UC-NRLF ^B me 3bi ibuiverattu of Jl6er6een Cruickshank Science Library Subject Catalogue Aberdeen Printed at the University Press 1921 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cruickshankscienOOunivrich Aberdeen University Studies No. 82 Subject Catalogue of the Cruickshank Science Library n University of Aberdeen. UNIVERSITY STUDIES. General Editor : P. J. Anderson, LL.B., Librarian to the University. 1900-1913. Nos. 1-63. 1914. No. 64. — Zoological Studies. Professor Thomson and others. Ser. VIII. „ No. 65.— Highland Host of 1678. J. R. Elder, D.Litt. „ No. 66.— Concise Bibliography 0/ Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine. J. F. Kellas Johnstone. „ No. 67. — Bishop Burnet as Educationist. John Clarke, M.A. 1915. No. 68. — Territorial Soldiering in N.E. Scotland. J. M. Bulloch, M.A. ,, No. 69. — Proceedings of the Anatomical and Anthropological Society, 1908-14. „ No. 70. — Zoological Studies Professor Thomson and others. Ser. IX. „ No. 71. — Aberdeen University Library Bulletin. Vol. II. 1916. No. 72. — Physiological Studies. Professor Mac William, F.R.S., and others. Ser. I. 1917. No. 73. — Concise Bibliography of Inverness-shire. P. J. Anderson. „ No. 74. — The Idea of God. Professor Pringle-Pattison. (Gifford Lectures, 1912-13.) „ No. 75. — Interaniiia Borealis. W. Keith Leask, M.A. No. 76.— Roll of Medical Service of British Army. Col. W. Johnston, C.B., LL.D. 1918. No. 77.— Aberdeen University Library Bulletin. Vol. III. „ No. 78.— Moral Values and the Idea of God. W. R. Sorley. Litt.D. (Gififord Lect., 1914-15.) 1919. No. 7g.—God and Personality. C. C. J. Webb, M.A. (Gifford Lect., 1918.) 1920. No. 80. — Divine Personality and Hutnan Life. C. C. J. Webb. (Gifford Lect ,1919.) No. 81.— Bulletins of College of Agriculture. Nos. 15-27. 1921. No. 82. — Suhject Catalogue of Cruickshank Science Library. „ No. 83. — Physical Geology of the Don Basin. Alexander Bremner, D.Sc. „ No. 84. — Roll of Service, 1914-19. M. D. Allardyce. „ No. 85.— Catalogue of Taylor Collection. TUnixferait? of Hbett)^en Cruickshank Science Library Subject Catalogue Aberdeen Printed at the University Press 1921 p-\> h''* t1 'X u ¥ CONTENTS. PAOK Introduction vii Table A : Subdivisions of '5 and "6 13 Table B : Form divisions 24 Table C : Place divisions . . . . . . . .25 Catalogue : — •5 Pure Science, General 27 •51 Mathematics 40 •52 Astronomy . .65 •53 Physics 75 •54 Chemistry 96 •55 Geology . .121 •56 Palaeontology 139 •57 Biology 148 •58 Botany . . ' 170 •59 Zoology . 199 •6 Applied Science •619 Veterinary Science . . . . . ' . . 230 •62 Engineering . . * . 232 •63 Agriculture 234 •634 Forestry 249 •66 Chemical Technology . 258 Index of Subjects 265 Index of Authors 272 492i)3; > « > - > - » INTRODUCTION. This Subject Catalogue of the Cruickshank Science Library contains the titles of about one-third of the books in the Departments of Pure Science (Mathematics, Astron- omy, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Palaeontology, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Anthropology) and Agriculture, including Forestry and Veterinary Science — being those which it is specially desired to bring under the notice of the student. The remaining two-thirds are titled either in the author catalogues printed in 1873-74, 1887 and 1897, or in the manuscript sheaf catalogues (both of authors and of subjects), which may be consulted in the Library. To keep the booklet of a convenient size, the titles have been cut down as far as is consistent with clearness. Authors* pre-names are entered as initials only, while the names of editors and of translators are omitted, save in exceptional cases. No cross-references are given from the names of joint authors, and books of composite authorship have not been analysed. The system of classification and notation here employed is a modification of that devised by Mr. Melvil Dewey, which is in use in many libraries in all parts of the world. Certain alterations have been mtroduced, suggested by the publica- tions of the Institut International de Bibliographic of Brussels, and the whole has been adapted to the special requirements of a Scottish Academic Library. INTEODUCTION It is impossible to devise a classification that will satisfy every one ; but it must be borne in mind that a classification of actual books is a different thing from a classification of theoretical knowledge, and that a general agreement among librarians to adopt some one system is a practical testimony in its favour so strong as to outweigh arguments against it, arising from dissatisfaction with minor details of the scheme. The merits of Mr. Dewey's system are briefly these : — 1. It permits an unlimited subdivision of every class. 2. It permits an unlimited intercalation of new books among those already on the shelves. 3. It possesses a simple notation, which has acquired an international significance. 4. The notation is in a high degree mnemonic. 5. The notation, as a library grows, can be made more minute, with a minimum of change. The modified system used here divides books into ten main classes, which are numbered as decimal fractions of the sum total of printed matter regarded as unity (I*). Thus : — •o denotes books of a general character, not confined to any one subject. •I denotes books oft Philosophy. •2 ,, ,, Religion. '3 »> j» Sociology. '4 j> j» Philology. •5 ,, ,, Pure Science. •6 ,, ,, Applied Science. •7 ,, ,, Fine Arts. •8 ,, ,, Literature, •g ,, ,, History. Each class can be subdivided by simply carrying on the decimal to as many places as may be desired. Thus : — •5 Pure Science in general. •51 Mathematics. •516 Co-ordinate Geometry. •5162 Plane curves. •51623 EUipse. •5164 Curved surfaces. •517 Infinitesimal analysis. •52 Astronomy. viii INTRODUCTION -6 Applied Science in general. •63 Agriculture. •631 Soils. ^63i6 Fertilisers. •63167 Chemical. 6317 Machines. •634 Forestry. •65 Commerce. [See Table A : Subdivisions of When the number of books in any class is great, it may be convenient to arrange them in groups according to some characteristics other than their common subject. Thus : — Divisions by Form. — Books on say Chemistry would be all marked '54, but these may differ much in the form of treatment of the subject — systematic manuals, dictionaries, essays, magazines, etc. If we insert a cipher to show that our new groups are not limited to any of the subdivisions of Chemistry, we may write : — •5402 Manual of Chemistry. •5403 Dictionary of Chemistry. •5404 Essays on Chemistry. •5405 Magazine of Chemistry. •5406 Transactions of a Chemical Society. [See Table B ; Form divisions.] Divisions by Place. — Books on say Geology would be all marked ^55, but these may deal with different localities or with different strata. If we use brackets to indicate this further departure from our original method, we may write : — ■55(115) Geology of coal strata. •55(2343) Geology of the Alps. '55(8) Geology of S. America. •55(85) Geology of Peru. • [See Table C : Place divisions.] Divisions by Relation. — A book may deal with two or more subjects, or with a subject in its relation to some other topic. Aft^r assigning to the book the number denoting its ix INTRODUCTION first or its principal subject, we may link on to this number, by means of a colon, the number denoting the second or the subsidiary subject. Thus : — •5:8 Science and Literaturv^. •843 : 17 Ethics of French fiction. These different methods of division may be freely used in combination. Thus : — •51(42 : 44)04 Essay on Mathematics in Britain and France. So long as only the ordinary digits are used in the class numbers, the arrangement of books on the shelves presents . no difficulty. They follov^ each other in the ascending order of the decimal fractions employed. Thus : — •5 •504 •53 •5726 •61 But when brackets and colons are used as well as digits, it is convenient to adopt the convention that these come in the alphabetical order of their names (bracket, colon, ^igit), the cipher taking precedence of all three on the familiar indexing principle, '' Nothing precedes something". Thus : — •5504 •55(115) •55(85) •55 : 59 •55 -7 •553 A book can stand in only one place on the shelves and can have but one class number. Its title, however, may be repeated in a catalogue in as many classes as it has subjects. When entered in the class of its main or first named subject, the number is printed in ordinary roman type ; when entered also in any other class (where the book does not stand) the number is printed in italics. Thus : — •55 GEOLOGY. 55 : 56(41) Geology and Palaeontology of Scotland. INTKODUCTION •56 PAL>€ONTOLOGY. '55 : 56(41) Geology and Paljeontology of Scotland. In addition to the significant class number, each book receives a book mark which serves to distinguish it from all other books belonging to the same class. This book mark almost alv^ays consists of the first three letters of the author's surname, or of a word selected, according to certain rules, from the title. As the author's surname or the selected word appears first in the clarendon type at the beginning of each entry of the catalogue, the book mark has not been reprinted at the side. In the case, however, of periodicals and publications of societies, where the same first words [Journal, Annals, etc.) recur with frequency, it is necessary to choose, more or less arbitrarily, certain letters, usually initials, to represent the titles. These letters are printed immediately after the class number of each book. Thus : — •504 Helmholtz, A. von. Popular lectures on scientific sub- jects. ■5(26) Challenger. Report on scientific results of voyage. •5805 A.B. Annals of botany. •5806 L.J. Linnean Society. Journal. The actual book mark of the first of these is Hel, of the second Cha. Certain groups of books, though dealing with different subjects, it has been found convenient not to disperse. These are denoted by distinctive letters placed immediately before the class numbers. Thus : — B.M. = British Museum publications. U.S. = Royal Society's publications. Ref. = Reference books, bearing red labels, and not to be removed from the library. /. = folio books, placed on special shelves. p. = pamphlets, placed in boxes. It is, of course, not expected that readers can remember all the numbers corresponding to the different subjects. A xi INTRODUCTION full alphabetical index of classes and s'tib-classes is appended, forming a key, not merely to this catalogue, but to the books themselves as they stand on the shelves, where ihe order of ascending decimals coincides exactly vt^ith that follov^ed in the catalogue. Periodicals and transactions are, hov^ever, shelved apart from books of a non-serial character. A second index is added of author's names. The general editing of this Subject Catalogue has been entrusted to Miss Helen Paterson, Chief Assistant in the University Library. The different lists have had the benefit of revision by the teachers of the several subjects. P. J. A. October, 1921. _ Xll TABLE A. SUBDIVISIONS OF '5 AND 6. ■5 PURE SCIENCE. •5 Science, General. ■50 Form divisions (as in Table B). •5(.) Kegional divisions (as in Table C). •5: Eelational divisions. *5i Mathematics. •511 Arithmetic. •51196 Tables. •512 Algebra. •5128 Higher Algebra. •51281 Theory of numbers. •51282 Theory of equations. •51283 Determinants. •51286 Groups. •51296 Tables. •513 Geometry. •5131 Plane Geometry. •513^2 Geometrical Conies. '5135 Modern Geometry. •5138 Non-Euclidean Geometry. •514 Trigonometry. •5145 Plane Trigonometry. •5146 Spherical Trigonometry. •51496 Tables. •515 Descriptive Geometry. •5156 Perspective. 13 TABLE- A : SUBDIVISIONS OF •516 Co-ordinate Geometry. •5163 Three dimensions. ■5165 Modern Co-ordinate Geometry •5168 Vectors. •517 Infinitesimal Analysis. 5172 Differential Calculus. ■5173 Integral Calculus. 51736 Elliptic functions. 51738 Differential equations. 5174 Calculus of Variations. ■5175 Calculus of Functions. ■5176 Calculus of Finite Differences. •5178 Complex Variables. •519 Probabilities. ■5196 Errors of observations. •52 Astronomy. •521 Theoretical Astronomy. '52II Solar system. 5215 Planets. 5216 Satellites. 5217 Comets. •522 Practical Astronomy. ■5221 Observations. •5222 Instruments. •5227 Spherical astronomy. •523 Descriptive Astronomy. 5231 Universe. 5232 Solar system. 5233 Moon. ■5234 Planets. 5236 Comets. 5237 Sun. •5238 Stellar system. •525 Earth. •526 Geodesy. 14 TABLE A : SUBDIVISIONS OF 5 •527 Navigation. •528 Epheinerides. •529 Chronology. •53 Physics. •531 Mechanics [see also '621' . •53II Kinematics. •5312 Statics. •5313 Kinetics. •53136 Kigid bodies. •532 Hydromechanics. •5321 Hydrostatics. •5325 Hydraulics. •533 Pneumatics. •5337 Kinetic theory. •534 Sound. •5341 Theory of waves. •5343 Musical sounds. *5347 Physiological acoustics. •535 Light. •5351 Theories. •5353 Geometrical optics. *5354 Physical optics. •5357 Physiological optics. •5358 xipplications. •53584 Spectrum analysis [see also '5446] •53585 Photography. ' •536 Heat. •5361 Theories. •5365 Temperature. •5367 Thermodynamics. •5368 Applications. •53681 Steam engine [see also -6211]. '537 Electricity. •5371 Theories. •5372 Statical. . •5373 Galvanic. 15 TABLE A : SUBDIVISIONS OF 5 *5377 Electric units. •5378 Applications. •53781 Telegraph. •53782 Telephone. •53783 Electric light. •53785 Electro-metallurgy. •53788 Wireless. •538 Magnetism. •5381 Theories. •5383 Electro-magnetism and Electro-dynamics. •5385 Induction. •5387 Terrestial magnetism. •539 Molecular physics. •5393 Elasticity. •54 Chemistry. •541 Physical Chemistry. •54111 Thermo-Chemistry. •54112 Mechanical Chemistry. •54113 Electro-Chemistry. •54114 Colloid Chemistry. •5412 Atomics. •54121 Radioactivity. •5413 Affinity. •5416 Stereo-Chemistry. •5417 Allotropy. •5418 Solubility. •5419 Tables. •542 Practical Chemistry. •543 Analysis. •544 Qualitative. •5446 Spectrum Analysis [see also •53584]. •545 Quantitative. •5453 Electrolytic [see also •53733]. •5455 Titrometric. •546 Inorganic Chemistry. •5461 Non-metals. •5463 Metals. 16 TABLE A : SUBDIVISIONS OF -5 '547 Organic Chemistry. [See also 62 : 54 Agricultural Chemistry and '66 Chemical Technology.] 548 Crystallography. •549 Mineralogy. 55 Geology. •55(2-9 ) Regional geology [divided as in Table C], •551 Physical geology. •5511 General structure of globe. •5512 Internal action. •5513 External action. •55I3I Glaciation. •55135 Deposition and erosion. •5514 Physical Geography. •5515 Meteorology. •5517 Stratigraphical geology. •55I7I Archean, Azoic [etc. as in Table C (11)] •5518 Structural geology. •5519 Agents of geological work. •552 . Lithology, Petrography. •5521 Igneous rocks. •5522 Volcanic. •5523 Plutonic. •5524 Metamorphic. •5525 Aqueous. .5526 Meteorites. •5528 Microscopical petrography. •553 Economic geology. •5531 Ore deposits. •5532 Carbon minerals. •5533 Iron ores. •5534 Ores of other metals. •5535 Building stones. •5536 Earths. •5538 Gems. 17 TABLE A: SUBDIVISIONS OF 5 •56 Palaeontology. ■» •56(1 [) Stratigraphical [divided as in Table C (11)]. •56(2- 9) Regional [divided as in Table C]. •561 Fossil plants. •562-569 Fossil animals. 562 Invertebrates 5631 Protozoa 5633 Coelenterata 564 Mollusca 565 Articulata 566 Vertebrates . [as in 'S9l 567 Fishes 5676 Amphibia 5681 Eeptiles 5682 Birds 569 Mammals •57 Biology. Anthropology. 571 Prehistoric. 572 Ethnologic. 573 Natural history of Man [see also '5999] Special Biology. 575 Evolution. 5751 Heredity. 5752 Variation. 5753 Environment. 5754 Natural selection. 5757 Degeneration. 576 Origin of life. ■5763 Cells. •5768 Bacteriology [see also -61601]. ■577 Properties of living matter. •5771 Biological chemistry. •5772 Life. •5773 Biological physics. 18 TABLE A : SUBDIVISIONS OF 5 •5777 Death. •5778 Sex. Biological technic. •578 Microscopy. •579 Collecting. , •58 Botany. •581 Biological Botany. •581 1 Physiology. •581 1 1 Circulation. •581 12 Eespiration. •581 13 Nutrition. • 5 8 1 1 4 Development. •581 15 Variation. •581 16 Eeproduction. •581 1 7 Cells. •581 18 Movement. •581 19 Plant chemistry. •5812 Pathology. •5813 Embryology. •5814 Morphology. •58143 Eoot. •58144 Stem. •58145 Leaf. •5815 Habits; Ecology. •5816 Economics. •5818 Histology. ^ l^ \ Geographical Botany [divided as in Table C]. •582-'589 Systematic Botany. •582 Phanerogams. Angiosperms. •583 Dicotyledons. •584 Monocotyledons. •585 Gymnosperms. '586 Cryptogams. • 5 8 7 Pteridophy tes. 19 TABLE A : SUBDIVISIO •5871 Isoetesc. •5872 Equisetums. •5873 Ferns. •5879 Lycopodiums. •588 Bryophytes •5881 Sphagnum s. •5882 Mosses. •5883 Hepaticse. •5884 Characese. •589 Thallophytes. •5891 Lichens. •5892 Fungi. •5893 Algai. '59 ^ Zoology. •591 Biological Zoology. •591 1 Physiology. •59" I Circulation. •59112 Eespiration. •59113 Nutrition. •59114 Secretion and Excretion. •59115 Variation. •59116 Reproduction. •59117 Locomotion. •59118 Nervous functions. •5912 Pathology. •5913 Embryology. •5914 Morphology. •59141 Organs of circulation. •59142 Organs of respiration. •59143 Organs of nutrition. •59144 Organs of secretion. 59146 Organs of reproduction. •59147 Organs of movement. •591471 Osteology. •59148 Nervous system. •59149 Regional. •5915 Habits and behaviour. •5916 EcoDomics. •59169 Parasitology^ 20 TABLE A:' SUBDIVISIONS OF -5. '5918 Histology. *59i9 (2-9) Geographical Zoology [divided as in Table C]. '592- '599 Systematic Zoologyr •592 Invertebrates. '5931 Protozoa. •5933 Coelenterata. •5934 Sponges, Porifera. *5935 Cnidaria. •5936 Corals. •5937 . Hydrozoa. •5938 Ctenophora. •5939 Bchinodermata. •594 Mollusca. •5947 Bryozoa, Polyzoa. •594« Brachiopoda. *5949 Tunicata. •595 Articulata. *595i . Worms. •59518 Rotifera. •5952 Arthropoda. •5953 Crustacea. •5954 Arachnida. •5957 Insecta. •59571 Thysanura. •59572 Orthoptera. •59573 Pseudoneuroptera. •59574 Neuroptera. •59575 Hemiptera. •59576 Coleopbera. •59577 Diptera. •59578 Lepidoptera. *59579 Hymenoptera. •596 Vertebrates. •597 Fishes. ■5976 Amphibia. •5981 Reptiles. ^5982 Birds. •599 Mammals. *5999 Man [see also -573]. 21 TABLE A: SUBDIVISIONS OF •6 APPLIED SCI^ENCE •6i9 •6191 Veterinary Science. Horses. •6192 Cattle. •6193 •6194 Sheep. Swine. •62 Engineering. •621 •621 1 Mechanical engineering. Steam. •6212 Water. •6213 •6214 Electricity. Gas. •63 Agriculture. •63O Kegional Agriculture [divided as in Table C]. •63 : 33 Agricultural Economics. •63 : 53 Agricultural Physics. •63 : 54 Agricultural Chemistry. •63 : 55 Agricultural Geology. •63 : 5768 Agricultural Bacteriology. '6^ : 58 Agricultural Botany. '67, : 59 Agricultural Zoology. '63 : 657 Agricultural Book-keeping. Systematic Agriculture. •631 Soils. •6316 Fertilizers. •6317 Farm engineering. ■6319 Methods of cultivation. •632 Pests. •633 Crops. •6331 Food. '6333 Fodder. •6334 Industrial. 22 TABLE A : SUBDIVISIONS OF -6 •634 Forestry, •635 Horticulture. •636 Domestic Animals. •6361 Horses. •6362 Cattle. ■6363 Sheep. 6365 Poultry. ■637 Dairy. • •638 Useful Insects. ■6381 Bees. •639 Fish and Game. •66 Chemical Technology. •661 Chemicals. •662 Pyrotechnics, etc. •663 Ferments, Beverages. •664 Foods. •665 Oils, Fats, etc. •666 Ceramics, Glass, etc. •667 Dyeing. •668 Miscellaneous industries. •669 Metallurgy. •6699 Assaying. 23 TABLE B. • FOKM DIVISIONS. OI Theory of the subject. on Definition. OI2 Classification. 014 Nomenclature. 02 Systematic works. 03 Alphabetic worlds. 04 Essays. 043 Theses. 05 Periodicals. 058 Directories. 059 Year books. 06 Publications of Societies. 069 Lists of members. 07 Methods of Study. 071 Teaching institutions. 072 Eesearch institutions. 074 Museums, galleries. 078 Apparatus. 08 Collective works. 081 By one person. 082 By several persons. 083 Tables of results. 084 Plates, atlases. 089 Collections by the binder merely 09 History of the subject. 091 Bibliography. 092 Biography. 24 TABLE C. PLACE DIVISIONS. (00) Whole world. (II) Geologic place \cf. Table A, ' 5517] (1 1 2; Primary, Palaeozoic. (II2I) Cambrian. Lond. 1911-> •501 Westaway, F. W. Scientific method. Lond. 1919. •503 Henderson, I. F., and W. D. Dictionary of sc'entific terms. Edin. 1920. •503 Stormonth, J. Manual of scientific terms. Edin. 1879. •504 Avebury, Sir J. Lubbock- 1st baron. The Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in. Lond. 1892. • 504 Scientific lectures. Lond. 1879. ■504 Buchanan, J. Y. Accounts rendered of work done and things seen. Camb. 1919. •504 Gibson, C. R. Scientific ideas of to-day. Lond. 1916. •504 Gregory, Sir R. Discovery; or, The spirit and service of science. Lond. 1919. ■504 Helmholtz, H. L. F. von. Popular lectures on scientific subjects. 2 ser. Lond. 1873-81. ■504 Huxley, T. H. Lectures and lay sermons. Lond. [1910]. •504 Jaeger, F. M. Lectures on the principle of symmetry. Amst. 1917. •504 Kelvin, Sir W. Thomson, Is^ baron. Popular lectures and addresses. 3 vols. Lond. 1889-94. 27 •5 SCIENCE GENERAL •504 Lankester, Sir E. R. The Kingdom of man. Lond. 1907." •504 Mozans, H. J. Woman in science. New York 1913. •504 Phin, J. Seven follies of science. New York 1911. •504 Rolleston, Q. Scientific papers and addresses. 2 vols. Oxf. 1884. •504 Seward, A. C. Science and the nation. Ed. A. C. S. Camb. 1917. •504 Shaler, N. S. Nature and man in America. Lond. 1892. •504 Shipley, A. E. Pearls and parasites. Lond. 1908. '504 Snyder, C. New conceptions in science. New York [1903]. •504 Soddy, F. Science and life. Lond. 1920. •504 Thomson, J. A. Introduction to science. Lond. •504 Wallace, A. R. Tropical nature, and other essays. Lond. 1878. •505 PERIODICALS. •505 A. American journal of science. Ser. II., vol. 1-^ New Haven l«46-» Nature. Vol. l-> Lond. 1870-^ La Nature. 1904-07. Paris [1904-07]. Philosophical magazine {no2c London, Edinburgh, and Dublin phil. mag.). Vol. l-> Lond. 1798-> Revue scientifique. Ser. I., vol. 6-> Paris 1868-^ Science. New ser., vol. 49-> New York 1919-> '*Scientia" [Italian, French, English, German']. Vol. l-> Bologna [1907] -> •506 SOCIETIES. •506 B.A. British association. Eeports. l-> Lond. 1833-> •506 c.p. Cambridge philosophical society. Proc. Vol. l-> Camb. [1865] -> •506 c.T. Trans. Vol. l-> Camb. 1822-^ 28 ■505 N. ■505 Na. •505 P.M. ■505 R. •505 sc. •505 s. •5 SCIENCE GENERAL '506 D.p. Dublin society, Royal. Scientific proc. New Ser., vol. 1-7, 11-^ Dubl. 1878-> •506 D.T. Scientific trans. Ser. II., vol. 9-> Dubl. 1909-> •506 D.B. A History of the Eoyal Dublin society. By H. F. Berry. Lond. 1915. •506 R.I. Institution of Great Britain, Royal. Proc. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1854-> '062 D.p. Irish Academy, Royal. Proc. Vol. l-> Dubl, 1841-> •062 D.T. Trans. Vol. l-> Dubl. 1787-> '062 M.M. Manchester literary and philosophical society. Me- moirs (and Proc). Vol. l-> Lond. (Manch.) 1785-> '062 G.p. Philosophical society of Glasgow, Royal. Proc. Vol. 1-4, 6-> Glasg. 1844-> •506 L.T. Royal Society. Phil, trans. Vol. 1-15, 24, 27-29, 31-36, 38-^. [Vol. 178-^ in two series, A and B.] Lond. 1666-> •506 L.p. Proc. Vol. l->. [Vol. 76-^ in two series, A and B.] Lond. 1832-^ •506 L.Y. ■ Year-book. 1896/97-^ Lond. 1897-> •506 L.T.r. The Eecord of the Eoyal Society of London. Lond. 1912. •5o6L.T.h. The Eoyal Society. By Sir W. Huggins. Lond. [1906]. •506 Lo.p. Annals of the Philosophical club of the Eoyal So- ciety. Written from its minute books by T. G. Bonney. Lond. 1919. •506 Lo.R. Annals of the Eoyal Society club : the record of a London dining club in the eighteenth and nine- teenth centuries. By Sir A. Geikie. Lond. 1917. •506 E.p. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Proc. Vol. 3 -^ Edin. 1857-> •506 E.T. Trans. Vol. 1-^ Edin. 1788-*- 29 •5 SCIENCE GENERAL •506(26) c.B. Conseil permament in,ter national pour l'ex= ploration de la mer. ' Bulletins. 1902/03-^ Copenh. 1903-> •506(26) c.B.p. Bulletin planktonique. 1902/08-> Copenh. 1910-> •506(26) c.B.s. Bulletin statistique. Vol. 1-^ Copenh. 1906-> •506(26) CM. M^moire sur les travaux, 1902-1912. Copenh. 1913. •506(26) c.p. Publications de circonstance. No. 1-^ Copenh. 1903-> •506(26) c.R. Rapports. Vol. l-> Copenh. 1903-> •506(26) M. Musee oc^anographique de Monaco. Bulletin. No. l-> Monaco 1904-> •506(2612) K. Kommission zur wissenschaftliche Untersuch= ung der deutschen Meere. Wissenschaft- liche Meeresuntersuchungen. Abt. Kiel. Vol-. l-> Kiel 1896-> '063 v.s.M. AkademiederWissenschaften [zuWien]. Math.- naturw. Classe. Sitzungsberichte. Vol. l-> Wien 1848-> 'o6j M.A.M. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Math.-phys. Classe. Abhandlungen. Vol. 8-> Miinchen 1860-> '063 M.S.M. Sitzungsberichte. 1860-70, 1898-> Miinchen 1860-» '063 G.N.M. Qesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Qottingen. Math.-phys. Classe. Nachrichten. 1875-^ Gott. 1875-> '063 B.A. Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Ab- handlungen. 1788-1800, 1803-> Berl. 1793-> '063 B.S, Sitzungsberichte. 1882-> Berl. 1882-> '061 L.A.M. Sachsische Qesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Math.-phys. Classe. Abhandlungen. Vol. l-> Leip. 1^^52-> 30 •5 SCIENCE GENERAL "506(44) p.c. Acad^mie des sciences. Comptes rendus. Vol. l-> Paris 1835-> •506(44) P.M. Memoires de rAcademie. Vol'. 1-^ Paris 1818-> •506(44) p.M.s. Memoires presentes par divers savans : Sciences math, et physiques. Vol. l-> Paris 1827-> 506(44) A.F. Association fran^aise pour I'avancement des sciences. Comptes rendus. 1872-> Paris 1873-^ •bds R.A. Accademia dei Lincei, R. Classe di scienze fisiche matematiche e naturali. Atti. Ser. III.-> Eoma 1877-> •06s R.A. . Memorie. Vol. l-> Eoma 1894-^ 'o6s T.A. Accademia delle scienze di Torino, R. Atti. Vol. 36-> Torino 1901^ ^2i'/8{48s)o6 L. Lunds Universitets arsskrift. Vol. 1-^ Lund 1865-> ^7,78(48^)06 u. Upsala Universitets arsskrift. Vol. l-> Upsala 1861-> •506(485) U.S.A. Societas scientiarum Upsaliensis, R. Nova Acta. Ser. III., vol. 14-> Upsal. 1890-^ '506(485) s.v.A. Svenska vetenskaps=akadeniien, K. Aarsbok. 1903-> Stockh. 1903-^ •506(489) c.M.M. Danske videnskabernes selskab, K. Math.- fysike meddelelser. l-> Kjzibenhavn 191 7-> ^o6jpj A. IV. Akademie van Wetenschappen, K. Section of sciences. Proc. Vol. 5-> Amst. 1903-^ 506(492) Bataafsche maatschappij der wetenscliappen. Archives neerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. [From 1912 in separate series.] Vol. l-» La Haye, 1866^ 064 B.B. Academie royale de Belgique. Bulletin. Ser. I.-III. Brux. 1836-98. '506 Classe des sciences. 1899-> (493) A.B. Brux. 1899-> 31 •5 SCIENCE GENERAL •064 B.M. Academie royale de Belgique. Memoiies. Vols. 1-54. ' Brux. 1820-1904. •506 • Classe des sciences. Vol. l-> (493) A.M. Brux. 1907-^ '064 B.M.c. Meinoires couronnes. Vol. l-> Brux. 1818-> •506(493) M. Musee du Congo. Annales. Botanique. Ser. I.-^ Brux. 1898-» •506(493) M. Ethnographie et anthropologie. Ser. I.-^ Brux. 1899^ •506(493) M. Zoologie. Ser. I.-> Brux. 1899-^ •506(52) K.M. Kyoto University. College of science. Memoirs. Vol. l-> Kyoto 1908-^ •506(52) T.M. Tohuku University. Science reports. Ser. I. Maths., physics, chemistry. Vol. l-> Sendai 1912-^ •506(52) To.J. Tokio University. College of Science. Journal. Vol. l-> Tokyo 1887-> •506(54) India. Board of scientific advice for India. Re- ports. 1907/08-> Calcutta 1909-> 'o6{s4i) Asiatic society of Bengal. Journal. Vol. 12- 17, 35-> Calcutta 1843-> •506(7 : 8) p. A. Pan = American scientific congress. * Second congress. Wash. 1916. •06(71) Royal Society of Canada. Proc. and trans. Vol. l-> Montreal, Ottawa 1883-> •506(73) P.A. American philosophical society. Trans. Vol. l-> Philad. 1771-> •506(73) c.Y. Carnegie Institution. Year-book. 1902-> Wash. 1903-> •506(73) N.M. National academy of sciences. Memoirs. Vol. 1-^ Wash. 1866-^ •506(73) N.p. Proc. Vol. l-> Baltimore [1915-$ •506(73) N.H. History of the first half century, 1863-1913. Wash. 1913. 32 •5 SCIENCE GENERAL •506(73)8.0. Smithsonian Institution. Contributions to know- ledge. Vol. l-> Wash. 1848-> •506(73) s.M. Miscellaneous collections. Vol. 1-^ Wash. 1862-^ •506(73) s.K. Keports of regents. 1849-> Wash. 1850-> •506(73) s.B. U.S. National museum. Bulletins 1-18, 20-23, 26-27, 30-31, 33-^ Wash. 1877-> •506(774) Michigan academy of science. Reports. l-> Lansing 1900-^ /. -506(794) c.u. California University. Memoirs. Vol. 2-> Berkeley 1910-> *5°6(93) Australasian association for the advancement of science. Reports. 1888-^ Sydney [1889]-> •506(944) Royal Society of New South Wales. Trans. (Journal and Proc). Vol. 1, 3, 7, 8, ll-> Sydney 1868-^ •507 METHODS OF STUDY. •507 Schmid, B. Handbuch der naturgeschichtlichen Technik. Hrsg. von B. S. Leip. 1914. •5074 Murray, D. Museums, their history and their use, with bibliography. 3 vols. Glasg. 1904. •5074 Museums directory. Directory of museums in Great Britain and Ireland. 1911.. •508 COLLECTIVE WORKS. •5081 Tannery, P. Memoires scientifiques. 1-^ Toulouse 1912-> •5082 Davis, J. R. A. Science in modern life. Ed. J. E. A. D. 6 vols. Lond. 1908-10. •5082 Melbourne University. Collected papers from science laboratories. Vol. l-> [Melbourne 1910->] •5082 Neumayer, G. von. Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Keisen. Hrsg. von G. v. N. 2 vols. Hannover 1906^ 33 3 •5 SCIENCE GENERAL ■5082 Reeves, E. A. Hints to travellers, scientific and general. Ed. E. A. E. 2 vols. Lond. 1906. •5082 Strong, T. B. Method of science. Ed. T. B. S. Oxf. 1906. •509 HISTORY. •509 . Avebury, Sir J. Lubbock, 1st baron. Fifty years of science. Lond. 1890. •509 Candolle, A. de. Histoire des sciences et des savants depuis deux si^cles. Geneve 1885. •509 Singer, C. History and method of science. Ed. 0. S. Vol. 2. Oxf. 1921. •509 Thomson, J. A. Progress of science in the century. Toronto 1908. •509 Whetham, W. C. D., and C. D. Science and the human mind. Lond. 1912. •509(42) Schuster, A., and Shipley, A. E. Britain's heritage of science. Lond. 1917. '509(73) Dana, E. S., and others. A Century of science in America. New Haven 1918. •5091 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 'Old : s ^'^. Naturae novitates. 1879-> Berl. 1879-^ '016 : J R.s. Royal Society. Catalogue of scientific papers. Lond. 1867-» Vols. 1-6. 1800-63. 1867-72. Vols. 7, 8. 1864-73. . 1877-79. Vols. 9-11. 1874-83. 1891-96. Vol. 12 (Supplt.). 1800-83. 1902. Vol. 13-> 1884-1900. 1914-> •016 : 5-* Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific literature. [1901->] Lond. 1902-> : 51 Mathematics (A). : 52 Astronomy (E). : 53 Physics (C). : 531 Mechanics (B). : 54 Chemistry (D). : 549 Mineralogy (G). : 55 Geology (H). 34 SCIENCE GENEKAL >:55i4 Geography (J). : 5515 Meteorology (F). :56 Palaeontology (K). :57 Biology (L). :57i Anthropology (P). :5768 Bacteriology (R). :58 Botany (M). = 59 Zoology (N). '016 : 5 Zeitlinger, H., and Sotheran, H. C. Bibliotheca chemico-mathematica : catalogue of works on exact and applied science. 2 vols. Lond. 1921. •5092 BIOGRAPHY. B.M.-5092 British Museum. Memorials of Linnaeus. Lond. 1907. •5092 Miall, L. C. The Early naturalists, 1530-1789. Lond. 1912. •5092 TuUberg, T. Linneportratt. Stockh. 1907 •5092 Upsala University. Skrifter med anledning af Linn6- festen den 23 och 24 Maj, 1907. 2 vols. Uppsala 1907. •50 REGIONAL DIVISIONS. •5(00) Adventure, H.M.S. Narrative of voyages of H.M.S. "Adventure" and "Beagle," 1826-1836. [Vol. 3 is Journal of C. Darwin.] 3 vols, and appendix to vol. 2. Lond. 1839. •5(00) Banks, Sir J. Journal during Captain Cook's first voyage in 1768-71. Lond. 1896. •5(00) Brehm, A. E. From North Pole to Equator: studies of wild life and scenes in many lands. Lond. [1895]. •5(00 ) Darwin, C. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle ". Lond. 1845. /. •5(26) Albert L, Pritice of Monaco. E^sultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht. Pt. l-> Monaco 1889-^ 35 •5 SCIENCE GENERAL •5(26) Bullen, F. T. Creatures of the sea. Lond. 1904. •5(26) Challenger, H.M.S. Report on the scientific results of voyage, 1873-76. 50 vols. Lond. 1880-95. •5(26) Chun, C. Aus den Tiefen des Weltmeeres. Jena 1903. •5(26) Moseley, H. N. Notes of a naturalist on the "Challenger". Lond. 1879. •5(26) Richard, J. Campagnes scientifiques du Prince de Monaco. Monaco 1900. •5(26) Spry, W. J. J. Cruise of H.M.S. " Challenger". Lond. 1877. •5(26 : 794) MacDougal, D. T. The Salton sea. Wash. 1914. •5(261) Agassiz, A. Three cruises of the United States coast and geodetic survey steamer " Blake ". 2 vols. Lond. 1888. •5(261) Nordisches Plankton. Vol. !-> Kiel 1908-^ /. '5(261) Norwegian North Atlantic expedition, 1876-78. Vol. l-> Christiania 1882-^ •5(261) Thomson, Sir C. W. Voyage of the "Challenger". The Atlantic. 2 vols. Lond. 1877. '5(265) Guppy, H. B. Observations of a naturalist in Pacific Ocean, 1896-99. 2 vols. Lond. 1903-06. •5(267) Alcock, A. W. A Naturalist in Indian seas. Lond. 1902: /. '5(268) Campagne arctique. Campagne arctique de 1907. Pt. l-> Brux. 1910-^ •5(268) Fram. Report of the second Norwegian Arctic expedi- tion in the ''Fram," 1898-1902. Vol. l-> Kristiania 1907-^ '5(269) Belgica. Expedition antarctique beige. Resultats du voyage du S. Y. Belgica en 1897-1899. Rapports scientifiques. Vol. l-> Anvers 1901-^ •5(269) British Antarctic expedition. Meteorolog}^ 2 vols. By G. C. Simpson. Calcutta 1919. •5(269) National Antarctic expedition. Album of photographs. 2 vols. Lond. 1908. •5(269) Magnetic observations. Lond. 1909. 36 •5 SCIENCE GENEEAL •5(269) National Antarctic expedition. Meteorology. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1908-^ •5(269) Natural history. Vol. 1^ Lond. 1907-> •5(269) • Physical observations. Lond. 1908. •5(269) Scotia. Voyage of the " Scotia ". Edin. 1906- /. '5(269) Eeport on scientific results. Vol. 2-> Edin. 1907-^ •5(285) Murray, Sir J., and Pullar, L. Bathymetrical survey of Scottish fresh-water lochs. 6 vols. Edin. 1910. •5(41) Gordon, S. P. The Charm of the hills. Lond. 1912. •5(41) The Land of the hills and the glens. Lond. 1920. •5(4116) Dixon, J. H. Gairloch in North-west Eoss-shire. Edin. 1886. •5(4125) Macgillivray, W. Natural history of Deeside and Braemar. Lond. 1855. •5(4133) Wood, W. The East Neuk of Fife. Edin. 1862. •5(42) Fisher, A. T. Outdoor life in England. Lond. 1896. '5(421) Cornish, C. J. The Naturalist on the Thames. Lond. 1902. •5(4274) Auden, Q. A. Historical and scientific survey of York. Ed. G. A. A. York 1906. •5(44) French science. La Science frangaise. 2 vols. Paris 1915. •5(4512) Strasburger, E. Eambles on the Eiviera. Lond. 1906. •5(46) Oadow, H. In northern Spain, Lond. 1897. •5(493) Belgium. Le Mouvement scientifique en Belgique, 1830-1905. 2 vols. Brux. 1907-08. •5(51) China. Eesearch in China. Vol. l-> Wash. 1907-> '5(51) Wilson, E.H. A Naturalist in Western China. 2 vols. Lond. [1913]. '5(512) Skertchly, S. B. J. Our island, a naturalist's descrip- tion of Hong Kong. Hong Kong 1893. •5(541) Cunningham, D. D. Plagues and pleasures of life in Bengal. Lond. 1907. 37 •5 SCIENCE GENERAL •5(674) Elliot, Q. F. S. A Naturalist jn Mid-Africa. Lond. 1896. •5(6772) Forbes, H. O. Natural history of Sokotra and Abd-el- Kuri. Liverpool 1903. •5(682) Distant, W. L. A Naturalist in the Transvaal. Lond. 1892. •5(691) Sibree, J. A Naturalist in Madagascar. Lond. 1915. •5(71) Traill, C. P. Pearls and pebbles; or, Notes of an old naturalist. Lond. 1895. •5(7296) Shattuck, Q. B. Bahama Islands. New York 1905. '5(798) Alaska. Alaska : results of the Harriman Alaska ex- pedition. Vol. 1^ Lond., New York 1902 -» •5(8) Ball, J. Notes of a naturalist in South America. Lond. 1887. •5(911) Beccari, O. Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo. Lond. 1904. •5(911) Shelford, R. W. C. A Naturalist in Borneo. Ed. E. B. Poulton. Lond. [1916J. •5(91 1) Whitehead, J. Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. Lond. 1893. '5(93) Meek, A. S. A Naturalist in cannibal land. Lond. [1913]. •5(931) Drummond, J. Nature in New Zealand. Ed. F. W. Hutton. Christchurch [1902] '5(935) Guppy, H. B. The Solomon Islands. Lond. 1887. '5(935) Woodford, C. M. A Naturalist among the head-hunters. Melbourne 1890. •5(94) Hill, J. G. Calvert scientific exploring expedition (Australia, 1896). Lond. 1905. •5(94). Horn scientific expedition. Eeport on the work. 4 vols. Lond. 1896. ■5(94) Semon, R. In the Australian bush. Lond. 1899. •5(946) Meredith, L. A. Tasmanian friends and foes — feathered, furred, and finned. Lond. 1881, •5(946) Smith, G. A Naturalist in Tasmania. Oxf. 1909. 38 •5 SCIENCE GENERAL '5(95) Pratt, A. E. Two years among New Guinea cannibals. Lond. 1906. •5(95) Thomson, J. P. British New Guinea. Lond. 1892. B.M.'5(97) Andrews, C. W. Monograph of Christmas Island- physical features and geology, with description of the fauna and flora. Lond. 1900. '5(98) Greenland. Meddelelser om Gr(^nland. Vol. l-> Kjcjybenhavn 1879-> ■5(98) Nordenskiuld, A. E. Vega-expeditionens vetenskapliga iakttagelser. Vol. l-> Stockh. 1882-> '5(99) Chilton, C. Subantarctic islands of New Zealand. 2 vols. Wellington 1909. '5(99) Murray, Q. Antarctic manual for the use of the expedi- tion of 1901. Ed. G. M. Lond. 1901. ■5: RELATIONAL DIVISIONS. B.M.-5 : 22 British Museum. Guide to exhibition of animals, etc., in the Bible. Lond. 1911. •5 : 407 Allbutt, SirT. C. Notes on the composition of scientific papers. Lond. 1904. *5 : 65553 Hill, T. G. The Essentials of illustration. Lond. 1915. 30 •51 MATHEMATICS. •5101 Berkeley, li. Mysticism in modern mathematics. Lond. 1910. '13:^1 Boole, M. E. Mrs. Mathematical psychology of Gratry and Boole. . Lond. 1897. •5101 Couturat, L. Les Principes des mathematiques. Paris 1905. •5 10 1 Jaeger, F. M. Lectures on the principle of symmetry, Lond. [1917]. •5101 Poincare, H. Science and hypothesis. Lond. 1905. ■5 1 01 Science et methode. Paris 1908. •5101 La Valeur de la science. Paris [1905]. •5101 Richardson, R. P. and Landis, E. H. Fundamental conceptions of modern mathematics. Chicago 1916. •5101 Numbers, variables, and Mr. Eussell's philosophy. Chicago 1916. •5101 Russell, B. A. W. Introduction to mathematical philo- sophy. Lond. 1919. •5101 Principles of mathematics. Vol. 1-^ Camb. 1903-> •5101 Whitehead, A. N. and Russell, B. Principia mathe- matica. Vol. 1-^ Camb. 1910-> •5 10 1 Young, J. W. Fundamental concepts of algebra and geometry. New York 1911. •5IOI4' Andre, D. Des notations mathematiques. Paris 1909. •5102 Bouasse, H. Cours de mathematiques g^n^rales. Paris [1911]. •5102 Encyclopadie der mathematischen Wissenschaften. Vol. l-> Leip. 1898-> 40 •51 MATHEMATICS •5102 Fabry, E. Traite de math^matiques g^nerales. Paris 1911. •5102 Mehler, F. G. Elementar-Mathematik. Berl. 1903. •5102 Saxelby, F. M. Course in practical mathematics. Lond. 1919. •5102 Usherwood, T. S. and Trimble, C. J. A. Practical mathematics. 2 pts. Lond. 1916-20. '5104 Klein, F. Lectures on mathematics. New York 1894. '5104 Lagrang"e, J. L. Lectures on elementary mathematics. Chicago 1898. -5104 Newman, F. W. Mathematical tracts. 2 vols. Camb. 1888-89. *5io4 Perry, J. Practical mathematics. Lond. 1907. ^5104 Schubert, H. Mathematical essays and recreations. Chicago 1898. •5105 PERIODICALS. •5105 A. Acta mathematica. Vol. l-> Stockh. 1882-> •5 105 Am. American journal of mathematics. Vol. l-> Baltimore 1878-> •5105 Ge. Annales de mathe'matiques : Gergonne. 22 vols. Nismes 1810-31. '5105 A.s. Annales scientifiques de FiScole normale superieure. Vol. l-> Paris 1864-> •5105 An. Annali di matematica pura ed applicata, {begun as Annali di scienze matematiche e fisiche). Vol. l-> Roma 1850-^ •5105B.S. Bulletin des sciences math^matiques. Ser. I., vols. 21-22. Paris 1897-99. '5105 c. Crelle's Journal fiir die reine Mathematik. Vol. 1-^ Berl. 1826-> •51051.M. Intermediaire des mathematiciens. Vol. 1-^ Paris 1894-> •5105 J. Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik. Vol. l-> Berl. 1871-^ 41 •51 MATHEMATICS •5105 J. E. Journal de I'Ecole polytechnique. Vol. l-> Paris [1795]-> •5105 JO. Journal de mathematiques : Liouville. Vol. l-> Paris 1836-> •5105 M.G. Mathematical gazette. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1900-> •5105M.N. Mathematical notes. No. l-> Edin. 1909-> •5 1 05 M.Q. Mathematical questions from the Educational Times. Vol. l-> Lond. 1864-> •5105 M. Mathematician. 6 vols. Lond. 1845-56. •5105M.A. Mathematische Annalen. Vol. l-> Leip. 1869-> •5 105 M.M. Messenger of mathematics {begun as Oxford, Cam = bridge, and Dublin M. of M.). Vol. l-> Camb., etc. 1862-> •5105 Q. Quarterly journal of mathematics {begun as Cam- bridge mathematical journal). Vol. 1-^ Camb., etc., 1841-> •5105 E. Revue de mathematiques speciales. Paris [1892-96]. •5105 T.M. Tohoku mathematical journal. Vol. 6-> Sendai 1915-> •5106 SOCIETIES. •5106 A.M. American mathematical society. Trans. Vol. 1~> Lancaster, Pa. 1900-> •jyS California University publications. Mathematics. {7^4)06 Vol. l-> Berkeley 1912-> •5106 p. Circolo matematico di Palermo. Eendiconti. Vol. l-> Palermo 1887-> •5106 E. Edinburgh mathematical society. Proc. Vol. l-> Edin. 1884-^ •5106 L. London mathematical society. Proc. Vol. l-> Lond. [1866]^ •5106 s. Svenska vetenskaps-akademien, K. Arkiv for mate- matik, etc. Vol. l-> Stockh. 1904-^ •5107 METHODS OF STUDY. •5107 De Morgan, A. Study and difficulties of mathematics. Chicago 1898. 42 •51 MATHEMATICS •5107 McMurry, C. A. Special method in arithmetic. New York 1915. •5107 Smith, D. E. Teaching of elementary mathematics. New York 1900. •5107 Treutlein, P. Der Geometrische Anschauungsunterricht. Leip. 1911. •5107 Young, J. W. A. Teaching of mathematics. New York 1914. •51079 Ball, W. W. R. Mathematical recreations. Lond. 1905. •51079 De Morg^an, A. Budget of paradoxes. 2 vols. Chicago 1915. •51079 Dodgson, C. L. Pillow problems. Lond. 1895. •51079 Fourrey, E. Curiosites g^ometriques. Paris [1909]. •51079 Klein, F. Famous problems. Boston [Mass.] 1897. •51079 Lucas, E. Eecreations math^matiques. 4 vols. Paris 1891-96. •51079 Wilson, J. C. Traversing of geometrical figures. Oxf. 1905. •5108 COLLECTED WORKS. •5108 Abel, N. H. CEuvres completes. 2 vols. Christiania 1881. •5108 Archimedes. Works. Edited by T. L. Heath. Camb. 1897. •5108 Barrow, J. Mathematical works. Camb. 1860. •5108 Beltrami, E. Opere. Vol. l-> Milano 1902-^ •5108 Betti, E. Opere. Vol. l-> Milano 1903-> •5108 Brioschi, F. Opere. 5 vols. Milano 1901-09. •5108 Cauchy, A. CEuvres completes. Vol. 1-^ . Paris 1882-> •5108 Cayley, A. Collected mathematical papers. 14 vols. Camb. 1889-98. •5108 Christoffel, E. B. Gesammelte mathematische Abhand- lungen. 2 vols. Leip. 1910. 43 •51 MATHEMATICS •5108 Clifford, W. K. Mathematical papers. Lond. 1882. •5108 Cremona, L. Opere matematiche. 3 vols. Milano 1914-17. •5108 Ellis, R. L. Mathematical writings. Camb. 1863. •5108 Euler, L. Opera omnia. Vol. 1-^ Lips. 1911-^ •5108 Fermat, P. de. CEuvres. Vol. 1-^ Paris 1891-> •5108 Fourier, J. B. J. CEuvres. 2 vols. Paris 1888-90. •5108 Galois, E. (Euvres mathematiques. Paris 1897. •5108 Gauss, C. F. Werke. Vol. l-> Gott. 1863-> •5108 Grassmann, H. Gesammelte Werke. 3 vols. Leip. 1894-1911. .5108 Gregory, D. F. Mathematical writings. Camb. 1865. •5108 Hesse, L. O. Gesammelte Werke. Miinchen 1897. •5108 Huyghens, C. (Euvres completes. Vol. 1-^ La Haye 1888-> *5io8 Jacobi, C. G. J. Gesammelte Werke. 7 vols. Berl. 1881-91. •5108 Kronecker, L. Werke. Vol. l-> Leip. 1895-^ ^5108 Lagrange, J. L. GEuvres. 14 vols. Paris 1867-92. •5108 Laguerre, E. N. (Euvres. 2 vols. Paris 1898-1905. •5108 Laplace, P. S. de, Marquis. (Euvres completes. 14 vols. Paris 1878-1912. •5108 Leibnitz, G. W. Mathematische- Schriften. 7 vols. Lond., etc. 1850-63. •5108 Lejeune Dirichlet, P. G. Werke. 2 vols. Berl. 1889-97. *5io8 Mobius, A. F. Gesammelte Werke. 4 vols. Leip. 1885-87 •5108 PI ticker, J. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 2 vols. Leip. 1895-96. •5108 Riemann, B. (Euvres mathematiques. Paris 1898. •5T08 Schwarz, H. A. Mathematische Abhandlungen. 2 vols. Berl. 1890. "5108 Smith, H. J. S. Collected mathematical papers. 2 vols. Oxf. 1894. 44 •51 MATHEMATICS •5108 Steiner, S. Gesammelte Werke. 2 vols. Berl. 1881-82. •5108 Sylvester, J. J. Mathematical papers. Vol. l-» Camb. 1904-> •5108 Toschi di Fagnano, Q. C. Opere matematiche. 3 vols. Milano 1911-12. •5108 Weierstrass, K. Mathematische Werke. Vol. 1-^ Berl. 1894-^ •51082 Edinburgh mathematical tracts. No. l-> Lond. 1915-^ •51082 Ostwald's Klassiker. No. 1-^ Leip. 1889-5» •51082 Young, J. W. A. Monographs on topics of modera mathematics. Ed. J. W. A. Y. New York 1915. •5109 HISTORY. '5109 Ball, W. W. R. History of mathematics. Lond. 1915.- •5109 History of mathematics at Cambridge. Camb. 1889. •5109 Cajori, F. History of elementary mathematics. New York 1914. •5109 History of mathematics. New York 1895. •5109 Cantor, M. Vorlesungen iiber Geschichte des Mathe- matik. Vol. 1-^ Leip. 1894-> •5109 Fink, K. History of mathematics. Chicago 1900. •5109 Qow, J. History of Greek mathematics. Camb. 1884. •5109 Libri, G. Histoire des mathematiques en Italie. 4 vols. Halle 1865. •5109 Marie, M. Histoire des sciences mathematiques. 12 vols. Paris 1883-88. •5109 Mikami, Y. Development of mathematics in China and Japan. Leip. 1913. •5109 Miller, G. A. Historical introduction to mathematical literature. New York 1916. ■5109 Montucla, J. E. Histoire des mathematiques. 4 vols. Paris 1799-1802. •5109 Picard, E. Les Sciences mathematiques en France depuis un demi-siecle. Paris 1917. 45 •51 MATHEMATICS •5109 Smith, D. E., and Mikami, Y. History of Japanese mathematics. * Chicago, 1914. •51091 BIBLIOGRAPHY. '016 : 51 Mathematical association. Catalogue of current mathematical journals, with the names of the libraries in which they may be found. Lond. 1913. '016 : ^i Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific literature. Mathematics. [1901->] Lond. 1902-> •51092 BIOGRAPHY. 'g2 : SI De Morgan, E. Memoir of Augustus De Morgan. Lond. 1882. •^2:^1 Graves, R. P. Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton. 3 vols. Dubl. 1882-89. 'g2 : SI Napier, M. Memoirs of John Napier of Merchiston. Edin. 1834- A Tweedie, C. Life and waitings of Colin Maclaurin. [Lond.] 1915. Maclaurin was professor of mathematics at Marischal Col- lege, 1717-26. See also under -5121, '51326, '5171, •521. •p2 : jioS Macf arlane, A. Ten British mathematicians of the 19th century. New York 1916. •511 ARITHMETIC. '37S '5^1 Boole, M. E., M.r&. Lectures on logic of arithmetic. Oxf. 1903. •51 10 1 Broolcs, E. Philosophy of arithmetic. Philad. 1904. •51104 Gauss, C. F. Eecherches arithm^tiques. Paris 1807. '417 2 1 Smith, D. E., and Karpinski, L. C. The Hindu- Arabic numerals. Boston, Mass. 1911. •5 1 1 09 Cunnin^on, S. Story of arithmetic. Lond. 1901. ^ Geddes, Sir W. D. The Curiosities of ancient arith- metic. Abd. 1853. '41721 Hill, G, F. Development of Arabic numerals in Europe. Oxf. 1915. 46 •5*1 MATHEMATICS 'Oi6 : 511 De Morgan, A. Arithmetical books. Lond. 1847. '016 :^ii Smith, D. E. Eara arithmetica. Boston, Mass. 1908. *5 1 1 1 Beman, W. W. Higher arithnietic. Boston [Mass.] 1900. *5iii Bertrand, J. Traits d'arithm^tique. Paris 1901. '5 1 1 1 Cocker, E. Arithmetick. 27th edition. Lond. 1709. •5 1 1 1 De Morgan, A. Elements of arithmetic. Lond. 1880. -51 II Qelin, E. Traits d'arithm^tique. Namur 1888. •5 1 1 1 Qoyen, P. Higher arithmetic. Lond. 1897. '5 1 1 1 Kleyer, J. F. J. Traits d'arithm6tique. 3 vols. Liege 1885-86. •5 1 1 1 Lacroix, S. F. Traite d'arithm6tique. Paris 1826. •5 1 1 1 Leysenne, P. Traits d'arithm^tique. Paris 1903. -5111 Malcolm, A. \}S..A., Mar. Coll.]. A New system of arithmetick, theorical [sic] and practical. Lond. 1730. 5111 A New treatise of arithmetick and book-keeping. Edin. 1718. •5111 Schubert, H. Arithmetik und Algebra. Leip. 1898. *5 1 1 1 Serret, J. A. Traits d'arithm^tique. Paris 1875. *5iii Smith, J. Brook=. Arithmetic in theory and practice. Lond. 1910. •5 1 1 1 Tannery, J. Le9ons d'arithm^tique. Paris 1900, •5 1 II Wentworth, G. A. Advanced arithmetic. Boston [Mass] 1903. HN. Wright, A. [M.A., King's Coll., 1728]. A Treatise of ^9 • 43 practical arithmetic, both integral and fractional. Edin. 1767. MN. A Treatise of fractions. Lond. 1734. 13 • 190 •5t18 MENSURATION. •5 1 18 Halsted, G. B. Mensuration. Boston [Mass] 1900. •5 118 Jackson, S. Commercial arithmetic. Lond. 1893. 47 •51 MATHEMATICS •5118 Moore, B. T. Mensuration. _^ Lond. 1896. •5 1 18 Nesbit, A. Practical mensuration. Lond, 1898. •51196 TABLES. /. -51196 Crelle, A. L. Calculating tables. Berl. 1908. •51 196 Hedrick, H. B. Interpolation tables. Wash. 1918. •5 1 1 96 Laundy, S. L. Table of quarter squares up to 100,000. Lond. 1856. /. "5 1 1 96 Lehitier, D. N. Factor table for the first ten millions. Wash. 1909. /. "5 1 1 96 Prime numbers from 1 to 10,006,721. Wash. 1914. /. '51196 Peters, J. New calculating tables. Berl. 1909. •5 1 1 96 Stager, H. W. A Sylow factor table of the first twelve thousand numbers. Wash. 1916. •51 196 Zimmermann, H. Calculating tables. Berl. 1904. •512 ALGEBRA. '5 121 Bourlet, C. E. E. Lecons d'algebre ^lementaire. Paris 1902. •5 121 Chrystal, G. Algebra, an elementary text-book. 2 vols. Edin. 1889. •5 1 21 Introduction to algebra. Lond. 1905. •5121 Davison, C. Higher algebra. Camb. 1912. •51 21 Hall, H. S. and Knight, S. R. Higher algebra. Lond. 1897- •5121 Maclaurin, C. Treatise of algebra. Lond. 1748, 1756, 1779, 1788, 1796. •51 2 1 Smith, C. Treatise on algebra. Lond. 1893. •5 121 Todhunter, I. Algebra. Lond. 1866. •5 121 Weber, H. Lehrbuch der Algebra. 2 vols. Braunsch. 1896-1908. A Welsh, J. [M.A., King's Coll., 1807]. An Elementary treatise on algebra. Brechin 1817. .5122 Abel, N. H. and Galois, E. Algebraische Auflosung der Gleichungen. Berl. 1889. 48 •51 MATHEMATICS •5122 Lagrange, J. L. Eesolution des equations numeriques. Paris 1826. •5122 Mathews, G. B. Algebraic equations. Camb. 1907. •5124 Hadamard, J. La Serie de Taylor. [Paris] 1901> •5125 Macmahon, P. A. Combinatory analysis. 2 vols. Camb. 1915-16. •5127 Hobson, E. W. John Napier and the invention of logarithms, 1614. Camb. 1914. •5127 Knott, C. Q. Napier tercentenary memorial volume. Lond. 1915. •5127 Napier, J. Construction of the vs^onderful canon of logarithms. Edin. 1889. •5128 Salmon, Q. Modern higher algebra. Dubl. 1866, •5128 Serret, J. A. Cours d'algebre superieure. 2 vols. Paris 1910. •5128 Weber, H. Traite d'algebre superieure. Paris 1898. •51281 THEORY OF NUMBERS. •5 1 281 Cahen, E. Theorie des nombres. Vol. l-> Paris 1914-> '5 1 281 Cashmore, M. Fermat's last theorem. Lond. 1918. •5 1 28 1 Dedekind, R. Essays on theory of numbers. Chicago 1901. •5 1 281 Dickson, L. E. History of the theory of numbers. Vol. 1-^ Wash. 1919-» •51281 Hardy, G. H. Some famous problems of the theory of numbers and in particular Waring's problem. Oxf. 1920. •5 1 281 Hensel, K. Zahlentheorie. Berl. 1913. •5 1 28 1 Laurent, H. Principes de la theorie des nombres. [Paris] 1902. •5 1 281 La Vallee Poussin, C. J. de. Eecherches analytiques sur la theorie des nombres premiers. 5 pts. Paris 1897-98. •51281 Legendre, A. M. Theorie des nombres. Paris 1900. 49 4 •51 MATHEMATICS •5 1 281 Lejeune Dirichlet, P. Q. yorlesungen iiber Zahlen- theorie. Braunsch. 1879. •5 1 281 Lucas, E. Theorie des nombres. Vol.1. Paris 1891. •51281 Mathews, Q. B. Theory of numbers. Pt. l-> Camb. 1892-> •51281 ■ Reid, L. W. Elements of the theory of algebraic numbers. New York 1910. •5 1 281 Sommer, J. Introduction a la theorie des nombres algebriques. Paris 1911. ■51282 THEORY OF EQUATIONS. •51282 Burnside, W. S., and Panton, A. Theory of equa- tions. 2 vols. Dubl. 1899-1901. •51282 Petersen, J. Theorie des Equations algebriques. Paris 1897. •51282 Todhunter, J. Theory of equations. Camb. 1861. •51283 DETERMINANTS. •51283 Cullis, C. E. Matrices and determinoids. 2 vols. Camb. 1913-18. •51283 Muir, S/r T. Theory of determinants. Vol. l-> Lond. 1906-» •51283 Scott, R. F. Theorj^ of determinants. Camb. 1904. •51288 GROUPS. •51286 Burnside, W. Theory of groups of finite order. Camb. 1911. •51286 Campbell, J. E. On Lie's theory of groups. Oxf. 1903. •51286 Dickson, L. E. Linear groups. Leip. 1901. "51286 Hilton, H. Homogeneous linear substitutions. Oxf. 1914. •51286 Klein, F. Lectures on the ikosahedron. Lond. [1913]. •51286 Lie, M. S. Theorie der Transformationsgruppen. 3 vols. Leip. 1888-93. •51286 Vorlesungen iiber continuerliche Gruppen. Leip. 1893. 50 •51 MATHEMATICS •51286 Mitchell, V. G. Geometry and collineation groups of the finite projective plane FG. Princeton 1910. •51286 Netto, E. Theory of substitutions. Michigan 1892. •51286 Whitehead, A. N. Universal algebra. Vol. l-> Camb. 1898-> •51287 Elliott, E. B. Theory of quantics. Oxf. 1913. •51288 Bromwich, T. J. I. Quadratic forms and their classi- fication. Camb. 1906, •51288 Grace, J. H. Algebra of invariants. Camb. 1903. •51296 TABLES, &c. •51296 Becker, G. F. and Orstrand, C. E. V. Hyperbolic functions. Wash. 1909. •51296 Bruhns, C. C. New manual of logarithms to seven places. Leip. 1870. •51296 Chappell, E. Five figure mathematical tables. Lond. 1915. /^ . 5 . 5 Decker, F. F. Symmetric function tables of the fifteenthic. Wash. 1910. •51296 Knott, C. G. Four figure mathematical tables. Lond. •51296 Turner, H. H. Tables for facilitating the use of har- monic analysis. Lond. 1913. •513 GEOMETRY. •5 1 301 Dixon, E. T. Foundations of geometry. Camb. 1891. •5 1 301 Mach, E. Space and geometry in the light of physio- logical, psychological and physical inquiry. Chicago 1906. •5 1 30 1 Russell, B. A. W. Foundations of geometry. Camb. 1897. •51307 Dodgson, C. L. Euclid and his modern rivals. Lond. 1879. •51309 Frankland, F. Story of Euclid. Lond. 1902. 51 •51 MATHEMATICS ■5131 PLANE GEOiyiETRY. '880821 Euclid. Opera [Greeh-Latin]. Ed. Heiberg et Menge. 6 vols. Lips. 1883-96. ^5131 Elementa. [Editio 'princeps.'] Venetiis 1482, •5 131 Elements. Ed. Heath. 3 vols. Camb. 1908. '5131 Ed. Smith and Bryant. Lond. 1901. •531 1 Ed. Todhunter. Lond. 1899. •5131 Euclid in Greek. Book 1. With introduction and notes by Sir T. L. Heath. Camb. 1920. '5131 The Contents of the fifth and sixth books of Euclid. Arranged and explained by M. J. M. Hill. Camb. 1908. •5131 Henrici, O. Elementary geometry. Congruent figures. Lond. 1891. •5 131 Mackay, J. S. Plane geometry. Lond. 1904. '51313 Crivetz, T. Essai sur I'equidistante. Bucarest 1900. "5 ^ 3 ^ 3 Essai sur le postulat d'Euclide. Bucarest 1895. ■51313 Dodgson. C. L. Theory of parallels. Lond. 1888. ■5 1 313 Frankland, W. B. Theories of parallelism. Camb. 1910. •5 1 313 Gronau, K. T. E. Das Parallelenproblem. Hagen 1902. '51313 Thompson, T. P. Geometry without axioms. Lond. 1833. •5 1 313 Withers, J. W. Euclid's parallel postulate. Chicago 1908. •5 1 3 14 Bruce, W. H. Properties of the triangle and its circles. Boston, Mass. 1903. ^ Gregory, J. [M.A., Mar. Coll., 1657]. Exercitationes geometricae. Lond. 1668. •51321 Hobson, E. W. "Squaring the circle" — a history of the problem. Camb. 1913. A. Pirie, Q. Geometrical methods of approximating to the value of TT. Lond. 1877. 52 •51 MATHEMATICS ■51322 GEOMETRICAL CONICS. '51322 Besant, W. H. Conic sections treated geometrically. Camb. 1869. •51322 Drew, W. H. Geometrical conic sections. Lond. 1898. •51322 Jackson, J. S. Geometrical conic sections. Lond. 1872. 51322 Mukhopadhyay, A. Elementary treatise on geometry of conies. Lond. 1893. •57322 Taylor, C. Introduction to geometry of conies. Camb. 1881. •51326 Maclaurin, C. Geometria organica; sive, Descriptio linearum curvarum universalis. Lond. 1722. " Ex dono authoris." •5135 MODERN GEOMETRY. ^5135 Askwith, E. H. Course of pure geometry. Camb. 1903. '5^35 Budden, E. Pure geometry. Lond. 1904. '5135 Casey, J. Sequel to Euclid. Dubl. 1892. '5^35 Chasles, M. Traite de geometrie superieure. Paris 1852. ^5^35 Cremona, L. Projective geometry. Oxf. 1913. •5135 Hatton, J. L. S. Principles of projective geometry. Camb. 1913. '5^35 Theory of imaginary in geometry. Camb. 1920. *5^35 Lachlan, R. Modern pure geometry. Lond. 1893. '5^35 Reye, T. Lectures on geometry of position. Pt. l-> New York 1898-> '5^35 Richardson, Q., and Ramsay, A. Modern plane geometry. Lond. 1894. '5^35 Russell, J. W. Elementary treatise on pure geometry. Oxf. 1893. •5135 Smith, W. B. Introductory modern geometry. New York 1893. •513501 Whitehead, A. N. Axioms of projective geometry. Camb. 1906. 53 •51 MATHEMATICS '513509 Borel, E. Introduction g6om6trique k quelques theories physiques. " Paris 1914. '51351 Young:, W. H., and Q. C. Theory of sets of points. Camb. 1906. •5138 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY. *5^3^ Barbarin, P. La Geometric non-euclidienne. Paris 1902. '5^38 Bolyai, J. Science absolute of space. Austin, Tex. 1896. •5138 Bonola, R. Non-eucUdean geometry. Chicago 1912. '5138 Carslaw, H. S. Elements of non-euclidean plane geometry and trigonometry. Lond. 1916. '5138 Coolidg^e, J. L. Elements of non-euclidean geometry. Oxf. 1909' •5138 Cranz, C. Die Sogenannte vierte Dimension. Hamb. 1890. '5138 Engel, F. and Stackel, P. Urkunden zur Geschichte der nichteuklidischen Geometrie. 2 vols. Leip. 1898-1913. •5138 ' Hinton, C. H. The Fourth dimension. Lond. 1904. '5 1 38 Scientific romances. Nos. 1-7. Lond. 1886-94. '5138 Jouffret, E. Traite de geometrie a quatre dimensions. Paris 1903. •5138 Lobatschewsky, N. I. Geometrical researches on parallels. Austin, Tex. 1892. •5138 Introduction to elements of geometry. [Austin] 1897. •5138 New principles of geometry. Austin 1897. •5138 Manning, H. P. The Fourth dimension simply ex- plained. New York 1910. ■5138 Non-euclidean geometry. Boston, Mass. 1901. ■5138 Miiller, A. Das Problem des absoluten Eaumes. Braunsch. 1911. •5 138 Smith, W. W. A Theory of the mechanism of survival : the fourth dimension and its applications. Lond. 1920. 54 •51 MATHEMATICS •5138 Sommerville, D. M. Y. Elements of non-euclidean geometry. Lond. 1914. •5138 Vasiliev, A. V. Lobach6vsky. Austin, Tex. 1894. 5138 Veronese, Q. Geometric von mehreren Dimensionen. Leip. 1894. •5138 : 016 Sommerville, D. M. Y. Bibliography of non-euclidean geometry. Lond. 1911. ■5139 Lam6. G. Methodes pour resoudre les problemes de geometrie. Paris 1903. •514 TRIGONOMETRY. •514 Lock, J. B. and Child, J. M. New trigonometry for schools and colleges. Lond. 1911. •514 Newman, F. W. Higher trigonometry. Camb. 1892. •514 Snowball, J. C. Plane and spherical trigonometry. Camb. 1863. A^ Urquhart, Sir T. [King's Coll., 1622]. The Trissotetras ; or table for resolving all triangles. Lond. 1645. .5142 Lebesgue, H. Legons sur les series trigonom6triques. Paris 1906. •5145 Bourlet, C. E. E. Le9ons de trigonom6trie rectiligne. Paris 1898. •5145 Hobson, E. W. Plane trigonometry. Camb. 1918. '5145 Todhunter, I. Plane trigonometry. Lond. 1917. •5146 McClelland, W. and Preston, T. Spherical trigono- metry. 2 vols. Lond. 1903. •5146 Todhunter, I. Spherical trigonometry. Lond. 1903. '^1082 Bell, H. Solution of spherical triangles. Lond. 1915. Edi •515 DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY. •515 Gregory, D. Treatise of practical geometry. Trans, from Latin [by C. Maclaurin]. Edin. 1745, 1787. '51082 Ince, E. L. Course in descriptive geometry. Edi Lond. 1915. •515 Loria, G. Vorlesungen iiber darstellende Geometrie. Pt. 1-^ Leip. 1907-> 55 •51 MATHEMATICS •515 Monge, Q. Geom^trie descriptive. Paris 1827. •515 Rohn, K., and Papperitz, E. Lehrbuch der darstell- enden Geometrie. Leip. 1906. •51501 Whitehead, A. N. Axioms of descriptive geometry. Camb. 1907. •5 15 1 1 Kempe, A. B. How to draw a straight line. Lond. 1877. •516 CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY. 516 Casey, J. Analytical geometry. Dubl. 1893. 516 Coolidge, J. L. Treatise on the circle and the sphere. Oxf. 1916. 516 Gibson, Q. A., and Pinkerton, P. Elements of ana- lytical geometry. Lond. 1911. 516 Johnston, W. J. Analytical geometry. Oxf. 1893. 5 T 6 Loney, S. L. Co-ordinate geometry. Lond. 1895. 516 Milne, J. Analytical geometry of straight line and circle. Lond. 1919. 5 161 Asl Leip. 1908-> •5 1 65 1 Milne, W. P Homogeneous co-ordinates. Lond. 1910. •5 1 65 1 Whitworth, W. A. Trilinear co-ordinates. Lond. 1866. '51659 Henderson, A. The Twenty-seven lines upon the cubic surface. Camb. 1911. ■5168 VECTORS. *5i68 BuraIi=Forti, C. and Marcolongo, R. Elements de calcul vectorial. Paris 1910. •5168 Dickson, L. E. Linear algebras. Camb. 1914. -5168 Qibbs, J. W. Vector analysis. New York 1902. '5168 Hamilton, Sir W. R. Elements of quaternions. Ed. Joly. 2 vols. Lond. 1899-1901. *5i68 Henrici, O. Vectors and rotors. Lond. 1903. *5i68 Joly, C. J. Manual of quaternions. Lond. 1905. '5168 Kelland, P. and Tait, P. Q. Introduction to quater- nions. Lond. 1904. -5168 McAulay, A. Octonions. Camb. 1898. 57 •51 MATHEMATICS •5168 Shaw, J. B. Synopsis of linear associative algebra. Wash. 1907. •5168 Silbertstein, L. Projective vector algebra. Lond. 1919. •517 INFINITESIMAL ANALYSIS. •51709 Cajori, F. A History of the concej)tions of limits and fluxions in Great Britain, from Newton to Woodhouse. Chicago 1919. •5171 Boutroux, P. Les Principes de I'analyse mathematique. Vol. l-> Paris 1914-> •5 1 71 Carslaw, li. S. Introduction to the infinitesimal cal- culus. Lond. 1919. •5 1 71 De Morgan, A. Elementary illustrations of calculus. Chicago 1899. •5 1 71 Gibson, G. A. Elementaiy treatise on calculus. Lond. 1901. •51 71 Goursat, E. Mathematical analysis. 2 vols. Boston, Mass. 1904-17. 5*171 Granville, W. A. Differential and integral calculus. Boston, Mass. 1911. •5 17 1 Greenhill, Sir G. Differential and integral calculus. Lond. 1891. •5171 Harnack, A. Differential and integral calculus. Lond. 1891. •5 1 71 Hobson, E. W. Theory of functions of a real variable. Vol. 1-^ Camb. 1921-> •5171 Jordan, C. Cours d'analj^se. 3 vols. Paris 1893-96. •5171 Lamb. H. Elementarj' course of infinitesimal calculus. Camb. 1919. •5 1 71 Maclaurin, C. Treatise of fluxions. 2 vols. Edin. 1742. •5171 2 vols. Lond. 1801. •5171 Milne, W. P. and Westcott, G. J. B. First course in the calculus. 2 pts. Lond. 1919-20. 58 •51 MATHEMATICS •5 1 71 Osgood, W. F. First course in differential and integral calculus. New York 1907. •5 1 7 1 Picard, E. D^veloppement de I'analyse. Paris 1905. •5 1 7 1 Theorie de fonctions algebriques de deux variables independantes. 2 vols. Paris 1897-1906. •5 1 71 Traite d'analyse. Vol. l-> Paris 1896-> •5 171 Scheffers, G. Anwendung der differential und integral Rechnung auf Geometrie. 2 vols. Leip. 1901-02. •5 1 71 Serret, J. A. Cours de calcul differentiel et integral. 2 vols. Paris 1911. •51 71 Tannery, J. Introduction a la theorie des fonctions d'une variable. 2 vols. Paris 1904-10. •5 1 71 Whittaker, E. T., and Watson, Q. N. Modern analy- sis. Camb. 1920. •51 71 Wilson, E. B. Advanced calculus. Boston, [Mass. 1912]. •5172 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. •5172 Davison, C. Differential calculus. Lond. 1919. •5172 Edwards, J. Differential calculus. Lond. 1918. "5172 Todhunter, I. Differential calculus. Lond. 1919. •5172 Williamson, B. Differential calculus. Lond. 1916. •5172 Young, W. H. Fundamental theorems of the differential calculus. Camb. 1910. •5 1 72 1 Bromwich, T. J. I. Theory of infinite series. Lond. 1908. •5 1 721 Ford, W. B. Studies on divergent series. New York 1916. •51722 Wright, J. E. Invariants of quadratic forms. Camb. 1908. '51724 Fowler, R. li. Elementary differential geometry of plane curves. Camb. 1920. •51726 Darboux, G. Lemons sur les systemes orthogonaux et les co-ordonnees curvilignes. Paris 1910. •51726 Th6orie generale des surfaces. 