Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/etymologicaldictOOartliricli AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF FAMILY AND CHRISTIAN NAMES. WITH AN ESSAY, ON THEIR DERIVATION AND IMPORT. BY WILLIAM ARTHUR, M.A. "To find out the true originall of surnames is full of difflcultie." Camden. NEW YORK: SHELDON, BLAKEMAN & CO. No. 115 NASSAU STREET. 1857. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1856, by WILLIAM ARTHUB, In fhe Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, f6r the Northern District of New York. STEREOTYPED BY PRIWIED BY Thouas B. Smith, J . J . B s s D , 2&8i Beekman Street. 16 Spnice St. ■Ays PREFACE The Author has been induced to publish this volume, from the opinions expressed by a number of literary- friends, that a work on the origin and import of Family- Names would be a valuable addition to the current literature of this country. He is not aware that a Dic- tionary of this kind has ever before been published, embracing surnames derived from the Enghsh, Saxon, Dutch, Danish, German, Welsh, GaeUc (Celtic), Cor- nish-British, and other languages. From this consideration he is inclined to indulge the hope that the book will be acceptable not only to the Philologist, but to readers in general who may have the curiosity to know the origin and signification of their own names. Much labor has been spent upon the Dictionary. It has been prepared by long and careful research and study of the several languages from which the names are derived. In the outlines of the Introductory Essay the author is indebted for much valuable information to the " learned Camden," — " Camden's Remaines concerning Britaine," London, 1614. §^mms IV PREFACE. He has read with pleasure an interesting and amus- ing " Essay on English Surnames," by Mark Antony Lower, M.A., London, 1849, from which he has taken many curious observations and humorous anecdotes on several names given in that work. Available aid has also been obtained from a series of articles on L-ish Surnames, by Mr. John O'Donovan, published in the "Irish Penny Journal," Dublin, 1841 ; from " Bailey's English Dictionary," 20th edition, 1764 ; "Playfair's British Family Antiquity," London, 1811 ; and from " Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic Diction- ary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and L-eland," London, 1848. In a volume of this size it is not to be expected that the origin and meaning of every surname can be found, nevertheless, from an attentive perusal of the Intro- ductory Essay, and the several derivations of the names given, a majority of Family and Christian names may be ascertained with a good degree of accuracy. From the nature and difficulty of the work, arising in many instances from the mutation and corruption of the original names, the change of customs and language, and the frequent similarity of the roots from which many of the words are derived, it can not be otherwise than in many respects imperfect. Nbwtonville, Albany Co., N.T., November, 1856. AN ESSAY THE ORIGIN AND IMPORT FAMILY IN-^MES. Names commenced in Eden. The Creator be- stowed on the first man the name of Adam^ denot- ing his origin firom the earth. Eve gave to her first born the name of (7am, implying acquisition, a standing testimony of her faith in the first promise made to man in Eden. The signification of the Hebrew names recorded in the 5th chapter of Grenesis, when arranged in order, present an epitome of the ruin and recovery of man through a Eedeemer : Adam, i. e., " Man in the image of God;" Seth, " Substituted by ;" Enos, "Frail Man;" Canaan, "Lamenting;" Mahalaleel, "The blessed God;" Jared, "Shall come down;" Enoch, "Teaching;" 6 ESSAY ON THE OKIGIN AND Methuselah, *' His deatli shall send j" Lamech, " To the hnmble ;" Noah, "' Eest or consolation."* These names in the order in which they are re- corded, read thus: "To man, once made in the image of God, now substituted by man frail and full of sorrow, the blessed God himself shall come down to the earth teaching, and his death shall send to the humble, consolation." The son of Abraham and Sarah, by divine direc- tion was to bear the name of IsaaCj signifying laugh- ter, in allu^on to the circumstances recorded of the father of the faithfiit in the 17th chapter of Genesis, In like manner Jacob received the name Yaakobj that is, he shall '* hold by the heel" or supplant,, a prediction which was fulfilled when he supplant- ed his brother Esau, in the matter of his birthright. The ancient Hebrews retained the greatest sim- plicity in the use of names, and generally a single name distinguished the individual. Where it was- necessary the name of the father was added, and sometimes that of the mother, if she happened to be more^ celebrated. Names were first given for the distinction of per- sons, and each individual had, at the beginning, but * Dr. Curomings. SIGNIFICATION OF NAMES. 7 one proper or given name, as Joseph among the Jews, Amasis among the Egyptians, Arhaces among the Medians, among the Greeks Ulysses^ among the Eomans Bomulus, the Germans AriovisttcSj the British Caradoc, the Saxons Edric^ etc. The Jews named their children the eighth day after the nativity, when the rite of circumcision was performed. The Greeks gave the name on the tenth day, and an entertainment was given by the parents to their friends, and sacrifices offered to the gods. The Eomans gave names to their female children on the eighth day, and to the males on the ninth, which they called Dies lustricus, the day of purifi- cation, on which day they solemnized a feast called Nominalia. The name given was generally indicative of some particular circumstance attending the birth or in- fancy, some quality of body or mind, or was ex- pressive of the good wishes or fond hopes of the parent. Objects in nature, the most admired and beautiful, were selected by them to designate their offspring. The sun, the moon and stars, the clouds, the beasts of the field, the trees and the flowers that adorn the face of nature, were all made subservient to this end. Pythagoras taught that the minds, actions, and 8 ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN AND success of men would be according to their fate, genius and name^ and Plato advises men to be care- ful in giving fair and bappy names. Sucb hopeful names as Victor ^ conqueror, Felix, happy, and Fortunatm, lucky, were called by Cicero, " bona nomina," good names, and by Tacitus, " fausta nomina," prosperous names. " Such names among the Komans were considered so happy and fortunate, that in the time of Galienus, Kegilianus who commanded in the ancient Ulyricum, obtained the empire in consequence of the deriva- tion of his name. When it was demanded during a banquet, what was the origin of Eegilianus, one answered, * a Begno^ to reign, to be a king ; another began to decline *i^ (a king), Begis^ Regilianus^ when the soldiers began to exclaim, 'Ergo potest Eex esse, ergo potest regere, Deus tibi regis nomen imposuit,' and so invested him with the imperial robes."* Lewis the Eighth, King of France, sent two of his embassadors to Alphonso, king of Spain, to solicit one of his daughters in marriage. When the young ladies, whose names were Urraca and Blanche, were presented to the embassadors, they made choice of Blanche, though far less beautiful than her sister, assigning as a reason that her name would be * Camden. SIGNIFICATION OF NAMES. 9 better received in France, as Blanche signified fair and beautiful. So the proverb, ^''Bonum nomen honum omerU'^ — A ' good name is a good omen. Names, epithets, and soubriquets were often be- stowed by others than the parents, at a more advanced age, expressive of character or exploits, of personal beauty, deformity or blemish — such as, among the Greeks TeAcjua;^©^ (Telemachus), able to sustain the war; '^iXki'n-noq (Philip), a lover of horses ; *AAe|av(5pof (Alexander), a benefactor of men, and rpvTro^, eagle-nose. Among the Romans, Yictor^ a conqueror ; Strabo^ squint-eyed ; Varus, bow - legged. Among the Britons, Cadwallader, the leader of the war. Among the Gaels or Celts, Galgachj or Galgachus, the fierce fighter of battles ; Guraidh, a hero. Among the Britons and Gaels, names were taken from those animals which excelled in swiftness, fierceness, boldness, strength or courage, as the Lion, the Bear, the Wolf, the Mastiff, The follow- ing are examples : Llew, Llewelyn, Arthur, Kee, etc. Others from valor, skill in war, and various mental qualities, as Caw, Cadwallon, Cadwallader, Hardd; Donald, Duncan, Fergus, Oolom, Gael, Gar^ aJ< Guluerti Jilii Doncani, etc." On the authority of Dr. Keating* and his cotem- porary Gratianus Lucius, we learn that surnames first became hereditary in Ireland, in the reign of Brian Boru, who was killed in the battle of Clon- tarf, in the year 1014, in which battle the Danes were defeated. Previous to this time, individuals were identified by Tribe names, after the Patriarchal manner. These tribe names were formed from those of the progenitors by prefixing the following words, signifying race, progeny, descendants, etc.: Corca^ Ginealj Claris Muintir, -Siol, Sliocht^ Dal, Tealachj Ua, Ui, or 0, which signifies grandson or descendant. It is asserted on the authority of the ancient Irish Manuscripts, that King Brian ordained that a cer- tain surname should be imposed on every tribe or clan, in order that it might be more easily known from what stock each family was descended ; and * See Irish Penny Joimial, 1841, p. 365, "Origin and Meanings of Irish Family names, by John O'Donovan." SIGNIFICATION OF NAMES. 1^ that these names stioTild become hereditary and fixed forever. In the formation of these names, care was taken that they should not be arbitrarily assumed. The several families were required to adopt the names of their fathers or grandfathers, and those ancestors were generally selected who were celebrated for their virtues or renowned for their valor. Many of the surnames now common in Ireland were derived from the chiefs of the several clans who fought against the Danes at the battle of Clontarf, under King Brian, and others were assumed from ancestors who flourished subsequently to the reign of that rnonarch. Soon after the invasion of Ireland by Henry the Second, in the year 1172, the Anglo-Norman and Welsh families who had obtained large grants of land in that king- dom, in reward for their military services in subdu- ing the inhabitants, from intermarriages and other causes, began by degrees to adopt the language and manners of the people, and in process of time be- came ^^Hihernis ipsis Hihefrniores^'' more Irish than the Irish themselves. They not only spoke the Irish language, but conformed to the Irish custom^ of surnames, by placing ^Mac," which signifies "50%" before the Christian name of their father. This was particularly the case in regard to those 20 ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN AND English and Welsh families who settled in the province of Connaught. Thus, the descendants of Wniiam De Burgos were called MacWilliarQ, that is, the son of William, and the De Exeters assumed the name of MacJordan, from Jordan De Exeter, who derived his name from Exeter, a town in Devonshire, England. In the year 1465, in the reign of Edward the Fourth, it was ehactedr'bj statute^^lEaEiverj Irish- man dwelling within the English . pale, then com- prising the counties of Dublin, Meath, Lowth, and Kildare, in Ireland, should take an English sur- name. " At the request of the Commons, it is ordeyned and established by authority of said Parliament, that every Irishman that dwells betwixt or among Englishmen, in the county Dublin, Myeth, Uri- ell, and Kildare, shall goe like to one English- man in apparel; and shaveing off his beard above the mouth, and shall be within one year sworn the liege man of the king, in the hands of the lieutenant, or deputy, or such as he will assigne to receive this oath for the multitude that is to be swome, and shall^ take to him an English surname-, of one— towiie,_as Sutton, Chester, Trym, Skyrne, Corke, Kjnsale ; or colour, as White, Black, Brown ; or art or science, as Smith, or Carpenter; or office, SIGNIFICATION OF NAMES. 21 as Cook, Butler; and that lie and his issue shall use this name under payne of forfejting of his goods yearly till the premises be done, to be levied two times by the yeare to the king's warres, according to the discretion of the lieutenant of the king or his deputy."— 5 Edward lY., cap. 3. In obedience to this law, Harris, in his additions to Ware, remarks that the Shanachs took the name of Fox, the McGabhans or McGowans^ that of Smithy and the Geals the name of White. In con- sequence of this statute of Edward, many Irish families were induced to translate or change their names into English. The ancient prefixes of Mac and are still retained in Irish names, the former denoting soriy and the lat- ter grandson^ or descendant. To distinguish the individual the father's name was used, and some- times that of the grandfather after the manner of the Scripture. Thus, should Donnel h^YQ o, son, be would be called 1/acDonnel, that is, the son of Bmi- nel, and his grandson would be termed O'Donnel ; ClSTeal; the grandson of Neal, or the descendant of Neal ; ifacNeal, the son of Neal. The Welsh, in like manner, prefixed Ap, mob, ah, or vap to the given or first name to denote son, as David Ap Howell, David the son of Howell ; Evan Ap Ehys, Evan the son of Eees ; Richard Ap Evan, 22 ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN AND Richard the son of Evan ; John Ap Hugh, John the son of Hugh. These names are now abreviated into Powell, Price, Bevan, and Pugh. The name of the ancestor was appended in this manner for half-a-dozen generations back, and it is no uncommon occurrence to find in their old re- cords a name like this : " Evan - ap - Griffith-ap- Jones-ap-William-ap Owen- ap-Jenkin-ap-Morgan-ap-Rheese." Lower tells of a church at Llangollen, Wales, dedicated to " St. Collen-ap-Grwynnawg-ap-Clyn- dawg-ap-Cowrda-ap-Caradoc - Freichfras - ap - Llyn- Merim-ap-Einion-Yrth-ap-Cunedda-Wledig — a name that casts that of the T>\ii(^mQiXi ' Inhvervanhodscbr' spankhinhadrachde'm) into the shade." Surnames were not adopted in Wales until long after they were in England and Scotland. The old manner was retained as far down as the time of Henry the Eighth. It is related in Camden, " That in late y cares, in the time of King Henry the Eight, an ancient worshipful gentleman of Wales beeing called at the pannel of Jurie by the name of ^Thomas ap- William-ap-ThoTnas^ap Richard-ap-Hoel- ap-Euen- Yaghan! was advised by the judge to leave that old manner; whereupon he after called himself Moston, according to the name of his principall house, and left that surname to his posteritie." SIGNIFICATION OF NAMES. 2S About this time, tlie heads of the Welsh families either took the names of their immediate ancestors as surnames, or adopted names from their estates, after the English manner. The old Normans prefixed Fitz^ a son, the same as Fils in French, and Filius in Latin, to the name of the father as a patronymic, as Fitz William, the son of William, the same as Williamson. Lx-Ireland, after the^in-vasioa of Strongbow, in the time of Henry the Second, names commencing with Fitz frequently occur, as Fitzhugh, Fitzgerald, Fitzgibbon, Fitzsimmons, Fitzpatrick, which are of Anglo-Norman origin. Camden informs ns that in the reign of Henry the First, the daughter and heir of Fitzhamon, an English nobleman of wealth, refused the hand of Kobert, the natural son of the king, saying, , " It were to me a gi-eat shame To have a lord withouten his twa name." Whereupon, the king gave him the name of Fitz Eoy, " the son of the king." Children born out of lawful wedlock not unfrequently have had Fitz prefixed to the name of their mother or reputed father. The children of his Eoyal Highness, Wil- liam, Duke of Clarence, and Mrs. Jordan, took the surname of Fitzclarence. 24 ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN AND _._3VlTZ, a termmatioQ cominQg ia_Bussi ^ names , denotes son^ and is soraewliat analogous to the Nor- man Fitz^ as Peter Paulowitz, Peter the son of Paul. Sky is used in a similar manner bj the_PoleSj_^ James Petrowsky, James the son of Peter.., ^ Ing, Teutonic, denoting progeny — which. "Wachter derives from the British engi^ to produce, bring forth — was affixed by the Anglo-Saxons to the father's name as a surname for the son, as Cuthing the son of Cuth, JElfreding the son of Alfred, T©i^«^-~^ Jm£ the Fair offspring. Browning th6 Dark off- spring. Qin^ in Gaelic, signifies to beget; An^ Gaelic, is a termination of nouns implying the diminutive of that to which it is annexed, and aw, in the Welsh, as an affix:, conveys also the idea of littleness. The termination son was also added to the father's name, and instead of saying John the son of William, the name was written John Williamson; Peter Johnson, in place of Peter the son of John. While the English affixed son to the baptismal name of the father, the Welsh merely appended "5," as John ^atthews, -that is, John the son of Mathew; David Jones (Johns), David the son of John; John Hughs, John the son of Hugh. Kin, kind, ling, let, et, ot, cic, cock, are diminutives. From the German kind, a child, is formed the SIGNIFICATION OF NAMES. 25 diminutive termination kin, as Watkin the son of Wat or Walter ; Wilkin the son of Will or Wil- liam. Kin or hind has the same signification as the Greek yevog and the Latin genu^^ race, offspring, children. Ling at the end of a word conveys the idea of something young or little, as darling or dearling^ firstling^ gosling^ and denotes also the situation, state, or condition of the subject to which it is applied, as hireling, worldling. Let, Anglo-Saxon lyt^ is sometimes used for littUj as hamlet, ringlet, streamlet, Bartlet; i. e., little Bart or Bartholomew. The terminations et and ot are used in the same sense, as WilUt, Willmot, the son of William or little William. The termination cic or cock is also a diminutive, and signifies little or son, as Hiccic, Hiccock, the son of JHig or Hugh; Wilcock, the son of William; Babcock, the son of Bob or Kobert. ioCAL NAMES form the largest class of our sur- names. First among these are those which are national, expressing the country whence the person first bearing the name came; as JEnglish, SooTT, Ieish, French. German or Gorman, Brett and Britain. Fleming, from Flanders. 2 26, ESSAY ON THE OEIGIN AND BuKGOYNE, from Burgundy. CoKNiSH and Cobnwallis, from Cornwall. GEEMAmE, Alman and D'Almaine (D'Alle- magne), from Germany. Champagne and Chamfneys, from Champagne, France. Gascoyne and Gaskin, from Gascony. Eomayne. from Kome. Westphal, from Westphalia. Hanway, from Hainault. Janeway, a Genoese — etc.^ etc. These names had commonly Le (the) prefixed to them in old records. The practice of taking names fr^m patrimonial estates, or from the place of residence or birth, was prevalent in Normandy and the contiguous parts of France in the ]atter part of the tenth century, and was generally adopted in England and Scotland after the Conquest, Names were taken from almost every county^ city, town, parish, village, and hamlet, and from manors, farms, and single houses, such as Clieshire^ Kentj jRosSj. Hastings^ Ounningham, Huntingdon^ Prest/Mj Hully Compton, Qoring^ etc., so that local names of this class number many thousands. Where the name was taken from the patrimonial estate, it was assumed by tke individual himself; SIGNIFICATION OF IsfAMES. 2,7 when from the place of residence or birth, it was probably bestowed by others. A person who had removed from his native place and settled in an- other, received from the inhabitants of the town or village in which he took np his abode the name of his native place as a surname, which descended to his children. These names were first given with the prefix ''o^" shortened frequently to "0" or '*a," signifying /rom (or it may be sometimes an abreviation of "a^"), as John O Huntingdon^ Adam a Kirby. These prefixes were after a time dropped, and Adam d Kirby became Adam Kirby ^ and John OKent^ John Kent. Besides these, we have a great number of local surnames which are general and descriptive of the nature or situation of the residence of the persons upon whom they were bestowed, as Hil\ Wood, Dale, Parke, etc. The prefix ^^ or Atte was gen- erally used before these names, as^John At Hill, John at the hill, James At Well, Will At- Gate, Tom At- Wood, now Atwell, Adgate, and Atwood. Atte was varied to Aiten when the following name began with a vowel, as Peter Atten Ash, now Nash^ Richard Atten Oak, now Noakes or Nohes, Sometimes " d" was used instead of at, as Thomas d Bechet, Jack cl Deane. By and under were used as prefixes, as James By-field, Tom Under-hill^^ 28 ESSAY ON THE ORIGIN AND In this way men took their names from rivers and trees, from residing at or near them, as Beck^ GtUj Uderiy Trent, Qrant^ and Shannon; Beach, Vine J Ashe, Bush, and Thorn. Local names prefixed with De (from) and termi- nating in ville, originated in Normandy, and were introduced into England at the time of the Con- quest. These names were taken from the districts towns, or hamlets of which they were possessed, or in which they resided previously to their following the fortunes of "William the Conqueror, such as De MandeviUe, Be Neville, Be Montague, Be Warren, Be Beaumont, etc. The prefix Be was generally dropped about the reign of Henry the Sixth. All these names introduced into England at the time of the Conquest, from Normandy and the contiguous parts of France may easily be distinguished by the prefixes Be, Bu, Bes, Be La, St., and the suffixes, Beau, Mont, Font, Fant, Ers, Age, Ard, Aux, Bois, Eux, Ft, Yal, Court, Vaux, Lay, Fort, Ot, Champ, and Ville, the component parts of names of places in Normandy, the signification of most of which we give in the derivation of those names into the com- position of which they enter. The greater part of English local surnames are composed of the following words or terminations : Ford, Ham, Ley, Ey, Ney, Ton, Tun, Ing, Hurst, SIGNIFICATION OF NAMES. 29 Wich, Stow, Stedy Caster, Combe, Coi^, Thorpe^ Worth, Burg, Beck, and Gtill. There is an ancient proverb — « fin iFortr, fn ?i^ant, fn 2le2 antr ^Ton, STlje most of 3Snfllfsf) surnames run.** To wliicli Lower has added — "finfl, ?^urst, anu JK^ooTj, ffiSFfcft, StetJ antr iFfellf, ifull mans 3BnjjlfsI) surnames ^feltJ, * ffl®fti) 3r$or|)e anti SSourne, ©ote, ©aster, ©Ite, Comfte, JSurj, 30on, anti Stotoe, anti Stofte, B®ttt) 3E2 antr 33ort, _ Trollope, that is, slattern ; Parnell, a woman of bad character; Lawless, SiUiman, Bastard (William the Conqueror was not ashamed of the illegitimacy of his birth, as he often signed his name William the Bastard)^ Crookshanks, Longshanks, Addlehead, and Leatherhead, Grubbins, that is, the refuse parts of a fish ; G-allows, and Devil I We can easily imagine how some ridiculous incident or foolish act or saying would confer a soubriquet or nickname upon a person by which he would be known and called through life, and which would even descend to his children, for we often see this in our day. The following anecdote from Lower is an illus- tration : " The parish clerk of Langford, near Wel- lington, was called Redcock for many years before his death ; for having one Sunday slept in church, and dreaming that he was at a cock-fighting, he bawled out '■ a shilling upon the red cock !' And behold, the family are called Bedcock to this day." We have gone through the principal sources from which the greater part of our surnames are derived ; but many names yet remain for the origin of which we are at a loss to account. But shall we wonder when we consider that SIGNIFICATION OF NAMES. 43 names have been taken and bestowed from every imaginable incident and occurrence unknown to us, and that many of them have been so corrupted in process of time, that we can not trace their originals. All names must have been originally significant. In the words of our old friend Camden : ^^To drawe to an end, no name whatsoeuer is to be disliked, in respect either of originall or of significa- tion ; for neither the good names doe disgrace the bad, neither doe euil names disgrace the good. If names are to be accounted good or bad, in all coun- tries both good and bad have bin of the same sur- names, which, as they participate one with the other in glory, so sometimes in shame. Therefore, for ancestors, parentage, and names, as Seneca said, let every man say, Vix ea nostra voco. Time hath intermingled and confused all, and we are come all to this present, by successive variable descents from high and low ; or as he saith more plainly, the low are descended from the high, and contrariwise the high from the low." AN ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF FAMILY NAMES. In the following Dictionary, in giving the languages from which the names are derived, I have used these abbreviations: Nor. Fr. Norman French. aer. G-erman. Sax. Saxon. Teut. Teutonic. Cor. Br. Cornish British. Lat. Latin. Fr. French. Gt. Greek. Du. Dutch. Heb. Hebrew. A. S. Anglo-Saxon. Dan. Danish. The term Gaelic is often used instead of what is commonly called the Oeltic. The Celts of Ireland call their language the Gaelic or Gaelen, and the Welsh writers call the Irish Guidhel or Gael. The Gaelic is spoken in different dialects, by the de- scendants of the ancient Celts or Gaels, in a large portion of Ireland, in the Highlands of Scotland, in the Hebrides, and, to some extent, in the Isle of Man. The names of many of the rivers, headlands, hills, and mount- ains 'm. Britain are found to be of Gaelic or Celtic origin. The ancient British or Welsh language, spoken and written by the people of that name, is more nearly allied to the Gaelic than the Teutonic. The Cornish-British is a dialect of the Celto-Belgic or Cam- brian, formerly spoken throughout Cornwall, but now extinct. 46 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY The Saxon, so named from the people who spoke it, in its idiom, resembled the modem Low Dutch. The Anglo-Saxon was a compomid of the idioms spoken by the Angli, the Saxons, and the Jutes, who, invited by the Brit- ish to assist them against the Scots and Picts, finally took pos- session of the country. -' AARON. (Hebrew.) Signifies a mountaineer^ or mount of strength. ABBOT. So named fi-om his office in the church ; the chief ruler of an abbey — derived fi-om the Syriac Ahla, signifying father. " ABDALLAH. (Turkish.) The servant of God. ABEL. (Hebrew.) Yanity, breath, ABENDROTH. (Qer.) From alend, evening, and roth, red. The name might have been given to a child bom at the close of day. ABERCROMBIE. (Celtic and aaehc.) Local, The name of a parish in Fife, Scotland, on the northern shore of the Frith of Forth, whence the possessor took his surname ; fi^om Aher^ marshy ground, a place where two or more streams meet ; and cruime or crombie, a bend or^crook. Aber, in the Celtic and Gaelic, and also in the Cornish British, signifies the con- fluence of two or more streams, or the mouth of a river, where it flows into the sea; hence it is often applied to marshy ground, generally near the confluence of two rivers. It also signifies, sometimes, a gulf or whirlpool. ABERDEEN or ABERDENE. (Gaelic and Celtic.) Local. The name of a city in Aberdeenshire, whence the surname was taken. It is derived firom Aher, the mouth, as above, and Bon, the name of a river, at the mouth of which it is situated. Of FAMILY NAMES. 4^ ABERNETHY. (Gaelic and Celtic.) Local. From a town in Strathern, Scotland, on the river Tay ; derived from Aher^ as given above, and nethy, in the Gaelic, dangerous. Mth or Nithy, is also the name of a river in the south of Scotland, and the name may have been taken from a town at or near its mouth — Ahernithy. ABNE Y. (Nor. Fr.) Local. A corruption of Aubigny, a town of France, in the department of Berry, whence the surname is derived; so D' Aubigny is corrupted to Dabney. '^ ABRAHAM. (Heb.) The father of a great multitude. ACHESON. (Cor. Br.) An inscription or memorial ACKART. (Saxon.) From Ac\ oak, and ard^ nature, disposi- tion; firm-hearted, imyielding. ACKERMAN". (Saxon.) From Acker, oaken, made of oak, and man. The brave, firm, unyielding man. ACKERS. (Saxon.) Camden derives this surname from the Latin Ager, a field. The name, however, is Saxon, and signifies the place of oaks, or oak-man ; ac and dke being old terms for oak. The termination er, in many nouns has the same signification as the Latin vir, a man — a,9 Flower, i. e.. Plowman; Baker, Bakerman. Like oak, the first Acker might have been firm and unyielding in his disposition, or he plight have used or sold acorns. ACKLAND. (Saxon.) Local. The name of a place in North Devonshire, England, whence the surname is derived; so called, because it was situated among groves of oaks — ^from ack, oak, as above, and land. ACTON. (Saxon.) Local. The oak-to^vn or oak-hill— the name of a town in Middlesex, England, whence the name is derived. ADAIR. (Celtic and Gaelic.) Local. From Ath, a ford, and dare, from darach, the place of oaks, " The ford of the oaks.'' There is the following tradition of the origin of this surname : 48 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY " Thomas, the sixth Earl of Desmond, while on a hunting ex- cm-sion was benighted, and lost his way, between Tralee and Newcastle, in the county of Limerick, where he was re- ceived and hospitably entertained by one William McCor- mic, whose daughter he subsequently married. At this alliance, the family and clan took umbrage. Resigning his title and estate to his youngest brother, he fled to France in 1418, and died of grief at Rouen, two years afterward. The Ejng of England attended his funeral He had issue, Maurice and John ; Robert, the son of Maurice, returning to Ireland, with the hope of regaining the estates and title of Thomas, his ancestor, slew G-erald, the White Knight, in single combat at Athdare, the ford of the oaJcs, whence he received the name of Adaire. He embarked for Scotland, where he married Arabella, daughter of John Campbell, Lord of Argyle." ADAMS. (Hebrew.) Man, earthly, or red. The surname of Adam is of great antiquity in Scotland. Duncan Adam, son of Alexander Adam, Uved in the reign of King Robert Bruce, and had four sons, from whom all the Adams, Adamsons, and Adies in Scotland are descended. ADOOOK, little Ad or Adam, cock being a diminutive termina- tion. (See Alcock, WUcox, etc.) ADDISON. The same as Adamson, the son of Adam, Adie or Addie being, in the Lowland-Scotch, a familiar corruption of Adam, hence Addie-son. ADEB or ADIE. The same as Adam. (See Addison.) ADKINS. Little Adam, or the son of Adam, from Ad and kins, a diminutive, signifying child, from the Grerman Mnd, so WiUcins, TompJcins, etc. ADLAM (Saxon.) Local. From adel, fine, noble, and fiam, a village or castle. Adelham, contracted to Adlam. ADLAR. (Dutch.) From Adekmr^ an eagle. J OF FAMILY NAMES. 40 ADRIAN or HADRIAN. (Latin.) Local. From the city Hadria, which Gesner derives from the Greek adpb^, great or wealthy. AFFLECK. (Gaelic and Celtic.) Local. Said to be a corrup- tion of the name Auchinlech, which was assumed by the proprietors of the lands and barony of Auchinleck, near Dundee, in Angusshire, Scotland. The name is pronounced Affleck by the natives. (See Auchinleck.) AGAN" or EGAN. (Gaelic.) From Eigin, force, violence; hence, strong-handed, active. The name may be local, and named from Agen, a town in Guienne, France ; also Agen^ "Welsh, local, a cleft. AGAR. (Gaelic and Celtic.) Aighear signifies gladness, joy, gayety. If from the Latin age?', it denotes a field or land. AGLIONBY. (Nor. Fr.) Local From Aglioji, an eaglet, and hy, a residence or habitation — the eagle's nest. AGNEW. (Nor. Fr.) Local. From the town of Agneau in Normandy, whence the family originated. They went fi^om England into Ireland with Strongbow. Agneau, in Nor. Fr. signifies a lami. AIKEN. (Saxon.) Oaken ; hard or firm. AIKMAN. (Sax.) From ach, oak, and man. AINSWORTH. (British and Welsh.) Local. From aim, a spring, a river, and gwerth, a place, possession, or court. In the British and Gaelic, Aun, Ain, An, Hain, Aon, and Avon, signify a river ; the place or possession on the river. AITKIN. Probably the same as Atkins (which see). AITON. (Nor, Fr.) Local. From ea or eau, water, and ton, a town; the town near the water ; the same as Eaton. AKEMAN or ACKMAN. (Saxon.) The same as Oakman, from his strength or disposition. From ack, or ake, oak. and #<| ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY AKERS. (Saxon.) The same as Ackers (wliich see). AKIN and AKEN. The same as Aiken (which see). v/ ALAN or ALLAN". Derived, according to Julius Scaliger, from the Sclavonic Aland, a v7oLf-dog, a hound, and Chaucer uses Aland in the same sense. Bailey derives it as the same from the British. Camden thinks it a corruption of vy ^lianuSj which signifies sun-bright. From the same we have Allen, Allin, Alleyne. In the Gaelic, Aluinn signifies exceedingly fair, handsome, elegant, lovely ; Irish, Ahin, fair, beautiful. ALANSON. The son of Alan. v^ ALBERT. (German.) All bright or famous ; hebrt or hert^ sig- nifies famous, fair, and clear, bright ; so Sebert and Mhelheri were sometimes written Se bright and Mhel bright. AH, JSal, and .^, in old English and Saxon compound names, have the same signification as the English AU, as Al-dred, Al-win, etc. ALBRECHT. (Saxon.) The same as Albert— AU-bright. J ALCOCK. From Hal or Al, a nickname for Henry; and cock, a termination meaning little, a diminutive, the same as ot or kin; little Hal or Al, so Wilcox, little Will, and Simcox, little Sim, etc. ALDEN or ALDAINE. (Sax.) Local. From aid, old, and den or dun, a hill or town ; old-town, or it may be high-town, from aJt, high, Gaelic, and dun, a hiU, castle, or town. ALDERSEY. (Sax.) Local. The isle of alders. ALDIS. (Saxon.) A contraction of aid-house, the old house. ALDJOY. (Sax.) The same as the English aU-joy. . ALDRED. (Sax.) All-fear— see Albert. ALDRIDGE. (Sax.) The same as Aldred, of which it ia a corruption. OF FAMILY NAMES. 51 ALEXANDER. (Greek.) An aider or benefactor of men. From 'AAefcj, to aid or help, and av?)p, a man. A powerful auxiliary. ALFORD or ALVORD. (Saxon.) Local. From Alford, a town in Lincolnshire, England, signifying the old ford or way J from aid, old, and /or<:^, a ford, way, or pass. ALPORT, (Local.) A village in France, two leagues from Paris. ALFRED. (Saxon.) All-peace, from all, and fred or frkde^ peace, hke Alwin and Albert. ALOAR. (Gaelic.) Noble. ALLEN. The same as Alan (which see). ALLENDORF. Local. A town in Hesse, Germany, signifying the old town ; dorf a town or village, the same as Olden- dorf. ALLGOOD. (Saxon.) The same as the English All-good. ALSOP. (Local.) From Akojp, Co. Derby, England. One might imagine it a corruption of Ale-shop, a name given to one who kept an ale-shop. A very appropriate name at the present day; for ^^Alsop's ale'' is celebrated all the world over. ALYERSTON or ALVERTOK (Cor. Br.) Local. A high green hill ; from a?, high, ver, green, and don or ton, a hill. ALVIN or ALWIN. (Saxon.) All-winning or victorious, the V and w being interchangeable. ALVORD. (Saxon.) The same as Alford (which see). AMAKER. (Local.) Derived from Amager, a small Danish island to the east of Copenhagen. AMBLER. (French.) From Amhleur, an officer of the king's stal^les ; anciently " le Amblour.'' AMBROSE. (Greek.) From dfifipootoc, divine, immortal. 62 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY \/ AMEEY. (G-erman.) Always rich, able, and powerful, from the old German Emerkh or Immer-reich, always rich. AMES. (French.) From Amie, a friend, beloved ; or if from \/ the Hebrew Amos, a burden. Some think it is a contrac- tion of Ambrose (which see). Ameshury in England was criginaEy Amhrosebury. AMHERST. (Saxon.) Local. From ham, a town or village, and hurst or herst, a wood, the town in the wood, the "H" by custom, being dropped or silent. It may have been y derived from Hamo, who was sheriff in the county of Kent, in the time of William the Conqueror ; a descendant of his - was called Hamo de Herst, and the Norman de, and the aspirate " h" being dropped — ^Amherst. Amhurst, the con- nected grove, or conjoined woods ; " am,^^ in the British, as a prefix, has the sense of Amh, amjohi, circum, i. e., about, surrounding, encompassing; hence, the surrounding grove, or Amhurst. AMMADON. (Gaelic.) From Am^dan, a numskull, a simple- ton ; may be so called by way of antiphrasis, because he was wise ; as Ptolemy received the surname Philadelphus (from the Greek ^IXo^, a lover or friend, and ufJeA^of , a brother), because he charged two of his brothers with forming designs against his life, and then caused them to be destroyed. AMPTE. (Dutch.) Ampt, an official situation ; the house in which an officer transacts his business ; a lordship of the Ketherlands. ANDARTON. (Br.) Local. The oak-hiU; from an, the; dar, an oak, and ton, a Mil. ANDERSON. The son of Andrew (which see). : ANDREW. (Greek.) From uvdpelog, manly, courageous. ANGEYINE. So named because coming originally from Anjou, in France. The natives of Anjou were called OF FAMILY NAMES. '68 ANG-LE or ANGEL. (Greek.) From ayyelog^ a messenger ; also the name of a town in France where the family may have originated. ANGUS. Local. A county of Scotland, sometimes called For- farshire, and took its name, according to Halloran, from Aongus Fer, grandson to Carbre Eiada, who, with others, invaded the modern Scotland, a.d. 498. Angus or Aongus is derived from Aon^ excellent, noble, and gais, boldness, valor. ANNAK. Local. A river and borough of Scotland. From the GaeHc aon, aon^ one, one, or the river that divides the dale in two shares. Amhan, Avon, or An-oun, in Gaelic, may signify the slow running water ; a gentle river. ANISTESLEY. Local. From a town in Nottinghamshire, Eng- land, and named, perhaps, from Ando, a city in Norway, by the free-booters or conquerors of Briton. Annansley, the Ua, lying on the Annon. ANSELL. Supposed to be an abbreviatioa of Anselm ; also the name of a bird. ■' ANSELM. (German.) From the Teutonic ffamstzhelm, a defender of his companions. ANSON. The son of Ann, or the same as Hanson, the son of Hans or John — the " H" being dropped in pronunciation. ANSTRUTHER. (Gaelic.) From Anstruth, an ancient order of historians or bards among the Celts, next in rank to the Allamh, or chief doctor of the seven degrees in all the sciences. His reward was twenty kine. He was to be at- tended by twelve students in his own science, to be enter- tained for fifteen days, and to be protected from all accusa- tions during that time ; and he and his attendants supplied with all manner of necessaries. Anstruth is derived from Aon, that is, good, great; sruth, knowing, discerning, and er put for fear, a man. •J ANTHON. A contraction of Anthony, from the Greek uvdoc, a flower ; but, by way of excellency, appropriated to Rose- mary flowers. 