UC-NRLF SB flfl uq ? LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class A NEGLECTED POINT IN CONNECTION WITH CRISES By N. JOHANNSEN NEW YORK THE BANKERS PUBLISHING CO. 1908 Copyright, 1908 By N. JOHANNSEN Of OF INTRODUCTORY The black central field and the red ring, together, represent the country's money supply; consist- ing partly of coin, or certifi- cates backed by coin; partly of bank notes; and partly of bank money (deposits in commercial banks, "money in bank"). The black central field repre- sents such of the country's cash funds as are available for in- vestment, or for lending pur- poses; the red ring, all cash funds not sq available and all other money in the country. The lines between the centre and the ring show the movements of money in connection with the processes of saving and invest- ing; the wider the lines, the greater the values they repre- sent The f Money Market (central field) is fed principally by the red lines, savings, which carry funds from the ring to the centre; it is drained by the black lines, which carry the money back from the centre to the ring. Most of the black lines, but not all of them, rep- resent investments. The red ring shows, by means of the large arrows, the circu- lation of money in the regular course of business. It is divided into two sections, pink and carmine. The latter represents the money that happens to be, at a given moment, in the people's possession in the shape of income: money available for expenditures and for buying commodities (Purchase Money). The pink section represents money neither available for -* Showing the Giro G> as affe G S AND