4 vols. Paris 1887-96. 69 •51 MATHEMATICS "51726 Eisenhart, L. P. Differential geometry of curves and surfaces. • Boston, Mass. 1909. •51726 Gauss, C. F. Investigations of curved surfaces. Princeton 1902. •51727 Hancock, H. Theory of maxima and minima. Boston, Mass. [1917]. •5173 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. ^5173 Edwards, J. Integral calculus for beginners. Lond. 1918. '5^73 Hermite, C. Cours [definite integrals, etc.]. Paris 1891. •5173 Lebesgue, H. Integration des fonctions primitives. Paris 1904. '5173 Todhunter, I. Integral calculus. Lond. 1916. '5^73 Williamson, B. Integral calculus. Lond. 1918. ■51082 Gibb, D. Course in interpolation and numerical Edi integration. Lond. 1915. "5^73^ Hardy, G. H. Integration of functions of a single variable. . Camb. 1905. ^51734 Leathern, J. C. Volume and surface integrals. Camb. 1905. '5^735 Byerley, W. E. Fourier's series. Boston, Mass. 1895. ^§1082 Carse, G. A. and Shearer, G. Course in Fourier's Edi analysis and periodogram analysis. Lond. 1915. "5^735 Carslaw, H. S. Fourier's series and integrals. Lond. 1906. '51735 Graf, J. H. and Gubler, E. Theorie der Bessel'schen Funktionen. 2 vols. Bern 1898-1900. "51735 Gray, A. and Matthews, G. B. Treatise on Bessel functions. Lond. 1895. '51735 Nielsen, N. Handbuch der Theorie der Cylinder- funktionen. Leip. 1904. "5 1 735 Todhunter, I. Laplace's, Lame's, and Bessel's functions. Lond. 1875. 60 •51 MATHEMATICS •51736 ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS. •51736 Baker, A. L. Elliptic functions. New York 1890 •51736 Baker, H. F. Abel's theorem. Camb. 1897. '51736 Multiple periodic functions. Camb. 1907. '51736 Cayley, A. Elliptic functions. Camb. 1876. •51736 Dixon, A. C. Properties of elliptic functions. Lond. 1894. •51736 Greenhill, >S«V G. Applications of elliptic functions. Lond. 1892. •51736 Halphen, G. H. Traite des fonctions elliptiques. 3 vols. Paris 1886-91.. •51738 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. '5^73^ Adhemar, R. d*. L'Equation de Fredholm et les pro- blemes de Dirichlet et Neumann. Paris 1909» •51738 Bateman, H. Differential equations. Lond. 1918. •51738 Bocher, M. Differential equations. Camb. 1909. •5173S Boole, G. Differential equations. 2 vols. Camb. 1859-65. '5173S Craig, T. Linear differential equations. Vol. l-> New York 1889-> '51738 Forsyth, A. R. Differential equations. Lond. 1914. '51738 Theory of differential equations. 4 pts. Camb. 1890-1906. '51738 Goursat, E. Integration des equations. Paris 1891. •51738 Heywood, H. B. Sur I'equation fonctionelle de Fred- holm. Paris 1908. '51738 Johnson, W. W. Ordinary and partial differential equations. New York 1889.. •51738 Klein, F. tlber die hypergeometrische Funktion. Leip. 1906. •51738 Lalesco, T. Introduction a la th^orie des equations integrales. Paris 1912. •51738 Lie, S. Geometric der Beriihrungstransformation. Vol. l-> Leip. 1896-^ '51738 Vorlesungen iiber Differentialgleichungen. Leip. 1891.. 61 •51 MATHEMATICS •51738 Murray, D. A. Introductory course in differential equations, for students in classical and engineering colleges. New York 1919. '51738 Page, J. M. Differential equations. Lond. 1897. '51738 Painleve, P. Integration des equations. Paris 1895. '5^73^ Tresse, A. Invariants de I'equation differentielle. Leip. 1896. '51738 Volterra, V. Le9ons sur les 6quations integrates et les equations int^gro-differentielles. Paris 1913. •51738 Wallenberg:, G. and Guldberg, A. Theorie der linearen Differenzengleichungen. Leip. 1911. •51738 Weber, H. Die Partielien Differentialgleichungen. 2 vols. Braunsch. 1900-01. •5174 CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS. •5174 Bolza, O. Lectures on calculus of variations. Chicago 1904. •5174 Hadamard, J. Legons sur le calcul des variations. Vol. 1-^ Paris 1910-^ •5174 Todhunter, I. Eesearches in calculus of variations. Lond. 1871. •517409 History of calculus of variations. Camb. 1861. •5175 CALCULUS OF FUNCTIONS. *5.^7S Appell, P., and Goursat, E. Theorie des fonctions algebriques. Paris 1895. •5175 Baire, B. Le9ons sur les fonctions discontinues. Paris 1905. •5175 Burkhardt, H. Funktionentheoretische Vorlesungen. 2 vols. Leip. 1899-1900. 'S1082 Ford, L. R. Introduction to theory of automorphic Edi functions. Lond. 1915. '5^75 Fregre* G. Function und Begriff. Jena 1891. '5175 Fricke, R. Vorlesungen. Analytisch-functionentheoret- ischer Teil. Leip. 1900. *5^7S Fricke, R., and Klein, F. Theorie der automorphen Functionen. 2 vols. Leip. 1897-1912. 62 •51 MATHEMATICS -5175 Harkness, J., and Morley, F. Introduction to theory of analytic functions. Lond. 1898. '5^75 Treatise on theory of functions. Lond, 1893. '5175 Schoenflies, A. Lehre von den Punktmannigfaltigkeiten. Leip. 1900. "5^75 Volte rra, V. Theory of permutable functions, Princeton 1915. •5176 CALCULUS OF FINITE DIFFERENCES. '5176 Markoff, A. A. Differenzenrechnung. Leip. 1896. •5178 COMPLEX VARIABLES. -5178 Burkhardt, H. Theory of functions of a complex variable. Lond. 1913. '5178 Durege, H. Elements of theory of functions of a com- plex variable. Philad. 1896. '5178 Forsyth, A. R. Theory of functions of a complex variable. Camb. 1893. •519 PROBABILITIES. -519 . Bertrand, J. Calcul des probabilit^s. Paris 1888. -519 Borel, E. Elements de la th^orie des probabilit6s. Paris 1909, -519 Carvallo, E. Calcul des probabilit6s. Paris 1912. '519 Czuber, E. Probabilit^s et moyennes g6om6triques. Paris 1902. •519 De Morgan, A. Essay on probabilities. Lond. 1838. '519 Laplace, P. S. de, Marquis. Philosophical essay on pro- babilities. New York 1902. -5 1 9 Poincare, H. Calcul des probabilit^s. Paris 1912. •519 Proctor, R. A. Chance and luck. Lond. 1891. *5i9 Whitworth, W. A. Choice and chance. Camb. 1878. '51909 Tod hunter, L History of theory of probability. Camb. 1865. 63 •51 MATHEMATICS •5196 ERRORS OF OBSERVATION. •5196 Brunt, D. The Combination of observations. Camb. 1917. •5196 Czuber, E. Theorie der Beobachtungsfehler. Leip. 1891. •5196 Lupton, S. Notes on observations. Lond. 1898. •5198 Comstock, Q. C. Method of least squares. Boston, Mass. 1890. •5198 Merriman, M. Method of least squares. New York 1901. 64 •52 ASTRONOMY, •5202 Lepper, Q. H. From nebula to nebula. Pittsburgh 1919. •5202 Newcomb, S. The Stars: a study of the universe. Lond. 1904. •5203 Valentiner, W. Handworterbuch der Astronomie. 4 vols. Breslau 1897-1902. •5204 Black, F. A. Problems in time and space. Lond. [1909]. •5204 Gore, J. E. Studies in astronomy. Lond. 1904. •5204 The Worlds of space. Lond. 1894. •5204 Turner, H. H. Astronomical discovery. Lond. 1904. •5205 PERIODICALS. '5205 A.R. Astronomical register. Vols. 3-17. Lond. 1866-80. •5205 A.N. Astronomische Nachrichten. Vol. 6-> Altona, Kiel 1828-^ •5205 A.J. Astrophysical journal. Vol. 20-^ Chicago 1904-> •52050. Observatory. Vol. l-> Lond. 1878-> *52o6 A.M. Astronomical Society, Royal. Memoirs. Vol. l-> Lond. 1822-^ •5206 A.N. Monthly notices. Vol. 7-^ Lond. 1847~> •5208 COLLECTED WORKS. •52081 Arago, F. (Euvres completes. 17 vols. Paris 1854-62. •52081 Bessel, F. W. Abhandlungen. 3 vols. Leip. 1875-76. •52081 Darwin, Sir G. H. Scientific papers. 4 vols. Camb. 1907-11. •52081 Galilei, G. Opere. 16 vols. Firenze 1842-56. •52081 Herschel, Si?- W. Scientific papers. 2 vols. Lond. 1912. 65 5 •52 ASTRONOMY •52081 Hill, G. W. Collected works. Vol. l-> Wash. 1905-> •52081 Muggins, Sir W. Scientific papers. Lond. 1909. •52081 Kepler, J. Opera omnia. 8 vols. Frankf. a M. 1858-71. •52081 Newton, Sir I. Opera quae extant omnia. 5 vols. Lond. 1779-85. •52082 Ostwald's Klassiker. Leip. 1889-> •52084 Ball, Sir R. S. An Atlas of astronomy. Lond. 1892. •52084 Schweiger=Lerchenfeld, A. von, baron. Atlas der Himmelskunde. Wien 1898. •5209 HISTORY. •5209 Berry, A. Short history of astronomy. Lond. 1898. '88:52 Brown, R. Researches into the origin of the primitive constellations of the Greeks, etc. 2 vols. Lond. 1899-1900. •5209 Bryant, W. H. History of astronomy. Lond. [1907]. •5209 Gierke, A. M. History of astronomy during the 19th century. Lond. 1902. •5209 Delambre, J. B. J. Histoire de I'astronomie ancienne. 2 vols. Paris 1817. •5209 Histoire de.l'astronomie du moyen age. Paris 1819. •5209 Histoire de I'astronomie moderne. 2 vols. Paris 1821. •5209 Histoire de I'astronomie au dix-huiti6me siecle. Paris 1827. •5209 Dreyer, J. L. E. History of planetary systems. Camb. 1906. '5209 Grant, R. [M.i4., E^zn^'s CoZZ.]. History of physical astro- nomy. Lond. 1852. •5209 Lockyer, Sir J. N. The Dawn of astronomy. Lond. 1894. •5209 Lodge, Sir O. J. Pioneers of science. Lond. 1893. •5209 Turner, H. H. Modern astronomy. Westm. 1901. ■oi6 : 52 Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific literature. Astronomy [1901->] Lond. 1902-> 66 •52 ASTRONOMY •g2 ; 520c? Ball, Sir R. S. Great astronomers. Lond. 1895. 'g2 : 52 Brewster, Sir D. Memoir of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 vols. Edin. 1855. y2 : ^2 Forbes, Q. David Gill — man and astronomer. Lond. 1916. •52:53 Arrhenius, S. A. Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik. 2 pts. Leip. 1903. '52 : 53 Gierke, A. M. Problems in astrophysics. Lond. 1903. •52 : 53 Trabert, W. Lehrbuch der kosmischen Physik. Leip. 1911. •521 THEORETICAL ASTRONOMY. •521 Maclaurin, C. Account of Sir Isaac Newton's philo- sophical discoveries. Lond. 1748, 1750, 1775. •521 Newton, /Sir I. Philosophiae naturalis principia mathe- matica. [Editio princeps.] Lond. 1687. •521 Glasg. 1871. •521 Poincare, H. Le9ons sur les hypotheses cosmogoniques. Paris 1911. •521022 Gregory, D. [Mar. Coll., 1671]. Astronomiae physicae et geometricse elementa. Oxf. 1702. ■5211 SOLAR SYSTEM. •521 1 Alembert, J. le R. d*. Systeme du monde. 3 vols. Paris 1754-56. •521 1 Jeans, J. H. Problems of cosmogony and stellar dynamics. Camb. 1919. •5211 Laplacey P, S. de, Marquis. M6canique celeste. 5 vols. Paris [1798J-1827. •521 1 Todhunter, I. History of mathematical theories of at- traction. 2 vols. Lond. 1873. •5213 Moulton, F. R. Periodic orbits. Wash. 1920. •5214 Dziobek, O. Mathematical theories of planetary motions. Ann Arbor 1892. 67 •52 ASTKONOMY •5214 Newcomb, S., and Ross, F. E. Inequalities in motion of the moon produced by -action of planets. Wash. 1907. •5215 Gylden, J. A. H. Orbites absolues des huit planetes principales. Vol. 1-^ Stockh.-^ ■jIoSq Maxwell, J. Clerk. On the stabihty of the motion of Saturn's rings. Camb. 1859. Written while Maxwell was Professor of Natural Philosophy in Marischal College. •5215 Socolow, S. Correlations regulieres du systeme plan^taire. Moscou 1898. •5216 Andoyer, H. Theorie de la lune. [Paris] 1902. •5218 Cruls, L. Eclipses du soleil. Eio de Janeiro 1894. ■522 PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY. •5221 OBSERVATIONS. •5221 Stroobant, P. Les Observatoires astronomiques et les astronomes. Brux. 1907. •5221 Dunecht observatory. Publications. Vols. 1-3. (41) D. Dunecht 1876-85. •5221 Edinburgh Royal observatory. Annals. Vol. l-> (41) E.A. Edin. 1902-> •5221 Observations. Vols. 1-15. Edin. 1838-86. (41) E.G. •5221 Glasgow University observatory. Catalogues of (41) G. stars. l-> Glasg. 1883-^ •5221 Dublin University. Astronomical observations made (415) D.A. at Dunsink. Pt. l-> Dubl. 1870-> •5221 Cambridge observatory. Observations. Vols. 1-12. (42) CO. Camb. 1829-41. ■5221 Greenwich observatory. Astrographic catalogue. (42) G.A. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1904-> •5221 Astronomical observations. 1750-^. [Various (42) G.o. series.] Lond. 1774-^ 5221 Oxford University. Astrogi^aphic catalogue. Vol. 1-^ (42) o.u. Edin. 1906-> 68 •52 ASTRONOMY '5221 Radcliffe observatory. Observations. Vol. 19-^ (42) R.o. ' Oxf. 1861-> •5221 Star catalogues. Oxf. 1860-> (42)r.s. •5221 Observatoire de Paris. Annales : Memoires. Vol. l-> (44) P.M. Paris 1855-> •5221 Annales: Observations. 1800-> Paris 1858-> (44) P.O. •5221 Observatoire royal de Belgique. Annales astrono- (493) B.A. I mique. Vol. 8-» Brux. 1904-> •5221 Annales: Physique du globe. Vol. 3-> (493) B.A. 2 Brux. 1905-> '5221 Annuaire astronomique. Brux. 1901-> (493) B.A.A. -5221 Madras and Kodaikanal observatory. Astronomica (548) M.A. observations. [Varmis series,] Madras 1832-^ -5221 Cape of Good Hope observatory. Annals. Vol. 1-^ (687) c.A. Lond. 1896-^ "5221 Meridian observations, 1859^ Cape Town 1874-^ ' (687) C.M.O. •5221 Star catalogues, 1834-> Cape Town 1873-> (687)0.8. -5221 Yale University observatory. Reports, 1887-^ (746) Y.R. [New Haven 1887-» •5221 Trans. Vol. l-> New Haven 1904-^ (746) Y.T. '5221 Smithsonian Institution. Annals of the Astrophysical (753) s.A. observatory. Vol. 1^ Wash. 1900-^ "5221 Rio de Janeiro observatory. Annuario 1888-90, (81) R.An. 1892-1903, 1905-^ Rio de Janeiro 1888-» ^5221 Boletim, 1909-> Rio de Janeiro 1912-> (81) R.E. ■5221 Batavia observatory. Verhandelingen. No. l-> (922) B.v. Batavia 1911-^ 69 •52 ASTKONOMY •5227 SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY. •5227 Ball, Sir R. S. Treatise on spherical astronomy. Camb. 1908. •5227 Newcomb, S. Compendium of spherical astronomy. New York 1906. •523 DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY. •523021 Chambers, G. F. Handbook of descriptive and practical astronomy. 3 vols. Oxf. 1889-90. •523022 Ball, Sir R. S. Story of the heavens. Lond. 1886. •523022 Grimthorpe, Sir E. Beckett, 1st baron. Astronomy without mathematics. Lond. 1876. •523022 Moulton, F. R. Introduction to astronomy. New York 1906. •523022 Newcomb, S. Astronomy for everybody. Lond. 1908. ^ Bain, A. Astronomy. Edin. 1848. •523023 Ball, Sir R. S. Astronomy. Lond. 1892. •52304 In the high heavens. Lond. 1893. •52304 In starry realms. Lond. 1892. •52304 Star-land. Lond. 1896. •52304 Miller, R. K. The Eomance of astronomy. Lond. 1882. •52304 Nichol, J. P. [M.A.f King's Coll.]. Architecture of the heavens. Edin. 1843. •52304 The Stellar universe. Edin. 1848. •52304 Thoughts on the system of the world. Edin. 1846. •52304 Proctor, R. A. Myths and marvels of astronomy. Lond. 1878. •52304 The Orbs around us. Lond. 1872. •52304 Other suns than ours. Lond. 1876, •52304 Our place among the infinities. Lond. 1876. •52304 The Poetry of astronomy. Lond. 1881. •52304 Wallace, A. R. Man's place in the universe. Lond. 1904. 70 •52 ASTRONOMY ■5231 THE UNIVERSE. '5231 Laplace, P. S. de, Marquis. The System of the world, 2 vols. Dubl. 1830. •5231 Lowell, P. Evolution of worlds. New York 1909. ■5232 SOLAR SYSTEM. '5232 Poor, C. L. The Solar system, a study of recent obser- vations. Lond. 1908. '5233 Nasmyth, J., and Carpenter, J. The Moon considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite. Lond. 1874. '5233 Neison, E. The Moon and the condition of its surface. Lond. 1876. ■5233 Proctor, R. A. The Moon, her motions, aspect, scenery and physical conditions. 52339 Blaggy M. A. Collated list of lunar formations. Edin. 1913. •52342 Gierke, E. M. The Planet Venus. Lond. 1893. ■52343 Cerulli, V. Marte nel 1896-1897. Collurania 1898. '52343 Lowell, P. Mars as the abode of life. New York 1909. •52345 Simpson, R. A. Tables of the four great satellites of Jupiter. Lond. 1910. •52346 Proctor, R. A. Saturn and its system. Lond. 1865. ■52348 Nichol, J. P. The Planet Neptune. Edin. 1848. ■52359 Angot, A. The Aurora borealis. Lond. 1896. •.5^37 Ball, Sir R. S. The Story of the sun. Lond. 1893. 5237 Nodon, A. L' Action electrique du soleil. Paris 1910. •5237 Pringsheim, E. Vorlesungen iiber die Physik der Sonne. Leip. 1910. •5237 Proctor, R. A. The Sun. Lond. 1871. •5237 Young, C. A. The Sun. Lond. [1895]. •53372 Newcomb, S. The Sun's thermal radiation. Philad. 1908. ■52373 Adams, W. S. The Eotation period of the sun. Wash. 1911. 71 •52 ASTKONOMY •52373 Hale, G. E., and Fox, P. Eotation period of the sun. Wash. 1908. •52373 Hubrecht, J. B. The Solar rotation in June, 1911, from spectroscopic observations. Camb. 1915. •52374 Birkeland, K. Eecherches sur les taches du soleil. Christiania 1899. •52374 Peters, C. H. F. Heliographic positions of sun spots. Wash. 1907. •52376 Lockyer, *Sir J. N. Contributions to solar physics. Lond. 1874. /•*52 377 McCIean, F. Comparative spectra of the high sun and low sun. Lond. [1890]. /•'52 377 Comparative spectra of the sun and the metals. Lond. [1891]. •52378 Langley, S. P., and Abbot, C. Q. The 1900 solar eclipse expedition. Wash. 1904. •52378 Naegamvala, K. D. Eeport on solar eclipse of 1898. Bombay 1902. •5238 STELLAR SYSTEM. •5238 Hale, Q. E. The Study of stellar evolution. Chicago 1909. •5238 See, T. J. J. Evolution of the stellar systems. 2 vols. Lynn, Mass. 1896-1900. •52381 Russell, H. N. Determinations of stellar parallax. Wash. 1911. •52382 Parkhurst, J. A. Eesearches in stellar photometry. Wash. 1906. •52382 Vntema, L. On the total amount of starlight. Groningen 1909. '52383 Burnham, S. W. Measures of proper motion stars. Wash. 1913. •52383 Campbell, W. W. Stellar motions. New Haven, Conn. 1913-> •52383 Maanen, A. van. The Proper motions of 1418 stars. Utrecht 1911. 72 •52 ASTRONOMY "52385 Newcomb, S. On the position of the planes towards which the stars tend to crowd. Wash. 1904. •52387 Huggins, Sw W., and M., Lady. Atlas of stellar spectra. Lond. 1899. •52389 Burnham, S. W. Catalogue of double stars. 2 vols. Wash. 1906. •52389 Knobel, E. B. Ulugh Beg's Catalogue of stars. Wash. 1917. •52389 Peters, C. H. F., and Knobel, E. B. Kevision of Ptolemy's Almagest. Wash. 1915. •525 THE EARTH. •52512 Poynting:, J. H. The Mean density of the Earth. Lond. 1894. •52524 Wilde, A. Causes of the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism. [Lond. 1891.] 52535 De Horsey, Sir A. F. Draysonia : Second rotation of the earth. Lond. 1911. •5256 Darwin, Sir Q. H. The Tides and kindred phenomena. Lond. 1898. •526 GEODESY. •526 Burrard, Sir S. G. Investigations of isostasy. Dehra Dun 1918. •5263 Hunter, J. de Q. The Earth's axes and triangulation. Dehra Dun 1918. •5266 M.ackay, A, [LL.D., King's and Mar. ColL]. Determin- ation of the latitude and longitude of Aberdeen. [Edin. 1793-96. •52673 Couchman, H. J. Pendulum operations in India and (54) Burma. Dehra Dun 1915. •5269 Baker, T. Land and engineering surveying. Lond. 1898. •5269 Duplessis, J. Trait6 du lev6 des plans et de I'arpentage. Paris 1901. •5269 Hammer, E. Lehrbuch der elementaren praktischen Geometric. Vol. l-> Leip. 1911-> •5269 Usill, Q. W. Practical surveying. Lond. 1901. 73 •52 ASTRONOMY •5269 Whitelaw, J. Surveying. Lond. 1902. •5269 Wilson, H. M. Topographic surveying. New York 1908. •5269(42) Ordnance survey. Methods adopted for the produc- tion of maps of the United Kingdom. Lond. 1902. •5269(54) India trigonometrical survey. Account of operations. Vol. l-> Dehra Dun 1870-5- •5269(68) South Africa geodetic survey. Report. Vol. l-» Cape Town 1896-> •52691 Flemer, J. A. Photomicrographic methods and instru- ments. New York 1906. '52698 Reed, H. A. Topographical drawing and sketching. 2 vols. New York 1895. •52699 Locl^yer, -Sir J. N. Surveying for archaeologists. Lond. 1909. •527 NAVIGATION. •527 Hall, W. Modern navigation. Lond. 1904. ■528 EPHEMERIDES. •528 B.L. Bureau des longitudes. Annuaire. 1829-54, 1865-5- Paris 1828-» •528 c.T. Connaissance des temps. 1849,1860-^ Paris 1846-> •528 N.A. Nautical almanac. 1767-» Lond. 1766-> ■529 CHRONOLOGY. •52902 Ginzel, F. K. Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie. 3 vols. Leip. 1906-14. •p/j Lockyer, Sir J. N. Stonehenge and other British stone (4231) monuments astronomically considered. Lond. 1909. •52904 Nilsson, M. P. Primitive time-reckoning. Lund 1920. •52904 Philip, A. Improvement of the Gregorian calendar. Lond. 1918. •5297 Benson, J. W. Time and time tellers. Lond. 1902. •5297 Cunynghame, H. H. S. Time and clocks. Lond. 1909. •52978 Gatty, Mn. A. Book of sundials. Lond. 1890. 74 ■53 PHYSICS. •5301 Brose, H. L. Theory of relativity. Oxf. 1919. •5301 Carmichael, R. D. The Theory of relativity. New York 1913. p '5301 Cohn, E. Physikalisches iiber Raum und Zeit. Vierte Auflage. Leip. 1920. '^1082 Conway, A. W. Relativity. Lond. 1916. Edi •5301 Cunning^ham, E. The Principle of relativity. Camb. 1914. •5301 Dolbear, A. E. Matter, ether, and motion. Lond. 1903. •5301 Duhem, P. La Notion de th^orie physique de Platon a Galilee. Paris 1908. •5301 Eddington, A. S. Report on the relativity theory of gravitation. Lond. 1920. •5301 Space, time, and gravitation: an outline of the general relativity theory. Camb. 1920. •5301 Einstein, A. Relativity — the special and the general theory. Lond. 1920. •5301 Freundlich, E. Foundations of Einstein's theory of gravitation. Camb. 1920. •5301 Harrow, B. From Newton to Einstein : changing con- ceptions of the Universe. Lond. 1920. •5301 Larmor, J. Aether and matter. Camb. 1900. •5301 Le Bon, G. L'Evolution de la mati^re. Paris 1905. •5301 Evolution of forces. Lond. 1908. '0826 Lodge, Sir O. J. Modern views on matter. Oxf. 1903. Rom 2 75 •53 PHYSICS "5301 Manville, O. Les Decouvertes modernes en physique. Paris 1909. *53oi Richardson, O. Electron theory of matter. Camb. 1914. •5301 Robb, A. A. Absolute relations of time and space. Camb. 1921. '5301 Optical geometry of motion : new view of theory of relativity. Camb. 1911. '5301 A Theory of time and space. Camb. 1914. '5301 Sampson, R. A. On gravitation and relativity. Oxf. 1920. *53oi Schlick, M. Space and time in contemporary physics : an introduction to the theory of relativity and gravi- tation. Oxf. 1920. *53oi Silberstein, L. The Theory of relativity. Lond. 1914. •5301 Slosson, E. E. Easy lessons in Einstein. Lond. 1920. "5301 Tait, P. Q. Properties of matter. Lond. 1907. *53oi Thomson, Sir J. J. Eelation between ether and matter. Manch. 1908. '5301 Tolman, R. C. The Theory of the relativity of motion. Berkeley 1917. •5302 MANUALS. *5302i Bouasse, H. Cours de physique. 6 pts. Paris 1907-09. '53021 Campbell, N. R. Physics, the elements. [Pt. l->] Camb. 1920-> '53021 Chwolson, O. D. Traite de physique. Vol. l-> Paris 1906-» *53D2i Gray, A. Treatise on physics. Vol. l-» Lond. 1901-> *5302i Jamin, J. C. Cours de physique. 4 vols. (Suppl. 1, 2, 3 par M. Bouty.) Paris 1878-1906. '53021 Kelvin, Sir W. Thomson, 1st baro7i, and Tait, P. G. Treatise on natural philosophy. 2 pts. Camb. 1912. 76 •53 PHYSICS •53021 Poynting-, J. H., and Thomson, Sir J. J. Text-book of physics. Properties of matter (Sound ; Heat ; Electricity). Lond. 1913 (1920). •53021 Warburg:, E. Physik. Unter Eedaktion von E. Warburg. (Kultur der Gegenwart.) Leip. 1915. •53021 Winkelmann, A. Handbuch der Physik. 6 vols. Leip. 1903-09. •53021 Wiillner, A. Lehrbuch der Bxperimentalphysik. Vol. l-> Leip. 1907-> •53022 Arnott, N. [M.A., Mar. Coll, 1805]. Elements of physics. Ed. A. Bain [M.A., 1840], and A. S. Taylor. Lond. 1876. •53022 Chappuis, J., and Berget, A. Le9ons de physique g6n6rale. Vol. 1-^ Paris 1899-» •53022 Christiansen, C. Elements of theoretical physics. Lond. 1897. •53022 Daniell, A. Principles of physics. New York 1911. •53022 Deschanel, A. P. Elementary treatise on natural philosophy. Lond. 1890. •53022 Ganot, A. Elementary treatise oii physics, experimental and applied. Lond. 1910. •53022 Kundt, A. Vorlesungen liber Experimentalphysik. Braunsch. 1903. •53022 Lorentz, H. A. Lehrbuch der Physik. 2 vols. Leip. 1906-07. •53022 Millikan, R. A., and Mills, J. Mechanics, molecular physics and heat. (Electricity, sound and light.) Boston [Mass.] 1903 (1908). •53022 Watson, W. Text-book of physics. Lond. 1899. •53023 Houston, R. A. Elements of physics. Lond. 1919. •53023 Stewart, B. Lessons in elementary physics. Lond. 1899. 'S304 Planck, M. Acht Vorlesungen iiber theoretische Physik. Leip. 1910. 77 •53 PHYSICS •5305 PERIODICALS. •5305 A.P.I Annalen der Physik [und Chemie to i8gg\. Vol. 143-> Leip. 1846-> •5305 A.p. 4 Beiblatter. 43 vols. Leip. 1877-1919. ■5305 A. Ph. Annales de physique [previously Annates de chimie et de physique, '5405]. Vol. l-» Paris [1914-> •5305 F.p Fortschritte der Physik. Vol, l-» Berl. 1847-» •5305 J.p. Journal de physique. Ser. iv, vol. 5-» Paris 1906-» •5305 N.c. Nuovo cimento. Ser. v, vol. 9-» Pisa 1905^- •5305 P.B. Physikalische Berichte. Vol. l-> Braunsch. 1920-> •5305 p.z. Physikalische Zeitschrif t. Vol. l-» Leip. 1900-> •5305 B.p. Repertorium fiir physikalische Technik. Vols. 1-27. Miinchen 1866-91. •5305 s.A. Science abstracts. Vols. 1-5. Lond. 1898-1902. Sect. A. Physics. Vol.i6-> Lond. 1903-> Sect. B. Electrical engineering. Vol. 6-> Lond. 1903-> •5306 L.p. Physical society of London. Proc. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1876-> •5306(44) Congres international de physique. Eapports. 4 vols. Paris 1900-01. •5306(73) Bureau of standards. Bulletin. Vol. l-> B.s. Wash. 1905-^ •5306(744) Harvard University, Jefferson physical laboratory. Contributions. Vol. l-» Camb. [Mass. 1904-»] •5307 METHODS OF STUDY. •5307 Abraham, H. Eecueil d'exp^riences ^lementaires de physique. 2 vols. Paris 1904. 'S307 Auerbach, F. Physik in graphischen Darstellungen. Leip. 1912. '5307 Qlazebrook, Sir R. T., and Shaw, Sir W. N.. Practical physics. Lond. 1918. 78 •53 PHYSICS '5307 Gregory, R. A., and Simmonds, A. T. Elementary physics and chemistry. 3 vols. Lond. 1901-02. ■5307 Exercises in practical physics. 2 vols. Lond. 1899-1901. '5307 Kohlrausch, F. Lehrbuch der praktischen Physik. Leip. 1905. '5307 Schuster, A., and Lees, C. H. Advanced exercises in practical physics. Camb. 1901. '5307 Course of practical physics. Lond. 1896. "5307 Stewart, B., and Gee, W. H. H. Elementary practical physics. Vol. l-» Lond. 1885-> •5307 Watson, W. Elementary practical physics. Lond. 1906. '5307 Text-book of practical physics. Lond. 1906. •5308 COLLECTED WORKS. •53081 Adams, J. C, Scientific papers. 2 vols. Camb. 1896-1900. •53081 Andrews, T. Scientific papers. Lond. 1889. *53o8i Curie, P. GEuvres. Paris 1908. •53081 Fitzgerald, G. F. Scientific writings. Dubl. 1902. •53081 Foucault, L. Travaux scientifiques. Paris 1878. •53081 Franklin, B. Works. 3 vols. Lond. 1806. •53081 Fresnel, A. J. (Euvres. 3 vols. Paris 1866-70. •53081 Gibbs, J. W. Scientific papers. 2 vols. Lond. 1906. •53081 Green, G. Mathematical papers. Lond. 1871. •53081 Helmholtz, H. L. F. Von. Vorlesungen iiber theoretische Physik. 6 vols. Hamb., Leip. 1897-1901. •53081 Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 3 vols. Leip. 1882-95. •53081 Hertz, H. Werke. 3 vols. Leip. 1894-95. .53081 Hoplcinson, B. Scientific papers. Camb. 1921. •53081 Hopkinson, J. Original papers. 4 vols. Camb. 1901. •53081 Joule, J. P. Scientific papers. 4 vols. Lond. 1884-87. •53081 Kelvin, Sir W. Thomson, 1st baron. Mathematical and physical papers. 6 vols. Camb. 1882-1911. 79 •53 PHYSICS •53081 Kirchhoff, Q. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. (Nachtrag.) Leip. 1882 (1891). •53081 Kohlrausch, F. Gesammelte Abhandlungen. 2 vols. Leip. 1910-11. •53081 Lloyd, H. Papers connected with physical science. Lond. 1877. •53081 Lorentz, H. A. Abhandlungen iiber theoretische Physik. Vol. l-> Leip. 1907 -> •53081 Lorenz, L. V. (Euvres scientifiques. 2 vols. Copenh. 1898-1904. •53081 MacCulIagh, J. Collected works. Dubl. 1886. •53081 Maxwell, J. Clerk. Scientific papers. 2 vols. Camb. 1890. •53081 Poynting, J. H. Collected scientific papers. Lond. 1881. •53081 Rankine, W. J. M. Miscellaneous scientific papers. Lond. 1881. •53081 Rayleigh, J. W. Strutt, Srd baron. Scientific papers. 6 vols. Camb. 1899-1920. •53081 Reynolds, O. Papers on mechanical and physical sub- jects. Vol. 1-^ Camb. 1900-> •53081 Rowland, H. A. Physical papers. Baltimore 1902.. •53081 Rumford, B., Count. Works. 5 vols. Lond. 1876.. '53081 Stokes, Sir Q. Q. Mathematical and physical papers. 5 vols. Camb. 1880-1905.. •53081 Tait, P. G. Scientific papers. Vol. l-> Camb. 1898-> •53081 Thomson, J. Collected papers on physics and en- gineering. Camb. 1912. •53081 Verdet, E. (Euvres. 8 vols. Paris 1868-72.. •53081 W^eber, W. Werke. 6 vols. Berl. 1892-94. •53081 Wheatstone, Sir C. Scientific papers. 2 vols. Lond. 1879. •53081 Young, T. Miscellaneous works. 3 vols. Lond. 1855^ 80 •53 PHYSICS •53082 Ostwald's Klassiker. No. 1-^ Leip. 1889-> •53082 Physical society of London. Physical memoirs selected from foreign sources. Vol. 1, pts. 1-3. Lond. 1888-90. •53082 Societe fran^aise de physique. Collection de m^moires relatifs a la physique. 5 vols. Paris 1884-91. •5 3082 Tyndall, J., and Francis, W. Scientific memoirs selected from foreign transactions and journals. Lond. 1853. '53083 Abraham, H., and Sacerdote, P. Eecueilde constantes physiques. Paris 1913. •5309 HISTORY. '5309 Cajori, F. History of physics in its elementary branches. New York 1899. '5309 Poincare, L. The New physics and its evolution. Lond. 1907. '5309 Schuster, A. Progress of physics. 1875-1908. Camb. 1911. ■5309 Tait, P. Q. Eecent advances in physical science. Lond. 1876. •5309 Whetham, W. C. D. Eecent developments of physical science. Lond. 1904. '016 : S31 Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific literature. Mechanics. [1901-^] Lond. 1902-^ '016:53 Physics. [1901-^] Lond. 1902-^ '92 : S3 Glazebrook, R. T. James Clerk Maxwell and modern physics. Lond. 1896.. '92 '■ S3 Jones, H. B. Life and letters of Faraday. 2 vols. Lond. 1870. '9^ ' S3 Koenigsberger, L. Hermann von Helmholtz. Oxf. 1906. /. '92 : S3 Knott, C. Q. Life and scientific work of Peter Guthrie Tait. Camb. 1911. '92 ' S308 Macf arlane, A. Ten British physicists of the nine- teenth century. New York 1919. 81 6 •53 PHYSICS •531 MECHANICS [DYNAMICS]. •53101 Hertz, H. Principles of mechanics. Lond. 1899. •53101 Mach, E. Science of mechanics. Chicago 1902. •53102 1 Appell, P. Trait6 de mecanique rationelle. 4 vols. Paris 1911-21 •53102 1 Barton, E. M. Analytical mechanics. Lond. 1911. •531022 Glazebrook, R. T. Mechanics [and hydrostatics]. Camb. 1902. •531022 Jeans, J. H. Elementary treatise on theoretical mechanics. Boston [Mass.] 1907. •53102.2 Tait, P. Q. Dynamics. Lond. 1895. •531023 Ball, Sir R. S. Mechanics. Lond. 1893. •531023 Emtage, W. T. A. Elementary mechanics of solids. Lond. 1900. •531023 Lodge, Sir O. J. Elementary mechanics, including hydrostatics and pneumatics. Lond. 1919. •53104 Maxwell, J. Clerk. Matter and motion. Lond. 1920. •53104 Silberstein, L. Vectorial mechanics. Lond. 1913. •53107 Ball, Sir R. S. Experimental mechanics. Lond. 1906. ■5311 KINEMATICS. •531 1 Clifford, W. K. Elements of dynamic. Pt. 1. Kine- matic. 2 vols. Lond. 1878-87. '531 1 Poincare, H. Cinematique et mechanismes. Paris 1899. •5312 STATICS. •5312 Lamb, H. Statics, including hydrostatics. Camb. 1912. •5312 Loney, S. L. An Elementary treatise on statics. Camb. 1920. •5312 Minchin, G. M. Treatise on statics. 2 vols. Oxf. 1915. •5312 Routh, E. J. Treatise on analytical statics. 2 vols. Camb. 1908-09. 82 •53 PHYSICS •5312 Todhunter, I. Treatise on analytical statics. Lond. 1887. •531209 Duhem, P. Les Origines de la statique. 2 vols. Paris 1905-06. •53125 Charnock, Q. F. Exercises on graphic statics. 3 vols. Manch. [1909.] •53125 Cremona, L. Graphical statics. Oxf. 1890. ■5313 KINETICS [DYNAMICS]. '5313 Gray, A., and Gray, J. G. A Treatise on dynamics, with examples and exercises. Lond. 1911. '5313 Greenhill, Sir G. The Dynamics of mechanical flight. Lond. 1912. •5313 Hicks. W. M. Elementary dynamics of particles and solids. Lond. 1890. •5313 Lamb, H. Dynamics. Camb. 1914. '53^3 Higher mechanics. Camb. 1920. •5313 Loney, S. L. Elementary treatise on the dynamics of a particle and of rigid bodies. Camb. 1919. •5313 Love, A. E. H. Treatise on principles of dynamics. Camb. 1907. '5313 Routh, E. J. Treatise on dynamics of a particle. Camb. 1898. '53^3 Tait, P. G., and Steele, W. J. Dynamics of a particle. Lond. 1878. '5313 Webster, A. G. Dynamics of particles and of rigid, elastic, and fluid bodies. Leip. 1904. '5313 Whittaker, E. T. Treatise on analytical dynamics of particles and rigid bodies. Camb. 1904. •5313 Williamson, B., and Tarleton, F. A. An Elementary treatise on dynamics. Lond. 1900. •53134 Appell, P. Les Mouvements de roulemont en dyna- mique. [Paris] 1899. •53134 Gray, A. Treatise on gyrostatics and rotational motion. Lond. 1918. 83 •53 PHYSICS ^ Pirie, G. Lessons on rigid dynamics. Lond. 1875. ■53136 Routh, E. J. Dynamics of "a system of rigid bodies. Elementary part. Lond. 1891. '53136 Advanced part. Lond. 1884. •53136 Worthington, A. M. Introduction to rigid dj^namics. Lond. 1892. ■5315 Cranz, C. Lehrbuch der Ballistik. Vol. l-> Leip. 1910-^ •53 15 1 Tarleton, F. A. Mathematical theory of attraction. Lond. 1899. •53 161 Ostwald, W. L'Energie. Paris 1910. •532 HYDROMECHANICS. •53202 Besant, W. H., and Ramsey, A. S. Treatise on hydromechanics. 2 pts. Lond. 1911-13. •53202 Wien, W. Lehrbuch der Hydrodynamik. Leip. 1900. •5321 Greenhill, Sir G. Treatise on hydrostatics. Lond. 1894. •5321 Minchin, G. M. Treatise on hydrostatics. 2 vols. Oxf. 1912. •5322 Poincare, H. Figures d'equilibre d'une .masse fluide. Paris 1902. ■5325 Basset, A. B. Treatise on hydrodynamics. 2 vols. Camb. 1888. •5325 Lamb, H. Hydrodynamics. Camb. 1906. •53259 liadamard, J. La Propagation des ondes et les equa- tions de I'hydrodynamique. Paris 1903. •5326 Poincare, H. Capillarite. Paris 1895. •53272 Findlay, A. Osmotic pressure. Lond. 1913. •5328 Dunkerley, S. Hydraulics. 2 vols. Lond. 1907-08. •533 PNEUMATICS. '53323 Decombe, L. La Compressibilite des gaz reels. Paris [1903] '5336 Bacon, J. M. By land and sky. Lond. 1900. 84 •53 PHYSICS *5336 Berget, A. The Conquest of the air. Lond. 1911. •5336 Bryan, G. H. Stabihty in aviation. Lond. 1911. •5336 Lanchester, F. W. Aerodynamics. Lond. 1907. '53365 Wakden, S. L. Stability of aeroplanes. Lond. 1913. '5337 Boltzmann, L. La Theorie des gaz. 2 vols. Paris 1902-05. '5337 Jeans, J. H. Dynamical theory of gases. Camb. 1921. *5337 Meyer, O. E. Kinetic theory of gases. Lond. 1899. '5337 Pedersen, F. M. Internal friction of gases. New York 1899. •534 SOUND. *53402 Barton, E. H. Text-book on sound. Lond. 1908. *5340 2 Everett, J. D. Text-book of sound and light. (Des- chanel's Natural philosophy.) Lond. •53402 Stone, W. H. Elementary lessons on sound. Lond. 1908. •5341 Lamb, H. Dynamical theory of sound, Lond. 1910. •5341 Rayleigh, J. W. Strutt, drd baron. Theory of sound. 2 vols. Lond. 1894-96. A'./?. Thomson, D. Acoustics. In Encycl. Brit., 9th ed., vol. i. Edin. 1875. '78122 Dunk, J. L. Hyperacoustics. Div, 1^ Lond. 1916-> '5343 Helmholtz, H. L. F. von. On the sensations of tone. 2 vols. Lond. 1885. '7801 Watt, H. J. The Foundations of music. Camb. 1919. '1^22 The Psychology of sound. Camb. 1917. •535 LIGHT. -53502 Edser, E. Light, for students. Lond. 1919. •53502 Qlazebrook, R. T. Light, an elementary text-book. Camb. 1902. •53502 Mascart, E. Traits d'optique. 4 vols. Paris 1889-94. •53504 Hasting^s, C. S. Light, a consideration of the more familiar phenomena of optics. New York 1902. 85 •53 PHYSICS '53504 Stokes, Sir Q. G. Burnett lectures on light. Lond. 1887. •53507 Mann, C. R. Manual of advanced optics. Chicago 1902. '53507 Thompson, S. P. Light visible and invisible. Lond. 1897. '535 '5515 Pernter, J. M., and Exner, F. M. Meteorologische Optik. Wien 1910. •5351 THEORIES. •5351 Drude, P. Theory of optics. Lond. 1902. •5351 Maclaurin, R. C. Theory of light. Vol. l-» Camb. 1908-^ '535^ Poincare, H. Legons sur la th^orie mathematique de la lumiere. 2 vols. Paris 1889-92. •5351 Preston, T. Theory of light. Lond. 1912. '5351 Schuster, A. Theory of optics. Lond. 1904. ■5351 Walker, J. Analytical theory of light. Camb. 1904. ■5352 Michelson, A. A. Light waves and their uses. Chicago 1903. '535213 Rigollot, H. Eecherches exp^rimentales sur quelques actinom^tres. Paris 1897. '53522 De'combe, L. La Cel^rite des 6branlements de I'ether. [Paris] 1900. •5353 GEOMETRICAL OPTICS. A* Gregory, D. [M.A., Mar. Coll., 1675]. Catoptricae et dioptricae sphericse elementa. Edin. 1713. \^ Gregory, J. [M.A., Mar. Coll., 1657]. Optica promota. Lond. 1663. '53531 Herman, R. A. Treatise on geometrical optics. Camb. 1900. '53531 Southall, J. P. C. Mirrors, prisms, and lenses. New York 1918. '535324 Cheveneau, C. Les Proprietes optiques des solutions. Paris 1913. 86 •53 PHYSICS *S3533 Cotton, A.,*and Moulin, H. Les Ultramicroscopes. Paris 1906. '53537 Nichols, E. L., and Howes, H. L. Fluorescence of the uranyl salts. Wash. 1919. '53537 Nichols, E. L., and Merritt, E. Studies in luminescence. Wash. 1912. ■53538 Sheppard, S. E. Photo-chemistry. Lond. 1914. •5354 PHYSICAL OPTICS. '5354 Basset, A. B. Treatise on physical optics. Camb. 189^. '5354 Glazebrook, R. T. Physical optics. Lond. 1914. •5354 Maclaurin, R. C. Light. New York 1909. '5354 Wood, R. W. Physical optics. New York 1905. •53541 Barus, C. Displacement interferometry. Wash. 1919. '53541 Interferometry of reversed and non-reversed spectra. Pt. l-» Wash. 1916-> '53541 ' Production of elliptic interferences. Pt. l-> Wash. 1911-^ •53541 Mace de Lepinay, J. Franges d'interf^rence. [Paris] 1902. •53541 1 Barus, C. Displacement interferometer. Wash. 1915. '535^ Abney, W. de W. Eesearches in colour vision. Lond. 1913. •5357 PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS. '5357 Helmholtz, H. L. F. von. Handbuch der physio- logischen Optik. Hamb. 1896. •5358 APPLICATIONS. '5358 Steinheil, A., and Voit, E. Applied optics. Vol. l-» Lond. 1918-^ '535^ Whittaker, E. J. Theory of optical instruments. Camb. 1907. '535^ Zeiss, C. Die Theorie der optischen Instrumente. Berl. 1904. 87 •53 PHYSICS •53581 Leathern, J. Q. Theoiy of the symmetrical optical instrument. • Camb. 1908. *535^4 Zeeman, P. Eesearches in magneto-optics. Lond. 1913. •53585 Lummer, O. Contribution to photographic optics. Lond. 1900. *535^9 Houstoun, R. A. Studies in light production. Lond. [1912]. •536 HEAT. '53602 Edser, E. Heat for advanced students. Lond. 1899. •53602 Everett, J. D. Heat. (Deschanel's Natural philosophy, pt. 2.) Lond. [1902]. •53602 Glazebrook, R. T. Heat. Camb. 1902. •53602 Jones, D. E. Lessons in heat and light. Lond. 1892. •5361 THEORIES. '5361 Fourier, J. B. J., baron. Analytical theory of heat. Camb. 1878. •5361 In^ersoll, L. R., and Zobel, O. J. Theory of heat con- duction. Boston [Mass. 1913]. •5361 Maxwell, J. Clerk. Theory of heat. Lond. 1871. '5361 Poincare, H. Theorie analytique de la propagation de la chaleur. Paris 1895. •5361 Preston, T. Theory of heat. Lond. 1919. '53^33 Planck, M. Vorlesungen iiber die Theorie der Warme- strahlungen. Leip. 1906. '53643 Raoult, F. M. Cryoscopie. [Paris] 1901. •53644 Mathi^s, E. Le Point critique des corps purs. Paris 1904. •5385 TEMPERATURE. •53651 Bolton, H. C. Evolution of the thermometer. Easton, Pa. 1900. •5365 1 1 Day, A. L., and Sosman, R. B. High temperature gas thermometry. Wash. 1911. 88 •53 PHYSICS •5367 THERMODYNAMICS. -5367 Blondlot, R. Introduction a I'etude de la thermo- dynamique. Paris 1909. '5367 Bryan, Q. H. Thermodynamics, an introductory treatise. Leip. 1907. '5367 Duhem, P. Traite d'energetique ou de thermo- dynamique generale. 2 vols. Paris 1911. '5367 Lippmann, G. Thermodynamique. Paris 1905. •5367 Mills, J. Introduction to thermodynamics. Boston [Mass. 1910]. '5367 Planck, M. Treatise on thermodynamics. Lond. 1903. '5367 Poincare, H. Thermodynamique. Paris 1892. '5367 Waals, J. D. van der. Lehrbuch der Thermodynamik. 2 vols. Leip. 1908-12. '536709 Tait, P. G. Sketch of thermodynamics. Edin. 1877. •53671 Gibbs, J. W. Diagrammes et surfaces thermodyna- miques. [Paris] 1903. •536762 Statistical mechanics with reference to rational foundations of thermodynamics. New York 1902. •537 ELECTRICITY. •537021 Duhem, P. Le9ons sur I'electricite et le magnetisme. 3 vols. Paris 1891-92. •537021 Gray, A. Treatise on magnetism and electricity. Vol.1. Lond. 1898. •537021 Maxwell, J. Clerk. Treatise on electricity and magnetism. 2 vols. Oxf. 1873. •537022 Everett, J. D. Electricity (Deschanel's Natural phil- osophy, part 3). Lond. [1907]. •537022 Hadley, H. E. Magnetism and electricity for students. Lond. 1909. A Bain, A. Electricity. Edin. 1848. '537023 Foster, G. C, and Porter, A. W. Elementary treatise on electricity and magnetism. Lond. 1903. '537023 Glazebrook, R. T. Electricity and magnetism. Camb. 1903. 89 •53 PHYSICS '537023 Jamieson, A. Elementary manual of magnetism and electricity. •* Lond. 1900. ■537023 Thompson, S. P. Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism. Lond. 1919' •53704 Sanford, F. A Physical theory of electrification. Stanford, Cal. 1911. '53704 Thomson, Sir J. J. Eecent researches in electricity and magnetism. Oxf. 1893. '53704 Trowbridge, J. What is electricity ? Lond. 1897. •53705 J.T. Jahrbuch der drahtlosen Telegraphic und Tele- phonie. Vol. l-» Leip. 1908-» '53705 Year-book of wireless telegraphy and telephony. Y.w. 1913-> Lond. [1915-»] •53705 L.E. Lumi^re electrique. La. Vols. 1-51. Paris 1879-94. •53705 L.E. Ser. XL, vol. 9-» Paris 1910-> '537 ■ 535 Allen, H. S. Photo-electricity. Lond. 1913. •5371 THEORIES. *537^ Abraham, H., and Langevin, P. Les Quantit^s ele- mentaires de I'^lectricite — ions, electrons, corpuscles. Paris 1905. •5371 Abraham, M. Theorie der Electrizitat. 2 vols. Leip. 1904-05. •5371 Aries, E. L'Electricit6 consideree comme forme de I'^nergie. Pt. l-> Paris 1909-> '5371 Campbell, N. R. Modern electrical theory. Camb. 1907. •5371 Carvallo, E. L'Electricite deduite de I'exp^rience. [Paris] 1902. •5371 De Tlinzelmann, Q. W. Treatise on electrical theor}'. Lond. 1910. •5371 Duhem, P. Les Theories ^lectriques de Clerk Maxwell. Paris 1902. •5371 Jeans, J. H. Mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism. Camb. 1920. •5371 Lodge, Sir O. J. Electrons. Lond. 1906. 90 •53 PHYSICS •5371 Lorentz, H. A. Theory of electrons. Leip. 1909. •5371 Poincare, H. Electricity et optique. Paris 1901. *537i Richarz, F. Anfangsgrlinde der Maxwellschen Theorie. Leip. 1909. •5371 Thomson, /SzV J. J. Electricity and matter. Westm. 1904. '5371 Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism. Camb. 1921. •5371 Whetham, W. C. D. Theory of experimental electricity. Camb. 1905. •5373 GALVANIC ELECTRICITY. ■53731 Brillouin, M. Propagation de 1' electricity. Paris 1904. '53733 Hollard, A. La Th6orie des ions et de I'^lectrolyse. Paris 1900. '53733 Townsend, J. S. Theory of ionization of gases by collision. Lond. 1911. "53733 Whetham, W. C. D. Theory of solution, including electrolysis. Camb. 1902, '537332 Arrhenius, S. A. Text-book of electro-chemistry. Lond. 1904. ■5374 Mache, H., and Schweidler, E. R. von. Die Atmos- pharische Electrizitat. Braunsch. 1909. '537513 Noyes, A. A. Electrical conductivity of aqueous solu- tions. Wash. 1907. ■53753 McClung", R. K. Conduction of electricity through gases, Lond. 1910. ■53753 Thomson, Sir J. J. Conduction of electricity through gases. Camb. 1903. '53753 Discharge of electricity through gases. Lond. 1898. '53753 Townsend, J. S. Electricity in gases. Oxf. 1915. •5377 ELECTRIC UNITS. •53772 Gray, A. Absolute measurements in electricity and magnetism. 2 vols. Lond. 1888-93. '537732 Richards, T. W., and Behr, G. E. Electromotive force of iron. Wash. 1906. 91 •53 PHYSICS '537733 Price, W. A. Measurement of electrical resistance. '* Oxf. 1894. •5378 APPLICATIONS. •5378 Davidge, H. T., aud Hutchinson, R. W. Technical electricitj'. Lond. 1907. '5378 Maclean, M. Modern electric practice. Lond. 1904-05. '537^ Starke, H. Experimentelle Electrizitatslehre. Leip. 1910. '53781 Fleming, J. A. Propagation of electrics currents in telephone and telegraph conductors. Lond. 1911. "53781 Turpain, A. Notions fondamentales sur la telegraphic. Grenoble 1910. "53782 Ruhmer, E. Wireless telephony. Lond. 1908. '53782 Turpain, A. Telephonie. Grenoble 1910. "53782 Webb, H. L. Development of the telephone in Europe. Lond. [1910] "537842 Dolezalek, F. Theory of the lead accumulator. New York 1904. ^53785 Watt, A. Electro-plating. Lond. 1902. '53788 Eichhorn, G. Wireless telegraphy. Lond. 1906. '53788 Fahie, J. J. History of wireless telegraphy. Edin. 1900. '53788 Fleming:, J. A. Electric wave telegraphy and telephony. Lond. 1910. ^53788 The Thermionic valve and its developments in radiotelegraphy and telephony. Lond. 1919. "53788 Lodg:e, Si?' O. J. Signalling across space without wires. Lond. [1900]. •53788 Ohlsberg, O. Handbuch fiir Funkentelegraphisten. Berl. 1911. "53788 Poincare, H. Conferences sur la telegraphie sans fil. Paris 1909. ^53788 Maxwell's theory and wireless telegraphy. Lond. 1904. 92 •53 PHYSICS ■5378S Righi, A., and Dessau, B. Die Telegraphie ohne Draht. Braunsch. 1903. •53788 Sewall, C. H. Wireless telegraphy. Lond. 1904. •53788 Stanley, R. Text-book of wireless telegraphy. 2 vols. Lond. 1919. •53788 Valbreuze, R. de. Notions g^n^rales sur la telegraphie san fil. Paris 1907. •53788 Zenneck, J. Precis de telegraphie sans fil. Paris 1911. •538 MAGNETISM. •5382 Maurain, C. Le Magnetisme du fer. [Paris 1892]. •53826 Du Bois, H. The Magnetic circuit in theory and practice. Lond. 1896. •5383 ELECTRO MAGNETISM. •5383 Heaviside, O. Electro-magnetic theory. 3 vols. Lond. 1893-1912., j? '5383 CErsted, H. C. La Decouverte de I'electromagnetisme faite en 1820 par J. C. GErsted. Copenh. 1920. '53^3 Righi, A. I Fenomeni elettro-atomici sotto I'azione del magnetismo. Bologna '53^3 Schott, G. A. Electro-magnetic radiation. Camb. 1912. '5383 Walker, G. T. Outlines of the theory of electro- magnetism. Camb. 1910- '53^33 Thompson, S. P. The Electro-magnet. Lond. 1891. '53855 Barbillion, L. Production et emploi des courants alternatifs. [Paris] 1901. ■53855 Fleming, J. A. The Alternate current transformer. 2 vols. Lond. 1890-91. '53855 May cock, W. P. The Alternating-current circuit. Lond. 1897. '53855 Russell, A. Theory of alternating currents. 2 vols. Camb. 1904-06. '53855 Tesla, N. Experiments with alternate currents. New York 1892. 93 •53 PHYSICS ■538552 Thompson, S. P. Polyphase electric currents. Lond. 1900. •53856 Hertz, H. Electric waves. Lond. 1893. •53856 Macdonald, H. M. Electric waves. Camb. 1902. '53^5^ Poincare, H. Les Oscillations electriques. Paris 1894. '53856 L^ Th^orie de Maxwell et les oscillations Hertz- iennes. [Paris] 1904. '53856 Zenneck, J. Les: Oscillations 61ectro-magnetiques. 2 vols. Paris 1905. •5386 Cotton, A. Le Phenom^ne de Zeeman. [Paris] 1899. •5386 Voigt, W. Magneto- und Elektro-optik. Leip. 1908. •5387 TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. '5387 Chree, C. Studies in terrestial magnetism. Lond. 1912. •539 MOLECULAR PHYSICS. •5391 Alden, J. S. Theory of the structure of matter. Passaic, N.J. 1896. '539^ Comstock, D. F., and Troland, L. T. The Nature of matter and electricity : an outline of modern views. New York 1919. •5391 Edser, E. General physics for students : a text-book on the fundamental properties of matter. Lond. 1913. •5391 Kelvin, Sir W. Thomson, 1st baron. Molecular dyna- mics. Lond. 1901. •5391 Risteen, A. D. Molecular theory of matter. Boston [Mass.] 1896. •5391 Soddy, F. Matter and energy. Lond. [1912]. •5391 Stark, J. Prinzipien der Atomdynamik. 2 vols. Leip. 1910-11. •5391 Thomson, Sir J. J. Corpuscular theory of matter. Lond. 1907. •53912 Poincare, H. Th^orie des tourbillons. Paris 1893. 94 •53 PHYSICS •5393 ELASTICITY. *5393 Cosserat, E., and F. Th^orie des corps d^formables. Paris 1909. '5393 Love, A. E. H. Treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity. Camb. 1920. '5393 ■ Mathieu, E. Th6orie de r61asticit6 des corps solides. 2 pts. Paris 1890. In 'S367 Poincare, H. Le9ons sur la th^orie de I'^lasticit^. Paris 1892. '5393 Todhunter, I. History of the theory of elasticity. 2 vols. Camb. 1886-93. 95 •54 CHEMISTRY. [See also "63 : 54 Agricultural Chemistry. •66 Chemical Technology.] •5401 Arrhenius, S. Theories of chemistry. Lond. 1907- •5401 Caven, R. M. The Foundations of chemical theory. Lond. 1920. •5401 Dobbin, L. and Walker, J. Chemical theory for be- ginners. Lond. 1892. •5401 Duhem, P. Le Mixte et la combinaison chimique. Paris 1902. •5401 Masson, O. Classification of the chemical elements. Lond. [1896]. •5401 Meldrum, A. N. Avogadro and Dalton, the standing in chemistry of their hypotheses. Abd. 1904. •5401 Rudorf, G. Das Periodische System, seine Geschichte und Bedeutung fiir die chemische Systematik. Hamb. 1904. •54014 : 43 Phillips, F. C. Chemical German. Easton, Pa. 1915. •5402 Attfield, J. Chemistry, general, medical and pharma- ceutical. Lond. 1903. •5402 Fenton, H. J. H. Outlines of chemistry. Vol. l-> Camb. 1910-> •5402 Garden, J. Traite general des applications de la chimie. Vol. 1-^ Paris 1901-> •5402 Kahlenberg-, L. Outlines of chemistry. New York 1909. •5402 Lassar=Cohn, . Introduction to scientific chemistry. Lond. 1903. 96 •54 CHEMISTRY •5402 Molinari, E. General and industrial inorganic chem- istry. Lond. 1912. •5402 General and industrial organic chemistry. Lond. 1913. •5402 Otto, F. J. Graham-Otto's Ausfiihrliches Lehrbuch der Chemie. 5 vols. Braunsch. 1878-98. •54C2 Roscoe, Sir H. E. and Schorlemmer, C. Treatise on chemistry. Vol. l-> Lond. 1905-> .5402 Vol. l-> Lond. 1911-> •5403 Fehling, H. Neues Handworterbuch der Chemie. 7 vols. Braunsch. 1874-1905. •5403 Kingzett, C. T. Popular chemical dictionary. Lond. 1920. i?e/. -5403 Ladenburg, A. Handworterbuch der Chemie. 13 vols. and index. Breslau 1882-96. i?e/. -5403 Watts, H. Dictionary of chemistry. 4 vols. Lond. 1888-94. •5404 Findlay, A. Chemistry in the service of man. Lond. 1917. •5404 Job, A. La M^thode en chimie. Paris. •5404 Philip, J. C. Romance of modern chemistry. Lond. 1910.. •5404 Stewart, A. W. Recent advances in physical and in- organic chemistry. Lond. 1919. •5405 PERIODICALS. •5405 A.c. American chemical Journal. Vols. 1-50. Baltimore [1880-1914]. •5405 An.c. Annales de chimie [et de physique, 1824-1913]. . [Ser. I]-> Paris 1789-> •5405 c.A. Chemical abstracts. Vol. 14-> Easton, Pa. 1920-» •5405 C.N. Chemical news. Vol. 1^> Lond. 1860-» •5405 c.z. Chemisches Zentralblatt. 1900-^ Berl. 1900-> •5405 E.z. Elektrochemische Zeitschrift. Vols. 10-12. Berl. [1904-06]. 97 7 •54 CHEMISTRY •5405 H.c. Helvetica chimica acta. Vol. l-> Basileae 1918-» •5405 J.o. Jahrbuch der Chemie. Vols. 1-9. Frankfurt a. M., Braunsch. 1892-1900. •5405 j.F. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie. 1847-> Giessen, Braunsch. 1849-^ •5405 J.pr. Journal fiir praktische Chemie. Vol. l-> Leip. 1834-> •5405 j.p. Journal of physical chemistry. Vol. 14~> Ithaca, N.Y. 1910-> •5405 L.A. Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie. [Begun as Annalen der Pharmacie.] Vol. l-> Lemgo, Leip. 1832-> •5405 R.K. Radio review, The. Vol. l-> 1920-> •5^05 R. Radium, Le. Vol. 3-» Paris [1906]-> •5405 R.A. Review of American chemical research. Vols. 3-12. Easton, Pa. 1897-1906. .5405 T.A. Tables annuelles de constantes, etc. Vol. l-> Paris 1912-» '5405 2.A. Zeitschrift fiir anorganische (und allgemeine) Chemie. Vol. l-> Hamb., Leip. 1892-> •5405 z.E. Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie. . Vol. l-> Halle [1895]-> •5405 z.p. Zeitschrift fiir physikalische Chemie. Vol. l-» Leip. 1887-> •5406 SOCIETIES. •5406 A. Society of public analysts. The Analyst. Vol. 17-20, 23-> Lond. [1892]-» '5406 C.J. Chemical society. Journal. Vol. l-> Lond. 1849-> •5406 CM. Memoirs and proc. 3 vols. Lond. 1843-48. •5406 c.p. Proc. Vol. l-> Lond. 1885-» •5406 O.K. Eeports on progress of chemistry. Vol. 1~> Lond. 1905^ '5406 F.p. Faraday society. Proc. Vol. l-> Lond. [1906 j-> •5406 F.T. Trans. Vol. l-» Lond. [1906]-» •5406 I.e. Institute of chemistry of Great Britain and Ire- land. Proc. 1902-19. Lond. 1902-19. •54 CHEMISTRY *54o6 I.e. Institute of chemistry of Great Britain and Ire- land. Journal and proc. 1920-» Lond. 1920-> '5406 I.e. • Official chemical appointments. l-> Lond. 1906-> •54061.C.P. ■ History. By R. P. Pilcher. Lond. 1914. -5406(43) Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berichte. Vol. l-> Berl. 1868-> ■5406(43) v.L. Verband der Laboratoriunis=Vorstande an deut- schen Hochschulen. Berichte. Heft l-> Leip. 1898-> '063 Akademie der Wissenschaften [zu Wien] : Math.- naturw. Klasse. Sitzungsberichte. Abth. H. (Physik, Chemie, etc.). Vols. 43-96. Wien 1861-88. •5406(436) Abt. 116. (Chemie). Vol. 97-^ Wien 1889-> •5406(44) Soci^t^ chimique de France. s.e. Society chimique de Paris. Bulletin. S6r. 3. Vols- 13-18. Paris 1895-97. Soci6t6 chimique de France. Bulletin. Ser. 4. Vol. l-> Paris 1907-> •5406(485) Svenska vetenskaps-akademien, K. Arkiv for kemi, mineralogi, och geologi. Vol. 1-^ Stockh. 1904"> •5406(7) e.j. American chemical society. Journal. Vol. l-> New York, Easton, Pa. 1879-> •5406(7) c.p. Proc. 1876/78, 1899-1902, 1906-> New York, Easton, Pa. 1878-> •5407 METHODS OF STUDY. •5407 Freund, I. The Experimental basis of chemistry. Camb. 1920 •5407 Newth, Q. S. Chemical lecture experiments. Lond. 1910. •5407 Ostwald, W. Conversations on chemistry. Pt. l-» New York 1905-> 99 •54 CHEMISTRY '5407 Smith, A., and Hall, E.»H. Teaching of chemistry • 5307 ^^d physics in the secondajy school. New York 1902. "54072(774) Campbell, E. D. History of the Chemical laboratory of the University of Michigan, 1856-1916. Ann Arbor 1916. •5408 COLLECTIVE WORKS. •54081 Baeyer, A. von. Gesammelte Werke. 2 vols. Braunsch. 1905. •54081 Japp, F. R. [Scientific papers, 1879-1905]. •54082 Alembic Club reprints. No. 1-> Edin. 1893-> •54082 Kahlbaum, Q. W. A. Monographien aus der Geschichte der Chemie. Hrsg. G. W. A. K. Pt. l-» Leip. 1897-> •54082 Oswald's Klassiker. No. 1-> Leip. 1889-^ •540821 Monographs on Inorganic and Physical Chemistry. Mon. Lond. 1911-> 1. Soddy, F. Chemistry of the radio elements. 2 pts. 1911-14. 12. Pt. 1^ 1914-> 2. Price, T. S. Per-acids and their salts. 1912. 3^. Findlay, A. Osmotic pressure. 1919. 4. Desch, C. H. Intermetallic compounds. 1914. 5. Dunstan, A. E. and Thole, F. B. The Viscosity of liquids. 1914. 6. Turner, W. E. S. Molecular association. 1915. 7. Le Bas, Q. Molecular volumes of liquid chemical compounds. 1915. 8. Spencer, J. F. Metals of the rare earths. 1919. 9. Fry, H. S. The Electronic conception of valence and the constitution of benzene. 1921. •5409 HISTORY. •5409 Armitag^e, F. P. History of chemistry. Lond. 1906. •5409 Kopp, H. Die Alchemie in alterer und neuerer Zeit. 2 vols. Heidelb. 1886. •5409 Beitrage zur Geschichte der Chemie. 2 pts. Braunsch. 1869-75. 100 »» » 'a « •54 CHEMISTRY * » » •5409 Kopp, H. Die Entwickelung der Chemie in der neueren Zeit. Miinchen, 1873. •5409 Geschichte der Chemie. 4 vols. Braunsch. 1843-47. •5409 Ladenburgf, A. Lectures on the history of the develop- ment of chemistry. Edin. 1900. •5409 Lippmann, E. O. von. Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Alchemie. Berl. 1919. •5409 Lowry, T. M. Historical introduction to chemistry. Lond. 1915. '5409 Meyer, E. von. History of chemistry. Lond. 1891. •5409 Muir, M. M. P. Story of alchemy. Lond. 1902. •5409 Ramsay, Sir W. Gases of atmosphere — history of their discovery. Lond. 1905. •5409 Thorpe, Sir T. E. Essays in historical chemistry. Lond. 1894. •5409 Tilden, W. A. Short history of scientific chemistry in our own times. Lond. 1899. •5409 Wurtz, A. History of chemical theory. Lond. 1869. •Old : ^4 Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific literature. Chemistry. [1901->] Lond. 1902-» •54092 [Quye, P. A.]. Notice biographique sur Humphry Davy. Geneve 1907. '54092 Harrow, B. Eminent chemists. Lond. 1921. •54092 Priestley, J. Scientific correspondence. New York 1892. •54092 Roscoe, Sir H. E. John Dalton. Lond. 1895. •54092 Life and experiences. Lond. 1906. •54^92 Shenstone, W. A. Justus von Liebig, his life and work (1803-1873). Lond. 1895. •54092 Thorpe, Sir T. E. Humphry Davy. Lond. 1896. •54092 Sir Henry Enfield Eoscoe. Lond. 1916. •54092 Tilden, Sir W. A. Famous chemists. Lond. 1921. •54092 Sir William Ramsay. Lond. 1918. 101 •54 CHEMISTRY •54092 Vallery-Radot, R. Life of -Pasteur. 2 vols. Lond. 1911. •54:51 Mellor, J. W. Higher mathematics for students of chemistry and physics. Lond. 1905. *54'S8 Ritsema, I. C. and Sack, J. Index phytochemicus. Amst. 1906, •541 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. •541 Bigelow, S. L. Theoretical and physical chemistry. New York 1919. •541 Cohen, E. Physical chemistry. Lond. 1903. •541 De venter, C. M. van. Physical chemistry for be- ginners. Lond. [1898]. •541 Ewell, A. W. Text-book of physical chemistry. Lond. 1910. •541 Findlay, A. Physical chemistry and its applications. Lond. 1905. •541 Practical physical chemistry. Lond. 1914. •541 Freund, I. Study of chemical composition. Camb. 1904. •541 Qetman, F. H. Outlines of theoretical chemistry. New York 1918. •541 Gray, F. W. Manual of practical physical chemistry. Lond-. 1914. •541 Hoff, J. li. van't. Lectures on theoretical and physical chemistry. 3 vols. Lond. [1898-99]. •541 Ozeanische Salzablagerungen, etc. Leip. 1912 •541 Physical chemistry in the service of the sciences Chicago 1903. •541 Jones, H. C. Elements of physical chemistry. New York 1903. •541 Kiister, F. W. and Thiel, A. Lehrbuch der allge- meinen, physikalischen und theoretischen Chemie. Vol. l-> Heidelb. 1913-> •541 Lewis, W. C. M. System of physical chemistry. 3 vols. Lond. 1918-19. 102 •54 CHEMISTRY •541 Ley, H. Die Beziehungen zwischen Farbe tind Konsti- tution bei organischen Verbindungen. Leip. 1911. •541 Nernst, W. Theoretical chemistry. Lond. 1916. •541 Ostwald, W. Grundriss der allgemeinen Ghemie. Leip. 1899. •541 Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Ghemie. Vol. l-> Leip. 1910-> •541 Solutions. . Lond. 1891. •541 Philip, J. C. Physical chemistry. Lond. 1913. •541 Prideaux, E. B. R. Theory and use of indicators. Lond. 1917. •541 Pring, J. N. Laboratory exercises in physical chemistry. Manch. 1911. •541 Rotti, W. A. Exercises in physical chemistry. Lond. 1909. •541 Traube, J. Physico-chemical methods. Philad. 1898. •541 Walker, J. Introduction to physical chemistry. Lond. 1899. •541 Wurtz, A. Introduction a I'etude de la chimie. Paris 1885. •54104 Richards, T. W., and Forbes, Q. S. Energy changes involved in the dilution of zinc and cadmium amalgams. Wash. 1906. •54111 THERMOCHEMISTRY. •541 n Berthelot, M. Traits pratique de calorim^trie chi- mique. Paris [1893]. •541 1 1 Duhem, P. Thermodynamics and chemistry. New York 1903. •541 1 1 Haber, F. Thermodynamics of technical gas-reactions. Lond. 1908. •541 1 1 Kremann, R. Ueber die Anwendung der thermischen Analyse. Stuttg. 1909. •541 1 1 Laar, J. J. van. Sechs Vortrage liber das thermodyna- mische Potential. Braunsch. 1906. •541 1 1 Die Thermodynamik in der Ghemie. Amst. 1893. 103 •54 CHEMISTRY •54T11 Muir, M. M. P., and Wilspn, D. M. Elements of thermal chemistry. Lond. 1885. •541 11 Nernst, W. Experimental and theoretical applications of thermodynamics to chemistry. New York 1907. •541 1 1 Thomsen, J. Thermochemistry. Lond. 1908. •541 1 1 Waals, J. D. van der. Lehrbuch der Thermodynamik. Bearbeitet von P. Kohnstamm. 2 vols. Leip. [1908]-12. •54112 MECHANICAL CHEMISTRY. •541 1 2 Clibbens, D. A. The Principles of the phase theory. Lond. 1920. •54T12 Findlay, A. Phase rule and its applications. With Introd. to study of physical chemistry by Sir W. Eamsay. Lond. 1904. •541 1 2 Herz, W. Der Verteilungssatz. Stuttg. 1909. "541 T 2 Hoff, J. H. van*t, and Cohen, E. Studies in chemical dynamics. Amst. 1896. •541 1 2 Mellor, J. W. Chemical statics and dynamics. Lond. 1904. •541 1 2 Michaelis, L. The Dynamics of surfaces. Lond. 1914. •541 1 2 Rideal, E. K., and Taylor, H. S. Catalysis in theory and practice. Lond. 1919. •541 1 2 Willows, R. S., and Hatschek, E. Surface tension and surface energy. Lond. 1919. •541 12 Sabatier, P. La Catalyse en chimii organique. : 547 Paris 1913. •54113 ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY. •541 13 Allmand, A. J. Principles of applied electrochemistry. Lond. 1912. '541^3 Arrhenius, S. Text-book of electrochemistry. Lond. 1902. •541 13 Carrara, G. Elektrochemie der nichtwassrigen Lo- sungen. Stuttg. 1908. •54113 Jahn, H. Grundriss der Elektrochemie. Wien 1895. 104 •54 CHEMISTRY *54i 13 Jones, H. C. Electrical conductivity of salts and organic acids. Wash. 1912. 541 13 Jones, H. C, and others. Conductivities and viscosities in pure and in mixed solvents. Wash. 1915. •541 13 Conductivity and viscosity in mixed solvents. Wash. 1907. •541 13 Laar, J. J. van. Lehrbuch der theoretischen Elektro- chemie auf thermodynamischer Grundlage. Leip. 1907. •54113 Le Blanc, M. Lehrbuch der Elektrochemie. Leip. 1903. ■541 13 Lehfeldt, R. A. Electro-chemistry. Pt. 1-^ Lond. 1904-> •541 13 Lorenz, R., and Kaufler, F. Elektrochemie gesch- molzener Salze. Leip. 1909. 541 13 Liipke, R. Grundziige der Elektrochemie. Berl. 1903. •54113 Minet, A. L'Electro-chimie. Paris [1898]. •541 13 Ostwald, W. Elektrochemie. Leip. 1896. •541 13 Perkin, F. M. Methods of electro-chemistry. Lond. 1905. •541 13 Richards, T. W. Electrochemical investigation of liquid amalgams of thallium, etc. Wash. 1909. •541 13 Smith, E. F. Electro-analysis. Lond. 1912. •5411306(73) American electrochemical society. Trans. Vol. U-> South Bethlehem, Pa. 1908-> •54114 COLLOID CHEMISTRY. •541 14 Bancroft, W. D. Applied colloid chemistry. New York 1921. •54114 Freundlich, H. Kapillarchemie : eine Darstellung der Chemie der KoUoide. Leip. 1909. •541 14 Hatschek, E. Introduction to the physics and chemistry of colloids. Lond. 1916. •541 14 Laboratory manual of elementary colloid chem- istry. Lond. 1920. •541 14 Ostwald, W. Grundriss der KoUoidchemie. Dresden 1909. 105 •54 CHEMISTRY •541 14 Svedberg, T. Die Methoden zur Herstellung kolloider Losungen anorganischer Sfoffe. Dresden 1909. •541 14 Taylor, W. W. Chemistry of colloids and some technical applications. Lond. 1915. •541 14 Zsigmondy, R. Colloids and the ultramicroscope. New York 1909. •541 1405 Kolloid-Zeitschrift. K. Zeitschrift fiir Chemie und Industrie der KoUoide. Vols. 1-12. Dresden 1906-13. Kolloid-Zeitschrift. Vol. 13-> Dresden 1913-> •541 1405 Kolloidchemische Beihefte. (Erganzungshefte zur K.B. Kolloid-Zeitschrift.) Vol. 12-> Dresden 1920-» •54114:61 Bechhold, H. Colloids in biology and medicine. New York 1919. •541 14 : 61 Kolloide in Biologie und Medizin. Dresden 1920- "541 14 : 61 Searle, A. B. Colloids in health and disease. Lond. 1920. •5412 ATOMICS. •5412 Baxter, G. P. Atomic weights of cadmium, etc. Wash. 1910. •5412 Friend, J. N. Theory of valency. Lond. 1909. •5412 Kuenen, J. P. Zustandsgleichung der Gase und Fliissigkeiten und die Kontinuitatstheorie. Braunsch. 1907. /. *54i2 Morley, E. W. Densities of oxygen and hydrogen and ratio of their atomic weights. "Wash. 1895. •5412 Perrin, J. Atoms. Lond. 1916. •5412 Richards, T. W. Compressibilities of elements. Wash. 1907. •5412 Further researches on atomic weights. Wash. 1907. •5412 Richards, T. W., and Wells, R. C. Eevision of the atomic weights of sodium and chlorine. Wash. 1905. •5412 Richards, T. W., and Willard, H. H. Determinations of atomic weights. Wash. 1910. 106 •54 CHEMISTRY •5412 Roscoe, Sir H. E., and Harden, A. New view of origin of Dalton's atomic theory. Lond. 1896. •5412 Smith, E. F., and Van Haagen, W. K. Atomic weights of boron and fluorine. Wash. 1918. /. -5412 Stas, J. S. Nouvelles recherches sur les lois des pro- portions chimiques, sur les poids atomiques et leurs rapports mutuels. [1865.] •5412 Wurtz, A. The Atomic theory. Lond. 1880. •5412 Young, S. Stoichiometry. Lond. 1908. •54121 RADIOACTIVITY. •541 2 1 Barus, C. Condensation of vapor as induced by nuclei and ions. Wash. 1907. •541 2 1 Nucleation of the uncontaminated atmosphere. Wash. 1906. •541 2 1 Battelli, A., a7id others. La Radioactivity. Geneve [1910]. •541 2 1 Blondlot, R. " N " rays. Lond. 1905. •541 2 1 Bragg, W. H. Studies in radioactivity. Lond. 1912. •541 21 Congr^s international pour l*etude de la radiologic, Li^ge, 1905. Comptes rendus. Paris 1906. •541 2 1 Crowther, J. A. Ions, electrons, and ionizing radia- tions. Lond. 1919. •541 2 1 Curie, M. S., Madame. Recherches sur les substances radioactives. Paris 1904. •541 2 1 Traite de radioactivity. 