54 ETTMOLOOICAL DICTIONARY ^ ANTHONY, (areek.) From avdoc, a flower; flourishing, beautiful, graceful APPLEBY. Local. A town in Westmoreland, England, called Ahallaba by the Eomans, from which the name is derived. By signifies a town, — the apple-town. APPLEGrARTH. Local. The orchard, apple-garden, or close. APPLETON. Local The town abounding in apples. ARBLASTER. A corruption of Balistarius, a cross-bowman, one who directed the great engines of war used before the invention of cannon. " In the kemils (battlements) here and there, Of Arblastirs great plenty were." Rom. of the Rose. ARBUTHNOT. Local. First assumed by the proprietors of the land and barony of Arbuthnot in the Mearns, Scotland. The name is said to have been anciently written Aberbuth- nothy which signifies the dwelhng near the confluence of the river with the sea, from Aber^ the mouth of a river, both, a dwelling, and neth, a stream that descends, or is lower than some other relative object. ^ ARCHIBALD. (German.) The same as Urchenbald, a power- ful, bold, and speedy learner or observer. In the GaeHc this name is called Gillespie — a favorite name with the Scotch. ARDAL or ARDGALL. (Celtic.) Bravery or prowess. Ar- dol, local, Welsh, from ar, upon, and dot or dal, a vale, on the vale, or a place opposite the dale. ARGYLE. (Gaelic) An extensive sliire on the western coast of Scotland. The name is derived from the Gaelic JEJarra Ghaidheal, that is, the country of the western Gael, or, according to Grant, the breeding-place of the Gael. ARLINGTON. Local. From a viEage in Sussex, England. ARLON. A local name, and derived from Arlon^ a town in the Netherlands, thirteen miles east from Luxemburg. OP FAMILY NAMES. 65 ARMISTEAD and ARMSTED. (Saxon.) The place of arms. AEMITAG-E. Local. The same as Hermitage, the cell or habitation of a hermit, formerly a wilderness or solitary place ; a convent of hermits or minor friars. AEMOUE. Defensive arms; all instruments of war. The name is probably contracted from Armorer^ a maker of armor. ARMSTRONG, A name given for strength in battle. His- torians relate the following tradition : This family was anciently settled on the Scottish border ; their original name was Fairbairn, which was changed to Arm- strong on the following occasion : An ancient king of Scotland having had liis horse killed under him in battle, was immediately re-mounted by Fairbairn, his armor-bearer, on his own horse. For this timely assist- ance he amply rewarded him with lands on the borders, and to perpetuate the memory of so important a service, as well • as the manner in which it was performed (for Fairbairn took the king by the thigh, and set him on the saddle), his royal master gave him the appellation of Armstrong. The chief seat of Johnnie Armstrong was Gilnockie, in Eskdale, a place of exquisite beauty. Johnnie was executed by order of James V., in 1529, as a " Border Freebooter." Andrew Armstrong sold his patrimony to one of his kinsmen, and emigrated to the north of Ireland in the commencement of the seventeenth century. The Armstrongs were always noted for their courage and daring. In the " Lay of the Last Minstrel," when the chief was about to assemble his clans, he says to his heralds: " Ye need not go to Liddisdale, For when they see the blazing bale Elliots and Armstrongs never fail." V ARNOLD. (G-erman.) The same as Ernold; from are or ehre, honor, and hold, faithful or devoted to — faithful to his honor. How unworthy of the name was the notorious Benedict ! 66 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY ^ ARTHUR. (British.) A strong man ; from Ai- (Lat. vir), a man, and thor, strong. In tlie G-aelic, Air is the same as J^ear, a man; and the ancient Scythians called a man Aior. Thor was the Jupiter of the Teutonic races, their god of thunder. In Welsh, Arth is a bear, an emblem of strength and courage, and ur a noun termination, a man. Arthur, a bear-man, a~-tiero, a man of strength ; the name of a British prince. ARTOIS. (Local.) From the province of Artois in the Netherlands. ARUNDEL. Local. From a town in Sussex, England, on the river Aran ; a corruption of Arundale — " tlie dale on the Arun." ASCALL or ASG-ALL. In the Gaelic, means a sheltered \y place, a bosom, a covert. Aisgiodal or Aisgdll was one of the Danish commanders at the battle of Clontarf, near Dublin. The name is expressive of courage and strength. From this may be found the name of Hascall. If the name is of British origin, it would signify the sedgy moor, from Hesg, and hal or hayle — ^low grounds, meadows. ASHBURTON. Local. From a town of the same name in Devonshire, England. Barton signifies the town on the hill, and Ashburton the town on the hill covered or surrounded with ash trees. Ash may be, in some cases, a corruption of the Gaelic or Celtic uisge, water. ASHBY. (Sax.) Local. The house by the "ash," or the village on a place abounding in ash-trees ; by signifying a Villa or habitation. ASHFORD. (Sax.) Local. A town in Kent, England, on the river Ash or Esh — the ford over the Ash. ASHLEY. (Sax.) Local. The lea, field, or pasture abound- ing in ash-trees. Leegh, leg, or lea, signifying uncultivated grounds or pastures ; lands untilled, generally used as com- mons. ASHTOK (Sax.) Local The ash-hill or town. OF FAMILY NAMES. 67 ASKEW. (Sax.) Local. Acksheugh, hilly lands covered with oaks. Aschau, local, a town on the bend of a river in Sles- wick, Denmark. Askew, crooked, from the Danish. ASPINWALL. (Sax.) Local. The aspen-vale. ASTLEY. (Sax.) Local. A corruption of Estley or Easthy^ the east meadow or field. (See ley, under Ashley.) ASTON. (Sax.) Local. A corruption of Eston or Easton, the east town. ASTOR. Local. Oster, a town in North Jutland. 'Aar^p, Greek, a star. Austeuer, German, a dowry, a portion. Ooster, the east part. ATHERTON. (Sax.) Local. From Atherstone, a town in Warwickshire, England. ATHILL. Local At (the) hilL This family formerly bore the name of "Z)e la Hou" that is, "0/ the hill/' which was anglicized into Athill They came originally fi-om Nor- mandy. ATHOL. (Celtic and Gaelic.) Local. A district of Perth- shire, Scotland ; from ath, a ford, and al, an old word for a rock, a stone, — Rockford, or the ford of the rock. ATHOW. Local. The same as Athill; how or hoo, a high place. ATKINS. Camden derives it from At, a familiar abbreviation of Arthur, and kins, a diminutive, signifying a child, having the same meaning as the German kind, a child, an infant, i e.j the son of Arthur, so Wilkins, Simpkins, etc. ATTREE. Local. At (the) tree. ATWATER. Local. At (the) water. ATWELL. Local. At (the) well. ATWOOD. Local. At (the) wood. 3* 58 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY "^ AUBREY. A corruption of the German Alberic, a name given in hope of power or wealth, He signifying rich or powerful ; always rich. AUCHIN'LECK. Local. A parish in Ayrshire, Scotland. The etymology of the name may be found in the Gaelic Ach, an elevation, a mound, or round hill, generally level at the top; and leac, a flat stone, a tombstone. In several parts of Ayrshire may be traced the remains of cairns, en- campments, and Druidical circles. Auchinleck appears to have been one of those places where the ancient Celts and Druids held conventions, celebrated their festivals, and per- formed acts of worship. AUCHMUTY. (Gaehc.) Local. The field or mount of law ; an eminence in which law-courts were held, moot-MUSj as they were called; from Ach, an elevation, a mound, and mod, a court, an assembly, a meeting. AUDLEY. (Sax.) Local. From aid or aud, old, and ley, a field or pasture — the old field \J AUSTIN". (Latin.) A contraction of Augustine, from Augus- tinus, imperial, royal, great, renowned. AVERILL. Local. A corruption of Haverhill, the aspirate being dropped. Haverill is a town in Suffolk, England, so named from the Dutch Hyver, Teut., Haher, oats, and hill — the hill sown with oats. ^ AYERY. (GaeHc.) From Aimhrea (the " mh" having the sound of "v"), denoting contention or disagreement. It may be from Avery ^ a granary, or from Aviarius^ Latin, a bird-keeper. vj AVIS. Avis, in French, is a projector, schemer, busy-body. Avus, Latin, a grandfather, ancestor. Avis, a bird. AYLMER. This family trace their name -and descent from V Ailmer or Athelmare, Earl of Cornwall, in the time of King Ethelred. AUmor, in Welsh, signifies a valley or dale. AYLS WORTH. This name admits of several meanings ; JSW, OF FAMILY NAMjSS. B% Saxon, finished, completed, and worthy a farm-liouse or vil- lage. Aylesj Cor. Br., low meadow, flat lands, washed by a river, sea, or lake, and gweiik, a worth, farm, house, village. AYLEWARD. The ale-keeper. AYRES. Local. Derived from a river, town, and district of the same name in Scotland. Air, Gaelic, Derivation un- certain. It may come from lar, west — the course in which the river runs ; or Air, slaughter, the place of battle. The Celtic Aer, and the Welsh Aiuyr, signify, radically, to open, expand or flow clearly ; to shoot or radiate. In Thoi-pe's catalogue of the deeds of Battle Abbey, we find the follow- ing legendary account of this name : " Ayres, formerly Eyre. The first of this family was named Truelove, one of the followers of William the Conqueror. At the battle of Hastings, Duke William was flung from his horse, and his helmet beaten into his face, which Truelove observing, pulled ofi', and horsed him again. The duke told him ' Thou shalt hereafter from Truelove be called Eyre (or Air), because thou hast given me the air I breathe.' After the battle, the Duke, on inquiry respecting him, found him severely wounded (his leg and thigh having been struck off) ; he ordered him the utmost care, and on his recovery, gave him lands in Derby, in reward for his services, and the leg and thigh in armor, cut off, for his crest ; an honorary badge yet worn by all the Eyres in England." BABA. German, Babe, a boy; Greek, Ba^a, an inarticulate sound, as of an infant crying out; hence, a little child; to say Baha, that is, father or Papa. The word is nearly the . same in all languages ; it signifies a young child of either sex, BABER. (Gaelic.) Bahair or Basbair, a fencer or swords- man ; one who, by his blows, produced death ; from Bas, death, and /ear, a man. BABCOCK. Little Bab, or Bartholomew; from Bah, a nick- name for Bartholomew, and cock, small, little, a son; dc, cock, el, and et are diminutives, and include the ideas of kind- i/ 60 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARr ness and tenderness, associated with smallness of size. It may be from Boh^ the nickname for Robert; BobcocJc, the son of Bobert, Bobertson. BACHELOR. Erom the Dutch Bock, a book, and leeraar, a doctor of divinity, law, or physic. When applied to persons of a certain military rank, it may be a corruption of Bos chevalier J because lower in dignity than the milites bannereU. Killian adopts the opinion that as the soldier who has once been engaged in battle, is called batialarius, so he who has once been engaged in literary warfare, in public dispute upon any subject. Calepinus thinks that those who took the degree of Bachelor, were so called (Baccalaurei), because a chaplet of laurel berries was placed upon them. The w'ord, how- ever, has probably but one origin, which would account for its various applications. BACKMAK German, Bach, a brook, and man. Boehnan bookman. Bach, in some places, a ferry; Backman, a ferry- man. BACKUS. (Germ.) From Back-haus, a bake-house. BACON. Bacon, from the Anglo-Saxon bacan, to bake, to dry by heat. Some derive this surname from the Saxon baccen or buccen, a beech-tree. Upon the monument of Thomas Bacon, in Brome Church in Suffolk (Eng,), there is a beech- tree engraven in brass, with a man resting under it. It ap- pears, also, that the first Lord-keeper, Sir Nicholas Bacon, with his two wives, are represented in a similar manner. BADEAU. (Fr.) Camden says this was a name given to the Parisians who admired every thing that seems a little extra- ordinary. BADGER. A licensed dealer in grain ; a hawker, a peddler ; also, the name of a small animal. BADGELY. Bagasly, local. From a town in Scotland. BAGLEY. (Sax.) Local. The rising or swelling ground that lies untilled ; from bcelge, rising or swelling, and leagh or ley, plain or pasture land. OF FAMILY NAMES. 61 BAGOT. (Fr.) A stay or walking stajQf ; a gunstick or drum- stick, from Baguette. It may be a corruption of Bigot (which see). Bctgad, in the Welsh, signifies a great many. BAILEY. A name of office ; a corruption of Bailiff, which is derived from the French bailler, to dehver. A municipal officer in Scotland corresponding to an alderman. BAILLIE. (Fr.) Bailie, a bailiff; same as BaUey. BAIN or BAINE. (Celtic.) Whiteness, fairness. Bain is also a bath or hot-house. The name may be local, from Bain, a town in France. t ' • BAISLEY. Baisedlach, Gaelic, proud. BAITS. A word used in several languages, and signifies to feed, to rest for refreshment; one who kept a house of entertainment. B AKJjR. (Sax.) A name of trade, a baker ; fi:om the Saxon hacan, to dry by heat. BALL. (Cor. Br. and Gaelic.) Bal, a mine, tlie top of a hill, the top. BALCOMBE. Local. From Bal, GaeHc, a round body, any tiling thrown up; a building, house, town; and comhe, a valley ; the round valley ; tin-works thrown up in a valley, or a dwelling in such a place. BALDWIN. (Ger.) The speedy conqueror or victor; from bald, quick or speedy, and win, an old word signifying vic- tor or conqueror, as Bert-win, famous victor; All-win, all victorious, etc. BALEN. Belen, in the Cor. British, is the same as Helen, a mill. Belly n, local, a town in Lower Saxony. Balaen, Welsh, steel, denoting strength and durability. BALFOUR. Local. From the barony and castle of Balfour, near the confluence of the rivers Or and Leven. (Scot.) Ball and BaUa, in Gaelic, signifies a casting up, raising, like the Greek Bd/i^o), and denotes a wall, fortress, house, a village, Balfour, i. e., the Keep, or castle on the river Or. Balfoir^ the castle of deliverance or security. V^" 62 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY ,"* BALLANTINE. Local. A place Avbere Bal or Belus was worshiped by the Celts ; from Bal and teine, fire. V BALLANTYNE. Local. A place of ancient pagan worship among the Celts, whose principal deity was BeJen or Baal, the sun. To the honor of this deity, the Celts lighted fires on the 1st of May and Midsummer day. Baalaniine signi- fies " the fire of Baal," from Baakn and teine^ Gaehc, fire. BALLARD. (Celtic and Gaelic.) From Ball, a place, a round elevation ; and ard, liigh. The GaeUc word Ballart signifies noisy, boasting. Bal also signifies a lord, and ard, high. BANCHO. (Gaeha) The white dog ; from Jaw, white, and chu or cw, a dog. Bankhoo (Eng.), the high bank. BANCROFT. Local. From the Cor. Br. ban, a mount, hill, or high ground; and croft, a small field near a dweUing — a green pasture. BANGS. This name may be a corruption of Banks, or from the French bain, a batli, a hot-house. BANNATYNE. Local The name of a place in Scotland, sig- nifying the hill where fires were kindled. BANNERMAN. A name of ofiice in Scotland borne by the king's standard-bearer. BANNING. Baaning, Danisli, a home, a dwelling. BANNISTER. The keeper of a bath; fi-om the French Jam, a batli, BANT. (Welsh.) A high place; Bant-Ue. BANTA. (Gaelic.) Local. From Beaunta, hills, mountains. BANVARD. (Cor. Br.) Local From ban, a mount, hill, or liigh ground ; and vard, a rampart, that is, a fortified hill or castle. BAR. Local A town of France. Barr, a parish in Ayrshire, Scotland, BARBER. A name of trade, one who shaves and dresses hair. OF FAMILY NAMES. 6$ BAECLAY. (Sax.) Local. A corraption of Berkeley; a town in Gloucestershire, England, derived from the Saxon heorce, a beech-tree, and leagh or ley, a field, and so called because of the plenty of beech-trees growing there. BARCULO. (Dutch.) Local. From Borhulo, a town in Holland, The name was originally Van Borhulo. BARD. (Celtic.) Local. From hawr, a top or summit, the highest ; and eidde or oidde, instructor — the chief preceptor, instructor, or poet. BARDEL. (Welsh.) Local. A fortification. BARHYDT. (Dutch.) From Barheid, sharpness, roughness, severity. BARKER. A tanner. *' What craftsman art thou, said the king, I pray thee tell me trowe ? I am a Barker, sir, by my trade, Now tell me, what art thou ?" PERCY'S RELIQUES. BARNARD. The same as Bernard (which see). BARNES. A distinguished family of Sotterly, Co. Suffolk, England. Beam, local, a city in France. Barnyz, Cor. Br., a judge. BARNET. Local. A town hi Hertfordshire, England. BARNEY. A familiar abbreviation or corruption of Bernard, or Barnard (which see). BARNWELL. Local From the old EngHsh Bearne, a wood, and veld, a field. BARNUM. Local. A corruption of Bearnham, the town in the wood or hill. Bern, in the Swiss language, signifies a bear. This family was originally of Southvnck, County Hants, England. 64 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY BAKR. (Celtic.) Local. The top or summit of any thing; any thing round. Bar, Gaelic, an old word for a bard or learned man. Bar, local, a bank of sand or earth, a shoal ; the shore of the sea. It may be derived from Barre, a town in France, or from Barr, a parish and village in Ayrshire, Scotland. BARRAS. (Saxon.) Local. From Baerwas, Saxon, groves, a place among trees ; a town in England. BARRELL. (G-aelic.) From Barrail, excellent, surpassing. BARRET. (Fr.) Cunning; from the old French iarat, strife, deceit BARRINGER. Local A corruption of Beranger (Lat, Ber- engarus) ; from Beringer, a town in France, where a battle was fought between the French and the English. BARRON or BARON. The word Baron is of Celtic extrac- tion, and originally synonymous with Tnan in general. It has this meaning in the SaHc law, and in the laws of the Lombards ; in the English law, the phrase haron and feme is equivalent to man and wife. It was afterward used to denote a man of respectability, a stout or valiant man ; and Barone was also used by the Itahans to signify a beggar. From denoting a stout or valiant man, it was employed as a name for a distinguished military leader, who having fought and conquered under some great commander, was afterward rewarded by him with a part of the lands which he had acquired. As a surname, it was originally Le Baron, The Baron. Gaelic, Baran, a baron. BARROW. Local A circular earthen mound, marking the place of interment of some noted person ; also a place of de- fense. The name of a river in Ireland. BARRY. Local. From the Barry Islands in Glamorganshire, Wales; so called, says Bailey, from Baruch, a devout man who was interred there. OF FAMILY NAMES, 65 BARSTOW. Local. May have various significations, Barr, the top of a hill, and stow, a place or depository. Bar, in the G-aelic, Welsh, and Cornish-British, means the summit or top of any thing. The GaeKc or Irish aran and harr, signify bread, a crop of grain ; Welsh, har, bread, an ear of corn; Saxon, har and here, corn, barley. Barstow, a place where grain is stored. BARTHOLOMEW. (Heb.) The son of him who maketh the waters to mount, or a son that suspends the waters. BARTLETT. A diminutive of Bartholomew— Uttle Bart. 4 BARTON. (Sax.) Local. From a town in Lincolnshire, England ; a corn town, or barley village, from here, barley, and ton, an inclosure, a house, a village. Barton, a cur- tilage. In Devonshire, it is applied to any freehold estate not possessed of manorial privileges. BARTUL. (Ger.) An abbreviation of Bartulph, which is from > Beorht, and ulph ; that is, help in counsel, or famous helper. Bariel, an abbreviation of Bartholomew, used in HoUand. BARWICK or BERWICK. Local. A town in Northumber- land, Eng., at the mouth of the river Tweed. The name signifies, the town at the mouth of a river, from aier, the mouth, and wicJc, a town or harbor. Berewich, the corn- town, fi:om here, barley, com. BASFORD. Local. The shallow ford or way. BASIL. (Grreek.) From Ba(n?.ev^, royal, kingly. "h BASSET. (Fr.) A Httle fat man with short legs and thighs, from the French Basset. BATEMAN. May have two significations, Baitman, a keeper of a house of entertainment, and Bateman, a contentious man, from hate, Saxon, strife, to beat, contention. BATES. Bate, Anglo-Saxon, contention. 6d ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY BATH. (Sax.) Local. A town in the county of Somerset, Eng., fiimous for its liot baths ; so named from the Saxon, had^ Teutonic, had^ a place to bathe or wash in. It was called by the Saxons Acmanceaster, or the " sick folks' town ;" and by the Britons, Caerhaddon, from Caer^ a fortified place or city, and baddon^ a bathing-place, from badd^ a bath. BATHURST. (Sax.) Local From Bath, as above, and hurst, a place of fruit-trees, a wood or grove. Boothhurst, the house or lodge in the grove. BAUM. (Germ.) A tree. It may be derived from a town in France by that name. BAXTER. (Anglo-Saxon.) Bagster, a baker. BEACH. Local The shore of the sea, lake, or river. BEACHER. A dweller on the beach or bay, BEAL. Local Bid, a town in Switzerland. The Gaelic word ^^Beul," signifies the mouth, and by metonymy, elo- quent, musical BEADLE. A name of office ; a messenger or crier of a court ; an officer belonging to a university or parish. BEATTT. From the Celtic Biatach. Anciently, in Ireland, lands were assigned by the government to a certain number of persons who were appointed to keep houses of entertain- ment, and to exercise hospitahty in the different provinces ; they were called Biatachs. The office was considered hon- orable, and besides the lands assigned by the king, they were the lords of seven boroughs or villages, feeding seven herds of one hundred and twenty oxen each, besides the grain raised from seven ploughs every year. Beathaich, in the Gaelic, signifies to feed, nourish, to welcome, to support. ^^Beaia mor," Irish, to have a great estate. Beatha, Gaelic, life, food, welcome, salutation. BBAUCHAMP. (Nor. Fr.) Be Beauchamp, from the fair or beautiful field ; in Latin. Be Bello Campo. OF FAMILY NAMES. 6Y BEAUFORT. (Nor. Fr.) De Beaufort^ from the fine or commodious fort. De Bello Forti. BEAUMONT. (Nor. Fr.) De Beaumont; a city in France, on the river Sarte, in the province of Mayne ; the fair mount. De Bello Monte. BEAUVAIS. (Fr.) De Beauvais. From a town in France of that name, signifying the sightly or beautiful place. BECK. (Anglo-Saxon.) Local From hecc, a brook. BECKETT. Local. A little brook, (By no means appropri- ate to the furious St. Thomas of Canterbury ! BECK^ER. (Ger.) From heclcer, the same as hacJcer, a baker. It may be from hecher, a cup or goblet, from hechern, to tip- ple; '^der Becher" (Grer.), drinker, a tippler; the same in Dutch. BECKFORD. (Sax.) Local. The brook-ford. BECKLEY or BEAKLEY. Local. The meadow or pasture by the brook ; from beckj a brook, and ley, field or meadow. BECKMAN. A dweller by a brook or stream, or on a bee, or neck of land. BECKWITH. Local. The same as Beckworth, the farm or place by the brook, fi-om hecJc, a brook, and worth, a farm. BED ALE. Local. From a town in England by that name. BEDE. He that prayeth, or a devout man. "To say our Bedes, is but to say our prayers." BEDDAU. (Welsh.) Local. Graves. "Bhos-y Beddau," ihe heath of the graves, referring to Druidical rites. BEDEAU. (Fr.) From hedeau, a beadle, mace-bearer; a petty officer in parishes. BEDELL. The same as Beadle, of which it is a corruption; an officer belonging to a court, university, ward, or parish. 68 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY BEDFORD. Local A town and shire in England ; from the Saxon bcdan, battle, war, slaughter, and ford, a way or shal- low place for crossing a river. Byddin-ffordd, Welsh, the route or way of the army. BEECHER. (Fr.) Beau chere, fine entertainment; or from the beech-wood. BEERS. Local From Beer, a town in Dorsetshire, England ; so called fi-om here, grain, barley ; a fruitful place. In the Dutch, beer signifies a bear, a boar. BEGG. From the Gaehc Beag, HtUe, young, small of stature. BELCHER. (Old French.) Bel-chere, good cheer, fine enter- tainment; a happier name than to be a Belcher, and swell with pride or passion. BELDEK (Cor. Br.) The beautifiil hill; or BeiMin, the hill of Belus, a place of Druid-worship. BELL. A name taken from the sign of an inn or shop. The sign of a bell was frequently used. " John at the Bell" be- came " John Bell" Bel, French, beautiful, handsome, fine. BELLAMONT. (Fr.) Be BeUamont, from the fair or beau- tiful mount. De Bello Monte. BELLAMY. Local. From Bellesme, a town of France ; or it may be Belami, French, a dear and excellent friend ; from hel, fair or beautiful, and ami, a friend or companion. BELLBW. (Nor. Fr.) De Bellew, a corruption of Be Belle Eau, that is, " from the beautiful water." The family orig- inally came from Italy ; they went into England with Wil- ham the Conqueror, and afterward settled in Meath, Ireland. BELLINGtER. Local From Bellinger, a town in South Jut- land. BELMONT. (Fr.) De Belmont, from the fair mount; the same as BeUamont — De Bello Monte, BELYIDERE. (Italian.) Pleasant to behold; from Bello, pleasant, and videre, to see. OF FAMILY NAMES. 6d BENEDICT. (Latin.) From Benedictus, blessed, well spoken of, or a person wishing aU good. BENJAMIN. (Heb.) The son of the right hand ; the young- est of Jacob's twelve sons. BENNETT or BENNET. A contraction or rather a corrup- tion of Benedict, from Benedktus, blessed. BENT. Local. A plain, a moor, covered with the bent-grasa. BENTLEY. Local. Erom lent, as above, and ley, uncultivated ground, a pasture. BENSON. Ben's-son, the son of Benjamin. BEORN. (Saxon.) A chief. BERESFORD. The bears'-ford, from heris, bears, according to Chaucer. Barrasford, from harra, an old word for a plain, open heath. BERKELEY. (Sax.) Local From the town of Berkeley, in Gloucestershire, England, derived from the Saxon Beorce, a beech-tree, or the box-tree, and leagh or ley, a field, and so called because of the plenty of beech-trees there growing. BERNARD or BARNARD. (Sax.) From Beam or Bairin, a child, and ard (Teut), nature, disposition ; of a child-like disposition ; filial affection. Yerstegan brings it from Beorn, heart — one of a stout heart. BERRY. (Fr.) Local. From the province of Berri, in France. BERTRAM or BERTRAND. (Sax.) Fair and pure. BETTS. (Latin.) A contraction of the Latin Beatus, happy. BETHUNE. Local. From the town of Bethune, a fortified town, and capital of a county in Artois, Netherlands. BEY AN. (Welsh.) A contraction of Ap Evan, or Ivan, the son of John ; from ap, son, or hterally /row, and Ivan, John. So Brice, from Ap Rice ; Pritchard, from Ap Richard, etc. si -4 J 70 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY BEYERIDGE. Local From a town in the county of Dorset, England. Bever is probably a contraction of Belvoir (Fr.), that is, fine prospect ; and ridge^ the back or top of a hill. A town located on a hill. BEVERLY. Local. From the borough of Beverly in York- shire, England ; from Belvoir, a beautiful prospect, and ley, a place or field. Some say "the lake of beavers," from Beverlac, and so called from the beavers which abounded in the river Hull, near by. BEWLEY. A corruption of the French Beaulieu, that is, a beautiful place. BICKERSTETH. Supposed to come from the Welsh word hicra, to fight, to bicker, and steth, a corruption of staff, used for tilting or skirmishing. Probably taken from the sign of an inn. Beker (Dutch), is a drinking-cup, Bekeren, to drink, to tipple, guzzle, with the termination steth, for sted, a place. BIDDLE. The same as Bedell and Beadle (which see). BIDDULPH. Probably the same as Boiolph, which Camden derives from Boat, and ulph (Saxon), Help, because, per- haps, he was the mariner's tutelar saint, and for that reason was so much adored at Boston, in England. BIGALOW. Bygglu, in the Welsh, signifies to hector, to bully. In the Cor. Br., Bygel is a herdsman, a shepherd, and the name may have been applied to the commander of an army. BIGG-AR. Local. A town in Lanarkshire, Scotland. Buy- gar, in Danish, signifies a builder. BIGLER. (French.) One who sq'iints. Bygylor, Welsh, a hector. BIGGORE. Local. An ancient province of France. BIGOT or BIGOD. A name given by the French to the Nor- mans, because, as Camden says, " At every other word they would swear ^ By God,''' from which they were termed Bigodi. It became the surname of Roger de Montgomery, OF FAMILY NAMES. ^I one of tlie followers of William the Conqueror, who was called Roger Bigod. The English word higot has probably the same origin. BIGSBY. (Danish.) The place near the town; from higSj near, and ly^ the town. BILLINGS. Local. From the town of Billing, in Lincoln- shire, England. Beilean, GaeHc, loquacious; a prattling person. BING. (Danish.) Local. Any thing that incloses ; from the Danish hinge, a pen, a bin, a corn-bin ; a name given to a place where supplies or provisions were kept. BINGHAM. Local. From the to-^vn of Bingham, in Notting- hamshire, so named from the Danish Bing, a place where provisions were deposited; and ham, a town or village, Bingham, a depository for grain ; a place tiUed, inhabited. BINNEY. Local. From the Cor. Br. Bin, a hill; and ey, water ; or from Buinne, Gaelic, a cataract, a stream. Bin- neach, in the Gaelic, also signifies hilly, pinnacled, mount- ains. BIORN. (Danish.) A bear ; denoting courage and strength^ the same as Byron. Beren, Saxon, belonging to a bear. BIRCH. Local. A name probably given from residing at or near a birch-tree. " John at the birch," etc. BIRNIE and BIRNEY. Local. A parish in the shire of Elgin, Scotland. It was formerly named Brenuth, from hrae-nut, as many hazel-trees grew there. The natives called it Burn-nigh, that is, a village nea/r ike Burn or river, now corrupted to Birnie. BIXBY. (Danish.) Local. The house or village among the . box-trees. BLACKBURN. Local. The black brook or stream. BLACKWOOD. Local. This family derived their name from the lands of Baron Dufferin and Claneboye, in Scotland, called Blackwood. *f2 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY BL AIN". (Ft.) LoeaL From the town of Blain, in Breta^e, France. Blaen^ in tiie Welsh, signifies the summit or top ; the same as pen, brig, and bar, the highest part of a mount- ain ; the end or top of an object ; the inland extremity of a glen ; a leader or chief. BLAIR. (Celtic.) Local. From Blair or JBlar^ which origin- ally signified '' a cleared plain," but from the Celts generally choosing such plains for their fields of battle, blair came to signify a battle. There is a small village called the Blair near Lochord, about two miles from Lochleven, in Fifeshire, Scotland. It signifies a spot where a battle was fought, " locus pugnce" Here, it is supposed, an engagement took place between the Romans and the Caledonians, a.d. 83. BLAISDALE. Local From the old EngHsh word Blase, sprouting forth, luxuriant; and dale, a valley. BLAKE. A corruption of the British Ap Ldke^ from Ap, signi- fying from, or son, and Lake, — ^the son of Lake. The family went into Ireland with Strongbow, where the name be- came corrupted into Blake. Ap LaTce was one of the knights of Arthur's Round Table. BLAKEMAN". A corruption of Blackman, a name probably given from having a dark complexion. BLAND. Mild, gentle, smooth. BLANEY. Local. Welsh, Bluenae, the inland extremity of a valley. BLASEDALB. Local A place in Lancashire, England. BLAUYELT. (Ger.) Local The blue field; fi:om Blau, blue, and veld or /eld, field. BLEECKER or BLEEKER. (Dutch.) From Bleeker, a bleacher or whitener of hnen. In Danish, bleger. BLIN. (Welsh.) Local. The same as Blaen, a point, the inland extremity of a valley. Blin also signifies weary, troublesome. OF FAMILY NAMES. 73 BLISS. In English, is a very happy name, imposed by others on the individual. Blys^ in the Welsh, signifies desiring, longing. BLIVEN. (Danish.) From Behven, afiable, genteel, kind. BLOOD. In tlie Dutch, signifies timorous, cowardly ; a simple- ton. Lower informs us that Godkin, Blood (S'blood), and Sacre, may be regarded as clipped oaths, and given as names to the persons in the habit of using them ; and that in the neighborhood of a fashionable square in London, are now living surgeons whose names are Churchyard, Death, Blood, and Slaughter. BLOSS. Local. From Blois, the chief tovm of a territory of the same name in Orleans, France. BLOUNT, BLOUND, or BLOND. (Nor. Fr.) Of fair hair or complexion ; from the French Blond. This family trace their origin to the Blondi or Brondi of Italy, so named fi:om their fair complexion. They went into England with Wil- ham the Conqueror. BLUNDELL. (Nor. Fr.) From Blund or Blond, fair-haired, and having the same signification, only in a lesser degree. Blundell, a httle fair-haired, so Bussdl, from Bous — red. BLUNT. The same as Blount (which see). BLYTH. Glad, gay, joyful. Blyth, local, a town in England. BOARDMAN. One -^^ho keeps a boarding-house. BOCK. (Dutch.) Bock, a book ; hok, a goat. BOCOCK. Beaucock, a fine fellow ; a straggler. BODINE. (Fr.) Waggish, merry, sportive. Boodinne, in the Dutch, signifies a she-messenger. BODLEY. (Cor. Br.) Local. The house on the lea; firom Bod, a house, and ley. BOGART. CDutch.) Local. From hoomgard, an orchard. 4 y ■'"■^^^ ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY BOGrUE. Local. From the residence being near a hog^ or ■ from the Saxon hoga^ a bend, a bow, a corner ; a town in France; the name appears on ancient coins in Sussex, England. BOLINGBROKE. Local. A town in Lincolnshire, England, the birth-place of Henry IV. " The brook or bridge near tlie round hill." BOLSTER. (Cor. Br.) Local. A place in St. Agnes, Wales, and signifies an entrenchment; from Bolla, a casting or throwing up, and ter, the earth. Bolwestur, Welsh, a Hang- er-on. !B0LT0N. Local. A town in England; the round hill; the abrupt, steep, round hill. BOND. The father of a famUy, "Pater familias" whence hus- band, that is, house-hond. BondSj in Danish, is a peasant, countryman, also a villager. BONAR. Local. A town in Scotland ; a chain of hills ; hills for tillage ; also, the hill of slaughter. Cornish British, Bonar, the house of slaughter. BONNAL. (Cor. Br.) Local. The house on the cliff. BONNER. (Fr.) From Bonheur, happiness, good-fortune, prosperity. BONNEY. (Scot) Genteel, fine, spruce. French, Bon, Bonne, good, handsome. BONTECOU. (Fr.) Bmite, goodness, strength, fruitfulness, and ctd (pron. hi), the bottom, behind ; denoting, figura- tively, the humor or turn of mind. BOORMAN. (Sax. and Ger.) A countryman or farmer. BOOTH. A small cottage. BORDOEL. Local. A town in Lower Saxonv. OP FAMILY NAMES. 75 BOKLAND. (Cor. Br.) Local. The high land ; the swelling or rising land ; from hor^ swelling, rising, and land. If from the Saxon^ it signifies the land belonging to the common people. Bordlands were lands which the lords kept in their hands for the maintenance of their board or table. Borland is the name of a village in Fifeshire, Scotland, whence the family may have originated. BORRATL. (Gaelic.) From Borrail, swaggering, boastful, haughty, proud. Barrel, in old English, signifies a plain, rude fellow, a boor. BOSCAWEK (Cor. Br.) Local. From the town of Bos- cawen, in Cornwall, which signifies the house surrounded by elder trees. BOSTWICK. (Cor. Br.) Local. The house near the haven or creek ; from Bos, a house, and wick, a haven or creek. It may be from the Dutch Bosch, a wood, and wick, the town in the wood. Boswick, in the Cornish-British, is the dwelling near the harbor or village. BOSWELL. Local. A corruption of Bosseville ; from Bosch, a wood, and ville, a village. Bothel, G-aelic, the house of the powerful. BOTTESFORD. Local. A town in England. BOUGHTON. Local. From Boughton, a place in ITorthamp- tonshire, England; the bowing or bending hill. Bouton, the steep or abrupt hill. BOUVIER. (Fr.) A drover. BOTTOM. Local. Any low grounds ; a dale or valley. BOURNE. Local. From the town of Bourne, in Lincoln- shire, England, which is so named from the old English Bourne, a small river or spring-well. BOUCHER. (French.) A butcher ; a blood-thirsty man. BOVIE. (Fr.) Local. A corruption of Beauvais, a town in France, whence the surname originated, and which signifiea Yd ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY the sightly or beautiful place. The family settled in Holland from France. BOWERS. From hur, Saxon, a chamber ; a cottage ; a shady recess. BOWEK (Welsh.) A corruption of Ap Owen, the son of Owen, so Price from Ap Rice, and Pricliard from Ap Richard. BOWES. This surname, according to Grrose, originated as fol- lows : about the time of the Conqueror, there was a town (on the site of the Castle of Bowes), which the tradition of the family states, was burned. It then belonged to the Earls of Brittany and Richmond. The castle was built, as Mr. Horseley thinks, out of the ruins of the Roman Fortress, by Alan Niger, the second earl of that title, who, it is said, placed therein WUham, his relation, with five hundred arch- ers to defend it against some insurgents in Cambridge and Westmorland confederated with the Scots, giving him for the device of his standard the arms of Brittany, with three bows and a bundle of arrows, whence both the castle and the commander derived their names; the former being called Bowes Oasih, and the latter, William de Arcubus, or WilHam Bowes. BOWLES. Probably from the sign of an inn, as " John at the Bowl" i. e., at the sign of the bowl. Boel, local, a town in South Jutland, Denmark. Boel, Dutch, an estate, also one who keeps a mistress. BOWMAN. A military cognomen ; an archer. BOWNE. (Cor. Br. and Welsh.) Signifies ready, active, nimble. BOWYER. An archer, one who uses a bow ; one who makes bows. "^> BOYD. (G-aelic.) From huidhe, yellow-haired. Boyd, a river of England that unites with the Avon. BOYER. A name given to a Grandee among the Muscovites. OP FAMILY NAMES. 