714-a. - - UC-NRLF C/T3 ' i^.;ii ill liiiiiii 1 iiiiii iiii *C 52M 37T &U, r- CHINESE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE Cambridge University Press SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF CHINESE AND MANCHU BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. Clay, Manager, London: FETTER LANE, E.C. Edinburgh: loo princes street New York: G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS Bombay, Calcutta & Madras: MACMILLAN AND Co. Ltd. Toronto : J. M. DENT AND SONS, Ltd. Tokyo: THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA All rights reserved SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF THE WADE COLLECTION OF CHINESE AND MANCHU BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE BY HERBERT A. GILES M.A.; LL.D. (Aberd.) PROFESSOR OF CHINESE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS I9IS PRINTED BY E. J. BRILL LTD. LEYDEN. -^ fVllHJ PREFATORY NOTE. This supplementary collection of Chinese books has been gathered together since the year 1898. In 1908, when a large number of valuable works came into the market, a fund was raised by private subscription, the subscribers being: — The Master of Emmanuel The Provost of King's Professor Sir Clifford Allbutt, K.C.B. Professoi* A. A. Bevan Professor E. G. Browne J. Y. Buchanan, Esq., F.R.S. Professor F. C. Burkitt F. J. Cobbold, Esq., M.P. N. C. Cohen, Esq. S. Gaselee, Esq. Professor H. A. Giles C. Hanbury, Esq. Professor Liveing Professor Macalister J. F. P. Rawlinson, Esq., K.C., M.P. A. E. Shipley, Esq., F.R,S. Professor W. W. Skeat Professor V. H. Stanton University Library Lady Wade 333633 VI PREFATORY NOTE With this fund, (i) a great many gaps in the Chinese Library were filled up, and (2) some rare works were acquired. Under the first of these heads may be mentioned Y la, which is an anthology, in 401 volumes, of the prose masterpieces produced under the T'ang dynasty (A.D. 618 — 906), and is a companion to D 246, already on the shelves, a similar anthology of the poetical masterpieces of the same period. Under the second head will be found D 75a, which contains, in 24 volumes, the complete writings of the famous poet, Tu Fu (A.D. 712 — 770). Hitherto, the oldest printed book in the University Library has been C 114, an illustrated account of all foreign nations known to the Chinese, which dates back to the last quarter of the 14'h century. The work here under notice dates back to the year A.D. 1204. Some important donations have been made, of which two call for particular mention. A large number of works, marked in this Catalogue with a dagger, were presented by Dr F. Sanger, of St John's College ; and several of these are of peculiar interest as specially representing the literary activity of the province of Fuhkien, in which Dr Sanger happened to be stationed. Those works which are marked with an asterisk were presented by Mr L. C. Taylor, of Clare College. The large majority of these form new acquisitions, the remainder being other editions of works already secured. Over one thousand three hundred volumes have thus been added to the Library. Herbert A. Giles. Cambridge: 21 June, 1915. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF THE WADE LIBRARY A 427^. Ji ii J^ and as ^ ff fij Kan ying p'ien and Yil buang pao bsQn {a) The Treatise of Rewards and Punishments, wrongly attributed to Lao Tzu. With commentary. 1856. (6) The Precepts of Yii Huang Shang Ti, a member of the Trinity of modern Taoism. [The volume also contains the ^ p^ ^ Vin Chih Wen, "The Treatise of Secret Blessing," H H ^ ^ -^ jH: S ^ A'z/aw Sheng Ti Chiin Chao Shih Chen Ching, 'The True Canon of Kuan Ti, God of War, to Awaken the Age," and other Taoist writings.] 2 vols, in blue cloth case. 1875. 23cm. A 427b. ^ ^ Lleh Tztt The remains of the mythical Taoist philosopher, Lieh Tzu, supposed to have lived in the 4"! or 5th cent. B. C. [The labels bear the inscription ^ ^JS ^ij "^ Sung dynasty edition of Lieh Tzu, and the following in Chinese is pasted on the fly-leaf opposite the first page: "It is notorious that while volumes dating from the Sung dynasty (A.D. 960 — 1260; see D 75a) rank as the oldest of printed books, many of those preserved to-day are not genuine. Now I am convinced that these volumes of Lieh Tzu are ancient and valuable. G. W. I 2 THE WADE LIBRARY On opening them, the delicate colour of the paper arrests the eye, while the ink has the fragrant odour of antiquity, neither of which attributes would be present if the book were not of the Sung period."] 8 pt. in 4 vols, in blue cloth case. No date. 23cm. A 427=. ^ m u ^ m Leng yen ching cheng mo The famous Leng yen sutra^ first translated A.D. 1 3 1 2, and gene- rally regarded by the literati as a masterpiece. Published with com- mentary by the Buddhist monk ^ ^ ft ^ Chiao-kuang-chen-chien, with a preface by g ^ ^j^ Lii Ch'ung-lieh. 10 vols in blue cloth case, 1649. 