2 vols. Paris 1910. •54121 D'AIbe, E. E. F. The Electron theory. Lond. 1909. •541 2 1 liofmann, K. Die Radioactiven Stoffe. Leip. 1903. •541 21 Kaye, G. W. C. X rays. Lond. 1914. •5412 1 Laborde, A. Methodes de mesure employees en radio- activite. Paris [1911]. •541 2 1 Lenard, P. Uber Kathodenstrahlen. Leip. 1906. •5412 1 Makower, W., and Geiger, H. Practical measure- ments in radio-activity. Lond. 1912. 107 •54 CHEMISTRY "541 21 Ri^rhi, A. La Materia radiante e i raggi magnetici. Bologna 1910. •541 2 1 -^ — Modern theory of physical phenomena: radio- activity, ions, electrons. New York 1904. •541 2 1 Rutherford, E. Eadioactive substances and their radiations. Camb. 1913. •541 2 1 Radioactive transformations. New York 1906. •541 2 1 Radio-activity. Camb. 1904. •541 2 1 Soddy, F. Interpretation of radium. Lond. 1920. •541 2 1 Radio-activity. Lond. 1904. •541 21 Strutt, R. J. The Becquerel rays and the properties of radium. Lond. 1904. •541 2 1 Villard, P. Les Rayons c&thodiques. [Paris 1900.] •541 2 1 Wendell, L. The Systematic development of X-ray : 77 plates and films. Lond. 1920. •5413 AFFINITY. •5413 Quldberg:, C. M., and Waage, P. Etudes sur les affinit^s chimiques. Christiania 1867. ^5413 Lunden, H. Afi&nitatsmessungen an schwachen Sauren und Basen. Stuttg. 1908. •5413 Sackur, O. Die Chemische Affinitat und ihre Messung. Braunsch. 1808. •5416 STEREO-CHEMISTRY. *54i6 Auwers, K. Die Entwicklung der Stereochemie. Heidelb. 1890. •5416 Bischoff, C. A. Handbuch der Stereochemie. Hrsg. C. A. B. Frankfurt a. M. 1894. '5416 Freundler, P. La Ster6ochimie. Paris [1899]. •5416 Hantzsch, A. Grundriss der Stereochemie. Breslau 1893. •5416 Hoff, J. H. van't. Chemistry in space. Oxf. 1891. •5416 Die Lagerung der Atome im Raume. Braunsch. 1908. •5416 Meyerhoffer, W. Gleichgewichte der Stereomeren. Leip. 1906. 108 •54 CHEMISTRY •5416 Ryn, W. van. Die Stereochemie des Stickstoffs. Zurich 1897. •5416 Stewart, A. W. Stereochemistry. Lond. 1907. •5416 Wedekind, E. Die Entwicklung der Stereochemie des fiinfwertigen Stickstoffs im letzten Jahrzehnt. Stuttg. 1909. •5417 Meyer, J. Die Allotropie der chemischen Elemente. Stuttg. 1910. •5418 SOLUBILITY. •5418 Arrhenius, S. Theories of solutions. New Haven 1912. •5418 Davis, P. B. Studies on solution in its relation to light absorption, conductivity, etc. Compiled by P. B. Davis. Wash. 1918. •5418 Jones, H. C. Freezing-point lowering of solutions of certain electrolytes in water, etc. Wash. 1913. •5418 Jones, H. C, and Anderson, J. A. Absorption spectra of solutions of certain salts of cobalt, etc. Wash. 1909. •5418 Jones, H. C, and Guy, J. S. Absorption spectra of solutions as affected by temperature. Wash. 1913. •5418 Jones, H. C, and Strong, W. W. Absorption spectra of solutions of rare salts. Wash. 1911. •5418 Study of the absorption spectra. Wash. 1910. •5418 Jones, H. C, and others. Absorption spectra of solu- tions as studied by means of the radiomicrometer. Wash. 1915. •5418 Hydrates in aqueous solution. Wash. 1907. •5418 Morse, H. N. Osmotic pressure of aqueous solutions. Wash. 1914. •5418 Walden, P. Die Losungstheorien in ihrer geschicht- lichen Aufeinanderfolge. Stuttg. 1910. •5419 TABLES. /. '5419 Carnelley, T. Melting and boiling point tables. 2 vols. Lond. 1885-87. 109 •54 CHEMISTRY •5419 Evans, J. Castell-. Physico-chemical tables. Vol. l-> Lond. 1902-> •5419 Landolt, H., and Bornstein, R. Physikalisch-chemi- sche Tabellen. Berl. 1905. •542 PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. •542 Newth, G. S. Elementary practical chemistry. Lond. 1904. •5424 Young, S. Fractional distillation. Lond. 1903. •5427 Travers, M. W. Experimental study of gases. Lond. 1901. •54274 Barus, C. Diffusion of gases through liquids. Wash. 1913. /. "54279 Claude, Q. Liquid air, oxygen, nitrogen. Lond. 1913. •5428 Moissan, H. Le Four electrique. Paris 1897. •5428 Thomson, Sir J. J. Bays of positive electricity and their application to chemical analyses. Lond. 1913. •543 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. •543 Chesneau, M. Q. Methods of analytical chemistry. * New York 1910. *543 Crookes, Sir W. Select methods in chemical analysis. Lond. 1906. •543 Hempel, W. Methods of gas analysis. New York 1902. •543 Krauch, C. Testing of chemical reagents for purity. Lond. [1902]. •543 Menschutkin, H. Analytical chemistry. Lond. 1903. •543 Merck, E. Priifung der chemischen Eeagenzien auf Eeinheit. Darmstadt 1912. •543 Muter, J. Manual of analytical chemistry. . Lond. 1903. •543 Plattner, C. F. Manual of qualitative and quantitative analysis with the blowpipe. New York 1902. '543 Treadwell, F. P. Analytical chemistry. 2 vols. New York 1905. '543 Wright, A. C. Analysis of oils and allied substances. Lond. 1903. IIO •54 CHEMISTRY •54301 Ostwald, W. Scientific foundations of analytical chem- istry. Lond. 1900. •543:612 Hoppe-Seyler, F. Handbuch der physiologisch- und pathologisch-chemischen Analyse. Bearbeitet von H. Thierfelder. Berl. 1903. •5431 Konigf, J. Chemie der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Vol. l->. Berl. 1882-> •5431 Blyth, A. W. Foods, their composition and analysis. :6i32 Lond. 1896. •5431 Robinson, H. M., and Cribb, C. Law and chemistry : 6132 of food and drugs. Lond. 1895. •5433 Frankland, E. Water analysis for sanitary purposes. Lond. 1890. *5433 Mason, W. P. Examination of water. New York 1903. '5433 Wanklyn, J. A., and Chapman, E. T. Water analysis. Lond. 1889. •5433(794) Mitchell, J. P. Normal constituents of potable water of San Francisco peninsula. Stanford Univ. 1910. '5436 Behrens, H. Manual of microchemical analysis. Lond. 1894. •5436 Washington, H. S. Manual of the chemical analysis of rocks. New York 1910. '5437 Wanklyn, J. A., and Cooper, W. J. Air analysis. Lond. 1890. •544 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. •5446 Spectbum Analysis. -5446 Baly, E. C. C. Spectroscopy. Lond. 1905. •5446 Coblentz, W. W. Investigations of infra-red spectra. Pt. l-> Wash. 1905-^ •5446 Kayser, H. Handbuch der Spectroscopie. Vol. 1-^ Leip. 1900-> •5446 Neculcea, E. Spectres ultraviolets d'^tincelles oscil- lantes. Paris 1908. •5446 Roscoe, Sir H. E. Spectrum analysis. ^ Lond. 1885. Ill •54 CHEMISTRY •5446 Uhler, H. S. and Wood, R. W. Atlas of absorption spectra. '? Wash. 1907. •5446 Watts, W. M. Index of spectra. , Lond. 1872. •5446 (Appendix B-») Manch. 1889-^ •5446 Introduction to the study of spectrum analysis. Lond. 1904. •545 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. •545 Cumming:, A. C, and Kay, S. A. Text-book of quan- titative chemical analysis. Lond. 1919. •545 Stillman, T. B. Engineering chemistry. Easton, Pa. 1910. '545 '5326 Goppelsroeder, F. Neue capillar- und capillaranaly- tische Untersuchungen. Basel 1907. '5453 Clark, W. M. The Determination of hydrogen ions. Baltimore 1920. '5453 Classen, A. Quantitative chemical analysis by electro- lysis. New York 1903. '5453 Neumann, B. Theory and practice of electrolytic methods of analysis. Lond. 1898. '5455 Cohn, A. I. Indicators and test-papers. New York 1902. '5455 Mohr, F. Lehrbuch der chemisch-analytischen Titrir- methode. Hrsg. A. Classen. Braunsch. 1896. '5455 Russell, J. B., and Bell, A. H. Notes on volumetric analysis. Lond. 1905. '5455 Sutton, F. Systematic handbook of volumetric analysis. Lond. 1900. ■546 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. •546 Arendt, R. Technik der anorganischen Experimental- chemie. Hamb. 1910. ■546 Browning, P. E. Introduction to the rarer elements. New York 1917. ■546 Leng^field, F. Inorganic chemical preparations. New York 1899. 112 •54 CHEMISTRY •54002 Abeggf, R. Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. Vol. l-> Leip. 1905-> •54602 Caven, R. M., and Lander, Q. D. Systematic in- organic chemistry. Lond. 1906. '54602 Dammer, O. Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. 4 vols. Stuttg. 1892-1903. •54602 Gmelin, L., and Kraut, K. Handbuch der anorgan- ischen Chemie. Vol. l-> Heidelb. 1906-> •54602 Lewes, V. B. Inorganic chemistry. Lond. [1903]. •54602 Mellor, J. W. Modern inorganic chemistry. Lond. 1920. •54602 Mendeleeff, D. Principles of chemistry. 2 vols. Lond. 1891. •54602 Newth, Q. S. Text-book of inorganic chemistry. Lond. 1905. "54602 Ostwald, W. Principles of inorganic chemistry. Lond. 1902. •54602 Parting^ton, J. R. Text-book of inorganic chemistry for university students. Lond. 1921. •54602 Remsen, I. Inorganic chemistry. Lond. 1889- •54602 Richter, V. von. Text-book of inorganic chemistry. Philad. 1903. •54602 Senter, G. Text-book of inorganic chemistry. Lond. [1911]. •54602 Smith, A. Introduction to general inorganic chemistry. New York 1906. •54603 Hoffmann, M. K. Lexikon der anorganischen Verbin- dungen. [German, English, etc.] Vol. l-> Leip. 1910-^ •54604 Levy, S. I. The Rare earths, etc. Lond. 1915. •54604 Smith, J. H. Recent discoveries in inorganic chem- istry. Camb. 1919. •54604 Werner, A. New ideas on inorganic chemistry. Lond. 1911. 113 8 •54 CHEMISTKY •5461 NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS. •54616 Moissan, H. Le Fluor et ses composes. Paris 1900. •54617 Norton, T. H. Utilization of atmospheric nitrogen. Wash. 1912. •54626 Le Chatelier, H. Lecons sur le carbone. Paris 1908. •5463 METALLIC ELEMENTS. •5463 Desch, C. H. Metallography. Lond. 1910. •5463 Janecke, E. Summary of alloys. [n. p. or d.] •54645 Parsons, C. L. Chemistry and literature of beryllium. Lond. [1909]. •547 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. •547 Elbs, K. Die Synthetischen Darstellungsmethoden der Kohlenstotf-Verbindungen. 2 vols. Leip. 1889-91. •547 Gattermann, L. Practical methods of organic chem- istry. New York 1903. •547 Lachman, A. Spirit of organic chemistry, an introduc- tion to the current literature. New York 1904. •547 Meldola, R. Chemical synthesis of vital products and the inter-relations between organic compou;ids. Vol. l-> Lond. 1904-^ Bef.-^4']02 Beilstein, F. Handbuch der organischen Chemie. 4 vols. Hamb. 1893-99. Suppl. 5 vols. Hamb. 1901-06. •54702 Bunge, Q. von. Text-book of organic chemistry. Lond. 1907. •54702 Cohen, J. B. Organic chemistry for advanced students. 3 pts. Lond. 1920. •54702 Freundler, P., and Marquis, R. Manuel de travaux pratiques de chimie organique. Paris 1908. •54702 Haskins, H. D., and Macleod, J. J. R. Organic chem- istry. New York 1907. •54702 Keane, C. A. Modern organic chemistry. Lond. 1909. •54702 Lassar=Cohn, . Laboratory manual of organic chem- istry. Lond. 1896. 114 •54 CHEMISTRY •54702 Noyes, W. A. Text-book of organic chemistry. New York 1903. •54702 Perkin, W. H., and Kipping^, F. S. Organic chemistry. 2 vols. Lond. 1902-04. •54702 Richter, V. von. Organic chemistry. 2 vols. Ed. R. Anschlitz. Lond. 1902-03. •54702 Weyl, T. Die Methoden der organischen Chemie. Hrsg. von T. W. 2 vols. Leip. 1909-11. Bef. "54703 Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Literatur- Regis - Ric 3 ter der organischen Chemie, geordnet nach M. M. Richters Formel sj-stem. Hrsg. von der Deiitschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Vol. l-> Braunsch. 1913-> Bef. '54703 Richter, M. M. Lexikon der Kohlenstoff-Verbin- dungen. 4 vols. Hamb. 1910-12. •54704 Henrich, F. Neuere theoretische Anschauungen auf dem Gebiete der organischen Chemie. Braunsch. 1908. •54704 Japp, F. R. Researches in organic chemistry. By F. R. Japp, W. Maitland, J. Knox, and J. Wood. Abd. 1904. •54704 Stewart, A. W. Recent advances in organic chem- istry. Lond. 1918. '54707 Fischer, E. Exercises in the preparation of organic compounds. Glasg. 1889. •54709 Schorlemmer, C. Rise and development of organic chemistry. Lond. 1894. *547 Moser, A. Die Elektrolytischen Prozesse der organis- : 541 13 chen Chemie. Halle a. S. 1910. *547'57 Frankel, S. Descriptive Biochemie. Wiesbaden 1907. "547-57 Qautier, A. Lecons de chimie biologique. Publiees avec la collaboration de M. Arthus. Paris 1897. '547 -57 Schryver, S. B. Introduction to the study of biological chemistry. Lond. •5471 Moissan, H. Serie du cyanogene. Paris 1882. •5472 lieusler, F. Chemistry of the terpenes Lond. 1902. 115 •54 CHEMISTRY •54723 ^ Lewes, V. B. Acetylene. Westm. 1900. •54744 Qrossmann, J. Ammonia and its compounds. Lond. 1906. •54744 Maxted, E. B. Ammonia and the nitrides. Lond. 1921. •54752 Orloff, J. E. Formaldehyd. Leip. 1909. •54778 Robertson, T. B. Physical chemistry of the proteins. New York 1918. •547786 Fischer, E. Untersuchungen iiber Aminosauren, Poly- peptide und Proteine, 1899-1906. Berl. 1906. •547786 Mann, Q. Chemistry of the proteids. Based on O. Cohnheim's " Chemie der Eiweisskorper ". Lond. 1906. •547786 Scherer, R. Casein, its preparation and technical utilisation. Lond. 1911. •547786 Schryver, S. B. Chemistry of the albumens. Lond. 1906. •5478 Sidgwick, N. V. Organic chemistry of nitrogen. Oxf. 1910. '54793 Wren, H. Organometallic compounds of zinc and matjnesium. Lond. 1913. 116 ■548 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY. •548 Fock, A. Introduction to chemical crystallography. Oxf. 1895. •548 Schenck, R. Kristallinische Fliissigkeiten und fliissige Kristalle. Leip. 1905. •548 Smiles, S. Chemical constitution and some physical properties. Lond. 1910. •548 Tutton, A. E. H. Crystalline structure and chemical constitution. Lond. 1910. •548 Vorlander, D. Kristallinisch-flllssige Substanzen. Stuttg. 1908. •54802 Groth, P. Optical properties of crystals. New York 1910. •54802 Physikalische Krystallographie. Leip. 1885. •54802 Lewis, W. J. Treatise on crystallography. Camb. 1899. •54802 Maskelyne, N. Story-. Crystallography. Oxf. 1895. •54802 Tutton, A. E..H. Crystallography and practical crystal measurement. Lond. 1911. •54802 Williams, G. H. Elements of cryst illography. Lond. 1890. •54803 Goldschmidt, V. -Index der Krystallformen der Miner- alien. 3 vols. Berl. 1886-91. •548082 Sella, Q. Abhandlungen zur Kristallographie. Ost I Leip. 1906. /. 548084 Goldschmidt, V. Atlas der Krystallformen. Vol. l-> Heidelb. 1913-> •5485 Bragg, W. H., and W. L. X-rays and crystal struc- ture. Lond. 1915. •5488 Liebisch, T. Grundriss der physikalischen Krystallo- graphie. Leip. 1896. •5489 Buchwald, E. Einfuhrung in die Kristalloptik. Berl. 1920. 117 ■549 MINERALOGY. •549 Brauns, R. The Mineral kingdom. Esslingen 1912. •54902 Dana, E. S. First appendix to Dana's System of miner- alogy. New York 1899. •54902 Dana, J. D. System of mineralogy. Ed. E. S. Dana. New York 1896. /. 54902 Felix, J. La Vie des mineraux. [Vol. 1 — Atlas.] 1910. •54902 Hintze, C. Handbnch der Mineralogie. Vol. l-> Leip. 1897-^ •54902 Kraus, E. H.,' and Hunt, W. F. Mineralogy. New York, 1920- /. 54902 Leteur, F. Traits elementaire de mineralogie pratique. Paris [1907]. •54902 Miers, H. A. Mineralogy. * Lond. 1902. •54902 Moses, A. J., and Parsons, C. L. Elements of miner- alogy, etc. New York 1916. •54902 Naumann, C. F. Elemente der Mineralogie. Erganzte Auflage von F. Zirkel. Leip. 1901. \ Nicol, J. Elements of mineralogy. Edin. 1873. •54902 Manual of mineralogy. Edin. 1873. •54902 Niggli, P. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie. Berl. 1920. '54902 Phillips, A. H. Mineralogy. New York 1912. •54902 Sommerfeldt, E. Praktikum der experimentellen Miner- alogie. Berl. 1911. •54902 Rudler, F. W. Handbook to a collection of minerals of (42) British Islands. Lond. 1905. '54903 Chester, A. H. Dictionary of names of minerals. New York 1896. 118 •549 MINERALOGY •54904 Brush, Q. J. Manual of determinative mineralogy. Enlarged by S. L. Penfield. New York 1896. •54904 Davy, W. M., and Farnham, C. M. Microscopic ex- amination of the ore minerals. New York 1920. •54904 Day, A. L. Isomorphism and thermal properties of the feldspars. Wash. 1905. •54904 Qoesel, J. Q. Minerals and metals. New York 1906. •54904 Iddin^s, J. P. Rock minerals. New York 1906. •54904 Johannsen, A. Key for the determination of rock- forming minerals. New York 1908. •54904 Louis, H. The Dressing of minerals. Lond. 1909. •54904 Merrill. Q. P. Non-metallic minerals. New York 1905. •54904 Moor, C. Q. The Recognition of minerals. Lond. •54904 Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. Tabellen zur Bes- timmung der Mineralien. Wiesbaden 1900. •54904 Tolman, C. F., and Rogers, A. F. Magmatic sulfid ores. Stanford Univ. 1916. •54905 PERIODICALS. •54905 c. Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologie und Palae- ontologie. Vol. l-> Stuttg. 1900-> '54905 JM. Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. 1861-> Stuttg. 1861-> •54905 J.M. Beilage-Band. l-> Stuttg. 1881-> •54906 M. Mineralogical Society. Mineralogical magazine and journal. Vol. l-> Lond. 1877-> •016: J 4g Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific literature. Mineralogy. [1901]-> Lond. 1903-> •549() REGIONAL MINERALOGY. '549 (^) Spencer, L. J. The World's minerals. Lond. [191 . ]. •549 (00 ) Stokes, R. S. Q. Mines and minerals of the British Empire. Lond. 1908. •549 (41) Meddle, M. F. Mineralogy of Scotland. Vol. l-> Edin. 1901-> 119 •549 MINERALOGY •549 (44) Lacroix, A. Mineralogie.^de la France et de -es colonies. 2 vols. ' Paris 1893-97. ■549(51) Wang, Chun^ Yu. Bibliography of mineral wealth, etc., of China. Lond. 1912. ■549 (67) Moore, C. W., anid Wiimer, W. H. C. Minerals of S. Africa. Johannesburg 1893. ■549(71) Canada — Munition resources commission. Final re- port of the work of the commission, November, 1915, to March, 1919. Toronto 1920- •549 Calvert, A. F. Mineral resources of Minas Geraes, (8 1 1 6) Brazil. Lond. 1915. •55 GEOLOGY. •5501 Mutton, C. J. Theory of the earth. 3 vols. Edin., Lond. 1795-1899. -5501 Launay, L. de. La Science geologique. Paris 1905. •5501 Lyell, Sir- C. Principles of geology. 2 vols. Lond. 1875. ^5501 Playfair, J. Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth. Edin. 1802. *55oi Ratzel, F. Die Erde und das Leben 2 vols. Leip. 1901-02. ^5501 Robin, A. La Terre. Paris *55oi Walther, J. Geschichte der Erde und des Lebens. Leip. 1908. -5502 Chamberlin, T. C, and Salisbury, R. D. Geology. 3 vols. Lond. 1909. '5502 Qeikie, Sir A. Class-book of geology. Lond. 1886. •5502 Text-book of geology. 2 vols. Lond. 1903. •5502 Geikie, J. Outlines of geology. Lond. 1886. •5502 Guede, H. La G6ologie. Paris •5502 Haug, E. Traite de geologie. 2 vols. Paris 1907-11. •5502 Lake, P., and Rastall, R. H. Textbook of geology. Lond. 1920. •5502 Lapworth, C. Intermediate text-book of geology. Edin. 1899. *5502 Neumayr, M. Erdgeschichte. 2 vols. Leip. 1887. ^ Nicol, J. Catechism of geology. Edin. 1855. •5502 Prestwich, J. Geology, chemical, physical, and strati- graphical. 2 vols. Oxf. 1886-88. -5502 Roberts, R. D. Introduction to modern geology. Lond. 1893. 121 •55 GEOLOGY •5502 Schwarz, H. E. L. Causal geology. Lond. 1910. -^^/•'55o3 Kenngott, A. Handworterbuch der Mineralogie, Ge- ologie und Palaeontologie. 3 vols. Breslau 1882-87. '5504 Geikie, Sir A. Geological sketches at home and abroad. Lond. 1882. •5504 Types of scenery and their influence on literature. Lond. 1898. '5504 Geikie, J. Fragments of earth lore. Edin. 1893. '5504 Paulcke, W. Das Experiment in der Geologie. Berl. 1912. •5504 Prestwich, J. Collected papers on controverted ques- tions of geology. Lond. 1895. •5504 SoIIas, W. J. The Age of the earth. Lond. 1908. •5505 PERIODICALS. •5505 M. Geological magazine. Vol. 1~> Lond. 1864-> '5505 J- Journal of geology. Vol. l-> Chicago 1893-^ •5506 SOCIETIES. •5506 G.j.c. Geological society of London. Centenary, Sept.- Oct., 1907. Lond. 1909. •5506 G.J. Geological literature added to library. Lists, 1873/74-^. [A2)pendix to Journal.] •5506 G.J. Proc. Vols. 1-3. Lond. [1833J-42. •5506 G.J. Quarterly Journal. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1845-» •5506 G.T. Trans. Vols. 1-5; Ser. XL, vols. 1-7. Lond. 1811-56. •5506 History of the Geological society of London. By Ge.w. H. B. Woodward. Lond. 1908. •5506 G. A. Geologists' association. Proc. Vol. l-> Lond. 1865-^ •5506 Geological society of Glasgow. Trans. Vol. l-> (4143) Glasg. 1868-> •5506(4143) Macnair, P., and Mort, F. History of the Geological Mac. Society of Glasgow, 1858-1908. Glasg. 1908. 122 •55 GEOLOGY •5506(4143) Glasgow University — Geological Department, G.u. Papers. Vol. l-> Glasg. 1915-> •5506 Edinburgh geological society. Trans. Vol. l-> (4144) Edin. 1870-> •5506(42) Geological survey. Memoirs. 1846^ Lond. 1846-> •5506(52) T6hoku University. Science reports. Ser. II. (Geo- T.u. logy). Vol. l-» [Sendai] 1914-> •5506 Union of South Africa — Mines department. Eeports. (682) 1909-> Pretoria 1910-» •5506 Cape of Good Hope — Department of Mines. Geo- (687) logical commission. Eeports. [2]-> Cape Town 1898-> ■5506(71) Canada — Department of mines — Geological survey. G.M.c Catalogue of publications. Ottawa 1909-> •5506(71) Guidebooks. l-> Ottawa 1913-> G.G. •5506(71) Memoirs. l-> Ottawa 1910-> G.M. •5506(71) • Prospector's handbook. l-> G.p. Ottawa 1914-> •5506(71) Canada — Department of mines — Mines. Bulletins. M.B. l-> Ottawa 1909-> •5506(71) • Catalogue of publications. 1907/11. M.p.c. Ottawa 1912. •5506(71) [Publications.] 1907-^ M.p. ' Ottawa 1908->- •5506(71) Report of mineral production of Canada. M.R. 1906^ Ottawa 1909-> •5506(71) Canada — Geological survey. Reports. 1853-57, G.R. 1863-84; n.s. 1885-^ Toronto 1857-» •5506(73)6. United States — Geological survey. Bulletins. 218-> "Wash. 1903-> •55o6(73)m. Mineral resources. 1902-^ Wash. 1904-> •5506(73)^0. Monographs. 15,22,46-^ Wash. 1889-> •5506(73)?. Professional papers. 9-> Wash. 1903-> '55o6(73)pu. Publications. N.S. l-> Wash. 1912^ 123 •55 GEOLOGY *55o6(73)r. United States — Geological^ survey. Reports. l-> Wash. 1880-> •55o6(73)\v. Water supply papers. 80-> Wash. 1903-> •5506 Iowa — Geological survey. Reports. l-> (777) K. Des Moines 1893-> •5506 California University publications. Geology. Vol. (794) c.u. l-> Berkeley 1896-^ ^5506 New Zealand — Geological Survey. Bulletins. N.S. (931) l-» Wellington 1906-> •5506 New South Wales — Department of mines. Reports. (944) M. 1877-> Sydney 1878-> /. '5506 Victoria — Geological survey. Memoirs. 4-> (945) M. Melbourne [1907] -> •5507 METHODS OF STUDY. '55°7 Cole, G. A. J. Aids in practical geologj*. Lond. 1902. •5507 Farrell, J. H. Practical field geologj'. New York 1912. '5507 Geikie, Sir A. Outlines of field geology. Lond. 1879. ■5507 Geikie, J. Structural and field geology. Edin. 1905. •5507 Keilhack, K. Lehrbuch der praktischen Geologie. Stuttg. 1896. •5507 Lahee, F. H. Field geology. Lond. 1916. •5507 Monckton, H. W., and Herries, R. S. Geology in the field. Lond. 1910. •5508 COLLECTIVE WORKS, ATLASES, ETC. '55081 Sheppard, T. Williana Smith, his maps and memoirs. Smi. S. Hull, 1920. *5 5084(4) Europe. Carte geologique Internationale de I'Europe. Pt. l-> Berl. 1894-> '55084 Reynolds, J. Geological atlas of Great Britain. (42) Lond. 1889. '55084 Woodward, H. Stanford's Geological atlas of Great (42) Britain. Lond, 1^904. -55084 United States — Geological survey. Geological atlas of (73) the United States. Pt. l-> Wash. 1894-> 124 •55 GEOLOGY •5509 HISTORY. ■5509 Zittel, K. A. von. History of geology and palaeontology. Lond. 1901. Bef.'oid Bibliogfraphia geologica. Par M. Mourlon. Serie ; 55 B.G. A. Publications anterieures a 1896. Vol. 1-^ Brux. 1899-> Bef. -Old [Serie B. 1896-^] Vol. l-> Brux. 1897-> •• S5 B.G. Bef. -Old Lavis, H. J. Johnston=. Bibliography of the geology ; SS121 and eruptive phenomena of the more important volcanoes of Southern Italy. Lond. 1918 '016 Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific ; S5 literature. Geology. [1901-^] Lond. 1903-> •55092 Qeikie, Hir A. Charles Darwin as geologist. Camb. 1909. •55092 Irons, J. C. Autobiographical sketch of James CrolL Lond. 1896. •55092 Lyell, S'/y C. Life. 2 vols. Lond. 1881. •55092 Newbigin, M. I., and Flett, J. S. James Geikie, the man and the geologist. Edin. 1917. •55() REGIONAL GEOLOGY. '55(^) Reed, F. R. C. Geology of British empire, Lond. 1921. •55(2343) Bonney, T. Q. The Building of the Alps. Lond. 1912. ■55(235) Burrard, Sir S. G., and Hayden, H. H. Geography and geology of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibet. Calcutta 1908. •55(26) Meunier, S. Histoire geologi'que de la mer. Paris 1917. •55(4) Qeikie, J. Prehistoric Europe. Lond. 1881. •55(41) Qeikie, ^ir A. Scenery of Scotland. Lond. 1901. •55(41) Macnair, P. Geology and scenery of the Grampians and the Valley of Strathmore. 2 vols. Glasg. 1908. ^ Nicol, J. Geology and scenery of the North of Scotland. Edin. 1866. 125 •55 GEOLOGY ^55(41) Nicol, J. Guide to geology of Scotland. Edin. 1844. •55(4114) Cadell, H. M. The Geology and scenery of Sutherland. Edin. 1896. •55(4117) MacCulloch, J. Description of -the western islands of Scotland. 3 vols. Lond. 1819. •55(4125) Bremner, A. Physical geology of the Dee valley. Abd. 1912. •55(4125) Physical geology of the Don basin. Abd. 1921. •5 5 (4 1 4) Murdoch, J. B. Geology and palaeontology of the Clyde drainage area. Ed. J. B. M. Glasg. 1904. "55(42) Avebury, Si?- J. Lubbock, 1st baron. Scenery of Eng- land. Lond. 1902. •55(42) Browne, A. J. Jukes=. The Building of the British Isles. Lond. 1911. "55(42) Ramsay, A. C. Physical geology and geography of Great Britain. Lond. 1894. •55(4235) Arber, E. A. N. The Coast scenery of North Devon. Lond. 1911. "55(4235) Browne, A. J. Jukes=. The Hills and valleys of Tor- quay. Torquay 1907. •55(4248) Lapworth, C. Sketch of the geology of the Birmingham district. Birmingham 1907. •55(4274) Sheppard, T. Geological rambles in East Yorkshire. Lond. •55(428) Marr, J. E. Geology of the Lake District. Camb. 1916. '55(43) Walther, J. Lehrbuch der Geologie von Deutschland. Leip. 1910. •55(4563) Washington, H. S. The Eoman comagmatic region. Wash. 1906. •55(494) Avebury, Sir J. Lubbock, Istharon. Scenery of Switzer- land. Lond. 1896. '55(5) Launay, L. de. La Geologie et les richesses minerales de I'Asie. Paris 1911. 126 •55 GEOLOGY '55(54) Medlicott, H. B., and Blanford, W. T. Geology of India. With atlas. Calcutta 1879. *55(54) Vredenburg, E. W. Geology of India. Calcutta 1910. •55(54) Wadia, D. N. Geology of India. Lond. 1919. 55(564) Bellamy, C. V., and Browne, A. J. Jukes-. Geology of Cyprus. Plymouth 1905. ^55(584) Pumpelly, R. Explorations in Turkestan, with an ac- count of the basin of Eastern Persia and Sistan. Expedition of 1903 under the direction of E. P. Wash. 1905. -55(669) Falconer, J. D. Geology and geography of Northern Nigeria. Lond. 1911. •55(68) Hatch, F. H., and Corstorphine, G. S. Geology of South Africa. Lond. 1905. •55(687) Rogers, A. W. Geology of Cape Colony. Lond. 1905. •55(7) Rice, W. N., mid others. Problems of American geology. New Haven 1915. •55(729) Vaughan, T. W. Contributions to the geology and paleontology of the West Indies. Wash. 1919. •55(8) Darwin, C. Geological observations on South America. Lond. 1846. *55(^^) Branner, J. C. Outlines of the geology of Brazil. [Eochester, N.Y. 1920.] '55(931) Park, J. Geology of New Zealand. Christchurch 1910. •55(942) Howchin, W. Geology of South Australia. Adelaide 1918. ■55: RELATION DIVISIONS. •55 Joly, J. Eadioactivity and geology. Lond. 1909. : 54121 '55^573 Kraemer, H. Weltall und Menschheit. Hrsg. H. K. 5 vols. Berl. [1902-04]. •55 Ries, H., and Watson, T. L. Engineering geology. : 622 1 1 New York 1914. 127 •55 GEOLOGY •551 PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. •551 liettner, A. Grundziige der Liinderkunde. Vol. l-> Leip. 1907-> ■55102 Green, A. H. Physical geology. Lond. 1882. •55104 Daubree, A. Etudes synthetiques de geologie experi- mentale. Paris 1879. •55104 Shaler, N. S. Sea and land. Lond. 1895. •5511 STRUCTURE QF EARTH. •55 1 1 Reade, T. M. Evolution of earth structure. Lond. 1903. •55 1 104 Gregory J. W. Nature and origin of fiords. Lond. 1913. •551 13 Fisher, O. Physics of the earth's crust. Lond. 1881. •5512 INTERNAL ACTION. •5512 Milne, J. Seismology. Lond. 1898. •551206 Association internationale de sismologie. Comptes- A.i. i-endus des seances de la troisieme reunion, Zermatt, 1909. Budapest 1910. '55 121 Anderson, T. Volcanic studies. Lond. 1903. •55 121 ■ 2nd ser. Lond. 1917. •55 1 21 Bonney, T. G. Volcanoes, their structure and signifi- cance. Lond. 1912. •55121 Darwin, C. Geological observations on the volcanic islands visited during the voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle ". Lond. 1844. •55 1 21 Idding^s, J. P. The Problem of volcanism. New^ Haven 1914. •55 121 Judd, J. W. Volcanoes, what they are and what they teach. Lond. 1893. •55 1 21 Geikie, Sij- A. Ancient volcanoes of Great Britain. (42) 2 vols. Lond. 1897. •55121 Scrope, G. P. Geology and extinct volcanoes of central (445) France. Lond. 1858. •55 12 1 Heilprin, A. Mont Pelee and the tragedy of Martinique. (729) Philad. 1905. 128 •55 GEOLO(jJY /. '55121 Lacroix, A. La Montagne Pelee et ses eruptions. (729J Paris 1904. •55 1 21 Symons, G. J. The Eruption of Krakatoa and subse- (92) quent phenomena. Ed. G. J. S. Lond. 1888. •55 121 Brigham, W. T. Volcanoes of Kilauea and Mauna Loa. (969) Honolulu 1909. ■55122 Knott, C. G. Physics of earthquake phenomena. Oxf. 1908. •55122 Milne, J. Earthquakes, and other earth movements. Lond. 1913. •55122 Montessus de Ballore, F. de. Les Tremblements de terre. Paris 1906. •55122 California eartfiquake investigation commission. (794) Report, 1906. 2 vols, and Atlas. Wash. 1908. '55123 Thorkelsson, T. Hot springs of Iceland. (491 1) K/jbenhavn 1910.. •5513 EXTERNAL ACTION. •55131 GLACIATION. •55 131 Bonney, T. G. Ice- work, past and present. Lond. 1896. •55 131 Forbes, J. D. Occasional papers on the theory of glaciers. Edin. 1859. '55^3 1 Hobbs, W. H. Characteristics of existing glaciers. New York 191L •55 131 Howorth, Sir H. H. The Glacial nightmare and the flood. 2 vols. Lond. 1893. •55 131 Ice or water. Vol. l-> Lond. 1905-> '55 131 Forbes, J. D. Travels through the Alps of Savoy and (494) other parts of the Pennine chain. With observations on the phenomena of glaciers. Map. Edin. 1843, '55131 Tyndali, J. Glaciers of the Alps. Lond. 1860. (494) ' - •55135 DEPOSITION AND EROSION. •55135 Ashton, W. The Evolution of a coast-line. Lond. 1920, •55135 Carey, A. E., and Oliver, F. W. Tidal lands : a study of shore problems. Lond. 1918. 129 9 •55 GEOLOGY '55135 Case, Q. O. Coast sand 4unes, sand spits, and sand wastes. Lond. 1914. ■55135 Chambers, R. Ancient sea-margins as memorials of changes in the relative level of sea and land. Edin. 1848. '55135 Cornish, V. Waves of sand and snow. Lond. [1914]. "55135 Johnson, D. W. Shore processes and shoreline de- velopment. ' New York 1919. '55135 Owens, J. S., and Case, Q. O. Coast erosion and foreshore protection. Lond. [1908]. •55135 Wheeler, W. H. The Sea-coast. Lond. 1903. '55135 Sheppard, T. Lost towns of Yorkshire coast. (4274) Lond. 1912. '55135 Gerhardt, P. Handbuch des deutschen Diinenbaues. (43) Berl. 1900. /• '55135 Brohm, Major. Helgoland in Geschichte und Sage. (43518) Cuxhaven 1907. ■5514 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. •5514 Berget, A. Physique du globe et meteorologie. Paris 1904. '5514 Davis, W. M. Geographical essays. Boston [Mass. 1909]. ■5514 Hobbs, W. H. Earth features and their meaning. New York 1912. •5514 Huxley, T. H. Physiography. Lond. 1878. •5514 Lake, P. Physical geography. Camb. 1915. •5514 Martonne, E. de. Traite de geographic physique. Paris 1909. •5514 Maury, M. F. Physical geography. New York [1908]. •5514 Mill, H. R. The Eealm of nature, an outline of physio- graphy. Lond. 1892. •5514 Penck, A. Morphologie der Erdoberflache. 2 vols. Stuttg. 1894. •5514 Reclus, E. New physical geography. 2 vols. Lond. 1888. 130 •55 GEOLOGY •5514 Salisbury, R. D. Physiography. New York 1919. •5514 Strachey, R. Lectures on geography. Lond. 1888- •5514 Suess, E. Face of the earth. Vol. 1-^ Oxf. 1904-^ •5514 Tarr, R. S. College physiography. New York 1918. '016 Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific : S5^4 literature. Geography. [1901-^] Lond. 1903-> •5514 Cadell, H. M. Story of the Forth. Glasg. 1913. (413) •5514 Blanford, H. F. Physical geography for use of Indian (54) schools. Lond. 1909. •55143 Qeikie, J. Mountains. Edin. 1913. •55143 Reade, T. M. Origin of mountain ranges. Lond. 1886. •55144 Knebel, W. von. Hohlenkunde. Braunsch. 1906. •55144 Broeck, E. van den. Les Cavernes et les rivieres (493) souterraines de la Belgique. 2 vols. Brux. 1910. '55145 Walther, J. Das Gesetz der Wiistenbildung. Leip. 1912. /. -55146 *' Beij^ica." Croisi^re oceanographique accomplie a bord de la Belgica dans la Mer du Gronland, 1905. Brux. 1907. •5 5 1 46 Chamberlin, T. C. , and others. Tidal and other problems. Wash. 1909. •55146 Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the sea. New York 1856. •55147 Canada — Department of naval service. Currents in entrance to St. Lawrence. Ottawa 1913. •551481 Friih, J., and Schroter, C. Die Moore der Schweiz. (494) Bern 1904. •551481(7) Russell, I. C. Lakes of North America. Boston [Mass.] 1894. •551482 Eiver development. Lond. 1909. ■5515 METEOROLOGY. A . Bain, A. Meteorology. ° Edin. 1849. •5515 BJerknes, V. Dynamic meteorology. 2 pts. and vol. of plates. Wash. 1910-11. 131 •55 1502 *55 1502 •55 1502 •55 '502 ■55 [502 •55^ [504 •551 504 •55 GEOLOGY Geddes, A. E. M. Meteorology. Lond. 1921. Hann, J. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. Leip. 1906. lienkel, F. W. Weather science. Lond. 1911. Moore, Sir J. W. Meteorology. Lond. 1910. Scott, R. H. Elementary meteorology. Lond. 1883.. Abercromby, R. Weather.. Lond. 1887. Bezold, W. von. Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus den Gebieten der Meteorologie und des Erdmagnetismus. Braunsch. 1906. •551504 Shaw, W. N. Forecasting weather. Lond. 1911. /• '55 1 504 ** Scotia.** Ice observation, etc. : report on work carried (261) out by the " Scotia," 1913. Lond. 1914. ■55^506 Meteorological committee. Eeports. 1867-75, M.C. 1893/4-^ Lond. 1868-> /• '551506 Meteorological Office. Geophysical memoirs. Vol. M.o.M. 1-5 Lond. 1914-^ •551506 Meteorological society, Royal. Meteorological record. M.R. 28 vols. Lond. 1882-1909. '551506 Quarterly journal. Vol. 2-^ Lond. 1875-^ M.J.J. '551506 Scottish meteorological society. Journal. N.S. (41) M.S. Vol. l-> Edin. 1866-> '551506 Turin University — Royal observatory. Osservazioni (45) T. meteorologiche. 1901-> Torino 1902-^ •551506 Norwegisches meteorologisches Institut. Jahrbuch. (48) N.M. 1874-76, 1885-5- Christiania 1877-^ '551506 Mysore. Meteorology in Mysore. [Report l]-> (54) M.M. Bangalore 1896-^ '551506 Canada — Meteorological service. Eeports. 1881-82, (71) M. 1884-90, 1895-^ Ottawa 1883-> 551507 Angot, A. Instructions meteorologiques. Paris 1903. /. 55 15084 Bartholomew, J. G., and Herbertson, A. J. Atlas of meteorology. Westm. 1899. '55^5084 Meteorological Office. The Weather map. Lond. 1916. 132 •55 GEOLOGY •551509 Waldo, F. Modern meteorology. Lond. 1893. •5515 Benedict, F. Q. Composition of the atmosphere, etc. :543 Wash. 1912. '55151 Brillouin, M. Memoires originaux sur la circulation de I'atmosphere — Halley, Hadley, Maury, etc. Ed. M. B. Paris 1900. '55 15 1 Ferrel, W. Popular treatise on the winds. New York 1893. '55156 Croll, J. Climate and time in their geological relations. Lond. [1875]. •55156 Hann, J. Handbook of climatology. New York 1903. '55 156 Handbuch der Klimatologie. Vol. l-> Stuttg. 1908-> •55156 Ward, R. de C. Climate, considered especially in re- lation to man. Lond. 1908. •55156(54) Blanford, H. F. Climates and weather of India, Ceylon, and Burmah. Lond. 1889. '55156(7) Huntington, E. Climatic factor in arid America. Wash. 1914. •55157 Clarke, G. A. Clouds. Lond. 1920. '55157 Clayden, A. W. Cloud studies. Lond. 1905. 5515705 Regenwaarnemingen in Nederlandsch= Indie. 1879- R. 85, 1887-8, 1891, 1895-6, 1899-^ Batavia 1880-^ '5515705 Symons' British rainfall. 1863-^ Lond. 1864-> B.R. 5515706(54) Mysore — Meteorological department. Eainfall M.R. registration. 1893-> Bangalore 1894^- •55157(943) Queensland. Results of rainfall observations made in Queensland. Melbourne 1914. •5517 STRATIGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY. '55^7 Grabau, A. W. Principles of stratigraphy. New York 1913. •5517 Marr, J. E. Principles of stratigraphical geology. Camb. 1898. 133 •55 GEOLOGY 55^73 Murchison, Sir R. I. Siluria : history of the oldest rocks in the British Isles and otrher countries. Lond. 1867. 55179 Ball, Sir R. Cause of an ice age. Lond. 1891. 55^79 Geikie, J. Great ice age and its relation to the an- tiquity of man. Lond. 1894. 55179 Wright, W. B. The Quaternary ice age. Lond. 1914. 55179(494) Penck, A., and Bruckner, E. Die Alpen im Eis- zeitalter. 3 vols. Leip. 1909. •5518 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY. •5518 Dwerry house, A. R. Geological and topographical maps. Lond. 1911. •5518 Leith, C. K. Structural geology. New York 1913. •5519 AGENTS OF GEOLOGICAL WORK. •55192 Tyndall, J. Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers. Lond. 1874. •55194 Elsden, J. V. Chemical geology. Lond. 1910. •55196 Darwin, C. Structure and distribution of coral reefs. Lond. 1874. •552 LITHOLOGY. B.M. 552 British Museum — Mineral department. Introduction Fie 2 to the study of rocks. By L. Fletcher. Lond. 1909. •55202 Marker, A. Petrology for students. Camb. 1902. •55202 Hatch, F. H. Text-book of petrology. Lond. 1909. •55202 Hatch, F. H., and Rastall, R. H. Petrology of sedi- mentary rocks. Lond. 1913. •55202 Hommel, W. Grundziige d. systemat. Petrographie. Vol. l-> Berl. 1919-> •55202 Mennell, F. P. Manual of petrology. Lond. 1913. •55202 Rosenbusch, H. Elemente der Gesteinslehre. Stuttg. 1901. •55202 Mikroskopische Physiographie der Mineralien und Gesteine. 4 vols. Stuttg. 1904-08. •55202 Weinschenk, E. Fundamental principles of petrology. New York 1916. 134 •55 GEOLOGY •55202 Zirkel, F. Lehrbuch der Petrographie. 3 vols. Leip. 1893-94. •55204 Adams, F. D., and Coker, E. G. Investigation into the elastic constants of rocks. Wash. 1906. •55207 Weinschenk, E. Petrographie methods. New York 1912. •55207 Wright, F. E. Methods of petrographic-microscopic research. Wash. 1911. •5521' Chamberlin, R. T. The Gases in rocks. Wash. 1908. •5521 Daly, R. A. Igneous rocks and their origin. New York 1914. •5521 Marker, A. Natural history of igneous rocks. Lond. [1909]. •5521 Iddings, J. P. Igneous rocks. 2 vols. New York 1909-13. •5521(42) Teall, J. J. H. British petrography with special re- ference to igneous rocks. Lond. 1888. •5524 Leith, C. K., and Mead, W. J. Metamorphic geology. New York 1915. •5524 Rutley, F. Granites and greenstones. Lond. 1894. •5524(482) Qoldschmidt, V. M. Die Kontaktmetamorphose im Kristianiagebiet. Kristiania 1911. •55244 Grubenmann, U. Die Kristallinen Schiefer. 2 vols. Berl. 1904-07. •55246 Watson, J. British and foreign marbles, etc.: a de- scriptive catalogue of specimens in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. Camb. 1916. '5525 Cayeux, L. Introduction a I'etude petrographique des roches sedimentaires. Paris 1916. B.M.5526 British Museum — Mineral department. Introduction Fie 2 to the study of meteorites. By L. Fletcher. [Lond.] 1908. •5528 Rosenbusch, H. Mikroskopische Physiographie der massigen Gesteine. Stuttg. 1896. 135 •55 GEOLOGY •553 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. '553 Crook, T. Economic mineralogj-. Lond. 1921. '553 Grabau, A. W. Geolog}- of the non-metal lie mineral deposits other than silicates. Vol. 1 — Principles of salt deposition. New York 1920. '553('^) Spurr, J. E. Political and commercial geology. Ed. J. E. S. New York 1920. *553o6i Home Office. Mines and quarries — general report, with H.o. statistics. 1910-^ Lond. 1911-> '553(713) Collins, W. H. Preliminary report on Gowganda Min- ing Division, Ontario. Ottawa 1909. '553(73) Tarr, R. S. Economic geology of the United State-. New York 1894. '553^ Beck, R. Nature of ore deposits. 2 vols. New York 1905. '553^ Beyschlag, F., and others. Deposits of useful minerals. Vol. l-> Lond. 1914-> •5531 Lindgren, W. Mineral deposits. New York 1913. '553^ Thomas, H. H., and MacAlister, D. A. Geology of ore deposits. Lond. 1909. '5531(7) Kemp, J. F. Ore deposits of the United States and Canada. New York 1903. •5532 Danby, A. Natural rock asphalts and bitumens. Lond. 1913. •5532 Ronaldson, J. H. Coal. Lond. 1920. •5532 Thorpe, Sir T. E. Coal, its history and uses. Ed. Prof. Thorpe. Lond. 1878. •5532(00) Mclnnes, W., and others. Coal resources of the world. 3 vols, and atlas. Toronto 1913. •5532(41) Dron, R. W. Coal-fields of Scotland. Lond. 1902. •5532(42) Gibson, W. Coal in Great Britain. Lond. 1920. •5532(71) Porter, J. B., and Durley, R. J. Coals of Canada. Vol. l-> Ottawa 1912-> •5532(81) White, I. C. Eelatorio final. [Of Brazil Coal Com- mission.] [Portuguese and Eiiglish.] Eio de Janeiro 1908. 136 •55 GEOLOGY ■5532 Oliveira, E. P. de. Regioes carboniferas dos Estados (814) do Sill. Rio de Janeiro 1918. '55323 Potoni^, H. DieEntstehungderSteinkohle. Berl. 1910. ■55328 Cox, G. H., and others. Petroleum geology. New York 1921. •55328 Craig-, E. H. C. Oil-finding. Lond. 1912. •55328 Johnson, R. H., and Huntley, L. Q. Principles of oil and gas production. New York 1916. •55328 Tower, W. S. The Story of oil. New York 1909. •55328 Zieg^ler, V. Popular oil geology. New York 1920. ■55328 Bosworth, T. O. Geology of the Mid continent oilfields. (73) New York, 1920. ■55328 Jillson, W. R. The Oil and gas resources of Kentucky., (769) Frankfort, Ky. 1919. 5533 Hayes, A. O. Wabana iron ore of Newfoundland. (718) Ottawa 1915. 55341 Maclaren, J. M. Gold — its geological occurrence and geographical distribution. Lond. 1908. 55341 Harrison, J. B. Geology of the goldfields of British (88) Guiana. Lond. 1908. 55348 Ontario nickel commission, Royal. Report. Toronto 1917. 5535 Eckel, E. C. Building stones. New York 1912. 5535 Hirschwald, J. Handbuch der bautechnischen Gesteins- priifung. Berl. 1912. 5535 Howe, J. A. Geology of building stones. Lond. 1910. 5535 Merrill, G. P. Stones for building. New York 1903. 5535 Watson, J. British and foreign building stones, Camb. 1911. 5535(62) Hume, W. F. Building stones of Cairo neighbourhood and Upper Egypt. Cairo 1910. 5535(71) Parks, W. A. Building and ornamental stones of Canada. Vol. l-> Ottawa 1912-» 55351 Renwick, W. G. Marble and naarble working. Lond. 1909. 137 •55 GEOLOGY '55361 Ries, H. Clays — their occurrence, properties and uses. New York 1906. •55362 Boswell, P. G. H. British sands and rocks used in glass-making. - Lond. 1918. •5538 Church, A. H. Precious stones. Lond. 1905. '553^ Qoodchild, W. Precious stones. Lond. 1908. '553^ Streeter, E. W. Precious stones and gems. Lond: 1898. '553^ Wodiska, J. Book of precious stones. New York 1909. '553^ Smith, J. Semi-precious stones of Carrick. (4142) Kilwinning [1910]. 13t •56 PAL/EONTOLOGY. B.M. -56 British Museum. List of casts of fossils. Lond. 1906. •56 Palaeontologia universalis. Centuria l-> [Berl.] 1903-> •5602 Nicholson, H. A., and Lydekker, R. Manual of palae- ontology. 2 vols. Edin. 1889. •5602 Zittel, K. A. von. Text-book of palaeontology. VoL l-> Lond. 1913-^ •5606 SOCIETIES. •5606(42) Geological survey — Great Britain. Memoirs. Palae- ontology. Vol. 1-^ Glasg. 1908-^ p.s. "56069 Palaeontographical society. Lists of members, mono- graphs, etc. 1867-^ [Lond.] 1868-^ p.s. "56 Pal^ontographical Society. Publications. Lond. 1848-> •56() STRATIGRAPHICAL AND REGIONAL PAL/EONTOLOGY. •56(114 Clarke, J. M. Fosseis devonianos do Parana. [Portu- : 8142) g^iese and English.'] Kio de Janeiro 1913. p.s. -56 King, W. Permian fossils of England. Lond. 1850. (115:42) p.s. -56 Blake, J. F. Fauna of the Cornbrash. Lond. 1907. (1162) •56(42) Etheridge, R. Fossils of the British Islands strati- graphically and zoologically arranged. Vol. l-> Oxf. 1888-> 'S^'-S1^ Renault, B. Sur quelques microorganismes des com- bustibles fossiles. St. Etienne 1900. 139 •56 PALEONTOLOGY •561 FOSSIL PLANTS. '561 Dawson, Sir J. W. Geological history of plants. Lond. 1888. •561 Pelourde, F. Paleontologie vegetale. Paris 1914. •561 Potonie, H., and Gothan, W. Palaobotanisches Prak- tikum. Berl. 1913. •561 Scott, D. H. Studies in fossil botany. Lond. 1900. •561 Seward, A. C. Fossil plants. 4 vols. Camb. 1898-1919. •561 Solms-Laubach, H. Fossil botany. Oxf. 1891. B.M. •561 British Museum. Catalogue of the palaeozoic plants in (112) the British Museum. By K. Kidston. Lond. 1886; •561(114) Arber, E. A. N. Devonian floras. Camb. 1921. p.s. '^61 Binney, E. W. Structure of fossil plants found in the (115) carboniferous strata. Lond. 1875. •561(115) Jongmans, W. J. Anleitung zur Bestimmung der Karbonpflanzen West-Europas. Vol. 1. ['s-Gravenhage 1911.] B.M. •561 Britisli Museum. Catalogue of the fossil plants of the (115 :54) glossopteris flora, being a monograph of the permo- carboniferous flora of India. By A. E. N. Arber. Lond. 1905. B.M. ^561 Catalogue of the mesozoic plants in the British (116) Museum. By A. C. Seward. 4 vols. Lond. 1894-1904. B.M. -561 Catalogue of mesozoic plants in the British (116) Museum. By M. C. Stopes. Pt. l-> Lond. 1913-» /. "561 Zi^o, A. di, Baron. Flora fossilis formationis ooli- (1162) thicae. 2 vols. Padova 1856-85. •561 Hartz, N. Bidrag til Danmarks tertiaere og diluviale (118:489) flora. (Atlas.) K)z^benhavn 1909. •561 Penhallow, D. P. Tertiary plants of British Columbia. (118:711) Ottawa 1908. P.S.-56I Gardner, J. S., and Ettinghausen, C. B. British (1181 : 42) eocene flora. 2 vols. Lond. 1882-86. 140 •56 PALEONTOLOGY •561 Seward, A. C. Fossil plants as tests of climate. : 55156 Lond. 1892. '56159(7) Wieland, G. R. American fossil cycads. 2 vols. Wash. 1906-16. p. s. -561 7 Williamson, W. C. Morphology and histology of Stigmaria ficoides. Lond. 1887. •562 FOSSIL INVERTEBRATES. •562 Abel, O. Lehrbuch der Palaozoologie. Jena 1900. B.M. -562 British Museum. Guide to fossil invertebrate animals. [By F. A. Bather.] Lond. 1907. •562 Neumayr, M. Die Stiimme des Thierreichs. Wirbellose Thiere. Vol. 1-^ Wien 1889-> •562 Woods, H. Palaeontology — invertebrate. Camb. 1902. p.s. -562 Whidborne, Q. F. Devonian fauna of the south of (114:423) England. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1892-> •562(7) Qrabau, A. W., and Shimer, H. W. North American index fossils. Invertebrates. 2 vols. New York 1909-10. •563 FOSSIL PROTOZOA, ETC. B.M.-563I 2 British Museum. Catalogue of the fossil Foraminifera. By T. R. Jones. Lond. 1882. P.S.-563I 2 Brady, li. B. Carboniferous and permian Foraminifera. (115) Lond. 1876. p.s. -5631 2 Jones, T. R., and others. Foraminifera of the Crag. (1183) Lond. 1897. B.M.^5634 British Museum. Catalogue of the fossil sponges. By G. J. Hinde. Lond. 1883. p.s. -5634 Hinde, G. J. British fossil sponges. Vol. l-> (42) Lond. 1912-> •5636 Nicholson, H. A. On the structure and affinities of the genus Monticulipora. Edin. 1881. •5636 Structure and affinities of the " Tabulate corals " of (112) the palaeozoic period. Edin. 1879. p.s. -5636 Duncan, P. M. British fossil corals. Second ser. (42) Lond. 1872. 141 •56 PALEONTOLOGY p. 8/5636 Edwards, H. M., and Haime, J. British fossil corals. (42) ' Lond. 1854. P.S.-5637 Elles, G. C, and Wood, E. M. R. British graptolites. (42) Lond. 1918. p.s.'5637 Nicholson, H. A. British stromatoporoids. (42) Lond. 1892. P.S.-5639 Wright, T. British fossil Echinodermata of the oolitic (116:42) formations. 2 vols. Lond. 1857-80. p.s.*5639 British fossil Echinodermata from the cretaceous (117:42) formation. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1882-> p.s.'5639 Forbes, E. Echinodermata of the British tertiaries. (118:42) Lond. 1852. B.M. '56391 British Museum. Catalogue of Blastoidea in the British Museum. By R. Etheridge and P. H. Carpenter. Lond. 1886. B.M. '5 639 1 Genera and species of Blastoidea. By F. A. Bather. Lond. 1899. •564 FOSSIL MOLLUSCA. p.s. "564 Morris, J., and Lycett, J. MoUusca from the great (116:427) oolite, chiefly from Minchinhampton and the coast of Yorkshire. With supplement. Lond. 1854-63. B.M. '564 British Museum. Catalogue of tertiary Mollusca in the (118) British Museum. By G. F. Harris. Pt. l-> Lond. 1897-> B.M. '564 List of the Frederick E. Edwards collection of (1181 : 42) British oligocene and eocene Mollusca. By R. B. Newton. Lond. 1891. p.s. '564 Wood, S. V. Crag Mollusca, with description of shells (1183 : 42) from the upper tertiaries of the British Isles. 3 vols. Lond. 1848-82. p.s. "5641 Hind, W. Carbonicola, Anthracomya, and Naiadites. Lond. 1896. p.s. "5641 British carboniferous Lamellibranchiata. Vol. l-> (115 :42) Lond. 1896-> p.s. "5641 Woods, H. Cretaceous Lamellibranchia of England. (117 : 42) • Vol. l-> Lond. 1903-> 142 •56 PALAEONTOLOGY p.s. '5641 Wood, S. V. Eocene bivalves of England. Vol. l-> (1181 :42) Lond. 1861-^ p.s. '5641 Lycett, J. British fossil Trigoniae. With supplement. (42) Lond. 1872-83. r.s. "5643 Reed, F. R. C. Monograph of the British ordovician and (113:42) Silurian Bellerophontacea. Pt. l-> Lond. 1920^ p.s. "5643 Hudleston, W. H. Inferior oolite Gasteropoda, being (1162 : 42) Pt. 1 of British Jurassic Gasteropoda. Lond. 1896. p.s. '5644 Slater, I. L. British Conulariae. Lond. 1907. (42) B.M.-5645 British Museum. Catalogue of the fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum. By A. H. P'oord and G. C. Crick. ^ Lond. 1888-97. B.M. '5645 List of types and figured specimens of fossil Cepha- lopoda. By G. C. Crick. Lond. 1898. •5645 Smith, J. P. Acceleration of development in fossil Cephalopoda. Stanford Univ. 1914. p.s. "5645 Foord, A. H. Carboniferous Cephalopoda of Ireland. (115 :4i5) Lond. 1903. p.s. '5645 Sharpe, D. Fossil remains of Mollusca found in the (117 : 42) chalk of England. Cephalopoda. Lond. 1909. p.s. "5645 Edwards, F. E., and Wood, S. V. Eocene Cephalo- (1181 : 42) poda and univalves of England. Vol. l-» Lond. 1849-> •5645(42) Blake, J. F. Monograph of the British fossil Cephalo- poda. Pt. 1. Lond. 1882. p.s. '56453 Buckman, S. S. Ammonites of "Inferior oolite (1162:42) series". Vol. l-> Lond. 1907-> p.s. '5 645 3 [Woodward, A. S.] Illustrations of Inferior oolite (1162:42) ammonites. Lond. 1908. p.s. '56453 Wright, T. Lias ammonites of the British Islands. (1162 : 42) 2 vols. Lond. 1878-86. p.s. 56455 Phillips, J. British Belemnitidae — Jurassic. (1162 :42) Lond. 1909. 143 •56 PALEONTOLOGY •5647 FOSSIL POLYZOA. B.M.-5647 British Museum. Catalogue of the fossil Bryozoa in (1162J the British Museum. Jurassic Bryozoa. By J. W. Gregory. Lond. 1896. B.M.-5647 British Museum. Catalogue of the fossil Bryozoa in (117) the British Museum. Cretaceous Bryozoa. By J. W. Gregory. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1899-> p.s. "5647 Busk, G. Fossil Polyzoa of the Crag. Lond. 1859. (118) •5648 FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA. •5648 Hall, J., and Clarke, J. M. Introduction to the study of the Brachiopoda. 2 vols. 1894-95. p.s. '5648 Davidson, T. British fossil Brachiopoda. 6 vols. (42) Lond. 1851-86. •5653 FOSSIL CRUSTACEA. B.M.-5653 British Museum. Catalogue of British fossil Crustacea. (42) By H. Woodward. Lond. 1877. p.s. '5 65 3 1 Jones, T. R., and Hinde, Q. J. Cretaceous Entomo- (117 : 42) straca of England and Ireland. Lond. 1890. p.s. '5 65 3 1 Jones, T. R. Entomostraca of the cretaceous forma- (117: 42) tion of England. (Supplement.) Lond. 1849-(1890). PS. '5 65 3 1 Jones, T. R., and Sherborn, C. D. Tertiary Ento- (118 : 42) mostraca of England. 2 pts. Lond. 1856-89. p.s. "5653 1 Brady, G. S., aiid others. Post-tertiary Entomostraca (119:41) of Scotland, including species from England and Ireland. Lond. 1874. P-S- '56532 Jones, T. R. Fossil Estheriae. Lond. 1862. P-S.'56532 Jones, T. R., and Woodward, H. British palaeozoic (i 12 : 42) Phyllopoda. Lond. 1899. p.s. '56533 Jones, T. R., aiid others. British fossil bivalved Ento- (115: 42) mostraca from the carboniferous formations. Pt. 1-^ Lond. 1884-> p.s. '56535 Darwin, C. Fossil Balanidae and Vernicidae of Great (42) Britain. Lond. 1854. p.s.'56535 Fossil Lepadidae, or pedunculated cirripedes of (42) Great Britain. Lond. 1851. ^•^•'56536 Bell, T. Fossil malacosti-acous Crustacea of Great (42) Britain. Pt. l/2-> Lond. 1913-^ 144 •56 PALAEONTOLOGY P.S.-56539I Woodward, H. British fossil Crustacea belonging to (42) the order Merostomata. Lond. 1878. P-S."565393Reed, F. R. C. Lower palaeozoic trilobites of the (i 12 : 4142) Girvan district, Ayrshire. (Supplement.) Lond. 1906-(1914). i'-s.*565 393 Salter, J. W. British trilobites from the Cambrian, (112 142) Silurian, and Devonian formation. Lond. 1883. P.S.-565393 Woodward, H. British carboniferous trilobites. (115 :42) Lond. 1884. •5654 FOSSIL ARACHNIDA. P.S.-5654 Pocock, R. I. Terrestrial carboniferous Arachnida. (115 142) Lond. 1911. ■566 FOSSIL VERTEBRATES. •566 Lankester, Sir E. R. Extinct animals. Lond. 1906. •566 Pelly, S. A. Glossary and notes on vertebrate palae- ontology. Lond. [1918]. •566 Woodward, A. S. Outlines of vertebrate palaeontology. Camb. 1898. •566 Case, E. C. Environment of vertebrate life in the late (112 17) Paleozoic in North America. Wash. 1919. •566 Permo-carboniferous red beds of North America (115 : 73) and their vertebrate fauna. Wash. 1915. •566 Case, E. C, and others. Permo-carboniferous verte- (115 : 789) brates from New Mexico. Wash. 1913. •566(42) Woodward, A. S., and Sherborn, C. D. Catalogue of British fossil Vertebrata. Lond. 1890. •566 : 596 Jaekel, O. Die Wirbeltiere, eine tJbersicht iiber die fossilen und lebenden Formen. Berl. 1911. •567 FOSSIL FISHES. B.M.-567 British Museum. Catalogue of fossil fishes. By A. S. Woodward. Pt. l-> Lond. 1889-> P.S.-567 Lankester, Sir E. R., and Traquair, R. H. Fishes of (114 : 42) the Old red sandstone of Britain. Lond. 1914. •567 Case, E. C. Revision of the Amphibia and Pisces of (115 : 7) the Permian of North America. Wash. 1911. 145 10 •56 PALAEONTOLOGY P.S.-567 Woodward, A. S. Fossil fishes of the English chalk. (117:42) -: Lond. 1912. p.s/5674 Miall, L. C. The Sirenoid ganoids. Lond. 1907. p.s.'5674 Traquair, R. H. Ganoid fishes of the British carboni- (115:42) ferous formations. Pt. 1 — Palaeoniscidse. Lond. 1914. •5676 FOSSIL AMPHIBIA. •5676 Moodie, R. L. Coal measures Amphibia of North (115:7) America. Wash. 1916. •5681 FOSSIL REPTILES. B.M.-568i British Museum. Catalogue of the fossil Eeptilia and Amphibia. By E. Lydekker. 4 vols. Lond. 1888-90. •5681 Seeley, H. G. Dragons of the air: an account of extinct flying reptiles. Lond. 1901. •5681 Case, E. C. Pelycosauria of North America. (115:7) ' Wash. 1907. p. s. '5681 Owen, Szr R. Fossil Eeptilia of the mesozoic formations. (116) Lond. 1889. p.s.'568i Fossil Eeptilia of the liassic formations. (1162) Lond. 1881. p.s.^568i Eeptilia of the Kimmeridge clay and Portland stone. (1162) ' Lond. 1889. p.s.^568i Fossil Eeptilia of the cretaceous formations. (117) Lond. 1864. p.s."568i Fossil Eeptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck forma- (117) tions. With 9 supplements. 2 vols. Lond. 1853-89. p.s.-568i Ow^en, Sir R., and Bell, T. Fossil Eeptilia of the (1181) London clay. Vols. 1, 2, pt. 1. Lond. 1858-80. B.M.^568i Owen, Sir R. Catalogue of the fossil Eeptilia of South (68) Africa. Lond. 1876. •5681(7) Case, E. C. Cotylosauria of North America. Wash. 1911. •56813(7) Hay, O. P. Fossil turtles of North America. Wash. 1908. 146 •56 PALiEONTOLOGY •5682 FOSSIL BIRDS. B,M.-5682 British Museum. Catalogue of fossil birds. By R. Lydekker. Lend. 1891. ■569 FOSSIL MAMMALS. B.M.-569 British Museum. Catalogue of the fossil Mammalia. By R Lydekker. 5 vols. Lond. 1885-87. B.M.-569 Guide to the fossil remains of man. Lond. 1915. p.s.'569 Owen, Sir R. Fossil Mammalia of the mesozoic forma- (ii6) tions. Lond. 1871. P.S.-569 Dawkins, W. B., and Sanford, W. A. British pleisto- \ (119 142) cene Mammalia. Vol. l-> Lond. 1872-» •569(7 : 8) Scott, W. B. History of land mammals in- the Western hemisphere. New York 1913. p.s.'5695 Owen, Sii' R. British fossil Cetacea from the Red Crag. (1183:42) Lond. 1889. '5696 Herz, O. Berichte des Leiters der von der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zur Ausgrabung eines Mammuthkadavers. St. Petersbourg, 1902. p.s.-5696i Adams, A. L. British fossil elephants. Lond. 1881. (42) 147 •57 BIOLOGY. •5701 Brooks, W. K. Foundations of zoology. New York 1899. •5701 Driesch, H. Science and philosophy of the organism. 2 vols. Abd. 1908-09. •5701 Der Vitalismiis als Geschichte und als Lehre.. Leip. 1905. •5701 Haeckel, E. Wonders of life. Lond. 1904. •5701 Hertwig, O. Biological problem of to-day. Lond. 1896. •5701 Johnstone, J. The Philosophy of biology. Camb. 1914. •5701 Massart, J. Elements de biologie gen^rale et de botanique. Vol. l-> Brux. 1920-^ 'igzS Spencer, H. Principles of biology. 2 vols. Lond. 1898-99. •5701 Thomson, J. A. The Bible of nature. Edin. 1908. ■5701 The Wonder of life. Lond. [1915]. •5702 Calkins, Q. N. Biology. New York [1914]. •5702 Mitchell, P. C. Outlines of biology. Lond. 1902. •5702 Parker, T. J. Elementary biology. Lond. 1891. •5702 Wells, H. G. Text-book of biology. 2 pts. Lond. [1892-93]. •5704 Abbott, C. C. Travels in a tree-top. Lond. 1894. •5704 Dendy, A. Animal life and human progress. Ed. A. D. Lond. 1919. •5704 Driesch, H. Analytische Theorie der organischen Ent- wicklung. Leip. 1894. •5704 Die Biologie als selbstandige Grundwissenschaft. Leip. 1893. •5704 Die Lokalisation morphogenetischer Vorgange. Leip. 1899. 148 •57 BIOLOGY •5704 Driesch, H. Naturbegriffe und Natururteile. Leip. 1904. •5704 Die Organischen Regulationen. Leip. 1901. •5704 Die Seele als elementarer Naturfaktor. Leip. 1903. •5704 Loeb, J. The Mechanistic conception of life. Chicago [1912]. •5704 Metchnikoff, E. The Nature of man. Lond. [1916]. •5704 Miall, L. C. House, garden, and field. Lond. 1904. •5704 Round the year. Lond. 1896. •5704 Rennie, J. Aims and methods of nature study. Lond. 1910. •5704 Thomson, J. A. Natural history of the year. Lond. [1901]. •5704 Secrets of animal life. Lond. 1919. '20826 The System of animate nature. 2 vols. Gif. S. 9 Lond. 1920. •5705 PERIODICALS. •5705 A.s. Annales des sciences naturelles. Ser. I., 30 vols.; Ser. III., 20 vols.; Ser. IV., vols. 1-12. \See also •5805 and '5905.] Paris 1824-59. •5705 A. Annals and magazine of natural history. Magazine of natural history. Ser. I., 9 vols. ; Ser. IL, vols. 1-2. Lond. 1829-38 Magazine of zoology and botany. 2 vols, Edin. 1837-38. Annals and magazine of natural history. Ser. I. -VIII. ; IX., vol. l-> Lond. 1838-> •5705 A.B. Annee biologique. Vol. l-> Paris 1897-^ •5705 A.I. Archives italiennes de biologie. Vols. 49-58. Genova, Pisa 1908-12. •5705 B.C. Biologisches Zentralblatt. Vol. l-> Erlangen 1881-> •5705 B. Biometrika. Vol. l-> Camb. 1901-> •5705 I.N. Irish naturalist. Vol. 3-8, 22-» Dubl. 1894-> 149 •57 BIOLOGY •5705 E.B. Journal of zoological research. Journal of economic biology. 10 vols. Lond. 1906-15. Journal of zoological research. 3 vols. Lond. 1916-18. •5705 Na. Naturalist. 1886-> Lond. 1886-> •5705 s.p. Science progress in the 20th century. Vol. l-» Lond. 1907-* '5705 V. Vasculum. Vol. l-> Sunderland 1915-> •5705 z. Zeitschrift fiir Biologie. Vol. 22-> Leip. 1886-> 5705 Annals of Scottish natural history. (41) A.S. Scottish naturalist. Vols. 1-11. Perth 1872-91. Annals of Scottish natural history. 20 vols. Edin. [1892-1911]. [See also -5905(41) s.n.] •5706 SOCIETIES. •5706 Drapers' Company research memoirs. Biometric D.c. I series. 1~> Lond. 1904-5- •5706 Studies in national deterioration. 2-> D.c. 2 Lond. 1907-> •5706 Orkney natural history society. Orcadian papers. (4ii2)n.s. 1887-1904. Stromness 1905. •5706 Aberdeen working men's natural history and (4125) w.M. scientific society. Trans. Vol. l-> [Abd. 1906]-> •5706 Perthshire society of natural science. Proc. 1880/81- (4132)?. 1885/86. Perth 1886. Proc. [N.S.]. Vol. l-> Perth 1893-^ •5706 Trans. Vol. l-> Perth 1893-> (4132) T. •5706 Natural history and archeolo^cal society (Stirling (4136) S.N. Field club). Trans. 1878/79, 1880 81-1892/93, 1894/95-» Stirling 1881-> •5706 Buteshire natural history society. Trans. Vol. l-> (4139) B.N. Rothesay 1908-> •5706 Paisley naturalists' society. Trans. Vol. l-» (4i4i)p.N. Paisley 1912-> 150 •57 BIOLOGY •5706 Andersonian naturalists' society. Annals. [Vol. l]-> (4143) A.N. Glasg. 1893-> •5706 Natural history society of Glasgow. Proc. [Ser. I.], (4143) N.H. 5 vols. Glasg. 1869-84. Proc. and Trans. Ser. II., 8 vols. Glasg. 1887-1911. Journal : The Glasgow naturalist. Vol. l-> Glasg. 1909-> •5706 Edinburgh field naturalists' and microscopical (4144) E.F. society. Trans. 1881-^ Vol. l-> [Edin.] 1886-^ •5706 Physical society of Edinburgh, Royal. Proc. Vol. (4144)?. 2-> Edin. 1863-^ •5706 Berwickshire naturalists* club. History. Vol. 5-> (^145) Alnwick 1868-> •5706 Dumfriesshire and .Galloway natural history and (4148) antiquarian society. Trans, and journal of proc. 1883/84-> Dumfries 1887-» •5706 Natural history society of Northumberland, Dur- (4282) ham, and Newcastle=upon-=Tyne. Natural history society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Trans. Vol. 1. Newcastle 1831. Tyneside naturalists' field club. Trans. 1846/50- 1863/64. Vols. 1-6. Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1850-64. Natural history trans, of Northumberland and Dur- ham. 1865/7-[1902]. Vols. 1-15. Lond. 1867-1913. Natural history society of Northumberland, Dur- ham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Trans. N.S. [1903]->. Vol. l-> Lond. 1907-> •5706 Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein zu Bremen. Ab- (4352) N.v. handlungen. Vol. 4-^. (Jahresbericht 9->) Bremen 1875-> 151 •57 BIOLOGY 'o6$ Akademie der Wissenschaften [zu Wien] : math, naturw. Klasse. Sitzungsb. Abt. I. (Biologie.) Vols. 43-64. Wien 1861-1871. •5706 Abt. I. Vol. 65-> Wien 1872-5. (436) s. •5 706 Zoolo^isch-botanische (Verein) Gesellschaft in Wien. (436) z.B. Verhandlungen. Vol. 1-3, 5-> Wien 1852-> •5706 Naturforschender Verein in Briinn. Verhandlungen. (4372) N.v. Vols. 1-13. Briinn 1863-76. 'S06 Mus^e du Congo. Annales. Ethnographic et anthro- {4gj)M. pologie. Ser. !.-> Brux. 1898-> •5706 Asiatic society of Beng-al. Journal. Pt. 2 — Physical (541) science. Vol. 35-> Calcutta 1867-> Pt. 3— Anthropology. Vol. 62-63, 65, 67-» Calcutta 1896-> •5 706 Carnegie Institution — Department of marine biology. (73) C.I. Papers. Vol. l-> Wash. 1908-> •5706 Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Proc. (748) 1871-> Philad. 1871-» •5706 Princeton University. Contributions from biological (749) laboratories. Vol. 3-> Princeton 1912-> •5707-5709. •5707 Huxley, T. H. Course of practical instruction in ele- mentary biology. By T. H. Huxley, assisted by H. N. Martin. Lond. 1875. •57081 .Vries, H. de. Opera e periodicis collata. Vol. l-> Utrecht 1918-> •57081 Whitman, C. O. Posthumous works. 