77 BOYNTON. Local. From Buvington, in the Wolds, in the East Eiding of Yorkshire, England, now called Boynton Dugdale, so named from its being higher in place or alti- tude. BRACY. (Fr.) Local. From Bracy^ a town in Normandy. BRAINE. Local. A small town and abbey on the river Yesle, in France. Brain, Gaelic, a chieftain ; a naval com- mander ; a captain of a ship. BRADBURN. Local. The wide or broad brook. BRADFORD. Local. A town on the Avon, in Wiltshire, England, whence the surname is derived, and which signifies the hroad ford, there being at that place a ford across the Avon. BRADY. (Gaelic.) Breada, handsome. BRAGG. Brag, among the Scandinavians, was the god of elo- \y^ quence, and the word was anciently used in the sense of eloquent; also, accomplished, brave, daring. BRAMAN. Bramin, a priest among the Hindoos. Bremen, local, a city of Germany. BRAN. (Gaehc.) Poor ; black ; a raven , a mountain-stream. Welsh, Iran, a crow ; the name of dark rivers. BRAMHALL. A place where goods are sold ; hram, Danish, goods on sale. BRAND. In all the Teutonic dialects brand signifies to burn ; also a sword, either from its brandishing, or from its ghtter- ing brightness. Brant, a hill ; steep, high ; Welsh, Bryn. BRANDE. Local. A town in Denmark. BRANDON. Local. A market-town in Suffolk, England, and means either the hurnt town, or the crows' hiU. BRANDRETH. Bailey defines this name "the curb of a well," but I think the name is local, and may be derived as follows: Bran, both Welsh and Gaehc, signifies a swift 7d ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY river, and dreth, the sandy shore or strand. Brandreth may also mean the sandy shore frequented by wild-fowl, from Bran, a crow, and dreth^ as above. Brwyndretli^ in Welsh, denotes the shore abounding with rushes, from hrwyn, rushes, and treth, the shore. I prefer, however, to use Bran in the sense of dark, black, and then we have the " dark shore,'^ or water, or a place on the shore of the river Bran. BEATT. (Danish.) Brave, valiant, coiu-ageous. BRECK. Local. An old word signifying broken, a gap; Brecca, an old law term which we find in old Latin deeds, was used to denote a breach, decay, or want of repair. Breck is also used in some parts of England to denote pas- ture. Breck, Gaehc, is a wolf or wild savage. BRECKENRIDaE. Local From Brecken, broken, out of repair ; and ridge. Sax., ryg, the top of a hill ; a house. BREED. (Dutch.) From Breed, broad, large. Brede, local, a town in Sussex, England, and in the Danish, signifies brim, margin; sea-side, shore, river-side. BREESE. (Welsh.) A contraction of Ap Reese, the son of Reese, or Rice (which see) ; so Bevan from Ap Evan, Brke from Ap Rice, etc. Brys, Welsh, agihty, quickness; Bresse, local, a small territory in Burgundy, France. BRENDOK (Cor. Br.) Local. The crow's hill; from Brm, a crow, and dun or don, a hill. BRENIQAN. (Cor. Br.) A Umpet. BRENIN". (Cor. Br.) From Brenhin, a tributary prince; a king. Brenin, Welsh, a chief. BRENTWOOD. Local. A town in Essex, England, and sig- nifies burnt- wood ; brent signifying burnt, from the Anglo- Saxon brennan, to burn. BREWER, BREWISTER, BREWSTER. A brewer of malt liquor. OP FAMILY NAMES. 79 BEET aud BRETT. Probably contracted from Breton, a Briton; hretle, Frencli, a long sword; hrat and bretyn, in the Welsh, signify an urchin. BRETON. (British.) A native of Britain ; Bretton, a town in Fhntshire, Wales. BREUILLY. (Fr.) LocaL A coppice. BRIAl!^ or BRIOK (G-aelic.) The noUy descended^ from Bri^ dignity, honor, and aw, diminutive of that to which it is an- nexed, belonging to it ; G-aelic, gin or gen, begotten. Bri, Welsh, honor; h'iadd, honorary. Bailey derives Brian from Bruiant, Frencli, clamorous. Brian, in the G-aelic, also implies one who is fair-spoken, wordy, specious. BRIANT or BRYANT. (Gaelic.) Dignity, honor; from Bri, exalted, and ant, a termination, implying the being or state of that to which it is annexed ; equivalent to the Greek av, and the Latin ens. BRIENNE. Local A town of France, either so called from its elevation, or being the ancient meeting-place of the Brians or nobles. BRILL. (Dutch.) Local So called from Bril, a neat city in tho Netherlands. BRIARE. Local From Briare, a town in the province of Orleans, France. BRIERLT. Local The briar-lee; French, hruyere, shrubs growing on commons and heaths. BRICE. (Welsh.) A contraction of Ap Rice, the son of Rice, which is the same as Rhys or Rhees (see Rhees). Brys, Welsh, haste, quick, hvely. BRICK. A corruption of Breck (which see). We cut the fol- lowing, on this name, from a newspaper : A certain college-professor, who had assembled his class at the commencement of the term, was reading over the Hst of names to see tliat all were present. It chanced that one of 80 ETYMOLOGICAL, DICTIONARY the number was unknown to the professor, having just entered the class. " What is your name, sir ?" asked the professor, looking through his spectacles. " You are a brick," was the startling reply. " Sir," said the professor, half starting out of his chair at the supposed impertinence, but not quite sure that he under- stood liim correctly, " sir, I did not exactly understand your answer." " You are a brick," was again the composed reply. "This is intolerable," said the professor, his face reddening; " beware, young man, how you attempt to insult me." " Insult you I" said the student, in turn astonished. " How have I done it?" " Did you not say I was a brick ?" returned the professor, with stifled indignation. " No, sir ; you asked me my name, and I answered your ques- tion. My name is U. R. A. Bricks-Uriah Reynolds Ander- son Brick." "Ah, indeed," murmured the professor, sinking back into his seat in confusion — " it was a misconception on my part. Will you commence the lesson, Mr. Brick ?" BRIDGE and BRIDGES. Local. Any structure of wood, stone, or other materials, raised over rivers for the passage of men and other animals. BRIDGMAK. One who attends a bridge; a builder of bridges. BRIDE. (Gaehc.) From Brighidj a hostage, pledge, or secu- rity. The son of Bridget. Cormac, Archbishop of Cashel, in his glossary, defines BrigJiid " fiery dart," and that it was the name of the Muse who was believed to preside over ■ poetry, in pagan times, in Ireland. Breochuidh, a term given to those virgins who kept the perpetual fire of Beil or Belus among the Druids and ancient Celts. BRIGGS. From the Anglo-Saxon hrigg, a bridge; brig, Welsh, height, the top of any thing. OP FAMILY NAMES. 81 BEIG-HTOIsr. Local. A town on the coast of Sussex, Eng- land, anciently called BrigJitelmstone, from Brithelm, i. e., bright helmet, who was bishop of Bath and Wells, about the year 955. The bright town. BRIMMER. From the Anglo-Saxon Bremman, Breme, or Brrni, to extend, to amplify to the utmost limits ; to be vio- lent, furious, to rage ; a violent, bold, furious man ; " Fough- ten breme," that is, "He fought furiously." Br&mmer, a native of Bremen^ Germany. BRINKERHOFF. (Dutch.) Brengerliof, messenger of the court, or head messenger or carrier ; from Brenger, a mes- senger, and Tiof, a court, or Jioofd^ head, chief, a leader. BRISBAN" or BRISBIK This name is local, and may signify the Mount or Hill of Judgment, a place where courts were held and law administered, among the Celts and Britons, from the Cornish-British Irez or hrys, a judgment, a trial at law, and han, a hill, a mount. In Gaelic, Breasban signifies the royal mount ; Briosgabhain, the rapid river ; Brisheinn, the broken hill or clifi*. BRISTED. (Sax.) Local. From hrihs, bright, pleasant, and stead, a place — a bright, pleasant place. BRISTOL. (Gaelic and Welsh.) Local. A city in England. The name signifies "The broken chasm;" from bris, Gaehc, broken, and tuU, Welsh, tol, a hole, cleft or chasm. This corresponds to the ancient name of Bristol, which was Caer Oder, i. e., " the City of the Gap" or chasm, through which the Avon finds a passage to the sea. BRISTOW. (Sax.) Local. From briJis, pleasant, bright, and stow, the same as stead, a place. BRITTE. A word used in Dutch poetry for a Brittainer. BRITTON, BRITTEN, and BRITTAK A native of Britain, the ancient name of England. Several derivations have been given to Britain, such as Brydon or Prydyn, Welsh, the fair tribe, or brave men. Bridaoine, Gaelic, from Bri, dignity, and daoine^ men. Pryddain, the fair and beautiful 4-^ 82 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY isle. Brait or Briand, extensive, and in, land. Brit-tcme, the land of tin. BROCK From the Saxon Broc, a badger. Broch, in Gaelic or Irish, Cor. Br. and Welsh, has the same meaning. BROCKLESBY. Local. Derived from BrocJdes, a small town of that name in England, and hy, near to ; a village. Dutch, Broch, a marsh ; also, broken land. In a party in which the celebrated Porson was a guest, there was also a physician by this name, Dr. Brocklesby, a de- scendant of the eminent man who attended Dr. Johnson in his last illness. In addressing Dr. Brocklesby, Porson called him Dr. Rock — "Yes, Dr. Rock — no, Dr. Rock," etc. — a name rendered almost infamous by Hogarth, in his picture of the " March of the Guards." At length. Dr. Brocklesby became offended, and said, " Mr. Porson, my name is not Rock, it is Brocklesby," pronouncing the syllables distinctly, Brock-les-by. " Well," said Porson, " if Broch-les-h is not Rock, then I know nothing of Algebra. BRODIE. (Gaelic.) Local. From the lands of Brodie, Co. Moray, Scotland. The name signifies a Httle ridge; a brow; a precipice. Brody, a town of GaUicia. BRODT. Local. So named from a town in Sclavonia, settled by an ancient people who came from Scythia. BROME or BROOME. The Earls of Anjou first took the sur- name of Brome or Broome after their pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Fulke, Earl of Anjou, having worn a sprig of the broom-plant as the symbol of humility. BROMFIELD or BROOMFIELD. Local. The field abound- ing in broom. BROMLEY. Local. From Bromley, a small town in England, so called from brome or broom, and ley, a field or common. BROOME. The same as Brome, above. BRONSON, BRUNSOK A contraction of Brownson, the son of Brown. Briaunson, local, a place in France. This name came into England with William the Conqueror. OF FAMILY NAMES. 83 BROOKS. Local. Brooks, Becks, and Rundels are names for small rivers. BROSTER. (Cor, Br.) Greatness, majesty. BROTHERSON. The same as nephew. BROUGHAM. Local. Originally Burgham, The village on a hill ; a borough town. The name of a place in England. BROUGHTOK Local. A town on the hill; a village in Flintshire, England. BROWER, (Dutch.) From Brouwer^ a brewer. BROWN. A name derived from complexion, color of hair or garments, consequently, a very common name. BROWNSOK The son of Brown. BRUCE. (Nor. Fr.) Local De Bruys ; from Bray or ^ Bruys, a place in Normandy where the family originated. De Bruys was one of the followers of WiUiam the Con- queror, and fought at the battle of Hastings. From this ancestor, King Robert Bruce was descended. BRUNNER. Local, From a town of that name in Switzerland. BRUX. Local. A town in England. BRUYERE. (Fr.) Local. A common or heath covered with shrubs. BRYAN. The same as Brian or Brien (which see). BRYN. (Welsh.) A mountain ; a mountaineer. BRYCE. (Welsh.) A contraction of Ap Rhys, the son of Rhys or Rhees. (See Rhees.) BRYNE. Local. A river in Donegal, Ireland ; in Welsh, a hill. Bryne^ Saxon, a burning. BUCHAN. Local. A district of Aberdeenshire, Scotland. The derivation of the name is uncertain. It may be from the Gaelic hoc^ hocan, deer ; a place abounding in deer. BUCHANAN. Local. A parish in the shire of SterHng, Scot- land. The derivation of the name is uncertain. It is prob- ably from the same root as Bv-chan. 84 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY BUCHER. (Fr.) Pronounced Booshay. A wood-house ; pile of wood; pyre; faneral-pile. BUCK. Such names as Lyon, Bull, Buck, etc., may have been borrowed from armorial bearings, the shields and banners of war, or for a resemblance to those animals noted for cour- age, agiUty, or swiftness, or from signs and emblems over shops and inns. BUCKBEE. Local. The town or village among the beech- trees, from hoc, a beech-tree, and by, a village. BUCKHOUT. (Dutch.) Local. The beech-wood; from beuk, a beech, and lioudt, a wood. BUCKINGHAM. (Sax.) Local. A shire and town in Eng- land, and so called either from Biicen, beechen, and Tiam, a village, from the abundance of beech-trees grow-ing there, or from the Saxon hucca, deer — the deer-vUlage. BUCKLIN. (Graelic.) Local. From Bucklyn^ a town in Sterlingsliire, Scotland. The name may be derived from Boc, plural, BuiCj a roe-buck, deer, and linne, a pool or lake. BUCKM ASTER. A name, probably given to one who had the care of herds of venison. BUCKMrN"STER. (Sax.) From lucm, beechen, or lugan^ to bend, a bow, a comer, round ; and minster, a church, a mon- astery. BUCKSTON or BUXTOK (Sax.) Local. From hoc, a beech-tree, and ton, a town — ^beech-town. BUDD. (Welsh.) Thrift, gain, riches, victory ; hod, a dwell- ing. Bud, in the Danish, signifies a messenger, courier, a sergeant. BUDDINGTOK Local. The flourishing town, or Bodding- ton, the dwelling town. Buttington, a place on the Severn, England, which may indicate the town on the limit, bound- ary, or extremity. BUEL. (Welsh.) A herd of cattle; an ox. Biidl, local, a place in France. OF FAMILT NAMES. 85 BULKELEY or BUCKLEY. Local. Derived from the manor of Bulkeley, in the County Palatine of Chester, England. A corruption of BuMocTc-ley^ the bullock-field or pasture. BULL. A well-known animal, powerful, fierce, and violent. The name may have originated from the sign of a shop or inn, as " John at the Bull." Biil^ in Saxon, is a brooch, a stud, a bracelet. BULLARD. Having the disposition of a bull. BULLER. (Danish.) Bohr, a gallant ; an amorist. BULLOCK. A fuU-grown ox. All the families of Bulls, Bul- lards, and Bullocks are noted for being firm and inflexible in their way. BULLIONS. Probably local, from BoUeyne^ a town in France, whence the family of Anne Boleyne took their name ; or fi'om the city of Boulogne^ which was so called from Beul, Gaelic, the mouth, and Liane^ the river, or the ^^ mouth of Lkme^'' it being situated at the mouth of that river. BUN. (Gaelic.) A foundation ; Bunn^ a hill. BUNNELL. Local. A corruption of BonMU, a parish in the county of Dumbarton, Scotland. BUNTING. A kind of bird. BUNYAN. (Welsh, Celtic, and Gaelic.) Erom Bunan, a squat, short person. BURR. (Saxon.) Burli, a wall, a fortress, a castle ; a hill, a heap, the same as burgh. BURBECK. Local. The beak or point of the hill; from Burh^ a hill, and hek, Dutch, a point, a beak ; or from Burhj a hni, castle, fort, or dwelling, and hech, a brook. BURBY. (Saxon.) The house or village on the hill ; from Bur, a liill, and hy, a house or village. BURD. Local. A river in France. 86 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY BUEDEN. Lower says this name is probably a corruption of bourdon^ a pilgrim's staff, — a very appropriate sign for a wayside hostelry. It may be local, derived from Bour^ a house (from the Saxon hure^ a bed-chamber), and den^ a valley — the house in the valley. BURDER, A bird-catcher or fowler. BURDETT. A Utile bird, ett signifying young, small, tender. BURG. In all tlie Teutonic languages signifies a hill, a fortifi- cation, tower, castle, house, city, and nearly so in the Armoric and Welsh. BURGESS. An inhabitant of a borough ; a freeman, citizen ; a representative of a borough in parhament. BURGOS. Local A city of Spain, in Old Castile, situated beside a liiU, on the river Arlanzon. BURGOYNE. Local From Bourgogne, now Burgundy, an old province of France. A name given to a native of that province. BURKE. A corruption of {De) Burgo, as the name was for- merly written, that is, from the fort, castle, hill, or city. Tliis family went from Normandy into England with the Conqueror, and afterward into Ireland with Strongbow. BURLASE. (Cor. Br.) Local The green summit or top, BURLEIGH. Local Burh, Saxon, is the same as burg, a city, castle, house, or tower ; in composition, it signifies de- fense; leighj a low place, opposed to a place higher, the same as ley, a meadow, a pasture. Burly, swelled, bulky, boisterous. BURNHAM. Local Derived from Burnham, a town in Nor- folk, also in Essex, England ; in the old EngHsh, Bourn or Burn, signifies a river, and ham, a village or town — the vil- lage by the river. Bourn, burn, and bern, in the Cornish- British, is a hill, a heap ; and Burnham, the house or town on the rising ground. OF FAMILY NAMES. 87' BURN'S. Local. A hum, in Scotland, is a small stream, the . same as Bourne. Biorn, in the Danish and Swedish, signi- fies a bear, figuratively, a ferocious, vaUant man. BURNSIDE. Local. Beside the brook or burn. BURRAED. Local. A high hill or top. Boorard, resembling a countryman; Boer, Dutch, a rustic, a farmer, and ardj nature, mode, kind. BURRELL. Borel is used by Chaucer in the sense of lay, as horel-clerks — ^lay-clerks. It may be a corruption of Borrail (which see). BURT. (G-aeUc.) Burt, quizzing, joking ; also, in Enghsh, a kind of fish. Buurt, Dutch, a hamlet, consisting only of a few houses ; a neighborhood. BURTIS. (Welsh.) Bwrdais, a burgess. BURTOK Local. A town in Leicestershire, En^and. The name signifies either the town on the hUl, or, as Bailey says, the Bur-town, from the abundance of burs growing there- abouts. There are several places by this name in England. BUSHNELL. (Dutch.) Bossen-haU, a faggot or wood-mar- ket, or a hall or mansion in the wood. BUSHWELL. Local. Bushwild. From hush and well, vnldy wold, a wood, a lawn, or plain ; an uncultivated bushy place ; Bushfeldt, the bushy field. BUSK. (Swed.) From Busche, a wood, a thicket. BUSKIRK. (Dutch.) Local. From Bos, a wood, and leerk, a church — the church in the wood. BUSSEY. (Fr.) Local. From the town of Bussey, in the province of Burgundy, France. BUTLER. This family derive theh origin from the old Counts of Briony or Biony, in Normandy, a descendant of whom, Herveius Fitz Walter, accompanied the Conqueror into England. His son, Theobold, went with Henry IL into Ireland, where, having greatly assisted in the reduction of 88 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY the kingdom, he was rewarded with large possessions there, and made it the place of his residence. The king afterward conferred on him the oQioe of chief Butler of Ireland, whence his descendants, the Earls of Ormond and others, took the surname of De Boteler or Butler. BUTMAN. Local. Perhaps the man who lives at the hutt or boundary; a marksman. Botman, one who gives a blunt answer. BUTTS. Butts were marks for archery. In most parishes places were set apart for this necessary sport which were called " the Butts," — Whence, the name was given to a person residing near such a spot, as "John at the Butts." But signifies a promontory, as the Butt of Lewis, an isle of Scotland. Danish, But, blunt, rough. BUXTON. Local. From the Saxon hoc, a beech, G-erman, huche, and ton — the beech-town. A village in Derbyshire^ England. BYPIELD. The viUage in the field, from By, Danish, a town, — or the place by or near the field. BYGtBY. (Danish.) Barley-town; from byg, Danish, barley. BYING-TOK (Saxon.) From Bying, a habitation, and ton, a hill or inclosure. BYRON". (Ft.) Local. Originally De Biron, from the town of Biron, in the province of Gruienne, France. CAD. (Qaelic and Welsh.) War, a battle-field. CADE. An old word for a barrel or cask; probably taken from a sign at an ale-house or tavern — ^^John at the Cade." Shakspeare.uses Cade in this sense : "Cade. — ^We, John Cade, so termed of our supposed father. Dick. — Or rather of stealing a cade of herrings 1" Hen. YI., Act IY., Sc. H. CADOaAN. (Welsh.) Terrible in battle; fi-om cad, battle, and gwg, fierce. OF FAMILY NAMES. 89 CADELL. (Welsh.) WaiHke. Gaelic, Cathdl CADER, (Welsh.) A keep, fortress, or strong-hold. OADWALLADER. (Welsh.) Derived from cad, battle, and gvxdadr, a leader, a lord — ^the leader or lord of the battle. Gwaladr would seem to come from gwdl, a wall or defense^ and adre, signifying at home or abroad, everywhere. CAD WELL. Local. A village in South Wales; written Cydwell. CADY. Ca-dia, in Gaelic, the house of God. There is a com- monalty of Switzerland called Gotthespunt, or Casdee, i. e.. the house of God. Cadie, in the Scottish, is an errand-boy^ a messenger. CAETH. (Welsh.) A captive. CAIN. (Welsh and Gaelic.) Chaste, beloved, fair, beautiful. CAIRN. (Cor. Br.) Local. A circular mound of stones. CALDER. Local. A river in Yorkshire, England. Calduor^ Gaelic and Welsh, the water that incloses or shuts in. CALDERWOOD. Local. The wood on the river Calder. CALDICOTT, COLDICOT, and CALDECOTE. Local. (Welsh.) Ool-dow-cwU, Oolcoit, the neck of the wood. O'Connor derives Caldecott from Cald-i-scoi, the inclosure of the Scot ; a locality hemmed in by Glamorgan, the Wye, and high lands on the north. A village in Hertfordshire, England. CALDWELL. Local. Col-ivold, the wood of hazels; or it may be Cold-well, a cold spring. CALHOUN. A corruption of Colquhoun (which see). CALL. (Welsh.) Prudent, discerning, cunning, trickish Caill and Cuil, Gaelic, are the same. CALLAGHAN. (Gaehc or Celtic.) From Ciallach, prudent, judicious, discreet. 90 ETYMOLOOICAL DICTIONARY CAMERON. (Graelic.) From Carrie crooked, and sron^ nose, crooked or hooked-nose. CAMPBELL. (Celtic and Caelic.) Wry-mouth, the man whose mouth inclined a httle on one side; from cam^ crooked, distorted, and heul^ the mouth. This ancient family may be traced as far back as the beginning of the fifth century, and is said to have been possessed of Lochore, in Argyleshire, as early as the time of Fergus II. Sir Colin Campbell, of Lochore, flourished toward the end of the thirteenth century, and was called Sir Colin More, or Colin the Great His descendants were called by the Irish Mc Calleriy tliat is, the descendants of CoHn. CAM. (G-aelic and Welsh.) Crooked, winding; injury, deceit^ injustice. CAMUS. (Graelic) A bay, a creek, a harbor. Camoys, one whose nose is turned upwards. CAN or CAIN. (G-aelic.) Clear, white, fair, and hence, be- loved, dear ; can^ a lake, a whelp- CANN. (Gaehc.) Ceann and Kin; Welsh, Ken or Cen, the head; projection. CANNING. (Saxon.) Cyning, a leader, a king. Germ., KOnig ; Butch, Koning ; J)a.n., Konge; Swedish, Konung ; Welsh, cun; Irish, cean, which is tiie same as the Gaelic Ceann, and the oriental Khan or Kaun, all signifying head, a leader. Saxon Connan and Cunnan, to see, to know; hence Cunning, or Canning, Kenning. CANON. (Welsh.) The river Taf is called in the interior the Canon, or the singing river. A rule, a law ; a dignitary of the church- CAPEL. An old word signifying a strong horse. " And gave him caples to his carte." Chaucer. Capel, Danish, an oratory, a chapel OF FAMILY NAMES. ' 91. CARACTACUS. (Gaelic.) From Caer, a castle or city; eacht, an exploit, and cios, a tribute, expressive of his abil- ities in conducting an offensive, as well as a defensive war ; or, as O'Connor derives it, from Cathreacteac-eis, the leader of the host in battle. CARD. A word used in some parts of Scotland to denote a travehng tinker. Ceairde, G-aehc, a tradesman. GARDEN. Local. Assumed from the manor of Cawarden or Carden, near Chester, in England. CAREW. (Welsh.) Derived from the castle of Carrw, in Wales. The castle by the water, from Caer, castle or fort, and ew, water. CAREY or CARY. Local. From the manor of Cary or Kari, as spelled in the Doomsday Book, in the parish of St. Giles, near Launceston, England. Cary, in the British, signifies beloved, dear. This name may be the same as Carew. CARMICHAEL. Local. Assumed from the lands and barony of Carmichael, in the shire of Lanark. The castle or strong- hold of Michael, from mer, a castle or fortified place. CARNE and CARNES. (Welsh.) Local. A rock, a heap of stones. This family claim descent from Ithel, King of Ghent, now Monmouthshire. Thomas o'r Gare, youngest son of Ithel, King of Ghent, was brought up at one of his father's seats called Pencarne (from pen, the head, and carne, a rock, a heap of stones), whence he was named Came, which continues the surname of the family. CARNIGAN. In the Gaelic, Carneach signifies a Druid or priest, and Carnahan, rocky or stony ground. CARR. This name has several significations; Caer, Cornish- British, a city, town, a fort, a castle ; Carre, French, a stout, broad-shouldered man ; Cawr, Welsh, a giant. CARTER. A name of trade, one who drives a cart. CairteaVj Gaehc, a tourist, a sojourner. 92 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY CARSON or CORSON. The son of Car; Ourson, the stock of a vine. CARTERET or CARTRET. (Gaelic and Welsh.) Local. The place or town of the castle. CAR WIN. (Cor. Br.) Local. The white castle; from cmr^ a castle, and win or gwin^ white. CARY. The same as Garey (which see). CASE. (French.) Gase. A hut, a hovel ; Caelic, cass^ caise, steep ; quick, hasty, passionate. CASS. (G-aelic.) Cos, a verb, to turn against, to thwart, oppose ; a difficulty, a trying situation, a cause. Gas, a castle, the primary sense is to separate, drive off, or hate ; the radical sense of hatred is driving off. CASSIDY. (Gaelic.) From casaideach, apt to complain or accuse. Gasadow, in the Cor. Br., signifies an offender. CATHCART. (Gaelic.) Local. From the parish of Cathcart, in Lanark and Renfrew, Scotland. The river Cart runs through it, whence the name is derived. Gaeih- Cart, from caetJi, a strait, the river here running in a narrow channel CATHERWOOD. (Gaelic.) Local. A fenny-wood, wet ground, from Gathar, soft, boggy ground ; or the fortified place in a wood, from Gathair, Gaelic, a town, a fortified city, a guard, a sentinel. CAVAN. (Welsh and Gaelic.) Local. The ridge of a hilL CAW. Local. Gaelic, Ga, a house, a place fortified, inclosed, surrounded. Gaw, Welsh, whatever defends or keeps together ; Gawr, an old English word for a king. Gaw or Gu, an ancient king of North Britain whose capital was Dumbarton. OAXTON. Local. Derived from Caxton, a small town in England. OF FAMILY NAMES. 93 CAY. Kea^ in the Cornish-British and Welsh, is an inclosure ; that which fastens or secures; a landing for vessels; French, quai; Dutch, haai ; Gaelic, ceithe. CAYLY. Local. From Calais^ a sea-port of France; Cola, Gaelic, a harbor, port, haven, bay, a road for ships. CHAD WICK. Local. The cottage by the harbor, or sheltered place ; from the Saxon Cyte and wick; Oyte signifies a cot- tage, and wicJc, a harbor, a sheltered place. It may be so called from the shad fisheries. CHAFFEE. (Fr.) Chafe^ to heat, to grow warm or angry; Fr., chauffer, to warm, to cannonade, attack briskly. CHALK. A well-known earth ; a locahty. Chalk, Saxon, a servant or attendant. CHALLIS. A cup or bowl ; taken perhaps from the sign of a house or shop. CHALLONER. Local. Derived from a town in France of the same name. This family derive their origin from Macloy Crum, of the fine of chiefs in Wales, who resided several years in Challoner. CHALMERS or CHAMBERS. One of the clan Cameron of Scotland, going to France, put his name in a Latin dress, as was customary in those times, styhng himself De Cameraria, which was called in French, De la Chamhre, and upon his return to Scotland, he was again, according to their dialect, called Chambers. Chalmers is a corruption of the same. CHAMPE. (Fr.) Local. From champ, a field. CHAMPION. A soldier, one that fought in pubhc combat in his own or another man's quan-el. CHAMPLIX or CHAMPLAIK The same as champaign, a flat, open country; from Champ, an open, level field or plain, and lean, a meadow ; laine, Gaehc, full ; leaihanrij wide ; Cor. Br., laun ; Welsh, Uann, full, wide. CHAMPNEY.' (Fr.) Local. From Champ, a field, and ey, water — the wet country or country near the water. 94 ETYMOLOaiCAL DICTIONARY CHANDLER. A name of trade ; a maker and seller of various wares, originally of candles. CHANNINGr. (Saxon.) Cyrdng, knowing, wise; Dutch, Koning, whence king j the same derivation as Canning. CHAPEL. Local. A private oratory ; a place of public wor- ship. CHAPIN. A corruption of Chapman ; a trader, a shopman. CHAPMAN. The same as Chipman, a trader, a shopman; from the Saxon ceapan or cypan, to buy or sell. Sax., ceap^ a bargain, a price ; one who cheapens, asks the price, buys. CHARLES. (G-er.) From carl, strong, stout, courageous, and valiant. The Hungarians called a king by the general name Carl, and Scaliger makes Carl-man the same as the Greek dvdpiac. CHARNOCK. (Nor. Fr.) Local. Derived from the town of Chernoc, in Normandy. CHATHAM or CHETHAM. Local From a town in Kent, England, on the Medway, so named from the Saxon cyte, a cottage, and ham, a village, signifying the village of cottages. A paragraph to the following effect went the round of the papers not many years since : Two attorneys in partnership had the name of the jBrm, "Catcham and Chetum," inscribed, in the usual manner, upon their office-door ; but as the singularity and ominous juxta-position of the words led to many a coarse joke from passers-by, the men of law attempted to destroy, in part, the eflfect of the odd association, by the insertion of the initials of their Christian names, which happened to be Isaiah and Uriah ; but this made the affair ten times worse, for the inscription then ran : " /. Catcham and TJ. Chetum r OHATSEY or CHADSEY. Local From the Saxon cyU, a cottage, and sey, near the water. OF FAMILY NAMES. 00 CHATSWOETH. Local, Derived from a viUage of that name in Derbyshire, England, and signifying the cottage-farm; from cyte, a cottage, as above, and wcyrth, a place or estate. CHATTERTON. Local. Chadderton^ Saxon, cete-doir-ton, the cottage-town in the wood ; from cete or cyte, a cottage, hut, cabin; doir^ a wood, and torij a town. CHEDSEY. Local. From Chertsey^ a town in Surrey, Eng- land, near the Thames, pronounced by the natives, Chedsey, meaning " Cerot's Island." CHEESEMAN. A dealer in cheese. CHEEVER. (Fr.) Chevir signifies to master or overcome ; and Chevre is a goat. CHENEY. (Fr.) Local. From Chene, an oak; Chenaie, a grove, a plantation of oaks. CHESEBROUGH. Local. The cheese-borough or town. Chessbro, the hill or town on the river Chess. CHESTER. Local. From the city of Chester, the capital of Cheshire, England, founded by the Romans. The name is derived from the Latin Castrum; Saxon, ceaster, a fortified place, a city, a castle or camp, it being a Roman station where the twentieth legion was quartered. The Roman stations in England were generally so called, being sometimes varied in dialect to Chester, Chaster, or Caster, the termina- tion of many EngUsh towns, as Colchester, the camp on the river Coin ; Doncaster, on the Don ; Lancaster, on the Lon or Lune, etc. CHICHESTER. Local. From the city of Chichester, Sussex, England, whose Saxon name was Cissanceaster ; from Cissaj the son of Aella, who settled the kingdom of the South- Saxons ; and ceaster or Chester, a city, from castrum, a Roman station. CHICKERINQ. (Cor. Br.) Local. The stone house, a house on a rock, a fortress ; from chi, a house, and cairne, a rock or stones. 96 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIQNARy CHILDS. Child, Page and Varlet were names given to youths from seven to fourteen years of age, while receiving their education for knighthood, CHILTON. Local From a town of the same name in Wilt- shire, England, signifying the chalk-hills; from the Saxon cylt^ clay or chalk. CHIPMAN. A trader. (See Chapman.) GHITTENDEK (Cor. Br. and Welsh.) The lower house on the rising or fortified ground ; from Chy-tane-din — Chy, a house, tane, lower, and din or dun, a hiE. CHOLMONDELEY. (Norman.) Local The place at the gorge or neck of the mountain ; from Col, a strait or defile, and mond or mont, a hill. This name is pronounced Chum- ley. An English gentleman meeting the Earl of Cholmon- deley one day coming out of his own house, and not being acquainted with him, asked him if Lord Chol-mond-e-ley (pronouncing each syllable distinctly) was at home. " No," repHed the peer, without hesitation, " nor any of his pe-o- ple." CHUBB. From the Saxon cob, a great-headed, full-cheeked fellow. The fish called chulih was so named from its having a large head. CHUECH. Local A house of Christian worship, derived from the old Enghsh chirch, and Scottish Kirh, Latin circus, and this from the Gaehc cearcal, h. temple, a round building. The root of Church is from the GraeHc car, roundness, from which we have cirhe or hirhe. CILLY. Local A town in Cermany. CLAGET. (Ger.) From Jdugheif, good sense, wisdom, pru- dence, dexterity. The Danish klegt signifies the same. CLAPP. (Cor. Br.) Full of chat, tonguey ; from the Cornish- British clap, prating, CLARE. (Fr.) Clair^ from the Latin Clarus, pure, re- nowned, illustrious. OF FAMILY NAMES. 9T CLARK. Clerk, a clergyman, a scholar, one who can read and write. CLAUSON. Local. A town of Germany, near Pozen; de- rived from Maicse, a mountain defile. CLAVERINGr. Local. First assumed by the proprietors of the barony of Clavering, in Essex, England, near the spring- head of the river Tort. Derived from the Anglo-Saxon dcefer, or Belgic Jdaver, both denoting clover; and ing^ a meadow, a pasture — the clover-fields. CLAY. Local, A town of France in Seine. A lake on the isle of Lewis, Scotland. Clee, hills in Wales. Cle, left- handed, a place lying to the left, in relation to another place. Cledh, chid, and cladd, in the GaeHc, Welsh, and British, signify a ditch, a trench, a wall; cladh, a church-yard; cledd, Welsh, a sword; GaeHc, claiheamh, from which we have G lay more, a large sword. The same word in Welsh and Gaehc that signifies a river is often applied to a sword, from their resemblance in ghttering brightness. CLAYTOR Local. The clay-hill. CLEARY or CLERY. From the Gaelic Oleireach, a clerk, a clergyman, a writer. A noted family of historians whose estates were in the county of Donnegal, Ireland. CLEAVER. English, one who cleaves ; a dweller on a cleave or cliff. CLEMENT. From the Latin Clemens, mild, meek, gentle. CLEVELAND. Local. Derived from a place by that name in Yorkshire, England; a corruption of Cliff-lane, and so called from its being steep and almost impassable with cliffs and rocks. CLIFF, Local. A steep bank, a precipice ; a town in North- amptonshire, England. CLIFFORD, Local. The ford or way by the cliff. 5 98 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY CLIFTON. Local A small village in England ; the town on the cliff. CLrCTG. (Danish.) EJinge^ a blade, a sword. CLING-MAN. (Danish.) A swordsman, fencer, fighter. CLINTON. (Dano-Norman.) Local. Klint, a promontory, brow of a hill, cape ; and ton, a town. Colonel Charles Clinton, the progenitor of the distinguished family of CHn- ton, and his associate emigrants from Ireland, settled, in 1722, in " Little Britain," Orange Comity, New York. CLOSSON. (Dutch.) The son of Klaas, the abbreviation of Nicholas among the Dutch. Klaas-son, the son of Nicholas. So Santa Klaas for St. Nicholas. CLOUGH. (Anglo-Saxon.) Local A small valley between hills, a breach ; from the past of the Anglo-Saxon participle cleqfian, to cleave, divide. CLOWES. (Anglo-Saxon.) Local. A cUff or cleft in a hiU; from Clough, as above. CLUM. Local A place in Germany, the ancient residence of the Knight of Clum, the fi:iend of John Huss. CLUTE. lauii, Dutch, a lamp; "hij heeft kluiten," he has got the chink, he is rich. COATES. Local The side, the shore, coast, border. COBERN. Local. A town in Germany; the high or united hill. COBB. Local. A harbor; as the Cobb of Lyme-Regis, County Dorset, England. COCHRAN. Local Cocrinn^ Gaehc, a point or promontory in open sight ; from Coe, manifest, plain, and Www, a cape or promontory. COCKBURN. Local. The brook by the hillock ; from coch^ a luUock, and &wm, a brook. OF FAMILY NAMES. ftOf COE. The primitive word Co is an elevation, exalted. Ko\ in the Coptic, is a rock; hoh^ Persic, a hill; Coey, Graehc, a hero, literally, a dog. Lower says that Coe is a Norfolk provinciahsm to designate " an odd old fellow." COOEY. Gaelic, Cu-maighe, figuratively, the hero or swift warrior ; literally, the " dog of the plain.^^ COEYMAN. (Dutch.) The cow-man; from hoey, a cow. Kooimarij a man who decoys ducks. COFFIN. Local. Cyffin, in Welsh, signifies a boundary, a limit, a hiU; cefyn^ the ridge of a hill. This name has its origin from Co, high, exalted, and fin, a head, extremity, boundary. This family settled early in this country, on the sland of Nantucket, near Cape Cod, where the name is very common. The following humorous lines, descriptive of the characteristics of the different famiUes residing on that island, were written by one Daniel AUen, a native of the island, more than a hundred years ago : " The hasty Coffin, fi-actious, loud, The silent Gardiner, plotting, The Mitchells good, the Barkers proud, The Macys eat the pudding ; The Rays and Evssels coopers are, The knowing Folger lazy, A learned Coleman very rare, And scarce an honest Hiossey." COaaESHALL or COGSWELL. Local. Derived from the town of Coggeshall, in Essex, England ; Cog, a small boat, and shoal, a place where the water is shallow, and where fish abound, a fishhig-place. COHEN. (Heb.) A bishop or priest. COIT. Local. A wood. COLBERN. Colbrin, Welsh, the hazel-hiU; fi-om Coll (plural), hazel, and hryn, a hill. 100 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY COLBURN. (Oor. Br.) The dry well, or the well on the neck of the hill. COLBY. Local. Kolbye, a town in Denmark ; Col^ with or near, the " &?