THE ROBERT E. COWftN COLLECTION PRKSKNTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHUFORNIfl W C. P. HUNTINGTON dUNE, 1897. Recession No ^2/^y Class No.^T ' 7^ University of California Berkeley REV. DR. HORATIO STEBBINS, of San Francisco, writes: "Mr. Sumner's journey was through a land comparatively me more than usual European journeys. The narrative has a r longed to the company as a specially favored travelling companio RIUHT REV. WM. INGRAHAM KIP, Bishop of California, TV "An entertaining book on Northern Europe. It is a part our millionaires would study Mr. Sumner's account of the public "I hope we have not lost Mr. Sumner to California." GOOD HEALTH, a monthly published at Battle Creek, Michigan, says: "Books of travel are al- most numberless, but we have seldom perused a more pleasing volume then Sum- ner's 'Notes of Travel in Northern Europe.' The scenes of the sketches are nearly all in Sweden; and while the descriptions of places are line, the accounts of the manners and customs of the people and their pub- lic institutions are so vivid and interesting that one feels, while reading them, as if he, too, \yere taking a real bona Jtde journey through Northern Europe. The book is profusely illus- trated with views, portraits, maps and plans, engraved expressly for the work." HENRY GEORGE, the re- nowned author of "Pro- gress and Poverty," says in a recent communication DEPRECIATION A PLAY IN FOUR ACTS. PLACE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. : TIME, 1863 AND 1864, BY DjE r>. E. Ai>F>ju:EToisr