3 vols. Wash. 1919. •57082 Bayliss, W. M., cuul others. Life and its maintenance. Lond. 1919. •57082 Societe de biologie. Cinquantenaire. V^olume jubilaire. Paris 1899. •57082 Ziegler, H. E. Natur und Staat : Beitrage zur natur- wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaftslehre. Hrsg. H. E. Z., etc. Vol. l-> Jena 1903-> 152 •57 BIOLOGY •570821 MONOGEAPHS ON EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. Men. Philad. [1918]-> 1. Loeb, J. Forced movements, tropisms, and animal con- duct. [1918.] 2. Parker, Q. H. The Elementary nervous system. [1919.] 3. Morgan, T. H. The Physical basis of heredity. [1919.] 4. East, E. M., and Jones, D. F. Inbreeding and out- breeding. [1919.] 5. Harvey, E. N. The Nature of animal light. [1920.] -57084 Howes, G. B. Atlas of practical elementary biology. Lond. 1885. -5709 Thomson, J. A. Science of life: an outline of the history of biology. Lond. '016 : sy Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific literature. Biology. [1901->] Lond. 1903-> •57092 Bompas, G. C. Life of Frank Buckland. Lond. B.M.'57o92 British Museum. Memorials of Charles Darwin. Lond. 1909. ^57092 Dall, W. H. Spencer Fullerton Baird, a biography. Philad. 1915. ^57092 Linnean society of London. Darwin- Wallace cele- bration, 1908. Lond. 1908. •5 7092 Pearson, K. Life, letters and labours of Francis Galton. Vol. l-> Camb. 1914-> "57092 Seward, A. C. Darwin and modern science, essays. Ed. A. C. S. Camb. 1909. '57(26)06 Liverpool marine biology committee. Memoirs. l-> L.M. Liverpool 1899-> *5 7(26)06 Scottish marine biological association. Eeport. s.M. 1899-^ Glasg. 1900-> -57(28) Ward, H. B., and Whipple, G. C. Fresh-water biology. New York 1917. '57:3 Thomson, J. A. Sociological appeal to biology. 1906. •57 : 5446 Macmunn, C. A. Spectrum analysis applied to biology and medicine. Lond. 1914. '57 • 55156 Thomson, J. A. Biology of the seasons. Lond. 1911. 153 •57 BIOLOGY •57 : 61 Roberts, M. Warfare in the human body. Lond. [1920]. /. "57:7 Haeckel, E. Kunstformen der Natur. Leip. 1899-1904. •571 ANTHROPOLOGY— PREHISTORIC. •571 Avebury, Sir J. Lubbock, 1st baron. Prehistoric times. Lond. 1890. •571 Dawson, Sir J. W. Fossil men and their modern representatives. Lond. 1888. •571 Joly, N. Man before metals. Lond. 1883. •571 Keith, A. Antiquity of man. Lond. 1915. •571 Lyell, Sir C. Geological evidences of the antiquity of man. Lond. 1873. •571 Nadaillac, J. F. A., Marquis de. Les Premiers hommes et les temps prehistoriques. 2 vols. Paris 1881. •571 Sollas, W. J. Ancient hunters and their modern re- presentatives. Lond. 1911. •57106(41) Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Proc. N.S. A.p. Vol. 12-> Edin. 1890-> •571(119) Wright, G. F. Man and the glacial period. Lond. 1892. '571(1231) Munro, R. Palaeolithic man and Terramara settle- ments in Europe. Edin. 1912. •571(4) Geikie, J. Antiquity of man. in Europe. Edin. 1914. •571(42) Dawkins, W. B. Early man in Britain. Lond. 1880. •571(42) Windle, B. C. A. Remains of the prehistoric age in England. Lond. 1904. •571(5) Pumpelly, R. Explorations in Turkestan — expedition of 1904. 2 vols. Wash. 1908. •571(54) Madras Government museum. Foote collection of Indian prehistoric and protohistoric antiquities. Madras 1916. •57114(54) Logan, A. C. Old chipped stones of India. Calcutta 1906. •57125(68) Johnson, J. P. Stone implements of South Africa. Lond. 1907. 154 •57 BIOLOGY 57155(42) Abercromby, J. Bronze age pottery of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. Oxf. 1912. •5717 Balch, E. S., and E. M. Art and man. Philad. 1918. 5717 Reinach, S. Eepertoire de I'art quaternaire. Paris 1913. ■5717 Spearing, H. G. The Childhood of art; or, The ascent of man. Lond. 1912. •5718(4) Gould, S. Baring=. Cliff castles and cave dwellings of Europe. Lond. 1911. •572 ANTHROPOLOGY— ETHNOLOGIC. ■572 Boas, F. Changes in bodily form of descendants of immigrants. New York 1912. •572 Deniker, J. Races of man : an outline of anthropology and ethnography. Lond. 1900. •572 Frobenius, L. The Childhood of man. Lond. 1909. •572 Haddon, A. C. Study of man. Lond. 1898. •572 Keane, A. H. Ethnology. Camb. 1896. •572 Man, past and present. Camb. 1920. •572 Keith, A. Ancient types of man. Lond. 1911. •572 Kraemer, H. Der Mensch und die Erde. Hrsg. H. K. Vol. l-> Berl. [1906]-> •572 Martin, R. Lehrbuch der Anthropologie. Jena 1914. •572 Nielson, Y. Universitetets ethnografiske Samlinger, 1857-1907. Christiania 1907. •572 Quatrefages, A. de. The Human species. Lond. 1879. •572 Ratzel, F. History of mankind. 3 vols. Lond. 1896-98. •572 Rectus, ^. Primitive folk, studies in comparative eth- nology. Lond. [1891]. •572 Tylor, E. B. Anthropology. Lond. 1881. •57204 Duclcworth, W. L. H. Studies from the Anthropo- logical laboratory, the Anatomy school, Cambridge. Camb. 1904. •57204 Rivers, W. H. R., and others. Present condition and future needs of the science of anthropology. Wash. 1913. 155 •57 BIOLOGY •57205 A. Anthropologic, L'. Eevue d'anthropologie. Ser. III., 4 vols. Paris [1886-89]. L'Anthropotogie. Vol. 1-^ Paris 1890-> •57205A.A. Archiv fiir Anthropologic. Vol. 17-> Braunsch. 1888-> •57205 M. Man: a monthly record of anthropological science. Vol. 1-^ Lond. [1901]-> •57206 A.I. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ire- land. Journal. Vol. l-> Lond. 1872-^ •57206 H.T. Henderson Trust. Eeport. Vol. 1-^ E din. 1905 -> •57206(7)6. Smithsonian Institution — Bureau of ethnology. Bulletin l-> Wash. 1887-> •572o6(7)e. Eeport 1-^ Wash. 1881-> •57208 Tylor, E. B. Anthropological essays presented to him. Oxf. 1907. •572(00) Fishberg, M. The Jews, a study of race. Lond. 1911. •572(32) Smith, G. E. Ancient Egyptians. Lond. 1911. •572(4) Ihering, R. von. Evolution of the Aryan. Lond. 1897. •572(4) Ripley, W. Z. Eaces of Europe. Lond. 1900. •572(4) Sergi, G. The Mediterranean race, a study of the origin of European peoples. Lond. 1901. •572(4) Taylor, I. Origin of the Aryans. Lond. [1889]. /• '572(52) MacRitchie, D. The Ainos. Leiden 1892. •572(54) Crooke, W. Natives of Northern India. Lond. 1907. •572(54) Russell, R. v., and Lai, Rai Bahadur Hira. Tribes and castes of Central Provinces. 4 vols. Lond. 1916. •572(54) Thurston, E. Castes and tribes of S. India. 7 vols. Madras 1909. '572(59) Hagen, B. Typical heads and faces of Eastern Asiatic and Melanesian peoples. Stuttg. 1907. •572(595) Skeat, W. W., and Blagden, C. O. Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula. 2 vols. Lond. 1906. •572(6) Sutton, J. Bland*'. Man and beast in Eastern Ethiopia. Lond. 1911. 156 •57 BIOLOGY •572(669) Leonard, A. G. The Lower Niger and its tribes. Lond. 1906. •572(669) Talbot, D. A. Woman's mysteries of a primitive people. Lond. 1916. •572(678) Weule, K. Native life in East Africa. Lond. 1909. •572(68) Stow, Q. W. Native races of South Africa. Ed. G. M.. Theal. Lond. 1905. •572(68) Theal, G. M. Ethnography and condition of South Africa before a.d. 1505. Lond. 1919. •572(718) Howley, J. P. The Beothucks or Eed Indians, the aboriginal inhabitants of Newfoundland. Camb. 1915. •572(911) Hose, C, and McDougall, W. Pagan tribes of Borneo. 2 vols. Lond. 1912. •572 Brown, G. Melanesians and Polynesians. (93 : 96) Lond. 1910.. •572(933) Hadfield, E. Among the natives of the Loyalty group.. Lond. 1920. •572(94) Ho Witt, A. W. Native tribes of South-East Australia. Lond. 1904. •572(94) Spencer, B. Native tribes of Northern territory, of Australia. Lond. 1914. •572(94) Spencer, B., and Gillen, F. J. Northern tribes of Central Australia. Lond. 1904. •572(94) Thomas, N. W. Natives of Australia. Lond. 1906. •572(943) Banfield, E. J. Tropic days. Lond. [1918].. 572(95) Cambridge Anthropological expedition. Keports of the Cambridge anthropological expedition to Torres Straits. Vol. 3-> Camb. 1904-^ •572(95) Newton, H. In far New Guinea. Lond. 1914. '572(95) Seligmann, C. G. Melanesians of British New Guinea. Camb. 1910. •572(98) Rasmussen, K. People of the Polar north. Ed. G. Herring. Lond. 1908. 157 •57 BIOLOGY •573 NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN. B.M. -573 British Museum. Guide to specimens illustrating races of naankind. Lond. 1912. •573 Jones, F. W. Arboreal man. Lond. 1916. *573 Leche, W. Der Mensch. Jena 1911. •573 MacDonald, A. Plan for study of man. Wash. 1902. '573 Ploss, H. Das Weib in der Natur- und Volkerkunde. Hrsg. M. Bartels. 2 vols. Leip. 1905. •573(42) Macnamara, N. C. Originof British people. Lond. 1900. •5731 Huxley, T. H. Evidence as to man's place in nature. Lond. 1863. '5732 Schwalbe, G. Studien zur Vorgeschichte des Mens- chen. Stuttg. 1906. '5734 Ribbert, H. Die Bedeutung der Krankheiten fiir die Entwicklung der Menschheit. Bonn 1912. •5735(41) Tocher, J. F. Pigmentation survey of school children in Scotland. Abd. 1908. '5736 Bertillon, A. Identification anthropometrique. In- structions signaletiques. Melun 1893. '5736 Dreyer, G., and Hanson, G. F. The Assessment of physical fitness. Lond. 1920. '5736 Galton, F. Fingerprints. Lond. 1892. '5736 Roberts, C. Manual of anthropometry. Lond. 1878. /• '5737 Indian Museum. Craniological data from the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Calcutta 1909. /• *5737 Davis, J. B., and Thurnam, J. Crania Britannica. (42) 2 vols. Lond. 1865. ^•5739 Hirst, B. C, and Piersol, G. A. Human monstrosities. 3 pts. Edin. 1892-93. *5739 Jansen, M. Achondroplasia, its nature and its cause. Lond. 1912. •5739 Mall, F. P. Causes underlying the origin of human monsters. Philad. 1908. *5739 Mohr, O. L., and Wriedt, C. A New type of hereditary brachyphalangy in man. ' Wash. 1919. 158 •57 BIOLOGY SPECIAL BIOLOGY. •575 EVOLUTION. '575 Bergfson, H. Creative evolution. Lond. 1911. *575 Butler, S. Evolution, old and new. Lond. 1911. •575 Life and habit. Lond. 1910. -575 Darwin, C. Descent of man. 2 vols. Lond. 1888. *575 Origin of species. Lond. 1873. *575 Dewar, D., and Finn, F. Making of species. Lond. 1909. •575 Haeckel, E. Evolution of man. 2 vols. Lond. 1905. •575 History of creation. 2 vols. Lond. 1883. •575 Last words on evolution. Lond. 1906. •575 Eiddle of the universe. Lond.- 1900. '575 Headley, F. W. Life and evolution. Lond. 1906. •575 Lock, R. H. Eecent progress in the study of variation, heredity and evolution. Lond. 1906. '575 Lotsy, J. P. Evolution by means of hybridization. The Hague 1916. '575 Vorlesungen iiber Deszendenztheorien mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der botanischen Seite der Fragfe. 2 vols. Jena 1906-08. •575 Lull, R. S. Organic evolution. New York 1917. •575 Lutz, F. E. Experiments with Drosophila ampelophila concerning evolution. Wash. 1911. '575 McCabe, J. Evolution of mind. Lond. 1910. •575 Macfarlane, J. M. Causes and course of organic evolution. New York 1918. •575 Morgan, T. H. Critique of the theory of evolution. Princeton 1916. '575 Evolution and adaptation New York 1903. *575 Osborn, H. F. Origin and evolution of life. Lond. 1918. /• "575 Pettigrew, J. B. Design in nature. 3 vols. Lond. 19Q8. 159 •57 BIOLOGY /••575 •575 ■575 •575 •575 •575 '575 •575 •575 •575 •575 •575 •575 •57s •57504 •57504 57504 •57504 •57504 •57504 •57504 •57504 Reichert, E. T., and Brown, A. P. Differentiation and specificity of corresponding proteins and other vital substances in relation to biological classification and organic evolution. Ciystallography of hemoglobins. Wash. 1909. Reid, Q. A. Present evolution of man. Lond. 1896. Robinson, L. Wild traits in tame animals : studies in evolution. Edin. 1897. Romanes, Q. J. Darwin, and after Darwin. 3 vols. Lond. 1892-97. Scientific evidences of organic evolution. Lond. 1882. Saleeby, C. W. Organic evolution. Lond. [1906]. Shearman, J. N. Natui-al theology of evolution. Lond. [1915]. Thomson, J. A. Darwinism and human life. Lond. 1909. Study of animal life. Lond. 1917. Vries, H. de. Gruppenweise Artbildung. Berl. 1913. Weismann, A. Evolution theory. 2 vols. Lond. 1904. Studies in the theory of descent. Lond. 1882. Willey, A. Convergence in evolution. Lond. 1911. Wilson, A. Chapters on evolution. Lond. 1883. Allen, G. Vignettes from nature. Lond. 1881. Beecher, C. E. Studies in evolution. New York 1901. Cope, E. D. Origin of the fittest, essays on evolution. Lond. 1887. Gray, A. Darwiniana, essays and reviews. New York 1877. Hart, D. B. Phases of evolution and heredity. Lond. 1910. Jordan, D. S. Foot-notes to evolution, a series of addresses. New York 1898. Poulton, E. B. Essays on evolution. Oxf. 1908. Varigny, H. de. Experimental evolution, lectures. Lond. 1892. 160 •57 BIOLOGY •57506 International Eugenics congress — 1912. Problems i.c.E. in eugenics. Lend. 1912. •57506 London University — Francis Galton laboratory for E.ii, national eugenics. Memoirs. l-> Lond. 1907-> •57507 Baur, E. Einfiihrung in die experimentelle Verer- bungslehre. Berl. 1911. •575082 Royal society — Evolution Committee. Eeports. 1-5. Lond. 1910. ■57509 Osborn, H. F. From the Greeks to Darwin : an outline of the development of the evolution idea. New York 1894. ■575092 Packard, A. S. Lamarck, the founder of evolution — his life and work. New York 1901. '575 Johnson, R. H. Evolution in color-pattern of lady- : 59576 beetles. Wash. 1910. *575 Tower, W. L. Evolution in chrysomelid beetles. 1595763 Wash. 1906?. •575 Mechanism of evolution in Leptinotarsa. : 595763 Wash. 1918. •575:61 Adami, J. G. Medical contributions to the study of evolution. Lond. 1918. •5751 HEREDITY. •5751 Bateson, W. Mendel's principles of heredity. Camb. 1909, •5751 Problems of genetics. New Haven 1913. •5751 Butler, S. Unconscious memory. Lond. 1910. •5751 Castle, W. E., and others. Heredity and eugenics. Chicago [1912]. ■5751 Conklin, E. G. Heredity and environment. Princeton 1915. ■5751 Correns, C, and Goldschmidt, R. Die Vererbung und Bestimmung des Geschlechtes. Berl. 1913. •5751 Darbishire, A. D. Breeding and the Mendelian dis- covery. Lond. 1913. 161 11 •57 BIOLOGY 5751 Davenport, C. B. Heredity in relation to eugenics. Lond. 1912. 5751 Delag^e, Y. L'Heredite, et les grands problemes de la biologie generale. Paris 1903. 5751 Johannsen, W. L. Elemente der exakten Erblich- keitslehre. Jena 1913. 5751 Lucas, R. C. Bradshaw lecture on some points in heredity. Lond. 1912. 5751 Macfie, R. C. Heredity, evolution, and vitalism. Bristol 1912. 5751 Morgan, T. H., and otliers. Mechanism of Mendelian heredity. Lond. 1915. 5751 Newman, H. li. Biology of twins — mammals. Chicago [1917]. 5751 Punnett, R. C. Mendelism. Lond. 1919. 5751 Reid, G. A. Principles of heredity. Lond. 1906, 5751 Ribot, T. A. Heredity. Lond. 1875. 5751 Romanes, G. J. Examination of Weismannism. Lond. 1893. 5751 Thomson, J. A. Heredity. Lond. 1908. 5751 Weismann, A. Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems. 2 vols. Oxf. 1891-92. 5751 Germ-plasm, a theory of heredity. Lond. 1893. 5751 Davenport, C. B. The Feebly inhibited. Wash. 1915. : 136 5751 Hering, E. Uber das Gedachtnis als eine allgemeine : 136 Funktion der organisierten Materie. Leip. 1905. 5751 Cannon, W. A. Studies in heredity. Wash. 1909. : 58142 5751 Morgan, T. H., and Bridges, C. B. Sex-linked in- • 59577 heritance in Drosophila. Wash. 1916. 5751 Kellogg, V. L. Inheritance in silkworms. l-> : 59578 Stanford Univ. 1908-> 5751 Castle, W. E. Heredity of coat-characters in guinea- ; 5Q932 pigs and rabbits. Wash. 1905. 162 •57 BIOLOGY Castle, W. E., and Forbes, A. Heredity of hair- • j-y^j length in guinea-pigs. ■59932 1 Castle, W. E. Origin of a polydactylous race of \ guinea-pigs. Wash. 1906. •5751 Castle, W. E., and Wright, S. Inheritance in guinea- • 59932 pigs and rats. Wash. 1916. •5751 Castle, W. E., and Phillips, J. C. Piebald rats and : 59932 selection. Wash. 1914. rCastle, W. E. Eeversion in guinea-pigs. ^QQ-z2 1 Little, C. C. Inheritance of color in mice. ■ ^^^^ [ Wash. 1913. •5751 Castle, W. E. Studies of heredity in rabbits, rats, and 159932 mice. Wash. 1919. •5751 Detlefsen, J. A. Genetic studies on a cavj species : 59932 cross. Wash. 1914. •5751 McCurdy, li., and Castle, W. T. Selection in relation : 59932 to coat-pigments. Wash. 1907. •5751 Davenport, C. B. Heredity of skin color in negro- : 61 1 77 white crosses. Wash, 1913. •5751 Inheritance in poultry. Wash. 1906. : 63651 '5751 Inheritance of characteristics in domestic fowl. 163651 Wash. 1909. '5751 Inheritance in canaries. Wash. 1908. 16366 •5751 Castle, W. E. Inheritance in rabbits. Wash. 1909. 16369 •5751 Macdowell, E. C. Size inheritance in rabbits. : 6369 Wash. 1914. • 5751 : 92 Davenport, C. B. Naval officers — their heredity and development. Wash. 1919. •5752 VARIATION. •5752 Bateson, W. Materials for the study of variation. Lond. 1894. '5752 Darwin, C. Variation of animals and plants. 2 vols. Lond. 1868. 163 •57 BIOLOGY ■5752 Pringsheim, H. Die Variabilitat niederer Organismen. Berl. 1910. '5752 Vernon, H. M. Variation in animals and plants. Lond. 1903. ■5752 Vries, H. de. Mutation theory. 2 vols. Lond. 1910-11. ■5752 Species and varieties. Chicago 1905. '5752 Shull, G. H. Bursa bursa-pastoris and Bursa heegeri, : 583123 biotypes and hybrids. - Wash. 1909. '5752 Stout, A. B. Establishment' of varieties in Coleus. : 583891 Wash. 1915. ■5752 Pearl, R. Variation in Ceratophyllum. Wash. 1907. : 583987 '5752 Crampton, H. E. Studies on the variation, distribu- : 5943 tion, and evolution of the genus Partula. The species inhabiting Tahiti. Wash. 1916. ■5752 Lutz, F. E. Variations of certain characters of Giyllus. : 59572 Wash. 1908. ■5752 Pearl R., and Clawson, A. B. Variation in the cray- : 597 fish. Wash. 1907. •5753 ENVIRONMENT. *5753 Henderson, L. J. Fitness of the environment. New York 1913. ■5753 Semper, K. Natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life. Lond. 1881. •5754 NATURAL SELECTION. '5754 Coe, C. C. Nature i*ers? •5768 Ellis, D. Iron bacteria. Lond. [1919]. ^5467 •5768 Smith, E. F. Bacteria in relation to plant diseases- :58i2 Vol. 1-^ Wash. 1905-> •5768 Miquel, P. Les Organismes vivants de I'atmosphere. :6i47 Paris 1883. •5768 Kramer, E. Die Bakteriologie in ihren Beziehungen : 63 zur Landwirtschaft und den landw.-technischen Gewerben. 2 pts. Wien 1890-92. •57681 Bowhill, T. Manual of bacteriological technique and special bacteriology'. Edin. 1902. •57681 Eisenberg, J. Bakteriologische Diagnostik. Hamb. 1891. •57681 Eyre, J. W. H. Elements of bacteriological technique. Philad. 1903. •57681 Giinther, C. Einfiihrung in das Studium der Bakteri- ologie. Leip. 1891. 160 •57 BIOLOGY •57681 Hueppe, F. Die Methoden der Bakterien-Forschung. Wiesbaden 1886. •57681 Meyer, A. Practicum der botanischen Bakterienkunde. Jena 1903. •57681 Michigan agricultural college — Laboratory of bac= teriology and hygiene. Laboratory manual in general microbiology. New York 1916. •57681 Salomonsen, C. J. Bacteriological technology. New York 1890. •57681 Wurtz, R. Technique bacteriologique. Paris [1892]. •57683 Bechamp, A. Les Microzymas. Paris 1883. •57683 Chester, F. D. Manual of determinative bacteriology. New York 1909. •57683 Fuhrmann, F. Vorlesungen liber technische Mykologie. Jena 1913. '57683 Trouessart, E. L. Microbes, ferments and moulds. Lond. 1886. •5768381 Jungano, M., and Distaso, A. Les Anaerobies. Paris 1910. •577 PROPERTIES OF LIVING MATTER. •577 Child, C. M. Senescence and rejuvenescence. Chicago [1915]. •577 Loeb, J. The Organism as a whole, from a physico- chemical viewpoint. New York 1916. •577 Windle, B. C. A. What is life? Lond. 1908. •5771 Halliburton, W. D. Biochemistry of muscle and nerve. Lond. 1904. •5773 Du Bois-Reymond, E. Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur allgemeinen Muskel- u. Nervenphysik. 2 vols. Leip. 1875-77. •5773 Leduc, S. La Biologic synth6tique. Paris 1912. '5773 Loeb, J. Dynamics of living matter. New York 1906. '5777 Doflein, F. Das Problem des Todes und der Unster- blichkeit bei den Pflanzen und Tieren. Jena 1919. 167 •57 BIOLOGY •5778 SEX., •5778 Dawson, E. R. Causation of sex in man. Lond. 1917. •5778 Doncaster, L. Determination of sex. Camb. 1914. •5778 Geddes, P., and Thomson, J. A. Evolution of sex. Lond. 1889. •5778 Morgan, T. H. The Genetic and the operative evidence relating to secondary sexual chamcters. Wash. 1919. ■5778 Heredity and sex. New York 1913. BIOLOGICAL TECHNIC. •578 MICROSCOPY. •578 Behrens, W. Tabellen zum Gebrauch bei mikroskopi- schen Arbeiten. Hrsg. E. Kiister. Leip. 1908, •578 Carpenter, W. B. The Microscope and its revelations. Ed. W. H. Dallinger. Lond. 1891. •578 Cross, M. I., and Cole, M. J. Modern microscopy. Lond. 1903. •578 Gage, S. H. The Microscope. [Ithaca, N.Y.] 1917. •578 Naegeli, C, and Schwendener, S. The Microscope in theory and practice. Lond. 1887. '578 Pollack, B. Methods of staining the nervous system. Glasg. 1899. •578 Scales, -F. S. Practical microscopy. Lond. 1909. •578 Spiers, F. S. The Microscope — its design, construc- tion, and aj)plications. Lond. 1920. •578 Spitta, E. J. Microscopy. Lond. 1920. •578 Wright, Sir A. E. Principles of microscopy. Lond. 1906. '57803 Ehrlich, P. Encyklopiidie der mikroskopisch'en Technik. Hrsg. P. E., etc. 2 vols. Berl. 1903. •57803 Griffith, J. W., and Henfrey, A. Micrographic dic- tionary. 2 vols. Lond. 1875. •57805 Journal of microscopy and natural science. Vols. J.N. 1-2, 4, 7-16. Lond. 1882-97. 168 •57 BIOLOGY ^57805 Quarterly journal of microscopical science. 8 vols. J.M. Lond. 1853-60. •57805 N.S. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1861-> J.M. ^57805 Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie und z.M. fiir mikroskopische Technik. Vol. 25-> Leip. 1908-^ '57806 Microscopical society, Royal. Monthly microscopical R.M. journal. 18 vols. Lond. 1869-77. Journal. Ser. L, vol. 2-> Lond. 1879-^ '57806 Quekett microscopical club. Journal. 6 vols. ; Ser Q.M. XL, vols. 1-7. Lond. [1869-1900] '578 Barnard, J. E. Practical photo-micrography. : 778 Lond. 1911 '578 Bousfield, E. C. Guide to the science of photo-micro : 778 graphy. Lond. 1892 '578 Hind, H. L., and Randies, W. B. Handbook of photo : 778 micrography. Lond. [1913] •578 Pringle, A. Practical photo-micrography. : 778 Lond. [1893] •5784 Lee, A. B. Microtomist's vade-mecum. Lond. 1913 •5786 Beale, L. S. How to work with the microscope. Lond. 1880 "5786 Friedlaender, C. Mikroscopische Technik. Berl. 1894 •579 COLLECTING. B.M. '579 British Museum. Handbook of instructions for col- lectors. Lond. 1902. '579 Peter, K. Die Methoden der Kekonstruktion. Jena 1906. *5794 Brown, M. Artistic and scientific taxidermy and model- ling. Lond. 1896. 169 ■58 BOTANY. •58 Bauhin, C. (f>vTOTnva$; seu, Enumeratio plantarum ab herbariis nostro saeculo descriptarum. Basiliae [1596]. •58 Caesalpinus, A. De plantis. Florentiae 1583. •58 Druce, Q. C. Dillenian herbaria. Oxf. 1907. •58 Engler, A. Das Pflanzenreich. Pt. 1-^ Leip. 1900-^ •58 Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. Berl. 1912. •58 Engler, A., and PrantI, K. Die Natiirlichen Pflanzen- familien. Vol. 1-5. Leip. 1889-> •58 Fuchsius, L. De historia stirpium commentarii. Parisiis 1546. •58 Qerarde, J. The Herbal, or generall historic of plantes. Lond. 1633. •58 Kew — Royal botanic gardens. Wild fauna and flora of the gardens. Lond. 1906. 5801 International botanical congress. Regies Interna- tionales de la nomenclature botanique. {French, English, and German.'] Jena 1906. ■5801 Kew — Royal botanic gardens. List of published names of plants introduced to cultivation, 1876 to 1896. Lond. 1900. •5801 Linnaeus, C. Philosophia botanica. Stockh. 1751. ■5801 Rolland, E. Flore populaire; ou, Histoire naturelle des : 398 plantes dans leurs rapports avee la linguistique et le folklore. 5 vols. Paris 1896-1904. •5802 MANUALS. •5802 Bower, F. O. Botany of the living plant. Lond. 1919. •5802 Brehm, A. E. Merveilles de la nature. Vols. 10, 11. Les plantes. Par P. Constantin et E. d'Hubert. Paris 170 •58 BOTANY •5802 Coulter, J. M., and others. Textbook of botany. 2 vols. New York [1910-11]. •5802 Gagfer, C. S. Fundamentals of botany. Philad. 1916. •5802 Kerner von Marilaun, A. Natural history of plants. 2 vols. Lond. 1894-95. •5802 Lowson, J. M. Text-book of botany. Lond. 1912. •5802 Macgillivray, W. Manual of botany. Lond. 1853. •5802 Sachs, J. Text-book of botany. Oxf. 1882. •5802 Sargent, F. L. Plants and their uses, an introduction to botany. Lond. 1914. •5802 Schenk, A. Handbuch der Botanik. Hrsg. A. S. 4 vols. Breslau 1879-90. •5802 Strasburger, E. Text-book of botany. Lond. 1903. •5802 Vines, S. li. Students' text-book of botany. Lond. 1895. •5802 Wiesner, J. von. Elemente der wissenschaftlichen Botanik. 3 vols. Wien 1906-13. / "5803 Baillon, H. Diction naire de botanique. 4 vols. Paris 1876-92. •5803 Gerth van Wijk, H. L. Dictionary of plantnames. 2 vols. The Hague 1911-16. '5803 Jackson, B. D. Glossary of botanic terms. Lond. 1900- •5803 Nicholson, G. Illustrated dictionary of gardening. 4 vols, and supplement. Lond. 1885-[1900]. '5803 Pritzel, G. A. Iconum botanicarum index. Berl. 1855. •5803 Schneider, C. K. Illustriertes Handworterbuch der Botanik. Hrsg. C. K. S. Leip. 1905. •5804 Farmer, J. B. Practical introduction to the study of botany. Lond. 1902. ■5804 Fritch, F. E., and Salisbury, E. J. Introduction to the structure and reproduction of plants. Lond. 1920. •5804 Introduction to the study of plants. Lond. 1914. 171 BOTANY •5805 PERIODICALS. •5805 A.s. Annates des sciences naturelles — Botanique. Ser. IV. Vols. 13-20 ; Ser. V.-> [See also -5705.] Paris 1860-> •5805 A.B. Annals of botany. Vol. l-> Lond. 1887-$- •5805 B. BeitrMge zur Biologie der Pflanzen. Vol. l-> Breslau 1870-$- •5805 B. A. Botanical abstracts. Vol. l-» Baltimore 1919-^ •5805 B.C. Botanical cabinet. Vols. 1-10. Lond. 1817-24. •5805 B.G. Botanical gazette. Vol. ll-> Crawfordsville, Ind., Chicago, etc., 1886-^ •5805 B.M. Botanical magazine. 53 vols, and index. Lond. 1787-1826. •5805 B.jr. Botanische Jahrbiicher. Vol. 18-> Leip. 1894-> •5805 B.z. Botanische Zeitung. 68 vols. Berl., Leip. 1843-1910. ^5805 B.Jt. Botanischer Jahresbericht. 1873->. Vol. l-> Berl. 1874-> •5805 Suppl. 1904-05. Leip., Berl. 1906. B.Jt.A. •5805 B.ce. Botanisches Centralblatt. Vol. l-> Cassel, Jena 1880-> •5805 B.ce. Beihefte. Vol. l-> Cassel, Dresden 1891-> •5805 Companion to the Botanical magazine. By W. J. B.M.c. Hooker. 2 vols. Lond. 1835-36. •5805 F. Flora, Oder Allgemeine botanische Zeitung. Vol. 72-78, 80, 82-> Marburg 1889-^ •5805 F,z. Forstlich-naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Vols. 1-7. Mtinchen 1892-98. •5805 H.I. Hooker's Icones plantarum. Vol. 1-8, 10-» Lond. 1837-> •5805 H. Hooker's journal of botany. 4 vols. Lond. 1834-42. 5805 H. Hooker's London journal of botany. Vols. 1-2, 7. Lond. 1842-48. 172 •58 BOTANY •5805 J.w. Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaftliche Botanik. Vol. 6-> Leip. 1868-» •5805 J. Journal of botany. Vol. 1-9, ll-> Lond. 1863-» •5805 L. Linnea. 43 vols. Berl. 1826-82. •5805 M. Malpighia. Vols. 6-27. Genova 1892-1916. '5805 N.p. New phytologist. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1902-> •5805 N.G. Nuovo s^iornale botanico italiano. Ser. I., vols. 20- 25 ; Ser. II., vol. 1-^ Firenze 1888-> •5805 P.M. Paxton's magazine of botany. Vols. 2-8. Lond. 1836-41. •5805 p. Phytologist. Ser. I., vols. 1-5 and index ; Ser. II., vols. 1-6. Lond. 1842-63. •5805 p.R. Progressus rei botanicae. Vol. l-> Jena 1907-^ •5805 R.L. Repertorium annuum literaturae botanicae. 1872- 79. 8 vols. Harlemi 1873-86. •5805 R. Revue generale de botanique. Vol. l-> Paris 1889-> •5805 z.B. Zeitschrift fur Botanilc. Vol. l-> Jena 1909-> •5806 SOCIETIES. •5806 I.E. International botanical congress. Genova, 1892. Atti. Genova 1893. '5806 I.E. Bruxelles, 1910. Actes. 2 vols. Brux. [1912]. •5806 Wien, 1905. Bericht. Wien 1906. I.B.B. •5806 K. Kew — Royal botanic gardens. Eeports. 1874-82. Lond. 1875-84. Bulletins. 1887-^ Lond. 1887-» •5806 K.p. Selected papers from Kew bulletin. 1-^ Lond. 1906-> .5806 Eoyal botanic gardens, Kew. By W. J. Bean. K.Bea. Lond. 1908. •5806 L.J. Linnean society of London. Journal. Botany. Vol. 1-11, 13~> Lond. 1857-> •58o6,L.p. Proc. 1874/75-> Lond. 1875-^ 173 •58 BOTANY •5806 L.T. Linnean society of London. Trans. [Ser. I.] 30 vols. Lend. 1791-1875. •5806 L.T. — Botany. Ser. II. Vol. l-> Lond. 1880-> '5806 Botanical society of Edinburg^h. Trans. Vol. l-» (4144) Edin. 1844-> -5806(43) Deutsche botanische Gesellschaft. Berichte. Vol, l-> Berl. 1883-> •5806 Societa botanica italiana. BuUettino. 1892-> (45) s.B. Firenze 1892-> 'f8o6 Svenska vetenskaps^akademien, K. Arkiv for (485) botanik. Vol. 1-^ Stockh. 1904-> •5806 India — Botanical survey. Eecords. Vol. 2-^ (54) B.R. Calcutta 1903-^ •5806 Calcutta — Royal botanic garden. Annals. Vol. l-> (541) Calcutta 1887-> •5806(73) Smithsonian Institution. United States National museum. National Herbarium. Contributions. Vol. 7, 9-» Wash. 1902-> •5806 Missouri botanical garden. Eeports. l-> (778) St. Louis [1890]-> •5806 California University publications. Botany. Vol. l-> (794) c.u. Berkeley 1903-» •5806 Rio de Janeiro — Jardin botanico. Archivos. Vol. 1-^ (8133) Rio de Janeiro 1915-> •5806 Buitenzorg — Jardin botanique. Annales. [Ser. I.], (922) 15 vols.; Ser. II., vol. l-> Batavia, Leide 1876-> /. 5806 New South Wales — Botanic gardens. Reports. (944) 1910-> [Sydney 1911-> 1 •5807 METHODS OF STUDY. •5807 Bower, F. O., and Vines, S. li. Course of practical instruction in botany. Lond. 1891. •5807 Candolle, A. de. La Phytographie. Paris 1880. •5807 Cavers, F. Practical botany. Lond. 1911. •5807 Ganong:, W. F. Teaching botanist. New York 1910. '5807 Horwood, A. R. Practical field botany. Lond. 1914. 174 ■58 BOTANY •5807 Kienitz-Gerlotf, F. Methodik des botanischen Unter- richts. ' Berl. 1904. /. -5807 McAlpine, D. Botanical atlas. 2 vols. Edin. 1883. •5807 Strasburger, E. Handbook of practical botany. Ed. W. Hillhouse. ' Lond. 1887. '5807 Trail, J. W. H. Syllabus of instruction in botany. Abd. 1904; /. '58072 Willmott, E. Warley garden in spring and summer. (42) Lond. 1909. •58072 Coville, F. v., and MacDougal, D. T. Desert botanical (764) laboratory of the Carnegie Institution. Wash. 1903. •58074 Vines, S. H., and Druce, G. C. Account of the Mori- (42) sonian Herbarium. Oxf. 1914. /. '58074 Koerner, A. Die Bauten des Koniglichen botanischen (4315) Gartens in Dahlem. Berl. 1910. •5808 COLLECTIVE WORKS. •58081 Brown, R. Miscellaneous botanical works. 3 vols. Lond. 1866-68. •58081 Errera, L. Eecueil d'oeuvres. [3 vols.] Brux. 1908-09. •58082 Ascherson, P. Festschrift zur Feier des siebzigsten Geburtstages des Herrn Prof. P. Ascherson. Leip. 1904. •58082 Ostwald's Klassiker. Leip. 1889-> •58082 Warming, E. Biologiske Arbejder tilegnede Eug. Warming paa bans 70 Aars F^tdselsdag den 3. No- vember 1911. K(pbenhavn 1911. •5809 HISTORY. •5809 Arber, A. Herbals — their origin and evolution. Camb. 1912. •5809 Gibson, R. J. Harvey-. Outlines of the history of botany. Lond. 1919. •5809 Green, J. R. History of botany, 1860-1900. Oxf. 1909. 176 •58 BOTANY •5809 Pickering, C. Chronological history of plants. •' Boston [Mass.] 1879. •5809 Sachs, J. History of botany. Oxf. 1890. '5809 (3) Joret, C. Plantes dans I'antiquite et au moyen age. Pt. l-» Paris 1897-> •5809 (42) Green, J. R. History of botany in the United King- dom. Lond. 1914. •5809 Smith, J. Bible plants. Lond. [1877]. : 22 •68091 BIBLIOGRAPHY. B.M.'58o9i British Museum. Books and portraits illustrating the history of plant classification. Lond. 1906. •58091 Mailer, A. von. Bibliotheca botanica. 2 vols. Tiguri 1771-72. •58091 Index emendatus perfecit J. C. Bay. Bernae 1908. •58091 Jackson, B. D. Guide to literature of botany. Lond. 1891. •58091 Junk, W. Bibliographia botanica. Berl. 1909. •58091 Pritzel, Q. A. Thesaurus literaturae botanicae. Lips. 1872. '016 : j8 Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific literature. Botany [1901->] Lond. 1902-» •58092 BIOGRAPHY. •58092 Babing^ton, C. C. Memorials, journal, and botanical correspondence. Camb. 1897. •58092 Bower, F. O. Joseph Dalton Hooker. Lond. 1919. .58092 Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, 1817-1911. Glasg. 1912. •58092 Dudley, W. R. Dudley memorial volume. Stanford Univ. 19ia. •58092 Huxley, L. Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker. 2 vols. Lond. 1918. •58092 Kronfeld, E. M. Anton Kerner von Marilaun. Leip. 1908. •58092 Linnaeus, C. Bref och Skrifvelser af och till Carl von Linne. Vol. l-» Stockh. 1907-> 176 •58 J30T.\NY •58092 Oliver, S. P. Life of Philibert Commerson. Ed. G. F. S. Elliot. Lond. 1909. •58092 Wilson, W. F. David Douglas, botanist, at Hawaii. Honolulu 1919. •58092 Oliver, F. W. Makers of British botany. Camb. 1913. (42) •58: RELATIONAL DIVISIONS. *5^ • 575 Bernard, N. Evolution des plantes. Paris 1916. ■58 • 575 Blaringhem, L. Mutation et traumatismes. Paris 1908. *5^ ■ 575 Campbell, D. H. Lectures on the evolution of plants. New York 1902. *5^ • 575 Coulter, J. M., and M. C. Plant genetics. Chicago [1918]. •58 : 575 Lotsy, J. P. Vortriige liber botanische Stammesges- chichte. Vol. 1-^ Jena 1907-» •58 : 752 Societe fran^aise des chrysanthemestes. Eepertoire de couleurs pour aider a la determination des couleurs des fieurs, des feuillages et des fruits. Rennes 1905. •581 BIOLOGICAL BOTANY. •581 Jones, W. N., and Rayner, M. C. A Textbook of plant biology. Lond. [1920]. •581 Migula, W. Pflanzenbiologie. Leip. 1909. •581 Neger, F. W. Biologie der Pflanzen. Stuttg. 1913. •581 Scott, D. H. Introduction to structural botany. Lond. 1897. •581 (21) Bower, F. O. Origin of a land flora. Lond. 1908. /. '581 Beer, J. G. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Biologie der : 58415 Familie der Orchideen. Wien 1863. •5811 PHYSIOLOGY OF PLANTS. •5811 Cox, L. E. Experimental plant physiology. Lond. 1915. •581 1. Darwin, F., and Acton, E. H. Practical physiology of plants. Camb. 1894. 177 12 •58 BOTANY •581 1 Ganong, W. F. Laboratoiy course in plant physiology. New York [1908]. •581 1 Haberlandt, G. Physiological plant anatomy, Lond. 1914. •581 1 Jost, L. Lectures on plant physiology. Oxf. 1907. •581 1 Lloyd, F. E. Physiologj^ of stomata. Wash. 1908. •581 1 Molisch, H. Pflanzenphysiologie als Theorie der Gartnerei. Jena 1920. •5811 N^mec, B. Die Eeizleitung und die reizleitenden Strukturen bei den Pflanzen. Jena 1901. •581 1 Palladin, V. I. Plant physiology. Philad. [1918]. •581 1 Pfeffer, W. Physiology of plants. Vol. l-> Oxf. 1900-> •581 1 Sachs, J. von. Physiology of plants. Oxf. 1887. •581 1 Shreve, F. Montane rain-forest. Wash. 1914. (7292) •581116 Dixon, H. H. Transpiration and the ascent of sap in plants. Lond. 1914. Livingston, B. E. Relation of desert plants to soil moisture and to evaporation. Wash. 1906. Shreve, E. B. Daily march of transpiration in a desert perennial. Wash. 1914. Cannon, W. A. Chlorophyll apparatus in desert plants. Wash. 1908. Darwin, C. Insectivorous plants. Lond. 1875. liempel, J. Effect of etherization on plant-metabolism. K(l)benhavn 1911. •581 13 Pfeiffer, T. Der Vegetationsversuch als Hilfsmittel zur Losung von Fragen auf dem Gebiete der Pflanzen- ernahrung. Berl. 1918. •581 13 Richards, H. M. Acidity and gas interchange in cacti. Wash. 1915. /. -58113 Richter, O. Die Ernahrung der Algen. Leip. 1911. •581 1 3 Spoehr, H. A. The Carbohydrate economy of cacti. Wash. 1919 178 •58III6 (252) •58III6 (252) •58II3 •58II3 •58II3 •58 BOTANY •581 13 Stahl, E. Zur Biologie des Chlorophylls. Jena 1909. •58 1 1323 Wiesner, J. von. Der Lichtgenuss der Pflanzen. Leip. 1907. •581 14 Klebs, G. Willkiirliche Entwickelungsanderungen bei Pflanzen. Jena 1903. •581 143 Dougflass, A. E. Climatic cycles and tree-growth. Wash. 1919. •581 143 MacDougal, D. T. Hydration and growth. Wash. 1920. •581 15 Bailey, L. H. Plant-breeding. New York 1917. •581 15 Darwin, C. Different forms of flowers. Lond. 1877. •581 15 Vries, H. de. Plant-breeding. Lond. 1907. •581 15 Klebs, G. liber kiinstliche Metamorphosen. :5773 ^ Stuttg. 1906. •581 15 Chodat, R. Etude sur le polymorphisme des Algues. : 5893 Geneve 1909. •581 1524 Macdou^al, D. T., and Spalding, E. S. Water-balance of succulent plants. Wash. 1910. 581 16 Darwin, C. Effects of cross and self-fertilisation. Lond. 1876. 581 16 Kerner, A. Flowers and their unbidden guests. Lond. 1878. 581 16 Knuth, P. Handbook of flower pollination. 3 vols. Oxf. 1906-09. 58116 Miiller, H. Fertilisation of flowers. Lond. 1883. 581 16 ■ ■ Weitere Beobachtungen liber Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten. 3 pts. Berl. 1879-82. 581 16 Strasburger, E. Zeitpunkt der Bestimmung des Ge- schlechts. Jena 1909. 581 16 Harper, R. A. Sexual reproduction and the organisation : 5892 of the nucleus in certain mildews. Wash. 1905. 581 162 Coulter, J. M. Evolution of sex in plants. Chicago 1914. ;;8ii63 Winlcier, H. Parthenogenesis und Apogamie im Pflanzenreiche. Jena 1908. 179 •58 BOTANY •581 169 Nemec, B. Studien liber die Regeneration. Berl. 1905. •581 171 Czapek, F. OberflachenspS-nnung der Plasmahaut von Pflanzenzellen. Jena 1911. •58118 Bose, Sir J. C. Life movements in plants. [2 vols.] Calcutta 1918-19. •581 18 Plant response as a means of physiological in- vestigation. Lond. 1906. •581 18 Researches on irritability of plants. Lond. 1913. •581 18 Darwin, C. Movements and habits of climbing plants. Lond. 1875. •581 18 Darwin, C, and F. Power of movement in plants. Lond. 1880. •581 18 Pringsheim, E. G. Die Reizbewegungen der Pflanzen. Berl. 1912. •581 1833 Haberlandt, G. Die Lichtsinnesorgane der Laubblatter. Leip. 1905. •58119 Czapek, F. Biochemie der Pflanzen.- Vol. l-> Jena 1905-^ '581 19 Michael, H. A. Studies in plant and organic chemistry. Camb., Mass. 1907. •581 19 Onslow, M. W. Practical plant biochemistry. Camb. 1920. '581 19 Sohn, C. E. Dictionary of active principles of plants. Lond. 1894. •581 19 Tunmann, O. Pflanzenmikrochemie. Berl. 1913. '581 19 Zopf, W. Die Flechtenstoffe. Jena 1907. '5811931 Reichert, E. T. Differentiation and specificity of starches. 2 pts. Wash. 1913. '581 1933 Cross, C. F., and Bevan, E. J. Researches on cellu- lose. l-». 1895/1900-^ Lond. 1907 -> •581 1 941 Willstatter, R., and Stoll, A. Untersuchungen iiber Chlorophyll. Berl. 1913. ■581 195 Onslow, M. W. Anthocyanin pigments of plants. Camb. 1916. 180 •58 BOTANY •5812 PATHOLOGY OF PLANTS. ■5812 Burg-eff, H. Die Wurzelpilze der Orchideen. Jena 1909. •5812 Kiister, E. Pathologische Pflanzenanatomie. Jena 1903. •581205 c. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie. Abth. II. Pflanzen- pathologie, etc. Vol. l-> Jena 1895-> 581205 z.p. Zeitschrift fiir Pflanzenkrankheiten. Vol. l-> Stuttg. 1891-> •58121 Bruck, W. F. Plant diseases. Lond. 1912. •5812 1 Delacroix, G. Atlas des conferences de pathologic vegetale. Paris •58121 Massee, Q. Text-book of plant diseases. Lond. 1903. •58121 Sorauer, P. Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. 2 vols. Berl. 1908-09. •581 2 1 Stevens, F. L. Fungi which cause plant disease. New York 1913. •581 2 1 Tubeuf, K. von. Diseases of plants. Lond. 1897. •581 2 1 Cook, M. T. Diseases of tropical plants. Lond. 1913. (213) •581 2 1 Hartig, R. Diseases of trees. Lond. 1894. :634 •581 2 1 Ward, H. M. Timber and some of its diseases. : 634 Lond. 1889. •5812 1 Petri, L. Studi sul marciume delle radici nelle viti : 6346 fillosserate. Eoma 1907. •581 2 198 Masters, M. T. Vegetable teratology. Lond. 1869. •58 1 2 198 Penzig, O. Pflanzen-Teratologie. 2 vols. Genua 1890-94. •5812198 Worsdell, W. C. Principles of plant-teratology. 2 vols. Lond. 1915-16. •58122 Darboux, Q., and Houard, C. Galles de Cynipides. Paris 1907. •58122 Gadeau de Kerville, H. Cecidozoaires at leurs cecidies. Paris 1901. 181 •58 BOTANY •58122 Kiister, E. Die Gallen denPflanzen. Leip. 1911. •58122 Connold, E. T. Plant galls of Great Britain. (42) Lond. 1909. •58123 MacDougal, D. T., and Cannon, W. A. Parasitism in plants. Wash. 1910. •58123 Smith, E. F. Bacterial diseases of plants. Philad. 1920. •58124 Gedoelst, L. Les Champignons parasites de I'homme et des animaux domestiques. Lierre 1902. •5813 EMBRYOLOGY OF PLANTS. •5813 Avebury, Sir J. Lubbock, 1st baron. Contribution to our knowledge of seedlings. 2 vols. Lond. 1892. •5813 Guppy, H. B. Studies in seeds and fruits. Lond. 1912. •5813 Johnson, D. S. Fruit of Opuntia fulgida. Wash. 1918. •581312 Edgeworth, M. P. Pollen. Lond. 1887. •5814 MORPHOLOGY OF PLANTS. •5814 Bary, A. de. Comparative anatomy of the vegetative organs of the phanerogams and ferns. Oxf. 1884. •5814 Campbell, D. H. The Eusporangiatae. Wash. 1911. •5814 Qoebel, K. Organography of plants, especially of the Archegoniatae and Spermaphyta. 2 vols. Oxf. 1900-05. •5814 Grew, N. Anatomy of plants. Lond. 1682. •5814 Velenovsky, J. Vergleichende Morphologie der Pflan- zen. 4 pts. Prag 1905-13. •5814 Vochting, H. Anatomie und Pathologic des Pflanzen- korpers. Tubingen 1908. .5814 Gluck, H. Biologische und morphologische Unter- (28) suchungen liber Wasser- und Sumpfgewachse. Pts. 1-2. Jena 1905-06. •5814 Coulter, J. M., and Chamberlain, C. J. Morphology : 582 of spermatophytes. 2 vols. New York 1901-03. •5814 Morphology of gymnosperms. Chicago [1910]. 585 182 •58 BOTANY •5814 Campbell, D. H., and Williams, F. Morphological : 5883 study of some membersiof the genus Pallavicinia. Stanford Univ. 1914. •58145 Church, A. H. Eelation of phyllotaxis to mechanical laws. Lond. 1904. /. -58148 Types of floral mechanism. Pt. l-> Oxf. 1908-» •5815 HABITS OF PLANTS. 5815 Cannon, W. A. Root habits of desert plants. Wash. 1911. 5815 Clements, F. E. Plant indicators : the relation of plant communities to process and practice. Wash. 1920. 5815 Research methods in ecology. Lincoln, Neb. 1905. 5815 Kraus, G. Boden und Klima auf kleinstem Raum. Jena 1911. 5815 Schneider, C. K. Dendrologische Winterstudien. Jena 1903. 5815 Warming, E. Oecology of plants. Oxf. 1909. 5815 Weaver, J. E. The Ecological relations of roots. Wash. 1919. 581506 British ecological society. Journal of ecology. Vol. B.E. l-> Camb. 1913-> 5815(28) Monkemeyer, W. Die Sumpf- und Wasserpflanzen. Berl. 1897. 5815 Kirchner, O. von, and others. Lebensgeschichte der : 582(4) Bliitenpflanzen Mitteleuropas. Vol. l-> Stuttg. 1908-> •5815 13 Stahl, E. Pflanzen und Schnecken. Jena 1888. ■594 •58152 Hehn, V. Wanderings of plants and animals from their : 63 first home. Ed. J. S. Stallybrass. Lond. 1885. /. '58154 Sernander, R. Entwurf einer Monographie der euro- • 595796 paischen Myrmekochoren. Uppsala 1906. •5816 ECONOMICS OF PLANTS. •5816 Boulger, G. S. Uses of plants. Lond. 1889. •5816 Diels, L. Ersatzstoffe aus dem Pflanzenreich. Stuttg. 1918. 183 •58 BOTANY •5816 -Jackson, J. R. Commercial botany of 19th century. Lond. 1890. •5816 Lanessan, J. L. de. Les Plantes utiles des colonies francaises. Paris 1886. •5816 Reinhardt, L. Kulturgeschichte der Nutzpflanzen. Milnchen 1911. •5816 Wiesner, J. Die Eohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches. 2 vols. Leip. 1900-03. ■581603 Smith, J. Dictionary of popular names of the plants which furnish the natural and acquired wants of man. Lond. 1882. '016 Jackson, B. D. Vegetable technology: a contribution '.5816 towards a bibliography of economic botany. Lond. 1882. •5816 Hoops, J. Waldbaume und Kulturpflanzen im ger- (363) manischen Altertum. Strassb. 1905. •5816 Watt, Sir G. Commercial products of India. (54) Lond. 1908. •5816 [Holland, J. H.] Useful plants of Nigeria. 2 pts. (669) Lond. 1908-11. •58163 Bentley, R., andTrimen, H. Medicinal plants. 4 vols. Lond. 1880. •58163 Heiize, G. Les Plantes alimentaires. 2 vols, and atlas. Paris [1872]. ■58165 Cornevin, C. Des plantes veneneuses et des empoison- nements qu'elles determinent. Paris 1887. •58165 Long, H. C. Plants poisonous to live stock. • Camb. 1917. '58165 Pammel, L. H. Manual of poisoaous plants, chiefly of eastern North America. Cedar Eapids 1911. •58169 Heinricher, E. Die Aufzucht der parasitischen Samen- pflanzen. Jena 1910. •5818 HISTOLOGY OF PLANTS. •5818 Dop, P., and Gautie, A. Manuel de technique botanique. Paris 1909. 184 •58 BOTANY ^5818 Jeffrey, E. C. Anatomy of woody plants. Chicago [1917]. -5818 Stevens, W. C. Plant anatomy. Lond. [1916]. •5818 Tschirch, A. Angewandte Pflanzenanatomie. Vol. l-> Wien 1889-> •581807 Penhallow, D. P. Tables for the use of students on vegetable histolog}^ Boston 1882. •5818 Solereder, H. Systematic anatomy of the dicotyledons. : 583 2 vols. Oxf. 1908. •581822 1 1 Porsch, O. Der Spaltoffnungsapparat im Lichte der Phylogenie. Jena 1905. •581822 1 1 Rehfous, L. Etude sur les stomates. Geneve 1917. •581823 Janssonius, H. H. Mikrographie des Holzes der auf (922) Java vorkommenden Baumarten. 2 vols. Leiden 1906-08. •5819 GEOGRAPHICAL BOTANY. •5819 Baker, J. G. Elementary lessons in botanical geo- graphy. - Lond. 1875, •5819 Drude, O. Handbuch der Pflanzengeographie. Stuttg. 1890. •5819 Qraebner, P. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Pflanzen- geographie. Leip. 1910. •5819 Hardy, M. E. The Geography of plants. Oxf. 1920. •5819 Karsten, Q., and Schenck, H. Vegetationsbilder. Vol. l-» Jena 1904-» •5819 Schimper, A. F. W. Plant geography upon a physio- logical basis. Oxf. 1903. '5819 Marret, L. Icones florae Alpinse plantarum. Pt. l-» (234) [Paris] •5819 Thompson, H. S. Alpine plants of Europe. (234) Lond. [1911]. -5819 Braun, J. Les Cevennes m^ridionales. Geneve 1915. (2342) -5819 Weber, J. C. Die Alpen-Pflanzen Deutschlands und (2343) der Schweiz. 4 vols. Miinchen 1872. 185 •58 BOTANY •5819 Arber, E. A. N. Plant life ip Alpine Switzerland. (23435) Lond. 1910. •5819 Thompson, H. S. Sub-alpine plants. Lond. 1912. (23435) •5819 Clements, F. E. Plant succession. Wash. 1916. (237) •5819 Shreve, F. Vegetation of a desert mountain range. (237) Wash. 1915. •5819 Spalding, V. M. Distribution and movements of desert (252) plants. Wash. 1909. •5819 Cannon, W. A. Botanical features of the Algerian (252: 6) Sahara. Wash. 1913. •5819 MacDougal, D. T. Botanical features of North Ameri- (252: 7) can deserts. Wash. 1908. •5819(26) Johnson, D. S., and York, H. H. Relation of plants to tide-levels. Wash. 1915. •5819(26) Kuckuck, P. Der Strandwanderer, die wichtigsten Strandpflanzen, Meeresalgen und Seetiere der Nord- und Ostsee. Miinchen 1905. •5819(28) Arber, A. Water plants. Camb. 1920. •5819 Magnin, A. Monographies botaniques de 74 lacs (285 144) jurassiens, suivies de considerations generales sur la vegetation lacustres. Paris 1904. •5819(32) Loret, V. La Flore pharaonique. Paris 1892. /.•58i9(4) Bonnier, G. Flore complete de France, Suisse et Belgique. Vol. l-> Neuchatel •5819(4) Caruel, T. Epitome florae Europae. [Fasc. 1-3.] Florentiae [1892-97]. •5819(4) Hegi, G. Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa. 3 vols. Miinchen [1906]. •5819(4) Hermann, F. Flora von Deutschland und Fenno- skandinavien. Leip. 1912. •5819(41) Ewing, P. Glasgow catalogue of native and established plants. Glasg. 1899. •5819(41) Lightfoot, J. Flora Scotica. 2 vols. Lond. 1792. •5819(41) Murray, A, Northern flora. Pt. 1. Edin. 1835. 186 •58 BOTANY •5819 Spence, M., and Grant, J. Flora Orcadensis. (41 12) Kirkwall 1914. •5819 Craib, W. Q. Flora of Banffshire. Abd. 1912. (4124) •5819 Dickie, Q. Botanist's guide to the counties of Aberdeen, (4125) Banff, and Kincardine. Abd. 1860. •5819 Sim, J. Botany of Scotstown Moor. Abd. 1868. (4125) •5819 Trail, J. W. H. Flora of Buchan. Peterhead 1902. (4125) '5819' White, F. B. W. Flora of Perthshire. Edin. 1898. (4132) •5819 Hayward, I. M., and Druce, Q. C. The Adventive (414) flora of Tweedside. Arbroath 1919. •5819 Qreville, R. K. Flora Edmensis. Edin. 1824. (4144) •5819(42) Babington, C. C. Manual of British Botany, Lond. 1904. •5819(42) Bentham, Q. Handbook of British flora. 2 vols. Lond. 1865. •5819(42) Bonnier, Q. Name this flower. Lond. 1917. •5819(42) Carter, H. Q. Genera of British plants. Camb. 1913. •5819(42) Druce, Q. C. List of British plants. Oxf. 1908. •5819(42) Fitch, W. H., and Smith, W. G. Illustrations of the British flora. Lond. 1912. •5819(42) Fox, T. How to find and name wild flowers. Lond. [1916]. •5819(42) Hool<:er, Sir J. D. Students' flora of the British Isles. Lond. 1884. /. -5819 Moss, C. E. Cambridge British flora. Vols. 2-3. (42) Camb. 1914-20. •5819(42) Reid, C. Origin of British flora. Lond. 1899. •5819(42) Skene, M. Wild flowers. Lond. [1913]. •5819(42) Syme, J. T. B. English botany; or, Coloured figures of British plants. Figures by J. Sowerby, etc. 12 vols. and suppl. Lond. 1863-92. 187 •58 BOTANY ^5819(42) Watson, H. C. Topographioal botany. Lond. 1883. •5819(42) Williams, F. N. Prodromus florae Britannicae. l-> Brentford 1911-» •5819 Marquand, E. D. Flora of Guernsey and the lesser (4234) Channel Islands. Lond. 1901. •5819 Purton, T. Botanical description of British plants in (424) the midland counties. 3 vols. Stratford-on-Avon 1817-21. 5819 White, J. W. Flora of Bristol. Bristol 1912. (4241) 5819 Amphlett, J., and Rea, C. Botany of Worcestershire. (4247) Birmingham 1909. 5819 Wheldon, J. A., and Wilson, A. Flora of West (4272) Lancashire. Eastbourne 1907. 5819(43) Karsch, A. Vademecum botanicum. Leip. 1894. 5819(43) Thome, O. W. Flora von Deutschland, Osterreich und der Schweiz. Vol. l-» Gera-Untermhaus 1886-^ 5819 Kerner von Marilaun, A. Schedae ad floram exsiccatam (436) Austro-Hungaricam. 1-9. Vindobonae 1881-1902. 5819(44) Rouy, G., and Foucaud, J. Flore de France. 14 vols. Asnieres 1893-1913. 5819 Saccardo, P. A. Cronologia della flora italiana. (45)09 Padova 1909. 5819 Coutinho, A. X..P. Flora de Portugal. (Notas.) (469) Paris 1913-(1914). 5819 Warming, E. Dansk Plantevaekst. 2 vols. (489) K([)benhavn, 1906-09. 5819 Faroe Isles. Botany of the Faeroes. Copenh. 1908. (491) 5819 Christ, H. La Flore de la Suisse. Bale 1907. (494) 5819 Dunn, S. T., and Tutcher, W. J. Flora of Kwangtung (512) and Hongkong, China. Lond, 1912. "5819(52) Matsumura, J. Index plantarum Japonicarum. 3 vols.. Tokioni 1904-12- 188 •58 BOTANY •5819 Hayata, B. Flora montana Formosae. Tokyo 1908. (529) •5819 Icones plantarum Formosanarum. Vol. l-> (529) Taihoku [1911]-> •5819(54) Hooker, Sir J. D. Flora of British India. 7 vols. Lond. 1875-97.. •5819(54) Oliver, D. First book of Indian botany. Lond. 1869. •5819(54) Prain, Sir D. Contributions to Indian botany. Lond. 1906. •5819(54) Watt, Sir Q. Dictionary of economic products of : 5816 India. 6 vols. Calcutta 1889-96.. •5819 Cooke, T. Flora of the Presidency of Bombay. 2 vols. (547) Lond. 1903-08. •5819 Trimen, H. Flora of Ceylon. Pts. 1-3. (Continued (548) by Sir J. D. Hooker. Pts. 4-5.) Atlas. Lond. 1893-1900. •5819 Craib, W. G. Flora of Siam. Dicotyledones. (593) Abd. 1912. •5819 Monocotyledones. Abd. 1912. (593) /. '5819 Beccari, O. Malesia : raccolta di osservazioni botaniche. (595) 3 vols. Genova, Firenze 1877-90. B.M.^58r9(6) British Museum. Catalogue of the African plants, collected by F. Welwitsch in 1853-61. [Now in the British Museum,] By W. P. Hiern and others. 2 vols. Lond. 1896-1901. •5819(6) Thonner, F. Die Bliitenpflanzen Afrikas. Berl. 1908. •5819(62) Muschler, R. Manual flora of Egypt. -2 vols. Berl. 1912. B.M.-58i9 British Museum. Catalogue of plants collected in (669) South Nigeria. By A. B. Eendle, etc. Lond. 1913. •5819 Wildeman, E. de. Notices sur des plantes utiles ou (672) interessantes de la flore du Congo. Publ. de I'Etat Independant du Congo. [l]-> Brux. 1903-^ •5819(68) Marloth, R. Flora of South Africa. Vol. l-> Capetown 1913-^ 189 •58 BOTANY -5819(68) Stoneman, B. Plants and their ways in South Africa. Lond. 1915. -5819(7) Gray, A. Synoptical flora of North America. Vols. 1-2, pt. 1. New York 1878-97. -5819(7) North American flora. New York 1916-> -5819 Quppy, H. B. Plants, seeds, and currents in the West (729) Indies and Azores. Lond. 1917. B.M.-58i9 British Museum. Flora of Jamaica. By W. Fawcett (7292) and A. B. Kendle. Vol. l-> Lond. 1910-> 5819 Boldingh, I. Flora of St. Eustatius, Saba, and St. (7297) Martin. Leiden 1909. 5819 Daniels, F. P. Flora of Boulder, Colorado. (788) Columbia 1911. 5819(8) Spruce, R. Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes. 2 vols. Lond. 1908. 5819(81) Wettstein, R. R. von. Vegetationsbilder aus Siid- brasilien. Tafeln. Leip. 1904. 5819(88) Rodway, J. In the Guiana forest. Lond. 1895. 5819 Cheeseman, T. F. Illustrations of New Zealand flora. (931) Ed. T. F. C. Wellington 1914. 5819 Manual of New Zealand flora. Wellington 1906. (931) 5819 Laing, R. M., and Blackwell, E. W. Plants of New (931) Zealand. Christchurch 1907. 5819(94) Ewart, A. J., and Davies, O. B. Flora of the Northern Territory. Melbourne 1917. 5819(94) Mueller, F. von. Baron. _ Iconography of Australian species of acacia. Decades 1-13. 1887-1888. Melbourne 1888. •5819(94) Second systematic census of Australian plants. Pt. 1. Melbourne 1879. •5819 Bailey, F. M. Catalogue of Queensland plants. (943) Brisbane [1909]. •5819 Mueller, F. von. Baron. Native plants of Victoria. (945) Pt. 1. Melbourne 1879. 190 •58 BOTANY •582--589 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. -582 PHANEROGAMS. '582 Bentham, Q., and Hooker, J. D. Genera plantarum. 3 vols. Lond. 1862-83. /. 582 Dalla Torre, C. G. de, and Harms, H. Genera siphonogamarum. ■ Lips. 1907. •582 Rendle, A. B. Classification of flowering plants. .Vol. l-> Camb. 1904-> '582 Willis, J. C. Manual of flowering plants and ferns. Camb. 1904. •58203 Durand, T. Index generum phanerogamorum. Brux. 1888. /. '582(4) Hempel, Q., and Wilhelm, K. Die Baume und Straucher des Waldes. 3 pts. and atlas. Wien [1903-05]. •582(42) Loudon, J. C. Arboretum et fruticetum Britannicum. 8 vols. Lond. 1838. '582(7) Sargent, C. S. Manual of the trees of North America (exclusive of Mexico). Boston [Mass.] 1905. '582(883) Pulle, A. A. Enumeration of the vascular plants known from Surinam. Leiden 1906. B.M. '582 British Museum. Illustrations of Australian plants (94) collected in 1770 by Sir J. Banks and D. Solander. With determinations by J. Britten. Lond. 1905. -582 Eichler, A. W. Bliithendiagramme. 2 vols. 158148 Leip. 1875-78. '582 Schneider, C. K. lUustriertes Handbuch der Laub- : 634 holzkunde. 2 vols. Jena 1906-12. '582 Trelease, W. Plant materials of decorative gardening. .:634 Woody plants. Urbana 1917. -582 Winter botany. Urbana 1918. :634 •583 DICOTYLEDONS. ■583135 Gregory, Mrs. E. S. British violets. Camb. 1912. (42) _ 191 •58 BOTANY ■58317 Watt, .ViVO. Cotton plants of the world. Lond. 1907, B.M.'58329i British Museum. Monograph of the genus Sabicea. By H. F. Wernham. Lond. 1914. /••583375(4) Sudre, H. Rubi Emopae. Paris 1913. •583445 Leveille, H. Monographic du genre Onothera. Le Mans [1913]. '58345 Iconographie du genre Epilobium. Le Mans [1911]. •583471 Britton, N. L., and Rose, J. N. The Cactaceae. Vol. l-> Wash. 1919-> •583481 Petersen, H. E. Indledende studier over Polymorphien hos Anthriscus silvestris (L.) Hotfm. Kj^benhavn 1914. '58355 Handel -Mazzetti, H. von. Monographie der Gattung Taraxacum. Leip. 1907. •58355(42) Linton, W. R. Account of the British Hieracia. Lond. 1905. /. -58362 Millais, J. G. Rhododendrons. Lond. 1917. /.•583914 Mueller, F. von. Baron. Iconography of Australian sal- (94) solaceous plants. Decades 1-9. Melbourne 1889-91. •583941 Trelease, W. Genus Phoradendron. Urbana 1916. /.•58398i(4) Camus, A., and E. G. Classification des saules d'Europe. Atlas. Vol. l-> Paris 1904-*' •584 MONOCOTYLEDONS. •58415 Camus, E.G. Monographie des orchidees. Paris 1908. •58415 Costantin, J. Atlas en coleurs des orchidees cultivees. Paris [1913]. •58415 Schulze, M. Die Orchidaceen Deutschlands, Deutsch- (43) Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. Gera-Untermhaus 1894. •584252 Burbidge, F. W. Narcissus. Lond. 1875. 7.^584743 Hagstrom, J. O. Critical researches on the potamoge- tons. Stockh. 1916. /.' 584743 Fryer, A., and Bennett, A. Potamogetons of the (42) British Isles. Lond. 1915. 192 •58 BOTANY •58484 Clarke, C. B. New genera and species of Cyperaceae. Lond. 1908. •58484(44) Husnot, T. Cyperac^es. Cahan 1906. •58484 Crawford, F. C. Anatomy of British Carices. : 5814 Edin. 1910. /.•5849(4) Husnot, T. Graminees : descriptions, figures et usages des graminees spontanees et cultivees de France, Belgique, lies Britanniques, Suisse. Cahan 1899. •5849(41) Parnell, R. Grasses of Scotland. Edin. 1842. •5849(42) Grasses of Britain. Edin. 1845. •585 GYMNOSPERMS. /. ^5852 Baker, H. Clinton-. Illustrations of conifers. Vol. 1-^ Hertford 1909-> •5852 Beissner, L. Handbuch der Nadelholzkunde. Berl. 1891. •5859 Chamberlain, C. J. The Living cycads. Chicago [1919]. ■586 CRYPTOGAIYIS. •58606 British mycological society. Trans. Vol. l-> B.M. Worcester [1902] -> •586(41) Greville, R. K. Scottish cryptogamic flora. 6 vols. Edin. 1823-28. •58 (42) Groves, J., and Webster, Q. R. BuIlock=. British Charophyta. Vol. l-> Lond. 1920-:^ •586(43) Rabenhorst, L. Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland. Vol. l-» Leip. 1884-^ •586 Crouan, P. L., and H. M. Florule du Finist^re, conte- (441 1) nant une synonymic des plantes cellulaires et vascu- laires qui croissent dans ce departement. Paris 1867. •586(494) Switzerland. Beitrage zur Kryptogamenflora der Schweiz. Vol. l-> Bern 1901-» •586 : 581 Campbell, D. H. The Structure and development of mosses and ferns. New York, 1918. 193 13 •58 BOTANY ■587 PTERIDOPHYTES. •587 Hofmeister, W. Higher Cryptogamia. Lond. 1862. B-M/587 British Museum. List of British seed-plants and ferns. (42) By A. B. Eendle and J. Britten. Lond. 1907. •5873 Christ, H. Die Geographie der Fame. Jena 1910. '5^73 Christensen, C. Index filicum, etc. Hafniae 1906. '5^73 Conard, H. S. Structure and history of hay-scented fern. Wash. 1908. /• '5873 Hooker, Sir W. J. Filices exoticaB. Lond. 1859. •5873 Hooker, Sir W. J., and Baker, J. G. Synopsis fili- cum. Lond. 1874. •5873(4) Britten, J. European ferns. Lond. •5873(42) Lowe, E. J. Our native ferns. 2 vols. Lond. 1874-76. •5873(54) Beddome, R. H. Ferns of British India, Ceylon, and the Malay Peninsula. Calcutta 1892. •5873(91) Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh, C. R. W. K. van. Malayan ferns. Batavia 1908-09. •588 BRYOPHYTES. •5881 Braithwaite, R. The Sphagnaceae or peat mosses of Europe and North America. Lond. 1880. •5882 Correns, C. Untersuchungen iiber die Vermehrung der Laubmoose. Jena 1899. •588203 Paris, E. Q. Index bryologicus. Vol. l-» Paris 1904-> •5882(4) Roth, G. Die Europaischen Laubmoose. 2 vols. Leip. 1904-05. •5882(4) Die Europaischen Torfmoose. Leip. 1906. •5882(42) Braithwaite, R. British moss-flora. 3 vols. Lond. 1887-1905. •5882(42) Jameson, H. Q. Illustrated guide to British mosses. Eastbourne •5882(42) Moss exchangee club. Census catalogue of British mosses. York 1907. 194 •58 BOTANY •5883(42) Macvicar, S. M. Student's handbook of British hepatics. Eastbourne 1912. •5883(71) Pearson, W. H. Canadian Hepaticae. Montreal 1890. •589 THALLOPHYTES. •5891 LICHENS. B.M.-589I British Museum. Monograph of British lichens — de- (42) scriptive catalogue. By A. L. Smith. Pt. l-» Lond. 1918-> B.M.*589i Monograph of lichens found in Britain, in the (42) herbarium of the British Museum. By J. M. Crombie (and A. L. Smith). 2 vols. Lond. 1894-1911. •5891(42) Smith, Sir J. E. English botany. Vols. 10, 11, and suppl. [Lichens.] Lond. 1844-46. •5892 FUNGI. •5892 Bulier, A. H. R. Eesearches on fungi. Lond. 1909. •5892 Clements, F. E. Genera of fungi. Minneapolis 1909. •5892 Lindau, Q., and Sydow, P. Thesaurus litteraturae mycologicae et lichenologicae 2 vols. Lips. 1908-09. •5892 Massee, Q. Text-book of fungi. Lond. 1906. •5892(4) European fungus flora. Lond. 1902. •5892(41) Stevenson, J. Mycologia Scotica. Edin. 1879. •5892(42) Badham, C. D. Treatise on the esculent funguses of England. Lond. 1847. B.M."5892 British Museum. Guide to Sowerby's models of British (42) fungi. By W. G. Smith. [Lond.] 1908. •5892(42) Cooke, M. C. Handbook of British fungi. Lond. 1883. •5892(42) ■ Eust, smut, mildew, and mould. Lond. 1872. •5892(42) Massee, G. British fungus flora. 4 vols. Lond. 1892-95. •5892 Rostrup, E. Danish fungi. Copenh. 1913. (489) •5892 Reorders, S. H. Botanische Untersuchungen iiber (922) einige in Java vorkommende Pilze. Amst. 1907. 195 •58 BOTANY •5892 Harshberger, J. W. Text-book of mycology and plant 15812 pathology. '-* Lond. 1918. /. "5892 Brefeld, O. Botanische Untersuchungen iiber Schim- 15813 melpilze. Pt. l-> Leip. 1872-> •5892 Cooke, M. C. Vegetable wasps and plant worms. : 58169 Lond. 1892. B.M.*5892i4 British Museum. Guide to Smith's drawings of field and cultivated mushrooms. Lond. 1910. •589214 Stevenson, J. British fungi. Hymenomycetes. 2 vols. (42) Edin. 1886. /. '58922 Hard, M. E. The Mushroom, edible and otherwise. Columbus, O. [1908]. •58922 Maire, R. Eecherches cytologiques et taxonomiques sur les basidiomycetes. Lons-le-Saunier 1902. •589225 Klebahn, H. Die Wirtswechselnden Rostpilze. Berl. 1904. •589225 Sydow, P., and H. Monographia Uredinearum. 2 vols. Lips. 1904-10. •589225 Grove, W. B. British rust fungi, Uredinales. (42) Camb. 1913. •589225 Plowright, C. B. Monogi-aph of the British Uredineae (42) and Ustilagineae. Lond. 1889. •589233 Phillips, W. Manual of the British Discomycetes. (42) Lond. 1887. •589252 Berlese, A. N. Saggio di una monografia delle Pero- nosporacee. Portici 1903. /. "58929 Chapman, A. C, and Baker, F. G. S. Atlas of the Saccharomycetes. Lond. 1906. •5893 ALGAE. •5893 Agardh, J. G. Species genera et ordines algarum. 3 vols. Lundae 1848-190L •5893 West, G. S. Algae. Vol. l-» Camb. 1916-> •5893(26) Sauvageau, C. Utilisation des algues marines. Paris 1920. 196 •58 BOTANY rReinke, J. Algenflora der westlichen Ostsee deutschen /. '5893 J Antheils. [Berl. 1889.1 (2612) 1 ^ -• [ Atlas deutscher Meeresalgen. Berl. 1889. /. "5893 Kjellman, F. R. Algae of the Arctic Sea. (268) Stockh. 1883. •5893(28) Bachmann, H. Das Phytoplankton des Siisswassers. Jena 1911. /. "5893 Cooke, M. C. Introduction to fresh-water algae. (28) Lond. 1890. •5893 Bernard, C. Algues unicellulaires d'eau douce. (28 : 91) Buitenzorg 1909. ■5^93 Protococcacees et desmidiees d'eau douce. (28 : 91) Batavia 1908. •5893(42) Cooke, M. C. British fresh-water algae, exclusive of Desmidieae and Diatomaceae. 2 vols. Lond. 1884. •5893(42) Harvey, W. H. Phycologia Britannica. 4 vols. Lond. 1871. •5893(42) West, G. S. Treatise on the British fresh-water algae. Camb. 1904. •5893(48) Kylin, H. Studien tiber die Algenflora der schwedischen Westkiiste. Upsala 1907. •5893(7) Collins, F. S. Green algae of North America. Tufts College, Mass. 1909. /•'5^93(7) Harvey, W. H. Nereis Boreali-Americana. 3 pts. Wash. 1852-58. •5893 Oltmanns, F. Morphologie und Biologic der Algen. : 581 Vol. l-> Jena 1904-> •58931 1 Heurck, H. van. Treatise on the Diatomaceae. Lond. 1896. /.•589311 Schmidt, A. Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde. Hrsg. A. S. Ser. !.-> Leip. 1874-> Index. Ser. I-V. Leip. 1902. B.M.58931 1 British Museum. List of British Diatomaceae. By (42) W. Smith. Lond. 1859. •58931 1 West, W., and G. S. Monograph of the British- (42) Desmidiaceae. Vol. l-> Lond. 1904-> 197 •58 BOTANY •58932 Him, K. E. Monographie upd Iconographie der Oedo- goniaceen. Helsingfors 1900. B.M/58939 British Museum. Mycetozoa, being a descriptive cata- logue of the species in the herbarium. By A. Lister. Lond. 1911. •5895 Janet, C. Le Volvox. Limoges 1912. •58961 Nordstedt, C. F. O. Index desmidiacearum. (Supple- mentum.) Berol. 1896 (1908). 198 •59 ZOOLOGY. *59 Bronn, H. Q. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs. Von H. G. Bronn, etc. Vol. l-> Leip. 1859-> •5901 Congres internationaux de zoologie. Regies Interna- tionales de la nomenclature zoologique. Paris 1905. •5902 MANUALS. •5902 Davis, A. Natural history of animals. 