^,^v^.■ ^7V^ CATALOGUE OF THE WISCONSIN STATE LIBEARY. 1881. PREPARED BY THE STATE LIBRARIAN. MAUISON, WIS.: DAVID ATWOOD, STATB FBINTSB. 1881. nT"CtP Z731 CONTENTS, Pages. Preface, .....--- v History of the State Library, . . , . . vii Rules and regulations of the Wisoonsin State Library - - ^ ix Part I. Elementary books, commentaries, manuals, treatises, special digests, leading cases, law periodicals, abridg- ments and law dictionaries, - - - 1-194 Index of authors ...--- 195-230 Part IL Works of reference : cyclopaedias, general dictionaries, histories, atlases, etc., .... 231-235 Part III. Reports of judicial decisions, - - - 239-373 Table of regnal years, ... - 374 Chronological list of English and Irish law reports, 375-385 Part IV. Digests of judicial decisions, - - - - 389-406 Part V. Statute law : Division 1, revised and compiled, statutes, digests of statutes, etc., - - . . . 409-427 Division 2, session laws, . - . - 427-439 Part VI. Legislative and executive documents, - - 443-482 440 DigitizecUDy the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofwiscoOOwiscrich PREFACE. This catalogue is issued in pursuance of authority conferred by section 370 of the revised statutes. The last catologue was prepared in 1872. The growth of the library since that time has been rapid. The broken sets of re- ports have been completed, while the increase of text books, digests, tables of cases, law periodicals, statutes, session laws and documents has been large. When the last catalogue was prepared there were in the library a considera- ble number of literary and historical works. In pursuanoe of an act of the legislature of 1875 these were transferred to the State Historical Society, with the exception of a few volumes of cyclopaedias, dictionaries, histories, and works of similar character, which are indispensable to a good law library. The large increase of law books and the change in the character of the library, making it wholly one of law, makes the publication of a new catalogue very desirable. The plan of the first part' of this catalogue is radically different from that adopted in the preparation of the one issued in 1872. It has seemed to the compiler that a catalogue by subjects would be more useful than one by au- thors; and experience has tended to strongly confirm that impression. The plan pursued shows at a glance all the works in the library on any given topic; the dates and editors of the several editions, and also groups together not only all the text books on the subject, but the volumes of leading cases, reports and digests which are specially devoted to it. Cross references are frequently introduced, and it is hoped that they will be found vseful. It is but just to slate that very much aid has been derived in its preparation from a digest of law publications issued by Robert Clarke & Co., of Cincinnati, in 1877. Following this part is an alphabetical index of authors, with a con- densed title of their works. As attorneys and others may desire to consult this catalogue before coming to the capitol, the titles of the elementary works have been given with considerable fullness. On application, the libra- rian will take pleasure in forwarding a copy to any one who may desire it. The reports are catalogued alphabetically by the reporters' names. Under the name of each state will be found a chronological list of its reports, and at the end of this part a similar list of the British law reports, accompanied by a table of the regnal years of the English soverigns. " These adjuncts of the catalogue may be found convenient in determining readily the exact period of a reported decision, or in tracing the stream of judicial authority upon any legal question which may be the subject of investigation." • J. R. B. HISTORY OF THE STATE LIBRARY. " The State Library had its origin in the generous appropriation of $5,000 out of the general treasury, by congress, contained in the seventeenth sec- tion of the organic act, creating the territory of Wisconsin. At the first ses- sion of the territorial legislature, held at Belmont in 1836, a joint resolution was adopted, appointing the Hon. John M. Clayton, of Delaware (through whose instrumentality the clause in the organic act making the appropria- tion was inserted), Hon. Lewis F. i^inn, of Missouri, Hon. G. W. Jones, then delegate in congress from this territory (which at that time included what now constitutes the state of Iowa, as well as Wisconsin), ar.d Hon. Peter Hill Engle, the speaker of the first territorial house of representatives, a committee to select and purchase a library for the use of the territory, and authorizing them to draw the sum appropriated for that purpose from the federal treasury. Mr. Engle was the active member of the committee, and made the selections and purchases, with the approval of the other members. James Clarke, publisher of the Belmont Gazette, and first territorial printer, was the first librarian." " The first appropriation,' by the state, to replenish the library, was made in 1851. The sum of $2,500 was then appropriated to be expended, under the direction of Gov. Dewey, in the [purchase of law books. Subsequently, in 1854, the sum of $3,000] was appropriated for law and miscellaneous works; and in 1857 the additional appropriation of $1,000 was made for the same purpose together with a standing appropriation of $250 for such addi- tions to the law and miscellaneous departments of the library as might from time to time be deemed desirable." In 1864 the annual appropriation was increased to $500, and two years later the additional sum of $600 was placed at the disposal ot the governor for the purpose of supplying deficiencies in the law department. These ap- propriations were continued until 1877, when the annual appropriation was increased to $1,500. The purchase of miscellaneous works for the library was virtually discon- tinued in 1866, except that purchases were subsequently made for completing inoperfect sets of works of reference. In 1875 the miscellaneous works were transferred to the State Historical Society. Since that time, the condition of the library as a state law library has rapidly improved. It stands among the best in the states of the great northwest, and, with its present resources, will be able to maintain the high position it occupies. RULES AND REGULATIONS OP THE WISCONSIN STATE LIBRARY. RULE I. The library shall be kept open every day except Sundays and legal holidays. RULE II. During sessions of the supreme court or the legislature the library shall be open from nine o'clock, A. M. to half past twelve o'clock, P. M., and from two o'clock. P. M. to half past five o'clock, P. M., and from seven o'clock, P, M. to nine o'clock, P. M., except on Saturdays, when it may be closed at half past five. At other times it shall be open from nine o'clock, A. M. to twelve M., and from two to five o'clock P. M. RULE III. Section 1. The state librarian shall be accountable for any book that is missing, and for every injury which a book may receive during his term of oflice, excepting such as may be occasioned by ordinary use, and he shall be relieved from such accountability only by showing that some other person is responsible for such book or injury, without any fault of his. Section 3. He shall keep a catalogue of all the books belonging to the library. Section 3. He shall keep a book of record, in which the titles or names of all books or pamphlets received by donation, exchange or purchase, shall be entered. Section 4. He shall keep a memorandum book in which he shall enter the title of every book taken irom the library, the date when taken, and the name of the person taking the same. For every violation of this rule, he shall forfeit one dollar, to be deducted from his salary. Section 5. He shall see that the library room is kept clean and in good order, and shall carefully preserve the books and furniture belonging thereto and permit none to be taken therefrom, unless expressly authorized by law or the trustees. Section 6. He shall preserve order, and permit no talking incompatible with quiet reading or copying, and shall exclude, if necessary, disorderly persons. X Rules and Regulations. RULE IV. Section 1. No book can be taken from the library except for use in the supreme court room or the rooms of the justices of the supreme court, until its title and the name of the person taking it have been registered by the librarian. Section 2. Books for the use of state olficers must be ordered in writing by them or their assistants. No state officer or member or officer of the leg- islature shall draw books from the library for the purpose of loaning them to others. In no case shall books be taken from the capitol, except as pro- Yided in subdivision two of section 8G9, R. 8. of 1878. Section 3. No book can be detained more than five days, and if needed In the library shall be subject to the order of the librarian at any time. Section 4. Ever}' person taking a book shall be answerable for all dam- ages it may sustain, and if it be destroyed or lost he shall pay the value thereof, or if it is one of a set, the value of the set to which it belongs. Section 5. All fines, penalties and forfeitures shall be determined and collected by the librarian. Section C. An appeal from tbe above fines, penalties and forfeitures may be made to the trustees. Section 7. The marking of books with ink or pencil is forbidden. RULE V. During the sessions of the supreme court or the legislature preference in the use of the library must be given to members of the bar and legislature. RULE VI. No person shall be allowed access to the library, except during the hours it is directed to be open, without the authority of the librarian, or a member of the board of trustees. PART FIRST. ELEMENTARY BOOKS. ELEMENTARY BOOKS. All hooks enumerated in this catalogue are octavo st'ze, unless otherwise mentioned. ABORTION — STOKER (H. R.) and HEARD (F. F.) Criminal Abortion: its nature, its evidence, and its law. 1868. See, also, Crimin-al Law, Medical .TgRisPBUDENCB. ABRIDGMENTS — I. American Law, DANE (Nathan). A general abridgment and digest of Ameri- can law, with notes and comments. 9 vols. 1823-29. DUNLAP (M. E.) Abridgment of elementary law: embodying the general principles, rules and definitions of law, together with the common maxims and rules of equity jurisprudence, as stated in the standard commentaries of the leading English and American authors; embracing the subjects contained in a regular law course. 187'6. II. English Law, BACON (Matthew). A new abridgment of the law. 7th ed. Vols. 2, 3 and 4 by Henry Gwillim; vols. 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8 by C. E. Dodd. London, 1832. Vols. 9 and 10, containing notes and refer- ences to American and English law, by John Bouvier. 10 vols. Philadelphia, 1854. BROOKE (R.) Le graunde abridgment. 2 vols, in 1. Folio. 1753. GENERAL (A.) Abridgment of cases in equity argued and ad- judged in the high court of chancery, etc., with several cases never before published.. 4th ed. 4 vols. Folio. London, 1756. PETERSDORF (Charles). A practical and elementary abridg- ment of the cases argued and determined in the courts of king's bench, common pleas, exchequer, and at nisi prius; and of the rules X-W. 8.L. 2 Wisconsin State Librae r. ABRIDGMENTS — continued. of court from the restoration in 1660, to Michaelmas term, 4 George IV. With important manuscript cases. 15 vols. London, 1825-30. ROLLE (Hexry). Un abridgment des plusieurs cases et resolu- tions del common ley. 2 vols, in 1. Folio. London, 1668. VINER (Charles). A general abridgment of lave and equity. 24 vols. Folio. Aldershot, 1746. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE — CURWEN (M. E.) A manual upon the searching of records and the preparation of abstracts of title to real property. 12 mo. 1865, LEE (J. T.) Treatise on the evidence of abstracts of title to real property. 1847. [Law library, vol. 56.] MOORE (Henry). Instructions for preparing abstracts of title. From 2d London ed. 1853. [Law library, vol. 75.] PRESTON (Richard). Essay on abstracts of title, to facilitate the study, and the application of the first principles and general rules of the laws of property. 3 vols, in 2. 1828. ACCIDENTS — GODEFROI (H.) On compensation for railway accidents. 1870. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] HAY (W.) Decisions of the supreme courts of England and Scotland on the liability of proprietors, masters and servants for the reparation of injuries arising from accidents and the negligence of parties, including cases of railways, coal pits, road and harbor trusts and public corporations. Edinburgh, 1860. ACCOMPLICES — JOY (Henry). On the evidence of accomplices. 1844. [Law library, vol. 43.] ACCOUNTS — PULLING (Alexander). Practical compendium of the law and usage of mercantile accounts. 1847. [Law library, vol. 55.] jSee, also, Commercial and Mercantile IjAw. Elementary Books. S ACTIONS AT LAW - BROWNE (R. J.) Practical treatise on actions at law: embrac- ing the subjects of notice of action; limitation of actions; neces- sary parties to and proper forms of actions, the consequence of mistake therein; and the law of costs with reference to damages. 1844. [Law library, vol. 43.] ESPINASSE (Isaac). Digest of the law of actions and trials at nisi prius. 3d ed. 2 vols. London, 1798. KERR (R. M.) An action at law: being an outline of the jurisdiction of the superior courts of common law, with a view of the proceedings in personal actions and ejectment. 1854. [Law library, vol. 79.] MORGAN (John). Attorneys' vade mecum^ and clients* in- structor, treating of actions: of prosecuting and defending them > of the pleadings and law. 3 vols, in 2. Dublin, 1792. ROSCOE (Henry). Treatise on the law of actions relating to real property. 2 vols. 1840. [Law library, vols. 26, 27.] SMITH (J. W.) Elementary view of the proceedings in an action at law. From 3d London ed. 1847. [Law library, vol. 58.] STEARNS (Asahel). Summary of the law and practice of real actions. 2d ed. 1831. JSee, also, Execution, Judgment, Parties to Actions, Plead- ing, Practice, Procedure. ACTIONS AND DEFENCES — COOLEY (T. M.) Effect of a change in the law upon rights of actions and defenses. 1877. [In volume of monographs.] WAIT (William). Treatise upon some of the general princi- ples of the law, whether of a legal or equitable .nature, including their relations and aprplication to actions and defenses, whethe r in courts of common law or courts of equity, and adapted to courts governed by codes. 7 vols. 1877-79. ADMINISTRATORS — JSee Executors and Administrators. 4 Wisconsin State Library. ADMIRALTY — AZUNI (M. D. A.) The maritime law of Europe. Translated 'from the French. 2 vols. 1806. BENEDICT (E. C.) The American admiralty, its jurisdiction •and practice. With forms and directions. 1870. . The same. 1850. BROWNE (Arthub). Compendious view of the civil law and of the law of the admiralty, being the substance of a course of lectures read in the university of Dublin. 1st Am. from 2d Lon- don ed. 1840. CONKLING (Alfred). The jurisdiction, law and practice of the courts of the United States in admiralty and maritime causes, including those of quasi admiralty jurisdiction arising under the act of February 26, 1845. 2 vols. 1848. DESTY (Robert). Manual of the law of shipping and admiralty as determined by the courts of England and the United States. 16mo. 1879. DUNLAP (Andrew). Treatise on the practice of courts of ad- miralty in civil causes of maritime jurisdiction. 1836. ETTING (T. M.) The admiralty jurisdiction in America. 18?9. LAW (S. D.) The jurisdiction and powers of the United States courts, and the rules of practice of the supreme court of the United States and the circuit and district courts in equity and admiralty. .1852. PARSONS (Theophilus). Treatise on the law of shipping and the law and practice of admiralty. 2 vols. 1869. . Treatise on maritime law, including the law of ship- ping, the law of marine insurance, and the law and practice of admiralty. 2 vols. 1859. PRITCHARD (W. T.) An analytical digest of all the reported cases determined by the high court of admiralty of England, the lords commissioners of appeal in prize causes, and by the judicial committee of the privy council. Notes to authorities on maritime law, and to the Scotch, Ii:ish and American reports. 1848. ROBERTS (David). Admiralty and prize, together with some suggestions for the guide and government of United States naval commanders in maritime wars. 1869, Elementary Books. 5 ADMIRALTY —continued. TWISS (Tbavees). Monumenta juridical the black book of the admiralty, with appendices. 4 vols. London, 1871-77. UPTON (F. H.) The law of nations, affecting commerce during war, with a review of the jurisdiction, practice and proceedings of prize courts. 1863. WILLIAMS (R. G.) and BRUCE (G.) Admiralty practice. London, 1869. ADYERSE ENJOYxMENT — ANGELL (J. K) An inquiry into the rule of law which cre- ates a right to an incorporeal hereditament by an adverse enjoy- ment of twenty years. 1827. TYLER (R. H,) Treatise on the remedy by ejectment and the law of adverse enjoyment in the United States; embracing in full the statutory policy of the several states in respect to the action for the recovery of real property. 1870. /S'ee, also^ Ejectment. ADYOCACY — DANIEL (W. T. S.) On advocacy as connected with the admin- istration of justice. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] HARRIS (R.) Hints on advocacy, intended for practice in any of the courts, with suggestions as to opening a case, examination in chief, cross-examination, etc. From 2d English ed. 1880. AGENCY AND AGENTS - EVANS (William). Treatise upon the law of principal and agent in contract and tort. London, 1878. . The same. 1st Am. ed. By M. D. Ewell. 1879. LIVERMORE (Samuel). Treatise on the law of principal and agent, and sales by auctidn. 2 vols. 1818. PALEY (WiLLiAy). Treatise on the law of principal and agent, chiefly with reference to mercantile transactions. 3d Am. ed. By John A. Dunlap. 1847. . The same. 1840. [Law Library, vol. 26.] 6 Wisconsin State Library. AGENCY AND AGENTS — continued. ROSS (Geokge). Leading cases on suretyship, agency, partner- ship and insurance. 1858. [Law Library, vol. 97.] RUSSELL (.T. A.) Treatise on mercantile agency. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1875. STORY (Joseph). Commentaries on the law of agency. 8th ed. By N. St. John Green. 1874. . The same. 7th ed. By Isaac F. Redfield and W. A. Herrick. 1869. THOMPSON (S. D.) The liability of directors and other offi- cers and agents of corporations. Illustrated by leading cases and notes. 1880. WHARTON (Francis). Commentary on the law of agency and agents. 1876. See, also, Attorneys, Factors and Brokers. ALIENAGE — MORSE (A. P.) Citizenship by naturalization. 1879. [In law pamphlets, vol. 2.] THE naturalization laws of the United States; the alien laws of the state of New York, a synopsis of the alien laws of the other states, with the forms for naturalizing aliens, important decisions, general remarks, etc. 1855. See, also, Elections. ALIMONY — BRO\YNE (W. H.) Digest of the statutes, decisions and cases throughout the United States, upon divorce and alimony. 1872. AMERICAN ELEMENTARY LAW — ABBOTT (B. V.) Judge and jury: a popular explanation of leading topics in the law of the land. 12 mo. 1880. BISHOP (J. P.) The first book of the law; explaining the nature, sources, books and practical application of legal science and methods of study and practice. 1868. BOUVIER (John). Institutes of American law. New ed. By D. A. Gleason. 2 vols. 1870. Elementary Books. 7 AMERICAN ELEMENTARY LAW — continued. DEVEREUX (J. C.) The most material parts of Kents' com- mentaries reduced to questions and answers. 1864. DUNLAP (M. E.) Abridgment of elementary law: embodying the general principles, rules and definitions of law, together with the common maxims and rules of equity jurisprudence, as stated in the standard commentaries of the leading English and American authors: embracing the subjects contained in a regular law course. 1876. HILLIARD (Fkancis). American law: a comprehensive sum- mary of the law in its various departments. 2 vols. 1877-78. HOFFMAN (David). Legal outlines: being ten lectures de- livered in the university of Maryland. 1836. . A course of legal study, addressed to students and the profession generally. 2d ed. 2 vols, in 1. 1836. . The same. 2 vols. 1836. KENT (James). Commentaries on American law. 12th ed. By O. W. Holmes. 4 vols. 1873. . The same. 11th ed. By G. F. Comstock. 4 vols. 1867. MINOR (J. B.) Institutes of common and statute law. 3 vols. in 4. vols. 1 and 2., 2d. ed. 1876-79. POWELL (T. W.) Analysis of American law. 1870. REED (,T. C.) Practical suggestions for the management of law suits and conduct of litigation both in and out of court. 1876. WALKER (Timothy). Introduction to American law. 4th ed. 1860. WASHBURN (Emory). Lectures on the study and practice of law. 3d ed. 1872. * WILSON (James). The works of. 3 vols. 1804. [Mainly con- sisting of lectures on law. J See^ also, Law Studies. '8 Wisconsin State Library. ANCIENT LAW — MAINE (H. S.) Ancient Law: its connection with the early history of society, and its relations to modern ideas. 1st Am. from 2d London ed. By T. W. Dwight. 1864. -. Lectures on the early history of institutions. 1875. — . Village communities in the east and west. Six lec- tures delivered at Oxford, to which are added other lectures, ad- dresses and essays. 1876. /See, also, English Law, Ireland. , ANGLO-SAXON LAW — BOSWORTH (Joseph). Compendious Anglo-Saxon and En- glish dictionary. 1860. ESSAYS in Anglo-Saxon law: containing Anglo-Saxon courts of law by Henry Adams; Anglo-Saxon land laws, by H. Cabot Lodge; Anglo-Saxon family law, by Ernest Young; Anglo-Saxon legal procedure, by J. La\>rence Laughlin; also an appendix of select cases in Anglo-Saxon law. 1876. LAMBARD (William). Archaionomia, sive de priscio]anglorum legibus libri sermone anglico * * conscripti, etc., etc. Cum glossario, etc. Folio. Cambridge, 1644. ANNUITIES — BLAYJSTEY (Frederick). Practical treatise on life annuities; with a synopsis of the principal adjudged cases, and select modern and useful precedents. London, 1817. ELLIS (Charles). The law of fire and life insurance and an- nuities, with practical observations. 1834. [Law library, vol. 2.] TABLE corresponding with the Northampton tables, showing the value of an annuity of one dollar at six per cent, on a single life, at any age from one year to 94, inclusive. [In rules of circuit courts for Wisconsin, adopted 1879.] APPELLATE PROCEEDINGS — POWELL (T. W.) The law of appellate proceedings in rela- tion to review, error, appeal, and other reliefs. 1872. /See, also, Practice. Elementary Books, 9 APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS — MU^'GER (G. G.) Treatise on the application of payments by- debtor to creditor; being a complete compilation of the law per- taining to the rights of debtor and creditor respectively; and also giving the various rules for the guidance of the courts when no appropriation has been made by the parties. 1879. APPRENTICES — HINKLEY (E. V.) The testamentary law and the law of inher- itance and apprentices in Maryland. 1878. See^ also. Domestic Relations, Master and Servant. AQUATIC RIGHTS — SCHULTES (Henry). Essay on aquatic rights; intended as an illustration of the law relative to fishing, and to the propriety of ground or soil produced by alluvion and dereliction in the sea and rivers. 1839. [Law library, vol. 22.] See, also. Water Rights. ARBITRATION AND AWARD — BELL (J. M.) Treatise on the law of arbitration in Scotland. 2d ed. Edinburg, 1877. BILLINGS, (Sydney). Practical treatise on the law of awards and arbitrations. 1846. [Law library, vol. 49.] CALDWELL (J. S.) Treatise on the law of arbitration, with an appendix of precedents. 2d Am. ed. By Chauncey Smith. 1853. KYD (Stewart). Treatise on the law of awards. 1st Am. from 2d London ed. 1808. MORSE (J. T. Jr.) The law of arbitration and award. 1872. RUSSELL (Francis). Treatise on the power and duty of an arbitrator, and the law of submission and awards, with forms. 5tb ed. London. 1872. . The sam% 1849. [Law library, vol. 61.] WATSON (W. H.) Treatise on the law of arbitration and awards. From 3d London ed. 1848. [Law library, vol. 57.] 10 Wisconsin State Library. ARBITRATION AND AWARD — continued. . The same. 1836. [Law library, vol. 9.] ASSETS - RAM (James). Practical treatise of assets, debts and incum- brances. 1835. [Law library, vol. 6.] ASSIGNMENTS — BISHOP (J. L.) Treatise on the law of New York, relating to insolvent debtors, and the law of voluntary assignments for the ben- efit of creditors. 1878. BUR t-^ ILL (A. M.) The law and practice of voluntary assign- ments for the benefit of creditors. 3d ed. By J. L. Bishop. 1877. . The same. 2d ed. 1858. HAWES (G. P.) The law relating to general voluntary assign- ments for the benefit of creditors, as provided for in the statute of [New York] 1860, as amended, with notes of decisions and practi- cal forms. 1876. HINE (C. C.) and NICHOLS (W. S.) Law of assignments of life policies. 1881. ASSUMPSIT — LAWES (Edwaed). Treatise on pleading in assumpsit, with the addition of the decisions of the American courts. By Joseph Story. 1811. ATTACHMENT — CO WEN (S. J.) Treatise on the law and practice relating to warrants and attachments, with cases upon the subject. 1874. DANIEL (J. W.) The law and practice of attachment under the code of Virginia; and of bail and injunction in analogous cases wherein attachment is not available. Also the law of attachment under the code of West Virginia. 1869. DRAKE (C. D.) Treatise on the law of suits by attachment in the United States, with an appendix containing the leading statu- tory provisions of the several states and territories in relation to suits by attachment. 5th ed. 1878. . The same. 3d ed. 1866. LOCKE (Joiix). The law and practice of foreign attachment in the lord mayor's court, under the new rules of practice. 1854. [Law library, vol. 77.] Elementary 'Books. 11 ATTORNEYS — FORSYTH (William). The history of lawyers ancient and modern. 1875. HARRIS (R.) Hints on advocacy, intended for practice in any of the courts, with suggestions as to opening a case, examination- in-chief, cross-examination, re-examination, reply, conduct of a prosecution and of a defense in a criminal trial, with illustrative cases that have occurred. 1880. JEAFFERSON (J. C.) Pleasantries of English courts and law- yers: a book about lawyers. 1876. JONES (Robert). A history of the French bar, ancient and modern; comprising a notice of the French courts, their officers, practitioners, etc., and of the system of legal education in France. 1856. [Law library, vol. 88. J SHARSWOOD (George). An essay of professional ethics* 3ded. 1869. WARREN (Samuel). The moral, social and professional du- ties of attorneys and solicitors. 12mo. 1870. WEBSTER (E.) On promotion at the English bar; its eflfect on the barrister, the crown and the suitor. 1861. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] WEEKS (E. P.) Treatise on attorneys and counselors at law, comprising the rules and legal principles applicable to the vocation of the lawyer, and those governing the relation of attorney and client. 1878. iSee, also, Biography. ATTORNEYS GENERAL — ANDREWS (C. C.) Digest of the opinions of the attorneys- general of the United States. 1857. OFFICIAL OPINIONS of the attorneys-general of the United States, advising the president and heads of departments in relation to their official duties, and expounding the constitution, treaties with foreign governments and Indian tribes; embracing the opinions of all the attorneys-general from Randolph to Devens, with notes and references. 16 vols. 1852-81. SICKELS (H. E.) Opinions of the attorneys-general of the state of New York, from the formation of the state government to February, 1872. 1872. 12 Wisconsin State Library. AUCTION — LIVERMORE (S.) Treatise on the law of sales by auction » 1818. [In his law of principal and agent.] See^ also. Sales. ATERAOE — ARNOULD (Joseph). Treatise on the law of marine insurance and average; with references to the American cases, and the later continental authorities. 2d ed. with annotations by J. C. Perkins. 2 vols. 1850. DIXON (F. B.) Hand book of marine insurance and average. 2d ed. 1866. PARSONS (Theophilus). Treatise on the law of marine insur- ance and average. 2 vols. 1868. STEVENS (R.) and BENECKE (W.) Treatise on average and adjustment of losses in- marine insurance, with notes, by Willard Phillips. 1833. jSeCy also, Insurance. AWARDS — See Arbitration and Award. BAIL — PETERSDORF (Charles). Treatise on the law of bail in civil and criminal proceedings. 1835. [Law library, vol. 8.] BAILMENTS — EDWARDS (Isaac). Treatise on the law of bailments and con- tracts connected with the custody and possession of personal property. 2d ed. 1878. . The same. 1855. JONES (William). Essay on the law of bailments. 1836. SCHOULER (James). Treatise on the law of bailments, includ- ing carriers, innkeepers, pledge. 1880. STORY (Joseph). Commentaries on the law of bailments, with illustrations from the civil and foreign law. 9th ed. By James Schouler. 1878. . The same. 8th ed. By E. H. Bennett. 1870. See, also, Carriers. Elementary Books. 13 BANKING — BALL (F. Q.) The law of national banks containing the national bank act, as amended, with forms of procedure and notes referring to all decisions to November, 1880. 1881. BROWNE (Ikving). National bank cases; containing all de- cisions of federal and state courts relating to national banks from 1878 to 1880, with notes and references. 1880. CLEVELAND (John). The banking system of the state of New York, with notes and references to cases. 2d ed. By G. S. Hutchinson. 1864. GRANT (J.) Treatise on the law relating to bankers and bank- ing companies. 3d ed., with appendix containing the statutes in force, and supplement to 1876. By R. A. Fisher. London. 1876. . The same. 1851. [Law library, vol. 91.] MORSE (J. T., Jr.) Treatise on the law relating to banks and banking, with appendix containing the national banking act of 1864 and amendments. 2d ed. 1879. . The same. 1870. THOMPSON (I. G.) National bank cases; containing all de- cisions of federal and state courts relating to national banks, with notes and references. 1878. WEDGWOOD (W. B.) and HOMANS (I. S.) A law manual for notaries public and bankers; including a summary of the law and principles of commercial paper, the law of endorsement, ne- gotiability, demand and protest, and the history of bills of ex- change, * * * to which is added a summary of the law of each state as to the rate of interest and to damages on protest bills of exchange, with the latest forms of protest and notices of pro- test. 1867. See^ also, Bills, Notes and Checks. BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLYENCY — AVERY (E.) and HOBBS (G. M.) The bankrupt law of the United States, 1867, with notes and forms. 1868. BISHOP (J. L.) Treatise on the law of insolvent debtors and voluntary assignments. 1878. 14 Wisconsin State Library. BANKRUPTCY AND IN80LTENCY — continued. BLUMENSTEIL (Alex.) The law and practice in bankruptcy, ■with references to decisions and forms. 1878. BRIGHTLY (F. C.) The bankrupt law of the United States, with rules and forms, and notes of decisions. 1869. BUMP (O. F.) The practice in bankruptcy, with the bankrupt law as amended, and the rules and forms, and notes to decisions to 1877. 9th ed. 1877. . The same. 4th ed. 1871. . The same. 1868. . Composition in bankruptcy. 1877. [In law pamphlets, vol. 2.] EDEN (R. H.) Practical treatise on the bankrupt law, as amended by the act of 6 Geo. lY, chap. 16. 1841. [Law Library, vol. 32.] FRANK (Nathan). The bankrupt act of 1867, as embodied in the revised statutes, consolidated with amendments, including all the amendatory and supplemental acts. 3d ed., with notes. 1877. FREEMAN (A. C.) The enforcement of judgments against bankrupts. 1877. [In law pamphlets, vol. 2.] GAZETTE of bankruptcy. 2 vols. Folio. London. 1862. HAMLIN (Charles). The insolvent law of Maine, with notes of decisions and forms. 1878. HILLIARD (Feancis). Treatise on the law of bankruptcy and insolvency. 1863. INGRAHAM (E. D.) A view of the insolvent laws of Pennsyl- vania. 2d ed. 1827. JAMES (Edwin). The bankrupt law of the United States, 1867, with notes and decisions upon its principles and practice. 1867. LOWELL (John). Sketch of an act to establish a uniform sys- tem of bankruptcy throughout the United States. Prepared at the request of the board of trade of Boston, and other mercantile asso- ciations. 2d ed. 1880. [In law pamphlets, vol. 4.] Elementary Books. 15 BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY - continued. NATIONAL BANKRUPT REGISTER; containing leading cases and principal rulings of the district judges of the United States. 4 vols, in 3. 1869-71. NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY REGISTER REPORTS; con- taining all the important bankruptcy decisions in the United States. 18 vols. Vols. 1-4, 2d ed. 1875-79. . The same. Digest of vols. 1-10. 1875. RICE (Clinton). Manual of the United States bankruptcy act. 1867. SAUNDERS (T.) Bankruptcy practice under the law of the United States of 1867; together with the amendatory act of 1868, the general orders, forms and rules of courts in New York, and digest of decisions. 1868. SMITH (J. W.) A manual relating to bankruptcy and insol- vency, and imprisonment for debt. London. 1873. [For decisions in English courts on bankruptcy, see Bankruptcy and Insolvency in part three of this catalogue.] BARON AND FEMME — REEVE (Tapping). The law of baron and femme, of parent and child, guardian and ward, master and servant, and of the pow- ers of the courts of chancery; with an essay on the terms heir, heirs, heirs of the body. 3d ed. By A. J. Parker and C. E. Bald- win. 1874. . The same, 1867. ROPER (R. S. D.) Tracts upon the law concerning baron and femme, including curtesy, dower, jointures, leases, and settlements, separation, discontinuances, etc. London. 1800. , [In his treatise on revocation of wills.] See^ also^ Husband and Wife. BEQUESTS — See Devises, Legacies, Wills. BILLS OF EXCEPTIONS — RAYMOND (John). The bill of exceptions; being a short ac- count of its origin and nature. 1848. [Law library, vol. 60.] WELLS (J. C.) Treatise on questions of law and fact, instruc- tions to juries and bills of exceptions. 1876. 16 Wisconsin State Library. BILLS OF SALE — BEAUMONT (Joseph). The law and practice of bills of sale, and bills of sale of ships. 1860. [Law library, vol. 101.] LYON (G. E.) and REDMAN (J. H.) The law of bills of sale. 2d ed. London. 1877. JSee, also, Sales. BILLS, NOTES AND CHECKS — BIGELOW (M, M.) The law of bills, notes and checks. Illus- trated by leading cases. 2d ed. 1880. BYLES (J. B.) Treatise on the law of bills of exchange, prom- issory notes, banknotes and checks. 6th Am. ed. by George Shars- wood with additional notes, illustrating the law and practice in the United States. 1874. . The same. 3d Am. from 6th London ed. 1853. . The same. 2d Am. from oth London ed. 1848. [Law library, vol. 59.] CHALMERS (M. D.) A digest of the law of exchange, promis- sory notes and cheques. London, 1878. CHITTY (.Foseph). Treatise on bills of exchange, checks on bankers, promissory notes, bankers' cash notes and bank notes. 13th Am. from 9th London, ed. 1868. CLARKE (S. R.) Treatise on the law relating to bills, notes, cheques and'ious. Toronto, 1875. DANIEL (J. W.) Treatise on the law of negotiable instru- ments, including bills of exchange, promissory notes, negotiable bonds and coupons, checks, bank notes, certificates of deposit, cer- tificates of stock, bills of credit, bilk of lading, guaranties, letters of credit, and circular notes. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1879. . The same. 2 vols. 1876. EDWARDS (Isaac). Treatise on bills of exchange and promis- sory notes. 1857. PARSONS (Theophilus). Treatise on the law of promissory notes and bills of exchange. 2 vols. 1865. (Two copies.) Elementary Books, IT BILLS, NOTES AND CHECKS —continued. REDFIELD (I. F.) and BIGELOW (M. M.) Leading and select American cases in the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes and checks. 1871. ROSS (George). Leading cases in the law of England and Scot- land on bills and notes. 1854. [Law library, vol. 80.] STORY (Joseph). Commentaries on the law of bills of ex- change, foreign and inland, as administered in England and Amer- ica. 4th ed. 1860. . Commentaries on the law of promissory notes and guaranties of notes, and checks on banks and bankers. 7th ed. By John L. Thorndike. 1878. . The same. 6th ed. 1868. BIBLIOGRAPHY — MARVIN (J. G.) Legal bibliography, or a thesaurus of Ameri- can, English, Irish and Scotch law books. Interspersed with some critical observations upon their various editions and authority. 1847. BIOGRAPHY — ARNOULD (Joseph). Memoir of Thomas, first Lord Denman, formerly lord chief justice of England. 2 vols. London, 1873. BAY (W. V. N.) Reminiscences of the bench and bar of Mis- souri. 1878. BLACKSTONE (Wm.) The biographical history of. By a gen- tleman of Lincoln's Inn, London. 1782. [See memoirs of him in Chitty's, Sharswood's and Wendell's edi- tions of his commentaries.] BROWN (S. G.) The life of Rufus Choate. 3d ed. 1879. . The works of Rufus Choate, with a memoir of his life. 2 vols. 1862. BROWNE (Irving). Short studies of great lawyers. 1878. CAMPBELL (John).* The lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England, from the earliest times till the reign of George IV. 2d Am. from 4th London ed. 7 vols. 1851. 2— W. S. L. 18 Wisconsin State Librae r. BIOGRAPHY— continued. . The lives of the chief justices of England, from the Norman conquest till the death of Lord Mansfield. 2 vols. 1851. . The same. Continued to the time of Lord Tenter- den. 2 vols. 1873. CURTIS (B. R.) A memoir of Benjamin Robbins Curtis. With some of his professional and miscellaneous writings. 2 vols. 1879» CURTIS (G.T.) Life of Daniel Webster. 2 vols. 2ded. 1870. CUSHING (Caleb). A memorial of. From the city of New- burybort. 1879. FLANDERS (Henry). The lives and times of the chief jus- tices of the supreme court of the United States. 2 vols. 1855-58. FOSS (Edwakd). a biographical dictionary of the judges of England, from the conquest to 1870. . The judges of England: with sketches of their lives, and miscellaneous notices connected with the courts at Westmin- ster, from the time of the conquest. 9 vols. London, 1848-64. . Memories of Westminister Hall: a collection of in- teresting incidents, anecdotes and historical sketches, relating ta Westminister Hall, its famous judges and lawyers and its great trials, with historical introduction. 2 vols. 1874. FOOTE (H. S.) The bench and bar of the south and southwest. 1876. LINDER (W. F.) Reminiscences of the early bench and bar of Illinois. 1879. MILLER (S. F.) The bench and bar of Georgia: memoirs and sketches. 2 vols. 1858. O'NEILL (.1. B.) Biographical sketches of the bench and bar of South Carolina. 2 vols. 1859. PROCTOR (L. B.) The bench and bar of New York: contain- ing biographical sketches of eminent judges and lawyers, incidents of the important trials in which they were engaged, and anecdotes connected with their professional, political and judicial career. 1870. ROSCOE (Henry). Eminent British lawyers. 12 mo. 1830. Elementary Books. 19 BIOGR APH Y — continued. SHIEL (R. L.) Sketches of the Irish bar. 2 vols. 12 mo. 1854. STORY (W. W.) Life and letters of Joseph Story, vol. 2. 1851. STREET (A. B.) The council of revision of the state of New York: its history; a history of the courts with which its members were connected; biographical sketches of its members and its vetoes. 1859. TENNE Y (H. A.) and ATWOOD (David). Memorial record of the fathers of Wisconsin: containing sketches of the lives and career of the members of the constitutional conventions of 1846, 1847-8. 1880. TYLER (Samuel). Memoir of Roger Brooke Taney, chief justice of the supreme court of the United States. 1872. UNITED STATES Biographical dictionary and portrait gallery of eminent self-made men. "Wisconsin volume. 1877. WURM (Prof.) A biographical notice of, by Prof. Katchenovsky. 1859. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.J BONDS — HURLSTONE (E. T.) Treatise on the law of bonds, with an appendix of forms, declarations and pleas. 1835. [Law library, vol. 7.] LEWIS (F. A.) Law relating to stocks, bonds and other securities in the United States. 1881. See^ also^ Municipal Bonds. BOUNDARIES — HUNT (J. A.) The law relating to boundaries and fences and to the rights of property on the sea shore and in the beds of public rivers and other waters. 2d ed. 12 mo. London, 1870. TYLER (R. H.) Treatise on the law of boundaries and fences, including the rights of property on the sea shore and in the lands of public rivers and other streams; and the law of window lights. 1874. 20 Wisconsin State Library. BOUNTIES AND PENSIONS — BUTTERFIELD (J. W.) Digest of the decisions in the office of the second comptroller of the treasury [concerning bounties and pensions], compiled under the direction of the comptroller. 3d ed. 1869. CALLAN (J. F.) Military laws of the United States relating to the army, volunteers, militia, and to bounty lands and pensions, from the foundation of the government to 1863; and a synopsis of the military legislation of congress during the revolutionary war. 1863. RAFF (G. W.) Manual of pensions, bounty and pay, contain- ing the laws, forms and regulations relating to pensions, bounty land, bounty money, pay, claims for horses and other property destroyed. 2d ed. 1865. BURGLARY — WILMOT (J. E. E.) Digest of the law of burglary. London, 1851. /See, also. Criminal Law. BURIAL — GUERNSEY (R. S.) The ownership of a corpse before buriaL 1880. [In vol. 4 of Redfield's surrogate reports.] TYLER (R. H.) The law of burial grounds in the Jnited States. 1866. [In his American ecclesiastical law.] BUSINESS LAW — DEAN (Amos). Manual of law for the use of business men. 12mo. 1838. PARSONS (Theophilus). The laws of business for business men in all the states of the Union. With forms for mercantile in- struments, deeds, leases, wills, etc. 1857. SAYLER (J. R.) American form book: containing the most improved legal forms and instruments for the use of professional and business men; also a statement of the law of deeds, mortgages, chattel mortgages, exemptions from executions, interests, mechan- ics' liens, wills; with forms for every state and territory. 1878. Element ABY Books, 21 CALENDARS — THE calendars of causes in the supreme court of Wisconsin, from August term, 1877, to August" term, 1881. Folio. 8 vols. (Ms.) CANON LAW — /S'ee Civil La. w, Ecclesiastical Law. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT — COPINGER (W. A.) An essay on the abolition of capital pun- ishment: embracing more particularly an'enunciation and analysis of the principles of law as applicable to criminals of the highest degree of guilt. London, 1876. [In law pamphlets, vol. 3.] CARRIERS — ANGELL (J. K.) Treatise on the law of carriers of goods and passengers, by land and water. 5th ed. By John Lathrop. 1877. . The same. 4th ed. 1868. BONNEY (C. C.) Rules of law for the carriage and delivery of persons and property by railway. With the leading railway stat- utes and decisions of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsyl- vania, New York and the United States. 1864. BROWNE (.1. H. B.) Treatise on the law of carriers of goods and passengers by land and water. London, 1873. CHITTY (T.) and TEMPLE (L.) Treatise on the law of carriers of goods and passengers by land, inland navigation, and in ships. London, 1856. HUTCHINSON (Robert). Treatise on the law of carriers as administered in the courts of the United States and England. 1879. LAWSON (J. D.) Treatise on the contracts of common car- riers, with special reference to such as seek to limit their liability at common law by means of bills of lading, express receipts, rail- road tickets, baggage checks, etc. 1880. REDFIELD (I. F.) Th« law of carriers of snoods and passen- gers, private and public, inland and foreign, by railway or steamboat, and other modes of transportation; also the construction, responsi- bility and duty of telegraph companies, inn-keepers, and the law of bailments. 1869. 22 Wisconsin State Library, CARRIERS — continued. SCHOULER (James). Treatise on the law of bailments, in- cluding carriers, inn-keepers and pledge. 1880. THOMPSDN (S. D.) The law of carriers of passengers: illustrated by leading cases and notes. 1880. jSee, also^ Bailments, Railways, Stoppage ix Transitu. CASES AND BRIEFS — THE cases and briefs in the supreme court of Wisconsin, from August term, 1877, to and including August term, 18S0. 103 vols. CASES AFFIRMED, CITED AND OVERRULED — BARBOUR (O. L.) A table of cases in Barbour's [New York] supreme court reports, 67 volumes, affirmed, reversed, approved, overruled, etc. [In volume 67 of Barbour's supreme court reports, pages 603 to 657.] BIGELOW (M. M.) An index of the cases overruled, reversed, denied, doubted, modified, limited, explained and distinguished by the courts of America, England and Ireland, from the earliest period to the present time. 1873. BRIGHTLY (F. C.) Table of overruled and reversed cases pn the New York reports, from the earliest period to 1880.] [In vols. 1 and 3 of his New York Digest.] . Table of overruled and reversed cases [in the supreme court of Pennsylvania, from 1754 to 1877. | [In his Pennsylvania Digest.] COCKROFT (James). An unabridged table of cases giving the name, volume of reports, and page of every reported case found in the federal, state and territorial reports; and in addition showing in what volumes of reports it has been subsequently cited by the courts. Vol. 1. A to Biz. 1878. DESTY (Robert). California citations: an alphabetical table of all the cases cited in the opinions of the California reports, and of the California cases cited in the reports of other states; with the points as to which they are cited, approved, affirmed, criticised, doubted, denied or overruled. 1874. Elementary Books. 23 CASES AFFIRMED, CITED AND OYERRULED — con. . Federal citations. An alphabetical table of English and American cases cited in the opinions of the courts of the United States, stating the points as to which they are cited, and showing the effect of such citation. 1878. GREENLEAF (Simon). A full collection of cases overruled, denied, doubted, or limited in their application, taken from Ameri- can and English reports, revised and continued by John Townshand. 4th ed. 1867. LOCKWOOD (Ralph). An analytical and practical synopsis of all the cases argued and reversed in law and equity, in the court for the correction of errors of the state of New York, from 1799 to 1847. 1848. MURRAY (F. P.) Table of cases affirmed, reversed, cited and overruled in the supreme, circuit and district courts of the United States, with references to the cases in the reports of the several states which overrule, deny, doubt, etc., any of the cases contained in the reports of the national courts. 1873. RAPALJE (Stewart). A table of cases affirmed, reversed, overruled, and otherwise criticized [in the reports of the supreme, circuit and district courts of the United States, from the earliest period to 1880]. [In his federal reference digest.] — . A table of cases affirmed, reversed, overruled, and otherwise criticized [by the courts of New York from the earliest period to 1881]. [In vols. 1 and 2 of his New York digest]. ROGERS (H. W.) Illinois citations: being a table of the cases, alphabetically arranged, mentioned in the opinions of the supreme court of Illinois, from its organization to the present time, and showing in what manner each case has been mentioned, whether approved, denied, overruled, modified or criticized. 1881. • SHARSWOOD (Geoege, Jr.) Table of cases in the reports of the state of Connecticut which have been cited, explained, limited, doubted or overruled in subsequent decisions. 1878. 24: Wisconsin State Library. CASES AFFIRMFD, CITED AND OYFRRULED — con. TALBOT (J. A.) Table of cases cited, affirmed, modified and overruled of all the Michigan reports to the 33d vol. In three parts,, each separately double-indexed, and includes all cases, both English and American, cited by the supreme court of Michigan. 1878. TOMLINS (T. E.) Repertorium juridicum. A general index to all the cases and pleadings in law and equity contained in all the reports, year books, etc., hitherto published. 2 vols. Dublin^ 1788. TOURGEE (A. W.) A digest of cited cases in the North Caro- lina reports, containing a syllabus of each case cited, to the end of the 79th vol.; a list of the cases in which it is cited, and a careful synopsis of each modification, extension or reversal. 1879. WAIT (William). Table of cases affirmed, reversed, or cited in any of the volumes of the reports of the state of New York, from the origin of the state to 1872. 1872. . Supplement to Wait's table of cases of New York reports: being a table of cases affirmed, reversed or cited in subse- quent decisions of the courts of the state of New York, from 1872 to 1880; together with all the additional citations to cases included in the original work. By R. E, Andrews. 1880. WENDLING (G. R.) An alphabetical index showing by paral- lel references the several cases in the Illinois reports, subsequently reversed, modified, explained, approved or maintained. 1873. WIGHT (W. W.) Table of cases decided by the supreme court of the state of Wisconsin, to and including the 38th volume of Wisconsin reports, showing what cases have subsequently beea cited by the court. 1876. WILLIAMS, (G. F.) Table of cases overruled, denied, doubted,, criticised, approved and cited by the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. Also a list of legal maxims, and of errors in cita- tion found in the opinions of the court. 1878. CHALLENGE OF JURORS — JOY, (H. H.) On the admissibility of confessions and challenge of jurors in criminal cases in England and Ireland. 1843. [Law library, vol. 38.] Elementary Books. 25 CHAMBER PRACTICE — BAGLEY (William). The practice at the chambers of the judges of the courts of common law, in civil actions. 1837. [Law library, vol. 13.] See^ also, Peactice. CHANCERY — See Equity. CHARGING THE JURY — THOMPSON (S.D.) Charging the jury; a monograph. 1880, "WELLS (J. C.) Treatise on questions of law and fact, instruc- tions to juries and bills of exceptions. 1876. JSee, also, Pbactice. CHARITABLE USES AND TRUSTS — DWIGHT (T. W.) Argument in the court of appeals of New York in the Rose will case. 2 vols. 1863. [The 8d vol. contains cases extracted from the reports of the commissioners of charities in England, from the calendars in chancery, and the statutes of 39 and 43 Elizabeth, and other statutes relating to the disposition of property for charitable and public uses.] SHELFORD (Leonard). Treatise on the law of mortmain and charitable uses and trusts. 2 vols. 1842. [Law library, vols. 34, 35.] TUDOR (0. D.) The law of charitable uses and trusts, with the statutes, and the orders, regulations and instructions issued pursu- ant thereto. 2d ed. London, 1871. CHARTERS — BLACKSTONE (William). The great charter, and charter of the forest, with other authentic instruments; to which is prefixed an introductory discourse, containing the history of the charters. Folio. Oxford, 1759. * POORE (Ben: P.) The federal and state constitutions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of the United States. 4to. 2 vols. 1877. 26 Wisconsin State Librae y. CHATTEL MORTGAGES — HERMAN (H. M.) Treatise of chattel mortgages. 1877. BILLIARD (Francis). The law of mortgages of real and per- sonal property. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1872, JONES (L. A.) Treatise on the law of mortages of personal property. 1881. THOMAS (A. C.) Treatise on the law of mortgages of real and personal property in the state of New York; with an appen- dix of forms. 1877. CHECKS — /S'ee Banking; Bills, Notes and Checks. CHURCH AND CLERGY — /S^ee Ecclesiastical Law. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EYIDENCE — BEST (W. M.) Treatise on presumptions of law and fact, with the theory and rules of presumptive or circumstantial proof in criminal cases. 1845. [Law library, vol. 45.] BURRILL (A. M.) Treatise on the nature, principles and rules of circumstantial evidence, especially that*of the presumptive kind in criminal cases. 1856. PHILLIPS (S. M.) Famous cases of circumstantial evidence; with an introduction on the theory of presumptive proof. 1874. WILLS (William). Essay on the principles of circumstantial evidence; illustrated by numerous cases. 5th Am. from 4lh Lon- don ed. 1872. . The same. From 3d London ed. 1835. . An essay on the rationale of circumstantial evidence. 1843. [Law library, vol. 39.] CIVIL LAW — BROWN (Archibald). Epitome and analysis of Savigny's trea- tise on obligations in Roman law. London, 1872. BROWN (Arthur). A compendious view of the civil law, and of the law of the admiralty, being the substance of a course of lec- tures read in the university of Dublin. 1st Am from 2d London ed. 2 vols. 1840. Elementary Books. 27 €IYIL LAW — continued. COOPER (Thomas). The institutes of Justinian, viiih. notes. 2d ed. 1841. CORPVS IVRIS CIVILES: codicibus veteribvs manuscriptis et optimis gorbe^al editionibas collatis recensoit Georgios Chris- tianas Gebaver. 2 vols. 4to. Gottingae, 1726. CQSHING (L. S.) An introduction to the study of the Roman law. 12mo. 1854. DOMAT (Jean). The civil law in its natural order. Translated from the French by William Strachan. Edited from the 2d London ed. by Luther S. CushiEg. 2 vols. 1850. GRAPEL (William), Sources of the Roman civil law. 1857. [Law library, vol. 92.] GUTERBOCK (Carl). Bracton and his relation to the Roman law: a contribution to the history of the Roman law in the middle ages. 1866. HUNTER (W. A.) A systematic and historical exposition of Roman law in the order of a code; embodying the institutes of Gains and the institutes of Justinian, Translated into English by J. A. Cross. London, 1876. JUSTINIAN. The institutes of. In Latin and English, with notes, chiefly relative to the laws of England. By George Harris. 2d ed. 4to. London, 1761. . The same. With English introduction, translation and notes, by Thomas Sanders. With an introduction by Wm. G. Hammond. 1st Am. from 5th London ed. 1876. LINDLEY (Nathaniel). An introduction to the study of juris- prudence: being a translation of the general part of Thibaut's system des Pandexton Mechts^ with notes and illustrations. 1855. [Law library, vol. 84.J LONG (George). Two discourses delivered by way of intro- duction to lectures on general jurisprudence and civil law. 1848, [Law library, vol. 58.'|* MacCHOMBAICH (P.) The rise and progress of the Roman civil law before Justinian, historically considered. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] 28 Wisconsin State Library. CIYIL L 4 W — continued. ■ . The progress of the Roman civil law from Justinian to the fall of the empire of the east, historically considered. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] . Traces of the Roman civil law in the barbaric codes. I Juridical papers, vol. 1.] MACKEI.DY (F.) Compendium of modern civil law. From 12th German ed. Edited by P. I. Kaufman. Vol. 1. 1845. [All ever published.] MACKENZIE (Lokd). Studies in Roman law, with compara- tive views of the laws of France, England and Scotland. 2d ed, Edinburgh. 1865. RUTHERFORD (T.) Institutes of natural law: being the sub- stance of a course of lectures on Grotius de jure belli et paciSy read in St. John's College, Cambridge. 2d Am. ed. 1832. SAVIGNY (H. C. V.) Treatise on prossession; or the jus poS' sessioni of the civil law. 6th ed. Translated from the German, by Erskine Perry. London, 1848. TAYLOR (John). Elements of the civil law. 4th ed. London, 1828. CODE — See Pleading, Practice, Pkocedure. CODE PLEADING — See Pleading. COLLISIONS — See Railways, Shipping. COMMENTABIES — See the various subject matters commen- tated. COMMERCIAL AND MERCANTILE LAW — ACT of incorporation, rules, by-laws and inspection regulationi^ of the board of trade of the city of Chicago; adopted September 25, 1875. [In law pamphlets, vol. 4.] ACT of incorporation and rules and by-laws of the chamber of commerce of the city of Milwaukee, as amended March 24, 1877* [In law pamphlets, vol. 3.] BATEMAN (W. O.) The general commercial law as recognized in the jurisprudence of the United States. 1860. Elementary Books. 29 COMMERCIAL AND MERCANTILE LAW - continued. BELL (G. J.) Commentaries on the principles of mercantile jurisprudence. 7th ed. By John McLaren. 2 vols. 4to. Edin- burgh, 1870. [In his commentaries on the law of Scotland.] CHITTY (Joseph). Treatise on the laws of commerce and man- ufactures, and the contracts relating thereto, with an appendix of treaties, statutes and precedents. 4 vols. London, 1824. DESTY (Robert). The revised statutes of the United States relating to commerce, navigation and shipping, with references to the decisions of the federal courts construing them, together with the regulations promulgated by the secretary of the treasury in accordance therewith, and a full collection of forms. 16mo. 1880. FELL (W. W.) Treatise on the law of mercantile guaranties. 3d Am. from 2d English ed. By W. M. Scott. 1872. [In his law of guaranty and suretyship.] GOIRAND (Leopold). The French code of commerce and most usual commercial laws, with a theoretical and practical com- mentary, and a compendium of the judicial organization and of the course of procedure before the tribunals of commerce, together with the most recent decisions of the courts and a glossary of French judicial terms. London, 1880. HARE (J. S. a) and WALLACE (H. B.) American leading cases; being select decisions in several departments of law, with especial reference to mercantile law. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1851. LEVI (Leone). Manual of the mercantile law of Great Britain and Ireland. 1854. [Law library, vol. 82.] LUDLOW (J. M.) On the mercantile notion of '* the firm," and the need of its legal recognition. 1857. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] MacGREGOR (John). Commercial statistics; a digest of the productive resources, coipmercial legislation, customs, tariffs, etc., of all nations. 2d ed. 5 vols. London, 1850. MONTEFIORE (Joshua). Commercial dictionary; containing the present state of the mercantile law, practice and customs. 1st Am. ed. 3 vols. 1804; 30 Wisconsin State Librae y. COMMERCIAL AND MERCANTILE LAW — continued. PARSONS (Theophilus). The elements of mercantile law. 1856. RODMAN (John). The commercial code of France, with motives or discoveries of the counsellors of state, delivered before the legislative body, illustrative of the principles and provisions of the code. 1814. ROSS (Geokge). Leading cases in the commercial law of Eng- land and Scotland. 3 vols. 1855-58, [Law library, vols. 80, 83 and 97.] RUSSELL (J. A.) Treatise on mercantile agency. 2d ed. London, 1873. SMITH (J. W.) Compendium of mercantile law. 8th ed. By G. M. Dowdeswell. London, 1871. TOWNSEND (Calvin). Compendium of commercial law, with copious citations of authorities. 1877. TUDOR (O. D.) Selection of leading cases on mercantile and maritime law. From 2d London ed. 2 vols. 1873. WESTLAKE (J.) On commercial blockades. 1862. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] jSee, also. Accounts, Arbitration and Award, Bailments, Bankruptcy, Bills, Notes and Checks, Contracts, Guaranty AND Suretyship, Insurance, Partnership. COMMISSION — HILL (E. J.) The law of commission. 1879. COMMON CARRIERS — A^ee Carriers. COMMON LAW — BEST (W. M.) The common law of England, with an examin- ation of some false principles of law reform. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] BROOM (Herbert). Commentaries on the common law, de- signed as introductory to its study. 1856. . The same. 1856. [Law library, vol. 89.] Elementary Books. 31 COMMON L i W — continued. CHIPMAN (N.) A dissertation on the act adopting the com- mon and statute laws of England. 2d ed. 1871. [In his Vermont reports.] CRABB (George). History of English law; or an attempt to trace the rise, progress and successive changes of the common law, from the earliest period. 1831. FINCH (Henry). Law, or a discourse thereof. London, 1759. HALE (Matthew). History of the common law. 6th ed. l^y Charles Runnington. London, 1820. HOLMES (O. W., Jr.) The common law. 1881. INDERMAUR (John). Principles of the common law. An ele- mentary work intended for the use of students and the profession. London, 1876. MARSHALL (W.) Common law courts and equitable jurisdic- tion. 1860. [.Juridical papers, vol. 2.] SMITH (.1. W.) Manual of common law; comprising the funda- mental principles and the points most usually occurring in daily life and practice. 1st Am. from 4th London ed. By E. E. Ingersoll. 12mo. 187L. SWEET (G.) The expediency of digesting the precedents of the common law, and regulating the publication of reports. 1862. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] WALKER (J. M.) The theory of the common law. 1852. See^ also, Abridgments, English Law. COMPENSATION- LLOYD (Eyre). The law of compensation under the lands clauses and railways clauses, consolidation acts, the metropolis lo- cal management and other acts, etc., with a full collection of forms and precedents. 2d ed. London, 1870. JSee, also, Arbitration and Award, Damages, Eminent Do- main. COMPOSITION — BUMP (0. F.) Composition in bankruptcy. 1877. [In law pamphlets, vol. 2.] FORSYTH (William). Treatise on the law relating to compo- sition with creditors, with an appendix, containing precedents of pleadings and deeds. 1845. 32 Wisconsin State Library. CONFESSIONS — HAPWOOD (C. H.) On the law relating to confessions in crim- inal cases. 1865. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] JOY (H. H.) On the admissibility of confessions and challenge of jurors. 1843. [Law library, vol. 38.] yS'ee, also, Criminal Law, Evidence. CONFLICT OF LAWS — FOOTE (J. A.) Concise treatise on private international juris- prudence, based on the decisions in the English courts. London, 1878. SAVIGNY (F. C. Von). Private international law, and the ret- rospective operation of statutes; a treatise on the conflict of laws, and the limits of their operation in respect of place and time. Translated with notes, by William Guthrie, with an appendix con- taining the treatises of Bartolus, Molinaeus, Paul Voel, and Huber. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1880. STORY (Joseph). Commentaries on the conflict of laws, foreign and domestic, in regard to contracts, rights, remedies, and espec- ially in regard to marriages, divorces, wills, successions and judg- ments. 7th ed. By E. H. Bennett. 1872. . The same. 6th ed. By I. F. Redfield. 1865. WESTLAKE (John). Treatise on private international law, or the conflict of laws, with principal reference to its practice in the English and other cognate systems of jurisprudence, and numerous references to American authorities. 1859. [Law library, vol. 99.J WHARTON (Francis). Treatise on the conflict of laws, or pri- vate international law. 2d ed. 1881. . The same. 1872. CONSPIRACIES — WRIGHT (R. S.) The law of criminal conspiracies and agree- ments. London, 1873. /S'ee, also, Criminal Law, Trials. Elementary Books. 33 CONSTABLES — CROCKER (J. G.) The duties of sheriffs, coroners and consta- bles. 2d ed. 1871. . The same. 1855. WILLCOCK (J. W.) The office of constable. 1840. [Law library, vol. 27. J CONSTITUTIONAL LAW- I. American. BATE MAN (W-. O.) Political and constitutional law of the United States. 1876. BUMP (O F.) Notes of constitutional decisions: being a digest of the judicial interpretations of the constitution of the United States, as contained in the federal and state reports. 1878. CALHOUN (J. C.) Disquisition on government, and a discourse on the constitution and government of the United States. 1851. [In vol. 1 of his works.] COOLEY (T. M.) Treatise on the constitutional limitations w^hich rest upon the legislative power of the states of the American Union. 3d ed. 1874. . The same. 1868. . The general principles of constitutional law in the United States of America. 12 mo. 1880. CUDMORE (P.) The civil government of the states, and the constitutional history of the United States. 1875. CURTIS (G. T ) History of the origin, formation and adoption of the constitution of the United States, with notices of its princi- pal framers. 2 vols. 1854. DESTY (Robert). The constitution of the United States anno- tated. 16 mo. 1881. DILLON (J. B.) Notes on historical evidence in reference to adverse theories of the origin and nature of the government of the United States of America. 1871. DUER (VV. A.) Course of lectures on the constitutional juris- prudence of the United States. 2d ed. 1856. 3— W. 8. L. 34 Wisconsin State Librahy. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW — continued. ELLIOTT (J.) The debates, resolutions and other proceedings, in convention, on the adoption of the federal constitution. Vol. 1, Massachusetts and New York; vol. 2, Virginia; vol. 3, North Caro- lina and Pennsylvania; vol. 4, journals and debates of the federal convention held at Philadelphia, from May 14, to September 17, 1787. 4 vols. 1827-30. FARRAR (Timothy). Manual of the constitution of the United States. 2d ed. 1869. FEDERALIST (The). A collection of essays by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison, on the constitution of the United States. 1837. . The same, by H. B. Dawson. Vol. 1. 1864. GANTT (T. G.) The unconstitutionality of act 'of congress of February 12, 1873, demonetising silver. 1877. [In vol. of bound monographs.] HOUGH (F. B.) American constitutions; comprising the con- stitution of each state in the Union, and of the United States; each accompanied by a historical introduction and notes, together with a classified analysis of the constitutions, according to their subjects, showing by comparative arrangement, every constitu- tional provision now in force in the several states; with references to judicial decisions. 2 vols. 1872. JAMESON (J. A.) The constitutional convention; its history, powers and modes of proceeding. 1867. KING (John). A commentary on the law and true construction of the federal constitution. 1871. MARSHALL (John). The writings of, upon the federal consti- tution. 1839. MILLER (S. F.) The constitution of the United States: three lectures delivered before the University law school, of Washington, D. C. 1880. [In law pamphlets, vol. 3.] PASCHAL (G. W.) The constitution of the United States de- fined and carefully annotated. 12mo. 1868. POME ROY (J. N.) An introduction to the constitutional law of the United States. 1868. Elementary Books. 35 CONSTITtJTION AL LAW— continued. POORE (Ben: P.) The federal and state constitutions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of the United States. 4to. 2 vols. 1877. POTTER (Platt). Notes and maxims of constitutional limita- tions upon the national and state legislative power. 1811. [In his edition of Dwarris on statutes.] RAWI-.E ( Wm ) A view of the constitution of the United States of America. 2d ed. 1829. SCHOULER (James). History of the United States of America under the constitution. Vol. 1. 1880. SERGEANT (Thomas). Constitutional law; being a view of the practice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States, and of constitutional points decided. 2d ed. 1830. SMITH (E. F.) Commentaries on statute and constitutional law, and statutory and constitutional construction, containing an examination of the adjudged cases on constitutional law, under the constitution of the United States, and the CQnstitutions of the re- spective states concerning legislative power, and also the consider- ation of the rules of law in the construction of statutes and consti- tutional provisions. 1848. STORY (Joseph). Commentaries on the constitution of the United States; with a preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states before the adoption of the consti- tution. 4th ed. By Thomas M. Cooley. 2 vols. 1873. . The same. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1858. THE constitutions of the several states of the Union and United States, including the articles of confederation. 1857. TIFFANY (Joel). Treatise on government and constitutional law: being an inquiry into the source and limitations of govern- mental authority, according to the American theory. 1867. VON HOLST (H.) The constitutional and political history of the United States. Fro» the German. Vol. 1, 1750-1833; vol. 2, 1828-1846. 2 vols. 1876-79. II. English. AMOS (Sheldon). Fifty years of the English constitution, 1830-1880. Am. ed. 1880. 36 Wisconsin State Library. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW — continued. BROOM (Herbert). Constitutional law viewed in relation to common law, and exemplified by oases. London, 1866. De LOLME (J. L.) The constitution of England; or an account of the English government: in which it is compared both with the republican form of government, and the other monarchies in Europe. A new ed. London, 1822. FORSYTH (William). Cases and opinions on constitutional law, and various points of English jurisprudence. London, 1869, HALLAM (Henry). The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George IL 3 vols. London, 1876. MAY (T. E.) The constitutional history of England since the accession of George HI. 3 vols. 1864. RUSSELL (John). An essay on the history of the English government and constitution from the reign of Henry VII. to the present time. 12mo. London, 1866. STUBBS (Willia«m). The constitutional history of England in its origin and development. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1875. SULLIVAN (F. S.) Lectures on the constitution and laws of England; with a commentary on magna charta, and illustrations of many of the English statutes. 2d ed. By Gilbert Stuart. Dublin, 1790. TASWELL-LANGMEAD (T. P.) English constitutional his- tory from the Teutonic conquest to the present time. 2d ed. Lon- don, 1880. CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS — COOLEY (T. M.) Treatise on the constitutional limitations which rest upon the legislative power of the states of the Amer- ican Union. 3d ed. 1874. — . The same. 1868. POTTER (Platt). Treatise on constitutional limitations upon the national and state legislative power. 1871. [In his edition of Dwarris on statutes.] WADE (VV. P.) Treatise on the operation and construction of retroactive laws, as affected by constitutional limitations and ju- dicial interpretations. 1880. Elementary Books. 37 CONSTRUCTION OF STATUTES — BISHOP (J. P.) The general principles of interpretation of criminal statutes. 1873. [In his treatise on statutory crimes.] COODE (George). Legislative expression; or the language of the written law. 1848. [Law library, vol. 58.] DWARRIS (F.) General treatise on statutes; their rules of construction, and the proper boundaries of legislation and of ju- dicial interpretation. Including a summary of the practice of Parliament, and the ancient and modern method of proceeding in passing bills of every kind. 2d ed. London, 1848. . The same. 1835. [Law library, vol. 7.] . The same. By Piatt Potter, with American notes and maxims. 1871. HARDCASTLE (Henry). Treatise on the rules which govern the construction and eifect of statutory law. London, 1879. LIEBER (Francis). Legal and political hermeneutics, or prin- ciples of interpretation and construction in law and politics, with remarks on precedents and authorities. 3d ed. By W. G. Ham- mond. 1880. MAXWELL (P. B.) On the interpretation of statutes. Lon* don, 1875. SEDGWICK (Theodore). Treatise on the rules which govern the interpretation and application of statutory and constitutional law. 2d ed. By J. A. Pomeroy. 1874. . The same. 1857. SMITH (E. F.) Commentaries on statute and constitutional law and statutory and constitutional construction. 1848. CONSTRUCTION OF WILLS — O'HARA (.John P.) Treatise on the interpretation of wills showing the points of resemblance and contrast between the American and English rules of testamentary construction, with ref- erences to all the leading authorities in point. 1872. [Bound with Wigram on extrinsic evidence.] 38 Wisconsin State Librae r. CONTINGENT REMAINDERS — COLEMAN (W, M.) An epitome of Fearne on contingent re- mainders and executory devices. 12 mo. 1878. FEARNE (Charles). Essay on the learning of contingent re- mainders and executory devises. 3d Am. from 8th London ed. By Charles Butler. 1826. CONTRACTS — ADDISON (C. G.) Treatise on the law of contracts. 7th ed. By L. W. Cave. London, 1875. . The same. 1847. . The same. 3d Am. from 7th London ed. By J. A. Morgan. 3 vols. 1879. ANSON (W. R.) Principles of the law of contract. Edited and annotated with American notes by O. W. Aldrich. 1880. BATTEN (E.) Treatise on the law relating to the specific per- formance of contracts. 1850. [Law library, vol. 65.] BINGHAM (A.) The law of executory contracts for the sale of real property. 1872. BISHOP (J. ?.) The doctrines of the law of contracts, in their principal outlines, stated, illustrated and condensed. 1878. BLACKBURN (C.) Treatise on the effect of the contract of sale on the legal rights of property and possession in goods, wares and merchandise. 1847. [Law library, vol. 55.] CHIPMAN (Daniel). An essay on the law of contracts for the payment of specific articles. 1822. CHITTY (Joseph). Treatise on the law of commerce and manu- factures, and the contracts relating thereto. 4 vols. London, 1824. CHITTY (Joseph, Jr.) Treatise on the law of contracts, and upon the defenses to actions thereon. 11th Am. ed. from 9th En- glish ed. of J. A. tiussell. By J. C. Perkins. 2 vols. 1874. . The same. 8th Am. from 4th London ed. 1851. COMYN (Samuel). The law of contracts and promises upon various subjects, and with particular persons, as settled in the aotion of assumpsit. 4th Am. ed. 1835. Elementary Books. 39 CONTRACTS — continued. FRY (Edward). Treatise on the specific performance of con- tracts, including those of public companies. 2d Am. ed. By W. S. Schuyler. 1871. . The same. 1858. . The same. 1858. [Law library, vol. 98.] HILLIARD (Francis). The law of contracts. 2 vols. 1872. LANGDELL (C. C.) A selection of cases on the law of con- tracts, with references and citations. 1871. . A summary of the law of contracts. 12 mo. 2d ed. 1880. LAWSON (J. D.) Treatise on the contracts of common carriers, with special reference to such as seek to limit their liability at common law. 1880. LEAKE (S. M.) An elementary digest of the law of contracts. Lcndon,l878. METCALF (Theron). Principles of the law of contracts, as ap- plied by courts of law. 1868. NEWLAND (John). Treatise of contracts as within the juris- diction of courts of equity. 182 L PARSONS (Theophilus). The law of contracts. 6th ed. 3 vols. 1873. . The same. 5th ed. 3 vols. 1864. POLLOCK (Frederick). Principles of contract at law. and in equity: being a treatise on the general principles concerning the validity of agreements, with a special view to the comparison of law and equity. 2d ed. ' London, 1878. . The same, ist Am. from 2d English ed. With notes by G. H. Wald. 1881. POMEROY (J. N.) Treatise on the specific performance of contracts as it is enforced by courts of equitable jurisdiction in the United States. 1879. , POTHIER'(R. J.) Treatise on the law of obligations or con- tracts. Translated from the French, with an introduction, appendix and notes, illustrative of the English law on the subject. By William David Evans. 2 vols. 1826. 40 ' Wisconsin State Library. CONTRACTS — continued. ROSS (George). Leading cases in the commercial law of England and Scotland. Vol. 1, bills and notes; vol. 2, contract of sale; vol. 3, suretyship, agency, partnership and insurance. 1854 to 1858. [Law library, vols. 80, 83, 97.] SMITH (J. W.) The law of contracts. 6th Am. from 6th Lon- don ed. "With notes by V. T. Thompson, W. H. Rawle and George Sharswood. 1878. . The same. 5th ed. 1869. STORY (W. W.) The law of contracts. 5th ed. By M. M. Bigelow. 2 vols. 1874. . The same. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1856. WATERMAN (T. W.) Practical treatise on the law relating to the specific performance of contracts. 1881. VERPLANCK (G. C.) An essay on the doctrine of contracts: being an inquiry how contracts are affected in law and morals by concealment, error, or inadequate price. 1823. JSee^ aho^ Bills, Notes and Checks, Covenants, Guaranty AND Suretyship, Insurance, Marriage, Mortgage, Partnership, Sale. CONVERSION OF PROPERTY — LEIGH (J. H.), and DALZELL (R.) Treatise on the equitable doctrine ot* the conversion of property. 1834. I Law library, vol. 3. | CONVEYANCING — ABBOTT (B. V.) and (A.) Collection of forms of convey- ancing, contracts and legal proceedings. With notes, explanations and authorities. 2d ed. 1867. CHIPMAN (N.) a dissertation on the statutes of conveyances. 2d ed. 1871. [In his Vermont reports.] COVENTRY (Thomas). Concise forms in conveyancing. 2d ed. 12 mo. London, 1827. . On conveyancers evidence. 1839. [Law library, vol. 24.] Elementary Books. 41 CONVEYANCIXG - continued. CURWEN (M. E.) Manual upon searching of records and the preparation of abstracts of title to real property. 12mo. 1865. DEANE (H. C.) An epitome of the law of corporeal heredita- ments and conveyancing. With notes by a member of the Boston bar. 1875. PARK (.1. J.) Treatise on the law of dower; particularly witH- a view to the modern practice of conveyancing. 1836. [Law library, vol. 9.] SHEPPARD (W.) Touchstone of common assurances; or a plain and familiar treatise, opening the learning of common assur- ances, or conveyances of the kingdom. 2 vols. 1840. [Law library, vols. 28, 29.] SMITH (J. W.) A compendium of the law of real and personal property, connected with conveyancing. 1856. [Law library, vol. 87.] THORNTON (J. B.) Digest of the conveyancing, testamentary and registry laws of all the states of the Union; with references to the leading decisions upon these subjects, and forms of acknowl- edgment, relinquishment, etc., required by the statutes. 1847. WATKINS (Charles). Principles of conveyancing: designed for the use of students. With an introduction on the study of that branch of law; with additions by Richard Preston. 7th ed. Lon- don, 1829. WHARTON (J. S.) The principles of conveyancing. 1851. [Law library, vol. 72.] COPYHOLD — BLACKSTONE (William). Considerations on copyholders,, whether tenants by copy of the court- roll, according to the custom of the manor, though not at the will of the lord, are freeholders qualified to vote. 4to. Oxford, 1771. [In his law tracts.] GILBERT (.Jbffery). The law of tenures: containing the original, nature, use and effect of feudal or common law tenures; of customary and copyhold tenures, explaining the nature and use of copyholds, and their particular customs. 3d ed. London, 1757. 42 Wisconsin State Library, COPYRIGHT — BUMP (O. F.) The law of patents, trademarks and copyrights: consisting of the sections of the revised statutes of the United States with notes under each section, referring to the decisions of the courts and the commissioner of patents. 1877. COPINGER (W. A.) The law of copyright, in works of lit- erature and art: including that of the drama, music, engraving, sculpture, painting, photography, and ornamental and useful desisjns; together with international and foreign copyright, and the statutes relating thereto. London, 1870. CURTIS (G. T.) Treatise on the law of copyright in books, dramatical and musical compositions, letters and other manuscripts, engravings and sculpture, as enacted and administered in England and America; with some notices of the history of literary property. 1848. DRONE (E. S.) Treatise on the law of property in intellectual productions in Great Britain and the United States. Embracing copyright in works of literature and art, and playright in dramatic and musical compositions. 1879. LAW (S. D.) Digest of American cases relating to patents for inventions and copyrights from 1789 to 1862. 1866. MARSHALL (W.) Copyright in the fine arts. 1863. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] MORGAN (J. A.) The law of literature: reviewing the laws of literary property in manuscripts, books, lectures, dramatic and musical compositions, etc.; copyright transfers, and copyright and piracy; libel and contempt of court by literary matter; with an appendix of the American, English, French and German statutes on copyright. 2 vols. 1875. SHORTT (John). The law relating to works of literature and art: embracing the law of copyright, the law relating to news- papers, the law relating to contracts between authors, publishers, printers, and the law of libel. London, 1871. WHITMAN (C. S.) Patent laws and practice for obtaining let- ters patent in the United States and foreign countries; including copy-right and trade-mark laws. 1871. Elementary Books. 43 CORONERS — LEE (J. G.) Hand-book for coroners: containing a digest of all the laws in the thirty-eight states of the Union, together -with a historical resume from the earliest period to the present time. A guide to the physician in post-mortem examinations, and valuable miscellaneous matter never before collated. 1881. See^ also^ Sheriffs. CORPORATIONS — ABBOTT (B. V.) and (Austin). General digest of the law of corporations: presenting the American adjudications upon public and private corporations of every kind; with a full selection of English cases. 1869. ABBOTT (B. V.) The same for ten years from July, 1808, to July, 1878; with acts of congress: being a supplement to 1879. ANGELL (J. K.) and AMES (S.) Treatise on the law of pri- vate corporations aggregate. 9th ed. By John Lathrop. 1871. . The same. 7th ed. 1861. BINMORE (Henry). The corporator's manual: being a com- pilation of all laws of the state of Illinois affecting general corpo- rations, with explanatory notes and forms showing the powers, duties and liabilities of corporations, corporators, and their officers and agents. 12mo. 1880. BRICE (Seward). Treatise on the doctrine of ultra vires; being an investigation of the principles which limit the capacities, powers and liabilities of corporations, and more especially of joint stock companies. London, 1874. . The same, with notes and references to American cases. By Ashbel Green. 1875. CARPENTER (M. H.) The power of the legislature to govern corporations of its own creation; a speech delivered at Ripon, Sep- tember, 1874. [Law pamphlets, vol. 4.] FIELD (G. W.) Treatise on private corporations. 1877. GRANT (James). Treatise on the law of corporations in gen- eral, as well aggregate as sole. 1854. [Law library, vol. 78.] 44 Wisconsin State Library. CORPORATIONS — continued. LINDLEY" (N.) On the principles which govern the criminal and civil responsibilities of corporations. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] POTTER (Platt). Treatise on the law of corporations: gen- eral and local, public and private; aggregate and sole. 2 vols. 1879. PROFFA.TT (John). The law of private corporations. Being the law of private corporations under the civil code of California, with the recent amendments and statutes, and annotations in refer- ence to the decisions of the supreme court of California, and of other states, on analogous provisions: also an introductory chapter on the history of private corporations. 1876. THOMPSON (S. D.) Treatise on the liability of stockholders in corporations. 1879. * . The liability of directors and other officers and agents of corporations. Illustrated by leading cases and notes. 1880. WITHROW (T. F.) American corporation cases: embracing the decisions of the supreme and circuit courts of the United States, ,and ceurts of last resort in the several states since January, 1868, of questions peculiar to the law of corporations. Vol. 1, private corporations; vol. 2, municipal corporations. 2 vols. 1872-74. and BINMORE (H.) The same. Vols. 3, 4, private corporations. 1880-81. See^ also, Municipal Corporations. COSTS — BEAMES (John). Summary of the doctrine of courts of equity, with respect to costs, deduced from the leading cases. 1838. [Law library, vol. 20.] BROWNE (R. J.) The law of costs with reference to damages. 1844. [Law library, vol. 43; with his treatise on actions at law.] LEAKE (S. M.) The taxation of suitors. 1860. [Juridical papers, vol 2.] PARSONS (F. M.) Treatise on the law of costs as settled in the state of New York, and adapted to the code of the state of Ohio. 1876. Elementary Books. 45 COSTS — continued. TURNER (Samuel). The present practice and costs in the high court of chancery: with directions and remarks for the guidance of the solicitor in the conducting of a cause, from the commencement to its conclusion. 6th ed. By Robert Venables. 2 vols. London, 1825. CO-TENANCY — FREEMAN (A. C.) Co-tenancy and partition: a treatise on the law of co-ownership as it exists, independent of partnership rela- tions between the co-owners. 1874. COUNTER-CLAIM — WATERMAN (T. W.) Treatise on the law of set-off, recoup- ment and counter-claim. 1869. COURTS MARTIAL— /^6€ Military Law. COUNTY OFFICERS — See Officers. COVENANTS — BINGHAM (A.) and COLVIN (A. .1.) Treatise on rents, real and personal covenants and conditions. 1857. PLATT (Thomas). Treatise on the law of covenants. 1834. [Law library, vol. 1.] RAWLE ( W. H.) Treatise on the law of covenants for title. 4th ed. 1873. The same. 2d ed. 1854. COVERTURE — BINGHAM (P.) The law of infancy and coverture. 2d Am. ed. By E. H. Bennett. 1849. EWELL (M. D.) Leading and select cases on the disabilities incident to infancy, coverture, idiocy, etc. 1876. TYLER (R. H.) Commentaries on the law of infancy, and the law of coverture, embracing dower, marriage and divorce, and the statutory policy of the several states in respect to husband and wife. 1868. See^ also, Husband and Wife, Marriage. 46 Wisconsin State Library, CRIMINAL LAW — I. Treatises and Digests. ARCHBOLD (J. F.) Complete practical treatise on criminal procedure, pleading and evidence, in indictable cases. Containing all of the American and English decisions to the date of publica- tion. By J. N. Pomeroy. 8th ed. 2 vols. 1877. . The same. 1st ed. 2 vols. 1860. . Pleading and evidence in criminal cases; vrith the statutes, precedents of indictments, and the evidence necessary to support them. By John Jervis. 19th ed., including the practice in criminal proceedings by indictment, by William Bruce. London, 1878. BARBOUR (O. L.) Treatise on the criminal law of the state of New York; and upon the jurisdiction, duty and authority of jus- tices of the peace, and incidentally of the power and duty of sher- iffs, constables, etc., in criminal cases. 2d ed. 1852. BECCARIA (C.) An essay on crimes and punishments. Translated from the Italian; to which is added a commentary by M. D. Voltaire. 2d Am. ed. 1819. BISHOP (J. P.) Commentaries on criminal law. 6th ed. 2 vols. 1877. . The same. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1868. . Commentaries on the law of statutory crimes, em- bracing the general principles of interpretation of statutes; partic- ular principles applicable in criminal cases; leading doctrines of the common law of crimes; and discussions of the specific statutory offences, as to both law and procedure. 1873. CHITTY (Joseph). Treatise on the criminal law, with notes on each particular offence, the process, indictment, plea, defence, evidence, trial, verdict, judgment and punishment. 3 vols. 5th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 1847. CLARKE (S. R.) Treatise on criminal law as applicable to the dominion of Canada. Toronto, 1872. COLBY (J. H.) Treatise upon the criminal law and practice of the state of New York, with an appendix of precedents. 2 vols. 1868. Elementary Books. 47 CRIMINAL LAW — continued. COLE (W. R.) The law and practice relating to criminal infor- mations, and informations in the nature of quo warranto. 2 vols.. 1841. [Law library, vols. 54, 55.] COX (E. W.) The principles of punishment as applied in the administration of the criminal law by judges and magistrates. London, 1877. CRIMINAL LAW MAGAZINE: published bimonthly. Edited by Stewart Rapalje and R. L. Lawrence. Vol. 1. 1880. DA VIES (DANIEL). Treatise upon the authority and duty of justices of the peace in criminal prosecutions. 3d ed. By F. F. Heard. 1853. DEARSLEY (H. R.) Criminal process: or a view of the whole proceedings taken in criminal prosecutions, from arrest to judg- ment and execution. 1854. [Law library, vol. 79.] EAST (E. H.) Pleas of the crown : or a general treatise on the principles and practice of the criminal law. 2 vols. 1806. FISHER (R. A.) A digest of the reported cases (from 1756 to 1870, inclusive) relating to criminal law, criminal information and extradition. 1871. FOSTER (Michael). Discourses upon a few branches of the crown law. 3d ed. By Michael Dodson. London, 1792. HALE (Matthew). History of the pleas of the crown. 1st Am. ed. By W. A. Stokes and E. Ingersoll. 2 vols. 1847. HAMMOND (Anthony). On forgery. The criminal code, including a digest, consolidation and collection of the statutes. London, 1823. HANES (J. L.) Digest of decisions in criminal cases contained in the reports of the courts of the United States and the several state courts. 1856. ^ HARRIS (S. F.) Principles of the criminal law: a concise ex- position of the nature of crime, the various offences punishable by the English law, the law of criminal procedure, and the law of summary convictions. London, 1877. 48 Wisconsin State Library. CRIMINAL LAW — continued. HAWKINS (William). Treatise on the pleas of the crown. 8th ed. By John Garwood. 2 vols. London, 1824. HEARD (F .F.) Treatise on the authority and duties of trial justices, district, police and municipal courts in criminal cases. With forms in criminal proceedings, and precedents of complaints, indictments and special pleas. 1879. . The principles of criminal pleading. 12 mo. 1879. JOY (H. H.) On the admissibility of confessions and challenge of jurors in criminal cases in England and Ireland. 1843. [Law library, vol. 38.] LIPPITT (F. J.) Criminal law as administered in Massachusetts. 1879. LIVINGSTON (Edward). A system of penal law, for the state of Louisiana: consisting of a code of crimes and punishments, a code of procedure, a code of evidence, a code of reform and prison discipline, a book of definitions. 1833. MAY (J. W.) The law of crimes. 12mo. 1S81. . McCALL (H. S.) The New York civil and criminal justice: a complete treatise on the civil, criminal and special powers and duties of justices of the peace. 3d ed. 186G. MONCREIFF (H. J.) Treatise on the law of review in criminal cases by the high court and circuit court of justiciary, and on pro- cedure in criminal cases in inferior courts in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1877. MOORE (Alfeed). Treatise on criminal law and criminal pro- cedure, including forms used in all courts of the state of Indiana. 1879. MOORE (I. M.) Practical treatise on criaainal law, and proce- dure in criminal cases, before justices of the peace and in courts of record in the state of Illinois, with full directions and forms for every criminal case. 187G. ROSCOE (Henry). Digest of the law of evidence in criminal cases. 7th Am. ed. By George Sharswood. 3 vols. 1877. . The same. 6th ed. 1866. RUSSELL (W. B.) Treatise on crimes and misdemeanors. 9th Am. ed. By George Sharswood. 3 vols. 1877. Element ABY Books. 49 CRIMINAL LAW — continued. . The same. 8th Am. ed. 3 vols. 1857. STEPHEN (J. F.) Digest of the criminal law, crimes and pun- ishments. 16mo. 1877. STEPHEN (F.) The classification and definition of crime. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] . The practice of interrogating persons accused of of crime. [Juridical papers, vol 1.] STORER(H. R.) and HEARD (F. F.) Criminal abortion: its nature, its evidence and its law. 1868. TIFFANY (A. R.) Treatise on the criminal law of the state of Michigan, with precedents of indictments and informations, and forms in proceedings before magistrates in criminal cases. 3d ed. 1876. TRAIN (0. R.) and HEARD (F. F.) Precedents of indictments and special pleas. 1855. WASHBURN (Emory). A manual of criminal law, including the mode of procedure by which it is enforced. l2mo. 1878. WATERMAN (T. W.) Digest of decisions in criminal cases contained in the reports of the federal and state courts from the earliest period to the present time. 1877. WHARTON (Francis). The criminal law of the United States, embracing pleading and evidence, offenses against person, property, society and government; trial and its incidents. 7th ed. 3 vols. 1874. . The same. 6th ed. 1868. : — . A treatise on criminal law. 8th ed. 2 vols. 1880. . A treatise on criminal pleading and practice. 8th ed. 1880. . A treatise on the law of evidence in criminal issues. 8th ed. 1880. . Treatise on the law of homicide in the United States; to which is appended a series of leading cases on homicide, now out of print, or existing only in manuscript. 1855. 4-W. S. L. 50 Wisconsin State Library. CRmiNAL LAW — continued. . Precedents of indictments and pleas adapted to the use of both the courts of the United States and those of all the several states: together with notes on criminal pleading and prac- tice, embracing the English and American authorities generally. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1871. . The same. 1848. WILMOT (J. E. E.) Digest of the law of burglary. London, 1851. WRIGHT (R. S.) The law of criminal conspiracies and agree- ments. London, 1873. II, Leading Cases and Reports, BELL (T.) Crown cases reserved for consideration and decided by the judges of England, with a selection of cases and notes of cases relating to indictable offences argued and determined in the courts of queen's bench and courts of error, from Michaelmas term, 1858, to Michaelmas term, 1860. London, 1861. BENNETT (E. H.) and HEARD (F. F.) A selection of leading cases in criminal law, with notes. 2 vols. 1856. BROCKENBROUGH (William). Virginia cases, or decisions of the general court of Virginia, chiefly on the criminal law of the commonwealth, from 1815 to 1826. 1826. [Virginia cases, vol. 2.] BROCKENBROUGH (W.) and HOLMES. A collection of cases decided by the general court of Virginia, chiefly relating to the penal laws of the commonwealth, from 1789 to 1814. 1815. [^Virginia cases, vol. 1.] COX (E. W.) Reports of cases in criminal law in all the courts in England and Ireland. 13 vols. London, 1843-78. DEARSLEY (H. R.) Crown cases reserved for consideration and decided by the judges of England; with a selection of cases relating to indictable oifenses, argued and determined in the court of queen's bench and the courts of error, 1852 to 1856. London, 1856. and BELL (T.) The same, 1856-58. London, 1858. DENISON (S. C.) Crown cases reserved for consideration and Elementary Books. 51 CRINIMAL LAW — continued. decided by the judges of England, 1844-51; continued to 1852 by B. B. Pearce. 2 vols. London, 1850-52. FOSTER (xMichael). Report of sonle proceedings on the com- mission of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery, for the trials of the rebels, 1746, in the county of Surrey, and of other crown cases. With discourses upon a few branches of the crown law. 3d ed. By Michael Dodson. London, 1792. GREEN (N. St. J.) Criminal law reports: being reports of cases determined in the federal and state courts of the United States, and in the courts of England, Ireland and Canada. With notes. 2 vols. 1874-5. HAWLEY (J. G.) American criminal reports: a series designed to contain the latest and most important criminal cases determined in the federal and state courts, and selected cases from the English, Irish, Scotch and Canadian reports. 2 vols. 1878-80. HORRIGAN (L. B.) and THOMPSON (S. D.) Select American cases on the law of self defense. 1874. HOUSTON (J. W.) Reports of cases decided in the court of oj^r and terminer and the court of general sessions of the peace and jail delivery of the state of Delaware. Vol. 1. 1880. JACKSON and JACKSON. [Criminal] cases argued and adjudged in the court of appeals of the state of Texas, from 1876 to L880. 9 vols. 1877-81. JEBB (Robert). Cases chiefly relating to the criminal and pre- sentment law, reserved for consideration and decided by the twelve judges of Ireland, from 1822 to 1840. 1842. [British crown cases, vol. 3. J KELYNG (John). Reports of crown cases in the time of King Charles II; together with a treatise upon the law and proceedings in cases of high treason. 3d ed. By R. L. Loveland. London, 1873. LEACH (Thomas). Cases in crown law determined by the twelve judges, by the court of king's bench, and by commissioners of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery, from the fourth year of George II to the 59th year of George III. 2 vols. London, 1815. 52 Wisconsin State Lidrart. CRIMINAL L 4 W - continued. , LEIGH (E. E.) and CAVE (L. W.) Crown cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the judges of England, 1861-65. London, 1866. LEWIN (G. A.) Reports of cases on the crown side of the northern circuit, 182^-38. 2 vols. 12 mo. London, 1836-39. MOODY (W.) Crown cases reserved for consideration, and de- cided by the judges of England, lb24-44. 2 vols. London, 1837-44. MORRIS (J. S) Mississippi state cases: criminal cases deter- mined in the high court of errors and appeals, and the supreme court of Mississippi. 2 vols. 1872. PARKER (A. J.) Reports of decisions in criminal cases, made at term, at chambers, and in the courts of oyer and terminer of New York. 6 vols. 1855-68. RUSSELL (W. O.) and RYAN (E.) Crown cases reserved for consideration, 1799-1824. London, 1825. TEMPLE (L.) and MEW (G.) Reports of cases in the court of criminal appeal, 1848-51. Vol. 1. London, 1852. THACHER (P. O.) Reports of criminal cases tried in the mu- nicipal court of the city of Boston, before P. O. Thacher, from 1823 to 1843. Edited by H. Woodman. 1845. WHEELER (.1. D.) Reports of criminal law cases decided at the city hall of the city of New York. 3 vols. 1823. See^ also, Trials. CROWN LAW— See Criminal Law. CUSTOMS — See Usages. DAMAGES — FIELD (G. W.) The law of damages. 1876. MAYNE (J. D.) Treatise on the law of damages; comprising their measure, the mode in which they are assessed and reviewed, the practice of granting new trials, and the law of set-off. 2d ed. By Lumley Smith. London, 1872. . The same. 1856. [Law library, vol. 90.] Elementary Books. 53 DAMAGES — continued. . The same. 3d English and 1st Am. ed. Adapted to the American law by H. G. Wood. 1880. POWELL (Edmund). The measure of damages. 1858. [Law library, vol. 94. In his work on evidence.] SEDGWICK (Theodore). Treatise on the measure of damages, or an inquiry into the principles which govern the amount of pecu- niary compensation awarded by courts of justice. 7th ed. By A. G. Sedgwick and G. W. Van Nest. 2 vols. 1880. . The same. 6th ed. By H. D. Sedgwick. 1874. . The same. 4th ed. 1868. (T. W.) A selection of American and English cases on the measure of damages, with notes. 1878. DAMNUM ABSQUE INJURIA — WEEKS (E. P.) The doctrine of damnum absque injuria con- sidered in its relation to the law of torts. 1879. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR — DROOP (H. R.) On arrangements between a debtor and his creditors, and the conditions under which the decisions of a major- ity of his creditors may properly be made binding on all. 1866. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] HOLCOMB (J. P.) The law of debtor and creditor in the United States and Canada. 1848. McADAM (David). The act to abolish imprisonment for debt, and to punish fraudulent debtors, commonly called the Stillwell act; with forms and references to the judicial decisions thereunder. 12mo. 1880. HUNGER (G. G.) Treatise on the application of payments by debtor to creditor; being a complete compilation of the law per- taining to the rights of debtor and creditor respectively; and also giving the various rules for the guidance of the courts when no appropriation has been mSde by the parties. 1879. RAM (James). Treatise of assets, debts and incumbrances. 1835. I Law library, vol. 6.] 6t Wisconsin State Library. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR— continued. TROWER (0. F.) The law of debtor and creditor. 1861. [Law library, vol. 102.] See^ also, Assignments, Bankeuptcy and Insolvency, Compo- sition. DECEDENTS, ESTATES OF — ^S'ee Assets, Descent, Dower, Executors and Administrators, Probate, Wills. DECLARATIONS — HENNELL (Charles). Forms of declarations, etc., prepared in conformity with the new general rules of all the courts. 1834:. [Law library, vol. 1.] jSee, also, Forms, Precedents. DEEDS — COPINGER (W. A.) On the custody and production of title deeds, and other documentary evidence at law, in equity, and in conveyancing, including covenants for the production of deeds and attested copies. London, 1875. CORNISH (W. F.) Treatise on purchase deeds: consisting of brief and familiar essays on the various assurances by which free- hold property is transferred. London, 1828. . The same. A new ed. By George Horsey. 1856. [Law Library, vol. 88. | See, also, Abstracts of Title, Conveyancing, Real Property. DEFAMATION — COOKE (G. W.) Treatise on the law of defamation. 1846. [Law library, vol. 51. ] See, also. Libel and Slander. DEMURRER — MANSEL (G. B.) Treatise on the law and practice of demurrer to pleadings and evidence. 1839. [Law library, vol. 24.] See, also. Pleading, Practice. DEPOSITIONS — WEEKS (E. P.) Treatise on the law of depositions, comprising also abst.^acts of the statutory law pertaining thereto. 1880. See, also. Evidence, Practice. Elementary Books, 55 DESCENTS — BINGHAM (Anson). Treatise on the law of descent. 1875. BLACKSTONE (W.) An essay on collateral consanguinity. 5d ed. 4to. Oxford, 1771. [In his law tracts.] LOVELASS (Peter). The law's disposal of a person's estate who dies without a will or testament. From 12th London ed. 1839. [Law Library, vol. 23.] REEVE (Tapping). Treatise on the law of descents in the sev- eral United States of America. 1825. See^ also, Succession to Property. DEYISES — COLEMAN (W. M.) An epitome of Fearne on contingent re- mainders and executory devises. 12mo. 1878. FEARNE (Charles). An essay on contingent remainders and executory devises. 3d Am. from 8th London ed. By Charles Butler. 1826. GILBERT (.Jeffrey). The law of devises, last wills and revo- cations. 4th ed. Dublin, 1792. POWELL (J. J.) An essay on devises. Also a treatise on the •construction of devises. By Thomas Jarman. 2 vols. 1838. [Law library, vols. 19, 20.] SUGDEN (Edward). Series of letters to a man of property on sales, purchases, mortgages, leases, settlements and devises of estates. 1834. [Law library, vol. 1.] See, also, Legacies, Wills. DICTIONARIES — ABBOTT (B. V.) Dictionary of terms and phrases used in American and English jurisprudence. 2 vols. 1879. BOUVIER (.Iohn). A Isyv dictionary adapted to the constitu- tion and laws of the United States of America, and of the several states of the American union. 12th ed. 2 vols. 1863. . The same. 14th ed. 2 vols. 1877. 56 Wisconsin State Library. DICTIONARIES — continued. BROWN (A.) A new law dictionary and institute of the whole law. London, 1874. . The same, with additions and corrections, and an appendix of legal maxims, and of abbreviations used in law books. By A. P. Sprague. 1875. BURRILL (A, M.) A new law dictionary and glossary: con- taining full definitions of the principal terms of the common and civil law; embracing all the principal common and civil law max- ims. 2 vols. 1850. . The same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1867. JACOB (Giles). The law dictionary: explaining the rise, pro- gress and present state of the English law; defining and interpret- ing the terms or words of art; and comprising copious information on the subjects of law, trade and government. Corrected and enlarged by T. E. Tomlins. First Am. from 'Zd London ed. 6 vols. 1811. RASTAL (William). Les termes de la ley: or certain difficult and obscure words and terms of the common and statute laws of this realm. In the Savoy. London, 1721. TAYLOR (TnoMAs). The law glossary: being a selection of the Greek, Latin, Saxon, French, Norman and Italian sentences, phrases and maxims found in the leading English and American reports, and elementary works. 9th ed. 1877. TOMLINS (T. E.) The law dictionary, defining and interpret- ing the terms or words of art, and explaining the rise, progress and present state of the English law. 2 vols. London, 1810. WHARTON (J. J. S.) The law lexicon, or dictionary of juris- prudence: explaining all the technical words and phrases employed in the several departments of English law, including also the various legal terms used in commercial transactions; together with an explanatory as well as literal translation of the Latin maxims contained in the writings of the ancient and modern commentators. 1848. DIPLOMACY — DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE. The diplomatic corres- pondence of the United States of America, from the signing of the Elementary Books, 57 DIPLOMACY — continued. definitive treaty of peace, 10th September, 1783, to the adoption of the constitution, March 4, 1789. 7 vols. 1833. . The diplomatic correspondence of the American revolution. Edited by Jared Sparks. 12 vols. 1829. ELLIOTT (Jonathan). The American diplomatic code. Trea- ties and conventions between the United States and foreign powers from 1778 to 1834, with an abstract of important judicial decisions on points connected with our foreign relations; also a concise dip- lomatic manual, etc. 2 vols. 1834. HORNE (T. H.) Diplomacy. 1853. [Law library, vol. 76.] See^ also^ International Law. DISCOVERY OF EVIDENCE — HARE (Thomas). Treatise on discovery of evidence by bill and answer, in equity. 2d Am. ed. By R. S. Rowley. 1849. KERR (W. W.) Treatise on the law of discovery London, 1870. WIGRAM (James). Points in the law of discovery. 1st Am. from 2d London ed. 1842. . The same. 1836. [Law library, vol. 11.] DISTRESS — GILBERT (J.) The law and practice of distresses and replevin. "With an appendix of precedents. 2d ed. London, 1792. DIVORCE — BISHOP (J. P.) Commentaries on the law of marriage and divorce, of separations without divorce, and of the evidence of marriage in all issues; embracing, also, pleading, practice and evi- dence in divorce causes. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1864. . The same. 6th ed. 2 vols, 1881. BROWNE (W. H.) Digest of the statutes, decisions and cases throughout the United States upon the subjects of divorce and alimony. 1872. 58 Wisconsin State Library. DITORCE — continued. BROWNING (Ernst). The laws of marriage and divorce as administered in the courts for divorce and matrimonial causes, with the method of procedure in each kind of suit. London, 1872. COWLEY (Charles). Our divorce courts; their origin and his- tory; why they are needed; how they are abused; and how they may be reformed. 2d ed. 12mo. 1879. (Paper.) . Famous divorce cases of all ages. 12mo. 1878. PAGE (H. F.) View of the law relative to the subject of di- vorce in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. 1850. POYNTER (Thomas). Concise view of the doctrine and prac- tice of the ecclesiastical courts in doctors' commons, on various points relative to the subject of marriage and divorce. 2d ed. London, 1824. [Law library, vol. II.] SHELFORD (Leonard). Practical treatise of the law of marriage and divorce. 1841. [Law library, vol. 31.] DOMESTIC RELATIONS — BINGHAM (P.) The law of infancy and coverture. 2d. Am. ed. Notes and references by E. H. Bennett. 1849. EWELL (M. D.) Leading and select cases on the disabilities incident to infancy, coverture, idiocy, etc. 1876. REEVE (Tapping). The law of baron and femme, of parent and child, guardian and ward, master and servant, and of the powers of courts of chancery. 3d ed. By A. J. Parker and C. E. Baldwin. 1874. . The same. 1867. SCHOULER (James). Treatise on the law of the domestic re- lations; embracing husband and wife, parent and child, guardian and ward, infancy, and master and servant. 1870. TYLER (R. H.) The law of infancy, including guardianship and custody of infants, and the law of coverture, embracing dower, marriage and divorce, and the statutory policy of the several states in respect to husband and wife. /See, also, Husband and Wife, Infancy, Master and Servant. Elementary Books. 59 DOMICILE — DICEY (A. V.) The law of domicile as a branch of the law of England, stated in the form of rules. London, 1879. PHILLTMORE (Robert). The law of domicile. 1847. [Law library, vol. 55.] WHARTON (Francis). The law of domicile, considered with special reference to the commercial relations, taxes, succession to estates. 1877. [In law pamphlets, vol. 2.] jSee^also, Conflict of Laws. DOWER — BISHOP (J. P.) The law of dower. [In his commentaries on the law of married women.] CORD (W. H.) The law of dower. 1861. [In his treatise on rights of married women.] LAMBERT (Elt). Treatise on dower, comprising a digest of the American decisions, and the provisions of the revised statutes of New York. 1834. PARK (.1. J.) Treatise on the law of dower, particularly with a view to the modern practice of conveyancing. 1836. [Law library, vol. 9.] SCRIBNER (C. H.) Treatise on the law of dower. 2 vols. 1864. TYLER (R. H.) The law of dower. 1868. [In his commentaries on infancy, coverture, etc.] WILLARD (John). Account of the jurisdiction and practice of the courts of the state of New York, in the admeasurement of dower. 1859. [In his treatise on the law of executors.] jSee^ also^ Husband and Wife, Married Women. EASEMENTS — GALE (C. J.) Treatise on the law of easements; with the notes of W. H. Willes. 5th ed. By David Gibbons. London, 1876. . and WHATELEY (T. D.) Treatise on the law of easements. American notes, by E. Hammond. 1840. 60 Wisconsin State Library, EASEMENTS — continued. GODDARD (J. L.) Treatise on the law of easements. 2d ed. London, 1877. . The same. Much enlarged from the 2d English ed. By E. H. Bennett. 1880. WASHBURN (Emory). Treatise on the AmericaQ law of ease- ments and servitudes. 3d ed. 1873. . The same. 1863. /See, also, Adverse Enjoyment, Real Property. ECCLESIASTICAL LAW — BRODRICK (G. C.) and FREEMANTLE (W. B.) A collection of the judgements of the judicial committee of the priv^y council in ecclesiastical cases relating to doctrine and discipline: with a preface by the bishop of London, and an historical introduction. London, 1865. BUCK (Edward). Massachusetts ecclesiastical law. 1866. BURN (D. R.) Ecclesiastical law. 9th ed., corrected with very considerable additions. By Robert Phillimore. 4 vols. London, 1842. HUNT (Sandford). Laws relating to religious corporations. A compilation of the statutes of the several states in relation to the incorporation and maintenance of religious societies and to the disturbance of religious meetings. With an address on laws affect- ing religious corporations in the state of New York, by E. L. Fancher. 12mo. 1876. TYLER (R. H.) American ecclesiastical law; the law of re- ligious societies, church government and creeds, disturbing re- ligious meetings, and the law of burial grounds in the United States. 1866. [For English ecclesiastical reports, see that title in part 3. J EJECTMENT — ADAMS (.Iohn). Treatise on the principles and practice of the action of ejectment, and resulting action for mesne profits, with notes and references, by John L. Tillinghast, Thomas W. Gierke, and William Hogan. Additional notes by Thomas W. Waterman. 4th ed. 1854. Elementary Books. 61 EJECTMENT —continued. ARCHBOLD (J. F.) The practice of the king's bench, and, in- cidentally, of the common pleas, in personal actions and eject- ment. 3d ed. By Thomas Chitty. 2 vols. London, 1833. TYLER (R. H.) Treatise on the remedy by ejectment, and the law of adverse enjoyment in the United States. 1870. ELE( TIONS — ARMSTRONG (C. W.) Compilation of cases of controverted elections to seats in the assembly of New York; with the reports of committees and the action of the house thereon, from 1777 to 1871, inclusive. With an appendix of the election laws of New York. 1871. BARTLETT (D. W.) Cases of contested elections in congress from 1834 to 1865, inclusive. [Two copies ] . Digest of cases of contested elections in the house of representatives, from 1865 to 1871, inclusive. BRIGHTLY (F. C.) Leading cases on the law of elections in the United States. With notes and references. 1871. BUSHBY (H. J.) Manual of the practice of elections for the united kingdom; with an appendix of statutes, and of the rules of procedure. 5th ed. By Henry Hardcastle. London, 1880. CLARKE (M. St. C.) and HALL (D. A.) Cases of contested elections in congress from the year 1789 to 1834, inclusive. CONTESTED ELECTIONS in congress, from 1875 to 1877, in- clusive. 7 vols. GUSHING (L. S.) Reports of controverted elections in the [Massachusetts house of representatives] 1780-1852. 1853. ELECTORAL COMMISSION. Proceedings of the electoral commission and of the two houses of congress in joint meeting relative to the count of electoral votes cast December 6, 1876, for the presidential term commencing March 4, 1877. HARDCASTLE (Henry). The law and practice of election pe- titions; with an appendix containing the parliamentary elections act 1868; the general rules of procedure made by the election judges in England, Scotland and Ireland; forms of petitions, etc. 2d ed. London, 1880. 62 Wisconsin State Library. ELECTIONS — continued. MAURICE (F. D.) On the means of checking bribery and cor- ruption in the election of members of the house of commons. 1866. [Juridical papers, vol 3.] McCRARY (G. W.) The American law of elections. 2d ed. 1880. — . The same. 1875. McDonald (W. J.) The action of the senate and house of representatives in regard to the manner of counting the electoral votes for president and vic& president, from 1789 to 1873. 1876. NAAR (M. D.) The law of suffrage and elections: being a com- pendium of cases and decisions showing the orfgin of the elective franchise, and defining citizenship and legal residence;^ together with the clauses of the state constitutions prescribing the qualifi- cations for suffrage, and the law governing the conduct of elections in the several states. 1880. SMITH (J. M.) Cases of contested elections in the house of representatives, from 1871 to 1876, inclusive. [For reports of English election cases, see that title in English reports.] EMINENT DOMAIN — MILLS (H. E.) Treatise on the law of eminent domain. 1879. ENGLISH LAW — AMOS (Sheldon). The science of law. 12mo. London, 1879. BEST (W. M.) Codification of the laws of England. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] BIGELOW (M. M.) History of procedure in England from the Norman conquest. London, 1880. BLACKSTONE (William). The great charter and charter of the forest, with other authentic instruments. To which is prefixed an introductory discourse containing the history of the charters. Folio. Oxford, 1759. . Tracts, chiefly relating to the antiquities and laws of England. 3d ed. 4to. Oxford, 1771. [The contents are: I. An analysis of the laws of England. Elementary Books. 63 ENGLISH LAW — continued. II. An essay on collateral consanguinity. III. Consrd«:ations on copy holders. IV. Observations on the Oxford press. V. Intrev- duction to the great charter, etc. VI. Magna Carta, Carta de Foresta, etc.] . A discourse on the study of the law; being an in- troductory lecture read in the public schools, October 25, 1758. 4to. Oxford, 1758. . Commentaries on the laws of England. From the 19th London ed. With a life of the author, and notes by Christian, Chitty, Lee, Hovenden and Ryland, and references to American cases. 2 vols. 1876. . The same. By Thomas M. Cooley. 2 vols. 1871. . The same. With notes from the editions of Arch- bold, Christian, Coleridge, Chitty, Stewart, Kerr and additional notes and life of the author, by George Sharswood. 2 vols. 1868. . The same. With notes explaining the changes in the law by decisions or statute down to 1844. Vol. 1, by J. F. Hargrave; vol. 2, by G. Sweet; vol. 3, by R. Couch; vol. 4, by W. N. Welsby. With notes adapting the work to the American stu- dent, by J. L. Wendell. 4 vols. 1859. BRACTON (Henbicus). De legibus et consuetudinibus angliae. Libi quir que. 4to. London, 1569. . The same. In English and Latin. Edited by sir Travers Twiss. 4 vols. London, 1878-81. BRITTON (J.) The ancient pleas of the crown. The French text carefully revised, with an English translation and notes. By F. M. Nichols. 2 vols. London, 1865. BROOM (Herbert). Commentaries on the common law, de- signed as an introduction to its study. 1856. . The same. [Law library, vol. 89.] and HADLEY (E. A.) Commentaries on the laws of England. With notes by William Wait. 2 vols. 1875. COKE (Edward). Systematic arrangement of Lord Coke's first institute of the laws of England, on the plan of Sir Matthew 64 Wisconsin State Library. ENGLISH LAW— continued. Hale's analysis; with the annotations of Mr. Hargrave, Lord Chief Justice Hale, and Lord Chancellor Nottingham. New notes and references. 3 vols. By J. H. Thomas. 2d Am. from last London ed.; to which are added the notes of Charles Butler. 1836. The second part of the institutes of the laws of England, con- taining the exposition of many ancient and other statutes. 2 vols. London, 1797. The third part of the institutes of the laws of England con- cerning high treason and other pleas of the crown, and criminal causes. London, 1797. The fourth part of the institutes of the laws of England, con- cerning the jurisdiction of courts. London, 1797. The first part of the institutes of the laws of England; or a commentary upon Littleton. Revised and corrected, with additions of notes, references, and proper tables, by Francis Hargrave and Charles Butler, including also the notes of Lord Chief Justice Hale and Lord Chancellor Nottingham; and an analysis of Little- ton, written by an unknown hand in 1658-9. By Charles Butler. First American, from the 19th London ed., corrected. 2 vols. 1853. COMMENTARIES on the new statutes, effecting alterations in the law; comprising the limitation of actions act; the law amend- ment act; the dower act; the inheritance act; the fines and recov- eries act; the chancery regulation act; the bankruptcy court act; the uniformity of process arnendment act; the assize adjournment act; the Quakers' and separatists' affirmation acts; the act render- ing freehold and copyhold estates liable to simple and contract debts, and the act for better administering justice in the privy council. London, 1833. COMYNS (John). A digest of the laws of England. 1st Am- from 5th London ed., with the addition of the American decisions. By Thomas Day. 8 vols. 1824. CRABB (George). History of English law; or an attempt to trace the rise, progress and successive changes of the common law, from the earliest period to the present time. 1st Am. ed. 1831. DEVEREUX (J. C.) The most material part of Blackstone's commentaries reduced to questions and answers. 1864. Elementary Books. 65 ENGLISH LAW— continued. FINCH (Henry). Law, or a discourse thereof, in four books. Written in French by Henry Finch, and done into English by the same author. London, 1757. FLETA. Sue commentarius juris anglicani sic muncupatiq, etc. Accedit tractulus vetus de agendi exipiendiq; Formulis gallicanus, Fet Assavoir dictus. Subjungitur Joan Seldini ad Fletam disser- tatio historia. Editio secunda. Londini, 1685. FORTESCUE (John). De laudibus legum anglire. Translated in English; illustrated with the notes of Mr. Selden, etc.; to which are prefixed Mr. Selden to the reader, and a large historical preface, etc. Folio. London, 1737. JURIDICAL PAPERS. Papers read before the juridical so- ciety: 1855-1870. 3 vols. London, 1858-71. The contents of the volumes are: Volume One. Inaugural address. By sir Richard Bethell. On the policy of the rule of English law which exacts unanimity in the verdicts of juries. By W. M. Best. The conception of sovereignty, and its importance in interna- tional law. By Henry Sumner Maine. On the origin of the present mode of family settlements of landed property. By Joshua Williams. On the policy of maintaining the limits at present imposed by law on the criminal responsibility of madmen. By Fitzjames Stephen. On change as an inherent necessity in every system of municipal law; and on the means which exist in this country for influencing and regulating such change. B}'^ W. T. S. Daniel. Law, as reflecting and as moulding the habits of the people. By Thomas Chambers. On the union of the mark system with associated labor in the management of criminals. *By Joshua Williams. Peerages for life. By W. D. Lewis. On the relation between public and private international law. By J. Westlake. The classification and definition of crime. By Fitzjames Stephen. 5-W. S. L. 66 Wisconsin State Library. ENGLISH LAW — continued. Codification of the laws of England. By W. M. Best. On the principles which ought to regulate the interference of the state with property held by public bodies or for public purposes. By J. N. Higgins. The principles of legislation involved in the statute of frauds as it affects the law of contracts. By Stephen Martin Leake. On advocacy as connected with the administration of justice. By W. T. S. Daniel. On the moral distinction between law and equity. By the rev. F. D. Maurice. The rise and progress of the Roman civil law before Justinian, historically considered. By Patrick MacChombaich. The origin and use of legal fictions. By W. D. Lewis. Of ancient legal education in the inns of court. By Philip Anstie Smith. The common law of England; with an examination of some false principles of law reform. By W. M. Best. Judicial oaths. By Francis S. Reilly. The practice of interrogating persons accused of crime. By Fitzjames Stephen. The progress of the Roman civil law from Justinian to the fall of the empire of the east, historically considered. By Patrick MacChombaich (Colquhoun). Traces of the Roman civil law in the barbaric codes. By Patrick MacChombaich (Colquhoun). On some points in the theory of the law of property. By S. Martin Leake. Some popular errors concerning law. By W. D. Lewis. The legal doctrine of responsibility in cases of insanity connected with alleged criminal acts. By Forbes Winslow. 'Volume Two, On the Hindu and Mohamedan laws, as administered in India, and in connection with English law. By W. H. Bennett. On the principles which govern the criminal and civil responsi- bilities of corporations. By Nathaniel Lindley. On the mercantile notion of " the firm," and the need of its legal recognition. By John Malcolm Ludlow. Elementary Books. 67 ENGLISH LAW - continued. The point of law involved in the case of Reg v. Bernard. By Fitzjames Stephen. On marine jurisdiction in time of peace. By H. P. Roche. On the present state of international jurisprudence. Parti. By Professor Katchenovsky. A biographical notice of the late Professor Wurm. By Profes- sor Katchenovsky. On the institution of the grand jury. By T. Chambers, Address of Sir Richard Bethell, on vacating the office of pres- ident. Stock registers, share registers, and land registers. By J. M., Ludlow. Trial by jury. Speech of W. M. Best. Corrupt practices at elections. By T. Phinn. Schools of legislation. By C. T. Swanston, jr. Trial by jury and evidence of experts. By J. Fitzjames Stephen- Liberty of opinion in relation to blasphemous libels. By W. I>. Lewis. Common law courts and equitable jurisdiction. By Walker Marshall. Legal interpretation, with special reference to wills. By F. V. Hawkins. Is a judicial tribunal, either of the last resort or otherwise, bound by the principles laid down by itself on previous occasions?^By Walker Marshall. Oh the rules which ought to govern the admission of extrinsic evidence in the interpretation of wills. By Francis Morgan Nichols. The taxation of suitors. By S. Martin Leake. Historical review of the feodal system. By Patrick MacChom- baich Colquhoun. On some errors in legislation illustrated by the statutes relating to joint stock companies. By Nathaniel Lindley. Is the government of fhe United States of America entitled, under the Ashburton treaty, to claim the extradition of the fugi- tive Anderson? By the hon. George Denman. On promotion at the English bar; its effect on the barrister, the crown, and the suitor. By Edward Webster. 68 Wisconsin State Library. ENGLISH LAW — continued. Codification. By Walker Marshall. Is the capture of the southern commissioners from on board the mail steamer ^* Trent," defensible by the law of nations? By C Clarke. Simplification of title to land preferable to the introduction of novel modes of assurance; with an outline of a plan. By Edward P. Wolstenholme. On the present state of international jurisprudence. Part II. By Professor Katchenovsky. The expediency of digesting the precedents of the common law, and regulating the publication of reports. By George Sweet. On the true remedies for the evils which affect the transfer of land. By Joshua Williams. The principles and rules of neutrality. The foreign enlistment act. The Alabama. By W. W. Kerr. The provisions of the foreign enlistment act relating to ships. By Francis S. Reilly. On commercial blockades. By John Westlake. Copyright in the fine arts. By Walker Marshall. The circuit system; its influence on the administration of justice and the interests of the bar. By Frederick Lawrence. On legal reporting. By J. Westlake. Vohtme Three. On the extent of civil remedies for military offenses, contracts and wrongs. By Francis Worsley. Principles that ought mutually to govern the conduct of neutrals and belligerants. By Charles Clark. On the true nature and functions of the rules which regulate the relations between belligerants and neutral states. By C. C. Massey. Case of Tiernan and others demanded of Great Britain by the United States government to be surrendered as pirates under the extradition treaty of Washington. By Vernon Lushington. On certain beneficial effects of the rule of tacking, as applied in England to incumbrances upon real estate. By H. R. Droop. Ought any person to be excluded from giving evidence on the ground of religious unbelief? By the rev. F. Denison Maurice. Elementary Books, 69 ENGLISH LAW— continued. Digests and codes with reference to law reform. By F. Vaughan Hawkins. On the law relating to confessions in criminal cases. By Charles H. Hop wood. On the borrowing powers of railway companies. By Howard Warburton Elphinstone. On the equitable doctrine as to mistake. By W. W. Kerr. On arrangements between a debtor and his creditors, and the conditions under which the decision of a majority of creditors may properly be made binding on all. By H. R. Droop. On the means of checking bribery and corruption in the election of members of the house of commons. By the rev. F. Denison Maurice. Martial law: What, if any, is allowed by the law of England? and what is the responsibility of those who execute it? By C. H. Hopwood. On the interpretation of formal documents. By Howard War- burton Elphinstone. Defects and suggested changes in the appellate system. By William Stebbing. On Blackstone's theory of the omnipotence of parliament. By Thomas Chisholm Anstey. On the judicial constitution of the court of chancery, and its methods of procedure in court and in chambers. By A. G. Marten. The present system of special pleading in civil actions, an ob- stacle to law reform. By C. H. Hopwood. On judicial oaths as administered to heathen witnesses. By Thomas Chisholm Anstey. On the competence of colonial legislatures to enact laws in derogation of common liability or common right. By Thomas Chisholm Anstey. Defects and suggested reforms in the procedure of the court of session and other courts in Scotland, with reference to the com- mission now sitting. By ^William Neish. On the political and social eifects of different methods of electing representatives. By H. R. Droop. The responsibility of candidates at parliamentary elections for the unauthorized acts of their agents. By C. C. Massey. 70 Wisconsin State Library. ENGLISH LAW — continued. Reform of the law of real property. By sir George Bowyer. Anticipations under the commonwealth of changes in the law. By R. Robinson. The capture of private property at sea. By H. H. Shephard. On the property rights of married women. By H. R. Droop. The proper object and constitution of a legal university, or council of legal education. By sir George Young. On the law of forfeiture for treason and felony. By Philip Vernon Smith. Compensation for railway accidents. By Henry Godefroie. On the relations between an invading army and the inhabitants, and the conditions under which irregular troops are entitled to the same treatment as regular soldiers. By H. R. Droop. MARSHALL (W.) Codification. 1861. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] REEVES (John). History of the English law, from the time of the Romans to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. By W. F. Finlason. 3 vols. London, 1869. SAINT GERMAIN (C.) Doctor and student: or, dialogues be- tween a doctor of divinity and a student in the laws of England, containing the grounds of those laws, together with questions and cases concerning the equity thereof. 18th ed. By Wm. Muchall. Dublin, 1792. SELDEN (John). Dissertation [on the history of the civil law in England.] Annexed to Fleta. STEPHEN (H. J.) New commentaries on the laws of England. 1st Am. ed. 4 vols. 1841. SULLIVAN (F. S.) Lectures on the constitution and laws of England, with a commentary on magna charta, and illustrations of many of the English statutes. 2d ed. Dublin, 1790. THORPE (B.) Ancient laws and institutes of England: com- prising laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon kings, laws of Edward, the Confessor, of William, the €!onqueror, etc.; also monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the seventh to the tenth century. 2 vols. London, 1840. Elementary Books. 71 ENGLISH LAW — continued. TWISS (Travers). Monumenta juridica. The bladk book of the admiralty. 4 vols. London, 1871-76. WOOD (Thoma.s). Institute of the laws of England; or, the laws of England in their natural order, according to common use. Folio. [Title page gone.] WOODESSON (Richard). Lectures on the laws of England. 2d. ed, With notes and additions, by W. R. Williams. 3 vols. London, 1834. /See, also^ Abridgments, Common Law, Constitutional Law, (English.) ENTRIES — BROWN (W.) Farmulae bene placetandi: a book of entries, containing a variety of choice precedents. Folio. London, 1791. CLTFT (Henry). A new book of declarations, pleadings, verdicts, judgments and judicial writs; with the entries thereupon. Many of the same being upon new cases and statutes in the late reign. With various other useful and necessary entries. Folio. London, 1703. LILLY (John). A collection of modern entries, or select plead- ings in the courts of king's bench, common pleas and exchequer. 6th ed. 2 vols. Dublin, 1792. WINCH (H.) Le beau-pleader: a book of entries, containing dec- larations, informations, and other select and approved pleadings. Folio. London, 1680. /S'ee, also^ Forms, Peecedents, Writs. EQUITY — ADAMS (John, Jr.) The doctrine of equity. A commentary on the law as administered by the court of chancery. 6th Am. ed., containing the notes to the previous editions of J. R. Ludlow, J. M. Collins, Henry Wharton and G. T. Bispham. With additional notes and references to recent English and American decisions, by Geo. Sharswood, Jr. 1873. . The same. 2d Am. ed. 1852. . The same. 1850. [Law library, vol. 66.] 72 Wisconsin State Library. EQUITY— continued. BIGELOW (M. M.) Elements of equity. 12mo. 1879. BISPHAM (G. T.) The principles of equity: a treatise on the system of justice administered in courts of chancery. 1874. FONBLANQUE (John). Treatise on equity. 2 vols. Dub- lin, 1793. FRANCIS (Richard). Maxims of equity, collected from and proved by cases out of the books of the best authority in the high court of chancery. 1st Am. ed., with references to modern authori- ties, both British and American. By W. W. Henning. 1823. [Bound with Noys' maxims.] GENERAL (A) Abridgment of cases in equity argued and ad- judged in the high court of chancery; with several cases never be- fore published. 4th ed. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1756. GILBERT (Jeffrey). The history and practice of the high court of chancery, in which is introduced an account of the institu- tion and various regulations of the said court; showing likewise the ancient and present practice thereof, in an easy and familiar method. 1st Am. ed. By Samuel Tyler. 1874. GOLDSMITH (G.) The doctrine and practice of equity; or a concise outline of the proceedings in the high court of chancery. 1843. [Law library, vol. 38.] HAYNES (F. V.) Outlines of equity: being a series of elemen- tary lectures delivered at the request of the incorporated law society. 1858. [Law library, vol. 25.] HOVENDEN (J. E.) Treatise on the principles and practice by which courts of equity are guided as to the prevention or re- medial correction of fraud; with numerous incidental notices of collateral points. 1st ed. By Thomas Huntington. 2 vols, in 1. 1832. JEREMY (George). Treatise on the equity jurisdiction of the high court of chancery. 1st Am. ed. 1830. MACNAGHTEN (S.) Select cases argued and adjudged in the high court of chancery before the late lord's commissioners of the great seal, and the late lord chancellor King, from 1724 to 1733. 2d ed. 1851. [Law library, vol. 72.] Elementary Books, 73 EQUITY — continued. MADDOCK (Henky). Treatise on the principles and practice of the high court of chancery. 4th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1832. MAURICE (F. D.) On the moral distinction between law and equity. 1857. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] PARSONS (A. V.) Select cases in equity argued and determined in the court of common pleas of the first judicial district of Penn- sylvania, from 1841 to 1850. Vol. 1. 1859. ROBERTS (T. A.) The principles of equity as administered in the supreme court of judicature and other courts of equitable jur- isdiction. 3d ed. London, 1877. . The principles of the high court of chancery and the powers and duties of its judges. 1857. [Law library, vol. 94.] SETON (H. W.) Forms of decrees in equity, and of orders connected with them. 3d ed., adapted to the present practice, with practical notes. By W. H. Harrison and R. H. Leach. 2 vols. London, 1862-3. SNELL (E. H. T.) The principles of equity. 1868. SPENCE (Geokge). The equitable jurisdiction of the court of chancery; comprising its rise, progress and final establishment. Am. ed. 2 vols. 1847. WATSON (W. W.) A practical compendium of equity. 2 vols. London, 1873. WHITE (F. T.) and TUDOR (O. D.) A selection of leading cases in equity, with notes, and annotations, containing references to American cases, by J. I. Clark Hare and H. B. Wallace. 4th Am. from 4th London ed. 2 vols in 4. 1877. . The same. 3 vols. 1859. . The same. 3 vols. 1849-51. [Law library, vols. 63, 69, 70.] See, also. Discovery of •Evidence, Equity Jurispeudence, Equity Pleading and Practice, Estoppel, Fraud and Mistake, Injunctions, Notice, Parties, Receivers, Specific Performance, Subrogation, Trusts. 74c Wisconsin State Library. EQUITY JUBISPRUDENCE — HOLCOMBE (J. P.) An introduction to equity jurisprudence, on the basis of Story's commentaries; with notes and references. 1846. POME ROY (J. N.) Treatise on equity jurisprudence as admin- istered in the United States of America; adapted for all the states, and to the union of legal and equitable remedies under the re- formed procedure. Vol. 1. 1881. SMITH (J. W.) Manual of equity jurisprudence. 1st Ameri- can from 9th London ed. 12mo. 1871. STORY (Joseph). Commentaries on equity jurisprudence, as administered in England and America. 12th ed. By J. W.Perry. 2 vols. 1877. . The same. 9th ed. By I. F. Redfield. 2 vols. 1866. TAYLOR (J. P.) Commentaries on equity jurisprudence. To- ronto, 1875. WILLARD (John). Treatise on equity jurisprudence. 2d ed. By Piatt Potter. 1875. . The same. 1855. EQUITY PLEADING AND PRACTICE — BARBOUR (O. L.) The practice of the court of chancery, with precedents. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1874-5. . The same. 2 vols. 1843. BARTON (Charles). History of a suit in equity from its commencement to its final termination. With forms of bills, an- swers, pleas, demurrers and decrees. New ed. By J. P. Hol- combe. 1877. . The same. 1870. BENNETT (W. H.) A short dissertation on the nature of the various proceedings in the master's office in the court of chancery. 1842. [Law library, vol. 35.] BLAKE (D. T.) Practice of the court of chancery of the state of New York: modified, corrected and improved in conformity to the present constitution and laws. To which is added the practice of the several district equity courts. 2d ed. 1824. Elementary Bokos. 75 E<|UITY PLEADING AND PRACTICE— continued. CURTIS (G. T.) Eqifity precedents: supplementary to Mr. Justice Story's treatise on equity pleadings. ISoO. DANIELL (E. R.) Pleading and practice of the high court of chancery. 5th Am. ed., with notes and references to American decisions; an appendix of precedents, adapting the work to the demands of American practice in chancery. By W. F. Cooper. 3 vols. 1879. . The same. By J. C. Perkins. 3 vols. 1865. DICKINSON (S. M.) Forms of pleadings and precedents in the court of chancery of the state of New Jersey; also, practical notes and references to decisions on matters of pleading and prac- tice. 1879. FARREN (Geokge). The common forms and rules for drawing an original bill in chancery. With notes and references by Rich- ard Stone; also, the rules of practice for the courts of equity of the United States, as in force at' the present time, with annotations on the same, and an appendix. By J. J. McKinnon. 1866. GILBERT (Jeffeey). The history and practice of the high court of chancery, in which is introduced an account of the insti- tution and various regulations of the said court: showing likewise ' the ancient and present practice thereof, in an easy and familiar method. 1st Am- ed. By Samuel Tyler. 1874. HOFFMAN (Murray). Treatise upon the practice of the court of chancery. With an appendix of forms. 3 vols. 1843. . The office and duties of masters in chancery and practice in the master's office. With an appendix of precedents. 1824. HUNTER (S. J.) An elementary view of the proceedings in a suit in equity. 1860. [La^v library, vol. 102.] LANGDELL (C. C.) A summary of equity pleading. 1877. LUBE (D. G.) An analySis of the principles of equity plead- ing. 3d Am. ed. By J. D. Wheeler. 1846. MITFORD (John). Treatise on the pleadings in the court of chancery by English bill. With the notes of George Jeremy and 76 Wisconsin State Librae r. EQUITY PLEADING AND PRACTICE — continued. J. W. Smith. Supplemented by an introduction; dissertations on parties to suits in equity; pleadings in suits in equity; practice in suits in equity; with forms, and the practice in equity of the United States courts. By Samuel Tyler. 1876. . The same. 3d Am. ed. By Charles Edwards. 1833. PUTERBAUGH (S. D.) Chancery pleading and practice: a practical treatise on the forms of chancery suits, pleading and prac- tice, now in use in the state of Illinois, and wherever the same sys- tem prevails. With forms of bills, answers, pleas, demurrers, exceptions, petitions, orders, decrees, etc. 2d ed. 1880. SMITH (J. S.) The practice of the court of chancery. 2d Am. ed., with notes and references to American decisions. By David Graham. 2 vols. 1842. STORY (Joseph). Commentaries on equity pleadings, and the incidents thereof, according to the practice of the courts of equity of England and America. 9th ed. By J. M. Gould. 1879. . The same. 7th ed. By I. F. Redfield. 1865. TURNER (Samuel). The present practice and costs in the high court of chancery. 6th ed. By Robert Venables. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1825. VAN HEYTHUYSEN (F. M.) The equity draftsman: being a selection of forms of pleadings in suits in equity. Revised and en- larged by Edward Hughes. From 2d London ed. 1832. VAN SANTVOORD (Geokge). Treatise on the practice in the supreme court of New York in equity actions. 2 vols. 1860. WHITWORTH (John). Equity precedents. 1818. [Law library, vol. 60.] WILLIS (J. W.) Pleadings in equity, 1842. [Law library, vol. 33.] ESTATES— ^ BISSET (Andeew). Practical treatise on the law of estates for life. 1843. [Law library, vol. 40.] Elementary Books. T7 ESTATES — continued. HAYES (William). Principles for expounding dispositions of real estate to ancestor and heir in tail, parent and issue, and solv- ing the question, whether the first taker is tenant for life or in tail? With an elementary essay on several of Mr. Fearne's doctrines. 1835. [Law library, vol. 5.] . PRESTON (Richard). Elementary treatise on estates; with preliminary observations on the quality of estates. 2 vols. 1828. . Essay on the quantity and quality of estates, with more immediate reference to the law of merger. From 3d London ed. 1843. [Law library, vol. 40.] See, also, Real Property. ESTOPPEL — BIGELOW (M. M.) The law of estoppel; its principles and ap- plications, as determined by the best authorities, American and English. 1872. HERMAN (H. M.) The law of estoppel. 1871. JSee, also, Equity. EYIDENCE — ABBOTT (Austin). Trial evidence. The rules of evidence ap- plicable on the trial of civil actions at common law, in equity, and under the codes of procedure. 1880. APPLETON (John). The rules of evidence stated and discussed. 1860. [Law library, vol. 99.] ARCHBOLD (J. F.) Pleadings and evidence in criminal cases; with the statutes, precedents of indictments, etc., and the evidence necessary to support them. 19th ed. By William Bruce. London, 1878. BENTHAM (Jeremy). IJationale of judicial evidence, specially applied to English practice. 5 vols. London, 1827. BEST (W. M.) The principles of the law of evidence, with rules for conducting the cross-examination of witnesses. 1st Am. from 6th London ed., with notes by H. G. Wood. 2 vols. 1875-6. .78 Wisconsin State Library. EVIDENCE — continued. COVENTRY (Thomas). On conveyancer's evidence. 1839. [Law library, vol. 34.] ELWELL (J. J.) A medico-legal treatise on malpractice and medical evidence. 186G. GILBERT (Jeffkey). The law of evidence. 7th ed. By James Sedgwick. 1805. GOODEVE (Joseph). The law of evidence as administered in England and applied in India. New ed. By S. A. Goodeve. Cal- cutta, isri. GREENLEAF (Simon). The law of evidence. 13th ed. By J. W. May. 3 vols. 1877. . The same. 12th ed. By I. F. Redfield. 3 vols. 1866. GRESLEY (R. N.) Treatise on the law of evidence in the courts of equity. 2d Am. ed. 1848. HALSTED (J. R.) Digest of the law of evidence, embracing the rules established by writers of acknowledged authority, and affirmed by the decisions of the federal courts and the courts of all the states, with copious references to English adjudications. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1859. HARE (Thomas). Treatise on the discovery of evidence. 2d ed. London, 1877. . The same. With American notes and references. By R. S. Rowley. 1849. JOY (H.) On the evidence of accomplices. 1844. [Law library, vol. 43.] LEE (J. G.) Treatise on the evidence of abstracts of title to real property. 1847. [Law library, vol. 56.J MATTHEWS (J. H.) Treatise on the doctrine of presumption and presumptive evidence, as affecting the title to real and personal property. 1830. MAURICE (F. D.) Ought any person to be excluded from giving evidence on the ground of religious unbelief. 1864. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] Elementary Books. 79 EYIDENCE — continued. PHILLIPS (S. M.) Treatise on the law of evidence. 5th Am. ed., with Cowen and Hill's notes, and with additional notes by Isaac Edwards. 3 vols. 1868. . The same. 3d Am. ed. 3 vols. 1859. POWELL (Edmund). The practice of the law of evidence. 1858. [Law library, vol. 94.] ROBERTS (William). A systematic dissertation upon the ad- missibility of parol and extrinsic evidence to explain and control written instruments. 3d Am. ed. 1833. [In his treatise on the statute of frauds.] ROSCOE (Henry). Digest of the law of evidence on the trial of actions at nisi prius. 14th ed. By J. C. Day and Maurice Powell. London, 1879. . The same. 1832. . Digest of the law of evidence in criminal cases. 7th Am. from 8th London ed. With notes and references to American cases, by George Sharswood. 1874. -^ . The same. 6th ed. 1866. SAUNDERS (J. S.) The law of pleading and evidence in civil actions. 2d ed. By Robert Lush. 2 vols. 1851. STARKIE (Thomas). Treatise on the law of evidence. 10th Am., from 4th London ed., by Dodswell and Malcolm, with notes to former American editions by Metcalf, Ingraham and Gerhard; and additional notes and references by George Sharswood. 1876. STEPHEN (J. F.) Digest of the law of evidence. From 3d English ed. With notes to American cases, by J. W. May. 12mo. 1877. . The same. Reprint from English ed. 16mo. 1876. TAMLYN (John). Treatise on the law of evidence, principally with reference to the court of chancery, and in the master's offices. 1846. [Law library, vol. 49. J TAYLOR (J. P.) Treatise on the law of evidence, as adminis- 80 Wisconsin State Library. EYIDENCE — continued. tered in England and Ireland; with illustrations from the American and other foreign laws. 7th ed. 2 vols. London, 1878. WHARTON (Francis). A commentary on the law of evidence in civil cases. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1879. . The same. 2 vols. 1877. . A treatise on the law of evidence in criminal issues. 8th ed. 1880. . Disputed questions of evidence. Relevancy, pre- sumptions of law and presumptions of fact. 1877. [In vol. of bound monographs.] /See, also, Circumstantial Evidence, Depositions, Discovery OF Evidence, Extrinsic Evidence. EXAMIxVATION OF WITNESSJES - BROWN (D. P.) Golden rules for the examination of a witness. [In Ram's treatise on facts.] COX (E. W.) Advice for conducting the examination of wit- nesses and opening a case to the jury. [In Ram's treatise on facts.] EXAMINATION of witnesses: hints for conducting a trial: the examination in chief: duty of opposing counsel: cross examination. [Anonymous.] 1877. [In volume of bound monographs.] See, also. Advocacy. EXECUTIONS — BINGHAM (P.) The law and practice of judgment and execu- tions. 1836, [Law library, vol. 11.] EXECUTIONS: the law of. By S. C. 12mo. London, 1706. FREEMAN (A. C.) The law of executions in civil cases, and of proceedings in aid and restraint thereof. 1876. HERMAN (H. M.) The law of executions. 1S75. RIDDLE (D. S.) The law and practice of proceedings supple- mentary to execution under the New York code. 1866. RORER (David). The law of judicial and execution sales as administered in the American courts. 1873. Elementary Books. 81 EXECUTIYE DEPARTMENTS — ELMES (Webster). The executive departments of the United States at Washington: a comprehensive view of the powers, func-* tions and duties of departments, bureaus and divisions at Wash- ington, as prescribed by law and regulations, etc. 12mo. 1879. EXECUTIVE POWERS — CONKLING (Alfred). The powers of the executive depart- ment of the United States. 12mo. 1866. /See, also, Habeas Cobpus. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS — DAYTON (Isaac). The office of surrogate and surrogates courts, executors, administrators and guardians in the state of New York. 1855. LOMAX (J. T.) Treatise on the law of executors and adminis- trators, generally in use in the United States, and adapted more particularly to the practice of Virginia. 2 vols. 1841. MATTHEWS (Richard). Practical guide to executors and administrators. 1835. [Law library, vol. 7.] McCLELLAN (R. H.) Practice in probate courts: being a treatise on the jurisdiction of the surrogates' courts and the remedies offered thereby; comprising also, the law of wills, executors and adminis- trators. 1875. REDFIELD (I. F.) The duties of executors, administrators and other testamentary trustees. 3d ed. 1877. [In his law of wills.] ROBERTS (William). Treatise on the office and duties of executors and administrators. With an appendix of precedents. London, 1826. [In his law of wills, etc.] WENTWORTH (Thoaias). The office and duties of executors. With the supplement of H. Curson, and notes of the late Sergeant Wilson, and other editors. Revised, and the authorities brought down to the present time, by Henry Jeremy; with references to e— W.S. L. 82 Wisconsin State Library. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS— continued. the English common law reports, and to American decisions, by E. D. Ingraham. From the 14th London ed. 1832. WILLARD (John). Treatise on the law of executors, adminis- trators and guardians, and of the remedies for and against them, in the state of New York, with an account of the jurisdiction and practice of those courts in the admeasurement of dower. 1859. WILLIAMS (E. V.) and (W. V.) Treatise on the law of execu- tors and administrators. 6th Am. ed.; in which the subject of wills is particularly discussed and enlarged upon. By J. C. Per- kins. 3 vols. 1877. . The same. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1855. jSee^ also. Probate Law, Wills. EXECUTORY INTERESTS — SMITH (J. W.) An original view of executory interests in real and personal property, comprising the points deducible from the cases stated in the treatise of Mr. Fearne, and the conclusions from three hundred additional modern cases. 1845. EXEMPTIONS — See Homesteads and Exemptions. EXPERT TESTIMONY — BELL (J. S.) The use and abuse of expert testimony. 1879. STEPHEN (J. F.) Trial by jury and evidence of experts. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] iSee, also, Evidence. EXTRADITION — CLARK (Edward). Treatise upon the law of extradition, with the conventions upon the subject existing between England and foreign nations, and the cases decided thereon. 2d ed. London, 1874. DENMAN (G.) Is the government of the United States entitled under the Ashburton treaty, to claim the extradition of the fugitive Anderson? [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] KURD (R. C.) The law of extradition of fugitives. Elementary Books, 83 EXTRADITION— continued. [In his treatise on habeas corpus.] HYDE (H. D.) Extradition between the states. 1880. [Law pamphlets, vol. 4.] LUSHINGTON (V.) Case of Tierman and others, demanded of Great Britain by the United States government to be surrendered as pirates under the extradition treaty of Washington. 1864. [Juridical papers, vol. 2. J SPEAR (S. T.) The law of extradition, inter-national and inter- state. With an appendix containing the extradition treaties and laws of the United States and regulations and forms. 1879. [For a digest of English cases on extradition, see Fisher's crimi- nal digest.] EXTRAORDINARY REMEDIES — ^S^ee Mandamus, Prohibi Tiox, Quo Warranto. EXTRINSIC EVIDENCE — ROBERTS (Wiilliam). A systematic dissertation upon the ad- missibility of parol and extrinsic evidence to explain and control written instruments. 3d Am. ed. 1833. [In his treatise on the statute of frauds.] WIGRAM (.Tames). Treatise on extrinsic evidence in aid of the interpretation of wills. With extensive additions to the text, and copious references to American cases, by John P. O'Hara. 2d Am. ed. 1872. FACTORS AND BROKERS — EDWARDS (Isaac). An essay on factors and brokers, or com- mission merchants, including a commentary on the factors' act. 12mo. 1870. RUSSELL (J. A.) Treatise on the law relating to factors and brokers. 1845. [Law library, vol. 46. J FARM LAW — BENNETT (E. H.) Farm law: a treatise on the legal rights and liabilities of farmers. 12mo. 1880, THOMPSON (A. W.) The law of the farm: a treatise on the 84 Wisconsin State Libbary. FARM LAW— continued. leading titles of the law involved in farming business and litiga- tion. 1876. FEDERAL PROCEDURE — BUMP (O. F.) The title judiciary in the revised statutes of the United States, and the rules promulgated by the supreme court, and forms. Together vrith notes referring to all decisions to Jan- uary 1, 1881. 18S1. See, also^ Phactice, United States Coukts. FENCES — See Boundaries, Farm Law. FERRIES — See Highways, Water Rights. FIRE INSURANCE — See Insurance. FISHERIES — SCHULTES (Henry). An essay on aquatic rights: intended as an illustration of the law relative to fishing, and to the propriety of ground or soil produced by alluvion and dereliction in the sea and rivers. 1839. [Law library, vol. 22.] See^ also^ Water Rights. FIXTURES — AMOS (A.) and FERARD (J.) Treatise on the law of fixtures and other property, partaking both of a real and personal nature. With notes and references by William Hogan. 1855. BROWN (Archibald). The rule of the law of fixtures. 2d ed. London, 1872. EWELL (M. D.) The law of fixtures. 1876. GIBBON (David). A manual of the law of fixtures. 1836. [Law library, vol. 11.] GRADY (S. G.) The law] of fixtures, with reference to real property and chattels. 1846. [Law library, vol. 49.] TYLER (R. H.) The law of fixtures, embracing the leading de- cisions upon the subject, both American and English. 1877. Elementary Books. 85 FOREIGN JUDGMENTS — PIGGOTT (F. T.) Foreign judgments: their effect in the English courts. London, 1879. . Part II. The effect of an English judgment abroad. London, 1881. FORFEITURE — SMITH (P. V.) On the law of forfeiture for treason and felony. 1870. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] FORGERY — HAMMOND (Anthony). On forgery: the criminal code, in- cluding a digest, consolidation and collection of the statutes, col- lated with the original record. London, 1823. /See, also, Ckiminal Law. FORMS — ABBOTT (B. V.) and (A.) A collection of forms of pleadings in actions under the code of procedure of the state of New York, with copious notes and authorities. To which are added forms in submissions of controversies without action, in proceedings against joint debtors, etc., and of judgments by confession. 2 vols. 1864. . A collection of forms of conveyancing, contracts, and legal proceedings. For the use of the legal profession, business men and public officers. 2d ed. 1867. BURRILL (A. M.) Appendix of forms to the treatise on the practice of the supreme court of the state of New York. 2ded. 1846. COVENTRY (Tho^ias). Concise forms in conveyancing. 2d ed. London, 1827. HENNELL (Chakles). Forms of declarations, etc., prepared in conformity with the new general rules of all the courts. 1834. [Law library, vol. l.J HENNING (W. W.) The x^merican pleader and lawyer's guide. To which is added the merchant's, clerk's and sheriff's magazine, containing all the necessary forms appertaining to their respective pursuits. 2 vols. 1811. 86 WIscoNSI^' State Lideary. FORMS— continued. HUMPHREY (Charles). A collection of practical forms in suits at law; also precedents of contracts, conveyances, wills, etc. 2 vols. 1845. JENKINS (J. S.) The new clerk's assistant, or book of practi- cal forms. 1864-. McCALL (H, S.) Precedents, or practical forms in actions at law in the supreme court of New York, the superior court and court of common pleas. Adapted to the code and rules of 1871, and to the practice of states having a similar code. 3d ed. 1871. McMULLEN (J. F.) The new Wisconsin form book; a com- pendium of legal and practical forms, with principles of law adapted to the statutes of Wisconsin. 3d ed. 1869. OLIVER (B. L.) Forms of practice; or American precedents in personal and real actions, interspersed with annotations. 3d ed. 1851. SAYLER (J. R.) American form book, containing the most approved forms and instruments for the use of professional and business men. 1878. SETON (H. W.) Forms of decrees in equity, and of orders connected with them. 3d ed., adapted to the present practice, with practical notes. By W. H. Harrison and R. H. Leach. 2 vols. London, 1862-3. TIFFANY (Joel) and SMITH (Henry). The book of forms, adapted to the New York practice in actions and special proceed- ings in the courts of record of the state of New York. 1865. TILLINGHAST (J. L.) and SHERMAN (T. G.) Practice, pleadings and forms in civil actions in courts of record in the state of New York; adapted to the code of procedure. 2 vols. 1861. See^ also, Entries, Indictments, Practice, Precedents. [For the forms appropriate to special legal topics, see their several titles.] FRAUD — BIGELOW (M. M.) The law of fraud, both as a ground of action and as a defense in law and equity. 1877. Elementary Books. 87 TB/AU D — continued. FINLASON (W. F.) A report of the case of the Queen v. Gur- ney and others, in the court of king's bench. With an introduc- tion containing a history of the case, and an examination of the cases at law and equity applicable to or illustrating the doctrine of •commercial fraud. London, 1870. HOVENDEN (J. E.) General treatise on the principles and practice by which courts of equity are guided as to the prevention or remedial correction of fraud. 1st Am. ed. By Thomas Hunt- ington. 2 vols. 1832. FRAUD AND MISTAKE - KERR (W. W.) The law of fraud and mistake, as administered in the courts of equity. With notes of American decisions by Orlando F. Bump. 1872. . On the equitable doctrine as to mistake. 1866. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] /See, also, Equity. FRAUDS, STATUTE OF — AGNEW (W. F.) Treatise on the statute of frauds. London, 1876. BROWNE (Causten). Treatise on the construction of the statute of frauds, as in force in England and the United States. With an appendix containing the existing English and American :statutes. 4th ed. 1880. . The same. 2d ed. 1873. LEAKE (S. M.) The principles of legislation involved in the statute of frauds, as it affects the law of contracts. [Juridical papers, vol. 1. J ROBERTS (William). Treatise on the statute of frauds, as it regards declarations in trust, contracts, surrenders, conveyances, and the execution and pjoof of wills and codicils. To which is prefixed a systematic dissertation upon the admissibility of parol and extrinsic evidence, to explain and control written instruments. 3d Am. ed. 1833. THROOP (M. H.) Treatise on the validity of verbal .agree- 88 Wisconsin State Librae r. FRAUDS, STATUTE OF — continued. ments, as affected by the legislative enactments in England and the United States, commonly called the statute of frauds. Vol. 1. 1870. FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES — BUMP (O. F.) Treatise upon conveyances made by debtors to defraud creditors. Containing references to all the cases, both En- glish and American. 1876. MAY (W. M.) Treatise on the statutes of Elizabeth against fraudulent conveyances: the bills of sale, registration acts and the lav7 of voluntary dispositions of property independently of those statutes; with an appendix containing the above acts and the mar- ried women's property act, 1870. Also, some unpublished cases (1700-1733) from the Coxe and Melmoth Ms. reports. London, 1871. ROBERTS (William). Treatise on the construction of the statutes, 13 Eliz. c. 5, and 27 Eliz. c. 4, relating to voluntary and fraudulent conveyances, and on the nature and force of different considerations to support deeds and other legal instruments, in the courts of law and equity. 2d Am. ed. 1825. FREEDOM AND BONDAGE— . HURD (J. C.) The law of freedom and bondage in the United States. 2 vols. 1858. WHEELER (J. D.) Practical treatise on the law of slavery. 1839. FRENCH LAW — CODE N A POLEON : Or the French civil code. Literally trans- lated from the original and official edition, published at Paris in 1804. 1841. EMERIGON (B. M.) Treatise on insurance. Translated from the French. With an introduction and notes, by Samuel Meredith. 1850. GOIRAND (Leopold). French code of commerce and most usual commercial laws, with a theoretical and practical com- Elementary Books. 89 FRENCH LAW -continued. mentary, and a compendium of the judicial organization and of the course of procedure before the tribunals of commerce, together with the text of the law, the most recent decisions of the courts, and a glossary of French judicial terms. 1880. JONES (Robert). History of the French bar, ancient and modern, comprising a notice of the French courts, their officers, practitioners, etc., and of the system of legal education in France. [Law library, vol. 88.] KELHAM (Robert). Dictionary of the Norman or old French language. 1843. LOCRE (M. Le Baron). La Lageslation civile, commerciale et criminelle de la France. 16 tomes. Paris, 1827-29. MONTESQUIEU (Baron Ch.) The spirit of laws. Trans- lated from the French. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 1802. PERPIGNA (A.) The French law and practice of patents for inventions, improvements and importations. 1834. [Law library, vol. 2.] POTHIER (R. J.) Treatise on the law of obligations or con- tracts. Translated from the French, with an introduction, appen- dix and notes illustrative of the English law on the subject. By W. D. Evans. 2 vols. 1826. . Treatise on the contract of partnership with the civil code and code of commerce relating to that subject. Trans- lated from the French by V. D. Tudor. 1854. [Law library, vol. 81.] RODMAN (John). The commercial code of France, with the motives, or discourses of the counsellors of state, delivered before the legislative body, illustrative of the principles and provisions of the code. 1814. GAMING — OLIPHANT (G. H. H.) The law concerning horses, racing, wagers, gaming. 1847. [Law library, vol. 56.] GARNISHMENT — See Attachment. 90 Wisconsin State Library. OAS AND WATER — MICHAEL (W. H.) and WILL (J. S.) The law of gas and water supply; comprising the rights and duties as well of local authorities as of private companies in regard thereto. London, 1872. GUFTS — AS'ee Devises. GRAND JURY — CHAMBERS (T.) On the institution of the grand jury. 1858. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] INGERSOLL (E.) Essay on the law of grand juries. 1819. [In his work on habeas corpus^] GUARANTY AND SURETYSHIP— BAYLIES (Edwin). Treatise on the rights, remedies and lia- bilities of sureties and guarantors, and the application of the prin- ciples of suretyship to persons other than sureties, and to property liable as surety for the payment of money. 1881. BRANDT (G. W.) The law of suretyship and guaranty, as ad- ministered by courts of countries where the common law prevails. 1878. BURGE (William). Commentaries on the law of suretyship, and the rights and obligations of parties thereto, and herein of ob- ligations in solido. 1st Am. ed. 1847. DeCOLYAR (H. A.) Treatise on the law of guaranties and of principal and surety; with notes to American cases. By J. A. Morgan. 1875. FELL (W. W.) The law of mercantile guaranties, and of prin- cipal and surety in general. 3d Am. ed. With notes and references to American cases. By W. M. Scott. 1872. . The same. 1872. PITMAN (E. D.) Treatise on the law of principal and surety. 1843. [Law library, vol. 38.] ROSS (George). Leading English and Scotch cases on the law of suretyship, agency, partnership and insurance. 1857. [Law library, vol. 97.] Elementary Books. 91 GUARDIAN AND WARD — DAYTON (Isaac). Office of guardians in tae state of New York. 1855. [In his treatise on surrogates.] REEVE (Tapping). Law of guardian and ward, etc. 1867. [In his law of baron and femme.] See^ also, Domestic Relations, Infancy. HABEAS CORPUS — HABEAS CORPUS PAMPHLETS. 1862. Contents : The suspending power and the writs of habeas corpus. [By James F. Johnston.] The writ of habeas corpus, and Mr. Binney. [By John T. Mont- gomery.] 2d ed. Remarks on Mr. Binney's treatise on the writ of habeas corpus. [By G. M. Wharton.] Authorities cited antagonistic to Horace Binney's conclusions on the writ of habeas corpus. [By Tatlow Jackson.] The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus under the constitu- tion. [By Horace Binney.] 2d ed. The same. Second part. HURD (R. 0.) The right of personal liberty, and the writ of habeas corpus. 2d ed. With notes, by Frank H. Hurd. 1876. . The same. 1858. INGERSOLL (E.) The history and law of the writ of habeas corpus. 1849. WOOD (H. G.) Treatise on the legal remedies of mandamus and prohibition, habeas corpus, certiorari, and quo warranto. 1880, HEBREW LAW — MICHAELIS (J. D.) Commentaries on the laws of Moses. Translated from the German, by Alexander Smith. 4 vols. London, 1814. HERMENEUTICS — AS'ee Construction of Statutes. S2 Wisconsin State Library. HIGHWAYS — ANGELL (J.K.) and DURFEE (Thomas). Treatise on the law of highways. 2d ed. Notes and references by G. F. Choate. 1868. COOK (R. D.) Manual of the highway laws of New York. 1870. THOMPSON (I. G.) Treatise on the law of highways, includ- ing ways, bridges, tunnels, strays, turnpikes and plank roads. With an appendix of forms. 3d ed. By C. H. Mills. 1881. . The same. 1868. WOOLRYCH (H. W.) Treatise on the law of ways, including highways, turnpike roads and tolls, private rights of way, ^ridges and ferries. 1834. [Law library, vol. 2.] HISTORY OF LAW — CRABB (George). History of English law; or an at^.empt to trace the rise, progress and successive changes of the common law, from the earliest period to the present time. 1st Am. ed. 1831. REEVES (John). History of the English law, from the time of the Romans to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. A new edition, with numerous notes, and an introductory dissertation on the nat- ure and use of legal history, the rise and progress of our laws, and the influence of the Roman law in the formation of our own. By W. F. Finlason. 3 vols. London, 1869. See^ also^ Ancient Law, Anglo-Saxon Law, Common Law, Constitutional Law, Jurisprudence, Juries. HOMESTEADS AND EXEMPTIONS — SMYTH (J. H.) The law of homestead and exemptions. 1875. THOMPSON (S. D.) Treatise on homestead and exemption laws. 1878. HOMICIDE — WHARTON (Francis). Law of homicide in the United States, with a series of leading cases, now out of print, or existing only in manuscript. 1855. See^ also, Criminal Law. Elementary Books. 93 HORSES — HANOVER (M. D.) The law of horses, including the law of livery stable keepers, veterinary surgeons, racing, etc., and the law of warranty in the sale of horses and other live stock. 2d ed. 1875. OLIPHANT (G. H. H.) The law concerning horses, racing, wagers, gaming. 1847. [Law library, vol. 6Q.^ HUSBAND AND WIFE — ATHERLY (E. G.) Practical treatise on the law of marriage, and other family settlements. 1840. [Law library, vol. 25.] BELL (S. S.) The law of property as arising from the relation of husband and wife. 1850. [Law library, vol. 65.] BRIGHT (J. E.) Treatise on the law of husband and wife, as respects property. Partly founded upon Roper's treatise, and com- prising Jacob's notes and additions thereto. With copious notes and references to the American decisions, by Ralph Lockwood. 2 vols. 1850. CLx\NCY (James). Treatise of the rights, duties and liabilities of husband and wife at law and in equity. 2d Am. ed. 1837. MacQUEEN (J. F.) The rights and liabilities of husband and wife. 2d ed. By Sydney Hastings and J. D. Davenport. Lon- don, 1872. . The same. 1848. [Law library, vol. 57.] -. The same. 1849. [Law library, vol. 64.] REEVE (Tapping). The law of baron and femme, of parent and child, guardian and ward, master and servant, and of the powers of the court of chancery. 3d ed. By A. J. Parker and E. E. Bald- win. 1874. . The same. 1887. ROPER (R. S. p.) Treatise on the law of property arising from the relation between husband and wife. 2 vols. 1841, [Law library, vols. 29, 30.] 94: Wisconsin State Library. HUSBAND AxND WIFE— continued. See^ also. Coverture, Do:mestic Relations, Maeeiage and Divorce. IDIOCY — EWELL (M. D.) Leading and select cases on infancy, cover- ture and idiocy. 1876. HTGHMORE (A.) Treatise on idiocy and lunacy. 1822. See, also, Insanity, Lunacy, Medical Jurisprudence. IMPEACHMENT —See Trials. INCUMBRANCES — DROOP (H. R.) On certain beneficial effects of the rule of tacking, as applied in England to incumbrances upon real estate. 1864. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.1 RAM (James). Treatise of assets, debts and incumbrances. 1855. [Law library, vol. 6. J ROBINSON (W. G.) Concise view of the law relating to the priority of incumbrances and of other rights in property. London, 1873. See, also, Liens, Mortgages. INDIA LAW — BAILLIE (N. B. E.) Digest of Moohummudan law on the sub- jects to which it is usually applied by British courts of justice in India. Compiled and translated from authorities in the original Arabic, with an introduction and explanatory notes. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1865-69. BENNETT (W. H.) On the Hindu and Mohamedan laws as ad- ministered in India and in connection with English law. 1858. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] INDIANS — TREATIES between the United States of America and the several Indian tribes, from 1778 to 1837. Compiled and printed by the direction, and under the supervision of the commissioner of Indian affairs. 1837. Elementary Books. 95 INDICTMENTS — TRAIN (C. R.) and HEARD (F. F.) Precedents of indictments and special pleas. 1855. WHARTON (Francis). Precedents of indictments and pleas, adapted to the use both of the courts of the United States and those of the several states. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1871. . The same. 1848. I jSee, aUo^ Criminal Law. INFANCY — BINGHAM (Peregrine). The law of infancy and coverture. 2d Am. ed. By E. H. Bennett. 1849. EWELL (M. D.) Leading and select cases on infancy, cover- ture and idiocy. 1876. FORSYTH (William). Treatise on the law relating to the custody of infants, in case of difference between parents and guardian. 1850. . The same. 1850. [Law library, vol. 66. J MacPHERSON (William). Treatise on the law relating to infants. 1843. [Law library, vol. 39.] SIMPSON (A. H.) Treatise on the law and practice relating to infants. London, 1875. TYLER (R. H.) Commentaries on the law of infancy, includ- ing guardianship and custody of infants. 1868. WILCOX (S. W.) Legal rights of children. 1880. [In law pamphlets, vol. 4.] See^ also, Divorce, Domestic Relations, Executors and Ad- ministrators, Guardian and Ward. INFORMATIONS — COLE (W. R.) The law and practice relating to criminal in- formations, and informations fn the nature of quo warranto. 2 vols. 1841. [Law library, vols. 54, 55.^ /See, also, Criminal Law. 96 Wisconsin State Library. INHERITANCE — ^ee Descents, Succession. INJUNCTIONS — BREWERY (C. S.) Treatise on the law and practice of in- junctions. 1842, [Law library, vol. 34.] . Supplemenjt, containing the cases decided since 1841. 1854. [Law library, vol. 77.] EDEN (R. H.) A compendium of the law and practice of in- junctions, and of interlocutory orders in the nature of injunctions. Notes and references to American and English decisions; also an introduction, and an appendix of practical forms, by T. W. Water- man. 3ded. 2 vols. 1852. • . The same. 1st Am. ed. 1822. HIGH (.1. L.) Treatise upon the law of injunctions, as admin- istered in tlie American and English courts. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1880. . The same. 1873. BILLIARD (Francis). The law of injunctions. 1865. JOYCE (Willia-m). The law and practice of injunctions in equity and at common law. 2 vols. London, 1872. . The doctrines and principles of the law of injunc- tions. London, 1877. KERR (W. W.) The law and practice of injunctions in equity. Notes and references to American cases, by W. A. Herrick. 1871. INN-KEEPERS — REDFIELD (I. F.) The responsibility and duty of inn-keepers. 1869. [In his law of carriers.] SCHOULER (James). The law of inn-keepers. 1880. [In his treatise on bailments.] INNS OF COURT — DILLON (J. F.) Inns of court and Westminster hall. [Law pamphlets, vol. 3.] PEARCE (R. R.) Guide to the inns of court and chancery;. Element ABY Books. 97 INNS OF COURT — continued. with notices of their ancient discipline, rules, orders and customs, readings, moots, masques, revels and entertainments; including an account of the eminent men of the honorable societies of Lincoln's inn, the inner temple, the middle temple, and Gray's inn; together with the regulations of the four inns of court as to the admission of students, keeping terms, lectures, etc. London, 1855. SMITH (P. A.) Of ancient legal education in the inns of court. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] INSANITY- BROWNE (J. H. B.) The medical jurisprudence of insanity. 2ded. 1875. BUCKNILL (J. C.) Unsoundness of mind in relation to crim- inal acts. 1856. . The same. [Law library, vol. 90.] GUERNSEY (R. S.) Juries and physicians on questions of in- sanity. [In law pamphlets, vol. 2.] HAMMOND (W. A.) Insanity in its medico-legal relations. Opinion relative to the testamentary capacity of the late James C. Johnston, of Chowan county, North Carolina. 2d ed. With an appendix containing the main points of Judge Merrimon's charge to the jury. 1867. HIGHMORE (A.) Treatise on the lavv of idiocy and lunacy. 1822. ORDRONAUX (John). Commentaries on the lunacy laws of New York, and on the judicial aspects of insanity at common law and in equity, including procedure, as expounded in England and the United States. 1878. RAY (Isaac). Medical jurisprudence of insanity. 5th ed. 1871. STEPHEN (F.) On the policy of maintaining the limits at present imposed by law on the criminal responsibility of madmen. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] 7— W. S. L. 98 Wisconsin State Library. INSANITY — continued. STOCK (J. S.) Practical treatise on the law of non competis mentis^ or persons of unsound mind. 1839. [Law library, vol. 23.] WINSLOW (FoKBEs). The plea of insanity in criminal cases. 1843. [Law library, vol. 49.] . The legal doctrine of responsibility in cases of in- sanity connected with alleged criminal acts. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] WRIGHT (T. L.) Responsibility restricted by insane delusion. [Law pamphlets, vol 2.] . Some points, connected with the question of respon- sibility as it relates to the partially insane. [Law pamphlets, vol. 2.] See, also, Medical Jukisprudence. INSOLVENCY — See Bankruptcy and Insolvency. INSURANCE — I. Treatises. ANGELL (J. K.) Treatise on the law of fire and life insurance. 2d ed. 1855. ARNOULD (Joseph). Treatise on the law of marine insurance and average. 2d ed., with annotations by J. C. Perkins. 2 vols. 1850. BLISS (George). The law of life insurance, with chapters upon accident and guarantee insurance. 1872. BONNEY (C. C.) Summary of the law of marine, fire and life insurance. 1865. BUNYON (C. J.) Treatise upon the law of life assurance. 1854. [Law library, vol. 77.] . The law of fire insurance. 2d ed. London, 1875. CLARKE (S. R.) Treatise on the law of insurance, with sup- plement containing notes of all decisions in the dominion [of Canada] reported to March 1, 1877. Toronto, 1877. Elementary Books. 99 INSURANCE — continued. CRUMP (F. O.) The principles of the law relating to marine insurance and general average in England and America. London, 1875. DIXON (F. B.) Hand book of marine insurance. 2d ed. 18G6. DUER (John). The law and practice of marine insurance. 2 vols. 1845. ELLIS (Charles). The law of fire and life insurance and an- nuities, with practical observations. 2d Am. ed. With notes, ad- ditions and references, by W. G. Shaw. 1854. EMERIGON (B. M.) Treatise on insurance. Translated from the French, with an introduction and notes by Samuel Meredith. London, 1850. FLANDERS (Henry). The law of fire insurance. 2d ed. 1874. HILDYARD (Francis). Treatise on the principles of the law of marine insurance. 1847. HUGHES (David). Treatise on the law relating to insurance. 1833. MARSHALL (Samuel). Treatise on the law of insurance. 2d Am. ed. By J. W. Condy. 2 vols. 1810. MAY (J. W.) The law of insurance as applied to fire, life, acci- dent, guarantee, and other non-maritime risks. 1873. PARK (J. A.) System of the law of marine insurance; chapters on bottomry; on insurance on lives and against fire. 8th ed. By Francis Hildyard. 2 vols. London, 1842. PARSONS (Theophilus). Treatise on the law of marine in- surance and general average. 2 vols. 1868. PHILLIPS (Willard). Treatise on the law of insurance. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1867. STEVENS (R.) and BENECKE (W.) Treatise on average, and adjustment of losses in marine insurance. With notes by Willard Phillips. 1833. • WOOD (H. G.) Treatise on the law of fire insurance, adapted to the present state of the law, English and American. With notes and illustrations. 1878. 100 Wisconsin State Libraby. INSURANCE — continued. II. Digests^ Reports and Statutes. BENNETT (E. H.) Fire insurance cases: being a collection of all the reported cases on fire insurance in England, Ireland, Scot- land and America, from 1792 to 1875. 5 vols. 1872-77. BIGELOW (M. M.) Reports of all the published life and acci- dent insurance cases determined in the courts of America, England, Ireland and Scotland, from the earliest time to 1876. 5 vols. 1872-76. HINE (C. C.) The insurance statutes of the United States and Canada. 1876. LITTLETON (H. A.) and BLATCHLEY (J. S). Digest of fire insurance decisions in the courts of Great Britain and North Amer- ica. 2d ed. By S. G. Clark. 1868. . The same. 1862. SANSUM (O. B.) Digest of the law of insurance: being an analysis of fire, marine, life and accident insurance cases, adjudi- cated in the courts of England, Ireland, Scotland, the United States of America and Canada, commencing with the earliest reported ad- judications, and continued to the present time. 1876. SHERMAN (Henry). An analytical digest of the laws of ma- rine insurance, containing a digest of all the cases adjudged in this [New York] state, from the earliest reports down to the present time; with references to an appendix of cases decided in the su- preme, circuit, and district courts of the United States, from the earliest period down to the year 1830. 1841. WOLFORD (Geoege). General and public statute laws of the several states of the United States relating to fire, inland- navigation, marine, life, health and casualty insurance corpora- tions, and miscellaneous laws pertaining to insurance. 1870. INTEREST — See Usury. INTERNATIONAL LAW- AMOS (Sheldon). Lectures on international law. London, 1874. Elementary Books. 101 INTERNATIONAL LAW — continued. BOWYER (Geoege). Commentaries on universal public law. 1854. [Law library, vol. 82.] BURLAMAQUI (J. J.) The principles of natural and politic law. 2 vols. 1832. CHITTY (Joseph). Practical treatise on the law of nations. 1833. CLARK (C.) Is the capture of the commissioners from on board the mail steamer ''Trent" defensible by the law of nations? 1861. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] ELLIOTT (Jonathan). The American diplomatic code. Trea- ties and conventions between the United States and foreign powers, from 1777 to 1834, with an abstract of important judicial decisions on points connected with our foreign relations; also a concise dip- lomatic manual, etc., etc. 2 vols. 1832. FIELD (D. D.) Outline of an international code. 1872. GARDNER (David). Institutes of international law, public and private, as settled by the supreme court of the United States, and by our republic. 1860. GROTIUS (Hugo). War and paace. Translated into English by William Evats. 4to. London, 1682. HALL (W. E.) International law. Oxford, 1880. HALLECK (H. W.) International law; or the rules regulating the intercourse of states in peace and war. 1861. KATCHENOVSKY (Prof.) The present state of interna- tional jurisprudence. Two parts. 1858. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] MAINE (H. S.) The conception of sovereignty and its im- portance in international law. 1855. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.1 PHILLIMORE (Robert). Commentaries upon international law. 3 vols, in 2. 1854. . The same. 3 vols. [Law library, vols. 81, 86, 93.] 102 Wis CONS IX State Libraby. INTERNATIONAL LAW — continued. POLSON (Aechee). Principles of the law of nations. 1853. [Law library, vol. 74.] PUFFENDORb^ (Samuel). Law of nature and nations. Folio. London, 1729. UPTON (F. H.) The law of nations aflPecting commerce during war; with a review of the jurisdiction, practice and proceedings of prize courts. 1863. VATTEL (MoNSEUR De). The law of nations; or, principles of the law of nature applied to the conduct and affairs of nations and sovereigns. From the French. New ed. By Joseph Chitty. 1856. WARD (Robekt). An enquiry into the foundation and history of the law of nations in Europe from the time of the Greeks and Romans to the age of Grotius. 2 vols. 1795. WESTLAKE (J.) The relation between public and private in- ternational law. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] WHEATON (Henry). History of the law of nations in Europe and America, from the earliest times to the treaty of Washington, 1842. 1845. . Elements of international law. 8th ed. By R. H. Dana, jr. 18G6. . The same. 2d ed. By W. B. Lawrence. 1863. WILDMAN (Richard). Institutes of international law. 2 vols. 1850. [Law library, vols. 66, 68.J WOOLSEF (T. D.) Introduction to the study of international law. 2d ed. 1864. IRELAND — ANCIENT laws and institutes of Ireland. 4 vols. Dublin, 1863-79. INTERPRETATION — /S'ee Construction of Statutes. INTERSTATE LAW— . RORER (David). American inter-state law. Edited by Leroy Mayer. 1879. See^ also, Conflict of Laws, Extradition. Elementary Books. 103 INTESTATES — LOVELASS (Petek). The law's disposal of a person's estate who dies without a will or testament. 1839. [Law library, vol. 23.] JOINT STOCK COMPANIES — STEPHENS (C. H.) A commentary on the law and practice of joint stock companies, under the Canadian acts, with an introduc- tion showing the growth of commercial associations generally. Toronto, 1881. WORDSWORTH (Charles). The law of joint stock compa- nies. 2 vols. 1843. [Law library, vols. 37, 38.] /See, also, Corporations, Partnership. JUDGMENTS — BINGHAM (Peregrine). The law and practice of judgments and executions. 1836. [Law library, vol. ll.J FREEMAN (A. C.) Treatise on the law of judgments. Includ- ing all final determinations of the rights of parties in actions or proceedings at law or in equity. 1873. . The enforcement of judgments against bankrupts. 1877. [In law pamphlets, vol. 2.] RAM (James). The science of legal judgment. A treatise de- signed to show the materials whereof, and the process by which, courts construct their judgments; and adapted to practical and general use in the discussion and determination of questions of law. Additions and annotations by John Townsend. 1871. See, also, Foreign Judgments. JUDICIAL OATHS — ANSTEY (T. C.) On judicial oaths as administered to heathen witnesses. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] REILLY (F. S.) Judicial oaths. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] 104 Wisconsin State Library. JUDICIAL SALES — FREEMAN (A. C.) Void execution, judicial and probate sales, and the legal and equitable rights of purchasers thereat, and the constitutionality of special legislation validating void sales, and authorizing involuntary sales in the absence of judicial proceedings. 1877. RORER (David). Treatise on the law of execution and judicial sales. 1872. JURIES — BEST (W. M.) On the policy of the rule of English law which exacts unaminity in the verdicts of juries. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] . Trial by jury. 1859. [Juridical papers, vol. l.J FORSYTH (William). History of trial by jury. London, 1852. HIRSH (Hugo). Treatise on juries, their powers, duties and •uses, in all actions and proceedings, both civil and criminal. 1879. PROFFATT (JoHNj. Trial by jury, including questions of law and fact. With an introductory chapter on the origin and history of jury trials. 1877. RAM (James). Treatise on fact? as subjects of inquiry by a jury. 3dAm. ed. 1873. STARKIE (Thomas). On the trial by jury. 1880. STEPHEN (J. F.) On trial by jury, and the evidence of ex- perts. 1859.' [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] THOMPSON (S. D.) Charging the jury: a monograph. 1880. WELLS (J. C.) Instructions to juries. 1876. [In his treatise on law and fact.] WORTHINGTON (Geokge). An inquiry into the power of juries to decide incidentally on questions of law. 1840. [Law library, vol. 27.] jSee, also, Challenge of Juroks. Elementary Books. 105 JURISDICTION - ABBOTT (B. V.) The peculiar jurisdiction of the United States courts. 1877. [In vol. 1 of his United States practice.] COKE (Edwakd). Fourth part of the institutes of the laws of England, concerning the jurisdiction of courts. London, 1792. CONKLING (Alfred). Treatise on the organization, jurisdic- tion and practice of the courts of the United States. 4th ed. 1864. CURTIS (G. T.) Commentaries on the jurisdiction, practice and peculiar jurisprudence of the courts of the United States. Vol. 1. 1854. [All ever published.] CURTIS (B. R.) The jurisdiction and peculiar jurisprudence of the courts of the United States. A series of lectures delivered before the Harvard law school by the late B. R. Curtis; edited by G. T. and B. R. Curtis. 12mo. 1879. DU PONCEAU (P. S.) A dissertation on the nature and extent of the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States, beinga vale- dictory address delivered to the students of the law academy of Philadelphia, 22d April, 1824. To which are added a brief sketch of the national judiciary powers exercised in the United States prior to the adoption of the present federal constitution, by Thomas Sergeant; and the author's discourse on legal education. With an appendix and notes. 1824. ETTING (T. M.) The admiralty jurisdiction in America. 1879. GRAHAM (David, jr.) Treatise on the organization and juris- diction of the courts of law and equity in the state of New York. 1839. JEREMY (George). Treatise on the equity jurisdiction of the high court of chancery. 1st Am. ed. 1830. KERR (R. M.) An action at law; being an out line of the ju- risdiction of the superior courts of common law, with an element- ary view of the proceedings in personal actions and in ejectment. 1854. [Law library, vol. 79.J LAW (S. D.) The jurisdiction and powers of the United States courts, and the rules of practice of the supreme court of the 106 Wisconsin State Library. JURISDICTION — continued. United States, and the circuit and district courts in admiralty. 1852. PHILLIPS (P.) The statutory jurisdiction and practice of the supreme court of the United States, together with forms of process and rules established for the supreme court, the court of claims, the court of equity, the courts of admiralty, and the courts of bankruptcy. Revised ed. 1876. ROCHE (H. P.) On marine jurisdiction in time of peace. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] SERGEANT (Thomas). View of the practice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States. 2d ed. 1830. SPENCE (Geokge). The equitable jurisdiction of the court of chancery. 2 vols. 1846. WELLS (J. C.) Treatise on the jurisdiction of courts. 1880. JURISPRUDENCE — ABBOTT (B. V.) The year book of jurisprudence for 1880; a compend of the most recent statutes, leading cases and general information upon the progress of the law. 1880. AMOS (Sheldon). A systematic view of the science of juris- prudence. London, 1872. . The science of law. 12mo. 4th ed. London, 1879. AUSTIN (John). Lectures on jurisprudence, or the philoso- phy of positive law. 2 vols. 1875. . The same. 2 vols, London, 1869. BROOM (Herbert). The philosophy of law. Being notes of lectures delivered during twenty-three years in the inner-temple hall. London, 1876. DUER (W. A.) A course of lectures on the constitutional ju- risprudence of the United States. 2d ed. 12mo. 1856. FORSYTH (William). Cases and opinions on constitutional law, and various points of English jurisprudence. Collected and digested from official documents and other sources. With notes. London, 1869. HERON (D. C.) Jurisprudence and its relation to the social sciences. 12rao. Elementary Books. 107 JURISPRUDENCE — continued. HOLLAND (T. E.) The elements of jurisprudence. Oxford, 1880. LINDLEY (Nathaniel). An introduction to the study of ju- risprudence. 1855. [Law library, vol. 84.] ' MONTESQUIEU (Baeon Cn.) The spirit of laws. Trans- lated from the French. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 1802. PHILLIPS (C. S. U.) Jurisprudence. London, 18G3. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE — BARBOUR (O. L.) Treatise on the criminal law of the state New York; and upon the jurisdiction, duty, and authority of jus- tices of the peace in criminal cases. 2d ed. 1852. BENEDICT (JosEPu). Treatise containing a summary of the jurisdiction, powers and duties of justices of the peace in the state of New York. Adapted to the code of procedure in civil cases. Also their jurisdiction, duties and authority in criminal cases. 2 vols. 6th ed. 1878. BURN (Riciiaiid). Justice of the peace and parish officer. 30th ed. 5 vols. London, 1869. CO WEN (EsEK.) Treatise on the civil jurisdiction of justices of the peace in the state of New York. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1863. DAVIS (Daniel). Treatise upon the authority and duty of justices of the peace in criminal prosecutions. 3d ed. By F. F. Heard. 1853. HEARD (F. F.) Practical treatise on the authority and duties of trial justices, district, police and municipal courts, in criminal cases. 1879. McCALL (H. S.) The New York civil and criminal justice: a complete treatise on the civil, criminal and special powers and duties of justices of the pQ^,ce. 3d ed. 1866. WAIT (William). The law and practice in civil actions and proceedings in justices' courts, the practice on appeals to the county courts, and the law relating to actions at nisi prius. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1867. 108 Wisconsin State Library. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE — continued. WATERMAN (Joshua). Wisconsin and Iowa justice: being a treatise on the civil and criminal jurisdiction of justices of the peace; written expressly for the states of Wisconsin and Iowa. Containing directions and practical forms for every case which can arise before a justice. Revised, corrected and improved by Thomas W. Waterman. 1873. LAND LAWS — AMERICAN state papers: documents, legislative and executive, of the congress of the United States, in relation to the public lands from March 4, 1789, to June 15, 1834. Selected and edited under the authority of the senate of the United States, by Walter Low- rie. 5 vols. Folio. 1834. COPP (H. M.) Public land laws passed by congress from March 4, 1869, to March 3, 1875; with the important decisions of the sec- retary of the interior, and commissioner of the general land office, the opinions of the assistant attorney general, and the instructions issued from the general land office. 1875. DALLAM (J. W.) Digest of the laws of Texas, containing a full and complete compilation of the land laws. 1845. GENERAL public acts of congress respecting the sale and dis- position of the public lands, with instructions issued, from time to time, by the secretary of the treasury and commissioner of the general. land office, official opinions of the attorney general. Vol- ume one containing laws to the close of second session of 25th congress; volume two, containing instructions and opinions to August, 1838. 2 vols. 1838. HOFFMAN (Ogden). Reports of land cases determined in the United States district court for the northern district of California, from 1853 to 1858, inclusive. Vol. 1. 1862. HUGHES (James). A report of the causes determined by the late supreme court for the district of Kentucky, and by the court of appeals, in which the titles to land were in dispute. 4to. 1803. LAWS of the United States, resolutions of congress under the confederation, treaties, proclamations, and other documents respecting the public lands. 1828. Elementary Books. 109 LAND LAWS — continued. LESTER (W. W.) Decisions of the interior department in public land cases, and land laws, passed by the congress of the United States; together with the regulations of the general land office. 1860. . The same. Vol.2. 1870. LEWIS (J. V.) A collection of leading cases on the public land laws of the United States. With notes and references. 1879. ROCKWELL (J. A.) A compilation of Spanish and Mex;ican law in relation to mines, and titles to real estate, in force in Cali- fornia, Texas and New Mexico; and in the territories acquired under the Louisiana and Florida treaties, when annexed to the United States. Vol. 1. 1851. ZABRISKIE (J. C.) The public land laws of the United States: ■with instructions and decisions appertaiaing thereto. With practical forms, and an appendix. 1870. LANDLORD AND TENANT — ARCHBOLD (J. F.) The law of landlord and tenant: with all the requisite forms. 1846. . The same. [Law library, vol. 51.] CHAMBERS (C. H.) Treatise on the law of landlord and ten- ant. London, 1823. COMYN (R. B.) Treatise on the law of landlord and tenant. 1834. [Law library, vol. 4.J McADAM (David). The rights, remedies and liabilities of land- lord and tenant, including the law and practice of summary pro- ceedings. 12mo. 1876. SLOANE(C. W.) Landlordsand tenants: their legal rights and duties. 12mo. 1878. TAYLOR (J. N.) Treatis^ on the American law of lp,ndlord and tenant. 7th ed. By Joseph Willard. 1879. . The same. 5th ed. 1869. TOWNSEND (John). The law and practice on proceedings by 110 Wiscoxsix State Library. LANDLORD AND TENANT — continued. landlords to recover possession of demised premises on the non- payment of rent or expiration of the term. 2d ed. 12mo. 1866. WOOD (H. G.) Treatise on the law of landlord and tenant. With copious notes and references. 1881. AVOODFALL (William). LaAv of landlord and tenant; with a full collection of precedents, and forms of procedure. 11th ed. By J. M. Lely. London, 1877. . The same. London, 1834. LAW AND FACT — BEST (W. M.) Treatise on presumptions of law and fact, with the theory and rules of presumptive or circumstantial proof in criminal cases. 1845. [Law library, vol. 45.] RAM (James). Treatise on facts as subjects of inquiry by a jury. 3d Am. ed. By John Townshend. 1873. WELLS (J. C.) Treatise on questions of law and fact, instruc- tions to juries, and bills of exceptions. 1876. WHARTON (Feancis). Disputed questions of evidence. Rel- evancy, presumptions of law and presumptions of fact. 1875. [In vol. of monographs.] LAW CATALOGUES - CATALOGUES, collection of. In 8vo. 1 vol.; in 12mo. 2 vols. LAW LIBRARY — THE LAW LIBRARY. Edited by Thomas Sergeant and J. C. Lonber. Philadelphia. 102 vols. 1834-60. [The several works contained in this series are also separately catalogued.] Adams' doctrine of equity, 66. Allnat on partition, 3. Appleton on evidence, 99 (6 S. vol. 28). Archbold's landlord and tenant, 51. Archbold's nisi prius, 47, 48. Atherley on marriage settlements, 25. Atkinson on titles, 14. Elementary Books. Ill LAW LIBRARY — continued. Babington on set-ofF, 4. Bagley's practice at chambers, 13. Batten on contracts, 65. Beames on costs in equity, 20. Beaumont on bills of sale, 101 (6 S. vol. 30). Bell on the contract of sale, 48. Bell on the law of real property, 65. Bennet's practice in master's office, 35. Best on presumptions of law and fact, 45. Best's principles of evidence, 64. Billings on the law of awards, 49. Bingham on judgment and execution, 11. Bisset on estates for life, 40. Blackburn on the contract of sale, 55. Bowyer's universal public law, 82 (6 S. vol. 11). Broom on parties to actions, 54. Broom's legal maxims, 48. Broom's commentaries on the common law, 89 (6 S. vol. 18). Browne on actions at law, 43. Bucknill on criminal lunacy, 90 (6 S. vol. 19). Bunyon on life assurance, 77. Burton's compendium of law of real property, 21. Byles on bills of exchange, 59. Calvert on parties to suits in equity, 15. Gary on partners, 3. Cole on criminal informations, 54, 55. Collier's law of mines, 75. Comyn on usury, 3. Comyn on landlord and tenant, 4. Coode on legislative expression, 58. Cooke on defamation, 51. Coote on mortgages, 16, 67 (2 editions). Cornish on uses, 1. Cornish on purchase deeds, 88 (6 S. vol. 17). Coryton on patents, 85 (6 S. vol. 14). Coventry on conveyancer's evidence, 24. Crabb on real property, 52, 53. Cross on the law of lien, 32. 1-^-2 Wisconsin State Library. LAW LIBRARY — continued. Dearsley on criminal process, 79. Drewery on injunctions, 34, 77. Dwarns on statutes, 7. Eden on the bankrupt law, 32, 33. Ellis on insurance, 2. Fisher on mortgages, 92 (6 S. vol. 21). Fletcher on the estates of trustees, 8. Forsyth on the custody of infants, 66. Foster's writ of scire facias, 71. Fry on specific performance, 98 (6 S. vol. 27). Gibbons' law of fixtures, 11. Goldsmith's equity, 38. Grady's law of fixtures, 49. Grant on corporations, 78. Grant on banks and banking, 91 (6 S. vol. 20). Grapel on the Roman civil law, 91 (6 S. vol. 21). Hayes on estates tail, 5. Haynes' outlines of equity, 96 (6 S. vol. 25). Hennell's forms, 1. Hindmarch on tbe patent laws, 71. Home on diplomacy, 76. Hubback's evidence of succession, 45, 46. Hurlstone on bonds, 7. Hunter's suit in equity, 102 (6 S. vol. 31). Jones' history of the French baj, 88 (6 S. vol. 17). Joy on the admissibility of confessions, 38. Joy on the evidence of accomplices, 43. Kelly on usury, 73. Kerr on actidns at law, 79. Lee on abstracts of title, 56. Leigh & Dalzell on conversion, 3. Levi on mercantile law, 82 (8 S. vol. 11). Lewin on trusts and trustees, 22, 95 (6 S. vol. 24). Lewis on perpetuity, 50, 64. Lindley's study of jurisprudence, 84 (6 S. vol. 13). Lindley on partnership, 100, 101 (6 S. 29, 30). Elementary Books. 113 LAW LIBKARY — continued. Locke on foreign attachment, 77. Long's discourses, 58. Lovelass on wills, 23. Lund on patents, 71. McNamara on nullities, 85 (6 S. vol. 14.) McNaughton's select cases, 72. McPherson on infants, 39. Mac Queen on husband and wife, 57, 64. Mansel on demurrer, 24. Matthews on executors, 7. Mayne on the law of damages, 90 (6 S. vol. 19). Miller's law of equitable mortgages, 45. Moore on abstracts of title, 75. Norman's law of patents, 75. Notes on recent leading cases, 50, 60. Oliphant on horses and horse-racing, 56. Paley on agency, 26. Park on dower, 9. Parsons on wills, 84 (6 S. vol. 13). Perpigna on patents, 2. Petersdorf on bail, 8. , Phear on rights of water, 98 (6 S. vol. 27). Phillimore on international law, 81, 86, 93 (6 S. 10, 15, 22). Phillimore on domicil, 55. Pitman on principal and surety, 38. Piatt on covenants, 1. . Pollock on the production of documents, 75. Poison's law of nations, 76. Pothier on partnership, 81 (6 S. vol. 10). Poynter on marriage and divorce, 11. Powell on devises, 19, 20. Powell on evidence, 94 (6 S. vol. 23). Preston on estates, 40. ^ Pulling on mercantile accounts, 55. Ram on assets, etc., 6. Ram on the science of legal judgment, 7. 8-W.S.L. IM WiscoNsix State Library. LAW LIBRARY — continued. Ram on wills, G. Raymond on bills of exceptions, 60. Roberts on the principles of chancery, 94 (6 S. vol. 23). Robertson on succession to personal property, 10. Roper on husband and wife, 29, 30. Roscoe on actions relating to real property, 26, 27. Ross on vendors and purchasers of personal property, 10. Ross' leading cases; bills and notes, 80. Ross' leading cases; contracts of sale, 83. Ross' leading cases; suretyship, agency, partnership and insur- ance, 97 (6 S. vol. 26). Russell on arbitrators, 61. Russell on factors and brokers, 46. Schultes on aquatic rights, 22. Sewell on sheriffs, 44. Shelford on marriage and divorce, 31. Shelford on mortmain, 34, 35. Sheppard's touchstone, 28, 29. Smith's master and servant, 73. Smith on mercantile law, 15. Smith on real and personal property, 87 (6 S. vol. 16). Smith's leading cases, 17, 21, 28, 42. Smith on contracts, 54. Smith on actions at law, 58. Stephen's criminal law, 25. Stock's law of non compotes mentis, 23. Sugden on the law of property, 62. Sugden on powers, 13, 14. Sugden's letters, 1. Tamlyn's law of evidence, 49. Tapping on mandamus, 74. Thibaut's introduction to jurisprudence, 84. Trower on debtor and creditor, 102 (6 S. vol. 31.) Ward on legacies, 16. Warren's law studies, 12. Watkins on conveyancing, 14. Watson on sheriffs, 5. Watson on arbitrations and awards, 9, 57. Elementary Books. 115 LAW LIBRARY — continued. Westlake's private international law, 99 (6 S. vol. 28). Wharton on conveyancing, 72. White & Tudor's leading cases in equity, 63, 09, 70. Whitworth's equity precedents, 60. Wigram on discovery, 11. Wildman's international law, 66, 68. Wilkinson on replevin, 4. Willcock on municipal corporations, 12. Willcock's office of constable, 27. Williams on personal property, 60. Willis on pleadings in equity, 33. Willis on trustees, 8. Wills on circumstantial evidence, 39. Wilson on springing uses, 9. Winslow on the plea of insanity, 40. Wooddeson's lectures, 36, 37. Woolrych on ways, 2. Woolrych's law of waters, 76. Wordsworth on joint stock companies, 37, 38. Worthington on the power of juries, 27. Worthington on wills, 58. LAW MERCHANT — See Commercial and Mercantile Law. LAW MISCELLANY — BROWN (D. P.) The forum: or forty years' practice at the Philadelphia bar. 2 vols. 1856. FOSS (Edward). Memoirs of Westminster hall: a collection of interesting incidents, anecdotes and historical sketches. 2 vols. 1874. GREENLEAF (Simon). Testimony of [the evangelists exam- ined by the rules of evidence administered in courts of^justice; with an appendix, containing a review of the trial of Jesus. 2d ed. London, 1841. HEARD (F. F.) Curiosities of the law reporters. 12mo. 1871. ROGERS (R. V.) The, law of the road: or, wrongs and rights of a traveler. 12mo. 1876. VON IHERING (Rudolph). The struggle for law. Translated from the 5th German edition, by John J. Lalor. 1879. WARREN (Samuel). Ten thousand a year. 2 vols. 1879. 116 Wisconsin State Library. LAW OF NATIONS — AS'ee International Law. LAWYERS — /See Attorneys. LAW PAMPHLETS — LAW PAMPHLETS. 5 vols. [Many of these pamphlets are catalogued under the titles of which they treat. The contents of the volumes are]: Volume One. Address of W. F. Vilas before the law class of the university of Wisconsin, June 19, 1876. Address of E. G. Ryan before the law class of the university of Wisconsin, June 16, 1873. Inns of court and Westminster hall: our law — its history, char- acteristics and influence. An address delivered before the Iowa state bar association by John F. Dillon, May 14, 1878. The guarantee of order and republican government in the states. By •r. M. Cooley. Changes in the balance of governmental power. An address to the law students of Michigan university, by T. M. Cooley, March 20, 1878. The lawyer's duty to be faithful to his own manhood. Closing address to the law students of Michigan university, by T. M. Coo- ley, March 21, 1878. Washington: his character, and the lessons to be drawn from it. A discourse to the law students of Michigan university, by T. M. Cooley, February 22, 1875. The state of the law a test of national progress. By T. M. Coo- ley. Some checks and balances in government. By T. M. Cooley. The American bar association: call for a conference; proceedings of conference; first meeting of the association; officers, members, etc. 1878. Illinois state bar association: constitution of, and its officers and committees. 1877. Proceedings of the Illinois state bar association at its first annual meeting, held at Springfield, January 3, 1878. Proceedings of the Illinois state bar association at its second annual meeting, January 9 and 10, 1879. Elementary Books. 117 LAW PAMPHLETS — continued. Chicago law institute: act of incorporation and amendments; by-laws and rules of the library; list of officers, etc. 1871. New York state bar association: proceedings of the convention called for the purpose of organizing, and of the first meeting of the association, held November 21, 1876. Proceedings of the New York state bar association. Annual meeting, November 20, 1877. Proceedings of the second annual meeting of the New York state bar association, held November 19 and 20, 1878. Volume Two, Report of the second annual meeting of the American bar asso- ciation, held August 20 and 21, 1879. Responsibility restricted by insane illusion. By T. L. Wright. 1879. Some points connected with the question of responsibility as it relates to the partially insane. By T* L. Wright. Constitution of the state of California, adopted in convention, March 3, 1879, and by a vote of the people May 7, 1879. Citizenship by naturalization. By A. P. Morse. 1879. Juries and physicians on questions of insanity. By R. S. Guern- sey. Liability of public officers to private actions for neglect of offi- cial duty. By Thomas M. Cooley. 1877. Composition in bankruptcy. By Orlando F. Bump. 1877. The enforcement of judgments against bankrupts. 1877. The taxation of personal property. By John H. Ames. 1877. Tweed's case: cumulative sentences. By J. P. Bishop. 1877. The law of domicil, considered with special reference to the commercial relations, taxes, succession to estates. By Francis Wharton. 1877. Volume Three. Senate of Minnesota: in the matter of the impeachment of Sherman Page, judge of the 10th judicial district; ex-Gov. Davis' closing argument for the respondent. 1878. Proceedings of the third annual meeting of the New York state bar association, held on the 18th of November, 1879. List of officers, members, etc. 1880. 118 Wisconsin State Library. LAW PAMPHLETS — continued. An essay on the abolition of capital punishment; embracing more particularly an enumeration and analysis of the principles of law as applicable to criminals of the highest degree of guilt. By W. A. Copinger. London, 187G. The constitution of the United States: three lectures delivered before the university law school of Washington, D. C, by Mr. associate justice Miller, of the supreme court. 1880. The action of the senate and house of representatives in regard to the manner of counting the electoral votes for president and vice-president from 1786 to 1873; with a statement in detail of each of the electoral votes for president and vice-president for the same period. Prepared by W. J. McDonald. 1876. Impeachment of Wm. W. Belknap. Argument of Matt. H. Car- penter, of counsel for respondent, in the senate of the United States, July 25 and 26. 1876. Proceedings of the fifth annual meeting of the the Iowa state bar association, held May 15, 1878. With the address of John F. Dillon. Proceedings of the Illinois state bar association, at its third annual meeting, held January 8, 1880. With the constitution, officers, standing committees and roll of members for 1880. Act of incorporation and rules and by-laws of the chamber of commerce of the city of Milwaukee, as amended March 24, 1877. Questions and statements of facts submitted to the supreme judicial court: [of Maine] being questions submitted by governor Garcelon, December 31, 1879, statement of facts and questions submitted by a committee of the legislature, January 12, 1880, and statement and questions submitted by Henry Ingalls and others, January 24, 1880, and the opinions of the justices in answer there- to. 1880. Address delivered at the twenty-first annual commencement of the law department of Michigan university, by James V. Campbell. [Newspaper clippings.] Annual meeting of the Indiana state bar association, with the address of David Turpie; November 23, 1880. [Newspaper clippings.] J^olume J^our. ■*> Legal rights of children. By S. M. Wilcox. 1880. Elementary Books. 119 LAW PAMPHLETS — continued. Act of incorporation, rules, by-laws and inspection regulations of the board of trade of the city of Chicago. Adopted September 25, 1875. Memorial address on Edward G. Ryan, late chief justice of Wis- consin, delivered by John W. Hinton, before the moot court of Milwaukee, Nov. 4, 1880. Charter, constitution and by-laws of the association of the bar of the city of New York. List of officers and members, donations, etc. 1876. Treatise on the law relating to patent privileges for the use of inventors. By W. M. Hindmarch. 1875. The office of sergeant- at-law. 1875. The law relating to works of literature and art, embracing the law of copyright. By John Shortt. 1875. Powers of boards of health in cities. 1875. Sketch of William M. Evarts. 1875. [With portrait.] Speech of Matt. H. Carpenter, on the power of the legislature to govern corporations of its own creation. 1874. Sketch of an act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throusjhout the United States. Prepared by John Lowell. 2d ed. 1880. Report of the third annual meeting of the American bar associa- tion, held August 18-20, 1880. Proceedings of the Illinois state bar association, at its fourth annual meeting, held January 6 and 7, 1881. With the constitu- tion, officers, standing committees and roll of members. Volume Five (in part). Report of the proceedings of the meeting for the organization of the state bar association of Wisconsin, held at Madison, January 9, 1878. [Also general minutes of the proceedings of the adjourned meeting, held February 20, 1878.] 1881. Address delivered by Hon. James G. Jenkins, before the gradu- ating class of the law deplirtment of the state university [of Wis- consin]. 1881. Index supplement to the Wisconsin Legal News, August term, 1880. Prepared by Arthur L. Sanborn. Southern Law Review: Reference list of attorneys. 1881. 120 Wisconsin State Library. LAW PAMPHLETS — continued. A list of members of an association for the prompt, cheap and expeditious service of all legal papers throughout the state of New York. 1881. On personation and disputed identity, and their tests. By Aubrey Moriarty. London, 1873. LAW PERIODICALS — ALBANY LAW JOURNAL. A weekly record of the law and the lawyers. Vols. 1 to 19 inclusive, edited by Isaac Grant Thomp- son; vols. 20-23 by Irving Browne. 23 vols. 4to. 1870-81. AMERICAN INSOLVENCY REPORTS. Edited by W. S. Gibbons and R. M. Baun. Vol. 1. New York, 1878-81. AMERICAN JURIST, and Law Magazine. Edited by C. Sum- ner, L. S. Gushing, G. S. Hilliard and S. F. Dixon. 28 vols. 1829-43. AMERICAN LAW JOURNAL. By John E. Hall. Vols. 2-5. 4 vols. Baltimore, 1809-14. AMERICAN LAW MAGAZINE. April, 1843, to January, 1846. 6 vols. Philadelphia, 1843-46. AMERICAN LAW REGISTER. From November, 1852, to December, 1880. 29 vols. Philadelphia, 1853-80. — . Digest of, to and including 9 vols, of the old series, and vols. 1 to 14 new series. 1877. AMERICAN LAW REVIEW. From October, 1866, to De- cember, 1880. 14 vols. Boston, 1866-80. . Index to, first series, 1866-79. Boston, 1879. AMERICAN LAW TIMES. 1870-71. Vols. 3 and 4. 4to. (Bound together.) Washington, 1870-71. AMERICAN LAW TIMES REPORTS. From January, 1868, to December, 1872. 5 vols. 4to. Washington, 1868-72. . The same. New series; containing a collection of leading cases decided in the courts of the United States, and courts of last resort of the several states. Together with a digest of cases of value reported in American legal periodicals. Edited by Row- land Cox. 4 vols. New York, 1875-77. Elementary Books. 121 LAW PERIODICALS — continued. CENTRAL LAW JOURNAL. From 1874 to June, 188L 12 vols. 4to. St. Louis, 1874-81. . Index-digest to first 10 vols. of. By .John D. Law- son. 12mo. 1881. CHICAGO LEGAL NEWS. A journal of legal intelligence. Myra Bradwell, editor. From 1868 to 1881. 13 vols. Folio. Chicago, 1868-8L CODE REPORTER. A monthly law journal, containing re- ports of decisions on the code, articles on legal topics, and miscel- laneous information concerning legislation, law and lawyers. 3 vols, and new series vol- 1. 4 vols., bound in 3. New York, 1842-52. CRIMINAL LAW MAGAZINE. A bi-monthly periodical devoted to the interests of bench and bar in criminal cases: con- taining articles on timely topics, full reports of important cases, and a digest of all recent criminal cases, American and English . Stewart Rapalje and Robert L. Lawrence, editors. Vol. 1. Jersey City, 1880. FEDERAL REPORTER. Cases argued and determined in the circuit and district courts of the United States. From March, 1880, to August, 1881. Peyton Boyle, editor. 7 vols. St Paul, 1880-81. IRISH LAW RECORDER. Containing reports of cases and proceedings in the courts of law and equity, etc., at Dublin and elsewhere. 4 vols, in 2. 1828-31. . New series, containing reports of select cases and decisions chiefly on points of practice in the courts of Ireland. G vols, in 3. 1833-38. IRISH JURIST. Containing reports of cases decided in the several courts of common law and equity. 7 vols. 1849-55. . New series. 11 vols. 1856-66. JURIST. Containing reports of cases decided in the courts of equity and common law, and in the admiralty and ecclesiastical courts; original articles on legal subjects, all important statutes, rules and orders of various courts, the gazettes, cause lists and miscellaneous legal information. 1837 to 1854. 18 vols, in 31. London, 1838-55. 122 Wisconsin State Library. LAW PERIODICALS— continued. . The same. New series. 1855 to 1866. 11 vols, in 24. London, 1855-66. KENTUCKY LAW REPORTER. A monthly magazine devoted to the interests of the legal profession at large, and particularly of the Kentucky bar. J. C. and Frank L. Wells, editors. From July, 1880 to July, 1881 2 vols. Frankfort, 1880-81. LAW AND EQUITY REPORTER. From January, 1876, to December, 1878. 4 vols. New York, 1876-78. LAW JOURNAL. Reports of cases in the courts of chancery, king's bench, common pleas, exchequer chamber, and cases con- nected with the duties and offices of magistrates. 1833-30. 9 vols. London, 1823-31. LAW JOURNAL REPORTS. New series. Comprising re- ports of cases in the house of lords, and in the courts of chancery and.appeal in bankruptcy, probate, divorce and matrimonial causes, admiralty, queen's bench and the ball court, common pleas, exchequer, exchequer chamber, and crown cJses reserved. Edited by Montague Chambers, F. F. Streeten, F. O. Haynes, etc. 49 vols, in 107. London, 1831-80. . The same. Digest of, to 1875. 10 vols. London, 1831-77. LAW MAGAZINE; or, Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence. From June, 1828, to February, 1856. 55 vols. London, 1829-56. . The same. New series. From 1856 to 1871. 32 vols. London, 1856-71. . The same. Fourth series. From November, 1875, to August, 1881. 6 vols. London, 1876-81. LAW TIMES, and Journal of Property. From April, 1843, to March, 1851. 16 vols. Folio. London, 1843-51. . The same. Reports of all the cases argued and de- termined in all the courts of law and equity, in bankruptcy, insolv- ency, nisi prius, the criminal courts, and in Ireland. From April, 1851, to September, 1858. Vols. 17-31. Folio. London, 1851-58. . The same. .lournal and record of the law and the lawyers. From September, 1858, to May, 1881. Vols. 32-70. Folio. London, 1858-81. [Vols. 57, 58, 59, lacking.] Element AH Y Books. 123 LAW PERIODICALS — continued. LAW TIMES REPORTS. New series. Containing all the cases argued and determined in the house of lords, the privy coun- cil, the court of appeals in chancery, the rolls court, court of queen's bench, court of common bench, court of exchequer, bail court, exchequer chamber, court of criminal appeal, probate court, court for divorce and matrimonial causes, admiralty court, bank- ruptcy courts, at nisi prius, maritime law cases. Together with a selection of cases of universal application decided in the supreme courts of Ireland and Scotland. From November, 1859, to Feb- ruary, 1881. 43 vols. London, 1859-81. LEGAL OBSERVER; or record of jurisprudence. From No- vember, 3880, to May, 1854. 49 vols. London, 1830-54. . Digest of, 6 vols. London, 1830-54. LOWER CANADA JURIST. Collection de decisions du Bas- Canada. 24 vols. Montreal, 1857-80. MONTHLY JURIST. From May, 1877, to April, 1879. Thomas F. Tipton and O. W* Aldrich, editors. 2 vols. Blooming- ton, 1878-79. MONTHLY WESTERN JURIST. From May, 1874, to April, 1877. Thomas F. Tipton, editor. 3 vols. Eloomington, 1875-77. NEW YORK CITY HALL RECORDER. Containing reports of the most interesting trials and decisions which have arisen in the various courts of judicature. By Daniel Rogers. From 1817 to 1821. 6 vols., bound in 3. New York, 1817-21. NEW YORK LEGAL OBSERVER. Reports of cases decided in the courts of equity and common law, and important decisions in the English courts; also articles on legal subjects, practical points of general interest, remarkable trials, sketches of the bench and bar, anecdotes, etc. Edited by Samuel Owen. 12 vols. New York, 1843-54. NEW YORK MONTHLY BULLETIN. Containing abstracts of important decisions and digests of opinions on motions and ex- parte matters, decided at special term and chambers of the supreme court, N. Y. superior court, N, Y. common pleas and surrogates courts. Edited by R. S. Guernsey. 2 vols in 1. 1879-80. NEW YORK WEEKLY DIGEST Of cases decided in the 124 * Wisconsin State Library. LAW PERIODICALS — continued. United States supreme court, and district courts, appellate courts of the several states, state and city courts of New York and En- glish courts. From August, 1875, to May, 1881. 11 vols. New York, 1876-81. NORTH-WESTERN REPORTER. Contains all the decisions of the supreme courts of Minnesota and Wisconsin, decisions of the United States circuit and district courts for Minnesota, and selected cases from the courts of other states. From April, 1877, to April, 1879. 4 vols., bound in 3. 4to. St. Paul, 1877-79. '■ . The same. New series. Containing all the decis- ions of the supreme court of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michi- gan, Nebraska and Dakota. Homer C. Eller, editor. From April, 1879, to May, 1881. 8 vols. St. Paul, 1879-81. . The same. Supplement, containing all the decisions of the supreme court of Illinois, from February to May, 1880. Vol. 1. St. Paul, 1880. PENNSYLVANIA LAW JOURNAL. Reports containing cases decided by the federal and state courts of Pennsylvania. Originally reported in the Pennsylvania Law Journal, and Ameri- can Law Journal, from 1842 to 1852, inclusive. Arranged and col- lected with references to cases in subsequent reports, by John A. Clark. 5 vols. Philadelphia, 1872-73. SLOAN (W. H.) Legal and financial register. From April, 1880, to April, 1881. (In five parts.) SOLICITORS* JOURNAL AND REPORTER. Vols. 33 and 34. London, 1879-80. SOUTHERN LAW JOURNAL AND REPORTER. A monthly publication devoted to the legal literature of the day, and de- signed to supply the wants of the bar of Tennessee, Alabama, and of the south. H. G. McCall, editor. From December, 1879, to December, 1880. Vol. 1. Nashville, 1880. SOUTHERN LAW REVIEW, and chart of the southern law and collection union. From January, 1872, to October, 1873. Frank T. Reid, editor. 2 vols. Nashville, 1872-73. . The same. New series. From April, 1875, to Feb- ruary, 1881. 6 vols. St. Louis, 1875-81. Elementary Books. 125 LAW PERIODICALS — continued. THE REPORTER: containing decisions of the supreme and cir- cuit courts of the United States, courts of last resort of the several states, and of the English and Irish courts. Howard Ellis and Rowland Cox, editors. From January, 1878, to July, 1881. Vols, 5-11. 6 vols. Boston, 1870-81. [A continuation of the law and equity reporter, and American law times reports, new series, and numbered in continuation thereof.] UPPER CANADA JURIST: containing original and selected articles on legal subjects; some important decisions in bankruptcy in Upper Canada and in the English common law courts. Vols. 1 and 2. Toronto, 1845-46. WEEKLY JURIST. From May, 1879, to May, 1881. 3 vols. Bloomington, 1880-81. WEEKLY REPORTER: containing cases decided in the En- glish courts. From 1852 to 1880. 28 vols. London, 1852-80. WESTERN JURIST. From 1867 to December, 1880. 14 vols. Des Moines, 1867-80. WISCONSIN LEGAL NEWS. From October, 1878, to Octo- ber, 1880. 2 vols. 4to. 1879-80. LAW STUDIES — ANTHON (John). Introductory essay on the studies prepara- tory to the active duties of the bar. 1820. [In his New York reports.] BLACKSTONE (William). A discourse on the study of the law. 4to. Oxford, 1858. MANUAL for law students, exhibiting courses for the study of conveyancing, and of common law, with questions on each course. 1845. [Anonymous.] [Bound with Forsyth on composition.] WARREN (Samuel). A popular and practical introduction to law studies. Edited by I. G. Thompson. 1870. See^ also, American Elementary Law. 126 Wisconsin State Library. LEADING CASES — ALLEN (Charles). Telegraph cases decided ia the courts of America, Great Britain, and Ireland. 1873. BENNETT (E. H.) and HEARD (F. F.) Leading cases in criminal law. 2 vols. 1856. BIGELOW (M. M.) Leading cases on the law of torts deter- mined in the courts of England and America. With notes. 1875. BLANCHARD (G. A.) and WEEKS (E. P.) The law of mines, minerals and mining water rights. A collection of select and lead- ing cases on mines, minerals and mining water rights. With notes. 1877. BRIGHTLY (F. C.) Collection of leading cases on the law of elections in the United States. With notes and references to latest authorities. 1871. COX (Rowland). American trade mark cases. A compilation of all the reported trade mark cases decided in the American courts prior to 1871. With an appendix containing the leading English cases. 1871. EWELL (M. D.) Leading and select cases on the disabilities incident to infancy, coverture, idiocy, etc. With notes. 1876. FINLASON (W.) A selection of leading cases on pleading and on parties to action. With practical notes. 1848. HARE (J. I. C.) and WALLACE (H. B.) American leading cases: being select decisions of American courts in several depart- ments of law, with special reference to mercantile law. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1851. HORRIGAN (L. B.) and THOMPSON (S. D.) Select Ameri- can cases on the law of self-defence. 1874. LANGDELL (C. C.) A selection of cases on the law of con- tracts. With references and citations. 1871. . A selection of cases on sales of personal property. With references and citations. Vol. 1. 1872. LEWIS (J. V.) A collection of leading cases on the public land laws of the United States. With notes and references. 1879. NOTES. Notes to recent leading cases selected from the^Lon- don law magazines. 1846-48, [Law library, vols. 50, 60.] Elementary Books. 127 LEADING CASES — continued. REDFIELD (I. F.) and BIGELOW (M. M.) Leading and select American cases in the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes and checks. With notes and references. 1871. REDFIELD (I. F.) Leading American cases and notes upon the law of wills: embracing testamentary capacity, undue influence, the admission of oral testimony in aid of the construction of wills, the execution of wills, etc. 1874. . Leading American railway cases, on many of the important questions involved in the law of railways. With notes and opinions. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1872. . The same. 1 vol. 1870. ROSS (George). Leading cases in the commercial law of Eng- land and Scotland. 3 vols. Vol. 1, bills and notes; vol. 2, sales; vol. 3, agency, insurance, partnership and suretyship. 1854-58. [Law library, vols. 80, 83, 97.] SEDGWICK (H. D.) A selection of American and English cases on the measure of damages. With notes. 1878. SMITH (J. W.) A selection of leading cases on various branches of the law. With notes. 6th Am. ed. By J. I. C. Hare and J. W. Wallace. 2 vols, in 3. 1866. . The same. 1839-40. 3 vols. [Law library, vols. 11, 21, 28.] SMITH (Chauncey), and BATES (S. W.) Cases relating. to the law of railways, decided in the supreme court of the United States, and in the courts of the several states. 2 vols. 1854. THOMPSON (I. G.) National bank cases, containing all decis- ions of both the federal and state courts relating to national banks. With notes and references. 1878. TUDOR (O. D.) A selection of leading cases on mercantile and maritime law. With notes. From 2d London ed. With notes and references to American cases. By George Sharswood. 2 vols. 1873. WHARTON (Fkancis). A series of leading cases on homicide, now out of print, or existing only in manuscript; 1855. [In his treatise on homicide.] 128 Wisconsin State Library. LEADING CASES — continued. WHITE (F. H.) and TUDOR (O. D.) A selection of leading cases in equity^ with annotations, containing references to Ameri- can cases. By J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wallace, -ith Am. from 4th London ed. 2 vols, in 4. 1876. . The same. 3 vols. 1859. . The same. 3 vols. 1849-51. [Law library, vols. 63, 69, 70.] WITHROW (T. F.) American corporation cases; embracing the decisions of the supreme court of the United States, the cir- cuit courts of the United States, and the courts of last resort in the several states, since January, 1868, on questions peculiar to the law of corporations. 4 vols. Vol. 1, private corporations; vol. 2, municipal corporations; vols. 3, 4, private corporations. 1872-80. ZINN (Peter). Leading and select cases on trusts; with ab- stracts of important cases, explanatory and critical notes, and numerous citations of authorities bearing on every branch of the law of trusts. 1873. LEASES — PLATT (Thomas). Treatise on the law of leases. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1847. See^ also, Landlord and Tenant. LEGACIES — PRESTON (W. S.) Treatise on the law of legacies. 1827. ROPER (R. S. D.) Treatise on the law of legacies. 2d Am. from 4th London ed. 2 vols. 1848. . The same. 2 vols. 1829. WARD (William). Treatise on legacies, or bequests of perso- nal property. 1837. [Law library, vol. 16.] /See, also, Devises, Wills. LEGAL BIOGRAPHY — /See Biography. LEGAL DIRECTORY — HUBBELL (J. H.) Legal directory for lawyers and business men, containing the names of one or more leading attorneys in Elementary Books. 129 LEGAL DIRECTORY — continued. nearly three thousand cities and towns in the United States and Canada. A synopsis of the collection laws of each state and Canada, with instructions for taking depositions, the execution and acknowledgment of deeds, wills, etc.; also times for holding courts throughout the United States and territories. 1877. LIVINGSTON (.Iohn). The law register; comprising the law- yers in the United States; the official directory for the United States; the collector's assistant. 1868. LEGAL AND POLITICAL ETHICS — HOFFMAN (David). Fifty resolutions in regard to profes- sional deportment, by adherence to which the lawyer may reasona- bly hope to attain eminence in his profession. [Bound with Ram on facts.] LIEBER (Francis). Manual of political ethics. 2d ed. Edited by T. D. Woolsey. 2 vols. 1876. SHARSWOOD (George). An essay on professional ethics. 3d ed. 12mo. 1869. LEGAL FICTIONS — LEWIS (W. D.) The origin and use of legal fictions. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] LEG AL MAXIMS — BRANCH (TH0:srAs). Principia legis. et JEquitatis: being an alphabetical collection of maxims, principles or rules, definitions, and memorable sayings in law and equity; interspersed with such law terms and Latin words and phrases as most frequently occur in the study and practice of the law. 1st Am. from 4th London ed. By W. W. Hening. 1824. [Bound with Noy's maxims.] BROOM (Herbert). A selection of legal maxims, classified and arranged. 7th Am. from 5th London ed. 1874. . The same: 1852. . The same. 1845. [Law library, vol. 48.] 9 — W. S. L. 130 Wisconsin State Library. LEGAL MAXIMS — continued. FRANCIS (Richard). Maxims of equity, collected from and proved by cases, out of the books of the best authority in the high court of chancery. 1st Am. ed., with references to modern au- thorities, both British and American. By W. W. Hening. 1823. [Bound with Noy's maxims.] NOY (William). The principal maxims, with an analysis of the laws of England. 2d Am. from 9th London ed. By W. W. Hening. 1824. WHARTON (G. F.) Legal maxims, with observations and cases. 1878. LEGISLATIYE EXPRESSION — /S'ee Constkuction of Stat- utes. LEGISLATIYE MANUALS — COLORADO. The legislative manual for 1877. ILLINOIS. Legislative hand-book for 1877. Legislative man- ual and Sangamon county record, 1877-8. KANSAS. Directory of the state government for the years 1877, 1878. 2 vols. MAINE. State year book and legislative manual for 1875-6. MASSACHUSETTS. Manual for the use of the general court of the commonwealth of Massachusetts for the years 1876, 1877. 2 vols. MICHIGAN. Manual for 1877-8-9. 3 vols. MINNESOTA. The legislative manual for 1877, 1878. 2 vols. NEBRASKA. Legislative manual for 1877. NEW HAMPSHIRE. The people's political hand-book of the state for 1877. NEW MEXICO. Rules of order of the legislative council of the twenty-third legislative assembly; chronological annals up to 1878. NEW YORK. Manual for the use of the legislature of the state, 1877. Blue book and constitution of the United States. New York, 1865. Elementary Books. 131 LEGISLATIYE MANUALS — continued. NORTH CAROLINA. Manual for 1874. PENNSYLVANIA. Rules and decisions of the general assem- bly, legislative directory, etc. By John A. Small; for 1873, 1876, 1877, 1878. 4 vols. RHODE ISLAND. Manual for 1876-7, 1877-8, 1878-9, 1879-80, 1880-81. 5 vols. VERMONT. Legislative directory for 1872-3, 1874-5, 1876-7, 1878. 4 vols. WISCONSIN. The legislative manual for 1863, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881. 13 vols. LIBEL AND SLANDER — COOKE (G. W.) Treatise on the law of defamation. 1846. [Law library, vol. 51. J FLOOD (J. C. H.) Treatise on the law concerning libel and slander. 12mo. London, 1880. LEWIS (W. D.) On liberty of opinion in relation to the law of blasphemous libels. 1859. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] MORGAN (J. A.) The law of libel.* 1875. [In volume 1 of his work on the law of literature.] SHORTT (John). The law of libel, with the statutes relating thereto. London, 1871. [In his law of literature.] STARKIE (Thomas). Treatise on slander and libel, including pleading and evidence, civil and criminal; also malicious prosecu- tions, contempts of court. From 4th English ed., by H. C. Folkard. With notes and references to American cases, by H. G. Wood. 1877. . The same. From 2d English ed. By J. L. Wendell. 2 vols, in 1. 1852. TOWNSEND (John). "Treatise on the wrongs called slander and libel, and on remedy by civil action for those wrongs. 3d ed. 1877. . The same. 1861. 132 Wisconsin State Library. LIBERTY OF THE PRESS — PATERSON (James). The liberty of the press, speech and public worship; being commentaries on the liberty of the subject ■and the laws of England. 12mo. London, 1880. LIBERTY OF THE SUBJECT — PATERSON (James). Commentaries on the liberty of the sub- ject and the laws of England relating to the security of the person. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1877. LIEN — CROSS (John). Treatise on the law of lien, and stoppage in transitu. 1841. [Law library, vol. S^.J* • WHITAKER (Richakd). Treatise on the law relative to the rights of lien and stoppage in transitu. London, 1816. See^ also, Mechanics' Liens. LIFE ESTATES — /See Estates. LIFE INSURANCE — /See L>^surance. LIMITATIONS — ANGELL (J. K.) The limitations of actions at law and suits in equity and admiralty. With an appendix containing the American and English statutes of limitations, and embracing the latest acts on the subject. 6th ed. By J. W. May. 1876. . The same. 5th ed. 1869. BALLANTINE (William). Treatise on the statute of limita- tions. With notes by J. L. Tillinghast. 1829. BANNING (H. T.) Treatise on the law of limitation of actions. London, 1877. LITERARY PROPERTY — /See Copyright. LUNACY — POPE (H. M. R.) Law and practice in lunacy. London, 1877. SHELFORD (Leonard). Treatise on the law concerning luna- tics, idiots, and persons of unsound mind. 2d ed. London, 1817. See, also, Insanity. Elementary Books. 133 MALPRACTICE- ELWELL (J. J.) Medico-legal treatise on malpractice and medical evidence, comprising the elements of medical jurisprudence. 1866. McClelland (M. a.) civil malpractice: a treatise on sur- gical jurisprudence. With chapters on skill in diagnosis and treat- ment, prognosis in fractures, and on negligence. 1877. See^ alsOy Medical Jurisprudence. MANDAMUS — HIGH (J. L.) Treatise on extraordinary remedies, including mandamus, quo warranto and prohibition. 1874. MOSES (H. H.) The law of mandamus, and the practice con- nected with it. 1867. TAPPING (Thomas). The law and practice of the high prerog- ative writ of mandamus, as it obtains in England and Ireland. 1853. [Law library, vol. 74.] WILLCOCK (J. W.) Treatise on mandamus and quo warranto. 1827. [In his law of municipal corporations. Law library, vol. 12.] WOOD (H. G.) Treatise on the legal remedies of mandamus and prohibition, habeas corpus and quo warranto. 1880. See, also, Practice. MARINE INSURANCE — /S'ee Insurance. MARINE LAW — /S'ee Admiralty. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE — BISHOP (J. P.) Commentaries on the law of marriage and di- vorce, of separations without divorce, and of the evidence of mar- riage in all issues; embracing also pleading, practice and evidence in divorce causes; with forms. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1864. . The same. 6th ed. 2 vols. 1881. SHELFORD (Leonard). Treatise on the law of marriage and divorce. 1841. [Law library, vol. 31.] /See, also, Divorce, Husband and Wife. 134 Wisconsin State Library. MARRIED WOMEN — BISHOP (J. P.) Commentaries on tbe law of married women under the statutes of the several states, and at common law and in equity. 2 vols. 1871. CORD (W. H.) Treatise on the legal and equitable rights of married women, as well in respect to their property and persons as to their children. 18G1. DROOP (H. R.) On the property rights of married women. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] HUSBANDS (C. M.) The law of married women in Pennsyl- vania; with a view of the law of trusts in that state. 1878. LAWRENCE (W. B.) Disabilities of American women mar- ried abroad. Foreign treaties of the United States in conflict with state laws relative to the transmission of real estate to aliens. With an appendix containing the marriage laws of various coun- tries as affecting the property of married women. 1871. WELLS (J. C.) Treatise on the separate property of married women under the recent enabling statutes. 1878. MARTIAL LAW — /S'ee Military Law. MASTER IN CHANCERY — HOFFMAN (Murray). The office and duties of masters in chancery, and practice in the master's office. With an appendix of precedents. 1824. MASTER AND SERVANT — FRASER (Patrick). Treatise on the law of Scotland, relative to master and servant, and master and apprentice. 2d ed. 1872. REEVE (Tapping). Law of master and servant. 1864. [In his law of baron and femme.j SMITH (C. M.) Treatise on the law of master and servant, in- cluding therein masters and workmen, in every description of trade and occupation, od ed. London, 1870. . The same. 1852. [Law library, vol. 73.] WOOD (H. G.) Treatise on the law of master and servant. Covering the relation, duties and liabilities of employers and em- ployees. 1877. See, also, Domestic Relations. Elementary Books. 135 MAXIMS — AS'ee Legal Maxims. MEASURE OF DAMAOES — jSee Damages. MECHANICS' LIENS — HOUOK (Louis). Treatise on the mechanics' lien law of the United States. 1867. KNEELAND (S. F.) Treatise on the principles governing the acquisition and enforcement of mechanics' liens. 1876. NOTT (C. C.) Treatise on the mechanics' lien laws of the state of New York. 1856. PHILLIPS (S. L.) Treatise on the law of mechanics' liens on real and personal property. 1874. SERGEANT (H. J.) Treatise on the lien of mechanics and material men in Pennsylvania. With acts of assembly relating thereto. 2d ed. By E. S. Miller. 1856. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE — BECK (F. R.) and (J. B.) Elements of medical jurisprudence. 10th ed. 2 vols. 1850. CASPER (J. H.) Handbook of the practice of forensic medi- cine. Translated from the German by G. W. Balfour. 4 vols. London, 1861. DEAN (Amos). Principles of medical jurisprudence. 1850. ELWELL (J. J.) A medico-legal treatise on malpractice and medical evidence, comprising the elements of medical jurispru- dence. 1866. HAMMOND (W. A.) The quarterly journal of pshychological medicine and medical jurisprudence. 2 vols. 1867-68. McClelland (M. a.) civil malpractice. A treatise on sur- gical jurisprudence, with chapters on skill in diagnosis and treat- ment, prognosis in fractures, and on negligence. A treatise on the legal relations medical men sustain to the public. 1877. MEDICO-LEGAL PAPERS. Papers read before the medico- legal society of New York. First series. Revised ed. 1874. ORDRONAUX (John). The jurisprudence of medicine in its relation to the law of contracts, torts and evidence. With a sup- plement on the liabilities of vendors of drugs. 1869. 136 Wisconsin State Library. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE — continued. TAYLOR (A. S.) Manual of medical jurisprudence. 7th Am. ed. With notes by J. J. Reese. 1873. . Principles and practice of medical jurisprudence. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1874. WHARTON (Feancis) and STILLE (M.) Treatise on medical jurisprudence. 3d ed. 2 vols, in 3. 1873. jSee, also, Insanity, Lunacy. MERCANTILE LAW — /See Commeecial and Meecantile Laav. MERGER — PRESTON (R.) Essay on the quantity and quality of estates, Tvith more immediate reference to the law of merger. 1843. [Law library, vol. 40.] MILITARY LAW — BENET (S. V.) Treatise on military law and the practice of courts martial. 3d ed. 1863. CALLAN (J. F.) The military laws of the United States, relat- ing to the army, volunteers, militia, and to bounty lands and pen- sions, from the formation of the government to 1863. To which is prefixed a synopsis of the military legislation of congress during the revolutionary war. 1863. DROOP (H. R.) On the relations between an invading army and the inhabitants, and the conditions under which irregular troops are entitled to the same treatment as regular soldiers. 1870. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] HALLECK (H. W.) International law: or the rules regulating the intercourse of states in peace and war. 1S61. HOPWOOD (C. A.) Martial law: what, if any, is allowed by the law of England? and what is the responsibility of those who execute it? 1866. [Juridical papers, vol 3.J IVES (R. A) Treatise on military law and the jurisdiction, con- stitution, and procedure of military courts. With a summary of the rules of evidence as applicable to such courts. 1879. MACOMB (Alexander). The practice of courts martial. 1847. Elementary Books. 137 MILITARY LAW — continued. POLAND (J. S.) Digest of the military laws of the United States, from 1860 to the second session of the 40th congress, 1867, relating to the army, volunteers, militia, and the rebellion and re- construction of the southern states. 1868. WORSLEY (F.) On the extent of civil remedies for military offenses, contracts and wrongs. 1863. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] MILWAUKEE — CHARTER of the city of Milwaukee, including a portion of the amendments thereto up to and including 1861. Compiled by W. A. Prentiss. 1861. CHARTER and ordinances of the city of Milwaukee, and acts of the legislature relating to the city, including a list of the officers and the rules and regulations of the common council. 1857. LAWS relating to Milwaukee county, with references showing the time of the enactment of each section. Prepared and arranged by J. C. McKenney, district attorney. 1880. MINES AND xMINERALS — BAINBRIDGE (William). Treatise on the law of mines and minerals. 4th ed. By Archibald Brown. London, 1878. BLANCHARD (G. A.) and WEEKS (E. P.) The law of mines, minerals and mining water-rights. A selection of leading cases with notes. 1877. COLLIER (R. P.) Treatise on the law relating to mines. 1853. [Law library, vol. 75.] COPP (H. N.) Decisions of the commissioner of the general land office and the secretary of the interior, under the United States mining statutes of July 26, 1866, July 9, 1870, and May 10, 1872. 1874. MORRISON (R. S.) Digest of the law of mines and minerals and of all controversies incident to the subject-matter of mining, comprising the cases in the English and American reports from the year books to 1878. 1878. . Mining rights in Colorado. Lode and placer claims, 138 Wisconsin State Library. MINES AND MINERALS — continued. possessory and patented, from the district organizations to the present time. Statutes in full. Prospecting, land office, incorpor- ations, forms, decisions, etc. 12mo. 4th ed. 1880. ROCKWELL (J. A.) Compilation of Spanish and Mexican laws in relation to mines and titles to real estate in force in Cali- fornia, Texas and New Mexico. 1881. ROGERS (Arundel). The law relating to mines, minerals and quarries in Great Britain and Ireland. 2d ed. London, 1876. SICKLES (D. K.) The U. S. mining laws and decisions of the commissioner of the general land office and the secretary of the interior thereunder; together with the circular instructions from the general land office and forms for establishing proof of claims; also the decisions of the supreme court of the United States under the mining acts. 1881. WEEKS (E. P.) A commentary on the mining legislation of congress, with a preliminary review of the repealed sections of the mining act of 1866. The whole constituting a complete statement of the law and practice relative to mines, mining, and mineral lands, under the United States laws, as construed by the general land office, the secretary of the interior, and the courts, from 1866 to the present time. 1877. YALE (Gregory). Legal titles to mining claims and water rights, in California, under the mining law of congress, of July, 1866. 1867. MINORS — /S'ee Infancy. MORTGAGES — COOTE (R. H.) Treatise on the law of mortgage. 4th ed. By W. W. Mackeson. London, 1880. . The same. 1837. [Law library, vol. 16.] ^ . The same. 2d Am. ed. 1850. • \ [Law library, vol. 67.] FISHER (W. R.) The law of mortgage and other securities upon property. 3d ed. 2 vols. London, 1876. I Elementary Books. 139 MORTGAGES — continued. . The law of mortgage as applied to the redemption, foreclosure and sale in equity of incumbered property. 1857. [Law library, vol. 92.] HERMAN (H. M.) Commentaries on mortgages and vendors' liens. Vol. 1. 1879. HILLTARD (Francis). The law of mortgages of real and per- sonal property. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1872. JONES (L. A.) The law of mortgages of real property. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1879. . The same. 2 vols. 1878. MILLER (Samuel). The law of equitable mortgages. 1845. [Law library, vol. 45."] POWELL (J. J.) Treatise on the law of mortgages. From 6th English ed. Notes and references to American cases by Benjamin Rand. 3 vols. 1828. THOMAS (A. C.) The law of mortgages on real and personal property in the state of New York. 1877. jSee, also, Chattel Mortgages. MORTMAIN — LOVELASS (Peter). Explanation of the mortmain act. 1838. [Law library, vol. 23.J SHELFORD (Leonard). Treatise on the law of mortmain and charitable uses and trusts. 2 vols. 1843. [Law library, vols. 34, 35.] MUNICIPAL BONDS — CLEMENS (G. C.) The law of corporate securities, as decided in the federal courts. 1877. COLER (W". N.) Practical treatise on the law of municipal bonds. 2 vols. 1873. DILLON (J. F.) The law of municipal bonds. 1876. [In vol. of monographs.] JONES (L. A.) Treatise on the law of railroad and other cor- porate securities, including municipal aid bonds. 1879. See, also, Public Securities. 140 Wisconsin State Library. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS — . ARNOLD (T. J.) Treatise on the law relating to municipal cor- porations in England and Wales. 2d ed. With chapters on prac- tice by S. G. Johnston. London, 1875. DILLON (J. F.) The law of municipal corporations. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1881. . The same. 2 vols. 1873. . The same. 1872. WILLCOCK (J. W.) The law of municipal corporations; with a brief sketch of their history. 183G. [Law library, vol. 12.] WITHROW (T. F.) American corporation cases: embracing the decisions of the supreme court of the United States, the circuit courts of the United States, and the courts of last resort in the several states. 4 vols. Vol. 2, municipal corporations. 1874-80. See, also, Corporations, Municipal Bonds. MUNICIPAL LAW — DANIEL (W. T. S.) On change as an inherent necessity in every system of municipal law; and on the means which exist for influencing and regulating such change. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] POMEROY (J. N.) An introduction to municipal law. [^ treatise on law in general.] Designed for general readers and for students in colleges and higher schools. 1864. NATIONAL BANKS — BALL (F. Q.) The national banking act, with a digest of all the cases construing or in any manner affecting said act. 1881. BROWNE (Irving). National bank cases, containing all de- cisions of both the federal and state courts relating to national banks, from 1878 to 1880. Also the acts relating to national banks. With notes and references. 1880. THOMPSON (I. G.) National bank cases, containing all de- cisions of both the federal and state courts relating to national banks, with notes and references. 1878. Elementary Books. 141 NATIGABLE RIYERS — HOUCK (Louis). Treatise on the law of navigable rivers. 18G8. . fSee, also, Boundaeies, Water Rights. NEGLIGENCE — CAMPBELL (Robert). The law of negligence. London, 1871. HAY (William). Decisions of the supreme courts of England and Scotland on the liabilities of proprietors, masters, and servants, for the reparation of injuries arising from accidents and the negli- gence of parties; including cases of railways, coal-pits, road and labor trusts, and public corporations. Edinburgh, 1860. SAUNDERS (T. W.) The law of negligence. Notes of Ameri- can cases by Henry Hooper. 1872. SHEARMAN (T. G.) and REDFIELD (A. A.) Treatise on the law of negligence. 3d ed. 1874. . The same. 1869. SMITH (Horace). Treatise on the law of negligence. London, 1880. THOMPSON (S. D.) The law of negligence in relations not resting in contract. Illustrated by leading cases and notes. 2 vols. 1880. WHARTON (Francis). Treatise on the law of negligence. 1874. NEUTRALITY — CLARK (C.) Principles that ought mutually to govern the con- duct of neutrals and belligerents. 1863. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.J KERR (W. W.) The principles and rules of neutrality. The foreign enlistment act. The Alabama. 1863. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] MASSEY (C. C.) On the true nature and functions of the rules which ought to regulate the relations between belligerents and neutral states. 1864. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] 14:2 Wisconsin State Libraby. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS — CHIPMx\N (N.) A dissertation on the negotiability of notes. 2d ed. 1871. [In his Vermont reports.] DANIELL (J. W.) The law of negotiable instruments, includ- ing bills of exchange, promissory notes, negotiable bonds and coupons, checks, bills of credit, certificates of credit, certificates of deposit, certificates of stock, bills of lading, guaranties, letters of credit and circular notes. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1879. . The same. 2 vols. 1876. See, also, Bills, Notes and Checks. liEW TRIALS — GRAHAM (David) and WATERMAN (T. W.) Treatise on the law of new trials, m cases civil and criminal. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1855. HILLIARD (Feaxcis). The law of new trials, and other re- hearings; including writs of error, appeals, etc. M ed. 1872. . The same. 1866. MONCREIFF (H. J.) Treatise on the law of review in crimi- nal cases by the high court and circuit court of justiciary. Edin- burgh, 1877. /See, also, Peactice. NISI PRIUS — ABBOTT (Austin). Trial evidence: the rules of evidence ap- plicable on the trial of civil actions at common law, in equity, and under the code of procedure. 1880. ARCHBOLD (J. F.) Law of nisi prius, comprising the declara- tions and other pleadings in personal actions, and the evidence nec- essary to support them. 1845. [Law library, vol. 48.] BULLER (Feancis). An introduction to the law relative to trials at nisi prius. 7th ed. London, 1817. ESPINASSE (Isaac). Digest of the law of actions and trials at nisi prius. 3d ed. 2 vols. London, 1798. Elementary Books. 143 NISI PRIUS — continued. ROSCOE (Henry). Digest of the law of evidence on the trial of actions at nisi prius. 14th ed. By J. C. Day and Maurice Powell. London, 1879. . The same. Notes and references to American cases, by James Bayard. 1832. SELWYN (W.) An abridgment of the law of nisi prius. 4th Am. from 7th London ed. With notes and references,, by Thomas J. Wheaton. 2 vols. 1831. NOTARY PUBLIC — PROFFATT (John). Treatise on the law relating to the office and duties of notaries public throughout the United States; with forms. 1877. SNYDER (W. L.) The notaries' and commissioners' manual, containing full instructions as to their appointment, powers, rights and duties under federal and New York laws, together with the necessary forms, fees allowed, etc., also practical suggestions and references. 1881. WEDGEWOOD (W. B.) and HOMANS (Smith). Law manual for notaries public and bankers. 1855. NOTICE — WADE (W. P.) Treatise on the law of notice as affecting civil rights and remedies. 1878. See^ also, Equity. NUISANCE — WOOD (H. G.) The law of nuisance. 1875. YOOL (G. V.) An essay on waste, nuisance and trespass. Lon- don, 1863. NULLITIES IN LAW — MACNAMARA (H.) Treatise on nullities and irregularities in law, their character, distinctions and consequences. 1855. [Law library, vol. 85.J , OBLIGATIONS — BROWNE (Archibald). Epitome and analysis of Savigny's treatise on obligations in Roman law. London, 1872. /See, also, Contracts. 144 Wisconsin State Library. OFFICERS — COOLEY (T. M.) Liability of public officers to private actions for neglect of official duty. 1877. [Law pamphlets, vol 2.] THOMPSON (S. D.) The liability of directors and other officers and agents of corporations. Illustrated by leading cases and notes. 1880. fSee, also, SHERir:^s, Town and County Officers. OLERON — THE laws of Oleron. 1807. [In vol. 1 of Peters' admiralty decisions.] OPINIONS — See Attorneys-General. OUTLAWRY - CONROy (John). Custodiam reports; or a collection of cases relative to outlawries, and the grants thereon, as argued and deter- mined on the revenue side of the courts of exchequer, both in England and Ireland; with many references. To which is prefixed an introduction, consisting of two chapters, the first containing a short account of outlawry, and the process thereto, the second, the manner of obtaining the grant in custodiam, the mode of account- ing thereon, and how the same is dissolved; likewise an appendix of precedents. Dublin, 1795. OTERRULED CASES — /S'ee Cases Affirmed, Cited and Overruled. PARENT AND CHILD —/S'ee Domestic Relations. PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY — COBBETT (William). The parliamentary history of England from the earliest period to the year 1803. 36 vols. London, 1806-20. PARLIAMENTARY LAW — ANSTEY (H.) On Blackstone's theory of the omnipotence of parliament. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] Elementary Books. 145 PARLIAMENTARY LAW — continued. ARMSTRONG (C. W.) A compilation of cases on breaches of privilege of the house in the assembly of the state of New York, with the reports of standing and special committees and the pro- ceedings and judgments thereon, from 1777 to 1871. 1871. BARCLAY (J. M.) Jefferson's manual of parliamentary practice, and the standing rules and orders for conducting business in the house of representatives and senate of the United States. 1803. GUSHING (L. S.) Elements of the law and practice of legis- lative assemblies in the United States of America. 1856. MAY (Thomas). Treatise on the law, privileges, proceedings and usage of parliament. 8th ed. London, 1879. WILSON (O. M.) Digest of parliamentary law; also the rules of the senate and house of representatives of congress. 2d ed. 1869. See^ alsOf Legislative Manuals. PARTIES TO ACTIONS — BARBOUR (O. L.) A summary of the law of parties to actions and suits in equity. 1864. BROOM (Herbert). Rules for determining parties to actions. 1847. [Law library, vol. 54.J BROWNE (R. J.) Treatise!on necessary parties to and proper forms of actions, the consequence of mistake therein. 1844. [Law library, vol. 43.] CALVERT (Frederic). Treatise upon the law respecting parties to suits in equity. 1837. [Law library, vol. 15. J CHITTY (Joseph). Treatise on pleading and parties to actions. 16th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 2 vols. 1876. DICEY (A. V.) Treatise on the rules for the selection of the parties to an action. Notes to American cases by J. H. Truman. 1876. EDWARDS (Charles). Practical treatise on parties to bills and other pleadings in chancery. 1832. 10 — W. S. L. 146 Wisconsin State Library. PARTIES TO ACTIONS -continued. FINLASON (W.) A selection of leading cases on pleading and parties to actions. London, 1847. PARTITION — ALNATT (C. B.) Treatise on the law of partition. 1834. [Law library, vol. 3.] FREEMAN (A. C.) The law of co-tenancy and partition. 1874. jSee, also, Real Property. PARTNERSHIP — BISSETT (A.) Treatise on the law of partnership, including the law relating t6 joint stock companies. 1847. GARY (H. A.) Treatise on the law of partnership, with copart- nership deeds. 1834. [Law library, vol. 3.] COLLYER (John). The law of partnership. With an ap- pendix of forms. 6th ed. By H. G. Wood. 2 vols. 1878. . The same. 3d Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 1848. DIXON (Joseph). Treatise on the law of partnership. Lon- don, 1866. FOX (Charles). Digest of the law of partnership, as pre- sented in the reports of English and American decisions. 1872. GOW (Neil). Treatise on the law of partnership. 3d ed. By E. D. Ingraham. 1845. LINDLEY (Nathaniel). Treatise on the law of partnership^ including its application to companies. 4th ed. 2 vols. London, 1878. . The same. 2 vols. 1860. [Law library, vols. 100 and 101.] PARSONS (Theophilus). Treatise on the law of partnership. 3ded. 1878. -. The same. 1867. POLLOCK (Frederick.) Digest of the law of partnership, London, 1877. POTHIER (R. J.) Treatise on the contract of partnership, Elementary Books. 147 PARTNERSHIP — contiaued. Tvith the civil code and code of commerce relating to that subject. Translated from the French by O. D. Tudor. 1854. [Law library, vol. 81.1 ROSS (George). Leading cases on partnership. 1858. [Law library, vol. 97.] STORY (Joseph). Commentaries on the law of partnership, as a branch of commercial and maritime jurisprudence. 6th ed. By J. C. Gray, jr. 1868. _ . The same. 1859. TROUBAT (F. J.) The law of commandatory and limited partnership in the United States. 1853. PATENTS — BUMP (O. F.) The law of patents, trade-marks, and copyrights: consisting of the sections of the revised statutes of the United States, with notes under each section, referring to the decisions of the courts and the commissioner of patents. Together with the rules of the patent office and a selection of forms. 1877. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS. Decisions of the commis- sioner of patents from 1869 to 1879 inclusive. 9 vols. 1870-80. CORYTON (John). Treatise on the law of letters patent for the sole use of inventions in the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, including the practice connected with the grant. 1855. [Law library, vol. 85.] CURTIS (G. T.) The law of patents for useful inventions, as enacted and administered in the United States of America. 4th ed, 1873. . The same. 1867. FISHER (S. S.) Reports of cases arising under letters patent for invention, determined in the courts of the United States from 1848-73. 6 vols. 1867-74. FISHER (W. H.) Reports of cases relating to letters patent for inventions determined in the supreme and circuit courts of the United States, not included in Robb or Fisher's patent cases. Vol.1. 1827-51. 1873. HINDMARCH (W. M.) Treatise on the law relating to patent 148 Wisconsin State Library. PATENTS — continued. privileges for the sole use of inventions: and the practice of obtain- ing letters patent for inventions; with an appendix] of forms and entries. 1847. . Observations on the defects of the patent laws of this country: with suggestions for the reform of them. 1851. [Law library, vol. 71.] . Origin, history and development of patents. 1875. [Law pamphlets, vol. 4.] LAW (S. D.) Digest of American cases relating to patents for inventions and copyrights from 1789 to 1862. Statute laws of the United States of America relating to copyrights and patents for in- ventions from 1791 to 1862. LUND (Henry). Treatise on the substantive law relating to letters patent for inventions. 1851. [Law library, vol. 71.] NORMAN (J. P.) Treatise on the law and practice relating to letters patent for inventions. 1853. [Law library, vol. 75.] PERPIGNA (A.) The French law and practice of patents for inventions, improvements and importations. From the Paris ed. 1834. [Law library, vol. 2.] PREBLE (W. P., Jk.) Patent case index: containing lists of all the cases involving patents for inventions as reporteil in the state and federal reports, Robb's and Fisher's patent cases, and the patent office gazette; together with a brief synopsis of the law points decided; arranged alphabetically. 1880. RICE (D. H. & L. C.) Digest of the decisions of law and prac- tice in the patent office from 1869 to 1880. 1880. ROBB (J. B.) A collection of patent cases decided in the su- preme and circuit courts of the United States, from their organiza- tion to 1850. 2 vols. 1854. SIMONDS (W. E.) The law of design patents, containing all reported decisions of the United States courts and the patent office, in design cases, to 1874. 1874. Elementary Books. 149 PATENTS — continued. WEBSTER (Thomas). Reports and notes of cases on letters patent for inventions. London, 1844. WHITMAN (C. S.) Patent laws and practice of obtaining letters patent for inventions in the United States and foreign coun- tries; including copyright and trademark laws. 1871. PAWNS AND PLEDGES — TYLER (R. H.) The law of usury, pawns or pledges, and mari- time loans. 1873. PENSIONS — See Bounties and Pensions. PEPETUITIES — LEWIS (W. D.) Treatise on the law of perpetuity. 2 vols. 1846. [Law library, vols. 50, 64.] PERSONAL LIBERTY — PARSONS (Theophilus). The personal and property rights of a citizen of the United States; how to exercise and how to preserve them. 1876. PATERSON (James). Commentaries on the liberty of the subject and the laws of England relating to the security of the person. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1877. jSee^ also, Habeas Coepus. PERSONAL PROPERTY — ROBERTSON (David). Treatise on the rules of the law of personal succession. 1836. [Law library, vol. 10.] SCHOULER (James). The law of personal property. 2 vols. 1873. SMITH (J. W.) Compendium of the law of real and personal property. 5th ed. 2 vols. London, 1877. WILLIAMS (Joshua).^ Principles of the law of personal prop- erty. 2d Am. from 2d London ed. By Benjamin Gerhard and Samuel Wetherill. 1855. /See, also, Chattel Mortgages, Sales. 150 Wisconsin State Library, PERSONATION AND DISPUTED IDENTITY -^ CASES of mistaken personal identity. [Bound with Ram on facts.] MORIARTY (A.) On personation and disputed identity and their tests. London, 1873. [Law pamphlets, vol. 5.] PLEADING— I. In Civil Actions, ABBOTT (B. V.) and (A.) A collection of forms of practice and pleading in actions, whether for legal or equitable relief, and in special proceedings; prepared with reference to the code of pro- cedure of the state of New York, and adapted to the practice in several of the states. 2 vols. 1864. BLISS (Philemon). Treatise upon the law of pleading under codes of civil procedure. 1879. CHITTY (Joseph). Treatise on pleading and parties to actions. With modern precedents and practical notes. 16th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 2 vols. 1876. . The same. 11th Am. ed. 3 vols. 1851. ESTEE (M. M.) Practice, pleading and forms in actions, both legal and equitable. 3 vols. 1870. EVANS (H. D.) Pleading in civil actions. 2d ed. By William Miller. 12mo. 1879. FINLASON (W.) Selection of leading cases on pleading and parties to actions. With practical notes. London, 1847. GOULD (.James). Treatise on the principles of pleading in civil actions. 4th ed. Adapted to the New York code of proced- ure by George Gould. 1861. GREEN (T. a.) a general treatise on pleading and practice in civil proceedings at law and in equity under the code system. 1879. HEARD (F. F.) The principles of pleading in civil actions. 12mo. 1880. HENING (W. W.) The American pleader and lawyer's guide in commencing, prosecuting and defending actions at common law Elementary Boors. 151 PLEADING — continued. and suits in equity. With full and correct precedents of pleadings. 2 vols. 1811. LAWES (Edward). Treatise on pleading in assumpsit. Amer- ican notes, by Joseph Story. 1811. LILLY (John). A collection of modern entries, or select plead- ings in the courts of king's bench, common pleas and exchequer. 6th ed. 2 vols. Dublin, 1792. MANSEL (G. B.) Treatise on the law and practice of demurrer to pleadings and evidence. 1839. [Law library, vol. 24.] MAXWELL (Samuel). Treatise on pleading and practice un- der the code of civil procedure; with appropriate forms. 1880. NASH (Simeon). Pleading and practice under the civil code. 3ded. 1864. POMEROY (J. N.) Remedies and remedial rights by the civil action, according to the reformed American procedure. A treatise adapted to use in all the states and territories where that system prevails. 1876. PUTERBAUGH (S. D.) Common law pleading and practice. A practical treatise on the forms of common law actions, pleading and practice now in use in the state of Illinois. 5th ed. 1880. ROSCOE (Henry). Of pleading the general issue under the new rules of the courts of Westminster; and of the evidence ap- plicable to issues obtained by pleading specially under those rules. London, 1845. [Bound with Forsyth on composition.] SAUNDERS (J. S.) The law of pleading and evidence in civil actions. From 2d English ed. 3 vols. 1851. STEPHEN (H. J.) Treatise on the principles of pleading in civil actions. Comprising a summary view of the whole proceed- ings in a suit at law. 3d Am. ed. By Samuel Tyler. 1875. . The same. By F. J. Troubat. 1851. vSTORY (Joseph). A selection of pleadings in civil actions, ^ith occasional annotations. 2d ed. By B. S. Oliver, jr. 1829. 162 Wisconsin State Library. PLEADING — continued. TIFFANY (Joel) and SMITH (Henry). The practice and pleadings in actions and special proceedings in the courts of record in the state of New York; adapted to the present practice in all states having a code of procedure. 2d ed. By H. G. Wood. 2 vols. 1879. VAN SANTVOORD (Geokge). Treatise on pleading under the New York code. 2d ed. 1855. . Treatise on the principles of pleading in civil actions under the New York code of procedure. New edition; en- larged and corrected, by N. 0. Moak. 1873. WENTWORTH (John). A complete system of pleading; com- prehending the most approved precedents and forms of practice. 10 vols. London, 1797-99. WHITTAKER (Henry). Practice and pleading in actions in the courts of record in the state of New York, under the code of procedure, and other statutes when applicable. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1863. YATES (J. V. N.) A collection of pleadings and practical pre- cedents, with notes thereon, and approved forms of bills of costs. 1837. JSee, also, Equity Pleading and Practice, Precedents. II. In Criminal Cases. ARCHBOLD (J. F.) Complete practical treatise on criminal procedure, pleading and evidence, in indictable cases; containing all the American and English decisions to date of publication. By J. N. Pomeroy. 8th ed. 2 vols. 1877. . The same. 7th ed. 2 vols. 1860. «• . Pleading and evidence in criminal cases; with the statutes, precedents of indictments, and the evidence necessary to support them. By John Jervis. 19th ed., including the practice in criminal proceedings by indictment, by William Bruce. London, 1878. BISHOP (J. P.) Criminal procedure; or, commentaries on the law of pleading and evidence, and the practice in criminal cases* 3ded. 2 vols. 1880. Elementary Books. 153 PLEADING — continued. . The same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1872. . The same. 2 vols. 1866. DEARSLEY (H. R.) Criminal process: or a view of the whole proceedings taken in criminal prosecutions, from arrest to judg- ment and execution. 1854. [Law library, vol. 79.] HEARD (F. F.) The principles of criminal pleading. 12mo. 1879. WHARTON (Feancis). ' A treatise on criminal pleading and practice. 8th ed. 1880. /See, also, Criminal Law. PLEAS OF THE CROWN — BRITTON (John). Ancient pleas of the crown. The French text carefully revised, with an English translation and notes, by F. M. Nichols. 2 vols. Oxford, 1875. EAST (E. H.) Treatise on the pleas of the crown. 2 vols. 1806. HALE (Matthew). The history of the pleas of the crown. 1st Am. ed. By W. A. Stokes and E. Ingersoll. 2 vols. 1847. HAWKINS (William). Treatise on the pleas of the crown. 8th ed. By John Curwood. 2 vols. London, 1824. POISONS - TAYLOR (A. S.) On poisons in relation to medical jurispru- dence and medicine. 3d Am. ed. 1875. See, also, Medical Jukisprtjdence. POSSESSION — SAVIGNY (F. C. Von). Treatise on possession: or the Jus pos- sessionis of the civil law. 6th ed. Translated from the German by Erskine Perry. London, 1848. POSTAL LAWS — BISSELL (A. H.) and KIRBY (T. B.) The postal laws and reg- ulations of the United States of America. 1879. 134 Wisconsin State Library. POWERS — CHANCE (Henry). Treatise on powers. 2 vols. London, 1831. SUGDEN (Edward). Treatise on powers. 2d Am. from 7th London ed. 2 vols, in 1. 1847. . The same. 2 vols. 1837. [Law library, vols. 13, 14.] PRACTICE — /. AmertQaV' Treatises. ABBOTT (B. V.) Treatise upon the United States courts, and their practice. 3d ed. Rewritten and corrected conformably to the revised statutes and recent decisions. 2 vols. 1877. . The same. 2 vols. 1869-71. BARTON (R. T.) The practice in the courts of law in civil cases. BRICKNELL (G. A.) The practice of the supreme and circuit courts of the state of Indiana in civil cases. 1864. BURRILL (A. M.) Treatise on the practice of the supreme court of the state of New York, with an appendix of practical forms. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1846. CONKLING (Alfred). Treatise on the organization, jurisdic- tion and practice of the courts of the United States. "With an appendix of practical forms. 4th ed. 1864. CONNECTICUT. The practice act of the state of Connecticut, with the orders, rules and forms under the same, prepared by the judges of the superior court: and the general rules of practice of the supreme court of errt)rs, and the superior court, as revised in June, 1879. 1879. COX (W. S.) Common law practice in civil actions. 1880. CRARY (Charles). The law and practice in special proceed- ings, and in special cases, including the provisional remedies of arrest and bail, attachments of property, and claim and delivery under the code of civil procedure. With an appendix of forms. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1877. . The same. 2d ed, 2 vols. 1866. Elementary Books. ^ 155 PRACTICE — continned. CURTIS (G. T.) Commentaries on the jurisdiction, practice and peculiar jurisprudence of the courts of the United States. Vol.1. 1854. [All ever published.] DESTY (Robert). Manual of practice in the courtg of the United States. 16mo. 2d ed. 1876. ESTEE (M. M.) Practice, pleading and forms in actions, both legal and equitable. 3 vols. 1870. GRAHAM (David). Treatise on the practice of the supreme court of the state of New York. 2d ed. 1836. . The same. 3d ed. Vol. 1. 1847. , [All ever published.] HOLMES and DISBROW. Practice in the supreme court of the state of New York, in common law actions upon contracts. 1859. KENTUCKY. Code of practice in civil and criminal cases, for the state of Kentucky. 1854. . The same. 1876. LAW (S. D.j The jurisdiction and powers of the United States courts, and the rules of practice of the supreme court of the United States, and the circuit and district courts in admiralty and equity. 1852. LOUISIANA. Code of practice in civil cases for the state of Lou- isiana, with the statutory amendments, from 1825 to 1866. 1869. . The same. 1870. MASON (Joseph). The practice in civil actions and proceedings at law in the common law courts of the New England states. 1880. MAXWELL (Samuel). Treatise on pleading and practice under the code of civil procedure; with appropriate forms. 1880. MONELL (Claudius). Treatise on the practice of the supreme court of the state of New York: adapted to the code of procedure as amended by act of April 16, 1852; and the rules of the supreme court. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1855. • NASH (Simeon). Pleading and practice under the civil code. 2d ed. 1864! 156 . Wisconsin State Library. PRACTICE — con tinued. OVERTON (D. T.) The annotated code of civil practice for Wisconsin and loWa. 1875. PAINE (Elijah) and DUER (William). The practice in civil actions and proceedings at law in the state of New York, in the supreme court, and other courts of the state: and also in the courts of the United States. 2 vols. 1830. PHILLIPS (P.) The statutory jurisdiction and practice of the supreme court of the United States, together with forms of process and rules established for the supreme court, the court of claims, the courts of equity, the courts of admiralty, and the courts in bankruptcy. Revised ed. 1876. RIDDLE (D. S.) The law and practice in proceedings supple- mental to executions under the New York code. 1866. ROBINSON (Conway). The law and practice iri'^oiirts of jus- tice in England and the United States. 7 vols. 1854-74. THOMPSON (I. G.) The law and practice of provisional rem- edies. With an appendix of forms. 1867. TIFFANY (Joel) and SMITH (Heney). The New York prac- tice: a treatise upon practice and pleadings in actions and special proceedino^s in the courts of record of the state of New York. 2d ed. Revised, enlarged and adapted to the new code. By H. G. Wood. 2 vols. 1879. . The same. 2 vols. 1864. TILLINGHAST (J. L.) and SHEARMAN (T. G.) Practice, pleadings and forms in civil actions in courts of record in the state of New York; adapted to the code of procedure. 2 vols. 1861. TURNBULL (S. H.) Practice of the district courts of the city of New York; the acts relative to the marine court. 12mo. 1864. WAIT (William). The practice at law, in equity, and special proceedings, in all the courts of record in the state of New York. With appropriate forms. 7 vols. 1872-80. WHITTAKER (Henry). Practice and pleading in actions in the courts of record in the state of New York, under the code of procedure, and other statutes, where applicable. With an appendix of forms. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1863. Elementary Books. 157 PRACTICE — continued. II. American Reports. ABBOTT (B. V. and A.) Reports of practice cases determined in the courts of the state of New York, 1855-65. 19 vols. 1855-65. — . The same. New series, 1866-76. 16 vols. 1866-76. HOWARD (N., Je.) Practice reports of the supreme court and court of appeals of the state of New York, 1844 to 1880. 60 vols. 1844-81. (Vols. 52-60 by R. M. Stover.) ROBERTSON (A. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of the city of New York. 1869. [Yol. 7, containing cases of practice and decisions m special pro- ceedings, exclusively.] III. English Treatises. ARCHBOLD (J. F.) The practice of the king's bench, and, in- cidentally, of the common pleas and exchequer, in personal actions and ejectment. 3d ed. By Thomas Chitty. 12mo. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1833. . Practice of the queen's bench, common pleas and exchequer divisions of the high court of justice in actions in which they have a common jurisdiction. 13th ed. By Samuel Prentice. 2 vols. London, 1879. BAGLEY (William). The practice at the chambers of the judges of the courts of common law in civil actions. 1837. [Law library, vol. 13.] CHITTY (Joseph). The practice of the law in all its depart- ments; with a view of rights, injuries and remedies; and the practice in arbitration, before justices, in courts of common law, equity, admiralty and courts of appeal. 4 vols. 1836-39. TIDD (William). The practice of the courts of king's bench and common pleas in personal actions and ejectment. 4 vols. London, 1828-33. IV. English Reports. BARNEYS (H.) Notes of cases in points of practice taken in the court of common pleas. 1732-56. 3d ed. London, 1790. 158 Wisconsin State Library. PRACTICE — continued. CHITTY (J.) Reports of cases, principally on practice and pleading, in the courts of king's bench, in 1819. Also, reports of cases temple Lord Mansfield in the year 1782, etc., from the manu- script of Mr. Justice Ashurst. With notes. 2 vols. London, 1820-23. CHOYCE CASES IN CHANCERY. The practice of the high court of chancery. With the nature of the several offices belong- ing to that court, and the reports of many cases wherein relief hath been there had, and'where denied. Reprinted from the edition of 1672. London, 1870. DOWLING (A. and V.) Reports of cases in the queen's bench practice courts; with the points of pleading and practice in the courts of common pleas and exchequer, from 1841—13. 2 vols, London, 1848-44. DOWLING (A. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the king's and queen's bench practice court; with the points of practice decided in the courts of common pleas and exchequer, 1830-41. 9 vols. London, 1832-42. and LOWNDES (J. J.) The same. 1843-1849. 7 vols. London, 1845-51. See, also, Actions at Law, Admiralty, Appellate Proceed- ings, Bankruptcy, Criminal Law, Equity Pleading and Practice, Justice of the Peace, Nisi Prius, Pleading, Probate Law, Procedure. PRECEDENTS — CHITTY (Joseph, jr.) Precedents in pleading, with copious notes on practice, pleading and evidence. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 1839. CURTIS (G. T.) Equity precedents: supplementary to Justice Story's treatise on equity pleadings. 1850. FINCH (Thomas). Precedents in chancery. 2d ed. London, 1786. OLIVER (B. L.) Forms of practice; or American precedents in personal and real actions. 3d ed. 1851. Elementary Books. 159 PRECEDENTS — continued. TOWNESEND (George). Tables to most of the printed pre- fidents of pleadings, writs, and retorn of writs at the common law. Folio. London, 1667. VAN SANTVOORD (Qeorge). Precedents of pleading in civil actions under the New York code of procedure. 1858. WHITWORTH (John). Equity precedents, comprising bills, petitions and answers. 1848. [Law library, vol. 60.] See, also^ Conveyancing, Entries, Equity Pleading and Practice, Forms, Indictments, Pleading, Practice, Writs. [Many of the treatises contain appendices of precedents for the subject-matter on which they treat.] PRESUMPTIONS — BEST (W. M.) Treatise on presumptions of law and fact, with the theory and rules of presumptive or circumstantial proof in criminal cases. 1845. [Law library, vol. 45.] MATTHEWS (J. H.) Treatise on the doctrine of presumption and presumptive evidence, as affectinsj the title to real and per- sonal property. Notes and references to American cases, by B. Rand. 1830. PRINCIPAL AND AGENT — ^ee Agency and Agents. PRINCIPAL AND SURETY — >S^ee Guaranty and Surety- ship. PRIYATE CORPORATIONS — FIELD (G. W.) Treatise on private corporations. 1877. PROFFATT (John). The law of private corporations, being the law of private corporations under the civil code of California, with the recent amendment* and statutes, and annotations in ref- erence to the decisions of the supreme court of California, and of other states, on analogous provisions; also, an introductory chapter on the history of private corporations; and an appendix of forms. 1876. 160 Wisconsin State Library. PRIYATE CORPORATIONS — continued. WITHROW (T. F.) The American corporation cases: embrac- ing the decisions of the supreme court of the United States, the circuit courts of the United States, and the courts of last resort in the several states since January 1, 1868, on questions peculiar to the law of corporations. 2 vols. 1872-74. (Vol. 1, private cor- porations.) and BINMORE (H.) The same. Vols. 3 and 4. 1880-81. (Private corporations.) PRIYATE INTERNATIONAL LAW — ^S^ee Conflict of La.avs. PRIORITY OF INCUMBRANCES — A^ee Incumbrances. PRIZE — /See ADiiiRALTY. PROBATE LAW — CHEEVER (N. W.) The law and practice of probate courts in the state of Michigan, including the entire probate statutes, with notes showing the practice and decisions of the courts, and an ap- pendix of forms. 1876. DAYTON (Isaac). The office of surrogates and surrogates' courts, and executors, administrators and guardians, in the state of New York. A compilation of the statutes, and a summary of the judicial decisions of the state of New York, relating to the office of surrogate, the proving of wills, the granting of probate, of let- ters testamentary, of administration and guardianship, and the powers, duties and liabilities of executors, administrators and guardians. With an appendix of forms. 1855. GARY (George). The law and practice in courts of probate under the statutes and decisions of Wisconsin and Minnesota. With references to the decisions in Michigan, Massachusetts, and other states where a similar system prevails. With forms. 1879. HILL (E. J.) The probate jurisdiction and practice in the courts of the state of Illinois, containing the law of wills, of ad- ministration, and of guardian and ward, and rules of court; being a guide for executors, administrators, guardians and conservators, in the management and settlement of estates. 4th ed. By Henry Binmore. 1880. Elementary Books, 161 PROBATE LAW — continued. LUCE (E. T.) Hand-book of practice in the probate courts of the state of Maine. Containing notes on the execution and pro- bate of wills, duties of executors, administrators, guardians and trustees; also full forms of petitions, orders and decrees; with ref- erences to the revised statutes and amendments thereof, and decis- ions of our courts. Revised by John A. Waterman. 12mo. 1881. McCLELLAN (R. H.) Practice in probate courts: being a treatise on the jurisdiction of the surrogate's courts and the reme- dies offered thereby; comprising also the law of wills, executors, administration, legacies, guardians and dower, with complete forms for practice. 1875. MYRICK (M. H.) Reports of cases in the probate court of the city and county of San Francisco, from January 1, 1872, to Decem- ber 31, 1879. Edited by T. H. Rearden. L880. NORTH (Levi). Treatise on the practice in probate courts in the probate of wills and settlement of estates in the state of Illi- nois. With forms. 1873. PORTER (A. N.) The Iowa probate manual: being a complete guide for administrators, executors, and guardians: containing the probate and homestead laws of Iowa; with full appendix of probate forms. 1875. READ (G. W.) Modern probate of wills, containing an analysis of the modern law of probate in England and America, with numerous references to the English and American cases, and copious extracts from the leading cases. 184G. REDFIELD (A. A.) The law and practice of surrogate's courts. 1875. SMITH (W. L.) The practice in proceedings in the probate courts; including the probate of wills; appointment of adminis- trators, guardians and trustees; allowances; sale of real and per- sonal estate; settlement of accounts; distribution of estates; as- signment of dower, with table showing the present value of estates in dower; partition of lands, Stc. With forms. 3d ed. 1876. SMITH (Jeremiah). Extracts from his manuscript treatise on probate law. 1879. [In his New Hampshire reports.] See^ also, Executors and Administrators, Wills. 11 — W. S. L. 162 Wisconsin State Library. PROCEDURE — BIGELOW (M. M.) History of procedure in England from the Norman conquest. London, 1880. CALIFORNIA. The code of civil procedure of the state of California. 1872. . Acts amendatory of the codes; passed at the twen- tieth session of the legislature, 1873-4. 1874. . The same. Passed in 1875-6. 1876. CODE: the code of procedure of the state of New York from 1848 to 1871; comprising the act as originally enacted, and the various amendments made thereto, to the close of the session of 1870. 12mo. 1870. COLORADO. The code of civil procedure of the state of Col- orado. 1877. FLORIDA. The code of procedure of the state of Florida. 1870. HOWARD (Nathan, jr.) The code of procedure of pleading and practice of the state of New York, 1858-9. With complete notes and references. 1859. . The code of procedure of the state of New York, unabridged. Including all the sections in full as originally passed; amended to and including 1867. With full and copious notes. Vol.1. 1867. REPORTS of decisions on the [New York] code of procedure. (New series.) 1 vol. 1852. STACY (J. S.) The code of civil procedure of the state of Iowa, with references to the decisions of the supreme court. 12mo. 1878. THROOP (M. H.) The code of civil procedure [of New York] enacted in 1876, amended in 1877. With marginal notes and ref- erences. 1877. TOWNSEND (John). The code of procedure of the state of New York, as amended to 1864. With the rules of court and ap- pointment of terms. 12mo. 1864. VOORHIES (J. S.) The code of procedure of the state of New York, with notes, and an appendix. 4th ed. 1855. Elementary Books. 163 PROCEDURE — continued. . The same, as amended to 1864. 8th ed. By John Townsend. 1864. . The same, as amended to 1871. With notes on pleading and practice and rules of the courts. 10th ed. By John Townsend. 1871. WAIT (William). The code of procedure of the state of New York, as amended to 1871, with notes on practice, pleading and. evidence, and rules of the courts. 1871. . The code of civil procedure of the state of New Yort, enacted 1876, amended 1877. With notes and references. 1877. . Twenty-two chapters of the code of civil procedure [of New York, enacted in 1876-80]. With notes under, each sec- tion referring to the preceding six volumes [of Wait's practice]. 1880. [Vol. 7 of Wait's practice.] WISCONSIN. The code of procedure of the state of Wiscon- sin, as passed by the legislature in 1856, and amended in 1856 and 1857. 1857. See, also'. Federal Procedure, Practice. PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — COPINGER (W. A.) On the custody and production of title deeds and other documentary evidence at law, in equity, and in matters of conveyancing, including covenants for the production of deeds and attested copies. London, 1875. POLLOCK (C. E.) Treatise on the power of the courts of com- mon law to compel production of documents for inspection. 1855. [Law library, vol. 75.] PROHIBITION — HIGH (J. L.) Treatise on extraordinary legal remedies, embrac- ing mandamus, quo warrant(j and prohibition. 1874. WOOD (H. G.) Treatise on the legal remedies of mandamus and prohibition, habeas corpus, certiorari and quo warranto. 1880. PROMISSORY NOTES — See Bills, Notes and Checks, Nego- tiable Instruments. 164 Wisconsin State Library. PROPERTY LAW — HIGGINS (F. N.) On the principles which ought to regulate the interference of the government with property held by public bodies or for public purposes. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] LEAKE (S. M.) On some points in the theory of the law of property. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] SUGDEN (Edward.) A series of letters to a man of property on sales, purchases, mortgages, leases, settlements and devises of estates. 1834. [Law library, vol. 1.] . Treatise on the law of property as administered by the house of lords. 1849. [Law library, vol. 62.] See^ also, Personal Property, Real Property. PROSECUTIONS —/S'ee Criminal Law, Practice. PROVISIONAL REMEDIES — HOFFMAN (Murray). The provisional remedies of the code of procedure. 1862. THOMPSON (L G.) The law and practice of provisional reme- dies. With an appendix of forms. 1867. PUBLIC LANDS — See Land Laws. PUBLIC SECURITIES — BURROUGHS (W. H.) Treatise on the law of bonds and other securities issued, or purporting to be issued, by public au- thority, whether by states, municipalities, or the government of the United States. 1881. See, also^ Municipal Bonds, Railiioad Securities. PUNISHMENT — COPINGER (W. A.) Essay on the abolition of capital punish- ment. . London, 1876. [In law pamphlets, vol. 3.] Elementary Books. 165 PUNISHMENT — continued. COX (E. W.) The principles of punishment, as applied in the administration of the criminal law by judges and magistrates. London, 1877. WILLIAMS (J.) On the union of the mark system with asso- ciated labor in the management of criminals. • [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] QUO WARRANTO — COLE (W. R.) The law and practice relating to criminal in- formations, and informations in the nature of quo warranto. 2 vols. 1841. [Law library, vols. 54, 55.] HIGH {J.Li.) Treatise on extraordinary legal remedies, embrac- ing mandamus, quo warranto and prohibition. 1874. WILLCOCK (J. W.) The law of municipal corporations; with a brief sketch of their history; and a treatise on mandamus and quo warranto. 1836. [Law library, vol. 12.J WOOD (H. G.) Treatise on the legal remedies of mandamus and prohibition, habeas corpus, certiorari and quo warranto. 1880. RACINE — CHARTER of the city of Racine [Wisconsin] and amendments; together with the by-laws of the city council. 12mo. 1855. RACING — See Horses. RAILWAYS — J. Treatises. ANTHONY (Elliott). The law of consolidation of railroad companies; being an argument in the case of Julius Wadsworth, et al. vs. Chicago & Northwestern railway, in the United States circuit court for the northern district of Illinois. 1865. ELPHINSTONE (H. W.) On the borrowing powers of railway companies. London, 1866. [Juridical papers, vol. S.J GODEFROI (Henry) and SHORTT (John). The law of rail- way companies. London, 1869. 166 Wisconsin State Library. RAILWAYS - continued. PIERCE (E. L.) Treatise on American railroad law. 1857. . Treatise on the law of railroads. 1881. REDFIELD (I. F.) The law of railways, embracing^ corporations, eminent domain, contracts, common carriers of goods and passen- gers, telegraph companies, equity, jurisdiction, taxation, constitu- tional law, investments, etc. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1873. . The same. 2 vols. 1867. SHELFORD (Leonard). The law of railways, including the ^consolidation and other general acts for regulating railways in England and Ireland. With copious notes of decided cases on their construction, including the rights and liabilities of sharehold- ers. 1st Am. from 3d London ed. By M. L. Bennett. 2 vols. 1855. WALFORD (Frederick). A summary of the law of railways. 2d ed. 12mo. 1850. WHARTON (Fra^ncis). The liabilities of railway companies for remote fires. 1877. [In vol. of monographs.] II. Cases and Digest. AMERICAN RAILWAY REPORTS. A collection of all re- ported decisions relating to railways. Vols. 1-4, by J. H. Tru- man; vol. 5, by J. A. Mallory; vols. 6-9, by H. A. Shipman; vols. 10-19, by W. W. Ladd, jr.; vol. 20, by G. C. Clemens. 20 vols. 1873-80. BEAVAN (E.) and WALFORD (F.) Parliamentary cases re- lating to railways, etc., determined by the select committees of the houses of parliament in the session of 1846. London, 1847. ENGLISH RAILWAY AND CANAL CASES. Cases relating to railways and canals, argued and determined in the courts of law and equity, 1835-54. 7 vols. London, 1840-54. LACEY (J. F.) Digest of railway decisions, comprising all re- ported American cases in which a railway company is a party, and all other cases in which railway law is determined. 1875. Element ABY Books, 167 RAILWAYS -continued. REDFIELD (I. F.) Leading American railway cases, on most of the important questions involved in the law of railways. With notes and opinions, being a supplement to the author's work on railways. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1872. . The same. 1 vol. 1870. SMITH (Chauncey) and BATES (S. W.) American railway cases: cases relating to the law of railways, decided in the supreme court of the United States, and in the courts of the several states. With notes. 2 vols. 1862. See, also, Caeriers, Corporations. RAILROAD SECURITIES — JONES (L. A.) Treatise on the law of railroad and other cor- porate securities, including municipal aid bonds. 1879. See, also, Municipal Bonds, Public Securities. REAL PROPERTY - ATKINSON (S.) Essay on titles to real estate. 1857. (Imper- fect copy.) [Law library, vol. 14. J BINGHAM (Anson). Treatise on the law of real property. 2 vols. 1868-72. [Vol. 2 treats of the law of executory contracts for the sale of real property, and is sometimes cited as Bingham on executory contracts.] BOWYER (G.) Reform of the law of real property. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] BURTON (W. H.) An elementary compendium of the law of real property. 3d ed. London, 1834. . The same. [Law library, vol. 21.] CRABB (George). The law of real property in its present state; practically arranged and digested in all its branches. 2 vols. 1846. [Law library, vols. 52, 5%] CRUISE (William.) Digest of the laws of England respecting real property. 4th Am. from 3d London ed. By Thomas Hunting- ton. 6 vols, in 3. 1834. 168 Wisconsin State Library. REAL PROPERTY — continued. . The same. Revised and enlarged, by H. H. White; further revised and abridged, with additions and notes for the use of American students, by Simon Greenleaf. 6 vols, in 3. 1849-50. DIGBY (K. E.) An introduction to the history of the law of real property, with original authorities. 12mo. London, 1876. GERARD (J. W., JR.) Titles to real estate in the state of New York. A digested treatise and compendium of law applicable to titles to real estate in New York. 2d ed. 1873. HAYES (William). Principles for expounding dispositions of real estate to ancestor and heirs in tail, parent and issue. With an elementary essay, and dissertations on several of Mr. Fearne's doctrines. 1835. [Law library, vol. 5.J HILLIARD (Francis). The American law of real property. 2 vols. 2d ed. 1846. LALOR (T. W.) The law of real property of the state of New York. 1866. LEAKE (S. M.) An elementary digest of the law of property in land. London, 1874. LOMAX (J. T.) Digest of the laws respecting real property generally adopted and in use in the United States; embracing more especially the law of real property in Virginia. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1855. ROSCOE (Henry). Treatise on the law of actions relating to real property. 2 vols. 1840. [Law library, vols. 26, 27.] SMITH (J. W.) A compendium of the law of real and perso- nal property, connected with conveyancing. 5th ed. 2 vols. London, 1877. . The same. 1856. [Law library, vol. 87.] WASHBURN (Emory). The American law of real property. 4th ed. 3 vols. 1876. . The same. 3d ed. 3 vols. 1868. WILLARD (John). Treatise on the law of real estate, and of the mode of alienation thereof. 1861. Element AJiY Books. 169 KEAL PROPERTY — continued. WILLIAMS (Joshua.) Principles of the law of real property. 5th Am. from 12th English ed. By E. 0. Mitchell. 1879. . The same. 1866. See^ also., Abstracts of Title, Adverse Enjoyment, Convey- ancing, Descents, Easements, Ejectment, Mortgages, Paeti- tion. Vendors and Purchasers. RECEITERS — EDWARDS (Charles). On receivers in equity and under the New York code of procedure. With precedents. 2d ed. 1859. HIGH (J. L.) The law of receivers as administered in the courts of Great Britain and America, from the earliest reported cases to the present time. 1876. KERR (W. W.) The law and practice as to receivers appointed by the court of chancery. Notes and references to American authorities, by G. T. Bispham. 1877. RECOUPMENT — WATERMAN (T. W.) Treatise on the law of set-off, recoup- ment and counterclaim. 1869. REFEREES — EDWARDS (Charles). The law and practice of referees, under the code and statutes generally. With forms. 1860. HOFFMAN (Murray). The law and practice as to references, and the powers and duties of referees. With numerous forms. 1875. REGISTRY LAWS — THORNTON (J. B.) Digest of the conveyancing, testament- ary and registry laws of all the states of the union. 1867. REMAINDERS — /S'ee Contingent Remainders. REMEDIES AND REMEDIAL RIGHTS — LAWSON (J. D.) The civil remedy for injuries arising from the sale or gift of intoxicating liquors. 1877. [In vol. of monographs.] POMEROY (J. N.) Remedies and remedial rights by the civil action, according to the reformed American procedure. 1876. ITO Wisconsin State Library. RExMOYAL OF CAUSES — DILLON (J. F.) Removal of causes from state courts to fed- eral courts. With forms adapted to the several acts of congress on the subject. 2d ed. 1877. . The same. 3d ed. 1881. BENTS — BINGHAM (Anson) and COLVIN (A.) Treatise on rents, real and personal covenants and conditions. 1857. GILBEKT (Jeffrey). Treatise on rents. 12mo. London, 1758. 8ee^ also^ Leases. REPLEVIN - GILBERT (Jeffrey). The law and practice of distresses and replevin. 2d ed. Dublin, 1792. MORRIS (P. P.) Treatise on the law of replevin in the United States. With an appendix of forms and digest of statutes. 3d ed. 1878. ' - . The same. 2d ed. 1869. WELLS (H. W.) Treatise on the law of replevin, as adminis- tered in the courts of the United States and England. 1880. WILKINSON (J. J.) The practice in the action of replevin. 1834. [Law library, vol. 4.] REPORTERS — HEARD (F.F.) Curiosities of the law reporters. 12mo. 1876. WALLACE (J. W.) The reporters chronologically arranged, with occasional remarks upon their respective merits. 3d ed. 1855. See^ also, Bibliography. RES AD JUDICATA — MARSHALL (W.) Is a judicial tribunal, either of the last re- sort or otherwise, bound by the principles laid down by itself on previous occasions? 1860. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] WELLS (J. C.) Treatise on the doctrines of res adjudicata and stare decisis. 1878. Elementary Books. 171 RETRO ACTIVE LAWS — WADE (W. P.) Treatise on the operation and construction of retroactive laws, as affected by constitutional limitations and judi- cial interpretations. 1880. /See, also, Oonstitutional Law. REVENUE LAWS — ANDREWS (C. C.) Treatise on the revenue laws of th« United States. 1858. DAVIDGE (J. B. F.) and KIMBALL (L G.) A compendium of internal revenue laws, with decisions, rulings, instructions, regu- lations and forms. 1871. EDWARDS (Charles). Treatise on the stamp act of July 1, 1862, and amendatory statutes to March 3, 18G3. 2d ed. 1863. REVERSED CASES — jSee Cases Affirmed, Cited and Over- RULED. REVOCATION - ROPER (R. S. D.) Treatise on the revocation and republication of wills and testaments. London, 1800. RIVERS — JSee Water Rights. ROADS — See Highways. ROMAN LXW — See Civil Law. RULES OF COURTS — RULES of all the courts of record of the state of New York. With notes, references and an index. By M. T. Hun. 1877. . The same. 1881. [For earlier rules of the courts of New York, see the several codes of that state as catalogued under the title of Procedure.] RULES of the supreme court of the United States, and rules of practice for the circuit and district courts of the United States in equity, admiralty and law cases, for the western district of Wis- consin. 1875. # RULES of practice for the district. court of the United States for the western district of Wisconsin. 1854. 172 Wisconsin State Library. RULES OF COURTS — continued. [For additional rules of practice in United States courts, see works on practice in those courts under the title Practice.] RULES of practice of the supreme court of the territory of Wisconsin; adopted July 16, 1838. [In vol. 1 of Finney's reports.] RULES of. practice of the district courts of Wisconsin territory, and all rules of practice adopted for the county, circuit and supreme courts, since the organization of the state. [In vol. 3 of Finney's reports.] RULES of practice for the supreme and circuit courts of the state of Wisconsin. 1857. RULES of practice in the supreme court of the state of Wiscon- sin; adopted August 15, 1876. [For amendments made to these rules, see vols. 48, 49 and 50, Wisconsin reports.] RULES of practice of the circuit and county courts of the state of Wisconsin, adopted by the justices of the supreme court at the August term, 1879. [For a collection of rules of the courts of record of Wisconsin, see the 26. vol. of Simmons' Wisconsin digest.] SALES — BARON (J. A.) Treatise on bills of sale and chattel mortgages. A complete and exhaustive annotation of the chattel mortgage acts [of Ontario] and embracing all the Canadian and most of the English and American cases, giving an annotation of over one thousand authorities. Toronto, 1880. BEAUMONT (.Joseph). The law and practice of bills of sale, and bills of sale of ships, under the recent statutes. 1860. [Law library, vol. 101.] BELL (G. J.) On the contract of sale of goods and merchan- dise. 1845. [Law library, vol. 48.] BENJAMIN (J. F.) Treatise on the law of sale of personal property. With references to the American decisions and to the French code and civil law. 2d Am. from 2d English ed. By J. C. Ferkins. 1877. Elementary Books. 173 SALES — continued. . The same. 1st Am. ed. 1875. . The same. 1st English ed. 1868. BLACKBURN (Colin). Treatise on the effect of the contract of sale on the legal rights of property and possession in goods, wares and merchandise. 1847. [Law library, vol. 55.] HILLIARD (Francis). Treatise on the law of sales of per- sonal property. 1841. LANDRETH (L. S.) A brief analysis of sale. 1880. LANGDELL (C. C.) A selection of cases on the law of sales of personal property. With references and citations. Vol.1. 1872. LONG (George). Treatise on the law relative to sales of per- sonal property. 2d ed. By Benjamin Rand. 1839. POTHIER (R. J.) Treatise on the contract of sale. Translated from the French by L. S. Cashing. 1839. ROSS (George). Leading cases in the law of Scotland and England on the contract of sale. 1855. [Law library, vol. 83.] STORY (W. W.) Treatise on the law of sale of personal prop- erty. 4th ed. By E. H. Bennett. 1871. SCHOOLS — BURKE (Finley). Treatise on the law of public schools. 12mo. 1880. KEYES (E. W.) Laws of New York relating to common schools, with comments and instructions, and a digest of decisions. 1879. THE Bible in the public schools. Arguments in the case of John D. Minor et al. versus the board of education of the city of Cincinnati et al., in the superior court of Cincinnati; with the opin- ion and decision of the cour^. 1870. SCIRE FACIAS — FOSTER (T. C.) Treatise on the writ of scire facias. 1851. [Law library, vol. 71.] 174 Wisconsin State Library. SCOTLAND — BELL (G. J.) Commentaries on the law of Scotland, and on the principles of mercantile jurisprudence. 7th ed. By John Mc- Laren. 2 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1870. . Principles of the law of Scotland. 7th ed. By W. Guthrie. Edinburgh, 1876. NEISH (W.) Defects and suggested reforms in the procedure of the court of session and other courts in Scotland, with reference to tlie commission now sitting. 1869. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] SEAMEN — KAY (Joseph). The law relating to shipmasters and seamen; their appointment, duties, powers, rights, liabilities and remedies. 2 vols. London, 1875. See, also, Shipping. SEA SHORES— >^ee Water Rights. SELF DEFENSE — HORRIGAN (L. B.) and THOMPSON (S. D.) Select American cases on the law of self defense. 1874. See, also, Criminal Law. SERVITUDES — See Easements, Real Property. SETOFF. BABINGTON (Richard). Treatise on the law of set-off and mutual credit. 1834. [Law library, vol. 4.] BARBOUR (O. L.) Treatise on the law of set-off. 1841. CHIPMAN (N.) A dissertation on the statutes of off-setts. 2d ed. 1871. [In his Vermont reports.] WATERMAN (T. W.) Treatise on the law of set-off, recoup- ment and counter-claim. 1869. Elementary Books. 175 SETTLEMENTS ATHERLY (E. G.) Treatise on the law of marriage and other family settlements. 1840. [Law library, vol. 25."] WILLIAMS (J.) On the origin of the present mode of family settlements of landed property. [Juridical papers, vol. 1.] SHERIFF — ALLEN (Otis). The duties and liabilities of sheriffs in their various relations to the public and to individuals as governed by the principles of common law, and regulated by the statutes of New York. 1845. BARBOUR (O. L.) The power and duties of sheriffs. 2d ed. 1852. [In his criminal law.] CHURCHILL (C.) and BRUCE (A. C.) The law of the office and duties of the sheriff. London, 1879. CROCKER (J. G.) The duties of sheriffs, coroners and consta- bles. With practical forms. 2d ed. 1871. — . The same. 1855. G WYNNE (A. E.) Treatise on the law of sheriff and coroner. 1849. SEWELL (R. C.) Treatise on the law of sheriff. 1845. [Law library, vol. 44.] WATSON (W, H.) Treatise on the law relating to the office and duty of sheriff. 1835. [Law library, vol. 5.] SHIPPING — ABBOTT (Charles). Treatise of the law relative to merchant ships and seamen. 6th Am.* from 8th London ed., with notes of Mr. Justice Story, and additional annotations by J. C. Perkins. 1850. DESTY (Robert). A manual of the law relating to shipping and admiralty. 16mo. 1879. 176 Wisconsin State Library. SHIPPING — continued. DIXON (F. B.) The law of shipping, and merchants' and ship- masters' guide. 3d ed. 1873. FLANDERS (Henry). Treatise on the law of shipping. 1853.' MACLACHLAN (D.) Law of merchant shipping. 3d ed. London, 1880. MAUDE (F. P.) and POLLOCK (C. E.) Compendium of the law of merchant shipping; with an appendix containing all the statutes and forms of practical utility. 3d ed. London, 1864. PARSONS (Theophilus). Treatise on the law of shipping and the law and practice of admiralty. 2 vols. 1869. . Treatise on maritime law, including the law of ship- ping, the law of marine insurance, and the law and practice of admiralty. 2 vols. 1859. PETERS (Richard). Treatise on the rights and duties of owners, freighters, and masters of ships, and of mariners; and the laws of the United States relative to mariners. 1807. [In his admiralty decisions.] See, also, Admiralty, Seamen. SLANDER — See Libel and Slander. ^SLATERY — See Freedom and Bondage. SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS — CRARY (Charles). The law and practice in special proceed- ings, and in special cases, including the provisional remedies of arrest 'and bail, attachment of property, and claim and delivery under the code of civil procedure. With an appendix of forms. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1877. . The same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1866. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE — BATTEN (Edmund). Treatise on the law relating to the specific performance of contracts. 1850. [Law library, vol. 65.] FRY (Edward). Treatise on the specific performance of con- tracts, including those of public companies. 2d Am. ed. By W. S. Schuyler. 1871. Elementary Boors. Ill SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE — continued. . The same. 1858. [Law library, vol. 98.] POMEROY (J. N.) Treatise on the specific performance of contracts, as it is enforced by courts of equitable jurisdiction in the United States of America. 1879. WATERMAN (T. W.) Practical treatise on the law relating to the specific performance of contracts. 1881. SPEECHES AND WORKS — BACON (FiJANCis). The works of, lord chancellor of England. A new ed.; with a life of the author, by Basil Montagu. 3 vols. 1856. BENTON (T. H.) Thirty years' view; or, a history of the work- ing of the American government for thirty years, from 1820 to 1850. 2 vols. 1854. BROUGHAM (Henry). Speeches of, upon questions relating to public rights, duties and interests; with historical introductions. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1837. . Political philosophy. 3d ed. Loiidon, 1853. CALHOUN (J. C.) The works of. Edited by R. K. Cralle. 6 vols. 1851-59. [Vol. 5 is lacking.] CANNING (George). Select speeches of, with a preliminary biographical sketch, and an appendix of extracts from his writings. 1835. CHATHAM, BURKE and ERSKINE. Celebrated speeches of. To which is added the argument of Mr. Mackintosh, in the case of Pelter. 1835. CHOATE (RuFus). The works of, with a memoir of his life. By S. G. Brown. 2 vols. 1862. ERSKINE (Thomas). Speeches of, while at the bar. Edited by J. L. High. 4 vols. 1870. MADISON (James). Letters and other writings of. 4 vols. 1865. . The papers of, being his correspondence, and reports of debates during the congress of the confederation, and his reports of debates in the federal convention. 3 vols. 1840. 12-W. S.L. 178 Wisconsin State Library. SPEECHES AND WORKS — continued. PLUNKETT (W. C.) Speeches at the bar and in the senate. With a memoir and historical notices by J. C. Hoey. Dublin, 1865. SNYDER (W. L.) Great speeches by great lawyers. A col- lection of arguments and speeches before courts and juries, by eminent lawyers. With introductory notes, analyses, etc. 1881. STORY (Joseph). The miscellaneous writings of. Edited by W. W. Story. 1852. WASHINGTON (George). The writings of., being his corres- pondence, addresses, messages and other papers, official and pri- vate. By Jared Sparks. 11 vols. 1858. WEBSTER (Daniel). The works of. 8th ed. 6 vols. 1854. [Vol. 5 is lacking.] . The private correspondence of. 2 vols. 1857. . The great speeches and orations of. With an essay on Daniel Webster as a master of English style, by E. P. Whipple. 1879. WILLIAMS (Edwin.) The addresses and messages of the presidents of the United States, inaugural, annual and special, from 1789 to 1846. With a memoir of each of the presidents, and a history of their administrations. 2 vols. 1846. WINDHAM (William). Select speeches of, and the right hon- ourable William Huskinson; with preliminary biographical me- moirs. Edited by R. Walsh. 1837. STAMP ACT — See Revenue Laws. STARE DECISIS — /S'ee Res Adjudicata. STATE TRIALS — See Trials. STATUTE OF FRAUDS — ^See Frauds, Statute of. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS — /S^ee Limitations. STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION — /See Construction of Stat- utes. STOCKHOLDERS — THOMPSON (S. D.) Treatise on the liability of stockholders in corporations. 1879. See, also, Corporations. Elementary Books. 179 STOCKS - LEWIS (F. A., JR.) Law relating to stocks, bonds, and other securities in the United States. 1881. STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU — CROSS (John). Treatise on the law of lien and stoppage in transitu. 1841. [Law library, vol. 32.] HOUSTON (John). Principles of the law of stoppage in tran- situ, retention and delivery. London, 1866. SUBMISSION — See Arbitration and Award. SUBROGATION — DIXON (S. F.) Substituted liabilities. Treatise on the law of subrogation, with full references to the civil law. 1862. SUCCESSION TO PROPERTY - HUBBACK (John). Treatise on the evidence of succession to real and personal property. 2 vols. 1845. [Law library, vols. 45, 46.] ROBERTSON (David). Treatise on the rules of the law of personal succession. 1836. [Law library, vol. 10.] SUNDAY LAWS — YOUNG (H.E.) Sunday laws. 1880. [Law pamphlets, vol. 4.] SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEEDING'S- RIDDLE (D. S.) The law and practice in proceedings supple- mentary to execution under the New York code. 1866. SURETIES AND GUARANTORS — /S^ee Guaranty and Sure- TYISHP. SURROGATES — BRADFORD (A. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the surrogate's courts of the county of New York, from 1849 to 1857. 4 vols. 1851-57. 180 Wisconsin State Library. SURROGATES — continued. DAYTON (Isaac). Office of surrogate, surrogates and surro- gate's courts, and executors, administrators and guardians in the state of New York. 1855. REDFIELD (A. A.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the surrogate's courts of the state of New York from 1857 to 1881. 4 vols. 1864-81. . The law and practice of surrogate's courts. 1875. TUCKER (G. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the surrogate's court of the county of New York. 1880. jSee, also, Probate Law. TAXATION — AMES (J. H.) The taxation of personal property. 1877. [In law pamphlets, vol. 2.] BURROUGHS (W. H.) Treatise on the law of taxation as im- posed by the states and their municipalities, or other subdivisions, and as exercised by the government of the United States, particu- larly in customs and internal revenue. 1877. COOLEY (T. M.) Treatise on the law of taxation, including the law of local assessments. 1876. HILLIARD (Francis). The law of taxation. 1875. TAX TITLES — BLACKWELL (R. S.) Treatise on the power to sell land for the non-payment of taxes. 4th ed. 1875. . The same. 2d ed. 1864. TELEGRAPHS — ALLEN (Charles). Telegraph cases. A reprint of all cases relating to the liability of telegraph companies, chronologically arranged from the English, Irish and American reports. With notes. 1873. HITCHCOCK (Henry). The inviolability of telegrams. 1879. [In law pamphlets, vol. 2.] REDFIELD (I. F.) The law of telegraph companies. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1873. [In his work on railways, j Elementary Books. 181 TELEGRAPHS — continued. SCOTT (W. L ) and JARNAGIN (M. P.) The>w of telegraphs. With an appendix containing the general statutory provisions of England, Canada, the United States, and the states of the union, upon the subject of telegraphs. 1868. TENURES — FINLASON (W. F.) The history of the law of tenures of land in England and Ireland; with particular reference to inheritable tenancy; leasehold tenure; tenancy at will; and tenant right. London, 1870. GILBERT (Jeffrey). The law of tenures. 3d ed. London, 1757. TESTAMENTARY LAW — HTNKLEY (E. V.) The testamentary law and the law of in- heritance and apprentices in Maryland. 1878. THORNTON (J. B.) Digest of the conveyancing, testamentary and registry laws of all the states of the union. 1847. WILLIAMSON (E. H.) Synopsis of the testamentary laws of ail the states and territories. 16mo. 1881. TITLES TO LAND — WILLIAMS (J.) On the true remedies for the evils which affect the transfer of land. 1862. [Juridical papers, vol. 2. J WOLSTEHOLME (E. P.) Simplification of title to land pre- ferablft to the introduction of novel modes of assurance; with an outline of a plan. 1862. [Juridical papers, vol. 2. | , See^ also^ Abstracts of Title, Conveyancing, Real Property, Vendors and Purchasers. TORTS — ADDISON (C. G.) Wrongs and their remedies; being a trea- tise on the law of torts. 4^h. ed. By F. S. P. Wolferstan. Lon- don, 1873. . The same. Reprinted from the last London ed., with full American notes, by H. G. Wood. 2 vols. 1876. 182 Wisconsin State Library. TORTS — continued. BIGELOW (M. M.) Leading cases on the law of torts deter- mined by the courts of America and England. With notes. 1875. . Elements of the law of torts. 12rao. 1878. COOLEY (T. M.) Treatise on the law of torts, or the wrongs which arise independent of contract. 1879. HILLIARD (Fkancis). The law of torts, or private wrongs. 2 vols. 1859. . The law of remedies for torts, or private wrongs. 1867. UNDERHILL (Arthur). Summary of the law of torts, or wrongs independent of contract. London, 1873. . The same. First Am. from 2d English ed., with American notes by N. C. Moak. 1881. WEEKS (E. P.) ThiB doctrine of damnum absque injuria con- sidered in its relation to the law of torts. 18 ?9. /See, also, Libel and Slander, Negligence, Nuisance, Tres- pass. TOWN AND COUNTY OFFICERS — GREEN (S. M.) A treatise on townships and the powers and duties of township officers. With an appendix of forms. 1879. HULL (A. G.) Treatise on the powers and duties other than judicial of town and county officers in the state of New York. 1855. THOMPSON (I. G.) The supervisors' manual. Containing the laws relating to the powers and duties of supervisors, both in their individual and collective capacities. With an appendix of forms. 2d ed. 1869. — . The assessors', collectors' and town clerks' manual: containing a full and accurate exposition of the law relating to the powers and duties of these officers; with an appendix of forms. 1870. TRADE MARKS— BROWNE (W. H.) Treatise on the law of trade marks and analogous subjects. 1873. Elementary Books. 183 TRADE MARKS — continued. BUMP (O. F.) The law of patents, trade marks and copyrights: consisting of the sections of the revised statutes of the United States, with notes under each section referring to the decisions of the courts and the commissioner of patents. 1877. CODDINGTON (C. E.) Digest of the law of trade marks as presented in the reported adjudications of the courts of the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada and France, from the earli- est period to the present time. Together with an appendix con- taining the United States statutes and the treaties of the United States concerning trade marks, and of the rules and forms of the United States patent office for their registration. 1878. COX (Rowland). American trade mark cases: a compilation of all the reported trade mark cases decided in the American courts prior to 1871. With an appendix containing the leading English Elementary Books. 189 TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES — continued. WILLIS (J. W.) Treatise on the duties and responsibilities of trustees. 1835. [Law library, vol. 8.] ZINN (Peter). Leading and select cases on the law of trusts; with extended abstracts of important cases; explanatory and criti- cal notes; and numerous citations of authorities bearing on every branch of the law of trusts. Also, a full report of the great case of the Covington and Lexington railroad company against Robert B. Bowler's heirs and others. 1873. TURNPIKES — See HmnwATs. ULTRAYIRES — BRICE (Seward). Treatise on the doctrine of ultra vires: be- ing an investigation of the principles which limit the capacities, powers, and liabilities of corporations, and more especially of joint stock companies. London, 1874. . The same. With notes and references to American cases by Ashbel Green. 1875. UNITED STATES COURTS — ABBOTT (B. V.) The United States courts and their practice; explaining the enactments by which they are controlled; their or- ganization and powers; their peculiar jurisdiction, and the modes of pleading and procedure in them. With numerous practical forms. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1876. . The same. 2 vols. 1869-71. CONKLING (A.) The organization, jurisdiction and practice of the courts of the United States. With an appendix of practical forms. 4th ed. 1864. CURTIS (G. T.) The jurisdiction, practice and peculiar juris- prudence of the courts of the United States. 1855. CURTIS (B. R.) Jurisdiotion, practice, and peculiar jurispru- dence of the courts of the United States. Edited, with notes, by G. T. Curtis and Benj. R. Curtis. 12mo. 1880. DESTY (Robert). Manual of practice in the courts of the United States. 16mo. 2d ed. 1876. 190 Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES COURTS — continued. LAW (S. D.) Jurisdiction and powers of the United States courts, with rules of practice of supreme and other courts. 1855. PHILLIPS (P.) The statutory jurisdiction and practice of the supreme court of the United States, with forms and rules. 2d ed. 1876. SERGEANT (Thomas). On constitutional law; being a view of the practice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States, and of constitutional points decided. 2d ed. 1830. jSee, also, Federal Procedure, Jurisdiction, Removal of Causes. USAGES — BROWN (J. H. B.) The law of usages and customs. London, 1875. USES — CORNISH (W. F.) Essay on uses. 1834. [Law library, vol. 1.] SANDERS (F. W.) Essay on uses and trusts and on the nature and operation of conveyances at common law, and of those which derive their effect from the statute of uses. 1st American from 4th London ed. 2 yols in 1. 1830. WILSON (John). Treatise on springing uses, and the limita- tions by deed, corresponding with executory devises. 1836. [Law library, vol. 8.] /See, also. Charitable Uses and Trusts. USURY - BLYDENBURG (I. W.) The law of usury, with the statutes of the several states relating to interest now in force; a digest of all the American decisions, etc. 1844. COMYN (R. B.) Treatise on the law of usury. 1834. [Law library, vol. 3.J KELLY (J. B.) A summary of the history of the law of usury. 1853. [Law library, vol. 73.] Elementary Books. 191 USURY — continued. MURRAY (J. B. C.) The history of usury from the earliest period to the present time, together with a brief statement of gen- eral principles concerning the conflict of the laws in different states and countries, and an examination into the policy of the laws on usury and their effect upon commerce. 1866. TYLER (R. H.) The law of usury, pawns or pledges, and maritime loans. 1873. YENDORS AND PURCHASERS — DART (J. H.) Treatise on the law and practice relating to vendors and purchasers of real estate. 5th ed. By the author and William Barber. 2 vols. London, 1876. ■. The same. With American notes by T. W. Water- man. 1851. HILLIARD (Feancis). The law of vendors and purchasers of real property. 2d ed. 1868. SUGDEN (Edward). Treatise of the law of vendors and pur- chasers of estates. 8th Am. from 14th London ed. By J. C. Per- kins. 2 vols. 1873. . The same. 1836. YERBAL AGREEMENTS — THROOP (M. H.) Treatise on the validity of verbal agreements, as affected by the legislative enactments in England and the United States. Vol. 1. 1870. See, also, Frauds, Statute of. WAGERS — See Gaming. WAR — See International Law, Military Laav. WASTE — YOOL (G. V.) An essay on waste, nuisance and trespass, chiefly with reference to remedies ^n equity. London, 1863. WATER RIGHTS — ANGELL (J. K.) The law of water courses. With an appen- dix, containing statutes on flowing, and forms of declarations. 6th ed. By J. C. Perkins. 1875. 192 Wisconsin State Library. WATER RIG^HTS — continued. . Treatise on the rights of property in tide waters, and the soil and shores thereof. With an appendix containing the principal adjudged cases. 1826. COULSON (H. J. W.) and FORBES (U. A.) The law of waters; sea, tidal and inland. London, 1881. HALL (R. G.) Essay on the rights of the crown and the privi- leges of the subject in the sea shores of the realm. 2d ed., re- vised and corrected, together with extensive annotations, and references to the late authorities in England, Ireland, Scotland and the United States. By K. L. Loveland. London, 1875. HIGGINS (Clement). Treatise on the law relating to the pollution and obstruction of water courses; together with a brief summary of the various causes of rivers pollution. London, 1877. HOUCK (Louis). Treatise on the law of navigable rivers. 1868. HUNT (A. J.) The law relating to boundaries and fences, and to the rights of property on the sea shore and in the beds of public rivers and other waters. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1870. PHEAR (J. B.)- Treatise on the rights of water. 1859. [Law library, vol. 98.] SCHULTES (Henky). Essay on aquatic rights; intended as an illustration of the law relative to fishing, and to the propriety of ground or soil produced by alluvion and dereliction in the sea and rivers. 1839. [Law library, vol. 22.] WOOLRYCH (H. W.) Treatise on the law of waters, including the law relating to rights in the sea, and rights concerning rivers, canals, dock companies, fisheries, mills, watercourses, etc. 1853. [Law library, vol. 76.] YALE (Gregory). Legal titles to mining claims and water rights, in California, under the mining law of congress, of July, 1866. 1867. WAYS — /^ee Highways. Elementary Books. 193 WILLS - FLOOD (J. C. H.) Elementary treatise on the law relating to wills of personal property, and some subjects appertaining thereto. London, 1877. GILBERT (Jeffrey.) The law of devises, last wills, and revo- cations. Dublin, 1792. HAWKINS (F. V.) Treatise on the construction of wills. Notes and references to American authorities, by John Sword. 1872. , Legal interpretation, with especial reference to wills. 1860. [Juridical papers, vol. 2.] JARMAN (Thomas). Treatise on wills. 2d Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 2 vols. 1849. . The same. 5th Am. from 4th London ed. With notes and references to American decisions, by J. F. Randolph and William Talcott. 3 vols. 1880-81. NICHOLAS (F. M.) The rules which ought to govern the ad- mission of extrinsic evidence in the interpretation of wills. 1860. [Juridical papers, vol. 3.] O'HARA (J. P.) Treatise on the interpretation of wills, show- ing the points of resemblance and contrast between the American and English rules of testamentary construction. With references to all the leading authorities. 1872. [Bound with Wigram on wills.] PARSONS (Arthur). Treatise on the law of wills. 1855. [Law library, voL 84.] RAM (James). Treatise on the exposition of wills of landed property. 1835. [Law library, vol. 6.] REDFIELD (I. F.) The law of wills: embracing the jurispru- dence of insanity; the making and construction of wills; and the effect of extrinsic evidence upon such construction. 4th ed. 3 vols. 1876. . The same. 2 vols. 1864-66. 13 — W.S.L. 194 Wisconsin State Library. WILLS — continued. . The leading American cases and notes upon the law of wills: embracing testamentary capacity, undue influence, the admission of oral testimony in aid of the construction of wills, the execution of wills, etc. 1874. ROBERTS (William). Treatise on the law of wills and codicils; including the construction of devises, and the office and duties of executors and administrators. 2 vols. London, 1826. THEOBALD (H. S.) Treatise on the construction of wills. London, 1876. WALKEM (R. T.) Treatise on the execution and revocation of wills, and testamentary capacity; with an appendix, the wills act [of Canada], and a number of forms. Toronto, 1873. WIGRAM (James). Treatise on extrinsic evidence in aid of the interpretation of wills. With additions and references by J. P. O'Hara. 2d Am. ed. 1872. WORTHINGTON (Geokge). General precedent for wills. 1848. [Law library, vol. 58.J See^ also, Testamentary Law. WOMEN — See Husband and Wife, Maeried Women. WRITS - BROWNLOW (Richard). Brevia judiciala: or, an exact col- lection of approved forms of all sorts of judicial writs in the com-, men bench. Folio. London, 1662. FITZHERBERT (A.) The new natura brevium of the most reverend judge, Mr. Anthony Fitzherbert. 8th ed., to which is added a commentary containing curious notes and observations on the most remarkable and useful writs, which illustrate and explain many doubtful and abstruse cases and points in the original. By the late lord chief justice Hale. Folio. London, 1755. /See, also, Forms, Entries. WRONGS — See Fraud, Libel and Slander, Negligence, Nui- sance, Torts, Trespass, Waste. INDEX OF AUTHORS. Page, Abbott (A.) Trial evidence ... 77 Abbott (B. Y.) Digest of tlie law of corporations 43 Abbott (B. V.) Law dictionary 55 Abbott (B. V.) Practice and jurisdiction of U. S. courts 189 Abbott (B. V.) Judge and jury 6 Abbott (B. V.) Year book of jurisprudence 106 Abbott (B. Y. & A.) Forms of conveyancing, contracts, etc 85 Abbott (B. Y. & A.) Forms of pleading 85 Abbott (B. Y. «& A.) New York practice reports. 157 Abbott (C.) Merchant ships and seamen 175 Adams (J.) Law of ejectment 60 Adams (J. jr.) Doctrine of equity 71 Addison (A.) Trial of 185 Addison (C. G.) The law of contracts 38 Addison (C. G.) Wrongs and their remedies 181 ActNEW (W. F.) Statute of frauds.. 87 Albany Law Journal 120 Allen (C.) Cases on thejaw of telegraphs 180 Allen (O.) Duties and liabilities of sheriffs 175 Alnatt (C. B.) The law of partition 146 American Bar Association. Proceedings of 116 American Insolyency Reports 120 American Jurist and law magazine 120 American Law Journal 120 American Law Magazine 120 American Law Register 120 American Law Review 120 American Law Times 120 American Law Times Reports 120 American Railway Reports 166 Ames (A.) Impeachment trial of 185 Ames (J. H.) Taxation of per^nal property 180 Amos (A.) and Ferard (J.) Law of fixtures 84 Amos(S.) The English constitution 35 Amos (S.) The science of jurisprudence 106 Amos (S.) Science of law 62 196 Wisconsin State Library. Page. Amos (S.) International law 100 Ancient Laws of Ireland 103 Andrews (C. C.) Digest of opinions of attorneys-general 11 Andrews (C. C.) Revenue laws of the United States 171 Angell (J. K.) Adverse enjoyment 5 Angell (J. K.) Limitations of actions 132 Angell (J. K.) The law of carriers 21 Angell (J. K.) Fire and life insurance 98 Angell (J. K.) The law of water courses 191 Angell (J. K.) Property in tide waters 192 Angell (J. K.) and Ames (S.) Private corporations aggregate 43 Angell (J. K.) and Durfee (T.) Law of highways 92 Anglo-Saxon Law. Essays in 8 Anson (W.R.) The law of contracts 38 Anstey (T. C.) Power of colonial legislatures 69 Anstey (T. C.) Judicial oaths 103 Anstey (T. C.) Omnipotence of parliament 144 Anthon (J.) Law studies 125 Anthony (E.) Consolidation of railroad companies 165 Appleton (J.) Rules of evidence 77 Archbold (J. F.) Criminal procedure and evidence 152 Archbold (J. F.) Criminal pleading and evidence 152 Archbold (J. F.) Practice of the common law 157 Archbold (J. F.) Practice in ejectment 61 Archbold (J. F.) Landlord and tenant 109 Archbold (J. F.) Law of nisi prius 142 Armstrong (C. W.) Congressional election cases 61 Armstrong (C W.) Cases on breaches of privilege 145 Arnold (T. J.) Municipal corporations 140 Arnould (J.) Marine insurance and average 98 Arnould (J.) Memoir of 17 Atherly (E. G.) Marriage and family settlements 175 Atkinson (S.) Titles to real estate 167 Attorneys Gen. of U. S. Opinions of 11 Austin (J.) Lectures on jurisprudence 106 Avery (E.) and Hobbs (G. M.) Bankrupt act of 1867 13 AzuNi (M. D. a.) Maritime law of Europe 4 Babington (R.) Set-off and mutual credit 174 Bacon(F.) Theworksof 177 Bacon (N.) Abridgment of the law 1 Bagley (W.) Common law chamber practice 25 Baillie (N. B. E.) Moohummudan law 94 Bainbridge (W.) Mines and minerals 137 Ball (F. Q.) National bank act and digest of cases 140 Index to Authors, 197 Page. Ballantine ( W.) The statute of limitations 132 Banning (H. T.) Law of limitations 132 Barbour (O. L.) Table of cases 22 Barbour (O. L.) Chancery practice 74 Barbour (O. L.) The law of set-ott 174 Barbour (O. L.) Parties to actions , 145 Barbour (O. L.) Criminal law and justices of the peace . 107 Barclay (J. M.) Parliamentary practice 145 Barnard (G. G.) Impeachment trial of 185 Barnes (H.) Cases on English practice 157 Barron (J. A.) Bills of sale and chattel mortgages 172 Bartlett (D. W.) Contested election cases 61 Bartlett (D. W.) Digest of election cases "61 Barton (C.) Suit in equity 74 Barton (C.) Practice of courts of law 154 Bashford vs. Barstow, case of 185 Bateman (W. O.) Political and constitutional law 33 Bateman (W. O.) Commercial law 28 Batten (E.) Specific performance of contracts 176 Bay (W. V. N.) Bench and bar of Missouri 17 Baylies (E.) Sureties and guarantors 90 Beames (J.) Costs in equity 44 Beaumont (J.) Bills of sale 16 Beavan (E.) and Walford (F.) Parliamentary cases on railways .... 166 Beccaria (C.) Crimes and punishments 46 Beck (F. R. and J. B.) Medical jurisprudence 135 Beecher (H. W.) Trial of 185 Belknap (W. W.) Impeachment trial of 186 Bell (J. S.) Expert testimony 82 Bell (G. J.) Commentaries on law of Scotland 174 Bell (G. J.) Mercantile jurisprudence 29 Bell (G. J.) Principles of the law of Scotland 174 Bell (G. J.) Contract of sale 172 Bell (J. M.) Law of arbitration in Scotland 9 Bell (S. S.) Property, and husband and wife 93 Bell (T.) Crown cases 50 Benedict (E. C.) American admiralty 4 Benedict (J.) New York civil and criminal justice 107 Benet (S. y.) Military law and courts martial 136 Benjamin (J. P.) Sales of personal property 172 Bennett (W. H.) and Heard (F. F.) Cases in criminal law 50 Bennett (W. H.) Administrjftion of law in India 94 Bennett (W. H.) Proceedings in chancery 74 Bennett (E. H.) Farm law 83 Bennett (E. H.) Fire insurance cases 100 198 Wisconsin State Library. Page. Bentham (J.) Rationale of judicial evidence 77 Benton (T. H.) Thirty yeara* view 177 Best ( W. M.) Common law and law reform , 30 Best (W. M.) Codification of English law 62 Best (W. M.) Trial by jury 104 Best (W. M.) Unanimity in verdicts 104 Best (W. M.) Presumptions of law and fact 159 Best ( W. M.) Circumstantial evidence , 26 Best ( W. M.) Principles of the law of evidence 77 Bible in the Public Schools 173 BiCKNELL (G. A.) Civil practice in Indiana 154 Bigelow (M. M.) Elements of equity . 72 BiGELOw (M. M.) Elements of the law of torts 182 Bigelow (M. M.) Bills, notes and checks 16 Bigelow (M. M.) Law of estoppel 77 Bigelow (M. M.) Overruled cases... 22 Bigelow (M. M.) History of procedure in England 162 Bigelow (M. M.) Law of fraud „ 86 Bigelow (M. M.) Life and accident insurance cases 100 Bigelow (M. M.) Leading cases on torts 182 Billings (S.) Arbitrations and awards 9 Bingham (A.) The law of descents 55 Bingham (A.) Executory contracts 38 Bingham (A.) Law of real property 167 Bingham (A.) Infancy and coverture 95 Bingham (A.) and Colvin (A. J.) Rents, covenants and conditions 170 Bingham (P.) Judgments and executions 103 BiNMORE (H.) Corporator's manual 43 Bishop (J. L.) Insolvency and assignments 10 Bishop (J. P.) First book of the law 6 Bishop (J. P.) Criminal procedure 152 Bishop (.J. P.) Commentaries on criminal law 46 Bishop (J. P.) Statutory crimes and construction 46 Bishop (J. P.) Tweed's case : cumulative sentences 117 Bishop (J. P.) Doctrine of the law of contracts 38 Bishop (J. P.) Marriage and divorce 133 Bishop (J. P.) Law of married women 134 Bispham (G. T.) Principles of equity 72 BissELL (A. H.) and Kirby (T. B.) U. S. postal laws 153 Bissett (A.) Estates for life 76 Bissett (A.) Partnership and joint stock companies 146 Blackburn (C.) Contract of sale 38 Blackstone (W.) Commentaries on laws of England 63 Blackstone (W.) The study of law ... 125 Blackstone (W.) Collateral consanguinity 55 Index to Authors, 199 Page. Blackstone (W.) Law tracts 62 Blackstone (W.) The great charter 25 Blackstone (W.) Considerations on copyholders 41 Blackstone ( W.) Biographical history of 17 Blackwell (R. S.) The law of tax titles. 180 Blake (D.T.) Chancery practice 74 Blanchard (G. A.) and Weeks (E. P.) Mines and mining 137 Blayney (F.) Life annuities . . . , 8 Bliss (G.) Life insurance..... 98 Bliss (P.) Code pleading 150 Blumensteil (A.) Bankrupt law and practice 14 Blydenburgh (J. W.) The law of usury 190 BoNNEY (C. C.) Marine, fire and life insurance 98 BoNNEY (C. C.) Carriage by railway 21 BoswORTH (J.) Anglo-Saxon and English dictionary 8 BouviER (J.) Institutes of American law 6 BouviER (J.) Law dictionary 55 BowYER (G.) Reform of the law of real property 167 BowYER (G.) Universal public law 101 Braoton'(H.) De legibus et consuetudinibus 63 Bradford (A. W.) Surrogate's reports 179 Branch (T.) Legal maxims 129 Brandt (G. W.) Suretyship and guaranty 90 Brice (S.) Ultra vires 189 Bright (J. E.) Husband and wife 93 Brightly (F. C.) Table of Penn. cases 22 Brightly (F. C.) Leading cases on elections ... 61 Brightly (F. C.) Table of Kew York cases 22 Brightly (F. C.) Bankrupt act with rules, forms, notes 14 Britton (J.) Ancient pleas of the crown 153 Brockenbrough (W.) Virginia criminal cases 50 Brockenbrough (W.) and Holmes. Virginia criminal cases 50 Brodrick (G. C.) and Fremantle (W. H.) Ecclesiastical cases 60 Brooke (R.) Le graundeabridgment 1 Broom (H.) Philosophy of law 106 Broom (H.) Parties to actions 145 Broom (H.) Commentaries on the common law 30 Broom (H.) Legal maxims 129 Broom (H.) English constitutional law 36 Broom (H). and Hadley (E. A.) English law 63 Brougham (H.) Speeches of 177 Brown (A.) Law dictionary 56 Brown (A.) Obligations in Roman law 143 Brown (A.) The law of fixtures 84 Brown (D. P.) The forum 115 200 Wisconsin State Library. Page. Brown (D. P.) Examination of witnesses 80 Brown (S. G.) Life of Rufus Choate 17 Brown (S. G.) Works of Rufus Choate 17 Browne (A.) Civil and admiralty law 4 Browne (C.) Statute of frauds 87 Browne (I.) Short studies of great lawyers 17 Browne (I.) National bank cases 140 Browne (J. H. B.) Law of usages and customs 190 Browne (J. H. B.) The law of carriers 21 Browne (J. H. B.) Medical jurisprudence of insanity 97 Browne (R. J.) Actions at law and parties thereto 3 Browne (R. J.) Law of costs with reference to damages 44 Browne (W. H.) Digest of divorce and alimony 6 Browne ( W. H.) The law of trade marks 183 Browne (W.) Book of entries 71 Brownlow (R.) Brevia judicialia 194 Browning (B.) Marriage and divorce 58 Buck (E.) Ecclesiastical law 60 BucKNiLL (J. C.) Unsoundness of mind and criminal acts 97 Buller (F.) Trials at nisi prius 142 Bump (O. F.) The practice in bankruptcy 14 Bump (O. F.) Notes of constitutional decisions 33 Bump (O. F.) Composition in bankruptcy 14 Bump (O. F.) Patents, trade marks, copyrights 147 Bump(0. F.) Fraudulent conveyances 88 Bump (O. F.) Federal procedure 84 BuNYON (C. J.) Life assurance 98 Bunyon^C. J.) Fire insurance 98 BuRGE (W.) Commentaries on suretyship 90 Burke (F.) Law of public schools 1 73 Burlamaqui (J. J.) Natural and politic law 101 Burn (D. R.) Ecclesiastical law 60 Burn (R.) Justice of the peace and parish oflacer 107 Burr (A.) Trial of 186 BuRRiiL (A. M.) Circumstantial evidence 26 BuRRiLL (A. M.) Voluntary assignments , 10 BuRRiLL (A. M.) Law dictionary 56 BuRRiLL (A. M.) New York practice 154 BuRRiLL (A. M.) Forms of practice 85 Burroughs ( W. H.) Law of taxation 180 Burroughs (W. H.) Public securities 164 Burton (J. H.) Criminal trials in Scotland 184 Burton (W. H.) Real property law 167 BusHBY (H. J.) English law of elections 61 Butler (D.) Impeachment trial of 18& i Index to Authors. 201 Page BuTTERPiELD (J. W.) Digest of decisions on bounties and pensions ... 20 Btles (J. B.) Bills, notes and checks 16 Caldwell (J. S.) Law of arbitration 9 Calendars of causes in Wisconsin supreme court 21 Calhoun (J. C.) The government and constitution 33 Calhoun (J. C.) The works of 177 California. Code of civil procedure 162 California. New constitution of 117 Callan (J. F.) Military laws of the United States 136 Calvert (F.) Parties to suits in equity 145 Campbell (J.) Lives of the lord chancellors 17 Campbell (J.) Lives of the chief justices of England 18 Campbell (J. V.) Address to law class 118 Campbell (R.) Law of negligence 141 Canning (G.) Select speeches of 177 Carpenter (M. H.) The legislature and corporations 43 Carpenter (M. H.) Argument on trial of Belknap 118 Cary (H. a.) Law of partnership 146 Cases of mistaken personal identity 150 Cases and Briefs, The, in supreme court of Wisconsin 22 Caspar (J. H.) Practice of forensic medicine 135 Causes Celebres 186 Central Law Journal 121 Chalmers (M. D.) iJxchange, notes and checks 16 Chambers (C. H.) Landlord and tenant 109 Chambers (T.) Law and habits of the people 65 Chambers (T.) Institution of the grand jury 90 Chance (H.) Treatise on powers 154 Chase (S.) Impeachment trial of 186 Chatham, Burke and Erskine. Select speeches of 177 Cheever (N. W.) Probate law and practice in Michigan 160 Chicago Law Institute. Act of incorporation of 117 Chicago Legal News 121 Chipman (N.) Law of contracts 39 Chipman (N.) The statute of conveyances 40 Chipman (N.) Adoption of common law 31 Chipman (N.) Negotiability of notes 142 Chipman (N.) Statute of oflFsets 174 Chitty (J., jr.) Precedents in pleading 158 Chitty (J., jr.) Law of contracts .'. . 38 Chitty (J.) Pleading and partfes 150 Chitty (J.) Law of nations 101 Chitty (J.) Criminal law 46 Chitty (J.) General practice of the law 157 Chitty (J.) English practice reports 158 202 Wisconsin State Librarf. Page. Chitty (J.) Law of commerce and manufactures 29 Chitty (J.) Bills, checks, notes , 16 Chitty (T.) and Temple (L.) The law of carriers 21 Choate (R.) The works of 177 Choyce Cases in Chancery 158 Churchill (C.) and Bruce (A. C.) The law of sheriffs 175 Clancy (J.) Husband and wife 93 Clarke (C) International law 101 Clarke (C.) Neutrals and belligerents 141 Clarke (E.) Extradition 82 Clarke (S. R) Law of insurance 98 Clarke (S. R.) Criminal law of Canada 46 Clarke (S. R.) Bills, notes and checks 16 Clarke (M. St. C.) and Hall (D. A.) Contested elections in congress. . 61 Cleaveland (J.) The banking system of New York 13 Clemens (G. C.) The law of corporate securities 139 Clift (H.) Declarations, writs and entries 71 Cobbett ( W.) Parliamentary history of England 144 Cockropt (J.) Table of cases 22 CoDDiNGTON (C. E.) Digest of trade marks 183 Code Napoleon 88 Code op New York 162 Code Reporter 121 Coke (E.) Institutes of the laws of England 63 Colby (J. H.) Criminal law and practice 46 Cole (W. R.) Criminal informations 47 Cole (W. R.) Informations in the nature of quo warranto 165 Coleman (W. M.) Contingent remainders ' 38 COLKR ( W. N.) Law of municipal bonds 139 Collier (J.) The law of mines 137 Collyer (J.) Law of partnership 146 Colorado. Code of civil procedure 162 Commissioner op Patents. Decisions of 147 COMYN (R. B.) Landlord and tenant 109 CoMYN (R. B.) The law of usury 190 CoMYN (S.) The law of contracts 38 CoMYNS (J.) Digest of the laws of England . t 64 CoNKLiNG (A.) Admiralty and maritime practice 4 CoNKLiNG (A.) Practice and jurisdiction of U. S. courts 105 CoNKLiNG (A.) Executive powers 81 Connecticut. Practice act of 154 CoNROY (J.) An account of outlawry 144 Conspiracy Trial 186 Contested Elections in congress, 1875-77 61 Coode (G.) Legislative expression 37 Index to Authors. 203 Fage. Cook (R. D.) Highway laws of New York - 92 Cooke (G. W.) The law of defamation 54 CooLEY (T. M.) Addresses and papers by ' 116 CooLEY (T. M.) Effect of change ia law upon actions and defenses. ... 3 CooLEY (T. M.) Constitutional limitations 36 Cooley(T. M.) Liability of officers 144 CooLEY (T. M.) Principles of constitutional law 33 Cooley(T. M.) The law of taxation 180 CooLEYiT. M.) The law of torts 183 Cooper (T.) Institutes of Justinian 27 CooTE (R. H.) The law of mortgage 138 CopiNGER (W. A.) The law of copyright 42 CopiNGER (W. A.) Abolition of capital punishment 21 Copinger (W. a.) Custody and production of deeds 54 Copp (H. M.) Public land laws 108 Copp (H. M.) Decisions relating to mines 137 Cord (W. H.) Rights of married women 134 Cornish (W. F.) Essay on uses 190 CoRNiSK (W. F.) Purchase deeds 54 Corpus Ivris Civiles 27 CoRYTON (J.) Letters patent for inventions ; 147 CouLSON (H. J. W.) and Forbes (U. A.) Law of waters 192 Coventry (T.) Forms in conveyancing 40 Coventry (T.) Conveyancer's evidence 40 CowEN (E.) Civil jurisdiction of justices 107 Cowen (S. J.) Warrants and attachments 10 Cowley (C.) Divorce courts 58 Cowley (C.) Famous divorce cases 58 Cox (E. W.) Criminallaw cases 50 Cox (E. W.) Examination of witnesses 80 Cox (E. W.) Principles of punishment 165 Cox (R.) American trade mark cases 183 Cox (W. S.) Civil common law practice 154 CRABB(Gr) History of English law 92 Crabb (G-.) Law of real property 167 Crary (C.) Law and practice in special proceedings 176 Criminal Lav/ Magazine 121 Crocker (J. G.) Sheriffs, coroners and constables 175 Cross (J.) Lien and stoppage in transitu 132 Cruise (W.) Law of real property 167 Crump (F. O.) Marine insurance and average .' 99 CuDMORE (P.) Civil gcwernment and constitutional history 33 Curtis (B. R.) Memoir of, with his writings 18 Curtis (B.R) Jurisdiction of U. S. courts 105 Curtis (G. M.) Proceedings against 186 204 Wisconsin State Library. Page. Curtis (G. T.) History of U. S. constitution 33 Curtis (G. T.) The law of copyright 42 Curtis (G. T.) Equity precedents 158 Curtis (G. T.) Jurisdiction and practice of U. S. courts 105 Curtis (G. T.) Life of Daniel Webster 18 Curtis (G. T.) Law of patents 147 CuRWEN (M. E.) Abstracts of title 2 CusHiNG (C.) Memorial of 18 CusniNG (L. S.) Study of Roman law 27 CusHiNG (L. S.) Parliamentary law and practice 145 CusHiNG (L. S.) Controverted election cases 61 Dallam (J. W.) Texas land laws 108 Dane (N.) Abridgment of American law 1 Daniel (J. W.) Attachment under Virginia code 10 Daniel (J. W.) Negotiable instruments 142 Daniel (T. S.) Change in municipal law 140 Daniel (T. S.) Advocacy and justice 5 Daniell (E. R) Chancery pleading and practice 75 Dart (J. H.) Vendors and purchasers 191 Dartmouth College Causes IBG Dayidge (J. B. F.) and Kimball (I. G.) Internal revenue laws 171 Davis (C. K.) Argument ou impeachment of Page 117 Davis (D.) Criminal prosecutions before justices 107 Dayton (I.) Surrogates and surrogates' courts 180 Dean (A.) Medical jurisprudence 135 Dean (C.) Laws of business 20 Dean (H. C.) Corporeal hereditaments and conveyancing 41 Dearsley (H. R.) Criminal law process 153 Dearsley (H. R.) Crown cases 50 Dearsley (H. R.) and Bell (T.) Crown cases 50 De Colyar (H. a.) Guaranties, principal and surety 90 De Lolme (J. L.) Constitution of England 36 Denman (G.) Extradition of Anderson, 82 Dennison (S. C ) Crown cases 50 Desty (R.) Shipping and admiralty 175 Desty (R.) Practice in United States courts 189 Desty (R.) California citations 23 Desty (R.) Annotated constitution 33 Desty (R.) Federal citations 23 Desty (R ) Commerce and navigation 29 Devereux (J. C ) Questions on Blackstone 64 Devereux (J. C.) Questions on Kent's commentaries 7 D'Hauteville Case. Habeas corpus for an infant 186 DiGEY (A. V.) Parties to an action 145 Index to Authobs. 205 Page. Dicey (A. V.) Law of domicil 59 Dickinson (S. M.) Precedents in chancery 75 DiGBY (K. E.) Introduction to law of real property 168 Dillon (J. F.) Inns of court 96 Dillon (J. F.) Law of municipal bonds 189 Dillon (J. F.) Law of municipal corporations 140 Dillon (J. F.) Removal of causes 170 Dillon (J. B.) Historical evidence ... 33 Diplomatic Correspondence 56 Dixon (F. B.) Marine insurance and average 99 Dixon (F. B.) The law of shipping 176 Dixon (J.) Law of partnership 146 Dixon (S. F.) Subrogation 179 DoMAT (J,) The civil law 27 DowLiNG (J. J.) English practice reports 158 DowLiNG (A. and V) English practice reports 158 DowLiNG (A. 8) and Lowndes (J. J.) English practice reports 158 Drake (C. D.) The law of attachment 10 Drewery (C. S.) Law and practice of injunctions 96 Drewery (C. S.) Cases on injunctions 96 Drone (E. S.) The law of copyright. 42 Droop (H. R.) Incumbrances upon real estate. . . , 94 Droop (H. R.) Debtor and creditor 53 Droop (H. R.) Property rights of married women 134 Droop (H. R.) Treatment of troops 136 DuER (J.) Marine insurance 99 DuER ( W. A.) Constitutional j urisprudence 33 DuMPHY (T.) and Cummins (T.J.) Remarkable trials 184 DuNLAP (A.) Admiralty practice 4 DuNLAP (M. E.) Abridgment of elementary law 1 Du Ponceau (P. S.) Jurisdiction of United States courts 105 DwARRis (F.) Construction of statutes 87 DwiGHT (T. W.) Charitable uses and trusts 25 East (E. H.) Pleas of the crown 158 Eden (R. H.) English bankrupt act 14 Eden (11. H.) Law and practice of injunctions 96 Edmunds (C. A.) Trial of 186 Edwards (C.) Law and practice of referees. 169 Edwards (C.) Parties to bills in chancery. . . 145 Edwards (C.) Receivers in eqmty 169 Edwards (C.) Stamp act of 1862 ......... .... ITl Edwards (I.) Bailments 13 Edwards (I.) Bills and promissory notes 16 Edwards (I.) Factors and brokers 88 206 Wisconsin State Libbaby. Page. Electoral Commission. Proceedings of 61 Elliott (J.) Diplomatic code 57 Elliott (J.) Debates on federal constitution 34: Ellis (C.) Law of insurance and annuities 99 Elmes (W.) U. S. executive departments 81 Elphinstone (H, W.) Borrowing powers of railroad companies 164 Elphinstone (H. W.) Interpretation of documents 69 Elwell (J. J.) Malpractice and medical evidence 133 Emerigon (B. M.) Treatise on insurance 99 English Railway and Canal Cases 166 Erskine (T.) Speeches of, while at the bar 177 EspiNASSE (I.) Law of nisi prius actions 142 Estee (W. M.) Practice, pleading and forms 155 Etting (T. M.) Admiralty jurisdiction in America 4 Evans (H. D ) Pleading in civil actions 150 Evans (W.) Principal and agent 5 EwELL (M. D.) Cases on coverture, idiocy, infancy 58 EwELL (M. D.) Law of fixtures 84 Farrar (T.) Manual of the constitution 34 Farren (G.) Bill in chancery 75 Fearne (C.) Contingent remainders and devises 38 Federal Reporter 121 Federalist, The 34 Fell ( W. W.) Mercantile guaranties, principal and surety 90 Field (D , D.) Outlines of an international code 101 Field (G. W.) Private corporations 159 Field (G. W.) Law of damages 52 Finch (H.) Law, or a discourse thereof 31 Finch (T.) Precedents in chancery 158 FiNLASON ( W. F.) History of tenures of land 181 FiNLASON ( W. F.) A case on the law of fraud 87 FiNLASON ( W.) Leading cases on pleading, etc 150 Fisher (R. A.) Digest of criminal cases 47 Fisher (W. R.) The law of mortgage and other securities 138 Fisher (S. S.) Cases on the law of patents 147 Fisher (W. H.) Patent reports 147 Fitzherbert (A.) New natura brevium 194 Flanders (H.) Lives of chief justices of United States 18 Flanders (H.) Fire insurance 99 Flanders (H.) The law of shipping 176 Fleta 65 Fletcher (C.) Estates of trustees 188 Flood (J. C. H ) Wills of personal property 193 Flood (J. C. H.) Libel and slander , 131 Index to Authors. 207 Page, Florida. Code of civil procedure of 163 FoNBLANQUE (J.) Treatise of cqulty 73 FooTE (J. A.) Private international law 33 FooTE (H. S ) Bench and bar of the south , , 18 Forsyth (W.) History of lawyers 11 Forsyth (W.) Composition with creditors 31 Forsyth (W.) Cases and opinions on constitutional law 36 Forsyth (W.) Custody of infants 95 Forsyth (W.) History of trial by j ury 104 FoRTESCUE (J.) De Laudibus legum anglise 65 Foss (E.) Biographical dictionary of judges of England 18 Foss(E.) Lives of the judges of England 18 Foss (E.) Memories of Westminister hall 115 Foster (M.) Crown law... 47 Foster (H.) Writ of scire facias 173 Fox (C.) Digest of the law of partnership 146 Francis (R) Maxims of equity 73 Frank (N.) Bankrupt act as amended to 1877 14 Fraser (P.) Law of master and servant 134 Freeman (A. C.) Co-tenancy and partition 45 Freeman (A. C.) Enforcemeat of judgments 14 Freeman (A. C.) Executions in civil cases 80 Freeman (A. C.) Law of judgments 103 Freeman (W.) Trial of 186 Fry (S.) Specific performance of contracts. 176 Gale (C. J.) Law of easements 59 Gale (C. J.) and Whateley (T. D.) Law of easements... 59 Gantt (T. G.) Demonetization of silver. . . , 34 Gardner (D.) Institutes of international law 101 Gary (G.T Probate law and practice in Wis. and Minn 160 Gazette op Bankruptcy 14 General abridgment of cases in equity 73 Gerard (J. W., jr.) Titles of real estate in New York 168 Gibbon (D.) Law of fixtures 84 Gilbert (J.) History of and practice in chancery 75 Gilbert (J.) Law of tenures 181 Gilbert (J.) Nature and use of copyhold 41 Gilbert (J.) Devises, wills, revocations 55 Gilbert (J.) Distresses and replevin 57 Gilbert (J.) Law of evidencef 78 Gilbert (J.) Treatise on rents 170 GoDDARD (J. L.) Law of easements 60 GoDEFROi (H.) Trusts and trustees 188 GoDEPROi (H.) Compensation for railway accidents 3 208 Wisconsin State Library, Page. GoDEFROi (H.) and Shortt (J.) Law of railway companies 165 GoiRAND (L.) French code of commerce 29 Goldsmith (G.) Doctrine and practice of equity 72 GooDEVE (J.) Law of evidence 78 Gould (J.) Pleading in civil actions 150 Gow (N.) Law of partnership 146 Grady (S. G.) Law of fixtures 84 Graham (D.) Jurisdiction of courts of New York 105 Graham (D.) New York practice 155 Graham (D.) and Waterman (T. W.) The law of new trials 142 Grant (J.) Bankers and banking 13 Grant (J.) Law of corporations 43 Grapel (W.) Sources of the civil law 27 Green (S. M.) Townships and township officers 182 Green (T. A.) Pleading and practice . . . . , 150 Green (N. St. J.) Criminal law reports 51 Greknleaf (S.) Overruled cases 23 Greenleaf (3.) Law of evidence 78 Greenleaf (S.) Testimony of the evangelists 115 Gresley (R. N.) Evidence in courts of equity 78 Grotius (H.) War and peace 101 Guernsey (R. S.) Concerning burial 20 Guernsey (R. S.) Juries and physicians on insanity 97 Guterbock (C.) Bracton and the Roman law 27 Gwynne (A. E.) Law of sheriff and coroner 175 Habeas Corpus. Pamphlets on 91 Hale (M.) History of pleas of the crown 153 Hale (M.) History of the common law 31 Hall (R. G.) Rights in the sea shore 192 Hall (W. E.) International law 101 Hallam (H.) Constitutional history of England 36 Halleck (H. W.) International law 101 Halsted (J. R.) Digest of the law of evidence '78 Hamilton (W.) Trial of Pennsylvania judges 184 Hamlin (C.) Insolvent law of Maine 14 Hammond (A.) On forgery 85 Hammond ( W. A.) Medical jurisprudence • . 135 Hammond (W. A.) Insanity ......... 97 Hanes(J. L.) Digest of criminal cases 47 Hanover (M. D.) The law of horses •. S3 Hanway(C.) Trial of • ...... 187 Hapwood (C. H.) Confessions in criminal cases ^ 32 Hardcastle (H.) English election petitions • • W Hardcastle (H.) Construction and effect of statutes 37 Index to Authors. 209 Page. Hare (T.) Discovery of evidence 57 Hare (J. I. C.) and Wallace (H. B.) Cases on mercantile law 29 Harris (R.) Hints on advocacy 5 Harris (S- F.) Principles of criminal law 47 Hawes (H.) Report of the will case of 187 Hawes (Gr. P.) Voluntary assignments 10 Hawkins (F. V.) Construction of wills 193 Hawkins (F. V.) Interpretation and wills 193 Hawkins (F. Y.) Digests, codes and law reform , 69 Hawkins ( W.) Pleas of the crown 153 Hawley (J. G.) American criminal reports 51 Hay (W.) Decisions on liability for accidents 2 Hayes (W.) Dispositions of real estate 77 Haynes (F. O.) Outlines of equity 72 Heard (F. F.) Curiosities of the law reporters 170 Heard (F. F.) Proceedings in criminal cases 48 Heard (F. F.) Principles of criminal pleading 153 Heard (F. F.) Pleading in civil actions 150 Hening (W. W.) The American pleader 150 Hennell (C.) Forms of declarations 54 Herman (H. M.) Mortgages and vendors' liens 139 Herman (H. M.) Chattel mortgages 26 Herman (H. M.) Law of estoppel 77 Herman (H. M.) Law of executions 80 Heron (D. C.) Jurisprudence and the social sciences 106 Higgins (J. M.) Governmental interference with property 164 HiGGiNs (C.) Pollution of water courses 192 High (J. L.) Law of receivers 169 High (J. L.) The law of quo warranto 165 High (J. L.) The law of mandamus 133 High (J. L.) The law of prohibition 163 High (J. L.) Law of injunctions 96 Highmore (A.) Idiocy and lunacy 94 Hildyard (F.) Marine insurance 99 Hill (J.) The law of trustees 188 Hill (E. J.) The law of commission 30 Hill (E. J.) Probate law and practice in Illinois 160 HiLLiARD (F.) Law of sales 173 HiLLiARD (F.) Vendors and purchasers 191 HiLLiARD (F.) American law of real property * 168 HiLLiARD (F.) American law *. 7 HiLLiARD (F.) The 1-aw of mortgages 139 HiLLiARD (F.) The law of taxation 180 HiLLiARD (F.) Bankruptcy and insolvency 14 HiLLiARD (F.) Law of contracts 39 14 — W. S. L. 210 Wisconsin State Lib baby. Page. HiLLiAKD (F.) Law of iDJunctions 96 HiLLiARD (F.) Law of new trials 143 HiLLiARD (F.) Law of torts. . . 182 HiLLTARD (F.) Remedies for torts. ... 182 HiKDMARCH (W. M.) Law and practice of patents 147 HiNDMAKCH (W. M.) Defects in patent laws 148 HiNDMARCH (W. M.) Development of patents 148 HiNE (C. C.) Insurance statutes 100 HiNE (C. C.) and Nichols (W. S.) Assignment of life policies. . . , 10 HiNKLEY (E. O.) Law of apprentices iii Maryland 9 HiNKLEY (E. O.) Testamentary law of Maryland 181 HiNTON (J. W.) Memorial address on E. G. Ryan 119 Hmscn (H.) Treatise on juries 104 Hitchcock (H.) Inviolability of telegrams 180 Hoffman (D.) Professional deportment 129 Hoffman (D.) Legal studies...., 7 Hoffman (D.) Legal outlines. 7 Hoffman (M.) Provisional remedies 164 Hoffman (M.) Chancery practice 75 Hoffman (M.) References and referees 169 Hoffman (M.) Master in chancery 134 Hoffman (O.) Reports of land cases 108 HoGAN (E.) Pennsylvania state trials 184 Holcombe (J. P.) Debtor and creditor ... 53 HoLCOMBE (J. P.) Introduction to equity 74 Holland (T. E.) Elements of jurisprudence — 107 Holmes (L W., jr.) The common law 31 Holmes and Disbrow. New York practice -, 155 HopwooD (C. H.) Martial law 136 HopwooD (C. H.) Special pleading and law reform 69 HoRNE (T. H.) Diplomacy 57 HoRRiGAN (L. B.) and Thompson (S. D.) Cases on self defence 174 HoucK (L.) Law of navigable rivers 141 HoucK (L.) Mechanics' lien law 135 Hough (F. B.) American constitutions 34 Houston (J.) Stoppage in transitu, retention and delivery. . . ....... 179 Houston (J. W.) Criminal law reports 51 HovENDEN (J. E.) Prevention and correction of fraud 87 Howard (N., ]r.) New York practice cases 157 Howard (N., jr.) New York code of procedure 162 Howell (T. J.) State trials 184 Hubback (J.) Succession to property 179 HuBBELL (J. H.) Legal directory 128 Hubbell (L.) Impeachment trial of 187 Hughes (D.) Law of insurance 90 Index to Authors. 211 Page. Hughes (J.) Cases on land titles 108 Hull (A. G.) Powers and duties of county officers 182 Humphrey (C.) Forms and precedents 86 Hunt (J. A.) Boundaries and fences 19 Hunt (S.) Laws relating to reli£ious corporations 60 Hunter (S. J.) Suit in equity 75 Hunter (W. A.) Exposition of Roman law 2T HuRD (J. C.) Freedom and bondage 88. HuRD (R. C.) The writ of \. abeas corpus 91 Hurd(R. C.) Extradition of fugitives 82. HuRLSTONE (E. T.) Tlie law of bonds la Husbands (C. .M.) Law of married women 134 Hutchinson (R.) Law of carriers 21. Hyde (H. D.) Extradition between the states 85 Illinois Bar Association. Proceedings of 116 Impeachment cases of Kansas 184 Indermaur (J.) Principles of common law 31 Indiana Bar Association. Proceedings of 118 Indiana Treason Trials 184 Ingersoll (E) Law of grand juries 90 Ingersoll (E.) History and law of habeas corpus 91 Ingraham (E. D.) losolvent laws of Pennsylvania 14 Iowa Bar Association. Proceedings of 118 Irish Jurist 121 Irish Law Recorder 121 Ives (R. A.) Military law and military courts :f36 Jackson & Jackson. Texas criminal reports 51 Jacob (G.) Law dictionary 56 James (E.) Bankrupt act, 1867, with notes 14 Jameson (J. A.) History of constitutional convention 34 Jarman (T.) Treatise on wills 193 Jeafferson (J. C.) English courts and lawyers 11 Jebb (R.) Criminal law cases 51 Jenkins (J. S.) Practical forms 86 Jeremy (G.) Equity jurisdiction 72 Johnson (A.) Trial of 187 Jones (L. A.) Mortgages of personal property 26 Jones (L. A.) Railroad and other corporate securities 167 Jones (L. A.) Mortgages of real property 139 Jones (R.) History of the French bar 11 Jones ( W.) Bailments 12 Joy (H. H.) Evidence of accomplices 78 Joy (H. H.) Challenge of jurors 24 212 Wisconsin State Library. Page Joy (H. H) Admissibility of confessions 32 •Joyce (W.) Law and practice of Idj unctions 96 Joyce (W.) Doctrines and principles of injunctions 96 Juridical Papehs 65 Jurist. The 121 Justinian. The institutes of 27 Katchenowsky. International jurisprudence 101 Katchenowsky. Biographical notice of Prof. Wurm 67 IvAY (J.) The law relating to shipmasters and seamen 174 Kelham (R.) Norman or old French dictionary 89 Kelly (J. B.) History of the law of usury 190 Kelyng(J.) Crown cases 51 Kent (J.) Commentaries on American law 7 Kentucky Law Reporter 122 Kentucky. Code of practice in 155 Kerr (R. M.) An action at law * . 3 Kerr (W. W.) Law of discovery 57 Kerr ( W. W.) Law and practice of receivers 169 Kerr (W. W.) Principles of neutrality 141 Kerr (W. W. ) Equitable doctrine as to mistalce 87 Kerr (W. W.) Law of fraud and mistake 87 Kerr (W. W.) Law and practice of injunctions 96 Keyes (E. W.) New York code of instruction 173 King (J.) The federal constitution 34 Kneeland (S. F.) Law of mechanics' liens 135 Kyd (S.) Law of awards 9 Lacey (J. F.) Digest of railway decisions 166 Lalor (T. W.) Law of real property in New York 168 Lambard (W.) Apxainomia . . 8 Lambert (E.) Law of dower 59 Landreth (L. S.) Analysis of the law of sale 173 Langdell (C. C.) Cases on sales 173 Langdell (C. C.) Cases on contracts 39 Langdell (C. C.) Equity pleading 75 Langdell (C. C.) Summary of contracts 39 Law (S. D.) Jurisdiction of U. S. courts 105 Law (S. D.) Copyrights, patents and trade marks 42 Law Catalogues. Collection of 110 Law and Equity Reporter 122 Law Journal 122 Law Journal Reports . 122 Law Library, The Philadelphia 110 Law Magazine, or quarterly review of jurisprudence 122 Index to Authors. 213 Page. Law Pamphlets, Collection of 116 Law Times 122 Law Times Reports 123 Lawes (E.) Pleading in assumpsit 10 Lawrence (F.) The circuit system in England 68 Lawrence ( W. B ) American women married abroad 134 Lawson (J. D.) Injuries from sale of liquors 169 Lawson (J. D.) Contracts of carriers 21 Lawson (J. D.) Index-digest of Central Law Journal 121 Leach (T.) Cases in crown law 51 Leake (S M.) Taxation of suitors 44 Leake (S. M.) Statute of frauds and contracts 87 Leake (S. M.) Points in the law of property 164 Leake (S. M.) The law of contracts 39 Leake (S.M.) The law of real property 168 Lee (J. T.) Abstracts of title 2 LocRE (M. L. B.) Code of France 89 LoMAx (J. T.) Executors and administrators 81 Lomax (J. T.) Digest of laws of real property 168 Long (G.) Disccurses on civil law 27 Long (G.) Law of sales 173 Louisiana. Civil code of practice of 155 LovELASS (P.) The mortmain act 139 Lovelass (P.) Disposal of estates 55 Lowell (J.) Proposed bankrupt act 14 Lower Canada Jurist 123 Lube (D. G.) Equity pleading 75 Luce (E. T.) Probate practice in Maine 161 Ludlow (J. M.) Mercantile notion of the firm 29 Lund (H.) The law of patents 148 LusHiNGTON (V.) Extradition treaty of Washington '. . . . 83 Lyon (G. E.) & Redman (J. H.) Bills of sale 16 Lee (J. G.) Hand-book for coroners 43 Legal Observer 123 Legislative Manuals 130 Leigh (E. C.) and Cave (L. W.) Crown cases 52 Leigh (J. H.) and Dalzell (R.) Conversion of property 40 Lester (W. W.) United States land laws 109 Levi (L.) Mercantile law of Great Britain .... 29 Lewin (T.) Law of trusts 188 Lewin (G. a.) Cases in crown law 52 Lewis (W. D.) Peerages for ]ife 65 Lewis (W.D.) Legal fictions 129 Lewis (W. D.) Popular errors concerning law 66 Lewis (W. D.) Liberty of opinion and libels 131 214 Wisconsin State Libbart, Page. Lewis (W. D.) The law of perpetuity 194 Lewis (J. V.) Leading cases on land laws 109 Lewis (F. A. jr.) Law of stocks, bonds and stock exchange 179 LiEBER (F.) Legal hermeneutics 37 LiEBER (F.) Political ethics 129 Lilly (J.) Modern entries, or select pleadings 71 LiNDER (U. F.) Bench and bar of Illinois 18 LiNDLEY (N.) Errors in legislation in England 67 LiNDLEY (N.) Responsibilities of corporations 44 LiNDLEY (N.) Introduction to jurisprudence 107 LiNDLEY (N.) Law of partnership 146 LiPPiT (F. J.) Criminal law of Massachusetts 48 Littleton (H. A.) and Blatchley (J. 8.) Digest of insurance 100 LivERMORE (S.) Principal and agent 5 LiVERMORE (8.) 8ales by auction 12 Livingston (E.) Louisiana penal code 48 Livingston (J.) The law register and directory 129 Lloyd (E.) The law of compensation 31 Locke (J.) Foreign attachment 10 LocKWOOD (R.) Table of reversed cases 23 MacChombaich (P.) Civil law before Justinian 27 MacChombaich (P.) Civil law historically considered 28 MacChombaich (P.) Civil law in barbaric codes 28 Mackenzie (Lord). Studies in Roman law 28 Macomb (A.) Practice of courts martial 136 MacGregor (J.) Commercial statistics and legislation 29 Mackeldey (F.) Modern civil law 28 Machlachlan (D.) Law of merchant shipping 176 MacLaurin (J.) Arguments and decisions in trials 185 Macnaghten (S.) Select equity cases 72 Macnamara (H.) Nullities and irregularities 143 MacPherson (W.) Tte law of infants 95 MacQueen (J. F.) Husband and wife 93 Maddock (H.) Practice in chancery 73 Madison (J.) Letters and writings of 177 Madison (J.) The papers of 177 Maine (H. S.) Early history of institutions 8 Maine (H. S.) Ancient law 8 Maine (H. 8.) Village communities 8 Maine (S.) Sovereignty in international law 101 Mansel (G. B.) Law and practice of demurrer 54 Marshall (J.) The federal constitution o'4 Marshall (S.) The law of insurance 9^ MarshAlLL (W.) Concerning res adjudicata 170 Index to Authobs. 215 Page. Marshall (W.) Codification of English law 70 Marshall (W.) Copyright in fine arts 42 Marshall (W.) Common law courts 31 Marten (A.. G.) The court of chancery, and its procedure 69 Marvin (J. G.) Legal bibliography 17 Mason (J.) Civil practice in New England 155 Massey (C. C.) Belligerents and neutrals 141 Massey (C. C.) Responsibility for acts of unauthorized agent 69 Matthews (J. H.) Presumptions and presumptive evidence 159 Matthews (R.) Executors and administrators 81 Maude (P. P.) and Pollock (B.) Law of shipping 176 Maurice (F. D.) Bribery in elections 62 Maurice (F. D.) Evidence and religious unbelief , 78 Maurice (F. D.) Distinction between law and equity 73 Maxwell (P. B.) Interpretation of statutes 37 Maxwell (S.) Civil pleading and practice 151 Mat (J. W.) Law of crimes 48 May (J. W.) Law of insurance 99 May (T. E.) Parliamentary law and practice 145 May (T. E.) Constitutional history of England 36 May ( W. M.; Fraudulent conveyances 88 Mayne (J. D.) Law of damages 52 McAdam (D.) Landlord and tenp.nt , 109 McAdam (D.) Imprisonment for debt 53 McCall (H. S.) Practical forms 86 McCall (H. S.) Civil and criminal justice 107 McClellan (R. H.) Practice in probate courts 161 McClelland (M. A.) Civil malpractice 133 McCrary (G. W.) American law of elections 62 McCuNN(J. H) Trial of 187 McDonald (W. J.) Counting electoral votes , 62 McMuLLEN (J. F.) Wisconsin form book 86 Medico-Legal Papers 135 Metcalp(T.) Law of contracts 89 Michael (W. H.) and Will (J. S.) Law of gas and water supply 90 MiCHAELis (J. D.) Laws of Moses 91 Miller (8. F.) United States constitution 34 Miller (S, F.) Bench and bar of Georgia 18 Miller (S.) Law o'f equitable mortgages 139 Mills (H. E.) Eminent domain 62 Milwaukee. Charter and ordinances of 137 Milwaukee. Laws relating to county of 137 Minor (J. B.) Institutes of law 7 Mitford (J.) Pleadings in chancery , 75 216 Wisconsin State Library. Page. MoNCREiFF (H. J.) Review in criminal cases 48 MoNELL (C.) New York practice 155 MoNTKFiORE (J.) Commercial dictionary 29 Montesquieu (Babon Ch.) The spirit of laws 107 Montesquieu (Baron Ch.) Contract of partnership Monthly Jurist ^ 123 Monthly Western Jurist " , 123 Moody (W.) Crown cases 52 Moore (H.) Abstracts of title 2 Moore (A.) Indiana criminal law 48 Moore (I. M.) Illinois criminal law 48 Morgan (J.) Attorney's vade mecum 3 Morgan (J. A.) Law of literature . 42 Moriarty (A) Personation and disputed identity 150 Morris (P. P.) Law of replevin 170 Morris (J. S.) Mississippi state cases 52 Morrison (R. S.) Mines and minerals 137 Morrison (R. 3.) Colorado mining rights 137 Morse (A. P.) Citizenship by naturalization 6 Morse (J. T. jr.) Famous trials 185 Morse (J. T. jr.) Banks and banking 13 Morse (J. T. jr.) Arbitration and award 9 Moses (H. H.) Mandamus 133 MuNGER (G. G.) Application of payments 9 Murray (F. P.) Table of cases 23 Murray (J. B. C.) History of usury 191 Myrick (M. H.) San Francisco probate reports 161 Kaar (M. D.) Suffrage and elections 62 Nash (S.) Civil pleading and practice 151 National Bankrupt Register 15 National Bankrtptcy Register Reports 15 National Bankruptcy Register Digest 15 Neish (W.) Procedure of Scottish courts 174 Newland (J.) Contracts in equity 39 New York Bar Association. Proceedings of. . 117 New York City Bar Association. Charter and by-laws of 119 New York City Hall Recorder 123 New York Legal Observer 123 New York Monthly Bulletin 123 New York Weekly Digest 123 Nicholas (F. M.) Extrinsic evidence and wills 193 Norman (J. P.) The law of patents 148 North (L.) Probate practice of Illinois 161 Northwestern Reporter 124 Index to Authobs. 217 Page Notes to Leading Cases 126 NoTT (C C.) Mechanics' liens 135 NoY (W.) Legal maxims 130 O'Hara (J. p.) Interpretation of wills 193 Oliphant(G. H. H.) Horses, racing, wagers 89 Oliver (B. L.) Forms of practice 86 O'Neal (J. B.) Bench and bar of South Carolina 18 Ordronaux (J.) Insanity anrl lunacy laws 97 Ordronaux (J.) Jurisprudence of medicine 135 Overton (D. T.) Code for Wisconsin and Iowa 156 Page (H. F.) Law of divorce 58 Page (S.) Impeachment trial of 187 Paine (E.) and Duer (W.) Civil practice 156 Paley (W.) Principal and agent 5 Park (J. A.) Marine insurance 99 Park (J. J) Law of dower and conveyancing 59 Parker (A.. J.) Criminal cases 52 Parsons (A.) The law of wills 193 Parsons (A. V.) Select cases in equity .- 73 Parsons (F. M.) Law of costs 44 Parsons (T.) Shipping and admiralty 176 Parsons (T.) Maritime law 176 Parsons (T.) Marine insurance and average 99 Parsons (T.) Notes and bills 16 Parsons (T.) Laws of business 20 Parsons (T.) Mercantile law 30 Parsons (T.) Law of contracts 39 Parsons (T.) Partnership 146 Parsons (T.) Eights of a citizen 149 Paschal (G. W.) United States constitution 34 Paterson (J.)' Liberty of the press 133 Paterson (J.) Liberty of the subject 132 Pearce (R. K.) Inns of court ^Q Peck (J. H.) Impeachment trial of 187 Pennsylvania Law Journal 124 Perpigna (A.) French law of patents 148 Perry (J. W.) Trusts and trustees 188 Peters (R.) Laws of Oleron 144 Peters (R.) Law of shipmasters and mariners 176 Petersdorf (C.) Law of bait 12 Petersdorf (C.) Abridgment of common law 1 Phear (J. B.) Rights of water 192 Phillimore (R.) International law 101 218 Wisconsin State Library. Page. PniLLiMOiiE (R ) Law of domicil 59 Phillips (S. L.) Mechanics' liens 135 Phillips (P.) Jurisdiction of supreme court of U. S 106 Phillips (C. 8. M.) Jurisprudence 107 Phillips (S. M.) Circumstantial evidence 26 Phillips (S. M.) Law of evidence 79 Phillips (W.) Law of insurance 99 Phinn (T.) Corrupt practices at elections 67 Pierce (E. L.) American railroad law 166 Pierce (E.L) Law of railroads 166 PiGGOTT (F. T.) Foreign judgments 85 Pitman (E. D.) Principal and surety 90 Platt (T.) Law of covenants 45 Platx (T.) Law of leases 128 Plunkett (W. C.) Speeches of, at the bar 178 Poland (J. S.) United States military laws 187 Pollock (F.) Principles of contract 39 Pollock (F.) Law of partnership 140 Pollock (C. C.) Production of documents 163 Polson (A.) Law of nations 103 PoMEROY (J. N.) Specific performance of contracts 177 PoMEROY (J. N.) Equity jurisprudence 74 PoMEROY (J. N.) Municipal law 140 PoMEROY (J. N.) Constitutional law 34 PoMEROY (J. N.) Remedies and remedial rights 169 PooRE (B. P.) Federal and state constitutions 35 Pope (H. M. R.) Law and practice iu lunacy 132 Porter (A. N.) Iowa probate manual 161 Porter (D.) Trial of 187 POTHiER (R. J.) Contracts of partnership . 146 PoTHiER (R. J.) Contract of sale 39 Potter (P.) Limitations and construction 36 Potter (P.) Corporations 44 Powell (T. W.) Appellate proceedings 8 Powell (T. W.) Analysis of American law 7 Powell (E.) Law of evidence 79 Powell (E.) Measure of damages 53 Powell (J. J.) Law of devises 55 Powell (J. J.) Law of mortgages 139 Poynter (T.) Marriage and divorce 58 Preble (W. P., jr.) Patent case index 148 Preston (R.) Abstracts of title 2 Preston (R.) Estates, their quality 77 Preston (R.) Merger, and the quantity and quality of estates 136 Preston (R ) Law of legacies 128 Index to Authors, 219 Page. Prindle (H. G.) Proceedings against 187 Pritchard (W. T.) Digest of admiralty cases 4 Proctor (L. B.) Bench and bar of New York 18 Profatt (J.) Notaries public 143 Profatt (J.) Trial by jury 104 Profatt (J.) Private corporations 159 PcFFENDORF (S.) Law of nature and cations 102 Pulling (A.) Mercantile accounts 2 PuTERBAUGH (S. D.) Couimon law pleading and practice 151 PuTERBAUGH (S. D.) Chancery pleading and practice 76 liACiNE. Charter of city of 165 Raff (G. W.) Pensions, bounty and pay 20 Ram (J.) Exposition of wills 193 Ram (J.) Assets, debts and incumbrances 10 Ram (J.) Science of legal judgment 103 Ram (J.) Facts as subjects of inquiry by a jury 104 Rapalje (S.) Table of federal cases 23 Rapalje (S ) Table of New York cases 23 Rastal ( W.) Les termes de la ley 56 Rawle (W. H.) Covenants for title 45 Rawle (W.) A view of the constitution 35 Raymond (J.) The bill of exceptions 15 Ray (I.) Insanity 97 Read (G. W.) Probate of wills 161 Redfield (A. A.) Surrogates' courts 161 Redfield (A. A.) Surrogates' reports 180 Redfield (I. F.) Law of railways 166 Redfield (I. F.) American railway cases 167 Redfield (I. F.) Law of wills 193 Redfield (I. F ) American cases on wills 194 Redfield (I. F.) Liw of carriers 21 Redfield (I. E".) & Bigelow (M. M.) Cases on bills, notes and checks 17 Reed (J. C.) Management of law suits 7 Reeve (T.) Baron and femme 15 Reeve (T.) Law of descents 55 Reeves (J.) History of English law. 92 Reilly (F. S.) Judicial oaths 103 Rice (C.) Bankrupt act of 1867 15 Rice (D. H. & L. C.) Digest of patent decisions 148 Riddle (D. S.) Supplementary proceedings 179 RoBB (J. B.) Patent cases jt 148 Roberts (D.) Admiralty and prize 4 Roberts (T. A.) Principles of equity , 73 Roberts (T. A.) High court of chancery 73 220 Wisconsin State Libraey. Page. Roberts (W.) Wills and codicils 194 Roberts (W.) Statute of frauds 87 Roberts (W.) Fraudulent conveyances 88 Roberts ( W) Parol and extrinsic evidence 79 Robertson (D.) Personal succession 17^ Robertson (A. L.) Cases on practice and special proceedings 157 Robinson (W.) Changes in the law 70 Robinson (W. G.) Priority of incumbrances .. 94 Robinson (C.) Practice in America and England 156 Roche (H. P.) Marine jurisdiction 106 Rockwell (J. A.) Spanish and Mexican land and mining laws 10i> Rodman (J.) Commercial code of France 30 Rogers (A.) Mines, minerals and quarries 138 Rogers (H. W.) Illinois citations 23 Rogers (R. V.) Law of the road 115 RoLLE (H.) Abridgment of common law 2 Roper (R. S. D.) Legacies 128 Roper (R. S. D.) Baron and femme 15 Roper (R. S. D.) Property, husband and wife 9-3 Roper (R. S. D.) Revocation of wills 171 RoRER (D.) Judicial and execution sales 80 Rorer (D.) Inter-state law 102 RoscoE (H.) Pleading the general issue 151 RoscOE (H.) Evidence in criminal cases 79 RoscoE (H.) Nisi prius evidence 79 RoscoE (H.) Eminent British lawyers IS RoscOE (H.) Actions relating to real property 168 Rose Will Case 187 Ross (G.) Leading cases on sales 173 Ross (G.) Leading cases on agency 6 Ross (G.) Leading cases on commercial law 30 Ross (G) Leading cases on bills and notes 17 Ross (G.) Leading cases on suretyship 90 Ross (G ) Leading cases oa partnership 147 Rules OF Courts. . . 171 Russell (F.) Submission and awards '. 9 Russell (J.) English government and constitution 86 Russell (J. A.) Mercantile agency 6 Russell (J. A.) Factors and brokers 83 Russell (W. V.) Crimes and misdemeanors 48 Russell (W. V) and Ryan (E.) Crown cases 52 Rutherford (T.) Institutes of natural law 28 Ryan (E. G.) Address to law class 116 8aint Germain CC.) Doctor and student '70 Index to Authobs. 221 Page. Sanders (F. W.) Uses and trusts , 190 Sansuai (O. B.) Digest of insurance 100 Saunders (J. 8.) Pleading and evidence 151 Saunders (T. W.) Law of negligence 141 Saunders (T.) Bankrupt practice 15 Sayigny (F. C. V.) On possession 153 Savigny (F. C. V.) Private international law 32 Sayler (J. R.) Business forms . ., 86 ScHOULER (J.) Law of personal property 149 ScnouLER (J.) Domestic relations 58 ScHOULER (J) Bailments, including carriers 13 ScHOULER (J.) Constitutional history of U. S 35 ScHULTES (H.) Aquatic rights 9 Scott (W. L.) and Jarnagin (M. P.) Law of telegraphs 181 ScRiBNER (C. H.) Law of dower 59 Sebastian (L B.) Digest of trade-mark cases 183 Sedgwick (H. D.) Cases on damages 53 Sedgwick (T.) Measure of damages 53 • Sedgwick (T.) Construction of statutes 37 Selden (J.) Civil law in England 70 Selwyn (AV.) Law of nisi prius 143 Sergeant (H. J.) Mechanics' liens 135 Sergeant (T.) Constitutional law 35 Seton (H. W.) Forms of decrees in equity 86 Sewell (R. C.) Law of sheriff 175 Sharswood (G.) Professional ethics 11 Sharswood (G. jr.) Table of Connecticut cases 23 Shearman (T. G.) and Redfield (A. A.) Law of negligence 141 Sheil (R. L.) Sketches of the Irish bar 19 SnELFORD (L.) Law of railways 166 Shelford (L.) Mortmain and uses and trusts 25 SnELFORD (L.) Marriage and divorce 133 Shelford (L.) Lunatics, idiots and persons of unsound mind 132 Sheppard (W.) Touchstone of common assurances 41 Sherman (H ) Digest of marine insurance 100 Shortt (J.) The law of literature and art 42 SiCKELS {H. S.) Opinions of attorneys general of New York 11 Sickels (D. K.) Mining laws and decisions 138 SiMMONDS (VV. E.) Design patents 148 Simpson (A. H.) The law rela4ing to infants 95 Sloane (C. W.) Landlords and tenants 109 Sloane. Lgeal and financial register 124 Smith (C. M.) Master and servant 134 Smith (E. F.) Statutory construction 37 Smith (E. F.) Constitutional law 35 222 Wisconsin- State Library. Page. Smith (J.) Probate law 161 Smith (J. M.) Contested elections in congress 62 Smith (J. S.) Practice in chancery 76 Smith (J, V/.) Equity jurisprudence 74 Smith (J. W.) Proceedings in an action at law 3 Smith (J. W.) Mercantile law 20 Smith (J. W.) Bankruptcy and insolvency 15 Smith (J, W.) Common law 31 Smfth (J. W.) Law of contracts 40 Smith (J. W.) Property and conveyancing 41 Smith (J. W.) Real property 168 Smith (J. W.) Personal property 149 Smith (J. W.) Leading cases 127 Smith (J. W.) Executory interests 82 Smith (P. A.) Legal education and inns of court 97 Smith (P. V.) Law of -forfeiture 85 Smith ( W. L.) Probate practice 161 Smith (H.) Law of negligence 141 Smith (C.) and Bates (S. W.) Railway cases 167 Smyth (J. H.) Homestead and exemptions 92 Snell (E. H. T.) Principles of equity 73 Snyder (W. L.) Great speeches by great lawyers 178 Snyder (W. L.) Notaries' and commissioners' manual 143 Sparks (J.) Diplomatic correspondence 57 Solicitors' Journal and Reporter 124 Southern Law Journal and Reporter 124 Southern Law Review 124 Spear (S. T.) Extradition 83 Spence (G.) Equitable jurisdiction 73 Stacy (J. S.) Iowa code of civil procedure 162 Starkie (T.) Libel and slander 131 Starkie (T.) Evidence 79 Starkie (T.) Trial by jury 104 Stearns (A.) Law and practice of real actions 3 Stephen (F.) Trial by jury and evidence of experts 104 Stephen (F.) Responsibility of madmen 97 Stephen (F.) Classification of crime 49 Stephen (F.) Interrogating accused p ersons 49 Stephen (H. J.) Pleading in civil actions 151 Stephen (H. J.) Commentaries on English law 70 Stephen (J. F.) Law of evidence 79 Stephen (J. F.) Criminal law 49 Stephens (C. H.) Joint stock companies 103 Stevens (R.) and Benecke (W.) Average and marine insurance 12 Stock (J. S.) Non compotes mentis 97 Index to Authors. 223 Page. Storer and Heard. Criminal abortion 1 Story (J.) Miscellaneous writings of 17S Story (J.) Partnership 147 Story (J.) Equity pleadings .' 76 Story (J) Equity jurisprudence 74 Story (J.) Pleading in civil actions 151 Story (J.) Laiv of agency .... 6 Story (J.) Commentaries on bailments 12 Story (J.) Bills of exchange 17 Story (J.) Notes and checks 17 Story (J.) Conflict of laws 33 Story (J.) Commentaries on the constitution 35 Story (J.) Life and letters of 19 Story (W. W.) Law of contracts .... 40 Story ( W. W.) Sales of personal property , 173 Street (A. B.) New York council of revision 19 Stubbs (W.) Constitutional history of England 36 SuGDEN (E.) Settlements and devises 55 Sdgden (E.) Law of property 164 SuGDEN (E.) Treatise of powers 154 SuGDEN (E.) Vendors and purchasers 191 Sullivan (F. S.) Constitution and laws of England 36 SuRRATT(J.H.) Trial of 187 SwANSTON (C. T. jr.) Schools of legislation 67 Sweet (G.) Precedents and reports 31 Talbot (J. A.) Table of Michigan cases 24 Tamlyk (J.) Evidence in chancery 79 Taswell-Langmead (T. P.) English constitutional history 36 Tapping (T.) Mandamus 133 Taylor (J.) Civillaw 28 Taylor (J. P.) Equity Jurisprudence. .. . 74 Taylor(J.N.) Landlord and tenant 109 Taylor (J. P.) Law of evidence 79 Taylor (A. S.) Medical jurisprudence 136 Taylor (A. S.) Practice of medical jurisprudence 136 Taylor (A. S.) Poisons T 153 Taylor (T.) Law glossary 56 Temple (L.) and Mew (G.) Criminal cases 52 Tenney (H. A.) and Atwood (D.) Fathers of Wisconsin 19 TiiACHER (P. O.) Criminal case's i 52 The Reporter 125 Theobald (H. 8.) Construction of wills 194 Thomas (A. C.) Mortages of real and personal property 139 Thompson (A. W.) Law of the farm 83 224 Wisconsin State Library. Page. Thompson (I. G.) National bank cases 140 Thompson (I. G.) Law of highways 92 Thompson (I. G.) Town officers' manual 182 Thompson (I. G.) Supervisors' manual 182 Thompson (I. G.) Provisional remedies 164 Thompson (S. D.) Agents and officers of corporations 6 Thompson (S. D.) Carriers of passengers 22 Thompson (S. D.) Stockholders in corporations 178 Thompson (S. D.) Charging the jury 25 Thompson (S. D.) Homestead and exemptions 92 Thompson (S. D.) Law of negligecce 141 Thornton (J". B.) Conveyancing and registry laws 41 Thoepe (B.) Ancient laws of England 70 Thkoope (M. H.) Verbal agreements . 191 Throope (M. H.) New York code 162 TiCHBORNE Case 188 TiDD (W.) Practice in king's bench and common pleas. 157 Tiffany (A. R.) Criminal law 49 Tiffany (J.) Government and constitutional law 35 Tiffany (J.) and Bullard (E. F.) Trusts and trustees 188 Tiffany (J.) and Smith (H.) Practice and pleading 156 Tiffany (J.) and Smith (H.) Forms 86 TiLLiNGHAST (J. L.) and Shearman (T. G.) Practice and pleadings. . . . 156 TiLTON vs. Beecher 188 Tomlins (T. E.) Repertorium j uridicum 24 Tomlins (T. E.) Law dictionary 56 TouRGEB (A. W.) Table of North Carolina cases 24 Townsend (C.) Commercial law 30 TowNESEND (G.) Precedents of pleading 159 Townsend (J.) Libel and slander 131 Townsend (J.) Landlord and tenant 109 To^\NSEND (J.) New York code 162 Tow^nsend (W. C.) Modern state trials 185 Train (C. R.) and Heard (F. F.) Precedents of indictments. . 95 Treaties with Indians 94 Troubat (J. F.) Limited partnership 147 Trower (C. F.) Debtor and creditor 54 Tucker (G. J.) Surrogates reports 180 Tudor (O. D.) Charitable uses and trusts 25 Tudor (O. D.) Cases on mercantile law 30 TuRNBULL (S. H.) Practice of marine court 156 Turner (S.) Costs in chancery - 45 Turner (S.) Chancery practice T6 Twiss (T.) Black book of the admiralty 5 Tyler (R. H.) Ejectment and adverse enjoyment 61 Index to Authors. 225 Tyler (R. H.) Boundaries and fences 19 Tyler (R. H.) Law of fixtures 84 Tyler (R. H.) Infancy and coverture 95 Tyler (R. H.) Usury, pawns and maritime loans 191 Tyler (R. H.) Ecclesiastical law 60 Tyler (S.) Memoir of R. B. Taney 1J> Underhill (A.) Law of torts 183 U. S. BioGRARHiCAL DICTIONARY. Wisconsin volume 19 Upper Canada Jurist 125 Upton (F. H.) Practice of prize courts 5 Upton (F. H.) Law of nations 103 Upton (F. H.) Law of trade marks 183 Urlin (R. D.) Law relating to trustees 188 Vallandigham (C. L.) Trial of 188 Van Heythusen (F. M.) Equity draftsman 76 Van Santvoord (G.) Pleading under the code 152 Van Santvoord (G.) Precedents of pleading 159 Van Santvoord (G.) Equity practice , 76 Vattel (M. D.) Law of nations 102 Verplanck (G. C.) Doctrine of contracts 40 Vilas (W. F.) Address to law class 116 Viner (C.) Abrifdment of law and equity 2 Von IIoLST (H.) Constitutional history 35 Von Ihering (R.) Struggle for law 115 VooRHiES (J. S.) New York code 162 Wade (W. P.) Law of notice 143 Wade (W. P.) Retroactive laws 171 Wait (W.) Actions and defenses 3 Wait (W.) Table of New York cases 24 Wait ( W.) Justices' court practice 107 Wait (W.) Practice at law, in equity, etc 156 Wait ( W.) New York code of procedure 163 Walford (F.) Law of railways 168 Walkem (R. T ) Execution and revocation of wills 194 Walker (J. M.) Theory of common law 31 Walker (T.) Introduction to American law 7 Wallace (J. W.) The reporter^ 170 Ward (R.) Law of nations 102 ■yVARD(W.) Legacies. 128 \Varren (S.) Introduction to law studies 115 Warren (S.) Duties of attorneys 11 Warren (S.) Ten thousand a year , 115 15 — W. 8. L. 226 ^ Wis CONS IX State Library. Washburn (E.) Criminal law '. 49 Washburn (E.) Law lectures 7 Washburn (E.) Easements and servitudes 60 Washburn (E.) Real property 168 Washington (G.) Writings of 178 Waterman (J.) Wisconsin and Iowa justice 108 Waterman (T. W.) Specific performance of contracts 177 Waterman (T. W.) Law of trespass Ib3 Waterman (T. W.) Counter-claim, set-otf, and recoupment 45 Waterman (T. W ) Digest of criminal cases 49 Watkins (C.) Principles of conveyancing 41 Watson (W. H.) Arbitration and awards 9 Watson {W. H.) Compendium of equity 73 Watson (W. H.) Office and duty of sheriff 175 Webster (D.) Works of 178 Webster (D.) Correspondence of 178 Webster (D.) Great speeches of 178 Webster (E.) Promotion nt the English bar 11 Webster (T.) Patent cases 149 Wedgwood (U. B.) and Hom ans (J. S. ) Manual for notaries and bankers . 1 3 Weekly Jurist 125 Weekly Reporter 125 Weeks (E. P.) Attorneys and counsellors 11 Weeks (E. P.) Damnum absque injuria 53 Weeks (E. P.) Law of depositions 54 Weeks (E. P.) Mining legislation of congress 138 Wells (H. W.) Replevin 170 Wells (J. C.) Jurisdiction of courts 106 Wells (J. C.) Property of married women 134 Wells (J. C.) Res adjudicata and stare decisis 170 Wells (J. C.) Law and fact 110 Wells (J. C.) Instructions to juries 25 Wendling (G, R ) Index to Illinois cases 24 Wentworth (J.) System of pleading 152 Wentworth (T.) Duties of executors 81 Western Jurist 125 Westlake (J.) Conflict of laws 32 Westlake (J.) International law 102 Westlake (J.) Commercial blockades 30 Westl.yke (J.) Legal reporting 68 Wharton (F.) Agency and agents 6 Wharton (F.) Corflict of laws 32 Wharton (F.) Criminal pleading and practice 152 Wharton (F.) Criminal law 49 Wharton (F.) Criminal evidence 80 Index to Authors, 227 Wharton (F.) Precedents for indictments 95 Whabton (F.) Law of homicide 49 Wharton (F.) Law of domicil 59 Wharton (F.) American state trials 185 Wharton (F.) Law of negligence 141 Wharton (F.) Disputed questions of evidence 80 Wharton (F.) Evidence in civil cases 80 Wharton (F.) Liability of railway companies for fires 168 Wharton (F.) & Stille (M.) Medical jurisprudence 136 Wharton (G . F.) Legal maxims 130 Wharton (J. S.) Law lexicon 56 Wharton (J. S.) Principles of conveyancing 41 Wheaton (H.) Law of nations 103 Wheaton (H.) Elements of international law 102 Wheeler (J. D.) Law of slavery 88 Wheeler (J. D.) Criminal cases 50 White (F. T.) & Tudor (O. D.) Leading cases in equity 78 Whitman (C. S.) Patents and copyrights 149 Whitaker (R.) Lien and stoppage in transitu 132 Whittaker (H.) Practice and pleading 156 Whitworth (J.) Equity precedents 159 Wight (W. W.) Table of Wisconsin cases 24 WiGRAM (J.) Extrinsic evidence and wills 83 WiGRAM (J.) Law of discovery 57 Wilcox (S. W.) Legal rights of children , 95 WiLDMAN (R.) International law 102 Wilkinson (J. J.) Practice in replevin 170 WiLLARD (J.) Equity j urisprudence 74 WiLLARD (J.) Executors and administrators 82 WiLLARD (J.) Real estate and conveyancing 168 WiLLCOCK (J. W.) Office of constable 33 WiLLCocK (J. W.) Mandamus and quo warranto 133 WiLLCOCK (J. W.) Municipal corporations 140 Williams (R. G.) & Bruce (G.) Admiralty practice 5 Williams (E. V. & W. W.) Executors and administrators. 82 Williams (G. F.) Table of Massachusetts cases 24 Williams (J.) Family settlements 175 Williams (J.) Management of criminals 165 Williams (J.) Evils wliich affect the transfer of land 181 Williams (J.) Law of perso^jal property 149 Williams (J.) Law of real property 169 Williams (E.) Presidents' messages 178 Williamson (E. H.) Testamentary laws 181 Willis (J, W.) Pleadings in equity 76 Willis (J. W.) Duties of trustees 189 228 Wisconsin State Library. Wills (W.) Circumstantial evidence 26 Wills (W.) Rationale of circumstantial evidence 26 WiLMOT (J. E. E.) Law of burglary 20 Wilson (J.) Springing uses 190 Wilson (J.) Lectures on law 7 Wilson (O. M.) Parliamentary law 145 Winch (H.) Le beau pleader 71 Windham (W.) Select speeches of 178 WiNSLOW (F.) The plea of insanity 98 WiNSLOw (F.) Responsibility and insanity 98 Wisconsin. Code of procedure of , 163 Wisconsin Legal News 125 WiTHROW (T. F.) American corporation cases 44 WiTHROW (T. F.) and Binmore (H.) Private corporation cases 160 WoLPORD (G.) Insurance statutes 100 WoLSTENHOLME (E. P.) Land titles 68 Wood (H. G.) Habeas corpus, mandamus, quo warranto, etc 91 Wood (H. G ) Landlord and tenant 110 Wood (H. G.) Fire insurance 99 Wood (H. G.) Law of nuisance 143 Wood (H. G.) Master and servant 134 Wood (T.) Laws of England 71 WooDDESSON (R.) Lectures on English law 71 WOODFALL ( W.) Landlord and tenant 110 WooLRYCH (H. W.) Ways, highways, roads, etc 92 WooLRYCH (H. W.) Law of waters 192 WooLSEY (T. D.) International law 102 Wordsworth (C.) Joint stock companies 103 WoRSLEY (F.) Civil remedies for military oflfenses 137 WoRTHiNGTON (G.) Power of juries 104 WoRTHiNGTON (G.) Precedent for wills 194 Wright (R. S.) Criminal conspiracies 32 Wright (T.L.) Responsibility and insanity 98 Wright (T. L ) The partially insane 88 WuRM (Prof.) A biographical notice of 19 Yale (G.) Mining claims and water rights 138 Yates (J. V. N.) Pleadings and precedents 152 YooL (G. y.) Waste, nuisance and trespass 143 Young (G.) Legal education TO Young (H.E.) Sunday laws 179 Zabriskie (J. C.) United States land laws 109 ZiNN (P.) Cases on trusts 189 PART SECOND. WORKS OF REFERENCE. WORKS OF REFERENCE. ADLER (G. J.) Dictionary of the German and English language. In two parts. I. German and English; II. English and German. 4th ed. 1856. ALLIBONE (S. A.) Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the nineteenth century. 3 vols. 1874. AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. The new American cyclo- paedia. A popular dictionary of general knowledge. Edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana. 16 vols. . The American annual cyclopaedia and register of important events for 1861 to 1880, inclusive. The vols, for 1876- 80, new series. 20 vols. . Index to the American cyclopaedia and the annuals to 1875. ANDREWS (E. A.) Copious and critical Latin-English lexicon, founded on the larger Latin-German lexicon of William Freund. 1856. ANTHON (Charles). Dictionary of Greek and Roman anti- quities. Edited by William Smith. 3d Am. ed. 1854. . Classical dictionary containing an account of the principal proper names mentioned in ancient authors. 1856. APPLETON'S Cyclopaedia of Biography; embracing a series of original memoirs of the most distinguished persons of all times. 1856. . Dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine- work and engineering. 2 vols. 1852. 232 Wisconsin State Librae y. ASHER and ADAMS. New commercial, topographical and statistical atlas and gazetteer of the United States; with maps showing the dominion of Canada, Europe and the world. Folio. 1873. BANCROFT (Geokge). History of the United States from the discovery of the American continent. 25th ed. 10 vols. 1874. BARTLETT (J. R.) Dictionary of Americanisms; a glossary of words and phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States. 4th ed. 1877. BAYLE (Peter). The dictionary, historical and critical of. 2d ed. 5 vols, in 6. Folio. London, 1724. BIBLE. The holy bible. 4to. 1853. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. Vol. 112, and vols. 115-129. 17 vols. BLAKE (J. L.) General biographical dictionary, comprising a summary account of the most distinguished persons of all ages, na- tions and professions. 8th ed. 1854. BOECKH (Augustus). The public economy of the Athenians. Translated from the German by Anthony Lamb. 1857. BREWER (E. C.) Dictionary of phrase and fable, giving the derivation, source, origin of common phrases, allusions and words that have a tale to tell. 6th ed. BRANDE (W. T.) Dictionary of science, literature and art. 1856. BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW. 1875-80. 12 vols, in 6. BROUGHAM (Henry). Political philosophy. 3d ed. 3 vols. London, 1853. BURNET (Gilbert). History of his own time. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1724. COPLAND (James). Dictionary of practical medicine. 3 vols. 1860. CRABB (George). English synonymes explained in alphabeti- cal order with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers. 1879. DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS. A new dictionary of quo- tations from the Greek, Latin and modern languages. 1860. WoBKS OF Refehence, 233 DUYCKINCK (E. A.) and (G. L ) Cyclopaedia of American literature; embracing personal and critical notices of authors, and selections from their writings, from the earliest period. 2 vols. 185G. EDINBURGH REVIEW. 1875-80. 12 vols, in 6. ENCYCLOPAEDIA AMERICANA. A popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, politics, and biography. Edited by Francis Lieber and E. Wigglesworth. 13 vols. 1854. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA. A dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature. 8th ed. With index. 22 vols. 1853. ENGLISH POETS. The works of, from Chaucer to Cowper, in- cluding the series edited, with prefaces, biographical and critical, by Dr. Samuel Johnson, and the most approved translations. The additional lives by Alexander Chalmers. London, 1810. 21 vols. FULLER (Thomas). The history of the worthies of England. 3 vols. London, 1840. GRAY (O. W.) Atlas of the United States, with general maps of the world. 4to, 1873. HALLIWELL (J. O.) Dictionary of Archari and provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs, and ancient customs, from the 14th century. 3d ed. 2 vols. London, 1855. HARRINGTON (James). The oceana and other works of. Folio. London, 1737. HILDRETH (Richard). The history of the United States of America. 1st and 2d series. 6 vols. 1875-76. HOMANS (J. S.) Cyclopaedia of commerce and commercial navigation. 2d ed. 1859. IMPERIAL DICTIONARY. The imperial dictionary. Engr lish, technological and scientific. By John Ogilvie. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1878. JOHNSON (Samuel). Dictionary of the English language. 1st Am. from 11th London ed. 2 vols. 1818. KNIGHT (Chaeles). The English cyclopaedia. A new dic- tionary of universal knowledge. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1854. 234 Wisconsin State Library. LIDDELL (H. G.) and SCOTT (Robert). Greek-English lexicon. Gth ed. 1878. LINCOLN (Abeaham). Life of, by J. G. Holland. 186G. LIPPINCOTT (J. B.) Complete pronouncing gazetteer, or geographical dictionary of the world. Edited by J. Thomas and T. Baldwin. 1857. LONr>ON QUARTERLY REVIEW. 1875-80. 12 vols, in 6. McGregor (John). Commercial statistics: a digest of the productive resources, commercial legislation, customs, tariffs, etc., of all nations. 2d ed. 5 vols. London, 1850. MACHAIVEL (Nicholas). The works of, the famous citizen and secretary of Florence. London, 1G80. McCLINTOCK (John) and STRONG (James). Cyclopedia of biblical, theological and ecclesiastical literature. 9 vols. 1867-80. McCULLOCH (J. R.) Dictionary, practical, theological and his- torical of commerce and commercial navigation. New ed. By H. G. Reid. London, 1871. MITCHELL (S. A.). New general atlas, containing maps of the various countries in the world. 4to. 1875. MONTEFIORE (Joshua). Commercial dictionary, containing the present state of the mercantile law, practice and customs. 1st Am. ed. 3 vols. 1804. MURRAY (Hugh). Encyclopedia of geography. Revised by T.G.Bradford. 3 vols. 1837. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. 1875-80. 12 vols. PALFREY (J. G.) History of New England. 2 vols. 1859. PARKMAN (Fkancis). History of the conspiracy of Pontiac, and the war of the North American tribes against the English col- onies. 1851. POOLE (W. F.) Index to periodical literature. 1853. ROGET (P. M.) Thesaurus of English words and phrases. Revised and edited by Bariias Sears. 1856. ROORBACH (O. A.) Catalogue of American publications from 1820 to 1852. Works of Reference, 235 ROSCHER (William). Principles of political economy; trans- lated by John J. Lalor. 2 vols. 1878. SMITH (William). Comprehensive dictionary of the bible. Edited by S. W. Barnum. 1869. SNYDER, VAN VECHTEN & CO. Historical atlas of Wis- consin ; embracing complete state and county maps, city and vil- lage plats. 4to. 1878. SPANISH DICTIONARY. Pronouncing dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. In two parts: I. Spanish-Eng- lish: II. English-Spanish. 1853. SPARKS (Jaked). The writings of George Washington, being his correspondence, addresses, messages and other papers, official and private. 11 vols. 1834. SPIERS (A.) French and English pronouncing dictionary. Re- vised and edited by G. P. Quackenbos. 1853. TUCKER (George). The history of the United States from their colonization to 1841. 4 vols. 1859. URE (Andrew). Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines. 2 vols. 1854. WALKER (John). Critical pronouncing dictionary and exposi- tor of the English language. 1836. WEBSTER (Noah). An American dictionary of the English language. Revised, enlarged and improved by Chauncey A. Good- rich and Noah Porter. 1876. [Two copies.] WESTMINSTER REVIEW. 1875-80. 12 vols, in 6. WHEELER (W. A.) An explanatory and pronouncing diction- ary of the noted names of fiction; including the familiar pseudo- nyms and surnames bestowed on eminent men. 1879. WINCKELMANN (J.) History of ancient art. 2 vols. 1856-. WORCESTER (J. E.) Dictionary of the English language. 4to. 1878. PART THIRD. REPORTS OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS. i REPORTS OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS. ABBOTT (Brothers), Reports of practice cases determined in the courts of the state of New York; with a digest of all points of practice embraced in the standard New York reports issued during the period covered by these volumes; with references to the amenda- tory acts of 1855. 19 vols. 1855-65. x\BBOTT (B. V.) and ABBOTT (Austin). Reports of practice cases determined in the courts of the state of New York; with a digest of all points of practice embraced in the standard New York reports issued during the period covered by these volumes. New series. 16 vols. 1866-76. ABBOTT (Austin). Reports of the decisions of the court of appeals of the state of New York, not heretofore reported under official sanction. Arranged alphabetically, with notes and refer- ences to subsequent decisions and legislation. 4 vols. 1873-74. ABBOTT (Austin). New cases selected chiefly from decisions of the courts of the state of New York, with an analytical index to all points of law and practice contained in the standard reports of New York issued during the time covered by these reports. 8 vols. 1877-81. ABBOTT (Brothers). Reports of cases in admiralty, argued and determined in the district court of the United States for the southern district of New York. 1857. ABBOTT (B. V.) Reports of decisions rendered in the circuit and district courts of the United States. 2 vols. 1870-71. ACTON (T. H.) Reports 4)f cases argued and determined be- fore the lords commissioners of appeals in prize causes; also on ap- peal to the king in council. With an appendix containing orders in council, notifications, instructions, etc., relating to prize and maritime law. 2 vols, in 1. London, 1811. [Also contained in English admiralty reports, vol. 5.] 240 WiscoNSix State Librae r. ADAMS (Nathaniel). Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of judicature for the state of New Hamp- shire, from September 1816, to February, 1819. [New Hampshire reports, vol. 1.] ADAMS (J. M.) Reports of cases in law and equity determined by the supreme judicial court of Maine. 2 vols. 1858. [Maine reports, vols. 41, 42.] ADDAMS (J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the ecclesiastical courts, at doctor's commons; and in the high court of delegates. 3 vols. London, 1822-26. [Also contained in English ecclesiastical reports, vol. 2.] ADDISON (Alexander). Reports of cases in the county courts of the fifth circuit, and in the high court of errors and appeals of the state of Pennsylvania. 1800. ADDISON (Alexander). Trial of. See Trials in part one. ADMIRALTY. See English Admiralty Reports, United States Reports. ADOLPHUS (J. L.) and ELLIS (T. F.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench. Containing the cases from easter term, 1834, to michaelmas term, 1840, in- clusive. 12 vols. London, 1835-42. [Also contained in English common law reports, vols. 28-31, 33- 37, 39-40.1 . The same. New series [cited as queen's bench re- ports] in continuation of the above. Containing cases from hilary term, 1841, to hilary term, 1852. 18 vols. London, 1843-56. [Also contained in English common law reports, vols. 41, 43, 45, 48, 51, 53, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 71, 79, 83.] AIKENS (Asa.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont. 2 vols. 1827-28. ALABAMA. Minor's reports. 1 vol. 1820-26. Stewart's reports. 3 vols. 1827-31. Stewart and Porter's reports. 5 vols. 1831-34. Porter's reports. 9 vols. 1834-39. Alabama reports (new series). 1840-79. Vols. 1-63. Vols. 1-11, 22, 23 by the judges of the court. Beports of Judicial Decisions, 241 ALABAMA — continued. Ormond, 12-15. Cocke, 1(3-18. Shepherd, 19-21, 24-41. Banner, 42. Jones, 43-48. Shepherd, 49-51, 60-63, Jones, 52-57. Clark, 58. Sanford, 59. Jones, 61-62. ALCOOK (J. C.) Reo^istry cases reserved for consideration and decided by the twelve judges of Ireland, from November, 1832, to June, 1837. Dublin, 1837. ALCOCK (J. C.) >nd NAPIER (Joseph). Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of king's bench and exchequer chamber, in Ireland, 1831-33. Dublin, 1834. ALEYN (John). Select cases in B. R. 22, 23 and 24 Car. 1, regis. Folio. London, 1681, ALLEN (Charles). Telegraph cases decided in the courts of America, Great Britain and Ireland. 1873. . Reports of cases argued and determined in the su- preme judicial court of Massachusetts. 14 vols. 1861-69. ALLEN (J. B.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the territory of Washington from 1854 to 1879. New series. Vol. 1. 1879. AMBLER (Charles). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, with some few in other courts. 2d ed. By J. E. Blunt. ^ vols. London, 1828. AMERICAN DECISIONS. Containing all the cases of general value and authority decided in the several states from the earliest issue of the state reports to 1869. Vols. 1-11 by John Proffatt; vols. 12-26 by A. C. Freeman. 26 vols. 1878-81. AMERICAN REPORTS.* Containing all decisions of general interest decided in the courts of last resort of the several states. With notes and references. Vols. 1-27 by Isaac Grant Thompson; vols. 28-34 by Irving Browne. 1871-81. 16-W. 8. L. 242 Wisconsin State Library. AMERICAN RAILWAY REPORTS. See, Railways in part one. AMES (Samuel). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Rhode Island. 4 vols. 1858-65. [Rhode Island reports, vols. 4-7.] AMES (Samuel), KNOWLES (J. P.) and BRADLEY (C. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Rhode Island. 1871. [Rhode Island reports, vol. 8.] ANDERSON (Edmund). Les reports du treserudite Edmund Anderson, Chivalier, Nadgairs, Seigniour Chief Justice del com- mon bank. Folio. London, 1G64. ANDREWS (Geokge). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the court of King's bench, in the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of his present majesty ^ing George the second. Folio. In the Savoy. 1754. ANGELL (J. K.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Rhode Island. 1847. [Rhode Island reports, vol. 1] ANSTRUTHER (Alexander). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of exchequer, from easter term, 32 George III. to trinity term 33 George III., both inclusive. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1796. ANTHON (John). The law of nisi prius, being reports of cases determined at nisi prius in the supreme court of New York, with notes and commentaries on each case. With introductory essay. 1820. APPLETON (John). Reports of cases determined in the supreme judicial court of Maine. 2 vols. 1842-43. [Maine reports, vols. 19-20.] ARCHER (J. T.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of Florida, January term, 1848. [Florida reports, vol. 2.] ARKANSAS. Arkansas reports, 1837-1878. 33 vols. Pike's reports. 1-5. 1837-42. English's reports. 6-13. 1843-53. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 3 ARKANSAS — continued. Barber's reports. 14-24. 1853-67. Cox's reports. 25-27. 1867-72. Moore's reports. 28-33. 1872-78. ARMSTRONG (Richard), MACARTNEY (John) and OGLE (J. C.) Reports of cases, civil and criminal, argued and determined at nisi prius and the commission, in Dublin, in 1840-42. Dublin,. 1843. ASHMEAD (J. W.) Reports of cases adjudged in the courts of common pleas, quarter sessions, oyer and terminer, and orphan's- court, of the first judicial district of Pennsylvania, with notes and references. 2 vols. 1831-41. ATKYNS (J. T.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, in the time of lord chancellor Hard- wicke. 3 vols. 1st Am. from the 3d London ed. 1826. BAGLEY (D. T.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of California. 4 vols. 1861-62. [California reports, vols. 16-19.] BAIL COURT. Chitty. 2 vols. 1819-20. Dowling. 9' vols. 1830-40. Dowling (N. S.) 2 vols. 1841-42. Dowling and Lowndes. 7 vols. 1846-49. Saunders and Cole. 2 vols. 1842-48. Lowndes, Maxwell and Pollock. 2 vols. 1850-51. Lowndes and Maxwell. 1 vol. 1852-54. BAILEY (H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, on appeal from the courts of law, 1828-32. 2 vols. 1858. . Reports of cases in equity, argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina. Vol. 1. Containing the cases from January, 1830, to April, 1831, inclusive. 1841. BALDWIN (Henry). Reports of the cases determined in the circuit court of the United States in and for the third circuit, comprising 'the eastern district of Pennsylvania and the state of New Jersey. Vol. 1. 1837. BALL (Thomas) and BEATTY (Thomas). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery in Ireland, 244 Wisconsin State Librahy. during the time of lord chancellor Manners, from the sittings after michaelmas term, 48 Geo. Ill, 1807, to the sittings after trinity term, 57 Geo. Ill, 1811. 2 vols, in 1. 1st Am. ed. 1839. BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY {American.) See Bankruptcy and Insolvency, in part one. BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY, {English). Rose, 2 vols. 1810-16. Buck, 1 vol. 1816-20. Glyn and Jameson, 2 vols. 1821-18. Montagu and McArthur, 1 vol. 1828-30. Montagu, 1 vol. 1830-32. Montagu and Bligh, 1 vol. 1832-33. Montagu and Ayrton, 3 vols. 1833-38. Montagu and Chitty, 1 vol. 1838-40. Deacon and Chitty, 4 vols. 1832-35. * Deacon, 4 vols, 1830-39. Montagu, Deacon and DeGex, 3 vols. 1840-44. DeGex, 1 vol. 1835-48. Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports. 1 vol. 1853-54. Gazette of Bankruptcy. 2 vols. 1862. BANKS (E. V.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Kansas. 5 vols. 1865-71. [Kansas reports, vols. 1-5.] BARBER (L. E.) Reports of cases at law and in equity argued and determined in the supreme court of Arkansas, from the July term, 1853, to June term, 1867. 11 vols. 1854-67. [Arkansas reports, vols. 14-24.] BARBOUR (O. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of chancery of New York. 3 vols. 1847-49. . Reports of cases in law and equity in the supreme court of the state of New York. 67 vols. 1848-78. BARNARDISTON (Thomas). Reports of cases determined in the high court of chancery from April 25, 1740, to May 9, 1741. Folio. In the Savoy. 1742. . Reports of cases determined in the court of king's bench, together with some other cases; from trin. 12 Geo. I. to 7 Geo. II. 2 vols. Folio. In the Savoy. 1744. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 245 BARNES (Henky). Notes of cases in points of practice, taken in the court of common pleas at Westminster, from michaelmas term, 1732, to hilary term, 1756, inclusive. To which is added a continuation of cases to the end of the reign of George the second. 3d ed. London, 1790. . BARNEWALL (R. V.) and ADOLPHUS (J. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, from trinity term, 1830, to hilary term, 1834. 5 vols. London, 1831-35. [Also contained in English common law reports, vols. 20, 22- 24, 27.] BARNEWALL (R. V.) and ALDERSON (E. H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, from 1817 to 1822. 5 vols. London, 1818-22. [Partially contained in English common law reports, vols. 5-7.] BARNEWALL (R. V.) and C RES WELL (C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, from 1822 to 1830. 10 vols. London, 1823-32. [Also contained in English common law reports, vols. 8-11, 13-15,17,21.] BARR (R. M.) Pennsylvania state reports, containing cases adjudged in the supreme court, from May term, 1845, to May term, 1849. 10 vols. 1846-49. [Pennsylvania state reports, vols. 1-10.] BARRON (Arthue) and ARNOLD (T. J.) Reports of cases of controverted elections, before committees of the house of com- mons, fourteenth parliament of the united kingdom, and of cases upon appeal from the decisions of revising barristers in the court of common pleas, from 1843 to 1816, both inclusive. Lon- don, 1846. BARRON (Arthuk) and AUSTIN (Alfred.) Reports of con- troverted elections in the fourteenth parliament of the united king- dom. London, 1844. BASHFORD vs. BARSTOW. jSee Trials in part one. BATES (D. M.) Reports of cases adjudged and determined in the court of chancery of the state of Delaware. 2 vols. 1876-78. BATTY (Espine). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench in Ireland, from michaelmas term, 1825, to michaelmas term, 1826. Dublin, 1828. I 246 Wisconsin State Libraby, BAXTER (Jeee). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Tennessee. 8 vols. 1878-80. BAY (S. M.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of the state of Missouri from 1837 to 1845. 7 vols. 1840-45. [Missouri reports, vols. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8.] BAY (E. H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior courts of law in South Carolina since the revolution. 2 vols. 1809-11. BAYFORD (A. F.) A full report of the proceedings in the case of the office of the judge promoted by Hodgson v. Rev. F. Oakeley. London, 1845. . The judgment of the right Hon. Stephen Lushing- ton, delivered in the consistory court of the bishop of London in the cases of Westerton against Liddell (clerk) and Horn and others and Beal against Liddell (clerk) and Parke and Evans. London. BEASLEY (Merger). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of chancery and on appeal in the court of errors and appeals of the state of New Jersey. 2 vols. 1863. [New .Jersey equity reports, vols. 12, 13.] BEATTY (Francis). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery in Ireland, during the time of sir Anthony Hart. Dublin, 1829. . The same, with a few cases in the time of lord chan- cellor Manners. Dublin, 1847. BEAVAN (Charles). Reports of cases in chancery argued and determined in the rolls court during the time of lord Langlade, master of the rolls from 1838 to 1863. With index. 36 vols. Lon- don, 1840-69. [Vols. 1, 2, 7 and 3, are also contained in English chancery re- ports, vols. 17, 29 and 43.J BEAVAN (Edward) and WALFORD (Frederick). Parlia- mentary cases relating to railways, etc., determined by the select committee of the houses of parliament in the session of 1846. London, 1847. I Reports of Judicial Decisions. 247 BEE (Thomas). Reports of cases adjudged in the district of South Carolina to which is added an appendix containing decis- ions in the admiralty court of Pennsylvania, and cases determined in other districts of the United States. 1810. BELKNAP (W. W.) Trial of. JSee Trials in part one. BELL (S. S.) Cases decided in the house of lords, on appeal from the courts of Soctland, from 1842 to 1850. Edinburgh, 1843-53. BELL (Thomas). Crown cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the judges of England, with a selection of cases and notes of cases relating to indictable offences, argued and deter- mined in the court of queen's bench and the courts of error from 1858 to 18G0. London, 1861. BELLEWE (Richard). Les ans du Roy Richard le Second. Conlect ensembP hors les abridgments de Statham, Fitzherbert et Brooke. Per Richard Bellewe de Lincoln's Inn. London, 1869. BELLINGER (C. B.) Reports of cases decided in the supreme court of the state of Oregon, from 1870 to 1880. 5 vols. [Oregon reports, vols. 4-8.] BELT (Robert). A supplement to the reports in chancery of Francis Vesey, sr. 2d ed. London, 1825. BENLOE (Gulielme) et DALISON (Gulielme). Les reports de Gulielme Benloe sergeant de ley des divers pleadings et cases €n le court del comon bank, en le several roignes de les tres hault and excellent princes le Roy Henry VII. Henry VIII. Edw. VI et le roignes Mary and Elizabeth. Folio. London, 1689. BENDLOES (Gulielme). Les reports de Gulielme Beudloes, sergeant de la ley: des divers resolutions et judgments donne par les reverendes judges de la ley: de certeine matieres en la ley €n le temp del Roigne de Roys et Roignes Hen. VIII. Edw. VI. Phil, et Mary et Elizab. avec que autres select leases en la ley adjudges et resolves en le temps del Regne de Tresillustres Roys Jacqaes et Charles le premier Jammais par cy devant imprimee. Folio. London, 1661. • BENEDICT (R. D. and B. L.) Reports of cases argued and de- termined in the district courts of the United States within the second circuit. 9 vols. 1869-80. "248 Wisconsin State Library. BENNETT (S. A.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Missouri. 6 vols. 1853-56. [Missouri reports, vols. 16-21.] BENNETT (Nathaniel). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of the state of California. 1851. [California reports, vol. 1.] BENNETT (G. G.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the territory of Dakota, from its organization to and including the December term, 1877. Vol. 1. 1879. BENNETT (E. H.) Fire insurance cases: being a collection of all the reported cases on fire insurance, in England, Ireland, Scot- land and America, from 1729 to 1875. 5 vols. 1872-77. BENNETT (E. H.) and HEARD (F. F.) A selection of leading (Cases in criminal law. 2 vols. 1856. BERRY (A. M.) Cases argued and determined in the St. Louis court of appeals of the state of Missouri, from 1876 to 1880. 8 vols. 1877-81. [Missouri appeal reports, vols. 1-8.] BEST (W. M.) and SMITH (G. J. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of queen's bench, and the court of exchequer chamber on appeal from the court of queen's bench, from 1861 to 1869. 10 vols. London, 1862-71. [Partially contained in English common law reports, vols. 101, 110, 113, 116.] BIBB (G. M.) Reports of cases at common law and in chancery argued and decided in the court of appeals of the commonwealth of Kentucky, from 1808 to 1817. 2d ed. 4 vols. 1840. BICKNELL (C. F.) and HAWLEY (T. P.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of Nevada, from 1874 to 1880. 5 vols. 1876-80. [Nevada reports, vols. 10-14.] • BIGELOW (M. M.) Placita Anglo-Normannica: law f,ases from "William I. to Richard I. Preserved in historical records. 1879. . Reports of all the published life and accident insur- ance cases determined in the courts of America, England, Ireland, Scotland, prior to 1871. 5 vols. 1871-77. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 249 . Leading cases on the law of torts, determined by the courts of England and America. 1875. BINGHAM (Peregrine). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the court of common pleas and other courts, from 1822 to 1834. 10 vols. London, 1824-34. [Also contained in English common law reports, vols. 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25.] . New cases in the court of common pleas, and other courts. 6 Yols. London, 1835-41. [Also contained in English common law reports, vols. 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37.] BINNEY (Horace). Reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania. 6 vols. 1809-23. BISSELL (J. H.) Cases argued and determined in the circuit and district courts of the United States, for the seventh circuit . 7 vols. 1873-78. BLACK (.1. B.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of Indiana. 24 vols. 1869-77. [Indiana reports, vols. 30-53.] BLACK (J. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the United States from December term, 1861, to December term, 1862. 2 vols. 1862-3. BLACKFORD (Isaac). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of Indiana, from 1817 to 1847. 8 vols. 1837-50. BLACKHAM (John), DUNDAS (W. J.) and OSBORNE (R. W.) Reports of practice and nisi prius cases, including registry and civil bill appeals, decided in the superior courts of law in Ire- land. Dublin, 1849. BLACKSTONE (Henry). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the courts of common pleas and exchequer chamber from 1788 to 1796. 2 vols. 2d Am. ed. 1879. BLACKSTONE (William). Reports of cases determined in the several courts of Westminster hall from 1746 to 1779. 2 vols. 2d ed. London, 1828. 260 Wisconsin State Library. BLAKE (H. N.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Montano territory from 18G8 to 1877. 2 vols. 1873-77. [Montana reports, vols. 1, 2.] BLAKE (H. N.) and HEDGES (C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Montana territory from 1877 to 1880. [Montana reports, vol. 3.] BLANCHARD (G. A.) and [WEEKS (E. P.) A collection of select and leading cases on mines, minerals and mining water rights; with notes. 1877. BLAND (Theodorick). Reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery of Maryland. 3 vols. 1836-41. BLATCHFORD (Samuel). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the circuit court of the United States for the second cir- cuit. 17 vols. 1852-81. . Reports of cases in prize, argued and determined in the circuit and district courts of the United States for the southern district of New York. 1866. BLATCHFORD (Samuel) and HOWLAND (Francis). Re- ports of cases argued and determined in the district court of the United States for the southern district of New York. 1855. BLECKLEY (L. E.) Reports of cases in law and equity argued and determined in the supreme court of Georgia. 2 vols. 1867-68. [Georgia reports, vols. 34, 35.] BLIGH (Richard). Reports of cases heard in the house of lords, on appeals and writs of error, and decided during 1819-21. 3 vols., and part 1 of vol. 4. London, 1823-27. . New reports of cases heard in the house of lords on appeals and writs of error; and decided during the sessions from 1827 to 1837. 11 vols. London, 1829-38. BOND (L. H.) Reports of cases decided in the circuit court and district courts of the United States within the southern district of Ohio. 2 vols. 1872. BOORAEM (H. T.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of California. 3 vols. [California reports, vols. 6-8.] Bepojits of Judicial Decisions. 251 BOSANQUET (J. B.) and PULLER (CnRiSTOPiraR). Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of common pleas and exchequer chamber, and in the house of lords, from 1796 to 1799, both inclusive. 3d ed. 3 vols. London, 1826. . New reports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas and other courts. 2d ed. 2 vols. London, 1826. BOSWORTH (J. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of the city of New York. 10 vols. 1859-65, BRADFORD (A. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the surrogate's court of the county of New York. 4 vols. 1851-57. BRADWELL (J. B.) Repbrts of the decisions of the appellate courts of Illinois. 7 vols. 1878-81. BRANCH (Joseph). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Florida, 1846-47. [Florida reports, vol. 1.] BRAYTON ( Willia.m). Reports of ^cases adjudged in the su- preme court of the state of Vermont. 1821. BREESE (Sidney). Reports of cases at common law and in chancery, argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Illinois, from its first organization in 1819, to the end of 1831. Second edition, with additional notes, by Edwin Beecher. 1861. [Illinois reports, vol. 1.] BREVARD (JosEPn). Reports of judicial decisions, in the state of South Carolina from 1793 to 1816. 3 vols, in 2. 1857. BREWER (Nicholas). Maryland reports, containing cases ar- gued and determined in the court of appeals of Maryland, from June term, 1832, to October term, 1866. 8 vols. 1864-69. [Maryland reports, vols. 19-26.] BREWSTER (F. C.) Reports of equity, election and other im- portant cases, argued and determined principally in the courts of the county of Philadelphia* 4 vols. 1869-73. BRIDGMAN (John). Reports of that grave and learned judge, Sir John Bridgman, knight; Serjeant at law, some time chief jus- tice of Chester. Folio. London, 1659. 252 Wisconsin State Library. BRIDGMAN (Orlando). Reports of judgments delivered by Sir Orlando Bridgman, when chief justice of the common pleas, from michaelmas, 1660, to trinity, 1667. By S. Bannister. London, 1823. BRIGHTLY (F. C.) Reports of cases decided by the judges of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, in the court of nisi prius at Philadelphia, and also in the supreme court. 1851. . A collection of leading cases on the law of elections in the United States; with notes and references to the latest au- thorities. 1871. BRITISH CROWN CASES. Kelyng. King Charles II. Foster. 1743-61. , Leach. 1730-1815. Russell & Ryan. 1799-1823. Lewin. 2 vols. 1822-38. Moody. 2 vols. 1824-44. Denison. 2 vols. 1844-52. Dearsley. 1852-56. Dearsley & Bell. 1856-58. Bell. 1858-60. Leigh & Cave. 1861-65. Cox's Criminal Law Cases. 13 vols. 1843-80. . The same. Am. ed. 6 vols. 1839-53. "Vol. 1, Russell & Ryan. Vol. 2, 1st Moody. Vol. 3, Jebb (Irish). Vol. 4, 2d Moody. ' Vol. 5, 1st Dennison. Vol. 6, Dennison. BROCKEN BOROUGH (J. W.) Reports of cases decided by Honorable John Marshall, late chief justice of the United States, in the circuit court of the United States, for the district of Vir- ginia and North Carolina, from 1802 to 1833, inclusive. 1837. 2 vols. BROOKE NBROUGH (William). Virginia cases, or decisions of the general court of Virginia, chiefly on the criminal law of the commonwealth, from 1815 to 1826. [Virginia cases, vol 2.] Reports of Judicial Decisions. 253 BROCKENBROUGH (William) and HOLMES. A Collec- tion of cases decided by the general couut of Virginia, chiefly relatino^ to the penal laws of the commonwealth, from 1789 to 1814. [Virginia cases, vol. 1.] BRODRICK (G. C.) and FREEMANTLE (W. H.) A collec- tion of the judgments of the judicial committee of the privy council in ecclesiastical cases relating to doctrine and discipline: with a preface by the lord bishop of London, and an historical intro- duction. London, 1865. BRODERIP (W. J.) and BINGHAM (Peregrine). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas and other courts, from 1819 to 1822. 3 vols. London, 1820-22. [Also contained in English common law reports, vols. 5, 6, ?.] BROOK (Robert). Some new cases of the years and time of King Hen. 8, Edw. 6, and Qu. Mary. Written out of the great abridgment, composed by sir Robert Brook, knt., etc., there dis- persed in the titles, but here collected under years. Translated into English by John March. 16mo. London, 1651. BROOKE (W. G.) Six judgments of the judicial committee of the privy council in ecclesiastical cases, 1850-72; with an histori- cal introduction and notes. London, 1872. BROWN (William). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery during the time of lord chancellor Thurlow, and of the several lords commissioners of the great seal, and lord chancellor Loughborough, from 1778 to 1794. 5th ed. By Robert Belt. 4 vols. London, 1820. . The same. 4th ed. By R. H. Eden. 4 vols, in 2. London. 1819. BROWN (Josiah). Reports of cases upon appeals and writs of error determined in the high court of parliament. 2d ed., brought down to 1800. By T. E. Tomlins. 8 vols. London, 1803. BROWN (H. B.) Reports of admiralty and revenue cases, argued and determined in ^le circuit and district courts of the United States for the western lake and river districts. Vol. 1. 1876. BROWN (G. A.) Reports of cases in the supreme court of Nebraska, 1875-80. 7 vols. [Nebraska reports, vols. 4-10.] 254: Wisconsin State Libbary. BROWN (C. R.) Reports of cases tried and determined at nisi prius in the circuit courts of the state of Michigan. 2 vols. 1870-71. BROWN (H. 0.) The Philadelphia reports. Containing de- cisions published in the Legal Intelligencer during 1875-76. 1881. [Philadelphia reports, vol. 11.] BROWNE (Irving). See American Reports. BROWNE (A. G., jr.) Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. 1868-74. 18 vols. [Massachusetts reports, vols. 97-114.] BROWNE (P. A.) Reports of cases adjudged in the court of common pleas of the first judicial district of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 1811-13. BROWN (J. A.) and HEMINGWAY (J. B. H.) Reports of cases in the supreme court for the state of Mississippi. 5 vols. 1877-80. [Mississippi reports, vols. 53-57.] BROWNING (Ernst) and LUSHINGTON (Vernon). Reports of cases decided in the high court of admiralty of England, and on appeal to the privy council, 1863-65. London, 1868. BROW^NLOW (Richard) and GOLDESBOROUGH (John). Reports of divers choice cases in law. First and second parts. 3d ed. 1675. BUCK (J. W.) Cases in Bankruptcy. Containing reports of cases decided by lord chancellor Eldon, and by vice chancellors sir Thomas Plumer, and sir John Leach. From michaelmas term, 1816, to michaelmas term, 1820. London, 1820. BUNBURY (William). Reports of cases in the court of ex- chequer, from the beginning of the reign of king George the first until the fourteenth year of the reign of king George the second. 2d ed. Dublin, 1793. BURNETT (T. P.) Reports of the supreme court of the terri- ritory of Wisconsin, for 1843 and 1844. 1844. [Also contained in Pinney's reports.] BURR (Aaron). Trial of. See Trials, in part one. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 255 BURROW (James). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the court of king's bench, during the time Lord Mansfield presided in that court, from 1756 to 1772. oth ed. 5 vols. London, 1812. . Decisions of the court of king's bench upon settle- ment cases, from 1732 to 1776, inclusive. 2d ed. 4to. 1786. BUSBEE (Perein). Reports of cases at law argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from December term, 1853, to August term, 1853, both inclusive. 1853. . Reports of cases in equity, argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from December term, 1852, to August term, 1853, both inclusive. 1854. BULSTRODE (Edward). The reports of Edward Bulstrode of the inner temple esquire, his highness chief justice of North Wales. Of divers resolutions and judgments in the court of king's bench in the time of King James. London, 1657. BUSH (W. P. D.) Reports of selected civil and criminal cases decided in the court of appeals of Kentucky, from 1866 to 1879. 14 vols. 1868-79. CAINES (George). New York term reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of that state. 2d. ed. 3 vols. 1813-14. . Cases argued and determined in the court for the trial of impeachments, and correction of errors in the state of New York. 2 vols. 1805-7. CALIFORNIA. California reports, 55 vols. 1853-80. Bennet. 1. 1850-51. Hepburn. 2-4. 1852-54. Morris. 5. 1855. Booream. 6-8. 1856-57. Lee. 9-12. 1858-59. Harmon. 13-15. 1859-60. Bagley and Harmon. 16-19. 1860-62. Hillyer. 20-22. 186*2-63. Tuttle. 23-32. 1863-67. Hale. 33-37. 1867-69. Robinson. 38. 1869. 256 Wisconsin State Library. CALIFORNIA — continued. Thompson. 39-40. 1870-71. Tuttle. 41-51. 1871-77. Tuttle and Carpenter. 52. 1877-78. Carpenter. 53. 1878-79. Smith. 54-55. 1879-80. CALL (Daniel). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the court of appeals of Virginia. 2d ed. 6 vols. 1824-33. CALTHROP (H.) Reports of special cases touching several customs and liberties of the city of London. Whereunto is an- nexed divers ancient customs and usages of the said city of London. London, 1670. CAMERON (J. H.) Queen's bench and practice court reports of Upper Canada. 2 vols. 1844-46. [Upper Canada queen's bench reports, vols. 1, 2.] CAMERON (Duncan) and NORWOOD (William). Reports of cases ruled and determined by the court of conference of North Carolina. 2d ed. with notes by William H. Battle. 1844. [Bound with Taylor's N. C. reports.] CAMPBELL (J. H.) Legal Gazette reports of cases decided in courts of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1. 1872. CAMPBELL (John). Reports of cases determined at nisi prius, in the courts of king's bench and common pleas, and on the home circuit, from the sittings after michaelmas term, 48 Geo. III. (1807), to the sittings after hilary term, 49 Geo. III. (1818), both inclusive. 4 vols. 1810-21. CANADA. Canada supreme court reports. 4 vols. 1876-80. See^ also, Lower Canada Jurist, Upper Canada. CAROLINA LAW REPOSITORY. Containing opinions of American jurists, and reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of North Carolina. Vols. 1 and 2. 2d. ed., with notes by William H. Battle. 1844. [Bound with Taylor's term reports.] CARPENTER (G. J.) Reports of cases determined in the su- preme court of the state of California, 1878-79. 1880. [California reports, vol. 53.] Efforts of Judicial Decisions. 257 CARRINGTON (F. A.) and KIRWAN (A. V.) Reports of cases argued and ruled at nisi prius, in the courts of queen's bench, common pleas, and excheqaer; together with cases tried on the circuits and in the central criminal court; from hilary term, 6 Vict., to easter term, 16 Vict. 3 vols. London, 1845. [Partially contained in English common law reports, vols. 47, 61.] CARRINGTON (F. A.) and MARSHMAN (J. R.) Reports of cases argued and ruled at nisi prius, in the courts of queen's bench, common pleas and exchequer, together with the cases tried on the circuits and in the central criminal court, from easter term, 4 Vict., to hila>y term, 6 Vict. London, 1843. [Conitiined in English common law reports, vol. 41.] CARRINGTON (F. A.) and PAYNE (J.) Reports of cases ar- gued and ruled at nisi prius, in the courts of king's and queen's bench, common pleas and on the circuit, from 1823 to 1841. 9 vols. London, 1825-41. [Contained in English common law reports, vols. 11, 12, 14, 19, 24, 25, 32, 34, 38.] CARROW (J. M.), HAMERTON (T.) and ALLEN (T.) New sessions cases; containing reports of cases relating to the duties and liabilities of magistrates; determined in the superior courts at Westminster. 4 vols. London, 1845-51. CARTER (H. E.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of Indiana, being an official continuation of Blackford's reports. Containing the cases from May term, 1847, to May term, 1851, both inclusive. 1852-53. [Indiana reports, vols. 1, 2.j CARTER (S.) Reports of several special cases argued and re- solved in the court of common pleas in the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th years of king Charles II., in the time when sir Orlando Bridg- man sate chief justice there. To which are added some cases ad- judged in the time of chief justice Vaughan, never before printed. Folio. London, 1688. • CARTHEW (Thomas). Reports of cases adjudged in the court of king's bench from the third year of king James the second to the twelfth year of king William the third. Folio. In the Savoy. 1728. 17-W. S. L. 258 Wisconsin State Library. GARY (Geoege). Reports in chancery. 16mo. [No title page.] CASEY (Joseph). Pennsylvania state reports. Comprising cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania, from May term, 1855, to May term, 1860. 12 vols. 1857-61. [Pennsylvania state reports, vols. 25-36.] CASES IN CHANCERY. Cases argued and decreed in the high court of chancery, (1660-1677.) Two parts in one volume. With the duke of Norfolk's case, or the doctrine of perpetuites, etc., etc. 1828. CASES IN EQUITY. A general abridgment of cases in equity argued in the high court of chancery, etc. By a gentleman of the middle temple. 4th ed., corrected. 2 vols. Folio. In the Savoy. London, 1756-69. CASES TEMP. HARDWICKE. Cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench at Westminster, in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th years of the reign of his late majesty king George the second. During the time the late lord chief justice Hardwicke pre- sided in that court. To which are added some determinations of the lord chief justice Lee, and also two equity ones by lord chan- cellor Hardwicke. Folio. 2 vols. London, 1770. CASES TEMP. TALBOT. Cases in equity during the time of the late lord chancellor Talbot. Folio. In the Savoy. 1741. CHANDLER (D. H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Wisconsin. 4 vols. 1850-54. [Also contained in Pinney's reports.] CHANDLER (W. E.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of judicature of New Hampshire. 8 vols. 1859-64. [Mew Hampshire reports, vols. 20, 38-44.] CHANEY (H. A.) Cases decided in the supreme court of Michigan from 1877 to 1879. 5 vols. [Michigan reports, vols. 37-41.] CHARLTON (T. U. P.) Reports pf cases argued and deter- mined in the superior courts of the eastern district of the state of Georgia. 1824. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 259 CHARLTON (R. M.) Reports of decisions made in the superior courts of the eastern district of Georgia. 1838. CHASE'S DECISIONS. jSee Johnson (B. T.) CHASE (Samuel). Trial of. JSee Tkials, in part one. CHEVES (L., JR.) Cases of law argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina. 1840. . Cases in chancery argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, 1839-40. 1841. CHIPMAN (Daniel). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont, from 1789 to 1824^. 2 vols, in 1. [Vol. 2 is without index or table of cases.] CHIPMAK (N.) Reports and dissertations, in two parts. Part 1, reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont, in 1789, 1790 and 1791. Part 2, dissertations on the statute adopting the common law of England, the statute of con- veyances, the statute of offsets, and on the negotiability of notes. With an appendix. 2d ed. 1871. CHITTY (Joseph). Reports of cases, principally on practice and pleading, determined in the court of king's bench. 2 vols. London, 1820-23. [English common law reports, vol. 18.] CHOYCE CASES IN CHANCERY. The practice of the high court of chancery. With the nature of the several offices belong- ing to that court, and the reports of many cases wherein relief hath been there had, and where denyed; and known as " Choyce cases in chancery." Reprinted from the edition of 1672. London, 1870. CINCINNATI SUPERIOR COURT. See, Handy, Disney. CINCINNATI SUPERIOR COURT REPORTER. The Cin- cinnati superior court reporter. Edited by C. P. Taft and Bellamy Storer, jr. 2 vols. 1870-73. CIRCUIT REPORTS. Reports of cases argued and deter- mined on six circuits in Ireland; taken during the assizes^in the years 1841-43. Reported by twelve gentlemen of the bar. Dublin, 1843. 260 Wisconsin State Library. CITY HALL RECORDER. The New York, for the years 1816-21. Containing reports of the most interesting trials and de- cisions which have arisen in the various courts of judicature, for the trial of jury cases in the hall, daring those years, particularly in the court of sessions. With notes, critical and explanatory. By Daniel Rogers. G vols, in 3. 1.817-21. CLARK (Charles). The house of lords cases on appeal and •writs of error, and claims of peerage, from 1850 to 1866. 10 vols. [House of lords cases, vols. 3-12.] CLARK (Charles) and FINNELLY (W.) Report of cases heard and decided in the house of lords on appeals and writs of error, during the sessions of 1847-66. 11 vols. 1870-71. . The house of lords cases on appeals and writs of error, and claims of peerage, from 1847 to 1850. 2 vols. [House of lords cases, vols. 1, 2.] CLARK (J. A.) Pennsylvania Law Journal reports, containing cases decided by the federal and state courts of Pennsylvania. Originally reported in the Pennsylvania law journal and American law journal, from 1842 to 1852 inclusive. 5 vols. 1872-73. CLARKE (C. L.) Reports of chancery ;cases, decided in the eighth circuit of the state of New York, by the Hon. Frederick Whittlesey, vice chancellor. 1841. CLARKE (H. K.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of Michigan from July, 1869, to April, 1871. 4 vols. 1870-72. [Michigan reports, vols. 19-22.] CLARKE (W. P.) Eieports of cases in law and equity, deter- mined in the supreme court of the state of Iowa. 8 vols. 1856-59. [Iowa reports, vols. 1-8. J CLIFFORD (W. H.) Reports of cases determined in the circuit court of the United States, for the first circuit, from 1858 to 1878, by hon. Nathan Clifford, associate justice of the supreme court, as- signed to said circuit. 4 vols. 1869-80. COBB (T. R. R.) Reports of cases in law and equity, argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Georgia, from 1849 to 1856, inclusive. 15 vols. 1849-57. [Georgia reports, vols. 6-20.] I Repobts of Judicial Decisions. 261 COOK BURN (A. E.) and ROWE (W. C.) Cases of controverted elections, determined in the eleventh parliament of the united kingdom, being the first session after passing the reform acts. Lon- don, 1833. COCKE (N. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Alabama, from 1849 to 1851. 3 vols. 1849-57. [Alabama reports, vols. 16-18.] COCKE (W. A.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of Florida in 1871-76. 2 vols. [Florida reports, vols. 14, 15. | CODE REPORTER. /See title Laav Periodicals, in part one. CODE REPORTS. New series. Reports of decisions on the code of procedure. 1852. COKE (Edward). The reports of, a new edition. By J. H. Thomas and J. F. Frazer. 6 vols. London, 1826. COLDWELL (T. H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Tennessee, during the years 1860-70. 7 vols. 1867-71. • ' COLEMAN and CAINES CASES. Reports of cases of prac- tice determined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of New York, from April, 1794, to November, 1805, both inclusive. To which is prefixed all the rules and orders of the court to the present time. 1808. COLLES (Richard). Reports of cases, upon appeals and writs of error, in the high court of parliament; from the year 1697 to the year 1713. Dublin, 1789. COLORADO. Colorado reports. 4 vols. 1864-79. Hallett. 1,2. 1864-75. France. 3,4. 1876-79. COLLYER (.Iohn). Reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery, "by the right Hon. Sir J. L. Knight Bruce, vice-chan- cellor, from 1844 to 1846. S vols. London, 1845-47. [Contained in English chancery reports, vols. 28, 33.] COMBERBACH (Roger). The report of several cases argued and adjudged in the court of king's bench at Westminster, from 262 Wisconsin State Library. the first year of King James the second, to the tenth year of Kin^ William the third. Folio. In the Savoy. 1724. COMMON BENCH REPORTS. See English Common Bench Reports. COMMON LAW REPORTS. The reports of cases argued and determined in all the superior courts of common law, together with cases carried by writs of error from those courts to the ex- chequer chamber, or thence by appeal to the house of lords: also cases carried by appeal from the colonial common law courts to the privy council, 1853-55. 3 vols, in 5. London, 1854-56. See, also, English Common Law Reports. COMSTOOK (G. F.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of the state of New York. 4 vols. 1849-50. [New York reports, vols. 1-4.] COMYNS (John). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the courts of king's bench, common pleas and exchequer. To which are added some special cases in the court of chancery, and before the delegates. 2d ed. By Samuel Rose. 2 vols. London, 1792. CONFERENCE REPORTS. North Carolina. Bound with Taylor's reports. See, Cameron and Norwood. CONOVER (O. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state Wisconsin from 1864 to 1881. 34 vols. [Wisconsin reports, vols. 16-50.] CONNECTICUT. Connecticut reports. 1785-1813. Kirby. 1785-88. Root. 1788-98. Day. 1802-13. Connecticut reports. 47 vols. 1814-79. Day. 1-21. Watson. 22-24. Hooker. 25-47. CONNOR (Henry) and LAWSON (J. A.) Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Sugden, 1841-43. 2 vols. Dublin, 1842-44. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 263 CONROY (John). Custodiam reports; or a collection of cases relative to outlawries, and the grants thereon, as argued and deter- mined on the revenue sides of the courts of exchequer, both in England and Ireland. With an introduction containing an account of outlawry and the manner of obtaining the grant in custodiam, and how the same is dissolved. Dublin, 1795. CONSTITUTIONAL REPORTS. See Mills Constitutional, Tkeadway. CONSPIRACY TRIAL. See Trials, in part one. COOKE (W. W.) Reports of cases decided in the supreme court of Tennessee and in the federal court for the district of west Tennessee. 1814. COOKE (Geoege). Reports and cases of practice in the court of common pleas, 1706 to 1747. 3d ed., with the additional cases and references contained in ms. notes made by L. C. J. Eyre and Mr. Justice Nares. Edited by T. T. Bucknill. London, 1872. COOKE (J. R.) and ALCOCK (J. C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench and exchequer cham- ber in Ireland, 1833-34. Dublin, 1835. COOLEY (T. M.) Michigan reports. Reports of cases heard and decided in the supreme court of Michigan, from January 1, 1858, to October 18, 1864. 8 vols, 1858-64. [Michigan reports, vols. 5-12.] COOPER (W. F.) Tennessee chancery reports. Reports of cases argued in the court of chancery of the state of Tennessee and decided by the Hon. William F. Cooper, chancellor of the seventh chancery district at Nashville. 3 vols. 1875-79. COOPER (C. W.) Reports of cases adjudged in chancery chambers [Upper Canada]. 2 vols. Toronto, 1870-73. [Chancery chambers reports, vols. 2, 3.] COOPER (George). Cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Eldon, with a few cases of an earlier period. London, 1815. COOPER (C. P.) Selected cases decided by lord Brougham in chancery in the years 1833-34. London, 1835. 264 Wisconsin State Library. Reports of some cases adjudged in the courts of the lord chancellor, master of the rolls, and vice-chancellor, in the years 1837-38. With notes and an appendix. London, 1841. . Reports of cases in chancery decided by lord Cot- tenham; commencing 7th July, 1846; with which are interspersed miscellaneous cases and dicta, and various notes. 2 vols. London, 1848. CORBETT (U.) and DANIELL (E. R.) Reports of cases of controverted elections in the sixth parliament of the united king- dom. London, 1821. COURT OF CLAIMS. Devereux. 1 vol. Nott and Huntington. 1-7. 1862-72. Nott and Hopkins. 8-14. 1872-78. CO WEN (Esek). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court, and in the court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of errors, of the state of New York. 9 vols. 1830-35. COWPER (Henky). Reports of cases adjudged in the court of king's bench from 1774 to 1788. 2d ed. 2 vols. London, 1800. . The same. Am. ed. By J. P. Hall. 2 vols, in 1. 1833. COX (S. C.) Cases determined in the courts of equity, from 1783 to 1796 inclusive, with a few of an earlier date, by lord Hardwicke and lord Worthington. 2 vols. London, 1816. COX (Rowland). American trade mark cases: a compilation of all the reported trade mark cases decided in the American courts prior to 1871. With an appendix containing the leading English cases. 1871. COX (N. W.) Reports of cases at law and in chancery argued and determined in the supreme court of Arkansas. Containing the cases decided from December term, 1867, to June terra, 1871. 1870-73. [ Arkansas reports, vols. 25, 26, 27.] COX (E. W.) Reports of cases in criminal law argued and de- termined in all the courts in England and Ireland, from 1843 to 1877. 13 vols. London, 1846-78. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 2f65 COXE (R. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of New Jersey, from 1790 to 1795. 1816. [New Jersey law reports, vol. 1.] CRABBE (W. H.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the district court of the United States for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, from 1836 to 1846. 1853. CRAIG (R. D.) and PHILLIPS (T. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham. London, 1842. [Contained in English chancery reports, vol. 18.] CRANCH (William). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of the United States, from August term, 1801, to February term, 1815. 9 vols, in 8. Vols. 1 and 2 in one. 3d ed. 1815. Vols. 3 and 4, 2d ed. 1812. Vols. 5 and 6, 1812. Vols. 7-9, 1816-17. CRANCH (William). Reports of cases, civil and criminal, in the United States circuit court for the district of Columbia, from 1801 to 1841. 6 vols. 1852-53. CRAWFORD (George) and DIX (E. S.) Abridged notes of cases argued and determined in the several courts of law and equity in Ireland, during the years 1837-38; with some decisions at nisi prius and on the circuits. Dublin, 1839. . Reports of cases argued and ruled on the circuits in Ireland during 1839-46; together with cases decided at the nisi prius sittings, and in the courts of criminal jurisdiction at Dublin. 3 vols. Dublin, 1841-47. CRESWELL (R. N.) Reports of cases heard and decided in the court for the relief of insolvent debtors, from 1827 to 1829. Lon- don, 1830. CRITCHFIELD (L. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Ohio. New series. 17 vols. 1858-?2. [Ohio state reports, vols. 5-21.] CROKE (Geoege). Reports of sir George Croke, knight, form- erly one of the justices of the courts of king's bench and common pleas, of such select cases as were adjudged during the reigns of queen Elizabeth and kings James and Charles. Collected and writ- ten in French by himself; revised and published in English by 2^6 Wisconsin State Library. Harbottle Grimston. 5th ed. By Thomas Leach. 3 vols. Dub- lin, 1791. Vol. 1, Elizabeth. Vol. 2, James. Vol. 3, Charles. CROMPTON (Chakles) and JERVIS (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from 1830 to 1832. 2 vols. London, 1832-33. CROMPTON (Charles) and MEESON (R.) Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from 1832 to 1834. 2 vols. London, 1834-35. CROMPTON (Charles), MEESON (R.) andROSCOE (H.) Re- ports of cases argued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from 1834 to 1835. 2 vols. London, 1835-36. CROUNSE (Lorenzo). Reports of cases in the supreme court of Nebraska, 1873-74. [Nebraska reports, vol. 3.] CRUMRINE (Boyd). Pittsburgh reports; containing cases de- cided by the federal and state courts of Pennsylvania; chiefly at the city of Pittsburgh. Originally published in the Pittsburgh Legal Journal. 3 vols. 1872-73. [Pittsburgh reports, vols. 1-3.] CUMMINS (John). Cases argued and adjudged in the su- preme court of the territory of Idaho, 1866-67. 1 vol. [Idaho reports, vol 1.] CUNNIN'GrHAM (T.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, in in the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth years of king George the second. During which time the right honorable the earl of Hardwicke was lord chief justice of that court. 3d ed. By T. T. BuckniU. London, 1871. CURTEIS (W. C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the ecclesiastical courts at doctor's commons, 1834-44. 3 vols. London, 1840-44. [Contained in English ecclesiastical reports, vols. 6, 7.] Beports of Judicial Decisions. 267 CURTIS (B. E.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the circuit court of the United States for the first circuit, 1851- 56. 2 vols. 1853-57. . Reports of decisions in the supreme court of the United States. With notes and a digest. 22 vols. 1855-56. GUSHING (L. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. 12 vols. 1850-60. CUSHMAN (J. F.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of errors and appeals for the state of Mississippi. 7 vols. 1852-55. [Mississippi reports, vols. 23-29.] DAKOTA. Bennett. 1 vol. To 1877. DATiLAM (J. W.) A digest of the laws of Texas containing a full and complete compilation of the land laws: together with the opinions of the supreme court, [from 1840 to 1844]. 1845. DALLAS (A. J.) Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in the courts of Pennsylvania, and the United States, before and since the revolution. 4 vols. Vol. 1, 3d ed., with notes and additions by T. J. Wharton, 1830. Vol. 2, 1798. Vol. 3, 1799. Vol. 4, 2d ed., with notes and additions by Benjamin Gerhard. 1835. DALY (C. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas for the city and county of New York. 8 vols. 1866-80. DANA (J. G.) Reports of select cases* decided in the court of appeals of Kentucky. 9 vols, in 5. Containing all the cases reported from 1833 to 1840. 2d ed. 1851. DANNER (J. L, C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Alabama, during January and .Tune terms, 1868. 1870. [Alabama reports, vol. 42.] DANIEL (E. R.) Reports of cases argued and determined on the equity side of the court of exchequer, before the right honor- able sir Richard Richards Knight, lord chief baron, during the years 1817 to 1820. London, 1824. DANSON (F. M.) and LLOYD (J. H.) Mercantile cases. Re- 268 Wisconsin State Library. ports of cases relating to commerce, manufactures, etc., deter- mined in the courts of common law, at nisi prius and in banc, in 1828-29. London, 1830. DAVIES (E. H.) Reports of cases determined in the district court of the United States for the district of Maine, with some opinions of the district judge in cases determined in the circuit court, 1839-49. DAVIS (John). Les reports des cases et matters en ley, resolves et adjudges en les courts del roy en Ireland. London, 1674. DAVISON (Henry) and MERIVALE (Herman). Reports of oases argued and determined in the court of queen's bench, and upon writs of error from that court to the exchequer chamber, in trinity and michaelmas terms, 1843, and hilary and easter terms, 1844. London, 1844. "DAY (Thomas). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of errors of the state of Connecticut. 21 vols. 1848-53. [Connecticut reports, vols. 1-21.] . Reports of cases argued and determined in the su- preme court of errors of the state of Connecticut, in the years 1802, 1803 and 1804. 2d ed. 5 vols. 1823-30. DEACON (E. E.) Reports of cases in bankruptcy argued and determined in the court of review, and on appeal before the lord chancellor. 4 vols. London, 1857. [Partially contained in English common law reports, vol. 38.] DEACON (E. E.) and CHITTY (Edward). Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the court of review, and on appeal before the lord chancellor. 4 vols. London, 1833. DEADY (M. P.) Reports of cases determined in the circuit and district courts of the United States, of Oregon and California, 1859-69. 1872. DEANE (J. F.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont. 3 vols. 1853-55. [Vermont reports, vols. 24-26.] DEANE (.1. P.) Reports of cases decided in the ecclesiastical courts at doctors' commons. London, 1858. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 269 DEARSLY (H. R.) Crown cases reserved for consideration and decided by the judges of England, with a selection of cases rela- ting to indictable offences, argued and determined in the court of queen's bench, and the courts of error, from 1852 to 1856. Lon- don, 1856. DEARSLY (H. R.) and BELL (Thomas). Crown cases re- served for consideration, and decided by the judges of England, with a selection of cases and notes of cases relating to indictable offences argued and determined in the court of queen's bench, and the courts of error, from 1856 to 1858. London, 1858. DE GEX (J. P.) Reports of cases in bankruptcy decided by the court of review, the vice-chancellor, Sir James Lewis Knight Bruce, and the lord-chancellors, Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Cottenham. London, 1852. DE GEX (J. P.) and JONES (H. C.) Reports of cases heard and determined by the lord chancellor and the court of appeals in chan- cery, from 1857 to 1859. 4 vols. London, 1858-61. DE GEX (J. P.), JONES (H. C.) and SMITH (R. H.) Reports of cases heard and determined by the lord chancellor and the court of appeals in chancery, from 1863 to 1865. 4 vols. London, 1865-72. DE GEX (J. P.), FISHER (F.) and JONES (H. C.) Reports of cases heard and determined by the lord chancellor and the court of appeal in chancery, 1857- 62. 4 vols. London, 1861-70. DE GEX (J. P.), McNAUGHTEN (S.) and GORDON (A.) Re- ports of cases heard and determined by the lord chancellor and the court of appeals in chancery, from 1851 to 1857. 8 vols. London, 1853-64. DE GEX (J. P.) and SMALE (John). Reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery, from michaelmas term, 1846, to the end of trinity vacation, 1852. 5 vols. London, 1849-53. DELAWARE. Bates chancery. 2 vt)ls. 1814-65. Harrington. 5 vols. 1832-55. Houston. 4 vols. 1856-75. Houston. Criminal cases. 1880. 270 Wisconsin State Library. DENIO (Hieam). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court and in the court for the correction of errors of the state of New York. 5 vols. 1846-49. DENISON (S. C.) Crown cases reserved for consideration, and decided bj the judges of England from 1844 to 1852. 2 vols. London, 1850-52. [Also contained in British crown cases, vols. 5, 6.] DESAUSSURE (H. W.) Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the court of chancery of the state of South Carolina, from the revolution to December, 1813, inclusive. New ed. 4 vols, in 2. 1854. DEVEREAUX (J. C.) Court of claims. Reports and digest of opinions delivered since the organization of the court. With an appendix. 1856. DEVEREUX (T. F.) Equity cases argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from June term, 1828,^to June term, 1834. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1849-55. . Cases argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from December term, 1826, to June term, 1834. 2d ed. 4 vols. 1836-51. DEVEREUX (T. P.) and BATTLE (W. H.) Reports of cases at law argued and determined in the supreme court of North Caro- lina, from December term, 1834, to June term, 1839, both inclusive. 2d ed. 4 vols, in 3. 1857. . Reports of cases in equity, argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from December term, 1834, to December term, 1839, both inclusive. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1858-60. De WITT (E. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court and supreme court commission of Ohio. 11 vols. 1873-78. [Ohio reports, vols. 27-34.] D'HAUTVILLE'S CASE. See Trials, in part one. DICE (F. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of Indiana. 1881. [Indiana reports, vol. 71]. DICKENS (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery. 2. vols. London, 1803. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 271 DILLON (J. F.) Cases determined in the United States circuit courts for the eighth circuit, from 1870 to 1880. 5 vols. 1871-80. DISNEY (William). Reports of cases adjudged in the superior court of Cincinnati, from 1853 to 1860. 2 vols. 1867-71. DODSON (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of admiralty, from 1811 to 1832. 2 vols. London, 1815-23. [Also contained in Am. ed. of English admiralty reports, vol. 6.] DOUGLAS (S. T.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Michigan. 2 vols. 1846-49. DOUGLAS (Sylvester). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the court of king's bench, in the 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d, 24th and 25th years of the reign of George III. 4th ed. By Wil- liam Frere. 4 vols. London, 1813. [Partially contained in English common law reports, vol. 26.] DOUGLAS (Sylvester). The history of the cases of contro- verted elections, which were tried and determined during the first and second sessions of the 14th parliament of Great Britain, 15 and 16 George III. 4 vols. 2d ed. London, 1802. DOW (P.) Reports of cases upon appeals and writs of error in the house of lords during the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th sessions of the fifth parliament of the united kingdom, from 53 George III. to 58 George III. 6 vols. London, 1814-19. DOW (P.) and CLARK (0.) Reports of cases upon appeals and writs of error in the house of lords, and decided during the sessions of 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832. 2 vols. London, 1830-32. DOWLING (A. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the king's bench practice court; with the points of practice decided in the courts of common pleas and exchequer, from michaelmas term, 1830, to michaelmas term, 1841. 9 vols. London, 1833-42. DOWLING (Alfred) and DOWLING (Vincent). Reports of cases argued and determined in the queen's bench practice court; with the points of pleading and practice decided in the courts of common pleas and exchequer; from trinity term, 1841, to easter term, 1843. 2 vols. New series. London, 1843-44. 272 Wisconsin State Library. DOWIJNG (Alfred) and LOWNDES (J. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the queen's bench practice court, with the points of pleading and practice decided in the courts of common pleas and exchequer: from 1843 to 1849. 7 vols. Lon- don, 1845-51. BOWLING (James) and RYLAISID (Archer). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench from 1822 to 1827. 8 vols. London, 1822-28. [Partially contained in English common law reports, vols. 16,22.] . Reports of cases argued and determined at nisi prius in the court of king's bench and on the home circuit. (Being part of vol. 1 of Dowling and Ryland's nisi prius reports.) 1830. (English common law reports, vol 16.) DRAPER (W. H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, in and for the province of upper Canada, from 1829 to 1831. DREW (J. B. C.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of Florida, during the years 1869-71. [Florida reports, vol. 13.] DREWRY (C. S.) Reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery, 1852 to 1859, by sir Richard Torin Kindersley, vice chancellor. 4 vols. London, 1853-60. DREWRY (C. S.) and SMALE (J. J.) Reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery, 1859 to 1865, by sir Richard Torin Kindersley, vice-chancellor. 2 vols. London, 1862-67. DRURY (W. B.) Select cases argued and adjudged in the high court of chancery during the time of lord chancellor Napier, 1858-59. Dublin, 1860. _»_ — = — . Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. 1 vol. Dublin, 1851. [Sugden's decisions, vol. 5.] DRURY (W. B.) and WALSH (F. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Plunkett. 2 vols. Dublin, 1839-42. Beports of Judicial Decisions. 273 DRURY (W. B.) and WARREN (R. R.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Sugden. 4 vols. 1841-43. [Sugden's decisions, vols. 1-4.] DUDLEY (G. M.) Reports of decisions made by the judges of the superior courts of law and chancery of the state of Georgia. 1837. DUDLEY (C. W.) Reports of cases at law argued and deter- mined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, 1837-38. 1858. . Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, on appeal from the courts of equity, containing the decisions from December, 1837, to May, 1838, in- clusive. 1858. DUER (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of the city of New York. 6 vols. 1854-58. DURNFORD (Charles) and EAST (E. H.) Term reports in the court of king's bench, from 1785 to 1800. A new ed., with references to the subsequent cases. 8 vols. London, 1817. [Labeled and arranged as " term reports."] DURFEE (Thomas). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Rhode Island. 1854. [Rhode Island reports, vol. 2.] DUTCHER (An^drew). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court and the court of errors and appeals of New Jersey. 5 vols. 1856-63. [New Jersey law reports, vols. 25-29.J DUVAL (George). Reports of the supreme court of Canada. 4 vols. Toronto, 1878-81. • DUVAL (Alvin). Reports df selected civil and criminal cases, decided in the court of appeals of Kentucky, from 1863 to 1866. 2 vols. 1865-67. DYER (.Tames). Rpports of cases in the reigns of Hen. VIIL, Edw. VI., Q. Mary and Q. Eliz. Taken and collected by sir James Dyer, some time chief justice of the common pleas. Now first translated, with additional references to the latest books of author- ity, by John Valliant. With a life of the author. 3 vols. Dub- lin, 1794. 18 — W. S. L. 274 Wisconsin State Library. EAGLE (F. K.) and YOUNGE (E.) A collection of the reports of cases, the statutes and ecclesiastical laws relating to tithes. 4 vols. London, 1826. EAST (E. H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, from 1800 to 1812. 16 vols. London, 1805-14. [Labelled as and arranged with " term reports."] ECCLESIASTICAL. See English Ecclesiastical Reports. EDEN (R. H.) Reports of cases in the high court of chancery, from 1757 to 1766. 2d ed. 2 vols. London, 1827. EDMONDS (J. W.) Reports of select cases decided in the courts of New York, not heretofore reported or reported only par- tially. 1868. EDWARDS (Charles). Reports of chancery cases decided in the first circuit of New York by the hon. Wm. T. McCoun. 4 vols. 1833-51. EDWARDS (Thomas). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the high court of admiralty, commencing with the judg- ments of sir William Scott, 1808. London, 1812. [Also contained in vol. 4, Am. ed. of English admiralty reports.] ELLIS (T. F.) and BLACKBURN (Colin). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of queen's bench, and the court of exchequer chamber, on error from the court of queen's bench, from 1852 to 1858. 8 vols. London, 1853-59. [Contained in English common law reports, vols. 72, 75, 77, 82, 85, 88, 90, 92.] ELLIS (T. F.), BLACKBURN (Colin) and ELLIS (Francis). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of queen's bench, and the court of exchequer chamber, on error from the court of queen's bench in 1858. London, 1860. [Contained in English common law reports, vol. 96.] ELLIS (T. F.) and ELLIS (Francis). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of queen's bench, and the court of exchequer chamber on error from the court of queen's bench, in 1858-61. 3 vols. London, 1863-67. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 275 ENGLISH (E. H.) Reports of cases at law and in equity, argued and determined in the supreme court of Arkansas, 1845-53. 8 vols. 1846-53. [Arkansas reports, vols. 6-13.] ENGLISH REPORTS. See Moak (N. C.) ENGLISH ADMIRALTY REPORTS. American edition. Edited by George Minot. 9 vols. 1853. Vol. 1, Robinson, (C), vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 2, Robinson, (C), vols. 3 and 4. Vol. 3, Robinson, (C), vols. 5 and 6. Vol. 4, Edwards (Thomas), Hay (George) and Marriott (James), and cases selected from vol. 7 of Moore's privy council reports. Vol. 5, Acton (T. H.), vols. 1 and 2, and cases selected from vol. 4 of notes of cases. Vol. 6, Dodson, (John), vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 7, Haggard, (John), vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 8, Haggard, (John), vol. 3. Robinson (William), vol. 1. Vol. 9, Robinson (William), vol. 2 and parts 1 and 2 of vol. 3; and table of cases. . The same. London edition. Robinson (C.) 6 vols. 1799 to 1808. Edwards. 1 vol. 1808 to 1810. Dodson. 2 vols. 1811 to 1822. Haggard. 3 vols. 1822 to 1837. Robinson (W.) 3 vols. 1838 to 1852. Spinks. 2 vols. 1853 to 1855. Swabey. 1 vol. 1858 to 1859. Lushington. 1 vol. 1860 to 1863. Browning and Lushington. 1 vol. 1864 to 1865. The law reports. 1865 to 1881. ENGLISH CHANCERY REPORTS. Condensed reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery in England. Edited by Richard Peters. 43 vols. J.831-57. Vol. 1, Simons and Stuart. 2 vols. Vol. 2, Simons, vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 3, Russell, vols. 2, 3 and 4, with index containing vol. 1. Vol. 4, Jacob, vol. 1 ; Russell & Mylne, vol. 1. •276 Wisconsin State Library. ENGLISH CHANCERY REPORTS — continued. Vol. 5, Simons, vol. 3; Tamlyn,vol. 1. Vol. 6, Simons, vols. 4 and 5; Russell and Mylne, vol. 2; Mylne & Keen, vol. 1. Vol. 7, Mylne & Keen, vols. 1 and 2; Simons, vol. 5. Vol. 8, Mylne & Keen, vols. 2 and 3; Cooper's select cases, vol. 1. Vol. 9, Mylne & Keen, vol. 3; Simons, vols. 6 and 7. Vol, 10, Simons, vol. 7; Mylne & Keen, vol. 3; Lloyd &• Goold, vol. 1. Vol. 11, Turner & Russell, vol. 1; Simons, vol. 8. Vol. 12, Molloy, vols. 1, 2. Vol. 13, Russell & Mylne, vol. 2; Mylne & Craig, vol. 1. Vol. 14, Mylne & Craig, vols. 2 and 3. Vol. 15, Keen, vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 16, Simons, vols. 9 and 10. Vol. 17, Beavan, vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 18. Mylne & Craig, vol. 4; Craig and Phillips, vol. 1. Vol. 19, Phillips, vol. 1. Vol. 20, Younge & Collyer, vol. 1. Vol. 21. Younge & Collyer, vol. 2. Vol. 22, Phillips, vol. 2. Vol. 23, Hare, vol. 1. Vol. 24, Hare vol. 2. Vol. 25, Hare, vol. 3. Vol. 26, Hare, vol. 5. Vol. 27, Hare, vol. 7. Vol. 28, Collyer, vol. 1. Vol. 29, Beavan, vol. 7. Vol. 30, Hare, vol. 4. Vol. 31, Hare, vol. 6. Vol. 32, Hare, vol. 8. Vol. 33, Collyer, vol. 2. Vol. 34, Simons, vol. 11. Vol. 35, Simons, vol. 12. Vol. 36, Simons, vol. 13. Vol. 37, Simons, vol. 14. Vol. 38, Simons, vol. 15. Vol. 39, Simons, vol. 16. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 277 ENGLISH CHANCERY REPORTS — continued. Vol. 40, Simons, vol. 1. New series. Vol. 41, Hare, vol. 9. Vol. 42, Simons, vol. 17; Simons, vol. 2. New series. Vol. 43, Beavan, vol 3. — . The same. London edition. Cary. 1 vol. 1557 to 1604. Choyce cases in chancery. 1 vol. 1557 to 1606. Tothill. 1 vol. 1559 to 1646. Dickens. 2 vols. 1559 to 1798. Reports in chancery. 1 vol. Folio. 1615 to 1712. Nelson. 1 vol. 1625 to 1693. Equity cases abridged. 2 vols. Folio. Cases in chancery. 1 vol. 1660 to 1688. Freeman. 1vol. 1660 to 1706. Finch (H.) 1 vol. Folio. 1673 to 1681. Vernon. 2 vols. 1681 to 1720. Finch's precedents. 1 vol. 1689 to 1723. Williams (W. Pere). 3 vols. 1695 to 1736. Gilbert. 1 vol. Folio. 1705 to 1727. Select cases temp. King. 1 vol. Folio. 1724 to 1734. Moseley. 1 vol. 1726 to 1731. Kelynge. 1 vol. Folio. 1731 to 1736. West. 1 vol. 1736 to 1739. Atkyns. 3 vols. 1736 to 1755. Ambler. 2 vols. 1736 to 1784. Branardiston. 1 vol. Folio. 1740 to 1741. Ridgeway temp. Harkwicke. 1 vol. 1744 to 1746. Vesey, sen., and Belt's sup. 3 vols. 1747 to 1756. Eden. 2 vols. 1757 to 1767. Brown, by Eden. 4 vols. 1778 to 1794. Brown, by Belt. 4 vols, in 2. 1778 to 1794. Cox. 2 vols. 1783 to 1796. Vesey, jun., with index and Hov. sup. 22 vols. 1789 to 1816. Vesey and Beames. 3 ^ols. 1812 to 1814. Cooper. 1 vol. 1815. Merivale. 3 vols. 1815 to 1817. Swanston. 3 vols. 1818 to 1819. 278 Wisconsin State Library. ENGLISH CHANCERY REPORTS — continued. Wilson. 1 vol. 1818 to 1819. Jacob and Walker. 2 vols. 1819 to 1821. Jacob. 1 vol. 1821 to 1822. Turner and Russell. 1 vol. 1822 to 1824. Russell. 5 vols. 1826 to 1829. Russell and Mylne. 2 vols. 1829 to 1831. Mylne and Keen. 3 vols. 1833 to 1835. Mylne and Craig. 5 vols. 1836 to 1848. Craig and Phillips. 1 vol. 1841. Phillips. 2 vols. 1841 to 1849. Macnaghten and Gordon. 3 vols. 1849 to 1851. De Gex, Macnaghten and Gordon. 8 vols. 1851 to 1857. De Gex and Jones. 4 vols. 1857 to 1859. De Gex, Fisher and Jones. 4 vols. 1859 to 1861. DeGex, Jones and Smith. 4 vols. 1862 to 1865. The law reports. 1865 to 1881. ENGLISH COMMON LAW REPORTS. Reports of cases argued and determined in the English courts of common law. Edited by Thomas Sergeant and John C. Lowber. 117 vols. 1834-66. AIPHABETICAL LIST OF REPORTERS IN JOHNSON'S EDITION OF THE EKGLISH COMMON LAW REPORTS- •4. il 11 Title of reports. Abbrevia- tions. Name of Court. O o o 3 Volume of Eng- lish Common Law Reports. 1 2 3 Adolphus and Ellis ..do do do do do do A. and E. or Ad. and E. ... .do ... King's Bench... do do 1834 1834-5 1835-G 1835-0 1837 1837-8 1838 1839 1839 1839-40 i 840-41 1841 1841-2 1842-3 1843 1843-4 28 29 30 4.5 do do 31 6 7 do .... do f^o do 33 34 8 do Queen's Bench.. ... do . 35 9 do do do . do ... 36 10 11 do ... • do .. do ... do 37 39 13 .....do do (N S) . . do ...do 40 1 Q. B or A.&E.(KS.) do do do do 41 2 8 or Queen's Bench do do 42 43 4 do do .. 45 5 do .....do .... ,do 48 Beports of Judicial Decisions, 279 ENGLISH COMMON LA.W BEPORTS — continued. 1° Title of reports. Abbrevia- tions. Name of Court. .2 1 o 3 Q Volume of Eng- lish Common Law Reports. 6 7 or Queen's Bench do do A.&E.(N.8.) do ... do do 1844-5 1845 1846 1846-7 1847 1847-8 1848 1848-9 1849 1850 1861 1852 1852 1830-1 1831 1832 1832-3 1833-4 1819-20 1820-1 1821-2 1822-3 1823-4 1824-5 1825-6 1826-7 1827 1828 1829 1829-30 1861 1862 1862-3 1863-4 1864 1865 1822-4 1824-5 1825 1826-7-8 1828-9 1829-30 1830-1 1831-2 1832-3 1833-4 1834-5 1835-6 1836-7 1837-8 1838-9 1839-40 51 53 8 do do 55 9 do do ... do 58 10 do do do do 59 11 do do 63 12 do.. do ... .do .... do 64 13 do do 66 14 do do do 68 15 do do do 69 16 do do do do 71 17 do do ...:.. 79 18 do.. Barnewall & Adolphus . do do do .... do 83 1 2 B. & Ad. do . .. King's Bench.. do 20 22 3 do .. .do 23 4 do do do 24 5 do do do do do 27 3 4 Barnewall & Alderson. . do do Barnewall & Cresswell. . do B. & A. do 5 6 5 do do 7 1 2 B. &C. do do do 8 9 H do do do do do 10 do .... do 11 6 do do 13 7 do do do 14 8 do ... do ... do 15 9 do do do 17 10 do do do 21 1 Best & Smith B. &S. do Queen's Bench. do 101 2 do 110 3 do do do do 113 4 ... .do . . .do 116 5 do do Bingham do do 117 6 do do 118 1 Bing. do Common Pleas. do 8 2 do do 11 3 do do 9 4 do do do do 13 5 do do 15 ' 6 do do do do 19 7 do ... do 20 8 do do do .......do 21 9 do do 23 10 do .i Bingham's New Cases. . do >. do do 25 1 2 Bing. N. C. do do do 27 29 3 do do ^ do do do 32 4 do do 33 5 do do 35 <3 |.. do ....do .... do 37 280 Wisconsin State Library. ENaLisn. COMMON LAW -r.-e.vo^t:& — Continued. '3d . if = 1 |K o PI > Title of reports. Abbrevia- tions. Name of Court. CO o o • S cS Q Volume of Eng- lish Common Law Reports. 1 2 Broderip and Bingham. do B. &B. do do do 1819-20 1820-1 1821-2 1844 1814-9 1840-1-2 1825-7 1827-9 1829-31 1831-3 1833-5 1835-7 1837-9 1839-41 1819 1845 1845-6 1846-7 1847 1847-8 1848 1849 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1853 1854 1854: 1855 1856 1856 1856-7 1857 1857-8 1858 1859 1859 1860 1860 1860-1 1861 1861-2 1862 1862-3 1863 1863 1864 1864 1864-5 1865 5 6 3 do Carrington and Kirwan. do Carrington & Marshman Carrington and Payne. . do ... . do do .... do 7 1 2 1 1, 2 3 C. & K. do ... C. &M. C. &P. do Nisi Prius. do do do do 47 61 41 12 14 4 do .......do 19 5 do do do do 24 6 do .. .. do 25 7 .....do do do .>..: do 33 8 do do 34 9 do Chitty do do 38 1, 2 Chit. C. B. or Com. B. do King's Bench. Common Pleas. do do 18 1 2 3 Com.B'cb,M.,Gr.«& Scott do do do do do do 50 52 54 4 ... do do 56 5 do do 57 6 ...do do 60 7 do do 62 8 do ....do do 65 9 do do..J.Scott,l do do 3 do do 3 do do 4 do do 5 do .do . 67 10 do do 70 ii do do . ... 73 12 do .do 74 13 do do 76 14 do do .. 78 15 do do 6 do do 7 .do do 8 do do 9 do(N S)do . do do 80 16 do do 81 17 do do 84 18 ... do do 86 1 do N. S. ......do do do do do do .......do do do do do do do do .do do do do ..do 87 2 3 4 5 do do do do ... do do ... do . . . do do. .do do.. do do. .do ... do.. do 89 91 93 94 6 7 8 9 do do ... do. . . .do . . . do do ... . do do . ... .do. .do do. .do do. .do ... do.. do 95 97 98 99 10 11 12 13 14 do do ... do do ... do do ... do do ... ........ do . do . do. .do do.. do do . . do do. .do do. .do ...do. .do do. .do do. .do do.. do ....do. .do lOO 103 104 106 108 15 16 17 18 19 do do ... do do ... do do ... do do ... do do ... 109 111 112 114 115 Reports of Judicial Decisions. 281 ENGLISH COMMON LAW REPORTS — Continued. h 1"' Title of reports. Abbrevia- tions. Name of Court. o o o "S Q Volume of Eng- lish Common Law Reports. 1 Deacon Deac. Doug. D. &R. do B'krupt'y Cases. King's Bench. do do do Queen's Bench. do 1835-6 1781-5 1822-6 1826-7 1822-3 1852-3 1853 1854 1854-5 1856 1856 1857 1857-8 1858-9 1858-9 1859-60 1860 1818-19 1815-17 1840 1840-1 1841-2 1842 1843 1843-4 1844 1827-8 1813-16 1827-30 1817-19 1819-21 1821-5 1825-7 1827-9 1831-3 1833-4 1832-4 1834-5 1835-6 1836-7 1823-6 1835-6 1836-7 1814-16 1820-22 1813-16 1816-17 1817-19 38 3,4 1-8 9 Douglas Dowling and Ryland. . . do 26 16 23 1 i do Ellis and Blackburn.... do do D.&R.N.P. E. &B. do 16 72 75 3 do . . . . .. .. do 77 4 5 do do do do .... do do do 82 85 6 do . . . . .. .do . .. 88 7 do do Ellis, Blackburn & Ellis Ellis and Ellis do ... do 90 8 do do 92 1 1 E., K. & E. E. i&E. do do do do 96 102 2 .; do do Gow 105 3 do do 107 1 Gow. Holt. M. & G. do . . . . do do ...... Common Pleas. ..do 5 1 Holt 3 1 2 Manning and Granger. . do do 39 40 3 do .... do 43 4 do ... do do do do 43 5 6 do do .... do do 44 46 7 do Manning and Ryland. . . Marshall .....do ... . do ... . 49 1,3 1,2 1 1,2,3 M. & R. Marsh. Moody & M. Moore. do King's Bench. C. P. and Exch. Nisi Prius. C. P. and Exch. do 17 4 Moody and Malkin. .... J. B. Moore 23 4 4,5 6-10 do : do do Moore and Payne Moore and Scott do 16 .....do . .. do 17 11,12 do do 22 1,2 1,2 3.4 1,3,3 4 M. &P. M. & S. do do do do ... 17 28 30 Nevile and Manning . . . do do Nevile and Perry Ryan and Moody Scott '. N. & M. do .. . King's Bench. do 28 30 5,6 1 2 do do 36 N. & P. R&M. Scott. Scott. Stark. do .... , Taunt. *....do ... KiDg'sB.&Exc Nisi Prius. C. P. and Exch. do Nisi Prius. N.P.K.B.andC.P Common Pleas. do .... 36 21 30 3,3 5,6 Scott 36 Starkie ...do.... Taunton 3 3 1 7 ...do ...do 2 8 do .... C. P. and Exch. 4 282 Wisconsin- State Library. C ENGLISH 'COMMON PLEAS REPORTS. Benloe and Dalison. 1 vol. Folio. 14S6 to 1580. Anderson. 1 vol. Folio. 1534 to 1605. Brownlow and Goldesborough. 1 vol. Folio. 1569 to 1624. Saville. 1 vol. Folio. 1580 to 1594. Hutton. 1 vol. Folio. 1612 to 1639. Bridgman (J.) 1 vol. Folio. 1613 to 1621. Winch. 1 vol. Folio. 1621 to 1625. Littleton. 1 vol. Folio. 1626 to 1632. Hetley. 1 vol. Folio. 1627 to 1632. Bridgman (O.) 1 vol. 1660 to 1667. Carter. 1 vol. Folio. 1664 to 1676. Vaughan. 1 vol. Folio. 1665 to 1674. Lutwyche. 2 vols. Folio. 1682 to 1704. Cooke. 1 vol. 1706 to 1747. Barnes. 1 vol. 1732 to 1760. Willes. 1 vol. 1737 to 1760. Blackstone (H.) 2 vols. 1788 to 1796. Bosanquetand Puller. 5 vols. 1796 to 1807. Taunton. 8 vols. 1808 to 1819. Broderip and Bingham. 3 vols. 1819 to 1822. Bingham. 10 vols. 1822 to 1834. Bingham. New cases. 6 vols. 1834 to 1840. Scott. 8 vols. 1834 to 1840. Manning and Granger. 7 vols. 1840 to 1844. Scott. New reports. 8 vols. 1840 to 1845. Manning, Granger and Scott. 9 vols. 1845 to 1850. [English common law reports, vols. 50, 52, 51, 56, 57, 60, 62, 65, 67.] Scott. 9 vols. 1850 to 1856. [English common law reports, vols. 70, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, 81, 84, 86.] Scott. New series. 20 vols. 1856 to 1865. [English common law reports, vols. 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 100, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 111, 112, 114, 115, 117.] Harrison and Rutherford. 1 vol. 1866 to 1868. The law reports. 1865 to 1881. ENGLISH ECCLESIASTICAL REPORTS. Reports of cases Reports of Judicial Decisions. 283 argued and determined in the English ecclesiastical courts. Edited by Edward D. Ingraham. 7 vols. 1831-35. Vol. 1, Phillimore. 3 vols. 1809-21. Vol. 2, Addams. 3 vols. 1822-26. Vol. 3, Haggard, vol. 1; Ferguson's consistory reports. Vol. 4, Haggard, vol. 2; Haggard's consistory reports, vols. 1 and 2. Vol. 5, Haggard, vol. 3; Lee, vol. 1. Vol. 6, Lee, vol. 2; Curteis, vol. 1. Vol. 7, Curteis, vols. 2 and 3. . The same. London edition. Lee. 2 vols. 1752 to 1758. Haggard. (Consistory). 2 vols. 1789 to 1821. Phillimore. 3 vols. 1809 to 1821. Addams. 3 vols. 1822 to 1826. Haggard. 4 vols. 1827 to 1833. Curteis. 3 vols. 1834 to 1844. Notes of cases in the ecclesiastical and maritime courts. 7 vols. 1841 to 1850. Robertson. 2 vols. 1844 to 1851. ' Spinks. 2 vols. 1853 to 1855. Deane. 1 vol. 1855 to 1857. Swabey and Tristram. 4 vols. 1858 to 1866. The law reports. 1865 to 1881. ENGLISH ELECTION CASES. Glanville. 1 vol. 1624. Douglas. 4 vols. 1774 to 1776. Eraser. 2 vols. 1776 to 1777. Luder. 3 vols. 1785 to 1790. Peckwell. 2 vols. 1802 to 1806. Corbett and Daniell. 1 vol. 1819. Cockburn and Rowe. 1 vol. 1832. Perry and Knapp. 1 vol. 1833. Knapp and Ombler. 1 vol. 1834. Falconer and Fitz^erbert. 1 vol. 1837. Barron and Austin. 1 vol. 1842. Barron and Arnold. 1 vol. 1843 to 1846. Power, Rodwell and Dew. 1 vol. 1847 to 1856. 284 Wisconsin State Libraby. ENGLISH ELECTION CASES — continued. Wolferstan and Dew. 1 vol. 1856 to 1858. Wolferstan and Bristow. 1 vol. 1859 to 1864. O'Malley and Hardcastle. 3 vols. 1869 to 1880. ENGLISH EXCHEQUER REPOOTS. Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of exchequer at law and in equity, and in the exchequer chamber, in equity and in error. Edited by Francis J. Troubat. 6 vols. 1835. Vol. 1, Price, vols. 1, 2 and 3. Vol. 2, Price, vols. 4, 5 and 6. Vol. 3, Price, vols. 7 and 8. Vol. 4, Price, vols. 9 and 10. Vol. 5, Price, vols. 11 and 12. Vol. 6, Price, vol. 13, and part 3 of vol. 10. . The same. London edition. Jenkins. 1 vol. Folio. 1220 to 1623. Lane. 1 vol. Folio. 1605 to 1612. Hardres. 1 vol. 1655 to 1669. Bunbury. 1 vol. 1713 to 1742. Parker. 1 vol. 1743 to 1767. Conroy (Custodiam). 1 vol. Anstruther. 3 vols. 1792 to 1797. Forest, 1 vol. 1801. Wightwick. 1 vol. 1810 to 1811. Price. 13 vols. 1814 to 1824. Wilson. 1 part. 1817. Daniell. 1 vol. 1817 to 1819. McCleland. 1 vol. 1824. McCleland and Younge. 1 vol. 1825. Younge and Jervis. 3 vols. 1826 to 1830. Younge. 1vol. 1830 to 1832. Crompton and Jervis. 2 vols. 1830 to 1832. Younge and Collier. 4 vols. 1833 to 1841. Crompton and Meeson. 2 vols. 1832 to 1834-. Tyrrwhitt. 5 vols. 1830 to 1835. Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe. 2 vols. 1834 to 1836. Tyrrwhitt and Granger. 1 vol. 1836. Meeson and Welsby. 17 vols. 1836 to 1847. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 2S5 ENGLISH EXCHEQUER REPORTS — continued. Exchequer reports (Welsby, Hurlstone and Gordon.) 11 vols. 1847 to 1856. Hurlstone and Norman. 7 vols. 1856 to 1861. Hurlstone and Coltman. 4 vols. 1862 to 1865. The law reports. 1865 to 1881. ENGLISH LAW AND EQUITY REPORTS. Containing reports of cases in the house of lords, privy council, courts of equity and common law; and in the admiralty and ecclesiastical courts; including also cases in bankruptcy and crown cases re- served. Edited by Edmund H. Bennett and Chauncey Smith. 40 vols. 1851-58. ENGLISH RAILWAY AND CANAL CASES. Cases rela- ting to railways and canals, argued and adjudged in the courts of law and equity, from 1835 to 1854. By H. J. Nicholl, Thomas Hare and J. M. Carrow. 7 vols. London, 1840-55. EQUITY REPORTS. Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of chancery from 1853 to 1855, together with reports of cases carried by appeal from that court to the house of lords; also reports of cases carried by appeal from colonial courts of equity to the privy council. 3 vols, in 4. London, 1854-55. ESPINASSE (IsAA.c). Reports of cases argued and ruled at nisi prius, in the courts of king's bench and common pleas, from 1793 to 1807. 6 vols, in 3. London, 1796. EWELL (M. D.) Leading and select cases on the disabilities incident to infancy, coverture, idiocy, etc.; with notes. 1876. EXCHEQUER REPORTS. Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from 1847 to 1856. By W. N. Welsby, E. T. Hurlstone and J. Gordon. 11 vols. London, 1849-57. FAIRFIELD (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme judicial court of the state of Maine. 3 vols. 1835-37. [Maine reports, vols. 10-12.J FALCONER (Thomas) and FITZHERBERT (E. H.) Cases of controverted elections determined in committees of the house of commons in the second parliament of the reign of queen Victoria. London, 1839. 286 Wisconsin State Library. FEDERAL REPORTER. Containing all decisions of the cir- cuit and district courts of the United States. Peyton Boyle, editor. 7 vols. 1880-81. FERGUSON (James). Reports of some recent decisions by the consistorial court of Scotland, in actions of divorce, concluding for dissolution of marriages celebrated under the English law. 1832. English ecclesiastical reports, vol. 3. FINCH (Thomas). Precedents in chancery; being a collection of cases argued and adjudged in the high court of chancery, from the year 1689 to 1722. 2d ed. Dublin, 1792. FINCH (Heneage). Reports of cases decreed in the high court of chancery, during the time sir Heneage Finch, afterwards earl of Nottingham, was lord chancellor. Folio. In the Savoy. 1725. FINLASON (W. F.) A selection of leading cases on pleading and parties to actions. London, 1847. FINLASON (W. F.) A report of the case of the queen v. Gurney and others, in the court of queen's bench, with an introduction and an examination of the cases illustrating the doctrine of commercial fraud. London, 1870. FISHER (S. S.) Reports of cases arising under letters patent for invention, determined in the courts of the United States, from 1848 to 1873. 6 vols. 1867-74. FISHER (W. H.) Reports of cases relating to letters patent for inventions, determined in the supreme and circuit courts of the United States, not included in Robb and Fisher's patent cases, 1827-51. Vol. 1. 1873. FISHER (R.) Cases decided in the district and circuit court of the United States for the Pennsylvania district, and also a case de- cided in the district court of Massachusets, relative to the employ- ment of British licenses on board of vessels of the United States. 1813. FITZGIBBON (John). The reports of several cases argued and adjudged in the court of king's bench at Westminster; with some special cases in the courts of chancery, common pleas and ex- chequer. In the 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years of his present majesty, king George II. Folio. In the Savoy. 1732. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 287 FLANAGAN (S. W.) and KELLY (Charles). Reports of cases in chancery decided in the rolls ^ourt during the time of sir Michael O'Loughlin. Dublin, 1843. FLORIDA. Branch's reports. 1. 1846. Archer's reports. 2. 1847. Hogue's reports. 3-5. 1848-51. Papy's reports. 6-8. 1852-59. Galbraith's reports. 9-11. 1859-67. - Galbraith and Meek's reports. 12. 1867-69- Drew's reports. 13. 1869-71. Cocke's reports. 14-15. 1871-76. Raney's reports. 16-17. 1876-80. FOGG (G. G.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme judicial court of New Hampshire. 6 vols. 1857-59. [New Hampshire reports, vols. 32-37.] FONBLANQUE (J. W. M.) Reports of cases adjudicated in the several courts of the commissioners in bankruptcy, under the bankrupt laws consolidation act, 1849. London, 1857. FOREST. Cases argued and determined in the court of ex- chequer, in 41 Geo. IIL 1800-1801. [No title-page or index.] FORTESCUE (John). Reports of select cases in all the courts of Westminster hall; also the opinion of all the judges of England relating to the grandest prerogative of the royal family, and some observations relating to the prerogative of a queen consort. In the Savoy. Folio. 1748. FOSTER (W. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of judicature of New Hampshire. 12 vols. 1852-57. [New Hampshire reports, vols. 19, 21-31.J FOSTER (Michael). A report of some proceedings on the commission for the trial of the rebels in the year 1746, in the county of Surry; and of other croyn cases; to which are added discourses upon a few branches of the crown law. 3d ed. London, 1792. FOSTER (t. C.) and FINLASON (W. F.) Reports of cases decided at nisi prius and at the crown side on circuit; with select 288 Wisconsin State Librae y. decisions at chambers. From hilary vacation, 1856, to hilary vaca- tion, 1867. 4 vols. London, 1860-67. FOX (M. C.) and SMITH (T. B. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of king's bench and court of error 1822. 2 vols, in 1. Dublin, 1825. FRANCE ( L. B.) Reports of cases at law and in chancery de- termined in the supreme court of Colorado, from 1867 to 1879. 2 vols. 1878-79. [Colorado reports, vols. 3, 4.] FRASER (Simon). Reports of the proceedings before select committees of the house of commons, in certain cases of con- troverted elections; heard and determined during the first and sec- ond sessions of the seventeenth parliament of Great Britain. 2 vols. London, 1791-93.' *' Election cases, 1790-92." FREEMAN (J. D.) Reports of cas3S decided in the superior CQurt of chancery of the state of Mississippi. Containing a series of cases decided between December term, 1839, and July term, 1843. 1844. FREEMAN (Richaed). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the courts of king's bench and common pleas, from 1670 to 1704. 2d ed. London, 1826. . Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, principally between the years 1660 and 1706. 2d ed. By John E. Hovenden. London, 1823. . Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the courts of king's bench and common pleas from 1670 to 1683. Folio. In the Savoy. 1742. FREEMAN (N. L.) Reports of cases at law and in chancery, argued and determined in the supreme court of Illinois from 1863 to 1880. 65 vols. [Illinois reports, vols. 31-96.] FREEMAN (William). Trial of. See Trials, in part one. FRENCH (B. B.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of judicature of the state of New Hampshire. From 1832 to 1834, both inclusive. 1835. [New Hampshire reports, vol. 6.] Reports of Judicial Decisions. 289 GALE (C. J.) and DAVISON (Henry). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of queen's bench, and upon writs of error from that court to the exchequer chamber, from 1841 to 1843. 3 vols. London, 1842-43. GALBRAITH (J. B.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of Florida; at terms held in 1860-66. 3 vols. 1861-67. [Florida reports, vols. 9-11.] GALBRAITH (J. B.) and MEEK (A. R.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of Florida at terms held in 1867-69. 1869. [Florida reports, vol. 12.] GALLISON (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the circuit court of the United States for the first circuit. 2 vols. 2ded. 1845. GARDENHIRE (J. B.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of the state of Missouri. 2 vols. 1852. [Missouri reports, vols. 14-15.] GAYARRE (Charles). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of Louisiana. 3 vols. 1873-75. [Louisiana annual reports, vols. 25-27.] GEORGIA. Charlton's (T. U. P.) reports. 1 vol. 1805-10. Charlton's (R. M.) reports. 1 vol. 1811-37. Dudley's reports. 1 vol. 1821-33. Georgia decisions. 1 vol. 1841-43. Georgia reports. 63 vols. 1864-79. Kelly's reports. 1-3 Ga. 1846-47. Kelly and Cobb's reports. 4-5 Ga. 1848. Cobb's reports. 6-20 Ga. 1849-57. Martin's reports. 21-30 Ga. 1858-62. Lester's reports. 31-33 Ga. 1860-61. Bleckly's reports. 34-35 Ga. 1864-66. Hammond's repOrts. 36-34 Ga. 1867-72. Hammond and Jackson's reports. 45 Ga. 1872. Jackson's reports, 46-58 Ga. 1872-77. Jackson and Lumpkin's reports, 59-63 Ga. 1877-79. 19— W.S. L. 290 Wisconsin State Library. GEORGIA DECISIONS. Decisions of the superior courts of the state of Georgia, from 1841 to 1843. 2 parts in 1 vol. 1843-44. GEORGE (J. Z.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of errors and appeals, for the state of Mississippi. Containing the cases determined from December term, 1855, to April term, 1863. 10 vols. 1857-67. [Mississippi reports, vols. 30-39.] GIBBS (G. C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Michigan. 3 vols. 1854-57. [Michigan reports, vols. 2-4.] GIFFARD (J. W. De L.) Reports of cases adjudged in the high court of chancery, by the vice-chancellor, sir John Stuart. From 1857-65. 5 vols. London, 1860-71. GILBERT (Jeffrey). Cases in law and equity adjudged in the king's bench and chancery in the 12th and 13th years of Queen Anne, during the time of lord chief justice Parker; with two treat- ises, the one on the action of debt, the other on the constitution of England. In the Savoy. 1760. . Reports of cases in equity decreed in the courts of chancery and exchequer, chiefly in the reign of George I. 2d ed. Folio. In the Savoy. 1742. GILL (R. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of Maryland, from 1843 to 1851. 9 vols. 1846-52. GILL (R. W.) and JOHNSON (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of Maryland. Containing the cases from 1829 to 1842. 12 vols. 1830-45. GILMAN (Charles). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of Illinois. 5 vols. 1846-49. [Illinois reports, vols. 6-10.] GILMER (P. W.) Reports of cases decided in the court of ap- peals of Virginia. 1820-21. GILPIN (H. D.) Reports of cases adjudged in the district court of the United States for the eastern district of Pennsyl- vania. 1837. GLANVILLE (John). Reports of certain cases determined and adjudged by the commons in parliament in the 21st and 22d Reports of Judicial Decisions, 291 years of the reign of King James the first. London, 1775. " Elec- tion cases, 1623-24." GLASCOCK (Walter). Miscellaneous reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of king's bench, common pleas and exchequer, in Ireland, in 1831-32; chiefly on points of practice. Dublin, 1832. GLENN (S. F.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Louisiana. For the years 1861-66. 3 vols. 1866-67. [Louisiana annual reports, vols. 16-18. J GLYN (T. C.) and JAMESON (R. S.) Cases in bankruptcy. Containing reports of cases decided by lord chancellor Eldon, and by vice chancellor sir John Leach, from 1821 to 1828. 2 vols. London, 1824-28. GODBOLT'S REPORTS. Reports of certain cases, arising in the several courts of record at Westminister; in the raignes of Q. Elizabeth, K. James, and the late king Charles. London, 1752. GOULDSBOROUGH (J.) Reports of choice cases, in all the courts at Westminster, in the later years of the reign of queen Elizabeth. London, 1653. GOW (NiEL.) Reports of cases argued at nisi prius, in the court of common pleas, 1818-20; to which are added copious notes on the most important branches of commercial law, viz.: insurance, shipping, bankruptcy, bills of exchange, etc. London, 1828. [Partially contained in English common law reports, vol. 5.] GRANGER (M. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Ohio. 2 vols. 1873-74. [Ohio state reports, vols. 22, 23.] GRANT (Benjamin). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania. 3 vols. 1859-64. GRANT (Alexander). Reports of cases adjudged in the court of chancery of Upper Canada. 27 vols. Toronto, 1850-80. . Chancery chambers reports [of Upper Canada]. Toronto, 1868. [Chancery chambers reports, vol. 1.] . Reports of cases argued in the court of error and appeal [of Upper Canada]. 1846-66. 3 vols. Toronto, 1865-66. 292 Wisconsin State Library. GRATTAN (P. R.) Reports of cases decided in the supreme court of appeals and the general court of Virginia, from 1844 to 1879. 31 vols. 1845-80. GRAY (Horace). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. 16 vols. 1855-71. GREEN (C. E.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of chancery, the prerogative court, and on appeal, in the court of errors and appeals of the state of New Jersey. 12 vols. 1867-77. [New Jersey equity reports, vols. 16-27.] • GREEN (J. S.) Reports of cases argued and adjudicated in the supreme court of judicature of New Jersey, 1831-36. 3 vols. [New Jersey law reports, vols. 13-15.] GREEN (H. W.) Reports of cases determined in the court of chancery of New Jersey. 3 vols. 1842-46. [New Jersey equity reports, vols. 2-4. GREEN (N. St. John). Criminal law reports: being reports of cases determined in the federal and state courts, and in the courts of England and Ireland. 2 vols. 1874-75. GREENE (George). Reports of cases in law and equity de- termined in the supreme court of Iowa. 4 vols. 1849-58. GREENLEAF (Simon). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme judicial court of Maine. 9 vols. 1822-35. [Maine reports, vols. 1-9.] GRISWOLD (Hiram). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Ohio. 6 vols. 1846-51. [Ohio reports, vols. 14-19.] HADLEY (Amos). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme judicial court of New Hampshire. 4 vols. 1866-71. [New Hampshire reports, vols. 45-48.J HAGAN (Albert). Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the territory of Utah, from the organization of the terri- tory to 1876. [Utah reports, vol. 1.] HAGANS (J. M.) Report of cases decided in the supreme court of appeals of West Virginia, from 1863 to 1872. 5 vols. [West Virginia reports, vols. 1-5.] I Reports of Judicial Decisions. 293 HAGrGARD (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of admiralty, 1822-3S. 3 vols. London, 1825-40. [Also contained in Am. ed. of English admiralty reports, vols. V,8.] . Reports of cases argued and determined in the con- sistory court of London; containing the judgments of the right Hon. Sir William Scott. 2 vols. London, 1822. [Partially contained in English ecclesiastical reports, vol. 4.] • . Reports of cases argued and determined in the ecclesiastical courts at doctor's commons, and in the high court of delegates, 1827-33. London, 1829-34 [Contained in English ecclesiastical reports, vols. 3, 4, 5.] . A report of the judgment in Dew v. Clark and Clark. Delivered by the right honorable sir John Nicholl, in the preroga- tive court of Canterbury, 1826. London, 1826. HALE (J. E.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of California. 5 vols. 1868-70. [California reports, vols. 33-37.J HALL (J. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of the city of New York. 2 vols. 1831-33. HALL (F. J.) and T WELLS (Philip). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Cottenham, 1849-50. 2 vols. London, 1850-51. HALL (Daniel). Reports of cases in the superior court of judi- cature of New Hampshire. 2 vols. [New Hampshire reports, vols. 56-57.] HALLETT (Moses). Reports of cases at law and in chancery determined in the supreme court of Colorado territory to 1876. 2 vols. 1872-76. [Colorado reports, vols. 1, 2.] HALSTED (G, B.) Reports of cases determined in the court of chancery, and in the prerogative court, and on appeal, in the court of errors and appeals of the state of New Jersey. 4 vols. 1849-54. [New Jersey equity reports, vols. 4-8.] HALSTED (William., jr). Reports of cases argued and deter- 294 Wisconsin State Library. mined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of New Jer- sey. 7 vols. 1822-31. [New Jersey law reports, vols. G-12.] HAMMOND (N. J.) Reports of cases in law and equity argued and determined in the supreme court of Georgia, from 1867 to 1872. 9 vols. [Georgia reports, vols. 36-44.] HAMMOND CCharles). Cases decided in the supreme court of Ohio, upon the circuit and at the special sessions in Columbus, 1823-39. 2d ed. 9 vols. [Ohio reports, vols. 1-9.] HAMMOND (N. J.) and JACKSON (Henry). Reports of cases in law and equity argued and determined in the supreme court of Georgia, 1872. 1 vol. [Georgia reports, vol. 45.] HAND (Samuel). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of the state of New York. 6 vols. 1869-72. [New York reports, vols. 4C-45.] HANWAY'S CASE. See Trials, in part one. HANDY (R. D. and J. H.) Reports of cases argued and ad- judged in the superior court of Cincinnati, in 1854-55. 2 vols, in . 1. 1855. HARDIN (Thomas). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the court of appeals of Kentucky, from 1805 to 1808. 1810. HARDRESS (Thomas). Reports of cases adjudged in the court of exchequer, in the years 1655, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1660. And from thence continued to the 21st year of his late majesty, king Charles 11. 2d ed. Dublin, 1792. HARE (Thomas). Reports of cases adjudged in the high court of chancery, before the right hon. sir James Wigram, vice chan- cellor, 1841-53. 11 vols. London, 1843-54. [English chancery reports, vols. 23, 27, 30, 31, 32, 41.] HARE (J. T. C.) and WALLACE (H. B.) American leading cases; being select decisions of American courts, in several depart- ments of law; with especial reference to me rcantile law. 2d ed 2 vols. 1851. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 295 HARGROVE (T. L.) Cases argued and determined in the su- preme court of North Carolina, 1873-76. 8 vols. [North Carolina reports, vols. 68-75. J HARMAN (G. F.) Reports of cases decided in the court of common pleas. Edited by Christopher Robinson. 8 vols. 1874-80. [Upper Canada common pleas reports, vols. 23-30.] HARMON (J. B.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of California. 3 vols. 1860-61. [California reports, vols. 13-15.] HARPER (William). Reports of cases determined in the con- stitutional court of South Carolina. 3d ed. 1861. HARRINGTON (S. M.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the superior court and court of errors and appeals of the state of Delaware, from the organization of those courts under the amended constitution; with references to some of the earlier cases. 5 vols. 1837-56. HARRINGTON (E. B.) Reports of cases determined in the court of chancery of the state of Michigan. 1845. HARRIS (G. W.) Pennsylvania state reports. Reports of cases adjudged by the supreme court of Pennsylvania. 12 vols. 1850-69. [Pennsylvania state reports, vols. 13-24.] HARRIS (Thomas, jk.) and M'HENRY (John). Maryland re- ports, being a series of the most important law cases argued and determined in the provincial court and court of appeals of the then province of Maryland, from the year 1700 down to the American revolution. 4 vols. 1809-40. HARRIS (Thomas) and JOHNSON (Reverdy). Reports of cases argued and determined in the general court and court of ap- peals of the state of Maryland, from 1800-26, inclusive. 7 vols. 1821-27. HARRIS (Thomas) and GILL (R. W.) Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the court of appeals of Maryland, 1826- 29. 2 vols. 1828-29. HARRIS (G. E.) and SIMJIALL (G. H.) Reports of cases in the supreme court for the state of Mississippi. 4 vols. 1873-76. [Mississippi reports, vols. 49-52.] HARRISON (Josiah). Reports of cases decided in the supreme 296 Wisconsin State Libbary. court of judicature of New Jersey, from 1837 to 1842. 4 vols. 1839-43. [New Jersey law reports, vols. 16-19.] HARRISON (Benjamin). Reports of cases argued and de- termined in the supreme court of judicature of Indiana. 10 vols. 1861-69. [Indiana reports, vols. 15-17 and 23-£9.] HARRISON (J. B.) Condensed reports of cases in the su- perior court of the territory of Orleans and in the supreme court of the state of Louisiana; containing the decisions of those courts from 1809 to 1830. 4 vols. 1840. HARRISON (O. B. C.) and RUTHERFORD (Henry). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas, and the court of exchequer chamber on appeal from the court of com- mon pleas, 1865-66. London, 1868. HARRISON (S. B.) and WOLLASTON (F. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench and in the bail court, from 1835 to 1836. 2 vols. London, 1846-37. HARTLEY (O. C.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of Texas. 7 vols. 1852-53. [Texas reports, vols. 4-10.] HARTLEY (O. C.) and HARTLEY (R. K.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of Texas. 11 vols. 1854-59. [Texas reports, vols. 11-21.] HAWKINS (J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Louisiana. For the years 1867-69. 3 vols. 1868-69. [Louisiana annual reports, vols. 19-21.] HAWLEY (J. G.) American criminal reports. A series de- signed to contain the latest and most important criminal cases de- termined in the federal and state courts in the United States, as well as selected cases, important to American lawyers, from the English, Irish, Scotch and Canadian law reports. With notes and references. 2 vols. 1878-80. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 297 HAWKS (F. L.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of North Carolina, from 1820 to 1826. 4 vols. 1843-45. HAY (William). Decisions of the supreme courts of England and Scotland on the liability of proprietors, masters and servants for injuries arising from accidents and negligence. Edinburgh, 1860. HAY (George) and MARRIOTT (James). Decisions in the high court of admiralty, during the time of sir George Hay and of sir James Marriott, late judges of that court. London, 1801. [Also contained in Am. ed. of English admiralty reports, vol. 4.] HAYES (Edmund). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of exchequer in Ireland, from 1830 to 1832. Dublin, 1837; HAYES (Edmund) and JONES (Thomas). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of exchequer, in Ireland, from 1832 to 1834. Dublin, 1843. HAYWOOD (John). Reports of cases adjudged in the superior courts of law and equity of the state of North Carolina, from 1789 to 1806. 2 vols. 2d ed. By William H. Battle. 1832-43. . Reports of cases ruled and decided by the supreme court of errors and appeals, for the state of TennesseR Vols. 4 and 5. 1818. . The same. New ed. Vols. 3-5 in one. With notes and references. By Melville M. Bigelow. 1870, HEAD (J. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Tennessee, from 1856 to 1860. 3 vols. 1860-66. HEATH (Solyman). Reports of cases in law and equity deter- mined by the supreme judicial court of Maine. 5 vols. 1855-56. [Maine reports, vols. 36-40.] HEISKELL (J. B.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Tennessee, 1870-73. 12 vols. 1870-78. HELM (Alfred). Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of Nevada, from 1866 to 1874. 8 vols. [Nevada reports, vols. 2-9.] HEMMING (G. W.) and MILLER (A. E.) Reports of cases 298 Wisconsin State Library. adjudged in the high court of chancery, before sir William Wood, vice-chancellor. 2 vols. London, 1864-65. HEMPSTEAD (S. H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the United States superior court for the territory of Arkansas, from 1820 to 1836; and in the United States district court for the district of Arkansas, from 1836 to 1849; and in the United States circuit court for the district of Arkansas, in the ninth circuit, from 1839 to 1856. 1856. HENING (W. W.) and MUNFORD (William). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of appeals of Virginia; with select cases, relating chiefly to points of practice, decided by the superior court of chancery for the Richmond district. 2ded. 4 vols. 1809-11. HEPBURN (H. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of California, in the year 1852. 3 vols. 1854-56. [California reports, vols. 2-4.] HETLE Y (Thomas). Reports of cases taken in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh years of the late king Charles. As they were argued by most of the king's sergeants at the common pleas barre. London, 1657. HILL (l^iCHOLAs). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of New York. 7 vols. 1845-47. HILL (W. R.) Reports of cases at law argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina. 3 vols, in 2. 1857. . Reports of cases in chancery argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina; from January, 1833, to May, 1837, both inclusive. 2 vols. 1834-37. HILL and DENIO. Reports of cases argued and determined in the late supreme court of the state of New York. Supplement to Hill and Denio. By T. M. Lalor. 1857. HTLLYER (C. J.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of California. 3 vols. 1863-64. [California reports, vols. 20-22.] HILTON (Henry). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas for the city and county of New York. 2 vols. 1859-60. ' Reports of Judicial Decisions. 299 HOBART (Henry). The reports of that reverend and learned judge, the right honorable sir Henry Hobart, knight and baronet, lord chief justice of his majesty's court of common pleas, and chan- cellor to both their hignesses Henry and Charles, princes of Wales. 5th ed. In the Savoy. Folio, 1724* . The same. Am. ed. By J. M. Williams. 1829. HOFFMAN (Murray). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the court of chancery of the state of New York, before the assistant vice-chancellor of the first circuit. 1841. HOFFMAN (Ogden). Reports of land cases determined in the United States district court for the northern district of California. 1862. HOGAN (William). Reports of cases argued and determined in the rolls court in Ireland, during the time of the right hon. sir William McMahon, master of the rolls. 2 vols. Dublin, 1828-38. HOLMES (J. S.) Reports of cases determined in the circuit court of the United States for the first circuit from 1870 to 1875, Vol. 1. 1877. HOLT (John). A report of the cases determined by sir John Holt, from 1688 to 1710, during which time he was lord chief jus- tice of England. Folio. In the Savoy. 1783. . The judgments delivered by the lord chief justice Holt, in the case of Ashbury v. White and others, and in the case of John Patty and others. With an introduction. London, 1837. HOLT (F. L.) Reports of cases ruled and determined at nisi prius, in the court of common pleas, and on the northern circuit, from 1815 to 1817. To which are added copious notes upon the most important subjects of commercial and general law. London, 1818. [English common law reports, vol. 3.] HOOKER (John). Connecticut reports: being reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of errors of the state of Connecticut. 22 vols. 1858-80. [Connecticut reports, vol#. 25-47.J HOPKINS (S. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of chancery of the state of New York. 1827. 300 Wisconsin State Library. HOPiCINSON (Feancis). The Pennsylvania state trials. See Trials, in part one. HOPWOOD (C. H.) and COLTMAN (F. J.) Registration cases. Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas, on appeal from the decisions of the revising barristers, 1868 to 1872. Vol. 1. London, 1873. HOI^WOOD (C. H.) and PHILBRICK (F. A.) Registration cases. Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas, on appeal from the decisions of the revising barris- ters, 1863 to 1867. London, 1868. HORRIGAN (L. B.) and Thompson (S. D.) Select American cases on the law of self-defense. 1874. HOUSE OF LORDS REPORTS. Shower. Folio. 1694 to 1699. . Colles. 1697 to 1714. Brown, by Tomlins. 8 vols. 1702 to 1800. Dow. 6 vols. 1812 to 1818. Bligh. 4 vols. 1819 to 1821. Bligh, new series. 11 vols. 1827 to 1837. Dow and Clark. 2 vols. 1827 to 1832. Clark and Finnelly. 12 vols. 1831 to 1846. MacLean and Robinson. 1839, West. 1839 to 1841. House of Lords cases (Clark). 11 vols. 1847 to 1865. The law reports, 1865 to 1881. HOUSTON (J. W.) Reports of cases decided in the superior court and the court of errors and appeals of the state of Delaware. 4 vols. 1866-75. — ■ . Reports of cases decided in the court of oyer and terminer and the court of general sessions of the peace and jail de- livery of the state of Delaware. Vol. 1. 1880. HOVENDEN (.J. E.) A supplement to Vesey, jrs., reports of cases in chancery, containing notes, occasionally illustrated by cases decided by lords Hardwicke, King, etc. 2 vols. London, 1827. HOWARD (V. E.) Reports of cases argued and determined in Reports of Judicial Decisions. 301 the high court of errors and appeals of the state of Mississippi. 7 vols. 1839-44. [Mississippi reports, vols. 2-8.] HOWARD (B. C.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of the United States from 1843 to 1860. 24 vols. HOWARD (Nathan). Cases in the court of appeals of the state of New York. 1855. ■ . Practice reports in the supreme court and court of appeals of New York, with the points of practice decided. 60 vols. 1851-87. (Vols. 52-60 by R. M. Stover.) HOWELL (T. B.) A complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors from the earliest period to the present time. Compiled by T. B. Howell to the year 1783, and from that to the present time by Thomas Jones Howell. The whole comprising the period from the 9th year of the reign of king Henry the second, 1163, to the 1st year of the reign of king George the fourth, 1820. 34 vols. Lon- don, 1809-26. HUBBARD (Wales). Reports of cases in law and equity de- termined by the supreme judicial court of Maine. 7 vols. 1859-66, , [Maine reports, vols. 45-51.] HUBBELL (Levi). Impeachment trial of. See Tkials, in part one. HUDSON (W. E.) and BROOKE (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of king's bench and exche- quer chamber in Ireland, 1827-31. 2 vols. Dublin, 1829-46. HUGHES (James). Reports of cases determined by the late supreme court for the district of Kentucky, and by the court of appeals, in which the titles to land were in dispute. 4to. 1803. HUGHES (R. W.) Reports of cases decided in the circuit courts of the United States for the 4th circuit. 3 vols. 1877-80. HUMPHREYS (W. H.) Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the supreme court oi Tennessee, from 1839 to 1851. 11 vols. 1841-51. HUN (M. T.) Reports of cases heard and determined in the supreme court of the state of New York. 23 vols. 1874-81. [New York supreme court reports, vols. 8-30.] 302 Wisconsin- State Library. HURLSTONE (E. T.) and COLTMAN (F. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from 1862 to 1866. 4 vols. Vols. 1-3 Am. ed., by Sam- uel Dickson and James Parsons. Vol. 4, London, 18G8. HURLSTONE (E. T.) and NORMAN (J. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from 1856 to 1862. 7 vols. London, 1857-62. HUTTON (Richard). The reports of that reverend and learned judge, sir Richard Hutton, knight; sometime one of the judges of the common pleas; containing many choice cases, judgments and resolutions in points of law, in the several reigns of King James and King Charles. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1682. IDAHO. Cummin's reports. 1 vol. 1866-77. ILLINOIS. Illinois reports, 96 vols. 1819-80. Breese's reports. 1 111. 1819-30. Scammon's reports. 2-5 111. 1832-43. Oilman's reports. 6-10 111. 1844-48. Peck's reports. 11-30 111. 1849-63. Freeman's reports. 31-96 111. 1863-80. Appellate Courts, Brad well's reports, appellate courts. 7 vols. 1878-80. INDIANA. Blackford's reports. 8 vols. 1817-47. Smith's reports. 1 vol. 1848-49. Indiana reports. 71 vols. 1848-79. Carter. Vols. 1, 2. Porter. Vols. 3-7. Tanner. Vols. 8-14. Harrison. Vols. 15-17. Kerr. Vols. 18-22. Harrison. Vols. 23-29. Black. Vols. 30-53. ' Martin. Vols. 54-60. Dice. Vol.71. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 303 INDIANA TREASON TRIALS. /S'ee Teials, in part one. IOWA. Morris' reports. 1 vol. 1839-45. G. Greene's reports. 4 vols. 1847-52. Iowa reports. 53 vols. 1855-80. Clarke. Vols. 1-8. Withrow. Vols. 9-21. Stiles. Vols. 22-37. Runnells. Vols. 38-53. IREDELL (James). Reports of cases at law argued and de- termined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from June term, 1840, to August term, 1852, both inclusive. 13 vols. 1841-52. . Reports of cases in equity argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, 1840-52. 8 vols. 1841-52. IRISH REPORTS. Appeals and Writs of Error, Ridgeway. 3 vols. 1784 to 1796. Chancery. Wallis, by Lyne. 1 vol. 1766 to 1791. Schoales and Lefroy. 2 vols. 1802 to 1806. Ball and Beatty. 2 vols, in 1. 1807 to 1814. Beatty. 1 vol. 1814 to 1830. Molloy. 2 vols, and 1 part. 1827 to 1829. Lloyd and Goold, temp. Plunkett. 1 vol. 1834 to 1839. Drury and Walsh. 2 vols. 1837 to 1840. Connor and Lawson. 2 vols. 1841 to 1843. Lloyd and Goold. 1 vol. 1835. Drury and Warren. 4 vols. 1841 to 1843. Drury. 1 vol. 1843 to 1844. Jones and LaTouche. 3 vols. 1844 to 1846. Irish equity reports. 13 vols. 1838 to 1850. Irish chancery reports. 17 vols. 1850 to 1866. Irish reports, equity sqjries. 11 vols. 1867 to 1878. Continued by the law reports (Ireland.) Molls Court. Hoo:an. 2 vols. 1816 to 1834. 304: Wisconsin State Library. IRISH REPORTS— continued. Sauffe and Scully. 1 vol. 1837 to 1840. Flanagan and Kelly. 1 vol. 1840 to 1842. Continued by the law reports (Ireland.) King^s bench and Queen's bench. Vernon and Scriven. 1 vol. 1786 to 1788. Ridgway, Lapp and Schoales. 1 vol. 1793 to 1795. Fox and Smith. 2 vols, in 1. 1822 to 1824. Smith and Batty. 1 vol. 1824 to 1825. Batty. 1 vol. 1825 to 1826. Hudson and Brooke. 2 vols. 1827 to 1831. Alcock and Napier. 1 vol. 1831 to 1833. Cooke and Alcock. 1 part. 1833 to 1834. Jebb and Symes. 2 vols. 1838 to 1841. Jebb and Bourke. 1 vol. 1841 to 1842. Continued by the law reports (Ireland.) Common Pleas. Smythe. 1 vol. 1839 to 1840. Continued by the law reports (Ireland.) Nisi Prius. Armstrong, Macartney and Ogle. 1 vol. 1842. Blackham, Dundas and Osborne. 1 vol. 1846 to 1848. Continued by the law reports (Ireland.) Exchequer. Conroy (custodiam). 1 vol. . Hayes. 1 vol. 1830 to 1832. Hayes and Jones. 1 vol. 1832 to 1834. Jones. 2 vols. 1834 to 1838. Jones and Carey. 2 parts. 1838 to 1839. Longfield and Townsend. 1 vol. 1841 to 1842. Continued by the law reports (Ireland.) Registry Cases. Alcock. 1 vol. 1832 to 1837. Welsh. 1 vol. 1832 to 1840. Croion Cases. Jebb. 1vol. 1822 to 1840. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 305 IRISH REPORTS— continued. Ecclesiastical. Milward. 1 vol. 1819 to 1843. Circuit Cases. Crawford and Dix, abridged cases. 1 vol. 1837 to 1838. Crawford and Dix. 3 vols. 1839 to 1846. Cases on the six circuits. 1 vol. 1841 to 1843. Reports in all the Courts. Davis. 1 vol. Folio. 1604 to 1612. Law Recorder. 1st series. 4 vols, 1827 to 1831. Glasscock. 1 vol. 1831 to 1832. Law Recorder. 2d series. 6 vols. 1833 to 1838. Irish Law. 13 vols. 1838 to 1850. Irish Equity. 13 vols. 1838 to 1850. Irish Common Law. 17 vols. 1850 to 1866. Irish Chancery. 17 vols. 1850 to 1866. Irish Jurist. 18 vols. 1849 to 1866. Irish Common Law. 11 vols. 1866 to 1878. Irish Equity. 11 vols. 1866 to 1878. Law Reports (Ireland). 6 vols. 1878 to 1881. JACOB (Edwakd). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Eldon. London, 1828. [Contained in English chancery reports, vol. 4.] JACOB (Edward) and WALKER (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon. 2 vols. London, 1821-23. JACKSONS (A. M.) and (A. M. jr.) Cases argued and adjudged in the court of appeals of the state of Texas, from 1876 to 1880. 9 vols. [Texas court of appeals reports, vols. 1-9.] JACKSON (Henry). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Georgia. 13 vols. 1872-77. [Georgia reports, vols. 46-58.] JACKSON (Henry) and LUMPKINS (— ). Reports of cas es 20— W. S. L. 306 Wisconsin State Librae t. argued and determined in the supreme court of Georgia. 4 vols. 1877-79. [Georgia reports, vols. 59-62.] JEBB (Robert). Cases, chiefly relating to the criminal and pre- sentment law, reserved for consideration, and decided by the twelve judges of Ireland, from 1822 to 1840. Am. ed. [British crown cases, vol. 3.] JEBB (Richard). A report of the case of the right Rev. R. D. Hampden, d. d., lord bishop-elect of Hereford, in Hereford cathedral, the ecclesiastical courts, and the queen's bench. London, 1849. JEBB (Robert) and BOURKE (Richard). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of queen's bench, in Ireland, in 1841-42. Dublin, 1843. JEBB (Robert) and SYMES (R. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of queen's bench and exchequer chamber in Ireland, 1838-41, inclusive. 2 vols. Dublin, 1840-42. JENNISON (William). Reports of cases heard and decided in the supreme court of Michigan, from 1865 to 1869. 5 vols. 1867-69. [Michigan reports, vols. 14-18.] JEFFERSON (Thomas). Reports of cases determined in the general court of Virginia, from 1730 to 1740; and from 1768 to 1772. 1829. JENKINS. Eight centuries of reports: or eight hundred cases solemnly adjudged in the exchequer chamber, or upon writs of error. Published originally in Latin and French by Judge Jen- kins. Folio. In the Savoy. 1734. JOHNSON (John). Reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery of Maryland. Containing the cases from 1847 to 1854. 4 vols. 1851-54. "Maryland chancery decisions." JOHNSON (William). Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the supreme court of judicature and in the court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of errors in the state of New York. 20 vols. 1836. . Reports of cases adjudged in the court of chancery of New York. 7 vols., containing the cases from March, 1814, to July, 1823. 1834-36. liEPORTS OF Judicial Decisions. 307 . Reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of judicature of the state of New York, from 1799 to 1803, inclusive; together with cases determined in the court for the correction of errors during that period. xJd ed. By L. B. Shepard. 3 vols. 1846-49. JOHNSON (B. T.) Reports of cases decided by chief justice Chase in the circuit court of the United States, for the fourth cir- cuit, 1865 to 1869, inclusive. Containing an appendix with the constitution of the confederate states of Americayand the conscrip- tion, impressment and sequestration acts of that government. 1876. (" Chase's decisions.") JOHNSON (Andrevt). Proceedings in the trial of. /See Trials, in part one. JOHNSON (H. R. y.) Reports of cases adjudged in the high court of chancery, before sir William Page Wood, knt., vice- chancellor, 1858, 1859, 1860. London, 1860. JOHNSON (H. R. V.) and HEMMING (G. W.) Reports of cases adjudged in the high court of chancery, before sir William Page Wood, knt., vice-chancellor, in 1859-62. 2 vols. London, 1861-63. JONES (H. C.) Reports of cases at law argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from December term, 1853, to June term, 1862. 8 vols. 1854-62. . Reports of cases in equity argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from December term, 1853, to June term, 1863. 6 vols. 1855-63. JONES (H. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Missouri. 10 vols. 1856-62. [Missouri reports, vols. 22-31.J JONES (Thomas). Reports of several special cases adjudged in the court of king's bench and common pleas at Westminster, in the reign of king Charles II. Folio. In the Savoy. 1729. JONES (T. G.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Alabama, from January term, 1869, to June term, 1871. 3 vols. 1870-71. [Alabama reports, vols. 43-45.] 308 Wisconsin State Libbary. JONES (William). Les reports de sir William Jones, chevalier. •Janes un des justices del' banck le roy. Et devant un des justices del' court de common banck. Et devant capital justice d'Ireland. J'olio. London, 1675. JONES (J. P.) Pennsylvania state reports, containing cases ad- judged in the supreme court from May term, 1849, to December term, 1849. 2 vols. 1850-53. [Pennsylvania state reports, vols. 11, 12.^ JONES (E. C.) Reports of cases decided in the court of com- mon pleas of Upper Canada. 14 vols. Toronto, 1852-63. [Upper Canada common pleas reports, vols. 1-14.] JONES (Thomas). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of exchequer, in Ireland, from 1834 to 1838. 2 vols. Dublin, 1838-47. JONES (Thomas) and CAREY (Henry). Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the court of exchequer, in Ireland in 1838-39. Two parts. Dublin. JONES (Thomas) and LA TOUCHE (E. D.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Sugden. 3 vols. Dublin, 1846-49. [Sugden's decisions, vols. 6-8.] JONES (Samuel) and SPENCER (J. C.) Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the superior court of the city of New York. 13 vols. 1873-80. [New York superior court reports, vols. 33-45.] KANSAS. McCahon's reports. 1870. Kansas reports, 24 vols. Bank's reports. Vols. 1-5. 1863-70. Webb's reports. Vols. 6-20. 1870-78. Randolph's reports. Vols. 21-24. 1878-81. KANSAS IMPEACHMENT CASE. See Trials, in part one. KAY (E. E.) Reports of cases adjudged in the high court of chancery, before sir William Page Wood, knt., vice chancellor, 1853-54. London, 1854. KAY(E. E.) and JOHNSON (H. R. V.) Reports of cases ad- Reports of Judicial Decisions. 309 judged in the high court of chancery, before sir "William Page Wood, knt., vice chancellor, 1854:-58. 4 vols. London, 1855-59. KEANE (D. D.) and GRANT (James). Registration cases. Re- ports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas, on appeal from the decisions of the revising barristers, from 1852 to 1862. London, 1863. KEBLE (Joseph). Reports in the court of king's bench at "Westminster, from the XII to the XXX year of the reign of our late sovereign lord king Charles II. 3 vols. Folio. London, 1685. KEEN (Benjamin). Reports of cases in chancery argued and determined in the rolls court during the time of lord Langdale, master of rolls, 1836-39. 2 vols. London, 1837-39. [Contained in English chancery reports, vol 15.] KEILWAY (Robert). Reports d'ascems cases (Qui ont evenus aux temps dy Roy Henry le Septieme de tres hereuse memoire, et du tres illustre Roy Henry le huitiesme, etne sont comprises deins les livres des Terms et Ans demesnes les Roys). Seliges hors des papieres de Robert Keilway, Esq. Par .lean Croke. Small Folio. London, 1688. KELLY (J. M.) Reports of cases in law and equity argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Georgia, in 1846. 3 vols. 1847-48. [Georgia reports, vols. 1-3.] KELLY (J. M.) and COBB (T. R. R.) Reports of cases in law and equity argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Georgia: being a continuation of Kelly's reports. 2 vols. 1848-49. [Georgia reports, vols. 4,5.] KELYNG (John). A report of divers cases in pleas of the crown, adjudged and determined in the reign of the late King Charles 11. With directions for justices of the peace and others. Folio. London, 1708. . The same. Tkird ed. Containing: cases never be- fore printed. Together with a treatise upon the law and proceed- ings in cases of high treason. By a barrister at law. Edited by R. L. Loveland. London, 1873. 310 WiscoNsm State Library. KELYNGE (William). A report of divers cases in chancery, the king's bench, etc. In the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth years of his late majesty king George the second. Folio. London, 1764. KENAN (T. S.) North Carolina reports. Cases argued and de- termined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from 1877 to 1880. 8 vols. LNorth Carolina reports, vols. 76-83.] KENTUCKY. Sneed's reports, or Kentucky decisions. 1801-05. Hardin's reports. 1805-08. Bibb's reports. 4 vols. 1808-17. Marshall's (A. K.) reports. 3 vols, in 2. 1817-21. Littell's reports. 5 vols. 1822-24. Littell's select cases. 1vol. 1795-21. Monroe's (T. B.) reports. 7 vols, in 6. 1824-28. Marshall's (J. J.) reports. 7 vols. 1829-32. Dana's reports. 9 vols, in 5. 1833-40. Monroe's (B.) reports. 18 vols. 1840-58. Metcalfe's reports. 4 vols. 1859-63. Duval's reports. 2 vols. 1863-66. Bush's reports. 14 vols. 1866-79. KENYON (Lloyd). Notes of cases argued and adjudged in the court of king's bench, and of some determined in the other high courts; taken and composed, while at the bar, by the late right honorable Lloyd, lord Kenyon. 2 vols. London, 1819-25. KERR (M. C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of Indiana. Containing the cases from May term, 1862, to May terra, 1864, inclusive. 5 vols. 1863-64. [Indiana reports, vols. 18-22.] KEYES (E. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of the state of New York; with notes, refer- ences and an index. 4 vols. 1867-69. KING (W. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the Reports of Judicial Decisions. 311 supreme court of Louisiana. For the years 1850-51. 2 vols. 1851-52. [Louisiana annual reports, vols. 5, 6.] KNAPP (J. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined be- fore the committee of his majesty's most honorable privy council, appointed to hear appeals and petitions, 1829-36. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1831-37. KNAPP (J. W.) and OMBLER (Edward). Cases of contro- verted elections in the twelfth parliament of the united kingdom, being the second parliament since the passing of acts for the amend- ment of the representation of the people. London, 1837. KNOWLES (J. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Rhode Island. 1856. [Rhode Island reports, vol. 3.] LADD (W. W.) The American railway reports; a collection of all reported decisions relating to railways. 10 vols. [American railway reports, vols. 10-19.] LALOR (T. M.) Supplement to Hill and Denio's reports. /See Hill and Denio. LANE (Richaed)*. Reports in the court of exchequer, begin- ning in the third, and ending in the ninth year of the late King James. Folio. London, 1657. LANGDELL (C. C.) A selection of cases on sales of personal property. With references and citations. Vol. 1. 1872. . A selection of cases on the law of contracts. With references and citations. 1872. LANSING (Abraham). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of the state of New York. 7 vols. 1870-73. [New York supreme court reports, vols. 1-7.] LATCH (Jean). Plusiers tres-bons cases come ils estoyent ad- judges es trois premiers ans du raign du feu Roy Charles le prem- ier, en la court de bank te roy, non encore publices par auoun autre. Folio. London, 1661. LATHROP (John). Massachusetts reports. Cases argued and 312 Wisconsin State Library. determined in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts, 1874-80. 15 vols. [Massachusetts reports, vols. 115-129.] LAW REPORTS, (The). * 1865-75. Queen's bench. 10 vols. Common pleas. 10 vols. Court of exchequer. 10 vols. Equity cases. 20 vols. Admiralty and ecclesiastical courts. 4 vols. Chancery appeal cases. 10 vols. Courts of probate and divorce. 3 vols. Privy council appeal cases. 6 vols. House of lords appeal cases. 7 vols. Scotch and divorce appeal cases. 2 vols. Crown cases reserved. 2 vols. LAW REPORTS (The) new series. 1875-81. Chancery division. 16 vols. Common pleas division. 5 vols. Exchequer division. 5 vols. Probate division. 5 vols. Queen's bench division. 6 vols. • Appeal cases. 5 vols. LAW REPORTS (The) IRELAND. 1878-81. Containing cases argued in all the courts. 6 vols. LAWRENCE (William): Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of the state of Ohio. 1852. [Ohio reports, vol. 20.] LAW JOURNAL REPORTS. The Law Journal Reports of cases in the courts of chancery, king's bench and common pleas, from 1823 to 1831. 9 vols. . The same. New series, from 1831 to 1881. 107 vols. . Digests of the Law Journal Reports, from 1822 to 1875. 10 vols. LAW TIMES REPORTS. From 3859 to 1881. 43 vols. LEA (B. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the su- preme court of Tennessee, 1878-79. 3 vols. Reports of Judicial Decisions. ' 313 LEACH (Thomas). Cases in crown law, determined by the twelve judges, by the court of king's bench, and by commissioners of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery, from the fourth year of George the second to the twenty-ninth year of George the third. Dublin, 1789. . The same. From 1730 to 1815. 4th ed. 2 vols. London, 1815. LEE (Geoege). Reports of cases argued and determined in the arches and prerogative courts of Canterbury, and in the high court of delegates; containing the judgments of the right honorable sir George Lee. By Joseph Phillimore, LL.D. Containing the cases from hilary term, 1752, to michaelmas term, 1758, inclusive. 2 vols. London, 1833. [Contained in English ecclesiastical reports, vols. 5, 6.] LEE (Harvey). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of California, from January term, 1858, to January, 1859. ' 4 vols. 1858-60. [California reports, vols. 9-12.] LEIGH (B. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals and in the general court of Virginia. 12 vols. 1830-44. LEIGH (E. C.) and CAVE (L. W.) Crown cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the judges of England, from 1861 to 1865. London, 1866. LE MARCHANT (Denis). Reports of the proceedings of the house of lords on the claims to the barony of Gardner; with an appendix containing a collection of cases illustrative of the law of legitimacy. London, 1828. LEONARD (William). Reports of cases of law, argued and adjudged in the courts of law, at Westminster, in the time of the late queen Elizabeth, from the 18th to the 33d year of her reign. 4to. London, 1658. LESTER (G. N.) Reports of cases in law and equity argued and determined in the supreme court of Georgia, from 1860 to 1863. 4 vols. [Georgia reports, vols. 31-33 and supplement to vol. 33.] LEVINZ (Creswell). Les reports de sir Creswell Levinz, 314 Wisconsin State Librart. jades un del justices del common bank; en trais parts; coramen- cant en le 12 an de roy Charles I. et fini en le 8 an de son majesty William III. 3 vols. Folio. London, 17'02. . The same. Translated into English. 3d ed., in two vols. Dublin, 1793. LEVVIN (G. A.) A report of cases determined on the crown side on the northern circuit, from 1822 to 1838. 2 vols. London, 1834-39. LEWIS (J. F.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of Nevada, during 1865. Reported by the judges of the court. [Nevada state reports, vol. 1.] LEWIS (J. V.) A collection of leading cases on the public land laws of the United States, with notes and references. 1879. LEY (James). Reports of divers resolutions in law, arising upon cases in the court of wards, and other courts at Westminster, in the reigns of the late kings James and Charles. Folio. London, 1659. LILLY (John). Reports and pleadings of cases in assize. In the Savoy. Folio. 1719. LITTELL (William). Reports of cases at common law and in chancery, decided in the court of appeals of the commonwealth of Kentucky. 6 vols. 1823-24. [Vol. 6 is entitled, "Cases selected from the decisions of the court of appeals of Kentucky, not heretofore reported." It is usually cited as *'Littell's select cases."] LITTLETON (Edw.) Les reports des tres honorable Edw. Seig- neur Littleton, baron de mounslow, custos de la grand seale d'ang- literre, et de ses majesty pluis honorable privy council, en le courts del common banck et exchequer, en le 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ans del reign de roy Charles le I. Folio. London, 1683. LLOYD (B. C.) and GOOLD (Fbancis). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery in Ireland, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden, 1835. London, 1836. " Sugden's decisions." [English chancery reports, vol. 10.] Reports of Judicial Decisions. 316 LLOYD (J. H.) *od WELSBY (W. N.) Reports of cases re- lating to commerce, manufactures, etc., determined in the courts of common law, 1829-30. London. LOFFT (Capel). Reports of cases adjudged in ihe court of king's bench, from easter term, 12 Geo. 3, to michaelmas term, 14 Geo. 3, both inclusive. With some select cases in the court of chancery and of the common pleas, which are within the same period. To which is added, the case of general warrants, and a collection of maxims. Dublin, 1790. LONGFIELD (Robert) and TOWNSEND (J. F.) Reports of cases determined in the court of exchequer in Ireland, in 1841-42. Dublin, 1843. LOUISIANA. Martin's reports. New series. 8 vols. 1823-30. New edition, with notes. Martin's reports. Both series. Condensed by Harrison. 20 vols, in 4. 1809-30. Louisiana reports. New edition. 19 vols, in 10. 1830-41. Miller. Vols. 1-6. Curry. Vols. 7-19. Robinson's reports. 1841-46. Louisiana annual reports. 31 vols. 1846-79. Robinson. Vols. 1-4. King. Vols. 5-6. Randolph. Vols. 8-11. Ogden. Vols. 12-15. Glenn. Vols. 16-18. Hawkins. Vols. 19-24. Gayarre. Vols. 25-28. Roberts. Vols. 29-31. LOWELL (John). Judgments delivered in the courts of the United States for the district of Massachusetts. 2 vols. 1872-77. LOWER CANADA JURIST. Collection de decisions du Bas- Canada. 24 vols. 1857-80. LOWNDES (J. J.) and* MAXWELL (P. B.) Bail court cases, London, 1852. LOWNDES (J. J.), MAXWELL (P. B.) and POLLOCK (C. E.) 316 Wisconsin State Library. Reports of cases argued and determined in the queen's bench practice court; with points of practice and pleading decided in the court of common pleas and exchequer; from hilary term, 1850, to michaelmas term, 1851. 2 vols. liOndon, 1851-52. LUDDEN (Timothy). Reports of cases in law and equity, de- termined in the supreme judicial court of Maine. 2 vols. 1858-59. [Maine reports, vols. 43-44.] LUDERS (Alexander). Reports of the proceedings in com- mittees of the house of commons upon controverted elections, heard and determined during the present parliament. 3 vols. London, 1785-90. LUMLEY (W. G.) An abridgment of the cases upon the sub- ject of the poor law, and a collection of the enactments upon the same subject. 2 vols. London, 1840. LUSHINGTON (Vernon). Reports of cases decided in the high court of admiralty of England and on appeal to the privy council, from 1859 to 1862. London, 1864. LUTWYCHE (A. J. P.) Reports of cases determined in the court of common pleas on appeal from the decisions of the revis- ing barristers. 2 vols. London, 1847-54. LUTWYCHE (Edward). Un livre des entries; contenant auxi un report des resolutions del court sur diverse exceptions prises as pleadings, et sur auters matters en ley. 2 vols. Folio. London, 1704. Mac ARTHUR (Arthur). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of the district of Columbia, from 1873 to 1879. 3 vols. 1875-81. Mac queen (J. F.) Reports of Scotch appeals and writs of error, together with peerage, divorce and practice cases in the house of lords. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1855-66. MACLEAN (C. H.) and ROBINSON (George). Cases decided by the house of lords on appeals and writs of error. London, 1840. MACNAGHTEN (Ste^vart). Select cases argued and adjudged in the high court of chancery, before the late lords commissioners of the great seal, and the late lord chancellor King, from 1724 to 1733. 2d ed. London, 1850. Beports of Judicial Decisions. 317 MACNAGHTEN (Stbwart) and GORDON (Alexander). Re- ports of cases argued and determined in the hi^h court of chancery, from 1849 to 1851. 3 vols. London, 1850-52. MADDOCK (Henky). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of the vice-chancellor of England, from 1815 to 1821. 6 vols, in 3. London, 1817-22. MAGRUDER (A. C.) Maryland reports, containing cases ad- judged in the court of appeals of that state in 1851-52. 2 vols. [Maryland reports, vols. 1, 2.] MAINE. Maine reports, 70 vols. 1820-79. Greenleaf. Vols. 1-9. Fairfield. Vols. 10-12. Shepley. Vols. 13-18. Appleton. Vols. 19-20. Shepley. Vols. 21-30. Redington. Vols. 31-35. Heath. Vols. 36-40. Adams. Vols. 41-42. Ludden. Vols. 43-44. Hubbard. Vols. 45-51. Virgin. Vols. 52-60. Smith. Vols. 61-64. Pulsifer. Vols. 65-68. Hastings. Vols. 69-70. MALLORY (.1. A.) The American railway reports: a collection of all reported decisions relating to railways. 4 vols. [American railway reports, vols. 2-5.] MANNING (Randolph). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of Michigan, 1852. [Michigan reports, vol. 1.] MANNING (James) and GRANGER (T. C.) Cases argued and determined in the court of cftmraon pleas, from 1840 to 1845, in- clusive. 7 vols. London, 1841-46. [English common law reports, vols. 39,40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 49.] MANNING (James), GRANGER (T. C.) and SCOTT (John). 318 Wisconsin State Library. Common bench reports. Cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas from hilary term and vacation, 1845, to michaelmas term and vacation, 1846. 8 vols. 1846-53. [English common law reports, vols. 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 62, 65.] MANNING (James) and RYLAND (Arthuk). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench from 1827 to 1830. 5 vols. London, 1828-37. [Partially contained in English common law reports, vol. 17.] MARCH (.foHN). Reports, or new cases; taken in the 15, 16, 17 and 18 years of king Charles the first. 2d ed. Small 4to. Lon- don, 1675. . Some new cases of the years and time of king Hen. 8, Edw. 6, and qu. Mary; written out of the great abridg- ment, composed by sir Robert Brook, knight, etc., there dispersed in the titles, but here collected under years. 16mo. London, 165L MARITIME LxlW CASES. Reports of the cases relating to maratime law, decided by the court of admiralty, and by all the su- perior courts of law and equity: salvage awards; and a selection of oases decided in the courts of the United States, the consular courts, etc., from 1860 to 1871. 3 vols. London, 1864-71. MARSHALL (Charles). Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the court of common pleas, from 1813 to 1816. 2 vols. London, 1815-17. [English common law reports, vol. 4.] MARSHALL (John). Reports of cases decided by the hon- orable John Marshall in the circuit court of the United States for the district of Virginia and North Carolina, from 1802 to 1833, in- clusive. Edited by John W. Brockenbrough. 2 vols. 1837. MARSHALL (A. K.) Decisions of the court of appeals of Ken- tucky, commencing with the fall term, 1817, and ending with the fall term, 1821. 3 vols, in 2. 2d ed. 1848. MARSHALL (J. J.) Reports of cases at law and in equity, ar- gued and decided in the court of appeals of the commonwealth of Kentucky. Containing the cases determined between the 15th of January, 1829, and the 5th of November, 1832, inclusive. 7 vols. 1831-34. Beports of Judicial Decisions. 319 MARTIN (B. Y.) Reports of cases in law and equity argued and determined in the supreme court of Georgia, 1857-60. 10 vols. [Georgia reports, vols. 21-30.] MARTIN (F. X.) Louisiana term reports, or cases argued and determined in the supreme court of that state. New series. 8 vols. 1824-30. MARTIN (A. N.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of Indiana, from 1876 to 1878. 14 vols. [Indiana reports, vols. 54-67.] MARTIN (F. X.) North Carolina reports, embracing " notes of a few decisions in the superior courts of the state of North Caro- lina, and in the circuit court of the United States for the district of North Carolina." Also, " reports of cases adjudged in the superior courts of law and equity, court of conference and federal court for the state of North Carolina, from the year 1797 to 1806." By John Haywood. 2d ed. By William H. Battle. 1843. MARTIN (J. H.) and YERGER (G. S.) Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the supreme court of Tennessee. Cooper's edition. 1871. MARYLAND CHANCERY DECISIONS. Reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery of Maryland. Hon. John Johnson, chancellor. Containing cases from 1847 to 1854. 4 vols. 1851-54. MARYLAND. Chancery. Bland's reports. 3 vols. 1811-32. Chancery decisions (Johnson). 4 vols. 1847-54. Court of Appeals. Harris and McHenry's reports. 4 vols. 1700-99. Harris and Johnson's reports. 7 vols. 1800-26. Harris and Gill's reports. 2 vols. 1826-29. Gill and Johnson's reports. 12 vols. 1829-43. Gill's reports. 9 vols. 1843-51. Maryland reports. 51 vols. 1851-79. Magruder. Vols. 1, 2. 320 Wisconsin State Library. MARYLAND — continued. Miller. Vols. 3-18. Brewer. Vols. 19-26. Stockett. Vols. 27-51. MASON (W. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the circuit court of the United States for the first circuit, from 1816 to 1830. 5 vols. 1831. MASSACHUSETTS. Quincy's reports. 1 vol. 1761-72. Massachusetts reports. 17 vols. 1804-22. Williams. Vol. 1. Tyng. Vols. 2-17. Pickering's reports, 24 vols. 1822-40. Metcalf's reports. 13 vols. 1840-47. Cushing's reports. 12 vols. 1848-53. Gray's reports. 16 vols. 1 854-60. Allen's reports. 14 vols. 1861-67. Massachusetts reports. 33 vols. 1867-80. Browne. Vols. 97-114. Lathrop. Vols. 115-129. MATTHEWS (H. M.) Reports of cases decided in the su- preme court of appeals of West Virginia. 4 vols. 1873 to 1876 [West Virginia reports, vols. 6-9.] MATSON (W. N.) Connecticut reports, containing cases argued and determined in the supreme court of errors. 3 vols. 1854-57. [Connecticut reports, vols. 22-24.] MAULE (George) and SELWYN (William). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, 1813 to 1817. 6 vols. London, 1814-29. [Labeled as, and arranged with " term reports."] McAllister (Cutler). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the circuit court of the United States for the district of California. 1859. McCAHON (James). Reports of cases determined in the su- preme court of the territory of Kansas. Together with an impor- tant case determined in the district court of the first judicial dis- trict of said territory, etc., etc. 1870. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 321 McClelland (Thomas). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, at law, in equity, and in error, from hilary term, 4 and 5 George IV"., to michaelmas term, 5 George IV., both inclusive. London, 1825. McClelland (Thomas) and YOUNGE (Edwakd). Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, at law, in equity, and in error, from hilary term, 5 and 6 George IV., to michaelmas term, 6 George V., both inclusive. London, 1827. McCARTER (T. N.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of chancery, and in the prerogative court of the state of New Jersey. 2 vols. 1865-67. j New Jersey equity reports, vols. 14, 15.] McCOOK (G. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Ohio. 1853. [Ohio state reports, vol. 1.] McCORD (D. J.) Chancery cases, argued andj determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, from January, 1825, to May, 1826, both inclusive. 1857. . Reports of cases determined in the constitutional court of South Carolina. 4 vols, in 2. 1853. McCORKIiE (J. M.) North Carolina reports. Cases argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, January and Jane term, 1871. 1871. [North Carolina reports, vol. 65.] McLEAN (John). Reports of cases argued and decided in the circuit court of the United States for the seventh circuit. 6 vols. 1840-56. McMULLEN (J. J.) Cases at law argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, from November, 1840, to May, 1842, both inclusive. To which are added cases omitted by former reporters, from 1835 to 1840. 2 vols. 1841-43. . Equity cases* argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, from November, 1840, to May, 1842, in- clusive. To which are added cases omitted by former reporters, from 1827 to 1837. 1842. 21 — W. 8. L. 322 Wisconsin State Library. MEDDAUGH (E. W.) Michigan reports. Reports of cases heard and decided in the supreme court of Michigan from October 18th, 1864, to November 11th, 1865. 1866. [Michigan reports, vol. 13.J MEESON (R.) and WELSBY (W. N.) Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from hilary term, 6 Will. IV., to easter term, 10 Vict., both inclusive. 16 vols, and index. London, 1837-49. MEIGS (R. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Tennessee in 1838-39. MERIVALE (J. H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery from 1815 to 1817. 3 vols. London, 1817-19. METCALFE (J. P.) Reports of selected civil and criminal cases decided in the court of appeals of Kentucky. Containing cases decided from 1B58 to 1863. 4 vols. 1859-64. METCALF (Theron). Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. 13 vols. 1847-51. MICHIGAN. Chanceri/. Harrington's reports. 1 vol. 1838-42. Walker's reports. 1 vol. 1842-45. ^isi Prius, Brown's reports. 2 vols. Supreme Court. Douglass' reports. 2 vols. 1843-47. Michigan reports. 41 vols. 1847-79. Manning. Vol. 1. Gibbs. Vols. 2-4. Cooley. Vols. 5-12. Meddaugh. Vol. 13. Jennison. Vols. 14-18. Clarke. Vols. 19-22. Post. Vols. 23-36. Chaney. Vols. 37-41. ^ Eeports of Judicial Decisions. 323^ MILLER (Oliver). Maryland reports, containing cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of Maryland. Containing the oases from December term, 1852, to June term, 1862, inclusive. 16 vols. 1853-62. [Maryland reports, vols. 3-18.] MILLER (B. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Louisiana. 3 vols. 1854. [Louisiana reports, vols. 1-3.] MILWARD (C. R.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of prerogative in Ireland, and in the consistory court of Dublin. 1847. MILES (John). Reports of cases determined in the district court for the city and county of Philadelphia. Containing the cases from March, 1835, to 1841. 2 vols. 1836-42. MILLS' CONSTITUTIONAL. Reports of judicial decisions in constitutional court of South Carolina, held in 1817, 1818. A new ed. 2 vols; in 1. 1837. MINOR (Henry). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Alabama, from May, 1820, to July, 1826. 1829. [Vol. 1 Alabama reports, first series.] MINNESOTA. Minnesota reports. 26 vols. 1851-80. Vol. 1, containing the reports of Hollingshead, Atwater, Brisbin, Ames and Officer. Officer. Vols. 2-9. Spencer. Vols. 10-20. Young. Vols. 21-26. MISSISSIPPI. Chancery. Freeman's reports. 1 vol. 1839-43. Smedes and Marshall's reports. 1 vol. 1840-43. CriminaL Morris' state cases. 2«vols. 1818-72. Law. Mississippi reports. 57 vols. 1818-80. Walker. Vol. 1. «^24: Wisconsin State Librae r. MISSISSIPPI — continued. Howard. Vols. 2-8. Smedes and Marshall. Vols. 9-22. Cushman. Vols. 23-29. George. Vols. 30-39. Reynolds. Vols. 40-42. Morris. Vols. 43-48. Harris and Simrall. Vols. 49-52. Brown and Hemingway. Vols. 53-57. MISSOURI. Missouri reports. 71 vols. 1821-80. Bay. Vols. 1-3. Nap ton. Vol. 4. Bay. Vols. 5-8. Stringfellow. Vols. 9-11. Robards. Vols. 12-13. Gardenhire. Vols. 14-15. Bennett. Vols. 16-21. Jones. Vols. 23-30. Vol. 31, by authority. Whittlesey. Vols. 32-41. Post. Vols. 42-64. Skinner. Vols. 65-71. /St. Louis Court of Appeals Reports. Berry. Vols. 1-8. 1876-80. MOAK (N. C.) Reports of cases decided by the English courts. With notes and references to kindred cases and authorities. 25 vols, and digest. 1872-80. MODERN STATE TRIALS. See Tbials, in part one. MOLLOY (Phillip). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery in Ireland, during the time of lord^ chancellor Hart. 2 vols. Dublin, 1832-33. [English chancery reports, vol. 12.] MONROE (T. B.) Reports of cases at common law and in equityl argued and decided in the court of appeals of the commonwealthj of Kentucky. Containing the cases determined from the fall term,] 1824, to April, 1828. 7 vols, in 6. 1825-30. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 325 MONROE (Ben.) Reports of cases at law and in equity de- cided in the court of appeals of Kentucky. Containing the cases from the fall term, 184.0, to winter terra, 1857. 18 vols. 1854-58. MONTAGU (Basil). Reports of cases in bankruptcy decided by the lord chancellors Lyndhurst and Brougham, the vice-chancel- lor Sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the court of review. London, 1832. MONTAGU (Basil) and AYRTON (Scrope). Reports of cases in bankruptcy, decided by the lord chancellor Brougham, the court of review, and subdivision courts. 3 vols. London, 1833-38. MONTAGU (Basil) and BLIGH (Richard). Reports of cases in bankruptcy, decided by the lord chancellor Brougham, the vice- chancellor sir Lancelot Shadwell, and the court of review. London, 1835. MONTAGU (Basil) and CHITT Y (Edward). Reports of cases in bankruptcy, decided by the lord chancellor Cottenham, and the court of review. London, 1840. MONTAGU (Basil), DEACON (E. E.) and De GEX (John). Reports of oases in bankruptcy argued and determined in the court of review and on appeal before the lord chancellor. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1842.* MONTAGU (Basil) and MacARTHUR (John). Reports of cases in bankruptcy decided by the lord chancellor and vice-chan- cellor. London, 1830. MONTANA. Montana reports. 3 vols. 1868-80. Blake. Vols. 1-2. Blake and Hedges. Vol. 3. MOODY (William). Crown . cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the judges of England, from 1824 to 1844. 2 vols. London, 1837-44. [Also contained in British crown cases, vols. 2 and 4.] MOODY (William) and MALKIN (B. H.) Reports of cases determined at nisi prius, in the courts of king's bench and common pleas, and on the western and Oxford circuits, 1826-30. London, 1831. [English common law reports, vol. 23.] 326 Wisconsin State Librae y. MOODY (William) and ROBINSON (Frederic). Reports of cases determined at nisi prius, in the courts of king's bench, com- mon pleas, and exchequer and on the northern and western circuits, from 1832 to 1844. 2 vols. London, 1837-44. MOORE (J. M.) Reports of cases at law and in equity argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Arkansas. 6 vols. 1872-78. [Arkansas reports, vols. 28-33.] MOORE (E. F.) The case of the rev. G. C. Gorham against the bishop of Exeter, as heard and determined by the judicial commit- tee of the privy council, on appeal from the arches court of Canter- bury. London, 1852. . Reports of cases heard and determined by the judicial committee and the lords of his majesty's most honorable privy council. 15 vols. London, 1836 62. . The same. From 1862 to 1866. 9 vols. London, . Reports of cases heard and determined by the judi- cial committee, and lords of his majesty's most honorable privy council, on appeal from the supreme and sudder dewanny courts in the East Indies, 1836- 72. 14 vols. London. MOORE (Francis). Cases collect et report per sir Fra. Moore, chevalier, sergeant del ley. Imprime et publie per I'original jadis remainent en les maines de sir Gefrey Palmer, chevalier et bar, attorney-general a son tres-excellent majesty le roy Charles le sec- ond. Le second ed. Folio. London, 1688. MOORE (J. B.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of common pleas and exchequer chamber. Containing the cases from hilary term, 57 Geo. III., to trinity term, 8 Geo. IV., in- clusive. 12 vols. London, 1818-31. [English common law reports, vols. 4, 16, 17, 22. J MOORE (J. B.) and PAYNE (Joseph). Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of common pleas and exchequer cham- ber, from michaelmas term, 8 Geo. IV., to trinity term, 1 Will. IV., both inclusive. 5 vols. London, 1828-32. MOORE (J. B.) and SCOTT (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of common pleas and exchequer cham- ber, during 1831-34. 4 vols. London. [English common law reports, vols. 28-30.J i Reports of Judicial Decisions. 327 MOORE (G. F.) and WALKER (R. S.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of the state of Texas, from 1858 to 1860. 3 vols. 1860-61. [Texas reports, vols. 22-24.] MORRIS (J. S.) Mississippi state cases: being criminal cases decided in the high court of errors and appeals, and in the supreme court of the state of Mississippi, from 1818 to 1872. 2 vols. 1872. MORRIS (W. G.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of California, in 1855. [California reports, vol. 5. J MORRIS (Eastin). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Iowa, from 1839 to 1846. MOSELY (William). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of the late lord chancellor King. Dublin, 1793. MUMFORD (William). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of appeals of Virginia. 6 vols. 1812-21. MURPHEY (A. D.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of North Carolina, from 1804 to 1819, inclusive. 3 vols. 1822-45. MYLNE (W.) and CRAIG (R. D.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery during the time of lord chancellor Cottenham, with a few of the time of the lord commis- sioners, and of sir C. C. Pepys, master of the rolls, 1835-41. 5 vols. London, 1837-48. [English chancery reports, vols. 13, 14, 18.] MYLNE (J. W.) and KEEN (Benjamin). Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Brougham and sir John Leach, master of the rolls, 1832-35. 3 vols. London, 1834-37. [English chancery repor1;s, vols. 6, 7, 9, 10.] NAPTON (W. B.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of the state of Missouri, from 1835 to 1837. [Missouri reports, vol. 4.] 328 Wisconsin State Library. NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY REGISTER REPORTS; con- taining all the important bankruptcy decisions in the United States. 18 vols, and digest. Vols. 1-4. 2d ed. 1875-79. NEBRASKA. Nebraska reports. 10 vols. Woolworth. Vols. 1, 2. Crounse. Vol. 3. Brown. Vols. 4-10. NELSON ( W.) Reports of special cases argued and decreed in the court of chancery in the reigns of Kings Charles I., Charles II. and William III. London, 1717. NEVADA. Nevada reports. 14 vols. 1865-78. Lewis. Vol. 1. Helm. Vols. 2-9. Bicknell and Hawley. Vols. 10-14. NEVILLE (Sandfoed) and MANNING (W. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, from 1832 to 1836. 6 vols. London, 1834-37. [English common law reports, vols. 28, 30, 36.] NEVILLE (Sandford) and PERRY (T. E.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, and upon writs of error from that court to the exchequer chamber, from 1836 to 1838. 3 vols. London, 1837-39. NEWBERRY (J. S.) Reports of admiralty cases argued and adjudged in the district courts of the United States for the district of Michigan, from 1842 to 1857. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Smith. 1 vol. 1802-1809, 1813-16. New Hampshire reports. 57 vols. 1816-76. Adams. Vol. 1. Richardson and Woodbury. Vol. 2. Anonymous. Vols. 3-5. French. Vol.6. Anonymous. 7-18. Foster. Vol. 19. Chandler. Vol. 38-44. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 329 NEW HAMPSHIRE — continued. Foster. Vols. 21-31. i Fogg. Vols. 32-37. Chandler. Vol. 20. Hadley. Vols. 45-48. Shirley. Vols. 49-55. Hall. Vols. 56-57. • NEW JERSEY. Law. Coxe's reports, 1 vol. 1790-95. (1 N. J.) Remington's reports,^! vol. 1806-13. (2 and 3 N. J.) Southard's reports, 2 vols. 1816-20. (4 and 5 N. J.) Halsted's reports, 7 vols. 1821-31. (6-12 N. J.) Green's reports, 3 vols. 1831-36. (13-15 (N. J.) Harrison's reports, 4 vols. 1837-42. (16-19 N. J.) Spencer's reports, 1 vol. 1842-45. (20 N. J.) Zabriskie's reports, 4 vols. 1847-55. (21-24 N. J.) Butcher's reports, 5 vols. 1855-63. (25-29 N. J.) Vroom's reports, 13 vols. 1863-80. (29-42 (N. J.) Chancery. Saxton's reports, 1 vol. 1830-32. (1 N. J. eq.) Green's reports, 3 vols. 1838-46. (2-4 N. J. eq.) Halsted's reports, 4 vols. 1845-52. (5-8 N. J. eq.) Stockton's reports, 3 vols. 1852-59. (9-11 N. J. eq.) Beasley's reports, 2 vols. 1859-62. (12, 13 N. J. eq.) McCarter's reports, 2 vols. 1862-64. (14, 15 N. J, eq.) Green's reports, 12 vols. 1864-76. (16-27 N. J. eq.) Stewart's reports, 6 vols. 1876-79. (28-33 N. J. eq.) NEW REPORTS (The). Containing cases decided in the courts of equity and common law. Editors: G. O. Morgan, C. E. Jem- mett, H. T. Atkinson, J. M. Howard. 6 vols, 1862-65. London, 1863-65. NEW SESSIONS CASES. Containing reports of cases relat- ing to the duties and liabilities of magistrates, determined in the superior courts of Westminster. By J. M. Carrow, J. Hamcrton and T. Allen, 4 vols. London, 1845-51. 330 Wisconsin State Library. NEW YORK. Law. Coleman and Caine's cases, 1 vol. 1794-1805. Johnson's cases, 3 vols. 1799-1803. Caine's reports, 3 vols. 1803-05. Caine's cases, 2 vols. 1804-05. Johnson's reports, 20 vols. 1806-23. ^ Anthon's nisi prius cases, 1 vol. 1808-18. Yates' select cases, 1 vol. 1811. Cowen's reports, 9 vols. 1823-28. Wendell's reports, 26 vols. 1828-41. Hill's reports, 7 vols. 1841-45. Denio's reports, 5 vols. 1845-48. Lalor's supplement to Hill & Denio's reports, 1 vol. 1842-44. Barbour's supreme court reports,' 67 vols. 1847-78. Lansing's supreme court reports, 7 vols. 1869-73. Thompson and Cook's supreme court reports, 6 vols. 1873-75. Hun's supreme court reports, 23 vols. 1874-81. Abbott's new cases, 8 vols. 1877-81. Court of Appeals. Howard's cases, 1 vol. 1847-48. Keyes' reports, 4 vols. 1864-69. Abbott's decisions, 4 vols. 1850-69. New York reports, 82 vols. Comstock, vols. 1-4. 1847-5 L. Selden, vols. 5-10. 1851-60. Kernan, vols. 11-14. 1854-57. Smith, vols. 15-27. 1857-64. TiflFany, vols. 28-39. 1864-68. Hand, vols. 39-45. 1864-70. Sickels, vols. 46-82. 1870-81. Superior Court. Hall's reports, 2 vols. 1828-29. Sandford's reports, 5 vols. 1847-52. Daer's reports, 6 vols. 1852-57. Bosworth's reports, 10 vols. 1857-63. Robertson's reports, 7 vols. 1863-68. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 331 NEW YORK — continued. Sweeny's reports, 2 vols. 1869-70. Jones and Spencer's, 13 vols. 1870-80. Sheldon, 1 vol. 1854-75. [Sheldon's are the reports of the superior court of. Buffalo.] Practice and Code Reports. Howard's practice reports, 60 vols. 1841-81. Abbott's practice reports, 10 vols. 1854-65. The same. New series. 16 vols. 1865-76. Code reporter, 3 vols, in 2. 1848-51. The same. New series. 1 vol. 1851. Common Pleas. Smith's reports, 4 vols. 1850-54. Hilton's reports, 2 vols. 1855-60. Daly's reports, 8 vols. 1859-80. Chancery. Johnson's reports, 7 vols. 1814-23. ' Hopkins' reports, 1 vol. 1823-26. Paige's reports, 11 vols. 1828-45. Barbour's chancery reports, 3 vols. 1845-48. Edwards' reports, 4 vols. 1831-48. Hoffman's reports, 1 vol. 1839-40. Clark's reports, 1 vol. 1839-41. Sandford's reports. 1843-47. Crim.inal. Wheeler's criminal cases, ':' vols. 1776-1824. Parker's criminal reports, 6 vols. 1839-67. Surrogate. Bradford's reports, 4 vols. 1849-57. Redfield's reports, 4 vols. 1857-79. . Tucker's reports, 1 vol. 1863-6C. NICOLAS (Harris). History of the earldoms of Strathern, Monteith and Airth; with a report of the proceedings before the house of lords, on the claim of R. B. AUardice to the earldom of Airth. London, 1842. 332 Wisconsin State Library. NICOLAS (N. H.) Report of proceedings on the claim to the barony of L'Isle, in the house of lords. With notes and an ap- pendix containing the cases of Abergavenny, Botetourt and Berke- ley; accompanied by observations on baronies by tenure. London, 1829. NICOLAS (Harris). Report of proceedings on the claim to the earldom of Devon in the house of lords. London, 1832. NORRIS (A. W.) Pennsylvania state reports. Comprising cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania, from 1876 to 1879. 8 vols. [Pennsylvania state reports, vols. 82-89.] NORTH CAROLINA. Law. Haywood's reports, vol. 1. 1789-98. Martin's reports and [ 2 vols, in 1. 1797-1806. Haywood's reports, (Vol. 2.) j Taylor's reports, \ . ,^ • . \ 1799-1802. Conference reports, S ^ ^^^^- ^^ ^' { 1800-1804. Murphey's reports, 3 vols. 1804-19. Hawks' reports, 4 vols. 1820-26. Devereux's reports, 4 vols. 1826-34. Devereux & Battle's reports, 4 vols, in 3. 1834-39. Iredell's reports, 13 vols. 1840-52. Busbee's reports. 1852-53. Jones' reports, 8 vols. 1853-62. Winston's reports. 1863-64. Phillips' reports. 1866-68. Equity. Devereux's equity reports, 2 vols. 1828-34. Devereux & Battle's equity reports, 2 vols. 1834-40. Iredell's equity reports, 8 vols. 1840-52. Busbee's equity reports. 1852-53. .lones' equity reports, 6 vols. 1853-60. Winston's reports. 1864. Phillips' reports. 1866-68. Bepobts of Judicial Decisions. 333 NORTH CAROLINA— continued. JOaw and Equity. North Carolina reports. 21 vols. 1868-80. Phillips, vols. 63, 64. McCorkle, vol. 65. Shipp, vols. 66, 67. Hargrove, vols. 68-75. Kenan, vols. 76-83. NOTES OF CASES in the ecclesiastical and maritime courts, from 1841 to 1850. 7 vols. London, 1843-50. NOTT (C. C.) and HOPKINS (Archibald). Cases decided in the court of claims, from 1872 to 1879. 7 vols. [Court of claims reports, vols. 8-14.] NOTT (C. C.) and HUNTINGTON (S. H.) Reports of cases determined in the court of claims, of the United States, from 1863 to 1872. 7 vols. [Court of claims reports, vols. 1-7.] NOTT (H. J.) and McCORD (D. J.) Reports of cases determ- ined in the constitutional court of South Carolina. Containing the decisions from 1817 to 1820, inclusive. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1842. O'BRIEN (Henry). Reports of cases decided in the practice court and in common law chambers, [Upper Canada.] 3 vols. Toronto, 1869-76. OFFICER (Harvey). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the territory and state of Minnesota, from the organization of the territory until its admission into the union, in 1858. Vol. 1 contains the reports of William Hollinshead, Isaac Atwater, J. B. Brisbin, M. E. Ames and Harvey Officer. Vols. 2-9 contain decisions of the supreme court of the state, by Harvey Officer. 1858-65. [Minnesota reports, vols. 1-9.] OHIO. Tappan's reports. •1816-19. Ohio reports. 20 vols. 1821-51. Hammond, vol 1-9. 1821-39. Wilcox, vol. 10. 1840-41. 334 Wisconsin State Librauy. OHIO — continued. Stanton, vols. 11-13. 1841-44. Griswold, vols. 14-19. 1845-50. Lawrence, vol. 20. 1851. Ohio state reports. 35 vols. .1851-79. McCoo\, vol 1. 1851. Warden, vols. 2-4. 1853-55. Critchfield, vols. 5-21. 1855-71. Granger, vols. 22-23. 1871-73. DeWitt, vols. 24-35. 1873-79. Handy's Cincinnati superior court reports, 2 vols, in 1. 1854-60. Disney's Cincinnati superior court reports, 2 vols. 1854-60. Taft and Storer's Cincinnati superior court reporter, 2 vols. 1870-73. OGDEN (A. N.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Louisiana, 1857-60. 4 vols. [Louisiana reports, vols. 12-15.] OLCOTT (E. K.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the district court of the United States for the southern district of New York. 1857. O'MALLEY (E. L.) and HARDCASTLE (Henry). Reports of decisions of the judges for the trial of election petitions in England and Ireland, pursuant to the parliamentary elections act of 1868. 3 vols. London, 1870-81. OREGON. Oregon reports, 8 vols. 1853-80. Wilson, vols. 1-3. 1853-69. Bellinger, vols. 4-8. 1869-80. ORMOND (J. J.) Reports of cases argued and determiped in the supreme court of Alabama, in 1848-49. 3 vols. [Alabama reports, vols. 13-15.] OTTO (W. T.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of the United States, from 1875 to 1880. 12 vols. [United States supreme court reports, vols. 91-102.J OVERTON (John). Tennessee reports; or cases ruled and ad- judged in the superior courts of law and equity, and federal courts for the state of Tennessee. Vols. 1 and 2. Cooper's ed., vol. 1. 1870. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 335 OWEN (Thomas). The reports of that late reverend and learned judge, Thomas Owen, esquire, one of the justices of the common pleas. Folio. London, 1656. PAGE (Sherman). Impeachment of. See Trials, in part one. PAIGE (A. C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of chancery of the state of New York. 11 vols. 1830-48. PAINE (Elijah). Reports of cases argued and determined in the circuit court of the United States for the second circuit, com- prising the districts of New York, Connecticut and Vermont. 2 vols. 1827-60. PALMER (Gepeey). Les reports de sir Gefrey Palmer, cheva- lier et baronet; attorney general a son tres-excellent majesty le roy Charles le second. London, 1688. PAPY (M. D.) Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of Florida, at terms held from 1855 to 1858. 3 vols. [Florida reports, vols. 6-8.J PARKER (Thomas). Reports of cases concerning the revenue, argued and determined in the court of exchequer, from easter term, 1743, to hilary term, 1767. Dublin, 1791. PARKER (A. J.) Reports of decisions in criminal cases, made at term, at chambers, and in the courts of oyer and terminer of the state of New York. 6 vols. 1855-68. PARSONS (A. V.) Select cases in equity, argued and deter- mined in the court of common pleas of the first judicial district of Pennsylvania, from 1841 to 1850. Vol. 1. PASCHAL (G, W.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of the state of Texas, during the conclusion of of the Tyler session, 1860, and the whole of Austin session, 1860. 1869. [Texas reports, supplement to vol. 25.] . Reports of cases argued and decided in the su- preme court of Texas from 1^66 to 1869. 4 vols. [Texas reports, vols. 28-31.] PATERSON (James). Reports of Scotch appeals in the house of lords, 1851 to 1873. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1879. 336 Wisconsin State Library. PATON (T. S.) Reports of cases decided in the house of lords, upon appeal from Scotland, from 1753 to 1821. 6 vols. Edin- burgh, 1849-56. " Appeal cases." PATTON (J. M., JR.) and HEATH (R. B.) Reports of causes de- cided in the special court of appeals of Virginia, from 1855 to 1857. 2 vols. fVol. 1 contains an index to vols. 2 to 11 Grattan's reports.] PEAKE (Thomas). Cases determined at nisi prius, in the court of king's bench, from 30 George III. to 35 George III. Dublin, 1795. . The same. 3d ed. London, 1820. PEARSON (J. J.) Decisions of, while judge of 12th judicial district of Pennsylvania, 1850-68. Vol. 1. PECK (Jacob). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of errors and appeais of the state of Tennessee, com- mencing September term, 1822, and ending with May term, 1822. 1824. . Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the su- preme court of errors and appeals of the state of Tennessee, from September term, 1822, to May term, 1824. Cooper's ed., vol. 4. 1871. PECK (E.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of Illinois, from November term, 1849, to January term, 1863. 20 vols. 1854-64. [Illinois reports, vols. 11-30.] ■ PECK (J. H.) Report of the trial of. See Trials, in part one. PECKWELL (R. H.) Cases of controverted elections in the second parliament of the united kingdom: begun and holden Au- gust 31, 1802. 2 vols. London, 1805-06. PENNSYLVANIA. Dallass' reports. 4 vols. 1754-1806. Addison's reports. 1 vol. 1791-99. Yeates's reports. 4 vols. 1791-98. Binney's reports. 6 vols. 1799-1814. Browne's reports. 2 vols. 1806-14. Ashmead's reports. 2 vols. 1808-41. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 337 PENNSYLVANIA — continued. Sergeant and Rawle's reports. 1? vols. 1818-29. Rawle's reports. 5 vols. 1828-35. Penrose and Watts's Pennsylvania reports. 3 vols. 1829-32. Watts's reports. 10 vols. 1832-41. Miles's reports. 2 vols. 1835-41. Wharton's reports. 6 vols. 1835-41. Watts and Sergeant's reports. 9 vols. 1841-44. Brightly's nisi prius reports. 1 vol. 1809-51. Parsons' select equity cases. Vol. 1. 1841-50. Grant's cases. 3 vols. 1852-63. Brewster's reports. 4 vols. 1856-74. Pennsylvania Law Journal reports. 5 vols. 1842-61. Pearson's decisions. Vol. 1. 1850-68. Philadelphia reports. 11 vols. 1850-76. Pittsburgh reports. 3 vols. 1853-73. Legal Gazette reports. 1 vol. 1869-72. Pennsylvania state reports. 89 vols. 1844-79. Barr, vols. 1-10. 1844-49. .Tones, vols. 11-12. 1849. Harris, vols. 13-24. 1849-55. Casey, vols. 25-36. 1855-60. Wright, vols. 37-50. 1860-65. Smith, vols. 51-81. 1865-76. Norris, vols. 82-89. 1876-79. PENNSYLVANIA LAW JOURNAL REPORTS. Contain- ing cases decided by the federal and state courts of Pennsylvania. Originally reported in the Pennsylvania Law Journal and Amer- ican Law Journal. 5 vols. 1842 to 1852. By John A. Clark. 1872-73. PENNSYLVANIA STATE TRIALS. AS'ee Trials, in part one. PENNINGTON (W. S.) Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of New Jersey, from 1806 to 1813. !?d ed. 2 vols, in 1. [New Jersey law reports, vols. 2, 3.1 PENROSE (C. B.) and WATTS (Fkbderick). Reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania. 3 vols. 1830-33. 33-W. S. L. 338 Wisconsin State Libbary, PERRY (Erskine). Cases illustrative of oriental life, and the application of English law to India. London, 1853. PERRY (T. E.) and DAVISON (Henry). Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the court of queen's bench, and upon writ of error from that court to the exchequer chamber, from 1838 to 1841. 4 vols. Loudon, 1839-42. PERRY (H. J.) and KNAPP (J. W.) Cases of controverted elections in the eleventh parliament of the united kingdom. Lon- don, 1833. PETERS (Richard). Admiralty decisions in the district court of the United States, for the Pennsylvania district, by the hon. Richard Peters; comprising also some decisions in the same court by the late Francis Hopkinson, esq. To which are added cases de- termined in other districts of the United States. 2 vols. 1807. . Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the su- preme court of the United States, from 1828 to 1842. 16 vols. 1829-51. . Reports of cases argued and determined in the cir- cuit court of the United States for the third circuit. 1819. PHILADELPHIA REPORTS; or Legal Intelligencer condensed; containing the decisions published in the Legal Intelligencer from 1850 to 1876. 11 vols. 1860-81. PHILLIMORE (Joseph). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the ecclesiastical courts at doctor's commons, and in the high court of delegates, from hilary term, 1809, to michaelmas term, 18B1, inclusive. 3 vols. London, 1818-27. [English ecclesiastical reports, vol. 1.] PHILLIPS (T. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery from 1841 to 1849. 2 vols. London, 1847-50. [English chancery reports, vols. 19 and 22,] PHILLIPS (S. F.) Reports of cases at law argued and determ- ined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from 1866 to 1868. . Reports of cases in equity argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from 1866 to 1868. Ke PORTS OF Judicial Decisions. 339 " . North Carolina reports. Cases argued and determ- ined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from 1868 to 1870. 2 vols. [North Carolina reports, vols. 63-64.] PICKERING (OcTAviAs). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. 2d ed., with notes and references. 24 vols. 1833-48. PIGGOTT (Gillery) and RODWELL (Hunter). Reports of cases decided in the court of common pleas, on appeal from the decisions of the revising barristers. London, 1847. PIKE (Albert). Reports of cases in law and equity argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Arkansas. 5 vols. [Arkansas reports, vols. l-o.J PINNEY (S. U.) Reports of cases decided in the territorial supreme court of Wisconsin, from 1836 to 1848. 3 vols. 1872-76. PITTSBURGH REPORTS; containing cases decided by the federal and state courts of Pennsylvania: chiefly at the city of Pittsburgh. Edited by Boyd Crumrine. 3 vols. 1872-73. PLOWDEN (Edmund). The commentaries, or reports of, con- taining divers cases upon matters of law argued in the king's and queen's bench from 1550 to 1580. 2 vols. Dublin, 1792. POLLEXFEN (Henry). The arguments and reports of sir Henry Pollexfen, knt., late lord chief justice of the common pleas, in some special cases by him argued during the time of his practice at the bar. Together with divers decrees in the high court of chancery, upon the limitations of trusts of terms for years. Folio. London, 1702. POPHAM (John). Reports and cases collected by the learned sir John Popham, knight, late lord chief justice of England. Folio. London, 1656. PORTER (David). Trial o^ See Trials, in part one. PORTER (A. G.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of Indiana. 5 vols. 1853-56. [Indiana reports, vols. 3-7,] 34:0 Wisconsin State Library, PORTER (B. F.) Reports of oases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of Alabama, from 1834 to 1839, inclusive. 9 vols. 1835-40. POST (Hoi:t). Michigan reports. Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of Michigan, from 1871 to 1877. 14 vols. [Michigan reports, vols. 23-36.] POST (T. A.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Missouri. 23 vols. 1869-77. [Missouri reports, vols. 42-64.] PRICE (Geobge). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of exchequer, from 1814 to 1824. 13 vols. London, 1816-30. PRINDLE (H. G.) Proceedings against. See Trials, in part one. PROBATE AND DIVORCE CASES. Swabey and Tristram. 4 vols, 1858 to 1866. The law reports. 9 vols, 1865 to 1881. QUINCY (.Josiah). Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of judicature, of the province of Massachusetts Bay, between 1761 and 1772. 1865. RAILWAY CASES. American cases relating to the law of railways decided in the supreme court of the United States, and in the courts of the several states. With notes by Chauncy Smith and Samuel W. Bates. 2 vols. 1854-56. RANDOLPH (M. E.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Kansas, from 1878 to 1881, 4 vols. [Kansas reports, vols. 21-24.] RANDOLPH (Peyton). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the court of appeals of Virginia. 6 vols. 1823-29. RANDOLPH ( W. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Louisiana. For the years 1853-1856. 4 vols. 1854-57. [Louisiana reports, vols. 8-11. J RAWLE (William, jr.) Reports of cases adjudged in the su- preme court of Pennsylvania. 5 vols. 1829-36. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 341 RAYMOND (Robert). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the courts of king's bench and common pleas, in reigns of the late king William, queen Anne, king George the first, and king George the second. 3 vols. Dublin, 1792. RAYMOND (T.) Reports of divers special cases, adjudged in the courts of king's bench, common pleas and exchequer, in the reign of king Charles II. 3d ed. Dublin, 1793. REDFIELD (A. A.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the surrogates' courts of the state of New York. 4 vols. 1864-80. REDFIELD (I. F.) Leading American railway cases, on many of the important questions involved in the law of railways, ar- ranged according to subjects. With notes and opinions. 2 vols. Vol 1, 2ded. 1872. . Leading American cases and notes upon the law of wills, embracing testamentary capacity, undue influence, the ad- mission of oral testimony in aid of the construction of wills, the execution of wills, etc. 1874. REDFIELD (I. F.) and BIGELOW (M. M.) Leading and select American cases in the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes and checks. With notes and references. 1871. REDINGTON (Asa.) Reports of cases in law and equity deter- mined by the supreme judicial court of Maine. 5 vols. 1851-54. [Maine reports, vols. 31-35.] REPORTS IN CHANCERY. Reports of cases taken and ad- judged in the court of chancery, in the reigns of kings Charles I., Charles IL, William III., and Queen Anne. Bieing special cases. 3 vols, in 1. In the Savoy. 1736. REYNOLDS (R. O.) Reports ol cases argued and determined in the high court of errors and appeals for the state of Mississippi. 2 vols. 1867. [Mississippi reports, vols. 40,41.] RHODE ISLAND. Rhode Island reports.^ 12 vols. 1828-79. Angell, vol. 1. Durfee, vol. 2. Knowles, vol. 3. 34:2 Wisconsin State Library. RHODE ISLAND — continued. Ames, vols. 4-7. Ames, Knowles and Bradley, vol. 8. Tobey, vols. 9, 10. Green, vols. 11, 12. RICE (William). Reports of cases at law, argued and deter- mined in the court of appeals and court of errors of South Caro- lina, from 1838 to 1839, both inclusive. 1839. . Reports of cases in chancery argued and determined in the court of appeals and court of errors of South Carolina, from 1838 to 1839, both inclusive. 1839. RICHARDSON (J. S. G.) Reports of cases at law, argued and determined in the court of appeals and court of errors of South Carolina. From 1844 to 1868, both inclusive. 15 vols. 1845-69. . Reports of cases in equity, argued and determined in the court of appeals in equity and court of errors of South Caro- lina. From 1844 to 1868, both inclusive. 14 vols. 1845-69. . Reports of cases in chancery, argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, from 1831 to 1832, both inclusive. 1853. . Reports of cases heard and determined by the su- preme court of South Carolina, from 1868 to 1878. 10 vols. 1871-79. RICHARDSON (W. M.) and WOODBURY (Levi). Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of judicature for the state of New Hampshire, between February, 18 L6, and May, 1828, inclusive. 1824. [New Hampshire reports, vol. 2.] RIDGE WAY (William). Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the king's bench and chancery, during the time in which lord Hardwicke presided in those courts. Dublin, 1794. . Reports of cases upon appeals and writs of error in the high court of parliament in Ireland, since the restoration of the appellate jurisdiction. 3 vols. Dublin, 1795-98. RIDGEWAY (William), LAPP (William) and SCHOALES (John). Irish term reports; or, reports of cases determined in the king's court, Dublin, from 1793 to 1795. Dublin, 1796. Re POETS OF Judicial Decisions. 343 RILEY'S LAW CASES. Reports of law cases determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, January term, 1836, April term, 1836, and February term, 1837. 1839. RILEY'S CHANCERY CASES. Chancery cases determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, April term, 1836, and February term, 1837. 1839. ROBARDS (W. A.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of the state of Missouri. 2 vols. 1849-50. [Missouri reports, vols. 12, 13.] ROBARDS (C. L.) and JACKSON (A. M.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreihe court of the state of Texas, from 1861 to 1865, both inclusive. 2 vols. 1867. [Texas reports, vols. 26 ,27.] ROBERTSON (A. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of the city of New York. 7 vols. 1867-69. [Vol. 7 contains cases of practice and decisions in special pro- ceedings exclusively.] ROBERTSON (J. E. P.) Stone altar case. The judgment of the rt. hon. sir Herbert Jenner Fust, kt., dean of the arches, etc., in the case of Faulkner v. Litchfield and Steam. London, 1845. ROBERTSON (David). Reports of cases on appeal from Scot- land, decided in the house of peers, from 1707 to 1727. London, 1807. " Appeal cases." ROBERTSON (J. E. P.) Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the ecclesiastical courts at doctor's commons, from 1844 to 1853. 2 vols. London, 1850. ROBERTSON (Charles). Report of the Auchterarder case, the earl of KinnouU, and the rev. R. Young against the presbytery of Auchterarder. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1838. ROBB (J. B.) A collection of patent cases, decided in the su- preme and circuit courts of the United States, from their organiza- tion to 1850. 2 vols. 1854. ROBINSON (M. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Louisiana. 12 vols. 1842-46. ROBINSON (J. L.) Reports of points of practice, etc., deter- mined in chambers by the judges of the courts of queen's bench and common pleas [of Upper Canada]. 2 vols. 12 mo. 1851-53. 344 Wisconsin State Libbary. Queen's bench and practice court reports. (Old series.) Vols. 3-5. Toronto, 1850-55. . Queen's bench and practice court reports, (new series) from 9th to 19th Vict. 11 vols. Toronto, 1847-56. [Upper Canada queen's bench reports, vols. 3-13.] . Reports of cases determined in the practice court and chambers; with points on pleading and practice determined in the courts of queen's bench and common pleas [of Upper Canada]. Toronto, 1856. [Practice reports, vol. l.J ROBINSON (Christopher). Reports of cases determined in the practice court and chambers; with points of pleadings and prac- tice determined in the court of queen's bench and common pleas [of Upper Canada.] 2 vols. Toronto, 1860-68. [Practice reports, vols. 2, 3.] . Queen's bench reports, (old series, vol. 6.) Toronto, 1858. . Reports of cases decided in the court of queen's bench, from 1857 to 1873. 19 vols. Toronto, 1857-73. [Upper Canada queen's bench reports, vols. 14-32.] ROBINSON (Conway). Reports of cases decided in the su- preme court of appeals and in the general court of Virginia, from 1842 to 1844. 2 vols. 1843-44. ROBINSON (Tod). Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of California, at the July and October terms, 1869. 1870. [California reports, vol. 38.] ROBINSON (C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of admiralty, from 1798 to 1808. 2d ed. 6 vols, in 3. London. [Also contained in vols. 1-3, Am. ed. of English admiralty re- ports.] ROBINSON (William). Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the high court of admiralty, from 1838 to 1850. 3 vols. London, 1844-50. [Also contained in vol. 9, Am. ed. of English admiralty reports.] Bepobts of Judicial Decisions. 345 ROLLE (Henry). Les reports de Henry RoUe serjeant del ley, de divers oases en le court del banke le roy, en le temps del reign de roy Jacques. Folio. 2 vols. London, 1675-76. ROOT (Jesse). Reports of cases adjudged in the superior court and supreme court of errors, from 1789 to 1798; with a variety of cases anterior to that period. Prefaced with observations upon the government and laws of Connecticut. 2 vols. 1798-1802. ROSE (George). Cases in bankruptcy; containing reports of cases decided by lord chancellor Eldon, from 1810 to 1816, and contemporaneous cases in other courts. 2 vols. 2d ed. London, 1821. ROWELL (J. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont, 1872 to 1880. 7 vols. [Vermont reports, vols. 45-51.] RUNNELLS (J. S.) Reports of cases in law and equity deter- mined in the supreme court of the state of Iowa, from 1874 to 1880. 16 vols. [Iowa reports, vols. 38-53.] RUSSELL (James). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Eldon, 1829-31. 5 vols. London, 1827-32. [English chancery reports, vol. 3.] RUSSELL (James) and MYLNE (J. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Lyndhurst, 1829-31. 2 vols. London, 1832-37. [English chancery reports, vols. 4, 13. | RUSSELL (W. O.) and RYAN (Edward). Crown cases re- served for consideration, and decided by the twelve judges of England, from 1799 to 1824. London, 1825. [British crown cases, vol. 1.] RYAN (Edward) and MOODY (William). Reports of cases determined at nisi prius in,the courts of king's bench and common pleas, and on the Oxford and Western circuits, from 1823 to 1826. London, 1827. [English common 1^ reports, vol. 21.] 346 Wisconsin State Library. SALKELD (William). Reports of cases adjudged in the court of king's bench, with some special cases in the courts of chancery, common pleas and exchequer. 3 vols. 6th ed. l^ublin, 1791. SANDFORD (L. H.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of chancery of the state of New York, before the hon. Lewis H. Sandford, assistant vice-chancellor of the first circuit. 4 vols. 1846-50. . Reports of cases argued and determined in the su- perior court of the city of New York. 5 vols. 1849-52, SAUNDERS (Edward). Reports of several pleadings and cases in the court of king's bench, in the time of the reign of king Charles the second. Edited by John Williams. 5th Am., from last London ed. By John Patteson and E. V. Williams. 3 vols. 1833. . Notes to Saunders' reports, by the late sergeant Williams. Continued to the present time by the right hon. Edward Vaughan Williams. 2 vols. London, 1871. SAUNDERS (T. W.) and COLE (H. T.) Bail court reports. 2 vols. London, 1846-48. SAUSSE (M. R.) and SCULLY (Vincent). Reports of cases in chancery, argued and determined in the rolls court, during the time of the right hon. sir Michael O'Loghlen, bart., master of the rolls; and the case of Ogle v. Ogle, decided in the court of exchequer and exchequer chamber. Dublin, 1841. SAWYER (L. S. B.) Reports of cases decided in the circuit and district courts of the United States for the ninth circuit, from 1870 to 1879. 5 vols. SAVILE (John). Les reports de sir John Savile, chevalier, nadgairis baron de I'exchequer, de divers special cases cybien en le court de common bank come I'exchequer en le temps de royne Elizabeth. Folio. London, 1688. SAXTON (N.) Reports of cases decided in the court of chan- cery of the state of New Jersey. 1836. [New Jersey equity reports, vol. 1.] SAYER (Joseph). Reports of cases adjudged in the court of king's bench, beginning michaelmas term, 25 Geo. 2, ending trinity term, 29 and 30 Geo. 2. Folio. London, 1775. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 347 SCAMMON (J. Y.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Illinois. 2d ed. 4 vols. 1841-44. [Illinois reports, vols. 2-5.] SCHOALES (John) and LEFROY (Thoma^s). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery in Ireland, during the time of lord Redesdale, from easter term, 1802, to the period of lord Redesdale's resignation of the grep.t seal. 2 vols. London, 1806-21. SCOTCH APPEAL CASES. Robertson, 1 vol. 1707 to 1727. Craigie, Stewart and Paton, 6 vols. 1726 to 1821, Shaw, 2 vols. 1821 to 1824. Wilson and Shaw, 7 vols. 1825 to 1834. Shaw and Maclean, 3 vols. 1835 to 1838. Maclean and Robinson, 1 vol. 1839. Robinson, 2 vols. 1840 to 1841. Bell, 7 vols. 1842 to 1850. Macqueen, 4 vols. 1851 to 1865. Paterson, 2 vols. 1851 to 1873. The law reports. 1865 to 1881. SCOTT (John). Cases in the court of common pleas and ex- chequer chamber, from michaelmas term, 5 Will. IV., to hilary term, 3 Vict. 8 vols. London, 1835-41. [English common law reports, vols. 30, 36.] . New reports in the courts of common pleas and ex- chequer chamber, from easter term, 3 Vict., to michaelmas term, 8 Vict. 8 vols. London, 1841-45. SEDGWICK (H. D.) A selection of American and English cases on the measure of damages. With notes. 1878. SELDEN (H. R.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of the state of New York. 6 vols. 1853. [New York reports, vols. 5-10.] SELECT CASES IN GJHANCERY. Select cases argued and adjudged in the high court of chancery, before the late lords' com- missioners of the great seal, and the late lord chancellor King. From 1724 to 1733. Folio. In the Savoy. 1740. 348 Wisconsin State Library. SELECT EQUITY CASES. Select cases in equity argued and determined in the court of common pleas of the first judicial dis- trict of Pennsylvania, from 1841 to 1850. Reported by A. V. Parsons, one of the judges of the court. Vol. 1. 1859. SERGEANT (Thomas) and RAWLE (William). Reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania. 17 vols. 1818-29. SESSIONS CASES, adjudged in the court of king's bench, chiefly touching settlements, from the latter end of Queen Anne's reign to the present time. 2d ed. 2 vols. London, 1760. SHAND (R. W.) Reports of cases heard and determined by the supreme court of South Carolina, from November, 1877, to April, 1880. 3 vols. 1880-81. [South Carolina reports, new series, vols. 11-13.] SHAW (G. B.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont. 2 vols. 1839-40. [Vermont reports, vols. 10, 11.] SHAW (W. G.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont. 6 vols. 1859-64. [Vermont reports, vols. 30-35.] SHAW (Patrick). Cases decided in the house of lords on ap- peal from Scotland, from 1821 to 1824. 2 vols. Edinburgh. SHAW (Patrick) and MACLEAN (C. H.) Cases decided in the hoase of lords on appeal from Scotland. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1835-38. SHEPHERD (J. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Alabama, from 1851 to 1868. 21 vols. 1852-69. [Alabama reports, vols. 19-21, 24-41.] SHEPLEY (John). Reports of cases in law and equity determ- ined by the supreme judicial court of Maine. 17 vols. 1838-5L [Maine reports, vols. 13-18, 20-30. J SHIPP (W. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of North Carolina. 2 vols. [North Carolina reports, vols. 66, 67.] Reports of Judicial Decisions. 349 SHIPMAN (H. A.) The American railway reports: a collection of all reported decisions relating to railways. 4 vols. [American railway reports, vols. 6-9.] SHIRLEY (J. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme judicial court of New Hampshire. 7 vols. [New Hampshire reports, vols. 49-55.J SHIPPEN (Edward), YEATES (Jasper) and SMITH (Thomas). Report of the trial and acquittal of. See Trials, in part one. SHOWER (Bartholomew). Reports of cases adjudged in the court of king's bench, during the reigns of Charles II., James II., and William III. 2 vols. 2d ed. By Thomas Leach. London, 1794. . Cases in parliament resolved and adjudged upon pe- titions and writs of error. Folio. In the Savoy. 1740. SICKELS (H. E.) Reports of cases decided in the court of ap- peals of the state of New York, from 1871 to 1879. 37 vols. [New York reports, vols. 46-82.] SIDERFIN (Tho.) Les reports des divers special cases argue et adjudgee an le court del bank le roy et auxy en le [Co. Ba. et Texchequer en les premier dix-ans apres le restauration del son tres-excellent majesty le roy Charles le II. Folio. 2 editions. 1683 and 1714. SIMONS (Nicholas). Reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery, from 1826 to 1850. 17 vols. London, 1829-54. [English chancery reports, vols. 2, 5-7, 9-11, 16, 34-39, 42.] , Reports of cases decided in the high court of chan- cery from 1850 to 1852. 2 vols. London, 1851-52. [English chancery reports, vols. 40, 42.] SIMONS (Nicholas) and STUART (John). Reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery by the right hon. sir John Leach, vice chancellor of England, from 1822-26. 2 vols. London, 1824-27. [English chancery reports, vol. 1.] SKINNER (T. K.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Missouri. 7 vols. [Missouri reports, vols. 65-71.] 350 Wisconsin State Library. SKINNER (Robert). Reports of cases adjudged in the court of king's bench, from the thirty-third year of king Charles the second, to the ninth year of king William the third, with some ar- guments in special cases. Folio. In the Savoy. 1728. SLADE (William). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont. 1844. [Vermont reports, vol. 15.] SM ALE (John) and GIFFARD (.1. W. De L.) Reports of cases adjudged in the high court of chancery, by the vice-chancellor sir John Stuart, from 1852 to 1857. 3 vols. London, 1855-58. SMEDES (W. C.) and MARSHALL (T. A.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of errors and appeals for the state of Mississippi, from 1844 to 1857. 14 vols. [Mississippi reports, vols. 9-22.] . Reports of cases argued and determined in the su- perior court of chancery of the state of Mississippi. 1844. SMIRKE (Edward). The case of Vice against Thomas, deter- mined on appeal before the lord warden of the stannaries of Corn- wall. London, 1843. SMITH (.1. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, together with some cases in the high court of chancery, from michaelmas term, 44 Geo. III. to trinity term, 46 Geo. IIL 3 vols. 2d ed. London, 1806-7. SMITH (A. D.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Wisconsin, from 1853, to 1860, both inclusive. 11 vols. 1854-61. [Wisconsin reports, vols. 1-ll.J . The same, 2d. ed. Vols. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 annotated by W. F. Vilas and E. E. Bryant; vols. 3, 5, annotated by L. S. Dixon. Vols. 8-9 bound in one. 1873-75. SMITH (J. W.) A selection of leading cases on various branches of the law, with notes. 6th Am. ed. By J. I. C. Hare and J. W. W^allace. 2 vols, in 3. 1866. SMITH (T. L.) Reports of cases in the supreme court of the state of Indiana, in 1848-49. Reports of Judicial Decisions. ' 351 SMITH (P. F.) Pennsylvania state reports. Comprising cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania, from 1865 to 1876 31 vols. [Pennsylvania state reports, vols. 51-81.] SMITH (E. D.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas for the city and county of New York. 4 vols. 1855-59. SMITH (E. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of the state of New York. 13 vols. 1858-65. [New York reports, vols. 15-27.] SMITH (E. B.) Reports of cases in law and equity, determined by the supreme judicial court of Maine. 4 vols. [Maine reports, vols. 61-64.] SMITH (Jeremiah). Decisions of the superior and supreme courts of New Hampshire, from 1802 to 1809, and from 1813 to 1816. 1879. SMITH (G. H.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of California,* from November term, 1879, to July, 1880. 2 vols. 1881. [California reports, vols. 54, 55.] SMITH (T. B. C.) and BATTY (Espine). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench, Ireland, 1824-25. Dublin, 1830. SMITH (Chauncey) and BATES (S. W.) Cases relating to the law of railways, decided in the supreme court of the United States, and in the courts of the several states. 2 vols. 1854. SMYTHE (Hamilton). Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the courts of common pleas and exchequer chamber in Ire- land, in 1839-40. Dublin, 1840. SNEED (J. L. T.) Reports of the cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Tennessee, during the years 1853-58. 5 vols. 1855-59. SNEED'S KENTUCKY DECISIONS. Decisions of the court of appeals of the state of Kentucky, from March 1, 1801, to Janu- ary 18, 1805, inclusive. Edited by Harvey Myers. 18G9. 362 Wisconsin State Libbaby. SOUTHARD (S. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of New Jersey. 2 vols. 1819-20. [New Jersey law reports, vols 4. 5.] SOUTH CAROLINA. Zaw. Bay's reports, 2 vols. 1783-1804. Brevard's reports, 3 vols in 2. 1794-1816. Tread way's constitutional court reports, 2 vols. 1812-16. Mills' constitutional court reports. 1817-18. Nott and McCord's reports, 2 vols. 1817-20. McCord's reports, 4 vols in 2. 1820-28. Harper's reports. 1823-24. Bailey's reports, 2 vols. 1828-32. Hill's reports, 3 vols, in 2. 1833-37. Riley's reports (law and equity). 1836-37. Dudley's reports. 1837-38. Rice's reports. 1838-39. Cheves' reports. 1839-40. McMullan's reports, 2 vols. 1840-42. Speer's reports, 2 vols. 1843-44. Richardson's reports, (vols. 1-4.) 1844-47. Strobhart's reports, 5 vols. 1846-50. Richardson's reports, (vols. 5-12.) 1850-60. Richardson's reports, (vol. 13, law; and vol. 12, equity in 1 vol.) 1860-66. Richardson's reports, (vols. 14-15.) 1866-68. Richardson's reports, N. S. 10 vols. 1868-78. Shand's reports, 3 vols. 1878-80. Chancery. Dessaussure's reports, 4 vols, in 2. 1785-1813. Harper's reports. 1824, McCord's reports, 2 vols, in 1. 1825-27. Bailey's reports. 1830-31. Richardson's cases. 1831-32. Hills' reports, 2 vols. 1833-36. Riley's reports. 1836-37. Dudley's reports. 1837-38. Beports of Judicial Decisions. 353 SOUTH CAROLINA — continued. Rice's reports. 1838-39. Cheves' reports. 1839-40. McMulIan's reports. 1840-42. Speer's reports. 1842-44. Richardson's reports, (vols. 1, 2.) 1844-46. Strobhart's reports. 1846-50. Richardson's reports, (vols. 3-11 and 13-14.) 1850-68. SPEERS (R. H.) Reports of cases at law argued and deter- mined in the court of appeals and court of errors of South Caro- lina, from November, 1842, to May, 1844, both inclusive. 2 vols. 1843-44. . Equity cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of South Carolina, from 1842 to 1844. SPENCER (W. A.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Minnesota, from 1865 to 1874. 11 vols. [Minnesota reports, vols. 10-20.] SPENCER (R. D.) Reports of cases in the supreme court of judicature of New Jersey. [New Jersey law reports, vol. 20.] SPINKS (Thomas). The ecclesiastical and admiralty reports; being reports of cases heard before the arches and prerogative courts of Canterbury, and the consistory court of London, respect- ively. The high court of admiralty and the admiralty prize court, together with such cases as have been carried by appeal from those courts respectively to the privy council. 2 vols. London, 1853-55. SPOONER (P. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Wisconsin, from 1860 to 1862. 4 vols. 1861-64. [Wisconsin reports, vols. 12-15.] . The same. 2d ed. With notes by W. F. Vilas and E. E. Bryant. 1873. SPRAGUE (Peleg). Decisions in admiralty and maritime causes in the district court of the United States for the district of Massa- chusetts, from 1841 to 18(M. 2 vols. 1861-68. STANTON (E. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Ohio. 3 vols. 1843-45. [Ohio reports, vols. 11-13.] 23-W. 8. L. 354 Wisconsin State Library, STARKIE (Thomas). Reports of cases determined at nisi prius, in the courts of king's bench and common pleas, and on the circuit, from 1814 to 1819. 2 vols, and part 1 of vol. 3. London, 1817-20. [English common law reports, vols. 2-3.J STEWART (G. N.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Alabama, embracing the decisions made in the years 1827-1830, and in January term, 1831, at law and in equity. 3 vols. 1830-35. STEWART (James). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of vice-admiralty, at Halifax, in Nova Scotia, from 1802 to 1813. London, 1814. STEWART (J. H.) Reports of cases decided in the court of chancery, the prerogative court, and, on appeal, in the court of errors and appeals of the state of New Jersey. 6 vols. 1877-80. [New Jersey equity reports, vols. 28-33.] STEWART (G. N.) and PORTER (B. F.) Reports of cases at law and in equity argued and determined in the supreme court of Alabama. 5 vols. 1836-37. STILES (E. H.) Reports of cases in law and equity determined in the supreme court of the state of Iowa. 16 vols. 1867-73. [Iowa reports, vols. 22-37.] STOOKETT (J. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court ot appeals of Maryland, from 1867 to 1879. 25 vols. [Maryland reports, vols. 27-51.] STOCKTON (J. P.) Reports of cases determined in the court of chancery, and on appeal, in the court of errors and appeals, of^ the state of New Jersey. 3 vols. 1856-60. [New Jersey equity reports, vols. 9-11.] STORY (W. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the circuit court of the United States for the first circuit. 3 vols. 1842-47. STRANGE (John). Reports of adjudged cases in the courts of chancery, king's bench, common pleas and exchequer, from trinity term, 2d Geo. L, to trinity term, 21 Geo. IL ^2d ed. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1782. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 355 STRINGFELLOW (B. F.) Reports of cases argued and de- cided in the supreme court of the state of Missouri. 3 vols. 1848-51. [Missouri reports, vols. 9-11.] STROBHART (J. A.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals and court of errors of South Carolina, on appeals from the courts of law. 5 vols. 18i7-51. . Reports of cases in equity argued and determined in the court of appeals and in the/.ourt of errors of South Carolina, from November, 1846, to May term, 1850. 4 vols. 1848-51. STYLE (WiLLiAx). Narrationes modernae, or modern reports begun in the now upper bench court at Westminster, in the begin- ning of hilary term, 21 Caroli., and continued to the end of michaelmas term, 1655, as well on the criminal, as on the pleas side. Most of which time the lord chief justice Roll gave the rule there. Folio. London, 1658. SUGDEN'S DECISIONS. JSee Drury, Drury and Warrex, Jones and La Touche, Lloyd and Goold. SUMNER (Charles). Reports of cases argued and determined in the circuit court of the United States for the first circuit. 3 vols. 1836-41. SURRATT (J. H.) Trial of. jSee Trials, in part one. SWABEY (M. C. M.) Reports of cases decided in the high court of admiralty of England, and on appeal to the privy council, 1855-59. London, 1860. SWABEY (M. C. M.) and TRISTRAM (T. H.) Reports of cases decided in the court of probate and in the court for divorce and matrimonial causes, from 1858 to 1866. 4 vols. London. SWAN (W. G.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Tennessee in 1851-53. 3 vols. Vol. 2 Cooper's ed. 1857-78. SWANSTON (C. T.) Reports of cases rgued and determine d in the high court of chancery, during the time of lord chancellor Eldon. From the commencement of the sittings before hilary term, 1818, to the end of the sittings after michaelmas term, 1819. 3 vols. Am. ed. 1828. 356 Wis CONS IX State Librae r. SWEENY (J. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of the city of New York. 2 vols. 1871. TAMLYN (John). Condensed reports of cases decided in the high court of chancery by sir John Leach. London, 1831. [English chancery reports, vol. 5.] TANEY'S DECISIONS. See Campbell (J. M.) TANNER (GORDON). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of Indiana from 1856 to 1860. 7 vols. [Indiana reports, vols. 8-14.] TAPPAN (Benjamin). Cases decided in the court of common pleas, in the fifth circuit of the state of Ohio; commencing with May term, 1816. To which is added the opinion of judge McLean in the case of Lauderback vs. Moore. 1831. TAUNTON (W. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of common pleas, and other courts, from 1807 to 1819. 8 vols. London, 1814-23. [English common law reports, vols. 1, 2, 4.] TAYLOR (Thomas). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of king's bench in York, Upper Canada, from 1823 to 1827. TAYLOR (J. L.) North Carolina reports, embracing the " Caro- lina law repository," containing " opinions of American jurists, and reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of North Carolina." Vols. 1 and 2. Also, " North Carolina term reports," or " cases ad- judged in the supreme court of North Carolina, from July term, 1816, to January term, 1818, inclusive." 2d ed. By William H. Battle. 1844. . North Carolina reports, embracing " cases determined in the superior courts of law and equity of the state of North Carolina." By John Louis Taylor; also, " reports of cases ruled and determined by the court of conference of North Carolina." By Duncan Cameron and William Norwood. 2d ed. By William H. Battle. 1844. TEMPLE (Leofric) and MEW (George). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of criminal appeal, from 1848 to 1851. London, 1852. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 357 TENNESSEE. Overton's reports, 2 vols, in 1. 1791-1817. Cooke's reports. 1811-14. Haywood's reports, 3 vols, in 1. 1816-18. Peck's reports. ) « 1 • i j 183S-24. Martin & Yerger's reports, f '^ ^°^^- ^^ ^' \ 1825-28. Yerger's reports, 10 vols. 1832-37. Meig's reports. 1838-39. Humphrey's reports, 11 vols. 1839-51. Swan's reports, 2 vols. 1851-53. Sueed's reports, 5 vols. 1853-58. Head's reports, 3 vols. 1859-60. Coldwell's reports, 7 vols. 1860-70. Heiskell's reports, 12 vols. 1870-74. Baxter's reports, 7 vols. 1872-75. Lea's reports, 3 vols. 1878-79. Chancery. Cooper's reports, 3 vols. 1872-78. TERM REPORTS. See Durnford and East. TERRELL (A. W.) Cases argued and determined in the su- preme court of Texas in 1879-80. [Texas reports, vol. 52.] TEXAS. Supreme Court. Dallam's reports, 1840-44. Texas reports. 52 vols. 1846-80. Webb and Duval, vols. 1-3. Hartley (O. C), vols. 4-10. Hartley (O. C.) and (B. K.), vols. 11-21. Moore and Walker, vols. 22-24. Walker, vol. 25. Paschal, supplement to vol. 25. Robards and Jackson, vols. 26-27. Paschal, vols. 28-31. Wheelock, vols. 3^37. Terrell and Walker, vols. 38-51. Terrell, vol. 52. Court of Appeals Jackson and Jackson, 9 vols. 1876-80. 358 Wisconsin State Library. THACHER (P. O.) Reports of criminal cases tried in the municipal court of the city of Boston, from 1823 to 1843. Edited by Horatio Woodman. 1845. THOMAS (E. A.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the territory of Wyoming, from 1870 to 1878. Vol 1. 1879. THOMPSON (R. A.) Reports of cases determined in the su- preme court of the state of California in 1870. 2 vols. [California reports, vols. 39-40.] THOMPSON (I. G.) Reports of decisions of general interest decided in the courts of last resort of the several states, from 1871 to 1879. 27 vols. [American reports, vols. 1-27.] . National bank cases; containing all decisions of both the federal and state courts relating to national banks. 1878. THOMPSON (I. G.) and COOK (R. D.) Reports of cases de- termined in the supreme court of New York, from 1873 to 1875. 6 vols. TOTHILL (W.) Transactions of the high court of chancery both by practice and precedent, with the fees thereunto belonging, and all special orders in extraordinary cases which are to be found in the register's office, as they are quoted by terms, years and books. 16mo. 1649. TOWNSEND (W. C.) Modern state trials, with essays and notes. 2 vols. London, 1850. TREAD WAY. Reports of judicial decisions in the constitu- tional court of the state of South Carolina, during the years 1812 to 1816. To which is added two cases determined in the court of equity in the year 1822. 2 vols. 1823. TRUMAN (J. H.) The American railway reports; a collection of all reported decisions relating to railways. 1873. [American railway reports, vol. 1.] TUCKER (G. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the surrogates' court of the county of New York. 1870. TUCKER (R. A.) Select cases from the records of the supreme court of New Foundland, from 1817 to 1829. St. John's, 1829. Reports of Judicial Decisions, 359 TUDOR (0. D.) A selection of leading cases on mercantile and maritime law. With notes; from 2d London ed. American notes by George Sharswood. 2 vols. 1873. TUPPER (J. S.) Reports of cases decided in the court of ap- peal, on appeal from the superior and county courts, appeals in in- solvency and election cases. 4 vols. 1876-80. [Upper Canada appeal reports, vols. 1-4.] TURNER (George) and RUSSELL (James). Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery during the time of lord chancellor Eldon, 1822-24. London, 1832. TUTTLE (C. A.) Report of cases determined in the supreme oourt of the state of California. 10 vols. 1864-67. [California reports, vols. 23-32.] . Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of California, from 1871 to 1877. 11 vols. [California reports, vols. 41-51.] TUTTLE (C. A.) and CARPENTER (G. J.) Reports of cases determined in the supreme court of the state of California, 1877-78. [California reports, vol. 53.] TYLER (Rotall). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of judicature of the state of Vermont. Com- mencing with the 19th century. 2 vols. 1809-10. TYNG (D. A.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme judicial court of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, from 1806 to 1822. 16 vols. [Massachusetts reports, vols. 2-17.] TYRWHITT (R. P.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from 1830 to 1835. 5 vols. London, 1832-37. TYRWHITT (R. P.) and GRANGER (T. C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from 1835 to 1836. London 1837. UNITED STATES REPORTS. Supreme Court. Dallas' reports, 4 vols. 1790-1800. Cranch's reports, 9 vols, in 8. 1800-15. 360 Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES REPORTS — continued. Wheaton's reports, 12 vols. 1816-27. Peters' reports, 16 vols. 1827-42. Howard's reports, 24 vols. 1843-60. Black's reports, 2 vols. 1860-62. Wallace's reports, 23 vols. 1863-75. Otto's reports, 12 vols. 1875-80. Curtis' decisions and digest, from 1 Dallas to 17 Howard* 22 vols. 1781-1854. CIRCUIT COURTS. If^irst Circuit. Gallison's reports, 2 vols. 1812-15. Mason's reports, 5 vols. 1816-30. Sumner's reports, 3 vols. 1830-39. Story's reports, 3 vols. 1839-45. Woodbury and Minot's reports, 3 vols. 1845-47. Curtis' reports, 2 vols. 1851-56. Clifford's reports, 4 vols. 1858-78. Holmes' reports, 1 vol. 1870-75. /Second Circ%iiL Paine's reports, 2 vols. 1810-40. Blatchford's reports, 16 vols. 1845-79. Third Circuit (old). Dallas' reports (vols. 2, 3, 4, contain cases decided in this court), 4 vols. 1781-1806. Wallace's reports, 1 vol. 1801. Peter's reports, 1 vol. 1803-18. Washington's reports, 4 vols. 1803-27. Baldwin's reports, 1 vol. 1828-33. Wallace's, jr., reports, 3 vols. 1842-62. Fourth Circuit {old). Call's (Va.) reports, vol. 6. 1793-1825. Marshall's decisions, by Brockenbrough, 2 vols. 1802-33. Taney's decisions, by Campbell, 1 vol. 1836-61. Chase's decisions, by Johnson, 1 vol. 1865-69. Hughes' reports, 3 vols. 1792-1880. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 361 UNITED STATES REPORTS — continued. JF^ifth Circuit (new). Wood's reports, 4 vols. 1870-79. Sixth Circuit (new). Bond's reports, 2 vols. 1855-71. Seventh Circuit {old). McLean's reports, 6 vols. 1829-54. Seventh Circuit (new). Bissell's reports, 7 vols. 1851-77. Eighth Circuit (neic). Miller's decisions, by Woolworth, 1 vol. 1863-69. Dillon's reports, 5 vols. 1870-79. Ninth Circuit (old). Hempstead's reports, 1 vol. 1839-56. Ninth Circuit {new). McAllister's reports, 1 vol. 1855-59. Deady's reports, 1 vol. 1861-69. Sawyer's reports, 5 vols. 1870-79. District of Columbia, Cranch's reports, 6 vols. 1801-41. CIKCUIT AND DISTRICT COURTS. Abbott's reports, 2 vols. 1863-71. Federal Reporter, 7 vols. 1880-81. DISTRICT COURT REPORTS. District of Maine. Ware's reports, 2 vols. 1822-65. Davie's reports, 1 vol. 1839-49. District of Massachusetts. Sprague's decisions, 2 vols. 1841-64. Lowell's decisions, 2 vols. 1865-76. 362 Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES REPORTS — continued. District of Vermont. Reported in Vermont reports, vols. 20-25. District of New York. Van Ness' prize cases, 1 vol. 1814. Blatchford and Rowland's reports, 1 vol. 1827-37. Olcott's reports, 1 vol. 1843-50. Abbott's reports, 1 vol. 1847-50. Blatchford's prize cases, 1 vol. 1861-65. Benedict's reports, 9 vols. 1865-78. District of Pennsylvania. Hopkinson's decisions, 1 vol. 1779-88. Peter's decisions, 2 vols. 1792-1807. Fisher's prize cases, 1 vol. 1813. Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Gilpin's reports, 1 vol. 1828-36. Crabbe's reports, 1 vol. 1836-46. District of South Carolina. Bee's reports, 1 vol. 1792-1805. District of Arkansas. . Hempstead's reports, 1 vol. 1820-56. District of Michigan^ Northern and Southern District of Ohio^ Western District of Pennsylvania^ Western District^of Illi- nois^ District of Missouri^ and Eastern District of Louisiana. Newberry's reports, 1 vol. 1842-57. Bond's reports, 2 vols. 1856-71. Brown's reports, 1 vol. 1859-74. District of California and Oregon. Hoffman's cases, 1 vol. 1853-58. Deady's reports, 1 vol. 1861-69. Sawyer's reports, 5 vols. 1870-79. District of Columbia. MacArthur's reports, 3 vols. 1873-79. Be PORTS OF Judicial Decisions. 363 UNITED STATES REPORTS— continued. District of Kansas. McCahon's reports, 1 vol. 1858-68. Court of Claims. Devereux's reports, 1 vol. 1856. Nott and Huntington, 8 vols. 1863-72. Nott and Hopkins, 7 vols, 1873-78. Patent Cases. Robb's patent cases, 2 vols. To 1850. Fisher's patent cases, 6 vols. 1848-73. Fisher's patent reports, 1 vol. 1821-50. Bankruptcy Reports. National bankruptcy register reports, 18 vols. 1867-78. UPPER CANADA REPORTS. Taylor's king's bench reports, 1 vol. 1823-27. Draper's kinac's bench reports, 1 vol. 1829-31. Queen's bench reports, (old series), 6 vols. 1834-44. Queen's bench reports, (new series), 44 vols. 1844-80. Common pleas reports, 30 vols. 1850-80. Chamber's reports, 2 vols. 1851-52. Practice court and chambers reports, 6 vols. 1850-77. Grant's chancery reports, 27 vols. 1849-79. Error and appeals reports, 3 vols. 1846-66. Chancery chambers reports, 3 vols. 1857-78. Appeal reports, 4 vols. 1876-80. Supreme court reports, 4 vols. 1876-81. UTAH. Hagan's reports, 1 vol. 1850-76. YALLANDIGHAM (C. L.) The trial of. See Trials, in part one. VANCOUGHNET (iS. J.) Reports of cases decided in the court of queen's bench, from 1871 to 1878. 23 vols. Edited by Christopher Robinson. [Upper Canada queen's bench reports, vols. 22-44.] 364 Wisconsin State Library. Reports of cases decided in the court of common pleas, of Upper Canada, from 1864 to 1871. 7 vols. [Upper Canada common pleas reports, vols. 15-21.] VAN NESS (W. P.) Reports of two cases determined in the prize court for the New York district. 1814. VAUGHAN (John). The reports and arguments of that learned judge, sir John Vaughan, kt., late lord chief justice of the court of common pleas, being all of them special cases; and many wherein he pronounced the resolution of the whole court of common pleas, at the time he was chief justice there. Folio. London, 1706. VEAZEY (W. G.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont. 9 vols. 1865-72. [Vermont reports, vols. 36-44.] VENTRIS (Peyton). The first part of the reports of sir Peyton Ventris, kt., late one of the justices of the common pleas: contain- ing select cases adjudged in the court of king's bench, in the reign of K. Charles II. With three learned arguments, one in the king's bench, by sir Francis North, when attorney general; and two in the exchequer by sir Matthew Hale, when lord chief baron. The second part: containing select cases adjudged in the court of com- mon pleas in the reigns of K. Charles II. and K. James II., and in the three first years of the reign of K. William and Q. Mary; also several cases and the pleadings thereon in the exchequer chamber, upon writs of error from the king's bench, together with many re- markable and curious cases in the court of chancery. Both parts bound in one volume. Folio. London, 1701. VERMONT. N. Chipman's reports, 1 vol. 1789-91. D. Chipman's reports, 2 vols, in 1. 1789-1825. Tyler's reports, 2 vols. 1800-03. Brayton's reports, 1 vol. 1815-19. Aiken's reports, 2 vols. 1826-27. Vermont reports. 51 vols. 1826-79. Vols. 1-9 by the judges of the court. Shaw, vols. 10-11. Weston, vols. 12-14. Slade, vol. 15. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 365 VERMONT — continued. Washburn e, vols. 16-23. Deane, vols. 24-26. Williams, vols. 27-29. Shaw, vols. 30-35. Veazey, vols. 36-44. Rowell, vols. 45-51. VERNON (Thomas). Cases argued and adjudged in the high court of chancery, from 1681 to 1720. By John Raithby. 3d ed. 2 vols. London, 1828. VERNON (G. W.) and SCRIVEN (J. B.) Irish reports; or, re- ports of cases determined in the king's courts, Dublin, with select cases in the house of lords of Ireland, from 1786 to 1788. Dublin, 1790. VESEY, Jr. (Feancis). Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the high court of chancery, from 1789 to 1817. 2d ed. With Hovenden's supplement. 22 vols. London, 1827. VESEY, Sr. (Francis). Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the high court of chancery in the time of lord chancellor Hardwicke, from 1746 to 1755. 4th ed. With Bell's supplement. 3 vols. London, 1818. VESEY (Francis) and BEAMES (John). Reports of cases ar- gued and determined in the high court of chancery, in the time of lord chancellor Eldon, 1812-14. 2d ed. 3 vols, in 2. London, 1818. VIRGIN (W. W.) Reports of cases in law and equity determ- ined by the supreme judicial court of Maine. 9 vols. 1866-73. [Maine reports, vols. 52-60.] VIRGINIA. Jefferson's reports, 1 vol. 1730-40; 1768-72. Wythe's chancery reports, 1 vol. 1788-99. Washington's reports, 2 vols. 1790-96. Virginia cases, 2 yols. 1789-1826. Call's reports, 6 vols. 1797-1825. Hening and Mumford's reports, 4 vols. 1806-09. Mumford's reports, 6 vols. 1810-20. Gilmer's reports, 1 vol. 1820-21. 366 Wiscoxsix State Library. VIRGINIA — continued. .Randolph's reports, 6 vols. 1821-28. Leigh's reports, 12 vols. 1829-41. Robinson's reports, 2 vols. 1842-44. Grattan's reports, 31 vols. 1844-79. Patton, Jr., and Heath's reports, special court of appeals, 2 vols. 1855-57. VIRGINIA CASES. Vol. 1. A collection of cases decided by the general court of Virginia, chiefly relating to the penal laws of the commonwealth. Commencing in the year 1789, and ending in 1814. Copied from the records of said court, with explanatory notes, by judges Brockenbrough and Holmes. 1815. • . Vol. 2, Virginia cases, or decisions of the general court of Virginia, chiefly on the criminal law of the commonwealth, commencing June term, 1815, and ending June term, 1826. With an index to both vols. By William Brockenbrough, one of the judges of that court. 1826. VROOM (P. D.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of errors and appeals of the state of New Jersey. 6 vols. 1866-73. [New Jersey law reports, vols. 30-35.] VROOM (G. D. W.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court and at law in the court of errors and appeals, of the state of New Jersey. 7 vols. 1874-80. [New Jersey law reports, vols. 36-42.] WALKER (H. N.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of chancery of the state of Michigan. 1845. WALKER (R. J.) Reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of Mississippi. 1834. WALKER (R. S.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of the state of Texas in 1860. [Texas reports, vol. 25.] WALLACE (H. E.) Philadelphia reports: or Legal Intelligencer condensed. Containing the decisions published in the Legal Intel- ligencer, from 1850 to 1875. 10 vols. 1850-75. [Philadelphia reports, vols. 1-10.] Reports of Judicial Decisions. 367 WALLACE (J. B.) Reports of cases adjudged in the circuit court of the United States for the third circuit. 2d ed. 1838. WALLACE (J. W.) Cases in the circuit court of the United States for the third circuit. 3 vols. 1849-71. . Cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of the United States, from 1863 to 1875. 23 vols. 1864-76. WALLIS (John). Reports of select cases argued and deter- mined in the high court of chancery in Ireland, principally in the time of lord Lifford; together with some cases determined in the other superior courts during the same period. Edited by James Lyne. Dublin, 1839. WARDEN (R. B.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Ohio. 3 vols. 1855-56. [Ohio state reports, vols. 2-4."| WARE (Ashur). Reports of cases argued and determined in the district court of the United States for the district of Maine. 2 vols. 1822-65. WASHBURNE (P. T.) Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of Vermont. 8 vols. 1845-52. [Vermont reports, vols. 16-23.] WASHINGTON (Bushrod). Reports of cases determined in the circuit court of the United States for the third circuit. 4 vols. . Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of appeals of Virginia. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1823. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Washington reports. Vol. 1. 1854-64. Allen's reports, new series. 1854-79. WATTS (Frederick). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of Pennsylvania, from 1832 to 1840. 10 vols. WATTS (Frederick) and SERGEANT (H. J.) Reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania, from 1841 to 1845. 9 vols. WEBB (W. C.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Kansas, from 1870 to 1878. 15 vols. I Kansas reports, vols. 6-20.] 368 Wisconsin State Libbary. WEBB (James) and DUVALL (T. H.) Reports of cases ar- gued and decided in the supreme court of the state of Texas, from 1846 to 1848. 3 vols. [Texas reports, vols. 1-3.] WEBSTER (Thomas). Reports and notes of cases on letters patent for inventions. London, 1844. WELSBY, (W. N.) HURLSTONE (E. T.) and GORDON (J.) The exchequer reports. Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, from 1847 to 1856. 11 vols. London. WELSH (Thomas). Registry cases; comprising all the pub- lished decisions in Ireland respecting the registration of voters, under the Irish reform act, and 10 Geo. IV. C. 8. With an appen- dix. Dublin, 1840. WENDELL (J. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined by the supreme court of judicature and in the court for the trial of impeachments and the correction of errors of the state of New York. 26 vols. 1829-42. WEST (M. J.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, from 1736 to 1739. London, 1827. . Cases heard and determined by the house of lords, on appeals from the court of equity, and on writs of error in Eng- land and Ireland; and questions of peerage, from 1839 to 1841. London. WESTON (William). Reports of cases argued and determ- ined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont. 3 vols. 1841-43. [Vermont reports, vols. 12-14.] WEST VIRGINIA. West Virginia reports, 15 vols. 1863-79. Hagan's reports, vols. 1-5. J Matthews' reports, vols. 6-9. White's reports, vols. 10-15. WHARTON (T. I.) Reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania in the eastern district, from 1835 to 1841. 6 vols. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 369 WHEATON (Henry). Repcwts of cases argued and adjudged in the supreme court of the United States, from 1816 to 1827. 12 vols. WHEELOCK (E. M.) Reports of cases argued and decided in the supreme court of the state of Texas, from 1870 to 1873. 6 vols. [Texas reports, vols. 32-37.] WHEELER (J. D.) Reports of criminal law cases, with notes and references, containing also a view of the criminal laws of the United States. 3 vols. 1825-51. WHITE (Robert). Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of appeals of West Virginia, from 1877 to 1879. 6 vols. [West Virginia reports, vols. 10-15.] WHITE (F. T.) and TUDOR (O. D.) A selection of leading cases in equity, with notes. 4th Am. from 4:th London ed. By J. I. C. Hare. 2 vols, in 4. 1876. WHITTLESEY (C. G.) Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme court of the state of Missouri. 10 vols. 1863-68. [Missouri reports, vols. 32-41.] WIG-HTWICK (John). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the court of exchequer, in 1810-11. London, 1819. [Partially contained in English exchequer reports, vol. 6.J WILLES (John). Reports of adjudged cases in the court of common pleas, during the time lord chief justice Willes presided in that court; together with some few cases of the same period de- termined in the house of lords, court of chancery and exchequer chamber. By Charles Durnford. 1802. WILLIAMS (W. p.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the high court of chancery, and of some special cases adjudged in the court of king's bench. 6th ed. 3 vols. London, 1826. WILLIAMS (J. G.) Cases in equity during the time of lord chancellor Talbot. Dublin, 1793. WILLIAMS (Ephraim). Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the supreme judicial court of the commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts, in 1804 and 1805. 3d ed. [Massachusetts reports, vol. 1.] 24 — W. S. L. 370 Wisconsin State Libbary. WILLIAMS (C. L.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Vermont. 3 vols. 1856-58. [Vermont reports, vols. 27-29.J WILCOX (P. B.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Ohio. 1842. [Ohio reports, vol. 10.] WILMOT (J. E.) Notes of opinions and judgments delivered in different courts by the right honorable sir.Iohn Eardley Wilmot, late lord chief justice of the court of common pleas, and one of his majesty's most honorable privy council. 4to. London, 1802. WILSON (George). Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the king's court at Westminster, from 1743 to 1774. In three parts. 3d ed. 3 vols. Dublin, 1784. WILSON. Cases in the exchequer. Vol. 1, part 1. 1805-17. [No title page.] WILSON (John). Cases in chancery, 1818 and 1819. Vol. 1 in three parts, and vol. 2, part 1. [No title page.] WILSON (J. G.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the territory of Oregon, and of the state of Oregon. 3 vols. 1862-70. [Oregon reports, vols. 1-3.] WILSON (O. M.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the superior court of Indianapolis. 1875. WILSON (James) and SHAW (Patrick). Cases decided in the house of lords on appeal from Scotland, from 1825 to 1834. 7 vols. Edinburgh. WINCH (Humphrey). Reports of that reverend and learned judge, sir Humphrey Winch, knight; sometime one of the judges of the court of common pleas. Containing many choice cases, and excellent matters touching declarations, pleadings, de- murrers, judgments, and resolutions in points of law, in the four last years of the reign of king James. 4to. London, 1657. WINSTON (P.) Cases at law argued and determined in the su- preme court of North Carolina, in 1863 and 1864. [Title page gone.] Beports of Judicial Decisions. 371 . Cases at law decided at the extra term, 1864; and cases in equity determined in the supreme court of North Caro- lina, in 1864. [Title page gone.] WISCONSIN. Burnett's reports, 1 vol. 1842-43. Chandler's reports. 4 vols. 1849-52. Pinney's reports, 3 vols. 1839-52. Wisconsin reports. 50 vols. 1853-80. Smith, vols. 1-11. Spooner, vols. 12-15. Conover, vols. 16-50. WITHROW (T. F.) Reports of cases in law and equity, de- termined in the supreme court of the state of Iowa. 13 vols. 1860-68. [Iowa reports, vols. 9-21.] . The American corporation cases; embracing the de- cisions of the supreme court of the United States, the circuit courts of the United States, and the courts of last resort in the several states since 1868, on questions peculiar to the law of corporations; vol. 1 private corporations; vol. 2 munincipal corporations. 2 vols. 1872-74. WITHROW (T. F.) and BINMORE (H.) The same. Vols. 3-4, private corporations. 2 vols. 1880-81. WOLFERSTAN (F. S. P.) and BRISTOWE (S. B.) Reports of the decisions of election committees during the eighteenth par- liament of the united kingdom, 1854-59. 12mo. London, 1865. WOLFERSTAN (F. S. P.) and DEW (E. E.) Reports of the decisions of committees of the house of commons in the trial of controverted elections, during the seventeenth parliament of the united kingdom. 12mo. London, 1859. WOODBURY (C. L.) and MINOT (George). Reports of cases argued and determined in the circuit court of the United States for the first circuit. 3 vols. 1847-52. WOODS (W. B.) Cases argued and determined in the courts of the United States for the fifth circuit. 3 vols. 1876-80. 372 Wisconsin State Library . WOOLWORTH (J. M.) Reports of cases in the supreme court of Nebraska, 1871. {Nebraska reports, vol. 1.] . Cases determined in the United States circuit court for the eighth circuit. 1872. WRIGHT (R. E.) Pennsylvania state reports. Comprising cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania, from 1860 to 1865. 14 vols. [Pennsylvania state reports, vols. 37-50.] WRIGHT (J. C.) Reports of cases at law and in chancery de- cided by the supreme court of Ohio from 1831 to 1834. WYATT (Alfred) and WEBB (G. H. F.) Reports of cases de- termined in the supreme court of Victoria, in 1861-62. liOndon, 1863. WYOMING. Wyoming reports, 1 vol. 1870-78. YATES (J. V. N.) Select cases adjudged in the courts of the state of New York. 1811. YATES (Jasper). Reports of cases adjudged in the supreme court of Pennsylvania; with some select cases at nisi prius, and in the circuit courts. 4 vols. 1817-19. YEAR BOOKS of the reign of Edward I. during his 20-22d, 30- 35th years. Edited and translated by Alfred J. Howard. 5 vols. London, 1863-79. YEAR BOOKS. Folio. 'Eleven parts in ten vols. London, 1678-80. Part 1. Maynard. Edward I. and IL Part 2. 1-10, Edward III. Part 3. 17-39, Edward TIL Part 4. 4 0-50, Edward HI. Part 5. Liber Assisarum, 1-51, Edward III. Part 6. 1-14, Henry IV. 1-9, Henry V. Part 7. 1-20, Henry VI. Part 8. 22-39, Henry VI. Parts 9. and 10. 1-22, Edward IV. Long Quinto, 5 Ed- ward IV. Part 11. Edward V., Richard III., Henry VIL, Henry VIII. Reports of Judicial Decisions. 373 YELVERTON (Henry). The reports of sir Henry Yelverton, knight and baronet, late one of the justices of the court of common pleas, of divers special cases in the court of king's bench, as well in the latter end of the reign of Q. Elizabeth, as in the first ten years of K. James. 4th ed. Dublin, 1792. YERGER (G. S.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of Tennesse. 10 vols. 1832-38. YOUNG (G. B.) Minnesota reports; cases argued and determ- ined in the supreme court of Minnesota, from 1874 to 1880. 6 vols. I Minnesota reports, vols. 21-25.] YOUNGE (Edward). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of exchequer in equity, from 1830 to 1832. London. YOUNGE (Edward) and COLLYER (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the court of exchequer in equity, from 1834 to 1842. 4 vols. London, 1836-46. YOUNGE (Edward) and JERVIS (John). Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of exchequer and exchequer chamber, at law, in equity and in error, from 1826 to 1830. 3 vols. London, 1828-30. ZABRISKIE (A. O.) Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court and the court of errors and appeals of the state of New Jersey, from 1847 to 1855. 4 vols. [New Jersey law reports, vols. 21-24.] ZINN (Peter). Leading and select cases on trusts: with ex- tended abstracts of important cases; explanatory and critical notes; and numerous citations of authorities bearing on every branch of the law of trusts. 1873. 374 Wisconsin State Libbaby. A TABLE OF REGNAL YEARS, FOR CONVENIENCE OF REFERENCE TO THE STATUTES AND LAW REPORTS. Sovereigns. William I William [I Henry I Stephen Henry II Richard I John Henry III Edward I Edward II , Edward III Richard II , Henry IV Henry V , Henry VI Edward IV Edward V , Richard III Henry VII Henry VIII Edward VI Mary Elizabeth James I Charles I The Commonwealth Charles II 1 James II William and Mary., Aune George I George II George III George IV William IV Victoria Commencement of Reign. December 23,1066... September 26, 1087 . August 5, 1100 December 26, 1135.. December 19, 1154. . September 3, 1189 . . May 27,1199 October 28, 1216.... November 20, 1273 . Julys, 1307 January 25, 1327 . . . June 22, 1377 September 30, 1399 . March 21, 1413 September 1, 1422 . . March 4, 1461 April 9, 1483 June 26, 1483 ... . August 22, 1485 April 22, 1509 January 28, 1547 . . . July 6,1553 November 17, 1558 . March 24,1603 March 27, 1625 January 30, 1649 . . . May 29,1660 February 6, 1685 . . February 13, 1689 . . March 8,1702 August 1. 1714 June 11, 1727 October 25, 1760.... January 29, 1820 . . . June 26, 1830 June 20, 1837 s a 21 13 36 19 35 10 18 57 35 20 51 23 14 10 39 23 3 24 38 7 6 45 23 24 11 37 4 14 13 13 34 60 11 7 1 Although Charles II did not ascend the throne until 29th May, 1660, his regn»l years were computed from the death of Charles I, January 30, 164i>, so that the year of his resto- ration is styled the twelfth of his reign. I Reports of Judicial Decisions, 375 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF BRITISH LAW REPORTS. ENGLISH. Reporters. HOUSE OF LORDS. Shower Colles Brown, by Tomlins Dow Bligh and Part 1 of Vol. IV Bligh. New Series and Parts 1, 2 and 3, Vol. XI. Dow and Clark Clark and Finnelly Maclean and Robinson , West House of Lord's Cases (Clark) . The Law Reports PRIVY COUNCIL 11. Acton and Part 1, Vol. Knapp Moore .... Moore. Neio Series Moore. The Gorham case. . Moore. East India Appeals The Law Reports CHANCERY. Cary Choyce cases in Chancery Tothill Dickens Reports in Chancery Nelson Equity Cases Abridged. . . Cases in Chancery Freeman Finch (Sir H.) Vernon Finch's Precedents Peere Williams Gilbeit Date of No. of last edit'n. Vols 1740 1789 1803 1820 1870 1820 1803 1736 1717 1793-69 1735 1823 1725 1828 1786 1826 1742 1 1 8 6 3 10 2 12 1 1 11 3 15 8 1 14 Size. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 12mo. 12mo. 12mo, 8vo. folio. 8vo. folio. folio. 8vo. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. folio. Period. 1694-1699 1697-1714 1702-1800 1812-1818 1819-1821 1827-1837 1827-1832 1831-1846 1839 1839-1841 1847-1865 1865-1881 1809-1811 1829-1836 1836-1861 1862-1872 1850 1836-1872 1865-1881 1557-1604 1557-1606 1559-1646 1559-1798 1615-1712 1625-1693 1660-1688 1660-1706 1673-1681 1681-1720 1689-1723 1695-1736 1705-1727 376 Wisconsin State Library. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ENGLISH KEPORTS — continued. Reporters. CHANCERY — coDtinued. Select cases temp. King Moseley .... Kelynge (W.) Talbot, Cases Temp West Atkyns Ambler Barnardiston Ridgeway temp. Hardwicke Vesey, Sen., and Belt's Supplement. . . Eden Brown, by Eden Brown, by Belt . Cox Vesey, Jud., with Index, and Hovenden's Supplement Vesey and Beames Cooper Merivale Swanston' Wilson. 4 parts Jacob and Walker Jacob Turner and Russell Russell Only 2 parts 5th vol. published. Russell and Mylne Mylne and Keen Mylne and Craig Craig and Phillips Phillips Hall and Twells Macnaghten and Gordon De Gex, Macnaghten and Gordon De Gex and Jones De Gex, Fisher and Jones' De Gex, Jones and Smith The Law Reports Date of last edit'n 1850 1803 1873 1792 1827 1794 . 1828 1742 1794 1818-25 1827 1819 1820 1816 1827 1818 1815 ROLLS COURT. Tamlyn Keen Beavan, with Index The Law Reports . . VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT. 1 Maddock Simons and Stuart | temp. | Simons |V.C'sShad-J Simons. New series f well and j Drewry j Kindersley, Drewry and Smale J [ No. of vols 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 4 4 2 22 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 5 2 3 5 1 2 2 3 8 4 4 4 1 2 3G 2 17 2 4 o Size. 8vo. 8vo. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vc. 8vo. Period. 1724-1734 1726-1731 1731-1736 1734-1738 1736-1739 1736-1755 1737-1784 1740-1741 1744-1746 1747-1756 1757-1767 1778 -1794 1778-1794 1783-1796 1789-1816 1812-1814 1815 1815-1817 I 1818-1819 1818-1819 1819-1821 1821-1822 1822-1824 1826-1829 1829-1831 1833-1835 1836-1848 1841 1841-1849 1848-1850 1849-1851 ^1851-1857 1857-1859 1859-1861 1862-1865 1865-1881 1829-1830 1836-1838 1838-1866 1865-1881 1815-1822 1822-1826 1826-1849 1850-1853 1852-1859 1860-1865 Reports of Judicial Decisions, 377 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OP ENGLISH REPORTS — Continued. Reporters. vice-chancellor's court — con. Younge and Collyer ^ Colly er De Gex and Smale. . Smale and Giffard. . Giffard Hare Kay Kay and Johnson . . , Johnson ... j Johnson & Hemm'g | Hemming & Miller. J The Law Reports temp. V. C's. Knt. Bruce, Parker and Stuart. temp. V. C's. Wigram, Tur- ner and Wood. king's bench and queen's bench. state Trials with Index Year Books Bellewe , Keilway , Moore , Dyer Brooke's New Cases March's Translation of Brooke . Benloe , Leonard Plowden . Owen Noy Coke Godbolt Croke Goldesborough Popham Yelverton Hobart Davies (Ireland) Ley Calthrop Bulstrode Rolle Palmer Jones (W.) Latch March, New Cases Style Aleyn Siderfin Raymond (Sir T.) Levinz •. Keble Kelyng(J.) Saunders Jones (T.) Ventris Date of last edit'n 1679 1869 1688 1688 1794 1873 1873 1661 1687 1816 1656 1669 1826 1652 1790 1682 1682 1792 1724 1674 1659 1670 1688 1675 1721 1675 1662 1675 1658 1688 1714 1803 1793 1685 1873 1845 1729 1726 No. of vols 2 2 3 3 4 11 1 4 1 2 2 34 11 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 8 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 Size. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8VD. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. folio . 8vo. folio. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. folio. folio . 8vo. folio. folio. 8vo. 4to. 8vo. 4to. folio . 8vo. folio. folio. folio. 12mo. folio. folio. folio. folio. folio. 4to. folio. folio. folio . 8vo. 8vo. folio. 8vo. 8vo. folio. folio. Period. 1841-1843 1844-1845 1846-1852 1852-1857 1857-1865 1841-1853 1853-1854 1854-1858 1859 1860-1862 1862-1865 1865-1881 1163-1820 1307-1537 1378-1400 1496-1531 1512-1621 1513-1582 1515-1558 1515-1553 1531-1628 1540-1615 1550-1580 1556-1615 1559-1649 1572-1616 1575-1638 1582-1641 1586-1602 1592-1627 1603-1613 1603-1625 1604-1612 1608-1629 1609-1618 1609-1639 1614-1625 1619-1629 1620-1641 1625-1628 1639-1653 1645-1646 1646-1649 1657-1670 1660-1684 1660-1697 1661-1679 1662-1669 1666-1673 1667-1685 1668-1691 378 Wisconsin State Library. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OP ENGLISH KEPORTS — Continued. Reporters. king's and queen's bench — con. Pollexfen Modern Freeman Shower Skinner Comberbach Carthevv Holt ... Salkeld Raymond (Lord) Fortescue Comyns Sessions Cases Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity Strange Barnardiston Fitzgibbon Ridgeway temp. Hardwicke Cunningham Lee temp. Hardwicke Andrews Wilson Blackstone (W.) Bayer Kenyon Wilmot's Notes and Opinions Burrow LofFt Cowper Douglas Durnford and East East Smith (J. P.) Maule and Selwyo Barnewall and Alderson Barnewall and Creswell Barnewall and Adolphus Adolphus and Ellis Qaeen's Bench (Adolphus and Ellis New Series) Ellis and Blackburn Ellis, Blackburn and Ellis Ellis and Ellis Best and Smith f Dowling and Ryland 1 Manning and Ryland I Nevile and Manning -I Nevile and Perry I Perry and Davison I Gale and Davison [^ Davison and Merivale The Law Reports Date of last edit'n, 1702 1793-6 1826 1794 1728 1724 1743 1738 1795 1790 1748 1792 1760 1760 1795 1744 1732 1794 1871 1815 1792 1799 1828 1790 1819-25 1802 1812 1790 1800 1813-31 1817 1806-7 No. ol Vols. 1 12 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 5 1 2 4 8 16 3 6 5 10 5 12 18 8 1 3 10 9 5 6 3 4 3 1 Size. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. folio . folio. folio. folio. 8vo. 8vo. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. folio. folio. 8vo. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 4to. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8?o. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8 vo . 8vo. Period. 1669-1685 1669-1732 1670-1704 1678-1695 1681-1698 1685-1699 1686-1701 1688-1711 1689-1712 1694-1734 1695-1738 1695-1741 1710-1748 1713-1715 1716-1749 1726-1735 1728-1733 1734-1736 1734-1736 1733-1738 1738-1740 1742-1774 1746-1780 1751-1756 1753-1760 1757-1770 1757-1771 1772-1774 1774-1778 1778-1784 1785-1800 1801-1812 1803-1806 1813-1817 1817-1822 1822-1830 1830-1834 1834-1840 1841-1852 1852-1858 1858 1858-1860 1861-1870 1821-1827 1827-1830 1831-1836 1836-1838 1838-1841 1841-1843 1843-1844 1865-1881 Reports of Judicial D'ECfswemsL 379 CHKONOLOGICAL LTST OF ENGLISH -RJLVOWI^ — COUUnued. Keportbrs. BAIL COURT. Chitty Dowling Dowliug (N"ew Series) Dowling and Lowndes Saunders and Cole Lowndes, Maxwell and Pollock. Lowndes and Maxwell COMMON PLEAS. Benloe and Dalison Anderson Brov^nlowand Goldesborough.. Saville Hutton Bridgraan (Sir J.) Winch : Littleton Hetley Bridgman (Sir Orlando) Carter Yaughan Lutwy die Lutwyche, translated by Nelson. Cooke Barnes Willes Blackstone (H.) Bosanquet and Puller Taunton Broderip and Bingham Bingham Bingham's New Cases Manning and Granger , Common Bench, with Index Common Bench, New Series Harri son and Rutherford f Marshall I Moore j Moore and Payne 1 Moore and Scott I Scott 1^ Scott's New Reports The Law Reports EXCHEQUER. Jenkins Lane Hardres Bunbury Parker Anstruther Conroy (Custodiam). Date of last edit'n, 1689 1664 1675 1688 1682 1659 1657 1683 1657 1823 1688 1706 1704 1718 1872 1790 1800 1827 1826 1777 1657 1792 1793 1791 1817 1795 No. of Vols. Size. 2 8vo. 9 8vo. 2 8vo. 7 8vo. 2 8vo. 2 8vo. 1 8vo. I folio. 1 folio. 1 4to. 1 folio. 1 folio. 1 folio. 1 folio. 1 folio. 1 folio. 1 8vo. 1 folio. 1 folio. 2 folio. 1 folio. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 1 8vo. 2 8vo. 5 870. 8 8vo. 3 8vo. 10 8vo. 6 8vo. 7 8vo. 19 8vo. 20 8vo. 1 8vo. 2 8vo. 12 8vo. 5 8vo. 4 8vo. 8 8vo. 8 8vo. •• 8vo. folio. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 3 8vo. 1 8vo. Period. 1819-1820 1830-1840 1841-1843 1846-1849 1842-1848 1850-1851 1852 1486-1580 1534-1605 1569-1624 1580-1594 1612-1639 1613-1621 1621-1625 1626-1632 1627-1632 1660-1667 1664-1676 1665-1674 1682-1704 1682-1704 1706-1747 1732-1760 1737-1760 1788-1796 1796-1807 1808-1819 1819-1822 1822-1834 1834-1840 1840-1844 1845-1856 1856-1865 1866-1868 1814-1816 1817-1827 1828-1831 1831-1834 1834-1840 1840-1845 1865-1881 1220-1623 1605-1612 1655-1669 1713-1742 1743-1767 1792-1797 v.y. 380 Wisconsin State Library. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ENGLISH REPORTS — Continued, Reporters. EXCHEQUER — Continued. Forest Wightwick Price McCleland McCIeland and Younge Younge and Jervis Cromptou and Jervis Crompton and Meeson Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe Meeson and Welsby Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurlstone and Gordon) Hurlstone and Norman Hurlstone and Coltman j Tyrrwhitt ] Tyrrwhitt and Granger The Law Reports EXCHEQUER, EQUITY. Wilson. 1 part Daniell Younge Younge and Collyer. NISI PRIUS. Peake , Espinasse Campbell Holt Starkie, and Vol. Ill, part 1, Gow Ryan and Moody Carrington and Payne Moody and Malkin Moody and Robinson Carrington and Marshraan Carrington and Kirwan, and Vol. parts 1 and 2 Foster and Finlason The Law Reports Ill, ECCLESIASTICAL. Lee Haggard (Consistory) Phillimore Addams. and Vol. 3, part 1 Haggard Curteis Notes of Cases in. the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts Robertson Spinks (Ecclesiastical and Admiralty. . . Deane Date of last edit'n 1820-29 1833 1823 No. of Vols 1 1 13 1 1 3 2 2 2 17 11 7 4 5 1 Size. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 870. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo, 8vo. 8vo. 8vo, 8vo, 8vo, 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. Period. 1801 1810-1811 1814-1824 1824 1825 1826-1830 1830-1832 1832-1834 1834-183G 1836-1847 1847-1856 1856-1861 1862-1865 1830-1835 1836 1865-1881 1817 1817-1819 1830-1832 1833-1841 1719-1812 1793-1807 1808-1816 1815-1817 1815-1822 1818-1820 1823-1826 1823-1841 1827-1830 1831-1844 1840-1842 1843-1850 1858-1865 1865-1881 1752-1758 1789-1821 1809-1821 1822-1826 1827-1833 1834-1844 1841-1850 1844-1853 1853-1855 1855-1857 Reports of Judicial Decisions. 381 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ENGLISH REPORTS — Continued. Rerorters. PROBATE AND DIVORCE. Swahey and Tristram. The Law Reports ADMIRALTY. Mariott Robinson Edwards Dodson Haggard Robinson (W.) Spinks (Eccl. and Adm.). . . Swabey Lushington Browning and Lushington, The Law Reports BANKRUPTCY. Rose Buck Glyn and Jameson Montague and M'Arthur Montague Montague and Bligh . . Montage and Ayrton Montague and Chitty Deacon and Chitty Deacon * Montague, Deacon and De Gex De Gex De Gex, Macnaughten, and Gordon, parts 1-9 De Gex and Jones De Gex, Fisher and Jones ". . Gazette of Bankruptcy Date of last edit' RAILWAY AND CANAL CASES. Nicholl, Hare, Carrow, Oliver, Bevau aad Ltfroy , MERCANTILE CASES. Danson and Lloyd Lloyd and Welsby. No. of Vols. Size. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Period. 1S58-1S66 1865-18S1 1776-1779 1799-lSOS 180S-1S10 1S11-1S22 1S32-1S37 183S-1S52 1853-1855 1858-1859 1860-1863 1864-1865 1865-1881 1810-1816 1816-1820 1821-1828 1828-1830 1830-1832 1832-1833 1833-1838 1838-1840 1832-1835 1836-1839 1840-1844 1845-1848 Contained chancery in the appeal cases in by these reporters. 1862 1835-1855 ELECTION CASES. • Glanville Douglas Fraser Luder Peckwell Corbett and Daniell 2 folio, i 7 Svo. 1 1 Svo. Svo. 1 4 2 3 2 1 Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. 1828-1829 1829-1830 1624 1774-1776 1776-1777 1785-1790 1802-1806 1819 382 Wisconsin State Library, J CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF ENGLISH REPORTS — Continued^ Reporters. ELECTION CASES — COD. Cockburn and Rowe Perry and Knapp Knapp and Ombler Falconer and Fitzherbert. Barron and Austin Barron and Arnold Power, Rodwell and Dew. Wollerstan and Dew Wolferstan and Bristow . . O'Malley and Hardcastle . REGISTRATION APPEAL CASES. Lutwyche Keane and Grant. ... . . Hopwood and Philbrick. Hopwood and Coltraan. . The Law Reports MAGISTRATES' CASES. Carrow, Hammerton and Allen (New Sessions Cases) CROWN CASES. Kelynge (J.) Foster Leach Russell and Ryan . Lewin's Crown Cases on the Northern Circuit Moody Denison Dearsley Dearsley and Bell Bell Leigh «fe Cave Cox's Criminal Law Cases Temple and Mew's Criminal Appeal Cases The Law Reports REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS Jurist Jurist. New series Law Journal Law Jouroal. New series. Law Times Law Times Reports Weekly Reporter New Reports Date of last Edition. 1873 1809 1815 No. of Vols. 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 13 31 24 9 107 69 44 28 6 Size. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 12mo. 12mo. 12mo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo, 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 12mo, 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 4to. 4to. folio. 8vo. 8vo. 4to. Period. 1832 1833 1834 1837 1842 1843-1846 1847-1856 1856-1858 1856-1858 1869-1881 1843-1853 1854-1862 1863-1867 1868-1872 1865-1881 1841-1851 Chas. II. 1743-1761 1730-1815 1799-1823 1822-1838 1824-1844 1844-1852 1852-1856 1856-1858 1860 1861-1863 1843-1877 1848-1851 1865-1881 1837-1854 1855-1865 1823-1831 1832-1881 1845-1881 1859-1881 1853-1881 1862-1865 Beports of Judicial Decisions. 388 SCOTCH APPEAL CASES. Reporters. No. of Vols. Size. Period. HOUSE OP LORDS. Robertson 1 6 2 7 3 1 3 7 4 2 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. Svo. 1707-1727 Craiffip Stewart a.Dd Paton 1726-1821 Shaw 1821-1824 Wilsou and Shaw Shaw and Maclean 1825-1834 1835-1838 Maclean and Robinson Robinson 1839 1840-1841 Bell 1842-1850 MacQueen 1851-1865 Pater'son The Law Reoorts 1861-1873 1865-1881 384 Wisconsin State Library. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF REPORTS IN THE IRISH COURTS. Reporters . APPEALS AND WRITS OP ERROR. Ridge way. CHANCERY. Wallis, by Lyne Schoales and Lefroy Ball and Beatty Beatty Molloy and III Part I, Lloyd and Goold, temp. Plunkett Drury and Walsh Connor and Lawson Lloyd and Goold ") f SrSf];."^.'^'"!'::::::::::::::: 1- t^-^psagden,] Jones and Latouche j [ Continued by Irish Law and Equity Reports, and the Law Reports (Ireland). ROLLS COURT. Hogan Sausse and Scully Flanoegan and Kelly Continued by Irish Law and Equity Reports, and the Law Reports (Ireland). KING'S BENCH AND QUEEN'S BENCH. Vernon and Scriven ; Ridgeway, Lapp and Schoales Fox and Smith Smith and Batty Batty Hudson and Brooke Alcock and Napier , Cooke and Alcock I. Part, Jebb and Symes Jebb and Bourke Continued by Irish Law and Equity Reports, and the Law Reports (Ireland). COMMON PLEAS. Smythe Continued by Irish Law and Equity Reports, and the Law Reports (Ireland). No. of Vols. Size. 3 8vo. 1 8vo. 2 8vo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 2 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 4 Svo. 1 Svo. 3 Svo. 2 Svo. 1 Svo. 1 Svo. Svo. I Svo. : Svo. 1 Svo. I Svo. Svo. Svo. I Svo. [ Svo. Svo. Svo. Period. 1784-1796 1766-1791 1802-1806 1807-1814 1814-1830 1827-1829 1834-1839 1837-1840 1841-1843 1835 1841-1843 1843-1844 1844-1846 1816-1834 1837-1840 1840-1842 1786-1788 1793-1795 1822-1824 1824-1825 1825-1826 1827-1831 1831-1833 1833-1834 1838-1841 1841-1842 1839-]840 Reports of Judicial Decisions. 385 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF IRISH REPORTS — Continued. Reporters. NISI PRIUS. Armstrong, Macartney and Ogle Blackham, Dundas and Osborne Continued by Irish Law and Equity Reports, and the Law Reports (Ireland) EXCHEQUER. Conroy (Custodiam) Hayes Hayes and Jones Jones Jones and Carey, 2 parts Longfield and Townsend Continued by Irish Law and Equity Reports, and the Law Reports (Ireland.) REGISTRY CASES. Alcock Welsh CROWN CASES. Jebb ECCLESIASTICAL. Milward CIRCUIT CASES. Crawford and Dix, Abridged Cases Crawford and Dix Cases on the Six Circuits REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS. Davies (J.) Law Recorder, First Series Glasscock Law Recorder, Second Series Irish Law, 13 vols j not published } Irish Equity, 13 vols ( separately. ) Irish Law, JSew Series, 17 vols I j ■,... Irish Equity, New Series, 17 vols. . . . "^ ^*"^- Irish Jurist . . Law Reports in the Irish Courts f . . . . The Law Reports (Ireland) No. of Vols. 1 4 1 6 26 34 18 22 Size. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 4to. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. 8vo. Period. 1842 1846-1848 1830-1832 1832-1834 1834-1838 1838-1839 1841-1842 1832-1837 1832-1840 1822-1840 1819-1843 1837-1838 1839-1846 J 841-1843 1604-1612 1827-1831 1831-1832 1833-1838 1838-1850 1850-1866 1849-1866 1866-1878 1879-1881 25— W. S. L. PART FOURTH. DIGESTS OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS. DIGESTS OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS. PAKT I. ALABAMA — BRICKELL (R. C.) Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of the state of Alabama, from Minor's reports to 43d vol. of Alabama, inclusive, 2 vols* 1872-74. PHILLIPS (P.) Digest of cases decided by the supreme court of the state of Alabama, from Minor's reports to 7th Alabama, in- clusive. 1846. . The same. From 7th to 13th Alabama, inclusive. 1849. REAVIS (T.) A digest of the Alabama reports. Vol. 1. 1850. ARKANSAS- BRADY (C. B.) An index to the Arkansas reports, vols. 1 to 31 inclusive; and Hempstead's U. S. court reports; also all the Arkansas cases in Woolworth's and Dillon's U. S. C. C. reports. 1878. CALIFORNIA — PARKER (C. H.) Digest of California reports and statutes, from the organization of the state to the time of the publication of the 34th vol. of the supreme court reports. 2 vols. 1869. WHITMORE (W.) Index to the California reports, vols. 1 to 53, inclusive. 12mo. 1880. CONNECTICUT — BALDWIN (S. E.) A digest of all the reported cases decided in the supreme court of errors and the superior court of the state of Connecticut, and in the United States courts for the district of Connecticut, down to those contained in 35th Connecticut reports, and 5th Blatchford's circuit court reports, inclusive. 1871. 390 Wisconsin State Library. CONNECTICUT — continued. DAY (Thomas). A digest of the reported cases decided by the supreme court of errors of the state of Connecticut, from 1786 to 1844, inclusive. 1846. WATERMAN (T. W.) A digest of the reported decisions of the superior court, and of the supreme court of errors, of the state of Connecticut. 1858. FLORIDA — GALBRAITH (J. B.) Index to the decisions of the supreme court of Florida, reported in Florida reports, from vol. 1 to first number of vol. 11, inclusive. 1866. GEORGIA - BACON (A. O.) Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Georgia, from vols. 21 to 30, inclusive. 1867. COBB (T. R. R.) and LUMPKIN (W. W.) A general digested index to Georgia reports. 1852. HARRIS (N. E.) Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Georgia, reported in the ten vols, from 41 to 50, inclusive. 1876. ILLINOIS — FREEMAN (N. L.) The Illinois digest: being a full and com- plete digest and compilation of all the decisions of the supreme court from Breese's reports to the 15th vol. of Illinois, inclusive. 2 vols. 1856. HENRY and READ. The Illinois digest: being a full and com- plete digest and compilation of all the decisions of the supreme court, from the 15th to the 29th vol., inclusive. Vol. 3 being a continuation of Freeman's digest. 1865. HILL (E. J.) The digest of vols. 69 to 83, inclusive of the de- cisions of the supreme court of Illinois. 1878, . Illinois state digest; a digest of the Illinois reports. 1819 to 1879. Vols. 1, 2, 3. 1879-81. MYER (W. G.) An index to the Illinois reports. Including the whole series from Breese to vol. 80, except vol. 74. 2d ed. 12mo. 1878. Digests of Judicial Decisions.] 391 ILLINOIS — continued. WOOD (C. H.) and LONG (J. D.) A digest of the Illinois re- ports, from the earliest period to I860, embracing all the decisions of the supreme court from Breese to the 38th vol., inclusive. 2 vols. 1867. . Vol. 3, embracing the decisions from the 55th to the 68th vol. of Illinois reports, inclusive. 1876. INDIANA — ABBOTT (B. V.) Digest of the reports of Indiana, to the year 1871, with notes presenting the general statutes [subsequent to 1863. 2 vols. 1870. DAVIS (E. A.) A digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Indiana, to and including the 16th vol. of Indiana reports.^ 2d ed. 1866. GILMAN (Charles). Digest of the decisions of the supreme courts of the states of Indiana and Illinois, and [the circuit court of the United States for the seventh circuit. 1844. IOWA — DILLON (J. F.) Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of the state of Iowa, from 1839 to 1860. HAMMOND (W. G.) Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Iowa, from the close of 1859 to 1866. HUNTER (B.) and MYER (W. G.) Index to the Iowa reports, including the 34th vol. 12mo. 1874. STILES (E. H.) Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Iowa from the 35th to the 46th vols., inclusive. Vol. 3, Iowa digest, in continuation of Withrow and Stiles. 1879. WITHROW (F. F.) and STILES (E. H.) Digest of the decis- ions of the supreme court of Iowa from 1839 to the time of the 35th vol. Iowa reports. 2 vols. 1874. KANSAS — DASSLER (C. F. W.) ^ digest of the Kansas reports to 1874. . The same. From the earliest period to 1879, includ- ing the 21st vol. of Kansas reports. 1880. 892 Wisconsin State Librae r. KENTUCKY — COFER (M. H.) A supplemental digest of the decisions of the court of appeals of Kentucky. 1853- 67. MOORE (Ben) and HARLAN (James). Digest of cases at com- mon law and in equity, decided by the court of appeals of Kentucky from its organization in 1792 to 1852. 2 vols. 1853. STANTON (R. H.) A new digest of the decisions of the court of appeals of Kentucky, embracing all the reported cases from 1792 to 1876. 2 vols. 1876. LOUISIANA - BENJAMIN (J. P.) and SLIDELL (T.) Digest of the reported decisions of the superior court of the late territory of Orleans, and of the supreme court of the state of Louisiana. 1840. DESLIX (P. J. A.) Digest of the reported decisions of the su- preme court of the state of Louisiana, from 1838 to 1843. 1845. HENNEN (W. D.) Digest of the reported decisions of the su- perior court of the late territory of Orleans: the late court of errors and appeals, and the supreme court of the state of Louisiana, con- tained in the reports from first Martin to loth Louisiana annual. Newed. 2 vols. 1861. WALKER (S. R.) and (0. L.) A digest of the reported de- cisions of the supreme court of Louisiana, contained in the Louisi- ana reports from the 15th to the 21st vol., inclusive. 1870. MAINE — EASTMAN (Philip). Digest of the decisions of the supreme judicial court of the state of Maine contained in Greenleaf's, Fair- field's, Appleton's, and Shepley's reports. 1849. HOPKINS (G. C.) Digest of the decisions of the supreme ju- dicial court of the state of Maine contained in vols. 57 to 68, both inclusive. 1879. PLAISTED (H. M.) and APPLETON (F. H.) The Maine di- gest; being a digest of the decisions of the supreme judicial court of Maine, from 1820 to 1879. Reported in Maine reports, vols. 1 to 68, inclusive. 1880. VIRGIN (W. W.) Digest of the decisions of the supreme ju- Digests of Judicial Decisions. 393 MAINE — continued. dicial court of Maine, contained in vols. 27 to 43, inclusive of the Maine reports. 1859. . The same. From vol. 44 to 56, inclusive. 1870. MARYLAND — BURGWYN (W. H. S.) Digest of the Maryland reports; com- prising vols. 21 and 45, inclusive. 1878. COHEN (J. P.) and LEE (J. F.) Digest of the Maryland re- ports; from the 9th to the 20th vol., inclusive. 1866. NORRIS ( W. H.) BROWN (G. W.) and BURNE (W.) Digest of the Maryland reports; comprising Harris and McHenry, 4 vols; Harris and Johnson, 7 vols; Harris and Gill, 2 vols; Gill and John- son, 12 vols; Bland's chancery reports, 3 vols. 2 vols. 1847. STOCKETT (J. S.) MERRICK (R. T.) and MILLER (Oliver). Digest of the Maryland reports; comprising Gill's reports, 9 vols.; Marj'land reports, 8 vols.; Maryland chancery decisions, 4 vols. 1857. MASSACHUSETTS — BENNETT (E. H.) and HEARD (F. F.) The Massachusetts di- gest; being a digest of the decisions of the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts, from 1804 to 1857. 2 vols. 1862. . The same. From 1857 to 1869; or from the 9th vol. of Gray's report to the 102d Mass., inclusive. 1872. BENNETT, (E. H.) GRAY (Russell) and SWIFT (H. W.) Massachusetts digest. A digest of the reported decisions of the supreme judicial court of the commonwealth of Massachusetts from 1804 to 1879, with references to earlier cases. 3 vols. 1881. BIGELOW (Lewis). A digest of the reported cases argued and determined in the supreme judicial court of Massachusetts. 1825. . The same. Containing a digest of the cases in vols. 2-7 Pickering's reports. 1830. MINOT (George). Digest of the decisions of the supreme judi- cial court of Massachusetts reported in the 17 vols, of Massachu- setts reports, the 24 vols, of Pickering's reports, and the first 4 vols, of Metcalf's reports. 1844. [Two copies.J 394 Wis CONS IX State Library, MASSACHUSETTS — continued. — . The same. Comprising the eases reported in the last 10 vols, of Metcalf's reports, and the first 3 vols, of Cushing's re- ports. 1852. MICHIGAN — CHANEY (H. A.) Digest of the Michigan reports. Embrac- ing 22d to 33d vols, of Michigan reports. 1876. COOLEY (T. M.) A digest of the reported cases contained in the Michigan reports, to and including the 13th vol. 1866. COOLEY (E. A.) The same. Embracing all cases reported to and including the 21st vol. of Michigan reports. 1872. JACOBS (A. P.) Reference digest of the Michigan reports, in- cluding 42 vols, of the regular series, also the chancery reports of Harrington and Walker, and Walker and Douglass' Michigan re- ports. Small 12mo. 1881. MINNESOTA — ELLER (H. C.) Digest of decisions of the supreme court of Minnesota as contained in vols. 1 to 25, inclusive of the Minnesota reports. 2 vols. 1880-81. SEARLES (J. N) Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Minnesota. From vol. 1 to vol. 16, inclusive. 1872. MISSISSIPPI- GEORGE (J. Z.) A digest of the reports of the decisions of the supreme court and of the high court of errors and appeals of the state of Mississippi; from the organization of the state to 1872. SMEDES (W. C.) Digest of the cases decided and reported in the high court of errors and appeals and the superior court of chancery of Mississippi, from 1818 to 1847. MISSOURI — BARCLAY (D. R.) A digest of the decisions of the supreme court of the state of Missouri, contained in the first 27 vols, of re- ports. 1859. — . The same. Embracing the decisions contained in vols. 28 to 38, inclusive. 1868. Digests of Judicial Decisions. 395 MISSOURI — continued. HUNTER (B.) and MYER (W. G.) An index to vols. 1-50 of the Missouri reports. 12mo. 1873. PATTISON (E. W.) A digest of the Missouri reports. Vols. 1 to 49 inclusive. 2 vols. 1873. NEBRASKA — MAXWELL (Samuel). Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of the state of Nebraska, to 1877. NET ADA — HAWLEY (T. P.) Digest of Nevada reports, and of Sawyer's circuit court reports. 1878. NEW HAMPSHIRE — BELL (George). A digest of cases determined in the superior court of judicature of New Hampshire, and reported in New Hampshire reports, vols. 13, 14, 15, 19, and Foster's reports, vols. 1-11. 1858. GILCHRIST (J. J.) A digest of the reports of the cases argued and determined in the superior court of judicature of New Hamp- shire. Vols. 1-11. 1846. NEW JERSEY — HALSTED (William). A digested index to the decisions of the superior courts of the state of New Jersey. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1844. STEWART (J. H.) A digest of the decisions of the courts of law and equity of the state of New Jersey, from 1790 to 1876. 2 vols. 1876. NEW YORK — ABBOTT (B. V.) and (A.) A digest of New York statutes and reports, from the earliest period to 1860. 5 vols. . Supplements to the above bringing it down to 1869. 3 vols. BARBOUR (O. L.) Condensed digest of the decisions of the court of appeals and the comUnission of appeals of the state of New York, as reported in vols. 28 to 62, inclusive of the New York re- ports. 2 vols. 1877. 396 Wisconsin State Librae r. NEW YORK — continued. BARBOUR (O. L.) Digest of decisions of the supreme court of the state of New York, as reported in Barbour's reports, 67 vols. 1847 to 1877. Omitting cases reversed or overruled. 3 vols. 1880. BRIGHTLY (F. C.) A digest of the decisions of the courts of the state of New York, from the earliest period to 1880. 3 vols. 1875-80. CLERKE (T. W.) A digest of the reports of cases determined in the supreme court of judicature, and the court for the correction of errors of the state of New York; together with the reported cases of the superior court for the city and county of New York. 4 vols. 1850. CLINTON (G. W.) A digest of the decisions at law and in equity of the several courts of the state of New York. 3 vols. 1852. CORNWELL (F. E.) A digest of the cases in law and equity ar- gued and determined in the court of appeals of the state of New York, as reported in the first 16 vols, of New York reports. 1859. JOHNSON (William). A digest of the cases decided and re- ported in the supreme court of judicature, the court of chancery, and the court for the correction of errors for the state of New York from 1799 to 1823. 2 vols in 1. 2d ed. 1834. RAPALJE (Stewart). A digest of New York decisions, from the earliest period to January, 1881. 2 vols. 1879-81. TIFFANY (Joel). Condensed digest of the court of appeals reports of the state of New York, as reported in vols. 1 to 27, in- clusive. 1866. . The same. 2d ed. 1877. WAIT (William). A digest of New York reports, from the organization of the state to 1869. 3 vols. . The same, brought down to 1876. 2 vols. NORTH CAROLINA — BATTLE (W. H.) A digest of all the reported cases, both in law and equity, determined in the courts of North Carolina, from the earliest period to 1874. 4 vols. 1866-74. Digests of Judicial Decisions. 397 NORTH CAROLINA — continued. IREDELL (James). A digest of all the reported cases deter- mined in the courts of North Carolina, from 1778 to 1845. 3 vols. 1839-46. JONES (Fi. C.) A digest of reported cases determined in the supreme court of North Carolina, from 1845 to 1853. 2 vols, in 1. 1854. TOURGEE (A. W.) A digest of cited cases in the North Car- olina reports, containing a syllabus of each case cited, to the end of the 79th vol., a list of the cases in which it is cited, and a care- ful synopsis of each modification, extension or reversal. 1878. OHIO — BATES (Clement). Supplement to the Ohio digest, contain- ing cases reported in vols. 25-29 Ohio state reports. 1878. GHOLSON (W. T.) and OKEY (J. W.) Digest of the Ohio reports, embracing the 20 vols, of Ohio and 15 vols, of the Ohio state reports. 1867. McVEY (A. H.) A digest of the reported decisions of the courts of Ohio, embracing the 20 vols, of Ohio, and 24 vols, of the Ohio state reports; and the reports of Tappan, Wright, Handy » Disney, and the Superior Court Reporter. 2 vols. 1875. PENNSILYANIA- BRIGHTLY (F. C.) A digest of the decisions of the courts of the state of Pennsylvania, from 1754 to 1877. 2 vols. 1877. WHARTON (Fkancis). A digest of the reported cases ad- judged in the several courts held in Pennsylvania. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1850. WHARTON (Henry). A supplement to Wharton's digest; containing the reported cases from 1850 to 1852. RHODE ISLAND — CLAPP (W. H.) General i|idex to the Rhode Island reports, from vols. 1 to 10. 1877. SOUTH CAROLINA — RICE ( Willta:\[). A digest of the cases decided in the superior courts of law of the state of South Carolina. 2 vols. 1838. 398 Wisco2fsiN State Library. TENNESSEE — HUNTER (B.) and MYER (W. G.) Index to the Tennesse re- ports, commencing with Overton's reports, and including all the Tennessee reports to 7th vol. of Heiskell. 16mo. 1875. KIN'G(H. C.) Digest of the judicial decisions of the state of Tennessee, from 1796 to May, 1880. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1880. TEXAS — ALEXANDER (William). Digest of the decisions of the su- preme court of Texas, from 1840 to 1853. MYER (W. G.) A digest of Texas reports, embracing the opinions in Dallam; vols. 1 to 51 inclusive of the Texas reports; and the first 7 vols, of the court of appeals. 2 vols. 1881. TERMONT — ROBERTS (Daniel). A digest of all the reported decisions of the supreme court of Vermont, and of the courts of the United States for the district of Vermont which are contained in the Ver- mont reports. 1878. WASHBURN (P. T.) A digest of all cases decided in the su- preme court of the state of Vermont, embracing the reports from N. Chipman's to the 22d Vermont. 2 vols. 1845-52. VIRGINIA — HALL (Everard). A digested index to the Virginia reports, con- taining all the points argued and determined in the court of ap- peals of Virginia, from Washington's reports to the third vol. of Leigh, inclusive. 2 vols. 1825-35. ROYALL (W. L.) a digest of the decisions of the supreme court of appeals of Virginia, contained in Grattan's reports, vols. 1-21. 1873. TATE (Benjamin). An analytical digested index of the re- ported cases of the court of appeals and general court of Virginia, from Washington to the second vol. of Grattan's reports. 2 vols. 1847.. WISCONSIN — SHEFFIELD (W. E.) A complete digest of the decisions of the supreme court of the state of Wisconsin, from its organization Digests of Judicial Decisions. 399 WISCONSIN — continued. down to, and including the cases reported in vol. 15 Wisconsin re- ports. 1865. SIMMONS (James). A digest of Wisconsin reports, from the earliest period to 1878; embracing all the reports, from Finn ey to 43d Wisconsin, inclusive. 3 vols. 1868-79. PART II. FEDERAL DIGESTS — ABBOTT {B. V.) and (A.) A digest of the reports of the United States courts, and of the acts of Congress, from the organization of the government to July, 1860. 4 vols. 1867-69. ABBOTT (B. V.) Supplement to the above. 4 vols. 1872-80. BRIGHTLY (F. C.) A digest of the decisions of the federal courts, from the organization of the government to 1870. 2 vols. 1868-70. COXE (R. S.) A digest of the decisions in the supreme court, circuit courts and district courts of the United States. 1829. CURTIS (B. R.) Digest of the decisions of the supreme court of the United States, from its origin to 1854. [Two copies.] 1856. MYER (W. G.) An index to the reports of the supreme court of the United States, from its organization to 1877. PETERS (Richaed). A full and arranged digest of the decis- ions in common law, equity and admiralty, of the courts of the United States, from the organization of the government to 1847, in the supreme, circuit, district and admiralty courts. 2 vols. 1848. RAPALJE (Stewart). A digest of federal decisions and stat- utes, from the earliest period to the year 1880; together with a table of cases affirmed, reversed, overruled and otherwise criticised, cov- ering the same period. 1880. 400 Wisconsin State Library. PART III. UNITED STATES DIGESTS— ABBOTT (B. V.) United States digest; a digest of decisions of the various courts within the United States. From the earliest period to 1870. With a table of cases. 15 vols. 1874-78. . The same. Being the annual digests from 1870 to 1878. 9 vols. 1872-79. /See Hudson and Williams. AMERICAN DIGEST. A digested index to the reported de- cisions of the several courts of law in the United States, o vols. Vol. 1. By John Anthon. 1813. Vol. 2. By Thomas Day. 1816. Vols. 3, 4. By Thomas I. Wharton. 1824-25. Vol. 5. By Thomas S. Smith and Francis J. Troubat. 1830. AMERICAN CHANCERY DIGEST: being an analytical di- gested index of all the reported decisions in equity of the United States courts and of the courts of the several states to the present time. By Thomas W. Waterman. 3d ed. 3 vols. 1851. HUDSON (J. E.) and WILLIAMS (G. F.) United States digest: a digest of decisions of the various courts within the United States. New series. Vols. 10, 11; annual digests for 1879-80. 1880-81. UNITED STATES EQUITY DIGEST. Digest of the decis- ions in the courts of equity in the United States. By John P. Put- jiam. 2 vols. 1851. UNITED STATES DIGEST. Digest of the decisions of the courts of common law and admiralty in the United States. Vol. 1. By Theron Metcalf and Jonathan C. Perkins. New edition, revised and corrected. 1847. Vol. 2. By George T. Curtis. 3d ed. 1849. Vol. 3. By George T. Curtis. 1850. Vols. 4 and 5, a supplement to the above in two vols. By John P. Putnam. 1851. Vol. 6, a table of the cases contained in the foregoing five volumes. By George P. Sanger. 1852. UNITED STATES DIGEST; being a digest of decisions of the courts of common law, equity and admiralty in the United States. By John P. Putnam. Being an annual digest for the years 1847-G9. 29 vols. 1850-71. Digests of Judicial Decisions. 401 PART IV. ENGLIS fl AND IRISH — BIDDLE (G. W.) and McMURTRIE (R. C.) A general index to the English common law reports, vols. 1-83, inclusive. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1857. Vol. 3, supplement; indexing English common law reports, vols. 84-118, inclusive. By S. W. Pennypacker, E. O, Piatt, and S. S. Hollingsworth. 1879. CHITTY (Edward). An index to all the reported cases de- cided in the several courts of equity in England and Ireland, the privy council and the house of lords; and to the statutes on or re- lating to the principles, pleading and practice of equity and bank- ruptcy; from the earliest period. The third edition, brought down to the year 1853, by James Macaulay. 4 vols. London, 1853. CLARK (Charles). A digested index to all the reports in the house of lords, from the commencement of the series by Dow, in 1814, to the end of the eleven vols, of house of lords cases; with references to more recent decisions. London, 1868. CHUTE (C. W.) A general index to the 36 vols, of Beavan's reports, comprising the cases decided in the rolls court from 1838 to 1866. London, 186d. [In vol. 36 Beavan's reports.] COVENTRY (Thomas) and HUGHES (Samuel). An analyti- cal digested index to the common law reports from the time of Henry IH., to the commencement of the reign of George III. With tables of the titles and names of cases. In two volumes. First American from last London edition. 1832. FISH (A. J.) A general digest of the principal matters con- tained in the exchequer reports, from 1824 to 1851, inclusive. 1855. FISHER (R. A.) A digest of the reported cases determined in the house of lords and privy council, and in the courts of com- mon law, divorce, probate, admiralty and bankruptcy, from 1756 to 1870; with references to tke statutes and rules of courts. 5 vols. London, 1870. . A digest of the reported decisions of all the courts, including the Irish; with a collection of cases overruled and im- peached. 3 vols.; being digests for 1870-72. London, 1871-73. 26 — W. S. L. 4:02 Wisconsin State Library. ENGLISH AND IRISH — continued. GIFFARD (J. W. DeL.) Digest of the cases decided in the court of vice-chancellor sir John Stuart, and contained in the series of Smale and GifFard's and Giffard's reports. London, 1875. [In vol. 5, Giffard's reports.] GREEN (William). Digest of cases argued and determined in the supreme courts in Ireland, from 18(57 to 1877. Dublin, 1879. HARRISON (R. T.) Harrison's analytical digest of all the re- ported cases determined in the house of lords, the several courts of common law, in banc and at nisi prius, and the court of bankruptcy; from michaelmas term, 1756, to easter term, 1843. To which are added supplements, continuing the work to the year 1851. In seven volumes. 1853. JACOB (E. A.) An analytical digest of the law and practice of the courts of common law, divorce, probate, admiralty and bank- ruptcy, and of the high court of justice and court of appeal of Eng- land, comprising the reported cases from 1756 to 1878, with refer- ences to the rules and statutes. Founded on the digests of Harri- son and Fisher. 6 vols. 1881. JARDINE (David). General index to the collection of state trials compiled by T. B. and T. J. Howell. London, 1828. LAW REPORTS DIGEST. Digest of cases decided in the house of lords, privy council and the superior courts of common law and equity, and in the admiralty and ecclesiastical courts, and the courts for probate, divorce and matrimonial causes, and for crown cases reserved, from 1865 to 1871. 2 vols. London, 1869-72. . The same. From 1865 to 1875. Compiled by Mar- tin Ware. 2 vols. London, 1876. . The same. From 1875 to 1878. Compiled by Mar- tin Ware and J. E. Hall. London, 1879. LEGAL OBSERVER. An analytical digest of all the cases de- cided and reported in the house of lords, in the courts of law and equity, in the privy council, ecclesiastical courts and in the admir- alty courts of England and Ireland, for 1830, 1831, 1833, 1834, 1837-40. 5 vols. London, 1831-40. PRITCHARD (W. T.) An analytical digest of all the reported Digests of Judicial Decisions. 403"^ ENGLISH AND IRISH— continued. cases determined by the high court of admiralty of England, the lords' commissioners of appeal in prize causes, and (on questions of maritime and international law) by the judicial committee of the privy council; also of the analogous cases in the common law, equity, and ecclesiastical courts, and of the statutes applicable to the cases reported. 1848. PART V. CANADA DIGESTS — COOPER (C. W.) Digest of reports of cases decided in the court of chancery, in the court of error and appeal, on appeal from the court of chancery, and in chancery chambers, from the estab- lishment of the court in Upper Canada to 1872. Toronto, 1873. HARRISON (R. A.) &ad O'BRIEN (Henry). A digest of all cases decided in the several courts of er#or and appeal, queen's bench, common pleas and chancery, in Upper Canada, from 1852 to 1862. Toronto, 1863. HARRISON (R. A.) and ROBINSON (J. L.) Digest of reports of all cases determined in the queen's bench and practice courts for Upper Canada, from 1823 to 1851, inclusive. Toronto, 1852. STEPHENS (C. H.) The Quebec law digest, being a complete compilation of all the reported decisions in the province of Que- bec, down to 1877, analytically digested and arranged. Montreal, 1878. PART VI. MISCELLANEOUS - ABBOTT (B. V.) A general digest of the law of corporations: presenting the American adjudications upon public and privatj3 corporations of every kind. • With a full selection of English cases. 1869. ABBOTT (B. V.) A general digest of the English and Ameri- can cases upon the law of corporations for the ten years from July, 1868, to July, 1878, with acts of congress. 1879. 40i Wisconsin State Library. MISCELLANEOUS — continued. AMERICAN DECISIONS. Index to the American decisions and the editor's notes thereto, with a table of the cases rc-reported. Vols. 1-20. By A. C. Freeman. 1880. AMERICAN LAW REGISTER. Digest of the contents of the nine vols, of the old series, and vols, one to fourteen, new series, inclusive. By Benjamin H. Haines. 1877. AMERICAN LAW REVIEW. Index to the first series of, 1866-79. AMERICAN REPORTS. Digest of the decisions in vols, one to twelve, inclusive. By Isaac .Grant Thompson. 1875. • The same, digesting vols, one to twenty-four, inclu- sive. By Isaac Grant Thompson. 1879. ATTORNEYS GENERAL: Digest of the published opinions of, and of the leading decisions of the federal coarts, with reference to international law, treaties, and kindred subjects. 1877. BROWNE (W. H.) A digest of statutes, decisions and cases throughout the United States upon the subjects of divorce and ali- mony. 1872. BUTTERFIELD (J. W.) A digest of the decisions in the office of the second comptroller of the treasury. 3d. ed. 1869. CODDINGTON (C. E.) A digest of the law of trademarks as presented in the reported adjudications of the courts of the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, and France, from the earliest period to the present time; together with an appendix con- taining statutes and treaties. 1878. CRUISE (William). A digest of the laws of England respect- ing real property. 4th Am. from 3d London ed. With the addi- tion of notes by Thomas Huntington. 6 vols, in 3. 1834. . The same. American ed. By Simon Greenleaf. 7 vols, in 3. 1849. ESPINASSE (Isaac). A digest of the law of actions and trials at nisi prius. 3d ed. 2 vols. London, 1798. FISHER (R. A.) A digest of the reported cases from 1756 to 1869, inclusive, relating to criminal law, criminal information, and extradition. 1871. Digests of Judicial Decisions. 405 MISCELLANEOUS — continued. FOX (Charles). A digest of the law of partnership, as pre- sented in the reports of English and American decisions. 1872. HANES (J. S.) United States digest of decisions in criminal cases contained in the reports of the courts of the United States and the several state courts. 1856. LACEY (J. F.) A digest of railway decisions, comprising all reported American cases in which a railway company is a party, and all other cases in which railway law is determined. 1875. LAW (S. D.) Digest of American cases relating to patents for inventions and copyrights from 1799 to 1862. 1866. LAW JOURNAL. An analytical digest of the cases published in the law journal, and in all the reports of decisions in the courts of common law and equity, in the ecclesiastical and admiralty courts, on appeal before the house of lords, at nisi prius, and in the court for the relief of insolvent debtors. From 1822 to 1875. 10 vols. London, 1831-77. LAWSON (J. D.) An index-digest of leading articles, legal essays, abstracts of decisions, reviews of legal literature, legal mis- cellany and leading cases, published in the first ten volumes of the Central Law Journal, to which is prefixed a table of cases and a table of legal essays and monographs. 12mo. 1881. LITTLETON (H. A.) and BLATCHLEY (J. S.) Digest of fire insurance decisions in the courts of Great Britain and North America. 2d ed. By S. G. Clarke. 1868. . The same. 1862. LOMAX (J. T.) Digest of the laws respecting real property generally adopted in the United States; embracing, more especially, the law of real property in Virginia. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1855. MOAK (N. C.) Digest of Moak's English reports, vols, one to fifteen, inclusive. By James Simmons. Also a digest of American notes by N. C. Moak. 1878. MORRISON (R. S.) Digest of the law of mines and minerals and of all controversies incident to the subject-matter of mining, comprising the cases in the English and American reports, from the year books to 1878. 406 Wisconsin State Library. MISCELLANEOUS — continued. MOSES (R. J.) and SHINN (W. A.) National bankruptcy register digest, containing all the cases reported in the first ten vols, of the national bankruptcy register reports, from 1867 to 1875. NOTT (C. C.) and HOPKINS (A.) Digest of court of claims reports, from March, 1863, to December, 1875, and of appealed cases in the supreme court. PREBLE (W. P.) Patent case index; containing lists of all the cases involving patents for inventions as reported in the state and federal reports, Robb's and Fisher's patent cases, and the patent office Gazette, up to the present time. 12mo. 1880. RICE (D. H. and L. C.) Digest of the decisions of law and prac- tice in the patent office from 1869 to 1880. 1880. SANSUM (O. B.) A digest of the law of insurance; being an analysis of fire, marine, life and accident insurance cases, adjudi- cated in the courts of England, Ireland, Scotland, the United States of America and Canada, commencing with the earliest reported ad- judications and continued to the present time. 1876. SEBASTIAN (L. B.) A digest of cases of trade mark, trade name, trade will, etc., decided in the courts of the united kingdom, India, the colonies and the United States of America. London, 1879. WATERMAN (T. W.) A digest of decisions in criminal cases contained in the reports of the federal courts and the courts of the ■ several states. 1877. PART FIFTH. STATUTE LAW. DIVISION I. Revised or Compiled Statutes, Digests of Statutes, Etc. DIVISION II. Sessioi^ Laws. I i REVISED STATUTES, ETC, ALABAMA — The code of Alabama. Prepared by John J. Ormond, Arthur P. Bagby and George Goldthwaite. 1852. The revised code of Alabama. Prepared by A. J. Walker. Adopted in 1867. The penal code. Prepared by G. W. Stone and W. J. Shepherd, and adopted at the session of the legislature held in 1865-66. To- gether with other criminal laws in force. 1866. ARIZONA — The compiled laws of the territory of Arizona; including the Howell code and session laws from 1864 to 1871, inclusive. Com- piled by Coles Bashford. 1871. The compiled laws of the territory of Arizona; compiled and arranged by authority of an act of the legislative assembly approved February 9, 1877. John P. Hoyt, compiler. 1877. ARKANSAS — Revised statutes of the state of Arkansas, adopted at the Octo- ber session of the general assembly of said state, A. D. 1837. Re- vised by William McK. Ball and Sam. C. Roan. Notes and index by Albert Pike. 1838. A digest of the statutes of Arkansas; embracing all the laws of a general and permanent character, in force at the close of the ses- sion of the general assembly of 1846; with notes of the decisions of the supreme court upon the statutes; by E. H. English. 1848. A digest of the statutes of Arkansas; embracing all laws of a general and permanent character, in force at the close of the ses- sion of the general assembly of 1856; together with notes byJosiah Gould. 1858. 410 Wisconsin State Library. CALIFORNIA- The statutes of California passed at the first session of the legis- lature. 1850. Digest of the ;laws of California: containing all laws of a gen- •eral character in force January, 1858. Prepared by W. H. R. Wood. 1857. The political code of the state of California. Published under authority of law by Creed Raymond, John C. Burch, John H. McKune, commissioners to revise the laws. 2 vols. 1872. The penal code of California. 1872. The code of civil proceedure of the state of California. 1872. The civil code of the state of California. 1872. Acts amendatory of the codes, passed in 1873-74, 1875-76. 2 vols. 1874-76. The codes and statutes of the state of California. By Theodore H. Hittell. 2 vols. 1876. COLORADO — The revised statutes of Colorado as passed at the seventh ses- sion^ of the legislative assembly in 1867. General laws of the state of Colorado. 1877. The code of civil procedure of the state of Colorado. 1877. CONNECTICUT — The revised statutes of the state of Connecticut. 1849. The statutes of the state of Connecticut. 1854. The general statutes of the state of Connecticut. 1866. The general statutes of the state of Connecticut. 1874. DAKOTA — The revised codes of the territory of Dakota. 1877. DELAWARE — Revised statutes of the state of Delaware to the year 1852, in- clusive. Revised statutes of the state of Delaware, of 1852, as they have since been amended, together with the additional laws of a public and general nature, which have been enacted since 1852. 1874. i Revised Statutes, Etc. 411 J^LORIDA— . A manual or digest of the statute law of the state of Florida, of a general and public character, in force J&nu&ry, 1847. Digested and arranged byL. A. Thompson. 1847. The code of procedure of the state of Florida. 1870. GEORGIA — A compilation of the laws of the state of Georgia, passed by the legislature since the political year 1800 to 1810, inclusive. By A. S. Clayton. 1813. A digest of the laws of the state of Georgia, containing all the statutes of a general or public nature, now in force, which have been passed in said state from 1820 to 1829, inclusive. By Arthur Foster. 1831. A codification of the statute law of Georgia, including the Eng- lish statutes of force; in four parts. By W. A. Hotchkiss. 1845. A digest of the statute laws of the state of Georgia, in force prior to the session of the general assembly of 1851. Compiled and published by Thomas R. Cobb. 1851. The code of the state of Georgia. Prepared by R. H. Clark, T. R. R. Cobb, and D. Irwin. 1867. The same. 2d ed. Revised, corrected and annotated by David Irwin, G. N. Lester and W. B. Hill. 1873. IDAHO — The compiled and revised laws of the territory of Idaho of a general nature passed at, or continued in force by the eighth ses- sion of the legislative assembly in 1874. 1875. ILLINOIS — Revised statutes of the state of Illinois, adopted by the general assembly in 1844-45. Revised and prepared for publication by M. Brayman. 1845. The statutes of Illinois, embracing all the general laws of the state in force December 1, 1857. Compiled by S. H. Treat, W. B. Scates and R. S. Blackwell. 2 vols. 1858. The statutes of Illinois: an analytical digest of all the general laws of the state in force at the present time. 1818 to 1874. By E. L. Gross. 3 vols. 1872-74. The revised statutes of the state of Illinois. Comprising all 412 Wisconsin State Library. ILLINOIS — continued. general statutes of the state in force July 1, 1874. Compiled and edited by Harvey B. Hurd. 1874. The revised statutes of the state of Illinois. Comprising the revised statutes of 1874, and all amendments thereto, and all gen- eral acts in force July 1, 1877. By Harvey B. Hurd. 1877. INDIANA — The revised statutes of the state of Indiana, adopted and en- acted by the general assembly. 1838. The revised statutes of the state of Indiana, passed at the twenty-seventh session of the general assembly. 1843. The revised statutes of the state of Indiana, passed at the twenty- sixth session of the general assembly. 2 vols. 1852. The [statutes of the state of Indiana; containing the revised statutes of 1852, with the amendments thereto, and subsequent legislation. Edited by James Gavin and Oscar B. Hord. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1862. The statutes of the state of Indiana; containing the revised statutes of 1852, with the amendments thereto, and the subsequent legislation. With notes and references to judicial decisions. By E. A. Davis. 2 vols. 1876. IOWA — The code of low^ passed at the session of the general assembly of 1850-51, and approved 5th February. 185L Revision of 1860: containing all the statutes of a general na- ture of the state of Iowa, which are now in force, or are to be in force as the result of the legislation of the eighth general assembly. 1860. The code: containing all the statutes of the state of Iowa, of a general nature, passed at the adjourned session of the fourteenth general assembly. 1873. The code of civil procedure of the state of Iowa, as adopted by the 14th general assembly, and as amended by subsequent legisla- tion. By J. S. Stacey. 12mo. 1878. Annotated statutes of the state of Iowa, showing the general statutes in force July 4,1880. By Emlin McClain. 2 vols. 1880. Revised Statutes, Etc. 413 KANSAS — The statutes of the territory of Kansas, passed at the first ses- sion of the legislative assembly. 1855. General laws of the state of Kansas, in force March 6, 1862. The general statutes of the state of Kansas, revised by J. M. Price, S. A. Riggs, and James McMahon. 1868. Compiled laws of Kansas, 1879. Being a compilation of all the laws of a general nature based upon the general statutes of 1868, together with subsequent enactments, including the session laws of 1879. By C. F. W. Dassler. 1879. KENTUCKY - Code of practice in civil and criminal cases, for the state of Kentucky; prepared by M. C. Johnson, James Harlan and J. W. Stevenson, commissioners. 1854. A digest of the statute laws of Kentucky, of a public and per- manent nature, from the commencement of the government to the session of the legislature ending on the 24th of February, 1834. By C. S. Morehead and Mason Brown. 2 vols. 1834. The revised statutes of Kentucky, by C. A. Wickliffe, S. Turner and S. S, Nicholas, commissioners appointed by the legislature: ap- proved and adopted by the general assembly, 1851 and 1852. In force from July 1, 1852. The revised statutes of Kentucky, approved and adopted by the general assembly, 1851 and 1852, and in force from July 1, 1852. With an appendix containing the acts of 1859 and 1860. By R. H. Stanton. 2 vols. 1860. A digest of the general laws of Kentucky, enacted by the legis- lature, between December 4, 1859, and June 4, 1865. Embracing all the general laws passed since the publication of Stanton's edition of the revised statutes. With an appendix containing the laws of the winter session, 1865-66. By Harvey Myers. 1866. The general statutes of the commonwealth of Kentucky. Com- piled by Edward I. BuUofik, James M. Nesbitt and George W. Craddock, and adopted by the general assembly. 1873. Civil and criminal codes of practice of Kentucky. Prepared by R. A. Buckner and J. F. Bullitt, commissioners, and Alvin Duvall, umpire; and revised and adopted by the general assembly. 1876. 414 Wisconsin State Librauy. LOUISIANA — A general digest of the acts of the legislature of Louisiana: passed from 1804 to 1827, inclusive, and in force at this last period. By L. M. Lislet. 2 vols. 1828. A system of penal law, for the state of Louisiana: consisting of a code of crimes and punishments, a code of procedure, a code of evidence, a code of reform and prison discipline, a book of defini- tions. Prepared by Edward Livingston. 1833. Civil code of the state of Louisiana, with annotations by Wheel- ock S. Upton and Needier R. Jennings. 1838. The revised statutes of Louisiana, compiled by U. B. Phillips. 1856. The revised statute laws of the state of Louisiana, from the or- ganization of the territory to the year 1867, inclusive. 1870. Civil code of the state of Louisiana; with the statutory amend- ments from 1825-1866, inclusive. Compiled and edited by James O. Fuqua. 1867. Code of practice in civil cases for the state of Louisiana; with statutory amendments, from 1825 to 1865, inclusive. Compiled and edited by James O. Fuqua. 1867. The same. 1869. The code of practice of the state of Louisiana. 1870. The revised civil code of the state of Louisiana. 1870. MAINE — The revised statutes of the state of Maine, passed October, 1840, to which are subjoined the other public laws of 1840 and 1841. The revised statutes of 1857. The revised statutes of 187L MARYLAND — The general public statutory law and public local law of the state of Maryland, from 1692 to 1839, inclusive. By Clement Dor- sey. 5 vols. 1840. The same. 3 vols. The Maryland code. Public general laws, compiled by Otho Scott and Hiram McCuUough, commissioners; adopted by the legislature, 1860; the acts of that session being therewith incorpor- ated. By Henry C. Mackall. 2 vols. 1860. Revised Statutes, Etc. 415 MARYLAND — continued. A collection of the British statutes in force in Maryland, accord- ing to the report thereof, made to the general assembly by the late Chancellor Kilty. By J. J. Alexander. 1870. Revised code of the public general laws of the state of Maryland. Compiled by Lewis Mayer, L. C. Fisher, and E. J. D. Cross. 1879. MASSACHUSETTS — The acts and resolves, public and private, of the province of Massachusetts Bay; to which are prefixed the charters of the prov- ince. 3 vols. 1869-78. The revised statutes of Massachusetts. 1836. The general statutes of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1860. Supplement to the general statutes of the commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts. Containing the general laws, from 1860 to 1872. By W. A. Richardson and G. P. Sanger. Vol.1. 2d ed. 1873. Supplement to the general statutes of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. Containing the general laws from the passage of the general statutes. By W. A. Richardson and G. P. Sanger. Vol. 2. 1878. MICHIGAN — Laws of the territory of Michigan from 1805 to 1833. 3 vols. 1871-74. [Vol. 1 contains laws adopted by the governor and judges; vol. 2, all laws enacted by the legislative authority of the territory, from 1806 to 1830, not included in vol. 1; vol. 3 contains acts and resolutions for the years 1830, '31, '32, '33, '34, and '34.] Laws of the territory of Michigan comprising the acts of a public nature, revised by commissioners appointed by the first legislative council; the acts and resolutions of the first and second councils, and the acts now in force, adopted by the governor and judges of the territory. 1827. La\> s of the territory of Michigan, condensed, arranged and passed by the fifth legislative council. 1833. [Two copies.] The revised statutes of tBe state of Michigan, passed May 18, 1846. The compiled laws of the state of Michigan. Compiled and ar- ranged by Thomas M. Cooley. 2 vols. 1851. The same. By James S. Dewey. 2 vols. 1872. 416 Wisconsin State Library. MINNESOTA — The revised statutes of the territory of Minnesota. 1851. The public statutes of the state of Minnesota. (1849-58.) Com- piled by Moses Sherburne and William HoUinshead, commissioners. 1859. The general statutes of the state of Minnesota. 1866. The statutes at large of the state of Minnesota, comprising the general statutes of 1866, as amended, and all laws of a general na- ture in force March 7, 1873. By A. H. Bissell. 2 vols. 1873. The general statutes of the state of Minnesota, as amended by subsequent legislation, with which are incorporated all general laws of the state in force at the close of the legislative session of 1878. By George B. Young. 1879. MISSISSIPPI — Code of Mississippi; being an analytical compilation of the pub- lic and general statutes of the territory and state, with tabular ref- erences to the local and private acts, from 1798 to 1848. By A. Hutchinson. 1848. The revised code of the statute laws of the state of Mississippi. 1857. The revised code of the statute laws of the state of Mississippi. 1871. The revised code of the statute laws of the state of Mississippi; prepared by J. A. P. Campbell and reported to and amended by the legislature at its biennial session in 1880. MISSOURI — The revised statutes of the state of Missouri. 1835. The revised statutes of the state of Missouri. 1845. The general statutes of the state of Missouri. By A. F. Denny. 1866. The statutes of the state of Missouri; with notes and references. Compiled by David Wagner. 2 vols. 3d ed. 1872. Myers' supplement to Wagner's Missouri statutes; containing the laws of 1873, 1874, 1875 and 1877. The revised statutes of Missouri, Revised and promulgated by the 30th general assembly. 2 vols. 1879. Be VISED Statutes, Etc. 417 MONTANA — Laws of the territory of Montana, passed in 1871-72. NEBRASKA — The revised statutes of the territory of Nebraska. 1866. The general statutes of the state of Nebraska, comprising all laws of a general nature in force September 1, 1873. NEVADA — The compiled laws of the state of Nevada; embracing statutes of 1861 to 1873, inclusive. 2 vols. 1873. NEW HAMPSHIRE — The revised statutes of the state of New Hampshire, passed 1842. The compiled statutes of the state of New Hampshire. 1853. The general statutes of the state of New Hampshire. 1867. The general laws of the state of New Hampshire. 1878. NEW JERSEY Statutes of the state of New Jersey. 1847. A digest of the laws of New Jersey. By Lucius Q. C. Elmer. Third edition, containing all the laws of general application now in force, from 1709 to 1861, inclusive, with the rules and decisions of the courts. By John T. Nixon. 1861. The same. 2d edition. Containing all the laws of general ap- plication now in force from 1709 to 1855, inclusive. By John T. Nixon. 1855. Revised statutes of the state of New Jersey. Passed 1874. Revision of the statutes of New Jersey. 1877. Index of colonial and state laws between the years 1663 and 1877, inclusive. By John Hood. 1877. NEW MEXICO — The general laws of New Mexico; including all the unrepealed general laws from the promulgation of the '" Kearney Code " in 1846 to the end of the legislative session of 1880, Compiled under the direction of L. Bradford Prince, chief justice of the supreme court of New Mextco. 1880. 27-W. 8. L. 418 Wisconsin State Library. NEW YORK — Laws of the state of New York, comprising- the constitution and acts of the legislature since the revolution, from the first to the twentieth session, inclusive. 3 vols. 1798. Statutes of the state of New York of a public and general char- acter, passed from 1829 to 1851, both inclusive. Compiled and ar- ranged by Samuel Blatchford. Index arranged by Clarence A. Seward. 2 vols. 1852. The revised statutes of the state of New York, passed during the years 1827-28. 3 vols. 1829. The same. Second edition. 3 vols. 1836. The revised statutes of the state of New York, as altered by subsequent enactments; together with statutory provisions of a general nature passed between 1828 and 1845, inclusive. Prepared by John Duer, Benjamin F. Butler and John C. Spencer. Third edition. 3 vols. 184G. The revised statutes of the state of New York, as altered by subsequent legislation; together with unrepealed statutory pro- visions of a general nature, passed from the time of the revision to the close of the session of the legislature of 1858. Prepared by Amasa J. Parker, George Wolford and Edward Wade. Fifth edition. 3 vols. 1859. Supplement to the fifth edition of the revised statutes of New York; containing the amendments and general statutes passed since the fifth revision. Arranged by Isaac Edwards. 1863. The revised statutes of the state of New York, as altered by subsequent legislation; together with the unrepealed statutory pro- visions of a general nature, passed from the time of the revision to the close of the session of the legislature of 1875. Edited by George W. Cothran. Sixth edition. 3 vols. 1875. Statutes at large of the state of New York: comprising the re- vised statutes as they existed on July 1, 1862, and all the general public statutes then in force, and the material notes of the revisers in their report to the legislature. Edited by John W. Edmonds. 5 vols. 1863. The same. Continued from 1863 to 1874. With index. 4 vols. 1868-75. General index to the laws of the state of New York. By T. S. Gillett. 1859. Revised Statutes^ Etc. 41^ NEW YORK— continued. The code of procedure of pleadings and practice of the state of New York, 1858-59. By Nathan Howard, jr. 1859. The code of procedure of the state of New York, unabridged. B3- Nathan Howard, jr. Vol.1. 1867. Voorhies' code of procedure of the state of New York. 4th ed. 1855. The same. As amended to 1864. 8th ed. By John Townshend. 1864. The same. As amended to 1871. 10th ed. By John Town- shend. 1871. The code of procedure of the state of New York, as amended to 1871. By William Wait. 1871. The code of civil procedure of the state of New York, enacted 1876, and amended 1877. With notes and references, by William Wait. 1877. The code of civil procedure. By M. H. Throop. Vol. 1. 1877. NORTH CAROLINA — The public acts of the general assembly of North Carolina. Vol. 1 containing the acts from 1715 to 1790; vol. 2 containing the acts from 1790 to 1803; revised and published under the authority of the legislature. 2 vols, in 1. 1804. Revised code of North Carolina, enacted in 1854. Public statutes of North Carolina, adopted at the session of 1872-73. 1873. OHIO — Statutes of the state of Ohio, of a general nature, in force in 1840; also the statutes of a general nature passed in 1840. Collated, with references to the decisions of the courts and prior laws. By J. R. Swan. 1841. Statutes of the state of Ohio, of a general nature, in force August, 1854; with references to prior repealed laws. Collated and compiled by Joseph R. Swan. 1854. , The revised statutes of the state of Ohio, of a general nature, in force August 1, 1860. Collated by Joseph R. Swan. With notes to the decisions of the supreme court. By Leander J. Critchfield. 2 vols. 1860. 420 Wisconsin State Library. OHIO — continued. Supplement to the revised statutes of the state of Ohio; embrac- ing all laws of a general nature passed since the publication of Swan and Critchfield's revised statutes, 1860, in force August 1, 1868. Collated by Joseph R. Swan. With notes to the decisions of the supreme court by Milton Sayler. 1868. The revised statutes and other acts of a general nature of the state of Ohio, in force January 1, 1880. Edited and annotated by M. A. Dougherty, J. S. Brasee, George B. Okey, commissioners. 2 vols. 1879. OREGON — The statutes of Oregon, enacted and continued in force by the legislative assembly, at the fifth and sixth regular sessions thereof. 1855. The organic and other general laws of Oregon. 18i5-64. Com- piled and annotated by M. P. Deady. 1866. The code of civil procedure and other general statutes of Oregon, enacted by the legislative assembly, 1862. 1863. The organic and other general laws of Oregon. 1843-73. 1874. PENNSYLTANIA — A digest of the laws of Pennsylvania, from 1700 to 1836. 5th ed. 1837. A digest of the laws of Pennsylvania from 1700 to 1861. Origi- nally compiled by John Purdon. Ninth edition by Frederick C. Brightly. 1862. The same. Tenth edition. From 1700 to 1872. 2 vols. 1873. RHODE ISLAND — The revised statutes of the state of Rhode Island and Providence plantations. 1857. The general statutes of the state of Rhode Island and Providence plantations. 1872. SOUTH CAROLINA — An alphabetical digest of the public statute law of South Caro- lina. By Joseph Brevard. 3 vols. 1814. The statutes at large of South Carolina. Edited by Thomas Cooper. 9 vols. 1836-41. Revised Statutes^ Etc, 421 SOUTH CAROLINA — continued. A digested index of the statute law of South Carolina, 1837 to 1857. By C. B. Flagg. 1858. The revised statutes of the state of South Carolina. 1873. TENNESSEE — The statute law of the state of Tennessee, of a public and gen- eral nature: revised and digested by John Bay wood and R. L. Cobb. Vol. 1. 1831. The code of Tennessee; enacted by the general assembly of 1857-58. Prepared and edited by R. J. Meigs and W. F. Cooper, and revised by a committee of the legislature. 1858. A compilation of the statute laws of the state of Tennessee. By S. D. Thompson and T. M. Steger. 2 vols. 1871. TEXAS — A digest of the laws of Texas containing a full and complete compilation of the land laws, together with the opinions of the su- preme court. By J. W. Dallam. 1845. A digest of the laws of Texas. By Oliver C. Hartley. 1850. The penal code. 1857. A digest of the general statute laws of the state of Texas; to which are subjoined the repealed laws of the republic and state of Texas, by or through which rights have accrued. Prepared by W. S. Oldham and G. W. White. 1859. A digest of the laws of Texas; containing laws in force and re- pealed laws on which rights rest. By G. W. Paschal. 1866. The revised statutes of Texas, adopted 1879. UTAH — Acts, resolutions and memorials passed at the several annual sessions of the legislative assembly of the territory of Utah. 1855. The compiled laws of the territory of Utah, containing all the general statutes now in force. 1876. VERMONT — Laws of the state of Vermont, revised and compiled in the year 1797. 1798. The revised statutes of the state of Vermont, passed November 18, 1839. To which are added several public acts now in force. 1840. 422 Wisconsin State Library. VERMONT — continued. The compiled statutes of the state of Vermont, being such of the revised statutes and of the public acts and laws passed since, as are now in force. 1851. The general statutes of the state of Vermont, passed at the an- nual session of the general assembly commencing October 9, 1862; together with the public acts of the year 1862. 1863. The general statutes of the state of Vermont, passed at the an- nual session of the general assembly, commencing October 9, 1862. Second edition. Comprising the public laws enacted since the an- nual session of 1862. 1870. VIRGINIA — The code of Virginia. 1849. Ordinance and acts of the restored government of Virginia, prior to the formation of the state of West Virginia; with the constitu- tion and laws of the state of West Virginia to March 2, 1866. Third edition of the code of Virginia, including legislation to January 1, 1874. Prepared by G. W. Mumford. 1873. WEST VIRGINIA — The code of West Virginia, comprising legislation to 1870; with an appendix containing legislation of that year. WISCONSIN — Statutes of the territory of Wisconsin, passed by the legislative assembly thereof at the session commencing November, 1838, and at an adjourned session commencing in January, 1839. The revised statutes of the state of Wisconsin, passed at the second session of the legislature, commencing Jan. 10, 1849. The revised statutes of the state of Wisconsin, passed at the an- nual session of the legislature, commencing Jan. 13, 1858; approved May 17, 1858. The revised statutes of the state of Wisconsin, altered and amend- ed by subsequent legislation, together with the unrepealed statutes of a general nature, passed from the time of the revision of 1858 to the close of the legislature of 1871. Prepared and arranged by David Taylor. 2 vols. 1871. Revised statutes of the state of Wisconsin, passed at the extra session of the legislature, commencing June 4, 1878. Revised Statutes, Etc. 423 WISCONSIN — continued. Report and explanatory notes of the revisers of the statutes, ac- companying the bill to revise thegenerallaws of Wisconsin. 1878. WYOMING — The compiled laws of Wyoming. 1876. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— The public statutes of the United States of America, from the organization of the government in 1789, to March 3, 1845. Ar- ranged in chronological order, with references to the matter of each act, and to the subsequent acts on the same subject, and copi- ous notes of the decisions of the courts of the United States con- struing those acts, and upon the subjects of the laws. With an index to the contents of each volume, and a full general index to the whole work, in the concluding volume. Edited by Richard Peters. 8 vols. Vols. 1-5 containing general laws etc.: vol. 6, private laws; vol. 7, Indian treaties; vol. 8, European treaties. 1845-46. The statutes at large and treaties of the United States of America. Vols. 9 and 10. Edited by George Minot; vol. 11, by George Minot and George P. Sanger; vols. 12 to 16, by George P. Sanger. Vol. 9, from December, 1845, to 1851. Vol. 10, from De- cember, 1851, to 1854. Vol. 11, from December, 1854, to 1858. Vol. 12, from December, 1858, to 1863. Vol. 13, from December, 1863, to 1865. Vol. 14, from December, 1865, to 1867. Vol. 15, from December, 1867, to 1869. Vol. 16, from December, 1869, to 1871. Vol. 17, from March, 1871, to March, 1873. Vol. 18, front December, 1873, to March, 1875. Vol. 19, from December, 1875, to March, 1877. Vol. 20, from October, 1877, to March, 1879. " Story's laws of the United States." From 1789 to 1836. 4 vols. Comprising — 1. The public and general statutes passed by the congress of the United States of America, from 1789 to 1827, inclusive; whether expired, repealed or in force; arranged in chronological order, with marginal references and a copious index; to which is added the constitution ot the United States and an appendix. Published under the inspection of Joseph Story, one of the justices of the supreme court of the U. S. 3 vols. 1828. 424: Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — continued. 2. The public and general statutes passed by the congress of the United States of America, from 1828 to 1836, inclusive; whether expired, repealed or in force; arranged in chronological order, with marginal references. Edited by George Sharswood. 1837. Laws of the United States of America from the 4th of March, 1789, to the 4th of March, 1815, including the constitution of the United States, the old act of confederation, treaties, and many other valuable ordinances and documents; with copious notes and references. 5 vols. 1815. Laws of the United States ot America, from the 4th of March, 1815, to the 3d of March, 1839, including all the European and Bar- bary, and Indian treaties, negotiated and ratified within that per- iod, and several other valuable documents which have resulted from, or are connected with, the acts of congress and treaties. 4 vols. 1822-39. An analytical digest of the laws of the United States from the adoption of the constitution to the thirty-fourth congress, 1789- 1869. By Frederick C. Brightly. 2 vols. 1858-69. An analytical digest of the laws of the United States from the commencement of the thirty-fifth to the end of the thirty-seventh congress, 1857-63. Completing Brightly's United States digest to the present time. By Frederick C. Brightly. 1863. Statutes of the United States relating to revenue, commerce, navigation and the currency. Compiled by Lewis Heyl, of the treasury department. 1868. A compendium of internal revenue laws, with decisions, rulings, instructions, regulations and forms. By J. B. F. Davidge and I. G. Kimball. 1871. The military laws of the United States, relating to the army, volunteers, militia and to bounty lands and pensions, from the foundation of the government to the year 1863. By John F. Cal- lan. 1863. A digest of the military laws of the United States, from 1860 to 1867. Relating to the army, volunteers, militia, etc. Compiled by J. S. Poland, U. S. A. 1868. The American diplomatic code, embracing a collection of treaties and conventions between the United States and foreign powers; from 1775 to 1834. By Jonathan Elliot. 2 vols. 1834. I Revised Statutes^ Etc. 425 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— continued. A synoptical index to the laws and treaties of the United States of America, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1851. Prepared un- der the direction of the secretary of state. 1852. Public lands. Laws of the United States, resolutions of congress under the confederation, treaties, proclamations, Spanish regula- tions, and other documents respecting the public lands. 1828. Public lands. General public acts of congress respecting the sale and disposition of the public lauds; with instructions issued from time to time, by the secretary of the treasury and commis- sioner of the general land office, and official opinions of the attor- ney general on questions arising under the land laws. Part 1. Containing the laws to the close of the 25th congress. Part II. Containing the instructions and opinions ^ the 17th of August, 1838. 2 vols. 1838. The postal laws and regulations of the United States of America. Compiled and edited by A. H. Bissell and T. B. Kirby. 1879. Treaties between the United States of America and the several Indian tribes from 1778 to 1837. Indian treaties ratified at the called session of congress, 1837, and the sessions of 1837-38 and 1839. Treaties and conventions concluded between the United States of America and other powers since July 4, 1776. Revised edition, containing notes, with references to negotiations preceding the several treaties, to the executive, legislative or judicial eonstruc- tion of them, and to the causes of the abrogation of some of them. 1873. Revised statutes of the United States of America relating to the district of Columbia, and post roads, passed at the first session of the 43d congress, 1873-74; together with the public treaties in force on the first of December, 1873. 1875. Revised statutes of the United States, passed at the first session of the forty- third congress, 1873-74; embracing the statutes of the United States, general and permanent in their nature, in force on the first day of December, J.873. 1875. The same. Second edition. 1878. 426 Wisconsin State Library. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA — Pablic and private laws of the Confederate States of America, passed from 1861 to 1864, including the constitution of the con- federate states and treaties with Indian tribes. GREAT BRITAIN — Ancient laws and institutes of England; comprising laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon kings from ^thelbirth to Cnut, with an English translation of the Saxon; the laws called Edward the Con- fessor's; the laws of William the conquerer, and those ascribed to Henry the first; also, monumenta ecclessiasticaanglicana, from the seventh to the tenth century, and the ancient Latin version of the Anglo-Saxon laws. 2 vols. 1840. The statutes at large, from Magna Chartato 33 Victoria. 49 vols. 4to. 1763-1869. The public general statutes, with a list of the local and private acts, passed in the 29th, 30th, 31st and 32d years of the reign of her majesty Queen Victoria, being the first, second and third sessions of the nineteenth parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols. 1866-68. The public general statutes, with a list of the local and private acts, passed from 1866 to 1880, inclusive. 15 vols. A table of references to unrepealed public general acts; arranged in the alphabetical order of their short or popular titles. Second edition. With a supplement. By John Biddle. London, 1870. Chronological table and index of the statutes, to the end of the session of 1877. 4th'ed. London, 1878. IRELAND — Ancient laws of Ireland. 3 vols. 1869-79. CANADA — The consolidated statutes for liower Canada. 1861. The consolidated statutes for Upper Canada. 1859. The consolidated statutes of Canada. 1869. The revised statutes of Ontario being a consolidation of the pub- lic general acts of the legislature of Ontario, with such of the public general acts of the late province of Canada, as relate to mat- ters within the authority of the legislature of Ontario. 2 vols. 1877. Session Laws. ■' 427 FRANCE - La legislation civile, commerciale et criminelle de la France. 16 tomes. 1827-29. Code Napoleon; or, the French civil code. Literally translated from the original and official edition, published at Paris in 1S04. 1841. SESSION LAWS. ALABAMA — Acts of the general assembly of Alabama for the years 1850, 52, 53-4, 57-8, 59-60, 65-6, 67-8, 68, 69-70,70-1,71-2, 72-3,73, 74-5, 75-6, 76-7, 78-9, 80-81. 18 vols. ARIZONA — Acts, resolutions and memorials adopted by the legislative assem- bly of the territory of Arizona for the years 1864, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79. 10 vols. ARKANSAS — Acts passed by the general assembly of the state of Arkansas, during the years 1843, 45, 46, 49, 51, 53, 55, 56-7, 58-9, 66-7, 67, 68-9, 71, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81. 19 vols. CALIFORNIA — The statutes of California passed by the legislative assembly, during the years 1851, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 63-4, 65-6, 67-8, 69-70, 71-2, 73-4, 75-6, 77-8, 81. 21 vols. School laws of California. Provisions of the political code rela- tive to public schools. 1874. Supplement to the statutes of 1S69-70. Containing chapters 584-586. 1870. Acts amendatory of the codes of California passed by the legis- lature, 1877-78. ' 428 Wisconsin State Library. CHOCTAW NATION- Acts and general resolutions of the council of the Choctaw Na- tion, 1852 to 1857, inclusive. 1858. COLORADO — General laws, joint resolutions, memorials and private acts, passed by the legislative assembly during the years 1861, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 74, 76. 9 vols. General laws, joint resolutions, memorials and private acts, passed by the legislative assembly of the state of Colorado during the years 1879, 1881. 2 vols. Private acts, joint resolutions and memorials passed at the 7th session of the legislature of Colorado territory from the 2d to the 9th day of December, 1867. 1868. The constitution of the state of Colorado adopted in convention, March 14, 1876. The code of civil procedure of the state of Colorado, 1877. CONNECTICUT — Public acts passed by the general assembly of the state of Con- necticut during the years 1847, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 27 vols. Resolutions and private and special acts of the general assembly of the state of Connecticut, during the years 1836 to 1855, inclu- sive, 1856, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, QQ, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 24 vols. Special session public and private laws Oct. 1861, Dec. 72, Nov. 36, Jan. 64. 6 vols. Laws of the state of Connecticut relating to education. 1868. Private laws of Connecticut, from 1836 to 1870 inclusive. 4 vols. DAKOTA — General laws, memorials and resolutions, of the territory of Da- kota, passed during the years 1862, 62-3, 64-5, 65-6, 66-7, 68-9, 70-1, 72-3, 74-5, 79. 10 vols. General and private laws and memorials and resolutions of the territory of Dakota, during the years 1863-4, 67-8. 2 vols. Skssion Laws. 429 DELAWARE — Laws of the state of Delaware passed by the general assembly during- the years 1837-43, 1847-51, 1859, 63, 60, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77. 11 vols. FLORIDA — The acts and resolutions adopted by the legislature of Florida during the years 1849-51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,77,79,81. 16 vols. Acts and resolutions adopted by the general assembly of Florida at adjourned sessions Nov. 26, 1855, and Nov. 28, 1859. Acts and resolutions adopted by the legislature of Florida at its extra session, 1869. GEORGIA- x\nalysis of the constitution of Georgia as of force since July 21st, 1868. 1870. Acts of the general assembly of the state of Georgia, during the years 1800 to 1810, inclusive, 1820-29 inclusive, 1839 to 1842, in- clusive, 51-2, 53-4, 55-6, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62-3, 63-4, 64-5, 65-6, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71-2, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78-9. 27 vols. IDAHO — Laws, memorials and resolutions, passed by the legislative as- sembly of the territory of Idaho during the years 1864, 67, 77, 79. 4 vols. ILLINOIS — Laws of the state of Illinois passed by the general assembly dur- ing the years 1839-40, 41, 42-43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71-2, 73, 73-4, 75, 77, 79, 81. 25 vols. Private laws of the state of Illinois passed by the general assem- bly during the years 1861, 63, 65 (2 vols.), 69 (4 vols.) 8 vols. Public and private laws of the state of Illinois, passed by the general assembly at its first and second special sessions, June 11, and .Tune 14, 1867. The Illinois school laws, an act to establish and maintain a sys- tem of free schools; approved April 1, 1872. Including amend- ment to sections 24 and 33, approved May 23, 1877, with an appen- dix containing all acts relative to schools, in force, July 1, 1877. 430 Wisconsin State Library. ILLINOIS — continued. Revenue laws of the state of Illinois, 1877. Laws of Illinois relating to railroads and warehouses, 1877. With appendix. INDIANA — General laws of the state of Indiana passed by the general assem- bly during the years 1839-42, 43-46, 47-9, 50-51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 63, 05, 67, 71. 11 vols. Laws passed at special sessions of the legislature of the state of Indiana, during the years 1858, 65. 2 vols. Laws of the state of Indiana passed by regular and special ses- sions of the general assembly during the years 186] , 69, 72-3, 75, 77, 79. 6 vols. Laws of a local nature passed by the general assembly of the state of Indiana, during the years 1843, 45, 49. 3 vols. IOWA — Acts, resolutions and memorials, passed by the general assembly of the state of Iowa, during the years 1848, 47-49-51, 51, 52, 54-5, 56, 57, 58, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80. 18 vols. Special acts and resolutions passed at the session of the general assembly during the year 1860. Acts and resolutions passed at extra sessions of the general as- sembly during the years 1856, 61, 62. 3 vols. KANSAS — Laws of the territory of Kansas passed by the general legislative assembly during the years 1857, 57-8, 59, 60, 61. 5 vols. Laws of the state of Kansas during the years 1863, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81. 10. vols. Laws for the regulation and support of common schools, with notes and forms for school officers. 1877. KENTUCKY — Acts of the general assembly of the commonwealth of Ken- tucky during the years 1836-7, 37-8, 40-1, 41-2, 42-3, 47-8, 48-9, 49-50, 51-2, 53-4, (2 vols.) 55-6, (2 vols.) 59-60, (2 vols.) 61, 62, 61-2-3, 63-4, 65, (2 vols,) 71-2, (2 vols.) 73-4, 78, (2 vols.) 25 vols. Session Laws. 431 KENTUCKY— continued. Acts of the general assembly of the commonwealth of the state of, at adjourned sessions during the years 1862, Qo. 2 vols. Acts passed at a called session held in May, 1861. LOUISIANA - Laws passed by the legislature of the state of Louisiana during the years 1828-29, 30-2, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55. 14 vols. Acts passed by the legislature of the state of Louisiana during the years 38-9, 40-1, 42-3-4, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80. 24 vols. Laws of extra ssssion for the years 1865, 75. 2 vols. MAINE — Acts and resolves passed by the legislature of the state of Maine, during the years 18t'7, '38, '40, '41, '42-3, '45-6, '48-9, '50-51, '52, '53, '55, '56, '57, '58, '59, '60, '61, '62, '63, '64,. '65, '66, '67, '6S, '69, '70, '71, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76, '77, '78, '79. 35 vols. MARYLAND - Laws made and passed by the general assembly of the state of Maryland during the years 1835, '39, '41, 40-2, '43, '44, '52, '53, '54, '56, '58, '60, '61-2, '64, '65, '66, '67, '68, '70, '72, '74, '76, '78, '80. 25 vols. . The new constitution of the state of Maryland, 1864. The constitution of the state of Maryland, 1867. MASSACHUSETTS — Laws, acts and resolves passed by the general court of Massa- chusetts during the years 1837,'30-38, '40-45, '45-6, '47-8, '49, '49- 50, '52, '53, '55, '56, '57, '58, '59, '60, '61, '62, '63, '64, '65, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70, '71, '72, '73, '74, '75, '76, '77, '78, '79, '80, '81. 36 vols. Private and special statutes of the commonwealth of Massachus- etts for years 1849-65, 71-75, 3 vols. Vols. 9-11 and vol. 13. The general statutes of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, relating to public schools. 1868. Acts and resolves of special session, 1872. Acts and resolves of the«province of Massachusetts for the years 1692-1714, 1715-1741, 1742-1750. 3 vols. Constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1873. General corporation act. 1870. A compilation of the laws in force relating to elections. 1876. 432 Wisconsin State Library. MICHIGAN — Laws of the territory of Michigan passed by the legislative coun- cil during the years 1827, 28, 33. 3 vols. Acts of the state of Michigan, passed during the years 1837-8, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67 (2 vols.), 69 (3 vols.), 70, 71 (3 vols.), 72, 73 (3 vols.), 74, 75, 77, 79. 39 vols. Local acts of the state of Michigan passed during the years 1875, 77, 79. 5 vols. Public and local acts passed during the year 1874. School laws of the state of Michigan, passed during the years 1859, 69, 73. 3 vols. Index to the general laws of Michigan, 1872-7, inclusive. General railroad laws of Michigan, 1875. The same, 1879. Election laws of the state of Michigan, with a digest of the de- cisions of the supreme court. Laws of the state of Michigan relating to the public health. Laws relating to the support of poor persons. 1878. Laws of the state of Michigan relating to highways, bridges and drainage. 1875. Territorial laws. 3 vols. 1871. MINNESOTA — Session laws of the territory of Minnesota, passed by the legisla- tive assembly during the years 1850, 51, 53, 55, 57. 5 vols. Session laws of the state of Minnesota, passed by the legislative assembly during the years 1858, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 21 vols. Laws of extra sessions held during the years 1857, 62. 2 vols. Special laws of the state of Minnesota, passed during the years 1858,77,78,79. 4 vols. MISSISSIPPI- Laws of the state of Mississippi, passed by the legislature during the years 1838, 40, 46, 48, 50, 56-7, 59, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75,76, 77,78,80. 18 vols. Local laws passed by the legislative assembly of the state of Mis^ sissippi during the year 1845, Laws of extra sessions of 1873, 74, 75. 3 vols. Session Laws. 433 MISSISSIPPI — continued. Constitution of the state of Mississippi as amended, with the ordinance and resolutions adopted by the constitutional convention, August, 1865. The same as adopted in convention in May, 1868, and ratified by the people December, 1869. MISSOURI — Local laws of Missouri, 1845. Laws of the state of Missouri passed by the general assembly held during the years 1837, 38-9, 40-1, 47, 49, 51, 53, 58-9, 60-1, 63, 63-4, 65, 65-6, 67, 68-69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79. 24 vols. Laws passed by adjourned sessions of the general assembly held during the years 1857, 63-4. 2 vols. MONTANA — Acts, resolutions and memorials passed by the legislative assembly of the territory of Montana, during the years 1874, 76, 77,79. 4 vols. • Extra session, 1873. NEBRASKA — Laws, joint resolutions and memorials, passed by the legislative assembly of the territory of Nebraska during the years 1857, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67. 8 vols. Laws, joint resolutions and memorials, passed by the legislative assembly of the state of Nebraska during the years 1875, 77, 79, 81. 4 vols. NEYADA — Laws of the territory of Nevada passed by the legislative assem- bly during the years 1861, 62, 64. 3 vols. Statutes of Nevada passed by the legislature during the years 1864-5, 66, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79. 9 vols. NEW HAMPSHIRE— • Laws of the state of New Hampshire passed during the years 1838-45, 42-47, 47-50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 29 vols. 28— W. S. L. 434 Wisconsin State Library. NEW JERSEY — Acts of the general assembly of the state of New Jersey, during the years 1837-38, 42-45, 46-48, 49-50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. 34 vols. NEW MEXICO — Acts of the legislative assembly of the territory of New Mexico passed during the years 1851-52, 56-57, 60-61, 61-62, 62-63 63-64, 69-70, 71-72, 73-74 , 75-76, 78-80. 11 vols. NEW YORK — Laws of the state of New York, passed by the legislature, dur- ing the years 1802, (2 vols.), 1804, 1804-5, 1804-5-6, 1807, 1807- 8-9, 13, (2 vols.) 13-li-15-16-17-18, 19-20-21, 22-23-24, 25-26, 27-28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, (2 vols.), 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 (2 vols.) 67 (2 vols.), 68 (2 vols.), 69 (2 vols.), 70 (2 vols.), 71 (2 vols.), 72 (2 vols.), 73,-ir4, 75, 76 (2 vols.), 77 (2 vols.), 78, 79, 80 (2 vols.) 77 vols. Amendments to the code of procedure of the state of New York. 1857, 65. 2 vols. Militia laws of the state of New York. 1854. General index to the laws of New York, by T. S. Gillott. 1859. NORTH CAROLINA - Laws of the state of North Carolina, passed by the general as- sembly during the years, 1837, 44-5, 48-9, 50-1, 52, 54-5, 56-7, 58-9, 60-1, 65-6, 66-7, 68-9, 69-70, 70-1, 71-2, 72-3, 73-4, 74-5, 76-7, 79; special session 1880, regular session 1881. 22 vols. The public acts of the general assembly of North Carolina. 1804. OHIO — Acts of a general nature passed by the general assembly of the state of Ohio during the years, 1836, 39-40, 40-1, 41-2, 43-4, 45-6, 46-7, 47-8, 48-9, 49-50, 50-1, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76,' 77, 78, 79, 80. 38 vols. Session Laws, 435 OHIO — continued. General and local laws and joint resolutions passed by the gen- eral assembly of the state of Ohio, during 1838, 42-3. 2 vols. Ohio school laws, 1880. Index to Ohio laws, general and local, and to the resolutions of the general assembly from 1845-57, inclusive. By Wm. T. Cogge- shall. 1858. The same. Third edition. 1862. The same. Fourth edition. 1865. OREGON — Laws of the territory of Oregon enacted by the legislative as- sembly, during the years 1857, 58. 2 vols. Acts and resolutions of the legislative assembly of the state of Oregon, passed during the years 1859, 60, 70. 3 vols. Laws of Oregon and decisions of the supreme court, 1866, 72, 74. 3 vols. PENNSILTANIA- Laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed during the years 1837, 38, 38-9, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, '55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78. 39 vols. Election laws of the state of Pennsylvania. 1868. RHODE ISLAND — Public laws of the state of Rhode Island, and Providence plan- tations, during the years 1844, 55, 57-9, 59, 66, 69, 57-68, 70, 74, 76, 73-6. 11 vols. Acts and resolves of the general assembly of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, passed during the years 1835-46, 48-51, 51-52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69-70, 71-2, 72-3, 73-4, 74-5, 75-6, 76-7, 77-8, 78-9, 79-80, 80-81. 27 vols. Acts of special sessions of the general assembly of the state of Rhode Island, held during the years 1860, 62, 63, 65, 66. 5 vols. Index to printed acts an^ resolves, and of the petitions and re- ports to the general assembly of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations from the year 1758 to 1850. By John Rus- sell Bartlett. 1856. Supplement to revised statutes of Rhode Island for the year 1859. 436 Wisconsin State Library. SOUTH CAROLINA — Acts of the general assembly of the state of South Carolina, passed during the years 1845-6, 48, 49, 50, 51, 62-3, 64-5, QiS, 68-9, 69-70, 70-1, 71-2, 72-3, 73-4, 74-5, 75-6, 77-8, 78, 79, 81. 20 vols. Extra sessions, 1866, 77, 80. 3 vols. Special sessions, 1861, 68. 2 vols. TENNESSEE — Acts of the general assembly of the state of Tennessee, passed during the years 1831, 39-40, 41-2, 47-8, 51-2, 53-4, 57-8, 59-60, 65, 65-6, 66-7, 67-8, 68-9, 69-70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79. 20 vols. Extra sessions, 1861, 66, 68, 79. 4 vols. Militia laws of the state of Tennessee, 1840. TEXAS — Laws and decrees of the state of Coahuila and Texas, in Spanish and English, during the years 1827, 30, 39. 2 vols. Laws passed by the state of Texas, during the years 1846, 48, 50, 52, 53-4, 55-6, 57-8, 59-60, 59-64, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 81. 17 vols. General and special laws of the state of Texas, passed during the year 1870. Special laws passed during the year 1879. UTAH — Acts, resolutions and memorials passed by the legislative assembly of the territory of Utah, during the j'ears 1852, 52-3, 59-60, 61-2, 63-4. 5 vols. YERMONT — Acts, resolutions and laws, passed by the legislature of the state of Vermont during the years 1802, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 46-8, 49-50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, QQ, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78. 67 vols. Compiled school laws of the state of Vermont, 1875. Session Laws. 437 VIRGINIA — Acts of the general assembly of Virginia, passed during the years 1839, 39-40, 42,47-8, 48-9, 49-50, 50-1, 52, 52-3, 55-6, 57-8, 59-69, 61, 61-2, 62, 62-3, 63-4, 65-6, 66-7, 69-70, 70-1, 71-2, 72-3, 74, 74-5, 75-6, 76-7, 77-8, 78-9, 79-80. 30 vols. Laws in relation to commissioners and collectors of the public revenue, etc. 1872. WASHINGTON — Laws of the territory of Washington, passed during the years 1854, 56-7. 2 vols. Acts of the legislative assembly of the territory of Washington, passed during the years 1857-8, 58-9. 2 vols. Session laws of the territory of Washington, and the resolutions and memorials of the legislative assembly, at its sessions, 1860-4, 73,75,79. 4 vols. i Election laws of the territory of Washington. 1877. Road laws of the territory of Washington. 1877. School laws of the territory of Washington. 1877. WEST VIRGINIA — Acts of the legislature of West Virginia, passed during the years 1866, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 72-3, 75, 77, 79, 81. 12 vols. WISCONSIN — Laws passed by the legislative assembly of the territory of Wis- consin, during the years 1836, 37, 38 — [for laws of 1839 see statutes of that year] —40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. 12 vols. Laws of the state of Wisconsin passed by the legislature, during the years 1848, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, QQ, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 (in 2 vols.), 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. 35 vols. Private and local laws of the state of Wisconsin, passed by the legislature during the years 1853, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72. 20 vols. Election laws of the state of Wisconsin with extracts from the constitution, together with forms and instructions for the use of clerks, inspectors, etc. 18o7. Banking laws of the state of Wisconsin, with an appendix, for the years 1858-59. 438 Wisconsin State Library. WISCONSIN — continued. Election and registry laws of the state of Wisconsin, forms and instructions for the use of county and town officers. For the years 1876, 78, 79, 80. 4 vols. Laws of Wisconsin relating to common schools, etc., tor the years 1854, 63, 67, 70, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80. 9 vols. Compilation of the assessment laws of the state of Wisconsin with forms and instructions for the years 1876, 78, 79. 3 vols. A compilation of the existing railroad laws, so far as they relate to fare and freight, for the year 1876. Laws of Wisconsin relating to the organization and government of towns and the power and duties of town officers, with practical forms. By J. C. Spooner and E. E. Bryant. 1858, '69. 2 vols. Laws of Wisconsin concerning the organization and government of towns, and the powers and duties of town officers, and boards of supervisors, with practical forms. By John C. Spooner and Hiram Hayes. 1879. A digest of the laws of Wisconsin from the year 1858 to the year 1868, inclusive; also, an appendix giving a list of all the laws and provisions of the constitution passed upon by the supreme court. By E. A. Spencer. 1868. A synoptical index of the general and private and local laws of Wisconsin, from the organization of the territory to 1873, inclu- sive. 1873. An appendix to the revised statutes and general laws from 1859 to 1867, inclusive. By D. A. Reed. A compilation of the acts of the legislature, affecting the La Crosse and Milwaukee R. R. Company; together with the by-laws of the company. By M. M. Strong. 1856. WYOMING — Laws of the territory of Wyoming passed during the years 1869, '71, '73, '78, '79. 5 vols. The compiled laws of Wyoming. 1876. CANADA — Statutes of the province of Quebec passed during the years 1860, '75 '76. '78, '79, '80. 6 vols. Session Laws, 439 CANADA — continued. Statutes of the province of Canada passed during the years 1860, '61, '62, '63, '64, '65, 'Q6. 7 vols. Statutes of the province of Ontario passed during the years 1867-8, 70-1, 71-2, 73-4, '77, '78, '79, '80, '81. 8 vols. PART SIXTH. LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS. DOCUMENTS, ETC. ALABAMA — Journals of the house of representatives of the state of Alabama, during their sessions held in the years 1857-8, 59-60, 64, 65, 66, 1871-2, 72-3, 74-5, 75-6, 77, 79. 11 vols. Journals of the senate of the state of Alabama, at their sessions held during the years 1857-8, 59-60, 71-2, 72-3, H-5, 75-6. 6 vols. AEIZONA — The constitution and schedule of the provincial government of the territory of Arizona, and the proceedings of the convention held at Tucson, 1860. Journals of the legislative assembly of the territory of Arizona, for the years 1864, 65, 66, 77, 79. 5 vols. ARKANSAS — The constitution of the state of Arkansas framed and adopted by the convention which assembled at Little Rock, January 7, 1868, with marginal notes, a full documentary history of the constitution and a copious index; to which is prefixed the constitution of the United States with an index thereto. By James M. Pomeroy. 1869. The constitution of the state of Arkansas, framed and adopted by the convention which assembled at Little Rock, July 14, 1874, and ratified by the people of the state, at the election held Oct. 13, 1874. With marginal notes, a documentary history of the consti- tution and a copious index in the nature of a digest. By James M. Pomeroy. 1876. Debates and proceedings of the convention which assembled at Little Rock January 7, 1868, under the provisions of the acts of congress of March 2, 1867, and the acts of March 23, and July 19, 444 Wisconsin State Library. ARKANSAS — continued. 1867, supplementary thereto, to form a constitution for the state of Arkansas. Journals of the house of representatives for the sessions of the general assembly of the state of Arkansas, held during the years 1866-7, 68, 69, 70. 4 vols. Journals of the senate for the sessions of the general assembly, held during the years 1866-7, 68-9, 70, 71. 4 vols. Message of Elias N. Conway, governor of Arkansas, to both houses of the general assembly Nov. 4, 1856, and Nov. 3, 1858. Report of the secretary of state of the state of x\.rkansas, 1878. Biennial report of the attorney general to the governor of the state of Arkansas, 1879. Biennial report of the board of trustees and superintendent of the Arkansas institute for the education of the blind, to the gov- ernor of the state for the two years ending September 30, 1878. The same for two years ending September 30, 1880. Annual report of the state superintendent of public instruction, for the year ending June 30, 1878. Message of William R. Miller, governor of the state of Arkansas, to the general assembly, January, 1879. Fifth biennial report of the board of directors and officers of the Arkansas deaf mute institution to the governor of the state, 1877-78. Report of the secretary of state, October, 1880. CALIFORNIA — Relacion de los debates de la convencion de California, sobre la formocion de la constitucion de estado, en Setiembrey Octobre de 1849. For J. Ross Browne. 1851. Report of the debates in convention of California on the forma- tion of the state constitution in September and October, 1849. By J. Ross Browne. 1850. Journal of the legislature of the state of California at its second session, 1851. Journals of the assembly at the sessions held during the years 1854, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65-6, 67-8, 69-70, 71-2, 73-4, 75-6, 77-8, 80. 18 vols. Documents J Etc. 445 CALIFORNIA — continued. Journals of the senate held during the years 1854, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65-6, 67-8, 69-70, 71-2, 73-4, 75-6, 77-8, 80. 19 vols. Appendix to the journal of the assembly at the sessions held during the years 1855, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65-6, 67-8, 69-70, 73-4. 26 vols. Appendix to the journal of the senate for the years 1855, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65-6, 67-8, 69-70, 73-4. 25 vols. Catalogue of the California state library, prepared by W. C. Stratton, 1860. The same, 1866. Bibliotheca California. A descriptive catalogue of books in the state library of California. 2 vols. Vol. 1, law library, vol. 2, general library. 1870. Biennial report of the surveyor general of the state of California, 1873-5. COLORADO — Council journals of the legislative assembly of the territory of Colorado; sessions held during the years 1861, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 74, 76. 10 vols. House journals of the legislative assembly of the territory of Colorado. Sessions held during the years 1861, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 76. 9 vols. CONNECTICUT — Journal of the constitutional convention of Connecticut, held at Hartford, in 1818. 1873. Journals of the senate of Connecticut at their sessions held dur- ing the years 1853, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 22 vols. Journals of the house of representatives of the state of Connec- ticut, at the sessions of the legislature during the years 1856, 57, 58 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 24 vols. • Records of the colony or jurisdiction of New Haven from May, 1653, to the Union, together with the New Haven code of 1656. Transcribed and edited in accordance with a resolution of the general assembly of Connecticut. By Charles J. Hoadly. 1858. 446 Wisconsin State Library. CONNECTICUT — continued. The public records of the colony of Connecticut from August, 1680, to 1757. Transcribed and edited in accordance with resolu- tions of the general assembly. 1868. Messages, reports, etc., communicated to the legislature of Con- necticut at the sessions for the years 1857, 58, 60. 3 vols. Public documents of the legislature of Connecticut, at its ses- sions held during the years 1861, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, Q^, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 80. 19 vols. Report of the bank commissioners to the general assembly, May session, 1859. DAKOTA — Council journals of the sessions of the legislative assembly of the territory of Dakota, held during the years 1862, 63-4, 64-5, 65-6, 66-7, 68. 6 vols. House journals of the sessions of the legislative assembly of the territory of Dakota, held during the years 1862, 63-4, 64-5, 65-6, 67, 68. 6 vols. 4 FLORIDA — Journals of the proceedings of the senate of the geberal as- sembly of the state of Florida, at its sessions held during the years 1858, 59, 77, 79, 81. 5 vols. Journals of the proceedings of the house of representatives of Florida, at its sessions held during the years 1856, 58, 77, 79, 81. 5 vols. OEORGIA — Journal of the constitutional convention of the people of Georgia, held in the city of Atlanta, in the months of July and August, 1877. Journals of the senate of the state of Georgia, at the sessions of the general assembly, held during the years 1858, 59, 68, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 10 vols. Journals of the house of representatives of the state of Georgia, at the sessions of the general assembly, held during the years 1858, 59, 68, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 10 vols. Catalogue of the Georgia state library. By John L. Conley. 1869. Catalogue of the law library of Georgia. By Frank L. Haralson. 1879. Documents, Etc. 447 IDAHO — Council journals of the sessions of the legislative assembly of the territory of Idaho, held during the years 1863-4, 71, 79. 3 vols. House journals of the sessions of the legislative assembly of the territory of Idaho, held during the years 11863-4, 67, 71, 79. 4 vols. ILLINOIS — Journal of the constitutional convention of the state of Illinois, convened at Springfield, January 7, 1862. Debates and proceedings of the constitutional convention of the state of Illinois, convened at the city of Springfield, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1869. 2 vols. Journal of the constitutional convention of the state of Illinois, convened at Springfield, Dec. 13, 1869. Journals of the senate of the general|assembly of the state of Illinois, at its sessions, held during the years 1849-51, 61, 63, 66, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79. 15 vols. Journals of the house of representatives of the general assembly of the state of Illinois, at their sessions held during the years 1861, 63, 66, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79. 24 vols. Journals of the senate and house of represenatives of the state of Illinois, at their sessions held during the years 1867, 71. 2 vols. Reports made to the general assembly of the state of Illinois, at its sessions during the years 1861, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79. 18 vols. Reports of the canal commissioners to the governor of Illinois, 1874, 75. Reports of the railroad and warehouse commissioners for the years 1873, 76, 77, 79, 80. 5 vols. Reports of the board of public charities for the years 1874, 76, 78. 3 vols. School reports for the years 1873-4, 75-6, 77-8, 79-80. 4 vols. Catalogue of the Illinois state library. 1880. INDIANA— • Documents of the general assembly of Indiana, at its sessions held during the years 1849-50, 57, 72-3. 3 vols. Journals of the senate of the state of Indiana, at sessions held during the years 1857, 72, 73. 3 vols. 448 Wisconsin State Libbary. INDIANA — continued. Journals of the house of representatives of the state of Indiana, during the years 1857, 73. Catalogue and rules and regulations of the state library. 1872. IOWA — Journals of the senate at the sessions of the general assembly held during the years 1862, 63, 70, 73, 76, 78, 80. 7 vols. Journals of the house of representatives of the sessions of the general assembly held during the years 1862, 68, 70, 73, 76, 78, 80. 7 vols. Legislative documents submitted to the general assembly of the state of Iowa during the years 1868, 70, 72, 76, 78, 80. 9 vols. Reports of the adjutant general and acting quartermaster general for the year 1867. 2 vols. Report of the state librarian to the fourteenth general assembly. 1872. Thirteenth state census. The census of Iowa as returned in the year 1875. Published under the direction of the executive council. 1875. First annual report of the board of railroad commissioners, for the year ending June 30, 1878. Report of the secretary of state in relation to the criminal re- turns of the state of Iowa for the years 1878 and 1879. KANSAS — Journal of the house of representatives of the territory of, held during the years 1851, 55, 69, 60. 4 vols. Council journals of the legislative assembly of the territory of, held during the years 1855, 57, 59, 60. 4 vols. Journals of the house and council of the legislative assembly of the territory of, at their session held in the year 1860. Journals of the house of representatives of the state of, held dur- ing the years 1870, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 8 vols. Journals of the senate of the state of, at their sessions held during the years 1870, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 8 vols. Public documents of the state officers and state institutions for the years 1870, 72, 74, 75, 76. 5 vols. Documents, Etc. 449 KANSAS — continued. Catalogue of the law and miscellaneous books in the state library. 1873. Fourth annual report of the state librarian for the fiscal year end- ing Nov. 30, 1873. KENTUCKY - Journals of the senate of the commonwealth of, held during the years 1847-48, 48-9, 49-50, 63-4, 65, 65-6, 71-2, 73, 73-4, 78. 10 vols. Reports communicated to both branches of the legislature of the state of, at the sessions held during the years 1847-8, 48-9, 49-50, 52. 4 vols. Journals of the house of representatives at sessions held during the years 1847-48, 48-9, 49-50, 53-4, 65, 65-66, 71-2, 73, 73-4, 78. 11 vols. Documents of the sessions of the legislature of the common- wealth of, during the years 1853-54, 55-6, 63-4, 64, 65, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 11 vols. Commonwealth of Kentucky. Auditor's reports 1876 and 77. 2 vols. Catalogue of books in the state library, December, 1877. LOUISIANA — Official journal of the proceedings (English and French) of the convention for the revision and amendment of the constitution of the state. 1864. • Journals of the senate of the state for sessions held during the years 1860, 65, 66, 67, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80. 10 vols. Extra session of senate, 1878. Extra session of house, 1878. Journals of the house of representatives of the state, at sessions held during the years 1860^ 65, 66, 67, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80. 9 vols. Documents of the sessions of the legislature held during the years 1860, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 78. 11 vols. Journals of the senate arfd house of representatives of the state of Louisiana, at sessions held during the year 1870. Together with the documents of that year. Debates of the senate of the state of Louisiana, session of 1870. 29 — W. S. L. 450 Wisconsin State Library. LOUISIANA — continued. Debates of the house of representatives of the state of TiOuisi- ana, session of 1870. Catalogues of the Louisiana state library for the years 1869, 71, 78. 3 vols. Report of joint committee of the general assembly of Louisiana on the conduct of the election of April 17, and 18, 1868, and the condition of peace and order in the state. Annual report of the secretary of state and state librarian. 1879. Annual report of the state librarian to the general assembly. 1878. MAINE — Journal of the constitutional convention of the district of Maine, with the articles of separation and governor Brook's proclamation prefixed. 1819-20. Doc^uments printed by order of the legislature of the state of, during its sessions A. D. 1841, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79. 22 vols. Journals of the house of representatives at its sessions held dur- the years 1875, 76. 2 vols. Journals of the senate of the state, sessions held during the years 1875, 76. 2 vols. Catalogue of the Maine state library, 1850. Twenty-second annual report of the state superintendent of schools. 1875. Eleventh annual report of the state librarian with a list of new books, for the year 1872, MARYLAND — The debates of the constitutional convention of the state of, assembled at the city of Annapolis, Wednesday, April 27, 1864, being a full and complete report of the debates and proceedings of the convention, together with the old constitution, the law under which the convention assembled and the new constitution. 3 vols. Proceedings of the state convention of Maryland to frame a new constitution, commenced at Annapolis, April 27, 1864. Proceedings of the state convention of Maryland, to frame a new constitution, commenced at Annapolis, May 3, 1867. Documents^ Etc. 451 MARYLAND — continued. Journals of the proceedings of the senate of Maryland at the ses- sions of the general assembly, held during the years 1853, 54, 61, 66, 68, 74, 76, 78, 80. 9 vols. Journals of the proceedings of the house of delegates of the state of Maryland, at the sessions of the general assembly, held during the years 1853, 54, 56, 60, 61, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 80. 12 vols. Maryland state documents, for the years 1852, 53, 54. 4 vols. Journals of the proceedings of the senate of Maryland, at the sessions held during the years 1856, 58, 60, 61-2, 64, 65, 66. Together with the documents of those years, by the senate read and ordered to be printed. 7 vols. Journals of the proceedings of the house of delegates at the ses- sions held during the years 1856, 58, 60, 61-2, 61, 65, 66. Together with the documents of those years. 7 vols. Journals of the house and senate of the state of Maryland, at a session held during the year 1861. House and senate documents. By the house and senate read and ordered to be printed for the years. 1868, 70, 72, 76, 78, 80. 6 vols. Senate documents. By the senate read and ordered to be printed. For the year 1874. House documents. By the house read and ordered to be printed. For the year 1874. Catalogue of Maryland state library, for the year 1874. MASSACHUSETTS — Journal and debates of the constitutional convention of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, begun and held in Boston, on the 4th day of May, 1853. 3 vols. Constitution of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1873. Public documents of the state of, being the annual reports of various public officers and ir^titutions for the years 1858, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, ^Q, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80. 76 vols. Catalogue of the state library. 1858. The same. 1880. 452 Wisconsin State Library, MASSACHUSETTS — continued. Summary of seven years' work of the state board of health. The public charities of the state of, during the century ending Jan. 1, 1876. A report made to the Massachusetts centennial com- mission, Feb. 1, 1S7G. Report of the commission to enquire into the expediency of re- vising the judicial system of the state. December, 1876. MICHTOAN — The debates and proceedings of the constitutional convention of the state of, convened at the city of Lansing, Wednesday, May 15, 1867. 2 vols. Journal of the constitutional commission of Michigan. By au- thority. 1873. Joint documents of the state of Michigan, for the years 1859, 64, 65, QQ, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77. 24 vols. Documents accompanying the journal of the house of represen- tatives of the state of, at the biennial session of 1859. Journals of the senate of the state of, for the years 1865, 69, 70, 71,72,73,74,77,79. 9 vols. Journals of the house of representatives of the state of, for the years 1865, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 79. 9 vols. Report of the state librarian for the years 1873-4, 69-70, 70-71, 75-6, 77-8, 79-80. 7 vols. Catalogue of the Michigan state library for 1879-80. Reports of the state superintendent of public instruction, with accompanying documents, for the years 1874, 1877. 2 vols. Annual report of the commissioner of insurance (life insurance) for the year 1877. 2 vols. Third annual report of the secretary of state board of health, for the years 1874, 75. 2 vols. Census of the state of Michigan, 1874. Annual report of the auditor general of the state of Michigan, for the fiscal year ending Sept. 24, 1877. Testimony taken in an investigation before a joint committee of the legislature of 1875, touching the administration of the affairs of the state prison, at Jackson. 1875. Fifth annual report of the secretary of state, relating to the Documents, Etc. 453 MICHIGAN — continued. registr}' and return of births, marriages and deaths for the years 1871-2. Pauperism and crime in Michigan during the years 1874-75. Extracts from the message of Governor John J. Bagley, with official reports and documents- Annual report of the commissioner of insurance for the year 1879. 2 vols. Fifth registration report of the secretary of the state of Michi- gan. 1874. Twenty-seventh annual report of the superintendent of public instruction of the state of, with accompanying documents for the year 1863. Annual report of the auditor general of the state of, for the year 1879. Seventh annual report of the commissioner of railroads, for the year 1878. Seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of health for the year 1879. MINNESOTA — Journals of the constitutional convention of the territory of Minnesota, begun and held in the city of St. Paul, capitol of said territory, on Monday, the 13th day of July, 1857. Executive documents of the state of, for the years 1860, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 68-9, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78. 27 vols. Journals of the house of representatives at the sessions of the legislature held during the year 1858. Journals of the senate at the sessions of the legislature of the territory of, held during the year 1858. House and council journals at the sessions of the legislature of the territory of, during the year 1851. Journals of the house of representatives at the sessions of the legislature of the state of, held during the years 1861, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79. 16 vols. Journals of the senate fof the years 1861, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79. 16 vols. Statistics of Minnesota, for 1877, 78, being the ninth and tenth annual reports of the commissioner of statistics, 1878. 454 Wisconsin State Library. MINNESOTA — continued. Nineteenth annual report of the superintendent of public instruc- tion, for the year ending August 31, 1878. Second annual report of the public examiner to the governor, for the year ending Nov. 30, 1879. Annual report of the secretary of state to the legislature of the state of, for the fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 1879. MISSISSIPPI — Journal of the proceedings and debates in the constitutional convention of the state of Mississippi, August, 1865. Journals of the house of representatives of the state of, at the sessions held during the years 1858, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80. 8 vols. Journals of the house of representatives at the called sessions held during the years 1873, 74. 2 vols. Journals of the senate at the sessions held during the years 1858, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80. 8 vols. Journals of the senate at the called sessions held during the years 1873, 74. 2 vols. Appendix to the journal of the senate at the session held during the year 1872. Appendix to the journal of the house at the session held during the year 1872. Catalogue of the Mississippi state library for the years 1872, 77, 2 vols. Annual report of the secretary of state, for the year 1875. Annual report of the auditor of public accounts to the legisla- ture, for the year 1875. Annual report to the state superintendent of public education of the state of, for the scholastic year 1875. Annual report of the departments and benevolent institutions of the state of, for the years 1877, 78. 2 vols. Biennial report of the departments and benevolent institutions, for the years 1878-9. NEBRASKA — Journals of the council at the sessions of the general assembly of the territory of, held during the years 1857, 58, 60-1, 61-2, 64, 65. 6 vols. Documents^ Etc. 455 NEBRASKA — continued. Journals of the house of representatives at the sessions of the general assembly of rae territory of, held during the years 1857, 58, 59, 60-1, 61-2, 64, 65. 7 vols. Senate journals of the state legislature of, held during the years 1867, 73, 75, 77, 79. 5 vols. House journals of the state legislature, held during the years 1867,73,75,77,79. 5 vols. Message of Robert W. Furnas, governor of Nebraska, to the legislative assembly. 1875. NEVADA - Official report of the debates and proceedings in the constitu- tional convention of the state of, assembled at Carson city, July 4, 1864, to form a constitution and state government. Journals of the senate at the sessions of the legislature of the state of, held during the years 1864-5, 66, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77. 7 vols. Journals of the assembly at the sessions of the legislature, held during the years 1864-5, 66, 67, 71, 75, 77. 6 vols. Appendix to journals of the senate, held during the years 1864-5, 73. 2 vols. Appendix to senate and assembly journals of the state of, for the years 1875, 77. 5 vols. Catalogues of the Nevada state library for the years 1865, 1872, 74. 3 vols. Biennial report of state mineralogists for the years 1873-4. Biennial report of the board of directors of the Nevada state library, for the fourteenth and fifteenth fiscal years. 1879. NEW HAMPSHIRE — Journals of the honorable senate and house of representatives of the state of, at their sessions, held during the years 1857, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 19 vols. Reports of the legislature of the state of, for the years 1873, 74 75. 76, 78, 79. 6 vols. Annual reports upon the common schools of the board of eduo^ tion for the years 1860, 62, 76. 4 vols. 456 Wisconsin State Library. NEW JERSEY — Journals of the proceedings of the convention .to form a constitu- tion for the government of the state of New Jersey, begun at Tren- ton, on the 14th day of May A. D. 1844, and continued to the 29th day of June, 1844. Journals of the senate of the state of New Jersey, at the sessions of the legislature held during the years 1866, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 15 vols. Minutes of votes and proceedings of the general assembly of the state of, at its sessions daring the years 1866, 6^, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 15 vols. Appendix to the journal of the 15th senate. 1859. Appendix to the minutes of the eighty-fourth general assembly of the state of. 1860. Legislative documents of the state of, for the years 1862, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 22 vols. Record of the governor and council of East Jersey, for the years 1682-1703. Journal and votes of the house of representatives of the province of Nova Cesarea, or New Jersey, in their first sessions of assembly, began at Perth Amboy, the 10th day of November, 1703. 1872. Minutes of the council of safety of the state of New Jersey. 1872. Minutes of the provincial congress and the council of safety of the state of New Jersey. 1879. NE W MEXICO — Journal of the house of representatives of the territory of, for the year 1874. Message of Governor Samuel B. Axtell to the legislative assembly of New Mexico. Twenty-second session. Reports of W. G. Rich to the commissioner of education, for the years 1874, 76. 2 vols. NEW YORK - Reports of the proceedings and debates of the convention of 1821, assembled for the purpose of amending the constitution of the state of New York; containing all the official documents relating to the subject, and other valuable matter. 1821. Documents, Etc. 457 NEW YORK— continued. Journal of the convention of the state of New York, begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Albany, on the 17th day of June, 1867. Documents of the convention of the state of New York, for the years 1867-68. 5 vols. Proceedings and debates of the constitutional convention of the state of New York, held during the years 1867, 68, in the city of Albany. Journals of the senate of New York, at the sessions held during the years 1850, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80. 31 vols. Journals of the assembly of New York at its sessions held dur- ing the years 1850, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 44 vols. Documents of the senate of New York, sessions held during the years 1850, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57-, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 6Q, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 114 vols. Documents of the assembly of New York, sessions held during the years 1850, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80. 254 vols. Annual reports of the regents of the university, made to the leg- islature, for the years 1861, 68, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 8 vols. Report of the regents of the university on the boundaries of the state of New York. 1874. Catalogues of the state library, for the years 1861, 62, 72, 75, 77, 79. 8 vols. Catalogue of the New York state library. 1855. Law library. The same. First supplement to the above. 1865. OHIO — Journals of the senate of the state of Ohio, at the sessions of the general assembly held during the years 1856, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, QQ, 67, 68, 69, '20, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 24 vols. .Tournals of the house of representatives of the state of Ohio, at the sessions of the general assembly during the years 1858, 458 Wisconsin State Librae r. OHIO — continued. 59, 60, 01, G2, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79. 21 vols. Executive documents of the general assembly at its sessions held during the years 1857, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78. 46 vols. Report of the investigating committee appointed to enquire into the cause of the defalcation in the state treasury, and other mat- ters specially named in the act of the general assembly, passed April 12, 1858. Annual reports of the auditor of state to the governor, for the years 1875, 76, 77, 78. 4 vols. Annual report of the secretary of state to the governor, includ- ing statistical report to the general assembly, for the years 1874, 75, 76, 77, 78. 5 vols. Twenty-fifth annual report of the state commissioners of com- mon schools, to the general assembly, for the school year ending August 31, 1878. Annual reports of the commissioners of railroads and telegraphs of Ohio, for the years 1870, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78. 8 vols. Catalogue of the state library for 1875. OREOON — Journals of the house of representatives of the territory of Oregon for the years 1856, 57-8. 2 vols. Journals of the house of representatives of the state of Oregon, during the years 1860, 62, 70, 76. 4 vols. Journal of the council of Oregon territory, for the years 1857-58. Journals of the senate proceedings of the legislative assembly of the state of, at the sessions held during the years 1860, 62, 70, 76. 4 vols. Governor's message and accompanying documents for 1870, 74. 2 vols. Reports of the state librarian to the legislative assembly, for the years 1874, 76. 2 vols. PENNSYLVANIA — Journals of the senate of the state of Pennsylvania at the ses- sions held during the years 1863, 64, 65, Q(j, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78. 16 vols. Documents, Etc. 459 PENNSYLVANIA — continued. Journals of the house of representatives at the sessions held dur- iog the years 1863, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 79, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78. 16 vols. Executive documents of the state for the years 1863, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77-8. 21 vols. Legislative documents of the state for the years 1863, 64, 65,66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78. 30 vols. Annual reports of the managers of the institution for the in- struction of the blind, at the annual meetings 1875, 1876. 2 vols. Reports of the state librarian for the years 1875, 76, 78. 3 vols. Catalogue of the Pennsylvania state library, 1859, 73, 78. 3 vols. Report of the superintendent of public instruction, for the year 1877. SOUTH CAROLINA — Acts, reports and resolutions of the general assembly of the state, passed during the years 1852, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 69-70, 70-1, 71-2, 72-3, 73-4, 74-5, 75-6, 77-8, 78-79-80, 80-81. 19 vols. Journals of the senate of the general assembly of the state, for the years 70-1, 71-2, 72-3, 73, 74, 74-5, 75-6, 77, 78, 79-80, 80-81. 11 vols. Journals of the house of representatives, at the sessions held during the years 1870-71, 71-2, 72-3, 73, 74, 74-5, 75-6, 77, 78, 79-80, 80-81. 11 vols. Report of the joint investigating committee of public frauds and election of Hon. J. J. Patterson to the United States senate, made to the general assembly at the sessions of 1877-78. A digested index of the statute law, for the years 1837 to 1857. TENNESSEE — Journal of the proceedings of the legislative council of the terri- tory of the United States of America, south of the river Ohio; be- gun and held at Knoxville, the 25th day of August, 1794. Appendix of 1857-8, containg the public documents for those years. ^ Senate journals of the sessions of the general assembly of the state of, held during the years 1859, 60, 65, 65-6,66, 67-8, 68-9, 69-70, 73, 75, 77, 79. 11 vols. 460 Wisconsin State Library. TENNESSEE — continued. House journals of the sessions of the general assembly of the state of, held during the years 1859, 60, 65, 65-6, 66, 67-8, 68-9, 69-70, 75, 77, 79. 10 vols. Journals of the extra sessions of the general assembly of the state of, held during the years 1861, 68. 2 vols. Public documents for the years 1859, 60. 2 vols. Appendix for the years 1857-8, 65-6, 67-8, 68-9, 69-70, 75, 77, 79. 9 vols. Senate journal of the first session of the thirty-seventh general assembly, convened at Nashville, October, 1871. With appendix. House journal of the first session of the thirty-seventh general assembly of the state of, convened at Nashville, October, 1871. "With appendix. Catalogue of the general and law library of the state of, prepared by order of the supreme court. 1871. TEXAS — Journals of the house of representatives, at the sessions held during the years 1855, 57, 59-60, 66, 70, 72. 6 vols. Journals of the senate, at the sessions held during the years 1856, 57, 59-60, 66, 70. 5 vols. UTAH — Journal of the legislative assembly of the territory of, for the year 1869. YERMONT — Journals of the senate of the state of, at the sessions held during the years 1856, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, m, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78. 18 vols. Journals of the house of representatives at the sessions held dur- ing the years 1854, 56, 57, 58, 50, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78. 19 vols. Legislative documents and official reports annual sessions of the general assembly, sessions held during the years 1866, 67, 68, 69, 70-1, 72, 74, 76, 78. 15 vols. Catalogue of the Vermont state library for the year 1872. Records of the council of safety, and governor and council of Documents, Etc. 461 VERMONT — continued. the state of Vermont, for the years 1775-1779, 1779-1782, 1782- 1791, 1791-1804, 1804-1812, 1813-1821, 1822-1830. 7 vols- State officers report for the years 1877-78. TIRGlINrA — Proceedings and debates of the state convention of 1829-30, to which are subjoined the new constitution of Virginia and the votes of the people. Journal of the constitutional convention, convened in the city of Richmond, December 3, 1867, by an order of General Schofield, dated Nov. 2, 1867, in pursuance of the act of congress, of March 23, 1867. The debates and proceedings of the constitutional convention, assembled at the city of Richmond, Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1867. Being a full and complete report of the debates and proceedings of the convention, together with the reconstruction acts of congress and those supplementary thereto, the order of the commander of the first military district assembling the convention, and the new con- stitution. Journals of the house of delegates for the sessions held during the years 1849-50, 50-1, 52-3, 57-8, 59-60, 72. 6 vols. Journals of the senate at the sessions held during the year 1852. Message and documents of the state of, for the year 1847. Documents of the state of, for the years 1849-50, 50-1, 52-3, 53-4, 55-6, 57-8, 59-60, 65-6. 18 vols. Senate journal and documents of the state of, for the years 1865- 6, 66-7, 72-3, 74-5, 75-6, 77-8, 78-9. 7 vols. House journal and documents of the state of, for the years 1866- 7, 71-2, 72-3, 74-5, 75-6, 76-7, 77-8, 78-9. 8 vols. Reports of the state of, for the years 1871, 72, 73, 75-6, 77. 5 vols. First annual report of the state railroad commissioner. 1877. Annual report of the internal improvement companies, to the board of public works. 1876. WASHINGTON — Journal of the council of the territory of, at the sessions of the legislative assembly held during the years 1855, 56-7, 57, 58, 59, 60, 77. 7 vols. 462 Wisconsin State Library. WASHINGTON — continued. Journals of the house of representatives of the territory of, at the sessions of the legislative assembly held during the years 1856, 56-7, 58-9, 60, 75, 77. 6 vols. Message of the governor of Washington territory; also the cor- respondence with the secretary of war, Major General Wood, the officers of the regular army and of the volunteer service of Wash- ington. 1857. Message of Elisha P. Ferry, governor of Washington territory, to the legislative assembly, session of 1875. WEST VIRGINIA — Journals of the senate, for the sessions held during the years 1866, 68, 70, 72. 4 vols. Journals of the house of representatives, for the sessions held dur- ing the years 1870, 71, 72, 78. 4 vols. Journals of the council of the legislative assembly, of the state of, for the .year 1878. WISCONSIN — Journals of the conventions to form a constitution for the state of Wisconsin begun and held at Madison, on the 5th day of October, 1816, and on the 5th day of December, 1847. Journals of the council of the territory of the Wisconsin legisla- tive assembly at the sessions held during the years 1836, 1836-7, 37-8, 38," 39, 38-9, 40, 40-1, 41-2, 42-3, 43-4, 45, 45-6, 46, 47, 48. 16 vols. Extra sessions of same, 1840, 47. 2 vols. Journals of the house of representatives, at the sessions held dur- ing the years 1837, 36-7-8, 38-9-40, 38, 39, 39-40, 40-4], 41-2, 42-3, 43-4, 45, 46, 47, 48. 14 vols. Extra sessions of same, 1838, 40, 47. S vols. Journals of the senate of the state of, at the sessions held during the years 1848,49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. 34 vols. Journals of the assembly of the state of, at the sessions held dur- ing the years 1848, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, Documents, Etc. 463 WISCONSIN — continued. 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, SO, 81. 36 vols. Journal of the general assembly for the year 1846. Appendix to journals for the year 1852. Appendix to assembly journals for the years 1853,54,55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. 9 vols. Appendix to senate journals for the years 1855, 56, 57, 58. 4 vols. Wisconsin documents for the years 1854, 55. 2 vols. Governor's message and accompanying documents for the years 1856, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 62-3, 63, 65, 65-6, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. 41 vols. Manuscript catalogue of the state library of, for the year 1855 or 1856. Catalogue of the state library. 1858. Catalogue of the state library. 1872. Catalogues of the state historical society. 1873, 75, 75-8. 4 vols. Report and explanatory notes of the revisers of the statutes, ac- companying the bill to revise the general laws of Wisconsin, sub- mitted to the legislature of 1878. Report of the joint special committee on the revision of the stat- utes for 1878. With explanatory notes, showing the manner in which the joint committee have incorporated the general laws of 1878 into the revision; and also explaining the object and effect of the several amendments recommended by the committee, and list of typographical errors noted in bill. CANADA — Sessional papers. Sessions of 1859 to 1866 of parliament of the province of Canada. Appendix to vol. 17, 1, 2, 3,5, 1859; vol. 18, Nos. 1-4, 1860; vols. 19, Nos. 1-4, 1861; vol. 20, Nos. 1-5, 1862; vol. 21, Nos. 1, 2, 4-6, 1863; vol. 22, 1863; vol. 23, Nos. 1-4, 1864; vol. 24, Nos. 1-3, 1865; vol. 25, Nos. 1-2, 1865; vol. 26, Nos. 1-4, 1866. 36 vols. Sessional papers. Se^ions of 1867-1879 of the parliament of the dominion of Canada. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-9, 1867-68; vol. 2, Nos. 1-6, 1869; vol. 3, Nos. 1-6, 1870; vol. 4, Nos. 1-4, 6, 1871; vol. 5, Nos. 1-7, 1872; vol. 6, Nos. 1-6, 1873; vol. 7, Nos. 1-7, 1874; vol. 464 Wisconsin State Library. CANADA — continued. 8, Nos. 1-S, 1875; vol. 9, Nos. 1-8, 1876; vol. 10, Nos. 1-8, 1877; vol. 11, Nos. 1-4, 1878; vol. 12, Nos. 1-7, 1879. 77 vols. Journals of the legislative council of the province of Canada, vols. 17-26, 1859-1866, 10 vols. Journals of the legislative assembly of the province of Canada, vols. 17-26, except 22. 1859-1866 9 vols. Journals of the house of commons of the dominion of Canada. From 1867 to 1875, and 1877. 10 vols. Journals of the senate of Canada. 1867 to 1877. 11 vols. Appendix to the journal, house of commons. 1877. 2 vols. Journal and appendix. Legislative assembly of Ontario. 1879. 2 vols. Journal Quebec legislative assembly. 1875. General report of the commissioner of public works for the half year ending June 30,^1864. 1864. Report of the postmaster-general for the nine montlis ending June 30th, 1864. Quebec. 1865. Patents of Canada from 1849 to 1855. Toronto, 1865. Census of Canada, for the years 1860-1, and 1870-1. 2 vols. Tables of the trade and navigation of the province of Upper Canada, for the year 1858. 1 vol. UNITED STATES — Journals of the American congress for the years 1774-88. 4 vols. Washington, 1823. Secret journals of the acts and proceedings of congress from the first meeting thereof to the dissolution of the confederation by the adoption of the constitution of the United States. Vols. 2-4. Bos- ton, 1820. Journals of the senate of the United States of America at its ses- sions held during the years 1789-93, 1793-99, 1799-1805, 1811-15, 1815-16, 16-17, 17, 18-19, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2.3-4, 24-5, 25-6, 26-7, 27-8, 28-9, 20-30, 30-31, 31-2, 32-3, 33-4, 34-5, 35-6, 36-7, 37, 38-9^ 39-40, 40-41, 41, 42-3, 44-5, 45-6, 46-7, 47-8, 48-9, 50-51, 51-2, 52-3, 53-4, 54-5, 55-6, 56-7, 57-8, 58-9, 59-60, 60-61, 61, 61-2, 62-3, 63-4, 64-5, 65-6, 66-7, 67, 67-8, 68-9, 69-70, 70-1, 71, 72-3, 73-4, 74-5, 75-6, 76-7, 77, 78-9. 69 vols. Journals of the house of representatives of the United States at Documents, Etc. 465 UNITED STATES— continued. the sessions held during the years 1789-92, 93-97, 1797-1801, 1801- 4, 1804-7, 1807-9, 1809, 11, 11-13, 13-15, 15-16, 16-17, 17-18, 18-19, 19-20, 20-21, 21-2, 22-3, 23-4, 24-5, 25-6, 26-7, 27-8, 28-9, 29-30, 30-31, 31-2. 33-4, 34-5, 35-6, 36-7, 37, 38-9, 39-40, 41, 41- 2, 42-3, 43-4, 44-5, 45-6, 46-7, 47-8, 48-9, 50-51,51-2,52-3, 53-4, 54-5, 55-6, 56-7, 57-8, 58-9, 59-60, 60-61, 61, 61-2, 62-3, 63-4, 64-5, 65-6, 66-7, 67, 67-8, 68-9, 69-70, 70-1, 71, 71-2, 72-3, 73-4, 74-5, 75-6, 76-7, 77, 77-8, 78-9. 88 vols. TWENTY-THIED CONGBESS 1833-4. First Session, Journal of the senate. "^ Journal of the house. Senate documents. Vols. 12-14. Pension roll. 3 vols. TWBNTY-FOITRTH CONGRKSS — 1835-6. First Session. Senate journal. House journal. Executive documents. Vols. 1-7. 7 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-6. 6 vols. Senate reports of committees and journal. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Second Session. Senate journal. House journal. Executive documents. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Senate reports of committees and journal. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Twenty-fifth Congkess — 1837-39. First Session. Senate journal. House journal. Executive documents. Executive documents and reports of committees. Senate documents. 30 — W. 8.L. ^Q^ Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES — continued. Second Session. Senate journal. House journal. Senate documents. Third Session. Senate journal. House journal. Executive documents. Vols. 1-6. 6 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Twenty-Second to Twenty-fifth Congkess — 1831-39. Second Session, Senate journal. House journal. Index to house journal. Twenty-sixth Congress — 1839-41. JF'ii'st Session. Journal of the senate. Journal of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-7. 7 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. Reports of the committees. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. Second Session. Journal of the senate. Journal of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-6. 6 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-4. Part 1 vol. 5. 5 vols. Reports of committees. Twenty- seventh Congress — 1841. JP^irst Session. Journal of the senate. Journal of the house. Executive documents and reports of committees. Senate documents. Documents, Etc. 46T UNITED STATES— continued. Third Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. Senate documents. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. TWENTY-EICJHTH CONGRESS — 1843-5. First Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Senate documents. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-4. Vol. 4, 2 parts. 5 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Twenty-ninth Congress — 1845-7. First Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-9. 9 vols. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Reports of committees. Thirtieth ^Congress — 1847-48. First Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. 468 Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES — continued. Executive documents. Vols. 1-9. 9 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-8. 8 vols. Senate reports of committees. Senate miscellaneous documents. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. House miscellaneous documents. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-7. 7 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. Seriate reports of committees. Senate miscellaneous documents. Vols. 1-2* 2 vols. House miscellaneous documents. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-2. Special Session. Senate documents. Senate reports. Thirty-first Congress — 1848-50. If^irst Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Senate documents. Vols. 11, 12. 2 vols. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-8. Vols. 6 and 7, each 2 parts. 10 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. Reports of committees. House miscellaneous documents. Senate miscellaneous documents. Senate reports of committees. Thirty SECOND Congress — 1851. Special Sessioii. Senate documents. Vols. 1, 3. 2 vols. I Documents, Etc. 469 UNITED STATES — continued. JFlrst Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-14. Vol. 2, 3 parts. Vols. 4 and 10, each 2 parts. 18 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-16. Vol. 5, 2 parts. 17 vols. Senate reports. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Senate miscellaneous documents. House miscellaneous documents. Reports of committees. Second Session. Journals of the senate. ' r Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-11. Vols. 1 and 9, each in 2 parts. 13 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-16. Vol. 5, 2 parts. 17 vols. Senate reports. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Senate miscellaneous documents. House miscellaneous documents. Senate documents. Special Session. House list of private claims, 1st to 31st congress. Vols. 1-3. Thikty-thied Congress. First Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-4, 5-8, 10-14, 17, 19. Vol. 1, 3 parts. Vol. 7, 2 parts. Parts 3 and 6. 19 vols. Executive documents. Maps accompanying message. Senate documents. Vol. 1-6, 8-10, 12. Vol. 12, 2 parts. 11. vols. Senate reports of committees. Vols. 1, 2. Vol. 2, 2 parts 3 vols. Senate miscellaneous documents. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-3. 3 parts. 470 Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES — continued. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 3-5, 7-10, 11 parts; 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, parts 1-3, 13 parts; 3, 4, 6, 9-11; 14, part 3; 15 parts, 3, 6; 16. Vol. 11, parts 2, 4, 7, 9; 12, parts 1-3. (quarto doc.) 35 vols. Senate documents. Vol. 1. (quarto doc.) Vols. 12, 13, parts 3, 4, 8, 10, 11 ; 14, part 3. 8 vols. Senate reports of committees. Senate miscellaneous documents. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols. Reports of committees. House miscellaneous documents. Thiety-foueth Congress — 1855-57. First Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1, 2, 4-9, 11-13, 14, part 3; 15, 16. Vol. 1, 4 parts. Vol. 0, 3 parts, (quarto doc.) Vol. 3; 10 parts. 1-4; 14 parts. 1 and 3. 26 vols. First Session. Senate reports. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. First and Second Sessions. Senate miscellaneous documents, (quarto doc.) Vols. 17, 18, 19; parts 2-4; 20 part 3. 7 vols. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. House miscellaneous documents. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Reports from the court of claims. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Third Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-3, 5, 6, 8-13. Vol. 1, 2 parts. Vol. 8, 4 parts; (quarto documents). Vols. 4, 7. 17 vols. Documents, Etc. 471 UNITED STATES — continued. Thiety-fipth Congress — 1857-59. First Session, Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-4, 7-14. Vol. 2, 4 parts. Vol. 8, 4 parts; quarto documents. Vols. 5, 6. 20 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-14, quarto docs., vol. 15. 15 vols. Senate reports. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Senate miscellaneous documents. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-6. 6 vols. Miscellaneous documents. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Reports of court of claims. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-5, 7, 9-13. Vol. 2, 5 parts. Vol. 10, 4 parts; quarto doc. vols. 6, 8. 20 vols. Thirty-sixth Congress — 1859-61. First Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-7, 8, 9, 10, parts 1, 12, 13, 15; quarto doc's vols. 2, 7. 10 part, 2, 11 parts, 1 and 2, 14. 19 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-12; quarto docs, vols. 13, 14, 15. 18 vols. Senate reports. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Senate miscellaneous. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. Miscellaneous documents. Vols. 1-7. 7 vols. Reports of court o^laims. Vols. 1-5. 5 vols. Second Session. Executive docs. Reports of committees. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. 472 Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES — continued. Executive documents. Vols. 1-6, 8, 9, 10; quarto doc. vol. 7. 9 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-8. Vols. 3 and 7 each, 2 parts; quarto doc, vol. 9. 11 vols. Senate reports. Senate miscellaneous documents. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-3. Vol. 3, 2 parts. 4 vols. Miscellaneous documents. Thirty- SEVENTH Congress — 1861-63. First Session. House miscellaneous documents. Executive documents. Reports committees. Senate, executive and miscellaneous documents and reports of committees. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-3, 5, 7-12. Vol. 5, 3 parts; quarto, vols. 4 and 6. 14 vols. President's message and maps. Senate documents. Senate reports of committees. Senate miscellaneous documents. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. House miscellaneous documents. Reports of court of claims. Vols. 1,2. 2 vols. Third Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-8, 10-12. Vol. 10, 2 parts; quarto documents, vol. 9. 13 vols. Senate miscellaneous documents. Senate reports. House miscellaneous documents. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. House of representatives committees and court of claims. Report on the conduct of the war. Vol. 2, part 1, 3, part 2, 4, part 3. 3 vols. Documents, Etc, 473 UNITED STATES — continued. Special Session, Senate documents. Thirty-eighth Congress — 1863-65. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Vols. 1-7, 9, 10, 13-16. 13 vols. Executive documents, maps. Senate documents. Senate reports. Senate miscellaneous documents. House miscellaneous documents. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 2 vols. Senate documents. Senate miscellaneous documents. Senate reports. House miscellaneous documents. Contested elections. 1864-65. Report on the conduct of the war. Parts 1-3. 3 vols. Thirty-ninth Congress — 1865-67. First Session. Journals of the senate. ' Journals of the house. Executive documents. 5 vols. Senate documents. Report on conduct of the v\rar. Supplement. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. House miscellaneous documents. Senate miscellaneous documents. Senate reports. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. 474 Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES — continued. /Second /Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 7 vols. Senate documents. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Senate reports. . Senate miscellaneous documents. House miscellaneous documents. Reports of committees. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. Fortieth Congress — 1867-69. First Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Senate documents. Reports of committees. Senate reports and miscellaneous documents. House miscellaneous documents. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 10 vols. Senate documents. Senate reports. Senate miscellaneous documents. House miscellaneous documents. Reports of committees. Third Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Senate documents. Senate reports. Senate miscellaneous. House miscellaneous. Documents, Etc. 476 UNITED STATES — continued. Reports of committees. Vols. 2, 3. 2 vols. Reports on the treatment of prisoners of war by rebel authorities. Claims against China. FoETr-FiRST Congress — 1869-71. First Session. Journal of the senate. Journal of the house. Executive documents. Senate documents. Senate reports and miscellaneous. n Reports of committees. House miscellaneous. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 8 vols. Senate documents. 6 vols. House miscellaneous. 8 vols. Reports of committees. 6 vols. Senate reports. 2 vols. Report of the department of agriculture. Court martial J. H. Upsher. Unexpected balances in the treasury. Public debt since organization of government. Indian depredation claims. Collection of direct taxes. Custom cartage system, port of New York. Organization of post office department. Public schools District of Columbia. Third Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 5 vols. Senate documents. House miscellaneous. 2 vols. Reports of committees. Treaties and conventions since July 4, 1776. 2 vols. Foreign relations of the United States. 2 vols. Patent office report. I 476 Wisconsin State Librae y. UNITED STATES — continued. Forty-second Congress — 1871-73. First Session. Journal of the senate. Journal of the house. Executive documents. 4 vols. Senate documents. 2 vols. ■ House miscellaneous. 2 vols. Senate miscellaneous. 2 vols. Senate reports. 2 vols. Affairs in the late insurrectionary states. (Alabama.) Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. The same. (Florida.) Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. The same. (Georgia.) Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. The same. (Mississippi.) Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. The same. (North Carolina.) 1 vol. The same. (South Carolina.) Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. The same. (Report of committee.) 1 vol. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 14 vols. Senate documents. 4 vols. House miscellaneous. 4 vols. Senate miscellaneous. 3 vols. British case and papers. Arbitration at Geneva. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Senate reports. Alleged frauds in New York custom house. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Senate reports. 2 vols. Reports of committees. 6 vols. Messages and reports of departments. British counter case and papers. Arbitration at Geneva. Commercial relations. Third Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Documents, Etc. 477 UNITED STATES — continued. Executive documents. 5 vols. House miscellaneous. 3 vols. Senate miscellaneous. Senate reports. 3 vols. Reports of committees. 3 vols. Foreign relations of the U. S. 7 vols. Fresh-water fisheries of the U. S. FORTY-THIKD CONGRESS 1873-75. First Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 6 vols. Senate documents. 2 vols. House miscellaneous. 5 vols. Senate miscellaneous. Reports of committees. 5 vols. Senate reports. 7 vols. Foreign relations of the U. S. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Report of the secretary of war. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Report of the secretary of the interior. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Report of the secretary of the treasury. Report of the secretary and postmaster-general. Commercial relations. Commerce and navigation. Compendium of the ninth census. Report of the comptroller of the currency and the commis- sioner of internal revenue. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 6 vols. Senate documents. 1 vol. House miscellafleous. 2 vols. Senate miscellaneous. Reports of committees. 7 vols. Report of the secretary of the interior. Vols 1-2. 2 vols. 478 Wisconsin State Library. UNITED STATES— continued. Report of the secretary of war. Vols. 1-2; vol. 2, in 2 parts. 3 vols. Reports of the comptroller of the currency, and the commis- sioner of internal revenue. District of Columbia finance report. Commercial relations. Commerce and navigation. Foreign relations. Report of the department of agriculture. Forty-fourth Congress — 1875-77. JP^irst /Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 4 vols. Senate documents. House miscellaneous. 6 vols. Senate miscellaneous. S enate reports. 2 vols. Commercial relations. Report of the secretary of war. Vols. 1-4. Vol. 2, in 2 parts. 5 vols. Report of the secretary of the treasury. Report of the comptroller of currency and commissioners of internal revenue. Report of the secretary of the interior. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols- Reports of the secretary of the navy and post master general. Investigation of the navy department. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Reports of the committees. Offers for carrying the mails. Mississippi elections of 1876. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Foreign relations. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Vienna international exhibition. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. Labor in Europe. Propagation of food fishes. Emma mine investigation. Commerce and navigation. Documents, Etc. 479 UNITED STATES — continued. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. Senate documents. 2 vols. Electoral notes of N. J., Mo., Va., S. C. and the Smithso- nian report. Counting electoral votes. Reports of committees. 2 vols. Election in South Carolina. Election in Florida. Mississippi elections. Offers for carrying the mails. Louisiana elections. 3 parts. 3 vols. Foreign relations. Commercial relations. Louisiana elections (sub-committee). Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Reports of the comptroller of currency and internal revenue. Report of the postmaster-general and secretary of the navy. Chinese emigration. South Carolina (in 1876) senate committee. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols. Report of the silver commission. Senate miscellaneous. 2 vols. Report of the secretary of war. Vols. 1-4; vol. 2 in 2 parts. 5 vols. Report of the secretary of the interior. Vols. 1-2. 2 vols. Commerce and navigation. District of Columbia. Reports and executive documents. Senate reports. Internal commerce of the U. S. Finance report. Forty-fifth Congress — 1877-79. • First Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents- 480 Wisconsin State Library. TjNITED STATES — continued. Fresh water fisheries of the U. S. Finance report. Report of the postmaster general. Second Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 21 vols. Senate documents. 2 vols. House miscellaneous. 7 vols. Senate miscellaneous. 2 vols. Reports of committees. 5 vols. Bridging the Mississippi river. Arguments before the committee on patents. Appropriations and expenditures, navy debt, and District of Columbia. Third Session. Journals of the senate. Journals of the house. Executive documents. 18 vols. Senate documents. 3 vols. Senate reports. 4 vols. Senate miscellaneous. 4 vols. House reports. House miscellaneous. Separate Documents. Treaties and conventions concluded between the United States of America and the other powers, since July 4, 1776. Revised edition. Washington, 1873. Annual message of the president of the United States, with ac- companying documents, for the years 1849-50, 50-51, 51-52, 52-3, 54-55, 55-56, 59-60, 60-61, 75-76. 16 vols. Tribunal of arbitration at Geneva. British case and evidence. 3 vols. Papers relating to the treaty of Washington, Geneva arbitration, 1872. 5 vols. Tribunal of arbitration at Geneva. British counter case and evidence. Documents^ Etc. 481 UNITED STATES — continued. Treaties and conventions between the United States and other powers since July 4th, 1776. Foreign relations of the United States, for the years 1872, '74, '75, '76, '77, '79. 7 vols. Appendix. Relating to the foreign relations of the United States. 1877. Report of the commissioner of education, for 1873, '74, '75, 78. 4 vols. Reports of United States commissioners. Vienna international exhibition. 1873. 4 vols. Annual report of the chief of the bureau of statistics, commerce and navigation. 1875. Report of the secretary of the interior. 1877. Part 1. Report of the chief of ordnance. 1878. Compendium of the ninth census of the United States. 1870. Special report on public libraries in the United States. Bureau of education. 1876. 2 parts. Catalogue of additions made to the library of congress, from Dec. 1, 1862, to Dec. 1, 1863, and Dec. 1, 1864, to Dec, 1865. 2 vols. United States official register for 1871, '73, '75, '77, 79. 6 vols. Finance report, 2d session of 44th congress. 1876-77. Report of the postmaster-general. 1878. Report of the silver commission, 2d session, 44th congress. 1876-77. Diplomatic correspondence for 1864-65, '65-66, 66-67, 67-68, 68-69. 15 vols. Consolidated index of the reports of the committees of the house of representatives for the years 1839 to 1869. 2 vols. The tariff question considered in regard to the policy of Eng- land and the interests of the United States. With statistical and comparative tables. By Erastus B. Biglow. 1862. Annals of the congress of the United States. The debates and proceedings in the congress of the United States, with an appen- dix containing important sftite papers and public documents, and all the laws of a public nature. From the first to the eighteenth congress. 1789-1824. Abridgement of the debates of congress from 1789 to 1856, By Thos. H. Benton. Vols. 1-16. 1789-1850. 482 , Wisconsin State Libra by. UNITED STATES — continued. American state papers, documents, legislative and executive, of the congress of the United States, in relation to the public lands. Edited by Walter Lowrie. Vols. 1-8. Alphabetical list of post-offices in the United States, with the names of postmasters, (except at suspended offices) as published by the post-office department; also names of new post-offices, etc., ar- ranged alphabetically; with an appendix containing the rates of domestic and foreign postage; list of money order post-offices, and latest post-office laws; together with the post-offices in Canada. Table of distances from Washington, D. C, to the county seats of the several states and territories, etc. Revised and corrected by J. Distumell to October 1st, L865. 4to. Paper. New York and Washington, D. C. The same. Revised and corrected by the post-office department to October 20, 1867. 4to. Paper. Washington, 1868. Congressional globe and appendix. 1858-59, parts 1, 2. 1860- 61, parts 1, 2. 1861-62, parts 1-4. 1862-63, parts 1, 2. 1865- 66, parts 1-5. 1869-70, parts 1-7. In all 23 vols. 4to. Wash- ington, 1860-71. Compendium of the sixth census. 1841. Statistics of the United States, census of 1850. 4to. The eighth census of the United States, 1860. Population, agriculture, manufactures and mortality. 4 vols. 4to. 1864-6. Catalogue of the library of congress arranged by authors. 1864. Catalogue of law books in the library of congress, arranged by subject matters. 4to. 1869. JUL 1 1956 '^^*^