/" o^" town. COLE. An abbreviation of Nicholas, common among the Dutch. COLEMAN and COLMAN. A dealer or workman in coals. Gaelic, Colman, a dove. COLLAMORE. Local. From Ooulommier, a town in France. This family originally came into England with William the Conqueror. Colmar, Graelic, a brave man; CoJlmor, the great wood. COLLEY. Local. CoU-lle, in Welsh, denotes the place of hazel; Cil-lle, the place on the back or neck of the hill; from cil or coZ, the back or neck. CoiUe, Gaehc, a wood. COLLIER. A name of occupation, a dealer or workman in coals. COLLINE. (Fr.) Local. A hill that rises by degrees. COLLINS. (Gaelic.) From Cuihin, darhng, a term of en- dearment applied to young animals, as Catulus, in Latin. In the Welsh, Collen signifies hazel — a hazel-grove. COLQUITE or COLQUOIT. Local. From col, the neck, and coit, a wood. Col, in the Cor. Br., signifies the neck of a hill, a promontory. COLQUHOUN and CALHOUN. According to tradition, the progenitor of this family was a younger son of Conach, King of Ireland, who came to Scotiand in the reign of Gregory the Great, and obtained lands in Dumbartonshire, to which he gave the name of Conachon, corrupted into Colquhoun. I am incHned to think the name is from the Gaelic, denoting one who is brave, lively, quick, and furious in battle; fi-om Colg, and chuoin, the genitive of Cu, a hound, a war-dog. COLSON. The son of Col or Cole (which see). OF FAMILY NAMES. 101 COLT. A name given to one of a sportive disposition, or may be taken from the sign of an inn. " Will at the Colt." COLTON. Local. The town at the neck of the hill, from Co\ the neck of a hill, and ton^ a town. Caltuinn^ Gaelic, hazel. COLVER. From the Dutch Jcoher, one who plays at Jcolf, a favorite game in Holland. COLVILLE. (French.) Local. From Col, a neck, strait, or defile ; a pass between hills ; and ville, a town, the place in the gorge or pass of the dell. COLYEN and COLVIN. Local. From Colvend, a tovm in Kircudbrightshire, Scotland, the ancient name of which was Culwen, derived from Joannes De Culwen. COL WELL or COLVILLE. The village on- the neck of the hill, or near the hazel-wood ; Col, Gaelic, hazel ; and viUe, a village, changed into well. ColdweU denotes the quality of the water, a cold spring ; Colwold, the hazel- wild, or bushy place of hazels. COLY. Local. A little river in Devonshire, England. COMEYN, or DE COMINGES, as it was anciently written ; from Cominges, a town in France, anciently called Lug- dunum Convenarum, situated on a hill near the banks of the river Garonne, so named because people of diverse countries assembled together to dwell in that place. Comeyne or De Cominges went into England with William the Con- queror. CONANT, (Welsh and Gaelic.) Conan, a river. Counant, a cataract in North Wales, from cau, a chasm, a deep hol- low, shut up, and nant, a rivulet. COMSTOCK. (Dutch.) From horn, a dock or harbor, and stock, a stick or timber — the wharf or dock of timber. CONK (Gaelic.) Strength, according to O'Donovan; it is also the genitive plural of cu, a dog. Cond, signifies pro- tecting, keeping. 102 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTION ART CONDE. May be a local name from the town of Conde, in the French part of Hainault, which gave its name to a branch of the royal family of France, the Princes of Conde. Kun- dig or Jcundy, Dutch, signifies knowing, skillful, expert. CONDER. Conders were persons stationed upon high places near the sea coast to watch the shoals for fishermen, at the time of herring-fishing. The name is derived from the French conduire, to conduct. CONE. (Heb.) A bishop or priest; Jcom, in the Dutch, sig- nifies bold, daring, intrepid. CONKLIN. (Dutch.) From Con, bold, wise, knowing, and klein, Uttle or son, *. e., the son of Con. Konkelen, in Dutch, signifies to plot, intrigue, conspire. Ceangleann, Gaelic, the head of the valley. CONNELL or CONNELLY. (Celtic and aaelic.) From conalj love, friendship. CONNOR or CONOR. (Celtic and Gaelic.) From Oonchohar, the chief of men, powerful among men, a leader. O'Dono- van derives this name from Conn, strength, and cobhair^ aid, assistance. Con-na-fir^ the head of men, CONRAD. (Ger.) Able counsel CONRY. Local. "Gauir ConrigTi,'^ a high mountain near Tralee, County of Kerry, Ireland. CONSTABLE. A name of office. Roger de Lacey first assumed this surname from being constable of Chester, in England. A commander of the cavalry. CONTIN. Local. From Contin, 9, parish in Rosshire, Scot- land, derived from the Gaelic Con-tuinn, signifying the meeting of the waters, alluding to the forking of the river Rasay, which here form an island. CONWAY. (Br. and Celtic.) Local. From a river of that name in Wales, which issues from a lake in Merionethshire, and flows through a fertile vale of the same name, and enters the Irish Sea, at Aberconway; from Con^ head, chief, and wy^ a river. OF FAMILY NAMES. 108 CONYERS. Local. From CoignierSj in Normandy, their ancient residence; came into England with William the Conqueror. COOEY or COE. (Gaelic.) A hero; literaUy, the dog of the glain, from cw, a dog, and magh, a plain. The names of various animals were given anciently to heroes, to denote power, swiftness, or courage. COOKE. One whose occupation it is to prepare victuals for the table. COOKSOK The son of Cook; originally from Settle, in Yorkshire. COOMBS. (Cor. Br.) A place between hills, a valley ; in the Welsh, Cwm. COONS- Dutch, Koen, bold, daring, audacious. Coon, Saxon, bold, COOPER. A name of occupation or trade. The name is also local, from Cupar ^ a town in Fifeshire, Scotland, which is derived from Cu-pyre^ the inclosed fire, or Co, high, a beacon fire, or signal on the coast for ships. Pyre, a beacon fire, on a high place, is the origin of the word pier, a wharf or land- ing-place for ships; Danish, pyr and fyr^ a lantern; irvp, Greek, a fire ; the whole landing-place in time was called the pier. COORTAK (Anglo-Saxon.) A band of soldiers. COOTE. Local. Welsh, Coed, a wood; Cor. Br., Coit and Cut. Coot-hill or Coit-hayle, the wood on the river. COPP. (Sax.) Local A hilL CORBET or CORBIE. (Fr.) A raven. CORBIN. Local The name of a place in Glencreran, Scot- land, signifying a steep hill, from the Gaelic Cor-beann or Cor-beinn. CORDLAN. Welsh, Corddlan, a hamlet, same as Cortlan. 104 ETYMOLOGICAL DIOTIONARY CORKIN. (GaeHc.) Local. The head of the dale; from coire^ a dell, a circular hollow, and ceann^ the head. CORMAC. (Celtic.) The son of the chariot ; first given, it ia said, to a prince of Leinster who happened to be born in a chariot, while his mother was going on a journey. CORNELIUS. From the Latin cornu^ a horn (Greek, /cepaf) ; and ^Aiof, the sun — ^the horn of the sun. CORNELL. In the British it signifies a comer, a place shaped hke a horn (from the Latin cornv). CorneiUe^. in the French, signifies a crow. CORNING. Local Welsh, cornyn, a small horn, or the place of winding or turning. CORNISH. Local. Belonging to Cornwall, indicating the place from which the family came. CORNWALLIS. Local. A native of Cornwall ; Cornwall is derived from cornu, a horn; Welsh, corn and Galivys, the Gauls, the ancient people of France ; a term indicating the circular form of the coast. O'Connor derives Cornwall from carna, altars, and Gael, i. e., the altars of the Gael. CORRIE. Local. A town in' the Isle of Arran, Scotland. Coire, Gaelic, a circular hollow surrounded with hills; a mountain delL COR WIN. (Cor. Br.) Local. The white castle ; from caeTj a castle, and win or gwin, white ; or the white choir. CORSE. (Welsh.) A fen, a wet meadow. Carse, Armorio and Gaehc, a level tract of fertile land. CORY. Carrey, local, a town in Scotland. The word conveys the idea of roundness, bending, turning, the winding of a stream. Gaelic, car; Welsh, cor, a circle, a dell, a glen; caire, a circular hollow surrounded by hills. COSTAR or COSTER. (Dutch.) From Foster, a sexton ; also, a cunning, sly fellow. OP FAMILY NAMES. 105 COTTRELL. A cottage, or a cottager. COTESWORTH. Local The estate or place in the wood ; from coit, a wood, and worth, a place or possession. If from the French cote, the sea-shore, the estate on the shore. COTTON. This name afifords several derivations. Local, Welsh, Coedton, the woody hill ; Coiton, Cuiton, Cor. Br. ; Qwtton, Welsh, the cottage hiU. Cotden, Saxon, the cot in the valley ; Qwthen, Welsh, the ancient cottage or dwelling. COURT. A place inclosed, protected, cut off; that which ex- cludes access. Saxon, curt; Arm., court; Pr., cour ; G-aelic, cuairt, a circle ; Welsh, cor and cwr, a circle. OOURTLANDT. (Dutch.) Local. From Tcort, short, Httle, and land or landt, from the short or narrow land, properly Van Courtlandt. COURTEN'AY. Local. A town of France which stands on a hill on the banks of the small river Clairy, about fifty-six miles south of Paris. This small town has imparted its name to several princes, whose actions are celebrated in French history. The name signifies " The court near the water." COVERT. Local. A sheltered place. COVENTRY. Local. A city in Warwickshire, England; from Coven, a convent, and tre, British, a town — the town of the convent ; Welsh, ^^ Cy faint-trey COWAN. (G-aelic.) Gohhainn, a smith; Gowan, a Scottish word for a wild flower. COWDRAY or COULDRAY. Local. The grove of hazels. COWLEY. Local. The cow-pasture. COX. Coch, Httle — a term of endearment, a diminutive, the same as ot or Mn, used as a termination, as Wilhox, httle Will ; Simcox, httle Sim, etc. The word is also often Used to denote a leader or chief man. Addison says: "Sir Andrew is the code of the club." 106 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY COWLES. A monk's hood or habit. CRADOCK. A corruption of the old British name Garadoc, which is said to signify " dearly beloved." CRAIG-. (Cor. Br. and Welsh.) A rock, a crag, a stone; Gaelic, carraig, a rock, creag, a rock. CRAM. (G-erman.) From kram, a retail shop. CRAMER. (Q-erman.) From kramer, a retail dealer. CRANDELL.- (Welsh.) Local. From kren, round, or cran, wood ; and dal, or dol, a vale — the round or w"oody vale. Orandal, in Irish, signifies the woody vale. CRANSTON or CRANSTOUK Local. The town of (7mw5, a Danish leader who invaded England ; a parish in Edin- burgshire, Scotland. CRAPO. (Fr.) From crapaiid, a toad, an ugly man. CRAVEN. One who begs for his life when conquered ; fi-om crave, a word used formerly by one vanquished in trial by battle, and yielding to the conqueror. Craven is also the name of a place in Yorkshire, England, very stony, derived from craig, Cor. Br., a rock, and pen, a head. CRAWFORD, Local. First assumed by the proprietor of the lands and barony of Crawford, in Lanarkshire, Scotland. The extreme ancestor of the ancient family of Crawford, in Scotland, was Reginald, youngest son of Alan, the fourth Earl of Richmond. He seems to have accompanied David the First to the north, and to have received extensive grants of land in Strath Cluyd, or Clydesdale, whence his imme- diate descendants adopted the name of Crawford, then form- ing one of the largest baronies in Scotland, and signifying in G-aeUc ^^ The pass of blood," from cru, bloody, anad ford, a pass or way, as commemorative, probably, of some sanguinary conflict between the Aborigines and the Roman invaders. 'The name has been derived by others from crodh 8.nd port, pronounced cro-fort, signifying " a sheltering place for cattle." OF FAMILY NAMES. 107 CRAYFORD. Local A town on the river Cray, in Kent^ England. The ford over the Cray. CRESSY. Local, From a town in France by that name. CRICHTOlsr. In the Gaelic, criochton signifies a boundary hill, end, limit, landmark ; creachton, the hill or castle of plunder, or the ruined, pillaged place. CRIGrAN". The same as Crogan ; creagan^ Q-aelic, a little rock. CRITTENDEN. (Cor. Br. and WelsL) Local. The cot on the lower hill ; from cru^ a cot; tone, lower, and dun or din, a hill ; or it may be the chalk hUl, from hrit, Saxon, chalk. CROCKER. A maker of coarse pottery. The word crock sig- nified a large barrel-shaped jar. Chaucer says : " Spurn not as doth a croche against a waL" CROCKET. Kroget, Danish, crooked, bowed, bent. CROFT. Local. A town of the same name in England ; a ^ small field near a dwelling. CROGtAN. (G-aeUc.) A lean httle person ; Hterally, a shell, a pitcher, fi-om hrogan; Crogan, a castle in North Wales. It may signify a little rock. CROMWELL. (Br.) Local. From crom, crooked, and hal or hayle, low, level land bordering on the river or sea. Low- lands on the bend of a river. CRONAN. (Gaelic.) A mournful tune or murmuring sound. CRONKHITE. (Ger.) From Jerankheit, sickly, rickety. CROOKSHANKS. A name descriptive of bodily peculiarity. CROSIER. A bishop's stafij with a cross on the top in the form of a crutch or T. A sign over a shop. CROSS. Local. A place where a cross was erected, or where two ways, roads, or streets intersected each other. CROSSWELL. Local. A cross erected near a well. John at the Cross-well became John Crosswell. 108 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OROTHERS and CROWTHER. (Welsh.) A harper, a musi- cian ; from crwthj a harp, a Scandinavian fiddle. Gaelic, cruit CROUCH. A cross ; from the Latin crux. CROUNSE. Dutch, kruin, the top or crown ; Jcrans^ a wreath or garland ; Krantz, local, a town in the Duchy of Bremen from which the family may have come. CROWELL. Local. From a town in England by that name. CUDNEY. (Br.) From Cud or Coit, a wood, and ey, water — the wood near the water. ■ CITDWORTH. From Cud or Coit, a wood, and worth, a place, a dwelling — the farm or dwelling in the wood. CULLEN. Local. From the town of Cullen, in Banffshire, , Scotland. The derivation is uncertain. It may be from Cuillean, holly, a place of holly-trees; or CulUn, the place at the neck -of the lake, from Cul, a neck, the back of any thing, and ?m, a lake, a pond. CULBERT. (aaelic.) From Culbheart, craft, cunning. CULBERTSON. The son of Culbert. CULVER. A pigeon, a dove. CUMMINGrS. Local. A corruption of Comeyn, anciently ^v^itten De Comminges ; from Comminges, a place in France, whence they came. (See Comeyn.) CUNNINGHAM. Local. A district in Ayrsliire, Scotland. The name signifies the dwelling of the chief or king, from the Saxon, cyning, Dutch, honing, a leader or chief, and ham, a house or town. CUPAR. Local. A borough in Fifeshire, Scotland ; the in- closed or fortified hiU, from Cu, GaeUc, inclosed, and har, a top, a hill. Cu, a hero, a chief — the chiefs hill or fortress. CURTIS. An abbreviation of courteous. It may be from Curthose, a name given for wearing short hose, as the name Curtmantle was given to Henry the Second of England,- fi'om his introducing the fashion of wearing shorter mantles than had been previously used. mmmmmmmm ♦ OF FAMILY NAMES. 109 CUEE. (Dutch.) From Keur, an elector ; as Keursaxen, the elector of Saxony. CUSICK. Kessoch, a town near the Moray Frith, Scotland ; casach, Gaelic, an ascent going up by steps. Casag^ in GaeHc, signifies a long coat or cassock^ formerly a cloak or gown worn by the clergy over the other garments. The name may be local, from the place, or from the pecuhar dress worn by the individual. CUTTEEr. A boat ; a name probably taken from the sign of an inn, as " John at the Cutter." Coutier, French, a weaver or seller of ticking. CUTTEN'G-. (Saxon.) CutJi, well known, famous; and ing, equivalent to the Latin ens, expressing the existence of the quahty or action of the word to which it is affixed; or Cuthing, the son of Cuth. Ing, inge, or inger, in most of the Teutonic languages, denotes offspring, a descendant. CUYLER. (G-er.) From Keiler, a wild boar ; iBguratively, a powerful man. CYNOAD or KINCADD. (Welsh.) The front of the battle. In Gaelic, Oeanncath, the chief or commander of the battle ; from Ceann, the head, commander, or chief, and cath or cad, battle, war. DABNEY. (Nor. Fr.) Local. A corruption of D' Aubigne ; from Aubigne, a town in the department of Cher, France. DAG. (Dutch.) The same as Day — the time between the rising and setting sun; a dagger, a hand-gun, a pistol; a sign over a shop or inn. DAGGETT. Local. Probably a corruption of Dowgate, a place in London, so called from dow, British, water — the water-gate. DALE, DELL, or DEAL. Nearly synonymous ; a bushy vale; low ground, with ground ascending around it. 110 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTION JTRY DALLAS. (Welsh.) Erom Beallus, knowing, skillful DALRY. (G-aelic.) Local. A parish in Ayrshire, Scotland; derived from Bal, a valley, and righ, a king — the valley of the king. DALRYMPLE. Local Taken from the lands and barony of Dalrymple, in Ayrshire, Scotland. The name is said to be a corruption of the Gaehc Dale-roi-milleadh, which signifies " the valley of the slaughter of kings," and the place was so called from a battle fought there before the Cliristian era, in which two kings, Fergus and Coilus, were slain. According to others, it signifies " the valley of the crooked pool" I think the name signifies " the valley on the margin of the , pool," from the Welsh Dol, a valley ; rJiim, the edge or bor- der, and pwllj a pool It is very nearly the same in Gaelic ; Dail, a vale, froimh, by, along the whole extent, and poU, a smaU lake. DALTON. Local Lerived from the town of Dalton, in Lan- cashire, England ; a corruption of Bale-ton, the town in the dale; or D' Alton, abbreviated to Dalton, that is from the high or rocky hill DALZIEL or DAL YELL. (Gaelic.) Local. Taken from the parish of Dalziel, in Lanarkshire, Scotland. The parish is said to have received its name from the old parish church which stood near the Clyde, which was probably so called from Dal, a dale or valley, and ciUe, a church — the church in the valley. There is the following tradition, told by Nisbet, of the origin of the name : "A favorite of Kenneth 11. having been hanged by the Picts, and the King being much concerned that the body should be exposed in so disgraceful a situation, offered a large reward to him who should rescue it. This being an enter- prise of great danger, no one was found bold enough to undertake it, till a gentleman came to the king, and said, Dalziel, that is, * I dare.' In memory of this circumstance his descendants assumed for their arms a man hanging on a OF FAMILY NAMES. Ill gallows, and the motto ' I dare.' " The Dakiels afterward became Earls of Oarnwath. Unfortunately, there is no such word as Ddlziel in either the G-aelic or Celtic, which signifies " I dare." The name is local, as given above. DAN. (Gaelic.) Bold, daring, intrepid. DANA. (Celtic.) From Dana, bold, daring. The chosen successor of a king, among the Celts, was so called ; a poet. DANFORTH or DANFORD. Local. A place in England; the way or ford of the Danes. DANGAN. (Celtic.) Strong, secure. DANGER. A corruption of VAngier, that is, from Angier, a town in France. Lower says, a person named Danger kept a public house near Cambridge on the Huntingdon road. On being compelled to quit his house, he built an inn on the opposite side of the road, and placed beneath his sign '•''Ban- ger from over the way," whereupon his successor in the old hotel, inscribed over }m door, " There is no Danger here now." DANGERFIELD. (Fr.) A corruption of UAngerviUe, that is, from Angerville, a town in the province of Orleans, France. DANIELS. (Heb.) Daniel signifies, the judgment of Q^d, the s added, being a contraction of son — the son of Daniel. DANSEREATJ. (French.) A dancer. DANVERS. (Fr.) Anciently written UAnvers or De An- verso, that is, from the town of Anvers, in France. DARBY. Local. A corruption of Derby, a shire of England, so called from doire, a forest, a woody, hilly country abound- ing in deer ; or it may be Deerhy, the town of deer. DARLEY. (Fr.) A corruption of UErle, from the town of Erie in France. DARLING. A name of endearment, a darling ; ing, denoting chUd, progeny, offspring. wmmmmmmmmimmfmm 112 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY DAEEELL. (Nor. Fr.) A corruption of De OrreU, so called from a castle and family of Normandy. DAET. Local. A river in England. Duart, a town in Scot- land. DAE WEST. (Welsh.) From JDertoin, an oak ; local, Derwent, a river in England. D'AUBIGNE. (Fr.) From Auhigne, a tovrn in France, in the department of Cher. DAUBY. A corruption of De Auhy or DAuby, that is, from Auhy, a town in the Netherlands, near the borders of France. r)AUCHY or DAUCHE. A Dutchman; an old form of the word Dutch or Dutcher, a name given in France to an emi- grant from Holland. DAUTEY. (Fr.) A corruption of De Autry or DAutry, that is, from Autry, a town in Champagne, France. DAYENPOET. Local. Derived from the town of Daven- port, in Cheshire, England, so called from the river Dan or Daven (which name signifies a river), and port, a haven or harbor. DAVIDS. (Heb.) Beloved, dear ; the s added, being a con- traction of son. DAVIS. A corruption of Davids ; the son of David. DAW. (Welsh.) A son-in-law. The name of a species of birds. DAWES. Local. DAwes, from the river, fountain, or water. DAWNAY. (Nor. Fr.) De Aunay or DAunay, from the town of Aunay, in Normandy. DAWSON. Said to be a corruption of the Nor. Fr. D Ossone, from the town of Ossone, in Normandy. Camden, how- ever, thinks it a contraction of Davison, the son of David, which is the more probable derivation. OP FAMILY NAMES* 113 DAY. The Celtic and Gaelic word deag or dagh signifies good, excellent, the same as Z>a, in Welsh. Camden supposes the name to be a contraction of David. Dai^ Du^ in the Welsh, signifies dark, in allusion to the complexion or color of the hair. Dhu^ in Graelic, the same, dark color, black. Deah^ Anglo-Saxon, dark, obscure. DEACON. A servant or minister in the church. DEALTRY and DATJTRY. A corruption of the Latin De Alia Ripa, from the high bank or shore; Radulphus De Alta Eipa, Archdean of Colchester died at the siege of Acre in the Holy Land, during the Crusades. DEARBORN. (Saxon.) Bear-boren, noble, well-bom. DEARDEN. Local. A corruption of Du-er-den, as stOl pro- nounced by the natives of Lancashire, England, where branches of the family reside, and which signifies, "A thicket of wood in a valley." ^'Tfoir-den^ DECKIER. From the German Decker, the quantity of ten; probably a name given to the tenth child. It may be one who decks or covers ships or vessels. DE GRAFF. (Dutch.) Be Graaf, the count or earl, the great man ; de, the, and graaff, count. DE GROOT. (Dutch.) The great, tall, large man; or if local, fi:om the town of Groot, in Holland, which signifies the great or large place ; from de, the, and groot, great. DELAFIEDD. (Fr.) De La FieU—ivom the field. DELAFLOTE. (Fr.) '' From the fleet" or ships. It is said, that not long since, in London, a certain Mr. Delafloat had his name undergo a singular mutation, in consequence of the indistinct manner in which his name was announced. The porter understood the name to be Helafioie, and so pro- claimed it to the groom of the chambers, and the luckless visitor — a quiet, shy, reserved young man — ^was actually ushered into the midst of a crowded drawing-room, by the ominous appellation of Mr. Helafioat ! ill ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY DELAMATER. (Fr.) "Ze maitre;' the master, overseer, landlord, preceptor. DELANCY. (Fr.) Local. De La-ncy, from the town of Lancy, in the province of Burgundy, France. DELANY. Anciently O'Dulainy, DELAUNEY, (Fr.) Local De Launey, from Launey, a town in the province of Champagne, France. DELMAE. (Spanish.) Z>eZ ifare, " of the sea." DE LORME. (Fr.) From the town of Lorme, in the prov- ince of Livernoi, France. DELVEK (Fr.) De Elven or UElven, from Elven, a town in Brittany, France. DE MEER. (Dutch.) From the sea ; the same as DeTmar. DEMPSTER. Anciently an arbitrator or ofl&cer of justice in the Scottish courts. DENIO. Local Denia^ a city of Valencia, in Spain; De Noyon^ from Noyon, a town of France. DENMAN. A denizen; in Welsh, Dinman, the place of a fortress, from din, a fortress, and man, a place. Denma/rij Saxon, the man of the valley ; a dweller in the vale. DENNIS or DENIS. A corruption of the areek name Dionysius, which is derived from 6log^ divine, and vdvg, mind. Dinas^ Welsh, a fort, a stronghold. DENTON or DINTOK (Sax.) Local A town in the county of Buckingham, England. From den, a valley, and ton, a town. DERBY. Local From Derhy, in England. Deer-hy, the town or county abounding in deer. (See Darby.) Di)RINQ-. (Saxon.) From Dearran or Darran, to dare, bold, daring ; a name given to an old Saxon chieftain. DERMOD, DIAEMAID, DERMOND, and DERMOT. (Celtic and G-aelic.) Signify a free man, one having amiable qual- ities. OP FAMILY NAMES. tH DESHOK (Fr.) Local. Dijon, a town in France. DEVENISH. Local. Signifies deep water. This surname was given to an ancestor of the family who was early settled at the confluence of the rivers Isis and Thames, near Oxford, England. Dwfn, Welsh, deep; uisge, Gaelic, water. DEYENPECK. (Dutch.) Local. From Biejpen, deep, and becJc, a brook — the deep brook. DEYEREUX. (Fr.) UEvereux, from Evereux, a town in Normandy. DEYILLE. (French.) De Ville, from the village or town. Some write this name Devil/ DEVIN^E or DEVLN". (Fr.) A soothsayer, a cunning man. DEVLIN. Local. The Norman spelling of Dubhn. In the great charter of King John, Henry, Archbishop of Dublin, is written Henri de Diveline. DEWEES. (Dutch.) De, the, and wees, orphan — the orphan. DEWEY. Dewi, in the Welsh, is a contraction or rather a corruption of David. DEWSBURY. Local. A town on the river Calder, England. DE WILDE. Local. Wildau, called by the Germans Die Wilde, is a town of Poland, situated near the confluence of the rivers Wilia and Wiln, from whence its name is derived. Wild, a wilderness. DEXTER. A contraction of De Exeter, from the city of Exeter, in Devonshire, England ; anciently written Excester, from Ex^, the name of the river on which it is situated, and cester, a camp or town, for the derivation of *which see Cheste7\ DIBDIN. (Welsh.) Local. From Dib, a slope, sloping ground, and din, a fortified hill — the fortress on the slope of the hill. DIBIN. (Welsh.) Local. A clough, a cleft in a hill ; from 116 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY DICK. The familiar abbreviation of Richard. It may come from the Dutch Dyck^ a bank or dike, a bulwark thrown up in the Low Countries against the sea or rivers to prevent in- undation. DICKENS. DicMngs, the son of Dick or Richard. DICKSOK The son of Dick or Richard. DIE. Local. A town in the province of Dauphiny, France. DIEFENDORF. (Qer.) Local. Derived from a smaU town of that name in Germany, and so called from Die/en, thiev- ing, and dorf, a village — the thieving village. DIGBY. Local. From Digby, a town in the county of Lin- coln, England, so named from the Danish Dige, a dike, ditch, or trench, and by, a town — ^the town by the dike. DILLINGHAM. (Saxon.) Local A place in the county of Cambridge, England ; the town of the market ; the buying and selling place ; of paying out or telling money. Saxon, Daelan, to divide, separate, throw ofij pay over ; and ham, a village. DILLON. From the Welsh DiUyn, handsome, gallant, brave, fine. DIMOCK or DYMOCK. (Welsh.) A corruption of Dm Madoc, that is, David, the son of Madoc, IHa being the diminutive of David among the Welsh. Madoc is derived from mad, good, with the termination oc aflSxed, which has the same effect as our English termination " y." DINSMOR. Local. Dinas, in Welsh and Cor. Br., is a fort, city, or walled town, and mawr, great, large. DISNEY. (Nor. Fr.) Anciently written Ulsney or DEisney, and originally De Isigney, from Isigney, a small village near Bayeaux, in Normandy. DIX. The same as Dicks or Dickens, the s being a contraction of son — ^the son of Dick or Richard. OF FAMILY NAMES. 117 DIXIE. (Sax.) . Local. From the Saxon Die, a ditch, dike, or fosse, and ea, water, or ig, an island. DOBBIN, DOBBS, and DOBSOK The son of Dob or Eobert. DOBNEY. A corruption of D'Aubigne (which see). DODD or DOD. (Ger.) A god-father. Dod, in Gaehc, sig- nifies "the pet;" peevishness, one who is peevish. DODSOK The son of Dod. DODGrE. To evade by a sudden shift of place; one who evades, or quibbles. DOLBEER. Local. DoTbyr, Welsh, the short vale; from dol, a dell, a vaUey, and hyr, short. Ddlbyr, local, a town in North Jutland, from which the family may have originated. D'OILY. Local. From Oily, a place in France ; the same as Doyle. DOLE. Local A town in France; DowyU, Welsh, shady, dark. DONALD, DONELL, or DONELLY. (GaeUc and Celtic.) A great man, a proud chieftain, from DomhnuV,. These names appear to have their root in the GaeUc noun Dion, a defense, shelter, protection. The verb Dion signifies to defend, to protect. Dun has nearly the same meaning, a heap, a hill, or mount, a fortified house or hill, a castle. Surnames com- pounded of Dion, Don, or Dun, were figuratively used to denote persons of courage, and who were not easUy subdued. DONKIN. The same as Duncan (which see). DONNACH. The same as Duncan. Diongnach, Gaelic, strong, fortified. DONOVAN. (Celtic.) The brown-haired chief; from Don- dubhan. DORAN. The son of Dorr. Doran, Gaelic, an otter ; Doran, grief, depression of spirits. Dorran, Gaelic, vexation, anger. 118 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTEONARY DORLAN, or DOELAND, (Dutch.) Local From Dor, ster- ile, barren, and land, unproductive soil. DORN. (Dutch.) A thorn-tree. DORR, This name may have several significations, according to the language in which it was first given. Dorr, Gaelic, difficult, easily vexed. Dur, GaeUc, perseveriag, earnest, obstinate. Dorr, Icelandic, a spear. Dor, Cor. British, the earth; also dorre, to break. Doir, local, a woody place. Dar, Welsh, oak. DORSET. Local. A county in England. Dorsette, Anglo- Saxon, mountaineers. DOTY. Welsh, Diotty, an ale-house. DOUAY. (Fr.) Local. Derived fi:om the town of Douay, in the province of Artois, France. DOUGALL. (Gaelic and Celtic.) The black stranger, firom Dhu, black, and gaU, a stranger, a term used by the Celts to denote a Lowlander, a foreigner, not one of them. The Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians were called by the Irish Fionne Gael, or fair-haired, and the Germans " Dubh Gail," or the black strangers. DOUGHTY. Strong, brave, noble. DOUGLASS. (Gaehc.) Local. The dark green river, from Dhu, black, dark, and glass, green. A river of Scotland which flows into the Clyde. A town of Lanarkshire. The tradition of the origin of the name is this : in the year 770, a man of rank and figure came seasonably to the assistance of Solvatius, King of Scotland, whose territory was then invaded by Donald Bain, of the Western Isles. The victory being obtained, the King was desirous to see the man who had done him so signal a service, and he was pointed out to him in these words, in the Gaelic, " Sholto Dhuglass," " be- hold that dark, or swarthy, man." DOUGREY. (Gaelic.) Dugharra, stubborn. OF FAMILY VAMES. Hft DOWNS. A term applied, in England, to a tract of poor, sandy, hilly land, used only for pasturing sheep. DO WELL. (Welsh and aaelic.) Dowyll, Welsh, shady, dark. Ynis Dowyll, the shady island. DOYLE. A corruption of D' Oily, from Oily, a city in France. DRAKE. (GraeHc.) Drak, a drake ; drac, a route, a way, a footstep ; one who draws or leads, a leader. DRAIN. (Gaelic.) Droigheann, a thorn. DRAPER One who sells cloths. DRENNON. Local. Draenon, Welsh, a thorn-tree or bush. DRISCOL. (Celtic and Gaehc.) Local. From dreas and coitl, a tliicket of briars, the place of wild roses. I)RIVER. A drover, one who compels or urges any thing else to move. DROVER. One who drives cattle. DRUMMER. One- who, in military exercises, beats the drum. DRUMMOND. (Gaehc.) Local. From Druim, the back, and monadh, mountain, a name of place — the back of the mountain. DRURY. A Jewel. [Camden.] DRYDEN. From the Welsh Drwydwn, broken nose. Ac- cording to Evans, Jonreth, surnamed Drwydwn, the father of Llywelyn, was the eldest son of Owain Groynedd, but was not suffered to enjoy his right on account of that blemish. DUDLEY. Local. A town in Worcestershire, England, so called from the old EngHsh Dode-ley, the place of the dead, a burying-ground. Dodelig, in the Danish, signifies pale, death-hke, mortal ; so also the Dutch DoodelijJc, and Ger- man Todlich. Duv-da-lethe, in the Gaehc and Celtic, which has been corrupted to Dudley, has the same signification. 120 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY DUFF. In the Q-aelic, signifies black, but in the Cor. Br. and Welsh, a captain, DUFIELD. DufeUt, from the field. DTJGAN. Dugan, G-aelic, the son of Dhu^ or the dark-haired. DUMAK Z>w, from, and man^ an elevation, something grand or admirable. In the ancient langua,ges, man signifies the sun, and mon^ the moon. DUMFRIES. Local. A town in Scotland on the river Nith, and said to be so called from the GaeUc Dun^ a castle, and Dutch vrows, women — the castle or retreat of the women, a nunnery. I think rather it is derived from Dunfrith, the castle in the forest; G-aelic, Dim, a castle, ajid frith, a deer- forest, DUMMER. From the Danish Dommer, an arbiter or judge. DUMONT. (Fr.) Bu Mont, from the hiU or mountain. DUN". Local From the parish of Dun, Forfarshire, Scotland, derived jQrom the GraeHc Dun, a hill or rising groundj a fort or castle. DUNBAR. Local. From the town' of Dunbar, at the mouth of the Frith of Forth, Scotland. Dunabar, GaeUc, signifies the castle, town, or fort on the height or -summit. The town was so called from its situation on the rock which at this place projects into the sea. DUNCAlSr. (G-aelic.) A powerful chieftain. From Dwn, a fortress, and ceann, head or chief. Duncean or Duncan, strong-headed. DUNOANSBY. Local. Duncan's Bay. DUNDAS. (Gaeha) Local The south hill, fort, or castle ; from dun^ a hill or fort, and deas, south. DUNHAM. Local A small village in England, so called fi'om dun, a hill, and ham^ a village. DUNIPACE. Local From the Latin Duni-pads, hills of peace. OF FAMILY NAMES. 121 DUNKELD. (aaeHc.) Local. The hazel-hilL DUJ^LEVY. (Cor. Br. and Gaelic.) Local From Dun, a hill, ley, green, and vy, a river or stream — ^the green hills by the river. Dunlamh or Dunlavy, in Graelic, signifies the strong-handed. Dundlamhas, mh having the sound of v, is the hill or castle of warriors. DUNLOP. (Graehc.) Local A parish in the district of Cun- ningham, Ayrshire, Scotland; fi?om JDun, a castle, fort, or hill, and luh, a curvature, a bending of the shore — :the castle or hUl at the bend. DUNN. GaeUc, Dun, a heap, hill, mount ; a fortress, a castle, fastness, a tower. Dunn, Saxon, brown, of a dark color, swarthy. DUNNING. The brown offspring, from the Saxon Dunn, brown, and the termination ing, which, among the Saxons, signified offspring, as White-ing, the fair offspring, Outh-ing, the son of Cuth. Dunning has retained its original orthog- raphy since the days of the Saxons. DUNSTAN. (Sax.) From Dun, a hill, and stan, a stone — ^the stone-hill, or the strong, enduring dun or fortress. DUPPA. Local. A corruption of D' Uphaugh, " from the high or upper haw;" Jiaugh, Scottish and North Enghsh, a low- lying meadow, a green plot in a vaUey. Du Pau, local, from Pau, a town of France. DUR In the Gaehc, signifies dull, stubborn, obstinate; also, steady, earnest, persevering. DURANT. From the Latin name Durandus, enduring, strong, inured to hardships, from duro, to harden, to inure to hard- ships, to make strong. DURBAN. Local. D' Urbin, a province of Italy. Urbin or Urbino, a city situated nearly in the middle of the province or Duchy of Urbin, near the source of the river FogHa. DURDEN. Local An old Enghsh word signifying a coppice or thicket of wood in a valley. 6 122 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY DUKHAM. Local. According to Bailey, this word is derived from the Saxon Dun and holm, a town in a wood. It seems rather to come from the British Dour, water, and holm, land surrounded mostly by water. It may be de- rived from Doire, which, in the British and Celtic, signifies a woody place, abounding in oaks; hence Doireholm or Dourham, that is, the place or town surrounded by woods. DUEKEE or DUEGY. In the Gaelic, Duirche is the compar- ative of Dorch, dark, cloudy, hence dark-complexioned. It may come from Durga, Gaelic, surly, sour, repulsive. Durgy, in the Cor. Br., signifies a small turf hedge. DUEWAED. A porter or door-keeper — Door-ward. DUSTIN. "Welsh, Dysdain, a steward of a feast. DUTCHEE. (Dutch.) Local. From Duitscher, a German. DUTTON. Local. A village in Cheshire, England, and may have several derivations. Dut-ton, i. e., Dutch-town. Du- ton, from Du, Cor. Br., side, and ton, the same as dun, a hill, that is, the side of the hill ; or Du-ion, the two hills, from Du, two, and ion, a hill. Dhu-ton, Gaelic and Welsh, the black MIL DWYEE. (Gaelic.) Local. From Do-ire, a woody place, uncultivated. DYEE. One whose occupation it is to dye cloth. DYKE. Local. A name given to one who lived near a ditch, bank, or entrenchment, as " John at the dyke." DYKEMAN. One who makes dykes or entrenchments; a dweller near a dyke or embankment. DYSAET. (Gaelic.) Local. A parish in Fifeshire, Scotland ; from Dia, God, and ard, high — the temple of the highest. Dysart was a place of ancient Druidical or Gaelic worship. EAGEE. Sharp-set, vehement, earnest. The name may be local, from the river Eger, in Bohemia, or Egra, a city on the river Eger. r OF FAMILY NAMES. 123 EASTCOTE. Local. The east-cote or house ; so Westcott, the west-cote. EATON. (Sax.) Local. From ea, water, and ton, a town. There are several parishes in England by this name. EBERLEE. Local. Eabar, in the GaeHc, is a marshy place, a place where two or three streams meet. Welsh and Cor. Br., Aber-lle. EBEELY. (Ger.) From eber, a boar, and ly, like ; indicating courage, fierceness, bravery. ECCLES. A church, fi-om the Greek kKKArjaia, an assembly, a church, Gaehc eaglais, Cor. Br., IJgles and Eglas. EDDY. In the G-aehc, Eddee signifies an instructor. The name may be local fi:om the Saxon Ed, backwards, and ea, water — a current of water running back, a whirlpool. Edd, Welsh, signifies motion, going; Eddu, to go, to move. EDGAR. (Sax.) From Eadigar, happy or blessed ; honor. EDGECUMBE. Local. From the manor of Edgecumbe, in Devonshire, England. The name signifies, " the edge of the EDIKER. (Sax.) From Eadigar, happy. EDMOND. (Sax.) Happy peace. EDWARD. (Sax.) Happy keeper. EGBERT. (Sax.) Always bright, famous. EGGLESTON. (Welsh or Br.) From Egles, a church, and tun or dun, a hill — the church on the hill. EIGINN. (Gaelic.) Strong-handed. ELDRED. (Sax.) AU reverent fear. ELI. (Heb.) The offering or hfting up. ELIAS. (Heb.) Signifies Lord God. ELLET. Little EUas, the diminutive ette being added, as Wil- lett, Hallett. •mmmmmmmmmi'mmi'mmmmmmm'imm 124 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY ELLIOT. Supposed to signify the son of Mias; Heliat, Welsh and Cor. Br., a huntsman, a pursuer. ELLIS. Contracted from Elias. ELPHINSTONE. Local. Erom the landd and barony of Elphinstone, in Scotland, and derived from the Anglo- Saxon Elfenne, a fairy or spirit, and stone. These elfenne or eZ/-stones are a peculiar hard flint, and in the olden times were supposed to be shot by the fairies or elfs. The place is so named from this kind of stone being found on the land. ELTON. There are many places of this name in England ; it is impossible to decide from which the family appellation is derived. The^, derivation is from the Saxon words ael, an eel, and ton — a town abounding in eels. ELWY. Local. A river in Wales. ELY. Local. From Ely, a city in Cambridgeshire, England, and signifies the place of willows, from Helig, Cor. Br. and Welsh ; Latin, Salix. Greek D^l^, JEalig, an island ; land in waterland. G-reek, "EAof, a marsh. EMERSON. (Sax.) Mnar, from Ethelmar^ noble, and son — the son of the noble. EMMET. Local. The name of a river ; ''Eimot;' GaeHc. the quick river, from em, quick. Emmet, Saxon, aemet, an ant. ENNIS, ENNES, or INNIS. (Celtic or Gaelic.) Local. An island or peninsula, made so either by ^ fresh water river or the sea. Ynys in the Welsh. ENOS. (Heb.) Fallen man, mortal, sickly. ERRICK. '' There is a tradition," says Dean Swift, " that the ancient family of the Ericks or Herricks derive their hneage from Erick the Forrester, a great commander who raised an army to oppose the invasion of William the Conqueror." Erick is derived from Ehr, German, honor, and rich, rich — rich in honor. I OF FAMILY NAMES. 125 ERSKINE. Some writers deduce this family from a noblo Florentine wlio came to Scotland in the reign of Kenneth II. It is said, in the reign of Malcolm II., a Scotchman ol high distinction having killed with his own hand Enrique, one of the Danish generals, at the battle of MurthiD, cut off his head, and with the bloody dagger in his hand showed it to the king, and in the GaeHc language said Erishyne^ "upon the knife," alluding to the head and dagger; and in the same language also said, "I intend to perform greater actions than what I have done." Whereupon, King Malcolm imposed upon him the surname of Erishine, and assigned him for his armor-bearings a hand holding a dagger, with " Je pense plus" for a motto, which has continued to be the crest and motto of this family. ERWEN". Welsh, Erwyn, very fair, white. Urfionn^ GaeHc, beautiful, fair. ESHAM. Local. From a town by that name in Worcester- shire, England, formerly Eoves-ham, so called from one Eoves Egwins, a shepherd, who was afterward Bishop of Worcester, and ham, a village. ESTLEY. Local. The east field or pasture— ^os^Z^y. ETHELBERT. (Sax.) Noble, bright, from Ethel or Add, noble, and bert, bright, famous. ETON. Local. Awtwyn, in Welsh, is the liillock near the waters, from Aw, water, and twyn, a small hill. In Saxon, Ea and ton have the same signifi.cation, i. e., "tlie hill or town near the water." EUEE. Local. From the lordship of Eure, in Buckingham- shire, England. Eure, in the Cor. Br., signifies a goldsmith. EUSTACE. From the Greek EvaTadr^g, standing firm. EVANS. The Welsh for John, the same as Johns. Evan^ eofn, fearless, bold. EYELYN. Local. From Evelyn, in the county of Salop, England. 126 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY EVERARD. (Sax.) The same as EvSo^og in Greek, that is, well reported, ever honored; or from Bberhardt, ever hard or enduring. Some writers are of opinion- that we have Ehers, Everard, Evered, and Everet, from Eber, a boar. EVERETT and EVERTS. A corruption of Everard. EVERLY. Local. A place in Wiltshire, England. EWELL. Local. A town in England. EwMU, Cor. Br., sig- nifies high, tall. EYRE. The same as Ayres or Ayre (which see). EYTING-E. (Saxon.) Local. From Ey, Saxon, ig, an island, a watery place, and ing, a meadow — the meadow on the island or near the water. FAAL. (G-aelic.) A rocky place ; Felh, Saxon, crags, barren and stony liills. Eales has the same signification. Ealaise, a town in France, takes its name from the rocks which sur- round it. FABER. (Latin.) A workman, a smith. FABIAIST. Derived from the Latin Fabius, Fdba, a bean — ^the bean-man, so called from his success in cultivating beans. FACET. French, Facette, a httle face. Faceie, from the Latin FacetuSj gay, cheerful. FADEN. (Gaelic.) Feadan, a fife, flute, chanter of a bagpipe, a musical instrument. Ehdan, the son of Fad. FAGAN. (Gaelic.) A beech-tree. The Fagans were descended from Patrick O'Hagan, hving a.d. 1180. O'Hagan, the pos- terity of Agan. Ogan, Ogyn, or Hogyn signifies, in the Welsh, young, a youth. Gaelic, Og, a young man. FAGG. (Saxon.) Fag, variable or many colored; may be bestowed on the first possessor from his variable disposition. Fag, a laborious drudge. FAIRBAIRN. The same as Fairchild — a fair, handsome bairn or child. FAIRFAX. (Sax.) Fair-hair; Faex, hair. OF FAMILY NAMES. 127 FAIRHOLM. Local. The fair island, or fair lands bordering on water ; also, where a fair or market is held. FAKE or FALKE. (Ger.) A fakon or hawk; figuratively, daring or enterprising. FAXES. Local. Fahj a river of Cornwall, England; also, a rough, rocky place. FALKLAND. (Sax.) From FokJc, the common people, and land — the land of the common people, in the time of the Saxons- FALUN. Local A town of Sweden, Falan, GaeHc, the eon of Fale. FANE. From Fane^ a temple, a church. Gaelic, Fann, faint, weak, feeble. FANNING. ThesonofFann. FANSHAW. Local Fane, a temple or church, and shaw, a small wood or grove, a thicket — ^the church in the grove. FAR. Fawr, same as Mawr, Gaelic and Welsh, great. FARMAN. (Ger.) Fahr-mann, master of a ferry-boat FARNHAM. Local From a town in Surrey, England, " so called from the Saxon Fearn, fern, and ham, a habitation or village — the village in the place overgrown with fern." FARQUHAR. (Gaehc.) From Fear, a man, and coir, just, honest, good, or car, friendly ; Feardar, from Fear and ciar, dark-gray — a dark-gray man. FARQUHARSON. The son of Farquhar. ' FARRADAY. (Gaelic.) From Farraideach, inquisitive, pry- ing, curious. FARRAR. A corruption of Farrier, a name of trade. Pfarrer^ in German, a minister. FASSET and FAUCET. (Fr.) Fauseite, falsehood, cheat, forgery. FAULKNER. (Ger.) A catcher or trainer of hawks. 128 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY FAY. (Spanish.) Fe, faith. In Normandy, plantations of beech were called. Faye, Fayel, and FautMe. FEARAK (Gaelic.) An estate. FELCH. Probably a corruption of Welch; Filch means to pilfer. FELL. Fd, in the Dutch, signifies fierce, furious, violent ; also local, a rocky place, barren and stony hills ; any uninclosed place ; a moor, a vaUey. A sliort time since, a tradesman named James Fell migrated from Ludgate Hill to Fleet- street, and announced the event in the following manner : "L Fell, from Ludgate Hill;" under which a wag wrote, " Oh what a fall was there, my countryman I" — ^Lower. FELTOK Local. A small town in England; the rocky or stony hill. FENSHAW. Local The sAaw or grove in the /era. FENTOK (Welsh or Br.) A well. FERDINAND. (Ger.) From Fred, peace, and rand, pure — pure peace. FERGUS. (Gaelic and Celtic) A fierce or brave chieftain, from Fear, man, and guth, a voice or word, that is, the man of the word, a commander of an army. Some suppose the first Fergus was so named from Fairghe, the sea, on account of his large navy ; others, from his raging like the sea in battle. Feargach, fiery. FERGUSON. The son of Fergus. FERRER or FERRERS. Local. From i^'errieres, a small town of Gastinois, France, so called from the iron mines with •which the country abounded ; or the name may have orig- inated firom the occupation of a farrier or iron-dealer. FERRIS. A corruption of Ferrers (which see). Fferis, in the Welsh, signifies steel. FERROL, FIROL. (Gaelic.) Famous men. OP FAMILY NAMES. 129 FIELDING. This family trace their descent to the Earls of Hapsburgh, in G-ermany. Geffery, a son of Edward of Holland, served with Henry III. in the wars of England, and because his father had dominions in LaufFenburgh and 'Renfelden, he took the name of Felden or Fielding. FIFE. Local. A shire or county of Scotland ; lands held in M FIFIELD. Local. Has the same signification as Manorfield. Lands held in fee or Jief, for which the individual pays serv- ice or owes rent. FILEY and FILLEY. Local. From a town in England by that name. Filid, Gaelic, the d silent, a poet, a bard. FILO. Filea, in the Gaelic, is a bard, poet, or historian. $iAof, in the Greek, a friend. FILMUR and FILMORE. This name, in all probability, arose from a residence near a lake or a fertile piece of ground ; FUle, Sax,, denoting fullness or plenteousness, and mere, a lake or moist piece of ground. The name has been spelled at different times Fylmere, Filmour, and Filmore. Several other derivations may be found for the etymology of this name. From Filea, Celtic and Gaelic, a bard, a historian, and Trior, great, that is, the famous bard. The Fileas, among the Gauls, or Celts, were held in great esteem, and their office was honorable. They turned the tenets of religion into verse, and animated the troops before and during an engagement with martial odes, and celebrated the valorous deeds of the chieftains and princes who entertained them. FINCH. A small singing bird. FINNEY. Finne, Gaelic, the genitive of Fionn, fair, sincere, true; bringing to an end, wise, a head, chief The. name may be local from Fines, a place in France. FIRMAN. Ferdmon, a soldier. FISK. (Fr.) From Fisc, revenue, public ftmds. 6 130 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY FISTER. (Dan.) A fisherman. FITZ GERALD. (Nor. Fr.) The son of Gerald, Mtz, a son, Gerald (Teutonic), all-surpassing, excellent. This ancient and honorable family is traced from Otho or Other, a Baron in Italy, descended from the Grand Dukes of Tuscany. Walter, son of Otho, came into England with WiUiam the Conqueror, and afterward settled in Ireland. Maurice Fitz Gerald assisted Richard Strongbow in the con- quest of that kingdom. FITZ GILBERT. (Nor. Fr.) The son of Gilbert; Fitz, a son, Gilbert, gold-like bright, or bright or brave pledge, from gisle, Saxon, a pledge. (See Gilbert.) FITZ HAMOK The son of Edmon, Hebrew, faithful, i. e., the son of the faithful FITZ HARDING. The son of Harding (which see). FITZ HATTON. The son of Hatton (which see). FITZ HENRY. The son of Henry (which see). FITZ HERBERT. The son of Herbert (which see). FITZ HERVEY. The son of Hervey (which see). FITZ HUGH. The son of Hugh (which see). FITZ JOHN. The son of John (which see). FITZ MORICE. The son of Morris (which see). FITZ ORME. The son of Orme (which see). FITZ PARNELL. The son of Parnell (which see). FITZ PATRICK. The son of Patrick (which see). FITZ RANDOLPH. The son of Randolph (which see). FITZ ROY. The son of Roy (which see). FITZ SWAIN. The son of Swain (which see). FLACK. Local. (Dutch.) " TZa^," fiat, low ground. OF FAMILY NAMES. 131 FLAHERTY. (Celtic.) A man of chieftain-like exploits. From fiaMh, a lord or chief, and oirbheartach, noble-deeded ; the man of noble deeds. FLANDERS. Local. A name given to a native of Flanders, a County or Earldom of the Low Countries, or Nether- lands, It took its name either from Flandrina, the wife of Liderick IL, Prince of Buc, or from Flamhert^ the nephew of Clodion, King of France. FLANNAG-AN. (Q-aelic.) From fiann^ ruddy complexion. FLEMING". Local A native or inhabitant of Flanders. See Flanders. FLETCHER. A maker of arrows, or superintendant of arch- ery. From the French fleche^ an arrow. FLINT. Local. Derived from a market town of that name, near the sea, in Flintshire, Wales, which gives name to the county. FLOOD. Originally FlvM or Floyd (which see). FLOYD. The same as Llwyd, Welsh, brown, gray, hoary. FOLGER. Camden defines the name, ^^Foulgiers, Feame" (fern). Fougeres, local, a town of France, near the frontiers of Nor- mandy. This town has given its name to a noble family. Raoul de Fougers fortified the town, and built the castle. FOL JAMBE. Full James, Fool James ? FOLLET or FOLLIOT. (Fr.) Frolicksome, merry, gay. " Rightly named was Richard Fohoth, Bishop of Hereford, who, when he had incurred the hatred of many for oppos- ing himself against Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canter- bury, one cried with a loud voice at his chamber window at midnight : ' Folioth, FoUoth, thy god is the Goddess Azaroth.* He suddenly and stoutly rephed : ' Thou liest, foul fiend, my Qgd i- hain. GLANYILLE. Local. A house or castle on the shore of a river or the sea ; Welsh, glan, a shore, bank of a river ; old French or Gaelic, the same ; as Glandeve, in France, on the banks of the Var, Glan or glen signifies also a narrow val- ley or dell. GLASGOW. (Gaehc and Cor. Br.) Local. From the city of Glasgow, Scotland. The green, fruitful place, from glas, ■ green, and geu or gew, a " choice field," the stay or sup- port of the estate. GLASS. (Gaelic.) Gray, pale, wan; glas, Welsh, green. GLENTWORTH. Local. From Glyn, a valley, and worth, a habitation, dwelling, or farm. 142 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY GLISTON. Local. Olaston, the green hill; Gliston, the shin- ing hill, the mineral or mica hill . GLOUCESTER. Local. From the city of Gloucester, Eng- land, the ancient Gleva, from the Welsh Glo, coal, coal- mines, and castrum, Latin, a Roman fort or camp ; Saxon, ceaster, a city, — the city of coal. GLYN. (Br.) The woody vale. GOADBY. Local This name is derived from the Danish word Oode, that is, good, fair, rich, fine, and by, the Danish for a town — meaning the fair or handsome town. If the word is of British origin, it signifies the town hy the wood, fi-om Goed, in the Cor. Br., a wood. GODARD. (Ger.) God-like disposition. The name may be local, from Goddardj a mountain in Switzerland. GODENOT or GODENO'. (Fr.) "^ Jack in the box,'' a pup- pet, a httle ugly man. The name may be local, and come from Gudenaw, a town on the Lower Rhine, Germany. GODFREY. (Ger.) God's peace, godhke peace, from God and /ncZ or frede, peace, or from Gau-fred, joyful peace. GODOLPHIK (Cor. Br.) A httle valley of springs; from Godolj a Httle valley, and phin or phince, springs. GODWIN. Same as Goodwin or Gooden, derived from God or goodj Sax., and win, conqueror, that is, a conqueror in God, converted or victorious in God. *'In one of those battles fought between Edmund the Anglo- Saxon, and Canute the Dane, the Danish army being routed and forced to fly, one of their principal captains named Ulf lost his way in the woods. After wandering all night, he met at daybreak a young peasant driving a herd of oxen whom he saluted, and asked his name. ' I am Godwin, the son of Ulfnoth,' said the young peasant, ' and thou art a Dane.' Thus, obhged to confess who he was, Ulf begged the young Saxon to show him the way to the Severn, where the Danish ships were at anchor. * It is foolish in a OF FAMILY 5,AMES. 143 Dane/ replied the peasant, ' to expect such a service from a Saxon ; and besides, the way is long, and the country peo- ple are all in arms.' The Danish chief drew off a gold ring from his finger, and gave it to the shepherd as an induce- ment to be his guide. The young Saxon looked at it for an instant with great earnestness, and returned it, saying, 'I will take nothing from thee, but I will try to conduct thee/ Leading him to his father's cottage, he concealed him there during the day ; when night came on, they made prepara- tions to depart together. As they were going, the old peas- ant said to Ulf, ' This is my only son, Godwin, who risks his life for thee. He cannot return among his countrymen again; take him, therefore, and present him to thy King, Canute, that he may enter into his service.' The Dane promised, and kept his word. The young Saxon peasant was well received in the Danish camp, and rising from step to step by the force of his talents, he afterward became known over all England as the great Earl Godwin." GOFR (Welsh.) (7o/, a smith. GOLBURK (Cor. Br.) Local. The holy weU. GrOLDSMITH. A name of trade; formerly in England, a banker. GOLLY or GOLLAH. Local. (Cor. Br.) The bottom, or low place. GOOD ALL. Good-hall, a fine hall or mansion ; or good-ale. GOODENOUGH. The same as Godenot or Godeno' (which see). GOODHUE. Compounded of good and Hugh. Good-Hugh. GOODRICH. (Saxon.) Goderich, from God, God or good, and ric, rich ; rich in God, or in goodness. GOODYEAR, GOODSIR, GOODSIRB. It is not difficult to derive these. GOOKIISr. (Gaelic.) From Gugan, a bud, flower^ a daisy. 144 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY GORDON. Gurtduine, G-aelic, a fierce man ; Gwrddyn, Welsh, a strong man ; Cawrdyn, Welsh, a hero, a giant. Some have derived the Gordons from Gordima, in Thessaly; others say they are descendants of the Gorduni mentioned by Caesar in his Commentaries. The name appears to be local, and may be derived from a tovm in France of that name, in the Department of Lot It signifies in GaeHc the round hill, or the hill that smrounds, firom Gour^ round, and duUj a hill or fort. GORING- Local. A battle field, a bloody place, fi:om gore, bloody, and ing. A place in Sussex, England ; an angle, a corner. GORMAN- A native of Germany, the same as Germain (which see). GORTEN. Local (Gaelia) From Gairtean, a garden, a small piece of arable land enclosed. Gortan^ signifies a hun- gry, stingy, penurious fellow, GOSPATRICK. Corrupted from the Latin " Comes Patri- cius," " Count Patrick," a title given to the Earl of March, of Scotland. GOSS. (Saxon.) A goose, from Gos, a goose. GOUDY. Local From Gouda, a town in the Netherlands, in South Holland. GOUPIL. (Fr.) An obsolete French word for fox. GOW or GO WAN. (GaeUc.) A smith. The Gowan or smith of a Highland clan was held in high estimation. His skill in the manufacture of military weapons was usually united with great dexterity in using them, and with the strength of body which his profession required. The Gowan usually ranked as third officer in the chiefs house- hold. GOWER. Local (Welsh.) Gwyr, a place in Glamorgan- shire, a place inclosed round, encircled. This peninsula is mostly suiTOunded by the sea and rivers. , OF FAMILY NAMES. 14^ G-RACE. Originally Le Gros [" the fat or large"], a name given to Raymond, one of the adherents of Strongbow, who was the ancestor of the family in Ireland; GEAHAM, GRiEMB, GRIMES. From the Anglo Saxon Qrim^ Dutch, Qrim^ Germ., Grimm^ Welsh, grrni^ Gaelic, . gruaim^ surly, sullen, dark, having a fierce and stern look, courageous. GRANGER. (Saxon.) One who superintended a large farm or Grange. GRANT. On this name Playfair remarks that it may be de- rived from the Saxon, Irish, or French. " In the Saxon, Grant signifies crooked or howed. Thus Camfi- bridge, the town and University in England so called, signi- fies a crooked bridge, or rather a bridge upon Cam River, or the crooked and winding river. " The Saxons called this town Grant Bridge, Cam in the Brit- ish, and Grant in the Saxon, being of the same signification, crooked. "So Mons GrampMus, ihe Grampian HUI, was called by the Saxons Granz Ben, or the crooked hill, but we can not see how from this Saxon word the surname should be borrowed. " In the old Irish, Grandha signifies ugly, ill-favored. Grande signifies dark or swarthy. Grant and Ciar signify much the same thing, or are synonymous words, and there being a tribe of the Grants called Olan Chiaran, it is the same as Clan Grant. Thus the surname might have been taken fi-om a progenitor that was Chiar or Grant, that is to say, a swarthy or gray-headed man, and, though, in time, Grant became the common and prevailing surname, yet some al- ways retained the other name, CMaran, and are called Clan Chiaran. In the French Grand signifies great, brave, val- orous, and fi:om thence many are inclined to think that the surname Grant is taken firom Grand, which in the Irish is sounded short, and thereby the letter d at the end of the word is changed into t, and thus Grand into 7 146 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY Chrant. The surname, it seems, was thus understood in England about five hundred years ago, for Richard Grant was made Archbishop of Canterbury in the year 1229, and is, in Mr. Anderson's Genealogical Tables, as well as by others, expressly called Richard Grant. But the English historians of that time, writing in Latin, call him Richardus Magnus^ which plainly shows that they took Grant to be- the same with the French Gfrand^ and the Latin Magmus, To which let us add, that in the old writs, the article the is put before the surname Grants GRAtTYILLE. Local (Fr.) A town in France on the Eng- hsh channel, Orande-viUe — the great town or city. De Orandville. GRASSE. . Local. From Grasse, a town in Piedmont, France. De Grasse. GRAY. Local. A town in Burgundy, France, on the banks of the Saone. Rollo, Chamberlain to Robert, Duke of Nor- mandy, received from him the castle and honor of Croy, in Picardy, whence his family assumed the name of Be Croy, afterward changed into De Gray. GREELY. Local. Probably the same as GreUey or De Grel- ley, from GreiUy, in France. Leland, in his Roll of Battel Abbey, includes this name with those who came into Eng- land with WiUiam the Conqueror. Gh'ele, French, slender, slim, delicate. GREENOUGH and GREENO'. Local. The green MIL GREER. A corruption of Gregor. Gilbert McGregor, second son of Malcom, Laird of McGregor, who settled at Nithes- dale, Dumfries Co., Scotland, in 1374, left issue, who as- sumed the short appellation of Greer. Welsh, Grewr, a herdsman. GREGOR. (Gaelic.) From Greigh a herd (Latin Grex), and fear a man, a herdsman. In the Cornish British Gryger or Gruger signifies a partridge. or FAMILY NAMES. 14*7 GREGORY. From the Greek TpTJyopog, watchful. It may- be derived from Gregor, as some of the Clan M'Gregor changed their name to Gregory, when the clan was pro- scribed and outlawed. GREIG. (Welsh.) From Cryg, hoarse. GREY. See Gray. GREW. (Br. and Welsh.) A crane. GRIER. A contraction of Gregor, the same as Greer (which see). GRIERSON. The son of Greer or Gregor; the same as McGregor. GRIFFESr. A name given to a noted man, whose qualities or disposition, in some respects, resembled this fabulous crea- ture. Griffwn, in Welsh, is applied to a man having a crooked nose, like a hawk's bill. Gryffyn, in the Cornish British, signijaes " io give'"' It may be the same as Griffith. GRIFFITH. (Welsh and Cor. Br.) One who has strong faith, from Oryf, Welsh, strong, andj^cZ, faith. GRIMSBY. Local. A borough in Lincokishire, England, on the Humber, so named from the appearance of the place or the character of the people. Grim, Saxon, fierce, rough, ugly, and %, a town — or the village or town of Grimm, the owner or founder. GRINELL. (Fr.) Local. From Grenelle, a town in France. GRISSELL. Chisyl, in the Cor. Br., signifies sharp, keen; Griis or Grys, in the Dutch, is gray; grissel, gray-haired. Grizzle is the old famihar abbreviation of the name Griselda. GROESBECK. (Dutch.) Local. Derived from the town of Groesbeck in Holland, so called from Groot, great, and heck, a brook. GROOT or GROAT. (Dutch.) Local. Large, great, the great man. Gfroot is also a name of a town in Holland, whence the surname may be derived — the great town, De Groot. 148 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY GROSCUP. (Ger.) From gross, big, and hopf, head— big- head. GROSYENOR. A great hunter or the grand huntsman, from the French Crros vmeur. The ancestor of the family as- sumed the name from holding the office of grand huntsman to the Dukes of Normandy. GROYER. Groover J Oraver, one who carves or engraves. GUELPH. A wolf; the surname of the present Royal Family of England. We have the following amusing tradition of the origin of the royal house of Ouelph : " It is told in the chronicles' that as far back as the days of Charlemagne, one Count Isenbrand, who resided near the Lake of Constance, met an old woman who had given birth to three children at once, a circumstance which appeared to him so portentous and unnatural that he assailed her with a torrent of abuse. Stung to fury by his insults, she cursed the Count, and wished that his wife, then enciente, might bring at a birth as many children as there are months in the year. The imprecation was fulfilled, and the countess became the mother of a dozen babes at once. Dreading the vengeance of her severe lord, she bade her maid go drown eleven of the twelve. But whom should the girl meet while on this horrible errand but the Count himself, who, suspect- ing that all was not right, demanded to know the contents of the basket. * Welfen,^ was the intrepid reply (i. e., the old German term for puppies or young wolves). Dissatis- fied with this explanation, the Count lifted up the cloth, and found under it eleven bonny infants nestled together. Their unblemished forms reconciled the scrupulous knight, and he resolved to recognize them as his lawful progeny. Thence- forward, their children and their descendants went by the name of Chielph or Welf.'' GUEY. Welsh, Gwiw, good, excellent. GTJIAR. (Spanish.) A guide. GUIOT. The son of Guy; a guide. OP FAMILY NAMES. 149 GUISCHARD or GUISCAED. (Nor.) A wUy or crafty man, a shifter. GUNTER. Supposed to be the same as IngulphiLs, from In and goipe, Belgic, to swallow down, to devour. The name may be local, and given to a native of Gaunt or Ghent. GUNN or GOON. (Br.) Local. From Gun, a plain, a down or common ; Welsh, gwaen. " A person whose name was G-unn complained to a friend that his attorney, in his bill, had not let him off easily. ' That's no wonder,' said his friend, ' as he charged you too high /' But this is not so good as" an entry in the custom-house books of Edinburgh, where it appears that '^,' meaning Alexander — ^A. Gunn was discharged for making a false report /' " — ^Lower. Lower also tells us of a German named Feuerstein (fire-stone — the German for flint) who settled in the West when the French population prevailed in that quarter. His name, therefore, was changed into French Pierre d Fusil, but in the course of time, the Anglo-American race became the prevalent one, and Pierre d Fusil was again changed into Peter Gun. GUNNING. Belonging to Gunn, the son of Gunn. GUNSALUS. Goncalez, the son of Goncale, the supposed founder of Castile. Gonzales, Spanish; Gonsalves (Port.)^ consolation, in safety, in salvation. GURDIN. (Welsh.) A strong man, from gwrdd, strong, and dyn, a man ; also, gwyrdd-din, the green hill or inclosure. GURNEY. Local. From the town of Gournay, in Nor- mandy. GURR. G^r, in Welsh, signifies a man or husband. GUTHRIE. Warlike, powerful in war, from guth, Saxon, war. Guthmor, Gaelic, loud-voiced. Guthrie, a town in Scotland, Gutric, Gotric, Gotricus, rich in goodness, rich in God. 150 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY GI-UY. A term given in Graul to the mistletoe, or cure-all; also a guide, a leader or director, from Guia^ Sp. and Port. G-WYNNE, aUINEE, and WIISTNE. (Welsh.) From Qwyn, white. G-Y. Local A town of France. Oye, to guide. HACKER. (Dutch.) A chopper, a cleaver, hewer; figura- tively, a brave soldier. Danish, JSdhker, to cut in pieces, to chop, to hoe. Hekher, a hedge, from hehhe, a hedge, a pro- tection, place of security. HADLEY. Local. A town of Suffolk, and also of Essex, England, from houdf, a wood, and ley, a place or field. HAFF. (G-er.) A sea, bay, or gulf; in Cor. Br., Hdf, summer. Sbfj G-er,, a court; Sqf, Welsh, dear, beloved. HAGADORK (Dutch.) Local Hawtl.orn. HAGAR. Sdgar, Hebrew, a stranger ; one fearing. Hygar^ in the Welsh, is amiable, pleasing. Hegar, Cor. Br., lovely; also, a bondman, a slave. ^Aigher, Gaelic, gladness, joy, mirth. HAINEAH. Local. From Hameau, a city of Hesse Cassel, Germany. HAINES or HAYNES. Camden derives the name from Am- ulph, and that from Ana, alone, and ulph. Sax., help, that is one who needs not the assistance of others. Hdine, a river in Belgium. Haine, Fr., signifies malicious, fuU of hatred. Hain, German, a wood, forest, thicket, grove. HAINSWORTH and HAYNSWORTH. (Anglo-Saxon.) Local. The farm or place in the forest or grove, from haine, German and Saxon, a wood, and worth, a place inclosed, cultivated. British and Welsh, the estate on the river. HALDEN. Local A contraction of Haledon, a place in Northumberland, England, from the Saxon halig, holy, and dun, a hill ; a place where Oswald got the victory of Cad- OF FAMILY NAMES. 151 ■waUader, the Briton, and from this circumstance was called the Holy Hill, and also the Heavenly Field. HALE, HAYLE, or HAL. (Welsh.) A moor; also, Hayh, a salt-water river. HALES. Local. From a village in Grloucestershire, and also a tovm in Norfolk, England. In Cor. Br., it signifies low, level lands washed by a river or the sea ; a moor. Playfair says, " The word Hales is a compound one, being formed of the Saxon Hale or Heile, strong, healthy, and ley, etc. Others derive it from Halig, Saxon, holy. HALIFAX. (Sax.) Local. From the city of Halifax, in York- shire, England, so called from Halig, holy, and faex, hair — holy hair ; from the sacred hair of a certain virgin whom a clerk beheaded because she would not comply with his de- sires. She was afterward canonized. From this circum- stance, the village was also called Horton, from Haer, Sax., hair, and ton, a town. HALKETT. The name of Halkett, in the writs of the family, is promiscuously written " de Hawkhead'* and " de Halkett." It is territorial or local, and was assumed by the proprietor of the lands and barony of Hawkshead, in Renfrewshire, as soon as surnames became hereditary in Scotland. HALLAM. From Hall, Welsh, salt, and ham, a house or vil- lage, from its manufacture in that place, or being situated near the salt water. It may be derived from Hal or Hayle, a moor, and ham, — ^the house on the moor. Halham, the house on the hill, from Hal, Cornish British, a hill. HALLER. (Grer.) From Holler, a man belonging to a salt- work. HALLETT. Little Hal, or Henry, the diminutive termination ett being added, as Willett, EUett. HALLIDAY. " Holy-day." It is said this name had its ori- gin in the Slogan, or war-cry of a G-aeKc clan residing in Annandale, who made frequent raids on the English border. On these occasions they employed the war-cry of " A holy- 162 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY day," every day, in their estimation, being holy, that was spent in ravaging the enemy's country. HALLO WELL. HolyweU. HALPEK (Welsh.) The head of the moor or salt river. Gaehc, Alpin, the highest land, peak of a moimtain, from Alp and hen. HALSE. Local. (Dutch.) Rals, the neck, a narrow tract of land, projecting from the main body. HALSEY. Local. From Hals, and ey or ig, Saxon, an island, water, the sea ; the neck on the water, or running into the sea. The island neck. HALSTEAD. Local A town in Essex, England, from Bals, as given above, and sted, a place. Hoisted, £t town in North Jutland, that is, the low place ; Hoi, Dutch, hollow, and stead, a place : a house or town in a hollow place. HAM. Local. A house, borough, or village, the termination of many names of places in England ; German, heim, a home ; France. HAMILTON. Originally BamUeton, from the manor of Ham- bleton, in Buckinghamshire. William, third son of Eobert, ' third Earl of Leicester, took that surname from the place of liis birth, as above. He was the founder of the family of that name in Scotland, whither he went about the year 1215. The name is derived from HameU, a mansion, the seat of a freeholder, and dun, an enclosure, a fortified place, a town. HAMLIN. Local. A corruption of Hammelme, which was taken from Hamekn, a town on the river Weser, Germany. Hamelin, a town in Scotland, so called from Ham, a house or village, and lin, a waterfall, a small lake or pond. HAMMEL. (Armoric.) A house, a close, a place of rest, a home. Hamle, a river in Brunswick, Germany. HAMMOND. Hamrmount, the town or house on the eleva- tion. It may come from Hamon. OP FAMILY NAMES. , 158 HAMOK (Heb.) Faithful HAMPTOK Local. The town on the hill; a village in Mid- dlesex, England. HANNA. Local. From Hanan, a strong city in Hesse Cassel, Germany. Hana, Saxon, a cock j figuratively, a leader, a chief man. HANDEL. (Danish.) Trade, commerce; to trade, trafl&c; handel, Dutch, traffic, commerce, mechanic art, profession, business, or employment. HANDSEL. (Danish.) To deliver into the hand. An earnest money for the first sale. A New Year's gift. HANFORD. Local. (Welsh.) From hen, old, and ford, a way; "the old way." HANHAM. (Welsh.) Hen, old, and Saxon, ham, a town; that is, the old town. HANKS. A nurse -name, or an abbreviation of John, the "s" being added for '' son ;" so " Sims," and " Gibbs," etc. HANLEY. Local. From the town of Hanley, in Shropshire. The old place or field, from Hen or Han, old, and ley, a place, a common. HANSEL. Local. (Saxon.) A firee market or hall, from Mwwse or han^e, a society, hansa, G-othic, a multitude, and sel, a hall. HANSON. The son of Hans or John, same as Johnson. Bailey derives it from Han, the .diminutive of Randall, the son of Randall. HANWAY. A native of HainauU, which country was called Hanway, in the time of Henry VIIL HARCOURT. Local. From the lordship of Harcourt, in Normandy. Har, from Saxon Here, an army, and court. HARDESTG. Local. Har, from here, an army, and ing, a meadow or common. The place where an army was encamped. 164 ETjTMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY HARDY. (Fr.) Bold, free, noble. HARGILL. Local. Hartgill, a small river in England. " The deer-brook." HARGrRAVE. Saxon. The provider or commissary of an army, from Here or Har^ an army, and grave^ a steward or disposer. HARLEY, HARLEIGH, and HARLOW. Local. From a town in Essex, England; the place of the army. From jBere, Saxon, an army, and Zey, a place, a field. ' HARM AN, says Verstegan, " should rightly be Heartman, to wit, a man of heart and courage." Probably the same as Herman, from Here, an army, and man, a soldier. HAROLD. In old Anglo Saxon, signifies " The love of the army." From Har, an army, and hold, love. HARRINGTOK Local From the parish of Harrmgton, in Cumberland, corrupted from Haverington, so called from Haver, Dutch, Hdber, Teut., oats, ing, a field, and ton. The town in or surrounded by oat fields. HARRIS, HARRISOK, and HERRIES. The son of Henry. HARROWER. The subduer; from the French harrier, to harrass ; — and this, perhaps, from the Anglo Saxon, hergian, to conquer or subdue ;— -one who harrows the ground. HARTFIELD. Local The deer field. HARTGILL. Same as Hargill (which see). HARTSHORN. The horn of the hart or male deer ; an em- blem or sign over a shop or inn, whence the name, " WiU at the Hartshorn.^' HARTWELL. Local. From a village in Buckingham, Eng- land, noted for being some years the residence of Louis XVIII. The well or spring frequented by deer. HARVEY. (Sax.) From here, an army, and wic, a fort. OF FAMILY NAMES. 165 HASBROUCK. Local. Derived Jfrom the town of EdzebroucJc, in the province of Artois, France. HASCALL or HASKELL. (Welsh.). From hasg, a place of rushes, or sedgy place, and hall or hayle, a moor. " The sedgy place." AsgaU, in the GaeHc, signifies a sheltered place, a retreat, and with the addition of the aspirate " H," might make the name. HASWELL. (Dutch or Grerm.) Rasveldt, from Base, a river in Westphaha, and veldt, a field, corrupted into well; or from Wald, Glerman, a wood or forest, — the forest on the Hase. The name may also signify the misty place, or the Wild or field of hares, from Haas, Dutch, a hare. HASTIN[GS. Local. Derived from the borough of Hastings, in Sussex, England, which is memorable for the landing of WilHam the Conqueror, and defeat and death of Harold IL,. in 1066. Camden derives this name from one Hastings, a Dane, a great robber, who either seized, or built, or fortified it. Somnerus derives it fi-om the Saxon haeste, heat, because of the bub- bling or boihng of the sea in that place ; but as haste appHes rather to voluntary beings, as men and other animals, the name more correctly signifies one who hurries, presses, drives; vehemency, quickness of motion. HATCH. Local. A kind of door or floodgate. These ancient stops or hatches consisted of sundry great stakes and piles erected by fishermen in the river Thames or other streams, for their better convenience of securing fish. Also, a term for gates leading to deer-parks or forests. HATHAWAY. Local Derived from Port Haethwy, in Wales. HATFIELD. Local. From a town in Hertfordshire, also in Essex and Yorkshire, England. Bailey says it is fi'om Saij hot. Sax., and Jield — ^from the hot sandy soil. Houtfield, the X6Q ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY field in ike wood, from hout, Dutch, a wood. Perhaps the same as Heathfield. HATHORN. Local A dwelling near hawthorns. HATTON. Local A town in Warwickshire, England. The town on the height ; haut, Fr., high. Haughton, the town in the meadow or vale. Soudt-ton, Dutch, the town in the wood. Shortly after the Conquest, Hugh Montfort's second son, Richard, being Lord of Hatton in Warwickshire, took the name of Hatton. HAUGrH. Local. A httle meadow lying in a vaUey. HAYEMEYER. (Danish and Dutch.) A garden-master. HA YENS. From Edvm, a harbor. HAYERILL. Local. Derived from the town of Haverill, in Suffolk, England, so named from the Dutch Saver ; Teut., Saber, oats, and MM. HAW and HA WES. (Sax.) Saeg, a small inclosure near a house, a haugh, a close. The name of a town in England. HAWLEY. Prom Baw, a hedge, Saxon, haeg, a small piece of ground near a house, a close, a place where hawthorns grow, and ley, a field or meadow. HAY. A hedge, an inclosure, to inclose, fence in, a protection, a place of safety. In Dutch, Haag ; Sax., Hege; G-er., Heck; Danish, HeJcJce; Swedish, Hagn; Fr., Haie ; Welsh, Cae; Gaelic, Ca; Cor, Br., Hay. " In the reign of Kenneth III. (says Douglass), about 980, the Danes having invaded Scotland, were encountered by that king, near Loncarty, in Perthshire. The Scots at first gave way, and fled through a narrow pass, where they were stopped by a countryman of great strength and courage, and his two sons, with no other weapons than the yokes of their plows. Upbraiding the fugitives for their cowardice, he succeeded in rallying them ; the battle was renewed, and the Danes totally discomfited. It is said, that after the victory was obtained, the old man, lying on the ground OF FAMILY NAMES. 16t wounded and fatigued, cried '-Say, -Say,' which word be- came the surname of his posterity. The king, as a reward for that signal service, gave him as much land in the Carse of Growrie as a falcon should fly over before it settled ; and a falcon being accordingly let off, flew over an extent of ground six miles in length, afterward called Errol, and lighted on a stone still called Fahonstone or Hawkstone" HAYCOCK. A name probably given to a foundling exposed in a hayfield. HAYDEN and HAYD YN. Local. Heyden, a town of Den- mark; a place built, made, inclosed, or cultivated, from daane^ Danish, to form, to fashion, to make, cultivate. HAYFORD. -Say, an inclosure, and /orcZ, away — ^the road or way inclosed, or the way through the inclosure or park. HAYM-AN". (Sax.) A high man, or may be the same as Hayward (which see). HAYNE or HAYNES. (See Haine.) HAYN^R. (Ger.) From Hech or Hohe, high, and narr, a fool, a jester, a merry fellow, king's fool. Perhaps, like Q-eorge Buchanan, who was so called, a wise and learned man. HAYNSWORTH. (See Hainsworth.) HAYWARD. Anciently in England the keeper of the com- mon herd or cattle of a town, from the Saxon hieg, hay, and ward, a keeper. HAZARD. (Br.) From ard, nature, and has, high — of high disposition, proud, independent. HAZELRiaa. Local. The hazel-ridge. HAZBLWOOD. Local. A wood where hazel-nuts grow. HAZEN or HASEN. (Dan.) A hare. HEAD. Anciently written Hede or Hide. Probably from the place written Hede or Hide in Doomsday Book, now Hithe^ in Kent, England, where the earhest traces of the Head family are found. From the Anglo-Saxon Mthej a harbor, a shelter for boats. 168 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY HEATON. (Saxon.) Local The high town or hill, from Hea^ high, and ton. HEBER. (Heb.) Derived either from Heber^ one of the an- cestors of Abraham, or from the Hebrew word e&er, which signifies " from the other side," that is, foreigners. HECKER. (Dan.) Hekker^ a hedger, from hekke, a hedge, a protectioiL HEDD. (Welsh.) Peace ; JiaiM, barley. HEDGES. Local. A fence of thorn-bushes; a thicket of shrubs ; an inclosure of shrubs or small trees. HEDON. Local From a town in England of the same name — the high town. HELLIER or HILLIER. In the dialect of Dorsetshire, Eng- land, signifies a thatcher or tiler. HELLING-. Local BeUan, in the Welsh, signifies the elms — the place of elms. Hdling^ m the Dutch, means a slope or declivity. HELMER or ELMER. Contracted from Ethehner, noble, re- nowned. Holmer^ the low, shallow pond or lake, from Eo\ Sax., low, and mer, a pond. Halemer, Cor. Br., the lake in the moor, or the salt water. HENDERSON. The son of Hendrik or Henry. HENLEY. Local. From a market-town in Oxfordshire, also a town in Warwickshire, England. From Hen^ old, and fey, a field or common. HENRY. Yerstegan derives this name from MnncTc, ever rich; others from Herrick, rich lord or master; Camden, from the Latin Sonoricus, honorable. Kilian writes it Heynrich — ^Heymrick, i. e., rich at home. HERBERT. (Sax.) From Bere, a soldier, and heorM, bright — an expert soldier, or the glory of an army; famous in OF FAMILY NAMES. 169 HERIOT. A provider of furniture for an army. A fine paid to a lord at the death of a landlord. HERISSON. Local. From a town by that name in France. HERMAN. (Sax.) From Here, an army, and man. A man of the army ; a soldier. Here and Hare signify both an army and lord. HERMANCE. (Germ.) A ruler. Heermensch^ Dutch, a master, from Heer, a master, lord, or ruler, and mensch, a man. HERNDOK Local. From Heme, a cottage, and den, a val- ley. The cottage in the vaUey. HERNE. May come from the Saxon Hern, a cottage. HERNSHAW. Local. From hern, a kind of fowl, a hem, and shaw, a shady inclosure, a place where herns breed. HERON. (Welsh.) A hero. HERR. (G-erman.) Sire, lord, master. HERRICK. The same as Erick or Erricks (which see). HERRING-. Hirring, a town in the Diocese of Alburg, Den- mark. HERSEY. Local. From Herseavtx, in the Netherlands. HEYDEN. Local. From a town in Westphalia, also a town of the same name in South Jutland, Denmark. HEYMAN or HAYMAN. (Sax.) A high man. HEWER, HUER, and EUER. A person stationed on the sea-shore, to watch and notify the fishermen of the shoals of fish ; from the Saxon, Earian, to show. HEWIT. The son of Hugh. HIBBARD. Same as Hubbard and Hubert (which see). HICCOCK. The son of Hig or Hugh ; cock signifying Um,-— 6* 160 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY little Hig. It may be a corruption of Haycock (which see). HICKS. Hig(s) or Hick(s). The son of Hugh. Hig or Hick being a common nick-name for Hugh. Hick, in the Dutch, signifies a simpleton. HICKEY. The Hukci, GwycM, a word signifying valiant men, anciently possessed Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and a part of Grloucestershire, England. HIERNE. (Dan.) Local An angle, a comer. HIGGESTBOTTOM. A corruption of the German name, Ich- enhaum, that is, oak-tree. HIGaiNS. Little Hig or Hugh ; the son of Hugh ; from Hig, and the patronymic termination ings; belonging to, or the son of. HILDYARD and HILYARD. Anciently Hildheard. HUd, in Saxon, is a hero or heroine, as Hildebert, illustrious hero, and heard, in the same language, a pastor or keeper. HINCKLEY. Local. From Hinckley, a town in Leicester- shire, England. HINDMAN and HINMAN. A domestic, a servant; one who has the care of herds. HINDON or HINTOK Local A borough in Wiltshire, England. Welsh, Henton, the old town, from Hen, old. HIPPISLEY. Local From the Saxon Hiope, a hip-berry, or wood-rose, and ley, a field. HIPWOOD. Local The wood where sweet-briars or roses grow. HITCHENS. Local A town in Hertfordshire, England. HO AG. (Welsh.) Low in stature, small HOARE. White, hoar, gray. HOBART. The same as Hubert (which see). OF FAMILY NAMES. 161 HOBBS. From Hob^ the nick-name for Robert. HOBBY. (Dan.) Local. Erom hob^ a herd, and %, a town ; the town of herds or flocks. HOBKrN"S. From Hoh^ Eobert, and the patronymic termina- tion hiTis ; the same as Robertson or Hobson. HOBSOK The son of Hob, or Robert. HODD. From the Dutch Ebudt, a wood; the same as Hood. HODGrB. The same as Roger, which signifies quiet or strong counsel. HODGrES. From Hodge, a nick-name of Roger, the " s" being added for son. HODGrEKINS. From Hodge, as above, and the patronymic termination Tdns ; — changed now to HotchMss. HODSOK The son of Hod or Hodge. HOE. (Welsh.) A state of rest, a stay ; ease, quiet. Hoh, Saxon, the heel. Local, Haut, Fr., high, the top, summit, noisy, proud, haughty. HOFF. (Danish and Dutch.) A court, residence, palace. HOFFMAN". (Dutch.) From Hoofdman, a captain, a director, head or chief man. Hofmxm, from Hof, a court — the man of the court. HOG-ANT. In the Cornish, mortal, in the Gaelic, a young man, from " O^r," young. Hogyn, Welsh, a stripling. HOGARTH. (Dutch.) From hoogli, high, and aerd, nature or disposition. HOGG. Same as Hoag (which see). HOGGEL. From the Norman, HugeT, a hill. HOLBECH. Local. A place in the county of Lincoln, Eng- land ; the low brook, or the brook in the ravine or hoUow. Holzheck, the brook in the wood. HOLCOMBE, or HOLTCOMBE. Local (Saxon.) A woody vale, fi-om IIoU or EuUz, a wood, and ccw»6e, a valley. 162 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY HOLDEN. (Danish.) Safe, entire, wealthy; a safe place held, protected, defended. HOLLAND. Local. A name given to a native of that coun- try, w^hich was so called from Hollow-land, because it abounds with ditches full of water. BaUey is of opinion that the Danes who conquered Holland, so called it from an island in the Baltic of the same name, from ol, beer, drink. Why not from Hold land, the land taken and kept, held, governed ? HOLLENBECK. From Hollenbach a town on the Ehine, Germany. HOLMAN. A corruption of Allemand, a German, that is, a mixture of all men, AUe-mann. HOLME and HOLMES. Local. Meadow lands near or sur- rounded by water, grassy plains ; sometimes an island. HOLSAPPLE. Local. From Hoh, German, a wood, an apple, or apfel, an orchard ; apple-trees in or near a wood. HOLT. Local A small hanging wood, from Hultz, Dutch, a wood; a peaked hiU covered with wood; a grove of trees around a house. HOLYWELL. Local. A place of importance in Flintshire, Wales. Geraldus Cambrensis says that there was for- merly near this place a rich mine of sUver. Wenefride's Well, from which the name of Holy Well was given to this place, springs from a rock at the foot of a steep hiU. The well is an oblong square about twelve feet by seven. HOME and HUME. Same as Holmes (which see). HOMER. Greek, "Ofivpoc, a hostage, a pledge or security. HONE. Welsh, Hoen, joy. Honan, the son of Hone. HOMFRAY. From the French Homme-vrai, a true man. JEOOD. (Sax.) Local From houdt, the wood. OF FAMILY NAMES. 163 HOOaABOOM. (Dutch.) High-tree, from Hoog, high, and hoom, tree, either local or expressive of stature. HOOPER. A cooper. HOOGSTRATEK (Dutch.) Local. High-street. HOPE. Local. The side of a hill, or low ground between hills. HOPKINS. Little Robert, or the child of Robert. The same as Hobkins (which see). HOPPER. (Sax.) Eoppere, a dancer. HORE. Hoar^ white, gray. Horr, Local a ravine. HORKBLOWER. A musician, one that blows a horn. HORTOIST. Local. A town in Yorkshire England — the hor- rible town, or the town in the ravine, from Horr, a ravine. HOSFORD. Local. From Ouseford, in England, the "o" being aspirated — that is, the ford or way of the river Ouse. HOSKINS or HASKINS. (Cor. Br.) From Beschen or Eds- kyn, the place of rushes, the sedgy place. HOTCHKISS. The same as HodgUns (which see). HOTHAM. Assumed from the place of residence, Hotham in Yorkshire, probably derived from the Saxon word Hod, a hood or covering, and ham, a house, farm, or village, or a piece of ground near a house or village, both of which terms are apphcable to the situation of Hotham. Houtham signifies a place at or near a wood, from the Dutch Hout, a wood. HOUG-H. Local. A place so named in the county of liincoln, England. Saxon and Dutch, Hoch, Hoog, and How, high. HOUGHTAILINa. (Dutch.) From Eoofd, head or chief, and telling, counting or teUing, that is, head clerk or account- ant; a money-master, a money-collector. Hough, hauff^ haife, a pUe, a lump; dell, to pay, give over. Sax., daeh,n; Dutch, deelen; Ger., theilen, to separate, give, pay over. 164 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY HOUQ-HTON. Local. A town in Lancashire, England. Sax., from hoog, or hoch, high, and tow, a hill, castle, or town. HOUSE. A covering, a dwelling place, a mansion. HOUSTON. Local From the parish of Houston, in Kenfrew- shire, Scotland. There is an old tradition, that in the reign of Malcolm IV., a.d. 1153, Hugh Padvinan obtaiaed a grant of the barony of Kilpeter, from Baldwin of Biggar, sheriff of Lanark, and hence caUed Hughstown, corrupted into Houstoun. These Houstons were of great consideration in - Eenfrewshire. ^ HOWAED. WilHam, son of Roger Fitz Yalevine, took the name of Howard from being born in the Castle of Howard, in Wales, in the time of Henry I. Spelman derives How- ard from Hof-ward, the keeper of a hall ; Yestegan, from Hold-ward, the keeper of a stronghold; Camden, from Hoc7i-ward, the high keeper. HOWE or HOO. A high place, a hill; critically, a hill in a valley. De La Sbwe, " from the hiU," was originally the name of the family. They came to England with William the Conqueror. (See AthilL) HOWELL. (Cor. Br.) From Soul, the sun; Greek, "HA of, JEuhill, high, exalted. HOWLETT. A night-bird, an owL HUBAJSTD. Anciently Subavde, from Bugh^ and baiide, bold- Jo Zc? Hugh. HUBBARD. (Anglo-Saxon.) A corruption of Hubert, i e., bright form, fair hope. HUBBELL. Local. From Hubha, a Danish chief, and hill — Hubba's-hiU or HubhilL Hub means a heap or a lump, and may indicate a small round hill on the summit of another. HUBERT. Bright form, fair hope ; Saxon, hiewe, color, form, beauty, and beort, bright. OF FAMILT NAMES. 16i5 HUCKSTER A corruption of De HoghsUpe—^^ from the high steep." HUDDLESTON. Local. From a small parish by that name in the West Riding of Yorkshire. HUDSON. The son of Hod or Roger. HUGET. Little Hugh, the son of Hugh. HUGGrlNS. The same as Higgins, from Hug, the nickname for Hugh, and the patronymic termination ings, belonging to, or the son of. HUG-HES. The son of Hugh. Aventinus derives Hugh from Hougen, that is, slasher or cutter. Alfred, in the year 900, used Hugh to denote comfort. Hugh in the Graehc, is Aoidh, which signifies affability, a guest, a stranger. Hu suggests the idea of elevation ; Ho, Hu, highness. HULET or HOWLET. A small owl. Heulaidd, Welsh, sun- like; heuledd, sunshine. HULL. Local. From the city of HuU, in Yorkshire, England, which comes from the Teutonic or Saxon Hulen or Heulen, to howl, from the noise the river Hull makes when it meets there with the sea. HuU is an old word for a hill ; HuU, Welsh, a rough, uneven place. The city of Hull was anciently famous for its good government, whence arose this old saying, called the Beggars' and Va- grants' Litany : "From Hell, HuU, and Halifax, Grood Lord deliver us 1" From HuU, because of the severe chastisement they met with there, and from Halifax, for a law there instantly be- heading with an engine, without any legal proceedings, those who were taken in the act of stealing cloth — either being probably more terrible than HeU itself. HULSE. From the town and manor of Hulse, in G-reat Bud- worth, Cheshire, England. Holtz, Ger., a wood. 166 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONABY HUMPHREY. (Anglo-Saxon.) From Hum/red, that is, house-peace — a lovely and happy name. HUNGERFORD. Local A market-town in Berkshire, Eng- land, on the Kennet. Hunger's pass or way, so called from Hunger, a celebrated Danish leader who invaded England. HUNN. A native of Hungary, or from the Q-erman Hune^ a giant; a Scythian. HUNT or HONT. It occurs in Chaucer for huntsman. HUNTINGTOK (Sax.) ^wwfer's-<^ow, the mount of hunters ; the name of a shire and town in England. HUNTLEY. Local. A town in Aberdeenshire, Scotland; the hunting field. HURD. (WelsL) From Hurdh, a ram. HURST, (Saxon.) Local. A wood, a grove; finiit-bearing trees. HUSTED. Local. Hus, Sax., a house, and sted, a fixed place. HUTCHINS. The child of Hugh. (See Hitchins.) HUTCHINSON. The son of Hitchins or Hutchins. BUTTON. Local A town in England; the high town. Camden defines the name to signify a mutineer. Hutain, in French, is haughty, proud. HYDE. Local. A farm ; as much land as can be cultivated with one plow; a town of Cheshire, England. Hyd, or Sithe, a landing place, a haven, harbor. IDE. The same as Hide or Hyde (which see), the "JS"" being dropped in the pronunciation. Idea, a small town in Eng- land. ILSLEY. Local. Isle's-ley, the place on the island. INCLEDON. Local. Ingleton, the beacon hill, the fire-hill, or hiU of alarm, so named from an ancient custom of kind- ling a fire on an eminence, as a signal of invasion or danger. OP FAMILY KAMES. 167 ING-E. Ing, Saxon, a pasture, a meadow or watering place, low ground. Danish, Eng, a meadow, meadow ground, pasture ; a place near a river. Welsh, Ing, narrow, a strait mGLEBY or INGOLDSBY. Local. Inglesly, the town of the English, or Angles ; perhaps the town was first named at the time the Angles first invaded Britain. Ing-gil-by, Saxon, the town near the brook in the narrow valley. A town in Lincolnshire, England. INGLIS or INGLES. The name was given in Scotland, to distinguish the family of some Enghsh settler. The Eng- lishman. In the ancient records of the family the namo Anglicus is often mentioned. INGHAM. Local. The town on the low ground, meadow or pasture. INGRAHAM or INGRAM. (Ger.) Camden derives this name from Engelramus, from JEJngel, Saxon, angel, and retre, purity. Pure as an angel. INNIS or INNES. The same as Ennis (which see). This family is of great antiquity in Scotland, and derives its sur- name from the lands of Innis, a word supposed to be de- rived from the GaeUc Inch, an island, part of that barony being an island, formed by the two branches of a stream running through the estate. IPRES. Local. A town in the Netherlands, and has its name from the small river Yperlee on which it stands. IRELAND. A name given to a native of that island. Ireland signifies West-land, from the Gaehc lar, the West, and the Teutonic land, Welsh, Llan, a clear place, a lawn. IRETON. Local. From Ireton, a manor in County Derby, England. In Gaelic, the west town or hill. IRISH. A native of Ireland, the country from which the nominal founder of the family came. 168 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY IRON. A name taken from the mineral kingdom. IRYINa or IRYINE. Local From a river and town of tlie same name in Ayrshire, Scotland. ISAAC. (Heb.) Laughter. ISHAM. Local Isis-ham, that is, the town on the river Isis, in Northamptonshire, England- ISLIP. Local A village near Oxford, England ; the name sig- nifies a place on the edge or brink of the water; an island. ISRAEL. (Heb.) Prevailing in the Lord ; a name given to the Patriarch Jacob. lYES. Local From a town named St. Ives, in the county of Huntingdon, England. O'Connor derives Ive fi-om Iber, the place of Br, the land of heroes, now pronounced Ive or Hy. Gaelic, Ives. IVER. (Gaelic and WelsL) A chief or leader. Iver, Danish, zeal, fervor ; ivre, to speak or aqt with zeal Gaelic, Ian Vhor, a hero ; Welsh, eon, brave, and mawr, great. JACK. The same as John. JACKSON. The son of Jack, or John. JACOB. (Heb.) He that supplants. JACOBSON. The son of Jacob. JAMES. (Heb.) The same as Jacob, he that supplants. JAMESON or JAMTESON. The son of James. JANES. The son of Jane. JANEWAY. A Genoese. JASON. (Greek.) Healing. JEFFERS or JEFFREY. Corrupted from Geoffrey or God- frey, German, from Ood and fried, God's peace, or from Gau and fried, joyful peace. This name was borne by the chief of the royal house of Plantagenet. OF FAMILY NAMES. 169 JEMSE. Local A town in Sweden. JENEINS. From Jenks or John, and the patronymic termi- nation ingSj belonging to, or son of John. JENKINSOK The son of Jenkins. JENKS. The same as Johns ; the son of John. JENNER. An old form for Jbmer. JENNINGS. The same as Jenkins. JEROME. The same as Jeremiah. JESSUP. Giuseppe^ Italian, the same as Joseph. JETTER. (Fr.) Jeter ^ to overthrow; Jouteur^ a tilter, fencer, a swordsman. JEW. A contraction of Juddh, Hebrew. JEWELL. Joy, mirth, precious ; a jewel, a precious stone ; a name expressive of fondness. JEWETT. The little Jew, the son of a Jew; Jouet, French, toy, sport. JOB. (Heb.) Sorrowful; patient JOBSON. The son of Job. JOHN. (Heb.) Gracious ; God's grace. JOHNSON. The son of John. JOLLIE. ((Fr. and Sax.) FuU of life and mirth. JONADAB. (Heb.) Liberal, one who acts a prince. JONAH and JONAS. (Heb.) A dove. JONATHAN. (Heb.) The gift of the Lord. JONES. (Heb.) The same as John or Johns, and signifies gracious. JORDAN or JORDEN. (Heb.) The river of judgment. Jar- dain, Gaelic, the western river, with respect to the Euphra- tes. The name is derived from its two spring-heads, Jor and Dan. 8 Ho ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY JOSEPH. (Heb.) Increase, addition. JOSSELYN and JOSLIN. Local. Jocelin, a town in France. JOY. Gladness, exhilaration of spirits ; to shout, rejoice. JOYCE. Joyous. JUDD. (Heb.) From Juda, praise, confession, and signifies the confessor of Grod. Jode or Jood, in the Dutch, means Israelite^ a Jew ; Jute, a native of Jutland. JUDSON. Thesonof Judd. KAUFMAN. (Grer.) A merchant, a trader. KAVANAGH. (Celtic or Gaehc.) Coamhanach, mild, be- nevolent, merciful ; a friend, a companion. Mr. John O'Donovan says, that Donnell Cavanagh was so called from having been fostered by the Coarb of St. Cavan, at Kilcavan, in the present county of Wexford, Ireland. KAY. Local. In Cor. Br., signifies a hedge, inclosure, a place of security, a fortified place. Kai, German, is a quay, a wharf. KAYNAED or KINNARD. Local. (Gaelic.) From JEm- naird, a place in Perthshire, Scotland, so called from Ceann, the head, the end, and aerd, a height or promontory, from its high situation. KEACH. Keech, a mass, a lump ; a short, thick-set man. KEAN. (Gaelic.) Ceann, the head, the top, a chief, a com- mander. KEBBY, KIBBY. Local. (Danish.) Kioh-by, a market town, the place of buying, from Kidb, buying, purchase, bar- gain, and hy, a town. KEEL. A low, flat-bottomed vessel used in the river Tyne, to convey coals; an inn-sign; a harbor. ^eZ, local, a town in Denmark, a corner, wedge, a ravme. KEELER. One who manages barges and vessels. i OF FAMILY NAMES. 1*71 K!EEK Bold, eager, daring ; bright, fair ; or may be the same as Kean. KBESE, (Dutch.) An abbreviation of Cornelius^ among the Dutch. Keys, called Taxiaxia, were ofl&cers of justice, in olden times, in the Isle of Man. KEiaWIN. (Cor. Br.) White dog, from hei, a dog, and gwyUj white ; figuratively, a hero. TCE TTTT. Local. From the parish and, lands of Keith, in Banff- shire, Scotland. The name Keith is said to be derived from the G-aelic Qaoth^ wind, pronounced somewhat similarly to Keith. The old village and kirk are called Arkeiih, which may be a corruption of the G-aelic Ard Gaoth, signifying " high wind," which corresponds to its locality, which is peculiarly exposed to gusts of wind. In some old charters, Keith is written Oith, which still more resembles G^ith. I think the name is derived from the Welsh Caethj a place surrounded, shut up, inclosed, a deep hollow, a strait. The root of the word is the Welsh Cau^ to close, to shut up. Concerning this family, the traditional account is, that they came from Germany in the reign of the Emperor Otho, and from the principality of Hesse, from which they were ex- pelled in some revolution. The first person of this family of whom our oldest historians take notice, is Eobert De Keith, to whom Malcom II., King of Scotland, gave the barony of Keith, in East Lothian, as a reward for kilHng Camus, a Danish general, who then in- vaded Scotland with a numerous army. The battle was fought at Barry, seven miles from Dundee, where an obelisk, called Camud stone, still preserves the memory of the vic- tory, and it is said the king, dipping his three fingers in the blood of the general, stroked them along the field of the Scotch champion's shield, to whom, besides the landed es- tate before mentioned, he gave the dignity of Great Mar- shal of Scotland, 172 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY KELLOGG-. From Chelioc, or KuUiag (Cor. Br.), a cock, coil- eachj in Gaelic, and ceiliog, in Welsh, the G having the sound of K. KELLY. (Gaelic and Welsh.) A grove, generally of hazel KiM or CUhj in the Gaelic and Celtic, denotes a church. KELSO. Local. Derived from the town of Kelso, in Rox- burghshire, Scotland. Kelso was originally written Cal- chow J a corruption of Chdlkheiigh, the chalk-hill. KELSEY. Local. A town in Lincolnshire, England. Kelsey, in Cornish British, signifies the " dry nech,'^ from Kel, a neck, and syck, dry. KEMBLE or KIMBLE. The same as Campbell, of which it ia a corruption. KEMP. In old English, a soldier, one who engaged in single combat. The name Kemp is derived from the Saxon word to hemp, or combat, which in Norfolk is retained to this day ; a foot-ball match being called a camping or Tcemping ; and thus in Saxon a Kemper signifies a combatant, a champion, a man- at-arms. In some parts of Scotland the striving of reapers in the harvest-field is still called Jeemping. KEMPENFELT. Local. The camping or kemping-field. KEMPHALL and KJEMPSHALL. The soldiers' quarters. KEMPSTER. Prom the Dutch hampen, to fight, or Tmmper^ a champion. KEMPTOK The camp town; place of the army. KEMYSS. (Gaelic.) Camus, " nez retrouss6," a person whose nose is turned upwards ; crooked, from cam, Gaelic, crooked, not straight. KENNAN. Gaelic, Ceanann or Ceanfhionn, white-headed, bald. OF FAMILY NAMES. lYS' KENDALL. Local. Derived from the town of Kendal, in Westmoreland, England, and was so called from the river Ken^ on which it is situated, and dale; the dale on the river Ken. KENDEICK. From the Saxon KenricJc, from Kennen, to know, and ric, rich — ^rich in knowledge. Bailey derives this name* from cewe, bold, and rick^ a kingdom — a valiant ruler. KENKARD. (Gaelic.) From Ceannard, a chief, a chieftain, a leader, a commander-in-chief, from Ceann^ head, chief, and Ard^ high, lofty. KENNEDY. From the Gaelic or Celtic words Kean-na-ty ; the head of the house, or chief of the clan. Ceannaide sig- nifies also a shopkeeper, a merchant. KENNICOT. (Cor. Br.) From Chmnicat, a singer; Welsh, canu, to sing. KENT. Local. From the County Kent, in England. Camden derives this from canton, a corner, because England in this place stretches itself into a corner to the north-east. Cant, in Welsh, signifies, round, circular, which is probably the true signification. KENWARD. (Saxon.) A cow-keeper, Kine-ward. KENYON. (Welsh.) Ceinion, beautiful; Cyndyn, stubborn, Concenn or Kynan, strong head, powerful, a leader. KERR. (GaeKc, Welsh, and Cor. Br.) Kaer, a castle ; figura- tively, strong, vaUant ; car^ dear, a kinsman, a fiiend ; Dan- ish, Kier, dear, lovely. KERSWELL. Local. The well where water-cresses grow. KETMAN. (Ger.) From Kette, a chain, and mann, — a chain- man. KETTLE. Local. From the parish of Kettle, m Fifeshire, Scotland. .1^4 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY KEVIK (Celtic.) From Coemhghin, the beautiful offspring, aoihMnrij pleasant, comely. Caomhan, a noble, kind, and friendly man. KEYS. Probably from Keyits^ an old Roman word for a ward- en or keeper. KEYSER. (Ger.) An emperor. KED. A young goat ; also, EM, from the Saxon Cythan, to show, discover, or make known. KIDDER. A dealer in com, provisions, and merchandize ; a traveling trader. KIEF. (Dan.) Brave, vaKant, stout, bold. KIEL. (G-er.) Local Derived from the town of EmI, in Lower Saxony. KERCHER. G-aelic, carcar ; Welsh, carchar, a prison ; Anglo- Saxon, carJc, a prison ; carker, a jailor. KIERNAN or KIRNAN. Oarnan, Gkelic, a heap; figura- tively, a strong man, a thick-set, stout man. Ceaman, local, a square, a quadrangle. KTERSTED. (Danish.) Local. The place near a marsh, from Kier, a marsh, and sted, a dwelling, a town. KILBURNE. Local. Derived from the village of KUburnej in Middlesex, England, famous for its fine weU of mineral water. Ktl, Dutch; Mldej Danish, a channel or bed of a river, and hence a stream ; bourne, a fountain, a spring-weU. KILGrOUR. (G-aelic) Local. The ancient name of a parish in Fifeshire, Scotland, so called from kill, a church, and gour, a hill — the church on the hill, or surrounded by hills. KILHAM. Local. A town in England, from Ml, as above, and ham, a house or town. KILLIN. (Gaelic.) Local. A place in Perthshire, Scotland, from Oill-Un, that is, the church or burying-place on the pooL OF FAMILY NAMES. iVS KBIBERLEY. Kemperlike, kemper, a veteran, a stout, war- like man, from the Dutch hamper, a champion, a fighting- man. The name may apply to the qualities of the person, or to the place of a camp or battle, that is, Camper-ley ; Qumberley indicates a place among hills in a narrow valley, KINCADE, (Graelic) From ceann, head, and caih or cad^ battle — the head or front of the battle. KING-. The primary sense is a head or leader. GaeHc, ceann / Welsh, cun and cwn, a head, a leader. Saxon, cyng^ and nearly the same in all the Teutonic dialects. Km GHORK Local A borough in Fifeshire, Scotland. The name is derived from the GaeHc Cean-gorn or gorm^ " the blue head," from the adjoining promontory. It is fancifully suggested by one writer that as the Scottish kings long had a residence in the neighborhood, the name may have been suggested by the frequent winding of the king's horn when he sallied out to the chase in this neighborhood. KINGSTON. Local. The name of several towns in England — the king's town. KINLOCH. Local From lands in Fifeshire. Emn Loch— " the head of the lake." KINNAIRD and KENNARD. (See Kaynard.) KINNEAR. (Gaehc.) A head man or chief Ceanneir, from Ceann^ head, and etr, an abbreviation of /ear, a man. KINNEY, Gaelic, Cine, kindred, a clan, a tribe. Keny and Cany, seeing, knowing; Welsh, cenio, to see. KINSLEY. (Gaelic.) From Ceannsallaeh, authoritative, com- manding, ruling. Walker, in his Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, relates the following story: Eochaidh, the then monarch, was defeated by Ena, King of Leinster, at the battle of Cruachan. In this engagement Ena killed Cet- mathch, laureate bard to the monarch, although he fled for mmmmmiiiiiffmimmmm 116 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY refuge under the shields of the Leinster troops. For this base deed the ruthless king was stigmatized with the epithet Ktnsealach, that is, the foul and reproachful head, which name descended to his posterity. KIPP. J^ppe, in the G-erman, denotes a situation on or near a precipice. Mp, Dutch, a hen, a chicken. KIEBY. Local. The name of several small towns in England, whence the surname is derived; so called from Kirk, a church, and hy, a village or town. EJRK. (Teut.) Kirche, a church. Gaelic, cearcaU, a circle, the primitive places of worship among the Celts were round, a symbol of eternity, and the existence of the Supreme Being, without beginning or end. KIRKALDY. Local. From KirJccaldy, a town in Fifeshire, Scotland, from KirJc, a church, and culdee, the worshipers of God, the first Christians of Britain, who were said to have had a place of worship there in ancient times. KIRKHAM. Local. From Kirk, a church, and ham, a village. The name of a small town in England, whence the surname originated. KIRKPATRICK Local. A parish in Dumfi-iesshire, Scot- land, i. e., Patrick's Church. KIRTLAND. A corruption of Kirkland, that is, the church land, fi:om M/rk, a church. KIRWAN. The name was O Quirivane imtU the time of Queen Elizabeth, when they, with many Irish houses, were compelled to drop the "O," and Quirivane was corrupted into Kirwan. KISKEY. (Cor. Br.) Blessed, happy, to bless. KITSOK The son of Christopher or Kit. KITTS. The son of Kit or Christopher, "s" bemg added for son. KLING. Q-erman Klinge, a blade, a sword. OF FAMILY NAMES. lV7 KNAPP. (Grer.) Knappe^ a lad, boy, servant, workman; a squire, whence Knave and Knapsack. KNEYETT. A corruption of the Norman name Duvenet. KNICKEEBACKER. (Dutch and Ger.) Cracker-baker, from Jcnacker, a cracker, and backer, a baker. KNIG-HT. A term originally applied to a young man after he was admitted to the privilege of bearing arms, by a certain ceremony of great importance called knighting, which was generally conferred by the king. KNIGHTLEY. From KhigM, and ley, a place or field. KNOWLES or KNOLL. The top of a hill. Knowl, in Cor. Br., is a promontory, hill, or eminence, a projection of hilly ground. KNOX. Local. GaeHc, Cnoc, a little hill; figuratively, a stout man. KREBS, Local. A town in Upper Saxony, Germany. KYLE. Local. Prom a district of the same name in Ayr- shire, Scotland. Gaehc, Coill, a wood. The river Coyle runs through the district, whence, perhaps, the name. LACKEY. A person sent, an attendant servant. LACY. Local. Derived from a place in France by that name. Sire De Lacy came into England with William the Con- queror. The Lacys afterward settled in Ireland. LADD. (Welsh.) Lladd, to destroy. LAHEY. GaeHc, Leighidie, a physician. Lagh^ Gaelic, law, order ; Fear Lagha, a lawyer. LAING. Scottish dialect for long. LAIRD. The same as Lord, from L, the, and ord or aird^ Gaehc, supreme, high, eminence, highness; Lerad, Laird, from radh, Gaehc, saying, declaring, expressing, affirming au 1*IS ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY adage or proverb; giving or uttering law, from the verb dbair. (See Lord.) LAKE. A servant. Latin, lego, to send. LAM. (Danish.) Lame. LAMB. The name was probably taken from the sign of a lamb at an inn, the young of the sheep kind ; Welsh, Llamer, to skip; Graelic, Leum. The primitive Celtic or GraeHc Lam signified armor, as a dart, a blade, or sword ; hence, to lam signified to disable, injure, maim, from which we have lame and limp. LAMBOURNE. Anciently written in the Cor. Br. Lamhron, the inclosure of the round hill ; Ian being changed into lam, for the sake of the euphony or ease in speaking ; from the "Welsh Llan, an inclosure, and bryn, a hill. LAMBERT. (Sax.) From lamh, and heorht, fair — fair lamb. LAMMA. Welsh, Llamu, to skip, leap, jump; to maim or lam. LAMPORT. (Cor. Br.) From lam or Ian, a place, and port, a harbor, a place for ships. LANCASTER. Local. A town and county of England, the castle or city on the Loyne or Lan river. The Britons called it Caerwerydd. (See Chester.) LANDER. Welsh, Lhndir. Grlebe lands belonging to a parish church, or land containing mineral ore. LANDOK (Cor. Br.) The inclosed hill or town, from Lan, an inclosure, and dun, a hill or town. Landen, a town of Belgium. LANDSEER. (Dutch.) From Landsheer, a lord of the manor, from land and heer, a master or lord. LANE. Old G-aeHc, Llan£, a plain ; barren, sandy, level lands. Lane, a narrow v/ay between hedges, a narrow street, an alley. " John of the Lane." OF FAMILY NAMES. lYO LANGrTOK Local. The long hill or town, so called from its oblong form, LANHAM. A contraction of Lavenham^ a town in Suffolk, England; whence the family originally came. Welsh, Llyfn^ a smooth, level place. LANMAN. A lance-man, spear-man. LANPHEAR. " Lann-feur^" Gaelic, grass-land ; Lann-fear, a pike-man, Lann^ an inclosure ; a house ; a church ; land ; a sword, Feur, grass ; fear^ a man. LANSma. Local (Dutch.) Low, flat lands ;"%," mead- ows ; alluvial lands. LANTOK (Cor. Br.) The furzy inclosure. LAORAN. (G-aelic.) A person too fond of the fireside. LARAWAY and LARWAY. (Fr.) A corruption of " Ze roi,^^ the king. LARDNER. A swine-herd. LARKINS. From lark^ a sweet, shrill, musical bird, and Tdn^ a child. Lmrcean or Leargan, a sloping, green, sid^ of a hill, near the sea, from Xear, Gaelic, the sea. LAROCHE and LAROQUE. (Fr.) The rock, a lonely mass of stone. De La Roche, " from the rock." LARRY. Supposed to be an abbreviation of Lawrence (which see). LLARY. (Welsh.) Mild, easy. LATH. An old word for " barn," in Lincolnshire, England. LATIMER. An interpreter. This name was first given to Wrenoc ap Merrick, a learned Welshman, interpreter be- tween the Welsh and English. The name of his office de- scended to his posterity. LATTON. From JSIew, A. S., and ton; the town on the emi- nence or side of a bill. 180 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY LATTD. From the same root as loud, widely celebrated, Latin, laus. laudis, praise; Welsh, clod; Gaehc or Irish, cloth; G-er- man, laut. LAUDER. Local. A town in Berwickshire, Scotland. LAUREL. The laurel or bayberry-tree, dedicated to Apollo, and used in making garlands for victors. LAVENDER. A laundress; Lavandiere, French, one who washes, from the Latin, lava, to wash. LAVEROCK. A Scotch word for a lark; also Dutch and Saxon. LAW. (Scot.) A hilL Laye, old French, a hill. LAWLESS. " Lah-lios." Gaelic, Lagh, law, order, and lios^ a court, a hall, a fortress, a place where law is administered. Lau, Cor. Br., praise, and lis, a court. Lawless, an outlaw. LAWLEY. (Saxon.) A place in the hundred of Blackburn, Shropshire, from Law, low, and ley, a place, lea, or pasture. LAWRENCE. Flourishing, spreading, from Laurus, the lau- rel-tree. Su- Robert Lawrence, of Ashton Hall, Lancashire, England, accompanied Richard I. to the Holy Land, 1191. LAWRIE. Lawrence. LAWSON. The son of Law, the familiar abbreviation of Law- rence. LAYCOCK. Local. A village on the banks of the Avon, in Wiltshire, England. The name may be the same as Lucoch that is, Uttle Luke. LEADBEATER. A name of trade, a worker in lead. LEARNED. Local. (Gaelic.) The green, sheltered place near the sea, from Lear^ the sea, and nead, a sheltered place. Or it may be a name given for scholarship, "John tlie Learned." LEAVENWORTH. Local. (Welsh.) Llyvngwerth, the smooth, level farm, castle or court, or the worth or place on the river Leven. OF FAMILY NAMES. 181 LEBY. Local. A town in Denmark. LECHMERE. Local. This family originally came from the Low Countries. Lech is a branch of the Ehine, which parts from it at Wyke, and running westward, falls into the Maes, before Rotterdam ; mere^ a lake. LEE, LEA, and LEY. A pasture, meadow, lands not plowed, a common, a sheltered place ; Lee^ a river, a stream, from Lli, Welsh, a stream. LEECH. A physician. LEFERRE. (Fr.) Le Ferre, the smith. Latm, Fixber, LEG-ARD. (N"or. Fr.) Le Gard^ the guard or protector. Probably was first assumed from the possession of some trusty or confidential ofl&ce. LEG-ATT. Legate, an ambassador; Leggett, the son of Legge. LEIG-H or LEGH. Local. A town in England, a pasture or meadow, the same as Ley, or Lea. The frequency of this family name in Cheshire, England, led to the old proverb, " As many Leighs as fleas, Masseys as asses, and Davenports as dog's tails." LEICESTER. From Leicester, a borough town in England. Saxon, Leagceaster, from Leag or Ley, a field or common, and cester, a camp or city, from the Latin Castrum; because, says Bailey, it was probably built hard by a leag or com- mon ; a camp of the Roman legion. (See Chester.) LEIR or LEAR. Originally German, and derived from the town of Lear, on the Ems, in Westphalia. LELAND. Local. Laland, an island in Denmark, the same as Leylande, the ancient manner of spelling the name, and denotes Low lands. In Welsh, Lie is a place, and Lan a church. Lan may signify any kind of inclosure, as Owin- lan, Perlan, an orchard, a word applied to gardens, houses, castles, or towns. LEMON. (Fr.) A corruption of Le Moin, the monk. 182 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY LENNON. (Gaelic.) Leannon, a lover, a sweetheart LENNOX, (G-aelic.) Local. From the County of Lennox, Scotland. The original name was Leven-ach^ the field on the Leven, from the river Leven, which flows through the county, called in Latin Levinia, The river was so called from Llyfn, in the Welsh, which signifies a smooth, placid stream. Leven-achs^ for a while spelt and written Levenax, and finally Lennox. Arkil, a Saxon, a baron of Northum- bria, who took refuge from the vengeance of the Norman William under the protection of Malcom Canmore, appears to have been the founder of the Lennox family. LENT. Some names were given from the festivals and seasons of the year in which they were born, as Noel, Holiday, Pascal, Lent, &c. LEONARD. The disposition of a lion ; Hon-hearted ; from leon, a Hon, and ard, Teutonic, nature, disposition. LEPPARD. A name probably taken from a coat of arms, a leopard. LESLIE. This family, according to tradition, descended fi:om Bartholomew de Leslyn, a noble Hungarian, who came to Scotland with Queen Margaret, about the year 1067. He was the son of Walter de Leslyn, who had assumed this surname from the castle of Leslyn, in Hungary, where he was born. Bartholomew being in great favor with Malcom Canmore, obtained from that prince grants of several lands in Aberdeenshire, which it is said he called Leslyn, after his own surname. Malcom de Leslyn, who succeeded him, was the progenitor of all the Leslies in Scotland. Robert Yerstegan, in his Antiquities, remarks on the word ley : *' A combat having taken place in Scotland between a noble of the family of Leshe and a foreign knight, in which the Scot was victorious, the following lines in memory of the deed, and the place where it happened, are still extant : " Between the Less-Ley and the Mair, He slew the knight and left him there." OF FAMILY NAMES. 183 The name may be derived from Lessh, a maritime territory in Denmark. LESTER, LEICESTER, and .LEYCESTER. Local. A bor- ough town in England ; a camp of the Roman legion. (See Leicester.) LEYEN. Local. A river in Lancashire, England, also a town, lake, and river in Lennox, Scotland, whence the county derives its name. (See Lennox.) From the Welsh Ltyfn, smooth, placid — the smooth river. The Graehc lAomha- abhainn, pronounced Le-avon, signifies the same thing. LEVENWORTH. (Welsh.) Local. From Zevew, the open or bare place, and worth, a farm, castle, or mansion, or tlie worth on the river Leven. LEYEQUB. (Fr.) A bishop. LEYERET. A hare in the first year of its age. LEYY. (Heb.) The same as Levi, joined, united, coupled; Jacob's third son. LEWES. Local. An ancient town in Sussex, England, de- rived from the Welsh Lluaws, a multitude, a populous place. This town was formerly surrounded by walls, vestiges of which are stiU visible, and on the summit of a hill are the remains of its ancient castle. LEWIS. In the Fr., Louis ; Latin, Ludovicus ; Teutonic, Lud- wig or Leodwig, from the Saxon Leod, the people, and wic, a castle — the safeguard of the people. Lluaws, Welsh, sig- nifies a multitude. LEWKNOR. Local. A corruption of Levechenora, the de- nomination of one of the hundreds of Lincolnshire, England. LEWTHWAITE or LOWTHWAITE. (Anglo-Saxon.) From thwaite, a piece of ground cleared of wood, and lowe, a hill, law, a hill or eminence ; in Saxon, Hleive. LIGtHTBODY. a writer, somewhere, derives this name from Licht, a dead body, a tomb, and Bodee, contracted from 184 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY Boadicea, — ^meaning the tomb or grave of this British Queen ; a locahty. The name, however, is more hkely to have originated from bodily peculiarity. LIGHTFOOT. A name given on account of swiftness in run- ning, or expertness in dancing ; one who is nimble or active. LILIENTHAL. (G-er.) Local. The vale of hhes, from Z*7ie, a lily, and thalj a vale ; so Blumenthal, the vale of flowers. A town in Bremen, Hanover. LILLY. A beautiful flower. LUlle, in the Welsh, the place by the river or stream, from LU, a stream, and Lie, a place. Liu, an army, a troop ; Llellu, the place of the army. Li the Cornish-British Lhy is a troop, a company of horsemen, and le or li, a place. LINCOLN". Local. From Lincoln in England. The name is derived from Lin in the G-aeUc, Welsh, and Cor. Br., which signifies a pool, pond, or lake, and coin, the ridge or neck of a hm, so called from its situation, as it occupies the top and side of a steep hUl on the river Witham, which here divides into three streams. LIND. Local. (Swedish, Sax., Dan., and Dutch.) A place where the lime or linden-trees grow. LINDALL. Local. From Lin, a brook, a lake, and ddl, a dale. LINDFIELD. Local. The field of linden or Hme-trees. LINDO. (Spanish.) Neat, spruce, fine. LLNGr. (Teutonic.) English, long, heath; also, a species of long grass ; a long, slender fish. LINDSAY or LINDSEY. Local. Sir William Dugdale says this surname is local, and was first assumed by the proprietors of the lands and manor of Lindsay, in the county of Essex, England. One of the Lindsays having contracted a friend- ship with Malcom Canmore, when in England, went with OF FAMILY NAMES. 185 him to Scotland, and was the progenitor of the Lindsays in that country. The eastern part of Lincohishire was originally called Lindsei/j from the place abounding with linden-trees. LINN or LINNE. Local. A pool, pond, or lake. "Welsh, Uyn ; Cor. Br., lyn ; Gaelic, Zmwe, a pond. LINNET. A singing bird. LINTON. Local. Erom Lin, a lake or pool, and toiij a town. A parish in Eoxburgshire, Scotland. LIPPENCOT. Local. Lippe, a German principality and town on the river Lippe. Cote, side or coast. lAban, Saxon, Leben, German, to abide, to dwell, and co% a cottage. LISLE. (Fr.) Local. Vish, an island. LISMOEE. Local. A parish in Argyleshire, Scotland. The name signifies the large gardens. Lis or lAos, Celtic, a gar- den, and mor, large. LITCHFIELD. From the Saxon lich, a dead carcase, and field, because a great many suffered martyrdom there in the time of Diocletian. The name of a bishop's see in Stafford- shire. LITTLER. Derived from the town, village, or hundred of Lit- tle Over, corrupted to Littler, in the county of Cheshire, England, where the family resided in the time of Edward I. LIYERMORE. (Welsh.) From Tleufer, a Hght, and mawr, great — the great light. A name given to the first Christian king of Britain, hence called by the Romans Lucius, which has in the Latin the same signification. LIVINGSTONE. Local. A barony in West Lothian, Scot- land, so named from one Livingus Uving there in 1124:; hence Livingston. LIZARD. (Gaehc.) Local. The high fortress, from lios,^ a fort, an inclosure, or garden, and ard, high. 186 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY LLARY. (WelsL) Mild, easy. LLOYD or LHUYD. (Welsh.) Gray or brown. LOBDALE, (Graelic.) Local. Luh^ bending, curving, and dail^ a narrow vale or meadow. LOCKMAN. A Scottish word for the public executioner. LOGrAN". (Graelic) An inclosed plain or low-lying place. If the residence of a Briton was on a plain, it was called Lann^ from Lagen or Logen ; if on an eminence, it was termed dun, LONSDALE. Local. Derived from the town of Lonsdale, in Westmoreland, England, so named from the river Lon on which it is situated, and dale — the dale on the Lon, LOOMIS or LOMMIS. (Welsh.) Local From lom, bare, naked, exposed, and maes, a field, a name of place — ^the place in the open field. LOPPE. Local An uneven or winding place, a bend. LORD. A term of civil dignity, a master, ruler, the proprietor of a manor, derived from the Anglo-Saxon ord, which comes from oredj a governor, with the prefix of the letter L, le, denoting the person or place. Graelic, ard, ord, high, lofty, the prime chief, superior. Lord has been derived firom JERa- ford, which is compounded of Blaf, a loa^ and ford, to give, — a bread-giver. LORIMER A maker of bits or bridles. LOSSIE. Local A river of Scotland, in Elgin or Moray- shire. LOUDOUN. From the parish of Loudoun in Ayrshire, Scotland. The name is compounded of Law and dun, — a pleonasm, as both words signify a hill The hill-hill LOUGHLIK The ancient Britons or Welsh called the Baltic Sea Lychlyn, and the Scandinavian sea-pirates who infested the coasts of Britain received the same appellation. Norway is called Llychlyn. LOUTH. (Br. and Welsh.) From lowdh, a garden. OF FAMILY NAMES. 187 LOVE. (Danish.) A Hon. LOVEL. The original family name of Lovel was, in olden times, Percival, so called from a place in Normandy, until Asceline, its chief, who flom-ished in the early part of the twelfth century, acquired from his violent temper the sou- briquet of Lupus (the Wolf). His son William, Earl of Yvery,-was nicknamed Lupellm, the httle wolf, wliich in after times was softened into Lupe\ and at last to Luvel or Lovel. LOWE. AhiU. LOWER. The same as Burder. Louw or low is a Scotch word for flame or fire. " Low-bellers," according to Blount, " are men who go with a light and a bell ; by the sight thereof birds sitting on the ground become somewhat stupefied, and so are covered with a net, and taken." LOWRY or LOURY. Signifies in Scotch a crafty person, or one who lowers, that is, contracts his brow ; hence a " lowry dm/^ — cloudy. LUCAS. The same as Luhe, luminous. Lucas, arising to him. LUDBROCK. (Dutch.) Leather or hairy breeches. LUDLOW. Local. From the ancient town of Ludlow, in North Wales. Llud^ in Welsh, signifies whatever connects or keeps together, the same as caw. Llud^ a prince of the Britons, a commander ; Welsh, Llywydd, and lowe. LUMLEY. (G-aelic and Welsh.) The bare place, from hm, bare, and Z?e, a place. LUSHER. (Dutch.) Lauscher, a hider, a skulker. LUSK or LOSCE. (Welsh.) A burning or searing. Gaelic, Loisg^ to burn. LUTHER. The widely famed or celebrated, derived from the German loth or laut, loud, famed, fortunate, and er, honor — '^fortune and honor." Lauter, Ger., bright, clear, pure. 188 ETTMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY LYNCH. A strip of greenwood between the plowed lands in the common field ; a small hanging wood. MABAK (Welsh.) A chHd, a bairn. MAOAULEY or MAOAULA. (Celtic.) The son of the rock. MACE. A staff borne as an ensign of office. MACKLrN". The same as McLean (which see). MAOLAY. (Gaelic.) The son of Clay (which see). MACONOCHIE. The son of Conochie or Dmican, a name borne by the chieftain of the Campbells. MADDOCK. (WelsL) The same as Madoc, a proper name common among the Welsh, from mad, good, and the termi- nation oc or og, the same as the termination y or ous in English. The terminations c and ac, denote fixedness, force, plenitude. Og, in its simple form, signifies animation, activ- ity ; also, possessing that which precedes it ; oc, greatness, grandeur; ox, quickness, promptitude. MADISOH. The son of Mathew or MatHda. MAGOON. (Gaelic.) A corruption of Macgowan, which sig- nifies the son of the smith, from Mac, son, and gow, a smith ; or it may be the same as McCoun, from Mac, son, and ceann, a head or chief— the son of the chief. MAGUIRE or M'GUIRE. (Gaelic.) The son of Ouaire, which is the Gaelic for Godfrey. Guaire was son of Alpin, King of Scotland. MAHOMET. (Turkish.) Glorified. MAHON. (Celtic or Gaelic.) A bear. MAIGNY. (Fr.) Local. An old province of France lying to the east of Bretagne, whence the name came. OF FAMILY NAMES. 189 MAINARD or MAYNARD. (Ger.) Of a powerful disposi- tion, stout-hearted. Maynliard was one of the barons who went into England with William the Conqueror, and whose name is in the roU of Battle Abbey. MAIN or MAYNE. Local. From a French province of that name. Magne, great, large, rich, powerful, the same as magnus in Latin. MAITLAND. Local. A tract of flat, meadow land. MAJOR. An ofiBcer next in rank above a captain. MALLARD. (Belgic.) A wild drake. MeaUardj local, Graelic, a high mound, a hiU or eminence, from meall, a hill, and ard, high. MALLERY. (Fr.) A corruption of the French iiaZZiewre; in Latin, Malus Leporarius — a name given for ill hunting the hare, according to Camden. MALLET or MALET. This name has been ascribed by some to a place so termed in Normandy, and by others to the courageous blows of the family in battle. MaUeiis, Maule, Mall, and Mallet was one of the offensive weapons of a well- armed warrior, being generally made of iron, and used to destroy by pounding or bruising the enemy through or under the armor, that could not be penetrated by edged or pointed weapons, Edward I. was called Malleus Scotorum. All the families of this name in England trace their descent from the renowned William Lord Mallet de Graville, one of the great barons who accompanied William the Conqueror. MALMESBURY. From the town of Malmesbury in Wilt- shire, England, said to be so called by Malmutius, a king of the Britons. It was anciently called Maidulphesburgh, from Maidulph, a Scottish saint and hermit who built an abbey there, and opened a school. Bede writes it Adelmes- hirig, from Adelm, the scholar of Maidulph ; others derive it from a part of the names both of the scholar and teacher. 190 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY MALONE. One of the descendants of tlie house of O'Connor, Kings of Connaught, being tonsured in honor of St. John, was called Maol Eoin — Bald John, from Maol, bald or ton- sured, and jBbm, John, and this was corrupted into Malone. MANDEYILLE. From the Latin De Magna villa, that is, of or from the great town. MANK (G-er.) Gentleman or master, the same as Jfferr. Man^ in the Welsh, signifies freckled or spotted; also, a spot, a place. MANNERING or MANWARING. A corruption of Mesnil- warin, Welsh, fi-om Mesnil or Maenol, a farm. MANNERS. (Fr.) From Manoir, and that from the Latin Manere, to stay or to abide. Lands granted to some mil- itary man or baron by the king, a custom brought in by the Normans. Manners, first Earl of Rutland, soon after his creation, told Sir Thomas More that he was too much elated by his prefer- ment, and really verified the old proverb, " Honores mutant Mores.^^ " Nay, my lord," retorted Sir Thomas, " the proverb does much better in English, ' Honors change Manners.' " It is the opinion of Camden that this family received its name from the village of Manor, near Lanchester, in Durham, England. MANNUS. A god celebrated among the Germans as one of their founders. MANSER. (Dutch.) From Mansoir, a male issue, a boy. Mansaer, in the Welsh, is a stone-mason. MANSFIELD. Local. From a town in Nottinghamshire, England, of the same name, so called from the Saxon marir- rian, to traffic, Siudfield — a place of trade. MANSLE. Local A town of France in the province of Angoumois. OF FAMILY a AMES. 191 MAR. Local From the district of Mar, in Aberdeenshire^ Scotland. J/ar, Welsh, activity ; Maor^ Gaelic, an ofl&cer of justice. MARCH. A boundary, a limit; the boundary-lines between England, Scotland, and Wales, were called " The Marches." Lords Marches were noblemen who anciently inhabited, guarded, and secured these marches. MARCHANT. Fr., Marchand, a merchant. MARK. The same as Marcus^ a field ; polite, shining. MARSHALL. A name of ofi&ce — ^master of the horse, an- .ciently, one who had command of all persons not above princes. Teut., Marschalk; French, Mareschal. MARSH. (Teutonic.) MarescJie, Morass, a fen, a tract of low, wet land. MARSHMAN. One dwelling near a marsh. MARTIN. This name may be derived fi:om the Latin martiuSj warlike, from Mars^ the God of War. In the Gaelic, Trior is great, and duin, a man. Morduin, a chief, a warrior. MARYEN. Gaehc, Morven, a ridge of very high hills. MASENFER. German, Messenfer, a great fair or market for merchants. MASSEY or MASSIE. Local. From the town and lordship of Massey, near Bayeux, in Normandy. MASSENGER. A corruption of the French messager, a mes- senger or bearer of dispatches. MASTEN or MOSTYN. (Welsh.) Local. A place or house inclosed, from Maes, a field, and din, inclosed, fortified. Moestuin, in the Teutonic and Dutch, signifies a garden, a place cultivated. The Gaehc dun, and the Welsh din, a fortified liill or fort, are synonymous. The Saxon tun sig- nifies an inclosure, a garden, a viflage, a tovni, and tun or h.Qk\ the son of the black youth. McILDOUNEY. (Gaelic.) From Afac, son, gille, a youth, and doinne, brownishness ; — the son of the brown-haired youth. McILHENNY. (GaeHc.) The son of the old man. McILRO Y. (Gaelic.) From Mac, gille, and ruadh, red-haired j — the son of the red-haired young man. McINNIS. The son of Innis. McINTOSH. The son of the leader or first Tosh, and Toshichj signify the beginning or first part of any thing ; so Toshich came to denote the general or leader of the van. The Mclntoshes derive themselves from McDuff, who obtained his right from Malcom Canmore. McINTYRE. (GaeUc.) The son oiKintyre; — a promontory, or headland, firom Cean, head, and tir, land. Also the son of the carpenter. McKAY. The same as McKie (which see). 196 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY McKELLY. The son of KeUy (which see). McKENSIE. (Gaelic.) The son of the chief, head, or first. Same as McKenneth ; the son of Kenneth, signifying, chief, head, or first. McKIBBEN. (Celtic.) From Mac, son, and Ceolbinn, the top of the hill. McKIE. (Celtic or Graelic.) The son of a dog; figuratively, the son of a champion. The Britons, Celts, and Grauls, ap- plied the names of various animals to their heroes, indicative of strength, endurance, courage, or svriftness. This name is derived from Mac, son, and cu, hei, or hi, a wolf-dog. The common hound was called Gayer. McKINNOIsr. Originally McFingon, the son of Fjngon, who was the youngest son of Alpin, King of Scotland. McKIRNAK The son of Kiernan. Karnon, Cor. Br., the high rock; Ouirnin, Celtic, a bush; Cuirnean, G-aeHc, a smaU heap of stones. McLAUG-HLIN. The son of Laughlin, or the expert sailor. See Laughlin. McLAUEIN. The son of Ldbhruinn, or Lawrence. McLEAN". MacGillean. From a Highland chieftain of the name of Gillean, who was the progenitor of this fanjily. This Gillean was a celebrated warrior, and was called Gillean- ni-Tuoidh, from his ordinary weapon, a battle-ax, which in the Gaehc is Tuoidh, which his descendants wear to this day in their crest, betwixt a laurel and a cypress branch. The posterity of this Qillean were therefore called Mac CHI- lean, in aU ancient documents, and now of modern date McLeans. " Magh Leamhna" in the County of Antrim, the estate of the McLeans or Macklins. McLEOD or McCLEOD. From Mac, son, and Clode, fi:om Claudius, the second emperor who invaded Britain. Church- ill says he was named Claudius because, through fear of death, he buried himself alive, being plucked by the heels out of a hole to be set upon the throne. OF FAMILY NAMES. 197 McMAHON. (G-aelic.) The son of a bear ; a hero. McMANUS. The son of Manus or Magnus, the great, or re- nowned. McMARTIN. The son of Martin, or the warlike. McMASTER. The son of Master. McMULLIK ThesonofthemiUer. McMURROUGH. The son of Murrough or Murrach; Mor, greatj strong, and ach, battle. Mur, a wall, bulwark, and ach. McMURTAIR. (aaehc.) The son of a murderer. McNAB. The son of Nab. Nab, the summit of a mountain or rock. The son of the Ahhot P Nab, Persic, a chief, a prince. McJN"AMARA. (Celtic.) From Mac, son, and cu-marra or or con-marra, " the hero of the sea." Con-marra was de- scended from Cas, King of Thomond, from whom came McOonmara, or Macnamara. This family were anciently hereditary lords in the County of Clare. McNEVIK (Gaelic.) The son of ISTevin. Cnamhin, Naomh, holy, sacred, consecrated ; a saint. McNIEL. The son of Niel (which see). McNAUGHTON. McAn Achduinn. The son of the expert and potent, from Mac, Gaelic, son, an, of, and achduinn, tools and instruments of all kinds ; able, expert, potent. McPHERSON. The son of Pherson, Pherson is the son of Pfarrer, German, a parson, and that from Pfarre, a parish, a benefit, or living. Pfarre is derived from the Gaelic Faire, a watcher, to watch, an overseer, Episcopus. McQUADE. Quad, Danish, a song, air, lay ; a species of nar- rative poetry among the ancient minstrels. The son of the Poet McQUARIE or McGUAIRE. Son of Guaire or Godfi-ey. Guaire was son of Alpin, King of Scotland. McQUEEK That is, McOwen, the son of Owen. Originally McSweene. 198 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARr McWILLIAM. The son of WHUam. (See WiUiam.) Mc WITHY. The son of the weaver, from the Gaelic Mdc, a son, and guithe, Cor. Br., a weaver. In the Welsh, gwehydd, a weaver, quethy. Cor. Br., to weave. MEAD. Local. A meadow, a tract of low land; the sense is, extended or flat, depressed land. MEADOW. Local. Land appropriated to the culture of grass. MECHANT. (French.) Mediant, bad, wicked. MEDCAF. Local. The inclosed cell or church, from middj Welsh, inclosed, and caf, a cell, a religious house. MEEK. Mild of temper, soft, gentle. Mac, G-aelic, a son. MEERS. Shallow water, or lake ; — a name of place. MEHIN. (Welsh.) Mochyn, a pig ; G-aeHc, Muc, a wild boar. MEIKLE. A lump or mass, much, big. MEIKLEHAM The large village ; the great house. MEICKLEJOHK (Scottish.) Large John, to distinguish him from wee John, or little John. MELOR. (Welsh and G-aehc.) A soldier, from melwr, Welsh. MELLIS. Sweet, from Mel, honey, or Gaelic, milis, sweet, or from Milidh, a soldier. MELUISr. Local From the town of Melmi, in France. MENAI. Welsh. So called from Menai, a strait which di- vides the island of Anglesea from the coast of Wales. The Mena or Mona, worshiped by. the Sequani, was the moon. The Gaels blessed the beams of this luminary that saved them from the danger of precipices, and Augustine says that the Gaelic peasants invoked Mena for the welfare of their women. MENNO. Beardless; defective. MENTETH or MONTEITH. Local. From a district in Scotland so called, tlirough which the river Teth runs. OF FAMILY NAMES. 199 MENZIES. Said to be originally Ilaynoers, Meyners, then Menys afterward Meynes or Mengies, and now Menzies — a branch of the family of Manners^ in England, the name being originally the same. I think, rather, the name is derived from the parish of Monzie^ in Perthshire, Scotland. MERGER. One who deals in silks and woolen goods. MEREDITH. This famUy is of British origin. Old chronicles relate that the first settlement of the family was situated on the Welsh shore, where the sea washed in with great impetuosity and noise, from whence it is added they took the name of Meredyth^ or Ameredith. Marcdydd^ Welsh, the animated one. MERLE or MERRIL. (Fr.) A blackbird Merel, local, a town in Savoy. MERTOK Local From Merton, a town hi Sussex, England, so called from mere^ a lake or marsh, and ton. MESHAW. (Fr.) Mediant, bad, wicked. MESICK (Dutch.) From Mdesyck, a town on the river Maes, in the bishopric of Liege, Netherlands. METCALF. In the Welsh, medd signifies a vale, a meadow, and ca/, a cell, a chancel, a church, i. e., the church in the vale. The origin of the name, however, is given by tradition in this wise. In those days when bullfights were in vogue, in merry England, one of the enraged animals broke away from the combat, and was hotly pursued by horsemen. A certain John Strong happened to meet the bull on the top of a hill, and when attacked by the furious beast, he seized him in the nostrils with his left hand, and killed him. As he came to the foot of the hill, meeting several persons in the pur- suit, he was inquired of whether he had met a bull; he rephed he '' Met a calf," and from this circumstance was called afterward John Metcalfe. 200 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY METTERlSriCH. (Dutch.) From Metier, middle or in, and naght, night — middle of the night ; born in the middle of the night. Metternach, local, the town next to the middle place, from nach, next, after, behind, at, or by. MEYER. (G-er.) The magistrate of a city or town. MEYEUL. Local. Came into England with William the Conqueror. The name is derived from a place in France. MICHAEL. (Heb.) Who is like God ? MICKLE. From the Saxon Muchel ; Scottish, Muckle, big. MIDDLEDITCH. Local. The middle trench for draining wet land or guarding inclosures. MIDDLETOK Local. From Middleton, a small town in Dorsetshire, England — ^the middle town. MILBOURNE. Local. The mill brook, from Miln, a mill, and borne or bourne, a brook. MILDMAY. Said to be derived from the Saxon Mild, soft or tender, and dema, a judge, and was given to one of the early ancestors of the family from his tempering the severity of the law with mercy. MILFORD. Local. The ford by the mill. MILLER. One who attends a grist-mill. Meittear, Gaelic, having large lips; mdlair, G-aelic, a merchant; maiUor, GaeHc, from maille, armor, and fear, a man — a man in armor, having a coat of mail, a soldier. MILLMAJST. A man belonging to a mill. MILLS. Local. Living near a mill. Gaelic, Milidh, a soldier, the d being silent. MILNE. A mill. In Gaelic Muileann also signifies a mill; in Welsh, Milain implies firmness, fixedness of purpose. MILNER. A miller. OF FAMILY NAMES. 201 MTLTHORPE. Local. From a village of that name in West- moreland, England, so called from miU, and iJiorpe, a village — the mill-village. MILTON. Local. From the town of Milton, in Kent, Eng- land. The mill-town, from the Saxon mih,, a mill, and ion; or the middle town. MINSTER. (Sax.) An abbey. MINT URN. (Welsh.) Local. The round stones or circle of stones, from min, stones, and turn, a round, a circle ; trwn and iron, Welsh, a circle. MITCHELL. A corruption of Michael, or from the Saxon Muchel, big. MIXE. Local. An ancient territory of France. MOCHRIE. (Celtic.) My beloved, from mo, my, and chreSf dear; a term of endearment, a sweetheart. MOE. (Old EngUsh.) Large, tall, great. MOEL. Maol, in the G-aehc, signifies bald. MOELYN. (Welsh.) Bald-pate. MOFFATT. Local. Derived from the town of Moflfat, in Dumfriesshire, Scotland. MOLEN. (Dutch.) A mill MOLLOY. (Cor. Br.) The dusty or hoary mill. MOLYNEUX. (Fr.) Local. From Normandy, De Mouhns, De Moulines, De Molineus. From Mbulins, a town on the river Allier, in France, so called from the great number of water mills there. Fr., Moulin, a mill. MONGrER. Anciently an extensive merchant, now used to denote those who traffic in a single article. MONK. Greek, fiovoc; Welsh, mon, sole, separate, alone; GaeKc, Tnoanach. A man who retires from the ordinary con- cerns of the world, and devotes himself to rehgion. 9* 202 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY MONROE. Local. Monadh Roe or Mont Roe, from the mount on the river Roe, in Ireland, whence the family came. Moine Roe, a mossy place on the Roe ; M'unroe, from, of, or about the Roe. The river is sometimes written Munree. MONSON. Derived, according to antiquarians, from the Ger- man word MuntZj but probably the son of Mon or Mun, a nickname for Edmund. MONTAGrUE. (Fr.) Be Mont aigue — from the sharp or steep mountain. MONTFORD. From the Latin "Z>e MonU ForU;' that is, from the strong or fortified hill or mountain. MONTaOMERY. A corruption of the Latin ''Mons Gomeris,'' Gromer's mount. Qomer, the son of Japhet, th€ hereditary name of the Gauls. MONTMORICE. The mount of Morris; or from the Moorish mountains, perhaps natives of Morocco ; some bearing this name went with William the Conqueror into England. MOODY. A name given from the disposition. Meudwy, Welsh, an anchorite, a recluse, hermit, a monk. MOERS. Derived from the town of Moers, in the Nether- lands. Moer or Moeras, in Dutch, signifies a fen, marsh, or moor. MOON. A corruption of Mohun^ or it may be local, from the island Anglesey or Mona^ so called, as some suppose, from mwyn, Welsh, mines, from its stone-quarries and mines; others derive it from mpn or mona, alone, separated. Mwyn^ Welsh, affable, pleasant. MOONEY. Meunier, Fr., a miller. MOORE or MORE. (Gaelic.) Mor, great, chief, tall, mighty, proud. Moar, a collector of manorial rents in the Isle of Man. Moore, from moor — Jolm o' the Moor. MORAN. A multitude. Moran, a contraction of Morgan, which signifies of or belonging to the sea. OF FAMILY NAMES. 203 MORETOK (G-aelic.) Local. From mor, large, high, and dun^ ton^ a hilL MORG-AN. From Mor, the sea, and gan^ born ; the same as Pelagius — ^born on the sea, from the Greek •Kilayog, the sea. Mor^ the sea, and gan^ by or near — near the sea, a locality. MORIARTY. (GaeUc.) Noble, illustrious, from Jfor, great, and artach, exalted. MORLEY. Local. From Morlaix, in Brittany, France, and derived from the Welsh or British word mor, the sea, and Zey, a valley. It is situated near the sea, on a river of the same name. MORSE. Probably a contraction of Morris. Mors, the name of a large island in Denmark, a marsh. MORREL. Having yellow hair. MORRIS. (Welsh.) From Mawr and rySj a hero, a warrior, a brave man. Marth, the great, the warlike, same as Mavors. MORTOK (Gaelic.) Local. From the parish of Morton, in Nithsdale, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Mor, big, great, and dun, ton, a hill. MOSELEY. Local Moss-ley, Sax., Moose, Moyes, or Moss, a mossy field or pasture. MOTT. (Fr.) A round artificial hilL MOULTOK Local A small town in Devonshire, England. MOUNTAIN. A name of place. This name once gave occa- sion to a pun which would have been excellent, had the allusion been made to any other book than the Holy Scriptures. Dr. Mountain, chaplain to Charles II., was asked one day by that monarch to whom he should present a certain bishopric just then vacant. " If you had but faith, sire," replied he, " I could tell you to whom." " How so," said Charles, " if I had 204 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY but faith." "Why, yes," said the witty cleric, "your maj- esty might then say to this Mountain, he thou removed into that sea." The chaplain succeeded. MOUNTJOY. A name adopted probably by one of the cru- saders, from a place near Jerusalem, which, according to Sir John Mandeville, " men clepen Mount-Joye, for it gevethe joye to pilgrymes hertes, be cause that there men seen first Jerusalem * * * ^ full fair place, and a delicyous," Lower says, " Some religious houses in England had their MountjoySj a name given to eminences where the first view of the sacred edifice was to be obtained. This name is still retained in a division of the hundred of Battel, not far from the remains of the majestic pile reared by William the Con- queror. Boyer defines 'Mont-joie' as a heap of atones made by a French army, as a monument of victory." MOXON. The son of Moggie or Margaret. MOXLE Y. Local. Probably Mugashy, from the Saxon muga, much, great, large, and ley, a field. MULLIGAN". (G-aeHc.) Local. Mullechean, the top or sum- mit, a height. MULLINS. (Fr.) A miller. "i)e i/owZm," from the mill. MUMFORD. The same as Montfort (which see). MUNDY. Local. Derived from the Abbey of Mondaye, in the dukedom of Normandy. MUNGEY. A corruption of Mountjoy (which see). MUNN. A famihar abbreviation of Edmund. MUNSEL. Local. From MonsaU, a dale of Derbyshire, or a person originally from Mansle, in France. MUERAY, MORAY. De Moravia. Some deduce this family from a warhke people called the Moi^avii, who came from Germany into Scotland, and afiixed their own nomenclature to that district now called the shire of Moray. The root of the name is the same whether Moravian or Gaelic, and sig- nifies the great water, fi^om mor, great, and an or av, water. OF FAMILY NAMES. 206 MIJERELL. (Ft.) A sea wall or bank, to keep oflf the water; a name of place. MUSGrRAVE. King's falconer, from Meus, Sax., the place where the hawks were kept, and grave, keeper. MYERS. The same as Meyer, the magistrate of a city or town ; a very common name in Germany. NAB. In the Persic, signifies a chief, a prince. Nab, English, the summit of a mountain, the top. NAFFIS or NEFIS. (Fr.) From Ne/ils, that is, bom son, from Ne and Jils. Nwyfus, in the Welsh, signifies brisk, sprightly, active. NAIRNE, Local. The name of a shire, river, and town in Scotland, whence the surname is derived. The name was taken from the river, which was called in Gaelic uisge- n'fhearn, from uisge, water, and n'fhearn (pronounced nearn, the " fh" having no sound), " the alders" — " the water of the alders," from the great number of alder-trees which grew on its banks. NANCE. Local. From Nance or Nancy, a city of France, capi- tal of the department of Meurthe, and signifies a valley ; nans or nantz, in the Cornish British, is a plain, a dale, a level. NAPIER. It is said that Donald, a son of the Earl of Lennox, for his bravery in battle, had his name changed by the king to Napier. After the battle, as the manner is, every one ad- vancing and setting forth his own acts, the king said unto them, " Ye have all done valiantly, but there is one among you who hath Wa Pier,^ " and the king gave him lands in Fife and Goffurd. The name came, however, fi:om taking charge of the king's napery or linen at the coronation of Enghsh kings, an oJGfice held by WiUiam De Hastings, in the time of Heniy I. NASH. Supposed to be a corruption of "Aiten-Ash,'" — at the ash. Naish, a place near Bristol, England. Naisg, Gaelic, made fast, bound, protected. Probably an old fortress or watch-tower. 206 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY NAYLOR. A maker of nails. NEANDER. Newman, Greek, veog-dv7)p^ the new man. NEBDHAM. Local From Needham^ a market-town in Suf- folk, England — the village of cattle; Sax., neat^ Danish, nodj a herd, and ham, a village. In another sense it may denote the clean, fair town. NEAL. The same as Neil (which see). Neal may be some- times a contraction of Nigel. NEFF. French, iVa«/; artless, candid, iVe/, a water-mill ; the nave of a chm-ch. NEFIS. Welsh, Nwyfus, sprightly. Nefils, French, a son bom, descendant from. NEIL and NEL. In the Cor. Br. signifies power, might, that is, the powerful or mighty. Neul or Mai, in the Gaelic, sig- nifies a cloud or hue ; figuratively, a dark complexion. NELSON or NEILSON. The son of Neil or Nel NELTHROPE. From Nehwl, Gothic for near or nigh, and thorpe, a village ; given to an individual living at such a spot near the village. [Playfair.] NEQUAM. (Latin.) Dishonest, lazy. Alexander Nequam, of St. Albans, wishing to devote himself to a monastic life, in the abbey of his native town, applied to the ruler of that establishment for admission. The abbot's reply was thus laconically expressed : " Si bonus sis, venias, si Nequam, nequaquam." If good, you may come ; if wicked, by no means. It is said he changed his name to Neckham, and was admitted into the fraternity. NESS. A cape or promontory. NETHERWOOD. Local. The lower wood. NEVEU. (Fr.) A nephew. NEVILLE. (Fr.) "Z)e iVewve w'ZZe," of the new town. Neu- vUle, a town in Poitou, France. OF FAMILY NAMES. 207 NEVrN". (G-aelic.) Naomh, holy, sacred, consecrated. Welsh, Nef, heaven; Nefanedig, heaven-born; Nefddawn, heaven- gifted. NEWBURY. (Sax.) New-town. A place in Berkshire raised out of the ruins of an old town called Spingham. NEWTH. Nuadh, in the G-aelic, signifies new, fresh, recent. NEWTON. Local. The name of several smaU towns in England — the new town. NISBETT. Local. From the lands of Nisbett, in the shire of Berwick, Scotland. NOAKES or NOKES. A corruption of Atten Oale, "at the oak;" en was added to at when the following word began with a vowel, as " John Atten Ash" — John Nash, that is, John at the Ash. Mr. John Nokes is a celebrated person- age in legal matters, as well as his constant antagonist Mr. John Styles (John at the Style). The names are so common, that " Jack Noakes and Tom Styles" designate the rabble. NOBLE. Great, elevated, dignified. NOEL. (Fr.) Christmas ; a name given probably to a child born at that time. NOGENT. Local. From the town of Nogent, in the province of Champagne, France. The Nugents went from England into Ireland in the time of Henry II. NOKBURY. Local. The north town or village. NORCUTT or NORTHCOTE. Local. The north-cot; so Eastcott and Westcott. NORFOLK. Local. A county of England. Nord-folJc, the north people, so caKed with regard to Suffolk, or the south ' people. NORMAN. A native of Normandy, a northman. The inhab- itants of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway were anciently so called. 