8 vols. Lond. 1903-4. •5902 Jordan, D. S., and Heath, H. Animal forms. Lond. 1902. •5902 Jordan, D. S., and Kellogg, V. L. Animal life. Lond. 1901. •5902 Kellogg, V. L. Elementary zoology. New York 1902. •5902 Lankester, Sir E. R. Treatise on zoology. Ed. E. E. L. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1900-^ •5902 Parker, T. J., and Haswell, W. A. Manual of zoology. Lond. 1899. •5902 Parker, T. J. Text-book of zoology. 2 vols. Lond. 1897. •5902 Sedgwick, A. Student's text-book of zoology. 3 vols. Lond. 1898-1909. •5902 Thomson, J. A. Outlines of zoology. Edin. 1919. •5902 Wells, H. G. Text-book of zoology. Lond. [1898]. i?e/.'5903 Jager, Q. Handworterbuch der Zoologie, Anthro- pologie, und Ethnologie. Hrsg. G. Jager, A. Keich- enow, etc. 8 vols. Breslau 1880-1900. -Be/. '5903 Sherborn, C. D. Index animalium, sive index nominum quae ab a.d. 1758 generibus et speciebus animalium imposita sunt. Vol. l-> Cantab. 1902-> 199 •59 ZOOLOGY •5905 PERIODICALS. -* 5905 A.zo. Acta zoolo^ica. Vol. l-» Stockh. 1920-> •5905 A.s. Annates des sciences naturelles — Zoologie. Ser. IV. Vols. 13-20; Ser. V-». [See also -5705.] Paris 1860-^ 5905 A.p. Archiv fiir Protistenkunde. Vol. 42-^ Jena 1921-> 5905 A. z. Archives de zoologie experimentale et generale. Vol. l-> Paris 1872-> 5905 B.B. British birds. Vol. l-> Lend. [1908->]. 5905 E.F. Ergebnisse und Fortschritte der Zoologie. Vol. l-> Jena 1909-j^ 5905 M.J. Morphologisches Jahrbuch. Vol. 24-> Leip. 1896-> 5905 w.z. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Vol. 25-» Leip. 1875-^ 5905 Zentralblatt fiir Zoologie, allgemeine und experi- z.zo. mentelle Biologic. Vol. l-> Leip. 1912-> 5905 z.R. Zoological record. Vols. 1-42. Lond. 1865-1906. [Continued in Eoyal Society's International Cata- logue, Zoology, 1906->, vol. 43-»] 5905 z.j. Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Abt. fiir allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologic der Tiere. Vol. 30-^ Jena 1911-> 5905 Z.J. Abt. fiir Anatomie und Ontogenie der Thiere. Vol. 9-» Jena 1896-> 5905 Z.J. Abt. fiir Systematik, Geographic und Biologic der Thiere. Vol. 9-> Jena 1897-> 5905 Z.J. Supplement-Band, 4-> Jena 1898-» 5905 z.A. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Vol. l-» Leip. 1878-> 5905 z.z. Zoologisches Zentralblatt. Vols. 11-18. Leip. 1904-11 5905 z. Zoologist. 4 Series. Lond. 1843-1916. 5905(41) Scottish Naturalist. 1912-> Edin. 1912-^ S.N. •5906 SOCIETIES. 5906 I.e. International congress of zoology. Fourth congress 200 Cambridge, 1898. Lond. 1899. •59 ZOOLOGY ^5906 L.J. Linnean society of London. Journal. Zoology. Vol. l-> Lond. 1857-> •5906 L.T. Trans. Zoology. Ser. II. Vol. l->. [See also •5806.] Lond. 1879-> ^5906 M.A. Museums association. Reports of proceedings. 1890- 1900. [Sheffield], Lond. 1890-1900. ■ Museums journal. Vol. l-> Lond. 1901-> ^5906 z. p. Zoological society of London. Proc. 1830-> Lond. [1831->] "5906 z.T. Trans. Vol. l-> Lond. 1835-> •5906 Svenska vetenskaps-akademien, K. Arkiv for zoo- (485) logi. Vol. l-> Stockh. 1904-^ ^5906(54) Indian Museum. Memoirs. Vol. l-> Calcutta 1909-> I.M.M. -5906(54) Records. Vol. l-> ' Calcutta 1907 -> I.M.R. 'So6{/j) Smithsonian Institution — U.S. National Museum. s.M. Proc. 1878-81. Vols. 1-4. {Li Misc. Coll., vols. 19, 22.) Wash. 1879-82. -5906 Proc. 1882->. Vol. 5-> Wash. 1883-» (73) P. '5906 Michigan University — Museum of Zoology. Occasional (774) M.u. papers. No. l-» Ann Arbor [1917-»] 5906 California University publications. Zoology. Vol. (794) c.u. l-> Berkeley 1905-> -5906(94) Australian Museum. Records. Vols. 1-3. Sydney 1891-1900. •5907 METHODS OF STUDY. '5907 Landois, H. Das Studium der Zoologie Freiburg i. B. 1905. -59074 Flower, Sir W. H. Essays on museums. Lond. 1898. ^59074 Taylor, J. E. The Aquarium. Lond. 1881. •5908 COLLECTIVE WORKS. -59081 Budgett, J. S. Work of John Samuel Budgett. Ed. J. G. Kerr. Camb. 1907. 201 •59 ZOOLOGY •59081 Huxley, T. H. Scientific memoirs. 4 vols, and supple- mentary vol. '•* Lond. 1898-1903. •59082 Harmer, S. F., and Shipley, A. E. The Cambridge natural history. Ed. S. F. H. and A. E. S. 10 vols. Lond. 1895-1909. .59082 Sharpe, R. B. Allen's naturalist's library. Ed. R. B. S. 15 vols. Lond. 1894-97. /. '59082 Thomson, J. A., and others. Report on Alcyonaria. Abd. 1905. /. "59082 Studies on alcyonarians and antipatharians. Abd. 1907. /. '59082 Studies on alcyonarians and hydroids. Ser. 3. Abd. 1909. /. '59082 Studies on alcyonarians. Ser. 4. Abd. 1909. /. 59082 Zoological studies, chiefly on alcyonarians. Ser. 5-6. Abd. 1911. /. -59082 Zoological studies. Ser. 7-9. Abd. 1912-15. /. '59084 Bartholomew, J. Q. Atlas of zoogeography. [Edin.] 1911. •5909 HISTORY. •5909 Carus, J. V. Histoire de la zoologie. Paris 1880. •5909(42) Nicholson, H. A. Natural history, its rise and progress in Britain. Lond. 1886. 'Old : jp Agassiz, L. Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae. 4 vols. Lond. 1848-54. 'Oi6:s9 Bibliogjaphia zoologica. Ed. J. V. Carus (et £.z. H. H. Field). Vol. 1-^ Lips. 1896-> B.M. British Museum. Guide to exhibition of old natural •59091 history books. Lond. 1905. •Old :S9 Carus, J. V., and Engelmann, W. Bibliotheca zoologica. 1846-60. 2 vols. Leip. 1861. •016 : sg Engelmann, W. Bibliotheca historico-naturalis. 1700- 1846. Vol. 1. Leip. 1846. '016 : S9 Royal Society. International catalogue of scientific literature. Zoology. [1901-^] Lond. 1902-> 202 •59 ZOOLOGY 016 :S9 Taschenberg, O. Bibliotheca zoologica. 1861-80. Vol. l-> Leip. 1887-» '016 : S9 Thompson, D. W. Bibliography of Protozoa, sponges, etc. Camb. 1886. •59092 Qosse, E. The Naturalist of the sea-shore — the life of Philip Henry Gosse. Lond. 1896. •59092 Legros, C. V. Fabre, poet of science. Lond. [1913]. •59092 MacQillivray, W. Lives of eminent zoologists from Aristotle to Linnaeus. Edin. 1834. • ^^092 Memorial tribute to William MacGillivray, LL.D. Edin. 190L •59092 Stebbing, T. R. R. The Naturalist of Cumbrae, being the life of David Eobertson. Lond. 1891. '59 • 799 Speedy, T. Natural history of sport in Scotland. Edin. 1920. ■591 BIOLOGICAL ZOOLOGY. •591 Morgan, T. H. Experimental zoology. Nev^ York 1907. •59105 Journal of experimental zoology. Vol. l-> E.z. Baltimore, Philad. 1904-> •59 1 08 1 Balfour, F. M. Works. 4 vols. Lond. 1885. •591 Huxley, T. H. The Crayfish. Lond. 1880. : 59538 •591 Marshall, A. M. The Frog, an introduction to ana- : 5978 tomy, histology, and embryology. Lond. 1914. •591 Mivart, St. G. The Common frog. Lond. 1874. ■ 5978 •591 The Cat, an introduction to the study of backboned • 59975 animals. Lond. 1881. •5911 PHYSIOLOGY. •591 1 Loeb, J. Studies in general physiology. 2 vols. Chicago, 1905. •591 1 Mills, W. Text-book of animal physiology. New York 1889. •591 1 ■ Text-book of comparative physiology. New York 1890. 203 •59 ZOOLOGY •591 1 Putter, A. Vergleichende Ph^siologie. Jena 1911. •591 1 Sherrington, C. S. Integrative action of the nervous system. New York 1906. •591 1 Winterstein, H. Handbuch der vergleichenden Physi- ologie. Vol. 2-> Jena 1911-^ •591 1 Griffiths, A. B. Physiology of the Invertebrata. : 592 Lond. 1892. •591 1 Ellenberger, W., and Scheunert, A. Lehrbuch der : 636 vergleichenden Physiologie der Haussaugetiere . Hrsg. W. E. u. A. S. Berl. 1910. •591 1 Smith, R. M. Physiology of the domestic animals. : 636 Philad. 1890. •591 1 Wood, T. B., and Marshall, F. H. A. Physiology of 636 farm animals. Pt. l-> Camb. 1920-» •591 1 2 Benedict, F. G., and Carpenter, T. M. Eespiration calorimeters. Wash. 1910. '591 145 Faust, E. S. Die Tierischen Gifte. Braunsch. 1906. 591 156 Goodale, H. D. Gonadectomy in relation to secondary sexual characters of domestic birds. Wash. 1916. '591 157 Beddard, F. E. Animal coloration. Lond. 1892. '591157 Poulton, E. B. The Colours of animals, their meaning and use. Lond. 1890. •591 157 Thayer, G. H. Concealing-coloration in the animal kingdom. New York 1909. •591 157 Briicke, E. Untersuchungen iiber den Farbenwechsel : 5981 1 des afrikanischen Chamaleons. Leip. 1893. •591 159 Guinard, L. Precis de teratologic. Paris 1893. •591 16 Castle, W. E., and Phillips, J. C. Germinal trans- plantation in vertebrates. Wash. 1911. "591 162 Loeb, J. Artificial parthenogenesis and fertilization. Chicago [1913]. "591 169 Morgan, T. H. Eegeneration. New York 1901. "591 176 Goldmann, E. E. Untersuchungen iiber die Sekretion des gesunden und kranken Organismus. Tubingen 1912. 204 •59 ZOOLOGY •591 18 Loeb, J. Comparative physiology of the brain and com- parative psychology. Lond. 1905. •5912 PATHOLOGY. •5912 Hofer, B. Handbuch der Fischkrankheiten. : 597 Miinchen 1904. •5913 EMBRYOLOGY. •5913 Brachet, A. L'CEuf et les facteurs de I'ontogen^se. Paris 1917. •5913 Grosser, O. Vergleichende Anatomie und Entw^ick- lungsgeschichte der Bihaute und der Placenta. Wien 1909. •5913 Long, J. A., and Mark, E. L. Matui^ation of the egg of the mouse. Wash. 1911^ •5913 Maas, O. Einfiihrung in die experimentelle Entwicke- lungsgeschichte. Wiesbaden 1903. /• '5913 Selenka, E. Studien liber Entwiokelungsgeschichte der Tiere. 5 vols. Wiesbaden 1883-1913. •5913 Wolff, C. F. Theoria generationis. 2 pts. Leip. 1896. •591302 Balfour, F. M. Treatise on comparative embryology. 2 vols. Lond. 1880-81. •591302 Foster M., and Balfour, F. M. Elements of embry- ology. Lond. 1883. 591302 Heape, W. Vol. l-> Text-book of embryology. Ed. W. H. Lond. 1914-» 591302 Lillie, F. R. The Development of the chick. New York 1908. •591302 Roule, L. L'Embrylogie compar^e. Paris 1894. •591302 Korschelt, E., and Heider, K. Text-book of embryology : 592 of invertebrates. 4 vols. Lond. 1895-1900. •591306 Embryologisches Institut der K. K. Universitat (4361) Wien. Mittheilungen, 1877-92. Wien 1877-92. •59 1 308 1 Assheton, R. Growth in length. Camb. 1916. 205 •59 ZOOLOGY •5913 Hertwig, O. Handbuch der vergleichenden und ex- : 596 perimentellen EntwickelUngslehre der Wirbeltiere. Hrsg. O. H. 3 vols. Jena 1906. /• '59^3 Keibel, F. Normentafeln zur Entwicklungsgeschichte 1596 der Wirbelthiere. Hrsg.F.K. Pt. l-> Jena 1897-> /. '5913 Schauinsland, H. Entwicklungsgeschichte und Ana- : 596 tomie der Wirbeltiere. 3 pts. Stuttg. 1903. -5913 liatschek, B. The Amphioxus and its development. 15971 Lond. 1893. •5913 Willey, A. Amphioxus, and the ancestry of the verte- : 5971 brates. New York 1894. •5913 Balfour, F. M. Monograph on the development of • 5973 elasmobranch fishes. Lond. 1878. •5913 Morgan, T. H. The Development of the frog's egg. : 5978 New York 1897. '5913 Chaine, J. Tableaux synoptiques du developpement du : 599 lapin. Paris 1911. •5913 Marshall, A. M. Vertebrate embryology. Lond. 1893. •599 '59^33 Stevens, N. M. Studies on the germ cells of aphids. : 595772 Wash. 1906. •59134 Avebury, Sir J. Lubbock, 1st baron. Origin and meta- : 5957 morphoses of insects. Lond. 1874. •5914 MORPHOLOGY. •5914 Duckworth, W. L. H. Morphology and anthropology. Vol. l-> Camb. 1915-> •5914 Thompson, D'Arcy W. On gro^vth and form. Camb. 1917. •591402 Gegenbaur, C. Elements of comparative anatomy. Lond. 1878. •591402 Lang, A. Text-book of comparative anatomy. 2 pts. Lond. 1891-96. •591402 Rolleston, Q. Forms of animal life — a manual of com- parative anatomy. Enlarged by W. H. Jackson. Oxf. 1888. 206 •59 ZOOLOGY •591402 Vogt, C, and Yung, E. Traite d'anatomie compar6e. 2 vols. Paris 1888-94. •591404 Huxley, T. H. Lectures on the elements of conoparative anatomy. Lond. 1864. '591407 Davenport, C. B. Experimental morphology. 2 vols. New York 1897-99. '5914 Gaskell, W. H. The Origin of vertebrates. : 596 Lond. 1908. •5914 Kingsley, J. S. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. : 596 Lond. 1912. -5914 Wiedersheim, R. Comparative anatomy of vertebrates. : 596 Lond. 1907. '5914 Ecker, A. Anatomy of the frog. Oxf. 1889. *59i4 Krause, W. Anatomie des Kaninchens. Leip. 1884. : 59932 • 5 9 1 4 C hau veau, A. Comparative anatomy of the domesticated : 636 animals. New York 1891. •5914 Ellenberger, W. Handbuch der vergleichenden mikro- : 636 scopischen Anatomie der Haustiere. 3 vols. Berl. 1906-11. •5914 1 2 Favaro, G. Eicerche al cuore dei vertebrati. 2 pts. Padova 1913-14. B.M. "59147 British Museum. Guide to exhibition of specimens illustrating modification of structure of animals in relation to flight. Lond. 1913. •59147 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism. Lond. 1873. •59147 Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. Lond. 1874. •59147 1 College of surg^eons of Engfland, Royal. Catalogue of : 596 specimens illustrating the osteology and dentition of vertebrated animals. Pt. l-> Lond. 1907-^' •59147 1 Starks, E. C. The Sesamoid articular. : 597 Stanford Univ. 1916. •59147 1 Flower, W. H. Introduction to the osteology of the : 599 Mammalia. Lond. 1885. 207 •59 ZOOLOGY •59148 Mayer, A. G. Ehythmical pjilsation in Scyphomedusse, : 59373 " Wash. 1906. •59148 Donaldson, H. H. The Rat — reference tables and data. : 59932 Philad. 1915. •591485 Gray, A. A. The Ijabyrinth of animals. Vol. 1~> : 596 Lond. 1907 -> •59149 Reynolds, S. H. The Vertebrate skeleton. Camb. 1913. 96 •5915 HABITS AND BEHAVIOUR. •5915 Bell, R. My strange pets. Edin. 1905. '59^5 Cornish, C. J. Animals at work and play. Lond. 1896. •5915 Groos, K. The Play of animals. Lond. 1898. •5915 Houssay, F. The Industries of animals. Lond. 1893. •5915 Kearton, R. With nature and a camera. Lond. 1911. •5915 Mitchell, P. C. The Childhood of animals. • Lond. 1912. •5915 Morgan, C. L. Animal behaviour. Lond. 1900. -5915(54) Aitken, E. H.,_?jsewrf. Eha. The Tribes on my frontier. Calcutta 1884. •5915 Jennings, H. S. Behaviour of the lower organisms. :593i^ New York 1906. •5915 Fabre, J. H. Insect life. Lond. 1901. ••5957 '59^5 Souvenirs entomologiques, etudes sur I'instinct et • 5957 l^s moeurs des insectes. 9 ser. Paris [1879]. ■5915 Avebury, Sir J. Lubbock, 1st baron. Ants, bees, and • 59579 wasps — observations on the habits of the social Hymenoptera. Lond. 1883. •5915 Peckham, G. W., and E. G. Wasps, social and • 59579 solitary. Westm. 1905. •5915 Headley, F. W. Structure and life of birds. : 5982 Lond. 1895. '5915 Witchell, C. A. Evolution of bird-song. Lond. 1896. 15982 /. '5915 Millais, J. G. Game-birds and shooting sketches. : 5985 Lond. 1892. f''59^5 Natural history of British game birds. Lond. 1909. 5985 208 •59 ZOOLOGY •5915 1 Avebury, Sir J. Lubbock, l6'^ baron. On the senses, instincts, and intelligence of aninials. Lond. 1888. •5915 1 Morg-an, C. L. x\nimal life and intelligence. Lond. 1891. •5915 1 Habit and instinct. Lond. 1896. •591 5 1 Romanes, Q. J. Animal intelligence. Lond. 1882. •591 5 1 Wasmann, E. Comparative studies in the psychology of ants. St. Louis 1905. •5916 ECONOMICS. B.M. -5916 British Museum. Guide to specimens and enlarged models of insects and ticks. Lond. 1916. B.M. -5916 Report on economic zoology. No. l-> By F. V. Theobald. Lond. 1903-^ B.M.*59i6o8 British Museum. Economic series. No. l-> ECO. Lond. 1915-» r-^. Austen, E. E. The House fly. 1920. 2. Cummings, B. F. The Louse and its relation to disease. 1915. 3. Waterston, J. Fleas as a menace, etc. 1916. 4. Edwards, F. W. Mosquitoes, 1916. 5. Cummings, B. F. The Bed-bug. 1917. 6. Hirst, S. Arachnida and Myriopoda. 1917. 7. Kirkpatrick, R. Biology of waterworks. 1917. 8. fiinton, M. A. C. Rats and mice as enemies of man- kind. 191.S. 9. Frohawk, F. W. Birds beneficial to agriculture. 1919. 10. Caiman, W. T. Marine boring animals injurious to submerged structures. 1919. 11. Qahan, C. J. Furniture beetles. 1920. •5916 Miall, L. C. Injurious and useful insects. Lond. 1902. ^5957 •5916 Bos, J. R. Thierisch Schadlinge und Niitzlinge. • 632 Berl. 1891 •59162 Darwin, C. Vegetable mould and earthworms. Lond. 1881. B.M. -59165 British Museum. Illustrations of British blood-suck- (42) ing flies. Notes by E. E. Austen. Lond. 1906. 209 14 •59 ZOOLOGY B.M. -59165(6) British Museum. Illustrations of African blood- sucking flies, other than " mosquitoes and tsetse-flies. By E. E. Austen. Lond. 1909. •59166 Butler, E. A. Household insects. Lond. 1893. o957 •59167 Doflein, F. Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde. Jena 1909- 0931 •59169 Beneden, P. J. van. Animal parasites. Lond. 1876. •59169 Brumpt, E. Precis de parasitologic. Paris 1910. •59169 Leuckart, R. Parasites of man and diseases which proceed from them. Edin. 1886. •59169 NeveU"=Lemaire, M. Parasitologic des animaux do- mestiques. Paris 1912. •59169 Rivas, D. Human parasitology. Philad. 1920. •5916905 Archives de parasitologie. Vol. 10-> Paris 1906-» A.P. •5916905 p. Parasitology. Vol. 1~^ Camb. 1908^- •59169 Kellogg, V. L., and Ferris, G. F. Anoplura and : 599 Mallophaga of North American mammals. Stanford Univ. 1915. •5918 HISTOLOGY. 5918 Dahlgren, U., and Kepner, W. A. Principles of animal histology. New York 1908. 5918 Ranvier, L. Traits technique d'histologie. Paris 1875/82. 5918 Schneider, K. C. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Hist- ologic der Tierc. Jena 1902. 5918 Stirling, W. Text-book of practical histology. Lond. 1881. 5918 Oppel, A. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden mikroskopischen : 596 Anatomie der Wirbclthiere. Vol. l-> Jena 1896-> 59185 Klieneberger, C, and Carl, W. Die Blut-Morphologie der Laboratoriums-Tiere. Leip. 1912. 210* •59 ZOOLOGY •5919 GEOGRAPHICAL ZOOLOGY. •5919 Heilprin, A. Geographical and geological distribution of animals. Lond. 1887. •5919 Wallace, A. R. Geographical distribution of animals. 2 vols. Lond. 1876. •5919(22) Island life, or the phenomena and causes of insular faunas and floras. Lond. 1880. •5919(23) Zschokke, F. Die Tierwelt der Hochgebirgsseen. Zurich 1900. •5919 Tschudi, F. von. Das Tierleben der Alpenwelt. (2343) Leip. 1890. '5919(24) Banta, A. M. Fauna of Mayfield's cave. Wash. 1907. •5919(26) Johnstone, J. Life in the sea. Camb. 1911. •5919 Leslie, Q., and Herdman, W. A. Invertebrate fauna (2612) of the Firth of Forth. Edin. 1881. B.M.^59i9 British Museum. Eeport on zoological collections made (265) in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. Alert, 1881-2. Lond. 1884. •5919 Horn ell, J. Marine zoology of Okhamandal in Kathia- (267) war. Vol. l-> Lond. 1909-> •5919(28) Zacharias, O. Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Siiss- wassers. 2 vols. Leip. 1891. •5919 Brauer, A. Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands. Hrsg. (28 : 43) A. B. Heft 1-2a, 3/4-19. Jena 1909. /. ^5919 Wesenberg-Lund, C. Plankton investigations of the (28 : 489) Danish lakes. [Danish.] 2 vols. Copenh. 1904. •5919(4) Scharff, R. F. History of the European fauna. Lond. 1899. •5919(41) Crawford, J. H. From fox's earth to mountain tarn. Lond. [1907]. •5919(41) Dalyell, Sir J. Q. Eare and remarkable animals of Scotland. 2 vols. Lond. 1847-48. •5919(41) Ritchie, J. The Influence of man on animal life in Scotland. Camb. 1920. 211 •59 ZOOLOGY •5919 Alston, C. H. Wild life in the West Highlands. (411) '•' Glasg. 1912. •5919 Brown, J. A. Harvie-, and Macpherson, H. A. Fauna (411) of the North-west Highlands and Skye. Edin. 1904. •5919 St. John, C. Natural history and sport in Moray. (4123) Edin. 1882. •5919 Note-books. 1846-1853. Invererne, Nairn, Elgin, (4123) Edin. 1901. •5919 Elliot, G. F. S. Fauna, flora, and geology of the Clyde (414) area. Ed. G. F. S. E., etc. Glasg. 1901. •5919(54) Blanford, W. T., and Bingham, C. T. Fauna of British India. [In jirogress.] Lond. 1889-» •5919 Gardiner, J. S. Fauna and geography of the Maldive (5488) and Laccadive Archipelagoes. Ed. J. S. G. 2 vols. Camb. 1903-06. •5919(6) Du Chaillu, P. The World of the great forest. Lond. 1901. •5919(68) Fitzsimons, F. W. Natural history of South Africa. Vol. 1-^ Lond. 1919-> •5919(7) North American fauna. No. l-> Wash. 1889-> •5919 Beebe, W., aiid otJiers. Tropical wild life in British (881) Guiana. Vol. l-> New York 1917-» •5919(93) Willey, A. Zoological results based on material from New Britain, New Guinea, etc. 6 pts. Camb. 1898-1902. •5919 Mutton, F. W. Index faunae Novae Zealandiae. Ed. (931) F. W. H. Lond. 1904. /. "5919 Kent, W. Saville-. The Naturalist in Australia. (94) Lond. 1897. •5919 McCoy, F. Prodromus of the zoology of Victoria. 2 (945) vols. Melbourne 1885-90. /. '5919 Hawaii. Fauna Hawaiiensis. 3 vols. Camb. 1913. (969) /. '5919 Romer, F., and Schaudinn, F. Fauna arctica. Vol. (98) l-> Jena 1900-» 212 •59 ZOOLOGY B.M.'59i9 British Museum. Report on the collections of natural (99) history • made in the antarctic regions during the voyage of the '' Southern Cross ". Lond. 1902. •592--599 SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. •592 INVERTEBRATES. •592 Brooks, W. K. Handbook of invertebrate zoology. Boston [Mass.] 1890. •592 Huxley, T. H. Manual of the anatomy of invertebrated animals. Lond. 1877. •592 Shipley, A. E. Zoology of Invertebrata. Lond. 1893. •592(71) Whiteaves, J. F. Catalogue of the marine Invertebrata of Eastern Canada. Ottaw^a 1901. •5931 PROTOZOA. •5931 Behia, R. Die Amoben insbesondere vom parasitaren und culturellen Standpunkt. Berl. 1898. •5931 Calkins, Q. N. The Protozoa. New York 1901. •5931 Dobell, C. Amoebae living in man. Lond. 1919. •5931 Minchin, E. A. Introduction to study of the Protozoa. Lond. 1912. •5931(28) Blochmann, F. Mikroskopische Thierwelt des Siiss- wassers. Braunsch. 1886. •5931(42) Cash, J., a«id Hopkinson, J. British freshwater Ehizo- poda and Heliozoa. Vol. l-» Lond. 1905-> /. •59311 Penard, E. Faune rhizopodique du bassin du Leman. (494) Gen6ve 1902. /. "59312 Carpenter, W. B., and others. Introduction to the study of the Foraminifera. Lond. 1862. •59312 Chapman, F. The Foraminifera. Lond. 1902. /. '59312 Williamson, W. C. Recent Foraminifera of Great (42) Britain. Lond. 1858. '59315 Kent, W. Saville-. Manual of the Infusoria. 3 vols. Lond. 1880-82. 213 •59 ZOOLOGY •5934 SPONGES. /. '5934 Lendenfeld, R. von. Monograph of the horny sponges. Lond. 1889. / "5934 Indian Museum. Indian Triaxonia collected by hi- (267) vestigator. By F. E. Schulze. Calcutta 1902. •5934(42) Bowerbank, J. S. Monograph of the British Spongiadae. 4 vols. Lond. 1864-82. •5935 CNIDARIA. •5935(42) Johnston, G. History of the British zoophytes. 2 vols. Lond. 1847. •5936 CORALS. /. '5936 Klunzingfer, C. B. Die Korallthiere des Eothen Meeres. (2675) 3 vols. Berl. 1877-79. /• 5936 Kent, W. Saville-. The Great barrier reef of Australia. (94) Lond. 1893. /. 59362 Thomson, J. A., and Simpson, J. J. Account of alcyonarians collected by the Investigator. Calcutta 1909. B.M. -59366 British Museum. Catalogue of madreporarian corals. By G. Brook and H. M. Bernard. Vol. l-» Lond. 1893-> •5937 HYDROZOA. /• '5937 Allman, J. Monograph of the gjmnoblastic or tubularian hydroids. Lond. 1872. •5937(00) Mayer, A. G. Medusae of the world. 3 vols. Wash. 1910. /. '5937 Huxley, T. H. Oceanic Hydrozoa. Lond. 1859. (265) /• '5937 Forbes, E. Monograph of the British naked-eyed (42) Medusae. Lond 1848. •5937(42) Hincks, T. History of the British hydroid zoophytes. 2 vols. Lond. 1868. /• "5937(7) Nutting, C. C. American hydroids. Pt. l-> Wash. 1900-> 214 •59 ZOOLOGY •5938 CTENOPHORA. •5938 Mayer, A. G. Ctenophores of the Atlantic coast of (261) North America. Wash. 1912. •5939 ECHINODERMATA. B.M.-5939 British Museum. Catalogue of the British echinoderms. (42) By F. J. Bell. Lond. 1892. /• "59392 Indian Museum. Echinoderma. By K. Koehler. Calcutta 1909. /• "59392 Shallow-water Asteroidea. By R. Koehler. Calcutta 1910. /• "59396 Deep-sea Holothurioidea. By R Koehler and C. (267) Vaney. Calcutta 1905. /• '5939^ Littoral Holothurioidea. By R. Koehler and C. (267) Vaney. Calcutta 1908. •594 MOLLUSCA. •594 Macgillivray, W. The Conchologist's text-book. Edin. 1845. •594 Tryon, G. W. Structural and systematic conchology. 3 vols. Philad. 1882-84. •594 Macgillivray, W. History of the molluscous animals (4125) of the counties of Aberdeen, Kincardine, and Banff. Lond. 1843. •594(42) Adams, L. E. Collector's manual of British land and fresh water shells. Lond. 1884. B.M. "594 Britisli Museum. Catalogue. of the British species of (42) Pisidium. By B. B. Woodward. Lond. 1913. •594(42) Brown, T. Illustrations of the land and freshwater conchology of Great Britain and Ireland. Lond. 1845. •594(42) Sowerby, G. B. Popular British conchology. Lond. 1854. •594(42) Taylor, J. W. Monograph of the land and freshwater Mollusca of the British Isles. [Vol. l->] Leeds 1900-> 215 •59 ZOOLOGY •594(81) MacFarland, F. M. Mollusca of Branner-Agassiz expedition. * Stanford Univ. 1909. /• '59436 Alder, J., and Hancock, A. Monograph of the British (42) nudibranchiate Mollusca. 2 vols. Lond. 1845-1910. •5947 POLYZOA. /. '5947 Allman, G. J. Monograph of the fresh-water Polyzoa. Lond. 1856. •5947(42) Hincks, T. History of the British marine Polyzoa. 2 vols. Lond. 1880. •5949 TUNICATA. *5949 Alder, J., and Hancock, A. British Tunicata — an un- finished uQonograph. Vol. l-» Lond. 1905-> /. -5949 Brooks, W. K. The Genus Salpa. Baltimore 1893. •5949 Hopkinson, J. Bibliography of the Tunicata, 1469- : 016 1910. Lond. 1913. •595 ARTICULATA. •5951 WORMS. /. '5951 M*Intosh, W. C. Monogi'aph of the British annelids. (42) Vol. l-> Lond. 1873-> •5951 1 Linstow, O. von. Compendium der Helminthologie. Mit Nachtrag— die Litteratur der Jahre, 1878-1889. 2 pts. Hannover 1878-89. /. "595 1 23 Graff, L. von. Monographie der Turbellarien. 2 vols. With atlases. Leip. 1882-99. /. '595 1 23 Die Turbellarien als Parasiten und Wirte. Graz 1903. '595^3 Schneider, A. Monographie der Nematoden. Berl. 1866. /• '595^3 ^^ Man, J. G. Nematoden der niederlandischen (492) Fauna. Leiden 1884. B.M.'595i4 British Museum. Catalogue of Chaetopoda. By J. H. Ashworth. Pt. l-> Lond. 1912-> '595^5 Nachtrieb, H. F. Leeches of Minnesota. (776} Minneapolis 1912. 216 •59 ZOOLOGY •59516 Beddard, F. E. Monograph of the order of OUgochaeta. Oxf. 1895. •59516 Ehlers, E. Die Borstenwiirmer. 2 vols. Leip. 1864-68. •59518 ROTIFERA. -59518 Hudson, C. T., and Gosse, P. H. Eotifera or wheel- animalcules. 2 vols. Lond. 1886. •5952 ARTHROPODA. B.M.'5952 British Museum. Guide to Crustacea, Arachnida, etc. Lond. 1910. •5953 CRUSTACEA. '5953 Stebbing:, T. R. R. History of Crustacea. Lond. 1893. ^5953 Sars, Q. O. Crus-tacea of Norway. Vol. l-> (481) Christiania 1895-> '59531 Bernard, H. M. The Apodidae. Lond. 1892. ^59531 Baird, W. Natural history of the British Bntomo- (42) straca. Lond. 1850. '59532 Sars, Q. O. Fauna Norwegiae. Vol. 1. Phyllocarida (48) and Phyllopoda. Christiania 1896. '59534 Brady, G. S. Monograph of the free and semi-parasitic (42) Copepoda of the British Islands. 3 vols. Lond. 1878-80. '59534 Scott, T., and A. British parasitic Copepoda. Vol. l-> (42) Lond. 1913-> '59534 Schmeil, O. Deutschlands freilebende Siisswasser- (43) Copepoden. 4 pts. Cassel 1892-98. '59535 Darwin, C. Monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia. 2 vols. Lond. 1851-54. B.M. -595371 British Museum. Catalogue of the specimens of amphipodous Crustacea. By C. S. Bate. Lond. 1862. ^•'5953841 Indian Museum. Catalogue of Indian deep-sea (267) Crustacea, etc. By A. Alcock. Calcutta 1901. '5953842 Weymouth, F. W. True crabs, Brachyura, of Monterey (794) Bay, California. Stanford Univ. 1910. 217 •59 ZOOLOGY •5954 ARACHNIDA. •5954 Fabre, J. H. Life of the spider. Lond. [1912]. ■5954 Simon, E. Histoire naturelle des araignees. Vol. l-> Paris 1892-> /. '5954 Blackwall, J. History of the spiders of Great Britain (42) and Ireland. Lond. 1864. •5954(42) Michael, A. D. British Oribatidae. 2 vols. Lond. 1884-88. •5954(42) British Tyroglyphidae. 2 vols. Lond. 1901-03. /. '5954 Bosenberg:, W. Die Spinnen Deutschlands. (43) Stuttg. 1903. /• '5954 Piersig, R. Deutschlands Hydrachniden. (43) Stuttg. 1897/1900. •5954(45) Canestrini, G. Prospetto dell' acarofauna italiana. Pts. 1-6. Padova 1885-94. B.M.^5954 British Museum. Catalogue of spiders of Burma. By (592) T. Thorell. Lond. 1895. ■5954(73) Emerton, J. H. Spiders of the United States. Boston, Mass. 1902. •59542 Christophers, S. R. Anatomy and histology of ticks. Calcutta 1906. •5957 INSECTA. B.M.-5957 British Museum. Guide to exhibited series of insects. [By C. 0. Waterhouse.] Lond. 1908. ■5957 Wytsman, P. Genera insectorum. Pt. l-» Brux. 1902-^ ■595702 Packard, A. S. Text-book of entomology. New York 1898. •595704 Badenoch, L. N. True tales of the insects. Lond. 1899. ■595704 Fabre, J. H. Social life in the insect world. Lond. 1912. •595705 E. Entomologist, The. Vol. l-> Lond. [1842]-^ ■595705 Entomologist's annual. The. 1855-1874. E.A. Lond. 1855-74. 595705 Entomologist's monthly magazine. The. Vol. 3-?- E.M. Lond. 1867 -> 218 •59 ZOOLOGY •5957(28) Miall, L. C. Natural history of aquatic insects. Lond. 1903. '5957(4) Judeich, J. F., and Nitsche, H. Lehrbuch der mittel- europaischen Forstinsektenkunde. 2 vols. Wien 1895. •5957(42) Staveley, E. F. British insects. Lond, 1871. •5957(54) Lefroy, H. Maxwell-. Indian insect life. Calcutta 1909. ■5957 Folsom, J. W. Entomology, with special reference to : 591 its biological and economic aspects. Philad. 1914. ■59571 Avebury, Sir J. Lubbock, 1st baron. Monograph of the Collembola and Thysanura. Lond. 1873. •59572 ORTHOPTERA. B.M. -59572 British Museum. Synonymic catalogue of Orthoptera [including those in the British Museum]. By W. F. Kirby. 3 vols. Lond. 1904-10. •59572 Miall, L. C, and Denny, A. The Cockroach. Lond. 1886. '59572 Lucas, W. J. Monograph of the British Orthoptera. (42) Lond. 1920. "S95727 Shiraki, T. Acrididen Japans. [Tokyo] 1910. (52) ■595727 Morse, A. P. Further researches on North American (7) Acridiidffi, Wash. 1907. ■595729 Shiraki, T. Monographic der Grylliden von Formosa. (512) Taihokul911. •59574 NEUROPTERA. ■59573 Lucas, W. J. British dragonflies — Odonata. (42) Lond. 1900. •59575 HEMIPTERA. '59575 Buckton, Q. B. Monograph of the British Aphides. (42) 4 vols. Lond. 1876-83. '59575 Newstead, R. Monograph of the Coccidae of the British (42) Isles. 2 vols. Lond. 1901-03. ■595752 Cholodovsky, N. Die Coniferen-Lause Chermes. Berl. 1907. 219 •59 ZOOLOGY B,M.-595753 British Museum. Synonymic catalogue of Homop- tera. Pt. 1. Cicadidae. By W. L. Distant. Lond. 1906. '595753 Buckton, G. B. Monograph of the British Cicadae or (42) Tettigidae. 2 vols. Lond. 1890-91. '595753 Edwards, J. Hemiptera-homoptera of the British (42) Isles. Lond. 1896. B.M. "595754 British Museum. Catalogue of heteropterous Hemip- tera. By F. Walker. . 8 pts. Lond. 1867-73. '595754 Douglas, J. W., and Scott, J. British Hemiptera. (42) Vol. 1. Hemiptera-heteroptera. Lond. 1865. '595754 Saunders, E. The Hemiptera heteroptera of the British (42) Islands. Lond. 1892. •59576 COLEOPTERA, '5957^ Fowler, W. W. Coleoptera of the British Isles. 6 (42) vols. Lond. 1887-1913. ■59577 DIPTERA. B.M.-59577 British Museum. Monograph of the Culicidas or mosquitoes received at the British Museum. By F. V. Theobald. 5 vols., and vol. of plates. Lond. 1901-10. ■59577 Coblentz, W. W. Physical study of the firefly. Wash. 1912. •59577 Fabre, J. H. Life of the fly. Lond. [1913]. '59577 Giles, G. M. Handbook of the gnats or mosquitoes. Lond. 1900. •59577 Hewitt, C. G. The House fly. Manch. 1910. B.M.-59577 Lang, W. D. Handbook of British mosquitoes. {42) ' Lond. 1920. '59577 Theobald, F. V. Account of British flies. Vol. l-> (42) Lond. 1892-> '59577 Verrall, G. H. Platypezidas, Pipunculidae, and Syr- (42) phidae of Great Britain. Lond. 1901. "59577 Stratiomyidae and succeeding families of the (42) Diptera brachycera of Great Britain. (Systematic list of the Palaearctic Dipteral brachycera.) Lond. 1909. 220 •59 ZOOLOGY '59577(7) Howard, L. O. Mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Vol. l-> Wash. 1912-> B.M.-59577I Lang:, W. D. Map showing the known distribution (42) in England and Wales of the Anopheline mosquitoes. With explanatory texts and notes. Lond. 1918. B.M.'595772 British Museum. Handbook of the tsetse-flies. By E. E. Austen. Lond. 1911. B.M. -595772 Monograph of the tsetse-flies, based on the col- lection in the British Museum. By E. E. Austen. Lond. 1903. B.M. -595 772 Bezzi, M. Syrphidse of the Ethiopian region. (63) Lond. 1915. •59578 LEPIDOPTERA. •59578 Janet, A. Les Papillons. Paris 1902. /• "5957^ Kirby, W. F. European butterflies and moths. (4) Lond. 1882. •59578(42) Barrett, C. Q. The Lepidoptera of the British Islands. 11 vols. . Lond. 1893-1907. •59578 Buckler, W. Larvae of the British butterflies and moths. (42) 9 vols. Lond. 1886-1901. •59578 Morris, F. O. History of British butterflies. (42) Lond. 1891. '59578 Natural history of British moths. 4 vols. (42) Lond. 1891. •59578 Tutt, J. W. British Noctuae and their varieties. 4 vols. (42) Lond. 1891-92, ■59578 Natural history of British Lepidoptera. Vol. l-> {42) Lond. 1899-> •59578 Rainbow, W. J. Guide to study of Australian butter- (94) flies. Melbourne 1907. B.M. •595781 British Museum. Illustrations of typical specimens of Lepidoptera heterocera. By A. G. Butler, etc. 9 vols. Lond. 1877-93. •595782 Stainton, H. T. Natural history of the Tineina. 13 vols. Lond. 1855-73. 221 •59 ZOOLOGY '595782(4) Stainton, H. T. Tineina of Southern Europe. Lond. 1869. '595782 Tineina of Syria and Asia Minor. Lond. 1867. (56) •595782(7) Clemens, B. Tineina of North America. Lond. 1872. /. -595783 Seitz, A. Macrolepidoptera of the world. Ed. A. S. (00) Vol. l-» Stuttg. 1906-> •595785 Packard, A. S. Geometrid moths or Phalaenidae of the (73) United States. Wash. 1876. /. -595787 Moore, F. C. Silkworm moths of India : six plates. (54) •59579 HYMENOPTERA. B.M. '595 79 British Museum. Eevision of the Ichneumonidae. Pt. l->. By C. Morley. Lond. 1912-* •59579 Cowan, T. W. The Honey bee. Lond. [1904]. '59579 Sladen. F. W. L. The Humble bee. Lond. 1912, •59579 Wheeler, W. M. Ants. New York 1910. *59579 Cameron, P. Monograph of the British phytophagous (42) Hymenoptera. 4 vols. Lond. 1882-93. '59579 Morley, C. Ichneumonologia Britannica. (42) Plymouth 1903. '59579 Saunders, E. Hymenoptera aculeata of the British (42) Islands. Lond. 1896. B.M. "595792 British Museum. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera. (42) By C. Morley. Lond. 1910. •596 VERTEBRATES. ,596(22) Dehaut, E. G. Contributions a I'etude de la vie verte- bree insulaire. Paris 1920. •596 Eigenmann, C. H. Cave vertebrates of America. (24 : 7) Wash. 1909. •596(4) Schmiedeknecht, O. Die Wirbeltiere Europa's mit Beriicksichtigung der Faunen von Vorderasien und Nordafrika. Jena 1906. •596(411) Brown, J. A. Harvie-, and Buckley, T. E. Vertebrate fauna of Sutherland, Caithness, and West Cromarty. Edin. [1887]. 222 •59 ZOOLOGY •596 Evans, A. H., and Buckley, T. E. Vertebrate fauna (41 11) of the Shetland Islands. Edin. 1899. •596 Buckley, T. E., and Brown, J. A. Harvie=. Vertebrate (41 12) fauna of the Orkney Islands. Edin. 1891. •596 Brown, J. A. Harvie-, and Buckley, T. E. Vertebrate (4 1 1 7) fauna of the Outer Hebrides. Edin. 1888. •596(412) Vertebrate fauna of the Moray basin. 2 vols. Edin. 1895. •596 Sim, Q. Vertebrate fauna of "Dee". Abd. 1903. (4125) •596(413) Brown, J. A. Harvie-. Fauna of the Tay basin and Strathmore. Edin. 1906. •596 Brown, J. A. Harvie=, and Buckley, T. E. Vertebrate (4138) fauna of Argyll and the Inner Hebrides. Edin. 1892. •596(414) Evans, A. H. Fauna of the Tweed area. Edin. 1911. B.M. -596 British Museum. Guide to the British vertebrates. (42) Lond. 1910. •597 FISHES. B.M. "597 British Museum. Catalogue of fishes. By A. Giinther. 8 vols. Lond. 1859-70. B.M. '597 By G. A. Boulenger. Vol. l-> Lond. 1895-> B.M. '597 Guide to gallery of fishes, etc. Lond. 1908. •597 Dean, B. Fishes, living and fossil. New York 1895. •597014 Jordan, D. S., and Evermann, B. W. Genera of fishes, from Linnaeus to Cuvier. Stanford Univ. 1917. •59702 Giinther, A. C. L. Q. Introduction to the study of fishes. Edin. 1880. •59706 North Sea Fisheries — Investigation committee. Ee- (2612) ports. l-» Lond. 1905-^ •59706 Fishery board for Scotland. Annual report. 1-^ (41) Edin. 1883-^ •59706 Salmon fisheries. 1911-> Lond. 1912-> (41) 223 •59 ZOOLOGY •59706 Fishery board for Scotland. Scientific investigations. s (41) 1909-» '' Lend. 1911-^ •59706 Department of agriculture and technical instruction (415) for Ireland. Sea and inland fisheries of Ireland. Reports. 1897-> Dubl. 1898-> •59706 Madras fisheries bureau. Bulletins. No. l-> (548) Madras 1910-> •59706 United States Commission of fish and fisheries. (73) Reports. 1873/4-1885. Wash. 1876-87. '597(4) Europe. Catalogue des poissons du nord de FEurope. Copenhague 1914. B.M. -597 British Museum. Guide to the British fresh-water (42) fishes. Lond. 1917. •597(42) Day, F. Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. Lond. 1880-84. /. -597(42) Houghton, W. British fresh water fishes. Lond. [1879]. /.•597(48) Fries, B., aiid others. History of Scandinavian fishes. Revised by F. A. Smitt. 3 vols. Stockh. 1892-95. B.M. '5 97 (6) British Museum. Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa. By G. A. Boulenger. 4 vols. Lond. 1909-16. '597(72) Meek, S. E. Fresh-water fishes of Mexico. Chicago 1904. •597(81) Starks, E. C. Fishes of Stanford expedition to Brazil. Stanford Univ. 1913. /. '597 Gemmill, J. F. Teratology of fishes. Glasg. 1912. :59i2 '597 • 639 Cunningham, J. T. Natural history of marketable fishes of British Islands. Lond. 1896. '5973 Dean, B. ChimaBroid fishes. Wash. 1906. ■5975 Calderwood, W. L. Life of the salmon. Lond. 1907. •5975(41) Salmon rivers and lochs of Scotland. Lond. 1909. •5975(94) Wilson, SirS, Salmon at the antipodes. Lond. 1879. 224 •59 ZOOLOGY '5975 Starks, E. C. Osteology of certain scombroid fishes. : 59147 1 Stanford Univ. 1911. •5976 AMPHIBIA. B.M.-5978 British Museum. Catalogue of Batrachia salientia. By A. Giinther. Lond. 1858. B.M.-5978 By G. A. Boulenger. Lond. 1882. •597^(4) Boulenger, G. A. Tailless batrachians of Europe. 2 vols. Lond. 1897-98. •5978(7) Wright, A. H. North American Anura. "Wash. 1914. B.M.-5979 British Museum. Catalogue of the Batrachia gradentia s. caudata and Batrachia apoda. By G. A. Bou- lenger. . Lond. 1882. •5981 REPTILES. B.M.'598i British Museum. Catalogue of marine reptiles of the (26) Oxford Clay. By C. W. Andrews. Vol. l-» Lond. 1910-> /. -5981 Giinther, A. C. L. G. Reptiles of British India. (54) Lond. 1864. B.M.'598i I Boulenger, G. A. Monograph of the Lacertidas. Vol. l-> Lond. 1920-^ B.M.-598ii British Museum. Catalogue of Hzards. By G. A. Boulenger. 3 vols. Lond. 1885-87. B.M.-598i2 Catalogue of colubrine snakes. By A. Giinther. Lond. 1858. B.M.'598i2 Catalogue of snakes. By G. A. Boulenger. 3 vols. Lond. 1893-96. B.M.-598i3 Catalogue of the chelonians, rhynchocephalians, and crocodiles. By G. A. Boulenger. Lond. 1889. B.M.-598i3 Gigantic land tortoises. By A. Giinther. Lond. 1877. •5982 BIRDS. B.\i.-5982 British Museum. Catalogue of birds. By E. B. Sharpe, etc. 27 vols. Lond. 1874-98. 225 15 •59 ZOOLOGY B.M.-5982 British Museum. Catalogue of the collection of birds' eggs in the British Musetim. By E. W. Gates and S. G. Eeid. 5 vols. Lond. 1901-12. B.M.-5982 Corrections. By F. C. E, Jourdain. [The Ibis, Oct., 1913.] B.M/5982 Guide to the gallery of birds in the department of zoology. [By W. E. Ogilvie-Grant.] Lond. 1905. B.M.'5982 Hand-list of genera and species of birds. By E. B. Sharpe. 5 vols. . Lond. 1899-1909. Index. Lond. 1912. '5982 Greene, W. T. Feathered friends, old and new. Lond. 1896. /. -5982 Nitzsch, C. L. Pterylography. Lond. 1867. •5982 Pike, O. G. Through birdland byways with pen and camera. Lond. [1910]. •598203 Newton, A., and Gadow, H. Dictionary of birds. Lond. 1896. •598204 Turner, W. Turner on birds. Ed. A. H. Evans. Camb. 1903. •598207 Coues, E. Handbook of field and general ornitholog}^ Lond. 1890. •5982084 Thorburn, A. A Naturalist's sketch book. Lond. 1919. '016 Mullens, W. H., and Swann, li. K. Bibliography of ; S9^^ British ornithology. Lond. 1917. /. '5982(4) Dresser, H. E. Eggs of the birds of Europe. 2 vols. Lond. 1910. •5982(41) Gordon, S. P. Birds of the loch and mountain. Lond. [1907]. •5982(41) ■ Hill birds of Scotland. Lond. 1915. •5982 Saxby, H. L. Birds of Shetland. Edin. 1874. (41 11) '5982 Selous, E. The Bird watcher in the Shetlands. (41 11) Lond. 1905. '5982 Graham, H. D. Birds of lona and Mull. Edin. 1890. (41 17) 226 •59 ZOOLOGY 5982 Gray, R. Birds of the west of Scotland. Glasg. 1871. (411 7) 5982 Blackburn, Mrs. H. Birds from Moidart and elsewhere. (4138) Edin. 1895. 5982 Muirhead, Q. Birds of Berwickshire. 2 vols. (4145) Edin. 1889-95. 5982 Gladstone, H. S. Birds of Dumfriesshire. Lond. 1910. (4148) 5982(42) Arnold, E. L. Bird life in England. Lond. 1887. 5982(42) Dixon, C. Among the birds in northern shires. Lond. 1900. 5982(42) Game birds and wild fowl of the British Islands. Sheffield 1900. 5982(42) Our favourite song birds. Lond. 1897. 5982(42) Harting, J. E. Handbook of British birds. Lond. 1872. 5982(42) Hudson, W. H. Birds and man. Lond. 1901. 5982(42) Kearton, R. British birds' nests. Lond. 1895. 5982(42) Our rarer British breeding birds, their nests, eggs, and summer haunts. Lond. 1900. 5982(42) Kirkman, F. B. B. The British bird-book. 4 vols. Lond. 1911-13. 5982(42) Macgillivray, W. History of British birds. 5 vols. Lond. 1837-52. 5982(42) Saunders, H. Illustrated manual of British birds. Lond. 1899. 5982(42) Thomson, A. L. Britain's birds and their nests. Lond. 1910. 5982(42) Turner, E. L., and Bahr, P. H. The Home-life of some marsh-birds. Lond. 1907. 5982 Dixon, C. Bird-life of London. Lond. 1909. (421) 5982 Valentine, J. T. Tristram-. London birds and beasts. (421) . Lond. 1895. 227 •59 ZOOLOGY ■5982(7) Baird, S. F., and others, ^istory of North American birds. Land birds. 3 vols, and plates. Boston [Mass.] 1874. •5982(7) Water birds of North America. 2 vols. Boston [Mass.] 1884. •5982(7) Blanchan, N. Birds that hunt and are hunted. New York 1899. •5982(7) Elliot, D. G. North American shore birds. Lond. 1895. •5982(7) Reed, C. A. North American birds eggs. New York 1904. •5982 Gosse, P. H. Birds of Jamaica. (Illustrations ) (7292) Lond. 1847 (1849). •5986(42) Grouse disease committee. The Grouse in health and disease. 2 vols. Lond. 1911. •5986(42) Ed. A. S. Leslie. Lond. 1912. •5989(41) Macpherson, H. B. The Home life of a golden eagle photographed and described. Lond. 1910. •599 MAMMALS. •599 Flower, Sir W. H., and Lydekker, R. Mammals, living and extinct. Lond. 1891. •599 Osborn, H. F. The Age of mammals. New York 1910. •599 Schmidt, O. The Mammalia in their relation to prim- eval times. Lond. 1885. *599(°^) Sclater, W. L., and P. L. Geography of mammals. Lond. 1899. B.M.^599 British Museum. Catalogue of the mammals of (4) Western Europe. By G. S. Miller. Lond. 1912. •599(42) Bell, T. History of British quadrupeds, including the Cetacea. Lond. 1874. •599(42) Harting, J. E. British animals extinct within historic times. With some account of British wild white cattle. Lond. 1880. /*599(42) Millais, J. G. The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. Lond. 1904-06. 228 •59 ZOOLOGY '599(72) Elliot, D. G. Land and sea mammals of Middle America and the West Indies. 2 pts. Chicago 1904. *599 • 575 Parker, W. K. On mammalian descent. Lond. 1885. B.M."5992 British Museum. Catalogue of Marsupialia and Mono- tremata. By O. Thomas. Lond. 1888. B.M.'5994 Catalogue of the Chiroptera. By K. Anderson. Vol. l-» Lond. 1912-> B.M.-5995 Guide to whales, porpoises, and dolphins. [By R. Lydekker.] Lond. 1909. B.M. -59961 Guide to elephants. [By C. W. Andrews.] Lond. 1908. •5997 Winans, W. Deer breeding for fine heads. Lond. 1913. "5997(5) Indian Museum. Catalogue of Asiatic horns and antlers. By T. Bentham. Calcutta 1908. B.M. "5997 British Museum. Catalogue of heads and horns of (54) Indian big game. By R. Lydekker. Lond. 1913. B.M. "5997 1 Catalogue of ungulate mammals. By R. Lydekker. 5 vols. Lond. 1913-16. B.M. '5997 1 Guide to the great game animals, etc. [By R. Lydekker.] Lond. 1907. B.M. "599735 Catalogue of ruminant Mammalia. By J. B. Gray. Lond. 1872. '59975 Lane, C. H. Rabbits, cats, and cavies. Lond. 1903. •59975 Youatt, W. The Dog. Lond. 1874. •5998 Hartmann, R. Anthropoid apes. Lond. 1885. *5999 Hopf, L. The Human species. Lond. 1909. 229 •619 VETERINARY SCIENCE. •619 . Friedberger, F., and Fr<>hner, E. Lehrbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie der Hausthiere. 2 vols. Stuttg. 1889. •619 Lei^hton, Q. The Modern veterinary adviser. Ed. G. L. 5 vols. Lond. 1910-11. •619 Mayo, N. S. Diseases of animals. New York 1911. •619 Moore, V. A. Pathology and differential diagnosis of infectious diseases of animals. Ithaca, N.Y. 1908. •619 Strangeways, T. Veterinary anatomy. Edin. 1886. •619 Thompson, H. Elementary lectures on veterinary science. Lond. 1908. •619 Williams, W. Principles and practice of veterinary medicine. Edin. 1888. •619 Principles and practice of veterinary surgery. Edin. 1886. •61905 Archiv fiir wissenschaftliche und praktische Thier- A.T. heilkunde. Vol. 12-» Berl. 1886-^ •61905 Jahres-Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Tier= j.F. Chemie. Vol. 15-^ Wiesbaden 1886-» •61905 Journal of comparative pathology and therapeutics. j.c. Vol. 1-^ Edin. 1888-» •619(682) Transvaal — Department of ag^ri culture. Veterinary bacteriological laboratories. Pretoria 1909. •619 Nocard, E. I. E., and Leclainche, E. Maladies micro- : 5768 biennes des animaux. Paris 1898. •619 Smith, F. Manual of veterinary physiology. :6i2 Lond. 1912. ■619 Niemann, F., and Prof 6, O. Gnindriss der Veterinar- : 6149 Hygiene. Berl. 1903. 230 •6i9 VETERINARY SCIENCE •619 Smith, F. Manual of veterinary hygiene. Lond. 1905. :6i49 •6 191 Axe, J. W. The Horse — its treatment in health and disease. 9 vols. Lond. 1907. •6191 Fitzwygram, Sir F. W. Horses and stables. Lond. 1911. "6192 Armata^e, G. Every man his own cattle doctor. Lond. 1882. •6192 Gresswell, Q. Diseases and disorders of the ox. Lond. 1889. •6192 Hamilton, D. J. Infectious pleuro-pneumonia of cattle. Abd. 1889. •6192 Walley, T. The Four bovine scourges. Bdin. 1879. In-6ig2i Hamilton, D. J., and Young, J. M. Relationship of 1616995 human tuberculosis to that of bovines. Abd. 1903. YOU. •6 1 92 1 Nocard, E. I. E. Animal tuberculoses and their rela- : 616995 tion to human tuberculosis. Lond. 1895. In "6192 1 Young, J. M. Milk of tuberculous cows. [Abd.] 1903. : 616995 In "6192 1 Value of tuberculin as a test. [Abd.] 1902. : 616995 •61931 M'Qowan, J. P. Investigation into the disease of sheep called *' scrapie ". Edin. 1914. •6 1 93 1 Meyer, A. W. Hemolymph nodes of the sheep. Stanford Univ. 1914. •6194 United States — Department of Agriculture. Hog cholera. Wash. 1889. 231 •62 ENGINEERING. *62oi Ewingf, Sir J. A. The Strength of materials. Camb. 1903. •6205 E En^neering: an illustrated weekly journal. Vol. 105 -> Lond. 1918-^ •6206 i.E.p. Institution of civil engineers. Minutes of proo Vol. 47-49, 51-55, 57-72, 74-78. 107-126, 128-> Lond. 1877-^ ■621 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. •621022 Jamieson, A. Text-book on applied mechanics. 2 vols. Lond. 1903. •621022 Low, D. A. Applied mechanics. Lond. 1910. •621022 Perry, J. Applied mechanics. Lond. 1905. •62 1023 Jamieson, A. Elementary manual on applied mechanics. Lond. 1902. •62108 French, J. W. Modern power generators. Lond. 1908. •6211 STEAM ENGINEERING. •6211022 Ewing, Sir J, A. The Steam engine. Camb. 1902. •621 1022 Jamieson, A. Text-book on steam and steam engines. Lond. 1901. •6211022 Perry, J. The Steam engine. Lond. 1900. •621 1023 Jamieson, A. Elementary manual on steam and steam engines. Lond. 1902. •62111 Qentsch, W. Steam turbines. Lond. 1906. •621124 Durand, W. F. Eesearches on the screw propeller. Wash. 1907. •62113 Goss, W. F. M. Superheated steam. Wash. 1910. •62 1 1343 High steam pressures. W^ash. 1907. 232 •62 ENGINEERING ■8212 WATER ENGINEERING. •6213 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. •621302 Heather, H. J. S. Electrical engineering. Lond. [1912]. •621308 Munro, J., and Jamieson, A. Pocket-book of electrical rules and tables. Lond. 1903. •621312 Hare, A. T. Construction of large induction coils. Lond. 1900. •62 131 2 1 Kinzbrunner, C. Testing of continuous current machines. Lond. 1904. •62133 Gerard, E. Traite complet d'electrotraction. Brux. 1897. •6214 GAS ENGINEERING. •6214 Newbiggfingf, T. Handbook for gas engineers. Lond. 1898. •6215 Ewingf, Sir J. A. Mechanical production of cold. Caml). 1908. ■63 AGRICULTURE. •63 Benson, O. H., and Betts, G. H. Agriculture and the farming business. Lond. [1917]. •63 Curtis, C. E. Estate management. Lond. 1911. •63 Henderson, R. The Estate manager. Edin. 1910. ■63 Hunt, T. F. How to choose a farm. New York 1911. •63 Roberts, I. P. The Farmstead. New York 1911. •63 Smith, H. H. Principles of landed estate management. Lond. 1898. •6302 Bailey, L. H. Principles of agriculture. New York 1912. •6302 Fream, W. Elements of agriculture. Lond. 1914. •6302 Morton, J. C. Labour. Lond. •6302 Muir, J. Agi'iculture, practical and scientific. Lond. 1895. •6302 Slieplierd, E. T. Practical farming. Lond. 1906. •6302 Stephens, H. Book of the farm. In part re- written by J. MacDonald. 3 vols. Edin. 1908. •6302 Tod, W. M. Farming. Lond. 1903. •6302 Warren, G. F. Elements of agriculture. New York 1909. •6302 Youatt, W. The Complete grazier. Re-written by W. Fream. Lond. 1908. i?e/.'6303 Bailey, L. H. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. Ed. L. H. B. 4 vols. New York 1907-09. 72e/.-6303 Green, C. E., and Young, D. Encyclopaedia of agri- culture. 4 vols. Edin. [1907-09]. •6303 Morton, J. C. Cyclopedia of agriculture, practical and scientific. 2 vols. Glasg. 1869. 2:m •63 AGRICULTURE i?e/.'6303 Wright, R. P. Standard cyclopedia of modern agri- culture. 12 vols. Lend. 1908-11. •6304 • [Arbuthnot, J.] True method of treating light hazely ground. Edin. 1811. ^ Beaton, H., Mrs. Notes on farming. Peterhead 1905. •6304 [Grant, Sir A.] Chief obstacles to the improvement of land. Abd. 1760. •6304 Haggard, S'ir H. Rider. A Farmer's year. Lond. 1906. •6305 PERIODICALS. •6305 A.G. Agricultural gazette. Vol. 92-» Lond. 1920-> •6305 A.J. Agricultural journal of the Union of South Africa. Vol. 2-> Pretoria 1911-> •6305 A.A. Annales agronomiques. Vol. 22-> Paris 1896-> •6305 A.s. Annales de la science agronomique. Ser. 2. 1896-> Paris 1896-> '6305 Annuaire international de legislation agricole. A.I.L. ■ 1916-^ Rome 1917-> •6305 Annuaire international de statistique agricole. A.i.s. 1915/16-^ Rome 1917-^ •6305 j.L. Journal fiir Landwirthschaft. Vol. 39-^ Berl. 1891-> •6305 j.R. Journal of agricultural research. Vol. l-> Wash. [1914]-^ •6305 j.s. Journal of agricultural science. Vol. l-> Camb. 1905-> •6305 L.J. Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbiicher. With supplements. Vol. 20-> Berl. 1891-> •6305 L.v. Landwirtschaftliche Versuchs=Stationen. Vol. 39-> Berl. 1891-> •6305 N.B. North British agriculturist. Vol. 65-^ Edin. 1913-> •6305 S.F. Scottish farmer. Vol. 8-> Glasg. 1900-^ •6305 S.J. Scottish journal of agriculture. Vol. l-> Edin. [1918] -> •6305 s.s. Soil science. Vol. 1-^ New Brunswick, N.J. [1916] -» 235 •63 AGRICULTURE '6305 Agricultural news. Vol. 13-» Lond. [1914]-> (729) A.N. '6305 • 54 Biedermann's Zentralblatt [fiir Agrikultui:cheniie B.C. till 1919]. Vol. 33-> Leip. 1904-> '63059 British year-book of agriculture. 1908/09^ •B.Y. Lond. 1908-^ •6306 SOCIETIES. •6306 A.s. Agricultural society of England, Royal. Journal. Vol. l-> Lond. 1840-> •6306 I.I. Imperial Institute. Bulletin. Vol. l-» Lond. [1903]-^ •6306 International Institute of agriculture. Bureau of i.A.A. agricultural intelligence. Bulletins. 1911-> Rome 1911-> "6306 Bureau of economic and social intelligence. Bulle- I.A.E. tins. 1911-> Rome 1911-^ "6306 ■ Bureau of statistics. Bulletins. 1914-» I.A.S. Rome 1915-> •6306 B.St. Ministry {formerly Board) of agriculture and fish= eries. Agricultural statistics. 1902-> Lond. 1903-^ •6306 B.D. Diseases of animals acts. Proc. 1894-» Lond. 1895-> '6306 B.G. Grants for agricultural education. 1891/92-> Lond. 1892-^ •6306 B.J. Journal. Vol. 1-3, 6-> Lond. 1895-> '6306 B.L. Leaflets. l-> Lond. 1913-> •6306 B.s. Sale of food and drugs acts. Proc. 1901-> Lond. 1902-> •6306 Salmon and fresh-water fisheries acts, etc. Proc. B.sa. 1903-> Lond. 1904-> •6306 Sea fisheries acts. Proc. 1903-» Lond. 1905-> B.se. •6306 Small holdings and allotments act. Proc. 1908-> B.sm. Lond. 1909-^ -6306 B.T. Tithe acts, etc. Proc. 1901-> Lond. 1902-» 236 •63 AGRICULTURE ■6306R.M. Rothamsted experimental station. Memoirs on agri- cultural science. Vol. 8-> Harpenden 1914-> •6306 E.K. Reports. 1911-> Harpenden 1912-^ /. 6306 Congested districts board, Scotland. Reports. l-> (41) CD. Glasg. [1899] -> •6306 Highland and agricultural society of Scotland. (41) H. Trans. [Ser. 1], vols. 1-4, 6 ; Ser. II. -> Edin. 1799-> •6306 Agricultural research association. Proc. 1885-> (4125) A.A. [Abd. 1887]-» •6306 North of Scotland College of agriculture. Bulletins. (4125) A.N. l/14-> Abd. 1910-> ■6306 Former students' association. Trans. 1911/12-^ (4I25)a,n.f. Abd. 1912-» Ref. -67,06 Minutes and proceedings. 1904/08-^ [1908]-> (4125) A.N.M. •6306 West of Scotland agricultural college. Reports. (4143) 7-> Glasg. 1906-5- •6306 Department of agriculture and technical instruction (415).!. for Ireland. Journal. Vol. 2-> Dubl. [1902]-» •6306 Reports. l-> Dubl. 1901-^ (415) B- •6306 Cockle Park, Northumberland. County agricultural (4282) experiment station. Experiments. 1912-> Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1912-> '6306 India — Department of agriculture. Memoirs. Bo- (54) M.B. tanical ser. Vol. l-> Calcutta [1906]-» •6306 Chemical ser. Vol. l-» Calcutta [1906]-> (54) M.C. •6306 Entomological ser. Vol. l-> (54) M.E. Calcutta [1906]-^ •6306 Review of agricultural operations in India. (54) B.A. 1904/05-> Calcutta 1906-> •6306 Pusa — Agricultural research institute. Reports. (54) P.A. 1907/09-^ Calcutta 1909-^ 237 •63 AGRICULTURE J. 6306 Union of South Africa — Department of agriculture. (68) R. Reports. 1910/11-^ Cape Town 1913-^ '6306(7) Association of official agfricultural chemists of North A.o. America. Journal. Vol. l-> Baltimore 1916-» '6306 Canada — Department of agfriculture. Experimental (7i)e.r. farms. Reports. 1889-> Ottawa 1890-> •6306 West Indies — Department of agriculture. West (729) Indian bulletin. Vol. 1-^ Barbados 1900-> '6306 American society of agronomy. Journal. Vol. 12-> (73) A.A. Wash. 1920-> •6306 United States Department of agriculture. Bureau (73) A. of animal industry. Reports. l-> Wash. 1885-^ •6306 Experiment station record. Vol. 7-> (73) EX.R. Wash. 1897-> ^6306 Year-book. 1894-» Wash. 1895-^ (73) Y. '6306 Connecticut Agricultural experiment station. Re- (746) E. ports. 1881/82, 1884-> New Haven, Hartford 1882-> '6306 New York Agricultural experiment station. Bulk- (747) B. tins. 114:-> Geneva, N.Y. 1897-> '6306 Wisconsin University — Agricultural experiment (775) R. Station. Reports. 12, 14-16, 18-23, 2o-> Madison 1896-> ^6306 California University — College of agriculture. Agri- (794) B. cultural experiment station. Bulletins. 161-> Sacramento 1906-^ •6306 Reports. 1892/93-> Sacramento 1894-^ (794) E- •6306 New Zealand — Department of agriculture. Reports. (931) R. 1901-^ Wellington 1901-*- '6306 South Australia — Department of agriculture. Joui- (942) J. nal. Vol. 8-> Adelaide 1905-> •6307 Reading, University College. Agricultural education. Report. Reading 1910. 238 •63 AGRICULTURE •630821 Encyclopedic agricole. hi progress. Paris 1904 -> •63083 Bright, T. Agricultural surveyor and estate agent's handbook. Lond. 1911. •6309 HISTORY. '6309 Buschan, Q. Vorgeschichtliche Botanik der Cultur- und Nutzpflanzen der alten Welt. Breslau 1895. •6309 Candolle, A. de. Origin of cultivated plants. Lond. 1884. ^6309 Clarke, Sir E. History of the Board of agriculture, 1793-1822. Lond. 1898. ■6309 Elliot, R. H. Agricultural changes required by these times. Kelso 1905. *6309(42) Green, F. E. A History of the English agricultural labourer, 1870-1920. Lond. 1920. •6309(42) Jamieson, T, History of agricultural science in Great Britain. Edin. [1911]. /. '6309(47) Direction generale de Torg^anisation agraire et de I'agriculture. Les Travaux des commissions agraire, 1907-1911. St. Petersbourg 1912. Bef. 'Old Agricultural index. l-> : 6j White Plains, N.Y., New York 1917-> ^63092 Ormerod, E. A. Eleanor Ormerod, LL.D. : autobio- graphy. Ed. R. Wallace. Lond. 1904. •63(-) REGIONAL AGRICULTURE. '63(00) Finch, V. C, and Baker, O. E. Geography of the world's agriculture. Wash. 1917. •63(213) Nicholls, H. A. A. Text-book of tropical agriculture. Lond. 1911. •63(213) Willis, J. C. Agriculture in the tropics. Camb. 1909. •63(41)3. Board of agriculture. General view of the agricul- ture [of Scotland]. 29 pts."* Edin., Lond. 1794-97. •63(41)6. A. General view of the agriculture [of Scotland. Second series]. 30 pts.* Abd., etc., 1795-1816. * Detailed lists will be found in the 1906 edition of the Science Catalogue. 239 •63 AGRICULTURE 63(415) Department of agfriculture ^nd technical instruction for Ireland. Ireland, industrial and agricultural. Dubl. 1902. •63(42) Haggard, Sir H. Rider. Rural England. 2 vols. Lend. 1906. 63(43) Dade, H. Die Deutsche Landwirtschaft unter Kaiser Wilhelm II. 2 vols. Halle a.S. 1913. /. "63(47) Russia. La Reforme agraire en Russie. St. P^ersbourg [1913]. •63(489) Faber, H. Co-operation in Danish agriculture. Lond. 1918 •63(489) Haggard, Sir H. Rider. Rural Denmark and its lessons. Lond. 1911. •63(492) Scott, J. W. Robertson-. War time and peace in Holland. Lond. 1914. '63(52) Japan. Outlines of agriculture in Japan. Tokyo 1910. •63(54) Pog^on, F. Manual of agriculture for India. Calcutta 1883. •63(68) Thomas, O. Agricultural prospects of South Africa. Lond. 1904. •63(687) Wallace, R. Farming industries of Cape Colony. Lond. 1896. '63(71) Canada. Canada's fertile northland. Ed. E. J. Chambers. Ottawa 1907. •63(7124) Saskatchewan. Agricultural credit commission, 1913. Report. Regina 1913. 63(943) Weedon, T. Queensland past and present. Brisbane 1898. •63:33 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. '63 • 33^ Fairchild, G. T. Rural wealth and welfare. New York 1900. •63 : 34 Collings, J. Land reform, etc. Lond. 1906. •63 : 34 Curtis, C. E., and Gordon, R. A. Agi-icultural tenancies. Lond. 1910. 240 •63 AGRICULTURE ■63:53 AGRICULTURAL PHYSICS. •63 153 ' King, F. H. Text-book of the physics of agriculture. Madison, Wis. 1910. •63 : 537 Lemstrom, S. Electricity in agriculture and horticul- ture. Lond. 1904. •63:54 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. •63 : 54 Boussingault, J. B. Agronomie, chimie agricole et physiologic. 8 vols. Paris 1864-91. •63 : 54 Chamberlain, J. S. Organic agricultural chemistry. New York 1917. •63 : 54 Deherain, P. P. Traite de chimie agricole. Paris 1892. •63 : 54 Forbes, E. B., and Keith, M. H. Review of literature, of phosphorus compounds in animal metabolism, Wooster 1914. •63 : 54 Fraps, G. S. Pi^inciples of agricultural chemistry. Easton, Pa. 1917. •63 : 54 Qrandeau, L. Traite d'analyse des mati^res agricoles. 2 vols. Paris 1897. •63 : 54 Ingfie, li. Manual of agricultural chemistry. Lond. 1902. •63 : 54 Konig, J. Die Untersuchung landwirthschaftlich und gewerblich wichtiger Stotfe. Berl, 1891. '63 : 54 Mayer, A. Lehrbuch der Agrikulturchemie. 3 vols. Heidelb. 1901-02. •63 : 54 Rothamsted experimental station. Six lectures on war. investigations. By R. Warington. Wash. 1892. •63 : 54 Snyder, H. Chemistry of plant and animal life. New York 1912. •63 : 54 Stoddard, C. W. Chemistry of agriculture. Philad. [1915]. •63 : 54 Wiley, H. W. Principles and practice of agricultural analysis. 2 vols. Easton, Pa. 1906-08. Ref. '63 Passon, M. Kleines Handworterbuch der Agrikultur- : 5403 chemie. 2 vols. Leip. 1910. 241 16 63 55 •63 55 •63 55 •63 55 •63 55 ■63 55 •63 55 •63 AGRICULTURE •63 Rothamsted experiments. -iBy Sir J. B. Lawes and : 54082 Sir J. H. Gilbert. " * Edin. 1895. •63 By A. D. Hall. Revised by E. J. Russell. : 54082 Lond. 1917. •63:55 AGRICULTURAL GEOLOGY. Emerson, F. V. Agricultural geology. New York 1920. McConnell, P. Agricultural geolog}'. Lond. 1902. MaiT, J. E. Agricultural geology. Lond. 1903. Merrill, G. P. Treatise on rocks, rock-weathering, and soils. New York 1906. Rastall, R. H. Agricultural geology. Camb. 1916. Stockbridge, H. E. Rocks and soils. New York 1906. Woodward, H. B. Geology of soils and substrata. Lond. 1912. 63 : 5768 AGRICULTURAL BACTERIOLOGY. '63 : 5768 Conn, H. W. Agricultural bacteriolog}'. Lond. 1902. '63 • 5768 Ellis, D. Outlines of bacteriology. Lond. 1909. '63 ■ 5768 Lipman, J. G. Bacteria in relation to country life. New York 1911. '63 : 5768 Lohnis, F. Handbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Bak- teriologie. Berl. 1910. •63 : 5768 VorlesungeniiberlandwirtschaftlicheBakteriologie. Berl. 1913. '63 • 5768 Percival. J. Agricultural bacteriology. Lond. 1910. '63 • 5768 Reed, H. S. Manual of bacteriology. Boston [Mass. 1914]. •63 : 58 AGRICULTURAL BOTANY. •63 : 58 Percival, J. Agricultural botany. Lond. 1900. •63 : 58 Robbins, W. W. Botany of crop plants, Philad. [1917]. •63 : 58 Schribaux, E., and Nanot, J. Elements de botanique agi'icole. Paris 1903. 242 ^63 AGRICULTURE •63; 59 AGRICULTURAL ZOOLOGY. •63 : 59 Theobald. F. V. Agricultural zoology. Edin. 1913. •63 Guenaux, G. Entomologie et parasitologie agricoles. : 59145 Paris 1904. •63:657 AGRICULTURAL BOOK-KEEPING. •63 : 657 Kersey, H. W. Book-keeping, suitable for farmers, etc. Lond. •63 : 657 Meats, T. W. Agricultural accounts, Lond. 1912. '63 : 657 Orwin, C. S. Farm accounts. Camb. 1914. •63 : 657 Peet, J. O., and Taylor, H. Principles and practice of book-keeping for the farm, etc. Reading 1905. •63 : 657 Roberts, L P. The Farmers' business handbook. New York 1911. •63 : 657 Taylor, H., and Peet, J. O. Principles and practice of book-keeping for the farm, garden, dairy, and estate. Huddersfield, 1920. '63 : 657 Thomson, A. W. Principles and practice of book- keeping and estate office-work. Lond. 1901. •63 : 72 Taylor, S. Modern homesteads, a treatise on the de- signing of farm buildings. Lond. 1905. SYSTEMATIC AGRICULTURE. •631 SOILS. •631 Burkett, C. W. Soils — ^their properties, improvement, etc. New York 1907. •631 Fletcher, S. W. Soils, how to handle and improve them. Lond. 1907. •631 Fream, W. Soils and their properties. Lond. 1890. •631 Hall, A. D. The Soil. Lond. 1903. •631 Hilgard, E. W. Soils. New York. 1906. •631 Hoskyns, C. W. Talpa; or, The chronicles of a clay farm. Lond. 1903. •631 King, F. H. The Soil. New York 1902. •631 Lyon, T. L. Soils and fertilizers. New York 1918. 243 •63 AGRICULTURE •631 Lyon, T. L., and Fippin, E. O. Principles of soil management. New York 1909. •631 Mosier, J. G., and Gustafson, A. F. Soil physics and management. Philad. [1917]. •631 Roberts, I. P. The Fertility of the land. New York 1911. •631 Russell, E. J. Lessons on soil. Camb. 1912. •631 Scott, J., and Morton, J. C. The Soil. Lond. '631 Snyder, H. Soils and fertilizers. New York 1912. •631 Wahnschaffe, F. Guide to the scientific examination of soils. Lond. 1892. '631 Warington, R. Lectures on some of the physical properties of soil. Oxf. 1900. •631 Whiting, A. L. Soil biology: laboratory manual. New York 1917. ■631(23) France. Restauration et conservation des terrains en montagne. 3 vols. Paris 1911. •631 Burgess, P. S. Soil bacteriology : laboratory manual. 15768 Easton, Pa. 1914. •631 : 633 Mosier, J. G. Soils and crops. Chicago [1919]. •63 1 1 22 Livingston, B. B.f and others. Water-relation between plant and soil, etc. Wash. 1915. •6313 King, F. li. Irrigation and drainage. New York 1903. •6313 Wilcox, L. M. Irrigation farming. New York 1912. •63 14 1 Klippart, J. H. Land drainage. Cincinnati 1894. •6316 FERTILIZERS. •6316 Dyer, B., and Shrivell, F. W. E. Manuring of market garden crops. Lond. [1910]. •6316 Hall, A. D. Feeding of crops and stock. Lond. 1911. •6316 Fertilizers and manures. Lond. 1909. •6316 Heiden, E. Lehrbuch der Diingerlehre. 2 vols. Hannover 1879-87. •6316 Lambert, T. Bone products and manures. Lond. 1913. •6316 Lloyd, S. L. Mining and manufacture of fertilizing materials. New York 1918. 244 •63 AGRICULTURE ■6316 Miintz, A., and Qirard, A. C. Les Engrais. 3 vols. Paris 1895-96. •6316 Russell, E. J. Manuring for higher crop production. Camb. 1916. •6316 Schneidewind, W. Die Stickstoffquellen und die Stick- stoffdiingung. Berl. 1908. •6316 Van Slyke, L. L. Fertilizers and crops. New York 1912. •6316 Voorhees, E. B. Fertilizers. New York 1902. •6316 Wolff, E. Anleitung zur chemischen Untersuchung landwirtschaftlich wichtiger Stoffe. Berl. 1899. •6316 Diingerlehre. Berl. 1897. •63161 Ville, G. Recherches experimentales sur la vegetation. Paris 1893. •63 161 Glasgow and West of Scotland technical college. (414) Agricultural department. Reports on manuring, . etc. 1893, 1894, 1895. Glasg. 1894-96. •63167 Brenchley, W. E. Inorganic plant poisons and stimulants. Camb. 1914. •63167 Ville, G. Artificial manures. Lond. 1909. •6316724 Schucht, L. Die Fabrikation des Superphosphats. Braunsch. 1903. •6317 FARM ENGINEERING. •6317 Davidson, J. B., and Chase, L. W. Farm machinery and farm motors. New York 1908. •6317 Haines, A. H., and Daniel, A. F. H. Surveying and building construction for agricultural students. Lond. 1915. 6317 Hirshfeld, C. F., and Ulbricht, T. C. Gas engines for the farm. New York 1914. •6317 Scott, J. Complete text-book of farm engineering. Lond. 1885. •6319 METHODS OF CULTIVATION. 6319 Macdonald, W. Dry-farming. Lond. [1911]. •6319 Sadebeck, R. Die Kulturgewachse der deutschen Kolonien und ihre Erzeugnisse. Jena 1899. 245 •63 AGRICULTURE •6319 Widtsoe, J. A. Dry-farming. New York 1912. •63195 Bailey, L. H. The Nursery-book. New York 1912. •631962 1 The Pruning-book. New York 1911. •6319832 Shaw, T. SoiUng crops and the silo. New York 1912. ■632 PESTS. •632 Delacroix, Q. Maladies des plantes cultivees dans les pays chauds. Paris 1911. •632 Faes, H. Les Maladies des plantes cultiv6es et leur traitement. Paris [1909]. •632 Petherbridge, F. R. Fungoid and insect pests of the farm. Camb. 1916. ■632 Rampon, C. Les Ennemis de Fagriculture. Paris 1898. ■632 Smith, W. G. Diseases of field and garden crops, chiefly such as are caused by fungi. Lond, 1884. •6324(94) McAlpine, D. Fungus diseases of citrus trees in Australia. Melbourne 1899. •6324(94) Fungus diseases of stone-fruit trees in Australia. Melbourne 1902. •6324(94) The Rusts of Australia. Melbourne 1906. •6324(94) The Smuts of Australia. Melbourne [1910]. •6325 Brenchley, W. E. Weeds of farm land. Lond. 1920. ■6325 Longf, H. C, and Percival, J. Common weeds of the farm and garden. Lond. 1910. •6325 Maier-Bode, F. Die Bekampfung der Acker-Unkrauter. Stuttg. 1908. •6325 Pammel, L. H. Weeds of the farm and garden. New York 1911. ■6325 Weed flora of Iowa. Des Moines 1913. (777) '6325 Ewart, A. J., and Tovey, J. R. Weeds, poison plants, (945) and naturalized aliens of Victoria. Melbourne 1909. •6327 Ormerod, E. A. Manual of injurious insects, with methods of prevention and remedy. Lond. 1890. ■6327 Weed, C. M. Insects and insecticides. New York 1903. 246 •63 AGRICULTURE •6327 Ballou, H. A. Insect pests of the Lesser Antilles. (729) Bridgetown, Barbados 1912. •632942 Lodeman, E. Q. The Spraying of plants. New York 1910. •632951 Bourcart, E. Insecticides, fungicides, and weedkillers. Lond. 1913. •633 CROPS. '633 Fruwirth, C. Die Ziichtung der landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen. 4 vols. Berl. 1904-07. •633 Wollny, E. Saat und Pflege der landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen. Berl. 1885. •6331 FOOD CROPS. •633 1 1 Buller, A. H. R. Essays on wheat. New York, 1919. •6331 1 Crookes, Sir W. The Wheat problem. Lond. 1917. •6331 1 Osborne, T. B. Proteins of wheat kernel. Wash. 1907. •63314 Denaiffe and Sirodot. L'Avoine. Paris [1901]. •633151 Davy, J. Burtt=. Maize — its history, cultivation, handling, and uses. Lond. 1914. 6333 FODDER CROPS. '6333 Clark, Q. H., and Malte, M. O. Fodder and pasture plants. Ottawa 1913. ■6333 Dietrich, T., and Konig, J. Zusammensetzung und Yerdaulichkeit der Futtermittel. 2 vols. Berl. 1891. ■6333 [Kellner, O.] Die Futtermittel des Handels. Berl. 1906. •6333 Shaw, T. Forage crops. New York 1910. /• "^^333 Stebler, F. G., and Schroter, C. Best forage plants fully described and figured. Lond. 1889. 6333 Voorhees, E. B. Forage crops. New York 1911. •6333 Wolff, E. von. Farm foods. Lond. 1895. '6333 Rationelle Fiitterung der landwirtschaftlichen Nutz- tiare. Berl. 1899. '6333 Faber, H. Forage crops in Denmark. Lond. 1920. (489) 247 •63 AGRICULTURE •63331 Sutton, M. J. Permanent and temporary pastures. Lond. 1891. ■6333 14 1 Hitchcock, A. S. Text-book of grasses. New York 1914. •6333 14 1 Ward, H. M. Grasses. Camb. 1901. ■6333141 Gordon, W. J, Manual of British grasses. (42) Lond. [1907]. '6333141 Vasey, Q. Illustrations of North American grasses. (7) 2 vols. Wash. 1891-93. ■6334 INDUSTRIAL CROPS. •63340821 Imperial Institute Handbooks. Lond. 1911. -> IMP. 1. Dudgeon, Q. C. Agricultural and forest products of British West Africa. 1911. 2. Johnson, W. H. Cocoa, its cultivation and prepara- tion. 1912. 3. Qoulding, E. Cotton and other vegetable fibres. 1917. 4. Brown, H. Rubber — its sources, cultivation, and pre- paration. 1918. •6334 Morris, D. Economic resources of West Indies. (729) Lond. 1898. •6334113 Balls, W. L. The Cotton plant in Egypt. Lond. 1912. '6334113 Bowman, F. H. Structure of the cotton fibre. Lond. 1908. •6334113 International federation of master cotton spinners' and manufacturers' association. Official report of visit to Egypt, etc. Also Cotton growing in Egypt. [Manch. 1913]. •633433 Claassen, H. Beet-sugar manufacture. New York 1906. '^33433 Scott, J. W. Robertson=. Sugar beet. Lond. 1911. '633473 Lloyd, F. E. Guayule, a rubber-plant -of the Chihua- huan desert. Wash. 1911. ■633473 Lock, R. H. Rubber and rubber planting. Camb. 1913. ■633473 Seeligmann, T., aiid others. Indiarubber and gutta percha. Lond. 1910. 248 •63 AGRICULTURE ■633473 Weber, C. O. Chemistry of India rubber. Lond. 1909. •633473 Wright, H. Rubber cultivation in the British Empire. Lond. 1907. '633473 Fetch, T. Physiology and diseases of Hevea brasi- : 5812 liensis. Lond. 1911. ■634 FORESTRY. •634 Beauverie, J. Le Bois. 2 vols. Paris 1905. •634 Boulger, G. S. Wood, a manual of the natural history and industrial applications of the timbers of commerce. Lond. 1902. •634 Boyd, J. Afforestation. Lond. 1918. •634 Charpentier, P. Timber, a study of wood in all its aspects. Lond. 1902. "634 Cheney, E. G., and Wentling, J. P. The Farm wood- lot. New York 1914. •634 Curtis, C. E. Practical forestry. Lond. 1908. ■634 Evelyn, J. Sylva ; or, A discourse of forest trees. 2 vols. Lond. [1908]. •634 Graves, H. S. Forest mensuration. New York 1914. •634 Grigor, J. Arboriculture. Edin. 1868. •634 Maw, P. T. . The Practice of forestry. Lond. 1912. '634 Mayr, H. Waldbau auf naturgesetzlicher Grundlage. Berl. 1909. •634 Moon, F. F., and Brown, N. C. Elements of forestry. New York 1915. '634 Nanquette, H. Cours de technologie forestiere. Paris 1887. '634 Nisbet, J. The Forester. 2 vols. Edin. 1905. •634 Studies in forestry. Oxf. 1894. •63^4 Pinchot, G. Primer of forestry. 2 pts. Wash. 1899-1915. '634 Rattray, J., and Mill, H. R. Forestry and forest pro- ducts. Ed. J. R. and H. R. M. Edin. 1885. '634 Schlich, W. Manual of forestry. 5 vols. Lond. 1889-96. 249 •63 AGRICULTURE •634 Tourney, J. W. Seeding and planting. New York 191G. •63405 Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt. Vol. 30-> F.c. Berl. 1908-» •63406 Forestry Commission. British empire forestry confer- F.c. ence, London, 1920. Proceedings, etc. Lond. 1921. 63406 Scottish arboricultural society. Royal. Trans. Vol. s.A. 6-» Edin. 1872-» 016 : 634 Rehder, A. The Bradley bibliography : a guide to the B.B. literature of the woody plants of the world. 5 vols. Camb. [Mass.] 1911-18. •634C) REGIONAL FORESTRY. •634(213) Brown, A. F. Sylviculture in the tropics. Lond. 1912. •634 Dickie, G. Forest and other trees of Aberdeenshire. (4125) •634(42) Bean, W. J. Trees and shrubs hardy in the British Isles. 2 vols. Lond. 1914. •634(42) Brown, J. C. Forests of England and the management of them in bygone times. Edin. 1883. /.•634(42) Elwes, H. J., and Henry, A. Trees of Great Britain and Ii-eland. 7 vols. Edin. 1906-13. •634(42) Forbes, A. C. British forestry. Lond. 1910. •634(42) English estate forestry. Lond. 1906. •634(42) Stebbing, E. P. British forestry. Lond. 1916. •634(42) Webster, A^ D. National afforestation. Lond. [1919]. •634(43) Brown, J. C. Forestry in Germany. Edin. 1887. •634(44) French forest ordinance of 1669. Edin. 1883. •634(44) Pine plantations on the sand wastes of France. Edin. 1878. •634(44) Reboisement in France. Lond. 1876. /. -634(44) Daubree, L. Statisque et atlas des fordts de France. 2 vols. Paris, 1912. •634(46) Brown, J. C. School of forest engineers in Spain. Edin. 1886. 250 •63 AGRICULTURE •634(47) Brown, J. C. •634(471) - •634(475) - •634(476) - Forests- and forestry of northern Russia. Edin. 1884. Finland, its forests and forest management. Edin. 1883. Forests and forestry in Poland, Lithuania, etc. Edin. 1885. ■634(54) ■634(54) ■634(54) :58 •634(54) = 5916 ■634(54) : 59576 •634(678) /.•634 (687) •634(7) ■634(71) •634(711) •634(73) •634(73) /. -634(94) •634 •55157 Forestry in the mining districts of the Ural Moun- tains in Eastern Russia. Edin. 1884. Brandis, Sir D. Indian trees. Lond. 1906, Troup, R. S. Indian forest utilization. Calcutta 1907. Hole, R. S. Manual of botany for Indian forest students. Calcutta 1909. P. Stebbing, E for India Manual of elementary forest zoology Calcutta 1908. Indian forest insects of economic importance. Coleoptera. Lond. 1914. Sim, T. R. Forest flora and forest resources of Portu- guese East Africa. Abd. 1909. Forests and forest flora of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. • Abd. 1907. Bruncken, E. North American forests and forestry. New York 1900. Canada — Commission of conservation. Forest pro- duction in Canada, 1912. Toronto 1913. Whitford, H. N., and Craigf, R. D. Forests of British Ottawa 1918. Field book of American trees and New York [1915]. Department of commerce — Bureau The Lumber industry. Pt. l-> Wash. 1913-> Baker, R. T. The Hardwoods of Australia and their economics. Sydney 1919. Bruncken, E. Forests and moisture. Edin. 1877. 251 Columbia. Mathews, F. i shrubs. United States of corporations. •63 A(^tRICULTURE ^634 Webster, A. D. Tree wounds and diseases. :58i2 '•' Lond. 1916. •634 Pennsylvania Chestnut tree blight commission. : 58123 Publications, 1911-1913. Harrisburg 1915. •634 Hiley, W. E. The Fungal diseases of the common : 58124 larch. Oxf. 1919. •634 Hickel, R. Graines et plantules. 2 pts. 15813 Versailles 1911-14. •634 Rafn, J. The Testing of forest seeds during 25 years, 15813 1887-1912. [Kobenhavn 1915.] •634 Rogers, C. Coltman-. Conifers and their character- : 5852 istics. Lond. 1920. •634 Gillanders, A. T. Forest entomolog}-. Edin. 1908. :5957 •6341 FRUIT TREES. •6341 Bailey, L. H. Principles of fruit-growing. New York 1912. •6341(73) Sketch of the evolution of our native fruits. New York 1898. •634112 Beach, S. A. Apples of New York. 2 vols. (747) Albany 1905. /.•6341161 Hedrick, U. P. Peaches of New York. Albany 1917. (747) /. -6341 171 Plums of New York. Albany 1911. (747) /. "6341 172 Cherries of New York. Albany 1915. (747) •63414 Card, F. W. Bush-fruits. New York 1909. / ^6346 Hedrick, U. P. Grapes of New York. Albany 1908. (747) •835 HORTICULTURE. •635 Bailey, L. H. Garden- making. New York 1911. •635 Reid, J. The Scots gard'ner. Ed. A. H. Hyatt. Lond. 1907. 252 •63 AGRICULTURE i?e/. -63503 Bailey, L. H. The Standard cyclopedia of horticulture. 6 vols. New York 1914-17. •63505 G.c. Gardener's chronicle. 1841-73; ser. II., 26 vols., 1874-86 ; ser. III., 1887-» Lohd. 1841-> '63506 Horticultural society, Royal. H.J. Horticultural society of London. Journal. Vols. 1-9. Lond. 1846-55. Trans. 7 vols ; Ser. II. 3 vols. Lond. 1835-48. Horticultural society, Royal. Journal. Vol. 6-> Lond. 1880-^ •6351 Bailey, L. H. The Forcing-book. New York 1911. '6351 Principles of vegetable-gardening. New York 1912. •6351 Bardswell, F. A. The Herb-garden. Lond. 1911. •6351 Weathers, J. Commercial gardening. 4 vols. Lond. 1913. •6351 Wright, J., and H. J. Vegetable grower's guide. 4 divs. Lond. •636 DOMESTIC ANIMALS. B.M.-636 British Museum. Guide to the domesticated animals — other than horses. [By E. Lydekker.] Lond. 1912. •636 Brown, G. T. Animal life. Lond. •636 Carrington^W.T.y and others. Live-stock. Lond. •636 Plumb, C. S. Types and breeds of farm animals. Boston [Mass. 1906]. •636 Wilcox, E. V. Farm animals. Lond. 1907. •636 Wilson, J. Breeding and feeding of farm stock. Lond. [1921]. •63602 Cornevin, C. Traits de zootechnie generale. Paris 1891. •63602 Davenport, E. Principles of breeding. Boston [Mass. 1907]. •63602 Sanson, A. Traite de zootechnie. 5 vols. Paris 1893-1901. •63602 Wilson, J. Principles of stock-breeding. Lond. 1912. 253 •63 AGRICULTUKE •636043 Henry, W. A., and Morrison, -F. B. Feeds and feeding. Madison, Wis. 1917. •636043 Jordan, W. H. Feeding of animals. New York 1901. •636043 Kellner, O. Scientific feeding of animals. Lond. 1909. •636043 Shaw, T. Feeding farm animals. New York 1907. •6360821 Monographien landwirtschaftlichen Nutztiere. Vol. l-> Leip. 1904-> •636084 Nathusius, S. von. Atlas der Eassen und Formen unserer Haustiere. 4 ser. Stuttg. 1904. •636(42) Wallace, R. Farm live stock of Great Britain. Lond. 1893. •636 Shaw, T. Animal breeding. - New York 1903. •59156 •636:612 Wood, T. B., and Marshall, F. H. A. Physiology of farm animals. Pt. l-» Camb. 1920-> •6361 HORSES. •6361 Bidden, H., aiid others. Heavy horses — breeds and management. Lond. 1894. •6361 Blew, W. C. A., and others. Light horses — breeds and management. Lond. 1894. •6361 Boucaut, Sir J. P. The Arab the horse of the future. Lond. 1905. B.M."636i British Museum. Guide to the specimens of the horse family. [By K. Lydekker.] Lond. 1907. •6361 Douglas, C, and A. The Shetland pony. Edin. 1913. /. -6361 Fothergill, Q. A. A Gift to the State: the National stud. 1916. •6361 Qalvayne, S. The XXth century book on the horse. Lond. 1907. •6361 Qilbey, Sir W. The Great horse, or the war horse, fiom the Eoman invasion till its development into the shire horse. Lond. 1899. •6361 Goubaux, A., and Barrier, Q. Exterior of the horse. Philad. 1892. •6361 M*Fadyean, /^zV J. Anatomy of the horse. Edin. 1902. 254 •63 AGKICULTURE '6361 Ridgeway, W. Origin and influence of the thorough- bred horse. Camb. 1905. •636105 Clydesdale stud-book. Vol. l-> Glasg. 1884-> c.s. •6362 CATTLE. '6362 Bruce, R. Fifty years among shorthorns. Lond. 1907. '6362 Cameron, J. Shorthorns in central and southern Scot- land. Bdin. 1921. '6362 McCombie, W. Cattle and cattle-breeders. Edin. 1886. •6362 Macdonald, J., and Sinclair, J. History of Hereford cattle. Lond. 1909. •6362 History of polled Aberdeen or Angus cattle. Edin. 1882. •6362 Mackenzie, K. J. J. Cattle and the future of beef- production in England. Camb. 1919. •6362 Pulling-, A. Aberdeen-Angus cattle. Lond. 1908. '6362 Sinclair, J. History of shorthorn cattle. Ed. J. S. Lond. 1907. '6362 Storer, J. Wild white cattle of Great Britain. Lond. '6362 Wallace, F. L. Private catalogue of pure-bred short- horn cattle. Abd. 1920. •6362 Wilson, J. Evolution of British cattle. Lond. 1909. •636205 Highland herd book. [Vol. l]-> Inverness 1885-> H.H. -636205 Polled herd book. Vol. l-» Bantf 1884-> P.H. •6363 SHEEP. •6363 Bon wick, J. Eomance of the w^ool trade. Lond. 1894. -6363 Ormerod, F. Wool. Lond. 1918- 6363 Wrightson, J. Sheep. Lond. 1895. •6365 POULTRY. •6365 Watson, G. C. Farm poultry. New York 1912. 255 •63 AGRICULTURE •637 DAIRY. •637 Armstrong college — Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Reports- on dairy investigations. Lend. 1909, •637 Duclaux, E. Prinripes de laiterie. Paris •637 Fleischmann, W. Book of the dairy. Loni. 1896. •637 Grimmer, W. Chemie und Physiologie der Milch. Berl. 1910. •637 Grotenfelt, Q. Principles of modern dairy practice from a bacteriological point of view. New York 1891. •637 Long, J., and Morton, J. C. The Dairy. Lond. 1896. •637 Richmond, H. D. Dair\' chemistrj-. Lond. 1914. •637 Snyder, H. Dairy chemistry. New York 1911. •637 Wing, H. H. Milk and its products. New York 1903. •637 Freudenreich, E. von. Dairy bacteriology. Lond. 1895. : 5768 •637 Russell, H. L. Outlines of dairy bacteriology. : 5768 Madison, Wis. 1902. •637 Sadler, W. Bacteria as friends and foes of the dairy : 5768 farmer. Lond. [1912]. •6371 Thomson, Q. S. Milk and cream testing, and grading dairy products. Lond. 1911. •6371 Tisdale, C. W. Walker-. Milk testing. Northallerton 1909. •6372 Tisdale, C. W. Walker-, and Robinson, T. R. Butter- making on the farm and at the creamery. Lond. 1907. •6372 Ryn, J. J. L. On the composition of Dutch butter. (492) Lond. 1902. '6373 Van Slyke, L. L., and Publow, C. A. Science and practice of cheese-making. New York 1909. •638 USEFUL INSECTS. •6381 Cowan, T. W. British bee-keeper's guide book. Lond. [1911], •639 FISH AND GAME. •6391 Mackie, P. J., and Walker, A. S. The Keeper's book : a guide to the duties of a gamekeeper. Edin. 1909. 250 •63 AGRICULTURE 6392 Zuiderzee- Vereenig-ing. Verzameling van rapporten. (492) Leiden 1905. •6392(73) Qoode, G. B. Fisheries and fishing industries of the United States. Section I., Text and plates. Wash. 1884. •639222 Samuel, A. M. The Herring — its effect on the history of Britain. Lond. 1918. •6394 Herdman, W. A. Report to the government on the (267) pearl oyster fisheries of the Gulf of Manaar. 5 vols. Lond. 1903-06. '6394(71) Stafford, J. The Canadian oyster. Ottawa 1913. 257 n ■66 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. *66o2 Allen, A. H. Commercial organic analysis. 9 vols. Lond. 1910-17. "6602 Askenasy, P. Einfiihrung in die technische Elektro- chemie. Hrsg. P. A. Vol. 1-^ Braunsch. 1910-^ *66o2 Blount, B., and Bloxam, A. G. Chemistry for en- gineers and manufacturers. 2 vols. Lond. 1900. *66o2 Dammer, O. Chemische Technologie der Neuzeit. Hrsg. O. D. 3 vols. Stuttg. 1910-11. *66o2 Handbuch der chemischen Technologie. 5 vols. Stuttg. 1895-98. Ref:66o2 Groves, C. E., and Thorp, W. Chemical technology'. 3 vols. Lond. 1889-1900. *66o2 Martin, G. Industrial and manufacturing chemistr}\ 2 pts. Lond. 1917-18. *66o2 Ost, H. Lehrbuch der technischen Chemie. Hannover 1898. •6602 Thorp, F. H. Outlines of industrial chemistry. New York 1899. '6603 Bliicher, H. Modern industrial chemistry. Lond. 1911. •6603 Brannt, W. T., and Wahl, W. H. Techno-chemical receipt book. Ed. W. T. B. and W. H. W. Philad. 1902. •6603 Hopkins, A. A. Scientific American cyclopedia of receipts, notes, and queries. New York 1903. *66o3 Spon, E., and others. Workshop receipts. 5 series. Lond. 1895-97. Mef.'66o7, Thorpe, Sir T. E. Dictionary of applied chemistry. 3 vols. Lond. 1890-93. 258 •66 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY i?e/.'66o3 Thorpe, Sir T. E. Dictionary of applied chemistry. 5 vols. Lond. 1912-13. •6604 Kremann, R. Application of physico-chemical theory to technical processes. Lond. 1913. •6604 Lunge, G. Technical chemists' handbook. Lond. 1910. •6604 Slosson, E. E. Creative chemistry. Lond. 1921. *66o5 C.J. Chemical trade journal. Vol. 28-> Manch. 1901-> '6605 F.T. Fortschritte der Teerfarbenfabrikation. 1 — > Berl. 1888-^ 6605 J.I. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry. Vol. 6-> Easton, Pa. 1914-> *66o6m.s. Manchester municipal college of technology. Municipal school of technology, Manchester.- Journal. Vols. 1-8. Manch. 1909-16. Manchester municipal college of technology. Tech- nology. Vol. 9-» Manch. 1918-> *66o6 J.s. Society of chemical industry. Journal. Vol. 1, 3-^ Manch., Lond. 1882-> '6607 Cuniasse, L., and Zwilling, R. Modes operatoires des essais du commerce et de I'industrie. Paris 1900. •660821 Monographs on Industrial Chemistry. Lond. 1918-> MOn. 1. Bone, W. A. Coal and its scientific uses. 1918. 2. Hale, A. J. Applications of electrolysis in chemical industry. 1918. 3. Mitchell, C. A. Edible oils and fats. 1918. 4. Morgan, Q. T. Organic compounds of arsenic and antimony. 1918. 5. Smith, E. A. The Zinc industry. 1918. 6. Watson, E. R. Colour in relation to chemical con- stitution. 1918. 7. Henderson, Q. Q. Catalysis in industrial chemistry. 1919. 8. Perkin. A. G., and Everest, A. E. Natural organic colouring matters. 1918. 9. Clayton, W. Margarine. 1920. 10. Heriot, T. H. P The Manufacture of sugar from the cane and beet. 1920. 11. Whitby, Q. S. Plantation rubber and the testing of rubber. 1920. 259 •66 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY •66(43) Witt, O. N. Die Chemisch^ Industrie des deutschen Reiches. BerL 1902. •66 : 543 Lunge, G. Technical methods of chemical analysis. Ed. G. L. 3 vols. Lond. 1908-14. •66 : 543 Techno-chemical analysis. New York 1905. •661 CHEMICALS. •66125 Lunge, G. Manufacture of sulphuric acid and alkali. Vol. 1, 3 pts. Lond. 1913. •6617 Sadtler, S. P. Handbook of industrial organic chemistiy. Philad. 1900. •^61722 Herrick, R. F. Denatured or industrial alcohol. New York 1907. •661722 Wright, F. B. Practical handbook on distillation of alcohol from farm products. New York 1907. •662 PYROTECHNICS, ETC. •6622 Marshall, A. Explosives. 2 vols. Lond. 1917. •6622 Ramsey, A. R. J., and Weston, H. C. A Manual on explosives. Lond. 1916. •6626 Brame, J. S. S. Fuel — solid, liquid, and gaseous. Lond. 1914. •662641 Bjorling, P. R., and Gissing, F. T. Peat, its use and manufacture. Lond. 1907. •662641 Gissing, F. T. Peat industry reference book. Lond. 1920. •663 FERMENTS, BEVERAGES, ETC. •6631 Matthews, C. G. Manual of alcoholic fermentation. Lond. [1901]. •6631 Lafar, F. Technical mycology. Vol. l-> : 5892 Lond. 1898-^ '6631 Green, J. R. Soluble ferments and fermentation. : 5899 Camb. 1899. •6631 Hansen, E. C. Practical studies in fermentation. : 5899 Lond. 1896. 260 •66 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY •6631 Jorgensen, A. Die Mikroorganismen der Garungs- : 61601 Industrie. Berl. 1898. •663 1 1 Effront, J. Enzymes and their applications. VoL l-> New York 1902-» •6634 Moritz, E. R., and Morris, G. H. Text-book of the science of brewing. Lond. 1891. •6634 Sykes, W. J. Principles and practice of brewing. Lond. 1902. •6634 Wright, H. E. Handy book for brewers. Lond. 1907. •6635 Nettleton, J. A. Manufacture of spirit. Lond. 1893. •66391 Cadbury, R. Cocoa — all about it. Lond. 1896. •664 FOODS. •664 Simmons, W. H., and Mitchell, C. A. Edible fats and oils. Lond. 1911. •6646 Jago, W. Text-book of the science and art of bread- making. Lond. 1895. ■665 OILS, FATS, ETC ■665 Greenwood, H. C. Industrial gases. Lond. 1920. '665 Hurst, G. H. Lubricating oils, fats, and greases. Lond. 1896. '665 Laucks, I. F. Commercial oils. New York 1919. •665 Lewkowitsch, J. Chemical technology and analysis of oils, fats, and waxes. 3 vols. Lond. 1909. •665 White, A. H. Technical gas and fuel analysis. New York 1913. •665 Ellis, C. The Hydrogenation of oils. Lond. 1920. :54ii2 •66531 Andes, L. E. Vegetable fats and oils. Lond. 1917. •66531 Chalmers, T. W. Production and treatment of veget- able oils. Lond. 1918. '6657 Abady, J. Gas analyst's manual. (Incorporating F. W. Hartley's " Gas analyst's manual " and " Gas measurement".) Lond. 1902. 261 •66 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY •6657 Butterfield, W. J. A. Chemistry of gas manufacture. *^ Lond. 1896. •666 CERAMICS, GLASS, ETC. •666 Bronn, J. Der Elektrische Ofen im Dienste der kera- mischen Gewerbe, etc. Halle a. S. 1910. •6661 Rosenhain, W. Glass manufacture. Lond. 1919. •666232 Beyer, J. La Synthese des pierres pr^cieuses. Paris 1909. •667 DYEING, ETC. •6672 Benedikt, R. Chemistry of the coal-tar colours. Lond. 1886. •6672 Cain, J. C, and Thorpe, J. F. Synthetic dyestuffs and the intermediate products from which they are derived. Lond. 1905. •6672 Crookes, W. Dyeing and tissue-printing. Lond. 1882. •6672 Hummel, J. J. Dyeing of textile fabrics. Lond. 1896. •6672 Nietzki, R. Chemistry of the organic dye-stuffs. Lond. 1892. •6672 Reissert, A. Geschichte und Systematik der Indigo- Synthesen. Berl. 1898. •6672 Schultz, Q., and Julius, P. Systematic survey of the organic colouring matters. Revised by A. G. Green. Lond. 1904. •6672 Wood, J. K. Chemistry of dyeing. Lond. 1913. •6676 Church, A. H. Chemistry of paints and painting. Lond. 1901. •6676 Smith, J. C. Manufacture of paint. Lond. 1915. •668 MISCELLANEOUS INDUSTRIES. •6681 Moride, E. Traite pratique de savonnerie. Paris 1888. •66831 Lambert T. Glue, gelatine, and their allied products. Lond. 1905. •66831 Rideal, S. Glue and glue testing. Lond. 1914. •6687 Lunge, G. Coal-tar and ammonia. 2 vols. Lond. 1909. 262 •66 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY '6687 Lunge, G. Treatise on the distillation of coal-tar and ammoniacal liquor. Lond. 1882. '66Z']2, Findlay, A. The Treasures of coal tar. Lond. 1917. •669 METALLURGY. •66902 Austen, Sir W. C. R. Introduction to the study of metallurgy. Lond. 1902. •66902 Hiorns, A. H. Text-book of elementary metallurgy. Lond. 1888. •66902 Schnabel, C. Handbook of metallurgy. 2 vols. Lond. 1905-07. •66902 Sexton, A. H. Elementary text -book of metallurgy. Lond. 1907. •66904 Buchanan, J. F. Practical alloying. Cleveland, O. [1910]. •6691 Friend, J. N. Corrosion of iron and steel. Lond. 1911. •6691 Steel research committee. Report. Sheffield 1920. •66914 Carnegie, D., and Gladwyn, S. C. Liquid steel. Lond. 1918. •6698 Borchers, W. Electric smelting and refining. Lond. 1904. •6699 ASSAYING. •6699 Aaron, C. H. Assaying. 2 vols. San Francisco 1900. •6699 Hiorns, A. H. Practical metallurgy and assaying. Lond. 1888, •6699 Lord, N. W., and Demorest, D. J. Metallurgical analysis.. New York 1913. 263 SUBJECT INDEX. Acetylene •54723 Animal morphology •5914 Acoustics •534 Animal movement - •59117 Action, external •5513 Animal nervous system - •59118 Action, internal •5512 Animal organs of move- Affinity, chemical - •5413 ment . - - - •59147 Agricultural bacteriology •63 : 5768 Animal osteology - •591471 Agricultural book-keeping- •63 : 657 Animal parasites - •59169 Agricultural botany •63 : 58 Animal parthenogenesis •591162 Agricultural chemistry - •63 : 54 Animal pathology - •5912 Agricultural economics - •63 : 33 Animal physiology - •5911 Agricultural geology •63 : 55 Animal poisons •591145 Agricultuial physics •6:3 : 53 Animal regeneration •591169 Agricultural tenancies - •63 : 34 Animal teratology - •591159 Agricultural zoology •63 : 59 Animal variation - •59115 Agriculture - •63 Animals, domestic - •636 Agriculture, regional •63(.) Animals, noxious - •59165 Air, analysis - •5437 Anthropology, ethnologic •572 Alchemy •5409 Anthropology, prehistoric •571 Alcohol, denatured •661722 Anthropometry •5736 Alcohols - •6635 Ants .... •59579 Alcyonarinans •59362 Apes .... •5998 Aldehydes' - •5475 Aphids •595772 Algae . - - . •5893 Apple-trees •634112 Algebra - - - - •512 Applied chemistry • •66 Allotropism - •5417 Arachnida •5954 Ammonia •54744 Arachnida, fossil - •5654 Amphibia •5976 Arithmetic •511 Amphibia, fossil - •5676 Arthropoda - •5952 Analysis, air - •5437 Articulata •595 Analysis, chemical •543 Artificial stones •666232 Analysis, electrolytic •5453 Assaying •6699 Analysis, infinitesimal - •517 Astron. observations •5221 Analysis, qualitative •544 Astronomy •52 Analysis, quantitative - •545 Atmosphere - •5515 Analysis, spectrum •5446 Atomics .... •5412 Analysis, volumetric •5455 Analytical geometry •516 Bacteriological technic. - •57681 Animal coloration - •591157 Bacteriology, agricultural •63 : 5768 Animal economics - •5916 Bacteriology, biological - •5768 Animal embryology •5913 Baking - - - - •6646 Animal generation - . ^59116 Basidiomycetes •58922 Animal habits and beha- Batrachians - •5976 viour - - - - •5915 Bats ... - •5994 Animal heart - •591412 Bee-keeping - •6381 Animal histology - •5918 Beer .... •6634 Animal instinct •59151 Bees .... •59579 Animal kingdom - •59 Bees, useful insects •6381 265 SUBJECT INDEX Beetles ... - •59576 1 Chemistry, physical •541 Beet-sugar •633433 Chemistry, plant - •58119 Beverages •663 Chemistry, practical •542 Biochemistry, plant •58119 Chemistry, stereo- •5416 Biological botany - •581 Chemistry, thermo- •54111 Biological zoology - •591 Cherry trees - •634117^ Biology - - - - •57 Chlorophyll - •5811941 Birds - - - - •5982 Chronology - •529 Birds, fossil - •5682 Cirripedia •59535 Birds of prey - •5989 Classification of animals •5901 Book-keeping, agricultural •63 : 657 • C] assification of plants - •5801 Botany - - - - •58 Clays - - - - •55361 Botany, agricultural •63 : 58 Climate ... - •55156 Botany, biological - •581 Cnidaria •5985 Botany, geographical •5819 Coal - - - - •5532 Brachiopoda - •5948 Coal-tar - - - - •6687a Brachiopoda, fossil - •5648 Cocoa - - - •66391 Brewing - - - - •6634 Coelenterata - " - •5933 Brj-ophytes - •588 Coleoptera •59576 Bryozoa - - - - •5947 Collecting •579 Bryozoa, fossil •5647 Colloid chemistry - •54114 Building stones •5535 Coloration, animal •59115T Butter - - - - •6372 Colouring matter, plant - •531195. Butterflies •59578 Commercial gardening - •6351 Complex variables - •5178 Calculus, infinitesimal - •517 Conchology - •594 Calculus of finite differ- Conies, geometrical •51322 ences •5176 Conifers - •5852 Calculus of functions •5175 Co-ordinate geometry •516 Calculus of variations - •5174 Copepoda •59534 Carbon compounds •547 Coral reefs •55196 Camivora •59974 Corals - - - - •5936 Casein - . - - •547786 Corals, fossil - •5636 Catalvsis •54112 Cotton . - - - •633411S Cats " - - - - •59975 Cow, treatment •61921 Cattle - - - - •6362 Craniology •5737 Cattle, diseases •6192 Crocodiles •59813 Cattle, treatment - •6192 Crops - - - - •633 Caves - - - - •55144 Crops, fodder - •6333 Cells - - - - •5763 Crops, food •6331 Cellulose •5811933 Crops, industrial - •6334 Ceramics •666 Crustacea •5953 Cetacea - - - - •5995 Crustacea, fossil •5653 Cetacea, fossil ■5695 Cryptogams - •586 Cheese - - - - •6373 Crystallography •548 Chemical affinity - •5413 Ctenophora - •5938 Chemical analysis - •543- Cultivation, methods •6319 Chemical manures •63167 Currents, ocean •55147 Chemical tables •5419 Cyanogen •5471 Chemical technology •66 Cycads - - - - •5859 Chemicals •661 Cytology •5763 Chemistry •54 Chemistry, agricultural - •63 : 54 Dairy' - . - •637 Chemistry, applied •66 Dansinism •575, ^5754 Chemistry, colloid - •54114 Death . - - - •5777 Chemistry, electro- •54113 Degeneration - •5757 chemistry, inorganic •546 Denatured alcohol - •661722 Chemistry, mechanical - •54112 Deposition •55135 Chemistry, organic •547 2 Descent, theory of - 66 •575 SUBJECT INDEX Descriptive geometry •515 Ephemerides - •528 Determinants - •51283 Equations, differential - •51738 Development, plant •5S114 Equations, theory of •51282 Dicotyledons - •583 Erosion - - - - •55135 Differential calculus •5172 Errors of observation •5196 Differential equations •51738 Ethnology •572 Diptera - - - - •59577 Euclid - - - - •5131 Diseases, plant •58121 Evolution •575 Diseases of cattle - •6192 Experimental zoology - •591 Diseases of horse •6191 Explosives •6622 Diseases of pig •6194 External action •5513 Diseases of sheep - •61931 Distillation •6687 Farm engineering - •6317 Distilling •6635 Farming •63 Dogs ... - •59975 Fats, vegetable •66531 Domestic animals - •636 Faunas, local •5919 (.). Domestic fowls •6365 Ferments •6631 Domestic mammals •59975 Ferns - - - - •5873 Drainage •63141 Fertilisation, plant •58116 Drugs, analysis •5431 Fertilizers •6316 Dry-farming - •6319 Field geology - •5507 Dyeing - - - - •6672 Finger prints - •5736 Dynamics •531, •5313 Finite differences - •5176 Dynamics, chemical •54112 Fish and game •639 Fisheries •6392 Earth - - - . •525 Fishes . - - - •597 Earth, face of •5514 Fishes, fossil - •567 Earth, structure of •5511 Flies - . - - •59577 Earth, theory of the •5501 Flora medica - •58163 Earthquakes - - - •55122 Floras, local - •5819 (.> Echinodermata •5939 Fodder crops - - - •6333 Echinodermafca, fossil - •5639 Food crops - •6331 Ecology - •5815 Foods - - . . •664 Economic geology - •553 Foods, analysis •5431 Economics, agricultural •63 : 33 Foraminifera - •59312 Economics, animal •5916 Foraminifera, fossil -56312 Economics, plant - •5816 Forestry •634 Elasticity •5393 Forestry, regional - •634 (.)• Electrical engineering - •6213 Fossil Amphibia - •5676 Electricity •537 Fossil Arachnida - •5654 Electro-chemistry - •54113 Fossil birds - •5682 Electro-magnetism •5383 Fossil Brachiopoda •5648 Electrolytic analysis •5453 Fossil Bryozoa •5647 Elements, metallic •5463 Fossil Cetacea •5695 Elements, non-metallic - •5461 Fossil corals - •5636 Elephants •59961 Fossil Crustacea - •5653 Elliptic functions - •51736 Fossil Echinodermata - •5639 Embryology, animal •5913 Fossil fishes - •567 Embryology, plant •5813 Fossil Foraminifera •56312 Engineering - •62 Fossil invertebrates •562 Engineering, electrical - •6213 Fossil mammals - •569 Engineering, farm - •6317 Fossil Mollusca •564 Engineering, gas - •6214 Fossil plants - •561 Engineering, mechanical •621 Fossil Polyzoa •5647 Engineering, steam •6211 Fossil Protozoa •563 Engineering, v^ater •6212 Fossil reptiles •5681 Entomology - - - •5957 Fossil sponges •5634 Environment - •5753 Fossil trilobites •565393: Enzymes •66311 Fossil vertebrates - •566 267 SUBJECT INDEX Fourth dimension - Fowls, domestic Frogs - - . . Fruit trees Fruits - - . - Fuel . . ^ . Functions, calculus of - Functions, elliptic - Fungi - . . . Fungicides Fungus diseases Galls, plant - Galvanism - - . Game - - . . Gardening, commercial - Gas engineering Gas, lighting - Gas, natural - Gelatine Gems - - . . Generation, animal Geodesy .... Geographical botany Geographical zoology Geography, physical Geological agents - Geology .... Geology, agricultural - Geologj-, economic - Geology, field - Geology, glacial Geology, physical - Geology, regional - Geology, stratigraphical Geology, structural Geometrical conies Geometrical optics - Geometry Geometry, analytical Geometry, co-ordinate - Geometry, descriptive - Geometry, modern - Geometry, non-Euclidean Geometry, projective Geometry, solid Geophysics Germ cells Glaciation Glaciers Glass - - - . Glue - . - . Gold - - - . Granite - - . . Granites Grapes - - . . Grass crops - Grasses - - . . Grasses, crops •5138 •6365 •5978 •6341 •6341 •6626 •5175 •51736 •5892 •632952 •6324 •58122 •5373 •a391 •6351 •6214 •6657 •55328 •66831 •5538 •59116 •526 •5819 •5919 •5514 •5519 •55 •63 : 55 •553 •5507 •55179 •551 •55 (.) •5517 •5518 •51322 •5353 •513 •516 •516 •515 •5135 •5138 •5135 •5163 •551 •59133 •55131 •55131 •6661 •66831 •55341 •55241 •55352 •6346 •6333141 •5849 •6333141 Groups, algebraic - •51286 1 Growjh, plant •581143 { Guinea-pigs - •59932 1 Gjinnosperms •585 Habits and behaviour, i animal •5915 Habits of plants - •5815 Heart, animal •591412 Heat . - . . •536 Hemiptera - •59575 ! HepaticEe - •5883 Herbals - - . . •6809 Heredity •5751 1 Herring .... •639222 1 Heterogenesis •576 \ Histology, animal - •5918 Histology, plant - •5818 Holothuroideai •59396 Horse, diseases •6191 '\ Horse, treatment - •6191 ' Horses .... •6361 Horticulture - •635 . Hot springs - •55123 Human species •5999 Hunting •6391 i Hydraulics - •5328 1 Hydro-dynamics - •5325 1 Hydro-mechanics - •532 ! Hydrostatics - •5321 Hydrozoa •5937 ! Hygrometry - •55157 Hymenoptera •59579 Ice Age - - . - •55179 Igneous rocks •5521 Industrial alcohol - •661722 Industrial crops •6334 Industries, miscellaneous •668 Infinitesimal analysis - •517 : Infusoria •59315 Injurious insects - •6327 Inorganic chemistry •546 Insecta - - - . •5957 Insecticides - •632951 Insects, injurious - •6327 Insects, useful •638 Instinct, animal •59151 Integral calculus - •5173 Internal action •5512 ! Invertebrates •592 ' Invertebrates, fossil •562 Iron ore - - . . •5533 Irrigation •6313 Kinematics - •5311 i Kinetics - - . •5313 268 SUBJECT INDEX Lakes . - - - •551481 Monkeys •5998 Land reform - •63 : 34 Monocotyledons •584 Least squares - •5198 Monstrosities - •5739 Lepidoptera - •59578 Moors - - - - •551481 Lichens •5891 Morphology, animal •5914 Life, origin of •576 Morphology, plant •5814 Life, science of •57 Mosses - - . - •5882 Light - - - - •535 Moths - - - - •59578 Lighting •665 Moulds - - - •57683 Lighting gas - •6657 Mountains - - •55143 Lithology •552 Movement, animal - •59117 Live stock •636 Mushrooms - •5892 Living matter, properties Mushrooms, parasitic - •58124 of - - - - •577 Mycology •5892 Lizards - - - - •59811 Myriapoda •5956 Lycopodiums - •5879 Natural gas - •55328 Magnetism •538 Natural history •57 or -59 Maize - - . . •633151 Natural history of man - •573 Mammals •599 Natural selection - •5754 Mammals, domestic •59975 Navigation •527 Mammals, fossil •569 Nematodes •59513 Man . - - - •5999 Nervous system, animal •59118 Man, natural history of - •573 Neuroptera •59574 Man, study of •572 Nickel - ■- •55348 Manure, industries •6686 Non-metallic elements - •5461 Manures •6316 Noxious animals - •59165 Manures, chemical •63167 Numbers, theory of •51281 Marbles - - . . •55351 Nutrition, plant •58113 Market gardening - •6351 Marsupials •5992 Oats .... •63314 Mathematics - •51 Ocean currents •55147 Mechanical chemistry - •54112 Oceans . - - - •55146 Mechanical engineering - •621 Oil, geology - •55328 Mechanics •531 Oils, industries •665 Medicinal plants - •58163 Oils, vegetable •66531 Medicines, analysis •5431 Optics - - - - •535 Mensuration - •5118 Orchids - - - - •58415 Metallic elements - •5463 Ores ... - •5531 Metalloids - •5461 Organic chemistry •547 Metallurgy - •669 Organs of movement, Metamorphic rocks •5524 animal •59147 Metamorphosis •59134 Origin of life - •576 Meteorites •5526 Orthoptera •59572 Meteorology - •5515 Osteology, animal - •591471 Methods of cultivation - •6319 Oyster culture •6394 Microbes •5768 Microscopical petrography •5528 Paints - - - . •6676 Microscopy - •578 Palseobotany - •561 Milk .... •6371 Palaeontology - •56 Milk, analysis •5432 Palaeontology, regional - •56{.) Mineralogy - •549 Palaeontology, strati graph- Miscellaneous industries •668 ical - . - - •56(.) Modern co-ordinate ge- Palseozoology - •562 ometry •5165 Parasites, animal - •59169 Moisture •55157 Parasitic plants •58169 Molecular physics - •539 Parasitism, plant - •58123 Mollusca •594 Parthenogenesis, animal •591162 Mollusca, fossil •564 2 Parthenogenesis, plant - 59 •581163 SUBJECT INDEX Pasturage •63331 Pneu;patics - •533 Pathology, animal - •5912 Poisonous plants •58165 Pathology, plant •5812 Poisons, analysis •5435 Peach trees - - •6341161 Poisons, animal •591145 Peat - - - . •662641 Pollen - - - - •581312 Pests . - - . •632 Polyzoa - - - - •5947 Petrography - •552 Polyzoa, fossil •5647 Petrography, microscopi- Porifera - - - - •5934 cal - - - - •5528 Potamogetons - •584743 Petroleum •55328 Poultrj- - - - - •6365 Petrology - - •552 Practical chemistry •542 Phanerogams - •582 Precious stones •5538 Phase rule •54112 Prehistoric age •571 Physical chemistry- - •541 Primates - - •5998 Physical geography •5514 Probabilities - •519 Physical geology •551 Projective geometry •5135 Physical optics •5354 Properties of li\dng matter •577 Physics - - - - •53 Proteids - - . - •547786 Physics, agricultural •63 : 53 Protozoa - •5931 Physiography - ^•551 Protozoa, fossil •5631 Physiology, animal •5911 Pruning . . - . •6319621 Physiology, plant - •5811 Pteridophytes - •587 Physiophilosophy - •5701 Pyrotechnics - •662 Phytography - •5807 Pig, diseases - •6194 Qualitative analysis •544 Pig, treatment •6194 Quantitative analysis •545 Pigs ... - •6364 Quaternions - •5168 Plains - - - - •55145 Plane geometrj- •5131 Races . . . . •572 Plane trigonometry •5146 Radioactivity - •54121 Planets - - ' - •5234 Rainfall - •55157 Plant biochemistrj- - •58119 Regeneration, animal •591169 Plant chemistrj^ •58119 Regional forestry - •634 (.) Plant development - •58114 Regional palaeontology - •56 (.) Plant diseases •58 J 21 Relativity - - ^ - •5301 Plant economics •5816 Reproduction, plant •58116 Plant embrs^ology - •5813 Reptiles - •5981 Plant fertilisation - •58116 Reptiles, fossil •5681 Plant galls •58122 Respiration - •59112 Plant growth - •581143 Rivers . . . . •551482 Plant habits - •5815 Rocks - - - - •552 Plant histology- •5818 Rocks, igneous •5521 Plant morpholog}' - •5814 Rocks, metamorphic •5524 Plant movement •58118 Rocks, sedimentary •5525 Plant names - •5801 Rotifera - - - . •59518 Plant nutrition •58113 Rubber - . - . •633473 Plant parasitism •58123 Ruminants - •599735 Plant parthenogenesis - •581163 Plant pathology •5812 Saccharomycetes - •58929 Plant physiology - •5811 Salmon - - - - •5975 Plant reproduction - •58116 Sands - - - - •55362 Plant teratology •5812198 Science, general •5 Plant variation •58115 Sea margins - •55135 Plants, fossil - •561 Sea weeds •5893 Plants, medicinal - •58163 Seals - - - - •5995 Plants, parasitic •58169 Sedimentarv rocks - •5525 Plants, poisonous - •58165 Seeds - ^ - •5813 Plants, textile - •633411 Seismology •5512 Plum trees •6341171 2'i Selection, natural - ^0 •5754 SUBJECT INDEX Sex - . . ., •5778 Sex, plant •581162 Sheep ... - •6363 •Sheep, diseases •61931 •Sheep, treatment - •61931 Silo ... - •6319832 •Snakes . - - - •59812 Soap . - - - •6681 Soils .... •631 •Solar system - •5211, -52 Solid geometry •5163 Solubility - - - •5418 •Sound . . - . •534 Spectrum analysis - •5446 •Sphagnums - •5881 Spherical trigonometry - •5146 Spiders - - - - •5954 Sponges - - - - •5934 Sponges fossil •5634 Statics - - - - •5312 Statics, chemical - •54112 Steam engineering - •6211 Stellar system •5238 Stereo-chemistry •5416 Stones - - - . •552 Stones, artificial •666232 Stones, building •5535 Stones, precious •5538 Stratigraphical geology - •5517 Stratigraphical palaeon- tology - - - - •56 (.) Stratigraphy - •5517 Structural geology - •5518 Structure of earth - •5511 •Sugar-beet •633433 Sulphuric acid •66125 Sun .... •5237 Superphosphates - •6316724 Surveying •5269 Taxidermy •5794 Technology, chemical - •66 Telegraph •53781 Telephone - - - •53782 Temperature - •5365 Teratology, animal •591159 Teratology, plant - •5812198 Terpenes •5472 Textile plants •633411 Thallophytes - •589 Theory of equations •51282 Theory of numbers •51281 Theory of probabilities - •519 Thermo-chem i stry •54111 Thermo-dynamics - •5367 Thermo-dynamics - •54111 Ticks .... •59542 Tineina ... - •595782 Tortoises •59813 Transpiration •581116 Trees .... •634 Trees, apple - •634112 Trees, cherry - •6341172 Trees, fruit - •6341 Trees, peach - •6341161 Trees, plum - •6341171 Trigonometry •514 Trilobites •595393 Trilobites, fossil •565393 Tunicata •5949 Ungulata •59971 Useful insects •638 Variables, complex •5178 Variation •5752 Variation, animal - •59115 Variation, plant •58115 Variations, calculus of - •5174 Vectors - - - - •5168 Vegetable gardening •6351 Vegetable kingdom •58 Vegetable oils •66531 Vertebrates - •596 Vertebrates, fossil - 566 Veterinary science - •619 Vine .... •6346 Vital force •5776 Volcanoes •55121 Volumetric analysis •5455 Wasps - . - - •59579 Water, analysis •5433 Water engineering - •6212 Weather •5515 Weeds ... - •6325 Weismannism •5751 Whales .... •5995 Wheat - - - - •63311 Winds .... •55151 Wireless - •53788 Woman . - - . •573 Worms - - - - •5951 Zoology - - - . •59 Zoology, agricultural •63 : 59 Zoology, biological •591 Zoology, experimental - •591 Zoology, geographical - •5919 Zoophytes •5935 Zootechny •636 271 AUTHOR INDEX. Aaron, C. H. Assaying -6699 Abady, J. Gas analyst's manual -6657 Abbott, C. C. Travels in tree-top -5704 Abegg, R. Anorgan. Chemie -54602 Abel, N. H. CEuvres '5108 Abel, N. H., and Galois, E. Algebr. Auflosung "5122 Abel, O. Palaozoologie '562 Abercromby, J. Bronze age pottery '57155(42) Abercromby, R. Weather -501504 Aberdeen working men's nat. hist. sec. Trans. -5706(4125) w.m. Abney, W. de W. Colour vision 'SSSC Abraham, H. Physique -5307 Abraham, H., and Langevin, P. Ions, electrons -5371 Abraham, H., and Sacerdote, P. Constantes -53083 Abraham, M. Electrizitiit 5371 Academie des Sciences. Comptes rendus -506(44) p.c. Memoires -506(44) p.m. Mem. par savans -506(44) p.m.s. Academie roy. de Belgique. Bulletin -064 b.b. Bull, des sciences -506(493) a.b. Memoires -064 b.m. Mem. couronnes •OS-l b.m.C. Mem. des sciences -5C6(493) a.b. Academy of nat. sciences of Philadelphia. Proc. -5706(748) Accademia dei Lincei. Atti -OGo R.A. !Memorie *06-5 r.m. Accademia di Torino. Atti -065 T.A. Acta mathematica -5105 a. zoologica -5905 a. zo, Adami, J. G. Med. contrib. to evolu- tion -575 : 61 Adams, A. L. Brit. foss. elephants p.s. -56961(42) Adams, F. D., and Coker, E. G. Constants of rocks '55204 Adams, J. C. Papers -53081 Adams, L. E. Brit, shells -594(42) Adams, W. S. Sim's period -52373 Adhemar, R. d'. Equation de Fredholm '51738 "Adventure." Voyage •5(cx3) Agardh, J. G. Spec. gen. algarum -5893 Agassiz, A. " Blake " cruises -5(261) Agassiz, L. Bibliogr. zool. '016 : 59 Agricultural gazette -6305 a.g. index Ref. -016 : 63 journ. of Union of S. Africa -6305 a.j. news -6305(729) a.n. research assoc. Proc. -6306(4125) a. a. i soc. of England, R. Journ. -6306 a.s. Aitken, E. H., pseud. Eha. ( Tribes on my frontier -5915(54) ; Akademie d. Wissensch. ! zu Wien. Sitzungsb. -063 v.s.M, ' Sitzungsb. Abt. 1 -5706(436) s. I Sitzungsb. Abt. 2 -063 \ Sitzungsb. Abt. 26 -5406(436) Akademie v. Wetensch. I [Amsterdam]. Proc. -06393 a. w. I Alaska. I Harriman exped. -5(798) 272 ALBEKT— ARBER Albert I, Monaco. Resultats des campagnes /. '5(26) Alcock, A. W. Indian deep-sea Crus- tacea /. -5953841(267) Indian seas '5(267) Alden, J. S. Structure of matter '5391 Alder, J., and Hancock, A. Brit. Mollusca /. -59436(42) Brit. Tunicata '5949 Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh, C.R.W.K. van. Malayan ferns Aldis, W. S. Solid geona. Alembert, J. le R. d'. Systeme Alembic club reprints "Alert." Zool. collections Allbutt, Sir T. C. Compos. of scient, papers Allen, A. H. Organic analysis Allen, G. Vignettes from nature Allen, H. S. Photo-electricity Allen's Naturalist's libr. Allman, G. J. Polyzoa Allman, J. Gymnoblastic hydroids /. -5937 Allmand, A. J. Electrochemistry Alston, C. H. Wild life in W. High lands American chem. journ. chem. soc. Journ. Proc. electrochem. soc. Trans. journ. of math. journ. of science math. soc. Trans. phil. soc. Trans. soc. of agronomy. Journal Amphlett, J., and Rea, C. Botany of Worcester- -5819(4247) See Akademie. •5406 A. -5873(91) -5163 •5211 -54082 B.M. -5919(265) •5 : 407 -6602 •57504 •537 : 585 •59082 SHA. /. ^5947 •54113 •5919(411) •5405 A.C. •5406(7) C.J. •5406(7) c.p. •5411306(73) •5105 Am. •505 A. •5106 A.M. •506(73) P. A. •6306(73)A.A. Anderson, T. Volcanic studies ^55121 Andersonian naturalists' soc. u. Annals Andes, L. E. Vegetable fats Andoyer, H. La Lune Andre, D. Notations math. Andrews, C. W. Christmas Island Elephants Marine reptiles Andrews, T. Papers Angot, A. Aurora Instruct, meteorol. Annalen d. Chem. Pharmacie d. Pharmacie d. Physik Annales agronomiques de chimie. de la science agro- nomique de math. de physique des sciences nat. Botanique Zoologie scient. Annali di matematica Annals and mag. of nat. hist. of botany of Scot. nat. hist, Annee biologique Annuaire internat. legislat. agric. •5706(4143) A.N. •66531 •5216 •51014 B.M. -5(97) B.M. -59961 B.M. ^5981(26) •53081 •52359 •551507 •5405 L.A, •5405 L.A. •5305 A. p. •6305 A.A. •5405 AN.c. •6305 A.s. •5105 GE. •5305 A, PIT, •5705 A.s. •5805 A.S. •5905 A.S. •5105 A.s. •5105 An. 5705 A. •5805 A.B. •5705(41) A.s. •5705 A.B. de •6305 A.i.L. internat. de statis- tique agric. -6305 A.i.s. Anthropological Inst, of Gt. Brit, and Ireland. i Journ. •57206 a.k Anthropologie, L' -57205 a. Appell, P. Mecanique -531021 Roulement ^53134 Appell, P., and Goursat, E. shire Amsterdam. Analyst, The Anderson, K. Chiroptera B.M. -5994 Fonctions Arago, F. i GEuvres j Arber, A. Herbals I Water plants 273 gebr. •5175 •52081 •5809 •5819(28) 18 ARBER— BACOX Arber, E. A. N. Devonian floras •561(114) Plant life in Alp. Swit- zerland -5819(23435) Plants of glossopteris flora B.M. -561(115 : 54) Scenery of N. Devon -55(4235) Arbuthnot, J. Light hazely ground '6304 Archimedes. Works -5108 Archiv f. Anthropologic -57205 a. a. f. Protistenkunde -5905 a.p. f . wissensch. u. prakt. Thierheilkunde '61905 a.t. Archives de parasitologic -5916905 a.p. de zool. exper. -5905 a.z. ital. de biol. -5705 a.i. Arendt, R. Anorgan. Experimental- chemie •546 Aries, E. Electricity -5371 Arkiv for botanik. -5806(485) for kemi, etc. •5406(485) for matematik •5106 s. for zoologi •5906(485) Armatage, G. Cattle doctor •6192 Arraitage, F. P. Hist, of chem. -5409 Armstrong college— Ne-w Tyne. Dairy investigations rcastle-upon- -637 Arnold, E. L. Bird life in England -5982(42) Arnott, N. Physics -53022 Arrhenius, S. A. Chemistry -5401 El ectr ochem i stry -54113 -537332 Kosm. Physik •52 : 63 Solutions •5418 Ascherson, P. Festschrift •58082 Ashton, W. Coast-line •55135 Ashworth, J. H. Chaetopoda b.m -59514 Asiatic soc. of Bengal Journal •06{5il) -5706(541) Askenasy, P. Elektrochemie •6602 Askwith, E. H. Anal, conies •5161 Pure geom. 5135 Assheton, R. Growth in length -5913081 Association fran^aise. Comptes rendus -506(44) A.F. Association internat. de sismol. Comptes-rendus -551206 A.I. Association of official agric. chemists of N. Amer. Journal -6306(7) A.o. Astron. Nachrichten •5205 A.N. register •5205 A.R. Soc, R. Memoirs •5206 A.M. Notices •5206 A.N. Astro-phys. journal •5205 A.J. Attfield, J. Chemistry •5402 Aud-n, G. A. Survey of York •5(4274) Auerbach, F. Physik •5307 Austen, E. E. African blood-sucking flies B.M. •59165(6) Brit, blood-sucking flies B.M. -59165(42) Handbk. of tsetse-flies B.M. -595772 Monograph of tsetse flies b.m. -595772 House fly b.m. -591608 ego. 1^ Austen, Sir W. C. R. Metallurgy -66902 Australasian association. Reports -506(93) Australian Museum. Records •5906(94) Auwers, K. Stereochemie •5416 Avebury, Lord, Ants, bees, and wasps •5915 ; 59579 Beauties of nature -504 Collembola -59571 Fifty years of science -509 Lectures •504 Origin of insects -59134 : 5957 Prehistoric times -571 Scenery of England -55(42) Scenery of Switzerland •55(494) Seedlings -5313 Senses of animals •59151 Axe, J. W. Horse •6191 Rahington, C. C. Brit, botany •5819(42) Memorials •58092 Bachmann, H. Phytoplankton •5893(28) Bacoin, J. M. By land and sky •5336 274 BADENOCH— BAKUS Badenoch, L. N. Ball, Si7' R. S. Tales of insects •595704 Astronomy •523023 Badham, C. D. Atlas of astron. •52084 Esculent funguses •5892(42) Exper. mechanics •53107 Baeyer, A. von. Great astron. •92 : 5208 Werke •54081 Ice age •55179 Bailey, F. M. In high heavens •52304 Queensland plants •5819(943) In starry realms •52304 Bailey, L. H. Mechanics •531023 Agriculture •6302 Spher. astron. •5227 Cyclopedia of Amer. Star-land •52304 agric. Ref. ■6303 Story of heavens •523022 Cyclopedia of horti- Story of sun •5237 culture Bef. •63503 Ball, W. W. R. Forcing-book •6351 Hist, of math. •5109 Fruit-growing •6341 Math, recreations •51079 Garden-making •635 Maths, at Cambridge •5109 Native fruits •6341(73) Ballou, H. A. Nursery-book •63195 Insect pests •6327(729) Plant-breeding •58115 Balls, W. L. Pruning-book •6319621 Cotton plant •6334113 Vegetable-gardening •6351 Baly, E. C. C. Baillon, H. Spectroscopy •5446 Diet, de botanique f -5803 Bancroft, W. D. Bain, A. Colloid chem. •54114 Astronomy A Banfield, E. J. Electricity A Tropic days •572(943) Meteorology A Banks, Sir J. Baird, S. F. Journal •5( 00) Life: Dall •57092 Banta, A. M. Baird, S. F., and otliers. Fauna of Mayfield's N. Amer, birds •5982(7) cave •5919(24) Water birds of N. Amer. •5982(7) Barbarin, P. Baird, W. Geom. non-euclid. •5138 Brit. Entomostraca •59531(42) Barbillion, L. Baire, B. Courants alternatifs •53855 Fonctions discont. •5175 Bardswell, F. A. Baker, A. L. Herb-garden •6351 Elliptic funct. •51736 Barnard, J. E. Baker, H. C. Photo-micrography •578 : 778 Conifers /. •5852 Barrett, C. G. Baker, H. F. Lepidoptera of Brit. Is. •59578(42) Abel's theorem •51736 Barrow, J. Multiple functions •51736 Works •5108 Baker, J. G. Botan. geography Baker, R. T. Bartholemew, J. G. •5819 Zoogeography /. ^59034 Bartholomew, J. G., and Herbertson, AT Hardwoods of Australia/. -634(94) A. J. Atlas of meteorol. /. •5515084 Baker, T. Barton, E. H. S rveying •5269 Mechanics •531021 Balch, E. S., and E. M. Sound •53402 Art and man •5717 Barus, C. Balfour, F. M. Condens. of vapor •54121 Compar. embryology •591302 Displacement interfero- Elasmobranch fishes •5913 : 5973 meter •535411 Works •591081 Displacement interfero- Ball, J. metry •53541 S. America •5(8) Elliptic interferences •53541 2 75 BARUS— BENECKE Bams, C. (continued) — Gases -54274 Interferometry •53541 Nucleation of atmos- phere '54121 Bary, A. de Bacteria -5768 Organs of phanerogams -5814 Basset, A. B. Cubics and quartics -51626 Hydrodynamics -5325 Physical optics -5854 Bataafsche Maatschappij Archives -506(492) Batavia Obsers\ Verhandelingen -5221(922) b.v. Bate, C. S. Crustacea b.m. -595371 Bateman, H. Diff. equations -51738 Bateson, W. Mendel's principles -5751 Problems of genetics -5751 Variation -5752 Bather, F. A. Blastoidea b.m. -56391 Foss. invert, animals b.m. -562 Battelli, A., and oUiers. Radioactivite -54121 Bauhin, C. *irro7rij/o| '58 Baur, £. Vererbungslehre -57507 Baxter, G. P. Atom, weights of cad- mium -5412 Bayerische Akad. Abhandl. '063 m.a.m. Sitzungsb. '063 m.S.m. Bayliss, W. M., and otliers. Life and its mainten- ance -57082 Beach, S. A. Apples of New York -634112(747) Beale, L. S. How to work microscope -5786 Bean, W. J. R. botanic gardens, Kew -5806 k.bea Trees in Brit. Is. -634(42) Beat(Mi, Mrs. H. Notes on farming A. Beauverie, J. Bois -634 Beccari, O. Borneo -5(911) Malesia /. -5819(595) ' Bechamp, A. Microzymas '57683 27 BechJjold, H. Colloids in biol. and med. -54114 : 61 KoUoide in Biologie .-54114 : 61 Beck, R. Ore deposits -5531 Becker, G. F., and Orstrand, C. E. V. Hyperbolic functions -51296 Beddard, F. E. Animal coloration -591157 Oligochaeta -59516 Beddome, R. H. Ferns of Brit. India -5873(54) Beebe, W., and others. Wild life in Brit. Guiana -5919(881) Beecher, C. E. Studies in evolution -57504 Beer, J. G. Morphologie d. Orchi- deen /. -581 : 58415 Behla, R. Amoben -5931 Behrens, H. Microchem. anal. -5436 Behrens, W. Tabellen z. Gebrauch bei mikroskop. Arb. -578 Beilstein, F. Organ. Che mi e Ref. -54702 Beissner, L. Nadelholzkunde -5852 Beitrage z. Biol. d. Pflanzen -5805 b. "Belgica." Croisiere oceanographi- que /. -55146 Resultats du voyage -5(269) Belgique. Etheridge and Carpen- ter's Blastoidea b.m. ^56391 Fawcett and Rendle's Flora of Jamaica b.m. -5819(7292) Fletcher's Meteorites b.m. -5526 279 BRITISH MUSEUM— BROECK British Museum {ccmti7iued) — Fletcher's Rocks b.m. -552 Foord and Crick's Fossil Cephalopoda b.m. -5645 J. E. Gray's Ruminant Mammalia b.m. -599735 Gregory's Cretaceous Br>'ozoa b.m. -5647(117) Jurassic Bryozoa B.M. -5647(1162) Giinther's Batrachia sali- entia b.m. -5978 Colubrine snakes b.m. -59812 Fishes b.m. -597 Tortoises b.m. -59813 Guide to birds b.m. -5982 Brit, fresh-water fishes B M. -597(42) Brit, vertebrates b.m. -596(42) Crustacea, etc. b.m. -5952 domesticated ani- mals. B.M. -636 elephants b.m. -59961 exhib. of animals b.m. -5 : 22 foss. remains b.m. -569 gallery of fishes b.m. -597 great game animals b.m. -59971 nat. hist, books b.m. -59091 specimens — anthro- pology B.M. -573 specimens — horse family b.m. -6361 specimens illustr. flight B.M. -59147 specimens of in- sects b.m. -5916 whales b.m. -5995 Handbk. for collectors b.m. -579 Harris's Tertiary Mollusca b.m. -564(118) Hiem's African plants b.m. -5819(6) Hinde's Fossil sponges b.m. -5634 Jones's Fossil Foramini- fera b.m. -56312 Kidston's Palaeozoic plants B.M. -561(112) Kirby's Orthoptera b.m. '59572 Linnaeus b.m. '5092 List of casts of fossils b.m. -56 Lister's Mycetozoa b.m. -58939 Lydekker's D o m e s t i- cated animals b.m. -636 Foss. birds b.m. -5682 Foss. Mammalia b.m. -569 Foss. Reptilia b.m. -5681 Great game ani- mals b.m. -59971 Heads of Indian game b.m. -5997(54) Lydekker's Horse family '.* b.m. -6361 Ungulate mammals b.m. -59971 Whales b.m. -5995 ]\Iiller's Mammals of W. Europe b.Mv -599(4) Morley's Brit.Hymenop- tera b.m. -595792(42) Incheumonidae b.m. -59579 Newton's Brit. olig. and eoc. Mollusca b.m. -564(1181 : 42) Gates and Reid's Birds' eggs B.M. -5982 Corrections b.m. -5982 Ogilvie-Grant's Guide to birds B.M. -5982 Rendle's Plants in S. Nigeria b.m. -5319(669) Rendle and Britten's Seed-plants b.m. -587(42) Seward's Mesozoic plants B.M. -561(116) Sharpe's Birds b.m. -5982 A. L. Smith's Brit, lichens B.M. -5891(42) W. Smith's Brit. Dia- tomaceae b.m. -589311(42) W. G. Smith's Brit. fungi B.M. -5892(42) Drawings of mush- rooms B.M -589214 '• Southern Cross " col- lections B.M. -5919(99) Stopes's Mesozoic plants B.M. -561(116) Theobald's Culicidse b.m. -59577 Economic zool. b.m. -5916 Thomas's Marsupialia b.m. -5992 Thorell's Spiders of Burma b.m. -5954(592) Walker's Heteropt. He- miptera b.m. '595754 Waterhouse's Insects b.m -5957 Wemham's Sabicea b.m. -588291 Woodward's Brit. foss. Crustacea b.m. -5653(42) Foss. fishes b.m. -567 Pisidium b.m. -594(42) British mycological soc. Trans. -58606 b.m. rainfall -5515705 b.r. year-book of agric. -63059 b.y. Britten, J. Australian plants b.m. -582(94) European ferns -5873(4) Britton, N. L., and Rose, J. N. Cactaceae -583471 Broeck, E. van den Cavernes de la Belgique -55144(498) 280 BKOHM— BUDDEN Brohm, Major. Helgoland /. •55135(43518) Bromwich, T. J. I. Infinite series •51721 Quadratic forms •51288 Bronn, H. G. Klassen d. Thierreichs '59 Bronn, J. Keramisch. Gewerbe •666 Brook, G., and Bernard , H. M. iNIadreporarian corals B.M. -59366 Brooks, E. Philos. of arith. •51101 Brooks, W. K. Genus Salpa /. -5949 Invertebrate zool. •592 Zoology •5701 Brose, H. L. Relativity •5301 Brown, A. F. Sylviculture in tropics •634(213) Brown, G. Melanesians •572(93 : 96) Brown, G. T. Animal life •636 Brown, H. Rubber -63340821 imp. 4 Brown, J. A. H. Fauna of Tay Basin •596(413) Brown, J. A. H., and Buckley, T. E. Vertebrate fauna of Argyll •596(4138) Vertebrate fauna of Moray basin •596(412) Vertebrate fauna of Outer Hebrides -596(4117) Vertebrate fauna of Sutherland -596(411) Brown, J. A. H., and Macpherson, H.A. Fauna of Highlands •5919(411) Brown, J. C. Finland, its forests •634(471) Forestry in Ural Mts. •634(476) Forests in Poland •634(475) Forests of England •634(42) Forests of Russia •634(47) French forest ordinance -634(44) Pine plantations of France •634(44) Reboisement in France -634(44) School of forest en- gineers in Spain •634(46) Schools of forestry in Germany •634(43) Brown, M. Taxidermy •5794 Brown, R. Botan. works •58081 Brown, R. Constellations '88 : 52 Brown, T. Conchology of Gt. Brit. -594(42) Browne, A. J. J. Building of Brit. Is. ^55(42) Hills of Torquay ^55(4235) Browning, P. E. Rarer elements -546 Bruce, R. Shorthorns ^6362 Bruce, W. H. Triangle -51314 Bruck, W. F. Plant diseases '58121 Briicke, E. Farbenw^echsel d. Chama- leons .591157 : 59811 Briinn. See Naturforschender. Bruhns, C. C. Log. tables -51296 Brumpt, E. Parasitologic ^59169 Bruncken, E. Forests and moisture ^634 : 55157 N. Amer. forests -634(7) Brunt, D. Observations -5196 Brush, G. J. Determ. mineralogy -54904 Bryan, G. H. Aviation -5336 Thermodynamics -5367 Bryant, W. H. Hist, of astron. -5209 Buchanan, J. F. Alloying -66904 Buchanan, J. Y. Accounts rendered -504 Buchwald, E. Kristalloptik -5489 Buckland, F. Life: Bompas -57092 Buckler, W. Larvse of Brit, butter- flies ^59578(42) Buckley, T. E., and Brown, J. A. H. Vertebrate fauna of Orkney ^596(4112) Buckman, S. S. Ammonites of " Inf. ool. ser." p s.^56453(1162 : 42) Buckton, G. B. Brit. Aphides -59675(42) Brit. Cicadse ^595753(42) Budden, E. Pure geom. '5135 281 BUDGETT— CAMERON Budgett, J. S. Work of -59081 Buitenzorg — Jardin botanique. Annales -5806(922) Bullen, F. T. Creatures of sea -5(26) Buller, A. H. R Fungi -5892 Wheat -e-Sail Bulletin des sciences math.-5105 b.s. Bunge, G. von Organ, chem. -54702 Burali-Forti, C, and Marcolongo, R. Calcul. vect. '5168 Burbidge, F. W. Narcissus "584252 Bureau des longitudes. Anuuaire '528 b.l. Bureau of standards. Bulletin -5306(73) b.s. Burgeff, H. Wurzelpilze d. Orchi- deen -5812 Burgess, P. S. Soil bacteriology -631 : 5768 Burkett, C. W. Soils -631 Burkhardt, H. Complex variable '5178 Funktionen -5175 Bumham, S. W. Double stars -52389 Proper motion stars -52383 Bumside, W. Groups -51286 Burnside, W. S., and Panton, A. Theory of equations -51282 Burrard, Sir S. G. Isostasy "5263 Burrard, Sir S. G., and Hayden, H. H. Himalaya Mts. -55(235) Buschan, G. Vorgeschichtl. Botanik -6309 Busk, G. Foss. Polyzoa of Crag p.s.-5647(118) Buteshire nat. hist. soc. Trans. -5706(4139) b.x. BuUer, A. G. Lepidoptera heterocera b.m. -595781 Butler, E. A. Household insects -59166 : 5957 Butler, S. Evolution -575 Life and habit '575 Unconscious memory -5751 Butterfield, W. J. A. Gas manufacture -6657 Byerlev, W. E. Fourier's ser. -51735 Cadbury, R. Cocoa -66391 Cadell, H. M. The Forth -5514(413) Geo), of Sutherland -55(4114) Caesalpinus, A. De plantis -58 Cahen, E. Theorie des nombres -51281 Cain, J. C, and Thorpe, J. F. Synthetic dyestuffs -6672 Cajori, F. Hist, of elem. math. -5109 Hist, of limits -51709 Hist, of math. -5109 Hist, of physics -5309 Calcutta— R. hot. garden. Annals -5806(541) Calderwood, W. L. Life of salmon -5975 Salmon rivers -5975(41) California earthquake in- vest, comm. Rept. -55122(794) University Memoirs /. -506(794) c.u. Coll. of Agric. Agric. exp. station. Bui- letins -6806(794) B. Agric. exp. station. R«- ports -6306(794) R. Univ. publ. Botany -5806(794) C.L-. Geology -5506(794) G.u. Mathematics •378{794)06 Zoology •5906(794) c.u. Calkins, G. N. Biology -5702 Protozoa -5';)31 Caiman, W. T. Marine boring animals B.M, -591608 ECO. 10 Calvert, A. F. Mineral resources of Minas Geraes -549(8116) Cambridge anthropol exped. Repts. -57-2(95) Brit, flora f. -5819(42) Mos. Observ. Observations-5221(42) c.o. phil. soc. Proc. •606 c.p. Trans. -506 c.T. Cameron, J. Shorthorns •6862 282 CAMERON— CASE Cameron, P. Cannon, W. A. Brit, phytophag. Hy- Botan. features of Sa- menoptera -59579(42) hara -5819(252 : 6> Campagne arctique /. -5(268) Chlorophyll apparatus -58113 Campbell, D. H. Root habits -5815 Eusporangiatae -5814 Studies in heredity -5751 : 58142' Evolution of plants -58 : 575 Cantor, M. Mosses and ferns -586 : 581 Gesch. d. Math. -5109 Campbell, D. H., and Williams, F. Cape of Good Hope— Dept. of mines. Pa lavicinia -5814 : 5883 Geol. comm. Repts. -5506(687) Campbell, E. D. Cape of Good Hope Observ. Ghem. lab. of Univ. of Annals -52^1(687) c.a. Michigan -54072(774) Meridian observ. -5221(687) c.m.o. Campbell, J. E. Star cat. -5221(687) c.s. Groups -51286 Card, F. W. Campbell, N. R. Bush-fruits -63414 Elect, theory -5371 Carey, A. E., and Oliver, F. W. Physics -53021 Tidal lands -55135 Campbell, W. W. Carmichael, R. D. Stellar motions -52383 Relativity -5301 Camus, A., and E. G. Carnegie, D., and Gladwyn, S. C. Saules d'Europe /. -583981(4) Camus E G Liquid steel -66914 Carnegie Institution. Orchidees -58415 Year-book -506(73) c.y. Canada. See Royal Society. Dept. of marine biol. Canada. Canada's fertile north- Papers -5706(73)c.i.. Carnelley, T. land -63(71) Melting tables /. -5419 Carpenter, W. B. Commission of conservation. Forest production in Can- Microscope -578 ada -634(71) T-v J . . Carpenter, W. B., and otJiers. Dept. of ague. Foraminifera /. -59312 Experimental farms. Carrara, G. Eepts. -6306(71) e.r. Elektrochemie -54113 Dept of mines — Geol. surv. Carrington, W. T., and otJiers. Catal. of publ. -5506(71) g.m.c. Live-stock -636 Guide books -5506(71) g.g. Carse, G. A., and Shearer, G. Memoirs -5506(71) g.m. Fourier's anal. -51082 EDI. Prospect. Handbk. -5506(71) g.p. Carslaw, H. S. Mines. Bulletins . -5506(71) m.b. Catal. of publ. -5506(71) m.p.c. [Publ.] -5506(71) M.p. Kept, of mineral prod. -5506(71) m.b. Dept of naval service. Fourier's ser. '51735 Infin. calculus -5171 Non-eucl. geom. -5138 Carter, H. G. Brit, plants -5819(42) Currents in St. Lawrence -55147 Caruel, T. Geol. survey. Epitome flor. Europae -5819(4) Reports -5506(71) g.b. Carus, J. V. Meteorol. service. Zoologie -5909 Reports -551506(71) m. Carus, J. v., and Engelmann, W. Munition resources comm. Bibliotheca zool. -016 : 59 Rept. -549(71) Carvallo, E. CandoUe, A. de Electricite -5371 Cultivated plants -6309 Probabilites -519 Hist, des sciences -509 Case, E. C. La Phytographie -5807 Amphibia of Permian -567(115 : 7> Canestrini, G. Cotylosauria -5681(7) Acarofauna italiana -5954(45) Pelycosauria -5681(115 : 7) 283 CASE— CHEVENEAU Case, E. C. (ocntintied) — Permo-carb. red beds -566(115 : 73) Vertebrate life in Paleo- zoic -566(112 : 7) Case, E. C, a7id otliers. Permo.-carb. vertebrates •566(115 : 789) Case, G. O. Coast sand dunes -55135 Casey, J. Analytical geom. -516 Sequel to Euclid -5135 Cash, J., and Hopkinson, J. Brit. Rhizopoua -5931(42) Cashmore, M. Fermat's theorem -51281 Castle, W. E. Heredity in rabbits -5751 : 59932 Heredity of coat-charac- ters -5751 : 59932 Inheritance in rabbits -5751 : 6369 Polydactylous guinea- pigs In -5751 : 59932 Reversion in guinea-pigs •5751 : 59932 Castle, W. E., and Forbes, A. Heredity of hair-length -5751 : 59932 Castle, W. E., and Phillips, J. C. Germinal transplanta- tion -59116 Piebald rats -5751 : 59932 Castle, W. E., and Wright, S. Inheritance in guinea- pigs 5751 : 59932 Castle, W. E., and otliers. Heredity and eugenics -5751 Cauchy, A. CEuvres -5108 Caven, R. M. Chem. theory -5401 Caven, R. M., and Lander, G. D. Inorgan. chem. -51602 Cavers F. Pract' botany -5807 Cayeux, L. Koches sediment. -5525 Cayley, A. Elliptic funct. -51736 Centralb. f. Bakteriologie. Abth. II. -581205 c. f. Mineralogie, etc. -54905 c. Cerulli, V. Marte -52343 Cesaro, E. Natiirliche Geom. ^5165 Chaine, J. Developpement du lapin -5913 : 599 *' Challenger." Report -5(26) Chalmers, T. W. Vegetable oils •66531 Chamberlain, C. J. Living cycads •5859 Chamberlain, J. S. Organ, agric. chem. •63 : 54 Chamberlin, R T. Gases in rocks -5521 Chamberlin, T. C, and Salisbury, R.D. Geology •5502 Chamberlin, T. C, and others. Tidal problems •55146 Chambers, G. F. Astron. •523021 Chambers, R. Sea-margins •55135 Chapman, A. C, and Baker, F. G. S. Saccharomycetes /. •58929 Chapman, F. Foraminifera •59312 Chappell, E. Math, tables •5129 Chappuis, J., and Berget, A. Physique •53022 Charnock, G. F. Graphic statics •53125 Charpentier, P. Timber •634 Chasles, M. Geom. superieure •5135 Chauveau, A. Compar. anat. of domest. animals •5914 : 636 Cheeseman, T. F. Illustr. of N. Zealand flora •5819(931) Manual of N. Zealand flora •5819(931) Chemical abstracts •5405 c.A. news •5405 C.N. soc. Journ. •5406 C.J. Memoirs and proc. •5406 CM. Proc. •5406 c.p. Repts. on progress of chem. -5406 c.R. trade journal •6605 c.J. Chemisches Zentralblatt •5405 c.z. Cheney, E. G., and Wentling, J. P. Farm woodlot •634 Chesneau, M. G. Anal. chem. •543 Chester, A. H. Names of minerals •54903 1 Chester, F. D. i Bacteriology' •57683 j Cheveneau, C. Solutions •535824 284 CHILD— COMSTOCK Child, C. M. Senescence '577 Chilton, C. Islands of New Zealand '5(99) China. Eesearch in •6(51) Chodat, R. Algues -58115 : 5893 Cholodovsky, N. Coniferen-Lause Cher- mes -595752 Chree, C. Terrestrial magn. -5387 Christ, H. Fame '5873 Flore de la Suisse -5819(494) Christensen, C. Index filicum -5873 Physics -53022 Christoffel, E. B. Abhandlungen -5108 Christophers, S, R. Anat. of ticks -59542 Chrystal, G. Algebra -5121 Introd. to algebra -5121 Chun, C. Aus den Tiefen -5(26) Church, A. H. Chem. of paints -6676 Floral mechanism /. '58148 Phyllotaxis -58145 Precious stones -5538 Chwolson, O. D. Physique -53021 Circolo mat. di Palermo. Rendiconti -5106 p. Claassen, H. Beet-sugar -633433 Clark, G. H., and Malte, M. O. Fodder plants -6333 Clark, W. M. Hydrogen ions -5453 Clarke, C. B. Cyperaceae -58484 Clarke, Sir E. Hist, of Bd. of Agric. -6309 Clarke, G. A. Clouds -55157 Clarke, J. M. Fosseis devon. do Parana -56(114 : 8142) Classen, A. Quant, chem. anal. -5453 Claude, G. Liquid air /. -54279 Clayden, A. W. Cloud studies -55157 Cla3rton, W. Margarine -660821 mon. 9 Clemens, B. Tineina of N. Amer. -595782(7) Clements, F. E. Ecology -5815 Fungi -5892 Plant indicators -5815 Plant succession -5819(237) Gierke, A. M. Astrophysics -52 : 33 Hist, of astron. -5209 Gierke, E. M. Venus -52342 Clibbens, D. A. Phase theory -54112 Clifford, W. K. Dynamic -5311 Papers -5108 Clydesdale stad-book -636105 c.s. Coblentz, W. W. Infra-red spectra -5446 Study of firefly -59577 Cocker, E. Arithmetic -5111 Cockle Park, Northumberland. County agric. exp. sta- t on. Experiments -6306(4282) Coe, C. C. Nature v. nat. selection -5754 Cohen, E. Physical chem. -541 Cohen, J. B. Organ, chem. -54702 Cohn, A. L Indicators -5455 Cohn, E. Raum und Zeit -5301 Cole, G. A. J. Pract. geol. -5507 College of surgeons of England, R. Catal. of specimens -691471 : 596 Collings, J. Land reform -63 : 34 Collins, F. S: Green algae of N. Amer. -5893(7) Collins, W. H. Gowganda Min. Div. -553(713) Commerson, P. Life: Oliver -58092 Companion to Botanical Mag. -5806 b.m.c. Comptes rend us. See Academie. Comstock, D. F., and Troland, L. T. Nature of matter -6391 Comstock, G. C. Least squares -6198 285 CONARD— CRELLE Conard, H. S. Fern -oSTS Congested districts board, Scotland. Reports /. -6306(41) c.d. Congo. See Musee. Congjes de physique. Rapports -5306(44) internat. de zoologie Nomenclature zoologique -5901 pour I'etude de la radiologic. Comptes rendus -54121 Conklin, E. G. Heredity and environ- ment -5751 Conn, H. W. Agric. bacteriology -63 : 5768 Connaissance des temps -528 c.t. Connecticut— Agric. exp. station. Reports -6306(746) r. Connold, E. T. Plant galls of Gt. Brit. -58122(42) Conseil pour I'explor. de la mer. Bulletin planktonique -506(26) c.b.p. Bulletin statistique -506(26) c.b.s. Bulletins -506(26) c.b. Memoire -506(26) cm. Publications -506(26) c.p. Rapports -506(26) c.R. Conway, A. W. Relativity '51082 edi. Cook, M. T. Diseases of trop. plants -58121(213) Cooke, M. C. Brit, fresh-water algae -5893(42) Brit, fungi -5892(42) Fresh-water algae f. -5893(28) Rust, smut, etc. * -5892(42) Veget. wasps -5892 : 58169 Cooke, T. Flora of Bombay -5819(547) Coolidge, J. L. Circle and sphere -516 Non-eucl. geom. -5138 Cope, E. D. Origin of fittest -57504 Cornevin, C. Plantes veneneuses -58165 Zootechnie -63602 Cornish, C. J. Animals at work -5915 Naturalist on Thames -5(421) Cornish, V. Waves of sand -55135 Correns, C. Vermehrung d. Laub- moose -5882 Correu?, C, and Goldschmidt, R. Vererbung d. Geschlecli- tes -5751 Cosserat, E., and F. Corps deformables -5393 Costantin, J. Orchidees -58415 Cotton, A. Phenomene de Zeeman -5386 Cotton, A., and Moulin, H. U tramicroscopes •53533 Couchman, H. F. Pendulum in India •52673(54) Coues, E. Ornithology •598207 Coulter, J. M. Sex in plants •581162 Coulter, J. M., and M. C. Plant genetics -58 : 575 Coulter, J. M., and Chamberlain, C. J. Gymnosperms •5814 : 585 Spermatophytes -5814 : 682 Coulter, J. M., and otliers. Textbk. of botany -5802 Coutinho, A. X. P. Flora de Portugal •5819(469) Couturat, L. Principes de math. •5101 Coville, F. v., and D.T. Desert botan. lab. MacDougal, •58072(764) Cowan, T. W. Bee-keeper's guide book -6381 Honey bee -59579 Cox, G. H., and otheis. Petroleum geoL •55328 Cox, L. E. Plant physiol. 5811 Craib, W. G. Flora of Banffshire •5819(4124) Flora of Slam. Dicotyled. •5819'593) INIonocotyled. -5819(593) Craig, E. H. C. OU-finding •55328 Craig, T. Diff. equations -51738 Crampton, H. E. Genus Partula •5752 : 5943 CT&nZf C. Baliistik •531 Vierte Dimension •5138 Crawford, F. C. Brit. Carices -58484 : 5814 Crawford, J. H. From fox's earth •5919(41) Crelle, A. L. Tables /. -51196 Crelle's -Journal ■5105 c. 286 CREMONA— DARWIN Cremona, L. Graphical statics •53125 Opere -5108 Projective geom. '5135 Crick, G. C. Fossil Cephalopoda b.m. '5645 Crivetz, T. L'equidistante -51313 Postuiat d'Euclide -51313 Croll, J.' Climate -55156 Life: Irons -55092 Crombie, J. M., and Smith, A. L. Monograph of lichens b.m. -5891(42) Crook, T. Econ. mineral. -553 Crooke, W. Natives of N. India -572(54) Crookes, Sir W. Chem. anal. -543 Dyeing -6672 Wheat problem -63311 Cross, C. F., and Bevan, E. J. Cellulose -5811933 Cross, M. I., and Cole, M. J. Microscopy -578 Crouan, P. L., and H. M. Florule du Finistere -586(4411) Crowther, J. A. Ions -54121 Cruls, L. Eclipses -5218 Cullis, C. E. Matrices -51283 Cumming, A. C, and Kay, S. A. Quant, chem. anal. -545 Cummings, B. F. Bed-bug B.M. -591608 eco. 6 Louse B.M. -591608 eco. 2 Cuniasse, L., and Zwilling, R. Essais du commerce -6607 Cumiingham, D. D. Bengal -5(541) Cumiingham, E. Relativity -5301 Cunningham, J. T. Marketable fishes of Brit. -597 : 639 Cunnington, S. Story of arith. -51109 Cunynghame, H. H. S. Time and clocks -5297 Curie, M. S., Madame. Radioactivity -54121 Substances radioactives -54121 Curie, P. CEuvres -53081 Curtis, C. E. Estate management -63 Forestry -634 Curtis, C. E., and Gordon, R. A. Agric. tenancies -63 : 34 Czapek, F. Biochem. d. Pflanzen' -58119 Oberflachenspannung -581171 Czuber, E. Beobachtungsfehler -5196 Probabilites -519 Dade, H. Deuts. Landwirtschaft -63(43) Dahlgren, U., and Kepner, W. A. Animal histology -5918 D'AIbe, E. E. F. Electron theory -54121 Dall, W. H. S. F. Baird -57092 Dalla Torre, C. G. de, and Harms, H. Genera siphonogama- rum /. -582 Dalton, J. Life: Roscoe -54092 Daly, R. A. Igneous rocks -5521 Dalyell, Sir J. G. Rare animals of Scot. -5919(41) Dammer, O. Anorgan. Chemie -54602 Handb. d. chem. Tech- nologic -6602 Chem. Technologie d. Neuzeit -6602 Dana, E. S. App. lo D.'s System -54902 Dana, E. S., and others. Century of science •509(73) Dana, J. D. System of minerology -54902 Danby, A. Rock asphalts '6532 Daniell, A. Physics -53022 Daniels, F. P. Flora of Boulder '5819(788) Danske vidensk. selskab. Meddelelser '506(489) c.m.m. Darbi shire, A. D. Breeding -5751 Darboux, G. Co-ord. curvilignes -51726 Surfaces -51726 Darboux, G., and Houard, C. Galles de Cynipides -58122 Darwin, C. Cirripedia -59535 Climbing plants -58118 287 DARWIN— DE MORGAN Darwin, C. {contimied)— Davison, C. Coral reefs •55196 AlgebJa •5121 Descent of man •575 Diff. calc. •5172 Fertilisation •58116 Davy, H. Forms of flowers •58115 [Life] : Guye •54092 Foss. Balanidae i '.s. •56535(42) Life : Thorpe •54092 Foss. Lepadidse p.s. -56535(42) Davy, J. B. Geol. obs. on S. Amer. •55(8) Maize •638151 Insectiv. plants •58113 Davy, W. M., and Farnham. C. M. Journal 5(QC) Ore minerals •54904 Life: Geikie •55092 Dawkins, W. B. Memorials b.m. •57092 Early man •571(42) Origin of species •575 Dawkins, W. B., and Saiiford. Variation of animals •5752 W.A. Vegetable mould •59162 Brit, pleist. Mammalia Volcanic islands •55121 p.s. •569(119 : 42) Darwin, C, and F. Dawson, E. R. Movement in plants •58118 Sex in man •6778 Darwin- Wallace celebration. Dawson, Sir J. W. See Linnean soc. of Lond. Fossil men •571 Darwin, F., and Acton, 1 E. H. Geol. hist, of plants •561 Physiol, of plants •5811 Day, A. L. Darwin, Sir G. H. Isomorphism •54904 Papers •52081 Day, A. L., and Sosman , R. B. Tides •5256 Gas thermometry •536511 Daubree, A. Day, F. Geol. experiment. •55104 Fishes of Gt. Brit, and Daubree, L. Ireland •597(42) Forets de France /. •634(44) Dean, B. Davenport, C. B. Chimseroid fishes -.973 Experiment, morpho- Fishes •597 logy •591407 Decker, F. F. The Feebly inhibited •5751 : 136 Tables A 5. 5 Heredity •5751 Decombe, L. Heredity of skin color •5751 : 61177 Celerite de Tether •53522 Inheritance in canaries •5751 : 6366 Gaz reels •53323 Inheritance in domestic Dedekind, R. fowl •5751:63651 Theory of numbers •51281 Inheritance in poultry •5751 : 63651 Dehaut, E. G. Naval officers •5751 : 92 Vie vertebree •596(22) Davenport, E. Deherain, P. P. Breeding •63602 Chimie agric. •63 : 54 Davidge, H. T., and Hutchinson, De Horsey, Sir A. F. R. W. Draysonia •52535 Technical elect. •5378 Delacroix, G. Davidson, J. B., and Chase, L. W. Maladies des plantes •632 Farm machinery •6317 Pathol, vegetale •58121 Davidson, T. Delage, Y. Brit. foss. Brachiopoda p.s. ^5648(42) L'Heredite •5751 Davis, A. Delambre, J. B. J. Nat. hist, of animals •5902 Astron. ancienne •5209 Davis, J. B., and Thurnam, J. du moyen age •5209 Crania Britannica /. •5737(42) mod erne •5209 Davis, J. R. A. an 18 siecle •5209 Science •5082 De Man, J. G. Davis, P. B. Nematoden /. •59513(492) Solution •5418 De Morgan, A. Davis, W. M. Arith. books 016 : 511 Geog. essays •5514 2^ Budget of paradoxes ;8 •51079 DE MOKGAN— DREYEK De Morgan, A. {continued) — Illustr. of calculus *5171 Memoir '92 : 51 Probabilities '519 Study of math. -5107 De Morgan, E. Augustus De Morgan '92 : 51 Denaiffe and Sirodot. Avoine -63314 Dendy, A. Animal life -5704 Deniker, J. Races of man -572 Department of agric. and tech. instruction for Ireland Ireland -63(415) Journ. -6306(415) j. Reports -6306(415) R. Sea and inland fisheries. Reports -59706(415) Desch, C. H. Intermetallic compounds •540821 MON. 4 Metallography -5463 Deschanel, A. P. Natural philosophy -53022 Detlefsen, J. A. Genetic studies -5751 : 59932 Detmoor, J., and others. Evolution by atrophy -5757 De Tunzelmann, G. W. Elect, theory -5371 Deuts. botan. Gesellsch. Berichte -5806(43) chem. Gesellsch. Berichte -5406(43) Literatur - Register d. organ. Chemie Ref. -54703 Ric. 3 Deventer, C. M. van. Physical chem. -541 Dewar, D., and Finn, F. Making of species -575 Dickie, G. Botanist's guide -5819(4125; Trees of Aberdeenshire -634(4125) Dixon, A. C. ElHptic funct. -51736 Dixon, E. T. Foundations of geom. -51301 Dickson, L. £. Groups -51286 Linear algebras -5168 Theory of numbers -51281 Diels, L. Ersatzstoffe -5816 Dietrich, T., and Konig, J. Futtermittel -6333 Direction gen. de I'organ. agraire et de I'agric. Travaux des commis- sions /. -6309(47) Distant, W. L. Homoptera b.m. -595753 Transvaal -5(682) Dixon, C. Bird-life of London -5982(421) Birds in northern shires -5982(42) Game birds of Brit. Is. -5982(42) Song birds -5982(42) Dixon, H. H. Transpiration in plants -581116 Dixon, J. H. Gairloch -5(4116) Dobbin, L., and Walker, J. Chem. theory -5401 Dobell, C. Amoebae -5931 Dodgson, C. L. Euclid and mod. rivals -51307 Parallels 51313 Pillow problems -51079 Doflein, F. Problem d. Todes -5777 Protozoenkunde -69167 : 5931 Dolbear, A. E. Matter •6301 Dolezalek, F. Lead accumulator •537842 Donaldson, H. H. Rat -59148 : 59932 Doncaster, L. Cytology -5763 Determination of sex -5778 Dop, P., and Gauti^, A. Technique botanique -6818 Douglas, C, and A. Shetland pony -6361 Douglas, D. Life: Wilson -58092 Douglas, J. W., and Scott, J. Brit. Hemiptera -595754(42) Douglass, A. E. Climatic cycles -681143 Drapers' Company re- search memoirs -5706 d.c. • Dresser, H. E. Eggs of birds of Europe /. -5982(4) Drew, W. H. Geom. conies -51322 Dreyer, G., and Hanson, G. F. Physical fitness -5736 Dreyjer, J. L. E. Planetary systems -5209 289 19 DRIESCH— EDWARDS Driesch, H. Die Biologie -5704 Lokal. morph. Vor- gange -5704 Naturbegriffe '5704 Organ. Entwicklung '5704 Eegulat. -5704 Science of organism -5701 Die Seele -5704 Vitalismus -5701 Dron, R W. Coal-fields of Scot. -5532(41) Druce, G. C. Brit, plants -5819(42) Dillenian herbaria '58 Drude, O. Pflanzengeographie '5819 Drude, P. Optics -5351 Drummond, J. New Zealand -5(931) Dublin Soc, Royal. History by Berry -506 d.b. Scient. proc. -506 d.p. Scient. trans. -506 d.t. Univ. Astron. observ. -6221(415) d.a. Du Bois, H. Magnetic circuit -53826 Du Bois-Reymond, E. Muskel- u. Nerven- physik -5773 Du Chaillu, P. Great forest -5919(6) Duckworth, W. L. H. Morphology -5914 Stud, from Anthropol. Lab. -57204 Duclaux, E. Laiterie -637 Microbiologie -5768 Dudgeon, G. C. Agric. products of Brit. W. Africa -63340821 imp. 1 Dudley, W. R Memorial volume -58092 Duhem, P. Electricite -537021 Le Mixte -5401 • Statique '531209 Theorie de Platon -5301 Theories 61ectriques -5371 Duhem, P. Thermodynamics -54111 Thermodynamique "5367 Dumfriesshire and Galloway nat. hist, soc. Trans.and joum.of proc. -5706(4148) Duncan, P. M. Brit> foss. corals p.s. -5636(42) Dunecht observ. Publications -5221(41) d. Dunk, J. L. Hyperacou sties '78122 Dunkerley, S. Hvdraulics -5328 Dunn, S. T., and Tutcher, W. J. Flora of Kwangtung -5819(512) Dunstan, A. E., and Thole, F. B. Viscosity of liquids '540821 mon. 5 Duplessis, J. •5269 phane- •58203 •621124 •5178 •5518 Arpentage Durand, T. Index generum rog. Durand, W. F. Screw propeller Durege, H. Complex variable Dwerryhouse, A. R. Geol, maps Dyer, B., and Shrivell, F. W. E. Manuring of garden crops -6316 Dziobek, O. Planetary motions ^5214 East, E. M., and Jones, D. F. Inbreeding •570821 Mon. 4 Eckel, E. C. Building stones •5535 Ecker, A. Anat. of frog ^5914 : 5978 Eddington, A. S. Relativity -5301 Space, time ^5301 Edgeworth, M. P. Pollen -581312 Edinburgh. See Royal Society. field nat. and microscop. soc. Trans. ^5706(4144) e.f. geol. soc. Trans. •5506(4144) math. soc. Proc. ^5106 E. math, tracts •51082 I Royal observ. i Annals ^5221 (41) e.a. I Observations ^5221(41) e.o. I Edser, E. I Heat -53602 I Light -53502 Properties of matter -5891 Edwards, F. E., and Wood, S. V. Eocene Cephalopoda p.s. -56i5(1181 : 42) 290 EDWARDS— EVELYN Edwards, F. W. Mosquitoes b.m. -59160^ Eco. 4 Edwards, H. M., and Haime, J. Brit. foss. corals p.s. -5636(42) Edwards, J. Hemiptera-liomoptera of Brit. Is. •595753(42) Edwards, J. Diii. calc. Int. calc. Effront, J. Enzymes Ehlers, E. Borstenwiirmer Ehrlich, P. Mikroskop. Technik Eichhorn, G. Wireless telegraphy Eichler, A. W. Bliithendiagramme Eigenmann, C. H. Cave vertebrates Einstein, A. Relativity Eisenberg, J. Bakteriolog. Diagnostik -57681 Eisenhart, L. P. Diff. geom. -51726 Elbs, K. Kohlensioff-Verbind. -547 Elektrochem. Zeitsch. -5405 e z. Ellenberger W. Mikros. Anat. d. Haus- tiere. -5914 : 636 Ellenberger, W., and Scheunert, A. Physiol, d. Haussauge- tiere 5911 : 636 Elles, G. C, and Wood, E. M. R. Brit, graptolites p.s. -5637(42) Elliot, D. G. Mammals of Middle -5172 •5173 -66311 -59516 -57803 -53788 -582 : 53148 •596(24 : 7) •5301 Amer. •599(72) N. Amer. shore birds •5982(7) Elliot, G. F. S. Fauna of Clyde area •5919(414) Mid-Africa •5(674) Elliot, R. H. AgT'ic. changes •6309 Elliott, E. B. Quantics •51287 Ellis, C. Hydrogenation of oils •665 : 54112 Ellis, D. Bacteriology •63 : 5768 Iron bacteria •5768 : 5467 Ellis, R. L. Math, writings •5108 Elsden, J. V. Chem. geol. •55194 Elwes, H. J., and Henry, A. Trees of Gt. Brit, and Ireland /. •634(42) Embryol. Inst. d. K. K. Univ. Wien. Mittheilungen -591306(4361) Emerson, F. V. Agric. geol. '63 : 55 Emerton, J. H. Spiders of United States -5954(73) Emtage, W. T. A. Mechanics -531023 Encyclopadie d. math. Wissensch. -5102 Encyclopedie agricole. -630821 Engel, F., and Stackel, P. Nicht-eukl. Geom. ^5138 Engineering ^6205 e. Engelmann, W. Bibliotheca hist.-nat. '016 : 59 Engler, A. Pflanzenfamilien -58 Pflanzenreich •58 Engler, A., and Prantl, K. Pflanzenfamilien -58 Enriquez, F. Problems of science -501 Entomologist -595705 e. Entomologist's annual -595705 e.a. monthly mag. -595705 e.m. Ergebnisse u. Fortschritte d. Zool. ^5905 e.f. Errera, L. Ct:uvres -58081 Estabrook, A. H. The Jukes ^5757 • Etheridge, R. Fossils of Brit. Is. -56(42) Etheridge, R., and Carpenter, P. H. Blastoidea b.m. -56391 Euclid. Elements -5131 Opera [Gr. Lat.] '880821 Euler, L. Opera -5108 Europe. Catalogue des poissons -597(4) Carte geol. internat. -55084(4) Evans, A. H. Fauna of Tweed area -596(414) Turner on birds -598204 Tur. Evans, A. H., and Buckley, T. E. Vertebrate fauna of Shetland -596(4111) Evans, J. C. Physico-chem. tables -5419 Evelyn, J. Sylva -634 291 EVERETT— FLETCHER Everett, J. D. Electricity -537022 Heat -53602 Sound and light -53402 Ewart, A. J., and Davies, O. B. Flora of N. Territory •5819(94> Ewart, A. J., and Tovey, J. R. Weeds, etc., of Victoria -6325(945) Ewell, A. W. Physical chem. -541 Ewing, -Sir J. A. Steam engine -6211022 Mechanical production of cold -6215 Strength of materials -5201 Ewing, P. Glasg. catal. of plants -5819(41) Experiment station re- cord -6306(73) Ex.R. Eyre, J. W. H. Bacteriolog. technique '57681 Faber, H. Danish agric. -63(489) Forage crops •6333(489) Fabre, J. H. Insect life •5915 : 5957 Life: Legros -59092 Life of fly •59577 Life of spider •5954 Social life in insect world •595704 Souvenirs en to mole - giques •5915 : 5957 Fabry, E. M^th. generales •5102 Faes, H. Maladies des plantes •632 Fahie, J. J. W ireless telegraphy •53788 Fairchild, G. T. Rural wealth •63 : 338 Falconer, J. D. Geol. of N. Nigeria •55(669) Faraday soc. Proc. •5406 F.p. Trans. •5406 F.T. Farmer, J. B. Study of botany •5804 Faroe Isles. Botany •5819(491) Farrell, J. H. i^ield geol. 5507 Faust, E. S. Tierischen Gifte •591145 Favaro, G. Guore dei vertebrati •591412 Fawcett, W., and Rendle, A. B. Flora of Jamaica b.m. -5819(7292) Fehluig, H. Handworterbuc h d. Chemie •5403 F61ix, J. Mineraux /. •54902 Fenton, H. J. H. Chemistry •5402 Fermat, P. de. CEuvres •5108 Ferrel, W. Winds •55151 Ferrers, N. M. Trilinear co-ord. •51651 Finch, V. C, and Baker, O.E. World's agric. •63( 00) Findlay, A. Chem. in service of man •5404 Osmotic pressure •53272 •540821 MON. 32 Phase rule •54112 Physical chem. •541 Treasures of coal-tar •66873 Fink, K. Hist, of math. -5109 Fischer, A. Bakterien -5768 Fischer, E. Aminosauren ^547786 Organ, compounds -54707 Fishberg, M. The Jews •572( 00) Fisher, A. T. Outdoor life ^5(42) Fisher, O. Phys. of earth's crust -55113 Fishery board for Scotland. Reports -59706(41) Salmon fisheries '59706(41) Scientific investigations -59706(41) Fitch, W. H., and Smith, W. G. Brit, flora •5819(42) Fitzgerald, G. F. Writings Fitzsimons, F. W. Nat. hist, of S. Africa Fitzwygram, Sir F. W. Horses Fleischmann, W. Dairy Flemer, J. A. Photomicr. methods Fleming, J. A. Current transformer Electric currents wave telegr. Thermionic valve Fletcher, L. Meteorites b.m. -5526 Rocks B.M. -552 -53081 -5919(68) -6191 •637 •52691 •53855 •53781 •53788 •53788 292 FLETCHER— FRICKE Fletcher, S. W. Soils •631 Flora •5805 F. Flower, Sir W. H. Museums •59074 Osteology of Mammalia •591471 : 599 Flower, Sir W. H., anc R. Mammals I Lydekker, •599 Fock, A. Crystallography •548 Folsom, J. W. Entomology •5957 : 591 Foord, A. H. Carbon. Cephalopoda p.s. 5645(115 -.415) Foord, A. H., and Crick, G. C. Fossil Cephalopoda B.M. ^5645 Forbes, A. C. Brit, forestry •634(42) English estate forestry •634(42) Forbes, E. Brit. Medusae /. •5937(42) Echinoderm. of Brit.ter tiaries p.s. • 5639(118 : 42) Forbes, E. B., and Keith , M. H. Phosphorus compounds •63 : 54 Forbes, G. David Gill •92 : 52 Forbes, H. O. Sokotra •5(6772) Forbes, J. D. Alps of Savoy •55131(494) Glaciers •55131 Ford, L. R. Automorph. functions '51082 EDI. Ford, W. B. Divergent series •51721 Forestry Commission. Brit. Empire forestry T conference. Proc. •63406 F.c. Forstlich-naturwissensch . Zeitsch. •5805 F.z. Forstwissensch. Central blatt •63405 F.c. Forsyth, A. R. Complex variable •5178 Diff. equations •51738 Differential geom. •5164 Theory of diff. equations-51738 Fortschritte d. Math. •5105 J. d. Physik •5305 F.p. d. Teerfarbenfabrika - tion •6605 F.T. Foster, G. C, and Porter, A. N. Elect, and magn. •537023 Foster, M., and Balfour, F. M. Embryology •591302 Fothergill, G. A. Gift to the State /. •6861 Foucault Travaux -53081 Fourier, J. B. J., haron. CEuvres -5108 Theory of heat ^5361 Fourrey, E. Curiosit^s geom. '61079 Fowler, R. H. Diff. geom. -51724 Fowler, W. W. Coleoptera of Brit. Is. ^59576(42) Fox, T. Wild flowers ^5819(42) Frankel, S. Descript. Biochemie '547 : 57 "Fram." Report •5(268) France. Terrains en montagne ^631(23) Frankland, E. Water anal. •5433 Frankland, F. Story of Euclid -51309 Frankland, W. B. Parallelism •51313 Franklin, B. Works -53081 Fraps, G. S. Agric. chem. -63 : 54 Fream, W. Agriculture -6302 Soils -631 Fregie, G. Function -5175 French, J. W. Power generators -62108 French science. Science franp. ^5(44) Fresnel. CEuvres •53081 Freudenreich, E. von. Dairy bacteriology -637 : 5768 Freund, I. Basis of chem. -5407 Chem. composition -541 Freundler, P. Stereochimie -5416 Freundler, P., and Marquis, R. Chimie organ. -54702 Freundlich, E. Einstein's theory -5301 Freundlich, H. Kapillarchemie -54114 Fricke, R. Vorlesungen -5175 293 FRIEDBERGER— GELIN Friedberger, F., and Frohner, E. Pathol, u. Therap. d. Hausthiere *619 Friedlaender, C. Mikroskop. Technik -5786 Friend, J. N. Corrosion of iron '6691 Valency -5412 Fries, B. Scandinavian fishes /. -597(48) FrJtch, F. E., and Salisbury, E. J. Structure of plants -5804 Study of plants -5804 Frobenius, L. Childhood of man -572 Frohawk, F. W. Birds B.M. -591608 eco. 9 Frost, P. Curve tracing '5162 Solid geom. -5163 Friih, J., and Schroter, C. Moore d. Schweiz -551481(494) Fniwirth, C. Ziichtung d. Kulturp- fianzen '633 Fry, H. S. Electronic concept on of valence -540821 mon. 9 Fryer, A., and Bennett, A. Potamogetons of Brit. Is. /. -584743(42) Fuchsius, L. De hist, stirp. com. -58 Fuhrmann, F. Technische Mykologie -57683 -5811 -5807 •53022 Gadeau de KervDIe, H. Cecidozoaires -53122 Gadow, H. Northern Spain -5(46) Gage, S. H. Microscope '578 Gager, C. S. Fundamentals of botany -5802 Gahan, C. J. Furniture beetles B.M. -591608 ECO. 11 Galilei, G. Opere '52081 Galois, E. CEuvres -5108 Galton, F. Finger prints -5736 Life: Pearson -57092 Galvayne, S. XXth century book on the horse -6361 •5402 -63505 G.c. 42) Ganon^, W. F. Plant physiol. Teaching botanist Ganot, A. Physics Gar9on, J. Chimie Gardener's chronicle Gardiner, J. S. Fauna of Maldive Archi- pel. -5919(5488) Gardner, J. S., and Ettinghausen, C. B. Brit, eocene flora p.s. -561(1181 Gaskell, W. H. Origin of vertebrates Gattermann, L. Organ, chem. Gatty, Mrs. A. Sundials Gauss, C. F. Cur\-ed surfaces Recherches arithm. Werke Gautier, A. Chimie biol. Geddes, A. E. M. Meteorology ^551502 Geddes, P., and Thomson, J. A. •5914 : 596 •547 •52978 •51727 •51104 •5108 -547 : 57 Evolution of sex -5778 Geddes, Sir W. D. Curiosities of arith. Gedoelst, L. Champignons Gegenbaur, C. • Compar. anat. Geikie, Sir A. Class-book of geol. Darwin Field geol. • Geol. sketches Royal soc. Scenery of Scot. Text-book of geol. Types of scenery Volcanoes of Gt. Brit. Geikie, J. Antiquity of man Earth lore Field geol. Ice age Life : Newbigin and Plett Mountains Outlines of geol. Prehist. Europe Gelin, E. Arithmetique ^4 •58124 •591402 -5502 -55092 -5507 -5504 •506 LO.T. •55(41) •5502 •5504 •55121(42) •571(4) -5504 •5507 •55179 •55092 •55143 •5502 •55(4) •5111 GEMMILL— GOEE Gemmill, J. F. Teratology of fishes /. -597 : 5912 Gentsch, W. Steam turbines •62111 Geol. assoc. Proc. •5506 G.A. mag. •5505 M. soc. of Glasg. History •5506(4143) MAC. Trans. •5506(4143) soc. of Lond. Centenary •55C6 G.j.c. Geol. lit. •5508 G.J. History •5506 GE. w. Proc. •5506 G.J. Quart, journ. •5506 G.J. Trans. •5506 G.T. survey Memoirs •5506(42) Memoirs. Palseont. •5606(42) Gerard, E. Electrotraction ^62133 Gerarde, J. The Herbal ^58 Gerhardt, P. Deuts. Dunenbaues •55135(43) Gerth van Wijk, H. L. Plantnames -5803 Gesellsch. zu Gottingen. Nachrichten '063 G.N.M. Getman, F. H. Theoret. chem. ^541 Gibb, D. Interpolation '51083 EDi. Gibbs, J. W. Diagrammes therm. '53671 Foundations of therm. '536762 Papers •53081 Vector anal. ^5168 Gibson, C. R. Scient. ideas '504 Gibson, G. A. Calculus '5171 Gibson, G. A., and Pinkerton, P. Analyt. geom. '516 Gibson, R. J. H. Hist, of botany '5809 Gibson, W. Coal in Gt. Brit. '5532(42) Gilbey, Sir W. Great horse '6361 Giles, G. M. Gnats or mosquitoes '59577 Gillanders, A. T. Forest entomology -634 : 5957 Ginzel, F. K. Chronologie *52902 Gissing, F. T. Peat industry -66 641 •5521(41) G. '92 : 53 '537023 •53602 •53502 •581022 •5864 and Shaw, •5307 Gladstone, H. S. Birds of Dumfii sshire •5982(4148) Glasgow and W. of Scot. tech. coll. Agric. Depart. Repts. on manuring, etc. •68161(414) naturalist ^5706(4 43) n.h. Phil, soc, Royal. Proc. '063 G.p. Univ. — Geol. Dept. Papers •5506(4143) G.u. Observ. Catalogues Glazebrook, Sir R. T. Clerk Maxwell Elect, and magn. Heat Light Mechanics Physical optics Glazebrook, Siy R. T., Sir W. N. Practical physics Gluck, H. Wasser- u. Sumpfge- wiichse •5814(28) Graelin, L., and Kraut, K. Anorgan. Chemie -54602 Goebel, K. Organography of plants -5814 Goesel, J. G. Minerals ^54904 Gottingen. See Gesellschaft. Goldmann, E. E. Sekretion •591176 Goldschmidt, V. Krystallformen ^54803 Krystallformen /. -548084 Goldschmidt, V. M. Kontakt metamorphose •5524(482) Goodale, H. D. Gonadectomy "591156 Goodchild, W. Precious stones Goode, G. B. Fisheries of United States Goppelsroeder, F. Capillar-Untersuch. Gordon, S. P. Birds of loch and moun tain Charm of hills Hill birds of Scot. Land of hills Gordon, W. J. Brit, grasses Gore, J. E. Studies Worlds •5588 •6892(73) '545 : 5326 •5982(41) •5(41) •5982(41) •5(41) -6338141(42) •5204 -5204 295 GOSS— GREGOKY •6211343 •62113 •5892(7292) •59092 Goss, W. F. M. High steam pressures Superheated steam Gosse, E. Naturalist of sea-shore •59092 Gosse, P. H. Birds of Jamaica Life : Gosse Goubaux, A., and Barrier, G. Exterior of horse •esei Gould, S. B. Cliff castles -5718(4) Goulding, E. Cotton -68340821 imp. 3 Goursat, E. Integ. des Equations Math. anal. Gow, J. Greek math. Goyen, P. Arithmetic Grabau, A. W. Non-metall. mih. dep. Stratigraphy Grabau, A. W., and Shimer, H. W N. Amer, index fossils -562(7) Grace, J. H. Invariants -51288 Graebner, P. Pflanzengeographie ^5819 Graf, J. H., and Gubler, E. Besselsch. Funkt. ^51735 Graff, L. von. Monogr. d. Turbellarien /. •595123 •51738 •5171 •5109 •5111 •553 -5517 matieres improve- Turbellarien siten Graham, H. D. Birds of lona Grandeau, L. Analyse des agric. Grant, Sir A. Obstacles to ment of land Grant, R. Hist, of astron. Grant, W. R. O. Guide t:; birds Granville, W. A. Diff. and int. calc. Grassmann, H. Werke Graves, H. S. Forest mensuration Graves, R. P. Sir W. R. Hamilton Para- /. -595123 •5982(4117) •63 : 54 -6304 •5209 B.M. -5982 •5171 •5108 •634 '93 : 51 Gray, ^. Absolute measurements •53772 Gyrostatics •53134 Magnetism and elect. ^537021 Physics ^53021 Gray, A., and J. G. Dynamics -5313 Gray, A., and Matthews, G. B. •51735 -57504 •5819(7) •591485 : 596 •541 5982(4117) See An- Bessel functions Gray, A. Darwiniana Flora of N. Amer. Gray, A. A. Labyrinth of animals Gray, F. W. Physical chem. Gray, J. E. Ruminant Mammalia b.m. ^599735 Gray, R. Birds of Scot. Great Britain and Ireland. thropological Inst. Green, A. H. Phys. geol. ^55102 Green, C. E., and Young, D. Encyclopsedia of agric. Ref. -6303 Green, F. E. English agric. labourer -6309(42) Green, G. Papers Green, J. R. Botany in U.K. Hist, of botany Soluble ferments Greene, W. T. Feathered friends Greenhill, Sir G. Diff. and int. calc. Dynamics Elliptic funct. Hydrostatics Greenland. Meddelelser Greenwich Observ. Astr. catalogue Observations Greenwood, H. C. Industrial gases Gregory, D. Astron. elementa Catopt. et diopt. Practical geometry- Gregory, D. F. Math, v^ritings Gregory, Mrs. E. S. Brit, violets Gregory, J. Exercit. geom. Optica promota 296 •53081 -5809(42) •5809 •6631 : 5899 •5982 •5171 •5313 •51736 •5321 •5(98) •5221(42) G.A. •5221(42) G.o. •665 •521022 A2 •515 •5108 •583135(42) A^ A2 GREGOKY— HALE Gregory, J. W. Cretaceous Bryozoa b.m. '5647(1 1 7) Fiords -551104 Jurassic Bryozoa b.m. -5647(1162) Gregory, Sir R. Discovery -504 Gregory, R. A., and Simmonds, A. T. Exercises -5307 Physics -5307 Gresswell, G. Diseases of ox -6192 Greville, R. K. Flora Edinensis -5819(4144) Scott, cryptogam, flora -586(41) Grew, N. Anat. of plants -5814 Griffith, J. W., and Henfrey, A. Micrographic diet. -57803 Griffiths, A. B. Physiol, of Invertebrata -5911 : 592 Grigor, J. Arboriculture -634 Grimmer, W. Chemie d. Milch -637 Grimthorpe, Lord. Astr. without math. -523022 Gronau, K. T. E. Parallelenproblem -51313 Groos, K. Play of animals '5915 Grosser, O. Vergleich. Anat. d. Eihaute -5913 Grossmann, J. Ammonia -54744 Grotenfelt, G. Dairy practice -637 Groth, P. Crystals -54802 Phvsikal. Krystallo- graphie -54802 Grouse disease committee. Grouse in health and dis ase -5986(42) Grove, W. B. Brit, rust fungi -589225(42) Groves, C. E., and Thoro, W. Chem. technology E^/.'-6602 Groves, J., and Webster, G. R. hJ. Brit. Charophyta -586(42) Grubenmami, U. Kristall. Schiefer -55244 Guede, H. La Geologic -5502 Guenaux, G. Entomologie agric. -63 : 59145 Giinther, A. Batrachia salientia b.m. -5978 Colubrine snakes b.m. -59812 Fishes b .m. -597 Reptiles of India /. -5981(54) Study of fishes -59702 Tortoises b.m. -59813 Gunther, C. Bakteriologie -57681 Guinard, L. Teratologie -591159 Guldberg, C. M., and Waage, P. Affinites chim. -5413 Guppy, H. B. Observations •5(265) Plants in W. Indies •5819(729) Seeds aud fruits •5813 Solomon Islands -5(935) Guye, P. A. Humphry Davy •54092 GyIden,J. A. H. Orbites absolues -5215 Haber, F. Thermodynamics •54111 Haberlandt, G. Lichtsinnesorgane •5811833 Physiol, plant anat. •5811 Hadamard, J. Calc. des variations •5174 Ondes •53259 Serie de Taylor •5124 Haddon, A. C. Study of man •572 Hadfield, E. Natives of Loyalty group •572(933) Hadley, H. E. Magn. and elect. •537022 Haeckel, E. Evolution -575 Evolution of man •575 Hist, of creation •575 Kunstf ormen d. Natur /.•57 : 7 Riddle of universe •575 Wonders of life •5701 Hagen, B. Heads of E. Asiatic peoples •572(59) Haggard, Sir H. R. Farmer's year •6304 Rural Denmark -63(489) Rural England •63(42) Hagstrom, J. O. Potamogetons f. -584743 Haines, A. H., and Daniel, A. F. H. Surveying -6317 Hale, A. J. Electrolysis. •660821 MON. 2 Hale, G. E. Stellar evolution -5238 297 HALE— HAUG Hale, G. E., and Fox, P. Sun's period -52373 Hall, A. D. Feeding of eropfe -6316 Fertilizers -6316 Soil -631 Hall, H. S., and Knight, S. R. Algebra -5121 Hall, J., and Clarke, J. M. Brachiopoda '5648 Hall, W. Navigation -527 Haller, A. von. Bibliotheca botan. -58091 Index : J. C. Bay -58091 Halliburton, W. D. Biochem. of muscle -5771 Halphen, G. H. Functions ellipt. -51736 Halsted, G. B. Mensuration '5118 Hamilton, D. J. Pleuro-pneumonia -6192 Hamilton, D. J., and Young, J. M. Tuberculosis In -61921 .- 616995 you. Hamilton, Sir W. R. Elements of quaternions •5168 Harmer^S. F., and Shipley, A. E. •59082 Life Hammer, E. Prakt, Geometrie Hancock, H. Max. and min. Handel- Mazzetti, H. Gattung Taraxacum Hann, J. Climatology Klimatologie Meteorologie Hansen, E. C. Fermentation Hantzsch, A. Stereochemie Hard, M. E. Mushroom Hardy, G. H. Single variable Theory of numbers Hardy, M. E. Geography of plants Hare, A. T. Induction coils Harker, A. Igneous rocks Petrology Harkness, J., and Morley, F. Anal, functions '5175 Theory of functions -5175 •92 : 51 GRA. •5269 •51727 I. •58355 -55156 •55156 -551502 •6631 : 5899 •5416 /. ^58922 •51731 •51281 •5819 •621312 •5521 •55202 Cambridge nat. hist. Hamack, A. Diff. and int. calc. Harper, R. A. Sexual reproduction Harriman Expedition Harris, G. F. Tertiary Mollusca b.m. -564(118) Harrison, J. B. Goldfields of Brit. Guiana •55341(88) Harrow, B. Eminent chemists Newton to Einstein Harshberger, J. W. Mycology Hart, D. B. Phases of evolution Hartig, R. Diseases of trees Harting, J. E. Brit, animals Brit, birds Hartiey, F. W. Gas analyst's manual Hartmann, R Anthropoid apes Hartz, N. Danmarks tertieere flora -561(118 : 489) Harvard Univ. Jefferson phys. lab. -5306(744) Harvey, E. N. Animal light ^570821 mon. 5 Harvey, W. H. Nereis Boreali- Amer. /. ^5893(7) Phycologia Brit. •5893(42) Haskins, H. D., and Macleod, J. J. R. Organ, chem. -54702 Hastings, C. S. Light ^53504 Hatch, F. H. Petrology -55202 Hatch, F. H., and Corstorphine, G. S. Geol. of S. Africa -55(68) Hatch, F. H., and Rastall, R. H. 55202 •5171 -58116 : 5892 -5(798) -54092 -5301 •5892 : 5812 •57504 -58121 : 634 •599(42) •5982(42) -6657 ABA. •5998 Petrology Hatschek, B. Amphioxus Hatschek, E. Colloid chem. Physics of colloids Hatton, J. L. S. Projective geom. Theory of imaginary Haug, t. Traite de geol. 298 •5913 : 5971 •54114 •54114 •5135 •5135 •5502 HAWAII— HEUSLER Hawaii. Fauna Hawaiiensis /. -5919(969) Hay, O. P. Foss. turtles '56813(7) Hayata, B. Flora mont. Formosae -5819(529) Icones plant. Formo- sanarum -5819(529) Hayes, A. O. Wabana iron ore -5533(718) Hayward, I. M., and Druce, G. C. Flora of Tweedside -5819(414) Headley, F. W. Life and evolution '575 Structure of birds -5915 : 5982 Heape, W. Embryology -591302 Heath, Sir T. L. Euclid in Greek -5181 Heather, H. J. S. Electrical engineering -621302 Heaviside, O. Elect.-magn. '5388 Heddle, M. F. Mineralog. of Scot. -549(41) Hedrick, H. B. Tables -51196 Hedrick, U. P. Cherries of New York /. -6341172(747) Grapes of New York/. -6346(747) Peaches of New York/. -6341161(747) Plums of New York /. -6341171(747) Hegi, G. Flora V. Mittel-Europa -5819(4) Hehn, V. Wanderings of plants -58152 : 63 Heiden, E. Lehrb. d. Diingerlehre -6316 Heilprin, A. Distrib. of animals -5919 Mont Pelee -55121(729) Heinricher, E. Parasit. Samenpflanzen -58169 Helmholtz, H. L. F. von. Abhandlungen -53081 Lectures -504 Physiolog. Optik. -5357 Sensations of tone -5343 Vorlesungen -58081 Helvet. chim. acta -5405 h.c. Hempel, G., and Wilhelm, K. Baume d. Waldes /. -582(4) Hempel, J. Plant-metabolism -58113 Hempel, W. Gas anal. -543 Henderson, A. Twenty-seven lines -51659 Henderson, G. G. Catalysis -660821 mon. 7 Henderson, I. F., and W. D. Scient. terms -503 Henderson, L. J. Environment -5753 Henderson, R. Estate manager -68 Henderson Trust Kept. -57206 h.t. Henkel, F. W. Weather science -551502 Henrich, F. Organ, Chemie -54704 Henrici, O. Elem. geometry -5181 Vectors -5168 Henry, W. A., and Morrison, F. B. Feeds and feeding -636043 Hensel, K. Zahlentheorie -51281 Herd man, W. A. Pearl oyster fisheries -6394(267) Hering, E. tJber d. Gedachtnis -5751 : 136 Heriot, T. H. P. Sugar -660821 mon. 10 Hermann, F. Flora v. Deutschland -5819(4) Hermann, R. A. Geom. optics -58531 Hermite, C. Def. integrals -5173 Herrick, R. F. Denatured alcohol -661722 Herschel, -Sir W. Papers -52081 Hertwig, O. Allgemeine Biologie -5763 Biol, problem -5701 Entwickelungslehre d. Wirbeltiere -5918 : 596 Hertz, H. Elect, waves -58856 Mechanics -58101 Werke -58081 Herz, O. Mammuthkadaver -5696 Herz, W. Verteilungssatz -54112 Hesse, L. O. Werke -5108 Hettner, A. Grundziige d. Lander- kunde -551 Heurck, H. van. Diatomaceae -589311 Heusler, F. Terpenes -5472 299 HEUZE— HOOKER Heuze, G. Plantes alimentaires '58163 Hewitt, C. G. House fly -59577 Heywood, H. B. Equal, de Fredholm -51738 Hickel, R. Graines et plantules -634 : 5813 Hicks, W. M. D}Tiamics -5313 Hiera, W. P., mid otlieis. African plants b.m. -5819(6) Highland and agric. soc. of Scotland. Trans. -6306(41) h. herd book -636205 h.h Hiley, W. E. Fungal diseases of larch -634 : 58124 Hilgard, E. W. Soils -631 Hill, G. F. Arabic numerals '41721 Hill, G. W. Works -52081 HUl, J. G. Calvert Exped. -5(94) Hill, M. J. M. Euclid, V. and VI. -5131 Hill, T. G. Essentials of illustration -5 : 65553 Hilton, H. Plane curves -5162 Substitutions -51286- Hincks, T. Brit, hydroid zoophytes -5937(42) Brit. Polyzoa -5947(42) Hind, H. L., and Randies, W. B. Photo-micrography -578 : 778 Hind, W. Brit, carbon. Lamellib. p.s. -5641(115 : 42) Carbonicola, ect. -p.s. -5641 Hinde, G. J. Brit. foss. sponges p.s. -5684(42) Fossil sponges b.m. -5634 Hinton, C. H. Fourth dimension -5138 Scient. romances -5138 Hinton, M. A. C. Rats and mice b.m. -591608 eco. 8 Hintze, C. Mineralogie -54902 Hioms, A. H. Metallurgy -66902 Pract. metallurgy -6699 Him, K. E. Oedogoniaceen -58932 Hirshfeld, C. F., and Ulbricht, T. C. Gas engines -6317 Hirschw^d, J. Gesteihspriifung -5585 Hirst, B. C, and Piersol, G. A. Human monstrosities/. -5739 Hirst, S. Arachnida Hitchcock, A. S. Grasses Hobbs, W. H. Earth features Glaciers Hobson, E. W. John Napier Plane trigonometry' Real variable Squaring the circle Hofer, B. Fischkrankheiten Hofr, J. H. van't Atome im Raume Chem. in space Ozean. Salzablagerun- gen '541 Physical chem. -541 Theoret. chem. "541 Hoff, J. H. van't, and Cohen, E. Chem. dynamics -54112 Hoffmann, M. K. Lexikon d. anorgan.Ver- B.M. 591608 ECO. 6 •6333141 -5514 -55131 -5127 -5145 -5171 •51321 -5912 : 597 -5416 •5416 bind. Hofinann, K. Radioactiv. Stoffe Hofmeister, W. Cryptogamia Hole, R. S. Botany for Indian forest •54603 •54121 587 -634(54) : 53 students Holland, A. Ions Holland, J. H. Plants of Nigeria Home Office. Mines and quarries Hommel, W. Petrographie Hooker, -Sir J. D. Flora of Brit. India Life : Huxley Life : Bower Students' flora of Brit. Is. -5819(42) Hooker, -Sir W. J. Companion to Botanical mag. ^5805 b.m.c. Filices exot. /. -5873 Hooker, -Sir W. J., and Baker, J. G. Synopsis filicum -5873 Hooker's Icones plan- tarum ^5805 h.i. •53733 -5816(669) •553061 H.o. •55202 •5819(54) -58092 -58092 300 HOOKER— IMPERIAL Hooker's, joum.of botany "5805 h. Lond. journ. of botany -5805 h. Hoops, J. Waldbaume -5816(363) Hopf, L. Human species "5999 Hopkins, A. A. Scientific Amer. cyclo- pedia -6603 Hopkinson, B. Papers -53081 Hopkinson, J. Bibliogr. of Tunicata -5949 : 016 Papers , -53081 Hoppe-Seyler, F. Physiol.- u. path.-chem. Anal. -543 : 612 Horn scient. exped. -5(94) Hornell, J. Marine zool. of Okha- mandal -5919(267) Horticultural soc, R. Journal -63506 h.j. soc. of Lond. Journal -63506 h.j. Trans. -63506 h.j. H or wood, A. R. Field botany -5807 Hose, C, and McDougall, W. Pagan tribes of Borneo -572(911) Hoskyns, C. W. Talpa -631 Houghton, W. Brit, fresh-water fishes /. -597(42) Houssay, F. Industries of animals -5915 Houston, R. A. Light production -53589 Physics -53023 Howard, L. O. Mosquitoes of N. Amer. -59577(7) Howchin, W. Geol. of S. Australia -55(942) Howe, J. A. Building stones -5535 Howes, G. B. Pract. biol. -57084 Howitt, A. W. Tribes of S.-E. Australia -572(94) Howley, J. P. The Beothucks -572(718) Howorth, Sir H. H. Glacial nightmare -55131 Ice or water -66131 Hubrecht, J. B. Solar rotation -62878 Hudleston, W. H. Inf. ool. Gasteropoda p.s. -5643(1162 : 42) Hudson, C. T., and Gosse, P. H. Rotifera -59518 Hudson, W. H. Birds and man -5982(42) Hueppe, F. Ba'kterien-Forschung -57681 Huggins, Sir W. Papers '62081 Royal society -506 L.T.h. Huggins, Sir W., and M., Lady. Stellar spectra -52387 Hume, W. F. Building stones of Cairo -5635(62) Hummel, J. J. Dyeing -6672 Hunt, T. F. , How to choose farm -63 Hunter, J. de G. Earth's axes -5263 Huntington, E. Arid Amer. •55156(7) Hurst, G. H. Lubricating oils -665 Husnot, T. Cyperacees -58484(44) Gramin^es /. -6849(4) Hutton, C. J. Theory of earth -5501 Hutton, F. W. Index faunae Novse Zea- landi* -5919(931) Huxley, L. Life of Sir J. D. Hooker -58092 Huxley, T. H. Anat. of invert, animals -592 Compar. anat. -691404 Crayfish -591 : 69538 Lay sermons -504 Man's place in nature -5731 Oceanic Hydrozoa /. -5987(265) Physiography -5514 Pract. biology -5707 Scientific memoirs -69081 Huyghens, C. (Euvres -5108 Iddings, J. P. Igneous rocks Rock minerals Volcanism Ihering, R. von. The Aryan Imperial Institute. Bulletin Institute handbooks. -63340821 IMP. 1. 301 ■5521 •54904 •66121 -672(4) •6306 1. 1. INGE— JAMIESON Ince, E. L. Intemat. Inst, of agric. Descriptive geometry -51082 edi. Bureah of agric. intelli- India.— Board of scient. gence. Bulletins -6306 I. A. A. advice. Bureau of economic in- Reports -506(54) telligence. Bulletins -6306 i.a.e. Botanical survey. Bureau of statistics Records -5306(54) b.b. Bulletins •6306 i.A.s. Dept. of agric. " Investigator." Memoirs. Botan. ser. -6306(54) m.b. Schulze's Indian Triax- Memoirs. Chem. ser. -6306(54) m.c. onia /. •5934(267) Memoirs. Entomol. ser. Thomson and Simpson's •6306(54) M.E. Alcyonarians /. •59362 Review of agric. opera- Iowa.— Geol. survey. tions in India -6306(54) e.a. Repts. -5506(777) R. trigon. survey Irish Academy, R. Operations -5269(54) Proc. •062 D.p. Indian Museum. Trans. '062 D.T. Alcock's Ind. deep-sea naturalist -6705 I.N. Crustacea /. -5953841(267) Irons, J. C. Bentham's Asiatic horns-5997(5) J. Croll -55092 Craniological data /. -5737 Koehler'sAsteroidea /. -59392 Koehler's Echinoderma/.-59392 Jackson, B. D. Koehler and Yaney's Botanic terms •5803 Deep-sea Holothuri- Literature of botany -58091 oidea /. 59396(267) Vegetable technology '016 : 5816 Koehler and Vaney's Jackson, J. R. Littoral Holothurioi- Commercial botany •5816 dea /. -59396(267) Jackson, S. Memoirs -5906(54) i.m.m. Arithmetic •5118 Records -5906(54) i.m.r. Jacobi, C. G. J. Schulze's Indian Triax- Werke •5108 onia /. -5934(267) Jaeger, F. M. Ingersoll, L. R., and Zobel, O. J. Lectures on symmetry -504 Theory of heat -5361 SjTnmetry •5101 Ingle, H. Jager, G. Agric. chem. -63 : 54 Handworterb. d. Zoo- Institute of Chem. of Gt. Brit, and logie Ref, •5903 Ireland. Jaekel, O. Proc. -5406 i.e. Wirbeltiere •566 : 596 Joum. and proc. -5406 i.e. Janecke, E. Chem. appointments -5406 i.e. - Alloys -5463 History. By R. P. Pil- Jago, W. cher -5406 i.e. p. Bread-making •6646 Institution of civil engineers. Jahn, H. Minutes of proc. -6206 i.e.p. Elektrochemie •54118 of Gt. Brit., R. Jahrb. d. Chem. -5405 J.c. Proc. -506 B.I. d.drahtlosenT. u.T. •53705 J.T. Intermediaire des math. -5105 i.m. Jahrbiicher f. wissensch Intemat. botan. congress -5806 i.b. Botanik. •5805 j.w. Nomenclature botanique '5801 Jahresb. ii. d. Fortsch. d congress of zool. -5906 i.e. Chem. -5405 J.F. Eugenics congress. Jahres-Bericht ii. d. Fort Problems in eugenics -57506 i.c.e. schritte d. Tier-Chemie -61905 j.f federation of master Jameson, H. G. cotton spinners' assoc. Brit, mosses •5882(42) Cotton growing m Eg}-pt In -6334113 Jamieson, A. Report of visit to Egypt, Elementary manual on etc. -6334113 applied mechanics -621023 302 JAMIESON— JONES Jamieson, A. {continued) — Elementary manual on steam -6211023 Magn. and elect. -537023 Text-book on applied mechanics -621022 Text-book on steam -6211022 Jamieson, T. Agric. science in Gt. Brit. -6309(42) Jamin, J. C. Physique -53021 Janet, A. Papillons -59578 Janet, C. Le Volvox -5895 Jansen, M. Achondroplasia -5739 Janssonius, H. H. Mikrographie d. Holzes -581823(922) Japan. Agric. in Japan -63(52) Japo, F. R. [Papers] -54081 Japp, F. R., aiid others. Organ, chem. -54704 Jeans, J. H. Elect, and magn. -5371 Mechanics -531022 Problems of cosmogony -5211 Theory of gases -5337 Jeffrey, E. C. Woody plants -5818 Jennings, H. S. Lower organisms -5915 : 5931 Jessop, C. M. Line complex -5165 Jevons, W. S. Principles of science -501 Jillson, W. R. Oil and gas of K ntucky -55328(769) Job, A. Methode en chimie -5404 Jorgensen, A. Mikroorganismen d. Garungsindustrie -6631 : 61601 Johannsen, A. Eock-forming minerals -54904 Johannsen, W. L. Erblichkeitslehre -5751 Johnson, D. S. Opuntia fulgida '5813 Johnson, D. S., and York, H. H. Relation of plants to tide-levels -5819(26) Johnson, D. W. Shore processes -55135 Johnson, J. P. Stone implements -57125(68) Johnson, R. H. Evolution in lady- beetles -575 : 59576 Johnson, R. H., and Huntley, L. G. Oil and gas product -55328 Johnson, W. H. Cocoa -63340821 imp. 2 Johnson, W. W. Diff. equations -51738 Johnston, G. Brit, zoophytes -5935(42) Johnston, W. J. Anal. geom. -516 Johnstone, J. Life in the sea -5919(26) Philos. of biol. -5701 Joly, C. J. Quaternions -5168 Joly, J. Radioactivity audgeol. -55 : 54121 Joly, N. Man -571 Jones, D. E. Heat and light -53602 Jones, F. W. Arboreal man -573 Jones, H. B. Faraday -93 : 53 Jones, H. C. Electr. conduct, of salts -54113 Freezing-point lovi^ering of solutions -5418 Physical chem. -541 Jones, H. C, and Anderson, J. A. Absorp. spectra of solu- tions -5418 Jones, H. C, and Guy, J. S. Absorp. spectra of solu- tions -5418 Jones, H. C, and Strong, W. W. Absorp. spectra '5418 Absorp. spectra of solu- tions -5418 Jones, H. C, and otJiers. Absorp. spectra of solu- tions -5418 Conductivities -54113 Conductivity -54113 Hydrates -5418 Jones, T. R. Entomostraca of cret. form. p.s. -56531(117 : 42) Foraminifera of Crag p.s. -56312(1183) Foss. Estherise p.s. -56532 Foss. Foraminifera b.m. -56312 Jones, T. R., and Hinde, G. J. Cret. Entomostraca p.s. -56531(117 : 42) 303 JONES— KELVIN Jones, T. R., and Sherbom, C. D. Tert. Entomostraca p.s. -sesslfllS : 42) Jones, T. R., and Woodward, H. Brit. pal. Phyllopoda p.s. -56532(112 : 42) Jones, T. R., and oOiers. Brit. foss. Entomos- traca p.s. •56533(115 : 42) Jones, W. N., and Rayner, M. C. •581 W.- •561(115) •5171 •6811 •5138 •53081 Plant biology Jongmans, W. J. Karbonpflanzen Europas Jordan, C. Cours d'analyse Jordan, D. S. Foot-notes to evolution •57504 Jordan, D. S., and Evermann, B. W. Genera of fishes ^597014 Jordan, D. S., and Heath, H. Animal forms -5902 Jordan, D. S., and Kellogg, V. L. Animal life -5902 Jordan, W. H. Feeding of animals -636043 Joret, C. Plantes dans I'antiquite -5809(3) Jost, L. Plant physiol. Jouffret, E. Geom. a quatre dim. Joule, J. P. Papers Jourdain, F. C. R. Corrections to Birds' eggs B.M. Journal de I'Ecole poly technique de math. de physique f. Landwirthschaft f. prakt. Chem. of agric. reseaich science of bacteriology of botany of compar. pathol. and therap. of ecology of econ. biol. of experiment, zool. of geol. of industrial and en- gineering chemistry •6605 J.i. of microscopy and nat. science •57805 j.n. of physical chem. -5405 j.p. of zool. research ^5705 e.b. •5982 OAT. •5101 j.E. •5105 JO. -5305 J.p. •6305 J.L. •5405 J.PR. •6305 J.B. •6305 J.s. •576805 J.B. •5805 3. •61905 j.c. •581506 B.E. •5705 E.B. •59105 E.z. •5505 J. Judd, J. W. Volcanoes "55121 Judeich, J. F., and Nitsche, H. Forstinsektenkunde "5957(4) Jungano, M., and Distaso, A. Anaerobies '5768381 Junk, W. Blbliographia botan. '58091 Justus Liebig's Annalen d. Chem. -5405 l.a. Kahlbaum, G. W. A. Monographien •54082 Kahlenberg, L. Chemistry -5402 Karsch, A. Vademecum botan. •5819(43) Karsten, G., andSchenck, H. Vegetationsbilder ^5819 Kaye, G. W. C. X-rays -54121 Kayser, H. Spectroscopic •5446 Keane, A. H. Ethnology -572 Man -572 Keane, C. A. Organ, chem. -54702 Kearton, R. Brit, birds' nests -5982(42) . Nature and camera -5915 Rarer Brit, birds -5982(42) Keibel, F. Entwicklungsgesch. d. Wirbelthiere /. ^5913 : 596 Keilhack, K. Prakt. Geol. -5507 Keith, A. Ancient types of man -572 Antiquity of man -571 Kelland, P., and Tait, P. G. Quaternions -5168 Kellner, O. Feeding of animals -636043 Futtermittel d. Handels -6333 Kellogg, V. L. Inheritance in silkworms •5751 : 59578 Zoology -5902 Kellogg, V. L., and Ferris, G. F. Anoplura of N. Amer. -^ mammals -59169 : 599 Kelvin, Lord. Lectures -504 Molecular dynamics -5391 Papers •53081 Kelvin, Lord, and Tait, P. G. Natural philosophy ^53021 304 KEMP— KOMMISSION Kemp, J. F. Ore dep. of U.S. -5631(7) Kempe, A. B. Straight line 'SlSll Kenngott, A. Mineralog., Geol. u. Palseont. Bef, -5503^ Kent, W. S. Great barrier reef /. -5936(94) Infusoria '59315 Naturalist in Australia/. '5919(94) Kerner von Marilaun, A. Flowers and unbidden guests '58116 Life: Kronleld '58092 Nat. hist, of plants '5802 Schedae ad flor. Austro- Hungar. -5819(436) Kersey, H. W. Book-keeping '63 : 657 Kew. — R. botanic gardens By W. J. Bean -5806 k.bea. Bulletins '5806 k. List of names of plants -5801 Reports -5806 k. Selected papers from Kew bulletin '5806 k.p. Wild fauna and flora -58 Key, W. E. Heredity -5757 Kidston, R. Palaeozoic plants b.m. '561(112) Kienitz-Gerloff, F. Botan. Unterricht '5807 King, F. H. Irrigation '6313 Physics of agric. '63 : 53 Soil -631 King, W. Permian fossils p.s. -56(115 : 42) Kingsley, J. S. Compar. anat. of verte- brates -5914 : 596 Kingzett, C. T. Chem. dictionary -5403 Kinzbrunner, C. Continuous current ma- chines -6213121 Kirby, W. F. European butterflies /. -59578(4) Orthoptera b.m. -59572 Kirchner, O. von, and others. Bliitenpflanzen -5815 : 582(4) Kirkman, F. B. B. Brit, bird-book -5982(42) Kirkpatrick, R. Biology of waterworks B.M. -591608 ECO. 7 Kjellman, F. R. Algae of Arctic Sea /. -5898(268) Klebahn, H. Rostpilze -589225 Klebs, G. Kunstl.Metamorphosen -58115 : 5773 Willkiirl. Entwickelung- sander '58114 Klein, F. Famous problems -51079 Hypergeom. Funkt. -51738 Ikosahedron -51286 Lectures -5104 Kleyer, J. F. J. Arithmetique -5111 Klieneberger, C, and Carl, W. Blut-Morphol. d. Lab.- Tiere -59185 Klippart, J. H. Land drainage -63141 Klunzinger, C. B. Korallthiere /. -5936(2675) Knebel, W. von. Hohlenkunde -55144 Knobel, E. B. Ulugh Beg's Cat. '52389 Knott, C. G. Earthquake phenomena-55122 Napier tercentenary -5127 P. G. Tait /. '92 : 53 Tables '51296 Knuth, P. Pollination -68116 Koehler, R. Asteroidea /. -59392 ind. Echinoderma /. -59392 ind. Koehler, R., and Vaney, C. Deep-sea Holothurioidea /. -59396(267) Littoral Holothurioidea /. -59396(267) Konig, J. Chemie d. Nahrung- smittel -5431 Landwirtsch. Stoffe -63 : 54 Koenigsberger, L. Helmholtz -92 : 53 Koerner, A. K. botan. Garten in Dahlem /. -58074(4816) Kohlrausch, F. Abhandlungen -53081 Prakt. Physik -5307 Kolloidchem. Beihefte. '5411405 k.b. KoHoid-Zeitsch. " -5411405 k. Kommission d. deutschen Meere. Untersuchungen '506(2612) k. 305 20 KOORDERS— LANESSAN Koorders, S. H. Botan. Untersuch. -5892(922) Kopp, H. Alchemie -5409 Entwickel. d. Chem. -5409 Gesch. d. Chem. -5409 Korschelt, E., and Heider, K. Embryol. of inverte- brates -591302 : 592 Kraemer, H. Der Mensch '572 WeltaU u. Menschheit -55 : 573 Kramer, E. Bakteriologie -5768 : 63 Krauch, C. Chem. reagents -543 Kraus, E. H., and Hunt, W. F. Mineralogy -54902 Kraus, G. Boden u. Klima '5815 Krause, W. Anat. d. Kaninchens -5914 : 59932 Kremann, R. Anwend. d. therm. Ana- lyse -54111 Physico-chem. theory -6604 Kronecker, J. Werke -5108 Kronfeld, E. M. A. Kerner von Marilaun -58092 Kuchhoff, G. Abhandlungen -53081 Kuckuck, P. Strandwanderer -5819(26) Kuenen, J. P. Zustandsgleich. d. Gase -5412 KUster, E. Bakterien '5768 Gallen d. Pflanzen -58122 Pathol. Pflanzenanat. -5812 Kuster, F. W., and Thiel, A. Lehrb. d. allgem. Chemie -541 Kundt, A. Experimentalphysik -53022 Kylin, H. Algenflora -5893(48) Kyoto Univ. Memoirs -506(52) k.m, Laar, J. J. van. Elektrochemie -54113 Thermodynamik -54111 Thermodynam. Poten- tial -54111 Labbe, A. Cytologie -5763 Laborde, A. Radioactivity -54121 -5135 -547 Lachlan, R. PiTPe geometry Lachman, A. Organ, chem. Lacroix, A. Mineralog. de la France -549(44) La Mont. Pelee /. -55121(729) Lacroix, S. F. ' Arithmetique - '5111 Ladenburg, A. Development of chem. -5409 Handworterbuch d. Chemie Ref. -5403 Lafar, F. Tech. mycology -6631 : 5892 Lagrange, J. L. Elem. math. -5104 Equations num^riques -5122 CEuvres -5108 Laguerre, E. N. CEuvres -5108 Lahee, F. H. Field geol. -5507 Laing, R. M., and Blackwell, E. W. Plants of N. Zealand -5819(931) Lake, P. Phys. geog. '5514 Lake, P., and Rastall, R. H. Textbook of geol. -5502 Lalesco, T. Equat. integrales -51738 Lamarck. Life: Packard -575092 Lamb, H. Dynamics -5313 Higher mechanics -5313 Hyrodynamics -5325 Infinit. calc. -5171 Sound -5341 Statics -5312 Lambert, T. Bone products -6316 Glue -66831 Lame, G. Methodes '5139 Lanchester, F. W. Aerodynamics -5336 Landois, H. Zoologie -5907 Landolt, H., and Bomstein, R. Physikal.-chem. Tabellen •5419 Landwirtsch. Jahrbiicher -6805 l.j. Versuchs-Stationen -6305 l.v. Lane, C. H. Rabbits -59976 Lanessan, J. L. de. Plantes utiles -5816 306 LANG— LEVY Lang, A. Compar. anat. '591402 Lang, W. D. Brit mosquitoes b.m. '59577(42) Distrib. of Anopheline mosquitoes b.m. -595771(42) Langley, S. P., and Abbot, C. G. 1900 eclipse -52878 Lankester, Sir E. R. Extinct animals '566 Kingdom of man -504 Zoology -5902 Lankester, Sii- E. R., and Traquair, R. H. Fishes of Old red sand- stone p.s. -567(114:42) Laplace, P. S. de, Marguis M^canique celeste CKuvres Probabilities System of world Lapworth, C. Geol. of Birmingham Text-book of geol. Larmor, J. Aether Lassar-Cohn. Organ, chem. Scient. chem. Laucks, I. F. Commercial oils Laughlin, H. H. Mitotic stages Launay, L. de. Geol. de I'Asie Science geol. Laundy, S. L. Table -5211 •5108 •519 -5231 -55(4248) •5502 -5301 •54702 •5402 •665 •5763 : 58 -55(5) •5501 •51196 Laurent, H. Theorie des nombres ^51281 La Vallee Poussin, C. J. de. Nombres premiers -51281 Lavis, H. J. J. Volcanoes of S. Italy Bef. -016 : 55121 Leathern, J. C. Integrals Leathern, J. G. Optical instrument Le Bas, G. Molecular volumes chem. compounds Le Bon, G. Evolution of forces Evolution de la mati^re 5301 Lebesgue, H. Integration -5173 Series trigonom. -5142 •51734 •53581 of ■540821 MON. 7 •5301 Le Blanc, M. Elektrochemie •64113 Le Chatelier, H. Carbone -54626 Leche, W. Der Mensch -573 Le Dantec, F. Nature of life '576 Leduc, S. Biologic synth^tique •5773 Lee, A. B. Microtomist's vade- mecum ^5784 Lefroy, H. M. Indian insect life ^5957(54) Legendre, A. M. Theorie des nombres ^51281 Legros, C. V. Fabre '59092 Lehfeldt, R. A. Electro-chemistry •54113 Lehmer,*D. N. Factor table /. •SI 196 Prime numbers /. ^51196 Leibnitz, G. W. Math. Schriften ^5108 Leighton, G. Veterinary adviser -619 Leith, C. K. Struct, geol. ^5518 Leith, C. K., and Mead, W. J. Metamorph. geol. ^5524 Lejeune Dirichlet, P. G. Werke -5108 Zahlentheorie ^51281 Lemstrom, S. Electricity in agric. '63 : 537 Lenard, P. Kathodenstrahleu '54121 Lendenfeld, R. von. Horny sponges /. '5934 Lengfield, F. Inorgan. chem. prep. ^546 Leonard, A. G. Lower Niger '572(669) Lepper, G. H. From nebula -5202 Leslie, G., and Herdman, W. A. Fauna of Firth of Forth ^5919(2612) Leteur, F. Min^ralogie /. ^54902 Leuckart, R. Parasites of man ^59169 Leveille, H. Epilobium ^58345 Onothera '583445 Levy, S. L Eare earths •54604 307 LEWES— LOEB •54723 •54602 •541 •54802 •665 Lewes, V. B. Acetylene Inorgan. chem. Lewis, W. C. M. Physical chem. Lewis, W. J. Crystallography Lewkowitsch, J. Chem tecbnology Ley, H. Beziehungen zwischen Farbe u. Konstitution -541 Leyseime, P. Arithmetique 'Sill Libri, G. Math, en Italia -5109 Lie, M. S. Continuerliche Gruppen -51286 Transformationsgruppen -51286 Lie, S. Beriihrungstransf. '51738 Vorlesungen -51738 Liebig, J. von. Life: Shenstone -54092 Liebig's Annalen d. Chem. -5405 l.a. Liebisch, T. Krystallographie -5488 Lightfoot, J. Flora Scotica -5819(41) Lilienthal, R. V. Differentialgeom. -51651 Lillie, F. R. Development of chick -591302 Lincei. See Accademia. Lindau, G., and Sydow, P. • Thesaurus litt. mycolog. -5892 Lindgren, W. Mineral dep. '6531 Linnaeus, C. Bref och Skiifvelser -58092 Memorials b.m. -5092 Philosophia botan. ^5801 Linnea ^5805 l. Linnean soc. of Lond. Darwin-Wallace cele- bration -57092 Journal. Botany -SBOB kj. Zoology ^5906 l.j. Proc. ^5806 l.p. Trans. ^5806 l.t. Botany -5806 l.t. Zoology ^5906 l.t. Linstow, O. von. Helminihologie '59511 Linton, W. R. Brit. Hieracia •58355(42) Liouville's Journal de math. -5105 jo. Lipman, J. G. Bacteria -63 : 5768 Lippmann, E. O. von. Alchemic -5409 Lippmann, G. Thermodynamique -5367 Lister, A. Mycetozoa b.m. -58939 Little, C. C. Inheritance of color In -5751 : 59932 cas. Liverpool marine biol. comm. Memoirs -57(26)06 l.m. Livingston, B. E. Desert plants -581116(252) Livingston, B. E., atid otliers. Plant and soil -631122 Lloyd, F. E. Guayule -633473 Physiol, of stomata -5811 Lloyd, H. Papers ^53081 Lloyd, S. L. Fertilizing materials -6316 Lobatschewsky, N. L Elements of geom. -5138 Parallels -5138 Principles of geom. -5138 Lock, J. B., and Child, J. M. Trigonometry -514 Lock, R. H. Rubber -633473 Variation, heredity, etc. ^575 Lockyer, Sir J. N. Dawn of astron. "5209 Solar physics ^52376 Stonehenge -913(4231) Surveying -52699 Lodeman, E. G. Sprajdng of plants -632942 Lodge, Sir O. J. Electrons -5371 Mechanics -531023 Modern views on matter '0826 ROM. Pioneers ^5209 Signalling -53788 Loeb, J. Compar. physiol. of brain "59118 Dynamics of living mat- ter -5773 Forced movements ^570821 mon. 1 Gen. physiol. -5911 Mechan. concept, of life -5704 The Organism ^577 Parthenogenesis -591162 308 LOHNIS— LYON Lohnis, F. Handb. d. Bakteriologie -63 : 5768 Vorlesungen ii Bakterio- logie -63 : 5768 Logan, A. C. Old chipped stones •57114(54) London. See Linnean soc., and Physical soc. London, Edin., and Dubl. phil. mag. '505 p.m. math. soc. Proc. -5106 L. University. Francis Galton lab. Me- moirs -57506 E.L. Loney, S. L. Co-ord. geom. '516 Dynamics •SBIS Statics -5312 Long, H. C. Plants poisonous to stock -58165 Long, H. C, and Percival, J. Weeds of the farm -6825 Long., J., and Morton, J. C. Dairy -637 Long, J. A., and Mark, E. L. Maturation of egg of mouse -5913 Lord, N. W., and Demorest, D. J. Metallurgical analysis -6699 Lorentz, H. A. Abhandlungen -53081 Electrons -5371 Physik -53022 Lorenz, L. V. CEuvres -53081 Lorenz, R., and Kaufler, F. Elektrochemie -54113 Loret, V. Flore pharaonique -5819(32) Loria, G. Darstell. Geom. -515 Lotsy, J. P. Botan. Stammesgesch. -58 : 575 Deszendenztheorien -575 Evolution -575 Loudon, J. C. Arboretum Britann. -582(42) Louis, H. Dressing of minerals -54904 Love, A. E. H. Dynamics -5313 Elasticity -5393 Low, D. A. Applied mechanics -621022 Lowe, E. J. Native ferns -5873(42) Lowell, P. Evolution of worlds -5231 Mars -52343 Lowry, T. M. Hist, introd. to chem. -5409 Lowson, J. M. Text-bk. of botany •5802 Lubbock, Sir J. See Avebury. Lucas, E. Recreations math. -51079 Theorie des nombres •51281 Lucas, R. C. Heredity -5751 Lucas, W. J. Brit, dragonfiies -59573(42) Brit. Orthoptera •59572(42) Lupke, R. Elektrochemie •54113 Lull, R. S. Organic evolution -575 Lumiere electrique -53705 L.E. Lummer, O. Photographic optics •53585 Lund Universitet. Arsskrift '378{485)06 L. Lunden, H. Affinitatsmessungen •5413 Lunge, G. Coal-tar •6687 Distillation of coal-tar •6687 Tech. methods •66 : 543 Techno chem. analysis -66 : 543 Sulphuric acid -66125 Tech. chemists' handbk. -6604 Lupton, S. Observations -5198 Lutz, F. E. Drosophila ampelophila '575 Variations of Gryllus -5752 : 59572 Lycett, J. * Brit. foss. Trigoniae p.s -5641(42) Lydekker, R. Domesticated animals B.M. -686 Foss. birds B.M. -5682 Foss. Mammaha B.M. -569 Foss. Reptilia B.M. -5681 Great game animals B.M. -59971 Heads of Indian game B M. -5997(54) Horse family B.M. -6861 Ungulate mammals B.M. -59971 Whales B.M. -5995 Lyell, Sir C. Antiquity of man •571 Life -55092 Principles of geol. •5501 Lyon, T. L. Soils and fertilizers •631 309 LYON— MACMAHON Lyon, T. L., and Fippin, E. O. Soil management '631 Maanen, A. van Proper motion -52383 Maas, O. Entwickelungsgesch. '5913 McAlpine, D. Botan. atlas /. -5807 Fungus diseases of citrus trees -6324(94) Fungus diseases of stone- fruit trees -6324(94) Rusts of Australia -6324(94) Smuts of Australia -6324(94) McAulay, A. Octonions -6168 McCabe, J. Evolution of mind -575 McClean, F. Spectra of high and low sun /. -52877 Spectra of sun and metals /. -52377 McClelland, W., and Preston T. Spher, trigonometry -5146 McClung, R. K. Conduction of elect. -53753 McCombie, W. Cattle -6362 McConnell, P. Agric. geol. -63 : 55 McCoy, F. Zool. of Victoria -5919(945) MacCullagh, J. Works -53081 MacCuIloch, J. Western islands -55(4117) McCurdy, H., and Castle, W. T. Selection "5751 : 59932 MacDonald, A. Study of man -573 Macdonald, H. M. Electric waves -53856 Macdonald, J., and Sinclair, J. Angus cattle -6362 Hereford cattle -6362 Macdonald, W. Dry-farming -6319 MacDougal, D. T. Botan. features of N. Amer. deserts -5819(252:7) Hydration -581143 Salton sea -5(26 : 794) MacDougal, D. T., and Cannon, W. A. Parasitism in plants -58123 Macdougal, D. T., and Spalding, E. S. Succulent plants -5811524 MacQowell, E. C. Inheritance in rabbits -5751 : 6369 Mace de Lepinay, J. Interference -53541 Macfadyen, A. The Cell -5763 M'Fadyean, Sir ]. Anat. of horse -6361 MacFarland, F. M. Mollusca -594(81) Macfarlane, A. British mathematicians '92 : 5108 Ten British physicists -92 : 5308 Macfarlane, J. M. Organic evolution -575 Macfie, R. C. Heredity -5751 Macgillivray, W. Brit, birds -5982(42) Conchologist's text-book -594 Deeside and Braemar -5(4125) Lives of zoologists -69092 Manual of botany -5802 Molluscous animals -594(4125) Tribute to -59092 M'Gowan, J. P. "Scrapie" -61931 Mach, E. Mechanics -53101 Space and geometry -51301 Mache, H., and Schweidler, E. R. von Atmosphar. Elect. -5374 Mclnnes, W., aiid otliers. Coal of world ' -5532 (oo ) M'Intosh, W. C. Brit, annelids /. -6951(42) Mackay, A. Lat. and long, of Aberd. -5266 Mackay, J. S. Plane geom. -5131 Mackenzie, K. J. J. Cattle -6362 Mackie, P. J , and Walker, A. S. Keeper's book -6391 Maclaren, J. M. Gold -55341 Maclaurin, C. Algebra -5121 Geom. organica -51326 Fluxions . -5171 Life A ^'^^ Newton's discoveries -521 Maclaurin, R. C. Light -6354 Theory of light -6351 Maclean, M. Electric practice -5378 Macmahon, P. A. Comb, analysis -5126 310 MACMUNN— MATHIAS •57 : 5446 •5107 •55(41) 5989(41) 572(52) •5883(42) •571(54) •5221(548) M A. •59706(548) •5705 A. •5705 A. /■ Macmunn, C. A. Spectrum anal. McMurry, C. A. Special method Macnair, P. Geol. of Grampians Macnair, P., and Mort, F Hist, of Geol. Soc. of Glasg. ^5506(4143) Macnamara, N. C. Origin of British people •573(42) Macpherson, H. B. Golden eagle MacRitchie, D. The Ainos Macvicar, S. M. Brit, hepatics Madras Govt, museum Foote collection observatory. Astr. observations fisheries bureau. Bulletins Magazine of nat. hist. of zool. and hot. Magnin, A. Monographies botan. •5819(285 : 44) Maier-Bode, F. Bekampfung d. Acker- Unkrauter -6325 Maire, R. Basidiomycetes '58922 Makower, W., and Geiger, H. Eadio-activity '54121 Malcolm, A. System of arith. ^51 11 Treatise of arith. -5111 Mall, F. P. Human monsters ^5739 Malpighia -5805 m. Man ^57205 m. Manchester. See Municipal. lit. and phil. soc. Memoirs '062 m.m. municipal coll. of tech- nology. Technology ^6606 m.s. Mann, C. R. Advanced optics ^53507 Mann, G. Chem. of proteids '547786 Manning, H. P. Fourth dimension ^5138 Non-eucl. geometry '5138 Manville, O. D^couvertes en physique •5301 Marey, E. J. Animal mechanism '59147 Marie, M. Sciences math. '5109 Markoff, A. A. Differenzenrechnung ^5176 Marloth, R. Flora of S. Africa -5819(68) Marquand, E. D. Flora of Guernsey ^5819(4234) Marr, J. E. Agric. geol. -63 : 55 Geol. of Lake District '55(428) Stratigraph. geDl. ^5517 Marret, L. Icones florae Alp. plan- tarum '5819(234) Marshall, A. Explosives '6622 Marshall, A. M. Frog -591:5978 Vertebrate embryol. ^5913 : 599 Marshall, C. E. Microbiology ^5768 Martin, G. Industrial chem. -6602 Martin, R. Anthropologic '572 Martonne, E. de. Geographic physique '5514 Mascart, E. Optique -53502 Maskel3me, N. S. Crystallography -54802 Mason, W. P. Exam, of water •6433 Massart, J. Elements de biol. g^n. •5701 Brit, fungus flora -5892(42) Europ. fungus flora -5892(4) Fungi -5892 Plant diseases -58121 Masson, O. Chem. elements -5401 Masters, M. T. Veget. teratology -5812198 Math. Annalen '6105 m.a. Association. Math, journals -016 : 51 gazette -5105 m.g. notes -5105 m.n. questions -5105 m.q. Mathematician -5105 m. Mathews, F. S. Amer. trees and shrubs ^634(73) Mathews, G. B. Equations -5122 Theory of numbers •51281 Mathiks, E. Point critique ^53644 811 MATSUMURA— MICHIGAN Matsumura, J. Mercjc, E. Index plant. Japoh. •5819(52) Chem. Reagenzien •543 Matthews, C. G. Meredith, L. A. Alcoholic fermentition •6631 Tasmanian friends •5(946) Matthieu, E. Merrill, G. P. Elasticite •5393 Non-metallic minerals •54904 Maurain, C. Stones •5535 Magnetisme •5382 Treatise on rocks 63 : 55 Maury, M. F. • Merriman, M. Phys. geo^. •5514 Least squares •5198 Phys. geog. of sea •55146 Messenger of math. •5105 M.M. Maw, P. T. Metchnikoff, E. Forestry •634 Nature of man •5704 Maxted, E. B. Meteorol. Committee. Ammonia •54744 Eeporcs •551506 M.c. Maxwell, J. Clerk. Office. Elect, and magn. •537021 Geophysical memoirs Matter and motion •53104 /.• 551506 M.o.M Papers •58081 Weather map •5515084 Saturn's rings •5104 soc, R. Theory of heat •5361 Meteorol. record •551506 M.R Maycock, W. P. Quart, journ. •551506 M.J.J Alternating current •53855 Meunier, S. Mayer, A. Hist. geol. de la mer •55(26) Agrikulturchemie •63 : 54 Meyer, A. Mayer, A. G. Bakterienkunde •57681 Ctenophores •5938(261) Meyer, A. W. Medusae •5937( od) Hemolymph nodes of Scyphomedusse •59148 : 59373 sheep •61931 Mayo, N. S. Meyer, E. von. Diseases of animals •619 Hist, of chem. •5409 Mayr, H. Meyer, J. Waldbau •634 Allotropie •5417 Meats, T. W. Meyer, 0. E. Agric. accounts •63 : 657 Theory of gases •5337 Medlicott, H. B., and Blanford, W. T. Meyerhoffer, W. Geol of India •55(54) Gleichgewichte d. Stereo- Meek, A. S. meren •5416 Cannibal land •5(93) Miall L. C. Meek, S. E. Aquatic insects •5957(28) Fishes of Mexico •597(72) Early naturalists •5092 Mehler, F. G House, garden, etc. •5704 Elementar. Math. •5102 Injurious insects •5916 : 5957 Melbourne University. Round the year •5704 Papers •5082 Sirenoid gmoids p.s •5674 Meldola, R. Miall, L. C, and Denny, A. Chem. synthesis •547 Cockroach •59572 Meldrum, A. N. Michael, A. D. Avogadro and Dalton •5401 Brit. Oribatidse •5954(42) Mellor, J. W. Brit. Tyroglyphidse •5954(42) Chem. statics •54112 Michael, H. A. Higher maths. •54 : 51 Plant chem. •58119 Inorgan. chem. •54602 Michaelis, L. Mendeleefr, D. Dynamics of surfaces •54112 Principles of chem. •54602 Michigan academy. Mennell, F. P. Reports •506(774) Petrology •55202 agric. coll.— Lab. of bacteriology Menschutkin, H. Lab, manual in micro - Anal. chem. •513 biology •57681 312 MICHIGAN— MONOGRAPHS Michigan University. See Campbell, E.D. Museum of zoology. Occasional papers -5906(774) m.u. Microscopical soc, R. Journal -57806 r.m. Monthly microscop. journ. •57806 R.M. Miers, H. A. Mineralogy -54902 Migula, W. Pflanzenbiologie -581 Mikami, Y. Maths, in China -5109 Mill, H. R. Realm of nature -5514 Millais, J. G. ' Brit, game-birds /. -5915 : 5985 Game-birds /. -5915 : 5985 Mammals of Gt. Brit. /. -599(42) Rhododendrons /. -58362 Miller, G. A. Math, literature '5109 Miller, G. S. Mammals of W. Europe B.M. -599(4) Miller, R. K. Romance of astr. -52304 Millikan, R. A., and Mills, J. Mechanics 53022 Mills, J. Thermodynamics -5367 Mills, W. Animal physiol. -5911 Compar. physiol. -5911 Milne, J. Anal. geom. -516 Earthquakes . -55122 Seismology -5512 Milne, W. P. Homogeneous co-ord. -51651 Milne, W. P., and Westcott, G. J. B. Calculus -5171 Minchin, E. A. Protozoa -5931 Minchin, G. M. Hydrostatics -5321 Statics -5312 Mineral og. soc. Mineralog. mag. and journ. -54906 m. Minet, A. filectro-chimie -54113 Ministry of agric. Agric. statistics -6306 b.st. Diseases of animals acts. Proc. -6306 b.d. Grants for agric. educ. -6306 e.g. Journ. -BSOe b.j. Leaflets -6306 b.l. Sale of food and drugs acts. Proc. -6306 b.s. Salmon and fresh-water fisheries acts. Proc. -6306 b.sa. Sea fisheries acts. Proc. -6306 b.se. Small holdings and allotments act. Proc. '6306 b.sm. Tithe acts. Proc. -6306 b.t. Minot, C. S. Problem of age -5763 Miquel, P. Organismes -5768 : 6147 Missouri botan. garden. Reports -5806(778) Mitchell, C. A. Edible oils -660821 mon. 3 Mitchell, J. P. Water of San Francisco -5433(794) Mitchell, P. C. Biology -5702 Childhood of animals -5915 Mitchell, V. G. Groups -51286 Mivart, St. G. Cat -591 : 59975 Common frog -591 : 5978 Mobius A. F. Werke -5108 Monkemeyer, W. Sumpf- u. Wasser- pflanzen -5815(28) Mohr, F. Chem.-anal. Titrirmeth. -5455 Mohr, O. L., and Wriedt, C. Brachyphalangy -5739 Moissan, H. Cyanogene -5471 Fluor -54616 Four electrique -5428 Molinari, E. Inorganic chem. ' -5402 Organic chem. -5402 Molisch, H. Eisenbakterien -5768 Pflanzenphysiol. -5811 Purpurbakterien -5768 Monaco. See Musee. Monckton, H. W., and Herries, R. S. Geol. in field -5507 Monet de Lamarck, J. B. P. A. Life: Packard -575092 Monge, G. Geom. descript. -515 Monographien landwirtsch. Nutztiere. -6360821 Monographs on experi- ment, biol. -570821 mon. 1-^ 313 MONOGRAPHS— MUKHOPADHYAY Monographs on industrial chem. •660821 MON. 1-^ on inorgan. and phys. chem. '540821 mon. 1-> Montessus de Ballore, F. de Tremblements de terre -55122 Montucia, J. E. Hist, des math. -5109 Moodie, R. L. Coal measures Amphi- bia -5676(115 : 7) Moon, F. F., and Brown, N. C. Forestry -634 Moor, C. G. Recog. of minerals -54904 Moore, B. T. Mensuration -5118 Moore, C. W., and Wilmer, W. H. C. Minerals of S. Africa -549(67) Moore, F. C. Silkworm moths /. -595787(54) Moore, Sir J. W. Meteorology Moore, V. A. Diseases of animals Morgan, C. L. Animal behaviour Animal life Habit and instinct Morgan, G. T. Arsenic and antimony -660821 mon. 4 Morgan, T. H. Basis of heredity Evolution and adapt. Experiment, zool. Frog's egg Heredity and sex Regeneration Sexual characters Theory of evolution Morgan, T. H., and Bridges, C. B. Inheritance in Droso- phila -5751 : 59577 Morgan, T. H., atid otliers. Menaelian heredity -5751 Moride, E •6681 and Morris, G. H •6634 •551502 •619 •5915 •59151 •59151 570821 MON. 3 •575 •591 •5913 : 5978 -5778 -591169 -5778 -575 Savonnerie Moritz, E. R. Brewing Morley, C. Brit. Hymenoptera b.m. -595792(42) Ichneumonidae b.m. -59579 Ichneumonologia Brit. -59579(42) Morley, E. W. Densities of oxygen and hydrogen /. -5412 Morphologisches Jahrb. -5905 m.j. Morris, D. Resources of W. Indies •6334(729) Morris, F. O. Brit; butterflies -59578(42) Brit, moths -59578(42) Morris, J., and Lycett, J. Mollusca from great oolite p.s. -564(116 : 427) Morse, A. P. N. Amer. Acridiidse Morse, H. N. Osmotic pressure Morton, J. C. Cyclopedia of agric. Labour Moseley, H. N. *• Challenger " notes Moser, A. Organ. Chemie Moses, A. J., and Parsons, C. L. Mineralogy -54902 Mosier, J. G. Soils and crops -631 : 633 Mosier, J. G. and Gustafison, A. F. " ■ -631 •595727(7) •5418 •6303 •6302 •5(26) •547 : 541ia Soil physics Moss, C. E. Camb. Brit, flora Moss exchange club. Brit, mosses Moulton, F. R. Astron. Orbits Mourlon, M. Bibliographia geol. Mozans, H. J. Woman in science Muller, A. Absolute Raume Mueller, F. von. Baron. Austral, salsolac. plants /. •583914(94) Australian acacia Australian plants Plants of Victoria Muller, H. Befrucht. d. Blumen Fertil. of flowers Miintz, A., and Girard, A. C. Engrais ^6316 Muir, M. M. P. I Alchemy '5409 Muir, M. M. P., and Wilson, D. M. /. ^5819(42) •5882(42) •523022 •5213 '016:55 E.G. •504 •5138 •5819(94) •5819(94) •5819(945) •58116 •58116 Thermal chem. -54111 Muir, J. Agriculture -6302 Muir, Sir T. Determinants ^51283 Muirhead, G. Birds of Berwickshire ^5982(4145) Mukhopadhyay, A. Geom. conies -51322 314 MULLENS— NEUMAYER Mullens, W. H., and Swann, H. K. Bibliography of Brit. ornithology '016 : 5982 Municipal school of Technology, Man- chester. Journal -6606 m.s. Munro, J., and Jamieson, A. Electrical rules -621308 Munro, R. Palaeolithic man •571(1231) Murchison, Sir R. L Siluria -55173 Murdoch, J. B. Geol. of Clyde area -55(414) Murray, A. Northern flora -5819(41) Murray, D. Museums -5074 Murray, D. A. Diff. equations '51738 Murray, G. Antarctic manual -5(99) Murray, Sir J., and Pullar, L. Scottish lochs -5(285) Muschler, R. Flora of Egypt -5819(62) Musee du Congo. Annales. Botanique -506(493) m. Ethnographic -506(493) m. Zoologie -506(493) m. ocean, de Monaco. Bulletin -506(26) m. Museums Assoc. Museums journ. -5906 m.a. Repts. of proc. -5906 m.a. Museums directory -5074 Muter, J. Anal. chem. -543 Mysore. Meteorol. in Mysore -551506(54) m.m. Mysore. — Meteorol. dept. Rainfall -5515706(54) m.r. Nachtrieb, H. F. Leeches of Minnesota -59515(776) Nadaillac, J. F. A. de. Premiers hornmes -571 Naegamvala, K. D. 1898 echpse -52378 Naegeli, C, and Schwendener, S. Microscope -578 Nanquette, H. Technologic forestiere -634 Napier, J. Canon of logarithms "5127 Memoirs '92 : 51 Napier, M. John Napier 92 : 51 Nasm3rth, J., and Carpenter, J. Moon -5233 Nathusius, S. von. Rassen unserer Haustiere -636084 National acad. of sciences. History -506(73) n.h. Memoirs -506(73) n.m. Proc. -506(73) n.p. Antarctic Exped. Album of photos. -5(269) Magnetic observ. -5(269) Meteorology -5(269) Natural hist. -5(269) Physical observ. -5(269) Naturae novitates -016 : 5 n.n.. Natural hist, and archeol. soc. Trans. -5706(4136) s.n. hist. soc. of Glasg. Journ. -5706(4143) n.h. Proc. -5706(4143) n.h. Proc. and trans. -5706(4143) n.h. hist. soc. of Northumberland,, Durham, etc. Trans. -5706(4282) Naturalist -5705 na. Nature -505 n. La -505 NA. Naturforschender Verein in Briinn. Verhandl. -5706(4372) n.v. Naturwissensch. Verein zu Bremen. Abhandl. -5706(4352) n.v. Jahresbericht In -5706(4352) n.v. Naumann, C. F. Mineralogie -54902 Nautical almanac -528 n.a. Neculcea, E. Spectres ultraviolets -5440 Neger, F. W. Biologic d. Pflanzen -581 Neison, E. Moon -5233 Nemec, B. Regeneration -581169 Reizleitung -5811 Nernst, W. Theoret. chem. -541 Thermodynamics -54111 Nesbit, B. T. 'Mensuration -5118 Nettleton, J. A. Manufacture of spirit -6635 Netto, E. Substitutions -51286 Neues Jahrb. f. Mineralog. •54905 J.M. Neumann, B. Electrolytic methods -5453 Neumayer, G. von. Anleitung -5082 315 NEUMAYR-NOKTH Neumayr, M. Erdgeschichte -5502 Stamme d, Thierreichs -562 Neveu-Lemaire, M. Parasitologie -59169 New phytologist '5805 n.p. New South Wales. — Botanic gardens Reports /. -5806(944) Department of Mines. Repts. -5506(944) m. Royal soc. Trans. -506(44) New York Agric. exp. station. Bulletins -6306(747) b. New Zealand. — Dept. of agric. Reports -6306(931) b. Geol survey. Bulletins -5506(931) Newbigging, T. Handbook for gas en- gineers -6214 Newbigin, M. I., and Flett, J. S. J. Geikie -55092 Newcomb, S. Position of planes -52385 Spher. astron. -5227 Stars -5202 Sun's radiation -52372 Newcomb, S., and Ross, F. E. Inequalities -5214 Newman, F. W. Math, tracts -5104 Trigonometry -514 Newman, H. H. Biology of twins -5751 Newstead, R. Coccidffi of Brit. Is. -59575(42) Newth, G. S. Chem. exper. -5407 Inorgan. chem. -54602 Pract. chem. -542 Newton, A., and Gadow, H. •598203 Diet, of birds Newton, H. In far New Guinea Newton, Sir I. Op'^ra Principia Newton, R. B. Brir. olig. and eoc. Mol- lusca B.M. -564(1181 Nichol, J. P. Architect, of heavens Neptune Stellar univ. Syst. of world Nicholls, H. A. A. Tropical agric. -572(95) •52081 •521 -52304 -52348 •52304 -52304 -63(213) 42) Nichols, E. L., and Merritt, E. Fluorescence -53537 Luminescence -53537 Nicholson, G. Diet, of gardening -5803 Nicholson, H. A. Brit, stromatoporiods p.s. -5637(42) Monticulipora 5636 Nat. hist. -5909(42) ' ' Tabulate corals " -5636(112) Nicholson, H. A., and Lydekker, R. Palaeontology -5602 Nicol, J. Catechism of geol. A Elements of mineralogy A Geol. of N. of Scot. A Guide to geol. of Scot. -55(41) Manual of mineralogy -54902 Nielsen, N. Cylinderfunkt. -51735 Nielson, Y. Univ. ethnogr. Sam linger -572 Niemann, F., and Profe, 0. Veterinar-Hygiene -619 : 6149 Nietzki, R. Organic dve-stuffs -6672 Niggli, P. ^ Mineralogie -54902 Nilsson, M. P. Time reckoning -52904 Nisbet, J. Forester •634 Forestry -634 Nitzsch, C. L. Pterylgraphy /. -5982 Nocard, E. I. E. Animal tuberculoses -61921 : 616995 Nocard, E. I. C, and Leclainche, E. Maladies microbiennes •619 : 5768 Nodon, A. Soleil -5237 Nordenskiold, A. E. Yega-expedit. -5(98) Nordisches Plankton •5(261) Nordstedt, C. F. O. Index desmidiacearum -58961 North American fauna -5919(7) flora -5819(7) British agriculturist -6305 N.B. of Scotland Coll. of agric. Bulletins -6306(4125) a.n. Former students' assoc Trans. -6306(4125) a.n.f. Minutes and proc. Ref. -6306(4125) a.n.m. 316 NORTH— PAINLEVE North Sea fisheries. Investigation comm. repts. -59706(2612) Northumberland and Durham. See Natural hist soc. Norton, T. H. Atmospheric nitrogen '54617 Norwegian N. Atlantic /. -5(261) meteorol. exped. Norwegisches inst. Jahrbuch Noyes, W. A. Organ, chem. Nuovo cimento giornale botan. ital ano Nutting, C. C. Amer. hydroids /. -5937(7) •551506(48) N.M. •54702 •5305 N.c. •5805 N.G. Gates, E. W., and Reid, S. G. Birds' eggs b.m. ^5982 Corrections b.m. "5982 Observatoire de Paris Memoires ^5221(44) p.m. Observations ^5221(44) p.o. Observatoire roy. de Belgique Annales ^6221(493) b.a. Annuaire astr. ^5221 (493) b.a.a. Observatory ^5205 o. CErsted, H. C. Elect.-magn. p. •5383 Ohlsberg, O. Funkentelegr. •53788 Oliveira, E. P. de Reg. carbon, dos Estados do Sul ^5532(814) Oliver, D. Indian botany ^5819(54) Oliver, F. W. Makers of Brit, botany ^58092 (42) Oliver, S. P. Life of P. Commerson -58092 Oltmanns, F. Morphoiogie d. Algen •5893 : 581 Onslow, M. W. Anthocyanin pigments •581195 Plant biochem. -SSllQ Ontario nickel comm., R. Rept. •55348 Oppel, A. Anat. d. Wirbelthiere -5918 : 596 Ordnance Survey Methods -5269(42) Orkney nat hist. soc. Orcadian papers -5706(4112) n.s. Orloff, J. E. Formaldehyd -54752 3] Ormerod, E. A. Eleanor Ormerod, LL.D. -63092 Injurious insects -6327 Ormerod, F. Wool Orwin, C. S. Farm accounts Osbom, H. F. Age of mammals From Greeks to Darwin Origin of life Osborne, T. B. Proteins of wheat kernel -63311 Osgood, W. F. Diff. and int. cal. Ost, H. Tech. Chemie Ostwald, W. AUgem. Chemie Anal. chem. Conversations Elektrochemie Energie Forderung d. Tages Inorgan. chem. Kolloidchemie Solutions Ostwald' s Kiassiker -6363 •63 : 657 -599 •57509 •575 •5171 •6602 •541 •54301 •5407 •54113 -53161 -501 -54602 •54114 •541 •51082 ^52082 ^53082 ^54082 ^58082 Otto, F. J. Chemie ^5402 Owen, Sir R. Brit. foss. Cetacea p.s. ^5695(1183 : 42) MammaHa of mesoz. form. p.s. -569(116) Reptil. of cret. form. p.s. ^5681(117) of Kimmer. clay p.s. ^5681(1162) ofliassicform. p.s. •5681(1162) of mesoz. form. p.s. ^5681(116) of S. Africa b.m. •5681(68) of Wealdonform. p.s. ^5381(117) Owen, Sw R., and Bell, T. Reptil. of Lond. clay p.s. ^5681 (1181) Owens, J. S., and Case, G. O. Coast erosion ^55135 Oxford Univ. Astr. catalogue -5221(42) o.u. Packard, A. S. Entomology •595702 Geometrid moths -595785(73) Lamarck -575092 Page, J. M. Difi. equations •51738 Painleve, P. Integration 7 •51738 PAISLEY— PETERS Paisley naturalists' soc. Trans. -5706(4141) p.n. Palseontograph. soc. ]SIembers, monographs, etc. p.s. -56069 Publications p.s. -56 Palaeontologia universalis -56 Palladin, V. I. Plant physiol. -5811 Pammel, L. H. Poisonous plants '58165 Weed flora of Iowa -6325(777) Weeds of the farm -6325 Pan Amer. Sclent, congr. Reports -506(7 : 8) p.a. Parasitology -5916905 p. Paris, E. G. Index bryologicus -588203 Paris. See Observatoire. Park, J. Geol. of New Zealand -55(931) Parker, G. H. Nervous system -570821 mon. 2 Parker, T. J. Biology -5702 Zoology -5902 Parker, T. J., and Haswell, W. A. Zoology -5902 Parker, W. K. Mammalian descent -599 : 575 Parkhurst, J. A. Stellar photometry' -52382 Parks, W. A. Building stones of Canada -5535(71) Parnell, R. Grasses of Britain -5849(42) Grasses of Scot. -5849(41) Parsons, C. L. Beryllium -54645 Partington, J. R. Inorganic chem. -54602 Passon, M. Agrikulturchemie Ref. -63 : 5403 Pasteur, L. Life: Vallery-Radot -54092 Vorhand. organ. Korper- chen -57604 Paulcke, W. Exper. in d. Geol. -5504 Paxton's mag. of botany -5805 p.m. Pearl, R. Variation in Ceratophyl- lum -5752 : 583987 Pearl, R., and Clawson, A. B. Variation in crayfish -5752 : 597 Pearson, K. Grammar of science -501 Life of F. Galton -57092 Pearson, W. H. Canadian Hepaticee -5883(71) Peckham, G. W., and E. G. Wasps -5915 : 59579 Pedersen, F. M. Friction of gases '5337 Peet, J. O., and Taylor, H. Book-keeping -63 : 657 Pelourde, F. Paleontologie veget. -561 Pelly, S. A. Vertebrate pal. -566 Penard, E. Faune rhizopodique /. -59311(494) Penck, A. Erdoberflache -5514 Penck, A., and Briickner, E. Die Alpen -55179(494) Penhallow, D. P. Tables for veget. his- tology -581807 Tertiary plants of B. Columbia -561(118 : 711) Pennsylvania Chestnut tree blight commission. Publications -634 : 58123 Penzig, O. Pflanzen-Teratologie -5812198 Percival, J. Agric. bacteriology -63 : 5768 Agric. botany -63 : 58 Perkin, A. G., and Everest, A. E. Colouring matters -660821 mon. 8 Perkin, F. M. Electro-chemistr}' -54113 Perkin, W. H., and Kipping, F. S. Organ, chem. "54702 Pernter, J. M., and Exner, F. M. Optik -535 : 5515 Perrin, J. Atoms -5412 Perry, J. Applied mechanics -621022 Practical math. -5104 Steam engine -6211022 Perthshire soc. of nat. science. Proc. -5706(4132) p. Trans. -5706(4132) t. Fetch, T. Hevea brasiliensis -633473 : 5812 Peter, K. Rekonstruktion '579 Peters, C. H. F. Sun spots -52374 Peters, C. H. F., and Knobel, E. B. Ptolemy's Almagest -52389 Peters, J. Tables /. -51196 318 PETEKSEN— POULTON Petersen, H. E. Polymorphien •583481 Petersen, J. Theorie des equations •51282 Petherbridge, F. R. Fungoid and insect pest. Petri, L. Studi sul marciume 3^632 •58121 : 6346 Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion •59147 Design in nature / •575 Pfeffer, W. Physiol, of plants •5811 Pfeiffer, T. Vegetationsversuch Philadelphia. See Academy. •58113 Philip, A. Gregorian calendar •52904 Philip, J. C. Physical chem. •541 Eomance of mod. chem •5404 Phillips, A. H. Mineralogy •54902 Phillips, F. C. Chem. German Phillips, J. Brit. Belemnitidae •54014 : 43 p.s. 56 Phillips, W. Brit. Discomycetes 455(1162 : 42) •589233(42) Philos. mag. •605 P.M. Phin, J. Seven follies •504 Physical soc. of Edin., R Proc. 5706(4144) p. soc. of London. Memoirs •53082 Proc. •5306 L.p. Physikal. Berichte •5305 p.B. Zeitschrift •5305 p.z. Phytologist Picard, E. Deux variables •5805 p. •5171 Devel. d'analyse •5171 Math, en France •5109 Traite d'analyse •5171 Pickering, C. Hist, of plants •5809 Piersig, R. Deuts. Hydrachniden /. -5954(43) Pike, O. G. Birdland byways •5982 Pinchot, G. Forestry •634 Pirie, G. Rigid dynamics A Value of TT A •5304 •5367 •53633 •543 •5501 •573 •589225(42) •5108 •636 Planck, M. Physik Thermodynamics Warmestrahlungen Plattner, C. F. Blowpipe anal. Playfair, J. Huttonian theory Ploss, H. Das Weib Plowright, C. B. Brit. Uredinese Plucker, J. Abhandlungen Plumb, C. S. Farm animals Pocock, R. I. Garb. Arachnida p.s. •5654(115 : 42) Pogson, F. Agric. in India -63(54) Poincare, H. Capillarite -5326 Chaleur -5361 Cinematique -5311 Elasticity -5367 Electricite et optique ^5371 Figures d'equilibre ^5322 Hypotheses cosm. -521 Maxwell's theory •53788 Oscillations •53856 Probabilit^s ^519 Science and hypothesis ^5101 Science et m^thode ^5101 Telegraphic sans fil •53788 Theorie de Maxwell •53856 Theorie de la lumiere '5351 Thermodynamique •5367 Tourbillons ^53912 Valeur de la science •^lOl Poincare L. New physics ^5309 Pollack, B. Staining nerv. syst. ^578 Polled herd book. ^636205 p.h. Poor, C. L. Solar syst. -5232 Porsch, O. Spaltoflnungsapparat •58182211 Porter, J. B., and Durley, R. J. Coals of Canada ^5532(71) Potonie, H. Steinkohle ^55323 Potonie, H., and Gothan, W. PaJaobotan. Praktikum ^561 Poulton, E. B. Colours of animals ^591157 Essays on evolution ^57504 319 POYNTING— RATTRAY Poynting, J. H. 1 Pulle, A. A. Density of earth •52512 1 y^-scular plants from Papers •53081 •Surinam •582(883) Poynting, J. H., and Thomson, Sir Pulling, A. Aberdeen- Angus cattle J.J. •6362 Physics •53021 Pumpelly, R. Prado, E. Explor. in Turkestan •55(584) Geom. anal. •5161 •571(5) Prain, Sir D. Punnet, R. C. Indian botany •5819(54) Mendelism •5751 Pratt, A. E. Purton, T. New Guinea •5(95) Brit, plants •5819(424) Preston, T. Pusa. — Agric. research ir i- Light •5351 stitute. Theory of heat •5361 Reports •6306(54) p.A. Prestwich, J. Controverted quest. •5504 Quart, joum. of math. •5105 Q. Geology •5502 joum. of mieroscoj ). Preussische Akad. science •57805 J.M. Abhandl. •063 B.A. Quatrefages, A. de. Sitzungsb. •063 B.s. Human species •572 Prideaux, E. B. R. Queensland. Indicators •541 Rainfall •55157(943) Price, T. S. Quekett microscop. club. Per-acids -540821 mon. 2 Journal •57806 Q.M. Price, W. A. Electrical resistance Priestly, J. •537733 Rabenhorst, L. Kryptogam.-Flora v. Deuts. •586^43^ Scient. correspondence •54092 Radcliffe Observ. ^ ' Princeton University. Observations •5221(42) R.o. Contrib, from biol. lab. •5706(749) Star catalogues •5221(42) R.s. Pring, J. N. Radio Review. •6405 R.R. Physical chem. •541 Radium, Le. •5405 R. Pringle, A. Rafn, J. Photo-micrography •578 : 778 Testing of forest seeds •634 : 5813 " Pringsheim, E. Rainbow, W. J. Physik der Sonne •5237 Australian butterflies •59578(94) Pringsheim, E. G. Rampon, C. Reizbeweg. d. Pflanzen Pringsheim, H. Variabilitat Pritzel, G. A. Iconum botan, index •58118 •5752 •5803 Ennemis de ragric. Ramsay, A. C. Geol. of Gt. Brit. Ramsay, Sir W. Gases of atmosphere Life : Tilden •682 55(42) •5409 •54092 Thesaurus Ht, botan. Proctor, R. A. •58091 Ramsey, A. R J., and Weston, H. C. Explosives -6622 Chance and luck Moon •519 •5233 Rankine, W. J. M. Papers •53081 Myths of astr. •52304 Ranvier, L. Orbs around •52304 Histologic •5918 Other suns •52304 Raoult, F. M. Our place •52:304 Cryoscopie •58643 Poetry of astr. •52304 Rasmussen, K. Saturn •52346 People of Polar north •572(98) Sun •5237 Rastall, R. H. Progressus rei botan. •5805 P.R. Agric. geol. •63:55 Piitter, A. Rattray, J., and Mill, H R. Vergleich, Physiol. •5911 Forestry •634 320 EATZEL— RICHAEDSON Ratzel, F. Die Erde •5501 Hist, of mankind •572 Rayleigh, Lord. Papers •53081 Sound •5341 Reade, T. M. Earth structure •5511 Mount, ranges •55148 Reading, University College. Agric. educ. Kept. •6307 Reclus, E. Phys. geog. •5514 Primitive folk •572 Reed, C. A. N. Amer. birds eggs •5982(7) Reed, F. R. C. Bellerophontacea p.g ,. -5643(113 : 42) Geol. of Brit, empire •55(00 ) L. pal. trilobites p.s. -565393(112 : 4142) Reed, H. A. Topogr. drawing •52698 Reed, H. S. Bacteriology •63 : 5768 Reeves, E. A. Hints to travellers •5082 Regenwaarn. in Neder- landsch-Indie. 5515705 R. Rehder,A. Bradley bibliography •016 : 634 b.b. Rehfous, L. Stomates •58182211 Reichert, E. T. Starches •5811931 Reichert, E. T., and Brown, A. P. Differentiation of pro- teins /.575 Reid, C. Brit, flora •5819(42) Reid, G. A. Evolution of man •575 Heredity •5751 Reid, J. Scots gard'ner •635 Reid, L. W. Theory of numbers •51281 Reinach, S. Art quaternaire •5717 Reinhardt, L. Nutzpflanzen •5816 Reinke, J. Algenflora In /. •5893(2612) Atlas deuts. Meeresalgen /. -5893(2612) Reissert, A. Indigo- Sy nthesen •6672 Remsen, I. Inorgan. chem. -54602 Renault, B. Microorg. des fossiles -56 : 578 Rendle, A. B. Flowering plants -582 Rendle, A. B., and Britten, J. Seed-plants b.m. -687(42) Rendle, A. B., and others. Plants in S. Nigeria b.m. -5819(669) Rennie, J. Aims of nature study -5704 Renwick, W. G. Marble -55351 Repert. annuum liter. botan. -5805 R.L. Repert. f. phys. Technik -5305 r.p. Review of Amer. chem. research -5405 r.a. Revue d'anthropologie -57205 a. de math. spec. -5105 b. gen. de botan. -5805 R. scientifique ^505 r. Reye, T. Geom. of position -5135 Rejrnolds, J. Geoj. atlas of Gt. Brit. •55084(42) Re3rnolds, O. Papers ^53081 Reynolds, S. H. Vertebrate skeleton -59149 : 596 Ribbert, H. Bedeutung d. Krank- heiten ^6734 Ribot, T. A. Heredity -6751 Rice, W. N., atid others. Amer. geol. '55(7) Richard, J. Campagnes du Prince de Monaco -5(26) Richards, H. M. Acidity in cacti -58113 Richards, T. W. Atomic weights -5412 Compress, of elements -5412 Electrochem. invest. -54113 Richards, T. W., and Behr, G. E. Electromotive force -537732 Richards, T. W., and Forbes, G. S. Energy changes -54104 Richards, T. W., and Wells, R. C. Atom, weights of sodium and chlorine -5412 Richards, T. W., and Willard, H. H. Atomic weights -5412 Richardson, G., and Ramsay, A. Modern geom. '5135 Richardson, O. Electron theory -5301 321 21 RICHARDSON— ROSCOE Richardson, R. P., aud Landis, E. H, Conceptions of math. -5101 Numbers, variables -5101 Richarz, F. Maxwellsche Theorie •5371 Richmond, H. D. Dairy chemistry '637 Richter, M. M. Lexikon d. KohlenstofE- Verbind. Bef. -54703 Richter, O. Emahrung d. Algen /. -58113 Richter, V. von. Inorgan, chem. -54602 Organ, chem. -54702 Rideal, E. K., aud Taylor, H. S. Catalysis -54112 Rideal, S. Glue -66831 Ridgeway, W. Throughbred horse -6361 Riemann, B. CEuvres -5108 Ries, H. Clays -55361 Ries, H., and Watson, T. L. Engin. geol. -55 : 62211 Righi, A. i'enomeni elettro-atom. -5383 Materia radiante -54121 Physical phenomena '54121 Righi, A., and Dessau, B. Telegr. ohne Draht -53788 Rigollot, H. Actinometres -535213 Rio de Janeiro. — Jardin botanico. Archivos -5806(8133) Observ. Annuario -5221(81) b.an. Boletim -5221(81) e.b. Ripley, W. Z. Races of Europe -572(4) Risteen, A. D. Theory of matter -5391 Ritchie, J. Animal life in Scot. -5919(41) Ritsema, I. C, and Sack, J. Ind. phytochemicus -54 : 58 Kivas, D. Human parasitology -59169 Rivers, W. H. R., and others. Science of anthropology -57204 Robb, A. A. Absolute relations -5301 Optical geometry -5301 Time and space -5301 Robbins, W. W. Botany of crop plants -63 : 58 Roberts, C. Anthropometry -5736 Roberts, I. P. Farmers' business hand- book -63 : 657 Farmstead -63 Fertility of land -631 Roberts, M. Warfare in body '57 : 61 Roberts, R. D. Mod. geol. -5502 Robertson, D. Life: Stebbing '59092 Robertson, T. B. Phys. chem. of proteins -54778 Robin, A. La Terre -5501 Robinson, H. M., and Cribb, C. Food and drugs -5431 : 6132 Robinson, L. Wild traits in tame ani- mals -575 Rodet, A. Microbes -5768 Rod way, J. In Guiana forest -5819(88) Romer, F., and Schaudinn, F. Fauna arctica /. -5919(98) Rogers, A. W. Geol. of Cape Colony -55(687) Rogers, C. C. Conifers -634 : 5852 Rohn, K., and Papperitz, E. Darstell. Geom. '515 Rolland, E. Flore populaire '5801 : 398 Rolleston, G. Forms of animal life '591402 Scientific papers -504 Romanes, G. J. Animal intelligence -59151 Darwin and after D. '575 Organic evolution '575 Weismannism -5751 Ronaldson, J. H. Coal -5532 Roscoe, Sir H. E. J. Dalton -54092 Life -54092 Life: Thorpe -54092 Spectrum anal. '5446 Roscoe, Sir H. E., and Harden, A. Dalton's atomic theory -5412 Roscoe, Sir H. E., and Schorlemmer, C. Chemistry - -5402 322 KOSENBUSCH— SACKUK Rosenbusch, H. Royal Society of Edinburgh. Gesteine 5528 Proc. •506 E.p. Gesteinlehre 55202 Trans. •506 E.T. Physiog. d. Mineral. •55202 of N.S.W. Rosenhain, W. Trans. •506(944) Glass manufacture •6661 Rudler, F. W. Rostrup, E. Minerals of Brit. Is. •54902(42) Danish fungi •5892(489) Rudorf, G. Roth, G. Das period. System •5401 Europais. Laubmoose •5882(4) Ruhmer, E. Torfmoose •5882(4) Wireless telephony •53782 Roth, W. A. Rumford, Cotmt. Physical chem. •541 Works •53081 Rothamsted experimental station. Russell, A. Memoirs •6306 R.M. Alternating currents •53855 Reports •6306 R.R. Russell, B. A. W. Six lectures on investiga Foundations of geom. •51301 tions •63 : 54 WAR. Math, philosophy •5101 experiments. Principles of matii. •5101 By Lawes and Gilbert •63 : 54082 Russell, E. J. By Hall •63 : 54082 Lessons on soil •631 Roule, L. Manuring •6316 Embryol. comparee •591302 Russell, H. L. Routh, E. J. Dairy bacteriology •637 : 5768 Anal, statics •5312 Russell, H. N. Dynamics •5313 Stellar parallax •52381 Rigid d5^namics •53136 Russell, I. C. Rouy, G., and Foucaud, J. Lakes of N. Amer. •551481(7) Flore de France •5819(44) River development •551482 Rowland, H. A. Russell, J. B., and Bell, A. H. Papers •53081 Volumetric anal. •5455 Royal Society. Russell, J. W. Annals ^y Huggins •506 L.T.h. Pure geom. •5135 by Bonney •506 LO.p. Russell, R. v., and Lai, R. B. H. by Geikie •506 LO.R. Tribes of Central Provir Catalogue of papers '016 : 5 R.s. ces •572(54) Evolution comm. Repts . ^575082 Russia. Internat. Catalogue '016 : 5-^ Reforme agraire ; ^ -63(47) Anthropology -016 : 571 Rutherford, E. Astronomy '016 : 52 Radioactive substances •54121 Bacteriology •016 : 5768 Radioactive transform. •54121 Biology '016:57 Radio-activity . -54121 Botany •016 : 58 Rutley, F. Chemistry •016:54 Granites •5524 Geography •016; 5514 Ryn, J. J. L. Geology •016:55 Dutch butter •6372(492) Mathematics •016 : 51 Rytif W. van. Mechanics •016 : 531 Stereochemie •5416 Meteorology •016 : 5515 Mineralogy •016:549 Sabatier, P. Palseontolog} r 016:56 Catalyse •54112 : 547 Physics •016 : 53 Saccardo, P. A. Zoology •016 : 59 Flora italiana •5819(45)09 Phil, trans. •506 L.T. Sachs, J. von. Proc. •506 L.P. Hist, of botany •5809 Record •506 L.T.r. Physiol, of plants •5811 Year-book •506 L.Y. Text-bk. of botany •5802 of Canada Sackur, O. Proc. '06(71) Chem. Affinitat •5413 323 SADEBECK— SCHUBEET Sadebeck, R. Kulturgewachse d. deuts Kolonien 6319 Sadler, W. Bacteria 637 : 5768 Sadtler, S. P. Industrial organ, chem. •6617 Sachsische Gesellsch. Abhandl. •063 L.A.M. St John, C. Nat. hist in Moray •5919(4123) Note- books 5919(4123) Saleeby, C. W. Organic evolution 575 Salisbury, R. D. Physiography 5514 Salmon, G. Anal, conies •5161 Anal. geom. three dim. •5163 Higher algebra 5128 Higher curves •51626 Salomonsen, C. J. Bacteriolog. technology •57681 Salter, J. W. Brit, trilobites p.s. -565393(112 : 42 Sampson, R. A. Gravitation •5301 Samuel, A. M. Herring •639222 Sanford, F. Electrification •58704 Sanson, A. Zootechnie •63602 Sargent, C. S. Trees of N. Amer. •582(7) Sargent, F. L. Plants •5802 Sars, G. O. • Crustacea of Norway •5953(481) Fauna Norwegise •59532(48) Saskatchewan. Agric. credit commission. Rept. •63(7124) Saunders, E. Hemiptera heteropt. of Brit. Is. •595754(42) Hymenoptera acul. of Brit. Is. •59579(42) Saunders, H. . Brit, birds •5982(42) Sauvageau, C. Algues marines •5893(26) Saxby, H. L. Birds of Shetland •5982(4111) Saxelby, F. M. Practical math. 5102 Scales, F. S. Microscopy 578 Scharff, R. F. Eurejpean fauna ^5919(4) Schauinsland, H. Entwicklungsgesch. d. Wirbeltiere /. ^5913 : 596 Scheffers, G. Difi. u. int. Rechnung ^5171 Schenck, R. Kristall. Fliissigkeiten -548 Schenk, A. Handbuch d. Botanik '5802 Scherer, R. Casein '547786 Schimper, A. F. W. Plant geography ^5819 Schlich, W. Forestry -634 Schlick, M. Space and time '5301 Schmeil, O. Deuts. Copepoden -59534(43) Schmid, B. Naturgesch. Technik. -507 Schmidt, A. Atlas d. Diatomaceen- Kunde /. ^589311 Schmidt, O. Mammalia "599 Schmiedeknecht, O. Wirbeltiere Europa's ^596(4) Schnabel, C. Metallurgy -66902 Schneider, A. Nematoden -^513 Schneider, C. K. Dendrolog. Winterstudien ^5815 Handworterb. d. Botanik -5803 Laubholzkunde -582 : 634 Schneider, K. C. Histologic d. Tiere -5918 Schneidewind, W. Stickstoffquellen ^6316 Schoenfiies, A. Punktmannigfalt. '5175 Schorlemmer, C. Organ, chem. ^54709 Schott, G. A. Elect, magn. ^5383 Schribaux, E., and Nanot, J. Botanique agric. •es : 58 Schroeder van der Kolk, J. L. C. Bestimmung d. Mineral. ^54904 Schqrver, S. B. Biol. chem. -547 : 57 Chem. of albumens -547786 Schubert, H. Arithmetik -5111 Math, essays -5104 324 SCHUCHT— SHALER Schucht, L. Scottish journ. of agric . -6305 S.J. Fabrikation d. Super- marine biol. assoc phosphats -6316724 Rept. •57(26)06 s.M. Schultz, G., and Julius, P. meteorol. soc- Organic colouring matters -6672 Journ. 551506(41) M.S. Schuize, F. E. naturalist -5705(41 A.s. Indian Triaxonia /. -5934(267) •5905(41 s.N. Schuize, M. Scrope, G. P. Orchidaceen Deuts. -58415(43) Volcanoes of France -55121(445) Schuster, A. Searle, A. B. Optics -5351 Colloids in health -54114 : 61 Progress of physics -5309 Sedgwick, A. Schuster, A., and Lees, C. H. Zoology -5902 . Exercises -5307 See, T. J. J. Practical physics -5307 Stellar systems -5238 Schuster, A., and Shipley, A. E. Seeley, H. G. Britain's heritage -509(42) Dragons of air -5681 Schwalbe, G. Seeligmann, T., and others. Vorgeschichte d. Menschen -5732 Indiarubber -633473 Schwarz, H. A. Seitz, A. Abhandlungen '5108 Macrolepidoptera /. -595783(00 ) Schwarz, H. E. L. Selenka, E. Causal geol. -5502 Entwickelungsgesch. d. Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. von. Tiere /. -5913 Atlas -52084 Seligmann, C. G. Science -505 sc. Melanesians •572(96) abstracts -5305 s.a. Sella, Q. fran Hist. nat. des araign^es -5954 Simpson, R. A. Jupiter -52345 Sinclair, J. Shorthorn cattle -6362 Singer, C. Hist, of science -509 Skeat, W. W., and Blagden, C. O. Races of Malay Penin- sula 572(596) Skene, M. Wild flowers -5819(42) Skertchly, S. B. J. Hong Kong -5(512) Sladen, F. W. L. Humble bee -59679 Slater, I. L. Brit. Conulariae p.s. -5644(42) Slosson, E. E. Creative chem. -6604 Einstein -5301 Smid, B. Technik -507 Smiles, S. Chem. constitution -548 Smith, A. Inorgan. chem. -54602 Smith, A., and Hall, E. H. Teaching of chem. -5407 : 5307 Smith, A. L. Brit, lichens b.m. -5891(42) Smith, C. Algebra -5121 Anal, conies -5161 Solid geom. -5163 Smith, D. E. Elem. math. -5107 Japanese maths. -5109 Rara arithm. -016 : 51 Smith, D. E., and Karpinski, L. C. Hindu- Arabic numerals -41 721 Smith, E. A. Zinc industry -660821 mon. 5 Smith, E. F. Electro-analysis -54113 326 SMITH— SOMMERFELDT Smith, E. F., and Van Haagen, W. K. Atom, weights of boron and fluorine -5412 Smith, E. F. Bacteria -5768 : 5812 Bacterial diseases of plants -58123 Smith, F. Veterinary hygiene -619 : 6149 physiol. -619 : 612 Smith, G. Tasmania -5(946) Smith, G. E. Ancient Egyptians -572(32) Smith, H. H. Estate management -63 Smith, H. J. S. Math, papers -5108 Smith, J. Bible plants -5809 : 22 Popular names of plants -581603 Smith, J. Semi - prec. stones of Carrick -5538(4142) Smith, J. B. Arithmetic -5111 Smith, J. C. Paint -6676 Smith, Sir J. E. Eng. botany [lichens] -5891(42) Smith, J. H. Inorgan. chem. -54604 Smith, J. P. Fossil Cephalopoda -5645 Smith, R. M. Physiol, of domestic animals -5911:636 Smith, W. Brit. Diatomaceae b.m. -589311(42) Smith, W. Maps and memoirs -55081 smi. s. Smith, W. B. Mod. geometry -5135 Smith, W. G. Brit, fungi b.m. -5892(42) Diseases of crops -632 Drawings of mushrooms b.m. -589214 Smith, W. W. Fourth dimension -5138 Smithsonian Institution. Astroph. obser. annals -5221(753) s.a. Bulletins of Nat. Mus. -506(73) s.b. Contributions -506(73) s.c. Misc. coll. -506(73) s.m. Reports -506(73) s.r. Institution. — Bureau of ethnology. Bulletin -57206(7) b. Report -572', 6(7) r. Smithsonian Institution, — U.S. Nat. Museum. ^•■■■ Bulletins i -506(73) s.b. Proc. 1-4 In. -506(73) s.m. Proc. 5-> -5906(73) p. Institution. — Nat 1 herbarium. Contrib. -5806(73) Snowball, J. C. Trigonometry i -514 Snyder, C. New conceptions in science -504 Snyder, H. Chem. of plant] ^nd animal life ^ ■ — - -63 : 54 Dairy chemistry 1 -637 Soils and fertilizers i -631 Societa botan. italiana. Bulletino -5806(45) S.B. Societas sclent. Upsal., R Nova acta -506(485) U.S.A. Societe chim. de France -5406(44) S.c. chim. de Paris -5406(44) S.c. de biologic. Cinquantenaire -57082 franc?, des chrysanthemestes. Repertoire de couleurs 58 : 752 fran?. de physique. Memoires -53082 Society of antiquaries of Scot. Proc. 57106(41) A. p. of chem. industry. • Journal 1 •6606 j.s. of publ. analysts. The Analyst •5406 A. Socolow, S. Correlations •5215 Soddy, F. Matter and energy •5391 Radio-activity -54121 Radio-elements -540821 mon. l-l^ Radium -54121 Science and life •504 Sohn, C. E. Act. prin. of plants -58119 Soil science. -6305 s.s. Solereder, H. Anat. of dicotyledons -5818 : 583 Sollas, W. J. Age of earth •5504 Ancient hunters •571 Solms-Laubach, H. Fossil botany •561 Sommer, J. Th^orie des nombres •51281 Sommerfeldt, E. Mineralogie •^902 327 SOMMERVILLE— STILLMAN Sommerville, D. M. Y. Bibl. of non-eucl. geom. -5138 : 016 Non-eucl. geometrj' '5138 Sorauer, P. Pflanzenkrankheiten •58121 South Africa geod. survey. Report -5269(68) Australia — Dept. of agric. Journal -6306(942) J. Southall, J. P. C. Mirrors -53581 " Southern Cross." Collections b.m. 5919(99) Sowerby, G. B. Brit, conchology -594(42) Spalding, V. M. Desert plants -5819(252) Spearing, H. G. Childhood of art -5717 Speedy, T. Nat. hist, of sport -59 : 799 Spence, M., and Grant, J. Flora Orcadensis -5819(4112) Spencer, B. Tribes of N. territory of Australia -572(94) Spencer, B., and Gillen, F. J. N. tribes of Central Austraha -572(94) Spencer, H. Principles of biol. -1928 Spencer, J. F. Metals of rare earths -540821 mon. 8 Spencer, L. J. World's minerals -549(x ) Spiers, F. S. Microscope -578 Spitta, E. J. Microscopy -578 Spoehr, H. A. Carbohydrate econ. of cacti -58113 Spon, E., and others. Workshop receipts -6603 Spruce, R. Notes of botanist -5819(8) Spry, W. J. J. " Challenger " cruise -5(26) Spurr, J. E. Political geol. -553(00 ) Stafford, J. Canadian oyster -6394(71) Stager, H. W. Factor table -51196 Stahl, E. Biol. d. Chlorophylls -58113 Pflanzqp u. Schnecken -581513 : 594 Staint^n, H. T. Tineina •595782 of S. Europe •595782(4) of Syria -595782(56) Stanford's Geol. atlas •55084(42) wop. Stanley, R Wireless telegr. -53788 Stark, J. Atomdynamik -5391 Starke, H. Exper. elect. •5378 Starks, E. C. Fishes of Stanford exped. -597(81) Osteology of scombroid fishes •5975 : 591471 Sesamoid articular -591471 . 597 Stas, J. S. Proportions chim. /. -5412 Staveley, E. F. Brit, insects -5957(42) Stebbing, E. P. Brit, forestry •634(42) Forest zoology for India -634(54) : 5916 Indian forest insects •634(54) : 59576 Stebbing, T. R. R. Crustacea •5953 Naturalist of Cumbrae -59092 Stebler, F. G., and Schroter, C. Best forage plants /. -6333 Steel research committee. Report -6691 Steiner, S. Werke -5108 Steinheil, A., and Voit, E, Applied optics •5358 Steinmann, G. Abstammungslehre •576 : 56 Stephens, H. Book of the farm •6302 Stevens, F. L. Fungi •58121 Stevens, N. M. Germ cells of aphids •59133 : 595772 Stevens, W. C. Plant anatomy •5818 Stevenson, J. Brit, fungi •589214(42) Mycologia Scot. •5892(41) Stev^rart, A. W. Advances in chem. •5404 Organ, chem. •54704 Stereochemistry -5416 Stev^rart, B. Physics •53023 Stewart, B., and Gee, W. H. H. Pract. phys. •5307 Stillman, T. B. Engin. chem. •545 328 STIKLING— TAYLOK Stirling, W. Histology -5918 Stirling field club Trans. -5706(4136) s.N. Stockbridge, H. E. Rocks and soils '63 : 55 Stoddart, C. W. Chem. of agric. '63 : 54 Stokes, Sir G. G. Light -53504 Papers -53081 Stokes, R. S. G. Mines of Brit. Emp. -549(qo ) Stone, W. H. Sound -53402 Stoneman, B. Plants in S. Africa -5819(68) Stopes, M. C. Mesozoic plants b.m. -561(116) Storer, J. Wild white cattle -6362 Stormonth, J. Sclent, terms -503 Stout, A. B. Varieties in Coleus -5752 : 583891 Stow, G. W. Native races of S. Africa -572(68) Strachey, R. Geography -5514 Strangeways, T. Veterinary anat. -619 Strasburger, E. Bestimmung d. Gesch- lechts -58116 Pract. botany -5807 Riviera -5(4512) Text-bk. of botany -5802 Streeter, E. W. Precious stones -5538 Strong, T. B. Method of science -5082 Stroobant, P. Observatoires -5221 Strutt, R. J. Becquerel rays -54121 Sturtevant, A, H. Effects of selection -5754 Sudre, H. Rubi Europge /. -583375(4) Suess, E. Face of earth -5514 Sutton, F. Volumetric anal. -5455 Sutton, J. B. Evolution -5757 Man in E. Ethiopia -572(6) Sutton, M. J. Pastures -63331 Svedberg, T. Kolloid. Losungen -54114 Svenska vetenskaps-akad., K. Aarsbok -506(485) s.v.a. Arkiv for botanik -5806(485) Arkiv for kemi, etc. -5406(485) Arkiv for matematik -5106 s. Arkiv for zoologi -5906(485) Switzerland. Kryptogamenflora -586(494) Sydow, P., and H. Monogr. Uredinearum -589225 Sykes, W. J. Brewing -6634 Sylvester, J. J. Math, papers -5108 Syme, J. T. B. English botany -5819(42) Symons, G. J. Erupt, of Krakatoa -55121(92) Symons' Brit, rainfall -5515705 b.r. Tables annueiles de con- stantes -5405 t.a. Taft, P. G. Thermodynamics -536709 Tait, P. G. Dynamics -531022 Papers -53081 Properties of matter -5301 Recent advances *5309 Tait, P. G., and Steele, W. J. Dynamics -5313 Talbot, D. A. Woman's mysteries -572(669) Talbot, E. S. Degeneracy -5757 Tannery, J. Arithm6tique -5111 Une Variable -5171 Tannery, P. Memoires -5081 Tarleton, F. A. Attraction -53151 Tarr, R. S. Econ. geol. of U.S. -553(73) Physiography -5514 Taschenberg, O. Bibliotheca zool. '016 ; 59 Taylor, C. Geom. conies -51322 Taylor, H., and Pett, J. O. Book-keeping -63 : 657 Taylor, I. The Aryans '572(4) Taylor, J. -E. Aquarium -59074 Taylor, J. W. Mollusca of Brit. Is. -594(42) 329 TAYLOR— THUKSTON •63 : 72 •54114 •5521(42) •6606 M.S. •53855 •591157 Taylor, S. Modem homesteads Taylor, W. W. Colloids TeaJl, J. J. H. Brit, petrography Technology Tesla, N. Alternate currents Thayer, G. H. Concealing-coloration Theal, G. M. Ethnography of S. Africa -572(68) Theobald, F. V. Agric. zoology -63 : 59 Brit, flies ^59577(42) Culicidae b.m. ^59577 Economic zool. b.m. -5916 Thomas, H. H., and MacAlister, D. A. Ore deposits •5531 Thomas, N. W. Natives of Australia -572(94) Thomas, O. Agric. prospects of S. Africa •63(68) Thomas, O. Marsupialia b.m. -5992 Thome, O. W. Flora V. Deutschland -5819(43) Thompson, D. W. Bibliogr. of Protozoa -016 : 59 Growth and form -5914 Thompson, H. Veterinary science '619 Thompson, H. D. Solid geom. ^5163 Thompson, H. S. Alpine plants ^5819(234) Sub-alpine plants -5819(23435) Thompson, S. P. Elect, and magn. -537023 Electro-magnet -53833 Light -53507 Polyphase currents -538552 Thompson, T. P. Geom. without axioms -51313 Thomsen, J. Thermochemistry -54111 Thomson, A. L. Britain's birds ^5982(42) Thomson, A. W. Book-keeping '6B- : 657 Thomson, Sir C. W. " Challenger " voyage •5(261) Thomson, D. Acoustics R.R. Thomsoa, G. S. Milk testing ^6371 Thomson, J. Papers Thomson, J. A. Animal lite Animate nature Bible of nature Biol, of seasons Darwinism Heredity Introd. to science Nat. hist, of year Progress of science Science of life •53081 •575 •20826 GIF. s. 9 •5701 -57 : 55150 -575 -5751 -504 •5704 •509 •5709 Secrets of animal life ^5704 Sociol. appeal to biol. -57 : 3 Wonder of life -5701 Zoology ^5902 Thomson, J. A., and Simpson, J. J. " Investigator" Alcyo- narians /. ^59362 Thomson, J. A., aiid otJiers. Alcyonaria /. -59082 Alcyonarians /. -59082 Zool. studies /. -59082 Thomson, Sir J. J. Conduction of electr. -5375 Corpuscular theory -5391 Discharge of elect. '53753 Electricity and magne- tism '53704 ^5371 Electricity and matter -5371 Ether and matter -5301 Positive electricity '5428 Thomson, J. P. Brit. New Guinea -5(95) Thomson, -Sir W. See Kelvin. Thornier, F. Bliitenpflanzen Afrikas •5819(6) Thorburn, A. Naturalist's sketch book ^5982084 Thorell, T. Spiders of Burma b.m. ^5954(592) Thorkelsson, T. Hot springs of Iceland -55123(4911) Thorp, F. H. Industrial chem. -6602 Thorpe, Sir T. E. Coal -5532 Diet, of applied chem. Ref. -6603 Hist. chem. -5409 Humphry Davy -54092 Sir H. E. Roscoe -59092 Thurston, E. Castes and tribes of S. India -572(54) 330 TILDEN— TUTT Tilden, Sir W. A. Famous chemists -54092 Scient. chem. -5409 Sir W. Kamsay -54092 Tisdale, C. W. W. Milk testing -6371 Tisdale, C. W. W., and Robinson, T. R. Butter-making -6372 Tocher, J. F. Pigmentation survey -5735(41) Tod, W. M. Farming -6302 Todhunter, I. Algebra -5121 Anal, statics -5312 Calc. of variat. -5174 Co-ord. geom. -5161 Diff. calc. -5172 Hist, of attraction -5211 Hist, of calc. of variat. -517409 Hist, of elasticity -5393 Hist, of probability -51909 Int. calc. -5173 Laplace's functions -51735 Plane trigonometry -5145 Spher. trigonometry -5146 Theory of equations -51282 Tohoku math, journ. -5105 t.m. Univ. Science repts. Geol. -5506(52) t.u. Math., etc. -506(52) t.m. Tokio Univ. Journal -506(52) to.j. Tolman, C. F., and Rogers, A. F. Sulfid ores -54904 Tolman, R. C. Kelativity -5301 Toschi di Fagnano, G. C. Opere -5108 Toumey, J. W. Seeding and planting -634 Tower, W. L. Evolution in chrysome- lid beetles -575 : 595763 Evolution in Leptino- tarsa -575 : 595763 Tower, W. S. Oil -55328 Townsend, J. S. Elect, in gases -63753 lonisation of gases '53733 Trabert, W. Kosm. Physik -52 : 53 Trail, J. W. H. Flora of Buchan -5819(4125) Syllabus -5807 Traill, C. P. Pearls and pebbles '5(71) Transvaal. — Dept. of agric. Bacteriol. laboratories -619(682) Traquhair, R. H. Ganoid fishes p.s. -6674(115 : 42) Traube, J. Phys.-chem. methods -641 Travers, M. W. Gases -5427 Treadwell, F. P. Anal. chem. -643 Trelease, W. Decor, gardening. Woody plants -582 : 634 Genus Phoradendron -583941 Winter botany '582 : 634 Tresse, A. Invariants -51738 Treutlein, P. Geom. Anschauungs. -5107 Trimen, H. Flora of Ceylon -5819(548) Trouessart, E. L. Microbes -57683 Troup, R. S. Indian forest -634(64) Trowbridge, J. Electricity '53704 Tryon, G. W. Conchology -594 Tschirch, A. Pflanzenanatomie -5818 Tschudi, F. von. Tierleben d. Alpenwelt •5919(2343> Tubeuf, K. von. Diseases of plants -58121 Tullberg, T. Linneportratt '5092 Tunmann, O. Pflanzenmikrochem. '58119 Turin. See Accademia. Univ. — E. observatory. Osservaz. meteorol. -651506(45) t. Turner, E. L., and Bahr, P. H. Marsh-birds -5982(42) Turner, H. H. Discovery -5204 Modern astron. -5209 Tables -51296 Turner, W. Turner on birds -598204 Turner, W. E. S. Molecular assoc. -640821 mon. 6 Turpain, A. Tel^graphie '53781 Telephonie '63782 Tutt, J. W. Brit. Lepidoptera •69678(42) Brit. Noctuee -69678(42) 331 TUTTON— VOLTERRA Tutton, A. E. H. Crystalline structure '548 Crystallography -54802 Tweedie, C. Colin Maclaurin A Tylor, E. B. Anthropol, essays pre- sented to him '57208 Anthropology -572 Tyndall, J. Forms of water '55192 Glaciers of Alps -55131(494) Tyndall, J., and Francis, W. Memoirs -53082 Tjrneside naturalists' field club. Trans. -5706(4282) Uhler, H. S., and Wood, R. W. Absorp. spectra -5446 Union of S. Africa. — Dept. of agric. Reports /. 6306(68) r. Mines dept. Reports -5506(682) United States Comm. of fish and fish- eries. Reports -59706(73) Dept. of agric. Bureau of animal in- dustry. Repts. -6306(73) a. Experiment station re- cord -6306(73) BX.E. Hog cholera -6194 Year-book -6306(73) y. Dept of commerce- Bureau of corporations. Lumber industry -634(73) Geol. Survey. Bulletins -5506(73) B. Geol. atlas •55084(73) Mineral resources •5506(73) M. ISIonographs -5506(73) MO. Profess, papers -5506(73) P. Publ. -5506(73) pu. Repts. -5506(73) R. Water supply papers -5506(73) w. Upsala. See Societas. Universitets arsskrift. '378{485)06 u. University Linn^fest -5092 Urquhart, Sir T. Trissotetras A^ Usher wood, T. S., and Trimble, C. J. A. Practical math. -5102 Usill, G. W. Surveying •5269 -53788 -5982(421) •5203 •54092 •6316 and Publow, •6373 •57504 •5705 V. -6333141(7) •5138 -55(729) •5814 Valbreuze, R. de. Telegr. sans fil Valentine, J. T. T. London birds Valentiner, W. Astronomie Vallery-Radot, R. Pasteur Van Slyke, L. L. Fertilizers Van Slyke, L. L., C. A. Cheese-making Varigny, H. de. Experiment, evolution Vasculum Vasey, G. N. Amer. grasses Vasiliev, A. V. Lobachevsky Vaughan, T. V^. Geol. of W. Indies Velenovsky, J. Morphol. d. Pflanzen Verband d. Laboratoriums- Vorstande -5406(43) v.l. Verdet, E. CEuvres -53081 Vernon, H. M. Variation -5752 Verrall, G. H. Platypezidse of Gt. Brit. -59577(42) Stratiomyidse of Gt. Brit. -59577(42) Verwom, M. Biogenhypothese -5763 Victoria.— Geol. survey Memoirs f. -5506(945) m. Vienna.— See Akademie, and Zoolo- gisch-botan. Villard, P. Ravons cathodiques Ville; G. Artificial manures Vegetation Vines, S. H. Students' botany Vines, S. H., and Druce, G. C. Morisonian Herbarium -58074(42) Vochting, H. Anat. d. Pflanzen Vogt, C, and Yung, E. Anat. compare e Voigt, W. Magn. u. Eleckt. Optik Volterra, V. Equat. integrales Permutable functions 332 -54121 •63167 -63161 •5802 -5814 -591402 •5386 -51738 •5175 VOORHEES— WATT Voorhees, E. B. Fertilizers -6316 Forage crops -6333 Vorlander, D. Kristall.-fliissige Substan- zen '548 Vredenburg, E. W. Geol. of India -55(54) Vries, H. de. Gruppenweise Artbildung -575 Mutation theory -5752 Opera -57081 Plant-breeding -58115 Species -5752 Waals, J. D. van der. Thermodynamik -5367 -54111 Wadia, D. N. Geol. of India -55(54) Wahnschaffe, F. Examination of soils -631 Wakden, S. L. Aeroplanes -53365 Walden, P. Losungstheorien -5418 Waldo, F. Mod. meteorol. -551509 Walker, C. E. Cytology -5763 Walker, F. Heteropt. Hemiptera b.m. -595754 Walker, G. T. Elect.-magn. -5383 Walker, J. Physical chem. -541 Walker, J. Theory of light -5351 Wallace, A. R. Darwinism -5754 Distrib. of animals -5919 Island life -5919(22) Man's place -52304 Nat. selection -5754 Tropical nature -504 Wallace, F. L. Catalogue of shorthorn cattle -6862 Wallace, R. Farm hve stock -636(42) Farming industries of Cape Colony -63(687) Wallenberg, G., and Guldberg, A. Differenzengleich. -51738 Walley, T. Bovine scourges -6192 Walther, J. Geol. von Deutschland -55(43) Gesch. d. Erde. -5501 Wiistenbildung -55145 Wang, C. Y. Mineral w^ealth of China -549(51) Wankljrn, J. A., and Chapman, E. T. Water anal. -5433 Wanklyn, J. A., and Cooper, W. J. Air anal. -5437 Warburg, E. Physik -53021 Ward, H. B., and Whipple, G. C. Fresh- water biol. -57(28) Ward, H. M. Grasses -6333141 Timber diseases -58121 : 634 Ward, R. de C. Climate -55156 Warington, R. Physical properties of soil -631 Warming, E. Biologiske Arbejder -58082 Dansk Plantevsekst -5819(489) Oecology -5815, Warren, G. F. Agriculture -6302 Washington, H. S. Chem. anal, of rocks -5436 Roman comagmatic region -55(4563) Wasmann, E. Psychology of ants -59151 Waterhouse, C. O. Insects B.M. -5957 Water ston, J. Fleas B.M. -591608 eco. 3 Watson, E. R. Colour -660821 mon. 6 Watson, G. C. Farm poultry -6365 Watson, H. C. Topograph, botany -5819(42) Watson, J. Brit, building stones -5535 Brit, marbles -55246 Watson, W. Elementary pract. physics -5307 Text-bk. of physics -53022 of pract. physics -5307 Watt, A. Electroplating -53785 Watt, A. J. Psychology of sound '1522 Watt, Sir G. Commercial products of India -5816(54) 333 WATT— WHITEAVES Watt, Sir G. (contimied) — Cotton plants '58317 Economic products of India -5819(54) : 5816 Watt, H. J. Foundations of music •7801 Watts, H. Dictionary of chem. Ref. -5403 Watts, W. M. Spectra -5446 Spectrum anal. '5446 Weathers, J. Commercial gardening -6351 Wieaver, J. E. Ecolog. relations of roots -5815 Webb, H. L. Telephone Weber, C. O. Chem. of india rubber Weber, H. Algebra Algebre superieure Difierenzengleich. Weber, J. C. Alpen-Pflanzen Weber, W. Werke Webster, A. D. National afforestation -634(42) Tree wounds -634 : 5812 •53782 •633473 •5121 •5128 •51738 -5819(2343) -53081 Webster, A. G. Dynamics -5313 Wedekind, E. Stereochemie -5416 Weed, C. M. Insects -6327 Weedon, T. Queensland Weierstrass, K. Werke Weinschenk, E. Petrograph. methods Petrology Weismann, A. Essays upon heredity Evolution theory Germ-plasm Theory of descent Wells, H. G. Biology Zoology Welsh, J. Algebra Wendell, L. X-ray plates Wentworth, G. A. Arithmetic Werner, A. Inorgan. chem. -54604 •63(943) •5103 •55207 -55202 -5751 -575 -5751 -575 •5702 •5902 •54121 : 77 •5111 i Wemha;n, H. F. Sabicea b.m. ^583291 Wesenberg-Lund, C. Plankton of Danish lakes /. ^5919(28 : 489> West, G. S. Algse -5893 Brit, fresh-water algse -5893(42) West, W., and G. S. Brit. Desmidiaceae -589311(42) West Indian bulletin -6306(729) West Indies. — Dept. of agric. West Indian bulletin West of Scotland agric. coll. Reports -6306(4143) Westaway, F. W. Scient. method Wettstein, R. R. von. Vegetat. aus Sudbrasi- lien Weule, K. Native life in E. Africa Weyl, T. Organ. Ghemie Weymouth, F. W. True crabs Wheatstone, Sir C. Papers Wheeler, W. H. Sea-coa.st Wheeler, W. M. Ants Wheldon, J. A., and Wilson, A. Flora of W. Lancashire •5819(4272> Whetham, W. C. D. Exper. electricity -5371 Recent development -5309 Theory of solution -53733 Whetham, W. C. D., and C. D. Science -509 Whidbome, G. F. Devonian fauna p.s. -562(114 : 423)' Whitby, G. S. Plantation rubber -660821 mon. 11 White, A. H. Tech. gas analysis -665 White, F. B. W. Flora of Perthshire -5819(4132) White, I. C. Relatorio final •5532(81) White, J. W. Flora of Bristol -5819(4241) Whiteaves, J. F. Invercebrata of E. Can- ada -592(71) 334 -6306(729) •501 •5819(81) •572(678) •54702 -5953842(794). -53081 -55135 •59579 WHITEHEAD— WITHERS ^Whitehead, A. N. Williamson, B. Axioms of proj. geom. •513501 Differential calc. •5172 Descript. geom. •51501 Int. calc. •5173 Universal algebra •51286 Williamson, B., and Tarleton, F. A. Whitehead, A. N., and Russell, B. | Dynamics •5313 Principia math. •5101 Williamson, W. C. Whitehead, J. Foraminif era of Gt. Brit Mount Kina Balu •5(911) /. •59312(42) Whitelaw, J. Stigmaria ficoides p.s. •5617 Surveying •5269 Willis, J. C. Whitford, H. N., and Craig, R. D. | Agric. in tropics •63(213) Forests of Brit. Columbia b •634(711) Flowering plants •582 Whiting, A. L. Willmott, E. Soil biology- •631 Warley garden f. •58072(42) Whitman, C. O. Willows, R. S., and Hatschek. E. Works •57081 Surface tension •54112 Whittaker, E. J. Willstatter, R., and StoU. A. Optical instruments •5358 Chlorophyll •5811941 Whittaker, E. T. Wilson, A. Dynamics •5313 Evolution •575 Whittaker, E. T., and Watson, G. N. Wilson, E. B. Modern anal. •5171 The Cell •5763 Whitworth, W. A. Wilson, E. B. Choice and chance •519 Advanced calc. •5171 Widtsoe, J. A. Wilson, E. H. Dry-farming •6319 W. China •5(51) Wiedersheim, R. Wilson, H. M. Compar. anat. of verte brates Wieland, G. R. Amer. fossil cycads •5914 : 596 •56159(7) Surveying Wilson, J. Brit, cattle Farm stock •5269 •6362 •636 Wien, W. Hydrodynamik Wiesner, J. von. Lichtgenuss d. Pflanzer •53202 L •5811323 Stock-breeding Wilson, J. C. Geom. figures •63602 •51079 Rohstoffe •5816 Wilson, Sir S. Wissensch. Botanik •5802 Salmon at antipodes •5975(94) Wilcox, E. V. Wilson, W. F. Farm animals •636 David Douglas •58092 Wilcox, L. M. Winans, W. Irrigation farming •6313 Deer breeding •5997 Wilde, A. Windle, B. C. A. Terrest. magnetism •52524 Prehistoric age •571(42) Wildeman, E. de. What is hf e ? •577 Flore du Congo •5819(672) Wing, H. H. Wiley, H. W. Milk •637 Agric. analysis •63 : 54 Winkelma,nn, A. Willey, A. Physik •53021 Amphioxus •5913 : 5971 Winkler, H. Evolution •575 Parthogenesis •581163 Zool. results •5919(93) Winterstein, H. Williams, F. N. Vergleich. Physiol. •5911 Prodromus flor. Brit. •5819(42) Wisconsin Univ.— Agric . exp. station William,s, G. H. Reports •6306(775) B Crystallography •54802 Witchell, C. A. Williams, W. Bird-song •5915 : 5982 Veterinary medicine •619 Withers, J. W. surgery •619 *. Parallel postulate J35 •51313 WITT— YOUATT Witt, O. N. Chem. Industrie d. deuts. Reiches •66(43) Wodiska, J. Precious stones '5538 Wolff, C. F. Theoria generat. -5918 Wolff, E. von. Diingerlehre -6316 Farm foods -6333 Landwirtsch. wicht. StofEe -6316 Rationelle Fiitterung -6333 Wollny, E. Saat d. Kulturpflanzen -633 Wood, J. K. Dyeing -6672 Wood, P. W. Twisted cubic -5164 Wood, R. W. Physical optics '5354 Wood, S. V. Crag Mollusca p.s. -664(1183 : 42) Eocene bivalves p.s. -5641(1181 : 42) Wood, T. B., and Marshall, F. H. A. Physiol, of farm animals -5911 : 636 -636 : 612 Wood, W. East Neuk -5(4133) Woodford, C. M. Head-hunters -5(935) Woodhead, G. S. Bacteria -5768 Woods, H. Cretac. Lamellib. p.s. -5641(117 : 42) Palseontol. invert. -562 Woodward, A. S. Foss. fishes b.m. '567 Foss. fishes of Eng. chalk ^ p.s. -567(117 : 42) Inf. col. ammonites p.s. 56453(1162 : 42) Vertebrate pal. -566 Woodward, A. S., and Sherbom, C. D. Brit. foss. Vertebrata -566(42) Woodward, B. B. Rsidium b.m. -594(42) Woodward, H. Brit. carb. trilobites p.S.-565393(115 : 42) Brit. foss. Crustacea p.s. -565391(42) Catal. of Brit. foss. Crustacea b.m. -5653(42) Stanford's Gaol, atlas -55084(42) Woodward, H. B. Geol. of soils -63 : 55 Hist, of Geol. soc. of Lond. -5506 GE.w. Worsdell, W. C. Plant-teratology -5812198 Worthington, A. M. Rigid-flynamics -53136 Wren, H. Zinc and magnesium -54793 Wright, A. Arithmetic h.n. 19 .43 Fractions m.jv. 13 . 190 Wright, A. C. Anal, of oils -543 Wright, Sir A. E. Microscopy -578 Wright, A. H. N. Amer. Anura -5978(7) Wright, F. B. Distillation of alcohol -661722 Wright, F. E. Petro-micros. research -55207 Wright, G. F. Man -571(119) Wright, H. Rubber cultivation -633473 Wright, H. E. Book for brewers -6634 Wright, J., and H. J. Vegetable grower's guide -6351 Wright, J. E. Quadratic forms -51722 Wright, R. P. Cyclopedia of agric. Ref. -6303 Wright, T. Echin. from cret. form. p.s. -5639(117 : 42) of oolitic form. p.s. -5639(116 : 42) Lias apimonites p.s. -56453(1162 : 42) Wright, W. B. Quatem. ice age -55179 Wrightson, J. Sheep -6363 Wullner, A. Experimentalphysik -53021 Wurtz, A. Atomic theory -5412 Chem. theory -5409 Etude de la chimie -541 Wurtz, R. Technique bact^riolog. -57681 Wytsman, P. Genera insectorum -5957 Yale Univ. Observ. Reports -5221(746) Y.B Trans. -5221(746) Y.T Yntema, L. Stariight •52382 Youatt, W. Complete grazier -6302 Dog -59975 336 YOUNG— ZUIDEKZEE Young, C. A. Zeitsch. f. wissensch. Zool. Sun -5237 •5905 w.z. Young, J. M. Zenneck, J. Milk of tuberculous cows Oscillations -53866 In -61921 : 616995 Telegr. sans fil -53788 Tuberculin In -61921 : 616995 Zentralb. f. Zool. •5905 z.zo. Young, J. W. Ziegler, H. E. Algebra and geom. -5101 Natur u. Staat -57082 Young, J. W. A. Ziegler, V. Monographs -51082 Oil geol. •55328 Teaching of math. -5107 Zigno, A. di. Baron. Young, S. Flora foss. oolith. /. -561(1162) Fract. distillation -5424 Zimmerman, H. Stoichiometry -5412 Tables -51196 Young, T. Zirkel, F. Works -53081 Petrographie -55202 Young, W. H. Zittel, K. A. von. Diff. calc. -5172 Hist, of geol. -5509 Young, W. H., and G. C. Palseontology -5602 Sets of points -51851 Zoological record soc. of Lond. -5905 z.R. Proc. -5906 z.p. Zacharias, O. Trans. -5906 z.T. Tier- u. Pflanzenwelt d. Zoologisch-botan. Gesel- Siisswa sers -5919(28) ^ Isch. in Wien. Zeeman, P. Verhandl. -5706(486) Z.B. Magneto-optics -53584 Verein in Wien. Zeiss, C. Verhandl. -5706(436) Z.B Opt. Instrumente -5358 Zoologische Jahrb. -5905 Z.J. Zeitlinger, H., and Sotheran, H. C. Zoologischer Anzeiger •5905 Z.A. Bibl. chem.-math. -016 : 5 Zoologisches Zentralb. -5906 z.z. Zeitsch. f. anorgan. Chem. -5405 z.a. Zoologist Zopf, W. Flechtenstoffe Zschokke, F. Tierwelt d. Hochgebirj seen •5905 z. f. Biologic -5705 z. f. Botanik -5805 z.b. f. Elektrochem. -5405 z.e. f . Pflanzenkrankheiten •58119 '" ^5919(23) •581205 z.p. Zsigmondy, R. f. physikal. Chem.; -5405 z.p. Colloids •64114 f. wissensch. Mikro- Zuiderzee- Vereeniging skopie -57806 z.m. Kapporten •6392(492) ABERDEEN : THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 337 Cniickshanl: science library. Cruicksh^nk science library 49293: UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARY