SB 35 bb? B ^v/v/.;BBc,,^:;d GIFT OF Mr. N.J. Pibush I . ..-. - . I ^m -.._: . . . . - . :_,;;--.,, m '":>- ffl , FIEST PEINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL THEOKY BY C. H. MATHEWSON, PH.D. ij INSTRUCTOR IN CHEMISTRY AND METALLOGRAPHY AT THE SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF YALE UNIVERSITY FIRST EDITION FIRST THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED 1908 T COPYRIGHT, 1S08 ' ' ' B Y Stanhope iprcss F. H.GILSON COMPANY BOSTON. U.S.A. PREFACE. THIS small volume has been prepared for the use of first year students at the Sheffield Scientific School, as reference text in connection with a short course of lectures on Chemical Theory. A period of six weeks immediately following the first four months' instruction in General Chemistry is devoted to work of this nature. General principles and theoretical topics are discussed with the utmost simplicity, and in particular view of their continued application. During this time recitations and laboratory exer- cises are adjusted to the particular task of explaining and empha- sizing the lecture subjects. It is not the intention to segregate and summarily dispose of much important material by untimely or unduly restricted dis- cussion under the above heading. The purpose is rather to offer very early presentation of leading principles which are of material assistance in teaching the beginner to properly explain and corre- late his experimental results. Such preliminary preparation permits very open class room discussion of the specific chemical phenomena, which are gradually developed in the laboratory. Every opportunity for illustrating and applying these principles is improved as the actual chemical experience of the student increases. The advisability of using the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory and the Mass Action Law in first year work is no longer ques- tioned by most teachers. It is rather a question of when and how these subjects should be introduced. As soon as the student has acquired practical familiarity with the molecular and atomic theory and is able to fully comprehend a few of the more general types of chemical change, no particular difficulty will be met in studying the characteristic behavior of electrolytes in aqueous solution, or the effect of enforced concentration changes (forma- tion of gaseous or insoluble products) on the course of a reaction. iii iv PREFACE. A fair measure of success has been attained at the Sheffield Scientific School in the early introduction of these subjects along most general lines, preceded by a few months' introductory work and supplemented by continual repetition and illustration in the class room, as additional chemical facts accumulate. Before beginning this course, the student should be able to read the introductory chapter with intelligence and a consciousness of familiarity with most of the included material. Incidental remarks on the Kinetic Theory are intended mainly as an aid in picturing a helpful constructive view of matter and more forcibly denning the different states of aggregation. The brief discussion of the Periodic System (Chapter II) is also of a preliminary nature. Familiarity with the halogen group alone is assumed. Since the elements are invariably presented for study in some sequence based on the natural classification, an elementary exposition of this arrangement seems desirable at the outset. More detailed consideration of this subject (if, indeed, at all necessary) must be deferred until a large number of elements have been studied. Doubtless too little time is available in most elementary courses for any other than cursory consideration of the princi- ples governing equilibrium in heterogeneous mixtures. The fundamental condition that stable contact of different phases must correspond to definitely fixed values of pressure, tempera- ture, and concentration, seems, however, well worth some atten- tion. Brief discussion of the pressure-temperature diagram in a one -component system may at least be offered with propriety, and any thoughtful student cannot fail to welcome the better understanding of sublimation, vapor pressure, critical tempera- ture, allotropic modifications, etc., which is sure to result from a well ordered effort in this direction. Discriminative application of the Phase Rule adds to the effectiveness of the general discussion. It may be urged that any text which offers a condensed treat- ment of leading topics, is read by the student with a considerable show of enthusiasm. There is a greater tendency to grasp the essentials of important material appearing consecutively on a few pages, than to locate and assimilate the same information by perusing the mass of material between the covers of some large PREFACE. V book. College teachers who have adopted a similar plan of introducing these topics, may find this little volume of assistance in connection with some one of the general treatises on Inorganic Chemistry, available at the present time. For assistance in the preparation of these notes, the author is indebted to Professor Percy T. Walden, who has offered many suggestions emanating from a valuable teaching experience; to Dr. Carl O. Johns, an associate in first year instruction; and to Professor William G. Mixter, under whose active direction this course has been presented at the Sheffield Scientific School. C. H. MATHEWSON. JUNE, 1908. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. INTRODUCTION OUTLINE OF LEADING PRINCIPLES AND COMMON CONVENTIONS PERTAINING TO THE STUDY OF GENERAL INOR- GANIC CHEMISTRY 1 II. NATURAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS 39 III. DETERMINATION OF MOLECULAR WEIGHTS 47 IV. DETERMINATION OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS 56 V. CALCULATION OF FORMULAS 60 VI. OSMOTIC PRESSURE AND RELATED PHENOMENA WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO DILUTE AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS 64 VII. THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY 69 VIII. THE LAW OF CHEMICAL MASS ACTION 94 IX. HETEROGENEOUS EQUILIBRIUM 108 X. THERMOCHEMISTRY 116 INDEX. . 121 vii FIEST PEINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL THEORY CHAPTER I. '*' /, ] ] ;;/, INTRODUCTION. OUTLINE OF LEADING PRINCIPLES AND COMMON CONVENTIONS PERTAINING TO THE STUDY OF GENERAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. THE most casual observer recognizes great diversity in the nature and form of material objects. Natural transformations of matter as the result of varying terrestrial conditions, are phenomena of frequent occurrence. We learn at the outset to distinguish between three common forms in which matter appears, namely, solid, liquid, and gaseous and to realize the potency of certain influences to render these different states interchangeable. Thus, the effect of heating, or adding heat to liquid water is to convert it into water vapor and the effect of adequately cooling, or abstracting heat from liquid water is to produce the solid material called ice. Throughout the course of such transformation, this particular variety of matter, water, has retained its integral composition; it has merely suffered change in its manner of physical appearance. Such alteration is termed physical change. The corrosive action of moist air on many metals constitutes a type of alteration in the matter concerned, which produces results of a far more radical nature. The following specific case serves adequately by way of illustration. If the metal sodium is dropped into water, violent agitation begins immedi- ately. An inflammable gas is liberated, heat is evolved and the metal melts and moves rapidly about on the surface of the water, eventually disappearing. In place of the original group, or 1 2 CHEMICAL THEORY. collection of matter consisting of sodium and water, we have, at the close of the transformation, an entirely new system composed of the gas hydrogen (a primary constituent of water), and a substance known as sodium hydroxide (consisting, in part, of sodium and, in part, of elementary particles from water), dissolved in the unchanged remainder, or excess, of water. A deep seated process of this sort affecting the individuality, or ultimate chemical composition of the matter involved, is termed a chemical reaction. The alteration which matter sustains, as ,th6 -insult Qf such Teactiqa, is termed chemical change. Aside from the material changes affecting substances concerned in chemical reaction, additional changes of an equally funda- mental character invariably accompany such transformation. These changes are intimately associated with the obvious change in the nature of the materials themselves, and are discussed under the general heading of energy. The relation of energy to matter exercises a most subtle influence over all physical and chemical phenomena. Extended consideration of this subject is fruitful only to those far advanced in the study of both Chemistry and Physics. It is, however, essential, in this connec- tion, to emphasize the general principle that energy associates itself with matter, supplying the inherent capability for trans- formation and the performance of work, which all matter possesses. We recognize the existence of different forms of energy generally susceptible to inter-transformation. The copper wire, which transports electrical energy, becomes warm from the continuous change of electrical into heat energy. In the motor, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, some of which is, in turn, changed into heat energy by friction of the bearing parts. During the course of a chemical reaction we frequently observe that chemical energy, or energy stored within chemical substances, appears as heat. Other energy manifestations and transformations are familiar to the student of physics. The form, or state of aggregation in which a pure substance exists, depends upon the amount of energy which it possesses. For example, the metal copper, in its ordinary solid state, contains less energy than when in the molten state. Addition INTRODUCTION. 3 of heat to the solid metal first causes a rise in temperature. When a definite temperature, called the melting point, is reached, further heat addition fails to elevate the temperature, but is absorbed in effecting change from the solid to the liquid state. The analogous change from the liquid to the gaseous state takes place when heat is added at a characteristic temperature, called the boiling point. Evidence which has accrued from several centuries of experi- mental work, and which has become more accurate and con- vincing with the progressive refinement of methods and skill in manipulation, leads consistently to the conclusion that matter and energy, although capable of great variety of change, cannot be created or destroyed. These two all-important principles are known as conservation of matter and conservation of energy. By means of properly ordered chemical operations, composite matter may be resolved into its simplest forms. In this manner, some 80 forms of matter are recognized at the present day as elements, or elementary substances incapable of further decom- position. Any other form of matter, which retains its integral nature after being subjected to a variety of physical processes tending to isolate it from other associated substances, is complex, containing two or more of these elements in such intimate union that they have apparently lost all physical individuality. Such substances are called chemical compounds and their elementary constituents are said to be chemically combined. The general properties of a chemical compound are thus quite different from those of its constituent elements. The characteristic of greatest importance in establishing the individuality of a chemical compound, is the constancy of its com- position. A given chemical compound, whatever its origin, or state of aggregation, invariably contains the same elements in the same proportions. This epoch-making generalization, known as the law of constant composition, or the law of definite proportions, rests on a most satisfactory experimental basis. The possible variation in the composition of certain compounds which have been exhaustively investigated, cannot exceed one part in a million by weight. Hence, the above statement becomes an axiomatic fact as far as human agency can determine. While the law of constant composition certifies to the impossi- CHEMICAL THEORY. bility of variation in the composition of a chemical compound, it is a matter of common experience that the same elements may occur combined in more than one definite proportion by weight. In such a case, several individual compounds exist, each conforming to the general law. Closer study of these relations has revealed the following important generalization, known as the law of multiple proportions, which serves to further characterize the combining habits of the elements. When two elements unite to form more than one chemical compound, the different weights of one element, which combine with one and the same weight of the other element, stand to one another in the ratio of simple integers. For example, the five known com- pounds containing only oxygen and nitrogen, have been shown to possess the percentage compositions, by weight, indicated by the accompanying figures: Nitrogen. Oxygen. Nitrous oxide . 63.65 36 35 0.57 1 Nitric oxide Nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen trioxide 46.69 36.86 30.45 53.31 63.14 69.55 1.14 1.71 2.28 2 3 4 Nitrogen pentoxide 25.94 74.06 2.85 5 Different weights of oxygen which may combine with one part, by weight, of nitrogen, are given in the third column of figures. It is observed that these numbers are directly proportional to the simple integers in the next column. A number of pure chemical compounds may be physically intermixed to an extent dependent on their specific properties and states of aggregation. All gaseous materials are com- pletely miscible, producing a most intimate type of physical mixture. Liquids exhibit all degrees of miscibility , or mutual solubility. Immiscible liquids may be mechanically converted into an emulsion by agitation. Solids may also attain a very intimate state of mutual incorporation, particularly when obtained from a molten liquid mixture by abstraction of heat. The term, solid solution, is used in this connection. In all the above cases, certain physical operations may be devised and used for separation of the co-existent substances. INTRODUCTION. 5 The conception that diverse physical and chemical processes may not bring about an infinite division of matter, but that certain finite limits in the masses of the ultimate particles are arbitrarily imposed, had proved attractive to philosophers long before Chemistry had attained the standing of an exact science. The development of earlier ideas which presents a satisfactory conception of material transformations accom- panying physical and chemical processes, embodies three finite stages in the ultimate division of matter. The first division does not alter the chemical nature of the material and may be accomplished by physical agency. More specifically, in terms of the molecular theory of matter, any material, whether of an elementary or compound nature, is composed of a number of finite particles, called molecules, alike among themselves and assembled in certain well defined states of aggregation. We have here, as a further development, the characterization of each different physical aggregation of particles by an essential complement of physical properties. Thus, solids, which con- stitute the most compact form of matter consisting of closely aggregated molecules are rigid and not easily penetrable. In an amorphous, or non-crystalline solid, the closely packed molecules present no regular order of arrangement; hence, the material possesses identical properties in all directions, or is isotropic. A crystalline solid possesses directional properties, i.e., it is anisotropic, owing to the arrangement of its molecules in definite planes of symmetry. The molecules of a liquid are less restricted in their sphere of activity and may easily be dis- placed; hence, great mobility: while those of a gas are widely separated (maximum volume) and prone to fly apart without restriction. Beyond this molecular division of matter there is recognized, according to the atomic theory of matter, an arrangement of more elementary particles, called atoms, which may be modified only by processes which we term chemical. Each different kind of atom represents one of the 80 or more elementary substances. Atoms of the same kind are identical, each variety possessing as especial characteristics, definite mass and a certain specific tendency to combine with others of the same kind to form the molecules which constitute, in their aggregate, the physical 6 CHEMICAL THEORY. material of this specific variety, and with atoms of other kinds to form the molecules of various chemical compounds. Finally, convincing evidence of disintegration of atoms them- selves has accumulated during the past ten or a dozen years. Sub-atomic particles invariably carry electric charges and have been called corpuscles. Atoms of certain kinds (radium, thorium atoms, etc.) disintegrate spontaneously, forming a series of intermediate " atoms " or arrangements of corpuscles, which pos- sess varying stability and continue to break down with greater or less rapidity, forming others, etc. The existence of negative corpuscles, so small that approximately a thousand of them would be required to make up the mass of the hydrogen atom, has been clearly demonstrated. Much investigation bearing on the development of the corpuscular theory of matter is in progress at the present time. While results of a fundamental character have already attended experimental effort in this direction, it should be made evident to the student of Chemistry that no increased perception of chemical phenomena has followed in the wake of these new ideas: the atom still remains the unit of chemical change, and the above mentioned disintegration phe- nomena Constitute an order of alteration in matter entirely apart from that which we shall consider in the following pages. * Two classes of phenomena, that accompanying the electric discharge through gases and that associated with so-called radio-active bodies, have constituted the experimental basis for the development of the corpuscular theory. Detailed consideration of intricate physical problems which have arisen in connection with the interpretation of such phenomena is entirely beyond the scope of this text. Nevertheless, in deference to a widespread interest in the unique and startling results which have marked this class of investigation, a brief statement of some generally accepted conclusions may be added at this point. It is not presumed that the student will gain an adequate appreciation of this essentially difficult subject at this juncture, but merely that some better conception of these ideas, in which he may already have acquired a general interest, may result from a reading of the ensuing remarks. An enormous electrical force (potential difference) is necessary to cause a visible discharge to pass through a short space enclosing any gas under ordi- nary pressure. If the pressure of the gas is greatly diminished the discharge passes much more readily. At extremely low pressures a greater potential difference is again required. Very ordinary electrical apparatus, however, an influence electric machine, or a voltaic battery in connection with an induc- * The author is indebted to Dr. Boltwood for certain criticisms on this part of the manuscript. INTRODUCTION. 7 tion coil is capable of supplying electrical energy in satisfactory form and quantity for this purpose. For experiments of this sort, partially evacuated glass tubes with sealed-in metallic conductors (electrodes) are generally used Under properly regulated conditions of gaseous and electrical pressure, the discharge presents features of unusual interest. First of importance in this connection is the production of cathode rays within the vacuum tube. Secon- dary phenomena which are generally attributed to the action of the cathode rays are (1) a characteristic green fluorescence on the anode and the glass opposite the cathode the space in the vicinity of the cathode remaining dark and (2) the Roentgen ray effects. The cathode rays are now conceded to consist in rapid flights of negatively charged particles in straight lines directly away from the cathode or negative pole. Many experiments have been devised to prove that this conception is a true one. For example, suitably mounted mica vanes will rotate if placed in the path of the rays. Moreover, by giving that surface of the cathode which is opposite the anode, the proper degree of concavity, the moving par- ticles may be uniformly directed against an anode of small dimensions. In this way the energy of the moving particles is concentrated to such an extent that anodes of the most refractory metals may be fused. Again, cathode rays may be deflected by the application of electrical or magnetic forces, as any stream of charged particles would be. Elaborate investigation has shown that these particles, called corpuscles or electrons, may possess a velocity under the most favorable conditions one- third as great as that of light (i.e., they may move at the rate of some 60,000 miles per second), that their individual mass is from one to two-thousandths that of the hydrogen atom and that this mass is invariably the same what- ever the gas used in the tube, or the material from which the electrodes are constructed. We believe them, in effect, to constitute the ultimate particles from which all matter is constructed. [The deflection of the charged par- ticles observed directly by the change in position of a spot of fluorescent light caused by their impacts upon a screen coated with a suitable material under the influence of a given electrical force is related to both the velocity of the particles and the ratio of the mass of a particle to the charge which it car- ries, through a known equation. The same quantities constitute the unknown values in an equation defining the deflection in a magnetic instead of an electrical field. Thus, the two quantities are completely defined through two sets of experiments. Velocities of 2 3 X 10* cm/sec, are commonly observed in these experiments (that of light is 3 X 10 10 cm/sec.) The second quantity, which appears as a ratio, is always constant. Several methods have been used with concordant results in fixing the magnitude of the charge carried by a corpuscle (one term of the ratio). This value is also invariably constant and is identical with the charge carried by certain atoms for example, the hydrogen atom when in a condition which will be discussed in the chapter on the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory. But the value ot this ratio for the hydrogen atom, as above, is perhaps a thousand times greater than its value for the corpuscle. Whence, the mass of the corpuscle is some- thing like one -thousandth that of the hydrogen atom. Figures taken 8 CHEMICAL THEORY. from J. J. Thomson's "The Corpuscular Theory of Matter" follow: Value of the charge on a corpuscle, or on a charged hydrogen atom, 10~ 20 , in electro- magnetic units; value of the ratio of charge to mass (in grams), 1.7 X 10 7 . 10~ 20 Whence, the mass of the corpuscle is 7 g, or 6 X 10~ 28 g. The mass of the hydrogen atom may be placed at 10~ 24 g (cf. p. 12), which is thus some 1700 times the mass of the corpuscle.] Wherever cathode particles impinge on the metallic anode or glass wall of the vacuum tube a series of etherial waves is produced. These are called Roentgen rays or X-rays. They are supposed to be single pulses traveling through the ether with the velocity of light, as distinguished from the con- tinuous train of waves (thousands of waves succeeding one another in the same path in a fraction of a second) which produce the sensation of light. The thickness of these wave pulses is much less than the wave length of any kind of light, i.e., these waves might travel unimpeded in a much smaller tube than any of the light waves. They possess the power of penetrating many substances which are impervious to light waves, being absorbed by substances in proportion to their density. Thus, in passing through the body, more of the rays are absorbed by the bones than by the flesh, and if they then be allowed to fall upon a sensitized plate a strong contrast will develop. Aside from their action on the photographic plate, these rays cause certain sub- stances to fluoresce or become luminous. A screen covered with such a substance (the fluoriscope) is commonly used in presenting an X-ray picture before the ordinary vision. The Roentgen rays are not deflected by an electrical or magnetic field. They "ionize" gases, or cause them to conduct the current by reason of the formation of corpuscles which carry the electricity. In addition to the negative corpuscles discussed above, positive carriers of electricity are found in the vacuum tube. These travel towards the cathode and may be observed and studied in the region back of the cathode by using a cathode through which holes, or canals, have been bored. Hence, they are called canal rays. It has been found that the canal rays are deflected by an electrical or magnetic field in a manner to correspond with their positive charges; that they move much more slowly than the negative corpuscles; that the magnitude of the charge is never smaller than that on the negative corpuscle and that the ratio of mass to charge always possesses a value much smaller than the corresponding value in the case of the negative corpuscle consistently indicating a particle of atomic dimensions. Corpuscles are given out by all substances under some condition or other. Metals furnish them when raised to high temperatures. The negative corpus- cles are invariably of the sub-atomic dimensions noted above. The positive particles are never inferior to the lightest known atom the hydrogen atom in point of mass. It is generally supposed that these positive particles are atoms, or groups of atoms, from which one or more negative corpuscles have been detached. Of particular interest and importance is the spontaneous emission of charged particles from the atoms of radio-active substances. In this connection we will note primarily that three types of rays are emitted by these substances, INTRODUCTION. 9 namely, a, ft and y rays ; corresponding to the canal rays, cathode rays and Roentgen rays of the vacuum tube, respectively : and that the study of these phenomena has corroborated and amplified in large measure the conclusions derived from the preliminary study of the phenomena of the cathode tube. All three types of rays "ionize" gases cause. them to conduct the a rays being most efficient (by far) in this respect and the 7 rays least efficient. It is owing to this property that the "activity" of a radio-active substance is easily susceptible to measurement. The substance is brought in the vicinity of a charged electroscope, when the air is rendered conductive and the charge is dissipated from the instrument. This test is extremely sensitive. A radium preparation must be some 150,000 times purer to respond to a test with the spectroscope (and radium is classed among the elements giving the most sensitive spectroscopic reaction) than is required for the electroscope test. (Descriptions of the spectroscope and its use may be read in Holleman- Cooper's "Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry," edition of 1908, p. 386, and Smith's "General Inorganic Chemistry," edition of 1907, p. 561.) On this account, accurate experimental results are obtained with the extremely slight quantities of radio-active substances which are alone available. The calculated masses of the a particles are such as to indicate that they may be atoms of a rare gas called helium. This substance has actually been obtained as a disintegration product of radium, whereby we note the first actual realization of a transmutation of the elements. Several intermediate disintegration products of the radium atom have been recognized and named (emanation, radium-A, radium-B, etc.). It has been found that the expression, It = 1^^, shows the relation between the initial intensity (7 ) of the radiations (measure of radio-activity) thrown off by one of these disintegrating bodies and the intensity (/<) at the end of a finite time. The letter e denotes the base of the natural logarithms, while X is the disintegration constant for the particular radio-active substance under con- sideration. In other words, >l represents the fraction of substance transformed per unit time and is independent of the temperature and all other physical or chemical conditions. Obviously A may be calculated from observations and the formula used to determine the length of time necessary for a given radio- active substance to disintegrate to any specified extent. Thus, a striking array of figures, giving the times required for successive radium products to become half transformed, has been prepared by Rutherford: Ra-Em. > Ra-A y Ra-B -> Ra-C Ra-D > Ra-E > Ra-F > Ra-G 4 days 3mins. 21 mins. 28 mins. 40 yrs. 6 days -143 days end product? Further calculation leads Rutherford to the conclusion that the life of radium is about 2000 years. So far as we know, these disintegration products do not correspond to any previous known chemical elements, nor have we definitely located the end product of the disintegration, in our list of elements. There are only three elements well enough known to appear in the generally accepted list, which are radio-active, namely, radium, thorium and uranium. The parent of radium is thought to be uranium all known uranium ores contain amounts 10 CHEMICAL THEORY. of radium strictly in proportion to the amounts of uranium which they con- tain. It is particularly to be emphasized that the amounts of energy which are concerned in these remarkable sub-atomic alterations are enormous in com- parison with the corresponding amounts which are associated with ordinary physical and chemical changes. For example, the heat evolved spontaneously by a gram of radium in an hour would be sufficient to raise its own weight of ice from the melting point to the boiling point. The total heat energy given out by a gram of radium during its life would be, according to Rutherford, about half a million times that liberated during the combination of enough hydrogen and oxygen to form a gram of water. The ft particles from radio-active bodies move at speeds varying from one-fifth to nine-tenths the velocity of light much faster than the corre- sponding particles developed in the cathode tube. Now, experimental work has shown that, at these high speeds, the ratio of charge to mass is not con- stant. For velocities from zero to one-tenth the velocity of light only is this quantity essentially constant ; at half the velocity of light a perceptible increase has occurred ; while at nine-tenths the velocity of light a nearly two-fold increase is noted. If, then, we consider the charge to be invariable which is in all probability true we have a case in which the mass of a moving particle changes with the velocity. It has been demonstrated mathematically that a moving electric charge concentrated on a sphere of sufficiently small radius possesses inertia by virtue of the electromagnetic field of force created in the surrounding ether, i.e., it possesses apparent (electrical) mass. Further, elaborate calculations have been made, showing that if the mass of the moving particle were to be regarded as wholly electrical, it would increase just as the experiments indicate, with the velocity. This (calculated) increase becomes enormous as the velocity of light is approached, and it is significant, in this connection, that the observed velocities never equal the velocity of light, at which this electrical mass would reach an infinite value. No smaller charges of electricity tlian those associated with (constituting?) the /? particles have ever been indicated by theoretical or experimental efforts. It is possible that these units of energy, apparently ponderable, i.e., possessing the most distinguishing characteristic of matter, in their career of rapid motion, are themselves responsible for the material nature of the atom, which latter may be regarded as a self-contained system of these units in orbital motion around one another under mutual governing influences. A radio-active, or unstable atom, expels a corpuscle or collection of corpuscles and suffers readjustment. Although such definite conceptions are highly speculative and the reader may never learn what matter of energy really is, we may safely say that the question of correlation of the conceptions, matter and energy, no longer appears in a wholly visionary aspect. Study of the gaseous state, in which the molecules must be farthest removed from one another (since matter in this form occupies the greatest space per unit mass) and least subject to INTRODUCTION. 11 mutual influences, has proved most fruitful in developing our present conceptions of matter. Prior to 1808, when Gay-Lussac (Paris) published the results of experiments showing that gaseous elements combine in simple proportions by volume and the volume of the resulting products, if gaseous, stands in some simple ratio to that of the reacting gases (law of Gay-Lussac), the fundamental conception that an elementary substance is composed of two separate orders of particles was not prevalent among chemists. According to the original theory, most specifically advanced by Dalton (Manchester, Eng.), a few years earlier, indivisible " ele- mentary atoms " were regarded as the ultimate particles of elementary substances, and " compound atoms " as the smallest integral parts of compound substances. It was clearly recog- nized that the numbers of elementary atoms concerned in any combination were never large. The simple numerical relations of these " indivisible atoms " when united in the " compound atoms," taken in connection with the equally simple volume relations prevailing in the combination where gases alone were concerned, indicate equally simple rela- tions between the numbers of so-called atoms, whether simple or compound, in equal volumes of the gases under consideration. Boyle's Law : The volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure if the temperature remains constant; and Charles' Law : The volume of a gas varies directly as the absolute temperature if the pressure remains constant, unite in revealing striking conformity in the behavior of all gases, irrespective of their nature, when subjected to altered physical conditions. This points strongly to a con- clusion that the volume, temperature, and pressure relations of gases are determined solely by the number of particles present in them. The simplest assumption would be that equal voL umes of all gases contain the same number of particles under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. This fundamental conception, which has since been proven in complete harmony with the facts, was most definitely advanced by Avogadro (Turin) in 1811, who showed the necessity of modifying Dalton's original atomic theory by requiring that elementary matter, as well as compound matter, be regarded as divided into two finite orders of particles, of which the particles mentioned above or the molecules previously noted constitute the first order. 12 CHEMICAL THEORY. A clearer conception of the foregoing statement may be obtained by considering a typical example of gaseous combina- tion. One volume of oxygen when combined with the requisite amount of hydrogen, furnishes two volumes of water vapor. Since, according to the hypothesis just presented, these two volumes of water vapor must contain twice as many particles (molecules) as the single volume of oxygen, and moreover, since each water particle must contain some oxygen, we are forced to conclude that a division of Dalton's supposedly indivisible oxy- gen particles has preceded combination. The terms, atom and molecule, are in constant use among chemists. Whether we believe in the actual existence of either or both orders of particles is of little consequence. The fact of prime importance is, that if matter were so constituted, it would appear as it now does. Moreover, the introduction of such imaginative units aids us to intelligently study and systematize chemical phenomena. For practical purposes, it is necessary to associate with each particular kind of atom, a number which defines its most essential individual characteristic, that of mass. The absolute weight of any atom can only be estimated.* On the other hand, we are quite able to deduce an accurate system of relative weights representing the smallest quantities of each element capable of participating in chemical reaction. These relative numbers are known as atomic weights, and are universally referred to the oxygen standard, which arbitrarily places the oxygen number at 16 times unity, or 16. More extended dis- cussion of this subject follows in Chapter IV. With these fundamental principles in mind, we are in a position to consider the complete argument by which experimental results relating to a given case of gaseous combination between the ele- ments may be used to determine the composition of the resulting gaseous compound. * According to recent calculations by Lord Kelvin, the number of mole- cules (N) in 1 cubic centimeter of a gas at C., and 760 millimeters pressure, is 10 20 . 1 c.c. of hydrogen weighs about 0.00009 gram under these conditions. OOOOQ Hence, the weight of a hydrogen molecule is ' ^ , or 9xlO -25 gram, and that of q, hydrogen atom (W), 4.5X10" 25 gram, since the hydrogen molecule contains two atoms, as will be shown shortly. According to Van der Waals' calculations, based on the kinetic theory of gases, N=5.4xl0 19 whence, W= INTRODUCTION. 13 One volume of hydrogen combines completely with one volume of chlorine to form two volumes of gaseous hydrochloric acid, if the three gases are measured under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. The accompanying diagram is of service in keeping these relations prominently in view during the discussion. By experiment, one volume of chlorine is found to weigh about 35.5 times as much as one volume of hydrogen measured under the same conditions. Since the gases combine completely in this ratio, to find the relative numbers of hydrogen and chlorine atoms in the resulting compound it will be necessary to divide Hydrogen Chlorine Hydrochloric Acid Two Volumes Two Mols. these ratio numbers by the corresponding relative weights of the atoms. It has already been noted that such relative weights may be readily determined. Without opening a discussion at this time (cf. Chapter IV), of the methods employed to yield these results, we may simply state that the atom of chlorine is known to be about 35.5 times as heavy as the atom of hydrogen. Dividing the ratio representing the combination of hydrogen and chlorine by weight, 1 : 35.5, by the ratio representing the relative weights of hydrogen and chlorine atoms, 1 : 35.5, we obtain a third ratio, 1:1, which signifies that there are equal numbers of hydrogen and chlorine atoms in the compound, hydrochloric acid. Suppose we start with x grams of hydrogen. The weight of one atom of hydrogen is 1 gram divided by the number of atoms (n) making up this weight, or- g-, and the number of atoms in x x grams is, I = nx. n To combine with x grams of hydrogen, 35.5 x grams of chlorine are required. The weight of one atom of chlorine is 35.5 times 14 CHEMICAL THEORY. 35 5 the weight of one atom of hydrogen, or a: and the number n of atoms in 35.5 x grams is, 35.5 = nx, which is identical with n the number of hydrogen atoms required for the combination. Purely chemical reasoning suffices to show that the molecule of hydrochloric acid contains only one atom of hydrogen (and, consequently, one atom of chlorine); if more than one atom were present, it would be possible to obtain a class of derived com- pounds (acid salts) resulting from partial replacement of the original hydrogen in one molecule of acid by a metal. In the present case, no such derivatives are known. We are thus led to the complete conclusion that a molecule of hydrochloric acid consists of one atom of hydrogen in combination with one atom of chlorine. Referring again to the volume relations between these three gases (p. 13), we note that, according to Avogadro's Law, the numbers of molecules in the gases are proportional to the volumes of the gases (see diagram, Fig. 1, p. 13, large and small areas). Therefore, when one molecule of hydrogen loses its identity, one molecule of chlorine participates in the change, and two molecules of hydrochloric acid are formed. Each molecule of acid contains one atom of hydrogen, as developed in the preceding discussion. Therefore, two atoms of hydrogen are contained in the total amount of acid which required one molecule of hydrogen in its formation. We are free to conclude that a single molecule of hydrogen contains two atom,s. Similar reasoning may be applied to show that the chlorine molecules are diatomic. All of the common gaseous elements, namely, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, are likewise composed of diatomic molecules, under the conditions which usually obtain. We have already remarked briefly on the different forms of matter determined by the nature of aggregation of the constituent molecules. The kinetic theory carries us a step further in estab- lishing an imaginative mechanical constructive view of matter, by introducing the additional energy factor. According to this INTRODUCTION. 15 theory, the heat energy absorbed by substances during tempera- ture elevation, or change of state, is mainly converted into molecular kinetic energy (energy due to motion of the molecules). Molecules constituting a solid are supposed to oscillate around a definite position of equilibrium, which is maintained by the very considerable attractive forces, supposed to operate between them in this close state of aggregation. The (perfectly elastic) molecules, when aggregated to form liquid matter, are capable of much more extended and energetic motion, causing mutual bombardment and a tendency to further separation. They are, nevertheless, closely enough associated to exert mutually attrac- tive forces, sufficient in effect to overcome this disruptive tend- ency and to maintain a limited surface. The constituent molecules of a gas are least subject to mutual attraction and uniformly distribute themselves throughout any inclosing space, irrespective of its size. It is easily apparent that such of the molecules within a liquid as reach the surface with a velocity greater than the average, will project themselves out into the space bounding the liquid (evaporate) , and if this space is an enclosed one, will here attain a certain concentration (as vapor) determined by the average rate of mutual exchange across the bounding surface. The effect of heat addition to a liquid is to increase the molecular kinetic energy, causing more evaporation until eventually the liquid disappears. The presence of a definite amount of vapor at a given tempera- ture in the closed space above a liquid, determines a certain vapor pressure (pressure due to the molecular impacts against the inclosing walls) within this closed space. A vapor pressure magnitude, in this connection, is often referred directly to the liquid, when it represents the power of the latter to maintain vapor of this pressure, and is called the vapor tension of the liquid. As the temperature of a liquid is raised, its vapor ten- sion increases. If the liquid is open to the air, it boils, or passes rapidly into vapor, when a temperature is attained at which its vapor tension is equal to the opposing atmospheric pressure. Transformation of gaseous matter into liquid matter of the same kind is dependent on the temperature and pressure. If effected at some constant pressure, it is always abrupt, 16 CHEMICAL THEORY. accompanied by heat evolution, during which the temperature remains constant until complete transformation has occurred. By properly chosen successive variations of temperature and pressure, this change may result without discontinuity, i.e., we may effect a gradual and continuous change from gas to liquid, showing a close inherent relationship between the two states. For each substance there always exists a critical temperature, above which it is impossible, no matter how great the compression, to liquefy the gas. This is reasonable, if we reflect that to liquefy a gas it is necessary that the kinetic energy of its mole- cules be adequately decreased and that they be brought closer together. Pressure accomplishes the latter object, but to com- pletely attain the desired end, proper coincidence of the former condition must be secured by sufficient cooling. Transformation from the liquid to the crystalline state is invariably discontinuous. It is, indeed, difficult to imagine any change from an isotropic to an anisotropic material other than abrupt. On the other hand, when an amorphous solid is pro- duced by cooling a liquid, the change is gradual and continuous. There is no abrupt change of state. The change is rather one of degree, since the essential difference between an amorphous solid and a liquid lies in the lesser kinetic energy of the molecules when assembled to constitute the former (amorphous solid) material. Finally, we recognize the capability of certain elementary substances to exist in more than one solid modification, possi- bilities including, besides the amorphous form, one or more specific crystalline varieties. This property is called allotrop- ism. Such differences in form may be due to varying arrange- ments of the molecules in the solid material, or may be compli- cated by sub-grouping of these component particles resulting in a final aggregation of clusters. An elementary or compound substance, which occurs in two, three, or several different crystalline modifications, is called dimorphous, trimorphous, or, in general, polymorphous. Broadly speaking, these related solid modifications are, under specific conditions, interchangeable; energy change always associating itself with the transformation. Thus, the crystalline material, called y iron, which is formed (heat evolution) on cooling pure molten iron when its freezing point, about 1515, is reached, INTRODUCTION. 17 undergoes two transformations before it becomes cold. At 880, a second modification, called ft iron, is formed spontane- ously (heat evolution), and at 780, a third modification, called a iron, results. The temperatures at which such changes occur, are called transition temperatures. Reverse changes (heat absorption) would occur on heating a iron. The last mentioned variety has no tendency to change its physical form at temperatures below 780 and is the common magnetic modification. At 880, both y and ft iron may remain in contact without predisposition to alteration. If the temperature is raised above this point, all becomes y iron; if lowered, all changes to ft iron. Iron is, thus, trimorphous. Again, a single atomic variety of matter, namely, the oxygen atom, exclusively constitutes the material part of two substances, totally different from one another in each of their three states of aggregation and in chemical properties. These substances are ordinary oxygen and ozone, both gases under ordinary conditions. Molecules of the former contain two atoms, while those of the latter contain three. Closely similar conditions are presented by such compounds as possess the same percentage composition (contain the same kinds of matter in the same proportions by weight) in connec- tion with different physical and chemical properties. We apply the term isomeric in describing this general condition and dif- ferentiate between two distinguishing cases: (a) those isomeric compounds which possess molecules of different mass, called polymeric; and (b) those isomeric compounds which possess molecules of the same mass and must, in consequence, owe their individuality solely to the configuration of atoms within the molecule. Such compounds are called metameric, or physi- cally isomeric. Evidently the gaseous state, in which the effect of attractive forces between the molecules, on account of their great distance from one another, reduces itself from a position of paramount importance to that of a merely modifying influence, presents conditions most favorable to extended development of the kinetic theory. In fact, the Laws of Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro may be deduced with extreme simplicity from this theory, neglecting the effect of such attractive forces. More- 18 CHEMICAL THEORY. over, satisfactory mathematical modifications have been made, on the basis of the theory, for the purpose of correcting inac- curacies to which these laws have been shown subject, when applied to highly concentrated, or compressed gases, in which the molecular attractive forces must attain real significance. Deduction of the Gas Laws from the Kinetic Theory. (1) Boyle's Law: Consider a quantity of gas containing (n) perfectly elastic molecules of individual mass (m), inclosed in a cubical vessel an edge of which meas- ures (I) cm. Let the average velocity of these molecules be (v) -. If see. one of the molecules strikes a bounding surface at right angles, assuming perfect elasticity of molecule and bounding wall, its direction of motion is reversed, the velocity remaining unchanged. Consequently, its momen- tum has changed from mv to mv. This change in momentum, mv (mv), or 2 mv, is a measure of the force, or pressure, exerted at the point of impact. In reality, the molecules preserve no regularity as to direction of motion, but we may resolve the velocity of each into three components, v 1} v 2 , and v s , directed at right angles towards three sides of the cube. Then, we have the relation, v^ + vj + v 3 2 = v*. The mole- cule suffers a change in momentum of 2 mv 1} due to its component velocity, Vit on striking one side of the cube. The number of impacts per unit of time as it travels back and forth between opposite sides, will be y fts velocity divided by the number of centimeters traveled before each impact. The total change in momentum, due to motion in this direction is, then, r-i-- Similarly, the changes in momentum, due to normal motion between the two remaining pairs of surfaces, are ^ 2 , and ^ 3 . Addi- t L tion of these three quantities gives, as total pressure effect for each mole- cule on all the walls, ... f OT> . To obtain the pres . I I sure corresponding to impacts of all the molecules on a unit area of sur- face, we must multiply the above expression by (n), the number of mole- cules, and divide by 6P, the total surface area. This operation gives the value, , which we may place equal to the gaseous pressure P. Observing that Z 3 is the volume, which we may call V, this equation becomes, P Since none of the values, m, n, and v, can vary if the temperature remains constant, the above equation shows that the INTRODUCTION. 19 pressure of a gas varies inversely as the volume, at constant temperature. This is one method of stating Boyle's Law. (2) Charles' Law: The kinetic theory embraces a primary assumption that the square of the average velocity, with which the molecules of a gas move, is proportional to the absolute temperature. A glance at the trans- posed equation, V = ^ J- (from the final equation in the preceding para- O X graph) shows that, for a constant value of P (m and n can change only with the nature and amount of gas), the volume varies directly as the square of the velocity. Consequently, the volume at constant pressure varies directly as the absolute temperature, as enunciated by Charles on experimental grounds. (3) Avogadro's Law: If we consider identical volumes of two different gases at the same pressure, the PV expressions obtained by transposing the final equation given in (1) must be equal. Expressing the masses, numbers, and velocities of the different molecules by m l , n lt v 1} and m 2 , n 2 , v 2 , respectively, we have the following equality; m 1 n 1 v l = m 2 n 2 v 2 There can be no difference in the kinetic energies of molecules composing different gases at the same temperature. Hence, we may write, \ ra^ 2 . = \ m 2 v 2 2 . Dividing the first equation by the second, we obtain, f n l % n 2 , or, n l =n. 2 , the relation required by Avogadro's Law. Reasoning from the kinetic theory, we would expect gases, irrespective of their nature, to mix completely when brought into contact. The constituent molecules, owing to their great separation and rapid motion, unhampered by mutual attractive forces of appreciable magnitude, could scarcely fail to inter- penetrate. Experiment verifies this conclusion and shows, in addition, that the relative rapidity of such intermixture, or diffusion, of gases is inversely proportional to the square roots of their densities, a result which may itself be significantly deduced from the theory. For this purpose, consider the equation, P = --^ derived in the dis- o V cussion relative to Boyle's Law. Solving for v, we obtain, v = \ - V mn ' But, is an expression for the density of a gas, i.e., the total mass of molecules divided by the volume. Substituting density for this expression op in the above equation, we have the relation, v=\/- , which shows v density 20 CHEMICAL THEORY. that v is inversely proportional to the square root of the density. Now, v represents the average velocity of the molecules composing a gas and must determine the rate at which it diffuses. Whence, the rate of diffusion is inversely proportional to the square root of the density. The assumption of appreciable attractive forces (cohesion) between the molecules of a substance when in the solid or liquid state, would suggest resistance to any interpenetration by molecules of another kind. On the other hand, the existence of attractive forces between different kinds of molecules (adhesion) would promote such interpenetration. Different liquids, or solids, would, then, intermix until these opposing forces attained equilibrium in the mixture. As a matter of fact, endless variety is observed in the degree of intermixture, or miscibility, between different solids and liquids. Complete miscibility, complete immiscibility, or any intermediate degree of miscibility may occur. The degree of miscibility will vary with the tem- perature, since the relative values of cohesive and adhesive forces depend on the temperature. Thus, molten zinc and molten lead mix completely somewhat above 900, while, at 700, 92 parts of zinc will mix with 8 parts of lead, and 81 parts of lead will mix with 19 parts of zinc, both liquids remaining sharply separated when in contact. Molten gold and silver mix completely and, on cooling, form a crystalline solid, likewise characterized by complete intermolecular mixture. The individ- ual crystalline particles composing such a mixture are called mixed crystals. When a solid is brought into contact with a liquid, its molecules may mingle to a greater or lesser degree with the molecules of the liquid. The solid is said to dissolve in the liquid, form- ing a solution. We use the term solubility to define the amount of a given solid which a unit amount of liquid, or solvent, will dissolve. Solubility varies with the temperature. The concentration of a solution is the amount of dissolved sub- stance contained in a unit volume of solution. A saturated solution contains the maximum amount of material which will dissolve at the given temperature. Gases may dissolve in liquids. The extent of such solubility depends primarily on the nature of gas and liquid, but, in any specific case, is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas, INTRODUCTION. 21 provided both pressure and solubility are relatively small. The latter generalization, known as Henry's Law, is clear in the light of our theory: Rapidly moving molecules from the gas penetrate the liquid surface, continuing in their motion within the liquid and accumulate here until their rate of reciprocal projection into the gas becomes equal to their rate of entry. The rate at which these molecules enter the liquid is proportional to the number of impacts per unit time, which is, in turn, proportional to the gaseous pressure. Hence, an increase in pressure must require a greater concentration of " gas molecules " in the liquid to determine a rate of expulsion equal to the increased rate of reception. Excessive solubility of a gas in a liquid is due to chemical action. One volume of water dissolves more than 1000 volumes of ammonia at C., 760 mm. pressure. In this case, a new sub- stance, called ammonium hydroxide, is formed as the result of such action. A liquid dissolves the individual constituents of a gaseous mixture independently (assuming no chemical action in the system). The solubility of each gas is determined exclusively by its own partial pressure (the pressure which it contributes towards the total pressure). The student will readily recognize the practical necessity of uniformly adopting some convenient and concise written method of rendering the composition peculiar to each known chemical compound apparent at a glance. The conventional practice employed by all chemists to realize this necessity consists primarily in ascribing to each element a symbol, which abbre- viates its (common or Latin) name to one large letter (or two letters, the first of which is large), and implies an associated atomic weight characteristic of the substance. A list of symbols with atomic weights will be found inside the cover of this book. To indicate the exact composition of a given compound, proper symbols are arranged side by side, with added subscripts, which denote the number of individual atomic weight units (if greater than 1) composing a single molecular weight unit. Such an arrangement of symbols is called a formula. Single molecules of the substances sodium chloride and potassium chlorate, for example, are represented by the formulas, Nad and 22 CHEMICAL THEORY. When it is necessary to indicate more than one molecule of a compound, a numerical coefficient is placed before the formula. Before proceeding further, it is essential that the true signifi- cance of the terms, atomic weight and molecular weight, be per- fectly clear to the student. As previously noted, we are unable to ascertain the exact weights of individual atoms, but very accu- rate ratios of the weights of these different atoms may be deter- mined. These numbers, consistently referred to the oxygen standard, = 16.00, are the practical units, called atomic weights, which are indispensable to all chemical calculations. Simple addition of the numbers produced by multiplying each individual atomic weight corresponding to the symbols in a formula, by the associated subscript number, gives the molecular weight of the substance. Thus we see that molecular weights are also relative numbers based on the oxygen standard. A formula, to give the actual molecular weight of a substance, must represent not only the relative atomic proportions of each element involved, but the exact number of different atomic quantities in a unit molecu- lar quantity. Thus, the formula KC1O 3 correctly represents the composition and molecular weight of potassium chlorate, while the formula K^C^O,, represents only its composition with accuracy. Atomic and molecular weights, as defined above, are quite as valuable for all stochiometrical calculations, as the true weights of atoms and molecules would be. For example, if we know that the material composition of the substance potassium chlorate corresponds to the formula KC1O 3 , and that the relative weights of potassium, chlorine, and oxygen atoms are 39.1, 35.5, and 16 (all of which is implied by the symbolic notation), it is clear that 39.1 parts (by weight) of potassium, 35.5 parts of chlorine, and 48 (3 X 16) parts of oxygen, compose a total of 122.6 parts of potassium chlorate, and we are in a position to calculate the per- centage composition o,f the compound at once. By way of further illustration, if all the potassium in 122.6 weight units of potassium chlorate, namely, 39.1 units, be brought by direct or indirect chemical operation from its present state of combination into the entirely different chemical relationship expressed by the formula KNO 3 , it is evident that 39.1 4- 14 + (3 X 16), or 101.1 units of this new compound potassium nitrate INTRODUCTION. 23 will be formed. In other words, every time one formula weight of potassium chlorate is used, one formula weight of potassium nitrate is produced. Similarly, it would require all the potassium in two formula weights of potassium chlorate, or potassium nitrate, to produce one formula weight of potassium sulphate, K 2 SO 4 . We may summarize the results of this reasoning by writing: 2 KC1O 3 = 2 KN0 3 = K 2 SO 4 , * which reads, two molecules (or 2 X 122.6 parts by weight) of potassium chlorate are equivalent to two molecules (or 2 X 101.1 parts by weight) of potassium nitrate; are equivalent to one molecule (or 174.2 parts by weight) of potassium sulphate. It should be fully understood that the above equivalents are based on the potassium content of the compounds. When sufficient data relating to a given compound are avail- able, its formula may be calculated. Discussion of this subject follows in Chapter V. This constitutes the first step in estab- lishing the nature of the compound. Examination of formulas in general reveals, at a glance, points of similarity in the consti- tution of the different substances along many and varied lines. This, of course, proceeds hand in hand with certain similarities in chemical behavior. In particular, we observe the tendency of well defined groups of atoms, which are incapable of existing alone in such state of combination, to maintain their individ- uality throughout chemical change; that is, to collectively com- bine with different substances. Further comparison of formulas forces the conclusion that each atom or group possesses a certain specific capacity for combination, which determines the number of other atoms or groups with which it may unite. It cannot be stated that every elementary substance or group, as defined above, is capable of combining with every other elementary substance or group. In fact, most of the common inorganic compounds represent the union of certain elements or groups, which may constitute a positive list, with certain other elements or groups, which may be assembled in a negative list. In case of combination between positive and negative members, according to this classification, the capacity for combination, or valence, of each assumes a rather definite value; that is, it is seldom modified by the nature * The sign = is used throughout this text in the sense of is or are equivalent to. 24 CHEMICAL THEORY. of the combination. For example, on comparison of the formulas H i Cl, Na i Cl, H j NO 3 , Na i NO 3 , H 2 i SO 4 , and Na 2 i SO 4 (positive part to the left of dotted line, negative part to the right), we readily observe that hydrogen and sodium possess the same capacity for holding chlorine in combination, also the same capacity for holding the (NO 3 ) group, and finally, the same capac- ity for holding the (804) group. The above phraseology is not intended to suggest that either hydrogen or chlorine plays the aggressive part in determining combination; we know little regarding the nature of forces binding the atoms in chemical combination. It is customary to assign a numerical value to the valence of each atom or group, consistently referred to hydrogen as unity. Thus, Cl, (NO 3 ), and Na, each have a valence of 1, and (SO 4 ), a valence of 2. The formula of aluminium chloride is A1C1 3 ; whence, the valence of aluminium is 3. Some elementary substances form two well defined series of compounds, corresponding to two separate valence values. In this connection, we may mention monovalent copper, forming cup- rous compounds, such as Cu 2 Cl 2 or Cu 2 SO 4 and bivalent copper, forming the corresponding cupric compounds CuCl 2 and CuSO 4 . Other examples will confront the student from time to time. It is essential to rapid progress in chemical study, that the prin- ciple of valence be used as an aid to the memory in acquiring familiarity with chemical formulas. With regard to those compounds formed between two positive or two negative elements, it may be remarked, in general, that no such simple deduction of probable formula types is admissible. The specific nature of such combination appears to greatly modify the combining capacity of each constituent. By way of illustration, univalent sodium and bivalent cadmium form the compound NaCd 2 but fail to unite in the more logical proportions Na 2 Cd. In conclusion, it may be stated that this class of compounds is of comparative unimportance. The general value of the valence principle to the beginner is not seriously impaired by exceptions noted under this category. The most comprehensive classification of inorganic chemical compounds, according to related chemical properties and analogous constitution, recognizes three quite distinct types, which are named acids, bases, and salts. INTRODUCTION. 25 An acid always contains hydrogen in combination with some non-metal, or characteristic group of elements including oxygen. The term, acid radical, is often applied to such a group. Prop- erties common to all acids are primarily determined by their essential constituent, hydrogen, in its characteristic relationship to the other atoms. In particular, we note that this acid hydrogen is invariably capable of being replaced by a metal. Hence, it is often called replaceable hydrogen. A base consists of a metal (or group which may be regarded as equivalent to a metal) in combination with the (OH) group. This group may be replaced by an acid radical. The chemical nature of salts is best understood by considering their relationship to acids and bases. Thus, to obtain the typical formula of a salt, we substitute a metal for hydrogen in the typical formula of an acid, or an acid radical for the (OH) group in the typical formula of a base. An acid containing one atom of replaceable hydrogen in its molecule is called monobasic.* If the number of replaceable hydrogen atoms is greater than one, the term poly basic (dibasic,* tribasic, etc.) is applied. In addition to the normal salts, derived from an acid by replacing its (acid) hydrogen completely with a metal, a somewhat different type of derivative may be obtained from a polybasic acid by replacing part of its hydrogen by a metal. Such a compound is called an acid salt. Similarly, a base, the molecule of which includes more than one (OH) group, may furnish salt-like derivatives, which still contain this group. A compound of this nature is called a basic salt. It is, perhaps, more common for the composition of a basic salt to indicate combination between one or more molecules of the base and one or more molecules of the normal salt, and for that * Indicating that the hydrogen in one molecule of acid may be replaced by the metal in one molecule of the simplest kind of a base, i.e., that containing one (OH) group. Thus, HC1 is a monobasic acid from HC1 and NaOH, we may obtain NaCl. As an example of a dibasic acid, we may cite H 2 SO 4 In this case, two molecules of the base NaOH are required for the replace- ment H 2 SO 4 with 2NaCl gives Na^SO^ If the base contains two (OH) groups, only one molecule is required for the latter replacement Ca(OH) 2 and H 2 SO 4 give CaSO 4 . The terms, monacid base and diacid base are some- times used to characterize bases with respect to the number of their replace- able (OH) groups. 26 CHEMICAL THEORY. of an acid salt to indicate similar combination between the acid and normal salt. Simplest among inorganic acids are the binary acids, which contain no oxygen, but consist of one other elementary substance in combination with hydrogen. The termination -ic is used in naming these acids, while the termination -ide is applied in designating their salts. This latter termination is also applied, without reservation, to the names of all other binary compounds, i.e., oxides, nitrides, phosphides, etc. The same elementary substance (in combination with hydro- gen and oxygen) often forms two or more oxygen acids. In such cases, the ending -ic is arbitrarily employed in naming one of them, while the ending -ous characterizes another containing relatively less oxygen. The endings -ate and -ite respectively, are used in naming salts derived from these acids. Finally, the prefix hypo- in combination with the ending -ous is employed in naming a possible acid in this series containing still less oxygen, and the prefix per- in connection with the ending -ic in naming a member containing more oxygen than the first. Corresponding salts are named hypo- -ite and per- -ic. Two or more salts sometimes combine in definite proportions to form a type of compound, called a double salt, which is rather easily resolved into its constituent salts. Quite different in nature are the mixed salts, in which the constituents of two closely similar salts are found partially replacing one another in equivalent proportions. A salt, or double salt, frequently combines with a definite molecular proportion of water on crystallization from aqueous solution. Such compounds are called hydrated salts. Their constituent water is readily removed by heating, in some cases, spontaneously on exposure to the air (efflorescence). Oxides of the non-metals usually combine with water to form acids. Such oxides are called acid anhydrides. If the oxide fails to combine directly with water, it is, nevertheless, acidic in character, tending to react with bases, or basic oxides, to form salts. Oxides of the metals are basic in character, often combining with water to form metallic hydroxides, or bases. The oxides of certain elements are less definite in their chemical nature- INTRODUCTION. 27 exhibiting basic properties towards strong acids, or acidic oxides, and acidic properties towards strong bases, or basic oxides. The following list of examples should be studied in connection with the definitions on the last two pages: Acid. Formula. Base. Formula. Salt. Formula. Hydrochloric. . HC1 Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH} 2 Calcium chloride CaCL, Nitric HNO 3 Ferric hydroxide Fe(OH) 3 Ferric nitrate Fe(N0 3 ) 3 Nitrous HNO 2 Potassium hydrox- KOH Potassium nitrate KN0 2 ide Sulphuric. . . . H 2 SO 4 Zinc hydroxide Zn(OH) 2 Zinc sulphate ZnSO 4 Sulphurous . . . H 2 S0 3 Barium hydroxide Ba(OH) 2 Barium sulphite BaSO, Hypochlorous . HC1O Sodium hydroxide NaOH Sodium hypo- NaCIO chlorite Chlorous (hy- HC1O 2 Sodium hydroxide NaOH Sodium chlorite NaClO 2 pothetical) Chloric HC1O 3 Sodium hydroxide NaOH Sodium chlorate NaClO 3 Perchloric .... HC1O 4 Sodium hydroxide NaOH Sodium perchlo- NaClO 4 rate Acetic H . C 2 H 3 O 2 Sodium hydroxide NaOH Sodium acetate NaC 2 H 3 O 2 Acid Salt. Formula. Basic Salt. Formula. Sodium acid sulphate. . . Sodium acid carbonate. . Calcium acid carbonate . NaHSO 4 NaHCO 3 CaC0 3 , H 2 C0 3 Basic ferric acetate .... Basic lead carbonate. . . Basic bismuth nitrate. . Fe(OH) 2 C 2 H 3 O 2 2PbCO 3 .Pb(OH) 2 Bi(OH) 2 NO 3 Mixed Salt. Formula. Sodium-potassium carbonate . Calcium chloride-hypochlorite Hydrated Salt. Copper nitrate Zinc sulphate Hydrated Double Salt. Ferrous ammonium sulphate . . Alum : Acid Anhydride. Sulphur dioxide, SO 2 Sulphur trioxide, SO 3 Phosphorus pentoxide, P 2 O 5 . . . NaKCO 3 (The (2) negative valences of CO 3 are neutralized by the added (1+1) posi- tive valences of Na and K.) Ca(Cl)OCl(Ca<^ cl ) Formula. Cu(NO 3 ) 2 . 311,0 ZnS0 4 . 7H 2 FeSO 4 . (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . 6H 2 O K 2 S0 4 . A1 2 (S0 4 ) 3 . 24H 2 Corresponding Acid. Sulphurous acid, H 2 SO 3 Sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 Phosphoric acid, H 3 PO 4 , and others Silica, SiO 2 , is a common example of an acidic oxide which fails to form an acid on treat- lent with water. 28 CHEMICAL THEORY. Basic Oxide. Formula. Silver oxide Calcium oxide (lime) Ferric oxide Cupric oxide Cuprous oxide Magnesium oxide (magnesia) Aluminium oxide (alumina) . . Ag 2 CaO Fe 2 3 CuO Cu 2 O MgO A1 2 3 It is a common practice among chemists to express symbol weights, or atomic weights, and formula weights, or molecular weights, directly in grams, thus introducing the descriptive terms: gram atom, and gram molecule. Amounts of different substances which stand in direct proportion to their atomic, or molecular weights, are called atomic and molecular quantities, respectively. For example, in round numbers, 64 grams of copper, 108 grams of silver and 207 grams of lead constitute one gram atom* of each metal, respectively. One gram molecule of sulphuric acid is about 98 grams, of nitric acid 63 grams. The above amounts are atomic and molecular quantities respectively. The result of any chemical reaction is a more or less complete change from one set, or system, of material, to another set, or system, without loss of matter. If the formulas of all substances concerned in the change are known, a chemical equation, repre- senting the change in detail, may be constructed according to the following general outline : Form an expression indicating the sum- mation of different molecules composing the original system, and an analogous expression embracing the different molecules present in the resulting system. Equate these two expressions, by assign- ing such numerical coefficients to each (molecular) formula as will render the sum of all the atoms of each variety equal on both sides of the equation. For example, let it be known that potassium nitrate and sulphuric acid react under conditions which result in the exclusive and complete formation of potassium sul- phate and nitric acid. The systems present before and after chemi- cal reaction are (1) KNO 3 + H 2 SO 4 and (2) K 2 SO 4 + HNO 3 . It is at once apparent that two molecular quantities of potas- sium nitrate must be taken to furnish sufficient potassium for one * Cf . Table of Atomic Weights inside cover. INTRODUCTION. 29 molecular quantity of potassium sulphate, and that one molecular quantity of sulphuric acid is required to deliver the complemen- tary amounts of sulphur and oxygen necessary to complete this formula. At the same time, two atomic quantities of nitrogen, six of oxygen, and two of hydrogen, await further disposition. These are, however, the exact amounts needed to form two molecular quantities of nitric acid. The properly balanced equation, therefore, reads: 2KNO 3 + H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + 2HNO 3 . (2X101.19) 98.08 174.36 (2 X 63.05) 300.46 300.46 weight units of matter weight units of matter. Numbers, representing molecular quantities of the matter involved, are added in order to more clearly demonstrate the quantitative relations. They are, of course, omitted in the general formulation of chemical equations, being implied by the symbols, etc. By far the greater number of chemical operations, which form the experimental basis of an introductory course in general chemistry, effect complete transformation of one set of sub- stances, when taken in equivalent proportions indicated by the corresponding equation, into another set of substances, also specifically denned by the equation. Thus, potassium nitrate and sulphuric acid, when taken in the proportions 202.38 : 98.08, and heated moderately for a sufficient length of time, will evolve 126.1 units of gaseous nitric acid, and leave a residue of 174.36 units of potassium sulphate. If the operation is conducted in a closed receptacle of rela- tively small volume, transformation will not be complete. A certain proportion of potassium nitrate and sulphuric acid will have been transformed into potassium sulphate and nitric acid, moreover, in such a way that for every formula weight of potassium sulphate in the mixture, there will be two formula weights of nitric acid, and for every formula weight of sulphuric acid remaining there will be two formula weights of potassium nitrate. In other words, the substances will have reacted according to the above equation, but the final result is a mix- ture of all four, perfectly indifferent in the presence of one 30 CHEMICAL THEORY. another, i.e., in equilibrium. If all the material at the start had been in the shape of potassium sulphate and nitric acid, the same identical mixture of four substances would have resulted, under similar working conditions. That is, the reaction may progress in both directions. The sign of equality, implying complete transformation towards the right, does not properly apply to a reaction when carried out under conditions which render it incomplete in either direction (i.e., reversible). Two reversed arrows (<=) are used in such cases. No feature of chemical study causes the beginner more trouble than equation writing. The erroneous impression often prevails that, once given the left-hand member of an equation, some mechanical-mathematical process of rearranging symbols will suffice to produce the complementary right-hand member. It must be emphasized that the identity of substances formed by chemical action is directly ascertained by experiment, or logi- cally predicted by deference to well recognized chemical princi- ples. The final balancing process alone is independent of such chemical reasoning and observation. Any student who acquires familiarity with the more general types of chemical action and is capable of writing formulas with facility, will find little difficulty in correctly formulating equations. Some of these general types of chemical reaction may be briefly outlined at this juncture: A single substance is often resolved into simpler substances by heat or other agency. Such change is known as decomposition. Zinc carbonate is decomposed into zinc oxide and carbon dioxide when strongly heated: ZnCOs = ZnO + CCV An equally simple chemical change consists in the direct combination of two or more substances when properly handled. Copper and sulphur combine at a temperature approximating low redness: Cu + S = CuS. Two salts may react in such a way that the total change would correspond to a primary decomposition of each, followed by an altered recombination of the parts. Change of this sort, called double decomposition, occurs when ammonium sulphate and sodium chloride are moderately heated: (NH 4 ) 2 S0 4 + 2NaCl = 2(NH 4 )C1 + NaaSO 4 . INTRODUCTION. 31 Double decomposition in solution is frequently indicated by the precipitation, or deposition, of a reaction product (insoluble). The remaining product may usually be obtained in the solid form by subsequent evaporation of the solution. If no precipitation occurs, the. less soluble substance will separate first (as a solid) on evaporation. The nature of such changes is discussed at some length in Chapters VII and VIII. Reaction between a compound and an elementary substance frequently results in the replacement, and consequent liberation of some part of this compound by the added material. Metals commonly replace the hydrogen of acids: Zn -f H 2 SO 4 = ZnSO 4 + H 2 . A halogen displaces any other halogen of greater atomic weight, from its binary compounds: C1 2 + 2KBr = Br 2 + 2KC1. Acid and basic substances interact to form salts: CaO + SiO 2 = CaSiO 3 (at high temperatures), NaOH + HC1 = NaCl + H 2 O (base and acid neutralization), ZnO + 2HC1 = ZnCl 2 + H 2 O (metallic oxide and acid). Concentrated sulphuric acid reacts on the salt of a volatile acid, according to the following typical equation : H 2 SO 4 + 2NaCl = Na 2 SO 4 + 2HC1. The volatile acid (HC1) escapes from the mixture and a sulphate remains. The chemical behavior of oxides towards water has been noted on page 26. Particular attention must be directed to the bearing of oxygen on chemical change. Many reactions embody chemical rearrangement of the constituent material, primarily caused by reapportionment of oxygen within the system. Among the great number of oxygen compounds, we readily distinguish between certain ones, which strongly resist any effort to remove their oxygen, wholly or in part, and others which suffer loss of oxygen with greater or less facility. Thus, water (H 2 O), carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), silica (Si0 2 ), alumina (Al 2 Os), magnesia (MgO), etc., represent extremely stable combination of oxygen with other elements, and may be expected to occur liber^ ally as final products (perhaps further combined, according to their individual nature) of diverse chemical action. On the other hand, potassium chlorate (KClOa), mercuric oxide (HgO), silver oxide (Ag 2 O), cupric oxide (CuO), cuprous oxide (Cu 2 O), 32 CHEMICAL THEORY. etc., lose oxygen with the greatest ease, and are unlikely to remain intact when subjected to a variety of chemical treatment. The process by which oxygen leaves one compound to combine with other substances, is termed oxidation, with respect to the material receiving oxygen, and reduction, with respect to the material losing it. A compound generally capable of effecting the oxidation of other substances is called an oxidizing agent. One which removes oxygen from some moderately stable state of combination is called a reducing agent. The reaction Fe 2 O 3 + 2A1 = A1 2 O 3 + 2Fe represents oxida- tion of aluminium by ferric oxide, as well as reduction of ferric oxide by aluminium. Certain highly oxidized substances may lose part of their oxygen when treated with a compound susceptible to oxidation, leaving one or more decomposition products which are more stable with respect to their oxygen content. Thus, two molecular quantities of nitric acid, an active oxidizing agent, include three atomic quantities of oxygen, which are available for the oxidation of other material, while the remainder of its oxygen is almost invariably appropriated by its own hydrogen and nitrogen. The following hypothetical reaction illustrates this statement: 2HNO 3 = H 2 O + 2NO + 30 (available oxygen). If charcoal, essentially carbon, is heated with concentrated nitric acid, water, nitric oxide, and carbon dioxide are recognized as final products of the ensuing reaction. An equation descrip- tive of this change may be constructed by using the proper formulas and introducing the numerical coefficients necessary to secure balance between both members: 4HN0 3 + 3C = 2H 2 O + 4NO + 3CO 2 . Only the above set of coefficients (or equal multiples of them) will effect equality between both sides of the equation, and these numbers are best ascertained by the following deductive method, which, at the same time, effectively summarizes the chemical principles involved. One atomic quantity of carbon requires two atomic quantities of oxygen for complete oxidation: C + 20 = C0 2 . (1) INTRODUCTION. 33 Some of the oxygen in nitric acid is available for this purpose, as we have previously noted: 2HNO 3 = H 2 + 2NO + 3O. (2) Since nitric acid, in a reaction of this kind, allows none of its oxygen to escape unused, equality between the amount furnished and the amount used must be established. This is effected by oxidizing three atomic quantities of carbon with the six atomic quantities of oxygen available from four molecular quantities of nitric acid. Thus, each coefficient in equation (1) must be mul- tiplied by three, and each coefficient in equation (2) by two. On addition of both equations, oxygen (which is not a final product) is eliminated by cancellation from both sides, and there results a final (complete) equation, expressing the exact relations between reacting substances and final products: 3C +^ - 3CO 2 4HNO 3 = 2H 2 O + 4NO 4HNO 3 + 3C = 2H 2 O + 4NO + 3CO 2 * Additional examples will serve to emphasize the practical application of these principles: (a) Nitric acid and copper. 2HNO 3 = H 2 O + 2NO + 3O - Decomposition of nitric acid. 3Cu + 3O = 3CuO - Oxidation of copper. 3CuO + 6HNO 3 = 3Cu(NO 3 ) 2 -f 3H 2 O - Reaction between metallic oxide and acid. 3Cu + 8HNO 3 = 3Cu(NO 3 ) 2 + 4H 2 O + 2NO - Final equation. (b) Nitric acid and red phosphorus. 10HNO 3 = 5H 2 O + 10NO + 15O 6P + 15O = 3P 2 O 5 3P 2 O 5 + 9H 2 O = 6H 3 PO 4 General reaction between oxide _ of non-metal and water. 6P + 10HNO 3 = 6H 3 PO 4 + 10NO Dividing by 2, 3P + 5HNO 3 = 3H 3 PO 4 + 5NO. (c) Bromine water and sulphurous acid. Br 2 + H 2 O = 2HBr + O General reaction showing oxidizing action of halogen in presence of water. H,SO, + O = H g S0 4 34 CHEMICAL THEORY. (d) Concentrated sulphuric acid and copper. H 2 SO 4 = H 2 O + SO 2 + O - General reaction showing decom- position of sulphuric acid. Cu + O = CuO CuO + H 2 SO 4 = CuSO 4 + H 2 O Cu + 2H 2 SO 4 = CuSO 4 + 2H 2 O + SO a (e) Hydrogen peroxide and lead sulphide. 4H 2 O 2 = 4H 2 O + 4O General reaction showing decom- position of hydrogen peroxide. PbS + 4O = PbSO 4 PbS + 4H 2 O 2 = PbSO 4 + 4H 2 O (f ) Manganese dioxide and hydrochloric acid. MnO 2 + 4HC1 = MnCl 4 + 2H 2 O MnCl 4 = MnCL; + C1 2 Change to more stable compound. MnO 2 + 4HC1 = MnCl 2 + 2H 2 O + C1 2 When more than one valence is associated with an element, properly chosen oxidizing agents change the compounds which correspond to its lower valence into those which correspond to its higher valence. Reducing agents accomplish the reverse change. These different valence conditions are often called different (higher and lower) states of oxidation. Thus, to represent a transformation of ferrous sulphate (FeS0 4 ) into ferric sulphate (Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 ) we require an additional sul- phate group for every two molecules of the former compound taken. This fnay be obtained by oxidizing the hydrogen in one molecule of sulphuric acid: Fe SO 4 | S0 4 Fe 2 (S0 4 ) 3 . . ,. . from oxidizing agent H 2 O Or, if no free acid were present, part of the iron could be regarded as momentarily relieved from combination, and imme- diately thereafter subjected to complete oxidation: 6FeSO 4 -> 2Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 from oxidizing agent INTRODUCTION. 35 The complete changes follow: (1) Oxidation of ferrous sulphate by nitric acid in presence of sulphuric acid. 2HNO 3 = H 2 O + 2NO + 3O 6FeSO 4 + 3H 2 SO 4 + 3O = 3Fe 2 (SO 4 )3 + 3H 2 O 6FeSO 4 + 3H 2 SO 4 + 2HNO 3 = 3Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 4H 2 O + 2NO (2) Oxidation of pure ferrous sulphate by nitric acid. 2HNO 3 = H 2 O + 2NO + 3O 6FeSO 4 + 3O = 2Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + Fe 2 O 3 Fe 2 O 3 + 6HNO 3 = 2Fe(NO 3 ) 3 + 3H 2 O 6FeSO 4 + 8HNO 3 = 2Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 2Fe(NO 3 ) 3 + 4H 2 O + 2NO Dividing by 2, 3FeS0 4 + 4HNO 3 = Fe 2 (S0 4 ) 3 + Fe(NO 3 ) 3 + 2H 2 O + NO. Complete oxidation of the iron to the ferric state is effected in (2), part of it forming ferric sulphate, and part,/emc nitrate. The successive steps in the above work represent progressive hypothetical chemical change, which leads consistently to a correct final equation. We do not recognize in (2) for example, oxygen and ferric oxide as tangible intermediate products. Since a chemical equation defines the relative quantities of all substances involved in a reaction, it is possible, if a definite amount of any one substance is given, to calculate the corre- sponding amounts of any or all the other substances. (Cf. p. 22.) Problem: Calculate the amount of cupric nitrate formed when ten grams of copper react with an excess of nitric acid, using the equation: 3Cu + 8HNO 3 = 3Cu(NO 3 ) 2 + 2NO + 4H 2 O. According to this equation, 190.8 weights of copper (3 X atomic weight) require 504 weights of nitric acid (8 X molecular weight) for reaction, thereby forming 562.8 weights of cupric nitrate, 60 weights of nitric oxide, and 72 weights of water. If an excess of nitric acid (i.e. more than is needed to react with all the copper) is present, just as much of it will be decomposed as is required by the copper. The total amount of nitric acid, in this case (assum- ing that the above equation applies without reservation as to 36 CHEMICAL THEORY. concentration, etc.), will have no bearing on the amount of cupric nitrate, etc., produced. Consequently, in calculating the amount of cupric nitrate produced from a given amount of copper, no attention need be paid to the nitric acid, nor to the nitric oxide and water, which are merely inevitable accessory products. To solve a problem of this sort, select the essential formulas from the equation, indicate the proper equivalence between them and between the weights which they represent. Then make a simple proportion between these equivalent weights and the actual weights of the same substances, one of which is unknown (x). Thus, in the above case: 10 g. taken x g. produced 3Cu = 3Cu(NO 3 ) 2 190.8 562.8 In substance, if 190.8 parts by weight of copper correspond to 562.8 parts of cupric nitrate, 10 grams of copper correspond to how many grams of cupric nitrate? The correct proportion is: 190.8 : 562.8 : : 10 : x. Solving, x = 29.5 grams. It seems hardly necessary to discuss possible variations in the form of such problems. Students frequently fall into the error of using numbers which refer to volumes, and not weights (or to both indiscriminately) directly in these calculations. It is clear that all four terms of the simple proportion must represent weights, since two of them (molecular or atomic weights) do, by primary assumption. If a final result is required in volume units, instead of weight units, the latter must first be calculated, then properly transformed, by using a known relation between weight and volume for the sub- stance in question. Suppose we desire to know how much hydrochloric acid must be used to neutralize five grams of sodium hydroxide. The amount is readily calculated from the relation: 5 g. x g. NaOH = HC1 40.06 36.45 INTRODUCTION. 37 which follows from the equation: NaOH + HC1 = NaCl + H 2 O. Thus, 40.06 : 36.45 : : 5 : x. Whence, x = 4.55 g. But, this is pure hydrochloric acid, a gas under ordinary condi- tions. We seldom handle the pure substance, using by prefer- ence, solutions containing definite amounts of the gas in water. Such a solution, containing 39.1 per cent of the pure acid by weight, has a density of 1.20 and is commonly known as concen- trated hydrochloric- acid (solution). A solution, of density 1.12, containing 23.8 per cent acid, is called dilute hydrochloric acid (solution). We would, in all probability, use the dilute acid for neutraliza- tion purposes, measuring, rather than weighing it. The weight of pure acid required in this case is known (4.55 g.). Consequently, it is necessary to know, in addition, the weight of pure hydro- chloric acid in a unit volume of the solution. One cubic centi- meter of this solution weighs 1.120. (Density =1.12 compared to water 1 c.c. water weighs close to 1 g. under laboratory conditions.) But, 23.8 per cent of this weight 0.270.-- is pure hydrochloric acid; the rest is water. That is, 1 c.c. of the solution contains 0.27 g. pure acid. To obtain 4.55 g. acid, = 16.8 c.c. dilute hydrochloric acid solution must be taken. The volume of concentrated acid necessary for the same pur- 4.55 pose is given by the operation, - Frequently, we obtain a desired product as the result of several successive reactions, which represent necessary steps in the transformation of our original material. In such cases, we reckon the equivalence between original material and final product by noting each intermediate equivalence and use this as a basis for the single calculation needed to give the weight of final product resulting from a given weight of original sub- stance. Thus: How many liters of hydrogen, measured at C., 760 mm. pressure, may be produced by using 100 g. zinc oxide, according to the 38 CHEMICAL THEORY. following reactions f One liter of hydrogen weighs approximately 0.09 g. under these conditions. ZnO + C = Zn + CO. Zn + 2HC1 = ZnCl 2 + H 2 . 100 g. x g. The properly ordered data reads: ZnO = Zn = H 2 , and the 81.4 2.0 proportion : 81.4 : 2 :: 100 : x. Whence x = 2.46 (grams hydro- 2 46 gen), and, - = 27.33 (liters hydrogen). CHAPTER II. NATURAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS. IT becomes apparent early in the course of chemical study that certain of the elements are closely related to one another in their chemical and physical properties. Further experience leads to a division of all the elements into several groups, each embracing a definite quota, the properties of which are broadly similar, but vary more or less gradually from one extreme to another through the several members. The first of these natural groups usually presented to the beginner consists of four elements called the halogens; namely, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine. These elements are characterized by extreme reactivity towards other elements; in consequence, they are not found naturally in the free or uncombined state. All form binary hydrogen compounds, or halogen acids, of the same formula type: H Halogen, stamping them as univalent towards hydrogen. The halogens do not show an equal tendency to combine with a given element, nor are the resulting compounds equally suscep- tible to decomposition, or possessed of the same proper- ties. If such were the case, it would be difficult to recognize them as individual elements. But a marked gradation in any specific property, from fluorine through chlorine, bromine, to iodine, is always apparent. Thus, hydrofluoric acid HF is extremely stable; hydrochloric acid HC1 is very stable; hydro- bromic acid HBr is only moderately stable, its hydrogen rather available for reducing purposes; while hydriodic acid HI is very unstable a valuable reducing agent. This gradated behavior is very apparent on considering the oxidation phenomena produced by aqueous solutions of the halo- gens. When substances capable of oxidation are treated with chlorine water, they obtain oxygen as a result of the following decomposition: C1 2 + H 2 O = 2HC1 + O . Chlorine water may 39 40 CHEMICAL THEORY. be kept fairly well without change unless brought into contact with a substance susceptible to oxidation. Fluorine decomposes water instantly. Bromine water and iodine water, in order, are less energetic oxidizing agents than chlorine water. A more active halogen displaces a less active one from its binary compounds: C1 2 + 2KBr = Br 2 + 2KC1; Br 2 + 2NaI =I 2 + 2NaBr. The order of decreasing " activity " is Fl, Cl, Br, I. Fluorine fails to combine with oxygen. The remaining halo- gens form oxides and oxygen acids, the salts of which are used as oxidizing agents on account of their instability. Towards oxy- gen, somewhat variable valence, never more than seven, must be ascribed to the members of this group. The molecules of fluorine and chlorine are diatomic, even at very high temperatures. Those of bromine and iodine are diatomic at temperatures near the boiling points of these substances, but dissociate into monatomic molecules, iodine first, as the temperature increases. The variation of physical properties in this group of elements consistently follows the order of chemical gradation. Thus, fluorine is a gas at ordinary temperature and under ordinary pressure, chlorine is a gas more easily liquefied than fluorine, bromine is a low boiling liquid, and iodine is a solid. The melting points, boiling points and other physical properties vary in steps from fluorine to iodine in the above mentioned order. Without further extending this argument, we are in a position to .clearly recognize a progressive relationship between these elements, when arranged in the order: Fl, 19.0; Cl, 36.45; Br, 79.96; I, 126.97. This is the order corresponding to the numerical sequence of atomic weights as shown by the associated numbers. It remains to more closely examine the relationship between properties and atomic weights. An assumption that the properties of the different elements vary continuously with their atomic weights cannot be entertained, since, between two successive analogues,* there exist a number of dissimilar elements having intermediate atomic weights. It is thus evident that, in a list of the elements arranged in the order of their atomic weights, a halogen will appear at intervals. * Substances possessing closely related properties. NATURAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS. 41 At this point it is necessary, for the purpose of rendering the discussion more comprehensive, to anticipate some of the facts which will appear before the student, in greater detail, at a later time. Thus, the eight elements which possess smaller atomic weights than fluorine are: hydrogen, 1.008; helium, 4.0; lithium, 7.03; beryllium, 9.1; boron, 11.0; carbon, 12.00; nitrogen, 14.01; and oxygen, 16.00. All of these, except hydrogen, possess close analogues, which develop at intervals in the complete list of elements arranged according to increasing atomic weight, as we have pointed out relative to fluorine and its analogues. It is of particular interest to ascertain how many dissimilar elements follow a given element before its analogue appears. We have remarked that the series of eight elements from helium to fluorine inclusive, are unlike. We now proceed to note that the ninth element, neon, 20, resembles helium; the tenth element, sodium, 23.05, resembles lithium and so on regu- larly until the sixteenth element, chlorine, 35.45, the analogue of fluorine, is reached. Thus, we observe a complete series or period containing eight dissimilar elements which bear an orderly resemblance to the eight dissimilar elements of a second period. Continued application of this simple scheme does not result in an equally satisfactory arrangement of all the elements. For example, the eighth element following chlorine, manganese, 54.6, is not a halogen, although it bears some chemical analogy to the halogens. The next three elements, iron, nickel, and cobalt, find no analogues among the elements yet mentioned. Eighteen elements intervene between chlorine and the next halogen, bromine. An adequate exposition of the periodic relations of all the elements (Periodic System) was first offered by Mendelejeflf (St. Petersburg) in 1869. The following table closely imitates his classification: 42 CHEMICAL THEORY. tf ,1 NATURAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS. 43 In the table, vertical columns include groups of analogous elements. Periods are arranged horizontally. The groups are numbered 0-8. A general characteristic of each group is the most consistent valence of its members (1) towards hydrogen, or a halogen, and (2) towards oxygen. These valences are given under the group numbers, the symbol R standing for an element of the group in question, O for oxygen and X for hydrogen, or a halogen. The first two periods have been discussed above. Reference has been made to additional complexity following these short periods. To secure logical arrangement, elements from argon, 39.9, to bromine, 79.96, are included in a long period, which is resolved into two short periods (1) argon-manganese, (2) copper- bromine, and three additional elements, iron, nickel, and cobalt. The members of these two short periods are consistently ordered in groups, 0-7, while the three extra elements constitute the primary members of Group 8. The remaining periods, except the last, are long. It is to be observed that sub-grouping is followed after the advent of long periods. Elements composing the first sub- division of the long periods are collectively placed to the left in their corresponding groups; those composing the last sub-division are moved to the right. The members of such a sub-group (elements in vertical alignment), or natural group in the narrower sense, are very closely similar. In some cases, members of the left-hand sub-group are closely related to the two elements which head the group; in other cases members of the right-hand sub- group possess this relationship. Less often the connection is difficult to determine. In this table, the elements which are usually studied in an elementary course, are printed in bold figures. Points of interest arise in considering the transition from one group to another in the table. Thus, no valence is associated with the noble gases (Group 0), as they show no tendency what- ever to combine with other elements. The valence towards oxygen increases from one to eight as we pass from Group 1 to Group 8, while the valence towards hydrogen, or a halogen,, increases from one to a maximum of four in Group 4, and then decreases regularly to one in Group 7. The most basic elements 44 CHEMICAL THEORY. which we have, the alkali metals, lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium, stand next to the most indifferent, helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon, while the whole table might be rolled vertically around a cylinder in such a manner that the strongly acidic halogens would bound these indifferent noble gases on the other side. All the non-metals (excepting those in Group 0), namely, boron, carbon, silicon, nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, oxygen, sulphur, selenium, tellurium, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine, are rather compactly placed in a triangular area of the table. Groups 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 each begin with an acid-forming element and end with a base-forming element. As we pass from lower to higher atomic weight in these groups, acid properties become less prominent and basic properties develop. The position of hydrogen in the table is uncertain. According to physical properties, as well as numerical relations, it should head Group 7. On the other hand, it shows analogy to the metals of Group 1, by combining in a similar way with negative elements or radicals. Examination of the table reveals three inconsistencies in the arrange- ment according to increasing atomic weight: (1) The positions which argon and potassium should naturally assume, must be reversed to place them with their fellows. (2) Cobalt is placed before nickel, although possessing a greater atomic weight. Chemical analogies are more satis- factorily represented by this alteration, which associates cobalt with ruthenium and iridium; nickel with palladium and platinum. (3) Tellu- rium and iodine are transposed for a similar reason. There can be no question of the analogy between iodine and the preceding halogens, nor of that between tellurium and selenium. Careful revision of atomic weight determinations suggested by these abnormalities has failed to reveal error in the original consecutive numerical arrangement. Other apparent exceptions to the general scheme have been relieved from time to time, in this way. The value of the periodic system in criticising atomic weight values is further noted in Chapter IV. Although the numerical difference in atomic weight between two successive elements is not uniformly the same, it is always small and not widely divergent. The mean difference for the first ten elements is 2.34, for the ten elements from silver to cerium (well along in the table) it is 3.23, somewhat larger. We note that, in certain cases, two successive elements in a list con- NATURAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTS. 45 taining all the known elements arranged in the order of increas- ing atomic weight, show a numerical difference between their atomic weights, which is much greater than the above mean difference. This points to the probable existence of undiscov- ered elements, best evinced by the necessity of leaving blank spaces in the table to secure proper arrangement according to analogies. By way of specific illustration, we may observe the positions of nickel and copper in the table. Copper shows no analogy to the He-Xe family, and is advanced to a more fitting place in Group 1. An unknown rare gas of atomic weight approximating 61 may, however, exist. Again, no known ele- ments are closely related to manganese. Suggestive openings occur between molybdenum and ruthenium (atomic weight difference 5.7) and between tungsten and osmium (atomic weight difference 7), possibly corresponding to unknown elements which,' together with manganese, might constitute a well-defined sub- group. A number of elements have been discovered since the first presentation of the periodic table by Mendelejeff. It is a par- ticularly impressive fact that his elaborate predictions concerning the probable nature of several of these elements, based upon a series of interpolations between the properties of adjacent elements, have been since realized with remarkable conformity. We have not attempted, in the foregoing discussion, to closely follow the specific nature of analogies, chemical and physical, in each group. It is hoped that the student who has studied chemistry only a few months will find these introductory remarks of value in obtaining some adequate conception of the classifi- cation which he will follow in continuing the subject. Further- more, it seems desirable, as early as possible, to urge that the discovery of the periodic law, which, in brief summation, char- acterizes the properties of all the elements as periodic functions of their atomic weights, constitutes one of the most material advances in chemical science. In conclusion, we may state that the exact cause of this unmis- takable natural relationship between certain groups of elements, is, at present, unknown. It is clearly recognized that the atoms themselves are not the ultimate particles of nature, but are more or less intricate aggregations of the much smaller corpuscles. (Cf . 46 CHEMICAL THEORY. Introduction, page 6.) Many authorities consider that a periodic similarity in the arrangement of corpuscles in the atom, causing a periodic similarity in properties, develops as the number of corpuscles, or the atomic weight, increases. Interesting, in this connection, even to the beginner, are the simpler results of recent investigation on the subject by Professor J. J. Thompson (Cambridge). By considering a number of corpuscles all in one plane, and assuming that their tendency to fly apart due to their negative charges is balanced by an opposite force (positive sphere of electrification) acting everywhere inside the complex with equal intensity, thus constituting a stable arrangement, or atom, he is able to show mathematically that, as more corpuscles are added, there is a periodic similarity in the config- urations which are stable under the influence of these forces. The mathematical development of this idea leads to a system of stable units resembling the periodic system in their relationship. Three dimensional arrangements, corresponding to the natural manifestation of matter, have proven too complicated for mathematical analysis, but there is reason to suppose that equally characteristic periodic relations would obtain. CHAPTER III. DETERMINATION OF MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. IF the correct formula of any compound is known, it is a comparatively simple matter to calculate its molecular weight by adding the constituent atomic weights, or such simple multiples of them as are specified in the formula. We have remarked that these atomic weights are very accurate relative numbers. Consequently, properly calculated molecular weights are very accurate relative numbers; in short, the numbers used in all practical calculations, which the chemist is called upon to perform. Now, the approximate molecular weight of a substance may be determined experimentally quite aside from any previous knowledge with regard to its composition, and work of this sort constitutes the first step in developing the aggregate of accurate and indispensable information embodied in the atomic weight numbers and empirical formulas. It is often true that the magnitude of a physical effect is deter- mined by the numbers of molecules concerned in producing this effect, irrespective of their specific nature. Hence, the relative masses of different molecules may be deduced by comparative observations. We have already pointed out that equal numbers of molecules determine the same volume for all gases, if the temperature and pressure values are equal (Avogadro's Law). By comparing the masses of equal volumes of different gases under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, we obviously obtain the relation between their molecular masses if one value is known, the other is thereby defined. Suppose hydrogen is adopted as the standard for such comparison. The density of a gas compared to hydrogen is obtained by dividing the weight of one volume of the gas by the weight of one volume of hydrogen, both gases measured under the same conditions: 47 48 CHEMICAL THEORY. Gas density (compared to hydrogen) = weight of 1 vol. gas weight of 1 mol. gas weight of 1 vol. hyd. weight of 1 mol. hyd. But, one molecule of hydrogen contains two atoms (cf. Introduction, page 14) and must weigh twice as much as one atom of hydrogen. Therefore, weight of 1 mol. gas 2 X Gas density m ^ weight of 1 atom hyd. If the weight of one atom of hydrogen were taken as unity in our system of atomic and molecular weights, the second member of this equation would signify the molecular weight of the gas. However, we prefer to use one sixteenth of the weight of the oxygen atom as the unit standard in fixing these numbers. On this basis, the atomic weight of hydrogen is 1.0076, and the above equation may be altered thus: weight of 1 mol. gas 2 X 1.0076 X Gas density - - - = weight of 1 atom ox. -r- 16 Molecular weight of gas. Calculations based on the simple gas laws give only approxi- mate results (cf. Introduction, page 18); hence, the term 1.0076 is practically equivalent to unity in this connection, and we may write: The (approximate) molecular weight of a gas is equal to twice its density compared to hydrogen. The density of a gas may be calculated from measurement of the volume containing a given weight of substance under carefully noted conditions, referred directly to hydrogen under these conditions, and then multiplied by two to give the molecular weight. In practice, no direct calculation of gas density is customary; the hydrogen comparison is omitted alto- gether, and a fundamental magnitude, called the gram molecular volume, is introduced. By this term, we understand the volume which includes one gram molecule (cf. Introduction, page 28) of a gas at C., 760 mm. pressure. Since weights of different gases, which stand in the same proportion as their molecula'r weights, contain equal numbers of molecules (Relative numbers weight of one subst. , weight of other subst. of molecules = : : and : its mol. weight its mol. weight = 1 and 1, if the numerators of these expressions are propor- DETERMINATION OF MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 49 tional to their denominators, as in above case), the volumes occupied by them, or more definitely, by single gram molecules of different gases under like conditions of temperature and pressure, are the same, according to the familiar Law of Avogadro. The value of this magnitude may be ascertained by measuring the volume occupied by 32 g. of oxygen (mol. weight of oxygen = 32, or twice 16, the atomic weight. Cf. Introduction, page 14) under the normal conditions noted above. It is approximately 22.4 liters. It should be clear, in view of the preceding discussion, that simple calculation of the weight of substance necessary to pro- duce 22.4 liters of gaseous material at C., 760 mm. pressure, results in a number, which can be none other than the molecular weight of the substance. We may, then, summarize the first method of molecular weight determination applying only to substances which may be vaporized without decomposition as follows : Measure the volume occupied by a weighed quantity of the substance in gaseous form under convenient conditions. Reduce this volume to that corresponding to standard conditions by applying the simple gas laws and calculate the weight of material which will occupy 22 .4 liters under these conditions. Problem: Calculate the molecular weight of a substance, 2 g. of which furnish 395 c.c. of vapor at 100 C., 757 mm. pressure. By Charles' Law, 395 : x l :: 373 : 273 orig. vol. altered vol. orig. temp, (abs.) final temp, (abs.) Whence, x = 289.1 c.c. (vol. at C., 757 mm. pressure). By Boyle's Law, 289.1 : x 2 :: 760 : 757 altered vol. final vol. final press. orig. press. Whence, z=287. 9 c.c., or 0. 288 Z (vol. atOC., 760 mm. pressure).* Calculation of weight in gram molecular volume, 2 : x :: 0.288 : 22.4 orig. weight weight in 22.4 I vol. of 2 g Whence, x = 155.5, the molecular weight required. * Denoting the original values of pressure, volume and abs. temperature by p , v and T Q and the final values by p,, v, and T,, the equation obtained by combining both laws reads : ^r-^-^r~- Th e final volume may thus be -*o *i obtained by substituting the values given above in this equation and solving ,, = 288. o7o 27 o 50 CHEMICAL THEORY. The molecular weights of many substances which cannot be converted into gaseous material of the same kind, i.e., which decompose on heating, may be deduced from quantitative observations on characteristic properties evidenced by their solutions in various solvents. In other words, the number .of dissolved particles determine the extent to which a certain property asserts itself. In considering these properties with respect to molecular weight determination, we must exclude aqueous solutions of acids, bases, and salts, since the particles present in such solutions are, in part, more elementary than molecules, and weights derived from reasoning along these lines cannot be correct molecular weights. (Discussion in Chap- ters VI and VII.) It has been found that the particles of a substance as they exist dissolved in another substance, exert a pressure susceptible of measurement under certain conditions, which is in many ways to be compared with the pressure which a gas exerts against the walls of the containing vessel. This pressure is called osmotic pressure and will be discussed in a later chapter. For immediate purposes, it is sufficient to point out that the quantitative relations connecting osmotic pressure with the temperature and volume of the solution are precisely those existing between the pressure, temperature, and vol- ume of a gas. Moreover, Avogadro's Law is equally promi- nent in this extended application: Equal volumes of dilute solutions at the same temperature, contain the same numbers of (" dissolved ") molecules, provided they possess the same osmotic pressure. Thus, it follows that the same reasoning adopted to ascertain the molecular weight of a substance in the gaseous state, may be applied to dissolved substances. The following procedure for determining the molecular weight of a dissolved substance, based on the application of the gas laws to dilute solution, is, in effect, a reiteration of that outlined above : Measure the volume of solution containing a weighed amount of dissolved substance at the corresponding temperature, and determine the osmotic pressure. Calculate the weight of substance which would produce an osmotic pressure of 760 mm. when present in 22 A liters solution at C. DETERMINATION OF MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 51 By Charles Law, 246 orig. vol. Problem : One gram of a compound dissolved in 246 c.c. solvent, gives an osmotic pressure o/800 mm. at 18 C. What is its molec- ular weight f : x l :: 291 : 273 altered vol. orig. temp, (abs.) final temp, (abs.) Whence, x =230.8 c.c. (vol. at C., 800 mm. osmotic pressure). By Boyle's Law, 230.8 : x 2 :: 760 : 800 altered vol. final vol. final osm. press. orig. osm. press. Whence, x =242.9 c.c. (vol. at C.,760 mm. osmotic pressure).* Calculation of weight in gram molecular volume, 1 : x 0.243 : 22.4 orig. weight diss. subst. wt. diss. subst. in '22.4 / vol. cont'g 1 g. diss. subst. Whence, x = 92.2, the molecular weight required. A solution freezes at a* lower temperature and boils at a higher temperature, i.e., possesses a lower vapor tension, than the pure solvent. The molecular weight of the dissolved substance may be calculated from measurements of the lowering of the freezing point, elevation of the boiling point, or vapor tension difference between solution and pure solvent. The mutual relationship between these three classes of phenomena is quali- tatively indicated in the accompanying figure: The curve ab represents the increase in the vapor tension of the pure solvent with the temperature. When a substance is dis- solved in the solvent, the re- sulting solution has a lower p vapor tension than the pure solvent, at all temperatures. This is indicated by the curve a'6'. Now, the pure solvent or the solution boils as soon as its vapor tension becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure PI. In the case of the pure solvent, this occurs T 4 T 3 at the temperature TI. At Fi g- 2 - this temperature the solution has a lower vapor tension P 2 than the atmospheric pressure PI, hence it must be further heated to the temperature T% before it will boil. Therefore, to a lower- ing in vapor tension, there corresponds an elevation in boiling point. * See note on page 49. 52 CHEMICAL THEORY. The curve ca represents the increase in vapor tension of the frozen solvent with the temperature. We may define the freezing point as that temperature at which the vapor tensions of both solid and liquid are equal. Only under this condition could the two states remain in contact with one another without tendency to change, as is the case at the freezing temperature. For the pure solvent, this temperature is T 3 , the abscissa corre- sponding to the point (a) where the vapor tension curves of liquid and solid intersect, i.e., where both solid and liquid have the same vapor tension (P 3 ). When a solution is frozen, it is necessary that the pure solvent should appear as solid material, if the measurements are to be of value in molecular weight determination. This is generally the case, but not invariably so. Now, the curve a'6', representing the vapor tensions of the solution, intersects the curve ca, representing vapor ten- sions of pure frozen solvent, at the point a', the only point at which the vapor tensions (P 4 ) of solid and liquid are equal. This point corresponds to the temperature 7 7 4 (less than T 3 ), which is, consequently, the freezing point. Thus, we see that a depres- sion of the freezing point is determined by a lowering in the vapor tension of the liquid. Rigid quantitative connection between such associated prop- erties of dilute solutions as we have cited, may be developed from theoretical considerations. If the osmotic pressure of a solution is known, it is quite possible to calculate the elevated temperature at which this solution will boil, its diminished vapor tension, or the depressed temperature at which it will freeze. The method chosen for a specific molecular weight deter- mination will obviously be that which presents the least experi- mental difficulty. Osmotic pressure measurements are difficult to perform, and yield comparatively inaccurate results. The freezing-point method is much more satisfactory in practice, ,and has been used extensively. A few additional remarks will serve to show how molecular weights are calculated from the results of freezing-point experiments. As a basis for quantitative developments, in this connection, we have Raoult's Law, which states that molecular quantities of different substances lower the freezing point of the same quantity of given solvent to the same extent. Moreover, experiments show that DETERMINATION OF MOLECULAR WEIGHTS. 53 the lowering in any case increases in proportion as the concen- tration of the dissolved substance increases that is, provided only very dilute solutions are considered. If " one gram molecule amounts " of different substances are dissolved separately in like quantities of solvent, the freezing-point depressions must be the same in all cases, according to this law. By adopting a definite amount of solvent to effect such solution we may define a char- acteristic constant applying to the use of this particular solvent. Thus, the depression (in degrees Centigrade) produced by one gram molecule of dissolved substance in 100 g. solvent is often called the molecular depression, or the freezing-point constant of the solvent. If a substance of known molecular weight is dis- solved in this solvent, the constant may be calculated from available experimental data, and applied in calculating the molecular weights of other substances from data correspond- ing to their own solution in the solvent. It remains to obtain a mathematical expression connecting the freezing-point constant with such direct experimental data: Suppose we obtain a lowering of L C. by dissolving w grams of substance, possessing an (unknown) molecular weight M in W grams of a solvent, the freezing-point constant of which is K. This constant represents the lowering in 100 g. solvent, per gram molecule of dissolved substance, i.e., lowering in 100 g. solvent no. gram mols. diss. subst. Since the lowering in W grams of solvent is L, the lowering in one gram of solvent produced by the same amount of dis- solved substance will be LW (the concentration is W times as great), and the lowering in 100 grams of solvent will be - 1UU (the concentration is as great). 1UU The actual weight of dissolved substance w divided by its molecular weight M gives the number of gram molecules of w dissolved substance, viz., : M LW w Substituting the expressions and for the numerator 100 NL 54 CHEMICAL THEORY. and denominator, respectively, in the right-hand member of the above equation, we obtain, LW w M LWM WQKw Clearing of fractions, K = , and transposing, M = . 100 w Li\V Problem: Using 18.6 as the freezing-point constant of the solvent, calculate the molecular weight of the dissolved substance from the following data: grams solvent, 50; grams dissolved sub- stance, 0.88; actual lowering, 0.95. Substituting the values: TF=50, w = 0.88, L =0.95, and K = 18.6, in the above equation, we obtain, .., (100) (18.6) (0.88) M= (0.95) (50) The calculation of molecular weights from boiling-point data involves the use of a formula similar to the above. Additional methods of molecular weight determination are of relatively less importance than those described in this chapter. CHAPTER IV. DETERMINATION OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. SUPPOSE it has been found by experiment that about 76 g. of carbon disulphide occupy a volume of 22.4 liters at C., 760 mm. pressure. We know, then, that a molecule of this substance weighs approximately 76 times as much as the unit quantity of material adopted as a basis of comparison for all atomic and molecular weights, namely, the sixteenth part of the oxygen atom. In other words, its molecular weight is approxi- mately 44. Now, it is always possible, by some quantitative method of chemical analysis, to determine the exact proportions by weight in which the individual constituents are present in a compound. Thus, we are able to divide the molecular weight unit into parts representing the weights of its several constituents. Such analytical methods are sometimes direct, more often indirect, and involve the use of much cumulative data relative to the composition and particular behavior of certain substances. If a weighed quantity of carbon disulphide could be decomposed into its elements, and these, in turn, weighed, we would possess the results of a direct analysis. By burning a weighed quantity of carbon disulphide and weighing the resulting carbon dioxide, after rendering it suitably pure, we would obtain indirect results leading to the composition of the material. Thus, previous experiment has shown that 27.3 -f per cent of the material in carbon dioxide is carbon by direct synthesis, 27.3 + parts of carbon unite with 72.7 parts of oxygen to form 100 parts car- bon dioxide and it is only necessary to multiply the weight of carbon dioxide obtained from our initial quantity of carbon disulphide by this percentage number, to ascertain how much carbon the latter originally contained. The complementary 55 56 CHEMICAL THEORY. amount of sulphur is obtained by difference original weight of carbon disulphide minus weight of carbon since the com- pound is known to contain no third constituent. Analysis of the compound, carbon disulphide, shows that 15.8 per cent of its total substance is carbon, while the remainder, 84.2 per cent, is sulphur. In the preliminary discussion (cf . Introduc- tion, page 22, in particular) we have already demonstrated that a molecular weight combines the atomic weights, or multiple atomic weights of such elementary substances as compose the compound. Consequently, 15.8 per cent of 76 = 12.0 (that part of the molecu- lar weight of carbon disulphide attributive to carbon) must be the (approximate) simple or multiple atomic weight of carbon; and 84.2 per cent of 76 = 64 (that part of its molecular weight attributive to sulphur) must be the (approximate) simple or multiple atomic weight of sulphur. It is clear that an extension of this line of work to a large num- ber of compounds containing carbon, will result in a series of numbers representing either the atomic weight of carbon, or multiples of the same, and furthermore, that the simple number is reasonably certain to develop if the number of compounds investigated is very great; i.e., some one of these compounds will, in all probability, contain a single atom of carbon in its molecule. The determination of other atomic weights is effected by a similar course of procedure. The following outlined arrangement serves to briefly summa- rize this argument. To Determine the Approximate Atomic Weight of an Element : (1) A table of the molecular weights of a large number of com- pounds containing the element is prepared. (2) The compounds are analyzed and that portion of the molecu- lar weight consisting of the element under consideration, is tabulated along with the corresponding molecular weight. (3) The smallest of these latter numbers is chosen as the atomic weight sought, for larger numbers evidently represent more than one atom, and are consequently multiples of the correct atomic weight. DETERMINATION OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. To illustrate: 57 Carbon. Sulphur. Part of Mol. Part of Compound. Mol. Wt. Per cent C. in Comp'd. Wt. Consist- Compound. Mol. Wt. Per cent S. in Comp'd. Mol. Wt. Consisting ing of 8. of C. Carbon Sulphur di- monoxide 28 42.9 12 oxide 64 50.0 32 Carbon di- Sulphur tri- oxide .... 44 27.3 12 oxide 80 40.0 32 Carbon di- Carbon di- sulphide . . Methane 76 16 15.8 75.0 12 12 sulphide Hydrogen 76 84.2 64 sulphide 34 94.1 32 Acetylene . . 26 92.3 24 Sulphuryl chloride 135 23.7 32 Benzene. . . . 78 92.3 72 Sulphur 64 100.0 64 etc. etc From these two tables, we choose the values 12 and 32 as the atomic weights of carbon and sulphur, respectively. It is obviously of great importance to be able to verify an atomic weight number, selected as above, by some independent method. Such a check is offered by the Law of Dulong and Petit (Paris, 1818): The products of the atomic weights of the elements into their specific heats are approximately constant. The mean value of this product is 6.4. We should note that the specific heat of an element varies with the temperature; in some cases, very emphatically. Moreover, not a few of the ele- ments are polymorphous (cf. Introduction, p. 16), in which case each solid modification has its own characteristic specific heat. Some elements do not follow the law very closely. Nevertheless, deductions from this source are of service, in a broad sense, to indicate whether the atomic weight number resulting from chem- ical reasoning (as above), is a minimum value, or still a multiple of the true value. The fact that conclusions from both sources are quite generally in accord, justifies an increased confidence in their accuracy. 58 CHEMICAL THEORY. Additional evidence tending to establish the general accuracy of these numbers, is offered by the Periodic System (Chapter II). The very realization of a comprehensive classification of this sort based on this series of numbers, testifies to their significant nature. Indeed, when sufficiently elaborate chemical data to fully establish the atomic weight of an element are not available, its logical posi- tion in the periodic system may be depended upon to suggest the order of this number. We have seen how an approximate number is chosen for the atomic weight of an element. The greater number of atomic weights are now known accurately to one or two places of deci- mals. This refinement is based on very careful analytical work, showing, as accurately as possible, the ratios by weight char- acterizing combination between the different elements and oxygen. It is not necessary to determine the combining ratio between every element and oxygen directly some elements fail to combine with oxygen, or form oxides which are unsuited to analysis since this ratio may be calculated if the data relative to combination with another element, as well as the oxygen ratio of this other element, is known. To obtain a uniform comparison with the arbitrary standard O = 16 the oxygen term of the ratio is altered to exactly 16, and the other term recalculated on this basis. The resulting number may then require to be multi- plied, or divided by some simple integer to furnish the correct atomic weight, already known in approximation. It should be clear that the combining ratio between the element and oxygen perhaps ascertained indirectly may represent a relation between any small number of atomic quantities of the element and any small number of atomic quantities of oxygen. In any case, the weight of element is finally referred to one atomic quantity of oxygen, and may, thus, constitute a simple fractional part, or multiple, of the atomic weight. Since we know the approximate atomic weight from previous considera- tions, it is at once apparent how this number must be altered to yield the accurate atomic weight. An example will serve to further elucidate these state- ments : By the process outlined on page 56, the " round number " atomic weight of hydrogen is fixed at 1. DETERMINATION OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS. 59 Unusually elaborate and extended experiments have placed the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in the compound, water, at 0.12595 4:1. Changing the oxygen term to 16, the ratio becomes, 2.0152 : 16. Since the approximate atomic weight of hydrogen is 1, the number 2.0153 divided by 2, gives the refined atomic weight value, 1.0076. The particular significance of the multiple number is that two atoms of hydrogen are combined with one atom of oxygen in the above compound. The atomic weight most frequently used in chemical calcu- lations is that of oxygen. It is, therefore, desirable in standard- izing these relative weights that some convenient whole number should be adjusted to oxygen. Berzelius proposed regulation of these numbers on the basis of O = 100. This standard has not met with general approval. On the other hand, hydrogen possesses the smallest atomic weight of any known element and might logically be adopted as unity. In such event, the oxygen number would be a trifle under 16, a rather inconvenient fractional value. It has proven most uniformly satisfactory to make this number exactly 16 (the value which we have used in earlier portions of this text). On this basis, the atomic weight of hydrogen becomes 1.0076 (as shown in the previous paragraph); a number so close to unity that the decimal part need not be considered in practical work. Other atomic weights are invariably referred to this standard, whereby they assume values which are only infrequently expressed by whole numbers. We may sum up the essential features of the preceding remarks in the form of a rigid definition of the term atomic weight: An atomic weight is a number expressing the ratio of the mass of the smallest part of an element entering into combination, to yV of the mass of an atom of oxygen. An international com- mission critically examines all new experimental work in this field and revises the list of atomic weights each year. The 1908 Table is to be found inside the cover of this book. CHAPTER V. CALCULATION OF FORMULAS. WE have seen that a formula specifies the number of atomic quantities of each elementary substance which together con- stitute one molecular quantity of the compound. Consequently, the composition of a compound must be determined by some process of analysis before any calculation relative to numbers of different atoms in a molecule is possible. The results of chemical analysis are usually presented in such a way that the proportion of each constituent appears as a percentage of the whole. If the analysis is correct, these percentage numbers should total 100, within the limits of experimental accuracy. Thus, a satisfactory analysis of the compound water would be: Hydrogen ............. 11.10 per cent (by weight) Oxygen ................ 88.82 per cent Total .................. 99.92 per cent. The analysis might be referred to one part by weight of hydro- gen. Either of the following expressions, in which the figures denote parts by weight, describes the results of this analysis: Hydrogen 11<10 + Oxygen^; Hydrogen r-00 + Oxygen 8i00 . Now, if we are to use symbols, and assemble our data in the shape of a formula, we must observe that each symbol stands for a certain weight of its particular kind of matter, called the atomic weight. Hence, the relative atomic proportions of hydrogen and oxygen in the compound water obtained by dividing the actual proportions by weight by the respective atomic weights (H = 1, O = 16), may be associated with the symbols, thus: HII. IO O 5t55 Hj >00 O 050 11.10, and 8 ^f - 5.55 } (^ . IM> and 8 _| =0 .5o). 60 CALCULATION OF FORMULAS. 61 At this point, we should reflect that a formula must represent the actual numbers of different atoms which constitute one molecule of the substance. Moreover, these numbers must be simple integers, since one atom is the smallest unit concerned in chemical combination. If, in the above ratio, we assume one atom of oxygen, there will result an integral number of hydrogen atoms, namely, two. But no evidence has been introduced, thus far, to prove that a molecule of water does not contain two atoms of oxygen and four of hydrogen, or some larger total of oxygen and hydrogen atoms, always in the proportion one to two. Therefore, at this stage we may write the simple formula H 2 O with the understanding that it is to a certain extent hypothetical; or the general formula H 2n O n in which n is some simple integer. This uncertainty is removed through an actual determination of the molecular weight. The molecular weight of water, if its formula is H 2 O, must be 18, i.e., ((2 X 1) + 16). An experi- mental determination of the molecular weight by the gas density method (cf. Chapter III) presents no difficulty in this case, and results in the above value. Hence, we accept the formula H 2 O without question, as descriptive of the compound water. Had a multiple of 18 been obtained in the molecular weight deter- mination, corresponding alteration of the simple formula would have been necessary, in order to secure the proper agreement. Thus: Molecular Weight. Formula. 18 H 2 O 36 ILO, 54 HO 18 n H^ A working summary of the preceding argument is embodied in the following Rule for the Calculation of Formulas: Divide the numbers which represent the relative weights of each element in the compound, by the corresponding atomic weights. The resulting series of numbers represents the numerical proportionality between the several kinds of atoms in the molecule. Assign the value 1 to the smallest of these numbers and recalculate the others on this basis. Construct a formula using these recalculated num- 62 CHEMICAL THEORY. bers (which should be simple integers) as subscripts, and compare the molecular weight corresponding to this formula with the experi- mentally determined molecular weight. If substantial agreement is apparent, this simplest formula meets all requirements. Other- wise, to obtain a correct formula, divide the experimentally deter- mined molecular weight by the molecular weight calculated from the simplest formula, and multiply each subscript in this formula by the quotient, which must approximate a simple integer. Illustrative calculations : Sulphur Dioxide: Percentage Comp. At. Wts. At. Ratio. Simplest Ratio. Mol. Wt. from Gas. D. Sulphur Oxvffen . . 50.05 49 95 + 32.06 16 00 = 1.56 3 12 1.00 2 00 About 64 100.00 Rational Formula, S0 2 : The simplest formula suggested by the numbers in the fourth column above is SO 2 . The molecular weight corresponding to this formula is 64.06 (32.06 + (2 X 16)), in substantial agreement with the above value, 64. (All the above numbers are ideal, for purposes of illustration.) Sometimes it is desirable to express the results of an analysis in terms of characteristic groups of atoms. The analytical data in the following table relates to a very pure sample of the mineral, gypsum.* Percentage Comp. Formula Wts. of Constitu- ents. Ratio. Simplest Ratio. H 2 O. . 20.85 18.02 1.16 2.03 aO so a 32.84 46 07 4- 56.1 80 06 = 0.58 0.57 1.02 1.00 99.76 Simplest Formula, CaSO 4 . 2H 2 O : The simplest formula corresponding to these results is CaO.SO 3 . 2H 2 O, or CaSO 4 . 2H 2 O. * Analysis by a student in the Sheffield Scientific School. CALCULATION OF FORMULAS. 63 In this case, no molecular weight determination is available for further criticism. The reference literature of Chemistry is essentially a collection of definite chemical information relative to all known substances, in which their formulas occupy a prominent position. For the most part, simplest formulas (according to previous interpre- tation) figure in the general enumeration. The simplest for- mula corresponds to the correct molecular weight in the majority of investigated cases. It should be noted, however, that the molecular weights of many compounds have never been deter- mined. Consequently, the simple formulas assigned to them, while certifying to their composition, may or may not represent their molecular weights. The ordinary methods of molecular weight determination deal with a substance in the gaseous or dissolved state. There is, perhaps, a general tendency for the same substance to persist in a definite molecular condi- tion throughout change from one to the other of these states. Neverthe- less, many exceptions may be noted indeed, change in molecular complexity in the gaseous state alone, frequently accompanies change of temperature. No method of determining the molecular weight of a solid is known. Immediate knowledge of the formulas pertaining to many important compounds is preeminently valuable to the student of Chemistry. Fortunately, a comprehensive array of analogies and relationships underlies the whole scheme of chemical com- bination, rendering a minimum amount of well chosen data directly available for predicting a wealth of detailed information. Any ordinary formula is readily constructed by adjusting its individual constituent parts according to certain well recognized principles of equivalence, which have resulted from the critical examination of many other formulas (cf. Introduction, page 23). This is, in no sense, a rigid determination, or calculation of the formula, but rather an empirical method of rendering our knowl- edge systematic and helpful. CHAPTER VI. OSMOTIC PRESSURE AND RELATED PHENOMENA, WITH PAR- TICULAR REFERENCE TO DILUTE AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF ACIDS, BASES, AND SALTS. IN a previous chapter, we have noted that the dissolved par- ticles of a solution give rise to a certain pressure effect which obeys the same laws as that due to the particles of a gas. For purposes of comparison, it may be imagined that total elimina- tion of the solvent would convert the dissolved particles into a like number of gaseous particles exerting gaseous pressure equal in magnitude to the osmotic pressure, which they determined when in the dissolved condition. Gaseous pressure is apparent at the bounding surfaces of the gas. On the other hand, the pressure on the walls and bottom of a vessel containing a solution is purely gravitational in nature. The marked difference between the properties of a gas and those of a liquid explains this non- conformity in the manifestation of gaseous pressure and osmotic pressure. Forces of great magnitude are concerned in restraining the particles of a liquid from realizing their inherent disruptive tendency. Outside pressure is not necessary to limit the volume occupied by matter in this state of aggregation, since a self- imposed surface characterizes the liquid state. The forces oper- ating at such a liquid surface determine a pressure effect directed towards the interior of the liquid, at right angles to the surface, i.e., in direct opposition to the osmotic pressure. Experimental study of surface tension phenomena has led to a quantitative estimate of such surface pressures. It appears that they vastly exceed any possible osmotic pressure. Consequently, the latter effect will not appear at a free surface. To measure the osmotic pressure of a dissolved substance, we must, therefore, eliminate the free surface. This is accomplished by arranging a boundary between the solution in question and an amount of pure solvent, which shall permit ready passage of 64 OSMOTIC PRESSURE AND RELATED PHENOMENA. 65 the solvent in both directions, but completely enclose the dis- solved particles. Thus, we experiment in a medium of pure sol- vent, which pervades the whole system. Membranes composed of copper ferrocyanide, or certain other gelatinous bodies, are permeable to water and impermeable to most dissolved sub- stances. In this connection, they are called semi-permeable membranes. The cellular tissue of plants and animals is semi- permeable with respect to aqueous solutions of various com- pounds, and osmotic phenomena are prominently concerned in its natural functions. Suppose the cylinder represented in Fig. 3 contains a solution of sugar in water, separated from a quantity of pure solvent by a partition, which permits unrestricted passage of the water, but is impervious to the sugar molecules. There is no surface to mark the division between these two compartments, since water is continuous throughout the whole system. Under these conditions, the osmotic pressure due to the sugar molecules contained in the lower compartment will be apparent at the partition, and may be measured indirectly, as we shall see later. If the partition is movable, it will be forced upwards through the pure water until the osmotic pressure of the solution, which decreases as water enters, becomes just equal to the task of supporting its weight. In case no partition had prevented the dissolved particles from escaping, they would have penetrated the pure solvent until the osmotic pressure had become equal throughout the whole solution. In other words, diffusion would have proceeded until a uniform concentration had obtained. Owing to the delicate nature of these semi-permeable mem- branes, their practical use in furthering the measurement of osmotic pressure is dependent on some arrangement calculated to render them sufficiently rigid. According to the method commonly used, they are supported by the walls of a porous earthenware vessel. Solutions which will precipitate the mem- brane by interaction, are allowed to penetrate the walls of the vessel from either side, thus meeting in the interior and depositing Fig. 3. 66 CHEMICAL THEORY. a thin membrane, which is rigidly secured by the wall substance. Reinforced copper ferrocyanide membranes of this sort are capable of withstanding osmotic pressures of several atmospheres. No membranes of sufficient rigidity to permit accurate work with rather concentrated solutions (in which the osmotic pressure may exceed 100 atmospheres) have been constructed. A clear conception of the actual process employed to determine the osmotic pressure of a solution is best obtained with the help of the accompanying diagram (Fig. 4). The porous cup C is prepared for the experiments by depositing a membrane of copper ferrocyanide within its wall substance. It is then fitted with a stopper carrying a long glass tube, and filled to the bottom of the stopper with the solution to be investigated. This apparatus is immersed in a bath of pure solvent S to a depth which brings both liquid surfaces to the same level. The particles of dissolved substance exert a pressure on the membrane. This is held by the cell walls and cannot yield. Now, any system invariably tends to such readjustment as will operate against an im- posed deformation. A flow of solvent through the membrane into the solution, whereby the solution becomes diluted and its osmotic pressure diminished, therefore ensues. The resulting increase in the volume of the solution causes it to rise in the tube, and this effect persists until the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid column (h) exactly balances the tendency to inflow. Since the magnitude of this inflow effect is determined by the osmotic pressure of the original solution its cause the resulting hydrostatic pressure, measured by the height of the column (h), is equal to the osmotic pressure. We have accounted for gaseous pressure by picturing rapid motion of the constituent molecules, resulting in countless impacts against the walls of the containing vessel. This explains, all facts well and is generally acceptable to the scientific fraternity. To associate osmotic pressure with gas pressure, we have con- Fig. 4 OSMOTIC PRESSURE AND RELATED PHENOMENA. 67 ceived the space between the molecules of a gas to be filled with solvent. But, whether a similar kinetic hypothesis, or some other hypothesis, such as the assumption of attractive forces between dissolved substance and solvent, offers the most rational explanation of osmotic pressure, is an open question. In the course of our discussion relative to the determination of molecular weights, we noted the failure of methods employing dilute solutions to yield the correct molecular weight when the dissolved substance is an acid, base, or salt; and the solvent, water. It is just such solutions which merit especial interest on the part of the chemist, by reason of their commonplace occurrence. Consideration of some typical results obtained by the application of these methods to such solutions will be of value in introducing certain fundamental ideas as to the nature of dissolved substances in general. For this purpose, we may choose the freezing-point method in preference to the osmotic pressure method, chiefly because it presents less experimental difficulty and has received more attention. The close relationship between these different proper- ties of solutions has already been pointed out (cf. Chapter III). From previous considerations, we would expect one gram molecule of sodium chloride to produce the same freezing-point lowering in a liter of water as one gram molecule of sugar, or any other dissolved substance does. That is, as many molecules are dissolved in each case, and we have seen that it is the number of molecules which determines the magnitude of the lowering. In reality, the salt is much more effective in this respect. Thus: Lowering in 1000 g. water by 1 g. mol. (342 g.) cane sugar 1.86 Lowering in 1000 g. water by 1 g. mol. (58.5 g.) salt 3.46. Since the lowering is proportional to the number of molecules, or concrete particles in general, we reason that the salt solution Q A R contains 1 or 1.86 times as many particles as the sugar solu- 1.86 tion. If we consider the figures given by sugar (and duplicated by other substances which are not acids, bases, or salts) as normal, then we may place the normal freezing-point constant of water at 18.6, i.e., the lowering produced by one gram mole- cule of dissolved substance in 100 grams of solvent (cf. Chapter 68 CHEMICAL THEORY. Ill, page 53). Using this value in the formula M = LW in connection with the actual lowering produced by 58.5 g. salt in 1000 g. water 3.46 we calculate the molecular weight of salt to be 31.4. Now, it is certain that the formula of common salt is NaCl, and its molecular weight, 58.5. Hence, the above result indicates that the (average) formula weight- of the particles present in the aqueous solution of salt 31.4 is less than the true molecular weight. We are forced to the general conclusion that the process of solution has caused some sort of disruption, or dissociation (since salt is again formed on evaporation) of the original salt molecules into smaller parts, each of which is comparable with a whole molecule in its power to lower the freezing point of the solvent. The following reasoning suffices to show what proportion of the molecules have suffered alteration: At the outset we will make the assumption that each molecule which dissociates, furnishes two particles. Theory concerning the nature of these particles is introduced in the next chapter. At this point, we need only state that a molecule consisting of one atom of sodium and one atom of chlorine could scarcely be expected to furnish more than two concrete chemical particles of any sort. Let (ra) equal the fractional part of molecules which dissociate. Then (1 ra) will represent the fractional part of molecules which fail to dissociate, and 2 m + (1 ra), or (1 + ra), the total number of particles (molecules and portions of molecules) present in the solution for every original molecule dissolved. But, we have seen above that the solution contains 1.86 times as many particles as the sugar solution, and we dissolved the same number of molecules in each case. Therefore, 1.86 particles are present for every molecule dissolved and we write, (1 + ra) = 1.86. Whence, (ra) = 0.86. This number signifies that 86 per cent of the salt molecules in a solution containing 58.5 grams of salt per liter of water, are dissociated into two parts. CHAPTER VII. THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. As a basis for the formulation of a theory which shall explain the condition of substances in solution, we have these funda- mental facts to consider: (1) Those substances, and only those, which conduct the galvanic current in aqueous solution, give rise to greater osmotic pressure, etc., in the same aqueous medium, than is calculated from their molecular weights in the usual way (by application of Avogadro's Law). (2) These substances do not show this abnormality when dis- solved in most other solvents, and such solutions do not con- duct the current to any great extent. (3) Chemical reactions of a particularly significant character are associated with the aqueous solutions of these substances. We remarked briefly on the chemical nature of these com- pounds in the earlier discussion of their abnormally pronounced effect in lowering the freezing point of water. Attention is again directed to the fact that they include the three great classes of compounds which are most representative of the whole chemical fabric acids, bases, and salts. The term, electrolyte, is employed to designate all of these substances, with reference to their ability to conduct the galvanic current, when in a suitable condition, such as that of solution in water. Substances which do not conduct the galvanic current in aqueous solution, or non-electrolytes, are supposed to disintegrate into molecules when dissolved in any liquid. We have seen (Chapter III) how careful consideration of the properties of their solutions leads consistently to this conclusion. But, the aqueous solution of an electrolyte contains more particles than would correspond to a division into simple molecules. It was sug- gested at the close of the previous chapter, that this condition could be explained by assuming a kind of dissociation in the aqueous solution, whereby some of the molecules of the dis- 70 CHEMICAL THEORY. solved substance furnish two or more particles. This reasoning was carried far enough to show how the numerical proportion of molecules which dissociate, could be calculated by comparing the actual freezing-point lowering with the normal lowering in a solution of the same molecular concentration. There remains the necessity of placing this theory on a practi- cal footing by introducing some logical conception of the nature of these sub-molecular particles. Reverting to the specific case previously considered, it is not reasonable to suppose that sodium chloride, NaCl, when dissolved in water, dissociates into concrete particles, or atoms, of sodium and chlorine; for we know that both these substances in the atomic state react chemically on water, forming other products. Thus: Na + H 2 O = NaOH + H; and Cl + H 2 O = HC1 + O. The modified conception, which renders a primary assumption of simple dissociation tenable in the face of all requirements, is embodied in the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory, proposed by Arrhenius (Stockholm, 1887). In effect, each particle is sup- posed to carry a certain quantity of electricity, which thus materially changes its nature. This appears quite reasonable if we reflect that it is the association of matter with energy which determines the nature of chemical, as well as physical change - the association of an electric charge with the sodium atom might well prevent it from reacting with water, as above. Positive and negative electricity cannot appear independently. Conse- quently, the dissociation products from each molecule will be of two kinds, i.e., those carrying positive charges, and those carrying complementary negative charges. Electrolytic dissociation follows a plan suggested by general chemical reaction. Thus, the compound potassium chlorate, KClOs, dissociates into positive K particles and negative ClOs particles, and the integrity of the ClOs particle is generally preserved throughout diverse chemical reaction. The name, ion (positive or negative, respectively), is applied to a particle of this sort, and the process by which ions are formed (attending solution of an electrolyte in water for example) is called electrolytic dissociation, or ionization. An ion which corre- sponds to the chemical valence 1 carries a unit charge. This is THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 71 represented by entering one ( + ) over the symbol, or group of symbols describing its identity. A bivalent atom or group produces an ion of double charge (++), etc. The whole valence scheme serves as a key to the distribution of these ionic charges. A few illustrations will make this matter clear: One molecule of sodium chloride NaCl gives one sodium ion + with unit positive charge, represented Na, and one chloride ion with unit negative charge, represented Cl. + One molecule of sodium sulphate, Na2SO 4 , gives 2Na+ SO 4 . + + One molecule of barium chloride, BaC^, gives Ba 4- 2C1. + + One molecule of cupric nitrate, Cu(NO3) 2 , gives Cu + 2NOs. + + One molecule of fead acetate, Pb(C 2 H 3 O 2 )2, gives Pb +2C 2 H 3 2 . i One molecule of nitric acid, HNOs, gives H + NO 3 . + One molecule of sodium hydroxide, NaOH, gives Na + OH. While the general idea of dissociation included in our theoreti- cal conceptions relative to aqueous solutions of electrolytes, is definitely suggested by the abnormal behavior of these solutions (as previously shown), consideration of the actual phenomena associated with the conduction of electricity by such solutions has contributed most effectively towards maturing this theory. The prospect of a much clearer insight into the essential asser- tions of the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory, will justify the use of some space for a detailed description of such phenomena, viewed from this standpoint. Before turning to a specific case, it is especially desirable to state with all possible emphasis, that the passage of electricity through an aqueous solution of an electrolyte is accompanied by an alteration in the chemical nature of the material; a transfer of matter differentiates elec- trolytic conduction, or conduction of the second class, from metallic conduction, or conduction of the first class, during which no material change occurs. The process of decomposition, attending the passage of electricity through a substance, or mixture, is called electrolysis. To avoid misconception on the part of the reader, we should note here, that electrolysis is not 72 CHEMICAL THEORY. confined to aqueous solutions of electrolytes, although depend- ent on the presence of ions. Some other solvents produce the same ionic condition in an electrolyte. Water is by far most effective in this respect, however. Again, a pure electrolyte may become quite conductive at high temperatures. Thus, we refer to the electrolysis of certain non-aqueous solutions and of fused electrolytes. Let us consider the electrolysis of a dilute solution of hydro- chloric acid in water: If no acid were dissolved in the water, the latter would scarcely conduct at all. Likewise, if pure acid were used, very slight conductivity would result. But the solution con- tains particles not present to any appreciable extent in either pure substance, namely, hydrogen ions and chloride ions. These particles are thought to transport electricity from pole to pole. Each dissociating molecule of acid furnishes one hydrogen ion, carrying a unit positive charge, and one chloride ion, carrying a unit negative charge. If the solution is very dilute, most of the acid molecules are dissociated, so that an almost endless number of charged particles are present. It is obvious that no apparent electrification of the solution will result, since there can be no excess of one kind of electricity over the other. The process of dissolving acid in water has, in some obscure manner, caused a readjustment of energy within the system, especially characterized by the appearance of sub-molecular fragments, which are possessed of electrical energy, operating to prevent their complete alienation, i.e., there is a reciprocal attraction between complementary fragments carrying equal and opposite charges of electricity, Suppose we follow the process of alteration which a tangible number of these dissociated acid molecules may be expected to sustain when suitable electrodes* connected with some outside source of electricity are introduced into the solution in which they are contained. Four such dissociated molecules are shown underneath the lowest dotted line in Fig. 5. The heavy lines A and C represent platinum plates which are connected with a dynamo, or other apparatus for generating electricity. * Platinum electrodes are commonly used in experiments of this sort, owing to their general resistance to corrosion. In this particular case, however, platinum would not remain unattacked and carbon is a more suitable electrode material. THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 73 Electrical generators cause a separation of positive from negative elec- tricity by mechanical agency. The positive electricity is accumulated in one part of the apparatus, and the negative electricity in another part. Between these two regions there exists a difference in potential, or electrical pressure, corresponding to the attractive force between positive and negative electricity. If regions of high and low potential are joined by a "metallic conductor, an electric current flows until equalization of the potential is effected. The generator maintains a constant difference of potential, and therefore determines a continuous current. For immediate purposes we will assume that the positive pole or electrode, called the anode, is charged with a definite amount of electricity, conveniently measurable in terms of the unit quantity Anode ++++ + ? H H Cl Cl ~ H H H Cl Cl Cl H H SS "* Cl ci ci Cl + ^. + -)- H H H H ci Cl Cl ci Cathode C Fig. 5. associated with one hydrogen ion, and that the negative pole or cathode is charged with an equal amount of negative electricity. The small plus and minus signs arranged along the anode and cathode, respectively, indicate the magnitude of these charges. Now, the relatively large quantity of positive electricity at the anode will exert an attractive force on the nearest negative ion called anion, in this connection and a repulsive force on its positive fellow, sufficient in effect to overcome their mutual attraction. Simultaneously, negative electricity at the cathode attracts the nearest positive ion cation and repels the accompanying negative ion. All the particles are supposed to be moving about in the solvent medium; consequently, the positive ion and negative ion which were repelled towards the interior of the liquid will sooner or later come close enough together so that their reciprocal attraction will determine close 74 CHEMICAL THEORY. partnership between them. The negative ion which was attracted by the anode will lose its charge when it reaches this locality, owing to neutralization of the same by an equal amount of posi- tive electricity. After the loss of its negative charge, this chlorine atom possesses the ordinary chemical properties of atomic chlo- rine. According to conditions of concentration, temperature, etc., it may unite with another chlorine atom to form a molecule of gaseous chlorine, which will be liberated, or it may react with water to form oxygen, which will be liberated in the molecular condition: Cl + H 2 O = 2HC1 + O, and O + O = O 2 .* The posi- tive ion which was attracted to the cathode, will lose its charge by neutralization, ultimately appearing as molecular hydrogen. Conditions subsequent to the process just described, are represented in that part of the figure immediately above the lower dotted line. There are now three undecomposed molecules of hydrochloric acid, in the ionic form. Symbols printed in bold type indicate the elements in their ordinary atomic condition. Plus and minus signs arranged side by side are to be regarded as extinguishing one another. We see that the production of one atom of hydrogen and one atom of chlorine is identified with the loss of one negative unit of electricity from the cathode and one positive unit from the anode. The continuation of this process is outlined by upward steps in the figure. Ultimately, all four molecules of acid are decomposed at the expense of four units of positive electricity and four units of negative electricity. Instead of the eight units originally present on the anode and the eight originally present on the cathode, four units are finally left at each place. This evidently corresponds to the direct passage of four positive units from the anode to the cathode. In practice, the generating apparatus supplies these amounts of electricity as fast as they are used, i.e., maintains a constant difference of potential, and a measuring instrument inserted anywhere within the circuit shows the quantity of elec- tricity passing. By determining the quantity of electricity which flows through the circuit in a definite time interval, as well as the actual weight of hydrogen liberated during the same time, we are * Concentrated solutions yield C1 2 for the most part; dilute solutions yield O 2 . THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 75 in a position to ascertain how much electricity has been carried by an ionic quantity of hydrogen, or by an ionic quantity of chlorine. (The term, ionic quantity, will be understood by comparing the analogous terms, atomic quantity, and molecular quantity.) Thus, experiment shows that one gram ion of hydrogen (formula weight of the ion expressed in grams), or one gram of hydrogen, is liberated every time 96,500 coulombs* of electricity traverse the circuit. It is clear, in view of the above discussion, that the apparent transfer of 96,500 coulombs from A to C (Fig. 5) was brought about by one gram ion of hydrogen (which carried this amount of positive electricity to C), in common with one gram ion of chlorine (which removed this amount of positive electricity from A, in that it carried an equal amount of negative electricity to this region). Hence, we conclude that one gram ion of hydrogen (1 g.) carries a positive charge of 96,500- coulombs, and one gram ion of chlorine (36.45 g.) carries a negative charge equal in amount. We have stated (on page 71) as an essential precept of the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory, that the ordinary chemical valence of an atom or group indicates the number of unit elec- trical charges it will carry as an ion. Referring to the table on page 71, we have only to substitute 96,500 coulombs for each single plus or minus to ascertain the magnitude of the charge carried by any one of the ions enumerated. It is equally simple to determine what quantity of a given ion will be liberated during electrolysis. For, obviously, the passage of 96,590 coulombs through the medium in which it is contained, will liberate one gram ion, if it carries a unit charge, but only half as much, if it carries a double charge. To illustrate: The passage of 96,500 coulombs through a dilute solution of sodium sulphate will free one gram ion of sodium (or about 23 g.) at the cathode, and one- half of a gram ion of SO* (or about 48 g.) at the anode. In thia case there will be subsequent reactions at both electrodes (cf. p. 74), since neither Na nor S0 are stable in the presence of water. These reactions are as follows: (1) 2Na + 2H 2 O = 2NaOH + H 2 , and (2) 2SO 4 (46) (2) (192) + 2H 2 O = 2H 2 SO 4 + O 2 . *. (32) * The electrical unit of quantity. 76 CHEMICAL THEORY. According to these equations, we shall have I g. of hydrogen as a final product in place of 23 g. of sodium, and 8 g. of oxygen in place of 48 g. of SO 4 (cf. Introduction, page 35 et. seq). We observe that 1 g. of hydrogen is produced when 96,500 coulombs pass through a solution of sodium sulphate, or a solution of hydrochloric acid. If the electrolysis results in hydro- gen at all, irrespective of the nature of the solution electrolyzed, liberation of one gram ion will correspond to the passage of 96,500 coulombs. Moreover, this result is not influenced by the temperature of the solution, its concentration, the specific char- acter of the current, etc. The quantitative relations connecting the passage of elec- tricity through an electrolyte with the decomposition products at the electrodes, which we have pointed out pursuant to primary assumptions of the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory, were clearly enunciated by Faraday on experimental grounds a half century before this theory was proposed. Obviously, these facts were of fundamental importance in shaping the theory. Faraday's Law may be stated as follows: (a) The amount of every substance resulting from decomposition by electrolysis, is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity which has passed through the electrolytic conductor. (b) Chemically equivalent amounts of different substances result from all decomposition which is effected by the same quantity of electricity. In bringing about chemical decomposition by electrical agency, many specific details, such as current strength, voltage, tem- perature, form of cell, concentration and nature of conducting mixture, must be suitably regulated to secure efficient results, or indeed, any results at all. But, once the process is operative under any conditions, rigid adherence to the above principles obtains. Problem: // the passage of a certain quantity of electricity through a solution of copper sulphate deposits 0.3 g. copper, how much silver will the same quantity of electricity deposit from a solution of silver nitrate? One atomic quantity of copper is chemically equivalent to two atomic quantities of silver, as is apparent on comparison of the THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 77 formulas CuSO 4 and AgNO 3 with the formulas H 2 SO 4 and HNO 3 . That is, Cu = 2H, Ag = H, and, consequently, Cu = 2Ag. (63.6) (2x107.9) Applying Faraday's Law (b): 2 X 107.9 parts by weight of silver will be deposited by the same quantity of electricity which deposits 63.6 parts by weight of copper. A simple proportion shows how much silver corresponds to 0.3 g. copper: 63.6 : 215.8 : : 0.3 : x. x =1.02 (grams of silver deposited). We have seen that the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory con- sistently accounts for tho^e associated phenomena peculiar to aqueous solutions of electrolytes, which we cited first of all on the opening page of this chapter, namely, their conduction of the galvanic current, abnormal osmotic pressure, etc. The absence of such phenomena in connection with non-aqueous solutions of electrolytes and aqueous solutions of non-electrolytes (cf. general discussion, page 69) is explained by assuming that no electrolytic dissociation takes place in these cases. The chief value of the theory to the student of Chemistry lies in its power to throw light on the nature of chemical processes which take place between solutions of acids, bases, and salts. We have already observed that such reactions possess significant features (page 69), and we may infer, with all propriety, that the ions resulting from electrolytic dissociation are actively con- cerned in producing these results. Before proceeding with a detailed description of chemical action, in this connection, it is essential that we obtain some general idea relative to the actual proportion of acid, base, or salt molecules, which are dissociated when the given substance is dissolved in varying amounts of water. First, we shall con- sider how such information may be deduced from experimental evidence. For this purpose, the electrical properties of the solution may be investigated, or determination of the osmotic pressure, freezing-point depression, etc., may be chosen. A brief discus- sion of the relation between the freezing-point depression in an aqueous solution of common salt (containing 1 g. mol. NaCl per liter-) and the number of dissolved particles, was presented at 78 CHEMICAL THEORY. the close of Chapter VI, by way of introduction to the Electro- lytic Dissociation Theory. It seems expedient at this point, to show by enlarging upon the earlier discussion how the proportion of dissociated molecules, or degree of dissociation may be calcu- lated from freezing-point measurements in any ordinary case. At the outset, we assume that the freezing-point depression is proportional to the number of particles of dissolved material, irrespective of their nature, i.e., whether ions or molecules.* Suppose half the molecules of a given electrolyte are disso- ciated in an aqueous solution of a certain concentration, and that each dissociating molecule furnishes three ions. Then, if four molecules O O 00 00 O O O O were originally introduced, eight par- ticles would result, two whole mole- cules and six ions. In case no disso- ciation had taken place, four molecules would be present in the solution. The relation between the freezing-point depression in these two instances would 5 be 8 : 4, following the numerical distri- Fi g . 6 bution of particles, as shown graphically in Fig. 6, a and b. The number of particles present in the solution (a) for every original molecule introduced, could be determined by dividing the actual freezing-point depression measured in this solution, by the normal depression which would correspond to the same quan- tity of the dissolved substance, if it did not dissociate. Thus, the depression in (a) divided by the depression in (b) would equal 2, indicating that there are twice as many particles in (a) as molecules originally taken. We should note that the actual depression refers to that obtained by experiment, while the normal depression must be calculated by applying the formula M = - (cf. Chapter III, pages 53 and 4), in which M, K, w, LW and W, are known. The small letter (i) was introduced by van't Hoff (to whom the theory connecting the various proper- * According to Raoult's Law, any kind of molecule is equally efficient in lowering the freezing point of a solvent. We attribute the same efficiency to any ion, an assumption which is fully justified by agreement between results resting on this basis, with others furnished by an entirely independent method. THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 79 ties of dilute solutions is, mainly due) as a coefficient expressing the numerical relation between an actual depression (boiling- point elevation, osmotic pressure, etc.) and the corresponding normal value. It is thus clear that the determination of (i) may be realized experimentally from freezing-point measurements, etc., without previous knowledge of the degree of dissociation. Now, we may easily obtain an expression for the degree of dissociation, in terms of (i) and one other fundamental quantity, known in any specific instance, namely, the number of ions resulting from one dissociating molecule, which enables us to calculate the degree of dissociation at once. For: Let (m) represent the degree of dissociation, and (n) the' number of ions formed when one molecule dissociates. Then, from a unit number of molecules originally taken (m) are dissociated and (1 m ) are undissociated. Iii place of each molecule which dissociates, there are (n) ions, making a total of (nm) ions in the solution. Thus, the solution contains (1 m) undissociated molecules and (nm) ions, or (1 m + nm) particles, for every unit number of molecules originally taken. Placing this total equal to (i) which has the same signifi- cance, and solving for (m) we obtain: A glance at the diagram (Fig. 6) will serve to fix this relation clearly in mind. In the case represented, i = 2, as previously noted, and n = 3. Whence, m = 0.50, corresponding to our original assumption that half of the molecules were dissociated. A far more accurate and convenient method for determining the degree of dissociation is based on (electrical) conductivity measurements. During our discussion of electrolysis, we observed that electricity is carried through the solution by the ions. The ability of a solution to conduct the current, i.e., to effect an apparent transfer of positive electricity from the anode to the cathode, must depend on the number of ions which carry the electricity (since each carries a fixed amount), and their industry in performing the task. We may define the specific conducting power of any solution by measuring the quantity of 80 CHEMICAL THEORY. electricity which passes in a unit time between ideal electrodes situated at opposite sides of a unit cube containing the solution at 0C., when a unit electrical force is applied. If the solution in question is further diluted, a lesser amount of dissolved sub- stance is included in the unit volume than before. Consequently, the electricity which would be carried from one electrode to the other by all the ions resulting from the amount of substance previously contained in one cubic centimeter, is equal to the sum of that carried by the ions in every unit volume of the diluted solution. In other words, the total conductivity due to all the ions, is equal to the specific conductivity multiplied by the number of cubic centimeters in which the given amount of substance is dissolved. We commonly refer such measurements to one gram molecule of dissolved substance, and use the term, molecular conductivity, to define the product of specific con- ductivity into the number of cubic centimeters of solution con- taining one gram molecule. Now, the rate at which the ions move* under the influence of a given electrical force is known to be practically independent of the concentration, in the case of dilute solutions. Therefore, the respective quantities of electricity which will pass through two unequally concentrated solutions of the same electrolyte at the same temperature f in a definite time interval under the influence of the same electrical force, will be proportional to the other conductivity factor, i.e., the numbers of ions which carry the electricity in each respective solution. Thus, we see that separate determinations of the molecular conductivity at a num- ber of different concentrations serve to show the relative extent to which the dissolved substance is dissociated when dissolved in these different amounts of water or, what amounts to the same thing, the relative numbers of dissociation products, i.e., ions. * Substances giving colored ions are used in demonstrating the move- ment of ions visually. Their rate of motion is uniformly slow, but varies considerably with the nature of the ion. Velocities of only a few centimeters per hour are commonly associated with the ordinary ions, even when driven by very considerable electrical forces. The solvent medium evidently offers enormous resistance to the motion of these extremely minute particles. t Temperature elevation causes an increase in conductivity by reason of the resulting increase in the velocity of the ions. THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 81 To pass from this relative information, to an actual knowledge of the degree of dissociation at any dilution, it is necessary that the molecular conductivity corresponding to complete dissocia- tion be ascertained. It has been found that the molecular con- ductivity invariably increases with the dilution up to a certain point, which may be called infinite dilution, when it remains constant, notwithstanding further dilution. Evidently, the maximum of conductivity has then been attained, owing to the presence of the greatest possible number of ions. We are, therefore, at liberty to assume that the dissolved substance is completely dissociated. To obtain the degree of dissociation at any lesser dilution, we divide the molecular conductivity, at this dilution, by the molecular conductivity at infinite dilution. The logic of this process is indi- cated below: Mol. Cond. at dilution A No. of ions at dilution A Mol. Cond. at infinite dilution Greatest poss. no. ions No. of diss'd mols. at dilution A Total no. of mols. = Degree of Dissociation at dilution A. Conductivity data (taken from Kohlrausch's tables), referring to aqueous solutions of sodium chloride at 18 C., follow: Volume in Liters Containing One Gram Mol. NaCl. Molecular Conduc- tivity. Degree of Dissoci- ation. 1 5 10 100 1000 * 5000 10,000 Infinite volume 74.35 87.73 92.02 101.95 106.49 107.82 108.10 108. 99 (calculated) 74 35 681 108. 99~ ' 68 87-73 108.99 ' 92 2 344 108.99 101 95 035 108.99 UJ 106 ' 49 007" 108.99 ' 107 - 82 ooo 108.99 8 Dissociation com- plete. 82 CHEMICAL THEORY. It is apparent from these conductivity data that one gram molecule of sodium chloride is completely dissociated into ions when dissolved in 10,000 liters or more of water. Moreover, we see that any ordinary aqueous solution of sodium chloride such as might be used in the laboratory, contains a larger percentage of dissociated, than undissociated molecules. Much experimental work has been undertaken to determine whether these different methods for obtaining the degree of dissociation give concordant results, as should be the case if our theory is reliable. Satisfactory agreement between correspond- ing results has always attended such comparative study. 'The superiority of the conductivity method over the freezing point, boiling point, vapor pressure, or osmotic pressure methods, both in point of facility in experimentation and accuracy of results, is responsible for its general adoption in pursuing the study of electrolytic dissociation phenomena. We may now proceed to inquire into the characteristic dis- sociation features of the three different chemical varieties of electrolytes, namely, acids, bases, and salts. The degree of dissociation of each invariably increases with the dilution water as the dissociating agent, operates more effectively as its own concentration increases. However, equal molecular quan- tities of different substances are by no means dissociated to the same extent when dissolved in the same quantity of water. Differences in this respect serve as the basis for a detailed theoretical explanation of chemical interaction between aqueous solutions of electrolytes. The very general outline of the com- parative dissociation of different electrolytes, given in the next three paragraphs, will enable us to draw some important con- clusions regarding their tendency to interaction. A wide range of variation is observed on comparing the degree of dissociation for different acids in solutions of the same molec- ular concentration. The comparative dissociation of some common acids when dissolved in water to the extent of one- tenth gram molecule per liter is shown by the following very approximate percentage numbers: HN0 3 , HC1, HBr, HI 90 (90 per cent of all the dissolved molecules are dissociated); H 2 S0 4 60; H.C 2 H 3 2 1.5; H 2 C0 3 less than 0.2; H 2 S less than 0.1 ; H 3 B0 3 0.01. Whatever the acid, its aqueous THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 83 solution must contain hydrogen ions. We attribute such prop- erties as are common to all aqueous acid solutions, i.e., their sour or " acid" taste, action on litmus, and other general chemical reactions, to these hydrogen ions. In proportion as the solution contains hydrogen ions, these properties will be more marked. Thus, it is logical to say that the strength of the acid depends upon the concentration of hydrogen ions in its solution. From a comparative standpoint, hydrochloric acid is stronger than sulphuric acid, because it furnishes a greater concentration of hydrogen ions when dissolved in water; acetic ac^disweak, while boric acid is extremely weak. Similar diversity characterizes the dissociation of bases. The aqueous solution of a base must contain hydroxyl ions. The com- mon strong bases (those yielding hydroxyl ions in quantity when dissolved in water) with their approximate dissociation values, expressed as for acids in the preceding paragraph, are: NaOH, KOH 90; Ba(OH) 2 75; and Ca(OH) 2 very highly dissociated in a solution containing about one-fiftieth of a gram molecule per liter, which solution represents about the limit of its solubility at ordinary temperature. A large number of weak bases are known, most of them rather insoluble in water. Of these, one is very soluble, and quite indispensable as a labora- tory reagent NH 4 OH 1.5. Others are: Cu(OH) 2 , Cd(OH) 2 , Zn(OH) 2 , Mn(OH) 2 , Fe(OH) 2 , Co(OH) 2 , Ni(OH) 2 , Pb(OH) 2 , Sn(OH) 2 , Bi(OH) 3 , Sb(OH) 3 , Fe(OH) 3 , A1(OH) 3 , Cr(OH) 3 , all insoluble, and weakly basic; the last four considerably weaker than those preceding. * These very sparingly soluble substances, although commonly re- garded as bases, give hydrogen ions, as well as hydroxyl ions, both in minute concentrations. Thus, they possess weakly basic and acidic prop- erties in common and are called amphoteric electrolytes. From the acid standpoint, we may write their formulas: H 2 ZnO 2 , H 2 Pb0 2 , H 2 SnO a and H 3 A1O 8 , and those of their sodium salts, which are all soluble (i.e., the acids dissolve in sodium hydroxide): Na 2 Zn0 2 (sodium zincate), Na 2 PbO 2 (sodium plumbite), Na 2 SnO 2 (sodium stannite) and Na 3 AlO 3 (sodium aluminate); NaAlO 2 , derived from H 3 A1O 3 - H 2 O, or HA1O 2 , is also known. Chromium hydroxide also dissolves in (cold) sodium hydroxide, giving a salt of the formula, NaCrO 2 . 84 CHEMICAL THEORY. In nearly every instance, neutral salts are dissociated to an extent approximating that of strong acids or bases. While a somewhat narrower classification of dissociation values accord- ing to the formula types of salts may be offered, it is of greatest importance to note that seldom less than 50 per cent of a salt is dissociated in an aqueous solution containing 0.1 gram mole- cule per liter. Since some salts are very insoluble, and many relatively so, it is clear that we are not always able to obtain a highly concentrated solution of ions by placing a large quantity of salt in a small volume of water. Neither the positive hydrogen ions, which characterize acid solutions, nor the negative hydroxyl ions, which characterize basic solutions, can be present in neutral salt solutions. Pure water is dissociated to a very slight extent. Calcula- tions based on conductivity results, have shown that it takes several hundred million gram molecules of water to furnish one gram ion of hydrogen and one gram ion of hydroxyl its disso- ciation products. The process which we have called electrolytic dissociation or ionization stops (in common with other dissociation phenom- ena) when all the changing material has reached a final state of adjustment, according to the dictum of certain ruling conditions. We made use of the term equilibrium in the introductory chapter (page 30), to describe this general condition, and alluded to the conventional use of reversed arrows in an equation to indicate the simultaneous presence of all the reacting constituents and the possibility of displacing the equilibrium in either direction. The significance of the following expression for the electrolytic dissociation of hydrochloric acid should, then, be clear: HC1^H + C1. (1) We have seen that the relative amounts of these different substances are primarily dependent on the dilution; that, the greater the dilution, the more ions produced; and that, for any given dilution, the actual amounts of all three are defined. Experience teaches us, furthermore, that this condition of equili- brium is instantly established when the material is dissolved in water. Bearing these facts in mind and recalling what has been said on the previous page about the relative dissociation of different THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 85 electrolytes, let us proceed to consider the effect of mixing certain of them in aqueous solution. Suppose one-tenth of a gram molecule of hydrochloric acid is dissolved in a half liter of water and mixed with a solution pre- pared by dissolving one-tenth of a gram molecule of sodium hydroxide in a half liter of water. We now have one-tenth of a gram molecule each of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide in a liter of water unless some chemical reaction has taken place. Equation (1) above shows the three substances present in an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid; equation (2) below supplies similar information relative to the solution of sodium hydroxide; while we are told on pages 82 and 83 that both (strong) acid and (strong) base are some 90 per cent dissoci- ated in an aqueous solution of this concentration. NaOH <=> Na + OH. (2) In the light of our present information, should any change have occurred on mixing these two solutions? Most assuredly, + + since two other pairs of ions (Na + Cl) and (H + OH) must attain a proper state of adjustment with the undissociated mole- cules corresponding to their union, i.e., the molecules which would form them, by electrolytic dissociation, on being brought into an aqueous medium. Therefore, we write the additional equations (3) and (4): Na + Cl <=> NaCl. (3) H + OH =i H 2 O. (4) Now, a dilute solution of sodium chloride consists mainly of ions. One-tenth of a gram molecule of sodium chloride in one liter of water is about 84 per cent dissociated (cf., page 81) ; hence, there can be no extensive combination of sodium ions with chloride ions in this solution. Reaction (3) will proceed only to a certain slight extent in the right-hand direction. On the other hand, water is scarcely dissociated at all, and we must expect an almost complete disappearance of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, resulting in the production of undissociated water. - Reaction (4) will proceed liberally in the right-hand direction. This extensive removal of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions has 86 CHEMICAL THEORY. destroyed the balance between undissociated acid and its ions (1), as well as that between undissociated base and its ions (2). Con- sequently, some of the ten per cent more or less of undisso- ciated acid, which was in the solution, will dissociate until readjustment is secured, and the undissociated base will behave in the same way. Hydrogen and hydroxyl ions from this secondary dissociation will combine, as before, to form water, necessitating further dissociation of acid and base. Progressive action of this sort ensues, until practically all of the hydrogen and hydroxyl primarily contained in the acid and base, respectively, have been transformed into undissociated water. Thus, we may use the following equation to express the essential change, neglecting the undissociated acid and base: H + Cl + Na + OH = H 2 O + Cl + Na, or, H + OH = H 2 O. If the solution is evaporated, the sodium and chloride ions unite to form undissociated sodium chloride. The student has, without doubt, recognized the above process as that of neutralization. It should be quite clear that whatever the acid or base used in neutralizing one another, provided both are strong largely dissociated the essential feature of the process is identical, i.e., the formation of water. This theoretical conclusion is substantiated by the fact that, in separate cases of neutralization, the thermal change during the reaction is always the same, if equivalent amounts of acid are used (to guarantee the production of identical amounts of water in all cases). No difficulty will be met in adapting the above reasoning to other reactions, in which ions from highly dissociated substances, by their combination, may form much less dissociated substances. Such reactions are generally less complete than the neutraliza- tion process, since the products are much more dissociated than water. Thus, a solution of any common strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid will interact with a solution of sodium acetate (or any salt of a weak acid) to form a certain amount of acetic acid (or the corresponding acid). The essential feature of such a reaction is the union of ions, as follows: H + Cl + Na + C 2 H 3 O 2 = H . C 2 H 3 O 2 + Cl + Na, or, H + C 2 H 3 O 2 = H . C 2 H 3 2 . THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 87 In the same way, a strong base may be used to free a weaker base from its salts: Na + OH + NH 4 + NO 3 = NH 4 OH + Na + NO 3 , or, NH 4 + OH = NH 4 OH. Of particular interest, is the reaction between solutions of two different salts. We note, here, that there is no great difference in the degree of dissociation, pertaining to different salts, but that there may be great difference in the solubilities of the salts. Consider the salt silver chloride which is very insoluble in water. When in contact with water, a certain (very limited) amount dissolves. At any given temperature, the solution must contain a perfectly definite amount, if it is kept in contact with the solid, i.e., if the solution is saturated at the given temperature. Now, another definite relation must exist between the molecules of dissolved silver chloride and the ions which it has formed imme- diately on attaining the dissolved condition. There is, then, a final state of adjustment requiring the presence in the solution of a fixed amount of undissociated AgCl maintaining a fixed con- + centration of Ag and Cl ions. Suppose, in some way, enough silver and chloride ions were brought into a liter of water to represent one-tenth of a gram molecule of silver chloride. Then, if the salt dissociated to about the same extent as sodium chloride, some ten per cent of this total quantity of ions would unite to form undissociated AgCl, which would have to remain in solution to keep the remaining ions inactive. This would, however, be an amount most overwhelm- ingly in excess of that which can actually dissolve; hence, it would almost completely precipitate, and the ions would continue to furnish undissociated material, likewise precipitating, until their concentrations became reduced to the values normally consistent with the final concentration of dissolved silver chloride molecules. Now, whenever solutions of a soluble silver salt and a soluble chloride are mixed, the general condition just considered is realized. That is, appreciable concentrations of silver ions and chloride ions are brought within range of one another. Precipi- tation of silver chloride will therefore result until practically all 88 CHEMICAL THEORY. the silver and chlorine in the initial substances is deposited in this form. Such characteristic formation of insoluble products is of service in identifying the materials which participate in the change. We must, however, fully appreciate the limitations of any one pre- cipitation test, it reveals the identity of only part of each reacting substance in the above case, silver from the dissolved silver salt and chlorine from the dissolved chloride. It is, there- fore, most consistent to refer the whole process to the Electrolytic Dissociation Theory by defining each test in terms of its critical factors, the ions. Thus, the silver ion is a test for the chloride ion : Ag + NO 3 + Na + Cl = AgCl + NO 3 + Na, 2Ag + S0 4 + Zn + 2C1 = 2AgCl + SO 4 + Zn, etc. And, the barium ion is a test for the sulphate ion: Ba + 2C1 + 2Na + S0 4 = BaSO 4 + 2C1 + 2Na, Ba + 2N0 3 + Mg + SO 4 = BaSO 4 + 2NO 3 + Mg, etc. If we mix solutions of two soluble salts, the ions of which by altered recombination form two other soluble salts, there will, of course, be no precipitation. On continued evaporation of the solution, that salt, of the four, which first reaches saturation, will be the first to deposit. There is, in general, no appreciable thermal change on mixing different dilute salt solutions, since no extensive formation of undissociated molecules results. A solu- tion containing one-fifth of a gram molecule of sodium nitrate per liter when mixed with an equal volume of a solution contain- ing one-fifth of a gram molecule of potassium chloride per liter, contains the same material, disposed in the same manner, as a mixture made from one-fifth of a gram molecule of sodium chloride and one-fifth of a gram molecule of potassium nitrate in the same volume. All four salts will be present to about the same slight extent in the undissociated condition, and about 80 per cent of the total material will be in the form of ions. An adequate perception of the varied possibilities of chemical change due to " crosswise " combination between two pairs of THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 89 ions, should follow a careful reading of the last few pages. The quantitative aspect of such change will be made the subject for some additional discussion at the close of the chapter on Mass Action. Before proceeding to this special subject, however, some further remarks relative to the general bearing of ion formation on chemical change, will be introduced: No great amount of experience in the chemical laboratory is required to teach us that the precipitated compounds of certain metals are more or less soluble in ammonia. To the beginner, silver and copper are most prominent in this connection. While a detailed consideration of the solution process in such cases is beyond the scope of this text, it may be stated, in general terms, that the addition of ammonia to such a body, results in the formation of a soluble compound yielding complex cations containing ammonia, in place of the simple metal cations. Thus, silver chloride dissolves in ammonia, and the resulting solution + + contains, Ag.2NH 3 ions and Cl ions the original Ag ions have combined with NH 3 to form complex silver-ammonia particles, each carrying the single positive charge originally carried by the + + silver alone. The complex copper-ammonia cation, Cu.4NH 3 , is deep blue in color, hence the use of ammonia in testing for the presence of copper. The solvent effect of solutions of the alkali cyanides (KCN, or NaCN) on many metallic compounds, is likewise due to the formation of complex ions. In such cases we have complex anions instead of complex cations. Thus, silver cyanide is soluble in a solution of potassium cyanide, the CN ions having + united with AgCN to form Ag(CN) 2 ions, which, with K ions, constitute the dissociation products of the soluble salt, KAg(CN)2- The individuality of any complex ion is reflected in its chemical behavior. Its reactions are quite different from those of the ion or ions from which it was generated. For example, solutions containing the complex silver-ammonia ion, mentioned above, do not precipitate silver chloride on the addition of chloride ions, i.e., an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate fails to precipitate silver chloride when mixed with a solution of sodium chloride. Usually, however, such an ion is very unstable, tending to pass 90 CHEMICAL THEORY. into the simpler state, unless conditions most favorable to its non-alteration are maintained. Invariably, the solution con- taining any complex ion also contains a very inconsiderable complement of simple ions, which have resulted from its dis- sociation. Hence, the introduction of another ion, which may give a sufficiently undissociated in effect, sufficiently insoluble compound with the simple ion to actually reduce its normal concentration in the solution, will cause the complex ion to supply this deficiency which becomes progressive by breaking up, and we shall have, as a final result, the characteristic reaction of the simple ion. Thus, hydrogen sulphide precipitates the copper from an ammoniacal solution of any copper salt, which must + + contain Cu.4NH 3 ions, to the almost complete exclusion of + + Cu ions, just as it would from an acid solution (which could con- + + tain only Cu ions), because the compound copper sulphide + + (Cu + S = CuS) is extremely insoluble, maintaining a lesser + + concentration of Cu ions than does the complex ion itself. There is a wide difference between a salt which gives a com- plex ion when dissolved in water, and a double salt (cf . Intro- duction, page 26). The latter dissolves in water to give the simple ions of its constituent salts. By way of illustration, contrast : KAg (CN) 2 ^ K + Ag(CN) 2 , with: CsBr.2PbBr 2 <= Cs + Br + 2Pb + 4Br. We have made early note of that general type of reaction in which one elementary kind of matter drives another kind out of its state of combination with another or other elements, usurping its place (cf. Introduction, page 31). Reactions of this sort, or replacements, as we have named them, may be very easily brought into harmony with the general scheme of ionic disposition and transfer of material, which we have been con- sidering. Let us first turn to the replacement of one positive element by another in a reaction such as the following: Zn + 2AgNO 3 = 2Ag + Zn(NO 3 ) 2 . THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 91 Study of many reactions like the above has led to an empirical arrangement of the positive elements, i.e., the metals and hydro- gen, in an order representing their successive ability to replace one another. Each metal in the accompanying list will replace those metals which follow. The metals preceding hydrogen will replace it in an acid they dissolve in acid with evolution of hydrogen.* Mg Zn Fe Sn Pb H Cu Hg Ag Au Writing the reaction between zinc and silver nitrate in the ionic form: Zn + 2Ag + 2NO 3 = 2Ag + Zn + 2NO 3 it appears that the zinc, which had no charge at the outset, has assumed the charges previously held by two silver ions, releasing these atoms of silver from the ionic condition. Evidently the zinc has a greater tendency to enter this condition than silver. To describe this general tendency of metals to enter solution, implying, of course, the formation of ions,f we use the words, electrolytic solution tension. The metals are arranged in the above list, according to their decreasing electrolytic solution tension. A better understanding of the replacement process is obtained By picturing the sequence of changes which would logically follow a difference in electrolytic solution tension between the two metals. Suppose a zinc strip to be suspended in a vessel of pure water. The expansive force tending to send zinc ions out into the liquid immediately becomes operative. Every zinc ion carries two unit positive charges of electricity, and since the zinc particle has assumed this positive electrification on leaving the strip, the latter must have assumed an equivalent negative electrification. When a number of ions have been projected into the liquid, they * Lead fails to dissolve in the ordinary dilute acids, owing to the insolu- bility of its salts as soon as an appreciable amount of salt is formed, this acts as a protective coating to prevent further action. t The metals dissolve only in the ionic condition. 92 CHEMICAL THEORY. will forcibly repel one another, owing to their like charges and the absence of partners carrying opposite charges. Conse- quently, they will be continually projected within the immediate sphere of attraction of the strip and will tend to reattach themselves to it. On the other hand, it becomes increasingly difficult, as ions enter the liquid, for others to leave the strip in the face of its constantly accumulating negative charge. The magnitude of this electrostatic force opposing the accu- mulation of ions in the solution is very great, even when only a few ions are concerned, since each ion carries a very consider- able charge. We therefore assume that, before a measurable quantity of ions has entered the solution, successful opposition to- the electrolytic solution tension of the metal has been set up, so that a condition of balance is maintained. Although the electrolytic solution tension of zinc causes a number of zinc ions to remain in solution in the face of this opposing force, ions from a metal of lesser electrolytic solution tension would be driven by its agency to the zinc strip. Action of this sort ensues when the strip is immersed in a solution of silver nitrate. When two silver ions reach the strip, two of its negative charges are used in neutralizing their two positive charges. The solution has now lost two positive charges and the strip has lost two negative charges; hence, the electrical force operating against the electrolytic solution tension of zinc, is reduced sufficiently to permit one more zinc ion to enter the solution, Whereby this force is restored to its former value. Thus, we see that two atoms of silver have been deposited, one atom of zinc has entered the solution as an ion, and the system is again in position to repeat the process. Closely related to the electrolytic solution tension of a metal is the electrical pressure (electromotive force) required to drive the metal out of solution (during electrolysis) . As would be expected, the order which the metals assume, according to their decreasing electrolytic solution tension, is preserved when the respective values for the electromotive force necessary to decompose equally concentrated (in molecular quantities) solutions of their salts are made the basis for gradated arrangement. The negative elements are equally characterized by a specific tendency to enter the ionic condition. Here, we are dealing with THE ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION THEORY. 93 soluble substances, for the most part. One of the familiar halogen replacements is represented by the following reaction: C1 2 + 2K + 2Br = Br 2 + 2C1 + 2K, which may be interpreted in the same general way as the Zn-Ag replacement. CHAPTER VIII. THE LAW OF CHEMICAL MASS ACTION. The reversible nature of chemical action has been pointed out and emphasized in earlier portions of this book. The phenomena of electrolytic dissociation, considered in the last chapter, offer abundant illustration of this principle. Reactions in general between substances, however disposed, whether gaseous, liquid, solid, ionic, etc., proceed more or less completely in either direction, in measure determined by the prevailing physical conditions, i.e., temperature, pressure, concentration, nature of solvent, etc. The electrolytic dissociation of an acid, base, or salt in aqueous solution is very little influenced by the temperature or pressure, but varies from to infinity with the concentration. Many gaseous substances dissociate into simpler gaseous substances. The extent of such dissociation is primarily dependent on the temperature and pressure. In any specific case, concentrations of the initial substance and its dissociation products will be perfectly defined for any given temperature and pressure. If the temperature is raised (at constant pressure), more gas dis- sociates; if lowered, some of its dissociation products recombine. In the laboratory, we are accustomed to work under rather constant conditions of temperature and pressure. To be sure, 'reaction mixtures are heated, cooled, enclosed in sealed tubes so that the pressure may rise, or placed in connection with a vacuum pump, to bring about desired results, but withal, certain approximately defined temperatures and pressures such as, " room temperature," " low redness," " ordinary pressure," "diminished pressure," etc. are commonly maintained, and it is the concentration factor which is subjected to wide variation. The term, dissociation implies reversibility, or a reciprocal tendency of the dissociation products to reunite. While other processes, involving more than one initial substance are equally 94 THE LAW OF CHEMICAL MASS ACTION. 95 important as examples of reversible reaction, attention is first drawn to this particular class of phenomena on account of its simplicity. The case of gaseous dissociation represented by the equation : N 2 4 * 2NO 2 , is frequently chosen to illustrate the subject in hand, since both changes may be brought about with ease and a marked difference in color between the two varieties of molecules renders the gen- eral state of the mixture apparent at a glance. Undissociated nitrogen tetroxide molecules (N 2 C>4) are colorless, while the simpler molecules (NO 2 ) are reddish brown. Under ordinary conditions, the gas is distinctly colored, con- sisting of both N 2 (>4 and NO 2 molecules. Each variety consti- tutes a certain definite proportion of the mixture. If more N0 2 molecules could be added and the temperature and pressure kept constant, the color of the mixture would not deepen, but the re- action would proceed towards the left until a sufficient number of N 2 (>4 molecules had been formed to restore the proportion of each variety to its original value. At a lower temperature the mixture contains fewer NO 2 molecules. This may be shown by immersing a sealed tube containing the gas in a vessel of ice water, when the color practically disappears. On gently warming the tube, the color returns and becomes more pro- nounced as NO 2 molecules continue to be formed as the reaction proceeds towards the right. Gaseous hydriodic acid dissociates into hydrogen and iodine at temperatures above some 200: 2HI <= H 2 + I 2 . If the acid is enclosed in a sealed tube at room temperature and atmospheric pressure and then heated to about 500, approximately 20 per cent will be dissociated. A mixture of hydriodic acid, hydrogen, and iodine in any proportions whatever, if brought under the same condition of temperature and pressure as in the above case, will readjust itself by reaction towards the right or left as needs be to attain a final composition identical with the above. 96 CHEMICAL THEORY. At some higher temperature, approximating 800, the dia- tomic iodine molecules begin to dissociate: I 2 <=* 21. This dissociation becomes complete at about 1500. We conceive that the two reactions corresponding to any reversible change take place simultaneously. When both pro- gress at an equal rate, the actual amounts of all the reacting substances remain unaltered, i.e., a condition of equilibrium results. A brief outline of the imaginative working of such a process from the standpoint of the kinetic theory, will serve to bring about a better understanding of these relations. For this purpose, we will consider the substances A and B enclosed in a suitable receptacle and elevated to a temperature at which reaction occurs, with formation of the new substances C and D, according to the equation: A + 2B = C + D. We may reason that the impacts of the rapidly moving A and B molecules are responsible for their chemical alteration breaking apart and reuniting in the form C + D. One molecule of A must meet two molecules of B to determine change as pre- scribed by the above equation. But it is not necessary to assume that every impact of this sort results in chemical change. The A and B molecules move with a certain average velocity depend- ent on the temperature. Of two individual molecules chosen at random, however, one may move faster than the other. Conse- quently, some of the A-2B impacts will be more forcible than others, or more likely to cause alteration. The number of impacts which are effective in this respect must, in any event, be proportional to the total number of impacts. In other words, the rate at which the substances A and B combine to form the substances C and D is proportional to the rate at which one A molecule meets two B molecules. In the same manner, we reason that the rate at which the substances C and D combine to form the substances A and B is proportional to the rate at which one C molecule meets one D molecule. THE LAW OF CHEMICAL MASS ACTION. 97 For a time, the rate at which A and B combine will be greater than the rate at which C and D combine, since the A and B molecules are in position to impact frequently, being relatively numerous and closely packed at the start, while the C and D molecules are absent in the original mixture and collide infre- quently following their initial appearance. As the reaction proceeds towards the right, A and B molecules disappear, their collisions become less frequent and the rate of reaction diminishes. On the other hand, as the molecules of C and D increase in num- ber, their collisions become more frequent and the rate of reaction towards the left increases. Obviously, there will come a time when the rates of both reactions will be equal. Then, as much A and B as C and D will be produced in a unit time and the quantities of all four substances will remain unchanged. Let us consider the relation between the concentration of each variety of molecules and the rate of reaction in greater detail. (We ordinarily express the molecular concentrations of different substances in gram molecules per liter. Such concentration values are proportional to the actual numbers of molecules involved.) The number of impacts between a single chosen molecule of the substance A and any of the B molecules in a time unit is evi- dently proportional to the concentration of the latter. During this time, the number of impacts between a single B molecule and others of its kind is also proportional to their concentration. But every other B molecule has the same opportunity to collide with its fellows, and this aggregate of B molecules is represented by proportional to the number which expresses their molec- ular concentration. Therefore, the total number of individual impacts between B molecules in a unit time is proportional to the square of their concentration (concentration of B X concen- tration of B). Now, we have seen that the rate of the reaction towards the right is proportional to the number of A-2B impacts. Since the number of 2B impacts is proportional to the square of the concentration of B molecules, the number of times one chosen A molecule will meet two B molecules at once is proportional to the same value; or, the total number of A-2B impacts due to the motion of all A and B molecules and consequently, the rate of reaction towards the right, is proportional to the concentration 98 CHEMICAL THEORY. of A molecules, multiplied by the square of the concentration of B molecules. Applying the same reasoning to the reaction towards the left, we conclude that the rate of this reaction is proportional to the concentration of C molecules multiplied by the concentration of D molecules. In general, the rate of any reaction is proportional to the con- centration of each reacting substance multiplied by itself as many times as its coefficient in the equation for the reaction indicates. The simple Law of Chemical Mass Action announced by Guldberg and Wange (Christiania) in 1867, will now appear in a satisfactory light. It may be stated in the following words: The rate of chemical action is proportional to the active mass of each reacting substance. From the preceding discussion, it is clear that the mass of any substance concerned in a reaction where all the material is evenly and equally distributed, is active (or efficient in promoting the reaction) in direct proportion to the number of molecular units in a given volume, which it represents, if only one molecule of the particular substance enters into the equation. Otherwise, the coefficient representing the number of molecules of the sub- stance required by the equation, must be used as an exponent in connection with this molecular measure, or concentration, to correctly define the relation of the mass of the substance to the change. This law is of particular service in showing the quantitative relations between different substances in equilibrium with one another, as the result of reversible change. Suppose the four substances A, B, C, and D are concerned in such change, according to the reaction: mA + nB <= pC + qD, where the letters m, n, p, and q represent ordinary numeri- cal coefficients. Let the small letters a, b, c, and d denote the respective concentrations of each substance; the term, concen- tration, is used throughout this chapter in the sense of molecular concentration. Then the rate of the reaction: mA + nB = pC + qD, (1) THE LAW OF CHEMICAL MASS ACTION. 99 is proportional to a m and to b n , according to the above law. Or, it is equal to a constant quantity multiplied by a m and b n . Denoting this rate, or velocity, by V and the constant by KI we have : From the transformed equation K l = -7- we see that K l defines the a b rate of the reaction when the concentration of each reacting substance is 1. That is, when both a and b possess the value 1, another rate, just equal to K 1} will replace F t . As the reaction proceeds, the concentrations a and 6 diminish, but the Mass Action Law continues to hold, and the constant KI preserves its former significance. To illustrate: At the end of a finite time (t) let us assume that the concentration of A has diminished by an amount (m) (x) gram molecules per liter. Then the concentration of B will have diminished by an amount (n) (x), since, according to the equa- tion, every time (m) molecules of A react, (n) molecules of B are con- cerned in the change ; and their respective concentrations will have become (a mx) and (b nx) . The rate of the reaction will now be equal to K^ (amx) m (b nx) n , where K v denotes, as before, the rate corresponding to unit concentrations of A and B. By strictly analogous reasoning, we place the rate of the re- action : pC + qD = mA + nB, (2) which may be indicated by V 2 equal to a characteristic constant K<2 multiplied by the active masses of the substances C and D. Thus: V 2 = K 2 cW. For the special case of equilibrium, the rates of both reactions are equal, and we write: V l = V 2 , or Whence, which becomes, K rr on substituting a new constant K for the quotient A- 100 CHEMICAL THEORY. We have seen, in the note above, that the constant KI repre- sents the rate of reaction (1) when unit concentrations of the substances A and B are allowed to react. Hence, it is called the velocity coefficient of this reaction. The second constant K 2 is, then, the velocity coefficient of reaction (2). TT The ratio of both velocity coefficients - , or K bears the name, K 2 equilibrium coefficient. Its physicial significance is as follows: When the several substances participating in reversible chemical change have reached a state of equilibrium (whereby no further alteration in their respective concentrations occurs) the product of the active masses of all the substances constituting one set of changing material, divided by the product of the active masses of all the sub- stances constituting the other set of changing material, is equal to a quantity, called the equilibrium coefficient, which possesses the same value for this particular process, at a given temperature, what- ever the actual amounts of any or all the substances used at the start. In the laboratory, new substances are frequently evolved in the gaseous state by heating a mixture of two salts, a salt and an acid, or a salt and a base. These compounds are always capable of double decomposition or crosswise recombination among them- selves, and to determine whether a given pair will proceed to produce the complementary pair on being heated in an open vessel, or will themselves constitute the end products of reaction between the (our under these conditions, we have only to apply the principle of mass action, in connection with our general information relative to the physical properties of each substance. By way of general illustration, let us suppose that the sub- stances A B and CD are mixed and heated at first in a closed space. Then we may write the following reversible reaction, indicating that all four compounds A B, CD, AD, and BC are present in certain fixed proportions at any given temperature: AB + CD<= AD + BC. For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that only one molecule of each substance enters into the equation. If we denote the equilibrium concentrations of these four sub- THE LAW OF CHEMICAL MASS A-Ctl)N; / /'1Q1 stances by C AB , C CD , C AD , and C BC the/state ?f t/he, mixture, i? defined by the expression, --/'", :,, J J i'^/'J** '"- r' v r* ^.4D A r cr where K is the equilibrium coefficient. We should note, however, that this implies an even distribution of all the substances in some form so that no boundary separates one from another. In practice, reaction mixtures are most often heterogeneous, consisting of gaseous, liquid, or solid material without reservation. The reaction may then take place in the liquid phase, as well as in the gaseous phase, and separate equilibrium constants, defined as above, will apply to each. There is, however, a definite numerical relation between these two constants, since the concentration of any gas as dissolved in a liquid, is proportional to the pressure, or concentration, of the gas itself (cf. Intro- duction, page 20). If a liquid constituting one of the reacting substances plays the part of solvent for the other substances, its active mass as regards this reaction within its own substance is considered constant its own concentration is bound to be infinitely great in proportion to the concen- trations of dissolved material. When solid material participates in equi- librium, its active mass is assumed to be constant. Suppose the substance AB is a liquid at the temperature in question; CD and AD, solids; and EC a gas. Further, we will assume the use of an excess of A B as solvent, and consider the above equation as applied to the reaction taking place in this liquid medium. Then C AB , being very great in comparison to the other concen- trations, will not change appreciably during the course of the reaction in either direction; C CD represents the concentration of (solid) CD dissolved in AB, C AD the concentration of (solid) AD dissolved in AB, and C BC the concentration of gaseous BC dissolved in AB. The latter concentration gaseous BC dis- solved in A B is maintained by the pressure, or enforced con- centration of the gas in the closed space above the liquid. If, now, the mixture is opened to the air, there is nothing to prevent the gas from escaping. It leaves the liquid, as well as the open space above, since the former cannot hold as much under the diminished pressure of gas above. C X C Turning to the relation AD [ BC = K, we see that to restore 102 CHEMICAL THEORY. the quotient to Hs constant value after C BC has been diminished, it :i& 'necessary yGr *C AD to increase, or C AB X C CD to diminish. Readjustment along these lines is accomplished by reaction between AB and CD to form AD and BC anew. But, the formation of more BC is attended by its further escape, so that equilibrium is again disturbed; the same process again ensues, and becomes progressive as long as both AB and CD remain in the mixture. The action of sulphuric acid on salts of less volatile acids may be cited as a very common reversible change which results in continuous formation of the volatile substance in this case, the less volatile acid unless checked by a retaining (closed) vessel. Thus, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid are made commercially by treating their salts with concentrated sulphuric acid: H 2 S0 4 + 2NaN0 3 = N^SC^ + 2HNO 3 . (1) H 2 SO 4 + 2NaCl = Na^CU + 2HC1. (2) Applying the mass action principle for equilibrium: (1) , 4 X HN0 3 -K, and (2) ** ' * - K.. OH 2 SO 4 X C/NaNOg OH 2 SO 4 X In (1) or (2) the second term of the numerator becomes smaller when the equilibrium mixture is opened, owing to escape of nitric acid or hydrochloric acid respectively. Nitric acid is a liquid at ordinary temperature and pressure, but very volatile at a temperature which causes no appreciable volatilization of sulphuric acid, also a liquid. Hydrochloric acid is a gas under ordinary conditions. The other materials are solids, non- volatile, except at high temperatures. As explained above, these reactions will proceed towards the right in a continuous attempt to restore equilibrium by increasing the numerator product and decreasing the denomi- nator product; always ineffectual, however, owing to the escape of one component material as soon as it is formed. Towards the close of Chapter VII (on page 87 and succeeding pages) it was pointed out that precipitation occurs on mixing aqueous solutions of different acids, bases, or salts, when such mixture brings appreciable concentrations of certain ions into THE LAW OF CHEMICAL MASS ACTION. 103 the presence of one another. Application of the Mass Action Law to the electrolytic dissociation of these substances leads us to a clearer perception of precipitation phenomena. According to this law, equilibrium between any electrolyte and its ions is defined in terms of the several concentrations involved, i.e., those of the undissociated substance, and of the different ions. For example, an aqueous solution of sodium chloride contains undissociated salt, sodium ions and chloride ions in such proportions that a certain definite and characteristic C + X C~ value is reached by the expression ^ - corresponding to ^ the reversible action: NaCl^Na + Cl. P + v P That is, and K, the equilibrium coefficient, in such a case, may be more appropriately termed, the dissociation coefficient. If the solution contains as much sodium chloride as will dis- solve at the given temperature, i.e., if it is saturated, the term CN & CI possesses a constant value, and the above expression reduces to, const. which may be re-formed thus, where k represents a third constant called the solubility product. A saturated solution of sodium chloride must, then, contain ions in sufficient quantity so that the product of their concentrations equals a certain definite value. If additional ions (of the same kinds) were introduced, in some way, they would be forced to combine, and the resulting sodium chloride would precipitate, since the solution can hold no more of it. A substance, which is commonly called insoluble, produces very few ions when placed in water. That is, its solubility product is small. If highly dissociated soluble substances, which 104 CHEMICAL THEORY. together yield the pair of ions corresponding to this insoluble substance, are dissolved in water and poured together, a pre- cipitate will result, because the solubility product of the latter substance is sure to be exceeded at once. If a substance yielding sodium or chloride ions is dissolved in a saturated solution of sodium chloride, precipitation of the latter is caused. This illustrates the common ion effect, which may be understood in its general aspect by noting the following expla- nation of the case in point. Suppose sodium nitrate is dissolved in a saturated solution of sodium chloride. The relation C^ a X CQ = k which especially characterizes this latter solution, will, then, be disturbed by the increase in the concentration of sodium ions following solution of the former salt. To restore the product to its normal value, sodium ions will unite with chloride ions to form undissociated sodium chloride. In other words, the reaction (page 103) will pro- ceed towards the left. Since the solution is already saturated, any undissociated sodium chloride formed in this way cannot remain in solution, but must precipitate. Potassium chloride would produce the same effect by increasing the concentration of the chloride ions. Substances giving no common ion would dissolve in the saturated solution of sodium chloride as though no sodium chloride were present. Thus far, in describing the interaction between ions in an aqueous medium, we have taken no account of the presence of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions from the dissociation of water itself. The extremely slight dissociation of water was, however, men- tioned in the previous chapter (page 84) . If we are dealing with a substance which, when brought under the influence of " water ions " when dissolved in water could give rise to a product by the ordinary " crosswise recombination " between ions of the substance and the ions from water, itself slightly dissociated in measure comparable with that of water, then the dissociation of water acquires some significance. Since water gives hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, only salts are in a position to produce new undissociated substances by interaction with water, and these new substances must be acids or bases. Now, there is a great difference in the degree to which different acids and bases are dissociated (cf. pages 82 and 83), and certain THE LAW OF CHEMICAL MASS ACTION. 105 of them very weak ones are so little dissociated that the above effect becomes noticeable when one of their salts is dis- solved in water. This type of chemical action involving water is called hydrolysis. To supplement the above statements by a more detailed argument, let us start with a dilute solution of sodium chloride in pure water: The primary reaction involved is, Na + Cl, (1) such that, Na = K. To describe the dissociation of water we write, and, H 2 O <= H + OH, (2) OSXC6H For the crosswise reactions: HC1 <=> H + Cl, (3) and, NaOH + Na 4- OH, (4) H X C5i , CNS X CQ"H - K 3 , and, = K the relations: must obtain. Now, the dissociation coefficient K of sodium chloride, a salt, is large, that is, in the expression following equation (1), the terms C^ and CQ are large, while the term C NaC1 is small. On the other hand, the coefficient for water K 2 is extremely small, or the terms CH and C O ~H i* 1 ^ ne expression following equation (2) are extremely small. Consider to what extent undissociated hydrochloric acid or undissociated sodium hydroxide would be formed by the union of their ions present as specified above until the relations following equations (3) and (4) are satisfied. Both of these substances are highly dissociated HC1 a strong acid and NaOH 106 CHEMICAL THEORY. a strong base therefore the coefficients K 3 and K 4 will be large. On comparing the equilibrium relations corresponding to reactions (1) and (3), bearing in mind that the two expressions C + X C~ C + X C~ -~ - and -^** - are not far different in value, and that C^j is the same in both, we see that, since C NaC1 is small in the first expression where CJ a is large, the corresponding term C HC i in the second expression, where CH is extremely small, must possess a trifling value. The same conclusion regarding the concentration of undissociated sodium hydroxide follows from a comparison of the equilibrium relations corresponding to reactions (1) and (4). Thus, no appreciable quantities of hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide are formed by hydrolysis when sodium chloride is dissolved in water. If, however, we replace the strong acid HC1 by a very weak acid, for example, HCN, the corresponding salt NaCN will be largely dissociated, as was NaCl. But this acid is very slightly C + X C ~~ dissociated comparable to water and the expression H must reach a very small value to represent equilibrium between the acid and its ionization products. The numerator product CH X CCN even though CJ is very small, will here be much larger than this equilibrium value, and a considerable amount of undissociated HCN will be formed, according to the reaction: H + CN = HCN. As hydrogen ions are used up in this change, the equilibrium between water and its ions is disturbed and more water will dissociate reaction (2) will proceed towards the right until complete readjustment is effected. This production of additional hydrogen ions is, of course, accompanied by an equiva- lent production of hydroxyl ions, which have no tendency to unite with sodium ions, as we have previously noted. Hence, they accumulate in the solution giving it alkaline properties. When the salt corresponds to a weak base and a strong acid, hydrolysis occurs, and is explained in the same general way as above. In such a case, undissociated base is formed and the solution possesses acid properties. THE LAW OF CHEMICAL MASS ACTION. 107 The following reactions illustrate both cases: NaCN + H 2 O <= NaOH + HCN (chiefly diss'd) (chiefly undiss'd) (chiefly diss'd) (chiefly undiss'd) FeCl 3 + 3H 2 O <= Fe(OH) 3 4- 3HC1 (chiefly diis'd) (chiefly undiss'd) (chiefly undiss'd) (chiefly diss'd) If both acid and base are very weak, hydrolysis of the corre- sponding salt may be so nearly complete that the latter cannot exist appreciably in the presence of water. Sulphides and car- bonates of aluminium, chromium, and iron (Fe +H " + ), are, thus, stable only in the dry state. When reagents, calculated to form one of these substances, are mixed, the products of its hydrolysis result instead. For example, the addition of sodium carbonate to aluminium chloride, in solution, causes precipitation of alumi- nium hydroxide, and evolution of carbon dioxide. We may write the reaction in steps, as follows: (1) SNaaCOs + 2A1C1 3 = A1 2 (CO 3 ) 3 + GNaCl (Hypothetical formation of aluminium carbonate). (2) A1 2 (CO 3 ) 3 + 6H 2 O =2A1(OH) 3 + 3H 2 C0 3 (Hydrolysis of this salt with formation of free acid unstable and free base insoluble). (3) H 2 C0 3 = H 2 O 4- CO 2 (Ordinary decomposition of car- bonic acid). The final reaction is: (4) SNaaCOg + 2A1C1 3 + 3H 2 O = 2A1(OH) 3 + 6NaCl + 3C0 2 . CHAPTER IX. HETEROGENEOUS EQUILIBRIUM. ANY single variety of material may assume a number of dif- ferent physical forms, according to the physical influences which are brought to bear upon it. The three most apparent differ- ences in this respect are defined by the terms, gas, liquid, and solid. Solid material, in particular, is subject to further classi- fication, as previously noted (Introduction, page 16), whereby we speak of amorphous, or specific crystalline modifications. When different substances are brought into close association with one another, the matter occurring in any one of these three forms may consist of mixed material, each respective form being homogeneous in its own makeup and presenting the same general appearance as if pertaining to a simple substance. Thus, we are familiar with mixed gases or liquids, and some- what less so with mixed solids, in the sense that they are completely " dissolved " in one another (cf. Introduction, pages 4 and 20) . On the other hand, it is not necessary that the liquid corresponding to one kind of material, should completely mix with that corresponding to another kind of material, when both are placed in contact. The two liquids may remain in contact with one another, separated by their own surfaces (cf. Introduction, page 20). Two different solids most fre- quently fail to mix, except mechanically, when rubbed together. Gases invariably merge into one another. Thus, we see that a system of associated material may consist of several separately homogeneous fractions in mechanical contact. These individual physical modifications comprising the sys- tem are called phases. The different chemical substances taken at will to produce a collection of phases, are called components. The nature of the phases appearing in a given system, as well 108 HETEROGENEOUS EQUILIBRIUM. 109 as the number of phases which may remain in contact without tendency to alteration, is primarily dependent on the physical conditions, i.e., temperature, pressure, and concentration (of the several components), under which the system is required to exist. For example, it is the solid form of iodine which we handle in the laboratory, because this is the stable form under ordinary con- ditions. If we elevate the temperature of this solid substance at atmospheric pressure, it changes into vapor, i.e., it sublimes, when a certain temperature is reached, because, at this point, the latter form becomes capable of existence, and is, therefore, formed when heat is added to the solid. If, when part of the solid is transformed into vapor, the heating is made merely suf- ficient to keep the temperature constant to prevent subsequent cooling both solid and vapor will continue to coexist. Had we increased the pressure sufficiently before heating the solid, liquid, instead of vapor, would have resulted the solid iodine would have melted. When a number of substances are placed in contact, great variety in the configuration of the system is possible, as the tem- perature, pressure, and concentrations are altered. Owing to the discovery by Gibbs (Yale, 1874-8), of a simple numerical relation between the number of phases, the number of components, and the number of physical conditions which may be varied inde- pendently of one another within certain limits without causing the disappearance of any current phase, or the appearance of any new phase, in any system, chemical or physical we are in a position to impose a well ordered classification upon what at first appears to be a bewildering diversity of equilibrium phenomena. Denoting the number of variable conditions, in the above con- nection, by V, the number of components by C and the number of phases by P, we have, according to Gibbs' Phase Rule, V = C + 2 - P, or, in words, When the different phases, composing a given system, are in a state of equilibrium, the number of physical conditions which may be independently varied without disturbing this equi-. librium, is equal to the number of components increased by 2, less the number of phases. 110 CHEMICAL THEORY. The following special cases may be noted : (1) If the system shows two more phases than components, no one of the obtaining conditions may be varied without sub- jecting the whole system to readjustment resulting in a different number of phases (C P 2, and V = 0). The system is then said to be nonvariant. (2) If the system shows one more phase than components, one condition may be varied at will to a certain limited extent - without disturbing the equilibrium (C P = 1, and V = 1). The system is monovariant. (3) If the system shows the same number of components as phases, two conditions may be varied independently without disturbing the equilibrium (C P = 0, and V = 2). The system is divariant. In a phase system generated from a single component, the variable conditions are the temperature and the pressure. When two components replace the one, there obtains the addi- tional factor of concentration, which may be varied at will, thereby constituting a third variable condition. A simple one -component system, in which equilibrium is deter- mined by the temperature and pressure alone, will be chosen, on account of simplicity, to illustrate the general application of the phase rule. The disposition of each of the three possible phases, gaseous, liquid, and solid (leaving out the possibility of more than one solid phase) with respect to the pressure and temperature, may be represented graphically on a plane surface. We have already made use of such a pressure temperature diagram (page 51 ) to represent the different vapor tensions of a solid corresponding to different temperatures (sublimation curve of the solid), as well as the different vapor tensions of a liquid corresponding to different temperatures (vaporization curve of the liquid). In the accompanying diagram (Fig. 7), similar curves, numbered 1 and 2, are drawn. Any point on the sub- limation curve 1, represents a temperature and pressure at which solid and vapor can coexist, i.e., 'are in equilibrium. Any point on the vaporization curve represents a temperature and pressure at which liquid and vapor can coexist. The point where both curves meet represents the temperature and pressure at which solid, liquid, and vapor can coexist (cf. Chapter III, HETEROGENEOUS EQUILIBRIUM. Ill page 52). Solid and liquid, which are in equilibrium (with vapor) at 0, continue in equilibrium when the temperature and pressure are altered, as shown by the curve numbered 3 which meets curves 1 and 2 at 0. In other words, this curve indicates the change in the melting point of the substance with the pressure. Vapor Temperature Fig. 7. As drawn in the diagram, it corresponds to a decrease in melting point with an increase in pressure, a condition illustrated by the familiar solid phase of water, namely, ice. Consider the physical change which occurs when we pass from any point on the sublimation curve directly towards the right, i.e., increase the temperature at constant pressure. Solid and vapor, which are in equilibrium at the temperature and pressure corresponding to this point, will no longer continue to coexist, but the solid will become completely transformed into the vapor. That is, the temperature cannot rise until the solid has absorbed heat enough to convert it into vapor. In like manner, passing from a point on the vaporization curve directly towards the temperature axis, i.e., decreasing the pressure at constant tem- perature, we note a disappearance of the liquid phase, corre- sponding to complete change of the material into vapor. The points x and y with attached dotted lines, serve to suggest the above changes. It should be clear that the whole field in which 112 CHEMICAL THEORY. these points are situated, bounded by curves 1 and 2, represents concurrent temperature and pressure values, at which the sub- stance must exist completely in the form of vapor. This field is, therefore, defined on the diagram by the word, Vapor. The remaining space is divided between a Liquid field, bounded by curves 2 and 3, and a Solid field, bounded by curves 1 and 3. In passing from one field to another across a boundary line, dis- continuity occurs there is a time when both phases are in contact. It is, however, possible to pass around the vaporiza- tion curve (2) from the vapor field into the liquid field, or vice versa, by suitably altering the temperature and pressure, since this curve possesses a determinate end point. There would be no discontinuity in such transformation. The end point C is called the critical point. We have already noted the existence of a critical temperature, above which, no matter how great the compression, the vapor cannot be converted into liquid. In other words, liquid does not exist above this temperature, and the vaporization curve (giving its vapor tension) must end here. At the point C, then, we have reached the critical temperature and pressure of the liquid. The diagram which we have discussed above may be regarded as a map showing the configuration of a one component system, with respect to the temperature and pressure. The fundamental curves 1, 2, and 3 are determined by experiment. Hence we have here an arrangement of experimental results, which should be of assistance in the interpretation of the phase rule. Referring again to the diagram, it is clear that, in any one of the three fields, solid, liquid, or vapor, a great variety of temperature and pressure values may be chosen quite independently of one another to represent the conditions under which the correspond- ing phase is existent. To make the illustration concrete, ice, at atmospheric pressure, may be subjected to a number of different temperatures (limited by its melting point) without sustaining any physical change. Stars on the upper dotted line in the diagram, represent such different temperatures. At any of these temperatures, for example that represented by the second star, the pressure may be diminished at will indicated by the perpendicular dotted line with stars provided it does not fall below the sublimation pressure at this temperature, without HETEROGENEOUS EQUILIBRIUM. 113 causing the solid phase to change. Thus, on experimental grounds, we conclude that the one component system, embracing a single phase, is divariant. According to the phase rule, such a system should be divariant. For, C =.1, and P = 1. Whence, V = 1 + 2 - 1, or 2. It has been pointed out that each of the curves 1, 2, and 3 defines the temperatures and pressures under which a certain pair of phases may coexist. The temperature corresponding to a point on one of these curves may be altered without causing either phase to disappear, provided the pressure sustains a per- fectly definite alteration at the same time, whereby a new point on the same curve results. In order that the same equilibrium continue, variation of one condition must be accompanied by (dependent) variation of the other condition. Both may not be varied independently. Since only one condition at a time may be varied arbitrarily, the equlibrium is termed monovariant. Turn- ing again to the system H 2 O for a concrete illustration, we note that the point A on curve 3 corresponds to the melting temperature of ice under atmospheric pressure. At this tem- perature C. and under atmospheric pressure, ice and liquid water are in equilibrium. Both phases remain in equilibrium at temperature-pressure values along the curve AO. Thus, on decreasing the pressure from 760 mm. (A) to about 4 mm. (0), a temperature slightly less than 0.01 above C., must correspond to the latter pressure value, if no change in the equilibrium is to occur. Greater elevation of the temperature at this pressure will bring about complete transformation of solid into vapor, i.e., we pass into the vapor field on leaving the curve at 0, as specified. The phase rule requires this system to be monovariant, in agreement with the experimental conclusion. For, here, C = 1, and P = 2. Whence, V = 1 + 2 - 2, or 1. At the point all three phases are in equilibrium. This point is called a triple point. Obviously, no change of either tempera- ture or pressure is possible without passing into one of the three adjacent fields. The system, in this condition, is, therefore, nonvariant. In this case, the expression, V = C + 2 P, becomes, V =1 + 2 3, or 7=0, a result in complete agreement with the above. 114 CHEMICAL THEORY. We have seen that the coexistence of two or more phases is rendered possible under properly chosen conditions of tempera- ture, pressure and concentration. The general state of coexist- ence, in this connection, is defined by the expression heterogeneous equilibrium. That equilibrium of this sort differs in the degree of its flexibility in the face of changing conditions, has been shown in the last few paragraphs. If the phases concerned are capable of coexisting at one temperature alone when the pressure is arbitrarily chosen, a most complete and satisfactory regula- tion of their equilibrium must be conceded. The phrase com- plete heterogeneous equilibrium is applied in defining this condition. The equilibrium along each curve in the diagram is complete in this sense. Thus, ice and liquid water are in a con- dition of complete heterogeneous equilibrium at 0, under 760 mm. pressure; such that any alteration of the temperature or pressure, without corresponding alteration of the pressure or temperature, respectively, is accompanied by the complete disappearance of one phase. Obviously the phase rule is chiefly important as an instrument for indicating the numerical relation between the number of components and the number of phases, which must characterize this preeminently definite condition of equilibrium. The rule tells us that complete heterogeneous equilibrium results when the system shows a number of phases which is one greater than the number of components. If a relatively smaller number of phases is present, the equi- librium is incomplete. Consider, for example, the system composed of water vapor and an unsaturated solution of common salt in water. Here C = 2 (H 2 O and NaCl) and P = 2, or, P is less than C + 1. We have seen in Chapter III that solution of salt in water lowers the vapor tension of the latter. At the same temperature, then, unequally concentrated solutions will possess different vapor tensions (cf. Fig. 2, Chapter III, page 51, and discussion). Hence, at a given temperature, many different pressures may correspond to equilibrium between the vapor and liquid phases (the latter possessing definite concentration NaCl in H 2 O - for each definite pressure). If, in any specific case, the external pressure is increased, the vapor phase will not completely dis- HETEROGENEOUS EQUILIBRIUM. 115 appear, but some vapor will be converted into liquid, whereby the solution becomes more dilute, reaching equilibrium with the vapor under another definite pressure. When an excess of salt is added to the solution, the equilibrium becomes complete. There are now three phases, solid NaCl, saturated solution, and water vapor, i.e., one in excess of the number of components. At a given temperature, a single vapor pressure corresponds to the (saturated) solution. If the external pressure is increased, vapor condenses, but the solution cannot become less concen- trated, on account of the presence of solid NaCl; therefore no new equilibrium is reached, and the vapor continues to condense until it is no longer present. The addition of ice to the last mentioned mixture, increases the number of phases to four. According to the phase rule, V = 2 -f 2 4, or 0. There will be a single temperature and pressure at which the saturated solution is in equilibrium with solid H 2 O, solid NaCl, and vapor. If the mixture is opened to the air, the latter phase is not concerned in the equilibrium, since vapor may escape freely. Neglecting this phase, then, we have, V =2 + 2 3, or 1. Under atmospheric pressure, these three phases require a certain definite temperature to determine their coexistence. This temperature is considerably below the freez- ing temperature of water. If the temperature of the mixture were above this equilibrium value at the outset, ice would melt, thereby absorbing heat, until the proper lowering had resulted. Corresponding to the dilution of the solution due to this process, solid salt would dissolve, keeping the solution saturated. The final state of equilibrium would be maintained without change in the amount of any phase, provided no change in the external conditions were imposed. If, as is frequently the case, such a mixture were used to cool some foreign substance, ice would continue to melt absorb heat in the endeavor to maintain the equilibrium temperature within the system. CHAPTER X. THERMOCHEMISTRY. IT is a matter of common experience that chemical change is accompanied by heat evolution or heat absorption aside from the recombination of matter on an altered plan, which especially characterises such change, there is a redistribution of energy effected in such a way that either previously bound (chemical) energy is set free in the form of heat, or available heat energy (supplied from without to carry on the reaction) is appropriated and properly disposed as chemical energy in the new system. Our ordinary chemical equations do not represent these associated heat changes, but it should be well understood that the quantity of heat evolved or absorbed during any given chemical change, under definite conditions, is quite as specific and definite as is the nature of the substances formed specified in the equation. To properly record the heat effect corresponding to any given reaction, we must adopt some system of measuring heat, and then specify certain fixed amounts of the reacting substances. The first of these requirements is realized by referring quantities of heat to a unit quantity, called the calorie, sufficient to elevate the temperature of one gram of water one degree centigrade; the second, by uniformly choosing gram molecules of the different substances in the proportions defined by the equation as a basis for the thermal data. In place of the gram calorie, defined above, the kilogram calorie, or the heat quantity required to elevate 1000 g. of water one degree centigrade, is frequently used as a more convenient measure when the heat effects are consider- able. These terms are commonly abbreviated to cal. and CaL respectively. The direct measurement of a heat effect attending a given chemical reaction is effected by enclosing the reaction mixture in a suitable vessel, placing the latter in a calorimeter, and then 116 THERMOCHEMISTRY. 117 starting the process, perhaps by an electric spark. The calo- rimeter is usually a receptacle containing a weighed quantity of water (water calorimeter) which is kept in agitation by a stirring apparatus to insure an even distribution of heat, supplied with an apparatus thermometer for measuring the temperature. Heat from the reaction, raises the temperature of the water in the calorimeter, and observation of the temperature difference before and after the reaction, coupled with knowledge of the amount of water involved, enables us to calculate the total heat quantity concerned in changing the temperature of the water. Some heat is used in raising the temperature of the containing vessel. Suppose this vessel is made from some definite kind of material. Then, a well-defined amount of heat will be required to raise the temperature of one gram of this substance one degree. This amount expressed in calories is called the specific heat of the material. The weight of the vessel (in grams) multiplied by its specific heat gives the heat quantity required to raise it one degree. This value multiplied by the temperature difference noted above gives the heat quantity used to produce its eleva- tion to the final temperature of the experiment, which must be added to the value calculated from the change in temperature of the water. Other corrections are necessary, according to the general method of procedure. The heat effect accompanying a reaction is called, in general, the heat of reaction. Owing to the existence of distinct varieties of chemical action, we may substitute more descriptive terms for this general term. Thus, the student will readily appreciate the logic of designating the heat of reaction when 12 g. of carbon are completely burned to carbon dioxide, according to the equation: C + O 2 = CO 2 , as the heat of combustion, or the heat of oxidation of carbon. This heat effect is very considerable, amounting to about 100 CaL Again, the heat evolved or absorbed when one gram molecule of a compound is formed from its elements, is called its heat of formation. If heat is evolved during such formation, the com- pound or reaction is said to be exothermic ; if absorbed, the term endothermic is applied. 118 CHEMICAL THEORY. When 1 g. of hydrogen combines with 35.5 g. of chlorine: }(H 2 + C1 2 = 2HC1), about 22 Cal. of heat are liberated. The heat of formation of the exothermic compound, hydrochloric acid, is, therefore, 22 Cal. Most compounds are exothermic. As an example of the other, or less common type, we may mention Acetylene C 2 H 2 , one gram molecule of which is formed from its elements under a heat absorption of about 53 Cal. When this endothermic compound is burned, in addition to the heat of combustion due to the carbon and hydrogen which it contains, there is an evolution of 53 Cal. corresponding to the decomposition itself. The descriptive terms, (latent) heat of fusion and (latent) heat of vaporization, commonly signify in physics, the heat quantity required to completely melt, or vaporize one gram of the substance at its melting point, or boiling point respectively. Such values must be multiplied by the molecular weights of the substances to which they refer, if they are to be used in a chemi- cal connection. Obviously, the heat evolved by a given reaction will depend upon the states of aggregation of the substances in general. Thus, the heat of formation of liquid water at 100 is about 68 Cal. Some of this heat, however, will go to vaporize the water, so that in practice, water vapor, instead of liquid water, will be formed. The heat quantity necessary to convert one gram molecule of liquid water at 100 into water vapor, at the same temperature, is about 9.5 Cal. Hence, the difference, 689.5, or 58.5 Cal. will be evolved when one gram molecule of water vapor is formed. In the above case, passing directly from the gases, hydrogen and oxygen to water vapor, at the constant temperature, 100, we have a heat evolution of 58.5 Cal.: 2H + O = H 2 * + 58.5 Cal. (1) vapor * In order that the equation may show one molecule of water, atoms instead of molecules of hydrogen are represented. In general, equations should show molecules, when the volume relations (in the case of gases) are at once apparent (by Avogadro's Law). Thus: 2H 2 + 2 = 2H 2 0. 2 mols 1 mol 2 mols 2 vols 1 vol 2 vols Cf. pages 14 and 28. THERMOCHEMISTRY 119 Considering this as a dual process: 2H + O = H 2 O + 68 CaL, (2) liquid and, H 2 + 9.5 CaL = H 2 O, (3) liquid vapor we obtain by summation, 58.5 CaL (68 4- - 9.5), the final heat effect to be written as a positive value in the right hand member of equation (1). In this way, we may pass from one system to another through many individual physical and chemical processes, or directly in one operation, but the final heat effect representing the sum of all heat effects concerned in the entire series of constituent changes, will invariably be the same. This principle known as the Law of Hess, may be concisely stated as follows: The total calorific effect which accompanies the transformation of one chemical system into another is independent of the steps passed through. The thermal behavior of acids, bases, and salts in aqueous solution was not well understood until the advent of the elec- trolytic dissociation theory. When solutions of electrolytes in the dissociated condition are mixed and no marked combination between the ions occurs, there will be no marked heat effect. Thus, we refer to the thermo-neutrality of salt solutions. Since salts are dissociated to the same general extent, which we may regard as practically complete in ordinarily dilute solution, no appreciable change takes place when dilute solutions of different salts are mixed. When a salt is dissolved in water, there is a heat effect, corresponding to the dissociation of its molecules into ions. The reaction which alone occurs to any extent when a dilute solution of any strong acid is mixed with a dilute solution of any strong base, is: H 4- OH = H 2 O. Hence, the same heat effect accompanies all neutralization reactions in dilute solution, where strong acids and bases are concerned. INDEX. Acid, 25; monobasic, diabasic, poly- basic, 25; binary, 26; oxygen, 26. Acid anhydrides, 26. Acidic substances, 27, 31. Acid radical, 25. Acids, nomenclature of, 26. Active mass, 98. Adhesion, 20. Allot ropism, 16. Ammonia, solubility in water, 21. Amorphous solids, 5, 16. Anion, 73. Anisotropic substances, 5, 16. Anode, 73. Atoms, 5, 11, 12; weight of hydrogen, 12 ; groups of, 23. Atomic quantity, 28. Atomic theory, 5. Atomic weight determination, out- line of method, 56; refinement of, 58. Atomic weight of carbon, 57; of hydrogen, 59; of oxygen, 59; of sulphur, 57. Atomic weights, 12, 22, 28. Base, 25. Basic substances, 27, 31. Boiling point, 3. Boiling point elevation, 51. Bromine, number of atoms in mole- cule, 14, 40. Calculation of formulas, rule for, 61. Calculations based on chemical equa- tions, 35. Calorie, 116; gram, 116; kilogram, 116. Calorimeter, 116. Canal rays, 8. Cathode, 73; rays, 7. Cation, 73. Chemical analysis, bearing on atomic weight determination, 55; bearing on calculation of formulas, 60. Chemical change, 2. Chemical compounds, 3. Chemical equations, calculations based on, 35; construction of, 28. Chemical reaction, 2 ; types of, 30. Chlorine, number of atoms in mole- cule, 14, 40. Cohesion, 20. Common ion effect, 104. Combination, 30. Complex amions and cations, 89. Components, in a phase system, 108. Concentration, of a solution, 20. Conduction, electrolytic, 71 ; metallic, 71. Conservation of energy, 3. Conservation of matter, 3. Corpuscular theory, 6. Critical phenomena, 16, 112. Crystalline solids, 5, 16. Dalton's theory, 11; modification of, by Avogadro, 11. Decomposition, 30; double, 30. Degree of dissociation, calculation of, from freezing point measurements, 77-9; calculation of, from conduc- tivity measurements, 79-81. Diffusion, gaseous, 19; liquid, 65. Dimorphous substances, 16. Dissociation, 94; of N 2 O 4 , 95; of HI, 95; of I 2 , 96. Dissociation coefficient, 103. Divisibility of oxygen molecule, 12. Electrical conductivity, specific, 80; molecular, 80. Electrolysis, 71 ; of HC1, 72. Electrolytes, 69; non-, 69; reaction between solutions of, 84. Electrolytic dissociation, 70, 84; of acids, bases, salts, and water, 82-84. Electrolytic solution tension, 91. Elements, 3; natural groups of, 39, 43; periods of, 41, 43. Endothermic substances, 117. Energy transformations, 2. Equation writing, 30. Equilibrium, 30, 84, 100; between an electrolyte and its ions, 103; in system H 2 O, 111; in system H,O- NaCl, 114. 121 122 INDEX. Equilibrium coefficient of a reversible reaction, 100. Equivalents, 23. Exothermic substances, 117. Fluorine, number of atoms in mole- cule, 14, 40. Formula, 21, 60; construction of a, 63 ; weights, 28. Formulas, method of calculating, 61; simplest, 62. Freezing point constant of a solvent, 53; mathematical expression for, 53, 54. Freezing point lowering, 51 ; by acids, bases, and salts, 67. Gas, molecular condition of, 15. Gas density, 47, 48; method of molec- ular weight determination, 47. Gases, electric discharge through, 6. Gas laws, 17; applied to dilute solu- tion, 42; deduction of, from kinetic theory, 18. Gold and silver, miscibility of, 20. Gram atom, 28. Gram ion, 75. Gram molecular volume, 48. Gram molecule, 28. Groups of atoms, 23; of elements, 39. Halogens, 39. Heat, of combustion, 117; of for- mation, 117; of fusion, 118; of oxidation, 117; of reaction, 117; of vaporization, 118; specific, 117. Heterogeneous equilibrium, 1 14 ; com- plete, 114; incomplete, 114. Hydrochloric acid, composition of, 14 ; concentrated, 37 ; dilute, 37. Hydrogen, number of atoms in mole- cule, 14 ; position of, in periodic sys- tem, 44; replaceable, 25; weight of one atom, 12; weight of one liter, 38. Hydrogen standard, of atomic weights of, 59 ; of gas density measurements, 47. Hydrolysis, 105. Iodine, number of atoms in molecule, 14, 40. Ion, 70. Ionic quantity, 75. lonization, 70, 84. Ions, complex, 89. Iron, polymorphic modifications of, 16. Isomeric substances, 17. Isotropic substances, 5, 16. Kinetic theory, 14, 17, 18, 19, 96. Law of Avogadro, 11, 14, 19, 47, 49, 50, 69; of Boyle, 11, 18; of Charles, 11, 19; of chemical mass action, 98; same applied to electrolytic dissocia- tion, 103 ; mathematical expression for same, 99 ; of constant composi- tion, 3; of definite proportions, 3; of Dulong and Petit, 57; of Faraday, 76; of Gay Lussac, 11; of Henry, 20; of Hess, 119; of multiple pro- portions, 4 ; of Raoult, 52. Lead and zinc, miscibility of, 20. Liquid, molecular condition of, 15. Melting point, 3. Membrane, semipermeable, 65. Metals, solution of, in acids, 91. Metallic hydroxides, 26. Metameric substances, 17. Miscibility, of gases, 4, 19 ; of liquids, 4, 20; of solids, 4, 20. Mixed crystals, 20. Molecular depression of the freezing point, 53. Molecular quantity, 28. Molecular theory, 5. Molecular weights, 22, 28, 47; from freezing point measurements, 51 ; from gas density, 48 ; from osmotic pressure, 50; of dissolved sub- stances, 50. Molecules, 5, 11, 12, 15; number in 1 c.c. gas, 12. Natural group of elements, 39, 43. Neutralization, 31, 86, 119. Nitrogen, number of atoms in mole- cule, 14. Nomenclature of acids and salts, 26. Non-metals, enumeration of and place in periodic table, 44. Osmotic pressure, 50, 64; measure- ment of, 64 ; molecular weight deter- mination by measurement of, 50. Oxidation, 32 ; states of, 34. Oxidizing agent, 32. Oxides, 26, 31. Oxygen, available, 32; bearing on chemical change, 31; divisibility of molecule, 12: number of atoms in molecule, 14, 17. Oxygen standard of atomic weights, 12, 22, 48, 59. Ozone, number of atoms in molecule, 17. Partial pressure of a gas, 21. Periodic law, 45. INDEX 123 Periodic system, 41; table, 42; use in defining atomic weight values, 58. Phases, 108. Phase rule, 109. Physical change, 1. Physical mixture, 4. Polymeric substances, 17. Polymorphous substances, 16. Potential, electrical, 73. Precipitation, 31; discussion of, 87, 104. Radio-active bodies, 8, 9. Rays; a, /?, y, canal, cathode, Roent- gen, X-, 6-10. Reaction, at electrodes during elec- trolysis, 74, 75 ; between acidic and basic substances, 31; of cone, sul- phuric acid on a salt, 31, 102; re- versible, 30, 94. Reducing agent, 32. Reduction, 32. Replacement, 31, 90. Reversible reaction, 30, 94. Roentgen rays, 8. Salt, 25; acid, basic, normal, 25; double, 26, 90. Salts, hydrated, 26; mixed, 26; nom- enclature of, 26 ; reactions between dissolved, 87. Saturated solution, 20. Silver and gold, miscibility of, 20. Sodium chloride, proportion of mole- cules dissociated in an aqueous solution of, 68, 81. Solid, molecular condition of, 15; var- ious modifications of, 5, 16. Solid solution, 4. Solubility, 20. Solubility product, 103. Solution, 20 ; concentration of a, 20 ; of a gas in a liquid, 20, 21; satu- rated, 20. Solution tension, electrolytic, 91. Solvent, 20. State of aggregation, 2, 5. Stochiometrical calculations, 22, 35. Sulphuric acid, reaction of (cone.) on a salt of a volatile acid, 31, 102. Symbol, 21 ; weights, 28. System, diyariant, 103, 106; equi- librium in one-component, 103; monovariant, 103, 106 ; nonvariant, 103, 107. Table of the elements, 42. Tests, 88. Thermoneutrality of salt solutions, 119. Transition temperatures, 17. Trimorphous substances, 16. Triple point, 113. Valence, 23; increase or decrease in, 34. Vapor tension lowering by dissolved substances, 51. Vapor pressure, 15. Vapor tension of a liquid, 15. Velocity coefficient of a reaction, 100. Volume, gram molecular, 48. Water, composition and formula of, 60, 61. Weights, atomic, 12, 22, 28; mole- cular, 22, 28, 47. X-rays, 8. Zinc and lead, miscibility of, 20. SHORT-TITLE CATALOGUE OP THE PUBLICATIONS JOHN WILEY & SONS, NEW YORK. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED. ARRANGED UNDER SUBJECTS. Descriptive circulars sent on application. Books marked with an asterisk (*) are sold at net prices only. 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