ir iVi < UN ^ OP c . A c EGO jc: ^' - ^1 THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIECO LA JOLLA. CALIFORNIA The Story of Chartres All rights reser-ved '. ^^ -.; V ■.« t ^ ' \ ■i'^ The Story of CHARTRES by Cecil He ad I am lUustrdted by Herbert Rdilton London: J. M. Dent & Co. Aldine House ^ 29 and 30 Bedford Street Covent Garden, IV. C. * * 1902 Quae qui non vidit jam similia non videbit, non solum ibi, sed in tota Francia.' ' La vile esteit mult bone, de grande antiquite, Iglise i aveit bele, de grant anctoritc ; De la sainte Virge Marie mere de De I esteit la kemise tenue en grant chiertc.' Robert Wace [Roman du Rou). ' Tiie most wonderful thing in France.' James Russell Lowell. ' Notre-dame de Chartres ! A world to explore, as if one explored the entire Middle Ages.' Walter Pater. TO MY KRIEND GEORGE MONTAGU IN MEMORY OF DAYS IN THE OLD WORLD AND THE NEW 1'A(;e CONTENTS CHAPTER I Druids and Komans : The Crypt . . I CHAPTER II Saints and Barbarians . . . . 3 1 CHAPTER III Theobald- the- I'rickster and Fulbert the Bishop 51 CHAPTER IV S. Ives and the Crusades . . . . 80 CHAPTER V 7'he Cathedra/ and Its Buihlers . . . 1 09 CHAPTER VI Mettiaval Class and Mediaval Cuihls . . l 50 CHAPTER VII The Cathedral . . . . .182 vii Contents CHAPTER VIII The Birth of the Bourgeoisie and the English Occupation . . . , . .231 CHAPTER IX The Siege and the Breach, 1568 . . . 263 CHAPTER X Mathurin Regnier and the Renaissance at Chartres . ... . . .285 CHAPTER XI The Coronation of Henri Qjtatre . . . 302 CHAPTER XII The Revolution — S. Pere .... 322 CHAPTER XIII I'he Prussians at Chartres . . . 345 CHAPTER XIV Itinerary and Expeditions . . . . 352 Index . . • ^55 ILLUSTRATIONS The Cathedra/ from the Rue du (photograi'itre) . The House of the Salmon f vignette J Tetre de S. Nicholas . S. Modesta, South Porch (from a photograph by C. Blin, Chartres ) . ... Gargoyle on South Porch Cathedral : South Transept . Fulbert and His Church VRtape-au-Vin .... Street Entrance to Old Hotel de Tille The Spires of Chartres Ij Ane qui vie He The Angel Dial ..... Tympanum of the Royal Porch (from a photo graph by C. Blin, Chartres J Pilaster of the Royal Porch Pilaster of the Royal Porch Washing-place on the River Eure . f'ci'ig Bourg Frontispiece I 9 18 32 55 67 81 104 II I 125 126 1.33 136 138 x68 Illustrations I'AIIK Flying Buttresses of the Nave (from a photo- graph by C. Blin., Chart res) . . I B9 Ambidatory, Chartres Cathedral . f'i<''»g 203 Interior North Porch . . . ,, 221 aS". George from the South Porrh (from a photo- graph by C. B/'w, Chartres J . . 226 Thlrteejith Century Gable of Old Hotel de I 'die 232 Courtyard in the Old Hotel tie Pdle . . 239 Porte Gudlaume . . . . .245 Chartres in 1500 (from an old engraving J . 259 Jrms of the Town ..... 262 Qjieeji Bertha''s Toiver .... 266 Old Dormer Windcw from Maison du Saumon 268 Chartres Besieged by M. le Prince de Conde, March 1568 . . . . . 275 To