S06 B y^:.iH '■.'■■#^.v ts^ /■,-v - ' ■^'.' ■.;■'- fcBL' >*.v " ■6'- ~v-- ^V- 1 - ■':'i^i; \ BEST BOOKS ON THE WAR AN ANNOTATED LIST Including some books useful in the understanding of the present situation Compiled by CORINNE BACON THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY WHITE PLAINS. N.Y. DECEMBER. 1914 Reprinted, with additions bringing it up to Dec. i, 1914, from Sheip's Handbook of the European War. The compiler acknowledges indebtedness to the lists on the war in the bulletins of the Minneapolis, New York City, Pittsburgh, St. Louis and Salem Public Li- braries ; in the Literary Digest, September, 1914 ; in the American Review of Reviews, September, 1914, and to the list issued August, 1914, by Charles Scribner's Sons. tA ■ BEST BOOKS ON THE WAR Compiled by Corinne Bacon. War — Peace — Militarism Angell, Norman, pseud. (Ralph Norman Angell Lane.) Arms and industry, a study of the foundations of international pohty. *$i.25. Putnam. 1914. Also published under title: "Foundations of international polity." Angell, Norman, pseud. (Ralph Norman Angell Lane.) The great illusion: a study of the relation of military power in nations to their economic and social advantage. 3d rev. and enl. ed. *$i. Putnam. 1911. Enlarged edition of his "Europe's optical illusion." "That the commercial and industrial well-being of any nation depends on its comparative armament and that a state ever reaps a real benefit from a victorious war, is the 'illusion' the author sets out to dispel." A. L. A. Booklist, 191 1. Aston, Sir George. Sea, land and air strategy, maps and dia- grams. *$3.50. Little. 1914. Bernhardi, Friedrich von. Cavalry, a popular edition of "Cavalry in war and peace." *$i. Doran. 1914. Billington, M. F. Red cross in war. *50c. Doran. 1914. Bruce, S. E. Aircraft in war. *50c. Doran. 1914. Butler, Nicholas Murray. International mind. *75c. Scribner. 1913- An argument for the judicial settlement of international disputes. Chittenden, H. M. War or peace. *$i. McClurg. 191 1. "A thoughtful, well-reasoned and comprehensive discussion of the evils of war and a standing army, by an officer in the United States army." A. L. A. Booklist, 191 1. • j*i^" asterisk (*) before the price indicates those books sold at a lim- ited discount and commonly known as net books. 29.5«:>() Jordan, David Starr, and Jordan, H. E. War's aftermath. *75c. Houghton. 1914. "Short authoritative study of the effect of war on the quality of manhood for generations after." Publisher. Illustrated by the Civil War in the United States and the late wars in the Balkans. Introduction deals with the European war. See also D. S. Jordan's Human harvest, 1907; Unseen empire: a study of the plight of nations that do not pay their debts, 1912; War and waste, 1913- Lamszus, Wilhelm. Human slaughter-house (scenes from the war that is sure to come). *Soc. Stokes. 1913. '•'One of the most remarkable and powerful indictments of war ever written. In realism it ranks with Zola's The downfall." Independent, 1913- Mahan, Capt. Alfred Thayer. Armaments and arbitration. *$i.40. Harper. 1912. Chapter 6 criticizes Angell's "Great illusion." O'Ryan, Major General J. F., and Anderson, Capt. W. D. A. The modern army in action, an exposition of the conduct of war. *$i.50. McBride. 1914. An elementary treatise, written to enable the general public to follow more intelligently the reports of the campaigns. Reely, Mary Katharine, comp. Selected articles on world peace, including international arbitration and disarmament. (De- baters' handbook series.) *$i. The H. W. Wilson Co, 1914. Royce, Josiah. War and insurance. *$i. Macmillan. 1914. Develops a plan for securing peace through international insurance. Schreiner, Olive. Woman and war. *5oc. Stokes. 1914. Reprinted from her "Woman and labor." Argues that wom.an has always borne the major part of the "weight of war." , Spaight, J. M. Aircraft in war. *$2. Macmillan. 1914. Spaight, J. M. War rights on land. *$3.50. Macmillan. 191 1. "Scholarly and practical treatise." Annals of American Academy, 191 1. Stockton, Charles H. Outlines of international law. *$2.50. Scribner. 1914. "Gives the full texts of the Hague Convention in 1907, the Inter- national Naval Conference held at London in 1909, President Wilson's Proclamation of Neutrality, and a large amount of material on the very difficulties which are at present under discussion, such as contraband, neutrality, aerial warfare, military occupation, the high seas, etc." Pub- lisher. Europe Cambridge modern history. Vol. 12. The latest age. *$4. Macmillan. 191 1. ' See chapters on Modern Euro'pe and Great Britain, The French Re- public, The German Empire, Austria-Hungary, United Italy, Reaction and revolution in Russia and the Reform movement in Russia. 4 Crispi, Francesco. Memoirs. 2v. *$/. Doran. 1912. V.2. The Triple Alliance. "Based on documents collected by a nephew of the Italian statesman (iSiQ-iQoi)- tor the most part Crispi's own account of events, forming an important source for the history of the period." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 1914. Fullerton, William Morton. Problems of power: a study of in- ternational politics from Sadowa to Kirk-Kilisse. *$2.25. Scribner. 1913. Traces the crises that have menaced the nationality of France and Germany since the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine. "The best account we have seen of the understandings and misunder- standines between the great powers during the last half-century." Spec- tator, 19 1 3* Gibbons, Herbert Adams. The new map of Europe, 1911-1914. *$2. maps. Century. 1914. Author has been for some years professor of history at Roberts Col- lege, Constantinople, and correspondent of the New York Herald. He has condensed for us the political history of Europe for th€^ past ten years, and shows us the exact bearing of each crisis and incident from the Kaiser's visit to Morocco in 1905 up to the outbreak of hostilities in August, 19 14. Gooch, George Peabody. History of our time, 1885-1911. *5oc. Holt. 191 1. First six chapters trace the development of the European powers and explain their relations to one another. Bibliography, p. 251-53. Hazen, Charles Downer. Europe since 1815. maps. *$3 ; Li- brary edition, *$3.75. Holt. 1910; 191 1. Bibliography, p. 737-72. "Comes down to 1909. . . . For the last 25 years, it is almost without a competitor." Harvard Graduates Magazine. Hooper, George. Campaign of Sedan, August-September, 1870. maps. *50c. Doran. 1914. Introduction and first two chapters on the causes of the war and on mobilization are of special interest in connection with the present war. Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton. Common sense in foreign policy, il ♦$1.25. Dutton. 1913. "Study of the problems which affect British relations with France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Portugal, America and the East. Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 19 14. Lyde, Lionel William. Continent of Europe, il. *$2. Mac- millan. 1913. "A work at once descriptive, statistical, geographical, social and po- litical." Book Review Digest, Je. 1914. Mahan, Capt. Alfred Thayer. Interest of America in interna- tional conditions. *$i.50. Little. 1910. Contains chapters on: The origin and character of present interna- tional groupings in Europe; The present predominance of Germany in Europe. Ogg, Frederic Austin. Governments of Europe. *$3. Macmil- lan. 1913. "Important because of its discussion of the most recent political devel- opments and for its presentation of the smaller countries." Independent, 1913. Phillips, Walter Alison. Modern Europe, 181 5-1899. *$i.6o. Macmillan. 1901. Bibliography, p. 9-12. Rose, John Holland. Development of the European nations, 1870-1900. 2v. *$5. Putnam. 1905. "Singularly valuable for an understanding of the international relations of contemporary Europe." Outlook, 1906. Seignobos, Charles. Political history of Europe since 1814. *$3. Holt. 1900. To 1896. Bibliographies at the end of each chapter. _ "Unnecessarily dry and statistical, but containing more important ma- terial than any other single volume." Schevill. Political history of modern Europe, 1909. Usher, Roland Greene. Pan-Germanism. *$i.75. Houghton. 1913- Contains bibliography. A revised and enlarged edition will be published early in 19 15. "The author is of those who believe it is Germany's intention to domi- nate Europe and the world. His book is an attempt to describe the progress already made toward the realization of that ambition." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 1914. Europe — Armies and Navies "Ex-Trooper." The French army from within. *$i. Doran. 1914. The German army from within, by a British officer who has served in it. *$i. Doran. 1914. Henderson, Ernest Flagg. Germany's fighting machine, il. *$i.2S. Bobbs-Merrill. 1914. Hurd, Archibald S. The fleets at war. il. map. *50c. Doran. 1914. Gives statistics of the na\^ies at war, summary of the naval events that preceded the outbreak of the war, brief biographies of Sir John Jellicoe and of Admiral Friedrich von Ingenohl, some account of the German naval bases and of the Kiel Canal. Hurd, Archibald S., and Castle, Henry. German sea-power, its rise, progress and economic basis, maps. *$3.50. Scribner. 1913. Clear and sympathetic explanation of Germany's naval expansion during the past 15 years. Tells why Germans in authority want a big navy. Hurd, Archibald S. Our navy. *5oc. Warne. 1914. History of the English navy from the earliest times to the present day. Jane, Frederick T. All the world's fighting ships, il. maps. *$8.40. Harper. 1914. Stevcni, W. Barnes. The Russian army from within. *$i. Doran. 1914. By a London special correspondent resident in Russia for 2^ years. Vivian, Charles. The British army from within. *$i. Doran. 1914. Europe — Maps Cambridge modern history. Vol. 14. Atlas. *$6.50. Macmil- lan. 1912. 141 maps of Europe from 1490 to 1910. Introduction traces "the territorial changes by which the existing po- litical systems of Europe came into being." Spectator, 1912. Various cheap war maps have been issued. Charles Scribner's Sons, N. Y., will furnish a "War map of Europe," iSc. ; an "Atlas of the European conflict," 25c., and a "Political map of New Bal- kan States and Central Europe," *5oc. European War, 1914. Adcock, A. St. G. In the firing line, first-hand tales of heroism. *50C. Doran. 1914. Includes first-hand stories of fighting told by wounded British soldiers. Barnard, Charles Inman. Paris war days. *$2. Little. 1914- By the Paris representative of the New York Tribune. Beck, James M.. In the supreme court of civilization; the Dual Alliance vs. the Triple Entente. *$i. Putnam. 1914- A reprint, with additions, of an article, published by the late Assistant Attorney General of the United States, in a recent number of the New York Times. A French edition of the article has been issued. Bennett, Arnold. "Liberty!" a statement of the British case. pa. *25c. Doran. 1914. Brereton, Cloudesley. Who is responsible? Armageddon and after. *50c. Putnam. 1914. "Undertakes to show how Prussian tradition, starting with Frederick the Great, has succeeded in corrupting the Germany of today." Publisher. Bryce, Sir James. Neutral nations and the war. pa. *2oc. Mac- millan. 1914. An answer to Bernhardi's "Germany and the next war." Case of Belgium in the present war: an account of the violation of the neutrality of Belgium and of the laws of war on Belgian territor>'. pa. 25c. Macmillan. 1914. "Published for the Belgian envoys, who were charged with a special mission to President Wilson. . . . Includes President Wilson's reply." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 1914- Courtney, W. L., and Kennedy, J. M. Campaign 'round Liege. *50c. Doran. 1914. Davis, R. H. With the alHes. *$i. il. Scribner. 1914. "A first hand account of the war in Belgium, including the entrance of the Germans into Brussels, the burning of Louvain, the Battle of Sois- sons, the bombardment of the Rheims Cathedral, and the thrilling experi- ences when he was captured as a spy." Publisher. Dillon, E. J., and Kennedy, J. M. A scrap of paper. *50c. Doran. 1914. Hacking through Belgium. *5oc. Doran. 1914. Hart, Albert Bushnell. War in Europe. *$i. Appleton. 1914. Author is Professor of history at Harvard University. Prior to the outbreak of hostilities, he spent many months investigating conditions in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. He discusses the direct and indirect causes of the war, neutrality, modern methods of warfare, possible terms of peace, the military unfitness of America, the effect of the war upon the United States, etc. Johnson, Rossiter, editor. The war in Europe, its causes and consequences. *$2. Sully & Kleinteich. 1914. Kennedy, J. M. How the war began, map. *50c. Doran. 1914. Quotes largely from German and English official papers and debates in Parliament. Kilpatrick, James A. Tommy Atkins at war, as told in his own letters. *5oc. Doran. 1914. Gives a vivid idea of the horrors and hardships of war, and of the good humor and patience of the British soldiers. Morris, Charles. One hundred years of conflict between the nations of Europe, the causes and issues of the great war. il. map. *$i.50. Winston. 1914. Miinsterberg, Hugo. The war and America. *$i. Appleton. 1914. "A defense of Germany's part in the European war and an' appeal for fair-minded judgment on the part of Americans." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 1914. New York Times. Why England, Germany and Russia went to war; the "White papers" of England and Germany, the "Orange paper" of Russia, and other diplomatic correspon- dence and documents ; republished from the New York Times. IOC. New York Times. 1914. Powell, E. Alexander. Fighting in Flanders. *$i. il. Scrib- ner. 1914. By the special correspondent of the New York World, who was the guest of General von Boehn, the destroyer of Louvain. Powys, J. Cowper. The war and culture, a reply to Prof. Miin- sterberg. 65c., pa. 40c. G. A. Shaw, 11 Charles St., N. Y. 1914. 8 Price, !M. P., editor. Diplomatic history of the war. *$2.25. Scribner. IQ14. "Includes a diary of negotiations and events in the different capitals, the texts of the official documents of the various governments, full report of the public spttches in all the European parliaments by the leaders of the ditierent parties . . . and much original matter." Publisher. Schevell, Ferdinand. Germany and the peace of Europe. Ger- manistic Society of Chicago. 5c. 1914. "Pamphlet reviewing from the German standpoint the political task of Germany since the Franco-German war, and the rivalries of the great pow- ers as they relate to the huropean war of 1914. Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 1914. Other pamphlets already published in this series: Burgess, John W. Causes of the European conflict. Swing, Raymond E. How Germany was forced into war. Germany — Reichstag, Session of the German Reichstag on August the fourth, 1914. Francke, Kuno. Germany's fateful hour. McDonald, James G. German "atrocities" and international law. Sheip, Stanley S., editor. Handbook of the European war. *$i. H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. 1914. A book of facts, and not an argument for any warring nation. In- cludes extracts from the Belgian, English, German and Russian official papers Bibliography, p. 319-34- Simonds, Frank H. The great war. maps. *$i.25. Kennerley. 1914. Based on articles written for the New York Evening Sun. Covers events from the assassination of the Austrian Archduke to the fall of Antwerp. Sladen, Douglas. Real "Truth about Germany" : facts about the war. *$i. Putnam. 1914. "Reprint of the text of a pamphlet recently issued in Germany (in English) under the authority of a committee of representative citizens, w-ith analyses and refutations of the statements therein made, from the English point of view. An appendix by A. Maurice Low discusses the evidence on the causation of the war and the relative responsibilities of England and of Germany." Publisher. Triumphant retreat to Paris ; the Allies' successful strategy-. *50c. Doran. 1914. Truth about Germany : facts about the war. pa. 25c. Baker. 1914. Issued under the patronage of the most prominent Germans of today, and reprinted in this country under the auspices of an American Com- mittee. Whitridge, Frederick W. One American's opinion of the Euro- pean war. *50c. Dutton. 1914. Why we are at war: Great Britain's case, by members of the Oxford Faculty of Modem History, pa. 70c. ; cl. 85c. Ox- ford University Press (New York Branch). 1914. With appendix of original documents, including the authorized Eng- lish translation of the "White book" issued by the German government. World's Work war manual of the great conflict of 1914. il. maps. Doubleday. 1914. Published as the September number of the World's work at 250.; cloth edition, 50c.; leather, $1. The November number constituted the Second and the December number the Third war manual. Austria-Hungary Colquhoun, Archibald Ross, and Colquhoun, Mrs. E. M, C. Whirlpool of Europe, Austria-Hungary and the Habsburgs. *$3.50. il. maps. Dodd. 1907. "As regards political personages and living issues, such as Pan-German- ism, Pan-Slavism, etc., the volume is instructive and interesting." Liter- ary Digest, 1907. Drage, Geoffrey. Austria-Hungary. *$6. Button. 1909. Appendix contains text of Austro-Hungarian laws and international treaties and statistical tables There are 12 historical and graphic maps. Kellner, Leon ; Arnold, Mme. Paula ; and Delisle, A. L. Austria of the Austrians and Hungary of the Hungarians, il. *$i.50. Scribner. 1914. "Covers ably every phase of modern life in each of the two countries." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 1914. Rumbold, Sir Horace. Francis Joseph and his times, il. *$4. Appleton. 1909. "Review of Austrian history for the century preceding Francis Joseph's accession, and a vivid and sympathetic account of the emperor's personality, pictured against a background of political and military history" A. L. A. Catalog, 1904-11. Same as his "Austrian court in the 19th century." Steed, Henry Wickham. Hapsburg monarchy. *$2.5o. Scrib- ner. 1914. "Scholarly discussion of the Austrian question in its broad aspect as it exists today." Boston Transcript, Ja. 21, 1914. Includes chapter on: Foreign policy as shown in the Triple Alliance. Author was for ten years Vienna correspondent of the London Times. Balkan States International Commission to Inquire into the Causes and Conduct of the Balkan Wars. Report. Carnegie Endowment for In- ternational Peace, New York. Publication No. 4. 1914. Miller, William. The Balkans : Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia and Montenegro, with a new chapter containing their history from 1896 to 1908. *$i.5o; hf. lea. *$i.75. Putnam. 1908. Schurman, Jacob G. The Balkan wars, 1912-1913. maps. *$i. Princeton University Press. 1914. 10 Sloane, William Alilligan. The Balkans: a laboratory of history, il. maps. *$i.50. Methodist Book Concern. 1914. "The second half of the book follows the external events of the past six years, gives special attention to the formation of the Balkan Alliance, and in the last two chapters, which are distinctly the best in the book, reviews the action of the six great European Powers and surveys the present situ- ation. . . . Unfortunately there are positive errors which might have been avoided." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 19 14. Wagner, Lieut. Hermenegild. With the victorious Bulgarians. *$3. Houghton. 1913. "Contains a graphic picture of the Balkan States and their recent war, and of the campaigns of the great Bulgarian general, Radko Dimitrieff, *The Napoleon of the Balkans,' whose enlistment in the Russian service may be a dominant factor in the present conflict." Publisher. Belgium Boulger, Demetrius Charles. Belgium of the Belgians, il. *$i.50. Scribner. 191 1. Special chapters are devoted to places of particular importance, such as Liege, Antwerp, Brussels. Edwards, George Wharton. Some old Flemish towns, il. *$4. Moffat. 191 1. Accounts of Alost, Lille, Bruges, Ghent, and other cities. Griffis, William Elliot. Belgium, the land of art. il. *$i.25. Houghton. 1912. An outline of events in Belgi-in history, together with the story of her social, economic and artistic development. Holland, Clive. Belgians at home. il. *$3.5o. Little. 191 1. "Outline of Belgian history, followed by descriptions of the people and accounts of the more interesting places — Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges, Waterloo, Louvain, Malines and others." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 19 14. MacDonnell, John de Courcy. Belgium, her kings, kingdom and people, il. *$3.50. Little. 1914. Author has lived 12 years in Brussels and has had access to state and family archives of Belgium never before accessible to a historian. England Barclay, Sir Thomas. Thirty years : Anglo-French reminiscences (1876-1906.) il. *$3.50. Houghton. 1914. Author was sent to Paris as correspondent of the London Times in 1876, lived there over 30 years, and was instrumental in bringing about the Anglo-French alliance. "The final diplomatic steps he details with first-hand knowledge." Nation, S. 3, 19 14. Collier, Price. England and the English from an American point of view. *$i.5o; *75c. Scribner. 1909; 1911. II Cramb, John Adam, Germany and England. *$i. Button. 1914. Lectures delivered at Queen's College, London, 15 months before war was declared, which tell "in the smallest possible space what Germany is fighting for, and what Britain is resisting." Spectator, Ag. 22, 19 14. Field Marshal Earl Roberts says: '*I hope that everyone who wishes to understand the present crisis will read this book. . . . Nowhere else are the forces which led to the war so clearly set forth." Cross, Arthur Lyon. History of England and Greater Britain, maps. *$2.5o. Macmillan. 1914. Covers part of 1914. "Approaches, on the whole, in arrangement, fulness of information, matter-of-factness, accuracy, and emphasis on purely political history, more nearly than any other textbook we happen to know, to S. R. Gardi- ner's Student's history." Nation, S. 10, 19 14. Doyle, Arthur Conan. Great Britain and the next war. pa. bds. *25c. Small. 1914. "Reply to Bernhardi's 'Germany and the next war,' with an interesting suggestion for the defense of England." Publisher. Ford, Edward, and Howe, G. C. England invaded, il. *$2. Macmillan. 1913. "Serious and well-founded forecast of what would happen in case a German army landed on the English coast." Am. Review of Reviews, S. 1914. Lea, Homer. Day of the Saxon, maps. *$i.8o. Harper, 1912. "A call to the British Empire to hark to the dangers besetting it from without." Book Review Digest, 1912. "Its analysis of the limitations of sea-power is admirable." Nation, 1912. Marriott, J. A. R. England since Waterloo, maps, *$3. Put- nam. 1913. Contains bibliography. Weale, B. L. Putnam, pseud. (Bertram Lenox Simpson). Con- flict of colour; being a detailed examination of racial problems throughout the world, with special reference to the English- speaking people. *$2. Macmillan. 1910. "Chiefly a protest and a warning against Great Britain's Eastern policy as indicated in part by the Japanese alliance," A, L, A. Booklist, 1911. Wells, Herbert George. Social forces in England and America. P- 155-72. Common sense of warfare. *$2. Harper. 1914. Tells how England should prepare for war. Wilkinson, Spenser. Britain at bay. *$i.5o. Putnam. 1909. "Makes a strong plea for compulsory military service in England, point- ing out that only by thus strengthening the army can the nation escape defeat in the inevitable conflict with Germany which he sees approaching." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 1914. 12 France Bracq, Jean Charlemagne. France under the republic. *$i.50. Scribner. 1910. "Survey of political, commercial, educational, cultural, and social changes in French national life." Publisher. Dimnet, Ernest. France herself again. *$2.5o. Putnam, 1914. Traces the development of France from 1870 to the present and con- tains one chapter on the present war. Guerard, Albert Leon. French civilization in the 19th century, *$3. Century. 1914. Workinp bibliographies at ends of chapters. "Brilliant and satisfactory explanation of modern France, and of the foundations upon which it is based." Outlook (London), 19 14. Jerrold, Laurence. The real France. *$i.50. Lane. 191 1. "One of the lightest-handed and keenest studies of national character produced by an English brain in our day. . . . Mr. Jerrold explains France " Pittsburgh Bulletin, O, 19 14. Jerrold, Laurence. French and the English. *$2.50. Dodd. 1913. Paris correspondent of a London newspaper contrasts the two nations with a view to bringing about a better understanding between them. Poincare, Raymond. How France is governed. *$2,25. Mc- Bride, 1914, "An admirable account of the essential features of the French govern- ment and well-proportioned to the needs of the average intelligent reader." Am. Political Science Review, My. 19 14. Chapter on military service already out of date. Tardieu, Andre. France and the alHances : the struggle for the balance of power. *$i.50. Macmillan. 1908. Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. ]My days of adventure; the fall of France, 1870-71. *7s. 6d. Chatto and Windus, London. 1914. "Of real value as an impartial historical record by an eye-witness." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 1914. Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred. Republican France; 1870-1912; her presidents, statesmen, policy, vicissitudes and social life. il. ♦$4. Small. 1913. "By an Englishman who displays a remarkable understanding of French institutions and French life." Am. Historical Review, Jl. 1913. Wendell, Barrett. France of today. *$i.50. Scribner. 1907. "Makes for a better understanding of the French people." A. L. A. Booklist, 1907. Germany Bemhardi, Friedrich von. How Germany makes war. *$i.25. Doran. 1914. "Uncompromising statement of Germany's ideals, the training of her army and her military tactics. A condensed version of the author's 'Oa war of to-day,' written for experts." Publisher's Weekly, O. 24, 19 14. 13 Bernhardi, Friedrich von. Germany and the next war. map. *$3. Longmans. 1912. By the chief interpreter of the ideals of Prussian militarism. Antici- pates the aims and strategy of the present war. Suggests that France must be wiped out, that England must be beaten and that Belgium has sacrificed her rights of neutrality by her African annexations. Longmans has issued a popular edition at $1, an authorized American edition at 75c. and a paper-covered edition at 25c. Charles A. Eron, New York, has issued a paper-covered edition at 50c. See Bryce and Doyle for answers to Bernhardi's arguments. Billow, Bernhard, fiirst von. Imperial Germany. *$3. Dodd. 1914. Bismarck's successor writes of the making of modern Germany. About one-third of the book is taken up with a discussion of foreign policy. Book Review Digest, Je. 19 14. Burgess, John W. The German Emperor and the German gov- ernment, an address delivered Jan. 5, 1909. Germanistic So- ciety of America, N. Y. To be obtained from the Corresponding Secretary, Deutsches Haus, 419 West 117th St., N. Y. Collier, Price. Germany and the Germans from an American point of view. *$i.5o; *75c. Scribner. 1913 : 1914. Graphic picture of present day Germany. Includes a chapter on the Xaiser. Dawson, William Harbutt. Evolution of modern Germany. *$4; *$i.50. Scribner. 1908; 1914. "A valuable granary of fact for every student who would understand political and economic Germany." Dial, 1909. Dickinson, Asa Don, editor. The Kaiser, a book about the most interesting man in Europe. *$2. il. Doubleday. 1914. "An honest endeavor by several m.en to marshall fairly and present without prejudice the significant facts about the German Emperor." Preface. Diilon, E. J., and Kennedy, J. M. A scrap of paper. *50c. Doran. 1914. "A secret history of Germany's long preparatory diplomacy and her violation of Belgium's neutrality." Publisher. Francke, Kuno. German ideals of today and other essays on German culture. *$i.50. Houghton. 1907. Fried, Alfred Hermann. The German Emperor and the peace of the world. *$2. Doran. 1912. "Sets forth the German emperor as the well-convinced friend of peace." New York Times, 1912. Nobel prize essay. Frobenius, Col. H. The German empire's hour of destiny. *$i. McBride. 1914. Heartily commended by the German Crown Prince. "Definitely fore- casts the greatest war in history as early as the spring of 1915 or 1916, Frobenius holding that France's military necessities would demand that she bring about a war by then if the war were not brought about by England." N. Y. Times Book Review. Nov., 1914. 14 Hausrath, Adolf. Treitschke, his doctrine of German destiny and of international relations, with a study of his life aod work. *$i.50. Putnam. 1914. "It seems evident that the instigation to the curious hate of England and to the conviction that for the development of dermany the destruction of the British Empire was essential, is due to Treitschke. He died in i8q6, and it is his pupils, Bernhardi and others, who have planned the present fight of Germany for the domination of Europe." George Haven Putnam. Helfferich, Karl. Germany's progress and national wealth, 1888- 1913. Germanistic Society of America, N. Y. 1914. See note under Burgess. Holland, A. W. Germany, il. *$2. ^lacmillan. 1914. "A notably valuable book because it is the first to recount German history from the earliest times to the close of 1913." Outlook, Jl. 18, 1914. "Mr. Holland is admirably impartial." Athenaeum. 1913. James, Herman Gerlach. Principles of Prussian administration. *$i.50. Macmillan. 1913. Mach, Edmund von. What Germany wants. *$i. Little. 1914. Said to have been written to present the convictions of the German nation rather than the contentions of the militarists. Perris, George Herbert. Germany and the German Emperor. *$3. Holt. 1912. "One of the best accounts in brief compass of political parties and political problems under the Empire that has come to the attention of the reviewer." Am. Political Science Review, 19 13. The real Kaiser, an illuminating study. *$i. Dodd. 1914. Reich, Emil. Germany's madness. *$i. Dodd. 1914. Published also under title: "Germany's swelled head." Written in 1907 by a Hungarian resident in England for many years. Some irrelevant matter has been omitted and an epilogue added to bring- the book up to date. Sarolea, Charles. Anglo-German problem. *$i. Nelson. 1912. "Mainly an investigation of Germany's home and military policy directed towards the long pre-conceived dream of world empire." Saturday Review (London), Ag. 22, 1914 Predicts that the next European war wilf be long, inexorable, universal, and that Belgium will be once more the "Cockpit of Europe." The book has been highly praised by King Albert of Belgium. Shaw, Stanley. William of Germany. *$2.50. Macmillan. 1913. Schierbrand, Wolf von. Germany — the welding of a world power. *$i. Doubleday. 1902. "Author states frankly that his point of view is American, not Ger- man." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 1914. Topham, Anne. Memories of the Kaiser's court, il. *$3. Dodd, 1914. Miss Topham was teacher of English to the Princess Victoria from 1902. when she was nine years old, until her marriage. "Written with much ability and a charming lightness of touch." Spec- tator, S. 5, 1914- IS Tower, Charles. Germany today. *5oc. Holt. 1913. Gives a clear account of the power of the Kaiser, the Bundesrath, the Reichstag and the state parliaments. Treitschke, Heinrich von. Selections from Treitschke's lectures on politics tr. by A. L. Gowans. *7Sc. Stokes. 1914. "God will see to it that war always recurs as a drastic medicine for the human race." Treitschke. White, Andrew Dickson, Seven great statesmen, p. 391-535, Bismarck. ^$2.50. Century. 1910. Chapters on Bismarck give a clear idea of modern Germany and tell the story of his suggestion to France that she should take Tunis, and the resulting formation of the Triple Alliance. Wile, Frederic William. Men around the Kaiser: the makers of m.odern Germany, il. *$i.25. Bobbs-Merrill. 1914. Thirty-one biographical sketches by the Berlin correspondent for the J^ew York Times and London Daily Mail. The J. B. Lippincott Company issued an edition in 191 3 at *$i.7S. William II, German emperor. My ideas and ideals. *50c. Luce. 1914. Brief excerpts from the Kaiser's speeches, etc. Prof. Christian Gaus of Princeton University is preparing a repre- sentative selection entitled: "The German emperor as shown in his public utterances," to be published by Scribner at an early date. William II. German emperor. The Kaiser's speeches : tr. and ed. by Wolf von Schierbrand. ^$2.50. Harper. 1903. Speeches; tr. by L. Elkind. *$5. Longmans. 1904. Wylie, Ida Alena Ross. Eight years in Germany. *ios. 6d. Mills and Boon, London. 1914. Author holds a brief for Germany. Luxembourg Renwick, George. Luxembourg: the Grand Diichy and its peo- ple, il. map. *$3. Scribner. 1913. Combines history and description. Russia Alexinsky, Gregor. Modern Russia. *$3.75. Scribner. 1914. "Apart from minor points ... an able and comprehensive survey of the political and economic position of modern Russia." Athenaeum, 1913- Baring, Maurice. Mainsprings of Russia. *$i. Nelson. 1914. Baring, Maurice. Russian people, maps. *$3.50. Doran. 191 1. "Clear, unbiased and comprehensive outline of the historv of Russia, and an intimate study of Russian character." A. L. A. Booklist, 1913. Graham, Stephen. Changing Russia, il. *$2.5o. Lane. 1913. Author sees in Russia a power more eager for conquest than any other country. 16 Mavor, James. Economic history of Russia. 2v. *$io. Button 1914- "Gives a notion of the Russian empire, of its origins and its charac teristics, of its problems and its possibilities, well calculated to make the reader ashamed of his prejudices and his criticisms." Boston Transcript Ag. 12, 1914. Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie. Russia. New and enl. ed. $5 Holt. 1905. "A book of extreme value on a remarkably difficult subject . indispensable for ihose who wish clearly to understand present conditions and future possibilities in the land of the Tsar." Pittsburgh Bulletin O. 1914. Williams, Harold Whitmore. Russia of the Russians, il. *$i.50 Scribner. 1914. Description of Russian life by the former Petrograd correspondent of the Manchester Guardian and Morning Post. Includes a historical chapter and an account of the political situation. Winter, Nevin Otto. Russian empire today and yesterday, il. map. *$3. Page. 1913. "The most comprehensive of recent books on Russia, but it lacks the literary quality and deep insight of Baring's Russian people " A. L. A. Booklist, 19 1 3. Bibliography, p. 477-80. Servia Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, Prince. The Servian people, their past glory and their destiny. 2v. *$3. Scribner. 1910. Scholarly and encyclopedic. The second volume is a complete historical survey. Stead, Alfred, ed. Servia by the Servians, map. 12s. 6d. Heinemann, London. 1909. "Comprehensive estimate of Servia and the Servian race from the pens of representative Servians." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 19 14. Fiction Bilse, Oswald Fritz (pseud. Fritz von der Kyrburg). Life in a garrison town. *$i.25. Lane. 1904. "Severe arraignment of the German military system. Cost its author a term of imprisonment and dismissal from the service." Pittsburgh Bulle- tin, O. 1914. Also translated under title: "A little garrison." Bloem, Walter. The iron 3'-ear. *$i.25. Lane. 1914. "Has had a large circulation in Germany and is said to have been much appreciated by the German Emperor. . . Story of a German general's daughter who falls in love with a French staff oftker just as the Franco-German war breaks out. . . . Excellently translated." Athe- nzum, F. 21, 1914. Chesney, Sir George T. Battle of Dorking. First published in Blackwood's in 1871 and reprinted in pamphlet form. Imagined invasion of England by the Germans who had just conquered France. 17 Le Queux, William. Invasion of 1910, with a full account of the siege of London. *7d. ; *6s. Everett; Nash. London. 1906. Munro, Hector H. When William came. *$i.25. Lane. 1914. A satirical account of what takes place after a supposed German con- quest of England. Newton, W. Douglas. War. *$i.20. Dodd. 1914. An imaginary invasion of England described with a grim realism that strips war of its traditional glamour Introduction by Rudyard Kipling. Oppenheim, Edward Phillips. Vanished messenger. *$i.30. Little. 1914. Deals with the mysterious disappearance of an American bound on a mission to a conference of the powers at The Hague which is likely to result in the invasion of England. Palmer, Frederick. Last shot. *$i.35. Scribner. 1914. "War as it actually would be if two first-class European nations turned their guns upon one another. The scenes of the story are not localized." Book Review Digest, Je. 1914. Suttner, Bertha (Kinsky) baroness von. "Ground arms!" "A crusade against war. . . . The influence of the book in Austria and Germany has been compared to that of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' in this country." Pittsburgh Bulletin, O. 19 14. Published also under title: "Lay down your arms." Wells, Herbert George. War in the air. *$i.SO. Macmillan. 1908. "Realistic description of a terrible world-war, carried on with aero- planes and balloons, which finally destroys our present civilization." Pitts- burgh Bulletin, O. 19 14. Wells, Herbert George. The world set free. *$i.35. Button. 1914. The discovery of how to use the explosive power in atoms has revolu- tionized industry. The economic upheaval is followed by war in which England, France and the Slavic powers are lined up against the Germanic races. Atomic bombs end the war and a world federation is formed. Drama and Poetry Brownell, Atherton. Unseen empire: a peace play in four acts. *$i.25. Harper. 1914. Owner of the Stahl gun works is the heroine and brings about European peace. Galsworthy, John. The mob : a play in four acts. *6oc. Scrib- ner. 1914. Hero defends the little nations in Parliament against the greed of England, and opposes war. A fine portrayal of mob psychology. Hagedorn, Hermann. Makers of madness, a play. *$i. Mac- millan. 1914. Shows how and v/hy an imaginary kingdom and an imaginary republic go to war with each other. Mackaye, Percy. The present hour. *$i.25. Macmillan. 1914. Part I, War, is made up of poems written in August-October, 1914; Part 2, Peace, of poems written during the last two years. >,'oyes, Alfred. Rada, a drama of war *6oc. Stokes. i>^ ^j. Scene laid in a Balkan village just taken by the enemy. ^oyes, Alfred The \'. incprcs>: a tale of war. *6oc. Stokes. 1913 Suggested by the atrocities of the Balkan war. .Songs and sonnets for England in war-time . . . inspired by the great war. *75c. 1914. Verses by Bridges, Watson, Newbolt, Kipling, Hardy and others. Periodicals Magazine articles are too numerous to list here. Consult the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, published monthly by the H. W. Wilson Company, White Plains, N? Y. Fatherland, a new magazine, giyes the German point of view. The London Tim.es is publishing an illustrated History of the war, in weekly parts, yd. each. The New York Sun has purchased the exclusive rights of reproduction in English of the war pictures of the illustrated "Zeitung" of Leipsic and other high class German art periodicals. These are appearing in the Sunday Sun, which has also pur- chased the right to reproduce articles from the leading German reviews. The New York Times publishes a midweek pictorial war extra. Another good source for pictures is the Illustrated London News. F. L. Huidekoper's How to read the war news (World's Work, October, 1914) explains the A B C of military science so that the technical language of newspaper reports is made plain. Pamphlets Among the many pamphlets issued, special note should be taken of the Oxford pamphlets, to be obtained from the Ameri- can Branch of the Oxford University Press, 35 West 32d St., New York, and of those issued by the Germanistic Societies of Chicago and New York. 19 ■IM^^ ^\J 4L. 1 V \\j III L.I is^i ^ 1 y KN PERIOD 1 OAAE USE 2 3 5 6 ML BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS ■month loans may be renewed by colling 642-3405 )-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUN 119 31 ,rii2'9t UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY !M NO. DD6, 60m, 12/80 BERKELEY CA 94720 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ,1 >?'?•.- " ■'1®^ ■4-- "!;'■• jTO.il* ''6"'' -./-':''■'■''. -.<•; :;'?;■ ■.^- •- .--'J/;'; ^ \ '~ K p^ it i^H ' 1^ »\ I'/'C: