UC-NRLF SB STATE OF NEW YORK EXECUTIVE CHAMBER REPORT OF RECONSTRUCTION COMMISSION ON Public Improvements in Progress, Not Started and Contemplated CITIES APRIL 14, 1919 - ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, PRINTERS 1919 CITIES RECAPITULATION FOR DETAILS, SEE FOLLOWING PAGES EXCEPTING NEW YORK CITY, WHICH is ON A SEPARATE SHEET WORK iNPn CITY Moneys Available Albany $174 447 :OGRBSS WORK Nor STARTJCD CONTEMPLATED Estimated Estimated Cost of Moneys Cost of Estimated Cost Construction Available Construction of Construction $164,447 $443,000 $690,000 $418,040 55, 000 55- 000 Amsterdam Auburn 6, 000 , 6, 000 123, 000 Batavia Beacon Buffalo Binghamton 75, 000 . 60, 000 60,000 225, 000 Canandaigua Cortland 11,830 10, 250 370, 000 2,250 Cohoes 370, 000 Corning Dunkirk 2J7, 845 27, 845 26, 6fl8 102 000 26, 668 250, 000 Glen CQYC. . v , f ... . ..,..1... . 'GlbVersVifle* . : /.v /.*.;.:... . 71, 000 Glens Falls Hornell 107, 500 92, 500 Jamestown 142, 953 142, 953 5,628 Johnstown Kingston 165, 000 165 000 Little Falls 100, 000 223, 500 Lockport Lackawanna . ... 700 700 8, 000 8,000 Mechanicville 200, 000 460, 000 198, 000 659, 900 Middletown Mt. Vernon Niagara Falls . . 201,205 198, 105 CITIES Continued WORK IN PROGRESS WORK Nor STABTED CoireMLra Estimated Estimated CITY Moneys Cost of Moneys Cost of Estimated Cost Available Construction Available Construction of Construction Norwich No. Tonawanda $80, 000 $77, 000 Newburgh $525, 000 New Rochelle $150, 000 $160, 000 100, 000 Olean 131, 700 Oneida 81, 773 77, 343 Oneonta 1, 200 1, 200 82, 845 Ogdensburg 9, 000 9, 000 50, 000 Oswego 500, 000 500, 000 175, 000 Pouglikeepsie 37, 000 37, 000 43, 400 43, 400 Plattsburg 26, 000 Pt. Jervis Rochester 546,000 493,000 986,000 986,000 2,300,600 Rome 56, 000 56, 000 125, 000 Rensselaer 131, G'OO Schenectady 72, 000 72, 000 70, 265 Sherrill 1, 600 1, 600 Saratoga 14, 460 Syracuse 634, 000 1, 288, 500 733, 620 1, 748, 770 158, 800 Salamanca 55, 000 Troy 227, 000 227, 000 Tonawanda Ill, 000 106, 000 8, 000 7, 000 50, 000 Utica ISO, 000 180, 000 30, 000 Watervliet Watertown 20, 000 20, 000 290, 000 550, 000 60, 000 White Plains 14, 700 14, 700 51, 000 71, 075 Yonkers 69, 130 69, 130 35, 000 $2, 511, 775 $3, 033, 275 $4, 367, 796 $5, 779, 911 $7, 055, 988 Amount Estimated Available Cost Grand totals , $6, 879, 571 $15, 869, 174 989965 CITIES WORK IN City Nature of Work Location Albany".*..'... Grading and vitrified pipe sewer Quail st., Livingston ave. to Manning boulevard Albany Parking city property grad- ing, sodding, concrete walks, etc Pine, Lodge, Steuben and Eagle sts Albany Asphalt paving, concrete curb- ing and walks Euclid and Lenox aves Albany Asphalt paving, concrete curb- ing and walks Homestead ave., from Melrose to Washington ave Albany Asphalt paving, concrete curb- ing and walks Catherine st., Dove st. to Dela- ware ave Albany Brick and asphalt paving, granite curbing, concrete walks, and vitrified pipe sewers Bancker, Mercer, Peyster and Warren sts., and Main, Park and Ryckman aves Amsterdam! Auburn Batavia Beacon Buffalo Binghamton . . Intercepting sewer concrete, cast iron and tile Ranks of Chenango and Sus- quehanna rivers Canandaigua Cortland Cohoes Corning Dunkirk Sanitary sewer Seal st Dunkirk Slag road Light st. ... Dunkirk Highway Roberts rd . Dunkirk Concrete pavement East Lake rd Elmira . . . Fulton Glen Cove . Geneva .... Gloversville Continued PROGRESS Estimated Date Estimated Contract Moneys Cost of Work Will Date of or Force Remarks Available Construction Start Completion Account $14,000 $4,000 April, 1919 20 days Contract 2,800 2,800 April, 1919 15 days Contract 20,071 20,071 June, 1919 .20 day Contract 25,015 25,015 July, 1919 30 days Contract 9,061 9,061 July, 1919 40 days Contract 103,500 103,500 July, 1919 90 days Contract $174,447 $164.447 $75,000 May 15, '19 Contract Contractor has applied to the city for relief , , , . from his con- tract $500 $500 May 1, '19 12 days Force 4,639 4.639 Apr. 8, '19 25 days Contract 3,206 3,206 May 1, '19 60 days Contract 19, 500 19, 500 60 days Contract. This work will start as soon as $27,845 $27,845 adjustment of traction mat- ters is made. CITIES WORK IN PROG City Nature of Work Location Glens Falls Hudson Hornell '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Ithaca Jamestown . . . Shale brick pavement Eleven streets Johnstown Kingston Little Falls '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'. Lockport Lackawanna . . Sanitary sewer Gibbons st ! ! Mechanicville Middletown Mt. Vernon Niagara Falls Norwich No. Tonawanda Newburgh New Rochelle . Roads All over city Olean Oneida Oneontfe, Ogdensburg . . Concrete market building .... Isabella st. Oswego Hydro-electric power house. . Dam No. 6 Poughkeepsie . Grading street, retaining wall, etc Brookside ave. extension Poughkeepsie . Pre-filter at water works. . . . City water plant . Plattsburg Port Jervis Rochester .... Bath house Durand Eastman park Rochester .... Bridge Clarissa st. over Genesee river. Rochester .... Asphalt pavement Genesee Park boulevard Rochester .... Vitrified pipe sewer Randolph st. outlet Rochester .... Addition to School No. 27. .. Central park and First st. . . . Rochester .... Jefferson, Jr., High School. . . Exposition park Rome Rensselaer Schenectady Sherrill Saratoga Syracuse School house 17th ward, Madison school. . . Syracuse School house ;' 9th ward, Porter school Syracuse Garbage reduction plant Hiawatha st Syracuse Sewer Teall ave. and Manlius st . . . . Syracuse Sewer Part 1 of 17th ward Syracuse Sewer Part 2 of 17th ward Continued RESS Continued Estimated Date Moneys Cost of Work Will Available Construction Start Estimated Contract Date of or Force Completion Account $142,953 $142,953 700 150,000 9,000 500,000 7,000 30,000 $37,000 700 March 15 April 15 Contract 160,000 9,000 500,000 7,000 30,000 $37,000 At once All year Contract and Force 1 to 2 mos. Sum. '19 2 years March 17 April 15 60 days 70 days Remarks Contract Contract Contract and Force Contract Private interests have caused sus- pension of work. $70,000 150,000 105,000 ' '42,' 666 179,000 $57,000 75,000 250,000 22,000 15,000 20, 000 $70,000 Underway 150 days 150,000 Underway 200 days 39,600 April 1 90 days 13,000 Underway 35 days 42,000 May 1 179,000 Underway Oct. 1 $546,000 $493,000 $212,000 225.000 250, 000 15,000 4,000 8,000 Underway 400 days Underway 400 days Underway 200 days Underway 60 days Underway 60 days Underway 60 days Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract CITIES WORK IN PROG City Nature of Work Location Syracuse Sewer Part 3 of 17th ward Syracuse Sewer Part of east section, 17th wd . Syracuse Creek improvement and sewer. .-\long Onondaga creek Salamanca Troy Tonawanda . . . 48" iron and wood pipe intake. Pumping station to intake pier in Niagara river Utica Watervliet Watertown . . . Macadam roads City streets White Plains . Sanitary sewer Thompson ave White Plains . Bluestone curb and brick gut- ter Winchester st Yonkers Sewer Kimball ave Yonkers Sewer Scott ave Yonkers Sewer Hyatt ave Yonkers. Grading Kimball ave Yonkers Grading Fortfield ave Yonkers Sewer Allison ave Yonkers Grading Central Park ave kl! .! i GRAND TOTAL . 9 Continued RESS Concluded Moneys Available $5,000 37,000 153,000 Estimated Date Cost of Work Will Construction Start $1, 500 Underway 30,000 543, 000 Underway April 1 Estimated Date of Completion 30 days 60 days 750 days Contract or Force Account Contract Contract Contract $634,000 $1,288,500 $111,000 $106,000 Started 5 mo. Contract 20,000 12,000 20,000 12,000 May 15 April 1 120 days 90 days Contract 2,700 2,700 April 1 30 days Contract $14,700 $14,700 $6,064 $6,064 Uncert'n Uncert'n Contract 1,112 2,643 14,616 12,750 4,428 27,517 1,112 2,643 14,616 12,750 4,428 27,517 Uncert'n Uncert'n Uncert'n Uncert'n Uncert'n April 1 Uncert'n Uncert'n Uncert'n Uncert'n Uncert'n Sept. 1 Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract $69, 130 $69, 130 Remarks Contractor claims work is unprof- itable. Matter under advise- ment. (Same as above) (Same as above) (Same as above) (Same as above) (Same as above) $2,511,775 $3,033,275 10 CITIES WORK NOT City Nature of Work Location Albany Concrete trunk sewer Tivoli st Albany Swimming pool, walks, etc . . . Lincoln park , Albany Concrete dock walls, parking, granite block pavements, etc Madison ave. to Wester lo st . . Albany Brick highway Lawn st Albany Asphalt highway iRensselaer ave . , Albany Asphalt highway Mapleridge ave Albany Asphalt street, curbing and walks Ridgefield st , Albany Brick pavement, curb and walks . . North st Albany ...... Municipal bldg. for police headquarters Eagle and Beaver sts Albany Brick school house New Scotland ave . Albany Brick school house Whitehall road Amsterdam . . . Extension of water mains Amsterdam . . Pavements East Main st , Amsterdam . . Sewers . Auburn Sewage disposal plant York and Division sts. Batavia Beacon , Buffalo Binghamton . . Tile sewers Various parts of city . , Canandaigua 11 Continued STARTED Estimated Date Eistimated Contract Moneys Cost of Work Will Date of or Force Remarks Available Construction Start Completion Account Cost to be as- sessed Not estimated. $20,000 $20,000 Contract & Force 180,000 180,000 Property to be acquired or condemned. 18,000 18,000 June 40 days Contract 15,000 15,000 June 30 days Contract May 30 days Contract Cost to be as- sessed Not estimated. May 30 days Contract Cost to be as- sessed Not estimated. July 25 days Contract Cost to be as- sessed Not estimated. 110,000 207,000 Year 1919 Additional ap- propriati o n s or lower costs for materials and labor. 50,000 125,000 Year 1919 150 days Additional ap- propriati o n s or lower costs for materials and labor. 50,000 125,000 Year 1920 150 days Contract $443,000 $690,000 $15,000 $15,000 30,000 30,000 July 1 90 days Contract 10,000 10,000 $55,000 $55,000 $6,000 $6,000 May 1 50 days Contract 60,666 60^666 May 1 180 days Contract 12 CITIES WORK NOT STAR City Nature of Work Location Cortland Resurfacing streets with slag. Port Watson, Tompkins st., and Groton a ve Cohoes New high school Cohoes Paving streets Corning Dunkirk Highways (asphalt) Dunkirk Highway Leopard st , Dunkirk Highway Lark st . . . . Elmira Reinforced concrete bridges and retaining walls Elmira Pavements Elmira . . Tile sewers Fulton Glen Cove G-eneva Gloversville Glens Falls. ... Hudson Hornell Ithaca Brick and bitulithic pave- ments Various streets Ithaca Sanitary sewer extension. . . . South Aurora and Hector sts. Ithaca Storm sewers No. Tioga and No. Aurora sts. Ithaca . . Water main extensions So. Aurora and Hector sts. . Jamestown Johnstown Kingston Street, park and play ground work Little Falls Lockport Lackawanna . . Macadam streets Mechanicville Middletown Mt. Vernon Niagara Falls. Wading place and swimming pool Niagara Falls . Sewers Niagara Falls . Improvements at city market Niagara Falls. Repaving Pine ave., Sugar st. to city line . 13 Continued TED Continued Estimated Date Moneys Cost of Work Will Available Construction Start Estimated Contract Date of or Force Completion Account $11,830 $10,250 May 1 Aug. 1 Force 270,000 270,000 100,000 100,000 $370,000 $370,000 $11,500 $11,500 May 15 60 days Force 4,966 4,966 30 days Contract 10,202 10,202 May 1 60 days Contract $26,668 $26,668 $8,000 Contract 90, 000 Contract 4,000 Contract $102,000 $100,000 $85,000 April 15 Sept. 1 Contract 3,000 3,000 April 1 June 1 Force 2,000 2,000 May 1 June 15 Force 2,500 2,500 March 17 May 1 Force $107,500 $92,500 $165, 000 $165, 000 Force 8,000 8,000 April 1 Force Remarks 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 May 1 75 days Contract 14,100 June 15 .Oct. 15 Contract 9,000 May 15 9,800 May 1 60 days Contract 30 days Force CITIES WORK NOT STAR City Nature of Work Location Niagara Falls. Paving Perry ave. from Portage road to 20th st Niagara Falls. Paving Fort st. front 16th st. to Portage road Niagara Falls. Paving Alley bet. 12th and 13th sts. . Niagara Falls. Paving Alley bet. Main and 8th sts . . Niagara Falls . Paving Alley bet. 4th st. and Park place Niagara Falls. Paving Alley bet. 5th and 6th sts Niagara Falls. Paving Alley bet. 4th and 5th sts Niagara Falls. Paving State st. from Ontario to Lockport st Norwich No. Tonawanda Water works intake. .. Niagara river and Little Island Newburgh .... New Rochellei. (Olean Oneida Brick paving Central ave Oneida Concrete paving Pleasant ave Oneida Concrete paving Linden st 'Oneida Brick paving James st .' 'Oneida Brick paving Broad st Oneida Brick paving Lenox ave Dneonta Concrete culvert Rose ave Ogdnsburg Oswego Poughkeepsie . Water mains Cedar st Poughkeepsie . Sewers K . . . . Howard and Hudson sts. and Fallkill ave Poughkeepsie . Installing electric pumping unit City water plant Plattsburg Port Jervis Rochester Comfort station East side Rochester .... Fire house N. W. section Rochester .... Fire house N. E. section Rochester Stables Exposition park Rochester Bath house South ave Rochester Bath house North ave Rochester .... Bath house Charlotte on Lake Shore .... Rochester .... Municipal Hospital Waring rd Rochester .... Recreation building and bath house ; West side . 15 Continued TED Continued Estimated Date Moneys Cost of Work Will Available Construction Start Estimated Contract Date of or Force Completion Account $40,405 $40,405 June 15 100 days Contract 9,700 8,000 5,700 4,400 22,000 19,000 47,000 $80,000 5,400 6,000 32,000 $43,400 9,700 May 1 30 days Contract 8,000 May 1 40 days Contract 5,700 July 1 30 days Contract 4,400 July 1 20 days Contract 22,000 July 1 60 days Contract 19,000 July 1 60 days Contract 47,000 July 1 60 days Contract $201,205 $198,105 $77,000 May 15 90 days Contract 12 , 900 12,180 June 10 .... Contract 2 400 2 296 June 10 Contract 13,500 9,940 June 10 6,908 6,908 May 26 . . . . Contract 13,065 13,065 June 10 Contract 33,000 32,954 May 26 $81,773 $77,343 $1,200 $1,200 June 1 30 days Force 5,400 March 6 1 month /Force 6,000 March 5 80 days Force 32,000 April 1 140 days Contract and Force $43,400 Remarks $50 ,000 $ 50, 000 July 1 180 days Contract 40 ,000 40, 000 June 1 150 days Contract 40 ,000 40, 000 June 1 150 days Contract 28 ,000 28, 000 April 1 120 days Contract 50 ,000 50, 000 April 15 150 days Contract 30 ,000 30, 000 May 15 150 days Contract 75 ,000 75, 000 June 1 150 days Contract 125 ,000 125, 000 May 1 180 days Contract 100,000 100,000 July 1 200 days Contract 16 CITIES WORK NOT STAR City Nature of Work Location Rochester .... Comfort station West side . . Rochester .... Grading and paving Clarissa st. Rochester .... Pavement ...... Rochester . . Sewers .... Rome Pavement and sewer North Jay st. . . . Rome Pavement and sewer North George st. Pome Engine house Ridge st Rensselaer Schenectady . . Concrete tile sewers Old Erie canal Schenectady . . Asphalt streets Union st., North terrace, Glen- wood boulevard Schenectady . . Paving with asphalt Crane st Sherrill Macadam street Cottage place Saratoga Syracuse School house 6th ward, Prescott school . . . Syracuse Addition to school house 5th ward, Lincoln school. ... Syracuse School house 3d ward, Franklin school . . . Syracuse Pavement E. Willow, Lodi, Highland . Syracuse Pavement Tracy st., Plum to Van Rens selaer Syracuse Pavement Leavenworth ave., Tracy to Wilkinson Syracuse Pavement Bear st., N. Salina to Sunset ave Syracuse Pavement Dorset rd., Berkley to Strat- ford st Syracuse Resurfacing pavement Seymour st., Oswego to S. West st Syracuse Resurfacing pavement S. West st., Gifford to Shon- nard Syracuse Resurfacing pavement Liberty st., Park ave. to W. Genesee st Syracuse Resurfacing pavement W. Genesee st., Liberty st. to Erie canal Syracuse Resurfacing pavement Walton st., Onondaga creek to S. West st Syracuse Resurfacing pavement McBride st., Laurel to Butter- nut Syracuse Resurfacing pavement E. Fayette st., Warren to Montgomery Syracuse Resurfacing pavement W. Genesee st., Salina to S. West st Syracuse Sewer Kensington rd., Lancaster to 140 f t. W Syracuse Sewer Comstock pi. and Ostrom ave. 17 Continued TED Continued Estimated Moneys Cost of Available Construction $50,000 $50,000 45,000 45,000 174,000 174,000 179,000 179,000 Date Work Will Start July 1 April 15 Estimated Date of Completion 180 days 120 days Contract or Force Account Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract June 1 150 days $986,000 $986,000 $25,000 22,000 9,000 $25,000 22,000 9,000 June 1 50 days 30 days 10 days 415 days 400 days 500 days 60 days $56,000 $56,000 $19,000 35,000 18,000 $19,000 35,000 18,000 April April May May May 15 15 1 15 1 Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract $72,000 $72,000 $1,600 $1,600 65,000 60,000 48,000 20,000 308,000 297,500 495,000 20,000 33,180 33,180 May 1 90 days Contract 4,700 4,700 June 1 30 days Contract 18,000 18,000 June 1 90 days Contract 9,000 9,000 May 1 30 days Contract 14,720 14,720 May 1 60 days Contract 18,000 18,000 May 1 75 days Contract 2,800 2,800 May 1 30 days Contract 29,460 29,460 May 1 120 days Contract 11,010 11,010 June 1 60 days Contract 3,500 3,500 June 1 30 days Contract 5,500 38,000 500 1,550 5,500 38,000 500 2,000 May 1 30 days 120 days 30 days 30 days Contract Contract Contract Contract Aug. 1 Remarks 18 CITIES WORK NOT STAR City Syracuse . Syracuse , Syracuse . Nature of Work Sewer Sewer Sewer Location Grand ave. et al Spencer st. et al 17th ward, west section Syracuse Sewer 17th ward, east section , Syracuse Cement sidewalks . . . Various parts of city. . , Salamanca Troy Paving bitulithic 1st st., Ferry st. to River st Troy Paving Granite block Hoosick st Troy Improving park, grading and sewering Frear park Troy Paving and c-urbing Vanderburg ave Tonawanda . . Extension of water mains. . . . William and Minerva sts Utica Paving Various streets Watervliet Watertown . . . Grade crossing elimination . . . Court st , Watertown . . . Hydro-electric development. . . Pumping station. White Plains . Covering brook Davis brook White Plains . Storm water sewer Waller and Mamaroneck aves. White Plains . Repaving Martine ave., etc , White Plains . Repaving Main st GRAND TOTAL 19 Continued TED Concluded Estimated Date Estimated Contract Moneys Cost of Work Will Date of or Force Remarks Available Construction Start Completion Account $20, 300 $25, 000 150 days Contract 4, 400 6, 000 90 days Contract 100,000 130,000 Now on Contract Have been un- part able to get con- tractor for all of work. 200,000 250,000 Now on Contract part 26,000 26,900 May 1 90 days Contract $733,620 $1,748,770 $37,000 $37,000 June 1 Oct. 1 Contract 48,000 48,000 June 1 Nov. 1 Contract 100,000 100,000 May 15 Nov. 1 Contract 42,000 42,000 May 15 Oct. 15 Contract $227,000 $227,000 $8,000 $7,000 June 1 Aug. 1 Contract 180,000 180.000 Apr. 15 Nov. 1 Contract 120,000 250,000 May 1 One year Contract City and State ap- propriation ready. Rail- road appropri- ation has been approved but money has not been made available. 170,000 300,000 April 1 Two years Water Board $290,000 $550,000 $8,500 $25,000 Contract Part of work may be done this year. 6,500 6,075 April 1 90 days Contract 20, 000 20, 000 Contract 16, 000 20, 000 Contract $51,000 $71,075 $4,367,796 $5,779,911 CITIES WORK CON City Nature of Work Location Albany Granite pavement and con- crete walks Central ave., Quail st. to Watervliet ave Albany Paving, curbing and walks . . . Broadway, Pleasant st. to N. city line Albany Asphalt pavement and curb- ing Western ave., from Manning boul. to W. city line Amsterdam Auburn Paving Clark st., from Monroe st. to Aurelius ave Auburn Paving John st., Genesee st. to Frank- lin st Auburn Paving Grover st., South st. to Os- borne st Auburn Paving Orchard st., James st. to So. Division st Auburn Paving Swift st., South st. to Lake ave Auburn Paving Seymour st., Washington st. to. N. Division st. . Batavia Beacon Buffalo Binghamton . . Concrete retaining wall Various points on Pierce, Park and Chamberlain creeks . . Binghamton . . Sanitary and storm sewer. . . . Brandywine creek channel. . . . Canandaigua Cortland Sewer Williams st., south Church st. Cohoes Corning Dunkirk Elmira Reinforced concrete bridge . . . Main st Fulton Glen Cove Geneva . 21 Continued TEMPLATED Estimated Date Estimated Contract Cost of Work Will Date of or Force Construction Start Completion Account Remarks $145, 000 June 140 days Contract Waiting for an enabling bill. 143,040 June 120 days Contract Waiting for an enabling bill. 130, 000 Mayor June 160 days Contract $418, 040 $20, 000 180 days Contract 5, 300 30 days Contract 14, 000 60 days Contract 33, 000 July 1 90 days Contract 31, 000 80 days Contract 19, 700 July 1 90 days Contract $123, 000 $25, 000 May 15 100 days Force This is only a small part of the work deemed necessary. Total cost will be $500,000. 200, 000 400 days Contract This work considered very necessary. Doubt- ful whether appro- priation will be made. $225, 000 $2, 250 August Force 250, 000 Contract 22 City Nature of Work CITIES WORK CONTEMPL Location Gloversville . . Surface water sewer N. Main st. and W. llth a^e. Gloversville . . Bitulithic pavement Bleecker st Gloversville . . Reinforced concrete pavement. E. Fulton st Gloversville . . Reinforced concrete pavement. N. Main st Glens Falls Hudson Hornell Ithaca Jamestown . . . Storm and sanitary sewers ... S. Main st., Martin rd. and Cole ave Johnstown Kingston Little Falls . . . Paving Lockport Concrete highway West Jackson st Lockport Brick highway Gooding st Lockport Concrete highway. Benley parkway and Living- ston place Lockport Brick highway Grand st Lockport ( Concrete highway Park ave Lockport Asphalt block pavement Pine st Lackawanna Mechanicville . Water, paving and repairs. . Middletown . . School house Linden ave Middletown . . Victory building Middletown . . Sewage disposal plant and connecting sewer One-half mile south of Mid- dletown . Middletown . . Opening new street Bet. King and W. Main sts. Mt. Vernon . . . Repaving street asphalt block * No. and So. Columbus ave. . . Niagara Falls. Water main extensions Sugar st. from Walnut ave. to College ave Niagara Falls. Trunk sewer 24th st. from La Salle ave. to Ontario ave Niagara Falls. Trunk sewer 27th st. from Niagara st. to Michigan ave Niagara Falls. Trunk sewer Sugar st. from Central Court to Seneca ave Niagara Falls. Water main... Columbus ave. and Erie R. R. Co 23 Continued ATED Continued Estimated Cost 01 Constructio: $12, 600 10,800 28,000 19,600 Date Work Will n Start May 15 May 15 May 1 May 1 Estimated Date of Completion 60 days 50 days 120 days 100 days Contract or Force Remarks Account Contract Contract Contract Contract $71,000 $5,628 30 days Contract Work now being done 100,000 two years Contract 18, 300 45,200 13, 000 4,000 50,000 93,000 June 1 June 1 July 1 June 1 July 1 July 1 30 days 40 days 20 days 15 days 50 days 60 days Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract $223,500 $200,000 One year Contract 150,000 200, 000 June or July One year One year Contract Contract 100,000 8 months Contract Work is held ut> hecau 10,000 4 months of failure of State to make appropriation for its share of cost. Force $460,000 $198,000 140,000 June 99, 700 July 113,100 July 239,000 July 68,100 July 15 1 1 1 1 200 days 120 days 160 days 200 days 250 days Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract $659,900 CITIES WORK CONTEMPL City Nature of Work Location Norwich No. Tonawanda , Newburgh .... Additional water supply , New Rochelle, Sowers, drains, roads, etc. Olean Concrete bridge and repair work . Olean Brick pavements. Oneida , Oneonta Bit. macadam pavement Maple st. Oneonta Bit. macadam pavement Elm st . . , Oneonta . . Concrete side walks. . Ogdensburg . . Brick central fire station and concrete paving Centre of business section .... Oswego Concrete highways Approaches to city of Oswego and State Normal School . . Poughkeepsie Plattsburgh . . Grading grounds, construction of walks, etc Rochester Pavement construction Different sections of city .... Rochester .... Sewer construction Different sections of city Rochester Sewer and walk construction. Different sections of city. . . . Rochester .... Pavement construction Different sections of city .... Rochester Two sewage disposal plants . . 10th ward and 23d ward Rochester Water pipe extension Crossing Genesee river at Mc- Lean pi Rochester Primary School No. 91 Goodman st., near Circle st. . Rochester .... Addition to School No. 37 . . . Post and Congress aves Rochester .... Madison Junior High School. . Bronson ave. and Wilson park. Rochester .... Monroe Junior High School.. Monroe ave. near Alexander st. Rome School house Linden st Rensselaer . . . Repaving granite blocks . . . Broadway Rensselaer . . . Repairs to jail and City Build- ing Broadway, foot of John st . . . . Rensselaer . . . Repairs to fire alarm system 25 Continued ATED Continued Estimated Date Estimated Contract Cost of Work Will Date of or Force Construction Start Completion Account Remarks $525,000 . Contract Consent of Conservation 100,000 May 6,000 June 125,700 May 1 15 1 6 months 60 days 200 days Contract and Force Undeter- mined Contract Commission. $131,700 $27,845 May 1 130 days 45,000 May 1 160 day 10, 000 Aug. 1 120 days $82, 845 $50,000 July 175,000 May 1 1 4 months 180 days Contract Contract and Force $100,000 brings city to limit of its 'bonded indebtedness; $75,000 needed through State and government aid. 25,000 172,000 Contract 43 , 600 Contract 107,000 Contract 88, 000 Contract 150,000 July 50,000 July 150,000 Aug. 40,000 June 750,000 Oct. 750,000 June 1 1 1 15 1 1 120 days 90 days 300 days Sept. 15 480 days 480 days Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract Contract $2, 300, 600 $125,000 Contract 125,OOOProbably 4,000 April 2,000 April May 15 3 months 30 days 60 days Contract Contract Contract $131,000 26 CITIES WORK CONTEMPL City Nature of Work Location Schenectady . . Sewers concrete Eastern parkway, Palmer ave., Central Park Schenectady . . Sewers tile Livingston ave Schenectady . . Sewers tile Union ave., University pi. to Wendell ave Schenectady . . Paving, grading, taking down buildings Erie canal, State st. to Union st Sherrill Saratoga Top dressing on gravel road Saratoga Repairing water bound mac- adam Syracuse Fire house 8th ward Syracuse Improvement to parks Syracuse Repavement of street intersec- tion and public comfort sta- tion Warren and Onondaga Syracuse Resurfacing highway Park st Salamanca Troy Tonawanda . . Street paving William and Minerva sts Utica Sewers .. Watervliet ; . Watertown ... Reinforced concrete bridge .... Factory st !. White Plains , Yonkers City Hall approach City Hall Yonkers Regulating and grading Glen park GRAND TOTAL Continued ATED Concluded Estimated Date Cost of Work Will Construction Start Estimated Contract Date of or Force Completion Account Remarks 1,700 15 days Contract 5,000 30 days Contract 57,065 60 days Contract $70,265 $3,500 10,960 June June 1 1 5 to 6 weeks 6 weeks Force Force $14,460 $47,800 75,000 20,000 16,000 July May June June 1 1 1 1 150 days 200 days 90 days 30 days Contract Contract Contract Contract $158, 800 $55 , 000 "50J666 30,000 July June 1 1 120 days Oct. 15 Contract Contract 60,000 June 1 5 months Contract 20,000 15,000 May April 1 15 120 days 90 days Contract Contract and Force $35,000 $7,055,988 28 8.1 O IO ift =2 CO "3 0 00 CO : : p ; ; ; : : CN ) 5 . 'So ! 5- x -Ssa ' : : >> c! : . : : : : OH * * 3|*ssl : : . - . 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