27cm. B 382^ M ^ H # Han wei ts'ung shu A collection of reprints from authors of the Han and Wei dyn- asties, first printed A.D. 1592. Edition of 1791. 80 vols in 4 tin boxes. 25cm. B 382b. 3£ 1^ YU hai An encyclopaedia divided according to subjects and comprising upwards of 240 articles, compiled early in the 12* century by 3E i^ 1^ Wang Ying-lin. With eight prefaces and various appen- dices. 204 pt. in 120 vols, in 12 blue cloth cases. 1738. 25cm. B 1470-. ^ ili ^ H # Kung shun fang ts'ung shu A collection of eighteen reprints. 24 vols, in four blue cloth cases. 1821. 25. 5cm. Bi470^ H ^ ^ ^ T'ang sung shih shun Specimens of the poetry {see D 200a) of the T'ang and Sung dynasties, selected by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung from the works of SUrPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE 3 ^ Q Li Po, 3|!t "i" Tu Fu, ^ Jg ^ Po Chu-i, ^ ^ Han Yu, ^ ^ Su Shih, and |^ '^ Lu Yu, and edited, with copious com- mentary, by a commission of scholars. With preface by Ch'ien Lung. 47 pt. in 20 vols, with silk covers, in 2 blue cloth cases. 1760. 28cm. B 1470c. + B ^ !«: Shih kuo ch'un ch'iu Annals of the ten small principalities which existed between the end of the T'ang and the beginning of the Sung dynasties, by 5^ 'fi E Wu Jen-ch'en of the 17th cent. A.D. Revised by -^ ^ Niu Huan, with a preface by ^jjfg Wei Hsi (1624—1680). New edition by ^ ^ Chou Ang. 116 pt. in 16 vols, in 4 blue cloth cases. 1793. 26cm. 81470". ® I? :5t IE ^ 4 Kuo ch'ao hsien cbeng shih lUeh Biographies of eminent men of the late Manchu-Tartar dynasty, including famous ministers, writers on Confucianism, commentators on the classics, essayists, etc. Compiled by ^ j^ ||f Li Yiian-tu, with preface by "@' ^ ^ Tseng Kuo-fan. 60 pt. in 24 vols, in a wooden box. 1869. 27cm. D75^. *t X a i# (^"d 3^) ^ Tu kung pu shih (and wen) chi Collection of the poetical and prose works of Tu Fu, A.D. 712 — 770 (spoken of as Tu Kung-pu in reference to his post as secretary in the Board of Works), with collected commentaries, and prefaces by g£y{j^ Wang Chu (A.D. 1039), ^^^ Wang An-shih (1052), ^ ^ ^ H" Tsung-yu (1090), and ^^% Ts'ai Meng-pi (1204). With an appendix containing the inscription on the poet's tombstone 7C ^ Yiian Chen (779 — 831). 22 pt. in 24 vols, of which the last 2 pt. in 2 vols, contain the prose writings. With blue paper covers, in 4 ornamental cases. 1204. 30cm. 4 THE WADE LIBRARY D75^ m m u ^ Hsi yu chen ch'iian A mythological narrative of travels in the west in search of the sacred books of Buddhism, based on the journey of the pilgrim ^ ^ Hsiian Tsang. With notes and punctuation by |^ ^t Jltfft Ch'en Shih-pin, and illustrations. 20 vols, in 2 blue cloth cases. Preface dated 1696. 24.5cm. D75<=. tK il^ # Shui hu chuan A romantic novel by |fl^ jj^ ^ Shih Nai-an, edited with illustra- tions and commentary by -^ gg |^ Chin Sheng-t'an. 20 vols, in 2 blue cloth cases. 1657. 24.5cm. Di6ia_i62b. n ^ m ^ ^ ± M Han ch'ang li hsien sheng ch'iian chl The complete works of ^ ^ Han Yii, otherwise known as ^ ^ <^ Han Wen-kung, poet, philosopher and statesman, A.D. 768 — 804, based upon the edition of the Sung dynasty. 1784. 25.5cm. Di8oa. m m M Hsi hsiang chi A romantic drama of the I4t'> cent. A.D., by an unknown author. Edited with critical notes and punctuation by ^ ^ 1^ Chin Sheng- t'an. Illustrated. 8 pt. in 6 vols, in blue cloth case. 1780. 23cm. Di8ob. ^ g IE P'i p'a chi A drama, in 42 scenes, by Kao Tse-ch'eng, first performed in 1704. With critical notes by ^ ^ |J|_| Mao Sheng-shan and y^ ^ ^ Wang Wen-shih. Edited by ^ ^ Ts'ung Chou, with illustra- tions. 12 pt. in 8 vols, in blue cloth case. 1800? 24cm. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE 5 D2ooa. m '^ m ^ ^ m YU hsQan fang sung wen shun Specimens of the prose of the T'ang and Sung dynasties, selected by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung from (see B 1470'^) the works of ^ -#5 Han Yii, ;^ ^ 7^ Liu Tsung-yuan, ^ ^^ Li Ao, J^ ^ Sun Ch'iao, iC ^ # Ou-yang Hsiu. j^ ff Su Hsun, ^^ ^ Su Shih, ^ ^ Su Che, '^ ^ Tseng Kung, and ^ ^ ^ Wang An-shih, and edited, with copious commentary and a preface from the Emperor, by a commission of scholars. 58 pt. in 20 vols, in 2 pairs of wooden boards. 1738. 26.5cm. D 200b. m ^ & <^ ^ M Su wen Chung kung shih chi The collected poetical works of Su ^jj Shih (A. D. 1036 — iioi), canonised as Wen Chung, and better known as Su ^ ^ Tung-p'o. With critical notes and punctuation by ^ fl!^ Chi Yun (1724 — 1805). 50 pt. in 12 vols in 2 blue cloth cases. 1835. [See H 36.] 28cm. E/ 71a. W M- ^ m W P'ang hsi chai ts'ung shu A collection of reprints from the P'ang-hsi Studio, comprising 54 short treatises. 32 vols, in 4 blue cloth cases. 1883. 25.5cm. E71''. ^ # M IB Hsiao lin kuang chi A collection of humorous anecdotes. 2 vols in blue cloth case. 1861. 15.5cm. E7IC. ^ ^ ^ Ts'ao tzu hui A handbook of "grass character" or cursive script, arranged under radicals, by ^ f^ EE Chuang Men-hsi. With the original preface, by ^ l^fe ^ Chiang Kuang-yiieh, dated 1786. 5 pt. in 4 vols, in blue cloth case. 1886. 17cm. 6 THE WADE LIBRARY E?!"- n ^ m M Tan yen tsung lu A collection of miscellaneous writings, being the compressed edition of a much more extensive production, by ^ '^ Yang Shen, whose fancy name was ^^ Sheng-an (A. D. 1488 — 1529.) Originally pub- lished in 1554 by ^^ Liang Tso. New edition, revised by ^ ij>^ Ch'en K'ai. 27 pt. in 8 vols, in blue cloth case. 1794. i6cm. E79». jE ^ 5i Cheng tzii f ung A dictionary of the Chinese language, arranged according to the 214 radicals, by Wi "^ ^ Liao Wen-ying. 32 vols, in 4 blue cloth cases. 1670. 25cm. E 87a. ^ ^ ^ JE Tzii tien k'ao cheng A list of mistakes in the Imperial dictionary of K'ang Hsi, arranged under the radicals. Preceded by a memorial on the subject from ^ j^ I-hui and three others, dated 1831, and an Imperial edict. 8 vols, in blue cloth case. 1831. 25cm. E87»'. m m M '& Ch'u tz'u chi chu The collection of poetry known as the "Elegies of Ch'u," by the famous statesman and poet, j^ ]^ Ch'ii Yiian (B. C. 332 — 295), his nephew ^ ^ Sung Yii, and others. Edited, with collected com- mentaries and ^ ]^ ^ Ssii-ma Ch'ien's biography of Ch'ii Yiian, by :^ ^ Chu Hsi. 8 pt. in 12 vols, in 2 blue cloth cases. 1650? 26 cm. Ei77^ ^ '/^ ^ Wi Meng ch'i pi fan A collection of miscellanea, including dissertations on music and mathematics, by the famous art-critic ]^ j^ Shen Kua (A. D. 1030 — 1093) who called himself Meng Ch'i Weng, The Old Man of the Dream-Brook. Edited by ^ ^ ^ Li Mu-t'ang; with preface, SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE 7 dated 1166, by ^ j^ ^ T'ang Hsiu-nien. 26 pt. in 6 vols, in blue cloth case. [Marked by a late owner, who bought it in 1852, as ^ ^^)X^ ^d^ "very rarely to be found in bookshops."] No date, but probably about 1600. 26cm. El??''. m ^ ^ "^ ^ Ho tung ch'uan chi lu Collected works of |ajp ^ y^ Liu Tsung-yuan (A. D. ;73— 819), sometimes known as Ho-tung after his birthplace. Edited by Ch'u Hsin, and revised by Wu Wei-ch'i. With the original preface by ^ ^ ^ ^'" Yii-hsi, who died in 842, and biographical memoir from the New History of the T'ang dynasty by Ou-yang Hsiu and Sung Ch'i. 6 pt. in 8 vols, in a pair of wooden boards. TVi? (^,3/^. 26cm. E3?4^. iS^ % m ^ Pen ts'ao kang mu The Materia Medica of China, by ^ ^ ^ Li Shih-chen of the Ming dynasty, in 52 books. Second edition. 1657. In 24 vols; vols 12 and 13 in one; 4 cloth cases. Bequeathed by Professor Alfred Newton, 1907. 26cm. E3?4''. ^ if ^ Cho keng lu "Miscellaneous Jottings put together in the intervals of Farming," consisting of notes on the overthrow of the Mongols, and of remarks on poetry, painting, porcelain, etc., first published in 1368. With the original preface, dated 1 346, in grass character. By [^ ^ -^ T'ao Tsung-i. 30 pt. in 6 vols, in blue cloth case. No date. 24.5cm. E3?4°- 1^ ^ ^ ^ Lu hsiian kung chi The collected works of the political writer ^ ^ Lu Chih of the T'ang dynasty (A. D. 754 — 805). With portrait of the author, biographies from the New and Old T'ang histories, and prefaces by ^ ^ |^ Ch'uan Te-yu (759 — 818), ^ ^ ^ Nien Keng-yao, Viceroy of Ssuch'uan and Shensi (1665 — 1726), and the Emperor |^ j£ Yung Cheng. 22 pt. in 6 vols, in blue cloth case. 1723. 25.5cm. 8 THE WADE LIBRARY E48ia. m ^ M m z ^ Han yen t'ung yung chih fa A Grammar of the Chinese Language, by the Rev. R. Morrison, 18 1 1. Copied from the original by the Rev. W.Milne, 18 13 — 18 14. 32cm. IE 482. m "^ ^ m M M Kuan ti ming sheng chen ching The sicira of Kuan Ti, the God of War, followed by various documents, such as ^ 1^ ^ "tft ^ ^ the Admonitions of the Emperor Wen Ti (Liu Heng), etc. 1894. 32cm. t E 483. Another, but differing work, with the same title. No date. 24cm. tE484. m ^ It I wen fang An almanac for the year 1900, showing lucky and unlucky days, giving various forms of divination, the rise and fall of tides, flags of foreign nations, and a variety of miscellaneous information. 24cm. tE485. J; ^ jji Liu tzti ching The six-word sutra, being five repetitions of the formula Om ma-ni pad-tne hum = Glory to Manipadme ! — followed by one repetition of Na-mak A-tni-t'o-fo = I believe in Amida Buddha! 1905. 2icm, IE 486. If P^ H H Ch'an men jili sung A collection of Buddhist liturgies, rituals, magic formulas {dharani), etc., published 1792, and re-issued 1880. 27cm. tE487. H iH: m i? San staih' yin Icuo ching A Buddhist sutra on the doctrine of three births, the past, the present, and the future, and retribution for evil deeds in the first and second states. 1901. 21 cm. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE 9 t E 488. Mi M ^ 70 U Tao ts'ang san yuan ching A Taoist siilra, dealing with the three primordial powers, — God, Earth, and Man. 1890. 26cm. tE 489-490. ^ ^ ± M Hsing ming kuei chlh An eclectic view of life, showing that Confucianism, Taoism, and especially Buddhism, are all of value in shaping man's destiny; with numerous illustrations of eminent individuals. Re-issue of a work published in 1669. No date. 26cm. IE 491. ^ '^ "^ ^ i^ m % Ch'in ting fan yin ta pei chou A Dharani, or magic formula, with Sanskrit sounds, to be addressed to the goddess Kuan Yin. Said to have been translated by the Buddhist priest, 3^ ^ Hsiian Tsang, and its publication to have been ordered by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung in 1756. No date. 26.5cm. tE492. * ^ A H it ^ Hsiang tsung pa yao chih chieh Translations of g^ shastras, etc., by the Chinese Buddhist priest, 3^ (formerly by taboo j^ Yiian) ^ Hsiian Tsang. Part I only. No date. 2Scm. IE 493. pl^^#ElllR^^ Chan ch'a shan o yeh pao ching su Translation, by the shaman ^ ;fe^ ^ P'u t'i teng, of a sutra on the rewards and punishments for good and evil; with explanations by the shaman, j^ jg, Chih Hsii. Part II only. No date. 25cm. tE 494-496. r|i ^ g ^ ^ 2J5: Chung hsileh kuo wen tu pen A collection of extracts from the prose writings of the chief authors under the T'ang, Sung, Ming, and Yiian dynasties. No date. 21cm. lO THE WADE LIBRARY tE497. "^ B M U Huang t'ing ching chu The Sutra of the Yellow Hall, on immortality and how to attain to it, by a Taoist recluse. Re-issue in 1793 of the edition of 1673. With ^ ^ ^ Yin fu ching and ^ ^g ^ Chin yii ching added. 28cm. t E 498-499. M U ^ ^ ^ U "^ Hui t*u chien pen i ching The / ching, or Canon of Changes, with illustrations and rhyming mnemonic verses. 1909. 20.5cm. t E 500. J\\ fllj V@ )l| Lieh hsien chiu p'ai Illustrated list of Taoist "Immortals," male and female, noted for indulgence in wine. 1906. 19.5cm. t E 501-504. ^ i^ n ft # pg ^ Chieh tzii yiian bua chuan ssu chi A guide to the art of portraiture, with pictures of ancient celebri- ties, men and women, by "J" J^ Ting Kao, with a supplement on ancient seals, edited by ^ ^ ^ Li Li-weng. First published in 1689. 1 8 18. 26cm. t E 505-506. 1: M i? Tao te ching The Sutra of the Way and the Exemplification thereof, supposed by some to be the work of ■^^ -^ Lao Tzu, but now known to be a forgery of the second cent., B.C. Edited, with exegetical notes by a ft ^ Taoist of j|j^ ^ Ch'un-yang. Re-issue in 1805 of edition of 1690. 27.5 cm. t E 507. ^mWi^^B^u Chin kang pan jo po lo mi ching The Vajra prajna paramita sutra, popularly known as the "Dia- SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE II mond Sutra" and supposed to be able by its efficacy to crush diamond. Sounds and tones marked in upper margin. Canton, 1876. 29.5cm. t E 508-510. mm ^ ^M^ ^ M T'ung pan i ching tsun chu ho chiang The / citing, or Canon of Changes, with the standard commentary and explanations. Printed from copper blocks, and edited by ^ ^ ^ Weng K'o-fu of + ^ T'ai-mo in Chehkiang. i8io. 25cm. t E 511-526. n ^ M ^ ^mmw YU p'i li tai t'ung chien chi Ian A history of China from the age of Fu Hsi (B.C. 2953) to the end of the Ming dynasty (A.D, 1644), published by order of H. M. the Emperor Ch'ien Lung, with Imperial preface dated 1767. No date. 2icm. t E 527-546. i^ ^, :^ ^, tfj E. ^ ^ Lun yU, Ta hsUeh, Chung yung, Meng tzu The Four Books, with exegetical notes by '^ ^ Ho Yen of the 3rd cent. B.C., and commentaries by ^ ||^ Chao Ch'i of the 2nd cent. B.C. and by ;^ ^ Chu Hsi, A.D. 1130—1200. No date. iS.Scm. E547. ^ n M ^ IB Yao Ian chu wen chi A collection of important forms for invocations, prayers, etc. MS. No date. Presented by Mrs. Cooper. 24cm. IE 548. :[[5 4 K ^ Pei tou chen ching The Siilra of the Northern Bushel (the constellation of the Great Bear). 1863. 26cm. 12 THE WADE LIBRARY E 549-552. ife ^ A!> ^ Chan shou hsia fa Secret methods of offensive and defensive warfare, with numerous illustrations of forts, guns, torpedoes, etc. Presented by L. C. Arling- ton, Esq. 1907. 30cm. tE553. # M Hsiao ching The Filial Piety Classic, with notes by the Emperor Shun Chih. 1650. 32cm. E 554-555- ^ 84^ M # • i^ Ai Jih yin lu shu hua lu Books and Pictures belonging to ^ -^ i\% Mr Ko Chin-lang. Presented by the author. 1909. ^ 29.scm. E556. m ^ ^ ± w Tao kao wen ch'iian shu The Book of Common Prayer, complete. St. Paul's College, Hong- kong, 1855. 28cm. E557. f^mmw^Mimm, Chung kuo sheng hsien yao tao lei pien Select Teachings from Chinese Literature. Shanghai, 1909. 2icm. E558. ^ m ^ Wu ch'i ching Almanac, in manuscript, for the 5*, 6*, (7th missing), and 8A years of Japanese ^ -^ A. D. 1249 — 1255. With coat of arms, George I, and label 'Munificentia Regia, 1715 ;" also name of former owner, with date, "Johannes Burgesini, 1632." 28.5cm. t E 559-561- Three odd volumes, in rare palace edition, of B 1454. 25cm. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE I 3 E562. is: M ^ M Ta kuan pen ts'ao Section III of an old Materia Medica (see E 374^), in leather case, with University arms. No date. 25.5cm. E563. ,i :^ pT # ins # Ma erh k'o ch'uan fu yin The Gospel of St Mark, translated from the original [Greek]. Ma- lacca. No date. 26.5cm. E564. ii ic # ins # Ma t'ai ch'uan fu yin "The Gospel of Matthew in Chinese, with explanatory notes." By William Dean. Hongkong, 1848. 28cm. E565. ^ g ^. # San kuo chih chuan Chapters VII and VIII of Biographies of the Three Kingdoms, with illustrations at the head of each page, and University coat of arms. "Ex dono Reverendi D"s Holdsworth" on fly-leaf. No date. 26cm. E566. S M ^ Hsi han wen Extracts from the literature of the Western Han dynasty, B. C. 206 — A. D. 25. [Fragment, chiefly Index.] 1633. 25cm. E567. M ^ IE ^ Li fa Cheng tsung A Chinese almanac for the year 1644 (last year of Ming dynasty), with the usual miscellaneous information and illustrations. 24cm. E568. -^ ^ ^ % m % ^ Wan chia chin tui man t'ien ch'un A collection of eighteen plays, with illustrations. 1504. 24cm. L 14 THE WADE LIBRARY E569. m ^ ± w Hsin yo ch'iian shu The New Testament, complete. By Griffith John. Hankow, 1886. 20cm. E 570. u + ^^^mn-m Hung sbih tzu hui chiu shang ti i fa Red Cross Society First Aid to the Wounded. By ;;jp[ ^ ^ Ko Shih-pin(r). London, 1897. 18.5cm. E571. m m ± M Sui yiian ch'Uan chi Collected works of ^ ;jv^ Yiian Mei, whose sobriquet was Sui Yiian (A.D. 1715 — 1797)- 30 works with separate title-pages, including his collected poems and essays, his letters, and the famous cookery- book, no vols, in 12 blue cloth cases. 1891. 19cm. Hi. ^^^^iS-ft^it Shih chia ju lai ying hua chi Scenes from the life of Shakyamuni Buddha, consisting of illustra- tion and letterpress on each leaf, compiled by :^ ^ 1^ Yang Wen- hui. 4 vols, in a pair of wooden boards, 1881. 41cm. H 2. m m -^ m. Hsi cb'ing ku cbien Bronzes and other antiquities from the Hsi-ch'ing Palace : full-page illustrations with descriptive letterpress. Issued under Imperial instruc- tions by a commission of scholars. Pt. i — 8, in 4 vols. 1749. 41.5cm. H3. M. m m m ■:^ ^ Huang ch'ing k'ai kuo fang liieh A short history of the foundation of the present Manchu-Tartar dynasty, from 1583 to 1644 A.D., as accomplished by the three rulers dk la ^ T'ai Tsu Kao, jk ^ ^ ^'ai Tsung Wen, and jg: || ^ SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE 1$ Shih Tsu Chang. Issued, with a preface by the Emperor ^ ^ Ch'ien Lung, under the superintendence of the famous general and statesman }^ j^ 0-kuei, |^ g yj^ Liang Kuo-chih, ^J$ Ho- shen and others. 32 pt. in 16 vols, in 2 blue cloth cases. 1786. 40cm. H 4. ^ m ^ ^ Cheng kuan cheng yao A treatise on the principles of government, illustrated by the history of the period cheng-kuan (A.D. 627 — 649), by ^ ^ Wu Ching, who died in 742. Divided into chapters, each treating of a dififerent subject, and consisting mainly of conversations with the Emperor -\c ^ T'ai Tsung and his ministers. With a preface by the Emperor J^ ^ Ch'eng Hua. 10 pt. in 8 vols, with yellow covers, in blue cloth case, 1465. 35cm. H5. m n ^yi ^ T'ao yUan ming chi. Collected works of (1^ ^g T'ao Ch'ien (365 — 427), whose personal name was originally Yiian-ming. Reproduction of |^ ^J^ Su Shih's edition, with portrait of T'ao Ch'ien and Su Shih. 10 pt. in 3 vols, in blue cloth case. 1879. 31.5cm. H6. m. m % Chan kuo ts'e History of the Contending States in the feudal period preceding the unification of the empire under the First Emperor, B.C. 221. By an unknown author, with commentary by "^ ^ Kao Yii, edited by li^^ :^ Pf' ^^° Hung-chung of the Sung dynasty. With an additional volume of documentary records. 36 pt. in 5 vols, in blue cloth case, 1869. 30cm. H 7. % ^\. \^ m Ch'ih pei ou fan A general literary miscellany, arranged under four divisions, treating l6 THE WADE LIBRARY respectively of (i) Court notabilia, (2) Distinguished characters, (3) Literary compositions, and (4) Marvels. [The first part contains refe- rences to the presentation of tribute by European nations.] By 3E i JKll Wang Shih-cheng (A.D. 1634 — 17 u). 26 pt. in 12 vols, in 2 blue cloth cases. 1701. 28cni. H 8. :^ ^ and jt ^ ^ ^ # Cb'Oan shih and Huo pu wen tzu k'ao (i) A history of the coinage of China by ^ -^ ^ Sheng Tzu-li, with illustrations. 1833. (2) Inscriptions on ancient money by J^ 'fj^ ^ Ma Po-ang, with illustrations. 1842. 29.scm. Hg. i^ n iiP ^ m ^ M^ Ta ch'eng miao fa lien hua ching The Saddharmapundarika sutra, translated by jjj^ ^ ^ 'ft* Kumarajlva (A.D. 397 — 415), and edited by the priest ^^ Tao Hsuan. No date. 28.5cm. H 10. ^ m ^ ^ u M Hsiao ching chuan shuo t'u chieh The Classic of Filial Piety, with commentary and full-page illustra- tions. 181 1. 27cm. Hn. H tIc ^ ^ T'ang sung shih shun Another edition of B 1470b, with title-page showing date and critical notes by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung. .Edited by g^ ;^ ^ Ch'en Hung-mou and others. 47 pt. in 24 vols, in 4 blue cloth cases. 1760. 30c™- H12. ^ -^ m ^ P'in hua pao chien Scenes from social life in Peking. 20 vols in 4 cloth cases. 1849. 17cm. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE 1 7 H13. 1: # ^ H # I chia t'ang ts'ung shu A collection of reprints from the I-chia Hall. 68 vols, in 8 blue cloth cases. 1842. 2 5cni. Hi4. H tIc A ;^ ^ ^ # T'ang sung pa ta chia w6n cb'ao Prose writings of eight famous authors of the T'ang and Sung dynasties, namely: (i) ^^ Han Yii (A.D. 768—824); (2) |^ ^ 7C Liu Tsung-yuan (773—819); (3) '©" ^ Tseng Kung (nth cent.); (4) i^;5 Wang An-shih (1021 — 1086); (5) ^^# Ou-yang Hsiu (1007 — 1072), including his 3E. 'f^ ^ ^^ '^* sAik, History of the Five Dynasties; (6) |^ ]^ Su Hsiin (1009— 1066); ^^ Su Shih, better known as Su^ J^ Tung-p'o (1036 — iioi); and H^ ^ Su Che (1039 — 1 1 12). With critical notes by ^ J:^ Mao K'un. 164 pt. in 34 vols, in 6 blue cloth cases. [F. 2 wrongly inserted after f. 16 in the first vol. of Su Shih, and a duplicate f. 10 in pt. 7 of Han Yii, before f. i of Ou-yang Hsiu's history.] 163 1. 27.5cm. H15. -^ 4^ m w M m Ku chin t'u shu chi ch'eng A volume of the largest printed encyclopaedia in the world, com- piled by ^ ^ ^ Chiang T'ing-hsi and a commission of scholars under the personal superintendence of the Emperor J^ EE K'ang Hsi (1662— 1722). Contains pt. 335 and 336 of the section / s/tu "Arts and Sciences," dealing with portions of the sub-headings "Eating and Drinking" and "Digestion of Food" under the main heading "Medi- cal Science." [The vol. belongs to a copy of the best edition, excel- lently printed on fine white paper, of which only a very limited number were struck off, and which is now unobtainable.] 1726. 28cm. H16. IS* ^ ^ 1^ Tl Chien T'u Shuo Episodes from the lives of the Emperors of Chma, from Yao and G. W. a l8 THE WADE LIBRARY Shun down to the end of the Sung dynasty. Extracts from the dynastic histories, with illustrations and explanations. Compiled by 5M ^ ^ Chang T'ai-yo, with preface dated 1573. 4 vols, of which the first three contain the good deeds, and the fourth the wicked deeds. In a pair of wooden boards. 31cm. Hi7- & ^ m ^ m Po hu fung su Cheng A treatise expressing the views of a convocation of scholars under the Eastern Han dynasty regarding various points in the classics. Edited and arranged under 44 heads by the historian J^ [^ Pan Ku (died A.D. 92). With commentary and confirmatory evidence by ^ ;^ Ch'en Li. 12 pt. in 6 vols., 1832. 27.5cm. H18. !^ # ^ ^ Chin hu ching ts'ui A small vocabulary explaining curious two-character phrases occur- ring in standard works, arranged under 4 categories. By j^ ^ |^ Yang Ch'ing-lin. 2 vols, in ornamental cloth case. 1876. 30cm. H19. S ^ :g Jg ^ Po shih ch'ang ch'ing chi The works of the poet ^ Jg ^ Po Chu-i (A.D. 772—846), with a preface by his friend and contemporary j^ ^ Yiian Chen. Edi- ted by jUI ^ Ma Yiian. 71 pt. in 12 vols. 1606. 26cm. H 20. ® ^ IE * Hst ytt chl The travels of 3^ ^ Hsiian (or 71Q Yuan) Tsang in western countries, A.D. 629 — 645, in search of Buddhist books, etc. 4 vols, Japanese edition. 26cm. H21. 4 * W ^ Chin ku ch'i kuan A collection of forty short stories, or novelettes, written in an easy but elegant style. In 4 vols, European binding. 1730. 24cm. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE I9 H 22. W: m ^ m Shih shuo hsin yd A collection of minor historical incidents from the Later Han to the Chin dynasty inclusive (2nd to sA cent A.D.). By ^ ^ |^ Wang I-ch'ing of the s'h cent., with extensive commentary by Liu Hsiao-piao of the 6'h cent. With "postface" by ^ -^ Lu Yu (1125 — 1209), and list of names of the personages of the period. 6 vols. 1891. 26.5cm. H23. ^ ^ ^ # Chin hu tzii k'ao A vocabulary of two-character phrases, arranged under four cate- gories. By |l|^^ ^ Hao Tsai-t'ien, whose preface is dated 1873. 1888, 27cm. *H24. 4k M\] ^ ^ U Chin kang ching cbih su The Diamond Sutra, correctly explained by the Buddhist priest Shih-lien (see A 417). 1849. 24.5cm, * H 25. ^ ^ Tzu hstieh A guide to the correct orthography of characters, discrimination between Hke forms, etc. 1876. . 2Scm. *H26. Zl + PI#®i& Erh shih ssu hsiao t'u shuo The Twenty-four Examples of Filial Piety. Text and illustrations. No date. 25cm. H 27. m m. B ^ ^ Yang t'ieh yai wen chi Works of the poet /^ ^ jjij| Yang Wei-cheng (14th cent. A.D.), compiled by 3E^3^ Wang Jung-hung, [i vol. only, containing pts. I and 2 of "Ancient poetry".] 1773. 2Scm. 20 THE WADE LIBRARY H28. ^ m # Yu li ch'ao A description of the Ten Courts of Purgatory in the nether world, through some or all of which every erring soul must pass. With illustrations and commentary. 2 pt. in i vol. 1886. 24.5cm. H 29. W IS =tt m Kuan bua chih nan A Manual of Chinese conversation, by Goh Daigoro. Tokyo, 1881. 25cm. H 30. ^ ^ ifi Po chia hsing The Book of Family Surnames. No date. 17cm. H31. « s^ m 4 Li ts'ai chieh Itieh Essays on China's commerce in silk, tea, straw braid, wool, etc., with foreign countries. By F. E. Taylor, Commissioner of Customs. Shanghai, 1901. 24.5cm. * H 32. ji lii ^. Chiao Shan chih History of Chiao-shan, an island in the Yangtsze, about 3 miles to the N.E. of Chinkiang, famous for its Buddhist monastery, and known to foreigners as Silver Island. 10 vols. 1865. [Presented by L. H. Tamplin, Esq.] 25cm. * H 33. =t JH -/i 1 ^ P'u feng ch'ing lai chi An anthology of Fuhkien poets, from the T'ang dynasty down to modern times, including specimens by Buddhist and Taoist priests, nuns, and others. Edited by a large number of scholars. 20 vols. 1772. 24.5cm. * SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE 21 * H 34- M it }f^ M Hsing hua fu chih Topographical account of the Prefecture of Hsing-hua in Fuhkien. 24 vols. New edition. 1871. 24.5cm. *H35. m ^^ ^ M Ch'en kung wen chi The complete works of ^ :^ ^ Ch'en Cho-chai, a distinguished litterateur, native of Fuhkien. 4 vols. 1670. 23.5cm. * H 36. J^ Shih chu su shih The poems of ^^ ^ J^ Su Tung-p'o, with commentary by M^^ Shih Wei-han (A.D. 1621 — 1683), and rare portrait of the poet wearing agricultural labourer's hat and pattens or "clogs." 1699. \See 2cxi°?[ 23cm. *H37- ^ % ^ ^ ^ Li t'ai po wen chi The complete poetical and prose works of Li T'ai-po (died A.D. 762). Edited by ^ ^ Wang Ch'i (T. ^ J^ ) of the Manchu dy- nasty; the edition mentioned in the Imperial Catalogue. 8 vols. 17th cent. [Title-page and part of Index missing.] 25.5cm. *H38. ^ fi ;ii % Ch'en lung ch'uan chi The works of Ch'en Lung-ch'uan, a litterateur of the Sung dynasty, with portrait; first published in 1 193. 8 vols. 1709. 23cm. *H39- n ^ ^ % Pi shu Shan chuang The poems of the Emperor K'ang Hsi, A.D. 1662 — 1722, with illustrations and Manchu translations interleaved. 171 1. 26cm. 22 THE WADE LIBRARY ^ H 40. 6 # UJ l# ^ Po hsiang shan shih chi The poetical works of ^ Jg ^ Po Chii-i, A.D. 772—846, with early prefaces and author's own "Record" (dated 845). 10 vols. 1703. [Table of Contents damaged.] 28cm. * H 41. «li ffi ^ fil P'ou kua ts'un kao The collected writings of H^ ^ Hsiao Chung (T. |^ >(>»)■)• 5 vols. 1834. 27cm. *H42. m w ^ ^ Huang yii shih chi The writings (chiefly poems) of ^ yQ Huang T'ao (T. ^ •^), a Censor under the T'ang dynasty (graduated A.D. 895), published by order of the Emperor K'ang Hsi, about 1700. 4 vols. 28cm. * H 43. it if fi Tan hsien kao The remains of Tan Hsien, scholar and official, who graduated in A.D. 1430. 4 vols. 1566. 25cm. *H44. M m m m Li c) 'ao fu ch'iai Specimens of the fu style of poetry, from the ^ Chou dynasty, B.C. 1 122 — 255, down to and including part of the Manchu dynasty. 8 vols. 1686. 24cm. ^H45. ^ ^ ^ n Shih wo chou hsing A traveller's guide, being itineraries for China Proper, showing the principal routes, with distances, between the most important towns; ^y ^^^ Lai Sheng-yuan. 3 vols. 1774. 17cm. SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE 2$ ^H46. m ^ ^ n M ^ Tseng mo an shth i chi Further poems by ^'f^ "^ (T f§ ^) Kuo Shang-hsien of "Hf gg P'u-t'ien in Fuhkien. i vol. 1871. 25.5001. * H 47. ^ M # Shih hsien shu Chinese Official Almanac for 1840. [In bad condition.] 20.Scm. H48. m m m m m Ytt chih keng chlh t'u The various processes in tillage and weaving, with versified text and 46 illustrations by ^ ^ ^ Chiao Ping-chen, who had studied perspective under foreign tuition, and preface by the Emperor K'ang Hsi. I vol. in case. 1696. [The original work was by ^J^ Lou Shou, published in 12 10.] 36cm. H 49. ^ ^ ^ Chin shih so An illustrated collection of inscriptions of all kinds, calligraphic and pictorial, in 12 parts, six of these referring to inscriptions on metal (coins, mirrors, bells, etc.), and six to inscriptions on stone (buildings, tablets, etc.). By /;B| ^ ||| Feng Yiin-p'eng. 1822. 36cm. Yi«. ^ H ^ Ch'Uan fang wen A complete collection of the prose literature (see D 246) produced under the T'ang dynasty. Issued by Imperial command under the general direction of -^ g^ Tung Kao and others. looo pt. in 401 vols, in 40 pairs of wooden boards. 18 18. 26.5cm. 24 THE WADE LIBRARY Z 42-43- f8 ^ ^ T'i kung hsOeh Halliburton's Physiology, translated by Philip B. Cousland. Shanghai, 1905. 264cm. Z 44. Medical Nomenclature, by the Committee of the China Medical Association. Shanghai, 1904. 21.5cm. ADDENDUM. H 50. m -^ ^ m Liu win yin i The complete works of ^ ^ j^ Liu Tsung-yiian, A.D. 773 — 819, including his poetry, essays, critiques, biographical and historical notes, funeral orations, inscriptions on tablets and graves, correspondence, prefaces, dedications, memorials to the Throne, sacrificial addresses, etc., etc. With preface by ^ ;2l ^ Lu Chih-yiian, d. A.D. 11 90. A very fine specimen of the art of printing under the Sung dynasty. 1 167. 26cm. INDEX TO AUTHORS. Chang T'ai-yo, H i6. Chao Ch'i, E 527 — 546. Ch'en Cho-chai, H 35. Ch'en Lung-ch'uan, H 38. Ch'en Shih-pin, D /jb. Chiang T'ing-hsi, H 15. Chiao-kuang-chen-chien, A 425c. Chiao Ping-chen, H 48. Chu Hsi, E 527 — 546. Ch'u Yuan, E 871-. Chuang Men-hsi, E I77'>. Fang T'ing-hu, H 8. Feng Yiin-p'eng, H 49. Goh Daigoro, H 29. Han Yii, D i6ia — 162b. Hao Tsai-t'ien, H 23. Ho Yen, E 527 — 546. Hsiao Chung, H 41. Hsiian Tsang, E 491, E 492, H 20. Huang T'ao, H 42. I-hui, E 87a. K'ang Hsi, H 39. Kao Tse-ch'eng, D i8o'>. Kao Yii, H 6. Ko Shih-pin, E 570. Kumarajiva, H 9. Kuo Shang-hsien, H 46. Lai Sheng-yiian, H 45. Lao Tzii, A 427a. Li Shih-chen, E 374a. Li T'ai-po, H 37. Li Yiian-tu, B 1470^. Liao Wen-ying, E 79a. Lieh Tzu, A 427b. Liu Tsung-yiian, E 177b. Lou Shou, H 48. Lu Chih, E 374c. Pan Ku, H 17. Po Chii-i, H 19, H 40. P'u t'i teng, E 493. Shen Kua, E 177a. Sheng Tzii-li, H 8. Shih-lien, H 24. Shih Nai-an, D 75c. Su Shih, D 200b. Su Tung-p'o, H 36. Sung Yu, E 87b. Tan Hsien, H 43. Tao Hsiian, H 9. T'ao Ch'ien, H 5. T'ao Tsung-i, E 374b. Ting Kao, E 501 — 504. y 26 THE WADE LIBRARY Tu Fu, D 75a. Tung Kao, Y i*. Wang I-ch'ing, H 22. Wang Shih-cheng, H 7. Wang Ying-lin, B 382b. Weng K'o-fu, E 508—510. Wu Ching, H 4. Wu Jen-ch'en, B 1470c. Yang Ch'ing-lin, H 18. Yang Shen, E 177c. Yang Weicheng, H 27. Yang Wen-hui, H i. Yiian Mei, E 581. INDEX TO BOOKS. Ai jih yin lu shu hua lu, E 554 —555- Chan ch'a shan o yeh pao ching su, E 493. Chan kuo ts'e, H 6. Chan shou hsin fa, E 549 — 552. Ch'an men jih sung, E 486. Ch'en kung wen chi, H 35. Ch'en lung ch'uan chi, H 38. Cheng kuan cheng yao, H 4. Cheng tzii t'ung, E 79a. Chiao shan chih, H 32. Chieh tzu yiian hua chuan ssti chi, E 5or — 504. Ch'ih pei ou fan, H 7. Chin hu ching ts'ui, H 18. Chin hu tzti k'ao, H 23. Chin kang ching chih su, H 24. Chin kang pan jo po lo mi ching, E 507- Chin ku ch'i kuan, H 21. Chin shih so, H 49. Ch'in ting fan yin ta pei chou, E 491. Cho keng lu, E 374''. Ch'u tz'ti chi chu, E 87b. Chung hsiieh kuo wen tu pen, E 494—496. Chung kuo sheng hsien yao tao lei pien, E 557. Ch'uan shih, H 8. Ch'uan t'ang wen, Y i*. Erh shih ssu hsiao t'u shuo, H 26. Han ch'ang li hsien sheng ch'uan chi, D i6ia — 162b. Han wei ts'ung shu, B 382*. Han yen t'ung yung chih fa, E 481a. Ho tung ch'uan chi lu, E 177''. Hsi ch'ing ku chien, H 2. Hsi han wen, E 566. Hsi hsiang chi, D 180*. Hsi yu chen ch'iian, D 75b. Hsi yii chi, H 20. Hsia lin kuang chi, E 71''. Hsiang tsung pa yao chih chieh, E 492. Hsiao ching, E 553. Hsiao ching chuan shuo t'u chieh, H 10. Hsin yo ch'uan shu, E 569. Hsing hua fu chih, H 34. 28 THE WADE LIBRARY Hsing ming kuei chih, E. 489 — 490. Huang ch'ing k'ai kuo fang liieh, H 3- Huang t'ing ching chu, E 497. Huang yii shih chi, H 42. Hui t'u chien pen i ching, E 498 —499. Hung shih tzii hui chiu shang ti i fa, E 570. Huo pu wen tzu k'ao, H 8. I chia fang ts'ung shu, H 13. I wen t'ang, E 484. Kan ying p'ien, A 427a. Ku chin t'u shu chi ch'eng, H 15. Kuan hua chih nan, H 29. Kuan ti ming sheng chen ching, E 482. Kuan ti ming sheng chen ching, E 483- Kung shun t'ang ts'ung shu, B 1470a. Kuo ch'ao hsien cheng shih liieh, B i47od. Leng yen ching cheng mo, A 427c. Li ch'ao fu ch'iai, H 44. Li fa cheng tsung, E 567. Li t'ai po wen chi, H 37. Li ts'ai chieh liieh, H 31. Lieh hsien chiu p'ai, E 500. Lieh Tzii, A 427b. Liu tzu ching, E 485. Lu hsuan kung chi, E 374=. Lun yii, Ta hsiieh, Chung yung, Meng tzu, E 527 — 546. Ma erh k'o ch'uan fu yin, E 563. Ma t'ai ch'uan fu yin, E 564. Meng ch'i pi fan, E 177*. P'ang hsi chai ts'ung shu, E 71a. Pei tou chen ching, E 548. Pen ts'ao kang mu, E 374a. Pi shu shan chuang, H 39. P'i p'a chi, D i8ob. P'in hua pao chien, H 12. Po chia hsing, H 30. Po hsiang shan shih chi, H 40. Po hu fung su cheng, H 17. Po shih ch'ang ch'ing chi, H 19. P'ou kua ts'un kao, H 41. P'u feng ch'ing lai chi, H 33. San kuo chih chuan, E 565. San shih yin kuo ching, E 487. Shih chia ju lai mi hsing hua chi ch'iian p'u, H i. Shih chu su shih, H 36. Shih kuo ch'un ch'iu, B 1470^. Shih shuo hsin yii, H 22. Shih wo chou hsing, H 45. Shui hu chuan, D 75c. Su wen chung kung shih chi, D 200l>. Sui yiian chiian chi, E 571. Ta ch'eng miao fa lien hua ching, H 9. Ta kuan pen ts'ao, E 562. Tan hsien kao, H 43. Tan yen tsung lu, E 7i — F^r TJij r*"^^ 2JJ , yi>r mu read pen. 49, » 7 — i^sr i r^«a? ssii. 52, . 3 and 9 — F^r ^^ read ^. 53, » 8 — For The institutions read Documentary remains. 57, > 10 from foot — For 1258 read 1174 and 1258. 64, . 9 - F^r ip read ||. 64, 1 10 — For pien r^-aaf tsung. 66, last line — For 1798 read 1558. 70, line 12 — Insert -^ after ^. 83, » 7 from foot — For g r^-a^? g. 89, » 5 t > — For ]^ read 90. » 9 . . — For %^% M W *^ Tsang Chin-Shu. 93, » 12 — i^or ^ read ^. no, » 9 — For shih r^a*^'^" 333633 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY