Feb. 20, 1895, Salt Lake City, John R. Winder officiating (daughter of Samuel Hamer and Sarah Openshaw of Salt Lake City, former pio- neer October, 1851). She was born Aug. 20, 1871. Their chil- dren: Ellen Magdalena b. Nov. 23, 1895; Albert Hamer b. Aug. 31, 1897; Ruth b. Dec. 17, 1900; Evelyn b. Jan. 16, 1902; Henry Hamer b. Nov. 9, 1904; Sarah Geneva b. Sept. 14, 1906; Naomi b. April 12, 1909; Orsen Franklin b. March 15, 1911. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 100th quorum seventies; missionary to Switzer- land 1887-90; high priest. City auditor four years; deputy recorder two years; general delivery clerk at Salt Lake City postofflce four years. Jeweler. Died July 9, 1911. REMINGTON, JEROME] NAPOLEON (son of Joseph Reming- ton, born 1780, and Sallie Fuller, born May 15, 1791, White Hall, Md., both of Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Council Bluffs, Iowa). He was born Feb. 27, 1819, New York State. Came to Utah 1850. Married Lydia Ripley Chamberlain Badger Jan. 22, 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of John Badger of Vermont, and Lydia Chamberlain, born March 16, 1831, of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1851). She was born March 16, 1831, died May 9, 1906. Their children: Ernest, died; Lydia Eugenia, m. Jerome Marrill; Jerome Eugene, m. Elizabeth Sarah Jackson; Har- liette Amelia, m. Porter William Merrell; Rodney Badger, m. Eliza Oldham; Helen Marie, m. Frank Davenport; Joseph Fuller, m. Amanda Rasmussen; Nancy Roxana, m. Chris- topher Iverson; Marion Vilate, m. George Leonard Goodrich; John Bradley, d. infant; Phoeba, died; Violet, died; Laura Ellen, died. Family resided Salt Lake City and Paradise, Utah. Settled at Paradise 1860, where he assisted in the develop- ing- of the country. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Seventy. Died Dec. 10, 1877, Paradise. i: i:\nrm;, CHARLES JENSEN (son of Jens Sorensen and Mary Ann Larsen of Eling, Hjorrlng, Denmark). Born July 6, 1839, Eling, Denmark. Came to Utah 1855. Married Maren Jensen, in mid-Atlantic (daughter of Jens Neilsen and Johane Kjerstine of Roaberg, Hjorring amt, Denmark). She was born Aug. 23, 1843. Their children: Charles Jensen, m. Christina Gunderson; Jennie Jensen, m. James P. Gunderson; Joseph Jensen, m. Margaret Bristol. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High priest; missionary to Denmark. Black Hawk. Indian war veteran, in which he was killed June 18, 1865, at Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Farmer. Maren Jensen (Renburg) married Soren Christensen Oct. 25, 1866, Salt Lake Endowment house. Their children: Christina, m. Mr. Dalton; Soren, d. infant; Hyrum, m. Millie Christensen; Eliza, Almy, Amos and Nephi, d. in childhood; Hannah, m. James Garrett. Family home Mt. Pleasant. 11EYNOLDS, GEORGE (son of George Reynolds and Julia Ann Loutz of London, Eng.). Born Jan. 1, 1842, In Mary- lobone, London, Eng. Came to Utah July 5, 1865, Indepen- dent company. Married Mary Ann Tuddenham In 1865, Salt Lake City Endowment house (daughter of John Tuddenham and Mary Anne Pumble of London, Eng., pioneers 1864). She was born Sept. 9, 1846. Their children: George, died; Amelia Emily, m. Charles T. Martin; Alice L.; Annie T., m. George Donaldson; Julia, died; Elinor Elizabeth, m. William Harmer; John L., m. Belva Fisher; Harold G., m. Millie Howarth; Heber T., died; Herbert B., died. Family home, 343 Wall St., Salt Lake City. Married Amelia Schofleld Aug. 3, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Schofleld and Suzana Hewett of Man- chester, Eng.). She was born December 1853. Their chil- dren: Sidney S., m. Maude Davis; Alberta Russel, m. John Russel; May, m. Charles Wilfington; Charlie, died; George, m. Elinor Jenson; Carl Wilford, m. Eva Pyper; Nephi, m. Bertha Hardy; Ethel, m. Joseph F. Smith Jr.; Josephine Broford; Gertrude. Married Mary Goold In 1885. Salt Lake City (daughter of John Goold and Elizabeth Merridlth of South Malin, pioneers May 1885). She was born Sept. 16, 1859. Their children: Geogia Anne, m. Frank Gibson; Philip C.; Gwenlyn; Rosalie T.; Julia A.; George Gordan; Olanthe Reed; Clifford M. Held many positions of honor in the church. Died Aug 11, 1909. REYNOLDS, HAROLD G. (son of George Reynolds and Mary Anne Tuddenham). Born Nov. 18, 1883, Salt Lake City. Married Ann Amelia Howarth June 23, 1811, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nephi Howarth and Amelia Price), who was born Nov. 30, 1884. Only child: Elizabeth b. June 24, 1912. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to Germany and England 1903-1906; member of Deseret Sunday school union and secretary of missionary committee. Engaged in clerical work; manager of hotel Utah Souvenir Co. REYNOLDS, LEV! HURT (son of James Burkley Reynolds and Eliza Ann Lawrence of Maryland). Born Feb. 22 1831 I'ayette, Ind. Came to Utah 1851. Married Hannah Johnson Sept. 4, 1853, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of William and Elizabeth Johnson of Lye Worcestershire, Eng., who came to Utah 1850). She was born Jan. 5, 1832. Their children: Hanna E., m. Don Carlos Seely; Charlotte L., m. William H. Seely; Lev! B., m. Emilie Rosenlund; Harriet Anna, m. Henry Spencer; James E., died; Francis M., m. Diantha Andersen; Rosa May, m. Moroni Farnsworth; George Willard, m. Augusta Lewis; Fritz Earl, m. Nellie Moore; Jesse B., m. Emilie Petersen. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. President 66th quorum of seventies; missionary to Ken- tucky 1881-83. Miller and carpenter. Died July 1, 1903. REYNOLDS, JESSE BERKLEY (son of Levl Burt Reynolds and Hannah Johnson). Born July 30, 1874, Mt. Pleasant Utah. Married Emilie Petersen Sept. 20, 1900, at Mt. Pleasant (daughter of Charles C. E. Petersen and Johanna A. Chris- tensen, former came to Utah 1880, latter 1891). She was born June 3, 1882. Their children: Jessie Pearl b. July 12 1901- Leonard B. b. July 24, 1903; Royal Willard b. April 6 1906; Boide Eugene b. December, 1908; Crysta H. b Nov 14 1910; Ruby E. b. Nov. 28, 1912. Family home Mt. Pleasant' Utah. Farmer. REYNOLDS, WILLIAM GEORGE BARDWELL (son of Wil- liam Peter Reynolds and Melissa Bardwell of Michigan) Born Nov. 19, 1847, In Michigan. Came to Utah 1855, by oxteam. Married Elizabeth Maria Peterson Jan. 6, 1872, Heber City, and later in Endowment house, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mr. Peterson and Anna Boletta Larson of Nor- way, pioneers 1867, Captain Kimball company). She was born May 23, 1855. Their children: Roseltha Melissa b. Jan. 23, 1874, m. Joseph Hyrum Hardy; George Bardwell b. Nov. 22, 1875; Agnes Matilda b. May 29, 1878, m. George La Lone; Alice Melvina b. Nov. 18, 1880, m. Lorin C. Cald- well; William Clark b. Jan. 29, 1884, d. child; Emma Jean b. Aug. 5, 1886, m. Jesse Winn; Delia Mildred b. April 22, 1889, m. Frederick Anderson; Raymond b. July 2, 1891- Essie Pearl b. Nov. 14. 1893; Inez Elizabeth b. Sept. 14, 1898. Family home Maeser ward. Vernal, Utah. Elder. First locatea at Heber City, moved to Provo, and returned to Heber City and was the miller for the Abram Hatch Milling Co. In 1879 moved to Ashley Valley, at which place, during the winter the people nearly starved to death; he took stones and made burrs for the grinding of what grain they had; the horses and cattle nearly all died of starvation, and those that were living were so weak they could not work, so the men pulled the sweep that turned the burrs for the grinding of flour and thus pre- vented starvation. He was the pioneer miller at Vernal, which he conducted until 1911. He was one of the original locators of the mineral veins at Park City, Utah. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. RHEES, CHARLES HORATIO (son of Horatio Nelson Rhees, born July 3, 1802, and Sarah Ann Green, born July 25, 1798, both at Bath, Somersetshire, Eng.). He was born Feb. 27, 1833, at Bath. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn com- pany. Married Elizabeth Budd May 21, 1863 (daughter of William Budd and Mary Ann Watts), who was born Sept. 17, 1837, and came to Utah Sept. 23, 1863, Daniel Garn company. Their children: Rufus b. Oct. 17, 1869, m. Ellen Rose Dec. 9, 1891; Lorenzo b. March 6, 1872, m. Sarah Vanderhoof; Alice E. b. March 29, 1876, m. George Lanford April 14, 1897; Amy b. Feb. 18, 1878, m. Emery A. Scott June 29, 1904; Helen b. March 16, 1879, m. Alexander Fife Oct. 8, 1902. Married Eliza Parratt Dec. 8, 1866, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of John Parratt and Jane Body, who were married tit Bath, Somersetshire, Eng.). She was born Jan. 13, 1848, London, Eng. Their children: Reuben T. b. Nov. 18, 1867, m. Mary R. Tucker Feb. 8, 1894; Charles Herbert b. May 3, 1869, m. Eliza Parratt Jan. 3, 1894; Chauncey W. b. Dec. 8, 1870, m. Sarah Shaw. Family home Pleasant View, Utah. Served in Echo Canyon war 1857-58. Filled three missions to England, first April 6, 1860 to Sept. 23, 1863; second Oct. 17. 1882 to Aug. 30, 1884; third Feb. 27, 1886 to June 22, 1889; officer in Sunday school and the Young Men's Mutual Im- provement Association, Pleasant View ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1127 RHEES, REUBEN THOMAS (son of Charles H. Rhees and Eliza Parratt). Born Nov. 18, 1867, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Rebecca Tucker Feb. 8, 1894, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Tucker, and Emma Hurst, former pio- neer James Snow company, latter Captain Jepson company). She was born May 18, 1874, Fairview, Utah. Their children: Lucille E. b. July 26, 1896; Mary E. b. Jan. 16, 1900; Helen E. b. Oct. 17, 1901; Flora G. b. April 10, 1903; Reuben G. b. Feb. 2, 1905; Earl J. b. May 26, 1906; Mildred b. Nov. 5, 1907; Pearl b. April 27, 1909. Family home' Pleasant View, Utah. Bee Inspector in Weber Co. 1889-1890; secretary Utah Beekeepers Association, afterwards vice president until April 1911. Justice of the peace of Pleasant View from Jan. 1, 1907 to Dec. 31, 1912; school trustee. Officer in Sunday school and Y. M. M. I. A.; president 38th quorum seventies June 24, 1900 to Feb. 24, 1901; bishop's counselor Feb. 24, 1901 to July 26, 1908; high councilor in Ogden stake; mis- sionary to the eastern states October 1896 to December 1898; T. M. M. I. A. missionary to Wasatch stake 1899-1900. KHEAD, JOSIAH (son of Josiah Rhead, born March 14, 1794, and Sarah Bourne, born March 4, 1796, both in England). He was born April 26, 1831, Longport, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1861, Joseph A. Young company. Married Eliza Lewis (Beach) (daughter of Thomas Lewis and Mary Astberry), who was born Nov. 4, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Edward Henry b. Jan. 9, 1851, m. Susan Alvira Huffman Jan. 27, 1873; Eliza Persis b. May 9, 1855, m. Joseph Farnsworth; James Bourne b. March 17, 1858, m. Maria W. Hortin; William George b. July 30, 1860, m. Annie Williamson Hodson; Sarah Ann b. Dec. 22, 1862, m. Alexander C. Salmon; Josiah Lewis b. May 8, 1868, m. Delila Davis, (who died), m. Margaret Carruth. President council 27th quorum seventies and first elders' quorum of Summit stake. Made first crockery ware In Sum- mit county 1863. Died Nov. 21, 1887, Coalville, Utah. RHEAD, JAMES BOURNE (son of Josiah Rhead and Eliza Lewis). Born March 17, 1858, Des Moines, Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1861, Joseph A. Young company. Married Maria W. Hortin June 24, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hortin and Maria Wilkinson, former pioneer Aug. 28, 1860, independent company, latter Sept. 20. J864, Joseph S. Rawlins company). She was born Jan. 17, 1869. Their children: Fiametta b. April 8, 1897; Hortense b. Jan. 25, 1899: LaVon b. Sept. 25, 1901; Josiah Lafayette b. May 21, 1903; James Orison b. June 10, 1908. Family home Coalville. Utah. Member high council; missionary to Sandwich Islands 1881-84; high priest. Member Coalville city council and city recorder. Director in Coalville Co-op.; rancher and stock- raiser. Died Jan. 23, 1911, South Fork, Utah. RHEAD, WILLIAM GEORGE (son of Josiah Rhead and Eliza Lewis). Born July 30, 1860, Des Moines, Iowa. Married Ann Williamson Hodson Jan. 30, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Hodson and Isabella Williamson, pioneers September 1863). She was born Feb. 7, 1864, Coal- ville, Utah. Their children: William Elmo b. Feb. 5, 1890, m. Margaret Hazel Skeen Feb. 8, 1911; Guy Lewis b. Feb. C. 1894; Claude Embleton b. April 6, 1902. Family home Plain City, Utah. Farmer. RHOADES, THOMAS (son of Daniel Rhoades, who fought In the Revolutionary war, of Danielson, Conn., and which was named after him). Came to Utah 1846, with trappers and fur hunters en route to the hunting grounds of California. Married Elizabeth Foster. Their children: William, died; Kate; Caleb Baldwin, m. Malinda Powell; Lucinda, m. J. Clawson, m. Mr. Dodge. Family home Danielson, Conn. Seventy. Assisted in rescuing the Donner party in the Sierra Nevada mountains in 1846. Trapper and scout. Farmer, prospector and stockraiser. Indian Interpreter. Died 1868. RHOADES, CALEB BALDWIN (son of Thomas Rhoades and Elizabeth Foster). Born April 4, 1836, in Edgar county, 111. Came to Utah 1846. Married Malinda Powell Oct. 12, 1862 (daughter of James Powell and Jemima Wimmer), who was born Oct. 13, 1S>47, In Iowa. Their children: Malinda b. Dec. 23, 1863, m. George Williams, m. William Morgan; Caleb B. Jr. b. Jan. 22, 1865, d. aged 6; Martha Ellen b. Sept. 14, 1868, m. Samuel Mann; James Thomas b. Aug. 1. 1871, ^J. aged 2; William Henry b. May 23, 1873, m. Annie . Family home Tintic. Utah. First man to convey water through Pioneer Water Com- pany canal from Price river. Second counselor to Bishop George Fransden; high priest: Treasurer Emery stake; school trustee. Trapper and prospector. Died June 2, 1904, near Price, Utah. RHOnEHOUSE, JOHN WILLIAM (son of William H. Rhode- house and Mary Truscott of Oxford, Idaho). Born Aug. 11, 1882, at Oxford. Married Lettie A. Smith Jan. 1, 1907, Parker, Idaho (daugh- ter of James Franklin Smith and Martha Alice French of Pounding Mill, Va). She was born April 24, 1887. Only child: Ferrold W. Missionary to California 1904-06; bishop of Elgin ward, Yellowstone stake. Farmer. RHODES, ALONZO D. (son of Erie Rhodes and Eunice Wright). Born Sept. 2, 1824, in Trumbull Co., Ohio. Came to Utah September, 1851, James Allred company. Married Barbara Kearns Sept. 14. 1843 (daughter of Henry Kearns and Barbara Pickle, pioneers 1851, James Allred company). She was born Aug. 20, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Lamyra Amanda b. Dec. 23, 1844; Julia Ann b. Sept. 20, 1846; Henry Erie b. Sept. 4, 1848; Alverana Barbara b. Aug. 20, 1851. m. Hyland D. Wilcox Dec. 15, 1867; Ellen Maria b. July 8, 1853, m. Jacob Nelson Jan. 8, 1872; Adeline Malisia b. Oct. 11, 1855, m. Mathias Peterson Jan. 1, 1872; Sarah Lavina b. March 8, 1857, m. Henry Houre Feb. 8, 1875; Clarissa Elizabeth b. Sept. 2, 1859; Rosa Bell b. Dec. 21, 1861, m. Theodore Green; Lagrand b. May 13, 1863. Married Sarah Ann Bushman May 25, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Martin Bushman and Elizabeth Degen, pioneers September, 1851, James Allred company). She was born Jan. 9, 1833, in Lancaster county, Pa. Their children: Alonzo D. b. April 17, 1853, m. Harriet E. Stewart April 19. 1875; Elizabeth Emira b. April 10, 1855, m. Joseph Barnes Jan. 19, 1871; Sarah Ann b. March 4, 1857, m. Ephraim Empey April 19, 1875; Martin Elmer b. Feb. 8, 1859, m. Louisa E. Childs March 20, 1888; Alva Benjamin b. Feb. 26, 1861; John Franklin b. April 12, 1863, m. Mary E. Ashton Jan. 21, 1881; Elsie Marie b. March 12, 1865, m. George Briggs March, 1883; Lois Ladelia b. Aug. 6, 1867, m. Joseph Briggs May 1, 1887; Marcellus Albert b. Aug. 6, 1869, m. Amanda Hodge Feb. 1, 1892; Bertha Salome b. Oct. 27, 1872, m. William H. Neiber July 19, 1892; Lorena b. Sept. 9, 1875, m. John M. Smith Dec. 24, 1895; Jacob Wilson b. May 24, 1881. Family home Lehi, Utah. First marshal of Lehl city; constable. Indian war vet- eran. One of first to help build bridges, dig canals, and make roads thereabouts. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. RHODES, ALONZO D. (son of Alonzo D. Rhodes and Sarah Ann Bushman). Born April 17, 1853, Lehi, Utah. Married Harriet E. Stewart April 19, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Stewart and Lydia Balf, former pioneer 1849, latter 1847). She was born June 11, 1856. Their chil- dren: Lydia Ann b. March 9, 1876, rn. David Prior; Alva Alonzo b. Dec. 26, 1877, m. Ida Barnard; John Glenn b. Jan. 26, 1881, m. Emma Barnard; Julian b. March 25, 1883, m. Elmer Beck; William Jasper b. July 11, 1885, m. Ellen Cape- ner; Prudence b. July 10, 1887; Maggie Marvel b. Jan. 18, 1889; Samuel Jesse b. July 31, 1893; Clifton b. July 16, 1895; Hugh Ralph b. 1897; Hulda b. 1899. Elder. Farmer; overseer for Utah Sugar Company. RHODES, THOMAS. Born July 13, 1785, in Kentucky. Came to Utah 1857. His child: Lucinda, m. John Clawson, m. William Dodge. Married Cecelia Johnson 1854, Salt Lake City, who was born March 5, 1818. Their children: Olive; Josephine, m. John Walker Williams; Nephi, m. Kate Hlgby; John Joseph, m. Mary Ann Horsley. Family home Mlnersville, Utah. Married B. Johnson. Their children: Thomas, m. Martha Powell; Anna, m. William Hodson; Enoch, killed by Indians on Uinta reservation. Trapper; miner; farmer; stockraiser. Died Feb. 20, 1865. RHODES, JOHN JOSEPH (son of Thomas Rhodes and Cece- lia Johnson). Born March 5, 1863, Rhodes Valley, Utah. Married Mary Ann Horsley March 27, 1884. Ferron, Utah, later, in temple at Salt Lake City (daughter of John P. Horsley and Frances Jane Mills of Ferron and Joseph City, Utah, pioneers 1860, oxteam company). She was born July 1, 1867. Their children: Olive Ann b. April 29, 1885, m. James S. Westonskow; John Joseph, Jr., b. Dec. 3, 1887; Charles Edward b. Nov. 6, 1890; Florence Eva b. May 28, 1894; Jennie Emma b. June 11, 1897; Frances Ivella b. May 1, 1900; William Arthur b. May 23, 1905; Zelma Ethel b. Jan. 29, 1908. Family home Ferron, Utah. Seventy; treasurer of the Sunday school at Price, Utah. Farmer; horticulturist; bookkeeper. RICE, IRA (son of Titus Rice, born Feb. 4, 1745, Walling- ford, Conn., and Lois of Vermont). He was born Oct. 27, 1793, Berkshire, Franklin county, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Bishop Edward Hunter company. Married Minerva Saxton in 1814, who was born in 1796, died 1824. Their children: Acepls b. 1820, m. Mary Hall, m. Louisa Hall; William Kelsey b. Oct. 27, 1822, m. Lucy Witter Gear Oct. 8, 1845, m. Ann Rose Oct. 25, 1855; Mary- ette, m. Orson Cook; Juliett; Ira, died. Married Sarah Harrington in, 1826, New York state (daughter of Benjamin and Ruth Harrington), who was born Jan. 30, 1800, died in the east. Their children: Har- riet, m. Henry Lameraux; Benjamin, d. child; Henriette; Delia d. infant; Adeline, m. Jonathan Bowen March 15, 1854; Leonard, m. Elizabeth Babbitt, m. Margaret Buckwater March 18, 1849, m. Lucy Stevens; Oscar North, m. Jane Mil- ler m. Margaret Matthews Dec. 6, 1899; Ephraim, drowned trying to save companion in 1859; Adelbert, m. Jane Cottrell; Henriette; Sarah Ann; Hyrum, m. Olive Smith; Caroline, m. John McGuire. Married Elizabeth Ann Buttler (widow) in 1863, Provi- dence, Cache Co., Utah. First bishop of North Ogden ward. Moved to Providence and thence to St. George, Utah. Died 1869, near St. George. 1128 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH RICE, WILLIAM KELSEY (son of Ira Rice and Minerva Saxton). Born Oct. 27. 1822. Manchester, Ontario county, N. T. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Edward Hunter com- pany. Married Lucy Witter Gear Oct. 25, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Moses Gear and Sally Thomas), who was born Feb. 23. 1824, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Their children: Ellen Maria b. Sept. 13, 1846, m. Joseph Glover Dec. 26, 1868: Wil- liam Kelsey b. Aug. 22, 3848. m. Ada Clawson Sept. 1871; Lucy Augusta b. March B, 1850. m. Timothy B. Clark Nov. 23, 1867; Sarah Minerva b. Oct. 10, 1852. m. Caleb Lyons Oct. 12. 1869; Kelsey b. Aug. 1859. m. Margret Edward Jan. 1888; Elizabeth Adelaide b. March 15, 1856. m. David R. Bybee Oct. 6, 1874: Maryette b. Feb. 14, 1858, m. Solomon Harris, m. Michael Stanley; Juliette b. 1860, and Ira, d. children; John b. Sept. 19, 1865, m. Elsie Allen Dec. 22, 1892; Ardella b. Oct. 23, 1867, m. Joseph Albertson April 16, 1891. Married Ann Victoria Rose Oct. 25, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham and Catharine Almira Rose, pioneers 1853). She was born June 4. 1832, in Steuben county, N. T. Their children: Ann Victoria b. Jan. 4, 1856, m. Lysander Brown; Catharine Almira b. Dec. 9, 1858, m. Charles Duncan Dec. 25, 1876: Orson Abraham b. Nov. 1860. d. child; Martha Deseret b. March 3, 1862. m. George Higgins July 13, 1881; Olive Jane b. Aug. 6, 1863, m. Archibald Duncan Aug. 21, 1880; Leonard Ira b. Aug. 26, 1865, died; Harriet Maria b. June 1, 1867, m. William Birks; Emma Sariah b. Jan. in, 1869. m. George A. Davis; Rachael Sylvia b. Sept. 12. 1870. m. Lysander Brown: William Warren b. May 3, 1873: Charles Fanelyn, m. Lilly Hill; May Lavilla, m. Samuel Davis Sept. 18, 1898. Missionary to Iron Co.. Utah, 1851. Participated In Echo Canyon trouble. Pioneer, Farmington, 1849-1908. Resides Centerville, Utah. RICE, OSCAR NORTH (son of Ira Rice and Sarah Harring- ton). Born Oct. 19. 1835, in Michigan. Married Jane Clarissa Miller April 25, 1859, Farmington, Utah (daughter of Daniel Miller and Clarissa Pond, pioneers 1847, Henry Miller company). She was born in Adams county, 111. Their children: Alice M. b. Feb. 3. 1860, m. Nicolas W. Crookston Nov. 8, 1883; Clara b. Nov. 13, 1861, m. Fred G. Benson July 29. 1889; Eva R. b. May 25, 1864, m. Charles F. Martineau Jan. 20, 1886; Henriette b. Aug. 10. 1867. m. Daniel Crookston; Oscar Franklin b. March 17, 1870, m. Charlotte Pickett June 30, 1897; Abbie H. b. Nov. 22, 1872, m. Joseph R. Kimball 1894; Sarah Ann b. June 8, 1875, m. Hyrum S. Benson Jan. 6, 1888. Family home Logan, Utah. Seventy: missionary to Salmon river. Pioneer Cache county 1859. Veteran Indian war. RICE, OSCAR FRANKLIN (son of Oscar North Rice and Jane Clarissa Miller). Born March 17, 1870, Providence, Utah. Married Charlotte Pickett June 30. 1897 (daughter of John W. Pickett and Charlotte R. White, former pioneer 1862, latter 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born Jan. 17, 1874, Tooele, Utah. Their children: Oscar Le- Grand b. March 24, 1898; Inez b. Aug. 29, 1899; Jane b. April 9, 1905; Joseph Allen b. Oct. 24, 1910: Mahlon F. b. Dec. 1911. Missionary to eastern states 1908-10; bishop 6th ward, Logan, Feb. 23, 1910. RICH, ERNEST H. (son of Edwin E. Rich and Mary Ann Porter of Trowbridge, Eng.). Born Dec. 13, 1866, Trow- bridge. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1886. Married Claudia Edith Tucker Aug. 1, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel S. Tucker and Elizabeth B. Neslen, latter came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853, with brother, former In 1860). She was born Jan. 8, 1872. Their children: Ida Leona b. May 30, 1895; Bertha Claudia b. Jan. 22, 1898; Gil- bert Tucker b. Aug. 29, 1899; Ernest Herbert b. Feb. 13, 1902. Family home, Salt Lake City. Meat dealer; stockman; rancher. RICH, JAMES JOHN (son of John Peter and Johannah Rich of Middelfart, Denmark). Born Oct. 17, 1817, at Mlddelfart. Came to Utah August. 1867, James Brown company. Married Karoline Nielsen Dec. 24, 1844, Denmark (daugh- ter of Henry and Johannah Nielsen of Melby, Fyen, Den- mark). She was born April 18, 1819, and came to Utah with husband in 1857. Their child: Henry John b. Feb. 17, 1846, m. Julia Ann Julander. Family resided Salt Lake City and Monroe, Utah. High priest; missionary in Denmark: tithing clerk at Odense, Denmark, and Fairfleld, Iowa. Indian war veteran. Early settler in San Pete and Sevier counties. Died June 23, 1889, at Monroe. RICH, HENRY JOHN (son of James John Rich and Caroline Nielsen). Born Feb. 17, 1846, Fyen, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Married Julia Ann Julander March 20, 1870, Sclpio, Utah (daughter of Jacob Julander and Johannah Christina Vacht of Denmark, pioneers August, 1857, handcart company). She was born May 15. 1855. and came to Utah with parents. Their children: John James b. April 26, 1871, m. Florence Almira Golding; Henry Jacob b. Sept. 27. 1873. m. Eliza Losee; Julia Christina b. Nov. 18, 1875, m. Aaron Asay; Wil- liam b. Nov. 27, 1877, m. Ruth Losee; Elizabeth b. Jan. 23, 1880, m. Squire Siddall: Orissa b. Dec. 29, 1881, d. July 16, 1889; Martin b. April 14, 1885; Orvel b. Dec. 20, 1887, d. Aug. 24. 1889; Jesse b. June 3, 1890; Earl b. May 27, 1892; Sidney b. July 31. 1895, d. Aug.. 23. 1895; Le Roy b. Sept. 9, 1896, d. Oct. 29. 1896; Caroline Yetta b. April 21, 1898, d. April 24, 1898. Family home Monroe, Utah. Member 2d quorum elders; ward teacher. Settled at Mon- roe 1871. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1863 and 1868. Black Hawk war veteran. Farmer. RICH. JOHN JAMES (son of Henry John Rich and Julia A. Julander). Born April 26. 1871. Monroe, Utah. Married Florence Almira Golding Jan. 6. 1892, Manti, Utah (daughter of Sebron Johnson Golding and Nannie E. Mc- Niece of Wellington. Utah, came to Utah 1877). She was born Sept. 27, 1875. Their children: Vida b. Feb. 25. 1893; John Kelvien b. March 10, 1895; Thora b. April 9. 1897; Orven b. Jan. 15, 1900; Tressie b. Nov. 20, 1902; Deleel b. Oct. 1, 1903, d. June 2. 1904: Delile b. Oct. 1, 1903, d. Nov. 20, 1903; Rulon b. Nov. 27, 1906; Ferral b. Nov. 14, 1908; Glen b. May 26, 1910. Family home Wellington, Utah. High priest; counselor to Lyman Smith Beach of Molen ward 1906-07; ward teacher Wellington ward. Marshal Wellington, 1910-11; justice of peace Molen. and also Gaines- ville. First white child born in Monroe, Utah. Carpenter; builder; farmer. RICH, JOHN HENRY (son of James Rich, born 1790. Rhoade, Somersetshire, Eng.. and Jemima Halliday, born 1790, Earl Stoke. Wiltshire. Eng. married 1816). He was born Sept. 1, 1831. Trowbridge, Wiltshire. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1853, Moses Dailey independent company. Married Lydia Pond December, 1852, at Trowbridge (daughter of Thomas Pond and Ann Garrett, who died in England). She was born Oct. 9, 1834. Their children: Franklin John b. Aug. 24, 1853, m. Sarah Ann Rawle Dec. 28, 1874; James Thomas b. Jan. 1, 1855, m. Emma Elizabeth Hemming Dec. 27, 1877; William Henry b. Sept. 4, 1857, m. Flora Kate Rawle Jan. 8. 1880; Lydia Melissa b. Oct. 31, 1859, m. Frank Eli Whiteac March 1879; Louisa Ann b. Jan. 7, 1862, d. 1864; Lucy Jane b. Nov. 12. 1864, m. Joseph Henry Florence Jan. 24, 1889. Family resided Centerville, Rich- ville and Morgan City, Utah. High priest July 1, 1877; high cc-jncilor, Morgan stake July 1, 1877; first counselor to stake president of elders quorum two years; missionary two years. County com- missioner Dec. 31, 1877. to March 1883. Helped to organize and support Z. C. M. I. and Fry Mercantile Co.. Morgan Mill. Moved to Payson 1857, and In July of same year to Center- ville, Davis county: April 6. 1861, moved to Weber Valley (now Richville), Morgan county. RICH, FRANKLIN JOHN (son of John Henry Rich and L/dla Pond). Born Aug. 2 1. 1853. In Nebraska. Married Saran Ann Rawle Dec. 2S. 1S74, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Rawle and Sarah Ann Sweetland, former a pioneer John I. Hart company). She was born March 8. 1834, at Bristol, Eng. Their childrrn: Franklin John b. Oct. 14, 1875: James Richard b. Nov. 9, 1876, m. Jenna Brough Nov. 27, 1901; Albert Frederick b. Jan. 9. 187S, m. Eliza Dickson Nov. 27. 1905: George Raymond b. May 16, 1S80, m. Lulla Neuberger March 20, 1907; Arthur Rawle b. March 20, 1882, m. Bertha Porter 1904: Flora May b. Jan. 24, 18S4; Clarence Edgar b. Jan. 29. 1885, m. Mae Martha Dickson Oct. 5, 1910. Family home Morgan City, Utah. RICH, JAMES RICHARD (son of Franklin John Rich and Sarha Ann Rawle). Born Nov. 9, 1876, Morgan Co., Utah. Married Jenna Brough Nov. 27. 1901, Salt Lake City. Utah (daughter of William Geoige Brough and Emily Jane Cot- terell of Poterville, Morgan Co., Utah). She was born July 25, 1882. Their children: James Lavaun b. Jan. 16, 1903, Lona Ann b. March 3. 1905; Nelda Jane b. Oct. 29, 1907; Franklin Brough b. May 29, 1910. Family resided Richville and Morgan City, Utah. Secretary of Sunday school 1900; superintendent 1901. Moved to Morgan City from Richville 1901. RICH, JOSEPH (son of Thomas Rich and Ann Pool of Kentucky). Born April 16, 1786, in Maryland. Came to Utah 1 84 7, Charles C. Rich company. Married Nancy O'Neal, who was born in Ireland. Their children: Charles C. b. Aug. 21. 1809, m. Sarah D. Pea. Eliza Graves, Mary Ann Phelps, Sarah Peck, Emeline Grover and Harriett Sargent; Jane Ann b. 1813, m. Harvey Green; Min- erva b. 1815, m. Asa Earl; Nancy b. 1819. m. John Porter. Family resided Centerville. Utah, and Paris, Idaho. High priest; patriarch. Died at Paris. RICH, CHARLES COULSEN (son of Joseph Rich and Nancy O'Neal). Born Aug. 21. 1809. in Campbell county, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich company. Married Sarah Dearmon Pea Feb. 11. 1838. Their chil- dren: Charles C. 2 b. Sept. 8, 1844. m. Jane Susanna Stock; Benjamin E. b. Nov. 27, 1857, m. Diana Farr. Married Mary Ann Phelps Jan. 6, 1845 (daughter of Morris Phelps and Laura Clark, who were married July 1827, in Illinois, the former came to Utah 1851, himself captain of a company, the latter died 1841, in Illinois). She was born Aug. 6, 1829. Their children: Laura b. Sept. 25. 1849, d. 1849; Mary Ann b. May 15, 1850. m. Ashbel Pomroy Jan. 10, 1875; William L. b. Aug. 9. 1852, m. Ella Pomroy Sept. 6, 1877; Morris b. Aug. 7, 1854, d. June 4. 1855; Minerva b. Aug. 7. 1864. m. Hyrum S. Woolley Oct. 6, 1873; Amasa M. b. Oct. 25, 1856, m. Mary Jacobs Sept. 29, 1880; Paulina b. April 21, 1829. d. Oct. 8, 1860; Ezra C. b. Aug. 18, 1864, m. Annie Lowe PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1129 June 29, 1893; Edward I. b. April 29, 1868, m. Almyra Cozzens April 9, 1893; Jacob b. Sept. 4, 1876, d. Sept. 4, 1876. Married Emeline Grover Feb. 2, 1846 (daughter of Thomas Grover and Caroline Whitney, married 1828, at Whitehall, N. T., the former a pioneer October, 1847, latter died In 1841). She was born July 30, 1831. Their children: Thomas Grover b. Dec. 30, 1849, m. Elizabeth McKay Pugmire Feb. 1877; Caroline Whitney b. Jan. 22, 1852, m. Hyrum Hum- phries Oct. 7, 1873; Nancy Emeline b. Feb. 19, 1854, m. Vincent McKay Perrigrine Oct. 7, 1873; Landon Jedediah b. March 11, 1858, m. Dora Wanlers; Samuel Joseph b. May 1, 1860, m. Anne Page; Heber Charles Chase b. Aug. 8, 1862, m. Edna Shepherd; Joel Hezekiah b. March 17, 1865, m. Luella Arnold; George Quayle b. March 17, 1869, m. Lettie Nancy. Families resided Paris, Idaho. RICH, CHARLES COULSON (son of Charles Coulson Rich and Sarah Dearmon Pea). Born Sept. 8, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah 1847, C. C. Rich company. Married Jane Susanna Stock Aug. 27, 1865, Paris, Idaho (daughter of John Stock of South Africa and Jane Adams of England, pioneers 1860, Nephi Johnson company). She was born Aug. 21, 1846. Their children: Charles Coulson b. July 26, 1866, m. Elizabeth Hatch, m. Docia Clark; Don Carlos b. March 30, 1868, died; Joseph Edwin b. Feb. 13, 1870, m. Louisa Pool Hatch; Sarah D. b. Jan. 24. 1872, m. George Young; John b. Jan. 27, 1874, m. Annie Andrews; I.ibby b. Nov. 27, 1875, m. James Sobey; Arthur b. Oct. 12, 1877, m. Gertrude McCarrel; Ada b. March 24, 1880, m. Clarence Irwin Johnson. Elder. Early settler at Bear Lake, Idaho, 1864; moved to Ashley Valley 1884. County attorney; school teacher. Mer- chant. Died June 8, 1890, Vernal, Utah. RICH, CHARLES COULSON (son of Charles Coulson Rich and Jane Susanna Stock). Born July 26, 1866, Paris, Idaho. Married Elizabeth Hatch Jan. 1, 1886, Vernal, Utah (daugh- ter of Alva Alexander Hatch and Mary Nelson of Vernal). She was born 1869. Their children: Charles Coulson b. Dec. 18, 1887; Sarah D. Armond b. April 16, 1889, m. Andrew Jevins; Essy b. Jan. 1, 1891, m. Jesse Hiatt; Alvah Alexander b. April 4, 1893, d. infant. Married Theadocia Clark Jan. 2, 1898, Vernal, Utah (daugh- ter of John E. Clark and Theadocia Hatch of Vernal). She was born June 13, 1882. Their children: Clarence b. March 28, 1899; Lawrence Coulson b. Jan. 13, 1901; Jeremiah b. May 18, 1903; Edwin Earl b. Feb. 1, 1905; John Bean b. May 12, 1907; Theadocia Pear b. Dec. 19, 1908; Arbun Mariolo b. June 20, 1911. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. RICH, JOSEPH EDWIN (son of Charles Coulson Rich and Jane Susanna Stock). Born Feb. 13, 1870, at Paris, Idaho. Married Louisa Pool Hatch March 7, 1889, at Vernal, Utah (daughter of Alvah Alexander Hatch and Mary Elizabeth Nelson, both of Vernal, Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born Sept. 11, 1873. Their children: Joseph Edwin b. July 22, 1890, m. Flossie Gardner; Leora b. July 12, 1895; -Eliza- beth b. April 16, 1897; Elva Fern b. Jan. 25, 1899, died; Jane Susanna b. Jan. 28, 1900; Alvah Alexander b. Oct. 11, 1902; John Arvil b. March 4, 1905; Reed S. b. Jan. 21, 1907; Homer Valoy b. March 21, 1912. Family home Vernal, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Settled at Ashley Fork 1884, where he has assisted In building up the country. Farmer and merchant. RICH, BENJAMIN E. (son of Charles Coulson Rich and Sarah Pea). Born Nov. 27, 1857, Salt Lake City. Married Diana Farr (daughter of Lorin Farr and Nancy Chase of Ogden, Utah, pioneers Sept. 20, 1847, Daniel Spencer company). She was born April 5, 1858. Their children: Benjamin Leroy b. Oct. 18, 1878, m. Dora Anna Clegg Aug. 1900; Lorin, m. Ruth Blair; Fred, m. Eva Evans; Homer Erastus, m. Ethel Watkins: Ida, m. Alvin C. Strong; Don O'Neill; Andrea, m. Vivian Watkins; Frank Cannon. Family home Centervi'le, Utah. Missionary to England 1881-84; president southern states mission 1897-1907; and of eastern states 1907 to date. Editor of Rexburg "Press," "Silver Hammer" and Rexburg "Stand- ard." Merchant at Ogden 1884-93. RICH, BENJAMIN LEROT (son of Benjamin E. Rich and Diana Farr). Born Oct. 18, 1878, Ogden, Utah. Married Dora Anna Cleg-g Aug. 29, 1900, Salt Lake temple (daughter of Isaac Clegg and Dora Jackman of Rexburg, Idaho, pioneers 1860). She was born Jan. 16. 1878. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member of seventies; missionary to southern states 1898- 99; and to northern states 1899-1900. Graduate from Colum- bian University; member Kappa Sigma fraternity. Lawyer, practicing at Salt Lake City, Utah. RICH, WILLIAM LTMAN (son of Charles Coulson Rich and Mary A. Phelps). Born Aug. 9, 1852, San Bernardino, Cal. Married Ella Amelia Pomeroy June, 1877 (daughter of Francis M. Pomeroy and Irene Haskell, former pioneer July 24, 1847, Brlgham Young- company). She was born June 16, 1S59. Their children: William Lafayette b. June 17, 1878, m. Elizabeth Jenett Smith Sept. 15, 1909; Zula b. Sept. 3, 1880, m. Lesslie Cole June 1908; Jesse P. b. April 1883, m. Louise Rogers Oct. 1908; Mabel b. Feb. 14, 1885, m. Rich Button Oct. 1904; Gertrude b. May 13, 1888, m. Fred Price Jan. 4, 1911; Hazel b. Sept. 22, 1890, m. Lesslie Shepheard Aug. 26, 1910; Thales b. March 24, 1895, died March 27, 1895. Family resided Montpeller and Paris, Idaho. Married Elmyra Holmes Oct. 5, 1887, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Holmes and Harriet Phelps, married at Kanesville, Iowa, pioneers 1851, Morris Phelps company). She was born Aug. 12, 1864, Montpelier, Idaho. Their chil- dren: Iris b. Nov. 23, 1889; Lyman b. May 12, 1894. Married Emily Matthews July 1, 1896 (daughter of Samuel Matthews and Elizabeth Keetch). Their children: Clarence b. July 21, 1898; Naoma b. Aug. 26. 1901; Lois b. April 3, 1904; Rolla b. Sept. 17. 1905; Edith b. Aug. 29, 1908; Lyle b. Oct. 29, 1911. Mayor of Paris, Idaho, five terms; stage senator; county assessor, commissioner and treasurer of Bear Lake county. RICH, WILLIAM LAFAYETTE (son of William Lyman Rich and Ella Amelia Pomeroy). Born June 17, 1878, Montpelier, Idaho. Married Elizabeth Jenett Smith Sept. 15, 1909, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Henry Smith and Mary Magde- lina Garn). who was born March 16, 1888, Park City, Utah. Their child: Odes Osier b. Aug. 31, 1910. Family home Garland, Utah. Served as interne of the Washington University hospital, St. Louis, Mo., one year; physician for the Utah-Idaho sugar factory; health officer of Garland three years; health officer of District No. 2, Box Elder county, four years. Mem- ber auxiliary legislative committee, American Medical Asso- ciation. RICH, AMASA MASON (son of Charles C. Rich and Mary Ann Phelps). Born Oct. 25, 1856, San Bernardino, Cal. Married Mary E. Jacobs Sept. 30, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Jacobs and Mary Hains, pioneers Sept. 1, 1859, Horton Haight company). She was born at Grants- vllle, Utah. Their children: Amasa Marion b. Oct. 26, 1881, d. July 7, 1894; Daniel Coulson b. March 31, 1884, m. Annie Stuck! July 18, 1906; Myrtle b. July 12, 1890; Errol b. June 12, 1895, d. June 12, 1895; Charles O'Neal b. Dec. 16, 1897; Spencer Hains b. Dec. 22, 1899; Reed Jacobs b. Jan. 12, 1903. Family home Paris, Idaho. President llth quorum seventies; elder; missionary to southern states 1887-88. Sheriff of Bear Lake Co., Idaho, 1896-97; assessor and collector Bear Lake county 1909-10; mayor of Paris, Idaho, 1911. RICH, EDWARD ISRAEL (son of Charles C. Rich and Mary Ann Phelps). Born April 9, 1868, Paris, Idaho. Married Almira Cozzens April 9, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Cozzens and Emily Merrill, the former pioneer Oct. 3, 1856, handcart company). Their children: Oertel; Cleone; Junior Edward; Avon; Thair Cozzens; My- rene; Mary Almire. Family home Ogden, Utah. Physician and surgeon. RICH, HEBER CHARLES CHASE (son of Charles Coulson Rich and Emeline Grover). Born Aug. 8, 1863, Centerville, Utah. Married Edna Matilda Shepherd July 11, 1888, Manti. Utah (daughter of Marcus DeLafayette Shepherd and Har- riet Editha Parrish; former pioneer 1849, contingent Mor- mon Battalion). She was born Feb. 29, 1864, Beaver, Utah. Their children: Heber Charles Chase b. Oct. 12, 1889; Edna Clara b. Aug. 14, 1891; Oral b. Dec. 29, 1892; Lafayette Shepherd b. Sept. 28, 1894; Dean Shepherd b. Sept. 19, 1896; Arretta b. March 8, 1899, d. June 7, 1899; Terrell Shepherd b. March 22, 1903; Don Carlos b. June 28, 1905; Editha Eme- line b. July 15, 1908. Family resided Paris and Rich, Idaho, and Logan, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1886-88. Moved from Logan, Utah, to Paris, Idaho; from there to Rich, Idaho, 1905. Mem- ber high council Bingham stake; 2d counselor in stake presidency. Assessor and collector of Bingham county; first city attorney of Logan, Utah. Attorney. RICH, GEORGE Q. (son of Charles Coulson Rich and Emeline Grover). Born March 17, 1869, Paris, Idaho. Married Lettie B. Hancey (daughter of James Hancey and Louise Purser of Hyde Park, Utah, former pioneer 1860, the latter 1863). Their children: Portia; George Q.;. Emeline G.; Lettie; Russell; Moses; Virginia Louise. Attorney at law. RICHARDS, JOHN (son of John Richards of Hamilton, Scotland, born May, 1769, and Mary Angelica Kenny of Toronto, Home District, Canada, born 1782, Quebec, Can- ada). He was born May 16, 1806, at Quebec. Came to Utah September, 1851, Lyman Shurtliff company. Married Agnes Hill 1831. Lanark, Canada (daughter of Alexander Hill and Agnes Currey Hill, who came to Utah 1851, James Allred company). She was born June 6, 1808, Johnston, Scotland. Their children: Elizabeth b. Jan. 13, 1832, d. 1834; Elizabeth Angelica b. July 22, 1835, m. Man- ning Rowe July 23, 1854; Mary b. May 14, 1837, m James P. Terry March 1. 1855; John Hill b. June 2. 1839, d. Sept. 27, 1861; Joseph Hill b. Dec. 5, 1841, m. Mary Willie Nov 9, 1867; Agnes b. Nov. 1, 1843, m. George Baker Jan. 18, 1 Rachel b. July 27, 1846. m. Jarvis Baker Dec. 25, 1864; Hyrum T. H. b. March 22, 1849. m. Agues Mutr April. 1876; Alexander W H b. Nov. 10. 1851, m. Sena Sorensen April, 1876; Daniel B. H. b. Nov. 14, 1853, m. Mariah Sorensen 1883 Assisted in building Nauvoo temple. Died Nov. IB, 1889. RICHARDS, JOSEPH HILL (son of John Richards and Agnes Hill). Born Dec. 5, 1841, Toronto, Canada. Came to Ut Married'Mary Willie Nov. 9. 1867, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James G. Willie and Elizabeth Ann Pettit, who came to Utah 1847). She was born May 31, 1850, Salt Lake City. 1130 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Their children: Joseph Parley b. April 24, 1869, m. Melvina Freeman Oct. 8, 1896; James Willie b. April 13, 1871, m. Mary Westover Oct. 10, 1900; John Ezra b. Nov. 30, 1873, m. Cora Cross Oct. 14, 1896; Emma Elizabeth b. Aug. 31, 1876, m. Joseph Facer Nov. 7, 1902; Mary Amelia b. Feb. 6, 1879, d. Nov. 24, 1893; Hyrum Enos b. May 7, 1881; Anna Bell b. July 9, 1883, m. Wilford W. Freeman Oct. 1905; George Elmer b. July 16, 1885; Letty Pearl b. April 19, 1889. Family resided Millcreek and Mendon, Utah, and St. Joseph, Ariz. Married Martha Ann Quinn Dec. 11, 1878, St. George, Utah (daughter of John and Sarah Ann Quinn), who was born Dec. 22, 186!, and died Jan. 8. 1880. Their children: Martha Ann b. Jan. 6, 1880. d. Jan. 18, 1880; Sarah Jane b. Jane 8, 1880, d. Jan. 8. 1880. Bishop for 10 years; stake president three years; high councilor and patriarch. Postmaster 28 years; county com- missioner and treasurer. Captain of militia. RICHARDS, ALEXANDER WILLARD HILC (son of John Richards and Agnes Hill). Born Nov. 10, 1851, Mill Creek, Utah. Married Seny Sorensen April 10, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nicholia Sorensen and Malina Olsen), who was born March 2, 1854, Hagrup, Denmark. Their children: Alexander W. R. b. March 22, 1877, m. Jan. 1907; John Eugene b. March 30, 1879, m. Pearl Thompson Jan. 16, 1907; Nicholas Leo b. April 25, 1881, m. Hannah Jeffs May 27, 1903, m. Nancy Parker Jan. 8, 1913; Isaac Emer b. April 30, 1883; Joseph Raymond b. Oct. 16, 1885; Malena Agnes b. April 9, 1888; Ireta b. June 21, 1890; Enoch b. Oct. 28, 1894; Daniel Brigham b. Aug. 6, 1896. Family home Mendon, Cache Co., Utah. Missionary to southern states Feb. 24, 1883, to January, 1885; president of elders quorum 1885 to 1907; president first T. M. M. I. A. in Mendon ward; high priest. Helped to build St. George temple. Justice of the peace; city marshal; city councilman for five terms; school trustee for 18 years. RICHARDS, PHIJTEAS (son of Joseph Richards and Rhoda Howe of Hopkinton, Mass.). Born Nov. 15, 1788, at Hopkin- ton. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1848, F. D. Richards company. Married Wealthy Dewey Feb. 24, 1818, at Richmond, Berk- shire county. Mass, (daughter of the 3d Samuel Dewey and Milley McKee of Hopkinton, Mass., pioneers Oct. 19, 1848. Franklin D. Richards company). She was born Sept. 6, 1786. Their children: Abraham; Moses; Betsy; Franklin Dewey, m. Jane Snyder Dec. 18, 1842; George Spencer, d. Oct. 30, 1838 (shot by border ruffian and buried in the well at Haun's Mill, Mo.); Samuel Whitney, m. Mary Haskin Parker Jan. 29, 1846; Maria Wealthy, m. Walter Eli Wilcox Dec. 10, 1844; Joseph William, d. near Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 19, 1846, from exposure while serving in the Mormon Battalion; Henry Phineas, m. Margaret Minerva Empey Dec. 30, 1852. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. State senator; representative to legislature. Carpenter and joiner. Died Nov. 25, 1874. RICHARDS, FRANKLIN DEWEY (son of Phineas Richards and Wealthy Dewey, Salt Lake City). Born April 2, 1821, at Richmond, Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1848. Married Jane Snyder Dec. 18, 1842, Job Creek, 111. (daugh- ter of Isaac Snyder and Lpvisa Comstock of Nauvoo, 111.; the mother, Lovisa, also lived at Winter Quarters, Iowa, and Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct. 19, 1848, Franklin D. Rich- ards company). She was born Jan. 31, 1823. Their chil- dren: Wealthy Lovisa b. Nov. 2, 1843, d. Sept. 14, 1846; Isaac Phineas b. July 23, 1846, d. July 23, 1846; Franklin Snyder b. June 20, 1849, m. Emily S. Tanner; Josephine b. May 25. 1853, m. Joseph A. West; Lorenzo Mazer b. July B, 1857, d. Dec. 21, 1883, m. Mary M. Dunford; Charles Com- stock b. Sept. 16, 1859. m. Louisa Letitia Peery. Family resided Nauvoo, 111., Winter Quarters, Iowa, Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Thompson March 6, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Thompson and Phoebe Robson of Nau- voo, 111.). She was born Oct. 21, 1827. Their children: Myron John b. May 22, 1858, m. Julia Anna Peterson; Wealthy b. March 22, 1861, m. Edward B. Clark; Mary Alice b. July 5, 1863, m. Joseph E. Stevenson; Wilford Woodruff b. May 8, 1866, m. Emily Randell. Seventy; high priest; ordained one of the 12 apostles Feb. 12, 1849; president of the 12 apostles 1898-99; church historian and recorder 1889-99. Probate judge of Weber county 1869-83; member territorial legislature; regent Uni- versity of Deseret; brigadier general Nauvoo legion; mem- ber constitutional convention. Died Dec. 9, 1899, Ogden, Utah. Mary Thompson was the widow of Willard Richards; mother of Phoebe Amelia b. June 7, 1851, m. Jacob Peart; Jennetta b. Oct. 22, 1854, d. Sept. 23, 1855. RICHARDS, JOSEPH T. (son of Franklin S. and Emily S. Tanner). Born Dec. 8, 1871, Ogden, Utah. Married Mattie Sells. Their children: Martha; Jose- phine; Edward. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member of the law firm of Richards, Moyle & Richards; and of Richards & Richards he was the junior member; in 1898 he became a member of the firm of Bennett, Hark- ness, Howat, Bradley & Richards, and in 1900 upon the dissolution of that firm became the senior member of the firm of Richards & Ferry, which later changed to Richards. Richards & Ferry. Assistant United States attorney for the territory of Utah 1893. Mining man. Member Alta, University, Commercial and Country clubs. RICHARDS, CHARLES COMSTOCK (son of Franklin Dewey Richards and Jane Snyder). Born Sept. 16, 1859, Salt Lake City. Married Louisa Letitia Peery Dec. 18, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Harold Peery and Nancy Campbell Hig- glnbotham of Burk's Garden, Tazewell county, Va., former came to Utah about Sept. 1, 1864, William Pritchett com- pany, latter died in Virginia). She was born July 14, 1860. Their children: Letitia Jane b. Feb. 2, 1879, m. Robert I. Burton; Charles Comstock b. May 29, 1881, m. Beatrice Finn; Mabel Clare b. May 12, 1884, d. Oct. 22, 1890; Jesse Snyder b. April 11, 1887, m. Kathryn Coughnet; Harold Peery b. Nov. 6, 1889; Laurence William b. Dec. 4, 1892; Lorenzo Mazer b. Jan. 10, 1896; Franklin Dewey b. Nov. 17. 1900. Family home Ogden, Utah. Elder; seventy; high priest; member Weber stake Sun- day school board 1905-08; alternate high councilor in Weber stake in 1908; 1st counselor in Ogden stake presidency since July 26, 1908. County recorder of Weber county 1881-84; county attorney for Weber county 1884-90; county clerk of Weber county 1883-88; representative in territorial legisla- ture 1888; councilor in territorial legislature 1890;- member constitutional convention 1887; regent University of Deseret 1888-90; member territorial board of equalization 1888-90; trustee territorial reform school 1888-92; secretary and act- ing governor of the territory of Utah 1893-96. Attorney at law. RICHARDS, MYRON JOHN (son of Franklin Dewey Rich- ards and Mary Thompson). Born May 22, 1858, Provo, Utah. Married Julia Anna Peterson July 3, 1879 (daughter of Charles S. Peterson and Ann Patten), who was born June 8, 1862. Their children: Mary Ann b. Nov. 4, 1880, d. Feb. 16, 1884; Myron John b. Aug. 29. 1882, m. Alia M. Vanfleet; Mabel b. June 27, 1884, d. June 5, 1888; Ralph C. b. April 14. 1886, m. Ethel May Ford. Married Isabella Mary Young May 29, 1885, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Thomas C. and Mary Young), who was born at Perry, Utah. Their children: Hyrum Y. b. Aug. 5, 1886; Maggie b. May 26, 1888, m. George Franklin Wood: Elmer T. b. Aug. 31, 1891; Florence b. Nov. 3, 1896; Glenn b. Feb. 17, 1899; Legrand b. Nov. 10, 1901. d. Nov. 10, 1901. Bishop for 27 years. Assisted in building Plymouth, Fielding and Riverside wards. School trustee for six years; county commissioner for two years; county treasurer four years. RICHARDS. WILFORD WOODRUFF (son of Franklin Dewey Richards and Mary Thompson). Born May 8, 1866, Farmington, Utah. Married Emily Randall March 28, 1888, Logan. Utah (daughter of Alfred J. Randall and Margaret Harley of Salt Lake City, Ogden and Centerville, Utah, came to Utah 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born April 8. 1869. Their children: Laura b. March 31, 1890; Wilford Woodruff. Jr., b. June B. 1891; Clyde R. b. Oct. 17. 1894; Mary b. March 30, 1896; Melvin Ross b. Jan. 6, 1898: Ruth b. March 15, 1900; Ireta b. March 3. 1902; Carol b. Dec. 25, 1903; Pearl b. Dec. 29, 1905; Franklin D. b. Aug. 7, 1908; Margaret Iva b. July 21, 1910; Helen b. Oct. 31, 1912. Family resided Farm- ington, Utah, and Georgetown and Paris, Idaho. Bishop of Georgetown, Idaho, June, 1901, to June, 1906; member of the Bear Lake stake presidency June. 1906, till death; missionary to old Virginia Dec. 28, 1891, to Dec. 20, 1893. Mayor of Paris. Idaho, 1906-10; justice of the peace for two terms; commissioner of Bear Lake county for one term; Idaho state representative one term. Farmer; stock- raiser. Died Sept. 6, 1912, Paris, Idaho. RICHARDS, HENRY PHINEAS (son of Phineas Richards and Wealthy Dewey). Born Nov. 30, 1831, Richmond, Berk- shire county. Mass. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1848, F. D. Rich- ards company. Married Margaret Minerva Empey Dec. 30, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Mary Ann Empey of same place, pioneers 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born April 19. 1831. Their children: Henrietta b. June 11, 1854 (d. May 24, 1908), m. Phillip Margetts; Mary Ann b. Sept. 5, 1858, m. Alonzo Young; Joseph Henry b. Sept. 2. 1860. d. May 16. 1896; Minerva b. Oct. 17. 1862, m. Richard W. Young; William Phineas b. March 12, 1865, d. Oct. 18, 1908; Nelson Alonzo b. Sept. 7, 1867, d. Dec. 22, 1874; Henry Wil- lard b. Oct. 21. 1869, d. July 2, 1892; Emma Wealthy b. July 20, 1872, d. Aug. 22, 1878. Family home, Salt Lake City. President 8th quorum seventies; missionary to Hawaiian Islands 1854-57; high councilor. Oil inspector and sealer of weights and measures. Merchant. RICHARDS, THOMAS (son of William Richards of South Wales and Elizabeth Bowen). Born May 5, 1846, at Neath, Abbey, South Wales; came to Utah October, 1862, Horton Haight company. Married Adalaide Rose March 22, 1868 (daughter of Ralph Rose and Manerva Clothier). She was born Dec. 9, 1849. Their children: Thomas W. b. Feb. 2. 1869, m. Eliza Bird Jan. 8, 1893; William R. b. Nov. 10, 1870, m. Salina Hatha- way Oct. 28, 1896; Elizabeth b. Oct. 22, 1872. m. Charles Dayton July 28, 1891; George R. b. May 26, 1875, m. Mina Wilson April 1, 1901; Ellen b. Dec. 13, 1877, m. Don C. Dayton Feb. 5, 1896: Reese b. May 28, 1880. m. Pearl b. Aug. 4, 1883, m. Alonzo Waldram Jan. 14, 1905: Minerva b. May 15, 1886, m. Kenneth Molen Feb. 14, 1907; Ester A. b. July 21, 1889; Daisy b. Sept. 2, 1892. Family home St. Anthony, Idaho. High priest; bishop's counselor at Twin Groves ward. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1131 RICHARDS, THOMAS, Jr. (son of Thomas Richards and Adalaide Rose). Horn Feb. 2, 1869 at Malad, Idaho. Married Eliza Bird (daughter of Martin Bird and Emma Gardner). She was born Feb. 2, 1877. Their children: Grace b. March 26, 1895; Alta b. ; Louis b. ; Albert b Ella b. Aug. 25, 1903; Emma b. March 16, 1905; Ronald b. Nov. 5, 1907; Wayne b. Dec. 5, 1910. Family home Palisade, Idaho. Bishop's counselor; elder at Palisade, Idaho. RICHARDS, WILLARD (son of Joseph Richards and Rhoda Howe of Massachusetts). Born June 24, 1804, in Massachu- setts. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young com- pany. Married Nannie Longstroth (daughter of Stephen Long- stroth and Ann Gill of Iron Clift, Lancastershire, Eng., pio- neers 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born April 16, 1828. Their children: Alice Ann, m. Lott Smith; Mary Assena, m. Joel F. Grover; Stephen Longstroth b. July 29, 1863, m. Emma Louise Stayner. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Rhoda Harriett Foss Nov. 30, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Calvin Foss, Saco, Me., and Sarah Bracket Carter, Saco, Me., and Salt Lake City; she was a pioneer Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born April 19, 1830, and came to Utah with mother. Only child: Calvin Willard b. Oct. 7, 1852, m. Emma Irene Walker, m. Martha Louise Madsen. Family home, Salt Lake City. Died March 11, 1854. RICHARDS. STEPHEN LONGSTROTH (son of Willard Richards and Nannie Longstroth). Born July 29, 1863, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Louise Stayner Aug. 25, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Arthur Stayner and Emma Turner of Island Guernsey, Eng.; former came to Utah 1855, latter 1864). She was born Dec. 6, 1858. Their children: Stephen Longstroth b. June 18, 1879, m. Irene B. Merrill; Alice b. Sept. 20, 1880, died; Claud b. June 14, 1882, m. Mary C. Taylor; George Gill b. Sept. 6, 1883, m. Florence Lott Farns- worth; Stayner b. Dec. 20, 1886, m. Jennie Foot Taylor; Willard b. Sept. 30, 1887; Russell b. July 18, 1889; Arthur b. Feb. 3, 1891, d. child; Nannie b. March 31, 1893, d. child; Grace b. March 15, 1895. Elder; missionary to England 1876-78; treasurer of Y. M. M. I. A. Physician and surgeon. RICHARDS, GEORGE GILL (son of Stephen Longstroth Richards and Emma Louise Stayner). Born Sept. 6, 1883, Salt Lake City. Married Florence Lott Farnsworth Sept. 3, 1912, Salt Lake City (daughter of Philo T. Farnsworth and Julia Murdock, pioneers, oxteam company). RICHARDS, CALVIN WILLARD (son of Willard Richards and Rhoda Harriett Foss). Born Oct. 7, 1862, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Irene Walker Dec. 24, 1872, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Lorin Walker and Lavina Smith, both of Farmington, Utah, pioneers 1860, John Smith company). She was born July 28, 1854. Their children: Calvin Wil- lard b. April 28, 1874, m. Faney Snow; Effle Irene b. Feb. 13, 1876, m. Joseph H. Welling; Sarah Bracket b. March 10, 1878, m. Milton H. Welling; Rhoda Harriett b. Nov. 6, 1879, m. William H. Stayner; Hyrum Smith b. Dec. 23, 1882, d. Dec. 29, 1906; Ezra Carter b. Oct. 9, 1884, m. Blanch Laub; Bertie Loren b. Nov. 4, 1886, m. Ella Chamberlin; Ruby Lovina b. Sept. 6, 1888, m. Leo Farnsworth; Horace Leroy b. Nov. 1, 1891. Family resided Farmington and Fielding, Utah. Married Martha Louise Madson Jan. 16, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Adolph Madson and Mary Wagner of Brigham City, Utah, pioneers 1860). She was born Feb. 12, 1866. Their children: Melvin Madson b. April 23, 1902; Lorenzo Adolph b. April 24, 1904; Mathias Cowley b. Dec. 7, 1907; Sterling J. b. March 24, 1909. Family home Brig- ham City, Utah. High priest; missionary to England 1904-06. Commis- sioner of Box Elder county. Farmer. RICHARDS, WILLIAM. Born 1797, Glamorganshire, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1864, Daniel Garn company. Married Alice Howells, who died in Wales. Their chil- dren: Kathryne, m. James Radford Millard; William; Ceci- lia; Morgan. RICHARDSON, SHADRACH (son of Shadrach and Elizabeth Richardson of Cumberland county, Ky.). Born Nov. 21, 1816, In Cumberland county, Ky. Came to Utah 1852, Tru- man Tryon company. Married Lavina Stewart about 1841 (daughter of Phi- lander B. Stewart and Sarah Scott, former died In Ohio, latter a pioneer 1850). She was born June 8, 1824. Came to Utah 1852, Truman Tryon company. Their children: Shadrach M. b. March 11, 1848, m. Keturah Hand June 14, 1875; William W. b. Nov. 9, 1851, m. Sarah J. Hone Oct. 1879. Family home Payson, Utah. Married Sarah Haskell in 1860, at Payson, Utah (daughter of James Niles and Sarah Haskell, former came to Utah with a contingent of Mormon Battalion). Their children: Thomas 'b. Feb. 2, 1861, m. Eunice L. Hickman 1884; Richard b. Aug. 18, 1862; Lavina b. Aug. 16, 1864. m. Isaac Hansen 1882; David b. April 1866. m. Eliza J. Betts 1899. Member 47th quorum seventies. RICHARDSON. SHADRACH M. (son of Shadrach Richard - eon and Levina Stewart). Born March 11, 1848, In Mills Co., Iowa. Married Keturah Hand June 14, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hand and Sarah Simpkins). Born Dec. 11, 1858, Yorkshire, Eng. Their children: Shadrach W. b. A 5 Pr !Ln ' J 8?6 i eorsre M - b - De <=- 12 - 18"; James I. b. Jan. 26, 1880; Sarah K. b. June 7, 18S2; Adaline b. Aug. 12, 1884, m. William Hone Sept. 11, 1901; Nellie b. Feb. 6, 1887 m J. H. Schaerrer Feb. 14, 1906; Ivy b. May 7, 1889, m. J. A. Francorm March 15, 1911; Lexia b. Nov. 16, 1891; Delilah b March 18, 1893, m. C. A. Fugal June 21, 1911; Joseph Wood- ruff b. Aug. 26, 1896; Teresa b. June 22, 1899; Orion Franklin b. Nov. 5, 1901. Family home Benjamin, Utah. Elder 1875; high priest; alternate high councilor, Nebo stake. Constable Benjamin precinct. Utah county, one term- justice of peace three terms; appointed U. S. deputy surveyor Juno 15, 1883, RICHARDSON, THOMAS (son of Thomas Richardson, born In Ireland). Born Feb. 18, 1804, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, James Brown's detachment of the Mor- mon Battalion. Married Mary M. Mallalu 1824, at Preston, near Man- chester, Eng. She died October, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Their children; Jane, died; Mary, m. Mr. Latronch; John b. July 24, 1835 (d. March 10, 1906), m. Lola Tyler; Robert, m. Sarah Taylor; Susan, m. George Hutchins; m. Howard Bratton; Violet, m. James Steed; Benjamin and Sarah, died; Thomas Jr. b. April 9, 1844, m. Merab Stone 1864. Married Annie (Owen) Clark February, 1846, Nauvoo. 111. Resided at Farmington 1852, and later moved to Kaysville- moved to Ogden 1854. and to Kaysville 1856. The seventh convert In England to be baptized into L. D. S. church- became a high priest and presided over Gadfield Elm con- ference, England. First president of Slaterville stake, 1864- 77. Died Nov. 3, 1886, Richmond, Utah. RICHARDSON, THOMAS (son of Thomas Richardson and Mary M. Mallalu). Born April 9, 1844, Montrose Iowa Came to Utah 1852. Married Merab Stone in 1864 at Slaterville, Utah (daugh- ter of Amos Pease Stone and Amelia Bishop, pioneers 1850). She was born Sept. 26, 1846, New Haven, Conn., and died Feb. 4, 1913. Inkom, Idaho. Their children: Mary Amelia b. Oct. 6, 1865, d. same day; Thomas Ives b. Nov. 30, 1866, m. Kate Bratton Jan. 18, 1885, m. Ellen Lance Feb. 8, 1890, m. Hattie Knapp April 29, 1908; Amos b. Aug. 13, 1869, d &ame day; James Albert b. Sept. 15, 1870, d. Dec. 26, 1875; John b. Feb. 20, 1873, m. Fannie Francis June 22, 1898; George b. Oct. 14, 1875, d. same day; Merab Violet b. Oct. 17, 1876 (d. June 14, 1901), m. Edward T. Morgan 1893- Emily b. April 2, 1879 (d. Jan. 9, 1907), m. Heber Dillie 1899; Minerva b. May 6. 1881, m. Andrew Sorenson, m. Houghton Weaver 1908; Nathan b. June 9, 1883, d. same day; Robert b. Jan. 17, 1884, m. Dora Hunt Oct., 1909; Anna b May 14, 1887, d. same day. Missionary among Indians at Washakee, Box Elder county, Utah, 1876-77. First pioneer settler of Pocatello, Idaho, moving- there Sept. 10, 1881. Farmer. RICHARDSON, THOMAS IVES (son of Thomas Richardson and Merab Stone). Born Nov. 30, 1866, Slaterville, Utah. Married Kate Bratton Jan. 18, 1885, American Falls, Idaho, who was born 1869, San Diego, Cal. Married Ellen Lance Feb. 8. 1890 (daughter of Lewis and Temperance Lance), who was born Jan. 12, 1874, American Fork, Utah. Their children: Thomas Lewis b. Feb. 1, 1901; Howard Robert b. Sept. 28, 1892, m. Eva Barron Dec. 13, 1911; Myrtle Ellen b. July 12, 1894, m. Floyd Pope Aug. 16, 1912; Lizzie Temperance b. July 31, 1896; Grace Merab b Nov. 1897; Ada lola b. Oct. 1899; Ida Alice b. March 9, 1901: Frank George b. 1902; Hattie May b. May 20, 1905; Richard Lance b. Feb. 5, 1907. Family home Neeley, Idaho. Married Hattie Knapp April 29, 1908, Brigham City, Utah (daughter of William Knapp and Eliza Cole), who was born April 9, 1876, Chestertown, Warren county, N. Y. Their children: Ralph Lee b. Jan. 19. 1909; Ella Pearl b. April 6, 1910; Ona Maude b. March 24, 1911; Edward Francis b March 15, 1912. Member 124th quorum seventies; missionary to New York 1902-04. Farmer; sheepraiser. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM (son of William Richardson and Isabell Richardson of Tole Cross, Lanarkshire, Scotland). Born June 18, 1829, Park Head, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1863, Captain Rawlins company. Married Joannah Fotheringham Walker June 20, 1861. Park Head, Lanarkshire, Scotland (daughter of Francis Walker and Jeanette Fotheringham of Tole Cross, Scot- land). She was born Dec. 11, 1827, at Tole Cross. Their children: Jeanette R. b. April 8, 1852, d. infant; William, Jr., b. April 4, 1854, m. Jane Muir; John b. April 13, 1866, m. Isabell Muir; James b. June 16, 1858, d. infant; Harriett R. b. Dec. 20, 1860, m. Thomas Todd; Robert b. Sept. 1862, d. infant; Archibald Squire b. Dec. 11, 1863, m. Sarah Ann Horrocks; David Fisher b. Oct. 1, 1865. m. Lydia Moon, m. Helen Merrels; Isabell b. March 17, 1868, m. Adolphus Ses- sions; Annie b. March 27, 1868, m. John Simpson. Family home Heber City, Utah. Bishop. Settler of Heber City 1863. Farmer. Died Aug. 9, 1904, Jensen, Uintah Co., Utah. 1132 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH RICHARDSON, WILLIAM (son of William Richardson and Joanna Fotheringham Walker). Born April 4, 1864. in Scot- land. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1863, Captain RawJins com- pany. Married Jane Muir Jan. 1, 1874, Heber City, Utah (daugh- ter of George Muir and Margaret Howe of Heber City, pioneers 1856, Captain McCurdy handcart company). She was born July 6, 1854. Their children: Margaret Ann b. Aug. 19, 1874, m. William, J. Kirk; Jeanet b. Oct. 2, 1876, m. Joseph Lindsey; Walter R. b'. Oct. 17, 1879, m. Vernie Ohlwiler; James William b. Aug. 9, 1881; Rose Halladay b. April 23, 1885, m. George Walker; Kate b. Dec. 20, 1888, m. Ernest Ast; George Muir b. April 23. 1892; Archie L. b. Jan. 4, 1895, died; Ralph b. June 26, 1897, died. Family home Pleas- ant Grove, Utah. High priest; Sunday school superintendent. Farmer and stockraiser. RICHARDSON, JOHN THORNTON (son of William Richard- son and Joanna Fotheringham Walker). Born April 13, 1856, at Pittston, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1863, Isaac C. Haight oxteam company. Married Isabella Muir Dec. 24, 1878, Heber City, Utah (daughter of George Muir and Margaret Hannah of Kil- marnia, Scotland; came to Utah September, 1856, handcart company). She was born June 21, 1860, Wales, San Pete Co., Utah. Their children: Joan b. July 27, 1879, died Aug. 3, 1879; Leroy H. b. July 16, 1881; John Thornton b. April 8, 1884, m. Pearl Timothy; Maggie Bell b. Nov. 3, 1886, m. Henry Moroni Moon; William M. b. May 8, 1891, m. Clara Collier; George Francis b. Feb. 13, 1S95. Family resided Heber City and Jensen, Utah. Constable of Jensen, Utah, 5 years. Clerk of the school district 5 years. Carpenter; farmer and apiarist. RICHARDSON. ARCHIE SQUIRES (son of William Richard- son and Joanna Fotheringham Walker). Born Oct. 11, 1863, Heber City, Utah. Married Sarah Ann Horrocks Sept. 11, 1889, Manti, Utah (daughter of Roger Horrocks and Sarah Ann Taylor, pio- neers 1866). She was born Dec. 22, 1869. Their only child was Sarah Ann b. July 29, 1906. Missionary to southern states 1895-96; to central states 1904; to Scotland 1905-06; counselor to Bishop Benjamin Cluff, center ward, Wasatch stake; bishop of Jensen ward August, 1908; president of Y. M. M. I. A. Wasatch county. School trustee Jensen county; commissioner Uinta county 1903-04. Located in Jensen June, 1S99. Farmer; cattle and sheep raiser. RICHEY, WILLIAM. Came to Utah 1848. Married Margaret Ann Adair (daughter of Mrs. Belden). Their children: James; Jane; William B., m. Johanna Maria Hougaard. Member 48th quorum Seventies. Missionary to Cherokee Nation. Patriarch and high priest. Died at Parowan, Utah. RICHET, WILLIAM B. (son of William Richey and Mar- garet Ann Adair). He was born May 17, 1838, in Mississippi. Married Johanna Maria Hougaard 1867, Manti, Utah (daughter of Rasmus H. Hougaard and Mary Magdaline, both of Falster, Denmark pioneers 1848). She was born Jan. 1, 1849. Their children: Margaret Ann b. Nov. 3, 1868, m. Jens. J. Hansen; Mary M.. died aged 9; Jeannetta J. b. July 25, 1871, m. Jens J. Hansen; Emily Jane b. June 19, , died aged 7; Sarah Bell b. Nov. 19, , m. Dr. Frank Tinges; Julia Dean, m. Adolph Hansen; Nellie L. b. Feb. 15, , m. Joseph A. Young; Jennie Lynn b. Oct. 27, , m. Fred Risley; Will Ina b. Oct. . m. Leo Foster; William b. Sept. 21, 1883, m. Martha Braithwatte; John B. b. April 20, 1885, m. Mabel Kennedy; Benjamin b. Apr. . Family home Manti, Utah. Road Supervisor. Freighter and farmer. Died May 9, 1911, Manti, Utah. RICHINS, EDWARD (son of Richard Richins and Priscilla Wager, of Gloucestershire, Eng.). Born April 16, 1835, Sheepcombe, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 7, 1865, William H. H6oper company. Married Caroline Ellen Tipper Dec. 25, 1862, Henefer, Utah (daughter of Harriet Tipper of Nettleton, Gloucestershire, Eng.). She was born Feb. 20, 1846. Their children: Albert Edward b. 1863, died; Alma Ether b. Dec. 3, 1867, m. Hattie Richins. Married . She was born April 30, 1849. Their chil- dren: Sarah Ellen b. Oct. 6, 1869, m. Alexander Calderwood; Heber Charles b. Dec. 25, 1871, m. Ruth Ralph; Moroni b. April 3, 1873, m. Laura Bull; Carolina Lavenia b. Nov. 12, 1874. m. Alexander Steele; Nephl b. Sept. 25. 1896. m. Sarahann Banks; Ebenezer b. April 9, 1878. m. Lilly Ralph; Joseph Elijah b. Feb. 28, 1880, m. Eva Richins; Willard Richard and Wilford Thomas (twins) b. Nov. 25, 1882, both died same day; Jared b. April 6. 1894, m. Ethel Ralph; George Edward b. April 4, 1886, m. Myrtle Ralph; Florence Precilla b. July 16, 1891, m. Walter B. Wilson. Families resided Echo, Utah. High priest; missionary to England 1889-90; bishop of Echo ward four years. Veteran Echo Canyon campaign; selectman at Coalville, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Mary Ann Sims), who was born April 21, 1826, and came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company. Their chil- dren: Hyrum S. b. June 5, 1851, m. Rhoda Ann Smith 1875; John W., m. Jane Sinfield; George H. b. 1861, m. Mary W. McKinley; Elizabeth b. 1864, m. Charles Haws; Mary Ellen b. 1868, m. John Henderson. Family home Paradise, Cache Co., Utah. RICHMAN, HYRUM S. (son of John Richman and Sarah Ann Stephenson). Born June 5, 1851, in England. Married Rhoda Ann Smith Dec. 20, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Smith and Elizabeth Chapman), who was born Dec. 24, 1858, Salt Lake City. Their children: Hyrum John b. Sept. 23, 1876, m. Rosella Acock Aug. 17, 1898; Isaac S. b. June 30, 1878, m. Nettie McKinley Nov 11 1903; Thomas G. b. Nov. 19, 1882, m. Elizabeth May Butt Oct. 2, 1908; Elizabeth S. b. April 18, 1884, m. John R. George April 1, 1903; Parley S. b. Jan. 24, 1888, m. Clara Elizabeth Stewart Sept. 22, 1910; Louis Orar b. Sept. 21 1892. Family home Teton, Fremont Co., Idaho. RICHMOND, JOSEPH BURROWS (son of Thomas Richmond and Sarah Ann Burrows, Bottsford, Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born May 16, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah September, 1851. Married Emma Orton May 3, 1863, Provo, Utah (daughter of William Reed Orton, Des Moines, Iowa, pioneer 1852). She was born Dec. 9, 1842. Their children: Polly Ann b. Feb. 6, 1864, m. Richard Smith; Almeda b. June 25, 1865, m. Jabez Waters; Emma Jane b. Jan. 31, 1867, m. George Mel- drum; Sonoma b. Aug. 25, 1868, m. Joseph Meldrum; Joseph Thomas b. May 22, 1870, died; William Reed b. Nov. 30, 1871; Evert Burrows b. Dec. 25, 1873, m. Carrie Ellen Martin; Maud b. Sept. 16, 1875, m. E. Swarts; Harriet Rebecca b. March 29, 1877, m. Frank Speckert; Jessie b. Feb. 27, 1879; Florence b. Jan. 29, 1899, m. William Crethers; Fred Gur- fleld b. Nov. 1, 1882, m. Naylor; Ray b. Dec. 7, 1884, died. Married Francis Jane Lawrence (Martin) May 25, 1909, Manti, Utah (daughter of Joseph Lawrence and Rachel Burcham of Illinois), who was born July 25, 1861. Family home Provo City, Utah. Elder. Councilman from 4th precinct, Provo. Farmer. RICHTER, ADOLPH (son of John and Ernestine Richter of Germany). Born Aug. 10, 1859, in Germany. Came to Utah 1892. Married Lucy A. Deakin May 2, 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter o' Robert and Hannah Deakin, St. Paul, Minn). Family home, Salt Lake City. Real estate, Insurance and loans. RICHMAN, JOHN (son of Matthew Richman and Elizabeth Tagg of England). Born Jan. 14, 1828. Molton Egate, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862. Henry W. Miller company. Married Sarah Ann Stephenson (daughter of Simon and RICKS, JOEL (son of Jonathan Ricks, born Feb. 18, 1772, Nash county, N. C., and Temperance Edwards, born Jan. 23, 1883, Nash county were married 1796). He was born Feb. 18, 1804, on the Donaldson Creek farm, Trlgg Co., Ky. Came to Utah September 24, 1848, Heber C. Klmball company. Married Eleanor Martin May 1, 1827, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Thomas Edwin b. July 21, 1828, m. Tabitha Hendrlcks Aug. 18, 1853; Lewis b Dec. 20, 1830, m. Ammorette Allen Dec. 25, 1859; Sally Ann b. Dec. 28, 1832, died; Clarlnda b. Jan. 10, 1835, died; Temper- ance b. Jan. 4, 1837, m. Arza E. Hinckley February, 1857; William b. Jan. 10, 1839, m. Gordon Jan. 13, 1865; Jonathan, b. Jan. 23, 1841, m. Eliza Eymon; Mary b. June 19, 1843, m. William R. Smith April 23, 1857; Josiah b. May 27, 1845, m. Lucy A. Merrill; Joel Martin b. Oct. 15, 1850, died; Nathan b. Jan. 17, 1853, m. Sarah A. Taylor Nov. 13, 1879. Family home Logan, Utah. Married Sarah B. Fisk (Allen) Oct. 26, 1852 (daughter of Varnum Fisk and Sally Earns). She was born ?pt. 22, 1819, Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Their children: Ezra Varnum b. July 13, 1853, m. Lois J. Clark Oct. 24, 1888; Sarah Beriah b. Jan. 17, 1855, died; Ellen b. March 30, 1856, m. Charles W. Nibley March 30. 1880; Joel b. July 21, 1858, m. Susette Cardon Jan. 13, 1881; Adelia b. Oct. 24, 1860, died; Esther Adeline b. Oct. 28, 1862, m. Joseph E. Wilson Aug. 17, 1888. In connection with others he built the first saw mill and grist mill in Logan. Treasurer Cache county more than 30 years. He was also Interested in many other Industries. He was a very energetic worker in the church. RICKS, THOMAS E. (son of Joel Ricks and Eleanor Mar- tin). Born July 21, 1828, Donaldson Creek, Trigg Co., Ky. Came to Utah with father. Married Tabitha Hendricks Aug. 18, 1853, who was born Sept. 30, 1830, and came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Klmball company. Their children: Sarah C. b. June 4, 1854, m. James R. Turman Oct. 19, 1874; Thomas Edwin Jr. b. Dec. 3, 1855, m. Mary Ann Hlbbard Oct. 11, 1878; Joseph b. June 7, 1857, m. Margaret Charles Oct. 20, 1876; Hyrum b. July 24, 1858, m. Martha Bitter April 1, 1880; Heber b. April 27, 1860, m. Mary Ann Nelson Jan. 13, 1881; Brlgham b. April 27, 1860, m. Clara Josephine Larson Jan. 13. 1881; Mary Elizabeth b. Aug. 19. 1861; William b. Sept. 25, 1863, m. Sarah Ellen Harris April 14, 1886: Alice b. Aug. 20, 1866; James b. Dec. 30, 1867, m. Lucretia H. Arrowsmith Oct. 3, 1894: Samuel b. Feb. 20, 1870, m. Ada Turner 1897; George b. Jan. 2. 1876. m. Hattie Secrlst March 15, 1899. Family resided Centervllle, Farmington, Logan, Utah, and Rexburg. Idaho. Married Tamer Loader March 27, 1857, who was born Sept. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1133 8, 1833, in England. Their children: Amy Eliza b. Dec. 11, 1858, m. Alpha Loader Jaques March 1, 1876; Sarah Eleanor b. Feb. 6, 1861, m. John Dalling June 27, 1877; Joel b. Feb. 12, 1863, died; Ann b. Nov. 17, 1864, died; Moriah b. Aug. 23, 1867, m. John T. Smallie; Clarinda b. Feb. 15, 1872, died; Lamella b. Nov. 24, 1874, died. Bishop Cache Valley stake several years; president Fre- mont stake, which position he held to his death. He was the founder of academy at Rexburg, Idaho, which was afterward named Ricks Academy in memory of its founder. RICKS, THOMAS EDWIN (son of Thomas Edwin Ricks and Tabitha Hendricks). Born Dec. 3, 1855, Centerville, Utah. Married Mary Ann Hibbard Oct. 11, 1878 (daughter of George Hibbard and Hannah Williams). She was born May 19, 1858, Salt Lake City. Their children: Silas Sanford b. June 21, 1879, died; Thomas Edwin, III b. June 6, 1882, m. Maude E. Daybell; Floretta b. Sept. 23, 1886, m. James Web- ster; George Abraham b. May 5, 1889; Joel b. July 28, 1892; Preston b. Oct. 21, 1898. Family resided Centerville, Farm- ington and Logan, Utah, and Rexburg, Idaho. Bishop first ward Rexburg. City councilman and mayor Rexburg. Public-spirited, and prominent in all things for advancement and progress. RIDDLE, ISAAC (son of John Riddle and Elizabeth Stewart). Born March 22, 1830, in Boone county, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1850, Richard Sessions company. Married Mary Ann Eagles Aug. 29, 1863 (daughter of Ellas and Mary Eagles of England, pioneers). She was born Nov. 5, 1845, in England. Their children: Lydia A.; Safrona; Lillie C.; Wallace M.; Charles E.; John E.; Andrew I., died. Family home Beaver, Utah. Missionary to Georgia; bishop's counselor. Missionary among the Indians 10 years Miller and stockraiser. Died Sept. 1, 1906. RIDGES, JOSEPH HARRIS (son of Edward Ridges of Tott- enham, Hampshire, Eng.). Born April 27, 1827, at Totten- ham. Came to Utah September, 1857, Charles C. Richards company. Married Adelade Whitley 1852, in London, Eng. (daughter of William Whitley and Nancy Johnson of London), who was born in 1830. Their children: Alfred J. m. Mary A. Morris; Adelade, m. George Wood; Annie, m. David Williams; Alma, d. aged 8; Ernest E., m. Ella Beesley; May E., m. Josiah Sees. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Smith in 1858, Salt Lake City, Utah, who was born 1823. Their only child: Mary, m. Mr. Perry. Married Agatha Pratt January 21, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Parley P. Pratt and Ann Agatha Walker, of Salt Lake City), who was born July 7, 1848. Their children: Florence, m. Joseph H. Dean; Milton, m. May Foster; Clarl- bel, m. John E. Pike; Aggie Louise, m. George E. Carpenter; Beatrice, m. Thomas J. Jones; Berenice, m. Alonzo 'J. Had- dock; Joseph P., m. Viola Brimm; Sidney P., d. aged 2. High priest; builder of tabernacle organ; built first organ In Australia, brought it to Utah and placed it in the Old Adobe Tabernacle. Organ builder and contractor. RIGBY, WILLIAM (son of Edward Rigby and Susanna Hart- liff, of Lancastershire, Eng.). Born Aug. 8, 1838, Gayland, Lancastershlre, Eng. Came to Utah In September, 1847. Married Catherine Glover March 18, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Glover and Jane Cowan, of Scotland, pioneers fall of 1849). She was born Feb. 10, 1842. Their children: William Seth, m. Agnes Walker; Edward; Jane; Joseph Edward; Catherine Elizabeth, m. Chas. Mag.eets; John Alma; George Frederick, m. Chessie Bouregard; Vinnle May. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member quorum seventies; block teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. Veteran Indian wars, 1864-66. Died Dec. 24, 1903. RIGBY, WILLIAM FREDRICK (son of Joseph Rigby and Margarett Littlewood, of Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 29, 1833, Saddleworth, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1853, Brown and Harmon company. Married Mary Clark Aug. 9, 1852, Stockport, Eng. (daughter of John Clark and Elizabeth Brodbury), who was born Sept. 8, 1831. Their children: John, died; Mary Jane b. June 28, 1857, m. Samuel Roskelly March 2, 1874; William Fredrick, Jr. b. Oct. 9, 1859, m. Sarah Clarke April 28, 1881; George C. b. Feb. 23, 1863, m. Mary C. Clarke March 1, 1883; Margarett b. Feb. 12, 1864, m. Samuel Roskelly March 11, 1882; Lavina b. Feb. 28, 1866, m. Charles Oea Card Dec. 1855; Marlin b. May 23, 1868, m. Annie F. Rigby; Sarah b. July 26, 1871, died. Family home Newton, Utah. Missionary to Great Britain 1887-89; bishop; representa- tive to the legislature from Fremont Co., Idaho. Died March 13, 1901, at Logan. RIGBY, GEORGE C. (son of William Fredrick and Mary Clark). Born Feb. 23, 1862, Wellsville, Utah. Married Mary C. Clarke March 1. 1883. Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Amos Clarke and Ann Johnston of Rhol- lanerchlngog, Wales). She was born May 27, 1863. Their children: Mary Ann b. Oct. 18, 1884, m. Horace Jenkins Nov. 15, 1905; Amos b. Aug. 17, 1886. m. Ann Christensen Jan. 27, 1910; Moses W. b. Aug. 11, 1888, m. Iva Nelsen Dec. 21, 1911; Mariam b. Aug. 11, 1888; Ejiner C. b. March 13, 1890; Ida L. b. Jan. 27, 1892; Orella E. b. March 7, 1894; Harrold E. b. Aug. 5, 1896; Golden H. b. Sept. 14, 1898; Liberty L. b. July 4, 1900; Sterling C. b. June 7, 1903; Milton and Murland (twins) b. June 4, 1905; Gwendolin b. Oct. 9, 1908. Family home Newton, Utah. Missionary to Great Britain 1893-95; presided over Massa- chusetts conference 1894-95; president Y. M. M. I. A. County sheriff Cache county,- 1900-04; justice of peace; constable. Assisted in organizing Danielsen Manufacturing Co., at Logan, Utah; vice president and director of that company, 1897-1908; director of Danielsen Plow Co., Independence, Mo., 1908-13; assisted In organizing Farmers Banking Co., at Cache Junction, 1910, and made president in 1910. RIGBY, GEORGE AMOS (son of George C. Rigby and Mary C. Clarke). Born Aug. 17, 1886, Newton, Utah. Married Ann Christensen Jan. 27, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Christensen, pioneer 1864, and Caroline Jensen, who came to Utah July 24, 1873, of Denmark). She was born Dec. 25, 1880. Their child: Lucile b. Sept. 19, 1911. Family home Newton, Utah. Elder. Farmer. RIGGS, DR. JOHN (son of Major Gideon Riggs and Susan Pitcher of Connecticut and Kirkland, Ohio). He was born Dec. 20, 1812, at Oxford, New Haven county, Conn. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1851, with Captain McPherson, No. 10 church train. Married Jane Kilton Bullock Oct. 8, 1843 (daughter of Benjamin Bullock and Dorothy Kimball; the former died crossing the plains .July, 1852, latter came on to Utah). She was born Sept. 4, 1819. Their children: Susan Jane Riggs, d. 1857; Mary Ruth. d. 1847; Dorothy Melissa, m. Andrew J. Stewart, Jr.; Julia Maria, d. Aug. 1854; Martha Adaline, m. P. H. Beesley; John Gideon Benjamin, d. 1857; Marritte, m. W. O. Beesley; Jane Kilton, d. 1864. Married Adelia Ann Philips April 2, 1856 She was born April 9, 1843, In New Brunswick. Married Minnie Ann Cook Sept. 24, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 5th quorum seventies; missionary to Illinois, Indiana and Ohio 1840. Worked on the Kirkland Temple and attended its dedication. Was present at the battle of Crooked River when Apostle David Patten was mor- tally wounded. Began study of medicine 1838 under Dr. F. G. Wiliams and finished at Quincy, 111. Was surgeon in Walker war and rated as captain, belonging to the general staff. Died in March, 1892. RIGGS, WILLIAM SEARS (son of John Riggs and Mary Gillman of Indiana). Born March 19, 1830, in Putnam county, Ind. Came to Utah July, 1850. Married Sarah Reeves Feb. 7, 1855, at Cedar City, Utah (daughter of William Reeves and Frances Long of Eng- land). She was born Sept. 28, 1837. Their children: Sarah Frances, m. E. W. Littlefield; Mary Elizabeth, m. David C. Wixom; Malissa Ann, m. Joseph S. Ingram; Caroline Jane; Emma Lovlna, m. Joseph E. Griffin; William Reeves b. May 22, 1865, m. Priscilla S. Barnhurst; Andrew Jackson, m. Christena Henrie; Amanda Ellen, m. Ernest A. Griffln; Ma- linda Isabelle, m. William H. -Bryce; Roselia, m. Frank Ahlstrom. Family resided Kanarra and Panguitch, Utah. High councilor of Panguitch stake 1879-91; bishop's counselor of Henrievllle ward 1892. Carpenter. RIGGS, WILLIAM REEVES (son of William Sears Riggs and Sarah Reeves). Eorn May 22, 1865, Cedar City, Utah. Married Priscilla S. Barnhurst Jan. 17, 1886, Cedar City, Utah (daughter of Samuel Barnhurst and Anna Marie Jen- sen of Cedar City), who was born May 6, 1863. Their children: William Reeves b. Dec. B, 1886; Sarah Annie b. Aug. 19, 1888, m. Thomas J. Barney; Samuel Barnhurst b. Oct. 17, 1890, m. Effel Burrow; Andrew Franklin b. Jan. 19, 1893; Priscilla Josephine b. Dec. 19, 1895; Mary Emma b. Sept. 20, 1896; Vllate Irene b. Feb. 9, 1899; John Sears b. Nov. 11, 1900; Joseph Ernest b. July 16, 1903; Orlas James b. July 13, 1906. Family resided Henrievllle and Hatch. Utah. Bishop's counselor 1897-1913. County assessor. Farmer; merchant. RILEY, WILLIAM L. (son of Jonathan Riley and Frances M. Johnson of Nottingham, Bng.). Born Nov. 13, 1829, Nottingham. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde com- pany. Married Mary Ann Clark May, 1851, Nottingham (daugh- ter of John and Mary Clark of Nottingham; latter a pioneer Oct. 13, 1863, Rosel Hyde company). She was born June 4, 1830. Their children: Arthur, m. Sarah Good- fellow; Frances M., m. William Rooch; Emma, m. John Goodfellow; Elizabeth, d. aged 5; William, d. aged 2; Eliza Ann, m. Cyrus Tolman; Clarisa, m. Alexander Laird, m. Mor- gan Knapp; Fredrick R., m. Emma Tolman. Family home East Bountiful, Utah. Married Jane Osborne Dec. 21, 1887, Logan temple. Presi- dent Merrill officiating (daughter of William Osborne and Mary George of Ilkeston, Derbyshire, Eng.), who was born Nov. 18, 1848. Only child: Mary Ann b. Jan. 10, 1829, d. in- fant. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Member 70th quorum seventies; high priest; Sunday school teacher. Janitor of Bountiful tabernacle. Wood finisher and polisher. 1134 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH RIRIE, JAMES (son of David Ririe, born 1778, in Aber- deenshire, Scotland, and Isabel! Shariss of Arbroath, Scot- land, born 1789 married 1809). Born Jan. 24. 1827, at New Castle, Frazer, Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1863, Jacob Gates oxteam company. Married Ann Boyack Nov. 23, 1855 (daughter of James Boyack, born Jan. 3, 1806, in Scotland, died Feb. 1, 1888. and Elizabeth Mealmacker of Spanish Fork, Utah married In 1827, at Strid Martin, Scotland, pioneers Sept. 1853, Captain Gates oxteam company). She was born May, 1830, and came to Utah Oct. 24. 1855. Milo Andrus company. Their chil- dren: Margrett Ann b. Feb. 26, 1857, m. William G. Hogg? June 23, 1876; James Boyack b. Oct. 22, 1858, m. Elizabeth A. Morgan 1881; David b. Nov. 21, 1860, m. Leah Ann Lovell 1892: William; Alexander b. Oct. 24. 1863, m. Elizabeth J. McBride Jan. B, 1887; George: Elizabeth b. Oct. 25, 1865, m. James A. Farrell Nov. 30. 1887; Isabell b. Feb. 25, 1870, m. Joseph P. Stallings Jan. 28, 1891; Mary; Joseph b. Feb. 27, 1872, m. Anna Farrell Oct. 20, 1898; Hyrum b. Feb. 27, 1872, m. Maggie Farrell March 21, 1898; Agnes b. March 27, 1874, m. David Burnett June 23, 1897. Family resided Springville. North Ogden and West Weber, Utah. Missionary to Scotland 1849-51. Farmer and stockraiser. Died June 17, 1905. RIRIE, ALEXANDER (son of James Ririe and Ann Boyack). Born Oct. 24, 1863, West "Weber, Utah. Married Elizabeth J. McBride Jan. B. 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Heber R. McBride and Elizabeth Ann Burns; former a pioneer with Morten and Taylor handcart com- pany). She was born April 30, 1869. Their children: Myrtle E. b. May 14, 1SS8, m. Clarence M. Baker Feb. 24, 1909; Lavina A. b. Jan. 13, 3890; Ethel E. b. Nov. 27, 1891, m. Howard Nelsen April 28, 1909; Mable M. b. Oct. 13, 1893; Elda E. b. Jan. 6, 1897; Sylvin A. b. March 19, 1899; Olin H. b. May 7, 1902: Afton J. b. Dec. IB, 1904; Floyd H. b. Oct. 4, 1906; Zelma McBride b. Nov. 21, 1910; Lois Elenor b. Sept. 11, 1912. Family resided Ogden and Eden, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born June 1, 1875, Coalville, Utah. Only child: George Max b. Jan. 17. 1911. Justice of peace 1909-13. Dairyman and farmer. RISHTON, EDWARD (son of Henry Rishton. born April 4, 1810, in England, and Mary Blaud, born May 9, 1815, In England, and married 1833 in England, both residents of Council Bluffs, Iowa). He was born Jan. 4, 1834, Acoring- ton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1852, 12th Company, Captain Cullio. Married Mary Ann Slater April 23, 1865 (daughter of James Slater and Mary Ramsbolton, pioneers 1864). She was born April 27, 1840. Their children: Edward b. Jan. 27, 1857, m. Helen Houston 1883; Mary E. b. May 18, 1860, m. James Paxman 1882; William b. July 29. 1862, m. Laura Nell 1885; Thomas b. Feb. 2, 1866, m. Mary Judd; Maria b. Sept. 19, 1864, m. Almo Silcock; James b. March 28, 1869; Bland b. June 28. 1871; David b. Oct. 31, 1873, m. Maka Bennion: Blanche b. Nov. 28, 1876, m. Edward Bowen. Family home Riverton, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah; crossed plains six times by horse and oxteam. RITCHIE, JOHN (son of James and Agnes Ritchie of Glas- gow, Scotland). Born Oct. 28, 1844. Came to Utah in 1863. Married Sarah McAffee (daughter of John Smith Mc- Affee and Ann Sparks of Glasgow). Their children: John McAffee b. Oct. 30, 1867, m. Sarah Elizabeth Wright; Sarah Ann, m. Willford David Wright; James, m. Anna Tressa Wilson; Agnes, died; Jane. m. Joseph Smith Wright; Mary, m. James Wagstaff; Phoebe, m. George Baum Wright; William, m. Annie Frisbie, died: Ella. High priest. Pioneer road and canal builder; farmer. RITCHIE, JOHN McAFFEE (son of John Ritchie and Sarah McAffee). Born Oct. 30, 1867, Heber City, Utah. Married Sarah Elizabeth Wright Nov. 3, 1889, Manti, Utah (daughter of William Wright and Jemima Dands of Provo, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born Aug. 27, 1869, Provo, Utah. Their children: Mable Jamima b. Aug. 17, 1892; Joseph William b. May 24, 1894; Lacy b. Oct. 18, 1895; Vera Josephine b. March 26, 1901; Elden LaMar b. Jan. 23, 1903; Clyde b. Nov. 12, 1904; Horace J. b. July 6, 1907; Verdell W. b. Oct. 23, 1910. Family home Charleston, Utah. Missionary to Australia 1897-99; bishop of Charleston ward; bishop's counselor to N. C. Murdock 1898-99; coun- selor to Bishop William Daybell 1899-1904; president T. M. M. I. A. 6 years. President town board of Charleston 4 years; member of school board. Farmer and thoroughbred stock breeder. RITTER, GEORGE M. (son of Adam Ritter and Nancy Ward of Burkes Garden, Va.). Born Feb. 19, 1840, Burkes Garden. Came to Utah late In 1862, Independent company. Married Louise J. Thompson in 1870 at Burkes Garden, Va. (daughter of John Thompson and Lydia Ward of Burkes Garden). She was born Aug. 27, 1832 Their only child was John T. b. May 2, 1876, m. Martha Lewis. Family home Riverdale, Utah. Farmer. RITTER, JOHN THOMPSON (son of George M. Ritter and Louise Thompson). Born May 2, 1876, Riverdale, Utah. Married Martha Lewis April 29, 1896, Riverdale (daughter of John Lewis and Jane Crlsmon of Mesa City, Ariz., pioneers RITTER, JOHN (son of Michael Ritter, born Jan. 13, 1784, and Phoebe Ritter, born Jan. 10, 1788. of Bingen-on-the- Rhine, Germany). Born Dec. 30, 1820. Came to Utah late in 1849 with contingent Mormon Battalion. ROBB, WILLIAM. Born in Scotland. Came to Utah In 1857, from Australia. Married Ellen Bell in Scotland, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: James, d. child; William Jr.. m. Ellen Stones; Ellen, m. William Anderson; Ann, m. William Edwards; Thomas, m. Alice Benson; John, m. Mary Santon, m. Sarah Edseo; Alexander, m. Ellen Benson; Adam, m. Sarah Hollyhock; George, m. Caroline Jones; Caroline, d. child. Married Susan . Their children: Samuel, m. Amanda Daly; Belle, m. William Wilson; Lyda, m. Hyrum Barton; Jane, m. Joseph J. Jones. Families resided Paragonah, Utah. Called to help settle Harrisburg; moved to Paragonah, 1858, where took active part in early Indian troubles. Assisted bringing Immigrants to Utah. Died 1891, Para- gonah. ROBB, GEORGE (son of William Robb and Ellen Bell). Born Sept. 23, 1857, Sidney, New South Wales. Came to Utah 1857. Married Caroline Jones Jan. 8, 1876, St. George, Utah (daughter of William Jones and Mary Jones, of South Wales, pioneers 1854, James Brown company). She was born Sept. 8, 1861. Their children: Mary b. Sept. 1, 1878, m. James S. Mathis: Ellen b. Feb. 3, 1881, m. John B. Pesette: George, Jr. b. April 20, 1883, d. child; William Jones b. May 30, 1885; Ada b. May 6, 1887, m. Joseph Naylor; Vesta b. May 27. 1890; Blanche b. April 24, 1892: Earl Peer b. March 14, 1895; Arlin b. July 2. 1897; Angus John b. Dec. 15, 1904. Family home Price, Utah. Member 101st quorum seventies. Called to San Juan to settle that country, 1882. Worked on Manti temple, 1875. Counselor Y. M. M. I. A.; ward teacher. Settled at Price, 1883. where he assisted in building canals and wagon roads. Farmer and stockraiser. ROBBI1VS, ISAAC R. (son of Antrim Robblns and Lydia Rogers of Chesterfield, Burlington county, N. J.) Born March 24, 1805, at Chesterfield. Came to Utah 1848, Sam Brandon company. Married Ann Shinn Burtis March 21, 1838, Chesterfield, N. J. (daughter of Abner Burtis and Rachel Shinn of Ches- terfield). Their children: Joseph Reeves, died; Wesley, m. Caroline Larson; Margaret, m. Joseph E. Beck; Isaac Rogers, m. Celia Dudley. Married Abiah R. Carter Nov. 16, 1851, Salt Lake City (daughter of William F. Carter and Sarah York of Bethel, Oxford county. Me., pioneers Oct. 12, 1850, Joseph Young company). She was born Aug. 21, 1834. Their children: William Carter, m. Betsy Taylor; Lydia Ann Rogers; Antrim Zeezran, m. Luna Holliday; Charles Beniah, died; Abiah Russell, m. Hiram Beckstead; Joseph Eleson, m. Martha Stout; Mary Antrim, died; Hester Ann, m. Peter B. Johnson; George Albert, m. Nellie D. Thompson; John Carter, m. Ella Frank; Alvin Carter, m. Arimenta Jimison. Married Hannah Libby Carter March 24, 1855, Provo, Utah (daughter of William F. Carter and Sarah York), who was born March 25, 1841. Their children: Mary Celestine, died; Sarah Drusllla, m. William Harding: John Rogers, died; Aaron Rogers, m. Elizabeth Swensen; Lyman Carter: Hanna Libby, m. William Hodson; Ferlsberry Carter and La van Carter, died; Elizabeth Ann, m. Abraham H. Jones; Emma Carter, m. Abraham H. Jones. Families resided Provo, Utah. High priest; first counselor to Bishop Bird, of 2nd ward, Provo. Farmer. Died Jan. 4, 1883, Provo. ROBBINS, JOHN ROGERS (son of Antrim Robbins and Lydia Rogers of New Jersey). Born Sept. 11, 1809, New Jersey. Came to Utah late In 1853. Children by first wife: Charles Burtis, m. Adeline Young; Zilphla, d. infant. Married Phoebe A. Wright Dec. 26, 1837, In Burlington county, N. J. (daughter of Mahlon Wright and Ann Wilgus, of Jacobstown, N. J.), who was born Feb. 27, 1812. Their children: George E.. and John F., d. Infants; Georgiana Pa- cific, m. Clarence Barrett: Mary F., d. Infant; Emma L., m. O. H. Riggs; Sarah F., d. infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member of the School of the Prophets: high priest. Farmer; sawmill man. Died Feb. 1, 1873, Salt Lake City. ROBERTS, DAVID GILES (son of Robert Roberts, born Jan. 4, 1794, Mallwyd, North Wales, and Pane Giles, born Jan. 1, 1794, of Machynlleth, North Wales, married June 9, 1820). He was born March 18, 1826, Machynlleth. Came to Utah In 1860. Married Mary Morgan Dec. 26, 1866 (daughter of Thomas PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1135 Morgan and Margaret Jones; former born June 17, 1815, Kyr- hym Pembrey, Caermarthenshire, South Wales, pioneer 1868, John Seeley company, d. Aug. 18, 1872, Malad, Idaho). She was born May 10, 1834. Came to Utah in 1863; died Aug. 3, 1912. Their children: David Morgan b. Oct. 2, 1867. m. Emma K. Aegerter Oct. 4, 1906; Margaret J. b. March 16, 1869, m. Oliver Hartman Jan. 1, 1891; Robert M. b. Sept. 16. 1870; Thomas C. b. March 23, 1872; Mary A. b. April 3, 1874, m. John T. Harrison Dec. 31, 1903; John M. b. Aug. 11, 1876, m. Agnes McDonald June 29, 1899. Settled at Brigham City, Utah, moved to Malad 1865. Died June 18, 1893. ROBERTS, DAVID MORGAN (son of David Giles Roberta and Mary Morgan). Born Oct. 2, 1867, Malad, Idaho. Married Emma K. Aegerter Oct. 4, 1906, Paris, Idaho (daughter of Frederick Aegerter and Katherine Lehman, who came to Utah in 1889). She was born Aug. 29, 1884, Bern, Switzerland. Their children: David F. b. Sept. 12, 1907; Gladys b. Dec. 1, 1910; Thomas V. b. Sept. 14, 1912. Family home Malad, Idaho. ROBERTS, DAVID ROBERT (son of Robert Roberts, born Jan. 18, 1775, at Cae Glas, Clynnogfawr, Caernarvonshire, Wales, and Elizabeth Edwards, married Feb. 3, 1805, Bedd- gelert, Wales). He was born April 8, 1814, Meirionethshire, Nanmor, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1856, Edward Bunker company. Married Catherine Richard at Llanfrothen, Wales, 1836 (daughter of Thomas Richard and Ann Morris, of Creua, Maur, Wales). She was born June 25, 1807, died Oct. 17, 1892, Logan, Utah. Their children: Robert David b. Sept. 21, 1837, m. Hannah Roberts June 6, 1870; Thomas David b. July 6, 1840, m. Margaret Goodman Feb. 24, 1881; Daniel b. Sept. 8, 1842, m. Sarah A. Hughes March 29, 1875; Ann b. Dec. 19, 1844, m. William Hopkins; Elizabeth b. Nov. 13, 1S46, m. Talusen Hughes; Jane b. Jan. 11, 1850, m. Gcmar Hughes. Family home Farmington, Utah. Settled at Farmington. Died Nov. 9, 1858. ROBERTS, DANIEL (son of David Robert Roberts and Cath- erine Richard). Born Sept. 8, 1842, Llanfrothen, Wales. Came to Utah with parents. Married Sarah A. Hughes March 29. 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hughes and Mary Jones; latter died Dec. 5, 1858, Kaysville, St. Clair county, 111.; former a pioneer 1858). She was born Oct. 21, 1856, Pottsville, Pa.; came to Utah 1858. Their children: Catherine; Margaret; Ida; Anna; Mary; Irene, died; Daniel H. Family home Ogden, Utah. ROBERTS, EDWARD GILES (son of Robert Roberts, born Jan. 4, 1794, at Mallwyd, North Wales, and Susan Giles of Dinas, Merthyr, North Wales). Born Dec. 8, 1825, at Dinas. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1866, James Chipman company. Married Elizabeth Lewis Nov. 14, 1851 (daughter of Rob- ert and Jane Lewis, of Dinas), who was born March 5, 1827, and died Feb. 28, 1909. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1866, James Chipman company. Their children: Jane Lewis b. Aug. 23, 1854, m. David Davis Thomas Feb. 6, 1874; Margarett Eliza- beth b. Aug. 11, 1857, m. Charles Bolingbroke Sept. 8, 1876. Superintendent Sunday schools 23 years. Farmer; weaver. Settled at Malad City, Idaho, 1866. Died Jan. 2. 1894. ROBERTS, EDWARD KIM.ICK (son of John W. Roberts of Leeds Co., Upper Canada, born Jan. 19, 1800, at London, Eng., and Mary Gilchrist, born Feb. 7, 1804, Canada; married Jan. 2, 1822). He was born April 14, 1828, in Leeds county. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1849, William Miller company. Married Emeline Mathews Sept. 24, 1850 (daughter of Anson Mathews and Elizabeth Surges, pioneers 1848). She was born Feb. 7, 1833, Macomb, McDonough county, 111., died April 17, 1867. Their children: Eliza Emeline b. Aug. 2, 1851, m. Jeremiah Bingham March, 1869; Susannah b. June 5, 1853, m. Calvin Pendleton May, 1870; Julia S. b. Oct. 17, 1854, m. Joseph Asay, 1872; William Edward b. Nov. 19, 1856, died; Elizabeth E. b. Aug, 14, 1858; Joseph Samuel b Aug. 31, 1860; Mary A. b. April 28, 1863, m. Joseph Asay, 1877; George Hannibal m. Feb. 13, 1865, m. Almina Malinda Lewis Sept. 27, 1883; John Henry b. April 17, 1867. Family home Payson, Utah. Married Hannah Gleave April 19, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Gleave and Jane Brindly, married May 1, 1843, at Wilmslow, Chestershire, Eng., pioneers Aug. 20, 1868, Chester Loveland company). She was born Oct. 23, 1846, Stockport, Eng. Their children: Hannah J. b. May 15, 1870; Killick Elton b. June 23, 1871, m. Edna M. Gardner; Lucy A. b. May 9, 1873; Boretta b. Oct. 8, 1874, m. Hyrum P. Thurston; Walter b. June 23, 1876, m. Millie Lebeker; Re- becca b. Jan. 1, 1878, m. John Nordfoese Dec. 1900; Bertha b. Jan. 2, 1880; Thomas Wilburn b. Aug. 13, 1881, m. Jennie Gleave Oct. 3, 1906; Herbert Franklin b. Sept. 7, 1S83, m. Rosa Davis Jan. 22, 1908; Sabra S. b. Feb. 1, 1885, m. John F. Davis Sept. 22, 1905; Ammon b. Aug. 6, 1888. m. Susia E. Adams Jan. 27, 1909. Family home Annabella, Sevier Co., Utah. Married Ann Sophia Rollins April 19, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Enoch P. Rollins of Cache Valley, Utah, and Sophia W. Philbrook, married at Bangor, Penobscot county, Me., pioneers 1852; and widow of Sidney Beckstead, by whom she had the following children: Sarah Ann, m. Henry Elmer; Sabra Jane. m. George B. Rust, m. Geo. A. Hatch; Lillian, m. George W. Patten; Mary Emily, m. Joseph Jack- Bon; Rosa, d. child; Cordelia Loretta, d. Infant. Family home West Jordan, Utah). She was born March 25, 1832, at Bangor, died May 10, 1884; pioneer 1852. Their children: Melinda Elvina b. Feb. 12, 1870, m. George B. Rust, 1888- Sidney Enoch b. Nov. 5, 1871, m. Marilla Hooper June 10. 1903. Family home, Annabella. Presiding elder Annabella ward; high priest; member 29th quorum seventies; teacher. Assisted bringing immigrants to Utah. Black Hawk war veteran. Farmer; timberman. ROBERTS, GEORGE HANNIBAL (son of Edward Killick Roberts and Emeline Mathews). Born Feb. 13, 1865 Married Almira Malinda Lewis Sept. 27, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Falton Lewis, pioneer 1848, and Almira Ferguson, born 1851, Big Cottonwood. Utah). She was born Aug. 24, 1867. Their children: George W. b. June 26, 1884- Mary Almira b. Aug. 1, 1886; Eugenia b. June 16, 1889, m. George M. Hunt May 5, 1910; Dorothy Eliza b. Sept. 20. 1890; Rebecca b. June 27, 1892, m. James Cook Jan. 3, 1911- Edward Killick b. March 16, 1894; Ray b. Feb. 1, 1896; Sarah ^ P a ^, b -T Jun ? 8> 1899; Ora b ' Aug " 26 ' 1900; Shirden b. Jan. 28, 1902; Lewis Earl b. Feb. 1, 1904; Oren b. Nov. 3, 1906- Lora S. b. May 31, 1909. Family home Annabella, Utah ROBERTS, GEORGE (son of Edward Roberts, born in Lon- don, and Eliza Maynard, born Kent, Eng.). Born Sept 21 1833, London. Came to Utah in December, 1857. Married Susan Gallard in May, 1857 (daughter of Mathew Gallard, who died in Australia, and Frances A. Smith pio- neer Alex Carr company). She was born May 3, 1840, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: George Ed- ward b. July 13, 1858, m. Eliza Bradshaw Oct. 11 1880- Frances Rosina b. Oct. 17, 1860, m. Frank R. Rollins Nov 18, 1885; Emma Eliza b. Dec. 7, 1862, m. Will Albert Za- breskie Aug. 6, 1884; Frank Edwin b. March 14, 1865 m Jane Rollins April 5, 1883; William Henry b. July 21, 1867 m. Frances M. Smith Aug. 11, 1895; Walter b. Oct. 4, 1869, m. Alice Cuderback Jan. 17, 1895; Mark b. March 2, 1872 m Susia McKnight March 27, 1896; Lydia Ann b. Dec. 30, 1872, m. James Eyre Jan. 17, 1894; Edith Elizabeth b. Feb. 5, 1878, m. James Heber Myers Oct. 17, 1894. Family home Minersville, Beaver Co., Utah. Settled In Parowan, Utah; moved to Minersville 1860, School teacher; ward clerk. Farmer. ROBERTS, HORACE. Born in 1801. Came to Utah in 1851 Married Harriet McEvers at Montezuma, Pike county, 111. Their children: Maria Louisa, m. Elliott Alfred Newell. Jr.; Charles, died; Jane, m. Thomas Wheeler, m. James E. Snow; Susan, m. Alva Zabriskie; Ephraim, m. Emma Bell; Geruldes; Laura, m. Watson Bell. Family home Provo Utah Potter. ROBERTS, JOHN (son of John and Mary Roberts of Merthyr Tydfll, Wales). Born in 1821, Wales. Came to Utah in 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company. Married Adelaide Ford in 1848, in England, who was born in June 1832. Their children: John, Jr., m. Alice Tay- lor, m. Mary Cutler, m. Emma J. Evans; Robert, d. infant; Joseph, m. Esther Taylor; James, m. Eldora Smith; Mary, m. Wheeler Whipple; Jane, m. Thomas Shaw, m. Louis Sinclair; Hyrum, m. Julia Ashton; David, m. Lydia Brown; Emily, m. George Martin; Lily, m. Frank Stanfast; Edwin. Family home Lehi, Utah. Seventy; high priest; missionary to Wales two years. Farmer and stockraiser. Died in 1896. ROBERTS, JOHN DUNN (son of David Roberts and Ann Powell of Merthyr Tydfll, Glamorganshire, South Wales). Born May 26, 1824, Merthyr Tydfll. Came to Utah in Octo- ber, 1856, Edward Bunker handcart company. Married Ann Powell in 1843, Merthyr Tydfll (daughter of Jacob Powell and Mary Walters, Merthyr Tydfll), who was born in March, 1822, and died in November, 1904. Their chil- dren: Jacob Roberts b. 1848, d. 1872; John Powell; Mary Ann, d. Oct. 4, 1900; David; Madoc; Mary. Family home Perry, Box Elder Co., Utah. Missionary in South Wales 12 years; high priest. Settled in Brigham City, where he resided until 1862. Water master 11 years. Miner and farmer. Died Oct. 17, 1904, Perry. ROBERTS, JOHN POWELL (son of John Dunn Roberts and Ann Powell). Born July 17, 1856, in Pottawattamie county, Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Ellen Richards March 22, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Richards and Jane Young of Bed- fordshire, Eng., former came to Utah). Married Jeannette Holton, Nov. 11, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaiah R. Holton and Sarah Janet Brittain of Northamptonshire, Eng.), who came to Utah. Families resided Perry, Box Elder Co., Utah. Member 59th quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states 1898-1900; second counselor to bishop. Justice of peace. Farmer. ROBERTS, LEVI (son of Samuel and Mary Margret Roberts of Deerhurst. Gloucestershire, Eng.). Born Feb. 26, 1815, Deerhurst. Came to Utah in 1850, Captain Pearson inde- pendent company. 1136 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Harriet Ann Hefford, at Deerhurst (daughter of Thomas Hefford and Mary Ann Ellis of Deerhurst, pioneers 1850, Captain Pearson independent company). She was born May 16, 1819. Their children: Henry b. June 16, 1836, m. Mary Ellen Wardrop; Caroline b. Oct. 1, 1837, m. James Oliverson; Phebe Ann b. Jan. 22, 1843, m. Allen Taylor; Marinda, m. John Doney; Harriet Ann b. Sept. 8, 1849, m. Robert Bodily; Mary Jane b. Dec. 13, 1851, m. Christopher Layton; Matilda b. Jan. 2, 1854, m. Edwin Bodily; Lucy Ellen, m. William Bennett. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Member Joseph Smith's bodyguard; member Mormon Bat- talion. Died Jan. 22, 1894. ROBERTS, HENRY (son of Levi Roberts and Harriet Ann Hefford). Born June 16, 1836, Deerhurst, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Ellen Wardrop in 1870, Kaysville, Utah (daughter of Robert Wardrop and Margret Owen of Wells- ville, Utah, pioneers 1849, George A. Smith company). She was born Aug. 10, 1852. Their children: Henry Levi b. July 6, 1871, m. Millie Stoddard; Walton Anthony b. March 17, 1873, m. Olive Elizabeth Corbridge; Mark Owen b. Oct. 27, 1874, m. Eva Ruth Jones; Vida Margret b. Sept. 25, 1876, m. George J. Stafford; Harriet Ann b. Sept. 16, 1878. m. Archie Wardsworth; Mary Ellen b. May 1, 1880, m. Marvin Thornley; Phebe b. March 8, 1882; William Robert b. Jan. 20. 1884, m. Julia Louise Steed; Jane Caroline b. March 16, 1888, m. George Jones. Freighter in Nevada and Montana. Did much in up- building Davis county and surrounding country. ROBERTS, WALTON ANTHONY (son of Henry Roberts and Mary Ellen Wardrop). Born March 17, 1873, Kaysville, Utah. Married Olive Elizabeth Corbridge March 14, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Henry Corbridge and Olive Cordelia Sessions of Bountiful, Utah, pioneers in August, 1852, John Parker independent company). She was born April 3, 1881. Their children: Arvilla b. Dec. 4, 1900; Gwendola b. Dec. 1, 1902; Welden C. b. Jan. 30, 1905; Snoden H. b. Aug. 21, 1907; Evadna b. March 8, 1910; Zora b. Oct. 24, 1912. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Presiding elder Spring Coulie branch, Alta, Canada, 1902; 1st counselor in bishopric Frankburg ward, Alta, 1904-09. ROBERTS, MARK OWEN (son of Henry Roberts and Mary Ellen Wardrop). Born Oct. 27, 1874. Married Eva Ruth Jones (daughter of Samuel Lane Jones, born April 14, 1828, Worcestershire, Eng., and Martha Simmons, born July 17, 1851, Bristol, Eng., pioneers 1847 and Sept. 13, 1861, respectively). She was born Sept. 14, 1878, Kaysville, Utah. Their children: Bernice b. May 23, 1900; Harmond H. b. April 17. 1902; Howard J. b. Oct. 26, 1906; Wilda Virginia b. July 13, 1910. Family home Layton, Utah. Married Sarah Price Jones April 15, 1870, who was born in England. High priest; member high council, Nebo stake. Settled at Coalville; moved to Kamas and then to Goshen, where he last resided. ROBERTS, ORVILLE CLARK (sol of Daniel Roberts and Eliza Aldula Clark of Keokuk, Iowa). Born Sept. 1, 1833, Manchester, Morgan county. 111. Came to Utah in 1850, Milo Andrus company. Married Mary Coray July 24, 1868, Provo, Utah (daughter of Howard Coray and Martha Jane Knowlton of Provo. pioneers 1850, John Sharp company). Their children: Or- ville Clark b. Oct. 24, 1869, m. Persis Young; Howard Daniel b. July 10, 1871, m. Mary Young; Harriet Virginia b. April 7, 1873, m. Charles Milton; Steele; Mary Eliza b. Aug. 13, 1876, m. Frank L. Noel; Martha Jane b. June 15, 1878, m. Jens P. Nielson; Frank Homer b. April 10, 1880, m. Evaline Taylor; Daphne b. Dec. 3, 1882, m. Robert P. Cooper; Don Carlos b. June 12, 1885, m. Claire Poyer; Louis Dermont b. Sept. 17, 1889. Family home Mancos, Colo. Member 70th quorum seventies. Settled a Provo 1851. Crossed plains 13 times. Minuteman at Provo under Colo- nel Peter Conover. Took active part in protecting settlers against Indians In early days, was wounded while carrying express July 24, 1854. Moved to southern Colorado 1880, and in 1912 to San Diego, Cal. Freighter; mail carrier; farmer and stockraiser. Died Dec. 12, 1912, Le Mesa, Cal.; buried in San Diego. ROBERTS, OWEN (son of Evan Roberts and Ellen Tydlr, of Llandegwan Parish, Merionethshire, North Wales). Born Jan. 21, 1828, in Wales. Came to Utah October, 1849, first company of Welsh saints. Married Sarah Treharne May 26, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Treharne and Ann Richards, of Llangendyrn, Carmarthenshire, South Wales), who was born Feb. 14, 1830, and came to Utah 1852. Capt. Green com- pany. She died Nov. 1, 1898. Family home, Salt Lake City. Stonecutter for Salt Lake theater 30 years. Died Sept. 17, 192. ROBERTS, PETER (son of John Roberts, born at Thanasa, Flintshire, North Wales, and Ann Pool of Newmarket, North Wales). Born March 5, 1830, at Thanasa. Came to Utah in 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins company. Married Harriet Jones 1844 (daughter of Robert and Ann Jones). She died in 1859, in England. Their children: Ann, d. infant; John b. May 20, 1850, m. Persis McKee Dec. 24, 1878. Married Phoebe Richardson 1860 (daughter of Peter Rich- ardson and Jane Warmouth, former a pioneer 1864, Joseph 8. Rawlins company). She died in 1870, Goshen, Utah. Their children: Jane b. 1861, d. child; Mary Ann b. 1862, m. Wlllard Cole; Peter b. 1864, d. child; Nicholas W. b. Dec. 25. 1865, m. Annie Mortison Nov. 3, 1892; Ann b. 1870, d. Infant. ROBERTSON, JAMES. Born Sept. 22, 1827, Faulds, Glenlsla, Forfar. Scotland. Married Matilda Graham. May 4, 1855. Their children: Matilda Elizabeth b. May 5. 1856. m. William Alexander Chesley; Christina Jane b. Dec. 6, 1857, d. Nov. 11, 1867. Lucy b. Feb. 12, 1860, m. Joseph E. Jones; Grace Darling b. Nov. 19, 1861, m. John T. Beck, divorced, then married Henry Matley; Anna Laura b. Sept. 13, 1863. d. April 13, 1864; Flora MacDonald b. March 14, 1865, m. George H. Brimhall; Clara b. July 31, 1867, d. Aug. 17. 1867; Elizabeth Edward b. Aug. 16, 1868, m. Jacob H. Schwartz. Family home, Span- ish Fork. Utah. Married Mary Cox, Logan, Utah. Only child: Arthur b. Nov. 19, 1886. High priest; counselor to Bishop A. K. Thurber; president high priests' quorum at Spanish Fork. Died at Spanish Fork. ROBEY, JEREMIAH (son of Jeremiah Robey and Mary Ogden, of Shinnston, W. Va.). Born April 14, 1808, in Har- rison county, W. Va. Came to Utah August, 1852, David Wood company. Married Ruth Tucker Nov. 7, 1833 in West Virginia (daughter of Jeremiah Tucker and Ruth Ashcroft, of Shinn- ston), who was born June 26, 1816, and died Jan. 17, 1892, Midway, Utah. Their children: Theophilus, m. Sarah Mathews and Maria Ralph Field; Mary Jane, m. S. H. Epper- son; James Allison; Maria and Sophia, died; Susan Luvernia, m. James Ross; Jeremiah Albert, m. Martha Dowdle; Ma- tilda, m. Nathan C. Springer; Theodore and Theodrlc, died. High priest; missionary to West Virginia 1876-77. Set- tled at Midway, Utah, 1859. School trustee thirteen years. Mining recorder. Snake Mining district. Carpenter and cabinetmaker; farmer; bee keeper and fruit raiser. Died Nov. 22, 1903. ROBEY, JEREMIAH ALBERT (son of Jeremiah Robey and Ruth Tucker). Born March 12, 1845 in Hancock county, 111. Came to Utah with father. Married Martha Jane Dowdle, Midway, Utah (daughter of Absalom Porter Dowdle and Sarah Ann Holliday, both of Marion county, Ala.), who was born in 1848, Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary Jane, m. Joseph Tietjen; Electa Ruth, m. Harold P. Heninger; Jeremiah Jr., m. Emma Lar- sen; Matilda, m. James Dahl; Sidney Theophilus, m. Ethel Whitmore; Henrietta, m. Adam Ludwig; Mary Sophia, m. Jonathan Smith. Family home Midway, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk war; minute man. Farmer; carpen- ter; stockraiser. ROBINS, EDMUND. Born at Cheltenham, Eng. Came to Utah in 1854. Married Elizabeth Welch in England, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Edmund Jr., m. Ann Doug- las; William; Thomas; Joseph; Ann; Ellen. ROBINS, EDMUND (son of Edmund Robins and Elizabeth Welch, of Cheltenham, Eng.). Born Feb. 27, 1828, Chelten- ham. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1852, John Parker independent company. Married Ann Douglas June 21, 1848, St. Louis, Mo. (daugh- ter of George Douglas and Anna Briggs, of Dawnham Lane, Eng., pioneers Aug. 28, 1852, John Parker Independent company). She was born Oct. 4, 1831. Their children: Eliza- beth Ann, m. William Sewell; Edmund John, m. Rose Groo; Frederick William; Richard Douglas, m. Ellen Currie; George Douglas; Ellen Vilate, m. Richard Leek; Mary Alice, m. Frederick V. Dankuski; Capitola Isabella, m. John Pin- gree; Llllie Mary, m. James E. Halverson; Emily Leonora; Susan Jeannette, m. Robert Prandfit. Family home Ogden, Utah. Bishop; counselor; high priest; seventy. Officer state militia. Died May 25. 1889. ROBINS, WILLIAM (son of Shadrlck Robins and Alice Eaton of Culeston, Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 25, 1839. Married Ann Nighton Wooley (daughter of John Wooley and Mary Nighton, of Wenwick, Huntingdonshire, Eng.), who came to Utah in 1858. Their children: Thomas b. Dec. 16, 1861, m. Sara Staugh; Arthur, b. May 2, 1863, died; Emily b. July 29, 1865, m. James Gillln; Elizabeth b. April 16, 1867, died; Annie b. June. 21, 1871, m. James Wright; Martha b. 1873, m. Andrew Nelson; William John b. Oct. 16. 1875. m. Elizabeth Harris; Charles Wooley b. Dec. 11. 1877, died. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Elder. Aided in building up community. Farmer and stockraiser. ROBINS, WILLIAM JOHN (son of William Robins and Ann Nighton Wooley). Born Oct. 16, 1875, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Elizabeth Ann Harris in 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Albert Harris and Elizabeth Nerden of Pleas- ant Grove), who was born Feb. 11, 1879. Their children: Charles Albert b. March 1, 1899; Harold Wooley b. Aug. 28, 1901; Erral b. Sept. 9, 1903; Luclle b. Aug. 9, 1905; Anna Elizabeth b. Aug. 20, 1907; Lola b. Jan. 2, 1909. Family home. Pleasant Grove. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1137 ROBINSON, ANDREW. Came to Utah 1856. Married Sarah Yates. Their children: Herbert; Richard; Eliza; Charles, m. Maria Howlck; Jane. ROBINSON, CHARLES (son of Andrew Robinson and Sarah Yates). Born March 26, 1847, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1872. Captain Dobson company. Married Maria Howlck April, 1873. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Andrew Robinson and Charlotta Howick of Shrop- shire), who was born April, 1845. Their children: Annie, died; Attle, m. David Williams; Millie, m. Frank Thomas. Family home Winter Ward, Salt Lake City. Elder; high priest. Farmer and stockralser. ROBINSON, EDWARD (son of James. Robinson of Little Sutton, Eng.). Born Oct. 16, 1807, Chestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company. Married Mary Smith 1828, Manchester, Eng.. who was born In 1809. Their children: Richard, m. Elizabeth Wootten; John, m. Mary Ann Clements; Mary and Martha, d. children; Elizabeth, m. Morgan Phelps; Edward, Jr., m. Sarah Har- rington: William Smith, m. Orpha E. Adams; Mary Jane, m. Oscar Wood; Joseph, d. child. Family home, Manchester. Married Ann Wootten 1845, Nauvoo, 111., who was born 1809. Their children: George Heber, m. Delia Smith, m. Mar- garet Crystal; Alfred, d. child. Helped build first railway and was guard on first train from Manchester to Liverpool 1830. High priest. Farmer. Died April, 1896, American Fork, Utah. ROBINSON, WILLIAM SMITH (son of Edward Robinson and Mary Smith). Born July 29, 1840, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah 1849 with father. Married Orpha E. Adams Dec. 27, 1865, American Fork, Utah (daughter of Arza Adams and Sabina Clark of Canada, pioneers October, 1849). She was born Oct. 23, 1849. Their children: William b. Sept. 28, 1866, m. Jane Chipman; Sabina b. Jan. 25. 1869, m. Darius Allen; Richard b. April 25, 1871, d. infant; Mary b. Dec. 26, 1872, m. John Halliday; Arza b. April 22, 1875, d. infant: Margret Blanche b. Dec. 18 1876, m. Joseph J. Jackson; Nathan b. April 14, 1879, m. Caroline Mogg; John H. b. June 2, 1881, m. Leah Bigler; Olive b Oct. 14, 1884, m. Roy Gardner; Florence May b. May 26 1886, m. Frank Ehrbar; Ida b. Oct. 1888, m. Ira Mann; Millie b. Jan. B, 1892, m. Reuben Howard. Family home, American Fork. President Y. M. M. I. A.; high priest. Member city coun- cil of American Fork for several years. Farmer; stock- raiser and sheepman. ROBINSON, GEORGE. Born Jan. 4. 1800, In Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1852, Captain Burbank com- Pa Ma'rried Sarah Holt 1824, Manchester. Eng. (daughter of William Holt and Sarah Massa of England), who was born March 8, 1804. Their children: John, died; Joseph, m. Elizabeth Hobson; Eliza, m. Daniel Feet; William, m. Miss Wood; Elizabeth, m. Joseph Shelley; James. Family home American Fork, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died June 27, 1883. ROBINSON, JOSEPH (son of George Robinson and Sarah Holt). Born Sept. 25. 1827, Mlddleton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept 30 1852, Captain Burbank company. Marriad Elizabeth Hobson Feb. 3, 1850, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of William and Sarah Hobson, of Yorkshire, Eng.). who was born March 27, 1830. Their children: Joseph H., died; Sarah H., m. Moroni Jackson; William H.. m. Annie Shaw; Mary H.. m. Charles Poppleton; George H. and John H., died; Eleanor H., m. James Smith; Samuel, died; Joshua, m. Marie Larson; James, m. Kate Anderson; Tempest- Martha. Family home American Fork, Utah. Member 69th quorum seventies; president teachers' quo- rum in St. Louis 1848. Cabinet maker. ROBINSON, JAMES (son of Samuel Robinson and Mary Price of Nottingham, Eng.). Born Dec. 28, 1829, Notting- ham. Came to Utah in early days. Married Mary Pollid at Nottinghamshire (daughter of Robert Pollid and Ann Veneson of Nottinghamshire), who was born Oct. 6 1831. Their children: Sussanner b. Dec. IB 1851 m Fredrick Birch; Elizabeth b. Dec. 29, 1853, m. William Foulger; Sarriah b. Jan. 16, 1856, m. John F. Wilde; James, b. March 8, 1858, m. Mary Moore; Samuel m. Emanda Chandler- Mary H., m. Edwin Wilde; Emmanuel, m. Alice McKlin; Annie m. Henry Cox; Fredrick, m. Florence Farns- worth; Emma, m. Eli Robinson. President of a branch In Nottinghamshire, Eng. Opened up coal mines at Coalville, Utah. Died March 30, 1898. ROBINSON, JOHN (son of N. Robinson). Born Feb. 14, 1825, Bury, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah 1855. Married Ann Gregson (daughter of Thomas and Jacosa Gregson) of Lancastershire). Their children: Jacosa Jane b July 21 1852, m. Frank Whltehead; Franklin Gregson b. Oct 18, 18B4, m. Ellen Salina Griffin Feb. 1, 1877; Elizabeth Ann b. March 19, 1867, m. Parley P. Walton; John, Jr. b. 72 Aug. 18. 1859, m. Merelda Peart; James b. Sept. 3, 1861, m. Effle Swain; William Paxton b. Aug. 7, 1863, m. Emily Whittle; Sarah Emmeline b. May 6, 1866. m. Franklin C. Christensen; Willard b. Jan. 4, 1869, m. Mary Abigail Al- len; Emma b. Nov. 13, 1870, m. George Rainey. President London conference. Settled at Salt Lake City, moved to Willard and to Richmond in 1860. Farmer. ROBINSON. FRANKLIN GREGSON (son of John Robinson and Ann Gregson). Born Oct. 18, 1854, London, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Ellen Salina Griffin Feb. 1, 1878 (daughter of Thomas Griffin and Amanda Ellen Perkins; former a pioneer Sept. 23, 1854, Job Smith independent company, latter 1850). She was born July 26, 18B7. Their children: Franklin Grlf- fln b. Nov. 21, 1878, m. Bertha Blake June 26, 1901; Thomas Arnold b. Sept. 30, 1880, m. Nettie Johnson Dec. 31, 1907; Anna Ellen b. Dec. 7. 1882. m. Joseph Palmer Sharp Feb. 8, 1906; Nellie b. Sept. 28, 188B; Earl G. b. Oct. 2B, 1887; Leone Irene b. Aug. 20, 1889, m. John Mather April B, 1911; Julian LeRoy b. July 3. 1891, m. Laverna V. Stoddard June 4, 1903; Verna Lodicy b. April 25, 1893; John Marian b. March 3. 1895. Family home Richmond, Utah. City councilman 12 years. Director in Irrigation com- pany at Richmond 12 years. Farmer and stockraiser; mer- chant and manufacturer. Died. ROBINSON. FRANKLIN GRIFFIN (son of Franklin Greg- son Robinson and Ellen Salina Griffin). Born Nov. 21, 1878, Richmond, Utah. Married Bertha Blake June 26, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Blake and Elizabeth Beckstead), who was born March 12, 1883, West Jordan, Utah. Their chil- dren: Vera Naomi b. Nov. 21, 1902; Marguerite b. July 18, 1904; Ella b. Oct. 4. 1905; Gayle b. Feb. 1, 1907; Lyal b. Dec. 6, 1910. ROBINSON, JOSEPH LEE (son of Nathan Robinson, born April 22, 1764. and Mary Brown, born 1776 married Feb. 21, 1802). He was born Feb. 18, 1811, at Shaftsbury, Vt. Came to Utah 1848. Married Maria Wood July 23, 1832 (daughter of Zepha- nlah Wood and Anna Carpenter), who was born Jan. B, 1806. Their children: Oliver Lee b. July 8. 1833, m. Lucy Miller Nov. 26. 18S4; Ebenezer Jay b. Oct. 19, 1835, m. Chloe Young; Anna Maria b. June 8, 1838, m. James D. Wilcox Nov. 26, 1854; Joseph b. Oct. 31, 1840; Zephaniah W. b. Sept. 21. 1843, and Mary Elizabeth b. Jan. 12, 1845, latter three died young; Joseph Elijah b. Feb. 2, 1849, m. Dorothy Watson March 2, 1874. Family home Farmington, Utah. Married Susan McCord Jan. 31, 1846. Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of James McCord and Elizabeth Barnet), who was born Dec. 14, 1808, Christian, Ky. Their children: Susan Aseneth b. Nov. 16, 1846. d. child; Mary Jane b. Oct. 24, 1848. m. John A. West May 25, 1865; Solomon b. Aug. 27, 1851, m. Albertene Smith Sept. 11, 1876. High priest; counselor in bishopric of 9th ward Nauvoo; bishop of 7th ward Winter Quarters 1846-47; bishop of North Cotton wood ward; member high council Davis stake; patriarch. Justice of peace. In connection with George A. Smith and others selected and located towns of Parowan and Fillmore. ROBINSON, OLIVER LEE (son of Joseph Lee Robinson and Maria Wood). Born July 8, 1833, Boonville, N. Y. Married Lucy Miller Nov. 26, 1864, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Henry W. Miller and Almira Pond), who was born Jan. 10, 1837, in Adams county, 111. Their children: Joseph Oliver b. Oct. 13. 186S, d. child; Lucy Maria b. Nov. 22, 1866, m. Joseph S. Clark Jan. 17, 1877; Loren Jay b. Feb. 2. 1869, m. Sarah Richards Jan. 26, 1882; Oliver LeGrand b. Oct. 28, 1860, m. Alice Smith March 6, 1884; Eugene Delacy b. Aug. 11, 1862, m. Sarah France Dec. 13. 1883; Alice Almira b. May 14, 1864, m. George F. Richards March 9, 1882; James Henry b. Nov. 8, 1865, m. Rumlna C. Chaffin Dec. 18, 1889; Sarah Jane b. Nov. 25, 1867, m. William Dunn; Anna Amelia b. April 8, 1870, m. Frank D. Steed; Helen A. b. July 23, 1872, d. child; Lillian Estelle b. Sept. 1876, m. Hyrum Lee. Family home Farmington, Utah. President 74th quorum seventies; alternate high councilor of Davis stake; missionary to eastern states 1876; to Salmon River 1867; and to "the Muddy" 1868. ROBINSON, JAMES HENRY (son of Oliver Lee and Lucy Miller). Born Nov. 8, 1866. Farmington, Utah. Married Rumina C. Chaffin Dec. 18, 1889 (daughter of Darwin E. Chaffln and Elizabeth V. Wilson), who was born Nov. 3, 1866, Farmington. Their children: Henry Harald b. Feb. 3. 1891, m. Hazel Thatcher April 6, 1810; Edward C. b. Aug. 30. 1892; Alta b. Feb. 22, 1894; Sherman C. b. April 27, 1896; Filbert C. b. Jan. 24, 1898: Glen b. Oct. 7, 1899; Preston b. June 25. 1903; Afton b. Jan. 31, 1907; Naoma b. March 29, 1909. Family home, Farmington. President deacons', elders' and seventies quorums; Sun- day school superintendent 4% years; ordained bishop Farm- ington ward Nov. 27, 1906. First marshal of Farmington; member city council; mayor 1904-08; school trustee. Man- ager Farmington C. M. Co. ROBISON, ALEXANDER. Came to Utah In 1860 Daniel Rob- inson company. Married Nancy Walderman. Among their children was William, whose genealogy follows. 1138 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH ROBISON, WILLIAM (son of Alexander Robison and Nancy Walderman). Born April 18, 1829, in Franklin county, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1860, Daniel Robinson company. Married Margaret Smith, in Franklin county (daughter of Daniel Smith and Catherine Guseman of Franklin county, pioneers Daniel Robinson company). She was born Dec. 23, 1S34. Their children: Daniel Alexander b. July 18, 1853, m. Mary Morris Aug. 31, 1873; Jaben S., m. Harriet Clawson; Malissa. m. Henry Robinson; William Jr., m. Eva Robinson; George Franklin, m. Flora Fry; Rachel Sabina, m. Curtis Rogers; Margaret Catherine, m. Charles Tonks; Nancy Lavina, m. Edward Wadsworth; Lehl Nephl. David and Annie Elizabeth, latter three died. Family home Morgan, Utah. Elder. Died Nov. 19, 1897. ROBISON, DANIEL ALEXANDER (son of William Robison nnd Margaret Smith). Born July 18, 1853, In Franklin county. Pa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Morris Aug. 31, 1873, Morgan, Utah (daugh- ter of Isaac C. Morris and Elizabeth Williams of Morgan county, pioneers 1853). She was born Oct. 25, 1855. Their children: Margaret Elizabeth b. April 13, 1875, m. David John Richards; May Inez b. Jan. 4, 1877, and William Alex- ander b. Nov. 12, 1880, died; George Alvin b. Nov. 23, 1882, m. Millie Lamb; Charles Conway b. Feb. 21, 1885, m. Lillie Toss; Lottie May b. Dec. 16, 1886, m. James P. Grover; Lucy Prescllla b. Jan. 18, 1889, m. Christian Jensen; Lillian, died; Leland b. Feb. 14, 1895; Vivian b. Feb. 14, 1895, died. Married Louisa Winnetta Grover Aug. 31, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Grover and Louisa Plcton of Morgan, Utah, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Toung com- pany). She was born April 26, 1880. Their children: Ros- coe Bryant b. June 29, 1900; Harold Leon b. Oct. 23, 1903; Roland and Ruland (twins) b. May 27, 1896; Maurlne b. Oct. 1, 1909; Ivy b. June 26, 1912. Families resided at Mor- gan. Seventy; ward clerk, 30 years; stake clerk, 7 years. County and office clerk of district court: city recorder; road super- visor. Farmer; carpenter. ROBISON, DAVID (son of Alexander Robison In Pennsyl- vania and Nancy Walderman). Born April 2, 1827, Harris- burg, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1860, Charles Rich corn- Married Mary E. Grover (daughter of Thomas Grover and Caroline Whiting, former a pioneer, Charles Rich company, latter died at Nauvoo, 111). She was born April 13, 1833, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Their children: David Jr. b. Oct. 14, 1861; Emma Jane b. March 2, 1863; and Thomas b. Dec. 17, 1865, all died; Heber C. b. Nov. 20, 1866, m. Sophia Foss; Emellne b. May 15, 1878, m. Enoch Henson; Caroline b May 27, 1869; Charles b. Feb. 16, 1871, died; Eliza Ann b. Feb. 2, 1874, m. Joseph Butler; Joel b. Nov. 13, 1876, m. Mamie Cutler. Married Johana F. J. Kofvelstrom in May, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jonas J. Kofvelstrom and Anna Britta Farley), who was born July 4, 1848, Lestrop, Gerdham, Sweden. Their children: Moroni b. March 14, 1873, m. Dora C. Sharp Dec. 10, 1895; George V. b. March 16, 1875, died; James A. b. Jan. 9, 1877, m. Chloe Wilcox; Effle S. b. Oct. 5. 1R79, m. Criss Jensen; Anna J. b. Jan. 3, 1882, died; Ivan Oscar b. March 27, 1886. Family home Lyman, Idaho. Patriarch. Deceased. ROBISON. MORONI (son of David Robison and Johana F. J. Kofvelstrom). Born March 14, 1873, Morgan, Utah. Married Dora C. Sharp Dec. 10, 1895, Lyman, Idaho (daughter of Francis Sharp and Dortha Gill), who was born March 29, 1878, Smithfield, Utah. Their children: Jesse M. b. Sept. 30, 1896; Wilma Dortha b. April 6, 1899; Estella Hannah b. Dec. 30, 1900; Florence Effle b. Nov. 4, 1902; Law- rence G. b. Nov. 8, 1903; David Lee b. March 23, 1906; Hugh Francis b. May 20, 1909. Family home Lyman, Idaho. ROBISON, GEORGE H. (son of Henry and Mira Robison of Akron. Ohio). Born 1862, at Akron. Came to Utah 1892. Married Matty Hutchinson 1888, In Ohio. Their children: Mabel; Florence Family home. Salt Lake City. Manager Drum Lymmun Mining company; manager Mam- moth mine and of all Dellamar property. Mining engineer. Died July 4, 1903, New York. ROBISON, PETER. Born April 27, 1817, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1850. Married Selina Chaffee. Their children: Maryette b. Aug. 24, 1841, d. aged 6; David Peter b. Sept. 17, 1846; Cornelia b. Sept. 17, 1848, m. Gilbert Furbush; Charles b. Aug. 23, 1850, m. Mary Lott; Joseph Millard b. March 29, 1852, m. Sarah Louisa Staples, Dec. 25, 1875; Lucy Matilda b. April 2, 1854, m. Carl Young; Sarah Johanna b. July 18, 1856, m. John Lott; James H. b. May 27, 1859, m. Emma Gandy; George Samuel b. Nov. 18, 1860, m. Emma Meacham. Family resided Fillmore and Petersburg, Utah. Married Mary Ashly (daughter of Ashly). Their children: Elizabeth b. April 29, 1850, m. Brigham Young; John b. Aug. 4. 1853, died; Hyrum Peter b. Jan. 25, 1855. m. Annie Pack; William Henry b. Jan. 6, 1857. m. Rosetta Pack; Elsie Rosetta b. May 1, 1859, m. Alexander Gonder; Jacob Thomas b. Oct. 29, 1861, m. Ina Callister; Margaret Retta b. Nov. 7, 1863, m. William Gregory; Lura Delila b. May 24, 1866, m. Mr. Fowler; Edmund B. b. Dec. 5, 1870, m. Mary Ramsey; Almon Dewitt b. May 5, 1873; Lester Jerome b. Aug. 13, 1875, m. Rowland. Presiding elder Petersburg branch of Millard stake, 1859- f.2; missionary to England 1857-59. ROBISON, JOSEPH MILLARJJ (son of Peter Robison and Selina Chaffee). Born March 29. 1852, Fillmore, Utah. Married Sarah Louisa Staples Dec. 25, 1875, Petersburg, Utah (daughter of George Staples and Lauretta Rappley, latter a pioneer). She was born Jan. 18, 1858. Their chil- dren: Dora May b. Nov. 29, 1876, m. John Black Jr., Oct. 8, 1894; Laverna Lazetta b. May 11, 1878, m. Leslie George Dec. 19, 1900; Laura Sellna b. April 1. 1880; Clara Malissa b. Feb. 23, 1882, m. Haden W. Church, Jr. Jan. 29, 1902; Ethel Valeria b. May 23, 1889, m. Rufus Liston Dec. 29, 1906; Wina Louisa b. Feb. 4, 1895. Family resided Kanosh and Hatton, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. 1896-98; high councilor in Millard stake; Sunday school superintendent at Boulder, Utah; sec- ond counselor to Bishop C. F. Christensen. 1898-08. ROCKWOOD, ALBERT PERRY (son of Luther Rockwood. born Jan. 7, 1780, and Ruth Perry, of Holliston, Mass., mar- ried Dec. 27. 1801). Born June 9, 1805, at Holliston. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Nancy Haven April 3, 1827 , (daughter of John Haven, pioneer 1849). She was born June 13, 1805. Only child: Ellen Ackland b. March 23, 1829, m. Brigham Young. Married Elvira Teeples Wheeler, whose father was an 1849 pioneer). She was born Nov. 11, 1810, La Harpe, N. Y. Their children: Mary Ann b. Oct. 15. 1847, m. Joseph L. Card Dec. 20, 1878; Charles Welcome b. March 2, 1850. m. Anna B. Starr Nov. 27, 1872. Married Angeline Home, who came to Utah in 1849. Their children: Nancy Angeline; Moses Perry b. Nov. 13, 1852, m. Mary D. Balem Dec. 24, 1876. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Jullane Sophia Olsen April 11, 1862, Salt Lake City. Their children: Nancy Matilda b. Jan. 27. 1863; Luther b. Dec. 31. 1863; Timothy b. Feb. 20, 1865; Mary Emma b. May 4, 1868; Samuel b. May 21, 1870, m. Esther Larsen; Ole Olsen b. Dec. 28, 1873; Frederick b. Aug. 12, 1875; Julius Apollos b. March 5, 1878, m. Mary Ellen Hill Dec. 11, 1901. Married Susannah Cornwall Jan. 6, 1870, Salt Lake City. Their children: Ruth b. Nov. 13, 1872, m. Samuel O'Niel; Alpheus b. Dec. 28. 1874, m. Emily D. North; Thomas b. May 20, 1877; Franklin b. Oct. 20, 1878. One of the first seven presidents of seventies, 1845-79. Captain, drill officer and general of Nauvoo legion. Acting adjutant of company of horsemen that aided In rescue of Joseph Smith when kidnaped at Dixon, 111., 1843. Municipal officer at Nauvoo; warden territorial penitentiary, 15 years; served in legislature, 1851-1879. First fish commissioner of the territory. Director of Deseret Agricultural and Manu- facturing Society. Died Nov. 25, 1879, in Sugar House ward. Salt Lake City. ROCKWOOD, CHARLES WELCOME (son of Albert Perry Rockwood and Elvira Teeples Wheeler). Born March 2, 1850, Salt Lake City. Married Anna B. Starr Nov. 27, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jared Starr and Anna Barr, pioneers 1849), who was born Feb. 3, 1850, Salt Lake City. Their children: Anna Lulu b. Oct. 15, 1873, m. Hubert L. Hall Dec. 4, 1891; Martha Starr b. Dec. 17, 1875, m. John Witt Telford Dec. 22, 1900; Eva Starr b. Dec. 3, 1877, m. Darwin E. Chaffln May 11, 1*98; Charles Barr b. Sept. 7, 1S80; Albert Jared b. June 25, 1S82, m. Mary Amelia Mulliner Nov. 5. 18S2; Ames Warren b. Aug. 11, 1885, m. Melissa Rushton Dec. 22, 1904; Ella b. April 18, 1888; Bryant Nixon b. Feb. 2, 1895. Family home lona, Idaho. Bishop of lona ward, lona; ward teacher, 1880; second counselor to superintendency North District Sunday school of Centerville; president theological class; counselor In Y. M. M. I. A.; missionary to northern states, 1890-91; pre- sided over Indiana conference; organized first Sunday school at Robinson, Greene county, Ind.; president 106th quorum sev- enties. Moved to Provo, 1858. Member of Utah militia, com- pany C. Veteran Black Hawk war. Helped build the settle- ment on The Muddy, Nevada, 1874; once a guard at Utah penitentiary. Chairman of Acreage committee of Sugar Beet Contracts for erection of the factory at Lincoln (then lona ward). Idaho; field superintendent eight years for fac- tory. Director of Farmers Progress Canal Co., 1908. RODEBACK, CHARLES (son of Charles Rodeback and Sarah Quaintance of Chester county, Pa.). Born June 8, 1811, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah, 1852, Independent company. Married Jane Morgan In Pennsylvania (daughter of Ben- jamin Morgan and Mary Fisher). Their children: Mary Ann b. June 30. 1839, m. Samuel Malln Oct. 21, 1855- Sarah Jane b. Aug. 18, 1842, m. Oliver N. Harmon Oct. 18, 1857- Frances I. b. Oct. 11, 1848, m. Osborn B. Cooley November 1861; Charles L. b. Nov. 29, 1851, m. Mary Ann Clayton Oct. 16, 1872. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest. Indian war veteran. Farmer. Pioneer to Hoytsvllle, Utah. RODEBACK. CHARLES L. (son of Charles Rodeback and Jane Morgan). Born Nov. 29, 1850, Kanesville, Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Ann Clayton Oct. 16, 1872 (daughter of Al- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1139 bert Clayton and Fannie Higglnbotham of Sheffield, Eng.), who was born Jan. 30, 1855. Their children: Charles A. b. Aug. 8, 1873. m. Tabitha Layton; Mary L. b. Nov. 12, 1874, m. John R. Smith; Elizabeth b. Oct. 9. 1876, m. H. B. Bar- rett; David b. Jan. 26, 1879, m. Elizabeth Lee; Clara b. April 14, 1881, m. William Merritt; Nora b. Aug. 13, 1883, m. Ed- ward Hunter; James b. Feb. 16, 1886, m. Pearl Cobley; Edmond b. March 17, 1888, m. Vilate Smith; John William b. Oct. 13, 1890; Beatrice b. Oct. 21, 1892, m. Albert Smith; George b. Dec. 11, 1894; Fern b. Dec. 6, 1896; Noah b. March 31, 1900. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest. Veteran Black Hawk war. Built Irrigation ditches. Farmer; stockralser. RODEBACK, JAMBS (son of Charles Rodeback and Margaret Quaintance of Chester county, Pa.). Born May, 1807, In Chester county. Came to Utah 1852, Uriah Curtis company. Married Phoebe Beagle, 1832 (daughter of Henry Beagle and Sarah Evans), who was born June, 1811, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Edward H. b. May, 1833, m. Elizabeth McMichael 1855; Phoebe A. b. Nov. 1836, m. David Crafts 1855; Lorenzo Barnes b. March 11, 1843, m. Mary E. Bassett June 7, 1875; Rebecca H. b. May 1846, m. William Cook 1875; Catherine A. b. Nov. 1848, m. George W. Thurman 1864; James, Jr., b. Feb. 1853, m. Lourana Weeks 1874. Family home Cedar Valley, Utah. Bishop's counselor; president high priests quorum; superintendent Sunday school. Justice of peace Cedar Fort 1856-75; postmaster 1864-75; assessor; collector Cedar county 1858-61 RODEBACK, LORENZO BARNES (son of James Rodeback and Phoebe Beagle). Born March 11, 1843, Nauvoo, 111. Married Mary E. Bassett June 7, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles H. Bassett and Mary Knight), who was born June 9, 1854, Salt Lake City. Their children: Lester Barnes b. July, 1876, m. Mary E. Lewis 1904; Milton H. b. Sept. 1877; Douglas F. b. July, 1880; Myra M. b. Nov. 1881, m. Henry Rillingsly 1904; Charles Howard b. Feb. 1883; Mary Esther b. Aug. 1884, m. Ray S. Davis 1907; Ruby B. b. June, 1888. Family resided Cedar Fort. Utah, 1854-98, and Lago, Bannock Co., Idaho, 1898-1912. Deputy sheriff; constable Utah county 1864-76; postmaster Cedar Valley 1875-98. ROGERS, ALMA DENTOBf (son of Isaac Rogers and Susan Mills). Born June 18, 1836, Geneseo, Livingston county, N. T. Came to Utah 1862, Independent company. Married Mary Jane Collins June 13, 1861, Fort Smith, Ark. (daughter of John Collins and Polly Minerva Chap- man of Fort Smith), who was born June 16. 1837. Their children: Sallie Columbia Ann; Alma Hermando; Laura Etta; Adolphus Dion; Theron Aspacio; Astolpho Dlo. Fam- ily home Sugar House, Utah. Elder. Deputy marshal. School teacher; dentist. ROGERS, EMSIIA HENRY. (Seventh son of Noah Rogers, born March 17, 1797, In Connecticut, who after having been the first known missionary to circumnavigate the globe, died In the flower of manhood May 31, 1846, at Mt. Pisgah, Iowa, while preparing to come to Utah. He had married Eda Hollister, born Aug. 19, 1800, In Connecticut, pioneer 1849, with their children: Russell b. May 17, 1820; Theodore b. Feb. 3, 1824, m. Hannah Jones; Washington B. b. Sept. 16, 1826, m. Mary Ann Owens; David b. May 24, 1828, m. Mary Ann Mayers; Chauncy F. b. Aug. 23, 1829, m. Ellen Kelcy; Henrietta b. May 30, 1832, m. Henry Standage; Elisha Henry b. May 17, 1834, m. Susannah Julie Rogers; Clarissa Marina b. March 27, 1836, m. George Taggart; Nephl b. March 10, 1838, m. Elizabeth Payne July 24, 1859). Came to Utah 1849. Married Susannah Julie Rogers Oct. 9, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Freeman Rogers and Sarah Dowell of Roches- ter, N. T., pioneers Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born Jan. 17, 1855. Their children: Nellie b. Jan. 21, 1873, Julia Clarissa b. June 19, 1874, and Elisha Freeman b. Jan. 16, 1876, died; Noah Henry b. Jan. 15, 1879, m. Lila Chapman; Sophronia H. b. Oct. 8, 1881, m. Oliver Hoppie; Lucy Ann b. July 20, 1885, and Freda Vilate b. May 10, 1891, died. Family resided Bear Lake, Idaho, Richmond and Lewlston, Utah. Married Emily Clarissa Clarkson Oct. 12, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Clarkson and Sarah Dowell [Rog- ers], who were married April 1862, Salt Lake City; latter pioneer Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born Jan. 24, 1863, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah Ada b. July 31, 1883, m. Fredrick C. Hopple, Jr.; Delila Emily b. Jan. 18, 1886, m. Heber Wood; Amanda Jane b. Dec. 31, 1889, m. Luther Fellows; Horlick Dowell b. Dec. 31, 1891, died; Vica May b. July 17, 1895; Elmer Holllster b. Oct. 9, 1898; Raley Slaten b. Jan. 28, 1902. Family home Lewis- ton, Utah. High priest; missionary and. trader among the Indians. Mlnuteman. Hauled rock with oxteams for Salt Lake temple; made three trips across plains for Immigrants: located at Brigham City and after several changes finally settled at Lewiston, Utah. Died Dec. 9, 1906. ROGERS, ISAAC, JR. (son of Isaac Rogers and Mary Ma- randa White, both pioneers Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer company). Born Sept. 5, 1846, at Middletown, N. J. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Eunice Lestra Stewart Oct. 11, 1869, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew J. Stewart of Monroe Co., and Eunice Pease Hawes of Marietta, Ohio, pioneers Sept. 15, 1860, Independent company). She was born Feb. 1, 1853, at Payson, Utah. Their children: Eunice Lestra b. Aug. 16, 1870, m. William W. Phelps; Mary Maud Elson b. June 30, 1872, m. Thomas Nicholls Taylor; Florence Stewart b. Jan. 9, 1876, m. J. Frederick Fechser; Isaac Lynne b. Nov. 10, 1876, d. 1877; Ethel Melissa b. Jan. 9, 1879. m. Ruben Percy Greenwood; Nellie Stewart b. Jan. 9, 1881, m. Edgar H. Reeves. Deacon. First settler in Payson Oct. 20, 1860. Drummer boy Daniel H. Wells company in Indian wars. Farmer. Died Aug. 26, 1901, Salt Lake City. ROGERS, NEPHI (son of Noah Rogers born March 17, 1797, Connecticut, and Eda Hollister born Aug. 19, 1800, Connecti- cut). Born March 10, 1838, Davless county, Mo. Came to Utah 1849. Married Elizabeth Payne July 24, 1859 (daughter of Samuel Payne and Mary Barnes of England), who was born May 30, 1844. Their children: Nephi Noah b. Sept. 16, 1860, m. Charlotte A. Van Orden; Mary Elizabeth b. Nov. 10, 1862; Eda Ann b. Oct. 6. 1865, m. Joseph R, Peunnlngham; Isabella Catherine b. April 8, 1868; Philemon Aaron b. May 7, 1870; Sarah Emily b. June 2, 1873, m. W. A. Blair; Samuel Rus- sel b. March 23, 1876, m. Ida Hougaard Sept. 28, 1904. Fam- ily home Bloomington, Idaho, and Lewiston, Utah. One of the first settlers of Logan, Cache Co., Utah, set- tling there In 1859; moved to Richmond 1871, then to Lewis- ton, Utah. Veteran Indian war. Ward teacher at Rich- mond, Utah. ROGERS, NEPHI NOAH (son of Nephi Rogers and Eliza- beth Payne). Born Sept. 16, 1860, Logan, Utah. Married Charlotte Amelia Van Orden, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Peter Edmond Van Orden and Sarah Ellen McFer- son; latter pioneer Oct. 5. 1851, Isaac Allred company). She was born Sept. 29, 1878, Lewiston, Utah. Their children: Verlin Dell b. Feb. 2, 1906; Dorrel Nephi b. Oct. 28, 1906; Nile Edmond b. Feb. 23, 1909; Ellen b. May 12, 1911. Family home Lewiston, Utah. Member of seventy; ward teacher; missionary to northern states 1894-96. ROGERS, RTTEL MILLS. Born Jan. 19, 1835, In New York. Married Hannah C. Nelson, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Levl Nelson), who was born March 17, 1861, Alton, 111. Came to Utah 1857, handcart company. Their children: Victoria Maria b. March 10, 1870, died; Mary Effle b. Nov., 1872, m. William P. Blanchard 1889; Rufus Milan b. July 8, 1875, m. Mary Venter 1895; Ruella Pearl b. Oct. 30, 1878, m. Thomas King, Jr., 1897; Lilly May b. March 28, 1881, m. Darwin Mecham 1899; Katie Naomi b. Jan. 19. 1883, m. Clyde Metcaff 1906; Randolph Murcer b. March 29, 1886, m. Lizzie Nibley 1906. Family resided at Pleasant Grove, Utah, and Afton, Wyo. Physician. ROGERS,' THEODORE (second son of Noah Rogers and Eda Hollister). Born Feb. 3, 1824, in Ohio. Came to Utah 1849 with mother. Married Hannah Jones, who was born July 14, 1831. Came to Utah with Willard Richards family. Their children: Willard b. Feb. 21, 1853, m. Lilly Powell; John b. Aug. 26, 1854, m. Mina Sorenson; Mary Amelia b. Aug. 23, 1866, m. James Woodard; Hannah L. b. Oct. 30, 1868, m. Thomas Cropper; Theodosia b. Feb. 4, 1861; Henry b. Jan. 20, 1863, m. Lizzie Lay; James Noah b. Sept. 28, 1871, m. Alice Chrichley; Washington b. July 4, 1866, m. Margaret Sorton. Missionary to Ohio In 1876. Pioneer of Fillmore, Utah, in 1853. Died May 21, 1901. ROGERS, WILLARD (son of Theodore Rogers of Ohio and Hannah Jones). Born Feb. 21, 1863, Provo, Utah. Married Lilly Powell (daughter of John Powell and Henriette Blyth), who was born at Meadows, Utah. Their children: Willard Theodore and Sarah. Family home Fill- more, Utah. County surveyor Millard county for several years. Rancher and farmer. ROGERS, THOMAS (son of John Rogers and Martha Reece of East Lake, Pembroke, Wales). Born April 6, 1830, In Wales. Came to Utah 1859, John Brown company. Married Ann Evans 1861, while crossing the ocean, who was born July 3, 1830. Their children: John, William, Thomas and Mary Jane, died; Elizabeth Ann; Henry T. b. Jan. 19, 1862; Celestia M.; Martha M.; Markis E.; George Charles, died. Family home Benson ward, Utah. Member of seventy; high priest. Postmaster. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Nov. 6, 1891, Benson. ROGERS, HENRY T. (son of Thomas Rogers and Ann Evans). Born Jan. 19, 1862. Hyde Park, Utah. Married Rebecca J. Williams Feb. 8, 1884 (daughter of John and Rebecca Williams, pioneers), who died. Their 1140 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH children: William b. Jan. 24, 1885, died; Annie Rebecca b. May 11, 1886, m. William Hawkes. Family home Tooele, Utah. Married Abigal B. Marble Dec. 6, 1888 (daughter of Henry Marble and Mary Burbank, pioneers), who died. Their children: Thomas Henry b. Feb. 3, 1890, died; Lydia M. b. April 7, 1892. Family home Deweyville, Utah. Married Esther C. Parkinson Oct. 2, 1893 (daughter of Samuel R. Parkinson and Arrabella Chandler, pioneers). Their children: Alice P. b. March 4, 1895: Lucile P. b. Sept. 1896; Clara P. b. March 23. 1898, died: Henry P. b. Jan. 19, 1900; Ruland P. b. Oct. 8. 1906. died; George Leonard b. Aug. 27, 1911. Family home Franklin, Idaho. Member of seventy; bishop's counselor; bishop. Farmer and stockraiser. ROLFE, SAMUEL JONES (son of Benjamin Rolfe and Mary Sweet of Massachusetts). He was born Aug. 26, 1794, Con- cord, N. H. Came to Utah September, 1847, A. H. Smoot company. Married Elizabeth Hathaway March 4, 1818, Maine. She was born Aug. 29. 1801. Their children: Gilbert H. b. 1820; Benjamin W. b. 1822; Tallman H. b. 1824: lanthus J. b. 1826: Weltha. b. 1828; Lydia b. Dec. 26, 1831; Horace C. b. Jan. 4, 1834; Samuel J. b. Jan. 3. 1X36; William J. b. Dec 8, 1839; Mary Ann b Feb. 6. 1843; David L. b. 1846. Member high priests quorum; bishop at Winter Quarters, Neb., 1846-47. County treasurer San Bernardina, Calif. House carpenter and joiner. He died July, 1867, at Lehi, Utah. ROLFE. WILLIAM JASPER. Born Dec. 8, 1839. Came to Utah 1847. Married Ellen Wilkshire at Lehl, Utah. She was born April 2, 1842. Their children: William Jasper, m. Hannah Jacobs; Ann Elizabeth, m. Gurabalda Gamble; Lydia M., m. James M. Shaffer; Samuel J., m. Hattie Crandall; Ellen, d. child. Family home Lehl, Utah. ROLFSEN, JACOB (son of Bent and Gertrude Marte Rolf- sen of Resor. Norway). Born 1828. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1861, Samuel A. Woolley company. Married Margaret Christinia Kjelson May, 1852. at Resor (daughter of Niels Kjelson and Helga Olsen, pioneers 1861, Samuel A. Woolley company). She was born Nov. 4, 1828. Their children: Nicholine, m. Nils H. Jensen; Bent; Maria, m. Otto Lylia; Niels, m. Annie Frandsen; Helga Sophia, m. George G. Frandsen; Jacobina, m. Clarence Winchester; Jacob; Annie Helen, m. William A. C. Bryan. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. High priest; missionary to Norway 1877-79; ward teacher. Worked on St. George and Manti temples. Settled at Ephraim 1861; moved to Mt. Pleasant 1863. Carpenter. Died Oct. 21, 1883. Mt. Pleasant. ROLLINS, HENRY (son of Austin Rollins and Betsy Wells of Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born August, 1790, at Lincoln- shire. Came to Utah 1848. Married Ann Witherogg (daughter of Thomas Wltherogg and Ann Witherogg of Hingle, Lincolnshire, who came to Utah 1851). She was born Dec. 21, 1799. Their children: Nancy; Austin; Alice, m. Ruben Flickner; Jane, m. Thomas Tomkins; Henry; John: Betsy, m. Edward Burrel; Isaac; Steuben b. June 15, 1832, m. Amanda M. France. Family home Steuben county, N. T. Died June 9, 1865. ROLLINS, STEUBEN (son of Henry Rollins and Ann With- erogg). Born June 15, 1832, in Steuben county, N. Y. Married Amanda M. France Feb. 10, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph France and Betsy Card of Allegany county, N. Y., pioneers 1849, William Hyde company). Their children: Steuben Oscar b. Dec. 10, 1855, m. Susan J. Whitaker; Joseph H. b. May 15, 1857, m. Georgana Cleveland: Moroni b. Feb. 4. 1859; Franklin b. April 9. 1860; William D. b. March 6, 1861, m. Lizzie Morris; Thomas A. b. May 14, 1863; Charles O. b. Aug. 23, 1865, m. Viola Chase; Alice E. b. Nov. 21. 1867, m. John W. Ford; George W. b. Sept. 20, 1869. m. Elizabeth Rampton; Amanda M. b. Oct. 26, 1871, m. Phillip Ford; Roda E. b. Jan. 2, 1874. m. James Savage; Blanch b. Sept. 3. 1876, m. Phillip A. Weaver. Family home Centerville. Davis Co., Utah. Sunday school superintendent. Veteran Echo Canyon campaign. ROLLINS, STEUBEN OSCAR .(son of Steuben Rollins and Amanda M. France). Born Dec. 10, 1885, Centerville, Davis Co.. Utah. Married Susan J. Whitaker Jan. 21, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Thomas Whitaker and Elizabeth Mills, both of Centerville), who was born March 21, 1866. Their chil- dren: Oscar Whitaker b. Nov. 19, 1887, m. Zina Pearl By- bee; Louise W. b. April 8, 1890, m. Edwin C. Warner; Enid W. b. Dec. 8, 1893. m. Walter A. Fernelius; Thelma W. b. Jan. 17, 1897; Josephine W. b. Nov. 28, 1899. Family home, Centerville. ROLLINS, OSCAR WHITAKER (son of Steuben Oscar Rol- lins and Susan J. Whitaker). Born Nov. 19, 1887, Center- ville, Utah. Married Zina Pearl Bybee Jan. 10, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of Byram L. Bybee and Jane Robinson of Ulnta, Utah), who was born March 30. 1889. Their children: Viola Bybee b. Aug. 5, 1910; Lee Bybee b. Dec. 6, 1911. ROMRELL. FRANCIS (son of Francis Romrell, born 1760, and Jane Hutton, born 1770, of Isle of Jersey, Eng.). Born Aug. 18, 1799, St. John, Isle of Jersey. Came to Utah 1854, Charles Harper company. Married Mary Billot, who was born April 18, 1807, Isle of Jersey, Eng. Their children: Mary b. May, 1828, m. Richard Carnish; Francis b. July 21, 1829, m. Christina Anderson; George b. Oct. 14. 1832, m. Patience Swingewood Sept. 29, 1861; Jane V. b. Feb. 22. 1838. m. George Pierce Sept. 18, 1864: Fannie A. b. April 26, 1840. m. Charles Singleton July, 1874; Ann b. Sept. 29. 1841. died: Abraham Charles b. May 18, 1843, m. Mary Marley 1866; Sophia Jane b. 1845, m. Milan Russell. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest. Moved from Salt Lake City to Ogden about 1858. ROMRELL. GEORGE (son of Francis Romrell and Mary Billot). Born Oct. 14, 1832. Isle of Jersey. Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15. 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Patience Swingewood Sept. 29. 1861, Ogden. Utah (daughter of John Swingewood. died June 14, 1849, on way to Utah, and Jemima Baker of Stourbridge, Eng., pioneer 1S69). She was born Sept. 29, 1841, at Stourbridge. Their children: William H. and Anna E. (twins) b. 1862, d. infants; George Heber b. June 21, 1863. m. Louisa M. Smithies Oct., 1889; Mary J. b. Sept. 27, 1865, d. May 16, 1880; Patience E. b. Jan. 7, 1868, m. August Ossmen May, 1887: Joseph E. b. March 8. 1870, m. Esther Burbank 1896: Alfred b. Feb. 13, 1872, m. Alba Burbank Oct. 20, 1898; Fannia A. b. Aug. 6, 1874, m. Ole C. Oleson Nov. 30, 1901; Charles H. b. Jan. 22, 1877, d. infant; Lorenzo J. b. Dec. 30. 1877, m. Emma, Eggerty April 6. 1905: Hyrum J. b. March 31, 1880, m. Ruby Taylor Dec. 10, 1902; Josephine D. b. Nov. 17, 1883, m. Richard Mills March 8. 1905. High priest. Settled at Ogden 1861, where he built a molasses mill. Died Dec. 31, 1912. ROOT, EMERSON FRANK (son of Alonzo and Emeretta Root). Born Nov. 1, 1858, Hartford, Wis. Came to Utah Nov. 1. 1890. Married Emma Kind Sept. 21. 1882, in Nebraska (daughter of John Kind), who was born June 2. 1863. Their children: Louise, m. A. J. Eakins: Frank, m. Emma St. Claire. Married Kathleen Wallace. Family home. Salt Lake City. Physician and surgeon. ROPER, HENRY (son of William Roper and Susanna Smith, Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 9, 1836, Tornton Bridge, Lincolnshire. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Charlotte Elizabeth Mellor Feb. 4, 1857. Provo, Utah (daughter of James Mellor and Mary Ann Payne of Leicester, Eng., pioneers November, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company). She was born Jan. 16, 1842. Their children: Henry Hutchinson b. Aug. 25, 1858, d. infant; Susanna b. July 23, 1859, m. James Case; William b. Feb. 2 1861. m. Maria Wimmer; Salena b. Nov. 23, 1862, m. George Bartholomew; Sarah b. March 13, 1865. m. David Dlmmick; Mary Ann b. Feb. 23. 1867, m. John Wesley Guyman; Clara Althara b. Oct. 15, 1869, m. James Lake; Charlotte Eliza- beth b. March 4, 1872, m. Olaf Nielsen; Charles Henry b. Jan. 10, 1874, m. Hope Dack; George Albert b. Feb. 8. 1876, m. Charlotte Lewis; Benjamin Franklin b. Sept. 8, 1878; James Leo b. Dec. 29, 1881, m. Maria Wilsted; Oliver Marian b. May 13, 1884, m. Leurie Fowler. Family home Lawrence, Married Amy Salina Matthews (Shaw) June 6, 1881, Manti, Utah (daughter of William Matthews and Maria Payne of Wittlesey, Cambridge, Eng.), who was born Jan. 27 1850. Member 52d and 82d quorums seventies; high priest; superintendent of Sunday school at Gunnison and later at Lawrence. Settled in Emery county. Indian war veteran. Farmer; apiarist; rancher. Families resided Lawrence, Utah. ROSE, ABRAHAM (son of Abraham Rose, born April 1, 1767, Manchester, Vt., and Rachel Haws, born Aug. 3, 1769, of Burlington, Vt. married April 10. 1791). Born Oct. 6, 1803, Utica, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1853, John W. Cooley company. Married Catherine Nicholson March 7. 1830 (daughter of Jonathan Nicholson and Betsy Swingle married July 4, 1804, Hornellsvllle, N. Y.). She was born Dec. 22, 1806. Their children: Adeline b. Dec. 2. 1831; William Warren b. May 6 1833, m. Lorinda Garner Dec. 4. 1853; Betsey Eliza- beth b. July 17. 1836. m. Nathaniel Underwood May 18, 1862: Orson Hyde b. March 25. 1837; Ann Victoria b. June 4 1839, m. William K. Rice Oct. 6, 1857: Alley Stephen b. March 6, 1841, m. Alvlra E. Smith April 12, 1863; Martha PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1141 b. May 6, 1843, m. Allen Burk; Erastus Francisco b. Aug. 28, 1847, m. Josephine Robinson Jan. 4, 1868. Family home Farmington, Utah. President high priest quorum 30 years; ward teacher. Died Sept. 9, 1884. ROSE, ALLEY STEPHEN (son of Abraham Rose and Cath- erine Nicholson). Born March 6. 1841, at Carthage, Athens Co., Ohio. Married Alvira E. Smith April 12, 1863. at Farmtngton, Utah (daughter of Thomas S. Smith and Polly Clark, pio- neers 1848), who was born Dec. 16, 1846, Council Bluffs. Iowa. Their children: Adaline, m. Oscar S. Rice Oct. 26, 1893; Leon Alley b. Aug. 27, 1865, m. Elvira Welling March 14, 1889; Ursel Stephen b. May 6, 1867, m. Nellie Burns Feb. 17, 1897; Armond Thomas b. Oct. 20, 1869, m. Clara L. San- ders June 1, 1899; Inez Evalette b. March 29, 1873, m. John W. Haws March 3, 1897; Theresa Florence b. March B, 1876, m. Arthur J. Barber March 8, 1905; Charles Edwin b. Sept. 1, 1878, m. Cecellia Larsen Oct. 8, 1902; Almy Genette b. March 21, 1881, m. Edward S. Rice April 10, 1901; Henry Smith b. March 23, 1883, m. Olive M. Barlow Oct. 10, 1906; Lorette Helen b. Nov. 26, 1885, d. Dec. 23, 1895. Family home Farmington, Utah. President 56th quorum seventies 34 years; Sunday school superintendent 36 years; missionary to New York 1876; high priest 1905; president Y. M. M. I. A. 4 years. County commissioner 3 years. ROSB, ANDERS PETER (son of Thomas Petersen Hansen Rose and Gjertrude Olsen, of Vejle, Vejle Amt, Denmark). Born Nov. 8, 1828. at Vejle. Came to Utah September, 1861, Captain Porter company. Married Mette Marie Johnsen February, 1861, Vejle (daughter of John Christiansen and Ane Marie Invardsen, of Greis, Denmark), who was born Oct. 25, 1834. Their chil- dren: Gjertrude Marie b. April 11, 1862, m. Lauritz P. Hen- driksen; Ane Kfetrlne Magrethe b. April 3, 1864, d. young; Thomas Johny Peter b. July 21. 1866, m. Elise Williams; Antonie Kjeistine Petrea b. Sept. 23, 1868, m. Alvin Mc- Bride; Ane Marie Juditha b. Feb. 14, 1871, m. Peter O. Han- sen; Joseph Bernando b. Sept. 20, 1874, d. young; Peter Par- ley b. July 20, 1875, m. Elisa Eliasen. Family resided at Salt Lake City and Hyrum, Utah. Married Jensine Kjerstine Jensen Eager. Their children: Francis Peter; Florance Jensine Eager; Florando Jacobus Eager; Emma Chrestiane Eager; Jens Vernon Eager. President 62d quorum seventies; assistant Sunday school superintendent several years; missionary to Denmark 1878- 80; tithing clerk; also superintended the building of sev- eral church buildings at Hyrum. Councilman and mayor of Hyrum. Farmer. ROSE, FREDERICK W. Born July 16, 1835. London, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1854, Orson Pratt company. Married Elizabeth E. Domville Dec. 25, 1856, Salt Lake City, Bishop Perkins officiating (daughter of Thomas Dom- ville and Mary Peters of Liverpool, Eng., pioneers Oct. 4, 1851, Morris Phelps company). She was born June 23, 1838. Their children: William T., m. Martha Needham: Mary A., d. infant; Emma C.; Lillian S., m. Walter Lewis; Frederick W., m. Amelia Horsley; Maria I., d. aged 10; Charles E., m. Florence Rawlings; James E., m. Annie Clark; Walter, d. aged 5; Arthur and Albert, d. infants. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 8th quorum seventies; high priest; block teacher. Carpenter and builder. Died Jan. 2, 1908, Salt Lake City. ROSE, CHARLES EDGAR (son of Frederick W. Rose and Elizabeth E. Domville). Born Dec. 9, 1871, Salt Lake City. Married Florence Rawlings May 30, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Rawlings and Mary A. Carpenter of Somerset, Eng., pioneers 1869). She was born May 30, 1875. Their children: Donald b. March 15, 1902; Gordon b. Feb. 3. 1904; Eveline b. Jan. 13, 1909, d. Infant. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 10th and 105th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1896-98; assistant Sunday school superintendent 1st ward; block teacher; counselor to president of Y. M. M. I. A., Forest Dale ward; home missionary at Salt Lake stake 2 years; member tabernacle choir 16 years. In charge of Job presses of Deseret News Printing Co. ROSEBERRY, CHARLES. Born Aug. 22, 1825, Malmo, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, George Rowley hand- cart company. Married Helena Erlckson April 7, 1849, at Malmo (daugh- ter of Peter and Hannah Erickson of Sweden), who was born Oct. 11, 1822, Scona, Sweden. Their children: Caroline Helena b. Aug. 1, 1850, and Anna Augusta b. Jan. 2, 1853, d. infants; Anna Maria b. Sept. 2, 1855, m. Oscar B. Young; Niels Joseph b. Sept. 10, 1858, m. Lucretla Keeler; Emma Carolina b. Sept. 10, 1858, m. Jens L. Jensen; Hannah Helena b. Oct. 2, 1861, m. George Larson; Charles b. Oct. 2, 1861, m. Lydla Dodge; Ellen Augusta, Louisa Charlotte and Helena (triplets) b. Dec. 26, 1864; Helena and Augusta, died; Louisa Charlotte, m. Joseph Rogers; Elizabeth b. March 8, 1867, m. Jack Loving. Family home Moroni, Santaquln, Richfield, Utah. Early settler in San Pete and Utah counties; veteran Black Hawk war. Killed while working on railroad in Weber Canyon Nov. 15, 1868. Carpenter. ROSKELLEY, SAMUEL (son of Thomas Roskelley and Ann Kitt, both of Devonport, Devonshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 1, 1837, at Devonport. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853; Appleton Harmon company. Married Rebecca Hendricks, July 22, 1858, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of James Hendricks and Druzilla Dorris of Simpson county, Ky., pioneers 1847), who was born Nov. 2, 1835. Their children: Rebecca b. April 22, 1859, m. Thomas Hillyard; Charlotte b. Oct. 7. 1860, d. child; Zina Y. b. March 18, 1862, m. Don C. Hyde; Samuel b. Aug. 11, 1863, m. Agness E. Thyberg; James b. Jan. 10, 1865, m. Frances A. Emery; William H. b. May 4, 1866, m. Agness Wieldman; Joseph b. June 5, 1868, m. Frances A. Hinckley. Missionary to Wales 1857-58; presided over Cardiff con- ference in Wales: bishop of Smithfleld ward 1862-80; patri- arch; filled another mission to England and presided over London conference from 1880 until 1881; and with wife labored as a missionary at St. George, Utah; recorder of Logan temple 1884-1911. Superintendent of common schools for Cache Co., Utah, 6 years; major of 4th Battalion, 1st Regiment Infantry, Cache valley Brigade, three years during Indian troubles, and afterwards captain of brigade under Brig. Gen. William Hyde. ROSS, DANIEL. He was born In Scotland. Came to Utah 1851, oxteam company. Married Agnes McKella of Dumbartonshire, Scotland; she came to Utah 1852, with her husband. Their children: Archibald; Alexander; Mary, m. Robert Henry; Jeanette. m. Benjamin Tooksbury; Daniel, m. Francis Peay, m. Hannah Adams; Agnes, m. Walter Thompson; Duncan; Katherine. m. John Glllespie; Joan, m. John McClaus; Hugh, died. Family home Hillensbury, Scotland, and Salt Lake City. Farmer. Died at Salt Lake City. ROSS, DANIEL JR. (son of Daniel Ross and Agnus McKella of Dumbarton, Scotland). Born Jan. 22, 1827, Halens- burg, Scotland. Came to Utah 1851, oxteam company. Married Frances Peay Oct. 12, 1852, Salt Lake Endow- ment house. She was the daughter of William Peay and Mary Blake of Climplng, Sussex, .Eng.: pioneers Oct. 3, 1852, Harmon Cutler oxteam company. She was born Sept. 15, 1833. Their children: Daniel, m. Ida A. Frisby; William P., m. Annie Johnson; Nephi, m. Mary Delilah Stubbs;\Hugh m. Kathallne Alice Farrer; Mary, m. John Hallen Ceck; Johan, died; Eliza, m. Abraham Johnson; George E., m. Bertha Peay; Agnes, m. Nels N. Nelson. Family home South Weber, Utah. Married Hannah Adams April, 1865, Salt Lake Endow- ment house, whose parents lived in Northampton, Eng. She was born 1839. Their children: Thomas A., m. Mary Hardy; John, m. Elizabeth Smith; James, m. Annie Perry. Minuteman In Walker and Battle Creek troubles. Farmer. Died Sept. 5, 1901, at Hooper, Utah. ROSS, NEPHI (son of Daniel Ross and Frances Peay). Born Dec. 19. 1858, in Iron Co.. Utah. Married Mary Delilah Stubbs. July 22, 1891. Provo City, Utah (daughter of Richard Stubbs and Blender Ware of Provo), who was born Dec. 19, 1862. Their children: Elen- der D. b. Dec. 5, 1892, died; Daisan N. b. May 14, 1893; Edith F. b. Feb. 27, 1895; Grace R. b. Jan. 10, 1897; Sllva A. b. Oct. 27, 1899; Jennie V. b. Jan. 6, 1905. Family home Provo, Utah. Member of first city council, Provo, divided on party lines. Farmer and miner. ROSS, HUGH (son of Daniel Ross Jr. and Frances Peay). He was born Jan. 25, 1861, South Weber, Utah. Married Catherine A. Farrer March 25, 1896, Provo, Utah (daughter of William Farrer and Elizabeth Ann Kerry, both of Brigstreer, Westmoreland, England pioneers 1847, Cap- tain Taylor company). She was born Sept. IB, 1865. Their children: Hugh C. b. Jan. 17, 1897; William Kenneth b. Sept. 20, 1899; Elizabeth F. b. Oct. 18, 1901; Thelma Lucile b. Sept. 28, 1903, died; Alma D. b. Jan. 17, 1907; Catherine A. b. March 1, 1909. Family home Provo, Utah. Mason; contractor and builder. ROSS, JAMES JACKSON (son of Melvtn Ross and Rebecca Smith, of Heber City and Vernal, Utah). Born Nov. 28, 1837. Came to Utah 1850, Aaron Johnson company. Married Susan Laverna Roby 1857, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Jeremiah Roby and Ruth Tucker of Provo and Mid- way, Utah), who was born April 14, 1838, died 1862. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Jan. 7, 1858, m. Henry Miles Alex- ander; Susan Matilda b. March 22, 1860, m. William O'Nell; Laverna Virginia b. April 14, 1862, m. Hyrum Gould. Family home Heber City, Utah. Married Sarah Provost 1874, Heber City, Utah (daughter of Luke Provost, of Midway, pioneer, oxteam company), who was born January. 1855. Their children: Emma, died; James Isaac, m. Jane Young. Family home Vernal, Utah. Took part In Echo Canyon trouble. Veteran Indian war. Farmer and stockralser. Died May 2, 1909. Vernal, Utah. ROSS, STEPHEN WEEKS. Born In 1855. Married Jane Stevenson of New York state. Their chil- dren: John E., m. Amanda Norton; Stephen Weeks, Jr., m. Glnevra E. Molen; Sarah Elizabeth, m. James Lamb; Adrian, died. Lived at Newark, N. J. Marble engraver and merchant. 1142 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH ROSS STEPHEN WEEKS, JR. (son of Stephen Weeks Ross and Jane Stevenson). Born April 12. 1841, Newark, N. J. Came to Utah fall of 1855, Jefferson Tldwell oxteam com- pany. Married Gtnevra Ellen Molen Dec. 25, 1866, Lehi City, Utah (daughter of Jesse Molen and Lurany Huffaker of Illinois; pioneers 1847; Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born April 16, 1845. Their children: Lurany Jane, m. P. Palvin Duke; Stephen M., m. Margaret Wardle; Michael A., m. Hulda Perry; Jesse Edgar, died; John W., d. infant; William Simpson, m. Myrtle Whiteman; Francis A., m. Etta Wardle; Perlettie I., m. John Eaton; Margaret L., m. Henry Abplan- alp; Forrest M., m. Josephine Mitchell; Warren L., m. Ber- nett Sprouse; Ginevra, d. infant. High priest; president 4th quorum elders; constable of Vernal; deputy sheriff Utah county. Veteran Black Hawk war. Farmer and stockraiser. ROSS, MICHAEL, ADRIAN (son of Stephen W. Ross and Ginevra Ellen Molen). Born Sept. 7, 1872, at Lehi, Utah. Married Hulda Perry June 5, 1901, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Alonzo Orson Perry and Anjeanette Abi- gail Stowell), who was born July 30, 1874. Their children: Helen Mar b. April 8, 1902; Ainona b. Jan. 17, 1904; Perry Adrian b. Feb. 16, 1910. Family home Vernal, Utah. Missionary to West Virginia 1898-1900; school superin- tendent: ward teacher; president Y. M. M. I. A. Road super- visor. Farmer. Died at Vernal. KOSS, THOMAS. Born Sept. 15, 1814, In Gilbert county, N. C. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1850, Lije Everett's fifty, Aaron Johnson company. Married Rachel Smith, who was born Aug. 22, 1813; came to Utah with her husband. Their children: James A. b. Sept. 20, 1836, m. Sarah Ann Smith b. March 6, 1857; Mar- garet Ann b. March 3, 1839, m. Sidney R. Carter March 6, 1857; Luclnda b. Feb. 14. 1842, m. Sidney R. Carter March 6, 1857; Mary E. b. March 4, 1845, m. Joseph F. Parker; Nancy Jane b. Dec. 11. 1848, m. Albert McMillen April 15, 1869; Thomas W. b. Jan. 25, 1851, m. Margaret Ann Harvey; Robert F. b. Oct. 18, 1853, m. Mary Evelyn Gay Dec. 25, 1879; John Franklin b. May 15, 1856. Married Margaret Maria Meacom (daughter of Lewis and Lydla Meacom). Their children: Mary Ann t>. Oct. IS, 1858. m. Culbert L. King; George Lewis b. April 30, 1862, m. Mary Ann Anderson May 13, 1885; Joshua b. Oct. 8, 1864; Lydia Lucinda b. Oct. 13, 1865, m. George Chariesworth; Joshua Josiah b. June 3, 1867; Daniel Thomson b. Nov. 8, 1868, m. Elizabeth Ann King; Maria Emeline b. April 24, 1871, m. Volney H. King; Samantha Matilda b. Feb. 13, 1873, m. Horton Hatght; Sarah Luticta. Settled Provo, Utah, 1851. Veteran Black Hawk, Walker and Tlntic Indian wars. Farmer. ROSS. JAMES ANDREW (son of Thomas Ross and Rachel Smith). Born Sept. 20, 1836, In Gibson county, Tenn. Came to Utah with parents Sept. 6, 1850. Married Sarah Ann Smith March 6, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Smith and Diana Brazwell, pioneers 1857). She was born in Gibson county, Tenn. Married Catherine Elnora Anderson May 25, 1879, Meadow Creek, Utah (daughter of Hoken and Mary Ann Anderson, pioneers Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock company). She was born Jan. 9. 1856, Copenhagen, Denmark. Assisted In bringing immigrants from the Missouri river to Utah, and was one of the relief party rescuing the "frozen" handcart company December, 1856. Indian war veteran, serving in the Walker war 1853-54, In the Tlntic war 1854-55, and In the Black Hawk war 1865-67. Helped build the Union Pacific R. R. through Echo canyon, 1868. High priest; miss'onary to Tennessee 1876-77, and 1883-84. President and director Canal and Otter Creek Reservoir Co.; vice president Richfield Commercial & Savings Bank. IIOSSITER, WILLIAM A. (son of William A. Rosslter. born in London, and Mary Smith, born In Wentworth, Eng.). Born Feb. 26, 1843, in London. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1862, W. H. Dame church freight train, the last that year. Married Eliza A. Crabtree Dec. 27, 1863 (daughter of Charles Crabtree, pioneer 1857, James Brown company), who was born Aug. 5, 1842. Their children: Phoebe Ellen b. Dec. 17, 1865, m. Henry O. Baddley Sept. 9, 1885; William Herbert b. Sept. 14, 1867, m. Maria Baddley Jan. 1, 1896; Alice b. 1870; Elizabeth b. March 18, 1872, m. David M. Campbell May 9, 1894; Frederick Charles b. April 7, 1874, m. Sarah A. Shannon Nov. 14, 1900; Edith May b. Jan. 29, 1876, m. William H. Lovesy June 4, 1896; George Alfred b. Jan. 81, 1878, m. Nettle Boyle Feb. 23, 1900; Lucy b. Aug. 26, 1880, m. William C. Evans Oct. 7, 1901; Ernest C. b. Oct. 16. 1S82, m. Venus Robinson June 28, 1911; Elmer Dean b. May 13, 1886. Family home Salt Lake City. Married Shamira Young Oct. 9, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of Brigham Young and Lucy A. Decker, latter a pioneer 1848). She was born March 21, 1853, Salt Lake City. Their children: Clifford Y. b. Dec. 21, 1878, died; Lillian b. May 10, 1880; Russoll Y. b. Aug. 26, 1881. m. Leah Farr Aug. 9, 1911. Member of seventy. President Brigham Young's coach- man five years; general superintendent of President Young's business affairs 1872-77; after the president's death agent of the estate. Banking. ROSSITER, FREDERICK CHARLES (son of William A. Rosslter and Eliza A. Crabtree). Born April 7, 1874, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Sarah A. Shannon Nov. 14, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Shannon and Jennie Harding), who was born Feb. 14, 1880, San Francisco, Cal. Their children: Ruth Mary b. Sept. 22, 1901; Frederick Shannon b. Dec. 28, 1902; William Algenier b. April 1, 1904; Afton Eliza b. Nov. 16, 1905; Lawrence Campbell b. June 13, 1907; Adfred Hard- Ing and Sadie Lucille (twins) b. Nov. 14, 1909. Family resided Salt Lake City and Providence, Utah. Member of seventy; missionary to Society Islands 1893- 1898. Horticulturist. ROSSITER, WILLIAM H. (son of William A. Rossiter and Eliza Crabtree). Born Sept. 14, 1867, Salt Lake City. Married Maria Baddley Jan. 1, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Baddley and Charlotte DeGray of England, pioneers 1853), who was born Oct. 16, 1866. Their children: Edith b. Aug. 30, 1897; Bryant b. Aug. 31. 1899; Eliza b. May 10, 1901; William b. March 5, 1904; Frank b. May 10, 1907. Family home, Salt Lake City. Plumber. noUJTDY, SHADRACH (son of Uriah Roundy of New York). Born Jan. 1, 1789, In Windham county. Vt. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Betsy Quimby. Their children: Lauren Hotch- kiss b. May 21, 1815, m. Joanna Carter 1843, m. Jane Ann Koyle; Julia Rebecca b. 1817; Lorenzo Wesley b. June 18, 1819, m. Susan Wallace; Laura b. 1822, m. David Beck; Samantha b. 1824, m. John D. Parker; Jared Curtis b. Jan. 5. 1827, m. Lovisa Jenne; Almeda Sophia b. March, 1829. m. John D. Parker: William Felshaw b. 1831; Nancy Jane b. 1833, m. Calvin Foss; Malinda b. 1835. Family home. Salt Lake City. Bishop of 16th ward, Salt Lake City. Veteran Indian war. Member of Joseph Smith's bodyguard. Farmer. Died July 4, 1872. ROUNDY. LAUREN HOTCHKISS (son of Shadrach Roundy and Betsy Quimby). Born May 21, 1815, Spafford, Onon- daga county, N. Y. Came to Utah September, 1847, handcart company. Married Joanna Carter 1843, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of John S. Carter of Nauvoo, 111., pioneer September, 1847), who died at Winter Quarters, Iowa. Their children: Byron Donalvln b. Jan. 29, 1844; William Heber b. Feb. 5, 1846. m. Malinda Parker Aug. 20, 1872. Family home, in Illinois. Married Jane Ann Koyle, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Koyle of Mallahide, Canada), who was born Sept. 5, 1831. Their children: Julia b. 1849, d. In 1852; Jared Washington b. Feb. 22, 1851, m. Louise Taylor; Hyrum Koyle b. Dec. 12, 1854, m. Ann Chase; Laurette b. May 12, 1860, m. Thomas Nelson; John b. May 18, 1864, m. Eleanor McEwan; Lilly b. Dec. 25, 1866, m. Oliver Gallup; Charles b. Dec. 25, 1866, d. infant. Family resided Centerville and Springvllle, Utah. Married Martha Edmondson. She died. Their children: Luella, m. Hyrum Perry; Mary Ann, m. Abner Dee Miner; Adelbert. Member bishopric of Spanish Fork; high councilor. In- dian war veteran. Farmer. Died March, 1900, Knlghtsvllle, Utah. ROUNDY, WILLIAM HEBER (son of Lauren Hotchkiss Roundy and Joanna Carter). Born Feb. 5, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah with parents. Married Malinda Parker Aug. 20, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Davis Parker and Almeda Sophia Roundy of Upper Kanab, Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born April 4, 1851. Their children: Marian, d. infant; William Heber, d. aged 22; John Davis; Middle May; Lauren Hotchkiss, d. aged 22; Maud Samantha; Sophia; Quimby; Joanna Malinda; Otho. Family home. Upper Kanab Ranch (now Alton, Utah). Elder. Assessor and collector. Farmer and rancher. Died July 23. 1899. ROUNDY, JOHN (son of Lauren Hotchkiss Roundy and Jane Ann Koyle). Born May 18, 1864, at Springville, Utah. Married Eleanor McEwan Feb. 14, 1889, at Provo, Utah (daughter of John H. McEwan and Amanda Higbee, of Provo), who was born Oct. 10, 1869. Their children: Nellie h. May 14, 1891, m. Julian F. Greer; John McEwan b. Sept. 24, 1894; Amanda lone b. April 13, 1899; Clayton b. Oct. 2, 1900; Fern b. April 30, 1903; Bert Lincoln b. Feb. 12, 1906; Loren b. March 2, 1909, d. March, 1909. Family resided Provo and Knightsvllle, Utah. Bishop of Knlghtsville 1900-09; president Y. M. M. I. A. at Knlghtsville 1897-1900. Mining man; merchant. ROUNDY, JOHN DAVIS (son of William Heber Roundy and Malinda Parker). Born Nov. 3. 1876, Upper Kanab, Utah. Member 85th quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states 1899-1901; member bishopric. Farmer and stock- raiser. ROUNDY, JARED CURTIS (son of Shadrach Roundy and Betsy Quimby). Born Jan. B, 1827, In Ohio. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Louisa Jenne at Salt Lake City (daughter of PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1143 Benjamin Jenne and Sarah Snyder, pioneers 1849). who was born June 15, 1832. Their children: Evelyn H. b. Nov. 23, 1.S52, m. Lucius Peck; Jared Curtis b. March 13, 1855, m. Alice Apgood; Sarah Louisa b. Jan. 17, 1858, m. Joseph Phil- lips; Shadrach b. Feb. 9, 1860, m. Sarah A. Edgel; George Snyder b. Oct. 10, 1862; Ida May b. Oct. 14, 1864, m. John Snyder; Roseanna b. Dec. 22, 1867, m. George Gibbons; Frank Spencer b. Oct. 3, 1870; Maud S. b. July 7, 1875, m. John Thompson. Family home, Wanshlp. Bishop of Wanship ward 1875-84. Commander of soldiers in Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer. Died May 22, 1895, St. David, Ariz. ROWAN, MATHEW (son of James Rowan, born July 10, 1799, Renfrew, Scotland, and Margaret Miller). Born April 12, 1827, Renfrew, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 28, 1855. Married Jane Martin June 6, 1853 (daughter of Barnabas and Sarah Martin), who was born Jan. 31, 1827, Norwich, Eng. Their children: Ammon b. April 27, 1854; Emma b. March 15, 1856, m. Alexander McGhie June 13, 1881; Mathew Martin b. Aug. 28, 1859, m. Hannah Swenson. Married Annie Olsen Feb. 23, 1862, South Cottonwood, Utah. She was born June 8, 1839, in Sweden. Their chil- dren: Annie Jane b. Dec. 7, 1862, m. Mathew Ellison; Sarah lUlen b. Sept. 23, 1865, m. Francis Beckstead. Second counselor to Bishop Cahoon, South Cottonwood; ward clerk; school teacher South Cottonwood. ROWE, WILLIAM H. (son of James W. Rowe of Ports- mouth, Eng.). Born Feb. 14, 1841, in England. Came to Utah 1873. Married Anna Frances Bates May, 1858, Birmingham, Eng. (daughter of George Bates and Anna Wild of England), who was born March 1, 1835. Their children: Minnie, m. Edward Smith; Amy, m. Julian Houtz; Louise, m. Roland Green; Lorenzo W., m. Ada Gilbert; Effle, m. Walter E. Mad- dison; William H.; Nellie; Mabel; Alice; Arthur. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Seventy. State road commissioner. President of Bear River Canal Co.; shoe manufacturer Z. C. M. I. Died Jan. 28. 1913, Salt Lake City. ROWLAND, BENJAMIN (son of Edward Rowland and Mary Williams of Dowells, Glamorgan, Wales). Born Sept. 30, 1837, Dowells. Came to Utah autumn of 1853, Daniel Jones company. Married Elizabeth Williams May 18, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Emma Williams of Denbigh, Wales, pioneers Sept. 13, 1861, Homer Duncan company). She was born Dec. 21, 1843. Their children: Benjamin Wil- liam; Morgan W. and John Thomas, died; Emma Elizabeth, m. Albert Love; Margaritt Clara; Rosella; Roy Ephraim, m. Martha Wlesman; Annie Pearl, m. Dean Richmond; Parley. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member of seventy; block teacher. Guard in early In- dian wars, in Iron county. Hauled rock with oxteam for Salt Lake temple; worked on Salt Lake temple 3 years. Died June 23, 1910. ROWLAND, ROY EPHRAIM (son of Benjamin Rowland and Elizabeth Williams). Born Oct. 21, 1880, at Salt Lake City. Married Martha Wiesman Sept. 16, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Williams and Elizabeth Wiesman). Only child: Elizabeth Ellen b. March 29, 1904. Commission merchant. ROWLAND, GEORGE (son of Ephraim Rowland, born Jan. 13, 1808, Nottinghamshire, Eng., and Mary Drabble, born Feb. 25, 1807, Gresley, Nottinghamshire). He was born April 18, 1840, at Gresley. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1862, Joseph Home company. Married Martha Boot Feb. 25, 1864 (daughter of Joseph Boot and Elizabeth Sudberry married at Mansfield, Eng.). She was born Aug. 28, 1838, at Mansfield; came to Utah 1863. Their children: George Ephraim b. Jan. 30, 1866, m. Rhoda Daniel Mills Sept., 1885; Mary Elizabeth b. March 14, 1867, m. H. C. Santmyers; Edwin b. June 14, 1870, m. Nellie Strong. Family home Sprlngville, Utah. Married Amy Naylor May 18, 1874, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Naylor and Fanny Knighton), who was born May 4, 1850, at Gresley, Eng. Their children: Eliza b. April 13, 1875, m. W. J. Russell March 10, 1897; Fanny b. May 16, 1876; Ida b. May 8, 1878, m. Lorenzo Weight Dec. 30, 1903; Amy b. May 8, 1878, m. T. A. Worthen Jan. 24, 1900; Louisa b. Sept. 5, 1880; John Scott b. June 21, 1882, m. Alma Hansen Nov., 1905; William Owen b. June 21, 1882, m. Ella Brannon June, 1907; Enos b. April 22, 1884, m. Agnes Thomas June, 1902; Martha b. May 18, 1886, d. Aug. 20, 1887; Hannah b. Oct. 18, 1888; Ettie b. May 7, 1890, d. Feb. 1891; Seth b. Dec. 28, 1891; Grace b. April 21, 1896. Family home Springville, Utah. High priest; president elders' quorum 1863-83. Veteran Indian war. Young Morse; Alma, m. Emily Amelia Shipley. Family home American Fork, Utah. Married Sarah Tufley. Their child: Sarah, m. Isaac Wag- staff. Family home American Fork, Utah. High priest; missionary to South Wales. Wool spinner. Died Dec. 14, 1907, American Fork, Utah. ROWLEY, JOSEPH SMITH (son of George Rowley and Ann Brown). Born May 17, 1849, at Yorkshire, Eng. Married Lydia Young Morse March 13, 1879, St. George, Utah (daughter of Francis Y. Morse and Elizabeth Thomas of Boston. Mass., pioneers 1859, Peter Nebeker company). She was born June 11, 1860. Their children: Eva Elizabeth b. Jan. 30, 1880, m. Frank Hanson; Laura Ann b. March 13, 1882, m. Moroni Peck; Joseph Francis b. Aug. 29, 1885, m. Ruby Pratt; Lydia Lenora b. Dec. 14, 1887, m. Thomas Carrol; Elva Ray b. Sept. 3, 1890, m. Don Carlos Wadsworth; Leah Wilda b. April 21, 1893; Marlow Morse b. March 18, 1895; Jedediah Young b. Nov. 5, 1897; Isaac Monroe b. Aug. 20, 1901; David Aaron b. July 30, 1905. Family home Ameri- can Fork, Utah. Elder. Fruit grower. Resided at American Fork, Utah. ROWLEY, RALPH NEPHI (son of John Rowley and Sarah Wright of Handley, Stafford, Eng.). Born April 1, 1824. Came to Utah 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Mary Ann Thompson Oct. 30, 1843, Glasgow, Scot- land (daughter of Hugh Thompson of Glasgow, Scotland, pioneer 1852, Isaac C. Haight company). She was born July 14, 1824, died June 13, 1886. Their children: Mary Ann, m. Ira Lyman; John Thompson b. Nov. 7, 1847, m. Jane Paul, m. Mary Jane Smith; Hugh T. and Ephraim George, died; Walter T., m. Lena Peterson; Ralph Nephi, died; Elizabeth Ann, m. Ira D. Lyman; Moroni; Georga. Family home Meadow, Mi Hard Co., Utah. Missionary and president of a branch in Glasgow, Scot- land; high priest; head teacher at Fillmore; ward teacher. Farmer; mason and builder. Veteran Black Hawk war. ROWLEY, JOHN THOMPSON (son of Ralph Nephi Rowley and Mary Ann Thompson). Born Nov. 7, 1847, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah with his father. Married Jane Paul May 22, 1868, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Nicholas Paul and Harriett May of Fillmore, Utah, pioneers 1856, Independent company). Their children: John T.; Harriet Ann, m. Curtis Galloway; Elizabeth Jane, m. William Day; Ralph Nephi, m. Larinda Jorgensen; Hugh; Royal; Lyda May; Clara and William Walace, died. Married Mary Jane Smith June 23, 1880, at St. George, Utah (daughter of Silas Smith and Elizabeth Orton of Stock- holm, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., pioneers 1852). She waa born June 17. 1853. Their children: John Henry (filled mis- sion Australia 1907-10) b. Feb. 10. 1882; David (filled mission southern states) b. Aug. 28, 1883, m. Sarah Noyps: Silas (filled mission in New Zealand 1907-11) b. Oct. 28. 1885; Mary Ann b. Dec. 5, 1887, m. William E. Jones; Franklin Irvin b. Jan. 1. 1890: Ephraim b. Oct. 14. 1893. died: George Albert b. Nov. 27, 1894. Family home Spring Glen, Utah. High priest; presiding bishop of Spring Glen ward 1903-10. Veteran Black Hawk war; school trustee 22 years. Char- coal manufacturer; farmer and merchant. ROWLEY, GEORGE (son of Richard Rowley of Nethers- fleld, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born 1827 in England. Came to Utah Nov. 16, 1855. Married Ann Brown in England (daughter of John Brown of Nethersfleld, Yorkshire, Eng.). Their children: Rachel, died; William, m. Emily Green; Joseph Smith, m. Lydia ROWLEY, SAMUEL (son of William Rowley and Ann Jewell, Buckley parish, Worcester, Eng.). Born Oct. 29. 1842, in Suckley parish. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company. Married Ann Taylor April 23, 1865, Parowan, Utah (daugh- ter of George Taylor and Mary Franks of Nottingham, Eng.. pioneers 1864). She was born April 24, 1846, died Jan. 14, 1901. Their children: Mary Ann b. March 6, 1866, m. Willard R. Guymon; Samuel James b. Jan. 12, 1868, m. Mar- garet E. Black; Hannah Eliza b. Jan. 20, 1870, m. M. E. John- son; Sarah Jane b. July 15, 1872, m. William Hartford Avery; Alice Louisa b. Oct. 11, 1874, m. J. H. Leonard; George Walter b. June 26, 1877, m. Jane Howard; John Taylor b. Sept. 1, 1879, d. child; Maggie Elizabeth b. Dec. 27, 1881, m. George W. Collard; Ida May b. Feb. 23, 1885, m. Francis M. Brasher; Thomas Jewell b. May 2, 1887, m. Myrtle Gardner; Richard Edwin b. Aug. 22, 1889, d. child. Family home, Huntington. Married Julia Ann Westover Dec. 17, 1903, Manti, Utah (daughter of Charles Westover and Mary E. Shumway of Huntington, Utah, pionaers 1847). She was born Feb. 28, I860. President 81st quorum seventy 16 years; high priest; mis- sionary to San Juan 1879-80. First constable of Bluff, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. ROWLEY, SAMUEL JAMES (son of Samuel Rowley and Ann "Taylor). Born Jan. 12, 1868, at Parowan, Utah. Married Maggie E. Black March 13. 1889, Manti, Utah (daughter of William Black and Amy Jane Washburn), who was born Jan. 10, 1869. Their children: Ellen Jane b. Jan. 25, 1890, d. infant; J. Alphonzo b. April 29, 1891; Amelia b. Oct. 10, 1893, d. infant; Orson b. Nov. 7. 1895; Leona b. Jan. 10, 1897; Merrill b. Feb. 25. 1900. d. infant; Clara b. March 31. 1901; Lila b. Oct. 26, 1904; Cyril b. May 5. 1906, d. infant: Edna b. July 26, 1908, d. Infant; Samuel A. b. Sept. 20, 1911. Family home, Huntington. Elder; ward teacher. Farmer. Died Feb. 12, 1910, Hunt- ington. 1144 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH ROWLEY, JAMES ALPHONSO (son of Samuel James Rowley and Maggie E. Black). Born April 29, 1891, at Huntington. Member 81st quorum seventies; ward teacher. Farmer and liveryman. ROYLA1VCE, JOHN. Born Nov. 20, 1807, in Chester, Ens'. Came to Utah October, 1850, with Jonathan Foote company. Married Mary Ann Oakes (daughter of Randall Oakes of England), who was born June 22, 1810. Their children: Henry, m. Elizabeth Bell; Ann, m. William Bird; Thomas, m. Philinda Cuttler; William, m. Lucy Clucas; Elizabeth, m. William M. Bromley; Alma, m. Emma Mendenhatt; Mary Francis, m. John Nelson; Sarah Jane, m. Fred M. Houtz; Olive, m. Cyrus Daley. Family home Springville, Utah. Farmer. Director of Co-op. ROYLANCE, HENRY (son of John Roylance and Mary Ann Oakes). Born May 21, 1831, Chester, Eng. Came to Utah 1850, Captain Foote company. Married Elizabeth Bell Dec. 25, 1853, Springville, Utah (daughter of William Bell and Sarah Brereton of Liver- pool, Eng., latter pioneer Sept. 1852, Captain Tidwell com- pany). She was born March 13, 1837, Liverpool, Eng. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Oct. 4, 1854, died; Henry b. Aug. 21, 1856, m. Martha Sanford, m. Frances Hewlett; William B. b. Sept. 2, 1858, m. Caroline Ellis; Marian E. b. Aug. 25, 1860, m. John R. Menary; John b. May 4, 1862, m. Sylvia Scovill; Eveline b. Dec. 13, 1863, m. Charles S. Lively; Clara- belle b. Jan. 26, 1866, died; Elizabeth b. Jan. 21, 1868, died; Prunella b. Nov. 10, 1869, m. John Wallace Storrs; Leon b. Jan. 6, 1872, m. Gertie Holmes, who died May 17. 1913; Richard b. Feb. 4, 1874, died; Bruce b. April 15, 1876, m. Effle Wheeler; Milton b. July 14, 1878. Family home Spring- ville, Utah. Member 51st quorum seventies. Deputy marshal. Farmer. ROYLANCE, WILLIAM (son of John Roylance and Mary Ann Oakes). Born April 1, 1840, in Chester, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1850, with Jonathan Foote company. Married Lucy Clucas (daughter of Henry Clucas of the Isle of Man, and Elizabeth Martin of England, pioneer 1850, lived at Springville, Utah). She was born July 1843. Their children: William Martin b. March , m. Laura Ann Turner and May Zabriskle; John H.; Elizabeth; Nephi, died; Archie W.; Thomas S.; Nell; Frank E.; Lillle. Family home Sprlngr- ville, Utah. President elders' quorum. Merchant; stockraiser and railroad contractor. Died April 2, 1903. ROYLANCE, WILLIAM M. (son of William Roylance and Lucy Clucas). Born March 31, 1865, Springville, Utah. Married Laura Ann Turner Dec. 23, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of John W. Turner and Sarah L. Faucett of Provo. Utah; came to Utah 1851 with Roswell Stevens com- pany). She was born Oct. 22, 1863. Their children: Hazel T. b. Dec. 18, 1886, died; Martin Wesley b. March 26, 1889; Merllne b. April 26, 1894; Enid and Ellis (twins) b. March 26, 1901; Ellis, d. Sept. 1901. Married Mary Zabriskie (widow of C. E. Young) Aug. 6, 1902, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Alma M. Zabriskie and Emma Brain of Provo, Utah). She was born Dec. 18, 1876. Their children: Charles Edward Young b. Jan. 5, 1900 (son of C. E. Young); William Clucas b. Sept. 7, 1908. Family home Provo, Utah. Elder. City recorder and councilman at Springville; mayor of Provo 1904-5; member Utah state legislature 1897-1900; speaker of house 1899-1900; chairman Democratic state com- mittee 1901. Merchant 27 years; one of the incorporators and directors of the Springville Banking Co. Plckford Oct. 9, 1902; Marian b. April 1, 1882, m. Fred E. Garner Aug. 24, 1903; John b. March 15, 1884, m. Mary Ship- ley Nov. 19, 1912; Rachel b. May 5, 1886; Rosena Virtue b. July 5, 1888, d. Nov. 18, 1907; Heber T. b. March 10, 1891. m. Rebecca Asper Dec. 13, 1912; Sarah Serena b. April 27, 1893, m. Joseph Harrop Nov. 27. 1912; Edna I. b. June 25, 1896, m. Richard Chappie June 22, 1912; Myrtle Elizabeth b. May 25, 1901. Family home North Ogden, Utah. High priest. Farmer. ROYLANCE, AARON (son of William J. Roylance and Mar- tha Janet Smith). Born Aug. 9, 1861, North Ogden, Utah. Married Charlotte Elnora Berry June 25, 1891, Mantl, Utah (daughter of Charles S. Berry and Eliza Jane Harmer), who was born Nov. 30, 1872, Springville, Utah. Their chil- dren: Kenneth Glend b. May 11. 1893; Dorthea b. March 21, 1896; Ireta b. Sept. 5, 1898; Lucretia b. March 23, 1901; Frelda Eliza b. Jan. 4, 1904. ROYLANCE, HEBER C. (son of William J. Roylance and Martha Janet Smith). Born March 30, 1869, Springville. Married Alice Jane Ward Sept. 15, 1892, Logan, Utah (daughter of George P. Ward and Jane Ashworth of Hyrum, Utah. Came to Utah 1873). She was born Dec. 14, 1874. Their children: William Heber b. Sept. 1, 1893; George Ed- mund b. Jan. 27, 1896; Nellie Jane b. April 20, 1898; Alva Janet b. Sept. 1, 1900; Milan b. Nov. 25, 1903; Vera b. Aug. 4. 1905; Elva Cora b. Sept. 28, 1908; Gladys b. March 4, 1911. Family home, Salem. ROYLE, HENRY. Born in England. Came to Utah 1848. Married Ann Capstick at St. Louis, Mo., who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Sept. 22, 1849, m. Loren Almstead 1865; Henry Moroni b. June 22, 1851, m. Harrlette Abigail Zimmerman Jan. 7, 1872, m. Mary Curtis Fawsett June 11, 1894 Family home Lehi, Utah. Missionary in England. Farmer. Died July 1852. Ann Capstick Royle married John Mercer Nov. 9, 1852. Only child, Martha, was born Oct. 9, 1853, m. James Kirkham. ROYLE, HENRY MORONI (son of Henry Royle and Ann Capstick). Born June 22, 1851, Lehl, Utah. Married Harriette Abigail Zimmerman Jan. 7, 1872, Lehi. Utah (daughter of John Zimmerman and Harriet Lamb of Lehi, pioneers 1849). She was born Oct. 6, 1853, died March 19, 1892. Their children: Henry Moroni b. Feb. 25, 1873, m. Alice Sandering (Barr) Jan. 21, 1903; Polly Em- nieline b. April 15, 1878, m. Hyrum Webb Feb. 10, 1897; Harriette Abigail b. Oct. 1. 1880, m. Noal West March 1, 1305; Sarah Ann b. Oct. 20, 1882, m. James Toddard Oct. 1, 1903; James Freeman b. Dec. 9, 1884, m. Lavina McAllis- ter March 2, 1910; Rawsen b. Dec. 5. 1886, died; Myrtle b. July 2, 1889, m. William McEwan March 1, 1911. Married Mary Curtis Fawsett June 11, 1894, at Lehi, who was born 1852. Only child: Hyrum Alvin b. June 17, 1895. Families resided Lehi, Utah. High priest; block teacher. Was first white male child born at Lehi. Builder of canals, Irrigating ditches and bridges. Farmer and stockraiser. ROYLE, JAMES FREEMAN (son of Henry Moroni Royle and Harriette Abigail Zimmerman). Born Dec. 9, 1884. Married Lavinia McAllister March 2, 1910, St. George Utah (daughter of Joseph Warrington McAllister and Mary Ann Miller of St. George). She was born Feb. 4, 1885. Their child: Homer Freeman b. April 14, 1911. Missionary to southern states. ROYLANCB, WILLIAM J. (son of George Roylance of Peover, Chester, Eng.). Born April 19, 1819, at Lower Peover. Came to Utah August, 1852, Orson Spencer company. Married Mary Yarwood (daughter of Samuel Yarwood), who was born 1807. Their children: Hyrum b. July 4, 1844, m. Isabel! Newby May 4, 1868; James b. Nov. 30, 1849, m. Georgena Barrett; Rachel, m. John Woodfleld May 16, 1865. Family home North Ogden, Utah. Married Martha Janet Smith Oct. 4, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of Aaron Smith of Pennsylvania), who was born Aug. 12, 1837, in Pennsylvania. Their children: Aaron b. Aug. 9, 1861, m. Charlotte Elnora Berry June 25, 1891; William George b. Oct. 9, 1863, m. Rosle Snyder June 7, 1897; Alma Thomas b. March 1, 1865, m. Irene Daniels May 1891; Mary Janet b. Feb. 28. 1867, m. Parley P. Hill; Heber C. b. March 30, 1869, m. Alice Jane Ward Sept. 15. 1892; Harvey b. Jan. 17, 1871, m. Eliza M. Ward 1893. Family home Springville, Utah. Settled at North Ogden 1863; moved to Springville; later to Snake River valley. High priest. Pioneer; surveyor. Conducted tannery, shoe and harness shop 1889 at Spring- ville. Farmer. Died June 29, 1895, Salem, Idaho. ROYLANCE, JAMES (son of William Roylance and Mary Yarwood). Born Nov. 30, 1849, Burlington, Iowa. Came to Utah 1853, Orson Spencer company. Married Georgena Barnett Oct. 9, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Barnett and Mary Ann Mathews, both of Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire, Eng., pioneers 1864, John M. Kay company). She was born June 6, 1854. Their chil- dren: Mary Ann b. Sept. 3, 1873. m. Frank Blodget Dec. 5, 1894; James H. b. Jan. 17, 1874, m. Annie Maggie Hawkins Oct. 11. 1898; George W. b. Nov. 14, 1876, m. Alice Camp- bell March 15, 1900; Alma b. Feb. 14, 1880, m. Ada Pearl ROYLE, WILLIAM. Born 1820 at Staley Bridge. Yorkshire. Eng. Came to Utah on Sept. 13, 1861, with Homer Duncan company. Married (second wife) Anne Rasmussen (daughter of Rasmus Anderson and Nette Nielson) Nov. 9, 1882, Salt Lake City. She was born Dec. 24, 1843, at Fensmark, Sjael- land, Denmark. Their child: William Royle b. Aug. 13, 1884. Family home, West Weber. Elder; member seventies; ward teacher. Assisted in con- structing first canal to irrigate arid lands near West Weber, Weber county. Farmer. RUFF, GEORGE (son of James Ruff and Eliza Mealock of Dillington, Huntington, Eng.). Born Jan. 18, 1850, at Dil- lington. Came to Utah Oct. 5. 1879. Married Sarah Elizabeth Grayson 1871, in parish church, Sheffield, Eng. (daughter of Henry Grayson and Mary Jones of Rotherham, Yorkshire, Eng., latter came to Utah May G, 1879). She was born April 25, 1851. Their children: Mary Emma, m. Joseph Jones; George Henry b. Oct. 10, 1876, m. Nettie Calderwood; John James, m. Alice Dunster; William Edward b. May 24, 1881, m. Margaret Morgan; Joseph Heber b. Oct. 1, 1884, m. Ida W. Bowley; Wilford, m. Elizabeth Blackham. Her home Moroni, San Pete Co., Utah; his Coal- vllle, Utah. Married Mary Hood (Johnstone) Aug. 4, 1909, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nicol Hood and Angelina O'Neil of Bathgate, Scotland). She was born April 27, 1853. Ordained bishop July 19, 1902, by Hyrum M. Smith; presi- dent first quorum elders of Summit stake; missionary to Sheffield and Nottingham, Eng., 1898-1900; home missionary In Summit stake 1883-98. President Scofleld town board; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1145 city councilman at Scofleld two terms; member Scofleld school board two terms; justice of peace at Coalville 1896-97. Blacksmith. Mary Hood was the widow of Samuel Johnstone, married June 26, 1878, at Glasgow, Scotland. Their children: Agnes b. April 16, 1880, m. Alfred Newneen; Francis b. March 12, 1882, m. Wlllard Stlllman; Andrew H. b. May 14, 1884, d. youth. Family home, Scofleld. RUSHTON. EDWIN (son of Richard Rushton and Lettace Johnson of Leek, Stafford, Eng.). Born June 1, 1824, Leek, Eng-. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1851, John Brown company. Married Mary A. Fowell Jan. 31, 1842, Liverpool. Eng. (daughter of John Fowell and Elizabeth Regars of Leek, Eng.). She was born April 23, 1823. Their children: Edwin J.. d. infant; Francis E.. d. aged 2; Martha S., d. aged 3; Edwin J. R., m. Sarah Cheever; Mary A., m. Daniel Clays; Henrltta, m. Hyrum H. Evans; Fortune, d. infant; Fortunate. Member 22d quorum seventies: 1st counselor in bishopric of 6th ward, Salt Lake City; block teacher; high priest. Millman; farmer and stockraiser. Died Dec. 28, 1904, nt Salt Lake City. RUSS, NELSON DANIEL, (son of John Russ, born Jan. 9, 1819, and Abbie Kenyon, both of Alabama, Genesee county, N. Y.) He was born March 14, 1846, at Alabama. Came to Utah November, 1865, a soldier in Co. L, 1st regiment Michi- gan cavalry. Married Ellen Agnes Flygare July, 1867 (daughter of Nils Flygare and Anna Nelson), who was born Augr. 30, 1837. Their children: Anna May b. May 26, 1868, m. Charles A. Gordon July 20, 1891; Mary Jane b. Aug. 6, 1870. m. B. Herbert Dec. 15, 1907; John Daniel b. April 4, 1875, m. Blanche King Feb. 12, 1910; Albert Nelson b. May 20, 1S78. d. Aug. 10, 1878. Married B. Chrlstenia (Peterson) Jorgensen (widow of Rasmus Christian Jorgensen, who died June 23, 1886, by whom she had had two children, viz.; Eli Moroni Jorgensen b. Sept. 16, 1884, m. Alberta Orme at Salt Lake City June 25, 1909; Eliza Christina Jorgensen b. Sept. 30, 1886, d. April 1, 1889), July 17, 1892, at Bear River City, Box Elder Co., Utah (daughter of Nels and Elizabeth Peterson). She was born May 2, 1855, Island of Faeno, Denmark. Family home Wilford, Idaho. High priest; missionary to eastern states March 31, 1898, to Oct. 1, 1898; Sunday school superintendent East Wilford, ten years. RUSSELL, JONATHAN (son of Daniel Russell). Born May 11, 1783. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1852, Benjamin Gardner company. Married Nancy Wilson (daughter of Stebben Wilson). Their children: Gennett b. March 29, 1804, m. Allen Twist; George b. Sept. 6, 1806. d. aged 14; Annie b. Aug. 6, 1808, m. Jonathan Trumble Walton; Daniel b. March 8, 1811. m. Harriet Egllston; Martin b. May 7, 1813, m. Louisa Mours; Loman b. April 17, 1816, d. young; Lyman b. June 11, 1817, m. Nancy Bird, m. Amanda Eldredge; Mary b. Oct. 16, 1819, m. John Allen; Nancy b. Aug. 3, 1822, m. James Caldwell; Allen b. Nov. 1, 1824, m. Harriet Massina Hutchens; Horace b. March 10, 1831, m. Lydia Ann Hobson; Sally b. March 9, 1827, m. Flnley Page. Family home Genesee county, N. Y. Died July 27, 1855, Fillmore, Utah. RUSSELL, ALLEN (son of Jonathan Russell and Nancy Wilson). Born Nov. 1, 1824. China, Genesee county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1862, Benjamin Gardner company. Married Harriet Massina Hutchens March 1, 1846 (daugh- ter of John Hutchens and Elizabeth Crocker, pioneers Sept. 24, 1862, Benjamin Gardner (first team) company). She was born Sept. 14, 1818, Spartanburg, S. C. Their children: Allen b. March 10, 1848, m. Flora Ann Howd; John b. June 24, 1850, d. 1854; William b. March 22, 1862. d. 1864; Eliza- beth b. Feb. 7, 1855. d. 1856; Nancy b. April 17. 1857, m. Isaac J. Riddle 1877; Harriet Narissa b. May 15, 1860. d. Jan. 19, 1862; Jonathan b. Oct. 4, 1862, d. Feb. 11, 1877. Family resided at Manti and Fillmore, Utah. Married Margaret Ashley Dec. 23, 1867 (daughter of Richard Ashley and Elizabeth Hughes), who was born Aug. 12, 1832, Overton, Flint, Wales. Came to Utah 1851, died Sept. 6, 1899. Their children: Emily b. Nov. 17. 1858, d. Jan. 28, 1862; Julia b. Jan. 15, 1860, m. Jedediah M. Warner 1876; Susan Melissa b. Oct. 20, 1861, m. George D. Olsen April 6. 1884; Mary b. Oct. 1, 1863, m. Edward M. Crandall Jan. 3, 1888; Jane b. March 13, 1865, d. same day; Richard Ashley b. Feb. 22, 1867; Margaret b. Nov. 17, 1868. m. Joseph H. Dearden July 4, 1889; Jannette b. March 12, 1872, d. Feb. 9, 1877. Married Henrietta Blythe Oct. 24, 1906 (daughter of Charles Blythe and Isabel! Brown), who was born June 6, 1831, Newton parish, Midlothian, Scotland. Came to Utah 1866, Captain Clark company. High priest. City marshal; member city council 2 years. Road supervisor 12 years. Member high council of Millard stake 1869-1901; patriarch. (daughter of Jesse Hobson and Catherine Dougherty of North Pigeon, Pottawattamie Co.. Iowa, pioneers Sept. 1852, Benjamin Gardner company). She was born Jan. 1, 1838. Their children: Lydie C., m. George W. Bryan; Lewey R., m. Elizabeth Dewitt; Horace Jesse; Henry U.. m. Harriet L. Brewer; Daniel C., m. Sarah Jane Hunt; William R.; Ada C.; Alma L.. m. Lillie M. Willis. Family home Fillmore, Millard Co., Utah. Minuteman, guarded the settlers against the Indians. Farmer. Died June 6, 1901, Fairview, New Mexico. RUSSELL, DANIEL C. (son of Horace Russell and Lydia Ann Hobson). Born July 10, 1865. Fillmore, Utah. Married Sarah Jane Hunt May 17, 1900. Fairview, New Mexico (daughter of Joel Hunt and Matilda E. Moore of Perryville, Perry county, Tenn.; came to Colorado 1883). She was born June 19, 1853. Their children: Fenton B. b. March 1. 1903; Ada E. b. June 10, 1906. Presiding elder of Fairview branch, San Louis stake, Colo. 1880-85; missionary to St. Johns, Ariz. 1885. Defended the settlers against the lawless whites and Mexicans. RUSSELL, SAMUEL (son of Isaac Russell and Mary Waltom of Toronto, Canada). Born June 7, 1836, Toronto. Came to Utah Sept. 13. 1861, Homer Duncan company. Married Lucy Pratt Feb. 4. 1869, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Parley P. Pratt and Hannahette Snivley of Salt Lake City). She was born March 9, 1848. Their children: Jacob Parley, m. Daisy Clark; Francis J.; Henrietta Hope, m. Francis Platt; Ellen. Married Henrietta Pratt June 14, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Parley P. Pratt and Hannahette Snively of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 1847, Parley P. Pratt company). She was born Oct. 26, 1851. Their children: Samuel b. April 14, 1878; Isaac, m. Althea Farr; Lucy; Christopher P.; Jared: Mary; Sarah Eliza. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 2d quorum seventies; special missionary to Canada 1882. Captain in militia. Indian war veteran. Manager Armstrong & Bagley Lumber Co. Died April 20, 1896, Salt Lake City. RUSSELL, SAMUEL, JR. (son of Samuel Russell and Hen- rietta Pratt). Born April 14, 1878, Salt Lake City. Lawyer. RUSSELL, WILLIAM GREENWOOD (son of William Green- wood Russell). Born at Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852, Isaac Bullock company. Married Louise Jones 1839 In New York City. Their children: George W., m. Elizabeth Pierce; Eliza Ann, m. Isaac James Caldwell. Family home Tooele City, Utah. Married Elizabeth Vickery 1848, Buffalo, N. Y. (daughter of William Vickery and Mary Holland of Buffalo, pioneers 1852). She was born 1827. Their children: William G. b. July 4, 1852, m. Minnie Beathel, m. Margaret Clark; Brig-ham Y. b. March 1854, d. aged 18; John T. b. Jan. 24, 1856, m. Agnes Charles; Joseph S. b. Dec. 23, 1858, m. Margaret Charles: Heber C. b. Nov. 1860. m. Elizabeth Orr; Hyrum b. Dec. 1861; Elizabeth b. Oct. 1863, m. William Bracken, m. Mr. McCloud; Annie b. Dec. 1865, m. Albert Macintosh; James b. 1867, d. Infant. Family residence, Tooele county. Presiding elder at Rush Valley and Kamas. Farmer and stockraiser. Died 1870, Rush Valley, Utah. RUSSELL, HORACE! (son of Johnathan Russell and Nancy Wilson of Nauvoo, Hancock county, 111.). Born March 10, 1831, Shelby, Macomb county,' Mich. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1852, Benjamin Gardner company. Married Lydia Ann Hobson May 2, 1856, Salt Lake City RUST, WILLIAM 'WALKER (son of John Rust, born Feb. 6. 1773, Concord. N. H., and Elizabeth Walker, born April 2, 1772, in New Hampshire were married 1806). Born Aug. 14, 1807, Danville, Vt. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, James Brown company. Married Mary T. Rand March 29, 1833, in Vermont (daugh- ter of George Rand and Annie Smith), who was born at Haverhill, Mass. Their children: George Smith b. Jan. 23, 1834, m. Eliza S. Brown Nov. 18, 1856; Horace B. b. Sept. 6, 1836, d. June 21, 1850. Family resided at Salt Lake City and Payson, Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1840-41 and 1843; one of the presidents of llth quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states 1854-66; member Mormon battalion. Settled at Salt Lake City 1847; moved to Payson 1858. Died Sept. 18, 1894, at Payson. RUST, GEORGE SMITH (son of William Walker Rust and Mary T. Rand). Born Jan. 23, 1834, Lowell, Vt. Came to Utah July 27. 1847. Married Eliza S. Brown - Nov. 18, 1865. Mormon Grove, Iowa (daughter of Ezekiel Brown and Catherine Slawson of Pennsylvania, pioneer Aug. 18, 1856, Philemon Merrill company). She was born Feb. 17, 1838, in Pennsylvania. Their children: George Brown b. Oct. 31, 1856, m. Elvira Roberts 1887; m. Eliza Jane Smith; Laura Etta b. May 15, 1858. m. William Beal Nov. 12, 1879; Horace and Henry (twins), d. infants; Julia C. b. Sept. 7, 1863, m. Walter A. Jeffery Jan. 1892; William S. b. March 13, 1867, m. Sarah Gardner July 2, 1891; Orion A. b. April 4, 1870, m. Sarah Man- well; David Dexter b. March 10. 1874, m. Ruth Wooley May 27, 1S03; Leroy W. b. May 15, 1879, m. Clara Bracken July 10. 1907. Family home Payson, Utah. Married Sabra J. Beckstead. Salt Lake City (daughter of Sidney Beckstead and Ann S. Rollins of West Jordan, pioneers oxteam company). Only child: Sidney O. b. April 1871, m. Stella Bagley. Family home Koosharen, Sevier Co., Utah. 1146 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Missionary to eastern states 1854-56; bishop in Wayne stake 1879- called to work in Manti temple 1901; member hig-h council in Utah county. Veteran Walker and Black Hawk Indian wars. Discovered the Eureka mine at Tintic 1870 Member Payson city council 1870-78. Settled at Payson 1858, and moved to Grass Valley 1878. Located the town of Burrville. Farmer; stockraiser and miner. RUST, GEORGE B. (son of George Smith Rust and Eliza S. Brown). Born Oct. 31, 1856. Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Melinda Elvina Roberts Dec. 21, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Edward Killick Roberts and Ann Sophia Rollins of Salt Lake City, Payson and Annabella, Utah). She was born Feb. 12, 1870, at Payson. Their children: Genevieve b. Feb. 21, 1889, m. Alma L. Potter; Rand O. b. Jan. 2, 1891, m. Evaline Rachel Davies Nov. 20, 1912; Eliza Ann b. Jan. 11, 1893, m. Glen Seager; Ethel b. April 26, 1895; Alva George b. Dec. 16, 1897; Elton Roberts b. April 21, 1900; Mary b. Aug. 14, 1902; Sarah b. Dec. 19, 1904, d. infant; Ella b. Oct. 10, 1906; Nora b. Dec. 12, 1911. Family home Caineville, Utah. Married Eliza Jane Smith Dec. 21, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Absalom Smith and Mary Ann Jenson of Draper, Utah). Only child: Baby b. July 16, 1889, d. infant. High priest; counselor to Bishop Walter E. Hanks 17 years; counselor in presidency of Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school superintendent; ward teacher. Constable at Burr- ville, Utah. Fruit tree inspector, Wayne county; director board of health, Wayne county; treasurer of Caineville Irri- gation Co. Farmer and stockraiser. RYSET, FRANCIS FREDRICK. Born in Germany. Came to Utah 1857. Married Nancy Jane Radford at Deseret, Millard Co., Utah (daughter of John W. and Leah Radford of Deseret). She was born 1847. Their children: Maranda Jane b. 1862; Sarah Ellen b. 1864; Francis Daniel b. 1866, m. Priscilla Morgan; Melvin b. 1868. Family home Deseret, Millard Co., Utah. RYSET, FRANCIS D. (son of Francis Fredrick Ryset and Nancy Jane Radford). Born 1866, Deseret, Utah. Married Priscilla Morgan 1888, Leamington, Utah (daugh- ter of Edward Morgan and Sarah West, both of Oak City, Millard Co.. Utah, pioneers 1853, Joseph Young company). She was born 1872. Their children: Nora b. 1889, m. George Moore; Violet Viola b. 1891; Francis E. b. 1893; Thomas C. b. 1896; Zella Priscilla b. 1899; Sarah Jane b. 1901; Mary Vileto b. 1903; Ellen b. 1905; Leona b. 1908; Janie b. 1910. Family home Prospect, Idaho, Eugene Morton b. Feb. 20, , m. Lily Shaw; Lily Ernestine b. July 15, 1862, m. Heber Robinson; Harriet Eurilda b. Aug. 27, 1867, m. John S. Lee; Lula May b. May 3, 1870, m. Andrew G. Benson. SABINE, JAMES (son of Moses Sabine and Sarah Wood- man of Wiltshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 21, 1821, in Wiltshire. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company. Married Jane Holder Oct. 9, 1853, Corsham, Wiltshire, Eng. (daughter of Daniel Holder and Marie Wheatland, same place). She was born Nov. 6, 1825. Their children: Albert, d. infant; Selina J., m. John A. Maynes; James, m. Mary L. Fairbourne. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Builder and contractor. Died Jan. 24, 1911. SAINSBURY, JOHN H. Came to Utah in the early days. Married Laura Wiscombe Nov. 1871, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Wiscombe and Mary Ann Fleet of Eng- land; they came to Utah in Nov. 1871). She was born June 14, 1850. Their children: Ellen Maria, m. Alma N. Timothy; James William; Charles Holland. SALISBURY, O. K. (son of Pehr Salisbury and Hannah Oredson). Born Nov. 17, 1836, Sonasslof, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Christiansen handcart company. Married Elizabeth Catherine Iverson (daughter of Heppe and Anna Christina Iverson). Their children: Olenia; Hannah and Elenia Christina (twins); Amanda Malinda; Anna Maria; Elizbeth Catherine; Oke; Ellen; Jeppe Israel; Joseph Elijah; Cornelius; Aaron; Celesta. Family resided in "Dixie," and afterward Richfield, Utah. Married Mary Jane Gold (daughter of Robert F. and Emma Gold). Their children: Robert Franklin; Samuel Wil- liam. Family resided "Dixie" and Richfield, Utah. High priest. Farmer. SALISBURY, JOSEPH M. (son of Joseph Salisbury). Born Feb. 13, 1852, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah 1856, with his parents. Married Miranda Ramsden (daughter of John Ramsden, pioneer 1863), who was born March 16, 1851, Bradford, Eng. Their children: Hattie, m. Dimond Loosli; Morris J., m. Bertha Johnson; William J., m. Cleo McRay; Roaella, m. Otto Johnson; George, died; Henry; Alice. Carpenter and farmer. Died April 22, 1898, Granger, Utah. SABEY, JAMES (son of Tingey Sabey). Born 1834. Came to Utah 1856, handcart company. Married Jane Bower in England, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Joseph, m. Emily Clark; Sarah Jane, m. John Jacobs; m. Marion Walker; John, m. Amanda Bushman; William, m. Sarah Evans. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Eliza McCollun of Scotland. Their children: Mary Hannah b. Jan. 18, 1866, m. Brigham Timothy; Thomas, m. Jane Hatch; Ann, m. George Young; James, Jr. b. Jan. 20, 1872, m. Libbie Jane Rich; Ephraim, d. child; Charles, m. Miss Evans; Moroni, m. Julia Walters; m. Miss Jacklin; Eugene, m. May Wilcox. Family resided Lehi and Charles- ton, Utah. Settled at Lehi; moved to Charleston where he assisted in building canals, roads, and in developing the country. Farmer and sheepraiser. Died April 1910, Wallsburg, Utah. SABEY, JAMES (son of James Sabey and Elizabeth Mc- Collun). Born Jan. 20, 1872, Charleston, Utah. Married Libbie Jane Rich July 24, 1893, Vernal, Utah, Bishop Joseph Black officiating (daughter of Charles Coul- son Rich and Jane Susannah Stock of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, latter a pioneer Oct. 1860, Nephi Johnson company). She was born Nov. 27-, 1875. Their children: Jay b. Feb. 16, 1894, d. May 1906; Afton b. Jan. 31. 1899; Arthur b. Feb. 14, 1907, died; Arvin b. Aug. 22, 1908; Thora b. Nov. 24, 1910. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. Settled at Vernal 1890; moved to Keystone ranch, Route county, where he engaged in the cattle business; moved to Roosevelt 1905. Interested in Dry Gulch Irrigation Co., and Page Lateral Ditch. Farmer and stockraiser. SABIN, ARA WILLIAM (son of Salmon B. Sabin, born Dec. 24. 1795, in Otsego county, N. Y., and Sarah S. Miller, born May 11, 1791, in Saratoga county, N. Y.). He was born Aug. 4, 1822, in Steuben county, N. Y. Came to Utah September, 1850, Philo Dibble company. Married Nancy Ann Hanes in May 1850 (daughter of Azariah Hanes and Polly Ann Newman), who was born Nov. 12, 1828. Their children: Ara William b. Feb. 17, 1851, m. Amanda Gardner; Flora Ann, m. James Wrathall; Eri Beson; Bertha Blanche b. Jan. 14, , m. Jesse Carter; SALISBURY, ORANGE J. Came to Utah in 1868. Married Margaret B. Walker. Their children: Stella J., m. L. B. McCornick; Orange J., Jr., m. Marian McGilvray; Robert W. b. Dec. 27, 1883, m. Genevieve McCornick Nov. 17, 1909; Elaine G., died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member state board of equalization. National Republican committeeman. Capitalist. Died June 18, 1907, New York City. SALISBURY, ROBERT W. (son of Orange J. Salisbury and Margaret B. Walker). Born Dec. 27, 1883, Salt Lake City. Married Genevieve McCornick Nov. 17, 1909, Salt Lake City (daughter of W. S. McCornick and Hannah Keogh of Canada). Their children: Evelyn E. b. Sept. 1910; Mar- garet B. b. Nov. 6, 1912. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member state board of equalization. President Salisbury Co. Capitalist. SANDBORG, JOHN S. (son of Swen Sanderson and Anna Jepson of Nosabe, Sweden). Born Nov. 2, 1836, Nosabe, Sweden. Came to Utah 1869, O. C. Oleson company. Married Anna Louisa Oleson May, 1861, Stockholm, Sweden (daughter of Ole Oleson and Anna Katrlna Ander- son of East Jutland, Sweden; came to Utah 1871). She was born Dec. 15, 1839. Their children: Anna Sophia, m. John Johnson; John, m. Nellie Clawson; Selma; Carl Ludwigr, m. Estella Jacobs; Oscar K., m. Esther Connell. Family home Salt Lake City. Shoemaker. SANBORN, GEORGE! B. (son of Isaac Sanborn and Sarah Jane Cobb of Bangor, Penobscot Co., Maine; came to Utah 1873). Born Nov. 14, 1858. Came to Utah with his parents. Married Sarah Jane Smith Nov. 16, 1875, Salt Lake endow- ment house, Daniel H. Wells officiating (daughter of Wil- liam Smith and Jane Rawlings of Paradise, Utah, pioneers 1856). She was born April 1, 1856, in Iowa. Their children: Sarah J. b. Nov. 21, 1876, m. William Mikesell; George B.. Jr., b. July 6, 1878, m. Amy Haywood; Laura E. b. Sept. 28, 1880, m. Mark Haywood; William b. July 7, 1882; Joseph b. May 11, 1884; Eva b. April 11. 1885. d. infant; Mary Ann b. Dec. 15, 1887, m. Frank Hove, m. Charles Helms; Henry b. Sept. 2, 1889, m. Blanch Quigley; John W. b. Sept. 11. 1891, m. Henrietta Gall; Ella b. Nov. 30, 1893, m. John Keller- her; Gladys b. Sept. 5, 1895, d. aged 1 year; Jennings b. Sept. 15. 1896. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder; ward teacher at Pocatello, Idaho 1 . Blacksmith. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1147 SANBORN. GEORGE B., JR. (son of George B. Sanborn and Sarah Jane Smith). Born July 6, 1876, Paradise, Utah. Married Amy Haywood June 22, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Haywood and Sarah Archer of 15th ward. Salt Lake City; came to Utah 1880). She was born In Oct. 1876. Their children: Harold G. b. Jan. 25, 1899; Clarence H. b. Aug. 23, 1902; Stella May b. Jan. 4, 1905; Albert b. Nov. 2, 1907; Ruth b. April 19, 1910. Family home 15th ward, Salt Lake City. Deacon. Foreman of blacksmith shops of the Denver & Rio Grande Railway, Salt Lake City. SANBORN, WILLIAM (son of George B. Sanborn and Sarah Jane Smith). Born July 7, 1882, Paradise, Utah. Blacksmith. Home In 15th ward, Salt Lake City. SANBORN, JOHN W. (son of George B. Sanborn and Sarah Jane Smith). Born Sept. 11, 1891, Salt Lake City. Married Henrietta Gall July 25, 1911, Ogden, Utah, (daugh- ter of Wesley Gall and Dora Eilander of Ogden. Came to Utah April 1905). She was born April 16, 1893. Their children: Dora Jane b. July 24, 1912. Family home, Salt Lake City. Deacon. Blacksmith. SANDERS, DAVID A. (son of William Sanders and Eliza- beth Hunt, pioneers 1850). Born July 14, 1848. Came to Utah with parents. Married Lucy Grover Jan. 4, 1868, Salt Lake endowment house (daughter of Thomas Grover and Lodoiska Tupper tf Farmington, Utah, pioneers 1847, C. C. Rich company). She was born Jan. 7, 1849, Farmington, Utah, and was first white child born in Davis county. Their children: Lucy Elizabeth b. Oct. 6, 1869, m. George A. Hess; Clara Lodoiska b. Jan. 20, 1871, m. Armond T. Rose; David Albert b. Feb. 6, 1873, d. aged 2; Mary Ann b. Sept. 20, 1875, m. George M. Leonard; Frances Eveline b. Feb. 3, 1877, m. Charles J. Steed; Thomas Grover b. Aug. 4, 1878, d. infant; Horace Edward b. Oct. 11, 1880, d. infant; Pearl Adelle b. March 30, , m. Milton L. Lee; Dowe Clarence b. April 12, m. Laurette Burton; Frank Thatcher b. Dec. 17, 1895; Asenath b. Nov. 9, d. infant; Nellie b. July 11, m. Clarence Dawson. Family home Farmington, Utah. SANDERS, ELLIS M. (son of Ellis Sanders and Hannah Mendenhall of Delaware). Born Dec. 5, 1808, Newcastle, Del. Came tp Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Rachel B. Roberts July 9, 1830, In Delaware (daughter of John Roberts and Elizabeth Broom of Balti- more, Md.). She was born Oct. 1808. Their children: Annie, m. Spencer Willbanks; Elizabeth, m. Leonard Conger; Han- nah M., m. Oliver Huntlngton; Rachel, m. Schuyler Everet; Sarah Jane, m. Nelson Merkley; Ellis, m. Mary Ann Smith; Ellen, m. Joseph Cunningham. Family resided Delaware; Nauvoo; Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah. High priest. Assessor and 'collector; road supervisor; city water master. Farmer. Died Jan. 15, 1873, St. George, Utah. SANDERS, WILLIAM (son of Simeon Sanders and Frances Waterman of Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, Eng.). Born Oct. 7. 1836, at Bishop's Stortford. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren Snow's company, after a five months' journey from London with mother and three sisters. Married Naomi Orchard Oct. 20. 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Orchard and Susannah Harding of Bulkington, Wiltshire, Eng.). She was born Nov. 21, 1842, and came to Utah in Sept. 1866, d. Aug. 4, 1912. Their children: Edith Naomi b. Oct. 5, 1867, d. June 6, 1871; Alice Maud b. Aug. 6, 1869, m. Albert S. Horn June 25, 1896; William H. O. b. Sept. 30, 1871, m. Pearl Schreck Oct. 22, 1901; Clara Anna b. March 1874, m. Harold P. Jennlng Feb. 27, 1896; Frederick L. b. June 27, 1876, d. Sept. 27, 1877; Laura Josephine b. June 28, 1878, m. Robert L. Camp- bell Oct. 16, 1902; Lester James b. March 9, 1885, m. Flor- ence Lee Nov. 6, 1906. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Kent, Eng., 1859-64; president of confer- ence one year; member of high priests' quorum of Salt Lake City; member tabernacle choir since 1865. Employed at the Z. C. M. I. from its start and still with it. He was their first traveling salesman. SANFORD, ALLEN TILGHMAN (son of Allen Sanford and Catherine Elizabeth Hartman of Amber, Jones Co., Iowa). Born May 13, 1870, at Amber. Came to Utah In October, 1S95. Married Helen Edith Sheehan July 1, 1896, Anamosa, Iowa (daughter of Jeremiah Lord Sheehan and Laura Raw- Hns of Anamosa). She was born March 24, 1872. Graduate State University of Iowa and law department of Harvard University. Lawyer. SANT, JOHN (son of Abel and Margaret Sant of Middle- wlch, Chestershire, Eng.). Born Jan. 11, 1811, at Mtddle- wich. Came to Utah August, 1861, Job Plngree company. Married Mary Shaw Dec. 12, 1831, at Middlewich (daugh- ter of Richard Shaw and Elizabeth Pocelles of Middlewich, pioneers 1861, Job Pingree company). She was born Jan. 2, 1&14. Their children: George, m. Margaret Mustard; John, m. Martha Kllen Roscoe; Hannah, m. John Millington; Betsey, m. Thomas McCann; Margaret, m. Charles William; Jane, m. Nathan Smith; William, m. Adah Clifford; Eliza, m. Edmund Hepworth; Thomas, m. Lizzie Truscot, m. Jane Winterbotton. Family resided Smithfleld, Utah, and Clif- ton, Idaho. High priest. Farmer. Died Oct. 15, 1887, Clifton, Idaho. SANT, GEORGE (son of John Sant and Mary Shaw). Born Dec. 15, 1833, Middlewich, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1855, John Hindley company. Married Margaret Mustard Oct. 3, 1858 (daughter of David Mustard and Margaret Kay, pioneers Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company). She was born March 9, 1842. Their children: Mary Ellen b. Sept. 10, 1859, m. Pres- ton Thomas Dec. 31, 1876; George b. Jan. 31, 1862, m. Sarah .1. Clifford Nov. 9, 1884; William R. b. Feb. 9, 1864, m. Rosa A. Clifford Nov. 2, 1897; Margaret Kay b. July 3, 1866, m. William Smith Oct. 25, 1883; James b. Aug. 31, 1868, d. March 21, 1870; Lizzie b. March 3, 1870. d. Sept. 15, 1887; Eliza b. June 19, 1874, m. Charles Johnson Aug. 24, 1892; Mary b. Oct. 29, 1877, m. Alma Johnson Jan. 17, 1899; David b. Oct. 2, 1882, m. Elizabeth Cole Jan. 18, 1905; Edmund b. Sept. 22, 1884, d. Aug. 4, 1887. Family resided Smithfield, Utah, and Treasureton, Idaho. High priest. SAUNDERS, WILLIAM GILBERT (son of Charles Saun- ders and Mary Ann Leavitt of Soham, Cambridgeshire, Eng-.). Born Jan. 10, 1819, at Soham. Came to Utah in 1854. Married Phoebe Marrill in England (daughter of John and Mary Marrill of England). She was born June 7, 1817, Little Port, Eng. Their children: Mary Ann, m. Richard Mathews; William G.; Charles and Caroline, d. infants; Caroline Eliza, m. Andrew Miller; James M.; Phoebe, m. Richard Oram; John M., m. Tillie Garmer. Family home Collinston, Utah. Missionary to England 1878; also missionary U. S. Wagon maker. Died at Ogden, Utah. SAUZA, WILLIAM. Born in London, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1853, Jacob Gates company. His wife, Amy, was a pioneer, coming to Utah with him in 1853. Their children: Frederick; Charles; Harriett, m. James Vaughn; Eliza Sarah, m. William Joseph Killpack; .Tames; Clara. Family home Manti, Utah. Elder. Farmer and manufacturer of umbrellas. Died at Mantl, Utah. SAVAGE, DAVID (son of Roger Savage and Phoebe Ste- vens). Born July 25, 1810, Johnstown, Leeds Co., Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, Parley P. Pratt company. Married Theodocia Finch 1834 in Canada, who was born in 1811. Only child: Amanda b. Aug. 23, 1836, m. Phineas W. Cook Dec. 17, 1853. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Abigail White Oct. 17, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of John White and Lucy Bailey, pioneers Oct. 1847, Perrlgrine Sessions company). She was born May 30, 1823, in St. Lawrence county, N. Y. Their children: John Roger b. Dec. 1842, d. 1843; Elizabeth b. 1844, d. 1844; Mary Theodocia b. Feb. 28, 1847, m. John D. Wilcox Aug. 16, 1865; David William b. July 11, 1849, m. Julia Merrill 1877; Sarah Miranda b. April 24, 1850, m. Amasa C. Linford June 29, 1867; Anna Eliza b. Dec. 17, 1856, m. Henry Teeples 1875; Agnes Belzora b. June 29, 1861, m. John Whltton 1879; Ellen Maria b. May 1863; Lucy Estell b. Dec. 8, 1865, m. John Lundquist. Married Mary Ward in 1858 (daughter of George and Isabella Ward, pioneers 1851, Vincent Shurtliff company). She was born Dec. 6, 1830, and came to Utah 1851, Vincent Shurtliff company. Their children: Isabella Elicia b. Oct. 28, 1859, m. Thomas Edwin King Jan. 16, 1878; David Edward b. Nov. 29, 1862, m. Caroline King; William Albert b. Dec. 29, 1865, m. Caroline Clark; Parley Franklin b. Dec. 31, 1868. m. Clair Bell McCullough; Barbara Alice b. Aug. 1, 1872, m. William Sudweeks. Married Margaret Evans In 1859. Their children: Mar- garet b. July 28, 1860, m. N. Karchner; Laura b. Aug. 1863. m. C. Stratton; Charles R. b. Dec. 1866, m. Ella Hall; Corner b. Oct. 1869. . Married Susan Black in 1878. Missionary to Michigan 1843; to Canada 1873; and to the Indians on the Salt River at Mesa, Ariz. Worked on Nauvoo temple. Assisted In bringing Immigrants to Utah. Settled at Lehi 1850; one of first settlers of Bear Lake valley; lived at various places, finally settling at Snowflake, Ariz: Freighted between Salt Lake City and California. Mail parried between Salt Lake City and Cedar Fort, Utah. Brought first threshing machine to Salt Lake City 1860. Died in Arizona. SAVAGE, LEVI (son of Daniel Savage, born Feb. 28, 1762, and Sally Savage, born Feb. 28, 1762, latter of Hebron, N. T.). He was born Aug. 25, 1790, Hebron, Washington county, N. T. Came to Utah in 1848. Married Polly Haines, who was born Aug. 11, 1799, and died in 1847. Their children: Levi b. March 23, ; Polly b. June 24, 1818; Alonzo b. Jan. 22, 1825: Emellne b. Jan. 22, 1825, m. Benjamin Waldron 1849; Matthew b. June 3, 1148 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1837, m. Emily Mitchell; Hannah M. b. Jan. 10, 1832, m. Ira Eldredge; Moroni E. b. July 22, 1843; John b. Oct. 6, 1829; Daniel Nathaniel b. Feb. 18, 1834; David b. Aug. 23, 1839; Phoebe b. March 6. 1841. Died 1874 at Willard City, Box Elder Co., Utah. SAWLEY, EDWAIID (son of William Sawley, born May 26, 1823, and Margaret Hartley, born July 24, 1820, of Colne, Lancastershire, Eng.). He was born March 12, 1854, Burnley, Lancastershire. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1887. Married Sarah Ann Stokes (daughter of Joseph and Ellen Stokes), who was born April 19, 1857. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1887. Their children: Margaret Ellen b. April 27, 1876, m. Joseph E. Wright; Sarah b. Sept. 19, 1877, m. Frank P. O'Neill; Mary b. May 20, 1880 d. child; Jane b. June 16, 1882, m. Joseph H. Wilde; Joseph b. June 30, 1884; Wil- liam b. July 4, 1886; Martha b. Oct. 9, 1888, m. Robert Wilson; Florence b. April 19, 1890, m. R. G. Stone; Edward b. April 6, 1892. Family home Coalville, Utah. Bishop of Grass Creek; ward of Summit stake. SAXTOIV, SOLOMAN (son of William Saxton and Catherine Hemenway of Nottinghamshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 21, 1825. Leicestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1861, John Mur- dock company. Married Matilda Dexter Oct. 26, 1848, In England (daugh- ter of John Dexter and Lydia Wardell of Nottinghamshire). She was born Feb. 5, 1827. Their children: Brigham, Cath- erine, Hannah, Lydla A., and Victoria; first five d. Infants; Sarah E., m. William Staley; John S., m. Andria Johanson; Charles D., m. Sarah Harris; William S., m. Annie Johan- son; Maud S., m. John W. Mumford. Family home Coal- ville, Summit Co., Utah. High priest; first counselor In bishopric 15 years; block teacher. Mining man; farmer .and stockralser. Died Feb. 19, 1903. s< II Vl>l :. CHRISTIAN P. (son of Frederick Ludvick Schade, born Feb. 18, 1778, Skandavorg, Denmark, and Margrette Marie Ravn, born Sept. 23, 1792, Kornum. Denmark mar- ried 1816). He was born April 27. 1827. In Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1864, John Smith independent company. Married Abelone Thorstensen Aug. 15, 1856 (daughter of Evan Christian Thorstensen and Magdaline Chrlstensen married 1831 In Denmark). She was born April 3, 1835, and came to Utah with husband. Family home Huntsvllle, Utah. Married Mary Sophia Heder Sept. 15, , Salt Lake City (daughter of John Heder and Christine Erlckson married 1849 In Dahlsland, Sweden, pioneers Sept. 5, 1863, John F. Sanders company). She was born Dec. 20. 1850, Vennersborg, Sweden. Their children: Marie Abelone b. Nov. 10, 1871, d. 1878; C. Fred b. March 20, 1876, m. Mary C. Wangsgard June 20, 1900; A. Wtlhart b. Sept. 5, 1878 (missionary to Sweden 1907; president of Sundsvall con- ference; counselor to Bishop Halls, Huntsvllle, Utah), m. I.lllie Jensen June 15, 1910; Martha Eliza b. April 2, 1881. m. Alma Petersen April 16. 1902; Mary Elizabeth b. June 21. 1884, m. L. H. Peterson June 22, 1904. Family home Huntsvllle. Utah. President Aarhuus conference, Denmark, 1872-74; coun- selor to Bishop David McKay, Huntsvllle ward, 1885-1901; ward treasurer several years. School trustee 1877-81. SCHADE, C. FRED (son of Christian F. Schade and Mary Sophia Heder). Born March 20, 1876, Huntsvllle, Utah. Married Mary C. Wangsgard June 20. 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian C. Wangsgard and Anna Ander- son, former pioneer 1866, Peter Nebeker company, latter 1869). She was born Aug. 15, 1878, at Huntsville. Their children: Kenneth F. b. Oct. 24, 1901; Rella May b. July 7, 1903; Marlon Frederick b. Aug. 22, 1905; Melva Rae b. Oct. 27, 1907. Family resided Huntsville and Logan, Utah. Missionary to Norway 1897-99; secretary Chrlstlania con- ference 18 months; assistant superintendent Y. M. M. I. A. of Ogden stake 1909-10; chorister and member board T. M. M. I. A.. Cache stake. SCHAERRER, HENRY (son of John Jacob Schaerrer of Schoenenberg, Canton Zurich, Switzerland, born November, 1782, and Barbara Staub of Richterswell, Canton Zurich, born 1781). He was born May 13, 1813, at Schoenenberg. Came to Utah September, 1860, James D. Ross company. Married Anne Goetz July 1843 (daughter of Jacob Goetz and Elizabeth Peter), who was born Dec. 17, 1819, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John Jacob b. Dec. 28, 1845, m. Lamecia Ann Taylor, m. Mary Ott; Annie E. Louisa b. Oct. 1851, m. John Jacob Walser. Family resided Blngham's Fort and St. George, Utah. Married Paulina Ott Nov. 1879, St. George, Utah. Their child: Mary b. March 24. 1880, m. August Martin Peterson. Located at St. George, Utah, 1861, where he assisted In building up the country; moved to Payson 1868 and resided there until his death. High priest. SCHAERRER, JOHN JACOB (son of Henry Schaerrer and Anne Goetz). Born Dec. 28, 1845, Hegi, Canton Zurich, Switzerland. Married Lamecia Anna Taylor May 9, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Taylor and Ann J. Hlatt, pioneers, Henry G. Boyle company). She was born June 18, 1846, in Surry county, N. C. Their children: Jacob Henry b. March 19, 1871, d. March 17, 1885; Rosaline b. Feb. 17, 1873. d. Oct. 1885; Adelia Ann b. Sept. 2. 1875, m. Charles C. F. Dixon; Emma Frances b. Sept. 23, 1880, d. Dec. 9, 1895; George Albert b. June 22, 1882, m. Geneva Stewart June 16, 1909; Ada Matilda b. Oct. 28, 1883, m. Raymond H. Clayton; Alma Benjamin b. July 2, 1888. Family home Payson, Utah. Married Mary Ott July 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Jacob Ott and Magdalena Bear), who was born March 10, 1846. Colbrun, Canton Zurich, Switzerland. Their children: Franklin Edward b. Dec. 24, 1881, m. Alice Love- less; Clara Mathilda b. June 8, 1883, m. Byron Gleason; John Henry b. Oct. 6, 1885, m. Nellie Richardson. Settled at St. George 1861. Called to drive teams to the Missouri river for immigrants 1864. Missionary to Switz- erland and Germany 1877 and 1891; president Swiss and German mission 1891-94; senior president 46th quorum seventies, Payson, Utah; home missionary, high councilor and member church board of education of Nebo stake. Farmer and stockraiser. N( 111:111. .ion. % PIERRE (son of Henry F. Scheib and Anna Maria English). Born Oct. 12, 1802, Sobernhelm. Coblenz, Rhenish Prussia. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1852, Captain McGaw company. Married Catharlna Weinmann May 17, 1835 (daughter of Christopher Weinmann and Elizabeth Joiner, latter born March 12, 1740). She was born July 17, 1809, and died Feb. 26, 1866. Came to Utah with husband. Their child: Sabina b. March 28, 1839, m. James Henry Hart May 4, 1861. Married Susannah Deck. Their children: John F. b. Aug. 26, 1879, m. Annie A. Colclough March 20. 1901; Emllie b. Sept. 17, 1880, Conrad b. Dec. 20, 1881; Samuel b. May 14, 1883; Alma Moroni b. Feb. 9, 1885; latter four d. Infants. Died Feb. 16, 1886, Salt Lake City. SCHMUTZ, JOHN (son of John Schmutz and Marie GostoU of Vechingen, Canton Bern, Switzerland). Born July 19, 1818, at Vechingen. Came to Utah June 15, 1874. Married Elizabeth Leman of Wattenwyl, Canton Bern. Their children: Anna Maria Christian; Lena; John; Rosetta; Jacob; Eliza; Gottlieb; Bertha. Helped build temple at St. George, Utah. SCHMUTZ, GOTTLIEB (son of John Schmutz and Elizabeth Leman). Born April 28, 1861, Bolligen, Canton Bern, Switzer- land. Married Amelia Neiderer April 28, 1887. St. George. Utah (daughter of John Neiderer). Their children: Andrew G.; Donald; Anna Bell; Eldon L.; Rosalia; George C.; Victor L.; Ethel. Bishop New Harmony ward, Parowan stake; mlsssionary to Switzerland and Germany, 28 months. SCHNEITTER, CHARLES (son of John Schneltter and Susannah Betitler of Canton Bern, Switzerland). Born Dec. 11, 1837. In Canton Bern. Came to Utah Sept. 1861, Joseph W. Toung company. Married Mary Karwinsky June 10, 1860, New York City (daughter of Florian Karwinsky and Achtelik of Poland). She was born July 21, 1823. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 16th and 21st quorum seventies; missionary to Switzerland 1880-82; to Germany and Belgium 1889-91; high priest. Farmer and miner. SCHOENFELD, FREDERICK WILLIAM (son of Frederick William Schoenfeid and Sophia Krebs of Magdeburg, near Leipzig, Germany). Born Feb. 14, 1831, Eilenburg, Prussia. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1864, with William B. Preston company. Married Wilhelmine Henriette Lohmann May 10, 1859. Church of St. Thomas, at Leipzig (daughter of John Chris- tian Lohmann and Henriette Leopoldine Wald of Eythra, near Leipzig). She was born Oct. 27, 1830. Their children: Amanda Mary b. Jan. 31. 1860, d. child; Camilla A. H. b. April 16, 1862, d. infant at sea; Joseph Frederick Platt b. July 22, 1864, m. Emma Boss; John Edward b. Jan. 26, 1867, m. Eleanor L. Jones; Mary Edgar b. July 16, 1868, d. Aug 15, 1868; Emil Edgar b. Oct. 1, 1869, m. Magdalene Boss Aug. 28, 1895; Huldah Elizabeth b. Oct. 1. 1871, m. Mathlas E. Hansen; Hertha Amelia b. Oct. 1, 1873, m. Robert Maw. Family home Brighton ward. Utah. Seventy; missionary to Switzerland and Germany 1883- 88; president Swiss and German mission four years; bishop Brighton ward July 29, 1877 to March 13. 1912, when he was ordained patriarch by President Joseph F. Smith; re- vised translation of the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants Into German Language. Justice of peace, 10 years, Brighton precinct. SCHOENFELD, JOHN EDWARD (son of Frederick William Schoenfeid and Wilhelmine Henriette Lohmann). Born Jan. 26. 1867, Brighton, Utah. Married Eleanor Louisa Jones Nov. 10. 1892, Manti, Utah (daughter of Mark Jones and Ellen Herridge, former pioneer 1866, William Henry Chlpman company). She was born PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1149 Dec. 31, 1874. Their children: John Raymond b. Aug. 6, 1893; Eleanor Edith b. Sept. 17, 1894, m. Charles R. North; Laura Estella b. March 20, 1896; Mark Levarr b. Aug. 4, 1897; Frederick Wilford b. Feb. 14, 1902; Parley Harold b. Nov. 19, ; Arthur James b. Jan. 19, ; Violet and Viola (twins) b. Oct. 9, 1907; Alvin Russel b. July 21, 1910. Family home Brighton, Utah. SCHOENFELD, EMIL EDGAR (son of Frederick William Schoenfeld and Wilhelmine Henriette Lohmann). Born Oct. 1, 1869, Brighton, Utah. Married Magdalene Boss Aug. 28, 1895, Salt Lake City (daughter of Johannas Boss and Marianna Gertsch of Gund- lischwand, Canton Bern, Switzerland). She was born July 14, 1872, and came to Utah June 1891. Their children: Clarence Emil b. Aug. 24, 1896; Florence Magdalene b. Sept. 3, 1899; Allen Clyde b. March 16, 1902; Lester Theodore b. Dec. 3, 1903; Irene Elizabeth b. June 21, 1906; Elmer John b. March 7, 1908; Olive Rosetta b. Nov. 14, 1909. Family home Brighton, Utah. Elder. Stockraiser. SCHOFIELD, JOHN (son of Jonah Schofleld and Elizabeth Jackson of Droylesden, near Manchester, Eng.). Born Feb. 3, 1826, at Droylesden. Came to Utah October, 1882. Married Susannah Hewitt Dec. 21, 1852, at Droylesden (daughter of James Hewitt and Amelia Savage of Clitheroe, Yorkshire, Eng., died at St. Louis on way to Utah). She was born Aug. 3, 1828. Their children: Amelia J., m. George Reynolds; John C., m. Nellie Reed, m. Isabel Price; Nephl Y., m. Ellen V. Romney; Charles Heber, m. Elizabeth Swift; Joseph Hyrum, d. infant; Hyrum Smith, m. Grace Appleby. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 13th quorum seventies; president of the Man- chester, Starley, Bridge, Ashton-Under-Lyne, Oldham and Rochdale branches in England. Curator Deseret museum. Real estate dealer. Died Aug. 28, 1899. SCHOW, HANS SORENSON (son of Soren Epsen Schow, born 1798, Vamdrup, Rlbe Amt, Denmark, and Annie Marie Hansen, born 1800, at Sjogard, Denmark). Born Sept. 22, 1825, at Vamdrup. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Chr. Christiansen handcart company. Married Mary Nielsen Nov. 3, 1853 (daughter of Anders Nielsen and Celia Marie Hansen, latter died June 30, 1906, Huntsville, Utah). She was born March 29, 1826, Peste, Veile Amt, Denmark, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Maria b. Aug. 28, 1854, d. 1866; Hyrum Smith b. Sept. 15, 1856, d. Sept. 26, 1867; Soren Anderson b. Oct. 1, 1858, d. 1880; Celia b. Dec. 30, 1860, m. Niels Mortensen, d Oct. 18, 1890; Andrew b. Feb. 5. 1863, d. 1866; Marion b. March 17, 1865, m. William H. Eccles March 17, 1883; Hans b. April 3, 1867, d. May 3. 1879; Sarah S. b. March 31, 1870, m. Philip L. Orth Dec. 23, 1904. Family resided Salt Lake City 1857-64, then at Huntsville, Utah. SCOTT, ANDREW HUNTER (son of Joshua Scott, born Sept. 17, 1785, and Ann Keen, born Oct. 19, 1788, both in Bucks county, Pa.). He was born Aug. 21, 1815, Middleton, Bucks county. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1851, Morris Phelps company. Married Sarah L. Sleeper Feb. 1838, who was born July 21, 1816. Their children: George C. b. July 8, 1840, m. Cornelia E. Kennedy Dec. 25, 1861; Mary Emma b. Feb. 21, 1843, m. George W. Ivins; Hyrum Smith b. April 1, 1845, d. June 17, 1862; Ann Eliza and Ann Margaret (twins) b. March 8, *849. Family home Bristol, N. J. Married Sarah Ann Roe Jan. 12, 1851, Kanesville, Iowa (daughter of George Humphrey Roe, died 1847, Philadelphia, Pa., and Abby Jane Weldon married in 1831, Philadelphia latter pioneer with son, George W., Sept. 26, 1851, Morris Phelps company). She was born Sept. 26, 1832, at Phila- delphia. Their children: Franklin b. Dec. 1. 1861, m. Sarah Ellen Stubbs; m. Eliza Stubbs; Sir Walter b. March 17, 1863, m. Martha J. Taylor; m. Harriet Broadhead; Anna b. March 2, 1856, m. John A. Wilkens; Andrew Hunter b. Nov. 27, 1856, m. Winifred Taylor; m. Myrtle Warwood; Mary Emma b. Sept. 14, 1858, m. Jesse Harding; Canby b. Oct. 28, 1860, m. Eliza B. Cook; Sarah Ann b. June 7, 1862, m. W. J. Hardy; Abby Jane b. Jan. 30, 1864, m. William Joseph Taylor; Howard b. March 23, 1866, m. Eunice L. Stubbs; Roselle Eugene b. May 18, 1868, m. Mary E. Peay; Francelle b. Feb. 6, 1871, m. Walter Sorensen. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Martha Ann Norton April 1, 1856, Prove (daugh- ter of John Westley Norton, and Dorotha Osburn, who came to Utah 1854). She was born Sept. 28, 1840, Limestone, Ala. Their children: William Norton, m. Marietta Clark; Lois D.; General W.; Milton; Flora; Dallas L. Settled at Provo 1851. Bishop 1861-74. Superintendent of construction of fort wall around city 1864. Built first schoolhouse In second ward; first Utah county courthouse 1867-78; Provo meeting house 1861-62, and Provo Woolen Mills 1870-74. Also constructed canyon roads, bridges and dams on the Provo river. Conducted an oxtrain of 48 wagons across the plains 1866. One of the organizers and president of the Utah County Agricultural & Home Manufacturing society. Nurseryman; fruit and seedsman. City recorder; assessor and councilman; mayor of Provo six years. SCOTT, GEORGE COMB (son of Andrew Hunter Scott and Sarah Lee Sleeper). Born July 8, 1840, Vincent, N. J. Came to Utah Sept. 1851, with Morris Phelps company. Married Cornelia Elmina Kennedy Dec. 26, 1861, Provo, Utah (daughter of Charles Kennedy and Elvira Clark of Provo, Utah, pioneers Sept. 23, 1848, Brigham Young com- pany). She was born Nov. 4, 1844. Their children: Anna Eliza b. Oct. 3, 1862, died; Frances Cornelia b. Dec. 4, 1863, m. Mads Peter Madsen; George Combe, Jr. b. Feb. 12, 1866, m. Josephine Jacobsen; Hulda Elvira b. Oct. 16, 1868, m. Charles Nelson; Susan Elmina b. Oct. 13, 1870, m. Joseph Madsen; Sarah May b. May 6, 1873, m. Lars Jacobsen; Hyrum Clark b. Aug. 30, 1875, m. Emily Jacobsen; Mary Emma b. Dec. 11, 1877, m. Frank Hopkins; Charles Kennedy b. Dec. 10, 1880, m. Lula Dilatouch; Lula Belle b. Jan. 25, 1885, m. David Lee; Anthony b. July 21, 1887, died. Family home Lake View, Utah. Member 34th quorum seventies; ward and Sunday school teacher. Farmer; rancher; miner. Indian war veteran, also in Johnston army trouble. Echo Canyon. SCOTT, GEORGE COMB, JR. (son of George Comb Scott and Cornelia Elmina Kennedy). Born Feb. 12, 1866, Provo, Utah. Married Josephine Jacobsen Jan. 2, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of Lars Jacobsen, Sr., and Inger Andres Thomp- son of Lake View, Utah, pioneers 1857, with Chr. Chris- tiansen handcart company). She was born April 11, 1867. Their children: Frances Fern b. Oct. 7, 1890; Johanna b. Oct. 3, 1892; Josephine b. July 16, 1895; Dellvar b. Jan. 24, 1898; Delillie b. Sept. 4, 1900; George Combe b. June 24, 1903; Orthellia b. Jan. 25, 1906; Effle b. May 2, 1909. Elder. Constable of Provo. Dairyman; farmer. SCOTT, SIR WALTER (son of Andrew Hunter Scott and Sarah Ann Roe). Born March 17, 1853, Provo, Utah. Married Martha Jane Taylor Dec. 15, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Joseph Taylor and Mary Bowering, pioneers 1853). She was born March 30, 1856, Provo, Utah. Their children: Mary b. Sept. 5, 1874, d. infant; Walter Taylor b. Dec. 25, 1875, m. Lillie F. Peay; Martha b. Oct. 14, 1877, d. infant. Married Harriet Broadhead April 9. 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Broadhead and Harriet Belts, pioneers 1853). She was born Nov. 16, 1853, Salt Lake City. Their children: Seth b. March 7, 1881, m. Isabelle Harrison; Reed b. March 7, 1883, m. Mary Jennings; Harriet b. Aug. 28, 1884; Lexia b. Feb. 25, 1886; David b. Aug. 22, 1887, m. Margaret F. Duke; Bird b. Dec. 12, 1888; Kate b. April 13, 1890, m. Ernest J. Mangum; Oran b. Nov. 4, 1891; Clarence b. April 25, 1894; Zina b. July 25, 1896; True b. March 22, 1898. Family home Provo, Utah. Farmer. SCOTT, ANDREW HUNTER (son of Andrew Hunter Scott and Sarah Ann Roe). Born Nov. 27, 1856, Provo, Utah. Married Winifred Taylor at Provo (daughter of William Joseph Taylor and Mary Bowering of Provo). She was born Nov. 26, 1862. Their children: Andrew H. b. Feb. 27. 1877. m. Jennie Parks; Lewis Canby b. April 9, 1880, m. Zina Jor- genson; William Joseph b. May 6, 1883, died; Winnlfred b. April 3, 1884, died; Arthur D. b. Sept. 18, 1885, m. Hattie Vincent; Clyde b. March 22, 1888, m. Nellie Roby; Norman b. Oct. 9, 1890, m. Martha Parkins; L. Vera b. Nov. 29, 1895; Lamar b. Aug. 25, 1899, Provo, Utah. Married Myrtle Warwood June 16, 1904, Provo, Utah (daughter of John Warwood, Jr., and Eliza Taylor of Nephl, Utah). She was born Dec. 30, 1885. Their children: Winnl- fred b. March 3, 1905; Fern b. July 23, 1907; Virginia b. March 22, 1909. Elder; Sunday school teacher. Farmer. Family home Provo, Utah. SCOTT, CANBY (son of Andrew Hunter Scott and Sarah Ann Roe). Born Oct. 28, 1860, Provo, Utah. Married Eliza B. Cook Nov. 29, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Luke Cook and Louisa Burton of Wales, pio- neers 1853, Vincent Shurtliff oxteam company). She was born Aug. 22, 1856. Their children: Lorin b. Nov. 29, 1884, died; Ethel Daisy b. Aug. 30, 1886, m. Henry Clay Spencer; Eliza Louise b. Dec. 3, 1887, m. Carlyle C. Cochran; Verna Grace b. Oct. 3, 1891; Inez Silvia b. Feb. 28, 1893; Irvine Leslie b. Aug. 15, 1896. Family home Provo, Utah. City councilman, Provo. Farmer. SCOTT, HOWARD (son of Andrew Hunter Scott and Sarah Ann Roe). Born March 23, 1866, Provo, Utah. Married Eunice Lester Stubbs Dec. 10, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of Richard Stubbs and Eleanor Ware of Chester- shire, Eng., pioneers 1852, Jerome Benson oxteam company). She was born Dec. 21, 1865. Their children: Howard Arvil b. Nov. 17, 1891; Wayne b. July 14, 1894; Morris Stubbs b. Oct. 16, 1899; Elva Fawn b. May 31, 1901; Ruby Ellen b. July 1, 1904; William Delose b. Aug. 30, 1906. Family home Provo, Utah. Elder. Farmer. SCOTT, JOHN (son of Jacob Scott and Sarah Warnock of Toronto, Canada). Born May 6, 1811, Armagh, Ireland. Came to Utah 1848, John Scott company. Married Elizabeth Meneary 1836 (daughter of William Meneary and Catherine McMillin), who was born Sept. 10, 1815, Dublin, Ireland. Their children: Isaac b. Feb. 15, 1837, m. Martha Moor; Matilda b. Nov. 1, 1838; Louisa b. March 20, 1840, m. Edward Morgan; Ephraim b. June 6, 1842, m. Sarah Ellen Smithies; John W. b. Nov. 6, 1844, m. Fanny Martah Ellis, m. Marinda V. Weaver; Elizabeth b. March 15, 1150 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1847, m. Robert Smithies; Heber M. b. Nov. 1, 1849, and Sarah C. b. July 4, 1852, died; Josiah b. Aug. 20, 1854, m. Mary E. Walton; Sophia b. Aug. 20, 1857, m. Edward Morgan; Alfonzo b. Jan. 28, 1859, m. Caroline E. Pratt; Alvina b. Jan. 28, 1859, m. Thomas H. Ellis. Family home Mill Creek, Utah. Married Mary Pugh 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Ed- ward Pugh of Sussex, Eng.). Their children: Hyrum b. July 15, 1846, m. Amelia Morgan; Mary E. b. May 22, 1849, and Eliza A. b. Oct. 20, 1852, m. Peter S. Barson; Lucy J. b. April 19, 1855; Vilate b. May 12, 1861, m. Fred Fowler. Married Sarah A. Willis 1846, who was born Feb. 4, 1825. Their children: Joseph L. b. April 16, 1847, m. Sarah J. Hemsley; Rebecca A. b. March 25, 1849; Simeon W. b. Aug. 25, 1851, m. Martha Ellis; Zebulon b. Dec. 22, 1853; Wil- liam R. b. Dec. 25, 1855, m. Mary L. Green; Hannah M. b. March 2, 1859, m. John G. Morgan; Martha L. b. July 19. 1861, m. McDonald; Sarah M. b. Feb. 3, 1864, m. Wins- low F. Walker; Benjamin F. b. Aug. 7, 1868, m. Rebecca Hemsley. Married Esther Teates 1860 (daughter of George Teates and Mary Chance), who was born April 4, 1843, in Worces- tershire, Eng., and came to Utah 1859, handcart company. Their children: Brlgham b. April 22, 1861, m. Sarah Stod- dard; Mary L. April 1863; George T. b. Aug. 20, 1865, m. Esther Lishman; Sarah M. b. Nov. 22, 1867, m. Henry Bair; Esther A. b. Dec. 23, 1869, m. Joseph Bindrup; Fredrick W. b. July 27, 1872, m. Frances Rothrock. Married Angeline Keller (daughter of Alva Keller). Their children: Winfleld M. b. April 4, 1872; Mary b. 1874; Jacob F. b. Feb. 19, 1876. Settled at Salt Lake City 1848; moved to Mill Creek 1852; senior president 61st quorum seventies; missionary to Ireland 1854-57. Member Joseph Smith's bodyguard; colonel In Nauvoo Legion. Indian war veteran. Died 1876, Millville, Utah. SCOTT, EPHRAIM (son of John Scott and Elizabeth Meneary). Born June 6, 1842. Married Sarah Ellen Smithies Nov. 9, 1S67, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Smithies and Nancy Knowles, pio- neers Sept. 1847, Abraham O. Smoot company). She was born July 5, 1846, in Nebraska. Their children: Sarah Mel- vlna b. Aug. 29, 1868, m. Ellas S. Merrill 1889; Mary Ma- rinda b. June 13, 1870, m. Ephraim Lawson 1888; Ann Eliza b. Jan. 19. 1872; Ephraim Moroni b. Sept. 11, 1873, m. Hannah Sophia Ostram 1907; James Heber b. Oct. 6, 1875, m. Maud Bybee 1901; John Robert b. Oct. 25, 1877, m. Luella Campbell 1901; Louisa Delia b. Oct. 31, 1879, m. Daniel O. Neville 1905; Isaac Clarence b. Dec. 5, 1881, m. Nettie May Poole 1906; Alice May b. May 22, 1884, m. Pleas- ant W. Dabelle 1903; Josiah Alfonzo b. Dec. 6, 1887; Sophia Mabel b. Oct. 31, 1890, m. Clarence McMurtrey 1909. Family home Menan, Idaho. SCOTT, JOHN W. (son of John Scott and Elizabeth Meneary). Born Nov. 6, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Married Fanny Mariah Ellis Jan. 12, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of John E. Ellis and Hannah Barber, latter pioneer 1868, Captain Hyde company). She was born July 19, 1849, in England. Their children: John W. E. b. Jan. 3, 1875, m. Hilma Olsen; Earnest R. b. Oct. 8, 1876. m. Olive Olsen; Fanny M. b. Aug. 5, 1878; Rose E. b. June 30, 1879; Arthur L. b. Dec. 27, 1881, m. Esther Malm 1900; David M. b. March 11, 1884; Harold S. b. Dec. 17, 1885. Married Marinda V. Weaver March 31, 1897 (daughter of Franklin Weaver and Sarah Holmes, latter pioneer 1847). She was born July 31, 1864, Millville, Utah. Their children: Newel E. b. Feb. 27, 1898; Warren C. b. Dec. 30, 1900; Wilma b. June 10, 1902; Luoiie b. July 15, 1904; Frank- lin W. b. Sept. 8, 1906. Family home Blackfoot, Idaho. SCOVILLE, HORATIO BARDWELL (son of Ebenezer R. Scoville and Sally Bassett of Ohio). Born Nov. 12, 1832, Merldith, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1863 with company of miners. Married Maria Goodale Oct. 25, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Newton Goodale and Maria Louisa Bing- ham of Ogden, Utah). She was born Nov. 26, 1849. Their children: William Horatio, died; Clara Maria; Alice G., died; Francis Louis; Lester Seely; Horatio Bardweil; Alva LeRoy; Joseph Goodale; Walter Bassett. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest; president elders quorum. Ogden city coun- cilman. Broom manufacturer. Died July 29, 1893. SCOVILLE, LUCH'S X. Came to Utah 1847, Brlgham Young company. Married Alice at Liverpool, Eng. Their children: William: Hyrum; Loretta, m. Rodney Swasey. Family home Provo, Utah. Seventy; missionary to England. Farmer. Died in 1906 at Springville, Utah. SCROWTHER, 'WILLIAM (son of William Scrowther, born May 27, 1827, Perth, Scotland, and Mary Ann Moon, born June B, 1815, at Perth, both of Dundee, Scotland married June 27, 1849). He was born Nov. 5, 1854, Dundee. Came to Vtah Sept. 10, 1863, William B. Preston company. Married Sirbina A. Aiken July 24, 1881 (daughter of Benja- min B. Alken and Lavina Noble, former pioneer 1848, inde. pendent company, latter Sept. 22, 1861, S. A. Woolley com- pany married 1861, Smithfield, Utah). She was born Oct. 1, 1864. Their children: William b. April 17, 1884, m. Deloris Rucker March 20, 1906; Ann b. Nov. 10, 1885; Leslie b. Oct. 20, 1887, m. Millie Covey Feb. 12, 1907; Almeada b. Oct. 10. 1889; Aldaray b. July 22, 1891, m. Carl A. Anderson Sept. 20, 1911; Venna b. July 3, 1893; Melvin Aiken b. April 8, 1895; Mary b. April 2, 1897; Katie Lazell b. Oct. 29, 1899; Zilpha Ethel b. Aug. 21, 1902; Verner Legrand b. Sept. 26, 1904. Family home, Smithfield. Farmer. SEAMA1V, JOHN (son of Jasper Seaman and Dyan Reed of Ithaca, N. Y.). Born Dec. 18, 1832, Ithaca. Came to Utah Aug. 4, 1854, Bartlett Brown company. Married Susannah Stevens Brown April 4, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Bartlett Brown and Joanna Austin Leach of Centerville, Utah). She was born April 15, 1838, and died April 22, 1913, at Ogden. Their children: Mary Susannah, m. Charles W. Taggart; John William, d. March 10, 1863: Andrew Jerome, d. Oct. 11, 1864; Joanna Dyan, m. Wiley G. Cragun; George Alexander, m. Charlotte J. Fox; Harriet Josephine. Pioneer in Morgan county in 1862. Member 6th quorum seventies; missionary to New York 1876-77; presiding elder at Richville; second counselor in bishopric of Pleasant View ward. School superintendent Morgan county; assessor and collector of Morgan county 1875-76; county commissioner of Weber county 1897-98; justice of peace. Canyon Creek pre- cinct; school trustee, at Richville and Pleasant View; state senator from Weber and Box Elder counties 1894. Farmer and lumber merchant. SEAMONS, ELIJAH (son of William Seamons of Chediston, Suffolk, Eng., born at Allsaints, Eng., and Elizabeth King of St. Michaels, Suffolk). He was born Feb. 14, 1836, Ched- iston, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Emma Lyons (daughter of William and Mary Lyons, who came to Utah Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home com- pany). She was born Sept. 12, 1840. Married Sarah Balls in 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Balls and Sarah Baxter), who was born Sept. 5, 1855, Linstead, Suffolk, Eng. Their children: Laura L. b. Dec. 13, 1873, m. Herbert Elwood 1890; Emma E. b. July 20, 1877, m. John Kirby Dec. 1897; William D. b. March 26, 1879, m. Annie Jackson April 10, 1907; Joseph E. b. April 13, 1882, m. Lucy Jackson Dec. 4, 1907; John R. b. Oct. 4, 1884, m. Hannah Lund March 10, 1909; Sarah b. March 10, 1887; Elvira b. July 31. 1892; Henry S. b. Dec. 17, 1890; Ruby H. b. Aug. 1, 1896. Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Elder; high priest. Veteran Indian war; assisted in bring- ing immigrants to Utah 1861 and 1862. SEAMONS, HENRY (son of Henry Seamons and Mary King of Suffolk, Eng.). Born Sept. 27, 1835, in Suffolk. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1860, Franklin Brown independent company, stopping off at Rockport, Summit county, while the company arrived at Salt Lake City Sept. 4, 1860. Married Emma Horton in May 1860, at Omaha, Neb. (daughter of Edmund Horton and Maria Meade of Leaming- ton, Eng., pioneers Sept. 4, 1860, Franklin Brown company). She was born in May 1842. Their children: Henry, d. Infant; James Allan, d. aged 13; George Edmund, m. Cora Stembrldge. Family home Rockport, Utah. Married Catherine Blake April 9, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Blake and Sarah Borro of North- molton, Devonshire, Eng.; former died on the plains, the latter came to Utah Sept. 25, 1866, John D. Holladay com- pany). She was born March 24, 1841. Their children: Samuel John, d. infant; Henry E., m. Mary A. Staker; Catherine, m. Thomas Chappell; Alfred, m. Clara S. Yates; David E., m. Johannah Sutherland; Jesse E., m. Mary Sutherland; Stephen J.; Ruben A. Family resided, Rockport and Salt Lake City. Bishop of Rockport ward 10 years; choir leader at Rock- port 30 years. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. School trustee 20 years. Postmaster at Rockport 40 years. Black- smith and farmer. SEAMONS, ALFRED (son of Henry Seamons and Catherine Blake). Born March 24, 1872. Rockport, Utah. Married Clara S. Yates March 16, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of John M. Yates and Samantha Young of Mona, Utah). She was born Nov. 29, 1885. Their children: Clara Opal b. Nov. 22, 1906; William Arlan b. July 25, 1909. Family home Mona, Utah. SEAMONS, SAMUEL (son of Henry Seamons, born May 5, 1809. Rumborough. Suffolk, Eng., died at Omaha, Neb., and Mary King, born March 6, 1801, St. Michaels, Suffolk, Eng.). He was born June 7, 1845, Allsaints, Suffolk, Eng. Cai..e to Utah 1860. Married Louisa E. Griffeth April 25, 1870 (daughter of Pattison D. Griffeth and Elizabeth Carson married 1845 in Illinois, pioneers 1851. William Critchlow company). She was born Sept. 19. 1851. Their children: Emma L. b. April 18, 1871. m. Edgar D. Hale Oct. 1, 1890: Elizabeth A. b. July 26, 1872, m. Aroet C. Hale Oct. 15, 1893: Mary Emily b. Oct. IB. 1875, d. June 2, 1877; Samuel G. b. Dec. 10, 1877, m. Janette Nyman June 13, 1900: Elva A. b. March 31, 1880, m. Arthur Bennette Oct. 17, 1900; William D. b. Aug. 8, 1883; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1151 Wilford L. b. June 4, 1886; Janette M. b. April 10, 1889 m Vvill. m T. Merrill June 7, 1911; Ivan V. b. Nov 19, 1894 Family home Hyde Park, Utah. Married Sarah Hurren May 25, 1875. Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hurren and Eliza Reeder pioneers Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company). She was born March 23, , in Suffolk, Enr. Their children: Henry H b. Sept. 15, 1876, m. Maria Bennette April 19, 1900; James W.; m. Lenora Waite Sept. 29, 1900; Mary E. b. July 22, 1880, m. Arthur Peterson Dec. 20. 1900; Rhoda L,. b. April 28, 1882, d. June 15, 1889; George D. b. Dec. 22, 1884. m. Susie Wardle; Grace E. b. Oct. 20, 1886, d. June 23, 1889; Orson L. b. Nov. 16, 1888. d. Dec. 20, 1892; Loran B. b. Jan. 27, 1890. d. Feb. 5, 1891; Delbert K. b. Oct. 19, 1892, d. Dec. 20, 1900; Harvey N. b. Nov. 8, 1895. Ward and Sunday school chorister, Hyde Park ward; assisted in bringing immigrants from the Missouri river to Utah 1864; hauled rock for the temple at Salt Lake. Secre- tary of Co-op, store and member of martial band for a number of years. Member of Utah militia, and served as home guard during Indian troubles in Cache county. Si; Mil, i: (GRANDFATHER). Came to Utah in 1852. His children: John C., m. Jerusha Hill and Mariah Hill; Rebecca, m. William Cloward; Joseph; Charles D., m. Jane Adair; Adelbert, m. Jane Cloward; Philo, m. Jane Davis; Anna, m. Frank Huish. Family home Payson, Utah. Farmer. Died at Payson. SEARLE, CHARLES D. Born Oct. 26, 1834. in Mississippi. Married Jane Adair 1855, at Payson. She was born June 23, 1836, and came to Utah with a handcart company. Their children: Jane, m. Thomas Price; Sarah b. May 25, 1858, m. David Bills; Charles, m. Julia Wilson; Newton, m. Julia Taylor; Joseph, died; George, m. Zlna Alexander; John, m. Julia Adams; James, m. Mary Alexander; Charlotte b. Oct. 29, 1874, m. George Murry, m. Clarence Bird; Alonzo, died. Resided at Payson. Veteran of Black Hawk war. Farmer. Died Aug. 24, 1908, at Dry Fork, Utah. Si: V Its. .1011 v. Born in England. Came to Utah 1864. Married Sarah Wagstaff 1843 in England (daughter of William Wagstaff of England). Their children: Septimus W., m. Anne Chission, m. Mary Ann Needham, m. Isabel M. Whitney; Isaac, m. Sarah Jane Galley; Neaham, m. M. Wilson; Mariah Anne, m. Edward Little; Heber John, m. Isabel Farr; Anna, m. Joseph A. Wells; John, m. Maidie Hyde. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy. Teacher. SEARS. SEPTIMUS W. (son of John Sears and Sarah Wagstaff). Born March 8, 1844, Caldecot, Eng. Came to Utah 1866. Married Anne Chission, who died. Married Mary Ann Needham. Married Isabel M. Whitney April 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Newel Kimball Whitney and Emeline B. Woodward, pioneers 1848). She was born Nov. 2, 1848. Their children: Sidney W. and Herbert W., died; Isabel, TO. C. W. Bucholz; Septimus W., Jr.; Luclle L.; Emiiie, m. J. G. Roberts; Eugene S., m. Eleanor Rheln; Brenton M. Family home. Salt Lake City. Superintendent Utah State Fair Association. Member state legislature 1894. Manager Z. C. M. I. several years. In 1879 he chartered the ship "Ivy" and shipped a cargo of Utah wheat to Europe. In San Francisco, London and Salt Lake City he was called the "Utah Wheat King." Died April 7, 1903, Salt Lake City. SEARS, ISAAC (son of John Sears and Sarah Wagstaff). Born Dec. 2, 1845, at Caldecot, Eng. Came to Utah 1863. Married Sarah Jane Galley Sept. 28, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Galley and Anne Groves of Eng- land, pioneers 1848). She was born May 22, 1849. Their children: Mary Ann b. Aug. 20, 1869, m. Arthur Simmons; Isaac J. b. April 3, 1871, died; William G. b. Feb. 17, 1873, m. Agnes McMuir: Sarah Lucilla b. Dec. 20, 1874, m. John F. Howard; Etta May b. Dec. 1, 1876, m. Heber Pitt; Jessie b. Aug. 28, 1878, m. Royal Hintze; Ida b. Aug. 22, 1880, and Harold E. b. Aug. 10, 1882, died; Albert E. b. March 5, 1884, m. Edith Lungren; Milton Henry b. April 9, 1886, m. . Ida Racine; Ethel Irene b. May 24, 1888, m. Henry Hintze; Afton b. Nov. 30, 1892. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to Norwich 1888-90; ward teacher. Proprietor of grain store; also salt business. Died Oct. 3, 1912, Salt Lake City. SECRIST, JACOB F. (son of Solomon Secrist and Polly Fautz of Tomstown, Franklin county. Pa.). Born 1820 in Frank- lin county, Pa. Came to Utah 1849. Married Ann Eliza Logan of Tomstown, Pa. Their chil- dren: Louisa b. Nov. 9, 1846, m. Charles Parker; Mary Eliza- beth b. Jan. 15, 1848, m. Emory W. Soule: Jacob Moroni b. Aug. 15, 1850, m. Polly Estella Smith; Heber Nephi b. 1852, m. Florence Adelia Smith. Family home Farmlngton, Davis Co., Utah. Missionary to Germany 1852-55. Farmer. Died July 2, 1855, on Ketchum Creek, near Fort Kearney, Neb. SECRIST, JACOB MORONI (son of Jacob F. Secrist and Ann Eliza Logan). Born Aug. 15, 1850, at Salt Lake City. Married Polly Estella Smith June 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas S. Smith and Polly Clark of Farm- ington, Utah). Their children: Jacob Moroni, Jr., b. Feb. 9, 1871, m. Ruth Barber; Thomas Edwin b. May 6, 1872, m. Lillian Blanche Wood Feb. 4, 1891; Polly Estella b. April 24, 1874. m. Franklin D. Welling; Charles Albert b. Aug. 19, 1875, m. Hattie Hess; Annie Louisa b. June 27, 1879, m. George C. Layton; Mary Elizabeth b. June 27, 1879, d. infant; Horace b. Oct. 9, 1881, m. May Alexander. Family home Farmington, Utah. High priest; bishop of Farmlngton ward for 25 years. Commissioner. Farmer. Died Nov. 6, 1906, at Farmington. SECRIST, THOMAS EDWIN (son of Jacob Moroni Secrist and Polly Estella Smith). Born May 6, 1872, at Farmington. Married Lillian Blanche Wood Feb. 4, 1891, Logan. Utah (daughter of Jonathan David Wood and Catherine Blanche Bird of Farmington). She was born Nov. 9, 1872. Their children: Edwin Thomas b. March 5, 1893; Sterling Wood b. May 6, 1896; Wallace LeGrande b. Oct. 30, 1899; Herschell Moroni b. Dec. 9. 1900; Blanche Estella b. April 26. 1904; Alice b. March 16, 1906; Grant J. b. Jan. 7, 1913. Family home Garland, Utah. High priest; missionary to Kentucky 1908-10; first coun- selor to bishop. Town trustee for eight years. Farmer. SECRIST, HEBER NEPHI (son of Jacob F. Secrist and Ann Eliza Logan). Born Sept. 28, 1852, Salt Lake City. Married Florence Adelia Smith (daughter of Thomas S. Smith and Polly Clark), who was born Oct. 5, 1855 and died April 1895. Their children: George Nephi b. Jan. 19, 1872, m. Henrietta Miller; Jesse Edwin b. Oct. 28, 1873- Thomas b. Jan. 26, 1876, d. July 3, 1883; Effle Abigail b. Feb. 1, 1S78, m. Arnold D. Miller; Hattie b. Feb. 19, 1880. m. George Ricks; Albert Emery b. Oct. 29, 1883, m. Vera Stoddard; Lawrence Moroni b. Nov. 26, 1885; Adelia b. April 10, 1900, m. Cleveland Powell; Vernon Logan b. Nov 20, 1901. Moved from Farmington. Utah, to Parker, Idaho, Oct. 1884. Teamster; farmer and guide. Dii d Dec. 28, 1905. SEBLY, WILLIAM STEWART (son of Justice Azel Seely and Mehltable Burnett). Born May 18, 1812, In Connecticut. Came to Utah 1847, John Taylor company. Married Elizabeth DeHart. Their children: Elizabeth, m. William Stevens; Emily, m. George Coats; Moroni, m. Alice Barton; Emeline, m. Oscar Barton; Joseph Nephi, m. Cecelia Winters; Lucinda, m. Author James Jeffs. Married Ellen Carter. Salt Lake Endowment house. Their children: Justice Leigh, m. Maggie Jensen; William Stewart, m. Jennett Merrick. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Married Ann Watkins 1851, Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of Thomas Watkins). Their children: Alford, m.- Sarah Bomen; Annie, m. Jess Petersen. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. SEEGMILLER, ADAM F. (son of Adam Seegmlller, born Aug. 24. 1807, Reischweiler Rhenish, Bavaria, Germany, and Anna Eva Knechtel, born Nov. 13, 1815, Zweibrucken, Bavaria, later of Stratford, Ontario, Canada married Aug. 24. 1834). He was born June 29. 1839, Goderich, Canada. Came to Utah September 1861, William H. Hooper company. Married Laura Quarm 1867 (daughter of Robert Quarm and Sarah Littlejohn. pioneers Sept. 25, 1866, John D. Holla- day company). She was born 1872 on Isle of Jersey. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott company. SEEGMILLER, DANIEL, (son of Adam Seegmtller, born Aug. 24, 1807, Reischweiler, Rhenish, Bavaria, Germany, and Anna Eva Knechtel, born Nov. 13, 1815, Zweibrucken, Bavaria, later of Stratford, Ontario, Canada married Aug. 24, 1834). He was born Dec. 6, 1836, Preston, Canada. Came to Utah 1861. William H. Hooper company. Married Ellen Smith May 10, 1862 (daughter of Joseph Smith and Sarah Sailor), who was born May 7, 1846, pio- neer 1860. Their children: Daniel b. Oct. 2. 1863. d. child; Charles b. July 29, 1865. m. Ida M. Morris April 17, 1891; Maggie b. Dec. 26, 1866, m. John G. McQuarrie Dec. 10, 1887; Elite b. Jan. 12, 1869, m. F. B. Woolley, Jr., Sept. 29. 1886; Rose b. Oct. 26, 1870, m. John P. Fuller June 1, 1895; Anna Eva b. Jan. 23, 1873, m. David H. Frost Dec. 17, 1892; Artlmesia Snow b. Nov. 1, 1874, m. W. T. Stewart. Jr., Dec. 27, 1901; William West b. Oct. 16. 1876, m. Ada Pratt July 31, 1899. Family resided Salt Lake City and St. George, Utah. Married Artimesla Snow Woolley April 16, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Erastus Snow and Artimesla Beman, former a pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company, the latter in 1848). Married Emma Carroll (daughter of Charles N. Carroll and Keziah Giles), who was born Oct. 6, 1868, Heber City, Utah. Their children: Daniel George b. July 14, 1891; Sterling b. May 21. 1893: Adam b. June 1, 1895; Flora b. Sept. 8, 1897; Paul Carroll b. March 14, 1899. Second counselor to E. D. Woolley in the presidency of the Kanab stake 1885. Member of police force of Salt Lake City; chief of police at St. George and also sheriff of Washington county. Went east with team and assisted immigrants across the plains 1862. Died July 23, 1899. 1152 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH SEEGMILLER, WILLIAM WEST (son of Daniel Seegmiller and Ellen Smith). Born Oct. 16, 1876. St. George, Utah. Married Ada Pratt July 31. 1X99, Kanab. Utah (daughter of Lorum Pratt, born Dec. 18, 1853, and Frances Theobald, born Jan. 24. 1859, both of Salt Lake City). She was born May 19, 1881, at Toquerville, Utah. Their children: Zona b. May 1, 1903; Olva b. Sept. 13, 1904: Larue b. Oct. 28, 1905; Lorna b. April 21. 1907; West W. b. Jan. 1. 1909; Jenor b. Nov. 20, 1910; Pratt D. b. Nov. 21. 1912. Family home Kanab, Utah. President of Kanab stake Dec. 3. 1910; bishop of ward Sept. 3, 1905; missionary to Germany 1899-1902. t. WILLIAM HENRY (son of Adam Seegmiller, born Aug. 24, 1807, Reischweiler, Rhenish, Bavaria, Germany, and Anna Eva Knechtel, born Nov. 13. 1815. Zweibrucken, Bavaria, later of Stratford, Ontario, Canada). Born Dec. 19, 1843, at Baden, Waterloo Co., Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Homer Duncan independent company. Married Mary Ellen Laid!aw Nov. 2, 1867. Salt Lake City (daughter of Francis Laidlaw and Jane Ferguson Graham of Liverpool, Eng.; former died en route, and latter came to Utah 1854). She was born Feb. 10, 1852. Their chil- dren: William Adam b. Feb. 21, 1869, m. Mary S. Harmon; Dan b. Sept. 1, 1870, d. Oct. 5, 1871; Chariton b. Feb. 5. 187?, m. Mary Jane Orrock; Clara Jane b. Dec. 28, 1873, m. John J. Toronto: Frank K. b. Aug. 20, 1875, m. Henrietta Baker; Derondo Charles b. Oct. 2, 1877, m. Inez Clark; Lizzie Belle b. Aug. 7, 1879, m. G. T. Olsen; Junius b. April 15, 1881, m. Serinda Jorgenson; Amelia b. July 4, 1883. m. Abram F. Acord: Louisiana b. July 22. 1885. m. R. T. Thurber; Call b. March 11, 1887, d. March 15. 1887: Irene b. June 3, 1888; Marion b. Nov. 1, 1889, m. Pearl Johnson; Ferry Lavar b. July 21, 1892, d. Aug. 24, 1892; Mary b. Sept. 15, 1893, d. April 28. 1898. Married Sarah Jane Stewart Jan. 12, 1874. at Salt Lake City (daughter of William A. Stewart and Jane Neil Brown- ing), who was born Jan. 10. 1855, and died Feb. 12, 1882. Their children: Joseph Watson b. Dec. 2, 1874, m. Mary Ann Enice; Rulon Henry b. Oct. 29, 1876, m. Martha Wil- liams; Minnie Neal b. June 5. 1879, m. J. L. Quist; Sarah Mabel b. Feb. 7, 1882, m. Harvey Ross. Family home Rich- field, Utah. Missionary to Canada 1879; bishop of Richfield 1873-77; second counselor to President Franklin Spencer 1877-87; first counselor to President A. K. Thurber 1887-88; presi- dent Sevier stake 1888-1910; president T. M. M. I. A, Mem- ber territorial legislature 1888; member of senate 1890; member board of directors of the B. T. II. at Prove; director of Snow Academy of Ephraim; speaker of the house of representatives 18S2; mayor of Richfield two terms; treas- urer of Sevier county; selectman; school trustee: super- intendent of schools; member board of university land commission. Farmer and stockraiser. SEELY, JUSTUS AZEL (son of Justus Seely of Canada). Born Nov. 17, 1779. in Connecticut. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, John Taylor company. Married Mehitable Bennett 1800, Luzerne. Pa. She was born Nov. 17, 1779. Their children: Rachel b. Sept. 1801, m. Parlin Webb; John, died; Elizabeth, m. James Young; Mary b. Jan. 24. 1810, m. John Hemmenway; William Stewart b. May 18, 1812, m. Elizabeth DeHart; Justus Wellington b. Jan. 30, 1815. m. Clarissa Jane Wilcox, m. Sarah Jane McKinney; Sarah b. Aug. 27, 1817, m. Asa McGann; David b. Oct. 12, 1819, m. Mary Pettit. Family home in Canada. High priest. Built the first coopershop in Salt Lake. Cooper; sailor and lumberman. Died April 1, 1859, Pleasant Grove, Utah. SEELT. JUSTUS WELLINGTON (son of Justus Azel Seely and Mehitable Bennett). Born Jan. 30. 1815, Pickering, Canada. Came to Utah September, 1847, John Taylor company. Married Clarissa Jane Wilcox March 10, 1842, Charleston, Iowa (daughter of Hazard Wilcox. Jr. and Sarah Seely of Charleston, Iowa, pioneers Sept. 29, 1847, John Taylor com- pany). She was born Oct. 1. 1821: came to Utah with hus- band in 1847. Their children: Orange b. Feb. 20, 1843, m.. Hannah Olsen; Sarah b. April 10, 1844, m. W. J. Tidwell; Don Carlos b. Jan. 4, 1846, m. Hannah E. Reynolds: Hyrum b. March 29, 1848. m. Mary E. Goldsbrough; Justus Welling- ton b. June 25, 1850, m. Annie E. Reynolds: William Hazard b. Oct. 25, 1852, m. Charlotte Reynolds: John Henry b. April 29, 1855, m. Margaret Peel Jan. 15, 1880; Mary Miranda b. June 25, 1857. m. Christian F. Peel: Joseph b. March 30, 1862. m. Sarah H. Allen; Stuart Randolph b. Feb. 16, 1865, m. Millie Nielsen. Married Sarah Jane McKinney Nov. 17. 1873. Salt Lake City (daughter of William McKinney and Sarah Wilcox). who was born Dec. 23. 1837, in Lewis county. Mo. Only child: Eva Rebecca b. Dec. 6. 1874, m. Jens Christian Chris- tensen. Family home Mt. Pleasant. Utah. Settled at Mt. Pleasant 1859. Justice of peace at Mt. Pleasant 20 years: member city council 1877-81 and 1883. Member ward bishopric 20 years. Farmer. Died April 28, 1894, at Mt. Pleasant. SEELT, ORANGE (son of Justus Wellington Seely and Clarissa Jane Wilcox). Born Feb. 20. 1843. Nashville. Iowa. Married Hannah Olsen July 24. 1863. Mt. Pleasant. Utah (daughter of Hans Olsen and Chasty Okersen of Sweden, pioneers Oct. 20, 1867). She was born Nov. 27, 1842. Their children: Emma Jane b. Oct. 30, 1864, m. Christian Grice Larsen; Hanna b. Sept. 19, 1866, m. Nad Olsen; Orange b. Dec. 29, 1869, m. Trena Hansen; Sarah b. Feb. 7, 1871, m. Samuel H. Larsen; Chasty b. June 9, 1873, m. Heber Frandsen; Henry Alonzo b. Dec. 2, 1875; Mary Bertrude b. April 3, 1878: Ethel Ing-re b. Sept. 16, 1880. died; David Randolph b. Jan. 16, 1882, m. Elva Singleton. Family home Castledale, Utah. Bishop of North ward, Mt. Pleasant, 1877-79; also bishop of Castle Valley ward 1879-83. First counselor to President C. G. Larsen 18 years. President of town board two terms. Member legislature 1894. SEELY. DON CARLOS (son of Justus Wellington Seely and Clarissa Jane Wilcox). Born Jan. 4, 1846, in Iowa. Married Hannah Elizabeth Reynolds March 28, 1875, Mt. Pleasant, Utah (daughter of Levi Bert Reynolds and Hannah Johnson), who was born Feb. 24. 1855. Their children: Don b. Jan. 7. 1876, died; Lottie Sybil b. Sept. 23, 1877, m. Joseph Jones; James Bert b. Sept. 28, 1879. died; Marion Carlos b. Oct. 23, 1881, m. Laura Hansen; George Willard b. May 17, 1884; Levi Earl b. April 29, 1887, m. Mertha Moore; Azael b. Aug. 28, 1890. Family home Castle Dale, Utah. Eider. Crossed the plains twice. Deputy sheriff three years and jailer six years. Farmer and stockraiser. SEELY, JOHN H. (son of Justus Wellington Seely and Clarissa Jane Wilcox). Born April 29, 1855, San Bernardino, Cat Married Margaret Peel Jan. 15, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Madsen Peel and Christiana Folkman, pioneers 1854, John Forsgren company). She was born March 1, 1858. at Lehi. Utah. Their children: Ethel Alberta b. Oct. 7, 1880. m. O. E. McGahen Oct. 18. 1905; Zella Gertrude b. Dec. 6. 1882, m. Albert Merrill April 18. 1906; Earl Hen- ning b. Dec. 10, 1884. m. Louie M. Miner May 21. 1910; John Leo b. April 4, 1887, m. Edna Luclle Ralph Oct. 6. 1910; Leonard Joseph b. June 13, 1890; Arbrelia Clarissa b. Sept. 19, 1892: Lucretia Vern b. Jan. 26, 1895; Chesley Peel b. March 20, 1898; Margaret Rae b. Sept. 27, 1900; Oliver Dwight b. April 27, 1902. Family home Mt. Pleasant. Utah. Deputy constable 1882-83; member city council 1891-93; mayor of Mt. Pleasant 1900-01; state senator 1906-10; mem- ber board of directors of Utah State Fair association; vice- president Utah Woolgrowers association: president American Rambouill-et Sheep Breeders association three years. Farmer and stockraiser. SELCK, JOHAXST HEINRICH (son of Johann Ditlef Selck and Charlotte Welhelmine Knall of Borbye, near Eckern- forde, Schleswig-Holstein. Germany). Born Oct. 31, 1812, Eckernforde. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1863, John Murdock company. Married Alicia Withicar Hitchenson in 1842, Copenhagen, Denmark (daughter of Ralph Hitchenson and Marianne Withicar of Birmingham, Eng., who went to Denmark to introduce silver-plating in 1805). She was born June 2, 1813. Died on the plains a half day's journey east of Laramie, Wyo. Their children: Carl Andreas, died: William Walde- mar b. Oct. 26, 1845, m. Anna Chrestine Sorensen Nov. 23, 1867; Marianne, died. Painter and artist. Died 1890, Provo, Utah. SELCK. WILLIAM WALDEMAR (son of Johann H. Selck and Alicia Withicar Hitchenson). Born Oct. 26, 1845, Copen- hagen, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1863, Captain Patter- son company. Married Anna Chrestine Sorensen Nov. 23. 1867, Provo, Utah (daughter of Jorgen Sorensen and Karen Rasmus- datter of Kamas, Utah, who came to Utah in 1873). She was born Jan. 6, 1847. Their children: Clarissa Eliza b. Sept. 18, 1868, m. Thomas H. Boyce; William Walter b. Jan. 31, 1870, m. Sarah Elizabeth Myler; John Henry, d. child; Irene Eleonora. m. Robert Gilchrist: Ernest Allen, d. child; Henry Ernest; John Wallace, d. child. Member 63d, 67th and 130th quorum seventies; clerk of Bannock stake 18'87-89; and of Rigby stake from its organi- zation, 1907, to present date. Clerk of town board of Lewis- ville, Idaho 1906-10. Notary public; fruit grower. SELCK, WILLIAM WALTER (son of William Waldemar Selck and Anna Chrestine Sorensen). Born Jan. 31, 1870, Kamas. Utah. Married Sarah Elizabeth Myler Nov. 23, 1892. Salt Lake temple (daughter of Orrin M. and Elizabeth Myler of Lewis- ville, Idaho). Their children: William Archy; Millie; Chres- tine; Leith Lavon. Family home. Lewisville. Member 130th quorum seventies: missionary to southern states; member council of 130th quorum seventies; 2d coun- selor in presidency of Rigby stake. Member town board. Farmer. SELLEY. WILLIAM (son of William Selley .and Grace Partridge of Devonshire. Eng.). Born March 18, 1833. in Devonshire. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1866, John Holladay company. Married Sarah Lake 1858. in Devonshire (daughter of Wil- liam Lake and Emma Court of Devonshire, pioneers Sept. 25, 1866, John Holladay company). She was born June 29, 1834. Their children: Hannah, m. Stephen J. New-" man; 'William, m. Lucinda Humpheries: Joshua, m. Eliza- beth Crismon: Sarah Jane, m. Morgan James: John Henry, m. Trenna Cotter: Emily Grace, m. Edwin Fletcher. Family home. Salt Lake City. Seventy; high priest; block teacher. Gardener. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1153 SELLET, WILLIAM (son of William Selley and Sarah Lake). Born Oct. 19. 1867, Salt Lake City. Married Luoinda Humpheries Dec. 29, 1886, Logan, Utah, President Merrill officiating (daughter of John Humpheries and Hannah Baugh of Lancastershire, Eng., pioneers 1854). She was born April 26, 1869. Their children: William J. b. Oct. 24, 1887, m. Ethel Leischman; Harvey L. b. Aug. 24, 1889; Lucinda b. Jan. 10, 1892; Alice V. b. Aug. 24, 1893, d. aged 9; Elmer b. Sept. 7, 1896, d. aged 12; Joseph C. b. Oct. 24, 1898, d. aged 6; Emily L. b. Dec. 17, 1900, d. infant; Mabel lone b. Oct. 10, 1902; Sarah L. b. Aug. 14, 1912. Family home 16th ward, Salt Lake City. Member 24th quorum seventies; elder and block teacher. Builder and contractor. SBLMAJT, MORMON VERNON (son of Isaac Selman and Margaret Giles of Whitchurch, near Cardiff, Wales). Born July 4, 1855, Eath, Whitchurch, Wales. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1866, Joseph Rawlins company. Married Louisa Jane Daniels April 23, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Thomas E. Daniels of Payson, Utah). Their child: Inez, m. Ernest Menlove. Married Lavinia Elizabeth Williams Nov. 30, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Williams and Mary Bald- win of Birmingham, Eng., pioneers 1864, Captain Patterson company). She was born Feb. 16, 1859. Their children: Rachael Elizabeth, died; Martha Ann, m. Ephraim Jeffer- son; George Vernon, m. Alia Theria McEwan; Joseph Hiram, m. Maggie Roach; Levina Jane, m. John D. Park; Sophia, m. Edwin Ostler; Isaac Selman; Alma Giles, died; Robert William; Abner Oliver; Mary. Elder 1879-1910; high priest; home missionary 22 years; missionary among Ute Indians at Indianola, Utah; Sun- day school superintendent; ward clerk. Postmaster three years; justice of peace. Fruit grower. SESSIONS, "DAVID (son of 'David Sessions and Ann Hall of Newry, Oxford Co., Maine). Born 1793, Newry. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, Perrigrine Sessions company. Married Patty Bartlett 1813 at Bethel, Maine (daughter of Enoch Bartlett and Lydia Nelson of Bethel). She was born 1795. Their children: Perrigrine b. June 15, 1814, m. Julia Ann Killgore Sept. 21, 1834; m. Lucina Call Jan. 28, 1845; m. Mary Call June 28, 1845; m. Fanny Emmerette Loveland Sept. 13, 1852; m. Sarah Crossley March 2, 1861; m. Betsy Birdenow March 25, 1865; m. Sarah Ann Bryson Sept. 29, 1866; m. Esther Mabey Nov. 22, 1873; Sylvanus; Anna; Asa; Annie; Sylvia, m. Windsor Lyon; 3 David, m. Phoebe Carter Foss. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Harriet Worthing at Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of James Worthing and Harriet Tibbets of Nauvoo, pioneers Sept. 24, 1847, Perrigrine Sessions company). Only child: James. Family home, Maine. Elder. Successful farmer. Died 1850, Salt Lake City. SESSIONS, PERRIGRINE (son of J David Sessions and Patty Bartlett). Born June 15, 1814, Newry, Maine. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, with company of which he was captain. Married Julia Ann Killgore Sept. 21, 1834, Newry (daugh- ter of Phineas F. Killgore and Ann York of Newry). She was born June 24, 1815. Their children: Martha Ann, m. William Smoot; Carlos Lyon b. July 16, 1842. m. Eliza- beth Wintle April 2, 1864. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Lucina Call Jan. 28, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daugh- ter of Cyril Call and Sally Tiffany of Mentor, Ohio, pio- neers Sept. 1850, Chester Loveland company). Their chil- dren: Perrigrine, Jr., d. young; Keplar b. Dec. 3, 1856, m. Ann Call Jan. 25, 1876; Harvey; Lucina, d. young. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Mary Call June 28, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Cyril Call and Sally Tiffany), who was born 1824. Their children: Julius, m. Thompson Parks; Byron, m. Ida Twom- bly; Cyril, died; Zina., m. Thomas Burningham; Perry, m. Esther Tolman. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Fanny Emerette Loveland Sept. 13, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Chester Loveland and Fanny Call of Ohio, pioneers September, 1850, Chester Loveland com- pany). She was born Dec. 13, 1838. Their children: Fanny E., m. James Baird; Alice, died; Chester, m. Isabell Cor- bridge; Agnes, m. John R. Stoddard; Sylvanus, m. Lavina Hall; Lucina, m. John Wait; Sylvia, died; Orson, m. Mary Burningham; Samantha, m. David Smith; Perrigrine, Jr., m. Jennie Engebretsen; Chancy, m. Mattie Cloughin. Fam- ily home. Bountiful. Married Sarah Crossley March 2, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Crossley and Mary Jarvous of Lanca- shire, Eng., pioneers Nov. 25, 1856, Edward Martin hand- cart company). She was born Jan. 29, 1843. Their chil- dren: James, m. Selena Holt; Elvira, m. David Briggs; Mary, m. Walter Scott; Joseph, m. Mary Ann Pearson; Wallace O., m. Elizabeth Holt; William Westley, died; Lillac C., m. Willard Eagan; Hannah Ann, died; Phoebe Olive, m. Clarence Evans; Hannah L., m. Heber Burning- ham. Family home. Bountiful. Married Betsy Birdenow March 25, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Birdenow and Zibiah McCarley of Jack- son Co., Ohio). She was born March 6, 1827, and came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Captain Brown company. Married Sarah Ann Bryson Sept. 29, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Bryson and Sarah Ann Conray of Glasgow, Scotland, pioneers 1848, Milo Andrus company). She was born Aug. 21, 1849. Their children: Samuel, m. Elian Wood; Alice, m. George Freestona; Hyrum, m. Laura 73 Thompson; Jedediah, m. Ella Moss; Eliza, m. Henry Arm- strong; Patty O., m. Wilder Hatch; Sarah Ann, m. Eugene Clark; Heber John, m. Artulus Holbrook; Olivia, m. William Waddoups; LeRoy, m. Tessie Cook; Calvin, m. Ruth Hess. Family home, Bountiful. Married Esther Mabey Nov. 22, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Mabey and Esther Chalker of Dor- chester, Eng., pioneers Oct. 5, 1862, Captain Hammond com- pany). She was born July 4, 1850. Their children: Thomas, m. Julia Burningrham; David E., Jane M., and Presley, latter three died; Parley P., m. Bessie Goddard; Susan G., m. Thomas Neatte; Ezra T., m. Nellie Goodfellow; Linnie, m. Samuel LeRoy Hepworth; Walter, died; Alvin. President high priests' quorum of Davis stake; counselor to Bishop John Stoker of North Canyon ward; spent 15 years and $50,000 in missionary work, traveling over 25,000 miles; made large donations for building of L. D. S. tem- ples and meeting and schoolhouses. Bodyguard to Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. First settler in Bountiful, where he built first house. Member of Nauvoo police force; postmaster at Bountiful 1871-77; school trustee. Engaged in milling business with Heber C. Kimball. Farmer and stockraiser. SESSIONS, CARLOS LYON (son of Perrigrine Sessions and Julia Ann Killgore). Born July 16, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, Parley P. Pratt company. Married Elizabeth Wintle April 2, 1864, Salt Lake City Endowment House, Heber C. Kimball officiating (daughter of George Wintle and Elizabeth Sewell of Yarmouth, Eng., pioneers 1863, John Hart company). She was born March 20, 1848. Their children: Patty B. b. March 25, 1865. m. William B. Bitton; David C. b. Aug. 13, 1867, d. aged 2; George P. b. Jan. 7, 1870, m. Lillie Bruce; Barney W. b. Sept. 8, 1873, m. Sarah C. Wood; Joseph W. b. May 7, 1876, d. aged 8; Harvey W. b. Aug. 6, 1879, m. Laura Burning- ham; Julia E. b. Feb. 24, 1882, m. August Wallin; Oscar B. b. Oct. 27, 1884, m. Harriett Brown; Hannah L. b. Sept. 27, 1887, m. George Simpson; Nannie M. b. July 6, 1889, m. Marion G. Boyd. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Sallie L. Hill March 1882, Salt Lake City Endow- ment House, Heber C. Kimball officiating (daughter of James Hill and Melicia Hadlock of Davis Co., Utah, pio- neers 1852). She was born in 1862. Married Mary Rakestraw May 15, 1911, Bountiful, Utah, who was born April 27, 1844, and came to Utah April 27, 1911. Member 70th quorum seventies; missionary to Colorado and Arizona two years; elder; high priest. Sheriff of Davis county; marshal; special policeman of Bountiful; estray poundkeeper; school trustee. Carpet weaver and sawmiller. SESSIONS, KEPLAR (son of Perrigrine Sessions and Lucina Call). Born Dec. 3, 1856, Bountiful, Utah. Married Ann Call Jan. 25, 1876, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Anson Call and Emma Summers, pioneers 1859, hand- cart company). She was born March 20, 1858. Their chil- dren: Keplar b. Jan. 12, 1878, m. Eva Alsop; Franklin b. March 26, 1880; Lucina b. June 24, 1883, m. Carlos Gus- taveson; Ivan b. Dec. 12, 1885; Emma b. March 25, 1887, m. Edwin Reese; Austin b. Aug. 9, 1889; Anson b. March 14, 1892; Ella b. May 27, 1895; Ann b. Nov. 25, 1898; Ber- gretta T. b. Dec. 24. 1900. Family home Chesterfield, Idaho. High priest; missionary to North Carolina 1891-94; high councilor of Bannock stake; member Sunday school union. Farmer and stockraiser. SESSIONS, CHESTER (son of Perrigrine Sessions and Fanny Emmerette Loveland). Born May 29, 1859, Bountiful, Utah. Married Isabell Corbridge Oct. 2, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Corbridge and Alice Parker of Boun- tiful). She was born March 28, 1862. Their children: Chester b. July 5, 1880, m. Urinda Dewey; Edward b. Aug. 25, 1882, m. Effie U. Child; Laura Bell b. Jan. 4, 1885, died; Roy b. June 10, 1886, m. Chloe Welker; Willey R. b. Nov. 13, 1888, m. Jennie Harrison; Alice May b. May 16, 1891, m. Hyrum Roose; Russ H. b. Feb. 15, 1894, m. Lucy Bleayard; Delbert b. Sept. 29, 1896; Loal b. Aug. 29, 1899; Fannie V. b. July 2, 1902; Hilda b. Jan. 17, 1905; Ruby b. Sept. 28. 1907. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Member 100th quorum seventies; missionary to Arizona 1884-85; first counselor in elders' quorum; bishop's coun- selor. Road supervisor. Farmer. SESSIONS, "DAVID (son of David Sessions and Patty Bartlett). Born May 9, 1823, Newry, Maine. Came to Utah July 1850. Married Phoebe Carter Foss in Dec. 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Calvin Foss and Sarah B. Carter of Scarboro, Maine; latter came to Utah 1850, Wilford Woodruff com- pany, and settled at Bountiful). She was born in 1831 at Scarboro and came to Utah with mother. Their children: Sarah Phoebe b. Nov. 26, 1853, m. Joseph Moss Dec. 18, 1872; Cerdinia Estell b. Jan. 30, 1856, m. Arthur Burnham Feb. 1873; 'David b. Jan. 9, 1858, m. Lettie Rawson May 22, 1912; Olive Cordelia b. Dec. 26, 1859, m. William Corbridge 1888; Fabian C. b. July 22, 1862, m. Elizabeth Moss Feb. 1892; Darius b. Oct. 2, 1864, m. Charlotte Chipin June 5, 1892; Calvin F. b. Dec. 24, 1866, died: Elizabeth b. May 29, 1869, m. William Lewis Nov. 23, 1888; Rhoda Harriet b. Oct. 3, 1871, died; Annie Sylvia b. April 30, 1875, m. George Neville June 22, 1899. Member Nauvoo legion. One of Joseph Smith's body- guards. Farmer and harness maker. Died April 19, 1896, Bountiful. 1154 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH SESSIONS, RICHARD (son of Saulmon Sessions and Mary Hargraves of Logan county, Ky.. and Wayne county, 111.). Born April 28, 1799, Logan county, Ky. Came to Utah 1847, Contingent Mormon battalion. Married Lucretia Haws 1820, White county, 111. (daughter of Jacob Haws and Hannah Nail), who was born Nov. 22, 1802. Their children: John b. Aug. 22, 1821, m. Emeline Sessions July 1846; Sarah Ann and Richard, Jr., died; Wil- liam Bradford b. Jan. 23, 1827, m. Cathrine Yeger; Daniel Alexander b. Jan. 11, 1829, m. Janette Baum; Mary, died; Louisa b. July 26, 1833, d. 1891; Eliza Jane, died; Melissa b. March 11, 1836, m. Isaac Baum; Emeline b. May 1, 1840, m. Charles Carter Thomas; Elizabeth b. Aug. 31, 1842, m. David Condon; Hannah b. Jan. 19, 1846, m. William Gallagher. Seventy. Counselor to Bishop Terry of Mosquito Creek, Iowa; 2d counselor to Bishops Fawsett and William Wall of Provo. Member of 30th regiment, 1st brigade Illinois mounted volunteers in the Illinois Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer and stockraiser. Died March 1879, Heber, Utah. SESSIONS, DANIEL ALEXANDER (son of Richard Sessions and Lucretia Haws). Born Jan. 11, 1829. Married Janette Baum. Their children: Rachael b. 1861, m. Thomas G. Clagg; Adolphus b. May 13, 1862, m. Rachael Hickens; m. Mary J. Nelson; Dolphy b. May 13, 1862, m. Rachael Neil; m. Isabelle Richardson; William; Jane, m. Andrew Nelson; Alfred, m. Matilda Poulson; Agnes, m. Joseph Fratillio. Farmer and cattleman. Died Sept. 1905, Heber, Utah. SESSIONS, ADOLPHUS (son of Daniel Alexander Sessions and Janette Baum). Born May 13, 1862, at Heber, Utah. Married Rachael Hickens, July 1892, Heber, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas Hickens and Margret Powell, of Heber City, Utah). Their child: Charles, b. Oct. 13, 1899. Married Mary J. Nelson Dec. 26, 1900, Heber, Utah (daugh- ter of Henry T. Nelson and Mary E. McMillan of Heber). Their children: Cordon b. Oct. 21, 1901; Chloe Ellen b. Jan. 29, 1903; Ella Janette b. Jan. 22, 1906; Bernal Alex b. Aug. 1, 1906; Agnes Larna b. Aug. 24, 1908; Irwin b. Dec. 11, 1910. Families resided Heber, Utah. Farmer and cattleman. SEVERE, HARRISON (son of James Severe and Polly Harris of Knox county, Ohio). Born Sept. 17, 1820, in Knox county. Came to Utah Oct. 30, 1850, Joseph Toung company. Married Dorcas McBride Dec. 31, 1839, in Adams county, 111. (daughter of Thomas McBride and Cathrine Johns), who was born Aug. 16, 1822. Their children: Lyman W. b. Aug. 31, 1840, m. Malinda Mclntosh; Ann J. b. Dec. 6, 1844, m. George Whittle; Arminta b. Aug. 6, 1849, m. John Craner; Hyrum H. b. Feb. 6, 1852, m. Leonora Eastham; Deseret b. May 18, 1856, m. F. M. Cummins; Don C. b. Oct. 6, 1868; Emily b. May 19, 1865, m. James F. Walker. Family home Grants- ville, Tooele Co., Utah. Captain in Nauvoo legion; pony express rider; bodyguard of President Brigham Toung. Died Dec. 1901. SEVERE, HYRUM H. (son of Harrison Severe and Dorcas McBride). Born Feb. 6, 1852. Grantsville, Utah. Married Leonora Eastham July 18, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Eastham and Jane Huntington, pioneers Nov. 1864, Captain Walker company). She was born Jan. 9, 1853. Their children: Hyrum H., Jr. b. June 10, 1871, m. Nellie Smith; John G. b. Nov. 26, 1872, m. Mary Wixom; James R. b. Jan. 5, 1876, m. Grace Cummins; George H. b. Sept. 18, 1877, m. Bertha Bates; Dorcas J. b. May 11, 1879. m. Edward Hunter; Joseph W. b. Sept. 25, 1880, m. Lillie Briggs; Lyman C. b. Feb. 11, 1882, m. Retta Grant: m. Myrtle Hunter; Jane L. b. July 11, 1874, m. Samuel Poulton: Emma L. b. May 22, 1885, m. Cyrus Hunter; Althera b. Nov. 12, 1893, d. May 7, 1897. First child born iu Grantsville. High priest; high coun- cilor at Cassia stake. SEVERN, WILLIAM (son of Enoch Severn and Ann Allen of Hucknall Torkard, Nottinghamshire. Eng.). Born Oct. 4, 1836, Hucknall Torkard. Came to Utah Dec. 1, 1856, Martin and Tyler handcart company. Married Mary Astle May 29, 1856, on ship Orrizon (daugh- ter of Frank Astle and Fleischa Raynor of Hucknall Tor- kard, pioneers Oct. 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born March 16, 1837, and died Aug. 6, 1898. Married Ann Baguley May 16, 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Baguley and Grace Wayne of Derbyshire, Eng., who came to Utah 1874). She was born Nov. 10, 1850. Their children: Mary Ann, m. J. S. Robinson; William Thomas, m. Bertha Myer; Enoch Daniel, died: Elizabeth Sarah, m. J. J. Jones; Harry Allen, m. May Hoff; Daniel Enoch, m. Flora Lewis. Family home Montpelier, Idaho. This wife deserted him. Married Marie Kowallis July 11, 1899, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Otto Kowallis and Pauline Worbs of Berlin, Germany; latter came to Utah June 24, 1890). She was born Aug. 10, 1872. They have one child, Pauline. Missionary to Sioux Falls, S. D., 1887-90; high priest; ward teacher. Farmer. SEWELL, JOSEPH (son of Thomas Sewell, born 1758, andf Ann Bacchus, born 1750, both of England). He was born Jan. 2, 1796, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1862. Married Sarah Stevens Jan. 10, 1814, Norfolk, Eng. (daugh- ter of Barnard Stevens and Elizabeth Rivett), who was born April 9, 1797, and died Oct. 16, 1881. Their children: Eliza- beth b. June 13, 1816, m. George Wlntle; Sarah b. Dec. 19, 1817; Joseph, Jr. b. Nov. 13, 1819, m. Emily Ellett Jan. 17, 1841; Barnard b. March 18, 1821. Family home Woods Cross, Utah. Left without a father at an early age, he helped to sup- port his mother and a large family, but married at 18 years of age. By insistent economy became the owner of two small sailing vessels, which were used for fishing expeditions. These, with his other belongings, he sold, and with the funds he and his wife came to America to become a part in building up the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which faith they had embraced, -having previously been allied with the Presbyterian sect. Immediately after arriving in Salt Lake he located in Davis county, where he lived until March 24, 1880, dying at the age of 84. SEWELL, JOSEPH (son of Joseph Sewell and Sarah Ste- vens). Born Nov. 13, 1819, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1861. Married Emily Ellett Jan. 17, 1841, at Yarmouth, Eng. (daughter of James Ellett and Esther Balls), who was born May 18, 1816, at Yarmouth. Their children: Emily b Jan 23, 1842; Joseph B. b. Oct. 5, 1843; George B b Nov 22 1845; Mary Ann b. Sept. 26, 1847; William b. Feb 1 1850 m. Elizabeth Ann Robins Aug. 29, 1871; Edward b. Jan 27, 1856; Sarah Ann b. Feb. 4, 1858. Family home Weber Co., Utah. Began working as apprentice in shipyard at fifteen years of age after having received common school education and continued at this trade seven years. His father had pre- ceded him to America and he, likewise, turned his all Into money and on March 21, 1860, set sail for New York City. Reached St. Louis May 15, 1861. Joined a company of im- migrants who were starting to Utah, arriving In Salt Lake City Sept. 8, 1861, and locating at Ogden the same year. There, after much hard labor, with the characteristic energy for which he was noted, he placed his family in comfortable circumstances. Soon after arriving there he decided the teachings and principles of the Mormon faith were so en- tirely contrary to his idea and belief that he withdrew from this church and never had anything further to do with it. However, he took an active part in developing and building up that section of the west. He took up a homestead just west of Ogden, making this his perma- nent home. Helped to erect the first schoolhouse built In this section, and labored incessantly in the upbuilding of the industrial life of Ogden. He died in September, 1894, and his wife passed away four years later. His son, George . Sewell, was drowned Nov. 30, 1861. while fording the Weber river with a yoke of oxen. Of the three remaining sons none ever had any connection with the Mormon church, and like their father, were opposed to the teach- ings of that faith. SEWELL, WILLIAM (son of Joseph Sewell and Emily Ellett). Born Feb. 1, 1850, Yarmouth, Eng. Married Elizabeth Ann Robins Aug. 29, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edmund Robins and Ann Douglas) who was born Nov. 30. 1854, Kaysville, Utah. Their children: Frederick George b. Jan. 16, 1874, m. Sarah E. Cole June 6, 1900; Rosa Bell b. Feb. 8, 1876, m. P. K. Smith Sept 1, 1904; Mary Ella b. May 3, 1879, m. F. D. Hyland June 15, 1905; Clara Emily b. May 10, 1881; Henry William b. Oct 10, 1883; Charles Barnard b. April 21, 1886. Family home Weber Co., Utah. Attended school at St. Louis, but grew up In Weber county and has resided permanently on the old homestead ever since. He has taken an active part in the industrial and political development of that part of the state, having filled many important positions of trust by appointment. SEWELL, FREDERICK GEORGE (son of William 3ewell and Elizabeth Ann Robins). Born Jan. 16, 1874, Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah E. Cole June 6, 1900, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of George Cole and Mary Painter), who was born Oct. 20, 1876, at Logan. Assayer and chemist. SHAFER, JOHN o. (son of Johan Shafer and Hannah Rossa). Came to Utah October, 1849. Married Hannah Casto (daughter of Abel Casto and Mary Galland). Their children: Orson W. b. Dec. 2, 1846, m. Elizabeth Kingdom; Mary A. b. Nov. 19, 1848 (deceased), m. Jacob Hunter; John H. b. March 1851; Eliza b. Oct. 22, 1853, m. John William Snell July 21, 1873; Oliver b. Nov. 2, 1855, m. Mary Coon; James A. b. March 1857, m. Eliza- beth Hagel; Frank b. Oct. 30, 1859, m. Emma J. Cooper- Charles b. Sept. 1862, d. aged 30; Mabel b. Aug. 12, 1867. m. W. R. Smith. Family home. Salt Lake City. SHAFFER, HENRY (son of Jacob Shaffer). Came to Utah 1858. Married Eve Beard, who came to Utah 1858 and died at Ogden. Their children: John Isaac, m. Nancy Hill; Joseph Russell, m. Glllead Taylor: George Henry, m. Esther Ann Jessop; Elizabeth, m. John Rolph; Nancy, m. Sylvester Perry; William, m. Mary Ann Bradshaw; Abigail, m. Levl Dougherty. Family resided Ogden, Slaterville and Mlll- vllle. Utah. Elder. Farmer. Died about 1869 at Millville. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1155 SHAFFER, JOSEPH RUSSELL, (son of Henry Shaffer and Eve Beard). Born March 31, 1830, In Virginia. Came to Utah 1858. Married Glllead Taylor, Who was born May 3, 1840. Came to Utah 1858. Their children: Mary Ellen, m. Richard Jessop; George Henry, d. aged 20; Margarett Eve, m. Thomas Jessop; Joseph Kinnion, m. Helen Weaver; William Heber; John Franklin, m. Elizabeth Buckley; Jeanette Larona, m. Richard Jessop; James Marion, m. Lydia M. Rolfe; Isaac Newton, m. Ellen McKowen; Louisa Esther, m. John F. Ses- sions; Martin Luther, m. Matilda Hunt; Samuel Lafayette, m. Irene Jackson; Laura Elphy, died. High priest; ward teacher. Justice of peace 15 years. Died June 23, 1901, Millville, Utah. SHAFFER, JAMES MARION (son of Joseph Russell Shaffer and Gillead Taylor). Born Jan. 7. 1861, Slatervllle, Utah. Married Lydia Mandania Rolfe March 31, 1884, Vernal, Utah (daughter of William Jasper Rolfe and Ellen Wilk- shire of Vernal, Utah). She was born March 22, 1865. Their children: Marion Kinnion b. Dec. 5, 1884, m. Susan String- ham; Estella b. March 23, 1887; Ethel b. April 24, 1889, m. Clifford Hatch; Ellen b. Aug. 25, 1891; Ernest b. Jan. 5, 1894; Barth Cannon b. Jan. 19, 1896; William Jasper Rolfe b. Feb. 22, 1898, d. April 22, 1898, at Lehi, Utah; Pearl b. June 5, 1900; Gorilla b. Nov. 12, 1902; Joseph Alden b. Sept. 12, 1904; Newell Waldo b. Dec. 5, 1907. Fam- ily home Vernal, Utah. Ordained bishop of Naples ward May 17, 1891, and was honorably released Dec. 29, 1909; counselor to Bishop Thomas J. Caldwell of Naples ward 1887-91; superintend- ent Sunday school; ward teacher; secretary to Y. M. M. I. A.; member high council. Treasurer Uinta county 1910-12. President Ashley Central Irrigation Co., 1897-1902. Clerk Ashley Co-op., Vernal, 6 years. b. Dec. 5, 1875. m. George A. Sand; Jesse B. March 6, 1887, m. Minnie Creer; Clyde b. May 9, 1889, died; June b. Jan. 17, 1892; Leo b. June 18, 1894; Ira b. Oct. 30, 1896; Willey b. Jan. 30, 1898. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy. Cattleman and sheep raiser. SHA1VKS, JAMES (son of James Shanks and Marion Leckie of Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland). Born Aug. 31, 1810, at Paisley. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1855, Charles H. Harper company. Married Isabella Dock 1832 (daughter of Robert and Euphemia Dock of Paisley), who was born 1809 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: James Dock b. Nov. 29, 1833, m. Isabella Muir Dec. 21, 1855, m. Eva Erick- son March 10, 1875, m. Caroline M. Homan Nov. 16, 1899; Marion b. July 19, 1836, m. Alexander Perry Dec. 21, 1855; Isabella; William D. b. Feb. 10. 1840. Family resided at Paisley, Scotland; St. Louis, Mo., and Salt Lake City, Utah. Elder. Pattern setter. Crossed plains sixteen times. Died Jan. 22, 1866, St. Louis, Mo. SHANKS, JAMES DOCK (son of James Shanks and Isabella Dock). Born Nov. 29, 1833, Paisley, Scotland. Came to Utah September, 1853, Jacob Gates company. Married Isabella Muir Dec. 21, 1855, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Muir, born at Muchling, and Mary Muney of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, pioneers Oct. 9, 1853, Appleton Harmon company). She was born Aug. 15, 1837. Their children: Mary E. Shanks b. Oct. 8, 1856, m. Gus- tave Woldberg March 25, 1880; Isabella b. Feb. 18, 1859; James M. b. Jan. 16, 1861; William b. April 20, 1863; Marion b. Aug. 12, 1865, m. William J. Doyle July 19, 1888; Elizabeth b. Sept. 10, 1867, m. William Fister Aug. 20, 1895; John M. b. Nov. 23, 1869; Archibald b. March 29, 1872, m. Lilly Buke; Margaret b. Aug. 3, 1874, m. Mr. McEwan; George A. b. Jan. 1, 1878. Married Eva Erickson March 10, 1875, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Eric Erickson and Fredericka Carlson of Upland, Sweden, who came to Utah by railroad). She was born Nov. 27, 1845, Upland, Sweden. Their children: Cat- rina Amelia b. May 11, 1876; Joseph b. Sept. 29, 1877, m. Mary Jacobs Dec. 24, 1902; Louise b. Sept. 29, 1879; Josephine b. July 10, 1881, m. C. M. Gorin Dec. 29, 1910; Hyrum b. March 29, 1884; Evelyn b. July 1, 1887; Fredericka b. March 11, 1889, d. June 27, 1891. Married Caroline M. Homan Nov. 16, 1899, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Homan and Sophia Esing of Lattdrof, Germany), who was born Oct. 19. 1848. High priest; home missionary; superintendent Sunday school at Riverdale. Assisted in building wall around Salt Lake for protection from Indians. Veteran Black Hawk war. SHARP, ADAM (son of John Sharp and Mary Hunter, both of Scotland). Born in Scotland. Came to Utah Dec. 18, 1850. Married Elizabeth Cook 1848 (daughter of David Cook and Mary Pattersen, both of Scotland, pioneers Dec. 18, 1850). She was born April 6, 1828. Their children: John A., m. Rebecca Bennion; David, m. Emma S. A.iax; Eliza- beth, m. Samuel Bennion; Mary Anna, m. Joseph Bennion; Jennett, died; Jennett 2d, m. Israel Bennion; Adam, Joseph, Agnes and Isabella, latter four died; Adam 2d. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Cattleman. Died March 8, 1890. SHARP, JOHN A. (son of Adam Sharp and Elizabeth Cook). Born June 27, 1850, at South Platte, Neb. Came to Utah Dec. 18, 1850. Married Rebecca Bennion Dec. 23, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Bennion and Mary Bushel of Taylors- ville, Utah, pioneers Oct. 5, 1847, John Taylor company). She was born March 17, 1853. Their children: Mary Emma SHARP, FRANCIS (son of Michael Pearson Sharp of Wel- lington and Jane Armstrong born Aug. 19, 1811, both in Biggsmain, Northumberlandshire, Eng. married Sept. 16, 1833). He was born Jan. 24, 1834. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Francis M. Lyman company. Married Dorothy Gill October, 1855 (daughter of William Gill, pioneer Oct. 19, 1862, Francis M. Lyman company, and Mary Chicken). She was born April 21, 1840. Their children: Mary Jane b. Sept. 5, 1856, d. Nov. 22, 1857; Ann b. July 20 1858, m. Edward A. Galbraith Feb. 8, 1875; Elizabeth b. Dec. 16, 1860, d. 1867; Jane b. Sept. 24, 1863, m. John C. Reid Dec. 24, 1880; John Gill b. Feb. 10, 1866, m. Lydia Millgate; Francis, Jr. b. Feb. 17, 1868, m. Lydia Ann Pilkington Nov. 14, 1887, m. May Seymour Neff Jan. 7, 1903; Michael Pearson, b. May 7, 1870; William Thomas b. April 10, 1872, m. Adeline Farrell; Isaac Gill b. March 30, 1874, d. next day; Mary b. Feb. 6, 1876, m. William J. Young; Dora Clarissa b. March 29, 1878, m. Moroni Robison; Sarah b. Nov. 24, 1880. Married Mary Jane Watson May 30, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Watson, pioneer 1862, Francis M. Lyman company), who was born May 26, 1853, Marley Hill, Durham, Eng. Their children: Robert b. April 7, 1873, died; George Armstrong b. July 13, 1874, m. Maud Zimmerman June 1911; Henry Watson b. Dec. 26, 1876; James William b. March 27, 1879; Margaret Chloe b. March 30, 1881, and Frances b. Oct. 19, 1882, latter four died; Hugh b. Dec. 25, 1884; Estelle Pearl b. April 20, 1887; Ruby Isabel b. Sept. 15, 1889. Family resided Smithfleld, Utah, and Lyman, Idaho. High priest. Ward clerk many years under Bishop Samuel Roskelly and Bishop Ferrell. Justice of the peace of Smith- neld several terms. Ordained patriarch May 6, 1889, at Logan. Died February, 1891. SHARP, FRANCIS (son of Francis Sharp and Dorothy Gill). Born Feb. 17, 1868, Smithfleld, Cache Co., Utah. Married Lydia Ann Pilkington Nov. 14, 1887, Smithfleld, Utah (daughter of William and Lydia Pilkington, who came to Utah 1876). She was born Nov. 22, 1866, in England. Their children: Francis, Jr. b. Oct. 26, 1888; William Hugh b. Oct. 13, 1892; Earl Pilkington b. July 23, 1896; Gerald Ray b. Jan. 6, 1898; Leo Alvin b. Nov. 30, 1900. Married May Seymour Neff Jan. 7, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Franklin Neff, pioneer 1848, and Frances Maria Stillman, pioneer 1853). She was born Oct. 30, 1866, East Mill Creek, Salt Lake county. Their children: Dorothy Marie b. Sept. 23. 1904; Mary Frances b. Sept. 3, 1907, d. same day; Zelma Fern b. May 11, 1909. Families resided Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah, and Lyman, Idaho. Ordained seventy July 1911; assistant superintendent of the Lyman ward Sunday school. Resides at Lyman, Idaho. SHARP, JOHN (son of John Sharp of Clackmannanshire, Scotland). Born Nov. 9, 1820, in Clackmannanshire. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1850, John Sharp company. Married Jane Patterson 1839 at Clackmannanshire, Scot- land (daughter of James Patterson of same place). She was born July 26, 1818. Their children: John, m. Hannah Neslen; James, m. Lizzie Rogers; Margaret, m. John Cahoon; Kate, m. Parley L. Williams; Adam; Agnes, m. Abram W. Caine; Secelia; Elizabeth Alice, m. Harry Nesblt. Family home, Salt Lake City. Bishop of 20th ward for 30 years. Manager of the Temple Stone quarries. Police captain. Member of city council; superintendent public works; member of legislature. Rail- road contractor and builder. Died Dec. 23, 1901. SHARP, JOHN (son of John Sharp and Jane Patterson). Born Dec. 28, 1841, in Clackmannanshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Sharp company. Married Hannah Neslen Sept. 8, 1866, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Neslen and Eunice Francis, both of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 20, 1863, C. Spencer company). She was born June 1, 1844. Their children: Eunice Jane b. Sept. 29, 1867, d. child; John N. b. June 11, 1869, m. Margaret E. Miles. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member of high council. State flsh and game commis- sioner 11 years. Mining man; capitalist. SHARP, JOHN N. (son of John Sharp and Hannah Neslen). Born June 11, 1869, at Salt Lake City. Married Margaret E. Miles November, 1892, at Salt Lak-e City (daughter of Orson Miles and Margaret Lawrence, of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1850). She was born December, 1872, died Jan. 7, 1912. Their children: Phylis M. b. 1893; John N. b. 1899. Family home, Salt Lake City. City councilman 1906-08. Representative of Selby Smelting & Lead Co. SHARP, JAMES (son of John Sharp and Jane Patterson). Born Nov. 18, 1843, in Scotland. Married Lizzie Rogers Oct. 31, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Francis and Jemima Rogers of England, pioneers 1856, Edward Martin handcart company). She was born Sept. 13, 1847. Their children: Lizzie b. Sept. 24, 1866, m. Ben R. Eldredge; Kate b. June 11, 1870, m. Ern R. 1156 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Eldredge; Celia b. July 7, 1872, m. M. M. Young; Aggie b. April 14, 1876, m. James R. Hay; John Francis b. May 2, 1878, m. Luella Ferrin; Heber Chase b. Feb. 10, 1880, m. Vera Cannon; Joseph Hyrum b. Sept. B, 1882, m. Maud Shirley; Chloe b. Jan. 2, 1888; William Hooper b. April 3, 1884. Family home, Salt Lake City. House representative. Mayor of Salt Lake City 1884. Chairman board of regents University of Utah. Died May 7. 1904. SHARP, JOHN FRANCIS (son of James Sharp and Lizzie Rogers). Born May 2, 1878, at Salt Lake City. Married Luella Ferrin Sept. 18, 1903, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Josiah M. Ferrin and Martha Brunson, both lived in Ogden Valley, Utah; former pioneer 1856, latter 1847). She was born May 12, 1877. Their children: Denner Francis b. June 23, 1904; Marion b. May 2, 1906; Harlow Brooks b. March 29, 1909; Martha b. Feb. 27, 1912. Family home, Salt Lake City. Physician and surgeon. SHARP, JOSEPH (son of John Sharp of Clackmannanshlre, Scotland). Born in 1817, in Clackmannanshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1850, independent company. Married Janet Condie 1849, St. Louis, Mo. (daughter of Thomas Condie and Janet Sharp of Clackmannanshire, Scot- land, pioneers 1855). She was born Jan. 30, 1851. Their children: John C. b. May 28, 1850, m. Sarah Bethula Palmer; Helen; Mary Jane, m. Joseph J. Daynes; Margaret Ann, m. H. T. McCune; Janet, m. E. A. Senroot. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Margaret Condie at Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Condie and Janet Sharp). Their children: Celia, m. F. E. Barker; Joseph C., m. Jane Bennett. Elder. Furnished stone for Salt Lake temple. Freighter. Died Sept. 5, 1864, Sweetwater, Wyo. SHARP, JOHN C. (son of Joseph Sharp and Janet Condie). Born May 28, 1850, Kaw River, Kansas. Came to Utah 1850 with parents. Married Sarah Bethula Palmer Feb. 12, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mifflin Palmer and Katherine K. Dolbey of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1861). She was born Jan. 30, 1851. Their children: Joseph P. b. Sept. 6, 1874, m. Emma Irene Merrill; James P. b. Aug. 17, 1876, m. Olive Saumsan. Family home, Salt Lake City. Bishop of Vernon, Tooele county; member high council. Trustee of State Agricultural college. Stockraiser and capitalist. SHARP, JOSEPH C. (son of Joseph Sharp and Margaret Condie). Born Dee. 17, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Jane Bennett June, 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Bennett and Mina Foster of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1867). Their children: J. Clyde; Lavon. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 13th quorum seventies; missionary to Scotland 1890-92. Sheriff of Salt Lake county 1909-13. General fore- man of Utah Central shops. SHARP, JOSEPH S. (son of James R. Sharp, born June 20, 1809, and Martha Griffin, born Aug. 7, 1820, of Tennessee). Born July 17, 1840, in Calhoun county, 111. Came to Utah with his own company. Married Rebecca Higby March 13, 1862, In Tooele Co., Utah (daughter of Truman and Lucy A. Higby). Their children: Joseph b. 1864, m. Elsie Lamb 1887; James Ervin b. 1866. m. Melissa Ellsworth; William F. b. 1868, m. Miss Smith; Anna R. b. 1870, died; Lucy Ellen b. 1872, m. Isaac Packer; John Henry b. 1876, died; Arminta E. b. 1877, m. William Packer; George A. b. 1884; Daniel H. b. 1887, died; Emily Zet b. 1887, m. Elif Hoglin. Family home Preston, Idaho. SHARP, JOSEPH TRUMAN (son of Joseph S. Sharp and Rebecca Higby). Born Sept. 4, 1864, Tooele, Utah. Married Elsie Lamb April 1, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Suel Lamb and Elizabeth Zimmerman), who was born April 1, 1869, Hyde Park, Utah. Their children: Myra b. July, 1888, m. Hugh Kid Nov. 14, 1906; Alvin Joseph b. March 17, 1891; Clarence John b. July 20, 1893; Vernon T. b. Dec. 20, 1896; Elmer A. b. May 10, 1900; Elizabeth b. May 2, 1904; Delbert b. March IB, 1907. Family home Preston, Idaho. Married Annie Woodhead Nov. 10, 1910 (daughter of Albert Woodhead and Sarah Fast), who was born Jan. 1887, Hed- dersfull, Eng. SHAW, ABRAHAM (son of Abram Shaw and Nancy Hartley of Ruthle. Lancastershire, Eng.). Born Dec. 8, 1808, Ruthle, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1862, Isaac Bullock company. Married Margaret Thornber 1828 (daughter of Richard and Hannah Thornber), who was born Aug. 9, 1811, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Richard Hartley b. Aug. 15. 1829, d. Oct. 1833; Leah Jane b. Sept. 17, 1851, m. Abner Eldredge Keeler. Family resided Provo and Salt Lake City. Married Jane Lawrenson Dec. 2. 1856 (daughter of William Lawrenson and Ann Quick, pioneers 1856, handcart com- pany). She was born Oct. 9, 1838. Their children: Mar- gret Ann b. May 4, 1858, m. Seth Wareham; Abraham b. Jan. 13, 1860, m. Selina Ann Wall Nov. 28, 1883; Eliza Jane b. March 13, 1862, m. T. E. Jackson Dec. 9, 1877; William Hartley b. Jan. 8, 1864, died; Alice b. Jan. 7, 1866, m. James Alnsworth; Richard H. b. March 5, 1868, m. Ada Ainsworth; Nancy b. July 8. 1871, m. Worthington Bills Feb. 17, 1888; Mary b. Oct. 21, 1874, m. Joseph Cowley; Fredrick b. Oct. 7, 1877, m. Annie Van Dyke; Thomas Q. b. June 30, 1889, m. Carrie Godfreyson; Harriet b. Feb. 20, 1881, m. Roy Larsen. Veteran Black Hawk war. Settled in Provo, later moved to Glenwood. Watermaster in Eastileld Irrigation Co. SHAW, ABRAHAM, JR. (son of Abraham Shaw and Jane Lawrenson). Born Jan. 13, 1860, Provo, Utah. Married Selina Ann Wall Nov. 28, 1883, St. George, Utah (daughter of Joseph L. Wall, pioneer Nov. 1856, and Selina Stevens). She was born Oct. 6, 1865, at Glenwood, Utah. Their children: Abraham Joseph b. Aug. 25, 1884, m. Lenore Crosland March 24, 1908; William Hartly b. April 6, 1886, m. Mary Harding April 5, 1907; Emeron Henry b. June 19, 1888, m. Blanche Ashby May 11, 1910; Earl b. Aug 14 1889; Estella Lavine b. Nov. 4, 1891; Sylvia b. June 10, 1894; Fredrick Doyle b. Oct. 7, 1896; Selina Jane b. Oct. 30, 1898; Glen Thomas b. Dec. 22, 1900; Lawrence W. b. Dec. 23, 1902- Melba b. Jan. 12, 1904; Levar b. Jan. 24, 1906; Richard Lynn b. July 28, 1908; Delia b. Nov. 9, 1910, SHAW, ELIJAH. Born Feb. 16, 1822, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Came to Utah 1853. Married Martha Ann Thomas 1849, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Jacob Thomas, pioneer 1853, handcart company), who was born Nov. 20, 1824. Their children: William O. b. 1850, m. Phoebe Ann Rose Jan. 20, 1872; Martha Ellen b. 1862, m. Hyrum Rose 1868; Edmund Riley b. 1865, m. Eliza- beth Rose 1871; Lorna b. 1857, m. Willard Cragun 1871; Elijah b. 1869, m. Louise Chadwick 1879; Amelia b. 1861, m. Jessie Hiatt 1879; John b. 1864, m. Mary Brown 1886; George b. 1866, m. Mary Storey 1886; Samuel b. 1869, m. Har- riet Parker 1891. Family home North Ogden, Utah. Elder and ward teacher. Farmer. SHAW, WILLIAM ORSON (son of Elijah Shaw and Martha Ann Thomas). Born 1850 at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah 1863. Married Phoebe Ann Rose 1872 at Ogden (daughter of Wesley Rose and Maria Gates of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1850). She was born 1856. Their children: Maria b. 1876; Elizabeth Ann b. 1878; Zella b. 1881; Rachel b. 1886; Mable Irene b. 1892. Family home Liberty, Utah. High priest; missionary 1891-1911. Farmer; stockraiser. SHAW, JAMES FERGUSSOX (son of Alexander Shaw and Elizabeth Fergusson, Garnkirk, Scotland). Born Feb. 21, 1847, Garnkirk Cottage, Scotland. Came to Utah Septem- ber, 1868, Captain Gillespie company. Married Margaret Robertson Sept. 6, 1870 (daughter of James Robertson and Sarah Colter, who came to Utah 1869), who was born July 24, 1848, and died Nov. 20, 1909. Their children: Alexander b. Aug. 17, 1871, m. Etta Hamton; Joseph F. b. Nov. 26, 1873, m. Nanie Broadbent; Margaret R. b. Dec. 1, 1875. d. May 27, 1879; Robert Milton b.'March 28. 1878, d. May 18, 1878; Agnes R. b. Aug. 30, 1882, m. Miland Hutchings; Franklin S. b. July 11, 1886, m. Ella Rebecca Woods; Thomas D. b. Jan. 3. 1888; John Roy b. May 27, 1880, m. Bertha May Gulbransen. Family home Elsinore, Utah. Settled at Coalville 1868, moved to Richfield 1876 and to Elsinore 1881. Choir member and also member brass band. School trustee 16 years. Member bishopric. SHAW, JOHN (son of Job Shaw and Lucy Sherman of Wind- sor county, Vt., born Oct. 26, 1766). He was born June 30, 1790, Bridgewater, Windsor county, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Polly Maria Fox Jan. 1, 1812, Victor. Ontario county, N. T. (daughter of Jeremiah and Olive Fox), who was born Jan. 1, 1790, in Sheffield. Mass., died January, 1873, North Ogden, Utah. Their children: Myrtillo b. Aug. 1, 1814, m. Harriet Aurelia Austin Sept. 16, 1838; John L. b. May, 1316, m. Tryphenia Merrill 1842; Sylvester b. 1818, m. Amelia Noble; Henry C. b. July 1, 1820, m. Jane Waldron 1846; Zebediah b. Aug. 5, 1822, m. Betsie Starks 1847; Am- brose b. Sept. 12, 1824, m. Pamelia Dunn June 22. 1846, M. Minerva P. Stone Jan. 1, 1875; William b. Sept. 8, 1826, m. Diana Chase 1848; Polly Maria b. Feb. 28, 1830, m. Lorin Dunn 1846, m. Lafayette Williams 1866; Olive b. 1833, m. Benjamin Cazier 1848. Settled at Salt Lake City 1848; moved to Ogden 1850. Died July 6, 1880, at Ogden, Utah. SHAW, AMBROSE (son of John Shaw and Polly Maria Fox). Born Sept. 12, 1824, Victor, Ontario county, N. T. Came to Utah September, 1847. Married Pamelia Dunn June 22, 1846, near Mt. Pisgah, Iowa (daughter of James Dunn and Sally Barker), who was born July 28, 1830, in Michigan, died March 21, 1871. at Ogden, Utah. Married Minerva Pease Stone Jan. 1, 1876, North Ogden, Utah (daughter of Amos Pease Stone and Minerva Leantine Jones, pioneers Sept. 30, 1850, Joseph Young company). She was born Nov. 29, 1851, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Ambrose Amos b. Nov. 4, 1876, m. Mary Elizabeth Dee Dec. 9, 1903; Ernest b. Oct. 3, 1877, m. Grace Vanderhoof July 14, 1901; Eva Pamelia b. Jan. 23, 1880, d. March 3, 1886; Cor- delia b. Dec. 12, 1881, d. Oct. 10, 1883; Merlin b. June 14, 1886, m. Irma Douglass Aug. 26, 1908; Olive Theresa b. March 9, 1889, m. William Gordon Aug. 10, 1906. Family home Ogden, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1157 Assisted in constructing first irrigation ditches in Weber county and near Cottonwood Creek 1847; raised flrst crop of corn in Weber county 1849. Settled at Ogden in 1849. Vet- eran Indian war. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Died Jan. 16, 1906. SHAW, WILLIAM (son of John Shaw and Polly Maria Pox). Born Sept. 8, 1826, Bennington, N. Y. Married Diana Chase Jan. 1, 1849, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Ezra Chase and Tirza Wells, pioneers 1848), who was born July 21, 1827, Criston, Addison county. Vt. Their chil- dren: Rosabell b. Oct. 13, 1849, m. John Hubbard Oct. 8, 1868; Manley b. Dec. 28, 1851, died; Geneva b. Feb. 5, 1854, m. Frederick Miller Oct. 31, 1870; William Dudly b. May 15, 1865, m. Anna Rosina Cardon Dec. 29, 1878; Ambrose b. Aug. 31, 1857, m. Rosetta Childs Dec. 25, 1878; Romania b. Sept. 26, 1859, m. Isaac Clark Dec. 2, 1877; Annis b. March 6, 1861. m. Orsen Badger Sept. 26, 1879; Ine b. Dec. 22, 1862, m. Samuel Drake; Frank b. May 2, 1866, m. Caroline Stanger; Clarence b. March 15, 1870. Family resided Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Farmer. SHAW, WILLIAM DUDLT (son of William Shaw and Diana Chase). Born May 15, 1865, Ogden, Utah. Married Anna Rosina Cardon Dec. 29. 1878 (daughter of John Cardon and Anna Furrer, pioneers 1853 and 1856, respectively married 1856, Salt Lake City). She was born Feb. 14, 1858, Ogden, Utah. Their children: William Alben b. Feb. 23, 1880, m. Constance M. Minns Aug. 25, 1904; Rosina Diana b. June 23, 1882, m. Lawrence W. Sherner June, 1902; Ariel Ruben b. June 10, 1884, died; Joseph Daniel b. Jan. 15, 1888, died; David John b. Jan. 28, 1890; Mary Anna b. Aug. 2, 1892; Martha Lily b. June 23, 1895; Lucy Leahona b. June 30, 1900. Family resided Ogden and Logan, Utah. Seventy; Sunday school superintendent; ward teacher; missionary to eastern states 1896-1898. Merchant. SHAW, AMBROSE AMOS (son of Ambrose Shaw and Minerva Pease Stone). Born Nov. 4, 1875, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Elizabeth Dee Dec. 9, 1903, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Thomas Duncombe Dee, born Nov. 10, 1844, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, Wales, and Annie Taylor, born Nov. 4, 1862, at Lostockgralen. Chestershire, Eng. married April 10, 1871, Salt Lake City). She was born Jan. 27, 1878, Ogden, Utah. Their child: Elizabeth Dee b. April 30, 1905. Family home, Ogden. Engaged in the coal business at Ogden. SHAW, MTRTILLO (son of John Shaw and Polly Maria Fox). Born Aug. 1, 1814, Victor, N. T. Married Harriet Aurelia Austin Sept. 16, 1838, town of Vermont, Wyoming county, N. Y. (daughter of Robert R. Austin and Harriet Rhodes), who was born Feb. 3, 1820, Bennington, N. Y. Their children: Francis b. July 1, 1841, m. Ophelia Farley; Harriet Aurelia b. Feb. 23, 1843, m. Cor- nele Stevens; Robert R. b. April 15, 1845, m. Ninnetta Caziah June 14, 1869; Polly Maria b. Feb. 6, 1848, m. Alfred Folker; John b. Feb. 17, 1860, m. Julia Gaido; James Henry b. Feb. 9, 1852, m. Mary Williams; Pyrmelia b. Dec. 8, 1853, d. Oct. 16, 1855; Jedediah M. b. Nov. 24, 1855, m. Mary Hannah Burchel; Myrtillo b. March 29. 1858, m. Anna H. Cardon Sept 25, 1879; Wilber b. Feb. 20, 1860; Welcome Austin b. Oct. 29, 1863, d. Nov. 11, 1881; Crandle b. Feb. 19, 1866, d. April 9. 1866. Family home Ogden, Utah. SHAW, MYRTILLO (son of Myrtillo Shaw and Harriet Aurelia Austin). Born March 29, 1858, at Ogden, Utah. Married Anna Hermina Cardon Sept. 25, 1879 (daughter of John Cardon and Anna R. Furrer), who was born Jan. 23, 1861, at Ogden. Their children: David Myrtillo b. Nov. 6, 1881, m. Gwendolyn Williams June 11, 1907; Austin Her- man b. April 9, 1884, m. Eva B. Brown June 22, 1909; Her- mina Nettie b. July 28, 1887, m. Elbert P. Drumiler June 3, 1908; Rozina Pearl b. June 21, 1890, m. Lester I. Perry June 14, 1911; Lester Moses b. Oct. 12, 1894, d. Dec. 16, 1894; Bertha Mary b. Jan. 23, 1896; Lillian Aurelia b. Oct. 12, 1900. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1886. Member city council of Ogden 1898-99. Merchant. SHAW, JOSEPH. Came to Utah 1854. Married Mary Ann Taylor 1857, Salt Lake endowment house, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Taylor and Mar- gerlte Baster of Staffordshire, Eng.). She was born March 1, 1821, Liverpool, Eng. Their children: John T. b. July SO, 1858: Thomas B. b. Sept. 25, 1860, m. Jane Roberts and Daisy Vanetti; Edward b. Aug. 11, 1862, d. infant; Eliza A. b. March 4, 1865, m. Thomas Bult. Family home, Salt Lake City. SHAW, LUKE (son of William Shaw and Ellen Collins of Stockport, Lancashire, Eng.). Born Feb. 27, 1847. Came to Utah 1868. Married Nancy Westwood Jan. 4, 1869, at Salt Lake City, Daniel H. Wells performing ceremony (daughter of Thomas Westwood and Martha Lomax of Berry, Lancashire, Eng., pioneers 1863). She was born Oct. 31, 1847. Their chil- dren: Luke, Jr., m. Jessie Pugh; Joseph, d. aged 2; Lily M., d. infant; Thoma's N., m. Elsie Williams; John S., m. Mary Adams; Elizabeth, d. aged 6; Herbert, d. aged 10; Martha E., m. Henry F. Hanson; James T. Family home. Salt Lake City. Elder; block teacher 40 years. Raised flrst celery In Utah. Gardener and florist. SHAW, OSMOND B. (son of Simeon Shaw and Mary Broad of Staffordshire, Eng.). Born 1821. Came to Utah 1851. Married Eliza Wilding (daughter of William Wilding of Staffordshire, Eng., came to Utah 1871). She was born Feb. 22, 1822. Their children: William, d. aged 6; Harriett; Osmond W., m. Ann Atwood; Rose E., m. William Winegar; James A., m. Elizabeth Atwood; Louis C., m. Sarah Ann Lambert; John W., d. aged 2. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1869-71; block teacher. Painter and decorator. Died Jan. 2, 1888. SHAW, LOUIS C. (son of Osmond B. Shaw and Eliza Wilding). Born May 4, 1860, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Ann Lambert Aug. 30, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Lambert and Mary Alice Cannon, both of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers Oct. 15, 1849, Allen Taylor company). She was born Nov. 1, 1861. Their children: Louis C. b. May 17, 1884, m. Jessie Morrison; Sarah Elllne b. Feb. 13, 1886, m. Moroni C. Woods; Hazel L. b. March 18, 1888, d. infant; Mary Alice b. Aug. 19, 1889, m. Rushby C. Midgley; Clarence L. b. Sept. 3, 1891; Harold L. b. Oct. 2, 1893; Ronald L. b. March 31, 1896; Dorothy L. b. March 6, 1898; Era L. b. Sept. 28, 1899; George W. b. Feb. 22. 1903. Assistant Sunday school superintendent; block teacher; take missionary. Builder and contractor. 5HEEJT, JAMES. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth company. Married Maria Leverage in Gloucestershire, Eng., who died at Florence, Neb. Their children: Robert, m. Miss Taylor; James, m. Mary Jeans; Anna, m. John Forbes; Harriet, m. John Tranter; Emma, m. John Parsons; Ellen, m. Joseph Hill. Died In fall of 1856, from exposure on the trip to Utah. SHEETS, ELIJAH FUNK (son of Frederick Sheets of Germany and Hannah Page of Charleston, Pa.). Born March 22, 1821, at Charleston. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1847, Perrigrine Sessions company. Married Margaret Hutchinson Jan. 16, 1846, In England, who was born July 3, 1819, Presteign, Radnorshire, Eng. Died Feb. 1, 1847, Winter Quarters, Neb. Married Susannah Musser April 6, 1847, Winter Quarters, Neb. (daughter of Samuel Musser and Anna Barr), who was born Sept. 2, 1827, and died May 11, 1861. Their children: Anna M.; Elijah M.; Nephi M.; Moroni M.; Amos M.; Susannah M.; Martha M. b. May 3, 1861, m. David F. Davis. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Leaver Feb. 8, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Leaver and Mary Ann Hartlett), who was born Aug. 31, 1839, New York City; died July 26, 1892, Salt Lake City. Their children: Samuel L.; Elizabeth L.; Mary Ann L. ; Frederick L. ; Edward L.; Ellen L. ; Brigham L.; Milton L.; Eva L.; Joseph L. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Spencer Dec. 7, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edwin Spencer and Hannah Wardle), who was born Sept. 23, 1845, Arnold, Nottingham, Eng.; died May 25, 1900, Salt Lake City. Their children: Jedediah S.; Emma S.; William S.; Heber S.; Elijah S.; Edwin S.; Blanch S.; Eliza S.; Bertha S.; Ray S. Family home. Salt Lake City. Bishop of 8th ward 48 years; traveling bishop 1871; assistant trustee-in-trust of the Mormon church. Assessor and collector of Utah county 1870; railroad contractor, U. P. R. R. 1869-70; stockbreeder and agriculturist. Died July 3. 1904. SHEETS, NEPHI MUSSER (son of Elijah Funk Sheets and Susannah Musser). Born Aug. 24, 1850, Salt Lake City. Married Ellen McAllister Jan. 1, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of John T. D. McAllister and Ellen Handley), who was born Jan. 26, 1853, Salt Lake City. Their children: Roy M.; Ella M.; Florence M.; Rene M.; Scott M.; Louis M.; Bon M.; Kate M. Family home, Salt Lake City. Worked in U. P. R. R. in Echo Canyon 1869-70. Prominent agriculturist and sheepraiser. Shot to death by highway- men Dec. 28, 1905. SHEETS, EDWIN SPENCER (son of Elijah Funk Sheets and Emma Spencer). Born Jan. 23, 1875, Salt Lake City. Married Alice Taylor Dec. 27, 1899 (daughter of James Taylor and Martha Hurst), who was born Oct. 29, 187, West Vale, Eng. Their children: Walter T. b. Nov. 23, 1902; Alice T. b. Oct. 19, 1907. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to northern states 1896-98; bishop of 31st ward at Salt Lake City 1902-08 and also of 33d ward 1911. Graduate of University of Chicago, law department; Instructor in Commercial English, L. D. S. Business College 1907-08; principal L. D. S. Business College night school 1910-1913, and principal of L. D. S. Missionary Correspond- ence school 1912-1913. Attorney and counselor at law. SHELLEY, JAMES (son of James Boyer Shelley and Elizabeth Bourbon of Claverley, Eng.). Born May 14, 1828, Claverley, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1851. Married Mary Lee Oct. 29, 1852, American Fork, Utah (daughter of Thomas- Lee and Mary Burbage of Oxford- shire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 3, 1852). She was born May 1, 1827. Their children: James M., d. Infant; Mary E., m. Charles H. Roberts; Sarah H., m. Amman Mercer; Leo T., 1158 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH m. Melissa J. King; Alma G.. d. infant; Harriet M., m. Moroni A. Wild; John H., m. Deborah Clements. Member 144th quorum seventies. Shoemaker. Died Jan. 21, 1907, American Fork, Utah. SHELLEY, JAMBS BOYER. Born Jan. 7, 1792, Claverly, Shropshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1851, Alfred Cardon com- pany. Married Elizabeth Bourbon at Claverly, Eng. Their chil- dren: William, m. Jane Dunn; Thomas, m. Charlotte Els- more; Martha; James, m. Mary Lee; John, m. Ellen Gibson; Joseph, m. Elizabeth Robinson; Sarah, m. Edward Conder, m. Jacob Varney. Sawed the first log- in American Fork, Utah; lumberman and farmer. Died Nov. 19, 1870, American Fork. SHELLEY, THOMAS (son of James B. Shelley and Elizabeth Bourbon of Claverley, Eng.). Born April 7, 1822, Claverley. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1852. Married Charlotte Elsmore Jan. 18, 1851, at Claverley (daughter of George Fredrick and Elizabeth Elsmore of American Fork, pioneers Oct. 3, 1853). She was born Oct. 3, 1828. Their children: James Edward, m. Margret Hunter; Elizabeth, d. infant; Charlotte, m. Henry J. Buich; Thomas Ammon, m. Jennett Crystal; Emma, d. infant; John Franklin, m. Theodocia Chipman; Mary Ellen, m. George Edward Abel; George Fredrick, m. Mary Ann Jacklin. High priest. Farmer. Died Sept. 8, 1903, American Fork, Utah. SHELLEY, STEPHEN (son of William Shelley and Jane Dunn, former born in Parish Cheattpn, Shropshire, Eng., and the latter born at Avley, Shropshire, Eng.). He was born Feb. 14, 1849, Bobbington, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 13, 1852, independent company. Married Sarah Clegg; Feb. 21, 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Clegg and Susannah Redman of Sagerfold, Lancastershire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott company). She was born Aug. 21, 1851. Their children: Eliza Ann, m. Joseph W. G. Wild; Sarah Jane, m. John Thornton; June, m. Arthur Wright; Amy; Stephen T. Watermaster 22 years. Farmer. SHELTON, ROBERT (son of George Shelton of England). Born Jan. 6, 1832, in England. Came to Utah October, 1865. Married Margaret Slother May 20, 1853, in England, who was born May 19, 1834. Their children: Margaret, m. Wil- liam Heath; Isabelle, m. Samuel Tucker; George, m. Caroline Britain; Sarah, m. Henry F. Heath. Family home. Salt Lake City. Shoemaker. Died Dec. 4, 1906, Salt Lake City. SHELTON, STEPHEN, came to Utah 1850, Melvin Ross ox- team company. Married Abigail Harris, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: John, m. Mary Martin; Elizabeth, d. infant; Martha Jane, m. James B. Hamilton; Joseph, d. aged 21; Hyrum, m. Emma Sultzer; Stephen, m. Maggie Bonner; Abigail, m. Delbert Hullinger. Family home Provo, Utah. Seventy. Body guard of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Sealed to the Prophet's family. Farmer. Died 1863, Provo. SHEPHERD, SAMUEL (son of David Shepherd, born 1750, In Catskill county, N. T., and Diodama Hopkins). He waa born Nov. 10, 1788, in Vermont. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, C. C. Rich company. Married Roxalana Ray (daughter of William Ray), who died before coming to Utah. Their children: Sarah Adaline b. 1821, m. Charles Garrowtle; Lucelia L. b. 1822, died; Mar- cus DeLafayette b. Oct. 10, 1824, m. Harriet E. Parrish March 9, 1851; Fanny Jane b. June, 1829; Julia Ann b. 1829, m. Sidney Tanner; Rollin Carlos b. Dec. 8, 1830, m. Sarah Smitheon 1851; William Ray, died. Family resided Illinois, Salt Lake City, Utah, and California. Married Charity Bates 1836 in Jackson county, Mo. (daugh- ter of Walter and Elizabeth Bates, former pioneer 1847). Their only child: Lydia b. Sept. 16, 1836, m. James Jackson Davidson 1851. Fought in war of 1812. SHEPHERD, MARCUS DALAFATETTE (son of Samuel Shepherd and Roxanna Ray). Born Oct. 10, 1824, at Wil- oughty, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Came to Utah 1849, with a division of Mormon Battalion. Married Harriet Editha Parrish March 9, 1851, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ezra Parrish and Susannah Sherwin, pio- neers November, 1860). She was born Aug. 17, 1831, Brown- ville, Jefferson county, N. T. Their children: Charles Henry b. Aug. 10, 1852, died; Mary Elizabeth b. March 24. 1864, m. William Ashworth May 26, 1873; Lyman Andrew b. Feb. 9, 1856, m. Sarah A. Stoney Dec. 4, 1878; Harriet Susannah b. March 26, 1858, m. William H. Farnsworth June 4, 1879; Sarah Caroline b. July 6, 1860, m. Reinhard Maeser 1882; Marcus DeLafayette, Jr., b. Oct. 18, 1862, died; Edna Matilda b. Feb. 25, 1864, m. Heber C. C. Rich; Samuel Ezra b. April 12, 1867, died; Julia Esther b. April 22. 1870, m. Hyrum Johnson 1873; Henrietta Edith b. June 11, 1872, died. Family home Beaver, Utah. Married Cedarissa Cartwright Dec. 13, 1869 (daughter of Thomas Henry Cartwright, born In England, and Jane Allen, born in Dublin, Ireland). She was born May 9, 1852, at Cedar City, Utah. Their children: Thomas Oscar b. Nov. 14, 1872; Rhoda Jane b. June 18, 1877, m. Joseph Alma Har- ris Oct. 10, 1900; Warren b. June 3, 1880, m. Sorepta Bell Leroy June 3, 1904; Carlos b. March 29, 1882; Precinda b. May 23, 1885; Martha Adaline b. Sept. 4, 1889; Willard b. Aug. 26, 1891. Family home Beaver, Utah. Member Mormon Battalion; bishop of 1st ward In Beaver, Utah; stake counselor in Beaver stake. Mayor of Beaver city. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM (son of Nathaniel John Shepherd and Mary Andrews). Born May 9, 1827, London, Eng. Came to Idaho September, 1877. Married Mary Ann Tracey (daughter of Richard Tracey and Sarah Lane), who was born Jan. 6, 1831. Their chil- dren: Angelina Emma b. Dec. 27, 1850, m. John Norton; Christina b. Nov. 6, 1852, m. Robert Price; William Nathan- iel Budge b. Sept. 18, 1854, m. Emily M. Phipps; Constance Tracey b. July 27, 1856, d. Aug. 21, 1867; Lorenzo Tracey b. July 15, 1868, m. Sarah Clifton; Henry Robert b. May 16, 1860, m. Sophia Poulsen; Edward Tracey b. Feb. 27, 1862, m. Harriet Humpherys, d. June 10, 1911; Joseph Russell b. March 18, 1865, m. Rose Budge; Frederick Tracey b. March 22, 1867, m. Lizzie Morgan; Ernest Arthur Tracey b. May 1, 1870, m. Eliza Lewis; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 1, 1871, m. Frank Lewis. Married Sarah Ellen Humpherys June 22, 1887 (daughter of John J. Humpherys, pioneer John Banks company, 1856, and Hannah Bocock, pioneer March 24, 1856). She was born April 6, 1866. Their children: Leonora May b. July 29, 1888, m. Ezra Jacobson; Estella Victoria b. Aug. 22, 1890, m. John Jaussi June 8, 1911; Alvin Edmund b. March 24, 1892; Vinnie Althura b. Dec. 29, 1893; Edwin Henry b. Dec. 18, 1896; Annie Haines b. Sept. 21, 1897. Family home Paris, Idaho. SHEPHERD, JOSEPH RUSSELL (son of William Shepherd and Mary Ann Tracey). Born March 18, 1865, Brockenhurst, Eng. Married Rose Budge Sept. 25, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Budge and Eliza Jones), who was born June 22, 1866, Providence, Utah. Their children: Joseph Russell, m. Lottie Nye; Alfred William; Clarence, m. Amida Bowen; David, m. Ivy Ford June 12, 1912; Eva Rosselle; Harold; Earl; Louise; Celia; Ruth. Family home Paris, Idaho. Missionary to California 1895-96; superintendent of Sun- day schools Bear Lake stake; president of Bear Lake stake. County commissioner, Bear Lake county, 1906; member of the board of trustees of Academy of Idaho; senator from Bear Lake Co., Idaho, 1913. SHERMAN, ALBEY LYMAN (son of Lyman Royal Sherman and Delsena Johnson of New York state). Born Oct. 30, 1832. Came to Utah in 1856. Married Mary Elvira Swan Jan. 10, 1854, Woodriver Cen- ter, Iowa (daughter of George Swan and Elizabeth War- renden of Scotland), who was born Dec. 15, 1835. Their children: Elknah b. April 29, 1856, died; Mary Elvira b. June 7, 1856, m. Ellas H. Cox; Abbey William b. June 4, 1859, m. Annie Eliza Pugson; Lyman Royal b. Dec. 22, 1860, m. Martha E. Jones; Delsena Elizabeth b. May 22, 1862, m. Peter Thomas Furlong; Ellen Viola b. Nov. 23, 1863, m. Ellas H. Cox; George Alphonso b. July 23, 1865, m. Temper- ance Eliza Brasher; Don Franklin b. Sept. 6, 1867; Susia Julia b. May 6, 1869, m. Miller Snow Black; Anlo Lionel b. Jan. 5, 1871, m. Agnes Gorden; David Edgar b. Aug. 28, 1872; Gertrude Estell b. Oct. 18, 1874, m. Robert James Gorden; Joel Elmer b. June 19, 1876, m. Martha Maria Robins; Ada C. b. Aug. 15, 1879, m. Elum L. Jones. High priest and missionary. Farmer and stockgrower. Died Sept. 18, 1910, at Huntington. SHERMAN, GEORGE ALPHONSO (son of Albey Lyman Sherman and Mary E. Swan). Born July 23, 1866, Fountain Green, Utah. Married Temperance Eliza Brasher July 23, 1891, Hunt- ington, Utah (daughter of John L. Brasher and Eliza Chuser of Kentucky), who was born Nov. 23, 1870. Their children: George Sidney b. Nov. 14, 1892, died; Stella Eliza; Vida Mearl. Family home Hunttngton, Utah. Missionary to Georgia 1904-06; ward teacher 15 years; counselor to superintendent .of Y. M. M. I. A.; counselor to conference president in Georgia. Stockgrower and fruit- raiser. SHIELDS, GEORGE (son of James Shields and Elizabeth Blackburn of Paisley, Scotland, former came to Utah 1874). Born Aug. 16, 1828, Paisley. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1863, Appleton Harmon company. Married Jane Carday 1848, Johnston, Scotland (daughter of Albert Carday and Margaret Craig, former died in Scot- land, latter pioneer 1853, Appleton Harmon company, both of Johnston, Scotland). She was born May 17, 1828. Their children: James, m. Elizabeth Dow, m. Martha Soffe; Mar- garet and George, died; Elizabeth, m. Joseph A. Beckstead; Margaret J., m. James A. Abbott; William John, m. Eliza- beth Huskey; Sarah B., m. William Soffe; David A., m. Sarah Beckstead, m. Elizabeth Shepick; George W., m. Mary PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1159 E. Stocking; Isabell J., m. Ensign Woodruff; Joseph A., died; three children died before being named. Family home West Jordan, Utah. Paid for bringing 33 immigrants from the old country; made four trips across the plains for immigrants. Weaver; farmer; sheepraiser. Died April 19, 1908, Salt .Lake City. SHIELDS, GEORGE W. (son of George Shields and Jane Carday). Born Oct. 27, 1865, West Jordan, Utah. Married Mary E. Stocking September, 1888, West Jordan (daughter of Ensign Israel Stocking and Elizabeth Ellen Arnold, former of Springfield, Mass., latter of Hereford- shire, Eng., pioneers 1850). She was born June 15, 1869. Their children: Wallace b. 1889, m. Clema Gardner; Jennie b. 1891, m. Donald Gardner; Leonard b. 1898; Claudia b. April, 1901; Arnold b. 1903; Gladys b. 1907, died; Utahna b. 1910. Family home South Jordan, Utah. Farmer; sheepraiser. Died Feb. 1, 1912, Salt Lake City. moreland county, Pa. Their children: Sarah Ann; Nancy Jane; Manda Maria; Margaret Eliza, m. Mr. Clement; Alex- ander Morain; Miriam Elizabeth; Heber Taylor; Margeory America. Family home Plain City, Utah. Farmer. Died April 20, 1872. SHIELDS, JOHN (son of Robert Shields, born June 22, 1781, in Scotland, and Mary Melvin). Born April 3, 1805, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1S52. Married Primrose Cunningham, who was born Sent. 17, 1805. Their children: Mary b. Oct. 29, 1827, m. James Sevan; Annie b. July 11, 1827; Robert b. March 16, 1831, m. Mary Jenkins; Archibald b. Aug. 16, 1833, m. Helen Gillespie; John b. March 10, 1835, and Primrose b. May 21, 1837, died; Primrose b. July 7, 1840, m. Thomas Lee; John b. Jan. 22, 1842, m. Jane Meiklejohn. SHIELDS, JOHN F. (son of Samuel Shields of Beaver county, Pa.). Born Feb. 3, 1823, in Beaver county, Pa. Came to Utah 1849. Married Mary Howell July 1, 1847, Springfield, 111. (daugh- ter of Samuel and Mary Howell of Springfield), who was born June 21, 1825. Their children: James F. b. Jan. 11, 1850, d. child; John T. b. May 7, 1852; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 29, 1854, m. Jeremiah Plumb, m. John A. Powell; Louis b. Aug. 22, 1856, m. Annie White; Rhoda b. June 2, 1859, m. David Taylor; Martha b. Nov 19, 1863, m. Horace Jones; Mary Eliza b. April 27, 1866, m. Charles McKendrick; Rachel M. b. Nov. 12, 1869, m. Samuel T. Gardener. Family home Salem, Utah. Married Eliza Ann 1870, at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Faithful, m. Mr. Mathis; Brigham; Franklin. Family home Gila River, Ariz. Presiding elder at Salem, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Justice of peace several years. Farmer and apiarist. Died Nov. 9, 1908, Puyma, Ariz. SHIRTS, PETER (parents resided at Nauvoo, 111.). Born Aug. 6, 1800, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah Aug. 1, 1850, oxteam company. Married Margaret Cameron (parents resided in Pennsyl- vania), who was born in 1810. Their children: George b. May 13, 1832, m. Elizabeth Barney; Derias b. July 8, 1833; Moroni b. Nov. 30, 1834. died; Don Carlos b. July 27, 1836, m. Mary Lee, m. Elizabeth Barney; Sariah b. Dec. 27, 1838, m. William McDonald; Elizabeth Ann b. Feb. 15, 1849, m. William McDonald. Married Belaney White. Their children: Elsa b. Dec. 6, 1854, m. Reese Richards; Peter b. March 27, 1856, m. Belle Reynolds; Eliza b. April 15, 1858. One of the leaders of the Nauvoo Legion. Helped build the Nauvoo Temple and was closely associated with Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and other leaders of the church. Appointed by Brigham Young to locate different parts of the country suitable for settlement and where agriculture Was good. Slioi'.i.r.. EDWIN (son of Daniel Shoell and Corril Green of Gloucestershire, Eng.). Born December, 1832. Came to Utah 1866. Married Jane Booker May 6, 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Giles Booker and Ann Painter of North Sarney, Glou- cestershire, Eng. Came to Utah 1869, John Egan and John Pace company). She was born March, 1830. Their children: Elizabeth Ann b. July 12, 1871, m. John Parry; Edwin G. b. Sept. 17, 1872, m. Melvina Cobbley. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest. Farmer and fruitgrower. Died May 10, 1899. SHOELL, EDWIN G. (son of Edwin Shoell and Jane Booker). Born Sept. 17, 1872, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Melvina Cobbley Feb. 29, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert J. Cobbley and Caroline Harris of Pleasant Grove), who was born April 3. 1878. Their children: Leonard G. b. Dec. 13. 1898; Merina, d. Sept. 11, 1910; Luciel b. Sept. 19, 1900; Robert Korittell b. Aug. 30, 1901; Caroline b. Feb. 13, 1904; Ralph Alven b. Feb. 15, 1906; Eunice b. July 26, 1908; Phillip Edwin b. Aug. 11, 1910. Family home, Pleasant Grove. Elder. Farmer and fruitgrower. SHOEMAKER, ALEXANDER MORAIN (son of Lekey Shoe- maker of Nauvoo, 111.). Born July 8, 1813, in Pendleton county, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Charles C. Rich company. Married Margaret Taylor Oct. 9, 1835 (daughter of Joseph Taylor of Kentucky), who was born Sept. 8, 1818, in West- SHORT, WILLIAM JOHN (son of Stephen Short and Miss Adams of Devonshire, Eng.). Came to Utah 1864. Married Elizabeth Curtis Oct. 27, 1834, St. Mary's Parish, Islington, Eng. (daughter of William Curtis and Elizabeth Dobney Holt married 1802, in London, latter pioneer Sept. 4, 1863, Captain Patterson company). She was born Aug. 8, 1807. Their children: William Sephen, m. Fannie Swift; Elizabeth Dobney, m. Philander Brown; Charles, m. Ann Krestine Nielesen; Samuel Joseph, m. Isabelle Clayton; Mary Ann, m. Joseph Bull, m. J. M. Palmer. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Butcher. Died April SO, 1878. SHULDBEHG, WILLIAM ANDERSON (son of Peter Adolph Skoldberg, born Feb. 19, 1844, and Anna Anderson, born March 16, 1837, of Munkfors, Mestman Lan, Sweden married February, 1865). He was born Dec. 1, 1873, Munkfors, Sweden. Married Sarah Jane Hansen June 22, 1898 (daughter of Hans Peter Hansen, pioneer 1864, John Smith company, and Cecilia Maria Thompson, married Nov. 25, 1872, Salt Lake City). She was born June 22, 1879. Their children: Leroy b. April 3, 1899; Linney b. April 11, 1901; William b. April 7, 1904; Anna b. Oct. 29, 1906; Elva b. May 1, 1909; Haward b. Jan. 31, 1912. Family home Winder, Idaho. Bishop's counselor; bishop of Winder ward. President Winder Telephone Co.; director and president of reservoir and canal company. SHUMWAY, CHARLES (son of Samuel and Polly Shumway of Sturbridge, Worcester county, Mass.). Born Aug. 1, 1806, Oxford, Mass. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Julia Ann Hooker, at Sturbridge (daughter of Samuel Hooker and Polly Nichols of Sturbridge, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Nov. 28, 1807. Their children: Andrew P., m. Amanda Graham; Mary E., m. Charles Westover; Charles Samuel, d. infant; Harriet, d. child. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Louisa Minerly 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Their chil- dren: Catherine, d. infant; Charles M., m. Sarah Jardine, m. Agnes Jardine; Robert; Peter; Joseph, d. infant; Louisa Adalisa, d. infant; Levi. Family home Shumway, Navajo county, Ariz. Married Henrietta Bird, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles and Mary Ann Bird of Cottonwood and Mendon, Utah, pioneers 1850). Their children: George A., m. Eliza- beth Ann Nuttall; Mormon Bird, m. Sarah Ann Evert; David Spencer Bird, m. Lizzie Ann Baker; Hyrum Bird, m. Annie P. Johnson; Brigham Bird, d. infant; Samuel Bird, m. Sarah Ann Potter; Charles Bird, m. Eliza Johnson; Jedediah Grant, m. Elizabeth Robison; Bradford, died; William, m. Lilly Glazier. Family home Kanab, Kane Co., TJtah. Married Elizabeth Jardine October, 1861, Salt Lake City. Their children: Julia Ann, m. Nephi Johnson; James; Rich- ard, m. Miss Johnson; Howard; Melinda, m. Mr. Johnson. Family home Shumway, Ariz. Missionary to Massachusetts twice; high priest. Member first legislature of Utah. Carpenter; farmer. First emi- grant from Nauvoo to cross Mississippi river. Died May 21, 1898. SHUMWAY. ANDREW P. (son of Charles Shumway and Julia Ann Hooker). Born Feb. 20, 1833, Millbury, Worces- ter county, Mass. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Amanda Graham March 7, 1859 (daughter of Thomas B. Graham and Sarah Ann McCrory, married June 27, 1825, in Alabama, latter pioneer September, 1851). She was born Sept. 28, 1843, and came to Utah with her mother. Their children: Julia Ann b. May 18, 1860, died; Mary Amanda b. Feb. 17, 1862, m. Orson D. Neeley Nov. 25, 1880; Andrew Thomas b. June 4, 1866, m. Polly Sameda Packer March 3, 1886; Martha E. b. April 28, 1868, died; James Henry b. Jan. 4, 1870. m. Edith Kirby Dec. 23, 1896; Oliver Hooker b. Feb. 8, 1875, m. Lucetta Morrison Oct. 26, 1894; Olive b. Feb. 8, 1875, died. Family resided Mendon, Utah, and Franklin, Idaho. Married Mary Ann Christian 1863, Salt Lake City. She was born Jan. 29, 1844, in Denmark. Their children: Annie S. b. 1864; Hattie b. 1867; Pearl b. 1869; Charles M. b. 1872. Family home Mendon, Utah. Bishop of Mendon 1860; missionary to England 1856 and 1869. Settled at Mendon 1859; moved to Franklin, Idaho, 1874. Died June 12, 1909, Franklin, Idaho. SHUMWAY. ANDREW THOMAS (son of Andrew P. Shum- way and Amanda Graham). Born June 4, 1866, Mendon, Cache Co., Utah. Married Polly Sameda Packer March 3, 1886, Logan, Utah (daughter of James and Polly M. Packer, former pioneer 1850, latter 1853). She was born March 1, 1870. Franklin, Idaho. Their children: Andrew James b. Dec. 23, 1886, m. Icie Lawthers Oct. 2, 1907; Polly Estella b. Aug. 24, 1890, m. George R. Crockett Sept. 9, 1908; Amanda Irene b. Sept. 7, 1892, m. June Evans Oct. 18, 1911. Family resided Frank- lin and Marsh Center, Idaho. Farmer. 1160 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH SHUMWAT, CHARLES MENDON (son of Andrew P. Shum- way and Mary Ann Christian). Born 1872, Mendon, Utah. Married Caroline Hymas September, 1898, Logan, Utah (daughter of Benjamin Hymas and Hanna Thurston), who was born Nov. 20, 1877, Hyde Park, Utah. Their children: Hattie b. Oct. 8, 1899; Earl H. b. Dec. 3. 1901; Quentin H. b. June 24, 1904; Annoria b. Sept. 29, 1906; Nettie b. July 20, 1909; Kermit b. Dec. 31, 1911. Ordained bishop 1910. Farmer; stockraiser. SHUMWAY, SAMUEL BIRD (son of Charles Shumway and Henrietta Bird). Born June 30, 1866, Little Cottonwood, Utah. Married Sarah Ann Potter Feb. 3, 1886, Kanab, Kane Co., Utah (daughter of William George Potter and Artemishia Minerva Washburn of Kanab). She was born Nov. 9, 1866. Their children: Henrietta Pearl b. Jan. 27, 1886, m. Andrew Anderson June 14, 1907; Samuel Douglas b. March 8, 1888; Beatrice b. Oct. 14, 1890, m. Norman Draper June 10. 1908; Bradford b. Dec. 10, 1892; William b. July 22, 1894; Arte- mishia b. July 30, 1898; Melvin b. Nov. 7, 1906; Afton b. March 8, 1908. Family home Vineyard, Utah. Road supervisor at Vineyard. Farmer; stockraiser. SHURTLEFF, EMERSON (son of Vincent Shurtleff and Elizabeth Loomis). Born 1839, Westfleld, Mass. Came to Utah 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Mary Ann Tribe 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Tribe and Sarah Ann Mates of Ogden), who -was born Aug. 24, 1842. Their children: Annie, m. Edwin Williams; Lettie, m. John Douglas; Emerson, m. Ida Burton; Sarah Elizabeth, d. aged 6. Family home Salt Lake City. Freighter. Died Aug. 16, 1868, Salt Lake City. SHURTLEFF, VINCENT (son of E. Shurtleff and Susan Gorham of Russell Hampden county, Mass., born 1776, at same place). Born May 14, 1814. Came to Utah 1847. Married Elizabeth Loomis Oct. 27, 1836, at Russell, Mass, (daughter of Mr. Loomis and Patience Root), who was born March 19, 1816. Their children; Lucy Alvirea S. b. Jan. 8, 1838, died; Emmerson Davis b. July 29, 1839, m. Mary Ann Trilie; Harrison Tuttle b. Jan. 1, 1841, m. Nellie Smith 1863; Hyrum Chester b. Nov. 29, 1845, m. Ellen Cressmon 1867; Buson b. April 15, 1847, died; Albert Dewey b. May 25, 1849, m. Ofldia Stoddard April 11, 1872; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 18, 1851, died; Laura Celistla b. Aug. 25, 1855, m. Gilbert Webb Jr. Oct 16. 1874; Vincent Haswell b. Sept. 2, 1859, m. Elizabeth Cory Hickerson Aug. 10, 1890. Married Mary Hadlock Brockway Oct. 22, 1847, Salt Lake City, who was born Nov. 2, 1821, Waterford, Caledonia county, Vt. Their children: Lyman Elisha b. Sept. 2, 1848, d. Jan. 20, 1883; Luther Gorham b. Dec. 11, 1849, d. Nov. 10, 1850; Martha Maria b. April 2, 1852, m. Melvin Miller Feb. 12, 1872; Brigham Young b. Oct. 2, 1854, m. Mary Augusta Clinton Nov. 20, 1877; Vincent b. Aug. 20, 1857, m. Sarah E. Brinton Jan. 17, 1881; Mary Emma b. June 19, 1860, d. Oct. 12, 1865; George Washington b. April 6, 1862, m. Alice Elvira Cook July 3. 1888. Married Elizabeth Tophan Dec. 4, 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Tophan and Jane Tophan, latter pioneer 1848, Bishop Evans company). She was born June 10, 1833, Eden Saken, Bedfordshire, Eng. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Nov. 23, 1851, m. Charles A. Smih Dec. 25, 1874; Emily b. Feb. 27, 1856, m. Philip Goftney; Heber Rimbek b. Aug. 6, 1854; Frank b. April 19, 1858; Eliza Alvira b. March 3, 1860; John Topham b. Dec. 26, 1861; Harrold Bexter b. Dec. 8, 1862; last five died; Hannah b. Oct. 2, 1864, m. William Johnston Sept. 11, 1893; William b. Dec. 3, 1866, m. Annie Williams April 12, 1889; John b. Aug. 1869, d. Feb. 10, 1875. Family home Mill Creek, Salt Lake county. Married Lydia Amanda Shurtliff Dec. 9, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Luman Shurtliff), who was born Aug. 1, 1838, Far West, Caldwell county, Mo. Their children: Louis Vincent b. July 23, 1857, m. Alice Harriet Casto Jan. 29. 1881; Haskell b. Feb. 18, 1862, d. Nov. 23, 1864; Charles H. b. Dec. 30, 1868, m. Florence Odekirk Dec. 13, 1893. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1851. School trustee in Mill Creek; helped to build first adobe school houses. Farmer and stockraiser. SHURTLEFF, HARRISON TUTTLE (son of Vincent Shurt- leff and Elizabeth Loomis). Born Jan. 1, 1841, Russell, Hampden county, Mass. Came to Utah 1847 with parents. Married Nellie Smith Feb. 14, 1863, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Noah Smith, born April 14, 1803, and Mary DeForest, born Feb. 20, 1816, pioneers 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company). She was born Feb. 13, 1843. New Conard, Conn. Their chil- dren: Nellie Elizabeth b. Sept. 4, 1864, m. Joseph Morgan Jan. 12, 1881; Harrison Smith b. Dec. 7, 1867, m. Rachael Park Oct. 17, 1889; Edgar DeForest b. April 23, 1870, m. Josephine Sinclair July 25, 1892; Mary Ella b. Sept. 22, 1874, m. Charles Bell Nov. 28. 1895; Le Roy b. Oct. 10, 1878; Arthur Thomas b. April 20, 1882, m. Marian Ellen Hamilton June 15, 1910. Missionary. At the age of six years drove two yoke of oxen throughout the entire Journey en route to Utah. School trustee for 17 years. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. SHURTLIFF, LUMAN ANDRUS (son of Noah Shurtliff and Lydia Brown of Ravenna, Portage Co., Ohio). Born March 13, 1807, Montgomery, Hampden county, Mass. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1851, captain his own company. Married Eunice Baggs Gaylord, Ravenna, Portage Co., Ohio (daughter of John Gaylord and Joanna Baggs of Port- age Co., Ohio). Their children: Elcemina Imogene, m. Haskell V. Shurtliff; Mary Eliza, m. Pleasant G. Taylor; Lewis Warren, m. Louisa C. Smith; m. Emily M. Wainwright; Lydia Ann; Lydia Manda, m. Vincent Shurtleff; Jane Nar- cissus, m. Pleasant G. Taylor; Elizabeth Hatch, m. Isaiah L. Steward. Family home Harrisville, Utah. Married Altamira Gaylord, who was born Aug. 7, 1816, Westfleld, Mass., and died July 30, 1883. Their children: Noah Luman b. Nov. 25, 1846, d. June 19, 1892; Ellen Cordelia b. March 14, 1849; Francis Marion b. Jan. 23, 1851; m. Alta Priscilla Hancock; m. Betsy Jane Hancock; Lucy Ann b. Sept. 16, 1853, d. Jan. 13, 1866; Charles Vinson b. Jan. 26, 1856; Samuel Darwin b. March 9, 1858, d. March 9, 1858. Family resided Springville and Ogden, Utah. Home missionary in Weber county. Member state legis- lature. Settled in Weber county. Farmer; brickmason. Died at Harrisville, Utah. SHURTLIFF, LEWIS WARREN (son of Luman Andrus Shurtliff and Eunice Baggs Gaylord). Born July 24, 1836, Sullivan, Ashland Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1851, with father. Married Louisa Catherine Smith Jan. 4, 1866, at Salmon River Colony (daughter of Addison Smith, and adopted daughter of David and Susan Moore, who were pioneers 1849, Allen Taylor company). She was born 1841, and died 1866. Their children: Laura Jane b. Dec. 27, 1858, m. Frank- lin D. Richardson; Lewis Chester b. Aug. 19, 1860, m. Almeda Raymond; Haskell Heber b. Jan. 27, 1863, m. Annie Folkman; Louisa Catherine A. b. May 8, 1866, m. Myron Richardson. Married Emily Moorfleld Wainwright April 10, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of William B. Wainwright and Eliza Moorfleld of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, Eng., former pio- neer 1869, latter came to Utah 1873). She was born Dec. 16, 1851. Their children: Louie Emily b. June 16, 1876, m. Joseph F. Smith, Jr.; John W. b. Sept. 5, 1881, m. Lillian Gundy Anderson; Luman Andrus b. March 27, 1883; William M. b. Sept. 8, 1885; Frank E. b. Jan. 13, 1892. Families resided Ogden, Utah. Settled in Weber county. Lieutenant in cavalry minute company. Moved In 1865 to the Salmon river mission. As- sisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1863. Member 60th quorum seventies; missionary to Great Britain 1866; bishop of Plain City ward 1868-83; president Weber stake 1883. Commissioner of Weber county 1872-86; member constitu- tional convention, and also of the territorial legislature 1886; probate judge of Weber county; county commissioner 1889-94; served in the upper house of the state legislature 1896 and 1898. Closely connected with the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress, and also the National Irrigation Con- gress. Postmaster of Ogden 1909-13. SHURTLIFF, FRANCIS MARION (son of Luman Andrus Shurtliff and Altamira Gaylord). Born Jan. 23, 1861, Spring- ville, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Married Alta Priscilla Hancock Nov. 22, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles B. Hancock and Samantha P. Rawson of Payson, Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born Dec. 23, 1853. Their children: S. Eva b. May 22, 1874, m. A. J. Bell; Franklin M. b. Feb. 16, 1876, m. Marie A. Halbert; Asel E. b. March 14, 1878, m. Olive Halverson; Edith V. b. July 17, 1880, m. W. Frank Owens; Arnold R. b. Oct. 24, 1882, m. Ruth Richardson; Perry L. b. July 30, 1886; Lorenzo J. b. Jan. 6, 1887; Alta E. b. March 18, 1891. Married Betsy Jane Hancock Nov. 14, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of George W. Hancock and B. J. Fackrell, Salt Lake City and Payson, Utah, pioneers October, 1849). She was born Feb. 22, 1851, Woods Cross, Utah. Their children: George Luman b. Oct. 19, 1879; Leo Earl b. Jan. 10, 1881, m. Ann Janett Stowell; Charles Lewis b. April 6, 1884, m. Julia Larson; Daniel Ray b. Sept. 3, 1885, m. Myrtle Ballard; Fran- cis Wayne b. Dec. 28, 1887, m. Jeanett Davidson; David Vernon b. Feb. 19, 1891. Families resided Logan, Utah. SILCOCK, NICHOLAS THOMAS (son of John Silcock of Handley, Staffordshire, Eng., born April 2, 1772, Marsden, Montgomery, Derbyshire, Eng., and Ann Cook of Blythsfleld, Staffordshire, born July 14, 1779, Blythsfleld married Dec. 29, 1800). He was born Sept. 29, 1819, at Handley. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1850, Bishop Edward Hunter company. Married Jane Heath April, 1841 (daughter of John Heath, who died in Handley 1841, and Barbara Hulme, who died at Winter Quarters 1846). She was born Nov. 6, 1826, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Alma b. Feb. 6, 1842, m. Mary Ann Hudson Aug. 2, 1863; Elizabeth J. and Barbara Ann, died; Thomas b. Dec. 4, 1849, m. Annie Osther April 1877: Martha b. April 30, 1852, m. Robert Pinton Jan. 1869; Esther b. March 25, 1854, m. Joseph Draper Dec. 1873; Rosena b. Jan. 27, 1856, m. Robert Dansie 1875; Almlra b. April 4, 1858, m. Alice Henderson 1874; Sarah b. Nov 5, 1859, m. William Bowlden 1883; Paulina b. Oct. 4, 1861, m. Robert Dansie 1880; John Walter b. Aug. 17, 1863, d. Nov. 1881; Nina E. b. July 25, 1865, m. C. N. Dansie; Nicholas Henry b. Aug. 13, 1867, m. Minnie Brown 1903; William Hulme b. Sept. 8, 1869, m. Margret Dansie 1893; Samuel Ephl b. Sept. 5, 1871, d. 1881. Married Harriet Bebington April. 1855. Salt Lake City PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1161 (daughter of Thomas Bebington and Martha Reed), who was born Feb. 1, 1814. Bulkley, fhestershire, Eng., and came to Utah in 1854. Family home Riverton, Utah. Assisted in construction of South Jordan canal; raised first crop of grain 1867; pioneer Salt Lake and Tooele counties. SILCOCK, NICHOLAS HENRY (son of Nicholas Thomas Silcock and Jane Heath). Born Aug. 13, 1867. Married Minnie Brown (Calient) June 10, 1903, Riverton, Utah (daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Ann Brown), who was born in 1879. Their children: Thomas Calient b. 1897 (adopted); Estella Calient b. 1900 (adopted); Eva Jane b. April 27, 1904; Farrell Henry b. June 25, 1909; Ella b. Aug. 1911. Family home, Riverton. Farmer. SILL, JOHN (son of John Sill and Edith Dennis of New Egypt, N. J.). Born Jan. 19, 1816, New Egypt. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1856, oxteam. Married Sarah Morris 1851, at New Egypt (daughter of Abraham Morris and Hannah Johns of New Egypt), who was born April 8, 1826. Their children: Elizabeth Ann b. March 13, 1853, m. Joseph E. Hodson; Edith b. 1855, died; Maria b. June 22, 1857, m. Lorenzo Dow Imlay; John Heber and Daniel Rush (twins) b. March 5, 1859; Daniel Rush, died; John Heber, m. Martina Anderson; Howard Ivins b. Dec. 14, 1863, died. Married Elizabeth Kirkham Feb. 27, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Kirkham and Elizabeth Duerden of Preston, Lancastershire, Eng., pioneers Aug. 29, 1862, Lewis Brunson company). She was born April 2, 1845. Their children: William Henry b. May 25, 1865; Joseph Albert b. Jan. 11, 1867, m. Marietta Welling; Mary Elizabeth b. Feb. 4, 1869; Robert Wilford and Ann Eliza (twins) b. Nov. 1. 1870; David Morris b. Dec. 23, 1871, m. Rose E. Webster; George b. Jan. 27, 1875; Charles b. Sept. 15, 1876, m. Mary E. Nalder; Jesse b. Aug. 3, 1878, m. Minnie Lundberg; Arthur Thomas b. March 18, 1881; Daniel Ephraim b. April 11, 1883. Family home Kaysville, Utah. High priest. Farmer; stockraiser; fruitgrower. Died Oct. 25, 1906. SILL, JOSEPH ALBERT (son of John Sill and Elizabeth Kirkham). Born Jan. 11, 1867, Kaysville, Utah. Married Marietta Welling Aug. 29, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of Job Welling and Marietta Holmes of Farming- ton, Utah, pioneers Sept. 29, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth and Daniel D. McArthur' handcart companies). She was born April 5', 1875. Their children: Joseph Ralph b. July 17, 1895; Mabel b. March 23, 1898; Marietta b. Feb. 9, 1901; Sterling W. b. March 31, 1903; Russell W. b. Aug. 24, 1905; Marguerite and Genevieve (twins) b. Nov. 16, 1908; Laura b. Feb. 15, 1912. Family home Layton, Utah. Elder and high priest. School teacher 11 years. Farmer and orchardist. Attended college and University of Utah; now studying medicine. SILVER, WILLIAM JOHN (son of William Wright Silver, born Feb. 23, 1802, Yarmouth, and Miriam Healley Ives, born April 19, 1800, Yarmouth; moved to London, .Eng.). He was born Sept. 1, 1832, in London. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company. Married Mary Askie Dec. 5, 1852, in London, later in Endowment House, Salt Lake City, Brigham Young officiat- ing (daughter of William John Askie and Rosannah Bagger of London). She was born Oct. 22, 1829, and died June 2, 1862. Their children: William A. b. Dec. 8, 1853, d. Oct. 2, 1855; John A. b. Aug. 7, 1855, m. Orthena Pratt; Joseph A. b. July 13, 1857, m. Ellen Watson; Hyrum A. b. April 25, 1859, m. Elenora K. Benzon; Mary A., d. Nov. 12, 1863. Married Hannah Sims (Swetman) Aug. 2, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Sims and Mary Wilkinson of Lancastershire, Eng.). She was born Oct. 24, 1825, and died in 1878. Married Elizabeth Price Sept. 28. 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Price and Mary Ann Platts of Coal- kolton, Worcestershire, Eng.). She was born June 11, 1835, and died Sept. 1, 1869. Their children: Elizabeth P., d. child; Mariam P., d. aged 23; Mary Ann, m. Roll Harding. Married Althea Jones Sept. 7, 1867, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Henry Jones and Caroline Brooks of Upper Housel Worcestershire, Eng., pioneers Nov. 4, 1855, Milo Andrus company). She was born Sept. 3, 1851. Their children: Althea J., m. John Sheets: William J., d. aged 1 year- George J., m. Maria Meredith; Francis J., m. Alice Godfrey; Josephine J., d. aged 19; Caroline J., m. Alma Bullough; Henry J., d. aged 1 year; Laura J.. m. William Bachman. Married Mary Louisa Pile Oct. 12, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander Pile and Sarah Clark of Medford, Somerset, Eng.). She was born July 27, 1836 and died May 11, 1912. Their children: William P., m. Miss Pratt; Mary P., drowned aged 1 year. Families resided Salt Lake City. Married Ann Brookes March 19, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Brookes and Mary Arminger of Leigh parish, Worcestershire, Eng.). She was born May 28. 1834, and died Jan. 4, 1908. President 13th quorum seventies; high priest. Built first steam pump and first steam engine in Utah; put tho engine in first steamboat on Salt Lake and ran it out on the lake. Mechanical engineer; manufacturer of machinery; power house and mill architect. SILVER, JOHN A. (son of William John Silver and Mary Askie). Born Aug. 7, 1855, on the Atlantic ocean. Married Orthena Pratt Nov. 25, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Orson Pratt and Adelian Bishop, pioneers July 21, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Oct. 31, 1863. Their children: John Raymond, died; Eugenie, m. Quayle Cannon; Orson Pratt and Orthena Pratt, died; Glenn; Algina; Edith; Leland. Married Nellie Clawson (Brown) (daughter of Hirum Bradley Clawson and Emily Augusta Young, former came to Utah, latter born in Salt Lake City). She was born May 10, 1872, Salt Lake City. Their children: William John b. April 1, 1905; Mary Askie b. Jan. 20, 1907, died; Hirum Clawson b. July 21, 1908; John Clawson b. Feb. 23, 1911. Member 109th quorum seventies. Vice-president and gen- eral manager Lethbridge Iron Works, Limited. Prominent farmer. Engineer; mechanic. By a former marriage Nellie Clawson became the mother of these children: Leigh Richmond Brown and Nellie Louine Brown b. Dec. 4, 1892, latter died; Thedora Beatty b. Jan. 10, 1895. SILVER, HYRUM A. (son of William John Silver and Marj Askie). Born April 25, 1859, Brooklyn, N. Y. Married Elenora K. Benzon Nov. 6, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew B. Benzon of Denmark and Kathrine Wickle of Pennsylvania). Their children: Nova, m. Robert Runswick; Hyrum B. ; Kathrine, m. Melvin B. Johnson; May; Rene; Eleanor K., d. Feb. 10, 1896. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married May McAllister at Salt Lake City (daughter of John D. L. McAllister and Matilda C. Nielsen). Their chil- dren: Amy; Walter; Theodore; Helen; Jean. High priest. President and manager H. A. Silver Foundry & Machine Company; formerly part owner and vice-presi- dent of Silver Brothers' Iron Works. SIMKIIVS, CHARLES. Born March 25, 1798. in Lancaster- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1850, Abraham O. Smoot merchan- dise train. Married Rachel Hawthorne in Staffordshire, Eng. (daugh- ter of William Hawthorne of Staffordshire). Their children: James; Daniel; Charles, Jr.; Hezekiah; William; Rosten; Isaiah; Eliza Charlotte; Joseph. Family home Beaver, Utah. Seventy. Carpenter; farmer. Died March 13, 1875, at Beaver. SIMKINS, JOSEPH (son of Charles Simkins and Rachel Hawthorne). Born Dec. 4, 1842, in Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Charlotte Elena Lundblad Oct. 18, 1867, Beaver, Utah (daughter of Hans Lundblad and Karstie Mortenson of Beaver, pioneers September, 1855, first oxtrain company). She was born May 12, 1851. Their children: Emma Eliza- beth b. Oct. 25, 1869, m. Joseph Neilson; Rachel Charlotte b. Jan. 26, 1872, died; Joseph Charles b. Jan. 21, 1874, m. Ida Hardy; Rosten Lundblad b. March 24, 1876, m. Ella Veater (died), m. Mae Dalley; James Willard b. June 24, 1878, m. Clara Gillies; Marion Andrew b. Oct. 9, 1881, m. Nora Dalley; Daniel H. b. Jan. 5, 1883, m. Annie Wiley; Augus Le Roy b. Oct. 17, 1886; Ellen Vilate b. March 7, 1889, m. Otto Roundy; Edgar L. b. Sept. 11, 1891; Vern and Vera b. Nov. 13, 1894, died; Clarence b. June 9, 1896. Family resided Beaver and Circleville, Utah. Sunday school superintendent; first counselor to Bishop J. E. Peterson. Farmer. SIMMONS. LEVEN. Born Aug. 1, 1812, in Mead county, Ky. Came to Utah 1847, Captain Howell oxteam company. Married Harriet Bradford (daughter of George and Sarah Bradford), who was born March 30, 1821, in Jefferson county, 111. Their children: Samuel b. 1838, m. Gulety Hilman; Sarah Jane b. 1840, m. William J. Warren 1853; Jonathan b. 1842, m. Betsy Sumerville; Leven, Jr., b. 1844, m. Luna Spen- cer; Matthew b. 1846, m. Lyda C. Butler; Levl b. 1848, m. Mary Powell; Lizzie b. 1850, m. Pratt Pace; Harriet b. 1854, m. Hubard Tuttle 1872; Mariah b. 1857, m. Andrew Ferguson; Ammon b. 1860, m. Elizabeth Thomas 1885; Albert b. Sept. 11, 1866. Married Lydia Fisher, Spanish Fork, Utah, in 185.6. Their children: Vard John, m. Jennie Steward; Benjamin F., m. Ann Warner; William R., m. Martha Warner; Andrew J., m. Aggie Bellos; Almond Charles, m. Miss Coyle; Sadie E., m. Charles Forsyth: Fannie E., m. Charles Steward. Families resided Spanish Fork. Indian war veteran. Served in Echo Canyon war. Died at Spanish Fork. SIMMONS, AMMON (son of Leven Simmons and Harriet Bradford). Born in 1860. Married Elizabeth Thomas Feb. 6, 1885, at Spanish Fork (daughter of William and Betsey Thomas), who was born in 1860. Their children: David G. b. Nov. 13, 1885; Albert T. b. Jan. 20, 1887: Lucy b. Jan. 16, 1888; Delroy b. Aug. 13, 1889; Ethel b. April 2, 1892; Mary Ann b. Dec. 2, 1893; Caro- line b. March 28, 1895; Samuel b. Dec. 13, 1897; Cora b. Aug. 13, 1899; Ruth b. June 27, 1902. SIMO1VS, ORRAWELt, (son of Aaron Simons, born June 25, 1789, Alexandria, N. H., and Abigail Buell, born Nov. 28, 1789, Groton. N. H. married Dec. 3, 1814). He was born April 21. 1821, at Alexandria. Came to Utah In September, 1854, independent company. 1162 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Martha Dixon Oct. 11, 1846 (daughter of Charles Dixon, who died at Rock Island, 111., in 1854, en route to Utah, and Elizabeth Humphrey married Oct. 13, 1799, Sack- ville, N. B.). She was born June 27, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Ada A. and Ida F. b. June 20, 1847; Elizabeth A. b. June 26, 1849, m. Thomas A. Wim- mer April 21, 1866; Edward b. Oct. 22. 1854, m. Julia Collett Oct. 11, 1874; Orrawell, Jr., b. Dec. 27, 1859, m. Mary F. Brewerton Sept. 4, 1884; Martha b. March 10, 1862, m. Lyman Kapple Nov. 10, 1881; Albert Lee b. Aug. 11, 1863, m. Eliza- beth Knight July 4, 1884; Enos Wells b. Jan. 20, 1866, m. Elizabeth Pickering Sept. 1, 1886; Major Gustavus b. Sept. 16, 1867, d. child. Married Jane Tenney, who was born Dec. 7, 1824. Their children: Emma Jane, d. child; Grant. Married Kate Baldwin July 2, 1864, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of David Baldwin and Elizabeth Cole, latter pioneer 1861, John Murdock company married 1821, Birmingham, Eng.). She was born May 31, 1847. at Birmingham. Their children: Ruth Elversa b. March 24, 1867, m. David Brewerton March 11, 1885; Kate b. Feb. 25, 1869, m. George Williams April 3, 1887; Viola Lucile b. July 25. 1870; Hyrum Greely b. April 26, 1872; Charles Buell b. March 13, 1874; Minnie Jane b. Jan. 8, 1876; Frank b. Dec. 4, 1879; Ezra Ord b. Oct. 13, 1882, m. Effle Mary Madison Sept. 13, 1904; Omer b. Nov. 24, 1885. Families resided Payson, Utah. High priest; counselor to Bishop John B. Fairbanks; act- ing bishop of Payson ward 1871. City councilman of Pay- son 1861-62; mayor of Payson 1867-74. Built two flour mills. SIMONS, EDWARD (son of Orrawell Simons and Martha Dixon). Born Oct. 22, 1854, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Julia Collett Oct. 11, 1874, Payson, Utah (daughter of Robert Collett and Caroline Pickles, pioneers 1851, Captain Hooper company). She was born Feb. 10, 1855, at Payson. Their children: Edward b. July 14, 1875; Robert Orrawell b. May 15, 1877, m. Clara Oberhansly April 7, 1897; Pearl b. Dec. 19, 1879, died; Delpha b. June 15, 1882; Lynn b. June 4, 1886; Ruby b. April 5, 1889; Iliff b. Oct. 19, 1891; Guy b. Sept. 9, 1895. Family home, Payson. SIMONS, ROBERT ORRAWELL (son of Edward Simons and Julia Collett). Born May 15, 1877, Payson, Utah. Married Clara Oberhansly April 7, 1897 (daughter of Fer- dinand Oberhansly and Mary Staheli), who was born April 13, 1878, Payson. Their children: Daisy b. May 3, 1899; Maxine b. Dec. 1, 1903; Pearl b. Sept. 25, 1905; Geneva b. Nov. 28, 1906; Boyd b. Sept. 13, 1910. Family home,' Payson. June 11, 1843, m. John Heaton 1859; William b. Jan. 21. 1846, m. Mary Hoskin; m. Mary Heaton; m. Malinda Hall. President elders quorum several years previous to 1876; high councilor of Malad stake a few years before death. Pioneer to Portage, where he assisted in making canals and wagon roads in early days. Died Jan. 21, 1892. (son of George Sinnett and Mary Lewis, the former of Angol, Pembrokeshire, South Wales). Born Oct. 9, 1816, at Angol. Came to^Jtah Dec. 10, 1856, William B. Hodgett and John A. Hunt company. Married Martha Walkins (daughter of John and Nannie Walkins), who was born Aug. 10, 1810. Came to Utah with husband. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Kjerstine Nielsen June 6, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Nielsen Bryger and MeUe Katrine Larsen, pioneers Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company). She was born Feb. 22, 1832, Slimstrup, Aalborg Amt., Denmark. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah, John R. Murdock company, in 1863. SIRRINE, THEODORE CURTIS (son of Mephibosheth Sir- rine and Marie Wheeler of Cold Springs, N. T.). Born Oct. 27, 1840, at Cold Springs. Came to Utah 1852, Captain Foote company. Married Laura Holmes Nov. 14, 1869, Montpelier, Idaho (daughter of James and Harriet Holmes of Alpine, Utah, pio- neers 1851, Morris Phelps company). She was born June 15, 1852. Their children: Harriet b. Aug. 14, 1870; Delilah b. July 2, 1872, m. Marland G. Richins; George b. Sept. 27, 1874; Mary E. b. Sept. 2, 1877, m. James A. Holmes; James Curtis b. March 24, 1880, m. Olive Ethel Fullmer; Morris C. b. Oct. 24, 1882; Mittie A. b. Oct. 8, 1886, m. Ammon L. Johnson; Seth E. b. Feb. 2, 1890; Wtlford W. b. July 19, 1892; Samuel M. b. Dec. 21, 1895. Family home Mesa, Ariz. Elder. Assisted in building canals. SIRRINE, JAMES CURTIS (son of Theodore Curtis Slrrine and Laura Holmes). Born March 24, 1880, Mesa, Ariz. Married Olive Ethel Fullmer Dec. 13, 1905, Raymond, Alberta, Canada (daughter of Edwin and Ada Fullmer of Springville, Utah). She was born Sept. 16, 1884. Their chil- dren: Theodore b. Feb. 27, 1908; Lawrence b. Dec. 23, 1909; Dean Lamar b. Sept. 22, 1912. Family home Union, Ore. Missionary to southwestern states 1899-1902; seventy. SIMPER, THOMAS WILLIAM. Born Aug. 5, 1818, Stowell Park, Eng;. Came to Utah 1865, Thomas Taylor company. Married Elizabeth Massey, Chedworth, Gloucestershire, Eng., who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Reuben b. July 30, 1846, died; Daniel b. April 30, 1848; Mary Jane b. May 23, 1850; Caroline H. E. b. April 4, 1854; Dorcas b. July 30, 1860, died; Thomas William b. Oct. 27, 1857. SIMPER, DANIEL (son of Thomas William Simper and Elizabeth Massey). Born 1848, Chedworth, Gloucestershire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary A. Panter in 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Panter and Sarah Lane of Compton Abdale, Eng.). She was born in 1851. Their children: Ernest b. Oct. 6, 1875; Rosella b. June 6, 1877; George W. b. Dec. 2. 1878; Raymond b. Jan. 31, 1880; Mary A. b. Nov. 10, 1882; Thomas R. b. April 26, 1884; Pearl b. Feb. 4, 1885; Kate b. Sept. 25, 1887; Ethel b. Oct. 6, 1891. Family home South Cottonwood, Utah. High priest. SIMPSOJT, THIIRSTOX. Born Dec. 11, 1808, in Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Mary Sophia Barlin 1841, in Iowa (daughter of Hans Barlin of Norway), who was born March 7, 1818. Only child: John b. Jan. 12, 1842, m. Mary Christensen 1861. Family resided Salt Lake City and Kamas, Utah. Missionary to Wisconsin 1855; seventy. Farmer. Died May 2, 1889. SIMPSON, JOHN (son of Thurston Simpson and Mary Sophia Barlin). Born Jan. 12, 1842, Lee Co., Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Christensen 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of J. Christensen and Sophia Peterson), who was born April 6, 1844. Their children: Joseph John b. March 25, 1862, m. Alice Murphy 1901; Mary Sophia b. Dec. 17, 1863, m. Leonard Osborn; George B. b. Sept. 1, 1866, m. Alice Woolstenhulme; Thurston b. May 29, 1869, m. Philinda Pace 1898, m. Angeline Turnbow; Edward L. b. Dec. 23, 1872, m. Mary Ann Burbidge, divorced May 1908; James b. July 1, 1875; Sady b. April 18, 1878, m. Elias Burbidge 1898; Ella Laminda b. Feb. 2, 1883, m. Ebenezer Johnston 1907. Married Elizabeth McNorton 1911, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James McNorton and Elizabeth Shaw, pioneers 1853, Appleton Harmon company.) High priest. Veteran Black Hawk war. Farmer and stockraiser. SKANCHY, ANTHOJT LORENZO (son of Elllng Lorenson Schankey and Mina Olson Ansjon of Trondhjem, Norway). Born Sept. 17, 1839, Trondhjem, Norway. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1868, Horton D. Haight company. Married Christiana Jacobson 1867, Christiana, Norway, who came to Utah 1868. Their children: Anthon, Orson, Elias, Emalie, all died. Family home Logan, Utah. Married Caroline Flygare 1872 (daughter of Swen Flygare of Sweden, who came to Utah 1871). Their children: Lorenzo Oliver b. Sept. 8, 1873, m. Lena Marie Sorensen July 7, 1897; Wtllard Richards b. Nov. 19, 1875, m. Alice Wray Sept. 30, 1900; Mina Christina b. Dec. 31, 1877, d. July 1908; Carl Norman b. Nov. 19, 1884. Married Sigrid Landgaard Nov. 20, 1885. Their children: Zigne b. Sept. 1, 1886, died; Fritzjof Nansen b. March 27, 1894; Clara B.. died; Lillian Sophia b. June 8, 1900; Sigrid Antonia b. Sept. 11, 1907. Married Caroline Bergh. Bishop of 6th ward, Logan, Utah, 25 years. Lumber mer- chant. SINCLAIR, WILLIAM (son of James Sinclair and Agnes Rowley of Ireland). Born April 17, 1817, County Down, Ireland. Came to Utah 1863. Married Christina Archibald. Their children: Janet b. SKELTOJT, ROBERT (son of Thomas Skelton of Carlisle, Cumberland county, Eng.). Born 1824 in Carlisle. Came to Utah in 1849, Ezra T. Benson company. Married Eliza Angeline Gollaher February, 1857, at Tooele, Utah (daughter of William Colbertson Gollaher and Eliza- beth Orton of Adams county, 111., pioneers 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born Feb. 20, 1841. Their chil- dren: Elizabeth, m. George Rimington; Adelia, m. Andrew Russell; Robert, m. Sarah Gee; James Patrick, m. Eliza Bevan; William C.; Oren, m. Luella Henwood; Thomas, died; Polly, m. Joseph Lee; Mary, m. Frank Whitehead; Pamelia; Alma; Olive, died. Family home, Tooele. Seventy; missionary to India 1852-56; bishop's counselor Tooele ward 1895. Mayor; councilman; assessor; member state legislature 1856-57. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Feb. 2, 1896. SKELTON, ROBERT, JR. (son of Robert Skelton and Eliza Angeline Gollaher). Born May 31, 1863, Tooele, Utah. Married Sarah Gee May 20, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of Lysander Gee and Theresa Bowley of Tooele, pioneers 1849). She was born Sept. 16, 1868. Their children: Paul Robert b. Oct. 24, 1892; Ralph b. Aug. 6, 1894, d. infant; Theresa b. Oct. 2, 1896; Edgar Almon b. Dec. 9, 1897; Gerald b. Jan. 14, 1899; Lucy b. Sept. 19, 1901; Joel b. Sept. 16, 1903; Philip b. Sept. 16, 1907. Family resided Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah. Member 43d quorum seventies; missionary to Kentucky and Tennessee 1887-90. Printer; publisher; manufacturer of blank books, etc. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1163 SKimiORK, HENRY B. (son of Henry and Harriet Skid- more of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born December, 1830, Philadel- phia. Came to Utah September, 1851, John Smith company. Married Sarah Ann Elliott in April, 1866, at Philadelphia (daughter of Daniel Elliott of Philadelphia, pioneer Sept. 3, 1866, John Hindley company). She was born April 30, 1834. Their children: Harriett, m. Silas Knapp; Mary, m. Martin Garn; Sarah Ann, m. George Hardy; Elizabeth, m. Jesse W. Hardy; Clara, m. Moroni Hodson; Josephine and Henry, died; Edward, m. Maud Hackett; Frederick, Charles and Oliver, latter three died; Lucy, m. William Ashton; Elva, died. High priest; counselor in bishopric of East Mill Creek ward. Saw manufacturer. Their children: Thomas, d. Infant; Mary, d. aged 2; Charles, d. infant; Eliza, m. Richard Moyse; Elizabeth, m. Charles T. Husbands; John C., m. Martha Griffith; Mary Jane, m. Mr. Moytz, m. Richard Moyse; Cordelia, d. aged 2; Joseph, m. Edith Clark. Family home Beaver, Utah. Elder. Stonecutter. Died July, 1871, Malad, Idaho. SKIDMORE, WILLIAM LOBARK (son of Charles Brett Skidmore, born 1805, Sheffield. Eng., and Harriet Henrietta Shrader, born 1808, Philadelphia, Pa.). He was born Sept. 22. 1844, at Philadelphia. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1856, John Hindley company. Married Sarah Armina Knapp March 28, 1868 (daughter of Albert Knapp and Rozina Shepard, pioneers 1847, contingent Mormon Battalion married in Utah). She was born Feb. 10, 1863, Farmington, Utah. Their children: William Alonzo b. March 29, 1869, m. Ellen Marinda Monson; Harriet Armina b. April 15, 1871, m. Hyrum Lester Baer; Justin Albert b. May 6, 1873, m. Agnes Emmeret Stoddard; Judson Alvin b. May 6, 1873, d. May 7, 1873; Charles Henry b. July 23, 1875. m. Anna Louisa Wangsgaard; George Willis b. Aug. 25, 1877, m. Mary Louise Burnham; John Samuel b. Feb. 25, 1880. d. Dec. 20, 1902; Joseph Francis b. Oct. 22, 1882, d. Jan. 21, 1890; Malinda Ray b. March 1, 1885; Rozina Marinda b. April 14, 1887; Earl Doback b. Oct 18, 1889; Edna Mary b. Oct. 17, 1891, d. March 9, 1892. Family home Richmond, Utah. Married Charlotte Wilhelmina Pearson Feb. 19, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Jonas Pearson and Charlotte Olsen, former came to Utah in 1884). She was born Nov. 24, 1867, Sodermanland, Sweden. Their children: Charlotte Ann b. April 25, 1886, d. Aug. 18, 1889; Edwin Wilbur b. Feb. 9, 1888; Elsie Lucina b. May 19, 1894; Ada Louise b. March 17, 1896; Elmer Gustava b. April 29, 1897; Cyrus Randolph b. Feb. 10, 1900. Family home Richmond, Utah. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah; superintendent Richmond Sunday school 1876-79; counselor to President A. U. Hobson of first Y. M. M. I. A. in Richmond ward 1875- 78; bishop of Richmond ward; ordained patriarch 1906 by Apostle C. W. Penrose. Minuteman; justice of peace 1876- 78; member of city council November, 1901-05; senior mem- ber high council Benson stake 1901-05; president high priest quorum from 1905 to date. Hauled rock and lumber for Logan temple 1878-79. SLACK. WILLIAM (son of Joseph Slack and Dorothy Great- orece of Middleton, Derbyshire, Eng.). Born Feb. 6, 1827, Middleton. Came to Utah 1869, Fred Kestler company. Married Eliza Frost Jan. 21, 1847, Middleton (daughter of Jacob Frost and Betty Nefton of Middleton), who was born May 27, 1825. Their children: Thomas; William; Eliza Cor- nelia, m. George Cottrell; Joseph Abraham, m. Lear Ferri- mond. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Clerk of 66th quorum seventies. Farmer. Died Dec. 3, 1882. SI..VIIR, WILLIAM RtTFTTS. Born July 2, 1811, in Washing- ton county, N. Y. Married Julia Higganbotham in Louisiana. Their children: William, m. Nancy Katherine Holt; Martha, d. 1835; Jeffer- son, m. Sarah M. Chestnut; Marglana, d. 1840; Albert, d. 1853; Clara; Benjamin, d. 1847; John, d. 1853; Henry; Alice, d. 1853; James McGaw, d. 1870. Family home Opelousas, La. Died Nov. 28, 1872, Panaca, Nev. SLADE. JEFFERSON (son of William Rufus Slade and Julia Higganbotham). Born Sept. 25, 1836, Opelousas, La. Came to Utah 1849. Married Sarah M. Chestnut in 1861 (daughter of William and Johanna Chestnut). Only child: Jefferson C. b. April 11, 1862, m. Maria M. Ter Bruggen June 26, 1887. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member of Slade Transfer Company. SLADE, JEFFERSON C. (son of Jefferson Slade and Sarah M. Chestnut). Born April 11, 1861, Ogden. Married Sarah Barker (daughter of James and Mary Barker). Their children: Pauline; James Jefferson. Married Maria M. Ter Bruggen June 25, 1887, Ogden (daughter of Hermann Ter Bruggen and Maria Bakker of Ogden, who came to Utah in September, 1879. Mormon mis- sionary company). She was born Nov. 6, 1868. Their chil- dren: Anna M.; Ada M.; Jefferson; Marie; Louise; Edward; Althea; Marjorie. Family home, Ogden. Member Slade Transfer Company of Ogden. SLATER, JOHN (son of Thomas Slater and Elizabeth Wombsley of Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancastershire, Eng.). Born Oct. 14, 1822, Lancastershire. Came to Utah 1868, John Uillesple company. Married Jane Booth In 1841 at Lancastershire (daughter of Charles Booth of Lancastershire), who was born in 1821. SLATER, RICHARD (son of Thomas Slater and Elizabeth Wombsley of England). Born Feb. 2, 1812, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1862, Thomas Howell company. Married Ann Corbridge 1834 (daughter of William Cor- bridge and Ellen Bolton married in 1811 at Clipping, Lan- castershire). She was born Nov. 15. 1812, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Thomas b. June 14, 1836, m. Mary Broadbent Sept. 22, 1859; Mary b. Aug. 11, 1838, m. John Read May 20, 1856; Priscilla b. Aug. 16, 1840, m. James Cowan March 16, 1857; Margaret b. Sept. 20, 1844, m. Buford A. Bybee Nov. 19, 1863; Rachel b. Jan. 8, 1847, m. Fred L. Foy Dec. 26. 1863; Richard b. Oct. 12, 1849. m. Sarah Allen May 13, 1885; Ann b. Oct. 12, 1849, m. Charles Read May 21, 1891; Lizzie b. May 14, 1852, m. Amasa S. Condon June 18, 1889; John b. Feb. 6, 1864, m. Margaret Howell May 15, 1875; James A. b. April 11, 1856, m. Mary E. Allred Dec. 28, 1877. Family home Slaterville, Utah. Farmer. SLATER, THOMAS (son of Richard Slater and Ann Cor- bridge). Born June 14, 1835, in Lancastershire, Eng. Married Mary Broadbent Sept. 22, 1859, Provo, Utah (daughter of Enoch Broadbent and Keturah Lund, pioneers 1862, Captain Outhouse company). She was born Sept. 11, 1842, Lincolnshire, Eng. Their children: Thomas b. July 2. 1860, d. aged 30; John b. Nov. 30, 1861, m. Mary Hannah Stanger Nov. 30, 1881; Mary b. Nov. 14, 1863, m. William Stanger Jan. 16, 1882; Keturah I. b. March 1, 1866, m. Alfred J. Palmer April 8, 1885; William J. b. July 9, 1867, m. Casstina Wayman Jan. 27, 1892; Richard A. b. Jan. 30, 1869; Anna A. b. Feb. 11, 1871, m. Harry Sharp March 6, 1906; Nellie b. Dec. 24, 1872. m. Ezra Richardson May 19, 1892; James R. b. March 4, 1876, m. Ella Heap Jan. 4, 1902; Charles E. b. Sept. 23, 1878, m. Hazel Brown Jan. 2, 1905; Pearl b. Oct. 24, 1880, m. Harry Clay Lyon June 14, 1905; Edna b. March 25, 1883, m. Eli Heap Sept. 14, 1904. Family home Slaterville, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. SLAUGH, GEORGE JACOB (son of George Jacob Slaugh and Margaret Hammon of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born March 31, 1828, Philadelphia. Came to Utah 1862, Captain Hyde com- pany. Married Mary Ivory Nov. 19, 1850, Kensington, Pa. (daugh- ter of Isaac Ivory and Rachel Smith of Philadelphia). She was born April 1, 1828. Their children: John Henry, m. Ellenor Bacus; Sarah, m. Edward Harris; Isaac Ivory b. Oct. 29, 1857, m. Annie Culmer Jan. 3, 1884, m. Sarah Ellen Johnson Sept. 26, 1894; Mary, m. Frederick Fage; Benjamin, m. Rachel Smuin. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest; teacher. Died December, 1906. SLAUGH, ISAAC IVORY (son of George Jacob Slaugh and Mary Ivory). Born Oct. 29, 1857, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1868, James Brown company. Married Annie Culmer Jan. 3, 1884, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Alfred and Sopha Culmer), who was born April 16, 1866. Their children: Etta Viola b. Sept. 11, 1886, and Hazel Sopha b. Oct. 19, 1889, d. infants; Emma b. June 1, 1892, m. John Smuin. Married Sarah Ellen Johnson Sept. 26, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of Benjamin Franklin Johnson and Mary Eliza Williams of Salt River, Ariz.). She was born Oct. 22, 1875. Their children: Frederick Eleas b. June 30, 1895; Idella b. April 23, 1897; Alva Elizabeth b. Aug. 10, 1899; Henry Ivory b. Sept. 19, 1901; Joseph b. April 20, 1903; Gil- bert Willard b. April 16. 1905; Mary Vanola b. Oct. 6, 1907; Wilda Minnetta b. Feb. 12, 1910. Family home Naples, Utah. Elder; ward and Sunday school teacher 30 years; Sunday school superintendent, Naples ward, 19 years. School trus- tee three years. Pioneer road builder. SLAUGH, JOHN JACOB (son of John Slaugh and Margaret Hommann of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born Feb. 15, 1819, Phila- delphia. Came to Utah 1861, Carl G. Maeser company. Married Matilda Smuin Jan. 2, 1864, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Smuin, pioneer 1863). Their children: John Jacob, Jr., m. Mary Alice Perry; Sarah Ellen; George Alfred; Ada Halena; Florence Matilda; Elmer Warren; Dorah Eliza- beth. Family resided Pleasant Grove and Vernal, Utah. Seventy; president of branch of church, Philadelphia. Pleasant Grove city councilman. Stonemason. Died April 22, 1903, at Vernal. SLAUGH, JOHN JACOB (son of John Jacob Slaugh and Matilda Smuin). Born Nov. 17, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Alice Perry Jan. 1, 1886, Vernal, Utah (daughter of William Howard Perry and Alice Stowell of Plain City, Utah). She was born June 6. 1871, Millville, Utah. Their children: Richard John b. Oct. 11, 1887, m. Alberta Green; Elizabeth Ivoy b. Oct. 2, 1889, m. Lewis Chivers; Forrest Stephen b. May 8, 1892; Edward Curtis b. Nov. 10, 1894; Letha Pearl b. March 19, 1897; Kimball 1164 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH George b. May 4, 1899; Leona Mary b. Sept. 1, 1901; Bessie Lenora b. Dec. 19, 1904; William Henry b. June 3, 1906. Missionary to New Zealand 1897-98; elder; Sunday school superintendent and teacher; ward teacher. Moved to Ash- ley Valley 1885, where he assisted in building up country. Road supervisor; school trustee. Director Ashley Upper Irrigation Co. Came to Salt Lake City; later to Promontory; thence to Wellsville, 1869; leaving there for Smithfleld in 1870, where he resided until 1887; moved to Ovid, Bear Lake Co., Idaho; moved to Georgetown 1886, where now resides. SLAUGHTER, CHARLES MERRIWEATHER (son of Wil- liam Slaughter of Charleston, W. Va.). Born May 2, 1819. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1860, Franklin Brown company. Married Fannie Piety Kenner in 1853 (daughter of Robert John Kenner and Hannah Stubblefield of Russellville, Logan county, Ky., pioneers 1860, Franklin Brown company). She was born Feb. 17, 1836, in Kentucky. Their children: Cora Minnie b. Aug. 25, 1855, died; Frank Thomas b. July 13, 1858, m. Annie Terry; Charles Kenner b. Dee. 13, 1860, died; Rosa Hannah b. Sept. 11, 1863, m. Edward Hanmer Duzett; Robert Erastus b. Nov. 30, 1866, m. Sarah Farns; Fannie b. Nov. 26, 1869, m. George W. Terry; Missouri Tennessee b. March 30, 1875, died. Family home Rockville, Utah. Elder; working missionary to Dixie. Located at Rock- Vllle, and assisted in developing country. Farmer. Died April, 1883. SLAUGHTER, SAMUEL NATHANIEL (son of Edward Slaughter and Catherine Cronk of Sandwich, Eng.). Born Oct. 16, 1840, Ultenhage. South Africa. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1860, Nephi Johnson company. Married Annie E. Huey June 4, 1860, Florence, Neb. (daughter of Robert Huey and Clara W. Thomas of Port Elizabeth. South Africa). She was born Feb. 19, 1844, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Emma Jane, m. James Hall; Edward Huey, m. Mary Winchester; Samuel C., m. Martha Glanfield; Clara E., m. Robert A. Coleman, m. James L. Griffeths; William H., m. Ella Rasmussen; Catherine M., m. George W. Woodhouse; Robert, d. aged 4% years; Edith Ellen, m. Frank L. Osborn; Sarah S., m. John P. James; Annie, m. Hugh B. Sackett; Evelyn, m. Carl Madsen; John L., m. Nellie Barnes; Walter, m. Ella Olsen. Family home, Salt Lake City. Block teacher; elder; high priest. Assessor and collector Beaver county 11H years; school trustee six years; county commissioner Beaver county two years; postmaster Frisco, Utah, five years. Tanner since 1883: merchant. SLEIGHT, THOMAS (son of Richard Sleight and Ann Lamb of Swineshead, Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born Sept. 25, 1833, Swlneshead. Came to Utah Aug. 9, 1860, Warren Walling company. Married Marianne Reynolds Smith in 1857, Florence, Neb. (daughter of Joseph Reynolds of Limonton, Berkshire, Eng.). She was born in 1823. Married Mary M. Wixom, who was born April 7, 1853, Cot- tonwood, Utah. Their children: Thomas George; Mary Frances Bunn; Hannah Ann Grimmett; Marianne Alice; Joseph Henry; John Orson; Richard S. ; Olive Irene Baxter; Viola J. Family home Paris, Idaho. Elder; missionary to England 1884-86. Lieutenant-captain of cavalry in Nauvoo Legion. Farmer. SMART, ABEL (son of William Smart, born 1819, Minety, Wiltshire, Eng., and Jane Stockham of Lea, Wiltshire, Eng.). He was born Jan. 30, 1848, Lea, Wiltshire. Came to Utah September, 1868, Simeon Alvord company. Married Sarah Gittins Sept. 20, 1869. at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Gittins and Mary Powell, pioneers, Dan- iel D. McArthur company). She was born Dec. 23, 1850, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Abel b. June 9, 1870; William b. Dec. 7, 1871, died; James b. May 21, 1873, m. Nora Jensen; Sarah b. June 3, 1875, m. Joseph Hebden; Mary b. April 14, 1877, m. John McDonald; Jane b. June 20, 1879, m. Rutherford .Hayes; Lottie b. Dec. 2, 1881. m. Alma H. Hayes; Maud b. March !>8, 1884, m. Charles Black; Frederick b. May 6, 1886, m. Esther Hayes; Ezra b. April 13, 1889, died; Parley b. Aug. 4, 1891, m. Emma Mc- Cammon; Hazel b. Oct. 29, 1893. Family resided Smithfleld. Utah, and Georgetown, Idaho. Married Emma Irene Staley Feb. 11, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Staley and Sarah Wilde), who was born Aug. 22, 1868, Coalville, Utah. Their children: Emma b. Nov. 7, 1885, m. Harrison Hess; John A. b. March 29, 1887, d. April 14, 1887; Grace b. Jan. 14, 1889. m. Wilbur Bacon; Joseph A. b. Jan. 13, 1891, d. Feb. 28, 1891; Ada b. June 29, 1892; Wilford Willard b. Nov. 8, 1894: Ida b. Sept. 26, 1896, d. Sept. 8. 1902: Vernal b. Aug. 7. 1878; Edith b. May 22, 1900; Annie b. July 21, 1902; Ray Staley b. Dec. 10, 1904; Edna b. May 27, 1907; Irene b. Sept. 30, 1909; Iva b. April 1, 1913. Family resided Ovid and Georgetown, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. Married Annie Christena Jensen Nov. 14, 1888, at Logan (daughter of Peter and Boleta Marie Jensen), who was born Aug. 10, 1867, Ovid, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. Their children: George b. Dec. 3, 1889, m. Margaret Murray; Hannah b. July 27, 1893; Jesse b. July 15, 1895; Lyman b. J-une 1, 1898; Charles Orrin b. March 23, 1901, d. 1910. Family home Ovid and Georgetown, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. Clerk of high priest quorum of Cache stake 1878-84; ward clerk in Georgetown ward 1904. Labored on Logan temple. SMART, NEPHI (son of Thomas Smart, born April 8, 1798, at Leicester, Leicestershire, Eng., and Elizabeth Bailis, born July 8, 1798, in Kidderminster, Eng., both of Leicester married June 11, 1818). He was born Aug. 18, 1840, at Leicester, Came to Utah 1868 with the independent com- pany. Married Ellen Woodburn (daughter of Simon and Eliza- beth Woodburn married 1866 in Somersetshire, Eng.). She was born March 29, 1840, and came to Utah 1868 with the independent company. Their children: Cicil Thomas b. Aug. 6, 1866, m. Martha P. Rowland; Lorenzo Woodburn b. May 16, 1866, m. Lucy Peterson; Ethel Alice b. Dec. 22, 1870, m. Martin R. Ivie. Family home East Mill Creek, Utah. Married Amelia Higgins Sept. 7, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Higgins and Charlotte Nivis, pioneers 1877 married 1837 at London, Eng.). She was born Jan. 16, 1844, in England. Their child: Herber Higgins b. May , 1866. High priest; missionary to England for four years; book- keeper and accountant in the tithing office. Worked In tannery. Farmer at Mill Creek, Utah. SMART, THOMAS SHARRATT (son of William Smart and Mary Maria Sharratt of Stonewall, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born Sept. 14, 1823, at Stonewall. Came to America 1845, and to Utah Sept. 4, 1852, captain of company of 20 families. Married Ann Hayter in England and sealed to her in Salt Lake Endowment House June 3, 1856 (daughter of Henry Hayter, born 1789, and Kezzia Denison of Portsmouth, Hampshire, Eng.). She was born Sept. 18, 1822, at Ports- mouth. Their children: Mary Ann b. Nov. 6, 1842, m. An- drew Morrison; Alice b. Jan. 1, 1845, m. William Pratt; Louisa b. Oct. 11. 1846, m. Thomas Mendenhall; Charlotte Elizabeth b. Nov. 6, 1848, m. Samuel R. Parkinson; Maria b. April 29, 1851, m. Samuel R. Parkinson; Thomas b. Dec. 16, 1853, m. Catherine Alvenia Hatch; Sarah Ann b. Oct. 24, 1856, m. Joshua Hawks; Eliza b. Nov. 1, 1867, m. Leonldas A. Mecham; Frances Ann b. 1860, d. infant; William Henry b. April 6, 1862, m. Anna Haines; Mary Jane b. Feb. 16, 1866, m. James W. Webster. Married Minnie Shrives at Salt Lake City (daughter of Edwin Shrives and Elizabeth Holton of Stanwick, North- amptonshire, Eng.). She was born Dec. 12, 1860, Stanwick. Their children: Leslie Edwin b. July 14, 1880, m. May Hess; Vernon b. May 9, 1882; Iva Lilla b. Dec. 18, 1885, m. Martin Henry Phelps; Melvin Shrives b. May 30, 1889. Families resided Franklin, Idaho. Settled at American Fork, and after several moves located at Franklin, Idaho. First president of branch, and later member bishopric at Franklin; high councilor; missionary to England 1886. School trustee at Franklin several terms. Made a number of trips bringing immigrants to Utah. Active participant in early Indian troubles. Farmer; stock- raiser; brick manufacturer. Died April 18, 1901. SMART, THOMAS (son of Thomas Sharratt Smart and Ann Hayter). Born Dec. 16, .1853, American Fork, Utah. Married Catherine Alvenia Hatch Jan. 11, 1875. Salt Lake City, Daniel H. Wells officiating (daughter of Lorenzo Hill Hatch and Catherine Karren of Franklin, Idaho). She was born Feb. 14, 1859. Their children: Catherine Ann, m. Ezra C. Foss; Thomas Delbert, d. child; Carl L., m. Julia Hendricks; Zella Cloe; Meda, m. Jonathan Powell; Lorenzo; Uarda Georgia; Junius; Hellen. Counselor in presidency of Uinta stake. Resided at Frank- lin, Idaho, 1860-92; moved to Logan, Utah. President and director of First National Bank of Logan; assisted in or- ganizing the City National Bank and Farmers' and Stock- growers' Bank of Salt Lake City, and in each of which he is a director; one of incorporators of Beneficial Life Insur- ance Company, and has been a member of the board of directors since its organization. Appointed trustee of Utah Agricultural College by Governor John C. Cutler, and reappointed by Governor Spry in 1909 and 1913; member of executive and building committees of the college board of trustees; donated $10,000 toward the gymnasium at Logan, which was named the "Thomas Smart" gymnasium, made a. liberal donation to the pioneer monument at Franklin, Idaho, 1910. Member Republican state central committee of Utah. Engaged in farming and sheepraising. SMART, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Thomas Sharratt Smart and Ann Hayter). Born April 6. 1862, at Franklin. Married Anna Haines Oct. 3, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Isaac David Haines and Elizabeth Highfleld of Zanes- ville, Ohio, came to Utah October, 18S4, Independent com- pany). She was born Oct. 11, 1867. Their children: Eliza- beth b. Nov. 1, 1889; William Haines b. Sept. 8, 1891; Thomas Lawrence b. Dec. 5, 1893; Edna b. Dec. 24, 1895; Joseph Heber b. Nov. 12, 1900; Anna b. Aug. 25. 1903; Ruth b. Aug. 23, 1909. Present family home Roosevelt, Utah. Member 18th quorum seventy; missionary to England 1886, with his father, collecting family genealogy; assisted in and supervised first vicarious work for his relatives In Logan and Salt Lake temples; missionary to Turkey and England 1889-90; missionary to eastern states 1898-1900, being its president during latter part; president Wasatch PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1165 Stake; president Uinta stake; president Duchesne stake. School teacher at Brigham Young College of Logan six years; two years principal of public schools of Franklin, Idaho. Director In Beneficial Life Insurance Company. One of the founders of Smart & Webster Live Stock Company of Rexburg, Idaho, and its first president and general man- ager; one of the organizers of the Heber City Bank and its first president; one of the organizers of Heber Mercantile Company and its first president; assisted in the organiza- tion of the Wasatch Wave Pub. Co., and its first president; director of Utah National Bank of Salt Lake City; one of the organizers and directors of Salt Lake Knitting Works; one of the organizers and first president Uinta State Bank; one of the organizers of Roosevelt Realty Company and Roosevelt Mercantile Corporation; organizer and chief pro- prietor of Duchesne Record Publishing Co. Charles; William; Walter; Lloyd; Archie. Family home Morgan, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants, and brought first tele- graph wire to Utah; in 1869 went to Laramie City for freight. Elder. Laborer. SMITH, ADAM (son of Michael Smith and Katherine Aven- ger, of Highland, Germany). Born May 6, 1825, in Germany. Came to Utah 1857, Captain Walker company. Married Melissa M. Hendry Pew 1849, in Wood county, Va. (daughter of Joseph Pew and Rachel Hendry, pioneers 1848, independent company). She was born July 11, 1827. Their children: Elsone b. July 16, 1850, m. William Judah; Octaves b. April 29, 1852, m. Clara Bradley; Joseph M. b. July 17, 1855, m. Josephine Anderson; Josephine b. Feb. 20, 1858, m. James E. Togg; Elington b. Feb. 17, I860, m. Louise Wilson; Edaline b. Aug. 27, 1862, m. John Fames; Rozela b. July 21. 1864, m. Wells Cheney; Rosetta b. Dec. 30, 1866, m. Thomas Williams; Zora N. b. Nov. 7, 1870, m. Thomas Smith. Family home Hyrum, Utah. High priest. Settled at Bountiful, Utah, 1857, moved to Cache Valley. Participated in Echo Canyon war. Farmer and stockraiser. SMITH, JOSEPH M. (son of Adam Smith and Melissa M. Hendry Pew). Born July 17, 1855, In Iowa. Married Josephine Anderson Dec. 25, 1878, Hyrum, Utah (daughter of Peter Anderson and Caroline Jeppson. of Sweden, pioneers 1860). She was born Oct. 20, 1860. Their children: Joseph E. b. Oct. 12, 1879, m. Hilda Jensen; Sylvia b. Oct. 22. 1881, m. Walter Fife; Ida b. May 15, 1884, m. Francis Olsen; Roy b. June 1, 1886; William b. Sept. 4, 1889, m. Lillian Liljenquist; Hazel b. Feb. 11, 1892; Nelton b. Sept. 29, 1894; Beatrice b. Aug. 22, 1896; Rusell b. Jan. 5, 1900; Glenn b. April 1, 1904. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Member of 62d quorum seventies; high councilor and offtciator in Logan Temple 1902. Marshal; justice of peace; city councilman. Farmer. SMITH, ALBERT (son of David Smith and Deborah Smith, of Ashfield, Franklin county, Mass.). Born Nov. 18, 1804, in Franklin county. Mass. Came to Utah with discharged Mormon Battalion soldiers 1847. Married Esther Dutcher May 19, 1826 (daughter of Thomas and Betsy Dutcher), who was born Jan. 25, 1811. Their children: Azariah; Emily; Candace; Joseph; Esther. Married Rhoda Gifford Oct. 17, 1856, who was born April 28. 1827, in New York. Their children: Albert; Deborah; Anna. Married Sophia W. Clown, born August 17, 1824, in Den- mark. Their children: Albertena; Louisa; Albert; Esther; David; Hirum; Charlotte. Sergeant and quartermaster in Mormon Battalion. SMITH, AZARIAH (son of Albert Smith and Esther Dutcher). Born Aug. 1, 1828, Barlston, Oswego county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1848. Married Camilla Augusta Taylor April 10, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of Stephen Taylor), who was born Jan. 28, 1833. Their children: Camilla; Stephen Azariah; Samuel. Married Joanne Maria Christensen Oct. 7, 1871, who was born Jan. 7. 1817, in Denmark, and died Jan. 27, 1903. Married Sevllla Stay Mitchell Aug. 1, 1903, who was born July 17, 1832. Was working at the Sutler's Fort mill race, California, when gold was first discovered there. Located at Salt Lake City, later moved to San Pete Valley, where he has resided since. SMITH, ARTHUR S. (son of John Smith and Elizabeth Pye of Shropshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 31, 1808, in Shropshire. Came to Utah October, 1854, James Brown company. Married Elizabeth Logue May, 1840, Liverpool, Eng. (daughter of James Logue and Nancy Campbell of Glasgow, Scotland). She was born Jan. 1, 1813. Their children: Mary Ellen, m. Hugh Findlay, m. W. D. Major; Jared, d. aged 20; Jane Ann, m. Aaron Nebeker; Elizabeth, m. Joseph Arnold. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; worked as steward for Brigham Young nine years. Tailor. Died Dec. 12, 1878, Laketown, Utah. SMITH, IIK.VJ. P. (son of Conrad Smith and Ann Elizabeth Geeseman, of Tomstown, Franklin county, Pa.). Born Feb. 22, 1846, Tomstown. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross company. Married Mary Ann Simmons Jan. 26, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Simmons and Mary Ann Ford, of Brighton, Eng., pioneers 1855). She was born July 18, 1853. Their children: Annie; George; Mina; Frank; Delia; SMITH, GEORGE YOUNG (son of James Smith and Ann George of Dundee, Scotland). Born Dec. 5, 1835, at Dundee. Came to Utah Nov. 3, 1862, Jacob Gates company. Married Johann Luckie Dec. 29, 1854, Forfarshire, Dundee, Scotland (daughter of John Luckie and Sarah Forgenson of Dundee, Scotland), who was born Jan. 16, 1836. The'r chil- dren: Sarah Forgenson, m. William A. Noble; Annie George, m. Edwin R. Miles Jr.; Margaret Young, d. aged 18; Mary Jane, m. William A. Noble Jr.; Johann Elizabeth, d. aged 13; George Young, m. Savira Green; James John; Alexander Clarence; William Allen; Agnes; latter four d. Infants. Secretary elders quorum; Sunday school teacher. Notary public and justice of peace at Smithfield, Utah. Manager Smithfield Co-op., and of Thomas Richardson's mercantile business. Died Aug. 29, 1903, at Smithfield. SMITH, GEORGEJV (son of Christian A. Smith, born Aug. 15, 1782, Sterndrope, Prussia, and Mary J. Swan born Jan. 1, 1785, Rurop, Prussia). Born May 28, 1823, Fadested, Prussia. Married Christina Berkidile, born April 11, 1825. Their children: Mary Smith b. July 28, 1851; Christen M. b. Feb. 6, 1853; Bertil b. Sept. 18, 1855; Mariah b. March 20, 1857; Susana b. May 30, 1859; John b. Sept. 13, 1862, m. Sarah S. Durfey, April 12, 1887; Christina M. b. March 22, 1864, m. James Nielson; Wilhelmina b. May 11, 1865, m. John F. Haws Feb. 17, 1862; Caroline b. May 11, 1865; Joseph b. June 6, 1867, m. Stella Holt Dec. 25. 1888. Married Maria Johnson (daughter of Johnson Willson and Anna Krestina Christensen), who was born June 3, 1841, Norholm, Denmark. Their children: William Smith b. Jan. 3, 1864, m. Mary Moss; Maria b. April 28, 1865, m. Joseph Woolcock; Anna C. b. Nov. 2, 1866; Mary b. Oct. 22, 1867, m. Andrew Box; James A. b. March 17, 1870, m. Nellie Crouther; Evardine M. M. b. Dec. 17, 1871, m. Charles Mulford; Ane Laurine b. Nov. 14, 1873, m. Leo Holt; Adelaide b. April 7. 1874, m. William Willson; Eliza b. Feb. 11, 1876; Catrlne Lizzie b. Nov. 4, 1877, m. Jeremiah Mott; John Christian b. March 3, 1883; Condy b. Aug. 7, 1884, m. Charlotte Dimic. SMITH, JOHN (son of Georgen Smith and Christina Berki- dile). Born Sept. 13, 1862, Fountain Green, Utah. Married Sarah S. Durfey April 12, 1887, Thurber, Utah (daughter of Alma Durfey, pioneer 1852, and Amanda M. Haws). She was born April 20, 1872, Salem, Utah. Their children: John F. b. Feb. 16. 1888; Charles W. b. Feb. 14, 1890; Amanda M. b. April 11, 1891; Artie J. b. March 17, 1893, m. Luther Dee Taft, June 13, 1911; George b. Jan. 10, 1895; Joseph Alma b. Dec. 12, 1895; Eda Bell b. March 3, 1898; Jayson L. b. Sept. 17, 1900; Merin b. Jan. 13, 1903; Ardella C. b. Oct. 29, 1905; Norma and Norman b. April 22, 1908; Franklin D. b. Sept. 18, 1910. SMITH, J. FEWSON (son of Robert Smith and Mary Few- son, of Preston, Eng.). Born Jan. 1, 1834, at Preston. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, Horton D. Haight company. Married Christiana Venobles Vernon April 27, 1863, Hull, Yorkshire, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Venobles Vernon and Margaret Senior, of Hull. Former came to Utah 1852, President John Taylor company, to establish first sugar factory, Sugar House ward). Their children: J. Fewson, Jr. m. Alice E. Steers; Joseph Vernon, m. Agnes H. Timms; Marea M. V., d. infant; Reinold Vernon, m. Lena M. White. Family home was 136 I St., Salt Lake City. High priest, Ensign stake. Was prominent In politics In Salt Lake City and in railroad building in western United States and Mexico. SMITH, JOSEPH VERNON (son of J. Fewson Smith, and Christiana Venobles Vernon). He was born March 8, 1867. Married Agnes H. Timms June 10, 1891, at Logan, Utah (daughter of William J. A. Timms and Harriet Sisam of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1866, Captain Wheeler's mule teams). She was born Jan. 9, 1868. Their child: Irene Vernon Smith b. Aug. 22, 1892. The family home was 118 I St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Was prominent in church affairs and was a railroad man and later a life insurance salesman. SMITH, JAMES HENRY (son of James Smith, of Newark. N. J.). Born March 16, 1805. Came to Utah Sept. 12. 1847, VarHed Hannah Van Wagoner April 4, 1833, Pompton Plains, N. J. (daughter of Halma Van Wagoner), who was born April 4, 1815. Their children: Halma b. March 31. 1834, m. Annie Bolton, m. Elizabeth Duke; Josiah b. April 9, 1836; Hyrum b. April 2, 1838, m. Julia Holdaway; John V. b. April 6 1840, m. Julia Bowen; Sarah Ann b. Sept. 11, 1842, m. Enoch Clark; Emma b. May 21, 1845. m. Alfred Conover; Jo- eeph Van b. Dec. 11, 1847, m. Isabell Pace; Eunice b. Jan. 8, 1166 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1851, m. John Croft; James H. b. 1853; Henry b. May 19, 1855, m. Retta Conover; Edwin P., m. Rosetta Conover. High priest; counselor to President John Nebeker's elders quorum; first leader of Salt Lake choir. Farmer. Died in California. SMITH, HALMA (son of James Henry Smith and Hannah Van Wagoner). Born March 31, 1834. Married Annie Bolton, 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of Curtis E. Bolton and Mary Bunker of Long Island, N. Y.), who was born August, 1840. Their children: Gertrude A. b. 1860, m. David Loveless; Halma, m. Rena Clark; Rebecca, died; Edwin, m. Millie Curtis; Luella, m. Daniel Kellogg; John, died; Alphus, m. Zella Gardner; Edith, m. William Taylor; Charles, died. Married Elizabeth Duke (Mecham) May 8, 1907, at Provo, Utah (daughter of Jonathan Oldham Duke and Sarah Thompson, of Provo), who was born May 9, 1864. Families resided Provo, Utah. Elizabeth Duke was the widow of Jonathan James Mecham, whom she married Oct. 26, 1881, at Provo. Their children: Lewis; Jonathan O., m. Eva Adams; Estella, m. Wilford Poulson; Leo, m. Edith Liddard; Wells; Edith Lloyd Singleton; Rowley; Ethel; Amy; Fred D. Seventy. Teacher; pioneer irrigationist and orchardist; manufacturer of musical instruments. SMITH, JOSEPH VAN (son of James Henry Smith and Hannah Van Wagoner). Born Dec. 11, 1847, Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Isabell Pace May, 1881, Provo, Utah (daughter of William Pace and Epsy Williams of Provo, pioneers 1848), who was born Dec. 6, 1856, and died Nov. 6, 1906. Their children: Edna b. July 22, 1882, died; Joseph W. b. Nov. 17, 1884, m. Ivy Mae Cowan; James H. b. Sept. 13, 1886, m. Jennie Hardy; Frank b. Jan. 19, 1888; Bella Nora b. March 29, 1890, m. Lester Bates; Ralph b. Aug. 1892, died. Pioneer builder and lumberman; musician; farmer and horticulturist. SMITH, JESSE (son of George Smith and Mary Flower of Pensford, Somerset, Eng.). Born May 14, 1836, Pensford. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1866, William Henry Chipman com- pany. Married Mary A, Price September, 1861, Newport, Mon- mouthshire, Eng. (daughter of Charles Price and Ann Harris of Pontypool, Eng.), who was born Jan. 20, 1838. Their children: Jesse b. Feb. 12, 1866; Charles b. June 1, 1868; George A. b. Sept. 11, 1869, m. Clara Anderson, m. Emma Fenton; John T. b. Jan. 30, 1872, m. Emmerette Cut- ler; Sara Ann b. May 9, 1874, m. A. C. Pearson; Mary Rachel b. April 18, 1876, m. German E. Ellsworth; Joseph Frederick b. Sept. 26, 1878, m. Genevieve Teasdale; Jesse Norman b. June 28, 1881, m. Melissa Boley. Family home Lehi, Utah. Married Sarah A. Teillbery Oct. 10, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas John Teillbery and Sarah Ann Jarratt, of Portsmouth, Hampshire, Eng.), who was born May, 1857. Family home Lehi, Utah. Senior president 127th quorum seventies. Member city council two terms; road supervisor 15 years. SMITH, JOB (son of Thomas Smith and Ann Taylor of Deer- hurst, Gloucestershire, Eng.). Born Dec. 2, 1828, at Deer- hurst. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1848, Brigham Young com- pany. Married Adelaide Fowles Jan. 5, 1852, Bedford, Eng. (daughter of Henry Fowles and Ann Sheffield of Bedford), wfto was born Sept. 8, 1830. Their children: Georgiana b. Feb. 6, 1855, m. John Olsen; Job Fowles b. July 9, 1859, m. Eliza Scott; Albert Henry b. Sept. 29, 1861, m. Emma Fel- sted; Rachel b. July 27, 1865, m. Frank Glenn; Lola Allie b. Nov. 13, 1869, m. Richard Alliston. Married Jane Fowles March 14, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Fowles and Ann Sheffield), who waa born Aug. 26, 1825. Their children: Mormon J. (Henry), m. Elizabeth Barkdull, m. Edith Jorgensen, m. Amy Pauley; Lucy, m. William Pyott, m. Alvira Dunn; Wilford, m. Louie Preece; George T., m. Hattie Winters; Francis H., m. Eunice Fuller. Married Sarah Punter May 25, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Punter and Sarah Smith of Hemel Hempstead, Eng., latter came to Utah 1874). She was born April 21, 1855. Their children: Jane Ann b. Aug. 26, 1875, d. April 23, 1913; Adelaide b. May 27, 1880, m. William Thompson; Sarah Ellen b. Feb. 15, 1883, m. David Harwood; Willard R. b. Oct. 6, 1887, d. aged 10; Mary E. b. Aug. 5, 1892. Married Charlotte Sophronia Slinger Dec. 1, 1885, Logan, Utah. Only child: Annie Sophronia b. Sept. 23, 1888, m. William Mitchell. Families resided Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to England 1849; president of the Bedfordshire branch for five years. On return to Utah, was captain of company of immigrants and whenever confronted by painted and hostile Indians, made peace with them by feeding instead of fighting them. Basketmaker In Salt Lake 1860-90. SMITH, JOHN (son of Asael Smith and Mary Duty). Born July 16, 1781, Derryfleld, N. H. Came to Utah 1847. Brigham Toung company. Married Clarissa Lyman Sept. 11, 1815 (daughter of Richard and Philomela Lyman of Lebanon, N. H., pioneers Sept. 23, 1847). She was born June 27, 1790. Their children: George Albert b. June 26, 1817, (see marriages below); Caro- line b. June 6, 1820, m. Thomas Callister; John Lyman b. Nov. 17, 1823, m. Augusta B. Cleveland. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest; presiding patriarch 1849. SMITH, GEORGE ALBERT (son of John Smith and Clarissa Lyman). Born June 26, 1817, Potsdam, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. Came to Utah July, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Bathsheba W. Bigler 1841, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Mark Bigler and Susannah Ogden, of Harrison county, W. Va.), who was born May 3, 1822. Their children: George Albert b. July 7, 1842, d. Nov. 2, 1860; Bathsheba, m. Clarance Merrill, Jan. 3, 1861; John, d. infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Lucy M. Smith Nov. 29, 1844, who was born Feb. 9, 1817, Newry, Maine. Their children: Don Carlos b. Aug. 11, 1846, died; Joel b. Aug. 6, 1850, died. Married Nancy Clements Feb. 1, 1845 (daughter of Thomas and Betsy Clements), who was born Oct. 31, 1815, Dryden, N. Y. Their child: Nancy Adelia b. March 22, 1846, died. Married Zilpha Stark March 8, 1845 (daughter of John Stark and Lovisa Stockwell), who was born July 3, 1818. Their children: Zilpha A., m. March 21, 1846; Joseph, b. Jan. 12, 1850; Mary A. b. Feb. 14, 1852, m. Peter Wimmer June 1, 1865. Married Sarah Ann Libby Nov. 20, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Nathaniel Libby and Tirzah Lord, of Ossipee, N. H.), who was born May 7, 1818. Their child: John Henry b. Sept. 18, 1848, m. Sarah Farr, m. Josephine Groesbeck. Married Hannah W. Libby Nov. 20, 1845 (daughter of Nathaniel Libby and Tirzah Lord), who was born June 29, 1828, Ossipee, N. H. Their children: Charles W. b. Jan. 16, 1849, m. Isabelle Martin, m. Esther Martin; Sarah M. b. Jan. 16, 1849, m. Byron O. Colton; Eunich Albertine b. March 6, 1860, died; George A. b. April 7, 1862, died. Married Susan E. West Oct. 28, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel West and Margaret Cooper, pioneers 1851, Captain Walton company). She was born Dec. 4, 1833, in Benton county, Tenn. Came to Utah 1851, Captain Walton company. Their children: Clarissa W. b. April 21, 1859, m. William N. Williams; Margaret b. Dec. 6, 1862, m. Edwin F. Parry; Elizabeth b. Sept. 28, 1866, m. Thomas H. Cartwright; Priscilla b. June 11, 1869, m. George S. Taylor; Emma P. b. April 19, 1871, d. Oct. 6, 1905. Families resided Salt Lake City. Member first quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states 1835; ordained an apostle April 26, 1839; first coun- selor to Brigham Young. Member of senate of provisional state of Deseret. Historian. Died Sept. 1, 1875, Salt Lake City. SMITH, JOHN HENRY (son of George Albert Smith and Sarah Ann Libby). Born Sept. 18, 1848, Kanesville, Iowa. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, with father. Married Sarah Farr Oct. 20, 1866, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Lorin Farr and Nancy Chase of Salt Lake City, pio- neers July 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Oct. 30, 1849. Their children: John Henry b. Feb. 28, 1868; George Albert b. April 4, 1870, m. Lucy E. Woodruff; Lorin b. April 22, 1872; Don Carlos b. March 18, 1874, m. Esther Shields; Ezra Chase b. Sept. 21, 1876, m. Elizabeth Shields; Charles Warren b. Aug. 3, 1879; Winslow Farr b. Jan. 19, 1881, m. Emily Whitney; Nathaniel Libby b. June 19, 1883, m. Leah Whitehead; Nancy Claribell b. Jan. 22, 1886; Tirzah Priscilla b. June 11, 1888, m. William Langton; Elsie Louise b. Oct. 19, 1891. Married Josephine Groesbeck April 4, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Nicholas Groesbeck, born Sept. 5, 1819, Busklrk Bridge, Rensselaer county, N. Y., and Elizabeth Thompson, born Aug. 16, 1820, of Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct. 2, 1856, John Banks company). She was born Oct. 13, 1857, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Oct. 22, 1878, m. Moses A. Pond; Nicholas G. b. June 20, 1881, m. Florence Gay; Joseph H. b. Dec. 17, 1884, m. Sarah McKinnon; Lucy b. Dec. 24, 1887, d. Aug. 24, 1900; Elizabeth b. Jan. 30, 1890, m. Samuel Rex; Glenn b. Sept. 19, 1893; Arzella b. Nov. 5, 1895; Josephine b. Jan. 3, 1898. Families resided Salt Lake City. Bishop of 17th ward, Salt Lake City; missionary to Great Britain 1874-75; apostle; second counselor to president ot church. Member city council six years; president of conven- tion 1895. Died Oct. 13, 1911, Salt Lake City. SMITH, GEORGE ALBERT (son of John Henry Smith and Sarah Farr). Born April 4, 1870, Salt Lake City. Married Lucy Emily Woodruff May 25, 1892, Manti, Utah (daughter of Wilford Woodruff, Jr., and Emily Jane Smith of St. Thomas, Nev., Randolph and Salt Lake City, Utah, the former a pioneer Oct. 14. 1850, the latter Sept. 28. 1851). She was born Jan. 10, 1869, St. Thomas, Nev. Their chil- dren: Emily b. Nov. 19, 1895; Edith b. Nov. 10, 1899; George Albert b. Sept. 10, 1905. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member third quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1892-94; Sunday school superintendent; superintend- ent Y. M. M. I. A. of Salt Lake City stake 1901; ordained apostle Oct. 6, 1893. Receiver of U. S. land office under appointment of Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt. Asso- ciated with Z. C. M. I. and Co-op. W. & Machine Co., Utah National Bank, Heber J. Grant & Co. SMITH, JOHN (son of William Smith of Ludington, Hunt- ingdonshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 4, 1795, Ludington. Came to Utah 1861, Thomas Wooley company. Married Hannah Sutton 1820 (daughter of Robert Sutton), PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1167 who was born March 10, 1801. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, with husband. Their children: Sarah b. April 27, 1821, m. Thomas Cobbley; Robert Sutton b. June 8, 1823; Ann b. May 8, 1825, m. William Brudnall; Hannah b. July 1. 1827, m. Thomas Wooley; Charlott b. March 2, 1830, m. John Wright; James b. March 18, 1833; Jane b. Oct. 7, 1834, m. James Skinner; Harriet E. b. Sept. 2, 1837, m. Ruben V. Harrison; John b. May 30, 1843. Family home in Hunting- donshire, Eng. SMITH, JOHN A. (son of James Smith of Glasgow, Scot- land). Born 1814, Glasgow. Came to Utah 1848 with flrst mail. Married Annie Anderson (daughter of John Anderson and Catherine Brown), who came to Utah 1849, Captain Rich- ards company. Their children: Catherine A. b. March 8. 1836, m. James Croslan; James A. b. May 31, 1838, m. Jane Burnett; John A. b. March 7, 1840, m. Mary Meiklejohn; Mary A, b. March 2, 1842, m. John Wamble; William A. b. Jan. 17, 1844, m. Mary Marsden; Emma A. b. Jan. 11, 1847, m. Frank Carpenter; Joseph H. b. March 16, 1849, m. Annie Blomquist; Janet A. b. March 6, 1851, m. Warren Vose; Brigham A. b. Feb. 19, 1853, m. Jane Burnett Smith brother's widow; Sarah A. b. Nov. 22, 1854, m. Frank Paxton; Heber A. b. Dec. 20, 1856, m. Agnes Stewart. Family resided Cottonwood and Tooele, Utah. Counselor to Bishop Miller of Mill Creek ward 1854-1859. Moved from Mill Creek to Tooele 1859. Lumberman. Died in 1853. SMITH, JOHN A. '(son of John A. Smith and Annie Ander- son). Born March 7, 1840, in Canada. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Meiklejohn at Tooele, Utah (daughter of Robert Meiklejohn and Mary McLackin), who was born 1843, Dumbartonshire, Scotland. Their children: John M. b. June 4, 1864; Mary Agnes b. Nov. 19, 1865, m. S. W. Orme Feb. 24, 1886; Janet b. Dec. 20, 1867, m. E. M. Atkin; Emma J. b. May 26, 1870, m. S. C. Orme; William John; Luetta; Lu- ella; Robert b. July 23, 1878, m. Mary A. Birch; Katy. Fam- ily home Tooele, Utah. 6, 1910; Max Leroy b. March 29, 1912. Family home Marion, Idaho. First counselor to Bishop Harvey Sessions 1911; mis- sionary to southern states April 13, 1904. Assessor and collector of Cassia county 1907-08. SMITH, JOHN B. (son of Adam Smith and Martha Browning of Ayrshire, Scotland). Born Jan. 19, 1829, in Ayrshire. Came to Utah 1852. Married Margaret Gibson April 15, 1851, Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of John Gibson of Scotland, pioneer 1852). She was born March 13, 1825. Their children: Adam G. b. Feb. 14, 1852, m. Martha S. Martin, m. Eliza Shields; m. Esther Jones; Mary b. Sept. 5, 1853, d. child; John G. b. Jan. 25, 1855, m. Esther Simms; Margaret G. b. Sept. 19, 1856, m. Charles Y. Taggart; Martha G. b. Nov. 22, 1859, m. Adam S. Sagers; George G. b. Nov. 3, 1861, m. Eva H. Martensen; Ellen G. b. April 24, 1864, m. Neil S. Larson; James G. b. June 11, 1866, m. Irene Brown; Marion G. b. Feb. 10, 1869, d. child. Family home Tooele, Utah. Married Agnes M. Love Aug. 10, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Maine of Tooele, Utah, pioneer 1868). She was born Aug. 12, 1840. Their children: Agnes M. b. April 16, 1870, m. Charles Fritchie; Joseph M. b. June 24, 1871, m. Louie Knight; Jane M. b. Nov. 17, 1872, m. George M. Garvin; Isabell M. b. April 13, 1874, d. child; Hyrum M. b. Oct. 24, 1875, m. Sarah Shields; Don Carlos M. b. May 16, 1878, and Jedediah M. b. July 7, 1877, d. children. Counselor to Bishop Moses Martin at Pine Canyon for several years. Participated in Echo Canyon trouble. SMITH, ADAM G. (son of John B. Smith and Margaret Gibson). Born Feb. 14, 1852, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Married Martha S. Martin Nov. 4, 1872, Tooele, Utah (daughter of Moses Martin and Isabell Gillispie of Tooele, Utah, pioneers Sept. 13, 1853). She was born Aug. 20, 1852. Their children: Adam M. b. April 26, 1873, d. April 27, 1873; Moses M. b. April 29, 1874, m. Lucina Sessions; George M. b. Jan. 22, 1876, d. Jan. 24, 1876. Family resided Tooele, Utah, and Marion, Idaho. Married Eliza Shields April 17, 1877, Tooole, Utah (daugh- ter of Robert Shields and Ann Jenkins of Tooele, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born Dec. 24, 1856. Their chil- dren: Margaret b. Feb. 14, 1878, m. William C. Whittle; Robert b. Oct. 12, 1879, m. Edna L. Whittle; John b. Aug. 31, 1881, m. Rettie Nelson; Joseph b. May 14, 1883, m. Mae De La Mare; George A. b. Dec. 7, 1885; James E. b. Oct. 21, 1887, m. Marian Whittle; Hyrum b. Jan. 2, 1894, died; WUford A. b. Sept. 8, 1898. Family home Marion, Idaho. Married Esther Jones Dec. 4, 1901, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Evan Jones and Margaret Davis of Elba, Idaho). She was born May 20, 1878. Their children: Alma G. b. Nov. 22, 1902; Evan J. b. Feb. 17, 1904; Esther J. b. Dec. 5, 1905; Marion J. b. Nov. 13, 1907; Lyman J. b. Sept. 15, 1909; Hermoine L. b. Sept. 9, 1911. Bishop of Marion ward, Idaho, Nov. 21, 1887, to June 13, 1911. Commissioner of Cassia Co., Idaho, six years. Died June 13, 1911. SMITH, MOSES (son of Adam G. Smith and Martha S. Martin). Born April 29, 1874, Tooele, Utah. Married Lucina Sessions Oct. 4, 1898, Woodruff, Utah (daughter of Harvey Sessions and Alice Bryson, both born at Marion, Idaho). She was born Sept. 12, 1880, Wood- ruff, Utah. Their children: Martha Lucina b. March 9, 1900; Golden K. b. Jan. 29, 1902: Ada b. Jan. 3, 1904; Ruth b. Oct. 1, 1906; Oleen b. Sept. 21, 1908; Arwyn G. b. May SMITH, JOHN PEARSON (son of Amos Smith, born Dec. 20, 1785, Buckingham, Bucks county. Pa., and Charity Kitchen, born April 13, 1787, Tinicum, Bucks county). He was born Aug. 21, 1812. Came to Utah 1851. Married Jane H. Opdyke Aug. 27, 1835 (daughter of Joseph Opdyke and Martha Merrick), who was born March 4, 1815. Their children: Albert b. Aug. 24, 1837, m. Josephine Roe; Theodore b. Sept. 18, 1839, m. Amy Hemenway; Mary Frances b. April 22, 1842; George O. b. Sept. 21, 1844, m. Nellie Creer; Ella b. Sept. 15, 1847; Ellwood b. Oct. 2, 1850; John Pearson, Jr., b. Dec. 5, 1855, m. Eliza A. Stratford. Family home, Salt Lake City. SMITH, JOHN PEARSON (son of John Pearson Smith and Jane H. Opdyke). Born Dec. 5, 1855, Salt Lake City. Married Eliza A. Stratford Oct. 10, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edwin Stratford and Marianna Crabb), who was born Jan. 23, 1859, in Iowa. Their children: Maud M. b. July 27, 1879, m. B. J. Griffin March 21, 1906; Effle E. b. July 25, 1881, m. H. P. Barrows June 19, 1907; John P. b. Aug. 15, 1883, m. Clara Jones Aug. 3, 1903; Ivy L. b. Oct. 13, 1885; Ella F. b. April 25, 1888, m. O. O. Ros- kelley June 15, 1910; Edwin S. b. July 11, 1890; Jesse B. and Leslie A. b. Aug. 23, 1892; Orita b. Dec. 3, 1894; Percy E. b. Feb. 11, 1898. Family home Logan, Utah. SMITH, JOHN SIVII, (son of William Smith, born 1770, Muchmotal, Hereford, Eng., and Mary Sivil, born 1778, Berns, Worcestershire, Eng.). He was born March 10, 1809, in Worcestershire. Came to Utah, William Snow company. Married Jane Wadley (daughter of Michael Wadley and Jane Ennis), who was born Jan. 2, 1814. Came to Utah, William Snow company. Their children: Anna b. Jan. 6, 1839, m. Norman Brown Dec. 20, 1858; Ellen Smith b. Feb. 17, 1842, m. John Q. Knowlton March 17, 1862; Elizabeth b. Oct. 6, 1844; Eliza M. b. Feb. 5, 1850, m. George V. Stevenson March 21, 1867; William C. b. Jan. 1, 1852, m. Mary E. Smith Jan. 18, 1882; Joseph T. b. June 27, 1853, d. aged 42; George M. b. April 11, 1855, m. Mary E. Woolley Jan. 13, 1881; Harriet E. b. April 9, 1857, m. Jesse M. Smith Feb. 19, 1880. SMITH, GEORGE MICHAEL (son of John Sivil Smith and Jane Wadley). Born April 11, 1855, Draper, Utah. Married Mary Ellen Woolley Jan. 13, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edwin Dilworth Woolley and Ellen Wilding), who was born Dec. 1, 1858, Salt Lake City. Their children: Edna May b. Nov. 2, 1881; George Sivil b. March 3. 1883, m. Ethel Egbert Feb. 17, 1909; Ernest Heber b. April 29, 1885, m. Cecelia L. Short June 17, 1908; Elmer Wilding- b. Oct. 25, 1887; Hyrum Wendell b. Aug. 7, 1890; Michael Paul b. Feb. 9, 1893; Edwin Parley b. May 22, 1896; Luella b. Sept. 1, 1898; Joseph Harold b. Sept. 21, 1900. Family re- sided Kaysville, Utah, and Thatcher, Idaho. SMITH, JOHN X. (son of John Smith, born March 25, 1796, Rands, Northamptonshire, Eng., and Sarah Smith, born 1797, Great Cathworth, Northamptonshire). He was born Sept. 9, 1827, in Northamptonshire. Married Margaret Patterson July 24, 1855, Cedar City (daughter of Andrew Patterson, pioneer Aug. 14, 1852, Captain Higby company). She was born Dec. 1, 1838, and came to Utah Aug. 14, 1852, John Higby company. Their children: John Andrew b. June 9, 1856, m. Charlotte Swin- dlehurst April 26, 1878; Joseph Anthony b. Feb. 26, 1858, m. Amelia Swindlehurst Sept. 19, 1883; Margaret b. Nov. 4. 1859, m. John Ashworth Nov. 27, 1878; Sarah b. Feb. 22, 1861, m. Ebenezer Gillis Oct. 29, 1880; Robert Hyrum b. Feb. 22, 1861, m. Caroline Carlow Feb. 1900; Mary Ann b. May 26, 1863, m. James Farer April 26, 1885; Richard H. b. Feb. 13, 1865; Susan Jane b. Oct. 25, 1866, m. John Murdock; Thomas Ekin b. March 21, 1868; Emma E. b. March 7, 1870, m. Wilford Robinson June 4, 1890; William Edward b. April 29, 1873, m. Elsie Eyre Jan. 24, 1894; Cath- erine P. b. Dec. 21, 1874, m. Thomas Bennet Sept. 18, 1893; Nettie b. Aug. 17, 1876, m. John Stoney Feb. 25, 1895; Clara Ellen b. Nov. 11, 1878. Bishop of 2d ward of Beaver stake 1877-88. SMITH, JOHN ANDREW (son of John X. Smith and Mar- garet Patterson). Born June 9, 1856, Cedar City, Utah. Married Charlotte Swindlehurst April 26, 1878, St. George, Utah (daughter of John Swindlehurst and Matilda Rothwell, pioneers 1868. Daniel D. McArthur company). She was born March 4, 1857, Baxenden, Lancashire, Eng. Their children: John Thomas b. May 10, 1880, m. Elizabeth A. Bradshaw Oct. 28, 1903; Ida b. Aug. 28, 1882, m. James Riley June 3 1903; May b. May 14, 1885, m. Heber Atkin Sept. 11, 1907; Ettie b Dec. 25, 1887, m. Jedediah Atkin Dec. 25, 1907; Edwin b. June 8, 1891; Albert b. Aug. 31, 1895; Gilbert b. Aug. 31, 1895; Leroy b. Nov. 3, 1897. Family home Beaver City, Utah. Alternate member high council Beaver stake. 1168 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH SMITH, JOSEPH FIELDING (son of Hyrum Smith [the patriarch], born Feb. 9, 1800, Tunbridge, Vt., and Mary Fielding [daughter of John and Rachel Fielding], born July 21, 1801, Honeydon, Bedfordshire, Eng., died Sept. 21. 1852, Salt Lake City married in 1837). He was born Nov. 13, 1838, Far West, Caldwell county. Mo. Came to Utah with mother Sept. 23, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Levira A. C. Smith April 4, 1859 (daughter of Samuel Harrison Smith and Levira Clark), who was born April 29, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Married Julina Lambson May 5, 1866 (daughter of Alfred B. Lambson and Melissa J. Bigler), who was born June 18, 1849, Salt Lake City. Their children: Mercy Josephine b. Aug. 14, 1867, d. June 6, 1870; Mary Sophronia b. Oct. 7, 1869, m. Alfred W. Peterson Dec. 17, 1901; Donnette b. Sept. 17, 1872, m. Alonzo P. Kesler Dec. 26, 1900; Joseph Fielding, Jr., b. July 19, 1876, m. Louie E. Shurtliff April 26, 1898, who died March 30, 1908, m. Ethel Reynolds Nov. 2, 1908; David Asael b. May 24, 1879, m. Emily Jenkins Jan. 24, 1901; George Carlos b. Aug. 14, 1881, m. Lillian Emery Oct. 29, 1903; Julina Clarissa b. Feb. 10, 1884, m. Joseph S. Peery Dec. 23, 1909; Ellas Wesley b. April 21, 1886, m. Mary H. Smith Dec. 14, 1910; Emily b. Sept. 11, 1888; Rachel b. Dec. 11, 1890; Edith b. Jan. 3, 1894. Married Sarah Ellen Richards March 1, 1868 (daughter of Willard Richards and Sarah Longstroth), who was born Aug. 24, 1850, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah Ellen b. Feb. 5, 1869. d. Feb. 11, 1869; Leonora b. Jan. 30, 1871 (d. Dec. 23, 1907), m. Joseph Nelson June 14, 1893; Joseph Richards b. Feb. 22, 1873; Heber John b. July 3, 1876, d. March 3, 1877; Rhoda A. b. July 20, 1878, d. July 6, 1879; Minerva b. April 30, 1880, m. Matthew Miller April 25, 1903; Alice b. July 27. 1882, d. April 29, 1901; Willard Rich- ards b. Nov. 20, 1884, m. Florence Grant Feb. 3, 1910; Frank- lin Richards b. May 12, 1888; Jeannetta b. Aug. 25, 1891; Asenath b. Dec. 28, 1896. Married Edna Lambson Jan. 1, 1871 (daughter of Alfred B. Lambson and Melissa J. Bigler), who was born March 3. 1851, Salt Lake City. Their children: Hyrum Mack b. March 21, 1872, m. Ida Bowman Nov. 15, 1895; Alvin Field- ing b. Aug. 7, 1874, m. Millie Atkins June 29, 1903; Alfred Jason b. Dec. 13, 1876, d. April 6, 1877; Edna Melissa b. Oct. 6, 1879, m. John F. Bowman Jan. 27, 1903; Albert Jesse b Sept. 16, 1881, d. Aug. 25, 1883; Robert b. Nov. 12, 1883, d. Feb. 4, 1886; Emma b. Aug. 21, 1888; Zina b. Oct. 11, 1890, m. Ambrose Greenwell Dec. 12, 1910: Ruth b. Dec. 21. 1893, d. March 17. 1898; Martha b. May 12, 1897. Married Alice Kimball Dec. 6, 1883 (daughter of Heber C. Kimball and Anna Gheen), who was born Sept. 6, 1858, Salt Lake City. Their children: Lucy Mack b. April 14, 1890; Andrew Kimball b. Jan. 6, 1893; Jesse Kimball b. May 21, 1896; Fielding Kimball b. April 9, 1898. Married Mary Taylor Schwartz Jan. 13, 1884 (daughter of William Schwartz and Agnes Taylor), who was born April 30. 1865, Holliday. Utah. Their children: John S. b. Aug. 20. 1888, d. Aug. 3, 1889; Calvin S. b. May 29. 1890; Samuel S. b. Oct. 26, 1892; James S. b. Nov. 13, 1894; Agnes b. Nov. 3, 1897; Silas S. b. Jan. 3, 1900; Royal S. b. May 21, 1906. His early training was amid the scenes and vicissitudes incident to his father's martyrdom and the driving of the Latter-day Saints to the Rocky mountains from Nauvoo. 111. With his mother he left Nauvoo in 1846 when only 8 years old and drove an oxteam across the state (then ter- ritory) of Iowa to Council Bluffs. The following year he drove an oxteam from the Missouri river to Salt Lake valley, enduring all the hardships of the journey over the plains and barren country intervening, and performing 1 much labor that was required of the men. His oppor- tunities for schooling were limited, and his early educa- tion was chiefly acquired from his mother. She left him an orphan at the age of 14 years. In 1854 he went to the Hawaiian Islands on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where he remained four years, mastering the native tongue. After returning in 1858 he officiated as sergeant-at-arms in the Utah territorial legislature (1858-59), and upon its adjournment went to England with his cousin, Samuel H. B. Smith, there labor- ing in the ministry. In 1864, after his return from Eng- land, he again went to Hawaii and continued his eccle- siastical labors. Upon returning to Utah he served as a member of the Salt Lake City municipal council and as a member of the territorial legislature, and in 1882 was president of the legislative council. He presided over the constitutional convention held in Utah in 1882, but was debarred as a legislator by the Edmunds law. He served eight years as a clerk in the historian's office and was active in church work, serving as a missionary for the church and in various positions In Davis and Salt Lake stakes of Zion. He went on a second mission to Great Britain in 1874, and on a third mission in 1877. He was ordained an apostle July 1, 1866, and became a member of the council of the twelve in 1867. In 1880 he was chosen to be second counselor to President John Taylor and also served as counselor to President Wilford Woodruff and later to President Lorenzo Snow. Following the death of the latter he was sustained as president of the church, which office he now holds. Latitia Stanford of Shaterford, Worcestershire). She was born Nov. 12, 1809, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Emma; Mary Ann; Joseph Stanford. One of presidents of seventies' quorum. Farmer. SMITH, JOSEPH STANFORD (son of Joseph H. Smith and Maria Stanford). Born June 23, 1850, Tipton, Stafford- shire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Jane Arabella Coombs Oct. 23, 1871, Cedar City Utah, who was born Dec. 28, 1853. Their children- Ellen b. Sept. 29, 1872; Ida Olive and Ada Olevia b. Jan. 24, 1874; Joseph Elroy b. Sept. 14, 1876; George Abraham b. June 8 1879; Mabel b. Dec. 30, 1882. Family home Cedar City, Utah. High priest; bishop's counselor. SMITH, JOSEPH JOHNSON (son of William Smith, born in December, 1799, at Bedford, Eng.). He was born April 8, 1821, Kempston, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 17, 1850, David Evans company. Married Mary Ann Smart, who was born Nov. 5, 1823, and died Aug. 8, 1844. Their child: Caroline b. Dec. 24, 1840 m. William Skein. Married Ann Coleman Jan. 1, 1850, Maryville, Mo. (daugh- ter of Prime Coleman and Sarah Thornton, pioneers, David Evans company). She was born Oct. 2, 1883, at Odhusten Eng., and died Oct. 1, 1909, Lehi City, Utah. Their chil- dren: Sarah Ann b. Nov. 10, 1850, m. Samuel Southwick. d. 1870; Joseph William b. Oct. 20, 1852, m. Julia McCrack- lin; Hyrum b. March 20, 1856, m. Eliza A. Fowler; m. Amy D. Devey; Aldrira b. Jan. 14, 1858, m. James Roberts; Julia Eliza- beth b. Dec. 16, 1859, m. James Taylor; Samuel A. b. Sept 17 1863, m. Harriet A. Webb; John Franklin b. Aug. 17, 1865, m Sarah A. Tates; David b. July 30, 1869; Albert b. Aug. 20. 1871, m. Maud Thomas; Moroni Alma b. June 27, 1873, m. Blanch Beck. Married Sarah A. Liddiard Feb. 10, 1866, who was born Oct. 16, 1831, and died Sept. 25, 1909. Their only child was Florence Sophia b. Oct. 1, 1866, m. J. Edward Cotter. Seventy. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah Made the first plow and the first nails at Lehi, Utah. Built several mills at Lehi, making of wagon tires the parts neces- sarily made of iron. Took part in clearing the first fields at Lehi. Indian war veteran. Blacksmith; farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 6, 1902, Lehi, Utah. SMITH, HTRUM (son of Joseph Johnson Smith and Ann Coleman). Born March 20, 1856, Lehi, Utah. Married Eliza A. Fowler April 3, 1879, at Lehi, Utah (daughter of Thomas Fowler and Jane Kemishe), who waa b T n N v - 4. 1861, at West Jordan, Utah; died March 1, Si!' 9^ i 1 e U T tah -, Their chil( lren: Hyrum Eugene b. 1tSA \?- U L e Sin sleton; Charles Henry b. Nov. ' 4,, V :,. A a Du ehey; Isaac William b. Feb. 22, 1886 i c ? abetl \ D , avis Sept " 15 ' 1913 = Lillian Edna b. April 28. 1888, m Ambroze G. Reese Dec. 29. 1906; Jennie Eveline h S h'oe A' 7 n '^ A , mbrose F theringham; Joseph Earl ho Lehi Utah Elizabeth A ' b " Feb - 17 - 18 ". Family Married Amy D. Devey Jan. 16, 1907, Salt Lake City who was born Nov. 8, 1876, Alpine, Utah. Their children 1 Douglas C. b. Feb. 16, 1908; Amy Damarus b. Jan. 5. 1910 Member 68th quorum seventies. Farmer and stockraiser. SMITH, JOSEPH H. (son of John Smith of Dudley, Worces- tershire, Eng.). Born Aug. 28, 1819, at Dudley. Came to Utah in September. 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Maria Stanford 1842 (daughter of Richard and SMITH, LOT. Married Lydia McBride in 1851, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Robert McBride of Farmington, Utah). Their chil- dren: Samuel b. 1852; Robert b. 1862, m. Oma Smith Married Jane Walker Feb. 14. 1852, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Walker and Lydia Holmes of Peacham Cale- donia county, Vt., pioneers 1848, Heber C. Kimball com- pany). She came to Utah with parents. Their children: Rhoda J. b. Sept. 26, 1853, m. Jacob Flynn Hutchinson; William Lot b. Sept. 12, 1855, m. Mary Jenkins; Jededlah Heber b. Aug. 29, 1857, m. Sylvia Stoddard; Emily Abigail b. Sept. 8, 1859, m. Moroni Hess; Annetta b. March 9 1863 m. Joseph Udy; Alice b. Nov. 11, 1865. m. Oliver LeGrand Robinson; Margaret Agnes b. Aug. 15, 1868, m. George Farmer; Lucy Effle b. Nov. 13, 1874, m. Nepht Fanner Family home Farmington, Utah. Married Julian P. Smith Nov. 25, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ira Smith and Louise Chapin of Iowa, pioneers 1848). She was born March 6, 1837. Their children: Phoebe Vilate b. Sept. 30, 1857, m. Edward Steed, m. Mr. Smith- Marie Louise b. Dec. 15, 1861, m. Edward Stoddard. m Bart Krumkerman; Julia Adelaide b. Sept. 14. 1863, and Sarah Theresa b. July 6. 1866. died; Hyrum Burton b. July 10 1869; Julia Amanda b. Jan. 4, 1875. Family home, Farm- ington. Married Laura Burdick 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Bryons Burdick), who was born 1838. Their children: Helen b. 1861, m. Mr. Vance; Lillian b. 1865: Abiah b 1867 tn. Samuel Nelson; Laura b. 1869; Alden b 1872 Married Alice Ann Richards May 30, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Willard Richards and Nannie Long- stroth). Their children: Nannie A. b. Feb. 10 1869 m James Ashcroft; Willard R. b. July 31, 1872, m. Melissa Parker; George A. b. Sept. 9, 1874, died; Lot b June 30 1877, m. Sarah Bingham; Wilford W. b. 1879, died; Joseph H. b. April 21, 1882, m. Bertha Jensen: Rhoda b. June 1844. and Rexey b. June 1886, died; George Albert b. Aug; 14. 1889, m. Samantha Willie. Family home. Farmington. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1169 Married Alice Baugh April 29, 1872, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of George Thomas Baugh and Elizabeth Ann Fere- nough). Their children: Elizabeth Jane b.- March 1873; Mary Melissa b. Feb. 19. 1875, m. Robert C. Carr; Brigham b. Jan. 22, 1878, m. Belle Hawkinson; Diantha b. April 12, 1880, m. William M. Wilson; Franklin D. b. April 5, 1882, m. Rosetta Pearl Huntsman; Jesse N. b. March 27, 1884- Martha b. 1886, m. Alexander J. Schott; Charles R. b Nov 27, 1888; Kate b. Dec. 1, 1891, m. William K. Fleischmann. Married Mary Garns. Their children: Lorenzo; Samuel; Emily; Heleman; Francis. Married Diantha Mortensen. Their children: Charlott; Hyrum; Diantha; Nephi; Edward; Baby, died. Officer of the Deseret militia; defended settlers at Provo against Indians; major of the Utah militia and in charge at the burning of Johnston's army provision trains on their way to Echo Canyon, Utah. SMITH, JTOAH (son of William Smith and Polly Whitney of Long Ridge, Stamford, Conn.). Born 1803, Stamford, Conn. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company. Married Mary De Forest at Stamford (daughter of Samuel De Forest and Elizabeth Chapman of Pound Ridge, Conn). She was born Feb. 20, 1816. Their children: Henry, m. Annie Ross; Mary Eliza, m. James Sanderson; Sarah Eliza- beth, died; Harriet Emily, m. Theodore Bellwood; Cornelia Frances, m. Harrison Tuttle Shurtliff; Melissa Alice, m. John Malin; Charles Albert, m. Sarah Jane Shurtliff; George Edward; Cora Elizabeth; Ida Louisa, latter three died; Ella Ethelina, m. George Laney. Shoemaker. Died 1863, Salt Lake City. SMITH, RICHARD (son of James Smith, born Sept. 20, 1784, Musselburgh, Scotland, and Euphemia Adams, born 1784, Tranent, Scotland married 1807). Born April 29, 1821, Arneston, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1866, William Henry Chipman company. Married Helen Hogg 1841 (daughter of George Hogg and Isabell Willson, married 1804). She was born July 3, 1822, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: James b. June 11, 1842, m. Marian McNeil; Isabell b. Oct. 14, 1844, m. William McNeil; George H. b. Jan. 21, 1847, m. Agnes Park; Robert H. b. Aug. 26, 1849, m. Mary Thompson; John H. b. March 6, 1852, m. Margaret Nielsen; Euphemia b. May 26, 1854, m. Nephi Andrews; Cathrine b. April 5, 1857, m. George McCulloch; Jenet b. June 25, 1860, m. Charles McCulloch; Richard H. b. Jan. 14, 1863, m. Agnes McCulloch April 10, 1890; William b. March 4, 1865. SMITH, RICHARD H. (son of Richard Smith and Helen Hogg). Born Jan. 14, 1863, Scotland. Came to Utah with parents. Married Agnes McCulloch April 10, 1890, at Rexburg, Idaho. Their children: James A. b. Oct. 18, 1891, m. Edna Arnold Dec 21 1910; Leora Eva b. May 2, 1894; Vera Calanthe b. June 25, 1903; Kenneth Echlo b. April 1, 1910. Lived at Logan, Utah, until 1884 when he moved to Rex- burg Idaho. Sunday school superintendent; president seven- ties; counselor to president Y. M. M. I. A., Fremont stake; bishop of Rexburg 3d ward; missionary to England 1907-08. Probate judge of Fremont Co., Idaho, 1901-02; Fremont county commissioner. SMITH, RICHARD (son of Joseph Smith of England). Born in England. Came to Utah 1852, with oxteam. Married Diana Brasell, in Pennsylvania (daughter of John Brasell of Scotland). Their children: Phillip, m. Eliza Ann Frampton; James, m. Christena Penrod; m. Janie Duke, William, m. Mariah Parry; Thomas, m. Sarah Frampton; Ephraim, m. Nancy Bethers; Nancy, m. Andrew Ross, Elizabeth, died; Rachel, m. John Ross; Lare. Family resided Heber and Provo, Utah. Seventy. Farmer. Died at Provo. SMITH PHILLIP (son of Richard Smith and Diana Bra- sell) Born Dec. 27, 1821, in Tennessee. Came to Utah 1862. Married Eliza Ann Frampton March 4, 1849, Mt. Pisgah, Iowa (daughter of David Frampton and Elizabeth Huff of Iowa, latter came to Utah). She was born July 14, 1830. Their children: David Frampton b. Feb. 27, 1850, died; Richard b. April 21, 1852, m. Sarah Ann Lee; Phillip A. b. Aug 16 1854, died; Melissa Ann b. July 17, 1856, m. Samuel Lee- Eliza Lovisa b. Feb. 23, 1859, m. Joseph Ford; Sarah Carlista b. Sept. 20, 1861. m. Herbert Clegg; Ida Victoria b. Dec 14 1863, m. Joseph Johnson; Alonzo b. Dec. 4, 1866, and' Adelbert b. Nov. 4, 1867, died; Effle Armenia b. June 8 1869, m. Ephraim Haws; Charlie (adopted) b. Dec. 6, 1873 m Malinda Smith. Family home Heber, Utah. Seventy Sheriff of Wasatch county. Veteran Black Hawk and Walker Indian wars; took part in Echo Canyon trouble. School trustee. Farmer. SMITH, RICHARD (son of William Smith and Mary Pierce of Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 2, 1829, in Yorkshire. Came to Utah 1855, oxteam company. Married Tabitha Holroyd Oct. 30, 1861, American Fork, Utah (daughter of Seth and Mary Holroyd of Yorkshire, who came to Utah in 1869). She was born Jan. 14, 1837, and came to Utah in 1861. Their children: Richard Lorenzo li Oct. 18, 1862, m. Henrietta Augusta Hill; Mary Ellen b. 74 April 6, 1864, m. Aneurin Zim Marshall; Seth William b. March 7, 1866, m. Ida J. Lund; Thomas b. April 14, 1868. died; Martha Jane b. June 11, 1869, m. Edgar Hunt Thayn; Joseph b. Sept. 4, 1871, died; Sarah b. Dec. 7, 1873, m. Brighara Hunt Thayn; John Pierce b. April 12, 1877, m. Violet Saville; Anna May b. May 26, 1882, m. Eryin Branch. High priest Shoemaker. Died Aug. 6, 1904, Beaver. Utah. SMITH, SAMUEL, (son of Samuel Smith of Castle Heding- ham, Essex, Eng.). Born 1805, at Castle Hedingham. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, Daniel Thompson company. Married Elizabeth Cheek 1832, at West Hanningfleld, Essex, Eng. (daughter of Samuel Cheek and Rachel Mead of that place). She was born June 6, 1809. Their children: Samuel, m. Jane Ellison; Emma, m. Rolla Butcher; Frances, m. John Winch; Joseph Daniel, b. May 6, 1846, m. Mary Ann Frampton, m. Adeline Brunson. Farmer. Died Sept. 27, 1866, Wanship, Utah. SMITH, JOSEPH DANIEL (son of Samuel Smith and Eliza- beth Cheek). Born May 6, 1846, Margaretting Tye, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Ann Frampton July 16, 1866, in Wyoming (daughter of James Frampton and Mary Boosey of Stanford Le Hope, Eng., who came to Utah 1870). She was born Feb. 19, 1849. Their children: Elizabeth b. Dec. 18, 1868, m. Milo Warner; Joseph Samuel b. Sept. 2, 1870, m. Mary Jackson; Charles Daniel b. Jan. 6, 1873, m. Mary Green- halgh; James Hyrum b. Sept. 20, 1875, drowned; Arthur John b. March 13, 1878, died; Lois Josephine b. Aug. 13, 1882, m. Earl Viele; Francis b. Oct. 8, 1884, m. John Rowley. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Married Adeline Brunson Oct. 7, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lewis Brunson and Eliza Park of Fillmore, Utah). She was born Jan. 3, 1862. Their children: Lewis b. Jan. 31, 1882, m. Eva Beckstrand; William b. Jan. 3, 1884, died; Peter Lorenzo b. April 7, 1888; David b. Oct. 14, 1889; John b. Aug. 20, 1891, m. Jetta Burnett; Ephraim Park b. March 5, 1893; Daniel Zebulon b. Jan. 9, 1895; Albert b. Sept. 7, 1897, died; Addie Victoria b. May 24, 1899; Myrtle b. Dec. 7, 1901. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Missionary to England and Ireland 1885-87; high coun- cilor; bishop; patriarch; Sunday school superintendent. Treasurer, assessor and collector Millard county; alderman and mayor Fillmore city. Farmer; merchant; traveling salesman; miller; dairyman. SMITH, SAMUEL, (son of Daniel Smith and Sarah Wooding of Sherrington, Buckinghamshire, Eng.). Born May 22. 1818, at Sherrington. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1850, Aaron Johnson company. Married Mary Ann Lines Oct. 12, 1837, at Hemel Hemp- stead, Hartfordshlre, Eng. (daughter of Michael Lines and Hannah Abley of Hemel Hempstead, pioneers Sept. 5, 1850, Aaron Johnson company). She was born June 17, 1811. Their children: Mary Ann b. July 23, 1839, d. June 22, 1840; Mary Ann b. April 19, 1841, d. Aug. 23, 1843; Samuel Lorenzo b July 17, 1843, m. Amanda J. Tibbets Feb. 4, 1864, m. Eunice Tibbets 1873; Sarah Ann b. Nov. 20, 1845, d. Sept. 19, 1846; Eliza Jane b. Nov. 20, 1845, d. Nov. 4, 1846; Hyrum James b. Oct. 31. 1847. m. Sarah A. Fosereen Oct. 10, 1870, m. Cornelia B. Walker Dec. 30, 1878; Maretta b. Sept. 9, 1850, m. Dr. O. C. Ormsby Oct. 11, 1869; Hannah Lines b. Oct. 10, 1852, d. Oct. 15, 1861; David John b. Feb. 15, 1855, d. July 12, 1855. Married Sarah Jane Ingraham 1853, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Ingraham and Susannah Griffith, of Worcester, Worcestershire, Eng.). She was born Oct. 10, 1836. Their children: Thyrza Ann b. Nov. 20, 1853, m. Heber C. Tippets Oct. 1872; Daniel William b. Nov. 5. 1865, d. Sept. 8, 1873; Isaac b. Dec. 31, 1867, m. Harriet C. Ensign Dec. 28, 1876, m Anna Elizabeth Carlisle, m. Elizabeth Fuhrimann; Sarah Eliza b. Jan. 13, 1860, m. David P. Evans Sept. 8. 1881; John Wooding b. May 12, 1862, m. Mary Neeley Jan. 1880; Susannah b May 24, 1864, m. Thomas B. Evans Oct. 18, 1883; Frances Mary b. Jan. 9, 1867, m. Eli Fosgreen April 23, 1885; Franklin Richard b. Aug. 20, 1869, d. Aug. 6, 1870; Alice Rozella b. July 18, 1871, m. William Impy Dec. 25, 1888. Married Frances Ann Ingraham July 31, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Ingraham and Susannah Griffith), who was born Jan. 23, 1840. Their children: Esther Ann b. Jan 22 1858, m. Charles Fosgreen Oct. 18, 1876; Priscilla b Jan 14, 1860, m. Ellas Jensen June 16, 1886; Elias J. b. Dec 27, 1861, d. Aug. 13, 1862; Mary E. b. Nov. 8, 1863, d. Oct. 12, 1864; Olivia J. b. July 22, 1865, m. John T. Kelly Jan. 3, 1887; Phoebe E. b. Nov. 18, 1867, d. May 23 1874; Roxev A. b. Feb. 5, 1870, d. May 5, 1874; Viola May b. Feb. 25 1872, d. Oct. 18. 1874; Eliza Beatrice b. Sept. 29, 1875, m. Joseph H. Weeks Aug. 15, 1894; Warren Samuel b. Sept. 22 1877, m. Esther Coleman Jan. 3, 1900; Everetb. April 7 '1880, m. Lillie J. Fishburn Sept. 9, 1901; Wm. Rufus b. Dec 7 1881, m. Meriam Miles June 10, 1903, m. Hannah Mc- Clain Jan. 12, 1908; Phosa b. Feb. 4, 1884, m. Rast Larsen Carried Janett Maria Smith June 7, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Smith and Caroline Harrison, pioneers Sept 5 1850, Aaron Johnson company). She was born Jan. 20 1839 Their children: Abraham b. April 20, 1 :68, m. Laura M. Fishburn Dec. 23. 1880; Letitla b . May 3, I860 m. Charles Oscar Dunn Oct. 18, 1876; Thomas b. Oct. 22. 1862, m. Frances Van Nov Dec. 29, 1881; James George b. Nov. 3 1865 m. Louisa Gilbert Nov. 18. 1885; Leslie b. April 21. 1170 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1869, d. Nov. 18, 1869: Lester b. Sept. 7, 1870, d. April 1874- Earnest Charles b. Aug. 18, 1875, m. Annie Laughton Nov. 6, 1902; Charles Eli b. March 11, 1879, m. Lillie Laurensen. Married Caroline Smith June 7, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Smith and Caroline Harrison), who was born Nov. 6, 1841. Their children: Delina Caroline b. June 23, 1859, m. Gordon E. Beckstead Sept. 27, 1877; Jacob Smith b. March 18, 1861, m. Sophia Jensen Dec. 24, 1878; Rose Emma b. June 27, 1863, d. Oct. 1864: Eliza M. b. July 6, 1865, d. March 1878; Netta b. July 17, 1867, d. March 1, 1874; Lorenzo D. b. July 10, 1869, d. Jan. 1874; Cynthia b. Nov. 12, 1871, d. March 8, 1874; Vilate b. Nov. 13, 1873, m. Ralph B. Wiggins Feb. 12, 1894; Edessia b. Oct. 8, 1875, m. Arthur D. Hamsen July 24, 1894; Janett Laura b. Jan. 20, 1878, d. Dec. 12. 1890; Theodore b. July 13, 1880, d. Dec. 6, 1889; Tobias Chancy b. Jan. 28, 1883, d. Dec. 18, 1889. Family home Brigham City, Utah. High priest; patriarch; high councilor, Box Elder stake, 1855-77. Vice-president and assistant superintendent of the Brigham Co-op. Judge, Box Elder county; mayor, March 3, 1879, to March 14, 1883; postmaster 1855-82, of Brigrham City. Farmer; manufacturer; merchant; railway builder. Died Oct. 2. 1896, Smithfleld, Utah, and was buried at Brig- ham City. SMITH, ISAAC (son of Samuel Smith and Sarah Jane Ingra- ham). Born Dec. 31, 1857, Brigham City, Utah. Married Harriet Camilla Ensign Dec. 28, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Martin Luther Ensign and Mary Dunn of Brigham City, pioneers 1847, Ira Eldredge and Brigham Young companies). She was born April 24, 1859. Their children: Isaac Samuel b. Dec. 4, 1878, m. Lulu Tates June 2 1904; Martin Luther b. Aug. 20, 1881. d. April 7. 1884; William Richard b. March 21, 1884, m. Zina Crouch July 28, 1910; Mary Camilla b. June 14, 1886, d. Sept. 20, 1899; Wesley Ensign b. Dec. 9, 1888, m. Lucy Lishman Sept. 22, 1909; m. Alta Pond March 20, 1913; Sarah Ann b. Nov. 1, 1891, m. Dow Lewis June 29, 1910; Theron Ensign b. Dec. 13, 1893; Leona Ensign b. Dec. 25, 1895; George Ensign b. March 24, 1898- Malcolm Woodruff b. Feb. 20, 1911; Theodore Roosevelt b. Sept. 20, 1903, d. July 19, 1904; Ruby Ensign b. Nov. 6, Married Anna Elizabeth Carlisle Sept. 15, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of John G. Carlisle' and Margaret Kewley of Logan, Utah; former pioneer 1854, Hooper and Eldredge merchandise train, latter Nov. 1856, Edward Martin handcart company). She was born Jan. 18, 1860, died Sept. 17, 1886. No children. Married Elizabeth Fuhrimann June 2, 1894 (daughter of Jacob Fuhrimann and Barbara Loosle of Providence. Utah, pioneers 1860). She wa- born June 9, 1872. Their children: Jacob Isaac b. Sept. 18, 1895; Joseph Fuhrimann b. July 18. 1897- Welland b. Feb. 19, 1899; Ingraham b. March 21, 1901; Elva b. Oct. 22. 1904; Oliver b. Oct. 6, 1908. Family home "Missionary to Great Britain and Channel Islands 1878: bishop seventh ward, Logan 1884-90; counselor in presidency 1890-1906, and president 1906-11 Cache stake; ordained a patriarch May 3, 1913. Manager Brigham City lumber yard 1880-82; manager Logan Z. C. M. I. 1891-97; merchandise, produce, cold storage and ice business. SMITH, SILAS (son of Asael Smith and Elizabeth Shilling of Stockholm, St. Lawrence county, N. Y.). Born June b, 1822. Came to Utah 1853. Married Elizabeth Norton in Pennsylvania (daughter of William and Elizabeth Norton of Clinton Co., Iowa). She was born June 1, 1826. Their children: Silas Marion b April 17, 1845. in Lee Co.. Iowa. m. Alvira Partridge; Julia Elizabeth, m. Melvin Ross; Frederick Asael; Mary Jane b. June 17, 1853, m. John Thompson Rowley; Henry, m Catherine Saunberg; Franklin, m. Rose Ann Gallaway; Vienna, died; Martha E., m. John Byrne. Family home "Missionary to Sandwich Islands 1854; bishop at Provo, Utah. Farmer; lawyer. Died June 11, 1892. SMITH, SILAS SANFORD (son of Silas Smith, born Oct. 1 1779 Derryfleld, Hillsboro county, N. H., and Mary Aikens, born Aug. 13, 1797, Barnard, Vt. married March 4. 1828). Born Oct. 26, 1830, Stockholm, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1847, Perrigrine Sessions company. Married Clarinda Ricks July 9, 1851 (daughter of Joel Ricks and Eleanor Martin married May 1, 1827, in Trlgg county. Ky., pioneers September. 1848, Heber C. Klmball company). She was born July 10, 1835, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Silas Sanford, Jr.. b July 10 1853 m Betsy Williamson Nov. 3, 1873; Jesse Joel b. Nov. 4. 1857. m. Margaret A. Haskell April 6 1884; Leonora A. b. Oct. 22, 1859; Stephen Augustus b. Nov. 1, 1861, m. Elizabeth J. Elledge Dec. 20, 1882; Ella C. b. March 9, 1864, MareSaanncs 17, 1853 (daughter of Joel Ricks and Eleanor Martin), who was born Dec. 28. 1832 in Madison county. 111. Their children: John Aikens b March 19. 1854. m. Emily J. Bennett June 1, 1877; Mary E b Sept 26, 1857. m. Edward M. Owens; Hortense b. Oct. 14, 1859, m. Aaron S. Hawkins March 25, 1885; Hyrum b ' MarHed 6 ' Martha Eliza Bennett July 19, 1865 (daughter of Hiram B. Bennett and Martha Smith, pioneers 1851). She was born Jan. 24, 1850. Kanesville, Iowa. Their chil- dren: Sarah Ann b. July 11, 1868; Martha E. b. March 17, 1870, m. Thales H. Haskell Oct. 8, 1897; Curtis B. b. Oct. 23, 1871, m. Ursula P. Harrison June 1, 1898; Ellas Austin b. March 4, 1874, m. Jessie Black June 15, 1898; Emma Jane b. April 4, 1876, m. Edwin C. Dibble June 15, 1900; George Essex b. Sept. 24, 1878, m. May Rogers Aug. 1, 1901; Erastus Snow b. Aug. 18, 1881; Hiram A. b. Sept. 15, 1883, m. Rebecca Hodson; Lucy Edith b. Aug. 12. 1886; Joseph F. b. April 7, 1889; C. Estella b. Aug. 4, 1891; Verlie D. b. Oct. 14, 1894. Families resided Parowan and Para- gonah, Utah. Settled at Salt Lake City 1847; moved to Grover Creek 1849; to Parowan 1851; and to Paragonah 1S57. Major in Indian war 1853. Missionary to Sandwich Islands 1854-56; bishop of Paragonah several years; ordained patriarch Aug. 26, 1899. Member Utah legislature 20 years; U. S. deputy marshal; probate judge and prosecuting attorney Iron county. Led an exploring expedition to southeastern Utah for the purpose of selecting locations for settlements, locat- ing the site of Bluff City; and later led a company of settlers into the San Juan valley. President San Luis stake 1883-92. Settled at Layton 1901. Died Oct. 11, 1910, at Layton. SMITH. SILAS SANFORD. JR. (son of Silas Sanford SinTth and Clarinda Ricks). Born July 10, 1853. Parowan, Utah. Married Betsy Williamson Nov. 3. 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Williamson and Ann Aldread, latter pioneer Nov. 30, 1856, Martin and Tyler handcart com- pany). She was born Jan. 13, 1853, in England. Their chil- dren: Clarinda A, b. May 2, 1876, d. Oct. 4, 1893; Sllaa Sanford b. Oct. 4, 1878, d. July 16, 1899; Betsy L. b. Sept. 25, 1883, m. John S. Knight Dec. 17, 1902; John William b. July 26, 1886; James Albert ,b. May 26, 1889; Don Samuel b. Sept. 16, 1894. Family home Manassa, Colo. President Y. M. M. I. A. at Paragonah 1875-78. Called to assist Jesse N. Smith in colonizing Arizona 1878, return- ing to San Juan Co., Utah, In 1879. Counselor in presi- dency Y. M. M. I. A. of Manassa ward; bishop's counselor 1881; clerk Manassa ward eight years; high councilor; mis- sionary to southern states 1900-02. Moved to Rexburg, Idaho, 1906, where he served as U. S. commissioner, police judge and city clerk. Died Jan. 19, 1911, Rexburg, Idaho. SMITH, JOHN WILLIAM (son of Silas Sanford Smith, Jr., and Betsy Williamson). Born July 26, 1886, Manassa, Colo. Secretary Y. M. M. I. A., Rexburg, first ward, 1909-11; secretary and treasurer elders quorum; secretary and treas- urer of Fremont stake Sunday school 1911; second coun- selor presidency elders quorum; president elders quorum. U. S. commissioner 1911. SMITH, WARREN (son of Warren Smith). Born near Nashville, Tenn. Came to Utah in September, 1850, captain of his own company. Married Lydia Alexander 1830, Weakley county, Tenn. (daughter of Randall and Maria Alexander, pioneers 1855). Their children: Melissa, m. Stephen Mott; Eldredge, m. Sarah Dudley; Benjamin Mark, m. Agnes E. Wood; Martha, m. Henry Chipman; Abinadi, m. Docia Wheeler. Married Amanda Barnes May 1840, Nauvoo, 111. (widow of another Warren Smith. Children: Alma L.; Willard; Hortensia; Artemena). She was born Feb. 22, 1809, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Amanda, d. child; Warren Barnes b. Dec. 20, 1844, m. Elizabeth Echo Mercer; Sarah b. Sept. 1846, m. George Burnham. Married Rachel Blackburn. There were two children. Married Mahala Dudley. Their children: Hyrum; Lydia; Carson; Agnes. Families resided Salt Lake City. Went to Carson, Nev., where he lived 20 years, return- ing to Utah 1874. Died May, 1884, American Fork, Utah. SMITH, BENJAMIN MARK (son of Warren Smith and Lydia Alexander). Born 1834, Nashville, Tenn. Came to Utah, Warren Smith company. Married Agnes Elizabeth Wood 1855, American Fork, Utah (daughter of David Wood and Catherine Krietz of Ameri- can Fork, pioneers 1850, David Wood company). She was born 1836 in Osnabruck, Canada. Their children: Winifred Catherine b. 1856, m. Sylvanis C. Waddell; Martha Ann b. 1858, m. Charles I. Branson; Amanda Agnes b. 1861, m. Casper Sulser; David Warren, b. 1863, m. Mary Jane Jones; Mark Alexander b. 1865, m. Margret Taylor; Stephen Hiram b. 1868, m. Anna Hasler; Charles William b. 1871, m. Emma Barlow; Lydia Melissa b. 1873, m. Simon S. Epperson; Car- son Orear b. 1875, m. Ellen Springer. Family home Midway, Wasatch Co., Utah. SMITH, DAVID WARREN (son of Benjamin Mark Smith and Agnes Elizabeth Wood). Born Oct. 2, 1863, Sacramento, Cal. Married Mary Jane Jones 1887 (daughter of Richard Jones ar.d Mary Cummings of Heber City, Utah). She was born 1867. Their children: Ada Saphrona b. 1887; Leonard b. 1888; Richard W. b. 1889; Wallace Warren b. 1894; Nettie b. 1901. Family home Heber City, Utah. Bishop's counselor. Farmer. SMITH, WARREN BARNES (son of Warren Smith and Amanda Barnes). Born Dec. 20, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah with father. Married Elizabeth Echo Mercer Oct. 11, 1865, American Fork, Utah (daughter of John Mercer and Nancy Wilson PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1171 of Chadburn, Eng., pioneers 1848). She was born Oct. 11, 1848. Their children: Amanda, m. William Henry Steele; Margaret, died; Warren; John M., m. Larene Rhodes; Melissa, m. Lawrence Hutchings; Nancy, died; Alma; Leah, m. Wil- liam Moyle; Margery, m. David Peterson; Florence, m. Stephen Willis. Married Mary Emeline Tyrrell February, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Asahel Tyrrell, born Sept. 23, 1802, Bridge- port, Conn., and Lucretia Webster, born Oct. 30, 1805, Tyring- ham, Mass., latter came to Utah 1871). She was born 1845. Their children: Telitha, m. Stanley Dallon; Asahel T., m. Ella Tyring; Ortentia, m. William Rose; Estella, m. Erin Toll- man; Mary, m. George Toone; Junius. Family home Ameri- can Fork, Utah. Married Harriet A. Harrington Nov. 15, 1885, Salt Lake City (daughter of Leonard E. Harrington and Harriet F. Noon of American Fork, Utah). She was born March 16, 1860 died March 14, 1901. Their children: Leonard and Willard H., died; Leslie A.; Ida F.; Alvira, died; Hattie V.; lona A.; Sarah M. Family home American Fork, Utah. Married Emma Crompton (Rushton) May 29, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Crompton b. July 6, 1829, and Hannah Hardy b. June 10, 1815, both of Bolton and Oldham, Lancastershire, Eng., pioneers 1853). She was born July 21, 1853, in Nebraska. Member 67th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1877-79, and to southern states 1887-89; member presidency seventies quorum, Utah county, 1880-84, when all seventies were under one presidency. Settled at American Fork 1857. Counselor to Bishop William M. Bromley 1887; set apart bishop 4th ward July 14, 1898; superintendent Sunday schools 16 years, and choir leader 30 years; senior member high council, Alpine stake. Member American Fork city council. Member brass band at American Fork. SMITH, ALMA L. (son of Warren Smith and Amanda Barnes of Marion, Ohio). Born Dec. 16, 1833, at, Marion. Came to Utah 1848, Joseph Young company. VOA\ Married Telitha Free March 1855, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Absalom Free and Betsy Strait of St. Clair county, 111., pioneers 1848, Joseph Young company). She was born Oct. 5, 1835. Their children: Alma L., m. Marguerite Black, m. Annie Roberts; Willard P., m. Cora A. Fisher; Hammer, d. aged 2; Florence, d. aged 4; Cora, m. John Hodson; Rosa, d. child; Julian F., m. Pearl Colton; Betsy, d. aged 25. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England two years; to Sandwich Islands ten years; high priest; bishop of Coalville three years; high councilor of Summit stake. County recorder Summit county six years. Bookkeeper; contractor. Died June 1887 at Coalville, Utah. SMITH, WILLARD F. (son of Alma L. Smith and Telitha Free). Born Feb. 3, 1860. Married Cora A. Fisher May 5, 1886, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Joseph A. Fisher and Sarah L. Harris), who was born March 25, 1865, Coalville, Utah. Their children: Wil- lard C. b. July 16, 1887; Erschel F. b. Dec. 26, 1888; Ray L. b. Dec. 3, 1890; Leah A. b. May 28, 1893; Carol F. b. July 8, 1895; Helen L. b. April 4, 1898, d. aged 2; Joseph A. b. Jan. 18, 1901, d. infant; Kenneth H. b. June 6, 1903; Gale D. b. Nov. 28, 1908. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England two years; high priest; super- intendent Sunday school and president Y. M. M. I. A. at Coalville, Utah; home missionary ten years. Mining pro- moter. SMITH, WILLIAM (son of Richard Smith and Dianah Braz- zell Smith). Born Sept. 3, 1831, Gibson county, Tenn. Came to Utah 1850, Captain Bennett company. Married Polly Marie Perry May 19, 1850, Mt. Pisgah, Iowa. She was born June 16, , Middlebury, Genesee county, N. Y. (daughter of Asahel and Polly Chadwick Perry, who came to Utah in 1850). Their children: William Riley b. April 24, 1851; Mary Louisa b. Nov. 6, 1852; Sarah Ellen, b. June 29, 1855; James R. b. Feb. 12, 1858; Flora J. b. May 29, 1860; Henrietta I. b. Dec. 19, 1862; Lucy M b. Dec. 20, 1864; George A. b. May 2, 1867; Andrew R. b. Feb. 3, 1869; Elizabeth A. b. Aug. 25, 1871; Calista M. b. Nov. 6, 1872. Married Dec. 8, 1860, Salt Lake City, who was born Sept. 3, 1844, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Julia Charlotte b. Oct. 9, 1861; William H. b. Feb. 12. 1863; Joseph E. b. April 7, 1864; Rachel L. b. Jan. 28, 1866; John W. b. Feb. 24, 1868; Albert T. b. Jan. 14, 1872; George P. b. April 14, 1873; Jordan b. April 19, 1875; Amasa b. Oct. 10, 1877; Frank b. Sept. 3, 1880; Ralph b. Oct. 17, 1883; Elial b. Sept. 3, 1885. Farmer; blacksmith. Indian interpreter. SMITH, WILLIAM (son of John and Sarah Smith of Here- fordshire, Eng.). Born June 4, 1806, in Herefordshire. Came to Utah 1856. Married Jane Rawllngs 1849, in Herefordshire (daughter of William and Jane Rawlings of same place, pioneers 1856). She was born March 8, 1820. Their children: Wil- liam, d. aged 8; Joseph, m. Louisa Obery; Thomas, m. Emma Obery; Sarah Jane b. April 1, 1856, m. George B. Sanborn Nov. 16, 1875; Hyrum. m. Syrepta Davis; Martha A., m. Neils Hendrickson; Ellen, m. Edward Howells; John, d. aged 11; Emma L., d. aged 5. Family home Paradise, Utah. Seventy; high priest; block teacher. Farmer and stock- raiser. Died April, 1888, Paradise. SMITH, WILLIAM JOSEPH (son of William Smith, born at Ruthland, Lincolnshire, Eng., and Sarah Atkinson, born at Rippingale, Eng.). Born April 26, 1820, Gosberton, Risgate, Lincolnshire. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1849, Orson Spencer company. Married Mary Ann Frier 1846 (daughter of Samuel Frier and Roseline Walker), who was born May 18, 1821, Pinch- back, Lincolnshire. Their children: William Smith b. Feb. 20, 1846; Samuel Frier b. Sept. 7, 1847; Joseph b. May 18, 1849, m. Eliza Bean; Moses and Ann (twins) b. June 23, 1851; Rachel b. July 4, 1852, m. William A. McMaster; Hyrum b. Feb. 22, 1854, m. Susan Garret; Jacob b. March 27, 1856, m. Kate Hampton; Mary Ann b. Jan. 19, 1860; Margaret Roseline b. Jan. 16, 1862, m. William Woodard. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1855; first councilor to Bishop Lytle of llth ward, Salt Lake City, 1852; patriarch. SMITH, JOSEPH (son of William Joseph Smith and Mary Ann Frier). Born May 18, 1849, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Eliza Bean Jan. 18, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Bean and Sarah Beanland, pioneers Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company). She was born at Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. Their children: Eliza Lavina b. Jan. 26, 1870, m. Charles Livingston; Joseph b. July 13, 1872, m. Minnie Lloyd; William Parley b. Jan. 4, 1875; Edwin Frier b. March 11, 1877; Ernest Welcome b. March 6, 1879, m. Sabina Smith; Sarah Beanland b. March 9, 1882, m. August Anderson; Milton and Mable b. April 18, 1890; Benjamin Harrison b. March 20, 1892, m. Hattie Isabella Rupp. Family home. Salt Lake City. Helped to build Deseret telegraph lines. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Sheepraiser; woolgrower; business man and capitalist. SMITHIES, JAMES (son of Richard Smithies and Mary Robinson of Downham, Lancastershire, Eng.). Born Oct. 29, 1807, at Downham; pioneer September, 1847, Geo. B. Wal- lace company, a part of Daniel Spencer's 100. Married Nancy Knowles in Lancastershire, Eng. (daugh- ter of Robert Knowles and Ann Parker of Downham, Eng., pioneers September, 1847, George B. Wallace company). She was born Aug. 2, 1809. Their children: Mary b. Oct. 7, 1836, m. Heber C. Kimball; Robert b. Oct. 6, 1839, m. Elizabeth Scott; Joseph Richard b. May 31, 1842; James A. b. Oct. 11, 1845; Sarah E. b. July 5, 1847, m. Ephraim Scott; Alice A. b. Dec. 6, 1850, m. Nelson Beebe. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Hannah Crowther 1857, Salt Lake City. Their children: Joseph Heber b. Aug. 9, 1867; Elizabeth b. Sept. 29, 1859; John James b. March 6, 1862; Miriam b. April 23, 1865; Leah b. May 11, 1868; Lucy b. Oct. 12, 1870; Melvina b. Nov. 27, 1872. Member 13th quorum seventies; organized the flrst choir in Salt Lake City. Farmer. Died June 26, 1882, at Salt Lake City. SMITHIES, ROBERT (son of James Smithies and Nancy Knowles). Born Oct. 5, 1839, in Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Elizabeth Scott April 11, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Scott and Elizabeth Meneary of England, pioneers 1848, John Scott company). She was born March 15, 1847. Their children: Elizabeth A. b. May 21, 1866, m. Theodore Beck; Sarah M. b. Sept. 12, 1867, m. C. E. Rostan; Louisa M. b. Aug. 23, 1869, m. G. H. Romrell; Robert A. b. March 9, 1872; Alfonzo F. b. Dec. 22, 1873, m. L. A. Gilson; Isaac W. b. Nov. 30, 1875, m. Eliza Stucker; Mary A. b. Sept. 24, 1877, m. Aaron Harrot; Etta S, b. Sept. 1, 1879, m. Charles Byington. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 13th quorum seventies. Road supervisor. Farmer.' SMOOT, A. O. (son of George Washington Smoot and Ann Rowlett of Prince Edward county, Va.). Born Feb. 17, 1815, in Owen county, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, A. O. Smoot company. Married Diana Eldredge May 6, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ira Eldredge and Nancy Black of Indianap.olis, Ind., pioneers Sept. 19, 1847, Daniel Spencer company). She was born March 28, 1837. Their children: Abraham Owei>, m. Electa Bullock: Nancy, m. David R. Beebe; Olive, m. J. W. Bean; Elizabeth m. Milton H. Hardy; Leanora; Joseph; Ella, m. Dr. George E. Robison; Arthur; Vilate, m. Thomas F. Pierpont; Parley, m. Helen Condur; Alma, m. Edna Stubbs; William, m. Florence Kimber. Married Annie Kristina Morrison, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Neils Morrison of Aala, Frederickstad, Norway). She was born Dec. 20, . Their children: Annie Christina, m. George S. Taylor; Alice, m. Myron C. Newell; Reed, m. Allie Eldredge; George Morrison, m. Mary Ann Larsen; Agnes May, m. Charles Albert Glazier; Brigham, m. Mar- gerette Nesbit; Ida Mauline, m. George A. Dusenberry. Family resided Provo, Utah. High priest; missionary in United States and England 1840-54; president of Utah stake. Mayor of Salt Lake City ten years, and of Provo fourteen years. President of two banks, Smoot lumber yard, Provo woolen mills, B. Y. Uni- versity, Provo Co-op, flour mill, and a number of other concerns. Died March 6, 1896. 1172 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH SMOOT. A. O. (son of A. O. Smoot and Diana Eldredge). Born March 11, 1856, Sugar House ward, Salt Lake City. Married Electa Bullock Oct. 30, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Bullock and Electa Wood of Prove, Utah, former pioneer September, 1852, Isaac Bullock com- pany, and the latter September, 1848, Gideon D. Wood com- pany). She was born March 6, 1859. Their children: Abra- ham Owen b. Sept. 9, 1879, m. Phoebe Campbell; Isaac Albert b. Nov. 3, 1880, m. Nettie Parkinson; Allie b. April 3, 1882, m. Jacob Coleman; Electa b. Sept. 25, 1884, m. LeRoy Dixon; Fern b. March 23, 1885, m. Wells L. Brimhall; Ethel b. April 7, 1887. Family home, Provo. High counselor; missionary to England 1875-77. County assessor and collector; city councilman; state senator; sec- retary state Insane asylum and U. S. commissioner. Man- ager lumber company. Died May 20, 1911. SMOOT, ISAAC ALBERT (son of A. O. Smoot and Electa Bullock). Born Nov. 3, 1880, at Provo, Utah. Married Nettle Parkinson March 31, 1909, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel R. Parkinson and Charlotte Smart of Preston, Idaho, pioneers May 5, 1854, Captain Field com- pany). Only child: Ruth P. b. June 24, 1910. Family home, Provo. Elder; missionary to England 1903-06; assistant super- intendent Utah state Sunday school board. Clerk in the state senate. District manager of the Mountain States Telephone Co. County assessor Utah county. SMOOT, GEORGE MORRISON (son of Abraham Owen Smoot and Annie Krlstina Morrison). Born Jan. 9, 1864, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Ann Larsen Dec. 20, 1888, Manti, Utah (daughter of Neils Larsen, of Salem, Utah, and Bangta Flygare, pioneers). She was born April 1, 1866. Their children: Zella b. April 5, 1890, died; Mary Erma b. Dec. 5, 1893; Margerette b. Dec. 30, 1896. Family home, Provo. Missionary to Scandinavia; bishop of Vineyard 1906-07; high priest; bishop's counselor Lake View, Utah, 1901-06. President of Smoot Investment Co., dealers in lumber and building materials. Farmer; miningman; investor; real estate dealer. SMOOT, WILLIAM COCHRAN ADKINSON (adopted son of Abraham Owen Smoot and son of Margett T. Adkinson). Born Jan. 30, 1828, Roan county, Tenn. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Martha Ann Sessions Jan. 29, 1852. Their chil- dren: William Cochran Adkinson, Jr.; Martha Ann; Abraham Owen; Margrett T.; Eliza E.; Josephine; Lucina; Albert C.; Louisa T.; Lima A.; Sarah E. Perregrine; Parley W.; Phila P. Married Margrett Freeman 1857. Their children: John W., m. Mahala Garns 1875; Rhode; Wilford; Willie. SMOUT, EDWIN WARD (stepson of John Smout and son of Esther Ward of Dudley, Staffordshire, Eng.). Born May 21, 1823, Tipton, Eng. Came to Utah August, 1854, independent company. Married Leah Oakley Feb. 16, 1847, Dudley, Staffordshire, Eng. (daughter of Samuel Oakley and Mary Adelington), who was born May 5, 1823, Dudley, Eng. Their children: Felix; Parley; William b. 1850, m. Sarah Moore April 24, 1871; Sarah J.; Mary A.; Edwin W.; Leah O.: Esther b. April 12, 1862, m. John A. Randall May 7, 1891; Sophia; Samuel b. Aug. 6, 1866. m. Clara M. Crowther Oct. 25, 1905; Lois. Family resided Ogden and Slaterville, Utah. Bishop's counselor. Settled at Ogden 1854. Tailor. Died Jan. 16, 1900. SMOUT, WILLIAM O. (son of Edwin W. Smout and Leah Oakley). Born 1850 in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1854. Married Sarah Moore April 24, 1871, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Moore and Alice Young, both of Riverdale, Utah, pioneers Oct. 4, 1863, Thomas Hicks company). She was born June 20, 1849. Their children: William E b July 29, 1872; Winslow T. b. July 29, 1872; James M. b. Nov. 16, 1874; Sadie b. Feb. 16, 1876; John b. Oct. 1, 1878; Nora b. March 10, 1881; Joseph b. Oct. 18, 1884; Ella b. July 18, 1886. Family home Slaterville, Utah. SM(5UT, SAMUEL (son of Edwin Ward Smout and Leah Oakley). Born Aug. 6. 1866, Slaterville. Utah. Married Clara M. Crowther Oct. 25, 1905 (daughter of David Crowther and Josephine Koltgrain, former pioneer 1863, Captain Rollings company, latter came 1871. Captain Reece company). She was born Dec. 19, 1878, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Samuel Lesley, died; Orville, died. Family home, Slaterville. SMIIIN, DAVID (son of Thomas Smuin of Battle Creek, Utah). Born Sept. 6, 1850. Came to Utah 1868. Married Emma Robison of England Aug. 16, 1870, who was born Jan. 16, 1849. Their children: George, m. Edna Loder; William Bradford, m. Eliza Ann Kendall; Rachel Syntha, m. Benjamin C. Slough; Rosa May. m. Findlay Odam; Annie Jane, m. Joseph Atwood; Effle Matilda b Aug. 9, 1883, m. Levl Cyrus Kendall; Elllna Elizabeth, died- Minnie Eliza, m. John Robbins. Family home Vernal Utah Elder. Settled at Oxford, Idaho, 1876; moved to Vernal 1884. Died Aug. 26, 1911. SMUIN, GEORGE (son of Thomas Empey and Susanah Smuin of Eatonbray, Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 11, 1844, at Eatonbray. Came to Utah Dec. 6, 1864, Brigham H. Young company. Married Eliza Gaisford April 11, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Gaisford and Ellen Rex of Bath, Eng.. pioneers April 7, 1852). She was born June 29, 1853. Their children: Susanah, m. N. J. Nielsen; Rose, m. Robert Burk; Lillie, m. John P. Lifgren; Ellen; Myrtle; Viola; Horace; Ruth; George Joseph, died; Mabel Blanche, died; Henry, m. Florence Griffin; Richard, m. Laura Wansgaard; Ralph, m. Ray Parkinson. Family home Ogden, Utah. Bishop of Lynne ward 1891-1908; president Y. M. M. I. A. City councilman two terms. Horticulturist. Died Jan. 22, 1913. SMUIN, THOMAS (son of Joseph Smuin and Hannah' Pearce). Born Dec. 6, 1816, Radley, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1869. Married Sarah Hook in England (daughter of Richard Hook and Mary Tredwell), who was born Sept. 22, 1816. Came to Utah 1861. Their children: Matilda, m. John J. Slaugh; Eliza, m. Michael Clark; Rachel; Thomas; David. Farmer. Died Oct. 26, 1889, Kaysville, Utah. SXKDAKER, JOHN FREDERICK (son of John Frederick Snedaker and C,lara Claymore of Salt Lake City). Born March 28, 1831, Essen, near Hanover, Germany. Came to Utah in 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Elizabeth Rock 1859 (daughter of Henry Rock and Catherine Mentzer of St. Louis, Mo., latter a pioneer Henry Brown company). She was born Nov. 7, 1836, and came to Utah with mother. Their children: Clara Eliza- beth b. Dec. 1, 1860, m. John Philip Carlisle; Frederick b. Oct. 1861, m. Clara Capsen; Catherine b. Feb. 8, 1863, m. Orson Bennion Calder; Joseph b. 1864, died; Reuben b. Oct. 22, 1866; Mary b. April 7, 1868, d. aged 18; Louisa b. Sept. 6, 1869, m. William N. Hill; Ellen, m. William Gabbot; Rebecca, David, Parley, Claymore and Bathsheba, latter five died. Married Sarah Ann Thurston (Grant), Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Jefferson Thurston and Rosetta Bull of Centerville. Utah; pioneers October, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born May 22. 1836. Their children: Charles Alma, Rosetta Alice, Laura Elizabeth and Minnie Jenette. all four died; Rosalia Vilate, m. Wilford C. Mc- Murray; Willard Jefferson, died; Jedediah LeRoy. Families resided Mill Creek, Utah. Member 91st quorum seventies; high priest; missionary to Pennsylvania 1855-56; counselor to Bishop Hamilton; Sun- day school superintendent, Mill Creek ward. Justice of peace. Farmer and dairyman. Worked on U. P. R. R. in Utah. Died January, 1890. SNEDAKER, JEDEDIAH LeROY (son of John Frederick Snedaker and Sarah Ann Thurston (Grant). Born Sept. 4, 1878, Mill Creek, Utah. Member 2d quorum elders; missionary to Germany 1906- 09; member Sunday school superintendency, Logan 4th ward. Employed in street railway service. SNEDAKER, MORRIS JACKSON (son of Derrick Snedaker and Lucinda Bowker of Lansing, N. Y.). Born Dec. 16, 1818. at Lansing. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Ann Earl in 1844, at Kalamazoo, Mich. Married Elizabeth Mobbs, at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Ellen Lucinda b. Nov. 2. 1860; Laura Ann b. Nov. 27, 1864, m. Lee Clinton Snedaker; Elizabeth Permilda Mobbs b. March 16. 1868, m. George Playter, m. Fred B. Gillett. Family home, Salt Lake City. First salt manufacturer in Salt Lake City. Merchant and mining man. Died Dec. 12, 1882. SNELL, JOHN WILLIAM (son of William Snell of Devon- shire, Eng., and Margaret Earl of eastern Canada). He was born March 2, 1842, La Harpe, Hancock county. 111. Came to Utah September, 1857. James H. Hart company. Married Luemma Elizabeth Laub in 18C4, St. George, Utah (daughter of George Laub and Mary Ellen McGinnis of St. George, pioneers 1852). She was born December, 1849. Their child: John William, m. Elizabeth Lund. Married Eliza Shafer July 21, 1873, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Shafer of Wayne county, N. Y., and Hannah Casto of Indiana, pioneers Oct. 1849). She was born Oct. 22, 1853. SNELL, JOHN WILLIAM (son of John William Snell and Luemma E. Laub). Born in 1866 at Salt Lake City. It is said he could trace his genealogy back to the time of the famous "King-Killer" MacGinness. Married Elizabeth Lund June 8, 1889, at St. George, Utah (daughter of Robert C. Lund and Miss Romney of St. George). Their children: John W. b. May 12, 1900; Robert; George Henry. Family home. Salt Lake City. Elder. Practiced law in New York and Utah. Died May 3, 1907, Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1173 SNIDER, JOHN (son of Marlin Snider and Sarah Armstrong of Eglington, Canada). Born Feb. 11, 1800, New Brunswick. Nova Scotia. Came to Utah 1850, Lorin W. Babbitt company. Married Mary Heron Feb. 28, 1822, who was born Nov. 10, 1804. Their children: Harriet, m. Joseph E. Johnson; Edgerton, m. Mary J. McBride; John, Jr., m. Martha L. Babbit; m. Susan E. Allen; m. Mary Hooper. Family home Toronto, Canada. Married Sylvan Meacham March 11, 1855, Salt Lake City. Their children: Martin H., d. aged 9; John H., m. Annie Brown. High priest; missionary to England. Bricklayer. Died Dec. 19, 1875, Salt Lake City. SNIDER, JOHN (son of John Snider and Mary Heron). Born May 2, 1828, Toronto, Canada. Came to Utah 1851. Married Martha L. Babbitt Feb. 22, 1853, Salt Lake City, who was born April 7, 1832. Their children: Don L. b. Jan. 29, 1854, and Harriet A. b. April 8, 1858, d. infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Susan E. Allen Sept. 30, 1863, Salt Lake City, who was born Aug. 28, 1834. Their children: Frank L. b. Aug. 6, 1864, m. Louisa D. Peck; Rosalie b. Nov. 30, 1865, m. Ernest M. Cummingrs; John E. b. Aug. 29, 1867, m. Jennie E. Taylor. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Mary Hooper Dec. 25, 1875, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Hooper and Elizabeth Brooks t>f Hereford- shire, Eng.). She was born Jan. 20, 1841. NOW, BERNARD (son of Garry and Edna Snow). Came to Utah 1851, oxteam company. Married . Their only child: Bernard, died in child- hood. Married Alice Smith, Salt Lake City (daughter of Stephen and Mary Smith of Barry, Eng., latter a pioneer, oxteam company). Their children: Alice, m. Ira W. Gardner; Ber- nard, m. Nancy Killion; Verona, m. Charles Whiting; Herman, m. Lydia Bingham; Eben b. Dec. 26, 1863, m. Sarah Jane Powell. Family resided Mt. Pleasant, Fountain Green, Springville, Hoytsville and Salem, Utah. SNOW, EBEN (son of Bernard Snow and Alice Smith). Born Dec. 26, 1863, Ephraim, Utah. Married Sarah Jane Powell Dec. 13, 1891, Salem, Utah Co., Utah (daughter of John A. Powell and Sarah Jane Shields of Salem, pioneers 1847, oxteam company). She was born Dec. 13, 1874. Their children: Justus Forrest b. Oct. 1 1892; Florence Hazel b. Feb. 7, 1895; Asel Gale b. Jan. 12, 1900; Violate Wave b. Sept. 10, 1903; Thora Fantella b. July 14, 1905; Bernard Eben b. April 18, 1908; Irene b. April 27 1911, d. May 5, 1911. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. Elder. Constable of Jensen, Utah. Farmer and stock- raiser. SNOW, ERASTTJS (son of Levi Snow and Lucina Streeter). Born Nov. 8, 1818, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Julin Josephine Spencer April 11, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mathias F. Spencer and Mary Brown of Nauvoo, 111.). She was born April 9, 1837, New York City. Their children: Edward H., m. Hannah Nelson; William S m Emily E. Eyring; Amelin S.; Joseph S.. m. Olive Black; Mary B.. died; Maude R. Family home St. George, Utah. Apostle in L. D. S. church. Member legislature. Died May 18, 1888. Salt Lake City. SNOW, EDWARD H. (son of Erastus Snow and Julin Jose- phine Spencer). Born June 23, 1865, St. George, Utah. Married Hannah Nelson Sept. 24, 1885. St. George (daugh- ter of Aaron Nelson and Selvia Rulfreyman of St. George, pioneers 1862, Captain Hyde company). She was born March 27 1866. Their children: Edward Vernon b. Feb. 16, 1889, m Lucile Forsyth; Dilworth b. Aug. 1, 1891; Karl N. b. Jan. 17, 1894; Laura b. March 9, 1897; Rulon b. May 31, 1902; Olive b. March 12, 1904; Irma b. Nov. 2, 1909. Family home, St. George. High priest; missionary to southern states 1886-88; and to eastern states 1889-1901. Member constitutional conven- tion and of first state senate; county superintendent of schools; St. George city recorder. President Bank of St. George and Co-op, store. SNOW, GARDINER. Came to Utah in 1848. Married Sarah Hasting. Among their children were Jame* Chauncy and George Washington. Family home Manti, Utah. SNOW, JAMES CHAUNCY (son of Gardiner Snow and Sarah Hasting). Born Jan. 11, 1817, Chesterfield, N. H. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1852, at head of own company. Married Eliza Ann Carter in 1836 at Kirtland, Ohio (daughter of Hanna Libby of Newry, Maine). Born Sept. 28, 1818. Their children: Sarah Jane, m. Marshall Kinsman; John C., m. Harriet Baker, m. Ester Chidester; Don Carlos, m. Mary Hallett; Eliza, m. Caleb Haws; James Erastus, m. Josephine Ferre; Richard C., m. Mary Bay; Dominicus C., m. Hannah Harrison; Mary Ellen, died; Arietta Colista. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to New England states 1836; seventy. Member of Nauvoo Legion. Legislator 1856. Farmer and surveyor. Died April 30, 1884, Pettyville, Utah. SNOW, JOHN C. (son of James C. Snow and Eliza Ann Carter). Born June 28, 1840, Lima, 111. Came to Utah with parents. Married Harriet Baker, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Mary Ann Baker of Herefordshire, Eng., pioneers 1856, Edward Bunker handcart company). She was born Oct. 16, 1844. Their children: Harriet Ann b. Sept. 6, 1861, m. James Fielding Dunn; John C., m. Sarah Ellison; Erastus Warren, m. Maud Wallworth; Joseph Howard, died; Ernest Alfred, m. Ester Shaw; Reed, died. Married Ester Chidester (Pulsipher) 1883, Salt Lake City. Their children: Lapreal; Myrtle, m. James Sumner; Arietta. Families resided Provo, Utah. Priest; elder; ward and block teacher. Pioneer in making roads and canals. Second lieutenant Co. A, state militia. Died July 10, 1909. SNOW, RICHARD C. (son of James Chauncy Snow and Eliza Ann Carter). Born Oct. 6, 1848. Married Mary Bay Jan. 1, 1871 (daughter of James Wtl- lard Bay and Lucinda Sprague). Their children: Mary Ellen, died; Lucinda, m. Pleasant C. Turnbow; Amelia, m. Charles W. Carlile; Ella Pearl; Eliza Barbara, m. Milo J. Merrill; Myrtle Dawn, died. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. Farmer. SNOW, GEORGE WASHINGTON (son of Gardiner Snow and Sarah Hasting of Manti, Utah). Came to Utah with ox- team. Married Mary Wells at Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Mary, m. William Henry Peacock; Eunice b. Feb. 5, 1850, m. Heber C. Kimball Pettey; Sarah, m. Alexander Ten- nant; Gardner, m. Hannah Larsen. Family home, Manti. Member Manti quorum seventies; high priest. Lawyer; cooper; agent for George A. Lowe Hardware Company. Died in 1905. SNOW, LORENZO (son of Oliver Snow and Rosetta L. Pettibone of Mantua, Portage Co., Ohio). Born April 3, 1814, Mantua. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, captain of second hundred in Brigham Young company. Married Charlotte Merrill (daughter of Charles Merrill and Charlotte Smith Squires), who was born Nov. 19, 1825, Bainbrldge, Geauga Co., Ohio, and died Sept. 25, 1850, Salt Lake City. Their children: Leonora Charlotte b. Jan. 23, 1847, d. June 1847; Roxcy Armatha b. Dec. 14, 1849, m. Elijah Arnold. Married Mary Adaline Goddard (daughter of Dan God- dard and Percy Amanda Pettibone), who was born March 8, 1812, Hartford, Conn. Their children: Rosetta Adaline b. Nov. 7, 1846, m. Chester Loveland; Oliver Goddard b. Feb. 20, 1849, m. Mary B. Peirce; Isadore Percy b. Feb. 24, 1855, m. Homer S. Woodworth. Married Sarah Ann Prichard (daughter of John Prichard and Polly Tillotson of Massachusetts). She was born Nov. 29, 1826, Nelson, Portage Co., Ohio. Their children: Eliza Sarah b. Nov. 30, 1847, m. George Dunford; Sylvia b. Jan. 16, 1850, m. Chauncey West; Lorenzo, Jr., b. July 7, 1853, m. Huldah Jensen; Parintha b. Oct. 5, 1855; Laurin Alvirus b. Dec. 2, 1863. Married Harriet Amelia Squires (daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth P. Squires), who was born Sept. 13, 1819, Aurora. Geauga Co., Ohio. Their children: Abigail Harriet b. July 16, 1847, m. Thomas Caldwell; Lucius Aaron b. Dec. 10, 1849, m. Elizabeth Wilson; Alonzo Henry b. Feb. 15, 1854, d. Nov. 1, 1854; Amelia Henrietta b. Feb. 15, 1854, d. Oct. 30, 1854; Celestia Armeda b. Dec. 2, 1856, m. Brigham Morris. Married Eleanor Houtz (daughter of Christian and Susan Pauling Houtz), who was born Aug. 14, 1831, in Pennsyl- vania. Their children: Amanda Eleanor b. April 19, 1850, d. Oct. 21, 1850; Ida b. Jan. 2, 1854, m. George Francis Gibbs; Eugenia b. July 5, 1856, m. Leonldas Thomas Pierce; Alphonso Houtz b. Oct. 13, 1858; Susan Imogene b. May 4, 1861, d. Oct. 16, 1864; Roxey Lana b. Oct. 22, 1863; Hor- tensia b. July 17, 1867; Chauncey Edgar b. July 8, 1870. Married Caroline Horton, who was born Dec. 25, 1828, in England, and died Feb. 1857, Brigham City, Utah. Their children: Clarissa Caroline b. July 19, 1854, m. John Archibald McAllister; Franklin and Sarah Augusta b. Feb. 3, 1857, latter d. Feb. 17, 1857. Married Mary Elizabeth Houtz (daughter of Jacob and Lydia M. Houtz), who was born May 19, 1840, Penn's Town, Union county. Pa., and died March 31, 1906. Their chil- dren: Lydia May b. Jan. 21, 1860, m. Eli Harvey Peirce, Jr.; Jacob E. Fitzroy b. Oct. 31, 1862, d. Dec. 2, 1862; Vir- ginia M. Marian b. Jan. 30, 1864; Mansfield Lorenzo b. Sept. 8, 1866; Mortimer Joseph b. Nov. 19, 1868; Flora Bell Birdie b. July 19, 1871. Married Phebe Augusta Woodruff at Salt Lake City (daughter of Wilford Woodruff and Phebe Whittemore Car- ter of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1847, Brigham Young com- pany). She was born March 4, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Mary Amanda b. Sept. 4, 1860, d. Sept. 6, 1860; Leslie Wilford Woodruff b. Feb. 6, 1862, m. Ida Daynes; Orion b. Sept. 6, 1866, m. Marintha Reeves; Milton Wood- ruff b. Feb. 7, 1869, m. Vlllette Eardley; Florence Augusta Woodruff b. Aug. 7, 1870, m. John Q. Crltchlow. Families resided at Brigham City and Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Minnie Jensen (daughter of J. P. Jensen and Sarah Clawson of Denmark and Germany). She was born Oct. 10, 1855, Brigham City, Utah, and died Jan. 2, 1908. Their children: Clarence Leroi b. Aug. 26, 1876; Minnie Mabel b. May 23, 1879; Cora Jeane b. Feb. 16, 1883, d. Aug. 11, 1883; Lorenzo; Lucile. Family home, Brigham City. 1174 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Colonized Box Elder county. Missionary to Italy and Great Britain; member twelve apostles. Member legisla- ture. President Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Died Oct. 10, 1901, Salt Lake City. SNOW, LESLIE WILFORD WOODRUFF (son of Lorenzo Snow and Phebe Augusta Woodruff). Born Feb. 6, 1862, Salt Lake City. Married Ida Daynes June 11, 1901. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Daynes and Rebecca Bushby of Salt Lake City, pioneers October, 1862). She was born March 6, 1872. Their children: Leslie Lyndon Daynes b. Dec. 3, 1906. President Y. M. M. I. A., 14th ward. Salt Lake City. President Salt Lake County Medical Society; vice-president Utah State Medical Association. City physician at Logan, Utah. Physician and surgeon; oculist. SNOW, WILLARD (son of Levi Snow and Lucina Streeter). Born May 6, 1811, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1847, Ira Eldredge company. Married Melvina Harvey 1837 (daughter of Joel Harvey and Betsy Bowen, pioneers 1847, Ira Eldreclge company). She was born Dec. 16, 1811. Their children: Amanda Mel- vina b. March 18, 1838, m. Willard Bingham June 28, 1859; Leonidas b. 1840 and Eugene b. March 10, 1841, died; Wil- lard Lycurgus b. March 8, 1842, m. Sarah A. Bowyer April 15, 1865, m. Flora Lewis Mousley; Almira b. 1846, and Helen b. Feb. 8, 1848, died; Ellen b. Feb. 8, 1848 (first twins born In Utah), m. Henry Smith 1867; William b. 1850, died. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Susan Harvey 1846 (daughter of Joel Harvey and Betsey Bowen). Their child: Susan b. Jan. 25, 1848, m. Benjamin T. DeLong. Member state legislature. Member first quorum seven- ties organized in L. D. S. church; counselor to Daniel Spencer in first organization of town of Salt Lake; member perpetual emigration fund committee; missionary to Scan- dinavia 1851-52. Died and burled at sea Aug. 25, 1852, 80 miles from Hull, Eng. SNOW, WILLARD LTCURGUS (son of Willard Snow and Melvina Harvey). Born March 8, 1842, in Lee Co., Iowa. Married Sarah A. Bowyer April 15, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joshua Bowyer and Maria Wadle, former pio- neer 1860, Josph W. Toung company, latter came to Utah 1874). She was born July 20, 1844, Philadelphia, Pa. Their children: Sarah Ellen b. Jan. 10, 1866, m. Samuel Moore Oct. 18, 1888; Maria b. Dec. 15, 1867, d. infant; Ada May b. Sept. 25, 1869, m. Norman Boyle July 3, 1893; Willard b. Dec. 1, 1871, m. Hulda Holmes June 19, 1903; Minnie Melvina b. Feb. 28, 1874, m. David Bernhisel Dec. 14, 1905; Joseph Raymon b. May 21, 1879; Fannie b. July 21, 1881, m. Doyle Christensen; Mary Elizabeth b. June 1, 1876, m. Andrew J. Day; Lillian b. Dec. 4, 1883, m. Harold Lessinger 1908; Ethel J. b. Dec. 17, 1886, m. Jerald W. Bills March 27, 1907. Married Flora Lewis Mousley April 13, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of William P. Mousley and Elizabeth Craig, former pioneer 1868). She was born Nov. 24, 1856, New- castle, Del. Their children: Frank M. b. March 30, 1876, m. Mary E. Sullivan June 2, 1906; Ernest Leroy b. Nov. 12, 1878, m. Jane Cottrell Feb. 10, 1904; Louis Henry b. April 10, 1880, m. Hazel Poulsen Oct. 12, 1910; Alice b. Dec. 24, 1881, m. Roy T. Fitzgerald Dec. 10, 1909; Flora b. Sept. 16, 1884, m. Charles Cox Jan. 4, 1909; Eva b. Jan. 14, 1890, died; Emma b. July 9, 1891; Althia b. Nov. 19, 1895; Nellie lone b. May 30, 1899. Families resided Draper, Utah. Member old folks' stake committee 10 years and one of the central committee of the Draper ward of the old folks' committee. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. SNOW, FRANK M. (son of Willard Lycurgus Snow and Flora Lewis Mousley). Born March 30, 1876. Married Mary E. Sullivan June 2, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of David D. Sullivan, pioneer December, 1865, and Caroline C. Calkins, pioneer 1852). Their only child was Mary Helen b. May 11, 1907. Family home Turner, Idaho. Missionary to eastern states 1901-03; assistant Sunday school superintendent Grace ward 1907; bishop of Turner ward May 23, 1910. SNOW, WILLIAM (son of Levl Snow of St. Johnsbury, Vt.). Born Dec. 14, 1806, St. Johnsbury. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1850, at head of own company. Married Hannah Miles Sept. 21, 1832, Charleston, Vt., who died March 30, 1841. Their children: Levi b. June 1834, d. infant; Lucina b. Feb. 1835, died; Abigail D. b. Nov. 6, 1847. Married Lydla Adams in August, 1842, who died Jan. 9, 1847. Their children: Sarah H. b. July 28, 1843; Levi Wil- liam b. July 1846, d. infant. Married Sally Adams in January, 1846 at Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of James Adams and Elizabeth Leavitt, former pioneer 1852). She was born May 29, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Julia M. b. Feb. 20, 1849, m. Joseph D. Cox Jan. 1, 1867; Sarah S. b. March 4, 1852, m. George Forsyth Oct. 31, 1870; Emma L. b. July 6. 1856, m. Harrison J. Burgess Nov. 17, 1874; Chloe L. b. Jan. 12, 1859, m. Royal J. Gardner Nov. 22, 1876; Lucy A. b. March 25, 1861, m. Reuben Gardner Dec. 10, 1879; Marlette b. Oct. 14, 1863, m. H. Osro Gardner Dec. 28, 1883; William J. b. April 19, 1869, m. Hattle Marie Thornton May 10, 1899. Family resided Salt Lake City, Lehl and Pine Valley, Utah. Married Jane Maria Shearer Oct.' 13, 1850, Salt Lake City. Their children: William, Jr., b. Aug. 28, 1851- Maria S. b. Feb. 25, 1853, m. W. B. Sargent; Mary L. b. Jan. 3, 1860, m. James Rencher; Mason L. b. Jan. 27, 1862, m. Betty Mason. Married Ann Rogers March 12, 1853, Salt Lake City. Their children: Willard, m. Melissa Meeks; Celestia, m. John A. Gardner; Jeter, m. Alice Gardner; Charles, m. Sarah May Coleman; Frank, m. Effle M. Harrison; Bernella E., m. R. B. Gardner; Orrin H., Ella M. Burgess, m. Vilo Redd; George. Family home Pine Valley, Utah. Married Roxana Leavitt March 12, 1853, Salt Lake City. Their children: John L., m. Anne Eastmond; Melissa, m. Jacob Greenwood. Member territorial legislature at Fillmore several ses- sions; probate judge of Washington county. Bishop of Pine Valley ward 1867-79. SNOW, WILLIAM J. (son of William Snow and Sally Adams). Born April 19, 1869, Lehi, Utah. Married Hattie Marie Thornton May 10, 1899, St. George, Utah (daughter of Amos G. Thornton and Mary Whittaker, the former pioneer 1852, latter 1851). She was born Dec 2, 1875. Their children: William J., Jr.; Emma; Ronald Thornton; Claud Shipley. Family home, Provo. Associate professor of history in Brigham Young Uni- versity, Provo. Justice of peace and superintendent of schools of Washington county; school teacher. Superintend- ent Sunday schools; missionary to eastern states 1899-1901. President Y. M. M. I. A. SNOWBALL, RALPH. Born July 26, 1844, England. Came to Utah 1853. Married Jane Thomas March 18, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas F. Thomas of Merthyr Tydfll, Wales, pioneer 1853). She was born May 7, 1848, in Wales. Their children: Mary Jane, m. Franklin Harper Pickering; Julia, m. William Ringwood; Ralph, m. Estella Woolley; John, m. Mary Peterson; Thomas, m. Louise Snyder; Maud Eliza, m. Thomas Hadder; Nettie May, m. John S. Ferrington; Estella Harriet, m. Francis A. Vincent; Pearl, d. infant; James; Bird, m. Chester C. Zinger. Elder. Veteran Black Hawk war. Teamster. Died June 13, 1908, Salt Lake City. SNYDER, GEORGE G. (son of Isaac Snyder and Lovisa Comstock) Born June 12, 1819, Jefferson county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1849. Married Sarah Hatch (daughter of Wilden Hatch of Nauvoo, 111., pioneer I860). She was born Nov. 2, 1820. Their children: Robert and Parley Pratt, died; Emily, m. Orvil Thompson; Lucy, m. William Tanner; George W., died; Lovisa, m. Charles M. Alexander; Wesley, Sarah and Isaac, latter three died. Married Elsie Jacobs In 1852 at Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Norton Jacobs). Their children: Wilson, m. Sypha Brown; m. Lizzie Wells; Cora, m. George Evans; Norton and Maryette, died; Grant, m. Evelyn Kenney; Bismarck, m. Maraynette Snell. Married Caroline Kylfoyl In 1856, Salt Lake City. Their children: Orilla; Luna, m. Brigham Bowman; Frank Richards, m. Nina Williams; Olive, died; Zina, m. Murry Shepard; Giddian, m. Pearl Wilkinson; May, died; Brigham, m. Ester Carrol; Horace Greeley, m. Ada Sylvester; Croyton Chambers. Married Martha Kylfoyl. Their children: Louis, m. Jen- nette Gray; Nellie, m. Edward Thiriot; Willard, m. Dora Walker. Married Roda Orchard. Their children: Lillie, m. Edward Evans; Sylva, m. Chance McMendrick; Kimball, m. Lovisa Hamilton; Sherman; Ruby, m. Mr. Brown; Rose, m. Mr. De Workman. Families resided Park City, Utah. Bishop of Wanship, Utah, many years; missionary to Eng- land 1858-59. Probate judge number of years. Stockraiser. Died March 11, 1887. SNYDER, JAMES C. (son of Henry Snyder and Elizabeth Tartar of Roxbury, Pa.). Born Jan. 8, 1820, Philadelphia, Pa. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1861, Milo Andrus independent oxteam company. Married Mary Ann Onimus April 22, 1846, at Philadelphia (daughter of Mathias Onimus and Mary Magdaline Develln of Philadelphia). She was born Aug. 14, 1821, and died June 12, 1851. Only child: Edward C. b. Oct. 22, 1861, d. July 29, 1852. Family home, Philadelphia. Married Jane B. Forsyth Sept. 14, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of John I. Forsyth and Sarah F. Barker of Carlisle, Cumberland, Eng., pioneers Sept. 11, 1861, Milo Andrus inde- pendent oxteam company). She was born April 29, 1842. Their children: Mary E. b. Aug. 17, 1862, d. Aug. 28, 1864; Sarah Jane b. Nov. 30, 1864, m. Graham L. Daley; James Edwin b. March 7, 1867, m. Leila Meacham; Simon F. b. June 13, 1869, m. Edith Wall; John Forsyth b. April 27, 1872, m. Martha Rosetta Fausett; Theodore A. b. April 21, 1876, m. Aurelia Clyde. Family home Provo, Utah. Secretary and treasurer branch, Philadelphia, Pa.; elder; member 62nd quorum seventies. By request of Brigham Young he planned and staked out meeting- houses and public buildings; planned main canal on Provo bench. Archi- tect and builder. Died Aug. 1, 1906. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1175 SNTDER, JOHN FORSTTH (son of James C. Snyder and Jane B. Forsyth). Born April 27, 1872, Provo, Utah. Married Martha Rosetta Fausett Dec. 16, 1901, Provo (daughter of Joseph Smith Fausett and Rosetta Glazier of Hancock county, 111., and Call county, Mo., pioneers 1854, Alexander Stevens oxteam company). She was born Oct. 27, 1873. Their children: James Clyde b. Sept. 16, 1902, died; Claud F. b. July 26, 1904. Family home, Provo. Counselor in elders quorum; block teacher. Carpenter and mining engineer. . SNYDER, MARTIN L. (son of Henry Snyder and Elizabeth Tartar of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born at Philadelphia. Came to Utah in September, 1856, oxteam company. Married Lydia C. Teager at Philadelphia. Their chil- dren: Jacob; James Henry, m. Mary E. Hoover, m. Ellen Barton; John G., m. Pearl D. . Family home Provo, Utah. Member 46th quorum seventies. Carpenter and farmer. Died March 2, 1892. SNTDER, JAMES HENRY (son of Martin L. Snyder and Lydla C. Teager). Born Feb. 14, 1857, Provo, Utah. Married Mary E. Hoover at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Whitmar Hoover and Mary Elizabeth Corsa of Penn- sylvania). She was born May 1, 1859, Springville, Utah. Their children: James Whitmer, m. Natalia Leveridge; Martin Leslie, died; Florence Maud, m. George A. Christen- sen; Elvin, m. Elizabeth Wright; Mary E.; Waldo, died; Karl. Family home, Provo. Married Ellen Barton March 6, 1912, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Fleming Barton and Ann Rigby of Deane, Lancastershire, Eng.; came to Utah July 18, 1879). She was born Oct. 11, 1867. Member 45th quorum seventies; missionary to eastern states 1903-05; counselor T. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school, ward and block teacher; bishop's counselor. Carpenter; contractor and builder. SNYDER, ROBERT (son of Jacob Snyder and Hannah Anderson of Red Bank, N. J.). Born March 6, 1910, Red Bank. Came to Utah 1848, Brigham Toung company. Married Almeda Melissa Livermore April 3, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Benjamin and Matilda Livermore of Ver- mont). She was born Sept. 20, 1815, and died April 8, 1896, Payson, Utah. Their children: Mary Ann, m. John Fosgren; Gideon and Samuel Hyrum, both died; Hannah Matilda (died), m. John A. Powell; Robert A., m. Sarah Lusina Curtis Feb. 10, 1881. High priest; member Nauvoo legion. Early settler of Payson and Provo, Utah. Gardener. Died Dec. 26, 1901, Payson. SNTDER, ROBERT A. (son of Robert Snyder and Almeda Melissa Livermore). Born March 23, 1854, Payson, Utah. Married Sarah Lusina Curtis Feb. 10, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lyman Curtis and Sarah Wells Hartley of Salem, Mass., pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Toung com- pany). She was born May 22, 1863. Their children: Sarah M b Jan. 21, 1882, m. David S. Anderson; Robert W. b. June 22, 1883, m. Elva Hill; Iris V. b. Jan. 29, 1885, m. William L. Jesspn; Royal C. b. April 12, 1886, m. Mary E. Tidwell- Ethel R. b. Oct. 8, 1887; Carlottie b. Jan. 2, 1890, m. John Baptiste; Litlzzette Lilly b. Aug. 22, 1891; Mabel b. May 26, 1893; Lizzie b. Jan. 12, 1895; Asa Lyman b. Nov. 4, 1896- Edwin C. b. Sept. 27, 1898; Frank L. b. Dec. 9, 1901; Albert b. Jan. 28, 1904, d. March 11, 1905; Agnes G. b. Feb. High 'priest; bishop's counselor; assistant superintendent Sunday school. School trustee; road supervisor. Farmer and stockraiser. SNYDER, SAMTTEli COMSTOCK (son of Isaac Snyder and Lovisa Comstock of New Tork). Born Feb. 14, 1808, New Tork Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1848, Willard and Lev! Richards company. Levl came as far as Winter Quarters, and from there departed on a mission to England. Married Henrietta Maria Stockwell in March, 1826, In New Tork (daughter of Ephraim Stockwell of New Tork, pioneer 1848 Willard and Levl Richards company). She was born Sept 4, 1810. Their children: Parmelia, m. Meltiar Hatch; Betsy Ann, m. Jesse Johnson; Ephraim Stockwell, m. Susan- nah Fullmer; Amy, m. John Brown; Jane S., m. James Dickinson; Laura, m. Franklin D. Richards; Goerge, d. aged 11 years; Mary Ann, m. Hyrum Williams; Isaac, d. aged 51 years; Henrietta M., m. William Page; Robert H., m. Mary Jacobs Family resided Salt Lake City and Ashley, Utah. Seventy at Salt Lake City. Bought claim of Parley's Park from Parley P. Pratt, where he established first saw mill In Utah- also established grist mill at same place, and another In 19th ward, Salt Lake City; established turning and lathing machine at Parley's Park. He had to scatter the lumber, sawed at his mill in Parley's Park, over the field to prevent the Indians from burning it. Built the first road through Parley's Canyon to Park City. Farmer, stock- raiser and sheep man. Died April 8, 1866, Salt Lake City. SNTDER, EPHRAIM STOCKWELL (son of Samuel Comstock Snyder and Henrietta Maria Stockwell). Born Oct. 27, 1831, New Tork. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1848, with father. Married Susannah Fullmer Oct. 27, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Fullmer and Rhoda Ann Marvin), who was born Nov. 25, 1844, Nauvoo, 111., and came to Utah Oct. 14 1860, with parents. Their children: Ephraim George b. Nov. 17, 1862, m. Lou Lillian Ashcraft; Sextus Fullmer b. March 24, 1866, m. Mary Peterson Dec. 24, 1887; David Stock- well b. April 1, 1867; Rhoda Mariah b. July 6, 1869, m. Orlando Johnson; Bertran Octavius b. March 16, 1872, m. Isabell Dennis; Robert Wesley b. April 14, 1874, d. Infant; Wealthy b. Aug. 15, 1875, m. William J. Wabel; Wilford Woodruff b. May 2, 1878, m. Rose Lincoln; Susannah Pearl b. April 29, 1880; Amy Elvira b. Feb. 3, 1883, d. aged 2 years; Don Vernon Eugene b. July 30, 1886. Married Elizabeth McNaughton June 20, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of James William McNaughton and Elizabeth Shaw, former came to Utah, later died in Scotland). She was born Oct. 2, 1847. Their children: James William Mc- Naughton b. Nov. 25, 1864, m. Isabel Blaisdell; Amelia Eliza- beth b. Oct. 26, 1866, m. Elijah Chapman; Isaac Lorenzo b. Feb. 7, 1869, m. Sarah Stewart; Lucy Thompson b. Nov. 24, 1870, m. Theodore Johnson; Samuel b. Oct. 25, 1872, m. Eliza- beth ; Benjamin Comstock b. Dec. 11, 1874, m. Mitt Max- well; Miriam b. Dec. 14, 1879, d. aged 6 years; Gilla Ann b. April 29, 1882; Newell K. Whitney b. Feb. 9, 1886, m. Kate Tribley. Families resided Parley's Park, Utah. Seventy; presiding elder of Parley's Park. Sent team to Missouri river with provisions for poor immigrants. Minute- man during Indian troubles. While on trip to Fort Bridger, Wyo., he was often forced to keep the mules moving all night so they would not freeze to death; they had eaten the blankets off one another because of scarcity of food. Died Oct. 11, 1905, Parley's Park, Utah. SOLOMON, WILLIAM H. Born Feb. 6, 1828, Truro, Corn- wall, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1862, John R. Murdock company. Married Elizabeth H. Drew Oct. 13, 1851, In Truro, who was born Nov. 14, 1825. Their children: Elizabeth E., m. Samuel J. Brown; Mary Louisa, m. Alfred Solomon; William, d. aged 2; William H., d. child; Hilda, m. James H. Lewis; Ellen A., d. infant; Edwin D., m. Effle Knight, m. Elnora Jennings; Eliza, d. aged 16 months. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy; patriarch. Farmer and stockraiser; shoemaker. SOMERVILLE, WILLIAM (son of Andrew Somerville and Margaret Fuller of Lanarkshire, Scotland). Born April 4, 1817, near Lanark, Lanarkshire. Came to Utah 1852, O. M. Allen company. Married Eliza Smith Feb. 3, 1847, Keg Creek, (daugh- ter of Walter Smith and Mary Trunkey of Vernon, Trum- bull Co., Ohio). She was born Feb. 18, 1816. Their children: Mary; Eliza; Margaret, m. James Jerman; William, m. Rosannah Stewart; Sarah, m. Orson Williams; Emma, m. George W. McConkie. Family resided Spanish Fork and Mona, Utah. Member 6th quorum seventies; missionary to Canada 1842-43. Farmer and stockraiser. Died April 26, 1878, Mona, Utah. SONNEDECKER, N. W, (son of Josephus Sonnedecker and Sophia Peters of Ohio). Born Dec. 16, 1855, Ohio. Came to Utah Nov. 1, 1891. Married Fannie H. Rivers Jan. 15, 1889, Kendall, Kan. (daughter of Albert L. Rivers and Martha C. Myers, who came to Utah in 1890). She was born Dec. 9. 1866. Their children: Josephine Alberta; Helen Louise; Martha; Ada. Family home, Salt Lake City. Attorney-at-law. SORENSEN, MADS. Born March 29, 1830, at Vive, Aal- borg, Denmark. Came to Utah July, 1874. Married Kirsten Larson, who was born March 8, 1827, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Soren Chris- tian b. Jan. 14, 1854, d. infant; Jacob b. Feb. 15, 1854; Nels Miller b. Sept. 23, 1857; Soren Christian b. Feb. 16, 1 Sine b Sept. 16, 1861; Hans Christian b. Nov. 30, 1864; Kirsten Maria b. Jan. 12, 1868; Eliza b. Jan. 5, 1871. SORENSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN (son of Mads Sorensen and Kirsten Larson). Born Nov. 30, 1864, Dastrup, Aalborg al Marrled na Mirandla Esplin March 18, 1890, St. George, Utah (daughter of John Esplin and Margret Webster), who was born Jan. 25, 1873, Mt. Carmel, Utah. Their chil- dren: Binnie H. b. Jan. 25, 1891; Kirsten b. Jan 20 1892; Evelen b. Feb. 3, 1893; David b. April 23, 1895; Earl John b. June 8, 1897; Loyd b. Nov. 13, 1900; Marie b. Oct 26, 1903; Vilate b. Sept. 22, 1905; Joseph b. June 26, 1 y May 21. 1887. to Aug. 13. 1889; bishop of Mt. Carmel ward since Aug. 15, 1900. SORENSEN, PETER (son of Nlcolal Sorensen and Malena Olsen). Born Oct. 10, 1832. Came to Utah with father, Cap- ta Marrled e Rlkk mP Andersen Oct. 17, 1857, who was born Feb. 14 1835. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1857, Mathias Cowley company. Their children: Peter Andrew b. Sept. 1858; Wil- lard b. May 9, 1860, m. Agnes Duncan; Marie b. Oct. 18, 1863, m. D. B. Richards; Carrie M. b. Sept. 11, 1865, m. Matthew M. Forster; George N. b. April 28, 1867; Rebecca 1176 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH b. Dec. 23, 1869, m. Peter Hansen; Philip b. Nov. 5, 1871, m. Maria Bird; Anna M. b. Dec. 13, 1873. Family home Mendon, Cache Co., Utah. Prominent in church affairs in the Mendon ward. Died Oct. 21, 1874. SORENSEN, PETER ANDREW (son of Peter Sorensen and Rikke Anderson). Born Sept. 12, 1858. Missionary to Norway 1899-1901; member of high council of Hyrum stake of Zion 1901-10. Mayor of Mendon City lor twelve years; school trustee. SORENSEN, NICOLAI (son of Soren Abrahamsen, born In 1762 at Fjenneslov [his mother was born July 6, 1764, at Soro], Soro amt, Denmark). He was born June 23, 1799, at Fjenneslov. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1857, Mathias Cow- ley company. Married Malene Olsen July 6, 1830 (daughter of Ole Peder- sen and Ingeborg Sorensen, Fjenneslov, Soro amt, Denmark; came to Utah Sept. 15, 1857, Mathias Cowley company). She was born March 21, 1807, died March 30, 1887. Their children: Cathrine Sophie b. May 7, 1831, m. Andrew Ander- sen 1857; Peter Sorensen b. Oct. 10, 1832, m. Rikke Ander- sen Oct. 17, 1857; Soren b. April 24, 1834, d. 1846; Christine b. Jan. 18, 1836, m. James H. Hill 1859; Abraham b. Nov. 18, 1837, m. Mary Jensen 1858; Isaac b. Feb. 24, 1840, m. Mary Jacobsen 1869; Mary or Marie b. June 25, 1843, m. William H. Hill 1859; Jacob b. Sept. 29, 1844, m. Susan Hancock; Christian b. Dec. 1, 1846, m. Jennie Hill and Caro- line Halverson; Henry b. May 21, 1851, m. Marie Ander- sen; Seng b. March 2, 1854, m. A. H. Richards. Settled at Mill Creek, Utah at the time of the great "move" south; went to Pondtown (Salem), Utah. Pioneer to Cache county 1859. High priest. Mechanic; farmer. Died March 30, 1887, and buried with wife in one grave. SORENSEN, ISAAC (son of Nicolai Sorensen and Malene Olsen). Born Feb. 24, 1840, Hangerup, Soro amt, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Captain Cowley company. Married Mary Jacobsen Nov. 15. 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Christensen and Bertha Hansen; came to Utah 1862. Captain Llljenquist company). She was born May 18, 1850. Their children: William Isaac b. Sept. 19, 1870, m. Rhoda Key Feb. 16, 1898; Malene b. Sept. 23, 1872, m. David Hill Oct. 11, 1900; Hannah S. b. Sept. 20, 1874, m. Herbert Whitney Dec. 14, 1898; Bertha b. Dec. 7, 1876, m. Alexander Buest Feb. 1, 1906; Alma b. March 3, 1879; Mary Eva b. June 2, 1881, m. John A. Gardner July 19, 1906; Joseph C. b. April 5, 1884, m. Alice Laddie June 22, 1910; Henry C. b. Feb. 6, 1886; Ina b. May 22, 1888; Eulalia b. April 1, 1890; Olive b. Feb. 14, 1894. Missionary to Denmark 1879-81; Sunday school superin- tendent for 40 years; chorister; high councilor. Member of the home militia; took part in the Echo Canyon trouble. City councilman for a number of years; school trustee for 12 years. At the time of the "move" went to Pondtown; In 1859 went to Mendon, Cache Valley, Utah. In 1862 drove oxteam to Florence, Neb. SORENSEN, WILLIAM ISAAC (son of Isaac Sorensen and Mary Jacobsen). Born Sept. 19, 1870, at Mendon. Married Rhoda Key Feb. 16, 1898, Logan Temple (daugh- ter of Thomas Key and Sarah Riley, Rawcliffe, Yorkshire, Eng.). Their children: Alice b. Nov. 23, 1898; Hilda b. April 14, 1900; Rhoda b. Jan. 31, 1903; Isaac b. Jan. 24, 1905; Thomas Key, b. Oct. 17, 1909. Family home Mendon, Cache county. Member high priest quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1894-96; Sunday school superintendent. Deputy assessor several times; mayor four years; recorder number of years. Farmer and mechanic. Daniel Pack 1910; Mina D. b. Aug. 29, 1891; Archie T. b. Aug. 18, 1892; Ethel E. b. June 2, 1899. Family home Neely. Idaho. Member high priests' quorum seventies; missionary to southern Utah 1872-74; Sunday school superintendent. Jus- tice of the peace. Farmer; miner. SORENSON, KNUD (son of Soren Madsen and Ann Mads- daughter of Denmark). Born June 23, 1817, Gislum, Den- mark. Came to Utah October, 1862. Married Mette C. Jensen Feb. 25, 1849 (daughter of Mads H. Sorenson and Johanna Dahlsdaughter), who was born Nov. 11, 1827. Their children: Ann b. Dec. 22, 1849, m. Bartlett Nielsen Sept. 1863; Johannah b. Nov. 29, 1855. m. Erick Nielsen, spring 1873; James b. Jan. 28, 1858, m. Ane F. Thompson April 28, 1881; Electric Sophia b. May 31, 1862, m. Charley Christisen; Soren b. Oct. 10, 1864, m. Mary J. Butler. Mason; plasterer; farmer. SORENSON, JAMES (son of Knud Sorenson and Mette C. Jensen). Born Jan. 28, 1858, Aardestrup, Denmark. Came to Utah October, 1862. Married Annie F. Thompson April 28, 1881 (daughter of Anders Thompson and Mary Ann Jenson), who was born June 1, 1861. Their children: James b. Dec. 23, 1881, m. Erne E. Nelson Oct. 18, 1905; Hannah Almira b. July 31, 1883, m. George Boice March 7, 1906; Annie Elnora b. Sept. 11, 1885, m. William H. Nelson Dec. 18, 1901; Mary Ana b. Jan. 4, 1888, m. David H. James Oct. 18, 1909. Railroad man; farmer. SORENSON, JAMES JR. (son of James Sorenson and Anni P. Thompson). Born Dec. 23, 1881, Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Erne E. Nelson Oct. 18, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew V. Nelson and Harriet E. Hales), who was born Jan. 16, 1887. Their children: Harriet Eliza b. Aug. 15, 1906; Mary Annie, b. Nov. 19, 1907; James Andraw b. Oct. 29, 1909. Sunday school teacher in theological department 1900-OZ; assistant Sunday school superintendent Palmyra. 1902-07. Railroadman. Farmer. SORENSON, JUMtTS (son of Peter Olson and Bodll Kir- stine Larsen of Denmark; latter born Feb. 4, 1829, Haars- lev, Odense amt, Fyen, Denmark). He was born Dec. 25, 1854, Odense. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, Peter Nebeker company. Married Hannah Ackerman, Sovestad, Sweden (daughter of Ole Ackerman and Ingra Jensen), who was born Nov. 27, 1859, in Sweden. Their children: Orson Julius b. Sept. 19, 1881; Lovina Christine b. Dec. 30, 1883; William Gilbert b. Oct. 17, 1886; Anna Laura b, Nov. 16, 1889. Married Caroline Christensen Feb. 20, 1896, Logan. Utah (daughter of Nels Peter Christensen and Martha M. Jen- son of Wellinlo, Hjorring amt, Denmark; former pioneer 1867). She was born Sept. 19, 1876, Bear River City, Utah. Their children: Mary C. b. May 11, 1897; Hannah Violia b. July 17, 1900; Alonzo Julius b. June 4, 1902; Alma Peter b. Jan. 5, 1905; Elva Myrtle b. July 4, 1907; Ellas Herbert b. Feb. 12, 1911. Families resided Hyrum, Utah. Elder. SORENSON, WILLIAM GILBERT (son of Julius Sorenson and Hannah Ackerman). Born Oct. 17, 1886, Hyrum, Utah. Married Florence James in 1906 at Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of David James and Fannie Webb), who was born at Paradise, Utah. Their children: Fannie; Harold. SORENSEN, PETER HANSON (son of Soren Monson and Anna Maria Peterson). Born Aug. 14, 1809, Bornholm, Denmark. Came to Utah in September, 1857. Married Anna Maria Peterson (daughter of Ole Peter- Bon of Bornholm). Their children: Maria Caroline, m. Christian Grice Larsen; Peter, died. Family home Ephraim, San Pete Co., Utah. Died at Ephraim. SORENSEN, RASMUS (son of Soren Rasmussen and Maren Sorensen of Ilanders, Denmark). Born Jan. 26, 1817, Sjael- land, Denmark. Came to Utah in 1863, C. C. Rich company. Married Maren Chresteson of Denmark. Their chil- dren- James Julius b. Jan. 28, 1854, m. Elizabeth Byington 1878- Erick b. Dec. 26, 1856, m. Hannah Oleson 1878; Anna Maria b. 1858, d. 1880; Christian b. 1863, m. Jeneta Boringor; Inoch, died. Family home Brigham City, Utah. SORENSEN, JAMES J. (son of Rasmus Sorensen and Maren Chresteson). Born Jan. 28, 1854, in Sjaelland, Den- mark. Came to Utah with father. Married Elizabeth Byington Dec. 9, 1878, Richmond, Utah (daughter of Joseph H. Byington and Nancy M. Avery of Oxford, Idaho, pioneers 1847, Heber C. Klmball company). She was born June 27, 1861. Their children: L. L. b. Sept. 11, 1882, m. Effie Ellis Aug. 14, 1906; James W. b. Aug. 29. 1885. m. Haisel Rudeen 1910; Millie A. b. Aug. 15, 1888, m. Frank Moench Sept. 20, 1907; Ina D. b. Aug. 1890, m. SORENSON, MARTIN (son of Soren Mortensen and Met* Maria Rasmussen of Thorslunde Bye, Holbek amt, Den- mark). Born Oct. 31, 1831, at Thornslunde. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Christiansen handcart company. Married Christena Wicklund July 19, 1862 (daughter of Olof Wicklund and Ella Johnson married 1846, Firilla parish, Sweden, pioneers Nov. 15, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company). She was born Feb. 5, 1848, and came to Utah with parents. Their ch'ldren: Ellen C. b. March 28, 1866, m. William Moon Dec. 12, 1892; Martha Maria b. Nov. 15, 1868, m. Orson Hutchinson Dec. 5, 1889; Amanda Clara b. Jan. 5, 1876, m. William Bertleson Nov. 6, 1901; Ida V. b. Feb. 15, 1878, m. Martin Christiansen April 26, 1899; Nels M. b. March 19, 1882, m. Laura Winget May 1, 1912; Lionel W. b. April 6, 1885, m. Clara Larsen Jan. 17, 1905; Ethel M. b. May 16, 1888, m. Lev! Mortensen Oct. 2, 1907. soi'i.n, EMORY WATSON (son of Isaac Soule, born 1796. Bangor. Me., died 1874, and Elizabeth Harrison Smith of Ottobine, Rockingham county, Va., born 1805, Harrisburg. Pa., died 1876). He was born In 1836 in Ottobine. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1859, independent company. Married Mary Elizabeth Secrist April 12, 1864, Farming- ton, Utah (daughter of Jacob F. Secrist and Ann Eliza Logan of Farmington, pioneers 1847). She was born Jan. 15, 1848. Their children: Emory Moroni, died; Annie Lucretia; Orson Pratt, m. Hannah Hanson; Henry Watson, m. Alice Steed; Lawrence Jacob; Frank LeRoy, m. Mary Ann Christensen; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1177 Eva Louisa, m. Horace Van Fleet; Mae Elizabeth, m. Herbert Sturdefant; Hugh Logan, died; Grant Wirt. High priest; missionary to southern states 1882. Justice of peace. Farmer. SOUTH, JOHN (son of William South and Marguerite Buins of England). Born Aug. 31, 1836, Bluetown, Kent, Ens- Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1865. Captain Walker company. Married Kate Thurgood April 20, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Thurgood and Catherine Jenkins of Tirling, Essex, Eng., pioneers Oct. 1867, William Godbe company). She was born April 2, 1846. Their children: John William, d. child; Amelia, d. aged 20; Marguerite Burns, m. Albert Van Cott; Eleanor, m. John Danvers; Jessie, m. Thomas Bytheway; Sarah Ann, d. child; Samuel, d. child; Kate, m. George McDonald. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1879-80; member 30th quorum seventies; ordained priest Aug. 18, 1860; elder; ward clerk; Sunday school clerk. Veteran Black Hawk war 1866. Book- keeper and salesman. BOWLES, MELV1N B. (son of Stephen B. Sowles and Lurancy Reynolds, of Alburg, Vt.). Born May 27, 1844, Alburg, Vt. Came to Utah Dec. 25, 1876. Married Clara L. Bowen July 31, 1873, Moira, Franklin county, N. Y. (daughter of Nason C. Bowen and Clarissa Stevens, of New York). She was born Oct. 13, 1861. Their children: Arthur N., died; Myra, m. G. H. Roberts; Melvin H. m. Constance Dininny; Lewis W., m. Mary Halloran; Clara, m. Forrest Walden; Ruth L. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member of city council; member of state board of equaliza- tion; member of agricultural college board; general manager of Utah Nursery Co.; member of state board of correction eight years. 8PAPFORD, WILLIAM NELSON (son of Horace Spafford and Martha Stiles). Born Jan. 23, 1827, In Canada. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Emma M. Johnson (daughter of Aaron Johnson and Polly Zerviah Kelsey), who was born Sept. 13, 1836, at Haddam, Conn, (deceased). Their children: Minerva Z. ; Emma M.; Azalia M.; William N.; Lillian T.; Horace; Willis K.; Laura; Weltha; Con C.; Ida LaPrele. Came to Utah 1850, settled at Springville, Utah. Served in the Mexican war 1849. Now dead. SPAFFORD, WILLIAM N. (son of William Nelson Spafford and Emma M. Johnson). Born May 26, 1859, at Springville, Utah. Married Estella Huntsman Sept. 4, 1880, Richfield, Utah (daughter of Isaiah Huntsman and Rebecca Ames). Their children: Emma; William Earl; Estella R.; Azalia M.; Elmer; Carl Y.; Willis I.; Vera M. Family home Annabella, Utah. Bishop's counselor for 26 years. Game warden of Sevier county. SPAFFORD, WILLIS K. (son of William Nelson Spafford and Emma M. Johnson). Born May 17, 1866, at Springville, Utah. Married Ann E. Stubbs Jan. 7, 1891, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of Peter Stubbs and Ann Wride). Their children: Willis Earl; Annie; Marie; Emma; Harold S.; Reed; Jesse White; Louise. Family home Prove, Utah. Second counselor to Bishop O. H. Berg, First ward, Provo. Has been associated with Reed Smoot for 20 years in coal business. SPARKS, ALFRED (son of George Sparks and Hannah Lake of England). Born March 7, 1835, at Hollow, Worcester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah In 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Jane Ann Fowler Jan. 30, 1853, while crossing the Atlantic (daughter of Samuel Fowler and Ann Linton of Baughton, Worcestershire, Eng., and who came to Utah In 1877). She was born Nov. 27, 1835. Their children: George S. b. Sept. 29, 1854, m. Matilda Mary Price Sept. 29, 1876; Alfred W. b. Jan. 21, 1857, m. Sarah J. Grimmett Aug. 21, 1878; Mary Ann b. Feb. 6, 1859, m. W. H. Bird Oct. 11, 1875; Thomas F. b. April 7. 1861, m. Elisa J. Wilcox Oct. 16, 1884; Laura J. b. fiept. 9, 1863, d. infant; Alice M. b. Nov. 21, 1866. m. George Cook Oct. II, 1883; John H. b. Feb. 20, 1870. m. Heneretta Dayton Oct. 24, 1890; Caroline H. b. Feb. 17, 1872, m. J. Henry Dayton Oci. 24, 1890; Ann b. March 1, 1867, d. infant. Married Ruth Slater March 14, 1863. at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Slater, who came to Utah with William Tapscott company). She was born Jan. 4, 1838, at Bedford- shire, Eng. Their children: James H. b. Sept. 21, 1866, m. Rose Nate Oct. 3, 1888; Hannah b. March 28, 1864, m. Thomas Lindiay; Frances b. May 17, 1869. m. Frank Smedley Oct. 1. 1888; Joseph b. May 17, 1869; William b. Aug. 13, 1870: Henry b. June 11, 1872. Families resided Salt Lake City, Fort Herriman, Lehi, Utah, and Paris and Dingle, Idaho. Elder and ward teacher. Veteran Echo Canyon war. School trustee. President Dingle Irrigation Co. SPARKS, GEORGE SAMUEL (son of Alfred Sparks and Jane Ann Fowler). Born Sept. 29, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Matilda Price Sept. 25, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Price and Matilda Kelsey), who was born Jan. 4, 1866, St. Joseph, Ariz. Their children: Bertran b. Aug. 29, 1879, m. Luella Dlmmick Oct. 22, 1906; Beatrice b. Aug. 29, 1879, died; Sarah I. b. March 8, 1881, m. Elina Dayton; John A. b. June 8, 1883. died; George H. b. Dec. 31, 1884, m. Myrtle Cook April 24, 1906; Rose Annie b. March 19, 1887, died; Caddia A. b. June 24, 1889, m. Grantley Wilcox; Alice G. b. Sept. 2, 1893, m. Cornell Nate Sept. 28, 1911; Magdeline b. July 8, 1897; Margery F. b. Sept. 25, 1899. SPACLDING, IRA N. (son of Stephen Spaulding and Susan Drake of Uinta, Utah). Born December, 1808. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Elizabeth Morris 1830, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, who was born 1815. Their children: Eli D., m. Eliza Wards- worth; Lucinda, m. George L. Corey; Ida S., m. Phoebe France; Stephen, m. Rhoda Nichols; Julius C., m. Lotta Nichols; Nathan. Family home Uinta, Utah. Married Elizabeth Wright 1855, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Silas Wright of Michigan). She was born Sept. 6, 1818. Their children: Ira, m. Rebecca Stimpson; Israel, m. Joseph Russell. Missionary to Ohio 1871-72; bishop of Mt. Green ten years and at Uinta until death. Farmer. Died Dec. 21, 1883. SPAULDING, IRA (son of Ira N. Spaulding and Elizabeth Wright). Born Aug. 6, 1856, Uinta, Utah. Married Rebecca Stimpson Nov. 28, 1879, Ogden, Utah (daughter of William Stimpson and Edna Hinscliff of River- dale, Utah, pioneers handcart company). She was born Feb. 24, 1861. Their children: Coral b. Aug. 31, 1881; Alta b. June 30, 1884, m. William Bowman; Ruby b. June 30, 1887, m. J. C. Hutchins; Lula b. April 30, 1890, m. Robert Loper; Lloyd b. April 6, 1897. Family home Birch Creek, Utah. Foreman Utah Construction Co. SPAULDING, CORAL (son of Ira Spaulding and Rebecca Stimpson). Born Aug. 31, 1881, Uinta. Utah. Machinist. SPEIRS, GEORGX2 (son of William Speirs, born Nov. 16, 1788, at Tarbolton, Ayrshire, Scotland, and Agnes Tomson, born July 18, 1787, at Kilmarnock, Ayrshire). He was born Jan. 6, 1827, Tarbolton, Ayrshire. Scotland. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860, J. E. Murphy company. Married Janet Lyon 1848 (daughter of John Lyon and Janet Thomson, Kilmarnoek, Ayrshire), who came to Utah with husband. She was born Jan. 5, 1829. Their children: William H. June 19, 1849. m. Mary Walters; Janet b. May 30, 1851, m. William Dunn; John b. Jan. 28, 1853, d. Jan. 29, 1853; Agnes b. June 28, 1804, d. 1864; George b. June 15, 1856, d. 1858; Thomas b. May 31, 1859, m. Ann Bevan; Mary Ann b. Dec. 14, 1861, d. May 12, 1880; Lillias b. Sept. 15, 1863, m. William Tanner; Christinia b. Sept. 1, 1865, m. John Park; Ellen b. June 7, 1867, m. William Stewart; Matthew b. May 6. 1870, m. Maud Hardy. Family resided Salt Lake City and Tooele, Utah. Member 43d quorum seventies; high priest; patriarch. Came to Utah 1860; moved to Tooele 1861. SPEIRS, THOMAS (son of Adam Speirs of Edinburgh, Scot- land). Born July 14, 1804, in Scotland. Came to Utah 1848. Married Mary Cochran Dec. 29, 1829, Pittsburgh, Pa., who was born Sept. 30, 1804. Their children: Adam b. July 7, 1834, m. Charlotte Clark Dec. 3, 1854; Mary, m. John Pen- dleton; George b. Nov. 6, 1837, m. Adeline Harris 1862; Orson, m. Elizabeth Dye; Harrison, m. Bessie Hedger. Family home 10th ward, Salt Lake City. Member seventy. Blacksmith. Died July 8, 1877, Salt Lake City. SPEIRS, ADAM (son of Thomas Speirs and Mary Cochran). Born July 7, 1834. Pittsburgh, Pa. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company. Married Charlotte Clark Dec. 3, 1854, Salt Lake City Endowment House (daughter of John Clark and Mary Noddings of England and Canada, pioneers Sept. 1850). She was born Nov. 12, 1834. Their children: Thomas, d. infant; Mary, m. Gilbert A. McLean; Adam C., m. Alice Alder; George Alfred, m. Ida Baddley; Arthur, d. aged 9; Ernest b. Jan. 10, 1865; Effle, m. George W. Spokes; Edna C., d. aged 7; Edgar Franklin. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; teacher; bishop's counselor; bishop of 21st ward, Salt Lake City. City councilman; police judge at Salt Lake. Indian war veteran. Blacksmith and merchant. Died June 2, 1908, Salt Lake City. SPEIRS, ERNEST (son of Adam Speirs and Charlotte Clark). Born Jan. 10, 1865, Salt Lake City. Deacon. Dealer in merchandise. SPEIRS, GEORGE (son of Thomas Speirs and Mary Coch- ran). Born Nov. 6, 1837, in Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1847. Married Adeline Harris 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Harris of England). Their children: Adeline, m. David Felt; George, m. Minnie Squires; Mary, m. David Rich; Thomas, m. Clara Young; Lucy, m. Clyde Ward; Annie, m. Earnest Gregory; Jessie, m. George Howarth; William H., m. Melissa Cooley. Family home 10th war<3. Salt Lake City. Member seventy; missionary to Sandwich Islands 4 years. Blacksmith. Died March 6, 1911. Salt Lake City. 1178 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH SPEIRS WILLIAM H. (son of George Speirs and Adeline Harris). Born Dec. 26, 1880. Salt Lake City. Married Melissa Cooley March, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Cooley and Jane Jenkins of Brighton ward, Salt Lake). She was born Sept. 18, 1878. Their chil- dren: William Leigh b. Oct. 25, 1901; Adeline Jane b Feb. 3, 1904; Jessie lone b. May 25, 1906. Family home 23d ward, Salt Lake City. Miner and farmer. SPENCER, DAJVIEL, (son of Daniel Spencer and Chloe Wilson). Born July 20, 1794. West Stockbridge, Mass. Came to Utah in September, 1847, captain of his company. Married Emily Thompson of Hartford, Conn. Their chil- dren: Emma, m. Adam S. Patterson: John D., m. Clarissa H. Young; Jared, died; Josephine. Family home, Salt Lake City President Salt Lake stake. Rancher and merchant. Died in December, 1868, Salt Lake City. SPENCER, ORSON (son of Daniel Spencer and Chloe Wil- son). Born March 14, 1802, West Stockbridge, Berkshire county. Mass. Came to Utah 1849, captain of his company. Married Catherine Curtis April 13, 1830 (daughter of Samuel Curtis and Patience Smith, latter died March 12, 1846, Indian Creek, Keosauqua, Iowa). She was born March 21 1811. Their children: Catherine b. Oct. 6, 1831; Ellen b. Nov. 21, 1832, m. Hiram B. Clawson March 18, 1850; Aure- lia b. Oct. 4, 1834, m. Thomas Rogers March 27, 1851; Cather- ine b. Oct. 2. 1836, m. Brigham Young, Jr.. Nov. 15 1855; Howard Orson b. June 16, 1838, m. Louise Cross April, 1860; George Boardman b. Feb. 21, 1840, m. Leonora T. Home Nov. 10, 1867; Lucy b. Oct. 9. 1842, m. George W. Grant Jan. 2, 1867; Chloe b. July 26, 1844. Married Martha Knight. Their children: Martha Emma b. Jan. 30, 1848, m. Samuel Woodward; Albert James b. June 24, 1850; William Collinson b. Dec. 10, 1851, d. aged 1; June Knight b. June 28, 1854, m. Ellsworth Daggett. Married Jane Davis. Their child: Luna Spencer b. Dec. 6, 1856, m. Levin Simons 1873. Family resided West Stock- bridge and Middlefield, Mass., Nauvoo, 111., and other Places. Missionary to Great Britain 1848; to Prussia 1852; to United States 1854. Chancellor University of Deseret 1850. Died Oct. 16, 1855, St. Louis, Mo. SPENCER. GEORGE BOARDMAN (son of Orson Spencer and Catherine Curtis). Born Feb. 21, 1840, at Middlefield, Hampshire county, Mass. , T . Married Leonora Taylor Home Nov. 10. 1867, Salt Lake SPENCER, ISAAC. Born July, 1851, In Iowa. Came to Utah 1875. Married Mary E. Burmingham March 4, 1879, Salt Lake Endowment House (daughter of Thomas Burmingham and Ellen Hook of Bountiful, Utah, pioneers 1860). Their chil- den: Asa L. b. Sept. 23, 1881, d. aged 2; Isaac W. b. Jan. 14, 1883, d. infant; Mary L. b. Jan. 23, 1885, m. Smith Clark; Luella b. July 20, 1887; Clarence b. April 9, 1889, d. infant; Lillie P. b. May 2. 1891, m. Edgar Tuttle; Harvey Earl b. May 2, 1891; Jennie and Glen (twins) b. Dec. 22, 1893; Ralph b. Dec. 16, 1895; Warren E. b. March 31, 1907, d. infant; Vera b. April 2, 1909, d. infant. Missionary to England 1909-11; member 6th quorum elders; Sunday school superintendent; home missionary. Farmer and truck gardener. SPENCER, HARVEY EARL (son of Isaac Spencer and Mary E. Burmingham). Born May 2, 1891, Bountiful, Utah. m. Adeline Horsley Sept. 5. 1900; Joseph Horne b. April 20 1878 m Netta Poulton March 4, 1908; Howard and twin sister, b. Dec. 19, 1880, both d. at birth; Mary Ellen .April 7 1882, d. March 6, 1883; Orson b. Dec. 10, 1883, d! ?an 17. 1888; Herbert Leo b. June 11 1886; Seymour Horne b. July 16, 1888; Edwin b. June 5, 1893. Family resided Salt Lake City, Utah, and Paris, Idaho. Helped settle the Muddy. Missionary to Switzerland 1864-67; alternate high councilor Salt . La *| 7 f ^.J"/^ 1st ward Paris, Idaho. Settled in Idaho 1874. Bear Lake county sheriff several years; probate judge two years county treasurer two terms; road supervisor and school trustee. tjpT^NCFR CLAUDIUS V. (son of Daniel Spencer and ssnu SwtefSsraSffi to Utah Sept. 23, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. SPEIYDLOVE, JOHN. Came to Utah 1863, Daniel D. Mc- Arthur company. Married Elizabeth Harrison. Their children: Alfred, m. Harriet Winspear; John, Jr., m. Mary Davis; Emma, m. John Hinton; Mary, m. George St. Clair; Rebecca; William, m. Lydia Mathews. Family home Virgin City. Utah. Elder; ward and block teacher. Shoemaker. Died Virgin City, Utah. SPENDLOVE, JOHN (son of John Spendlove and Elizabeth Harrison). Born at Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Davis, Birmingham, Eng. (daughter of Benjamin Davis and Elizabeth Brooks of Stackpool Park, Wales). Their children: John Alfred b. Dec. 16, 1864, m. Eleanor Jepson; Lorenzo James b. June 12, 1865, m. Ellen Isom; William W., m. Alice Isom; Arthur D., died; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 16, 1871, m. Nephi J. Workman; Emma A., died; Mary Jane, m. John E. Wright; Clara, died; Fannie, m. John Sanders; Ada, m. Wilson Imley; Walter, m. Nettle Sanders. Family home Virgin City, Utah. Elder; Sunday school superintendent; ward and block teacher. Railroader; mason; farmer. SPENDLOVE, JOHN ALFRED (son of John Spendlove and Mary Davis). Born Dec. 16, 1864, Virgin City, Utah. Married Eleanor Jepson Sept. 19, 1886, St. George, Utah, (daughter of James Jepson and Eleanor Nightingale of Dalton, Eng., latter a pioneer 1849, oxteam company). She was born Sept. 1, 1858, and died Oct. 3, 1909. Their chil- dren: Joseph A. b. June 11, 1887, m. Sarah Jane Jones; James Jepson b. Sept. 13, 1888; Janus Alburn b. July 9, 1891; John A. b. Dec. 21, 1893; Mary Eleanor b. Feb. 11, 1895; Leonard b. Nov. 23. 1898; Wealthy b. Aug. 11, 1899; Baby b. April 20, 1904. Family home Virgin City, Utah. Married Addle Henline May 3. 1911, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Sylvester Henline and Mary C. Privett of Bluff City, Mo.; came to Utah 1906). She was born May 1, 1880. Their child: b. April 23, 1912. High priest; missionary to southern states 1888-90; Sunday school superintendent; president Y. M. M. I. A.; ward and block teacher. Carpenter. FrmerChoenme m ero the territorial assembly 1856; member city council Salt Lake City; supervisor of streets without remuneration. Active and Influential in church work- filled two missions to Great Britain and two in the W itlU Jjttpq Patriarch. At time of death, March 5, mo. Saftlake cTty, hU posterity numbered 20 children. 38 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. a-pTi-NPFTl DANIEL S. (son of Claudius V. Spencer and lusannah Frances Nesl^n). Born June 12. 1857. at Salt Lake C1 Married Margaret Louise Crismon Nov. 9, 1887, at Logan, Utah daughter of George Crismon and Mary Louise Tan- r nf Salt Lake City) Their children: Margaret Louise Assistant general passenger agent Oregon Short Line Railroad Co. SPENCER. JOHN D. (son of Daniel Spencer and Emily l Xrad n5 ClaX n a J H n VoLVg 85 J 8 an P ^i8 U 8 t 2: h Salt Lake City n *^^^^& w % * Alice Young; Jean b. June 16. 1888, m. Morrill SPERRY, CHARLES (son of Joy Sperry, born Feb. 9, 1785, and Mary Lamont, born Nov. 29, 1789, both in New York state married April 26, 1810). He was born June 30, 1829, Mecca, Trumbull Co., Ohio. Came to Utah October, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Emily L. Miller Feb. 21, 1848 (daughter of Josiah Miller and Mary Morgan, pioneers 1847, J. B. Noble company). Their children: Philand Amanda b. Nov. 18, 1848, m. Alvins Sap Jan. 31, 1868; Charles Henry b. Oct. 16. 1850, m. Caroline Webb Nov. 13, 1871; Sarah Elizabeth b. Aug. 18, 1862, m. Charles E. Abbott May 30, 1870; Mary Emily b. Oct. 9. 1864, m. James R. Black Sept. 21, 1874; Miles Harrison b. March 27, 1857, m. Sarah Edmunds April 30, 1886; Clarissa Lorett b. Feb. 9, 1869, m. Dwight C. Sparks May 9, 1876; Maren Olive b. April 4, 1861, m. William C. Wheeler Feb. 17, 1881; William J. b. July 29, 1863, m. Augusta Taylor Oct. 27, 1886; John Alvins b. Feb. 22, 1866, d. March 17, 1870; Vilate b. June 7, 1870, d. same day. Bishop of Nephi, second ward; counselor to President Joel Grover, Juab stake; patriarch Feb. 21, 1888. Sheriff Juab Co., Utah; county commissioner one term. SPERRY, HARRISON (son of Joy Sperry and Mary Lamont of Mecca, Trumbull Co., Ohio). Born March 24, 1832, In Trumbull county. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Mary Mosley Oct. 27, 1852, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Mosley and Mary Beardmore of England, the latter pioneer 1848). She was born March 21, 1836. Their children: Mary Ann, d. aged 17; Henry, d. child; Hannah E., d. Infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Susan Mosley Feb. 17, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Mosley and Mary Beardmore), who was born Oct. 11, 1846. Their children: George H., m. Sarah Weight, m. Jersey Beardmore; Charles A., m. Sarah Ager- William A., m. Ann Eardley, m. Lillian May Foster; Harrison S., m. Miss Titcomb; Minnie E., m. Joseph Priest; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1179 Mary, d. aged 9; Ermie, m. David Walker; Byron, m. Edith Luelan; Walter, d. infant; Ralph B., ra. Williams. Married Ellenor M. Butterworth Dec. 15, 1873 (daughter of William Butterworth and Mary Rose), who was born Aug. 22, 1857. Their children: William O., m. Stout; Elizabeth Jane, m. Harvey Stout; Milton, d. aged 2; Mary E., d. infant; Correll and Harrell (twins), d. infants; Naomi. m. Rudolph Holmes; Edmond; Melba, d. aged 7. Bishop 31 years; patriarch; bishop's counselor 15 years. Member city council two terms. Farmer; stockraiser. SPHAGUE, S. L. Came to Utah 1848. Married Mary Woodard, who came to Utah with her hus- band. Their child: Samuel Linzey b. March 23, 1843, m. Anna Marian Kimball. Was the first doctor to arrive in Salt Lake City. Planted the first flower garden, the bulbs and seeds being brought from Boston by himself. SPRAGUE, SAMUEL, LINZEY (son of S. L. Sprague and Mary Woodard). Born March 23, 1843, Salem, Mass. Came to Utah with father. Married Anna Marian Kimball 1868 (daughter of William H. Kimball, the pioneer stage line owner). Their children: Linzey E.; Mrs. Percy Sadler; Mrs. Herman A. Prosser of New York city; Milton S. of San Francisco; Mable V., d. aged 4. Freighter between Missouri river and Salt Lake City, Utah. Developer of several mining claims. Member of Colonel Hodge's surveying party, which surveyed for the Union Pacific railroad through Utah and Nevada 1867. Deputy United States marshal 1871-90. Died May 11, 1900. SPRINGAL,L, ARTHUR D. (son of James Springall and Sarah Sharp of Liverpool, Eng.; came to Utah on railroad). Born July 27, 1860. Came to Utah in early days. Married Katherlne Knox Dec. 19, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Knox and Kate Team of Salt Lake City, pioneers Sept. 3, 1855). She was born April 4, 1868, Logan. Utah. Their children: William A. b. Dec. 6, 1886. m. Geneva Mina Brandley; Fredrick E. b. June 22, 1896. Family home, Salt Lake City. SPRINGER, NATHAN CHATMOND (son of John S. Springer and Eliza Manchester of New Bedford, Mass). Born June 26, 1843, Providence, R. I. Came to Utah 1863, freight train for California. Married Matilda Robey Nov. 2, 1867, Midway. Utah (daughter of Jeremiah Robey and Ruth Tucker of Harrison county, W. Va., pioneers Aug. 1, 1862, David Wood com- pany). She was born Dec. 13, 1849, Honey Creek, Potta- watamie Co., Iowa. Their children: Emily Matilda b. Sept. 6, 1868, m. Henry T. Coleman; Lalla Ruth b. Aug. 25, 1870, m. Charles E. Alexander; Ellen Malissa b. July 30, 1872, m. Carson O. Smith; Nathan Chapman b. July 1. 1874; Franklin Theophilus b. Aug. 30, 1876, died; Jeremiah Robey b. Nov. 17, 1878, m. Lydia Rosetta Bigler; Ida May b. Sept. 1, 1880, and Lethe Belle b. July 17, 1883, died. Elder. Veteran Black Hawk war; civil war veteran. Miner; promoter. Died Nov. 16, 1888, Bluefleld, Nicaragua, Central America. SPRINGER, JEREMIAH ROBEY (son of Nathan Chatmond and Matilda Robey). Born Nov. 17, 1878, Midway, Utah. Married Lydia Rosetta Bigler Nov. 9, 1904, Heber City, Utah (daughter of Jacob A. Bigler and Pauline Ott of Mount Pleasant, Utah). She was born June 12, 1881. Their children: Jay Reed b. Nov. 8, 1905; Lydia Pauline b. July 19 1907; Beryl Ott b. Feb. 16, 1909; Lowell Franklin b. April 16. 1912. Family home Midway, Utah. Elder; ward teacher at Midway, Utah. Marshal of Mid- way. Blacksmith; farmer. SPRY, WILLIAM (son of Philip Spry and Sarah Field). Born Jan. 11, 1864, Windsor, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1876 with his father, mother and two brothers, George H. and Samuel, and an adopted sister, reaching Salt Lake City June 2. In October, 1885, was called to southern states on a mission, and remained there until the fall of 1891. Was president of the mission during the last four years of his service. Married Mary Alice Wrathall of Grantsville July, 1890. Their children: Mary A.; Lita M.; James W.; two other children d. young. Located at Tooele 1893, where he engaged In farming and stockraising. County collector of Tooele county 1894; mem- ber of legislature from Tooele county 1902-04; state chair- man of the Republican party; president state land board 1905-06; United States marshal for the district of Utah Feb 15 1906; elected governor of Utah 1909-13; re-elected 1913-17.' President of the Farmers' and Stockgrowers' Bank- director of other banks and mercantile Institutions; director of the Utah Pioneers Book Publishing Company. SQUIRE, JOHN P. (son of Aaron Squire, born Sept. 19, 1795 and Elizabeth Squire, born April 26, 1796, of Ohio). Born March 30, 1824, in Ohio. Came to Utah 1848, Lorenzo '"Married Adel'ia Demill Dec. 31, 1851 (daughter of Freeborn and Annie Demill). Their children: Orpha E. b. Nov. 31, 1852; Harriet A. b. Dec. 2, 1854; John P. b. Oct. 9, 1856; Aaron D. b. May 6. 1858; Annie M. b. Jan. 23, 1860; Adella L. b. Sept. 3, 1862; Eliza R. b. Feb. 1. 1865; Oliver E. b. Feb. 26, 1867. Seventy. School teacher; farmer. SQUIRE, JOHN P., JR. (son of John P. Squire and Adelia Demill). Born Oct. 9, 1856, Manti, Utah. Married Ansll Farrie 1888, Mantl, Utah (daughter of Ludvig and Christena Farrie), who was born May 7, 1868, Provo, Utah, and died Nov. 5, 1895. Their children: Leona b. Feb. 4, 1889; Gilbert L. b. July 30. 1891; John L. b. July 30, 1892, d. March 10, 1893; Ruth b. Oct. 24, 1895, d. Sept. 3, 1896. Married Christena H. Kenney Jan. 8, 1897, Manti, Utah, who was born Jan. 12, 1879. Their children: Lorin D. b. Jan. 2, 1898; Canna Mary b. Jan. 5, 1900; Adrien A. b. June 27, 1902. SQUIRES, CHARLES PORTER (son of Charles Merrill Squires and Charlotte Smith). Born March 22, 1827, New- bury, Geauga Co., Ohio. Came to Utah 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Sarah Peters Sept. 1, 1856 (daughter of David Peters and Laura Davis, married April 11, 1840, in North Wales, pioneers 1849, George A. Smith company). She was born Feb. 6, 1841, in North Wales. Their children: Charles Morgan b. July 13, 1857, m. Luna C. Nichols June 21, 1898, d. March 31, 1911; m. Elizabeth Sarah Hunt Jan. 6, 1913; David Merrill b. Nov. 18, 1859, m. Margaret Jane Burt Dec. 27, 1883; John Albin b. Jan. 1, 1861, d. Oct. 19, 1864; William Porter b. Oct. 13, 1864, m. Zilpah E. Young; Charlottie Laura b. Feb. 6, 1867, m. Charles Tillotson; Laurence Calvin b. Dec. 3, 1869, m. Maud Wilcox; Porter Huse b. Sept. 29, 1872. High priest; missionary to eastern states 1869-70; high councilor Box Elder stake. Drove team across plains for President Snow. Died 1872. SQUIRES, DAVID MERRILL (son of Charles Porter Squires and Sarah Peters). Born Nov. 18, 1859, Brigham City, Utah. Married Margaret Jane Burt Dec. 27, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Davidson Burt and Elizabeth Paterson), who was born Dec. 9, 1858, Brigham City. Utah. Their children: David P. b. Oct. 13, 1884, m. Sarah Florence Fowler Feb. 28, 1910; Laura Jane b. Sept. 21, 1887, m. Clyde Gillespie June 17, 1909. Married Anna Belle Tillotson Nov. 18, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ephraim Tillotson and Ruth Collinson, married Sept. 30, 1856, St. Louis. Mo., came to Utah 1877). She was born June 22, 1870, St. Louis, Mo. Only child: Merrell Charles b. Oct. 26, 1905. High priest. SQUIRES, GEORGE B. Born Sept. 25, 1844, Pittsfield, Mass. Came to Utah 1889. Married Ruth Jones Feb. 22, 1904, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Dan and Elizabeth Jones of that place), who was born September, 1849. Family home, Salt Lake City. Deputy secretary of state; first county statistician; warden state prison; held seat in state constitutional convention; first state insurance commissioneer. Expert accountant. Died Sept. 30, 1910, Salt Lake City. SQUIRES, HENRY AUGUSTUS (son of Thomas Squires and Sarah Patnoster of Herefordshire, Eng). Born Feb. 22, 1825, Hartford, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 27, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Sarah Minnie Cattlin March, 1847, at Wellin, Hart- fordshire, Eng. (daughter of William Cattlin and Sarah Bigg of Wellin). She was born Nov. 16, 1826. Their chil- dren: Sarah Augusta, m. Charles T. Toone; Mary Emily, m. John Bowker; Catherine Harriet, m. Clements Horsley; Clara Annie, in. Thomas Allen; Rosetta Agnes, m. George William Huntington; Echo Levinia, m. Ruben Kirkham; Celestla Angelica, m. Preston Free; Grace Alice, m. Albert Edwards; Ida Philla, m. William Smith; Henrietta Ellen, m. Frederick Caterer; Thomas Henry; Florence Adelade, m. Bert Griffith. Family resided Salt Lake City, Utah, and London, Eng. Seventy; block teacher. Captain home guard. Merchant. STABLE, JOHN (son of Joachim Stable, died at Florence, Neb., en route to Utah, and Catherine Krels, died at Santa Clara, Utah 1863, of Amriswil, Thurgau, Switzerland). Born July 25, 1830, Amriswil. Came to Utah Oct. 31, 1862, Captain Baliff company. Married Susan Baumann (daughter of Rudolph Baumann. of Wadensweil, Canton Zurich, Switzerland, and Anna Kath- arina Graflin of Steckborn, Thurgau, Switzerland). She was born Sept. 27, 1838. Their children: Sophia, d. Oct. 7, 1863; John Jr., m. Cora R. Stayner June 4, 1802; Mary, d. Sept. 11, 1887; Emma, m. David Stoker Jr. Dec. 24, 1891; Henry W.. m. Elizabeth A. Cook Sept. 24, 1902; Selena, d. Aug. 9, 1873; Susie F., m. Frank Wright May 24, 1905; Minnie A., m. Andrew Weaver March 27, 1902; Bertha M., m. Alma H. Hardy May 24, 1905. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Seventy; high priest; ward teacher at Bountiful 40 year. Farmer and gardener. Died Dec. 18, 1910, Bountiful. STAHLE, HENRY W. (son of John Stahle and Susan Baumann). Born July 6, 1875, Bountiful, Utah. Married Elizabeth A. Cook Sept. 24, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Cook and Hannah H. Holt of Bountiful; 1180 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853, Jacob Gates company). Their children: Therice H. b. Jan. 24, 1904; LaVoun b. June 7, 1907; Dale Cook b. April 4, 1911. Family home, Bountiful. President 100th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states Jan. 18, 1896, Nov. 25, 1899; Sunday school superin- tendent at Bountiful, Utah. Davis county clerk six years; and county attorney two years; city councilman; city treasurer and city attorney at Bountiful. Manager Security Investment company, bookkeeper and accountant. STAINES, WILLIAM C. (son of William Staines and Blanche Potter of Bedfordshire, Eng., pioneers fall of 1848). Married Lillias Lyon Oct. 3, 1854, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Lyon and Janet Thompson, pioneers Sept. 26, 1853. Jacob Gates company). She was born Aug. 22, 1836, at Kilmarnock, Scotland. Immigration agent for the Mormon church at New York City. STAKER, NATHAN (son of Nathaniel and Cornelia Staker of Pickering, Canada). Born 1801 at Pickering. Came to Utah November, 1852, Henry Miller company. Married Jane Richmond 1827 at Pickering (daughter of David Richmond of Pickering), who was born 1810. Their children: John, m. Mary Ann Wiggins; William, m. Cather- ine Parsons; Sarah, m. Vance Shafer, m. Mr. Holly; Alma, m. Elizabeth Young; Nathaniel, Nathan and Aaron, died; Lydia, m. Solon Robison; Mary, m. Alonzo Farnsworth; Joseph, m. Sarah Brown. Married Mrs. Eliza Burton 1857, Pleasant Grove, Utah, who was born 1825. Their children: James Benjamin, m. Elizabeth Fisher; Eliza Jane, m. Ezeriah Day; Phoebe, m. Hyrum Farnsworth; Ellis, m. George Day. Families home Mount Pleasant, Utah. Missionary to Canada 1842-44; president high priests quorum at Mount Pleasant, Utah. Farmer. Died. STAKER, ALMA (son of Nathan Staker and Jane Rich- mond). Born June 15, 1837. Came to Utah with father. Married Elizabeth Young Feb. 7, 1856, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of James Young and Elizabeth Seeley of Canada). She was born March 29, 1837. Their children: William Alma b. Jan. 7, 1857, m. Hilma Egberg; Elizabeth Jane b. Aug. 1858, m. Abraham Day'; Martha b. 1861, m. Christian Miller; Annie b. 1863, d. child; Mary b. 1865, d. Infant; Luna May b. 1867, d. infant; Elnora b. 1869, m. Alma Fillmore: Hettie b. 1871, m. Alvin Johnson; Joseph Ether b. 1876, m. Matilda Stalworthy. Family home Mount Pleasant, Utah. High priest; member United Order. Minuteman in Black Hawk Indian war; served In Walker war. Sawyer; car- penter; farmer. STAKER, WILLIAM ALMA (son of Alma Staker and Eliza- beth Young). Born Jan. 7, 1857, at Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Hilma Egberg March 7, 1877, Mount Pleasant, Utah (daughter of Carl and Clara Egberg), who was born May 3, 1860. Their children: William Heleman b. Jan. 18, 1878, m. Elizabeth Lewis; Lawrence Raymond b. June 26, 1880, m. Amy Howard; Lona May b. Dec. 23, 1882, m. Nelson Day; Clara Elizabeth b. Feb. 1, 1885, m. Alfred Wilstead; Victor Nathan b. Sept. 16, 1887, d. youth; Katy Marinda b. March 20, 1890, m. James Osmond Elliott; Alden Orlendo b. April 28, 1892, m. Annie Thomas; Annie Louisa b. June 29, 1897; Bertha Ellis b. April 25, 1902. Family home Law- rence, Utah. Elder; Sunday school superintendent at Lawrence 1892. School trustee at Lawrence several years. Member United Order. Farmer; etockraiser. Came to Lawrence as a pio- neer in 1879, STANDLEY, ALEXANDER SCHOBY (son of Richard Stand- ley, born Feb. 14, 1777, and Elizabeth Staltz, born 1786, of Ohio). He was born May 12. 1800. New Brunswick, Middle- sex county, N. J. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1852. Married Philanda Upson March 19, 1829 (daughter of Freeman Upson and Sally Culver married March 17, 1810, Portage Co., Ohio). She was born Aug. 1, 1814. Their chil- dren: Eliza b. April 16, 1830, died; Franklin b. Aug. 19, 1831, m. Sarah Ann Haig April 5, 1857; Ellen b. April 8. 1833, m. Thomas Jefferson Osborn Sept. 14, 1851; Martha b. Sept. 20, 1834, died; Alexander Henry b. April 28, 1836, m. Adelia Ann Brown Oct. 27, 1856, m. Jemima Cregar; Elizabeth b. March 7, 1838, m. Thomas Jefferson Osborn Jan. 24, 1864; Cyrene b. May 1, 1840, m. Merriner Wood Merrill June 5, 1856; Philanda b. March 19, 1842, m. Wallace Kendell Burnham Nov. 30, 1856; Sarah Alvira b. May 26, 1844, m. George Milton Pace March 7, 1860; Lydia b. Dec. 13, 1846, m. Wallace Kendell Burnham April 11. 1865; Michael b. May 7. 1849, m. Naomi Ann Kemp Feb. 27, 1879, m. Maryette Rice Dec. 31, 1885. Family home Suffield, Portage Co., Ohio. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Died Dec. 30, 1854. STANDRIWG, EDWIN (son of James Standrlngr and Mary Howcll of Oldham, Lancashire, Eng.). Born April 27, 1828, at Oldham. Came to Utah in 1862, A. Melton Musser com- pany. Married Rebecca Smith (daughter of William Smith and Charlota Ford, pioneers 1867). She was born Feb. 20, 1828. Their children: Edwin H. b. Sept. 1867, died; Mary Eliza- beth b. Nov. 1878, d. 1879; John Edwin b. Feb. 24. 1881, m. Mary Jane Hurly Jan. 21, 1903. Missionary in U. S. 1876. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1862. Chief clerk in People's Co-Operative Com- pany in Lehi for many years. Died Nov. 20, 1888. STANDRING. JOHN EDWIN (son of Edwin Standring and Rebecca Smith). Born Feb. 24, 1881. Married Mary Jane Hurley Jan. 21, 1903. Their children: Mildred Viola b. Aug. 31, 1903; Elsie May b. Aug. 23, 1905; Edwin Louis b. June 26, 1907; Frances Owen b. Feb. 1. 1910. Family home Lehi, Utah. STANFORD, JOSEPH (son of Thomas Stanford and Eliza- beth Barnett of Southwick, Sussex, Eng.). Born Aug. 16, 1834, at Southwick. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Elizabeth Young May 20, 1859, at Southwick (daughter of Thomas Young and Margaret Martin of England). She was born Dec. 26, 1836. Their children: Joseph, d. Sept. 4, 1861; Thomas Y., m. Laura D. Horr; Eliza- beth M., m. Hyrum H. Goddard; Amelia, m. Benjamin F. Gwilliams; Marian N., m. Joseph Wilcox; Rachel Y., d. Sept. 3, 1869; Eva, d. Sept. 6, 1870; Ida Laura, d. July 12, 1873; Josephine, d. March 21, 1878; Alice B., d. July 1, 1875; George Y., m. Florence O'Neil. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to England 1852-61; high priest; member Weber stake high council. County recorder for Weber county 1878-82; also 1889-91; county commissioner 1900-04; Ogden city alderman three terms; city councilman 10 years; school trustee; member territorial legislature 1894-98. Mer- chant. Died Feb. 11, 1909. STANFORD, STEPHEN (son of Thomas Stanford and Eliza- beth Barnett of Southwick, Eng.). Born Dec. 6, 1832, Southwick. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home com- pany. Married Louisa Foreman May, 1855, Dover, Kentshire, Eng. (daughter of James and Mary Ann Foreman of Dover, pioneers, Captain Smith company). She was born Dec. 26, 1832. Their children: Cyrus J. b. Jan. 31, 1856, m. Ella Phippin; Louisa C. b. Dec. 12, 1858, m. Albert S. Ure; Har- riett Esther b. on plains Aug. 16, 1861, m. William Shill; Caroline S. b. Sept. 20, 1864, m. Charles Hyde; Thomas C. b. Sept. 24, 1866, m. Ida Ivey; Stephen A. b. Oct. 20, 1868, m. Martha Finch; Ruth M. b. Nov. 20. 1870, m. Charles Cromer; Charlotte Eliza b. Oct. 10, 1872, died; Albert B. b. Aug. 30. 1874, m. Edith Rawson; James E. b. Nov. 20, 1876, died. Married Jennie Barker Feb. 9, 1892, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John Henry H. Barker and Anna Dunlap of Southamp- ton. Eng.). She was born Jan. 19, 1860, and came to Utah 1890. They resided at Logan and Salt Lake City. Utah. Missionary in England 1860-52. In charge of L. D. S. immigration in Boston for several years. Member Utah State Fair Association. Florist. Died Dec. 14, 1909, Salt Lake City. STANGER, GEORGE (son o: James Stanger and Isabella Thompson of Faceby, Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 6. 1832, at Faceby. Came to Utah 1855, Richard Ballantyne com- pany. Married Mary Etherington Feb. 13, 1865, Stocksley, Eng. (daughter of John Etherington and Elizabeth Emsley of Faceby, pioneers 1866, Secrist and Guymon company). She was born Aug. 12, 1834. Their children: George W. b. Nov. 8, 1866; Alfred J. b. April 4, 1859; James b. Nov. 29, 1860; Thomas E. b. Dec. 4, 1862; Mary A. b. Dec. 31, 1863; Joseph E. b. March 3, 1866; Hyrum T. b. Jan. 26, 1868; Sarah E. b. March 7, 1870; Albert E. b. March 13, 1872; Charles H. b. June 21, 1874; Isabella J. b. Aug. 1, 1876; Susan b. Nov. 29, 1878. Family home Slaterville, Utah. Member 60th quorum seventies; bishop's counselor. Farmer. STANGER, GEORGE W. (son of George Stanger and Mary Etherington). Born Nov. 8, 1856, Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah Ellen Knight Nov. 8, 1877, at Ogden (daughter of John Knight and Sarah E. Taylor of Slater- ville. Utah). She was born Sept. 26. 1860. Their children: Sarah Ellen b. March 21, 1879; George Oscar b. March 28, 1880; Mary Millie b. Jan. 11, 1882; Mark Elmer b. March 19, 1885; Georgiana b. Aug. 24, 1883; John Rudger b. Oct. 18, 1888; Edward Marion b. Oct. 6, 1890; Don Carlos b. Feb. 16. 1892; Lula Althea b. March 21, 1894; James Cecil b. Jan. 28, 1897; Elsie Elizabeth b. Oct. 10, 1900. Family home Neeley, Idaho. Missionary to southern states 1886-88; high priest; dea- con; bishop's counselor. Constable; road supervisor. Farmer; stockralser. STANGER, THOMAS (son of James Stanger and Isabella Thompson of Faceby, Yorkshire, Eng., came to Utah 1869). Born July 8, 1830, Faceby. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1866, Richard Ballantyne company. Married Jane Wilson July 8, 1853. at Faceby (daughter of John Wilson and Ann Irwin, who died at Swainby, Eng.). She was born April 21, 1832. Their children: Annie E. b. April 28, 1854, m. Adolph Layman Jan. 13, 1873; Thomas James b. Oct. 4, 1856, m. Hannah Williams June 28, 1876; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1181 John W. b. April 30, 1858, m. Ellen Hutchins Oct. 6, 1882; William R. b. June 16, 1860, m. Mary Slater Aug. 8, 1883; Isabella Jane b. Dec. 1, 1861, m. Hugh McLain June 15, 1882; Mary H. b. April 20, 1863, m. John Slater Nov. 30, 1881; George E. b. March 19, 1865, m. Jane Sharp Jan. 7, 1891; David H. b. Dec. 3, 1866. m. Caroline Wilson March 8, 1886; Caroline R. b. June 19, 1869, m. Frank Shaw July 22, 1890; Charles M. b. April 30, 1871, m. Mary Laughlin June 28, 1893; Reuben E. b. April 3, 1873, m. Mrs. Mary Stanger May 17, 1892. Family home Marriott, Utah. Member 66th quorum seventies. Farmer. STA1VWORTH, SAMUEL. Born 1836, Lancashire, Eng. Came to Utah with oxteam. Married Nancy Stanworth. They had nine children. Family home Hinckley, Utah. Worked as machinist for Joseph Smith at Nauvoo. As- sisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Indian war veteran. Called to assist in settling Clary, near St. George; and later to Grafton. Died 1864, Grafton. STANWORTH, SAMUEL, (son of Samuel and Nancy Stan- worth). Born March 21, 1864, Duncan's Retreat. Married Ellen Elders 1885 (daughter of Claybourn Eld- ers), who was born June, 1869. They have six children. Family home Hinckley, Utah. Assisted financially in building St. George and Salt Lake temples. Farmer and rancher. STAPLES, JAMES (son of Henry Staples and Anne Staples of England). Born Jan. 18, 1810. Came to Utah 1852. Married Sarah Limerick, England (daughter of Richard Limerick, pioneer 1852), who was born Aug. 14, 1804. Their children: Anne b. April 3, 1831, m. Andrew Hooper; George b. June 8, 1834, m. Lauraette Rappleye; Elizabeth b. Jan. 8, 1837, m. Simon Baker; James b. Feb. 14, 1840; Henry b. Dec. 11, 1843, m. Mary Duncanson. Family home, Salt Lake City. Veteran Indian war. Brick and stone mason. Died April 8, 1875. STAPLES, GEORGE (son of James Staples and Sarah Limerick). Born June 8. 1834, Red Morley, Worcestershire, Eng. Came to Utah 1852. Married Lauraette Rappleye Nov. 15, 1854, Salt Lake City (daughter of Tunis Rappleye, pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Toung company, and Louisa Guttler of New York, latter came to Utah 1852, Bryant Jolley company). She was born March 23, 1840. Their children: George A. b. Jan. 1, 1856, m. Susan Hawley; Sarah Louisa b. Jan. 18, 1858, m. Joseph M. Robinson; James Tunis b. April 29, 1860, m. Ruthette Gardner; Lauraette Jand b. June 7, 1862, m. Elias Gardner; Joseph Levi b. June 22, 1864, m. Matilda Ander- son; William Henry b. Dec. 25, 1866, m. Mary Ella Crane; Clara Samantha b. June 27, 1869, m. Odis Rogers; Mary Sophia b. May 21, 1872, m. Peter Christensen; Ammon Frank- lin b. July 25, 1874, m. Caroline Johnson; Aleveretta Au- gusta b. Oct. 4, 1876, m. Charles J. Engar; Rachel Alice Dora b. April 12, 1879, m. Niels C. Poulson; Moroni Andrew Alex- ander b. April 11, 1881, m. Caroline Thueson; Eliza Roxi b. March 15, 1884, m. Lafayette Hill. Missionary among the Indians; veteran Black Hawk and Walker wars. Farmer; stockraiser. Family resided Salt Lake City and Sevier Co., Utah. Died Oct. 31, 1890, Elsi- more, Utah. STAPLES, JOSEPH L. (son of George Staples and Lauraetta Rappleye). Born June 22, 1864, Kanab, Utah. Married MatHda Anderson March 16, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Anderson and Anna Christensen of Den- mark; came to Utah 1882). She was born Nov. 17, 1872. Their children: Erwin L. b. April 15, 1905; Anna Laura b. Oct. 6, 1907; George W. b. July 26, 1909. Family home Elsimore, Utah. High prtest; president T. M. M. I. A. Elsimore class teacher; elder quorum: bishop in Elsimore ward 1911. Member city council six years; president town board at Elsimore four years. Farmer; stockraiser. STAPLEY, CHARLES (son of Charles Stapley, born March 17, 1800, Kent, Eng., and Sarah Bryant, born May 22, 180Z, at Kent). Born Nov. 28, 1824, at Kent. Came to Utah 1858, Sterling Driggs company. Married Sarah Parkinson July 24, 1854 (daughter of James Parkinson and Elizabeth Chattle), who was born May 24, 1831; came to Utah with husband. Their children: Harriet E. b. July 1, 1855, m. John Batty; Charles H. b. March 27, 1858, m. Jane Adams; Jane E. b. July 5. 1860, m. Halinton Wallace; Mary J. b. Feb. 11, 1865, m. William A. Bringhurst Dec. 18, 1884; James C. b. Sept. 1867, m. Tresa Magee; Emma E. b. Nov. 3, 1869, m. Henry Tanner; Adelaide b. Nov. 22, 1872; Seymour T. b. June 22, 1878. Family home Toquerville, Utah. Missionary in Australia 1853-54; bishop's counselor 1860- 1901; assistant Sunday school superintendent; choir leader. Justice of peace; constable. STARK, DANIEL (son of John Stark and Sarah Mann of Halifax. Nova Scotia). Born June 29, 1820, Boston, Mass. Came to Utah Feb. 1858, Joseph Mathews company. Married Ann Cooke Dec. 1, 1844, Boston, Mass., who was born June 4, 1825. Their children: John D. b. Sept. 18. 1845. m. Clarissa Amelia Webb; Annie Frances b. Feb. 19, 1848, m. Charles B. Oliver; James T. b. April 26, 1850, m. Evaline Browning, died; Mary Ellen b. April 23, 1855, died; Elizabeth Bird (adopted) b. Dec. 31. 1845, m. H. N. HowelL Family resided San Francisco, San Jose and San Bernardino, Cal. Married Betsy Baldwin March 22, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Baldwin and Elizabeth Cutler of Bir- mingham, England, pioneers October, 1861, Daniel Stark company). She was born June 24, 1843. Their children: Sarah Ellen b. Feb. 4, 1863, m. John Van Wagoner; Joseph D. b. Dec. 25, 1863, m. Maggie Mardin; David b. Sept. 25, 1865, m. Martha Ramsey; Alice b. Feb. 14, 1870, m. Justin A. Loveless; Samuel b. March 12, 1868, m. Lizzie Worsen- croft; William B. b. Oct. 14, 1871, m. Rosetta Baker; Kate Matilda b. Oct. 8, 1874, m. George Van Wagoner; George b. Feb. 6. 1877, died; Elizabetn b. Dec. 4, 1879, m. David Holiday; Louie b. March 6, 1884, m. Garry Conk. Married Priscllla Berkenhead March 16, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Birkenhead of Payson, Utah, pioneer October, 1861, Daniel Stark company). She was born Nov. 29, 1849. Their children: Harriet b. Sept. 23, 1868, m. Lewis Wride; Charles Henry b. Nov. 28, 1870, m. Sarah Kay; Ernest Albert b. Oct. 1, 1874, m. Sarah Douglass; Franklin b. Aug. 16, 1879, m, Theresa Todd; Isaac Walter b. Jan. 23, 1882; Mabel b. March 12, 1884. Family home Payson, Utah. Bishop. City and county surveyor in Payson and Utah county. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer; joiner and builder. Died April 23, 1907, at Pay*on, Utah. STARK, JOHN DANIEL (son of Daniel Stark and Ann Cooke). Born Sept. 18, 1845, Boston, Mass. Came to Utah February, 1858, Joseph Mathews-company. Married Amelia Webb Dec. 21, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Pardon Webb and Clarissa J. Lee of Payson, Utah). She was born Oct. 22. 1850. Their children: Minnie b. Oct. 24, 1869, m. Samuel J. Robinson; James Warren b. Oct. 24. 1873, m. Malissa Taylor; Lee Cook b. April 8, 1876, m. Ivy McClellan; Lula b. Sept. 6, 1880, m. John C. Week- worth; Mary b. April 15, 1882, m. Rey L. Pratt; Anna b. Oct. 12, 1884, m. Orla E. McClellan; Lesslie Webb b. June 24, 1888, m. Roxy Calder; Zina b. April 16, 1892, m. Jesse A. Smith waite; Jane b. Jan. 3, 1895. Family home Payson, Utah, Assisted in collecting and establishing Payson Sunday school library; member of Philomathean society; Sunday school teacher; ward clerk. City recorder for Payson City three years. Bookkeeper; telegrapher and storekeeper; in band and orchestra. STARK, PAUL (son of Martin Stark, born July 4, 1792, Tofta, Malmohus Lan, Sweden and Anna Dunner, born Dec. 3, 1794, Saxtorp, Malmohus Lan, Sweden, both of Lands- krona, Sweden). Born Jan. 5, 1830, Sodra Molnge, Saxtorp Socken, Malmohus Lan, Sweden. Married Mari Miner Oct. 22, 1858, in Landskrona, Sweden (daughter of Andrew Miner, pioneer 1861, Captain Woolley company, and Ingrld Jenson, who married 1838, Landskrona, Sweden, pioneer Sept. 13, 1861, John Murdock company). She was born Dec. 8, 1838, in Saby Malmohus Lan, Sweden. Their children: Elvira Martina b. Feb. 27, 1859, in Lands- krona, Sweden, d. infant; Martin b. Jan. 7, 1861, m. Christena Jenson 1883; David b. 1863, d. 1864; Maria Sophia b. April 25, 1865, d. 1865; Ellen Jane b. May 2, 1866, m. Willie Jones 1887; Hilda Biata b. May 2, 1866, m. Phynias Reese 1886; Paul Andrew b. Nov. 6, 1868, d. 1869; Lilly Ann b. March 12, 1873, d. 1875; Helen Elizabeth b. Aug. 3, 1870 (d. 1904), m. Nels Carlson 1889; Sarah Ingebor b. May 13, 1876, d. 1900; Norman Mineer b. Jan. 12, 1880, m. Bessie Blight 1911; Eva Constance b. Dec. 15, 1882, m. Lyman James Matlock 1906. Married Helena Johanna March 1, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Mineer and Ingar Jenson, pioneers, Sept. 13, 1861, John Murdock company). She was born July 21, 1847, at Landskrona, Sweden. Their children: Franklin Emelius b. Dec. 30, 1869. m. Mari Orme 1897; Edgar Ingomar b. March 31, 1872, m. Mamie Feldstedt 1909; Sylvia Pauline b. March 28, 1874. m. Charley Arthur Finn 1904; Louise Minerva b. May 20, 1876, -m. Benjamin Franklin Boothe 1897; Lorenzo Bordeen b. Aug. 9, 1878, d. 1881; Reginald Mineer b. Sept. 1881, d. 1881; Raymond Mineer b. 1882; Inga Elida b. Jan. 31. 1885, m. Eugene Levy 1908; Vega Grace b. Aug. 17. 1887, m. Charles C. Maddux 1911; Helen b. April 25, 1890, m. Eugene A. Terry 1913. Family home, Brigham City. Ward teacher; high priest. Minute man. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Worked in Co-op store at Brigham City. Utah. Butcher; farmer; stockraiser. STARBtrCK, I. J. (son of Guayer Starbuck and Cynthia A. Shaw). Born June 20, 1849. in Ohio. Came to Utah 1888. Married Eva E. Weygint June 12, 1883 (daughter of William Weygint and Sophronia Blanchard of Salt Lake City). Only child: Jay G. b. Oct. 1, 1890, d. 1900. Deputy food commissioner; real estate and mining man. STARK, SOREST PEDERSEN (son of Peter Sorensen Peder- strup and Annie Elizabeth Venkel). Born Sept. 5, 1829, Sorup Sogn, Viborg, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Madsen and Lillianquist company. Married Ane Sophia Pedersen April 16, 1862, on Atlantic ocean, who was born Jan. 5, 1838. Their children: Soren Pedersen, Soren Peter Pedersen, Ane Sophia P., latter three died; Moroni P., m. Feb. 10, 1897; Inger Elizabeth P., died; Alma P., m. March 30, 1898; Nephl P.; Joseph P., died. Died May 15, 1881, at Spanish Fork, Utah. 1182 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH STARK, MORONI P. (son of Soren P. Stark and Ane Sophia Pedersen). Born Oct. 11, 1869, at Spanish Fork, Utah. Married Sarah C. Hanson Feb. 10, 1897, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Hanson and Annie C. Oleson of Spanish Fork), who was born Nov. 9, 1871. Their children: Anna E. b. Nov. 30, 1897; Henry M. b. March 28, 1900; Grant S. b. Aug. 27, 1902; Mark H. b. Oct. 6, 1904; Elenor Sophia b. Aug. 29, 1906. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. President 129th quorum seventies; missionary to northern states 1899-1901; member stake board religion classes. Farmer. STARLEY, JAMES (son of John Starley and Sarah Lindfleld, former of Boburg, Sussex, Eng.). Born Aug. 5, 1817, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 17, 1855, Hooper and William freight train company. Married Caroline Mitchel (daughter of Thomas Mitchel and Elizabeth Sears), who was born Dec. 21, 1820, and died Jan. 18, 1855, on Mississippi river. Their children: Jane b. May 16, 1842, m. Anthony Martin; Julia b. Feb. 29, 1852, d. Jan. 16, 1855. Married Mary Jupp June 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Jupp, pioneer, handcart company), who was born April 29, 1821. Their child: John J. b. March 3, 1858, m. Elizabeth Payne. Filled a ten-year mission at Fillmore, Utah. Teacher. STARLET, JOHN J. (son of James Starley and Mary Jupp). Born March 3, 1856. Married Elizabeth Payne (daughter of James Payne). STARTUP, WILLIAM D. (son of William Startup and Selina Morris of England). Born Sept. 8, 1846, Wldcombe. Came to Utah October, 1868. Married Hager Hick Nov. 14, 1868, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James Hick and Elizabeth Stiles of Worcestershire and Birmingham, Eng.; came to Utah in 1873). She was born Dec. 27, 1844. Their children: William James b. Sept. 6, 1869, m. Dena Nelson; Minnie Alice b. Oct. 12, 1871, m. Charles Thornburg; Harry Walter b. Sept. 5, 1874, m. Artemisia Harris; George Albert b. Jan. 31, 1877, m. Emma May Dunn. Family resided Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah. Elder. Merchant. Died Jan. 28, 1878. Hager Hick (Startup) subsequently married Albert Single- ton Oct. 18, 1883, Salt Lake City. The three children of this marriage were: Alberta b. Nov. 12, 1886; Hazel b. Nov. 26 1888; Cossette b. Aug. 27, 1894. STAUFFER, CHRISTIAN. Born at Bern, Switzerland. Came to Utah 1860. Married Maria Moser. Their children: Christian; Sam- uel; Johannes; Susanna; Ulrfch; Elizabeth; Friederich. Family home Willard, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Died Sept. 27, 1870. STAUFFER, ULRICH (son of Christian Stauffer and Maria Moser). Born March 21. 1838, Redunbergh, Switzerland. Came to Utah 1861. Married Verena Brechbiehl August, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Brechbiehl and Verena Ashbeacher, who came to Utah 1876). She was born Aug. 16, 1858. Their children: Henry A. b. Nov. 20, 1879, m. Claudia E. Hughs; Oliver Wilford b. April 15, 1883, m. La Vourn Hudson; Olive Rozilla b. June 8, 1885, m. Joseph Bench; David b. Nov. 1889, m. Pauline Hompson; Adella b. Aug. 20, 1887; Verena Louise b. Jan. 5, 1892, m. Charles Whitworth; Mabel A. b. July 9, 1895; Ernest Lloyd b. May 9, 1897; Ven Royal b. Aug. 11, 1899. Family home Willard, Utah. High priest; missionary to Switzerland. Farmer; stock- raiser. STAUFFER, HENRY ALFRED (son of Ulrlch Stauffer and Verena Brechbiehl). Born Nov. 20, 1879, Willard, Utah. Married Claudia Elizabeth Hughs Aug. 20, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hughs and Emma Willie of Men- don, Utah). She was born Jan. 3, 1882. Their children: Lynn b. Feb. 1, 1906; Henry Clair b. July 25, 1908; John Clifford b. Nov. 4, 1909; Faun Elizabeth b. Aug. 16, 1911. Family home Riverdale, Utah. STACFFER, JOHN (son of Christian Stauffer). Born Eggi- wiyl, Switzerland. Came to Utah 1862. Married Elizabeth Nussli 1864, Willard City, Utah. Their children: Bertha; Frederick, m. Mary Leaver; Emma, m. George B. Barker; Susannah, m. Jacob Schiess. Family home, Willard City. Elder. Died 1876. STAUFFER, FREDERICK (son of John Stauffer and Eliza- beth Nussli). Born Oct. 24, 1866, Willard City, Utah. Married Mary Leaver June 22, 1892, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel H. Leaver and Mary Spriggs of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1850). She was born July 28, 1869. Their children: Fred Leaver b. May 18, 1893; John Harold b. Oct. 12, 1895. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy; missionary to Turkey 1889-91, and president of the mission; superintendent 18th ward Sunday school. Mayor of Eureka, Utah, 1898-99. Physician and surgeon; ye, ear. nose and throat specialist. STAYNER, THOMAS JOHN (son of Thomas Colly Stayner and Elizabeth Pill). Born June, 1828. Came to Utah 1862. Married Rosa Ann Orrell 1852. Their children: Thomas Orrell b. 1864, d. 1870; Rosa Emily b. Dec. 11, 1866, m. A. V. Call Oct. 1, 1883. Died 1909. STEADMAN, GEORGE (parents resided Sussex, Eng.). Came to Utah 1860. Married Elizabeth Wllkins in 1861, at Salt Lake City (mother came to Utah 1860, her father died at sea on way to America). She was born Feb. 14, 1834. Their children: Jane Elizabeth b. Feb. 16, 1863, m. William Mariott Winter- ton April 13, 1892; Caroline, m. William North; Sarah Ann, m. John Hartle; James, m. Miss Winder; George; Mary, m. Albert North; Edward, in. Louisa . Farmer. STECK, CHRISTENSEN PETER (son of Andreas Steck of Germany and Anna Christena Peterson of Denmark). Born July 25, 1800, Germany. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock company. Married Marie Sophia Was (daughter of William Was and Anna Hanson), who was born June 12, 1806. Their children: Wilkelomine b. Jan. 1, 1826, m. S. E. Houson 1866; Anna Christena b. 1828 and Andreas b. 1829, died; William Peter b. April 14. 1831; Jens Fredrik b. Jan. 28, 1833, m. Petria Bergrethi Mickelsen June, 1861, m. Inger Hanson Dec. 1867; Johanna M. b. 1836; Peter C. b. 1837; Anna Elizabeth; Anna Bergethi b. Jan. 8, 1840, m. Soren Christofferson; Anna Lizzie b. March 6, 1842, m. Eric Ludvigsen; Carl M. b. Feb. 2, 1845; Andreas b. Ju'y, 1846, died; Stephena b. March 28, 1848, d. Jan. 20, 1900. Married Jane Reid March 28, 1894, Manti, Utah (daughter of Chancellor and Betty Reid married at Ballycone, County Down, Ireland). Family resided Bristen, Veile, Denmark, and Mantl, Utah. STECK, JENS FREDRIK (son of Christian Peter Steck and Marie Sophia Was). Born Jan. 28, 1833, Bristen, Veile, Denmark. Married Inger Hansen December, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Henrick and Anna Hansen), who was born Feb. 6, 1841. Their children: Maria F. b. Oct. 23, 1868, m. George Thurgood Dec. 17, 1883; Petrea b. March 3, 1870, m. David Shond; Mary b. Nov. 17, 1871, m. J. G. Reese; James T. b. March 2, 1874, m. Retha Dickensen; Heber C. b. July 4, 1875, m. Clara R. Anderson; Joseph Smith b. Aug. 19, 1877, m. Amelia Deunison; Hyrum b. Aug. 19, 1877, m. Lillian America; Auna b. Sept. 23, 1879, d. May 22, 1880; Elrina Inger b. April 25, 1881, m. William Thomas. Family home Manti, Utah. STECK, JENS. Came to Utah oxteam company. Married Marian Vosse. Their children: Jens, Jr.; Mena, m. Soren Christoffersen; Anna, m. Eric Ludvigsen; Bregeta, m. Soren Christoffersen; Stophena, m. Mr. Johansen; Andrea, m. Andrew Poulsen; Hannah, m. Mr. Nelsen. Family resided in Denmark and Manti, Utah. Died at Manti. STEELE, JAMES EPHRAIM (son of James Steele and Eliza^ beth Wylie of American Fork, Utah). Born June 22, 1852, Manchester, Eng. Came to Utah December, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Elvira Crompton Dec. 23, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Crompton and Hannah Hardy of South Cottonwood, Utah, pioneers 1853). She was born Nov. 16, 1866. Their children: James H.; William; Hannah E.; Oscar W. ; Robert S. ; Emma M. ; Bruce B. ; Laura E. Family home lona, Idaho. - President Bingham stake 1895-1908; bishop lona ward; second counselor to President Thomas E. Ricks five years. State representative one term; state senator one term. President and manager lona Mercantile Company; presi- dent Anderson Bros.' Bank, Rlgby, Idaho; president Idaho World's Fair Commission at St. Louis; president Eagle Rock & Willow Creek Canal Company 22 years; member Idaho State Insane Asylum Board 1907-10. STEELE, JESSE PIERCE (son of John Steele and Susanah Jackson of Illinois). Born Sept. 9, 1828, Washington county, 111. Came to Utah in 1863. Married Nancy Evaline Alexander Oct. 4, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of Horace Alexander, pioneer 1847 with a division of the Mormon Battalion, and Nancy Walker, died 1847, Winter Quarters, Neb.). She was born Sept. 1, 1836. Their children: Horace A. b. Sept. 9. 1854, m. Catherine Martin; Jesse Fielding- b. Oct. 2. 1856, m. Mlna D. Ivie; Louisa D. b. Nov. 8, 1858, m. John Carter; Nancy E. b. Sept. 25, 1861, m. Roswell Bird; Sarah C. b. Feb. 22, 1864, m. John Biggs; Daniel W. b. July 6, 1866, m. Mod Doo; Adarn D. b. Feb. 7, 1869, m. Anna ; Mary J. b. March 1, 1871, m. Eleanor Taylor; Joseph W. b. July 6, 1873; John P. b. Sept. 12, 1876. m. Mary Fay; Cora G. b. Feb. 11, 1879. Fam- ily resided Salt Lake City and Springvllle. Utah. Married Mary Ann Sornsen May 27, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter and Anna Sornsen), who was born Dec. 28, 1850, in Denmark. Their children: Joel P. b. Feb. 23, 1877; Luella b. Sept. 6, 1879, m. Mr. Toung; Henry b. April PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1183 12, 1882; Susanah b. Oct. 11, 1885, m. Mr. Lillie; Walter b. Aug. 19, 1889. Family home Salina, Sevier Co., Utah. Married Emma M. Buettner Oct. 14, 1908, Manti, Utah (daughter of Eberhardt Buettner and Louisa Reiss, former of Germany and latter of Illinois married April 2, 1878). She was born March 16, 1881, Belleville, 111. Presiding- elder Springville, Utah; first counselor to bishop; superintendent first Sunday school organized in Utah county, at Springville; president LaPlatta branch in New Mexico. First lieutenant in Walker Indian war 1853; colonel of Nauvoo Legion; captain of the minutemen, the Springville company, in Black Hawk war. STEELB, JESSE FIELDING (son of Jesse Pierce Steele and Nancy Evaline Alexander). Born Oct. 2, 1866, Salt Lake City. Married Mina D. Ivie Oct. 16, 1880, Glenwood, Sevier Co., Utah (daughter of James Ivie and Sarah West Willeys, former pioneer 1849, latter 1856, handcart company). Their children: Minnie V. b. July 26, 1881, m. Claud Allred; Eva 5. b. March 22, 1884, m. James Peters; Pearl b. Oct. 4, 1885; Mary M. b. Sept. 6, 1887; Chloe V. b. Nov. 12, 1889, m. Alfred Evans; Elles J. b. Oct. 22, 1891; Roswell b. Sept. 19, 1893; Glenn b. June 12, 1895; Linn b. Aug. 3, 1897; Dean b. Aug. 6, 1899; Franklin b. Oct. 18, 1901; Harry b. Oct. 16, 1903; Valgene b. Oct. 20, 1909. Family home Salina, Sevier Co., Utah. Elder; teacher first ward Salina. STEELE, JOHN (son of John Steele, born 1768, Ireland, and Nancy Kennedy, born Oct. 15, 1790, Holywood, Ireland). He was born March 21, 1821, Holywood. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, division Mormon Battalion. Married Catherine Campbell (daughter of Michael Camp- bell and Mary Knox), who was born Nov. 16, 1816, Belfast, Ireland. Their children: Mary Campbell b. Dec. 23, 1840, m. Joseph Fish; John b. June 2, 1842, and Margaret b. June 17, 1844, d. infants; Young Elizabeth b. Aug. 9, 1847, m. James Stapley; Mahonri Moriancumer b. May 1, 1849, m. Emily Bunker April 19, 1869, m. Mary Ellen Jepson May 11, 1874; Susann Adams b. April 28, 1851, m. William A. Bring- hurst; John Alma b. April 6, 1853; Jane Catherine b. April 26, 1865, m. Peter Jensen; Robert Henry b. Sept. 1, 1857, d. Infant. Family resided Toquerville and Kanarra, Utah. High priest; missionary to Las Vegas 1854-56, and to Europe 1877-78; first counselor to President J. C. L. Smith of Parowan stake. Major of infantry in Iron Military dis- trict; marshal of Parowan 1851; mayor of Parowan 1853; judge of Iron county; Iron county recorder; justice of peace at Toquerville several years; postmaster 15 years. Worked on Nauvoo temple. Died Dec. 31, 1903, Kanarra. STEELE, MAHONRI MORIANCUMER (son of John Steele and Catherine Campbell). Born May 1, 1849, Salt Lake City. Married Emily Bunker April 19, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Bunker and Emily Abbott, the former pioneer 1847, division Mormon Battalion, latter 1850, Aaron Johnson company). She was born March 1, 1849, in Iowa. Their children: Mahonri Moriancumer, Jr., b. Feb. 2, 1870, m. Charlotte Moore Lefevre; John Edward b. Sept. 24, 1872, m. Zephyr L. Deuel; Arthur b. July 16, 1877, d. May 18, 1891; Parley Bunker b. July 23, 1890. Married Mary Ellen Jepson May 11, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Jepson and Eleanore Nightengale), who was born Nov. 1, 1851, in St. Louis. Their children: Alice Eleanore b. Nov. 10, 1875, m. William A. Lee; Mary Ellen b. Sept. 23, 1879, m. James Marshall 1905; Catherine b. Nov. 10, 1881, m. Job Riding Dec. 23, 1900; James b. Aug. 31, 1883, m. Almina Wiltshire; Joseph b. Sept. 1, 1885, m. Vivian Maud Petersen June 6, 1906; Emily b. May 18, 1887, m. Alvin M. Jensen Oct. 3, 1906. Family resided Parowan, Toquerville and Panguitch, Utah. Missionary to Europe 1877-78. Captain In Nauvoo Legion; Indian war veteran. Superintendent of schools; clerk of Garfield county; deputy sheriff Iron county; member state land board 1909. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1868. Counselor in Panguitch stake presidency 1879-08; stake tithing clerk and historian 20 years; patriarch. STEELE, MAHONRI MORIANCUMER, JR. (son of Mahonri Moriancumer Steele and Emily Bunker). Born Feb. 2, 1870, Toquerville, Utah. Married Charlotte Moore Lefevre Oct. 2, 1889, St. George, Utah (daughter of William Lefevre and Frances Banks), who was born March 24, 1873, Panguitch, Utah. Their chil- dren: Lindsay b. Aug. 3, 1890; Frances Fern b. April 1, 1893; Abigail b. March B, 1895; Harold L. b. Jan. 29, 1898; Doyle L. b. Dec. 23, 1899; Faymetta b. May 23. 1902; Lila b. Sept. 12, 1904; Mahonri Arthela b. Sept. 8, 1908; Irene b. Feb. 26, 1910. Family home Panguitch, Utah. Garfield county recorder four years; Garfteld county clerk six years; chief clerk Utah legislature 1901; postofflce in- spector six years. STEPHENS, ABRAHAM (son of Jacob Stephens and Eliza Symons). Born Sept. 30, 1840, Phillack, Cornwall, Eng. Came to Utah 1866, independent company. Married Eliza Edwards Jan. 13, 1863, Bristol, Eng. (daughter of Richard Edwards and Ann Palmer of Bristol). She was born Dec. 14, 1840. Their children: Oscar E. b. b. Nov. 20, 1863, m. Florence Tribe; Ida b. July 10, 1868, m. John W. Wilcox; Ernest E. b. Oct. 3, 1869, m. Mary E. Cole. Elder. Foreman blacksmith. Died Aug. 4, 1886, Tulare, Cal. STEPHENS, DANIEL MONROE (son of John Stephens, born March 31, 1811, in Davidson county, N. C., and Elizabeth Briggs, born May 9, 1812, North Carolina married Aug 1 1833; settled at Ogden, Utah). He was born Oct. 4, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1861, Captain Bates com- pany. Married Mary Ann Clark Dec. 21, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alfred Clark and Hannah Waterfleld married Jan. 1, 1844, in Leicestershire, Eng. pioneers Sept. 6, 1866, Samuel D. White company). She was born April 11, 1850 Their children: James Monroe b. July 11, 1870, m. Elizabeth Crump July 15, 1891; Daniel Porter b. Dec. 14, 1871, m. Mary Williams June 21, 1900; Mary Magdalene b. June 27 1874 m. Henry Child Oct. 14, 1891; Charles Alfred b. June 6 1877 5tJP*2 ^Stella Staker Sept. 12, 1900; John Taylor b. June 8, 1880 died; Joseph Franklin b. Oct. 13, 1883, m. Nettie L. Garden Nov. 8, 1905; Samuel Lehi b. May 6. 1886, m. Lillian Eames Dec. 20, 1905; Walter Clark b. July 14, 1889; Aldo Briggs b. Nov. 2, 1890, m. Laura Eames Jan. 11, 1911. Fam- ily home Ogden, Utah. Missionary in U. S. A. 1881-82. School trustee Riverdale, 1890; judge of election at Ogden three times. Carpenter- farmer. STEPHENS, JAMES MONROE (son of Daniel Monroe Ste- phens and Mary Ann Clark). Born July 11, 1870, Weber county, Utah. Married Elizabeth Crump July 15, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of Henry C. Crump and Nancy Cragg, pioneers missionary company). She was born July 19, 1869, in North Carolina. Their children: James Monroe b. May 17 1892- Robert Henry b. March 19, 1897, and Sarah Elizabeth b' April 20, 1900, both died; Nancy May b. April 30, 1907- Pearl Ann b. Jan. 16, 1911. Family home Ogden, Utah. Second counselor in bishopric of Riverdale ward. Road supervisor Riverdale ward, 1913. Farmer. STEPHENS, FRANK BRAY (son of Edwin Fessenden Ste- phens and Sally Berry Ricker of Turner, Me.). Born Oct 14, 1855, Turner. Came to Utah June 8, 1888 ' Married Lunette Stebbins Dec. 6. 1883, Crete, Neb. (daugh- ter of Daniel Willard Stebbins and Sarah Reynolds of Ot- tumwa, Iowa). She was born Jan. 17, 1861. Their child- Harold Montell, m. Virginia Bush. Family home. Salt Lake President Salt Lake City Y. M. C. A. President Utah Society, Sons of Revolution. Assistant United States attor- ney; member board of police and fire commissioners Salt Lake City, 1894-96; city attorney Salt Lake City, 1901-02- regent of State University; aide to Gov. John C. Cutler at first convention of governors called by President Roosevelt Lawyer. STEPHENS, JOHN (son of Alexander Stephens and Mary Daily of Davis county [afterward called Rowan county], N. C.). Born March 3, 1811, in Rowan county. Came to Utah Oct. 14, 1851, captain of 10 in Orson Pratt company. Married Elizabeth Briggs 1831 in Brown county, 111. (daughter of John Briggs and Constance Peacock of Rowan county). She was born March 14, 1812. Their chil- dren: James O., m. Mary Stubblefield; m. Martha Wilson; m. Dorthula C. Shupe; David H., m. Albertine Peterson; m. Sophia L. Jensen; John C., m. Harriet O. Shaw; Almira C. m. William Baker; Alexander N., m. Sarah Geen; m. Amina Raymond; David M., m. Mary Clark; Elizabeth J.; Thomas J., m. Susan Shupe; Constance A. m. Orson Eggleston; m. Ether McBride; Solomon C., m. Mary E. Plncock; m. Zilpha J. Heninger; William J. and George W. (twins), died. High priest. Resided at Nauvoo, 111.; later at Council Bluffs, Iowa, where he had a farm. Built first reservoir in Weber Co., Utah, in 1856. Died Dec. 3, 1870, at Ogden, Utah. STEPHENS, SOLOMON C. (son of John Stephens and Eliza- beth Briggs). Born Sept. 1, 1850, Kanesville, Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary E. Pincock Feb. 1, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Pincock and Isabella Douglas of Ogden). She was born Nov. 8, 1851, at St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Lottie M. b. March 3, 1879; Isabella D. b. May 3, 1882, m. Heber Colman; Solomon C. b. May 7, 1884, m. Olive Stephens- John P. b. Aug. 21, 1886; William P. b. Dec. 29, 1888; Eliza- beth J. b. Aug. 22, 1892; Pearl and Ruby (twins) b. March 4, 1895. Family home Ogden, Utah. Seventy; high priest; missionary to Georgia 1879-81. Farmer; real estate dealer. Built about 500 houses in Ogden. Author of "The Philosophy of the Earth and Man." STEPHENS, JOHN B. (son of Bartholomae Stephens and Mary Alingham of Ireland). Born Jan. 3, 1846, in Ireland. Came to Utah in May, 1873. Married Julia Mullin Feb. 7, 1875, Pioche, Nev. (daughter of Thomas Mullin and Mary Neylon of Ireland). She was born Jan. 14, 1855. Their children: Thomas B., m. Minnie Holstein; William J.; Mamie B., m. Willard Hamer; Rose J.; Alfred and Arthur, died; Mabel; Julia; Francis; Harry; Bernon; Lawrence, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. School trustee at Bingham, Utah. Mining. 1184 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH STEPHENS, THOMAS D. (son of Lewis Stephens and Sarah Daniels of Liverpool, Eng.). Born January. 1837, in Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith company. Married Mary Ann Webb July 6, 1857, in Pennsylvania (daughter of Joseph Webb and Mary Evans of Monmouth, Eng.). She was born Nov. 30, 1834. Their children: Thomas, d. aged 8; William, d. aged 10; Joseph, d. aged 4; Elizabeth, d. infant; Alice, m. Henry Davis; Henry, d. infant; Louis, d aged 8. Seventy. Worked in church office at Liverpool, Eng.; worked on Salt Lake temple. Farmer and dairyman; con- tractor and builder. STEPHENSON, FRANCIS MARION (son of Isaac Hender- son Stephenson, born 1808, Jefferson county, Tenn., and Mary Pugh, born May 9, 1806, Knoxville, Tenn.). He was born Jan. 3, 1841, Knoxville. Came to Utah October, 1851, Milo Andrus company. Married Sarah Ann Bright Jan. 13, 1864, Richmond, Utah (daughter of John Bright, died at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Susan Pugh, pioneer Sept. 15, 1852, Isaac Stewart com- pany). She was born April 1, 1847. Their children: Susan Eliza b. July 27, 1865, m. James M. Anderson Nov. 23, 1887; Francis Marion, Jr., b. Sept. 26, 1867. m. Louisa Wheeler Oct. 19, 1892; Sarah Matilda b. Jan. 2, 1870. d. March 19. 1891- George Quincy b. April 28, 1872, m. Olive Talbot Dec. 20, 1899; Alwilda b. June 2, 1874. d. March 27, 1891; Alnora b. June 2, 1874, d. Jan. 25, 1891; William Parley b. June 13. 1876 d Feb. 21, 1878; John Henderson b. Oct. 25, 1878, d. March 4, 1891; Chester Preston b. Sept. 6. 1880. d. Feb. 7, 1881; Joseph b. April 12, 1882, d. April 3, 1891: Henry b. Jan. 21 1885, d. Feb. 1, 1891; Effle b. Sept. 12, 1887. m. Asahel Cheney Jan. 8, 1913. Family resided Richmond and Lewis- Married Orpha Elvira White June 10, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of John S. White, born Feb. 15, 1818, died June B, 1907, and Ann Eliza Adalide Everett, born Aug. 30. 1832, and died April 19, 1904, former a member of Mormon Bat- talion). She was born Sept. 3, 1862. Their children: Schuy- ler Wesley b. Aug. 13, 1892, d. April 18. 1908: Lawrence Leslie b. Oct. 31, 1893, d. March 28, 1899; Linnie May b. June 14, 1895; Blanche Nevella b. Sept. 15. 1897; Vincent Edward b. Feb. 14, 1899; Millie Leone b. April 13. 1901; Lola Bell b. March 15, 1904. Family home Lewiston, Utah. Member 39th quorum seventies; missionary to northern states 1895; high priest; teacher. Member Utah militia. STEPHENSON, FRANCIS MARION, JR. (son of Francis Marion Stephenson and Sarah Ann Bright). Born Sept. 26, 1867, Richmond, Utah. Married Louisa Wheeler Oct. 19, 1892, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of George W. Wheeler and Hannah Humphreys, latter pioneer, handcart company). She was born Dec. 16, 1874. Their children: Verda Lucille b. Aug. 20, 1893; Esther Luella b. June 12, 1895; Heber Francis b. July 2, 1897; Ora b. June 13. 1899; Ralph Lamoin b. March 9, 1901; Edgar La- verne b. July 20, 1903; Walter Shannon b. Aug. 18, 1904; George Owen b. Feb. 22, 1907; Lois b. April 17, 1909; Milford Wheeler b. Aug. 23. 1911. Family home Lewiston. Utah. President 117th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1896-97; ward and Sunday school teacher. STEPHENSON, THOMAS CHRISTIAN (son of Stephen Peter- son born 1788, Jerslev, Hjorring, Denmark, and Anne Thompson, born 1788. Hellested, Denmark). Born June 14. 1825. Jerslev. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862, Christian A. Madsen independent company. Married Maren Simons in 1846 (daughter of Jensen Simons and Mettle Johanna Jensen, married 1822, in Jerslev). She was born Oct. 8, 1823. and died Feb. 11, 1862. Their chil- dren: Stephen Peter b. April 8, 1847, d. Dec. 23, 1856; Anne b. Dec. 12, 1848, m. Edward Stevens Dec. 14, 1868; Simon b Aug 27, 1850, m. Rachel Stevens; Anthony b. April 5, 1852, m. Mary Ann Bennett March 9, 1874; James Jasper b Aug 7 1853, m. Jane Bennett; Andrew b. March 27, 1855, m Sarah Jane McKee; Peter b. Dec. 23, 1856, m. Jane String- ham- Anne Thornene b. Dec. 1, 1858. d. at Florence June 25. 1862; Marthene b. Sept. 26, 1860, d. at Florence June 17. 1862. Family resided Deseret and Holden, Utah. Died May 22, 1912, Halden Mlllard Co.. Utah. STEPHENSON, SIMON (son of Thomas Christian Stephenson and Maren Simons). Born Aug. 27, 1850, Jerslev. Hjorring, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1862 with father. Married Rachel Stevens Dec. 16, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Albert Stevens and Lettie McKee), who was born Oct. 28, 1855. Their children: Simon Thomas b. Oct 26, 1873, m. Emma Louisa Ashby; Rachel Marinda b. Aug. 20, 1875, m. George W. Nixon; Lettie Armina b. Sept. 15, 1878, m. LeRoy Stevens; Joseph Albert b. Feb. 2, 1880, m. Ruby Johnson; James Edward b. June 28, 1883, d. April 8, 1883- Elsie Maud b. Jan. 14, 1886, m. John Elmer Stevens; Mabel b. April 18, 1888, m. Heber J. Webb; Martha Lavern b March 2, 1890; Bruce Stevens b. June 9, 1892; Hazel Anne b. Nov. 30, 1896; Jean b. May 29, 1898. Family home Holden, Utah. STEPHENSON, ANTHONY (son of Thomas Christian Stephenson and Maren Simons). Born April 5, 1852, in Den- mark. Came to Utah with brother. Married Mary Ann Bennett March 9. 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Bennett and Jane Roberts, pioneers Oct. 15, 1863, Samuel D. White company). She was born June 27, 1855. Their children: John Bennett b. April 19, 1875, died; Jane Marinda b. April 16, 1877, m. Rodney Badger Ashby Sept. 29, 1898; Anthony Edward b. March 24, 1879, m. Ussier Johnson April 12. 1900; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 17, 1881, m. Joseph Anderson Nov. 7, 1906; James Abner b. Feb. 13. 1884, m. Josephine Badger March 22, 1906; Emily Ann b. Dec. 30, 1886, d. March 24, 1888; Catherine Amanda b. Feb. 15, 1889; Ormus William b. Feb. 2, 1892; Eva Ruth b. Nov 17, 1894; Joseph Mabben b. Oct. 18, 1897; Clara Emeline. b. Jan. 27, 1901. Family home Holden, Utah. STEPHENSON, ANDREW (son of Thomas Christian Stephenson and Maren Simons). Born March 27, 1855, in Denmark. Married Sarah Jane McKee Dec. 13. 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of James McKee and Matilda Sweat of Holden, Utah). She was'born Oct. 6, 1856. Their children: Sarah Matilda b. Sept. 26, 1878, m. Ephraim Dastrup May 3, 1899; Amy Armina b. Sept. 14, 1880; Clarissa Ann b. Nov. 28, 1882; David Andrew b. April 23, 1886, d. Nov. 10, 1886; Mercy b. Sept. 13, 1888. Family home Holden, Utah. President lllth quorum of seventies 1897-1909; high priest, missionary to Denmark 1905-1907. Worked on St. George Temple 1875-1877; carpenter. Died Aug. 26. 1912. STEVENS, CHARLES HENRY ROBINSON (son of Thomas Stevens and Johannah Robinson of Cheltenham, Gloucester- shire, Eng.). Born Aug. 16, 1837, at Cheltenham. Came to Utah August, 1854, Van Etten freight train. Married Fanny Hannah Paskett Aug. 26, 1864, Henefer, Utah (daughter of James Pope Paskett and Charlotte Buck- ingham of Tedperry, Gloucestershire, pioneer 1868). She was born Oct. 21, 1841. Their children: Charlotte Ann b. July 3, 1865 (d. Oct. 15, 1884), m. Richard Wickel, Jr.; Sarah Jane b. April 1, 1867, m. Charles Henry Anderton; Charles Henry Robinson b. May 7, 1869; Salina Johannah R. b. July 25, 1871, m. James Keppin; Thomas James R. b. May 25, 1874. m, Virginia Jones; John Paskett R. b. Dec. 31, 1876, m. Gertrude Wright; Caroline Elizabeth b. Aug. 7, 1878, m. George Ackerman; William Tunley R. b. Nov. 16, 1880, m. Emily P. ; Norah Buckingham R. b. Jan. 13, 1883, d. April 2, 1902; Fanny May b. May 1, 1885, m. Thomas R. Porter. Family home Henefer, Utah. Member 23d and 27th quorums seventies. Went to Denver with Major Russell's flour team 1860, continued to Omaha 1861; went to Missouri with Jacob Gates and Claudius Spen- cer, where they bought stock for immigrant teams to be used crossing the plains. Brought the Wright train of freight with a few families to Utah 1861; went to Weeping Willow for immigrants 1864. First lieutenant of cavalry in Black Hawk Indian war 1865-67; scouted against Ban- nock Indians 1862. Road supervisor two terms; watermas- ter; registration officer; judge of election; deputy assessor. STEVENS, HENRY B. Came to Utah 1850. His children: Henry B., m. Elizabeth Whitlock; Chloe, m. Andrew Jackson Allred; James; Ellsha, m. Miss Lamb. Family home San Pete, Utah. High priest. Farmer and peddler. Died August, 1906, Ephraim, Utah. STEVENS, HENRY B. (son of Henry B. Stevens). Came to Utah 1850. Married Elizabeth R. Whitlock 1854, at Ephraim (daugh- ter of Andrew Whitlock and Hannah Allred, former pioneer September 1862, Thomas Tidwell company). She was born 1834. Their children: Helen, m. Christian Anderson; Olive; Lula, m. Parley Christensen; Malinda b. Jan. 26, 1866, m. Adelbert Oviatt. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Died Aug. 1, 1909, at Ephraim. STEVENS, LYMAN. Came to Utah 1847, contingent of Mor- mon Battalion. Married Martha Durfee (daughter of Edmund Durfee and Miss Pickle). Their children: John, d. aged 2; Reuben L., m. Lydia Gribble; Hyrum S., m. Deborah Lemmon; Edmond. d. aged 1; Joseph S., m. Abigail M. King; Amos H., m. Elmina Behunin; Ezra W., m. Edith Lemmon; Charles F., m. Olive DeMill. Family home Cedar Fort, Utah. Married Elizabeth Lucina, Salt Lake City. Only child: Nathan Henry. Family home Tooele, Utah. Married Mariah Perkins, Ephraim, Utah. Only child: Olive, m. Joseph Croffs. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Seventy; -bishop's counselor, Holliday ward and Camp Floyd; high priest. Walker war veteran. Farmer. Died April 1886, Ferron, Utah. STEVENS, HYRUM (son of Lyman Stevens and Martha Durfee). Came to Utah with oxteam company. Married Deborah Lemmon (daughter of James Lemmon). Their children: Wallace, m. Olive Strong; Mira Louisa, m. F W. Cox 3d; Martha, m. Thomas Marker; Heber, m. Lucy ; Vilate, m. William Lamb; m. Lincoln Gray. Family home Ferron, Utah. Married Anna Wardle, who was born 1861. Their chil- dren: Joseph; Rose; Deby; John; Zial; Nettie; Ira; Frank; Seventy. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Sheriff Iron county, Utah. Farmer. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1185 STEVENS, JOSEPH S. (son of Lyman Stevens and Martha Durfee). He was born March 12, 1845, Yellroom, Hancock county, 111. Came to Utah 1849, oxteam company. Married Abigail M. King Aug. 12. 1865, Circleville, Utah (daughter of Eleazer King and Mary Caroline Fowler), who was born Sept. 16, 1849. Their children: Martha Caroline b. April 30, 1866, m. Fred Olsen; Abigail M. b. March 25, 1868, d. aged 12; Joseph S. b. May 11, 1870, m. Clara Wrigley; George W. b. Jan. 19, 1873, m. Catherine Richards; Mary Jane b. March 25, 1875, m. David O. Morgan; Charles F. b. June 2, 1877, d. aged 10; John E. b. Jan. 7, 1880, m. Annie Swenson; James L. b. Sept. 28, 1882. m. Effle Petty; Huldah L. b. April 20. 1885, m. William Stringham; Lillie J. b. March 21. 1890, m. Melvin Petty. Family resided Ephraim and Ferron, Utah. Veteran Walker and Black Hawk wars. Constable at Mayfleld one term and at Ferron two terms. Farmer; stock- raiser; apiarist. STEVENS, SIDNEY (son of James Stevens, born Feb. 5, 1797, Nunney, Somersetshire, and Hannah Martin, born January 1797, Liverpool, Eng., married about 1821). Born June 18, 1839, Nunney, Somersetshire. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel D. McArthur company. Married Mary Jane Thick May 22, 1863, Liverpool, Eng. (daughter of William Thick and Lydia Savery of Hammon, Eng., married about 1829). She was born May 13, 1838, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sidney Orson b. Aug. 28, 1864, m. Tyra Tates March 10, 1903; Frank Joseph b. Feb. 10, 1866, m. Mary Priscilla West April 23, 1888 (died); m. Aggie Herrick June 5, 1895; Alice Mary b. Nov. 16, 1867, m. Walter Thomas Warren Dec. 22, 1886; Bessie Roxanna b. Sept. 18, 1869, m. Gideon T. Alvord Jan. 20, 1889; Nettie Rozina b. Sept. 18, 1869, m. Frank H. DePuy Feb. 8, 1903; Sarah Kate b. Sept. 9, 1871, m. Augustus V. Curby May 27, 1903; Charles Henry b. Aug. 18, 1873, m. Mary E. Harrington Sept. 11, 1901; Lillian Eva b. July 21, 1875, m. Hyrum Adolph Sodenberg Nov. 8, 1911; James William b. Aug. 13, 1877, m. Lillian Foulger June 5, 1912; Elizabeth Emeline b. July 31, 1879, m. Edward Paul Jonea June 16, 1902; Albert Ulman Samuel b. Nov. 26, 1881; Walter Frederick b. May 30, 1883, m. Amanda Sidonia Alsten June 22, 1910. Family home, 2562 Adams ave.. Ogden, Utah. Assistant Sunday school superintendent at North Ogden 1869; counselor In bishopric of North Ogden ward 1875; home missionary. Postmaster at North Ogden several terms. Established tannery yard and leather manufactory and later engaged In lumber, grain, implement and vehicle business, extending his business to Logan, Utah, and Preston and Montpelier, Idaho. Erected the first three-story busi- ness block in Ogden 1878. Was prominent in club life and business and municipal affairs at the time of his demise at Ogden, May 21, 1910. STEVENS, SIDNEY ORSON (son of Sidney Stevens and Mary Jane Thick). Born Aug. 28, 1864, Kaysville, Utah. Married Tyra Yates March 10, 1903, Millville, Utah (daugh- ter of Frederick and Sarah M. Yates, former pioneer 1857, Jacob Officer company, latter came to Utah October 1873). She was born March 4, 1882, Millville, Utah. Their children: Helen Yates b. Jan. 29, 1904; Sidney Paul b. Feb. 17, 1905; Max DePuy b. April 25, 1907; Margaret Elizabeth b. Aug. 10, 1909; Eleanor b. Jan. 21, 1912. Family resided North Ogden, Ogden City and Logan, Utah. Manager Sidney Stevens Mercantile Co. at North Ogden 1884-90, and also of the same company at Logan 1894. City councilman Logan, two terms. STEVENS FRANK JOSEPH (son of Sidney Stevens and Mary Jane Thick). Born Feb. 10, 1866, at North Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Priscilla West April 23, 1888, at Ogden, Utah (daughter of Chauncy W. West and Sarah Covington, both of Ogden, pioneers Sept. 1862, Captain Smoot company). She was born April 3, 1870, died Aug. 25, 1893. Their chil- dren: Ada Adelia b. Jan. 18, 1889, m. Walker B. Scoville; Frank Joseph b. June 7, 1892. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Aggie Herrick June 5, 1895, at Ogden, Utah (daughter of Lester J. Herrick and Agnes McQuarrie, both of Ogden, Utah, pioneers September 1850, Jesse B. Martin company). She was born Nov. 18, 1870. Their children: Lester James b. Oct. 7, 1897; Sidney Alan b. June 17, 1899; Agnes b. Sept. 29, 1901; Virginia b. Oct. 29, 1903. Family home Ogden, Utah. Engaged in agricultural implement business with the Sidney Stevens Implement Company 1887; vice president and general manager of the Sideny Stevens Implement Com- pany. STEVENS. CHARLES HENRY (son of Sidney Stevens and Mary Jane Thick). Born Aug. 18, 1873, at North Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Emeroy Harrington Sept. 11, 1901, at Ogden, Utah (daughter of Charles Harrington and Helen Emeroy Craigue, both of Ogden, Utah, since 1890). She was born Jan. 11, 1880. Their children: Charles Sidney b. Feb. 29, 1904; Helen Emeroy b. Dec. 28, 1906. Family home Ogden, Utah. Secretary of the Sidney Stevens Implement Company; engaged in the agricultural implement business for about 20 years. STEVENS. WALTER F. (son of Sidney Stevens and Mary Jane Thick). Born May 30, 1883, at North Ogden, Utah. Married Amanda Sidonia Olsten June 22, 1910, at Mantl, Utah (daughter of William H. Olsten and Lodicy A. Griffln), vrho was born Aug. 22, 1886. Their children: Walter Her- bert b. April 1, 1911; Helen Sidonia b. March 17, 1913. STEVENS, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Stevens and Ann Lock of Somersetshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 23, 1819, in Somer- setshire. Came to Utah 1860. Married Emma Crowden 1846, Bridgwater, Somersetshire (daughter of Isaac Crowden and Charlotte Brewer of Somer- setshire), who was born June 27, 1825. Their children: Sarah Ann, m. Hyrum Mecham; William Henry, m. Eliza Horton; Ellen Christene, m. John Neel; Emeline Augusta, m. Daniel Blgelow; Simon Percival, d. aged 45; Thomas Isaac, m. Emma Wooley; Franklin Theophilus, d. aged 19; Abigail Charlotte, m. Charles T. Watterson. Family resided Wanship and Oakley, Utah. Member seventies. Blacksmith and farmer. Died March 1900, at Oakley. STEVENS, WILLIAM (son of Roswell Stevens of New York and Slbbell Spencer of Pennsylvania, and Upper Canada, moved to Hancock county, 111.). Born Oct. 1, 1799, Herki- mer county, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1850, William Snow company. Married Marlnda Thomas Sept. 2, 1827, Mount Pleasant, Upper Canada (daughter of David Thomas of Mount Pleas- ant, Upper Canada). She was born June 27, 1809; died June 27, 1848. Their children: Albert b. Dec. 16, 1829, m. Lettie McKee 1852; Walter b. Jan. 17, 1831. m. Abigail Holman 1854; William b. Feb. 14, 1832, m. Elizabeth Seley 1854; Elanor b. July 26, 1833, d. 1844; Rachel b. Dec. 1, 1834, m. John Holman 1857; Jonathan b. July 2, 1836, d. Feb. 1838; Sarah Anna b. July 24, 1838, m. Matthew McCuen 1855; David Riley b. Nov. 21, 1839, m. Caroline Felshaw 1861; Edward b.'Aug 1 . 26, 1841, m. Annie Stephenson 1868; Eliza b. 1843, d. 1848; Amos b. 1846, d. 1847; Alma b. 1848, d. Aug. 1848. Member high priest quorum. Member territorial legisla- ture in 1856-57. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Feb. 5, 1877, Hoden Utah. STEVENS, ALBERT (son of William Stevens and Marinda Thomas). Born Dec. 16, 1829. Married Lettie McKee. Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Thomas McKee, Holden, Utah). Their children: Albert Jr. b. Sept. 27, 1853, m. Sept. 3, 1883; Rachel; Mary; David; James; George; Martha; Lettie. Family home Holden, Utah. Farmer. Died March 6, 1910, Holden, Utah. STEVENS, EDWARD (son of William Stevens and Marinda Thomas). Born Aug. 26, 1841, in Illinois. Came to Utah 1850 with father in William Snow company. Married Annie Stephenson Dec. 14, 1868, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Thomas C. Stephenson and Marinda Simenson, pioneers, C. M. Madison company). She was born Dec. 12, 1848, in Denmark. Their children: Marinda b. Oct. 20, 1870; Edward F. b. Nov. 14, 1874, m. Emma M. Robins 1898; Sarah Armina b. June 17, 1876, m. Mary R. S. Ninon 1906; William T. b. Dec. 7, 1877; J. A. Stevens b. Dec. 10, 1879; Bertha E. b. June 18, 1883; Florence A. b. Aug. 4, 1885: Clara M. b. Feb. 27, 1889. Family home Millard county, Utah. Member elder quorum. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah; missionary to Virginia 1879-1881. County com- missioner of Millard Co., Utah; school trustee. Farmer and stockraiser. Living at Holden, Millard Co., Utah. STEVENSON, EDWARD (son of Joseph Stevenson and Elizabeth Stevens of Gibralter, England). Born May 1, 1820. Gibralter. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1847 he was captain of ten in C. C. Rich's company. Married Nancy Areta in 1844, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Sanford Porter and Nancy Warriner of Nauvoo, latter a pioneer Oct. 2, 1847, C. C. Rich company). She was born Aug. 8, 1825, Trumbull county, Ohio. Their children: Nephi P., m. Louisa Stewart; Eliza, m. John R. Stewart; Edward A., m. Emeline Stewart; Nancy, d. infant; Joseph E., m. Mary A. Richards. Family home 14th ward. Salt Lake City. Married Emily E. Williams 1857, Salt Lake Endowment House. Daniel H. Wells officiating (daughter of Daniel R. Williams and Electa C. Briggs of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers September 1852, Henry Miller company). She was born Sept. 23, 1841. Their children: Electa M., m. George Man- waring, m. Frederick Stiner; Henry R., m. Hannah R. Buck- waiter; William O., d. aged two; Emily Rosella, m. Franols McDonald; Daniel W., d. infant; John W., m. Sarah Perry; Eugene E., m. Etta Staples; Lester A., m. Bertha Starley; Hyrum S., m. Mary Slaughter; Ernest E., m. Emma Walker; Harriet L., m. Franklin Walker. Family home Breriton ward, Big Cottonwood, Utah. Member first council of seventies, 1894-97; high priest; home missionary in Utah, Idaho and Arizona twelve years; senior president 30th quorum seventies; missionary to the States, 1857-58 and 1869-70; to Canada in 1872; to southern states 1877-78; in United States and Canada, 1883-84; and in United States and Europe in 1886; crossed the plains nineteen times, and the Atlantic ocean nine times, doing: missionary work; organized branch of the church at Gibral- ter, Spain, in 1852. Took part in Echo Canyon trouble; chaplain in militia. Tinsmith, apiarist, manufacturer and farmer. Died Jan. 27, 1897. 1186 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH STEVENSON, JOSEPH ECHO (son of Edward Stevenson and Nancy Porter). Born Oct. 1, 1S57, fourteenth ward. Salt Lake City. Married Mary Alice Richards Dec. 8, 1881, Salt Lake En- dowment House, Franklin D. Richards officiating (daughter of Franklin D. Richards and Mary Thompson of Nauvoo. 111., who came to Utah Oct. 19, 1848, captain of his own com- pany). She was born July 5, 1863. Their children: Joseph W. b. Oct. 23, 1887, d. infant: Orson b. March 2, 1889, d. Infant; Frank J. b. April 22, 1891; Clarence C. b. March 14. 1893; Merlon L. b. Oct. 18, 1895; Dewey W. b. Jan. 2, 1898; Roy S. b. May 23, 1900. Family home Holliday, Utah. Member 35th quorum seventies at Morgan City. County superintendent of schools of Morgan county. Morgan city councilman. Rancher and miner. STEVENSON, JAMES (son of Joseph Stevenson of Leicester- Shire, Eng., and Elizabeth Stevens of London, Eng. mar- ried June 28, 1812). Born Aug. 12, 1830, at Albany, N. T. Came to Utah 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company. Married Sarah Elnora White (daughter of Joseph White and Ruby Seams White, pioneers 1849). She was born Nov. 18, 1831. Their children: James Ira b. Aug. 2, 1853, d. Infant; William Henry b. Dec. 12, 1854, m. Jane E. Bourne; Mary Elnora b. 1856 and Lenora Estella b. 1858, died; Ruby Annetta b. Nov. 16, 1860, m. Herbert Hayner; Charles Joseph b. March 28, 1863, died; Edward Delroz b. Oct. 2, 1867; Ezra Clark b. Jan. 22, 1867, died; Wilford Albert b. April 11, 1871, m. Andrew Johnson; Alfred Frank b. Dec. 22, 1874; Orson Leo b. Jan. 1876. Elder; high priest; missionary among the Indians. STEVENSON, JAMES. Born July 26, 1815, England. Came to Utah October, 1867, Captain Hofflnes company. Married Martha Charles June 15, 1835, in England (daugh- ter of John Charles of England). She was born Jan. 29, 1815. Their children: Sarah Ann, m. J. S. Fullmer; John Charles, m. Sarah Goff; Emma and Joseph, died; Lucy, m. Thomas Terry; Agnes, m. Peter Haze; Emma Jane, m. George Williams; Esther, m. Samuel Grange. Family home Springville, Utah. High priest. Served as guard in Black Hawk Indian war. Tailor. Died Dec. 24, 1882. STEVENSON, THOMAS PAUL (son of William Stevenson and Mary Maud of Hull. Eng.). Born March 20. 1832, Pock- lington, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne company. Married Jane Cobb Oct. 12, 1853, at Hull (daughter of Robert Cobb and Mary Selby of Pocklington), who was born Sept. 20, 1833. Their children: Joseph, died; Thomas Wil- liam, m. Alice Maud West; Robert Cobb, m. Mary Ann Warner; Mary Jane, Mary Ettie and John Henry, latter three died; Susan, m. Alfred Stanbridge; Priscilla, m. James Madsen; Charles Edward, m. Lizzie Peterson; David Cobb, m. Minnie West; Eliza Jane; Harry. Family home Nephl, Utah. Teacher; high priest. Farmer. Died March 20, 1907. STEWART, ANDREW JACKSON (son of Philander Barrett Stewart and Sally Scott of Williamstown, Mass.). Born Sept. 13, 1819, Jackson township, Monroe Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 20, 1850. Married Eunice Pease Haws Quimby Jan. 1, 1844, Keosau- qua. Van Buren Co., Iowa (daughter of Ephraim Quimby and Catherine Pease Quimby Haws of Van Buren county, pio- neers 1851). She was born July 12, 1825. Their children: Sarah Catherine b. Dec. 17, 1844, died; Andrew Jackson b. Oct. 8, 1846, m. Melissa Riggs; Samuel Silvester b. Aug. 18, 1848, Silvia Caroline b. April 6, 1850. and Birdwell Fountain b. May 6, 1851, latter three died; Eunice Listra b. Feb. 1, 1853, m. Isaac Rogers, m. George Morrison; Elon Levaria b. July 28, 1855, m. Charles August Allen. Family resided Payson, Provo and Benjamin, Utah. Married Caroline Nickerson Hubbard Grover Feb. 22, 1851, Salt Lake City (daughter of Freeman Nickerson and Hulda Chapman of Provo, Utah, pioneers 1860). Only child was Moses Carlos b. Jan. 1, 1852, who died young. Married Mariah Mary Judd July 26, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Philo Judd and Nancy Eames, pioneers 1850). She was born June 3, 1828. Their children: Preston Thomas b. May 8, 1853, m. Christina Hannah Bidmore; Philo Jackson b. Sept. 28, 1856, d. in California; Benjamin Franklin b. Aug. 24, 1869, m. Mary C. Huntsman; John Oscar b. 1861, died; Aaron Ashbel b. March 16, 1864. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Catherine Holden (daughter of Wiley and Abigail Holden), who was born in 1848. Their children: David Wiley b. April 30, 1865, m. Emily Hidden; Mary Abigail b. 1867, died. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Mary Eliza Weir Aug. 6, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Weir and Elizabeth Clark of Ogden, Utah). She was born Dec. 20, 1846. Their children: John Clark b. Sept. 27, 1866, died; Eva Elizabeth b. June 22, 1868. m. Ora B. Haynes; Nancy Lucinda b. July 1, 1871, m. C. U. Losander; Maggie May b. May 24, 1874, died; Otto Ren b. May 29, 1878, m. Millicent Tallstrup; Lulu Rachel b. June 6, 1881. m. Robert E. Corless. Clerk of Payson branch 1850; missionary to Australia 1855, and served as president of that mission. Territorial surveyor 1850; assistant attorney-general 1860; deputy clerk of supreme court 1861. President Utah Stock Association 1884. Died Dec. 12, 1911. STEWART, ANDREW JACKSON, JR. (son of Andrew Jack- son Stewart and Eunice Pease Quimby Haws). Born Oct. 8, 1846, in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Married Melissa Riggs Jan. 25, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Dr. John Riggs and Jane Kilton Bullock of Provo, Utah, pioneers Sept. 20, 1861, Captain McPherson company). She was born Jan. 21, 1849. Their children: Melissa Jane b. May 23, 1869, m. William Clements Horsley;" Julia Kimball b. Aug. 1870, died; Addie Lavaria b. June 28, 1871, died; Andrew Jackson b. April 10, 1873, m. Helena Roseberry Young; Ida Christmas b. Dec. 25, 1874, m. Edwin Arthur Peay; Scott Pease b. June 10, 1876, m. Myrtle Mar- ben; John Riggs b. Jan. 20, 1878, m. Esther Call. Family resided Provo and Benjamin, Utah. Married Mary Eliza Smith Sept. 2, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Glover Smith and Margaret Allen of Mill Creek, Smithfleld and St. George, Utah, pioneers Sep- tember, 1862, Captain Foote company). She was born May 8, 1866. Their children: Addie b. Jan. 2, 1887; Quimby b. Dec. 27, 1888; Eunice Lucile b. July 26. 1891; Marguerite b. Oct. 7, 1893; Theresa Arlena b. Sept. 30, 1895; Allen Glover m. May 16, 1898; Paul Barrett b. Jan. 23, 1900; Elon May b. Feb. 3. 1903; Robert Wilson b. Dec. 24, 1904; James Olander b. Aug. 23, 1907; Samuel Elwood b. April 7, 1909. Family home Provo, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1866. Taught school at Provo and Salt Lake City 1869-70. U. S. deputy surveyor 1872-1902. Assisted in making ditches and devel- oping the country around Benjamin 1862-66. Missionary to California 1907. STEWART, ANDREW J. (son of Andrew Jackson Stewart and Melissa Riggs). Born April 10, 1873, Provo, Utah. Married Helena Roseberry Young Oct. 1, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Oscar B. Young and Anna Marie Rose- berry of Provo and Salt Lake City, former pioneer 1848, the latter 1857). She was born July 30, 1876. Their children: Helena b. July 5, 1903; Burr Young b. Aug. 4, 1905; Dorothy b. Sept. 26. 1908. Missionary to Germany 1896-99. U. S. deputy surveyor 1903-05. Graduated from College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Baltimore, Md., 1904. Practicing physician Salt Lake City. STEWART, CHARLES (son of Nicholas Stevens Stewart and Lucy Kilborn of Denmark. Lewis county, N. Y.). He was born May 14, 1814, at Denmark, N. Y. Came to Utah Octo- ber, 1852, Captain Snow company. Married Sarah Ann Roberts in 1835 at Denmark, N Y (daughter of James Roberts and Lois Chapin of Oswe- gatchie, St. Lawrence county, N. Y.). She was born in Feb- ruary. 1820. Their children: Mary Priscilla, m. John Bur- riston, m. Era Hawley; William Henry, m. Elizabeth Davis; Jane Eveline; Sarah Ellen, m. Elisha Davis; Olive Ann; Charles Echo; Emma Maria, m. Charles Samuel White; Lois Adeline, m. Heber Clark; James Stevens; Lucy Adelaide, m. Alexander Gray. Married Fannie Eliza Hunt 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Hunt and Fannie Matilda Stewart, Dianna, N. Y.). She was born Sept. 7, 1848. Their children: Etta Estella: Louise; Fannie Luella; Clara, m. Edward Wat- kins; Blanche. Families resided Pleasant Grove, Utah. Missionary to New York 1869-70. Farmer. Died Jan. 18, 1879, Pleasant Grove, Utah. STEWART, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Charles Stewart and Sarah Ann Roberts). Born Dec. 3, 1842, Oswegatchie, N. Y. Came to Utah October, 1852, Captain Snow company. Married Elizabeth Davis January, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Catlin Davis and Phoebe Oxenbauld, Handsworth, Staffordshire, Eng., came to Utah 1859, Edward Stevenson company). She was born Nov. 20, 1852. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Aug. 26, 1872, d. Aug. 28, 1872; Wil- liam Davis b. Nov. 17, 1873, m. Alice Spratley; Lois Eliza- beth b. Oct. 8, 1875, m. Alvin West; Sylvia Jane b. Aug. 26, 1877, m. William Atwood; Charles Stoddart b. Dec. 13, 1879, m. Margaret Gaines; John Henry b. Dec. 1, 1881, m. Flora Gaines; Caddie Lyle b. Nov. 4, 1884, m. Charles Santford Jones; Rua Francis b. Aug. 22, 1887; Alfred Duanne b. March 1, 1890; Walter Roberts b. April 23, 1893, d. Aug. 26, 1893. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Member high priests' quorum seventies. Assisted immi- grants to Utah 1866, Henry Chipman company. Farmer. Died Aug. 28, 1912, Pleasant Grove. STEWART, ISAAC MITTON (son of Beakley Stewart of Burlington, N. J., and Alice Hopkins, born 1781 in New Jer- sey). He was born March 18, 1815, Burlington, N. J. Came to Utah 1852, captain of his own company. Married Matilda Jane Downs (daughter of Ezekiel Downs and Chalotte Rawlins, latter a pioneer 1848). She was born Oct. 1, 1817, and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: James Zebulon b. Oct. 31, 1844, m. Julia Ann Wads- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1187 worth Fitzgerald Dec. 27. 1869; Mary Emily b. 1848; Maranda Jane b. Oct. 1852, m. William L. Allen; Isaac John b. Sept. 29, 1866, m. May Crossgrove, m. Eva Hepler, m. Jennie Parish. Family home Draper, Utah. Married Elizabeth White March 8, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of William White and Mary Ann Syer married In London, Eng. latter came to Utah Dec. 10, 1866, with John A. Hunt company). She was born Feb. 22, 1838, Lon- don, Eng., and came to Utah with mother. Their children: Mary Ann b. March 4, 1858, m. R. A. Ballantyne Dec. 27, 1875; William Mitton b. Sept. 5, 1859, m. Sarah Vincent Dec. 17, 1884; Alice Caroline b. Feb. 16, 1862, m. Richard H. String- fellow May 5, 1885; Elizabeth b. Sept. 3, 1863, m. William W. Fife Dec. 7, 1882; Eliza Jane b. Aug. 27, 1865, m. John D. Fife Feb. 20, 1889; Samuel White b. May 21, 1867, m. Ella M. Nebeker Sept. 19, 1894; Charles Beakley b. July 20, 1870, m. Kate Romney Sept. 30, 1896; Joseph Barnard b. Jan. 13, 1873, m. Leonora Cannon Sept. 13, 1889; Luella Evaline b. Dec. 5, 1876, m. Marian Lindsay Oct. 6, 1898; Nettie Priscilla b. Sept. 11, 1879, m. Alfred Taylor June 11, 1902; Orson Richard b. 1881, d. 1886. Family resided Draper and Salt Lake City, Utah. Married Emma Baynum (Lloyd). Only child: Joshua Baynum b. 1158, m. Mary Jane Fitzgerald Dec. 7, 1885. Bishop of Draper ward 38 years. County selectman 16 years. A promoter of educational institutions University of Utah and Draper public schools. Farmer; stockraiser. Died March 16, 1890, Draper, Utah. STEWART, JAMES ZEBULON (son of Isaac Mitton Stewart and Matilda Jane Downs). Born Oct. 31, 1844, near Car- thage, 111. Married Julia A. Fitzgerald Dec. 27, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Perry Fitzgerald and Agnes Wadsworth, for- mer a pioneer July 24, 1847). She was born March 24, 1864, Draper, Utah. Their children: James Zebulon b. March 6, 1871, m. Hanna Hotter; Isaac Perry b. Dec. 13, 1872, m. Rebecca Evans; Carrie Julia b. Oct. 1, 1874, m. Thomas H. Humphreys; Ida May b. Aug. 23, 1878, m. Joseph M. Ander- son; Ernest Israel b. June 8, 1882, m. Sarah Walters; Agnes Matilda b. May 2, 1884, m. James C. Allen; Willie Helaman b. April 9, 1886, m. Mabel Richards; Royal Angus b. Nov. 19, 1887; Eugene Fitzgerald b. July 23, 1891; Jessie Fitzger- ald b. May 22, 1893. Family home Logan, Utah. President of faculty of Brigham Young College at Logan several years. Located Mormon colonies in Colorado. Mem- ber high council of Cache stake 26 years; filled three mis- sions to old Mexico. In collaboration with M. G. Trejo, translated Book of Mormon into Spanish. STEWART, JAMES ZEBULON, JR. (son of James Zebulon Stewart and Julia Ann Fitzgerald). Born March 6, 1871, Draper, Utah. Married Hanna Hotter (daughter of Heinrich Herman Ludwig Kotter and Henrietta Bozrup, former came to Utah from Germany). She was born March 8, 1873, Brigham City, Utah. Their children: LeGrande b. Jan. 3, 1902; Vera b. July 11, 1903; James Zebulon b. Oct. 24, 1904; Kingsley Heinrich b. July 9, 1906; Velois b. May 6, 1908; Gracia Hen- rietta b. June 19, 1910; Miriam Hannah b. July 24, 1912. Family home Logan, Utah. Has served as president of Brooklyn, N. Y. conference; Sunday school superintendent; member religion class board. City attorney of Logan. STEWART, DR. WILLIAM MITTON (son of Isaac Mitton Stewart and Elizabeth White). Born Sept. 6, 1859, Draper, Utah. Married Sarah E. Vincent Dec. 17, 1884, Salt Lake City. She was a young woman of strong character, with a re- markable educational insight, and one who has been a great factor In his educational career. He spent his early boyhood working on his father's farm, and while the plow was being guided by his youthful hands upturning the fertile soil, his thoughts soared upward in primitive aspirations toward an ethical ideal of life and education. He attended the University of Deseret at the age of 20 and came in direct and intimate contact'with some of Utah's pioneers of education Karl G. Maeser, John R. Park, J. B. Toronto and others. Graduating in 1883, he took up the profession of teaching and his school became noted through- out the state. Instrumental in organizing literary societies, he finally accumulated an enormous library. Elected county superintendent of schools In 1885, which then included the schools of Salt Lake City. In 1888 he became a member of the Utah University fac- ulty, and for 26 years his labors were untiring in building up Its departments of education. He had the utilitarian idea of education and worked it out in his everyday life. Regent of the university four years, he later was placed at the head of the normal school and it became the School of Edu- cation. Under his deft direction the training school became world-famed and the prominent educators of the country have marveled at its thoroughness and the material it has turned out of its halls. In 1899 he did post-graduate work at the University of Chicago, working with Dr. John Dewey, Colonel Parker and Dr. Harper. While there he presented many papers that received marked recognition. In 1897 the University of Utah conferred upon him the degree of Master of Didactics, a title well-earned by his devotion to the university and his marked ability. Having traveled throughout the United States, attending: the meetings of the National Education Association, deliver- ing lectures and presenting papers before national conven- tions and meetings of the national superintendents, he was just completing a new course of study and had worked out an entirely new scheme of industrial work for Utah, when his exemplary life closed June 26, 1913, mourned by thou- sands throughout the United States. STEWART, SAMUEL W. (son of Isaac M. Stewart and Eliza- beth White). Born May 21, 1867, Draper, Utah. Married Ella M. Nebeker Sept. 19, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Nebeker and Maria Delwith of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1847). She was born Oct. 7, 1867. Fam- ily home, Salt Lake City. Member third state legislature; judge in third judicial district court four years. Practicing attorney. STEWART, CHARLES BEAKLEY (son of Isaac M. Stewart and Elizabeth White). Born July 20, 1870, Draper, Utah. Married Katherine Romney Sept. 30, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Romney and Margaret Thomas, pio- neers), who was born March 18, 1875. Their children: Charles B. b. Aug. 7, 1898; Margaret A. b. Oct. 6, 1899; Kath- erine R. b. Jan. 4, 1902; Elizabeth W. b. July 19, 1894; Isaac M. b. Dec. 30, 1906; Josephine R. b. Aug. 30, 1907; George R. b. June 7, 1908; Romney b. Feb. 13, 1913. Family home, Salt Lake City. Worked on farm and attended public schools during win- ter months. Student at University of Deseret (now Univer- sity of Utah), and a graduate of the law department of the University of Michigan (at Ann Arbor) June, 1893. Ad- mitted to the bar of the state of Michigan June, 1893, and to the supreme court of the United States Feb. 23, 1912. Taught in the Utah public schools for two years. Com- menced the practice of law in Salt Lake City June, 1895. with the law firm of Stewart, Stewart & Stewart (broth- ers) until 1908, when he became the senior member of the law firm of Stewart, Bowman & Morris. Elected justice of peace for fourth precinct Salt Lake City, one term, served as assistant city attorney for Salt Lake City, two terms. Was director In Salt Lake & Jordan Mill & Elevator Co., the Summit County Mercantile Company, Western Wyoming Land & Livestock Co., Stewart Harding Sheep Company, Utah Coal & Supply Co. of Park City, Stewart Ranch Com- pany, Birdseye Marble Company. President of University Investment Company. He in connection with J. C. McAllister organized the Farmers' & Stockgrowers' Bank and Is first vice president, director and member of the executive com- mittee of that bank. Director Utah Pioneer Book Publish- ing Company. Sheepraiser and farmer. Secretary Utah Sheepman's Association. STEWART, BARNARD J. (son of Isaac M. Stewart and Elizabeth White). Born Jan. 13, 1873, Draper, Utah. Married Leonora M. Cannon Sept. 13, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of Angus M. Cannon and Sarah Mousley of Eng- land, pioneers 1851). She was born Oct. 12, 1874. Their children: Madeline C. b. March 1, 1901; Ruth b. May 18, 1903; Barnard J. b. Dec. 31, 1906; William M. b. July 2, 1909; Leonora C. b. June 14, 1911. Practices law in Salt Lake City. STEWART, JAMES WESLEY (son of George Stewart, born Jan. 29, 1796, Cumberland, N. C., and Ruth Baker, born Jan. 24, 1807, Clark county, Ga., both of Fayette county, Ala.). Born May 19, 1825, in Fayette county. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Jane Grover in Southern California (daughter of Thomas Grover and Caroline AVhiting of Farmington, Utah, pioneers). Their children: Mary Jane, m. John Bourne; Ruth Caroline, m. Alexander Tubbs; Eliza Ann, m. John S. Barrett; James Wesley, Jr., m. Lavinia Jane Stewart; Luella Lorena,, m. Frank Goddard; Cynthia Emeline, m. James Barren; Hannah, m. GeorgeMunns; George Thomas; Isaiah Joshua, m. Esther Mellinger; Samuel Spaulding; Margaret E. Family home Farmington, Utah. High priest. Died March 22, 1913, Cokeville, Wyo. STEWART, JAMES W. (son of James W. Stewart and Jane Grover). Born Aug. 9, 1857, San Bernardino, Cal. Married Lavinia Jane Stewart Jan. 1, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Rufus Stewart and Nancy Browning of Ogden, Utah, pioneers 1847, second company), who was born March 7, 1859. Family home Morgan, Utah. High priest; high councilor; superintendent Sunday school and president Y. M. M. I. A. City councilman and county commissioner. Farmer. STEWART, GEORGE RUPCS (son of George Stewart). Born July 29, 1827, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Came to Utah Septem- ber, 1847. Married Barbara Jane Stewart Nov. 26, 1833 (daughter of Johnathan Browning and Elizabeth Stallcup of Ogden, Utah). Only child: James Rufus, d. Oct. 22, 1890. Family home, Ogden. Married Nancy Lovinia Browning April 1, 1856, who was born Jan. 13, 1842, in Illinois, died June 22, 1875, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Lovinia Jane b. March 7, 1869, m. James Wesley Stewart Jan. 1, 1890; George Johnathan b. Aug. 13, 1861, m. Mary Ellen Heinner; Barbara Malvina b. Oct. 27, 1863, m. Frank E. Lloyd; Martha Malinda b. Dec. 13, 1865, m. Fredric R. Kramer; Rutha Elizabeth b. March 16, 1867, m. Thomas Palmer; John Virgil b. June 1, 1870, m. Mary Devine; William Henry b. June 5, 1875. Family home Ogden, Utah. Seventy; home missionary; ward teacher. Died Jan. 20, 1891. 1188 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH STEWART, JOHN (son of James Stewart and Harriet Glen). He was born Sept. 27. 1827, at Chester, Kent county, Md. Came to Utah 1849. Married Lydia M. Rolfe Feb. 12, 1851, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Samuel J. Rolfe and Elizabeth Hatha- way). She was born Dec. 26, 1831, in Oxford Co., Maine, came to Utah September, 1847. Their children: Arthur M. b. Jan. 26, 1852; James b. Feb. 16, 1854; Harriet E. b. June 11, 1856, m. A. D. Rhodes, Jr.; Julianna b. Feb. 10, 1859, m. Ed- ward Karren; John b. Feb. 25, 1862, m. Henrietta Ashton; Henry T. b. Jan. 1, 1864; Charles T. b. Oct. 11, 1866, m. Cora Brown; Harry J. b. May 2, 1869, m. Victoria Bone; Margret b. June 3, 1871; Benjamin b May 12, 1873, m. M. E. Hindmarsh; Samuel Stewart b. April 2, 1875, m. Nellie Enloe. Family home Lehi, Utah. Carpenter and builder. Died July 12, 1895, Lehi, Utah. STEWART, ARTHUR M. (son of John Stewart and Lydia M. Rolfe). He was born Jan. 26, 1852, at San Bernardino, Cal. Came to Utah 1858. Married Sarah P. Thomas July 4, 1871, Lehi, Utah (daugh- ter of Daniel S. Thomas and Martha P. Jones, Lehi, Utah, came to Utah 1849). She was born Feb. 3, 1849. Their chil- dren: A. M. b. March 7, 1872, m. Ella Herron; Owen T. b. Feb. 8, 1874, m. Geneva Evans; Sarah J. b. Nov. 20, 1875, m. William Vaughn; Paul J. b. June 20, 1878, m. Annie Burns; Malinda b. June 15, 1880, m. Samuel Hammer; Leon J. b. Sept. 13, 1882; Lola D. b. Sept. 19, 1884, m. M. Copen- haver; Martha L. b. April 12, 1886, m. M. Prestrich; Maggie Ferole b. Aug. 30, 1892. Family home Lehi, Utah. STEWART, NEIL M. (son of William Stewart, born March 15, 1828, Edinburgh, Scotland, and Elizabeth Murdock, born Dec. 18, 1822, Fifeshire, England married Nov. 18, 1850, both of Edinburgh, Scotland). He was born April 15, 1855, Peoria, 111. Came to Utah December, 1856, Captain Hunt company. Married Hannah Fisher Nov. 20, 1880 (daughter of James Fisher and Hannah Stott of Meadow, Millard Co., Utah, pioneers October, 1852, Isaac Bullock company). She was born March 21, 1860, and came to Utah with parents. Member 47th quorum seventies; missionary to Scotland 1898 to 1900. Moved to Meadow at the age of 14 years. High priest; high councilor; president T. M. M. I. A.; bish- op's counselor; bishop of Meadow ward 9 years. County commissioner. Farmer. STEWART, WILLIAM LYLE (son of Archabald Stewart and Esther Lyle, Glasgow, Scotland). Born Nov. 19, 1846, Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah 1854, Daniel Gam com- pany. Married Sarah Jane Thomas Jan. 29, 1872 (daughter of Daniel E. Thomas and Jane Gaither, pioneers 1850, Seth M. Blair company). She was born Dec. 21, 1852. Their chil- dren: Nellie Elizabeth; William Thomas; Daniel Clarberm; Archabald; Nellie; Esther; John Franklin; Mary; Effle; Ruth. Family resided Plain City, Warren and Ogden, Utah. Member quorum seventies; missionary to Great Britain 1898 to 1900; member Sunday school board Plain City, 10 years; superintendent Plain City Sunday school from 1882 to 1888 and from 1893 to 1896; bishop Warren ward 1896- 1909. Representative to sixth legislature, Utah. Constable and justice of peace, Plain City. STEWART, URBAN VAN (son of William Stewart, born 1768, Overton, Tenn., and Elizabeth Van Hooser, born 1772, of Overton). He was born Nov. 9, 1817, at Overton. Came to Utah September, 1847. Married Lydia Gage Jacobs 1837. in Caldwell county, Mo., who was born 1822, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Edna A. b. May, 1840, m. Robert McDonald April 18, 1855; Henry b. 1842, d. infant; Urban Jacob b. May 13, 1846, m. Emily . Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Luck May 21, 1854, Parowan. Utah, who was born Nov. 7, 1827, in Buckinghamshire, Eng. Their children: Joseph Stewart b. Nov. 9, 1852 (adopted); Van b. April 16, 1855, d. Feb. 14, 1864; Lev! b. March 4, 1857, d. April 21, 1864; Elizabeth b. March 18, 1859, m. Samuel S. Ward March 21, 1875; Rosanna E. b. Sept. 12, 1861, m. Jason B. Webb May 24, 1876; Sarah V. b. Sept. 27, 1863, m. Albert Bird Nov. 12, 1878; Eunice A. b. Aug. 31, 1868, m. George W. Valentine March 15, 1885. Family home Beaver, Utah. Married Mary Ann Jones March 11, 1860 (daughter of William E. and Mary Jones), who was born Feb. 8, 1845. Their children: Mary Jane b. Nov. 18, 1861, m. John Limb Feb. 6, 1878; Liza Ann b. Dec. 15, 1863, d. July 6, 1865; Martha Ellen b. June 21, 1866, m. John E. Cox Dec. 27, 1882; Wil- liam Urban b. Oct. 10, 1868, m. Rosa E. Adams Nov. 14, 1890; Daniel Jones b. Feb. 25, 1871, m. Ellen S. Adams June 19, 1895; Margret Caroline b. Nov. 26, 1873, m. John D. Adams Dec. 30, 1891; Robert Charles b. April 7, 1876, d. July 23, 1901; George Heber b. March 30, 1879, m. Lydia C. Covington June 5, 1901; Lewis Jenkins b. Sept. 18, 1881, d. Jan. 20, 1907; Clara Bell b. March 25, 1884. Family home Beaver, Utah. Married Ellen Adams July 14, 1865, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of David B. Adams and Mary Cook, who were married 1834, former came to Utah, latter died In Missouri). She was born May 10, 1848, Northumberland, Pa. Their chil- dren: Mary Ellen b. July 20, 1867, m. Walter F. Hanks April 15, 1887; David James b. Sept. 25, 1869, m. Fanny Sim- mons Dec. 22, 1892; Urban Van b. Oct. 6, 1871, m. Margret Franklin Dec. 21, 1897; John Ruly b. Aug. 27, 1873, m. Cor- nelia Covington Aug. 14, 1903; Lydia Catherine b. Nov. I 1875, d. Feb. 1, 1877; Andrew Adams b. March 5, 1877, d. July 10, 1882; Rosa May b. June 14, 1880, m. Moroni Lazenby Oct. 14, 1898; Levi b. Oct. 31, 1882, d. Feb. 10, 1892. Effle Elizabeth b. Feb. 17, 1886, m. William J. Covington; Walter Ernest b. Sept. 27, 1888. Family resided Beaver and Adams- ville, Utah. Married Keziah Jones (daughter of William and Mary Jones), who was born July 16, 1855. Their children: Mar- gret, m. Mr. Valentine; Edward, m. May Pace; Susan, m. Lars Frandson. Seventy; high priest; presiding elder of Grover, Teasdale branch; missionary to southern Illinois, 1843; and also to the White mountains. He assisted in putting in the crops in Clover valley. Farmer. Died Dec. 25, 1899, Grover, Utah. STEWART, JOHN RILLT (son of Urban Van Stewart and Ellen Adams). Born Aug. 27, 1873, Beaver, Utah. Married Ellen Cornelia Covington Aug. 14, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Covington and Elizabeth Adams), who was born Dec. 10, 1884, Orderville, Utah. Their chil- dren: Ellen Elizabeth b. April 26, 1904; John Rilly, Jr. b. Oct. 28, 1905; Golda b. Dec. 21, 1907; Cecil Van b. March 7, 1910; Harold William b. March 21, 1911. Family home Loa, Utah. Missionary to northwestern states 1897-1900; presiding elder and assistant Sunday school superintendent of Grover ward; bishop Torrey ward five years; second counselor to G. S. Bastian, president of Wayne stake, 1906-10; and first counselor to Joseph Eckersley, president same stake. STEWART, WILLIAM (son of James Stewart, born Aug. 12, 1796, Blairothel, Scotland, and Helen Young, born 1796, St. Andries, Scotland. Family home Edinburgh, Scotland). He was born March 15, 1828, at Edinburgh. Came to Utah December, 1856, John A. Hunt company. Married Elizabeth Murdock Nov. 18, 1850, Newcastle. Northumberland, Eng. (daughter of James Murdock and Elizabeth Salter), who was born Dec. 18, 1822, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: James Murdock b. Sept. 22, 1851, m. Mary J. Duncan Dec. 22, 1873; Wi'liam b. Oct. 7, 1853, d. Aug. 19, 1854; Neil M. b. April 15, 1855, m. Hannah Fisher Nov. 20, 1880; Elizabeth b. Oct. 23, 1856, d. Oct. 26, 1856. Family resided Goshen and Meadow Utah. Married Ruth Carans Sept. 22, 1857, Salt Lake City, who was born April 13, 1905, in Scotland. Married Jane Jenkins 1864, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Jenkins and Jenet Lard of Scotland, pioneers 1864). Their children: Jennett b. Sept. 8, 1865, m. Peter Green- halgh; Elizabeth b. Aug. 25, 1867, m. James E. Fisher; Isa- bell b. Jan. 8, 1870, m. Edwin Stott, Jr.; Jane b. May 9, 1872, d. May 24, 1872; William b. Aug. 16. 1873. d. Aug. 16, 1873; Enoch b. Nov. 3, 1874, m. Laura Greenhalgh; Ellen b. April 17, 1877, m. Lester W. Stott; James J. b. July 8, 1879, m. Mary Church; May b. May 1, 1882, m. John Williams; Georgia b. June 6, 1885, m. Raymond Stott; Myrtle b. March 26, 1892, m. Philip Borup. Served in Echo Canyon and Black. Hawk wars. Moved from Spanish Fork to Goshen and then to Meadow In 1869. Worked on St. George temple. Carpenter and farmer. Died Dec. 2, 1892 at Meadow. STEWART. JAMES M. (son of William Stewart and Eliza- beth Murdock). Born Sept. 22, 1851, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah December, 1856, with father. Married Mary J. Duncan Dec. 22, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Duncan and Jennett Snedden, pioneers September, 1852, John Higby company). She was born April 15, 1854, at Fillmore, Utah. Their children: James W. b. Jan. 19, 1875, d. Oct. 9, 1878; Nephi R. b. Feb. 6, 1877, m. Hilman Pearson; Mary E. b. June 13, 1879, m. Heber W. Beckstrand; Duncan b. Sept. 6, 1882, m. Signa Christensen Dec. 1910; Christina b. April 12, 1887, m. William Davis May 11, 1910; George Lile b. Feb. 22, 1889, m. Laura Walker Oct. 1812; Ephraim b. Sept. 8, 1892; Clifford b. Oct. 27, 1894; Augus b. March 13, 1897. Family home Meadow, Utah. Married Elizabeth Duncan Dec. 21, 1883, St. George, Utah (daughter of James Duncan and Jennett Snedden, pioneers September, 1852, John Higby company). She was born Feb. 8. 1866, Meadow, Utah. Their children: Emma J. b. Nov. 8, 1884, m. Marry A. Gull Sept. 25, 1907; Neil M. b. Feb. 10, 1887, m. Ada Stott Sept. 30, 1908; Ruth Ellen b. Aug. 24, 1889, m. Albert Eli Bennett Sept. 5, 1911; Isaac b. Sept. 25, 1892; Zina b. July 8, 1895; Violet b. Jan. 2, 1898; Grace b. July 28, 1901; Blanche b. Oct. 17, 1903; Golden b. March 7, 1906. Family home Meadow, Utah. Ward teacher thirty years; missionary to Eastern states; one of the presidents of 42d quorum seventies; member high council Millard stake. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Farmer. STEWART, WILLIAM (son of William and Mary Stewart of Greenock, Scotland). Born May 12, 1817, at Campbeltown, Scotland. Came to Utah October, 1864. Married Sarah Thompson (daughter of Sam Thompson). Their children: Anna; William: Samuel; Elizabeth; Hugh; Thompson; Sarah; Martha. Family home Clarkston, Utah. He died at Clarkston. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1189 STEWART, SAMUEL (son of William Stewart and Sarah Thompson). Born April 9, 1834, Greenoch, Scotland. Came to Utah Oct. 27, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company. Married Mary Ann Clark April 16, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Clark and Ann Clark of Sugar House ward, Salt Lake City married Oct. 3, 1844, pioneers 1857, Captain Merrell company). She was born Aug. 24. 1847, Cambridge, Eng. Their children: Samuel C. b. Feb. 19, 1865, m. Salma Dahle Feb. 19, 1890; Joseph William b. March 19, 1868, m. Sady Godfrey Aug. 24, 1893; James Edward b. Jan. 30, 1870, m. Emily Jane Basset Dec. 1890; Julia Ann b. March 2, 1872, m. James Clark Feb. 11, 1892; Angahne Vilat b. June 30, 1874, m. Charles Buttars May 18, 1892; George b. Oct. 22, 1876, m. Leong Birgh Oct. 17, 1892; Sarah b. Oct. 15, 1878, m. Joseph W. Black July 20, 1898; Mary Ann b. Dec. 17, 1880, m. James T. Birch March 11, 1898; Andrew b. Jan. 11, 1883, m. Elizabeth Bagley Aug. 19, 1901; Hugh b. May 18, 1885, m. Adeline Greenhalm Dec. 19, 1907; Benjamin Isaac b. Sept. 28, 1887, m. Caroline Birch May 3. 1910; Clara Elizabeth b. Feb. 27, 1891, m. Parley Richmond Sept. 22, 1910. STEWART, SAMUEL C. (son of Samuel Stewart and Mary Ann Clark). Born Feb. 19, 1865, Salt Lake City. Married Salma Dahle Feb. 19, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Dahle and Janettie Ingerman of Logan, Utah), who was born Nov. 14, 1877, Logan, Utah. Their children: Jannettie b. May 17, 1891, m. Claud Rackham, m. Olau Rack- ham Nov. 13, 1907; Lettie b. April 26, 1894; Samuel Leroy b. July 2, 1896; Amy May b. Aug. 12, 1901; John Dahle b. Oct. 23, 1904. STEWELL, DAW. Came to Utah in fall of 1847. Married Louisa Barnum in St. Joe county, Ind. Their children: William; Harriet, m. William Stewell; George, m. Jane Bybee; Mary, m. Alonzo Perry; Anjeanette Abigail, m. Alonzo Orson Perry; Louisa, d. infant. Family home Ogden, Utah. Merchant. STEVENS, ALBERT (son of William and Marinda Stevens, both of Canada). Born Dec. 16, . Came to Utah 1852, oxteam company. Married Lette McKee (daughter of David and Mary McKee, of Iowa). Their children: Albert, m. Elsie Mc- Clellan; Rachael, m. Simeon Stevenson; Mary, m. George Badger; James, died; David Edward, m. Kate Kenney; George Thomas, m. Cynthia McClellan; Martha Ann, m. Harden Ashby; Lette, died. Family home Holden, Utah. Black Hawk Indian war veteran. Settled at Pleasant Grove, moved to Holden, Utah. Farmer. Died March 6, 1910, at Holden, Utah. STEVENS, DAVID EDWARD (son of Albert Stevens and Lette McKee). Born Dec. 9, 1860, Holden, Utah. Married Kate Kenney March 29, 1881, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of John Keiiney of Ireland and Elizabeth Bennet of England, former pioneer 1858, latter 1860). Their children: Elizabeth A. b. May 11, 1883, m. E. W. Crane; Wllford b. April 12, 1886; LaVern b. Dec. 19, 1889, m. John Earl Pickett; Vivien b. July 11, 1S92; George b. Jan. 21, 1895; Ruth b. Feb. 19, 1897; Austin b. Sept. 11, 1899; Kate b. Aug. 7, 1903. Family resided Holden, Salina and Aurora, Utah. Elder. Constable of Holden two years. Sheepraiser and farmer. STILLMAN, CHARLES. Born June 1, 1834. Came to Utah 1848. Married Elizabeth Neff, Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary Elizabeth, m. Mores Ross Porter; John F. ; Harriet Seymore, m. Eli Curtis; Delia Barr, "m. John Fagg; Charles Franklin, m. Mariah Neff; Samuel Segmore, m. Selina Osgu- thorpe; Forest Neff, m. Elizabeth Ellis; Frances Minerva, m. Andrew H. Bagley; Cyrus Neff, m. Eliza Hippler; Letitia Bower, m. Joseph Moss; Brigham Jason; Barbara Matilda, m. George F. Taylor; Joseph Julian, m. Emma Osguthorpe; Susanna Ethel, m. H. Albert Wagstaff. Farmer; stockraiser. Died July 16, 1905, East Mill Creek, Utah. STILLMAN, CHARLES FRANKLIN (son of Charles Stillman and Elizabeth Neff). Married Mariah Neff, Logan, Utah (daughter of Bishop John Neff and Eliza Beneditce, East Mill Creek, Utah, pio- neers 1847). Their children: Kenneth Vere; Charles Neff; Wayne; Franklin; John; Wilmer; Jene; June. Family home, East Mill Creek. President T. M. M. I. A.; superintendent Sunday school. Farmer; stockraiser. STIMPSON, WILLIAM (son of William Stimpson and Mary Smith, Stalham, Norfolk, Eng.). Born June 15, 1821, Hemp- stead, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Rebecca Loubbuck Nov. 19, 1848, East Ruston, Norfolk, Eng. (daughter of James Loubbuck and Susan Hewett), who was born March 31, 1826, and died on the plains. Their children: Frederick, m. Sarah Jane Parker, m. Lucy Ellen Davis; William B., d. on plains. Married Edna Hinchcliff in 1858, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Elijah Hinchcliff and Hannah Field, pioneers 1854, Cap- tain James Brown company). She was born March 24, 1828, Yorkshire, Eng. Their children: William b. April 27, 1859, m. Rebecca A. Bybee; Eliza Ann b. Feb. 24, 1861, m. Frank Wadsworth; Ann Rebecca b. Feb. 24, 1861, m. Ira E. Spalding; Robert P. b. May 14, 1863, m. Adeline Gale; Sarah b. Aug. 7, 1865, m. William Drysdale; Edna b. July 27, 1867, m. Hyrum E. Gale. Married Ann Mary Christensen in 1868, at Salt Lake City, who was born July 23, 1840. Their children: Mary Ann b. Aug. 7, 1869, m. Thomas Story; Martha b. Dec. 16, 1871; Elizabeth b. Aug. 7, 1873, m. Clarence E. Porter; Margaret b. Feb. 8, 1876; John b. Oct. 2, 1878, m. Annie E. P. Gale; George Q. b. Feb. 29, 1884, died; Joseph H. b. June 12, 1885. Families resided Riverciale, Weber Co., Utah. Second counselor to Bishop Bingham of Riverdale for 30 years. Served in Echo Canyon war 1857-8. Farmer. Died Jan. 12, 1907. STIMPSON, FREDERICK (son of William Stimpson and Rebecca Loubbuck). Born June 15, 1852, at Ridlington, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, with father. Married Sarah Jane Parker Oct. 21, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of William C. Parker and Sarah B. Edgeley, West Jordan, Salt Lake county, pioneers 1854, Robert L. Camp- bell company). She was born April 22, 1857. Their chil- dren: Frederick, Jr., b. Dec. 13, 1877; Sarah Jane b. Dec. 19. 1879, d. 1880; William b. March 1. 1881, d. 1881; John b. Aug. 17, 1882, m. Sarah E. Singleton; Rebecca b. April 16, 1885, m. Albert J. Thompson; James L. b. April 3, 1887, d. 1888; Mary E. b. Feb. 17, 1889; Eliza A, b. April 24, 1891, m. Charles C. Murri; George; Robert E. b. Oct. 25, 1897, d. 1897; Mar- garet b. Dec. 18, 1899; Martha b. June 4, 1902, d. 1903. Married Lucy Ellen Davis March 11, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Davis and Elizabeth M. Hammon, East Weber, Utah, pioneers 1851, Alford Cardon company). She was born Feb. 9, 1864. Their children: Lucy E. b. Feb. 16, 1886, m. Charles C. Murri; Sarah E. b. Nov. 14, 1887, m. G. P. Parson. Families resided South Hooper, Utah, and St. Anthony, Idaho. Member 76th quorum seventies; Sunday school worker, 35 years; ward chorister same length of time. School trustee, 15 years. Farmer. STINGER, JOHN HENRY (son of Adam Stinger and Anna Mary Rode, of Alsenua, Germany). Born April 23, 1839, Zanesville, Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Elizabeth Hollist Oct. 1, 1859, Florence. Neb. (daughter of Henry Hollist and Elizabeth Chandler, pioneers 1861, Joseph Home company). She was born Feb. 14, 1842. Their children: John William, m. Gwenlion Marley; Jane Elizabeth, d. Oct. 29, 1883; Henry Holltst, m. Elizabeth E. Gittins; Mary Deborah, m. Joseph Marley; Frances Mindwel!, d. Feb. 9, 1868; Rosanna, d. Feb. 14, 1871; Lillie Adelaide, m. Addison I. Long; Harriett Ann, m. William H. Esler; Flor- ence, m. Henry W. Talbot; Alice Emily, m. Samuel Blundell; Rhoda Pearl, m. E. Louis Saunders; Ada May, m. Aaron Headlee; Fanny Gwenlion, m. Orson P. Merrell. Settled in Ogden in 1861; following year went to Toquer- ville as pioneer, and later returned to Ogden, where he went into bakery business; built first bakery oven in that city in 1869. Worked for Utah Northern railway in 1878; set- tled in Pocatello where he operated a bakery and finally settled in McCammon, where for four years he was justice of peace. STOCK, JOHN (son of Robert Stock and Susan Pierce of Kent, Eng.). Born Oct. 12, 1820, Bathurst, Gambia, South Africa. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1860, William Budge company. Married Jane Adams Feb. 13, 1841, Fort Elizabeth, South Africa (daughter of Poyntz Adams and Mary Staines of Port Elizabeth), who was born Aug. 27, 1822. Their children: Mary Ann b. Sept. 27, 1842, m. William Stokes 1859; John William Edwin b. Dec. 20, 1844, m. H. Henrietta Teeples Oct. 23, 1871; Jane Susan b. Aug. 21, 1846, m. Charles C. Rich, Jr., Aug. 27, 1865; Elizabeth b. Sept. 21, 1848, m. Hyrum Rich June 29, 1867; Richard Poyntz b. Aug. 27, 1850, m. Rosetta Gardner June 14, 1881; Robert Wallace b. Aug. 1, 1852, m. Annie Isabel Findlay Sept. 28, 1874; Sarah Wilkin- son b. July 8, 1854, m. Alma Peck Oct. 23, 1871; Jessie Ester b Oct. 6, 1856, m. Horace P. Nelson Sept. 28, 1874; Maria Josephine b. Sept. 3, 1858, m. Medwln Allred May 31, 1875; Ephraim b. Jan. 4, 1861, m. Susan Nelson; Claudia Ellen b. Oct. 12, 1864, m. Seymour L. Allred June 21, 1883. Family resided Port Elizabeth, South Africa, and Fish Haven, Idaho. Married Frances Gillson Gibbs Dec. 7, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Gillson and Charlotte King, pioneers Sept. 18, 1859, and widow of Richard Gibbs, who died Sept. 23, 1859; their son Heber b. Nov. 1, 1858). She was born Jan 15, 1837, Long Clauson, Leicestershire, England. Their children: Charlotte Ann b. Dec. 30, 1862, m. John T. Pope April 12, 1882; Mary Frances b. June 24, 1866, m. John Louis Gardner Oct. 22, 1884; Charles C. b. April 18, 1868, m. Sophia Thompsen Aug. 30, 1893; Grace Maud b. April 24, 1870, m. Charles C. Shirley Sept. 12, 1888; John R. b. April 24, 1874, m Charlotte Croft Galloway Sept. 11, 1895; William King b Aug 4 1877, died; Joseph P. b. Dec. 11, 1878, m. Annie J.' Cottle June 7, 1902; Lydia b. Nov. 2, 1882, died. Family Missionary to South Africa 1862-1864; bishop Fish Haven ward 1882-1893; patriarch. Postmaster Fish Haven 1868- 1893. Carpenter; farmer. STOCK, JOHN WILLIAM EDWIN (son of John Stock and Jane Adams). Born Dec. 20, 1844, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 1190 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married H. Henrietta Teeples Oct. 23, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of George B. Teeples and Huldah Colby of Holden, Utah, pioneers 1850). She was born May 1, 1852. Their children: Emma Jane b. Oct. 4, 1872; Bertha Henrietta b. Sept. 1, 1874; Alice Luella b. June 11, 1876; Edwin Ephraim b. March 15, 1879, m. Florence Bee Sept. 18, 1907; Louisa Effle b. Oct. 27. 1881, m. Abraham Tyson June 7, 1905; John William b. April 10, 1884, m. Aurelia Martineau July 1, 1911. Family home Fish Haven. Idaho. Married Clara Victoria Olsen Oct. 10, 1894, Logan, Utah (stepdaughter of Andrus Olsen and Christina Neilsen of Sweden), who was born Aug. 12, 1874, in Sweden. Their children: Sidney Richard b. Dec. 18, 1895; Bernice Clara b. Feb. 24, 1898; Wesley Karl b. March 21, 1900; Fern Edna b. July 17, 1902; Owen Ray b. Jan. 4, 1905; Russel Blaine b. March 22. 1907; Eldon Mark b. March 9, 1909. President of T. M. M. I. A. 11 years; bishop's counselor 1882 to 1904; ordained bishop of Fish Haven ward 1904. STOCK. ROBERT WALLACE (son of John Stock and Jane Adams). Born Aug. I. 1852, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Annie Isabel Findlay Sept. 28, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hugh Findlay and Catherine Partington), who was born 1857, Salt Lake City. Their children: Robert Ernest b. Aug. 12, 1875, m. Annie Young 1896; Wallace Find- lay b. April 13, 1878, m. Emma Hilt 1902; Catherine Isabel b. Sept. 24, 1881, m. Ilyrum Michealson 1904; Harold J. b. June 2. 1884, m. May Eggleston 1905; Maud Ethel b. Oct. 4, 1887, m. Daniel Nield 1911; Lawrence Rattery b. June 24, 1892. Family home Fish Haven, Idaho, and Afton, Wyo. High priest. STOCK, JOHN R. (son of John Stock and Frances Gillson Gibbs). Born April 24, 1874, Fish Haven, Idaho. Married Charlotte Croft Galloway Sept. 11, 1895 (daugh- ter of Curtis Galloway and Harriet Annie Rowley). Their children: Reuben Galloway b. April 24, 1897; Rachel Char- lotte b. May 13, 1900; Viola Frances b. Dec. 13, 1903; Heber Devine b. Feb. 20, 1911. Family home Fish Haven. STOCK, JOSEPH P (son of John Stock and Frances Gillson Gibbs). Born Dec. 11, 1878, Fish Haven, Idaho. Married Annie J. Cottle June 7, 1902. Paris, Idaho (daugh- ter of Thomas E. Cottle and Flora England, pioneers 1860, Homer Duncan company). She was born Dec. 30, 1881, Plain City, Utah. Their children: La Priel b. May 7, 1903; Glenn J. b. July 23, 1906; Margery b. June 16, 1908. President of deacons' quorum; assistant secretary T. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school teacher. Business man and sportsman. Married Nancy Amanda Cahoon at Logan, Utah (daughter of Daniel Cahoon, born 1822, and Martha Spencer, born 1831). She was born May 21. 1848, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Only child: Charles Reynolds b. Dec. 7, 1886. STOCKING, ENSIGN ISRAEL (son of John J. Stocking and Mary Ensign of England, and Springfield, Mass.). Born Sept. 6, 1837, at Springfield. Came to Utah 1850. Married Elizabeth Ellen Arnold in 1866 at Herriman, Utah (daughter of Henry Arnold and Elizabeth James of Herefordshire, Eng., pioneers 1850). She was born June 19, 1844. Their children: Ensign, m. Isabell Shields; Mary Ellen, m. George W. Shields; John, m. Georgianne Wright; Jeremiah, m. Ellis King; Emma, m. Joseph Holt; Lucy, m. Royal Soffe; Joseph; Hyrum, m. Orvell Beckstead. Family home, Herriman. Missionary to Great Britain 4 years; seventy; high priest. Farmer and stockraiser. Died July 11, 1883. STOCKS, HENRY (son of Thomas Stocks of England). Born Aug. 17, 1821, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah March, 1855, John S. Fullmer company. Married Mary Halley (daughter of James Halley and Isa- bella Murry of Glasgow, Scotland married 1843, in Eng- land). She was born July 21, 1820. Their children: Angus Murry b. April 12, 1844, m. Elizabeth Faubush; Moroni b. Oct. 21, 1845, m. Sarah Heward Jan. 21, 1865, m. Nancy Amanda Cahoon; Simeon Carter b. 1846; Mary b. March, 1848; Isabella; Henry Jr. b. Aug. 6, 1851, m. Murilla Draper; Louisa Jane b. Sept. 21, 1855, m. James T. Wilkins; William; Eliza Ellen b. April 30, 1862, m. George W. Terry. Family resided Salt Lake City, Manti, Gunnison and Rockland, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died May 25, 1911, Lewiston, Utah. STOCKS, MORONI (son of Henry Stocks and Mary Halley). Born Oct. 21, 1845, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah 1866, Milo Andrus company. Married Sarah Heward Jan. 21, 1865, Rockville, Utah (daughter of John Heward and Elizabeth Terry Draper Utah, pioneers October, 1848, Zera Pulsipher company) She was born March 4, 1848, Mosquito Creek, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Their children: Moroni Heward b. Dec. 2 1866 m. Flora Bright Jan. 2, 1890; Sarah Rachel b. Nov 26* 1867* m. Albert Blair Oct. 27, 1886; Wallace Hunter b. Jan 29* 1870, m. Emma Sandberg May, 1907; Mary Elizabeth b Juno 30, 1872, m. Robert Fife April 16, 1891; Edwin Murry b Feb. 1, 1876, m. Ella Rawlins Dec. 12, 1894; James Halley b. March 14, 1877, m. Lettie H. Thompson Jan. 4. 1905; John Carter b. April 23, 1879. m. Mary Argyle in March 1904- Henry b. March 24, 1881, m. Vinnie Dopp Dec. 26, 1906: Luella b. June 18, 1883, m. Edward J. Watkins April 29, 190d; William Heber b. March 23, 1885, m. Maud Williamson Dec. 6, 1906; Effle b. Feb. 11, 1887, m. George Villett Jan. 16, 1907; Glenchora b. April 23, 1889, m. Rufus Pond Aug. 24, 1910; Eva b. Nov. 10, 1891, m. Zera Pond March 22 1913 STOKES, HENRY. Came to Utah 1862, Henry Miller com- pany. Married Elizabeth Stokes. Among their children was Elizabeth, m. Orrin Myler. Crossed the plains on foot to Salt Lake City; went to Mendon with his teamster, Isaac Sorenson; lived in Cache county 20 years; helped to settle the Snake River country, and lived there 30 years; now resides at Logan, Utah. STODDARD, CHARLES (son of Curtis Stoddard, who died in Knoxville, 111., Aug. 29, 1840, and Pamelia West, who died in Council Bluffs, Iowa, June 27, 1849). He was born May 8, 1820, Norton, Medina Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1852, Uriah Curtis company. Married Lucetta Jane Murdock, May 27, 1843, Walnut Grove, Knox county, 111. (daughter of John Murdock and Sophia Trask of Council Bluffs, Iowa, pioneers 1862, Uriah Curtis company). She was born Aug. 2, 1814, and died in September, 1886. Their children: Curtis Charles b. March 17, 1844, m. Mary Ann Hardy Jan. 1, 1866; Marian Eliza b. Aug. 20, 1847, m. George Franklin Stoddard; Hyrum Franklin b. Nov. 29, 1849, m. Alice Wise, m. Eva Cleveland; John Francis b. Sept. 14, 1852, m. Isidara Belnap. Family home Uinta, Weber Co., Utah. Elder. School trustee; justice of peace. Water master; farmer. Died April 29, 1891. STODDARD, CURTIS CHARLES (son of Charles Stoddard and Lucetta Jane Murdock). Born March 17, 1844, Walnut Grove, Knox county, 111. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Ann Hardy Jan. 1, 1866, Uinta, Weber Co., Utah (daughter of Zachariah Hardy, Council Bluffs, Iowa, who died in Nauvoo July 20, 1846, and Eliza Philbrook, pioneer 1852. Benjamin Gardner's company). She was born Feb. 8, 1846. Their children: Curtis Charles Jr. b. Aug. 6, 1866 m Margret Valentine Robinson April 5, 1890; William Henry b. Jan. 29, 1868, m. Mariah Farrow July 27, 1889; Hyrum Franklin b. March 25, 1870; Joseph Francis b. March 21, 1872, m. Margret V. Stoddard April 10, 1903; John War- ren b. Sept. 21, 1875, m. May Wadsworth Oct. 31. 1902; Mary Lueetta b. March 24, 1878, m. Biran Bybee May 20, 1902; Eliza Jane b. Sept. 28, 1881, m. Blrtie Wadsworth Aug. 1, 1903; Thomas Parley b. June 23, 1883, d. Feb. 11, 1884; Orson Pratt b. April 1. 1885, m. Alice Wadsworth Oct. 27, 1904; Wilford David b. April 3, 1888; Lymond b. March 17, 1891. Family home, Uinta. Bishop's counselor; home missionary. School trustee; constable. STODDARD, CHARLES HENRY (son of Israel Stoddard and Sarah Woodward, of Nauvoo, 111., and Philadelphia, Pa.). Born April 21, 1827, Newark, N. J. Came to Utah In 1861, Harry Walton company. Married Anna Telford Feb. 22, 1851, Bountiful, Utah (daughter of John and Jane Telford. of Nauvoo, pioneers 1851, Harry Walton company). She was born Nov. 22, 1827. Their children: George Henry b. Oct. 25, 1852, m. Hannah E. Bowman Jan. 19, 1874; John Robert, m. Agnes Sessions Sept. 26, 1876; Charles Witt, m. Alice Weaver; William Israel, m. Fannie Gibbs; Mary Rebecca, m. Brigham A. Hendricks; Jane Telford, m. Hyrum Leavitt; Joseph Smith, m. Susan E. Thomas; Anna Victora, m. Charles E. Merrill. Family resided Bountiful and Richmond, Utah. Married Matilda Ann Duncan 1858, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of James and Hulda Duncan of Bountiful), who was born in 1838. Their children: Sarah Hulda, m. Edward Thomas; James Duncan, m. Genebra Curtice; Susan E., m. James Wood. Member 9th quorum seventies; missionary In San Pete county 1852-53; acting ward teacher; bodyguard of Brigham Young. Carried food and messages to and from Prophet Joseph Smith, while in hiding, during the trouble in Nauvoo. Took part in Echo Canyon campaign; veteran Indian war. Farmer and thresher. Died Sept. 2, 1907, Richmond. STODDARD, GEORGE HENRY (son of Charles Henry Stod- dard and Anna Telford). Born Oct. 25, 1852, Bountiful, Utah. Married Hannah E. Bowman Jan. 19, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hyrum W. Bowman and Hannah Wilson of Richmond), who was born Oct. 19, 1855. Their children: Hannah Rebecca b. Dec. 1874, m. Edwin L. Larson; Anna Victora b. May 19, 1876, m. Carl A. Olson; William Henry b. Nov. 13, 1800, m. Cathrine Coffin; Flossie Dean b. Feb. 12, 1882, died; Joseph Duncan b. Aug. 10, 1884, m. Maud E. Fox; George Brigham b. Oct. 5, 1885, m. Grace Van Leuven; John Telford b. Jan. 9, 1887, m. Edna Crockett; Jennie Vene b. June 23, 1889, m. Charles A. Royter; Charles b. Nov. 18, 1891; Mary; Edith, died. Family home Richmond, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Farmer. STODDARD, WILLIAM HENRY (son of George Henry Stod- dard and Hannah E. Bowman). Born Nov. 13, 1880, Rich- mond, Utah. Married Cathrine Coffin Aug. 29, 1901, Pocatello, Idaho PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1191 (daughter of William Coffin and Sephrona Hunt of Cam- bridge, Idaho), who was born July 5, 1882. Their children: Telford S. b. July 7, 1902; Estella M. b. Nov. 22, 1903; Leone S. b. Sept. 11, 1905; George H. b. Sept. 2, 1907; Roscoe b. April 25, 1909; David W. b. Aug. 11, 1911. Family home Grant, Idaho. Bishop's counselor. Farmer. STODDARD, JUDSOJT LYMAN (son of Lyman Stoddard). Born April 13, 1823, at Bastard, Canada. Came to Utah 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Rhoda Chase in Kirtland, Utah (daughter of Issac Chase, pioneer 1848). She was born Sept. 29, 1830. Their children: Judson Lyman Jr.; Marion L.; Elanthropy; Lewis Arden. Family home Farmington, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war; brought first news to Brigham Young of coming of Johnston's army. County attorney 1858. Died Jan. 10, 1869. STODDARD, JUDSON LYMAN (son of Judson Lyman Stod- dard and Rhoda Chase). Born May 22, 1849, Salt Lake City. Married Alice Cottrell Jan. 1, 1869, Farmington, Utah (daughter of Samuel Cottrell and Elenor Taylor of Farming- ton, pioneers 1853), who was born Feb. 5, 1851. Their chil- dren: Judson H. b. Oct. 24, 1869; Samuel b. Sept. 6, 1871; Alice Lena b. Nov. 14, 1873; Rhoda H. b. Jan. 28, 1875; Chloe b. Oct. 3, 1878; Sheldon U. b. Nov. 14, 1882; Ellas b. July 27, 1885; Phoebe A. b. Aug. 19, 1893; Clara b. Oct. 24, 1897. Family home, Farmington. Member 84th quorum seventies; missionary to Montana 1898. Farmer. STOKER, JOHN (son of John Stoker, of Doncaster, York- shire, Eng., who was born June 15, 1815). Born Aug. 4, 1856, Doncaster, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah August, 1893. Married Clara Swaby Aug. 4, 1882, Normanton, Eng. (daughter of George Swaby and Elizabeth Bean Swaby). Their children: John William, m. Ruby Davis; Harry S., m. Janette Gilchrist; Dorothy E., m. Hanmer J. White; Olive M., m. Ebben R. Speer; Clara L. Family home Lehi, Utah. Ordained bishop of Lehi fourth ward 1903. Lehi city treasurer, 1909-1911. Farmer. STOKER, WILUAM (son of David Stoker and Barbara Graybill of Ohio). Born March 26, 1819, in Jackson Co., Ohio. Came to Utah in 1852, Isaac Stewart company. Married Almira Winegar 1838, in Missouri (daughter of Samuel Winegar and' Rhoda Cummins of Palmyra and Spanish Fork, Utah, pioneers 1852, Isaac Stewart company). She was born Feb. 27, 1818. Their children: Samuel D., m. Elizabeth Jones; William A., m. Martha Larsen; Susan A., m. Thomas Riley; Michael, m. Almira J. Wilson; Sarah, d. infant; Emily J., m. Robert M. Boyack; Almira, m. Warren E. Davis; John S., m. Mary E. West. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. President 50th quorum seventies 20 years. City council- man two terms. Farmer. Died May 19, 1892. STOKES, CHRISTOPHER (son of John Stokes and Rachel Rogers of Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 19, 1830, at Trowbridge. Came to Utah in 1853, John Daily company, which brought paper for "Deseret News." Married Rosella Nebeker Nov. 4, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Nebeker and Lurena Fitzgerald of Ver- milion county. 111., pioneers Sept. 26, 1847, George B. Wal- lace company). She was born Oct. 3, 1845, and came to Utah with parents. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; elder; block teacher; missionary to Ireland, 1852-53. Veteran Echo Canyon campaign with militia. Freighter, worked at the Godbe Pitts Drug Co. 17 years. STOKES, JEREMIAH (son of William and Elizabeth Stokes, Heath, Eng.). He was born Nov. 9, 1819, Bolsover, Derby- shire, Eng. Came to Utah 1859, James Brown company. Married Fanny Walker in 1836, Bolsover, Eng. (daughter of Robert and Elizabeth, who came to Utah with hus- band). She was born March 15, 1819. Their children: Robert, m. Ann Wilson; John, died; Thomas, m. Ellen L. Canfleld; Elizabeth; Tamer, m. John McGuire; William, d. Infant; Jeremiah, m. Josephine Olsen; Fanny; Alvin Syl- vester, d. infant; Sarah Ann, m. Lewis Andrus. Family home Draper, Utah. Member high priests quorum seventies; president lesser priesthood at Draper. Farmer. Died July 1, 1875. STOKES THOMAS (son of Jeremiah Stokes and Fanny Walker). Born Nov. 13, 1842, at Belsover, Eng.). Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1859, James Brown company. Married Ellen L. Canfleld Sept. 6, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Cyrus C. Canfleld and Clarissa L. Jones, former pioneer, contingent Mormon Battalion 1849; latter with Heber C. Kimball's company. 1848). She was born September 2, 1850. Their children: Thomas Justin b. Sept. 6, 1871; Clara Viola, b. Jan. 28, 1873; Eugene Canfleld b. Oct. 14, 1874; Fanny Mellissa b. Aug. 8, 1877; last four died; Royal Wells b. May 4, 1879, m. Mary Boberg; Joseph Frank- lin b. Sept. 5, 1881, m. Sadie Jenkins; Marie Louisa b. Jan. 15, 1884, m. Howard Phelp; Archibald Legrand b. July 24, 1886, m. Mary Heward; Marcus Albert b. Nov. 1, 1888, m. Florence Meyers; Orson Arnold b. June 5, 1890; Bertha Anetta b. Feb. 19, 1893. Family home Draper, Utah. Member 73rd quorum seventies; missionary to England 1905; high priest; superintendent Draper Sunday school 1906-08. Veteran Black Hawk war. Assisted immigration to Utah 1866. Farmer. STOJTE, JOSEPH ADAMS (son of Calvin Gideon Stone and Jane Elizabeth King, Pilot Mountain, Surry county, N. C.). Born Nov. 30, 1853, at Pilot Mountain. Came to Utah 1873, independent company. Married Phoebe Belinda Taylor Oct. 15, 1871, Surry county, N. C. (daughter of James Taylor and Nancy Hiatt, who came to Utah 1873, independent company). She was born May 1, 1854. Their children: Nancy Jane, m. Henry Sabin; Charles Walter, Daisy M. Gardner; Joseph Oliver, m. Emma Christena Larson; James Calvin, m. Lucy Dredge Roberts; Robert Henderson, m. Lillian Allred; Effle Ann, m. James Christensen; Maggie Angeline, m. Frank Jones; Wesley Ervin. Married Mary Johnson March 12, 1902, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Ole C. and Nellie Johnson, of Berg, Nor- way, came to Utah September, 1878, independent company). She was born April 26, 1884. Their children: Lynn Adams; Zella May; Nora Mary. Families resided Salem, Utah. Married Caroline Augusta Johnson Jan. 11, 1893, Manti, Utah (daughter of Nellie Larsen, Berg, Norway; came to Utah September, 1878, independent company). She was born May 10, 1870. Their children: Phebe Minerva; Nellie Elizabeth; Laura Augusta; Louisa Viola. Member seventies; missionary to southern states 1899- 1900. Ward teacher; school trustee. Director canal board; member Salem town board. Farmer and fruit grower. STONE, JOSEPH OLIVER (son of Joseph Adams Stone and Phoebe Belinda Taylor). Born Nov. 7, 1876, Salem, Utah. Married Emma Christena Larson Jan. 19, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Larson and Bangta Flygare, latter pioneer 1862). Born July 21, 1875. Their children: Arvil Oliver b. Nov. 20, 1898; Clonide Morris b. May 4, 1902; Harry Melvin b. March 7, 1905. Family home Vineyard, Utah Co., Utah. Bishop's counselor; superintendent Sunday school; bishop; ward clerk; president M. I. A. Corporal Idaho National Guards. School trustee. President Union Dairy Co. and Vineyard Amusement Co. STONE, AMOS PEASE (son of Amos Sheldon Stone, born July 21, 1777, North Madison, Conn., died Nov. 28, 1836, Stockbridge, Mass., and Rachel Pease, born Sept. 9, 1780, Canaan, Columbia county, N. Y., died May 17, 1851, Rich- mond, Mass., married April 19, 1801, at Canaan). Born March 18, 1815, Canaan, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1850, Joseph Young company. Married Amelia Bishop March 30, 1838, North Haven, Conn, (daughter of Azariah Bishop, born April 20, 1783, died Feb. 23, 1864, at North Haven, Conn., and Content Blakeslee, born Sept. 24, 1793, died Dec. 20, 1848, at North Haven, married April 2, 1809). She was born June 10, 1819, North Haven, Conn., died Dec. 29, 1845, at New Haven. Their children: Emily Amelia b. Jan. 4, 1839, m. Newton Tuttle April 7, 1855; Charles Amos b. Dec. 27, 1840, d. March 24, 1842; Harman b. July 3, 1843, d. Jan. 13, 1844; Merab b. Sept. 26, 1845, m. Thomas Richardson 1864. Married Minerva Leantine Jones Feb. 1, 1846, Hamden, Conn, (daughter of Merlin Jones, born May 16. 1795, North Haven, Conn., died Dec. 4, 1879, Ogden, Utah, and Roxana Ives, born April 17, 1799, at Wallingford, Conn., died Aug. 5, 1866, at Ogden, married Aug. 17, 1820, at Wallingford; former, pioneer 1852). She was born June 4, 1822, at Wal- lingford, and died Aug. 17, 1867, at Ogden. Their children: Olive Ann b. April 8, 1847, m. Joseph Parry Nov. 20, 1866; Amos Ives b. Sept. 1, 1849, m. Emilar Webb Nov. 26, 1876; Minerva Pease b. Nov. 29, 1851, m. Ambrose Shaw Jan. 1, 1875; Merlin Jones b. Nov. 26, 1853, m. Maria Baker Jan. 17, 1878; Cordelia Hotchkiss b. May 21. 1856, d. Feb. 15. 1858; Sylvia b. July 11, 1859, m. Irvin T. Alvord Nov. 18, 1885; Friend b. Jan. 5, 1862, (d. Sept. 25, 1907), m. Josephine John- son April 29, 1883; Vincy Rice b. Jan. 16, 1864, m. Jamea John Barker May 16, 1888. Married Dinah Rawlins Dec. 31, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Rawlins of Wiltshire, Eng., and Eliza- beth Moody, born Feb. 14, 1877, at Lanford, Wiltshire). She was born July 26, 1816, in Wiltshire, and died May 28, 1893, at Ogden, Utah. Their children: Elizabeth b. Sept. 27, 1853, m. David M. Moore Dec. 3, 1871; Julia Ann b. Oct. 16, 1855, d. May 7, 1858; Lewis Pease b. Nov. 13, 1857, m. Amelia L. Smith Feb. 14, 1881. Married Sarah Spencer Sept. 18, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Spencer, born May 7, 1810, Whittlebury, and died Sept. 16, 1887, Stanion, Northamptonshire, Eng., and Sarah Chapman, born Nov. 19, 1818, and died 1888, at Bridgstock, Eng.). She was born Dec. 8, 1844, Stanion, Eng., and came to Utah Oct. 4, 1863, John W. Woolley com- pany. Their children: Laura Jane b. April 13, 1867, m. Henry Tribe, June, 1897; Bernard Spencer b. Sept. 3. 1869, m. Mary Maria Newman Oct. 12, 1896; Clarence John b. 1192 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH July 1, 1872, m. Edith Rolstone Burt August, 1897; Matilda May b. Sept. 6, 1875, d. June 16, 1877. Family home Ogden, Settled at Bountiful 1850, moved to Ogden 1857. First president of the Mound Fort ward at Ogden. Blacksmith; farmer and fruitgrower. Died March 17, 1890. STONE, BERNARD SPENCER (son of Amos Pease Stone and Sarah Spencer). Born Sept. 3, 1869, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Maria Newman Oct. 12, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry James Newman, horn July 22, 1853, in London, Eng., and Josephine Brown, born Jan. 8, 1858, Ogden, Utah; pioneers Nov. 9, 1856. Abraham O. Smoot com- pany). She was born Jan. 1, 1877, Ogden, Utah. Their chil- dren: Grace b. May 12, 1900; Hazel May b. Jan. 12, 1903; Bernard Amos b. July 5, 1911. Family home Ogden, Utah. Wholesale and retail dealer in coal and ice. STOXE, WIL.LJAM GILLARD (son of John Stone and Anna D. Gillard, Castlecary, Somersetshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 28, 1821, Castlecary. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1866, William Henry Chipman company. Married Jane Stride May 15, 1841, Castlecary, Eng. (daugh- ter of Samuel Stride and Jane Rochester of Ditehet, Somer- setshire, Eng). Their children: William Sidney b. Jan. 21, 1842, m. Emma Biddle; Mary Jane b. Dec. 27, 1844, m. Joseph H. Gough; Henry John b. Dec. 15, 1846, m. Larson Louisa Stratton; Samuel Seth b. April 20, 1849, m. Alice Wiscome; Joseph Paul b. Dec. 2, 1851, m. Mary Kilburn; Edgar Dewer b. April 8, 1855, m. Ann Eliza Gale; Nephi Napper b. March 6, 1858, d. May 8, 1860; Cyrus Herbert b. Jan. 21, 1861, m. Augusta E. Peterson; Frederick G. b. Sept. 10, 1865, m. Hester Hutchings. Family resided at Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Worked on first railway coming to Utah. Carpenter and foundryman. STONE, HENRY JOHN (son of William Gillard Stone and Jane Stride). Born Dec. 15, 1846, Bristol; Eng., pioneers Oct. 4, 1853, Edward Woolley company. Married Susan Louisa Stratton March 22, 1868 (daughter of James Stratton and Frances Clarke, Salt Lake City, pioneers 1852). She was born March 21, 1853. Their chil- dren: Louisa Jane b. Dec. 3, 1868, d. Dec. 16, 1868; William Henry b. Nov. 17, 1869, m. Cora Wardle Dec. 18, 1892; Effle May b. May 19, 1872, m. A. C. Emert July 6, 1893; Sidney b. April 16, 1874, d. April 26, 1874; James Fredrick b. April 11, 1875, m. Bessie Smith 1897; John Franklyn b. March 21, 1877, m. Mabel T. Crandell; Wallace Birt b. May 2, 1879, m. Julia R. Walton Jan. 12, 1892; George Edgar b. March 15, 1882; Joseph Orrin b. Jan. 8, 1885, d. June 25, 1885; Ernest b. Oct. 22, 1886; Nellie Grace b. Dec. 11, 1888, m. Marion LaFayette Harris Dec. 24, 1907; Mary Edna b. March 13, 1891; Olive b. April 16, 1893; David Ray b. Sept. 27, 1895; Cora b. Sept. 27, 1897. Sunday school superintendent 14 years; member of bishopric; high councilman. Justice of peace. STORRS, GEORGE1 (son of Joseph Storrs, born January, 1799, and Mary Scott, born 1800, of Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 31, 1825, Missen, Yorkshire, Eng. Baptized April 19. 1849, by Henry Stevenson at Skello, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1851, J. W. Cummings company on ship, and Ernest Bates company crossing plains. Married Eliza Fincher Layton August, 1852. Married Lydia Mary Kindred June 29, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edmond Henry Harriet Kindred, of Farthing- ham, Suffolk, Eng., pioneers Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus com- pany). She was born April 11, 1844. Their children: George A. b. July 5, 1863, m. Sarah Corcelia Oakley; Lydia Amelia b. September, 1864, died; Lavina b. Jan. 10, 1866, m. Spicer W. Bird; Joseph Henry b. Aug. 25, 1867, m. Rosella Arvilla Harrison; John Wallace b. June 25, 1869, m. Prunella Roy- lance; Lillian b. May 8, 1871, d. aged 8; William Scott b. May 10, 1873, m. Julia Kirkman; Eliza May b. Sept. 4, 1875; Harriett Luella b. Jan. 4, 1877; Charles Arthur b. Dec. 29, 1879, m. Almeda Stringham; Mary, d. infant. Family home Springville, Utah. President seventies at Springville; high priest; Sunday school and ward teacher. Settled at Springville 1855. Miller. Died Sept. 1, 1901, American Fork, Utah. STORRS, JOSEPH HENRY (son of George Storrs and Lydia Mary Kindred). Born Aug. 25, 1867, Springville, Utah. Married Rosella Arvilla Harrison Oct. 24, 1888, Mantl, Utah (daughter of George Harrison and Rosella Damon White, of Springville, Utah). She was born Oct. 20, 1867. Their children: Joseph Bertrand b. April 12, 1891; Rosella b. Sept. 20, 1892; Duane b. June 6, 1895, died; Norven Lloyd b. Feb. 3, 1898; Myrle b. Nov. 17, 1899; Wilford Leon b. March 21, 1904; Betha b. Jan. 21, 1909. Family home Ameri- can Fork, Utah. Bishop of 2d ward American Fork; president Y. M. M. I. A., Springville, Utah, 1892-98, and of American Fork 1900-01. Springville city councilman; secretary and treasurer of Springville six years; superintendent Co-op, and director of Peoples State Bank, American Fork; director Belgium horse association. STORRS, JOHN WALLACE (son of George Storrs and Lydia Mary Kindred). Born June 25, 1869, Springville, Utah. Married Prunella Roylance Oct. 13, 1889, Provo, Utah (daughter of Henry Roylance and Elizabeth Bell, of Spring- ville). She was born Nov. 10, 1869. Their children: Wal- lace Glen b. March 8, 1891; Mabel b. Sept. 4, 1893; Lawrence Edmond b. Feb. 12, 1895; Norman b. July 6, 1901. Family home American Fork, Utah. Priest; block teacher. American Fork city recorder 1905- 06; manager Studebaker Bros. Company, of American Fork. 1905-13; secretary of American Fork Commercial Club 1905- 10. Railroad station agent and telegrapher 1905-06. STOTT, WILLIAM (son of John and Susan Stott of Green- acres, Lancastershire, Eng.). Born April 15, 1803, Soyland, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1852, Isaac Bullock company. Married Sarah Lees 1823, Yorkshire (daughter of James and Sarah Lees of Rushworth, Yorkshire), who was born Aug. 23, 1800. Their children: Hannah Lees, m. Jamea Fisher; James, d. young; William Henry, m. Alice Nield, m. Hannah Nield; Thomas Fenton, d. infant; Edwin, m. Sarah Jane Holden, m. Elizabeth Paul; Emma, m. Isaac Bullock. Family home Meadow, Utah. High priest. Member first city council of Fillmore. Farmer. Died Nov. 3, 1883. STOTT, EDWIN (son of William Stott and Sarah Lees). Born Nov. 5, 1836, Greenacres, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1852, Isaac Bullock company. Married Sarah Jane Holden November, 1863, Fillmore, Utah, who was born August, 1846. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 5, 1864, m. John A. Beckstrand; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 2, 1866, m. William Clayton Partridge; Edwin b. May 11, 1869, m. Isabelle Stewart; Raymond b. Aug. 23, 1872, m. Georgie Stewart. Married Elizabeth Paul Feb. 18, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nicholas Paul and Harriet May of Holden, Utah, pioneers October, 1860, Oscar Stoddard company). She was born Nov. 3, 1851. Their children: Paul Edward b. December, 1876, m. Elizabeth A. Robison; Arthur Lees b. May 10, 1878; Evelyn May b. Nov. 7, 1880; Amy Laura b. April 15, 1884; William Edwin b. Sept. 10, 1887; Mabel Ann b. Sept. 10, 1891. Family home Meadow, Utah. Member 42d quorum seventies; superintendent Sunday school at Meadow, 10 years. Veteran Indian war. Farmer. Called to Missouri River 1864, to take charge of cattle of incoming immigration. STOUT, ALLEN JOSEPH (son of Joseph Stout and Anna Smith, of North Carolina). Born Dec. 5, 1815, Mercer, Ky. Came to Utah 1851, Alfred Cardon company. Married Elizabeth Anderson July 19, 1843. Married Amanda Melvina Fisk April 30, 1848, Winter Quar- ters, Nebraska (daughter of Alfred Fisk and Mariah Sagerg of Kirtland, Ohio). She was born June 12, 1832. Their children: Lydia Maria, m. Norman I. Bliss; Hosea F., m. Martha Sherrell, m. Clarinda Langston; Rebecca A., m. John Dennett; Amanda, m. Lewis Stout; Orlando F., died; Don Carlos, died; Huldah L., m. Nathan Terry, m. Charles Rawlinson; Anna S., died; Marion F., m. Caroline Larson, m. Mary Crawford; Alfred Fisk, m. Mary E. Langston; David F., m. Henrietta Sadie; m. Julia Cox; m. Mary J. Terry; Allen J., m. Sarah Ann Sullivan; John H., m. Anna S. Hall; Milton F., m. Adelaide Smith. Family home Rockville, Utah. Member 19th quorum seventies. Bodyguard of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. Aide-de-camp in Nauvoo Legion. Farmer. Died Dec. 18, 1889. STOUT, ALFRED FISK (son of Allen Joseph Stout and Amanda Melvina Fisk). Born March 9, 1851, Kanesville, Iowa. Married Mary Emma Langston March 7, 1872, Rockville, Utah (daughter of John Langston and Clearinda Phillips of Missouri, pioneers 1854). She was born Feb. 15, 1859. Their children: Mary Clearinda b. Sept. 12, 1873, m. Henry Hirschi; Martha and Dorthay (twins) b. March 21, 1875, died; Alfred Fisk Jr. b. Nov. 1, 1876, m. Dora M. M. Hall; Louisa Melvina b. Aug. 28, 1879, died; Anna Laura b. April 14, 1881, m. Philetus D. Jones; Minerva b. March 16, 1884, died; Lionel Langston b. June 22, 1886, died; Elmer b. March 22, 1889; Sylvia b. Jan. 11, 1892, m. Richard R. Carey; Ernest Franklin b. July 24, 1894, m. Clothiel Free; Victor b. Dec. 27, 1896, died; Clinton Tracy b. Feb. 27, 1898; Homer Bryan b. Jan. 29, 1901; Hosea Afton b. Nov. 7, 1903. Family home Rockville, Utah. Elder. School trustee and deputy constable. Lumberman. STOUT, ALFRED FISK JR. (son of Alfred Fisk Stout and Mary Emma Langston). Born Nov. 1, 1876, Rockville, Utah. Married Dora M. Hall March 24, 1898, St. George, Utah (daughter of John C. Hall and Keziah DeGrey of England, pioneers August, 1857, Jesse B. Martin company). She was born Jan. 8, 1878. Their children: Myron b. June 28, 1903; Erma b. 1908; Verle b. Oct. 7, 1911, died; Baby b. March 7, 1913. Family home Hurricane, Utah. Elder; ward teacher and chorister. Carpenter. STOWELL,, WIL,LIAM RUFUS RODGER (son of Augustus Stowell, Chautauqua county, N. Y.). Born in Chautauqua, N. Y. Came to Utah 1852, oxteam company. Married Hannah Toppins, Salt Lake City, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1193 Married Cynthia Jane Parks, Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Brigham, m. Olive Bybee; Amanda, m. Myron Butler- Maranda, m. Myron Butler; Rufus, d. aged 2; Heber John, m. Ellen Lavenia Thompson; Matilda, m. Myron Butler- Cynthia, m. James Pingree; Francis. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Sophrona Kelley, Salt Lake City, Utah. Their children: Elvira, m. William Wallace; Martha, m. John Hill; Mariah, m. Evan Evans; David, m. Ruth Birch" Alex- ander, m. Ellen Dalton; Mary, m. Joseph Jackson Married Harriet Stowell, Salt Lake City, Utah. Their children: Louisa, m. Alburn Allen; Ephraim; Harriet m Mr. Hyde; William Barnum, m. Merril Session; George d' infant; Israel, d. aged 4; Jeanette; Vesta, m. Mr. Kingston' Families resided Ogden, Utah. Seventy; Sunday school superintendent many years. Vet- eran Echo Canyon and Black Hawk wars. Farmer. Died 1901, at Juarez, Utah. STOWELL, HEBER JOHN (son of William Rufus Rodger Stowell and Cynthia Jane Parks). Born July 14, 1860, Ogden. Utah. Married Ellen Lavenia Thompson Feb. 8, 1888, Manti, Utah (daughter of William Henry Thompson and Jane Frisby of Birmingham, Eng.; came to Utah 1883). She was born April 13, 1869. Their children: Stella Lavenia b. Feb. 8, 1889, d. June 12, 1891; Clarence Heber b. March 8, 1891, d. Oct. 19, 1904; Mabel Viola b. Dec. 28, 1893; Eston Earl b. Jan. 25, 1896; Urbon Elmo b. Dec. 2, 1898; Gardie Elizabeth b. Dec. 2. 1900; Elvin James b. Feb. 26, 1902; Cynthia Ellen b. Jan. 5, 1904; Dell Clifton b. March 5, 1906; Gladys Jane b. April 4, 1908; John Arthur b. July 15, 1910. Family home Spring Glen, Utah. Elder; seventy; high priest; bishop, Spring Glen, Utah. School trustee; justice of peace, Carbonville, Utah. Farmer- coal miner. Died Spring Glen, Utah. STRADLING, WILLIAM (son of Obadiah Stradling and Martha Shadrick, of Wellington, Eng.). Born Sept. 10, 1824, at Wellington. Came to Utah 1854, oxteam company. Married Sophia Bush October, 1856, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of James Bush and Sophia Humphries, of Pleasant Grove), who was born May 10, 1831. Their children: Mary Ann, m. George E. Cook; Selener, m. Arthur Marott; Albert, and John Henry, died; Joseph O., m. Sina Thompson; Sarah Ann, m. Albert A. Haws; Rose Vilate, m. Arba Lambson; James William, died; Ephraim, m. Elizabeth J. Williams; Susie, m. Soren Thompson; Owen, died. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 77th quorum seventies; missionary to St. Johns, Ariz., 1880-90; high priest. Farmer. STRATFORD, EDWIN (son of George Stratford, born Nov. 7, 1807, and Eliza Barwell, born Oct. 5, 1809, of Maiden, Eng.). He was born Feb. 6, 1833, at Maiden. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Homer Duncan company. Married Marianna Crabb Dec. 25, 1855, Chelmsford, EsseT, Eng. (daughter of Jesse Crabb and Ann Chapman), who was born Dec. 6, 1831, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Edwin A. b. Oct. 17, 1856, m. Mary M. Coates Bergstrom Feb. 6, 1879; Eliza A. b. Jan. 23, 1859, m. John P. Smith July 1878; Jesse G. b. May 4, 1861, m. Roseltha Ballantyne; Charles H. b. Sept. 17, 1863, m. Ida Lynham; Francis W. b. Dec. 6, 1865, m. Lizzie Farley; Lilliam M. b. Feb. 26, 1868, m. Peter H. Baird; Albert E. b. Jan. 6, 1870, m. Georgie Chandler; Egbert C. b. March 10, 1872, m. Edna P. Eldredge; Horace B. b. Aug. 1, 1875, m. Kate Haines. Family resided Farmington, Providence and Ogden, Utah. Bishop, fourth ward, Ogden, 20 years. Member of legis- lature; city councilman, Ogden. President board trustees, school for deaf and blind. Furniture dealer. Died Oct. 8, 1899, at Ogden. STRATFORD, EDWIN A. (son of Edwin Stratford and Marianna Crabb). Born Oct. 17, 1856, Tarrytown, N. Y. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary M. Coates Bergstrom Feb. 6, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew and Isabella Coates of Port Glasgow, Scotland, pioneers Sept. 10, 1863, William B. Pres- ton company), who was born Dec. 6, 1860. Their children: Ethel I. Stratford b. Dec. 9, 1879, m. J. D. Skeen; Earl A. b. Feb. 2, 1883, m. Mina Parry; Alfred E. b. Aug. 29, 1886: Howard J. b. Jan. 6, 1891; Mary M. b. Aug. 26, 1896; Edmund Carl b. March 20, 1899. Family resided Farmington, Logan, Providence, and Ogden, Utah. Missionary to Great Britain 1891 to 1893. Conducted col- lection agency. STRATFORD, FRANCIS WILLIAM (son of Edwin Stratford and Marianna Crabb). Born Dec. 6, 1865, Providence, Utah. Married Lizzie Farley Oct. 20, 1885, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Winthrop Farley and Mary Hastings of Ogden, Utah, pioneers 1850, latter died Feb. 20, 1891). She was born March 3, 1866. Their children: Eva Viola b. Dec. 21, 1889, m. Albert Bingham; Francis W. b. Feb. 14, 1891. Married Minnie Clara Battle May 31, 1893, Manti, Utah (daughter of George W. Battle and Olive Baker, of Wilson Lane, Ogden, Utah, came from Georgia to Utah 1888). She was born Oct. 13, 1874. Their children: George Edwin b. March 20, 1894, m. Melva Olson; William Eugene b. Feb. 29, 1896; Lizzie Olive b. Dec. 2, 1899. Member 77th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1886-88; high priest; 2d counselor to bishop John Rockham of Wilson ward, 6 years; bishop of Wilson ward 2 years; 2d counselor to President James Wotherspoon of North Weber stake. Water commissioner 4 years. Chair- man of county board of education ten years. Farmer and merchant. STRATTON, ANTHONY JOHNSON (son of Calvin Stratton and Gabrilla Johnson, both supposedly of Pottawattamie Co., Iowa). Born Jan. 11, 1824, Bedford county, Tenn. Came to Utah 1849, believed to have come in Captain Smoot com- pany. Married Martha Jane Layne April 3, 1845, in Hancock county, 111. (daughter of David Layne and Lucinda Biby . probably of Kentucky), who was born July 26, 1827 Their children: Emeline, died; Martha Jane, died; Gabrilla, m. William Wesley Willis, Jr.; Mary, died; Rozilpha; Anthony Wayne, died; Lucinda, died; Calvin Layne; William Ellis- James Marion; Artemisia. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Bishop's counselor at Virgin City, Utah; school teacher- 1st lieutenant, Company C, Battalion of Infantry. Farmer. Died Nov. 29, 1887, SnowHake, Ariz. STRATTON, WILLIAM ELLIS (son of Anthony Johnson Stratton and Martha Jane Layne). Born Jan. 28, 1862, Virgin City, Utah. Married Minnie Kartchner Oct. 20, 1886, St. George, Utah (daughter of William D. Kartchner and Elizabeth Gale, of Snowflake, Ariz.), who was born Dec. 26, 1870. Their chil- dren: Mabel b. Feb. 16, 1888; Zella b. March 25, 1890; Wil- liam Raymond b. March 24, 1892; Leo Wayne b. March 11, 1894, died; Lena b. Sept. 18, 1895; Minnie and Vinnie b. May 27, 1898, both died; Mary b. March 28. 1902; Elsie b. April 11, 1904, died; Irene b. March 18, 1907; Lorum Ellis b. March 22, 1910; Leona b. Sept. 18, 1912. Member 83d quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1899-01. Farmer and stockraiser. STRATTON, EDWARD (son of Samuel Bailey Stratton, born Aug. 10, 1781, Somersetshire, Eng., and Ann Stratton, born Aug. 3, 1789, Westwood, Wiltshire, Eng.). He was born March 10, 1831, Freshford, Somersetshire. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1853, Moses Daly company. Married Adele DeSaules June 21, 1863 (daughter of Fred- rick Louis and Adele DeSaules), who was born March 21, 1847, and came to Utah 1859. Their children: John b. Aug. 28, 1864, d. Oct. 14, 1864; Edward b. Jan. 2, 1867, drowned May, 1871; William b. Aug. 22, 1870, m. Sarah Firth 1892; Annie b. Jan. 5, 1873, m. Adam Aranthon Bingham Nov. 14, 1889; Elizabeth b. Aug. 4, 1874, m. Jesse A. Child Oct. 21, 1891; Adele b. May 18, 1878, m. John B. Fife December, 1897; Sophia b. June 3, 1880, m. S. James Bingham June 26, 1901. Family home Riverdale, Weber Co., Utah. Member 76th quorum seventies; drove an oiteam loaded with paper across the plains. Wool carder at Riverdale, Utah; miller. Died Nov. 18, 1880. STRATTON, JAMES (son of Barton Stratton, born March 27, 1794, North Minns, Eng., died Nov. 30, 1862, and Susan Vyse, born February, 1793, died Jan. 26, 1865). He was born Dec. 22, 1824, Parish Ware, Herefordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 31, 1852. Married Frances Clark 1851, in England (daughter of Benjamin Thomas Clark, born Feb. 20, 1799, died Sept. 4, 1867, and Ann Shukers, born June 19, 1810, died June 24, 1848). She was born April 3, 1828, and died August, 1904. Their children: Louisa Susan, m. Henry J. Stone; Maria Jane, m. Philip Ryan; James Barton, m. Mary Smith; Charlei William, died. Married Eliza Briggs, Salt Lake City, Utah. Their chil- dren: Ruth B., m. John Handley; Sarah Ann, m. W. F. Handley; John Henry, m. Emma Evans; Joseph, died; Eliza, m. Newel J. Knight; David Thomas, m. Caroline Mary Ditt- more; Samuel, and Alfred James, died. Family home. Cedar Valley, Utah. High priest; missionary to The Muddy; Indian war vet- eran. Died March 23, 1907, Provo, Utah. STRATTON, DAVID THOMAS (son of James Stratton and Eliza Briggs). Born Dec. 19, 1866, Provo, Utah. Married Caroline Mary Dittmore Sept. 20, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Dittmore and Rachel Smuin of Pleasant Grove, Utah), who was born Feb. 21, 1867. Their children: Ann Artell b. July 26, 1895; Rhoda b. May 23, 1898; Miralda b. Dec. 12, 1899; Mabel b. April 6, 1901; Martin David b. June 11, 1903; Farel Henry b. Feb. 12, 1905; James Reed b. May 6, 1907. Family home Sharon ward, Utah. Elder; assistant superintendent of Sunday school, Tlm- panogos ward; president of deacons quorum; ward teacher Fruitgrower and horticulturist. STRICKL.EY, JOHN (son of Joseph Strickley of Birming- ham, Eng.). Born 1843, at Birmingham. Came to Utah June, 1868, Captain Hunter company. 1194 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Ellen Brindle December, 1864, at Brimingham (daughter of Benjamin Brindle and Sarah Ppnney of that place, pioneers 1867). who was born Aug. 30. 1844. Their children: William J., m. Mary E. Cooper; Ellen E. E., m. John G. Gray; Mariam Z. A., m. E. W. Mason; Joseph B., m. Marie Hale; Laura B., m. H. W. Gray; George F., m. Ger- trude Penfold; Albert B., d. infant; Frank H., m. Lula Arm- strong; James G.; Blanche H. Family home, Salt Lake City. General merchant. STRICKLET, JOSEPH B. (son of John Strickley and Ellen Brindle). Born Feb. 18, 1870, Salt Lake City. Married Marie Hale Dec. 21, 1896, Salt Lake City, S. S. Geddes officiating (daughter of Joseph Hale and Elizabeth Williams of Wales, pioneers 1865). She was born June 27, 1872. Family home, Salt Lake City. Contractor. STRINGFELLOW, GEORGE (son of Joseph Stringfellow and Lucy Tagg of Hucknall, Nottingham, Eng.). Born 1834, at Hucknall. Came to Utah 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins company. Married Grace E. Wilkinson April 1, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Luke Wilkinson and Ann Barker). Their chil- dren: Joseph W., m. Fannie Maria Little; Erastus W., m. Etta Bennion; Alonzo W.; Junius R.; Grace E. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Missionary to England. City councilman and member board of public works. Merchant and president Utah Casket company. STRINGFELLOW, JOSEPH W. (son of George Stringfellow and Grace E. Wilkinson). Born Jan. 15. 1874, Salt Lake City Married Fannie Maria Little Sept. 19. 1909, Salt Lake City (daughter of James T. Little of Salt Lake City), who was born Aug. 7, 1885. Family home. Salt Lake City. Seventy. Lawyer. STRIIYGHAM, GEORGE. Born in New York State. Came to Married Polly Hendrickson 1829, in New Tork state. Their children: Briant, m. Susie Ann Ashby, m. Harriet Ashby, m. Martha Ashby, m. Nancy Badger; Sabra: Jeremiah, m. Sallie Bove, m. Mary Brinkerhoff; Benjamin Joseph, m. Emma Ashby; George, m. Mary Ashby; Meda, m. Appleton Harmon. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Butcher. Died at Salt Lake City. STRINGHAM, BRIANT (son of George Stringham and Polly Hendrickson). Born 1830, in New Tork state. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brlgham Young company. Married Susan Ann Ashby 1848, Salt Lake City. Their children- Susan b. Dec. 25, 1849, m. Sheridan Jacobs; Briant b Dec. 26, 1851, m. Jessie Eldredge; James b. 1853, d. youth; Philip b July 14, 1856, m. Caroline Ann Crouch, m. Mary Hall; Lucy b. 1858. m. Heber J. Grant; Jacob b. I860, d. youth; Julia b. 1862, m. Albert Woolley; Ashby b. 1864; William b. 1866, m. Lucy Ferron; John b. 1868, m. Ettie Pen- rose. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Harriett Ashby, at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren- Maria, m. Thomas Stephens; Harriett, m. Briant Nowlen; Polly; Rozilla, m. Frank Grant; Henry, m. Fannie ; George, m. Miss Freeze. Family home Salt Lake City, Married Martha Bucklan Ashby, at Salt Lake City. Their children- Martha, m. Joseph Edmonds; Chloe, m. Hyrum Johnson; Theresa; Jeremiah; Richard. Family home, Salt Lake Citv Married Nancy Badger (Garr). Their children: Jane, m Staveson. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; bishop's counselor; in charge of tithing stock of Utah, 15 years, and of commissary during Indian wars. Died August, 1870, Salt Lake City. STRINGHAM, PHILIP (son of Briant Stringham and Susan Ann Ashby). Born July 14, 1856, Salt Lake City. Married Caroline Ann Crouch Feb. 12, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Crouch and Caroline Baker of London, Eng., who came to Utah 1875). She was born Feb. 7 1855 Their children: Caroline Clair b. Nov. 3, 1874, m. Joseph P. Hacking; Ethelwynn b. July 25, 1876^ m. Syl- venus Collet; Grace b. Aug. 26, 1878, m. Don B Colton; Mary Fontella b. Feb. 28, 1881, m. Mark M. Hall; Philip Crouch b. Feb. 19, 1883. m. Ella Jane Wimmer; Susan b. Feb. 18, 1885, m. Marion Shaffer; Zina Roxana b. March 12 1887, m. Hyrum Lorenzo Reed; Briant b. April 2, 1 89, m. Delpha Rolfe, m. Katherine Chipman; Gertrude b. June 2 1891 d child; William Sterling b. July 25, 1892; Irvin b Oct. 26) 1895; Beatrice b. Sept. 8, 1898. Family home Vernal, Ut Ma'rried Mary Bingham (Hall) Dec. 21, 1907 Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Bingham, Sr., and Karen Holli day of Ogden, Utah, pioneers 1848, contingent Mormon Bat- talion; widow of Mark Moroni Hall, whom she married Jan 12 1877, Huntsville, Utah. Children of this former marriage: Mary Maria b. Aug. 17, 1878 m Don R Colton; Chloe Louisa b. Sept. 15, 1879, d. child; Mark Moroni b. Jan 2, 1881, m. Mary Fontella Stringham; Thomas Edwin b. March 20, 1886. Family home Vernal, Utah). She was born Sept. 18, 1852. High priest; Sunday school superintendent; president Y. M. M I A. of Uinta stake. Superintendent schools of Uinta county; county recorder three terms; county clerk. Farmer and sheep raiser. STRINGHAM. JEREMIAH (son of George Stringham and Polly Hendrickson). Came to Utah 1863, John R. Young company. Married Sallie Bovee in eastern states, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Benjamin; George, m. Emily Billings; William, m. Annie Cameron; Mary, m. Joseph Colby; Jacob, m. Anna Harmon; Jeremiah, m. Martha Keel; Zina, died. Family resided Salt Lake City, Manti and Nephi. Utah. Married Mary Brinkerhoff at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Brinkerhoff of Long Valley, Utah). Their chil- dren: Sallie, m. King; Jeanette; James; Lillian, m. Mr. Grundy; David; Thomas. Family home Thurber, Utah. Active pioneer in San Pete and Juab counties. Guard during Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer and stockraiser. Died 1904, Manti, Utah. STRINGHAM, JACOB (son of Jeremiah Stringham and Sallie Bovee). Born Oct. 3, 1862, in Missouri. Married Anna Harmon Oct. 4, 1884, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Ansel P. Harmon and Roseline Chandler of Holden, Utah). She was born Nov. 11, 1862, and died Oct. 26, 1910. Their children: Ethel b. Jan. 30, 1885, m. Ole Dastrup; Roseline b. Sept. 5, 1887; Marion b. Feb. 1, 1890; Zina b. Dec. 28, 1892; Ansel b. Aug. 26, 1895; Ruby b. Oct. 19, 1898, died; Alta b. Feb. 4, 1901; Sarah b. May 15, 1904; Anna b. Sept. 5, 1908. Family home Vermillion, Utah. High priest; counselor in bishopric and assistant Sun- day school superintendent Vermillion ward. Farmer and stockraiser. STRINGHAM, BENJAMIN JOSEPH (son of George String- ham, born March 16, 1790, Long Island, N. Y., and Polly Hen- drickson, born April 3, 1803, in Broom county, N. Y., married Aug. 17, 1820). He was born March 16, 1839. Came to Utah September, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company. Married Emma Smith Ashby Oct. 26, 1861 (daughter of Nathaniel and Susan Ashby), who was born March 14, 1843. Only child: Benjamin Ashby b. May 22, 1863, m. Mary Char- lotte Probert. Married Olive Ann Johnson Sept. 16, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Johnson and Frances Hart (Nixon). She was born May 3, 1862, Holden, Utah. Their children: Joseph Ray b. July 24, 1881, m. Mary Edna Mitchell Oct. 25, 1905; Emma b. Feb. 14, 1883, m. John E. Anderson April 5, 1906; Polly Elmeda b. Nov. 13, 1884, m. James Henry Ramsey March 8, 1911; Elmer Taylor b. Jan. 2, 1887; Louis b. May 15, 1889, m. David W. Duncan Oct. 3, 1907; Viola b. Feb. 13, 1891, m. Alex Trimble June 5, 1909; Platte b. Nov. 26, 1894; Minerva b. Aug. 14, 1897; Alonzo Kimball b. Dec. 29, 1899, died; Bryant b. May 19, 1901; Zina Bernice b. Aug. 13, 1903. Family home Holden, Millard Co., Utah. Missionary to England April 13, 1863, to Sept. 1, 1866. Called to preside over Harrisburg, and organize and colonize Leeds, Washington Co., Utah, Dec. 1, 1867. President high priests quorum at Holden, July 1, 1878 to June 23, 1905. Ordained patriarch Feb. 19, 1899 by President Francis M. Lyman. Justice of peace at Holden 1881 to 1890. STRINGHAM, BENJAMIN ASHBY (son of Benjamin Joseph Stringham and Emma Smith Ashby). Born May 22, 1863, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Charlotte Probert, Manti, Utah (daughter of William Probert and Mary Ann Johnson). Their children: Rulon Ashby; Evan; Veda Emma; Sanzas; Forest; Maline. Family resided Provo, Utah and Tabor, Alberta, Canada. Missionary to southern states. Pioneer in Tabor and Ray- mond, Canada. STRONG, JACOB (son of James Strong and Catherine How- ard, former of Strongstown, Pa., the latter of York county, Pa.). Born Oct. 9, 1799, In York county, Pa. Came to Utah October, 1849, Silas Richard company. Married Sarah Hill Feb. 28, 1822 (daughter of James Hill and Barbara Emerkeizer), who was born Sept. 1, 1806. Their children: Sarah, m. William Wilson; Susan Strong, m. Henry Mower; William, m. Martha Alvord; Lucinda; John Albert; James Thomas, m. Eliza Swaner; Hyrum, m. Mary I. Newton. Married Alice Fish March 5, 1857, Salt Lake City, who was born April 16, 1829, in Lancashire, Eng. Their chil- dren: Lucinda b. March 10, 1859, m. Scott Campbell; Wil- liam Jacob b. Aug. 13, 1863, m. Emma Duncan; Alma Ether, m. Lizzie Underwood. Family home, Salt Lake City. STRONG, HYRUM (son of Jacob Strong and Sarah Hill). Born Sept. 28, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah October, 1849, with father. Married Mary Isabella Newton Feb. 1, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of James L. Newton and Elizabeth Blackburn, pioneers 1853, John Brown company). She was born April 3 1849. Their children: Hyrum Albert b. Jan. 8, 1871, d. Dec. 17, 1878; Elizabeth Irene b. July 17, 1874, d. Jan. 8, 1879; Irvin Jacob b. Oct. 9, 1877, m. Hannah Maud Harris; Myrtle Belle b. Sept. 6, 1880, m. Arthur F. Galley; Ralph James b. Aug. 11, 1883, m. Cynthia Blamires; May b. Dec. 17, 1886; Daisy b. Oct. 13, 1890. Family resided Salt Lake City and Kaysville, Utah. STRONG, JOHN (son of John Strong, Sr., and Mary Hewett of Westmoreland, Eng.). Born Sept. 3, 1805, Banton, Cum- berland Eng. Came to Utah 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Agnes Miller September, 1828, Kendal, Westmore- land Eng. (daughter of John Miller and Agnes Dean of Clap- ham,' Yorkshire, Eng., pioneers 1855, Milo Andrus com- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1195 pany). She was born May 26, 1809. Their children: John b. Aug. 13, 1829, m. Maria Nelson; George b. Jan. 28, 1832, died; Mary b. Jan. 22, 1835, m. Thomas Farrer; Agnes b. Oct. 3, 1837, m. Roger Farrer; William b. Jan. 26, 1840, m. Celestia Young; Hannah b. July 22, 1842, m. Caleb H. Davis; Joseph S. b. Aug. 23, 1844, m. Matilda Young; Eleanor M. b. Jan. 30, 1847, m. William H. Gray; Elizabeth A. b. July 9, 1849, m. Robert Boardman; Miles b. Nov. 2, 1852, m. Maria Jensen. Family home Provo, Utah. Seventy; high priest. Blacksmith. Died Dec. 21, 1862, Provo. STUART, DANIEL, (son of John Stuart and Margrite Nel- son of Rimphin, Scotland). Born May 20, 1820, Kindle, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1850, Milo Andrews company. Married Agness Huddleston In 1846 (daughter of John Huddleston and Margerett Huddleston), who was born Aug. 11, 1821. Their children: George Stewart b. Feb. 27, 1846, m. Mary Evans 1866; Mary Ann b. May, 1847, d. 1847; Elisa. Anna M. b. June 4, 1851. m. C. E. Pomroy; Zina A. b. 1853, m. William Lambaum. Family home, Salt Lake City. Veteran of Echo Canyon campaign and Black Hawk Indian war. Early settler to Carson Valley. Shoemaker. STUART, GEORGE (son of Daniel Stuart and Agness Hud- dleston). Born Feb. 27, 1845. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Evans in 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas E. Evans and Jane Davis), who was born 1841 In Wales. Their children: Jane Agnes b. June, 1868, d. 1868; Eva Eveline b. Oct. 6, 1869, m. George Richardson 1887; Mary Margrett b. Oct. 1871, m. James McKay; George Daniel b. 1873, died; Ammie b. 1874; George S. b. March 1875, m. Rebecca Williams; Benjamin b. Nov. 22, 1875, m. Sally Jones. Missionary to Scotland 1894-96; bishop; member of Nau- voo Guard. Telegraph operator. Married Jemima Evans April 8, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas L. Evans and Jane Davis, former pioneer 1868, Captain Gillett company, latter 1866, same captain). She was born April 1, 1850, In Glamorganshire, Wales. Their children: Thomas b. Jan. 1876, m. Annie Jones; William A. b. June 1877, m. Mary Ann Thomas; Ivan b. Aug. 22, 1879, m. Mary Williams; Sarah b. Sept. IS, 1882, m. William Follace; Zina b. Sept. 18, 1886, m. Frank Robert; Agness b. May 21, 1889, m. Davy Burnett; Jemima b. Nov. 18, 1891; Daniel W. b. 1899. STTJCKI, JOHN TT. (son of Johannes Stuckl and Elizabeth Sauter of Neunforn, Thurgau, Switzerland). Born Jan. 8, 1837, Neunforn, Thurgau, Switzerland. Came to Utah Aug. 30, 1860, Jesse Murphy company. Married A. Margaret Huber Aug. 19, 1859, Mettendorf, Thurgau, Switzerland (daughter of Hans Heinrich Huber and Anna Maria Schneider of Mettendorf). She was born Feb. 20, 1835. Their child: John Henry, d. Oct. 25, 1877. Married Jane Butler Feb. 1, 1870, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Butler and Dinah David of Bridge End, South Wales, who came to Utah June 2, 1875, by rail). She was born Nov. 8, 1851, St. Brides, Wales. Their children: Charles Thomas b. Aug. 11, 1872, m. Caroline Fink; Caroline Eliza- beth b. Feb. 4, 1874, d. Sept. 2, 1880; Maria Jane b. April 22, 1877, m. Charles Cole; William B. b. A'ug. 21, 1880, m. Marie Lehr; Hyrum David b. Oct. 17, 1882, d. Nov. 30, 1882; Joseph Smith b. June 1, 1884, m. Mary Ann Price; Annie b. Aug. 26, 1886, m. Daniel Rich; Margaret b. Aug. 15, 1891; Erastus Woodruff b. March 19, 1894. Married Anna Clara Sport September, 1890, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Spori and Susannah Katherine Bochlen of Oberwyl, Bern, Switzerland). She was born Sept. 21, 1859, at Oberwyl. Their children: Elfrieda S. b. April 29, 1893; Ezra S. b. Feb. 25, 1895. Member 62d quorum seventies; missionary to Switzerland and Germany 1874-76 and 1888-90; high councilor; stake clerk; president high priests quorum; patriarch; bishop's counselor; second counselor to president of stake. Mayor of Paris, Idaho; member board of education Academy of Idaho; justice of peace; county auditor and recorder; county treasurer; notary public; school trustee. STUBBS, RICHARD (son of Samuel Stubbs and Sarah Shaw of Norwich, Cheshire, Eng.). Born July 30, 1823, Norwich. Came to Utah October, 1852, Jerome Benson cowteam com- pany. Married Eleanor Ware June 21, 1843, Busher Branch, Lee Co., Iowa (daughter of Abishai Ware and Delilah Rogers of Frederick, W. Va., pioneers 1852, Jerome Benson oxteam company). She was born Dec. 1, 1825. Their children: Amana Melvlna, m. Edward Peay; Samuel, died; Sarah Ellen, m. Franklin Scott; Rebecca Ann, m. Edward Peay; Heber William, m. Blanche Whipple; Eliza R., m. Franklin Scott; John R., m. Temperance Goodman; Mary D., m. Nephi Ross; Eunice Lester, m. Howard Scott; Hannah D., m. Walter Gale; Joseph A., m. Phlllipa Moyle. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; ward and Sunday school teacher. Farmer. Died July 25, 1902, Provo. STUBBS, JOHN RODHOM (son of Richard Stubbs and Eleanor Ware of Provo, Utah). Born July 2, 1860, at Provo, Utah. Married Susannah Temperance Goodman Dec. 22, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Richardson Goodman and Sarah Lee of Provo, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born Jan. 12, 1863. Their children: John William b. April 24, 1883, m. Margret Ritchie; Jesse Goodman b. Jan. 9, 1885, m. Annie Loveless; Zella Temperance b. Sept. 14, 1886, m. William A. Penrod; Maud Ellen b. April 4, 1888, m. Charles Ashton; Wilford Richard b. April 6, 1890, m. Pearl Penrod; David Alfonso b. June 9, 1892, d. March 12, 1903; Albert Owen b. May 5, 1896; Leona b. May 27, 1903. Family resided Pleasant View and Provo, Utah. High priest; bishop's counselor; missionary to Great Brit- ain May 26, 1899 to 1901; Sunday school superintendent; wara teacher. Farmer and horticulturist. STUMPF, TRAITGOTT (son of John Stumpf and Elizabeth Fehr of Buchakern, Canton Thurgau, Switzerland, latter a pioneer 1863). Born Jan. 2, 1840, Buchakern, Switzerland Came to Utah 1861, Jabez Woodard independent oxteam train. Married Elizabeth Turner 1867, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Turner and Ann Turner of Chilvers Coten Warwickshire, Eng., pioneers 1850). She was born Sept. 5, 1829. Warwickshire, Eng. There were no children. Married Jane Buist March 13, 1884, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of David Buist and Isabella Mathers of Arbroath, Scot- land; former came to Utah 1883). She was born Jan. 9, 1855, at Arbroath, and came to Utah with father. Their children: Isabella Jane b. Nov. 28, 1886; Elizabeth Ann b May 17, 1888, m. Oscar Junies Barratt. High priest. Brought immigrants to Utah from the terminals of railroads, Laramie and Fort Benton, 1868. Farmer. SULLIVAN, DAVID D. (son of James T. Sullivan of Nash- ville, Ind., and Annie Weddell of Valiska. Iowa). Born Jan. 21, 1845, Nashville, Ind. Came to Utah December. 1865 freighting outfit. Married Caroline C. Calkins 1827 In New York City (daughter of Israel Calkins and Lavlna Wheeler, pioneers 1852). She was born Jan. 7, 1851, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Their children: Julia Melvina b. Nov. 19, 1869, m. Guy Hartley Greene Nov. 29, 1909; Indemora b. March 20, 1874, m. Thorber Johnson Nov. 5, 1909; Helen Amelia b. Feb, 8 1877, m. Theodore Dewey Jan. 2. 1900: Minnie Martha b. Dec. 18, 1878; David Dolen b. Sept. 6, 1880, m. Maud Buck- land March 20, 1902; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 12, 1882, m. Frank Mousley Snow June 20, 1906; Caroline b. July 4 1886- Walter Scott b. Feb. 24, 1889; Irene b. April 21, 1891 m Harry Westenfelder Feb. 17, 1908; Gladys b. Aug. 17, 1893. Civil war veteran. Postmaster at Grace, Idaho, 13 years Died March 30, 1911. SULLIVAN, GEORGE MILTON (son of David Linn Sulli- van and Rebecca Morris of Troy, Davis Co., Iowa). Born March 18, 1866, Van Buren Co., Iowa. Came to Utah August, 1899. Married Margaret McReynolds May 7, 1892, Hot Springs, S. D. (daughter of Robert C. McReynolds of Alliance, Neb.). She was born 1872. Their children: Fern D. b. April 12, 1893, m. Earl F. Hiller; Wilma Floy b. Oct. 20, 1894; Glenn b. Aug. 7. 1896, d. child. Married Daleth Pearl Kelley Oct. 1, 1902, Colorado Springs, Colo, (daughter of James E. and Margaret Kelley of Bloom- ington, Neb.). She was born Sept. 22, 1872. Admitted to the bar May, 1890, in the state of Nebraska. Member board of education of Salt Lake City. Lawyer. SULZER, CASPER (SULSER) (son of Peter and Ann Sulzer of Switzerland). Born Oct. 17, 1821, in Switzerland. Came to Utah in October, 1861, Joseph W. Young company. Married Kathryn Steidler 1839 in Switzerland (daughter of Ulrich Steidler and Maragrete Abplanalp of Switzerland). She was born March 28, 1819. Their children: Kathryn and Maragrete, died; John, m. Mary M. Keller; Casper and Jacob, twins, died; Casper, m. Amanda Smith; Maragrete, m. George Henry Bumell; Susianna, m. Sidney McCarrel; Emma, m, Hiram Shelton; Amelia, m. Christen Burgener; Elizabeth, m. Joseph McCarrel. Family home, Meyringer, Switzerland. Elder. Veteran Black Hawk war. Stockraiser; farmer. Died Oct. 12, 1891, Midway, Utah. SULZER, JOHN (son of Casper Sulzer and Kathryn Steid- ler). Born March 28, 846, in Switzerland. Came to Utah 1861, Joseph W. Young company. Married Mary Margaret Keller at Heber, Utah (daughter of Adam Keller and Anna Barbara Enz of Switzerland). She was born Oct. 10, 1859. Their children: John Albert b. May 16, 1878, m. Mary E. Burgener; Mary Alice b. Aug. 1, 1880, m. Frederick Raymond; Elizabeth Bertha b. Nov. 17, 1882, m. John B. Fowers; Nephi b. June 10, 1885, m. Annie Simmins; Eliza b. Oct. 28. 1896, died; Kathryn Niccle b. Feb. 27, 1889, m. Thomas J. Baird; Delia b. June 24, 1892, m. Clifford John Phillips; Lillie b. April 16, 1895; Ella Edna b. Nov. 4, 1897; Owen b. Sept. 5, 1900, died; Anna Ina b. Dec. 23, 1902; Dean Glade b. April 4, 1907, died. Family home Midway, Utah. High priest; ward teacher since 1865. Veteran Black Hawk war. stockgrower; farmer. SUMSION, DANIEL (son of Samuel Sumslon and Jane Jones of Colerne, Eng.). Born Dec. 21, 1810, Colerne, Wiltshire. Came to Utah 1852, Woodhouse company. 1196 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Ellen Spender (daughter of George Spender and Eleanor Davis), who was born May 15, 1816. Their chil- dren: William, ra. Christean Mary Alleman, m. Sarah Ann Cranmer; George, m. Ann Elizabeth Bird; Daniel, died; James Henry, m. Taimer Ann Bird. SUMSION, WILLIAM (son of Daniel Sumsion and Ellen Spender). Born Jan. 7, 1837, Colerne, Wiltshire, Eng: Came to Utah 1852, Woodhouse company. Married Christean Mary Alleman Feb. 3, 1858, Springville, Utah (daughter of John Alleman and Christean Stentz of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1852, Walker company). She was born Oct. 15, 1840, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Mary Ellen b. Dec. 6, 1858, m. George Lyman McKenzie; William b. Feb. 19, 1861, m. Celestia Alexander; Emma b. July 30, 1863, m. Joseph Cranmer; Emily b. July 30, 1863, m. David A. Crandall; John b. Oct. 12, 1866, m. Celia E. Bramall; Daniel b. Sept. 27, 1869, m. Phoebe Loretty Oakley; Nellie b. July 20. 1872; Willis b. Dec. 19, 1875,' m. Phoebe Milinda Single- ton; Frank b. March 25, 1878, m. Pearl Bartlett; Anna b. Oct. 31, 1880, m. Arch Hailey Bird; Jesse b. Aug. 16, 1883, m. Lillie May Clinger; Christean b. April 27, 1888, d. April 1888. Married Sarah Ann Cranmer Nov. 5, 1890, of Logan, Utah (daughter of William Cranmer and Sarah Ann Nightengale of Springville, Utah; former pioneer 1855, latter 1856, Wheelock handcart company). She was born Nov. 17, 1866, Springville, Utah. Their children: Lee Grand b. Dec. 6, 1891; Donna b. July 11, 1893; Lois b. Feb. 16, 1896; Elmo b. Jan. 15, 1899; Edna b. April 27, 1901; Melba Sarah Ann b. Nov. 30, 1903; Louise b. Nov. 1, 1907. Families resided Springville, Utah. SUTHERLAND, JOHN (son of Gilbert Sutherland and Bruce Morrison of Shetland Island). Born Oct. 12, 1832, Brough Nesting parish, Shetland Islands. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1859, Haight company. Married Ellen Catherine Nicholson in 1859 at Florence, Neb. (daughter of Magnus Nicholson and Catherine Danold- son of Shetland Islands). She was born Jan. 1, 1832. Their children: William John, m. Josephine Hanse,n; Joseph, m. Cecelia Samules; Hyrum B.; Isaiah; Jonah, m. Jane Bagoo; Mary Ellen, m. David Crystal; Catherine E. ; Zenobia Jane, m. George Harper. Family home Big Cottonwood, Utah. Worked hauling rock for Salt Lake temple. Served in the Black Hawk war. SUTHERLAND, THOMAS (son of Alexander Sutherland, born in Scotland, and Elizabeth Lawlor of New Castle, Eng.). He was born 1804. Came to Utah In 1851. Married Mary Ann Timmings 1828 in London (daughter of Thomas Timmings of London). Their children: Eliza b. Dec. 18, 1831, m. William Dallin; Mary Ann, m. John Gleason; Thomas H., m. Annie Tunbridge; Alexander George, m. Fannie Slater; Catherine, Ellen, William and Catherine Ellen, died. Family home Springville, Utah. Farmer and gardener; baker and confectioner. Died Oct. 1890, Provo, Utah. SUTHERLAND, ALEXANDER GEORGE (son of Thomas Sutherland and Mary Ann Timmings). Born Aug. 23, 1838, New Castle, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. B, 1863, Captain Haight company. Married Fannie Slater March 30, 1861, Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire, Eng. (daughter of James Slater and Anna Pratt, both of Bedford, Eng.). She was born June 5. 1835, and came to Utah 1872. Their children: George b. March 25, 1862, m. Rose Lee; Fannie b. Feb. 10, 1864, m. Ephraim Davis Sutton; Thomas b. Oct. 1, 1865, died; Henry E. b. Sept. 4, 1867, m. Sophia Sutton; James b. Dec. 25, 1869, m. Clara Williamson; Frederick b. Jan. 5, 1872, m. Delia Allen. Family home Springville, Utah. Missionary to England. Locomotive engineer; freighter; blacksmith; storekeeper; school teacher. Postmaster; jus- tice of the peace; recorder for U. S. land office. Died July 30, 1911, at Provo. SUTHERLAND, GEORGE (son of Alexander George Suther- land and Fannie Slater). Born March 25, 1862, Stony Strat- ford, Eng. Married Rose Lee June 16, 1S83, Beaver, Utah (daughter of John P. Lee and Eliza Foscue of Beaver, pioneers). She was born July 16, 1865. Their children: Emma b. Nov. 14, 1884, m. Charles Lawrence; Philip b. March 6, 1886, died; Edith b. Jan. 4, 1888, m. Robert Elmore. Member U. S. congress 1901-03; U. S. senator since 1905. Lawyer. SWANN, EPHRAIM (son of Ephraim Swann of Fenbury and Elenor Broome of Leicester, Eng.). Born May 24, 1824, Fenbury, Eng. Came to Utah 1857, Jesse B. Martin com- pany. Married Fanny Jones Aug. 15, 1848 (daughter of Edward Jones and Hannah Went), who was born May 26, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Hannah; m. Thomas Condie; Ephraim, died; Elizabeth, died; Elenor b. April 7, 1857, m. L. L. Toone; Fanny Eliza b. Oct. 3, 1861, m. John M. McQueen; Edward William b. Oct. 15, 1863, m. Marie D. Ericksen; James E. b. Nov. 2, 1866. died; Mary Ellen b. Nov. 6, 1869, m. Richard C. Toone. Settled in Ogden until 1861; moved to Morgan county, where he resided until 1864; moved to Croydon, Utah; In 1884 moved to Preston, Oneida Co., Idaho, where he re- mained until his death. Died Sept. 13, 1896. SWANN, EDWARD W. (son of Ephraim Swann and Fanny Jones). Born Oct. 15, 1863, Milton, Morgan Co., Utah. Married Marie D. Ericksen March 16, 1892, Logan. Utah (daughter of Bengt J. Ericksen and Ellen C. D. Johansen), who was born April 3, 1871, Bear River City. Their chil- dren: Edward Harrold b. Jan. 16, 1893, d. April 11, 1895; Ephraim b. Dec. 31, 1894; Fanny Marie b. June 15, 1897; Ben Ericksen b. April 25, 1899; Robert Glen b. Jan. 14, 1902; Ellen b. March 29, 1904; William Lee b. Aug. 6, 1906. Missionary to Great Britain Nov. 13, 1886, to June 6, 1890; Sunday school superintendent; bishop's counselor. Farmer and stockman. SWASEY, FRANCIS. Born in Iowa. Married Mary Dow in Iowa City, Iowa, where they re- sided before coming to Utah. Their children: Rodney, m. Loretta Deoville; George, died; Mary Ann, m. Simon Mar- tin. Family resided Nephi and Mona, Utah. Died 1896. SWASET, RODNEY (son of Francis Swasey and Mary Dow of Iowa). Born 1831. Came to Utah 1847, Brigham Young oxteam company. Married Loretta Scoville in Salt Lake City in 1849 (daugh- ter of Lucius Scoville of Provo). Their children: Charles b. Oct. 24, 1850, m. Cena Olson; Sidney, m. Mary Rowe; Han- nah, m. Allen Rowe; Joseph, m. May McDonald; Rodney, m. Eva Miles; Livia, m. Pondos Rome; Lucius, m. Netta Brother- son; Frank, m. Ema Olson. Family home Mona, Utah. Married Martha Carter at Salt Lake temple (daughter of William Carter of Provo). Their children: Mary Ann, m. Patrick Condon; Sarah, m. Henry Bell; Luna, m. Ephraim Ellison; Marcella; Estella, m. Albert Slade; Pearl, m. Mar- cello Jones; Rodney, m. Miss Kay. Family home Mona, Utah. Veteran of the Walker and Black Hawk wars. Helped to settle up the California country. Stockraiser. Died in Provo, Utah, Dec. 25, 1899. SWASEY, CHARLES (son of Rodney Swasey and Loretta Scoville). Born Oct. 24, 1850, Eldorado county, Cal. Married Cena Olson Aug. 11, 1878, Mona, Utah (daughter of Andrew Olson and Boletta Larson of Denmark, pioneers 1854, John R. Murdock company). She was born May 30, 1859. Their children: Charles Andrew b. Jan. 1, 1885, m. Alice Hambrick; Rodney; Moretta b. April 2, 1895. Family home Castle Dale, Utah. Veteran of Black Hawk war. Mule raiser. SWEETEN, ROBERT (son of George Sweeten and Mary Gardner, the latter came to Utah with her son, Robert, and died at Spanish Fork, Utah, during Johnson army trouble). Born Dec. 14, 1840, Brook, Ontario, Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1847, John Taylor company. Married Amanda Hagle Feb. 24, 1868, in Ontario, Can- ada, while there settling his father's estate. She came to Utah with her husband in 1870. Their children: Martha E., m. Heber A. Holbrook; Robert L., m. Althea Morgan; Mary A., m. Melvin Atkinson; George G., m. Sarah Evans; Susan I., m. Wallace Cragun; Colon H.; Warren H., m. Lilla, Howard; Alice A., m. Elbert Barlow; Chloe. Seventy. Settled in Salt Lake City; moved to Mill Creek, Salt Lake county, 1848, and to Mendon, Cache county, 1859. Member Mendon city council 20 years. Director Men- don Co-op, store 15 years. Moved to Holbrook, Idaho, 1898. Justice of the peace; city marshal; mayor two terms. Farmer. SWENSON, AUGUST (son of Sven Andersen, born 1792, Trynge, Halland, Sweden, and Brita Anderson, born 1791, Smoland, Sweden). Born Aug. 7, 1836, Stafsinge, Halland, Sweden. Came to Utah Sept. 19, 1856, Canute Petersen company. Married Bertha O. Petersen Jan. 31, 1859 (daughter of Ole Petersen and Bengta Andersen, pioneers 1857). Sha was born June 14, 1841. Their children: Peter b. Dec. 10, 1859, d. Dec. 20, 1859; John O. b. Feb. 19, 1861, m. Priscilla Lewis Jan. 2, 1890; Emma b. March 3, 1863, m. Joseph C. Hansen March 24, 1881; Alfred b. Feb. 10, 1865, d. Sept. 14, 1867; Oliver b. Oct. 14, 1866, m. Maggie S. Nielsen Feb. 24, 1892; Mary b. Dec. 7, 1868, m. George Christensen Feb. 18, 1891; Hyrum b. Nov. 25, 1870; Albert b. Dec. 16, 1872, m. Sina D. Nielsen Feb. 9, 1898; Maggie J. b. Nov. 26, 1874, m. Daniel Williams Jan. 26, 1898; Joseph A. b. Dec. 28, 1876, m. Cornelia Nielsen June 19, 1907; James H. b. Jan. 10, 1879, m. Hanna G. Snell May 1, 1907; Clara A. b. March 13. 1886. Married Bergitha Johnson Nov. 14, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Peter Johnson and Anna Dorthea Jen- sen, pioneers 1866 married 1842). She was born Feb. 2, 1849, at Elands, Sjelland, Denmark. Their children: Hans Peter b. June 23, 1875; George b. Aug. 7, 1886; Olivia b. Dec. 27, 1891; Wilford b. Feb. 19, 1894, d. Sept. 2, 1894. Married Sarah P. Hansen April 12, 1878, St. George, Utah (daughter of James Hansen and Karen Petersen, pioneers 1854 married Feb. 3, 1855, Salt Lake City). She was born April 29, 1860, at Spanish Fork. Their children: William H. b. Feb. 3, 1881, d. March 10, 1882; Sarah Ann b. Jan. 31, 1883, m. Charles Hayes April 27, 1904; Isaac b. Oct. 27, 1886; Nephi E. b. March 2, 1890; Edna B. b. Oct. 23, 1893; Carrie Myrtle b. April 2, 1898, d. Jan. 25, 1907; Levi Earl b. March 1, 1903. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. Counselor to president of elders quorum; member of presidency of 50th quorum of seventies; high priest; bish- op's counselor; missionary to Sweden 1883-1884; high coun- cilor. Vice-president of Spanish Co-operative Institution. Farmer and Stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1197 SWENSEJJ, KPTCD (CANUTE) (son of Svend Larnen and Annie Petersen, both of Weiby, Hjorring, Vendsyssel, Den- mark). Born April 11, 1827, Weiby, Denmark. Came to Utah July 10, 1858, Horace Eldredge company. Married Johannah Maria Peterson June 24, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Peterson of Maigard and Johannah Jensen of Hoisler, Denmark). She was born Sept. 13, 1838. Their children: Annie, m. Ezra F. Walker; Swen L., m. Susie Brown; Maria, died; Mary M., m. George Kelley; John Canute, m. Margaret Davis; Hannah Eliza; Henson P. and Caroline, died. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Counselor to Bishop John Brown 1877-90 at Pleasant Grove; bishop of third ward at Pleasant Grove 18SO-99. School trustee 15 years; city councilman and treasurer aeveral years. Farmer. Died March 14, 1902, at Pleasant Grove. SWENSEN, JOHN CANUTE (son of Knud Swensen and Johannah Maria Peterson). Born Feb. 4, 1869, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Margaret Davis June 21, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph W. Davis and Maria Williams of Pan- guitch, Utah, pioneers July 1852). She was born Sept. i. 1877. Their children: John Starr b. March 27, 1900; Carl Davis b. Aug. 3, 1901; Reed Knud b. Feb. 16, 1903; Alice b. May 14, 1905, died; Margaret b. May 29, 1906; Frances McLean b. June 29, 1908; Louise b. March 24, 1910. Family resided Pleasant Grove and Provo, Utah. High council Utah stake. Graduate Stanford University 1898. Dean of the B. Y. U. of Provo 1902-09; professor of history and social science 1902-12; professor of economics and sociology 1912; principal of Panguitch Stake Academy 1880-92; principal of Fillmore public schools 1893-94. 8WINDLE, GEORGE (son of George Swindle, born Oct. 10, 1794, died Sept. 24, 1854, and Elizabeth Miller, born Sept. 11, 1792, died Sept. 26, 1854, both of Durham, Eng.). He was born Oct. 29, 1824, Walker, Durham, Eng. Cam* to Utah 1857, Jesse Martin company. Married Ann Hopper (daughter of John and Mary Hop- per), who was born July 14, 1843, and died Jan. 27, 1900. Came to Utah 1857, Jesse Martin company. Their chil- dren: George b. March 3, 1849; Mary b. Jan. 27, 1851, John b. Dec. 27, 1852, John b. Dec. 24, 1854, John b. June 15, 1856, and Elizabeth b. Sept. 3, 1858, died; David b. Nov. 14, 1860, d. Nov. 4, 1895; Charles b. Nov. 18, 1864, m. Emma Folett and Sorena Shimmin. Family resided Spanish Fork, Gunni- son, Richfleld and Monroe, Utah. Married Mary Maddeline Witzig March 4, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Witzig and Doritha Goasoure), who was born May 29, 1843. Horgen, Switzerland. Their chil- dren: Ann b. April 1, 1873, m. Cyrus Winget; Heber b. Nov. 28, 1875, m. Emma Warnock 1901; Joseph A. b. July 24, 1878, m. Etta Hodges; Ellen D. b. April 19, 1881, m. William Goold. Family home Monroe, Utah. Justice of the peace. Farmer. Died June 28, 1882. SYLVESTER, JAMES (son of Joshua Sylvester and Ann Webb of Sheffield, Eng.). Born Dec. 4, 1815, Pitsmay, Ens. Came to Utah September, 1852, James Jepson company. Married Rebecca Nicholson in 1837, Sheffield, Eng. (daugh- ter of William Nicholson and Mariah Calkwell of Thorne, Eng.). She was born March 10, 1819. Their children: Ann Mariah and Rebecca, died; Joshua William, m. Christena Christenson; Mary Elizabeth, m. Joseph Birch; Emma, James and Eliza, died; Lavina, m. William Berry; Rozinia, m. George F. Jarvls; Althea, m. Andrew Gregerson; Joseph, m. Jane Hanks. Family home Springville, Utah. Elder; president of the church branch at Sheffield, Eng. Farmer and blacksmith. Died May 19, 1888, at Bellevue. SYLVESTER, JOSHUA WILLIAM (son of James Sylvester and Rebecca Nicholson). Born Feb. 5, 1843, Sheffield, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Christina Christensen Jan. 1862, Gunnison, Utah (daughter of Jens Christensen and Margaret Krensen of Denmark, pioneers 1861, John R. Murdock company). She was born 1847. Their children: James William b. Aug. 31, 1864, m. Malaha Bell; Eliza b. Nov. 4, 1866; Rebecca b. Dec. 13, 1869, m. Christian Johnson; Joshua b. June 18, 1872, m. Anna Johnson; Roslna b. Oct. 30, 1875, m. James Soren- son; Ralph b. June 1878; Emma b. April 19, 1880. Family home Elsinore, Utah. Married Caroline Christensen May, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Christensen of Denmark, pioneer 1861, John R. Murdock company). She was born 1853. Their children: Ada, m. Greely Snyder; Altheria, m. Christo Hyl- d.ihl; Elizabeth, m. Walter Jensen; George, m. Jennie Dull; Arthur; Dora and Caroline, died; Agnes; Woodruff; Eleanor, died; Herman; Claudius and Curtis, died. Married Clara Woodbury Barlow April 14, 1908, St. George, Utah (daughter of Orin Woodbury and Ann Cannon of St. George, pioneers 1847). She was born Nov. 30, 1875. Their children: Horace Greeley; Margaret. Family home Mes- quite, Nev. High priest; bishop. County commissioner; school trus- tee. Farmer and stockraiser. SYLVESTER, JAMES WILLTAM (son of Joshua William Sylvester and Christina Christensen). Born Aug. 31, 1864, Mona, Utah. Married Mahala Bell March 12, 1884, St. George (daugh- ter of Thomas Bell of England, and Henrietta Lundqulst of Sweden, pioneers). She was born Oct. 5, 1886, in Glen- wood, Utah. Their children: Leonard W. b. Aug. 19, 1886, m. Zion Smith; Hessie b. Dec. 29, 1888, m. George Joos; Mabel b. Oct. 11, 1890; Lorin b. Oct. 19, 1892; Roy C. b. Feb. 19, 1895; Dea T. b. April 4, 1897; Tell Joshua b. Jan. 22, 1899; Faun W. b. Oct. 28, 1901; Clinton R. b. Sept. 17, 1903; Merrill b. March 28, 1905, d. Oct. 10, 1907; Jay G. b. Sept. 21, 1908; Ronald b. May 13, 1909. Family home Elsinore, Utah. Elder. Member of Elsinore town board three terms. Farmer and stockraiser. SYME, HUGH (son of William Syme and Margeret Wimly of Burnt Island, Fifeshire, Scotland). Born July 7, 1826, Fifeshire. Came to Utah September, 1853. Married Margeret Farrer (daughter of Roger Farrer and Mary Stubbs), who was born Sept. 17, 1859. Their children: Margeret Ann, died; Hugh Leslie, m. Rachael A. Loveless, m. Emma Ettie White. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Elizabeth Buckley, Salt Lake City, who was born Sept. 17, 1829, Lancastershire, Eng. Their children: William Alexander; Margeret Jane, m. Richard J. Nuttall; Fannie Elizabeth, m. George W. Giles. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 7th quorum seventies. Carpenter; wheelwright; cooper. Died May 23, 1877, at Provo, Utah. SYME, HUGH L. (son of Hugh Syme and Margeret Far- rer). Born July 16, 1861, Provo, Utah. Married Rachael A, Loveless Dec. 16, 1887, at Logan, Utah (daughter of James W. Loveless and Josephine Cald- well, both of Provo. Utah). She was born June 4, 1866. Their child: James Hugh b. Sept. 24, 1899. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Emma Ettie White Nov. 16. 1904, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry White and Emma Saunders, both of Provo, Utah). She was born Feb. 7, 1871. Their chil- dren: George Leslie b. Oct. 3, 1907; Margeret b. Feb. 14, 1909; Edward Farrer b. Nov. 30, 1911. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest. Carpenter; machinist. SYMONS, NATHANIEL. Born Aug. 21, 1805. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1863, John Seeley company. Married Susannah M. Olivere (daughter of Peter Olivere), who was born Augr. 10, 1822 (deceased). Their children: Benjamin b. Feb. 23, 1840, m. Sarah Cater 1869; Joseph b. Dec. 1845, m. Louise Proctor 1880; Nathaniel, m. Mr. Sheen (died); Providence b. July 9. 1850 (died), m. Daniel Ver- rip (died) ; Mercy, m. John C. Munter (died) ; Hepzebah b. April 16, 1858, m. Charles Jones (died) Nov. 25, 1874; Naomi Grace b. March 12, 1860, m. George Augustus Tyler (died) Oct. 7, 1880; Rebecca Omega b. Oct. 20, 1862, m. Edgar Graham; John W. b. March 5, 1867, m. Mary Eliza- beth Lunn Oct. 8, 1896; James Emanuel b. Aug. 25, 1869, m. Florence Johnson. Family home. Salt Lake City. Embraced the gospel in England 1854. Was presiding elder over the Deptford, Walworth Common, Lambeth and Greenwich branches in 1862. Died Jan. 21, 1883. SYMONS, JOHN W. (son of Nathaniel Symons and Susan- nah Mary Olivere). Born March 5, 1867, at Salt Lake City. Married Mary Elizabeth Lunn Oct. 8, 1896, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Lunn and Harriet Cookson), who was born April 24, 1873. at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Harriet Susannah D. b. Jan. 31, 1898, d. Sept. 9, 1899; John William b. Oct. 24, 1900; George Daniel b. Jan. 2. 1903; Joseph Nathaniel b. June 5, 1905; Mary Elizabeth b. June 22, 1910; Walter Thomas b. Dec. 1, 1911. Family home Lava, Bannock Co., Idaho. Was a pioneer of Lava, having arrived here when it was first settled in the year 1889. President of Y. M. M. I. A. in Dempsey ward in 1899; superintendent of Dempsey ward Sunday school for three years; bishop's counselor of Demp- sey ward from Dec. 10, 1905, up till the present time. TAGGART, CHARLES T. Married Margaret G. Smith (daughter of John B. Smith and Margaret Gibson of Tooele, Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born Sept. 19, 1856. Their children: Henry C. b. June 10. 1882, m. Ellen Nibley; John N. b. Feb. 17, 1885. m. Dora Stringfellow; Orson P. b. May 26, 1887, d. infant; Mar- garet H. b. Jan. 13, 1889; Joseph S. b. Oct. 24, 1891; Milton H. b. July 8, 1896, d. infant. Family home. Salt Lake City. TAGGART, GEORGE WASHINGTON (son of Washington Taggart and Susan Law of Peterborough, N. H.). Born Nov. 6, 1816, at Peterborough. Came to Utah 1848 with a contingent of the Mormon Battalion. Married Harriet Atkins Bruce (daughter of Peter and Eliza Bruce of Peterborough, N. H.). She was born March 20, 1821, and died at Nauvoo, 111. Only child: Eliza Ann b. Jan. 28, 1844, m. George Albert Goodrich. Family home Richville. Utah. Married Clarissa M. Rogers about 1860 at Brigham City (daughter of Washington Rogers of Nauvoo, 111., pioneer 1848). She was born 1833. Their children: Clarissa M., m. W. B. Parkinson; Sarah Jane, m. George Hiner; Reuben, d. Infant; Albert N., m. Sarah Kingston; Julia M., m. W. H. 1198 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Lewis; Markus, m. Florence Bright; James, m. Baleria Laird; Alice J., m. J. W. Bright; Henry M., m. Mary Laird; Fredrick, m. Eulalia Leavitt. High priest. Carpenter; millwright and farmer. Died June 3, 1893. TAGGART, HENRY MILTON (son of George W. Taggart and Clarissa M. Rogers). Born March 9, 1875, Richville, Utah. Married Alice M. Bright in October, 1896, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Bright and Miss Smith of Lewiston, Utah). She was born 1876. Married Mary Laird Nov. 20. 1S98, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Edward Laird and Valeria Fling; former of Edin- burgh, Scotland, and a pioneer, the latter of Salt Lake City). She was born Oct. 3, 1875. Their children: Milton H. b. Aug. 3, 1899; Edward L. b. Jan. 20. 1902; Leonard L. b. Dec. 24, 1905; Renold L. b. Aug. 7, 1909. Seventy; missionary to southern and eastern states; block teacher; home missionary. Lumber merchant. TALBOT, HENRY (son of John Talbot and Prlscllla Percil of England). Born Oct. 16, 1813, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1861. Homer Duncan company. Married Ruth Sweetnam in 1833 (daughter of Thomas Sweetnam and Jennie Barton), who was born Feb. 4, 1817. Their children: Henry J., m. Lovina Wall; John J., m. Jane Hunter; Thomas B., m. Margaret A. Wiggell; Charles S., m. Rosanna M. Wiggell; Priscilla J., m. Jeremiah F. Wig- gell; Hannah; Sarah, m. William Bodley; Albert J., m. Delia Richards^ Richard; Walter G., died; Edward W., m. Fennetta Partridge; Susannah, m. Lee Heward: Stephen B., m. Roeletta Brownell; Eliza, m. Mr. Moore; Hyrum P., m. Ellen Bennett; Ruth, m. Teyankum Heward. Married Agnes Goddard in 1868, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah, m. William Ellis; Heneretta, m. George Tubbs; Henry W., m. Florence Stinger; George R., m. Huldah Adams; Alfred; Ester, m. William Bennett. Families re- sided Layton, Davis Co., Utah. One of the first pioneers going to South Africa from England. TALBOT, THOMAS B. (son of Henry Talbot and Ruth Sweetnam). Born March 25, 1838, Graham Town, South Africa. Married Margaret A. Wiggell June 13, 1861, at Florence, Neb. (daughter of Eli Wiggell and Susannah Bentley of Winterburg, South Africa, pioneers Sept. 28, 1861, Homer Duncan independent company). She was born Oct. 11, 1843. Their children: Henry N. b. July 7, 1862, d. 1863; George E. b. Oct. 27, 1863, m. Sarah Alldredge Jan. 18, 1891; Harriet b. Oct. 16, 1865, m. Brigham Lovell Oct. 9, 1884; Arthur J. b. Oct. 24, 1868, m. Clara E. Theobald May 13, 1896; Thomas E. b. Dec. 25, 1870, m. Hannah Johnson Sept. 7, 1893; Joseph E. b. Jan. 29, 1873, died; Margaret Alice b. June 30, 1875, died; Sarah E. b. March 20, 1880, died; Lydia Ruth b. July 17, 1884. m. Charles Theobald Dec. 7, 1903. Family home Millard Co., Utah. Ward teacher. Farmer. TAL.MAGB, JAMES E. (son of James Joyce Talmage and Susannah Preater of England). Born Sept. 21, 1862, Hun- gerford, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah June 14, 1876. Married Mary May Booth of Alpine, Utah county, June 14, 1886 (daughter of Richard Thornton Booth and Elsie Edge). Their children: Sterling Booth b. May 21, 1889; Paul B. b. Dec. 21, 1891; Zella b. Aug. 3, 1894, d. April 27, 1895; Elsie b. Aug. 16, 1896; James Karl b. Aug. 29, 1898; Lucile b. May 29, 1900; Helen May b. Oct. 24, 1902; John Russell b. Feb. 1, 1911. High priest; member quorum seventies; member Deseret Sunday school union board 1901; ordained an apostle in Mormon church Dec. 8, 1911. Received baccalaureate degree from Lehigh University 1891; degree of Ph. D. from the Illinois Wesleyan University 1896; degree of D. Sc. D. from Mormon church. Professor of chemistry and geology of the Brigham Toung Academy, Provo, 1884-88; president L. D. S. College of Salt Lake City 1888-93; president of the University of Utah and Deseret; professor of geology therein 1894; re- signed presidency in 1897, retaining chair of geology; resigned professorship of geology July 1907; has since been consulting geologist and mining engineer. In 1891 was appointed curator of the Deseret museum and later became its director, which position he stills holds. Delegate from the Royal Society of Edinburgh to the seventh international geological congress held In Russia in 1897; fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society of London; fellow of the Geo- logical Society of London; fellow of the Geological Society of America; fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society; fellow of the American Society for the Advancement of Science; life asso- ciate of the Philosophical Society of Great Britain. TAL.L,, GEORGE (son of George Tall and Sarah Proutt of North Devonshire, Eng.). Born July 25, 1826, Plympton, St. Marys Parish, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1853, Jacob Gates company. Married Elizabeth Ormond July 3, 1856, Endowment House, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Ormond and Eliz- abeth Codd of Pembrokeshire, South Wales, former a pioneer Sept. 19, 1852, Joseph Outhouse and James Lloyd company). She was born June 22, 1839. Their children: Mary Jane b. March 14, 1857, m. John W. Keddington; George Samson b. Dec. 15, 1858, m. Emily Fulmer; John William b. Jan 17, 1861, m. Matilda Ball; Infant b. March 28, 1863, d. same day; Elizabeth Ellen b. Feb. 3, 1864; Charles Henry b. Feb. 22, 1866, d. Nov. 17, 1868; Sarah Ann b. Sept. 13, 1868, m. Heber H. Davis; David Samuel b. March 6, 1871, m. Lillian Edgington; James Alma b. Oct 14, 1873, m. Mae Houton; Albert Charles b. May 16, 1875, d. 1876; Joseph Tobias b. Dec. 6, 1877; Orson Francis b. Nov. 27, 1880, d. Dee. 18, 1880; Richard b. Nov. 27, 1880, d. next day; Alice Letisha b. March 31, 1882, m. Alois Price. Family home Salt Lake City. Member 6th quorum elders; high priest; assistant super- intendent Sunday school. Special police officer. Black- smith. TABfJYER, JOHJT (son of Joshua Tanner and Thankful Tefft of New York). Born Aug. 15, 1778, Hopkinton, R. I. Came to Utah Oct. 17. 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company. Married Tabitha Bently in Jan. 1800, Greenwich, N. Y. (daughter of Elisha Bently, pioneer Oct. 17, 1848. Amasa M. Lyman company). She was born Aug. 23, 1780, died April 1, 1801. Only child: Elisha Bently b. March 23, 1801. Married Lydia Stewart in 1801 at Greenwich, Washing- ton county, N. Y. (daughter of William Stewart and Amy Hunton), who was born 1783. Their children: William Stewart b. Oct. 27, 1802; Matilda b. Sept. 14, 1804, d. April 17, 1888; Willard b. Oct. 29, 1806, d. Aug. 12, 1807; Sidney b. April 1, 1809 (d. Dec. 5, 1895), m. Louisa Conlee; m. Julia Ann Shepherd; m. Rachel Neyman; John Joshua b. Dec. 19, 1811, d. Sept. 9, 1897; Romelia b. April 1, 1814, d. April 16, 1814; Nathan b. May 14, 1815; Edward b. Oct. 3. 1817, d. Oct. 21, 1817; Edwin (twin of Edward) b. Oct. 3, 1817, d. Oct. 8, 1817; Maria Louisa b. Nov. 28, 1818, m. Amasa M. Lyman (died); Martin Henry b. March 21, 1822; Albert Miles b. April 4, 1825. d. July 16, 1879. Married Eliza Beswick 1825, Bolton, Warren county, N. Y. (daughter of Everton Beswick and Anna Lamb), who was born Nov. 28, 1803, at Bolton, and died June 8, 1890, Pay- son, Utah. Their children: Myron b. June 7, 1826; Seth Benjamin b. March 6, 1828; Freeman Everton b. Jan. 3, 1830; Joseph S. b. June 11. 1833, m. Elizabeth Haws; m. Jannette Hamilton; Philomelia b. March 10, 1835, d. May 28, 1838; David Dan b. Feb. 8, 1838; Sariah b. July 19, 1840, d. March 12, 1853: Francis b. March 10, 1843, d. June 5, 1844. Family home Payson, Utah. TANNER, SIDNEY (son of John Tanner and Lydia Stew- art). Born April 1, 1809, Bolton, Warren county, N. Y. Married Louisa Conlee March 1, 1830, Bolton, N. Y., who was born Feb. 5, 1811. Their children: Allen Benedict b. March 2, 1831, m. Elizabeth Jane Mathews; Lydia b. Nov. 3, 1832, m. Charles Allen Burk; Emma Smith b. June 1, 1835, m. Nathan Swarthout; Mary Louisa b. Sept. 4, 1837, m. George Crismon; Elsie Elizabeth b. May 14, 1840, m. Newton Chase; Sidney, Jr., b. March 6, 1842, James Monroe b. July 30, 1844, and Mason Lyman b. July 1, 1846, latter three d. infants. Family home, New York. Married Julia Ann Shepherd in 1847, Bolton, N. Y. (daugh- ter of Samuel Shepherd and Roxie Laney Ray of Vermont, pioneers, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company). She was born March 24, 1829. Their children: Julia Ann b. June 10. 1848, m. Charles Y. Tyler; Albert Myles b. March 5. 1850, m. Char- lotte Banks; Henry Martin b. June 11, 1852, m. Eliza E. Parkinson; m. Emma E. Stapley; Naomi Ruth b. July 17, 1854, m. George Theobald; Samuel E. b. June 4, 1857, d. infant; Shepherd Leroy b. April 12, 1859, m. Olive Oakden; Rollin Ray b. Sept. 9, 1861, m. Rhoda Hales; Walter Wate b. Nov. 30, 1863, m. Hattie Fotheringham. Married Rachel Neyman (daughter of William and Jane Neyman). Their children: William Neyman b. Jan. 8. 1860; Edith Idella b. July 4, 1862, and Howard Harper b. Jan. 4, 1864, died; Rachel Adelia b. Sept. 4, 1866, m. Barlow Ferguson; North Sillman and Cyrus Livingstone, died. Fam- ilies resided Beaver, Utah. Called to San Bernardino, Cal., 1849, and returned 1857. Member high council of Beaver stake; counselor in bish- opric Beaver ward. Died Dec. 5, 1895, Beaver, Utah. TANNER, HENRY M. (son of Sidney Tanner and Julia Ann Shepherd). Born June 11, 1852, San Bernardino. Cal. Married Eliza Parkinson Jan. 25, 1877, St. George, Utah (daughter of Thomas Parkinson and Mary Ann Bryant of Beaver, pioneers 1858). She was born Sept. 8, 1857. Their children: Martin Ray b. Jan. 22, 1878, m. Prudence Miller; Thomas William b. Jan. 25, 1880, m. Marian Miller; Julia Alice b. March 4, 1882, m. John L. Fish; Mary Ida b. Feb. 25, 1884, m. Jesse H. Rogers; Rollin C. b. Feb. 9, 1886, m. Anna Harbracht; Hazel b. Aug. B, 1888, m. Harbert Cooper; Marion Lyman b. Aug. 7, 1890; Arthur b. Sept. 19, 1892; Leroy Shepherd b. Jan. 12, 1895; George Parkinson b. Jan. 26, 1897; Donnette b. March 31, 1899. Married Emma E. Stapley March 24, 1886, St. George, Utah (daughter of Charles Stapley of Toquerville, Utah, pioneer 1858). She was born Nov. 30, 1862. Their children: Eva b. Oct. 29, 1891; Horace b. Aug. 2, 1894; Clifford b. Sept. 23, 1896; Golden J. b. Dec. 29, 1899; Charles Stapley b. Jan. 10, 1890, d. March 14, 1896; Francis Sidney b. May 23, 1904. Families resided St. Joseph, Ariz. Missionary to England 1888-90; superintendent of Sun- day schools, Arizona, 1889-97; member bishopric of St. Joseph ward since 1878. TANNER, JOHN J. (son of John Tanner and Lydia Stewart). Born Dec. 19, 1811, Bolton, Warren county, N. Y. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Rebecca A. Smith (daughter of William Smith PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1199 and Jane CalMns), who was born March 17, 1816. Their children: Lydia Jane b. Nov. 28, 1836, m. Luke Tltcomb; William Smith b. March 28, 1839, m. Clarissa J. Moore Jan 19, 1868; m. Susan Burgess Nov. 3, 1909; Marquis D. b. Oct. 1, 1840, m. Emily Ralphs Sept. 4, 1871; Edward Orlando b. Jan. 20, 1843, m. Mary B. Grigg Feb. 24, 1870; Cynthia Maria b. March 12, 1845; John Henry b. March 10, 1847, m. Mary Melissa Colvin Nov. 21, 1869; Elsie b. Sept. 22, 1849, m. David Lant April 5, 1869; Esther b. Jan. 4, 1853. Family home Cottonwood, Utah. Married Mary Anna Neyman. Married Mahala Jane Chase March 13, 1856, Salt Lake City. Their children: Albert Joshua b. Dec. 14, 1859; Nathan Chauncy b. Feb. 8, 1865; Mahala b. March 31, 1867. Married Augusta Ferguson March 13, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Ferguson and Almera Foote). Their children: Almira Artimisia b. Dec. 13, 1860; Isaac William b. Jan. 19, 1863; Warren Foote b. Dec. 8, 1864; Rebecca Augusta b. Oct. 21, 1866; Freeman Everton b. Feb. 22, 1869; Horace Greeley b. Nov. 22, 1872; Ona Eugene b. July 17, 1876; Clarence Leverne b. July 3, 1878; Ethel May b. May 2, 1882; Arthur Lym.an b. June 18, 1887. Died Sept. 9, 1897. TANNER, WILLIAM SMITH (son of John J. Tanner and Rebecca A. Smith). Born March 28, 1839, New Liberty, Adams county. 111. Crossed plains to Utah 1851, Isaac Allred company. Married Clarissa Jane Moore Jan. 19, 1868, Payson, Utah (daughter of John Harvey Moore and Clarissa J. Drollin- ger), who was born Oct. 7, 1849, in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Their children: Delos Franklin b. Nov. 5, 1868, m. Armina Ellsworth March 6, 1890; William Frederick b. Jan. 2, 1873, m. Minnie Inez Winward Jan. 2, 1901; Julia Louisa b. May 10, 1871; Nellie Geneva b. Sept. 25, 1874, and Annie Estella b. July 10, 1876, died; Leone Smith b. April 9, 1878, m. Jessie Graham Dec. 21, 1898; Owen Emery b. June 25, 1880, m. Levee Vilate Hjorth March 19, 1902; Ezra Lyle b. March 16, 1882, m. Etta Goddard Dec. 4, 1912; Clarissa Jane b. Oct. 4, 1884, died; Mabel Rebecca b. Feb. 5, 1886, m. Nephi Stewart Nov. 28, 1906; Emma Elena b. Dec. 18, 1888, m. William Madsen Feb. 5, 1913; Harold K. b. July 8, 1890. m. Myrtle Monk Nov. 16, 1910; Kenneth J. b. Jan. 12, 1892; Olive Augusta b. Aug. 16, 1894. Family home Payson, Utah. Married Susan Burgess Nov. 3, 1909, Salt Lake City (daughter of Horace Burgess and Almira Pulsipher), who was born Oct. 5, 1846, Florence, Douglass Co., Iowa. Ordained elder March 31, 1867; missionary to Great Britain 1882-83; president high priests quorum 1874; high councilor; ordained a patriarch Oct. 20, 1890. TANNER, WILLIAM FREDERICK (son of William Smith Tanner and Clarissa Jane Moore). Born Jan. 2, 1873. Married Minnie Inez Winward Jan. 2, 1901 (daughter of Peter Winward and Lucinda Bingham, former a pioneer 1847, A. O. Smoot company, latter 1848 married 1854 at Payson, Utah). She was born Aug. 25, 1875, Payson. Their children: Inez Lucinda b. Sept. 24, 1902; Winward Fred b. Nov. 16, 1903; Nelda Jane b. April 28, 1907; William Sterling b. March 10, 1911. President 46th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1895-98. President district school board 1908; mem- ber Payson city council 1910. Director Payson Exchange & Savings Bank. TANNER, NATHAN (son of John Tanner and Lydia Stew- art). Born May 14, 1815, Greenwich, Washington county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company. Married Rachel Winter Smith June 30, 1836 (daughter of William Smith and Jane Colkins), who was born May 1, 1818, Bolton, N. Y. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Romella b. April 15, 1837, d. infant; Lydia Jane b. Jan. 27, 1838, m. James Stephens Brown; Helen Alcy b. Dec. 18, 1839, m. Elijah H. Maxneld; John William b. Nov. 6, 1841, m. Sarah Kent, m. Lucy Snyder; Nathan, Jr., b. Oct. 27, 1845, m. Margaret Harrington; m. Annie Pingree; m. Jane Hamilton; Rachel Winter b. Feb. 7, 1848, m. George G. Snyder, m. Charles E. Winegar; Emily Sophie b. May 13, 1850, m. Franklin S. Richards; Matilda Maria b. March 5, 1852, m. Joseph Lingo; Stewart Tefft b. June 4, 1856, m. Jessie Coates; Juliette b. Feb. 16, 1858, d. July 3, 1861; Franklin Smith b. Dec. 15, 1861, d. April 30, 1863. Married Mary Rosina Baker Dec. 16, 1847, Winter Quar- ters, Iowa (daughter of Benjamin Baker, pioneer Oct. 19, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company). She was born March 12, 1824, Albion, Oswego county, N. Y. Married Persis Tippets April 10, 1849, Salt Lake City, who was born March 15, 1821, in New York. Their chil- dren: Alva Amasa b. Dec. 26, 1849, m. Mary Van Valkin- berg; Martin Henry b. April 26, 1852, m. Emellne A. Barrua Jan. 7, 1879; Harriet Persis b. June 10, 1856, m. Daniel Gibson Oct. 28, 1875; m. John Ort; m. John Watson; Abigail L. b. March 18, 1858, m. Frederick C. Thompson Dec. 23, 1872. Married Sarah Littley. Their child: Sarah Littley b. Jan. 28,1859. Married Mary Augusta Benbow. Their children: Rosetta b. Oct. 12, 1866, d. Nov. 28, 1866; Isabella b. Jan. 28, 1869. Member Zion's camp; president 4th quorum seventies; missionary. TANNER, NATHAN (son of Nathan Tanner and Rachel Winter Smith). Born Oct. 27, 1845, near Montrose, Lee Co., Iowa. Came to Utah 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company. Married Margaret G. Harrington March 21, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Harrington and Mary Greenwell of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1848). She was born Jan. 4, 1848, Winter Quarters, Iowa. Their children: Nathan Amasa b. Jan. 14, 1870. m. Ellen Hinchcliffe; Margaret Bently b. Jan. 19, 1873, d. Aug. 26, 1873; Rachel Emily b. Nov. 9, 1875, m. William M. Thomas; Francis Marion b. April 14, 1877, m. Rhoda Wolflnger; William Joseph b. Feb. 28, 1879, m. Inga K. Andreason; Thomas Harrington b. April 27, 1881, d. April 12, 1901; Benjamin Franklin b. March 4, 1883, m. Evelyn Jensen; Lyman Greenwell b. Aug. 27, 1888; Mary Ann b. April 28, 1891; Clarence b. Dec. 26, 1892, d. June 17, 1893. Families resided South Cottonwood and Ogden, Utah. Married Annie Pingree June 7, 1890, Paso del Norte. Old Mexico (daughter of Job Pingree and Esther Hooper), who was born April 18, 1865. Ogden, Utah. Their children: Earl Pingree b. Oct. 16, 1891; Lydia b. Oct. I, 1893; Frank Byron b. Feb. 2, 1896. Married Jane Allen Hamilton June 12, 1898, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Henry Hamilton and Janet Johnston, pioneers 1856, handcart company). She was born Jan. 25, 1876, Provo, Utah. President of the 72d and later of the 76th quorum of seventies; missionary to southern states 1884. Member constitutional convention of the proposed, state of Utah 1882. Deputy probate clerk; Ogden city alderman; city attorney. TANNER, NATHAN AMASA (son of Nathan Tanner and Margaret G. Harrington). Born Jan. 14, 1870, Salt Lake City. Married Ellen Hinchcliffe March 4, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of Mathias Hinchcliffe and Catherine Russell, former a pioneer Sept. 10, 1861, Milo Andrus company). She was born Nov. 17, 1866, in Weber Co., Utah. Their children: Mathias C. b. Dec. 4, 1891; Amasa Thomas b. March 20, 1894; Nathan Russell b. June 14, 1895; Margaret b. Sept. 7, 1897; Ruth b. Nov. 28, 1898; Martha b. March 23, 1901; John Horace b. Aug. 13, 1902; Helen b. Dec. 13, 1904; Emma b. Feb. 19, 1913. Family home Ogden, Utah. - Member 76th quorum seventies; counselor in bishopric of 1st ward of Ogden. Trustee and treasurer of Utah State Industrial School. Vice-president and manager Watson- Tanner Clothing Co. TANNER, JOSEPH SMITH (son of John Tanner and Eliza- beth Beswick). Born June 11, 1833, in New York. Came to Utah 1848. Married Elizabeth C. Haws Feb. 17, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of Elijah Haws and Catherine Clark), who was born 1843. Their children: Mary E., m. Henry Nebeker; Annie S., m. Hiram White; Joseph E., died; Henry S. b. Feb. 15, 1869, m. Laura L. Woodland; Lois A. b. 1867, m. Frank Fairbanks; Nathaniel H., m. Mary Wilkins. Married Jannette Hamilton (daughter of Henry Ham- ilton and Jannette Johnson). Their children: John Sid- ney, m. Orilla Wolf; George Wilford; Hyrum; Jannette Fern; Beatrice, died; Sarah Agnes; Leland Scott; Jennie Mabel; Arnold Franklin; lona; Clarice; Lucile, died. Fami- lies resided Payson, Utah. Bishop of Payson 20 years. Mayor of Payson; member city council. Business manager church herds. Veteran Black Hawk war. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Feb. 28, 1910. TANNER, HENRY S. (son of Joseph S. Tanner and Eliza- beth C. Haws). Born Feb. 15, 1869, Payson, Utah. Married Laura L. Woodland March 5, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of William Woodland and Laura Peters of Marsh Valley, Idaho, pioneers 1848). She was born June 10, 1867, Their children: Henry B. b. Aug. 19, 1891; Vella E.; Laura M. b. Aug. 9, 1895; LaFond b. 1897; DeOnge W. b. 1899; Merlyn; Clarice; Konda; Joseph E.; Katherine. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to southern states 1890-92; high priest. City Judge at Salt Lake. Lawyer. TANNER, GEORGE WILFORD (son of Joseph Smith Tan- ner and Jannette Hamilton). Born Jan. 7, 1885, Payson, Utah. High priest; missionary to New Zealand 1905-09; bishop of 2d ward at Payson. Farmer. TATTOST, JOHJT CHARLES (son of William Tatton). Born Aug. 4, 1818, in England. Came to Utah in October, 1853. Married Caroline Webb (daughter of Ralph Webb and Miss Akenbottom), who was born Jan. 5, 1820. Their chil- dren: Eliza b. Jan. 27, 1840, Hannah Mary b. Dec. 29, 1841, Frances Ann b. Nov. 16, 1843, Charles b. Aug. 3. 1845, and Ann b. Feb. 1847, all died; John Charles b. Jan. 18, 1851; Martha Ann b. Oct. 16, 1854, m. Joseph Hyrum Taylor; Joseph b. Jan. 9, 1857; William and Caroline (twins) b. Aug. 9, 1859, died. Seventy. Farmer. Died March 4, 1889. Manti, Utah. TAYLOR, ALLEN (son of William Taylor and Elizabeth Patrick, born March 21, 1787, and Dec. 9, 1793, respectively, both in Kentucky). He was born Jan. 17, 1814, Bowling Green, Ky. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Sarah Louisa Allred Sept. 5, 1833 (daughter of Isaac Allred and Mary Calvert, pioneers Oct. 15, 1849, Allen Taylor company married March 22, 1811, In Ken- tucky). She was born Nov. 14, 1817, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Isaac Moroni b. June 29, 1834, d. June 3, 1836; Mary Elizabeth b. March 8, 1837, m. Francis M. Owen May 28, 1854; William Riley b. Feb. 12, 1839, m. Margaret J. Ellison Sept. 27, 1857; Sarah Jane b. Feb. 2, 1841, m. Robert Richardson Sept. 21, 1856; Joseph Allen b. May 25, 1844, d. May 11, 1845; Nancy Melvina b. 1200 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH May 30, 1846, m. George Bennott Aug. 25, 1861; Clarissa Elvira b. Oct. 3, 1849, m. Benjamin Redd June 20, 1865; Orissia Angelia b. Oct. 13, 1851, m. Briant Heber Jolley Dec. 25, 1869; Independence b. July 4, 1854, m. Aner J. Taylor; Jedediah b. May 13, 1857, m. Catherine Woolsey; Louisa Jennett b. May 12, 1860, m. Willard Pace Feb. 15, 1877. Married Hannah Egbert Jan. 1, 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Egbert and Susana Cardhan, pioneers 1848, Allen Taylor company). She was born May 27, 1829, in Pennsylvania. Their children: John Taylor b. Oct. 25, 1851, m. Mary Kelsey Aug. 1869: Susana b. Sept. 30, 1853. m. Alma Pace May 1870; Liberty b. Oct. 8, 1854, m. Joseph Brundage 1875; Jeremiah b. May 7, 1857, m. Sarah Kelsey Oct. 1880; Crillia b. Aug. 16, 1859, m. William Goddard Jan. 1, 1877; Alfred Allen b. Dec. 15, 1862, m. Margaret Frost June 10, 1890. Married Elizabeth Dirdle 1856, Salt Lake City, who waa born 1822 in England. Their child: Annie D. b. April 22, 1858, m. Peter Neilson April 22, 1874, St. George, Utah. Married Phoebe Ann Roberta April 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Levi and Harriet Roberts). Their children: Harriet Ann b. Oct. 31, 1859, m. Jacob Bastian March 22, 1877; Mary Ann b. Dec. 4, 1862, m. Joseph Cook Dec. 1879; Julia C. b. Feb. 22, 1864, m. Newton Searls Sept. 5, 1880; Mandy Melvinajb. Aug. 11, 1866, m. Alma Toung Sept. 1885; Levi Allen b. July 1, 1869, m. Rhoda C. Jameson Oct. 28, 1890; James Henry b. March 3, 1872, d. Nov. 29, 1871; Phoebe V. b. June 10, 1873, d. July 7, 1876; Allen. Jr.. b. May 4, 1876, m. Lula Jameson May 8, 1901; Louiaa b. July 12, 1878, m. Heber Blackburn Dec. 20, 1898; Amy b. July 5, 1880. d. Oct. 10, 1902: Wilford Woodruff b. April 14. 1883; Matilda b. June 26, 1886, m. Frank Edwards Dec. 23, 1903. On arrival at Salt Lake City settled at mouth of Mill Creek canyon. Moved to Kaysville, Davis county, 1850, and was chosen bishop there 1854. Moved to St. George, Utah, 1862, and from there to Loa, Wayne county, In 1883. Died at Loa Dec. 5, 1891. TAYLOR, WILLIAM RILET (son of Allen Taylor and Sarah Louisa Allred). Born Feb. 12, 1839, in Caldwell county. Mo. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849. Married Margaret J. Ellison Sept. 27, 1857, Kaysville, Utah (daughter of John Ellison and Alice Pilling, pioneers Sept. 13, 1852, Thomas Howell company). She was born Aug. 11, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: William Allen b. April 19, 1859, m. Delia Ivie April 1, 1884; m. Elizabeth A. Allred July 9, 1889; John Henry b. Jan. 4, 1861, m. Augusta E. Stevenson May 15, 1894; Joseph Ephraim b. Dec. 24, 1862, m. Annie Sophia Brian Jan. 30, 1894; David Moroni b. March 30, 1865, d. Nov. 29, 1878; Thomas Alvin b. May 20, 1867, m. Hannah Frederson Aug. 3, 1888; Sarah Alice b. July 17, 1869, m. Daniel H. Allred Jan. 1, 1894; James E. b. April 2, 1872, d. March 17, 1890; Isaac Harvey b. March 25, 1874, m. Zona Jeffery Sept. 5, 1900; Loren Independence b. May 15, 1878, m. Elizabeth Grundy June 5, 1901; Lorenzo Jedediah b. April 30, 1881, m. Jennie Grundy June 8, 1904; Heber Calvert b. July 21, 1883, m. Chloe Williams July 1892; George Irvin b. May 29, 1885, m. Catherine Butler Nov. 30, 1894; Susan- nah Jennette b. June 4, 1887, m. Alma Jamea Lee Feb. 19, 1908. Served as bishop's counselor at Kaysville from 1878 to 1881; he then moved to Loa, where he acted as ward teacher for 31 years. TAYLOR, WILLIAM ALLEN (son of William Riley Taylor and Margaret J. Ellison). Born April 19, 1859, Kaysville, Utah. Married Delia Elizabeth Ivey April 1, 1884 (daughter of Frank Ivey and Jane Young, former came to Utah about 1850). She was born April 1, 1865, Scipio, Utah. Their chil- dren: Mary Violet b. April 8, 1885, m. Ole Ernston April 6, 1904; William Franklin b. July 26, 1886. m. Irene Lewi July 17, 1911; Ella May b. May 13, 1888, m. Axel Ernston Oct. 22, 1907; James Calvert b. Oct. 28, 1890; Ada Matilda b. Aug. 8, 1892, m. William Blackwell July 19, 1910; Thomas Riley b. July 16, 1894; Iven Ellison b. Sept. 17, 1897; Maude I. b. June 8, 1901; Wilford Otto b. Dec. 8, 1903. Married Elizabeth Ann Allred July 9, 1889 (daughter of Issac Allred and Chloe Stevens), who was born May 9, 1872. Their children: Chloe I. b. Feb. 2, 1892, d. same day; Delia A. b. May 25, 1893, m. Lewis Nielson Dec. 20, 1912; Joseph and Hyrum (twins) b. Nov. 7, 1894, Joseph d. same day, Hyrum d. March 2, 1895; Rose B. b. May 26, 1897; Susie A. b. Oct. 20, 1899; Nettie E. b. Nov. 5, 1901; Luven D. b. Oct. 31. 1904; Tressie O. b. Feb. 11, 1907; Zelma O. b. July 8, 1909; Daniel A. b. Dec. 12, 1912. Missionary to England; ward teacher; bishop's counselor and member of the high council. School trustee; water- master. County commissioner two terms. TAYLOR, CYRNUS HENRY. Born July 30, 182. Came to Utah 1848. Married Emily Smith, who was born Jan. 26, 1832. Their children: Cyrnus Almon b. March 5. 1849; Emily Melissa b. May 1, 1850, m. George C. Johnston; Joseph Hyrum b. Oct. 22, 1852, m. Martha Ann Tatton; Esther b. Jan. 25, 1855, m. Joseph Breathweight; Albert b. Jan. 25, 1855, m. Eliza Wollsey, m. Eliza McFarlane. First county clerk, Manti, Utah. Carpenter. Died NOT. 16, 1854. Manti, Utah. TAYLOR. JOSEPH HYRUM (son of Cyrnus Henry Taylor and Emily Smith. Born Oct. 22, 1852, Manti, Utah. Married Martha Ann Tatton Nov. 25, 1872, Manti, Utah (daughter of John Charles Tatton and Caroline Webb, pioneers 1853), who was born Oct. 16, 1854. Their children: Ida Caroline b. Sept. 28, 1873, m. Anthon VanBuren; William Henry b. April 10, 1876, m. Arimilin Laenick; John Henry b. Feb. 1, 1879, m. Susie Woodward; Harold b. Feb. 28, 1883, m. Elma Anderson; Emily b. Oct. 7, 1885, m. Francis Denni- son; George Lee b. Jan. 11, 1888, m. Francis Woodward; J. Leroy b. Feb. 8, 1890. Family home Orangeville, Utah. High priest; ward teacher 30 years; Sunday school superin- tendent 8 years. Member town board; school trustee. Far- mer and stockraiser. TAYLOR, ELMER (son of Benjmain F. Taylor and Ann Mennell). Born Nov. 4, 1831, Grafton, Lorain Co., Ohio. Came to Utah 1850, William Wall company. Married Weltha Ann Spafford (daughter of Horace Spafford and Martha Stiles, pioneers 1850, William Wall company). She was born Oct. 31, 1831. Their children: Martha b. Nov. 17, 1851, died; Horace F. b. May 28, 1854, m. Annie Peter- son Nov. IB, 1887; Weltha b. Feb. 2, 1857, died; Olive U. b. April 26, 1858, m. Daniel Whitbeck Dec. 13, 1877; Helen b. Feb. 22, 1861, died; James E. b. Feb. 20, 1864, m. Almlra Ollerton Nov. 12, 1885; Irinda b. June 1, 1868, m. Joseph J. Miller Jan. 17, 1888; Pattie b. Feb. 2, 1871, m. W. V. Osborn May 5, 1891; Minerva b. Aug. 22, 1873, m. N. J. Schow Augr. 2, 1894. Bishop of Levan ward 1871; bishop of Juab ward at tlmo of death. Merchant and county commissioner. Died April, 1896. TAYLOR, JAMES E. (son of Elmer Taylor and Weltha Ann Spafford). Born Feb. 20, 1864, Springville, Utah. Married Almira Ollarton Nov. 12, 1885, who was born April 7, 1868, Parowan, Utah. Their children: Ann Mennell b. Nov. 8, 1886; Joel E. b. Oct. 4, 1888; Vinnie J. b. April 1, 1890, m. Ivan C. Dalby Dec. 22, 1909; Frank S. b. Nov. 21, 1894; May Josephine b. Feb. 22, 1897; James O. b. Nov. 21, 1901; Weltha Eva b. Nov. 9, 1903; Olive b. Feb. 22, 1910. Bishop of Levan, Utah; missionary to England 1895-98. School trustee; constable; commissioner; health officer. TAYLOR, FRED T. (son of John Taylor of London, Eng.). Born March 11, 1854. Married Amelia J. Needham July 11, 1892, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Needham and Martha Millens, pioneers 1850), who was born Sept. 11, 1857, at Salt Lake City. Their child: Lenessa N. b. March 11, 1894. TAYLOR, GEORGE (son of Thomas Taylor, born June 13, 1800, Woodboro, Nottinghamshire, Eng., and Hannah Nichols, born 1802, Arnold, Nottinghamshire). He was born March 16, 1830, Woodboro. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1853, Appleton M. Harmon company. Married Mary Ann Quinn May 27, 1859 (daughter of Wil- liam Quinn and Mary Ann Hosking, pioneers 1860, Andrew J. Moftatt company). She was born July 19, 1834. Came to Utah Nov. 29, 1856, Edward Martin company. Their children: Mary Ann b. April 2, 1860, m. Joseph Thorp; Harriet b. Nov. 10, 1861, m. Peter Justeson; George b. Dec. 23, 1864, m. Minnie Frost; Elizabeth b. Jan. 16, 1863, m. Niels Kjeldsen; Zina b. Jan. 29, 1867, m. Andrew Hansen; Thomas b. Sept. 14, 1868, m. Hannah Whitcock; Presindia b. April 26, 1870, m. Thomas L. Thorp; Hannah b. Aug. 14, 1874. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Married Charlotte E. Leggett June 1881, Salt Lake City, who was born 1837, in Illinois. Bishop's counselor 1867-94. Member legislative assembly 1868-70; mayor of Ephraim City 1868-74. Member South San Pete stake high council from organization of stake until date. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war 1865-67. TAYLOR, GEORGE (son of Edward Taylor and Ann Nichols of Gloucestershire, Eng.). Born April 6, 1830, Kensal Green, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1862, Homer Duncan Married Louisa Gwyther November 1853, in England (daughter of Thomas Kwyther and Louisa Palmer of Bristol, Eng.), who was born Jan. 15, 1827. Their children: Emrna Louisa b. Aug. 13, 1854, m. John Laird Jenkins; Hattie Jane, m. William T. Higginson; George Milo, m. Martha Bowles; Lucy Palmer, m. Zachariah 3. Taylor; Alice Ann, died. Family home Goshen, Utah. Secretary elders quorum; traveling elder ana president of the branch at Cheltenham, Eng. Supervisor of road, bridge and canal construction. Blacksmith, farmer and mechanic. TAYLOR, GEORGE (son of Thomas Taylor and Ann Hill of Birmingham, Eng.). Born March 25, 1838, at Birmingham. Came to Utah October 1863. John W. Wooley company. Married Eliza Nicholls July 4, 1857, at Birmingham (daughter of Thomas Ashford Nicholls and Harriett Ball), who was born April 29, 1838. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Hattie C. b. June 23. 1858, m. James F. McClellan Nov. 1, 1890; Emma b. May 13, 1860; Parley G. b Aug. 4, 1862; George b. Aug. 31, 1864, m. Sarah E. Thomaa Dec. 28, 1884; William b. July 2, 1866; Thomas N. b. July 28, 1868 m Maud Rogers; Arthur N. b. March 2, 1870, m. Maria L. Dlxon May 9, 1895; Walter G. b. Sept. 25, 1873, m. Agne McKinley Sept. 28, 1892; Ashsted b. Sept. 22. 1875, m. Kate St Marrie^ P Henrhtta Sawyer 1865, at Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Joseph Sawyer and Henrietta Tranman), who was born 1846, Isle of Jersey, Eng. Their children: Nettle b. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1201 Oct. 6, 1867, m. George A. Kerr Dec. 14, 1887; Mary Ann b. Feb. 14, 1869, m. William D. Roberts, Jr., June 20, 1894; John T. b. 1872, m. Edna Pulsipher Jan. 3, 1900; Ella b. Oct. 4. 1875. Member Provo City council. Founder of Taylor Bros. Co.; president and director of Provo Commercial and Savings Bank. TAYLOR, THOMAS NICHOLLS (son of George Taylor and Eliza Nicholls). Born July 28, 1868, Provo, Utah. Married Maud Rogers Sept. 18, 1889, Manti, Utah (daughter of Isaac Rogers and Eunice Stewart), who was born June 30, 1872. Their children: Thomas S. b. July 4, 1890; Ethel b. April 26, 1892; Lester R. b. Nov. 24, 1893; Vesta b. June 28, 1895; Aldon R. b. June 1, 1897; Marlon R. b. July 10, 1899; Victor b. Sept. 3, 1902; Maud b. June 28, 1906. Family home Provo, Utah. Mayor of Provo 1900-04. Manager Taylor Bros. Co.; pres- ident Farmers & Merchants Bank; president Provo Building: and Loan Society; president Taylor Investment Co.; pres- ident Maiben Glass and Paint Co. Ordained bishop of 3d ward of Provo In 1900. TAYLOR, GEORGE HAMILTON (son of Samuel Taylor and Lydla Osgood of West Bloomfield, N. J.). Born Nov 4 129, West Bloomfleld, N. J. Came to Utah in September 1859. Married Elmina Shepard Aug. 31, , In New York state (daughter of David Shepard and Rozella Bailey of Madison, Wis. Came to Utah 1871). She was born Sept. 12, 1830. Their children: George S., m. Christine Smoot; Frank D., m. Phebe Clawson; Rozella, d. aged 3; Minnie M., d. infant; Clarence W., m. Nellie Rogers; Almlra Mae, m. Theodore Nystrom; Eugene A., d. infant. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Bishop 14th ward 25 years; superintendent Sunday school; trustee L. D. S. college; missionary to England 1878-80. President Taylor, Romney and Armstrong Lumber Co. Died April 11, 1907. TAYLOR, JOHN (son of James and Agnes Taylor of Hale, Westmorelandshtre, Eng.). Born Nov. 1, 1808, Milnthorpe, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1847, captain of his company. Married Leonora Cannon Jan. 28, 1833, Toronto, Canada (daughter of George Cannon of Peel, Isle of Man). Among their children was: John W. b. Dec. 17, 1834, m. Jane Tenant; m. Mary Young. Married Mary Ann Oakley. Among their children was: Henry Edgar b. Dec, 26, 1849. At the age of fourteen he became a cooper's apprentice In Liverpool, and subsequently learned the turner's trade at Penrith, in Cumberland. He received his first schooling at the village of Hale, Westmorland, where his parents lived on a small estate bequeathed to the head of the house by an uncle. In 1830 he emigrated to America, following his parents, who were then residing at Toronto, Upper Can- ada. He was baptized into the Mormon Church May 9, 1836, at Toronto, Canada, and ordained an elder by Apostle Parley P. Pratt; shortly afterward he was set apart to preside over the Church in Upper Canada. In March, 1837, he visited Kirtland, where he first met the Prophet Joseph Smith, and was his guest while sojourning there. He attended a meet- Ing in the temple, at which Warren Parrish made a violent attack upon the Prophet. Elder Taylor defended the absent Prophet and endeavored to pour oil upon the troubled waters. He was ordained a high priest Aug. 31, 1837. In 1838 he removed to 'Kirtland, proceeding thence in the general exodus of the Saints to Missouri. At DeWitt, Car- rol Co., Mo., he and his party, numbering twenty-four, were confronted by an armed mob of one hundred and fifty, led by Abbott Hancock and Sashiel Woods, the former a Baptist, the latter Presbyterian minister, who, after some parleying, retired and permitted them to continue on to Far West. He was a witness to the outrages perpetrated by the Mis- eourlans upon the new settlers, and a participant in the scenes of peril and disaster ending in the imprisonment of the Prophet and other leaders and the expulsion of the Mormon community from the state. That he bravely and unflinchingly bore his part of the general burden of sorrow and trial we may be sure. John Taylor knew no fear, and shirked no responsibility or sacrifice that his duty entailed. In the fall of 1837 he was told by the Prophet that he would be chosen an apostle, and at a conference In Far West, October, 1838, It was voted that he fill the vacancy occa- sioned by the apostasy of John S. Boynton. The High Council at Far West took similar action on the 19th of December, and on that day John Taylor was ordained an apostle by Brigham Young and Heber C. Klmball. He was one of the committee appointed to memorialize the Missouri Legislature for -redress of grievances, and was also appointed with Bishop Edward Partridge to draft a similar petition to the general government. He assisted President Young to superintend the exodus of the Saints from Missouri, and was with him and others of the Twelve when they made their famous ride from Quincy to Far West, prior to starting upon their mission to Great Britain. He started upon this mission Aug. 8, 1839. At Nauvoo he was joined by Wilford Woodruff, and these two were the first of the Twelve to sail. They landed at Liverpool on Jan. llth, 1840, and at a council held at Preston, it was decided that John Taylor should labor In Liverpool, with Elder Joseph Fielding. He was appointed a member of the committee to select hymns and compile a hymn book for the Latter-Day Saints. In July, 1840, he passed over to Ireland, and preached in the court house at Newry, County Down. This was the introduction of Mormonism In the Emerald Isle, the first convert being Thomas Tate. He next went to Glasgow, and after preaching to the 76 Saints In that city, returned to Liverpool and delivered a course of lectures at the music hall In Bold street. On September 16th, he, with elders Hiram Clark and William Mitchell, sailed for the Isle of Man. He delivered a course of lectures, baptized a goodly number, organized a branch, and then returned to Liverpool. He returned to America with President Young and other apostles, arriving at Nau- voo, July 1, 1841. At Nauvoo he was a member of the city council, one of the Regents of the University, Judge Advocate with the rank of Colonel in the Nauvoo Legion, associate editor and afterwards chief editor of the "Times and Seasons." He was also editor and proprietor of the "Nauvoo Neighbor," in the columns of which paper, in February, 1844, he nomi- nated Joseph Smith for the Presidency of the United States. He, with Willard Richards, voluntarily shared the im- prisonment with the Prophet and Patriarch. While in prison he sang a hymn to raise their drooping spirits, and soon after the jail was assaulted by the mob who shot to death the Prophet and Patriarch. In the midst of the melee the apostle stood at the door with a heavy walking stick, beating down the muskets of the assassins that were belch- Ing deadly volleys Into the room. After Joseph and Hyrum were dead, he himself was struck by a ball In the left thigh, while preparing to leap from the window whence the Prophet had fallen. Another missile, from the outside, striking his watch, threw him back into the room, and this was all that prevented him from descending upon the bayonets of the mob. In his wounded state he dragged himself under a bedstead that stood near, and while doing so received three other wounds, one a little below the left knee, one In his left hip, and another in the left fore-arm and hand. The, Prophet's fall from the window drew the murderers to the yard below, which incident saved the lives of John Taylor and Willard Richards, the latter the only one of the four prisoners who escaped unharmed. As soon as practicable Apostle Taylor, who had been carried by Doctor Richards for safety into the cell of the prison, was removed to Hamilton's hotel in Carthage, and subsequently to Nauvoo. He accompanied the exodus, February 16, 1846, to Council Bluffs, from where he was sent with Parley P. Pratt and Orson Hyde to set In order the affairs of the British mission. After accomplishing their purpose they returned, arriving in 1847. Apostle Taylor brought with him a set of surveying- instruments, with which Orson Pratt, a few months later, laid out Salt Lake City. After the departure of President Young and the pioneers, In April, Parley P. Pratt and John Taylor exercised a general superintendency over the affairs at Winter Quarters, and with Isaac Morley and Newel K. Whitney organized the immigration that crossed the plains that season. It was about the 21st of June when these apostles, with six hun- dred wagons and upwards of fifteen hundred souls, began the journey from the Elk Horn. John Taylor's division arrived at Salt Lake City Oct. 5, 1847. In 1849 he was called to head a mission to France, and In company with Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow and Franklin D. Richards, who were on their way to Italy, Denmark and England, respectively, he set out on the 19th of October to re-cross the plains. After a very successful mission, where he organized a branch and made arrangements for translating the Book of Mormon into the Gallic tongue, he returned! arriving at Salt Lake City Aug. 20, 1852. He brought with him the machinery for the beet sugar plant, manufactured In Liverpool at a cost of twelve thousand five hundred dollars; also the busts of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, prepared under his personal direction by one of the first artists of England. Two years later he was called to preside over the Eastern States mission and to super- vise the emigration. Resigning as a member-elect of the legislature, he, accompanied by his son, George J. Taylor, and by Elders Jeter Clinton, Nathaniel H. Felt, Alexander Robbins and Angus M. Cannon, set out in the fall of 1854 for New York City, where the first number of "The Mormon" was issued Feb. 17, 1855. In 1857, at the outbreak of the "Utah War," John Taylor returned to Salt Lake City. He was a member of the Utah legislature 1857-76, and for the first five sessions of that period, speaker of the house. From 1868 to 1870 he was probate judge of Utah county. In 1869 he held his celebrated controversy with Vice-Presi- dent Colfax through the columns of the New York press, and from 1871 to 1875 he published a series of letters in the "Deseret News," reviewing the situation in Utah, de- nouncing territorial government as un-American and oppres- sive, but warning the people against violent resistance to Judge McKean's high-handed and exasperating course. In 1877 he was elected territorial superintendent of schools, and served as such for several years. The next important event in his history was his elevation to the leadership of the Church, to which he virtually suc- ceeded at the death of President Young, August 29, 1877. He had been for some years President of the Twelve Apos- tles. He continued to act in that capacity until October, 1880, when the First Presidency was again organized, with John Taylor, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith as its personnel. President Taylor's last appearance in public was on Sun- day, Feb. 1, 1885, when lie preached his final discourse in the tabernacle at Salt Lake City. He had just returned from Mexico and California, after a tour through the settle- ments of the Saints in Arizona. That night he went into retirement and was never again seen in life except by a few trusted friends. He died July 25, 1887, at the home of Thomas F. Rouche, In Kaysvllle, Davis Co., Utah. His funeral was held four days later, at the tabernacle In Salt Lake City. 1202 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH TAYLOR, JOHN W. (son of John Taylor and Leonora Can- non). Born Dec 17, 1834, Newham buildings, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1863, Thomas Ricks company. Married Jane Tenant, who died in Eng. Their children: Elizabeth b. Nov. 2, 1855; Mary Ann b. Jan. 23, 1857; Mar- garett b. March 17, 1858; Jane T. b. Dec. 27, 1859. Family home Northumberland, Eng. Married Mary Young May 5, 1862, Woolen, Eng. (daugh- ter of Thomas Young and Isabell Wallace of Northumber- land, Eng.), who was born Jan. 17, 1833, Whinney Hill, Eng., came to Utah with husband. Their children: Isabel! b. Sept. 6, 1864, m. John A. Hill; John Thomas b. Nov. , 1866; George b. March 17, 1869; William b. Feb. 22, 1872, m. Eliza May Badger; Rachel b. June 16, 1874. Missionary to England 1887-89; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher; high priest. Street commissioner, Weber county, 1880-82; street supervisor Ogden, 1882-86. Sub contractor for the Union Pacific R. R. Plumber and lime manufacturer. TAYLOR, WILLIAM (son of John W. Taylor and Mary Young). Born Feb. 22, 1872, Ogden, Utah. Married Eliza May Badger Oct. 17, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of Orson Pratt Badger pioneer 1848, and Eliza Jane Gay, pioneer 1851, John Brown company). She was born Jan. 11, 1875, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Eldred Orson b. June 4, 1895; May b. March 2, 1897; Gerald William b. May 17, 1900; Franklyn John b. Aug. 17, 1902; Lowell Badger b. May 31, 1906. Family home Ogden, Utah. Ward teacher; Sunday school librarian eight yearg; coun- selor in presidency deacon's quorum. Warehouse foreman for Denver & Rio Grande R. R, Co. at Ogden, Utah. TAYLOR, HENRY EDGAR (son of John Taylor, born Nov. 1, 1808, Milnthorpe, Westmoreland, Eng., and Mary Ann Oakley, born March 20, 1826, Flat Lands, Long Island, N. Y., married April, 1845, Nauvoo, 111.). He was born Dec. 26, 1849, Salt Lake City. Married Hariet A. Weaver Aug. 6, 1875 (daughter of Wil- liam Weaver and Ann Watkins, came to Utah 1869, Captain Parry company). She was born March 15, 1859. Their children: Lawrence b. Jan. 1, 1879, m. Pearl Pingree Aug. 16, 1905; Ida May b. April 5, 1876, m. Alma T. Flinders April 8, 1899; Henry E. b. Sept. 5, 1882; Mary Ann b. Feb. 9, 1886, m. E. Norman Freeman Dec. 5, 1906; Ernest Weaver b. Nov. 24, 1891. Family resided Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1894-96. Worked on As- sembly Hall organ from start to finish, and on the Taber- nacle organ during reconstruction. TAYLOR, LAWRENCE (son of Henry Edgar Taylor and Hariet A. Weaver). Born Jan. 1, 1879, Seventh ward, Salt Lake City. Married Pearl Pingree Aug. 16, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of Job Pingree and Ester Hooper, former came to Utah Aug. 12, 1857, Jesse Martin company, latter Sep- tember, 1861). She was born July 7, 1883. Their children: Lawrence, Jr., b. June 1, 1906; Phyllis b. Oct. 9, 1907; Inez b. July 4, 1909. Family home Ogden, Utah. Celia b. July 25, 1908, d. Aug. 6, 1910; Minnie b. Aug. 23, 1911; Joseph b. March 25, 1913, d. May 29. 1913. Family home Mesa, Ariz. Member seventy. Farmer. TAYLOR, JOHX, Born Dec. 7, 1812. Came to Utah 1853. Married Eleanor Burkett, who was born July 2, 1815. Their children: Alma and Eleanor (twins) b. March 6, 1834, former m. Celia A. Keyes; Teancum, m. Mary Jane Hiat; Joseph M. ; Sarah Elizabeth; Mary Ellanor; John Amon; Hyrum; Eliza Jane; Minerva; William; James Henry; Amanda. Family home Ogden, Utah. Farmer. Died 1896, Ogden. TAYLOR, ALMA (son of John Taylor and Eleanor Burkett). Born March 6, 1834, In Clay county. Mo. Came to Utah August 1853. Married Celia Anzinette Keyes Dec. 3, 1856, Fort Supply, Utah (daughter of Elisha Barrus Keyes and Joanna Case Worden, pioneers Oct. 27, 1852, Eli B. Kelsey company). She was born May 10, 1841. Their children: Charles Alma b. July 22, 1858, d. infant; Sarah Anzinette b. Sept. 27, 1859, died; Mary Eleanor b. Sept. 11, 1861, m. Patent Huffaker; Joanna Rosealia b. Dec. 22, 1863, m. John Steinaker; Clara Louise b. Jan. 31, 1867, m. Lee Cover; Hyrum Henry b. June 27, 1870, m. Eliza Jane Bird; Amy May b. May 19, 1872, m. James C. Gardiner; Ermina Isabell b. April 9, 1874, m. Harry Meadows; Inis Pearl b. April 7, 1876, m. Jake Workman; Lola Lucy b. April 22, 1879, and Rebecca Jane b. Feb. 21, 1881, d. Infant; James Anson b. Oct. 6, 1882, d. Nov. 9, 1905; Minnie Viola b. March 2, 1888, m. Frank Croxford. Family home Vernal, Utah. Married Martha Keyes 1864 (daughter of Elisha Barrus Keyes and Joanna Case Worden). Four Children were born. Married Cornelia Congdon 1864. Five children -were born by this marriage. Missionary to Fort Supply 1855. Settled at Ogden 1856. A pioneer to Franklin, Idaho. Farmer. Died Aug. 10, 1910, at Vernal, Utah, from Injuries received in a runaway. TAYLOR, HYRUM HENRY (son of Alma Taylor and Celia Anzinette Keyes). Born June 27, 1870, Ogden, Utah. Married Eliza Jane Bird July 24, 1892, Vernal, Utah (daugh- ter of Taylor R. Bird and Alice Stokes of St. George. Utah, pioneers 1852). She was born July 13, 1876. Their children: Violet b. April 27, 1893; Clarence b. Oct. 17, 1894; Eliza May b. May 19, 1896; Hyrum Henry b. July 27, 1898, d. Infant; Ida b. Aug. 31, 1899; Lola Isabella b. Jan. 13, 1902; Alma Reaves b. Sept. 9, 1904; James Ernest b. Sept. 10, 1906; Alice TAYLOR, JOSEPH came to Utah with a contingent of the Mormon Battalion. Married Jane Lake. Their children: Joseph Allan; Eliza- beth Bachman; Jonnie Bird; Frank. TAYLOR, JOSEPH (son of William Taylor, born 1793, at Chelford, Chestershire, Eng., died 1840, at Lostockgralan, and Nancy Postals. He was born March 15, 1833, at Lostock- gralen, Chestershire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1863, Captain Patterson company. Married Elizabeth Mary Collier July 15, 1855, at Presbury, Chestershire, Eng. (daughter of James Collier, born Sep- tember 1802. and Sarah Goodfellow). She was born May 9, 1836, at Macclesfield, Chestershire, Eng. Came to Utah with her husband. Their children: James Henry, d. infant; Eliza- beth Mary b. April 2, 1858, m. William S. Read Jan. 29, 1878; Joseph Ezra b. June 23, 1860, m. Sarah Ellen Barker Sept. 13, 1883; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 30. 1861, died: Lucy and Marion (twins) b. 1864, d. infants; Julia Grace b. Sept. 23, 1865. m. Franklin Moore Oct. 29. 1882; George William b. April 6, 1868. m. Sarah Ann Connell June 1, 1890; Annie Margarette b. Sept. 21, 1870, m. Alfred Robert Folker June 29, 1892. m. Thomas C. Iverson May 9, 1900; William Good- fellow b. Feb. 15, 1873, m. Louisa Edwards Taylor Dec. 14, 1898; David Josiah b. June 24, 1875, d. April 13, 1911, m. Eva Bailey Jan. 1900; Clara b. 1877, d. youth; Israel b. 1879, d. youth; Florence Maud b. Jan. 11, 1881, m. Gustavus A. Home Feb. 14, 1899, m. Lee Robert Cain March 16, 1910. Missionary to England 1855-56; president of mission at Iowa City 1860-63. Tailor. TAYLOR, GEORGE WILLIAM (son of Joseph Taylor and Elizabeth Mary Collier). Born April 6, 1868, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Ann Connell June 1, 1890, Ogden, Utah (daughter of William Samuel Connell, born June 3, 1850, Lancastershire, Eng., and Emma Maria Wright, born Sept. 29, 1852, Manchester, Eng. married Sept. 25, 1870, Salt Lake City, Utah, pioneers Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin handcart company). She was born Aug. 22, 1871, Nephl, Utah. Their children: George Leonard b. Dec. 15, 1892; Alfred Leslie b. July 23, 1897; Cora Myrth b. May 2, 1901. TAYLOR, JOSEPH. . Born April 24, 1800. Came to Utah October 1853, Cyrus Wheelock company. Married Harriet Barnes in Lancastershire, Eng., who was born Oct. 9, 1805. Their children: Joseph, m. Harriet Barnes; John, drowned in Platte river; Martha, m. John Phillips; Lev! Mary, m. Alfred Moss; Samuel B., m. Eliza Jane West; Jane, d. young; Harriet. Family home. Salt Lake City. Seventy. Weaver and gardener. Died June, 1879, Salt Lake City. TAYLOR, SAMUEL B. (son of Joseph Taylor and Harriet Barnes). Born Oct. 16, 1841, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah 1853, with parents. Married Eliza J. West June 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of John West and Rachel Keeling, pioneers 1851), who w5a born April 20, 1847, Derbyshire. Eng. Their children: Mary Jane b. March 4, 1866, d. infant; John W. b. April 28, 1867, m. Mary E. Burns; Harriet b. March 29, 1870, m. Arthur Kesler; Sarah Ann b. March 28, 1872, d. aged 2; Naomi M. b. March 28, 1874, m. Isaac E. Coon; Annie E. b. Sept. 21, 1876, m. John Brown; Samuel L. b. Nov. 23, 1883, m. Mary P. Holmberg. Family home Pleasant Green, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1862-63. Elder; block teacher. Died November, 1885. TAYLOR, JOSEPH E. (son of George Edward Groves Taylor and Ann Wicks of Horsham, Sussex county, Eng.). Born Dec. 11, 1830, Horsham. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1852, Joseph Outhouse company. Married Louisa R. Capener 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of William R. Capener and Sarah Verender of Cleveland, Ohio, pioneers 1850). She was born 1835. Their children: Joseph William, m. Margret Littlefalr; Lillian, m. Joseph S. Richards; Eleanor, m. D. A. Engler; Edward T., m. Fannie Mulholland; Annie R., m. Daniel Higgins; Alvin V., m. Blanch Powers; Elizabeth, m. Benjamin J. Beer; Josephine, m. William F. Beer; Jennie, m. Edward Snyder. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Jane Capener. Their children: Jane, m. George Alexander; Margret Wicks, m. Fred Cluff. Married Lisadore Williams at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Samuel M., m. Lucile Badger; Alma O. Married Clara Sudberry. Their children: Ruth, m. August Tohmstorff; Lisadore, m. William Campbell; Joseph E., died; Mahonri M.. m. Cora Platt; Clara; Ida; George; Eugene. Married Harriett A. Woolley. Member 31st quorum seventies; missionary to central states 1875-76; high councilor; 2d counselor to president of Salt Lake stake 28 years; counselor in bishopric of llth ward; patriarch. City sexton many years. Member 2d state legislature. Undertaker and casket manufacturer. Died Feb. 17, 1913, Salt Lake City. TAYLOR, ALVIN V. (son of Joseph E. Taylor and Louisa R. Capener). Born Feb. 25, 1865. Salt Lake City. Married Blanche Powers March 31, 1892, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Powers and Sarah Capener of Baraboo, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1203 Wls., came to Utah 1902). She was born 1870. Their chil- dren: Gerald b. 1893, died; Margret b. 1895; Florence b. 1898. died; Alvin V. b. 1901. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 1st state legislature. Attorney at law; graduate Columbian University (law school) class '91. TAYLOR, SAMUEL MOORE ( son of Joseph E. Taylor and Lisadore Williams). Born March 11, 1880, Salt Lake City. Married Lucile Badger April 15, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Rodney C. Badger and Harriet Ann Taylor of Salt Lake City). She was born July 6, 1881. Their chil- dren: Harold Badger b. Jan. 13, 1904; Dorothy b. July 3, 1906, died; Marion b. March 22, 1910; Virginia b. July 30, 1911. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to Great Britain 1898-1901; member 8th quorum seventies; counselor in bishopric of wards. President and manager S. M. Taylor & Co., undertakers and embalmers. TAYLOR, ISAIAH (son of John Taylor and Esther Wilson of Stockport, Eng.). Born Sept. 17, 1836, Stockport, Chester- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge com- pany. Married Mercy Veater March 14, 1868 (daughter of James Veater, Sr., and Dina Frances Baber, latter pioneers 1862). She was born March 21, 1849. Came to Utah 1862. Their children: Harriet b. Feb. 25, 1870; George Nephi b. April 15, 1871; William James b. April 8, 1873; Charles Owen b. March 17, 1876; Albert Isaiah b. March 23, 1878; Esther Frances b. Oct. 12, 1880, m. Phillip Orwin June 12, 1901; Ella b. Nov. 30, 1882. m. Orrin Phillips June 28. 1905; Ray Wilson b. Dec. 10, 1884; Clyde Baber b. Oct. 4, 1886, m. Amelia Edwards May 28. 1908; Heber b. Nov. 19, 1889, m. Myrtle Bird July 20, 1911. Family home Beaver City, Utah. Married Emeline J. Hutchlngs 1869, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William W. Hutchings and Ruth C. Chase, who were married at Nauvoo. 111., pioneers 1851). She was born Feb. 10, 1849. in Platte county. Mo. Drove an oxteam across plains in Horace S. Eldredge company 1861. High priest; Sunday school librarian 38 years; Sunday school treasurer 6 years; ward teacher SO years. Sent to St. George to fill a mission. Moved to Beaver 1868. TAYLOR, CLYDE BABER (son of Isaiah Taylor and Mercy Veater of Beaver City, Utah). Born Oct. 4, 1886, Beaver City. Married Amelia Edwards May 28, 1908, Buckhorn. Iron Co., Utah (daughter of Aaron Edwards and Fanny Farnsworth), who was born May 10, 1888, Beaver City. Their child: Amelia Babera b. Nov. 5, 1910. Family home Buckhorn, Utah. Elder and counselor to president of Y. M. M. I. A. Died Nov. 5, 1910, four hours prior to birth of child. TAYLOR, JABEZ THOMPSON (son of William Taylor, born 1803, died Claycross, Derbyshire, Eng., latter pioneer 1867). He was born April 26, 1840, Belper, Derbyshire, Eng. Game to Utah September 1864, James Miller company. Married Ann Fisher Dec. 26, 1860, Chesterfield, Eng. (daughter of John Fisher of Man-of-Wood, Yorkshire, Eng.), who was born May 10, 1840, and died at Brampton, near Chesterfield, Eng. Their child: Edwin Arthur A. Married Marian Brewer February 1867, Salt Lake temple (daughter of James Brewer and Margaret Wall of Becclee, Suffolk, Eng., pioneers 1862, independent company). She was born Jan. 2, 1837. Their children: Jabez William b. July 23, 1867, died; Ezra James b. April 14, 1870, died; George Francis b. March 13, 1872, m. Leila Anderson, m. Mattie Johnson; Miriam b. April 16, 1'874, m. Nugent Williams; Louise Maud b. Feb. 25, 1878, m. Leslie Hodgson; Jessie b. May 28, 1880, m. Ray D. Simons (died), m. Feramore Clawson. Married Anna Peterson Nov. 25, 1896, Salt Lake temple (daughter of Charles Peterson and Wilhelmina Kroll of Copenhagen, Denmark, pioneers 1861). She was born Aug. 8 1866. Their children: Ruby Violet (adopted) b. Nov. 6, 1884, m. Israel S. Kirkwood; Alleen Virginia b. Oct. 7, 1897; Melvln Marion b. July 30, 1900; Beatrice b. Sept. 27, 1902; Ray b. March 17, 1905; Eugene Fred b. Sept. 14, 1907, died. Families resided. Salt Lake City. Member 16th and 57th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1876-78; to Ohio and Kentucky 1889-91; and to northwestern states; high priest. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war under Major Burt. Volunteer fireman about 20 years; special police officer several years. Appointed special representative to the World's Congress that was auxiliary to World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Physician about 35 years. TAYLOR, STEPHEN W. (son of George Taylor and Catherine Broadbent of Yorkshire, Eng.). Born Dec. 25, 1835, in York- shire. Came to Utah Oct. 12, 1848, Brlgham Young com- pany. Married Harriet Seely March 14, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Seely and Lucy Decker Young, pioneers 1847), who was born Oct. 5, 1838. Their children: Stephen; Catherine B., m. Thomas McClelland; Fanny, m. Ray Decker: George, m. Ollie Green; Amy, m. Fred E. Green; Florence, m. Olof Parsons; Daniel A. and Nellie M., died; Hanmer D. b. July 9, 1870. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Evans Dec. 2, 1872, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Evans and Sarah Keel of Worcester, Eng., came to Utah September 1871). She was born Sept. 16, 1851. Their children: Sidney W., m. Elsie Reilly; Lavenla, m. Fred G. Ford; Samuel B.; Jay James, m. Maud E. Dover; Delmer Lee; William E.; Royal E.; Alice M.; Maud Incatze; Kenneth. High priest; missionary to England 1869-71; went from Salt Lake City to Devils Gate in 1856 to assist Edwin Mar- tin's handcart company on Journey to Utah. In 1867, was with a company of gold seekers up to the Strawberry on the Sweetwater, when 506 were killed by Indians. Was in military service for brief periods, as follows: Under Colonel George A. Smith, Nauvoo Legion in expedition against Utah Indians July 22 to Aug. 25, 1853; under Colonel William H. Kimball in expedition against Indians from Aug. 25 to Sept. 10, 1853; under Captain James W. Cummings cavalry of Nauvoo Legion in expedition against Indians from Sept. C to Oct. 9, 1953; under Major Robert T. Burton with detach- ment of Life Guards against the Shoshone Indians from Oct. 12 to 26, 1855; under Captain R. T. Burton mounted men of Utah militia, protecting overland mail, east of Salt Lake City from April 25 to June 2, 1862. Sheriff of Summit county 1867-68; policeman at Salt Lake City 1874-76; mes- senger in territorial legislature 1850. Farmer and stock- raiser. TAYLOR, WILLIAM ANDREW (son of Joseph Taylor and Mary Moore, both of Kanesville, Iowa). Born May 15, 1850, at Kanesville, Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1850, Captain Hawkins company. Married Philomela Lake April 26, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Bailey Lake and Sarah Jane Marler, both American born, pioneers Sept. 5, 1850, Captain Hawkins company). She was born Aug. 9, 1853. Their children: William Andrew, Jr., m. Annie E. Holley March 23, 1892; Bailey. Millie Almeda and George Lorin, latter three died; Mary Ellen, m. David Lee April 2, 1902; Ida, m. Moroni Chugg Jan. 23, 1900; Eliza Ann, m. John Lee Feb. 6, 1900; Aner, m. Joseph Shurtliff Jan. 9, 1907; Riley Edmund, m. Bessie King- horn Feb. 17, 1908; Iraminda, m. Clarence Stephenson May 16, 1912; Iclvlnda. Family home Harrlsville, Utah. Member 60th quorum seventies; missionary to central states 1887-89; first bishop of Farr West ward. Member school board five years. Farmer. Died March 6, 1892, Farr West, Utah. TAYLOR, WILLIAM ANDREW (son of William Andrew Taylor and Philomela Lake). Born July 12. 1870, Harrisville, Utah. Married Annie Edith Holley March 23. 1892, Logan. Utah (daughter of Henry and Ann Hutchins of England, the for- mer pioneers Dec. 27, 1856, the latter 1855). She was born Dec. 19, 1868. Their children: William Russell b. Nov. 12, 1893; Annie Edith b. July 15, 1895; Blanche Ursula b. Nov. 24, 1897; Buell b. Sept. 7, 1899; Orin Helley b. Nov. 2, 1902; Norma Ann b. Oct. 16, 1904; Mildred Jane b. June 20, 1907; Junior Ivin b. April 15, 1910. Family home Farr West. Utah. One of the presidents 60th quorum seventies 12 years; mem- ber of the superintendency of Sunday school 14 years; member high council of North Weber stake. Member school board 7 years. Justice of peace. Farmer. TAYLOR, WILLIAM JOSEPH (son of William Taylor and Winifred Ferris of Trowbrldge, Eng.). Born July 7, 1832, Trowbridge, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1853, oxteam company. Married Mary Bowring Jan. 30, 1853, Liverpool, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Bowring and Jane Cook of Wanmouth, Eng.). She was born Aug. 5, 1827. Their children: Mary Eliza b. June 7, 1854, m. John Warwood, Jr.; Martha Jane b. March 30, 1856, m. Walter Scott; Ellen Ann b. March S, 1858, m. John Warwood, Sr. ; William Joseph, Jr., b. Nov. 23. 1859, m. Abby Jane Scott; Winifred b. Nov. 26, 1861. m. Andrew H. Scott; Walter Henry b. March 9, 1864, m. Rachel Broadhead; Lydla b. Dec. 29, 1866, m. John K. Allen; Jane b. Sept. 13, 1868, died. Married Rebecca Harris, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Emer Harris). Their children: Emer Harris; Rebecca. Families resided Provo, Utah. Home missionary; ward teacher; member 34th quorum seventies. Constable at Provo. Assisted in organization of Provo Woolen Mills. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Died May 18, 1869, Provo, Utah. TAYLOR, WILLIAM JOSEPH (son of William Joseph Tay- lor and Mary Bowring). Born Nov. 23, 1859, at Provo, Utah. Married Abby Jane Scott Aug. 3, 1882, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Hunter Scott and Sarah Ann Roe, of Provo, Utah, pioneers September, 1851, Morris Phelps oxteam company). She was born Jan. 30, 1864. Their children: William Weldon b. Dec. 9, 1883, m. Nora Johnson; Mary b. Oct. 8, 1885, m. C. Asal Dahlquist, Jr.; Andrew Scott, b. April 11, 1887, m. Clara Madsen; Joseph Hyrum b. Jan. 27, 1889; Ruth Elva b. Dec. 13, 1890, m. August J. Johnson; Golden b. Jan. 15, 1893; Frank Rouselle b. March 8, 1895; Glenn Lee b. July 24, 1897; Delia Scott b. Nov. 8, 1899; Ruby b. Jan. 4. 1902; Karl Rowe b. Dec. 4, 1904. Family home Provo, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1888-90; member 34th quorum seventies; high priest; counselor to Bishop S. P. Eggertsen; Sunday school superintendent; president Y. M. M. I. A. Justice of peace at Lake View. Farmer and dalry- TERRY, OTIS (son of John Terry and Sarah Ramsdell of Massachusetts). Born Feb. 28, 1796, in Worcester county, Mass. Came to Utah in October, 1850, Warren Foote corn- Married Syntha Ruggles of Massachusetts, who died. 1204 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Their children: Otis Lysander, m. Fanny Marllla Lover- idge, m. Levee Terissa Dancy, m. Jane Hart, m. Sarah Vail, m. Martha Jane Van Valkenburg; Charles Alphonzo, m. Syntha Philinda Loveridge; Henry Algernon, m. Mary Ann Fotherlngham; Horace Melvin and Edwin Delos, died. Family home Union ward, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Married Philinda Marsh Loveridge. High priest; acting bishop of Honey Creek and Kanes- vllle. Iowa. Farmer and gardener. Died Oct. 31, 1887, Fair- view, Utah. TERRY, OTIS LYSANDER (son of Otis Terry and Syntha Ruggles). Born March 12, 1818, Worcester, Mass. Came to Utah in October, 1850, captain of one hundred In the Warren Foote company. Married Fanny Marllla Loveridge Oct. 18, 1842, In Michi- gan (daughter of Ambrose Loveridge and Philinda Marsh of Pleasant Valley, Oakland county, Mich.), who was born July 8, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their chil- dren: Orson Merritt b. Jan. 25, 1845, m. Margaret House- keeper; Elizabeth Ann b. June 15, 1847, died; Emma Jane b. Dec. 19, 1849, m. John R. Bennion; Otis Lysander, Jr., b. Jan. 6, 1852, m. Sarah Lovenia Howell, m. Lydia Ann Butterfleld (Mlddleton), m. Mary Johanna Rasmussen; Alvln Delos b. Dec. 4, 1854, m. Salina Marinda Stewart. Family resided Mill Creek and Union Fort, Utah. Married Levee Terissa Dancy July 6, 1851, Salt Lake City, who was born Sept. 30, 1830, In Upper Canada. Their chil- dren: Hulda Content, m. Charles Wllford Terry, m. August A. Hjorth; Obadlah, died; Levee Terissa, m. Edmond Stewart; Syntha Phyllnda, m. Ole Lasson; Lois Almeda, m. Amasa Tucker; John Alexander, m. Ruth Daniels; Ira Judd, died; Emily Anna, m. Hyrum Partridge. Family resided Union and Falrview, Utah. Married Jane Hart Nov. 16, 1851, Salt Lake City. Their children: Mary Jane, died; Ellas Adolphus, m. Metta Mary Peterson, m. Mary Johanna Rasmussen. Married Sarah Vail (Howell) Jan. 27, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Vail of Long Island, N. Y.), who was born June 24, 1818. Their children: Edmond Lysander, m. Rebecca Tucker; Fanny Marilla, died; Charles Alfonzo, m. Margerett A. Anderson; Celestla Melissa, m. Peter Peter- son. Married Martha Jane Van Valkenburg Nov. 30, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Van Valkenburg), who was born Dec. 7, 1839. Their children: Parley Pratt, died; Mar- serett Ann, m. Heber Harker; Martha Maria, died; Eugenie Gertrude, m. Isaac Allred; William Henry, m. Selena Bes- wlck; m. Lillie A. Searls Barker; Andrew Burdell, m. Bur- netta Taylor; Wilford Alonzo, m. Emma Hansen. Families resided Union Fort 1851; North Ogden 1855, during which winter they nearly starved; Falrview, San Pete county, 1860, where he was choir leader, officer high priests quorum, ward teacher, president Y. M. M. I. A. six years; mayor and city councilman. Built canals, wagon roads, saw mills; operated a flour mill many years; grew the first apples; raised first cows, horses and sheep; did exten- sive farming, and led in building up the community. Died Nov. 16, 1899, Fairview. His posterity number 383 persons. The posterity of Sarah V. H. Terry number 428 persona. TERRY. OTIS LYSANDER (son of Otis Lysander Terry and Fanny Marrllla Loveridge). Born Jan. 6, 1852, Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah. Married Sarah Lovenia Howell, Feb. 28, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Elias Willis Howell and Martha Jane Rigby of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1852). She was born Jan. 3, 1859. Their children: Otis Lysander b. Dec. 21, 1876, died; Philinda b. July 17, 1880, m. Peter Nielsen; Willis Elias b. Jan. 28, 1882, m. Pearl Ekins; Martha Lovenia b. Sept. 5, 1883, m. Ivern Pyne; Charles Delos b. Oct. 22, 1885, m. Mary Ann Hurst; Fanny b. July 7, 1887; Roselee b. July 8, 1889, m. Robert Lynn Cook; Oscar b. Aug. 14, 1892; Walter b. Nov. 12, 1893; Emma Jane b. Nov. 12, 1895, died. Married Lydia Ann Butterfield (Middleton) April 14, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob and Sarah Butterfleld, of Taylorsville, Salt Lake county), who was born In 1862. Their children: Olive Lovlna b. Nov. 16, 1883, m. Frank Humphries; William Edwin b. Feb. 25, 1886, m. Miss Ballard; Emma Jane b. May 17, 1889, m. William Dody. Married Mary Johanna Rasmussen (Terry) Jan. 3, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Rasmussen and Sever- Ine Marie Madsen, pioneers In 1860 and 1862 respectively). She was born Dec. 26, 1863. Their children: Amasa Vivian b. Feb. 21, 1901; Andrew Severn b. Jan. 31, 1905; Otis Merlin b. Oct. 15, 1908. Superintendent Sunday school; president Y. M. M. I. A.; 2nd counselor to Bishop Phillips at Mill Creek, 1887. Moved to Fairview 1887; back to Mill Creek 1889; to Provo bench, 1901. Bishop of Tlmpanogos ward, 1903. Farmer and sheep- raiser. Has 13 living children and 27 grandchildren. Lydia Ann Butterfleld first married Thomas Middleton. Their children were: Mary, Thomas and Eliza. Mary Johanna Rasmussen first married Elias Adolphua Terry, May 17, 1883, Salt Lake Endowment House (son of Otis Lysander Terry and Jane Hart of Falrview, Utah). He was born March 2, 1854 and died Nov. 9, 1895. Their children: Mary Jane b. Oct. 1, 1885, m. Carl Farley; Elias Milton b. July 23, 1894, died. Family home Fairview, Utah. He was a farmer and sawmill owner. TERRY, PARSHALL (son of Parshall Terry and Amy Stevens, of New York). Born Sept. 30, 1778, Fort Niagara, N. Y. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1849, Allen Taylor company. Married Hannah Terry March 16, 1802 (daughter of Joshua Terry and Elizabeth Parshall), who was born Oct. 8, 1786, Goshen, N. Y., and came to Utah with husband, died Oct. 4, 1877, Rockville, Utah). Their children: Stevens b. Aug. 19, 1803, m. Sarah Bryant; Jacob E. b. July 4, 1805, m. Cath- erine Brown, m. Mary Urena Rlley. m. Clarissa Williams, m. Ellen Reed; Dency b. July 20, 1807, m. Samuel Hackett; Clark b. Sept. 19, 1809, d. child; Joel b. May 23, 1812. m. Maria Anderson, m. Hannah Shelton. m. Jane Hacken, m. Rowena Garner; Elizabeth b. Nov. 17, 1814, m. Francia KIrby, m. John Huard; David b. April 17, 1817, m. Elizabeth Wash- burn, m. Mary Ann Cunningham; Jane b. May 21, 1819, m. George Tarbox, m. George Young; Amy b. June 5. 1821, m. Zemlra Draper Jan. 30, 1842; Marilla b. July 2, 1823. m. John Crawford, m. Nelson Hanson; Joshua b. Aug. 11, 1825, m. Ann Greasewood; Mary Emma Reid (Johnson) b. Jan. 20, 1857; Deborah b. Dec. 25, 1827, d. child; James Parshall b. Jan. 1, 1830, m. Mary Richards (died May 17, 1902) Nov. 2, 1856; m. Sarah K. Brown. Family home South Willow Creek, Utah. Toll-gate keeper Red Butte Canyon road, Salt Lake county, 1849. Moved to Lehi 1851 and to Draper 1853. Kept toll-gate at bridge over Jordan river at Lehl 1856, and in Provo Canyon 1858. Died Oct. 8, 1861, at Terry's Mound, Draper ward, Utah. TERRY, JOSHUA (son of Parshall Terry and Hannah Terry). Born Aug. 11, 1825, Albion, Ontario, Canada. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1847, George B. Wallace company. Married Ann Greasewood In 1852, at Fort Bridger, Wyo. (an Indian girl), who was born in Wyoming. Their children: George b. Feb. 1, 1853, m. Kate Einis; Jane b. April 26, 1855, m. John Rldeout. Married Mary Emma Reid (Johnson) Jan. 20, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Reid and Sarah Corter, pioneers 1852, Warren Snow company). She was born June 7, 1840, at Golden Point, Hancock county, 111. Their children: Wil- liam Johnson (adopted) b. Feb. 18, 1856; Mary Ann b. Nov. 1857, m. Amelia Charles; Sarah Ann b. Dec. 3, 1861, m. Win- field Scott Ballard Dec. 15, 1881; Hunter b. Oct. 1, 1883, m. Harriet Brown; Hannah L. b. Aug. 17, 1865, m. David Brown 1885; Deborah b. July 4, 1867, died; Emma b. Aug. 3, 1869, m. Hyrum Brown 1889; Ellsha T. b. Oct. 7, 1871; Joseph H. b. April 28, 1873; Porter M. b. July 21, 1875; Valeria P. b. Jan. 18, 1877; Deney M. b. Jan. 14, 1879; and Margra b. Jan. 3. 1880; latter six died; Redell S. b. Jan. 7, 1882, m. Eliza Henderson 1903. High priest; patriarch. Assisted in building Fort Bridger. Indian interpreter; spending fifteen years among the tribes. Drove first wagon into Davis county, Box Elder county, and into the Bear River country, and was a pioneer into many other parts of four states. TERRY, JAMES PARSHALL (son of Parshall and Hannah Terry). Born Jan. 1, 1830, Albion, Ontario. Married Mary Richards Nov. 2, 1856. Mill Creek, Utah (daughter of John Richards and Agnes Hill), who was born May 14, 1837, in Home District and died May 17, 1902, Canada. Their children: Mary Jane b. Sept. 26, 1857, m. David F. Stout; George Washington b. May 21, 1859, m. Eliza E. Stocks 1878, m. Fannie L. Slaughter; James Parshall, Jr. b. Feb. 5. 1861; Hannah Agnes b. Feb. 17, 1863, m. Frank I. Slaughter June, 1878; Marilla b. Jan. 5, 1866, m. William H. Beebe March 10, 1888; John Richards b. July 10, 1868, m. Fannie Melvina Bliss March 20, 1890; David Parshall b. Dec. 5, 1870, m. Phebe Daly; Deney Elizabeth b. Dec. 5, 1872, d. July 15, 1892; Sarah Maria b. June 27, 1875, d. April 30, 1886; Joseph Clark b. Sept. 21, 1878; L. Daniel b. May 15, 1883; Richard Surprise b. Nov. 16, 1887. Family home Rock- ville, Utah. Married Sarah K. Brown, a widow, who is the mother of Richard Surprise. Member of bishopric of Rockville ward fifteen years. Moved to Rockville 1863, and to Hinckley In 1899. School trustee; road supervisor; Washington county selectman two terms, beginning 1883. Veteran of Walker and Black Hawk wars. TERRY, PARSHALL PETER (son of Timothy P. Terry and Adella May of Upper Canada). Born Aug. 29, 1832, Upper Canada. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young- company. Married Roslna Hadlock Nov. 25, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of Chauncey and Jane Hadlock of Ogden, Utah, pioneers 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born Nov. 16, 1832, died Oct. 3, 1884. Their children: Sarah Ann b. June 25. 1854, m. John Roof; Parshall S. b. July 6, 1856, m. May Bennett; Rosina E. b. Jan. 1, 1859, m. John Mallen; Durbin H. b. Nov. 11, 1861. m. Jane Barnette; George A. b. Aug. 5, 1862, d. Oct. 20, 1863; Orin A. b. March 29, 1864; Emily L. b. Nov. 11, 1866, d. aged 16; Ellen E. b. Oct. 6, 1867, m. Charles Conklin; Eliza Adella b. Aug. 16, 1870, m. John Miles; Almeda b. Jan. 16, 1872. m. Walter Hudson; Coquille b. April 26, 1874, m. William Glenn. Married Esther Hadlock June, 1856, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Chauncey and Jane Hadlock), who was born Feb. 12, 1841. Their children: Timothy b. Nov. 17, 1859, m. Mary Ann Joyce; Henretta A. b. Feb. 24, 1863, m. William J. Hodson; John b. Nov. 4, 1866, d. aged 14; Caroline b. 1868. d. infant: Ida b. Nov. 11, 1869, m. Preston S. Blair; Symon b. 1871, d. infant. Married Emily Jane Bond Jan. 8, 1890. at Ogden, Utah, Frank Burnette officiating (daughter of Henry Bond [died], and Emily Osborn of England). She was born March 30. 1868, in England. Their children: 'Gertrude H. b. Aug. 8, 1895; Loretta J. b. July 26, 1898. Families resided Plain City, Utah. Member 70th quorum seventies; missionary to "Dixie" 1859-61. Justice of peace; school trustee. Farmer; black- smith and machinist. Died Dec. 16, 1912. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1205 TERRY, WILLIAM REYNOLDS (son of Moses Terry of Exeter, R. I., and Sarah Reynolds). Born June 2, 1812, Exeter. Came to Utah 1852, at head of own company. Married Mary A. Phillips (daughter of John Phillips and Polly Allen of Wakeneld, R. I.). She was born March 11. 1815, Wakeneld, and came to Utah with husband; died Oct. 9, 1898. Their children: Albina b. Oct. 5, 1836, m. John R. Young; Darcus b. April 13, 1838, m. Ostin Farnsworth; Mary Abbie b. July 12, 1840, m. William Frampton; Joseph b. June 6, 1842, m. Margaret M. Allen Dec. 4, 1864, m. Annie M. Garfield (Ennis) Feb. 3, 1892; Benjamin F. b. April 15, 1845, m. Mary Lay; Sarah M. b. Oct. 9, 1848, m. Richard White; Leah Avon b. Dec. 13, 1852, m. Marlow Andrus; Rose Annah b. July 7, 1856, m. Laron Andrus; Menerva Deseret 'b. March 22, 1859, m. Willard Andrus. Family home Draper, Utah. Served as first counselor to bishop of Draper, and was the first school teacher in that town. Moved to St. George. Utah, 1860. Died May 31, 1868. TERRY, JOSEPH (son of William Reynolds Terry and Mary A. Phillips). Born June 6, 1842, Van Buren county, Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Margaret M. Allen Dec. 4, 1864, Draper, Utah (daughter of James and Nancy Allen, pioneers 1862, inde- pendent company). Their children: Joseph A. b. Nov. 29, 1865, m. Hannah Rawlins; Lisadora b. Nov. 6, 1867, m. Franklin Walker; William R. b. Sept. 20, 1869; Mary A. b. March 3, 1875, m. Hyrum Peterson; Alma b. Jan. 9, 1878, m. Annie E. Ennis. Married Annie M. Garfield (Ennis) Feb. 3, 1892. Their children: Henry Clyde b. Dec. 6, 1892; James Garneld b. April 26, 1897. Served as ward teacher for over 50 years. Active in settling- of Draper. Went to Arizona in 1872-73, afterward moving to St. George, later returning to Draper. TEW, THOMAS (son of Joseph Tew of Burbage. Leicester- shire, Eng., born May 1, 1777, Bubbenhall, Warwickshire, Eng., died Oct. 23, 1847, and Elizabeth Billing, born 1779 at High Cross, Leicestershire, died Sept. 6, 1822). He was born March 1, 1804, Burbage. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Hannah Smith (daughter of William and Catherine Smith), who was born April 29, 1811, Birmingham, Eng., and came to Utah with husband; died Feb. 11, 1882. Their children: Thomas, Jr. b. June 27, 1833, m. Rebecca Bird Jan. 22, 1856; Ann b. July 18, 1835, m. Levi W. Hancock; Sarah, m. Mosiah Hancock; Samuel H. b. Jan. 20, 1842, m. Nancy E. Mayberry; Emma, d. child; William, d. infant; Emily b. Aug. 18, 1847; Eliza b. Feb. 6, 1851, m. Albert Warthan Sept. 25, 1870; Mary Ann, d. infant; Ellen Amelia b. Sept. 4, 1856, m. Loran E. Harmer Sept. 27, 1875. Died Dec. 24, 1888. TEW, THOMAS (son of Thomas Tew and Hannah Smith). Born June 27, 1833, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah Aug. 30. 1851, independent company. Married Rebecca Bird Jan. 22, 1856, Springville, Utah (daughter of John Bird and Ann Russen, pioneers 1855, Richard Ballantyne company). She was born Oct. 28, 1838, Yardley, near Birmingham, Eng. Their children: Eliza Rebecca b. March 23, 1857, m. John Mendenhall April 24, 1879; William Thomas b. Feb. 2, 1859, m. Clara Elizabeth Snow Jan. 31, 1884; Lorinda Ann b. July 11, 1861, m. Joseph Alonzo Reynolds Jan. 15, 1880, d. Nov. 9, 1890; Julia Adelade b. March 24, 1864, d. infant; Annie Belle b. July 24, 1865, m. Charles D. Evans Feb. 9, 1887; John Henry b. May 11, 1868, m. Emma Leona Bulkley Jan. 2, 1890; Cora Ellen b. Feb. 22, 1871, m. John P. Anderson Jan. 7, 1901, d. March 25, 1908; Melvina b. Feb. 14, 1874, m. John S. Smith Nov. 7, 1912; Erma Dell b. Sept. 24, 1880, m. Arville Leroy Titus Feb. 9, 1901. Missionary to England 1882-84. Veteran Walker Indian war. Mechanic. Settled at Springville 1862; moved to Paris, Idaho, 1865; to Richmond, Cache county, 1868; to Springville 1872. Died Aug. 6, 1906, Springville. TEW, WILLIAM THOMAS (son of Thomas Tew and Rebecca Bird). Born Feb. 2, 1859, Springville. Married Clara Elizabeth Snow Jan. 31, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Gen. Warren S. Snow and Sarah E. Whiting). Their children: William Thomas, Jr.; Sarah Rebecca; Warren Snow; Monroe Bird; Bryan; Burton Edwin; Melba. Bishop. Farmer; mechanic. Town official. Director of the Strawberry Valley Water Users association. TEW, WILLIAM THOMAS, JR. (son of William Thomas Tew and Clara Elizabeth Snow). Born Jan. 2, 1885, Springville, Utah. Married Jennie M. Houtz June 18, 1913, Mapleton, Utah (daughter of Christian W. Houtz and Esther Waters). Missionary among New Zealand natives 1905-08; Sunday school worker. Farmer. TEXTORHTS, BBNGT PERSON (son of Per Anderson, born Aug. 1, 1816, Gustaf, Malmohus, Lan, Sweden, and Gertrude Anderson, born July 3, 1819, at Hyby, Malmohus, Sweden married 1839). Born Aug. 11, 1845, Sturup, Malmo Lan, Sweden. Came to Utah July 17, 1872, Eric Peterson company. Married Josephine Hendrickson Aug. 9, 1873 (daughter of Swen Hendrickson and Nilla Borg, both died in Lands- krona, Sweden). She was born March 19, 1848, and came to Utah July 24, 1873, David O. Calder company. Their children: Mary Josephine b. Sept. 6, 1874. m. Louis Nielson Feb. 13, 1895; John Ephraim b. May 6, 1876, d. July 8, 1878; Albert Bennet b. Oct. 28, 1877, m. Phebe Jane Dutson Sept. 15, 1897; Maggie Elizabeth b. Sept. 17, 1879, m. Wyly Strange Jan. 26, 1900; Bertha Edith b. Sept. 2, 1881, m. Bert Kinney Dec. 16, 1898; Joseph Alexander b. Dec. 16, 1883, d. Nov. 12, 1886; Nellie Jane b. Sept. 11, 1885, m. Emil Anderson May 10, 1905; Meda Gertrud b. Jan. 1, 1888, d. Sept. 11, 1888; Henry Burton b. Jan. 4, 1889, d. Sept. 14, 1890; Josiah b. June 21, 1892. Family resided Salt Lake City, Alta, Sandy, Leamington, Holden, and again Leamington, Utah. Missionary and elder in Sweden 5 years, 1867-72, before emigrating; and again 1900-02. Sunday school assistant superintendent and teacher; bishop's counselor School trustee; election judge. TEXTORIUS, ALBERT BENNET (son of Bengt Person Textorius and Josephine Hendrickson). Born Oct. 28 1877 Sandy, Utah. Married Phebe Jane Dutson (daughter of John Dutson and Fannie Johnson Nixon). She was born at Oak City Utah. Their child: Marvin b. Dec. 21, 1898. Family home Leamington, Utah. THACKER, WILLIAM (son of Aaron Thacker and Leah Horton of Staffordshire, Eng.). Born June 6, 1823, Darling- ton, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1861, Joseph Home company. Married Rachel Tonks 1844, in England (daughter of Firnalby and Ann Tonks). She died 1893. Their children: Leah b. Sept. 13, 1846, died; Hannah b. March 22, 1847, m. James Shorten; Lida b. Aug. 25, 1848, died; Anna Maria b. Nov. 1, 1849, m. Joseph Myler; Elizabeth b. May 24, 1861, m. John Penfold; William Timothy b. Nov. 7, 1854, m. Sarah Tonks; James Moroni b. Nov. 2, 1855, and Eliza Jane b. Nov. 1, 1856, died; Isabell b. July 12, 1868, m. John E. Moulton; Sarah Ann b. Jan. 7, 1861, died; Charles E. b. Aug. 18, 1862, m. Maria Price; John b. June 7, 1863; Frederick A. b. Oct. 22, 1864, m. Sarah J. Price; George Nephi Hughes (adopted) b. March 23, 1852. Married Mary Ann Brown Oct. 25, 1899. Worked in Brigham Young's blacksmith shop making nails for the Salt Lake theatre. Moved to Cache Valley in early pioneer days and from there to Peoa and lastly to Heber, where he now resides. THACKER, WILLIAM TIMOTHY (son of William Thacker and Rachel Tonks). Born Nov. 7, 1854, Staffordshire, Eng. Married Sarah Tonks Dec. 7, 1875, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Jacob Tonks and Elizabeth Rooker), who was born Dec. 11, 1848, in England. Their children: Sarah b. Sept. 30, 1876; William Raymon b. Oct. 26, 1877; Mary L. b. Dec. 14, 1879; Fredrick R. L. b. Aug. 26, 1881; Rosy Nellie May b. Nov. 19, 1883, m. Hans P. C. Hanson; John M. M. b. May 7, 1885, m. Jane Ann Bell; Maybell Y. G. b. April 10, 1891, m. Lewis F. D. Massey. Family home Heber, Utah. Stonecutter and mason. THACKERAY, GEORGE (son of Robert Thackeray, born March 28, 1798, and Elizabeth Jackson, born 1797, York, Yorkshire, Eng-. married 1820). He was born April 18, 1836, at York. Came to Utah Jan. 7, 1853. Married Helen Condie May 12, 1855 (daughter of Thomas Condie and Helen Sharp, pioneers Sept. 12, 1852, Isaac Bullock company married Aug. 21, 1830, Clackmannan, Scotland). She was born July 24, 1837, and came to Utah Sept. 20, 1852, Joseph Russell company. Their children: Helen Elizabeth b. Feb. 21, 1856, m. R. P. Stokes Jan. 10, 1876; Martha b. Nov. 23, 1857, m. George Chapman Oct. 16, 1879; George Robert b. June 29, 1860, m. Anne E. London April 5, 1883; Thomas b. March 1, 1863, d. Sept. 30, 1892, m. Magdalen Allison Oct. 15, 1891; Margret Ann b. March 12, 1866, m. Ruben Paradise May 1, 1899; Joseph b. Sept. 20, 1867, d. Feb. 2, 1869; Eliza b. Feb. 20, 1870, m. J. D. Murdoch Nov. 14, 1898; Mary Jane b. Sept. 22, 1874; Howard Alma b. Feb. 26, 1877, m. Ada Jackson Jan. 11, 1899; Adeline b. Dec. 1, 1879. Family home Croydon, Morgan Co., Utah. Justice of peace 1872-85; county commissioner two terms. Died March 25, 1890. THACKERAY, GEORGE ROBERT (son of George Thackeray and Helen Condie). Born June 29, 1860, Salt Lake City. Married Anne E. London April 5, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of John London and Hannah E. Smith, former pioneer 1862, Homer Duncan company, latter pioneer 1863, Horton D. Haight company). She was born Sept. 9, 1864, Echo, Utah. Their children: Laura Annie b. Dec. 1, 1884, m. Jesse C. Little Nov. 27, 1907; Ada Blanche b. Sept. 5, 1886; m. Joseph E. Rees June 6, 1906; Thomas Royal Georgo b. April 1, 1888; Zina b. March 23, 1890; Mark b. Aug. 3, 1892; Parley Allen b. Feb. 20, 1895, died; Elsie b. July 12, 1899; Horace Emanuel b. April 28, 1904; John b. Jan. 27, 1910, died. Bishop Croydon ward eight years. County commissioner one term. A prominent rancher and business man. THATCHER, HEZEKIAH (son of James Thatcher and Mary Gano of Martinsburg, Berkeley county, W. Va.). Born Aug. 25, 1809, Martinsburg. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1847, Daniel Spencer company. Married Alley Kitchen in 1829, near Martinsburg (daugh- ter of Joseph Kitchen and Catherine Ghulic of Martinsburg). She was born April 12, 1808. Their children: Joseph Wycoffi b. Aug. 10, 1829, m. Hannah Morrison; Abraham b. 1830; Catherine Mary b. July 28, 1831; Mary Ellen b. March 14, 1833: John Bethewel b. Oct. 22, 1834, m. Rachel Hanna Davis, m. Sarah Maria Davis; Aaron Dunham b. April 25, 1836, m. Marie Baliff ; Harriett Ann b. Feb. 1839, m. William 1206 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Bowker Preston; George Washington b. Feb. 1, 1840, m. Luna Young, m. Fannie Young; Moses b. Feb. 2, 1842, m. Letitia Ann Farr; Sarah; Hyrum b. Nov. 25, 1844; Hezekiah b. 1846; Virginia b. March 7, 1861. Family resided Sacra- mento, Gal., and Logan, Utah. Married Jane Amy Baugh Oct. 5, 1869. Salt Lake City (daughter of George G. Baugh and Elizabeth Furneaux), who was born Nov. 25, 1851, Birmingham, Eng. Their children: Evangeline and Ada, twins, b. Oct. 22, 1870, died; Samuel B. b. Jan. 11, 1872, m. Verna Lufkin, m. Maud Bowen; Wilford Woodruff b. Feb. 17, 1874; Orson Pratt b. Aug. 19, 1876, m. Nettie E. Reeder. Seventy; missionary to Sweetwater 1848, to bring immi- grants. Indian war veteran. Built first mill in Cache county. Merchant; banker; stockman; miller. Philanthropist. Died April 23, 1879. Logan. THATCHER, JOHN BETHEWEL (son of Hezekiah Thatcher and Alley Kitchen). Born Oct. 22, 1834, Springfield, Ohio. Married Rachel Hanna Davis March 9, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nathan Davis and Miss Woolley). who was born March 5, 1836. Their children: John Bethewel, Jr.; Heze- kiah; Katie; Eva; Milton Herbert; Nathan Davis; Lula; Letta; Howard; Gilbert; Henry. Married Sarah Maria Davis (daughter of Nathan Davis and Miss Woolley). Their children: Frank Davis; Roy; Sarah; Raymond; Martha; Ethel; Klngsley; Alice; Wallace. THATCHER, GEORGE W. (son of Hezekiah Thatcher and Alley Kitchen). Born Feb. 1. 1840, Springfield, 111. Came to Utah August, 1847, 2nd company Mormon Battalion. Married Luna C. Young April 4, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Brigham Young and Mary Ann Angel, pioneers July 24, 1847). She was born Aug. 20, 1842. Their chil- dren: Virginia Mary, m. July, 1881; Alice Young, d. Infant; Nellie May June, 1888; George W., Jr., m. Emma Jean Crismon, Feb., 1892; Nettie Young, m. Dec. 1887; Brigham Guy, m. June, 1891; Kathryn, m. Sept. 1891; Luna A., m. July, 1897; Constance, m. June, 1902; Phylis, m. 1909. Family home Logan, Utah. High priest; missionary to England 1873-74; president Brigham Young College board. Mayor 1888. Pony express rider. Banker; mill owner. Contractor on Utah & Northern R. R. Died December, 1902, Logan, Utah. THATCHER, GEORGE W. (son of George W. Thatcher and Luna C. Young). Born Aug. 9, 1866, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Jean Crismon February, 1892, Logan, Utah (daughter of George Crismon and Mary Louise Tanner of Salt Lake City, pioneers September, 1847, third company Mormon Battalion). She was born Dec. 15, 1869. Family home Logan, Utah. Seventy; high priest. County treasurer. Professor at Utah Agricultural College. Musician. THATCHER, MOSES (son of Hezekiah Thatcher and Alley Kitchen). Born Feb. 2, 1842, Sangamon county, 111. Came to Utah with father. Married Lettie A. Farr April, 1861, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Aaron F. Farr and Persis Atherton of Salt Lake City), who was born Jan. 3, 1844. Their children: Ida b. May 5, 1863, m. Seth A. Langton; Emma b. May 2, 1865, m. Siverine Jeppeson; Moses Jr. b. May 18, 1869, m. Sarah Catherine Hopkins; George F. b. July 11, 1871; Leonidas b. July 25, 1874, m. Mary Eliza Kimball; Lettie Vida b. March 14, 1884, m. William Alonzo Squires; Preston A. b. Sept. 24, 1877, m. Etta Murdock. Family home Logan, Utah. Member quorum Twelve Apostles of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; missionary to England 1868; and to Mexico. Died Aug. 21, 1909, Logan. THATCHER, MOSES, (son of Moses Thatcher and Lettie A. Farr). Born May 18, 1869, Logan, Utah. Married Sarah Catherine Hopkins Dec. 17, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of William T. Hopkins and Ann Roberts of Logan). She was born April 14, 1868. Their children: Lettie A. b. Sept. 20, 1891; Leora b. May 12, 1894; Helen C. b. June 20, 1897; Martha E. b. March 26, 1900; Ida L. b. April 8, 1904; Moses, III, b. June 9, 1906. Family home, Logan. Elder; missionary to England 1891-92. City councilman. Manager Thatcher Livery & Transfer Co. and Thatcher Coal Company. THATCHER, NATHAN DAVIS (son of John Bethewel Thatcher and Rachel Hanna Davis). Born Oct. 3, 1867. Married Rachel Serena Faulkman May 18. 1892 (daughter of Jeppa George Faulkman of Bjornsholm, Denmark, and Anna Serena Anderson of Christiansand, Norway married 1861, Salt Lake City). She was born Aug. 20, 1871, Plain City, Utah. Their children: Nathan Davis, Jr. b. March 29, 1893; George Basel b. April 5. 1894; Rachel Hannah b. May 27, 1896; Eulalia Serena b. March 15, 1898; John Ken- neth b. Dec. 10, 1899; Reginald Henry b. June 14, 1902; Bethewel Floyd b. Jan. 27, 1905; Fleda b. April 3, 1906; Lavar Windon b. April 22, 1908; Donetta b. April 30, 1910; Alton Vear b. June 14, 1912. Family home Thatcher, Idaho. Missionary to southern states 1893-95; one of the presi- dents of I08th quorum seventies. Bishop at Thatcher since 1907. In 1901 moved to Thayne, Wyo., where he built its first creamery and engaged In mercantile business; returned to Thatcher 1904. THATCHER, ORSON PRATT (son of Hezekiah Thatcher and Jane Amy Baugh). Born Aug. 19, 1876, Logan, Utah. Married Nettie E. Reeder May, 1903, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Robert Reeder and Ellen Flatt, former pioneer 1856, James G. Willie company, latter pioneer 1868, Simpson M. Molen company). She was born Sept. 9, 1877, Hyde Park, Utah. Their children: Virginia May b. May 30, 1904; Orson Reeder b. May 30, 1904; Ray Alden b. June 8, 1906; Philip Elliot b. Sept. I. 1909; Ruth Ellen b. May 5, 1911. Family home Logan, Utah. Seventy; missionary to northwestern states; Sunday school teacher; second assistant in Y. M. M. I. A, Farmer. THAYN, JOHN JOHNSON (son of Ebenezer Thayn and Jane Lockhead of Glasgow, Scotland). Born Nov. 11, 1825, Glas- gow. Came to Utah 1861. Married Sidney Boyer, who was born July 16, 1824, in Pennsylvania. Their children: Mary Ann b. Aug. 30, 1849, m. Mr. Moon; Nephi b. Nov. 1850; John Leht b. July 8, 1852, m. Annabell Read; Ellen Jane b. March 3, 1854, m. James Lewis; Emma b. Sept. 10, 1855, m. Jeter Edward Jones, m. George Milner; Fanny Elizabeth, m. John C. Vance, m. William Turner; Eliza Catherine b. July 28, 1858, m. Elisha Allen Jones; Sidney Florence, m. Ephraim Green; Hyrum, died; Amanda Louisa b. Sept. B, 1865, died. Married Elizabeth Hunt 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Hunt and Fannie Woodman of Newport, Mon- mouth, Eng., pioneers 1861). She was born Aug. 19, 1839. Their children: Joseph Hunt, d. Nov. 8, 1863; William Alvin Hunt b. April 13. 1865, m. Sarah Sorenia Tidwell; Brigham Hunt b. May 25, 1867, m. Sarah Smith; Edgar Hunt b. March 7, 1869, m. Martha Jane Sm'th; Ebenezer Hunt b. Aug. 30, 1874, m. Rosilla Branch. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to Canada, United States and Eng- land 1878-80; ward teacher; assisted in bringing Immi- grants to Utah. Justice of peace. Settled at Salt Lake City; moved to Kamas 1875; to Wellington 1886. Died May 21, 1910, Wellington, Utah. THAYN. WILLIAM ALVIN (son of John Johnson Thayn and Elizabeth Hunt). Born April 13, 1865, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Sorenia Tidwell Jan. 29, 1889, Wellington, Utah (daughter of Jefferson Tidwell and Sarah Seely of Lee Co., Iowa, pioneers 1852, John Tidwell company). She was born Feb. 7, 1865. Their children: David Alvin b. Dec. 9, 1889; George Lester b. Jan. 8, 1892; William Azell b. Dec. 7, 1893; Delia Sorenia b. Oct. 23, 1895, died; Elizabeth Sarah b. June 23, 1898; Horace b. June 7, 1901; Albert b. March 11, 1904. Missionary to England 1895-97; Sunday school teacher; ward teacher. First surveyor of Carbon county 1892-94-96; first town clerk of Wellington four years; road supervisor; school trustee; assistant postmaster. Farmer and merchant. THAYN, EDGAR HUNT (son of John Johnson Thayn and Elizabeth Hunt). Born March 7, 1869, Salt Lake City. Married Martha Jane Smith Aug. 3, 1893, Beaver, Utah (daughter of Richard Smith and Tabitha Holroyd, pioneers 1865). She was born June 11, 1869. Their children: Mabel b. June 5, 1894; Myrtle b. Jan. 29, 1896; Joseph Kenneth b. July 16, 1898; Edith b. Feb. 4, 1902; Edgar Ward b. April 3, 1906; Wilford Wallace b. Oct. 7, 1909. High priest; bishop's counselor, Wellington ward; bishop, Wellington ward; president Y. M. M. I. A.; Sunday school teacher; teacher in Y. M. M. I. A.; home missionary. School trustee 12 years; county commissioner 1897-98 and 1906-08. Farmer. THAYN, EBENEZER HUNT (son of John Johnson Thayn and Elizabeth Hunt). Born Aug. 30, 1874, Salt Lake City. Married Rosilla Branch Sept. 20, 1900. St. George, Utah (daughter of Eugene Elisha Branch and Jane Blake of St. George and Wellington, Utah). She was born June 11, 1879. Their children: Ida b. July 27, 1901; Irene b. Dec. 18, 1902; Homer b. Sept. 27, 1904; John Johnson b. July 17, 1907; Alta b. March 11, 1909; Eugene Elisha b. Sept. 27, 1911. Missionary to eastern states 1907-08; counselor Y. M. M. I. A.; president deacons quorum; Sunday school teacher; ward teacher; ward clerk. Farmer. THEOBALD, WILLIAM (son of John Theobld of Kent, Eng., <*nd Elizabeth Dore of Isle of Wight). Born March 31, /1812, Freshwater, Isle of Wight. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 185ir-. Aug. 17, 1878, m. Charles Thomas Smith; Barbara Ellen b. Nov. 21, 1879, m. Samuel Iven Goulding; Jessie Jane b. May 11, 1881, m. John Thomas Messervy; James Brigham b. Dec. 26, 1882; Lenora b. Nov. 12, 1884, m. Edwin Thompson; Mary Jenette b. April 20, 1885, m. George Cramer; David Ebenezer b. May 18, 1888; Lorenzo Bryce b. Dec. 23, 1891; Maggie Josephine b. Jan. 30, 1894; Alma b. Oct. 28, 1898. Family resided Henrieville, Utah, and Idaho Falls, Idaho. THOMPSON, JOHN C. (son of Larkin Thompson and Eliza- beth Crow). Born May 15, 1821, in Tazewell county. Va. Came to Utah Oct. 16, 1847. Married Anne Broy Clark March 20, 1845 (daughter of John Clark and Eliza Santifer), who was born Oct. 6, 1821. Their children: Elizabeth Jane, died; Larkin Santifer; John C., m. Mary Sanders; Ann Eliza; Sarah Ellen, m. L. F. Pritchett; Mary Louise, m. Austin W. Child; Amanda America, m. John A. West; Joseph Matthew, m. Mary Jones; Linzy Clark; William L., m. Lillle Brown. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to Arizona 1874-76; presiding elder and coun- selor to Sanford Bingham 20 years at Riverdale, Utah. Member Co. A, Mormon Battalion. Farmer. Died Nov. 11, 1900, at Ogden. THOMPSON, JOHN S. (son of James Thompson and Margaret Strang of Fifeshire, Scotland). Born Jan. 26, 1831, in Fife- shire. Came to Utah September, 1866. Married Catherine Muir July 4, 1861, Fifeshire (daughter of Thomas Muir and Christina Smyth of Fifeshire; came to Utah 1873). Their children: John M., m. Jane Curtis; Thomas; Archibald; Joseph; Robert M., m. Alice Peck; James M., m. Nora Staker; Catherine, m. George Naylor; Margaret S.; William H., m. Vivian Hendricsen; Christinia M., m. Frank M. Dorrington; Adam, m. Josephine Lindsay. Postmaster at Sugar House station eight years. THOMPSON, JOSEPH (son of Joseph Thompson and Agnee Hirst of Lancastershire, Eng.). Came to Utah 1862. Married Ann Grayson 1850, in Sheffield, Eng. (daughter of William Grayson of Sheffield). She came to Utah 1862. Their children: John G. b. 1861, m. Minnie Huber; Joseph, m. Libbie Brady; Agnes, m. Samuel Robert Bennion; Hannah, m. Albert Brown; Ann Elizabeth, m. Simeon Walker; Lucy; Lucy Ellen, Martha and Mary latter four died. High priest. Stonecutter, Salt Lake temple; stonemason. Died Sept. 10, 1911, South Cottonwood, Utah. THOMPSON, JOSEPH LEWIS. Born Feb. 8, 1816, Birming- ham, Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1862, John R. Murdock company. Married Penelope Thompson 1835, Birmingham, Eng. Their children: Susannah, m. Michael Clark; William Henry, m. Matilda Young; Eliza, m. Joseph Coacher; Joseph, m. Hannah Crompton; Jane, m. James G. Bleak; Ann, m. James Clark; John; Richard; Harry; James Godson; Benjamin; Samuel. Family home Clarkston, Cache Co., Utah, and he died there Feb. 15, 1875. THOMPSON, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Joseph Lewis and Penelope Thompson). Born May 1, 1838, Birmingham, War- wickshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Matilda Young May, 1859 (daughter of Henry Young), who was born May 31, 1835; came to Utah wfth husband. She died in February, 1866. Their children: Emily Adelaide b. April 21, 1860; Matilda Irene b. Dec. 27. 1861, m. James G. Blake; Amelia Young b. April 17, 1864, m. Franklin Pendleton; William Henry b. Feb. 9, 1866. Married Emma Cottam Nov. 20, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Cottam and Caroline Smith, who were married Oct. 9, 1847). She was born June 27, 1850, at St. Louis, Mo., and died at St. George, Utah, in April 1901. Their children: Emma Cottam b. Aug. 21, 1869, m. John M. Squire; Penelope Caroline b. Sept. 16, 1871, m. Robert P. Woodbury; William Alma b. Oct. 27, 1874; Mary Elizabeth b. Aug. 28, 1877, m. Joseph Webb; Joseph Smith b. Nov. 14, 1880, m. Mae Jones; George Thomas b. Aug. 13, 1883, m. Martha Baker; Ezra Cottam b. April 25. 1887, m. Rose Jarvis; Samuel b. June 8, 1891, m. Lucy Hatch. Families resided St. George, Utah. Married Agnes Elizabeth Perkes in February, 1878, St. George, Utah (daughter of Henry Perkes and Charlotte Lowe), who was born Feb. 23, 1840, Dudley, Warwickshire, Eng. Their children-. Hyrum Smith b. Dec. 27, 1880, m. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1211 Flora Schmutz; Wilford Woodruff b. Aug. 27, 1883, m. Kate Judd. Carpenter; was an overseer in the erection of the St. George temple, where he has since employed his time as engineer and assistant ordinance worker. THOMPSON, MATTHEW (son of Matthew Thompson and Margaret Malarkey, born in County Antrim, Ireland). Born Aug. 21, 1832, Lurgan, County Armagh, Ireland. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, David P. Kimball oxteam company. Married Alice Liddard December, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Liddard of Tooele and Provo, Utah). She was born 1857. Only child: Joseph b. Sept. 1878. Family home Tooele, Utah. Married Eliza Wiley Aug. 26, 1875, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Alexander Wiley and Mariah Alexander of County Antrim, Ireland). She was born Oct. 27, 1838. Their child: Matthew Chamas b. July 16, 1876. Family home Wallsburg, Utah. High priest. Cut stone for the Salt Lake temple and tabernacle 1862. Worked on Union Pacific railway 1869; also on the Utah Southern. Weaver; miner; farmer. THOMPSON, PETER P. (son of Peter Petersen Skytte and Johannah Petersen of Breining, Isle of Falster, Denmark). Born Jan. 15, 1808, Breining. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Dorthea Andersen Oct. 20, 1837, Horbelev, Isle of Falster, Denmark (daughter of Anders Larsen Buck and Karen Rasmussen Belling of Verket, Isle of Falster). She was born Oct. 13, 1808. Their children: Andrew Thompson (a son by a former husband); Mary Petersen; Thomas Peter; Caroline, m. Joseph S. Black; Niels; Johannah. Fam- ily home Falkerslev, Denmark, before immigrating to Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died Feb. 26, 1876, Ephraim, Utah. THOMPSON, SOREN (son of Jorgen Thompson, born March, 1804, and Anna Catherine Sorenson, born July 21, 1803, both of Jutland, Denmark married 1835). He was born June 11, 1837, at Jutland. Came to Utah October, 1864, Soren Christofersen company. Married Annetta Marie Swenson April 19, 1869 (daughter of Swen Swensen and Bengta Pearson, the latter coming to Utah Oct. 4, 1862, Joseph Home company married Dec. 12, 1843, Neflinga, Sweden). She was born Nov. 8, 1850, in Sweden, and came to Utah with mother. Their children: Helen Catherine b. Oct. 22, 1871, m. Charles C. Wilson Sept. 23, 1900; John William b. June 18, 1873; Sylvia Betilla b. Sept. 9, 1875; Alvin Theodore b. Jan. 8, 1878; Junius b. Feb. 26, 1880, m. Victora Anderson May 24, 1904; Edward Chris- tian b. Feb. 7, 1882, m. Emma Nelson Nov. 6, 1909; William S. b. July 6, 1884, m. Minerva Keele Dec. 30, 1904; Ephraim b. April 28. 1888; Eunice Floresa b. Jan. 17, 1890, m. George A. Clark Sept. 15, 1910. Family home Bear River City, Box Elder Co., Utah. Filled a mission to Denmark 1885-87; served as ward teacher for 25 years; high priest. Pioneer of the Bear River valley. THOMPSON, THOMAS W. (son of Robert Thompson, born Feb. 14, 1829, Alston, Cumberland, Eng., and Elizabeth Hill- yard, born Jan. 1, 1837, Waddington, Denbighshire, Eng. married July 16, 1869). He was born Feb. 26, 1860, Salt Lake City. Married Cordelia Theresa Ainscough (daughter of William and Mary Ainscough married at Salt Lake City). Their children: William and two daughters, died. Family home Smithfteld, Utah. Married Mary Owens June 19, 1889, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of William Owens, pioneer 1854, and Elizabeth Roberts, who came to Utah 1855, Seth N. Blair company married Jan. 28, 1856, Salt Lake City). She was born March 7, 1866, Henifer, Summit Co., Utah. Their child: Mildred b. July 17, 1890. Seventy; school teacher; president of Smithfleld T. M. M. I. A. Died May 12, 1890. THOMPSON, WILI/IAM. Came to Utah in October, 1851, Harry Walton company. Married Elizabeth McCeruley. Their children: David, m. Mary Thompson; Daniel; William, Jr., b. Jan. 12, 1836, m. Mary Ellen Isaacson; Maria, m. Orin Hatch; Orville, m. Emily Snyder. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Married Mrs. Hale. THOMPSON, WILLIAM (son of William Thompson and Elizabeth McCeruley). Born Jan. 12, 1836, in Canada. Married Mary Ellen Isaacson June 1, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Neils Isaacson and Bertha Catherine Ogis, pio- neers Sept. 13, 1863). She was born Nov. 21, 1851, Christiania, Norway. Their children: William Orville b. Nov. 24, 1869, m. Ada Lawrence Dec. 7, 1892; Daniel Isaac b. March 24, 1871, m. Lettie Hendricks March, 1901; Walter George b. Feb. 6, 1873, m. Caroline Lawrence March, 1901; Mary Flor- ence b. Jan. 18, 1875, m. Parley N. Nelson Sept. 30, 1896, Francis Ira b. Feb. 22, 1877, m. Etta Webb Nov. 16. 1900; Bertha Estella b. June 6, 1879, m. William M. Whittle Dec. 21, 1901; Albert Henry b. Oct. 28, 1881, m. Amy Packer Dec. 21, 1903; Neils Oliver b. Feb. 27, 1884, m. Elizabeth Smith March 11, 1908; Nellie Maria b. June 19, 1886, m. Sansom Webb June 14, 1911; Melvin Edward b. June 21, 1889; Ray- mond Junius b. June 21, 1891; Inez Evelyn b. March 30. 1894; Ivan Cyril b. June 9, 1896. Family home Richmond, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1861 and 1868. Early settler in Richmond, Utah. THOMPSON, WALTER GEORGE (son of William Thomp- son and Mary Ellen Isaacson). Born Feb. 6, 1873, Rich- mond, Utah. Married Caroline Lawrence March, 1901 (daughter of Elisha Randolph Lawrence and Mary Ann Ratcliff), who was born May 24, 1875, Preston, Idaho. Their children: Louisa Caroline b. Nov. 1, 1900; Paulina b. May 21, 1902; Alverta b. Aug. 5, 1904; Walter Iver b. May 6, 1906; Fontella b. Aug. 31, 1908; Millie b. May 14, 1910. THOMSON, ORSON S. Born April 28, 1856. Married Martha A. Poll April 13, 1878. Salt Lake City (daughter of William F. Poll and Charlotte Long, pioneers November, 1852, Captain Nelson company). She was bora Jan. 6. 1857, Salt Lake City. Their children: Charlotte I. b. April, 1879, m. Albert Clisold; Alice S. b. Oct. 4, 1883, m. Ernest Herridge; Orson Leroy b. June 6, 1886, m. Hettie Turnboe; Alvin b. Feb. 9, 1888, m. Josephine Clawson; Wil- liam F. b. June 6, 1889; Ruby b. Oct. 29. 1891; Raymond C. b. Jan. 17, 1893; Nellie R. b. Aug. 10, 1900; Norman J. b. Dec. 13, 1910. Family home, Salt Lake City. THORN, ASHAEI, (son of Richard Thorn and Mary Ann Armstrong of Pennsylvania). Born Sept. 16, 1808, in Penn- sylvania. Came to Utah in 1853, Joseph Thorn company. Married Sarah Lester 1829 in Pennsylvania (daughter of John and Nancy Lester of New York). She was born June 14, 1809, in New York state. Their children: William b. March 17, 1830, m. Trollie Wilcox; Elizabeth Lucretia b. March 24, 1832, m. Calvin Bingham; Mary Ann b. Feb. 11, 1834, m. Augustus Bingham; Sarah b. Feb. 12, 1886, m. Alonzo Bingham; Richard b. Feb. 20, 1838, m. Rebecca A. Osborne; Isaac b. Jan. 30, 1840, m. Elizabeth Walker; Nancy b. Oct. 24, 1842, m. David Osborne; Lydia Saphronia b. June 30, 1843, m. Henry Perry, m. William Hall; Abigail b. July 14, 1845, m. Alexander Robertson; Barbara Ann b. Jan. 20, 1847, m. Dan W. Walker. Settled in Uinta, Utah, later moving to Three-Mile Creek, Box Elder county, where he presided over the branch there. Moved to Willard, Utah, 1885. Died Feb. 10, 1897. THORN, RICHARD (son of Ashael Thorn and Sarah Lester). Born Feb. 20, 1838, Summerhill, Pa. Came to Utah 1853, Joseph Thorn company. Married Rebecca A. Osborne Dec. 25, 1868, East Weber, Uinta Co., Utah (daughter of David Osborne and Cynthia Butler of Hancock county. 111., pioneers of 1852, Captain Howell company). She was born Oct. 15, 1842. Their chil- dren: Annie b. April 16, 1860, m. Morris Peters; Cynthia Marie b. Sept. 4, 1864, m. John Forsgren, d. Nov. 14, 1901; William Richard b. Oct. 27, 1866, d. Sept. 29, 1888; Sarah Lester b. March 11, 1869, m. Thomas Peters; David Ashael b. Aug. 22, 1871, d. Jan. 14, 1889; Hyrum b. Feb. 10, 1874, m. Jane Davis; Barbara Adeline b. Nov. 16, 1876, m. Brigham Nelson; Milton Jefferson b. April 16, 1879, m. Elmerta Nelson; Margaret Estella b. July 18, 1881, d. Aug. 1, 1881; Rebecca Jane b. Sept. 3, 1882, d. Sept. 14, 1882. Married Eunice Jane Perry Feb. 16, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Perry and Elizabeth Zabiaski of Perry, Utah). She was born Nov. 18, 1854. Their children: Edith Luella b. Nov. 9, 1886, m. Ellis Wood; Henry Leslie b. Feb. 6, 1888, m. Anetta" Johnson. Family home Perry, Utah. Served as missionary to southern states 1887-88; member of bishopric of Three-Mile Creek, Box Elder Co., Utah, Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1864. THORNBURG, BEARNT FREDERICK (son of Fire Thome). Born Dec. 28, 1831, Falkastra, Christianstad, Sweden. Came to Utah Nov. 28, 1858. Married Anna Johnson Nov. 26, 1859, who came to Utah in 1859, John R. Murdock handcart company. Their chil- dren: Mary Ann; Alma Frederick; William Fire; Emma Jennetta; Nora Rebecca; Margaret Rosetta; Ella; Pearl. Family home, Salt Lake City. Drove team for United States government from Fort Leavenworth to Salt Lake City. THORNE, DAVID (son of Peter Thome of Kensal Green, Middlesex county, Eng.). Born 1800, at Kensal Green. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1851, Alfred Cardon company. Married Elizabeth Reeves, at Kensal Green. Their chil- dren: Charles; John; Sarah; George, m. Mary Rebecca Rogers; Frederick, m. Margaret Harmsted; Robert, m. Cor- delia Walker; David, m. Anna Harmsted; Joseph, m. Eliza- beth Holman; James, m. Harriet Farnsworth Brown; Emma, m. James Cobbley. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest; teacher. Farmer. Died 1876. 1212 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH THORNE, GEORGE (son of David Thome and Elizabeth Reeves). Born Feb. 1, 1840, at Kensal Green, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Rebecca Rogers Feb. 12, 1865, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of William Rogers of Birmingham, Eng.). She was born May 7, 1831. Their child: Alice Rebecca b. Aug. 15, 1868, m. James Bralford. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest. Watermaster. Farmer. Assisted immigrants to Utah 1864. THORNL.EY, JOH1Y (son of Robert Thornley and Jane Welsh of Ulneswalten, Lancastershire, Eng.). Born March 4, 1801, at Ulneswalten. Came to Utah 1865. Married Helen Langton 1827, Eccles, Lancashire, Eng. (daughter of Ralph Langton and Mary Rigby of Eccles). Their children: Alice b. 1827, m. Thomas Swift; Robert b. 1830, m. Annie Brighton; John b. 1832, m. Margaret Stringfellow; Mary b. 1834, d. infant; Thomas b. 1837; Mary b. 1842, m. Thomas Carr. Family home was in England until they came to Utah. Died May 18, 1893. THORNLET, ROBERT (son of John Thornley and Helen Langton). Born June 3, 1830, Leyland, Lancastershire, Eng:. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1855. John Hindley company. Married Annie Brighton March 24, 1858 (daughter of Rob- ert Brighton and Elizabeth Stewart), who was born in 1840, and came to Utah in October 1857, with the Israel Evans handcart company. Their children: Robert Brighton b. Dec. 11, 1861, m. Annie G. Teer April 8, 1891; John Stewart b. Jan. 8, 1864, m. Liddy Baker Nov. 1895; William b. Jan. 26, 1866, m. Emma Clark June 6, 1894; Helen b. June 29, 1868, m. W. J. Timmins June 24, 1891; Annie b. July 13, 1870, m. Walter White Aug. 29, 1894; Seth b. Oct. 1, 1872, m. Alice Glazier July 20, 1904; Thomas b. Oct. 29, 1874, m. Pearl Gammon; James b. May 16, 1877, m. Mary Smith May 23, 1900; George b. March 18, 1880; Samuel b. July 20, 1882, m. Etta Barnet Nov. 28, 1906. Family home Smithfleld, Cache Co., Utah, and all are living (1913). High priest; Sunday school and ward teacher for 31 years; missionary. Member of Utah militia. One of the first nine families settled at Smithfield, where he helped to survey and lay out the city. Worked on the tabernacle and temple at Logan. THORNLET, ROBERT B. (son of Robert Thornley and Annie Brighton). Born Dec. 11, 1861, Smithfield, Utah. Married Annie Teer April 8, 1891, Logan, Utah (daughter of John and Jane Teer). Their children: Annie b. Aug. 25, 1892; Jane b. Aug. 25, 1892. THORNL.EY, JOHN (son of Thomas Thornley and Miss Bol- ton of Leyland, Lancashire, Eng.). Born June 25, 1822, Leyland. Came to Utah 1854. Married Martha Seed Nov. 25, 1843, Preston, Eng. (daugh- ter of Thomas and Elizabeth Seed of Preston). She was born Sept. 22, 1819. Their children: William G. b. Aug. 18, 1848; Elizabeth Ann b. June 24, 1851, m. Daniel B. Har.-is; Mary Ellen b. June 8, 1853, m. William Mocker; Martha Seed b. Dec. 11, 1857, m. Benjamin B. Heywood; John W. b. May 19, 1859, m. Josephine King; Alice b. Dec. 7, 1860, m. Charley Cox; Jane b. June 13, 1862, m. Harry Aldous. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Senior president of seventies 1857-92; high priest; or- dained patriarch by George Teasdale Dec. 12, 1896. Pioneer dry farmer. Settled on Kay's Creek in 1855, and from there moved to Kaysville. Died Dec. 1, 1907. THORNTON, HORACE (son of Ezra Thornton and Harriet Goodrich of Hinsdale, Cattaraugus county, N. Y.). Born May 7, 1822, Hinsdale. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron Johnson company. Married Elizabeth Wimmer March 17, 1851, Ogden, Utah (daughter of John Wimmer and Elizabeth Hendricks of Indiana, pioneers 1850, Stephen Markham company). She was born in 1831 in Indiana. Family resided at Spring- ville and Parowan, Utah. Member 20th quorum seventies and president of 69th quorum. Worked in Manti and St. George temples. Miller. THORNTON, OLIVER (son of Joseph Thornton and Lucretia Calkins of Pickering, Lower Canada and later of New York). Born Sept. 6, 1806, in Canada. Came to Utah 1852, John Wimmer company. Married Mary Griswold In 1827, at Pickering, Canada (daughter of Amos Griswold and Eleanor Stotts of Picker- ing, Canada, and American Fork, Utah, pioneers 1852). Their children: Lydia Meacham b. Oct. 19, 1830. m. Ed- mund Butler; m. Joshua Adams; Amos Griswold b. Dec. 30, 1832. m. Mary Whittaker; Thomas Ephraim, m. Pris- cilla Covington; Edward Hotchkiss b. 1836; Alice b. Sept. 28, 1839, m. Stephen Mott; Applos Griswold b. 1841; Eleanor b. 1843, and Mary b. Oct. 7, 1845, latter three died in child- hood; Oliver Evans b. May 12, 1848, m. Emeretta Davis Phillips (b. Nov. 19, 1850); Joseph Smith b. June 29, 1850, m. Lecy Christensen; Nathan M. b. Nov. 28, 1855, m. Sarah Singleton; Edmund B. Family home American Fork, Utah. High priest. Early settler to American Fork. Member city council. Farmer. Died Jan. 21, 1891, American Fork. THORNTON, AMOS G. (son of Oliver Thornton and Mary Griswold). Born Dec. 30, 1832, Pickering, Ontario county, Canada. Married Mary Whittaker Dec. 18, 1856, Cedar City, Utah (daughter of James Whittaker and Rachel Taylor of Cedar City pioneers 1852). She was born Nov. 18, 1838. Their children: Mary Alice b. July 29, 1858; Amos Whittaker b Oct. 10, 1860; Lydia Meacham b. Aug. 22, 1862, m. James G' Knell; Oliver Griswold b. Nov. 15, 1864; Rachel G. b. April 6, 1867; Ellen Lunt b. Feb. 18, 1870, m. J. Granville Pace; Sarah May b. May 1, 1873, m. Joseph D. Cox, Jr.; Hattie Maria b. Dec. 2, 1875, m. William J. Snow; James Whittaker b. Dec. 9, 1883, m. Matilda Grace Green; m. Nellie Schofleld Family home Pinto, Utah. Married Charity Butler (Wallace) 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Butler and Caroline Skeen of Spanish Fork, Utah pioneers 1852). Their children: John L. b. Aug. 3, 1863, died; James Apollos b. Dec. 23, 1864; Amos; Edmund T. b. Jan. 8, 1867, m. Jennie Cox Sept. 22, 1896; Lydia Adeline b. Jan 19, 1870, m. Hezekiah E. Duffln Sept 22, 1896; Artimesia b. Oct. 6, 1871; Taylor Butler b. March 3, 1873. Family home Pinto, Utah. Called to southern Utah 1854. Presiding elder of Pinto ward several years. Veteran Walker Indian war. Died April 5, 1901. Charity Butler was the widow of Mr. Wallace. The two children of her first marriage were: Caroline M., m. Dag- bert Whipple; Hamilton Monroe, m. Jane Stapley. THORNTON, OLIVER EVANS (son of Oliver Thornton and Mary Griswold). Born May 12, 1848, Des Moines, Iowa. Came to Utah 1852, John Wimmer company. Married Emeretta Davis Phillips Feb. 15, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Richard Phillips and Margaret Lucker of Toms River, N. J.; pioneers 1861, Captain Martindale com- pany). She was born Dec. 25, 1854. Their children: Oliver S. b. Oct. 29, 1873, d. infant; .Richard A. b. Feb. 6, 1875, d. Infant; Retty May b. May 25, 1877, m. Thomas J. Crook- ston; Ira John b. Sept. 30, 1879, m. Belle Norton; Alice Menety b. Oct. 15, 1882, m. George Holman; Evy Elzety b. Dec. 15, 1884, m. Thomas Wilson; Mary Delcia b. Sept. 17, 1887, d. infant; Edmund Owen b. Dec. 14, 1888, m. Alice Peterson; Silvia Ann b. Sept. 5, 1893. Assisted in building the first canal across Provo Bench; assisted in building the first telegraph line; worked on U. P. R. R. Member elders quorum. Farmer, fisherman and orchardist. THORTJP, HERMAN AUGUST (son of Christian Larsen Thorup and Johanne Catrine Holm of Copenhagen, Den- mark). Born Aug. 11, 1826, Copenhagen. Came to Utah Aug. 8, 1869. Married Marie Christine Christensen Feb. 25, 1848, Copen- hagen (daughter of Christen Hansen and Ellen Kirstine Hansen of Myrup Gaard, Sjelland, Denmark). She was born Sept. 19, 1824. Their children: Herman F. F., m. Sophie G. Johnson; m. Annie C. Anderson; m. Jensine Jen- sen; Laura E. E., d. child; Laura A. M., m. Niels Rasmusson; John Theobald, m. Johanne Caroline Osterman, m. Hansine Engeiine Andrea Berg; Christine V., m. Niels Rasmusson; Maria, d. child; Hyrum E., m. Nette Nelsen; Joseph, m. Clara Romney. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. Carpenter and joiner. Died Aug. 20, 1907, Salt Lake City. THORUP, HERMAN F. F. (son of Herman August Thorup and Marie Christine Christensen). Born April 19, 1849, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Married Sophie G. Johnson May 28, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of G. Johnson of Sweden). She was born Dec. 12, 1847. Their children: Maria J. b. July 10, 1873, Albert M. b. Nov. 5, 1874, Christine b. July 1876, and Sophie C. b. Sept. 16, 1878, all four died. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Annie C. Anderson Sept. 29, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Anders Rasmusson and Anne Petersen of Den- mark). She was born Dec. 16, 1867. Their children: Annie C. b. Sept. 18, 1882, d. child; Herman F. b. Feb. 10, 1884, m. Caroline A. Nelsen; Joseph F. b. Nov. 1, 1885; Eliza A. b. Oct. 30, 1887, m. Axel L. Fikstad; William W. b. Jan. 21, 1891, m. Esther Norberg. Married Jensine Jensen Dec. 21, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Niels Peter Jensen and Bertha Rasmusson of Denmark). She was born July 17, 1861. Their children: Bertha J. b. Nov. 1, 1883, m. William Lindstrom; Anne M. b. Jan. 23, 1885. m. Paul K. Nielson; Emily S. b. April 12, 1886, d. infant; Rebecca E. C. b. Oct. 31, 1887, m. Leonard Mitchell; Nephi F. b. March 31, 1889, d. infant; Nephine M. b. June 14. 1890, m. Andrew W. Rowley; Zina F. A. b. March 19, 1892; Lizzie H. b. March 16, 1894; Henry J. b. March 9, 1896; Law- rence S. b. April 10, 1898; Francis E. b. April 11, 1903; Ger- trude F. b. Nov. 27, 1905. President 138th quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1879-81; home missionary five years; block teacher. Florist and nurseryman. THORUP, JOHN THEOBALD (son of Herman August Thorup and Marie Christine Christensen). Born May 25, 1856, Copenhagen, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Married Johanne Caroline Osterman Aug. 24, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jens Carl Didderick Osterman and Caroline Marie Berg of Grenaa, Denmark, pioneers Sept. 26, 1868, John G. Holman company). She was born Oct. 3, 1858. Their children: John M. b. May 19, 1883, m. Kate Wilson; Caroline M. L. b. May 7, 1886, m. Sanford S. Stevens; Mabel PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1213 E. b. Sept. 24, 1888; Rachel H. b. May 29, 1892; Ruth O. b. Dec. 12, 1894; Martha O. b. Oct. 28, 1897; Naomi O. b. Aug. 2, 1901. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Hansine Engeline Andrea Berg April 11, 1887, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andreas Berg and Hansine Engeline Petersen of Grenaa, Denmark, who came to Utah June 7, 1886). She was born Jan. 18, 1868. Their children: Alvin T. b. Jan. 8, 1888; Franklin A. b. March 24, 1891, d. Infant; Grover A. b. June 11, 1893; Eva B. b. Sept. 4, 1895; Edna B. b. Aug. 14, 1898; Abraham B. b. Sept. 23, 1901; James B. b. May 7, 1906; Lev! B. b. March 2, 1909. Member 16th quorum seventies; missionary to Denmark 1879-81; 2d counselor 1887-97; 1st counselor 1897-1910 to Bishop Joseph Warburton of 1st ward; member high council of Liberty stake 1910 to date; president T. M. M. I. A.; block teacher. Graduate of Brlgham Young University of Provo 1872. School trustee. Vice-president Freeze Mercan- tile Company 1890-1900; manager 13th ward store of Provo 1900-06. Carpenter and builder; general merchant. THURGOOD, THOMAS (son of William Thurgood of Ter- ling, Essex county, Eng.). Born July, 1807, Terling. Came to Utah 1867, William Godbe company. Married Catherine Jenkins 1839 at Terling (daughter of Ephraim Jenkins of Hatfleld, Essex, Eng.). She was born in 1803. Their children: Joseph, d. aged 4; Thomas, d. aged 16; Kate, m. John South; George, m. Elizabeth Ed- wards, m. Mariah Slack; Abraham, m. Annie Frick. Family home. Salt Lake City. Laborer. Died July 1, 1883. THURMAN, SAMUEL, R. (son of William T. Thurman and Margaret Brown of Louisville, Ky.). Born May 6, 1850, Louisville. Came to Utah October, 1870. Married Isabell Karren May 6, 1872, Lehi, Utah (daughter of Thomas Karren and Ann Ratcliff of Liverpool, Eng., pio- neers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Jan. 1, 1856. Their children: Richard B.. m. Elizabeth C. Ayton; Mabel, m. Moses C. Davis; Margaret, m. Dr. Ray Irvine; Lydia C., m. C. W. Reed; William T., m. Pearl Taft; Samuel D., m. Henrietta Young; Victor E., m. Vaughn Christiansen ; Allen G. Family resided Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah. Seventy; missionary to England 1890-92. County attorney for Utah county; mayor of Lehi; member of territorial leg- islature and of both constitutional conventions; assistant U. S. district attorney under last Cleveland administration; one of first Democratic nominees for supreme bench after statehood of Utah. Lawyer. THURMAN, RICHARD B. (son of Samuel R. Thurman and Isabell Karren). Born Nov. 7, 1873, Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. Married Elizabeth C. Ayton Sept. 7, 1898, Laytonsville, Montgomery county, Md. (daughter of James Edward Ayton and Frances Evelyn King of Laytonsville). She was born Aug. 22, 1872. Their children: James Ayton b. Feb. 27, 1900; Samuel Richard b. Oct. 26. 1902; Frances Isabell b. Jan 18, 1906. Family resided Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah. Lawyer. THREI/KELD, JOHN (son of Isaac and Margaret Threlkeld of Carlisle, Cumberland, Eng.). Born March 4, 1814, Carlisle, Eng. Married Elizabeth Barker 1840, Carlisle, Eng. (daughter of John Barker and Margaret Freeland, of Carlisle, latter died on plains, en route to Utah). She was born Dec. 17, 1810, Glasgow, Scotland, and died Dec. 19, 1870, at Carlisle. Their children: Margaret, m. Joel H. Johnson; Thomas; Mary Jane, m. Henry Coleman; Hannah, m. Herbert Harris; Joseph; Sarah Ann, m. Peter O'Brien; Mary Elizabeth, died; John, m. Eliza Davis. Family home Carlisle, Eng. Died 1875, at Carlisle. THURSTON, JAMES (son of Stephen Thurston and Frances Raynor of Rumburgh, Suffolk, Eng., former born about 1770). He was born May 1, 1829, at Rumburgh. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1860, Franklin Brown company. Married Mary Seamons April 6, 1854 (daughter of Henry Seamons and Mary King, pioneers Sept. 9, 1860, Franklin Brown company married January, 1832, in Suffolk, Eng.). She was born March 17, 1833, St. Michaels, Suffolk, Eng., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Hannah b. June 17, 1855, m. Benjamin Hymas Jan. 28, 1869; Mary Castelena b. March 28, 1856, d. July 31, 1856; Sarah Elizabeth b. Oct. 22, 1857, m. John Bake 1877; Stephen b. Aug. 26, 1869, m. Eliza Marietta Hurren April 7, 1884; Edith Mariam b. Sept. 4, 1861, m. Walter Hawks Jan. 1, 1880; Frances Lucy b. Nov. 9, 1863. m. James Balls Jan. 24, 1884; Eliza Marette b. Jan. 14, 1866, m. Benjamin Hymas Nov. 15, 1884; Phebe Ann b. Feb. 23, 1868, m. Suel E. Lamb Dec. 12, 1888; Simpson Benjamin b. March 26, 1870, m. Belle Follett March 26, 1890; Ima b. April 3, 1872, m. Nellie Nelson June 9, 1897; Tracy b. June 22, 1874, m. John Lamb March 5, 1896; Augusta b. March 8, 1878, d. Aug. 29, 1878. Family home Hyde Park, Cache Co., Utah. Married Jane Sinclair Graham Aug. 4, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederic Graham and Elizabeth Swan, pio- neers 1859, Horton D. Haight company married at Wool- wich, Kentshire, Eng.). She was born April 20, 1848, at Woolwich. Their children: George b. Feb. 27, 1869, d. Sept. 9, 1869; Emma b. Dec. 1, 1871, m. Ezra J. Seamons Sept. 24, 1891; Ellen Elizabeth b. March 17, 1877, m. Alma J. Hancey Dec. 16, 1897; Frederic Graham b. May 13, 1881, d. April 24, 1889; Edella Emily b. Oct. 7, 1886, d. Feb. 17, 1888. Families resided Hyde Park. Cache Co., Utah. Watermaster many years. Farmer; stockraiser; hor- ticulturist, being the first in these lines in Hyde Park. Died Dec. 12, 1907. THURSTON, STEPHEN (son of James Thurston and Mary Seamons). Born Aug. 26, 1859, Omaha, Neb. Married Eliza Marietta Hurren April 7, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hurren and Eliza Reeder, pioneers July 15, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company). Their children: Mary Eliza b. Feb. 19, 1885, m. Joseph W. Waite 1903; Dessie b. Feb. 20, 1887, m. Andrew Nyman 1909; Lydia b. Oct. 17, 1889, m. Orvin Nyman 1909; Phebe b. Nov. 25, 1891, m. George F. Ashcroft 1912; Vera and Veda (twins) b. Aug. 8, 1894; Stephen James b. July 11, 1899; Myrle b. Feb. 2, 1903; Wanda b. Dec. 23, 1905. Sunday school teacher; missionary to England 1899-1901. Chairman old folks' committee. Watermaster Hyde Park Canal Company seven years; trustee of same company ten years. Member stake board of education since 1905; mem- ber incorporated town board of Hyde Park. Farmer; stock- raiser. THURSTON, THOMAS JEFFERSON (son of Peter Thurston and Hannah Butler of Granville, Licking Co., Ohio). Born Feb. 12, 1805, Fletcher, Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 6, 1847, Jede- diah M. Grant company. Married Rosetta Bull March 28, 1828, Granville, Ohio (daughter of Smith Bull and Sarah Burr of Manchester, Vt., pioneers Oct. 6, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born April 25, 1809, and died July 29, 1880. Their chil- dren: Harriet Elizabeth b. Jan. 27, 1829, m. William Wash- ington Potter; George Washington b. Nov. 1, 1830, m. Sarah Lucina Snow March 28, 1868; Smith Butler, m. Mary Garn; Sarah Ann, m. Jedediah M. Grant, m. J. F. Snedaker; Hannah Maria; Reuben Johnson; Julia Rosetta, m. Joseph Bates Nobles; Caroline Rozalia, m. John James Fry; Huldah Cor- delia, m. Willard G. Smith; Thomas Jefferson; Peter Frank- lin, m. Mary Ann Spendlove. Family home Centerville, Utah. Married Elizabeth Smith at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Smith and Mary Johnson of Lancaster, Eng.). She was born Feb. 27, 1835, and died in 1899. Their children: Ro- zetta, m. Mr. Bryan; Elizabeth, m. Jedediah Grant Little; John, m. Alice Josephine Little; Clara, m. George Leonard Little; Mary, m. Andrew Laden; William Henry, m. Katie Nemp; Frederick; Jedediah Morgan; Edward; Leah Helen; Rebecca, m. Ephraim Whittier; Leroy, m. Ada J. Anson; Harris, m~. May Peterson. Married Helen Maria Davis (daughter of Eliakim Spooner Davis and Orpha Hopkins of Lowell, Mass.). She was born in 1845; died. Counselor to Bishop Hickenlooper of 6th ward, Salt Lake City, 1847; acting bishop of Morgan county for many years; president high council of Morgan stake. He was sent by Brigham Young on the first exploring expedition in Cache valley in 1848, and later moved to Centerville, where he took up 80 acres of land and engaged in farming. He, together with Charles S. Peterson and their sons, built the first road through Weber canyon, and they were among the first settlers of Weber valley. Moved to St. George. Wil- liam W. Potter, himself and others built the first boat and made the first known trip on Salt Lake, exploring all the islands. The boat was named "Mud Hen." While on the lake they were overtaken by a storm in which they almost lost their lives. He also established the first ferry on Bear river. Farmer. Died May 4, 1885, St. George, Utah. TIBBITTS, BENJAMIN (son of Richard Tibbitts and Mary Sandals of Kidderminster, Worcestershire, Eng.). Born Sept. 8, 1826, at Kidderminster. Immigrated to America in 1848 and came to Utah Sept. 25, 1866, John D. Holladay company. Married Eliza Moody 1852, Thompsonville, Conn, (daughter of Henry Moody of Kidderminster, Eng.). She was born April 21, 1831. Their children: George Henry b. Feb. 25, 1853, m. Dec. 29, 1877; James b. July 22, 1854, d. Feb. 5, 1896; Emeline b. March 16, 1856, m. April 21, 1876; Lorenzo Edwin b. Aug. 7, 1861 (d. Dec. 27, 1911), m. Dec. 2, 1885; Eliza Jane b. Dec. 22, 1867, m. July 21, 1886; Benjamin Richard b. July 27, 1870, m. Dec. 30, 1896; Edgar b. July 16, 1872, m. Oct. 10, 1896; Mira b. Nov. 2, 1874, d. Dec. 17, 1874. Family home Providence, Cache Co., Utah. Ward teacher many years. Farmer. Died March 22, 1902. TIBBITTS, GEORGE HENRY (son of Benjamin Tibbitts and Eliza Moody). Born Feb. 25, 1853, Roxbury, Mass. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Harriet Holt Dec. 29, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Holt and Selina Beston of Salt Lake City). She was born Oct. 6, 1860. Their children: George S. b. Dec. 9, 1878, m. May 20, 1903; Selina b. Jan. 29, 1880, m. Dec. 19, 1900; Ernest H. b. Dec. 8, 1882; Edwin B. b. Feb. 29, 1885, d. June 27, 1906; Marion Benjamin b. Feb. 13, 1887, m. Dec. 13, 1911; Elmer M. b. March 18, 1890; Ira James b. July 11, 1892; Mary Lavern b. July 8, 1896; Frances Veda b. Nov. 21, 1902. Family home Providence, Utah. Member 32d quorum seventies; ward teacher; high priest. School trustee two terms. Farmer. 1214 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH TIDWEIX, JOHN (son of William Tidwell, born in Shelby county, Ky., and Sarah Goben, born in Clay county, Ind., both of Henry county, Ky.). He was born Jan. 14, 1807, in Shelby county, Ky. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1862, captain of his own company. Married Jane Smith Dec. 18, 1828, in Clark county, Ind., who was born June 6, 1812, and died May 20, 1893. Their children: James Harvey, m. Elizabeth Harvey, m. Emma Sanderson; William Nelson, m. Mary Elizabeth Reynolds; Mary Jane, m. Benjamin Johnson; Jefferson, m. Sarah Seely; Lyman and Nancy Ann, died; Martha, m. John Lusk; Mar- geret, m. Albert Zabriskie; Sarah, m. Bent Johnson; John, Jr.; Emma Jane, died; Emeline Mariah, m. Isaac Smith. Member 1st quorum seventies and president of seventies at Provo. Located at Pleasant Grove 1852, and moved to- Mount Pleasant 1859. Built a fort for protection against the Indians. Died Jan. 24, 1887, at Mount Pleasant. TIDWELL, JEFFERSON (son of John Tidwell and Jane Smith). Born Oct. 7, 1835, in Clark county, Ind. Came to Utah 1852 with father. Married Sarah Seely 1869, Mount Pleasant, Utah (daughter of Justus W. Seely and Clarissa Jane Wilcox, pioneers 1847, John Lowry company). She was born April 10, 1844, In Lee Co., Iowa. Their children: William Jefferson b. Oct. 8, 1861, m. Emma Clarissa Jones; Clarissa, died; Sarah Sorena, m. William Alvin Thayn; Frank, m. Eva Rumgue; Hyrum, m. Mary Grundvig; Joseph Randolph b. Oct. 3. 1872; Maranda, m. Samuel Strong; Orange b. Oct. 1876; David A., m. Carlie Clegg; Hannah, m. Albert Barnes; Beatrice, died. Member 101st quorum seventies; bishop of Indianola, San Pete county; presiding elder at Wellington ward; Sunday school superintendent several years. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Early settler at Wellington. Indian war veteran. School trustee. One of the rescuers of the "Frozen" handcart company. Farmer. TIDWELL, WILLIAM JEFFERSON (son of Jefferson Tid- well and Sarah Seely). Born Oct. 8, 1861, Mount Pleasant, Utah. Married Emma Clarissa Jones Dec. 25, 1889, Wellington, Utah (daughter of Jeter E. Jones and Emma Thayn of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1848). She was born Jan. 8, 1874. Their children: William Leroy b. June 7, 1891; Sarah Clarissa b. April 9, 1893; Pearl b. Nov. 24, 1895; Jennie Moranda b. Oct. 14, 1897; John Leslie b. Sept. 8, 1899; Stewart Randaugh b. Dec. 15, 1901; Justus Chesley b. May 16, 1903; Jeter Edward b. June 29, 1905; Joseph Rulon b. May 13, 1907; Ida May b. May 12, 1909; Emma Clarine b. Oct. 12, 1911. Member 101st quorum seventies; Sunday school and ward teacher. Surveyor Emery county 1902-03; assessor Carbon county 1898-99 and 1906-09. Settled at Wellington with father in 1879. Assisted in building Tidwell canal and im- proving country around Wellington. Pioneer school teacher of Carbon county. Graduated June 2, 1882, University of Deseret. TIDWELL, JOSEPH RANDOLPH (son of Jefferson Tidwell and Sarah Seely). Born Oct. 3, 1872, Mount Pleasant, Utah. Settled at Wellington in 1884 with parents, where he assisted in building up country. Helped also to build the Pioneer monument at Mount Pleasant. TIMMS, JOHN W. A. (son of William Timms and Mary Ann Avery of Kingston, Eng., who came to Utah Aug. 16, 1871, Lott Smith company). He was born Jan. 14, 1856. Married Sarah Ann Latimer Jan. 11, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Latimer and Ann Hardy), who was born April, 1857, Salt Lake City. Their children: John H. b. Nov. 22, 1879, d. aged 7V4; Thomas L. b. May 1, 1881, m. Arminta Roberts; Eugene b. May 14, 1883, d. infant; Clarence A. b. Sept. 30, 1885, d. aged 19; William H. b. Feb. 3, 1890, d. aged 17; Sarah b. June 22, 1892, m. Bertrand W. Clayton; Lucile b. Oct. 23, 1896; Robert J. b. Feb. 25, 1899. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. TIDWELI/, THOMAS (son of Absalom Tidwell and Eliza- beth McBride). Born July 8, 1826, in Illinois. Came to Utah July, 1854, with mother. Married Elizabeth Jane Henderson, who was born July 4, 1830. Their children: James Absalom b. July 12, 1848, died; Celestia Annie b. Nov. 18, 1849, m. Mr. Jackson; Eliza- beth Alice b. Dec. 7, 1851, m. Cyrus Foote; Thomas Jasper b. Aug. 12, 1853, died; Mary Adlai b. July 28, 1855, m. Warren Brady; Lenora b. Aug. 22, 1857. m. Matt Boulger; Nancy Elvina b. April 1, 1859, m. Walter Jenkins; Sarah Esther b. Aug. 9, 1861, died; Clara Ethel b. Feb. 12, 1865; Martha Irena b. Nov. 14, 1866; Anna Rosetta b. Dec. 4, 1869. Married Louisa Tyler. Their children: Louanda Jennette, m. D. B. Miller; Thomas Philemon, m. Elizabeth Jenkins; Francis Marlon, m. Teby J. Burdick; Llona Lovette, m. Aldin Burdick, m. C. Mayerfleld; Lola Lucinda, m. Alonzo Smith; Alphretta Williametta, died; David Absalom, m. Sarah Elizabeth Robison; Louise, m. Harry Anderson; Rol- land, m. Lena Phillips; Elizabeth, m. Don Burdick; Lulu Pearl, died; Sarah Jane, m. Grant Farr. Families resided Nephi, Utah. Married Mary Abie Eakle Nov. 23, 1897. American Fork, Utah (daughter of Henry Kennedy Eakle and Mary Jane Johnson of Virginia), who was born Aug. 24, 1858. Their child: Mildred Maria b. Jan. 27, 1900. Family home, Ameri- can Fork. Married Mary Murphy Jan. 4, 1909, American Fork (daugh- ter of William Murphy and Katherine Murphy of Cumber- land, Eng.), who was born May 17, 1879. Their child: Martha Elmira b. Sept. 22, 1910. Died June 17, 1912, American Fork. TIDWELL, DAVID ABSALOM (son of Thomas Tidwell and Louisa Tyler). Born Dec. 23, 1866, Nephi, Utah. Married Sarah Elizabeth Robison in 1888 (daughter of J. N. Robison of Georgia), who was born in 1868. Their children: David Roy b. Dec. 19, 1889; Hazel Elizabeth b. July 11. 1893; Rolland b. Aug. 10, 1895; Robert b. Oct. 10, 1897. Family home Salina, Utah. Farmer. TIMOTHY, JOHN GRIFFITHS (son of David Timothy and Esther Griffiths of Cardiganshire, Wales). Born March 12, 1825, Grigwin, Cardiganshire, Wales. Came to Utah 1862, David Jones company. Married Martha Davis 1853. at Cardigan (daughter of David Davis and Martha Lewis). Their children: David b. March 6, 1854, m. Martha Elvira Hawes; John b. Feb. 18, 1855, m. Emily Hawes, m. Margaret Ann Hall (Price); Joshua b. Aug. 10, 1856, died; Alma Nephi b. Dec. 9, 1857, m. Ellen Mann Sainsbury; Brigham b. June 21, 1859, m. Mary Hannah Sabey; Heber b. April 2, 1861, m. Esther Elizabeth Vernon; Martha b. Aug. "3, 1862, m. Charles Alma Gardener, m. J. P. Rudy; Hyrum b. Oct. 18, 1863, m. Rose Clark; Joseph b. Oct. 2, 1865, m. Lucy Jane Thomas; Mary b. June 23, 1867, died; Eleanor b. Aug. 27, 1868; Jedediah b. March 7, 1870, m. Jane Vilate Wamsley. Died April 18, 1900, Vernal, Utah. TIMOTHY, DAVID (son of John Griffiths Timothy and Martha Davis). Born March 6, 1854, in Wales. Came to Utah with parents. Married Martha Elvira Hawes Oct. 11, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Hawes and Emily Mecham of Provo, Utah, who came to Utah with oxteam company). She was born May 7, 1860, died Jan. 26, 1905. Their children: Mary Pearl b. Sept. 7, 1879, m. Hyrum L. Larson; Martha Mae b. Dec. 30, 1880, m. Andrew Theodore Johnson; Emily b. Dec. 15, 1882, m. Hugh M. Woodward; David John b. Dec. 23, 1884; Alice b. Dec. 20, 1886, m. Thomas R. Todd; Leah b. Sept. 29, 1888, m. Jacob Wilford Bastian; Amber b. Jan. 19, 1890; Lamar b. May 15, 1892; Golden b. March 11, 1894, d. May 7, 1904; Ada Fern b. March 2, 1896; Celestia b. Feb. 18, 1899, d. April 11, 1900; Rulon Lavelle b. Aug. 31, 1901; Lucile b. Jan. 26, 1904, d. July 8, 1904. Family home Jensen, Utah. High priest; ward teacher at Wallsburg. Settled at Jen- sen 1885. Sunday school superintendent 18 years and chorister 26 years. Assisted in developing country around Vernal. School trustee; road supervisor. One of the fore- most in education in Uinta county. TIMOTHY, JOHN (son of John Griffiths Timothy and Martha Davis). Born Feb. 18, 1855, South Wales. Came to Utah with parents. Married Emily Hawes June 27. 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Hawes and Emily Mecham of Provo, Utah). Their children: Emily Myrtle; John William, m. Margaret Ann Price; Mary Elvira, m. James Johnson; Oren Leo, m. Mame Walmsley; Jedediah, d. child; Martha Pearl, m. Thornton Richardson. Married Margaret Ann Hall (Price) May 31, 1899, Maeser, Utah (daughter of Joseph Hall and Margaret Hill of Fair- view, Utah, pioneers 1847; she was also the widow of Daniel Price of Measer, whom she married in 1883, at Fairview, her children by marriage being: Daniel Leroy b. April 2, 1884, m. Martha Allen; Margaret Ann b. Dec. 12, 1885, m. William Timothy; Carolina b. Feb. 5, 1888, m. Wallace Oakes; Rhoda b. Jan. 16, 1890, m. Loren Hatch; Joseph Charles b. March 21, 1892; Absalom b. Feb. 13, 1894). She was born Dec. 2, 1865. Their children: Thomas Earl b. Aug. 3, 1900; Carrie Wilder b. Aug. 26, 1904. Families resided Maeser. Elder. Guard in Black Hawk war. Settled at Heber 1864, and in Ashley Valley 1886. Farmer and stockralser. TIMOTHY, ALMA NEPHI (son of John Griffiths Timothy and Martha Davis). Born Dec. 9, 1857, Tredegar, Mon- mouthshire, Wales. Came to Utah with parents. Married Ellen Maria Sainsbury Oct. 1, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of John Sainsbury and Laura Wiscomb of Spring- ville, Utah), who was born June 22, 1874. Their children: John Alma b. May 7, 1892, d. Infant; Laura b. Oct. 1, 1893; Joshua b. July 25, 1896; LeRoy b.'May 3, 1900; Elmer b. Aug. 13, 1902; Arvllla b. April 18, 1904; Martha b. Sept. 8, 1906; Golden b. Nov. 10, 1908; Owen b. Oct. 8, 1910. Member 97th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1887-89, and to Great Britain 1904-05; home mis- sionary; ward and Sunday school teacher; high priest. School trustee. Coal dealer; miner; proprietor of Timothy coal mine. Settled in Ashley Valley, 1884, where he assisted in building up country. TIMOTHY, HEBER (son of John Griffiths Timothy and Mar- tha Davis). Born April 2, 1861, Swansea, Caermarthenshire, Wales. Came to Utah with parents. Married Esther Elizabeth Vernon May 17, 1890, Vernal, Utah (daughter of William Vernon and Cyntha Moody Cordial of Caswell, Va.), who was born Oct. 20, 1867, Blain, Lawrence county, Ky., and came to Utah in 1889. Their children: Heber Vernon b. Jan. 24, 1891; Louis Andrew b. Oct. 1, 1893; Weston b. July 1, 1896; Parley b. July 8, 1898; Evan b. Aug. 22, 1900; Presley b. Oct. 6, 1902; Mardin b. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1215 June 29, 1904; Esther b. Aug. 13, 1906; Lynne b. March 25, 1909; Telyntha b. Feb. 5. 1912. Family home Roosevelt. Utah. Farmer. TIMOTHY, JOSEPH (son of John G. Griffiths Timothy and Martha Davis). Born Oct. 2, 1865, Heber, Utah. Married Lucy Jane Thomas Feb. 2, 1887, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Joseph Maddlson Thomas and Louisa Arella Houghton of Spanish Fork and Vernal, Utah, pioneers 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born July 23, 1767. Their children: Joseph, Jr., b. Dec. 8, 1887, m. Lillian Wardle; Franklin Wile, m. Nellie Searle; Orin William, m. Nellie Johnston; Maddison Earl; Ethel Jane; Delbert; Bertha; Chloe; Leland. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. High priest; counselor in bishopric of Glines ward; coun- selor in presidency of Y. M. M. I. A. of Glines ward; super- intendent Sunday school Crescent ward 3 years. Moved to Vernal 1885 with parents, where he assisted in building up country. School trustee; constable six years; deputy sheriff 4 years; road supervisor 4 years. Delegate to eleventh National Irrigation Congress. Farmer and stock- raiser. Feb. IE, 1873, and Edward Smith b. Nov. 30, 1874, died; Flo- rence May b. June 15, 1878, m. Alma Berg; Annie S. b. June 14, 1880, died. High priest; block teacher; Sunday school superintendent. Settled in Lehi 1854. Veteran Indian war. Freighter; shoe- maker; farmer. T1MPSO1V, GEORGE WILLIAM (son of William B. Timpson and Elizabeth Fordham Smith of Northamptonshire, Eng., pioneers 1868, Chester Loveland company). Born Sept. 20, 1856, Oundle, Northamptonshire. Came to Utah August, 1868, with parents. Married Sarah Elizabeth Strickland Jan. 1, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alvin B. Strickland of Franklin Co., Ohio, pioneer 1854, and Sarah Boughey Elkin of Staffordshire, Eng pioneer 1854, Captain Fielding company). She was born Dec. 6. 1861, San Pete Co., Utah. Their children: George W. b. Jan. 16, 1884, died; Joseph Elkin b. Jan. 5, 1885, m. Isabel Fitzgerald of San Francisco, Cal.; Leila Celestine b. April 12, 1888, m. Alexander D. Edgar; Moroni Boughey b. July 23, 1890, m. Nora P. Hansen; Ella Louise b. Jan. 16, 1893; Austin LeRoy b. June 30, 1895; Melba b. June 1, 1897; Vera Edora b. Jan. 22, 1901, died. High priest; principal of religion class of 16th ward; mem- ber tabernacle choir 25 years; leader of 16th ward choir nine years. President Western Association of Adult Blind 1912-13. Member Alert Hose Company No. 3 of volunteer flre department, Salt Lake City. Secretary and aided in con- structon of old Utah Southern railroad. Shoe salesman with Z. C. M. I. and other firms 28 years. TINGEY, LEHI (son of John Tingey and Phoebe Stafford of Staffordshire, Eng.). Born July 23, 1852. Married Amelia J. Needham Nov. 1, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Needham and Martha Millens, pioneers 1850). She was born Sept. 11, 1857, Salt Lake City. Their children: Lehi N. b. Oct. 22, 1883, m. Gertrude Smith; Half N. b. Sept. 14, 1885, d. aged 5. Family home. Salt Lake City. TIPPETS, WILLIAM P. (son of John Tippets and Abagall Percy). Born June 26, 1812. Came to Utah 1850, Captain Hunt company. Married Sophia B. Mead Jan. 1, 1842 (daughter of Ezra. Mead and Elizabeth Wilcox, pioneers 1850, Captain Hunt company). She was born July 12, 1812. Their children: Alice Jeanette b. March, 1844, m. Joseph M. Tippets Jan. 1, 1860; Emma Ann b. Jan. 1846, m. William Perry 1867; Mary Ellen b. Dec. 1848, m. Hyrum Tippets; Eliza Abagail b. Jan. 1850, m. Brigham Tippets; Rebecca Moon b. June 2, 1852; Delia Sophia b. March 28, 1854, m. Hyrum S. Dudley March 30, 1874; Caroline Matilda b. Dec. 1856; William Plummer b. 1858; Walter Henry b. March, 1860, m. Maria Stokes 1878. Family home Perry, Utah, of which town he was a pioneer. TITCOMB, JOHN (son of William and Annie Titcomb of Berkshire, Eng.). Born In Berkshire. Came to Utah Sep- tember, 1850, William Wall company. Married Mary Atkins of Berkshire, who was born 1810. Their children: Luke, m. Lydia Jane Tanner; Naomi, m. Philander Bell; John, Jr., m. Susan Walpall; Ruth, m. Pres- ton Free; Mary, m. Preston Free. Family resided Lehi and Cottonwood, Utah. High priest; teacher. Settled at Lehi 1853; moved to Cot- tonwood 1858. Shoemaker; farmer. Died 1858 at Cotton- wood. TITCOMB, LUKE (son of John Titcomb and Mary Atkins). Born March 3, 1832, Berkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 31, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company. Married Lydia Jane Tanner May 26, 1854, Cottonwood, Utah (daughter of John Joshua Tanner and Rebecca Smith of Cottonwood). She was born Nov. 28, 1836. Their chil- dren: Mary Jane b. Dec. 31, 1854, m. Thomas Gray; Joseph Luke b. Jan. 10, 1856, m. Sarah Larsen; Rebecca Maria b. Aug. 29, 1857, m. Thomas Jones; John Francis b. March 1, 1859, died; Naomi Sophie b. Feb. 23, 1863, m. Thomas Powers; Sarah Eunice b. July 6, 1864, m. Lott Russen; Helen Elsie b. July 11, 1866, m. Heber Commer; Mahonrl b. April 6, 1869, m. Susan Mower; Preston Freeman b. Oct. 13, 1870; Llllie Ruth b. May 18, 1871, m. John Jackson; Lydia Louisa b. TODD, THOMAS (son of John Todd and Marian Lorimer of Dumfrieshire, Scotland). Born Jan. 28, 1821, Penpont, Dum- frieshire. Came to Utah 1854, Daniel Gam company. Married Margaret Shankland Jan. 25, 1850, in Dumfrieshire (daughter of James Shankland of Dumfrieshire and Marga- ret Cummings of Thornhill). She was born Nov. 12 1826 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John b. Dec. 1850, d. child; James, d. infant; Thomas, Jr., b. Feb 18 1856, m. Harriet Richardson; Margaret b. Nov. 22, 1858 m. David Nathaniel Murdock; Marian Jane b. March 19 1861 m. John Campbell March 19, 1890; Isabel Ellen b. March 17 1863, m. John Henry Hicken; Sarah Ann b. March 15, 1865, m. John A. Simpson; John Murray, d. child; David Alexander b. Dec. 4, 1868, m. Josephine Moulton. Family resided Salt Lake City and Heber, Utah. President elders quorum; high priest; counselor to Bishops Rasband and Dickes. Veteran Black Hawk and Echo Can- yon wars. Chairman of county commissioners; road super- visor; school trustee. Farmer. Died Oct. 5, 1909, Heber. TODD, THOMAS (s.on of Thomas Todd and Margaret Shank- land). Born Feb. 18, 1856, Salt Lake City. Married Harriet Richardson Dec. 16, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Richardson and Joanna Fothering- ham of Rutherglen, Scotland, pioneers 1862, oxteam com- pany). She was born Dec. 20, 1859. Their children: Hattie May b. Dec. 5, 1881, m. Frank Horrocks; Thomas R. b. Aug. 1, 1883, m. Alice Timothy; Joanna b. Sept. 25, 1885, m John Franklin Watkins; Margaret b. Jan. 23, 1887 d aged 3- Ellen b. Feb. 14, 1890; William Russell b. May 1, 1892- Sarah b. Dec. 12, 1894; Elva b. Nov. 28, 1897, d. aged 4; Florence b Dec. 1, 1900; Francis Squire b. Oct. 12, 1906. Family resided Heber City, Jensen, and RTiosevelt. Utah. Elder; counselor elders quorum; counselor to President Y. M. M. I. A.; secretary Y. M. M. I. A. Secretary Wasatch Irrigation Company; vice-president Burns Bench Irrigation Company. Water commissioner. Farmer; stockraiser. TOLLEY, WILLIAM FISHER (son of Roger Tolley born 1792, and Svrsan Fisher, born 1798, both of Devonshire Eng ). He was born Nov. 23, 1824, South Molton, Devonshire. Ctana to Utah Sept, 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company. Married Sarah Warren Aug. 1, 1848 (daughter of William Warren and Ann Hobbs), who was born June 24, 1825 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Samuel b. June 20, 1849, m. Sarah Jane Plcton; Maria b. Oct. 1, 1851, m. Jabez Nowlin; Emma b. Nov. 12, 1853, m. Joseph Bryan- Charles b. Sept. 28, 1855. d. 1856; Charles William b. Dec 7, 1857, m. Mary Melvina Christenson; George b. Sept. 3, 1860, m. Esther F. Christenson; Sarah Jane b. Feb. 7 1863 m Edward Jones 1881; Elizabeth Ann b. March 27, 1865 m William Jones 1885; Susan b. Sept. 7, 1867, m. John R Downs- Hyrum Warren b. May 10, 1870, m. Bessie Whittaker. Fam- ily home Nephi, Utah. Married Sarah Gadd (daughter of Samuel and Eliza Gadd) who was born Sept. 8, 1850, Cambridge, Eng. Their chil- dren: Samuel b. Nov. 1, 1869; William, died; Lovina E b Jan. 4, 1871, m. Harry Downs; Joseph F. b. May 13, 1873 m Etta Herring; Isaac B. b. Nov. 24, 1875, m. Violet Herring- Louis R. b. Oct. 13, 1877, m. Miss Crowley; Edith b Dec 8 1879, m. William Cook; Alfred C. b. June 10, 1880 died- Albert b. July 4, 1882; Mary L. b. April 6, 1884, m. Christopher Peterson; Leah C. b. April 2, 1886; Eugene b. in 1891- Ruth Amy b. In 1894. High priest; counselor to Bishop Charles Sperry. Judge of Juab county. Farmer; railroad contractor. Died Feb 13 1906, at Nephi. TOLLEY, CHARLES WILLIAM (son of William Fisher Tol- ley and Sarah Warren). Born Dec. 7, 1857, in New York Came to Utah with parentV Married Mary Melvina Christenson May 6, 1880, at Nephi (daughter of Peter Christenson and Maria Dun-stan), who was born Dec. 1, 1862, Moroni, Utah. Their children: Charles Roscoe b. June 17. 1881, m. Sarah S. Sperry; Emma Florence b. Feb. 21. 1883, m. Henry C. Parkins Dec. 12, 1900; Leah Elizabeth b. Jan. 15, 1885, d. Feb. 2, 1885; Katie W. b. Jan. 29, 1886, m. Edward Shephard July 13, 1902; Claud Muril b March 7, 1888; Sarah Maria b. Oct. 30, 1890, m. Evan E. Har- ris; Adelia b. Oct. 15. 1892; Lee Douglas b. Oct. 3, 1894: James Elmer b. Sept. 15. 1896; Ella Dorthier b. Sept. 6, 1898 d Sept. 7, 1902; Loran Burdette b. Jan. 2, 1902; Rex Leland b. Dec. 31, 1903; William Norman b. Oct. 31, 1907, d. Nov 3, 1907. TOLMA1V, JtTDSOSr (son of Nathan Tolman, born Oct. 4, 1788, Waldo Co., Maine, and Sarah Hemett, born March 17, 1789 married in 1812). He was born July 14, 1826, Kennebec Co., Maine. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848. Brigham Young company. Married Sarah L. Holbrook Jan. 12, 1846 (daughter of Joseph Holbrook and Nancy Sampson, former pioneer 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born Jan. 21, 1832, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sarah M b March 28, 1847, d. April 12, 1847; Nancy J. b. Feb. 4, 1848,' 1216 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH m. Wallace W. Willey Oct. 20, 1862; Judson A. b. Feb. 25, 1850, m. Mary A. Howard Dec. 23, 1872; Joseph H. b. July 17, 1861, m. Belle "Wood Feb. 1871; Jaren b. April 18, 1853, m. Emrna Biggs June 1, 1874; Sarah L. b. April 7, 1855, m. Joseph T. Mabey March 13, 1871; Hannah A. b. Aug. 24, 1856, d. Dec. 20, 1862; Lamoni b. March 17, 1858, m. Agness Call Dec. 28, 1880; Charlotte b. Dec. 9, 1859, d. Oct. 20, 1860; Catherine b. Sept. 13, 1861, m. Alma Stuber Oct. 1879; Alice b. Aug. 27, 1863, m. Adam Yancy Oct. 1880; Cyrus b. Feb. 13, 1865, m. Lizzie A. Riley; Wallace b. April 13, 1867, m. Annie Hufflne; Lucretia b. Feb. 1869, d. infant. Family resided Tooele and Bountiful, Utah. Married Sophia Merrell. Their children: Samuel; Esther, m. Perry Sessions June 6, 1891; Nathan; Elna. Married Jane Z. Staker April 5, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Staker and Jane McDonnal, pioneers 1848, Lorenzo Snow company). She was born May 21, 1847, in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Their children: Martha b. Jan. 1, 1870, m. Samuel Thurgood Nov. 27, 1888; Mary J. b. June 24, 1872; Julia b. Aug. 9, 1874, m. Brigham Hartly Oct. 1891; Ella A. b. April 7, 1877, m. George Dihle Aug. 1, 1908; Lilly R. b. Sept. 23, 1879, m. John Robinson Oct. 10, 1900; David R. b. Dec. 5, 1881, m. Maude Baulton June 23, 1909; Alma R. b. Dec. 5, 1881, d. June 5, 1898; Mira A. b. June 19, 1884, m. Alexander Patterson June 10, 1903; Justin b. April 10, 1889. Family resided Tooele and Bountiful, Utah. High priest; patriarch; president high priests' quorum; missionary to Maine 1877. First settler in Tooele county and city. Indian war veteran; member Nauvoo Legion; minuteman. Descendants now number more than five hun- dred. TOLMAN, JUDSON A. (son of Judson Tolman and Sarah L. Holbrook). Born Feb. 25, 1850, Tooele, Utah. Married Mary Ann Howard Dec. 23, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Howard and Ann Shelton, former pio- neer 1863, Rosel Hyde company, latter died on the plains). She was born March 11, 1851, Birmingham, Eng. Their chil- dren: Sarah Ann b. Feb. 15, 1874, m. Fredrick Neils Berge- son; Dora Matilda b. March 12, 1876, m. Nathan Barlow; Mary Emma b. Jan. 10, 1878, m. William H. Garner Nov. 13, 1895; Clara Elizabeth b. Jan. 20, 1880, m. Benjamin D. Jen- sen Nov. 13, 1893; Alice Elnora b. Dec. 12, 1881, m. Peter Anderson Sept. 28, 1898; Charlotte Mary b. Nov. 28, 1883, m. Leonidas S. Mecham Dec. 5, 1900; Judson Adonlram b. Jan. 14, 1886, m. Jennie Call Sept. 3, 1902; Hannah Lucretia b. April 6, 1888, m. Elbert V. Call Aug. 4, 1902; Myrtle Lavern b. May 6, 1891; Howard Milton b. March 3, 1893; Lloyd Wilber b. May 7, 1895. Family home Chesterfield, Idaho. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1868. Moved to Chesterfield, Idaho, 1872; and then to Preston. Second coun- selor in bishopric of Chesterfield ward 1890; ordained bishop of Chesterfield ward Oct. 26, 1891, and served in that capacity 13 years; high councilor five years. TOOMER, JAMES (son of James Toomer and Jane Carpen- ter of Salisbury, Eng.). Born June 8, 1827, Salisbury. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1854, Daniel Garn company. Married Mary Jane Cook March, 1854, Southampton, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Cook and Mary Ann Harris of South- ampton). She was born July 7, 1830. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Aug. 11, 1855, m. Eberezer Crougrh Oct. 11, 1873; James b. Oct. 10, 1857, m. Agness Parker; John Thomas and Joseph William, latter b. March 19, 1861, died; Charles Herbert b. May 10, 1864. m. Maude Richards Jan. 5, 1887; Emeline Eliza b. Sept. 10, 1866, m. Richard R. Fry March 24, 1887; Lydia Ann b. June 10, 1869, m. William T. Passey Aug. 19, 1888; David Richard b. Sept. 20, 1871, m. Eliza Matthews June 21, 1894. Family resided Farmington, Payson and Morgan, Utah, and Lanark, Idaho. Seventy; leader of choir at Morgan. Member Farmington and Morgan brass bands. Captain of police at Morgan 1868-72. Died Jan. 31, 1894. TOONE, JOHBf (son of John Toone and Elizabeth Masters of Leamington, Warwickshire, Eng.). Born March 10, 1813, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1852, Captain Howell company. Married Emma Prosser in 1836 at Leamington, Eng. (daughter of James Prosser and Mary Ann Morgan of Peter- church, Herefordshire, Eng.). She was born April 26, 1819. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. April, 1840, m. John Lyon; William H. b. March 4, 1842, m. Hannah Webb; Charles J. b. March 17, 1844, m. Sarah Augusta Squires; John P. b. Feb. 19, 1854, m. Emma Black. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1854. Played an instrument in the first orchestra in the Salt Lake Theatre. Guard on the pio- neer mail routes. Died Aug. 31, 1893. TOONE, WILLIAM HENRY (son of John Toone and Emma Prosser). Born March 4, 1842, Leamington, Eng. Came to Utah 1861. Married Hannah Webb March 4, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Webb and Sarah Hunt of Lidlington, Cambridgeshire, Eng., pioneers 1869). She was born March 25, 1845, and came to Utah 1863 in the "Dixie" company. Their children: Sarah Emma b. July 9, 1866, m. Marcus Holling; Jessie Georgina b. Aug. 26, 1868, m. Charles E. Con- die; Hannah Elizabeth b. May 11, 1870, m. E. A. Wilde; William Henry b. June 2, 1872, m. Inez Grover; Charles J. b. April 24, 1874, m. Jessie Walker; Nettie b. Aug. 4, 1876, m. George H. Wilde; John Wilford b. Dec. 14, 1878, m. Hattie Grover; George Ernest b. March 28, 1881, m. Bessie Mulhol- land; Lyda Maud b. March 7, 1883; Ida May b. May 1, 1885; James Malvin b. Sept. 13, 1887; Lawrence Webb b. Aug. 30, 1889. Family home Croydon, Utah. Drove teams both to California and to the Missouri river for freight 1861-63. Settled at Morgan, Utah, 1865. Morgan county commissioner 14 years, two of which he acted as chairman. Member of Croydon bishopric 13 years; mission- ary to England 1897; bishop of Croydon ward. U. S. mail carrier to Montana 1864. Sergeant Utah militia. TOONE, CHARLES J. (son of John Toone and Emma Prosser of England). Born March 17, 1844. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Sarah Augusta Squires Oct. 26, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Augustus Squires and Sarah Cat- tlin), who was born March 8, 1848, at Welling, Hereford- shire, Eng. Their children: Charles S. b. Sept. 2, 1866, m. Clara Jones; George H. b. June 4, 1869, m. Mary A. Smith; Augusta Alice b. Jan. 28, 1871, m. Arthur Gilbert; Clara A. b. Nov. 29, 1872, m. John S. Jones; John William b. Feb. 28, 1875, m. Margerite Stone; Clement Freal b. March 29, 1877, m. Ada Rock; Sarah M. C. b. April 8, 1879; Mary Agnes b. March 13, 1881, m. George Stone; Rachel Lovinia b. Aug. 27, 1883, m. John Clayton; Ivy Dora b. Dec. 4, 1887, m. O. G. Brough; Josia Celesti b. Jan. 14, 1899. Family home Morgan, Utah. TOPHAM, JOHJT. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Jane Thornton (daughter of William Thornton of Bedfordshire, Eng., pioneer 1850). Their children: John, m. Elizabeth Baker; William, m. Malinda Balding; Hannah, m. Joseph Clark; Sarah J., m. Joseph Clark; Elizabeth, m. Vincent Shurtliff; Thomas, m. Sarah Carter; Jane and Re- becca, died; Susannah, m. Alma Parker. Family home, Salt Lake City. TORGERSOU, EVAN (son of Torger Evanson of Sigdal, Buskerud amt, Norway). Born August, 1819. Came to Utah 1863, Captain Nebeker company. Married Olena Reiersen, at Sigdal, Norway, who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Gunild, m. John F. F. Dorius; Gurine, m. Leonard G. DeLong; Matilda, m. Mr. Sorenson; Charles Edward, m. Teckla Schaugaard; m. Jane Lettie Williams. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Died August, 1884, Kooshare'm, Utah. TORGERSON, CHARLES EDWARD (son of Evan Torger- son and Olena Reiersen). Born Sept. 18, 1855, Sigdal, Nor- way. Came to Utah with parents. Married Teckla Schaugaard May 25, 1887, St. George, Utah (daughter of Niels Christian and Chrestina Schaugaard of Christiana, Norway; came to Utah 1876). She died 1884. Their children: Clara, Willard and Joseph, died. Married Jane Lettie Williams Jan. 25, , Logan, Utah (daughter of Stephen Williams and Emma Jane Hilyard [Hillard] of Ditchett, Eng., pioneers 1854). She was born Sept. 3, 1866. Their children: Charles Alvin; Iva Olena, m. John Albert Maxfield; Ferry Conrad; Samuel Lavern; Ethen Hull; Leah Orveta; Sheldon Ordell; Edward Vaun; Vada Jane; Orville. Family home Emery, Utah. High priest. Postmaster. Carpenter and builder. TOWIVSEXD, JAMES FOSS (son of Jacob Townsend, born 1782, and Abigail Elden, born August, 1785, both of Buxton, York Co., Maine). He was born Feb. 20, 1808, Buxton. Came to Utah Aug. 12, 1852, John M. Higby company. Married Susan Davis (daughter of John Davis and Han- nah Fletcher), who was born at Saco, Maine, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary Jane b. Aug. 24, 1827, m. Thomas Denton Pitt; James F. b. Aug. 25, 1830, m. Elizabeth John Dunn; Martha A. b. March 2, 1832, m. George W. Lufkin; Susan M. b. June 10, 1834, m. William Sloan. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Murray in England. Seventy; counselor to Bishop Woolley, 13th ward, Salt Lake City. Built the first hotel in Utah, and sold it, 1864. TOWNSEND, JAMES F., JR. (son of James Foss Townsend and Susan Davis). Born Aug. 25, 1830. Married Elizabeth I. Dunn 1851, St. Joseph, Mo. (daughter of John Dunn and Sophia McNeal), who was born in Alabama. Elder. Minuteman in Walker Indian war. Took part in Echo Canyon campaign. Missionary to "Dixie" ten years. TRACY, MOSES (son of Caleb Tracy of Vermont and Susan- nah Colvin, born 1787 in Vermont). He was born April 11, 1810, at Ellisburg, Jefferson county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1850, Thomas Johnson company. Married Nancy N. Alexander July 15, 1832 (daughter of Aaron Alexander and Betsy Johns), who was born May 14, 1816, in Jefferson county, N. Y., and came to Utah with hus- band. Their children: Eli A. b. Nov. 25, 1833, m. Eliza Ann Sprague Dec. 25, 1853; Lachoneus M. b. Oct. 24, 1835, d. child; Moses M. b. 1837, William F. b. 1839, and Theodore F. b. 1842, d. children; Austin W. b. 1845, m. Wilson; Helon PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1217 H. b. 1847, m. Emma Burdett; David S. b. 1850, m. Elizabeth Marriot; Charles A. b. 1862, m. Agnes McLane. Family home Weber Co., Utah. Member first high council of Weber stake. TRACT, ELI A. (son of Moses Tracy and Nancy N. Alex- ander). Born Nov. 25, 1833, in Jefferson county, N. Y. Came to Utah with father. Married Eliza Ann Sprague Dec. 25, 1853, at Ogden, Utah (daughter of Richard D. Sprague and Lousia Rose, pioneers 1849, Captain Clark company). She was born March 12, 1837, In Broome county, N. T. Their children: Eliza Ann b. Feb. 3, 1857, m. Orson Hall 1877; Eli M. b. Jan. 29, 1862, m. Mary E. Homes 1887; Charles A. b. Nov. 26, 1869, d. Nov. 1891; David F. b. Jan. 11, 1879, m. Emma Peterson Dec. 20, 1895. Family home Huntsville, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1891; missionary among the Indians. TRAVELLER, CORNELIUS (son of Thomas Traveller, born 1789, and Jane Moore, born 1787, both at London, Eng.). Born Sept. 29, 1820, at London. Came to Utah Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith company. Married Ann Eliza Atkins 1840, who was born June, 1820, and died at London. Their children: Sarah Ann b. Oct. 19, 1841, m. James Coult; Cornelius John b. Feb. 26, 1844, d. Aug. 1848; Jane Caroline b. Nov. 11, 1846, m. Peter Christen- sen; Mary b. Oct. 1, 1849, d. Feb. 1850; Amy b. Nov. 16, 1851, d. May, 1854. Married Frances Hobbs Dec. 25, 1854, at London (daugh- ter of Joseph Hobbs and Caroline Noyse), who was born March, 1834, in Somersetshire, Eng. Their children: Lor- enzo T. b. Feb. 19, 1856, d. June 25, 1858; Frances Lucy b. Oct. 31, 1857, m. James W. Hendricks Jan. 13, 1876; Frank- lin Hobbs b. Dec. 6, 1859, m. Mary Ann Webb March 15, 1883; Emily Elizabeth b. Nov. 28, 1862, m. W. H. Hendricks Dec. 11, 1878; Walter James b. Feb. 24, 1866, d. Jan. 13, 1867; Reuben Cornelius b. Feb. 7, 1870, m. Maggie Hogan Oct. 16, 1901; Mildred Caroline b. Dec. 25, 1873, m. John C. Olsen Oct. 16, 1895. Settled at Richmond, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. City treasurer and city sexton a number of years. Minute- man. Cabinetmaker. Died Jan. 8, 1904, at Richmond. TRAVELLER, FRANKLIN HOBBS (son of Cornelius Travel- ler and Frances Hobbs). Born Dec. 6, 1859, Philadelphia, Pa. Married Mary Ann Webb March 15, 1883. Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Simon Webb and Elizabeth Rowsell, pioneers, Henry Miller company). She was born Feb. 10, 1864, at Richmond, Utah. Their children: Mary Elva b. Nov. 11, 1884, d. Jan. 13, 1886; Franklin Webb b. Nov. 9, 1886, m. Ada May Peart June 15, 1909; Frances Elizabeth b. May 14, 1889; Lester Elmo b. Oct. 5, 1891, m. Sadonie Plowman Feb. 7, 1912; Harriet Irene b. Dec. 31, 1894; Ariel Cornelius b. Feb. 15, 1903. Family home Richmond, Utah. Ordained high priest Dec. 17, 1905; ward teacher a number of years. TUEHARNE, WILLIAM (son of William Treharne and Ann Richards of Llangendyrn, Caermarthenshire, Wales). Born July 14, 1838, at Llangendyrn. Came to Utah 1852, Captain Green company. Married Ann Hughes March 26, 1864, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hughes and Sarah Jones of Denbighshire, Wales, pioneers September, 1860, John Smith company). She was born April 1, 1845. Their children: Sarah Ann, m. Warren M. Lowry; William H., m. Mary Cooper; John H., m. Anne Chugg; Alice H. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to Wales 1894-96. Veteran Echo Canyon and Indian wars. Died Jan. 27, 1907. TREHARNE, WILLIAM H. (son of William Treharne and Ann Hughes). Born May 3, 1867, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Cooper Nov. 14, 1892, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Samuel Cooper and Catherine Crane of Duniden, New Zealand, who came to Utah 1884). She was born Feb. 20, 1869. Their children: William R. b. Oct. 5. 1893; Alma Cooper b. July 17, 1897; Vera b. Feb. 23, 1900; June b. June 26, 1902; Ina Mary b. April 10, 1906; Glen b. Oct. 8, 1911. Family home, Salt Lake City. Teacher In 15th ward. Foreman with Ashton Bros., con- tractors. TRESEDER, RICHARD D. (son of Richard Treseder and Charlotte Douty of Devonport, Eng.). Born March 1, 1818, at Devonport. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1862, Benjamin Hamp- ton company. Married Elizabeth Mackay (daughter of Thomas Mackay and Elizabeth Holland), who was born Nov. 19, 1812. Their children: Charles M. ; Richard M. ; George; Emma M. ; Ellen; Phoebe Ellen; Charlotte; Elizabeth M.; Maud Mary; Moroni; Emily M.; Frank M. Family home, Salt Lake City. Merchant tailor. Died Sept. 25, 1881. TRESEDER RICHARD M. (son of Richard D. Treseder and Elizabeth Mackay). Born March 9, 1838, Devonport, Eng. Came to Utah 1855, Milo Andrus company. Married Jane Edmunds Dec. . 31, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Edmunds and Marian Carmichael of Glasgow, Scotland, latter pioneer with family Sept. 2, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company). She was born May 15, 1841. Their children: Marian E. b. Oct. 18, 1862, m. William 77 F. Burton; Richard W. b. Jan. 26, 1865, m. Ma Packard: Franklin E. b. Jan. 18, 1869, died one week later; Elizabeth M. b. Sept. 25, 1870, m. Oscar I. Read; Lorenzo D. b. Oct. 20, 1875, m. Anna Mildred Sisk; Albert C. b. Jan. 5, 1882, m. Mary C. Stallings. Family resided Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Member of the first artillery company organized In Utah. Assisted in firing the cannon on the temple block, welcom- ing Governor Cummings, first governor of Utah sent out by the president of the U. S. Contractor. TRESEDER, ALBERT C. (son of Richard M. Treseder and Jane Edmunds). Born Jan. 5, 1882, at Ogden, Utah. Married Mary C. Stallings June 15, 1910, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles A. Stallings and Mary Farrell of Eden Utah), who was born May 4, 1884. Their children: Jenive Lucile b. June 15, 1911; Janet b. June 2, 1912. Family home Ogden, Utah. Sunday school and Mutual Improvement Association worker. Clothing merchant. TRIM, HYRUM PENDLETON (son of John Trim and Mary Pendleton of Belfast, Me.). Born Nov. 16, 1815, in Maine. Came to Utah October, 1861, Captain Hansie company. Married Maria Argent (Goodwin) October, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Argent and Mary Griddley of Somer- setshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 1, 1866, Joseph S. Rawlins com- pany). She was born Oct. 14, 1831, died June 5, 1909. Their children: Solomon Pendleton b. July 25, 1863, m. Lois Ann Workman; Amanda Maria b. Oct. 18, 1865, m. Newell Green; Eunice b. Sept. 22, 1867, m. Samuel Egbert; Lois b. Jan. 3, 1869, d. Aug. 4, 1872; Rosetta b. Oct. 9, 1871, m. Jacob Killian; Israel D. b. Aug. 22, 1876, m. Mattie Greenlee. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest; ward teacher. Justice of peace, Snyderville, Utah, to which place he moved In 1861, to cut timber for court house in Salt Lake City. Died Jan. 25, 1892, Vernal Utah. TRIM, SOLOMON PENDLETON (son of Hyrum Pendleton Trim and Maria Argent [Goodwin]). Born July 25, 1863, Parley's Park, Utah. Married Lois Ann Workman July 16, 1890, Vernal, Utah (daughter of Jacob Reader Workman and Maria Amity Johnstun of Vernal, pioneers 1847). She was born Sept.25, 1873, Snyderville, Utah. Their children: De Los Pendleton b. May 24, 1891; Lois Maria b. Feb. 2, 1893; Gertrude Estella b. Dec. 5, 1894; Virtu Neften b. April 6, 1897; Jerrold Q. b. Aug. 2, 1899, d. Jan. 19, 1900; lona b. Dec. 4, 1900; Phila Phrene b. Dec. 6, 1902; Madge b. Sept. 7, 1904; Ethel Winnie b. June 23, 1906; Alta Eunice b. Dec. 15, 1908; Jacob Solomon b. Oct. 19, 1911, d. same day. Farmer Salt Lake county; moved to Vernal, Utah, 1888, where he engaged in sheep business with his father until 1902. Then engaged in mercantile and undertaking busi- ness, later giving up former but continuing latter. Mem- ber of city council. TRIMBLE, EDWARD (son of Robison Trimble and Mary Jefferson of Gatarigg, Cumberlandshire, Eng.). Born April 2, 1815, Eastwoodside, Cumberlandshire. Came to Utah Octo- ber, 1866. Married Elizabeth Lennox in Cumberlandshire (daughter of William Lennox and Elizabeth Sanderson of Penrith, Eng., pioneers October, 1865). She was born May 9, 1816, at Aikton, Cumberlandshire. Their children: Mary b. May 9, 1839; William b. Oct. 3, 1842; Susan b. Nov. 27, 1843, m. George Finlinson; John b. May 31, 1846, m. Emma Lock; Robison b. March 8, 1849; Jefferson b. Oct. 28, 1851, m. Mag- gie Fortie; Joseph b. June 6. 1854, m. Malissie Davis; Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 28, 1856. Family home Fillmore, Utah. TRIMBLE, JOHN (son of Edward Trimble and Elizabeth Lennox). Born 1846, near Carlisle, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1866, Kimball and Lawrence company. Married Emma Lock (daughter of Joseph Lock and Eliza Tayney, the latter pioneer Sept. 6, 1866, Samuel D. White company). She was born in 1848, Ashwood Bank, Cumber- land, Eng., and came to Utah with mother. Settled at Fillmore 1865. Black Hawk Indian war vet- eran. Worked on U. P. R. R.; also on St. George and Manti temples; assisted in surveying Deseret Telegraph line to St. George, Utah. TRUMBO, JOHN K. (son of Isaac Trumbo and Elizabeth Keithley of Bath county, Ky.). Born Nov. 14, 1821, in Bath county. Came to Utah 1855, John Reese company. Married Mary M. Reese Nov. 29, 1867, Genoa, Utah (daugh- ter of John Reese and Catherine Miles of New York state, pioneers 1849 and 1857, respectively). She was born Oct. 16. 1838. Their children: Isaac, d. aged 61; William M. Ormsby, d. aged 30; John D. Winters; Jacob Wayman, d. aged 26; George; Andrew J.; Howard; Catherine L., m. Edward McGurrin. Family home, Salt Lake City. Auctioneer. Died June 19, 1886, in Bath county, Ky. TUCKER, CHARLES (son of John Tucker ot HIghbray, Devonshire, Eng., born 1806, and Susan Blackmore of Kentis- bury, Devonshire, born 1809). He was born Jan. 14, 1842, at Eastdown, Devonshire. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1863, Peter Nebeker company. Married Betsy Rawle July 23, 1863, at Florence, Neb. 1218 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH (daughter of John Rawle and Nancy Blackmore), who was born July 9, 1832. Family home Morgan, Utah. Married Mary Smith 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of William and Grace Smith), who was born 1832, in England. Family home Milton, Morgan Co., Utah. Married Annie Hardman Dec. 12, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Hardman and Ann Seddon), who was born Aug. 30, 1866, Haydock, Eng. Their children: Ann and Susan (twins) b. June 24, 1886; Charles J. b. July 16, 1889- Janet Pearl b. March 30, 1891; Olive Jane b. April 9, 1893; Moroni James b. Oct. 19, 1898; Harold Nephi b. Dec. 29, 1909. Family home Milton, Morgan Co., Utah. Assisted in building the first stage and mail route through Morgan county, 1865; worked on flrst transcontinental rail- road 1867; answered the call for volunteers to commence the building of St. George temple. One of the presidents of 35th quorum seventies, 1889; filled mission to England, returning In 1901. Agriculturist and horticulturist. TUCKER, SAMUEL STARKEY (son of William Tucker and Elizabeth Starkey of Cannington, Somersetshire, Eng.). Born Oct. 16, 1828, at Cannington. Came to Utah 1860. Married Emma Cotter Sept. 8, 1849, Parish church of St. James Bristol, Eng. (daughter of Adam Cotter and Jemima Pullen of Cannington, Eng.). She was born May 2. 1824. Their children: Emma Elizabeth and Samuel, died; Fanny Amelia, m. W. F. Stoker Aug. 21, 1870; Isabel Martin, m. O L Marsh Jan. 2, 1889; Matilda, died; Jemima Curella, m. Isaac Blair Dec. 25, 1880; Alice Rosena, m. Samuel Blair; William Charles, m. Annie Reed Aug. 20, 1887. Family home Married Elizabeth Burgess Neslen (Wheelock) April 10, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Neslen and Eunice Francis of Lowestoft, Suffolk, Eng., pioneers Sept. 20, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company). She was born June 4, 1835. Their children: Claudia Edith b. Jan. 8, 1872, m. Ernest H. Rich Aug. 1, 1894; George Maurice b. March 7, 1874, m. Minnie Skelton March 7, 1905; Hannah Neslen b. Feb. 4, 1876, m Clarence O. Brunner Aug. 14, 1901; Ray Starkey b. Oct. 11, 1878, and Walter Roy b. May 6, 1881, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 47th quorum seventies. Carpenter. Died Feb. 28, 1893, Salt Lake City. Elizabeth Burgess Neslen was the widow of Cyrus H. Wheelock. Their children: Elizabeth Edna b. March 8, 1858, m. Henry T. Gingell Aug. 5, 1875; Samuel Francis b. Dec. 19, 1859, m. Isabelle Shelton July 29, 1881; Ida Beatrice b. June 15, 1864, m. George J. Suess Nov. 19, 1884. TUCKETT, JOHN (son of Charles Tuckett, born about 1800, Riverton, Devonshire, Eng., and Dunn Tuckett of Devon- shire). Born April 26, 1834, London, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1855, Moses Thurston company. Married Sarah Ann Gee April 7, 1862 (daughter of Noan Gee and Mary Ann Moor married at Philadelphia pioneers October, 1852, Eli B. Kelsey company). She was born Aug. 18, 1844, and came to Utah October, 1852, Eli B. Kelsey com- pany. Their children: Sarah Ann Jane b. June 2, 1863, m. Nicklos Iverson; Caroline b. Sept. 9, 1867, m. B. Y. Johnson; Lelia b. June 8, 1871, m. Oscar Whiting Dec. 4, 1899; John b. Jan. 8, 1874, m. Marian Mendenhall Jan. 8, 1873; Josephine b. Sept. 19, 1876, m. Adelbert Roundy; Charles Noah b. June 27, 1880, m. Evuline Bird; Luella b. March 23, 1884, m. R. G. Smith July 8, 1908. Family home Springville, Utah. Drove three yoke of oxen across plains to Utah. Veteran Echo Canyon war. Hauled timber for first cotton mill in Utah. Indian missionary 1856; bishop; Sunday school super- intendent; presiding teacher fifth district; first counselor to C. Berrie in presidency Y. M. M. I. A.; senior teacher in parents' class. City councilman. 1886; Read b. July 24, 1890, d. infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. Supervisor of streets and public improve- ments; member of Salt Lake City municipal council five terms of two years each. TCFT, HANS N. (son of Niels Hansen Tuft of Jutland, Den- mark). Born September, 1807, Veile, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, John F. Sanders company. Married Ann Tompsen 1840, who was born 1820, in Den- mark, and there died March 21, 1862. Their children: Chris- tine, d. child; Neils Carl, d. in king's service; Thomas; Ole Nielsen b. Dec. 6, 1849, m. Laura Annie Day 1873; Hans Chris- tian b. June 1, 1851, m. Josephine Wicklund 1872; Jacob A. b. March 4, 1854, m. Mary Ellen Kearnes; Christian b. Oct. 1856, m. Emma Birtch 1882; Christiana, d. infant. Family home Gunnison, Utah. Presiding elder at Mayfleld, Utah; high priest. Veteran Black Hawk wars. Farmer. Died 1894, Monroe, Utah. TUFT, OLE NIELSEN (son of Hans N. Tuft and Ann Tomp- sen of Denmark). Born Dec. 6, 1849, Jutland, Denmark. Came to Utah with father. Married Laura Annie Day Jan. 5, 1873, Mt. Pleasant, San Pete Co., Utah (daughter of Abraham Day and Elmira Buckley of Kanesville, Iowa, former pioneer contingent Mor- mon Battalion). She was born June 6, 1853. Their chil- dren: Joseph Alsted b. Nov. 22, 1873, and Annie Elmira b. May 24, 1875, d. children; Laura Estella b. Dec. 7, 1876, m. Hans E. Jensen; Jenette b. June 5, 1878, and Ole William b. March 17, 1880, d. children; Dora Amelia b. Dec. 26, 1881, m. John P. Hansen; Arlington b. Sept. 12, 1883, d. child; Fla- villa Josephine b. July 22, 1884, m. Edgar M. Barton; Bertha b. April 19, 1887, d. infant; Abraham Summers b. April 1, 1889; Hans Albert b. Feb. 9, 1891; Calvin F. b. Feb. 6, 1893; Ivan Ira b. March 7, 1895, and Roy b. Nov. 22, 1896, d. in- fants. Family home Lawrence, Utah. Bishop of Lawrence ward April 30, 1912; Sunday school superintendent 1906-10. Member board of directors of Hunt- ington Canal and Reservoir Association; road supervisor several years; school trustee. Farmer and stockman. TUFT, JACOB A. (son of Hans N. Tuft and Ann Tompsen). Born March 4, 1854, in Denmark. Came to Utah 1863. Married Mary Ellen Kearnes Dec. 31, 1877, Gunnison, Utah (daughter of Hamilton H. Kearnes and Mary Mendenhall), who was born Sept. 23, 1859. Springville, and died. Center- ville, May 14, 1913. Their children: Anna b. Feb. 13, 1879, and Alster F. b. Jan. 15, 1881, died; Mida b. July 15, 1885; Hannah b. Aug. 31, 1888; John W. b. July 19, 1891; Byard K. b. June 8, 1894; Clyde H. b. Jan. 31, 1897; Thomas b. Sept. 16, 1901; Mary E. b. April 8, 1902. Families resided Gunni- son and Centerfield, Utah. Director and president of Gunnison Co-operative Mer- cantile Institution 4 years. County commissioner San Pete county 1896-98. TCDDENHAM, JOHJf (son of Dennis Tuddenham and Amy Durrant). Born Feb. 17, 1811, Gooderstone, Norfolk, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren Snow company. Married Mary Rumbell 1838 (daughter of William Rum- bell and Mary Ann Rolfe), who came to Utah with hus- band, and died Oct. 23, 1899. Their children: Elizabeth Ann b. March 13, 1840, m. George W. Reed 1866; John b. June 23, 1842, d. infant; Mary Ann b. Sept. 19, 1846, m. George Rey- nolds July 22, 1865; William John b. May 27. 1848, m. Mary Ann Read July 22, 1872. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. High priest. Salt Lake stake; missionary to England 1867-69. Contractor and builder. Died April 6, 1885, at Salt Lake City. TUDDENHAM, WILLIAM JOHN (son of John Tuddenham and Mary Rumbell). Born May 27, 1848, London, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Ann Read July 22, 1872 (daughter of John Read and Mary Ann Barnham, pioneers 1866. Captain Thompson company). She was born Sept. 4. 1S50, Cam- bridge, Eng., and came t'^ Utah 1866 with parents. Their children: Mary Evelyn b. May 1, 1873, m. A. B. Needham Sept. 14, 1910; William John b. Feb. 24, 1876. m. Alice M. Calder Oct. 17, 1901; Joseph Rolfe b. June 20, 1879, m. Bertha O. Atkins Jan. 18, 1906; Florence Emma b. Dec. 6, 1883, m. J. E. Langford, Jr., Oct. 14, 1908; John Charles b. Nov. 11, TITRL.EY, THEODORE. Born April 10. 1800. Came to Utah 1849. Married Frances A. Kimberly Nov. 27, 1821, Birmingham, Eng., who was born June 22, 1800, and died Aug. 22, 1848, Florence, Neb. Their children: Theodore b. 1822, d. 1825; Frances Ann b. 1824, d. 1833; Mary Ann b. July 13. 1827 (d. 1904), m. John Cook; Priscilla b. June 1, 1829 (d. 1904), m. Amasa M. Lyman; Frederick b. May 23, 1832, d. 1875; Sarah Elizabeth b. Sept. 24, 1835, m. Stephen Franklin; Isaac b. Nov. 22, 1837, m. Sarah and Clara Dalton; Charlotte b. April 15, 1840 (d. Nov. 1, 1899), m. Jacob Bushman March 2, 1857. Married Sarah Greenwood at Beaver, Utah. Died Aug. 22, 1872, at Beaver. TURNBOW, SAMUEL. Born 1814. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Sophia Hart 1836, in Alabama, who was born 1820. Their children: John G., m. Sarah Elizabeth Horn; Robert Franklin, m. Sarah A. Smith; Adeline, d. aged 13; Sophia, m. William Carter; Milton, m. Mary Mitchell, m. Sophia Carter; Joseph S., d. aged 10; Margaret Ann, m. Moroni Mitchell. Family home, Salt Lake City. Counselor bishopric of 14th ward, Salt Lake City; high priest; block teacher. Farmer. Died August, 1890. TURNBOW, ROBERT FRANKLIN (son of Samuel Turnbow and Sophia Hart). Born Dec. 11, 1840, in Alabama. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1847, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Sarah Ann Smith Dec. 29, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Smith and Martisa Smoot of same place, pioneers Oct. 14, 1850, Wilford Woodruff company). She was born Dec. 14, 1842. Their children: Luella A. b. Nov. 21, 1861, m. Henry S. Harrow; Herme b. Nov. 3, 1863, d. infant; Robert F. b. Dec. 25, 1864, m. Caroline Hackwell; JosepK A. b. March 8, 1866. m. Lenny Lyons; Lillian B. b. Nov. 27, 1868, d. aged 3; Wilford S. b. April 1, 1870, d. aged 2; Parley W. b. Jan. 16, 1872, m. Minnie ; Tersia A. b. Dec. 27, 1874, m. Benjamin Brown; Gertrude A. b. Nov. 3, 1876, m. Alonzo Libbey; Hette P. b. Nov. 23, 1888, m. Roy Thomp- son; LaGrande b. Jan. 16, 1889, m. Mary P. Collett. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; counselor In bishopric of Farmers ward; ward teacher. Teamster. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1219 TURNER, BENJAMIN GODFREY (son of David Turner, born June 3, 1819, at Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng., and Rose Collier, born Jan. 16, 1821, in Yorkshire; married April, 1839). Born Aug. 18, 1855, at Glenham, Dutchess county, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, John R. Murdock company. Married Susan Auld Sept. 25, 1879 (daughter of Emanuel Auld and Elizabeth Uran), who was born April 14, 1857, and came to Utah, handcart company. Their children: Susan Rozella b. July 8, 1877; Marion and Miriam (twins) b. Feb. 6, 1879, d. infants; Benjamin Godfrey b. Dec. 27, 1879, b. Annie White Jan. 6, 1902; Mary Elizabeth b. Dec. 20, 1881, m, Stephen Farnsworth Aug. 1898; Altha -Elnorah b. Nov. 21, 1883, m. Enoch Holt Jan. 14, 1903; Ray Emanuel b. Jan. 28, 1886; Ida b. March 1, 1888, m. Byron Cook March 25, 1908; David Ernest b. Oct. 21, 1891; James Collier b. Dec. 19, 1893; Weltha b. Dec. 16, 1895; Artenca b. Jan. 7, 1899. Family resided Deseret, Holden and Lyman, Utah. Early settler in Mlllard and Wayne counties. High priest; councilor; home missionary TURNER, CHAUNCEY (son of Thomas Turner and Betsy Bishop of New York and Michigan). Born May 19, 1800, In New Hampshire. Came to Utah In 1847, George A. Smith and Orson Pratt company. Married Hanna Franklin Redfleld (daughter of Zina Red- fleld of New York). Their children: Mary Ann, m. Robert Thomas; John Wesley, m. Sarah L. Fausett; Harriet Maria, died; Julia Ann, m. Thaddius Fleming; Charles and Henry Moroni, died. Family home Provo, Utah. Seventy. Farmer. Died September, 1870. TURNER, JOHN WESLEY (son of Chauncey Turner and Hanna Franklin Redfleld). Born Nov. 21, 1832, Avon-on- Hudson, New York. Came to Utah with father. Married Sarah L. Fausett Dec. 1, 1852, at Provo (daughter of William Fausett of Kentucky and Matilda Bucher, of West Virginia, pioneers September, 1851, Rosewell Stevens company). She was born Feb. 15, 1835. Their children: Sarah L. b. Sept. 11, 1854, m. Silas Allred; John Franklin b. Jan. 9, 1856, died; George William b. March 2, 1859, died; Charles Henry b. Aug. 8, 1861, m. Eliza Haws; Laura Ann b. Oct. 22, 1863, m. William M. Roylance; Harriet Maria b. Oct. 10, 1865, m. Alvin Brinton; Clarissa Matilda b. Dec. 2, 1867, m. John Stubbs; Willard Chauncey b. Oct. 15, 1870, and Eugene F. b. June 13, 1873, and Eva Diantha b. April 17, 1876, last three died. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 42nd quorum seventies; missionary to Canada, 1855-57, and Las Vegas, 1857-58. Sheriff of Utah county 16 years, 1884-1900; city marshal; U. S. deputy marshal. Farmer; merchant. Died Jan. 20, 1895. TURNER, JOHN (son of John Turner and Mary Ann New- man of London. Eng.). Born February, 1801, Exeter, Devon- shire, Eng. Came to Utah August, 1861, Homer Duncan company. Married Mary Ann Newman at London, Eng. Their chil- dren: Elizabeth, m. John Gray; Charles; Frederick, m. Elvira Hyde; m. Caroline Deseret Hyde; m. Sarah Ann Car- don. Family resided at Hyde Park, Utah, and Montpelier, Idaho. High priest. One of founders of Montpelier, Idaho. Built first frame house in Logan. Builder and architect. Died 1868, at Montpelier. TURNER, FREDERICK (son of John Turner and Mary Ann Newman). Born Aug. 17, 1847, Camdentown, London, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Elvira Hyde Oct. 6, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Hyde and Sallie Allred of Hyde Park, Utah, pio- neers 1847 with a contingent of the Mormon Battalion). She was born Dec. 31, 1834. Only child: Frederick William b. Sept. 11, 1870, d. aged 1 year. Family home, Logan, Utah. Married Caroline Deseret Hyde (daughter of William Hyde and Sallie Allred, pioneers 1847, contingent Mormon Battalion). She was born May 3, 1855. Their children: Sallie Elvira b. Oct. 16, 1874, d. April 18, 1877; Frederick Hyde b. July 7, 1876; Mary Ann b. Aug. 28, 1878; John Henry b. Jan. 15, 1881; Oliver Charles b. Aug. 24, 1883; Jennie Vera b. May 19, 1885; Simpson Montgomery b. Dec. 20, 1887; Lyman b. Dec. 25, 1889; George Cleveland b. March 8, 1898; Lettie b. March 4, 1895; Grace b. Jan. 18, 1897; Clara Marie b. Oct. 8, 1901. Married Sarah Ann Cardon June 25, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of Paul Cardon and Susannah Gouldin, pioneers 1852). She was born Nov. 30, 1862. Their children: Frank- lin David b. Jan. 24, 1886; Susette b. March 11, 1888, m. Hyrum E. Crockett Sept. 6, 1911; Lucy b. July 12, 1890, m. Charles Jenkins Sept. 18, 1912; Lee Cardon b. Aug. 16, 1897; Marriner Cardon b. Aug. 1, 1902; Laprlel b. Jan. 28, 1908. Family home Logan, Utah. High priest; acting bishop of Logan, sixth ward. Cache county sheriff four years; county commissioner four years;, city councilman at Logan, four years. Manager Implement , Houses at Logan and Ogden, six years. Built Uncle Sam Cleanser factory at Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Brown March 6. 1864, Brighton, Sussex, Eng., who was born June, 1840, and died July, 1864, Ante- lope Springs, Wyo. Married Anne Williams May 6, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Morris Williams and Mary Lloyd, of Caernar- von, Caernarvonshire, Wales. Their child (adopted) : Mabel Juliet b. July 9, 1885, m. E. L. Rottman. Married Joanna Williams May 17, 1912, Salt Lake City (daughter of George M. Williams and Lucy Ball, both of Jo Daviess county, 111.). She was born Oct. 28, 1855. Member of 131st quorum seventies; missionary to Eng- land 1879-81; missionary eastern states 1895. Veteran Black Hawk wars, with Major Bert company. Carpenter and builder. TURPIJT, JESSE (son of James Turpin and Nancy Ann Tal- tum, of Tennessee). He was born June 22, 1816, Stewart county, Tenn. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Jane Smith April 16, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Daniel Smith and Sarah Wooding, of London, Eng., pio- neers Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company). She was born Aug. 15, 1827. Their children: Jesse R., m. Joan Jennetta Litzon, m. Maria Decker; Sarah Jane, m. George Budd April 7, 1872; Nancy Ann, m. Daniel L. Higley. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member seventies; missionary to eastern states 1840, and to West Indies 1852-54. Saddle and harness maker. Died June 22, 1854, near Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. TUTTLE, ELANSON (son of Jeremiah Tuttle and Clarrissa Powell of Upper Canada). Born Sept. 18, 1807, in Matilda township. Upper Canada. Came to Utah fall 1850. Married Mary Ann Taylor Merritt, widow of John Thomas Merritt, June 29, 1861, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Edward Taylor and Mary Tarrant, of London, Eng.; came to Utah 1868). She was born Sept. 9, 1831. Their children: Elanson; Mary Frances, m. Washington H. Kimball; Julia Ann; Reuben M., m. Maria Wixey; Amelia Jane, m. Heber Bouck. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Block teacher. Member Mormon Battalion. Sawmiller. Died Feb. 17, 1879, at Salt Lake City. TUTTLE, LUTHER T. (son of Terry Tuttle and Ellen Mills of New York City). Born Nov. 19, 1852, at New York City. Came to Utah 1863, Captain Crayton freight train. Married Abigail Haws July 18, 1846, near Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of Peter Haws of Montreal, Canada, pio- neer Sept. 9, 1853, Daniel A. Miller company). She was born June 15, 1828. Their child: Louisa, m. Delia Atwood Family home Manti, Utah. Married Lola Ann Haws Jan. 17, 1850, Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of Peter Haws of Montreal, Canada, pioneer Sept. 9, 1853, Daniel A. Miller company). She was born Jan. 11, 1833. Their children: Luther and Charlotte E., d. young; Albert, m. Lucia Cox; Luther T., d. young; Frank P., m. Orlette Cox; John H., d. young; Louis E.; Lola A., m. James B. Tatton; Lily B., m. William Hosford; Ethelfa C., m. Edwin Hosford; Alpheus, d. young. Member 20th quorum seventies; high councilor. Member of Mormon Battalion, leaving Council Bluffs July 20, 1846, for Mexico. Mayor of Manti; member legislature two terms. Merchant; banker. TURNER, WILLIAM W. (son of Benjamin Turner and Eliza- beth Cot, of Lewes, Sussex, Eng.). Born Jan. 22, 1842, at Lewes. Came to Utah Sept. 4, 1864, Kimball and Lawrence freight train company. TUTTLE, NEWTON (son of Zerah P. Tuttle and Maria Todd of North Haven, Conn.). Born April 13, 1825, North Haven. Came to Utah 1854, Captain Grow company. Married Emily A. Stone April 7, 1855, Salt Lake City, Heber C. Kimball performing ceremony (daughter of Amos P. Stone and Amelia Bishop of New Haven, Conn., former pioneer Sept. 30, 1850, Joseph Young company). She was born Jan. 4, 1839. Their children: Emily L., m. David Dille; Rachel A., m. David Briggs; Newton Z.; Edgar A., m. Cynthia E. Jones; Clara M., m. Samuel Smith, m. Henry Bartholomew; Wilford b. March 7. 1867, m. Sarah A. Howard Jan. 23, 1889; Francis, m. Alzina Bateman; Franklin O., d. aged 17; Jesse P., m. Martha Dover, m. Martha Cypher; Horace, m. Han- nah Gifford. Family home East Bountiful, Utah. Member 13th quorum seventies; missionary to Connecti- cut one year; high priest. Blacksmith. Died Feb. 13, 1905. TUTTLE, NEWTON ZERAH (son of Newton Tuttle and Emily A. Stone). Born Dec. 1, 1863, East Bountiful, Utah. TUTTLE, WILFORD (son of Newton Tuttle and Emily A. Stone). Born March 7, 1867. Married Sarah A. Howard Jan. 23, 1889, Logan, Utah (daughter of Thomas Howard and Mary Lowe of Bounti- ful, Utah, pioneers Oct. 7, 1861). She was born Feb. 3, 1871, at Bountiful. Their children: Mary E. H. b. Nov. 21, 1889, m. Lawrence Corbridge; Lucinda H. b. Sept. 6, 1891, m. F. A. Richards; Christa H. b. Sept. 4, 1893; Wilford H. b. Sept. 12, 1896, d. infant; Joseph H. b. Oct. 19, 1896; Flor- ence H. b. Oct. 11, 1898; Fearnley H. b. Oct. 21, 1902, d. in- fant- Eva H. b. Dec. 10, 1903; Thoral H. b. Jan. 3, 1906; Ida H. b. Dec. 9, 1907, d. infant; Lilly H. b. July 14, 1909; Charles H. b. July 8, 1911, d. infant. Family home Bountiful, Utah. President 100th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1899 to 1901; member of the Sunday school union board. City councilman Bountiful 1893 to 1899 and 1911. Market gardener; director of the Market Gardeners Ass'n. Died Dec. 27, 1911. 1220 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH TWELVES, CHARLES (son of Robert Twelves and Ann Williams, both of Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born May 19, 1819, in Lincolnshire. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Mar- tin "frozen" handcart company. Married Ann Elizabeth Henrietta Gunn, May 24, 1841, at Lincolnshire, Eng. (daughter of Samuel Gunn and Elizabeth Bristow of Lincolnshire). She was born April 27, 1820. Their children: Charles, d. on plains; John R., m. Eliza Louella Daniels; Ann E. Henrietta; Orson, m. Sophronia L. Martin; Brigham and Mary Jane, died; Emma Jemima, m. William C. Foote. Family home Provo, Utah. Seventy. Merchant and gardener. Died May 12, .896. TWELVES, ORSON (son ol Charles Twelves and Ann E. H. Gunn). Born Oct. 22, I860, Gasberton, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1866, Edward Martin handcart company. Married Sophronia Lillian Martin Jan. 4, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jesse B. Martin and Sophronia Moore of Scipio, Utah, pioneers July 29, 1847,^pntingent Mormon Battalion). She was born July 4, 53. Their children; Edna Isabelle b. May 2, 1876, m. LogonPaul; m. Iver Law- son; Ida Henrietta b. Sept. 12, 1878; Alice Merinthe b. June 4, 1881; Flora Elizabeth b. Feb. 17, 1884, m. James Creighton Brown; Walter Orson b. Jan. 15, 1886; John Glendon b. Nov. 6. 1889; Louella Sophronia and Leland Jesse (twins) b. Feb. 24, 1891; Rowland Van b. Aug. 9, 1895; Hollis Martin b. March 15, 1897. Elder. Farmer. TWITCHELL, EPHRAIM. Born in Vermont. Came to Utah 1858, Ezra Chase company. Married Malissa Knight. Their children: Anceil (member Mormon Battalion), m. Eliza Hitchcock; Celestia, died; Unis, m. James Puffer; James, m. Margaret Moore and Fannie Manhart; Edwin b. May 23, 1836, m. Vesta Lucetta Bishop; Orrin, m. Elizabeth Smith; Amanda, m. Joseph Hoops; Joshua, m. Elmina Mangum; Sarah, m. William Manhart. Family home Beaver, Utah. Married Sarah Jane Haden at Salt Lake City. She was born at Parowan, Utah. Their children: Maruria, m. John Lott; Sanford; Lorenzo; Ephraim; Rosetta; Delora. Died at Beaver, Utah. TWITCHELL, EDWIN (son of Ephraim Twitchell and Ma- lissa Knight). Born May 23, 1836, in McDonough county, 111. Married Vesta Lucetta Bishop Feb. 24, I860, Fillmore, Utah (daughter of William H. Bishop and Eliza Pratt). She was born May 16, 1843, in Hancock county. 111. Their children: Eliza Juliette b. Nov. 24, 1860, and Edwin b. Jan. 12, 1862, died; Beatrice b. Oct. 24, 1864, m. Willard Heaps Oct. 27, 1880; Adelbert b. Feb. 11, 1866, m. Lucy Cottam Nov. 12, 1890; Monroe b. Dec. 2. 1867, m. Violate Heaps Dec. 24, 1889; William Henry b. Sept. 27, 1870, m. Nancy Open- shaw Sept. 6, 1908; Sarah Elizabeth b. Nov. 27, 1872, m. Nel- son Cottam Nov. 1892; Augustus b. Dec. 8, 1874, m. Eliza- beth Allen Oct. 31, 1896; James Nelson b. July 2, 1878, died; Vesta Lucetta b. Dec. 2. 1876, m. Perry M. Shirts Oct. 9. 1901; Joshua Lafayette b. June 9, 1880; Anceil Knight b. Oct. 24, 1882, died. Missionary to The Muddy, Nev., six years; bishop's coun- selor; also 1st counselor to Bishop A. P. Schow of Escalante for 26 years. Died Sept. 8, 1907, Escalante, Utah. TWITCHELL, ADELBERT (son of Edwin Twttchell and Vesta Lucetta Bishop). Born Feb. 11, 1866, Overton, Lin- coln county, Nev. Married Lucy Ann Cottam Nov. 12, 1890, Manti, Utah (daughter of William Cottam and Eveline Allen). Their children: Ruby b. Aug. 8, 1891, m. Jasper Osborn Sept. 11. 1910; Milton b. Dec. 8, 1895; Leland b. Oct. 6, 1897; Adelbert Monroe b. Feb. 12, 1899; Grant b. Dec. 18, 1901; Blain b. Nov. 6, 1903. Family home Escalante, Utah. Missionary to Samoan Islands. TWITCHELL, WILLIAM B. Born Oct. 1, 1829, at Portland, Maine. Came to Utah 1861. Married Augusta Hawkins March 17, 1864 (daughter of Benjamin Hawkins, pioneer 1848, contingent Mormon Bat- talion, and Rhoda Cleavland). She was born Jan. 9. 1836. in Oneida county, N. Y., and came to Utah 1848, Captain Tanner company. Died June 28, 1879. Their children: William H. b. Jan. 30, 1856, m. Emma Jimmet; Benjamin H. b. Aug. 20, 1856, m. Luela Busenbark; Charles Edward b. June 16, 1859, m. Elizabeth Fannie Simmons; m. Susan Pearl Elmer; Peter; Alice M. b. May 1, 1865, m. Joseph B. Moore; Eli Ezarier b. April 15, 1867, m. Mary Tesmond 1901. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Canada 1857; elder. School teacher. Car- penter. TWITCHELL, CHARLES EDWARD (son of William B. Twitchell and Augusta Hawkins). Born June 16, 1859, at Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Fannie Simmons June 14, 1883, at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Simmons and Eliza Barrie). who was born Dec. 20, 1863, Haywards Heath, Sussex, Eng. Their children: Charles Edward, Jr. b. May 9. 1886; Fred- erick William b. Feb. 13, 1889; Lizzie May b. July 25, 1891; Alice U. b. Sept. 15. 1893; Ester b. Aug. 16, 1896. Married Susan Pearl Elmer June 8, 1906, Logan, Cache Co., Utah (daughter of Charles Jackson Elmer and Susan Katherine Thornton, who were married pec. 31. 1882, Provi- dence. Utah). She was born Dec. 5, 1885, at Neeley. Idaho. Their children: Eli Lavan b. March 27, 1906; Irvan b. April 11, 1908; Libbie b. Nov. 12, 1910. Family home Beaver Dam, Box Elder Co., Utah. Missionary to northwestern states 1898-1900; first coun- selor in Sunday school and ward teacher 14 years; second counselor to Bishop Francillo Durfey 1901; first counselor to Bishop R. A. Johnson 1907. U 1 UALL, DAVID (son of Jesse Udall and Ann Drawbridge of Goudhurst, Kent, Eng.). Born Jan. 18, 1829, at Goud- hurst. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1862, independent company. Married Eliza King Dec. 2, 1850, Hammersmith, London, Eng. (daughter of Charles King and Ann Anderson of Wal- tham, Berkshire, Eng.), who was born Dec. 30, 1826, and died March 15, 1863, at Nephi, Utah. Their children: David King, m. Eliza Luella Stewart, m. Ida Frances Hunt; William Jesse, d. child; Eliza Ann, m. Ammon M. Tenney; Mary Ann, m. William Thomas Stewart; Charles, d. child; Joseph, m. Emma Goldsbrough. Family home Nephi, Juab Co., Utah. Married Elizabeth Rowley April 6, 1867, Salt Lake City, who' was born Dec. 14, 1838, Sucley, Worcestershire, Eng., and died June 24, 1907, Nephi, Utah. Their children: William David and Emily, died; Elizabeth Ann, m. James D. McFar- lane; Sarah Jane, m. William J. Schofleld; Edwin, died; Louisa Melissa (died), m. John Stephen Ostler; Alice, m. John Edghiel; George Albert, m. Maud Stewart; Emma Keturah and Willie Richard, died; Kate Eveline, m. Wil- liam Bailey; Alvin Jewel, m. . Married Eliza Rebecca May July 2, 1864, at Nephi. who was born Oct. 6, 1840, Liverpool, Eng., and died Jan. 7, 1913, Alamo, Nev. Bishop; patriarch; member 49th quorum seventies; mis- sionary to England. Served in Black Hawk war. Farmer. Died Nov. 14, 1910, Nephi, Utah. UDALL, DAVID KING (son of David Udall and Eliza King). Born Sept. 7, 1851, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah with par- ents. Married Eliza Luella Stewart Feb. 1, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Levi Stewart and Margery Wilkerson, pioneers 1848, Brigham Toung company), who was born May 21, 1866. Their children: Pearl b. June 20, 1880; Erma b. Sept. 16, 1882, m. William W. Sherwood; Mary b. July 5. 1884, d. child; Luella b. Jan. 18. 1886, m. Garland H. Pace; David King, Jr. b. May 26, 1888; Levi Stewart b. Jan. 20. 1891; Paul b. Dec. 2, 1894, and Rebecca May b. Sept. 1, 1897, d. chil- dren. Family home St. Johns, Apache county, Ariz. Married Ida Frances Hunt May 24, 1882, St. George, Utah (daughter of John Hunt and Lois Barnes Pratt of Beaver. Utah, pioneers 1847 with others of the Mormon Battalion). She was born March 8, 1858. Their children: Pauline b. March 26, 1886, m. Asahel H. Smith; Grover Cleveland b. Dec. 28, 1887, m. Dora Sherwood; John Hunt b. Aug. 23, 1889, m. Ruth Kimball; Jesse Addison b. June 24, 1893; Gil- bert Douglas b. May 13, 1895; Don Taylor b. July 20, 1897. Member 49th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1875-77; president Y. M. M. I. A.; bishop of St. John's ward: president St. John's stake. Member legislature of Arizona. Farmer. TJDY, JAMES (son of Hart Udy and Ann Birkenshire, both born 1788, at Lanlivery, Cornwall, Eng. married 1807). Born Aug. 16, 1820, Lanlivery. Came to Utah 1852. Married Mary Ann Trengrove, who was born in June, 1820, and died in 1850 at St. Louis, Mo. Their children: William Henry b. 1845; James Jr. b. 1848; John b. 1849. Married Isabella Ann Cowley 1849, Council Bluffs, Iowa (daughter of James Cowley), who was born 1832 on Isle of Man, Eng. Their children: Elizabeth Ann b. November, 1852, m. Edwin Smith; Mathias Cowley b. July 9, 1854, m. Emily R. Hess; Hart b. Aug. 27, 1856, m. Alice Vanfleet; Joseph b. July 4, 1859, m. Annett Smith; Thomas James b. Oct. 13, 1861, m. Rowane Moon; Nephi Royal b. Nov. 14, 1863; Esther Isabella b. April 28, 1865; Mary Alice b. Oct. 8, 1866, m. Joseph L. Hess; Eleanor b. Oct. 18, 1870, m. John T. Hess; George L. C. b. Sept. 28, 1874, m. Evaline Moon. Family home Farmington, Davis Co, Utah. Married Mary Sophia Hansen in March, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of Hans Christian Anderson and Catherine Larsen, former pioneer Oct. 15, 1862, Joseph Home com- pany). She was born Feb. 11, 1842, at Falster, Denmark, and came to Utah with father. Their children: Mary Emelia b. Aug. 3, 1864; Charles Albert b. April 29, 1866, m. Adeline Hess Aug. 16, 1887; Annie b. Feb. 4, 1868; Anea Lorenzo b. Jan. 16. 1870, m. Arenath Edna Potter June 27. 1895; Nancy M. b. Oct. 19, 1872, m. John Garn Nov. 17, 1897; James Henry b. Nov. 9, 1874; Hyrum b. Nov. 25, 1878, m. Rhumina Earl April, 1900; Gertrude b. July 21, 1881, m. Charles Hess Nov. 6, 1901. Family home Farmington. Utah. Helped make first plows, harrows, wagons, threshing machines, etc., manufactured in Utah. Expert blacksmith. UDY, MATHIAS COWLEY (son of James Udy and Isabella Ann Cowley). Born July 9, 1854, Bountiful, Utah. Married Emily R. Hess Jan. 20, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of John W. Hess, pioneer July 29, 1847, Jame* Brown company, and Emily Card). She was born June 26, 1854, Farmington. Utah. Their chilren: Jessie Emily b. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1221 Jan. 3, 1876; Mathias C. Jr. b. Nov. 7, 1877. m. Mary Lessey James Raleigh b. Oct. 10. 1879, m. Lona Sanders' Frank H. b. March 27, 1882, m Ethel Brown; Charlotte b July 19. 1884, m. Henry Secrlst; Julia Irene b. July 17, 1887, m Del- bert E. Wilcox; Hazel Bell b. Oct. 12, 1889; Marvin J. b. Feb. 19, 1892; William Hart b. Sept. 25, 1894. Elder; ward teacher. City councilman Farmlngton, 4 years; deputy sheriff, Davis county, 2 years; superintendent Halght Bench Irrigation company, 10 years; school trustee, Davis county, 15 years. UDT, ANES LORENZO (son of James Udy and Mary Sophia Hansen). Born Jan. 16, 1870, Farmington, Utah. Married Arenath Edna Potter June 27, 1895, at Fielding, Box Elder Co., Utah (daughter of Melvin L. Potter, born Sept. 1, 1850, and Arenath Glover, born Aug. 8, 1852, both of Salt Lake City). She was born Nov. 16, 1872, at Farm- ington. Their children: Melvin Anes b. April 25, 1896; Gardner L. b. Sept. 4, 1898; Clifton James b. Oct. 23, 1901; Eugene S. b. Feb. 15, 1905; Clem E. b. Oct. 8, 1907; Oscar Marvin b. March 2, 1911. Family home Plymouth, Box Elder Co., Utah. Elder; priest; teacher. Farmer and stockraiser. Q. Moss Nov. 25, 1903; Samantha C. b. Oct. 5, 1887; Clarence Cunningham b. May 14, 1890. Married Mary Jane Carson Oct. 17, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Carson and Millie Jane Rawlins of Draper, Utah, pioneers 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company) She was born June 30, 1854. Their children: David Carson b. Jan. 20, 1882; John Alma b. Oct. 29, 1883; Albert Carson b. May 1, 1886. Families resided, Salt Lake City. President 5th elders quorum in Salt Lake stake; member general Sunday school board; high priest; high councilor in Salt Lake stake. School trustee. Married Louisa Stanford Dec. 16, 1885, Salt Lake City (daughter of Stephen Stanford and Louisa Foreman of Logan, Utah, pioneers September, 1862), who was born Dec. 12, 1858, Boston, Mass. Their children: Louisa S b Oct. 29. 1886; Scott S. b. Dec. 2, 1887, died; Albert Ray- mond b. Nov. 3, 1888; Geneva S. b. Jan. 6, 1890, m. Marlon Heaps; Irene S. b. July 10. 1891 Family home. Salt Lake Deputy sheriff of Salt Lake county; police officer of Salt Lake City. Fireman for Inland Salt company of Garfleld Utah. Carpenter; plumber. UNSWORTH, JAMBS (son of William Unsworth, born in Bolton, Lancastershire, Eng., 1816, and Elizabeth Tong, born Aug. 19, 1815, at Bolton married 1834). Born Dec. 25, 1838, Bolton. Came to Utah Sept. 22, 1861, Samuel A. Woolley company. Married Alice Cockshott Aug. 25, 1860, at Bolton (daugh- ter of John and Alice Cockshott), who was born 1840, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Betsy b. June 1, 1861, d. Oct. 18, 1861; Alice b. Dec. 1, 1862, m. Charles Sorenson; Elizabeth Ellen b. Jan. 7, 1866, m. James H. Neilsen; Mary Ann b. Oct. 3, 1867, m. C. F. Olsen; Eva M. b. Feb. 13, 1870, m. Soren Hanson; Ella b. March 1, 1872, m. Albert P. Ellis; Lillian b. March 16, 1874, d. Jan. 31, 1875; James b. Aug. 5, 1875, d. Feb. 19, 1877; William b. Dec. 1, 1880; Maud b. Nov. 1882; Samuel b. March 14, 1886. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Married Wilhelmina A. Orell March 3, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Frederick Orell and Johanna Charlotte Granne, latter pioneer Sept. 29, 1866, Peter Nebeker com- pany married 1851, in Sweden). She was born Feb. 2, 1855, at Norrkoping, Sweden. Their children: Charlotte b. Oct. 11, 1875, d. March 24, 1882; Ida Amanda b. June 27, 1877. d. March 27, 1882; Charles Clarence b. March 7, 1881, m. Agnes Liljenquist; Edna lone b. March 27, 1883, m. Alma Allen; Joseph b. May 1, 1885, m. Josephine Crookston; Bertrand Tong b. June 24, 1893, d. March, 1894; Leon Grand b. April 11. 1895, d. Sept. 1896; Gihon Kenneth b. April 11, 1895; Felicia Hortense b. Dec. 11, 1897, d. Dec. 15, 1901. Ordained high priest 1876; bishop's counselor; missionary to England 1885-87; high counselor In Hyrum stake at Its organization. Pioneer merchant of Hyrum 1867. Man- ager secretary and treasurer of Hyrum Co-op, for twenty- five years. Farmer and merchant. UTLEY, GABRIEL MARION (son of Samuel Utley, born Oct. 28, 1790. and Maria Barry, born Jan. 21, 1812, both of Perry county. Ala.). He was born July 27, 1844, in Perry county. Came to Utah 1852, Captain Wimmer company Married Sophia Minerva Burgess (daughter of Harrison Burgess and Amanda Hammon), who was born in February 1855. Their children: Harrison J. b. 1870; Harriet b 1872 m. William J. Stewart; Mary J. b. 1874, m. Edward Gardner- Gabriel M. b. 1876, m. Verona Gardner 1902; Samuel b 1878 m. Rosetta Bridges 1902; Willard b. 1880. m. Ida Skinner-' Benjamin b. 1882, m. Ella Levie; Amanda b. 1884, m Harry Bairline 1902; John b. 1886, m. Theba Mackey; Ethel . b. !88, m. Ray Hunt; Myrtle b. 1890, m. Debert Robinson 1907; Ray and Roy (twins) b. 1892; Earl Ernest b. 1894; High priest; bishop's counselor Mesquite ward, Lincoln county, Nev. Constable of Pine Valley three years. Settled at Salt Lake City 1852; moved into Nevada, where he labored several years and returning to Utah, settled in "Dixie " Called to help settle the Mesquite, on Virgin River, where he lived three years and then settled at Annabella. Black- smith and farmer. UTLEY, I* J. Born Feb. 1, 1806, Mobile, Ala. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1849, Orson Spencer company. Married Elizabeth Rutlidge. Their children: William J.; Martha Ann; Helen Elizabeth; Margaret Eliza; L. J. Rut- lidge; Sarah Matilda; James Milton; Abraham Gray; Sapphronia Jane; Mary Agnes; Mildred Caroline. Married Deborah White. Their children: Samuel Smith; William H.; Lafayette. URE, JAMES (son of James Ure, born 1791, at Greenock, and Janet McCale, born in 1790 at Bridge of Weir, Scotland). Born June 11, 1817, at Bridge of Weir. Same to Utah Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith company. Married Janet Scott in October, 1845, in Scotland (daughter of James Scott and Catherine Lang), who was born April 18, 1818, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Catherine b. July 4, 1846; James William b. Oct. 31, 1847, m. Lucinda Ann Cunningham June 6, 1868; m. Mary Jane Car- son Oct. 17, 1879; Janet Scott b. May 27, 1850, m. Thomas C. Griggs Feb. 1870; Alma Scott b. Nov. 15, 1851; Albert Scott b. March 31, 1853, m. Louisa Stanford Dec. 16, 1885; John Alexander b. April 6, 1855; Robert Alvin b. Nov. 25. 1859, m. Leonora Bullock Aug. 20, 1884. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Agnes Davis in April, 1856, Salt Lake City, who was born May 15, 1831, at Renton, Dumbartonshire, Scot- land. Married Elizabeth Jones Oct. 17, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Jones and Mary Schill, of Brlmsfleld, Gloucestershire, Eng., pioneers September, 1868), who was born Jan. 6, 1844. Their children: William Jones b. July 21, 1869, m. Ellen Watstenholme; Agnes b. Nov. 4, 1870; Heber Jones b. April 14, 1872, m. Myrtle Pack; James Jones b. Jan. 9, 1876. Family home Kamas, Utah. High priest; missionary to Europe 1856-58 and 1864-67; first counselor in presidency of Tooele stake; patriarch. Veteran Indian war. URE, JAMES WILLIAM (son of James Ure and Janet Scott). Born Oct. 31, 1847, Louth, Lincolnshire, Eng. Married Lucinda Ann Cunningham June 6, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Cunningham and Lucinda Rawlins, pioneers Oct. 13, 1848, Amasa M. Lyman company). She was born March 29, 1852, Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Lucinda Ann b. June 22, 1869, m. W. J. Kemp June 24, 1896; James William Jr. b. March 31, 1872, m. Isabell Ball June 26. 1896; Janet Scott b. July 14, 1874; Andrew Cunningham b. May 7, 1876, m. Eliza A. Burrows June 24, 1896; Clarissa Eustacia b. April 1. 1879, m. John M. Miller March 7. 1900; Isabell Scott b. July 2, 1881, m. Horace E. Garner Oct. 28, 1903; Bertha L. b. Aug. 10, 1884, m. George VALENTINE, AUGUST (son of Wallantine Wallantinson and Engel Margret Kofod). Born Aug. 27, 1837, m. Born- holm, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1853. John Forsgren company. Married Mary Huston in April, 1861, Brigham City (daughter of John and Christina Huston of Iowa; latter came to Utah). She was born July. 1842. Their children- August, Jr. b. 1862, m. Fatlnna Knudson; Mary Ellen, d. aged 16; Carlos Holmes; Bernice, m. Hans Jensen; m. Am- brose Jensen; Clara, m. William Jensen; Christopher Colum- bus, m. Lovina Petersen; Argenta, m. C. Wixum; Winnie, m. Lee Hoist. Family home Brigham City. Married Sophy C. Hansen Egesen 1885, Salt Lake City (daughter of R. Hansen Egesen and Anna Christensen of Copenhagen, Denmark), who was born 1863. Their chil- dren: Leon Augustus b. Jan. 1888, m. Hannah Pett; Florence Elizabeth b. Sept. 1893; Harland Alexander b. Jan. 1895; Holger Alonzo b. April, 1899. Mildred Isabella b. 1903. Seventy; missionary to Denmark 1883-85; bishop. Stock- raiser. VAN BUREN, ANDREW CHENEY (son of Cheney Garrett Van Buren and Lucy Phillips, of Garden Grove, Iowa). Born Feb. 9, 1840, In Missouri. Came to Utah 1853, James Snow company. Married Lovina Emeline Cox Dec. 1, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Frederick Walter Cox and Cordelia Callsta Morley, of Oswego county, N. Y., pioneers Oct. 4, 1852). Their children: Laurett b. Oct. 25, 1867, n). Thomas Full- mer; Arthur A. b. Nov. 13, 1869, m. Ida Taylor; Vernoa b. Oct. 30, 1872, d. Dec. 28, 1885; Chester G. b. March 15. 1875; Kate Leone b. Dec. 6, 1880, m. Charles Killion; Frederick b. Sept. 26, 1883, m. Celia Pendleton; Clyde Vernon b. Feb. 13, 1886, m. Ila Mangum. Family home Orangeville, Utah. Member of city council Mantl eight years; president of Orangeville town board six years. Farmer. 1222 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH VANCE, JOHN (son of James Vance, born Sept. 30, 1761, and Margaret Reno, both of Tennessee). He was born Nov. 8, 1794, in Tennessee. Came to Utah Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company. Married Sarah Perkins Feb. 10, 1817, Jackson (now Put- nam) county, Tenn. (daughter of Ute Perkins and Sarah Gant of Tennessee), who was born Jan. 11, 1801. Their chil- dren: Isaac Y.; Margaret, m. John Lawson; "William P., m. Ann Hidson; m. Hannah Richardson; Nancy Ann, m. William Wordsworth; James; three boys d. childhood; John, Jr., m. Miss Bunting. Married Elizabeth Campbell March 7, 1837, McDonough county, 111. (daughter of Ezekiel and Jane Campbell of Mc- Donough county, former a pioneer Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born Jan. 25, 1800. Their children; Martha Jane b. Sept. 25, 1839, m. William H. Kimball; Mary Elizabeth b. Nov. 2, 1844, m. John Thornton Gilmer; Lehi Moroni, d. child. Family home Salt Lake City. Bishop at Winter Quarters. Assisted in bringing immi- grants to Utah. Counselor to Bishop Perkins of 7th ward, Salt Lake City; high councilor; visiting teacher of 7th ward. School commissioner and justice of peace. Farmer. Died Jan. 24, 1882. VANCE, WILLIAM P. (son of John Vance and Sarah Perkins). Born Oct. 20, 1822, Jackson (now Putnam) county, Tenn. Came to Utah July 22, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Ann Hidson March 10, 1865, who was born March 18, 1837, and came to Utah Oct. 16, 1863, Rosel Hyde com- pany. Died Jan. 28, 1900. Married Hannah Richardson Oct. 19, 1874, who was born June 21, 1855, and came to Utah Oct. 16, 1863, Rosel Hyde company. Their children: Sarah Mahala; Joseph Amo; William Abner; John Moroni; Ann Elizabeth; Lenora, died; A.gnes Minerva. Missionary in the east. Judge of Summit county. VAN COTT, JOHN (son of Losee Van Cott and Lovina Pratt of Canaan, Columbia county, N. T.). Born Sept. 7, 1814, Canaan. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1847. Married Lucy L. Sackett Sept. 15, 1835, in New York (daughter of Calvin P. Sackett and Hannah Douglas of New York), who was born July 17, 1815. Their children: Martha b. Feb. 29, 1838 (d. March, 1908); m. William Price; Lucy b. Dec. 16, 1839, d. Sept. 9, 1843; John Jr. b. Jan. 16, 1842, d. Nov. 16, 1843; Mary b. Feb. 2, 1844 (d. Jan. 5, 1884), m. Brigham Young; Losee b. Aug. 23, 1847, d. March 18, 1851; Fannie b. April 18, 1850, m. A. F. McDonald; Byron b. March 2, 1852, d. Nov. 19, 1853. Married Jemima Morris May 2, 1849, Salt Lake City. Their child: Morris b. March 14, 1851, d. March 16, 1851. Married Caroline Pratt Feb. 2, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Anson Pratt and Sarah Barber). Their chil- dren: Viola, m. Joseph Madson; Oscar M., m. Ida Quayle; Marlon, m. Sarah Gabbott; Edith, m. Ezra T. Palmer; Harold, m. Ella Sheets; Lavina, m. Mr. White; Orson and Anson, d. children. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Laura Lund Feb. 2, 1857, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Lars Peter Lund and Magdalene Qlsen of Copenhagen, Denmark, pioneers 1856). She was born Feb. 27, 1843. Their children: Agnes Lund b. May 9, 1858, d. Jan. 16, 1859; Wal- demar b. Dec. 11, 1859, m. Ella Quayle; Frank Victor b. Aug. 7, 1863, m. Annie Mary Anderson; Lucy May; Roy b. Jan. 12, 1873, d. 1877; Ernest b. Dec. 18, 1875, m. May Siddoway. Fam- ily home. Salt Lake City. Married Lena Erlckson Nov. 22, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of Eric Erickson of Sweden, pioneer 1862). She was born July 17, 1833. Their children: Selma b. Nov. 12, 1863, m. William W. Taylor; Nephi b. Feb. 25, 1865, d. 1865; Albert b. Dec. 25, 1868, m. Margaret South; Enoch b. Jan. 7, 1873, m. Clara Bailey; Olivia b. April 27, 1875, m. Thomas Davis. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1852-53; president Scandinavia, mission 1853-56, also 1859-62; one of the presidents of sev- enties. Member of house of representatives 1864-65; street supervisor. Farmer. Died Feb. 18, 1883, Salt Lake City. VAN COTT, FRANK VICTOR (son of John Van Cott and Laura Lund). Born Aug. 7, 1863, Salt Lake City. Married Annie Mary Anderson Feb. 8, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ole Anderson and Minnie Nellsen of Pleasant Grove, Utah; came to Utah June 29, 1884). She was born Nov. 12, 1882. Their children: Frank Anderson b. Feb. 20, 1906; Helen May b. April 18, 1908; John Waldemar b. June 24, 1911; Byron Le Roy b. July 1, 1913. Ward teacher; missionary to Samoan Islands 1891-94. Their children: William David b. March 2, 1858, m. Martha Ellen Evans; Robert Pixton b. Feb. 26. 1860, m. Eliza Wareing; Charlotte E. b. March 23, 1862, m. Paul F. Shaeffer; McGaw b. Nov. 12, 1864, m. Louisa Howell; Don Carlos b. Jan. 16, 1866, m. Kate Underwood; Lydia b. Nov. 5, 1868, m. Chase L. Ashton; Eugenia b. March 15, 1870, m. Ernest Parish; Louis B. b. Nov. 17, 1872, m. Sophia Beck; Maude b. Nov. 15, 1875, m. William G. Sadler; Alfred O. b. April 18, 1879. m. Vera Hardy. Family resided Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah. Member of seventy. One of the founders of Lehi and Plain City, Utah. Produce merchant. Died Jan. 18, 1901. VAN DYKE, WILLIAM DAVID (son of William Van Dyke and Charlotte Pixton). Born March 2, 1858, Lehi, Utah. Married Martha Ellen Evans Sept. 26. 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Evans and Sarah Twigg of Wales), who was born July 14, 1859. Their children: William David Jr. b. Aug. 17, 1879, m. Leila V. Bingham; Robert W. b. Sept. 26, 1881, d. Oct. 25, 1884; Lawrence A. b. Jan. 11, 1886, m. Alice Dinsdale; Elles N. b. Sept. 20, 1887, m. Ella Jorgensen; Leslie H. b. Jan. 12, 1891; Verna b. April 8, 1893. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1902 and 1904. High coun- cilor in North Weber stake. For twenty-three years was in service of Southern Pacific Railway company, and is now in the employ of John Scowcroft & Sons Co., at Ogden. VAN DYKE, WILLIAM DAVID, JR. (son of William David Van Dyke and Martha Ellen Evans). Born Aug. 17, 1879, Ogden, Utah. Married Leila V. Btngham Sept. 26, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of Willard Bingham, Jr., and Cyntha Shurtlift of Ogden, both born in Utah). She was born Feb. 19, 1881, and died Jan. 6, 1906. Their children: Derrah B. b. May 25, 1901; Arleen b. Oct. 2, 1902, d. Nov. 24, 1902. Married Julia D. Anderson June 27, 1912. Family home Ogden, Utah. Missionary to northern states 1907-09; member high coun- cil of North Weber stake; ordained bishop of Ogden 3d ward Jan. 1, 1911. Deputy county clerk of Weber county 1905-07; auditor of Ogden city 1912-1913. VAN FLEET, ELIAS (son of Lanson Van Fleet and Sylva Chase of Sparta, Livingston county, N. Y.). Born 1839 in Livingston county. Came to Utah October, 1848, Brig- ham Young company. Married Lucy Adams May 10, 1860, Centerville, Utah (daughter of James Adams and Betsy Levitt of Lee county, 111., pioneers 1850, James Allred company). She was born Feb. 4, 1839. Their children: Mary Alice, m. Hart Udy; Ellas Judson; Rosebell, m. Lemuel Rogles; Sylvia, m. C. H. Bourne; Zina, m. R. H. Peck; Jessie; Horace, m. Eva Louise Soul; Lucy. Family home Farmington, Utah. Senior president 74th quorum seventies; missionary to "Dixie" 1870-71. Deputy sheriff of Davis county. Super- intendent Co-op. Davis county. Lieutenant in Black Hawk war. Farmer and stockraiser. VAN DYKE, WILLIAM (son of Nicholas Van Dyke and Lydia Okie of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born Dec. 11, 1830, Philadelphia. Came to Utah, spring of 1849. Married Charlotte Pixton March 6, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Pixton and Elizabeth Cooper of Tay- lorsville, Utah, pioneers 1849). She was born Feb. 8, 1840. VAN LEUVEN, CORNELIOUS. Born Aug. 23, 1805, on shore of Lake Erie near Canadian boundary. Came -to Utah 1852, Captain Wimmer company. Married Lovina Draper (daughter of Thomas Draper), who was born March 6, 1807, and came to Utah with hus- band; died Jan. 14, 1867. Their child: Dunam b. Jan. 13, 1838, m. Anna Hannah Larson. Married Margaret Stuart July, 1867, Sprlngville, Utah. Their children: Marticia, m. Edward Jobnson; Zina, m. George Robinson; Anson, m. Beardell; Catherine, m. Mell Clark. Settled at Sprlngville 1852; moved to Cottonwood 1853, and returned the same year to Springville, where he made his permanent home. Died July 12, 1886. VAN LEUVEN, DUNAM (son of Cornelious Van Leuven and Lovina Draper). Born Jan. 13, 1838, Kirtland, Ohio. Married Anna Hannah Larson Nov. 30, 1864, Springville, Utah (daughter of Andrew Larson and Caroline Andrews, pioneers Sept. 13, 1857, Christian Christiansen company). She was born Nov. 30, 1849, Malmb, Sweden. Their chil- dren: Anna Lovina b. June 20, 1866; Dunam Pulver b. Nov. 20, 1867; m. Hannah Turner; m. Carrie Humphrey; Caro- line Luveria b. March 10, 1870, m. Van Orden Fullmer; Neuman Duveria b. March 10, 1870, m. Ida May Robinson; Dellna Jane b. June 27, 1872, m. Reuben Newell Kendall; Mary Malinda b. March 29, 1875; Andrew Lewis b. Jan. 24, 1876, m. Ida Estell Jackson; Hannah Matilda b. Jan. 6, 1878; Ida May b. July 31, 1879, m. Joseph William Jack- son; Fannie Rosella b. March 10, 1881, m. Albert Newell Kendall, m. Wiliam Kingsford; Rhoda Lucinda b. May 30, 1883, m. John William Russel; Sarah Edith b. Aug. 29, 1885, m. Milton Fullmer; Ralph Cornelious b. Dec. 29, 1887; Seth Alvin b. Oct. 19, 1889. VAN LEUVEN, NEUMAN DUVERIA (son of Dunam Van Leuven and Anna Hannah Larson). Born March 10, 1870, Levan, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1223 Married Ida May Robinson (daughter of James Robinson and Mary Morgan), who was born March 7, 1870, Galveston. Texas. Their children: Grace b. Sept. 8, 1891; Mabel b. May 10, 1893; Silas Emil b. Nov. 3, 1895; Cyrus Elmo b. Sept. 7, 1898; Mattie b. May 23, 1902; Adelbert b. Nov. 22, 1904; Arthur b. March 6, 1907. VAN LEITVEN, RANSOM (son of John Van Leuven and Mary Pulver of North Ogden and St. Thomas, Utah, and Clifton, Idaho). Born April 25, 1810, Gananoque, Ontario, Canada. Came to Utah October, 1852. Married Lucinda Harvey (daughter of Louis Wiswell), who was born Aug. 12, 1813. Their children: Matilda A., m. John C Sperry; Mary L., m. John Clifford; Seth; Lev- eret, m. Janett Wilson; Charles, d. child; Eliza Jane, m. John Merril; William E., m. Julia Lake; Sarah E., m. Wil- liam Bilingsley; Harriet L., m. Orson Henderson; Ransom Carlos, m. Sarah L. Lake. High priest. Farmer. Died Feb. 18. 1899, Lewiston, Utah. VAN LEUVEN. RANSOM CARLOS (son of Ransom Van Leuven and Locinda Harvey). Born Nov. 18, 1858, North Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah L. Lake Oct. 30, 1879, Clifton, Idaho (daugh- ter of Barney and Lucy Jane Lake of Clifton, pioneers). She was born May 3, T&61. Their children: Nellie b. Sept. 17, 1880, m. Jess C. Kent; Etta b. Aug. 12, 1883, m. Jabus M. Harris; Ethel b. March 24, 1885, m. C. O. Henderson; Lois b. March 22, 18S7. m. Alvirus Dustin; Alta b. Dec. 28, 1890, m. Adelbert H. Henderson; Ransom C. b. March 28, 1893; Marvin George b. Aug. 12, 1895; Verna b. April 28, 1898; Herbert b. July 3, 1901. Family home, Clifton. Member of seventies; missionary to southern states 1888- 90; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher; assistant Sunday school superintendent 18-86-7; counselor T. M. M. I. A. Farmer. VAN ORDEN, CHARLES I*, (son of Everett C. Van Orden and Elizabeth Harris). Born May 30, 1880, Lewiston, Utah. Married Rose Tucker Nov. 8, 1900, Morgan, Utah (daugh- ter of James Tucker and Betsy Lerwill of Morgan). She was born June 28, 1878. Their children: Sylvin L. b. Aug. 17, 1901; Betsy O. b. July 9, 1903; Leora M. b. March 13, 1S08; Everett A. b. Aug. 25, 1910. Farmer. Newark, N. J., pioneers 1856, William B. Hodgett com- pany). She was born March 2, 1834. Their children: Eliza b. Dec. 18, 1857, m. T. Eppson; David, Jr., b. Nov. 20, 18GO, m. Avis Bronson; John b. Feb. 13, 1862, m. Eliza Smith; Wilford b. Dec 6, 1863, m Rachel Hofelt; Edwin b. Sept. 19, 1865, m. Alice Bronson; George b. March 5, 1869, ra. Katie Stark; Emily b. Feb. 19, 1871, m. David Murdock; Alma b. Oct. 21, 1872, m. Bertie Gray; Lettie b. June 25, 1874, m. George Bronson; Minnie J. b. Sept. 16, 1878, m. John Benroyd. Family home Provo, Utah. High priest; bishop of Midway 16 years. Selectman and justice of peace; postmaster 35 years. Merchant. Died Sept. 13, 1906. VARLEY, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Varley and Maria Slater of Chesterfield, Eng.). Born June 11, 1837, Sheffield, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1861. Married Mary Ellen McDuff Feb. 24, 1861. at Chesterfield (daughter of John McDuff and Ellen Hancock of England; former pioneer September, 1861, Captain Warren company). She was born April 5, 1840. Their children: William, Jr., b. Dec. 11, 1861, m. Harriet Parkin; John b. Feb. 21, 1864, m. Catherine Durbridge, m. Rillie Wingar; Charles Abra- ham b. May 10, 1866, m. Clara Mantle; Ada Alice b. July 30, 1868, died; Ellen b. June 3, 1871, m. Stephen W. Walker; Marrie b. May 26, 1873; Sarah Jane b. Dec. 3, 1875, died; Thomas b. Nov. 12, 1877, m. Charlotte Driggs; Franklin Malcolm b. Sept. 2, 1879, m. Mabel Edgar; Catherine b. Aug. 16, 1881, m. John Aston. Assistant Sunday school superintendent South Bounti- ful ward; ward teacher. School trustee. Limeburner and quarryman. Died Nov. 23, 1908, Salt Lake City. VARLET, WILLIAM (son of William Varley and Mary Ellen McDuff). Born Dec. 11, 1861, Bountiful, Utah. Married Harriet Parkin Oct. 16, 1886, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of William John Parkin and Eliza Foulds of Bountiful, Utah). She was born April 15, 1867, at Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Eliza Irene b. March 19, 1888, m. William A. Wright; Florence b. Sept. 30, 1889, m. Allen Duke; Sarah Ellen b. Dec. 18, 1890; Ethelene Foulds b. Sept. 17, 1892; Zipporah b. March 31, 1896; Vanza Grace b. March 19, 1899; Lowell Pratt b. July 22, 1903; Beulah b. Nov. 25, 1906. Family home Vineyard, Utah. Sunday school superintendent; bishop's counselor; filled a mission in northwestern states 1903-04. Farmer and dairyman. VAN ORDEN, PETER (son of William Van Orden and Juli* Ann Haight, of New York state). Born Jan. 27, 1830, in Cayuga county, N. T. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Sarah E. McFerson Oct. 10, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Dimon McFerson and Mary Ann Neas of Kays- ville, Utah pioneers, October, 1853, Isaac Allred company). She was born Oct. 20, 1846, died July 20, 1912. Their chil- dren: William R. b. Oct. 30, 1871, m. Eva Lucile Chiley; David H. b. Dec. 31, 1873, m. Martha Waddoups; Sarah Ann b. Feb. 5, 1876; Charlotte A. b. Sept. 29, 1878, m. Nephi N. Rogers; Miriam b. Dec. 4, 1880, m. Christopher F. Burton; Keturah b. March 23, 1883, died Nov. 7, 1887; Abner b. April 28, 1885. Member Nauvoo Legion; worked on Nauvoo Temple; helped to build Winter Quarters; assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1856; first settler at Lewiston. Died Sept. 25, 1911. VAN TASSELL, HENRY (son of John and Sarah Van Tas- sell). Born May 26, 1816, New York City. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company. Married Emily L. Street, who was born Oct. 24, 1821, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: George H. b. Nov. 27, 1840, m. Sarah Frances Bean April 28, 1860; William b. Nov. 4, 1842, m. Amelia Bapp Sept. 1, 1861; James D. b.-May 12, 1845, m. Jane E. Swift Nov. 14, 1867; Frances L. b. June 5, 1849, m. George E. Hill; Annie M. b. April 18, 1852, m. Barnabas L. Adams; Henrietta b. Sept. 29, 1857, m. David Dowding Dec. 8, 1872. VAN WAGENEN, JOHN H. (son of Halma Van Wagrenen and Miss Van Houten of Pompton Plains, N. J.). Born Sept. 1, 1811, Pompton Plains. Came to Utah 1848, oxteam com- pany. Married Eliza Smith at Pompton Plains (daughter of Mr. Smith of Newark, N. J., pioneer 1848, oxteam company). She was born in September, 1815, and came to Utah with hus- band. Their children: David, m. Julia Provost; Mary, m. Alfred Newell. Married Clarissy Tappon at Pompton Plains (daughter of Mr. Tappon of Pompton Plains, pioneer 1848, oxteam com- pany). She was born Nov. 24, 1824. Their children: Eph- raim, m. Catherine Hamilton; John, m. Margarett Tossett; Ann, m. Joseph Bagley; Cyntha, m. Everett Bronson; Clara, m. David Provost; George, m. Eva Bunnell. Families resided Provo, Utah. Member high priests quorum. Millwright; carpenter and Wagonmaker. Died September, 1886. VAN WAGENEN, DAVID (son of John H. Van Wagenen and Eliza Smith). Born July 18, 1836, at Pompton Plains, N. J. Came to Utah 1852, oxteam company. Married Julia Provost March 25. 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Luke Provost and Julia Ann Wheeler of VARNEY, JACOB (son of William Varney and Charlotte Tyso of Horley, Oxfordshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 7, 1831, Horley. Came to Utah September, 1856, Knud Peterson company. Married Caroline Lee in December, 1850, at Banbury, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Lee and Mary Burbage of Ban- bury, pioneers September, 1852, Thomas Howell company). She was born May 3, 1832. Their children: Sarah Amelia b. Sept. 7, 1852, and Isabelle b. Dec. 27, 1853, d. infants; Mary Jane b. Jan. 8, 1856; Caroline Elizabeth b. April 9, 1858, and Jacob William b. Jan. 22, 1861, all three died children; George Alma b. Jan. 4, 1863, m. Elizabeth Chip- man; Ezra Thomas b. May 20, 1865, m. Cynthia Mullner; Harriet Amy b. Aug. 1867, d. child; James b. Oct. 16, 1869, m. Rose Darton; Charlotte Maud b. March 1871 and John Willard b. Oct. 1873, d. children. Married Sarah (Conder) Shelley Oct. 9, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Boyer Shelley and Elizabeth Bray of Claverly, Shropshire, Eng., pioneers 1851, Alfred Car- don company). She was born July 14, 1841, in Shropshire. Families resided American Fork, Utah. Member 44th quorum seventies. Black Hawk war vet- eran. Farmer. V AUDREY, NEPHI (son of Thomas Vaudrey, born April 10, 1827, Macclesfield, and Hannah Bruff of Sandbach, both of Chestershire, Eng.). Born May 9, 1858, Sandbach. Came to Utah 1861. Married Emily F. Crapo Feb. 23, 1887 (daughter of Jona- than C. Crapo and Emily F. Burnham, pioneers married March 20, 1859, Draper, Utah). She was born Sept. 29, 1866. Their children: Corala Hannah b. Oct. 31, 1887, m. F. F. Oviatt Dec. 21, 1908; Anna b. July 24, 1889; Edna b. Jan. 9, 1891; Laura b. Nov. 23, 1892, m. Lionel Parker Dec. 14, 1910; Raymond b. May 25, 1897; Vilda b. March 18, 1901; Elden b. June 17, 1905. Family resided Draper, Utah, and Parker, Idaho. VERNEY, JEREMIAH (son of Nicolas and Sarah Verney of Saco, Maine). Born May 16, 1820. Came to Utah 1852. Married Lydia Phelps, Salt Lake City (daughter of Wil- liam Wines Phelps and Sally Waterman), who was born March 15, 1835, in Clay county, Mo. Their children: James Leroy; Princetta, m. Joseph Elias Hutchins; Annie, m. William Thomas Curtis; Sarah Delilah, m. Edwin John Allen; Lydia, m. Philip Spry; Henry F., m. Kate Case. Laborer. Died 1869. VERNON, FRANCIS. Born July 12, 1813, Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1868. Married Elizabeth Cotrell Jan. 8, 1848. in Derbyshire (daughter of James Cotrell and Martha Taylor, pioneers 1224 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1868). She was born Sept. 22, 1827. Their children: Ann, m. William Davis; Martha, m. George Robinson; Mary, m. John Beard; Jane, m. Thomas Birch; Francis, Jr., m. Phinniah Stewart; James, m. Emma Marie Staker; Joseph, m. Sarah B. Malin; Ellen; Annice, d. Jan. 9, 1895. Family home Rockport, Summit Co., Utah. VERNON, JAMES (son of Francis Vernon and Elizabeth Cotrell of Derbyshire, Eng.). Born April 18, 1862, Derby- shire. Came to Utah with parents. Married Emma Marie Staker Jan. 1, 1886, Rockport, Utah (daughter of William Henry Staker and Sarah Marchant), who was born Dec. 21, 1864, and died Aug. 18, 1908. Their children: James Alvin b. Jan. 16, 1887; Francis b. Feb. 24, 1888, d. Infant; Sarah Edna b. Oct. 17, 1889, m. Frank Mel- vin Judd; Earl b. June 4, 1891; Anice La Prelle b. Sept. 3, 1893; Edward b. Jan. 28, 1895; Nathaniel Lloyd b. Oct. 30. 1896; Richard Lynn b. May 21, 1899; Ray Staker b. Oct. 28, 1902; Paul b. April 10, 1905, d. infant; Lionel Joseph b. Nov. 25, 1907. Married Mary Jane Hodgson Sept. 15, 1910, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Swift Hodgson and Annie Gardi- ner of Yorkshire, Eng.). She was born Sept. 6, 1874. Their children: Agnes Annie, d. infant; Dorothy b. Nov. 18, 1912. President Y. M. M. I. A. of Rockport ward; bishop Rock- port ward. School trustee. Director Wanship, Rockport and Hoytsville Live Stock Co. Lumberman; sheep and cattle raiser. 19, 1903; Eugenie b March 8, 1889; Jessie b. Jan. 28, 1892 m. James Willis; Zalia Louise b. Nov. 20, 1894, m. Augustus M. Brown; Alicia Naomi b. Feb. 6, 1897; Heber Harold b May 31, 1899. Family home Saltm, Idaho. High priest. VERNON, JOSEPH VENOBLES (son of Thomas Vernon of Wlnsford, Chestershire, Eng.). Born Feb. 16, 1806, Wins- ford. Came to Utah Aug. 20, 1852, with President John Taylor, who was returning from the English mission with $12,500 worth of sugar-making machinery. Married Margaret Senior in May, 1829, Liverpool, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Senior and Elizabeth Jackson of Northwlch, Eng.). She was born Oct. 24, 1805. Their children: Christiana Venobles, m. John Fewson Smith; Thomas, died; Eliza Brerton, m. Henry Schutt; John and Edward Venobles, died; Emily Anne, m. John Jackson; Horatio Venobles. Family home Hull, Yorkshire, Eng. Was a very active worker in the church. Left Utah for Honolulu, where he died. VINCENT, DANIEL. Born 1803, Wiltshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1852, Bryant Jolley oxteam company. Married Elizabeth Mills at Cardiff, Wales, who was born In 1800. Their children: Charles, m. Catura ; Harriet. m. Sidney Bailey; Thomas, m. Mary Latreel; Eliza and Ed- ward, died; Daniel, Jr., m. Marian Park. Family home Prove, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died 1887. VINCENT, DANIEL (son of Daniel Vincent and Elizabeth Mills). Born April 11, 1841, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales. Came to Utah with parents. Married Marian Park Feb. 22, 1867, Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of John Park and Louisa Smith of Ontario, Canada, pioneers 1847, Edward Hunter company). She was born April 6, 1845. Their children: Charles Albert b. Oct. 6, 1867, and Louisa Elizabeth b. Sept. 26, 1868, died; Daniel Park b. Feb. 4, 1870, m. Mary Ann Birkin; Agnes Jean b. Jan. 9, 1872, m. Daniel R. Peay; Marian Kate b. Oct. 4, 1878, m. Chris Anderation; Harriet Allie b. Feb. 13, 1885, died. Family home, Provo. Elder; missionary to Arizona 1881-82; ward and block teacher. Veteran Black Hawk war; took part in Echo Canyon trouble. Farmer. VINCENT, JAMES (son of William Vincent, born 1790, Salehouse, Norfolk, Eng., and Mary Arnup, born 1803, Rack- heath, Eng. married 1824). He was born March 7, 1829, Rackheath. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1864, John M. Kay company. Married Mary Holmes in 1850 (daughter of Charles Holmes and Elizabeth Alexander, married 1820, Crostwick, Norfolk, Eng.). She was born June 12, 1829, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Charlotte b. Jan. 27, 1851, m. Stephen Shingleton June 27, 1874; Mary Ann b. Jan. 6, 1853; Sarah b. April 16, 1854; Emma b. May 21, 1856; Matilda b. July 7, 1858; Wlllard James b. March 20, 1864, TO. Eliza Standley Nov. 24, 1886; Elizabeth Ellen b. Aug. 8, 1867, m. Joseph John Crump Nov. 12, 1890; William Charles b. July 14, 1870; Walter Henry b. July 13, 1873. Family home Spanish Fork, Utah. . Settled at Spanish Fork 1864. Veteran Indian war. Farmer. VIRGIN, AMOS MOSES (son of George Thompson Virgin and Mary Ann Barker of Marston Mariton, Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 23, 1854,- Marston. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862, Horton D. Haight company. Married Sarah F. Merkley Sept. 27, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christopher Merkley and Xarissa Fairbanks of Salt Lake City, pioneers 1851, independent company). She was born May 19, 1857, Salt Lake City. Their children: Sarah Frances b. July 22, 1876, m. James F. Shirley; Alice Xarissa b. March 31, 1879, m. Hans C. Hansen; Linda Rose b. Nov. 24, 1880. d. Aug. 6, 1882; Mary Ann b. Oct. 10, 1882, m. Walter B. Muir; George Amos b. Sept. 8, 1885, d. Aug. VORHEES, ELISIIA. Parents lived in Pennsylvania. Born about 1786. Came to Utah 1861, Ezra T. Benson company. Married Nancy Ann Leak of Pennsylvania, who was born Feb. 22, 1799, died Feb. 15, 1891, Manti, Utah. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: William, went'to Cal- ifornia, never heard from; Mary Ann, m. Warren S. Snow; Cornelius, died; Sabra, m. John Tuttle; Elmyra, m. Louis D. Bunce; Isaac, m. Eliza Lewis; Moroni, m. Susan Carter; Margaret, m. James Hardin Whitlock; Matilda, died; Arthur Perry, died; Sarah, m. William Beal; Adallne, m. William George Pettey. Family home Manti, Utah. High priest. Farmer. Died Aug. 10, 1866. w WADDOFPS, THOMAS (son of Thomas Waddoups and Elizabeth Porter of Sowe, near Coventry, Warwickshire, Eng.). Born April 11, 1850. Came to Utah 1866, Horton D. Haight company. Married Mary Call 1874 in Salt Lake City (daughter of Anson Call and Margaretta Clark of Bountiful, Utah). Their children: Thomas Anson, m. Myra Willey; William M., m. Olevia Sessions; Cyral, died; Ezra, m. Ethel Moss; Royal, m. Olive England; Mary, Bertha and Ida Elizabeth, died; Ralph; Omer; Mabel. One of presidents 70th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1883-84; high priest. Farmer. WADDOUPS. THOMAS ANSON (son of Thomas Waddoups and Mary Call). Born Dec. 24, 1875, Bountiful, Utah. Married Myra Willey Feb. 20, 1901, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Parley Pratt Willey and Sarah Jane Pace of Boun- tiful, Utah). She was born 1877. Their children: Clyde A. b. March 2, 1902; Bernice b. Sept. 4, 1903; Irma b. Sept. 4, 1904; Edna b. March 9, 1907. Member 100th quorum seventies; missionary to Hawaiian Islands 1897-1900. President colony at losepa, Tooele Co., Utah, since March 1901. Manager losepa Agriculture and Stock Company. WADE, MOSES. Born in Allegany county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1850, contingent Mormon Battalion, Company C. Married Mary Bundy. Their children: Mary; Sarah Maria, m. James Monroe Elliott; Edward D., m. Belinda Hicken- looper; Minerva, m. William Hlckman. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Mrs. Armstrong at Salt Lake City. Their child: Jane Wade, m. Chaffon. Died 1865, Salt Lake City. WADE, EDWARD D. (son of Moses Wade and Mary Bundy). Born in Allegany county, N. Y. Married Belinda Hickenlooper 1849, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William H. Hickenlooper and Jane Hawkins of Pennsylvania, former pioneer 1847). She was born March 4, 1830, in Pennsylvania. Their children: Edward W. b. Oct. 1850, m. Julia Ellis Dec. 1872; James M. b. Feb. 15, 1852, m. Isabelle Crandall Jan. 24, 1875; Charles F. b. Dec. 8, 1853, m. Sarah Bldwell Dec. 28, 1874; Sarah Jane b. 1855, m. Dennis Quinlan 1878; John A. b. 1857, m. Olive F. Ferrin 1875; Moses A. b. 1859, m. Sarah J. Lyster Dec. 1888; Joseph D. b. 1861, m. Maud Frodsham 1895; Andrew b. 1863, m. LHlie Rose Dec. 14, 1889; George b. 1865, m. Mary A. Bar- nett 1892; Clarence B. b. about 1867, m. Marian Driscoll 1893. Family home North Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Ellen Page (daughter of Daniel and Mary E. Page). Their children: Daniel D.; Mary E.; Henry E.; Isaac; Minerva L.; Lucy; George; Ruth; Jeremiah D. Member Mormon Battalion. Died 1880, Pleasant View, Utah. WADE, JAMES MONROE (son of Edward D. Wade and Be- linda Hickenlooper). Born Feb. 15, 1852, Salt Lake City. Married Isabelle Crnmlall Jan. 24, 1875 (daughter of Myron Crandall and Mary Jane Hurst), who was born Feb. 11, 1858. Their children: Ida S. b. Jan. 23, 1877; Mel- bourne M. b. Dec. 14, 1878; Elsie M. b. Feb. 28, 1881, m. William Wayment Feb 5, 1908; Myron E. b. April 19, 1883; Albert F. b. April 17, 1885; Louie L. b. May 15, 1887; Lester A, b. July 8, 1889; Herbert C. b. Oct. 11, 1891; Hazel F. b. Dec. 8, 1893; Don C. b. Oct. 6, 1895; Ardella Belinda b. Oct. 20, 1897; Vera Crandall b. Sept. 3. 1899: Earl Crandall b. April 9, 1901. Family home Pleasant View. Utah. Married Ellen Stevenson Feb. 14, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of Walter Stevenson and Jane Wickham), who was born May 17, 1861, in England. Their children: Iva b. May 16, 1885, m. Walter Wayment Oct. 1905; Louis James; Alfred. Bishop's counselor Liberty ward 11 years; also bishop's counselor in Warren ward five years. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 122.5 WADE, CHARLES F. (son of Edward D. Wade and Belinda Hickenlooper). Born Dec. 8, 1853, Salt Lake City. Married Sarah Bldwell Dec. 28, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Bidwell and Hannahette Mower), who was born May 23, 1859, North Ogden, Utah. Their children: Anna Elizabeth b. Dec. 1, 1875, d. infant; Charles Ezra b. Oct. 11, 1877, m. Minerva Allred; Hannahette b. March 11, 1880. m. Walter A. Lindsay; Josephine b. May 21, 1882, d. Infant; Adella Belinda b. Nov. 9, 1885, d. infant; Alvin Franklin b. July 1, 1888; Cora Jane b. July 20, 1891, m. Edward Gunderson; Edith Amanda b. March 7, 1894; George b. July 21. 1896, d. infant. Married Mary Gosling Oct. 11, 1904, who was born In Eng- land Oct. 22, 1867. Their children: Nellie Elizabeth b. Sept. 19, 1905; Mary Viola b. Dec. 28, 1906, d. Infant; Sadie Lucille b. Feb. 12, 1910. Bishop of Liberty ward. WADE, CHARLES E. (son of Charles F. Wade and Sarah E. Bidwell). Born Oct. 11, 1877, North Ogden, Utah. Married Minerva Allred Nov. 19, 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Allred and Kate Jones of Lehi, Utah). She was born July 31, 1879. Their children: Kate b. Jan. 13. 1904; Morris Franklin b. Feb. 24, 1906; Hugh Allred b. May 19, 1908; James Wallace b. Oct. 31, 1910; Charles Forest b. Dec. 25, 1912. Family home Lehi, Utah. Member 167th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 1900-01; president Y. M. M. I. A. Liberty ward 1902; ward teacher; choir leader; one of seven presidents seven- ties North Weber stake; Sunday school teacher. Carpenter and contractor. WADLEY, JOSEPH (son of Edward Wadley and Ann Reyn- olds of Newent, Gloucestershire, Eng.). Born Dec. 23, 1830, at Newent. Came to Utah fall 1853. Married Hannah Dorney 1856, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of John Dcurney and Mary Davis; former died In England, latter pioneer 1856, handcart company). She was born Oct. 6, 1830. Their children: Joseph Daniel, m. Rozilla Jane Enniss; Hannah Mary Emily, m. Wlllard B. Enniss. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Emily Dee 1861 at Pleasant Grove, who was born Dec. 9, 1833, Westbury, Gloucestershire, Eng. Missionary to England 1872, again in 1881; high priest. Crossed plains seven times and ocean five times in response to ecclesiastical calls. Farmer and fruitgrower. Died July 28, 1904, Linden, Utah. WAD LET, WILLIAM (son of Edward Wadley and Ann Reynolds of Newent, Gloucestershire, Eng.). Born Oct. 8, 1825. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1853, Vincent Shurtliff company. Married Mary Chandler July, 1354, Salt Lake City (daugh- .ter of William Chandler of Brighton, Eng., pioneer October, 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She was born 1806. No children. Married Isabell McKay April, 1860, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William McKay and Ellen Oman of County Caith- ness, Scotland, pioneers 1859, James Brown company). She was born August, 1842. Their children: David Benjamin; Mary Ellen; William Washington, m. Margaret Ladel; Edward Frarfklin, m. Pearl Halliday; Isaac Joseph, m. Tarset West; Emily Agnes, m. Etrick Miller; Richard David, m. Ellen Olsen; John Emer, m. Martha Bullock; Daniel McKay, in. Nettie Wilson; Jeanett Isabell, m. Wil- ford Warnick; Helena and Thomas, died. Family resided Manila and Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Mary Byard 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Mary Byard of Newent, Gloucestershire, Eng.). Their children: Julia Ann, m. James Allen; Elizabeth, m. Arthur R. Winters; Solomon, died; Nephi, m. Jessie Robert- son; John, died. High priest; missionary to England 1889. Moved to Ogden 1855; pioneer to "Dixie" 1862; called by President Young; released and moved to Pleasant Grove 1872. Farmer and fruitgrower; one of the first to raise fruit in Ogden. WADSWORTH, THOMAS SHORE (son of Jonathan Wads- worth, born 1808, and Ann Shore, born Jan. 11, 1818, both of Halifax, Eng.). He was born Oct. 6, 1838, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1853, David Wilkins company. Married Catherine Moore (daughter of Jacob Moore and Catherine Jarmon, pioneers October, 1864, Captain Ricks company). She was born Oct. 24, 1847. Their children: T. J. b. Oct. 21, 1865, m. Rose Taylor; Lenora b. Sept. 4, 1870, m. John A. Eddington; Martha Jane b. Dec. 18, 1875, m. Thomas Quinn; Edward Morris b. April 5, 1879, m. Lavina Robison; Kate b. April 9, 1881, m. Joseph G. Littlefleld; Luty b. June 24, 1884, m. James C. Clark; Ann b. April 11, 1886, m. Charles Stuart; Primrose b. April 10, 1889, m. Earl C. Ball; Christmas b. Dec. 25, 1890, m. Varsal Ballyntine. Captain of artillery of Nauvoo Legion under General Chauncey W. West 1862; served in Echo Canyon war under Captain Switzler 1857-8. Sheriff of Morgan county in 1890; justice of peace for eight years in Morgan county; juvenile judge of Morgan county since 1907; county court bailiff, since 1908. WAGSTAFF, H. ALBERT (son of William Wagstaff and Jane E. Radford). Born Oct. 31, 1879. Married Susanna Ethel Stillman June 10, 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Stillman and Elizabeth Neff), who was born April 14, 1882, Mill Creek, Utah. Their children: Mary Leona b. June 7, 1909; Albert Stillman b. July 6, 1910; Elizabeth b. April 10. 1912. WAGSTAFF, WILLIAM (son of Isaac Wagstaff and Mary Gillions of Caldicote, Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born July 13, 1809, at Caldicote. Came to Utah September, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company. Married Mary Rock July 13, 1833, in England (daughter of John and Hannah Rock of England). She was born May 18, 1815. Their children: Isaac, d. aged 17; James, d. aged 14; John, d. infant; Mary, d. aged 13. Family home Caldicote, Eng. Married Mary Gilby November, 1839, at Caldicote (daugh- ter of Joseph and Mary Gilby of Eaton, Eng.). She was born Dec. 31, 1816. Their children: Newman and Jacob, d. infants; Daniel, d. aged 4; Rachel, d. aged 2; Susannah, d. aged 1 year. Married Martha Pack January, 1851, St. Louis, Mo., who was born May 6, 1808, and died June, 1851. Married Martha Chitty 1853, Salt Lake City (her parents resided at Chertsey, Surrey, Eng.). Their child: Isaac W., d. infant. Married Maria Stubbs May, 1854, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Stubbs and Elizabeth Hall of Warwickshire, Eng.). She was born Jan. 31, 1825. Their children: Mary Rachel, m. Lorenzo S. Clark; Maroni W., m. Rebecca Ann Ranee; Hyrum, m. Eliza Jane Fowler; Lucillia M., m. Wil- liam B. Kelly; Nephi, m. Margaret J. Bates. Married Matilda Emily Limb Jan. 20, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Limb and Sarah Wilkinson of Markpool, Derbyshire, Eng.). She was born Oct. 20, 1831. Their children: Willard R., d. aged 6; Martha Ellen, d. aged 4; Joseph A., m. Matilda Jane Staker; Alma W., m. Lucina Smoot, m. Esther Hunsaker; Matilda E., m. Nathan H. Staker; Susannah M., m. James McGee; Lorena. m. Abraham S. Sorenson; Sally E., m. Leander N. Butler; Rachel, m. Ole H. Sonne. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Wheeler May 25, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Wheeler of Humblestone, Worces- tershire, Eng.). She was born May 12, 1847. Their chil- dren: Emily E., m. John E. Crow; Maria, d. infant; Alexan- der, m. Annie M. Salzner; Frederick, m. Lucy J. Seaman, m. May Worley; Isabella, d. infant; William H., m. Anna W. Jonas; Abraham, d. infant; Leroy A., m. Margaret W. Stewart; Sarah S., m. Clarence Mabey. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member Salt Lake quorum seventies; counselor to Bishop Weiler number of years; high priest. Nurseryman and seedsman. Died May 24, 1897. WAITE, JOHSf A. (son of John Waite and Jane Caldwell of Cincinnati, Greene county. Ind.). Born April 16, 1838, Cincinnati, Ind. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1848, Brigham Young company. Married Margret Barnes Oct. 26, 1861, Salt Lake Endow- ment House, Daniel H. Wells officiating (daughter of George Barnes and Jane Howard of Manchester, Eng., latter pio- neer Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin "frozen" handcart com- pany). She was born Oct. 9, 1840. Their children: John, m. Lasina Sessions; George, m. May Read; Margret, m. Henry Smedley; Mary Jane; William L., m. Edith Wad- doups; Ira, m. Stella Moss. Family home Bountiful, Utah. Member 25th quorum seventies; missionary to central states 1897-99; elder; high priest. Farmer. WAKEFIELD, JOHN. Born In England. Came to Utah 1868, wagon train. Married Caroline R. Wilson 1S54, London, Eng., who wag born September, 1828, and died on way to Utah. Their child: Caroline R., m. George Fitt. Warehouse clerk and stenographer. WALDRON, BENJAMIN. Born March 29, 1795, Bellbrough- ten, Eng. Came to Utah 1852. Married Ann Crochett. Their child: Frederick b. Feb. 1821. Married Mary A. Day. Their children: Jane b. Aug. 9, 1826; Martha L. b. Sept. 27, 1828; Byron b. Aug. 15, 1830. Married Sally Laphain, who was born April 27, 1793. Their children: Thomas T. b. Oct. 5, 1834; Gillispie W. b. Aug. 15, 1836, m. Ann Dewhurst Sept. 13, 1857; Orson H. b. Oct. 1838. Married Emeline Savage 1849. Their children: Levi Savage b. July 7, 1850, m. Davinah Elizabeth C. Roderick Jan. 11, 1875; Benjamin b. Aug. 18, 1853, m. Axie Cheeny June 7, 1908; Emeline Eliza b. Oct. 9, 1856, m. Charles Rowland Thomas Jan. 5, 1874; Sarah Ann b. Feb. 27, 1859. Missionary to eastern states and Idaho. Shoemaker; farmer. Died Oct. 11, 1882, Uinta, Utah. WALDRON, GILLISPIE WALTER (son of Benjamin Wal- dron and Sally Laphain). Born Aug. 15, 1836, at Castile, Wyoming county, N. Y. Came to Utah 1851, James Allred company. 1226 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Married Ann Dewhurst Sept. 13, 1857 (daughter of James Dewhurst and Elizabeth Fielding married 1834, Black- burn, Lancastershire, Eng., latter pioneer Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey company). She was born Sept. 20, 1840. Their children: Joseph Theodore b. Sept. 10, 1859, m. Mary- ette Rich Dec. 16, 1882; Ann Elizabeth b. Aug. 31, 1862, m. Charles R. Clark Nov. 24, 1886; Walter Gillispie b. Nov. 4, 1864, m. Elizabeth Chapin Sept. 28, 1887; James Ben- jamin b. Feb. 22, 1867, m. Phoebe Rose Oct. 24, 1900; Thomas Orson b. Oct. 4, 1871, m. Agnes Bowen June 1, 1904; Esther Lucina b. March 6, 1873; Harriet Eliza b. Sept. 15, 1874, m. Rbbert C. Harris Feb. 2, 1898; Mary Maria b. March 18, 1877, m. Joseph D. Harris May 1898; Levi Ellas b. June 30, 1879, m. Helena Newberger May 23, 1900; Lucy Emeline b. Aug. 13, 1881, m. John Everton June 25, 1902; Hulda Lovisa (adopted) b. July 10, 1896. Family home Richville, Morgan Co., Utah. President Richville branch 1873-75; first counselor to Bishop Dickson of Richville ward 1875-1907. School trustee 6 years. Road supervisor 4 years. WALDRON, JOSEPH THEODORE (son of Gillispie Wal- ter Waldron and Ann Dewhurst). Born Sept. 10, 1859, Centerville, Utah. Married Maryette Rich Dec. 16, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Rich and Henrietta Peck, pioneers Sept. 30, 1850, Joseph Young company). She was born Dec. 10, 1861, Richvil'.e, Utah. Their children: Mabel b. July 19, 1884, m. George Abbott Dec. 4, 1907; Joseph Rich b. Nov. 23, 1885; Bessie Ann b. Aug. 29, 1887; Josephine b. Aug. 22, 1891; Esther b. May 10, 1893; Ernest Theodore b. March 3, 1895; Alice Vera b. April 19, 1897; Walter Burdett b. June 22, 1899; Thomas Landon b. Nov. 1, 1901; Lewis Dewhurst b. July 4, 1909. Family home Morgan, Utah. One of seven presidents 35th quorum seventies; mission- ary to New Zealand 1887-90. Assessor and collector; dep- uty sheriff; justice of peace 1902-04; city councilman of Morgan 5 years. WALDRON, LEVI SAVAGE (son of Benjamin Waldron and Emeline Savage). Born July 7, 1850, Pottawattamie, Iowa. Came to Utah 1852 with parents. Married Davinah E. C. Roderick Jan. 11, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Roderick and Hannah Spencer, who came to Utah 1869 by rail). She was born June 5. 1859, in Wales. Their children: Hannah Elizabeth b. Nov. 8, 1875, m. Alfred Atkinson Feb. 18, 1896; Levi Gillispie b. March 10, 1878, m. Eliza Thomas July 2, 1900; Emeline Janette b. Dec. 28, 1879, m. John H. Richard 1899; Mary Ann b. Feb. 28, 1882, m. David James Hughes 1901; David Roderick b. Feb. 7, 1884; Benjamin Haines b. June 5, 1886, m. Mervilla Gill Nov. 8, 1911; Charles Edward b. Jan. 7, 1891; William Spencer b. Dec. 24, 1891; Walter Andrew b. March 29, 1893; Thomas John b. Sept. 4, 1895; Nathaniel Acie b. Feb. 4, 1898; Ernest Savage b. March 19, 1900; Lewis Roderick b. July 19, 1904. Family resided in Idaho. Oldest pioneer of Malad Valley, Idaho. Farmer and stock- raiser. WALDRON. LEVI GILLISPIE (son of Levi Savage Waldron and Davinah Elizabeth C. Roderick). Born March 10, 1878, Samaria, Idaho. Married Eliza Thomas July 2, 1900, Samaria, who was born June 5, 1859, in Glamorganshire, Wales. Their chil- dren: David b. Jan. 2, 1902; Elizabeth b. Dec 17, 1903; Fred- erick b. Aug. 21, 1904; Levi b. April 19, 1906; John b. Nov. 6, 1907; Ruth b. Oct. 22, 1909; Edith b. Jan. 13, 1911. Family home Malad, Idaho. Farmer and rancher. WAXKER, DAVID F. (son of Mathew Walker and Marcy Long of England). Born April 19, 1838, Teadon, York- shire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1852. Married Emeline Holmes May 18, 1859, Salt Lake City. Their children: Emeline, died; Sarah Ann, m. A. Paul; David F., Jr., m. Minnie Gilmer; Henry W., m. Grace Put- man; Maud; Stella May, m. A. C. Ellis, Jr. Married Althea Hunt Oct. 25, 1883, at New York. Their children: Althea M. ; Clarence H. Merchant. WALKER, HENRY W. (son of David F. Walker and Eme- line Holmes). Born Feb. 12, 1868, Salt Lake City. Married Grace Putman June, 1890, in California (daugh- ter of Jefferson Putman and Cornelia Norton of California). She was born July 11, 1872. Their children: Ermlnie b. Feb. 19, 1892; Ralph b. Dec. 25, 1893; Ethelene b. June 16, 1897; Natalie b. Nov. 11, 1900; Vern b. June 6, 1902; Carlton b. Dec. 11, 1905. Family home, Salt Lake City. President and general manager Keith O'Brien Co. depart- ment store. WALKER, HENRY (son of Thomas Walker of Upper Bull- ingham, Eng.). Born Dec. 9, 1806. at Upper Bulllngham. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer company. Married Ann Preece (daughter of Thomas Preece, who died at Callow, Enfr.). She was born 1799 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Caroline, d. in Eng- land; Ann, m. Thomas A. Wheeler; Eliza, m. Thomas P. Smith; Sarah, m. Joseph Henry Gough; Marlah, m. Wil- liam Burston; Elizabeth and Ellen, d. in England; Selina, m. John E. Hammond; John Henry b. Sept. 6, 1843, m. Mary Ann Phillips Aug. 28, 1864. Family home Union, Utah. Early settled at Union, Utah. High priest. Shipbuilder; carpenter; cooper; farmer. WALKER, JOHN HENRY (son of Henry Walker and Ann Preece). Born Sept. 6, 1843, Upper Bullingham, Eng. Married Mary Ann Phillips Aug. 28, 1864, Union, Utah (daughter of Ishmael F. Phillips and Mary Goodsell, pio- neers 1863, Edward Woolley company). She was born Sept. 16, 1840, West Hyde, Herefordshire, Eng. Their children: Selina Elizabeth b. June 9, 1865, d. 1867; Frederick Wil- liam b. Sept. 14, 1866, m. Elizabeth Walker; John Henry b. March 9, 1868, m. Mary Alice Graham; Reuben Ishmael b. Jan. 11, 1870, m. Lillie Morton; Helen Udora b. Nov. 25, 1872, m. Francis James Proctor; Clara Elvlna b. July 3, 1876, m. Charles Francis Cole; Henry b. July 6. 1879, m. Kindness Ann Gibson March 1, 1900; Mary Ann b. July 19, 1882, m. Willard Charles Burgon. Family home Union, Utah. President Y. M. M. I. A. at Union; superintendent Sun- day school; missionary to England 1895-97. Veteran Wa- shakle Indian war 1862 in Capt. Lot Smith's company. Justice of peace at Union 1898; constable 1887-95. WALKER, HEXSON (son of Henson Walker and Matilda Arnold of Michigan). Born March 13. 1820, Manchester, N. Y. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Elizabeth Foutz April 24, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Jacob Foutz and Margaret Mann of Penn- sylvania, pioneers September, 1S47). She was born Sept. 13, 1827. Their children: Henson Walker, m. Caroline Farns- worth; Lewis Heber; Victorine, m. Joseph Eaton; Appollos Benjamin, m. Jane Holman; John Young, m. Christina Hoi- man; Eveline, m. Christopher Iverson; Sanford, m. Nettie Shipley. Married Margaret Foutz. Their child: Ezra. Married Sophrona Clark at Pleasant Grove. Their chil- dren: Martha Jane, m. Austin S. Mayhew; Cordelia, m. Robert Thome; Medora, died; Lewis, died. Married Mary at Pleasant Grove. Their children: William; Cassie, m. West; Delbert; Emma; Perry, died. Families resided Pleasant Grove, Utah. First bishop and first mayor Pleasant Grove. Veteran Indian war. Died Jan. 24, 1894. WALKER, APPOLLOS BENJAMIN (son of Henson Walker and Elizabeth Foutz). Born Nov. 4, 1855, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Jane Holman April 24, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Holman and Sarah Mathls, pioneers October, 1852, Charles C. Rich company). She was born Santaquin, Utah, June 13, 1858. Their children: Benjamin b. March 17, 1877, m. Ruth Keetch; James Henson; Idella Cobbley; Jennie, m. John V. Johnson; Margaret, m. Leices- ter West: Lawrence, m. Dahlia Radman; Jesse M., m. Fern Adamson; Robert, m. Mae Richards. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Member of 44th quorum seventies; missionary to Indiana 1892-93; served as a president for several years; high coun- cilor. Member board of county commissioners and of town board several terms. Died Feb. 3, 1910. WALKER, JAMES HENSON (son of Appollos Benjamin Walker and Jane Holman). Born Oct. 12, 1878, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Idella Cobbley May 20, 1879, Pleasant Grove (daughter of Charles A. Cobbley and Emma Davis, same place). Their children: Charles B. b. July 5, 1897; Leo R. b. July 25, 1898; Zola b. Sept. 5, 1900; Roena b. Dec. 1, 1902; Thomas b. July 5, 1904; LeGrande b. June 7, 1906; Calvin; Edna; Myron; Jane. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Bishop of third ward Pleasant Grove; member of 44th quorum seventies; counselor to Bishop S. L. Swenson two years. Superintendent of Pleasant Grove school district nine years; principal Pleasant Grove high school. WALKER, WALTER (son of John Walker and Elizabeth Coleman of Cheltenham, Eng.). Born Sept. 17, 1835, at Cheltenham. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins company. Married Sophia Woodcock Sept. 14, 1856, at Cheltenham (daughter of Thomas Woodcock), who was born Jan. 6, 1836. Their children: John Thomas, m. Elizabeth Hill; Walter Emanuel, m. Rose C. Smith; Franklin Joseph, m. Louisa Earl; Horace Lional; Ernest George, m. Inez Hess; Fredrick Hyrum. Family resided Bloomington, Idaho, and Farmington, Utah. Seventy; presided over branch of church at Flintshire, Wales, 1863-64. Shoemaker; merchant. WALKER, FRANKLIN JOSEPH (son of Walter Walker and Sophia Woodcock). Born Feb. 14, 1862, Birmingham, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, Captain Ellsworth company. Married Louisa Earl Jan. 3, 1884, Farmington, Utah (daughter of John Earl and Rheumina Wilson of Farming- ton). She was born Oct. 31, 1862. Their children: Rheu- mina b. Oct. 22, 1884, m. William Oyler; Mildred Jane b. Jan. 30, 1887, m. Dewey Leroy Earl; Eva b. Oct. 6, 1889, m. Albert W. Burns; Edith b. Aug. 14, 1891; Louisa b. March 1-7, 1894; Rhoda b. March 13, 1896; Frank Earl b. Feb. 4, 1898; Leland Walter b. June 16, 1900; Milton Wilson b. June 10, 1902; Harold b. Oct. 6, 1904; Clifton b. Jan. 28, 1907. Family home Fielding, Utah. Missionary to Nevada and California 1898-99; secretary PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1227 and treasurer of Sunday school; secretary T. M. M. I. A.; home missionary; ward teacher; choir leader; superintend- ent religion class; high councilor; president high priests quorum Bear River stake. School trustee; Justice of peace 4 years. Shoemaker; carpenter; builder; farmer; merchant. WALKER, WILLIAM HENRY (son of James Walker of Dogan county, Ky., and Mary Coon of Miami Co., Ohio). Born March 14, 1836, near Dubuque, Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1852, Bryant Jolley company. Married Lydia Ann Horn 1851, Fort Supply, Wyo. (daugh- ter of Moses and Angeline Horn; former killed at Nauvoo, 111., latter pioneer 1847). She was born July, 1835; came to Utah with mother. Their children: William Henry b. Nov. 22, 1858, m. Ella Woolstenhulme; Nancy Angeline b. March 28, 1860, d. 1867; Mary Ellen b. March 30, 1862, m. Edward Dillon; James Moses b. April 17, 1864, m. Tillie Anderson Oct. 30, 1893; Dora b. March 19, 1866, m. Willard F. Snyder, d. Feb. 1907; Sydney b. June 21, 1868, m. Lydia Moore; Lydia Ann Violate b. Nov. 5, 1870, m. William Graham Sept. 15, 1896, d. March 10, 1904; Josephine b. Sept. 4, 1872, d. July 14, 1879; Sarah b. Dec. 18, 1874, d. July 9, 1879; Rosa May b. Feb. 20, 1878, m. Harrison Sperry Nov. 1900. Married Ada Louisa Phippen Aug. 1, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Phippen and Ada Stewart married Oct. 9, 1818, in Ohio, pioneers Oct. 3, 1852, Harmon Cutler com- pany). She was born Sept. 2, 1842, Nauvoo, 111. Their children: J. Morgan b. July 13, 1871, m. Sylena Giles June 5, 1894; Sirus Eugene b. Jan. 29, 1874, d. Nov. 27, 1874; Murry Kimball b. Nov. 19, 1875, d. July 7, 1879; Ada Eugenie b. April 10, 1878, d. Feb. 18, 1882; Heneretta Clare b. March 14, 1881, m. Heber H. Giles March 15, 1899; Victor Roy b. March 31, 1883, m. Alice Sweat Sept. 26, 1906. Families resided Heber, Utah. Seventy; missionary to Fort Supply 1856. Drum major In Black Hawk war; captain of 50 in Echo Canyon trouble. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1856. WALKER, VICTOR ROT (son of William Henry Walker and Ada Louisa Phippen). Born March 31, 1883, Elkhorn. Utah. Married Alice Sweat Sept. 26, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lewis Sweat, born September, 1859, Provo, Utah, and Elizabeth Broadhead, born October, 1866, Heber, Utah). She was born Sept. 24, 1889, Center, Utah. Seventy; assistant Sunday school superintendent 3d ward, Heber; Sunday school teacher. WALL, JOSEPH L. (son of William Wall, born October, 1813, and Sarah Sanson, born Sept. 30, 1815, both of Horsley, Gloucester, Eng.). He was born July 2, 1838, at Worcester, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin "frozen" handcart company. Married Seiina Stevens March 7, 1863 (daughter of John Stevens and Martha Stevens of England). She was born April 29, 1840. Their children: Joseph S. b. May 30, 1864, m. Ella Cowley Dec. 3, 1885; Selena Ann b. Oct. 6, 1865, m. Abraham Shaw, Jr., Nov. 28, 1883; Rose Etta b. March 30, 1867, died; William John b. July 19, 1868, m. Sena Folster Dec. 17, 1890; Francis Henry b. July 28, 1870, and Franklin b. Dec. 11, 1871, died; Sarah Preppa b. Feb. 24, 1873, m. John Wilson March 20, 1895; Dora b. June 30, 1876, m. Lorenzo Chrlstensen March 7, 1900. Family home Glenwood, Utah. Built the first grist mill in Sevier county. Pioneer to Glenwood. WALL, ROBERT WILLIAM WILSON (son of Robert Wall and Anna Sweetman, both of South Africa). Born April 15, 1842, in South Africa. Embarked from Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Feb. 28, 1861; crossed plains to Utah with Homer Duncan company, arriving Oct. 1, 1861. Married Belinda J. Bair Oct. 29, 1866, Kaysville, Utah (daughter of John Bair and Lucinda Owen, pioneers Feb- ruary, 1850). She was born 1848, Garden Grove, Iowa. Their children: Augusta Bell b. Sept. 26, 1867, m. J. W. Ellis; Robert William b. Jan. 3, 1869, m. Anne Wiggill; Mary Ann b. Nov. 21, 1870; Belinda Jane b. Nov. 15, 1872; Thomas Holwell b. Aug. 30, 1874, m. Florence Jaques; Henry Dinnis b. April 29, 1878, m. Mary Ann Summers; Jennie Leona b. June 29, 1880; Owen Allen b. Aug. 12, 1882, m. Jannett Bruce; Charles Katin b. April 21, 1885, m. Eliza- beth Jones; Besse Lavina b. March 1, 1889. Settled In Kaysville In 1861. Stockraiser and farmer. WALL, WILLIAM, JR. (son of William Wall of Horsley, Eng.). Came to Utah 1862, Thomas Ricks company. Married Sarah Sampson, who was born Sept. 30, 1814, at Horsley and came to Utah 1862. Their children: Joseph Laban, m. Celina Stevens: Emily, m. William Cowley; Fannie Marlah, m. Samuel Whitney; Dorcas, m. F. R. Cant- well; Celia, m. William Francom; Francis George, m. Mary Bench; Emron and Rose, died; Henrietta, m. Isaac K. Wright. Family home Glenwood, Utah. Early Glenwood settler. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Mason and architect. Died at Venice, Utah WALL, FRANCIS GEORGE (son of William Wall, Jr., and Sarah Sampson). Born May 3, 1846, Horsley, Eng. Came to Utah 1862 with father. Married Mary Bench June 24, 1872, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Bench and Ann Longman of England, pio- neers 1852). She was born Oct. 20, 1847, Southampton, Eng. Their children: Frank E. b. Sept. 24, 1873, m. Maggie May Jackson; Minnie Ann b. Oct. 20, 1875, m. Joseph Cur- tis Cowley; Henrietta b. July 10, 1878, m. George M. Haws- Jessie b. Oct. 15, 1880; George b. May 18, 1883, died; Ella b. Sept. 5, 1885; Clara b. April 28, 1887, died. Family resided Venice, Utah, and Colonia, Juarez, Mexico. Married Susie E. Bench August, 1888, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of John L. Bench and Mariah Kirby of England, pio- neers 1852). She was born Oct. 19, 1864, Manti, Utah. Their children: John Edward b. Feb. 13, 1890- Myrtle b May 20, 1892, and Clyde b. July 12, 1894, died; Angus b Dec. 5, 1895: May b. Feb. 6, 1897, and Mabel b. Feb. 6, 1897, died; George Milne b. Sept. 13. 1900; Leah b. Feb 29, 1904; Dora b. Oct. 12, 1907. Family home Colonia, Juarez, Mexico. High priest. Early settler at Glenwood, Utah; moved to Juarez, Mexico. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Mer- chant and farmer. WALL, WILLIAM MADISON (son of Isaac and Nancy Wall). Born Sept. 30, 1821, Rockingham county, N. C. Came to Utah September. 1850, in company of which he was captain. Married Nancy Haws. Their children: Mary, m. George Bean; Isabel, m. Jesse Fuller; William Madison, Jr., m. Martha Mecham; Eliza, m. Nathaniel Williams; Josephine, m. Joseph Rogers; Isaac, m. Annie Glenn; Juliette, m. Wil- liam G. Nuttall; Bathsheba, m. Alma Kerby; George A., m. Hannah Maria Clark. Family resided Provo and Wallsburg, Utah. Married Elizabeth Penrod, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Penrod and Temperance Keller of Illinois, pioneers 1850, oxteam company). She was born Sept. 9, 1836. Their children: Olive, m. James Davis; David, d. infant; Susan Malinda, m. Elijah Davis; William, d. infant; John, m. Susan Davis; Joseph P., m. Emily Workman; Temperance, m. William Jasper Boren, Jr., Sept. 6, 1883; Abraham, m. Valeria Rogers. Married Emma Ford Jan. 23, 1858, at Salt Lake City (daughter of William Ford and Lucy Mayo of Chautauqua county, N. Y.). She was born Dec. 6, 1834. Their children: Emma Adelia, died; William Adelbert, m. Mary Ann Davis; Rosalie, m. William L. Davis; Charles F., m. Nettie Hardy; Martin Ford, died. Married Susan Gurr (daughter of Enoch and Ruth Gurr of England). Their children: Elijah, d. infant; Susanna, m. A. J. B. Stewart; William Peter, m. Maud Nebeker; Louisa, m. James Twitchell. Married Sarah Gurr (daughter of Enoch and Ruth Gurr). Their children: Ruth, m. William Steward; Alice, m. John Hone; William James, m. Lorana Boren. Families resided Wallsburg, Utah. Bishop of Provo, Heber, and Wallsburg, Utah. Member legislature from Wasatch county. Farmer and Stockraiser. Died Sept. 18, 1869, Provo, Utah. WALL, WILLIAM MADISON, JR. (son of William Madison Wall and Nancy Haws). Born Oct. 19, 1847, in Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Married Martha Jane Mecham Nov. 25, 1869, Provo, Utah (daughter of Lewis Mecham and Lydia Knight Wells of Garden Grove, Iowa). She was born Jan. 29, 1852. Their children: Eva Mabel b. Jan. 10, 1871, m. John Abplanalp; Nancy Isabel b. Oct. 28, 1872, m. David Meeks; Eliza Helen b. Oct. 31, 1874, m. George Dlckson; Willmarth Lemoda b. Dec. 29, 1876, m. Hon Duke; William Madison b. Dec. 25, 1877, d. infant; Susan Vilate b. March 4, 1880, m. George Hislop; Lewis b. Oct. 28, 1882, m. Nancy O'Neil; Emma Elizabeth b. Oct. 30, 1883. m. Frank Mecham; Amasa Marion b. May 21, 1886; Mary Jane b. Nov. 1, 1887, m. George Powell; Nettie b. Oct. 17, 1890, m. Frank Teter; Isaac Wallace b. Oct. 10, 1892; Marjorie b. Jan. 8, 1894. Family home Vernal, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk wars. Farmer and cattleman. WALL, LEWIS (son of William Madison Wall, Jr., and Martha Jane Mecham). Born Oct. 28, 1882, Wallsburg, Utah. Married Nancy O'Neil Aug. 7, 1905, Vernal. Utah (daugh- ter of William Walter O'Neil and Susan Matilda Ross of Park City, Utah). She was born March 30, 1888. Their children: Lewis Lerearl b. Feb. 4, 1906; Nancy Isabel b. May 11, 1908; Helen Fern b. Feb. 10, 1910; Anna Laura b. May 29, 1912. Family home Vernal, Utah. Member of Mormon church. Farmer and cattleman. WALLACE, GEORGE B. (son of John Wallace and Mary True of Epsom, Merrimac county, N. H.). Born Feb. 16, 1817, at Epsom. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, George B. Wallace division of Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Martha Davis Oct. 15, 1852. Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Davis and Sarah Drabble of London, Eng., came to Utah Sept. 2, 1852. Abraham O. Smoot com- pany). She was born Jan. 9, 1836. Their children: Martha M., m. Heber Perkins; Lucy D., m. James Mclntyre; Mary E., m. James Garrett; George B., m. Mary J. Hodgett; Lois W., m. William Watson; William D., m. Faney Naylor; Alzono, m. Carolina Naylor; Zina, m. Edwin Little; Henry, 1228 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH m. Susan Elite; Arthur, m. Cora Martin; Maud, ra. George Barratt. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; president Salt Lake stake; counselor to Daniel Spencer. Builder and contractor; nurseryman. Died Jan. 31, 1900. WALLACE, GEORGE B. (son of George B. Wallace and Martha Davis). Born July 24, 1853. Married Frances Emily Folsom Oct. 20, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of William H. Folsom and Zerviah E. Clark, pioneers Oct. 3, 1880, Joseph W. Young company). She was born Sept. 20, 1853, Keokuk, Iowa. Their children: Harriet b. Sept. 7, 1874, m. Oscar A. Peterson; Edward b. Dec. 1, 1877, m. Lucy Cox; Emma b. July 26, 1880; Stuart b. May 12, 1884, m. Alice Douglas; George B. b. Feb. 17, 1887; Richard b. Sept. 25, 1889; Rhea b. July 9, 1892; Ruby b. May 30, 1895; Lewis b. July 30, 1899. Family home, Salt Lake City. WALLACE, GEORGE! Y. (son of George Y. Wallace, born 1776, Ackworth, N. H.). Born Oct. 27, 1844, Brandywine Mills, Ohio. Came to Utah 1868. Married Inez C. Belden Jan. 9, 1868 (daughter of Sey- mour Belden and Rebecca Pfouts), who was born Oct. 16, 1847. Their children: Grace Dean b. Jan. 1870, m. George M. Tuttle 1899; George Y. b. June 1876, m. Jessie Alley 1908. At the time of the incorporation of the Rocky Moun- tain Bell Telephone Company 1883, when it absorbed four other local companies, one in Montana, one in Wyoming, and one each in Ogden and Park City, Utah, Mr. Wallace was elected a member of the board of directors of that company and later became its president. Capitalist. WALLACE, HENRY (son of John Wallace and Elizabeth Ashley of Frome, Somersetshire, Eng.). Born April 27, 1840, at Frome. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1862, Ansel Harmon company. Married Elen Harper Feb. 7, 1863. Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Harper and Mary Hetherington of Newcastle, Eng.). She was born May 22, 1S37. Their children: Henry John, m. Josephine Winchester; William Ross, m. Annie McChrystal; Howard Ashley, m. Margaret Groves Little; Rosetta Elizabeth, m. John Foster Bennett; George Heth- erington, m. Anne Neve; Mary Elen; Walter Alexander, m. Lulu Penrose; Mabel Katherine, m. Frederick William Reynolds; Ashley Harper, m. Claribel Woods. Family home, Salt Lake City. President 23d quorum seventies; bishop's counselor 7th ward. Salt Lake City; member high council Pioneers stake. School trustee; city councilman. Manager National Biscuit Co. Confectioner and baker 1863-75. WALLACE, WILLIAM R. (son of Henry Wallace and Elen Harper). Born Dec. 10, 1865, Salt Lake City. Married Annie McChrystal March 7, 1890, Salt Lake City (daughter of John McChrystal and Sarah Ann Hancock of Houghton, Mich., who came to Utah 1873). She was born Feb. 4, 1863. Their children: Helen b. Oct. 22, 1891, died; John M. b. Dec. 14, 1894; Henry A. b. Feb. 22, 1896; William R. b. Aug. 14, 1899; Alexander b. Sept. 23, 1900. Family home, Salt Lake City. Manufacturer and dealer in paint, oil and glass. Bank director; capitalist. Chairman Democratic state central committee 1912. Mining. WALLANTINSON, WALLANTINE (son of Wallantine Peter- son of Banholm, Denmark). Born May 28, 1813, at Ban- holm. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1854, Hans Peter Olsen company. Married Engel Margret Kofoed 1836, who was born March, 1816, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: August b. Aug. 27, 1837, m. Mary Huston; Peter Christian Kofoed b. Oct. 21, 1841, m. Elizabeth Caldwell April 3, 1861; Charles b. May 1845, m. Sophia Loveland; daughter died of cholera, buried on banks of Mississippi river, near St. Louis, Mo. Married Sophia Petersen 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of James O. Petersen), who was born 1847. Their children: Lena; Anna; James; Celia. Married Hannah . Their children: Nephi; Joseph; Antonious; Hyrum; Louis; Alice. Families resided Brigham City, Utah. Officer and drillmaster in home guard militia. Among first to settle outside fort in Brigham City. Assisted finan- cially in bringing Immigrants to Utah; captain of ten wagons in Hans Peter Olsen company. Shoemaker; farmer. Died 1877. WALLANTINSON (WALLANTINE) PETER CHRISTIAN KOFOED (son of Wallantine Wallantinson and Engel Mar- gret Kofoed). Born Oct. 21, 1841, Banholm, Denmark. Came to Utah with parents. Married Elizabeth Caldwell April 3, 1861, Brigham City, Utah (daughter of William Caldwell and Margret Ann McPhall, latter pioneer Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie hand- cart company). She was born May 8, 1844, in Scotland. Came to Utah with her mother, had her feet frozen, losing toes from one foot. Their children: Christian William b. Feb. 18, 1862. m. Elthura Oakey 1889; Charles Antontous b. March 15, 1884, m. Elizabeth Brown 1894; Margret Ann b. April 16, 1866, m. Kebert Kelsey 1886; Thomas Cald- well b. July 24, 1868, m. Mary Ellen Pain 1891; Robert Walles b. Oct. 21, 1871, m. Emily Davis 1893; Clara b. Dec. 4, 1874, m. Silvester Caldwell 1905; Elizabeth b. Dec 2 1880, m. Ezra Allred 1900; Mabel Agnes b. Nov. 18, 1884, m. John Welks 1905; Nathaniel Roy b. May 26, 1887. Settled at Brigham City, Utah, 1854; moved to Paris Idaho, 1864, where he built the first frame house with shingle roof. Director in Paris Co-operative Institution several years; one of organizers of Bear Lake State Bank and is a director and one of its auditing committee. Twice elected sheriff of Bear Lake county, 1878-80. Missionary to northern states two years, 1881-83. Elected county com- missioner and chairman of board 1892; twice representative from Bear Lake county to legislature, 1896-98; temporary speaker house of representatives 1898. Author of bill equalizing property valuation. Prompt and fearless in his duty to public interests, honest and upright in his own affairs and a leader in the upbuilding of Idaho. WALSH, JOSEPH C. (son of Cornelius J. Walsh of Tor- rington, Devonshire, Eng.). Born March 4, 1843, at Tor- rington. Came to Utah 1866, Patrick Moss company Married Mary S. Moss 1869, Salt Lake Endowment House (daughter of Patrick Moss of Decatur Co., Iowa, pioneer 1849). She was born 1855. Their children: Lulu and Myrtle, d. infants; Lavina, m. John Nash; Amelia, m. William Shep- herd; Joseph C., Jr., b. Sept. 28, 1879, m. Margaret Miller May 16, 1900. Family home Kaysville, Utah. Elder. Market gardener and fruitgrower. WALSH, JOSEPH C., JR. (son of Joseph C. Walsh and Mary S. Moss). Born Sept. 28, 1879, Kaysville, Utah. Married Margaret Miller May 16, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ernest Miller and Frances Barriswill of Bestin, Germany, who came to Utah 1885). She was born Feb. 3, 1881. Family home Holliday ward. Salt Lake City. Musician and music teacher. WANGSGAARD, CHRISTEN (son of Christen Wangsgaard and Dorthea Jensen, former of Snedsted, Denmark). Born Feb. 4, 1820, at Hvidbjerg, Denmark. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1866, Peter Nebeker company. Married Kirstine Petersen 1846 (daughter of Peter Skrivers and Kirstine Krabe), who was born May 24, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Peter b. Jan. 21, 1847, m. Karen Jensen May 9, 1866; Dorthea b. April 19, 1848, m. Niels Knudsen April 1867; Mads b. Nov. 8, 1849, m. Kirstine Christensen May 9, 1876; Christen C. b. April 26, 1851, m. Anna Anderson Oct. 23, 1876; Jens b. March 23, 1855, m. Bergitte Johansen May 24, 1875; ' Peter Skaarup b. Aug. 25, 1858, m. Kirstine Emmersen June 1880; Kirstine b. May 21, 1860, m. Joseph Harrop 1883; Dusine b. May 31, 1863, m. Edgar Staples July 1888; Christine b. April 21, 1865, d. 1866; Christian b. Oct. 24, 1867, m. Louisa E. Hall Dec. 25, 1891. Family home Hunts- ville, Utah. WANGSGAARD, CHRISTEN C. (son of Christen Wangs- gaard and Kirstine Petersen). Born April 26, 1851, at Sned- sted, Denmark. Married Anna Anderson Oct. 23, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of Gustaf Anderson and Mary C. Johanson), who was born Sept. 2, 1858, at Kinne Klefva, Sweden. Their children: Mary C. b. Aug. 15, 1877, m. C. Fred Schade June 20, 1900; Anna L. b. Feb. 29, 1880, m. C. H. Skidmore June 3. 1903; Christen W. b. Dec. 22, 1881, m. Lillie Jorgengen Feb. 21, 1912; Gustave Edwin b. March 6, 1884; David b. Dec. 16, 1886; Louis B. b. Oct. 26. 1888, m. lone Maughan Dec. 20, 1912; Ernest b. March 3, 1891; Ruby Edna b. Nov. 25, 1895. Family home Huntsville, Utah. School trustee 1894-1900; city councilman 1907-09; health officer 1901-13. WARBURTON, JOHN. Born in Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1856, handcart company. His child by first wife: Edward, m. Alice Richens. Family resided in England. Married Sarah Williams (Green) at Pleasant Grove, Utah. Their children: Lizzie Ann, m. Almon Drown; John, d. in- fant; James, m. Flo Foutz; Abram b. March 1, 1870, m. Annie Hay. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Watchmaker and farmer. Died at Pleasant Grove, Utah. Sarah Williams was the widow of a Mr. Green. The children: of this marriage were: Mary, m. Hyrum Cooper; Lorenzo, d. aged 16; Sarah Jane, m. Hyrum Cooper. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. WARBURTON, ABRAM (son of John Warburton and Sarah Williams). Born March 1, 1870, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Annie Hay. Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of Robert Hay and Mary Haley of Glasgow, Scotland). She was born Sept. 18, 1872. Their children: LeRoy b. Dec. 11, 1893; Lola May b. Nov. 1, 1895; Stella Fern b. Jan. 6, 1900; Abram Floyd b. Sept. 5, 1903; Anna Laura b. July 11, 1908; Earl Lewain b. Dec. 3, 1911. Family home Vernal, Utah. Carpenter and farmer. WARBURTON, JOSEPH (son of James and Sarah War- burton of Lancaster, Eng.). Born Sept. 21, 1831, Radcliffe, Eng. Came to Utah September, 1860, Jesse Murphy company. Married Emma Whatnough June 4, 1854, at Radcliffe PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1229 (daughter of William Whatnough and Ann Butterworth of Radcliffe). She was born April 9, 1834. Their children: Sarah Ann, m. Jasper Fletcher; Ellen, m. George King- horn; Joseph C., m. Rebecca Stay; Emma Maria, m. Thomas Powell; Mary Jane, m. Thomas B. Shannon; William H., d. infant; William H., m. Lizzie Golding; Joshua E., m. Molly Trump; Samuel E., d. infant; Samuel E., m. Maggie Miller, m. Nettie Burrow. Family home. Salt Lake City. Bishop 1st ward of Salt Lake City 48 years; patriarch. Brickmaker and merchant. Died March 18, 1911. WARD, GEORGE P. (son of John Ward of Eye, Northamp- tonshire, Eng., and Ann Woods of North Lufnaham, Rut- landshire, Eng.). Born Jan. 1, 1828, at Newboro, North- amptonshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 14, 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Sarah Ann Plant March 28, 1849. Their chil- dren: Elizabeth Ann b. Jan. 7, 1850; Mary Ellen b. April 1. 1852; George V. b. Aug. 20, 1854; Sarah Ann b. Sept. 10, 1856. Family resided Wellsville and Hyrum, Utah, and Salem, Idaho. Married Martha Monks July 21, 1860, Bolton, Lancaster- shire, Eng. (daughter of John and Alice Monks), who was born Sept. 14, 1839, at Bolton. Their children: Martha Ann M. b. Oct. 6, 1862, m. Erastus Jensen Nov. 25, 1880; John M. b. Aug. 20, 1864; Joseph M. b. June 26, 1865; Brig- ham M. b. Aug. 26, 1867; Clements George M. b. Oct. 14, 1868, m. Alice Linsenmann July 29, 1901; William Albert M. b. Jan. 29, 1871, m. Cordellia Lutz April 14, 1897; Charles Heber M. b. Aug. 29, 1873, m. Mabel Knapp Jan. 19, 1899; Eliza M. b. Aug. 17, 1876, m. Harvey Roylance Nov. 15, 1893; Lucy Ann M. b. March 15, 1879, m. Ely Curtis Jan. 22, 1900; Ester May M. b. May 20, 1882. Family resided Wells- ville and Hyrum, Utah, and Salem, Idaho. Married Senie Neilson Aug. 18. 1866. who was born Sept. 25, 1846. Their children: Emma N. b. Sept. 25, 1867; Lorenzo N. b. July 18, 1869, m. Ruth R. Jones Dec. 2, 1891; Henry Alfred N. b. Jan. 8, 1872, m. Mary Ann Woods Dec. 16, 1909; Willard N. b. May 15, 1874, m. Ethel Jacobs Oct. 10, 1900; Mary Ann N. b. Sept. 16, 1876, m. William Aaron Judy Oct. 27, 1897; James N. b. Sept. 30, 1879; Minnie L. N. b. Oct. 29, 1882, m. Allan T. Pugmire March 23, 1903; Rosina N. b. Oct. 1, 1885; David C. N. b. Sept. 8, 1888. Family resided Wellsville and Hyrum, Utah, and Salem, Idaho. Married Jane Ashworth March 30, 1874, who was born Oct. 4, 1853. Their children: Alice Jane A. b. Dec. 14, 1874, m. Heber Roylance Sept. 15, 1892; Edmund A. b. Jan. 10, 1877, m. Ida May Cherry Oct. 9, 1901; Hyrum Enos A. b. Sept. 13, 1879, m. Jennie Bennington Nov. 12, 1903; Martha Ellen A. b. Feb. 5, 1882, m. George Parritt May, 1901. Elder; missionary in Great Britain 1853-60 and 1871-72; president teachers' quorum 1854; member 64th quorum sev- enties; member of the school of prophets; secretary quorum seventies. Moved from Hyrum to Randolph 1878; then to Mid vale; finally settled at Meadowville, Idaho, 1883. WARD, CLEMENTS GEORGE M. (son of George P. Ward and Martha Monks). Born Oct. 14, 1868, Hyrum, Cache Co., Utah. Married Alice Linsenmann July 29, 1901, St. Anthony, Fremont Co., Idaho (daughter of Charles Linsenmann and Emma Boardman). who was born Dec. 22, 1883, St. Louis, Mo. Their children: Charles C. b. June 7, 1902; Melba Alice b. Jan. 6, 1906; Bernice b. Jan. 23, 1909. Priest 1888; church detective 1887-90. Farmer and stock- raiser. WARD, GEORGE WELTON (son of John Ward and Susan Welton of Leiston, Suffolkshire, Eng.). Born Sept. 12, 1814, at Leiston. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1852. Married Ann Trulock Jan. 24, 1842, parish of St. George, Bloomsbury, Middlesex, Eng. (daughter of William and Elizabeth Trulock of London, Eng.). She was born May 13, 1816. Their children: William, m. Rachel Ann Cordon; George, m. Eunice Alice Nichols; Richard T., m. Lizzie Sable; Alfred b. April 18, 1849, m. Mary Ellen Lowe Nov. 6, 1871; Moroni, m. Eliza Voss Nov. 18, 1872, m. Phoebe Mariah Zundle Sept. 25, 1884; John Joseph, m. Mary Elle- nor Owens; Ann Elizabeth, m. John Lowe; Charles Robert, m. Margret Ellen Mason. Family home Willard, Utah. Married Mary Hankinson in 1857, at Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hankinson and Ann Waich of Dids- bury, Lancastershire, Eng.). She was born Jan. 12, 1840. and died March 1, 1882, Willard. Utah. Came to Utah Oct. 29, 1855, C. A. Harper company. Their children: Mary Ann, m. Robert Wake; David Henry, m. Cyntha Zundel: Sarah Ellen, d. Dec. 6, 1863; Joseph Welton, m. Julia Holland; James Albert, d. July 15, 1868; Eliza Jane, d. Aug. 27, 1869; Hyrum Hankinson, m. Maggie Wickle. Family home Willard, Utah. High priest; counselor to Bishop A. Cordon of Willard, Utah, 1857-71; acting bishop of Willard ward 1871-77; ordained bishop Sept. 9, 1877, and continued until Aug. 18, 1882. Selectman of Box Elder county 1857-82; Estray pound- keeper 1864-65; mayor of Willard City 1870-82. Served in Echo Canyon war 1857-58. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Aug. 18, 1882, Willard, Utah. WARD, ALFRED (son of George. W. Ward and Ann Tru- lock). Born April 18, 1849, Southampton, Hampshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 9, 1852. Married Mary Ellen Lowe Nov. 6, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Lowe and Mary Wilgoose of Wigan, Eng., pioneers 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She was born Feb. 11, 1855. Their children: John Alfred b. Sept. 11, 1872, m. Marian Dalton Sept. 14, 1898; Jarvis Welton b. Nov. 10, 1873, d. Nov. 10, 1873; May Ann b. Sept. 10, 1874, d. Sept. 10, 1874; Martha Armeda b. Aug. 19, 1875; James b. March 8, 1878, d. March 9, 1878; Alice Trulock b. March 15, 1879, m. Robert H. Morgan June 25, 1902; Elmer Henry b. Feb. 15, 1881, d. April 13, 1881; George Eli b. Feb. 18, 1882, d. June 16, 1883; Sarah Ellen b. March 26, 1884, m. A. M. Benedict March 23, 1908; Ida Irene b. Feb. 2, 1887, m. Henry B. Baird Dec. 14, 1908; David Charles b. Feb. 1, 1889; Ethel Lavern b. Jan. 26, 1891; Vernon Leroy b. Nov. 11, 1894; Lester Lowe b. Oct. 4, 1897. Family home Willard. Utah. Member 59th quorum seventies; president elders' quorum; ward teacher; high priest; missionary in Box Elder stake. Precinct justice of peace 1893-94 and 1899-1900; assessor 1905-06; city recorder 1870-82; city councilman 1888-90; as- sessor and collector 1890-91; city justice of peace 1896-97. School teacher. Stockholder and director Willard Mer- cantile Co. Merchant; farmer and stockraiser. WARD, JAMES. Born in 1793, in Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 15, 1863, Samuel D. White company. Married Elizabeth Taylor, who was born April 18, 1805, and came to Utah with husband. Their child: Edwin J., m. Mary Alice Backhouse. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. High priest. Brickmaker. Died in 1866, at Pleasant Grove. WARD, EDWIN J. (son of James Ward and Elizabeth Taylor). Born July 28, 1842, in Nottingham, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, W. S. Godbe freight train. Married Alice Backhouse Feb. 11, 1864, Pleasant Grove, Utah (daughter of James Backhouse and Jane Williams of Lancastershire, Eng., pioneers September, 1861, Horace S. Eldredge company). She was born March 14, 1848. Their children: Edwin James b. Nov. 14, 1865, died; Charles Henry b. May 27, 1867, m. Martha Brereton; Joseph Orson b. May 2, 1869, m. Mary Boardman; Mary Ellen b. April 12, 1871, m. Hyrum L. Clark; Willard B. b. March 11, 1873, m. Noama Beck; Eliza Jane b. March 31, 1875, m. William O. Ramshaw; Alice b. March 26, 1877, m. Claudius Flemming; Edith b. Feb. 12, 1879, died; Eva b. March 4, 1881, m. Thomas Harry Heal; John Franklin b. Dec. 20, 1884, m. Bessie McEwan; Cora b. Jan. 21, 1886, m. William Frlsby; Grace b. March 14, 1889. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Special elder; missionary to England 1909. Settled at Pleasant Grove 1862, moved to Provp 1889. City council- man at Provo; judge of elections; registration officer. Car- penter and builder. Member E. G. Ward & Sons Lumber Company. WARD, JAMES (son of William Ward and Sarah Brown). Born June 12, 1840, Pewsey, Wiltshire, Eng. Sailed from Liverpool in the clipper ship "Underwriter" April 23, 1861, with 623 converts, arriving at New York, May 22. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1861, Charles William Penrose company. Milo Andrus and Homer Duncan having preceded this contin- gent of English immigrants, arriving Sept. 12 and 13, with Captains John Murdock and Joseph Home, respectively. Married Harriet Brown March 16, 1861, Wiltshire, Eng (daughter of John Brown and Sarah Mundy of West Laving- ton, Wiltshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 10, 1863, William Bram- well company). She was born Oct. 5, 1838. Their children: Sarah Jane b. Dec. 20, 1861, m. Edmund R. Shaw; Elizabeth Ward b. July 13, 1863, m. Charles Storey; James H. b. Aug. 22, 1865, m. Minnie Love; William Ward b. Sept. g. 1867, m. Celestia Bailey; John Ward b. Dec. 3, 1869, m. Kate Brown; Albert George b. Dec. 15, 1871, m. Charlott Woodfleld; Cyrus b. Dec. 29, 1873, m. Juliet Wade; Joseph Edward b. Nov. 25, 1875, m. Mary E. Garner; Lorenzo b. Feb. 14, 1877, m. Mary E. Barker; Harriet E. b. April 13, 1880, m. Lyman Barker; Hyrum H. b. Oct. 6, 1882, d. Dec. 12, 1889. Family home North Ogden, Weber Co., Utah. Bishop's counselor 13 years; bishop of North Ogden ward 16 years, and still in that position (1911). Helped to build the first transcontinental telegraph line through the west, 1861; helped to build the first river canal in Weber county in 1866. WARD, JAMES H. (son of James Ward and Harriet Brown). Born Aug. 22, 1865, North Ogden, Weber Co., Utah. Married Minnie Love 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of Caton Love and Susan Rowley, who came to Utah 1878). Their child: Henry A. b. April 16, 1906. Family home Liberty, Utah. Counselor to Bishop Joseph B. Ward in the Liberty ward. WARD, WILLIAM (son of Williiam Ward and Sarah Brown of England). Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1850, Stephen Markham company. Married Sarah Latham of Spanish Fork, Utah, who also came to Utah with Stephen Markham company. Their chil- dren: Kate, m. Mr. Lloyd; Hannah, m. Thomas Ashby; Phoebe; Sarah, m. Thomas Draper; William. Lived in England. Took part in early Indian troubles at Spanish Fork, Utah. Died there. 1230 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WAROLE, GEORGE. Born at Leak, Staffordshire, Eng. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Fannie Ruston at Leak (parents lived at that place). Their children: Edwin Huston, m. Louisa Thompson (Merkley); Heber George, m. Amanda Fausett; Fannie Lucretia, m. John Morton; Jedediah b. May 4, 1857, m. Eliza- beth Abplanalp; Lucy Ann, m. John Bell; Lielie, d. aged 4. Family resided Salt Lake City, Provo, Midway, Glenwood and Vernal, Utah. Married Lucy at Salt Lake City. Their children: Alice and Ida, d. children; Alfonzo, m. Lottie Waite. Family home Provo, Utah. Married Caroline Fisher at Salt Lake Ciity. Their chil- dren: Eliza, m. William Tucker; Baby, d. infant; Cora, m. William Stone; Edith, m. Robert Hair, m. William Reed; Etta, m. Francis Ross; Hattie, m. Allie Pickup. Family home Vernal, Utah. Seventy; chorister at Vernal. Taught Presidents Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball how to dance. Veteran Walker and Black Hawk Indian wars. Music teacher; farmer; wheelwright. Died at Vernal, Utah. WARDLE, JEDEDIAH (son of George Wardle and Fannie Rusten). Born May 4, 1857, Provo, Utah. Married Elizabeth Abplanalp at Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Abplanalp and Margaret Eckler of Switzerland, pioneers 1861, oxteam company, settled at Midway, Utah). She was born Aug. 27. 1859, at New York City. Their chil- dren: Alonzo, d. aged 22; Jedediah, m. Isabella Holfeltz; Elizabeth, m. Frank Davis; Margaret, m. Lorenzo Finn; Lillie, m. Joseph Timothy; Ezra, d. infant; Fannie Louis; Flora Bell; Bertha; Austin; Elsie Olive. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. High priest; counselor to Bishop Peter Abplanalp, Vernal, Utah; ward teacher; president Y. M. M. I. A.; teacher of Sunday school theological class at Vernal; missionary to Birmingham, Eng., 1889-90. Farmer and stockraiser. Leroy Whitaker b. Aug. 28 1879; Robert McLaren b. Aug. 7, 1881; Foster Ellsworth b. Jan. 22, 1883; Otis Ransford b. Jan. 14, 1885; Claude Ernest b. June 17, 1887. Family home Ogden, Utah. Justice of peace 17 years. Member city council two terms. Dealer in musical merchandise. School teacher. WARBLE, ISAAC JOHJV (son of John Wardle and Mary Kinstun, the former of Ravenstorie, Eng., the latter of Snay- son, Leicestershire, Eng.).. Born June 14, 1835, at Raven- stone. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 156, Edward Martin "frozen" handcart company. Married Martha A. Egbert April 17, 1859 (daughter of Samuel Egbert and Maria Beckstead, pioneers 1849), who was born March 1, 1844, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Isaac John b. Oct. 31, 1862, m. Alice Robin- son; Samuel b. Feb. 4, 1864, d. March 26, 1864; Crella Marie b. Oct. 15, 1864, m. Zachariah Butterneld; Araminta b. April 25, 1868, m. Daniel Densley; Joseph Smith b. Sept. 13, 1870, m. Sabina Ann Beckstead; Hyrum Smith b. May 26, 1873, d. July 26, 1873; Silas D. b. July 16, 1875, m. Emeline Orgill; Junius F. b. June 9, 1879; Etney May b. May 15, 1882, m. John William Palmer; Edgar R. b. May 15, 1882, d. Sept. 3, 1882. Family home South Jordan, Utah. Married Mary Ann Ashton, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Ashton, pioneer 1856, Edward Martin "frozen" handcart company). She was born at Oldham, Lancaster- shire, Eng. Their child: William H. b. April 5, 1869, m. Annie Sorenson. Married Sophia Meyers July 26, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles F. Meyers and Annie Jacobson, pioneers Oct. 1, 1862, Joseph Home company). She was born Sept. 11, 1849, in Denmark. Their children: Charles M. b. Dec. 18, 1870, m. Harriet Rhodehouse; Hannah M. b. March 13, 1873, m. Robert N. Holt; Atheamer M. b. Sept. 3, 1881, m. Rosa Powell; Wilford Woodruff b. Oct. 6, 1883, d. Aug. 7, 1887. Took an active part in the Echo Canyon trouble. Mis- sionary to England 1879; superintendent South Jordan Sun- day school 1879-97; home missionary; ward teacher; high priest. Moved from South Jordan, Utah, to Parker, Idaho, 1900. WARDLE, WILLIAM H. (son of Isaac J. Wardle and Mary Ann Ashton). Born April 5, 1869, South Jordan, Utah. Married Annie Sorenson Aug. 27, 1890, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Jens and Ane Sorenson of Murray, Utah, who came to Utah August, 1869, Jens Johnson company). She was born Feb. 19, 1871. Their children: James Wilford b. Nov. 2, 1891; William Leroy b. Jan. 13, 1894; Mary Ann b. March 14, 1896; Leo Isaac b. Dec. 17, 1897; Vernal Hasten b. Jan. 26, 1900; Delilah Sarah b. Jan. 10, 1902; Reed Smoot b. Sept. 2, 1904; Elbirdie Christina b. Oct. 18. 1906; Norval Junius b. March 21, 1909; Norman Andrew b. March 18, 1912. Family home Victor, Idaho. Sunday school teacher South Jorden stake eight years; member of board of Y. M. M. I. A. Teton stake two years. District assessor of Salt Lake county, Utah; member school board five years. Rancher and sheepraiser. WARDLEIGH, HENRY C. (son of Jameo H. Wardletgh and Elizabeth Hanserd). Born Oct. 31, 1843, Frampton, Eng. Came to Utah July, 1860, William Camp company. Married Elizabeth C. Whitaker Aug. 23, 1864, Willard, Box Elder Co., Utah (daughter cf James W. Whitaker and Nancy Woodland of Willard, pioneers 1851), who was born May 24, 1849. Their children: James Henry b. Nov. 15, 1869; William Clarence b. April 2, 1871; Harold Hanserd b. March ?<, 1872; Lillie Elizabeth b. Oct. 11, 1873; Daisy Ellen b. June 9, 1875; Porter Anderson b. April 14, 1878; WARDROP, JOHN. Born in Glasgow, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 10, 1852, Bryant Jolley company. Married Lucy Mclntosh in Glasgow. Their children: Mary, m. Levi Abrahams, m. William Fotherington; Emily, died; Lucy, m. Abraham Reister Wright; Isabell, m. Josiah Rogerson; James, m. Amelia Woolley; John, m. Ella Rumell; Abraham, m. Mary Ann Chevrill. Carpenter. Died at family home. Salt Lake City. WAREHAM, JAMES (son of Philip and Elizabeth Wareham of Bradford county, Pa.). Born July 2, 1813, in Bradford county. Came to Utah October, 1852, William Wood com- pany. Married Harriet Adams Aug. 13, 1835, West Milton, Mont- gomery Co., Ohio (daughter of Edmund and Rachel Adams of that place). She was born May 22, 1818, in Montgomery Co., Ohio, and died Sept. 1, 1867, Manti, Utah. Their chil- dren: Philip Edmund b. Feb. 28, 1837, d. July 17, 1839; Mary Elizabeth b. June 9, 1838, d. Aug. 3, 1842; Susan Caroline b. Jan. 13, 1842, d. May 3, 1844; Seth b. March 30, 1845, m. Margaret Ann Shaw. Family home Manti, Utah. Married Rebecca Attwood Feb. 20, 1868, Salt Lake City. Bishop of Glenwood; missionary to Ohio and Pennsyl- vania 1860-62; member high council; counselor to President Chapman, Manti, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1863; captain of independent company 1862. Farmer; wool-carder and spinner. Died June 21, 1898. WAREHAM, SETH (son of James Wareham and Harriet Adams). Born March 30, 1845; came to Utah with father. Married Margaret Ann Shaw April 15, 1872, Manti, Utah (daughter of Abraham Shaw and Jane Lawrenson of Glen- wood, Utah), who was born May 4, 1858. Their children: James Edmund b. Oct. 11, 1873; George Abraham b. Sept. 28, 1875; Harriet b. June 20, 1878, m. George Henry Reid; Clair b. Feb. 2, 1881, m. Rachel Burgess; Lester b. May 27. 1883, m. Hazel Swasey; Victor Adams b. Sept. 1, 1885; Hartley Orlando b. April 18, 1888, m. Lacorn Wrigley; Jane b. Sept. 2, 1890, m. Rosco Pettey; Orson b. April 27, 1893, d. Aug. 10, 1895. Family home Ferron, Utah. Settled at Manti 1854, moved to Glenwood 1864, returning to Manti 1867; again moved to Glenwood 1870, and then to Manti 1875; settled at Ferron 1879. Indian war veteran; took active part in protecting settlers from Indians in early days. WAREHAM, JAMES EDMUND (son of Seth Wareham and Margaret Ann Shaw). Born Oct. 11, 1873, Glenwood, Utah. WARXER, JOHN E. Born November, 1817. Came to Utah Sept. 24, 1848. Heber C. Kimball company. Married Eunice B. Billings April 4, 1849, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Titus Billings and Diantha Morley of Manti, Utah, pioneers 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born Jan. 3, 1830, in Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Their children: Eunice and Diantha, died: John Adelbert, m. Emily M. Potter: Samuel D., m. Lucinda Pierce. Family resided Mantt and Provo, Utah. Seventy. Walker Indian war veteran. Carpenter; mill- wright; miller. Died 1853, Manti Canyon, Utah. WARNER, JOHN ADELBERT (son of John E. Warner and Eunice B. Billings). Born Oct. 24, 1852, Manti, Utah. Married Emily M. Potter Feb. 16, 1874, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Isaac S. Potter and Aseneth Lawrence of Springville, Utah), who was born Nov. 19, 1855. Their children: Leo A. b. Dec. 7, 1874, m. Lizzie McKinley; Earl b. Aug. 7, 1877, d. March 30, 1880; Ray b. Dec. 24, 1887, d. July 2, 1910; Eva b. March 1, 1891, d. April 5, 1901. Family home Provo, Utah. Elder. Superintendent West Union Canal, Provo, Utah, for 15 years. Farmer and fruitgrower. WARNER, ORAIVGE (son of Orange Warner and Julia. Brezee of Syracuse, N. Y.). Born June, 1815, at Syracuse. Came to Utah October. 1851, Luman Shurtliff company. Married Lovina Robison (daughter of Joseph William Robison). Only child: Byron, m. Ann S. Tyler. Married Delilah Robison. Their children: Holstein, m. Ann Dewsnup; Dorus, m. Cordelia Webb; Mortimer, m. Christine Brown; Cornelia, m. Joseph Prisbrey; Orange H., m. Lovina Stewart. Married Mary E. Tyler. Their children: Cyrus A., m. Abag-ail Tyler; Mary Emily, m. Joseph E. Ray; Rhoda F., m. DeWitt Tyler; Jedediah M., m. Julia Russell; Orson J.; Levl M., m. Abigail Rowley; Eliza Ann, m. John Fitzgerald. High priest. Farmer. Indian war veteran; helped build first wall around Fillmore to protect settlers against Indians. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1231 WARNER, WILLIAM (son of William Warner and Margret Anderson of Glooson, Leicestershire, Eng.). Came to Utah Nov. 1, 1855, Isaac Allred company. Married Keziah Goodman Dec. 2, 1854, at sea, who was born July 16, 1826. Their children: William G. b. Aug. 14, 1856, m. Minnie A. Candland; Job b. May 11, 1858, m. Margret Ann Chappel; Heber b. Jan. 20, 1861, m. Jane Sprunt; Margret, m. Hyrum Williams.. Family home Ogden, Utah. Pioneer. Died July 14, 1863. WARNER, WILLIAM GOODMAN (son of William Warner and Keziah Goodman). Born Aug. 14, 1856, Ogden, Utah. Married Minnie A. Candland May 11, 1879, Ogden, Utah (daughter of David Candland and Katherine Jost of Mount Pleasant, Utah), who was born Oct. 12, 1859. Their children: William David b. April 30, 1880, m. Anna Nelson; Jesemine Keziah b. March 3, 1882, m. Benjamin Fife; Cora Allena b. July 15, 1883, m. Thomas D. Perrins; Laura Alice b. July 25, 1885, died; Edwin Candland b. June 21, 1886, m. Louise Rollins; Ralph b. 1888, m. Katherine Freestone; Frank Cand- land b. Jan. 23, 1889, m. Hazel Williams; Harry Candland b. June 2, 1893; Homer Candland b. Dec. 11, 1896; Minnie Edna b. Sept. 25, 1900. WARWICK, CHARLES PETER (son of Anders Peter War- nick and Anna Lena Anderson of Vestergotland, Sweden). Born April 5, 1850, near Skofde, Sweden. Came to Utah Oct. 22, 1866, Abner Lowry company. Married Christina Marie Larson March 14, 1874, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Lars C. -Larson and Maren Bartleson of Pleasant Grove, Utah, pioneers Sept. 10, 1863, W. B. Preston company). She was born Nov. 15, 1855. Their children: Charles Louis, m. Angle Webb; Howard B., m. Maud May Gardner; Wilford W., m. Jeanett Wadley; Effle Christina; Cora Augusta, m. Lawrence Atwood; Adena Hanna, m. Helge Swensen; Adolphus Peter, m. Geneva West; Joseph T.; Reed Whitney; Merrill Newell. High priest; missionary to Sweden 1880-1882; bishop Manilla ward; counselor Y. M. M. I. A. Member city council, Pleasant Grove, two terms. Helped build U. P. Railway through Echo and Weber canyons. WARNICK. CHARLES LOUIS (son of Charles P Warnick and Christina Marie Larson). Born April 13, 1875, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Married Angle Webb June 11. 1902, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Webb and Mary Ann Ward of Lehi, Utah, pioneers Nov. 2, 1864, Warren Snow company). She was born June 11, 1875. Their children: Louis Ward b. April 9, 1903, died; Elaine b. May 22, 1904; Angelyne Mary b. Jan. 4, 1908; Miriam b. July 30, 1910. Family home Idaho Falls, Idaho. Senior president 146th quorum seventies 1909; missionary to Samoa 1897-01; superintendent of Bingham stake Sunday schools 1909. Representative to legislature of Idaho 1910-12. WARNICK, HOWARD BENJAMIN (son of Charles P. War- nick and Christena Marie Larson). Born July 31, 1877, Pleasant Grove, Utah. . Married Maud May Gardner Sept. 18, 1901, Salt Lake City (daughter of Blias Harvey Gardner and Caroline Ada Jack- man of Salem, Utah), who was born April 30, 18S3. Their children: Howard G. b. June 30, 1902; Ruth Ma>y b. Jan. 27, 1905; Melva Vervene b. Aug. 29, 1908; David Owen b. Jan. 30, 1911. Bishop Manila ward; Sunday school superintendent 1900- 1907; member of presidency of Y. M. M. I. A.; home mis- sionary. Farmer and stockraiser. WARRICK, THOMAS (son of Blackman Warrick). Born Jan. 2, 1818, in Pike county, Ala. Came to Utah 1847, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Louisa Taylor April 4, 1841, who was born Oct. 31, 1823, in Barbour county, Ala., and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Calysta W. b. Feb. 15, 1843, m. R. John Strickland; Thomas b. Dec. 2, 1849, m. Mary Ann Taylor Feb. 1881; Veda b. November, 1906. Upon arriving in Salt Lake City, he settled in South Cottonwood and engaged in farming. The following year, 1848, he went to California to work in the mines, where h<> died. WARRICK, THOMAS, JR. (son of Thomas Warrick and Louisa Taylor). Born Dec. 2, 1849, South Cottonwood, Utah. Married Mary Ann Taylor Ftb. 3, 1881, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of James C. Taylor and Sarah M. Hyde, pioneers 1849), who was born 1860, Kaysville, Utah. Their children: Meda b. Nov. 3, 1906. Seventy; missionary to southern states 1887-89; high priest. Farmer and stockman. WARWOOD, JOHN (son of Warwood and Mirah Har- wood). Born in England. Came to Utah 1852, oxteam com- pany. Married Rachel Hunt 1852, in England (daughter of Elias Hunt of England), who was born Oct. 3, 1821, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John, m. Eliza Taylor; Elen, m. Zenos Whittaker; Rachel, died. Family home Nephi, Utah. Railroad engineer. Died June, 1904. WARWOOD, JOHN, JR. (son of John Warwood and Rachel Hunt). Born at Nephi, Utah. Married Eliza Taylor. Their child: Myrtle, m. Andrew Hunter Scott. WASDEJf, THOMAS (son of William Wasden and Mary Ann Peniston, of England). Born June 29, 1821, in Loughton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stephenson com- pany. Married Mary Coucorn 1841 (daughter of John Coucorn>, who was born April 25, 1816. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Alice Peniston b. Aug. 29, 1842, m. Jacob F. Hutchinson June 9, 1861; John B. b. May 12, 1844, m. Nancy R. Herring 1864; Frederick b. May 22, 1846, m. Anna M. Esklund Oct. 18, 1865; Ellen b. July 15, 1848, m. Theodore Christenson Oct. 1, 1865; Orson b. Sept. 27, 1850, m. Annie M. Brown Aug. 2, 1875; Willard b. July 12. 1852; Sarah Ann b. June 7, 1854; Mary b. June 7, 1856, m. Titus Chris- tenson 1878; Thomas Nephi b. May 22, 1859; Eliza M. b. Oct. 13, 1861, m. Charles Weiser July 25, 1883. Family home Gunnison, Utah. High priest; ward teacher; home missionary. Settled at Provo 1859; moved to Ephraim 1860, and later to Gunnison; assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah; took an active part in Black Hawk war; moved to Scipio 1868; returned to Gunnison 1881, where he died. WASDEN, ORSON (son of Thomas Wasden and Mary Cou- corn). Born Sept. 27, 1850, Aston, Yorkshire, Eng. Married Annie M. Brown Aug. 2, 1875, Salt Lake City (daughter of Martin P. Brown and Annie Hansen, pioneers Eric Hogan company). She was born Jan. 22, 1857, Ephraim, Utah. Their children: Annie Arrilla b. Feb. 28, 1877, m. Charles Memmott Nov. 3, 1898; Mary Elizabeth b. May 8, 1879, m. David Evans Jan. 22, 1901; Ellen C. b. March 9, 1882; Orson Earl b. April 25, 1885, m. Mamie Brad- fleld Jan. 22, 1906; Elner b. April 2, 1887, m. Ethelyn Ivie Oct. 18, 1907. Family home Scipio, Utah. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war; ward teacher; priest; justice cf peace. Farmer and stockherder. WARREX, WILLIAM J. (son of William Z. Warren and Mary Woods). Born March 11, 1830, Pigsbee, Mo. . Came to Utah with Matthew Caldwell oxteam. Married Sarah Jane Simmons, Spanish Fork (daughter of Lev! and Harriet Simmons of Missouri, and Spanish Fork, Utah, pioneers with Matthew Caldwell oxteam). She was born July 8. 1840. Their children: Mary Jane, m. John Mor- rison; William Z., m. Mariah Powell; Samuel, d. aged 3; Joseph, d. aged 2; Franklin D., m. Ellen Hamilton; Lewis, m. Sarah Blaine; Parley P., m. Sarah Blaine; Sarah Jane, m. John Milburn; Deseret, m. James Rooney; Hubbard, m. Bertha Olson; Rawlins, d. aged 1. Family home, Spanish Fork. Seventy; elder. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Mer- chant and farmer. Died Nov. 11, 1899, Argyle Creek, Utah. WARREN, FRANKLIN D. (son of William J. Warren and Sarah Jane Simmons). Born June 25, 1864, Spanish Fork. Married Ellen Hamilton Dec. 31, 1889, Price, Utah (daugh- ter of David F. Hamilton and Martha Ellen Bennett of Springfield, Utah, pioneers 1847). She was born Sept. 4, 1873. Their children: Violet Ellen b. Oct. 24, 1890, m. Frank McElheny; Franklin b. Jan. 22, 1893, d. same day; Deseret b. Nov. 8, 1893, d. same day; Vernal b. Nov. 2, 1894; Sarah Jane b. July 7, 1897, d. July 24, 1897; Lewis Melvln b. Oct. 19, 1899; Ernest Lynn b. June 30, 1902; Mary Ruth b. Oct. 21, 1904. d. Aug. B, 1908; Bernice and Berneal b. March 1, 1907; William Demont b. Aug. 20, 1909. Family resided Price and Spring Glen, Utah. Deacon; ward teacher. Farmer, stockraiser and freighter. WASHBTJRN, ABRAHAM (son of Daniel Washburn of Mt. Pleasant, Westchester county, and Ann Wright of Bedford county, N. Y.). He was born March 17, 1805, Essing, N. Y. Came to Utah 1848, Captain Musser company. Married Tamar Washburn March 16, 1824, Mt. Pleasant, Westchester county, N. Y. (daughter of Jesse Washburn and Susannah Tompkins of same place). She was born July 4, 1805, died Oct. 10, 1882, Nephi, Utah. Their children: Daniel b. July 23, 1826, d. Dec. 6, 1837; Mary Ann b. Nov. 15, 1828, m. Edwin Whiting; Emma Jane b. July 28, 1830, m. William Morley Black March 13, 1851; Daniel A. b. Sept. 18, 1837, m. Ann Price; Sarah Elizabeth b. Aug. 16, 1839, d. 1841; John E. b. April 13, 1842, d. 1842; Susannah b. June 23, 1843, m. Thomas Bowles Jan. 27, 1859; Joseph Bates b. July 20, 1845, d. 1845; Artemisia Minerva b. June 17, 1847, m. George Potter May 5, 1864. Family resided New York, Nauvoo, 111., and Winter Quarters, Neb. Married Flora Clarinda Gleason February, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joel Gleason and Philena Williams of Tolland, Berkshire county, Mass.). She was born in Tolland Aug. 2, 1819. Their children: Almeda Mariah b. Nov. 22, 1849. m. Alphonso Wtnget; Louisa N. b. Sept. 29, 1851, m. William Morley Black; Hyrum Smith b. July 20, 1853, m. Caroline Christiansen; Philena b. April 6, 1855, m. Hyrum Forbush, m. W. A. Warnock; Parley Pratt b. July 15, 1857, m. Maria Gregeson; Lorena Eugenia b. Jan. 10, 1860. m. Bent Larsen; Orson Pratt b. Nov. 7, 1862, m. Zina Higgs and Mary Thueson. Family home Manti and Monroe, Utah. Early settler in San Pete and Sevier counties. Patriarch: 1232 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH first Sunday school superintendent of Manti; first counselor to Bishop Bates Noble at Winter Quarters, Neb. Veteran Indian war. Member first city council of Manti one terra. Shoemaker; farmer. Died June 17, 1885. WASHBURN, PARLEY PRATT (son of Abraham Washburn and Flora Clarinda Gleason). Born July 15, 1857, Manti, Utah. Married Maria Gregeson June 19, 1878, St. George, Utah (daughter of N. P. Gregeson and Maria Smith of Denmark, pioneers 1869). She was born Oct. 13, 1856. Their children: Itosetta b. April 18, 1879, d. same day; Parley Franklin b. Aug. 19, 1880, d. April 14, 1881; Oliver b. July 5, 1882; Peter A. b. Aug. 4, 1884, m. Eliza Lowe: Mattie b. Feb. 7, 1886. d Nov. 13, 1886; Anna M. b. Nov. 28. 1887; Jesse D. b. April 20, 1889; Anena b. Nov. 12, 1890; Eva b. Oct. 20, 1892, m. Carlos Anderson; Grace b. Nov. 21, 1894; Irwin b. Feb. 7, 1896; Joel Washburn was last child born. Family home Monroe, Utah. Elder. Member Monroe town council. Farmer, fruit- grower and stockraiser. WATKINS, EDWARD JOHN (son of Richard Watklns, born July 24, 1792, Banwell, Somersetshire, Eng., and Ruth Ham- lin, born November, 1792, Clevedon, Eng., the former of Wrington and latter of Clevedon, Somersetshire). He was born March 4. 1829, at Wrington. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, Daniel McArthur company. Married Elizabeth Lawrence Nov. 2, 1850 (daughter of William Lawrence and Hester Whitnell. married 1850, Bridgewater, Eng.). She was born April 6, 1832, and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Joseph Hyrum b. Aug. 13, 1851, m. Mary Ann Doxey and Mary Ann Ellis April 30, 1879; Hester Alice Alexla b. Sept. 12. 1865, m. James C. Thomas May 1, 1882; Franklin Richard b. March 18, 1868, m. Hannah E. Newman Oct. 1, 1890; Bessie Ada Ellena b. Sept. 19, 1871, m. Thomas Doxey, Jr., April 30, 1889. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Gertrude M. Boserup July 22, 1880, Logan, Utah (daughter of Christian Redlie Boserup and Kristine Mogens- datter, married 1834, Thved, Denmark). She was born Nov. 14, 1838, Tlllerup, Randers Amt, Denmark. High priest. Boot and shoe business Twenty-fifth street, Salt Lake City, for 30 years. On this location, assisted by his son Joseph H., he built first two-story brick business block on that street, which was used as city postofflce. WATKINS. JOSEPH HTRUM (son of Edward John Watkina and Elizabeth Lawrence). Born Aug. 13, 1851, Street, Somer- setshire, Eng. Married Mary Ann Doxey April 30, 1879, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Doxey and Ann Elizabeth Hunt, pioneers Oct. 9, 1853, Appleton Harmon company). She was born Aug. 28, 1856, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Lilly May b. Feb. 17, 1880, died same day; Hyrum Lawrence b. Feb. '13, 1881, m. Mary Elizabeth Clark DeLouche June 2, 1902; Mary Elizabeth b. June 11, 1883, m. Marcus B. Farr April 17, 1913; Thomas Doxey b. Oct. 26, 1884, m. Mildred May Carter June 14, 1911; Ruby May b. Nov. 9 1886, m. Arthur Middleton Dec. 18. 1909; John Franklin b. Nov. 6, 1888; Joseph Hyrum b. Sept. 17, 1890: Mabel Rozelta b. Sept. 6, 1892; David Hunt b. Nov. 5, 1894, d. Dec. 9. 1894; Ellis Doxey b. Jan. 18, 1896, d. Oct. 13, 1908; Pearl Viola b. Dec. 5, 1897; Eva b. Jan. 25, 1900, d. same day; Jane b. Feb. 17, 1901, d. same day; Rollo Edward b. March 28, 1903. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest: teacher; superintendent Sunday school; ward teacher; ward clerk; missionary to Arizona November, 1879, to June, 1882. Assistant foreman and foreman of the fire de- partment of Ogden; was honored by appointment as chief Feb. 21, 1879, but did not accept. Justice of peace, first pre- cinct; city sanitary inspector. WATKINS, HTRUM LAWRENCE (son of Joseph Hyrum Watkins and Mary Ann Doxey). Born Feb. 13, 1881, St. Johns, Apache county, Ariz. Married Mary Elizabeth Clark DeLouche June 2, 1902, Og- den, Utah (daughter of Howard DeLouche, born Aug. 27, 1857, Martlnsburg, Lewis county, N. T., and Alfaretta Clark, born Nov. 28, 1858. Ogden. Utah). She was born April 16, 1880, St. George, Utah. Their children: Hyrum Lawrence b. April 15, 1903; Nina b. Nov. 14, 1904; Lorenzo Clark b. Jan. 14, 1908. Family home Ogden, Utah. WATKINS, FRANKLIN RICHARD (son of Edward John Watkins and Elizabeth Lawrence). Born March 18, 1868, Ogden, Utah. Married Hannah E. Newman Oct. 1, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of Henry James Newman and Maria Louise Penn of Ogden, Utah, pioneers November, 1856). She was born April 21, 1868. Their children: Franklin R. b. Aug. 28, 1891; Henry James b. May 3, 1892; Horace Edward b. July 9. 1895; Inez Louise b. May 9, 1900; Heber Lewis b. July 30, 1903; Alvln Eugene b. July 21, 1908; Josephine Annie b. June 23, 1911; Joseph Elbert b. June 23, 1911. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest; counselor llth ward, Ogden, Utah. Merchant. Kent, Eng. (daughter of Edward Akerst), who was born Sept. 18, 1830. Their children: Elizabeth b. 1851, m. Charles Edward Ellen; John Thomas b. Oct. 29, 1854, m. May CHft: Edward b. Oct. 27, 1857, m. Margaretha Abplanalp; Samuel Richard, d. infant; Mary, m. William Andrew; Alfred, m. Lenora Lewis; Charles and Frederick, d. infants. Married Harriett Steele 1859, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Steele and Maria Woods of Stafford, Eng.). She was born 1841, died March 10, 1884, Midway, Utah. Their children: Henry m. Jane Alder; Arthur, m. Delia Gerber; Laura, m. John Clift; William, m. Mary Busby; Minnie Maria, m. John Martin; Frank b. Dec. 21, 1873, m. Isabel! McKowen; Albert Ernest, m. Miss Harrison; Sylvanius, m. Daisy Dean; Archie; Eva; David James, Lorenzo John, and Harriet Amy, all d. infants. Family home Midway, Wasatch Co., Utah. Bishop 17 years. Veteran Echo Canyon campaign and Indian wars. Early settler at Midway. Died Dec. 23, 1902. WATKINS, EDWARD (son of John Watklns and Margaret Akerst). Born Oct. 27, 1857, Provo, Utah. Married Margaretha Abplanalp Oct. 28, 1880, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter Abplanalp and Margaretha Eggler, both of Midway, pioneers 1861). She was born April 4, 1859, in New York; came to Utah with parents. Their chil- dren: Edward b. Aug. 7, 1881, m. Clara Bell Stewart; John b. Nov. 22, 1882, m. Lenora Karren; Margaretha b. Aug. 18, 1884, m. Clarence J. Collett; William b. Sept. 1, 1886, m. Amanda Cobb; Pearl b. Sept. 5, 1888, m. Charles Jenkins; Lorenzo b. Aug. 1, 1890, m. Jennie Cobb; Charles b. Aug. 1, 1890, d. Infant: Peter b. June 27, 1894, d. Infant; Viola b. Nov. 25. 1896; Leona b. Aug. 31, 1899. Missionary to England 1899-1901; high priest; ward and Sunday school teacher; counselor In Y. M. M. I. A. Moved to Ashley Valley 1885, to Vernal 1886. Farmer and stockraiser. WATKINS, FRANK (son of John Watkins and Harriet Steele). Born Dec. 21, 1873, Midway, Utah. Married Isabell McKowen March 10, 1897, at Vernal (daughter of Phillip McKowen and Mary Hughes of Vernal, who came to Utah 1884). She was born June 6, 1875. Their children: Phillip b. Dec. 26, 1897; Isabell b. Aug. 20, 1900; Duane b. Dec. 12, 1901; Gerald b. May 17, 1904; Orlln b. July 2, 1906; Burnell b. Dec. 2. 1908; Wlnona b. March 6, 1913. Family home Vernal, Utah. Elder; ward teacher. Farmer; merchant; butcher. WATKINS, ROBERT. Came to Utah 1852. Married Mary Small man. Their children: Rhoda, m. Ezekiel Price; Sarah Ann, m. John R. McDaniel; Mary Matilda, m. Ephraim Healey; Martha, m. John R. McDaniel; Joseph, m. Tiera Beck; James, m. Fannie Nielson. High priest. Farmer. Died March, 1869, Alpine, Utah. WATSON, ALEXANDER (son of Robert Watson and Mary Miller of Glasgow, Scotland). Born May, 1835, Glasgow. Married Margarett Miller (daughter of Charles Miller and Mary Magowan of Rutherglenn, Scotland), who was born May 18, 1836, and came to Utah with John Sharp company. Their children: Alexander, m. Elizabeth Linell; Mary Jane, m. James Snarr; Margarett Ellen, m. Thomas Condey: Robert William, died; James David, m. Celia Golden; Sarah Elizabeth, died; John Robert; William Chllds, died: Hugh; Agnes, m. Robert Booth. Family home 474 South 3d West, Salt Lake City. Seventy: missionary to "Dixie" 1872-74. General con- tractor. Died March, 1901. WATSON, ANDREW (son of James Watson and Janet Rum- gay of Kirtle Bridge, Scotland). Born Oct. 13, 1832. at Kirtle Bridge. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company. Married Jean Allan Oct. 16, 1860, Provo, Utah (daughter of George Allen and Margaret Matheson of Arbroath, Scot- land). She was born Aug. 29, 1830, d. March 21, 1882. Their children: Janet Watson b. July 30, 1861, died; Andrew Allan b. Dec. 22, 1862, m. Annie Shand; George Allan b. June 14. 1864, died; Margaret Jean b. Dec. 21, 1865, m. Alva N. Murdock; James Allan b. July 5, 1867, died; Mary Jane Blood Watson (adopted) b. Aug. 4, 1861. m. John Harvey Allan. Married Maragaret Purvis January, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Purvis and "Margaret Alexander of Aberdeen, Scotland), who was born March 8, 1832. They adopted one child: Isabell Watson b. May 11, 1879, m. John W. Anderson. Families resided at Provo, Utah. Member of 45th quorum seventies: missionary to Scot- land 1877-79; ordained high priest June 20, 1877; first coun- selor to Bishop John E. Booth, 4th ward, Provo; ordained a patriarch by Apostle Reed Smoot June 24, 1902. Stationary engineer and wool-carder. Died Sept. 24, 1908, Lethbridge, Canada. WATKINS, JOHN (son of Thomas Watklns of Rainham, Kent, Eng.). Born April 13, 1834, at Rainham. Came to Utah 1856, Martin Harris handcart company. Married Margaret Akerst 1851. Shear Nast on the Sea, WATSON, HIRAM ABIPP (son of Nathan Whitney Watson and Electa Phillips of Chicago, 111.). Born Aug. 22, 1828, In New York. Came to Utah 1850, with company en route to California. Married Rebecca Hendricks June 23, 1852, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hendricks and Drusilla Dorrls of Salt PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1233 Lake City). She was born Nov. 2, 1835. Their children- Hiram Abiffi, Jr., m. Lovina Hyer. Family home, Salt Lake City. Carpenter. Died May 2, 1908, Minneapolis, Minn. WATSON, HIRAM ABIFF, JR. (son of Hiram Abiff Watson and Rebecca Hendricks). Born April 8, 1853, Salt Lake City. Married Lovina Hyer May 11, 1874, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Christian Hyer and Lovina Hogan of Richmond, Utah), who was born March 4, 1855. Their children: Hiram Abiff b. June 30, 1875; Lovina Rebecca b. Oct. 18, 1876; Harriet Caroline b. Oct. 15. 1878, m. John Morris; Electa b. Oct. 4, 1S80, m. Robert A. Tempest; Zina b. Dec. 14, 1882; Elizabeth b. Aug. 8, 1884, m. Dennis Farnsworth; Ira b. March 31, 1887, m. Anna Edwards; Cyrus H. and Cyral A. (twins) b. Sept. 11, 1889; Irving b. April 5, 1894; Oliver b. Dec. 23, 1900. Family home La Grande, Ore. Married Addie Jane Wildman Oct. 14, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of Edward Wildman and Jane Baxter, pioneers Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company). She was born Jan. 4, 1864. Their children: Glenn b. Jan. 11, 1886; Addie b. Nov. 2, 1888, m. Theodore Chambers, Jr.; Iniz b. March 19, 1890, m. Fred Lewis; Eniz b. March 19, 1890; Joseph b. June 8, 1893; Alfonzo b. July 23, 1895; Maggie b. Aug. 14, 1898. Family home Smithfleld, Utah. WATSON, JOSEPH M. (son of Robert Watson and Barbara Morcles of Northumberland, Eng). He was born July 7, 1840, Byldon, Northumberland, Eng. Came to Utah 1857, Robert Neslen company. Married Annie M. Thompson March 30, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edward Thompson and Marine Ruther- ford of Warkworth, Eng., pioneers 1863). She was born 1841. Their children: Joseph W. and Annie M., d. infants. Married Annie M. Davis April 20, 1881, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Davis anrl Elizabeth Morehouse, Who came to Utah Nov. 12, 1876). She was born Nov. 8, 1843, Stockfort, Lancastershlre, Eng. Families resided Salt Lake City. City councilman for two terms. Assisted in building Fort Douglas. Contractor; builder. Died Dec. 14, 1885. WATSON, ROBERT. Lanackshire, Scotland. Came to Utah 1850. Married Mary Cowan. Their children: Agnes, m. Alex- ander Burt; Robert, m. Harriet Hatfleld; James Cowan, m. Mary Condie; Mary, m. Mr. Austin; Alexander, died; Hugh, m. Sarah J. Williams; Jeanette, m. Peter S. Condie; John, m. Maria Litley; William R., m. Helen Ostler. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest. Contractor and first miner in Bingham can- yon. Died January, 1882. WATSON, HUGH (son of Robert Watson and Mary Cowan). Married Sarah J. Williams in Salt Lake City (daughter of Evan V. Williams and Sarah Jane Jeremy of Wales), who was born 1852. Their children: Hettie Ann, m. George Bowers; Hugh Cowan; Robert, d. aged 10; Sarah, d. aged 4; Mary, m. Christopher Covitt; Evan B. ; Nugent W. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Mary H. Chapuis (daughter of Louis Chapuis and Johanna A. Bertoch, who was born Dec. 11, 1826, Piedmont, Italy, and came to Utah Oct. 24, 1854, William A. Empey company). She was born Jan. 2, 1862. Their children: Sarah J. b. Sept. 3, 1887, m. Gustave E. Johnson; Louis R. b. Feb. 5, 1890; Hugh W. b. Feb. 22, 1894; Alma C. b. June 14, 1896; M. Helene b. Sept. 2, 1899; John W. b. April 27, 1901, d. infant; Daniel B. b. Oct. 10, 1902; Elizabeth A. b. May 16. 1908. Married Esther H. Davey, in Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Davey and Louisa Maddox, of England, pioneers Sept. 16, 1859, Edward Stevenson company). She was born Aug. 1, 1864. Their children: Louisa M. b. June 17, 1889, m. George Kendall; Jessie T. b. Feb. 18, 1892; Robert H. b. Jan. 2, 1895; E. Katherine b. April 17, 1897; M. Norma b. Jan. 13, 1900; Elva H. b. June 8, 1903; Isabel F. b. Nov. 15, 1905. Families resided Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth A. Chapuis, in Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Louis Chapuis and Johanna A. Bertoch), who was born Dec. 12. 1864. Member 7th quorum seventies; missionary to Scotland two years; elder; high priest; counselor to President Mc- Kenzie. Member state legislature; city councilman. Trans- fer man. Died April 10, 1910. WAYLETTE, GEORGE D. (son of George Waylette and Mary Dowsett b. Feb. 14, 1800, former of Essex, Eng.). Born June 7, 1830, in Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 11, 1857, Israel Evans handcart company Married Martha A. King Jan. 28, 1863 (daughter of John King and Hannah Halls, of England). She was born April 16, 1838, at Hockley, Essex, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 19, 1862. Horton Haight company. Their children: George D. b. Dec. 7, 1863, m. Edith M. Garnett Sept. 16. 1891; Annie M. b. Jan. 20, 1866, m. William Gray June, 1891; John Samuel b. Nov. 20, 1868, d. May 4, 1869; Herbert K. b. April 12, 1870, m. Effle Van Blaricom Jan. 16, 1$8; Stanley W. b. Aug. 29, 1872, m. Belle Jamison Nov. 26, 1898; Edwin R. b. Feb. 2, 1875, d. April 20, 1901; Joseph L. b. June 9, 1877 (d. Feb. 17, 1910). m. Elmina Dye Dec. 24, 1900: Harry Octavius b. Oct. 20, 1880, m. Ella Ellis July 8, 1909. 78 Elder. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1861. Resided in San Pete county a number of years; during In- dian troubles assisted in building forts; later removed to Cache county, and from there to Montana, where he died Oct. 2, 1898. His home was always a home for the mission- aries. , ' JOHJr < s n of Thomas Wayman and Sarah Wool, of Doddington, Cambridgeshire, Eng.). Born June 3, 1825, Doddington. Came to Utah Aug. 24, 1859, Captain Beebe company. 0' ! M i a J'o r n ed r? arah W 01 Oct ' U - 1843 ' She was b "> NOV. 23, 1820 Came to Utah with husband. Family home, Salt Married Sarah Jane Connell Oct. 29, 1885, Logan Utah (daughter of Thomas Connell and Jane Cross who were married on Isle of Man, Eng.). She was born Feb. 18, 1848 Onchan, Isle of Man. Their children: Sarah Wool b Nov 23, 1884; John Thomas b. Aug. 14, 1887; Ernest Henry b' Aug. 8, 1889; Frank William b. July 3, 1892; Edgar Wool b. March 29, 1894; John b. Feb. 3, 1905; Ernest H b Nov 8, 1906; John T. b. Oct. 23, 1909. Family home Centerville Utah. First counselor to Jacob Weiler 1871; ward clerk 1871-87 Director of Davis County bank 1892-05. WAYMENT, JOSEPH (son of William Wayment and Martha Brown, former born May 14, 1822, Whaddon, Cambridgeshire Eng., latter born May 26, 1823, Bassingbourn, Eng. mar- ried Dec. 25, 1841). He was born Feb. 7, 1844, at Whaddon. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1863, "Dixie" company. Married Ann Reed Aug. 7, 1874 (daughter of James Reed and Sarah East married 1837, at Whaddon). She was born Jan. 1. 1852. Their children: Sarah b. Oct. 29, 1875, m. Joseph E. Hansen April 14, 1897; Martha Ann b. June 2, 1877, m. Louis A. Hansen Nov. 23, 1898; Leonard J. b. Sept. 12, 1878, m. Sarah N. Hodson Dec. 12, 1902; Mary Jane b May 8, 1880, m. Samuel B. Willis Sept. 18, 1901; Walter H. b. Nov. 14, 1881, m. Iva Wade Oct. 5, 1905; Hannah A. b. Aug. 23, 1883, m. Leroy White April 8, 1902; Amelia B. b July 29, 1890. Served as missiopary to central states; superintendent West Warren Sunday school. Road supervisor and justice of peace. WAYMENT, SAMUEL, (son of William Wayment, born May 26, 1822, at Whaddon, Cambridgeshire, Eng., and Martha Brown, born May 26, 1823, Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire, Eng.). Born May 28, 1846, at Whaddon. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1868, John Gillespie company. Married Castina Chapman March 11, 1868 (daughter of Jonathan Chapman and Julia Smith), who was born April 11, 1850. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1868, with husband. Their children: Julia F. b. Dec. 13, 1868, m. Joseph Knight Dec. 7, 1888; Samuel J. b. Aug. 17, 1870, m. Ellen Hulls; Castina b. Oct. 22, 1872, m. William Slater Jan. 27, 1892; Benjamin b. Aug. 30, 1875, m. Ida Foy Fox Dec. 23, 1903; William C. b. Sept. 10, 1877, m. Elizabeth Walker Sept. 21, 1898; Alma E. b. March 13, 1879, m. Mary J. Slater Nov. 30, 1905; Ethel R. b. June 25, 1881, m. D. C. Stewart Dec. 12, 1900; Edith P. b. Aug. 12, 1885. Family home Warren, Utah. High priest; 1st counselor to bishop of Warren ward 1896; missionary to Great Britain 1893-95. Justice of peace 1908-11. Took charge of the Corrine saw mill and water works 1871; installed the machinery for Slaterville cream- ery, also for the Plain City and North Ogden canning fac- tories. WATMENT, ALMA E. (son of Samuel Wayment and Castina Chapman). Born March 13, 1879. Plain City. Utah. Married Mary Jane Slater Nov. 30, 1904, Logan, Utah (daughter of John Slater and Mary Stanger, of Slaterville, Utah). She was born Sept. 26, 1882. Their children: Fern b. Oct. 9. 1905; Byron Slater b. June 20, 1907; Grant Slater b. Feb. 1, 1911. Family home, Plain City. Seventy; missionary to England 1902-04. Deputy sheriff; road supervisor; constable 4 years. Farmer. WAYMENT, WILLIAM THOMAS (son of William Wayment and Martha Brown, of Whaddon, Cambridgeshire, Eng.). Born April 29, 1858, at Whaddon. Came to Utah June 13, 1878. Married Maud Mary Bullock Feb. 20, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of Thomas H. Bullock and Mary Ann Wagstaff; the former a resident of Nauvoo, 111., a pioneer 1847, the latter of Cambridge, Eng., pioneer 1863). She was born July 16, 1867, died Nov. 18, 1900. Their children: Horace W.; Albert B., m. Alice Ury 1909; Mary Bell; Theodore; Myrtle I.; Chester; Vernal. Married Elsie Wade Feb. 6, 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of James M. Wade and Isabell Crandel, both born in Utah). She was born Feb. 28, 1881. Their children: Thora; Russel Wade; Elaine Wade. Family home Warren, Weber Co., Utah. Bishop; missionary eastern states 1897-99; Sunday school superintendent 1882-97; president T. M. M. I. A. Warren ward 1900 to 1908. Farmer. 1234 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WATTS, ROBERT HARRIS (son of John Watts and Lucy Dalton, of Albemarle county. Va.). Born Sept. 5, 1801, Albemarle county. Came to Utah Sept. 8, 1850, Aaron John- son company. Married Elizabeth Heath 1830, near Raymond, Hinds county, Miss, (daughter of John Heath of Hinds county), Who was born Dec. 8, 1815. Their children: Bauldwln Harvey, m. Barbara Jane Levie and Emma Wheadon; Eliza- beth; Franklin Moroni; Hyram Smith; Lucy; John; Robert; Phoeba; James; Eliza Ann, m. Joseph Watts. Family home South Weber, Utah. Member llth quorum seventies. Farmer and stockraiser. Died March 23, 1879. WATTS, BAULDWIN HARVEY (son of Robert Harris Watts and Elizabeth Heath). Born April 10, 1835, near Raymond, Hinds county. Miss. Came to Utah with parents. Married Barbara Jane Levie Oct. 26, 1856, North Ogden, Utah (daughter of Frederick and Julia Ann Levie of North Ogden, pioneers 1852). She was born July 24, 1837, Toronto, Ontario, Can. Their children: Bauldwin Henry b. Aug. 15, 1857, and Juliette b. March 15, 1860, died; Charles William b. Jan. 9, 1862, m. Mary Ann Hopkins June 9, 1881; Barbara Jane b. Dec. 2, 1864, m. Jacob Hopkins; Charlotte Ann b. Jan. 9, 1868, died; Harvey Franklin b. Jan. 17, 1870, m. Betsy Hunter; Ettie Elizabeth b. March 21, 1872, m. Lewis Barney. Married Emma Wheadon April 10, 1876, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Wheadon and Jane Seal, Broad Windsor, Dorsetshire, Eng. ; came to Utah 1879). She was born Sept. 29, 1860, and came to Utah 1876. Their children: John A. b. April 20, 1877, m. Alice Dame; Emma Jane b. Nov. 15, 1879, m. Erastus Iverson; Robert b. Oct. 15, 1881, m. Flor- ence S. Bowen; Jeremiah b. Dec. 6, 1883, m. Lutie Walker; Eliza Elizabeth b. Oct. 15, 1885, and Lucy Myrtle b. July 21, 1887, died; Ruby Exile b. Feb. 4, 1891, m. Hyrum Iver- son. Families resided Kanosh, Utah. Member llth quorum seventies; missionary to England 1874-75; missionary among Salmon River Indians 3 years; Sunday school superintendent about 5 years. President Corn Creek Irrigation Co. 5 years; Kanosh Co-op. 25 years. Farmer and stockraiser. WATTS, CHARLES WILLIAM (son of Bauldwin Harvey Watts and Barbara Jane Levie). Born Jan. 9, 1862, near Huntsville, Utah. Married Mary Ann Hopkins June 9, 1881, at Kanosh, Utah (daughter of Charles Hopkins and Mary Edds of Kanosh), who was born June 9, 1863. Their children: Charles Wil- liam b. March 15, 1882, m. Margret Ann Bird; Reta Ann b. June 6, 1884, and Mary Jane b. June 1, 1887, died; Ida Etelka b. Feb. 9, 1890; Jean b. April 1, 1894, m. Winford Paxton; Cleon Levie b. April 22, 1898, died; Leah Marie b. Sept. 6, 1904. Family home Kanosh, Utah. Member 42d quorum seventies; missionary to England 1891-93; Sunday school superintendent. Millard county commissioner 1901-03. Representative from Millard county In state legislature 1903-05. Farmer and stockraiser. WATTIS, EDMUND (son of Edmund Wattis and Hannah Crumpton, of London, Eng., and Nauvoo, 111.). Born Jan. 20, 1828, in London. Came to Utah 1849, Porter Rockwell company. Married Mary Jane Corey June 27, 1852, Uinta, Utah (daughter of Lyman Lafayette Corey and Elizabeth Wright, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, pioneers Sept. 28, 1851, Harry Wal- ton company). She was born July 28, 1835. Their children: Mary Jaije, m. Joseph Fretwell; Edmund Orson, m. Martha Ann Bybee; George Lyman, m. Addle Scott; William Henry, m. Marie D. Slander; Eunice Elvira, m. Archie Bowman; Warren Lafayette, m. Veda Kay Littlefield; Frank Archie, d. child. Family home Uinta, Utah. Bishop. Farmer. WATTIS, WILLIAM HENRY (son of Edmund wattis and Mary Jane Corey). Born Aug. 15, 1859, Uinta, Utah. Married Marie D. Slander Jan. 9, 1888. Their children: Estella Hope b. Oct. 3, 1889, m. D. E. Rhivers; Florence Louise b. Nov. 11, 1891, died; Mary Jane b. July 8, 1894; Edmund b. Aug. 19, 1896, died. Family home Ogden, Utah. President Utah Construction Co.; director various sugar companies and Ogden Rapid Transit Co.; Vineyard Land & Livestock Co., etc. Active church worker. Called by Brigham Young to help settle Bear Lake district. Veteran of Indian wars. Sheriff Cache Co., Utah, several years Died at Whitney, Idaho, March 13, 1910. WEAVER, GILBERT EDWARD (son of Gilbert Weaver and Sarah E. Conover). Born April 24, 1857, Provo, Utah. Married Mary Ann Gamble Jan. 1, 1877, at Logan, Utah (daughter of Daniel Gamble and Sarah Yates, former pio- neer 1861, latter 1857). She was born Jan. 27, 1855. Their children: Gilbert Daniel b. Nov. 22, 1878, m. Olive Clark Jan. 12, 1910; Sarah Virginia b. July 7, 1880, m. Robert Holt Oct. 22, 1900; Pearl b. May 19, 1882, m. Ralph Gayman Dec. 29, 1907; Sylvan Gamble b. March 9, 1884, m. Harriet Maughn July 28, 1909; Allabel b. Aug. 1, 1887, m. LeRoy Hull June 1, 1910; Mary Setira b. April 16. 1888; Earl b. June 22, 1890; Baldia b. April 5, 1892; St. Clair b. April 14, 1894; Vivian b. Feb. 23, 1897; Eva b. Jan. 28, 1900; Lillian b. Aug. 13, 1902; Gerald b. Jan. 18, 1904. WEAVER, FRANKLIN (son of Edward Weaver and Martha Rainier, of Scio, Allegany county, N. Y.). Born May 29, 1828, at Scio. Came to Utah 1847, contingent Mormon Battalion. Married Chrislianna Rachel Reed 1847 (daughter of John H. Reed and Christianna Gregory married at Millville, N. J.). She was born Dec. 1, 1830. Their children: Franklin Edward b. Dec. 23, 1848, m. Christianna Graham Jan. 18, 1868; Christianna M. b. July 11, 1850, m. Joseph O. Henry Jan. 18, 1874; Elmina A. b. May 10, 1852, m. George W. Birch; Mary Jane b. Dec. 15, 1854, m. Henry Hulse; John Reed b. May 29, 1856, died; Francie Cecelia b. Feb. 19, 1858, m. Timothy Cummings; Hyrum b. May 31, 1860, d. 1863; George Gregory b. June 17, 1862 (d. July 10, 1910), m. Myram Davis; James Dart b. Dec. 14, 1865, d. 1867; Horace b. Aug. 28, 1868, m. Adelaide Wright; Hannah Maud b. Sept. 19, 1872, m. Wells Davis. Married Sarah Elizabeth Holmes May 9, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jonathan H. Holmes and Marietla Carter of Kirtland, Ohio, pioneers 1847, contingent Mormon Battal- ion). She was born Jan. 24, 1838. Their children: Milea Franklin b. Nov. 11, 1857, m. Sarah Elizabeth Lindsay; Marietla b. Nov. 17, 1860, m. Enoch T. Hargraves; Marinda V. b. July 31, 1864, m. Alexander Hargraves; Jonalhar. H, b. Sept. 21, 1867, m. Estella Curtis; Gilbert O. b. Oct. 11, 1870, m. Hannah Irene Steers; Sarah Jane b. Nov. 3, 1875, d. Oct. 20, 1894; David b. May 8, 1878, d. Feb. 13, 1904; Phebe May b. June 21, 1881, m. Edward Smith. Families resided Millville, Utah. Took active part in Echo Canyon war; member Mormon Battalion; Indian war veteran. Had charge of church cattle on Jordan river. Died June 12, 1884, Bennington, Idaho. WEAVER, FRANKLIN EDWARD (son of Franklin Weaver and Christianna Rachel Reed). Born Dec. 23 1848 Salt Lake City. Married Christianna Graham Jan. 18, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Graham and Hannah Tucker Reed, pio- neers 1848, Samuel Brannan company), who was born June 15, 1850, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Wallace Watson b. Feb. 27, 1884, m. Ida Jane Sleighl Nov. 29, 1911, (laller died May 28, 1912); Eliza King b. Feb. 26, 1893; Rachel Hill b. Oct. 21, 1902. WEAVER, MILES FRANKLIN (son of Franklin Weaver and Sarah Elizabeth Holmes). Born Nov. 11, 1857, Farming- ton, Utah. Married Sarah Elizabeth Lindsay Feb. 26, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of William B. Lindsay and Sarah Henderson of Paris, Idaho), who was born March 8, 1862. Their chil- dren: Alexander b. Jan. 10, 1885, d. same day; Sarah Jane b. Feb. 2, 1886, m. Andrew Gregory Sorenson; Miles Franklin Jr. b. Oct. 3, 1887, d. Oct. 11, 1891; William Jasper b. May 5, 1889; Lula b. Jan. 8, 1891, d. same day; Zula b. Aug. 28, 1892, d. June 25, 1895; Idella b. July 9, 1896; Nathaniel Holmes b. July 1, 1898; Marietla b. Dec. 5, 1900; Melba Vilale b. Nov. 14, 1903; Herriman Lindsay b. Dec. 17, 1906, d. same day; Joseph Smilh b. Dec. 26, 1909, d. Dec. 28, 1909. Family home Benninglon, Idaho. Missionary to northern states 1894-96; Sunday school superintendent of Bennington ward; senior president 114th quorum seventies. Farmer and stockraiser. WEAVER, GILBERT (son of Edward Weaver and Martha Ratmer, of Scio, Allegany county, N. Y.). Born March 2, 1835, Conneaut, Crawford county. Pa. Came to Utah 1848. Married Sarah E. Conover (daughter of Peter Wilson Conover and Eveline Golden, former pioneer Sept. 24, 1848, Heber C. Kimball company). She was born June 31, 1834. Their children: Gilbert Edward b. April 24. 1857, m. Mary Ann Gamble Jan. 1, 1877; Peter Wilson b. Nov. 15, 1858, m. Mary Jane Davis Dec. 3, 1S84; Christina b. Sept. 22, 1860, died; Zerelda Eveline b. Nov. 14, 1861, m. Frank Kite Aug. 18, 1878; Sarah Janet b. May 22, 1864, m. Liberty Hunt May 5, 1885; Alice America b. April 22, 1866, m. Witt Stoddard Oct. 11, 1883; Martha Loella b. July 8, 1867, m. Amos Wright May 6, 1885; Dora Mae b. July 1, 1870, m. Daniel Davis Oct. 29, 1890; Catharine Ann. m. Morris Holmes Sent. 4, 1889; Alpheus b. Nov. 3, 1874, m. Olive Clark Oct. 29, 1896; Rachel Ida b. Nov. 28, 1876, m. John Frederic Haycock Oct. 29, 1896; Houghton b. Sept. 22, 1879, m. Minerva Richardson Jan. 25 1907. WEAVER, WILLIAM. Born in England. Came to Utah 1856. Married (Mrs.) Catharine Beck Johnson (daughter of John Frederick and Christina Maria Beck), who was born Oct. 27, 1828, in Denmark and came to Utah 1863. Their chil- dren: George Henry, m. Annie D. Morrill; Joseph, m. Addle L. Morrill; Willis (Johnson) b. Nov. 4, 1868, m. Emma Phedora Morrill; Sarah b. August, 1870, m. Heber D. Wiley. Children took name of mother's first husband Johnson. Family resided Ogden and Clrcleville, Utah. Farmer and gardener. WEBB, PARDONT (son of James and Hannah Webb of Han- over, Chautauqua county, N. Y.). Born Dec. 26, 1818, at Hanovi r. Came to Utah 1848. Married Clarissa J. Lee Jan. 7, 1844, Kalamazoo, Mich, (daughter of Ezekiel and Elizabeth Lee of Clarendon, Or- leans county, N. Y.), who was born Aug. 19, 1825, and came PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1235 to Utah with husband. Their children: Adelaide E. b. April 11, 1845, m. Warren Dusenberry; Adolpha D. b. Dec. 9, 1847, m. Althea Loveless; Clarissa A. b. Oct. 22, 1850, m. John D. Stark; Helen A. b. March 20, 1853, m. Parley O. Loveless; Martha Jane b. Dec. 19, 1855, d. same day; Pardon Jr. b. Dec. 22, 1856, d. July 5, 1863; Mary Alice b. June 1, 1859, m. Isaac Bullock Jr.; James Henry b. Dec. 23, 1861, m. Jane Austin; Zella Lee b. July 14, 1864, d. Sept. 28, 1887. Family home Payson, Utah. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Early settler at Payson, pioneer to Arizona. Counselor to Bishop C. B. Hancock and city councilman at Payson. Farmer; carpen- ter and builder. Died July 29, 1892, Lehi, Ariz. WEBB, SIMON (son of Samuel Webb, born April 6, 1789, and Ann Furzer, born April 6, 1787, both at Axminster, Eng.; they resided in Somersetshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 3, 1831, Crewkerne, in Somersetshire. Came to Utah Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company. Married Elizabeth Rowsell Sept. 8, 1851 (daughter of Robert Rowsell and Susan Perry), who was born Jan. 11, 1831, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: EH b. July 23, 1852, m. Elena Ashment May 6, 1872; John Robert b. March 3, 1859, m. Mary Arabel Laurence, May 10, 1879; Thomas William b. Aug. 15, 1861, d. June, 1862; Mary Ann b. Feb. 10, 1864, m. Franklin Hobbs Traveler March 15, 1883; Harriet Elizabeth b. May 26, 1866, m. William R. Lawrence, Nov. 16, 1887; Joseph b. June 7, 1869, m. Cora Jane Hen- dricks Feb. 13, 1895; Simon Jr. b. May 2, 1872, d. Dec. 1. 1873. Family home Richmond, Cache Co., Utah. Married Harriet Brooks Skidmore Aug. 3, 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Britt Skidmore and Rachel Brooks, former pioneer Sept. 3, 1855, John Hindley company mar- ried 1850, Philadelphia, Pa.). She was born Aug. 10, 1851, in Newcastle county, Del. Their children: Henry Sansom b. May 25, 1883, m. Nellie Thompson June 14, 1911; Charles Edward b. Aug. 14, 1885, m. Eliza Wilcox Jan. 15, 1907; Edith Louisa b. April 24, 1889; Jesse Ernest b. March 7, 1891; Esther Elizabeth b. March 21, 1893; Lucy Grace b. Aug. 18, 1896. High priest. City councilman four years. Died Oct. 31, 1912. WEBB, ELI (son of Simon Webb and Elizabeth Rowsell). Born July 23, 1852, Crewkerne, Eng. Married Elena Ashment May 6, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Ashment and Ann Huggins), who waa born Jan. 19, 1852, at Crewkerne. Their children: Charles Ell b. Jan. 13, 1874, d. Nov. 12, 1878; Laura Estella b. April 12, 1876, d. June 21, 1876; William Henry b. May 1, 1877, d. July 28, 1887; George Oliver b. July 24. 1878, m. Ethel Sullen Dec. 8, 1903; Franklin Augusta b. July 12, 1881, d. Feb. 6, 1883; Elizabeth Elena b. Feb. 27, 1884, m. Lafayette Hen- dricks Sept. 18, 1907; Joseph Eugene b. Aug. 6, 1886; James Walter b. Sept. 11, 1888, m. Alice LaPreal Buxton Nov. 29, 1911; Flossie Mildred b. Dec. 30, 1890; Lucy Irene b. Feb. 2, 1894; Florence Viola b. Nov. 4, 1897. Family home Rich- mond, Utah. Clerk 9th quorum elders four years; clerk high priest quorum April 26, 1885, to present time; assistant superin- tendent Sunday school Richmond ward 20 years. Assessor and collector of Richmond eight years; road supervisor nine years; city councilman eight years; justice of peace four years; member irrigation board 13 years. WEBB, WILLIAM (son of William Webb of Cambridgeshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 6, 1806, Drayton, Cambridgeshire. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow company. Married Emma Stokes, who was born 1811, Whtpsnade, Eng. Their children: John Stokes b. Nov. 20. 1831, m. Hannah Grace; Ann b. April 17, 1833; Mark b. July 27. 1835, died; George b. May 6, 1839, m. Julia Cushlng, m. Mary Ann Ward; William Jr. b. Aug. 6, 1843, m. Harriet Grace; Edwin b. Aug. 17, 1846, died. Family home Studham, Bedfordshire, Eng. WEBB, GEORGE (son of William Webb and Emma Stokes)'. Born May 6, 1839, Studham, Eng. Married Julia Cushing at Shipdham, Eng., who died on Married Mary Ann Ward May 31, 1865, Lehi, Utah (daugh- ter of Robert Ward and Isabella Watford), who was born Oct 24, 1840. Their children: Thomas (adopted) b. 1858; George Arthur b. March 1, 1868, d. infant; Walter Lorenzo b. March 20, 1869, m. Martha Lovina Francom (b. Jan. 3, 1869); Laura Isabella b. Dec. 1871; Angeline Ellen b. June 11, 1874; Bernard Graham b. Dec. 4, 1876; Eva Maud b. July 4, 1879; Arthur Folthrop b. Jan. 21. 1882; Dulcie May b. May 9, 1885. One of the seven presidents of 127th quorum of seventies seven years; assistant Sunday school superintendent Utah stake three years, and Lehi ward seven years. Delegate to three constitutional conventions; Lehi city attorney two terms; alderman two terms; mayor one term; justice of peace three terms; member of legislature 1^84-86; member of school board 19 years; county commissioner Utah county 1902-04. President Lehi Irrigation Co., ten years. WEBB, WILLIAM (son of William Webb and Emma Stokes). Born Aug. 6, 1843. Studham. Bedfordshire, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1864, Warren S. Snow company. Married Harriet Grace May 9, 1864 (daughter of John Grace and Sarah Matthews), who was born June 29, 1841, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: William David b. March 14, 1866; Sarah Emma b. May 31, 1869, m. Andrew Peterson Oct. 28, 1891; John Hyrum b. May 31, 1869, m. Emma Royal Feb. 10, 1897; Heber C. b. Feb. 22, 1873, m. Minnie Evans Jan. 12, 1898; Jesse G. b. May 28, 1875, m. Tyresha Kirkham 1897; Frederick N. b. April 27, 1877, m. Jennie Allred March 4, 1903; Eli J. b. March 17, 1879, m. Daisy Austin April 29, 1903; Eden Eugene b. Sept. 26, 1881, m. Annie Smith Feb. 22, 1905; Harriet Pearl b. Dec. 14, 1883; Ernest N. b. Aug. 9, 1885, m. Annie Loveridge June 19, 1909; Eleazer G. b. April 8, 1887. Family home Lehi, Utah Co., Utah. WEBBER, THOMAS G. (son of Thomas B. Webber and Charlotte Burgh). Born Sept. 17, 1836, Exeter, Eng. Came to Utah 1863, independent company. Married Mary E. F. Richards May 25, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Franklin D. Richards and Charlotte Fox of Salt Lake City, pioneers Oct. 10, 1848, Willard Richards company). She was born June 30, 1850. Their children: Charlotte b. April 3, 1869, m. James L. Franken; Georgina b. Nov. 25, 1870; William b. Aug. 15, 1872, died; Ethelyn b. Nov. 8, 1873, m. George L. Nye; Shirley b. May 14, 1876; Mil- dred b. July 4, 1893, died. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to Germany 1876-78. City coun- cilman; alderman. General manager Z. C. M. I., Salt Lake City. WEBSTER, GEORGE (son of William Webster and Hannah Day of Bedfordshire, Eng.). Born May, 1836, in Bedford- shire. Came to Utah, Milo Andrus 'company. Married Christiannah Elliott 1859, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Luke Elliott, pioneer independent company), who was born 1821. Their children: George W. b. June 2, 1861, m. Anna M. Green 1886; John Alfred b. Oct. 24, 1865, m. Fannie Barnes 1888. Married Annie Latimer 1895, Salt Lake City, who was born 1848, in Ireland. One of the first to promote irrigation in Utah. Church worker. Farmer and stockraiser. Died 1909. WEBSTER, JOHN ALFRED (son of George Webster and Christiannah Elliott). Born Oct. 24, 1865, Kaysville, Utah. Married Fannie Barnes 1888, at Kaysville (daughter of William J. Barnes and Mary Simmons, pioneers), who was born Nov. 8, 1866, Kaysville. Their children: Mary Edna b. May, 1889; Wilford Henry b. Aug. 7, 1891; Lola Chris- tiannah b. Sept. 1893; Josie Junitia b. Dec. 6, 1895; Jemima b. March 23, 1899; Golden J. b. Sept. 18, 1901; Maggie E. b. Dec. 2, 1903. Farmer and stockraiser. WEBSTER, JOHN (son of James Webster born April 15, 1792, Careston, Forfarshire, Scotland, and Isabella Duncan of Lochlee, Forfarshire). Born Oct. 17, 1830, at Lochlee. Came to Utah Sept. 27, 1867, George Dunford company. Married Mary Ann Wright July 15, 1858 (daughter of Wil- liam Wright and Charlotte Rouse, who were married April 6, 1832, at Pointon, Lincolnshire, Eng., pioneers Oct. 17, 1862, Henry W. Miller company). She was born Sept. 17, 1838, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Isabella C. b. July 11, 1859, m. William H. Haigh July 10, 1884; Mary A. b. Oct. 14, 1860, m. Charles E. Smith July 7, 1881; John W. b. June 15, 1862, m. Jessie Bringhurst Oct. 15, 1896; Frances E. b. April 8, 1864, m. James S. W. Frame Feb. 16, 1887; Helen b. Oct. 26, 1866, d. Jan. 18, 18677 Samuel H. b. Nov. 20, 1868, d. Nov. 21, 1868; Georgiana b. March 9, 1870; Minnie b. Feb. 3, 1872, m. Archie Frame, Jr. Nov. 23, 1892; Emma Jane b. April 7, 1874; Alice b. April 1, 1876, d. April 3, 1876; James A b. Jan. 30, 1878; George W. b. Aug. 5, 1880, m. Elsie Duncan Feb. 23, 1906; Daniel b. Jan. 29, 1883, m. Alice Grether April 25, 1906. Family resided Gen- esee, Wis.; Salt Lake City and Taylorsville, Utah. Came to America, 1855; settled at Taylorsville 1868. Member 14th quorum seventies; high priest; Sunday school superintendent 1870-84. School trustee 12 years; justice of peace eight years. Postmaster of Taylorsville 1875-89. WEBSTER, JOHN WILLIAM (son of John Webster and Mary Ann Wright). Born June 15, 1862, Genesee, Waudesha C Married Jessie Bringhurst Oct. 15, 1896, Salt Lake City (daughter of John B. Bringhurst and Emma Tripp), who was born July 22, 1876, Taylorsville, Utah. Their children: John D. b. Sept. 24, 1897; Mary E. b. June 29, 1900; Rulon b June 27, 1903; Myles b. Jan. 17, 1906; Samuel b. April 3, 1908, d. June 27, 1908; Ruth b. May 24, 1909; Mark b. Sept. 8, 1911. WEBSTER, WILLIAM M. (son of Frederick Webster, born 1825 in Yorkshire, Eng., and Sarah Moorhouse, born 1 29, in New Jersey married in 1848; the former of Glenham. Dutchess county, N. T., the latter of Vanderville Mills, N. J ) Born Jan. 29, 1850, at Vanderville Mills. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861. John R. Murdock company. Married Margaret Mathews May 14, 1876 (daughter of John Mathews and Ann Evans married 1832, Mt. Nashy, Wales). She was born April 12, 1858. Their children: Sarah b Feb 8 1877, m. Isaac Blackburn Nov. 30, 1894; Rosa b. 1236 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Dec. 11, 1878, m. James Berry Dec. 27, 1904; Frederick b. Oct. 3 1881, m. Amy Cedina Carrell June 23, 1906; Elizabeth b. Feb. 11, 1884, m. Elijah Maxfield Aug. 4, 1904; Daniel b. Dec. 3, 1886. Family home Loa, Utah. Married Kate Frederickson July 17, 1889, Mantl, Utah (daughter of James Frederickson and Ellen Nielsen, who were married 1808, in Sweden, the latter came to Utah 1873). She was born May 30, 1859, Westrup, Sweden. Their children: James b. Aug. 11, 1890; Alice b. May 19, 1892; Mabel b. Sept. 25, 1895; Attella b. June 13, 1897; Loren b. Sept. 16, 1900; Pearl b. Nov. 19, 1902. Elder. Settled at Deseret 1861, moved to Holden 1868; to Fremont Valley 1877; and later to Loa. WEBSTER, FREDERICK (son of William M. Webster and Margaret Mathews). Born Oct. 3, 1881, Loa, Utah. Married Amy Cedina Carrell June 23, 1896, Loa, Utah (daughter of John F. Carrell and Olive Foy, born in Utah). She was born June 25, 1886, Giles, Utah. Their child: Maud b. Jan. 21, 1911. Family home Loa, Utah. WEEDING, HANS O. (son of Christen Weeding, born at Satten, Nordland Amt., Norway, and Rachel Greghusdatter, born at Qvejford, TYomso Amt., Norway). Born Sept. 12, 1814, at Dahle, Qvejford, Tromso, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1862. Married Karren Norum Berg in Norway (daughter of Elert Berg and Randine Pedersdatter, of Norway, pioneers Oct. 8, 1862). She was born Aug. 14, 1825; came to Utah with husband. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Married Jenslne Nielsen Frogner Nov. 15, 1869, at Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Niels Hansen Frogner and Gunill Kerstene Jensdatter). Their children: Caroline Jen- sine b. Sept. 4, 1870, m. John H. Hansen March 10, 1907; Emma Christine b. July 11, 1872, m. Hiram A. Nielsen Dec. 20, 1899; Hans Richard b. April 27, 1874, m. Jessie Poppleton Sept. 23, 1902; Randine Amelia b. May 28, 1877; Nephi Theodore b. Dec. 19, 1879; Agnes Sophia b. May 16, 1882; Charles Gideon b. Sept. 9, 1884, m. Wanda H. Salverson June 5, 1908; Lovella Marie b. Sept. .21, 1888. Family home Hyrum, Utah. High priest; ward teacher, and also traveling priest. Fisherman; farmer. Died May 24, 1899, at Hyrum. WEEDING, HANS RICHARD (son of Hans O. Weeding and Jensine Nielsen Frogner). Born April 27, 1874, Hyrum, Utah. Married Jessie Poppleton Sept. 23, 1902, Wellsvile, Utah (daughter of Thomas and Mary Poppleton, of Wellsville, Utah), who was born Sept. 13, 1883, at Wellsville. Their children: Hans O. b. Dec. 31, 1903; Lovella M. b. Dec. 27, 1905; Russel b. Dec. 16, 1908; Jessie b. Jan. 21, 1911, d. Feb. 21, 1911. Family home Hyrum, Utah. Farmer. WEGGELAND, DANQ.CART A1VTHOTT (son of Aanen Sam- uelson Weggeland and Annie Norman of Chrlstiansand, Norway). Born March 31, 1827. Came to Utah. Oct. 17, 1862, Henry Miller company. Married Andrine M. Holm Feb. 5, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Andrew Holm and Astried Knudsen of Nor- way), who was born Dec. 2, 1839; came to Utah with Captain Eldredge company. Their children: Annie, m. William Cockren; D. Norman, m. Annie Jensen; William A., m. Sophia Jones; George A., m. Pearl Shannon; Henry N., m. Nina Tollhurst; Ada, m. Henry Reimers; Samuel O., m. Dell Swenson; Alma T., d. infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Marltt Poulson Sept. 30, 1905, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Telefson and Ingjor Olson of Norway, who came to Utah Sept. 13, 1882). She was born July 15, 1836. Member 10th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1856-57; high priest; block teacher; ward secretary 20 years; home missionary. Artist and decorator In Mantl, St. George, Salt Lake and Logan temples. WEIGHT, FREDRICK (son of James Weight, born Feb. 28, 1788. Bowbridge, Eng., and Ann Foukes, born June 24, 1791, Voxam, Wiltshire, Eng.). He was born June 18, 1828, Stroud, near Bristol, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1851, Captain Howell company. Married Charlotte Burgum Aug. 18, 1849 (daughter of Henry Burgum), who was born October, 1828, and died October, 1851. Only child: Martin b. Jan. 9, 1861, m. Eliza Ann Brown, m. Jennie Gee. Family resided In Sevier Co., Utah. Married Mary Milnes Jan. 7, 1853, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Edward Milnes), who was born Dec. 31, 1834, Brad- ford, Eng. Their children: Joseph H. b. Sept. 25, 1855, m. N. Reuhama Johnson; Mary Charlotte b. May 9, 1859, m. John F. Averett; Fredrick H. b. Dec. 10, 1861, m. Hattie Whittaker; Sarah E. b. Aug. 18, 1864, m. George Sperry; James E. b. March 18, 1867, m. Annabelle Johnson; Maria E. b. October, 1871, m. Joseph Chamberlain. Married Elizabeth Bocock July 1, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Bocock and Sarah Brough, former pioneer Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin company), who was born May 11, 1837, Tinsley, Yorkshire, Eng. Their children: Alfred William b. April 7, 1866, m. Eunice A. Noakes; George Albert b. April 28, 1868, m. H. Lenora Chllds; Wallace Fred- rick b. Jan. 22, 1870, died; Amelia Ann b. Sept. 20. 1871; Arthur Burg-urn b. April 3, 1873; Alice Cora b. Nov. 23, 1874; Samuel Eugene b. Aug. 26, 1876; latter three died; Claude Francis b. March 3, 1879, m. Bertha I. Harmer; Ralph Brough b. March 25, 1882, m. Minerva Bryan. High priest; member Salt Lake tabernacle choir; chorister at Springville 25 years, and organist for many years. Played In first brass band at Salt Lake City. Drum major in Nauvoo Legion. One of the first members of Salt Lake Theatrical company. Home guard in Black Hawk Indian war. Died Dec. 15, 1901. WEIGHT, CLAUDE F. (son of Fredrick Weight and Eliza- beth Bocock). Born March 3, 1879, Springville, Utah. Married Bertha I. Harmer June 19, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Lorin Harmer and Ellen Tew of Springville), who was born March 7, 1885. Their children: Lewis F. b. May 25, 1908; Reed Leroy b. Aug. 28, 1909; Bert Howard b. Nov. 22, 1911. Family home Springville, Utah. Member 51st quorum seventies; missionary to Virginia 1904-06; chorister at first ward. Spring-vine. Piano tuner. WEILER, JACOB. Born March 14, 1808, in Chester county, Pa. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Anna Maria Malin in Pennsylvania (daughter of Elijah Malin and Catherine Esslck, of Chester county, pio- neers 1848, John Gleason company). She was born March 28, 1802. Their children: Joseph, m. Mary A. Chaffln; Cath- erine, m. Hector C. Haight; Elijah M., m. Emily P. Crismon; Lydia A., m. Joseph S. Home. Family home Salt Lake City, Utah. Bishop of third ward. Salt Lake City, 40 years; patriarch. Farmer. Died March 25, 1896, Salt Lake City. WEILER, JOSEPH (son of Jacob Weller and Anna Maria Malin). Born Nov. 17, 1836, in Chester county, Pa. Came to Utah 1848. Married Mary A. Chaffln Oct. 26, 1861, Salt Lake City (daughter of Louis Rice Chaffln and Sarah Maria Cositt of St. Louis, Mo. pioneers October, 1852, Henry Miller com- pany), who was born Dec. 27, 1843. Their children: Mary A. b. Dec. 12, 1864, m. Heber S. Cutler; Joseph L. b. Oct. 17, 1868, m. Catherine Curtis; Annie M. b. July 4, 1869, d. Infant; Sarah E. b. Feb. 13, 1871, d. aged 4; Edith L. b. Jan. 1, 1872, d. 1897; Jacob M. b. Jan. 2, 1874, m. Lily S. Nicholson; Gearda B. b. Sept. 24, 1876, m. E. A. Lambourne; Lydia A. b. Sept. 16, 1878, m. Frank W. Brazier; Darwin L. b. Jan. 28, 1881, d. aged 4. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Holland 1864-68; seventy; Sunday school superintendent fourth ward. Translator. Dairyman. Died Aug. 4, 1885, Salt Lake City. WELCH, CHARLES (son of John Welch and Maria Butler, former of Leir, Leicestershire, Eng.). Born May 18, 1828, at Leir. Came to Utah in 1853. Married Sophia Parkins December, 1854, Salt Lake City (parents resided in England). She was born Nov. 2, 1832. Their child: Katherine b. Sept. 26, 1855, m. Charles Bogart. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Elizabeth Newey (daughter of John Newey and Leah Weland, former pioneer, Captain Secrist company, the latter died in England -married at Purbright, Surrey). She was born Aug. 18, 1839, Cove, Hampshire, Eng., and came to Utah with her father. Their children: Charles John b. March 14, 1858, d. agred 14; Leah Newey b. Feb. 28, 1860, m. John Friend Aug. 7, 1882; Samuel b. June 10, 1863, m. Jenny Grose July, 1900; Annie Elizabeth b. Feb. 26, 1865, m. Lorenzo Jackson May 18, 1887; James b. Feb. 26, 1867, m. Julia Winger Nov. 20, 1889; Jane b. Jan. 10, 1869, m. Edward Jude March 11, 1894; William H. b. Jan. 21, 1871, d. Feb. 4, 1871; Nettie b. Jan. 6, 1872. m. Joseph Firth Aug. 1897; Charles b. May 4, 1874, died; George b. Feb. 2, 1877, m. Hyacinth Covington Dec. 24. 1906; Ethel E. b. March 2, 1879, m. M. J. Cullen Jan. 4, 1901; Maud J. b. June 29, 1881, m. C. E. Monagan June 17, 1903. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Hannah Stephensen November, 1862, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Stephensen, pioneer Sept. 24, 1862, wagon company). She was born in Derbyshire, Eng. Their children: Mary b. Oct. 10, 1863, m. W. A. Clark; Sarah Jane b. Sept. 17, 1865, m. James Wardleigh; Fannie; Hannah b. Feb. 24, 1867, m. John Day; Alvin b. Oct. 7, 1870, d. Nov. 3, 1906; Alma b. Oct. 7, 1870, d. Nov. 9, 1873. Member of high council 20 years; ordained elder June 19, 1851; missionary in England before leaving; missionary to England April, 1860-62; counselor to Lorn Farr in quorum of high priests of Weber stake for many years. Street supervisor of Ogden for many years. Died Jan. 13, 1902. Ogden. WELCH, THOMAS R. G. (son of Robert Welch, born May 11, 1805, Shepton, Mallet, Somersetshire, Eng., and Isabella Friday, born 1815, of Shepton married at Salisbury, Wilt- shire, Eng.). He was born July 10, 1835, at Shepton. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1857, Jesse B. Martin company. Married Harriet Nash Aug. 27, 1855 (daughter of Charles Nash and Mary Davey), who was born April 17, 1831. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Thomas Friday b. July 25, 1856, m. Martha J. Tonks April 10, 1879; Emily Louisa b. Oct. 20, 1858. died; Charles Arthur b. April 10, 1860, m. Mary L. Htnckley April 5, 1883; James Nash b. Nov. 12, 1862, m. Sarah C. Hiner Feb. 25, 1885; Isabella Lizzie b. Oct. 29, 1865, m. Joseph E. Butters Nov. 29, 1883; Robert Hyrum b. April 11, 1867, m. Emily Fry Nov. i,9, 1888; PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1237 Joseph Smith b. Dec. 30, 1868, m. Sarah V. Bull Aug. 26, 1891; William Frederic b. April 4, 1871, died. Family home Mor- gan, Utah. Married Mary Jane Cook (Toomer) September, 1869 (daughter of Thomas Cook and Mary Ann Harris, widow of James Toomer), who was born July 7. 1829, in Hampshire, Eng. Family home Morgan, Utah. High council of Morgan stake 1877-1906; president elders quorum 1874-77; secretary of church association of Morgan stake 1886-94; member board of education of Morgan stake and secretary and director six years; appointed committee- man with W. W. Cluft to select officers of Morgan stake. Member Nauvoo Legion. Went south with the "move" and returned to Salt Lake City 1860. Postmaster at Morgan 1863-68; clerk and recorder of Morgan county 1864-71; assessor and collector of Morgan county 1867-74; county road commissioner 1869-72; county superintendent of schools six years. Drew plans and superintended the erection of Morgan city and county building; fruit, tree and bee In- spector for two years; city recorder 1868-84; member com- mittee on municipal laws 16 years; chairman of the county Republican committee and member of the state committee 1892-98; officer of first state legislature 1896. Associated with Richard Fry in contract for construction of a portion of the Union Pacific Railroad through Morgan city and county, and was bookkeeper for the company. Assessor and collector for the South Morgan school district six years. Tithing clerk 1864-1900. WELCHMAN, ARTHUR PBJTDRY (son of Edward Welch- man, born May 11, 1773, Kineton, Warwickshire, Eng., and Jemima Williams, both of Rugby, Eng.). Born April 20, 1834, at Kineton. Came to Utah in September, 1854, Preston Thomas oxteam company, driving 5 yoke of oxen. Married Joanna Murray Bee Oct. 13, 1860, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Bee, who died in Scotland, and Janette Achlson, pioneer 1851, and married to Joseph Dobson In 1851, at Salt Lake City; the latter was a member of Com- pany B, Mormon Battalion). She was born Oct. 14, 1828, and came to Utah in Morris W. Phelps company; died Jan. 14, 1913, Grover, Lincoln county, Wyo. . Married Sarah Lucretia Kershaw March 16, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Frederick Watkins Ker- shaw, who died aboard ship In 1865, and Eliza Byard). She was born Nov. 1, 1850, Graham's Town, South Africa. Their children: Sarah Eliza b. April 10, 1868, m. Joseph Crow Dec. 13, 1890; Charles Arthur b. June 19, 1870, m. Annie E. Christensen Oct. 16, 1899; Frederick Richard b. Sept. 1, 1873, d. Jan. 19, 1879; Edward Walter b. March 18, 1876, d. March 1, 1877; Emma Joanna b. March 21, 1878, m. Olof Julius Hokanson Nov. 6, 1895; George William b. Oct. 29, 1880, m. Clara May Lake Dec. 3, 1905; Alvin Joseph b. March 8, 1883, m. Ida Bull June 14, 1912; Mary Fortuna b. June 17, 1885; Louisa Isabel b. Oct. 18, 1890, m. Martin LeRoy Bee Oct. 18, 1911; David Samuel b. Nov. 8, 1892. Family home Grover, Lincoln county, Wyo. Seventy; high priest; missionary to eastern states 1854- 66; acting teacher and priest; ward clerk and choir member; clerk in high priests Quorum; Sunday school teacher. School teacher; ranchman. WHLKER, JAMES WIt,BtTR]V (son of James Welker, born Aug. 19, 1803, in Rowan county, N. C., and Elizabeth Hoi- brook, born Feb. 28, 1800, in Ashe county, N. C.). He was born Jan. 17, 1825, in Jackson Co., Ohio. Came to Utah 1853, Isaac Stewart company. Married Annie Pugh Feb. 17, 1845, In Pottawattamie Co., Iowa (daughter of Isaac and Martha Pugh, latter pio- neer 1853, Isaac Stewart company). She was born Jan. 31, 1821. Came to Utah with husband. Their children: Alfred b. July 22. 1847, m. Eliza Madsen; Hetty Emeline b. Nov. 1, 1848, m. Alvero Dunn; Orlena b. Jan. 4, 1850, m. Journal A. Palmer; James Albert b. July 6, 1851, m. Inger Madsen: Adam b. Feb. 4, 1853, m. Clara Osmond Feb. 1, 1878; Gilbert b. Aug. 24, 1855, m. Charlotte Nelson; Wilbern b. Sept. 10, 1857, m. Hannah Solsby; Ephraim b. Feb. 3, 1860; Rebecca Ann b. Jan. 24, 1864, m. Peter Greenhalgh. Family resided Willard, Utah, and Bloomington, Idaho. Married Susan Caroline Stevenson, who was born June 29, 1833. Their children: Isabel Jane b. Nov. 9, 1864, m. Walter Ackroyd; Susan Eveline b. March 19, 1866, m. Warren Lindsay; Sarah b. Jan. 28, 18G8, and Francis Marion b. Jan. 23, 1870, d. children; Harris Alexander b. Nov. 17, 1872; Abraham b. May 7, 1875; Catherine Almira and Caroline Alvlna b. Dec. 22, 1876, d. children. Family home Bloom-' Ington, Idaho. Bishop; alternate high councilor. Member of Nauvoo Legion. Settled at Alpine 1853; moved to Willward, Utah, and later to Bear Lake Valley, Idaho. Blacksmith. Erected one of first sawmills at Bloomington. WELKER, JAMES ALBERT (son of James Wilburn Welker and Annie Pugh). Born 1851, in Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Married Ingar Mary Madison Feb. 25, 1875, Bloomington, Idaho (daughter of Jacob Madison and Dortha Christina Jensen, pioneers 1857, Maryland company). She was born 1854, in Denmark. Their children: Clara b. Aug. 27, 1877, m. Thomas Stephens Jan. 3 ,1899; Arthur b. Sept. 29, 1879; Ada b. Feb. 1, 1881, m. Ambrose Merrell June 7, 1898; Mary b. April 22, 1883, m. Norman Bourne Sept. 5, 1906; Melvin b. Feb. 5, 1885; Dortha b. Nov. 28, 1889, m. John Van Orman June 9, 1909; Rozelta b. Jan. 16, 1889, m. William Roberts June 22, 1910; Geneva b. Jan. 8, 1891; Delilah b. Feb. 27, 1893; Fern b. April 14, 1899. Family resided Bloomington and Bennington, Idaho. High priest; bishop's counselor. Farmer and rancher. WELKER, ADAM (son of James Wilburn Welker and Annie Pugh). Born Feb. 4, 1853, Alpine, Utah. Married Clara Osmond Feb. 1, 1878, Bloomington, Idaho (daughter of George Osmond and Georgina Huckvale, pio- neers 1855, Hooper and Williams company), who was born Dec. 4, 1856. Their children: Roy Anson b. Nov. 9, 1878, m. Lizzie Hoge June 7, 1906; Raymond b. Sept. 19, 1830, m. Libbie Wright Nov. 9, 1904; Georgina b. Feb. 9, 1883, m. Milton Floyd June 27, 1906; Rosa b. Feb. 9, 1886; George Adam b. April 18, 1888, d. June 24, 1899; Nina b. Sept. 6, 1891; Pearl b. Aug. 4, 1896; Clara b. March 6, 1903. Family home Bloomington, Bear Lake Co., Utah. Active church worker. Settler In Willard, Utah; moved to Bloomington 1864. Mail carrier two years between Bloomington and Franklin. WELKER, GILBERT (son of James Wilburn Welker and Annie Pugh). Born Aug. 24, 1855, Willard, Utah. Married Charlotte Nelson Jan. 1, 1874, Bloomington, Idaho (daughter of Nels Christian Nelson and Catherine Johnson, pioneers handcart company 1857). She was born Oct. 14, 1857, Provo, Utah. Their children: C. Olive b. Sept. 24, 1875, m. Daniel Harvey; Catherine Ann b. Sept. 27, 1877, and Gilbert Anthon b. Oct. 16, 1879, died; Alia Rebecca b Nov. 10, 1881, m. Melvin Loveland Nov. 30, 1899; Mary Susan b. Feb. 18, 1884, m. J. G. Watson Oct. 19, 1907; James Lawrence b. Sept. 21, 1887, m. Beatrice Christenson Oct. 17, 1909; Luella b. May 25, 1886, died; Albert Wesley b. Nov. 12, 1889, m. Ethel Bacon June 5, 1910; Bardella Jane b. Jan. 10, 1895, m. Charles Rasmusson April 8, 1910; Carson Nelson b. Jan. 24, 1893; Alfred Nelson b. April 8, 1895; Laura b. June 18, 1898; Elga Darrell W. b. Nov. 8, 1901. Family home Bloomington, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. WELl/IJTG, JOB (son of John Welling of Andlam, Chester- shire, Eng.). Born Jan. 9, 1833, Andlam. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmond Ellsworth company. Married Frances E. Yeoman 1853, Southampton, Eng. Their children: J. Y., d.; Marion and John, d. infants; Wil- lard K. b. March 16, 1859, m. Alice Leonard; Annie M. b. March 19, 1864, m. Orland Dalton. Married Marietta Holmes May 12, 1866, Farmington. Utah (daughter of Jonathan H. Holmes and Elvira Cowles, former pioneer contingent of Mormon Battalion). She was born July 17, 1849. Their children: Franklin D. b. Dec. 20, 1868, m. Estella Secrist May 15, 1890; Joseph H. b. June 21, 1870, m. Effie I. Richards; Jonathan H. b. April 1, 1873. died; Marietta b. April 5, 1875. m. Joseph A. Sill; Arthur b. Dec. 18, 1877. m. Phoebe McCloughlin: Rhoda b. Nov. 19, 1880, m. John W. Taylor; Edward H. b. June 16, 1883; Charles R. b. Nov. 18, 1885. Married Phoebe L. Holmes Dec. 21, 1868, at Farmlngton (daughter of Jonathan Holmes and Elvira Cowles), who was born Feb. 5, 1851, at Farmington. Their children: Zina Elvira b. Sept. 29, 1869; Elvira A. b. May 2, 1871, m. Leon 'A. Rose; Job A. b. Aug. 16, 1873, m. Lena Wood; George A. b. Nov. 11, 1875, m. Judith Oviatt; Sarah E. b. May 14, 1878. m. Eberhart Zundel; Wilford A. b. Nov. 19. 1880, m. Alice Lyman: Hyruni S. b. July 25, 1883; Leonard Henry b. Aug. 29, 1886, died. Married Emma L. Holmes April 28, 1875 (daughter of Jonathan H. Holmes and Elvira Cowles), who was born Feb. 1, 1856, at Farmington. Their children: Milton H. b. Jan. 25, 1876, m. Sarah B. Richards Dec. 26, 1900; Emma L. b. July 8, 1878, m. Wilson Earl; Eliza Roxia b. July 18, 1880. m. John W. Taylor; Horace b. July 3, 1883; Alice Belva b. March 9, 1886, m. Israel Barlow. Families resided Farming- ton. Utah. Missionary to Australia 1875-76; bishop's counselor. Su- perintendent Farmington Co-operative Store. WELLING. FRANKLIN DAVID (son of Job Welling and Marietta Holmes). Born Dec. 20, 1868, Farmington, Utah. Married Estella Secrist May 15, 1890, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Jacob Moroni Secrist and Estella Smith of Farm- ington). She was born April 24, 1874, died Feb. 1, 1909. Their children: Franklin Moroni; Ray Secrist; Emery Job; Estella; Ralston David. Married Emelia Marie Madsen June 1, 1911, Salt Lake City (daughter of Peter F. and Emelia D. Madsen of Brig- ham City, Utah). Seventy; high priest; second counselor to Bishop W. L. Grover of Garland ward eight years; superintendent Y. M. M. I. A. of Bear River stake 1908-12. Connected with the early settlement of Bear River valley. WELLING, JOSEPH H. (son of Job Welling and Marietta Holmes). Born June 21, 1870, Farmington, Utah. Married Effle Irene Richards Feb. 5, 1896, Logan, Utah (daughter of Calvin Willard Richards and Emma Irene Walker of Farmington, Utah). She was born Feb. 13, 1876. Their children: Herald J. b. Feb. 16, 1897; Tracy Richards b. Oct. 25, 1898; Karl G. b. Jan. 30, 1901; Ruby b. Jan. 8, 1904, d. Jan. 7, 1905; Lawrence Daniel b. May 27. 1906; Mabel b. May 7, 1909. Family home Riverside, Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1901-02 and in' 1912; first counselor in bishopric of Riverside ward 13 years; ordained bishop of Riverside Feb. 18, 1911. 1238 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WELLING, MILTON H. (son of Job Welling and Emma L. Holmes). Born Jan. 25, 1876, Farmington, Utah. Married Sarah B. Richards Dec. 26, 1900, Salt Lake City (daughter of Calvin W. Richards and Emma I. Walker), who was born March 10, 1878, d. March 14, 1905. Their children: Emma Irene b. Jan. 21, 1902; Virginia b. May 29, 1904. Family home Fielding, Utah. Married Alice Sylvia Ward May 17, 1906, Salt Lake City (daughter of Moroni Ward and Eliza Voss of Willard, Utah, pioneers October, 1863, Daniel Miller company). She was born July 13, 1879. Their children: Ward Holmes b. March 12, 1908; Lysle b. Dec. 30, 1910. Missionary to southern states 1896-98; president Malad stake 1902-08. State legislator. Graduate of University of Utah. b. Sept. 14. 1890; Lillian b. Oct. 2, 1894; Helen b. June 16, 1896; Dorothy Marion b. Nov. 25, 1899. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary; one of seven presidents of seventies. Asso- ciated with the Heber J. Grant Co. Insurance. WELLS, DANIEL HANMER (son of Daniel Wells, born at Wethersneld, Conn., and Catherine Chapin). He was born Oct. 27, 1814, Trenton, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Young company, captain of a division. Married Eliza Robinson 1835 at Commerce, 111. (daugh- ter of Lewis Robinson of Salt Lake City). Only child: Albert E. Married Louisa Free in 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of Absalom Pennington Free and Betsy Strait of Bellville, St. Clair county, 111., pioneers 1S48). She was born Aug. 9, 1824. Their children: Daniel Hanmer, Jr., b. Nov. 24, 1849, m. Geneva Price; Frances Louisa b. March 13, 1852, m. George Naylor; Rulon Seymour b. July 7, 1854, m. Josephine Eliza Beatie; Emeline Young b. April 13, 1857; Eliza Free b. Oct. 3, 1859; Clara Ellen b. Oct. 23, 1862, m. William S. Hedges; Melvin Dickenson b. July 31, 1867, m. Elizabeth Ann Young. Married Martha Harris In 1849. Their children: Martha Deseret, m. Charles Read; Emily, m. Heber Jeddy Grant; Heber Manning, m. Elizabeth Beatje, m. Theresa Clawson, m. Emily Katz; Joseph Smith, m. Annie Sears, m. Mary Lovell; Edna, m. Thomas W. Sloan; Briant Harris, m. Mary Jennings. Married Lydia Ann Alley in 1852 (daughter of George Alley and Ann Symons). Their children: Catherine; Lucy Ann; Wilford; Arthur D. ; Mary Minerva, m. Orson F. Whit- ney; Louis Robison, m. Inga Hansen. Married Susan H. Alley in 1852 (daughter of George Alley and Ann Symons). Their children: Annette, m. H. L. A. Culmer; George A.; Stephen; Charles H., m. Susan Riter. Married Hannah C. Free (daughter of Absalom Penning- ton Free and Betsy Strait). Their children: Abbie C., m. Seymour B. Young; Junius Free b. June 1, 1854, m. Helena Forbes; Gershom Britain Finley b. Nov. 1864, m. Nellie Sheets, m. Maud Freeze; Victor Pennington; Luna Pamela, Brigham, Ephraim and Preston, d. children. Married Emmeline B. Woodward (Whitney) in 1852. Their children: Emmie b. Sept. 10, 1853, d. 1877; Annie, m. John Q. Cannon; Louie, d. aged 18. Emmeline B. Woodward married Newell K. Whitney (first husband). Their children: Isabel, m. Septimus A. Sears; Melvina, m. Maj. William W. Woods. In the organization of the provisional government was attorney-general and later chief justice of Deseret; mem- ber first territorial legislative council many terms; mem- ber constitutional convention; mayor of city of Salt Lake 1866-76; member city council until 1882, when he was disfranchised by the Edmunds law. In 1848 appointed superintendent public works; acted in that capacity in laying cornerstone of the temple 1853; superintended build- Ing of old council house, which was used as a courthouse and as the home of the University of Deseret, of which Institution he was chancellor 1869-78. Apostle and second counselor to President Brigham Young 20 years, becoming counselor to twelve apostles at the death of President Young. Associated with the military from the battle of Nauvoo, 111., till disbandment of Nauvoo Legion. He, with Charles C. Rich, organized the Utah militia, and was elected major-general by the state assembly May 26, 1849, receiving the rank of lieutenant-general; under the territorial militia law was re-elected lieutenant-general April 6, 1857, and the forces under him opposed General Johnston's advance Into Salt Lake valley during that and the ensuing year. During the Indian troubles in Utah and San Pete counties he took the field in defense of the settlers. Missionary to Liverpool 1864-65, and presided over the European mis- sion. Succeeded Heber C. Kimball in charge of the En- dowment House at Salt Lake City. Directed organization of settlements in Utah and Arizona. In December, 1884, was sent to preside over European mission, which position he held till 1887. President Manti temple 1888. Present at the dedication of St. George, Logan and Manti temples. First to develop coal mines in Summit county; operated lumber mills in Cottonwood canyon; manager Salt Lake nail factory; established Salt Lake City gas works, and was interested in many other business and industrial insti- tutions. Died March 24, 1891, Salt Lake City. WELLS, RULON SEYMOUR (son of Daniel Hanmer Wells and Louisa Free). Born July 7, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Josephine Eliza Beatie Jan. 18, 1883. Salt Lake Endowment House (daughter of Hampden Sidney Beatie and Marion Thankful Mumford of Salt Lake City). She was born Feb. 10, 1857. Their children: Josephine Louisa b. Feb. 18, 1884, m. David Douglas Moffat; Rulon Seymour, Jr., b. Oct. 5, 1S85; Sidney Beatie b. Oct. 3, 1887; Elizabeth WELLS, JONATHAN SAWYER (son of Judah and Sarah Wells). Born June 3, 1805, in Grafton county, N. H. Came to Utah 1850, Captain Johnson company. Married Margret Gardner June 23, 1829, in Erie county. Pa. (daughter of Nathaniel B. Gardner and Hannah Briggs), who was born Sept. 15, 1811. Their children: Lyman Briggs b. June 12, 1830, m. Bethiah Fordham; Hannah Swanthy b. Oct. 7, 1831, m. John Memorial McCrary; Otis Nathaniel b. July 1, 1833, m. Victoria Fordham; Erastus Nelson b. Feb. 18, 1835, m. Nancy Malinda Whitaker, d. July 28, 1900; Huldah Mariah b. June 11, 1837, m. Timothy Lish; Sarah Matilda b. April 15, 1843, m. Richard Drake; Julia Ann and Judah Smith (twins) b. Oct. 26, 1846, latter married Ada Lish; Margret Ann b. June 11, 1851, m. David Pinny Wells. Member of seventy; counselor in bishopric of Willard ward. Justice of peace at Willard. Veteran Indian war. Farmer. Died July 27, 1867, in Harrison Co., Iowa. WELLS, ERASTUS NELSON (son of Jonathan Sawyer Wells and Margret Gardner). Born Feb. 18, 1835, in Erie county, Pa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Nancy Malinda Whitaker Jan. 4, 1855, Willard, Utah (daughter of James Whitaker and Nancy Woodland of Willard, pioneers 1850). She was born Oct. 11, 1838, in Davies county, Mo., died Nov. 9, 1909. Their children: Erastus Nelson b. Aug. 10, 1856, m. Mary Moon; James Oscar b. Aug. 14, 1859, m. Rowena Moon; Clara Malinda b. Dec. 21, 1862, m. Benjamin Moon; William Carnan b. March 1, 1866, d. same day; Margret Marinda b. Feb. 20, 1868, m. Manasah Moon, m. Hance Knudsen; Jonathan Sawyer b. April 12, 1870; Nancy Myrtle b. May 5, 1875; Lawrence Ray b. Nov. 4, 1878, m. Annie Bell. Family home Woodruff, Idaho. Member seventy at Willard, Utah. Justice of peace; trustee at Woodruff. Farmer. Died July 28, 1900, Wood- ruff, Idaho. WELLS, JONATHAN SAWYER (son of Erastus Nelson Wells and Nancy Malinda Whitaker). Born April 12, 1870, Woodruff, Idaho. School trustee Woodruff, Idaho. Assisted In building the Farmers' Telephone in Malad Valley, Idaho. WELLS, LAWRENCE RAY (son of Erastus Nelson Wells and Nancy Malinda Whitaker). Born Nov. 4, 1878, Wood- ruff, Idaho. Married Annie Arbella Bell Nov. 21, 1907 (daughter of Robert Bell and Lizzie John). Born Jan. 10, 1888, Malad, Idaho. Their children: Laura Bell b. Oct. 22, 1908; Erastus Nelson b. Nov. 30, 1910. WEST, CHATTNCEY WALKER (oon of Alva West, born June 21, 1795, and Sally Benedict, born Oct. 19, 1800, of Lee and Lenox, Mass.). He was born Feb. 6, 1827, in Orange township, Erie county. Pa. Came to Utah 1847. Married Mary Hoagland May 1, 1846 (daughter of Abra- ham L. Hoagland and Margaret Quick married Nov. 24, 1825). She was born Feb. 11, 1829, and died Aug. 27, 1870. Their children: Margaret b. Sept. 1847, died; Chauncey Walker b. Aug. 3, 1849, m. Sylvia Snow Nov. 9, 1868; Joseph Alva b. Sept. 12, 1851, m. Josephine Richards March 4, 1873; John Abraham b. June 25, 1856, m. Amanda A. Thomp- son Oct. 25, 1876; Josephine b. 1861, died. Family resided Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah. Ordained a seventy in 1845; bishop of first ward at Ogden May 29, 1855, and later was presiding bishop of Weber county for many years. Member house of representatives several terms. Colonel in Weber military district; briga- dier-general in Nauvoo Legion. Member legislative con- vention of the inchoate state of Deseret. Missionary to Slam in 1852; to England 1863, where he was president of the European mission. Died Jan. 9, 1870. WEST, JOSEPH ALVA (son of Chauncey Walker West and Mary Hoagland). Born Sept. 12, 1851, Salt Lake City. Married Josephine Richards March 4, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Franklin D. Richards and Jane Snyder), who was born May 25, 1853, Salt Lake City. Their children: Jane b. Dec. 29. 1873, m. John L. Herrick June 1, 1894; Joseph Walker b. Oct. 1, 1875. m. Mary E. Littlefleld June 1, 1894; Willard Alva b. Jan. 11, 1878. d. Feb. 10, 1880; George Edward b. Aug. 5, 1880, d. Sept. 10, 1882; Ray Bene- dict b. Oct. 21, 1882, m. Mary Morrell; Franklin Lorenzo b. Feb. 1, 1885, m. Gladys Spencer Aug. 19, 1904; Mary Josephine b. Feb. 11. 1888, m. Reuben T. Evans Nov. 4, 1909; Charles Henry b. Sept. 22, 1890. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Sylvia A. Child Feb. 24, 1888 (daughter of War- ren G. Child and Martha Elmer), who was born April 11. 1869. Ogden, Utah. Their children: Sylvia Valencia b. Feb. 1, 1890, d. July 17, 1904; Howard Alva b. Sept. 4, 1891. d. Nov. 30, 1892; Martha Rosetta b. Dec. 31, 1893; Chauncey Warren b. Jan. 27, 1897; John Francis b. June 1. 1899; Dareld Grant b. June 4, 1901; Clarence Vivian Le Roy b. July 24, 1903; Joseph Franklin b. July 1, 1905, d. Dec. 23, 1908; Pearl Marie, b. Sept. 23, 1907; Fred b. March 1, 1909. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1239 Regimental adjutant in Utah militia 1868, and in 1870 made major of cavalry. Deputy territorial surveyor 1868; member lower house of Utah legislature 1885; Ogden city councilman 1878. Went on a mission to England in 1882; member presidency of 76th quorum seventies; high priest; member high council of Weber stake and later of Box Elder stjike; counselor to president of T. M. M. I. A. Had charge of the preliminary surveys of the Union Pacific Railway 1880 and 1889. One of the organizers of the Sump- ter Valley Railway in Oregon 1870 and was made suc- cessively secretary, chief engineer, general freight and passenger agent and superintendent. In 1898 he built the Utah and Western from Milford to Uvada and after its completion became its superintendent; built the Mt. Hood Railway from Hood river in Oregon to Dee and was for a time its superintendent and also its general freight and passenger agent. Built the Ogden Rapid Transit Company's Ogden Canyon and Brigham City extensions. He has con- stantly been occupied in railroad engineering and con- struction. Engineer on Utah Central Railroad between Ogden and Salt Lake City in 1870. WEST, FRANKLIN LORENZO (son of Joseph Alva West and Josephine Richards). Born Feb. 1, 1885, Ogden, Utah. Married Gladys Spencer Aug. 19, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edmund Burke Spencer and Virginia Thatcher of Logan). She was born May 7, 1883. Their children: Virginia Gladys b. Nov.' 12, 1905; Marjorie b. Jan. 12, 1909. Family home Logan, Utah. Received Ph. D. degree from University of Chicago 1911. Professor of physics and director school of general science at Utah Agricultural College. WEST, DAVID (son of William West, born March and Hannah Winterton, born 1789, of Oakbrook shire, Eng.). He was born June 26, 1824. Came Sept. 27, 1853, Moses Dailey company. Married Amelia Hooley July 5, 1844, in England ter of John Hooley and Mary White), who was b 3, 1825. Their child: Charles Henry b. May 14, Frederikke Claudina Jacobsen. Family home Grove, Utah. Justice of the peace; councilman and alderman Grove. 24, 1787. Derby- to Utah (daugh- orn July 1846, m. Pleasant Pleasant WEST, CHARLES HENRY (son of David West and Amelia Hooley). Born May 14, 1846, in Derbyshire, Eng. Came to Utah 1851. Married Frederikke Claudina Jacobsen Aug. 17, 1867, Salt Lake City (daughter of Willhelm Waldemar Alaphelt of Copenhagen, Denmark). She was born Jan. 12, 1847. Came to Utah 1860. Their children: Charles Henry, died; Annie Amelia, m. Andrew Thompson; Hensen J., died; David Waldemar, m. Elva Vilate Adams; Leicester Gay, m. Mar- garet Foutz Walker; Minnie and Heber C., died; Alroy Hooley, m. Eva Marrott; Mary Ellen, Nellie Elmira, William and Frank, latter four died; Archie C. Family resided Linden Ward, Pleasant Grove, Utah. WEST, LEICESTER GAT (son of Charles Henry West and Frederikke Claudina Jacobsen). Born Jan. 2, 1876, Pleas- ant Grove, Utah, Married Margaret Foutz Walker June 29, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of Appollis Benjamin Walker and Sarah Jane Holman of Pleasant Grove, Utah). She was born July 20, 1882. Their children: Leo Berry b. April 7, 1905; Burnell Gay b. May 24, 1907; Ray Walker b. Sept. 21, 1909; Rulon Lester b. April 12, 1912. Missionary to South Carolina 1900-02; teacher in Sunday school. Miner; electrician; farmer and fruitgrower. WEST, JESSE (son of William West and Hannah Winter- ton of Burnswick, Eng.). Born March 30, 1827. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Isabella Windley, who was born April 9, 1828. Their children: Sarah Ann; Caroline; Isabella Ruth; Emma Selenia, m. William Evans; Jesse, Jr., m. Catherine Alice Johnson; Alma Henry, m. Adelaide Fullmer; Hannah C., m. Heber M. Hawkes; Orson Moroni, m. Annie Williams; Nephi Thomas, m. Nettie Hunter; Alice M., m. Thomas Steveson; Matilda, m. Burton S. Rupp; Eliza, m. John Fen- ton; Nellie May, m. William Foster, Jr., m. John Water- house. Bishop's counselor 6th ward 40 years; patriarch nine years. Was captain of a company that fought Indians in 1863. Builder and contractor. Died Dec. 24, 1906, Salt Lake City. WEST, JESSE (son of Jesse West and Isabela Windley). Born Feb. 20, 1854, Salt Lake City. Married Catherine Alice Johnson Oct. 10, 1877. Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Johnson and, Catherine Webb of Toms River, N. J., pioneers September, 1853, Israel Ivins com- pany). She was born May 29, 1858. Their children: Martha b. June 27, 1878, m. J. W. Vincent June 27, 1900; Jesse Leroy b. Sept. 21, 1879, m. Elizabeth H. Snarr Oct. 5, 1904; Carl Henry b. April 18, 1881, m. Lucy Priest July 3, 1906; Catherine Isabelle b. Oct. 30, 1882, m. Llewellyn Shurtliff May 27, 1905; Laverne b. Aug. 4, 1884, m. Edward Cuth- bert Aug. 1, 1903; Eunice Edna b. March 8, 1887, m. Carl Schneiter May 16. 1908; Lois b. Oct. 2, 1888, m. Caton W. Pierce Jan. 6, 1910. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to Arizona. Contractor and builder. Died Nov. 16, 1888, Salt Lake City. WEST, CARL HENRY (son of Jesse West and Catherine Alice Johnson). Born April 18, 1881, Hyde Park, Utah. Married Lucy Priest July 3, 1906, Union, Fremont Co., Idaho (daughter of Edward Priest and Mary Beus of Ogden, Utah; former pioneer Oct. 6, 1862, Ansel P. Harmon company, latter 1856, 'Edmund Ellsworth company). She was born Jan. 14, 1886. Their children: Bently Irvine b. May 15, 1907; Spencer Leroy b. Nov. 9, 1908; Mary b. Dec. 26, 1910. President deacons' quorum of 26th ward when first organ- ized. Printer by trade; later occupation farmer. WEST, SAMUEL (son of John West and Sarah Walker of Benton county, Tenn.). Born March 30, 1804, in South Carolina. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1851, Harry Walton company. Married Margaret Cooper Jan. 29, 1829 (daughter of John Cooper and Esther Fletcher of Tennessee). She was born December, 1804. Their children: Sarah E., m. William Bar- ton; John A., m. Betsy J. Fish, m. Mary J. Robinson; lies Marion, d. infant; Susan E., m. George A. Smith; Emma S., m. Jesse N. Smith; Margaret Fletcher, m. Jesse N. Smith; Lyda C., m. Columbus Freeman; "William Moroni, m. Tryphenia Hobbs; Nancy M., m. John H. Rollins; Samuel W., d. infant. Family home Parowan, Iron Co., Utah. High priest; high councilor of Parowan stake. Farmer and stockraiser. Died 1873 in Washington Co., Utah. WEST, THOMAS (son of Thomas West and Harriet Moore). Born Oct. 1, 1852, St. Joseph, Mo. Came to Utah 1853. Married Emma M. Allred March 11, 1876, Mt. Pleasant, Utah (daughter of Isaac Allred and Emma Dewy of Mt. Pleasant, pioneers 1856). She was born Oct. 15, 1857. Their children: Grace, m. Rasmus L. Madsen; Thomas Wilford, m. Lois Jordan; Stella, m. Charles A. Hyde; Zella, m. Myron Turflne; Ray Adelbert. Family home Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Missionary to England 1898-1900; high priest; bishop's counselor; tithing clerk. City councilman. Farmer and miner. WESTESTSKOW, HA1VS (son of Ole Hansen Westenskow and Maren Hansdatter of Ulslev, Falster, Denmark). Born Sept. 17, 1835, at Ulslev. Came to Utah Sept. 5, 1863, John F. Sanders company. Married Karen Jorgensen Petersen Oct. 18, 1860, Stub- berup, Denmark (daughter of Peter Jorgensen and Ane Petersen of Stubberup, both died in Denmark). She was born March 21, 1839, at Stubberup. Their children: Ole Peter b. Oct. 18, 1861, d. July 2, 1863; Peter H. b. June 16, 1863, m. Annie Keller; Mary b. March 12. 1865. m. Leonard Billings; Hannah b. Jan. 27, 1867, m. William Henrie; Hans b. March 8, 1869, m. Christina Anderson; Louis H. b. Oct. 15, 1871, d. May 16, 1872; Caroline b. April 12. 1873, m. James Henrie; Annie Christina b. Feb. 6, 1875, m. Louis Jensen; Maria b. March 17, 1877. d. Nov. 19. 1879; Magdalina b. March 17, 1877, m. William Worthing; William Henry b. May 28, 1879. m. Mattie A. Bodden; Sarah b. April 22, 1882, m. Joseph Heningson. Married Karen E. Hansen April 18, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nikolai Hansen and Birthe Madsdatter of Bjorup, Denmark, both died in Denmark). She was born March 2, 1852. Their children: John b. Dec. 1, 1871. m. Suexen Chesses; James Peter b. Oct. 5, 1874, m. Olive Bodden; Margeret B. b. April 8, 1877, m. Isaiah Thomas. Families resided Manti, Utah. Ordained high priest Sept. 7. 1890; seventy April 25, 1857; bishop's counselor 1888-1900; ward teacher 1865-75; head ward teacher 1875-88. Leader of Manti brass band and orchestra 20 years; also played for the tabernacle choir 20 years. Farmer. WESTENSKOW, PETER H. (son of Hans Westenskow and Karen Jorgensen Petersen). Born June 16, 1863, Albany, N. Y. Married Anna Keller Oct. 22, 1886, St. George, Utah (daughter of Jacob Keller and Annie R. Hemman of Switz- erland, pioneers 1864). She was born Dec. 8, 1865. Their children: Annie Zelma b. Aug. 21, 1887, m. William A. Funk; Alvin b. May 27, 1889; Peter Daniel b. April 14, 1891; Jacob LeMar b. Jan. 22, 1S93; Wilford b. March 26, 1895; Ethel b. Oct. 30, 1898: Florence b. Aug. 7, 1903. Fam- ily resided Manti, Utah, and Imbler, Ore. WESTERN, SAMUEt, R. (son of John Western and Eliza- beth Durham of Tiverton, Devonshire, Eng.). Born March 17, 1817, at Tiverton. Came to Utah 1868. Married Ann Winsborough April 9, 1836, Tiverton (daugh- ter of Robert Winsborough and Mary Copp of Tiverton). She was born Oct. 6, 1814. Their children: Emma; Eliza- beth; Agnes; Samuel W.; Thomas; Reuben S.; Mary; Ephraim O.; Hannah M. ; Adah A. Family home Deseret, Utah. Elder- missionary to England. Farmer and wire drawer in England. Died Jan. 25, 1904, Deseret, Utah. WESTERN, SAMUEL WINSBOROUGH (son of Samuel R. Western and Ann Winsborough). Born Dec. 4, 1843, Tiver- ton, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1861, Homer Duncan Married Sarah Ann Wood Jan. 29, 1866, Berryville, Wash- ington Co., Utah (daughter of John Wood and Ellen Smith 1240 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH of Lehi, Virgin City and Grafton, Utah, pioneers 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company). She was born May 8, 1850. Their -children: Samuel W. b. May 10, 1867, m. Clara M. Phillips; John Henry b. March 13, 1869, m. Musetta Palmer; Sarah Ann b. Aug. 28, 1871, m. Isaac Alldredge, Jr.; Eliza Ellen b. March 10, 1874, m. Thomas L. Cropper; Lucy Jane b. Dec. 24, 1876, m. Joseph B. Dewsnup; Joseph Franklin b. Nov. 27, 1879, m. Jennie B. Palmer; Ernest b. July 21, 1882, died; Ruth b. Sept. 11, 1884, m. J. H. Durbin; Francis M. b. Dec. 15, 1887, m. Eva D. Black; Mary A. b. July 23, 1895, died. Family home Deseret, Utah. Married Mary Alice Hutchinson May 24, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Hutchinson and Ellen Redmond), who was born April 26, 1866, Deseret. T-heir children: Sarah Alice b. July 1, 1885, d. March 7, 1890; Clarence Levi b. March 27, 1887, d. May 4, 1887; Alma b. Aug. 8, 1888, m. Nancy Stamworth; Jessie W. b. July 29, 1892; Myron L. b. Sept. 10, 1894; Ellen Gladys b. July 1, 1896; James H. b. May 1, 1898; Elizabeth b. Jan. 18, 1900; Mary Ger- trude b. Feb. 9, 1901; Bernice b. June 29, 1903; Samuel Ray b. July 30, 1907; Mina Ann b. April 30, 1909. Family home, Deseret. Missionary to England 1889-91, where he served as presi- dent of Birmingham conference; high priest; ward teacher; counselor to Bishop J. S. Black of Deseret; conductor of ward and Sunday school choirs 35 years; president T. M. M. I. A. Drove team for Thomas G. Odell in Homer Duncan's company across the plains. Settled at Deseret 1877, where he has resided ever since. Missionary to England 1891-93; ordained bishop of Gar- den City ward June 20, 1897. Representative from Rich county to the seventh session (1907) Utah State Legislature. WESTMATf, PETER ERICK (son of Peter Oluf Olsen and Margarite Ramnell of Sweden). Born Oct. 9, 1829, Westmanland, Sweden. Came to Utah July 17, 1872, Erick Petersen company. Married Christina Johnson in Sweden, who was born July 25, 1825, and died Sept. 6, 1864. Their children: Emma Christina b. Jan. 18, 1856, m. Anders Anderson, m. John Anderson; Carl August b. Nov. 19, 1859, d. March 15, 1862. Family home in Sweden. Married Johanna Mathilda Berge Nov. 1, 1866, In Sweden (daughter of Anders Gustave Berge and Margarite John- son of Sweden). She was born Oct. 17, 1840, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Agusta b. April 12, 1871, d. Jan. 5. 1886; Annie M. b. Aug. 28, 1876, m. William Gardner; Elizabeth b. Nov. 21, 1878, m. David Hansen; Peter Alma b. Aug. 21, 1880, m. Anna Axelson. Family home Richfield, Utah. Counselor In presidency of high priests quorum 1883; member high council; member Sevier stake Sunday school board; home missionary. Worked on St. George temple as stone mason 1874-75. Superintendent city waterworks. Farmer and merchant. Died May 12, 1912. WESTMAN, PETER ALMA (son of Peter Erick Westman and Johanna Mathilda Berge). Born Aug. 21, 1880, Richfield, Utah. Married Anna Axelson April 10, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of Axel Axelson and Anna Ervall of Sweden). She was born June 25, 1879. Their children: Lillian b. Jan. 3, 1909; Margrarite b. Sept. 11, 1910. Family home Richfield, Utah. Missionary to Sweden 1901-04; member 76th quorum sev- enties; member general board of T. M. M. I. A. of Sevier stake. Produce merchant. WESTON, GEORGE GIFFORD (son of Nehemiah Weston, born July 19, 1820, West Harptree, and Roseanna Gifford, born Feb. 24, 1821, Fairwood [Wellow], both in Somer- setshire, Eng.. later of Rich Co., Utah married Sept. 29, 1845). He was born Sept. 9, 1848, at Coley (Woolley), East Harptree, Somersetshire. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, Simpson M. Molen company. Married Emma Robinson Oct. 26, 1874 (daughter of George Robinson, born May 15, 1824, and Sarah Craven, born April 29, 1830 married 1849, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng.; both came to Utah in October, 1873). She was born at Clayton, Yorkshire, Eng., Jan. 10, 1852, died April 24, 1898. Came to Utah with parents. Their children: Lovinia b. Sept. 3, 1875, m. Frederick Barker Sept. 25, 1900; George N. b. Dec. 29, 1876, m. Rose Linjenquist Dec. 23, 1908; John Henry b. Jan. 4, 1878, m. Bessie E. Barker Sept. 12, 1906; Emma Sarah b. Aug. 30, 1879, m. Clarence E. Cheney Sept. 12, 1906; Albert Robinson b. Dec. 16, 1880; Lydia Ann b. Sept. 9, 1882, m. De- Witt Johnson June 6. 1906; Elizabeth Anna b. April 21, 1884; Thomas Gifford b. July 18, 1885, m. Ethel Kearl June 6, 1906; Ella Sylvia b. Aug. 9, 1892; Eva Loretta b. Sept. 20. 1895; Lucy R. b. April 24, 1898. Family home, Laketown, Utah. Worked on U. P. and C. P. Railroads in 1868-69. Settled at Laketown 1869. School trustee; director In two irriga- tion companies. High priest; ward teacher. WESTON, SAMUEL (son of Nehemiah Weston and Rose- anna Gifford and younger brother of George Gifford Weston). He was born Jan. 27, 1865, Woolley, Somersetshire, Eng. Came to Utah In August, 1870, with parents. Married Lillian Estella Kearl (daughter of James Kearl and Fanny Martin April, 1862, Salt Lake City; former a pioneer 1854, latter came to Utah Aug. 25, 1855, Richard Ballantyne company). She was born Jan. 8, 1873, Lake- town, Utah. Their only child was John Weston Hodges (adopted), born Aug. 22, 1896. WESTOVER, CHARLES (son of Alexander Westover and Electa Beal of Licking, Muskingum Co., Ohio). Born Nov. 25, 1827, Licking, Ohio. Came to Utah 1853, Captain Snow company. Married Eliza Ann Haven at Salt Lake City, who was born May, 1829. Their children: Charles, m. Ellen Parker; Oscar F., m. Ann Robinson; Eliza, m. Lemuel Redd; Har- riett, m. Charles Gracy; Maria, m. Charles Knell; Artemesia, m. Leonard Congor; John, d. infant; William; Lewis, m. Eliza Funk; Minnie, m. Arthur Paxman; Clara' Ellen, d. Infant. Family home Washington, Utah. Married Mary E. Shumway Sept. 1, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Charles Shumway and Julia Ann Hooker of Sturbridge, Worcester county. Mass., former pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Oct. 27, 1835. Their children: Andrew Jerome b. Feb. 2, 1858, d. infant; Julia Ann b. Feb. 28, 1860, m. Samuel Rowley; Charles Edwin b. May 4, 1863, m. Zlporah Jones; George Henry b. Oct. 25, 1865, m. Alice Leonard; Alberto b. Jan. 9, 1868; Mary Louisa b. Oct. 7, 1870, m. Lewis Johnson; Arthur Adelbert b. Nov. 2, 1876, d. infant. Family home Huntington, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Settled at St. George, Utah, 1861. Farmer and thresher. WESTWOOD, THOMAS (son of Charles Westwood and Mar- garite Taylor of Edgworth Lancastershlre, Eng.). Born Jan. 5, 1822, at Edgworth. Came to Utah 1868. Married Martha Lomax 1841, Bolton, Lancastershire (daughter of Charles and Betsy Lomax of Bolton). She was born May 24, 1823. Their children: Sarah Ann, d. infant; Nancy, m. Luke Shaw; John, d. aged 17; Nephl M., d. infant; Joseph, m. Catherine C. Holder; Elizabeth, m. Joseph Wright, m. William Maxwell; Thomas, d. infant. Family home 16th ward. Salt Lake City. Elder. Gardener. Died Jan. 16, 1892, 10th ward. Salt Lake City. WESTWOOD. JOSEPH (son of Thomas Westwood and Mar- tha Lomax). Born Feb. 28, 1S55, Berry, Lancastershlre, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Catherine C. Holder June 23, 1881, Salt Lake City, Daniel H. Wells officiating (daughter of Thomas G. Holder, and Caroline Allington of Karori, New Zealand; came to Utah Sept. 7, 1870). She was born June 7, 1860. Their children: Joseph C. b. March 17, 1882, m. Edith A. Holley; Albert G. b. April 11, 1883, m. Edith M. Sharer; Nephi J. b. Aug. 11, 1885, m. Clara Hopkinson; Maud H. b. April 29, 1891, m. Fredrick W. G. Hansen; Emma b. Feb. 24, 1893, m. James B. Williams. Family home 29th ward. Salt Lake City. Elder. Blacksmith. WHEELER, GEORGE WALTON (son of Levi Wheeler, born July 5, 1812, and Mary Ann Arnold of Augusta, Maine mar- ried 1833). He was born March 30, 1844, at Augusta. Came to Utah 1854, Perrigrine Sessions company. Married Hannah Humphreys in August, 1863 (daughter of George Humphreys and Harriet Harden, pioneers 1856, second handcart company married 1829). She was born Dec. 28, 1846; came to Utah 1856, second handcart com- pany. Their children: George Edwin b. Jan. 18, 1865, m. Ida Wood Dec. 5, 1888; Mary Ann b. Jan. 28, 1866, m. Joseph Ransom Oct. 30. 1883; Simon b. April 24. 1869, m. Jane Mills Oct. 26, 1892; Richard b. March 25, 1871; Harriet b. June 19, 1872, m. Joseph Hutchinson April 8, 1891; Louisa b. Dec. 16, 1874, m. F. M. Stephenson, Jr., Oct. 19, 1892; William b. Dec. 16, 1877, m. Mary Eliza Talbot Feb. 21, 1906; Arthur b. Sept. 21, 1880, m. Alice Ann Stephenson Jan. 28, 1903; Isabella b. April 25, 1882; Walter b. Dec. 6, 1884, m. Alice Blair Jan. 8, 1908; James b. May 24, 1887, m. Delia Rigby Dec. 21, 1910; Dora b. Dec. 28, 1891. Family home Lewiston, Utah. WHEELER, WILLIAM (son of George Walton Wheeler and Hannah Humphreys). Born Dec. 16, 1877, Lewiston, Utah. Married Mary Eliza Talbot Feb. 21, 1906, Logan, Utah (daughter of Henry James Talbot and Livinia Ann Wall, pioneers 1861, Homer Duncan company). She was born Dec. 7, 1879, at Lewiston. Their children: Fontella b. Dec. 16, 1906; Thora b. April 29, 1909. WHEELER, JOHN (son of John Wheeler, born Aug. 10, 1768, Harvestly, Eng., and Mary Fisher, born April 6, 1780, in England). He was born Sept. 13, 1804, Gravely, Cam- bridgeshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 6, 1857, William Walker company. Married Elizabeth Gillings (daughter of William Gillings and Sarah Marns), who was born in October, 1807, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Mary b. May 8, 1831 (d. Nov. 8, 1912), m. Abram Chadwick; Joseph b. March 9, 1833, m. Nancy C. Bratton Jan. 15, 1865; John b. Sept. 13, 1834, m. Sarah E. Stone July 1866; Sarah b. Oct. 21, 1840, m. Thomas Etherington March 9, 1858; William b. Sept. 4, 1842, m. Martha L. Howell Dec. 15. 1861; Eliza b. April 11, 1846, m. George J. Linford Feb. 1, 1868. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1241 WHEELER, WILLIAM (son of John Wheeler and Eliza- beth Glllings of England). Born Sept. 4. 1842, Gravely, Cambridgeshire, Eng. Married Martha L. Howell Dec. 15, 1861, Ogden, Utah (daughter of William Howell and Louisa Thomas, pioneers 1861, Captain Duncan company). She was born Nov. 21, 1843, Pembrokeshire, Wales. Their children: Susan M. b. Dec. 27, 1862, m. Joseph Bidwell March 8, 1889; William b. Sept. 21, 1864, m. Jane D. Dorney Oct. 9, 1889; John b. Jan. 11, 1867, m. Emma S. Manning June 13, 1894; Louisa b. Sept. 7, 1869, m. Orson Hudman May 19, 1889; Arthur b. May 30, 1872, d. June 25, 1912; Martha L. b. Sept. 10, 1874, d. Nov. 21, 1888; Mary b. Sept. 10, 1874, m. George Mil- lard April 7, 1894; David b. Feb. 6, 1877, d. July 12, 1908; Andrew b. April 29, 1880; Jerome b. April 21, 1883. Family home Slaterville, Utah. WHEELER, JOSEPH (son of Edward Wheeler of Whit- burne, Herefordshire, Eng., and Ann Wood of Martley, Eng. ; former born Jan. 22, 1804, latter April 5, 1800). He was born Oct. 27, 1828, at Whltburne. Came to Utah in 1853, oxteam company. Married Alice Reede Dec. 11, 1855, Ogden, Utah, who was born Nov. 4, 1832, Newton, Lancastershire, Eng. Only child: Joseph Edward b. Aug. 22, 1856. Family home Ogden, Utah. Married Sarah Ann Wood Oct. 3, 1858, American Fork, Utah (daughter of John B. and Mary Wood, pioneers Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin "frozen" handcart company). She was born March 2, 1827, Stockport, Eng. Their children: Frederick b. Sept. 30, 1859, m. Martha Knight March 1, 1883; Alice b. May 10, 1861, Thomas b. March 23, 1862, Hyrum b. May 29, 1863, latter three died; Sarah Ann Mariah b. Oct. 22, 1865, m. Hans Peterson. Family home Plain City, Utah. WHEELER, FREDERICK (son of Joseph Wheeler and Sarah Ann Wood of Whitelawn, Eng.). Born Sept. 30, 1859, Ogden, Utah. Married Martha Knight March 1, 1883, at Ogden (daugh- ter of Alonzo Knight and Martha Sanders), born Oct. 11, 1861, at Plain City, Utah. Their children: Martha Pearl b. Nov. 30, 1883, m. Thomas Walker; Frederick Martin b. Nov. 10, 1886, m. Ruth Hodson; Irene b. July 13, 1889; Alonzo b. Oct. 21, 1892; Millie Enis b. March 5, 1896; Joseph Edward b. July 13, 1901; Adora Merea b. Oct. 4, 1903. Family home Ogden, Utah. WHEELER, WALTER (son of Joseph Wheeler, born Feb. 27, 1817, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Eng., and Mary Ann Buckingham, born Aug. 1. 1814, Twinton, Eng.). He was born May 22, 1844, at Charlton Kings, Cheltenham. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Ellen Maria Childs July 28, 1873 (daughter of Thomas Childs and Tabitha Milnes married March 27, 1847, Bradford, Eng., pioneers Sept. 2, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company). She was born in Liverpool. Eng., and came to Utah with parents. Their children: Walter b. May 9, 1874, d. June 28, 1887; Ellen Maria b. Jan. 2.0, 1876. m. Jesse O. Reynolds June 23, 1896; Tabitha Ann b. Jan. 29, 1878. d. Aug. 23, 1878; Joseph Thomas b. Aug. 9, 1879, m. Edith M. Hutchinson Sept. 25, 1901; Alma Young b. Feb. 10, 1882, m. Dorothy M. Stoker Sept. 23, 1903; Mary Matilda b. June 3, 1884, m. Cyrus G. Sanford; Emma Bell b. Nov. 1, 1886, m. Dimmick Childs; Hilda Elizabeth b. Sept. 16, 1889, m. Amyot W. Cherrington June 9, 1909; Kate Milnes b. Jan. 9, 1892, m. Andrew B. Olsen Aug. 1, 1911. Family home Springville, Utah. Made several trips across the plains for immigrants and merchandise. Took active part in protecting the settlers against the Indians. Worked on Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads, and as mason of Provo woolen mills. Undertaker and embalmer at Springville. WHEELER, JOSEPH THOMAS (son of Walter Wheeler and Ellen Maria Childs). Born Aug. 9, 1879. Married Edith M. Hutchinson Sept. 25, 1901, Springville, Utah (daughter of Robert A. Hutchinson and Harriet Eliza- beth Hall), who was born May 26, 1881, Springville, Utah. Their children: Joseph Walter b. Aug. 10, 1904; Robert b. Nov. 19, 1906; Beatrice b. April 9, 1910. WHERRY, EI/I J. . (son of James Wherry and Elizabeth Patterson, Scenery Hill, Washington county, Pa.). Born March 1, 1843, Scenery Hill. Came to Utah 1901. Married Frances Ann Weaver Sept. 1, 1866, Mt. Ver- non, Ohio (daughter of William Henry Weaver and Nancy Hill of Scenery Hill). She was born June, 1844. Their children: Jennie, m. C. W. Jewett; Emery, died; Curtis A., m. Eva Young; Styles W., m. Cornelia V. Zimmerman; Pearl, died; Arthur C., m. Daisy P. Smith; Linnie P., m. Maud Roberts; Lee O., died. Farmer and contractor. WHERRY, CURTIS A. (son of E. J. Wherry and Frances Ann Weaver). Born Dec. 18, 1872, De Soto, Kan. Came to Utah April 4, 1899. Married Eva Young Sept. 18, 1900, Marshall, Mo. (daugh- ter of George Young and Virginia F. Gilllam of Marshall). She was born Jan. 17, 1876. Their children: Virginia F. b. Dec. 9, 1902; Curtis A., Jr., b. Jan. 9, 1905; George Y. b. April 5, 1907; Jack E. b. Jan. 30, 1909. WHIPPLE, NELSON WHEELER (son of Daniel Whipple and Mary Tiffany, Sanford, Broom county, N. Y.). Born July 7. 1818, at Sanford. Came to Utah 1848. Married Susan Jane Bailey Aug. 6, 1843, Elysia, Lorain Co., Ohio, who was born March 9, 1828. Their children: Meranda Jane, m. Henry Code; Mary, m. Richard Wad- dems; George Nelson: Edson, m. Mary Beck; Harriet Emily, d. infant; Annie Bard. Married Rachel Keeling West of Derbyshire, Eng., March 12, 1855, Salt Lake City, who was born March 10, 1818. Their children: Daniel, m. Ellen Hearst; Cynthia, d. infant; Wheeler b. April 15, 1859, m. Mary Roberts Feb. 1, 1881. Married Susan Ann Gay Feb. 9, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of Alexander Gay and Martha Covington. De Kalb, Kemper county, Miss.; former died at Mt. Pisgah, Iowa, on the way to Utah, latter pioneer 1850). She was born June 13, 1841, and came to Utah 1851, John Brown company. Their children: Martha Ellen, m. Jacob Kesler; Nelson Gay, m. Susanah Wanless; Sylvia, m. Fred B. Mar- getts; Susan Ann, m. Archer W. Clayton; Alexander, m. Sarah Vannotta; Robert John, m. Susan Winn; Amy Jane, m. John H. Evans; Ida, m. Ezra O. Taylor; Annor. Families resided Salt Lake City. Seventy; block teacher. Lumberman; made first shingles for the tabernacle. With army that met Johnston in Echo Canyon. Policeman. Died July 5, 1884. WHIPPLE, WHEELER (son of Nelson Wheeler Whipple of Ohio and Rachel Keeling of Derbyshire, Eng.). Born April 15, 1859. Married Mary Roberts Feb. 1, 1881, Lehi, Utah (daughter of John Roberts and Adelaide Ford of Lehi, pioneers 1864, Captain Ricks company). She was born July 15, 1857, Mer- thyr Tydfil, Wales; came to Utah with parents. Their children: John W. b. Oct. 19, 1881, m. Clara McMillan: Mabel b. July 4, 1883, m. Leo Jones; Rachel b. Dec. 20, 1885, d. infant; Nelson b. March 13, 1887, d. infant; Adelaide b. May 5, 1888, d. aged 10; Lawrence b. Sept. 24, 1891; Lillie b. May 6, 1894; Leslie b. Oct. 1, 1897. Family home 28th ward. Salt Lake City. WHITAKER, JAMES (son of William and Mary Canada Whitaker, former born Nov. 22, 1772, in Davidson county, N. C., latter Oct. 27, 1772, in Halifax county, N. C.). He was born May 14, 1805, in Buncombe county, N. C. Came to Utah 1850, William Snow company. Married Milinda Fishel February, 1824, Fairview, Bun- combe county, N. C., who was born Feb. 13, 1806, in Stokes county, N. C. Their children: Louisa b. Feb. 28, 1825, m. Harmon D. Pierson Aug. 16, 1848; Solomon b. Aug. 21, 1826, m. Mary Sanford; Martha b. Jan. 8, 1828, m. John Wood- worth; Rozilla b. Dec. 12, 1829, m. Mathew M. Dalton Dec. 15, 1850; Margret b. Feb. 28, 1831, m. Thomas Woodland Feb. 8, 1849; David b. Nov. 8, 1832, m. Naomi Jinkins. Married Nancy Woodland in 1838 (daughter of John Woodland and Celia Steepleford, pioneers 1850, William Sno-w company). She was born Dec. 13, 1820. Their chil- dren: Nancy M. b. Oct. 11, 1838, m. Erastus Wells Jan. 4, 1855; James W. b. May 7, 1841, m. Mary J. McMinn Dec. 6, 1859; Leander J. b. Jan. 15, 1844 (d. Jan. 5, 1912), m. Ann E. Mitchell; William D. b. Dec. 6, 1846, died; Elizabeth C. b. May 24, 1849, m. H. C. Wardleigh; Celia M. b. Aug. 27, 1851, m. S. S. Sadoris Feb. 1, 1869; John N. b. Nov. 3. 1853. m. Sarah J. Malory Feb. 18, 1877; Hyrum F. b. Oct. 30, 1855; Mary A. b. Dec. 11, 1857, m. Henry Call March 22. 1879; Jerusha L. b. March 30, 1S60, m. J. W. Smith March 22, 1879; Henry M. b. March 10, 1862, m. Viola Savage; Mar- riam H. b. March 10, 1862, m. D. J. Costley Oct. 5, 1880. Family home Willard City. Utah. High priest; missionary to southern states 1876. Died in 1892. WHITAKER, LEANDER J. (son of James Whitaker and Nancy Woodland). Born Jan. 15, 1844, in Hancock county. 111. Married Ann Eliza Mitchell June 12, 1864, Willard, Utah (daughter of John T. Mitchell and Rebecca Huff), who was born April 23, 1849, in Chickasaw county. Miss. Their children: L. T. b. Feb. 13, 1867, m. Mary A. Parsons Nov. 1890; Rebecca A. b. Feb. 16. 1869, m. E. J. Hunt Feb. 1888; Nancy V. b. Dec. 14, 1870, m. Marcho Peterson 1887; James S. b. Aug. 6, 1873, m. Sarah Low 1901; Martha M. b. Jan. 23, 1876; Parley H. b. March 9. 1879, m. Elian Erick- son; Lorah J. b. Jan. 22, 1881, m. Samuel M. Newbold 1902; Henry S. b. Aug. 3, 1882. Family home Downey, Idaho. WHITAKER, L. T. (son of Leander J. Whitaker and Ann Eliza Mitchell). Born Feb. 13, 1867, Richmond, Utah. Married Mary A. Parsons Nov. 20, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of James Parsons, born Jan. 26, 1836, and Mary A. Catt, born May 26, 1836, of Newton, Cache Co., Utah). She was born June 20, 1872, Sussex, Eng. Their children: Violet b. Sept. 14, 1891, d. Oct. 8, 1912; Guy T. b. Jan. 23, 1893; Claude M. b. Sept. 11, 1894; Essie b. Sept. 29, 1896; Zelpha b. Sept. 11, 1898; Lorine G. b. Aug. 27, 1900; James J. b. Aug. 24, 1902; Cecil b. Aug. 5, 1904, d. Feb. 4, 1905; Preston P. b. Dec. 6, 1905; Karma b. Oct. 14, 1907; Randa b. Jan. 17, 1910; Wendell b. Nov. 2, 1912. Family home Downey, Bannock Co., Idaho. WHITAKER, JOHN N. (son of James Whitaker and Nancy Woodland). Born Nov. 3, 1853, Willard, Utah. Married Sarah J. Malory 1876, Willard, Utah (daughter of Elisha Malory and Emma Zundle), who was born 1860 at Willard. Their children: James J. b. Nov. 27, 1877; 1242 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Sarah M. b. Dec. 29, 1878, m. Lewis Wight; William E. b. Nov. 19, 1880, m. Emily Palmer; John H. b. Feb. 19, 1883; Udalia b. May 7, 1884; Lewis E. b. Dec. 6, 1885, m. Emma C. Cole; Don J. b. Nov. 29, 1887, m. Florence Ottly; Elwood L. b. Oct. 1, 1889; Andy S. b. June 12, 1891; Clara A. b. Sept. 21, 1892, m. Thor Lund; Ira B. b. Aug. 19, 1894; Ercy U. b. April 17, 1897; Adelia J. b. Nov. 29, 1898; Ter- tellian B. b. June 17, 1900; Reuben L. b. Feb. 2, 1902; Cecy F. b. Feb. 17, 1904. Family home Almo, Idaho. Ward teacher. WHITAKER, LEWIS E. (son of John N. Whitaker and Sarah J. Malory). Born Dec. 6, 1885, Almo, Idaho. Married Emma C. Cole March 6, 1911, Ogrden, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas R. Cole and Emma E. Lowe of Willard, Utah). She was born 1890 at Willard. Their child: John E. b. Oct. 9, 1911. Priest. WHITBY, WINWARD. Born Oct. 16, 1831, Cheltenham, Eng. Came to Utah 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Martha Antell in 1853, Salt Lake City. Their child: Thomas, d. child. Married Anne Jane McCowan Feb. 17, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert McCowan and Elizabeth Skele- ton of Liverpool, Eng., pioneers Oct. 10, 1853, John Brown company). She was born Sept. 27, 1839. Their child: James b. Nov. 30, 1856, m. Harriet Lee. Family home Nephi, Utah. Member 49th quorum seventies; elder. Farmer. Died May 7, 1880. WHITBT, JAMES (son of Winward Whitby and Anne Jane McCowan). Born Nov. 30, 1856, Nephi, Utah. Married Harriet Lee Dec. 18, 1879, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Thomas Lee and Primrose Shields of Tooele, Utah, pioneers Oct. 5, 1852, Philemon C. Merrill company). She was born Nov. 6, 1858. Their children: James Leroy b. Jan. 7, 1883, d. child; Thomas W. b. Jan. 14, 1885, m. Clara Burgess; Primrose b. Feb. 27, 1S87, m. Frank De La Mare; Le Nora b. June 27, 1889, m. Rudolph Olson; Melvin b. Feb. 28, 1892, Eveline b. Dec. 30, 1894, and Lee Milton b. Sept. 18, 1897, latter three died children; Leo Lavora b. 1899. Family home Marion, Idaho. Elder. School trustee; constable of Marion. Farmer. WHITE, JOHN CHAMBERS (son of John and Mary Ann White of Birmingham, Warwickshire, Eng.). Born June 1, 1832, at Birmingham. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1853, Claudius V. Spencer oxteam company. Married Mary Ann Ingram March 9, 1863, Spanish Fork, Utah (daughter of Edward Ingram and Ann Smith of New- bold, Warwickshire, Eng., pioneers 1868). She was born April 20, 1841. Their children: John Edward b. June 24, 1864, d. aged 3; Elizabeth Ann b. Dec. 24, 1866, m. Edward C. Abbott; Levi C. b. March 5, 1868, m. Bertha Giles; Oscar Thomas b. April 2, 1870, m. Ann Baxendale; Rosetta b. Aug. 7, 1872, m. Elijah W. Mayhew; Lilly Ann b. June 14, 1874. m. Sol Parker; Hyrum b. April 17, 1876, d. infant; Mary Ann b. Feb. 10, 1878, d. infant; John Henry b. June 30, 1883, m. Annie Ekker. Family home Levan, Juab Co., Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Hauled first rock for Salt Lake temple. Called to help settle The Muddy. Veteran Indian war. Farmer and gardener. WHITE, OSCAR THOMAS (son of John C. White and Mary Ann Ingram). Born April 2, 1870, Levan, Utah. Married Ann Baxendale Dec. 16, 1903, Manti, Utah (daugh- ter of John Baxendale and Lydia Blackledge of Chorley. Lancastershire, Eng.; latter came to Utah). She was born Dec. 5, 1880. Their children: Poarl b. Dec. 9, 1904; May b. Jan. 20, 1907; Evaline b. March 6. 1909. d. infant; Leona B. b. March 6, 1910; Harold b. Dec. 2, 1911. Family home Duchesne, Utah. Missionary to England 1900-02; seventy; ward teacher; Sunday school teacher. Farmer. WHITE, JOHN S. (son of Andrew White of Middleton, N. J., born Sept. 15, 1791, in Monmouth county, N. J., and Jane Tunis, born in 1792, in same county and state). He was born Feb. 15, 1818, Keyport, N. J. Came to Utah Sep- tember, 1848, Company C, Mormon Battalion. Married Ann Eliza Everett April 5, 1849 (daughter of Addison Everett and Eliza Ann Elting former pioneer 1847, Captain Grant company, latter died in New York City). She was born Aug. 30, 1832, and came to Utah 1847, Jede- diah M. Grant company. Their children: Mary Jane b. April 6, 1853, m. Henry L. Hinman; Medora b. April 9, 1855, m. Israel Call; Margret Mariah b. June 9, 1857, m. James M. Andersen: Eliza Ann b. July 8, 1860, m. Peter Christensen; Orpha Elvira b. Sept. 3, 1862, m. Marion F. Stephenson; Elizabeth b. April 24, 1864, m. James H. Hess; John S., Jr., b. March 16, 1867. m. Ethellynn Rice; Adelaide b. Dec. 13, 1868, m. Willard Call; Schuyler E. b. Oct. 2, 1870, m. Ruth Talbot; Henry Addison b. Dec. 22, 1872, died; James Monroe b. April 16, 1875, died. Family home Farm- ington, Utah. Member of Colonel Scott's artillery in Illinois in 1846; enlisted as private in Iowa volunteers at Council Bluffs July 16, 1846, and started west the same year, going to California, and was foreman of Captain Sutler's shoe fac- tory at the time gold was discovered in California; he left this position to pan gold for himself. Came to Utah in the fall of 1848. WHITE, JOHN S., JR. (son of John S. White and Ann Eliza Everett). Born March 16, 1867, Farmington, Utah. He married Ethellynn Rice Jan. 10, 1890, Logan, Utah (daughter of Leonard G. Rice and Lucy Jane Stevens; lat- ter came to Utah with Brigham Young, Jr.). She was born Oct. 13, 1872, Farmington, Utah. Their children: Gertrude b. March 29, 1892; John Leonard b. March 8, 1894; James Leroy b. May 22, 1895. Family resided Bear River City and Farmington. Established the Reflex Publishing Co., September, 1909; editor "Weekly Reflex." Served six years as city council- man; six years as president Farmington school board. Farmer; horticulturist; publisher. WHITE, JOSEPH (son of Jonathan White, born Nov. 11, 1809, Tealby, Lincolnshire, Eng., and Elizabeth Dodd, born Aug. 1. 1813, Billingga, Lincolnshire married Nov. 3, 1835). He was born Dec. 26, 1840, Yorkshire, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 28. 1849, Ezra Taft Benson company. Married Samantha Gollaher May 7, 1865 (daughter of William and Elizabeth Gollaher), who was born January, 1847. Their children: Jonathan b. April 6, 1866; Joseph b. Aug. 1869, m. Elizabeth Tanner 1894. Family home Tooele, Utah. WHITE, SAMUEL, STEPHEN (son of Henry White ana Rebecca Smith of Vermont). Born April 8, 1821, in Chit- tenden county, Vt. Came to Utah late in 1848 with members of Co. A, Mormon Battalion, and an independent company. Married Catherine Foutz Sept. 27, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jacob Foutz and Margeret Mann of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers Oct. 1, 1847, Edward Hunter company). She was born Dec. 25, 1831. Their children: Charles Samuel b. Sept. 27, 1850; Jacob Hanmer b. 1852; Henry Edgar b. Jan. 9, 1855; Clarissa b. July 25, 1857; Mary Abigail b. May 3, 1859; Isaac Harvey b. Nov. 6, 1861; Margeret Emeretta b. Aug. 4, 1864; Alma F. b. March 13, 1867; Evelyn b. April 22, 1869; Caroline b. Nov. 6, 1871. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. School trustee; constable. Farmer and stockraiser. Died Oct. 15, 1900. WHITE, CHARLES SAMUEL (son of Samuel Stephen White and Catherine Foutz). Born Sept. 27, 1850, in Cottonwood. Salt Lake county. Married Emma M. Stewart (daughter of Charles Stewart and Sarah A. Roberts), who was born Dec. 19, 1853, Pleas- ant Grove, Utah. Their children: Samuel Charles b. Feb. 27, 1882, died; Lorena b. Jan. 29, 1885; Stewart LeGrande b. Jan. 1, 1887; William Vordy b. Ai g. 28, 1889, died. Farmer and stockman. WHITE, THOMAS HENRY (son of George White and Mary Rivers of Calne, Wiltshire, Eng.). Born Nov. 25. 1846, Chalcutt, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 25, 1863, Peter Nebeker company. Married Emily Oliver Feb. 5. 1867, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Francis Oliver and Elizabeth Bailey of Crabgutter, Eng., pioneers 1866, Patterson Holliday independent com- pany). She was born April 19, 1848. Their children: Mary Emily b. Jan. 13, 1868, d. infant; Lucy Agnes b. April 19, 1869, m. Sidney Alexander Pace; Katie Rosabell b. Sept. 25, 1870, m. Thomas E. T. Doman; Lily May b. May 28. 1872, d. infant; Amelia Janet b. Nov. 9, 1873, m. Arthur Henry Ellis; Thomas Henry, Jr., b. Oct. 5, 1875, m. Leticia Pearl Cloward; Jennie Isabella b. Aug. 30, 1877, m. Alexan- der O. Barnett; George Francis b. Oct. 21, 1879, m. Emily Swaby Baggs; Elizabeth Jane b. Dec. 25, 1882, m. Tracy Bronson: Millie Ann b. Dec. 12, 1886, m. William Wallace Woodard; Myrtle Myra b. Sept. 24, 1891. Family resided Salt Lake City, Ogden, Farmington and Layton, Utah. Married Mary Ann Jones Nov. 2, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Jeremiah Jones and Ann Johnson of Norfolk, Yorkshire, Eng., and came to Utah in 1872). She was born April 15, 1858. Their children: Joseph Elijah b. Dec. 30, 1875, m. Diantha E. Pace (died), m. Ethel I. Hodson; Emily Ann b. June 13, 1877, m. John W. Lefler; Mary Elizabeth b. May 28, 1879, d. infant; Pleasants Maud b. June 20, 1880, m. William Lewis; Jacob Jeremiah b. Oct. 14, 1882, m. Nellie Potts; John Ray b. Feb. 28, 1885, m. Ascenith Bodon; Malinda b. July 8, 1887. m. Nephi Moon; James William b. Oct. 20, 1889, and Orabell b. May 29, 1891, d. infant*; Archie Thomas b. Jan. 5, 1897. High priest; missionary to Green River 1881. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah in 1866. Did all the black- smithing on the Utah stake tabernacle; worked on the temple and tabernacle and on various other buildings in the state. Blacksmith. WHITE, WILLIAM (son of William White and Martha Griffith, both of Wales). Born Sept. 21, 1826, Fishguard. Wales. Came to Utah 1876. Married Anne Thomas, Haverford, Wales (daughter of David Thomas and Elizabeth Nash, same country, pioneers Oct. 23. 1862). She was born Feb. 21, 1832. Their children: John H., m. Clara Feveryear; Sarah Jane, died; William L., PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1243 m. Croilla Louise Egbert; David H., m. Harriet Lawson; Martha Jane; Elizabeth Ann, m. Robert B. T. Taylor; Ben- jamin, Mary Ann, James Thomas, latter three died; Joseph Parley, m. Isabell Barrett; Mira Matilda, m. William Dalton Neal; Thomas Charles, m. Edith May Margetts; Ada Maria, m. Reed T. Cannon. Member 3d quorum seventies; patriarch. Wholesale dealer meats. Died Dec. 11. 1905. Salt Lake City. WHITE. J. PARLEY (son of William White and Ann Thomas). Born Jan. 21, 1871, Neyland, Wales. Came to Utah 1S76. Married Isabell Barrett Dec. 21, 1893. Salt Lake City (daughter of Clarence and Hannah Barrett of same place, pioneers 1868). She was born Dec. 6, 1876. Their children: Vivian Parley b. Sept. 12, 1896; Leslie Barrett b. July 7, 1898. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder, Chief deputy sheriff ten years. Director Farmers & Stockgrowers Bank. Cattle and sheep raiser. WHITE, JOHN H. (son of William White and Anne Thomas). Born Aug. 24, 1855, Haken, Wales. Came to Utah 1876. Married Clara Feveryear Jan. 18, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Robert Feveryear and Mary Ann Welton of Norwich, Eng., who came to Utah April, 1883). She was born June 11, 1861. came to Utah November, 1882. Their children: William Henry b. Nov. 2, 1883, m. Gertrude Kelly; Thomas Charles b. June 12, 1885; Ada Irene b. Feb. 12, 1887; John Harrison b. March 4, 1889, died; Chancy L. b. April 8, 1891; Hazel Ann b. March 19, 1893; Cornelius George b. April 16, 1895; Mira b. Oct. 27, 1896; Byron L. b. May 6, 1899; Mabel Clara b. May 13, 1902; Gertrude b. Jan. 11, 1905. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 3d quorum seventies; missionary to England 1879- 82. Vice-president State Fair Association. Wholesale meat dealer; breeder of cattle and buffaloes; one of the owners of Antelope Island. Died July 12, 1910. Henry H. Ovtatt Feb. 1, 1853; Charles, m. Matilda King; Mary Jane, m. John Franklin Oviatt; Hardin. m. Margaret Vorse; Elizabeth R., m. Henry B. Stevens 1854; Maria, m. William Beal; Andrew H., m. Andrea Overlad^; Thursa, m. Louis Larsen. Family home Ephraim, Utah. Elder. Hatter; farmer. Died in 1865. WHITEHEAD, TVILLIAM (son of Robert and A'ice White- head of England). Born July 3, 1816, Lancastershire, Eng. Came to Utah 1852, Captain Howell company. Married Jane Hardman, Nauvoo, 111., who was born Sept. 1, 1816, and died 1848, at Nauvoo. Only child: Joseph Samuel b. April 1, 1845, m. Delia P. Curtis. Family home Payson, Utah. Married Anne Spencer, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Their chil- dren: Mary Alice, m. William Depew; Martha Jane, m. Delbert Simons; William Henry, m. Ruth Oyler; Elizabeth Anne, m. John Sturgis; Hannah Mariah, m. Gus Royer; Reuben Hyrum; Matilda Anne, m. Niel Daley. Family home Payson, Utah. High priest; bishop of Payson ward 20 years. One of early settlers of Payson. Veteran Black Hawk war. Pay- son city marshal. Mason and farmer. Died Nov. 5, 1885. WHITEHEAD, JOSEPH SAMUEL (son of William White- head and Jane Hardman). Born April 1, 1845, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah 1852, Thomas Howell company. Married Delia Presendia Curtis July 24, 1869, Payson, Utah (daughter of Joseph Curtis and Sarah Reed of same place, pioneers Oct. 12, 1848), who was born Dec. 9, 1849. Their children: Presendia Adelma b. April 23, 1870, m. i. Allan Taylor; Joseph William b. March 14, 1872, m. Alzina Stewart; James Franklin b. March 3, 1874, d. May 11, 1876; John Alma b. Feb. 4, 1876, d. Feb. 9, 1878; Sarah Jane b. March 2, 1878, m. James M. Rigby; George Eli b. March 21, 1881, m. Bertha Anderson; Alice Zobedia b. June 15, 1883, m. R. H. Barney; Emma Sophia b. Oct. 26, 1886, m. David S. Sanderson; Frederick Adolphus b. Aug. 17, 1889;" Mary Ethel b. Sept. 27, 1892; Orie T. Fillison b. June 3, 1895. Family resided Burrville and Annabella, Utah. High priest; bishop of Burrville ward four years; coun- selor to Bishop Cloward of Burrville ward ten years. Vet- ern Black Hawk war. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah 1864. Settled in Grass Valley 1878. Farmer and stockraiser. WHITESIDES, LEWIS (son of James Whitesides). Born March 26, 1828, Chester county, Pa. Came to Utah 1852, John Walker company. Married Susannah Perkins, who was born April 5, 1830, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Elizabeth A.; Ann Deseret; Joshua Harris; James Lewis; Marion Mark; Mary Susan; Edward Morris; Nancy, m. Joseph S. Freer; John Absolam; William Wilford. Family home Kays- ville, Davis Co., Utah. WHITING, EDWIN. Born Sept. 9, 1809, in Lee county, Mass. Came to Utah 1849, Captain Morley company. Married Elizabeth Tilotson. Only child: Louisa M. b. May 17, 1850, m. Aaron Johnson, Jr. Oct. 8, 1871. Family home Springv'ille, Utah. Settled at Manti 1849. Missionary to Ohio two years. Member Utah legislature from Manti 1859-60; mayor of Manti. Moved to Springville 1862. Nurseryman. Died Dec. 8. 1890. WHITMORE, JAMES MONTGOMERY (son of George Whit- more of Tennessee). Born September, 1822, in Tennessee. Came to Utah in 1857, Homer Duncan company. Married Mary Elizabeth Carter in 1852 (daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Carter of Texas), who was born in 1826. Their children: George C. b. Jan. 26, 1853, m. Mary Eliza- beth Hague; James Montgomery b. June 5, 1855, m. Hannah Nixon; Joseph b. 1857, died; Brigham b. 1859, m. Eva Per- kins; Samuel M. b. 1864, m. Elizabeth Grange; Tasy b. Dec. 1865, m. William Grace. Family home St. George, Utah. Seventy. Killed by Indians Jan. 6, 1866, Pipe Springs, Utah. WHITMORE, JAMES MONTGOMERY, JR. (son of James Montgomery Whitmore and Mary Elizabeth Carter). Born June 5, 1855, Waxahachie, Texas. Came to Utah with parents. Married Hannah Maria Nixon Dec. 25, 1883, St. George, Utah (daughter of James W. Nixon and Hannah Nixon, of Wisconsin, pioneers 1860). She was born Nov. 16, 1865. Their children: Ida May b. Sept. 20, 1884, m. B. R. McDonald; James Montgomery, Jr. b. April 19, 1886, died; Junius Leo b. May 13, 18S8; Arthur Lawrence b. March 19, 1890, m. Ada Shinen; Virnie Ray b. March 14, 1892; Leland b. March 25, 1895; George Lacelle b. July 7, 1897. Family home Price, Utah. President First National Bank of Price; president board trustees of Price for seven years; member of city council. Stockraiser. WHITLOCK, ANDREW. Came to Utah In September, 1853, Captain Tidwell company. Married Hannah Allred (daughter of James and Betsy Allred, Tennessee, pioneers Oct. 5, 1851, Captain Kelsey company). Their children: Sallie Ray b. Oct. 9, 1828, m. WHITNEY, ORSON P. (son of Horace K. Whitney, a pioneer of 1847 and the eldest son of Newel K. Whitney, who died Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, and Helen Mar Kimball, eldest daughter of Heber C. Kimball, one of the original Twelve Apostles of the Church, and at the time of his death a member of the First Presidency). He was born July 1, 1855, Salt Lake City. Married Zina Smoot December, 1879 (daughter of Presi- dent A. O. Smoot). She was the mother of nine children. She died May, 1900. Married May Wells (daughter of Daniel Hammer Wells and Lydia Ann Alley). She is the mother of two children. "Elder 1873; seventy 1876; ordained a high priest and set apart as Bishop of the Eighteenth ward July 14, 1878; member of the quorum of the twelve apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; missionary to eastern states October, 1876-78; to Europe 1881-83. Main founder and first president of the Wasatch Literary Association. Clerk, collector and city editor of the 'Deseret News' 1878 City councilman 1880 his flrst civic office. Helped to organize, and was president of the Home Dramatic Club. Associate editor of the 'Millennial Star' at Liverpool, Eng. City" treasurer 1883-1890. Chancellor of the University of D&seret, succeeding Hon. George Q. Cannon. Chief clerk or the House of Representatives 1888. First elder to hold Sabbath services at the Penitentiary. The town of Whit- ney, Idaho, was named for him. One of the three framers of the 'Declaration of Grievances and Protest,' and the reader of that document at the great Tabernacle mass meet- ing May, 1885, and a year later he delivered the address of welcome to Governor Caleb W. West, on his arrival at Salt Lake City. At the General Conference In October, 1890, he was called to read President Woodruff's 'Manifesto' to the Congregation. In May, 1890, Bishop Whitney began the History of Utah. He was the choice for this work, of the most prominent men and women in the community and was employed by the publishing company organized by Dr. John O. Williams, an experienced book man from the east, who was the main owner of the enterprise. The Bishop's duties were purely literary; at no time did he have anything to do with the business management. Served the public gratuitously in various ways. At a Unitarian conference held in the Jewish Synagogue at Salt Lake City in 1892. at which ministers of various denominations were invited to speak, he represented his church, by appointment of the First Presidency. His address was pronounced by the Rabbi the most impressive one delivered on the occasion. He was prominent at peace and charity meetings and other gatherings of a public character. In the fall of 1894, Mr. Whitney engaged in his first political campaign. Up to this time he had never ma/.e a political speech, nor had he united with either of th'j new organizations which had superseded the People's and the Liberal parties. His pre- dilections were for Democracy. Never an office-seeker, and shunning rather than courting public life, at the solicita- tion of Democratic leaders, he became a candidate for the Constitutional Convention, and was elected by the largest majority cast in his precinct. The part played by him in the convention notably in the great woman's suffrage debate is well known. He served upon various important committees, and was one of the special committee that revised the constitution prior to its transmission to Wash- ington. In January, 1896, accepted a professor's chair in the Brigham Young College at Logan, and for the next eighteen months was a resident of that town, and an in- 1244 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH structor in Theology and English. In the Pioneer Jubilee, Bishop Whitney played a prominent part, beginning with the reading for President Woodruff, who was too feeble to speak, of the dedicatory prayer at the unveiling of the pioneer monument. He compiled for the Jubilee Commis- sion the 'Book of the Pioneers' for the state archives, and contributed to the literature of the period a poem, 'The Lily and the Bee,' an allegory of the founding of Utah. His 'Ode to the Pioneers,' adapted from one of his earlier poems, and set to music by Professor Evan Stephens, was sung with thrilling effect by the Tabernacle choir during the five days' celebration. Since the opening of 1899, Bishop Whitney has been connected with the Church Historian's Office. For several years he has presided over the State Historical Society. In literature he shines conspicuously, but all his previous efforts are eclipsed by his latest pro- duction, 'Elias, an Epic of the Ages.' It is lofty, massive, grand, exhibiting fertility of thought, expansive research and wonderful constructive ability. The great theme that it embodies Eternal Truth has probably never before been treated so comprehensively in a poetic way. Along with his devotion to literature, he retains his early affection for music and the drama, and makes it a point to see and hear the most gifted artists, as also the best preachers and lecturers." WHITNEY, SAMUEL, AIXUVZO (son of Alonzo Wells Whit- ney, born Dec. 27, 1818, Canandaigua, Ontario county, N. T., and Henrietta Keys, born Dec. 25, 1821, in Pike Co., Ohio). Born Nov. 10, 1840, Palmyra, Union Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, John Taylor company. Married Fannie Mariah Wall September, 1862 (daughter of William Wall, who came to Utah September, 1863, Thomas E. Ricks company). She was born Feb. 13, 1842. Their children: Fannie Louisa b. Sept. 23, 1864, m. Robert Burns 1886; Laura Ann b. May 10, 1866, m. Louis Reynolds Sept. 25, 1885; Harriet Mariah b. April 23, 1867, m. Fritz Jensen May 5, 1888; Ada Henrietta b. July 2, 1869, m. Percy Chandler Feb. 16, 1888; Margaret Melissa b. Feb. 15, 1871, m. Henry Chandler Sept. 1, 1889; Mary Elvira b. April 14, 1873, m. George Stringham; Samuel Alonzo b. April 14, 1873, m. Edna Hulse Aug. 7, 1893; Sarah Vilate b. Feb. 12, 1875, m. Frank Cowley Sept. 8, 1893; William Wells b. June 29, 1877, m. Nellie Fox April 29, 1901; Zalnora Adell b. Aug. 7, 1879, m. George Chandler. Family home Millville, Cache Co., Utah. Married Pauline Ann Campbell Aug. 8, 1878, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Campbell, latter pioneer 1847, Brigham Young company). Their children: Don Carlos b. Dec. 15, 1879, d. infant; Almira May b. April 28, 1881, m. Harvey Fisher Jan. 1, 1897. Sunday school teacher. Minuteman; veteran Indian wars. Indian interpreter for Cache county since 1861. Called to herd cattle on Promontory, Box Elder county, three winters, 1860-62. Carried first mail out of Cache county 1862. Lost an arm in 1856 and a foot in 1890, but still remained an active and successful farmer. WHITNEY, SAMUEL ALONZO (son of Alonzo Whitney and Fannie Mariah Wall). Born April 14. 1873, Millville, Utah. Married Edna Hulse, Millville, Utah (daughter of Charles Wesley and Ann Smith Hulse, pioneers 1862), who was born Feb. 8, 1874, at Millville. Their children: Wills Alonzo b. May 6, 1894; Edna L. b. Jan. 24, 1896; Forest Ann b. Sept. 26 1897; Myrtle b. Nov. 3, 1899; Leon b. Jan. 23, 1902; Mervin b. May 22, 1905; Merlin b. Aug. 27, 1907; Varsel b. Aug. 6, 1910. Family home Mjllville, Utah. WHITTAKER, ISAAC. Born In England. Came to Utah 1847. Married Betsy Gallant, at Salt Lake City, who was born May 8, 1833. Their children: David, m. Mary Smith; Isaac N. b. Dec. 1, 1861, m. Mary Curl; Zenus, m. Nellie Warwood, m. Ida Wright; Joseph, m. Nessie Winn; Martha, m. George Manwarring, m. Lon Reynolds; Rachel, m. Francis T. Bailey. Family home, Salt Lake City. Member seventy. Served in Echo Canyon campaign. Farmer. Died at Salt Lake City. WHITTAKER, ISAAC NATHANIEL (son of Isaac Whittaker and Betsy Gallant). Born Dec. 1, 1861, Salt Lake City. Married Mary Curl, Salt Lake City (daughter of Archi- bald Curl), who was born Aug. 1, 1866. Their children: Louisa E. b. May 19, 1881, m. William Fleet Wiscombe; Samuel C, m. Jennie Dalton; Archibald C.; Mary, m. Morris Gray; Isaac, m. Lizzie Hunter; Earl; Lester. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Kate Fisher, Salt Lake City, who was born 1870. Their children: Norman b. Dec. 28, 1905; Armenia b. July 26, 1907. Family home Lake Shore, Utah. Elder. Farmer and real estate dealer. WHITTLE, THOMAS L,. (son of Thomas Whittle). Born May 21, 1812, in Upper Canada. Came to Utah in 1848, Zera Pulsipher company. Married Mary Fullmer 1833. Montreal, Canada. Their children: Olive, m. Aroet Hale; Casper, m. Mary Ann Harris; Mary, m. Asro Eastman; George, m. Janette Sevier; Zera, m. Casan Pope; Emeline, m. William Harris; Thomas William, m. Adelia Hend ricks; Aroetta, m. Brigham Pond. Family resided Salt Lake City, Fort Harriman, Grantsvtlle and Richmond, Utah. Married Mary Jane Butterfield. Their children: Manerva, m. Andrew Allen; 'Edwin, m. Adeline Doty; Almond; Mary, m. Mr. Jensen. Missionary to Sandwich Islands 1849-51; 1st counselor to Bishop M. W. Merrill. Farmer. Died July 3, 1868, Rich- mond, Utah. WHITWORTH, GEORGE (son of Francis Whitworth and Dorothy Watkinson of Temple Normanton, Derbyshire, Eng.). Born July 15, 1831, at Temple Normanton. Came to Utah Sept. 12, 1861, Milo Andrus company. Married Mary Wheatley Dec. 18, 1854, Gra'ssmore, Eng. (daughter of John and Sarah Wheatley of Grassmore), who was born Dec. 25, 1837. Their children: Joseph, m. Cather- ine Arhman; Sarah Florence, m. W. E. Loveland; George Albert, m. Catherine A. Griffeths; Charlotte Maria, m. Al- phalus Johnson; Herbert, m. Ida Werner; Michael Wheatley, m. Lucy Emily Kelly; Martha, m. Edwin Francis Kelly; John Thomas, m. Catherine Muir; Francis, m. Jennie Steely; Eliza; William; Dorothy Ann; Mary Ellen; Ruth. Family home Calls Fort, Box Elder Co., Utah. Bishop's counselor; high priest. Farmer. WHITWORTH, JOHN THOMAS (son of George Whitworth and Mary Wheatley). Born Sept. 27, 1877, Calls Fort, Utah. Married Catherine Muir June 15, 1904 (daughter of LIose Muir and Mary Call, of Bountiful, Utah). Their children: Frances; John Milton; Edgar Lee; George; Mary Vashti; Janie. Farmer. WICKEI/, HARMOBf (son of Harmon Wickel, of Earl town- ship, Lancaster county. Pa.). Born 1798. Came to Utah Sept. 26, 1862, James Wareham company. Married Elizabeth Rickard in Earl township (daughter of Christian Rickard of Earl township), who was born 1805. Their children: Henry, d. infant; Harrison; John, m. Nellie Brighist; Richard, m. Louisa Weaver; Lemuel, m. Margaret Buckwater; Catherine, m. Andrew Beck Benzon. Family home. Salt Lake City. High priest; missionary to eastern states seven years; block teacher; chief of commissary at Nauvoo, 111. Mer- chant. Died 1872, Salt Lake City. WICKL.AND, OLOF (son of Jacob and Kerstin Olsen). Born Oct. 31, 1825, Storbyn, Finlla parish, Sweden. Came to Utah Nov. 9, 1856, James G. Willie handcart company. Married Ella Johnson in 1846 (daughter of Jonas Stener Esbjornson and Ella Mechelson of Copenhagen, Denmark), who was born Nov. 7, 1825, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Christena b. Feb. 5, 1848, m. Sorenson July 19, 1862; Jonas b. Dec. 30, 1849, m. Rachel A. Gifford Feb. 1, 1877; Sarah J. b. Aug. 3, 1852, m. Fredrick B. Gould March 20, 1874; Josephine b. Oct. 24, 1854, m. Hans Tuft Aug. 20, 1872; Jacob b. Oct. 16, 1856, m. Estella Patten July 24, 1882, m. Fannie Hansen Feb. 13, 1902. WICKLAND, JONAS (son of Olof Wlckland and Ella John- -son). Born Dec. 30, 1849, Finlla parish, Sweden. Married Rachel A. Gifford Feb. 1, 1877, Monroe, Utah (daughter of Moses Gifford and Sarah Price, former pioneer July 21, 1847, Erastus Snow company, latter pioneer 1855). She was born Feb. 25, 1858, Manti, Utah. Their children: Clarence b. Oct. 18, 1880, m. Ethel Gardner Dec. 10, 1905; Elmer G. b. Nov. 3, 1882; Leroy O. b. Dec. 15, 1884, m. Gertie Johnston June 10, 1908; Ervin A. b. Sept. 21, 1888; Lester J. b. Oct. 3, 1891; Harold T. b. Sept. 23, 1894. Family home Monroe, Utah. WIGGELL,, ELI. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1861, Homer Dun- can company, having been one of the pioneers of South Africa. Married Susannah Bentley, of Wlnburg,' South Africa, who came' to Utah with husband. Their children: John W. b. Dec. 7, 1832, m. Margaret Buckley; Sarah Ann b. Oct. 14, 1834, died; Jemima b. Jan. 27, 1837, m. George Ellis; Jeremiah F. b. May 12, 1839, m. Priscilla J. Talbot; Sarah Ann Susannah b. Oct. 13, 1841, m. Charles Staples; Margaret Alice b. Oct. 11, 1843, m. Thomas B. Talbot; Rosannah M. b. Aug. 31, 1846, m. Charles S. Talbot; Frances A. b. May 6, 1849, m. William Lowe; Joseph Elijah Talbot b. Nov. 3, 1852, m. Mary Whitesldes. Family resided and children were born at Grahamstown, Bachuist, Tabo Nchu, Winburg, Post Relief and Kaal Hock, South Africa. WIGHT, EPHRAIM (son of Daniel Wight and Mary Randall Hewitt of Centerville, Allegany county, N. Y.). Born March 13, 1826, at Centerville. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Harriet Elizabeth Pulsipher April 9, 1859, Mill Creek, Salt Lake Co., Utah (daughter of Ellas Pulsipher and Polly Chubbuck of Vermont), who was born April 7, 1841. Their children: Ephralm Hewitt, m. Emma Watkins, Henry, m. Ellen Jensen; Harriet E., m. Thaddeus Wight; Mary Maria, m. Brigham Y. Hamson; Luclnda, m. Alma Jensen; Marvin; Arvilla. Family home Brigham City, Utah. Married Sariah Pulsipher 1871. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1245 Married Sarah Wight Cutler 1872. Their children: Wil- liam b. May 8, 1874; Alice b. April 14, 1876, m. J. Kimble Haws. High priest; missionary to Elk Mountains, Utah; member high council. Justice of peace; city councilman; chief of police. Mechanic. Died Aug. 8, 1902, Brigham City. TVIGHT, LEWIS (son of William Wight, born March 2, 1783, Centerville, Allegany county, N. Y., and Abigail Cudworth, born 1787, Openheim, N. Y. married Oct. 19, 1806). He was born Dec. 11, 1807, at Openheim. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Nancy Elliot 1827 at Centerville, N. Y. (daugh- ter of Thaddeus Elliot and Sarah Lathe), who was born March 18. 1809. Their children: Lyman b. Sept. 24, 1829, m. Harriet Bateman, m. Christina Olsen; Charles b. March 28, 1831, m. Sarah Ellen Lovelass; Sarah b. May 28, 1833, m. Sheldon Bela Cutler, d. Jan. 20, 1891; Samuel b. Aug. 6, 1838, and Elizabeth b. Sept. 5, 1841, died; Joseph M. b. June 18, 1844, m. Mary Herren Oct. 5, 1864; William L. b. March 22, 1850, m. Melissa Watkins Nov. 16, 1874. Baptized Feb. 21, 1843, in Allegany county, N. Y. ; had charge of church cattle for several years in early fifties. Moved to Brigham City in fall of 1856. Had charge of public works getting out timber for courthouse. WIGHT, LYMAN (son of Lewis Wight and Nancy Elliot). Born Sept. 24, 1829, Centerville, N. Y. Married Harriet Bateman in Augusta, Ohio (daughter of Thomas Bateman and Mary Street), who was born Nov. 4, 1830, Manchester, Eng. Their children: Harriet Amelia b. Nov. 4, 1849, m. Ralph Jenkins Feb. 1, 1866; Lyman. Jr., b. Feb. 23, 1851, and Thomas Lewis b. Feb. 22, 1852, died; Thaddeus b. April 14, 1854, m. Harriet Elizabeth Wight April 9, 1883; Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 6, 1856, m. Stephen Wight; Betsy Ann b. May 17, 1859, and Nancy b. Oct. 31, 1861, died; Pheba Ann b. Nov. 25, 1863, m. William Walker; William b. Sept. 29, 1865, and James Henry b. Nov. 27, 1866, died; Samuel Moroni b. March 4, 1869, m. Minnie Miller; Margret May b. July 28, 1871, m. Nephi Ipsen; Charles Alma b. Sept. 28, 1874, m. Emeline Thomas. Married Christina Olsen January, 1858, Salt Lake Citv (daughter of Christian Olsen of Brigham City, Utah, pio- neers Sept. 13, 1857, Chr. Christiansen handcart company). She was born Aug. 13, 1834. Their children: Almon Lyman b. Feb. 15, 1859; Roxy b. May 4, 1860; Adeline b. Dec. 8, 1862; Christina b. Oct. 15. 1864; Charlotte b. Aug. 21, 1865; Lewis b. June 26, 1867; Edgar b. March 21, 1878; Aaron b. April 23, 1882. Families resided Brigham City, Utah. Operated Neff's grist mill; built first sawmills in Brigham City. Elected adjutant of First Battalion March 8, 1864; elected major of battalion April 28, 1866; alternate high councilor of Box Elder stake Nov. 7, 1891. WIGHT, THADDEUS (son of Lyman Wight and Harriet Bateman). Born April 14, 1854, West Jordan, Utah. Married Harriet Elizabeth Wight April 9, 1883 (daughter of Ephraim Wight and Harriet Elizabeth Pulsipher, pio- neers 1850, Edward Hunter company married April 9, 1859, Mill Creek, Utah). She was born Sept. 6, 1863, Brig- ham, Utah. Their children: Arvilla b. Feb. 13, 1884, m. William Orme Dec. 25, 1807; Thaddeus Theon b. Oct. 27, 1885; Lillian b. March 24, 1888; Ephraim Emery b. June 6, 1890; Harriet Kathleen b. June 18, 1892; Mary Amelia b. Sept. 7, 1894; Clinton Lyman b. Dec. 5, 1896. Family home Harper ward, Box Elder stake. Missionary to southern states November, 1897, to Dec. 20, 1899; first counselor to Bishop Thomas Yates Dec. 24, 1899, to 1904; high councilor Box Elder stake 1907; set apart bishop Harper ward May 28, 1910. WIGHT, ALMON LYMAN (son of Lyman Wight and Chris- tina Olseii). Born Feb. 15, 1859, Brigham City. Married Mary Ann Nelson Jan. 17, 1884, Salt Lake City (daughter of James and Marie Nelson). Born Jan. 12, 1862. Their children: Almon N. b. April 19, 1885; Sylvester b. Nov. 28, 1887; Eva M. b. Oct. 16, 1888; Sylvia C. b. March 10, 1891; Elery J. b. Nov. 24, 1893; Lyman V. b. Feb. 2, 1897; Erma M. b. Sept. 20, 1899; Reed J. b. Jan. 31, 1903; Hortence b. May 2, 1905. Family home Perry, Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1909-10. Member of town board Perry, Utah. Farmer. WIGHT, LEWIS (son of Lyman Wight and Christina Olsen). Born June 26, 1867, Brigham City. Married Sarah Matilda Whitaker Oct. 11, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Whitaker and Josephine Mallory of Willard. Utah), who was born Dec. 29, 1879. Their chil- dren: Lewis Silvester b. Aug. 1, 1899; Leland Nelson b. Feb. 28, 1903; Thelma Vodas b. July 22. 1905; Elva Josephine b. Feb. 19, 1907; Norma Matilda b. Oct. 8, 1909; Ruth May b-. Aug. 28, 1911. Missionary to eastern states 1898 to 1901. WIGHT, STEPHEN (son of Daniel Wight, born Jan. 23, 1785, and Mary Randall Hewitt, born Aug. 10, 1780. both of Centerville, Allegany county, N. Y. married Nov. 18, 1810). He was born May 7, 1820, Montgomery, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 13, 1852, Thomas Howell company. Married Pheba Ann Gates April 5, 1845, who died shortly afterward. Married Lucy E. Waterbery Jan. 29, 1850 (daughter of Solomon Waterbery and Charlotte Post), who was born Oct. 15, 1835, in New York. Their children: Rachel J. b. Nov. 27, 1851, m. John Thorpe; Stephen, Jr., b. April 1, 1854, m. Mary Wight Sept. 4, 1876; Daniel b. May 31, 1856, died; Sarah D. b. Nov. 6, 1858, m. Thomas Thorpe; Lucy E. b. July 24, 1862, m. David J. Davis Dec. 20, 1885; Alvin Luies b. April, 1864, died; Charlotte L. b. July 15, 1866, m. William Jenkins Oct. 29, 1880; Marreta A. b. Dec. 3, 1871, m. Fred- erick W. Simmons; Charles E. b. Jan. 22, 1873. Married Abigail Emma Pulsipher April 20, 1856 (daughter of Ellas Pulsipher and Polly Chubbuck), who was born Oct. 3, 1839, Island Grove, Sangamon county, 111. Their children: Lev! b. Aug. 16, 1859, died; Asenath b. April 30, 1862, m. Lorenzo Pitt; Wilford b. Oct. 17, 1864, m. Lucy Ann Davis; Mary Ann b. April 14, 1867, m. Nathan D. Yearsley; Melvin b. Aug. 21, 1869, died; Hattie b. Nov. 12, 1871; Emma Jenett b. Aug. 16, 1873. m. Frank May; Phoebe Ann b. April 12, 1876; Wesley b. March 9, 1879, m. Sylva Bott (Wight. Bishop's counselor 11 years; bishop three years. Surveyor Box Elder county 20 years. Farmer; machinist. WIGWALL, WILLIAM. Born at Preston, Eng. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin frozen handcart com- pany. Married Grace Slater. Their children: Joseph, m. Eliza- beth Kendall; Mary, m. William Sidwell; James, m. Har- riet Burt; Jane, m. William Thomas; Grace, d. aged 38; William Henry, m. Matilda Jane Loveless; John T., m. Clarissa Patterson; Margaret, m. Marian Lucy. Married Jane Winsby, Salt Lake City. Their child: Alice, d. aged 2. Families resided Payson, Utah. Home missionary; Sunday school superintendent; choir leader. Veteran Black Hawk and Echo Canyon wars. Farmer; llmeburner. WIGNALL, WILLIAM HENRY (son of William Wignall and Grace Slater). Born Feb. 9, 1856, in England. Came to Utah with parents. Married Matilda Jane Loveless Feb. 7, 1881, Payson, Utah (daughter of Joseph Loveless and Sarah Jane Scriggins of Payson), who was born Aug. 7, 1863. Their children: Edith, m. Frank Searle; William Nelson, m. Havel Barr; James E.; Wells, m. Goldle Tanner; John; Beulah May; Maggie V.; Allen R. b. Aug. 21, 1898; Sargent; Dean; Irene, d. infant. Teacher; elder. Farmer. Died at Payson. WILCOX, ELISHA (son of Francis Wilcox). Born Oct. 24, 1809, in Delaware county, Pa. Came to Utah in 1847. Married Anna Pickle Jan. 15, 1835 (daughter of Minar 1897, m. Elizabeth Evans April 1899; Victoria b. March 3, 1872, m. Hyrum D. Davis Dec. 19, 1894; George Albert Jonea b. April 5, 1874, m. Nellie Griffin Aug. 4. 1895; Martha May b. Feb. 23, 1876, d. Nov. 1876; Annie S. b. Dec. 28, 1877, m. James Westergard Dec. 4, 1902; Hannah Adell b. Aug. 8, 1879. d. June 29, 1880. Families resided Brigham City. Utah, and Malad City, Idaho. Baptized January, 1850, in Wales. Ordained elder 1851; high priest 1860; counselor to Bishop George Stuart 1884- 90. Blacksmith and farmer. Died Jan. 10, 1899. WILLIAMS, AZARIAH F. JONES (son of John Jones Wil- liams and Mary Jones). Born Dec. 20, 1857, Brigham City, Utah. Married Elizabeth M. Denning March 4, 1885, Logan, Utah (daughter of James Denning and Sarah Merriefield, former pioneer Oct. 1. 1856, Christopher Arthur company). Their children: Azarlah D. b. Sept. 25, 1886; Elizabeth D. b. Oct. 15, 1889; Mary D. b. June 3, 1892; Saraella D. b. May 15, 1896; James D. b. Dec. 25, 1898, d. Feb. 2. 1899; John J. b. Feb. 18. 10; Ruth D. b. July 11. 1905. Family resided Malad and Idaho Falls, Idaho. Ordained elder Dec. 10, 1872. Farmer; stockraiser; dairy- man. u II.I.IAMS, JOHN ROWLAND (son of Evan and Catherine Rowland of Denbighshire, Wales). Born Dec. 15, 1802, Denbighshire. Came to Utah October, 1855, Thomas Jeremy company. Married Mary Roberts at St. Asaph, Wales, who was born Jan. 19. 1801. Their children: Thomas Lloyd, m. Elizabeth Rowland; John P., m. Elizabeth Davis; Elizabeth, m. Isaac Morris. Family home Ogden, Utah. Williams was his adopted name. Elder. Farmer and miller. Died Aug. 25, 1884. WILLIAMS. THOMAS LLOYD (son of John Rowland Wil- liams and Mary Roberts). Born March 31, 1826, St. Asaph, Wales. Came to Utah October, 1855, Thomas Jeremy company. Married Elizabeth Rowland April, 1851, St. Asaph, Wales (daughter of Thomas Rowland and Margaret Williams of Newbridge, near Denbighshire, Eng.). She was born March 20, 1835. Their children: Thomas R. b. Oct. 21, 1852, m. Clara E. Ballinger; John R. b. Oct. 8, 1857, d. Aug. 30, 1886; Caro- line b. Aug. 14, 1860, m. L. G. Tisman; Mary H. b. Dec. 21. 1862, m. WInslow Farr; Frank R. b. April 14, 1865, m. Lucy Frost; Maggie b. March 4, 1867, m. David Farr; Elizabeth b. Jan. 27. 1869, d. Infant; James R. b. Jan. 25, 1871, m. Sarah Frye; William Henry b. June 29, 1873, m. Ethel Payne: Clem b. Oct. 10, 1875, m. Adelaide Proudfort; Fred- erick b. April 1, 1878, m. Eva Greenwood. Family home Ogden, Utah. Farmer and miller. Died Feb. 24, 1889. WILLIAMS. WILLIAM HENRY (son of Thomas Lloyd Wil- liams and Elizabeth Rowland). Born June 29, 1873, Ogden, Utah. Married Ethel Payne June 29, 1909, at Ogden (daughter of Joseph R. Payne and Sarah Purdy of Ogden). Only child: Ruth b. Oct. 1, 1911. Member board of education. Candy merchant. WILLIAMS, JOSHUA (son of James Williams and Sarah Folland of England). Born March 23, 1838, in Wales. Came to Utah November, 1862. Married Annie Coy at Liverpool, Eng., in 1856. She was born in September, 1836. Their children: Jessie b. Oct. 17, 1858, m. J. B. Green; Edwin b. June 17, 1860, m. Annie Shurt- liff; James b. Sept. 23, 1863, m. Brit. France; Milford b. Oct. 3. 1865, m. Sarah Burgoyne; Annie b. March 17, 1869, m. William Shurtliff; Emily b. Nov. 17, 1870, m. Zachariah Cheeney; Laura b. Feb. 17, 1872, m. William Rene. Family resided in Morgan county, later at Ogden, Utah. Receiver of timber Union Pacific Railroad. Chief Ogden fire department 1875; prosecuting attorney Morgan county 1896-1900. Died November, 1901. WILLIAMS, EDWIN (son of Joshua Williams and Annie Coy). Born June 17, 1860, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah vith parents. Married Annie Shurtliff Nov. 7, 1878, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of Emerson Shurtliff and Mary Ann Tribe of Ogden). She was born Nov. 6, 1860. Their children: Walter b. March 29, 1880, m. Helen Reeder; Frederick E. b. June 17, 1881, m. Nellie Driver; Pearl b. Aug. 9, 1883, m. Ashby Newman; Floy b. Aug. 9, 1887, m. LeRoy Seager; Blanche b. Dec. 30. 1890; Howard b. Aug. 20, 1895. Family home Ogden, Utah. Merchant. WILLIAMS, MILFORD (son of Joshua Williams and Annie Coy). Born Oct. 3, 1865, in Morgan Co., Utah. Married Sarah Burgoyne in Bear Lake Co., Idaho, June 1, 1899 (daughter of Edward Burgoyne and Mary A. Eynon. pioneers 1864). She was born May 23, 1865. Their chil- dren: Genevieve b. Aug. 11, 1890; Gwendolyn b. May 8, 1896; Venus b. Jan. 22, 1899; Lois b. Sept. 17, 1901; Edward and Roma (twins) b. Nov. 21, 1904; Mary b. Aug. 22, 1907. Family resided Montpelier, Idaho, and Ogden, Utah. Missionary to Great Britain 1895-97. Mayor Montpelier, Idaho, 1903-06. WILLIAMS, OWEN (son of John Williams and Ann Davis of Eglwys Bach, Denbigshire, Wales). Born April 3, 1804, Waynffechen, Eglwys Bach, Wales. Came to Utah Septem- ber, 1860, Captain Home company. Married Ann Thomas 1835 at Llafyllin, Montgomery, Wales (daughter of John Thomas and Cathren Vaughn). Their children: John O., m. Ellen ; Maria, m. Joseph C. Davis. Elder. Died Oct. 29, 1875, Panaca, Lincoln county, Nev. WILLIAMS, ROBERT (son of Robert Williams of London, Eng.). Born August, 1815, London. Came to Utah 1849. Married Emma N. Hocken Feb. 24, 1854, Southwork, Eng. (daughter of Edward Hocken and Catherine Crowl of Lon- don). She was born Sept. 7, 1834. Their children: Robert E.; William J., d. aged 2; Annie D., m. Alma Caffal; John, d. aged 2; Nellie, m. Charles Lutz; George E., m. Emma Wilcken; Catherine, m. Ernest Tullidge; Eliza, m. Samuel Glass; Edwin S., m. Nellie Tullidge; Alice B., m. William B. Clemment. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary. Tailor. Died Jan. 1, 1882. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL D. (son of Daniel Williams and Ruth Jones of South Wales; former born 1761, latter 1759). He was born April 10, 1826, Brecknockshire, Wales. Came to Utah Aug. 24, 1868, Horton D. Haight company. Married Ann Price in November, 1850 (daughter of Daniel Price), who was born April 10, 1826, and died tn Wales. Their children: Da/iiel b. Feb. 3, 1853; Mary b. Aug. 25, 1854, m. John Jenkins Nov. 1, 1875; Ruth b. March 27, 1857, m. Jeremiah Hodge Williams Dec. 29, 1875; Samuel John b. May 2, 1865, m. Fanny Williams Dec. 14, 1898. Married Elizabeth Powell Nov. 25, 1866, Llandilo, Caer- marthenshlre, Wales (daughter of John Perry and Mary Powell), who was born May 1, 1845, at Llandilo. Their children: Elizabeth b. March 22, 1868, m. B. Y. Mansfield Feb. 6, 1883; Margarett b. May 18, 1870, m. William M. Caldwell Jan. 1, 1889; Sarah Jane b. Aug 1 . 23, 1871, m. Wil- liam Thomas Oct. 6, 1892; William Reece b. Feb. 13. 1873, d. Aug. 13, 1775; Joan b. Nov. 20, 1874, m. Corner Thomas March 17, 1895; John b. April 23, 1876, m. Zina Landon Feb. 13, 1901; Brigham b. Oct. 26, 1877; Ezeriah b. Feb. 3, 1880, m. Agnes Anthony Dec. 27, 1902; Hannah b. Aug. 13, 1881, m. David B. Evans July 6, 1898; Ann b. July 8, 1884, m. David G. Huntsman Aug. 6, 1902; Oliver b. Dec. 30, 1886. Families resided Samaria, Idaho. First presiding elder for Samaria ward 1869-80. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL JOHN (son of Samuel D. Williams and Ann Price). Born May 2, 1865, Topglass, South Wales. Married Fannie Williams Dec. 14, 1898, Samaria, Idaho (daughter of John Haines Williams and Sarah Jane Davis, pioneers Oct. 7, 1860). Their child: Ann Eunella b. Oct. 1, 1903. Sheepralser and farmer. WILLIAMS, STEPHEN. Came to Utah Sept. 30, 1854, Dar- win Richardson company. Married Emma Jane Hilyard at Bristol, Eng. (daughter of Andrew Hilyard, born Nov. 30, 1799, and Mary Higgins, both of Ditchett, Somersetshire, Eng., pioneers Sept. 30, 1854, Darwin Richardson company). She was born March 30, 1826, died June 27, 1897. Their children: John, m. Mary Christina Overlaid; Stephen, died; Thomas Andrew, m. Jane Edwards; Emma Jane, m. William Bowden; Joseph Alma, died; Samuel Moroni, m. Etta Milo; Nephi, m. Amelia Stalson; Mary, m. Charles Dorius; George Edward, m. Elvina Long; Sarah Elizabeth, m. Andrew C. Anderson; Charles Heber, m. Sarah Shiner; Jane Lettle, m. Charles Edward Torgerson; Stephen, m. Hannah Anderson. Died Jan. 8, 1897, at Ephraim, Utah. 1252 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WILLIAMS, JOHN (son of Stephen Williams and Emma Jane Hilyard). Born Nov. 9, 1S41, Bristol, Eng. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Christina Overlaid March 16, 1863 (daugh- ter of Andrew and Caroline Overlaid), who was born Nov. 20, 1845. Their children: David Henry b. May 31, 1872, m. Anna M. Sorensen; Elizabeth C. b. May 10, 1875, m. Hans C. Christensen; John S. b. Feb. 8, 1877, died; Mary A. b. Oct. 31, 1880", m. John T. Edwards; Carry M. b. July 28, 1882, m. Neils C. Hansen; Ervin Kimball b. April 10, 1887, m. Ingry Lucinda Bunderson; Edward E. b. March 20, 1889, died. Family home Emery, Utah. Married Annie Kristena Larson Aug. 18, 1881, Salt Lake City. Their children: Ann Rhodelia b. June 8, 1882, m. William F. Edwards; Ella Andrear b. Oct. 2, 1885. Family home Mayfleld, Utah. High priest; counselor to Bishop Parley Christiansen of Mayfleld ward; superintendent Sunday school at Mayfleld. Worked on St. George and Manti temples. First lieutenant in cavalry in Black Hawk war. Constable of Ephraim 12 years. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. Man- ager of Co-op. Store at Mayfleld. Moved to Emery 1894, where he acted as marshal and school trustee. Freighter and miller. WILLIAMS, ERVIN KIMBALL (son of John Williams and Ma'ry Christina Overlaid). Born April 10, 1887, Ephraim, Utah. Married Ingry Lucinda Bunderson June 22, 1910, at Manti, Utah (daughter of Peter Victor Bunderson of Sweden and Sena Nielson of Denmark, who came to Utah in 1872). She was born Oct. 14, 1888. Their child: Dorris b. July 2, 1911. Family home Emery, Utah. Member 149th quorum seventies; assistant Sunday school superintendent; home missionary. Mayor of Emery. Farmer and stockraiser. WILLIAMS, THOMAS (son of Thomas Williams, born 1800, and Sarah Pearson, both of Bedworth, Eng.). He was born Nov. 12, 1837, Bedworth, Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah Sept. 15, 1861, Ira Eldredge company. Married Jane Fawson June 27, 1859 (daughter of Abra- ham Fawson and Ann Hodrienne, latter died May 18, 1864, on the way to Utah). Their children: Priscilla Jane b. Feb. 2, 1861, m. H. P. Parkinson; Sarah Ann b. Feb. 6, 1863, m. Harrison Matthews; Thomas Arich b. Sept. 28, 1865, m. Anna Bell; George b. 1867, died; James b. July 12, 1870, m. Merlin Ann Ratcliffe; Esther Helen b. Sept. 13, 1872, m. Chester Rydalch; Louisa Hannah b. April 17, 1875, m. Charles Jenkins. Married Emma Fairless Brown (daughter of David Brown and Emma Fairless), who was born Nov. 28, 1865, Salford, Yorkshire, Eng. Their children: John Leslie b. Aug. 19, 1883, d. Aug. 26, 1891; Alexander T. b. May 5, 1886, d. same day; Charles Guy b. Dec. 21, 1890, d. same day; Clyde b. Aug. 21, 1889, m. Anna Judd Dec. 20, 1911; Ruth Leonora b. Dec. 9, 1892. Assistant clerk of Tooele stake; tithing clerk. Clerk of Grantsville ward 38 years; city and county assessor and collector. WILLIAMSON, JAMES. Born Dec. 19, 1804, Bufford, Lan- castershire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1850. Married Ann Allred (daughter of John Allred), who was born Feb. 4, 1808, and came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Edward Martin "frozen" handcart company; died Dec. 21, 1892. Their children: Elizabeth b. Aug. 8, 1831. d. April 27, 1850; Ellen b. Jan. 17, 1833, m. Benjamin Watts Jan. 1, 1857; John b. Dec. 7, 1834, d. Oct. 30, 1840; Ann b. Oct. 22, 1836, m. Mr. Jose March 1, 1857; Mary b. March 13, 1839, m. William Barton Aug. 23, 1857; Martha b. Jan. 23, 1841, d. same day; William b. March 23, 1842, m. Martha Knowles April 15, 1865; John b. Sept. 6, 1844, d. April 27, 1886; James b. Aug. 10, 1848, d. July 13, 1850; Betsy b. Jan. 13, 1853, m. Silas S. Smith, Jr., Nov. 3, 1873. Family home Paragonah, Utah. WILLIAMSON, NIELS (son of William and Bertha Blum of Brevik, Norway). Born in 1821 in Stavanger, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott oxteam company. Married Pernelia Peterson at Brevik, Norway, who was born May 12, 1814. Their children: John, died; Marten, m. Inger Anderson; Mary Paulina, m. James Henry Clinger; John, m. Hannah Sward. Family home Brevik, Norway. Sailor; farmer; miner. WILLIAMSON, MARTEN (son of Niels Williamson and Pernelia Peterson). Born Aug. 26, 1844, Brevik, Norway. Came to Utah Oct. 8, 1866, Andrew H. Scott company. Married Inger Anderson July 23, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Paul Anderson and Chartay Hoganson, both of Dagsdorp, Sweden, pioneers 1862, oxteam company). She was born April 10, 1849. Family home Lake View. Utah. High priest; ward teacher; missionary to Norway 1897-99. Worked on Salt Lake and St. George temples; assisted in construction of railroad into Utah. Early settler at Lake View. Farmer and stockraiser. City (daughter of Cornelius P. Lott and Permelia Darrow, widow of Joseph Smith). She was born Jan. 9, 1824, on Luzerne Plains, N. T., and came to Utah 1848. Their chil- dren: Ira Pratt and Achsa Permelia, died; Cornelius John, killed Dec. 5, 1863; Polly Melissa, m. William Wheeler Clark; Lyman Benjamin, m. 'Sarah Ann Munn; Steven Eleazer, m. Matilda Hall; m. Sopha Clark; m. Malinda Shelton; Sarah Amanda, m. Albert King Mulliner. Family home Lehi, Utah. Elder. Farmer. Died Dec. 5, 1863. WILLIS, JOSHUA THOMAS (son of Merrill Willis and Margaret Cherry, former of North Carolina). Born Dec. 12, 1818, in Gallatin county, 111. Came to Utah in September, 1847, captain of ten in John Taylor company. Married Sarah Melissa Dodge (daughter of Erastus and Melissa Dodge), who was born June 7, 1827, and came to Utah Sept. 29, 1847, Edward Hunter company. Their chil- dren: Joshua T. b. Nov. 3, 1849, m. Mariah Duffln May 31, 1870; Merrill E. b. Jan. 28, 1851, m. Cedenia Bagley May 31, 1870; Sarah M. b. May 27, 1S52, m. Fred Mullens 1872; Mary D. b. Aug. 2, 1853; Mary H. b. Aug. 14, 1854; Henry T. b. Oct. 21, 1855, m. Kathleen Dykes 1876; Joseph S. b. Oct. 23, 1856; Martha E. b. Oct. 13, 1857, m. Mathew Batty 1874; John M. b. Dec. 13, 1858; Lavina L. b. May 18, 1860, m. Joseph Rodgers 1876; Maria M. b. July 25, 1861; Mary Agnes b. Dec. 31, 1862; Irena Rebecca b. May 22, 1864; Rosellah b. May 26, 1865; Rozilpha b. Oct. 19, 1867; George Albert b. Aug. 11, 1870. Married Dosha Cherry 1841, who died 1845. Their only child died. Married Ellen Oldridge 1864, Salt Lake City, who was born Feb. 1, 1830, in Berkshire, Eng. Their children: Hyrum A. b. April 12, 1865, m. Lola Peirce; Richard M. b. Jan. 8, 1867, m. Adelia Buchanan 1889; Franklin J. b. March 18, 1869, m. Elizabeth Kay. Settled at Provo, Utah, 1849, where he later served as sheriff; moved to Cedar City 1853; founded Toquerville 1858. Set apart bishop of that ward Nov. 18, 1861; coun- selor to Bishop Isaac Higbee. Veteran Walker, Black Hawk and Navajo Indian wars. Moved to Arizona 1879. WILLIS, MERRILL E. (son of Joshua T. Willis and Sarah Melissa Dodge). Born Jan. 28, 1851, Provo, Utah. Married Cedenia Bagley May 31, 1870 (daughter of Daniel Bagley and Mary Wood), who was born Nov. 22, 1854, Grantsville, Tooele Co., Utah. Their children: Merrill B. b. Aug. 18, 1871, m. Sarah C. Kay 1889; Thomas H. b. Dec. 8, 1873; Samuel B. b. Aug. 13, 1876, m. Mary J. Wayment 1901; Mary b. June 25, 1880; Lily b. Sept. 1881, m. A. L. Russell 1896; Cedenia b. Sept. 24, 1885, m. C. Wayment 1905; Daniel B. b. Nov. 15, 1889, m. Viola Brown 1909; Joseph E. b. July 29, 1893; Emanuel B. b. July 16, 1896. Ordained teacher April 25, 1866; priest Feb. 2, 1869; elder May 31, 1870; bishop Taylor ward, Arizona, 1882; seventy Dec. 14, 1884; high priest Nov. 16, 1885; superintendent of Sunday school and president of T. M. M. I. A. for several years. Went with parents to Cedar City, Iron Co., Utah, 1853; moved to Toquerville 1858; to Arizona 1878; to New Mexico 1894; returned to Warren, Weber Co., Utah. Minuteman in Indian wars under Col. J. D. L. Peirce. WILLIS, MERRILL E., JR. (son of Merrill E. Willis and Cedenia Bagley). Born Aug. 18, 1871, Toquerville, Utah. Married Sarah C. Kay Oct. 30, 1889, St. George, Utah (daughter of William Kay and Katherine Jones), who was born in 1870. Their children: Melissa b. Dec. 24, -1890; Arthur W. b. Sept. 23, 1892; Boyd M. b. Jan. 18, 1895; Grace b. Jan. 14, 1897; Katherine b. Feb. 9, 1899; Hazel b. Sept. 24, 1901; Dora C. b. Aug. 25, 1903; Clifford T. b. Aug. 9, 1905; Josephine b. July 13, 1907; Gladius b. May 5, 191*. Family resided Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. WILLIES, IRA JONES (son of Eleazar Willies and Achsa Jones of New York). Born Jan. 21, 1812, in New York. Came to Utah 1847 with advance party of Mormon Battalion. Married Melissa Lott (Smith) May 18, 1849, Salt Lake WILLIS, WILLIAM WESLEY (son of Merrill Willis and Margaret Cherry of Hamilton county. 111.). Born Aug. 16, 1811, in Hamilton county. Came to Utah July 29, 1847, James Brown contingent of Mormon Battalion. Married Jane Willis 1833 in Hamilton county. 111. (daugh- ter of John Willis of Hamilton county). She was born Aug. 17, 1812. Their children: Ann C. m. Willis Young; John H., m. Frances Reeves; Mary Lucretia, m. J. T. Brown; Lemuel M., m. Eliza Webb; Thomas Tillman, m. Ann Louisa Pratt; Josephine, m. William J. Cox; William Wes- ley, m. Gabrilla Stratton; George Albert; Margaret Jane. Family home Big Cottonwood, Utah. Missionary to Iron county 1853-58. Mayor Cedar City. Millwright; farmer. Died April 8, 1872, Beaver City, Utah. WILLIS, WILLIAM WESLEY (son of William Wesley Wil- lis and Margaret Jane Willis). Born May 14, 1846, Nash- ville, Iowa. Came to Utah Sept. 28, 1847, John Nebekr company. Married Gabrilla Stratton March 22. 1870, Virgin City, Washington Co., Utah (daughter of Anthony J. Stratton and Martha Jane Lane of Virgin City, pioneers 1849). She was born Oct. 16, 1850. Their children: Delilah Jane b. Jan. 28, 1871, m. Alma R. Turley; Frances Ann b. June 12, 1872; William Wesley b. April 16, 1873; Anthony Lorum b. June 29, 1874; George Ramey b. Dec. 14, 1875; Sixtus Ellis b. July 14, 1877; Mary Josephine b. Feb. 10, 187S, m. Stephen H. Duncan; Martha Augusta b. April 20, 1881, m. William E. Stratton; Ida b. April 4, 1883, m. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1253 Despain; Joseph S. b. March 2, 1885, m. Willmirth Flake; Altha Gabrilla b. April 28, 1887, m. Asburn H. Douglas; John Irvln b. May 1, 1889; Lucretia D. b. Nov. 8, 1891; Leo Adlson b. July 8, 1894. Family home Snowflake, Ariz. Missionary to North Carolina 1885-86; member Snow- flake stake high council. Justice of peace; selectman in Virgin City, Utah; justice of peace at Snowflake. Farmer and brickmaker. WILSON, BENJAMIN (son of Robert Wilson, born 1773 in County Down, Ireland, died 1843, and Jennie Ryan of Scotland). He was born Jan. 1, 1810, in County Down, Ire- land. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868. Married Mary Bell July 12, 1844, Kilmaurs, Scotland (daughter of Stuart Bell and Catherine McPhail), who was born Oct. 31, 1820, in Ayrshire, Scotland; died Sept. 23, 1886, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Robert Bell b. Sept. 23, 1845. m. Henrietta Almeda Emmet May 15, 1871; Helen b. in 1847; Jane, died; William Gibson b. May 6, 1850, m. Mary Wahlen April 26, 1881; Isaac, died; John Lyon b. Oct. 20, 1853, m. Ellen Moore; James, died; Isaac 2d b. May 6, 1858, m. Elizabeth Baird; Andrew Hunter b. Oct. 23, 1859 (died March 5, 1880), m. Mary Ann Chase Oct. 11, 1885. Died March 5, 1880, Ogden, Utah. WILSON, WILLIAM GIBSON (son of Benjamin Wilson and Mary Bell). Born May 6, 1850, Hurlford, Ayrshire, Scotland. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, with father. Married Mary Wahlen April 26, 1881, Ogrden, Utah (daugh- ter of Michael Wahlen b. 1834 in Germany; died May 12, 1889, Globe, Ariz., and Mary Ternes, born April 7, 1836, daughter of Peter Ternes and Margaret Sherf). She was born March 4, 1861, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Mary Bell and Emily, drowned April 26, 1889; William; Robert; Hattie; Flora. Was present at the great celebration held at Promontory Hill, Utah, at completion of Union Pacific railroad, which made railroad connection from Atlantic to the Pacific. Commissioner Weber county 1895-96 and 1900-06. Built "The Hermitage," a summer hotel in Ogden Canyon, one of the largest log buildings in America. WILSON, GEORGE CLINTON (son of Bradley B. Wilson and Polly Gill of Vermont). Born Aug. 23, 1800, in Ver- mont. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1853, Daniel A. Miller company. Married Elizabeth Kinney in 1826 (daughter of Aaron Kinney and Mary Pearce married Jan. 29, 1792). She was born 1805; came' to Utah with husband; died Jan. 13, 1892, Hooper, Utah. Their children: Emily b. April 6, 1827; Lewis Kinney b. April 10, 1828, m. Emily Reval 1849; Polly b. Nov. 24, 1829; Thomas Jefferson b. March 25, 1832, m. Mary Ann Sewell 1869; Patty b. March 25, 1832, m. Hyram Kempton 1858; Aaron C. b. Nov. 15, 1834, m. Mary Johnson; Nancy Jane b. July 7, 1835, m. A. J. Hunt; Bradley B. b. May 1, 1837, m. Elizabeth Western 1873; Whitford Gill b. April 1, 1839, m. Hannah Wardsworth and Jane Mathews; Bushrod W. b. Dec. 5, 1840; Avra Elizabeth b. Feb. 19, 1843; William b. Oct. 21, 1847, m. Mary Ann Western 1873. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah. School teacher. Died May 9, 1874, Ogden, Utah. WILSON, THOMAS JEFFERSON (son of George Clinton Wilson and Elizabeth Kinney). Born March 25, 1832, In Richland Co., Ohio. Came to Utah Aug. 28, 1853, Daniel Miller company. Married Mary Ann Sewell April 19, 1869 (daughter of Joseph Sewell and Emily Elliott married January, 1841, Yarmouth, Eng., pioneers Sept. 6, 1861, Job Pingree com- pany). She came to Utah with parents. Their children: Thomas Jefferson, m. Elizabeth Hunter; Martha Jane, m. M. F. Moore; Emily Florence, m. C. B. Tracy; George Clinton; Charles Edward. First settlers to Wilson ward. Assisted in bringing Immigrants to Utah. School trustee 14 years at Wilson ward. Donated one and a half acres of land for a school- house. Road supervisor and justice of peace. First assist- ant Sunday school superintendent of Wilson ward and donated land for meeting house. WILSON, JAMES T. (son of Thomas Wilson and Jane Ellis of Ireland). Born Oct. 7, 1828, in Ireland. Came to Utah Sept. 3, 1852, Abraham O. Smoot company. Married Isabella Ross Nov. 16, 1855, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Ross and Rossana Prunta of Scotland). She was born Feb. 26, 1836, and came to Utah October, 1854. Their children: James Brigham, m. Maragrette Powell; Thomas Ross, m. Susannah Sheets; David John, m. Maggie Willett; Isabella, m. Jacob P. Olson; William Walter, m. Elizabeth Bailey Coleman; m. Bertha Sundereg- ger; Jarrod, d. infant. Family home, Salt Lake City. Married Emily Mallissia Handcock (daughter of L. W. Handcock), who was born Sept. 24, 1850. Their children: Levl Ward b. Aug. 6, 1867, and Emily Mallissia b. Dec. 20, 1869, and Elizabeth Clayburn b. Jan. 15, 1871, died. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Annie Walker Feb. 8, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Walker and Annie McOuire of Scot- land). She was born April 30, 1856. Their children: George Walker b. March 3, 1878, died; Daniel Hanmer b. May 10, 1880; Joseph Fielding b. Aug. 29, 1883, m. Belle Gib- bons; Rachel b. Aug. 16, 1886, m. William Buhler; Ellen Marianna b. March 10, 1889; Charles Innes b. Sept. 6, 1891; Ruth b. Jan. 13, 1894, died; Cordelia b. Aug. 23, 1895. Family home Midway, Utah. Married Margeret Walker Dec. 19, 1877, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Walker and Annie McGuire of Scot- land). She was born 1851. Their children: Annie Terresa b. Nov. 8, 1878. m. James Ritchie; Margeret Walker b. Jan. 14, 1881, m. James L. Wright; Mary Ellis b. May 15, 1883, m. Murray Davis. Family home Midway, Utah. Farmer and stockraiser. Died at Midway Sept. 26, 1905. WILSON, JAMES BRIGHAM (son of James T. Wilson and Isabella Ross). Born Oct. 22, 1856, Carson City, Nev. Married Maragrette Powell Sept. 29, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Reese Powell and Maragrette Morgan of Wales). She was born Sept. 2, 1858. Their children: James Brigham b. July 12. 1882, m. Lota Eliza Huffaker; Maragrette Edna b. April 22, 1884, m. William G. Young; David John b. Oct. 27, 1887; Isabella Ethyl b. Dec. 11, 1889; Reese Arthur b. Jan. 13, 1896; Elizabeth Edith b. May 22, 1898. Family home Midway, Utah. High priest; member of bishopric; first counselor to Bishop Probst; ward teacher. Mayor 5 terms; senator 1 term, and representative 2 terms. Farmer and stockraiser. WILSON, WILLIAM WALTER (son of James T. Wilson and Isabella Ross). Born Sept. 22, 1863, Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Bailey Coleman March 21, 1894, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Coleman and Mary Clot- worthy of England). She was born in 1873. Their chil- dren: Mable b. Jan. 13, 1895, died; William Rondo b. March 1, 1896; Cecil b. May 4, 1899; Elizabeth Isabella b. Jan. 20, 1901. Family home Midway, Utah. Married Bertha Sonderegger Dec. 23, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Sonderegger and Bertha Buhler of Salt Lake City). She was born June 22, 1880. Their chil- dren: Evelyn Bertha b. Nov. 6, 1904; Amos Milton b. Oct. 3, 1906; Grant Ellis b. Dec. 31, 1910. Teacher of theology; missionary to central states 1908- 10; high priest. Member town board; constable; secre- tary Midway waterworks. Farmer and stockraiser. WILSON, DANIEL HANMER (son of James T. Wilson and Annie Walker). Born May 10, 1880, Midway, Utah. Deacon. Engaged in mining. Resided at Midway. WILSON, LEWIS DUNBAR (son of Bradley B. Wilson and Polly Gill of Nauvoo). Born June 2, 1805, Chittenden, Vt. Came to Utah Sept. 9, 1853, Daniel A. Miller and Sept. 17, John W. Cooley company. Married Nancy Waggoner July 11, 1830 (daughter of David and Therna Waggoner), who was born in 1810, died in 1851. Their children: Lovina b. July 15, 1831, m. John Brown Feb. 25, 1854; Lemuel Green b. Oct. 22, 1832; Oliver Granger b. July 1, 1836, died; Almeda b. April 19, 1838, m. James Dailey; Lewis Dunbar, Jr., b. Sept. 21, 1840, m. Catherine Wiggins Dec. 31, 1862; David b. June 21, 1842, m. Maria Drake; Mary Malinda b. Jan. 21, 1845, died; Malissa b. Feb. 22, 1847, m. Joseph Sewell; George Miles b. May 13, 1849; Samuel b. July 19, 1851, m. Eliza Racham. High councilor in Nauvoo at time of Joseph Smith's death; high councilor Ogden. WILSON, LEWIS DUN-BAR (son of Lewis Dunbar Wilson and Nancy Waggoner). Born Sept. 21, 1840, in Nauvoo, 111. Married Catherine Wiggins Dec. 31, 1862, Ogden (daugh- ter of Ebenezer Fairchild Wiggins, pioneer, 1852, Henry Miller company, and Elenor Moore, pioneer). She was born April 13, 1845, Crooked Creek, 111. Their children: Cath- erine Rozilla b. Oct. 15, 1863, m. Brigham H. Bingham Jan. 17, 1884; Jennie b. April 18, 1865, m. Elijah Bingham Jan. 17, 1884; Martha Vilate b. Feb. 22, 1867, m. Daniel J. Mur- dock Sept. 16, 1885; Mary Elizabeth b. Sept. 27, 1868, m. George B. Wintle Nov. 1885; Sarah Lettle b. Dec. 11, 1870, m. John Lingreen June 21, 1895; William Lewis b. Nov. 26, 1872, died; Ezra Dunbar b. Oct. 30, 1873, m. Rebecca Davis Jan. 30, 1901; Elveretta Annie b. Jan. 22, 1877, m. John Isaac Watson April 12, 1899; Pearl Ellen b. Dec. 4 1879, m. Ulysses Fay Campbell Oct. 8, 1903; Arthur Ebenezer b. April 6, 1884. Married Eliza Eleanor Hunt March 10, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Bradford Hunt and Eleanor Wiggins), who was born Aug. 29, 1856, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Rosella May b. June 12, 1874, m. John S. Bowker Nov. 27, 1895; Enoch Albert b. Sept. 14, 1876, m. Effle Williams Nov. 27, 1901; Joseph LInord b. Dec. 21, 187S, . m. Lucy Dean Feb. 28, 1906; Lola Eleanor b. May 8, 1881, m. Andrew C. Jensen Nov. 19, 1902; Ethel Rebecca b. Dec. 15, 1883, m. E. Leroy Harrison Oct. 1, 1909; Maude Eliza b. Sept. 4, 1886, m. A. Rowley Babcock Dec. 18, 1912. Fam- ilies resided at Ogden, Utah, and at Riverside, Idaho. Counselor to the bishop of Blackfoot 4 years; counselor to president high priests quorum Blackfoot stake, Idaho. Assisted immigrants to Utah with Harry Miller company In 1862. WILSON, EZRA DUNBAR (son of Lewis Dunbar Wilson and Catherine Wiggins). Born Oct. 30, 1873, Ogden, Utah. Married Rebecca Davis Jan. 30, 1901, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Jarriod M. Davis and Harriet Jane Osborn), who was born June 17, 1879, Montpelier, Idaho. Their chil- 1254 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH dren: Erma Rebecca b. Nov. 12, 1901; lone Harriet b. May 25 1904; Vaughn Rebecca b. Aug. 6, 1906; Wane Ezra b. June 20, 1908; Var D. b. April 22, 1911. Ordained a seventy in Salt Lake City 1898; missionary to northeastern states in 1898. WILSON, LYCITRGITS (son of Guy C. Wilson, born 1805 in New York, and Elizabeth Hunter, both of Richland Co., Ohio). He was born Feb. 27, 1828. in Richland Co., Ohio. Came to Utah June 27, 1851, Benjamin Holladay company. Married Lois Ann Stevens Dec. 29, 1849 (daughter of Arnold Stevens and Lois Coon of Ontario, Canada; former pioneer 1847, contingent Mormon Battalion, Co. "D," latter a pioneer 1852). She was born Dec. 15, 1835, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Lycurgus Arnold b. Nov. 7, 1856, m. Alice Tucker Oct. 9, 1876; Lois Elizabeth b. March 1, 1859; Ellen Adelia b. Oct. 11, 1861, m. Philip H. Hurst; Guy C. b. April 10, 1864, m. Elizabeth Hartsourg Sept. 25, 1885; Justin b. Sept. 19, 1866; Mary Mehitable b. May 14, 1869, m. Philip H. Hurst; Viola b. Nov. 27, 1871, m. Andrew Peterson; Lucy Arabella b. Oct. 23, 1874, m. Thomas Anderson. Family home Fairview, Utah. High priest. Postmaster at Fairview 13 years; justice of peace 1872-74 and 1876-78. Veteran Indian wars. WILSON, ROBERT (son of William Wilson and Catherine Davis of Overton, Flintshire, Wales). Born April 29, 1819, Lightwoodgreen, Flintshire, Wales. Came to Utah 1849. Married Mary Ann Point June 23, 1843, New Portage, Summit Co., Ohio (daughter of Nathan and Eleanor Point of Ohio, pioneers 1849). She was born Jan. 14, 1816. Their children: Catherine b. May 7, 1844; William G. b. Sept. 8, 1845; Phoebe Ann b. Sept. 25, 1847; Robert b. Oct. 1, 1850; Robert H. b. Dec. 31, 1851. Family home, Ohio. Married Mary Ann Boldwine 1S49, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Caleb Boldwine), who was born March 9, 1823. Their children: Robert C. b. Aug. 17, 1849, m. Lena Lay; Richard E. b. July 23, 1853; Mary Ann A. b. Nov. 16, 1854, m. Joseph Lay; Leonora A. b. June 18, 1856; George B. b. Dec. 8, 1858; Heber J. b. Aug. 28, 1860. Family home Kays- ville, Utah. Married Ann Blood June 26, 1853, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Blood and Mary Stretten of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1849, Horton D. Haight company). She was born Aug. 13, 1837. Their children: William H. b. Dec. 11, 1854, m. Margret Cook; James D. b. Nov. 12, 1856; Robert L. b. Jan. 11, 1859, m. Olive E. Dahlquist; Mary A. b. June 20, 1861, m. William F. Rawson; Ann Wilson b. Dec. 4, 1863, m. Ephraim W. Bird; Ellen M. b. Jan. 29, 1866; Jane W. b. Feb. 16. 1868, m. Lewis A. Critchfield; Margret A. b. Jan. 11, 1871; Benjamin F. b. July 15, 1872, m. Rebecca H. Hawkins; Alfred b. Sept. 12, 1874, m. Nora McMurry; Daniel B. b. Nov. 16, 1876, m. Edith Clark; Olive V. b. Feb. 1, 1879, m. William T. Harper; Rosetta Wilson b. May 16, 1881. Family home Harrisville, Utah. Married Mary Blood April 3, 1857, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of William Blood and Mary Stretten of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers 1849, Horton D. Haight company). She was born May 29, 1842. Their children: Robert S. b. March 31, 1860, m. Charlotte Cole; Joseph W. b. Dec. 26, 1861, m. Emily Stronberg; John S. b. March 31, 1864; Charles R. b. May 27, 1866, m. Josephine Samuelson; Ether L. b. May 10, 1868, m. Clara Critchfield; Hyrum b. April 11, 1870; Willard b. March 29, 1871; Lorin B. b. Aug. 31, 1872, m. Elizabeth McMurry; Mary E. b. Nov. 20, 1874, m. Joseph McBride; Jessie b. Dec. 12, 1876; Florence M. b. May 4, 1879, m. Joseph Permer; David b. April 26, 1881; Parley b. June 7, 1882, m. Phoebe McMurry; Lillian b. Oct. 28, 1885, m. Raymond McMurry. Family home, Harrisville. Missionary to eastern states and England; patriarch; high councilor in Weber stake. Pioneer to Oakly, Idaho. Died Sept. 18, 1895, In Idaho. WILSON, WELLINGTON PAUL (son of Deliverance Wilson and Lovina Fairchild of Vermont and Ohio). Born Feb. 1, 1814, near Burlington, Vt. Came to Utah Oct. 4, 1864, William Warren company. Married Elizabeth Boardman Smith Dec. 13, 1836, Kirt- land, Ohio (daughter of Ira, pioneer Oct. 4, 1864, William Warren company, and Philomela Smith, who afterward was the wife of James Lake and came to Utah with him 1849, both of Ontario, Canada). She was born Jan. 27, 1817. Their children: Stephen F. b. Sept. 27, 1837, m. Hester Brown, m. Sarah Jane Brown; Wellington Paul b. Oct. 28, 1838, died; Sidney Smith b. Dec. 7, 1839 (died 1909), m. Nancy Brisendine; Maryette b. Sept. 18, 1841, d. 1856; Elizabeth b. Oct. 9, 1843, d. 1864; Sarah Alice b. Jan. 27, 1846, d. 1864; Clarissa Jane b. April 4, 1848, d. 1864; Ira Lyman b. June 4, 1852, m. Lavina Shurtliff, m. Roxey Bal- lard; Oliver Cowdery b. April 15, 1855 (d. 1896), m. Anette Clifford; Joseph Ellis b. May 2, 1858, m. Lerona A. Monroe Martin, m. Esther A. Ricks. Family resided in Ohio, Illi- nois, Iowa and Utah. Married Rebecca McBride 1846 (daughter of Amos and Kezia McBride of Iowa and Grantsville, Utah, pioneers Oct. 4, 1864. William Warren company). She was born April 14, 1828, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Esther Evaline b. Aug. 25, 1848, m. Lev! W. Hancock, Jr.; Ellen b. Nov. 2, 1850, m. Albert A. Steele; Martha b. July 1852, d. 1864; Marcus b. Feb. 26, 1854, d. 1864; Emma Catherine b. Feb. 28, 1856 (d. July 1900), m. Orrin Barrus; Almira b. March 25, 1858, m. Elisha Hub- bard; Fanny b. May 1860, d. 1864; Lavina b. Nov. 1861, d. 1864; Grace b. 1864, d. 1865; Mabel b. 1866, died; Rebecca b. Sept. 1868, m. Mr. Wilson. Family home Hillsdale, Utah. Missionary to New England 1869-70. Settled at St. Thomas, Nev., 1865. School teacher. Died May 29, 1896. WILSON, JOSEPH ELLIS (son of Wellington Paul Wilson and Elizabeth Boardman Smith). Born May 2, 1858, Monroe Co.', Iowa. Married Lerona A. Monroe Martin, July 22, 1877, Clifton, Idaho (daughter of Marion Monroe Martin and Lucinda Busenbark of Ogden and Providence, Utah, and Clifton, Idaho; former pioneer 1855, latter 1850). She was born Feb. 23, 1862, near Huntsville, Utah. Their children: Joseph Ellis b. June 15, 1878, m. Annie Izatt; Amy Elizabeth b. Nov. 19, -1881; Eva Lerona b. Jan. 21, 1883, m. Charles M. Izatt; Effle Lucinda b. Jan. 21, 1883, m. Irvin M. Allred; Abigail b. Dec. 26, 1884, m. Walter R. Sant; Mabel b. Dec. 25, m. C. William Hadley; Kate b. March 26, 1889, m. John M. Thorup; George Albert b. Feb. 19, 1891; Wellington Paul b. March 20, 1894; Virginia b. Sept. 8, 1896; Marion Lyman b. Oct. 26, 1898; Bathsheba b. Jan. 24, 1901. Family resided Logan and Salt Lake City. Married Esther Adeline Ricks Aug. 22, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of Joel Ricks and Sarah Beriah Fisk of Logan). She was born Oct. 28, 1862. Their children: Esther b. July 8, 1891; Ida b. May 9, 1893; Ellis Ricks b. Sept. 23, 1896; Jean b. Feb. 23, 1898; Joel Ricks b. March 10, 1900. Family home Logan, Utah. Counselor in bishopric of Clifton ward 1877-79; president T. M. M. I. A. of 1st ward, Logan, 1882-84; missionary to Colorado 1902-04; counselor in bishopric of Logan, 1st ward, 1884-98; clerk of Cache stake 1896-1907. City recorder Logan 1884 and 1888-90. Secretary of A. C. U. 1897-1900. Founder of the Keister Ladies Tailoring College in Utah. / WILSON, JOSEPH ELLIS, JR. (son of Joseph Ellis Wilson and Lerona Abigail Monroe Martin). Born June 15, 1878, Clifton, Idaho. Married Annie Izatt Nov. 27, 1901, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of Alexander Izatt and Elizabeth Boyle of Logan, pio- neers Oct. 4, 1864, William Warren company). She was born Feb. 7, 1879. Their children: Joseph Ellis b. April 11, 1905; Alexander Izatt b. March 7, 1907; Royal Guy b. Oct. 19. 1908; Luther Edmund b. June 22, 1911. Family home Logan, Utah. Counselor in bishopric of Logan, 1st ward, 1907 to tha present time; missionary to northern states 1897-99. Con- tractor In cement and concrete work. Second vice-presi- dent Farmers and Merchants Savings Bank. WIMMER, PETER. Born 1776. Came to Utah 1850. Married Elizabeth Shirley, who was born in 1780 and died in 1862, Springville, Utah. Their children: Jacob; Robert; John; Peter, Jr.; Polly; Jamima; Susan; Martha; Elizabeth; Ellen. Family resided in Ohio, Indiana, Cali- fornia and Ogden and Mill Creek, Utah. Farmer. Died 1864 Springville. WIMMER, ROBERT (son of Peter Wimmer of Germany and Elizabeth Shirley). Born Dec. 11, 1805, Pennsylvania. Came to Utah 1852 at head of own company. Married Elizabeth Wilkerson (daughter of Thomas Wil- kerson of Kentucky), who was born in 1812. Their chil- dren: William B., m. Elizabeth Funnel; John P., m. Sarah Moore; Eliza J., m. Albert Dimick; Susan, m. Henry Boyce; Thomas G., m. Elizabeth Simons. Family resided Cotton, wood and Payson, Utah. Member Payson quorum seventies. Farmer and fruit- raiser. Died 1893, Payson. WIMMER, THOMAS G. (son of Robert Wimmer and Eliza- beth Wilkerson). Born May 10, 1847, Harris Grove, Har- rison Co., Iowa. Came to Utah with father. Married Elizabeth Simons April 21, 1866, Salt Lake City (daughter of Orra Simons and Martha Dixon, pioneers Oct. 12, 1854). She was born June 26, 1849. Their chil- dren: Thomas G., Jr., b. June 12, 1867, m. Sarah E. Patten; Emily E. b. May 28, 1869, m. Andrew J. Shores; Orra, died; Robert S. b. Oct. 31, 1872, m. Anna N. Douglas; Martha L. b. Oct. 29, 1874, m. Silas F. Johnson; Ethel G. b. April 3, 1876, m. Charles W. Spaulding; William L. b. Jan. 17, 1878, m. Edith Dramer; Susan L. b. Dec. 6, 1879; Wayne b. March 3, 1884; Ina b. March 5, 1886, died; Hazel b. May 13, 1887, m. Fred Bennion; Reed b. July 7, 1890; Remus b. Dec. 24, 1891, died. Family resided Payson and Salt Lake City. Elder. Farmer and stockralser. WIMMER, THOMAS G., JR. (son of Thomas G. Wimmer and Elizabeth Simons). Born June 12, 1867, Payson, Utah. Married Sarah E. Patten June 1. 1886, Payson, Utah (daughter of George Patten and Mary Nelson of Payson). She was born 1869. Their children: Lloyd P. b. March 3, 1887, m. Ida Kirk; Andy J. b. Fob. 26. 1889; Laura b. 1890; Marguerite b. 1898; Edwin b. Nov. 1900. Family resided Green River, Payson and Salt Lake City, Utah. Postmaster at Green River. Farmer and stockraiser. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1255 WINBERG, ANDERS W. (son of Swen Winberg and Helen Nelson of Sweden). Born April 13, 1830. Came to Utah 1854. Married Andrlne W. Friese Feb. 4, 1854, on board steamer "Benjamin Adams" (daughter of Edward Bernhert Friese and Louisa Karata Knudson of Vordingborg, Denmark). She was born Sept. 5, 1831. Their children: Wilhelmina Li., m. Samuel Newton; m. Francis Tate; Eliza M., m. Joseph J. Snell; Anders William, m. Josephine Poulson; Andrine J., m. Joseph Knight; Sarah, m. Bernhert Friese, m. Wil- ford Hancock; Eva, m. Charles Cummings, m. Simon P. Creagh. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; member 49th quorum seventies; missionary to Scandinavia six years; patriarch. Publisher Scandina- vian paper. Died August, 1909. I WINDER, JOHN REX (son of Richard and Sophia Winder of Beddington, Kent, Eng.). Born Dec. 11, 1821, Bedding- ton. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, John W. Young company. Married Ellen Walters Nov. 24, 1845, London, Eng. (daugh- ter of William and Ellen Walters of Liverpool, Eng.). Thejr children: Ellen b. Jan. 31, 1847, d. March 17, 1848; John R. b. Sept. 19, 1848; Alma W. b. June 27, 1850, d. July 1851; Martha W. b. July 7, 1852, m. N. W. Kimball; Mary W. b. July 7, 1852, m. Charles W. Carrington; Emily W. b. Aug. 20, 1854, d. Aug. 15, 1855; Lizzie b. July 2, 1856, m. Joshua Eldridge; Eliza Ann b. Feb. 13, 1858, m. John G. Midgley; Frederick William b. April 18, 1860, d. May 1860; Susan Sophia b. Nov. 10, 1861, m. T. A. Williams. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Elizabeth Parker Jan 11, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Alice Parker), who was born March 14, 1837. Their children: William Charles b. Sept. 30, 1858, m. Rose Taylor; Alice b. Sept. 1, 1860, m. William Bradford; Richard b. July 31, 1862, m. Mary Emma Cahoon; Mary Ann b. April 28, 1865, m. James Stedman; Edwin Joseph b. June 8, 1867, m. Ada B. Calder; Matilda Edna b. Dec. 9, 1871, m. Reuben S. Hamilton; Ella May b. Jan. 14, 1875, m. Walter S. Mackay; Gertrude b. Aug. 23, 1877, m. Mark T. C. Cannon; Kex Parker b. Sept. 9, 1879, m. Reuhannah E. Fisher; Luella b. Sept. 27, 1870, m. James Giles. Married Mira Burnham Oct. 27, 1893, Salt Lake City (daughter of Luther C. Burnham and Matilda Barnett of Salt Lake City). She was born Sept. 30, 1869. Associated with the Liverpool branch until February, 1853; first counselor to the President of the Church from Oct. 17, 1901. to time of death; in April, 1892, was selected by the first presidency to have special charge of the com- pletion of the Salt' Lake Temple; first assistant to Apostle Lorenzo Snow, in the presidency of the Temple; second counselor to William B. Preston, presiding bishop; seventy 1854; high priest 1872; one of the 12th quorum of seventies; subsequently acting bishop of 14th ward, Salt Lake City; counselor in bishopric of 14th ward. Salt Lake City, April, 1872; member of the high council of Salt Lake stake. Cap- tain of a company of lancers during the Echo Canyon war; with General George D. Grant on an Indian expedition In Tooele Valley March, 1858; served in the Black Hawk war 1865 to 1867 and collected and made up the accounts of the expenses of that strife; lieutenant-colonel of cavalry In the militia. Assessor and collector for Salt Lake City 1870-84; city councilman three terms; city watermaster 1884-87; United States gauger, in the internal revenue department. President for many years of Deseret Agri- cultural and Manufacturing Society. Member of the early constitutional conventions. Shoe manufacturer and tanner; director of Utah Iron Manufacturing Company, Z. C. M. I., Deseret National Bank, Deseret Savings Bank, Zion's Saving Bank and Trust Co., and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company; president of the Deseret Investment Company; vice-presi- dent of the Utah Light and Power Company. Died March 27. 1910. WINDER, JOHN R. (son of John Rex Winder and Ellen Walters). Born Sept. 19, 1848, Liverpool, Eng. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, with parents. Business man. WINDER, EDWIN JOSEPH (son of John Rex Winder and Elizabeth Parker). Born June 8, 1867, Mill Creek. Utah. Married Ada Bennion Calder Nov. 23, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Calder and Mary Bennion, of Salt Lake City and Vernal, Utah), who was born May 25, 1872. Their children: Mary Elizabeth b. May 22, 1900; John Rex b. Oct. 28, 1904; George Calder b. March 31, 1907; Edwin Joseph, Jr. b. Aug. 12, 1909; William Wallace b. July 3, 1912. Family home Vernal, Utah. Member of 61st and 97th quorums seventies; missionary to Great Britain 1894-96; high priest; alternate member of high council; counselor to Bishop George E. Wilkins, Bishop Frederick G. Bringham and Bishop David Bennion, second ward. Vernal, Utah; stake superintendent of Sun- day schools 1907-09; missionary to Uinta Indian reservation 1907. Moved to Vernal July 24, 1901. Merchant; farmer; stockraiser. Member of the firm of Winder & Bingham, later the Acorn Mercantile Co. Taught school three years at Jensen, Union and Vernal, Utah. who was born July 26, 1817. Their children: John, m. Grace Jane Mellen; Samuel (Thomas), m. Rachel Kilfoyle; m. Elizabeth Deshazo; m. Alice Robinson; Alvin Jr., m. Louisa Druce; Margeret Ann, m. Peter Howell; William, m. Eliza Stewart; m. Rose Shaw; Louisa, m. Zadock Mitchell; Sarah, m. Delancy Harmon; m. Alexander Brown. Family home 6th ward, Salt Lake City. Member 5th quorum seventies; elder; high priest. Stone- cutter for Salt Lake Temple. Died June 12, 1874. WINEGAR, JOHN (son of Alvin Winegar and Mary Judd). Born Sept. 28, 1838, Clay county, Mo. Came to Utah with father. Married Grace Jane Mellen in 1858, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Mellen and Jane Ramsden of Bolton Lancastershire, Eng., pioneers 1848). She was born Aug. 27, 1840. Their children: Mary Jane b. Jan. 25, 1859, m. Samuel Mills; Lucinda E. b. Jan. 16, 1861, m. Able J. Flint; Alice b. Feb. 3, 1863, m. John Franklin Frost; Annie Laura b. Jan. '4, 1866, m. William Brown; Susan b. March 16, 1868, d. aged 16; John J. Alvin b. June 20, 1873, m. Rosabell Walker; Rosina b. April 18, 1875, m. Joseph Parkins; Grace b. June 4, 1878, m. Samuel Hepworth; Lawrence L. b. Sept. 5, 1880, m. Silvia Stoddard; Chloe b. Sept. 21, 1883, m. John Bolt. Family home South Bountiful, Utah. Member 5th quorum seventies; elder; high priest; Sunday school superintendent South Bountiful ward 11 years. Farmer and stockraiser. Famous duck hunter. WING, JOHN WILLIAM (son of Mathias Wing and Eliza- beth Cheneworth, of Illinois; former born Nov. 22, 1813, latter 1820). He was born May 25, 1845, Pike county, 111. Came to Utah Aug. 29, 1862, Lewis Bronson company. Married Martha Goates Oct. 11, 1868 (daughter of Wil- liam Goates and Susan Raynor, pioneers Sept. 3, 1852, Abra- ham O. Srnoot company). She was born June 12, 1848. Their children: John William, Jr., b. July 28, 1870, m. Rachel Evans Sept. 7, 1898; Rosalinda b. April 17, 1872, m. James E. Ross; George Hyrum b. March 31, 1874, m. Harriet Jacob June 19, 1895, m. Martha Ann Fox Dec. 5, 1900; Nor- man Arthur b. Sept. 23, 1876, m. Marian Boley Sept. 7, 1898; Emma Jane b. Oct. 11, 1878; Samuel Joseph b. Feb. 15, 1882, m. Barbara Marie Bush; Charles Rodolph b. Nov. 2, 1884, m. Violet Taylor; Alvla b. July 17, 1887. High priest; member of high council of Heber City ward. Went to Missouri River in 1863 to assist immigration; also made five trips across plains for freight. Soldier In Black Hawk war in San Pete county. Early settler of Heber City. Farmer; freighter; contractor. Furnished Utah Sugar Co. with its lime rock for ten years. WING. JOHN WILLIAM, JR. (son of John William Wing and Martha Goates). Born July 28, 1870, Lehi, Utah. Married Rachel Evans Sept. 7, 1898, Salt Lake City (daughter of Bishop David Evans, pioneer 1850, in his own company, and Margaret C. Holm, pioneer 1857, with Chris- tian Christiansen company). Their children: Elden Wil- liam b. June 29, 1899; Velma b. Dec. 5, 1901; Lela Race b. Jan. 22, 1908; Arva Deborah b. Nov. 10, 1912. Missionary to England 1905-1907; one of the seven presi- dents of 68th quorum of seventies. WINEGAR, ALVIN (son of Samuel and Rhoda Winegar of Chenango county, N. T.). Born May 13, 1816, in Chenango county. Came to Utah 1852, Benjamin Gardner company. Married Mary Judd Aug. 29, 1837, Chenanpro county, N. T. (daughter of John and Rhoda Judd of North Carolina), WINGET, CYRUS (son of William Wlnget and Sarah Lind- ley of Pennsylvania). Born Jan. 22, 1815, Pennsylvania. Came to Utah Oct. 3, 1847, Charles C. Rich company. Married Catharine Hulet April 7, 1841, Nauvoo, 111. (daughter of Charles Hulet and Margaret Noah of Nelson, Portage Co., Ohio, pioneers September, 1850). She was born March 12, 1820. Their children: Zenos, m. Huetta Johnson; Malvina, m. Ellas De Mills; Alphonzo, m. Almeda Mariah Washburn; Fidelia, m. Oliver De Mills; Cyrus, Jr., m. Adella Squires; Elvira D., m. James Locks; Catharine E., m. Jergen Jergensen. Family resided Nauvoo, 111., and Sprlngville, Utah. Elder. Settled In Iron county, 1853. Indian war veteran. Choir leader at Springville. Cooper; farmer. Died Jan. 14, 1854, Cedar City, Utah. WINGET, ALPHONZO (son of Cyrus Winget and Catharine Hulet). Born Jan. 5, 1846, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah with parents. Married Almeda Mariah Washburn Jan. 5, 1866, Manti, Utah (daughter of Abraham Washburn and Clarinda Gleason of New England, pioneers 1848, Captain Musser company). She was born Nov. 22, 1849, Manti, Utah, being the first white child born in San Pete county. Their chil- dren: Alphonzo, Jr. b. June 24, 1867, died; Luclan Zenos b. Dec. 19, 1868, m. Mary Ellen Lisonbee; Cyrus Abraham b. March 24, 1871, m. Annie Swindle; Civllla Almeda b. March 18. 1873, m. Alma Magelby; Alonzo b. April 5, 1875, and Lula Lorena b. Sept. 22, 1877, died; Parley b. Feb. 11, 1880, m. Frances Jolley; John Frederick b. Dec. 5, 1882, m. Clara Lewis; Maud b. May 15, 1885, m. Charles Arnold; Printha b. Sept. 11, 1887, m. Charley Foutin; Claudius b. April 26, 1890; Grover Cleveland b. Nov. 8, 1892, m. Lilly Brown. Family home Monroe, Utah. Missionary to southern states 1889; high priest. Early settler at St. George, Utah. Active pioneer in Utah, San Pete and Sevier counties. Black Hawk war veteran. Mem- ber Monroe town board eight years; marshal at Monroe five years; school trustee of Monroe three years. Presi- dent Monroe Irrigation Co., 1890-91; watermaster Mon- roe Irrigation Co. ten years; watermaster South Bend Canal Co., 1905-12. Farmer and apiarist. 1256 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WINKLESS, JOSEPH (son of Thomas Wlnkless and Mary Palmer of St. Louis, Mo.). Born Jan. 31, 1847, at St. Louis. Came to Utah 1850, Bishop Edward Hunter company. Married Sarah Ann Pridy July 25, 1868, Salt Lake City (daughter of Samuel Prldy and Mary James of London, Eng., pioneers 1861). She was born Feb. 8, 1854. Their children: Sarah Elizabeth b. Sept. 28, 1870, m. John Wilklns; Mary Emily b. Sept. 8, 1872, m. E. C. Nelson; Lilly May b. Jan. 7, 1875, m. G. F. Watson; Hattie Florence b. Jan. 11, 1878, m. C. C. Carstensen; Ray b. Nov. 4, 1880. m. Arch H. Pett; Mabel b. Oct. 11, 1885, m. M. S. Saville; Adel b. June 22, 1887, m. Gordon Cain; Mattle b. Sept. 16, 1890; Dora b. April 14, 1893; Joseph Thomas b. May 18, 1895. Family home, Salt Lake City. Elder. Superintendent of construction for Walker & Mc- Cormick; built Grand Theater and other large buildings. WINN, JESSE RAT (son of Dennis Alma Winn and Emma Bair). Born Feb. 20, 1889, Vernal. Utah. Married Jean Reynolds Feb. 28, 1912, Vernal, Utah (daugh- ter of William H. Reynolds of Vernal), who was born Aug. 5, 1885. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. Farmer. WINN, DENNIS GEORGE (son of John Winn and Susan Spaulding of Lincolnshire, Eng.). Born Aug. 8, 1831, Lin- colnshire. Came to Utah Oct. 10, 1853, John W. Young com- pany. Married Hannah Crossley 1859 (daughter of John and Mary Crossley, pioneers 1858). Their children: Latltia, m. Robert Siley; George; Ephraim; Annie; William; Bertha, m. Mr. Johns. Family home St. Charles, Idaho. Married Alice Cunliffe April, 1866, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John and Alice Cunliffe, of Liverpool. Eng., pioneers October, 1865). She was born July 12, 1846. Their chil- dren: John b. July 6, 1867, died; Elizabeth b. March 14, 1869. m. Albert Beutler; Thomas C. b. March 7, 1871. m. Elsie Pitt; Robert b. March 12, 1873, m. Annie Jensen; Eden b. March 19, 1875, m. Carrie Brimhall; Ernest b. Aug. 6, 1877, m. Lula Davet Ostler; Georgiana b. Nov. 5, 1879, m. George Worthington; David b. Sept. 22, 1883, m. Jennie Cooper. Family home Nephi, Utah. Miller. Died Aug. 17, 1910, St. Charles, Idaho. WINN, ERNEST (son of Dennis George Winn and Alice Cunliffe). Born Aug. 6, 1877, Bountiful, Utah. Married Lula Davet Ostler Jan. 11, 1899, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Ostler and Ann Scott [Foster] of Nephi, Utah), who was born May 2, 1878. Their children: Ernest Raymond b. Jan. 1, 1900; Leroy b. Dec. 13, 1903, d. same day; Evelyn b. April 14, 1905; Carlyle b. July 28, 1908; Erma b. Nov. 30, 1911. Family home American Fork, Utah. President religion class work Jaub stake; chorister Nephi first ward Sunday school; high council Juab stake; president Y. M. M. I. A.; chorister and superintendent Sun- day school 22nd ward. Salt Lake City; assistant superin- tendent Sunday school second ward, American Fork; high priest. Salesman. WINN, MINER. Came to Utah in 1847. Married Nancy Wilson. Their children: Dennis Wilson; John, m. Elizabeth Pugh; James and Ellas, died; Thomas, m. Phoebe Norton; Alma, m. Catharine McDonald; Jane, m. Ezra Beckstead; Mary. Family home. Salt Lake valley. Seventy. Indian war veteran. Farmer. Died at Rich- field, Utah. WINN, DENNIS WILSON (son of Miner Winn and Nancy Wilson of Mobile, Ala.). Born Dec. 11, 1826, Mobile. Came to Utah 1848, contingent Mormon Battalion. Married Margaret Bateman Jan. 2, 1849, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph Bateman and Margaret Turner of Bolton, Lancastershire, Eng., pioneers 1848, Lorenzo Snow company). She was born Jan. 5, 1831. Their children: Dennis Alma, m. Emma Bair; John, m. Lottie Fluett; James, m. Angeline Thomas; Elizabeth, m. Henry Meyer; Margaret; Joseph, m. Lou Crawl; Ellas, m. Nancy Winn; Mary, m. Charles Alonzo McCarrel; Sarah, m. Mark Jessup Golightly; William, m. Elizabeth Eaton; Tessie, d. child. Family resided Richmond and Preston, Idaho, and Vernal, Utah. High priest. Indian war veteran. Built first house in Preston. Farmer. Died Jan. 23, 1907, at Vernal. WINN, DENNIS ALMA (son of Dennis Wilson Winn and Margaret Bateman). Born Dec. 21, 1849, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Bair June 5, 1869, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of John Bair and Lucinda Owen of Nauvoo, 111., pioneers with oxteams). She was born Feb. 14, 1854, Kaysville, Utah. Their children: Dennis Evermont b. April 2, 1870, d. aged 5; Charles Franklin b. April 28, 1872, m. Erne Weeks; William Lafayette b. Feb. 28, 1874, m. Susanna Campbell; John b. May 7, 1876, m. Fannie Weeks; Henry b. June 15, 1878, m. Ida Ruple, m. Effle Snow; Emma Lillian b. May 18, 1880, m. Vincent Faler; Ella b. July 5, 1884, d. aged 2; Joseph b. Oct. 31, 1885, m. Elsie Orcutt; Elsie Vivian b. Jan. 23, 1887,m. Ralph Faler; Jesse Ray b. Feb. 20, 1889. m. Jean Reynolds. Family resided Vernal and Roosevelt, Utafi. Ward teacher. Indian war veteran. Freighter and farmer. WINN, CHARLES FRANKLIN (son of Dennis Alma Winn and Emma Bair). Born April 28, 1872, Richmond, Idaho. Married Effle Weeks Sept. 14, 1894, Vernal, Utah (daugh- ter of Edward G. Weeks and Elizabeth Hadlock), who was born Aug. 7, 1875. Their children: Alto Marie b. Aug. 11, 1896; Morris Alton b. July 14, 1898; Marvel Frances b. Aug. 12, 1900; Gladys May b. June, 1902; Jessie b. Sept. 20. 1904; Frank b. April, 1906; Emma b. Jan. 1908; Georgia b. March 1910; Owen b. May 1912. Family home Cedarville, Utah. Deacon; ward teacher. Miner; farmer; lumberman. WINN, THOMAS GRIFFIN (son of John Winn, born Feb- ruary, 1804, Mohawk county, N. Y., and Christena Finch, born Jan. 25, 1792, Goshen, Orange county, N. Y., both of Lehi, Utah). He was born Dec. 20, 1829, Blakely, Luzerne county. Pa. Came to Utah In 1850. Married Elizabeth Hatch, who was born Jan. 19, 1837. Their children: Elizabeth C. b. Sept. 7, 1855. m. Jeremiah Hatch; Adaline b. Dec. 8, 1857, m. Lorenzo Hatch. Family resided Lehi and Smithfleld, Utah. Married Elizabeth Nelson, who was born in May, 1839. Their children: Julia b. Nov. 7, 1861, m. William Peirce; Martha b. Aug. 31, 1864, m. Welby Huffaker; William L. b. Oct. 13, 1866, m. Edith Weeks; Silvia L. b. Dec. 23. 1868. m. Andrew Peirce; Mary L. b. March 7, 1871, m. David J. Weeks; George H. b. May 2, 1873. Missionary to New York 1871. Captain of minutemen of northern Cache county. Assisted in defending settlers against Johnston's army. City marshal at Smithfleld 14 years. WINN, WILLIAM L. (son of Thomas Griffin Winn and Elizabeth Nelson). Born Oct. 13, 1866, Smithfield, Utah. Married Edith Weeks Nov. 14, 1888, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of David Weeks and Hannah Riches, latter pioneer 1861, Ira Eldredge company). She was born Sept. 5, 1870, Smith- field, Utah. Missionary to northern states 1898-99; superintendent Sunday school of Smithfield seven years; president 17th quorum seventies; bishop of Smithfleld 2d ward. City councilman 1895; city marshal 1903. WINSOR, ANSON P. (son of Abraham Winsor, born at Providence, R. I., and Sophia Bigelow, born In Connecticut; the former of Jamestown, N. Y.). He was born Aug. 19, 1818, Ellicottville, N. Y. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1862, James McGaugh company. Married Emeline Z. Brower (daughter of John Brower and Deligh Smith), who was born March 21, 1824, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Walter J. b. Nov. 30, 1844, m. Sarah Potter June 28, 1866; Ida R. b. May 9, 1847, d. May 21, 1850; Margaret E. b. May 9, 1852, d. May 11, 1873; Anson P. Jr. b. Oct. 9, 1854, m. Sarah L. Terry March 9, 1877; Samuel A. b. Jan. 20, 1857, m. Ella Westover March 9, 1877; Emeline Z. b. Jan. 7, 1859, m. Eleazar Asay Sept. 15, 1879; Phoebe D. b. Nov. 11, 1861, d. May 29, 1873; Lucy T. b. Sept. 7, 1868, m. David Hatch Feb. 9, 1892. Family home Prove, Utah. Married Mary Nelson In 1855, Provo, Utah (daughter of Peter Nelson), who was born in Denmark. Their children: Joseph F. b. Feb. 18, 1864, m. Effle Hunt Dec. 22. 1897; Andrew N. b. Feb. 15, 1866, m. Agnes McFarland; Mary J. b. June 5, 1868, m. Theodora Asay July 4, 1883. Settled at Provo, 1852. Wagon master of Young's Express Company, 1857. In charge of company on march to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, May 1, 1857, where he sent the first word of the formation of Johnston's army to President Young. Was placed in charge of 300 men to guard against the Invaders. Moved to "Dixie" 1861; ordained bishop of Grafton ward, 1863. Colonel of 3d regiment militia under General Erastus Snow, 1864. Was in charge of church cattle at Pipe Springs. Called to St. George to assist In preparation of temple for ordinance work, and is still engaged as an ordinance worker therein. Took active part in Indian wars, helping to build a fort for the protection of the settlers. WINTERS, OSCAR F. (son of Hiram Winters and Rebecca Burdick). Born Feb. 7, 1825, Jamestown, Ohio. Came to Utah 1852. Married Mary Ann Stearns Aug. 25, 1852, on plains while on way to Utah. Their children: Delia Ina b. March 16, 1854, m. John Edge Booth; Huldah Augusta b. July 7, 1856, m. Heber J. Grant; Susan Marian b. June 25, 1859, m. Heber Bennion; Mary Ann b. Jan. 3, 1862 (d. Oct. 14, 1900). m. Wil- liam H. Freeman; Oscar Lycortez b. Sept. 9, 1864; Nathan Stearns b. Feb. 10, 1867, d. Oct. 16, 1867; Arthur Ray b. May 16, 1871; Helen May b. Sept. 24, 1873 (d. June 7. 1906), m. A. O. Woodruff. Family home Pleasant Grove, Utah. Died Jan. 22, 1903, Provo, Utah. WINTERTON, WILLIAM 111 Illl Vltl) (son of John Winter- ton and Ann Hubbard, of Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Eng.). Born Nottingham. Came to Utah 1863, John R. Murdock company. Married Sarah Marriott In 1842 (daughter of George Marriott of Nottingham, Eng.), who was born Feb. 14, 1824, and died Feb. 19, 1902, at Nottingham. Their children: John b. May .16, 1844, m. Emma Noaks; William M. b. May 6, 1846, m. Ellen Widdison; m. Jane E. Steadman; Ann, m. George Noaks; Thomas, m. Fannie Boardman; Sarah, m. Arthur Parker. Home missionary; teacher In England. Tollgate keeper in Parley's Canyon. Died Salt Lake City. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1257 WINTERTON, WILLIAM M. (son of William Hubbard Wln- terton and Sarah Marriott). Born May 6, 1846, Carlton, Nottinghamshire, Eng. Came to Utah with father. Married Ellen Widdison Feb. 21, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Widdison and Ellen Stafford, of Not- tingham, Eng.), who was born Sept. 11, 1849. Came to Utah 1869 and died March 8, 1889. Their children: Sarah Ellen b. Dec. 10, 1870, m. John H. Price; Eliza Ann b. Oct. 9, 1872, m. John Thacker; William Heber b. Oct. 4, 1874, m. Agnes Webster; John Joseph b. Aug. 31. 1876, d. Oct. 4, 1882; Hyrum Shurtliff b. Aug. 16, 1878, m. Sarah Van Wagener; Ralph Stafford b. Sept. 27, 1880, m. Louisa Ririe; Moroni b. Sept. 28, 1882, m. Mabel Giles; Baby b. Oct. 26, 1884; Thomas Frederick b. Aug. 14, 1886, m. Sheila Carlile; Alice Malissa b. July 31, 1888, m. George Thomson. Married Jane E. Steadman April 13, 1892, Manti, Utah (daughter of George Steadman and Elizabeth Wilkins of Sussex, Eng., pioneers 1860). She was born Feb. 16, 1864, Mill Creek, Utah. Their children: Carrie Elizabeth b. May 5, 1893; Nettie Rachel b. May 7, 1895; Edward Marriott b. Sept. 16, 1897; Valeo James b. Oct. 10, 1900. Family home Mill Creek, Utah. High priest; teacher in ward; president deacons quorum; moved to Charleston, Wasatch county, 1865. He and John C. Parcell named the town of Charleston. He with others constructed the first irrigation canal, known as the Charles- ton Canal. Worked on railroad in Echo Canyon and on Provo Canyon wagon road. Member of the guard at Provo, under the leadership of Edward Pea, to defend the com- munity against Indian depredations. Farmer; stockman. WINTLE, GEORGE (son of Jacob Wintle, born 1783, and Elizabeth Lee, who after death of husband lived in London, Eng.). He was born April 17, 1812, Isle of Helgoland, off coast of Germany, near Hamburg. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1861, Job Pingree company. Married Elizabeth Sewell July 9, 1835, Yarmouth, Nor- folk, Eng. (daughter of Joseph Sewell born Jan. 2, 1796, died March 24, 1880, at Ogden, Utah, and Sarah born April 16, 1793, died Oct. 16, 1881, at Ogden; pioneers 1857). She was born June 13, 1814, at Yarmouth, and died April 15. 1882, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: George J. b. March 9, 1837, m. Emily Dungee; Sarah b. March 28, 1839 (d. Sept. 27, 1907), m. John Bitton; Joseph Barney b. Feb. 29, 1840, m. Sarah Jane Evans, m. Mary Marinda Wilson; Charlotte b. 1844; Hannah b. Jan. 29, 1846, m. lanthus Bar- low; son, d. young; Elizabeth b. March 9, 1849, m. Carlos L. Sessions. All born at Yarmouth. Married Sarah Janette Ogden Aug. 6, 1884. Sailor in Queen of England's service 27 years. Moved to Bountiful, Utah, 1863. Died there Feb. 11, 1897. WINTLE, JOSEPH BARNEY (son of George Wintle and Elizabeth Sewell). Born Feb. 29, 1840, Yarmouth, Eng. Came to Utah 1857, James Brown company. Married Sarah Jane Evans in September, 1862, at West Weber, Utah, who was born April 24, 1843, in England and drowned in Weber River Feb. 12, 1863. Married Mary Marinda Wilson April 2, 1863, at West Weber (daughter of Bradley Barlow Wilson born Oct. 11, 1806, died Jan. 12, 1874, at Wilson, Utah, and -Agnes Hunter, died Feb. 7, 1886, at Ogden, Utah; pioneers 1853, John W. Cooley company). She was born May 15, 1842, Nauvoo, 111.; died Nov. 11, 1911, Ogden, Utah. Their children: Agnes b. May 9, 1864, m. A. T. Waldram Oct. 2, 1884; George B. b. Oct. 6, 1865, m. Elizabeth Wilson Nov. 18, 1885; Elizabeth b. July 5, 1867, d. March 15, 1869; Joseph C. b. Dec. 10, 1868, m. Nora Rex March 16, 1892; John Wesley b. May 20, 1870, m. Daisy Louella Stone Aug. 5, 1908; Adeline b. April 22, 1872, d. June 28, 1873; Mary A. b. Feb. 22, 1874, m. Charles Malan May 27, 1891; Sarah b. Feb. 6, 1876, d. Aug. 23, 1876; Ellen M. b. July 19, 1877, m. Orson Covlngton; Clarence and Lawrence (twins) b. Oct. 17, 1879, d. Nov. 30, 1879; Maud R. b. July 20, 1881, m. John Wykes Nov. 21, 1901; Austin T. b. Oct. 17, 1883, m. Hazel Spiers July 31, 1909; Grace b. July 29, 1886, m. Thomas R. Doran Nov. 6, 1909. Assisted Immigrants to Utah from the Missouri River 1861. Pony express rider from Fort Carney on the South Platte River to Cottonwood Springs, a distance of 110 miles, being the first to carry west news of Abraham Lincoln's election. Resided at Wilson 1863-70; at Hooper 15 years, then returned to Wilson; thence In 1902 to Ogden. WINTLE, JOHN WESLEY (son of Joseph Barney Wintle and Mary Marinda Wilson). Born May 20, 1870, Wilson, Weber Co., Utah. Married Daisy Louella Stone Aug. 5. 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of Merlin J. Stone born Nov. 26, 1853, at Bounti- ful, Utah, and Maria Baker born Nov. 8, 1860, Salt Lake City married Jan. 17, 1878, Richmond, Utah). She was born Dec. 9, 1878, at Ogden. Missionary to Germany 1898. School teacher In public schools of Weber county two years; teacher and principal In Ogden city schools 11 years. Attended University of Utah and graduated from Weber Academy at Ogden, Utah. WINWARD, PETER (son of Thomas Winward and Betty Sllcock of Warrington, Lancastershire, Eng.). Born Dec. 22, 1832, Warrington. Came to Utah 1847, Charles Shum- way company. Married Luclnda Bingham May 7, 1855, Payson, Utah (daughter of Jeremiah Bingham and Abigail Harrington of Lake Erie, Canada, pioneers 1848). She was born Sept 24, 1837. Their children: Lucinda Abigail, m. F. M. BaK lard Sept. 17, 1878; Sarah Elizabeth, m. Heber Curtis May 10, 1881; Peter William, died; Lucretia Melvina, m. George Cloward; Lola Ann, m. David Mitchell; John Albert, m. Matilda Haskel; Charles Andrew, m. Florence Sargent; Perry Augustus, died; Minnie Ines, m. William Frederick Tanner Jan. 2, 1901; Mary Naomi, m. John C. Taylor June 24, 1903; Ella Melissa, m. Brigham Stone; Iva. Family home Payson, Utah. Member 46th quorum seventies; missionary to England 1884-85; elder; high priest. Water overseer. Policeman. Farmer. Died May 30, 1909, Payson, Utah. WIRTHLIJT, LEOPOLD (son of Stephen Wirthlin and Teresia Soder of Mbhlln, Canton Aargau, Switzerland; the former born Dec. 27, 1786; the latter in 1787, both at Mohlin married June 6, 1814). He was born Dec. 3, 1832. Mohlin. Came to Utah Nov. 28, 1864, Horton D. Halght company. Married Anna Hirschl Jan. 8, 1865 (daughter of John Hirschi and Magdalene Kernen married March 6, 1824, Reutigen, Canton Bern, Switzerland). She was born July 8, 1842, and came to Utah- Nov. 28, 1864, Horton D. Haight company. Their children: Josephine; Joseph; Paul; Leo- pold, Jr.; William Henry; John Edward. Family resided Salt Lake City, Payson and Eureka, Utah. Elder; seventy. Called on mission April 10, 1876. WIRTHLIN, JOSEPH (son of Leopold Wirthlin and Anna Hirschi). Born Oct. 6, 1867, Salt Lake City. Married Emma Hillstead July 25, 1892, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hillstead and Charlotte Gray), who was born April 19, 1868. Their children: Joseph L.; Emma; Ellis; Verginia; LeRoy; Edith; Earl H. Family home, Salt Lake City. Deacon. WISCOMBE, JAMES. Came to Utah by rail a number of years after the arrival of his son, William Fleet Wlscombe. Married Mary Ann Fleet (daughter, of William Fleet of England). Their children: Elizabeth, m. William Bramhall; Martha, m. John Sainsburyf Emma; William Fleet, m. Sarah Newland; Laura, m. John Sainsbury, m. William Hunting; Ellen, m. William Bringhurst. Family home Springville, Utah. High priest. Gardener. Died in August, 1892. WISCOMBE, WILLIAM FLEET (son of James Wlscombe and Mary Ann Fleet). Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1864, Joseph S. Rawlins company. Married Sarah Newland at Salt Lake City. Their chil- dren: Emma, m. Albert H. Walsh; Mary Frances, m. L. John Hansen; William Fleet, Jr. b. July 14, 1877, m. Louia E. Whittaker; James, m. Nellie Weight; Amelia, d. child; Sarah; George, d. young; John, m. Margaret E. Miller; Leonard; Arthur; Lucile, d. aged 9. Family home Spring- ville, Utah. Sunday school superintendent; president priests quorum; chorister. Made several trips across the plains for Immi- grants. Horticulturist. Died Nov. 27, 1896. WISCOMBE, WILLIAM FLEET (son of William Fleet Wis- combe and Sarah Newland). Born July 14, 1877, Sprlng- vllle. Utah. Married Louia E. Whittaker June 15, 1904, Salt Lake City (daughter of Isaac Nathaniel Whittaker and Mary Curl, of Scotland), who was born May 19, 1881. Their children: Loleta b. June 12, 1905; Ralph W. b. March 14, 1907; Myra b. Feb. 13, 1909; William Morris b. Sept. 11, 1911. Family home Roosevelt, Utah. Missionary to California 1901-03; high priest; president Y. M. M. I. A.; superintendent Sunday schools; chorister; Sunday school teacher; ward superintendent religion class; bishop's counselor. Member town board of Mapleton. Farmer and stockralser. WIXOM, SOLOMON (parents lived at Log Creek, Caldwell county, Mo.). He came to Utah in 1850. Married Miss Avery. Among their children were: Justin C. b. Dec. 3, 1838, m. Annie Jackson; Joseph M. WOOD, CHARLES (son of Samuel Wood and Sarah Stead- well, of Berlin, Huron Co., Ohio). Born June 9, 1837, at Berlin. Came to Utah 1848. Married Alice Horrocks March 31, 1858, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Edward Horrocks and Alice Houghton, of Macclesfield, Chestershlre, Eng., former pioneer 1857, Jesse B. Martin company). She was born March 3, 1841. Their children: Alice Ann, m. W. A. Moftett; Charles Samuel, m. Emma E. Mortensen; Mary Elizabeth, m. James S. Carver; Sarah Eliza, m. Marius Madsen; Joseph, m. Amelia Olsen; Catherine Moiselle, m. Jessie Meisner; Frederick William, m. Charlotte Durrant; Laura Pearl, m. Arthur McCarty; Benjamin Franklin, m. Olevia Felt; Chloe Adel, m. George R. Doxey; Edward Warren, Martha Emma, Minnie Mabel, James Silvester, all died. Family home Huntsville, Utah. Member 75th quorum seventies; missionary to Indians at Fort Supply 1854-66. Settled at Lewiston 1876, where he assisted in building up the country. Farmer. Died August, 1905, Provo, Utah. 1258 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH WOOD, CHARLES SAMUEL (son of Charles Wood and Alice Horrocks). Born July 11, 1861, Ogden, Utah. Married Emma Elizabeth Mortensen Dec. 11, 1884, Logap, Utah (daughter of Niels Christian Mortensen and Mariana Christensen of Denmark, pioneers 1864, John Smith inde- pendent company). She was born Dec. 29, 1865. Their chil- dren: Minnie Mabel b. Oct. 11, 1885, m. William J. Wood; Mary Elizabeth b. March 14, 1888, m. Ezra Bingham; Charles Warren b. March 31, 18!'l, m. Martha E. Andersen; Viola Lucretia b. July 25, 1893, m. Lorin M. Grove; Elvira Lillian b. July 25, 1893; Selma Amelia b. Nov. 2, 1895; Rulon Samuel b. April 11, 1898; Ruth Elvina b. Sept. 1, 1900; Alice Emma b. May 20, 1904; Mark Silvester b. Nov. 2, 1907. Family home Huntsville, Utah. President 75th quorum seventies; missionary to southern states 188~8-90; bishop's counselor 1900 and 1905. Farmer. WOOD, CHARLES (son of Benjamin Wood born April 11, 1778, London, Eng., and Ann Elizabeth Apps born Dec. 23, 1793, Kings-worth, Eng. married Aug. 14, 1814). Born April 22, 1825, at London. Came to Utah Oct. 5, 1860, Wil- liam Budge oxteam company. Married Ann Day June 11, 1848 (daughter of George Day and Sarah Honeysett), who was born 1829 and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Charles b. Feb. 21, 1849, m. Sophia Dame March 31, 1872; William b. March 12, 1855, m. Eliza Stevens Feb. 18, 1881; Elizabeth b. Aug. 8, 1857, m. Edward Bennett March 2, 1887; Jesse b. April 3, 1860; Richard b. June, 1863; John b. April 8, 1866, m. Nina Ashby Sept. 12, 1888; Edward b. Nov. 5, 1868, m. Ada Ashby Nov. 8, 1893; Sarah Ann b. Aug. 16, 1871, m. David McKell Jan. 18, 1899. Family home Holden, Utah. Postmaster at Holden 25 years. WOOD, CHARLES (son of Charles Wood and Ann Day). Born Feb. 21, 1849. Married Sophia Dame March 31, 1872 (daughter of Jan- varin Hayes Dame). Their children: George C. b. Feb. 1, 1873, m. Julia Cazier Nov. 2, 1899; William b. May 27, 1875; Lovina Ann b. Aug. 24, 1877, m. R. M. Cropper Sept. 10, 1903; Richard b. June 25, 1880, m. Pearl Duval May 8, 1903; Benjamin b. March 1, 1883; Rebecca Ellen b. July 10, 1885, m. Frank Shaw Dec. 27, 1907; Jane b. Feb. 21, 1888, m. Thomas Hicks Jan. 29, 1909; Joseph Ezra b. July 3, 1890; Rulon Wells b. Dec. 21, 1893; Gertrude Sophia b. Sept. 16, 1897; George Cazier b. Oct. 10, 1900; Charles b. April 5, 1902; John Vivian b. Jan. 18, 1904. Family home Holden, Utah. WOOD, DANIEL. Came to Utah Sept. 20, 1848, Brigham Toung company. Married Mary Snyder. Their children: Rebecca b. May 11, 1826, m. John Moss; Henry b. June 9, 1828, d. 1845; John b. April 10, 1830; Harriet b. Dec. 21, 1834; Elizabeth b. Dec. 30, 1839; Cathrine and Mary b. Aug. 25, 1842. Married Peninah S. Cotton. She was born March 12, 1824, Vienna, Johnson county. 111. Their child: Daniel C. fc. Jan. 27, 1847, m. Elizabeth Waddoups. Family home Bountiful, Utah. WOOD, DANIEL C. (son of Daniel Wood and Peninah S. Cotton). Born Jan. 27, 1847. Married Elizabeth Waddoups Feb. 18, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Waddoups, former pioneer 1868, Horton D. Maight company), who was born June 28, 1853. in Warwickshire, Eng. Their children: Dan- iel T. b. Oct. 8, 1870, m. May Walton; Joseph W. b. Oct. 4, 1874, m. Agnes Brion Oct. 13, 1898; William b. Oct. 29, 1876, m. Etta Merrill; Franklin D. b. April 14, 1879, m. Martha Brion; Parley P. b. Aug. 20, 1881; Elizabeth May b. May 27, 1883, m. George Parrish Nov. 6, 1902; Sylvia Irene b. Sept. 29, 1885, m. Peter Hansen May, 1909; Vic- toria Everline b. Oct. 24, 1887, m. Albert Hodson Jan. 26, 1909; Clarence Ray b. June 11, 1890; Florence Elvia b. Dec. 26, 1891, m. John Sorenson May 30, 1909. Married Margaret Ann Edwards Oct. 30, 1895, Logan, Utah (daughter of Ellis Edwards and Mary Roberts; came to Utah Sept. 11, 1895). She was born March 26, 1876, Pendleton, Lancastershire, Eng. Their children: Milton E. b. Aug. 30, 1897; Mary Edna b. Nov. 11, 1898; Andrew E. b. Nov. 13, 1900. Missionary to England 1902-03. Helped settle Arizona 1873. Assisted in bringing immigrants to Utah 1868. WOOD, DAVID (son of Jonah Wood of Osneburg, Canada). Came to Utah 1851. Married Catherine Crltis of Osneburg. Their children: Benjamin; Margaret, m. Levi Empey; Sarah Catherine, m. Hyrum Oakes; David, died; Catherine, d. Infant; Amanda, m. Jessie McCarl; Delilah, d. child; William, m. Eliza Kettle; Agnes, m. Mark Smith; Oscar Alexander, m. Mary Jane Robinson and Linnah F. Harrison. Family home Osne- burg, Canada. Missionary to the Indians. High priest. Assisted In building Nauvoo Temple. Carpenter and cabinetmaker. Died, Midway, Utah. WOOD, OSCAR ALEXANDER (son of David Wood and Catherine Critis). Born Sept. 30, 1838, Osneburg, Canada. Came to Utah with father. Married Mary Jane Robinson Nov. 5, 1860, American Fork, Utah (daughter of Edward Robinson and Mary Smith, of Manchester, Eng., pioneers Oct. 9, 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born March 6, 1842. Married Linnah F. Harrison Dec. 19, 1879, St. George, Utah (daughter of Richard Harrison and Jane Fryer, of Liverpool, Eng., pioneers 1849, Ezra T. Benson company). She was born Dec. 19, 1860. Their children: David Hyrum b. Dec. 10, 1880, m. Ada McElprang; Lena Maggie Jane b. Feb. 22, 1883, m. William W. Smith. Family home Pinto. Utah. Member high priests quorum; missionary to "Dixie" 1866; member high council Emery stake. Commissioner Emery county 1897-98. Farmer and carpenter. Died Oct. 9, 1901, Huntington, Utah. WOOD, DAVID HTRUM (son of Oscar Alexander Wood and Linnah F. Harrison). Born Dec. 10, 1880, Pinto, Utah. Married Ada McElprang June 7, 1905, Manti, Utah (daughter of Samuel William McElprang of Cedar City, Utah, and Adelia Terry, of Washington Co., Utah). She was born Jan. 8, 1887. Their children: Oscar Neldon b. April 14, 1906; Lina Neoma b. May 1, 1908; David Randal b. Aug. 24, 1910. Family home Huntington, Utah. Member 81st quorum seventies; missionary to New Zealand 1901-04 and in 1912. Surveyor Emery county 1904- 12. Civil engineer. WOOD, JAMES DAVID (son of Jeptha Wood, Sullivan county, Mo. pioneer, and Marcia Cassandra Fowler of Vir- ginia and Tennessee). Born Aug. 27, 1841, Sullivan county, Mo. Came to Utah 1864. Married Catherine E. Murphy (Hagenbarth) 1884, Challis, Idaho (daughter of Wilhelm Veil), who was born in 1843, Vienna, Austria. Their children: Hugh Charles (adopted); Cassandra. Family resided in Salt Lake City and at their ranch home in Idaho. Engaged in livestock business between Missouri and Chi- cago, and later in mining at Virginia City, Beartown and Blackfoot, Mont. Moved to Leesburg, Idaho, 1866, re- sided there until 1878; moved to Custer and later to Fre- mont county, and again engaged in mining. Established Wood Livestock Co., in Idaho, which is the largest in that state, giving him renown as the "sheep king" of Idaho; also principal owner of one of the largest ranches in the world, near Chihuahua, Mex. Established Wood Grocery & Produce Co., Salt Lake City; was president Inter-Mountain Ice Co., and vice-president Daly-West Mine, Park City. Took an active part in the early Indian and outlaw troubles. Was accidently killed in the passenger depot yards in Salt Lake City 1890. Catherine E. Murphy first married (1863) Frank J. Hagen- barth, who died in 1871; there were two sons, one of whom was adopted by Mr. Wood, the eldest being Frank J. Hagen- barth, a prominent business man of Salt Lake City. The other son, Hugh, took the name of his adoption. WOOD, JOHIV (son of Henry Wood of Wigan, Lancashire, Eng.). Born 1819. Came to Utah 1853, Cyrus H. Wheelock company. Married Ellen Smith at Wigran, Eng., who came to Utah with husband. Their children: Sarah Ann, m. Samuel Winsbrow Western; Ellen, m. Isaac D. Brown; John W., m. Sarah Gibson; George Henry, m. Emily Hastings; Emily, m. George Gibson. Farmer. Died May, 1911, Hurricane, Utah. WOOD, JOHN (son of David Wood and Sarah Linghan, of Eng.). Born March 14, 1811, Adlam, Sussex, Eng. Came to Utah in October, 1855, Moses Thurston company. Married Fannie Goble April 21, 1840, In England (daugh- ter of William Goble and Harriet Johnson, of England). She was born Oct. 9, 1815. Their children: Fannie b. Oct. 11, 1841, m. Michael Garn; Ellen b. Sept. 6, 1843, m. Edwin Pierce; John William b. Oct. 30, 1845, died; Harriet Ann b. June 11, 1847, m. William Hardy; Jonathan David b. April 29, 1849, m. Cathleen Blanche Bird; m. Eliza Hess; Edward Augustus b. Nov. 7, 1851, died; Oliver b. Oct. 26, 1853, m. Selena Rogers; Mary Magdalene b. April 15, 1857, m. James Henry Wllcox; Phillip James b. April 10, 1860, died. Family home Farmington, Ravis Co., Utah. High priest; teacher. Merchant. Died Jan. 25, 1896. WOOD, JONATHAN DAVID (son of John Wood and Fannie Goble). Born April 29, 1849, in England. Married Cathleen Blanche Bird Oct. 9, 1871, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Bird and Harriet Goble, of Nephi, Utah, pioneers In November, 1864). She was born July 4, 1852. Their children: Lillian Blanche b. Nov. 9, 1872, m. Thomas Edwin Secrist; Jonathan David b. June 20, 1875, m. Phoebe Gleason; Phillip James b. March 13, 1878, m. Elizabeth Johnson; Elizabeth Ann b. July 1, 1880, m. Edwin Whitaker; Charles William b. Aug. 24, 1882, m. Clara Leviatt; George Franklin b. Nov. 13, 1884, m. Maggie Rich- ards; Willard Legrand b. Feb. 12, 1887, m. Electa Hall; Allace Myrtle b. Jan. 21, 1889, m. John Wilkensen: Wallace Harry b. July 18, 1891; Geneva Bird b. Sept. 23, 1894; Clifton B. and Afton G. (twins) b. March 12. 1899. Married Eliza Hess Oct. 26, 18S2 (daughter of John W. Hess and Mary Ann Steed, of Farmington, Utah, pioneers), who was born July 4, 1864. Their children: John Henry, PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1259 m. Agusta Gallop; Edward A., m. Millie Gallop; Lewis, Clarence B. and Hyrum H., died; Kenneth J.; Gladys Ellca; Dorah; Herman L. Families resided Farmington, Davis Co., Utah. Bishop's counselor; high councilor. Merchant. WOOD, JONATHAN DAVID (son of Jonathan David Wood and Cathleen Blanche Bird). Born June 20, 1875, Farming- ton, Utah. Married Phoebe Gleason Sept. 9, 1903, Salt Lake City, Utah (daughter of Alvirus Horn Gleason and Meady Maria Lane, of Farmington, Utah). She was born Sept. 12, 1878. Their children: David G. b. July 27, 1904; Earn b. Aug. 16, 1905, died; Ross C. b. March 18. 1907; Roxie b. Dec. 4, 1909. Family home PMelding, Box Elder Co., Utah. Ward teacher; Sunday school teacher; member of sev- enty. Farmer WOOD, JOHN P. Born in 1817, in England. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Ann L. . WOOD, JOSIAH (son of John P. and Ann L. Wood). Born in 1846 at Galena, 111. Married Clara A. Woodhead in 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of George Woodhead and Caroline Lane), who was born In 1858, at North Ogden. Their children: Caro- line Ann b. Dec. 8, 1876, m. Lev! C. Ward; George J. b. June 25, 1878, m. Nancy Jane Woodland; Uriah b. Sept. 13, 1881; William J. b. Oct. 31, 1883, died; Charles E. b. July 3, 1886, m. Syvella Brown; Jennie R. b. May 7, 1888, m. Joseph Cutler; James C. b. June 9, 1891; Charlotte E. b. Oct. 1, 1895. Elder; high priest. Farmer; stockraiser. WOOD, GEORGE J. (son of Josiah Wood and Clara Wood- head). Born June 25, 1878. Married Nancy Jane Woodland in 1899, Brigham, Utah (daughter of Daniel Woodland and Sofronia Davis), who was born Dec. 17, 1882. Their children: Rella b. Feb. 5, 1900; Lona b. Feb. 3, 1905; Merlan G. b. Dec. 5, 1906; Dallas H. b. Sept. 18, 1911. WOOD, WILLIAM (son of John Wood and Ann Lawrence, both of Herefordshire, Eng.). Born 1823, in Herefordshire. Came to Utah in 1848, independent company. Married Lucy Babcock 1849 (daughter of Dolfus Bab- cock and Jarusla Rowley, pioneers 1847, John Taylor com- pany), who was born 1832. Came to Utah with parents. Their children: Lucy Ann b. 1849, m. Benjamin Ayer Jan. 7, 1868; William B. b. 1851, m. Mary J. Clements; Mary G. b. 1853, m. H. A. Walker; Eliza Frances b. 1855; John Albert b. 1856; Alice S. b. 1858, m. Samuel Bradshaw; Abraham b. 1860, m. Mary A. Baker; Frances Permelia b. 1862, m. William Hamlen; Celestia Ann b. 1863. Family resided San Bernardino, Cal., and Minersville, Utah. Married Ann Eyre Banks March 7, 1865, Minersville, Utah (daughter of Joseph and Charlotte Banks, pioneers, inde- pendent company), who was born in Australia June 15, 1845. Their children: Joseph b. 1866, m. Susie Gillins; Milisia b. 1867, m. John Turby; James W. b. 1868, m. Pearl Gris- man; John L. b. 1870, and Ann L. b. 1872, died; Charlotte N. b. 1874, m. Tom Gray; Emma C. b. 1875, m. William Banks; Willard A. b. 1877, m. Eva Berd; Thomas H. b. 1879, m. Jennie Tanner; Bertha L. b. 1881, m. Vine Evans; Nellie M. b. 1883, m. Edward Erickson; Hannah M. b. 1885; David b. 1886; George F. b. 1888. WOOD, WILLIAM B. (son of William Wood and Lucy Bab- cock). Born May 18, 1851, Centerville, Utah. Married Mary Jane Clements, 1872, Minersville, Utah (daughter of Joseph Clements and Mary Donaldson, pio- neers 1855, independent company). She was born 1854, in Johnson county, Ind. Missionary 1886-89; high priest; member high council; Sunday school superintendent; bishop's counselor. Farmer and stockraiser. WOOD, WILLIAM (son of William Wood born May 12, 1811, Mountnessing, Essex, Eng., and Elizabeth Gigseey born Sept. 29, 1812, Ostend, Burnham, Essex, Eng. married 1836). Born May 1, 1837, Ostend, Burnham. Came to Utah Oct. 18, 1862, D. P. Kimball freight train. Married Elizabeth Gentry Nov. 7, 1862 (daughter of Sam- uel Gentry and Elizabeth Davis, pioneers Oct. 3, 1867, W. R. Smith company), who was born Oct. 18, 1845, and came to Utah with James S. Brown independent company. Their children: William b. Nov. 10, 1863, m. Ellen Goddard Aug. 9, 1893; Joseph b. June 13, 1865, m. Sarah Lees, Oct. 11, 1889; Edward James b. Oct. 27, 1866, m. Mary Ann Solomon Sept.' 27, 1892; Arthur George b. Oct. 29, 1868; Barnabas b. Aug. 1870; Elizabeth Mary b. Jan. 4, 1872, m. Charles Trealease April 5, 1894; Henry Barnabas b. Aug. 1, 1874; Mary Eva b. Sept. 11, 1876, m. Byard Smith Oct. 1902; Albert Lorenzo b. June 21, 1878, m. Eva Probert May 24. 1904; Susan Rebecca b. Jan. 31, 1880, m. Frank A. Rose April 8, 1901; Benjamin James b. Oct. 1, 1883, m. Fern Bigelow Jan. 9, 1907; August John b. May 18, 1885; Freder- ick John b. March 2, 1887. Married Susan Parker, who was born 1850, in England. Married Eliza Whytock Sept. 26, 1888, Logan, Utah (daughter of James Whytock and Jessie Larkie, who mar- ried Dec. 29, 1853, Glasgow, Scotland). Their children: Harold b. June 28, 1889, m. Ida Stacy Sept. 30, 1910- Grace Vi S ?i I 4 .' I 891 ' Virginia b . Feb 21 _ 1894; Le R b June 19, 1896; Gordon b. Oct. 22, 1898; Jean b. Dec. 19, 1900: Ruth b. May 3, 1903; Miriam b. Feb. 28, 1908 In British navy. 1856-60, where he assisted in laying the first submarine cable in the Red Sea to Aden. Missionary to The Muddy, Ariz.* called to Eagle Valley. 1872; returned vJoo c. Vi, S f . Lake City; missionary to England 1880 to 1882. Settled in Canada in 1892. on\ I> JI *- < son f William Wood and Elizabeth Gentry). Born Nov. 10, 1863, at Salt Lake City. (* Ma "' ed E1 , len , s - Goddard Aug. 9. 1893. at Salt Lake City (daughter of George Goddard). Their children: Raphael IL Sept. 20 1894; Don Carlos b. May 3, 1896; George G. b. Dec. 5, 1897; Allan Gentry b. May 21, 1900; Myron Douglas b. May 6, 1903; Mary b. Oct. 5, 1908 Bishop of 24th ward of Salt Lake City. P I 1 ' CHARLES NORTHROP (son of Jededtah Stark Woodard and Emily Northrop of Kirtland. Ohio, and Nau- yoo, 1110. Born Sept. 15, 1827, Baneston, Franklin county Ma .f S ' . Came to Utah 1847 ' Jedediah M. Grant company Married Margaret Ann Malin 1857, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of Elijah Malin and Sarah McGuckin, of Chester county Pa.; former died on way to Utah, latter came In 1847). She was born Feb. 14, 1835. Their children: Charles Northrop Jr., m. Samantha Jane Russell; Margaret Ann. m. John C. Lambert; John Franklin, m. Minerva McCornick; Jede- diah, m. Evaline Vilate Russell; Sarah Emily, m. M. N Pack; Catherine; Emma, m. Heber Garneld; Anna, m. Kama's ^hSi^^'' James> m> May Tavlor - Family home Member seventy Crossed plains five times for immi- grants. Mail carrier in early days. Rancher and farmer. Died Jan. 5, 1912, Salt Lake City. , CHARLES NORTHROP (son of Charles North- Sa?t Lk CM Margaret Ann Malin). Born Aug. 3, 1857, Married Samantha Jane Russell July 5, 1877. Kamas Utah (daughter of Charles L. Russell and Samantha Tane SSSJ SSf-MSHg; r inT^t^S^nYha 7 -^-- -sided' Member seventies. Farmer. WOODARD, JEDEDIAH (son of Charles Northrop Wood- ard and Margaret Ann Malin). Born Jan. 2, 1863, Salt Lake Married Evaline Vilate Russell Feb. 9, 1880, Rockport Summit Co Utah, and later in Salt Lake temple (daugh- ter of Charles Russell and Samantha Jane Buckland of Kamas, Utah, pioneers). She was born Sept. 6, 1863, Kamas. Utah. Their children: Jedediah Jr. b. 1881 m Frantv Roip- Calvin, m. Millie Swift; William W., m Millie Wnitl : ! OI 7 ; 4 U1 ,l e G? rtrude : Et.IAM (son of Catherine Morgan). Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Nancy Ann Vance (daughter of John Vance, Salt Lake City, pioneer 1847 mother of Hannah, born at Winter Quarters by a previous marriage). Their children: Eliza Jane b. 1850, m. Moroni Fuller; John b. 1852, m. Sarah Warren; Mary Elizabeth, m. George James. later of Nauvoo, 111.). He came to Utah in 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Nancy Reader in Tennessee in 1832. She died at Mt. Pisgah, Iowa, on the way to Utah. Their chil- dren: Thomas James, m. Lucy ; William; Jacob Reader b. Aug. 19, 1836, m. Maria Amity Johnstun; Samuel; Alma, m. Adelia Delilah Pierce; Hyrum, m. Marinda Merrill; Josephine, m. Dee Oviatt. Helped build Nauvoo, St. George and Salt Lake City temples. Died 1882, Virgin City, Utah. WORKMAN, JACOB READER (son of Jacob Lindsay Work- man and Nancy Reader). Born in Overton county, Tenn., Aug. 19, 1836. Came to Utah in 1848, Lorenzo Snow company. Married Maria Amity Johnstun Dec. 9, 1864. at Snyder- ville, Utah (daughter of Jessie Walker Johnstun and Betsy Ann Snyder of Snyderville). She was born Jan. 12, 1849, St. Joseph, Mo. Their children: Jacob Jesse b. Sept. 21, 1865, d. infant; Don Alma b. May 18, 1867, m. Catherine Odekirk; William James b. June 25, 1869, m. Emma Alp- blanalp: Dee Albert b. June 28, 1871, m. Elizabeth Cook; Lois Ann b. Sept. 25, 1873, m. Solomon P. Trim; Samuel b. Oct. 3. 1875, d. infant; Gilbert Van b. Nov. 19, 1876; Jared Roundy b. March 24, 1879, d. boyhood; Josephine b. July 15. 1881, m. William Andrews; Joseph Nimrod b. Dec. 4, 1883, m. Elvira Beddo; Amy Rosetta b. March 10, 1886, m. Orin Griffin; Vernal Ambrose b. May 8, 1888, m. Estella Gurr; Oltha b. Feb. 18, 1893, d. infant. Sunday school and ward teacher; president Y. M. M. I. A. Assisted in building Ben Holladay stage road. Helped build wall that was to surround Salt Lake City. Met John- ston's army under Ephraim Hanks and Lot Smith and took active part in Echo Canyon trouble in the various dangerous raids and stampedes. Brought first sawmill into Ashley valley and built first shingle-roofed house, first dance hall, erected first flagpole and fired first salute on 4th and 24th of July, at that place. WORKMAN, JOHN A. (son of John A. Workman and Adelia D. Pierce). Born May 27, 1860. Came to Utah in 1862. Married Susan Catherine Barben at Snyderville, Utah (parents lived in Germany). Their children: John Alma b. Nov. 4, 1887, m. Laura America McKee Oct. 1, 1908; Joseph William; Jacob Franklin; Susan Lillie; Edgar Ray; Flor- ence Adelia, d. infant; Barben; Reuben; Eugene; Jessie. Family home Vernal, Utah. Seventy; missionary to Texas 1898-90; bishop and teacher Glines ward; chorister. Farmer. Now resides Alberta, Canada. WORKMAN, JOHN ALMA (son of John A. Workman and SusaYi Catherine Barben). Born Nov. 4, 1887, Vernal, Utah. Married Laura America McKee Oct. 1, 1908, Salt Lake City (daughter of Joseph McKee and Laura Orser of Jen- sen. Utah). She was born Dec. 10, 1888. Their children: Joseph Alma b. Jan. 24, 1910; Laura b. June 4, 1911. Family home Vernal, Utah. Elder; counselor in Y. M. M. I. A. Farmer. WORKS, JAMES MARKS (son of Asa Works and Abigail Marks of Bennington, Vt.). Born Oct. 5, 1821, Aurelius, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Came to Utah in 1847. Married Phoebe Jones April 15, 1858, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John and Mary Jones), who was born Nov. 14, 1825, and came to Utah with Captain Jones company. Their children: James Marks, Jr., b. April 6, 1859, d. Jan. 1, 1888; Edwin Mosiah b. Dec. 28, 1861, m. Margret Maria Munk, m. Hannah Cordelia Munk, m. Matilda Lindberg; Mary A. A., m. Nels Benson. Family home Manti, Utah. Missionary to Great Britain 1860-64; high priest; patri- arch. WORLTON, JAMES TIMBRIL, (son of John Worlton and Mary Parsons of London, Eng. Born March 20, 1821, Wai- cot, Bath, Eng. Came to Utah in September, 1855, Richard Ballantyne company. Married Elizabeth Bourne Dec. 3, 1848, London, Eng. (daughter of James Bourne and Sarah Clare of Bath, Eng.). She was born Dec. 18, 1827. Their children: Martha b. Sept. 14, 1849, m. Martin Bushman; Flora b. May 9, 1851, m. Elisha P. Hardy; Emily b. April 13, 1853, m. John Oboin; James C. b. April 26, 1855. Family home Lehi, Utah. Presided over branch at Marshfield, Eng., in 1849; super- intendent of Sunday school Morgan, Utah, about 8 years Immediately preceding his death. Died Feb. 6, 1885. \VORKMAN, JACOB LINDSAY (son of John A. Workman and Bellew. said to be a sister of former President James A. Garfleld's mother, both of Overton county, Tenn., WORTHEN, SAMtTEI, (son of Richard Worthen and Mary Worthen of England). Born Dec. 21, 1825, at North wich, Chestershire, Eng. Married Sarah Hallam. Their children: Joseph S-, . Mary Heaps; William H.. m. Nancy E. Keele; Sarah Jane, died; Samuel, Jr., m. Sarah Jane Craigen; Mary Ann, m. John Sullivan; Charles R, m. Mary Ann Sullivan; Esther Louisa, m. Samuel Miles; George W., m. Leonora Wood- bury; Hyrum, died; Alice M., m. Alexander Milne. Family home St. George, Utah. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1265 Married Maria L. Grow April 27. 1856, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry and Mary Grow of Pennsylvania). She was born Sept. 10, 1838. Their children: James A., m. Mary Ann Lee; Robert R., m. Julia A. Montague: Eliza, m. Samuel Judd; Almina, m. John F. Chidester: Mary E., died; Henry Grow, m. Laura Cameron; Sarah Louisa, m. John Henrle; Maria, m. Ernest Hancock. Family home Pangultch, Utah. Married Jane Osborn Feb. 4, 1865, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Elizabeth Osborn of England). Their chil- dren: John Franklin, m. Rosella Montague; Frederick, m. Minerva Reynolds; Osborn, died; Elizabeth S.; Ruth, died; Rhoda, m. John Lee; Millie J., m. Brandon Shakespeare. Family home, Pangultch, Utah. Veteran Echo Canyon campaign. Stone and brickmason; farmer. Died Feb. 2, 1888, Pangultch, Utah. WORTHEN, WILLIAM H. (son of Samuel Worthen and Sarah Hallam). Born Dec. 24, 1847, St. Louis, Mo. Came to Utah In 1850. Married Nancy E. Keele Dec. 25, 1868. New Harmony, Utah (daughter of Thomas Keele and Mary A. Jolly, pio- neers 1852, oxteam company). She was born Jan. 15, 1853. Their children: Sarah b. Dec. 21, 1869, m. Wyatt Bryan; Mary L. b. Sept. 9, 1871, d. aged 3; Susan E. b. May 12, 1873, m. Joseph Nelson; William S. b. Feb. 17, 1875, m. Magdalene Westepskow; Frances Britanna b. Dec. 8, 1876, m. Charles Alldridge; Nancy Viola b. Nov. 25. 1878. m. Edward Olsen; Laura A. b. Sept. 25, 1880, m. Fred Olsen; Joseph R. b. Sept. 8, 1882, m. Minnie Petersen; Alice b. July 2, 1884, m. Hyrum Bernsen; Maud b. May 18, 1886, m. Thomas Thompson; Thomas b. March 17, 1888; Rhoda b. Feb. 17, 1890, m. Ervln Olsen; Kata b. Aug. 1, 1894. High priest; Sunday school superintendent; president Y. M. M. I. A. 12 years; Sunday school teacher 30 years; president elders quorum six years. Veteran Indian war. Justice of peace 8 years; president town board; treasurer town board 6 years; school trustee 9 years. years. Assistant architect on Salt Lake temple 3 years. Builder and contractor. WRIDE, EVAJT (son of Thomas Wride and Ann James of Monachdy Farm, near Cardiff, Wales). Born Feb. 17, 1843, at Llantrissant, Bach, Wales. Came to Utah Sept. 2, 1868, William B. Preston company. Married Martha Ann Jones June 29, 1868, at Llantris- sant Church, Llantrissant, Wales (daughter of Benjamin Jones and Margarette Davies of Cardiff, Wales). She was born Dec. 31, 1839. Their children: Thomas William, m. Rosetta Peay; Evan David, John Henry and Margarette Jane, three died; Mary, m. Edwin Andrew; Benjamin, m. Sarah Jepperson; Angus, m. Harriet Clinger. Married Phoebe Truelove Ward Feb. 16, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of Thomas Ward and Mary Monk of Provo, Utah, who came to Utah In October, 1890). She was born Sept. 1, 1860. Their children: James Alfred, died; Ernest, m. Sylvia Shepard; Martha Elizabeth, m. Henry Peter Anderson; Fern; Barrington; Elwyn; Evan, died; Ann; Sarah. Families resided Provo, Utah. Member 34th quorum seventies; missionary to Wales 1879-80; superintendent Sunday school; first counselor to Bishop Loveless; high councilor Provo stake; upon the death of Loveless was made bishop of the ward; special missionary In Springvllle three months. WRIGHT, ABRAHAM REISTER (son of William E. Wright and Mary Kite of Philadelphia, Pa.). Born Aug. 18, 1811, Philadelphia. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1856, Smoot and Eldredge company. Married Mary Ann Brockerman Nov. 14, 1833, Philadel- phia, Pa. (daughter of William Brockerman and Catherine Rudy of Philadelphia). She was born March 18, 1816. Their children: William, m. Emma Yearsley; Amanda M., m. Charles H. Bassett; Hannah A., m. David Candland; Abraham Reister, Jr., m. Lucy Wardrop; John R., m. Susan Bethel; Isaac K., m. Henriette Wall; Charles H., m. Annie Galloway; George W., m. June Welch. Family home. Salt Lake City. Member 30th quorum seventies; president of seventies 13th quorum; missionary to Pennsylvania; ward clerk; block teacher. Freighter; photographer; merchant. Died July 1. 1889. WRIGHT, ABRAHAM REISTER. JR. (son of Abraham Reister Wright and Mary Ann Brockerman). Born July 10, 1842, Philadelphia. Pa. Came to Utah with father. Married Lucy Wardrop June 7, 1862, at Salt Lake City (daughter of John Wardrop and Lucy Macintosh of Nau- voo, 111., pioneers Sept. 10, 1852, Bryant Jolley company). She was born Dec. 10, 1843. Their children: John R. b. March 24, 1863, d. aged 17; Charles H. b. Feb. 6, 1865, m. Alice V. Phillips; James W. b. April 13, 1867, m. Jen- nette Gibson; Joseph b. Aug. 9, 1869, d. aged 11; Edwin b. Aug. 7, 1871, m. Katie A. Pettitt; Lucy M. b. Sept. 25, 1873; Alma B. b. Nov. 22, 1875, m. Alice M. Hooper; Wil- liam W. b. Oct. 13, 1877, d. Infant; Samuel D. b. April 3, 1879, d. aged 19; Mary A. b. Sept. 20, 1881, m. James S. Noall; Thomas b. Sept. 13, 1883, d. infant; Clarence A. b. Aug. 21, 1886, m. Rachel L. Terry. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to eastern states 1893-94; president 30th and 13th quorums seventies; high priest; block teacher. Mem- ber Nauvoo Legion. Member volunteer flre department 10 80 WRIGHT, JONATHAN C. (son of Peter Wright and Eliza- beth Shead of Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y.). Born Nov. 29, 1808, Rome. Came to Utah Oct. 13, 1850, Edward Hunter company. Married Cynthia Martin (Nicholls) Dec. 23, 1850, Salt Lake City (daughter of James Martin and Miss Mosher of Oswego county, N. Y.). She was born In 1818. Their children: Wtllard, killed by Indians, aged 16; Cynthia, m. Amasa M. Lyman, Jr.; Henry Nicholls (son by first mar- riage). Family home Brigham City, Utah. Missionary to eastern states 1842; first counselor to Lorenzo Snow; president Box Elder stake. Probate Judge; county clerk; county recorder; prosecuting attorney; mem- ber territorial legislature 21 years. Farmer. Died Nov. 8, 1880. WRIGHT, JOSEPH (son of John Wright and Grace Shep- hard of Bubwith, Yorkshire. Eng.). Born Dec. 25, 1817, Bubwith. Came to Utah Sept. 23, 1849, Orson Spencer company. Married Mary Ann Fryer of Lincolnshire, Eng., Jan. 4, 1857, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Fryer and Ann Colton). Their children: John M. b. Jan. 21, 1861, m. Emma Hinton June 16, 1885; Anna M. b. March 8, 1863; Hyrum F. b. Oct. 27, 1865, m. Elizabeth S. Pratt Dec. 28, 1887; George W. b. Feb. 23, 1867, m. Laura J. Morris Jan. 23, 1889; Zlna F. b. Oct. 9, 1869, m. Daniel A. Morris Dec. 20, 1893; Edwin F. b. March 26, 1872, m. Cora C. Peterson Nov. 7, 1894. Family home Duncan, Utah. Member 22d quorum seventies. WRIGHT. JOHN M. (son of Joseph Wright and Mary Ann Fryer). Born Jan. 21, 1861, Mill Creek, Utah. Married Emma Hinton June 16, 1885, St. George, Utah (daughter of John N. Hinton and Emma Spendlove), who was born at Virgin City, Utah, May 27, 1868. Their chil- dren: Wallace Hinton b. April 24, 1886; Joseph Moroni b. Nov. 27, 1887; Mary Ann b. April 14, 1889; John William b. Dec. 25, 1890; Spencer Hinton b. Dec. 7, 1892; Genevieve b. July 4, 1894; Zina b. Feb. 20. 1896; Mina b. Feb. 26. 1898; lanthus b. Aug. 2, 1899; Bernard B. b. Oct. 21, 1901, d. infant: Vernell b. June 12, 1305; Chester E. b. Oct. 29, 1906; Lawrence Leone b. Feb. 22, 1909; Glade Mervin b. Oct. 15, 1911. One of seven presidents of 21st quorum of seventies. Farmer and stockraiser. WRIGHT, JOSIAH ATWELI, (son of Martin Wright and Dolly Benjamin). Born Aug. 10, 1805, Trenton, Middlesex county. Conn. Came to Utah In September, 1852, Joseph Outhouse company. Married Susan Buell April 6, 1830, Westbrook, Conn, (daughter of Oliver Buell and Polly Wilcox of Westbrook). She was born March 29, 1810. Their children: Albert Atwell; Wilson Andrew, m. Aurelia Stoddard; Henry Alex- andria; Susan Eliza; Gilbert Jostah, m. Annie S. Odell: Adeline Amanda, m. Chauncy W. West; Susan A., m. Frank Brown, m. Joseph Parry; Hyrum Smith b. Nov. 10, 1849, m. Jeanette Kay, m. Mary Ann Fldler; Juliette. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest; ward teacher. Taught school In Kaysvllle ward. Moved to Ogden 1855. Farmer. Died Aug. 4, 1896. WRIGHT, GILBERT JOSIAH (son of Joslah Atwell Wright and Susan Buell). Born May 14, 1838, Horse Hill, Conn. Came to Utah with father. Married Annie S. Odell Jan. 1, 1866, Ogden, Utah (daugh- ter of Thomas George Odell and Ann Newman of London, Eng., pioneers Sept. 13, 1861, Homer Duncan company). She was born March 27, 1847. Their children: Gilbert George b. Sept. 28, 1866, m. Matilda E. Bally: Annie Isa- belle b. Nov. 27, 1868, m. Albert Greenwell; Charles Oliver b. May 27, 1870; Eugene b. Aug. 6, 1872, m. Caro- line E. Smith; Lester Thomas b. Jan. 10, 1875, m. Edith Wallace; Adeline b. Nov. 2, 1878, m. Cleney St. Clair; Geneva Odell b. Nov. 4, 1888, m. Orson Arnold Snow. Fam- ily home Ogden, Utah. Member 60th quorum seventies; ward teacher; assistant Sunday school superintendent. Member Ogden school board. Assisted In publishing first edition of first dally newspaper In Ogden. Called to Salmon River to assist In protecting the settlers against Indians; major on staff of Chauncy W. West In Utah militia. Worked on South- ern Pacific railroad with his teams and was present at the uniting of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific. Early settler In Snake River valley, Idaho. Merchant. Died March 25, 1908, at Idaho Falls. WRIGHT, HYRUM SMITH (son of Josiah Atwell Wright and Susan Buell). Born Nov. 10, 1849, Clinton, Conn. Came to Utah with father. Married Jeanette Kay. Married Mary Ann Fldler Dec. 28, 1882, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Samuel Fidler and Ann White of Arnold, Nottinghamshire, Eng.). She was born Aug. 5. 1863. Their children: Wallace Albert b. Oct. 7, 1883, died; Annette 1266 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Monvllla b. Jan. 7, 1885, m. E. J. Bradshaw; Edna Buell b. June 21, 1887, m. Nelson Wright; Harriet Casette b. Oct. 30, 1889, m. C. Q. Wilson; John Birguet b. March 30, 1891, m. Jessie Andrews; Lizzie Marie b. Oct. 25, 1893; Walmer Atwell b. Dec. 5, 1895; Aldemar Arnold b. Sept. 14, 1898, died; Mary Finis b. Jan. 5, 1901; Robert Linton b. March 8, 1903. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member 76th quorum seventies. Musician. Railway employee. WRIGHT, THOMAS D. (son of Andrew Wright and Sarah Ann Brett of Manchester, Eng.). Born Oct. 24, 1851. Came to Utah Nov. 30, 1856, Martin and Tyler handcart company. Married Mary Jane Clough April 6, 1871, Nephi, Utah (daughter of Samuel Clough and Martha Carter), who was born Oct. 17, 1839, and came to Utah August, 1871. Their children: Sarah E., m. James Prince; Thomas C.; Rosebelle, m. Christian Petersen; Lill.e M., m. Clarence Moier. Member 138th quorum seventies; block teacher. Librarian at Cedar City, Utah. Expressman. WRIGHT, WILLIAM (son of AVilliam Wright and Mar- garet Ashbridge of Cumberland, Eng.). Born Oct. 5, 1832, Cumberland. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Jemima Dands April 8, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas Dands and Mary Hinds of Cumberland, Eng., latter pioneer 1856). She was born March 10, 1833 Their children: William T., m. Ellen Charlotte Murdock: Jemima A., m. A. L. Penrod; Margaret, m. Joseph R. Mur- dock; Wilford D., m. Sarah A. Ritchie; James L., m. Nellie Nuttall (died), m. Maggie Wilson; Joseph S., m. Jane Ritchie; Hannah R., m. A. L. Penrod; Sarah E., m. John M. Ritchie; Hyrum S., d. infant. Married Mary Jane Bauni Oct. 31, 1871, at Salt Lake City. Their children: George Baum, m. Phoebe Ritchie; Eliza Jane, m. Lauritz Jacobson; Mary Isabel, m. Elmer Penrod; Owen Uria, m. Matilda Casper; Wallace, m. Clara Bills; John Elmer, m. Phoebe Casper; Charles, m. Julia Mecham; Stella Mellisa, m. John Mason; Elbart, died; May Pearl, m. Don Ivie; David Nephi, died; Zora, m. Gordon Bills; Zella; Edna, died; Leora; Leoran Atkinson. Missionary to Great Britain 1883-84; high priest; ward clerk. Justice of peace; school trustee. Tollgate keeper. Farmer. Died Nov. 11, 1903, Charleston, Utah. WRIGHT, WILLIAM (son of Benjamin Wright and Frances Seward). Born Jan. 30, 1800, Suffolk, Eng. Came to Utah October, 1862, Captain Miller company. Married Charlotte Rouse April 6, 1832, Pointon, Lincoln- shire, Eng. (daughter of John Rouse and Elizabeth Gipson of Sutterton, Lincolnshire, Eng.). She was born Dec. 25, 1812. Their children: William b. Jan. 24, 1833, m. Mary Roberts May 12, 1857; Samuel b. March 12, 1835, m. Elizabeth Hodget; Mary Ann b. Sept. 17, 1838, m. John Webster July 15, 1858; Sarah Jane b. Feb. 22, 1840, m. Charles M. Plant; John G. b. Oct. 11, 1842, m. Ruth Mitchell; m. Aditha Har- rison; Benjamin b. Sept. 12, 1844, m. Eliza Darton; m. Mahala Darton; m. Bessie Nichols; Charles R. b. Feb. 9, 1847, m. Margaret Mackay; Frances E. b. March 16, 1851, m. William Harker. Family home Taylorsville. Utah. WRIGHT, WILLIAM H. (son of William S. Wright and Esther Camm of Birmingham, Eng.). Born March 11, 1827, Birmingham. Came to Utah Aug. 18, 1859, James S. Brown company. Married Emrna Taylor Sept. 9, 1846, Birmingham, Eng (daughter of Thomas Taylor and Jane Clark of Birming ham), who was born June 15, 1829. Their children: Julia Ann, m. Thomas Petty; William H., Jr.; Jane Taylor, m. Luke Crawshaw;- Angus Taylor, m. Martha Middleton; Parley Taylor, m. Anna M. Halgren; Brigham Taylor; Charles H., m. Clara Scoville; Joseph E., m. Kathryne Lyon; William C.. m. Edith Dinwoody; Frank L., m. Martha Brown; Florence E., m. A. J. Brown, m. H. W. Dunn. Family home Ogden, Utah. High priest; missionary to England 1882-84; Sunday school superintendent. City councilman. Merchant. Died Dec. 29, 1897. WRIGHT, PARLEY TAYLOR (son of William H. Wright and Emma Taylor). Born Sept. 29, 1861, Richmond, Utah. Married Anna M. Halgren March 9, 1887, Logan, Utah (daughter of T. A. Halgren and Clara Bjuling of Stock- holm, Sweden, pioneers 1864, Isaac Canfleld company). She was born in March, 1868. Their children: Lillian Mag- daline b. Oct. 7, 1892; Ellen Clara b. Sept. 25, 1894; Marion Ottilia b. Aug. 9, 1898; Annie Lucile b. May 20, 1901; Pauline Theresa b. Aug. 11, 1904. Family home Ogden, Utah. Member 77th quorum seventies; missionary to California 1885-87; high priest; member Weber stake mutual board; member bishopric. Merchant. WRIGLEY, JOSEPH (son of Thomas Wrigley and Grace Mary Wilkinson of Manchester, Eng.). Born Feb. 24, 1841, Manchester. Came to Utah in 1850, St. Louis company. Married Ada Steele (daughter of Edward Steele). Their child: Edward. Married Ann Singleton Nov. 1, 1869, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Singleton and Catherine Creer of Man- chester, Eng., pioneers 1848). She was born Aug. 18. 1853. Their children: Mary Ellen b. Jan. 16, 1871, m. Jez- reel Fugate; Thomas, died; Clara, m. Joseph S. Stevens. Jr.; Cornelia, m. James F. Olsen; Joseph Alma; Wellington; Catherine P., m. Lars Peter Thompson; Lacoran, m. Orlando W. Werham; Osborn; Llewellen. Family home Ferron, Utah. Married Dinah Stoddard (Crookston) in 1880 (daughter of Robert Stoddard and Margarette McCelvin of Carlisle, Cumberlandshire, Eng., latter pioneer 1856, first hand- cart company). She was born March 16, 1850. Their children: Marion, James Owen, Mary Grace and Stephen Roy, first four died; Marintha b. Aug. 2, 1887, m. George Angus; Blanche b. Oct. 2, 1891, m. Reuben Jesse Jacobs. High priest; Sunday school teacher. Settled at Ferron 1878. Assisted In bringing immigrants to Utah. Died May 5, 1911. YANCEY, HYRUM. Married Harriett Wood (daughter of Daniel Wood and Mary Snyder, former a pioneer July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). Their children: John H. b. March 25, 1856; Parley P. b. Nov. 5, 1857, d. infant; Adam b. April 6, 1859, m. Alice Tolman Oct. 2, 1879. YANCEY, ADAM (son of Hyrum Yant*y and Harriett Wood). Born April 6, 1859, Bountiful, Utah. Married Alice Tolman Oct. 2, 1879, Salt Lake Endow- ment House (daughter of Judson Adoniram Tolman and Sarah Lucretia Holbrook), who was born Aug. 29, 1863, Bountiful, Utah. Their children: Adam Adoniram b. Aug. 9, 1880, d. Sept. 2, 1892; Orville b. Sept. 12, 1882, m. Mary Keeler; James Henry b. July 24, 1884, m. Effle Cobbley; Emron b. July 25, 1886, m. Dorthy Dean; Bertha Lucretia b. Aug. 21, 1888, m. Joseph F. Jensen; Cyrus b. Dec. 3, 1890; Allice b. Oct. 8, 1892; Daniel b. Feb. 24, 1895; Sylvia May b. May 1, 1897; Mary b. Sept. 3, 1898, d. Sept. Z4. 1898; Nathan Orlie b. July 23, 1900; Sarah Luella b. Jan. t, 1903; William b. Feb. 24, 1909. YARDLEY, JOHJT. Born July 24, 1817, Staffordshire, Eng. Married Mary Shean. Their children: John b. June 1852; Sarah b. Dec. 3, 1854, m. Thomas Cartwright March 30, 1873; William Edward b. Nov. 8, 1859, m. Janet Levi April 1, 1885, m. Jane E. Gower; James Heber b. Jan. 21, 1862, m. Harriet J. Anderson Dec. 22, 1886; Daniel Alfred b. Dec. 6, 1865, m. Emma Jane Robinson. Family home Beaver, Utah. Died Oct. 10, 1885. YARDLEY, WILLIAM EDWARD (son of John Tardley and Mary Shean). Born Nov. 8, 1859, Beaver, Utah. Married Janet Levi April 1, 1885, St. George, Utah (daugh- ter of David Levi and Ann Gillespie of Beaver, Utah). She died Jan. 14, 1888. Their children: William Ray b. Jan. 18, 1886, d. Oct. 29, 1905; Janet Levi b. Jan. 5, 1888, m. George Thomas Price Nov. 8, 1906. Family home. Beaver. Married Jane Elizabeth Gower Nov. 12, 1889 (daughter of Thomas Gower and Martha Ann Stockdale, pioneers in October, 1854, Joseph Field company, and widow of James M. Hamilton). She was born May 12, 1858. Their chil- dren: Sarah Inez b. Sept. 10, 1890; Mary Violet b. Dec. 25, 1892; Gladys b. Sept. 10, 1894; Grace b. Sept. 10, 1894. Family home Beaver, Utah. Has attained the ordination of elder. YATES, JOHN. Born in 1802 in Warwickshire, Eng. Came to Utah in 1852, John Tidwell company. Married Lucy Holick, who was born in 1805 and died in June, 1850, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Their children: Henry b. March 4, 1827, m. Ann ; William b. 1830; John b. 1833; Ann b. 1836, m. John Clark 1853; Harriet b. 1838, m. Andrew Quigley 1856; Thomas b. May 17, 1840, m. Jane Baty March 1866; Joseph b. March 16, 1845, m. Elizabeth Wilson Baty Nov. 17, 1873. Family home Farmington, Utah. High priest. YATES, JOSEPH (son of John Yates and Lucy Holick). Born March 16, 1845, at Warwick, Eng. Married Elizabeth Wilson Baty Nov. 17, 1873, Salt Lake City (daughter of Thomas and Ann Baty, pioneers in 1861, Sextus Johnson company). She was born Nov. 23, 1852, in Shropshire, Eng. Their children: William b. Oct. 26, 1875, died; Esther Annie b. April 2, 1877, m. Orson J. Olsen; Thomas John b. Oct. 3, 1879, died; Henry b. June 6, 1881, m. Effle Moss 1903; Jane Wilson b. May 21, 1883, m. Norman Hanson 1902; Lucy b. June 14, 1886, m. Joseph A. Orme. 1906; Katherine b. March 19, 1888, Harriet b. June 12, 1889, Joseph b. March 20, 1891, and Willard Dobson b. Feb. 5, 1893, last four died. Lived at Calls Fort, Box Elder county. High priest; missionary to England 1883; went across plains for company of immigrants in 1862. Justice of peace; school trustee. YATES, HENRY (son of Joseph Yates and Elizabeth Wil- son Baty). Born at Calls Fort. Utah. Married Effle Moss Oct. 8, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Nephi Moss and Rhoda Pace), who was born Dec. 13, 1886, at Chesterfield, Idaho. Their children: Joseph b. June 19, 1904; Effle La Von b. July 27, 1905; Elsie Eliza- beth Nov. 20, 1906; Willard b. March 30, 1908; La Rue b. Aug. 4, 1909; Wynn Del b. March 20, 1912. Elder; Sunday school teacher. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1267 YATES, WILLIAM (son of Thomas Yates and Violet Owen of Wortley, Lancastershire, Eng.). Born Oct. 31. 1832, Wortley, Eng. Came to Utah in 1863. Married Mary Partlngton 1860, Upholand, Lancastershire, Eng. (daughter of Thomas Partlngton and Marguerite Otten of England, pioneers 1863). She was born Sept. 18, 1840. Their children: Marguerite, m. William C. Bouck; Mary E., m. Henry Player, m. John Kirkwood, m. Clarence Mentor; Martha A., m. Samuel Lufkin, m. Clarence Hen- dershot; William T., m. Mary Evans; John O., m. Lucile Zimmermann; Amanda, m. Albert Kirkwood; Stephen E., m. Sabina Chldester; Bertha A., m. Walter C. Brown; Hattie, m. Benjamin Richards; Carrie, m. Henry Harmon, m. Stephen Dangerfield. Seventy at Mona, Utah; elder; choir leader. Veteran Black Hawk war. Farmer. Dead. YEAMAJV, THOMAS (son of John W. Teaman and Martha Teaman). Born Toronto, Canada, Sept. 7, 1836. Married Anne Garner, Huntsville, Utah (daughter of David and Eliza Garner). Their children: John W. b. Feb. 6, 1859, m. Anne Garner; Storing b. May 4, , m. Maria Grow; Thomas, Jr., b. April 21, 1875, m. Etta Brow; Michael b. Dec. 29, 1877, m. Edith Meacham; George W. b. Feb. 22, 1881, m. Mary Roberts. YEARSLEY, NATHAN (son of David Tearsley and Mary Ann Hoops of West Chester, Pa.). Born Nov. 8, 1835, in West Chester. Came to Utah in 1848. Married Ruthinda E. Stewart in January, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Mr. Stewart and Ruth Baker). She came to Utah with parents 1847. She was born 1844. Their children: Nathan D., m. Mary Ann Wight; Emma L., m. Joseph A. Vance; May Elizabeth, died; Annie Ruthinda, m. Henry Bowring; James Heber, m. Rosy J. Howell; Hores Calvin, died; Charles William, m. Henrietta Parkinson; Minnie Jenetta, m. George Nichols. Family home Brigham City, Utah. High priest; presiding elder Promontory 1885-89. Par- ticipated in Echo Canyon campaign in 1857; made two trips across plains for immigrants. Farmer and stockralsor. Died Oct. 28, 1910. TEARSLET, NATHAN D. (son of Nathan Tearsley and Ruthinda E. Stewart). Born Oct. 13, 1865, Ogden, Utah. Married Mary Ann Wight Jan. 31, 1888, Brigham City, Utah (daughter of Stephen Wight and Emma Pulsipher of Brigham City). She was born 1867, died Dec. 22, 1903. Only child: Nathan Melvin b. April 10, 1889. Family home Woodruff, Idaho. Married Julia Ann Gibbs Dec. 21, 1905, Logan, Utah (daughter of William H. Gibbs and Lettia John, who were married Feb. 5, 1872, Salt Lake City, latter pioneer 1862). She was born Dec. 22, 1875, West Portage, Utah. Their children: Clifford L. b. Aug. 1, 1907; Carl G. b. Oct. 2, 1909; Ruthinda G. b. Jan. 15, 1911; Alta L. b. April 10, 1912. High priest; bishop's counselor 16 years; Sunday school superintendent Woodruff ward, Malad stake, six years. Pio- neer dry farmer and stockraiser. YEATBS, GEORGE (son of John and Mary Teates of Worcestershire, Eng.). Born April 28, 1814, at Broad parish, Hampton. Came to Utah in 1861. Married Mary Chance (daughter of Thomas Chance and Sarah Oliver), who was born Oct. 10, 1816. Their chil- dren- Sarah Teates b. May 26, 1836, m. Daniel Gamble; Frederick b. Jan. 11, 1838, m. Sarah Webb Nov. 9, 1862; Thomas b. Nov. 3, 1840; Esther b. April 4, 1843, m. John Scott: Ann b. June 18, 1846. Family home Millville, Cache Co., Utah. TEATES, FREDERICK (son of George Teates and Mary Chance of Hampton parish, Worcestershire, Eng.). Born Jan. 11, 1838, in Broad parish. Came to Utah Sept. 21, 1857, Jacob Hofflnes company. Married Sarah Webb Nov. 9, 1862 (daughter of Anthony Webb and Elizabeth Humphries), who was born Jan. 3, 1840 Their children: Frederick Thomas b. July 31, 1863, m Annie Frances Jessop Dec. 16, 1885; Eva Annie b. Sept. 28 1864, m. Frederick Eliason; Mary Elizabeth b. Oct. 26, 1865 m. James Graham; Ephraim b. March 3, 1867, m. Cathrine Wright June 1, 1898; Eliza Ann b. June 4, 1868, m James S. Cantwell; George Anthony b. Nov. 25, 1869; Mart-a-More b. July 8, 1871, m. Joseph S. Jessop; John b. March 19. 1873, m. Elizabeth Bailey; Esther Phoebe b. Oct. 15, 1874, m. Joseph Eliason; Israel b. July 24, 1876, m. Marietta Hargraves; Sylvia Chance b. Feb. 7, 187R. m. Ephraim Jessop; Alma b. May 31, 1881. Family home Millville, Cache Co.. Utah. Married Sarah Maria Spackman April 13, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of Henry Spackman and Ann Bond), who was born May 10, 1859, at Burbidge, Wiltshire, Eng. Their children: James b. May 18, 1875, died; William b. May 10, 1876. died; Allie b. April 3, 1877; Sarah Olive b. Oct. 12, 1879, m. Ralph Mitchell; Roxana Stahia b. March 4, 1882, m Sidney O. Stevens; Lula Annie b. Sept. 6, 1884, m. Isaac Samuel Smith; Josephine b. April 29, 1887, m. Roy Rudolph; Joseph Ruthford b. Sept. 4, 1890. Lived in Millville, Cache High priest; seventy. Held many positions of trust. Is now working in the Logan temple. TEATES. FREDERICK THOMAS (son of Frederick Teates and Sarah Webb). Born July 31, 1863, in Salt Lake county. Married Annie Frances Jessop (daughter of Thomas Jes- sop and Eliza Jane Humphries) in the Logan temple. Their children: Walter Teates b. Dec. 12, 1886; Frederick Eugene b. July 17, 1888; Nina b. Feb. 25, 1891, m. Niels Orson Olson June 8, 1910; Thomas Leo b. Feb. 24, 1893; Mary Marvel b. Oct. 3, 1895; Eulalla b. Nov. 7, 1897; Annie Reva, b. Feb. 12, 1902; Eliza Elva b. March 8, 1904. Family home Millville, Utah. YOUNG, BRIGHAM (son of John Toung and Nable Howe, the former a Revolutionary soldier, serving under the Im- mediate command of Washington). He was born June 1, 1801, Whittingham, Windham county, Vt. He was one of ten children, and the youngest but one of five broth- ers, named In their order as follows: John, Joseph, Phineas, Brigham and Lorenzo. His sisters were Nancy. Fanny, Rhoda, Susan and Nabbie. The first four married and became respectively Mrs. Kent, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. John P. Greene, and Mrs. James Little. Nabbie died in her girl- hood. In religion, the family were Methodists. Brlgham's early avocations were those of carpenter and joiner, painter and glazier. He came to Utah July 24, 1847, as captain of the first company of immigrants. Married Miriam Works Oct. 8, 1824, who died September, 1832. Their children: Vilate, m. Charles Franklin Decker; Elizabeth T.. m. Edmund Ellsworth. Married Mary Ann Angell February, 1834. Among their six children were: Brigham, Jr. b. Dec. 1836, m. Katherine Spencer Nov. 15, 1855; Luna C. b. Aug. 20, 1842, m. George W. Thatcher April 4, 1861. Married Lucy Decker (daughter of Isaac and Hannah Decker of Holland, pioneers 1847, Brigham Toung company), who was born May 17, 1821. Among their children were: Shamira b. March 21, 1853, m. William J. Rossiter Oct. 9. 1877; Clarissa H. b. July 23, 1860, m. John D. Spencer Jan. 19, 1882. Married Clarissa C. Decker (daughter of Isaac and Han- nah Decker), who was born July 22, 1828. Among their children was: Nabbie b. March 22, 1852 (d. 1894), m. Spencer Clawson Feb. 15, 1876. Married Sarah Malin April 18, 1848 (daughter of Elijah and Hannah Malin of Chester county, Pa.), who was born Jan. 10, 1804. Married Ellen Ackland Rockwood (daughter of Albert Perry Rockwood and Nancy Haven), who was born March 23, 1829. Married Clarissa Ross (daughter of William Ross and Phoebe Ogden of New Tork). who was born June 16, 1814. Their children: Mary, m. Mark Croxall; Clarissa Maria, m. William B. Dougall; Willard, m. Harriet Hopper; Phoebe L. b. Aug. 1, 1854, m. W. J. Beatie Jan. 7, 1872. Married Mary Jane Bigelow (eldest daughter of Nahum Bigelow and Mary Gibbs, pioneers 1850, William Snow oxteam company). Married Lucy Bigelow (daughter of Nahum Bigelow and Mary Gibbs). Married Mary Van Cott (daughter of John Van Cott, born Sept. 7, 1814, Canaan," N. T., and Lucy L. Sackett, born July 17, 1815, pioneers Sept. 25, 1847 married Sept. 15, 1835, in New Tork). She was born Feb. 2, 1844, and died Jan. 5, 1884. Married Eliza Babcock (daughter of Adolphus Babcock and Jerusha Jane Rowley of New Tork, pioneers 1847, oxteam company). Married Harriet Amelia Folsom (daughter of William H. Folsom and Zervlah E. Clark of New Hampshire and Massachusetts). Married Emily Dow Partridge. Their children: Mary Eliza b. June 8, 1847, m. Mark Croxall; Caroline b. Feb. 1, 1851, m. Mark Croxall 1868; Joseph Don Carlos b. May 6, 1855, m. Alice Naomi Dowden Sept. 22, 1861. Married Elizabeth Robison (daughter of Peter Roblson and Mary Ashly, pioneers 1850), who was born April 29, 1850. Family home Fillmore, Utah. Married Sarah Ann McDonald (daughter of William Mc- Donald and Serlah Shirts of Crawford, Burn, County Down, Ireland). She was born March 3, 1856. There were other wives, whose genealogies are not printed here. Whltney'8 History says of Brigham Toung: It was at Aurelius, Cayuga county, N. T., in 1824 that he first saw the Book of Mormon, a copy of which had been left at the house of his brother Phineas, In the neighbor- Ing town of Victor, by Samuel H. Smith, a brother to Joseph Smith, the Prophet. Deeply Impressed with the prin- ciples of Mormonlsm, he. In company with Phineas and his friend Heber C. Kimball, visited a branch of the church at Columbia, Bradford county, Penn., from which state had -previously come several Mormon elders, preaching the doctrines of their faith in and around Mendon. Subse- quently proceeding to Canada, where his brother Joseph was laboring In the Methodist ministry, Brigham presented to him the claims of Mormonlsm. He then returned with him to Mendon, where they both Joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was baptized on the 14th of April, 1832, by Elder Eleazer Miller, who confirmed him at the waters edge and ordained him an elder the same evening. About three weeks later his wife Miriam was baptized. His first meeting with the founder of Mormonlsm was In the fall of the same year, when he visited Klrtland, Ohio, 1268 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH the headquarters of the Latter-day Saints. Joseph Smith, it is said, prophesied on that occasion that Brigham Young would yet preside over the church. A year later he removed to Kirtland. He was chosen one of the Twelve Apostles the council or quorum second in authority in the Mormon church Feb. 14, 1835, and forthwith he entered upon his eventful and wonderfully successful career. With his quorum he traversed the eastern states and Canada, making proselytes to the faith and gathering funds for the completion of the Kirtland Temple and the purchase of lands in Missouri, where Mormon colonies from Ohio and the East were set- tling. When disaffection arose and persecution threatened the existence of the church and the lives of its leaders, he stood staunchly by the Prophet, defending him at his own imminent peril. Finally the opposition became so fierce, that he as well as the Prophet was compelled to flee from Kirtland. He next appears at Far West, Mo., the new gathering place of the Saints, where after the apostasy of Thomas B. Marsh and the death of David W. Patten (his seniors among the Apostles), he succeeded to the presidency of the Twelve. This was in the very midst of the mob troubles that cul- minated in the expulsion of the Mormon community from that State. In the absence of the first presidency, composed of the Prophet, his brother Hyrum Smith, and Sidney Rig- don, who had been thrown into prison. President Young, though not then in Missouri, directed the winter exodus of his people, and the homeless and plundered refugees twelve to fifteen thousand in number fleeing through frost and snow by the light of their burning dwellings, were safely landed upon the hospitable shores of Illinois. His next notable achievement was in connection with the spread of Mormonism in foreign lands. As early as July, 1838, he and his fellow Apostles had been directed by the Prophet to take a mission to Europe, and "the word of the Lord" was pledged that they should depart on a certain day from the Temple lot in Far West. This was before the mob troubles arose, before the Mormons had been driven, and before there was any prospect that they would be. But all was now changed, the expulsion was an accom- plished fact, and it was almost as much as a Mormon's life was worth to be seen in Missouri. The day set for the departure of the Apostles from Far West (April 26, 1839) was approaching, but they were far away, and apostates and mobocrats were boasting that the revelation pertaining to that departure would fail. Before daybreak, however, on the morning of the day appointed, Brigham Young and others of the Twelve rode into the town, held a meeting on the Temple lot. and started thence upon their mission, their enemies meanwhile wrapped in slumber, oblivious of what was taking place. Delayed by the founding of their new city, Nauvoo, in Hancock county, 111., and by an epidemic of fever and ague that swept over that newly settled section, they did not cross the Atlantic until about a year later, and even then this indomitable man and his no less indomitable associates arose from sick beds, leaving their families ailing and almost destitute, to begin their journey. Landing at Liverpool penniless and among strangers, April 6, 1840 Mormonism's tenth anniversary they re- mained in Great Britain a little over a year, during which time they baptized between seven and eight thousand souls and raised up branches of the church in almost every noted city and town throughout the United Kingdom. They established the periodical known as "The Millennial Star," published five thousand copies of the Book of Mormon, three thousand hymn books and fifty thousand tracts, emigrated a thousand souls to Nauvoo, and founded a permanent shipping agency for the use of future emigration. The British Mission had previously been opened, but its founda- tions were now laid broad and deep. The first foreign mis- sion of the Mormon church, it still remains the most Im- portant proselyting field for the energetic elders of this organization. Brigham Young, soon after his return from abroad, was taught by the Prophet the principle of celestial or plural marriage, which he practiced as did others while at Nauvoo. He married among other women, several of the Prophet's widows. It was not until after the settlement of Utah, however, that "polygamy" was proclaimed. Brigham Young was in the eastern states, when Joseph and Hyrum Smith were murdered in Carthage jail, June 27, 1844. The business which had taken him and most of the Apostles from home was an electioneering mission in the Interests of the Prophet, who was a candidate for the presidency of the United States. As soon as they heard the awful tidings of the assassination, they hurried back to Nauvoo. Their return was timely. The Saints, grief-stricken at the loss of their leaders, needed the presence of the Apostles, but not merely as a means of consolation. Factions were forming and a schism threatened the church. Sidney Rig- don, who had been the Prophet's first counselor in the first presidency, was urging with all his eloquence for he was an eloquent and a learned man his claim to the leader- ship, contending that he was Joseph's rightful successor: notwithstanding that for some time he had absented him- self from Nauvoo and the society of the Saints, manifest- ing a disposition to shirk the trials patiently borne by his much suffering associates. Brigham Young, with little learning and less eloquence, but speaking straight to the point, maintained the right of the Twelve Apostles to lead the church in the absence of the first presidency, basing his claim upon the teachings of the martyred Seer, who had declared: "Where I am not, there is no first presidency over the Twelve." He had also repeatedly affirmed that he had rolled the burden of the "Kingdom" from his own shoulders upon those of the Twelve. The great majority of the people sustained President Young, and followed him in the exodus from Illinois, leav- ing Elder Rigdon and other claimants at the head of various small factions which have made no special mark in history. Brigham, by virtue of his position in the quorum of the Twelve, was now virtually president of the church, though he did not take that title until nearly two years later, when the first presidency was again organized. The exodua began In February, 1846. Expelled from Nauvoo across the frozen Mississippi, armed mobs behind them, and a savage wilderness before, the homeless pilgrims, with their oxteams and heavily loaded wagons, halted in their westward flight upon the Missouri river, where, in the summer of the same year they filled a government requisition for five hundred men to serve In the United States in its war against Mexico. Thus originates the famous Mormon Battalion, whose story Is told in another place. President Young and his associates, after raising the Battalion and witnessing its departure for the West, set about preparing for the journey of the pioneers to the Rocky Mountains. This company, including himself, num- bered one hundred and forty-three men, three women and two children, meagerly supplied with wagons, provisions, firearms, plows, seed-grain and the usual camp equipment. Leaving the main body of their people upon the Missouri, with instructions to follow later, the pioneers started from Winter Quarters (now Florence, Neb.), early in April. 1847. Traversing the trackless plains and snow-capped mountains, they penetrated to the very heart of the "Great American Desert," where they founded Salt Lake City, the parent of hundreds of cities, towns and villages that have since sprung into existence as Brigham Young's and Mor- monism's gift to civilization. The date of their arrival In Salt Lake Valley was July 24, a day thenceforth "set among the high tides of the calendar." Flinging to the breeze the stars and stripes, these Mormon colonizers took possession of the country, which then be- longed to Mexico, as in the name of the United States, and after the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, by which, in Feb- ruary, 1848, the land was ceded to this nation, they or- ganized, pending the action of Congress upon their petition for a State government, the Provisional State of Deseret, of which Brigham Young was elected governor. March 11, 1849. They thoroughly explored the surrounding region, placated or subdued the savage tribes (President Young's policy was to feed the Indians rather than fight them), battled with crickets, grasshoppers and drouth, instituted irrigation, redeemed arid lands, built cities, established newspapers, founded schools and factories, and made the whole land hum with the whirring wheels of industry. They were emphatically what they styled themselves, "the busy bees of the hive of Deseret." There was but one branch of Industry that they did not encourage. It was mining. In the midst of one of the richest metal-bearing regions in the world, their leader discountenanced mining, advising his people to devote them- selves primarily to agriculture. "We cannot eat gold and stiver," said Brigham Young. "We need bread and clothing first. Neither do we want to bring in here a roving, reck- less frontier population to drive us again from our hard- earned homes. Let mining go for the present, until we are strong enough to take care of ourselves, and meantime let us devote our energies to farming, stock-raising, manufac- turing, etc., those health-giving pursuits that He at the basis of every State's prosperity." Such, if not his precise language, was the substance of his teachings upon this point. It was the premature opening of the mines, not mining itself, that he opposed. Congress denied Deseret's prayer for Statehood, but on the 9th of September, 1850, organized the Territory of Utah, of which Brigham Young became governor, by appointment of President Millard Flllmore, after whom the grateful Mor- mons named the county of Millard and the city of Fill- more, originally the capital of the Territory. Governor Young served two terms, and was succeeded in 1858 by Governor Alfred Cummlng, a native of Georgia, Utah's first non-Mormon executive. Just prior to Governor Cumming's installation occurred the exciting but bloodless conflict known as "The Echo Canyon War," but officially styled "The Utah Expedition." It was the heroic crisis of Brigham Young's life, when, o>n the 15th of September, 1857, he, as governor of Utah, pro- claimed the Territory under martial law, and forbade the United States army then on our borders (ordered here by President Buchanan to suppress an imaginary Mormon up- rising) to cross the confines of the commonwealth. Hla purpose was not to defy the national authorities, but to hold in check Johnston's troops (thus preventing a possible repetition of the anti-Mormon atrocities of Missouri and Illinois) until the government which had been misled by false reports could investigate the situation and become convinced of its error. Governor Young, backed by the Utah militia, fully accomplished his design and the affair was amicably settled. Though no longer governor of Utah, Brigham Young re- mained president of the Mormon church, and as such WB.B the real power In the land. Under his wise and vigoroua administration the country was built up rapidly. The settlements founded by him and his people on the shores of the Great Salt Lake formed a nucleus for western civiliza- tion, greatly facilitating the colonization of the vast arid plateau known as the Great Basin. Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas, Colorado, Wyoming, Nevada (once a part of PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1269 Utah), Arizona and New Mexico, owe much in this con- nection to Utah and her founders. It was presumed by many that the opening of the great conflict between the northern and the southern states, would find Brigham Young and his people arrayed on the side of secession and in arms against the Federal government. What was the surprise, therefore, when, on the 18th of October, 1861, at the very threshold of the strife, with the tide of victory running in favor of the Confederacy, there flashed eastward over the wires of the Overland Telegraph line, just completed to Salt Lake City, the following mes- sage signed by Brigham Young: "Utah has not seceded, but is firm for the constitution and laws of our once happy country." At this time also the Mormon leader offered to the head of the nation the services of a picked body of men to protect the mail route on the plains, an offer graciously accepted by President Lincoln. Early in 1862, Utah applied for admission into the Union. The prevailing prejudice, however, was too dense to be at once dispelled. Hence, notwithstanding these evidences of loyalty, springing not from policy but from true patriot- ism, a body of Government troops the California and Nevada Volunteers, commander by Colonel Patrick E. Connor were ordered to Utah and assigned the task of "watching Brigham Young and the Mormons," during this period of national peril. The insult implied by the pres- ence of the troops who founded Fort Douglas on the bench east of Salt Lake City was keenly felt, and considerable friction arose, though no actual collision occurred between the soldiers and the civilians in general. Gradually the acerbities wore away and friendly feelings took their place. In after years, when President Young was summoned to be tried before Chief Justice McKean, who should offer to become one of his bondsmen but General Patrick Edward Connor, ex-commander at the Fort, who was then engaged extensively in mining, of which industry he was Utah's pioneer. It was twenty-two years after the settlement of Salt Lake Valley when the shriek of the locomotive broke the still- ness of the mountain solitudes, and the peaceful settlements of the Saints were thrown open to the encroachment of modern civilization. A new era then dawned upon Deseret. Her days of isolation were ended. Population increased, commerce expanded and a thousand and one improvements were planned and explained. Telegraphs and railroads threw a net-work of steel and electricity over a region formerly traversed by the slow-going oxteam and lumber- ing stage coach. The mines, previously opened, were developed, property of all kinds increased in value, and in- dustry on every hand felt the thrill of an electric reawaken- ing. Tourists from East and West began flocking to the Mormon country, to see for themselves the "peculiar peo- ple" and their institutions, trusting no more to the wild tales told by sensational traducers. In the midst of it all, Brigham Young remained the master mind and leading spirit of the time. He had pre- dicted the transcontinental railroad and marked out its path while crossing the plains and mountains in 1847, and now, when it was extending across Utah, he became a con- tractor, helping to build the Union Pacific grade through Echo and Weber canyons. Two and a half years earlier he had established the Deseret Telegraph line, a local enter- prise constructed entirely by Mormon capital and labor under his direction. In the early "seventies" he with others built the Utah Central and Utah Southern railroads, the pioneer lines of the Territory, and of the first-named road he was for many years the president. But while in sympathy with such enterprises and anxious to forward them, he was not to be caught napping by the changes that he knew would follow. Just before the com- ing of the railroad he organized Zion's Co-operative Mer- cantile Institution, a mammoth concern designed to con- solidate the commercial interests of his people. In this and in other ways he sucessfully met the vigorous and in many respects unfriendly competition that surged in from outside. With the Increase of the Gentile population came the for- mation of rival political parties, the first that Utah had known. Non-Mormon churches and newspapers also mul- tiplied, religious and political agitators made the air sul- phurous with their imprecations against "the dominant power," and Congress at regular intervals was asked to exterminate the remaining "twin relic of barbarism." Still, Mormonism, personified in Brigham Young, continued to hold its own. Under the anti-polygamy statute enacted by Congress in July, 1862, but one attempt was made to prosecute the Mormon leader. This was in March, 1863, when a plot was said to be forming to arrest him by military force and run him off to the States for trial. He forestalled the suc- cess of the scheme if such a scheme existed by surrender- Ing to the United States Marshal and going before Chief Justice Kiriney In chambers, where he was examined and held to bail, but subsequently discharged, there not being sufficient evidence to justify an indictment. The charge in this case was that of marrying a plural wife, the only act made punishable by the law of 1862, which was silent as to the maintenance of polygamous relations. Thence- forth that law remained a dead letter, no attempt being made to enforce It, the Mormons regarding it as uncon- stitutional, as it trenched upon a principle of their religion, and many non-Mormons, including noted editors, jurists and statesmen, sharing the same view. In 1874 a test-case was instituted, under President Young's sanction, to secure a decision from the Supreme Court of the United States, but that decision, sustaining the law's constitutionality, was not rendered until eighteen months after his death. But while measurably safe from prosecution under the anti-polygamy act, the Mormon leader and his compeers were not free from judicial harassments. In the fall of 1871 President Young and others were prosecuted before Chief Justice McKean under a local law enacted by the Mormons themselves against the social evil, adultery and other sexual sins, and never intended to apply to polygamy or association with plural wives, which was the head and front of their offending. These prosecutions, with others, were stopped by the Englebrecht decision of April, 1872, in which the court of last resort held that the grand jury which had found the indictments was illegal. A few years later Judge McKean had the Mormon leader again in the tolls. Under his fostering care had arisen the case of Ann Eliza Young vs. Brigham Young, in which the plaintiff, one of the defendant's plural wives, sued him for divorce and alimony. The judge in his zeal went so far as to give Ann Eliza the status of a legal wife, deciding against all law and logic that the defendant should pay her ali- mony pendente lite, to the amount of nearly ten thousand dollars. Failing to promptly comply with this demand which set the whole country In a roar the venerable founder of Utah was Imprisoned by order of court in the Utah penitentiary. Sentence was passed upon him March 11, 1875 the term of imprisonment being twenty-four hours and just one week later the storm of censure re- sulting from this act culminated in McKean's removal from office. In the autumn of the same year President Grant visited Utah, the first executive of the nation to set foot within the Territory. The most interesting incident of his visit was a cordial interview between him and President Young, who with a party welcomed the chief magistrate at Ogden and rode in the same train with him and his suite to Salt Lake City. This was the first and only time that Brigham Young met a president of the United States. The closing labors of President Young's life, following a vigorous and partly successful effort to re-establish the "United Order" (a communal system introduced by the Prophet Joseph Smith), comprised the dedication in Jan- uary and April, 1877, of the St. George Temple the first Temple erected by the Saints since leaving Nauvoo; also a reorganization of the Stakes of Zion, beginning with St. George Stake on April 7th, and ending with Box Elder Stake on August 19th of that year. To effect the latter organization, he made his final trip beyond the limits of Salt Lake City. President Young died at his residence, the historic Lion House, August 29, 1877. He left an estate valued at two and a half million dollars, most of which was divided among the members of his family. These were numerous, but their number, for sensational effect, has been grossly exaggerated. His children at his death numbered about forty. Six of his widows survive. The majority of his families dwelt in the Lion and Bee-hive houses, where each wife with her children had separate apartments, and where, contrary to facetious reports, all dwelt together in amity. The Gardo House, a handsome and stately modern man- sion, surnamed by non-Mormons the "Amelia Palace," and pointed out to tourists as the "home of the favorite wife" was in reality the president's official residence, erected mainly for the entertainment of distinguished visitors. The best known of President Young's sons are Brigham Young, president of the Twelve Apostles; Hon. Joseph A. Young, deceased; John W. Young, once a member of the first presidency, now a noted business man, and Colonel Willard Young, of the United States Army, who commanded a regiment of volunteer engineers during the war with Spain. Among the president's grandsons are Laurence H. Young, well known as a business man. Major Richard W. Young (like his Uncle Willard a graduate of West Point) who recently won laurels in the Philippines. He commanded the Utah Light artillery at the capture of Manila, and was subsequently one of the judges of the supreme court at that place. Another grandson, Brigham S. Young, is a member of the Salt Lake Board of Education; another is John Willard Clawson, the painter; and still another, George W. Thatcher, Jr., musician. Elder Sey- mour B. Young, of the First Council of Seventy; Judge LeGrange Young; Brigham Blcknell Young, vocalist; Dr. Harry A. Young, killed in the Philippines, and Private Joseph Young, who died in the same cause, are among the president's nephews. Corporal John Young, slain in battle near Manila, was his grand-nephew. Two of President Young's daughters have been mentioned. In addition might be named Mrs. Luna Thatcher, Mrs. Emily Clawson, Mrs. Caroline Cannon, Mrs. Zina Card, Mrs. Maria Dougall; Mrs. Phebe Beatie, Mrs. Dora Hagan, Mrs. Eva Davis, Mrs. Nettle Easton, Mrs. Louisa Ferguson, Mrs. Susa Gates, Mrs. Mira Rossiter, Mrs. Clarissa Spencer, Mrs. Miriam Hardy, Mrs. Josephine Young, Mrs. Fannie Clayton and others. The most noted grand-daughter Is Emma Lucy Gates, the singer. Brigham Young, like Joseph Smith, was a warm friend of education. Among the monuments left to perpetuate his memory are two noble institutions of learning, namely the Brigham Young academy and the Brigham Young college, the former at Provo, 50 miles south, and the latter at Logan, 100 miles north of Utah's capital. He also projected the Young university at Salt Lake City, but died before per- fecting his plans concerning it. Believing that man, in order to be fully educated, must be developed mentally, physically, morally and spiritually, he provided that reli- gion and manual training should be included in the cur- riculum of the institutions he founded. In the trust deed en- 1270 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH dowing the Brigham Young college with 10,000 acres of land (worth now about $200,000) it was prescribed that no text book should be used which misrepresented or spoke lightly of "the divine mission of our Savior or of trie Prophet Joseph Smith." The founding of these institu- tions was not the sum of President Young's labors in the cause of education. The entire school system of the state, crowned with the University of Utah, is largely the result of his zealous efforts in this direction. Among the president's many talents was a genius for architecture, some of the evidences of which are the St. George, Logan, Manti and Salt Lake temples, and the Salt Lake tabernacle. As early as 1862 he built the Salt Lake theatre, at the time of its erection the finest temple of the drama between St. Louis and San Francisco. The Brigham Young memorial building, one of a group of structures belonging to the Latter-day Saints university, founded by the church at Salt Lake City, was erected with means raised from the sale of lands whereon he proposed plac- ing the Young university; said lands being donated by his surviving heirs for that purpose. A mere sketch, this, of the life and character of Utah's Illustrious founder. You who would peruse him more fully, pore over the annals of Mormonism during its first half century; you who would witness his works, look around you they are manifest on every hand. He was not only a Moses, who led his people into a wilderness, but a Joshua who established them in a promised land and divided to them their inheritance. He was the beatitude heart, the thinking brain, the directing hand in all the wondrous work of Utah's development, and to a great extent the development of the surrounding states and territories, trans- formed by the touch of industry from a desert of sage- brush and sand, into an Eden of fertility, a veritable "Garden of the Lord," redolent of fruits and blossoming with flowers. Brigham Young needs no monument of marble or bronze. His record is imperishably written upon the minds and hearts of many tens of thousands to whom he was a benefactor and friend. His name and fame are forever enshrined in the temple of history, in the Pantheon of memory, in the Westminster Abbey of the soul. "In regard to the Mountain Meadow Massacre, Brigham Young testified that he knew nothing of it until some time after it occurred, and then only by a floating rumor. The first official report was from John D. Lee, two or three months after it occurred." "He personally donated $1,000 for the relief of the people left destitute by the fire in Chicago in 1871. And with donations from the Salt Lake City corporation, the receipts tendered by the management of the Salt Lake theatre, and personal donations, the amount aggregated about $20,000." "At the annual conference of the church in April, 1873, he resigned the office of trustee-in-trust, which he had held for about 25 years, and George A. Smith was chosen to succeed him. At this conference he chose five additional counselors to aid him in the presidency of the church. They were: Lorenzo Snow, Brigham Young, Jr., Albert Carring- ton, John W. Young and George Q. Cannon." "His last public address was Sunday afternoon, Aug. 19, 1877, at Brigham City. The occasion was the organization of Box Elder stake." Died Aug. 29, 1877, at Salt Lake City. YOUNG, BRIGHAM, JR. (son of Brigham Young and Mary A. Angell of Nauvoo, 111.). Born December, 1836. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, with father. Married Katherine Spencer Nov. 15, 1855, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Orson Spencer and Katherine Curtis of Nauvoo. latter died on plains en route to Utah, children came 1848). She was born Oct. 6, 1836. Their children: Alice, m. Charles Hopkins; Brigham, m. Lottie Claridge, m Marie Johanson; Howard O., m. Jennie Moore; Lawrence H., m. Eliza Brinton; Mabel, m. Charles T. Held; Joseph A., m. Ella Lewis; George S., m. Martha Rigby; Florence, m. Robert S. Bradley; Eugene H., m. Eva Little; Katherine, m. H. L. Jennings; Cora, m. James Rogers. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventy; president quorum of Twelve Apostles of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; missionary. Deceased. , LAWRENCE H. (son of Brigham Young, Jr., and Katherine Spencer). Born Aug. 17, 1861, Salt Lake City. Married Eliza Brinton May 6, 1886, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of David Brinton and Harriet Dilworth of Brinton, pioneers 1848). She was born March 30, 1864. Their chil- dren: Louise b. April 7, 1888, m. Joseph C. Jack; Lawrence H., Jr. b. Sept. 13, 1891; Hebe Brinton b. March 8, 1893; Katherine b. Feb. 3, 1900; Francis b. July 31, 1903. Family home, Salt Lake City. Missionary to England 1884-86. Engaged In real estate and insurance. YOUNG, JOSEPH DON CARLOS (son of Brigham Young, Sr., and Emily Dow Partridge). Born May 6. 1855. Salt Lake City. Married Alice Naomi Dowdon Sept. 22, 1881, Salt Lake City (daughter of Edwin Dowden and Naomi Debenham of Salt Lake City). Their children: Don Carlos, Jr. b. Aug. 5, 1882, m. Teckla Louise Hagman; Klrtland Dowden b. Sept. 6. 1885; Naomi, m. J. Lesley Spence; Constance, m. F. C. Smith; Katie Glair; Gladys; George Cannon; Edward Partridge; Edwin Dowden; Sydney. Family home. Salt Lake City. Missionary to southern states 1895-97; high priest. Architect. YOUNG, DON CARLOS, JR. (son of Joseph Don Carlos Young and Alice Naomi Dodwen). Born Aug. 5, 1882, Salt Married Teckla Louise Hagman June 27, 1912, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hagman of Salt Lake City) She was born May 7, 1883. Family home, Salt Lake City Member 10th quorum seventies; missionary to Switzerland and Germany 1909-11. Architect. YOUNG, LE GRANDE (son of Joseph Young and Jane Adeline Bicknell). Born Dec. 27, 1840, Nauvoo 111 Came to Utah September, 1850, Captain Snow company. Married Grace Hardie April 18, 1863, Salt Lake City (daughter of John Hardie and Janet Downey of Edinburgh Scotland, pioneers September, 1856, McArthur company) She was born Dec. 14, 1842, Edinburgh, Scotland. Their chil- dren: Joseph Hardie, m. Katherine Lawrence- Grace m Kenneth Kerr; Lucille, m. William Reid; Afton; Marcus Le Grande, m. Fern Scott; Jasmine, m. Lester J Freed Family home, Salt Lake City. Member 3d quorum seventies; missionary to New York and Illinois 1869-70; high priest. City councilman 2 terms Judge 3d district court. Lawyer. YOUNG, LEVI EDGAR (son of Seymour B. Young and Ann Elizabeth Riter). Born Feb. 2, 1874, Salt Lake City. Married Valeria Brinton June 18, 1907, Salt Lake City (daughter of David Brinton and Susan Huffaker of Cot- tonwood, Utah, pioneers 1847, Jedediah M. Grant com- pany). She was born Dec. 13, 1876. Their children: Har- riet Wollerton b. July 17, 1909; Jane Seymour b. May 16 1911. Family home, Salt Lake City. Seventh president 1st council seventies; missionary to Germany 1901-04; and president Swiss and German mission 1902-04. Professor of history in University of Utah. Repre- sentative from the state of Utah to the International con- vention on school hygiene held at Nuremberg, Germany, 1904. Graduate University of Utah, and did advance work at Harvard university, Columbia college of New York City; and holds degrees of B. S. and M. A. YOtTJTG, EBENEZER RFSSEL, (son of Ebenezer Russel Young and Margaret Lockwood of Richmond county, N. Y.). Born at Port Richmond, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1814. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1858, E. R. Young company. Married Margaret Holden at Westport, Conn., May 1, 1836 (daughter of Robert Holden, Westport, Conn., and Martha Shaltcross, Manchester, Eng.). She was born April 17, 1813. Their children: Margaret, m. John Taylor; Mary, m. W. I. Appleby; Ebenezer Russel, m. Matilda Wikoff Shreve; John W., m. Ida C. Harter; Esther E., died; Esther A., m. L. H. King; Robert, m. Anne Taylor Shreve; George W., m. Mary Leota Gibson. Family home Paterson, N. J. Missionary. Miller; lumberman; merchant. Died Nov. 23, 1890, at Wanship, Utah. YOUNG, ROBERT (son of Ebenezer Russel Young and Margaret Holden). Born June 25, 1851, at Paterson, N. J Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1858, E. R. Young company. Married Anne Taylor Shreve Jan. 21, 1877, at Wanship, Utah (daughter of Edwin Agustus Shreve and Elizabeth Homes Wikoff of Hornestown, N. J., who came to Utah Sept. 9, 1861, Martindale company). She was born Sept 1, 1856. Their children: Robert S. b. Oct. 25, 1877; Anne Ray b. Sept. 22, 1882, m. Nathan F. Vernon; Elizabeth S. Young b. Aug. 18, 1887; William S. Young b. June 20, 1890; Edwin Russel Young b. Oct. 4, 1893. Family home Wanship, Utah. Railroad construction contractor. YOtHVG, JAMES. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Elizabeth Seeley. Their children: Mary, m. Henry Wilcox; Annie, m. Thorit Peck; John, m. Susannah Wishaw; Sarah, m. Thorit Peck; Hannah, m. Joseph Moore; Elizabeth, m. Alma Staker. Family resided Salt Lake City and Pleasant Grove, Utah. Died, aged 96. YOtTlVG, JAMES (son of George Young and Ann Willshire, both of Northill Beds. Eng.). Born Sept. 23, 1848, at Calde- cota Beds. Married Francessa Campkin June 4, 1877, at Brigham City, Utah, Apostle Lorenzo Snow conducting ceremony, received endowment at Salt Lake endowment house (daugh- ter of Isaac Campkin and Martha Webb, of Bedfordshire, Eng., former died in St. Louis, Mo., latter pioneer 1858, handcart company). She was born Oct. 1, 1850. Their chil- dren: Lilly Annedia b. July 4, 1878. m. Oluf Johnson Jan. 11, 1899; Fanny Maud b. Nov. 10, 1880, m. John G. Watt Nov. 1906; Wilford James b. Dec. 31. 1881. m. Sarah Shipley June 18, 1908; Harvey George b. Nov. 15. 1883; Elizabeth Ann b. April 19, 1886, m. Almon N. Wight Feb. 1908; Isaac Albert b. Sept. 11, 1887; Henry Leslie b. May 13, 1889- Law- rence Alfred b. April 5. 1891; Joseph Thomas b. March 20, 1893. Family resided Harrisville. Hainsville, Brigham City and Perry, Utah, and Preston. Idaho. High priest; choir leader. Justice of peace; notary- public; school trustee. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1271 YOUNG, JOHN (son of John Young and Nabbie Howe of Hopkinton, Middlesex county, Mass.)- Born May 22, 1791, Hopkinton, Mass. Came to Utah in September, 1847, in com- mand of four companies. Married Theodocia Kimball 1813. Their children: Char- lotte; Caroline, m. Martin Harris; Louisa, m. Lyman O. Llttlefield; Clarissa; Candace. Married Mary Ann Guernsey 1847. Married Sarah McCleve October, 1853, Salt Lake City (daughter of John McCleve and Nancy Jane McFern of Belfast, Ireland). Their children: Lydia Ann b. Nov. 7, 1854, m. Marion Merrill; John McCleve b. Aug. 7, 1856, m. Chloe Louise Spencer; Joseph b. June 23, 1859, d. March 8, 1865. Married Ann Oliver 1857, Salt Lake City. Missionary in Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York, 1834-36; president high priests quorum; president Kirtland stake. Farmer. Died April 27, 1870. YOUNG, JOHN McCLEVB (son of John Young and Sarah McCleve). Born Aug. 7, 1856, Salt Lake City. Married Chloe Louise Spencer Aug. 7, 1883, Salt Lake City (daughter of Daniel Spencer and Elizabeth Funnel of Salt Lake City). She was born March 16, 1866. Their children: John Groo b. July 31, 1884; Spencer b. Sept. 7, 1886; Sarah Irene b. Dec. 18, 1888; Dorothy b. Aug. 20, 1897; Waldemar Van Cott b. March 21, 1905. Missionary to Australia 1875-77 and to England 1909-11; president Y. M. M. I. A.; member 16th quorum seventies. City marshal 1890; member legislative council 1888. Clerk. YOUNG, JOHN R. Came to Utah Oct. 21, 1847. Married Albina Terry (daughter of William Reynold Terry and Mary Phillips). Their children: Frank A. b. Jan. 6, 1861, m. Karen Metthea Rasmussen; Silas Smith, m. Mary Ann Young; Ferra Little, m. Nancy Loella Green; William R., m. Lydia Bradley; J. Royal, m. Elizabeth Wil- cox; Joseph W., m. Loella Zufelt. Family resided Order- ville and Lyman, Utah, and Fruitland, N. M. YOUNG, FRANK A. (son of John R. Young and Albina Terry). He was born Jan. 6, 1861, Payson, Utah. Married Karen Metthea Rasmussen Oct. 23, 1891, Manti, Utah (daughter of Larse Rasmussen and Christane Soren- sen, of Jordan, Utah). She was born June 2, 1875. Their children: John Alvin b. Dec. 17, 1892; Fern Aibina b. April 15, 1894; Sidney Coons b. March 29, 1896; Melvin LeRoy b. Feb. 18, 1898; Iven Wayne b. Jan. 26, 1900; Lee Erastus b. June 12, 1901; Mary Metthea b. July 26, 1903; Ella Christane b. March 27, 1905; George Earl b. July 14, 1907; Floyd Rasmussen b. Jan. 22, 1910. Family home Huntington, Utah. Ward teacher; counselor elders quorum. Counselor Y. M. M. I. A., Orderville, Utah. School trustee. Farmer. YOUNG, JONATHAN. Came to Utah 1851. Married Sarah Toomer 1851, at Portsmouth, Eng. She was born July 26, 1816. Came to Utah in 1851. Their chil- dren: Brigham J. b. Dec. 23, 1853, m. Sarah Ann McDonald; Sarah Ann b. 1855, m. Robert Montgomery; David b. 1857, m. Mary McDonald; Fannie b. 1859, m. John Clyde. Family resided Salt Lake City and Payson, Utah. High priest. Sailor; gardener. Died October, 1866, Heber City, Utah. YOUNG, BRIGHAM J. (son of Jonathan Young and Sarah Toomer). Born Dec. 23, 1853. Came to Utah 1851. Married Sarah Ann McDonald April 11, 1875, at Heber City, Utah In Endowment House three months later (daugh- ter of William McDonald and Sariah Shirts of County Down, Ireland, pioneers). She was born March 3, 1855. Their children: Sarah Sariah b. Dec. 18, 1875, m. John H. Duke; Brigham D. b. Dec. 8, 1877, m. Sarah McMullin; Margeret b. Aug. 4, 1879, m. John Van Wagenen; Fannie b. April 30, 1881, m. Joseph Peterson; Mary b. March 11, 1883, and Eliza b. March 11, 1883, died; William G. b. April 22, 1884, m. Edna Wilson; Blanche b. March 11, 1886, m. Moroni McAffee; Bernice b. Nov. 27, 1888, m. Hyrum Anderson; Cloe Violet b. Jan. 7, 1890, m. Adolphus Sessions; Angeline b. Nov. 25, 1892, m. Augustus Johnson; Ray b. Nov. 8, 1894, died; Arthur b. June 6, 1896, died; Walter b. April 7, 1898; Alma b. Sept. 21, 1901. died. Family home Heber City, Utah. High priest; ward teacher; superintendent Sunday schools, Rlverdale ward, four years. Road supervisor 1894- 1902. Settled in Wasatch county 1864, where he assisted in building up the country. Farmer and cattle raiser. YOUNG, JOSEPH (son of John Young and Nabbie Howe, of Quincy, 111., where former died 1839). He was born April 7, 1779, Hopkinton, Mass. Came to Utah in September, 1850, with Wilford Woodruff company. Married Jane Adeline Bicknell, at Kirtland, Ohio, 1834 (daughter of Calvin Bicknell and Chloe Seymour, both of Geneseo, Ohio, where they died). She was born August 14, 1814. Their children: Jane Adeline, m. Charles B. Robins; Joseph, d. 1858; Seymour B. m. Elizabeth Ann Riter, m. Abbie C. Wells; Le Grand, m. Grace Hardy; John Calvin and Mary Lucrecia. died; Vilate J. A.; Chloe, m. Francis Denton Benedict; Rhoda, m. Thomas J. Mclntosh; Hen- riette: Brigham B., m. Alisa Muzzacotta. Family home. Salt Lake City. Married Lucinda Allen in 1846, at Nauvoo, 111., who was born 1824 and came to Utah 1848, Brigham Young com- pany. Their children: Josephine, m. Oliver Free; Phineas Howe; John C., m. Cyntha Chrismon; Wtllard L., m. Shurtliff. Married Lydia Flemming (widow) 1846, at Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Isaac, m. Neff; Caroline, m. William Statie. Married Mary Ann Burnham (widow) 1846, at Nauvoo, 111. Their children: Elmyra, m. Robert Russell Clarentine, m. Jasper Conrad. Married Sarah Jane Kinsman (widow) 1868, at Salt Lake City Endowment house (daughter of James Snow of Provo, Utah). Their children: Edward; Sarah Kinsman, died. Senior president all quorums of seventies. Church of J. C. of L. D. S. ; missionary to eastern states 1844; minister of Gospel. Died July 16, 1881. YOUNG, SEYMOUR B. (son of Joseph Young and Jane Adeline Bicknell). Born Oct. 3, 1837, Kirtland, Ohio. Came to Utah 1850, Wilford Woodruff company. Married Elizabeth Ann Riter, April, 1867, at Salt Lake City Endowment house (daughter of Levt E. Riter and Rebecca Dalworth, of Chester county. Pa., pioneers Oct. 2, 1847, Jedediah M. Grant company). She was born 1847, at Winter Quarters, in Nebraska. Came to Utah with parents. Their children: Seymour B., m. Loulne Clawson; Lillie, m. Melvin D. Wells; Florence Pearl; Joseph B., died; Ada L., m. Thomas J. Lambert; Louis C., died; Elma; Levl Edgar, m. Valina Brinton; Clifford Earl, m. Edith Grant; Bernice, m. Orson Rogers; Irene; Hortense C. Married Abbie C. Wells April, 1884, at Salt Lake City Endowment house (daughter of Daniel H. Wells and Han- nah C. Free, of Salt Lake City, pioneers in 1848. Daniel H. Wells company). She was born in September, 1852. Their children: Hannah L., m. Allen Clark; Alice, died. Senior president first council of seventies; missionary to Great Britain 1857 and in 1870. City health officer Salt Lake City four years; veteran Union army 1862; corporal, Lot Smith company, in Black Hawk war, and at Western Tooele and Cedar Mountains. Physician and surgeon. YOUNG, LORENZO DOW (son of John Young of New Hampshire). He was born Oct. 9. 1807, Hillsboro. N. H. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Persis Goodall (daughter of Noel Goodall and Mary Swain, of England). She was born March 15, 1806. Their children: William Goodall, m. Delia Clark; Joseph Watson, m. Katy , m. Loretta Eldredge, m. Julia T. Adams; Harriet Maria, m. Joseph Gurnsey Brown; John R.; Perry Le Grand, m. Abbina Terry, m. Tamar Jane Black; Franklin Wheeler, m. Nancy Leonard Green, m. Anna ; Lorenzo Sabisky, m. Sarah Amelia Black. Family home, Salt Lake City. High priest; bishop 18th ward, Salt Lake City, 1850. Farmer; stock and wool grower. Died October, 1895. YOUNG, LORENZO SABISKY (son of Lorenzo Dow Young and Persis Goodall). He was born March 9, 1841, Win- chester, 111. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Sarah Amelia Black July 15, 1872, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Black and Emma Jane Washburn, of Illinois, pioneers in 1849). She was born July 13, 1854. Their children: Joseph Watson b. Jan. 22, 1873, m. Delight McConnel; Persis Amy b. Oct. 15, 1874, m. Orville Claud Roberts; Lorenzo Dow b. May 18, 1877, m. Rose Bassell; Howard William b. Feb. 2, 1880, m. Lucy Thomas; Sabisky Grant b. April 16, 1882, d. aged 19; Gurnsey Brown b. Jan. 3. 1884; Charles Ray b. Sept. 1. 1886, m. Christina Gilbert; Benjamin Franklin b. May 17, 1889; Angus b. April 14, 1891; Tamar b. Dec. 1, 1893; Chillas b. Aug. 18, 1897; Orville Harry b. Jan. 26. 1900. Family home Huntington, Utah. Early settler In "Dixie" country. High priest. Farmer. YOUNG, PERRY LE GRAND (son of Lorenzo Dow Young and Hannah Hewitt). Born Nov. 1, 1858, Salt Lake City. Married Elinor Telle Young Feb. 1, 1883, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Phineas Young and Elinor Maria James, of Salt Lake City, pioneers July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company). She was born Oct. 4, 1858. Their children: Lorenzo Clifford b. Jan. 20, 1884, m. Susie Colton; Lyle Le Grand b. Feb. 16, 1886; Brigham Willard b. Nov. 5, 1888; Dallas Huber b. Jan. 6, 1S92. Family home Vernal, Utah. High priest. Deputy marshal Vernal, Utah; postmaster at Vernal three years. Farmer; stockraiser; contractor. YOUNG, H. PHINEAS (son of John Young and Abigail Howe, Hopkinton, Middlesex county, Mass.). Born Feb. 16, 1799, Hopkinton. Came to Utah July 24, 1847, Brigham Young company. Married Clarissa Hamilton Sept. 28, 1818, at Auburn, N. Y. Their children: Brigham H., m. Cedenia Clark; Abigail. Family home Auburn, N. Y. Married Lucy Cowdery. Their children: Harriet, m. Edwin C. Williamson; Adelaide, m. Abner Bevan; Phineas and Sarah, d. young. Family home Nauvoo, 111. Married Phoeba Clark. Their children: Cedenia, d. in- fant; Celeste, m. James Pack; Virgin!, m. James Carrl- gan; Seraph, m. Henry White; Julia, m. Frederick Chand- ler; Phineas, m. Helena ; Seymour, d. young; William, m. Margret Stanley. Married Elinor Maria James 1856, at Salt Lake City 1272 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH (daughter of William James and Mary Williams, of Lug- wardine, Herefordshire, Eng., latter pioneer). She was born Nov. 27. 1827. Their children: Elinor Tlllle, m. Perry La Grande Young; Marian Ross, m. Alonzo Mitchell; Emellne Free, m. Leon Pack; May Isobel, m. Dan Lambert. Last two families resided Salt Lake City. Bishop of 2nd ward at Salt Lake City; missionary to England and Canada. Early printer In Salt Lake City; mall contractor and saddler. Died Oct. 10, 1876. YOUNG, ROBERT D. (son of Archibald M. Young of Klr- kintolloch, born 1822, and Mary Graham of Glasgow, Scot- land, born 1832, at Glasgow). Born July 24, 1867, at Kir- ktntolloch. Came to Utah 1872. Married Mary S. Parker Oct. 28, 1891 (daughter of Joseph E. Parker and Mary Ross, former pioneer 1851, latter 1852). She was born Aug. 18, 1872, at Kanosh, Utah. Their chil- dren: Robert Orval b. Oct. 30, .1892; Rodney Dixon b. June 6, 1894; Mary Velma b. March 25, 1896; Archibald Bryant b. Feb. 26, 1899; Lauretta b. Feb. 16, 1901; Beatrice Sonoma b. Sept. 28, 1906; Huldah Isabell b. July 27. 1908; Joseph Llewellyn b. Nov. 21, 1910. Missionary to Australia 1901-03; counselor to stake pres- ident: stake president. City councilman three terms. Superintendent Western Construction Co.; manager Rlch- neld Implement Co. YOUNG, THOMAS CUNNINGHAM (son of Robert Young and Catherine Cunningham of Renfrew, Scotland). Born Oct. 31, 1825, at Renfrew. Came to Utah August, 1852, Cap- tain Jepson company. Married Mary Hay Oct 8, 1856, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Hay and Margaret Frazer of Paisley, Scotland), who was born April 21, 1821. Their children: Thomas b. Sept. 14, 1857, m. Emma Susannah Bowen; William Hay b. Dec. 31, 1858; Margaret b. Nov. 22, 1860, m. D. J. Bowen; Catherine b. March 9, 1862; Robert Cunningham b. July 25, 1863 (d. Nov. 10, 1901), m. Bianca Osborne, m. Selma Danfelson; Isabella Mary b. Feb. 25, 1865 (d. Nov. 10, 1901), m. Myron John Richards. Family home Perry, Utah. Elder. Died May 6, 1868. YOUNG, THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, JR. (son of Thomas Cun- ningham Young and Mary Hay). Born Sept. 14, 1857, Perry, Utah. Married Emma Susannah Bowen July 10, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of David Bowen and Annie Shackleton, of Salt Lake City, Utah. Father came to Utah Sept. 26, 1856, Edmund Ellsworth handcart company). Their children: Ernest Thomas b. May 11, 1885; Le Roy Bowen b. April 19, 1887; Annie b. Feb. 25, 1892, d. infant; Mary b. Feb. 22, 1894; Stella b. Feb. 12. 1897; Ora Ellen b. Aug. 23, 1899, d. Infant; David Bowen b. Dec. 11, 1903, d. infant. Family home Perry, Utah. Elder; seventy; missionary to New Zealand May 26, 1888- 91; president Hourakl district of that mission. YOUNG, WILLIAM LOWE (son of Benjamin and Sarah Lowe Young, of England). Born Feb. 4, 1830. Came to Utah, Sept. 1, 1860, John Smith company. Married Helen Bunting Sept. 30, 1850 (daughter of James and Ann Bunting, former died in England, latter pioneer 1860, John Smith company). She was born Sept. 6, 1827. Family resided Spanish Fork, Salt Lake City, Kaysville and Preston, Utah. Married Julia Widdisen Reeves Aug. 8, 1870, at Salt Lake City (daughter of Abraham Reeves and Bessie Widdisen, pioneers 1868). Their children: William Francis Lowe b. July 23, 1871, d. April 10, 1878; Eunice Elizabeth b. Nov. 23, 1872, m. James D. Dawson Oct. 1900 (d. Jan. 15, 1910); George b. March 10, 1874, m. Rosetta Barf us May 15, 1901; Urban b. Oct. 17, 1876, m. Annie Mlchelson Dec. 31, 1908; Ernest b. May 17, 1877 (d. In Windsor, Can.), m. Mary Draper; Nathan b. June 4, 1879, d. Sept. 14, 1880; Julia b March 28, 1881, d. Aug. 16, 1881; William Henry b. Feb. 4, 1883. Family resided Kaysville, Utah, and Preston, Idaho. Veteran Black Hawk war. Helped survey townslte of Preston, Idaho. Helped build first railroad in Utah. ZABRISKIE, LEWIS (son of Christian Zabrlskle and Eliza- beth Morgan, of Hackensack, N. J.). Born March 8, 1796, in New York. Came to Utah in 1849. Married Amelia Burton Sept. 9, 1822. Their children: William b. June 29, 1823, died; Alva b. March 26, 1825, m. Susan Roberts; Elizabeth b. Sept. 9, 1827, died; Sarah b. Jan. 19, 1830, m. Dr. Dennis; Susanna b. Nov. 29, 1832; Amy b. May 5, 1835, died. Married Jane Porter Reed Sept. 3, 1835. Their children: Julian and Cynthia Ann (twins) b. Feb. 24, 1843; Phoebe b. Feb. 2, 1846; Arvllla b. April 14, 1848; Luctnda Jane b. Feb. 19, 1850; Lewis John b. July 2. 1852; Emily b. March 12, 1855; Oran b. Nov. 27, 1867; Charles William b. Aug. 1, 1860. Married Elizabeth Wise Oct. 26, 1872. Families resided Provo, Utah. Farmer. Died April 7, 1884, McCloud, Kan. ZABRISKIE, ALVA (son of Lewis Zabriskie and Amelia Burton). Born March 25, 1825. Came to Utah In 1849. Married Susan Roberts June 25, 1854, Provo, Utah (daugh- ter of Horace Roberts and Harriet McEvers, of Provo, pio- neers 1851, Gordon Grove company). She was born Feb. 16, 1834. Their children: Alva Marcellus b. Feb. 17, 1855, m. Emma Hooper; George Albert b. Nov. 15, 1856, m. Annie Christina Jensen; Horace Ephraim b. May 15, 1858, m. Delia Snow. Family home Provo, Utah. Member 70th quorum seventies. Early settler In Provo. Veteran Black Hawk Indian war. Farmer. Died Jan. 8, 1860. ZABRISKIE, ALVA MARCELLUS (son of Alva Zabriskie and Susan Roberts). Born Feb. 17, 1855, Provo, Utah. Married Emma Brain, at Provo, Utah (daughter of John Brain and Susan Sinctom, of Bath, Eng.), who was born June 16, 1857. Their children: Alva Marcellus, Jr.; May, m. William Martin Roylance; George; Irwin, m. Maud Daniels; Emma; Walter; Arnold. Family home, Provo. Machinist. ZABRISKIE, GEORGE ALBERT (son of Alva Zabriskie and Susan Roberts). Born Nov. 15, 1856, Provo, Utah. Married Annie Christina Jensen April 12, 1882, Falrview, Utah (daughter of Peter Christian Jensen, of Milburn, Utah, pioneer 1853). She was born Nov. 6, 1865. Their children: George Alva b. Feb. 1, 1883, m. Mary Brecken- rldge; Mary Christine b. Nov. 1, 1884, m. Henry W. Sander- son, Jr.; Susan Cecelia b. Sept. 19, 1886, died; Maud b. Oct. 4, 1888, m. Thomas H. Robinson; John Peter b. Oct. 24, 1890, m. Violet Harding; Sytha Mabel b. Sept. 12, 1892, died; Claudius b. June 24, 1894; Arvllla Cerena b. Nov. 13, 1896; Albert Morley b. Oct. 3, 1898; Olive b. Sept. 2, 1900; Zella Monetah b. Jan. 4, 1903; Coral Ruby b. Feb. 25, 1905. Family home Vineyard, Utah. High priest; ward teacher; ward clerk; home missionary; 2d counselor in bishopric of Vineyard ward; superintendent of Sunday schools, Milburn, Utah, 1885-98. Justice of peace, Milburn; school trustee. Farmer and fruitgrower. ZIMMERMAN, GEORGE GOTTLAB, of Franklin, Pa. Born July 23, 1781, Wurtemberg, Germany. Came to Utah in 1851. Married Julia Ann Hoke, who was born Nov. 27, 1798, at Wurtemberg. Their children: Jacob b. Dec. 24, 1816, d. Dec. 14, 1864; Chrestena, m. Abraham Stevens, m. Ezekiel Hopkins; John, m. Harriet Laura Lamb; Mary; Emanuel; Catherine; Julia Ann, m. Charles Horatio Drury, m. Wil- liam Clark; Elizabeth, m. Suel Lamb; Fredricca, m. John Brown; Rosannah, m. John C. Naegle; Susan, m. John Naegle, m. William A. Terry. Family home Lehi, Utah. Superintendent Sunday school, Lehl. First keeper of toll bridge over Jordan river; school teacher; shoemaker. Died June 17, 1866. ZIMMERMAN, JOHN (son of George Gottlab Zimmerman and Julia Ann Hoke of Franklin, Pa.). Born Oct. 3, 1820, in Washington county, Md. Came to Utah in 1852. Married Harriet Laura Lamb Sept. 21, 1850, Garden Grove, Iowa (daughter of Erastus Lamb and Abigail Jackson, of Wayne county, N. Y.), who was born Dec. 2, 1830, and died Feb. 22, 1899. Their children: George Erastus, m. Mary Ann Clark; Harriet Abigail, m. Henry Moroni Royle; Louisa Emeline, m. Abel John Evans; Margaret, m. Albert Bush- man; Polly Ann, m. David Lossie; Elizabeth, m. Isaac Fox; Jullann, m. George Southwick; Saul, m. Flora Bushman; John,, Jr.; Jacob Henry, and Robert Wilson, died. Member 68th quorum seventies; high priest; block teacher. Major In Nauvoo legion; veteran Indian wars; city councilman. Farmer and sheepraiser. Died November. 1908, Lehl, Utah. ZIMMERMAN, GEORGE ERASTUS (son of John Zimmer- man and Harriet Laura Lamb). Born June 22, 1851, Garden Grove, Iowa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Mary Ann Clark Aug. 31, 1874, Salt Lake City (daughter of William Clark of England, and Jane Stephens of Newark, N. J., pioneers 1853). She was born March 8, 1859. Their children: Mary Abigail b. June 16, 1875. m. Charles A. Turner; George Erastus, Jr. b. Dec. 8, 1877, died; John William b. Jan. 26, 1881. m. Christena Soleborg; Laura Jane b. Dec. 9, 1883, died; James Erie b. Aug. 22, 1885; Viola b. Aug. 7, 1887, m. Ervin Henry; Valarious b. Oct. 18, 1890; Saul Stephen b. Oct. 13, 1892; Lester b. Jan. 28, 1895; Zeltha May b. May 8, 1899; Warren Clark b. Sept. 4, 1904. Member 127th quorum seventies; high priest; block teacher 25 years; president deacons quorum second ward; city councilman Lehi, 1898-99. Member of Nauvoo Legion, in company of Capt. Joseph Thomas. Pioneer road builder. Farmer and stockman. ZOLLINGER, JOHN (son of Helnrlch Zollinger, born Jan. 4, 1750, and Barbara Bram b. April 30, 1752, of Urdorf, Canton Zurich, Switzerland). He was born June 4, 1795, at Urdorf. With his family, left his home in Switzerland in April, 1862, spent nine weeks on the ocean. Came to Utah Nov. 2, 1862. William H. Dame company. Married Elizabeth Usteri in 1829 (daughter of Usteri and Catherine Irmlnger), who was born July 4, 1809. Zurich. Switzerland, and came to Utah with husband. Their chll- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1273 dren: Ferdinand Johann b. Oct. 18, 1829, m. Louisa Meyer; Anna b. Nov. 11, 1831, m. John N. Haderli; Johannes b. Oct. 25, 1833, died; Anna Barbara b. Jan. 27, 1835, m. Conrad Meyer; Elizabetha b. Oct. 18, 1837, m. Jacob Neser; Dorothea b. Feb. 3, 1841, m. Daniel Law; Jacob b. July 3, 1845, m. Rosetta Loosli May 9, 1870. Family home Zurich, Switzer- land. Settled at Providence, Utah, where he resided until his death Feb. 18, 1875. ZOLLINGER, FERDINAND JOHANN (son of John Zol- linger and Elizabeth Usteri). Born Oct. 18, 1829, Flunten, Switzerland. Came to Utah in same company with father. Married Louisa Meier May 12, 1862 (daughter of Jacob Meier and Barbara Knecht), who was born Oct. 18, 1829, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: Louisa b. Jan. 24, 1864, m. John Nuffer October, 1886; Ferdinand b. Jan. 24, 1866, m. Emma Fuhriman Oct. 7, 1892; Bertha b. Aug. 3, 1867, m. William John Chugg Jan. 9, 1889; Mary Elizabeth b. March 3. 1870, m. James Bullock Dec. 31, 1890; Sarah b. July 26, 1875, m. Lorenzo McAllister March 29, 1894. ZOLLINGER, JACOB (son of John Zolllnger and Elizabeth Usteri). Born July 3. 1845, Urdorf, Switzerland. Married Rosetta Loosli May 9, 1870, Salt Lake City (daughter of Ulrich Loosli and Magdalena Aashimann, pio- neers Sept. 3, 1860, James D. Ross company). She was born June 16, 1851, Durrenroth, Switzerland. Their chil- dren: Jacob Ezra b. May 30, 1871, m. Bertha Aikell Feb. 27, 1901; William Richard b. May 4, 1873, m. Bertha Rosa Furrer June 3, 1903; John David b. Jan. 17, 1875, m. Jenny Pearce Dec. 24, 1901; Joseph Hyrum b. Sept. 27, 1877, m. Laura Aikell Feb. 14, 1905; Rosetta Amelia b. Oct. 17, 1879, m. John Stauffer Feb. 26, 1908; Henry Moroni b. Oct. 6, 1881, m. Eliza Stirland Feb. 24, 1910; Aaron Arthur b. Oct. 8, 1883, m. Hannah Pearl Nedda Nov. 24. 1909; Mary Magda- lena b. Nov. 27. 1885; Elizabeth b. May 3, 1888, d. Nov. 1892; Oliver Herman b. Oct. 15, 1892; Anna Gertrude Geneva b. Aug. 12, 1895; Daniel Lawrence b. May 20, 1898; Evelyn Zina Otilla b. Nov. 21, 1900. Family home Providence, Utah. Went to Missouri River for immigrants 1866; railroad builder 1868-1869; built meeting- houses. Missionary to Switzerland 1889-1891; active church worker. Farmer; dairyman. ZOLLINGER, WILLIAM RICHARD (son of Jacob Zollinger and Rosetta Loosli). Born May 4, 1873, Providence, Utah. Married Bertha Rosa Furrer June 3, 1903, Salt Lake City (daughter of Christian Furrer and Elizabeth Konig), who was born Aug. 1, 1878, Klesen canton, Bern, Switzerland. Their children: Homer William b. June 9, 1904; Ruth Eliza- beth b. Dec. 31, 1905: Rachel Rosetta b. May 3. 1908; Jessie Jacob b. Oct. 26, 1911. Officer in Y. M. M. I. A. 1884-1897; missionary to Switzer- land 1897-1900; ward clerk 1901-1909; secretary 32d quorum seventies 1907-1909; high priest; bishop's counselor. Mem- ber town board; town clerk. Director In several corpora- tions. Filled a mission to Salmon River in 1855; bishop's coun- selor to Bishop George Ward and George Facer, of Wlllard ward 20 years; bishop of Willard Ward for fo.ur years; first counselor to President Hockins of Malad stake, four years; Indian missionary eight years. State senator from Box Elder and Tooele counties, first Utah legislature; mayor of Willard 'City two years; justice of peace, Willard three terms. Carried mail from Utah Salmon River 1855-57, sum- mer and winter. ZUNDEL, ISAAC DAVID EBERHART (son of Jacob Zun- del and Sarah Forstner). Born Nov. 17, 1840, Nauvoo, 111. Came to Utah with parents. Married Elizabeth Jane Harding Sept. 30, 1865, Salt Lake City (daughter of Dwlght Harding and Phoebe Holbrook, pioneers in September, 1851, John Smith company). She was born Oct. 23, 1840, at Quincy, 111. Came to Utah with parents. Their children: Phoebe M. b. Aug. 12, 1866. m. Moronia Ward Sept. 25, 1884; Isaac David b. Sept. 18, 1868, m. Julia B. Hall April 11, 1889; Jacob Eberhart b. Dec. 19, 1871, m. Uphana Welker Sept. 19, 1895; Dwight Harding b, Sept. 3, 1873, d. May 13, 1874; Elizabeth Sarah b. April 9, 1876, m. William H. Gibbs Dec. 16, 1896; Moses Abraham b. Sept. 28, 187S, m. Lena Walner Oct. 23, 1907; Joseph b. Aug. 22, 1881, d. Aug. 25, 1881; George Alma b. March 11, 1883, m. Irene Morris June 1, 1911. Family re- sided Plymouth, Utah, and Woodruff, Idaho. Married Philene Hall July 14. 1881, Salt Lake City (daugh- ter of David Hall and Jane Hale married July 23, 1850, near Franklin, Iowa, pioneers Aug. 2, 1862, Captain Brun- son company). She was born Aug. 26, 1863, Little Cotton- wood, Utah. Their children: Philene Jane b. Nov. 30, 1882, died; Leona b. Oct. 26, 1884. Married Almira Hall. Married Iduma Hunsaker. Missionary among Indians 14 years; acting bishop Washakie ward; bishop of Thatcher, Ariz, ward three years; now high councilor of Lagrand stake, Oregon; first bishop in Mormon Church ordained to preside over an Indian ward. ZUNDEL, ISAAC DAVID (son of Isaac David Eberhart Zundel and Elizabeth Jane Harding). Born Sept. 18, 1868, Willard, Utah. Married Julia B. Hall April 11, 1889, Logan, Utah (daugh- ter of David Hall and Jane Hale), who was born Oct. 16, 1869, Crescent, Iowa. Their children: David Leo b. Jan. 29, 1890, d. March 12, 1891; William Sylvester b. Sept. 3, 1891; Sarah Bell b. June 18, 1893; Dwlght Hall b. Feb. 27, 186; Jane Hall b. Nov. 20, 1897; Vera Harding b. April 22, 1901; Verga Hale b. April 22, 1901; Afton b. Feb. 18, 1903; Reed b. March 14, 1905; Leona b. April 20, 1907, d. Nov. 6, 1907; Verlum b. Aug. 31, 1908; Gladys b. Feb. 21, 1911. Family home Woodruff, Idaho. Missionary to northern states In 1897; released August, 1900; bishop of Woodruff ward June 25, 1905. ZITNDEL,, JACOB (son of Eberhart Zundel and Julia Ann Pfluger, of Germany). Born Aug. 28, 1796, Werthelm, Wur- temberg, Germany. Came to Utah In October, 1852, David Wood company. Married Sarah Forstner (daughter of George Forstner and Mariah Zoll), who was born Jan. 8, 1809, Old Harmony, Pa. Their children: Melena b. Nov. 1833, m. Noah Brlmhall, m. John Miller; Abraham b. Jan. 25, 1836, m. Abigail Ab- bott, m. Mary Elenor Ingram; Emma Mariah b. Aug. 28, 1838, m. Ell Harvey Pierce, m. Elisha Mallroy, m. Elihu Pet- tinglll; Isaac David Eberhart b. Nov. 17, 1840. m. Elizabeth Jane Harding, m. Philene Hall, m. Almira Hall, m. Iduma Hunsaker; Jacob, Jr. b. Feb. 10, 1843, d. Oct. 10, 1843; Matilda Josephine b. Jan. 16, 1845, m. Charles Harding; Daniel b. July 25, 1849, m. Betsy Hill. ZUNDEL, ABRAHAM (son of Jacob Zundel and Sarah Forstner). Born Jan. 25, 1836, Philllpsburg, Pa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Abigail Abbott Feb. 13, 1857, Ogden, Utah (daughter of Stephen Abbott and Abigail Smith; former died at Nauvoo, 111., latter pioneer Oct. 27, 1849, George A. Smith company). She was born Feb. 3, 1842, Perry, Pike county, 111. Their children: Abigail Luclna b. Jan. 9, 1859, m. Fred O. Beecher Jan. 9, 1879; Cyntha Matilda b. Jan. 1, 1861, m. David H. Ward Feb. 5, 1880; Abraham Eber- hart b. March 20, 1864, m. Sarah Elizabeth Welling Jan. 9, 1895; Sarah Emily b. Feb. 21, 1867, m. Joseph Josephsen May 2, 1888; Mariah Estelle b. Nov. 8. 1869; Limhi Forstner b. Sept. 24, 1872, m. Evelyn Gibbs. Aug. 9, 1892; Jacob Abbott b. March 3, 1875, m. Minnie Hockins Nov. 15, 1896; Stephen Louis b. Oct. 3, 1877; Joseph M. b. Dec. 23, 1881, m. Kate Bench Dec. 23, 1903; John Henry b. Jan. 8, 1885, m. Clarissa Mariah Pettingill Feb. 8, 1904 (latter died Dec. 12, 1909), m. Ida Christena Dagmer Sorensen Sept. 4, 1912. Married Mary Elenor Ingram Sept. 3, 1884, Logan, Utah (daughter of James Ingram and Charlotte Holland), who was born Jan. 21, 1866, at Three Mile Creek (now Perry), Box Elder county, Utah. Their children: George Lorenzo b. Dec. 23, 1885, m. Rose Mae Bell Sept. 14. 1910, Logan, Utah; Fanny Louise b. March 10, 1890, d. Sept. 27. 1901; Ruth b. April 16, 1893, d. Sept. 22, 1894; Mary Ellenor b. Dec. 21, 1894; Asenath b. Jan. 21. 1897, d. April 2, 1906; Oliver b. Feb. 21, 1900, d. Feb. 23, 1900; Theodore Roosevelt b. March 31, 1901, d. May 5,- 1901. ZCNDL.E, JOHN (son of John Zundle of Nauvoo, 111.). Born in 1791, Wurtemberg, Prussia. Came to Utah Oct. 1, 1852, David D. Wood company. Married Chrestina Lauttenslager In 1832 (daughter of John Lauttenslager of Rheibach, Darmstadt, Germany), who was born July 31, 1811, at Darmstadt, and came to Utah with husband. Their children: John, Jr., m. Fannie Fry; Thomas, m. Josephine Hartly; Gideon, Henry, Margaret, and Justina, latter four died; Julia Ann, m. John Couch; Joseph, m. Julia Copland; Amelia, m. John Wesley Keele; Christina, m. Joseph Crook; Mary Ann, m. Mr. Cocahanse; William. High priest. Wheelwright. Dead. ZUNDLE, THOMAS (son of John Zundle and Chrestina Lauttenslager). Born March 16, 1836, Allegheny county, Pa. Came to Utah with parents. Married Josephine (Lucy Smith) Hartly May 25, 1862, Mona, Utah (daughter of Samuel Hartly and Eliza Gill, of Sheffield. Yorkshire. Eng.), who was born April 11, 1846. and came to Utah In 1856. High priest. Settled at Grantsville 1852; moved to Ogden 1855, to Payson 1857, and to Salem 1867; thence to Leaming- ton and Rabbit Valley; returned to Salem and finally set- tled at Wellington in 1882. Assisted in digging canals and building wagon roads; also In bringing immigrants to Utah. Farmer and freighter. ZWAHLEN, JOHN. Born Aug. 14, 1851, in Switzerland. Came to Utah 1874. Married Mary Shultless October, 1874, Richfield, Utah, who was born April 6, 1850. Their children: Mary, m. Joseph Henry Behunin; John, died; Joseph, m. Viola Peter- sen; Hyrum, m. Emma Rapley; Frederick; Samuel; Emma; David, d. aged 17 months. Family home Ferron, Utah. High priest; missionary to Germany 1895-97. Farmer and apiarist. ZWEIFEL, JACOB (son of John Zweifel and Barbara Martin of Linthal, Canton Glarus, Switzerland). Born in 1840, In Canton Glarus. Came to Utah 1861, independent company. Married Elizabeth Smid in 1882, Salt Lake City (daughter 1274 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH of Davit Smid of Switzerland), who was born in 1851. Their children: Jacob Josef, died; John Hyrum b. 1885, m. Her- mina Feligs 1902; Cathrina Emma; Lisie Sarah. Family resided in Utah and Idaho. ZWEIFEL. JOHN HYRUM (son of Jacob Zweifel and Eliza- beth Smid). Born in 1885, Rexburg, Idaho. Married Hermina Feligs in 1902 at Rexburg. ZWEIFEL, JOHN (son of John Zweifel and Barbara Martin of Linthal, Canton Glarus, Switzerland). Born Dec. 24, 1845, In Canton Glarus. Came to Utah Oct. 24, 1864, Bishop Hyde oxteam company. Married Susan Kummer in April, 1868, Providence, Utah, and later at Salt Lake Endowment house (daughter of Jqhan Kummer and Elizabeth Bigler, of Bern, Switzerland). She was born in 1839. Their children: Susan b. April 11, 1869, died; Mary b. June 27, 1870, m. A. P. Springer; John b. Oct. 26, 1872, died; Elizabeth b. Nov. 5, 1874, m. Roy Bagley; Albert b. Jan. 25, 1876; William b. Jan. 19, 1879, died; Annie b. winter of 1881, d. infant; Eliza b. Feb. 19, 1883, m. Chriss Burgi; Frank b. March 19, 1885. Family home Providence and Midway, Utah. Married Elizabeth Feuz Oct. 10, 1911, Salt Lake City daughter of John Feuz and Anna Abegglen), who was born Dec. 12, 1862. Family home Midway, Utah. High priest; missionary to Missouri. Indian fighter. Farmer. CHURCH CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY Historical events leading up to the beginning, foundation and organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for which this publication is indebted to the "Church Chronology," compiled by Andrew Jensen, assistant Church Historian, "The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints," "Containing the Revelations Given to Joseph Smith, Jr., The Prophet, for the Building Up of the Kingdom of God in the Last Days," divided into verses by Orson Pratt, Sr., "The Pearl of Great Price," "a Selection from the Revelations, Translations and Narrations of Joseph Smith, Jr.," divided into chapters and verses by James E. Talmage, and the "History of Utah," by Orson F. Whitney. Note: These historical facts are presented in connection with this work to show why Utah was settled at the time it was; to show the spirit that imbued these pioneers to suffer the privations, hardships, sacrifices and deaths they did, that they might have a home and country where they could worship God according to the dictates of their conscience and in accord with their religious creed. AUTHOR. During the two first decades of the Nineteenth Century a number of men who were destined to take a most active part In the ushering in of the new gospel dispensation were born. Chief among these was the Prophet Joseph Smith. 18O5. December 23. Joseph Smith, the Prophet, was born in Sharon, Windsor Co., Vt. Among the men, older than the Prophet, who became in- timately associated with him in establishing the Latter-day work, were the following: Joseph Smith, Sr., born July 12, 1771, in Topsfield, Essex Co., Mass. Martin Harris, born May 18, 1783, in Easttown, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Sidney Rigdon, born Feb. 19, 1793, in St. Clair, Allegheny Co., Pa. Edward Hunter, born June 22, 1793, in Newtown, Delaware Co., Pa. Edward Partridge, born Aug. 27, 1793, in Pittsfield, Berk- hire Co., Mass. Newel K. Whitney, born Feb. 5, 1795, in Marlborough. Windham Co., Vt. Lyman Wight, born May 9, 1796, in Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y. John E. Page, born Feb. 25, 1799, in Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y. Thomas B. Marsh, born Nov. 1, 1799, in Acton, Middlesex Co., Mass. Hyrum Smith, born Feb. 9, 1800, in Tunbridge, Orange Co., Vt. David W. Patten, born about 1800, in the State of New York. Brlgham Young, born June 1, 1801, in Whitingham, Wind- ham Co., Vt. Heber Chase Kimball, born June 14, 1801, at Sheldon, Franklin Co., Vt. Willard Richards, born June 24, 1804, at Hopkinton, Middlesex Co., Mass. David Whitmer, born Jan. 7, 1805, near Harrisburg, Dau- phin Co., Pa. Orson Hyde, born Jan. 28, 1805, in Oxford, New Haven Co. Conn. Oliver Cowdery, born October, 1805, in Wells, Rutland Co., Vt. 1808. Wm. E. McLellin was born this year in Tennessee. I8OT. March 1. Wilford Woodruff was born in Farming- ton, Hartford Co., Conn. April 12. Parley Parker Pratt was born In Burling ton, Otsego Co., N. Y. November 3. Luke S. Johnson was born in Pomfret, Wind- sor Co., Vt. 1808. November 1. John Taylor was born in Milnthorpe, Westmoreland, England. 18O9. August 21. Charles Coulson Rich was born In Campbell County, Mass. 1811. February 22. Ezra Taft Benson was born in Men- don, Worcester Co., Mass. March 13. Wm. Smith was born in Royalton, Windsor Co., Vt. September 19. Orson Pratt was born In Hartford, Wash- ington Co., N. Y. September 20. John F. Boynton was born in Bradford, Essex Co., Mass. October 24. Lyman Eugene Johnson was born in Pomfret, Windsor Co., Vt. 1813. January 8. Albert Carrington was born in Royal- ton. Windsor Co., Vt. March 30. Amasa M. Lyman was born In Lyman, Grafton Co., N. H. 1814. April 3. Lorenzo Snow was born in Mantua, Port- age Co., Ohio. October 27. Daniel Hanmer Wells was born in Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y. 1815. Joseph Smith, Sr., removed with his family from Vermont to Palmyra, Wayne Co., N. Y. 1816. February 21. Jedediah Morgan Grant was born In Windsor, Broome Co., N. Y. 1817. June 26. George Albert Smith was born in Pots- dam, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. 1818. November 9. Erastus Snow was born in St. Johns- bury, Caledonia Co., Vt. 1S2O. The Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians held protracted revival meetings in and about Palmyra, N. Y., which resulted in great contention among the preachers and members of the different sects who sought to influence the new converts to join their respective churches. Joseph Smith, Jr. (then about fourteen years old), being unable to decide which of all the sects was right, and being deeply Impressed with the promise in James 1, 5: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him," re- tired to a grove near his father's house, early in the spring of the year, where he sought the Lord in earnest prayer. While thus engaged, he beheld two glorious beings wrapped in a brilliant light, standing above him In the air. One of them spoke to him, calling him by name, and said (pointing to the other), "This is my beloved Son, hear Him." Joseph then asked the personages, standing above him in the light, which of the sects was right and which he should join. He was answered that he must join none of them, for they were all wrong. The person speaking said further that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight and that "those professors were all corrupt." "They draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; they teach for doctrine the commandments of men, having a form of godliness; but they deny the power thereof." 1821. April 2. Franklin Dewey Richards was born in Richmond, Berkshire Co, Mass. 1823. September 21. Joseph Smith, Jr., while engaged in earnest prayer in his father's house in Manchester, near Palmyra, N. Y., saw the room in which he had retired for the night filled with light surpassing that of noonday, in the midst of which stood a person dressed in white, whose countenance was as lightning, and yet full of innocence and goodness. This was the angel Moroni (sometimes er- roneously called Nephi), who Informed Joseph that God had a work for him (Joseph) to do, and that his "name should be had for good and evil among all nations." The angel quoted many passages of Scripture, and told Joseph that the native inhabitants of America were a remnant of Israel who had anciently enjoyed the ministry of inspired men, that records engraved on plates of gold, containing their history and also the fulness of the everlasting Gospel had been preserved and were buried In a neighboring hill. While conversing with the angel, a vision was opened to Joseph's view, so that he could see the place where the plates were deposited, and he was told by the angel that he should obtain them at some future day, if he was faithful. After imparting many instructions, the angel disappeared, but returned twice during the night, and repeated what he had said on his first visit; he also gave further instructions. September 22. Joseph Smith, Jr., was again visited by the angel Moroni and received further instructions. He related what he had seen and heard to his father, who believed his words, and advised him to do as he had been instructed. He then went to the hill (Cumorah) that he had seen in his vision the previous night, and soon found the spot where the plates containing the ancient records were burled In a stone box. He lifted the lid of the box and beheld "the plates, the Urim and Thummim and breastplate, as stated by the angel." While attempting to "take them out," the angel informed him "that the time for bringing them forth had not yet arrived, neither would, until four years from that time." 1824. September 22. Joseph Smith, Jr., again visited the hill Cumorah, according to previous commandment, and there received further instructions from the angel. On the same day of the two following years he made similar visits to the hill, receiving instructions from the angel each time. 182(7. January 11. George Quayle Cannon was born In Liverpool, Lancashire, England. January 18. Joseph Smith. Jr., married Emma Hale, a daughter of Isaac Hale, while In the employ of Joslah Stoal, in Chenango County, N. Y. September 22. The angel Moroni delivered to Joseph Smith, Jr., the ancient records, or the plates of the Book 1275 1276 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH of Mormon; also the Urira and Thummim, with which to translate them, and the breastplate. When it became known that Joseph Smith, Jr., had ob- tained the plates, severe persecutions arose against him and his father's family, and every effort was made to rob him of the sacred treasure. December. Owing to persecutions Joseph Smith, Jr., re- moved from Manchester, N. Y., to Harmony, Susquehanna Co., Pa., but there also persecution awaited him. During this and the following month he translated some of the characters of the plates. 1828. February. Martin Harris visited Joseph Smith, Jr., at Harmony, Pa., and took some of the characters, which had been transcribed, and the translation of them, to New York City, where he showed them to Professor Charles Anthon and Doctor Mitchell. April. Martin Harris returned from New York City and commenced to write for Joseph Smith, Jr., who continued to translate from the plates until June 14th. June. Martin Harris lost the manuscript which he had obtained contrary to the will of the Lord. It consisted of 116 written pages translated from the plates by Joseph Smith, Jr., and has never since been recovered. July. Joseph Smith, Jr., having returned to Harmony, Pa., from a visit to his father's family in Manchester, N. Y., enquired of the Lord through the Urim and Thummim and received the first revelation published in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 3.) 1829. February. Joseph Smith, Jr., was visited by his father, Joseph Smith, Sr., at Harmony, Pa., and received a revelation addressed to him. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 4.) March. The revelation known as Section 5 of the Doc- trine and Covenants was given at Harmony. April. Sun 5. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cowdery met for the first time. Tues. 7. Joseph Smith, Jr., resumed the translation of the Book of Mormon, assisted by Oliver Cowdery as scribe, at Harmony. Later in April, Oliver Cowdery was called by revelation to assist Joseph Smith, Jr., in his labors and stand by him in his difficulties. Oliver was also promised the gift of trans- lating like Joseph, if he desired it. Therefore be diligent, stand by my servant Joseph, faithfully. In whatsoever difficult circumstances 'he may be for the word's sake. Admonish him in his faults, and also receive admonition of him. Be patient; be sober; be temperate; have patience, faith, hope and charity. * And, behold. I grant unto you a gift, if you desire of me, to translate even as my servant Joseph. Doc. and Cov. 6:18, 19, 25. The Lord revealed to Joseph Smith, Jr., that John, the beloved Disciple was given power over death, that he might live and bring souls to Christ and to prophesy before na- tions, kindreds, tongues and people until the coming of Christ in his glory. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 7.) Translated from parchment, written and hid up by himself (John). And the Lord said unto me, John, my beloved, what deslrest thou? For if ye shall ask, what you will, it shall be granted unto you. And 1 said unto him, Lord, give unto me power over death, that t may live and bring, souls unto thee. And the Lord said unto me. Verily, verily,' I say unto thee, because thou deslrest this thou shalt tarry until I come in my glory, and sbalt prophesy before nations, kindred, tongues and people. Doc. and Cov. 7:1-3. Oliver Cowdery was instructed by revelation through Jo- seph Smith, Jr., to exercise great faith, that he might know the mysteries of God, translate and receive knowledge from ancient records. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 8.) Ask that you may know the mysteries of God, and that you may translate and receive knowledge from all those ancient records which have been hid up, that are sacred, and according to your faith shall it be done unto you. Doc. and Cov. 8:11. As Oliver Cowdery did not translate, according to his former desire, he was commanded to write for Joseph Smith, Jr., until the translation of the Book of Mormon was finished. Behold, I say unto you, my son (Oliver Cowdery), that because you did not translate according to that which you desired of me, and did commence again to write for my servant, Joseph Smith, Jr., even so I would that ye should continue until you have finished this record, which I have entrusted unto him. Doc. and Cov. 9:1. May A revelation concerning the alteration of the fore- part of the Book of Mormon was given to Joseph Smith, Jr., at Harmony. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 10.) Verily, I say unto you. that I will not suffer that Satan shall accomplish his evil design In this thing, For, behold, he has put it into their hearts to get thee to tempt the Lord thy God, in asking to translate it over again; And then, behold, they say and think in their hearts, we will see if God has given him power to translate, if so, he will also give him power again; And if God giveth him power again, or if he translates again, or in other words, if he bringeth forth the same words, behold, we have the same with us, and we have altered them: Therefore, they will not agree, and we will say that he has lied in his words, and that he has no gift, and that he has no power. * * * And now. because the account which is engraven upon the plates of Nephi Is more particular concerning the things which, in my wisdom. I would bring to the knowledge of the people In this account; Therefore, you shall translate the engravings which are on the plates of Nephi, down even till you come to the reign of king Benjamin, or until you come to that which you have translated, which you have retained: And behold, you shall publish it as the record of Nephi, and thus I will confound those who have altered my words. Doc. and Cov. 10:14-18: 40-42. Joseph Smith, Jr., was visited by Joseph Knight, Sr., from Broome Co., N. Y., who brought him provisions. Mr. Knight being anxious to know his duty in relation to the work of God, Joseph Smith, Jr., enquired of the Lord and received a revelation. Now, as you have (Joseph Knight, Sr.) asked, behold, I say unto you, keep my. commandments, and seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion. Behold, I speak unto you, and also to all those who have desires to bring forth and establish this work. And no one can assist in this work, except he shall be humble and full of love, having faith, hope, and charity, being temperate In all things, whatsoever shall be intrusted to his care. Doc and Cov. 12:6-8. Fri. 15 -While Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cowdery were engaged in prayer in the woods, near Harmony, John the Baptist descended as a messenger from heaven in a cloud of light and ordained them to the Priesthood of Aaron and commanded them to baptize and ordain each other. This they did the same day. Immediately after being baptized, the Holy Ghost fell upon them in great measure and both prophesied. (See History of Joseph Smith.) Words of the Angel, John, (the Baptist,) spoken to Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cowdery, as he (the angel) laid his bunds upon their heads and ordained them to the Aaronlc Priesthood, In Harmon}', Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, May 15th, 1829. Upon you my fellow servants. In the name of Messiah, I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; and this shall never be taken again from the earth, until the sons of Levl do offer again an offering unto the Lord in righteousness. Doc. and Cov. Sec. 13. Mon. 25. Samuel Harrison Smith, who had come to visit his brother Joseph at Harmony, was baptized by Oliver Cowdery. A few days later Hyrum Smith visited Harmony to make enquiries about the work of God, and received through his brother Joseph a revelation, calling him to assist in the work. Now, as you (Hyrum Smith) have asked, behold. I say unto you, keep my commandments, and seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion. Doc. and Cov. 11:6. June. Joseph Smith, Jr., removed from Harmony, Pa., to the home of Peter Whitmer, Sr., at Fayette, Seneca Co N. Y., where he resided while finishing the translation of the Book of Mormon. The Whitmer family was very kind to Joseph, and John Whitmer rendered efficient aid as a scribe. David Whitmer, John Whitmer and Peter Whitmer, Jr., being very desirous to know their respective duties, be- sought Joseph Smith, Jr., to "enquire of the Lord concerning them." He did so through the Urim and Thummim, and re- ceived the revelations known as Sections 14, 15 and 16 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Hyrum Smith, David Whitmer and Peter Whitmer, Jr., were baptized in Seneca lake, near Fayette. As Joseph Smith, Jr., progressed with the work of trans- lation, he ascertained that three special witnesses "were to be provided by the Lord" to see the plates and bear record of the same. (Ether. 5:2-4.) Oliver Cowdery, David Whit- mer and Martin Harris, being very desirous to "be these three special witnesses," received the promise by revelation through Joseph Smith, Jr., that they should "have a view of the plates, and also of the breastplate, the sword of Laban, the Urim and Thummim and the miraculous direc- tors." Revelation given through Joseph, the Seer, to Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris, In Fayette. Seneca County, New York, June. 1829, given previous to their viewing the plates containing the Book of Mormon. Behold, I say unto you, that you must rely upon my word, which if you do, with full purpose of heart, you shall have a view of the plates, and also of the breastplate, the sword of Laban. the Urim and Thummim, which were given to the brother of Jared upon the mount, when he talked with the Lord face to face, and the miracu- lous directors which were given to Lehi while In the wilderness, on the borders of the Red Sea; And it is by your faith that you shall obtain a view of them, even by that faith which was had by the prophets of old. And after that you have obtained faith, and have seen them with your eyes, you shall testify of them, by the power of God; And this you shall do that my servant, Joseph Smith, Jr.. may not be destroyed, that I may bring about my righteous purposes unto the children of men in this work. And ye shall testify that you have seen them, even as my servant Joseph Smith, Jr., has seen them, for It Is by my power that h has seen them, and it Is because he had faith; And he has translated the book, even that part which I have commanded him, and as your Lord and your God liveth It Is true. Wherefore you have received the same power, and the same faith, and the same gift like unto him: And if you do these last commandments of mine, which I have given you, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; for my grace is sufficient for you, and you shall be lifted up at the last day. And T, Jesus Christ, your Lord and your God, have spoken It unto you, that I might bring about my righteous purposes unto the children of men. Amen. Doc. and Cov. 17. A few days later an angel showed the plates of the Book of Mormon to the Three Witnesses. Soon afterwards the plates were shown by Joseph Smith, Jr., to Christian Whitmer, Jacob Whitmer, Peter Whitmer, Jr., John Whitmer, Hiram Page, Joseph Smith, Sr., Hyrum Smith and Samuel H. Smith, who subsequently gave their testimony as the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon. A revelation was given to Joseph Smith, Jr., Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer, "making known the calling of Twelve Apostles in these last days," and containing "In- structions relative to building up the Church of Christ, ac- cording to the fulness of the gospel." (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 18. See "Council of Twelve Apostles.") Joseph Smith, Jr.. and Oliver Cowdery being desirous to obtain the Melchlsedek Priesthood which had been promised them by John the Baptist, engaged in "solemn and fervent prayer," at Fayette, when "the word of the Lord came," PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1277 commanding them to ordain each other. But they were to wait for this ordination till the others who had been bap- tized assembled together. 1830. March. Martin Harris was commanded by revela- tion through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Manchester, N. Y., to re- pent of his sins. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 19.) April. An important revelation on Priesthood and Church government in general was given through Joseph Smith, Jr. And again, by way of commandment to the church concerning the manner of baptism. All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized and come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits, and witness before the church that they have truly repented of all their sins, and are willing to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end, and truly manifest by their works that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins, shall be received by baptism Into his church. The duty of the elders, priests, teachers, deacons, and members of the church of Christ. An apostle is an elder, and it is his calling to baptize. And to ordain other elders, priests, teachers, and deacons. And to administer bread and wine the emblems of the flesh and blood of Christ And to confirm those who are baptized into the church, by the laying on of hands for the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, according to the scriptures; And to teach, expound, exhort, baptize, and watch over the church; And to confirm the church by the laying on of the hands, and the giving of the Holy Ghost. And to take the lead of all meetings. The elders are to conduct the meetings as they are led by the Holy Ghost, according to the commandments and revelations of God. The priest's duty Is to preach, teach, expound, exhort, and bap- tize, and administer the sacrament. And visit the house of each member, and exhort them to pray vocally and in secret, and attend to all family duties; And he may also ordain other priests, teachers, and deacons. And he Is to take the lead of meetings when there is no elder present; But when there is an elder present, he is only to preach, teach, expound, exhort, and baptize. And visit the house of each member, exhorting them to pray vocally and in secret, and attend to all family duties. In all these duties the priest Is to assist the elder if occasion requires. The teacher's duty is to watch over the church always, and be with and strengthen them, And see that there is no iniquity in the church neither hardness with each other neither lying, backbiting, nor evil speaking; And see that the church meet together often, and also see that all the members do their duty; And he is to take the lead of meetings in the absence of the elder or priest And is to be assisted always, in all his duties in the church, by the deacons, if occasion requires; But neither teachers nor deacons have authority to baptize, ad- minister the sacrament, or lay on hands: They are, however, to warn, expound, exhort, and teach and Invite all to come unto Christ. Every elder, priest, teacher, or deacon, is to be ordained according to the gifts and callings of God unto him; and he is to be ordained by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is hi the one who ordains him. The several elders, composing this church of Christ are to meet In conference once in three months, or from time to time as said conferences shall direct or appoint; And said conferences are to do whatever church business is neces- sary to be done at the time. The elders are to receive their licenses from other elders, by vote of the church to which they belong, or from the conferences. Each priest, teacher, or deacon, who is ordained by a priest may take a certificate from him at the time, which certificate when presented to an elder, shall entitle him to a license, which shall authorize him to perform the duties of his calling, or he may receive It from a conference. No person is to be ordained to any office in this church, where there is a regularly organized branch of the same, without the vote of that church; But the presiding elders, traveling bishops. High Counselors, High Priests, and elders, may have the privilege of ordaining, where there Is no branch of the church that a vote may be called. Every President of the High Priesthood (or presiding elder), bishop. High Counselor, and High Priest, is to be ordained by the direction of a High Council or general conference. The duty of the membevs after they are received by baptism. The elders or priests are to have a sufficient time to expound all things concerning the church of Christ to their understanding, previous to their partaking of the sacrament and being confirmed by the laying on of the hands of the elders, so that all things may be done in order. And the members shall manifest before the church, and also before the elders, by a Godly walk and conversation, that they are worthy of It. that there may be works and faith agreeable to the Holy Scriptures walking in holiness before the Lord. Every member of the church of Christ having children. Is to bring them unto the elders before the church, who are to lay their hands upon them in the name of Jesus Christ, and bless them in his name. No one can be received into the church of Christ, unless he hao arrived unto the years of accountability before God, and is capable of repentance. Baptism is to be administered in the following manner unto all those who repent; The person who is called of God, and has authority from Jesus Christ to baptize, shall go down into the water with the person who has presented him or herself for baptism, and shall say, calling him or her by name Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ. I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Then shall he immerse him or her in the water, and come forth again out of the water. It Is expedient that the church meet together often to partake of bread and wine in the remembrance of the Lord Jesus; And the elder or priest shall administer it: and after this manner shall he administer it he shall kneel with the church and call upon the Father in solemn prayer, saying O God, the eternal Father, we ask thee In the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son. and witness unto thee. O God, the eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them, that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen. The manner of administering the wine. He shall take the cup also, and say O God. the eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them: that they may witness unto thee, O God, the eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen. Any member of the church of Christ transgressing, or being over- taken in a fault, shall be dealt with as the scriptures direct. It shall be the duty of the several churches composing the church of Christ, to send one or more of their teachers to attend the several conferences held by the elders of the church. With a list of the names of the several members uniting them- selves with the church since the last conference, or send by the hand of some priest, so that a regular list of all the names of the whole church may be kept in a book by one of the elders, whoever the other elders shall appoint from time to time; And also if any have been expelled from the church, so that their names may be blotted out of the general church record of names. All members removing from the church where they reside, if going to a church where they are not known, may take a letter, certifying that they are regular members and In good, standing, which certificate may' be signed by any elder or priest, if the member receiving the letter is personally acquainted with the elder or priest, or it may be signed by the teachers or deacons of the church. Doc. and Cov. 20:37-84. . Tues. 6. The Church (afterwards named by revelation the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) was organized according to the laws of the State of New York, in the house of Feter Whitmer, Sr., at Fayette. Seneca Co., N. Y., with six members, namely, Joseph Smith, Jr., Oliver Cow- dery, Hyrum Smith, Peter Whitmer, Jr., Samuel H. Smith and David Whitmer. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cow- dery ordained each other Elders the first Elders in the Church according to commandment from God. They then laid hands on all the baptized members present, "that they might receive the gift pf the Holy Ghost and be confirmed members of the Church." The Holy Ghost was poured out upon them "to a very great degree." Some prophesied and "all praised the Lord and rejoiced exceedingly." The rise of the church of Christ in these last days, being one thousand eight hundred and thirty years since the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the flesh, it being regularly organized and established agreeable to the laws of our country, by the will and commandments of God. in the fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month which is called April; Which commandments were given to Joseph Smith. Jr., who was called of God. and ordained an apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the first elder of this church; And to Oliver Cowdery, who was also called of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the second elder of this church, and ordained under his hand. Doc. and Cov. 20:1-3. The Church was commanded by revelation to keep a record, and Joseph Smith, Jr.. was named by the Lord a Seer, a Revelator, a Prophet, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, etc. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 20.) Behold there shall be a record kept among you, and in It thou shalt be called a seer, a translator, a prophet, an apostle of JPSUS Christ, an elder of the church through the will of God the Father, and the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ. From Revelation to Joseph Smith, Jr., given at Fayette, New York, April 6, 1830. (See Doc. and Cov. ::i :l.) Continuation of Church Chronology and History on page 1286. THE ANCESTRY OF THE PROPHET The Lineal Ancestry of Joseph Smith Jr., Prophet, Seer and Revelntor, and Hyrum Smith. Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ROBERT SMITH immigrated in the year 1638 from England; the exact location is unknown. He married Mary French and settled in that part of Rowley, in Essex County, Mass., which afterwards became the township of Boxford. He was the father of ten children. SAMUEL, the fifth child and third son of Robert, was born January 26, 1666. He moved to Topsfield where he became an influential citizen. He married Rebecca Curtis, daugh- ter of John Curtis. They had nine children. He died July 12, 1748. SAMUEL, the third child and oldest son of Samuel was born in Topsfleld January 26, 1714. He married Priscilla Gould, daughter of Zaccheus Gould. They had five children. He was known as Captain Samuel Smith and served his country during the Revolutionary war. He was also a delegate to the Provincial Congress in 1774 and again in 1775 and was chairman of the tea committee in 1773. In 1764-70 and in 1772, '77, '78 and '81, he was representative to the General Court and served on the Committee of Safety for a number of years. ASAEL, the youngest child and second son of Samuel 2 , was born in Topsfield March 7, 1744; died October 31, 1830 in Stockholm, N. T. He had eleven children and was the father of Joseph Smith the first Presiding Patriarch of the Church. He served in the American army during the Revo- lutionary war. He married Mary Duty. JOSEPH, third child and second son of Asael, was born in Topsfield, July 12, 1771. He moved to Tunbridge. Vt., In 1791. In 1816, he moved to New York and settled in Man- chester. He was one of the six original members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, organized April 6, 1830. In 1833, he was called to the office of Presiding Patriarch of the Church. He married January 24, 1796, Lucy Mack, daughter of Solomon and Lydia (Gates) Mack. They had ten children, seven sons, three daughters, and were the parents of the Prophet Joseph and Patriarch Hyrum Smith. HYRUM, second son of Joseph, Sr., was born February 9, 1800 and was martyred with his brother Joseph Smith the Prophet at Carthage, 111.. June 27, 1844. He married (first Jerusha Harden and (second) Mary Fielding. Issue by first marriage: Lovina, b. Sept. 16, 1827; d. Oct. 8, 1876; m. Lorin Walker. Mary, b. June 27, 1829, d. May 29, 1832. John. b. Sept. 22, 1832, d. Nov. 6, 1911; m. Helen Fisher. Hyrum, b. April 27, 1834; d. Sept. 21, 1841. Jerusha, b. Jan. 13, 1836; m. William Pierce. Sarah, b. Oct. 2, 1837, d. Nov. 1876; m. Charles E. Griffin. Issue by second marriage: Joseph Fielding (subject of this sketch), b. Nov. 13, 1838. Martha Ann, b. May 14, 1841; m. William J. Harris. Married Catherine Phillips (daughter of Thomas Denner Phillips and Sarah Godshall) Aug. 1843, Nauvoo, III. She was born Aug. 1, 1819, Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Fielding Smith's Genealogy, page 1168. SMITH, JOSEPH, Jr., (Son of Joseph Smith and Lucy Mack.) Born Dec. 23, 1805, Sharon, Windsor Co., Vermont. Married Emma Hale Jan. 18, 1827, at South Bainbridge, Chenango Co., N. Y. (daughter of Isaac Hale of Harmony, Susquehanna Co., Pa.) Their children: Joseph; Frederick G. W. ; Alexander; Don Carlos; David H. The last named was born about five months after the assassination of his father. Married Helen Mar Kimball (daughter of Heber Chase Kimball and Vilate Murray). The authority for this state- ment is on page 339 of the "Life of Heber C. Kimball." by Orson F. Whitney. This author says, "Soon after the reve- lation (see revelation on celestial marriage, written July 12, 1843, page 1304. * * * Helen Mar, the eldest daughter of Heber Chase and Vilate Murray Kimball, was given to the Prophet in the holy bonds of celestial marriage." In 1905. there was issued from the press of the Deseret News at Salt Lake City, Utah, a publication entitled "Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage." In the first part of this publication, is the "Correspondence between Elder Joseph F. Smith, Jr., of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Richard C. Evans, second counselor in the Presidency of the 'Reorganized' Church." Following this correspondence on page 81 under the heading "Intro- duction of Celestial and Plural Marriage," are a number of affidavits, among them, those of Lorenzo Snow, Elizabeth Ann Whitney, Sarah A. Kimball, Catherine Phillips Smith, Martha McBride Kimball, and Melissa Lott Willes, setting forth the- following marriages of Joseph Smith, Jr. Married Louisa Beaman, April 5, 1841, at Nauvoo. 111. Married Sarah Ann Whitney, July 27, 1842, at Nauvoo. 111. (daughter of Newell K. and Elizabeth Ann Whitney). Married Martha McBride, 1842. Married Rhoda Richards, June 12, 1843. at Nauvoo, 111. Married Almira W. Johnson, 1843 (daughter of Ezekiel Johnson and Julia Hilla). Married Lucy Walker, May 1, 1843. Married Melissa Lott, Sept. 20, 1843 (daughter of Cornelius P. Lott). Married Eliza R. Snow (sister of Lorenzo Snow, fifth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Married Eliza Partridge. Married Emily Partridge. Married Maria Lawrence. Married Sarah Lawrence. The "Life of Heber C. Kimball" by Orson F. Whitney (see page 431 of that book) is the authority for the following marriages of Joseph Smith, Jr. Married Prescinda Huntington Married Mary Houston. Married Sylvia P. Sessions. Married Nancy Maria Smith. Married Sarah Scott. On page 81 of "Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage," the following statement is made: "One hundred or more affidavits in relation to the introduction of celestial and plural marriage are on file in the Historian's office, Salt Lake City, and are expressions of eye and ear witnesses, who know that the Prophet Joseph Smith introduced and taught celestial and plural marriage. Most of these wit- nesses are members of the Church, but some of them are not. and have not been connected with the Church from before the martyrdom of the Prophet and Patriarch." 1278 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1279 JOSEPH SMITH. Son of Joseph Smith and Lucy Mack (the daughter of Solo- mon Mack and Lydia Gates). Born Monday, Dec. 23, 1805, Sharon, Windsor Co.. Vermont. Prophet and founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Martyred with his brother Hyrum Smith at Carthage, 111., June 27, 1844. HYRUM SMITH. Son of Joseph Smith and Lucy Mack (the daughter of Solo- mon Mack and Lydia Gatea). Born Feb. 9, 1800. Martyred with his brother Joseph Smith the Prophet at Carthage, 111., June 27, 1844. Father of Joseph Fielding Smith, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. CHURCH ORGANIZATION The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was or- ganized with six members, April 6, 1830, at a meeting held at Fayette, Seneca Co., N. Y. The general authorities of the Church consists of (1) The First Presidency; (2) The Council of Twelve Apostles; (3) Presiding Patriarch; (4) The First Council of Seventies; (5) The Presiding Bishopric; (6) Church Historians. THE FIRST PRESIDENCY Joseph Smith the Prophet, "who was called of God and or- dained an Apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the first Elder of this Church" was the first President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For nearly three years after its organization he acted without Counselors, but close by his side and associated with him in nearly all his administra- tions, stood Oliver Cowdery, "who was called of God, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the second Elder of this Church, and ordained under his (Joseph's) hand." "Which commandments were given to Joseph Smith, Jr., who was called of God. and ordained an apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the first elder of this church; and to Oliver Cowdery, who was also called of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the second elder of this church, and ordained under his hand." Doc. and Cov. 20:2-3. March 18. 1833, agreeable to a revelation given March 8, 1833, the Prophet Joseph ordained Sidney Rigdon to be his first, and Frederick G. Williams to be his second, Counselor. "And again, verily I say unto thy brethren, Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams, their sins are forgiven them also, and they are accounted as equal with thee in holding the keys of this last Kingdom." Doc. and Cov. 90:6. Prior to this, at a Conference held at Amherst, Lorain Co., Ohio, Jan. 25, 1832, Joseph the Prophet had been acknowl- edged as President of the High Priesthood. A similar action was taken at a General Council, held April 26, 1832, at Inde- pendence. Jackson Co., Mo. At an Important Conference held at Far West, Caldwell Co., Mo., Nov. 7, 1837, Frederick G. Williams was rejected as a Counselor to Pres. Smith, charges having previously been made against him at a Conference held at Kirtland, Ohio, Sept. 3, 1837. On the same occasion Hyrum Smith was ap- pointed his successor by unanimous vote. Hyrum Smith filled his position with honor and ability, until some time after the demise of his father, Joseph Smith, Sr., who died at Nauvoo, 111., Sept. 14, 1840. In a revelation given through Joseph the Prophet at Nauvoo, Jan. 19, 1841, Hyrum Smith was called to take the office of Patriarch to the Church, as his father's successor 1 . In the same revelation William Law was called to succeed Hyrum Smith 2 as second Counselor to Pres. Joseph Smith. William Law occupied this position until April 18, 1844, when he, together with others, who like himself had apostatized, were excommunicated from the Church. "And again, verily r say unto you; Let my servant William (Law) be appointed, ordained, and anointed, as a counselor unto my servant Joseph, in the room of my servant Hyrum, that my servant Hyrum may take the office of Priesthood and 2 JPatriarch, which was ap- pointed unto him by his father, by blessing and also by right." Doc. and Cov. 124:91. "Let him assist my servant Joseph; and also let my servant William Law assist my servant Joseph, in making a 2s solemn procla- mation unto the kings of the earth, even as I have before said unto you." Doc. and Cov. 124:107. Joseph the Prophet was martyred at Carthage, 111., June 27, 1844, when the responsibility of presiding over the Church fell upon the Twelve Apostles. They constituted the pre- siding Council of the Church till Dec. 5, 1847, when an import- ant council meeting was held at the house of Apostle Orson Hyde. On this occasion Brigham Young was unanimously elected President of the Church, with authority to choose his Counselors, which he did by naming Heber C. Kimball for his first and Willard Richards for his second Counselor. The following Apostles attended this council meeting: Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Willard Richards, Wilford Woodruff, Geo. A. Smith, Amasa M. Lyman and Ezra T. Benson. These transactions on the part of the Twelve 1280 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH were ratified by The Church at a conference held In the Log Tabernacle, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, Dec. 27, 1847, and at the general conference held in Great Salt Lake valley, Oct. 8, 1848. Counselor Willard Bichards died of dropsy in Great Salt Lake City, March 11, 1854. At the general conference, held April 6, 1854, Jedediah M. Grant was called to nil the va- cancy thus created. Counselor Jedediah M. Grant died Dec. 1, 1856, and Daniel H. Wells succeeded him as second Counselor to Pres. Brig- ham Young, being ordained and set apart to that position, Jan. 4, 1857. Daniel H. Wells acted in that capacity till the death of Pres. Young. Counselor Heber C. Kimball died June 22, 1868, in Salt Lake City. The vacancy occasioned thereby was filled by the ap- pointment of George A. Smith to the position of first Coun- selor in the First Presidency. He served in that capacity until his death, which occurred in Salt Lake City, Sept 1, 1875. John W. Young succeeded him as first Counselor, being sustained as such by the general conference held Oct. 8, 1876. Pres. Brigham Young died in Salt Lake City, Aug. 29, 1877, after which the Twelve Apostles again presided over the Church, continuing to do so for three years, or until the gen- eral conference held in Salt Lake City in October, 1880, when the First Presidency was organized, for the third time, by the appointment of John Taylor as President, with Geo. Q. Cannon as his first and Joseph F. Smith as his second Counselor. Pros. John Taylor died at Kaysville, Davis Co., Utah, July 25, 1887, after which the Twelve Apostles presided over the Church till the general conference, held In Salt Lake City, in April, 1889, on which occasion a First Presidency was again organized, consisting of Wilford Woodruff, President; Geo. Q. Cannon, first Counselor; and Joseph F. S'mith, second Counselor. Pres. Wilford Woodruff died in San Francisco. Cal., Sept. 2, 1898. At an important council meeting of the Apostles FREDERICK G. WILLIAMS held In Salt Lake City, Sept. 13, 1898, the First Presidency was once more organized, as follows: Lorenzo Snow, Presi- dent; Geo. Q. Cannon, first Counselor; Joseph F. Smith, sec- ond Counselor. Counselor George Q. Cannon died April 12, 1901, at Monte- rey, California; and on Oct. 7th of the same year, Joseph F. Smith was sustained as first and Rudger Clawson as second Counselor to President Snow. President Lorenzo Snow died at Salt Lake City Oct. 10, 1901; and on the 17th of the same month, the First Presi- dency was reorganized with Joseph F. Smith as President, and John R. Winder, first, and Anthon H. Lund, second Coun- selors. Counselor John R. Winder died March 27, 1910, at Salt Lake City; and on the 7th of the next month, John Henry Smith was chosen second Counselor Anthon H. Lund becoming first Counselor to President Joseph F. Smith. Counselor John Henry Smith died Oct. 13, 1911, at Salt Lake City: and Charles W. Penrose was chosen to succeed him as second Counselor in the First Presidency Dec. 7, 1911. By the foregoing it will be seen that six Apostles, namely, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young. John Taylor, Wilford Wood- ruff, Lorenzo Snow and Joseph F. Smith, have filled the ex- alted position of President of the Church; seven (Sidney Rigdon, Heber C. Kimball, Geo. A. Smith, John W. Young, Geo. Q. Cannon. Joseph F. Smith and Anthon H. Lund) have acted as first Counselors; and ten (Frederick G. Williams, Hyrum Smith, William Law, Willard Richards, Jedediah M. Grant. Daniel H. Wells, Joseph F. Smith, Rudger Clawson, John Henry Smith and Chas. W. Penrose) as second Coun- selors in the First Presidency, since the first organization of the Council In 1833. COUNCIL, OF TWELVE APOSTLES In a revelation, given through Joseph the Prophet, in June. 1829, at Fayette, Seneca Co., N. Y.. the Lord made known that Twelve Apostles should be called in this dis- pensation. "And now, behold, there are others who are called to declare my gospel, both unto Gentile and unto Jew; "Yea, even Twelve, and the Twelve shall be my disciples, and they shall take upon them my name; and the Twelve are they who shall desire to take upon them my name with full purpose of heart; "And if they desire to take upon them my name with full purpose of heart, they are called to go into all the world to preach my gospel unto every creature. "And now, behold, t give unto you Oliver Cowdery, and also unto David TVhitmer, that you shall search out the Twelve, who shall have the desires of which I have spoken; "And by their desires and their works you shall know them. Doc. and Cov. 18:26-28; 37-3S. Nearly six years later, on Feb. 14, 1835, at a special meet- ing, held at Kirtland, Ohio, Joseph the Prophet, in accord- ance with that revelation, blessed Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris, the Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, to select twelve men who should consti- tute the Council of Twelve Apostles. They were chosen by the Three Witnesses in the following order: Lyman B. Johnson, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, Luke S Johnson, Wm. B. McLellin, John F. Boynton, Orson Pratt, William Smith, Thos. B. Marsh and Parley F. Pratt. Most of these brethren the previous year (1834) had proved their faithfulness and in- tegrity to the Church as members of Zion's Camp, which journeyed from Kirtland, Ohio, to Missouri and back, sub- ject to much suffering and many privations. They were ordained to the Apostleship by Joseph Smith, Oliver Cow- dery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris as follows: Lyman E. Johnson, Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball on Feb. 14, 1835; Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, Luke S. Johnson, Wm. B. McLellin, John F. Boynton and William Smith on the following day, Feb. 15th; Parley P. Pratt on Feb. 21st; and Thomas B. Marsh and Orson Pratt, who had been absent on missions, in April, 1835. At a grand council, held at Kirt- land, Ohio, May 2, 1835, at which the First Presidency was In attendance, the Twelve were arranged according to their age, after which they stood as follows, commencing with the eldest: Thomas B. Marsh, David W. Patten, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson. Hyde. William E. McLellin, Parley P. Pratt, Luke S. Johnson, William Smith, Orson Pratt, John F. Boynton and Lyman E. Johnson. In 1837 and 1838 four of the Twelve apostatized, namely, John F. Boynton, disfellowshipped Sept. 3, 1837, at Kirt- land, Ohio; Lyman E. Johnson and Luke S. Johnson, excom- municated April 13, 1838, at Far West, Missouri; and Wm. E. McLellin, excommunicated May 11, 1838, at Far West. July 8, 1838, John Taylor, John E. Page, Wilford Woodruff and Willard Richards were called by revelation to fill the places of those who had fallen. Elders Page and Taylor were ordained Dec. 19, 1838; Wilford Woodruff April 26, 1839, at Far West, Missouri; and Willard Richards April 14, 1840, at Preston, England. In the meantime other vacancies occurred. David W. Pat- ten was killed in the Crooked River battle, in Missouri, Oct. 25, 1838, and Thos. B. Marsh was excommunicated for apos- tasy, March 17, 1839. at Quincy, 111. To fill the two vacan- cies occasioned thereby, George A. Smith (ordained April 26, 1839, at Far West, Mo.) and Lyman Wight (ordained April 8, 1841, at Nauvoo, 111.), were chosen. William Smith was rejected as an Apostle, at the general conference held at Nauvoo, In October, 1845, and finally ex- communicated from the Church, Oct. 12, 1846. John E. Page was disfellowshipped, Jan. 9, 1846, at a council meeting held at Nauvoo, 111. Amasa M. Lyman, who had been ordained an Apostle, Aug. 20. 1842, at Nauvoo, and Ezra T. Benson, or- dained July 16. 1846, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, were chosen to fill the vacancies. The reorganization of the First Presidency in December, x!847, with three of the Apostles (Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards), and the excommunication of Lyman Wright for apostasy, Feb. 12, 1849. made four va- cancies in the Council of the Twelve. These were filled Feb. 12, 1849, at an important council meeting held in the "Old Fort," Great Salt Lake City, when Elders Charles C. Rich, Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow and Franklin D. Richards were ordained Apostles. The next vacancy occurred May 13, 1857, when Parley P. Pratt was assassinated near Van Buren, Arkansas. George Q. Cannon was chosen to fill the vacancy, being ordained an Apostle Aug. 20, 1860, Great Salt Lake City, Utah. In October, 1867, Amasa M. Lyman was dropped from the Council of the Twelve; and Joseph F. Smith, who had pre- viously been ordained to the Apostleship, was chosen to fill the vacancy, Oct. 6, 1867, at a general conference. Geo. A. Smith was chosen as first Counselor to Pres. Brig- ham Young, after the demise of Heber C. Kimball in 1868. Elder Brigham Young, Jr., who previously had been or- dained an Apostle, was chosen to fill the vacancy, being sus- tained as a member of the Council of the Twelve at the gen- eral conference held Oct. 9, 1S68. Elder Ezra T. Benson died Sept. 3. 1869, at Ogden, Utah. Albert Carrington was chosen to fill the vacancy, and was ordained an Apostle, July 3, 1870, in Salt Lake City. Orson Hyde, who had acted as president of the Twelve Apostles, from the reorganization of the First Presidency in 1847, to October, 1875, died Nov. 28, 1878, at Spring City, Sanpete Co., Utah. At the annual conference, held April 7, 1879, Elder Moses Thatcher was chosen to fill the vacancy. After the death of Pres. Brigham Young, in 1877, the Twelve Apostles presided over the Church nearly three years. Daniel H. Wells and John W. Young, who had acted as Pres. Brigham Young's Counselors, were sustained by the Church as Counselors to the Twelve. Another reorganization of the First Presidency took place, Oct. 10, 1880, at the general conference held in Salt Lake City, three of the Apostles (John Taylor, Geo. Q. Cannon atid Joseph F. Smith,) being chosen to constitute said Presidency. This caused three vacancies in the Council of the Twelve, two of which were filled Oct. 27, 1880, by the ordination of Francis M. Lyman and John Henry Smith to the Apostleship. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1281 Orson Pratt, the last surviving member of the first Coun- cil of Twelve Apostles, died in Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 3, 1881. The vacancy occasioned by his demise, and the va- cancy left since October, 1880, was filled by the calling of George Teasdale and Heber J. Grant to the Apostleship. These brethren were called by direct revelation, through Pres. John Taylor, and were ordained in Salt Lake City, Oct. 16, 1882. Charles C. Rich died at Paris, Bear Lake Co., Idaho. Nov. 17, 1883, and the vacancy caused thereby, in the Council, was filled by the ordination of John W. Taylor to the Apostleship Oct. 16, 1883. After the death of Pres. John Taylor, July 25, 1887. the Twelve Apostles acted as presiding Council of the Church tor about one year and nine months, during which time Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith occupied their former positions as members of the Council of Twelve Apostles. At the general conference, held in April, 1889, the First Presidency was reorganized, with Wilord Woodruff as President. The vacancy in the Council of the Apostles caused thereby, as well as that occasioned by the excommunication of Albert Carrington, in November, 1885, and a third vacancy caused by the demise of Erastus Snow. May 27, 1888, were filled at the general conference, held in October, 1889, by the calling of Marriner W. Merrill, Anthon H. Lund and Abra- ham H. Cannon to the Apostleship. Abraham H. Cannon died in Salt Lake City, July 19, 1896, and Moses Thatcher was dropped from his position as one of the Twelve Apostles, Nov. 19, 1896. The two vacancies thus occasioned were filled at the general conference held in Salt Lake City, in October, 1897, when Matthias F. Cowley and Abraham Owen Woodruff were sustained as members of the Council of Twelve Apostles. After the death of Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Sept. 2, 1898, the Twelve Apostles once more became the presiding Coun- cil of the Church, and Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith were returned to their former positions among- the Twelve Apostles. But the Apostles only retained the presidency a few days. Sept. 13, 1898, the First Presidency was organ- ized the fifth time since the organization of the Church, Lo- renzo Snow, Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith being the three Apostles chosen to form the new Presidency. This caused a vacancy in the Council of the Apostles, which was filled at the general conference, held in Salt Lake City, Oct. 9, 1898, when Rudger Clawson was sustained as one of the Twelve Apostles. Franklin D. Richards, President of the Twelve Apostles, died at Ogden Utah, Dec. 9, 1899; and the vacancy thus caused in the quorum was filled April 8, 1900, when Reed Smoot was sustained as one of the Twelve Apostles. Hyrum M. Smith was ordained to the Apostleship Oct. 24, 1901 following the promotion of Apostle Anthon H. Lund to the position of second Counselor in the First Presidency, Which had occurred on the 17th of the same month. Rudger Clawson became second Counselor to President Lorenzo Snow Oct. 7. 1901; but the death of the President three days later released him from the First Presidency, and he again took his position in the quorum of the Twelve Brigham Toung, Jr., died at Sugar House Ward, Salt Lake County,. Utah, April 11, 1903; and on the 6th of the next October, George A. Smith was sustained in the Apostleship to fill the vacancy. On the same date, Francis M. Lyman was sustained as the successor of Brigham Young, Jr., in the presidency of the quorum. Abraham Owen Woodruff died June 20, 1904, at El Paso, Texas; and on the 7th of the following month, July, Charles W. Penrose was ordained an Apostle to complete the quorum. Marriner W. Merrill died at Richmond, Utah, Feb. 6. 1906, and on April 8, 1906, George F. Richards, Orson F. Whitney, and David O. McKay were sustained as members of the quorum of Twelve Apostles, to fill the vacancies caused by the death of. Apostle Merrill and by the removal of John W. Taylor and Matthias F. Cowley from the quorum. A vacancy caused by the death of George Teasdale was filled Oct. 6, 1907, when Anthony W. Ivins was sustained in the Apostleship. Joseph F. Smith, Jr., was chosen an Apostle April 10, 1910 to complete the quorum after the promotion of John Henry Smith to the position of second Counselor in the First Presidency. James E. Talmage was ordained to the Apostleship Dec. 8, 1911, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Charles W. Penrose to the position of second Counselor to Joseph F. Smith, President of the Church. The Council of the Twelve Apostles now (1913) stands as follows: Francis M. Lyman, president, Heber J. Grant, Rudger Clawson, Reed Smoot, Hyrum M. Smith, George A. Smith, George F. Richards. Orson F. Whitney, David O. McKay, Anthonv W Ivins, Joseph F. Smith, Jr., and James B. Tal- mage. PRESIDING PATRIARCHS Joseph Smith, Sr., father of the Prophet Joseph Smith, was the first Patriarch in the Church. He was ordained to that high and holy calling, Dec. 18, 1833, at Kirtland, Ohio, under the hands of the Prophet Joseph, Oliver Cowdery, Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams. Father Smith continued as Patriarch until his death, which occurred at Nauvoo, 111., Sept. 14, 1840. In an important revelation, given through the Prophet Joseph, Jan. 19, 1841, Hyrum Smith, Father Smith's eldest living son, who then acted as second Counselor in the First Presidency, was called to succeed his father as Pa- triarch. "And again, verily I say unto you; Let my servant William (Law) be appointed, ordained, and anointed, as a counselor unto my servant Joseph, in the room of my servant Hyrum. that my servant Hyrum may take the office of Priesthood and Patriarch, which was ap- pointed unto him by his father by blessing and also by right. Doc. and Cov. 124:91. Hyrum Smith "received" the office, Jan. 24, 1841, and kept it until his martyrdom in Carthage Jail, 111., June 27, 1844. His brother William Smith, who was also a member of the 11 Council of Twelve Apostles, succeeded him by virtue of his birthright, or age, but he apostatized. At the general con- ference, held in October, 1845, he was rejected as an Apostle and as a Patriarch. He was finally excommunicated from the Church, Oct. 12, 1845. After the rejection of William Smith, the Patriarchal office, according to the hereditary order, belonged to Asahel Smith (a brother of Joseph Smith, Sr.), who had been or- dained a Patriarch at Nauvoo in 1844; but his health being poor, he is not known to have magnified his office as a Patriarch. Soon afterwards (July 20, 1848; he died at lowa- ville, Wapello Co., Iowa. John Smith, another brother of the late Joseph Smith, Sr., who had previously been ordained a Patriarch at Nauvoo, was ordained presiding Patriarch in the Church, Jan. 1, 1849, at Great Salt Lake City, under the hands of Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball. He had been sustained as a "Patriarch in the Church" as early as the general confer- ence, held at Winter Quarters, April 6, 1847. Uncle John Smith, as he was familiarly called, died May 23, 1854, in Great Salt Lake City. John Smith, eldest son of the martyred Hyrum Smith, to whom the Patriarchal Priest- hood descended direct from his father, was chosen as his successor. At the time of his father's death he was too young to receive the office. He was ordained presiding Pa- triarch, Feb. 18, 1855, in Great Salt Lake City, by Pres. Brig- ham Young. John Smith died Nov. 6, 1911. at Salt Lake City; and on April 6, 1912, his son Hyrum G. Smith was chosen to suc- ceed him as Presiding Patriarch of the Church. FIRST COUNCIL, OF SEVENTIES The organization of the first quorum of Seventy was com- menced at Kirtland, Ohio, Feb. 28, 1835. Nearly all the first members consisted of men who had distinguished themselves for their faithfulness as members of Zion's Camp. When the quorum was fully organized the following were chosen to act as its seven presidents: Hazen Aldrich, Joseph Young, Levi W. Hancock, Leonard Rich, Zebedee Coltrin, Lyman Sherman and Sylvester Smith. Questions arose among some of the brethren in regard to the corresponding grades of the Seventies and High Priests, and it was ascertained that five or six of the seven presi- dents had previously been ordained High Priests. The Prophet Joseph Smith, in a meeting held in the Kirtland Temple, April 6, 1837. counseled these brethren, namely, Hazen Aldrich, Leonard Rich, Zebedee Coltrin, Lyman" Sher- man and Sylvester Smith, to join the High Priests'. . quorum, which five of them did, and the following named Elders were chosen to fill the vacancies thus created in the First Council of the Seventies: John Gould, in place of Hazen Aldrich; James Foster, in place of Leonard Rich; Daniel S. Miles, in place of Zebedee Coltrin; Josiah Butter- field, in place of Lyman Sherman; Salmon Gee, in place of Levi W. Hancock, and John Gaylord, in place of Sylvester Smith. In the summer of 1837 it was ascertained that Levi W. Hancock, who was in Missouri at the time of the April meeting, was not a High Priest, and he was therefore re- ceived back into his former position as one of the First Seven Presidents of Seventies, at an important meeting held at Kirtland. Ohio, Sept. 3, 1837. John Gould, one of the newly appointed presidents, was asked by the Prophet Joseph to join the High Priests, which he did. After these changes the First Council of Seventies stood as follows: Joseph Young, Levi W. Hancock, James Foster. Daniel S. Miles, Jo- siah Butterfield, Salmon Gee, and John Gaylord. Jan. 13, 1S38, John Gaylord, together with many others, was excommunicated from the Church by the High Council at Kirtland, Ohio, for rising up in rebellion against the Church authorities. Elder Henry Herriman was called and ordained Feb. 6, 1838, to fill the vacancy in the First Council of Seventies. In a meeting of the Seventies, held at Kirtland, Ohio, March 6, 1838, the council withdrew their fellowship from Salmon Gee for neglect of duty and other causes. Elder Zera Pulsipher was chosen and ordained to fill .the vacancy the same day. The foregoing information about the Seven- ties is obtained from the original record of Seventies kept at Kirtland, Ohio. After these two changes the council stood unchanged until the Church had removed to Nauvoo, 111. It appears that James Foster, instead of gathering with the Saints, settled at Jacksonville, Morgan Co., 111., and had no direct communi-" cation with his brethren. Prior to the October conference, 1844, he was dropped from his position by the council of the Seventies. In the following spring (1845), Albert P. Rock- wood was called to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Foster. Josiah Butterfleld retained his standing as one of the seven Presidents until a misunderstanding arose between the Prophet Joseph and him, and he was finally cut off from the Church, Oct. 7, 1844, at the general conference held at Nau- voo, for neglect of duty, etc. The vacancy was filled the same day by the appointment of Jedediah M. Grant as one of the council of the Seventies, but he was not ordained until some time afterwards. Elder Daniel S. Miles died a faithful man in the early part of 1845, in Hancock County. 111., and the vacancy occasioned by his death was filled by Elder Benjamin L. Clapp, in April, 1845. Elder Albert P. Rockwood, Benjamin L. Clapp and Jedediah M. Grant were ordained to the positions to which they had been elected Dec. 2, 1845. After the demise of Willard Richards in 1854, Elder Jede- diah M. Grant was selected by President Brigham Young to fill the office of second Counselor in the First Presidency, thus leaving another vacancy in the council of Seventies. Elder Horace S. Eldredge was called, at the October confer- ence, 1854, to fill that vacancy, and was ordained about the same time in Great Salt Lake City. 1282 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Elder Benjamin L. Clapp, after living some years in Great Salt Lake City, removed his family to Ephraim, Sanpete Co., where he had some difficulty with Bishop Warren S. Snow. After investigation before the Council of Seventies, he was dropped from his position in the council, and finally ex- communicated from the Church at the general conference, held in Great Salt Lake City, April 7, 1859. Elder Jacob Gates was called to fill the vacancy at the April Conference, 1860, but, being absent on a mission to Europe, he was not ordained until October, 1862, some time after his return home. Elder Zera Pulsipher transcended the bounds of the Priest- hood in the ordinance of sealing, for which he was cited to appear before the First Presidency of the Church, April 12. 1862. It was there voted that he be rebaptized, reconfirmed and ordained to the office of a High Priest, or go into the ranks of the Seventies. Subsequently he was ordained a Patriarch. Elder John Van Cott was called to fill the va- cancy in the council of the Seventies, at the October con- ference, 1862. Albert P. Rockwood died in Sugar House Ward, Salt Lake Co., Nov. 26, 1879, and at the April conference, 1880, Elder "Wm. W. Taylor was called to fill the vacancy and soon after- wards ordained one of the First Seven Presidents of Sev- enties. The vacancies caused by the death of Pres. Joseph Young, July 16, 1881, and of Levi W. Hancock, June 10, 1882, were filled by the ordination of Abraham H. Cannon as one of the First Seven Presidents, Oct. 9, 1882, and Seymour B. Young as another, Oct. 16, 1882. Elder John Van Cott died Feb. 18, 1883. Christian Daniel Fjeldsted was called to fill the vacancy. He was ordained April 28, 1884, after his return from a mission to Scandinavia. The demise of Elder Wm. W. Taylor, Aug. 1, 1884, caused another vacancy, which was filled Oct. 7, 1884, by the ordi- nation of John Morgan as one of the First Seven Presidents. Horace S. Eldredge died in Salt Lake City, Sept. 6, 1888, and the vacancy caused thereby was filled by the calling of Brigham H. Roberts to act as one of the council, at the Octo- ber conference, 1888. Abraham H. Cannon having been ordained an Apostle In October, 1889, George Reynolds was sustained as one of the First Seven Presidents of Seventies, at the April conference, 1890. Elder Henry Herriman died at Huntington, Emery Co., Utah, May 17, 1891. Elder Jacob Gates died at Provo, Utah Co., April 14, 1892. The vacancies caused by the demise of those two veteran presidents were filled by the selection of Jonathan G. Kimball and Rulon S. Wells as members of the First Council of Seventies. The former was sustained at the general conference, held in October, 1892, and the latter at the general conference, held in April, 1893. Elder John Morgan died at Preston, Idaho, Aug. 14, 1894. At the following October conference, Edward Stevenson was chosen to fill the consequent vacancy in the council. Elder Edward Stevenson died in Salt Lake City, Jan. 27, 1897; and at the general conference of the Church, held in Salt Lake City, in October, 1897, Joseph W. McMurrin was chosen to fill the vacancy. He was ordained by Apostle An- thon H. Lund in Liverpool, England, Jan. 21, 1898. Christian D. Fjeldsted died Dec. 23, 1905, at Salt Lake City; and, at the general conference of the Church, held at Salt Lake City April 6, 1906, Charles H. Hart was chosen to fill the vacancy thus caused in the council. George Reynolds died Aug. 9, 1909. and at the next general conference, Oct. 6. 1909, Levi Edgar Young was chosen to complete the council. The council now (1913) stands as follows: Seymour B. Young, Brigham H. Roberts, Jonathan G. Kimball. Rulon S. Wells, Joseph W. McMurrin, Charles H. Hart, and Levi Edgar Young. PRESIDING BISHOPRIC Edward Partridge, the first Bishop of the Church, was called to that position Feb. 4, 1831, by revelation. "And again, I have called my servant Edward Partridge, and give a commandment, that he should be appointed by the voice of the church, and ordained a bishop unto the church, to leave his mer- chandise and to spend all his time in the labors of the church." Doc. and Cov. 41:9. Later, when other Bishops were ordained, he became known as the first or presiding Bishop. June 6. 1831, at solemn meeting, held at Kirtland, Ohio. Isaac Morley and John Corrill were ordained and set apart as counselors to Bishop Partridge. In a letter written by the First Presidency at Kirtland, Ohio, to Wm. W. Phelps and others, in Missouri, under date of June 25, 1833, the following occurs: "Let Brother Isaac Morley be ordained second Bishop in Zion, and let brother John Corrill be ordained third. Let Brother Edward Part- ridge choose as counselors in their place, Brother Parley P Pratt and Brother Titus Billings, ordaining Brother Billings to the High Priesthood." Owing to the persecutions which befell the Saints in Mis- souri, these appointments were not made; but at a meeting held at Far West, Mo., Aug. 1, 1837, Titus Billings was elect- ed Bishop's counselor, in place of John Corrill; and at a conference held at the same place, Nov. 7, 1837, Edward Part- ridge "was nominated to still act as Bishop"; after which he nominated Isaac Morley and Titus Billings for his counselors, and they "were unanimously chosen." These three constituted the head Bishopric of the Church during the lifetime of Bishop Partridge. Bishop Edward Partridge filled his responsible position faithfully, in the midst of the most severe persecutions, until his death, which occurred at Nauvoo, 111., May 27, 1840. In a revelation given through Joseph the Prophet, Jan. 19, 1841, George Miller was called to the-positlon of Bishop, in place of Edward Partridge, deceased. 'T therefore say unto you. I seal upon his head the office at a ilsnopric. like unto my servant Edward Partridge, that he may re- ceive the consecrations of mine house, that he may administer blessings upon the heads of the poor of my people, saith the Lord. Let no man despise my servant George Miller, for he shall honor me." Doc. and Cov. 124:21. In the same revelation (Doc. & Cov., 124:141), the Lord says: "I give unto you, Vinson Knight. Samuel H. Smith and Shadrach Roundy, if he will receive it, to preside over the Bishopric." From the documents at our command at present, we are unable to learn whether or not the above named brethren officiated in the callings whereunto they were called; but at the general conference, held in October, 1844, at Nauvoo, 111., Newel K. Whitney (who had been called by revelation to act as Bishop at Kirtland, Ohio, Dec. 4, 1831, was sus- tained as "first Bishop," and George Miller as "second Bishop" in the Church. "And the duty of the bishop shall be made known by the com- mandments which have been given, and the voice of the conference. "And now, verily I say unto you, my servant Newel K. Whitney is the man who shall be appointed and ordained unto this power. This is the will of the Lord your God, your Redeemer." Doc. and Cov. 72:7-8. From that time till his death Newel K. Whitney was recog- nized, and after April, 1847, sustained by the voice of the general conference, as presiding Bishop of the Church. He had no regularly appointed Counselors; but recognized Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball as his chief coun- selors and advisers. Bishop Newel K. Whitney died in Great Salt Lake City. Sept. 23, 1850. At the general conference of the Church, held in April, 1851, Edward Hunter, who had been ordained a Bishop in Nauvoo in 1844, was sustained as presiding Bishop. It appears, however, that he was not ordained and set apart to that position till a year later. Like his predecessor, he received immediate advice from Presidents Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball, and chose no other counselors until October, 1856, when, at the general conference, held in Great Salt Lake City, Leonard W. Hardy was sustained as first and Jesse C. Little as second counselor to Bishop Edward Hunter. Counselor Jesse C. Little resigned his position as coun- selor. At the general conference held in Salt Lake City, in October, 1874, Robert T. Burton was sustained as second counselor to Bishop Hunter. He was ordained and set apart to this position, Sept. 2, 1875, after his return from a mission to England. Bishop Edward Hunter died in Salt Lake City, Oct. 16, 1883. At the general conference, held in April, 1884, Wm. B. Pres- ton, who had previously presided over the Cache Stake of Zion, was sustained as presiding Bishop, with Leonard W. Hardy as his first and Robert T. Burton' as his second coun- selor. Counselor Leonard W. Hardy died in Salt Lake City, July 31, 1884. At the general conference, held in October, 1884, Robert T. Burton was sustained as first and John Q. Cannon as second counselor to Bishop Wm. B. Preston. Counselor John Q. Cannon, because of transgression, was released from his position. At the general conference, held at Provo, Utah Co.. in April, 1886, John R. Winder was sus- tained as second counselor in the Presiding Bishopric. Counselor John R. Winder was chosen first Counselor to President Joseph F. Smith at the re-organization of the First Presidency of the Church, Oct. 17, 1901; and on the 24th of the same month, Orrin P. Miller was chosen to succeed him as second Counselor to Bishop William B. Preston. Counselor Robert T. Burton died at Salt Lake City Nov. 11, 1907. Bishop William B. Preston was honorably released from his position Dec. 6, 1911; and on the llth of the same month, the Presiding Bishopric was re-organized with Charles W. Nibley as Bishop, and Orrin P. Miller, first, and David Smith, second Counselors. CHURCH HISTORIANS AND RECORDERS. The office of Church Recorder was provided for by direct revelation, given April 6, 1830, immediately after the organ- ization of the Church. In that revelation the Lord says, "Behold, there shall be a record kept among you," etc. (Doc. and Cov., 21:1). Oliver Cowdery, who had acted as a scribe for the Prophet Joseph, while translating the Book of Mor- mon, received the appointment as the first Church Recorder. March 8, 1831, John Whitmer, one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, was called by revelation to the po- sition of Church Historian. "Behold, it is expedient in me," said the Lord, "that my servant (John Whitmer) should write and keep a regular history," and "it shall be appointed unto him to keep the Church record and history continually, for Oliver Cowdery I have appointed to another office." (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 47.) John Whitmer removed to Missouri in the winter of 1831-32, and he was consequently unable to attend to his duties as Historian and Recorder at the headquarters of the Church, which were still at Kirtland. Hence, at a meeting of the Presidency of the Church and the High Coun- cil, held at Kirtland, Ohio, Sept. 14. 1835, Oliver Cowdery was again appointed "Recorder for the Church." At a conference of the authorities of the Church and of the Saints, held in the Kirtland Temple, Sept. 17, 1837, Geo. W. Robinson was elected General Church Recorder, in place of Oliver Cowdery, who had removed to Missouri. At a general conference, held at Far West, Mo., April 6, 1838, John Corrill and Elias Higbee were appointed Church Historians, "to write and keep the Church history"; and Geo. W. Robinson was sustained as General Church Recorder and clerk to the First Presidency. John Corrill apostatized during the Missouri persecutions, and was excommunicated from the Church, at a conference, held at Quincy, 111., March 17, 1839. Elias Higbee was selected to accompany the Prophet Jo- seph to Washington, D. C., as a delegate from the Church to the Federal Government, and later was chosen as a member of the committee appointed to superintend the building of the Nauvoo Temple. Owing to these additional responsibilities. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1283 he was unable to devote much of his time to the writing of Church history. He finally died at Nauvoo, June 8, 1843. At the general conference of the Church, held at Nauvoo, 111., Oct. 3, 1840, Robert B. Thompson was appointed General Church Clerk, in place of George W. Robinson, who intended to remove to Iowa. Elder Thompson entered upon the duties of his office faith- fully, but took suddenly sick and died at Nauvoo, Aug. 27, 1841. Oct. 2, 1841, at a general conference, held in the Grove at Nauvoo, 111., James Sloan was elected General Church Clerk, in place of Robert B. Thompson, deceased. At a special meeting, held at Nauvoo, July 30, 1843, Elder Willard Richards was appointed General Church Recorder, succeeding James Sloan, who had left Nauvoo on a mission to Ireland. Elder Richards returned from his mission to England in August, 1841. Dec. 13, 1841, he was appointed by Joseph Smith to act as Recorder for the Temple, and also as private secretary and general clerk to the Prophet. He entered im- mediately upon the duties of his office, and continued the labors connected therewith till June 28. 1842, when he com- mitted the business of the office to Wm. Clayton, and left Nauvoo, July 1, 1842, on a visit to the New England States. From this visit he returned Oct. 20, 1842. Dec. 21, 1842, the Prophet Joseph again appointed him private secretary and historian, while Wm. Clayton was retained as Temple Re- corder and clerk of the Prophet's temporal business. At the general conference of the Church, held at Nauvoo, in October, 1845, President Brigham Young remarked that "about three years ago, Elder Willard Richards was ap- pointed by Pres. Joseph Smith as historian for the Church and General Church Recorder." The Saints had previously acted on his appointment as recorder, but not as historian. He therefore moved that "the Church receive the appointment of Brother Joseph, and that we continue and sustain Elder Richards as Historian for the Church and General Church Recorder." The motion was carried unanimously. Since that time the double office of Church Historian and General Church Recorder has been vested in the same person. Willard Richards filled the office faithfully until his death, which occurred in Great Salt Lake City, March 11, 1854. At the general conference, held in Great Salt Lake City in April, 1854, Geo. A. Smith was chosen and sustained as Church His- torian and General Church Recorder. As the Church grew and increased in numerical strength and importance, the labors of the Church Historian increased proportionately, and it became necessary to appoint assist- ants to the Church Historian. Accordingly, Apostle Wilford Woodruff was sustained as assistant Church Historian, at the general conference, held in Salt Lake City, in October, 1856. Elder Woodruff was the first Elder sustained in that capacity by a general conference of the Church. Apostle Geo. A. Smith, having been chosen as First Coun- selor to Pres. Brigham Young, was released from his position as Church Historian. At the general conference, held In April, 1871, Apostle Albert Carrington was sustained in that position, with Wilford Woodruff as his assistant. Apostle Orson Pratt succeeded Albert Carrington as Church Historian and General Church Recorder, being sustained as such at the general conference, held in Salt Lake City, May 9, 1874. With Wilford Woodruff as his assistant, he filled the position till his death, which occurred in Salt Lake City, Oct. 3, 1881. At the semi-annual conference, held in October, 1883, Apostle Wilford Woodruff was sustained as Church Historian and General Church Recorder, and at the next general con- ference, held in April, 1884, Franklin D. Richards was sus- tained as Assistant Church Historian. At the general conference, April 7, 1889, Wilford Woodruff was chosen and sustained as President of the Church, and Franklin D. Richards was appointed his successor as Church Historian and General Church Recorder. At the next gen- eral conference, held in October, 1889, Elder John Jaques was sustained as assistant Church Historian. Elder Charles W. Penrose was sustained in a similar capacity at the general conference, held In April, 1896; and Elder Andrew Jenson at the general conference held in April, 1898. Franklin D. Richards died at Ogden, Utah, Dec. 9, 1899; and on July 26, 1900, Apostle Anthon H. Lund was chosen to succeed him as General Church Historian. THE HOLY PRIESTHOOD The Church, which was established on the earth by Jesus Christ and his Apostles anciently, ceased in course of time to exist, through the martyrdom of many of its chief represen- tatives and the final "falling away" of the remnant of its members, as predicted by the Apostles Paul (2 Thess. 2:3), and Peter (2 Pet. 2:1), and others. In the present century the gospel of Christ, with its an- cient powers and Priesthood, has been restored to earth anew, through the administration of heavenly messengers. Early in the spring of 1820, God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith and revealed the true spiritual condition of the world. About three years later the angel Moroni appeared to him and subsequently visited him periodically for several years, imparting important instruc- tions. On Sept. 22, 1827, he gave into the hands of Joseph Smith the plates on which was inscribed the history of the early inhabitations of America. While Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were engaged in translating the Book of Mormon, from the plates, at Har- mony, Susquehanna Co., Pa., they went into the woods to enquire of the Lord respecting baptism for the remission of sins. While thus employed, on the 15th of May, 1829, a mes- senger from heaven descended in a cloud of light. Having laid his hands upon them, he ordained them, saying: "Upon you, my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the minis- tering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance and of bap- tism by Immersion for the remission of sins; and this shall never be taken again from the earth, until the sons of Lev! do offer again an offering unto the Lord in righteousness," (Doc. and Cov., 13.) The heavenly messenger told Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery that the "Aaronic Priesthood had not the power of laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost," but that this should be conferred on them later. He then commanded them "to go and be baptized," and directed that Joseph Smith should baptize Oliver Cowdery, after which he should bap- tize Joseph. The messenger told them "that his name was John, the same that is called John the Baptist in the New Testament, and that he acted under the direction of Peter, James and John, who held the keys of the Priesthood of Melchisedek," which Priesthood he said should in due time be conferred on them (Joseph and Oliver). In accordance with the commandment aforesaid, Joseph Smith baptized Oliver Cowdery, who then baptized Joseph. Joseph Smith then laid his hands upon the head of Oliver Cowdery and ordained him to the Aaronic Priesthood. Finally Oliver laid his hands on Joseph and ordained him to the same Priesthood. Soon after these important events, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery "became very anxious" to receive the Melchisedek Priesthood, which John the Baptist had promised them, if they continued faithful. They had for some time made this matter a subject of humble prayer, and at length they met "in the chamber of Mr. Whitmer's house," at Fayette, Sen- eca Co., N. Y., one day in June. 1829. They engaged in sol- emn and fervent prayer, when the word of the Lord came to them in the chamber commanding that Joseph Smith "should ordain Oliver Cowdery to be an elder in the Church of Jesus Christ," and that Oliver should ordain Joseph to the same office. After that, they were to ordain others, as it should be made known unto them from time to time. However, they were commanded to defer these ordinations until "such times as it should be practicable to have their brethren, who had been and who should be baptized, assemble together." This commandment was complied with April 6, 1830, the day on which the Church was organized. On that occasion Joseph Smith laid his hands upon Oliver Cowdery and or- dained him an Elder In the Church, after which Oliver or- dained Joseph to the office of an Elder. Next, they ad- ministered the Sacrament, and then laid their hands on each individual member of the Church present, that they might receive the Holy Ghost and be confirmed members of the Church. The exact date of the ordination of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to the Melchisedek Priesthood by Peter, James and John is not stated, but it is generally believed to have taken place in June or July, 1829. In proof of the ordination we have the word of the Lord Jesus Christ, in a revelation, given to Joseph Smith at Fayette, N. Y., in Sep- tember, 1830, as follows: "Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, your Lord, your God, and your Redeemer, whose word is quick and powerful. The hour cometh that I will drink of the fruit of the vine with you on the earth, and with Moroni, whom I have sent unto you to reveal the Book of Mormon, containing the fullness of my everlasting gospel. * * And also John, the son of Zacharias, * which John I have sent unto you, my servants, Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cowdery, to ordain you unto this first Priest- hood, which you have received, that you might be called and ordained even as Aaron. * * And also with Peter and James and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be Apostles and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry, and of the same things which I revealed unto them." (Doc. and Cov., 27:1, 5, 7, 8, 12.) In a revelation on Church Government, given through Jo- seph Smith, the Prophet, in April, 1830. at Fayette. the fol- lowing passage occurs: "Commandment was given to Jo- seph Smith, Jr., who was called of God and ordained an Apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the first Elder of this Church; and to Oliver Cowdery, who was also called of God, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the second Elder of this Church, and ordained under his (Joseph's) hand." (Doc. and Cov., 20:2, 3.) In the light of the foregoing i,t is plain that none among the children of men at the present time possess the holy Priesthood, with divine authority to administer in the ordi- nances of the gospel, except those who have received their ordinations through the laying on of hands by men whose commissions rest upon the divine calling of Joseph the Prophet. This being the case, it is desirable that every Apostle, Prophet, Patriarch, High Priest, Seventy, Elder, Bishop, Priest, Teacher and Deacon In the Church should be able to trace the Priesthood they hold back to the Prophet Joseph. For the benefit of the brethren who are endeavoring to> make proper records of these things, we publish the sub- joined biographical notes, which contain the ordinations of nearly all the Elders who have been sustained and who at the present time are being sustained as the general authori- ties of the Church. ALDRICH, Hazen; ordained a Seventy Feb. 28, 1835, under the hands of Joseph Smith and others. BENSON, Ezra Taft; born Feb. 22, 1811; baptized July 19. 1840, at Quincy, 111.; ordained a High Priest Oct. 25, 1840, by Hyrum Smith; ordained an Apostle July 16, 1846, by Pres. Brigham Young; died Sept. 3, 1869. BILLINGS, Titus; born March 25, 1793, at Greenfield, Frank- lin Co., Mass.; baptized at Kirtland, Ohio, in November, 1830, by Parley P Pratt; ordained a High Priest and counselor to Bishop Edward Partridge, Aug. 1, 1837, under the hands of Edward Partridge and Isaac Morley; died Feb. 6, 1866, at Provo, Utah. BOYNTON, John Farnham; born Sept. 20, 1811; baptized in September, 1832, by Joseph the Prophet; ordained an Elder in 1832, by Sidney Rigdon; ordained an Apostle, Feb. 16, 1284 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1835, under the hands of Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris; died Oct. 20, 1890. BURTON, Robert Taylor; born Oct. 25, 1821, in Amersburgh, Ontario, Canada; ordained a High Priest and Bishop and set apart as second counselor to Bishop Edward Hunter, Sept. 2, 1875, by Edward Hunter assisted by Brigham Young and Daniel H. Wells. BUTTERFIELD, Josiah; ordained and set apart as one of the First Council of Seventies, April 6, 1837, under the hands of Sidney Rigdon and Hyrum Smith. CANNON, Abraham Hoagland; born March 12, 1859; bap- tized March 12, 1867. by his father Geo. Q. Cannon; ordained an Elder July 7, 1875, by Geo. Q. Cannon; ordained a Seventy by ; ordained an Apostle Oct. 7, 1889, by Joseph F. Smith, assisted by Wilford Wood- ruff and George Q. Cannon and nearly all the Apostles; died July 19, 1896. CANNON, George Quayle; born Jan. 11, 1827; baptized In June, 1840, by John Taylor; ordained an Elder at Nauvoo, by John Taylor; ordained a Seventy Feb. 9, 1845, by Arza Adams; ordained an Apostle Aug. 26, 1860, by Pres. Brigham Young, assisted by his Counselors and ten of the Apostles. CANNON, John Q.; born April 19, 1857, at San Francisco, Cal.; baptized April 19, 1865, by his father, George Q. Can- non; oruained an Elder by Geo. Q. Cannon; ordained a Sev- enty Aug. 8, 1881, by Joseph F. Smith; ordained a High Priest and set apart as second counselor to Bishop Wm. B. Preston in October, 1884, by Pres. John Taylor. CAHRINGTON, Albert; born Jan. 8, 1813; baptized in July, 1841, by Wm. O. Clark; ordained an Apostle July 3, 1870, by Pres. Brigham Young; died Sept. 19, 1889, in Salt Lake City, Utah. CLAPP, Benjamin L.; born Aug. 19, 1814, in Alabama; or- dained and set apart as one of the presidents of the 8th quorum of Seventy, Oct. rd and received a revelation In which God said that none but Joseph would be appointed to re- ceive revelations and commandments, as long as he lived and remained faithful. For behold, verily, verily, T say .unto you, that ye have received a commandment for a law unto my church, through him {Joseph Smith, Jr.) whom I have appointed unto you, to recelre com- mandments and revelations from my hand. And this ye shall know assuredly that there Is none other appointed unto you to receive commandments and revelations until he be taken, If he abide in me. But verily, verily, I say unto you, that none else shall be appointed unto this gift except it be through him. for (f It be taken from him. he shall not have power except t appoint another In his stead; And this shall be a law unto you, that ye receive not the teach- PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1289 Ings of any that shall come before you as revelations or com- mandments; And this I give unto you that you may not be deceived, that you may know they are not of me. For verily I say unto you, that he that is ordained of me shall come in at the gate and be ordained as I have told you before, to teach those revelations which you have received, and shall receive through him whom I have appointed. Doc. and Cov. 43:2-7. A revelation instructing the Elders who had gone on missions to assemble at Kirtland in June following was given to Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon, at Kirtland. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 44.) March. Mon. 7. An important revelation concerning the salvation of man and the calamities of the last days was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland. The Saints were also commanded to gather means wherewith to pur- chase a land of inheritance on which to build a New Jerusa- lem. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 45.) Wherefore T. the Lord, have said, gather ye out from the eastern lands, assemble ye yourselves together ye elders of my church; go ye forth into the western countries, call upon the inhabitants to repent, and inasmuch as they do repent, build up churches unto me; And with one heart and with one mind, gather up your riches that ye may purchase an inheritance which shall hereafter be appointed unto you. And It shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the most High God; * Doc. and Cov. 45:64-66. Tuea. 8. A revelation was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland, relative to the gifts of the Holy Ghost, and John Whitmer was called by revelation to be Church His- torian. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 46.) Revelation to Joseph Smith. Jr., and John Wbitmer. given in Kirtland, Ohio. March 8th. 1831. Behold, it is expedient in me that my servant John should write and keep a regular history, and assist you. my servant Joseph, in transcribing all things which shall be given you, until he is called to further duties. Again, verily I say unto you, that he can also lift up his voice In meetings, whenever it shall be expedient. And again, I say unto you, that it shall be appointed unto him to keep the church record and history continually, for Oliver Cow- dery I have appointed to another office. Wherefore it shall be given him, inasmuch as he is faithful, by the Comforter, to write these things. Even so. Amen. Doc. and Cov. Sec. 47. Later In Mar'ch, the Saints were commanded by revelation to save their money to purchase land for an inheritance; and Sidney Rigdon, Parley P. Pratt and Lemon Copley were called by revelation to preach the gospel to the Quakers. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 48 and 49.) Revelation given through Joseph, the Seer, at Kirtland, Ohio, March. 1831. It is necessary that ye should remain for the present time in your places of abode, as it shall be suitable to your circumstances; And inasmuch as ye have lands, ye shall impart to the eastern brethren; And inasmuch as ye have not lands, let them buy for the present time in those regions round about as seemeth them good, for it must needs be necessary that they have places to live for the present time. It must needs be necessary, that ye save all the money that ye can, and that ye obtain all that ye can in righteousness, that in time ye may be enabled to purchase land for an inheritance, even the city. The place Is not yet to be revealed, but after your brethren come from the east, there are to be certain men appointed, and to them it shall be given to know the place, or to them it shall be revealed. And they shall be appointed to purchase the lands, and to make a commencement to lay the foundation of the city; and then shall ye begin to be gathered with your families, every man according: to his family, according to his circumstances, and as is appointed to him r>y the Presidency and the bishop of the church, according- to the laws and commandments which ye have received, and which ye shall hereafter receive. Even so. Amen. Doc. and Cov. Sec. 48. Hearken unto my word, my servants Sidney, and Parley, and Lemon, for behold, verily I say unto you, that T give unto you a commandment that you shall go and preach my gospel which ye have received, even as ye have received it. unto the Shakers. Doc. and Cov. 49:1. April. Joseph Smith, Jr., continued to translate the Scrip- tures. May. As a number of Elders did not understand the dif- ferent spirits -which manifested themselves at the time, Joseph Smith, Jr., inquired of the Lord and received a rev- elation. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 50.) The Saints from the State of New York and other places commenced to gather to Kirtland, Ohio, and vicinity; and Ed- ward Partridge was appointed by revelation through Joseph Smith. Jr., to locate them for a short time at Thompson, Geauga Co., Ohio, agreeable to the principles of the United Order. Revelation given through Joseph, the Seer. In Thompson, C.eanga County, Ohio, May. 1831. Hearken unto me. saith the Lord your God, and I will speak unto my servant Edward Partridge, and give unto him directions, for it must needs be that he receive directions how to organize this people; For It must needs be that they be organized according to my laws if otherwise, they will be cut off: Wherefore let my servant Edward Partridge, and those whom he has chosen, in whom I am well pleased, appoint unto this people their portion, every man equal according to their families, according to their circumstances, and their' wants and needs. And let my servant Edward Partridge, when he shall appoint a man his portion, give unto him a writing that shall secure unto him his portion, that he shall hold it, even this right and this inheritance In the church, until he transgresses and is not accounted worthy by the voice of the church, according to the laws and covenants of the church, to belong to the church; And if he shall transgress and is not accounted worthy to belong to the church, he shall not have power to claim that portion which he has consecrated unto the bishop for the poor and needy of my church: therefore, he shall not retain the gift, but shall only have claim on that portion that is deeded unto him. And thus all things shall be made sure, according to the laws of the land. And let that which belongs to this people be appointed unto this people; And the money which is left unto this people, let there be an agent appointed unto this people, to take the money to provide food and raiment, according to the wants of this people. And let every man deal honestly, and be alike among this people, and receive alike, that ye may be one, even as I have commanded you. And let that which helongeth to this people not be taken and given unto that of another church: Wherefore, if another church would receive money of this church, let them pay unto this church again according as they shall agree; And this shall be done through the bishop or the agent, which shall be appointed by the voice of the church. And again, let the bishop appoint a storehouse unto this church, and let all things both In money and in meat, which Is more than is needful for the want of this people, be kept In the hands of the bishop. And let him also reserve unto himself for his own wants, and for the wants of his family, as he shall be employed in doing this business. And thus T grant unto this people a privilege of organizing themselves according to my laws; And I consecrate unto them this land for a little season, until T, the Lord, shall provide for them otherwise, and command them to go hence; And the hour and the day is not given unto them, wherefore let them act upon this land as for years, and this shall turn unto them for their good. Behold, this shall be an example unto my servant Edward Partridge, in other places, in all churches. Doc. and Cov. 51:1-18. June. Mon. 6. The fourth conference of the Church was held at Kirtland, Ohio, on which occasion several brethren were called by revelation to the office of High Priests. This was the first occasion in which this office in the Priest- hood was fully revealed and conferred upon any of the Elders in this dispensation. Tues. 7. Joseph Smith and ahout thirty other Elders were called by revelation to go to Missouri and preach the gos- pel by the way. (Doe. and Cov. Sec. 52.) Later in June a revelation was given through Joseph Smith. Jr., at Kirtland, to Algernon Sidney Gilbert. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 53.) The Saints in Thompson, Ohio, were commanded by rerela- tion to remove to Missouri. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 54.) Wherefore, go to now and flee the land, lest your enemies come upon you: and take your .journey, and appoint whom you will to be your leader, and to pay monies for you. And thus you shall take your journey into the regions westward, unto the land of the Missouri, unto the borders of the Lamanites. And after you have done journeying, behold, r say unto you, seek ye a living like unto men. until I prepare a place for you. Doc. and Cov. 54:7-9. The Elders, in obedience to revelation, began to take their departure for the western country two and two. About the middle of the month, Wm. W. Phelps arrived at Kirtland with his family. He was commanded by revelation to receive the fullness of the gospel, and then to assist in writing and printing for the Church, and also accompany the Prophet Joseph and Sidney Rigdon to Missouri. And again, you (William W. Phelps) shall be ordained to assist my servant Oliver Cowdery to do the work of printing, and of selecting, and writing books for schools in this church, that little children also may receive instruction before me as is pleasing unto me. And again, verily I say unto you. for this cause you shall take your journey with my servants Joseph Smith. Jr.. and Sidney Rigdon. that you may be planted In the land of your inheritance to do this work. Doc. and Cov. 55:4-5. Thomas B. Marsh and others were commanded by revela- tion through the Prophet Joseph to go to Missouri. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 56.) Sun. 19. Joseph Smith, Jr.. Sidney Rigdon, Martin Har- ris. Edward Partridge, Wm. W. Phelps. Joseph Coe and A. S. Gilbert and wife left Kirtland, Ohio, for Missouri. July. About the middle of this month Joseph Smith, Jr., and his companions arrived at Independence. Jackson Co., Mo. The first Sabbath after their arrival Wm. W. Pholos preached to a western audience, over the boundary line at the United States. The following week the Colesville branch arrived. The Lord revealed the location of the New Jerusalem and the spot upon which the Temple was to be built. (Doc. and Cov.,- Sec. 57.) And thus saith the Lord youc God. if you will receive wisdom, here is wisdom. Behold, the place which is now called Indepen- dence, is the center place, and a spot for the temple is lying west- ward, upon a lot which Is not far from the court house; Doc. and Cov. 57:3. August. Mon. 1. A revelation, directing the Saints how to locate in the land of Zion, was given in Jackson County. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 58.) Let no man break the laws of the land, for he that keepeth the laws of God hath no need to break the laws of the land: Wherefore, be subject to the powers that be. until He reigns . whose right it Is to reign, and subdues all enemies under his feet. Behold, the laws which ye have received from my hand are the laws of the church, and in this light ye shall hold them forth. Behold, here is wisdom. * * * And also, this Is a law unto every man that comfth unto this land, to receive an Inheritance; and he shall do with his monies according as the law directs. And It Is wisdom also, that there should be lands purchased In Independence, for the place of the store-house, and also for the house of the printing. * And let there he an agent appointed by the voice of the church, unto the church in Ohio, to receive monies to purchase lands in Zlon. And I give unto my servant, Sidney Rigdon. a commandment that he shall write a description of the land of Zion, and a statement of the will of God, as It shall be made known by the Spirit unto hJm; And an epistle and subscription, to be presented unto all the churches to obtain monies, to be put into the hands of the bishop to purchase lands for an inheritance for the children of God. of himself or the agent, as seemeth him good or as he shall direct. For, behold, verily I say unto you, the Lord willeth that the disciples, and the children of men should open their hearts, even 1290 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH to purchase this whole region of country, as soon as time will ^BeViold, here Is wisdom. Let them do this lest they receive none inheritance save it he by the shedding of blood. Doc. and Cov. 68:21-23; 36-37; 49-53. Tues. 2. The Saints commenced erecting houses in Jack- son County, the first log being laid in Kaw Township, twelve miles southwest of Independence. The log was carried and placed in position by twelve men, in honor of the twelve tribes of Israel. On that occasion the land of Zion was consecrated and dedicated by Elder Rigdon for the gathering of the Saints. Wed. 3. The spot for the Temple, a short distance west of Independence, was dedicated in the presence of eight brethren, among whom were Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rig- don, Edward Partridge, Wm. W. Phelps, Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris and Joseph Coe. Thurs. 4. The fifth conference of the Church, and the first in the land of Zion, was held at the house of brother Joshua Lewis, in Kaw Township, Jackson Co., Mo., Sun. 7. Polly Knight, wife of Joseph Knight, Sr., died In Jackson County, Mo. This was the first death among the Saints in that land. On the same day Joseph the Prophet received a revelation about the Sabbath. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 59.) But remember that on this the Lord's day, thou shall offer thine oblations and thy sacraments unto the Most High, confessing thy sins unto thy brethren, and before the Lord. And on this day thou shall do none other thing, only lei thy food be prepared with singleness of heart that thy fasting may be perfect, or. In other words, that thy joy may be full. Verily, this is fasting and prayer; or in olher words, rejoicing and prayer. And Inasmuch as ye do these Ihings wilh lhanksgiving, with cheerful hearts and countenances; not with much laughter, for this is sin, but with a glad heart and a cheerful countenance * * Doc. and Cov. 59:12-15. Mon. 8. A revelation, directing some of the brethren to return to the East, was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., in Jackson County. But verily. I will speak unto you concerning your journey unto the land from whence you came. Let there be a craft made, or bought, as seemeth you good. It mattereth not unto me, and take your journey speedily for the place which is called St. Louis. And from thence let my servants Sidney Rigdon, and Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cowdery. take their journey for Cincinnati; And in this place let them lifl up their voice and declare my word with loud voices, without wrath or doubling, lifting up holy hands upon them. For I am able to make you holy, and your elns are forgiven you. And let the residue lake their journey from St. Louis, two by two, and preach the word, nol in hasle, among the congregations . of the wicked, until they return to the churches from whence they came. And all Ihis for the good of the churches; for this intent have I sent them. And let my servant Edward Parlridge imparl of Ihe money which I have given him, a porlion unto mine elders who are commanded to return; Doc. and Cov. 60:5-10. Tues. 9. Joseph the Prophet, in company with ten Elders, left Independence, Mo., In sixteen canoes, on their return to Kirtland, Ohio. Thurs. 11. The returning Elders reached McIIwair's Bend (of the Missouri river) where Wm. Wj Phelps "saw in open vision, by daylight, the Destroyer in his most horrible power ride upon the face of the water; others heard the noise, but saw not the vision." Fri. 12. A revelation was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at McIIwair's Bend, about the cursing of the waters in the last days. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 61.) Sat. 13. Joseph Smith, Jr., and company met several of the Elders on their way to the land of Zion. A revelation was given to them through Joseph Smith, Jr., on the bank of the Missouri river. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 62.) Sat. 27. Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon and Oliver Cow- dery arrive dat Kirtland, Ohio, from their visjt to Missouri. Late in August, the Saints were commanded by revela- tion, through Joseph the Prophet, to purchase lands in Jackson County, Mo., and the future persecutions of the Church were foreshadowed. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 63). Verily, I say unto you, there are those among you who seek signs, and there have been such even from the beginning: But. behold, faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe. * * Nevertheless. I give commandments, and many have turned away from my commandments and have not kept them. * * * Nevertheless, I, Ihe Lord, renderelh unto Caesar Ihe things which are Caesar's: Wherefore, I the Lord, willeth lhal you should purchase the lands that you may have advantage of the world, thai you may have claim on Ihe world, that they may not be stirred up unto anger; For Satan putteth It Into their hearts to anger against you, and to the shedding of blood; Wherefore the land of Zion shall not be obtained but by purchase or by blood, otherwise there is none inheritance for you. And if by purchase, behold you are blessed: And if by blood, as you are forbidden to shed blood, lo. your enemies are upon you, and ye shall be scourged from city to city, and from synagogue to synagogue, and but few shall stand to receive an inheritance. Doc. and Cov. 63:8, 9, 13, 26-31. September. Sun. 11. The Saints were commanded by revelation through Joseph Smith, Jr., to forgive one an- other; and the Lord, in speaking of the present time, said it was a day of sacrifice and a day of tithing for His people. (Doc. and Cov., SPC. 64. 1 Mon. 12. Joseph Smith, Jr., removed with his family from Kirtland to Hiram, Portage Co.. Ohio, about thirty miles from Kirtland, where he continued the translation of the Biblp. Ezra Booth, formerly a Methodist minister, came out as an apostate. A conference was held in Hiram, at which Wm. W. Phelps was instructed to purchase a press and tyne. at Cincinnati, Ohio, for the purpose of establishing and publishing a monthly paper at Independence, Jackson Co., Mo., to be called the Evening and Morning Star. October. Early in this month the revelation on prayer was given. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 65.) Tues. 11. A conference was held at Father John John- son's house, in Hiram, at which the Elders were instructed about the ancient manner of holding meetings. Tues. 25. An important conference was held at Orange, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. Wm. E. McLellin and Samuel H. Smith were called by revelation through Joseph the Prophet to preach the gospel. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 66.) November. Tues. 1. At a special conference held at Hiram, Oliver Cowdery was appointed to go to Inde- pendence, Jackson Co., Mo., with the revelations which Joseph the Prophet had received up to that time and get them printed. The revelation known as the Preface to the Doctrine and Covenants was given. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 1.) Some of the brethren having criticised the language used in some of the revelations, given through Joseph the Prophet, the Lord gave the wisest among the Elders per- mission to write a revelation like the least of those the Prophet had received, on certain conditions. (See Doc. and Cov., Sec. 67.) _ Wm. E. McLellin, as the "wisest man in his own estima- tion," failed in his attempt to write a revelation. (See History of Joseph Smith.) Thurs. 3. The revelation called the Appendix was given through Joseph Smith, Jr. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 133.) In a revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Hiram, to Orson Hyde, Luke S. Johnson, Lyman E. Johnson and Wm. E. McLellin, the Lord explained the nature and author- ity of the Aaronic Priesthood, the duties of parents towards their children, etc. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 68.) There remaineth hereafter, in the due time of the Lord, other bishops to be sel aparl unlo the church, to minister even according to the first; Wherefore they shall be High Priests who are worthy, and they shall be appointed by the First Presidency of the Melchisedek Priesthood, except they be literal descendants of Aaron, And if they be literal descendants of Aaron, they have a legal right to the bishopric, if they are the firstborn among the sons of Aaron; For the firstborn holds the right of the presidency over this priesthood, and the keys of authority of the same. No man has a legal right to this office to hold the keys of this priesthood, except he be a literal descendant and the firstborn of Aaron ; But as a High Priest of the Melchisedek Priesthood has authority to officiate in all the lesser offices, he may officiate in the office of bishop when no literal descendant of Aaron can be found, provided he is called, and set apart and ordained unto this power under the hands of the First Presidency of the Melchisedek Priesthood. And a literal descendant of Aaron, also, must be designated by this Presidency, and found worthy, and anointed, and ordained under the hands of this Presidency, otherwise they are not legally authorized to officiate in their priesthood; But by virtue of the decree concerning their right of the priesthood descending from father to son, they may claim their anointing, if at any time they can prove their lineage, or do ascertain it by revelation from the Lord under the hands of the above named Presidency. And again, no bishop or High Priest who shall be set apart for this ministry, shall be tried or condemned for any crime, save it be before the First Presidency of the church; And inasmuch as he is found guilty before this Presidency, by testimony that cannot be impeached, he shall be condemned; And if he repents he shall be forgiven, according to the covenants and commandments of the church. And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her Stakes which are organized, that teach them not to under- stand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents; For this shall be a law unto the Inhabitants of Zion. or. in any of her Stakes which are organized; And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old. and receive the laying on of the hands. And they shall also teach their children to pray and to walk uprightly before the Lord. Doc. and Cov. 68:14-28. John Whitmer was called by revelation to accompany Oliver Cowdery to Missouri, and to travel among the dif- ferent branches of the Church in order to obtain informa- tion in his capacity as Church Historian. Wherefore, I the Lord will that my servant, John Whitmer, should go with my servant Oliver Cowdery; And also that he shall continue in writing and making a history of all the Important things which he shall observe and know concerning my church: And also that he receive counsel and assistance from my servant Oliver Cowdery and others. And also my servants who are abroad In the earth, should send forth the accounts of their stewardships to the land of Zion; For the land of Zion shall be a seat and a place to receive and do all these things; Nevertheless, let my servant, John Whitmer. travel many times from place to place, and from church to church, that he may the mre easily obtain knowledge; Preaching and expounding, writing, copying, selecting, and obtaining all things which shall be for the good of the church, and for the rising generations, that shall grow up on the land of Zion. to possess It from generation to generation, for ever and ever. Amen. Doc. and Cov. 69:2-8. Joseph Smith, Jr , Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer, Sidney Rigdon and Wm. W. Phelps were appointed by revelation "to be stewards over the revelations and com- mandments" which had been given. Behold, and hearken, O ye inhabitants of Zion, and all ye people of my church, who are far off, and hear the word of the Lord which I give unto my servant Joseph Smith, Jr., and also unto my servant Martin Harris, and also unto my servant Oliver Cowdery, and also unto my servant John Whitmer, and also unto my servant Sidney Rigdon, and also unto my servant William W. Phelps, by the way of commandment unto them: For I give unto them a commandment: wherefore hearken and hear, for thus saith the Lord unto them I. the Lord, have appointed them, and ordained them to be PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1291 stewards over the revelations and commandments which I have given unto them, and which I shall hereafter give unto them. * * Doc. and Cov. 70:1-3. Oliver Cowdery and John Whitmer started for Missouri with the revelations, after which Joseph the Prophet, as- sisted by Sidney Rigdon as scribe, resumed the translation of the Scriptures. December. Thurs. 1. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rig- don were called by revelation to go out and preach the gospel. Behold, thus saith the Lord unto you my servants, Joseph Smith. Jr., and Sidney Rigdon, that the time has verily come, that it is necessary and expedient in me that you should open your mouths in proclaiming my gospel, the things of the kingdom, expounding the mysteries thereof out of the scriptures, according to that portion of Spirit and power which shall be given unto you, even as I will. Verily. I say unto you, proclaim unto the world in the regions round about, and in the church also, for the space of a season, even until it shall be made known unto you. Doc. and Cov. 71:1-2. Sat. 3. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon went to Kirtland in obedience to revelation. Sun. 4. Joseph Smith, Jr., and a number of other Elders and members of the Church assembled at Kirtland to learn their duties. Newel K. Whitney was called by revelation to act as Bishop in Kirtland, and the duties of that calling were made known. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 72.) And the duty of the bishop shall be made known by the com- mandments which have been given, and the voice of the conference. And now, verily I say unto you, my servant Newel K. Whitney is the man who shall be appointed and ordained unto this power. This is the will of the Lord your God, your Redeemer. Even so. Amen. The word of the Lord, in addition to the law which has been given, making known the duty of the bishop which has been ordained unto the church in this part of the vineyard, which is verily this: To keep the Lord's storehouse; to receive the funds of the church in this part of the vineyard; To take an account of the elders as before has been commanded; and to administer to their wants, who shall pay for that which they receive, inasmuch as they have wherewith to pay; That this also may be consecrated to the good of the church, to the poor and needy; And he who hath not wherewith to pay. an account shall be taken and handed over to the blshoo of Zion, who shall pay the debt out of that which the Lord shall put into his hands; And the labors of the faithful who labor in spiritual things, in administering the gospel and the things of the kingdom unto the church, and unto the world, shall answer ^he debt unto the bishop in Zion. * * * Doc. and Cov. 72:7-14. 1832 January. Joseph Smith, Jr., preached in Shalersville, Ra- venna and other places in Portage County, Ohio. Tues. 10. The Elders were commanded by revelation to continue their preaching till the next conference. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 73.) Later in the month, a revelation, explaining 1 Cor. 7:14, was given to Joseph Smith, Jr., at Hiram. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 74.) Wed. 25. A conference was held at Amherst, Loraine Co., Ohio, at which a number of Elders were called by revela- tion on special missions and to preach the gospel in dif- ferent parts of the country. (Doc, and Cov., Sec. 75.) [In this revelation, William E. McLellin, Luke Johnson, Major N. Ashley and Burr Riggs were called to preach in the "south country"; Orson Hyde, Samuel H. Smith, Lyman Jobnson and Orson Pratt, in the "eastern countries"; and Asa Dodds and Calves Wilson, in the "western countries." Ed.] February. Thurs. 16. The revelation known as the "Vision" was given at Hiram, in which the beautiful doc- trine of the three glories was explained. In this vision Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon "beheld the glory of the Son on the right hand of the Father," and "saw the holy angels and they who are sanctified before His throne." And after the many testimonies which had been given of the Son, they, last of all, gave this testimony, that he lived, for they "saw him, even at the right hand of God," and "heard tbe voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father." We, Joseph Smith. Jr., and Sidney Rigdon, being in the Spirit on the sixteenth of February, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, , By the power of the Spirit our eyes were opened and our under- standings were enlightened, so as to see and understand the things of God Even those things which were from the beginning before the world was, which were ordained of the Father, through his Only Begotten Son, who was in the bosom of the Father, even from the beginning, Of whom we bear record, and the record which we bear is the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, who is the Son, whom we saw and with whom we conversed in the heavenly vision; For while we were doing the work of translation, which the Lord had appointed unto us, we came to the twenty-ninth verse of the fifth chapter of John, which was given unto us as follows. Speaking of the resurrection of the dead, concerning those who shall hear the voice of the Son of Man, and shall come forth; They who have done good in the resurrection of the just, and they who have done evil in the resurrection of the unjust. Now this caused us to marvel, for it was given unto us of the Spirit; And while we meditated upon these things, the Lord touched the eyes of our understandings and they were opened, and the glory of the Lord shone round. And we beheld the glory of the Son, on the- right hand of the Father, and received of his fullness: And saw the holy angels, and they who are sanctified before his throne, worshiping God, and the Lamb, who worship him for ever and ever. And now. after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony last of all, which we give of him, that he lives; For we saw him, even on the right hand of God, and we heard the voice bearing record that he Is the Only Begotten of the Father That by him and through him, and of him the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God. And this we saw also, and bear record, that an angel of God who was in authority in the presence of God, who rebelled against the Only Begotten Son, whom the Father loved, and who was in the bosom of the Father was thrust down from the presence of God and the Son. And was called Perdition, for the heavens wept over him he was Lucifer, a son of the morning. And we beheld, and lo, he is fallen! is fallen! even a son of the morning. And while we were yet in the Spirit, the Lord commanded us that we should write the vision, for we beheld Satan, that old serpent even the devil who rebelled against God, and sought to take the kingdom of our God, and his Christ, Wherefore he maketh war with the saints of God, and encom- passes them round about. And we saw a vision of the sufferings of those with whom he made war and overcame, for thus came the voice of the Lord unto us. Thus saith the Lord, concerning all those who know my power, and have been made partakers thereof, and suffered themselves, through the power of the devil, to be overcome, and to deny the truth and defy my power They are they who are the sons of perdition, of whom, I say that It had been better for them never to have been born. For they are vessels of wrath, doomed to suffer the wrath of God, with the devil and his angels in eternity; Concerning whom I have said there is no forgiveness in this world nor in the world to come, Having denied the Holy Spirit after having received it, and having denied the Only Begotten Son of the Father having crucified him unto themselves, and put him to an open shame. These are they who shall go away into the lake of fire and brimstone, with the devil and his angels. And the only ones on whom the second death shall have any power; Yea, verily, the only ones who shall not be redeemed in the due time of the Lord, after the sufferings of his wrath; For all the rest shall be brought forth by the resurrection of the dead, through the triumph and the glory of the Lamb, who was slain, who was in the bosom of the Father before the worlds were made. And this is the gospel, the glad Udings which the voice out of the heavens bore record unto us. That he came into the world, even Jesus, to be crucified for the world, and to bear the sins of the world, and to sanctify the world, and to cleanse it from all unrighteousness; That through him all might be saved whom the Father had put into his power and made by him. Who glorifies the Father, and saves all the works of his hands, except those sons of perdition, who deny the Son after the Father has revealed him; Wherefore, he saves all except them: they shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, which is eternal punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment; And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment no man knows, Neither was it revealed, neither is. neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof: Nevertheless I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again; Wherefore the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except them who are ordained unto this condemnation. And we heard the voice, saying. Write the vision, for lo! this is the end of the vision of the sufferings of the ungodly! And again, we bear record, for we saw and heard, and this Is the testimony of the gospel of Christ, concerning them who come forth in the resurrection of the just; They are they who received the testimony of Jesus, and believed on his name and were baptized after the manner of h.is burial being buried in the water in his name, and this according to the commandment which he has given, That by keeping the commandments they might be washed and cleansed from all their sins, and receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed unto this power. And who overcome by faith, and are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, which the Father sheds forth upon all those who are just and true. They are they who are the church of the first born. They are they Into whose hands the Father has given all things They are they who are Priests and Kings, who have received of his fullness, and of his glory. And are Priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchisedek, which was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten Son; Wherefore, as it is written, they are Gods, even the sons of God Wherefore all things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are theirs and they are Christ's and Christ Is God's. And they shall overcome all things; Wherefore let no man glory in man, but rather let him glory in God. who shall subdue all enemies under his feet These shall dwell in the presence of God and his Christ for ever and ever. These are they whom he shall bring with him, when he shall come in the clouds of heaven, to reign on the earth over his people. These are they who shall have part in the first resurrection. These are they who shall come forth in the resurrection of the just. These are they who are come unto Mount Zion. and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly place, the holiest of all. These are they who have come to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of Enoch, and of the firstborn. These are they whose names are written in heaven, where God and Christ are the judge of all. These are they who are just men made perfect through Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, who wrought out this perfect atonement through the shedding of his own blood. These are they whose bodies are celestial, whose glory Is that of the sun, even the glory of God. the highest of all. whose glory the sun of the firmament is written of as being typical. And again, we saw the terrestrial world, and behold and lo, these are they who are of the terrestrial, whose glory differs from that of the church of the firstborn, who have received the fullnesH of the Father, even as that of the moon differs from the sun in the firmament. 1292 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Behold, these are they who died without law. And also they who are the spirits of men kept in prison, whom the Son visited, and preached the gospel unto them, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh. Who received not the testimony of Jesus in the flesh, but after- wards received It. These are they who are honorable men of the earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of rpen. These are they who receive of his glory, but not of his fullness. These are they who receive of the presence of the Son. but not of the fullness of the Father; Wherefore they are bodies terrestrial, and not bodies celestial, and differ in glory as the moon differs from the sun. These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus; wherefore they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of our God. And now this is the end of the vision which we saw of the terrestrial, that the Lord commanded us to write while we were yet in the Spirit. And again, we saw the glory of the telestial, which glory Is that of the lesser, even as the glory of the stars differs from that of the glory of the moon In the firmament. These are they who received not the gospel of Christ, neither the testimony of Jesus. These are they who deny not the Holy Spirit. These are they who are thrust down to hell. These are they who shall not be redeemed from the devil, until the last resurrection, until the Lord, even Christ the Lamb shall have finished his work. These are they who receive not of his fullness in the eternal world, but of the Holy Spirit through the ministration of the terrestrial; And the terrestrial through the ministration of the celestial; And also the telestial receive it of the administering of angels who are appointed to minister for them, or who are appointed to be ministering spirits for them, for they shall be heirs of salvation. And thus we saw in the heavenly vision, the glory of the telestial, which surpasses all understanding. And no man knows it except him to whom God has revealed It. And thus we saw the glory of the terrestrial, which excels in all things the glory of the telestial, even in. glory, and In power, and In might, and in dominion. And thus we saw the glory of the celestial, which excels In all things where God, even the Father, reigns upon his throne for erer and ever; Before whoee throne all things bow in humble reverence and give him glory for ever and ever. They who dwell in his presence are the church of the firstborn, and they see as they are seen, and know as they are known, having received of his fullness and of his grace; And he makes them equal in power, and In might, and In dominion. And the glory of the celestial Is one, even as the glory of the sun is one. And the glory of the terrestrial is one, even as the glory of the moon is one. And the glory of the telestial Is one, even as the glory of the stars is one. for as one star differs from another star in glory, even so differs one from another in glory in the telestial world; For these are they who are of Paul, and of Apollos, and of Cephas. These are they who say they are some of one and some of another some of Christ and some of John, and some of Moses, and some of Ellas, and some of Esaias. and some of Isaiah, and some of Enoch; But received not the gospel, neither the testimony of Jesus, neither the prophets, neither the everlasting covenant. Last of all. thesp nil are they who will not be erathered with the saints, to be caught up unto the church of the firstborn, and received Into the cloud. These are they who are liars, and sorcerers, and adulterers, and whoremongers, and whosoever loves and makes a He. These are they who suffer the wrath of God on the earth. These are they who suffer the vengeance of eternal fire. Th^se are they who are cast down to hell and suffer the wrath of Almighty God. until the fullness of times when Christ shall have subdued all enemies under his feet and shall have perfected his work. "When he shall deliver up the kingdom, and present It unto the- Father spotless, saying I have overcome and have trodden the wine-press alone, even the wine-press of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. Then shall he he crowned with the crown of his glory, to sit on the throne of his power to reign for ever and ever. But behold, and lo. we saw the glory and the inhabitants of the telestial world, that they were as Innumerable as the stars In the firmament of heaven, or as the sand upon the sea shore, And heard the voice of the Lord, saying these all shall bow the knee, and every tongue shall confess to him who sits upon the throne for ever and ever; For they shall be juoVed according to their works, and every man shall receive according to his own works, his own dominion, In the mansions which are prepared. And they shall be servants of the Most High, but where God and Christ dwell they cannot come, worlds without end. This Is the end of the vision which we saw. which we were commanded to write while we were yet In the Spirit. But great and marvelous are the works of the Lord, and the mysteries of his kingdom which he showed unto us. which surpasses all understanding in glory, and In might, and in dominion. Which he commanded us wp should not write while we were yet In the Spirit, and are not lawful for man to utter; Neither Is man oartable to mike them known, for they are onlv to be Reen and understood by the power of the Holy Spirit, wMch God bestows on those who love him. and purify themselves before him: To whom he grants this privilege of seeing and knowing for themselves; That through the power and manifestation of the Spirit, while In tTie flesh, they may be able to bear his presence In the world of plory. And to God and the Lamb be glory, and honor, and dominion for erer and ever. Amen. Doc. and Cov. 76:11-119. March. A key to John's Revelation was given to Joseph Smith. Jr., at Hiram. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 77. > The order of the Lord in relation to the poor was rerealed. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 78.) For Terlly T say unto you, the time has come, and Is now at hand; and behold, and lo. it must needs be that there be an organization of my people. In regulating and establishing the affairs of the storehouse for the poor of my people, both In this place and in the land of Zion. Doc. and Cov. 78:3. Jared Carter, Stephen Burnett and Eden Smith wero called by revelation to preach the gospel, and Frederick G. Williams to be a Counselor to Joseph Smith, Jr. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 79, 80 and 81.) Verily, verily I say unto you my servant Frederick G. Williams, listen to the voice of him who speaketh, to the word of the Lord your God, and hearken to the calling wherewith you are called, even to be a High Priest in my church, and a counselor unto my servant Joseph Smith, Jr. Doc. and Cov. 81:1. Sun. 25. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon were mobbed and nearly killed at Hiram. April. Sun. 1. Joseph Smith, Jr., left Hiram, Ohio, to make a second journey to Missouri, accompanied by Newel K. Whitney, Peter Whitmer. Jr., and Jesse Gause to filnll a revelation. (See Doc. and Cov., Sec. 78:9.) Sat. 14. Brigham Young was baptized by Eleazer Miller at Mendon, Monroe Co., N. Y. Tues. 24. Joseph Smith, Jr., and company arrived at In- dependence, Jackson Co., Mo. Thurs. 26. At a general council, held in Jackson County, Mo., Joseph Smith, Jr., was acknowledged the president of the High Priesthood. A revelation "showing the order given to Enoch and the Church in his day" was given. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 82.) And you are to be equal, or In other words, you are to have equal claims on the properties, for the benefit of managing the concerns of your stewardships, every man according to his wants and his needs. Inasmuch as his wants are just; And all this for the benefit of the church of the living God, that every man may improve upon his talent, that every man may gain other talents, yea, even an hundred fold, to be cast into the Lord's storehouse, to become the common property of the whole church. Doc. and Cov. 82:17-18. Mon. 30. A revelation concerning the rights of women and children in the Church was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Independence, Mo. Verily, thus saith the Lord. In addition to the laws of the church concerning women and children, those who belong to the church, who have lost their husbands or fathers. Women have claim on their husbands for their maintenance, until their husbands are taken, and if they are not found transgressors they shall have fellowship in the church; And if they are not faithful, they shall not have fellowship in the church; yet they may remain upon their inheritances according to the laws of the land. All children have claim upon their parents for their maintenance until they are of age. And after that they have claim upon the church, or In other words upon the Lord's storehouse, if their parents have not where- with to give them inheritances. And the storehouse shall be kept by the consecrations of the church, and widows and orphans shall be provided for, as also the poor. Amen. Doc. and Cov. Sec. 83, May. Tues. 1. At a council, held at Independence, it was decided to print 3,000 copies of the "Book of Commandments." Sun. 6. Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon and Newel K. Whitney left Independence, Mo., for Ohio. On the journey Bro. Whitney broke his leg and was miraculously healed. Joseph was poisoned by his enemies, but was restored in an instant. June. Joseph Smith, Jr., arrived at Kirtland, Ohio, and recommenced the translation of the Scriptures; thus he spent most of the summer. The first number of the *'Evening and Morning Star" was issued at Independence, Mo. "The Upper Missouri Adver- tiser" a newspaper, was commenced about the same time in connection with the Star. September. Sat. 22 and Sun. 23. An important revelation on Priesthood was given through Joseph Smith. Jr., at Kirt- land. Ohio, as the Elders began to return from their missions to the Eastern States. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 84.) November. Tues. 6. Joseph Smith returned home from a rapid journey to Albany, New York and Boston. On the day of his return his son Joseph was born. Tues. 27 Joseph Smith. Jr.. wrote an encouraging letter and revelation to the Saints in Jackson County, Mo. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 85.) December. Thurs. 6. A revelation, explaining the parable of the wheat and tares, was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 86.) Tues. 25. Joseph Smith, Jr. prophesied about the civil war between the North and the South which commenced about twenty-eight years afterwards. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 87.) Revelation and Prophecy, given through Joseph, the Ser. on War. Given December 25th. 1832. Verily, thus saith the Lord, concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls. The days will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at that place; For behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations. In order to defend themselves against other nations; and thus war shall be poured out upon all nations. And it shall come to pass, after many days, slaves shall rise up against their masters, who shall be marshalled and disciplined for war. Doc. and Cov. 87:1-4. Thurs. 27. The revelation known as the "Olive Lear' was given through Joseph Smith, Jr. at Kirtland. Ohio. It con- tains grand and glorious principles and tells of important future events. The saints were commanded to build a House of the Lord at Kirtland and to open a school for the benefit of the Elders to be known as the School of the Prophets. (Doc. and Cov.. Sec. 88.) Joseph Smith, Jr.. spent the winter of 1832-33 translating the Scriptures, attending the School of the Prophets and sit- ting in conferences. 1833 January. Tues. 22. Joseph Smith. Jr.. Sidney Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams. Newel K. Whitney. Hyrum Smith, Zebedee Coltrin, Joseph Smith, Sr., Samuel H. Smith, John Murdock, Lyman E. Johnson. Orson Hyde, Ez-a Thayer, Levi W. Hancock and William Smith assembled in conference at PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1293 Kirtlad, Ohio. On this occasion the Prophet Joseph, Zebedee Coltrin and Wm. Smith spoke in tongues, "after which the Lord poured out his spirit in a miraculous manner, until all the Elders and several members, both male and female, spoke in tongues." Praises were sung to God and the Lamb, and speaking and praying in tongues occupied the confer- ence until a late hour at night. (See History of Joseph Smith.) Wed. 23. The conference was continued at Kirtland. "After much speaking, singing-, praying and praising God, all in tongues," the brethren "proceeded to the washing of feet, as commanded of the Lord," according to the practice recorded in John 13:4-15. (See History of Joseph Smith.) February. Sat 2. Joseph Smith, Jr., completed the trans- lation of the New Testament. Wed. 27. The revelation known as the "Word of Wisdom" was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland. A Word of Wisdom, for the benefit of the Council of High Priests, assembled in Kirtland, and church; and also the saints in Zlon. To be sent greeting not by commandments or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days. Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints. Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you. In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist In the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation, That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold It is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him. And, behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the vine, of your own make. And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies. And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but Is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill. And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly. And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man. Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving. Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I. the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly; And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine. All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to ' be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth; And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger. All grain is good for the food of man, as also the fruit of the vine, that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground. Nevertheless, wheat for man, and corn for the ox, and oats for the horse, and rye for the fowls and for swine, and for all beasts of the field, and barley for all useful animals, and for mild drinks, as also other grain. Doc. and Cov. 89:1-17. March. Fri. 8. A revelation concerning the keys of the kingdom and the oracles of God was given to Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 90.) Sat. 9. Joseph Smith, Jr., was commanded by revelation not to translate the Apocrypha. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 91.) Fri. 15. A revelation concerning Frederick G. Williams was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 92.) Mon. 18. -Sidney Rlgdon and Frederick G. Williams were appointed and set apart by President Joseph Smith to be his Counselors in the Presidency of the Church, according to the revelation given March 8th. On the same occasion "many of the brethren saw a heavenly vision of the Savior and concourses of angels." (See History of Joseph Smith.) Sat. 23. -A committee was appointed to purchase lands for the Saints at Kirtland. Tues. 26. An important council was held by the High Priests in Jackson County, Mo., in which some misunder- standing in regard to the presiding authorities in that land was amicably settled. April. In this month the first mob gathered at Indepen- dence, Jackson Co., Mo., to consult upon a plan for the re- moval or immediate destruction of the Church in that county. Sat. 6. About eighty official and some unofficial members of the Church met at the ferry on Big Blue river, near the western boundary of Jackson County, Mo., and, for the first time, celebrated the birthday of the Church. May. Sat. 4. Hyrum Smith, Jared Carter and Reynolds Cahoon were appointed a committee to obtain subscriptions for building a house for the Priesthood at Kirtland. Mon. 6. A revelation on the pre-existence of man was given through Joseph Smith. Jr., at Kirtland, and on the same date the Saints were commanded by revelation to build a House to the Lord at Kirtland. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 93 and 94.) Man was also In the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be. All truth Is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also, otherwise there Is no existence. Behold, here is the agency of man, and here Is the condemnation of man, because that which was from the beginning Is plainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light. And every man whose spirit receiveth not the light is under condemnation. For man Is spirit. The elements are eternal, and spirit and element, Inseparably connected, receiveth a fullness of Joy: And when separated, man cannot receive a fullness of joy. The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea. man Is the taber- nacle of God, even temples; and whatsoever temple Is defiled, God shall destroy that temple. The Glory of God is intelligence, or, in other words, light and truth; Light and truth forsaketh that evil one. Every spirit of man was innocent In the beginning, and Ood having redeemed man from the fall, men became again in their Infant state, innocent before God. Doc. and Cov. 93:29-38. And again, verily I say unto you, my friends, a commandment I give unto you. that ye shall commence a work of laying out and preparing a beginning and foundation of the city of the Stake of Zion, here In the land of Kirtland. beginning at my house: And behold it must be done according to the pattern which I have given unto you. And let the first lot on the south, be consecrated unto me for the building of an house for the Presidency, for the work of the Presidency, in obtaining revelations: and for the work of the ministry of the Presidency, In all things pertaining to the church and kingdom. Verily I say unto you, that it shall be built fifty-five by sixty-fiv^ feet in the width thereof and in the length thereof, in the inner court; And there shall be a lower court and a higher court, according to the pattern which shall be given unto you hereafter; And it shall be dedicated unto the Lord from the foundation thereof, according to the order of the Priesthood, according to the pattern which shall be given unto you hereafter: * Doc. and Cov. 94:1-6. June. Sat. 1. The Lord gave further instructions to Joseph the Prophet about the Temple to be built at Kirt- land. Tea, verily I say unto you, I gave unto you a commandment, that you should build an house in the which house 1' design to endow those whom I have chosen with power from on high; * * Therefore let it be built aftet! the manner which I shall show unto three of you, whom ye Puall appoint and ordain unto this power. And the size thereof shall be fifty and five feet In width, and let it be sixty-five feet in length, in the inner court thereof: And let the lower part of the inner court be dedicated unto me for your sacrament offering, and for your preaching, and your fasting, and your praying, and the offering up your most holy desires unto me, saith your Lord. And let the higher part of the inner court be dedicated unto me, for the school of mine apostles, saith Son Ahman; or. in other words, Alphus; or. in other words, Omegus; even Jesus Christ yoar Lord. Doc. and Cov. 95:8, 14-17. Tues. 4. A revelation, showing the order of the Kirtland Stake of Zion, was given to Joseph Smith, Jr. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 96.) Thurs. 6. A conference of High Priests held at Kirtland, O., instructed the committee for building the House of the Lord to proceed at once in obtaining material for its con- struction. Sun. 23. Doctor P. Hurlburt, afterwards connected with the spurious Spaulding story, was excommunicated from the Church for adultery. Tues. 25. An explanation of the plat of the city of Zlom was sent to the brethren in Jackson County, Mo. (See His- tory of Joseph Smith.) July. By this time about twelve hundred Saints, includ- ing children, had gathered to Jackson County. Mo. Tues. 2. Joseph the Prophet finished the translation of the Bible. Sat. 20. The printing office belonging to the Saints at Independence, Jackson County, Mo., was destroyed by a. mob, who also tarred and feathered Bishop Edward Par- tridge and a Brother Allen. Orson Pratt preached in Patten, Canada. This Is sup- posed to be the first discourse preached by a Latter-day Saint Elder in The Dominion. Tues. 23. The Saints at Independence, Mo., made a treaty with the mob and consented to leave Jackson County. Oliver Cowdery was dispatched as a special messenger to Kirtland, Ohio, to consult with the First Presidency. The corner stones of the Lord's House at Kirtland, O., were laid. August. Fri. 2. In a revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland, the Lord commanded that a house be built to Him in the land of Zion by the tithing of His people. Verily, I say unto you, that it Is my will that an house shonM be built unto me in the land of Zion, like unto the pattern which I have given you; Yea, let it be built speedily, by the tithing of my people. Doc. an* Cov. 97:10-11. Tues. 6. The Saints were commanded by revelation to observe the constitutional laws of the land, to forgive their enemies and cultivate a spirit of charity toward all men. Their rights of self-defense were also made clear. And now, verily I say unto you concerning the laws of the land, it is my will that my people should observe to do all things what- soever I command them; And that law of the land which Is constitutional, supporting that principle of freedom in maintaining rights and privileges, belongs to all mankind, and" Is justifiable before me: Therefore, f, the Lord, justify you, and your brethren of my church, in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land; And as pertaining to law of man, whatsoever is more or less tham these, cometh of evil. * * Now I speak unto you concerning your families; if men will smite you, or your families, once, and ye bear it patiently and revile not against them, neither seek revenge, ye shall be rewarded; But If ye bear it not patiently, it shall be accounted unto you as being meted out a just measure unto you. And again, if your enemy shall smite you the second time, and you revile not against your enemy, and bear it patiently, your reward shall be an hundred fold. And again, if he shall smite you the third time, and ye bear it patiently, your reward shall be doubled unto you four fold: And these three testimonies shall stand against your enemy if he repent not, and shall not be blotted out. And now verily I say unto you. if that enemy shall escape my vengeance, that he be not brought into judgment before me. then ye shall see to it that ye warn him in my name, that he come no more upon you, neither upon your family, even your children's children unto the third and fourth generation: And then If he shall come upon you, or your children, or yonr children's children unto the third and fourth generation; I hard delivered thine enemy into thine hands, 1294 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH And then if thou wilt spare him. thou shalt be rewarded for thy . righteousness: and also thy children and thy children's children unto the third and fourth generation; Nevertheless thine enemy is in thine hands, and if thou reward him according to his works, thou art justified, if he has sought thy life, and thy life is endangered by him, thine enemy is in thine hands and thou art justified. Behold, this is the law I gave unto my servant Nephl, and thy fathers Joseph, and Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham, and all mine ancient prophets and apostles. Doc. and Cov. 98:4-7 23-32. A few days later John Murdock was called to the ministry by revelation. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 99.) September. Wed. 11. It was decided in council to es- tablish a printing press at Kirtland, and publish a paper to be called the "Latter-day Saints' Messenger and Advo- cate;" also that the "Evening and Morning Star," formerly published in Jackson County, Mo., should be published at Kirtland. Bishop Edward Partridge was acknowledged as the head of the Church in Zion, and ten High Priests were ap- pointed to watch over the ten branches of the Church there. October. Orson Hyde and John Gould arrived in Jackson County, Mo., as messengers from Kirtland; and the Church in Zion dispatched Wm. W. Phelps and Orson Hyde to Gov- ernor Daniel Dunklin at Jefferson City, with a petition from the Saints. Sat. 5. Joseph Smith, Jr., In company with Elders Sidney Rigdon and Freeman Nickerson, left Kirtland on a visit to Canada. Tues. 8. Wm. W. Phelps and Orson Hyde presented to Governor Daniel Dunklin, of Missouri, the petition from the Saints in Jackson County. Sat. 12. In a revelation given at Perrysburg, N. Y., Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon were commanded to continue their missionary labors in the East. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 100.) Sat. 19. In answer to the petition from the Saints in Jackson County, Gov. Dunklin, of Missouri, wrote a letter to the leading men of the Church in that county, promising to enforce the laws. Sat. 26. Joseph Smith, Jr., preached and baptized twelve persons at Mount Pleasant, Upper Canada. Thurs. 31. A mob attacked a branch of the Church, west of the Big Blue, in Jackson County, Mo., destroyed ten houses, and beat several of the brethren in a most brutal manner. November. Fri. 1. The Saints at Independence were at- tacked by a mob, and Gilbert & Whitney's store was partly destroyed, besides many private dwellings. Sat. 2. The mob attacked the Saints on the Big Blue, Jackson County, and beat David Bennett severely. Mon. 4. A skirmish took place between a company of Saints and a mob, several miles west of the Big Blue, in Jackson County. Andrew Barber, one of the Saints, was mortally wounded, two of the mob were killed, and several others wounded on both sides. Joseph Smith, Jr., returned to Kirtland, O., from his mission to Canada. Tues. 5. Col. Thos Pitcher, commanding the mob militia, in Jackson County, demanded that the Saints should give up their arms, which order was reluctantly complied with. During the following night and the next day the mob drove the Saints from their homes at the point of the bayonet. The exiles were thereby exposed to the most severe suffer- ings from cold and hunger. Thurs. 7. On this and the following day the exiled Saints were busy crossing the Missouri river from Jackson to Clay County, Mo., where the inhabitants received them with some degree of kindness. Others of the Saints found temporary shelter in Ray, Van Buren, Lafayette and other counties. Wed. 13. A grand meteoric shower or "falling of the stars" was witnessed throughout the land, which cheered the Saints and alarmed their enemies. December. Persecution raged against the Saints who had fled to Van Buren County, Mo. Oliver Cowdery and Bishop Newel K. Whitney arrived at Kirtland, O., with a new printing press. Fri. 6. The Saints in Clay County, Mo., sent another pe- tition to Gov. Dunklin, praying for redress. Mon. 16. Joseph Smith, Jr., received a revelation at Kirt- land, Ohio, in which the Lord said that he had allowed afflic- tions to come upon the Saints in Missouri because of their transgressions, but that he in His own due time would per- mit the pure in heart to return to their inheritances. This was illustrated by a parable. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 101.) Verily I Bay unto you, concerning your brethren who have been afflicted, and persecuted, and cast out from the land of their inheritance, T, the Lord, have suffered the affliction to come upon them, wherewith they have been afflicted, in consequence of their trans- gressions: * Zion shall not be moved out of her place, notwithstanding her children are scattered: They that remain, and are pure In heart, shall return, and come to their inheritances, they and their children, with songs of ever- lasting Joy. to build up the waste places of Zion. * * * Doc. and Cov. 101:1-2, 17-18. Wed. 18. The printing offlce at Kirtland. O., was dedi- cated and the publication of the "Evening and Morning Star" recommenced with Oliver Cowdery as editor. Joseph Smith, Sr., was ordained Patriarch to the whole Church. Thurs. 19. Wm. Pratt and David W. Patten left Kirtland, Ohio, for Missouri, bearing a message from the First Presi- dency to the exiled Saints. Mon. 23. Four aged families, living near Independence, Mo., whose penury and infirmities, incident to old age, for- bade a speedy removal, were driven from their houses by a mob. Fri. 27. The printing press and materials, taken from the Saints at Independence, Mo., were disposed of by the mob to Davis & Kelley. who removed them to Clay County, and there commenced the publication of the "Missouri Enquirer " Tues. 31. Wilford Woodruff was baptized at Richland N. Y., by Zera Pulsipher. 1834 January. Wed. 1. A conference of the scattered Saints in Clay County, Mo., resolved to send Lyman Wight and Parley P. Pratt as special messengers to the First Presidency at Kirtland, O. February. Mon. 17. The first High Council of the Church was organized at Kirtland. The members were Jo- seph Smith, Sr., Joseph Smith, Joseph Coe, John Johnson Martin Harris, John S. Carter, Jared Carter. Oliver Cowdery Samuel H. Smith, Orson Hyde, Sylvester Smith and Luke S. Johnson.. Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon and Frederick G. Williams were acknowledged as presidents by the voice, of the council. Minutes of the Organization of the High Council of the Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints. Kirtland. February 17, 1834. This day a general council of twenty-four High Priests assembled at the house of Joseph Smith, Jr., by revelation, and proceeded to- organize the High Council of the Church of Christ, which was to consist of twelve High Priests, and one or three Presidents, as the case might require. The High Council was appointed by revelation for the purpose of settling important difficulties which might arise in the church, which could not be settled by the church or the bishop's council to the satisfaction of the parties. Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick G. Williams, were acknowledged Presidents by the voice of the council: and Joseph Smith, Sr., John Smith, Joseph Coe. John Johnson. Martin Harris, John S. Carter. Jared Carter. Oliver Cowdery. Samuel H. Smith, Orson Hyde, Sylvester Smith, and Luke Johnson, High Priests, were chosen to be a standing Council for the church, by the unanimous voice of the Council. The above-named counselors were then asked whether they accepted their appointments, and whether they would act In that office according to the law of heaven: to which they all answered that they accepted their appointments, and would fill their omces according to the grace of God bestowed upon them. The number composing the council, who voted in the name and for the church, in appointing the above-named counselors were forty-three, as follows: Nine High Priests, seventeen elders, four priests, and thirteen members. Voted: that the High Council cannot have power to act without seven of the above-named counselors, or their regularly-appointed successors are present. These seven shall have power to appoint other High Priests, whom they may consider worthy and capable to act in the place of absent counselors. Voted: that whenever any vacancy shall occur by the death, removal from office for transgression, or removal from the bounds of this church government, of any one of the above-named coun- selors, it shall be filled by the nomination of the President or Presidents, and sanctioned by the voice of a general council of High Priests, convened for that purpose, to act in the name of the church. The President of the church, who is also the President of th council, is appointed by revelation, and acknowledged in his administration, by the voice of the church: And it is according to the dignity of his office that he should preside over the Council of the church: and it is his privilege to be assisted by two other Presidents, appointed after the same manner that he himself was appointed. And In case of the absence of one or both of those who are appointed to assist him, he has power to preside over the Council without an assistant: and in case that he himself Is absent, the other Presidents have power to preside in his stead, both, or either of them. Whenever an High Council of the church of Christ is regularly organized, according to the foregoing pattern, it shall be the duty of the twelve counselors to cast lots by numbers, and thereby ascertain, who of the twelve shall speak first, commencing with number one, and so in succession to number twelve. Whenever this Council convenes to act upon any case, the twelve counselors shall consider whether it Is a difficult one or not; if it Is not, two only of the counselors shall speak upon it, according to the form above written. But If it Is thought to be difficult, four shall be appointed: and if more difficult, six; but in no case shall more than six be appointed to speak. The accused, in all cases, has a right to one half of the Council, to prevent Insult or Injustice; And the counselors appointed to speak before the Council, are to present the case after the evidence is examined, in its true light before the Council, and every man Is to speak according to equity and justice. Those counselors who draw even numbers, that Is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12, are the Individuals who are to stand up In behalf of the accused, and prevent insult or Injustice. In all cases the accuser and the accused shall have a privilege of speaking for themselves before the Council after the evidences are heard, and the counselors who are appointed to speak on the case, have finished their remarks. After the evidences are heard, the counselors, accuser and accused have spoken, the President shall give a decision according to the understanding which he shall have of the case, and call upon the twelve counselors to sanction the same by their vote. But should the remaining counselors, who have not spoken, or any one of them, after hearing the evidences and pleadings Im- partially, discover an error in the decision of the President, they can manifest it, and the case shall have a re-hearing; And if. after a careful re-hearing, any additional light is shows upon the case, the decision shall be altered accordingly; But In case no additional light is given, the first decision shall stand, the majority of the Council having power to determine the same. In cases of difficulty, respecting doctrine or principle. (If there Is not a sufficiency written to make the case clear to the minds of the Council,) the I'resident may Inquire and obtain the mind of the Lord by revelation. The High Priests, when abroad, have power to call and organizi a council after the manner of the foregoing to settle difficult! when the parties, or either of them shall request It: And the said council of High Priests shall have power to appoint one of their own number, to preside over such council for the t It shall be the duty of Bald council to transmit Immediately, a copy of their proceedings, with a full statement of the testimony accompanying their decision, to the High Council of the seat or the First Presidency of the church. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1295 Should the parties, or either of them be dissatisfied with the decision of said council, they may appeal to the High Council of the seat of the First Presidency of the church, and have a re- hearing, which case shall there be conducted, according to the former pattern written, as though no such decision had been made. This council of High Priests abroad, is only to be called on the most difficult cases of church matters; and no common or ordinary case is to be sufficient to call such council. The traveling or located High Priests abroad, have power to say whether it Is necessary to call such a council or not. There is a distinction between the High Council of traveling: High Priests abroad, and the traveling High Council composed of the Twelve apostles, in their decisions. From the decision of the former there can be an appeal, but from the decision of the latter there cannot. The latter can only be called in question by the general authorities of the church in case of transgression. Resolved, that the President or Presidents of the seat of the First Presidency of the church, shall have power to determine whether any such case, as may be appealed, is justly entitled to a re-hearing, after examining the appeal and the evidences and statements accompanying it. The twelve counselors then proceeded to cast lots or ballot, to ascertain who should speak first, and the following was the result, namely: 1 COVER COWDERT, 7 JOHN JOHNSON. 2 JOSEPH COB. 8 ORSON HYDE. 3 SAMUEL, H SMITH, 9 JARED CARTER. I LUKE JOHNSON. 10 JOSEPH SMITH. Sr. 6 JOHN S. CARTER. 11 JOHN SMITH. S SYLVESTER SMITH. 12 MARTIN HARRIS. After prayer the conference adjourned. OLIVERY COWDERY. 1 r ,, rlr , ORSON HYDE. J Doc. and Cov. Sec. 102. Wed. 19. The first case brought before the High Council was tried at Kirtland. Thurs. 20. L/yman Leonard, who had returned from Van Buren County, Mo., and Joseph Summer and Barnet Cole were severely beaten with clubs by a mob in Jackson County, Mo. Mon. 24. A revelation concerning the redemption of Zion was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland, Ohio. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 103.) And let all the churches send up wise men with their moneys, and purchase lands even as I have commanded them; * ' Let my servant Lyman "Wight journey with my servant Sidney Rigdon. Let my servant Hyrum Smith journey with my servant Frederick O. Williams. Let my servant Orson Hyde journey with my servant Orson Pratt, whithersoever my servant Joseph Smith Jr.. shall counsel them, in obtaining the fulfillment of these commandments which I have given unto you, and leave the residue in my hands. Doc. and Cov. 103:23. 38-40. Wed. 26. Joseph Smith, Jr., commenced to obtain volun- teers for the redemption of Zion, in obedience to the revela- tion given on the 24th. March. Fri. 28. Joseph Smith, Jr., returned to Kirtland from his trip to the State of New York, whither he went to get volunteers for the expedition to Missouri. April. Wed. 9. Dr. P. Hurlburt, the apostate, who had threatened the life of Joseph, the Prophet, was put under $300 bonds in Chardon, Ohio. Thurs. 10. The United Order at Kirtland was dissolved. The Saints, who had been expelled from Jackson County, Mo., wrote a petition to the President of the United States, asking for redress. Wed. 23. A revelation was given through Joseph Smith, Jr.. concerning the order of Enoch. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 104.) The covenants being broken through transgression, by covetous- ness and feigned words: Therefore, you are dissolved as an United Order with your brethren, that you are not hound only up to this hour unto them, only on this wise, as I said, by loan as shall be agreed by this order in council, as your circumstances will admit and the voice of the council direct. Doc. and Cov. 104:52-53. Thurs. 24. On this and the following six days the mob burned about one hundred and fifty houses belonging to the Saints in Jackson County, Mo. May. Thurs. 1. Over twenty men with four baggage wagons left Kirtland, Ohio, for Missouri and traveled to New Portage, about fifty miles distant, where they waited for the rest of the company from Kirtland. Sat. 3. At a conference of Elders, held at Kirtland, the Church was first named "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." Mon. 5. Joseph Smith, Jr., left Kirtland with the re- mainder of the company, which was being organized for the relief of the suffering Saints in Missouri. Wed. 7. The Prophet's company of volunteers, known In the history of the Church as Zion's Camp, was partly organ- ized, consisting of over one hundred and fifty men with twenty baggage wagons. Thurs. 8. The organization of Zion's Camp was com- pleted, and it traveled twelve miles. June. Wed. 4. On this and the following day Zion's Camp crossed the Mississippi river into Missouri. Sylvester Smith rebelled against the order of the company. Sun. 8. Zion's Camp was strengthened by a company of volunteers led by Hyrum Smith and Lyman Wight. It then numbered two hundred and five men and twenty-five bag- gage wagons. Mon. 16. -A large meeting of the citizens of Clay County, Mo., held at the Liberty court house, failed to adjust the difficulties between the Saints and the Jackson County peo- ple. From the meeting Samuel C. Owens. James Campbell and about thirteen other mob-leaders started for Jackson County to raise a mob, in which, however, they failed, as Mr. Campbell and six others were drowned in attempting to cross the Missouri River. Thurs. 19. Notwithstanding the threats of enemies. Zion's Camp passed through Richmond, Mo., and camped at night between two branches of Fishing river. A mob, numbering over three hundred men, who had arranged to concentrate that night to attack them, were prevented from crossing the river by a terrible storm. Sun. 22. -An important revelation was given to Joseph Smith, Jr., on Fishing river, in which the Lord told his Saints that the time for the redemption of Zion had not yet come. (Doc. and Cov., Sec 105.) I speak not concerning those who are appointed to lead my people, who are the first elders of my church, for they are not all under this condemnation; But I speak concerning my churches abroad there are many who will say, Where is their God? Behold, he will deliver them in time of trouble, otherwise we will not go up unto Zion, and will keep our moneys. Therefore, in consequence of the transgression of my people. It is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season for the redemption of Zion. * * * Doc. and Cov. 105:7-9. Mon. 23. Zion's Camp arrived at a point near Liberty, Clay Co., Mo. Tues. 24. The cholera, which during several preceding days had attacked some of the brethren, broke out in its most terrible form in Zion's Camp. It continued its ravages about four days; sixty-eight of the Saints were attacked and thirteen died, among whom was A. Sidney Gilbert, a promi- nent man in the Church; he expired on the 26th. July. Tues. 1. In company with a few friends, Joseph Smith, Jr., visited Jackson County. Mo., secretly. Thurs. 3. The High Priests of Zion assembled in Clay County, Mo., and organized a High Council with David Whitmer as president and Wm. W. Phelps and John Whit- mer as counselors. The members of the council were: Christian Whitmer. Newel Knight. Lyman Wight. Calvin Bebee, Wm. E. McLellin, Solomon Hancock. Thos. B. Marsh. Simeon Carter. Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, John Murdock and Lev! Jackman. Wed. 9. Joseph Smith, Jr., started on his return journey to Kirtland, where he arrived in the latter part of the month. October. The first number of the "Latter-day Saints' Mes- senger and Advocate" was published at Kirtland, Ohio, taking the place of the "Evening and Morning Star," suspended. Thurs. 16. Joseph Smith, Jr., and other Elders left Kirt- land to visit the Saints in Michigan, from which trip they returned in the latter part of the month. November. Tues. 25. Warren A. Cowdery was called by revelation to preside over the Saints at Freedom, N. Y., and the regions round about. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 106.) Sat. 29. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cowdery covenanted with the Lord to pay their tithing. 1835 February. "The Northern Times," a weekly newspaper supporting democracy, was commenced by the Saints at Kirtland, Ohio. Sat. 14. At a special meeting held in Kirtland twelve Apostles were chosen by the Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon according to revelation (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 18:37), namely: Thos. B. Marsh, David W. Patten, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, Wm. E. McLellin. Parley P. Pratt, Luke S. Johnson, Wm. Smith, Orson Pratt, John F. Boynton and Lyman E. Johnson. Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball were ordained and blessed the same day. And now. behold. I give unto you Oliver Cowdery, and also unto David Whitmer, that you shall search out the Twelve, who shall have the desires of which I have spoken; And by their desires and their works you shall know them; Doc. and Cov. 18:37-38. Sun. 15. Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, Luke S. Johnson, Wm. E. McLellin, John F. Boynton and Wm. Smith were ordained Apostles. Sat. 21. Parley P. Pratt was ordained to the Apostleship. Thos. B. Marsh and Orson Pratt, who were absent on mis- sions, were not ordained until their return in April. Sat. 28. The organization of the First Quorum of Sev- enty was commenced at Kirtland. March. Sat. 28. An important revelation concerning the order of the Priesthood was given to Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland. (Doc. and Cov., Sec 107.) A Revelation through Joseph, the Prophet, given at Kirtland, Ohio, on Priesthood: the fore part, or the flrst fifty-eight verses, being given March 28th. 1835; the other Items were revealed at Hunilry times. There are. in the church, two Priesthoods, namely, the Melchlse- dek, and Aaronic, Including the Levitical priesthood. Why the flrst Is called the Melchlsedek Priesthood. Is because Melchisedek was such a great High Priest. Before his day it was called the Holy Priesthood after the order of the Son of God: But out of respect or reverence to the name of the Supreme Being, to avoid the too frequent repetition of his name, they, the church, in ancient days, called that Priesthood after Melchisedek, or the Melchlsedek Priesthood. All other authorities or offices In the church are appendages to this Priesthood; But there are two divisions or grand heads one is the Melchlse- dek Priesthood, and the other Is the Aaronic, or Levitical priest- hood. The office of an elder comes under the Priesthood of Melchisedek. The Melchisedek Priesthood holds the right of Presidency, and has power and authority over all the offices in the church In all ages of the world, to administer In spiritual things. The Presidency of the High Priesthood, after the order of Melchisedek, have a right to officiate in all the offices In the church. High Priests after the order of the Melchlsedek Priesthood, have a right to officiate in their own standing, under the direction of the Presidency. In administering spiritual things; and also In the office of an elder, priest, (of the Levitical order,) teacher, deacon, and member. An elder has a right to officiate In his stead when the High Priest Is not present. The High Priest and elder are to administer In spiritual things, agreeable to the covenants and commandments of the church: and they have a right to officiate in all these offices of the church when there are no higher authorities present. The second priesthood is called the priesthood of Aaron, because 1296 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH It was conferred upon Aaron and his seed, throughout all their generations. Why it is called the lesser priesthood, is because it is an ap- pendage to the greater or the Melchisedek Priesthood, and has power in administering outward ordinances. The bishopric is the presidency of this priesthood and holds the keys or authority of the same. No man has a legal right to this office, to hold the keys of this priesthood, except he be a literal descendant of Aaron. But as a High Priest of the Melchisedek Priesthood has authority to officiate in all the lesser offices, he may officiate in the office of bishop when no literal descendant of Aaron can be found, provided he is called and set apart and ordained unto this power by the bands of the Presidency of the Melchisedek Priesthood. The power and authority of the Higher or Melchisedek Priesthood, Is to hold the keys of all the spiritual blessings of the church To have the privilege of receiving the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven to have the heavens opened unto them to commune with the general assembly and church of the 'first born, and to enjoy the communion and presence of God the Father, and Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant. The power and authority of the lesser, or Aaronic priesthood, is to hold the keys of the ministering of angels, and to administer in outward ordinances, the letter of the gospel the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, agreeable to the covenants and commandments. Of necessity there are presidents, or presiding offices growing out of, or appointed of or from among those who are ordained to the several offices in these two priesthoods. Of the Melchisedek Priesthood, three Presiding High Priests, chosen by the body, appointed and ordained to that office, and upheld by the confidence, faith, and prayer of the church, form a quorum of the Presidency of the church. The Twelve traveling counselors are called to be the Twelve apostles, or special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world: thus differing from other officers in the church in the duties of their calling. And they form a quorum, equal in authority and power to the three Presidents previously mentioned. The seventy are also called to preach the gospel, and to be especial witnesses unto the Gentiles and in all the world. Thus differing from other officers in the church In the duties of their calling; And they form a quorum equal In authority to that of the Twelve special witnesses or apostles just named. And every decision made by either of these quorums, must be by the unanimous voice of the same: that is. every member In each quorum must be agreed to Its decisions, in order to make their decisions of the same power or validity one with the other. (A majority may form a quorum, when circumstances render It Impossible to be otherwise.) Unless this Is the case, their decisions are not entitled to the same blessings which the decisions of a quorum of three Presidents were anciently, who were ordained after the order of Melchisedek, and were righteous and holy men. The decisions of these quorums, or either of them, are to be made In all righteousness, in holiness, and lowliness of heart, meekness and long-suffering, and in faith, and virtue, and knowledge, tem- perance, pailence, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity; Because the promise is. if these things abound In them, they shall not be unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord. And in case that any decision of these quorums Is made In unrighteousness, it may be brought before a general assembly of the several quorums, which constitute the spiritual authorities of the church, otherwise there can be no anneal from their decision. The Twelve are a traveling presiding High Council, to officiate in the name of the Lord, under the direction of the Presidency of the church, agreeable to the institution of heaven: to build up the church, and regulate all the affairs of the same in all nations: flrst unto the Gentiles, and secondly unto the Jews. The seventy are to act In the name of the Lord, under the direction of the Twelve or the traveling High Council. In building up the church and regulating all the affairs of the same in all nations first unto the Gentiles and then to the Jews: The Twelve being sent out. holding the keys, to open the door by the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and first unto the Gentiles and then unto the Jews. The standing High Councils, at the Stakes of Zlon. form a quorum equal in authority, in the affairs of the church. In all their decisions, to the ouorum of the Presidency, or to the traveling High Council. The High Council in Zlon. form a quorum equal in authority. In the affairs of the church. In nil their decisions, to the Councils of the Twelve at the Stakes of Zion. It Is the duty of the traveling High Council to call upon the seventy, when they need assistance, to fill the several calls for preaching and administering the gospel. Instead of any others. It Is the duty of the Twelve, in all large branches of the church, to ordain evangelical ministers, as they shall be designated unto them by revelation. * * * It Is the fluty of the Twelve, also, to ordain and set In order all the other officers of the church, agreeable to the revelation which says : To the church of Christ In the land of Zion.- In addition to the church laws respecting church business Verily. I say unto you. says the Lord of hosts, there must needs be presiding elders to preside over those who are of the office of an elder: And also priests to preside over those who are of the office of a priest: And also teachers to preside over those who are of the office of a teacher: in like manner, and also the deacons: Wherefore, from deacon to teacher, nnd from teacher to priest, and from priest to elder, severally as they are appointed, according to the covenants and commandments of the church. Then comes the High Priesthood, which Is the greatest of all: Wherefore It must needs be that one be appointed of the High Priesthood to preside over the Priesthood, and he shall be called President of the High Priesthood of the church: Or. in other words, the Presiding High Priest over the High Priesthood of the church. From the same comes the administering of ordinances and bless- ings upon the church, by the laving on of the hands. Wherefore the office of a bishon Is not equal unto it; for the office of a bishop Is In administering all temporal things: Nevertheless a bishop roust he chosen from the High Priesthood, unless he is a literal descendant of Aaron: For unless he Is a literal descendant of Aaron he cannot hold the kevs of that priesthood Nevertheless, a High Priest that Is after the order of Melchisedek. may be set apart unto the ministering of temporal things, having a knowledge of them by the Snlrtt of truth. And also to be a judge In Israel, to do the business of the church, to sit In judgment upon transgressors upon testimony as It shall be laid before him according to the laws, by the assistance of his counselors, whom he has chosen, or will choose among th elders of the church. This is the duty of a bishop who Is not a literal descendant of Aaron, but has been ordained to the High Priesthood after the order of Melchisedek. Thus shall he be a judge, even a common judge among the inhabitants of Zion. or in a Stake of Zlon. or in any branch of the church where he shall be set apart unto this ministry, until the borders of Zion are enlarged, and it becomes necessary to have other bishops or judges in Zlon, or elsewhere; And inasmuch as there are other bishops appointed they shall act in the same office. But a literal descendant of Aaron has a legal right to the presidency of this priesthood, to the keys of this ministry, to act in the office of bishop independently, without counselors, except in a case where a President of the High Priesthood, after the order of Melchisedek, Is tried, to sit as a judge in Israel. And the" decision of either of these councils, agreeable to the commandment which says, Again, verily, I say unto you. the most important business of the church, and the most difficult cases of the church, inasmuch as there is not satisfaction upon the decision of the bishop or judges, it shall be handed over and carried up unto the Council of the church, before the Presidency of the High Priesthood; And the Presidency of the Council of the High Priesthood shall have power to call other High Priests, even twelve, to assist as counselors; and thus the Presidency of the High Priesthood and Its counselors shall have power to decide upon testimony according to the laws of the church. And after this decision it shall be had In remembrance no more before the Lord: for this is the highest Council of the church of God. and a final decision upon controversies in spiritual matters. There is not any person belonging to the church who is exempt from this Council of the church. And inasmuch as a President of the High Priesthood shall trans- gress, he shall be had in remembrance before the common council of the church, who shall be assisted by twelve counselors of the High Priesthood: And their decision upon his head shall be an end of controversy concerning him. Thus, none shall be exempted from the justice and the laws of God. that all things may be done in order and in solemnity before him, according to truth and righteousness. And again, verily 1 say unto you. the duty of a president over the office of a deacon is to preside over twelve deacons, to sit in council with them, and to teach them their duty edifying one another, as It is given according to the covenants. And also the duty of the president over the office of the teachers Is to preside over twenty-four of the teachers, and to sit in council with them, teaching them the duties of their office, as given in th covenants. Also the duty of the president over the priesthood of Aaron Is to preside over forty-eight priests, and sit in council with them, to teach them the duties of their office, as is given in the covenants. This president is to be a bishop; for this is one of the duties of this priesthood. Again, the duty of the president over the office of elders la to preside over ninety-six elders, and to sit in council with them, and to teach them according to the covenants. This presidency is a distinct one from that of the seventy, and Is designed for those who do not travel Into all the world. And again, the duty of the President of the office of the High Priesthood is to preside over the whole church, and to be like unto Moses. Behold, here Is wisdom; yea, to be a seer, a revelator. a translator, and a prophet, having all the gifts of God which he bestows upon the head of the church. And it is according to the vision, showing the order of the seventy, that they should have seven presidents to preside over them, chosen out of the number of the seventy; And the seventh president of these presidents Is to preside ver the six; And these seven presidents are to choose other seventy besides the first seventy, to whom they belong, and are to preside over them; And also other seventy, until seven times seventy, if the labor in the vineyard of necessity requires it. And these seventy are to be traveling ministers unto the Gentiles first, and also unto the Jews: Whereas other officers of the church, who belong not unto the Twelve, neither to the seventy, are not under the responsibility to travel among all nations, but are to travel as their circumstances shall allow, notwithstanding they may hold as high and responsible offices in the church. Wherefore now let every man learn his duty, and to act In the office In which he Is appointed, in all diligence. He that Is slothful shall not be counted worthy to stand, and he that learns not his duty and shows himself not approved, shall not he counted worthy to stand. Even so. Amen. Doc. and Cov. 107: 1-39, 58-100. May. Sat. 2. Elders Brigham Young. John P. Greene and Amos Orton were appointed to preach the gospel to the Lamanites. Mon. 4. The Twelve left Kirtland on their flrst mission as Apostles. July. Fri. 3. Michael IT. Chandler arrived nt Kirtland to exhibit four Egyptian mummies and some rolls of papy- rus, covered with hieroglyphic figures and devices. They were afterwards purchased by some of the Saints, and Joseph the Prophet translated some of the characters on the rolls. One was found to contain the writings of Abra- ham, subsequently published in the Pearl of Great Price; another the writings of Joseph in Egypt. August. Mon. 17. At a general assembly of the Church, held at Kirtland. the Book of Doctrine and Covenants was approved, and thus became a law of faith and practice to the Church. September. Mon. 14. Oliver Cowdery was appointed to act as Church Recorder, and Emma Smith to make a selec- tion of sacred hymns, according to revelation. From revelation to Joseph Smith, Jr., (riven at Fayette, New York, April 6. 1830. (See Doc. and Cnv. 21:1.) Behold there shall be a record kept among you. and In it thou shalt be called a seer, a translator, a prophet, an anostle of Jpsus Christ, an elder of the church through the will of God the Father, and the grace of your Lord Jesus Christ. October. Sun. 25. The Twelve returned to Kirtland from their mission to the East. Thurs. 29. Joseph Smith, Jr.. was abused by his brother William in a council meeting, held at Kirtland. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1297 November. Fri. 27. Christian Whitmer, one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon, died in Clay County, Mo. December. Wed. 16. Wm. Smith became enraged in a debating school, held at Kirtland, and used violence upon the person of his brother, Joseph Smith, Jr., and others. Sat. 26. Joseph Smith, jr., with other Elders, commenced studying the Hebrew language, having previously com- menced reading Greek. Mr. Seixas, a competent professor of languages, was subsequently employed as teacher. A revelation, concerning Lyman Sherman, was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Kirtland. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 108.) 1830 The Kirtland Temple was dedicated, and the Savior, Moses, Elias and Elijah the Prophet appeared to the Klders in that building and committed the keys of their respective dispensations to the Prophet Joseph Smith. The Saints who had resided temporarily in Clay County, Mo., removed to another location on Shoal Creek, which was organized into Caldwell County. January. Fri. 1. Wm. Smith received forgiveness of his brother Joseph, and a general family reconciliation took place in the house of the latter, at Kirtland, Ohio. Wed. 6. At a council meeting, held at Kirtland, the High Council of Zion (Missouri) was reorganized. Thurs. 7. A sumptuous feast, to which the lame, the halt and the blind were invited, was held in Bishop Newel K. Whitney's house, at Kirtland. Sat. 16. In a council of the Twelve Apostles, held at Kirtland, President Joseph Smith said: "The Twelve are not subject to any other than the First Presidency. * Where I am not, there is no First Presidency over the Twelve." (See History of Joseph Smith.) Sun. 17. Joseph the Prophet organized the several coun- cils of the Priesthood at Kirtland, on which occasion the Lord poured out His Spirit in a great measure upon the brethren, who confessed their faults to each other; the con- gregation was overwhelmed in tears and the spirit of tongues came upon them "like the rushing of a mighty wind." (See History of Joseph Smith.) Thurs. 21. The Presidency of the Church, and the coun- cils of Kirtland and Zion, met in the evening in the Lord's House, at Kirtland, and attended to the ordinance of anoint- ing with oil and blessing each other. The visions of heaven were opened, angels administered to them, and the house was filled with the glory of God. Joseph the Prophet "be- held the celestial kingdom of God and the glory thereof," the "transcendent beauty of the gate through which the heirs of that kingdom will enter, the throne of God whereon was seated the Father and Son," and the beautiful streets of the kingdom. He also saw Fathers Adam and Abraham. On seeing his brother Alvin. who died before the Church was organized, the Prophet marveled, but the voice of the Lord told him that all who had died without a knowledge of the gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, should be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God. (See History of Joseph Smith.) Fri. 22. The Twelve Apostles, the Presidency of the Seventy and others were blessed and anointed in the Lord's House, at Kirtland. Thurs. 28. The leading authorities of the Church ad- ministered in the Lord's House at Kirtland, on which oc- casion angels again appeared to the brethren, and other great manifestations of the power of God were witnessed. (See History of Joseph Smith.) February. Sun. 7. The organization of the second quorum of Seventy was commenced at Kirtland. Mon. 22. The sisters at Kirtland met in the Lord's House to commence their work of making the veil for that build- ing. March. Sun. 27. The Lord's House, at Kirtland, after- wards known as the Kirtland Temple, was dedicated. It is a rock building, 80 feet long and 60 feet wide; the walls are 50 feet and the tower 110 feet high. (For dedicatory prayer, see Doc. and Cov., Sec. 109.) Tues. 29. On this and the following day the ordinance of the washing of feet was attended to in the Kirtland Temple. April. Sun. 3. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Oliver Cowdery saw and heard the Savior in the Kirtland Temple. Moses also appeared before them and committed unto them "the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, and the leading of the Ten Tribes from the land of the north." Then Elias appeared and committed the dis- pensation of the gospel of Abraham, and finally Elijah the Prophet "stood before them" and committed to them the keys of turning "the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers." (See History of Joseph Smith and Doc. and Cov., Sec. 110.) Mon. 4. The Elders began to spread abroad from Kirt- land into all parts of the land, preaching the gospel. May. Tues. 17. Mary Smith, aged 93 years, and grand- mother of Joseph the Prophet, arrived at Kirtland from the East. June. Warren Parrish and other Elders were mobbed and arrested in Tennessee for preaching the gospel, and subsequently compelled to leave the country. Wed. 29. A large meeting of citizens held at Liberty. Clay County, Mo., passed resolutions to expel the Saints from Clay County. July. Fri. 1. In a large meeting of Elders, held in Clay County, Mo., It was agreed that the Saints should leave the county, agreeably to the request of the older settlers. Mon. 25. Joseph Smith, Jr., left Kirtland for a trip to the 'Eastern States. August. Joseph Smith, Jr., arrived at Salem. Mass., where he. on August 6th, received a revelation, in which the Lord said He had many people in that city. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 111.) September. Joseph Smith returned to Kirtland from his trip to the East. The Saints in Missouri began to remove from Clay County to their newly selected location on Shoal Creek (later known as Far West), in the territory attached to Ray County. That part of the State of Missouri was at that time almost uninhabited, but in the following Decem- ber it was organized under the name of Caldwell County. Thurs. 22. Peter Whitmer, Jr., one of the Eight Wit- nesses to the Book of Mormon, died near Liberty, Clay County, Mo. November. Wed. 2. Preparations were made for organ- izing a banking institution at Kirtland, Ohio, to be called the "Kirtland Safety Society." December. Sun. 18. Brigham Young, Jr., was born at Kirtland. Sat. 31. Dr. Willard Richards was baptized at Kirtland, by Brigham Young. 1837 April. Thur. 6. An important Priesthood meeting was held in the Kirtland Temple, in which new presidents were ordained to preside over the Seventies, as some of the former presidents were High Priests. April. Fri. 7. The city plat of Far West, Caldwell County, Mo., having been surveyed, the sale of town lots was left to Wm. W. Phelps, John Whitmer and Edward Partridge. Jacob Whitmer, Elisha H. Groves and Geo. M. Hinkle were appointed a building committee for the erec- tion of a house of the Lord at Far West. May. A spirit of apostasy and speculation, affecting every quorum of the Church, more or less, became very prevalent at Kirtland. June. Early in this month Apostles Heber C. Klmball and Orson Hyde were set apart by the First Presidency of the Church to go on a mission to England. This was the first foreign mission of the Church. A few days later Wil- lard Richards was called to accompany them. Tues. 13. Apostles Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde and Elders Willard Richards and Joseph Fielding left Kirtland, O., on their missions to England. July. Sat. I. Apostles Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde and Elders Willard Richards and Joseph Fielding, accom- panied by three brethren from Canada, namely, John Good- son, Isaac Russell and John Snider, sailed from New York on the ship "Garrick." They arrived in Liverpool, England, on the 20th. July. Mon. 3. Ground was broken at Far West, Mo., for the foundation of a Temple, which, however, was not built, on account of persecutions. Sun. 23. A revelation concerning the Twelve Apostles was given through Joseph, the Prophet, at Kirtland. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 112.) The gospel was first preached by Latter-day Saint Elders in England, in the church of the Rev. James Field- ing, at Preston. Thur. 27. Joseph, the Prophet, was persecuted with a vexatious lawsuit at Painesville, Ohio. .Sun. 30. Nine persons were baptized in the river Ribble, at Preston, England, as the first converts to the fullness of the gospel in England. Geo. D. Watt was the first person baptized. August. In the latter part of this month Joseph Smith, Jr., returned to Kirtland, Ohio, from a mission to Canada, on which he had started July 27th. September. Sun. 3. At a conference, held at Kirtland, Oliver Cowdery, Joseph Smith, Sr., Hyrum Smith and John Smith were appointed assistant counselors to the First Presidency. Luke S. Johnson, Lyman E. Johnson and John F. Boynton, three of the Twelve Apostles, were disfellow- shipped. Sun. 10. Luke S. Johnson, Lyman E. Johnson and John F. Boynton made confessions and were received back into fellowship. Sun. 17. Geo. W. Robinson was elected General Church Recorder, in place of Oliver Cowdery, who had removed to Missouri. Wed. 27. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon left Kirt- land, Ohio, to establish other places of gathering for the Saints, and to visit with the Saints in Missouri, where they arrived in the latter part of October. About this time the "Voice of Warning" was published In New York City by Parley P. Pratt. October. The first number of the "Elders' Journal," edited by Joseph Smith, Jr., and published at Kirtland, Ohio, bears date of this month. It was published instead of the "Mes- senger and Advocate." which had been discontinued. Fri. 13. Jerusha F. Smith, Hyrum Smith's wife, died at Kirtland. November. Tues. 7. An important conference was held at Far West, Mo., Joseph Smith, Jr., having arrived from Kirtland. Frederick G. Williams was rejected as a coun- selor to Pres. Joseph Smith, and Hyrum SVnith appointed in his stead. David Whitmer, John Whitmer and Wm. W. Phelps were sustained as the presidency at Far West, and a High Council was organized consisting of John Murdock, Solomon Hancock, Ellas Higbee, Calvin Bebee. John M. Hinkle, Thos. Grover, Simeon Carter, Lyman Wight, Newel Knight, Geo. M. Hinkle, Levi Jackman and Elisha H. Groves. Fri. 10. At a general meeting held at Far West it was voted that the town of Far West "be enlarged so as to contain two square miles." December. The printing office at Kirtland was destroyed by fire, and the publication of the "Elders' Journal" ceased. Joseph Smith, Jr., arrived at Kirtland, Ohio, from Mis- souri. During his absence a number of prominent men, in- cluding Warren Parrish, John F. Boynton, Luke S. Johnson and Joseph Coe, had united together for the overthrow of the Church at Kirtland. Fri. 22. Apostle Brigham Young left Kirtland on account of the fury of the mob. who threatened to kill him because he would proclaim publicly and privately that he knew by the Holy Ghost that Joseph Smith, Jr., was a Prophet of the Most High God. 1298 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Mon. 25. The first general conference by Latter-day Saints in England was held in the "Cock Pit," at Preston. The Church in England numbered already about one thou- sand members. At this conference the "Word of Wisdom" was first publicly taught in England. Apostasy, persecution, confusion and mobocracy reigned in Kirtland, Ohio, at the close of the year. 1838 January. Fri. 12. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon left Kirtland, Ohio, on horseback to escape mob violence. They traveled toward Missouri. February. Mon. 5. In a general assembly of Saints at Far West, Mo., David Whitmer, John Whitmer and Wm. W. Phelps were rejected as the presidency of the Church in Missouri because of transgression. Sat. 10. Thomas B. Marsh and David W. Patten were appointed presidents pro tern, of the Church in Missouri, until the arrival of Joseph Smith, Jr., or Sidney Rigdon from Kirtland. March. -Answers to certain questions on Scripture, prin- cipally the llth chapter of Isaiah, were given by revelation through Joseph Smith, Jr. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 113.) Sat. 10. Wm. W. Phelps and John Whitmer were excom- municated from the Church by the High Council at Far West, Mo. Some time afterwards Wm. W. Phelps was re- ceived back into the Church by baptism. Wed. 14. Joseph the Prophet, arrived at Far West, Mo., with his family, accompanied by Apostle Brigham Young and others. April. Fri. 6. The Saints in Missouri met at Far West to celebrate the anniversary of the organization of the Church and transact business. John Corrill and Elias Hig- bee were appointed historians and Geo. W. Robinson Gen- eral Church Recorder and clerk to the First Presidency. Thomas B. Marsh was sustained as president pro tern, in Missouri, with Brigham Young and David W. Patten as assistant presidents. Sat. 7. On this and the following day, the Church held its first quarterly conference at Far West. John Whitmer refused to give up the records of the Church in his possession to the newly appointed Church clerk and recorder. Thur. 12. Oliver Cowdery was excommunicated from the Church by the High Council at Far West, Mo. The follow- ing day David Whitmer and Lyman E. Johnson were cut off. Tues. 17. Apostle David W. Patten was called by revela- tion through Joseph the Prophet, at Far West, Mo., to "make a disposition of his merchandise," and prepare for a mission. Verily thus saith the Lord, it Is wisdom in my servant David W. Patten, that he settle up all his business as soon as he possibly can. and make a disposition of his merchandise, that he may perform a mission unto me next spring, in company with others, even , Twelve. Including himself, to testify of my name, and bear glad tidings unto all the world; * Doc. and Cov. 114:1. Fri. 20. Apostles Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde sailed from Liverpool, England, for America on the ship "Garrick." They arrived in New York May 12th, and at Kirt- land, O., May 22nd. Thurs. 26. A revelation was given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Far West, Mo., concerning the building up of that place and the Lord's House. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 115.) Let the city. Far West, be a holy and consecrated land unto me, and It shall be called most holy, for the ground upon which thou standest is holy; Therefore 1 command you to build an house unto me, for the gathering together of my saints, that they may worship me; And let there be a beginning of this work, and a foundation, and a preparatory work, this following summer; * * And again, verily T say unto you. it is my will that the city of Far West should be built up speedily by the gathering of my saints. * Doc. and Cov. 116:7-9, 17. May. Fri. 11. Wm. E. McLellin was excommunicated from the Church, at Far West. Sat. 19. Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon and others visited a place on the north side of Grand river (about twenty-five miles north of Far West) called by the Saints Spring Hill, which by revelation was named Adam-ondi- Ahman, because "it is the place where Adam shall come to visit his people or the Ancient of Days shall sit, as spoken of by the Prophet Daniel." (Dan. 7:9-14; Doc. and Cov., Sec. 116.) June. Thur. 28. A Stake of Zion called Adam-ondi-Ah- man was organized in Daviess County, Mo., with John Smith as president and Reynolds Gaboon and Lyman Wight as his counselors. A High Council was also organized with John Lemon, Daniel Stanton. Mayhew Hillman. Daniel Carter, Isaac Perry, Henry Harrison Sagers. Allanson Brown, Thomas Gordon, Lorenzo D. Barnes, George A. Smith, Har- vey Olmstead and Ezra Thayer as members. July. The third number of the "Elders' Journal" was pub- lished at Far West, Mo. The first two numbers had been published at Kirtland, Ohio. Wed. 4. The corner stones of the House of the Lord, at Far West, Mo., were laid, agreeable to a commandment of the Lord, (riven April 26th, 1838. Fri. 6. Five hundred and fifteen Saints left Kirtland, Ohio, for Missouri, under the direction of the Seventies. Sun. 8. Wm. Marks, Newel K. Whitney and Oliver Granger were commanded by revelation to leave Kirtland, Ohio, and remove to Missouri. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 117.) John Taylor, John E. Page, Wilford Woodruff and Wil- lard Richards were called by revelation to the Apostleship, "to fill the places of those who had fallen." (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 118.) Let my servant John Taylor, and also my servant John E. Page, and also my servant Wilford Woodruff, and also my servant Willard Richards, be appointed to fill the places of those who have fallen, and be officially notified of their appointment. Doc. and Cov. 118:6. In answer to the question, "O Lord, show unto thy servants how much thou requirest of the properties of the people for a tithing," the Lord gave a revelation on tith- ing. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 119.) Wed. 18. A revelation making known the disposition of property tithing was given through Joseph the Prophet, at Revelation Riven through Joseph, the Prophet, at Far West, Missouri, July 8th. 1838, in answer to the question. O Lord, show unto thy servants how much thou requirest of the properties of the people for a tithing? Verily, thus saith the Lord, I require all their surplus property to be put into the hands of the bishop of my church of Zion, For the building of mine house, and for the laying of the foun- dation of Zion and for the Priesthood, and for the debts of the Presidency of my church; And this shall be the beginning of the tithing of my people; And after that, those who have thus been tithed, shall pay one- tenth of all their interest annually; and this shall be a standing law unto them for ever, for my holy Priesthood, saith the Lord. Verily I say unto you. It shall come to pass, that all those who gather unto the land of Zion shall be tithed of their surplus properties, and shall observe this law, or they shall not be found worthy to abide among you. And I say unto you, if my people observe not this law, to keep it holy, and by this law sanctify the land of Zion unto me. that my statues and my judgments may be kept thereon, that it may be most holy, behold, verily I say unto you, it shall not be a land of Zion unto you; And this shall be an ensample [example] unto all the Stakes of Zion. Amen. Doc. and Cov. Sec. 120. August. During this month the Saints at DeWitt, Car- roll County, Mo., were threatened by a mob. Mon. 6. The Missourians opposed the voting of the Saints at Gallatin, Daviess County, and a skirmish occurred, in which about twelve brethren gained a victory over about one hundred and fifty mobbers.- Some of the brethren took their families into the hazel brush and guarded them during the night, through fear of the mob. Wed. 8. Joseph Smith, Jr., and others called on Adam Black, a justice of the peace in Daviess County, Mo., and had a friendly conversation with him about the trouble in Gallatin. Thurs. 30. Gov. Liiburn W. Boggs, of Missouri, ordered out a part of the State militia to quell the civil disturb- ances in Caldwell, Daviess and Carroll Counties. The whmle upper Missouri was in an uproar and state of con- fusion about the "Mormons." September. Mon. 3. A great number of mobbers had col- lected in Daviess County, Mo , with headquarters at Mill- port. Tues. 4. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon commenced to study law, under the instructions of Generals David R. Atchison and Alexander W. Doniphan. Fri. 7. Joseph Smith, Jr., and Lyman Wight appeared before Judge Austin A. King, in Daviess County, they and others having been falsely accused of threatening Adam Black's life on their visit to his house, Aug. 8th. Sun. 9. Captain William Allred, of Far West, frustrated the plans of the mob, by arresting three men who were bringing guns and ammunition from Richmond, Ray County, Mo., to the mobbers in Daviess County. October. Mon. 1. As the militia, under Generals Atchi- son, Doniphan and Parks, had succeeded in restoring tem- porary peace in Daviess County, the mobbers went to DeWitt, Carroll County, and attacked the Saints there. Thurs. 4. The Kirtland Camp arrived at its destination, Adam-ondi-Ahman. Sat. 6. Joseph the Prophet arrived at DeWitt, Carroll County, Mo., whither he went to assist the brethren who were trying to defend themselves against an overwhelming mob force. Thurs. 11. After several days' bombardment, the mob succeeded in driving the Saints from DeWitt. During the siege some of them had perished from starvation, and their sufferings had been very great. Fri. 12. The exiles from DeWitt arrived at Far West. Mon. 15. The brethren at Far West organized for self- defense. The mobbers renewed their depredations in Daviess County, by burning the houses of the Saints, driving off their stock, etc. Col. Lyman Wight, agreeable to an order from General Parks, organized a company in self-defense. This frightened the mobbers, who fled from the neighbor- hood, after burning some of their own houses, of which they wickedly accused the Saints. Tues. 23. The Saints were fleeing from the smaller set- tlements into Far West for safety, the mobs increasing in numbers all around. The most wicked lies were circulated about the Saints, and their movements in self-defense were by the State authorities construed into treason. Thurs. 25. A battle was fought between a mob and about seventy-five brethren on Crooked river, Ray County, Mo., in which Gideon Carter was killed and eleven others wounded, among these were Apostle David W. Patten and Patterson O'Banion who died soon afterwards. Sat. 27. Apostle David W Patten was buried at Far West. Gov. Liiburn W. Boggs issued his famous exterminating order, which gave the Saints the choice between banish- ment from Missouri and death. About this time Sampson Avard. an apostate, secretly organized a company called Danites. The Church used all proper means to expose and counteract his schemes. Tues. 30. A mob under the leadership of Col. Wm. O. Jennings attacked a little settlement of Saints at Haun's Mill, Caldwell County, Mo., and killed and mortally wounded Thomas McBride. Levi N. Merrick. Ellas Benner, Josiah Fuller. Benjamin Lewis, Alexander Campbell, Warren Smith, Geo. S. Richards, Wm. Napier, Austin Hammer, Simon Cox, Hiram Abbott, John York. John Lee. John Byers, Sardius Smith and Charles Merrick. Others were severely wounded, but recovered. Among these were Alma L. Smith, who was healed in a most miraculous manner, through prayers and faith. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1299 The mob-militia, about two thousand strong, under command of Samuel D. Lucas, arrived near Far West, and the citizens prepared for their own defense. Wed. 31. Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, Parley P. Pratt, Lyman Wight and Geo. W. Robinson were betrayed by Col. George M. Hinkle and made prisoners in the camp of the mob-militia. November. Thurs. 1. Hyrum Smith and Amasa M. Lyman were brought as prisoners into camp. A court martial was held, and the prisoners were sentenced to be shot the fol- lowing morning; they were, however, saved through the interference of General Doniphan. On demand of Gen. Samuel D. Lucas, the citizens of Far West were forced to give up their arms, after which the mob-militia pillaged the town, ravished women, and com- mitted other acts of barbarity. Fri. 2. Joseph Smith, Jr., and fellow-prisoners were taken to Far West under a strong guard and permitted to see their families, from whom they then were rudely torn and started under a strong guard, commanded by Generals Samuel D. Lucas and Robert Wilson, for Independence, Jackson County, where they arrived on the 4th. Sun. 4. Gen. John B. Clark arrived at Far West with about two thousand troops, and the following day he made most of the brethren prisoners. Tues. 6. John B. Clark delivered an Insulting speech to the brethren at Far West, in which he advised the Saints to scatter abroad and never again organize with bishops, presidents, etc. Of the leaders of the Church, who had been imprisoned, he said their fate was fixed, their die cast, and their doom sealed, and that they would never be een by their friends again. The brethren were compelled to sign deeds of trust for paying the expense of the mob. About sixty men were re- tained as prisoners, and the remainder of the Saints ordered to leave the State, according to the exterminating order of Governor Boggs. Thurs. 8. General Wilson placed guards around Adam- ondi-Ahman, took all the men prisoners and put them under guard. A court of inquiry was organized, with Adam Black on the bench, which resulted in the acquittal of the prisoners. Fri. 9. Joseph Smith, Jr., and fellow-prisoners arrived at Richmond, Ray County, Mo., where they were put in chains and much abused by their guards. On one occasion the Prophet Joseph rebuked the wicked guard with the power of God, and stopped the foul conversation with which the prisoners were being tantalized. Sat. 10. General Wilson ordered every family to be out of Adam-ondi-Ahman in ten days, with permission to go to Caldwell County and tarry till spring, then to leave the State under pain of extermination. Tues. 13. Joseph Fielding Smith was born at Far West, Mo. A mock trial, -which lasted sixteen days, was com- menced at Richmond, and nearly sixty of the brethren were brought before Judge Austin A. King, charged with treason, murder, burglary, arson, robbery and larceny. Up to that date about thirty of the brethren had been killed and many wounded since the hostilities commenced the previous August. Sat. 24. Twenty-three of the Far West prisoners were discharged at Richmond, Mo., as nothing could be found against them. Wed. 28. The remaining prisoners in Richmond were re- leased, or admitted to bail, except Joseph Smith, Jr., Ly- man Wight, Caleb Baldwin, Hyrum Smith, Alex. McRae and Sidney Rigdon. who were sent to jail In Liberty, Clay County, to stand their trial for treason and murder, of which they were falsely accused; and Parley P. Pratt. Mor- ris Phelps, Luman Gibbs, Darwin Chase and Norman Shearer were confined in the Richmond jail to stand their trial on a similar charge. December. Wed. 19. John Taylor and John E. Page were ordained Apostles, at Far West. Mo. A petition from the Saints in Caldwell County was pre- sented to the Missouri legislature, causing much warm debate, but the petition was finally laid on the table, which meant that the legislature would do nothing for the suffer- ing Saints. Thurs. 27. Anson Call -was brutally whipped by a mob, near Elk Horn, Ray County, Mo. 1830 January. Tues. 29. The Elders met at Far West to com- plete measures for the removal of the poor from Missouri, and pledged themselves to assist each other until all were removed. February. Thurs. 14. Brigham Young, President of the Twelve, left Far West, Mo., for Illinois, on account of per- secution. Sat. 23. Many of the fugitive S&ints having arrived at Quincy, Adams County, 111., the citizens of that place met to adopt measures for their relief. About this time Sidney Rigdon was released from prison in Liberty jail, Mo., on bail. March. Sun. 17. Thomas B. Marsh, formerly President of the Twelve, Wm. W. Phelps, Frederick G. Williams, George M. Hinkle and others were excommunicated from the Church at a conference held at Quincy, 111. Wed. 20. Joseph Smith, Jr., who was still imprisoned In Liberty jail. Mo., wrote an excellent epistle "to the Saints at Quincy, 111., and scattered abroad," in which was em- bodied a most fervent prayer in behalf of the suffering Saints, and words of prophecy. (See Doc. and Cov., Sec. 121, and History of Joseph Smith.) A few days later the Prophet Joseph continued his epistle and wrote among other beautiful gems that which con- stitutes Sections 122 and 123 of the Doctrine and Covenants. April. Fri. 5. A company of about fifty men in Daviess County, Mo., swore that they would never eat or drink until they had murdered Joseph the Prophet. Sat. 6. Joseph Smith, Jr., and fellow-prisoners were started from Liberty jail, to Gallatin, Daviess County, Mo., where they arrived on the 8th, and were again subjected to a mock trial before a drunken court and jury. Thurs. 11. Ten mobbers made an unsuccessful attempt to kill Stephen Markham in Daviess County, Mo., because he had testified truthfully in the case of the prisoners. Sun. 14. The committee for the removal of the Saints from Missouri moved thirty-six families into Tenney'a Grove, about twenty-five miles from Far West. Mon. 15. Joseph Smith, Jr., and fellow-prisoners, started from Daviess towards Boone County, Mo., under a change of venue. Tues. 16. The guard being drunk, Joseph Smith, Jr., and fellow-prisoners made their escape. After a severe journey they arrived at Quincy, 111., on the 22nd. Sat. 20. The last of the Saints left Far West. Thus a whole community, numbering about fifteen thousand souls, were expelled from their homes on account of their religion. Wed. 24. Parley P. Pratt and fellow-prisoners were brought before the grand jury of Ray County, at Rich- mond. Darwin Chase and Norman Shearer were dismissed after having been imprisoned for six months. Thurs. 25. Joseph Smith, Jr., and others visited Iowa for the purpose of finding a location for the Church. Com- merce, Hancock Co., 111., was finally selected as a gathering place for the Saints. Fri. 26. Early in the morning a conference was held on the Temple site at Far West, Mo., in fulfilment of the revelation given July 8, 1838. Among those present were Apostles Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, John E. Page and John Taylor, who ordained Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith Apostles, "to fill the places of those who had fallen." Alpheus Cutler, the master- workman of the Temple, then commenced laying its founda- tion, in accordance with revelation, by rolling up a large stone near the southeast corner. Isaac Russell, John Good- son, Luman Gibbs and twenty-eight others were excom- municated from the Church. May. Wed. 1. The first purchase of land for the Church at Commerce, 111., was made by Joseph Smith, Jr., and others of the committee. The purchase consisted of two farms bought respectively of Hugh White and Isaac Gal- land. Fri. 3. Six of the Apostles met Joseph the Prophet near Quincy, 111., for the first time after his liberation from prison. Sat. 4. A two days' conference was commenced on the Presbyterian camp ground, near Quincy. 111. The doings of the Twelve at Far West on April 26th were sanctioned. Elder Oliver Granger was appointed to go to Kirtland, Ohio, to preside, and the Saints in the Eastern States were ad- vised to gather to Kirtland and settle that place as a Stake of Ziori. On the 5th it was decided to send Sidney Rigdon as a delegate to Washington, D. C., to lay the grievances of the Saints before the General Government. Mon. 6. At a conference, held at Quincy, 111.. Wm. Marks was appointed to preside at Commerce, and John P. Greene over the Saints in New York. A number of Seventies and High Priests were called to accompany the Apostles on their missions to Europe. Thurs. 9. Joseph Smith, Jr., left Quincy with his family, and arrived the following day at Commerce. Wed. 22. Parley P. Pratt, Morris Phelps, Luman Gibbs and King Follett, having obtained a change of venue, left Richmond, Mo., handcuffed, for Columbia, Boone County, where they arrived on the 26th and were thrown Into a filthy dungeon. June. The first house erected by the Saints in Commerce was raised by Theodore Turley. Mon. 24. The Church purchased the town of Nashville, in Lee County, Iowa Territory, and twenty thousand acres of land adjoining it. About the same time another tract of land lying west of Montrose, lo-wa, opposite Nauvoo, was purchased. July. Much sickness nrevailed among the Saints at Com- merce, which at that time was a very unhealthful place, but many of them were miraculously healed by the power of God. Tues. 2. Joseph the Prophet advised that a town be built on the Iowa purchase, to be called Zarahemla. Thurs. 4. After more than seven months' Imprisonment without conviction, Farley P. Pratt and Morris Phelps es- caped from the Columbia jail, Boone County, Mo. They arrived in Quincy, 111., after days of dreadful suffering from hunger and fatigue. King Follett, who also tried to escape, was retaken. Mon. 22. Elijah Fordham, Henry G. Sherwood, Benjamin Brown, Joseph B. Noble and many others, at Commerce, 111., and Montrose Iowa, were miraculously healed under the powerful administrations of the Prophet Joseph, assisted by other Elders. August. Thurs. 8. Apostles John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff left Commerce, 111., on a mission to England. Thurs. 29. Apostles Parley P. Pratt and Orson Pratt and Elder Hiram Clark departed from Commerce on a mission to England. September. Wed. 18. Apostles Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball started from Commerce on a mission to England, leaving their families sick and poverty-stricken. Sat. 21. Apostle Geo. A. Smith and Elders Reuben Hed- lock and Theodore Turley left Commerce for England on a mission. October. Sat. 5. At a general conference, held at Com- merce, William Marks was appointed president of that Stake, Edward Partridge, Bishop of the upper Ward, and Vinson Knight, Bishop of the lower Ward. Geo. W. Harris, Samuel Bent, Henry G. Sherwood, David Fullmer, Alpheus Cutler, Wm. Huntington. Thomas Grover, Newel Knight, Chas. C. Rich, David Dort, Seymour Brunson and Lewis D. Wilson were chosen members of the High Council. John Smith was appointed to preside over the Saints on the 1300 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Other side of the Mississippi river, in Iowa Territory, with Alanson Bipley as Bishop. Asahel Smith, John M. Burk, Abraham O. Smoot, Bichard Howard, Willard Snow, Erastus Snow, David Pettigrew, Elijah Fordham, Edward Fisher, Elias Smith, John Patten and Stephen Chase were chosen as members of the High Council. Thurs. 17. Apostle Heber C. Kimball was poisoned at Terre Haute, Ind., but his life was saved by the administra- tion of Apostle Brigham Young:. Sat. 19. The High Council appointed for the Church in Iowa met for the first time, at Nashville, Iowa. Beynolds Cahoon and Lyman Wight were appointed counselors to John Smith. Tues. 29. Joseph Smith, Jr., accompanied by Sidney Big- don, Elias Higbee and O. Porter Bockwell, left Commerce for Washington, D. C., to lay the grievances of the Saints before the President and Congress of the United States. In the latter part of this month King Follett, the last of the Missouri prisoners, was tried and set free. November. The first number of the "Times and Seasons" was published at Commerce, 111. Sun. 3. James Mulholland, Joseph Smith's clerk, died at Commerce. Wed. 27. Brigham Toung, rebuked the wind and Tvaves on Lake Erie, and he was obeyed. Thurs. 28. Joseph Smith, Jr.. arrived at Washington, D. C. December. Thurs. 19. Apostles Wilford Woodruff and John Taylor and Elder Theodore Turley sailed from New York for England; they arrived at Liverpool Jan. 11, 1840. Sat. 21. Joseph Smith, Jr., arrived at Philadelphia, Pa., (from Washington), where he remained until the 30th, preaching the gospel. 1840 January. Sun. 12. Francis Marion Lyman was born at Macomb, McDonough Co., 111. March. Multitudes were baptized into the Church in the United States and England. ' Apostle Wilford Woodruff built up large branches in Herefordshire, England. Wed. 4. Joseph Smith, Jr., arrived in Commerce, 111., from Washington, D. C., after a fruitless endeavor to obtain redress for the wrongs suffered by the Saints in Missouri. He had presented to Congress claims against Missouri from 491 Individuals for about $1,381,000. President Martin Van Buren, in answer to Joseph's appeal, said, "Your cause is just, but I can do nothing for you." The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the memorial of the Saints, reported adversely to the prayer of the petitioners. Mon. 9. .Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Parley P. Pratt, George A. Smith and Reuben Hedlock sailed from New York on the ship "Patrick Henry" for Liverpool, where they arrived April 6th. April. Mon. 6. A general conference of the Church was commenced at Nauvoo, 111. It continued three days. On the first day Apostle Orson Hyde was called on a mission to Jerusalem and on the 8th Apostle John E. Page was ap- pointed to accompany him. The conference also adopted a series of resolutions, expressive of sorrow and disappoint- ment at the action of the Committee of the Judiciary at Washington, D. C. Tues. 14. At a council of the Apostles held at Preston, England, Willard Richards was ordained one of the Twelve Apostles. Wed. 15. Apostle Orson Hyde left Commerce, 111., on his mission to Jerusalem. At a conference held at Preston, England, where 34 branches and 1,686 members were represented, It was de- cided to publish a monthly periodical In the interest of the Church in England. Tues. 21. The Postmaster General at Washington, D. C., changed the name of the postoffice at Commerce, Hancock Co., ni., to Nauvoo, and appointed George W. Robinson postmaster. May. Sat. 9. Elder Theodore Turley, who had been im- prisoned in Stafford jail, England, at the Instigation of a Methodist preacher, was released. Wed. 27. Bishop Edward Partridge died at Nauvoo, 46 years old. He lost his life in consequence of the Missouri persecutions. The first number of "The Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star," was published at Manchester, England: Apostle Parley P. Pratt, editor. June. By this time the Saints had erected about two hundred and fifty houses in Nauvoo. Sat. 6. Forty-one Saints sailed from Liverpool, England, on the ship "Britannia," for the United States, being the first Saints that gathered from a foreign land. John Moon was leader of the company. Sun. 14. The Bran Green and Gadfleld Elm conference was organized by Apostle Wilford Woodruff in Worcester- shire, England, consisting of twelve branches. This was the first conference organized In the British mission. Sun. 21. At a meeting held on Stanley Hill, Hereford- shire, England, the Froome's Hill conference was organized by Apostle Wilford Woodruff, consisting of twenty branches. July. The first British edition of the Latter-day Saints' Hymn Book was published in England. Tues. 7. James Allred, Noah Rogers, Alanson Brown and Benjamin Boyce were kidnapped from Hancock County, 111., by Missourians, and taken to Tully, Lewis Co., Mo., where they were Imprisoned, whipped and Ill-treated until nearly dead. Brown and Allred escaped a few days afterwards. Sat. 11. Apostle Geo. A. Smith ordained and set apart Wm. Barratt at Burslem, Staffordshire, England, for a mis- sion to South Australia. He was the first missionary to that country. Mon. 20. John Moon's company of British emigrants ar- rived at New York. Mon. 27. Apostle John Taylor sailed from Liverpool for Ireland to open the door of the gospel in that country. August. Elder Wm. Donaldson, of the British army, sailed from England for the East Indies. He was the first member of the Church to visit that country. Fri. 21. ; Noah Rogers and Benjamin Boyce escaped from their unlawful imprisonment in Missouri, during which they had been put in irons and suffered much. Mon. 31. Apostle Heber C. Kimball baptized Henry Con- ner, a watchmaker, in London, England, as the first fruit of preaching the fullness of the gospel in that city. September. Apostle John Taylor and others first preached the gospel on the Isle of Man. Mon. 8. The ship "North America" sailed from Liverpool, England, with about two hundred Saints, under the presi- dency of Theodore Turley, bound for Nauvoo, 111. Sun. 14. Joseph Smith, Sr., Patriarch to the Church, died at Nauvoo. Mon. 15. Gov. Lilburn W. Boggs, of Missouri, made a demand on Gov. Thos. Carlin, of Illinois, for Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, Lyman Wight, Parley P. Pratt, Caleb Baldwin and Alanson Brown as fugitives from justice. October. Fri. 3. At a conference held at Nauvoo, Robert B. Thompson was appointed General Church Clerk, instead of Geo. W. Robinson. Almon W. Babbitt was appointed to preside over the Church at Kirtland, Ohio, and a committee was appointed to organize new Stakes for the 'gathering of the Saints. Wed. 22. A Stake was organized by the committee at Lima, Hancock Co., 111., with Isaac Morley as president and John Murdock and Walter Cox as his counselors. Sat. 25. A Stake was organized at Qulncy, Adams Co., 111., with Daniel Stanton, Stephen Jones and Ezra T. Benson as the presidency. Mon. 27.- A Stake called Mount Hope was organized at the steam mills, Columbus, Adams Co., HI., with the fol- lowing brethren as the presidency. Abel Lamb, Sherman Gilbert and John Smith. November. Sat. 1. The committee organized a Stake called Geneva, in Morgan County, 111., with Wm. Bosley, Howard S. Smith and Samuel Fowler as the presidency. December. Wed. 16. The charter for the incorporation of Nauvoo, granted by the State legislature, was signed by Gov. Thomas Carlin, but not to take effect until the first of February following. 1841 January. The first number of the "Gospel Reflector," a semi-monthly periodical published in the interest of the Church, was issued in Philadelphia, Fa.; Benjamin Win- chester, editor. The first British edition of the Book of Mormon was published in Manchester, England. Tues. 19. The Saints were commanded by revelation to build a Temple at Nauvoo, 111., and also a "boarding house" for the accommodation of strangers, which subsequently became known as the Nauvoo House. The general au- thorities of the Church and other officers were named In the revelation, which also contains important explanations on the order of the Priesthood. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 124.) And again, verily I say unto you. my servant George Miller is without guile; he may be trusted because of the integrity of his heart; and for the love which he has to my testimony r, the Lord, love him; I therefore say unto you, I seal upon his head the office of a bishopric, like unto my servant Edward Partridge, that he may receive the consecrations of mine house, that he may administer blessings upon the heads of the poor of my people, salth the Lord. Let no man despise my servant George, for he shall honor me. Let my servant George, and my servant Lyman, and my servant John Snider, and others, build a house unto my name, such an one as my servant Joseph shall show unto them; upon the place which he shall show unto them also. And it shall be for a house for boarding, a house that strangers may ccme from afar to lodge therein: therefore let it be a good house, worthy of all acceptation, that the weary traveler may find health and safety while he shall contemplate the word of the Lord; and the corner stone I have appointed for Zion. * But I command you, all ye my saints, to build a house unto me; and I grant unto you a sufficient time to build a house unto me, and during this time your baptisms shall be acceptable unto me. But behold, at the end of this appointment, your baptisms for your dead shall not be acceptable unto me: and If you do not these things at the end of the appointment, ye shall be rejected as a church, with your dead, saith the Lord your God. ' Verily I say unto you, I now give unto you the officers belonging to my Priesthood, that ye may hold the keys thereof, even the Priesthood which is after the order of Melchlsedek. which Is after the order of my Only Begotten Son. First, T give unto you Hyrum Smith, to be a Patriarch unto you, to hold the sealing blessings of my church, even the Holy Spirit of promise, whereby ye are sealed up unto the day of redemption, that ye may not fall, notwithstanding the hour of temptation that may come upon you. I give unto you my servant Joseph, to be a presiding elaer over all my church, to be a translator, a revelator, a seer, and prophet. I give unto him for counselors my servant Sidney Rigdon, ana my servant William Law. that these may constitute a quorum and First Presidency, to receive the oracles for the whole church. I give unto you my servant Brigham Young, to be a President over the Twelve traveling Council, Which Twelve hold the keys to open up the authority of n kingdom upon the four corners of the earth, and after that to se my word to every creature: They are Heber C. Kimball. Parley P. Pratt. Orson Pratt. Orson Hyde, William Smith. John Taylor. John E. Page. Wllford Woodruff, Wlllard Richards, George A. Smith: David Patten I have taken unto myself: behold, his Priest] no man taketh from him; but. verily I say unto you, another may be appointed unto the same calling. And again, I say unto you, I give unto you a High Council, fc the corner stone of Zion: Viz.. Samuel Bent. H. G. Sherwood. George W Harris. Char C. Rich. Thomas Grover. Newel Knight. David Dort. Dunb ? a r I ,y l 'L IS ' n I h (Seymour Brunson I have taken unto myself, no man 'aljetti ms Priesthood, but another may be appointed unto the sa ,,me Priesthood in his stead and verily I say unto you let my fgypt&g?* Johnson be ordained unto this calling in his stead;) David Fullmer, Alpheus Cutler. William Huntington. PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1301 And again, I give unto you Don C. Smith, to be a president over a quorum of High Priests: Which ordinance is instituted for the purpose of qualifying: those who shall be appointed standing presidents or servants over different Stakes scattered abroad. And they may travel also if they choose, but rather be ordained for standing presidents, this is the office of their calling, saith the Lord your God. I give unto him Amasa Lyman. and Noah Packard for counselors, that they may preside over the quorum of High Priests of my church, saith the Lord. And again, I say unto you. I give unto you John A. Hicks. Samuel Williams, and Jesse Baker, which Priesthood is to preside over the quorum of elders, which quorum is instituted for standing ministers, nevertheless they may travel, yet they are ordained to be standing ministers to my church, sailh the Lord. And again, I give unto you Joseph Young, Josiah Butterfield. Daniel Miles, Henry Herriman. Zera Pulsipher. Lev! Hancock, James Foster, to preside over the quorum of seventies. Which quorum is instituted for traveling elders to bear record of my name In all the world, wherever the traveling High Council, my apostles, shall send them to prepare a way before my face. The difference between this quorum and the quorum of elders Is, that one is to travel continually, and the other is to preside over the churches from time to time; the one has the responsibility of presiding from time to time, and the other has no responsibility of presiding, saith the Lord your God. And again. I say unto you I give unto you Vinson Knight. Samuel H. Smith, and Shadrach Roundy. If he will receive it. to preside over the bishopric; a knowledge of said bishopric is given unto you in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. And again, I say unto you, Samuel Holfe and his counselors for priests, and the president of the teachers and his counselors, and also the president of the deacons and his counselors, and also the president of the stake and his counselors; The above offices 1 have given unto you, and the keys thereof, for helps and for governments, for the work of the ministry, and the perfecting of my saints; And a commandment I give unto you that you should fill all these offices and approve of those names which I have mentioned, or else disapprove of them at my general conference. Doc. and Cov. 124:20-23. 31-32. 123-144. Sun. 24. Hyrum Smith succeeded his father, Joseph Smith, Sr., as Patriarch to the Church, and Wm. Law was ap- pointed a Counselor in the First Presidency, succeeding Hyrum Smith in that capacity, according to revelation. Sat. 30. At a meeting held at Nauvoo, 111., Joseph Smith was elected sole Trustee for the Church, to hold the office during life, bia "successors to be the First Presidency" of the Church. February. Mon. 1. The first election took place for members of the city council of Nauvoo. John C. Bennett was elected mayor; Wm. Marks, Samuel H. Smith, Daniel H. Wells and Newel K. Whitney, aldermen; Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, (Sidney Rigdon, Charles C. Rich, John F. Bar- nett, Wilson Law, Don Carlos Smith, John P. Greene and Vinson Knight, councilors. Wed. 3. The city council of Nauvoo elected Henry G. Sherwood, marshal; James Sloan, recorder; Robert B. Thompson, treasurer; James Robinson, assessor; Austin Cowles, supervisor of streets. Thurs. 4. The Nauvoo Legion, originally consisting of six companies, was organized with Joseph Smith as lieutenant- general. Sun. 7. The ship "Sheffield" sailed from Liverpool, Eng- land, with 235 Saints, under the leadership of Hiram Clark. Sat. 13. Apostle Orson Hyde sailed from New York for Liverpool, on his mission to Jerusalem. Sun. 14. The London (England) conference was organized with Lorenzo Snow as president. Tues. 16. The ship "Echo" sailed from Liverpool, England, with 109 Saints, under the direction of Daniel Browitt. March. The Saints were commanded by revelation to build a city In Iowa Territory, opposite Nauvoo, to be called Zarahemla. (Doc. and Cov. Sec. 125.) Let them build up a city unto my name upon the land opposite to the city of Nauroo. and let the name of Zarahemla be named upon It. Doc. and COT. 125:3. Mon. 1. The city council divided the city of Nauvoo into four wards. An ordinance was passed, giving free tolera- tion and equal privileges in the city to all religious sects and denominations. Wed. 10. Gov. Thos. Carlin, of Illinois, commissioned Joseph Smith lieutenant-general of the Nauvoo Legion. Wed. 17. The ship "Uleste" sailed from Liverpool. England, with 54 Saints, under the direction of Thomas Smith and Wm. Moss, bound for America. Mon. 29. Charles C. Rich and Austin Cowles were chosen counselors to Wm. Marks, president of the Nauvoo Stake of Zion. April. Tuea. . A general conference of the Church was commenced at Nauvoo. and the corner stones of the Nauvoo Temple were laid. The conference was continued till the llth. Thurs. 8. Lyman Wight was chosen one of the Twelve Apostles, In place of David W. Patten, martyred in Mis- souri. Wed. 21. Apostles Brlgham Young. Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, Geo. A. Smith and Willard Richards sailed from Liverpool, England, on the ship "Rochester," accompanied by 130 Saints. They ar- rived at New York May 20th. May. Sat. 22. At a conference held at Kirtland. Ohio. Almon W. Babbitt was chosen president of the Kirtland Stake, with Lester Brooks and Zebedee Coltrin as coun- selors. Mon. 24. The First Presidency at Nauvoo called upon all scattered Saints to gather to Hancock County, 111., and Lee County, Iowa. All neighboring Stakes outside of these two counties were discontinued. June. Sat. 5. Joseph Smith was arrested on a requisition from the State of Missouri. He was tried on the 9th and liberated on the 10th on a writ of habeas corpus, at lion- mouth. Warren Co., 111. Tues. 22. Theodore Curtis, who had been under arrest in Gloucester. England, five days for preaching the gospel, was acquitted. July. Thurs. 1. Apostles Brigham Young. Heber C. Kim- ball and John Taylor arrived at Nauvoo from their missions to England. Fri. 9. By revelation, through Joseph the Prophet, Apostle Brigham Young was commanded to send the "word" abroad, and to take special care of his family. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 126.) Tues. 13. Apostle Geo. A. Smith returned to Nauvoo from his mission to England. Sun. 25. Wm. Yokum lost his leg by amputation, as the result of a wound received in the massacre at Haun's Mill, Mo. August. Sat. 7. Don Carlos Smith, the youngest brother of the Prophet, died at Nauvoo. Thurs. 12. Joseph Smith preached to about one hundred Sac and Fox Indians (among whom were the chiefs Keo- kuk, Kiskuhosh and Appenoose), who had come to visit him at Nauvoo. Mon. 16. Apostle Willard Richards arrived at Nauvoo from his mission to England. Wed. 25. Oliver Granger died at Kirtland. Ohio. Fri. 27. Robert B. Thompson, Joseph Smith's scribe, died at Nauvoo. September. Tues. 21. The ship "Tyrean" sailed from Liverpool for New Orleans with 204 Saints, under the direc- tion of Joseph Fielding, bound for Nauvoo. Wed. 22. A company of brethren left Nauvoo for the Pineries. Wisconsin, about five hundred miles north, to procure lumber for the Nauvoo Temple. October. Sat. 2. An important general conference was commenced in the Grove at Nauvoo. It was continued till the 4th. Joseph Smith declared, as the will of the Lord, that the Church should not hold another general conference until the Saints could meet in the Temple. James Sloan was elected Church clerk, instead of Robert B. Thompson, deceased. Wed. 6. Apostle Wilford Woodruff arrived at Nauvoo from his mission to England. Thurs. 7. In a council of the Twelve, a number of brethren were called on missions, amontr whom were Joseph Ball to* South America and Henry Harrison Sagers to Jamaica, West Indies. Sun. 24. Apostle Orson Hyde, who had arrived at Jeru- salem, ascended the Mount of Olives and dedicated the land of Palestine by prayer for the gathering of the Jews. November. Mon. 8. The temporary baptismal font in the Nauvoo Temple was dedicated. The ship "Chaos" sailed from Liverpool with 170 Saints, under the direction of Peter Melling, bound for Nauvoo. Sun. 21. Baptisms for the dead were commenced in the font in the basement of the Nauvoo Temple. Wed. 24. The "Tyrean" company of British Saints arrived at Warsaw, intending to settle Warren, a new town site, one mile south of Warsaw, which had been selected for a settlement of the Saints, but they soon afterwards removed to Nauvoo, because of oppression on the part of anti-Mor- mons. December. Sat. 4. The Stake organization at Ramus, Hancock Co., 111., was discontinued. Mon. 13. Apostle Willard Richards was appointed Joseph Smith's private secretary and general clerk for the Church. Wed. 22. John Snider was called by revelation on a special mission to Europe, bearing a message from the Twelve. 1842 January. Thurs. 6. A conference was held at Zarahemla, Iowa, opposite Nauvoo. when a Stake of Zion, previously organized there, was discontinued, and a branch organized in its stead, with John Smith as president. Wed. 12. The ship "Tremont" sailed from Liverpool with 143 Saints bound for Nauvoo via New Orleans. February. Wed. 2. Moses Thatcher was born in Sanga- mon County, 111 Thurs. 3. Apostle Wilford Woodruff took the superin- tendency of the printing office and Apostle John Taylor the editorial department of the "Times and Seasons." at Nauvoo. Sat. 5. The ship "Hope" sailed from Liverpool for New Orleans with 270 Saints. Sun. 20. The ship "John Gumming" sailed from Liverpool with about 200 Stunts. March. The "Millennial Star" office in England was moved from Manchester (No. 47 Oxford Street) to the Church emi- gration office in Liverpool (No. 36 Chapel Street). Sat. 12. The ship "Hanover" sailed from Liverpool with about two hundred Saints, under the direction of Amos Fielding. Tues. 15. Joseph Smith took charge of the editorial de- partment of the "Times and Seasons." Thurs. 17. The organization of the Female Relief So- ciety of Nauvoo was commenced. It was completed on the 24th, with Emma Smith as president and Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Whitley and Mrs. Sarah M. Cleveland, counselors; Miss Elvira Cowles, treasurer; and Eliza R. Snow, secretary. Sun. 20. Joseph Smith baptized eighty persons for the dead in the Mississippi river, after which he confirmed about fifty. Sat. 26.^Tohn Snider left Nauvoo on his special mission to England. Sun. 27. Joseph Smith baptized 107 persons for the dead in the Mississippi river. April. Wed. 6. A special conference of the Church was held at Nauvoo; it was continued till the 8th, and during its sessions 275 brethren were ordained Elders. Wed. 13. About two hundred Saints arrived at Nauvoo from Great Britain. Sat. 16. The "Wasp" a miscellaneous weekly newspaper, was first published at Nauvoo; Wm. Smith, editor. Fri. 29. Joseph Smith wrote: "A conspiracy against the peace of my household was made manifest, and it gave me some trouble to counteract the design of certain base indi- viduals and restore peace. The Lord makes manifest to me 1302 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH many things, which it Is not wisdom for me to make public until others can witness the proof of them." May Wed. 4. Joseph Smith gave James Adams, Hyrum Smith, Newel K. Whitney, George Miller, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards instructions about holy endowments. Fri. e. Ex-Governor Lilburn W. Boggs, of Missouri, was shot, but not killed, at Independence, Mo. Sat. 7. The Nauvoo Legion, now numbering 26 companies, or 2,000 men, was reviewed and it fought a sham battle, in which John C. Bennett conspired against the Prophet's life, but failed to carry out his design. Thurs. 19. John C. Bennett having resigned the mayor- ship of Nauvoo, Joseph Smith was elected by the city coun- cil to fill the vacancy. Tues. 24. Chauncy L. Higbee was excommunicated from the Church by the High Council of Nauvoo, for unchaste and unvirtuous conduct. Wed. 25. The authorities of the Church had at this time withdrawn their fellowship from John C. Bennett, who soon afterwards left Nauvoo. June. Wed. 1. At a general conference held in Man- chester, England. 8,265 officers and members of the Church were represented. July. Sun. 3. Joseph Smith spoke to eight thousand people at Nauvoo. August. Apostle Orson Hyde published a pamphlet of 120 pages in the German language, in Germany, entitled "A Cry in the Wilderness," etc., setting forth the rise, progress and doctrines of the Church. Sat. 6. Joseph Smith prophesied that the Saints would be driven to the Rocky Mountains, where they should be- come a mighty people. (As recorded in his own words. "I prophesied that the Saints would continue to suffer much affliction, and would be driven to the Rocky Mountains. Many would apostatize; others would be put to death by our persecutors, or lose their lives in consequence of exposure or disease; and some would live to go and assist in making settlements and budding cities, and see the Saints become a mighty people in the midst of the Rocky Mountains.") Mon. 8. Joseph Smith was arrested by a deputy sheriff at 'Nauvoo, by requisition from Gov. Thos. Reynolds, of Mis- souri, falsely accused of being accessory to the shooting of ex-Governor Boggs. O. Porter Rockwell was also arrested as principal. A writ of habeas corpus was issued by the municipal court of Nauvoo, by -which the prisoners were released for the time being. Wed. 10.- The deputy sheriff returned to Nauvoo to re- arrest Joseph Smith and O. Porter Rockwell, but they could not be found. To escape imprisonment the Prophet had to keep concealed for some time. His first retreat was the house of his uncle John Smith, at Zarahemla. la. Thurs. 11. Joseph Smith concealed himself in the house of Edward Sayer, in Nauvoo. Thurs. 18. Rumors being afloat that the Prophet's hiding place was discovered, he changed his quarters from the house of Edward Sayer to that of Carlos Granger, who lived In the northeast part of Nauvoo. Great excitement prevailed among the people around Nauvoo on account of John C. Bennett's lies. Fri. 19. Joseph Smith returned to his own house. Sat. 20. Amasa M. Lyman was ordained one of the Twelve Apostles. Sun. 21. Sidney Rigdon testified in public meeting, at Nauvoo, that his daughter, Eliza, had been raised from the dead by the power of God. Mon. 29. After not showing himself in public for three weeks, Joseph Smith spoke to an assembly of Saints at Nauvoo; 380 Elders volunteered to take missions to the various States of the Union for the purpose of refuting 1 John C. Bennett's lies. September. Thurs. 1. Joseph Smith wrote an address to the Saints at Nauvoo concerning baptism for the dead. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 127.) Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you concerning your dead: When any of you are baptized for your dead, let there be a Recorder, and let him be eye witness of your baptisms; let him hear with his ears, that he may testify of a truth, saith the Lord; * * Doc. and Cov., 127:6. Sat. 3. -Another effort was made to arrest Joseph Smith without legal process. His house was searched, but he eluded pursuit, and afterwards kept himself hid for some time in the house of Edward Hunter. Tues. 6. Joseph Smith wrote another important address to the Saints in relation to baptism for the dead, and the necessity of keeping records. (Doc. and Cov., See. 128.) Address to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, dated Nauvoo, September 6th. 1842. As I stated to you in my letter before I left my place, that I would write to you from time to time, and give you information In relation to many subjects. I now resume the subject of the baptism for the dead, as that subject seems to occupy my mind, and press Itself upon my feelings the strongest, since I have been pursued by my enemies. I wrote a few words of revelation to you concerning a recorder. I have had a few additional views In relation to this matter, which I now certify. That is. It was declared in my former letter that there should be a recorder, who should be eye witness, and also to hear with his ears, that he might make a record of a truth before the Lord. Now, In relation to this matter, it would be very difficult for one recorder to be present at all times, and to do all the business. To obviate this difficulty, there can be a recorder appointed in each ward of the city, who is well qualified for taking accurate minutes; and let him be very particular a'nd precise In taking the whole proceedings, certifying in his record that he saw with his eyes, and heard with his ears, giving the date and names, etc., and the history of the whole transaction: naming also, some three indi- viduals that are present. If there be any present, who can at any time when called upon, certify to the same, that In the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established. Then let there be a general recorder, to whom these other records can be handed, being attended with certificates over their own signatures, certifying that the record they have made la true. Then the general church recorder, can enter the record on the general church book, with the certificates and all the attending witnesses, with his own statement that he verily believes the above statement and records to be true, from his knowledge of the general character and appointment of those men by the church. And when this Is done on the general church book, the record shall be just as holy, and shall answer the ordinance just the same as if he had seen with his eyes, and heard with his ears, and made a record of the same on the general church book. You may think this order of things to be very particular, but let me tell you, that it is only to answer the will of Gpd. by con- forming to the ordinance and preparation that the Lord ordained and prepared before the. foundation of the world, for the salvation of the dead who should die without a knowledge of the gospel. And further I want you to remember that John the Revelator was contemplating this very subject in relation to the dead, when he declared, as you will find recorded in Revelations xx. 12 "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God: and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which was the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." You will discover in this quotation, that the books were opened; and another book was opened, which was the book of life: but the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works; consequently the hooks spoken of must be the books which contained the record of their works; and refer to the records which are kept on the earth. And the book which was the book of life, is the record which is kept in heaven; the principle agreeing precisely with the doctrine which is com- manded you In the revelation contained in the letter which I wrote to you previously to my leaving my place -that in all your recordings it may be recorded In heaven. Now the nature of this ordinance consists In the power of the Priesthood, by the revelation of Jesus Christ, wherein it is granted, that whatsoever you bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven. Or. in other words, taking a different view of the translation, whatsoever you record on earth, shall be recorded in heaven; and whatsoever you do not record on earth, shall not be recorded in heaven: for out of the books shall your dead be judged, according to their own works, whether they themselves have attended to the ordinances In their own propria persona, or by the means of their own agents, according to the ordinance which God has prepared for their salva- tion from before the foundation of the world, according to the records which they have kept concerning their dead. It may seem to some to be a very bold doctrine that we talk of a power which records or binds on earth, and binds in heaven. Nevertheless in all ages of the world, whenever the Lord has given a dispensation of the Priesthood to any man by actual revela- tion, or any set of men. this power has always been given. Hence, whatsoever those men did in authority, in the name of the Lord, and did it truly and faithfully, and kept a proper and faithful record of the same, it became a law on earth and In heaven, and could not be annulled, according to the decrees of the great Jehovah. This is a faithful saying! Who can hear it? And again, for the precedent. Matthew xvi. 18. 19. "And I also say unto thee. that thou art Peter: and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it; and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and what- soever thou shall bind on earth, shall be bound In heaven: and whatsoever thou Shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven." Now the great and grand secret of the whole matter, and the Rtummim bonum of the whole subject that is lying before us. consists in obtaining the powers of the Holy Priesthood. For him to whom these keys are given, there is no difficulty in obtaining a knowledge of facts in relation to the salvation of the children of men. both a well for the dead as for the living. Herein is glory and honor, and immortality and eternal life. The ordinance of baptism by water, to be Immersed therein in order to answer to the likeness of the dead, that one principle might accord with the other. To be immersed in the water and come forth out of the water is in the likeness of the resurrection of the dead in coming forth out of their graves; hence this ordinance was Insti- tuted to form a relationship with the ordinance of baptism for the dead, being in likeness of the dead. Consequently the baptismal font was instituted as a simile of the grave, and was commanded to be in a place underneath where the living are wont to assemble, to show forth the living and the dead; and that all things may have their likeness, and that they may accord one with another: that which is earthly conforming to that which is heavenly, as Paul hath declared. 1 Corinthians xv. 46. 47, and 48. "Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural, and afterwards that which Is spiritual. The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord, from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly." And as are the records on the earth in relation to your dead, which are truly made out. so also are the records in heaven. This, therefore, is the sealing and binding power, and, in one sense of the word, the keys of the kingdom which consist In the key of knowledge. And now, my dearly beloved brethren and sisters, let me assure you that these are principles In relation to the dead, and the living, that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For their salvation is necessary, and essential to our salvation, as Paul says concerning the fathers "that they without us cannot be made perfect:" neither can we without our dead be made perfect. And now. In relation to the baptism for the dead, I will give you another quotation of Paul. 1 Corinthians xv. 29. "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all; why are they then baptized for the dead?" And again. In connection with this quotation. I will give you a quotation from one of the prophets, who had his eye fixed on the restoration of the Priesthood, the glories to be revealed in the last days, and In an especial manner this most glorious of all subjects belonging to the everlasting gospel, viz.. the baptism for the dead; for Malacbl says, last chapter, verses 5th and 6th. "Behold, T will send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." I might have rendered a plainer translation to this, but it Is sufficiently plain to suit my purpose as It stands. It Is sufficient to know, in this case, that the earth will be smitten with a curse, unless there is a welding link of some kind or other, between the fathers and the children, upon some subject or other, and behold what Is that subject? It is the baptism for the dead. For we without them cannot be made perfect; neither can they without us be made perfect. Neither can they nor we. be made perfect, without those who have died in the gospel also: for it is necessary In the ushering in of the dispensation of the fullness of times; which dispensation Is now beginning to usher in. that a whole and complete and perfect union, and welding together of dispensations, and keys, and powers, and glories should take place, and be PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1303 revealed from the days of Adam even to the present time; and not only this, but those things which never have been revealed from the foundation of the world, but have been kept hid from the wise and prudent, shall be revealed unto babes and sucklings in this the dispensation of the fullness of times. Doc. and Cov. 128:1-18. Sat. 10. Joseph Smith returned home undiscovered. Sat. 17. Tlie ship "Sidney" sailed from Liverpool with 180 Saints; it arrived at New Orleans Nov. llth. Sun. 25. The ship "Medford" sailed from Liverpool with 214 Saints, under the presidency of Apostle Orson Hyde; it ar- rived at New Orleans Nov. 13th. Thurs. 29. The ship "Henry" sailed from Liverpool for New Orleans, with 157 Saints, under the direction of John Snider. October. Sun. 2. Reports reached .Joseph Smith that Gov. Thos. Reynolds, of Missouri, had offered a reward for the arrest of himself and O. Porter Rockwell. Fri. 7. Joseph Smith again left home to elude the pursuit of his enemies, leaving his wife Emma sick. He returned on the 20th. Thurs. 13. Some of the brethren arrived at Nauvoo from the Fineries, Wisconsin, with 90,000 feet of lumber and 24,000 cubic feet of timber for the Temple and Nauvoo House. Thurs. 20. Thomas Ward succeeded Apostle Parley P. Pratt as president of the British Mission, with Lorenzo Snow and Hiram Clark as counselors. Sat. 29. The ship "Emerald" sailed from Liverpool with 250 Saints, under the leadership of Apostle Parley P. Pratt. Because of ice in the Mississippi river the company was detained during the winter in St. Louis, Alton, Chester and other places, and did not arrive in Nauvoo until April 12, 1843. November. Tues. 15. Apostle John Taylor succeeded Jo- seph Smith as editor of the "Times and Seasons." Thurs. 17. Alpheus Harmon was frozen to death on the prairie, between Nauvoo and Carthage, 111., as he was re- turning home from a mission. December. Sun. 4. The city of Nauvoo was divided into ten Bishop's wards. Wed. 7. Apostle Orson Hyde returned to Nauvoo from his mission to Jerusalem. Tues. 20. Lorenzo D. Barnes died at Bradford, England. His was the first death of an Elder on a foreign mission. Wed. 21. Apostle Willard Richards, who had been in the East several months, was appointed Church Historian, etc. Mon. 26, Joseph Smith was arrested the third time on a requisition from the State of Missouri. Tues. 27. Joseph Smith, accompanied by several brethren, left Nauvoo for Springfield, III., where they arrived on the 30th. 1843 January. Mon. 2. Joseph Smith prophesied that he should not go to Missouri dead or alive. Wed. 4. Joseph Smith was on trial before Judge Pope, of Springfield, on the accusation of being an accessory to the shooting of ex-Governor Boggs of Missouri. Thurs. 5. Joseph Smith was proven innocent and ac- quitted. Tues. 10. Joseph Smith and company arrived at Nauvoo from the trip to Springfield. Mon. 16. The ship "Swanton" sailed from Liverpool with 212 Saints for New Orleans, led by Lorenzo Snow. The emi- grants arrived at Nauvoo April 12th. Tues. 17. The Saints being overjoyed because of Joseph Smith's release, meetings of prayer and thanksgiving were held at Nauvoo. February. Tues. 7. Apostle Parley P. Pratt arrived at Nauvoo from his mission to England. Thurs. 9. Joseph Smith received by revelation three grand keys, by which bad angels, or spirits, may be known. Three Grand Keys by which Good or Bad Angels or Spirits may be known. Revealed to Joseph, the Prophet, at Nauvoo. Illinois. February 9th. 1843. There are two kinds of beings in heaven viz., angels who are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones. For instance, Jesus said, "Handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." 2nd. The spirits of just men made perfect they who are not resurrected, but inherit the same glory. When a messenger comes, saying he has a message from God, offer him your hand, and request him to shake hands with you. If he be an angel, he will do so, and you will feel his hand. If he be the spirit of a just man made perfect, he will come in his glory; for that is the only way he can appear. Ask him to shake hands with you, but he will not move, because it is contrary to the order of heaven for a just man to deceive; but he will still deliver his message. If it be the Devil as an angel of light, when you ask him to shake hands, he will offer you his hand, and you will not feel anything: you may therefore detect him. These are three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God. Doc. and Cov. Sec. 129. March. A "Young Gentlemen's and Ladies' Relief Society" was organized at Nauvoo, with Wm. Cutler as president. Joseph Smith studied the German language. Fri. 3. The Illinois legislature passed a bill for repeal- Ing the Nauvoo city charter, which, however, was not ap- proved. Sat. 4. O. F9rter Rockwell was taken prisoner In St. Louis by the Missourians. Wed. 8. The ship "Yorkshire" sailed from Liverpool, Eng- land, with 82 Saints on board, led by Thomas Bullock; the emigrants arrived at Nauvoo, May 31st, via New Orleans. Wed. 15. Joseph Smith prophesied that O. Porter Rock- well would get away honorably from the Missourians. Tues. 21. The ship "Clayborne" sailed from Liverpool with 106 Saints. April. Sun. 2. '"Important Items of Instruction" were given by Joseph Smith, at Nauvoo, who also prophesied "that the commencement of the difficulties which will cause much bloodshed previous to the coming- of the Son of Man, will be in South Carolina." Important Items of Instruction, given by Joseph, the Prophet. April 2nd. 1843. When the Saviour shall appear, we shall see him as he is. We shall see that he is a man like ourselves; And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy. (John xiv. 23.) The appearing of the Father and the Son, In that verse, is a personal appearance; and the idea that the Father and the Son dwell in a man's heart, is an old sectarian notion, and is false. In answer to the question, "Is not the reckoning of God's time, angel's time, prophet's time, and man's time according to the planet on which they reside?" I answer, yes. But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to ft. The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth. But they reside in the presence of God. on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest past, present, and future, and are continually before the I^ord. The place wheie Gnd resides is a great Urim and Thummim. This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ's. Then the white stone mentioned in Revelations ii. 17. will become a Urim and Thummirn to each Individual who receives one. whereby things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms, even all kingdoms, will be made known; And a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom, whereon is a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth It. The new name is the key word. I prophesy, in the name of the I>ord God. that the commencement of the difficulties which will cause much bloodshed previous to the coming of the Son of Man will be in South Carolina. It may probably arise through the slave question. This a voice declared to me, while I was praying earnestly on the subject, December 25th, 1832. Thurs. 6. At a conference held in the Temple, at Kirtland, Ohio, it was decided that all the Saints residing at that place should remove to Nauvoo, 111. An important conference, which continued its sessions till the 8th, was commenced on the floor of the Temple, at Nauvoo, 111. Joseph Smith prophesied that Christ would not come until he (Joseph) was eighty-five years of age. I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man. when I heard a voice repeat the following: "Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art eighty-five years old, thou shall see the face of the Son of Man: therefore let this suffice, and trouble me no more on this matter." I was left thus, without being able to decide whether this coming referred to the beginning of the millennium or to some previous appearing, or whether I should die and thus see his face. I believe the coming of the Son of Man will not be any sooner than that time. Whatever principles of intelligence we attain unto in this life. It will rise with us In the resurrection: And If a person gains more knowledge and intelligence In this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come. There is a law, Irrevocably decreed in heaven before the founda- tions of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated: And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated. The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's; the Son also: but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us. A man may receive the Holy Ghost, and it may descend upon him and not tarry with him. Doc. and Cov. Sec. 130. Mon. 10. About one hundred and fifteen Elders were called on missions to different States, at a special confer- ence held at Nauvoo. Thurs. 13. Joseph Smith preached to the British Saints, who had arrived at Nauvoo the day previous. Sun. 23. Six brass plates and a skeleton were found by Mr. R. Wiley and others, near Kinderhook, Pike Co., 111. May. Wed. 3. The first number of the "Nauvoo Neighbor," a newspaper, was issued at Nauvoo, instead of the "Wasp," suspended. Tuesday. 16. On this and the following day Joseph Smith made some important remarks about the celestial glory, at Ramus, 111. Remarks nf Joseph, the Prophet, at Ramus, Illinois. May 16th and 17th, 1843. In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees: And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter in to this Order of the Priesthood; (meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage;) And if he does not, he cannot obtain it. He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom: he cannot have an increase. (May 17th. 1843.) The more sure word of prophecy (mentioned by Peter) means a man's knowing that he is sealed up unto eternal life, by revelation and the spirit of prophecy, through the power of the Holy Priesthood. It is impossible for a man to be saved In ignorance. There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it Is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes. We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified, we shall see that It is all matter. Doc. and Cov. Sec. 131. Thurs. 18. Returning to Nauvoo from his visit to Ra- mus, Joseph Smith dined with Judge Stephen A. Douglas, at Carthage, Hancock Co., 111. During the conversation which took place Joseph prophesied that Judge Douglas would aspire to the Presidency of the United States, and added that if he ever turned his hand against the Latter- day Saints, he should feel the hand of the Almighty upon him, etc. Tues. 23. Addison Pratt, Noah Rogers, Benjamin F. Grouard and Knowlton F. Hanks were set apart for a mis- sion to the Pacific Islands. Fri. 26. Joseph Smith gave endowments, and also instruc- tions on the Priesthood and the new and everlasting cove- nant, to Hyrum Smith, Brigham Young, Heber C. Klmball and others, at Nauvoo. June. Thurs. 1. Addison Pratt, Benjamin F. Grouard, Knowlton F. Hanks and Noah Rogers left Nauvoo on their missions to the Pacific Islands. 1304 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH Thurs. 8. ETias Higbee died in Nauvoo. Sun. 11. A conference was held at Lima, 111., and the branch at that place reorganized, with Isaac Morley as president, and Gardiner Snow, Bishop. Tues. 13. Joseph Smith left Nauvoo with his wife Emma to visit her sister, living near Dixon, Lee County, 111. Fri. 23. Joseph Smith was arrested and brutally treated by Joseph H. Reynolds, sheriff of Jackson Co., Mo., and Constable Harmon T. Wilson, of Carthage. 111., without legal process, and only through interference of friends at Dixon saved from being kidnaped and taken to Missouri. Sat. 24. The corner stones of the Masonic Temple at Nauvoo were laid. Joseph Smith secured a writ of habeas corpus and started towards Ottawa to have his case examined by Judge John D. Caton, but, arriving at Pawpaw Grove, the com- pany learned that Judge Caton was not at home, and, there- fore, returned to Dixon the following day. Sun. 25. News of Joseph Smith being kidnaped reached Nauvoo, and 175 men immediately started on horseback to his rescue. Mon. 26. Joseph Smith started under guard towards Quincy, 111. Tues. 27. The company traveling with Joseph Smith was met by the brethren from Nauvoo, when it was decided that instead of going to Quincy to have the writ of habeas cor- pus examined, the prisoner and escort should proceed to Nauvoo. Fri. 30. Joseph Smith and company arrived at Nauvoo, nearly the whole city turning out to meet him. In the afternoon he addressed the people, giving the history of his arrest. While he was speaking Officers Reynolds and Wilson started for Carthage and tried to raise a mob; after- wards they petitioned Gov. Thos. Ford for militia to take Joseph out of Nauvoo by force. July. Sat. 1. Joseph Smith was tried before the mu- nicipal court of Nauvoo on a writ of habeas corpus and acquitted. Sun. 2. Joseph Smith had a pleasant interview with several Pottawatomie chiefs who had come to visit him, and a very good impression was made upon the Indians. The steamboat "Maid of Iowa" returned to Nauvoo, after a very adventurous trip in search of Joseph. The brethren who had participated in that river expedition, numbering about eighty, were blessed by the Prophet. Mon. 3. A number of Elders were called to visit the various counties of Illinois, to preach the gospel and dis- abuse the public mind with regard to Joseph Smith's arrest. Charles C. Rich and a company of twenty-five men, who had been out searching for the Prophet, returned to Nauvoo, having traveled about five hundred miles on horseback in- seven days. Tues. 4. Nauvoo was visited by about one thousand gen- tlemen and ladies from St. Louis, Quincy and Burlington. Fri. 7. Mr. M. Braman arrived at Nauvoo as a messenger from the governor, to learn the particulars of Joseph Smith's late arrest. Sat. 8. Bishop George Miller arrived at Nauvoo from the Pineries with 157,000 feet of lumber and 70,000 shingles for the Temple. Wed. 12. The revelation on celestial marriage was writ- ten in the presence of Hyrum Smith and Wm. Clayton. (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 132.) Revelation on the Eternity of the Marriage Covenant, including- Plurality of Wives. Given through Joseph, the Seer, in Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, July 12th. 1843. Verily, thus salth the Lord unto you, my servant Joseph, that inasmuch as you have Inquired of my hand, to know and understand wherein I, the Lord, justified my servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; as also Moses. David and Solomon, my servants, as touching the principle and doctrine of their having many wives and concu- bines: Behold! and lo, I am the Lord thy God, and will answer thee as touching this matter: Therefore, prepare thy heart to receive and obey the Instructions which I am about to give unto you: for all those who have this law revealed unto them must obey the same: For behold! I reveal unto you a new and an everlasting covenant; and If ye abide not that covenant, then are ye damned; for no one can reject this covenant, and be permitted to enter Into my glory; For all who will have a blessing at my hands, shall abide the law which was appointed for that blessing, and the conditions thereof, as were Instituted from before the foundation of the world: And as pertaining to the new and everlasting covenant. It was Instituted for the fullness of my glory, and he that receiveth a fullness thereof, must and shall abide the law. or he shall be August. Mon. 1. Wm. H. Hooper was elected Utah's sec- ond delegate to Congress, Hon. John M. Bernhisel having served in that capacity since the organization of the Territory. Thurs. 11. Sergeant Ralph Pike, a U. S. soldier, was shot in Great Salt Lake City, in supposed retaliation for having cracked the skull of Howard O. Spencer with a musket, five months previously. Sat. 27. The first number of the "Mountaineer." a weekly newspaper, was published in Great Salt Lake City; Messrs. Blafr, Ferguson & Stout editors and proprietors. September. Sun. 4. Capt. George Rowley's handcart com- pany, which had left Florence, June 9th. with 235 souls, 60 handcarts, and 6 wagons, arrived in Great Salt Lake City. Sat. 17. Alexander Carpenter was shot and mortally wounded by Thomas H. Ferguson in Great Salt Lake City. Both were non Mormons. October. Mon. 10. Smithfield, Cache Co., was settled by Seth Langton and Robert and John Thornley. Fri. 28. Thos. H. Ferguson, the murderer, was executed in Great Salt Lake City. This was the first execution of a crim- inal- in Utah. December. This year Spring City. San Pete Co., Utah, was resettled under the name of Little Denmark. 1860 March. Thurs. 1. Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, commander of the "Utah-Army." left Camp Floyd for Washington, D. C. He had never visited Great Salt Lake City since he passed through with his army on June 26. 1858. Philip St. George Cooke, formerly commander of the Mormon Battalion, suc- ceeded Johnston in the command. April. 'Sat. 7. The first "Pony Express" from the \Vest Arrived at Great Salt Lake City, having left Sacramento, Cal., on the evening of April 3rd. Mon. 9. The first "Pony Express" from the East arrived at Great Salt.Lake City, having left St. Joseph, Mo., on the even- ing of April 3rd. The Union Academy was opened in the building known as the Union Hotel (afterwards Deseret Hospital), with Orson Pratt as principal. M;\v A large number of the troops stationed nt Camp 'Floyd. Utah, left according to orders, for New Mexico and Arizona Territories. July. Sun. 22. Stnithfield, Cache Co., was attacked by In- dians. A fight ensued; John Reed and Ira Merrill and two Indians were killed, and several others wounded on both sides. August. Sun. 12. The Indians made an attack upon a mail station at Egan Canyon, (Tooele Co.) and the following day on Shell Creek Station. A company of soldiers came to the rescue and killed 17 Indians. Mon. 27. Capt. Daniel Robinson's handcart company (the first of the season), consisting of 233 persons, 43 handcarts, 6 wagons, 38 oxen and 10 tents, arrived in Great Salt Lake City. Pres. Brigham Young had sent out wagons with 2,500 Ibs. of flour and 500 Ihs. of bacon to help the company. Thurs. 30. Capt. J. E. Murphy's immigrant company, con- sisting of 279 persons, 38 wagons, 164 oxen and 39 cows, ar- rived at Great Salt Lake City, having left Florence June 19th. September. Sat. 1. Capt. John Smith's company of immi- grants, consisting of 359 persons and 39 wagons, arrived in Great Salt Lake City. Mpn. 3. Capt. James D. Ross' company of immigrants, con- station at Egan Canyon, (Tooele Co. i and the following day- left Florence June 17th, arrived in Great Salt Lake City. Tues. 4. A portion of Capt. Franklin Brown's company of immigrants arrived in Great Salt Lake City. Fri. 14. Capt. Brigham H. Young's train of immigrants arrived in Great Salt Lake City. Mon, 17. Capt. John Taylor's company of immigrating Saints arrived in Great Salt Lake City, having left Florence July 3rd. Mon. 24. The second handcart company of the season, un- der Capt. Oscar O. Stoddard, arrived in Great Salt Lake City, having left Florence July 6th, with 126 persons and 22 hand- carts. These were the last immigrants who crossed the plains with handcarts. October. Fri. 5. Capt. Win. Budge's train, the last immi- grant company of the season, arrived in Great Salt Lake City, having left Florence July 20th, with over four hundred persons, 55 wagons, 215 oxen and 77 cows. 1861 February. Wed. 6. By order of the commander the mili- tary post of Camp Floyd changed name to Fort Crittenden. Secretary of War John B. Floyd, after whom the camp origi- nally was named, had allied himself with the South against the Union. March. Sat. 2. A bill, providing for the organization of Nevada Territory out of the western portion of Utah, was approved by President James Buchanan. April. From the 23rd to the 31st of this month upwards of two hundred Church wagons, with four yoke of cattle to each, carrying 150,000 pounds of flour, left Great Salt Lake Valley for the Missouri river to bring in the poor. They traveled in four companies under Capts. Joseph W. Young, Ira Eldredge, Joseph Home and John R. Mudock. May. Fri. 17. Gov. Alfred Cumming and wife left Great Salt Lake City, for the States. July. The rest of the army at Camp Floyd, or Fort Crit- tenden, was ordered to the States. In consequence of this, government property and outfit at Camp Floyd was sold at extraordinarily low prices. It was estimated that $4,000,000 worth of goods was sold for $100.000. October. Thurs. 3. John W. Dawson was appointed gov- ernor of Utah. Sun. 6. The semi-annual conference of the Church was commenced in Great Salt Lake City. It was continued three days. A number of brethren were called to settle in southern Utah and turn their special attention to the raising of cotton. Fri. 18. The overland telegraph line was completed from the States to Great Salt Lake City. Pres. Brigham Young sent the first telegram, which passed over the line, to J. H. Wade, president of the company. Thurs. 24. The first telegram was sent from Great Salt Lake City to San Francisco by Pres. Brigham Young. November. Fri. 29. Apostles Geo. A. Smith and Erastus Snow, Elder Horace S. Eldredge and others left Great Salt Lake City for southern Utah, with a view to locating settle- ments in the valleys of the Rio Virgen and Santa Clara for the purpose of raising cotton. December. Wed. 4. At a meeting of southern Utah set- tlers who had arrived from the north, it was decided, on mo- tion of Apostle Erastus Snow, to build a city to be called St. George. 1862 January. Thurs. 16. Lot Huntington, an outlaw, was killed by O. Porter Rockwell, near Ft. Crittenden, while at- tempting to escape from the officers. On the following day, while trying to effect their escape, John P. Smith and Moroni Clawson, two other outlaws, were killed in Great Salt Lake City. Thurs. 23. The convention of delegates, chosen by the people, adopted a State constitution for Utah and a memorial to Congress, praying the third time for the admission of Utah into the Union as a State with the name of Deseret. George Q. Cannon and Wm. H. Hooper were elected delegates to pre- sent them to Congress. March. Thurs. 6. The Salt Lake Theater, which had been erected the previous season, was dedicated. The building is 144 feet long and 80 feet wide. April Tues 8. Mr. Morrill of Vermont, introduced a bill in the U S House of Representatives, at Washington, D. C., to punish and prevent the practice of bigamy in the Territories of the United States. It was read twice and referred to the committee on Territories. This bill also made it unlawful for any religious or charitable association in any of the U. S. Territories to own real estate worth more than $50.000. Mon. 28. The Indians having destroyed the mail stations between Fort Bridger and North Platte. burned the coaches and mail bags killed the drivers and stolen the stock. Adju- tant-General L. Thomas, at Washington, D. C., made a call upon Pres. Brigham Young for a company of cavalry to pro- tect the mail route. May. Two hundred and sixty-two wagons, 293 men, 2,880 PIONEERS AND PROMINENT MEN OF UTAH 1319 oxen and 143,315 pounds of flour were sent from Utah to as- sist the poor of the immigration across the plains and moun- tains. They traveled in six companies under Captains Horton D. Haight, Henry W. Miller, Homer Duncan, Joseph Home, John R. Murdock and Ansel P. Harmon. -Col. Patrick Edward Connor was ordered to Utah with California volunteers. In July they took up their line of march. Thurs. 1 In obedience to the call of L. Thomas, a company of cavalry, numbering about one hundred men. left Great Salt Lake City for Independence Rock, under Capt. Lot Smith's command. June. Tues. 3. The anti-bigamy bill was passed by the U. S. Senate, considerably amended. The House afterwards concurred in the amendments. Mon. 9. Delegate John M. Bernhisel presented the constitu- tion of the State of Deseret, and the accompanying memorial, In the U. S. House of Representatives. On the 10th the Vice- President presented the same in the Senate. Thurs. 12. An expedition, or marshal's posse, under Robert T. Burton, left Great Salt Lake City for the purpose of arrest- ing Joseph Morris and others, encamped on the Weber river, a little below the mouth of the canyon. Fri. 13. The expedition, under Capt. Robert T. Burton, which had been joined by men from the settlements in Davis County, arrived before Morris' Camp, on the Weber; and as the Morrisites refused to surrender, fire was opened on the camp, with fatal effect. Sun. 15. Joseph Morris, John Banks, and others were killed and the Morrisites taken prisoners. Mon. 16. The Morrisites were brought to Great Salt Lake City. Wed. 18. The Morrisite prisoners were on trial in Great Salt Lake City; some of them were fined and others ad- mitted to bail. July. Tues. 8. The anti-bigamy law was approved by President Lincoln. September. Tues. 9. Col. Patrick E. Connor arrived in Great Salt Lake City, his company of volunteers remaining In Ruby Valley, Nevada. October. Prl. 17. Col. Patrick E. Connor's command of 750 California volunteers arrived at Ft. Crittenden, Cedar Valley, and on the following day marched to the Jordan river. Mon. 20. Col. Patrick E. Connor arrived in Great Salt Lake City with his command, and on the 22nd he located Camp Douglas, about three miles east of the city. December. Wed. 10. Gov. Harding, who proved to be a bitter enemy to the people of Utah, delivered a very insulting message to the territorial legislature. 1863 January. Thurs. 29. Col. Patrick E. Connor, with about two hundred troops, defeated a band of Shoshone Indians, numbering over four hundred, in a ravine on Beaver creek, near Bear River, 12 miles north of Franklin. About sixteen soldiers and some two hundred and twenty-five Indians were killed, including the chiefs Bear Hunter and Lehi. The savages were entirely defeated. This is known in history as the battle of Bear river. March. The bitter feelings existing between the troops at Camp Douglas and the citizens of Great Salt Lake City came near terminating in a collision. Tues. 3. A large mass-meeting was held In the Taber- nacle, Great Salt Lake City, at which protests were entered against the infamous course pursued by Gov. Harding and Associate Justices Waite and Drake. A petition, asking for their removal, was drawn up, and subsequently was for- warded to President Abraham Lincoln, Washington. D. C. A Congressional act creating the territory of Idaho was approved. A portion of northeastern Utah was included in the new territory; later (July 25, 1868) this became a part of Wyoming. Wed. 4. John Taylor, Jeter Clinton and Orson Pratt, ap- pointed in the mass meeting the day previous, waited on Gov. Harding and Judges Drake and Waite, asking them, in behalf of the people, to resign their official positions, which they refused to do. Tues. 10. Pres. Brigham Young was arrested on a charge of bigamy, under the anti-bigamy law of 1862, brought before Judge Kinney, and placed under $2,000 bonds. I 1 "'** H .,-:* .,W. 1 f"l