208 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY NOERIS. Norroy^ or north-king ; a title given, in England, to the third king-at-arms. Norrie, French, a foster-child. NORTHAM. Local. The north house or village — North-ham. NORTHOP. Local A place in England ; the north thorp or village. NORTHUMBERLAND. Local. A county of England. North-Humher-land, the land on the north side of the river Humber. NORTOK Local. From Norton, a town in Yorkshire, Eng- land. The north-town. NORWICH. Local. From the city and seaport of Norwich, in Norfolk, England. The north-harbor, from north, and wick, a harbor or port. NOTT. Hnott, Saxon, smooth, round, a nut. Nbited, an old word for shorn, polled. The name may have come from wearing the hair short and smooth. "A nott hed had he, with a brown visage." — Ohauobe. The following, it is said, was penned by the first wife of the Rev. Dr. Nott, on his asking her hand in marriage : " Why urge, dear sir, a bashful maid, To change her single lot, When well you know, I've often said In truth, I love you, Nott. For all your pain I do, Nott, care, And trust me on my life, Though you had thousands, — I declare, I would, Nott, be your wife." NOTTnTOHAM. Local. From the borough town of Notting- ham, in England. Bailey says the name is corrupted from Snottingham, from the Saxon Snottengaj.ca.yeSj and ham, a village, from the many caves and places of security found in tliat county. HOWELL. The same as Noel (which see). OF FAMILY NAMES. gOf EOX. Local. Cnoc^ in the Gaelic, is a little hill, a hillock. NOTES. Noy is an abbreviation for Noah. " In England, in the seventeenth century, Attorney-General Noy was succeeded by Sir John Banks, and Chief-justice Heath being found guilty of bribery, Sir John Finch obtained the ofi&ce ; hence it was said : " Nay's flood is gone, The Banks appear, \ Heath is shorn down, And Finch sings here." — ^Lowee. In the Cornish British, Noi is a nephew, and Noys night. NUGENT. (SeeNogent) NYE. The familiar abbreviation of Isaac, among the Dutch. Noie, Danish, exact, precise, nice. Ny^ Danish, new, re- cently produced. Lower gives the name from AUen-Eye^ at the island. • OAEIES. Local. From a dwelling near the oak-trees. OAKHAM. Local. From the town of Oakham, in Rutland- shire, England, so called from Oak, and ham, the village by the oaks. OAKLEY. Local. The fields or pasture abounding in oaks. O'BIERNE. The same as O'Byrne. 0, or Ui^ signifies grand- son, descendant. The descendants of Byrne. In the Welsh^ Bryn is a hill ; Brenin, a chief, a king. O'BRIEN. The descendant of Brien, i. e., exalted, noble. O'BYRNE. Originally OBran, the descendants of Bran, an ancient king of Leinster ; which signifies a raven ; he was usually called Bran Duv, the black raven, from the color of his hair, and his thirst of prey. O'CALLAGHAN. (Celtic or Gaehc.) The descendants or tribe of Callaghan, from CiaUac\ prudent, judicious, discreet 210 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OCHIERN or OiaTHIERNA. (aaelic.) A term appKed to the heir apparent to a lordship, from Gig, young, and tiernaj a lord. OCKHAM. Local From o(Jc or oc, an oak, and ham, a vil- lage, a town in Surrey, England, so called from the abun- dance of oaks growing there. OCKLEY. (Sax.) From ock or ac^ an oak, and leagj a field. The oak field, O'CONOR or O'CONNOR. The descendants of Conor or Con- covar, an Irish chieftain, who died in the year 971. (See Conor.) O'DEVLIN. The descendant of Develin (which see) O'DONNELL. The descendants of Donal, an ancient Irish family, who trace their descent through Donal to NiaUus Magnus, the ancestor of the O'Neills, known as Nidi Nia- gaUach, Nial of the nine hostages. The O'Donnells ruled the territory of TirconneU, for thirteen "generations. (See Donald.) O'DONOaHUE. The descendants of Donogh (which see). O'DONOVAN. The descendants of Donovan, which is de- rived from Donduhhan, the brown-haired chief This name was given to a celebrated Irish chieftain of the tenth cen- tury, who was killed by the famous Brian Boru. O'DORCY. The descendant of Dorcy. Dorcy is a corruption of De O'rsay, from Orsay, a town in Cleeve, Germany. O'DOUaHERTY. The chief of the oak habitation, fi-om O, high or chie^ doire or darach, the place of oaks, and %A, a habitation. O'DUGrAN. The descendant of Dugan (which see). O'FL AHERTY. The descendant of Flaherty (which see). OG-DEN. Local (Sax.) From ock, oak-tree, and den, a val- ley ; the oak vale, or shady valley. Ogduine, in the Gaelic, OF FAMILY NAMES. 211 signifies a young man, from Og, young, and duine^ a man ; Ogdyn^ in the Welsh, has the same signification. OGrlLVIE. Local. From the lands of Ogilvie, in Scotland. It may come from the Welsh Ochil, a high place. O'GOWAN. The descendant of Gowan (which see). O'HARA. The descendant of " Hara,'^ Chaldee form of ara, a mountain. In GaeHc, arra signifies a pledge, treachery; arr, a stag, a hind ; arradh, an armament ; ara, plural of ar, slaughter, battle. Hara, Saxon, a hare. O'KEEFE. The descendant of Kief Kief, in the Danish, sig- nifies brave, stout, courageous. OLIFANT. An elephant. O'LEARY. The descendant of Lary; Llary, Welsh, gentle, easy. OLIVER. So named from the olive-tree, an emblem of peace. OLLENDORFF. Local. From Oldendorf in Germany, so called from Olden, old, and dorf, a vUlage. OLMSTEAD. Local. A place or town by the green oaks, from Holm, an oak, and stead, a place. Holme, low lands on a river, an island. O'MAHONY. The descendant of Mahon, which signifies a bear. O'M ALLEY. The descendant of MaUey; Mala, Gaelic, the brow of a hill ; Maille, smooth, placid, gentle. ONDERDONK. (Dutch.) Under grace or pardon, from onder, under, and dank, thankfulness, gratitude. O'NEIL. The descendants of Neil, that is, the powerful or mighty. ONSLOW. Local. From the manor of Onslow, in Sliropshire, England. Aunslow signifies a place on a river or stream. O'QUIK Anciently O'Con. The descendants of Con Cead- caha, one of the early monarchs of Ireland. -mmmmmmmmm 312 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY ORCHARD. Local. An inclosure of fruit-trees. OrcTieard, Graelic, a goldsmith. ORME. (Prencli.) Local. An elm-tree. ORMISTOK Local The town or village of ehns. ORMSBY. From orme, an ehn, and hy, a town; a name of a place surrounded by elms. ORR. Local Derived from the river and town of Orr, in Scotland. Or, in Welsh and G-aelic, signifies a border, a boundary. ORTON. Local From the town of Orton, in Westmoreland, England. G-aelic, Ord, a hill of a round form and steep, and ton, a town a fortress. ORVIS. Urfhas, in the G-aelic, signifies fair offspring. Arvos, Cor. Br., local, a place on or near an entrenchment, from Ar and /oss. OSBORN. (Sax.) From hm, a house, and hecum, a child — a family-child, an adopted child. OSMUND. (Sax.) From hus, a house, and mvm,d, peace. OSTERHOUDT. (Dutch.) The east wood, from oost or ost&r, east, and houdt, a wood. OSTHEIM. (Ger.) From Osf, east, and heim, a home, habi- tation or village. — -"From the east habitation or village. OSTRANDER. (Dutch.) The lord of the east shore, from oste, east, strand, the shore, and heer, lord or master ; he that must have his due of a stranded ship. OSWALD. (Sax.) From hus, a house, and wdldj a ruler — a house-ruler or steward ; a king of Northumberland. OTIS. (Greek.) From urbc, the genitive singular of dvc, the ear, a name given from quick hearing. O'TOOLE. Originally O'Tuathal— the descendants of Tuaihai^ which signifies " the lordly." OF FAMILY NAMES. ^13 OTTER. Local. OitiVj Gaelic, a low promontory jutting into the sea, a shoal. OUDEKIRK. (Dutch.) Local. From a town of the same name in Holland, and signifies the old church, jfrom oude, old, and herh, a church. OUSELEY. Local. From the river Ouse, in England, and %, a field or place — a place on the river Ouse. The name Ouse is derived from the Gaelic uisge, water. OUTHOUDT. (Dutch.) Local. The old wood. OWEN. (Celtic.) The good ofispring. Oen^ Welsh, and Gaelic, uan, a lamb. OXFORD. Local From Oxford, in England, on the Isis, the seat of the celebrated university founded in 806 ; from Or, Anglo-Saxon, water, corrupted by the Angles or Danes from the Gaelic uisge or isk, and ford, a pass or way — the ford across the Isis. Bailey derives it from Oxen-ford, " the ford of the oxen," like the Greek Bosphorus, or fi:om the river Ouse, and ford. The name of the river On^e is derived from uisge, water. PADDOCK. (Old EngHsh.) A meadow, croft or field; an inclosure in a park. PAGE, Child, and Yarlet, were names given to youtlis between seven and fourteen years of age while receiving theu* educa- tion for knighthood. PAINE. Paon, Fr., a peacock. Payne, a pagan, unbaptized ; a rustic. PAISLEY. (Welsh.) Local. From Plas, a pass, and lli^ a stream — the place of crossing the river. PALMER. A pilgrim, so called from the palm-branch, which he constantly carried as a pledge of his having been in the Holy Land. " Here is a holy Palmer come, From Salem first, and last from Rome." Scott'b Mabmioht. 214 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY PANCOST. A corruption of Pentecost, the fifteenth day after Easter, a name probably given to a child born on that day. PANaBOUKN. Local. A town m Berkshire, England; hourn, a brook, a river. PARDIE. A name given to one who was in the habit of swearing Par-dku. Lower says, it is not a Httle curious that the French oath, '■^Par Dieu" has become naturalized among us, under the various modifications of Pardew, Par- doe, Pardow, and Pardee. So also we have the Norman name Bigot, from the habit of swearing ^^Bv-Ood^ PARSALL. Local Park-hall, the same as Parshall. Par- cell may be fi-om par-del, " by heaven," a name given for the same reason as the preceding one. PARIS. Local. The metropolis of France, on the Seine, an- ciently called "Lutetia Parisiorum," Lutum, mud, from its situation in a marshy place, A place where the Pars or Peers met in Congress. Paro, to make civil or military arrangements; Paries, a wall, a walled town; Peri, an island. PARKE. A piece of ground inclosed, and stored with deer and other beasts of chase. PARKER. The keeper of a park. PARKMAN. The sarSe as Parker, PARNELL, The same as Pernell, from PetroniUa, Italian, pretty stone, A wanton, immodest girl PARRET or PERROT. Local From Peraidd, Welsh, the sweet or delicious river, now the Bee. PARRY. (Welsh.) Probably a contraction of Ap Harry, the son of Harry. In the Welsh it also signifies ready, prepared, equal, like ; Para, endurance, one capable of enduring. The name may be local, from Parys, a mountain in Wales, so called from parhotts, inexhaustible (mines) ; or Pres, brass, copper, ore. OF FAMILY NAMES. 215 PARSHALL. Local. Park-haU, the hall, or mansion m the Park. PAESON. We suppose that its first founder was a clerical character or parson. From the Latin Persona, that is, the person who takes care of the souls of his parishioners. PATRICK. From the Latin Pairidus^ noble, a senator ; the name of the tutelary saint of Ireland. PATTERSON or PATTISON. Patrick's son, the son of Pat- rick. PAUL. Signifies Httle, small. Latin, Paulm, Greek, nav2,og, PAXTON. Local. From the town of Paxton, in Berwick- shire, Scotland. PAYNE. Local. From a place called Payne, in Normandy. PEABODY. There is an ancient tradition (we give it for what it is worth), that this name was derived from one Boadiej a kinsman of Queen Boadicea, who assisted her in her re- volt against the Romans. After the Britons were subdued by the Romans, Queen Boadicea dispatched herself by poison, and Boadie, with a remnant of the Britons, escaped to the mountains of Wales. Boadie, among the Cambri or Britons, signified a man or a great man, and Pea signified a large hUl, a mountain, from which Boadie came to be called Peabodie, or the Mountain man, wb'ch became the name of the tribe. PEACOCK. Taken fi-om the name of the well-known fowl ; pea, contracted fi-om the Latin, pavo, Saxon, pawa, French, paon, — a name given from a fondness of display. PEARSON or PIERSON. Pi&rre-son, the son of Pierre or Peter. PEDIN. Local. Pedn, Cor. Br., is a hill ; the head of any thing. PEEBLES. Local. From the town and shire of Peebles, m Scotland. Pohl, Welsh, people, and lie, a place; PdbvM^ Gaelic, people, and eis, many ; the place of many people. 216 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY PEELE. Local. A tower, a castle, a spire, a steeple, as Camer- pehj the spire rock. Pefe, Fr., a bald-pated man. PELHAM. Local. From the lordship of Pelham, in Hertford- shire, England, either from peele, a tower, castle, or from poo\ a small lake, and ham^ a village. PELL, according to Bailey, is a house ; in the Welsh it signi- fies, far off, at a distance, PELLETIER. (Fr.) A furrier, or skinner. PELLYN, now PILLINQS. (Cor. Br.) The distant pool Pyling^ an old word denoting a superstructure, IPENDLETOK Local The summit of the hill, aaelic, from pendle, the summit, and dun, a hilL Pen-dal-ton, the town at the head of the valley. PENaiLLY. (Cor. Br.) The head of the grove. PEKN". (Cor. Br.) The top of a hill; the head. PENNANT. (Cor. Br.) From Pew, a head, and nant, a vale, or dingle ; the head of the dingle ; the principal mansion of the family, Bychton, in Wales, being situated at the head of a considerable dingle on the old family estate. PENNINGTON, Local Derived from the manor of Pen- nington, in Lancashire, England, anciently Penitone, written in the Doomsday-Book, Pennegetwm. PENEY. Local A town in Savoy ; the head of the water, from pen and eau, also a pinnacle. PENNY or PINNY. The top of a mountain or hiU. A mountain in Spain is called by the inhabitants " La Penna de los Enamorados," or the Lover's Rock. The word has the same meaning as the English pinnacle. PENNYMAN or PENNYMON. (Welsh.) Local Pm-y- mon, the top of the mountain. OF FAMILY NAMES. 211 PEKCY, PIERCY, PEROEY. Local. The renowned famUy of Percy, of Northumberland, England, derived their name from Percy Forest, in the Province of Maen, Normandy, whence they came, which signifies a stony place, from pierre. It may signify a hunting place, from pirsen, Teu- tonic, to hunt ; percer, French, to penetrate, to force one's way. PEREJNS. From Peir or Peter, and the patronymic or di- minutive termination ins, — httle Peter, or the son of Peter. PERRIG-0. Local. From Per^ewaj, a tovni of France. PERRY. If not synonymous with Parry, it is local, from Pierre (Fr.), a stone, signifying a stony place, abounding in rocks. PEYENSEY. liocal. A village in Sussex, England, the land- ing place of William the Conqueror, in 1066, derived from Pau, Welsh, a tract of pasture land, and aven(s), a river, and aig, the sea, standing at the mouth of a river, near the sea. The name is also Gaelic, and has the same meaning. Biad- hahhainisg, or Pababhainisg. PEYTON. Assumed by the proprietors of Peyton, a small town near Boxford, in Suffolk, England. They were de- scendants of WUliam Mallet, one of the favorites of William the Conqueror. PHELPS. Supposed to be the same as PhiUips (which see). The name may come from the Danish, Hvalp ; Swedish, Vdlp, a whelp. PHILIP.x (Grreek.) A lover of horses, from ^i/lof, and lizTtog. PHIPPEN. A corruption of Fitz Penn, from the Norman, Fitz, a son, and Penn. The son of Penn. PHYSICK. The art of heahng diseases. A name given to a physician. PICKERING. Local. A market town of north Yorkshire, England, with the remains of a castle. PICKERSGILL. Local. The stream inhabited by pike or pickerel, 10 218 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY PIEECE. The same as Piercy or Percy (which see). PIERPONT. (Ft.) Be Pierre Pont, from the stohe bridge ; in Latin, I>e Petra Ponte. PIGGOT and PICKETT. Pitted with the smaU-pox, spotted in the face, from the French PicoU. PIGMAN. A dealer in pigs. A man by the name of John- son, in Staffordshire, England, who followed this occupation, was generally called Pigman, and he willingly recognized this cognomen. PILCHER. A maker of pikhes, a kind of great coat or upper , garment, in use in the fourteenth century. " After gret heat cometh cold, No man cast hia pylch away."— Chaucer. PILLESTGS. Same as Pellyn (which see). PITTMAN, PUTMAN. A man Hving near a well or spring; Saxon, pit; Danish, put, a weU or spring. PLAYEAIR. Local. The play ground, a place where fairs were held, and holidays kept. PLAYSTED. The place appropriated to amusement, or any exercise intended for pleasure. PLEASANTS. Local. From a suburb of the city of Edin- burgh, called " The Pleasants," where anciently was a priory of nuns, which was dedicated to St. Mary of Placentia, of which the name " Pleasants" is a corruption. PLYMPTOK Local (Cor. Br.) From Plym, a river, and ton, a town. The town situated on the river Plym, in Dev- onshire, England. POLK. An abbreviation of Pollock (which see). Mr. Polk, the late President, is third in descent from a Mr. Pollock. POLLARD. A tree having its top cut off; a fish; Poularde, French, a fat chicken; Pol, Dutch, a loose or lewd man, and ard, disposition. Poule-ard, chicken-hearted. OF FAMILY NAMES. 219 POLLEY. Local. From Poilley, in the province of Orleans, France, whence the family originally came. POLLOCK. Local. Derived from the parish of Pollock^ in Eenfrew^shire, Scotland. The name is from the Gaelic Pol- lag^ " a littie, pool, pit, or pond," a diminutive of pol, a pool. It is vulgarly pronounced Pock or Polk. POMEROY. (Fr.) Pomme-roi, a kind of apple, the royal apple, king's apple, or king of apples; a name probably given to a gardener for his skill in raising them, or a name of place vv^here such apples were raised. POIN'DEXTER. (Fr.) The same as Hotspur, or spur the steed ; poin being derived from pungo, to pierce, to prick, and deader, right, as opposed to left ; a word expressive of readiness of limbs, adroitness, expertness, and skill. POITEYIN. A name given to a native of Poitou, France. POOLE. Local. A small collection of water in a hoUow place, supplied by a spring ; a small lake. " John at the Pool," be- came " John Pool." A town in Dorsetshire, England. POPE. Greek and Latin, Papa, father. PORCHER. This name originated with Simon Le Porcher, hereditary grand huntsman to Louis Capel, Eang of France, from whose ofl&cial duty of slaying the hoar, the name is derived. PORSON. The same as Parson, or a corruption of Power-son, the son of Power. POWERS. (Welsh.) From Powyr, a descendant of Leod, who was the father of Mandebrog or Mandubratius. POWELL. A contraction of the Welsh Ap HoweU, the son of Howell. It may also be deduced from Paul, of which it was a former orthography : " After the text of Crist, and Powel, and Jon." "Weight's Chaucer, '7229. POTTER. One who makes earthen vessels. POTTINGER. An apothecary is so called in Scotland. 220 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY POULTOK Local From the town of Poulton, in Lancashire, England, also a place near Marlborough, in Wiltshire, so called from Poo\ a small lake, and ton, a town. POYNDER. A bailiff, one who distrains. PEATT. From the Latin Pratum, a meadow. Prat, in the Dutch, signifies proud, arrogant, cimning. PRESCOT. (Welsh.) Local From Prescot, a small town in England, so called from Prys, a coppice, and cwt, a cottage. PEESSLEY. Local A coppice, from the Welsh Prys, shrubs, brushwood ; GaeHc, preas, bushes, shrubs, and Zfe, a place, meadow or pasture lands. PEESTON. Local A town m Lancashire, England. The town in the coppice, or the bushy hill, from Prys and ton ; also, Preston, the town where brass is* found or manufac- tured, from Pres, brass, Welsh. PEICE. (Welsh.) A corruption of Ap Bice, the son of Eice. PEICHAED. (Welsh.) A contraction of Ap Richard, the son of Eichard. PEIDEAUX. (Fr.) From PresdJeaux, near the water. PEINDLE. A croft or smaU field. PEING-LE. Local PrencyU, a hazel-wood, from prem,, Welsh, a wood, and cyU or coll, hazel Pringle, an obsolete Scottish coin. PEODGEES, PEOaEES, or PEOQEE. A contraction of ^p Roger, the son of Eoger. PEOVOOST or PEOOST. A name of office, a president of a college ; the chief magistrate of a city. PUG-H or P YE. A contraction of Ap Hugh, the son of Hugh, " u" having in Welsh the sound of " y." PUTNAM. (Dutch.) From Put or Putten, a well, and ham, a house or town. Welltown, or the house by the well. PUTZKAMMEE. (Grer.) A dressing-chamber, a room for dress and ornaments ; a chamberlain. OF FAMILY NAMES. 221 PYE. A contraction of Ap Hugh (see Pugh) ; also, a bird ; there was an old sign of a pye over an inn in London called Pye Corner. QUACKENBOSS. (Dutch.) Quickenhosch, a thicket, a grove of roan-tree, mountain-ash, a species of service-tree. QUENTIN or QUINTIN. From the Latin Quintus, "the fifth," a name given to the fifth son. Quentin, a town in Cotes du Nord, France, so called fi-om St. Quentin, who died there. QUIGLY. Gaelic, Cuigealach, of or belonging to a distaflf or hand rock ; perhaps a thrifty person, or from resembling a distafi" in bodily peculiarity. QUIN. Local From Quin, a village in Clare county, Ireland* EADCLIFF. Local. A place in Lancashire, England, so called from a clifi" of red rock. EADFORD. (Cor. Br.) The fern way. RADLAND. (Cor. Br.) The fern land. RADNOR. (Cor. Br.) The enclosure of ferns. RAFFLES. (Danish.) From Eaefel, long-lubber, lath-back, inactive, sluggish. RAINSFORD. Local. A corruption of Ravensford. RALEIGH. Rhawlaw, in the Welsh, signifies a lieutenant, a vicar ; and Rheoli, to govern, to rule. It may be local, from Ral, Raoul or Ralph, and leigh, or ley, a field or place. RALPH. (Sax.) From Rod, counsel, and ulph, help, French, Raoul, Latin, Rodolphics, a helper, a counselor. RALSTON. Local. Ralph, one of the descendants of Mac Dufi", Thane of Fife, obtained a grant of land in Renfrew- shire, and, as was common in those days, called the place after himself, Ralphstown, which was softened into Ralston. RAMAGE. Branches of trees ; a coppice where birds sing. 222 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY EAMSEY. Local. From Ea^ Saxon, water, or an isle, and Ram, Ram's Isle, a place in Huntingdonshire, England; where the family originated, and afterward settled in Scot- land. Ramus, Latin, branches, young trees — the isle of un- derbrush, branches, or young trees ; a place where cattle browse. Reomasey, Saxon, from Reoma, the rim, edge, ex- tremity, a border, and ey, an island. EAMSDEK (Sax.) Local The winding valley, or the ex- tremity of the valley. RAN. (Sax.) Pure, clear. RAND. (Dutch.) The border, a borderer. RANDAL, RANDOLPH, or RANDULPH. , (Sax.) These names, have the same signification. Fair-help, from Ran, fair, and ulph, help. RANDER. Local, (aaehc and Welsh.) A tract of land on a point or promontory. Rand, Danish, the rim, border, edge. RANKIN. This name may be derived from the Danish Rank, right, upright, erect. If the name is GaeHc, it would come from Roinn, a promontory, share, or division, and Ceann, head ; the head of the promontory, a name of place. Ran^ hen, in the Dutch, signifies pranks, tricks. RANNEY. Local. Renaix, Reinow, or Renais, a town of Switzerland. Ren6 (Latin, renatus), renewed, born again, regenerated. RANSOM, RANSOME. The price paid for redemption fi:om captivity or punishment. RATHBONE. (Sax.) An early gift. RAPP. Rap, in Danish, is swift, nimble. Rap, Dutch, nimble, quick ; " rap gasten," a nimble feUow. RAWDON. Local. From the lands of Royden, near Leeds, in Yorkshire, England. OP FAMILY NAMES. 228 RAWLEY. (Welsh.) Rhawlaw, a vicax. (Evans.) RAWLIlSTGrS. From Raou\ French for Ralph, and the pa- tronymic termination ings ; — Ralph's son. RAWLmSON, The son of Rawlings. RAWSOK A corruption of Ravenson, or it may be Ralph's son. RAT. This name may have several origins. Ruadh and Reagh, Gaelic, swarthy, red, sandy complexioned. Re, the moon. Ray, a beam of light, luster. Re, from ruo, to rush, applied to a stream, rapids, whence the river Reay, in Caith- ness, Scotland. Rea, Cor. Br., wonderful, strange. Rhe, Welsh, a run, Rhedu, to run. Rhae, Welsh, a battle, the place of a battle ; a chain. RAYMER. (Dutch.) Roemur, one who extols, praises, boasts. Raumer, German, a person employed in clearing or cleaning. RAYMOND. (Teut.) From Rein, pure, and mund, mouth ; pure mouth, one who abstains from wanton discourses. Raymund, German, quiet peace. RAYNER. (Danish.) Raner, a leader of the Danes, who in- vaded Britain ; a pirate, a robber, a term given to a warrior. RECORD. The same as Rikerd, or Richard, of which it is a corruption, liberal-hearted, rich in disposition. REDDEN or RODDEK Local. (Cor. Br.) A place of ferns. Rodon, a town in Bretagne, France. REDDENHURST. Local. Reddon, Cor. Br., fern, and hurst, Saxon, a wood or grove. REED and READ. (Sax.) From Rede, advice, counsel, help, or from the fenny plant, a reed. REESE, RHEESE. (Cor. Br.) Pushing, violent ; a strong or powerful man. Riese, in German, signifies a giant Welsh, s, a rushing. Rees, a town of Germany, on the Rhine. 224 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY REEVES. From Reeve^ a bailiff, provost, or steward, Shire- reeve, Wood-reeve, (Sheriff, Woodruff.) EEmARD and REYNARD. (Teut. or Sax.) From i2em, pure, and ard, nature, disposition ; honest, incorrupt. KEINHART. (Dutch.) A pure heart, from rein, pure. BENARD. (Fr.) A fox, cunning. EETZ. Local A town in Moravia. REYNOLDS. (Sax.) Sincere or pure love from, ETiem, pure, and hold, the old English for love. It also may signify strong or firm hold. REYNOLDSON. The son of Reynolds. BHEFELDT. The deer-field, from the Dutch rhee, a roe, and feldt, a field. RHODES. Local From the island of Rhodes, in the Mediter- ranean Sea. Rhodes, a town in Guienne, France. RIAN. Gaehc, Ria, a provincial chief. Rian, manner, order, arrangement, sobriety, good disposition. RICE. Another form of Rys, Welsh, to rush, a rushing ; figur- atively, a hero, a brave, impetuous man. The same as Rees. RICH. Wealthy, opulent ; anciently, great, noble, powerful RICHARD or RIO ARD. (Sax.) Of a powerful, rich, or gen- erous disposition, from ric, rich, and ard, nature or disposi- tion. RICHARDSON. The son of Richard. RICHMOND. (Sax.) From ric, rich, and mimd, mouth — rich-mouth; figuratively, eloquent. RICKETTS. A corruption of Rimrds, from Richard (which see). RIDDELL, Local. From lands in the county of Yorkshire, formerly called the Ryedcdes. OF FAMILY NAMES. 226 BIDDER and RITTER. The same as Ruyter, a knight, a chevalier. RIGGrS. From the Danish rig^ wealthy, rich; or the name may be local, and denoting a steep elevation, a range of hills, or the upper part of such a range. RING". (Dutch.) Local. A Canton; a district of an eccle- siastical congregation. RINGE. ^Danish.) Mean, low, small, little; a ring, circle. Local, a round place. RINGGOLD. (Welsh.) Local. Rhingol, a cleft, cM*, or steep bank. RIPLEY. Local. A market-town in west Yorkshire, Eng- land, from the Saxon rypan^ to divide or separate, and ley^ uncultivated lands, a pasture. ROBERTS. (Sax.) From Rod^ counsel, and lert or herichf, bright or famous — ^famous in counsel ROBY. (Danish.) From Ro, rest, repose, and hy, a town — the peaceftil town. ROCHESTER. Local. From a city in Kent, England, so called from Roche, French, a rock, and Chester, from the Latin castrum., a city or castle ; an uneven, rough, and stony place. Reoh, Saxon, and Rauh, German, signify rough, rug- ged, uneven. (See Chester.) ROCHFORT. Local. A town of France—" the strong rock." ROE. (Gaelic.) Red-haired. Nor. Fr., Rou, Rufus. ROEMER. (Dutch.) From Roem, glory, renown; a praiser, a boaster. ROGER. (Teutonic.) Rhu, rest, quiet, peace, and gard, a keeper; or Rhu-geren, one desirous of rest; Rodgarus, all counsel or strong counsel. ROLAND, ROLLIN, and RODLAND. (Sax.) Counsel for the land. 20* 226 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY EOMAINE. The same as Roman, from Rome ; also, strong. ROMANNO. Local. From lands in the county of Peebles, Scotland, so called from a Roman military way, leading from the famous Roman camp at Line to the Lothians, which passed through the middle of those lands, from which they were called Romanno. ROOF. Probably the same as Reeve, an ofl&cer or steward. Ruf^ German, reputation, famous, renowned. ROORBACK. (Dutch.) Noisy brook. A town in Bavaria, G-ermany. ROOT. Local A place lying low, the base, foot, or bottom of a mountain, the lower part of land. ROSENCRAlSrS. (Danish.) RosenJcrands, a garland of roses ; in Dutch, the place of rose-trees. ROSEYELDT. (Dutch.) The field of roses. ROSS. (G-aelic.) Local A shire of Scotland. Ros, a penin- sula, an isthmus, a promontory. Rhos, in Welsh, is a moor, a bog. Ros, in Cor. Br,, is a mountain, a meadow, a com- mon. Rose and Rosh signify a valley or dale between hills. ROSWELL. Rosveldt, the rose-field ; Rosville, the town on the heath or promontory. ROTH. (G-erman.) Red color. ROTHSCHILD or ROSCHILD. From a town in Denmark, which is said to take its name from a river with which it is watered that drives several mills. Roe, in the ancient Danish language, signifies a king, and kiUe, a stream of water or brook, i. e., the king's brook. Some have given the signification " Red-shield" to the name, fi-om Roth, red. ROUSE. (Fr.) Red, red-haired, same as Rufiis. ROTJSSEAIJ. (Fr.) One having reddish hair, carrot color. Ritisseau, local, a brook. OF FAMILY NAMES. 227 ROWE. Local. A river that overflows its banks. Rowe, Rue, Fr., a street ; Roe, Gaelic, red-haired. ROWEL. Local From the river Rouel, in the Netherlands. ROWEK Local. A town in Bohemia; Rouen, a town in France ; Rowan, a tree, the mountain-ash. ROWLE. (Cor. Br.) Rule, order, law; Rheol, Welsh, rule, law. ROWLEY. (Sax.) Local. From Row, sweet or pleasant, and ley, a field. ROWNTREE. Rowan-tree, the mountain-ash, so named fi-om that kind of tree growing near the premises. ROY. (G-aelic.) Ruadh, Roe, Roy, red-haired ; also Roye, a town in England. Roi, French, king, whence Le Roy. RUFTJS. (Fr.) Red, from the color of the hair. RUE. Local. From Reaux, in Hainault, Netherlands. Fr., Rus, a street. RUG-GLES. Local A town of France, on the Eure. RUNDELL. A contraction of Arundle (which see). Rundle also signifies a sparrow. RUNNION or RUNON. (Gaelic.) A small hiU. RUSBRIDGE. Local From the town of Rousbrugge, in Germany. RUSS. A Russian, so called in Holland. RUSSELL. (Fr.) Red-haired, somewhat reddish; carrot- color. RtrSSEY. Local A town in Doubs, France. RUTGERS. (Dutch.) Rudgert, the same as Roger, quiet, tranquil; one desirous of rest, a keeper of rest; RodgaruSj strong counsel 228 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY EUTHERFORD. Local. From the lands of Rutherford on the river Tweed, in the parish of Maxton, Roxburgshire, Scotland. The name is derived from the Welsh Buthr, rushing, swift, andjffbrdj a ford or way. RUTHYEK From the lands and barony of Ruthven, in Perthshire, Scotland ; a river of the same name ; " Ruithah- hainn,'" i. e., the rushing or swift stream. RUYTER. A knight or chevalier, in the Dutch or German, and sometimes written Ritier, having the same signification as the Enghsh Rider. RYDER. A forest officer, being mounted, and having the supervision of a large district. In the ballad of WiUiam of Cloudesly, the king, rewarding the dexterity of the archer who shot the apple from his child's head, says : " I give thee eightene pence a day, And my bowe thou shalt here ; And over all the north coimtre I make thee chyfe rydere.^^ RYE. (French.) Local. From Rive, a coast, a shore, a bank, border. RYNDERS. Local. A town in North Jutland ; the same as Rander. SACKVILLE. A corruption of the Latin De Sicca viUa, that is, from the dry town. SAFFORD. Local. A corruption of Seaford, a town of Sus- sex, England. SALES. SahJ, or sadlj in German, signifies a hall or court French, salle. The name may be local, and derived from the river Sale, in France, or Saal, a river in Bavaria. SALISBURY or SARISBURY. (Sax.) Local A city and capital of Wiltshire, England. The town of health ; the dry OF FAMILY NAMES. 220 town. Tlie old town of Salisbury anciently stood upon a hill where there was no water, but it is now situated in a valley, and a little brook runs through the streets. The name was sometimes written Salusbury, that is, the healthy hOl or town. SALTER. A name of trade, one who sells salt. SANDFORD. Local. From Sandford, a place in Westmore- land, England — the sand-ford. SANDS. (Danish.) Sense, wit; or it may be from Scmd^ Sandy, a Scottish abbreviation of Alexander. SANG-STER. (Scottish.) A song-maker or singer. SANXAY. (Fr.) Local. From the town of Sanxay, in Poitou, France. SATERLEE. Local. A place in England where Saturn was worshiped by the pagan Saxons. SAXE. A Saxon, so called in HoUand. In Athelstan's song of victory, given in the Saxon Chronicles, a.d. 938, secce sig- nifies a fight; secga, a warrior ; seax or secce, a sword, any sharp instrument. Latin, sica, a dagger. SAXTON. An under officer of the church, the same as Sexton. Local, Saoc-town, a town of the Saxons. SCARBOROUGH. (Sax.) Local. From the seaport and borough of Scarborough, in Yorkshire, England, fi:om scear^ a sharp rock or hill, and burgh, a town or fort ; hterally, a hill, from hergh. The town or fort on or by the sharp- peaked rocks. SOARRET. Local Scear, a rocky clifi". Scarard, the high clifi"; Leskerret, a market-town in Cornwall, England. The old part of the town stands upon rocky heights. SCARDSDALE. A valley in Devonshire, England, so called from the Saxon scearres, indented or sharp disjointed rocks called scars, and dale, a valley. 230 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY SOHAFFER. (Dutch.) He that dishes up or provides vic- tuals. Shaffer, G-erman, a shepherd, a pastor, a swain. SCHELL. (Old English.) A sprmg. SCHELLDEK (Old Enghsh.) The spring in the vaUey, from schdl, a spring, and dene, a valley. SkeU is also a vrell^ ia the old northern English. SCHENCK. (G-er.) From schenke, an inn or public house ; a name of place. SCHERMERHORN. (DutcL) From Shermer, a fencer, and hoorn, a horn, which emblematically expresses strength or power. SOHOONHOVEK (Dutch.) From the name of a town in South Holland, and signifies fine gardens or courts, from schoon, beautiful, and hof, plural, hoven, gardens or courts. SCHOONMAKER. (Dutch.) From Schoenmalcer, a shoe- maker. SCHUYLER. (Dutch.) Van Schuykr, from the place of shelter. Schuiler, a hider; Schuil, a shelter, a hiding- place. Schuler, German, a scholar. SCOTT. A native of Scotland. Nennius uses both Scythes and Scotti indifierently. Strabo considers Scythce and Nb- mades synonymous terms. The original word in Ossian is Scuta, which literaEy signifies " restless wanderer," hence the propriety of the name Scuite or Scot. SCRANTON. (Dutch.) From schrantsen, to tear, seize, or break, so named, perhaps, from his warlike propensities. SCROGGS. Local. From Scrog, a stunted shrub, bush, or branch, given probably from the location of the dwelling. SEAFORD. Local. From a seaport town of that name in Sussex, England. SEAFORTH. Local The name of a projection of the sea on the east coast of Lewis, on the Long Island, Scotland — " the forth or frith of the sea." OF FAMILY NAMES. 231 SEAYER. (G-aelic.) Saihher, rich; Sever, local, a town in France. SEAMAN. A sailor, one who follows the sea. SEARS. (Cor. Br.) From sair, a carpenter or sawyer; Welsh, saer ; G-aelic, saor, a carpenter. SEATON. Local. That is, sea-town, a parish in Perthshire, formerly called Errol. (See Seton.) SEBRIGHT. From Se, Saxon, used the same as the article the, and bright. The illustrious, the renowned. SEDGWICK. The town or harbor abounding with sedge, wick, a town or harbor. SEGUR. (Ger.) Powerful, victorious, from sieg, victory. Dutch, zege. SEIX. Local. A town in Arriege, France. SELBT. Local. A market-town in west Yorkshire, England, on the Ouse. Danish, Seile, to sail, to navigate, and hy, a town, Seil, a sail. A place of boats or sails. SELKIRK. Local. A borough town of Scotland. CeWdrh, a religious house. A cell was anciently that part of a tem- ple within the walls. Sel-carrik, Cor. Br., the high rock ; Sel, a view, a prospect, Welsh, syllu, to look, and carrik or craig, a rock. SELLENGER. A corruption of St. Leger, and that from St. Leodeger. SELLICK. (Cor. Br.) Local. A name of place, and signifies in open view, remarkable, conspicuous. CrugseUick, in Verian, the barrow in open view, from sel, a view. SEMARD. A corruption of St. Medard. SEMPLE or SIMPLE. A corruption of St. Paul. 2S2 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY SETON. Local. From lands of that name in Haddingtonshire, Scotland, which were so called because the town thereof was situated close upon the sea, and which gave name to the family of Seton, so renowned in Scottish annals. SEVERN. Local. A river rising in the mountam Plynlimmon, in "Wales. SEVERINS. Local Mountains in Languedoc, France. SEWARD. High admiral, who kept the sea against pirates, from sea, and ward, a keeper. SEWALL and SEWELL. Probably from sea and wall, a structure of stone or other materials intended for a defense or security against the sea. This name, though seemingly local, may have various significations ; suil, in the G-aelic, is a willow ; suail, small, inconsiderable. Su, south, and wold, wald, wild, well, an uncultivated place, a wood, a plain, a lawn, hiUs without wood : Suwold, SuwdU, SuweU. SEYMOUR. A corruption of St. Maurus. SHADDOCK or SCHADECK. Local. The name of a lord- ship in G-ermany. SHAN". (Celtic.) Old ; shanty, an old house. SHANACH. (Gaelic.) Sionnach, a fox. SHANE. The Celtic for John. SHANNON. (GraeHc.) From the Shannon, a river of Ireland. The tranquU, gentle river, from sen, gentle, and abhain, a river. Shan-eon, the tranquil river. S before a vowel, in the Gaelic, has the sound of sh. The river Seine, in France, has the same signification. Shanon — the ancient river, from sean, old, and oun or ohhain, a river. SHAW. (Scotch.) A lawn, a plain surrounded by trees, or an open space between woods. OF FAMILY NAMES. 233 SHELDON. (Cor. Br.) Local. The spring in the valley, from scheU^ a spring, and dene^ a small valley. SHELLEY. Local. Derived from Shelley, in Essex, Suffolk, and Yorkshire, England, from Schelly a spring, and ley, a field. SHEPPY. Local. From an island in the county of Kent, so called from the Saxon Sceajp-JEa, or Sceap-Ige, that is, the Sheep's Isle, because sheep abundantly multiphed there; called also Ovini, from the Latin ovis, a sheep. SHERARD. Said to be derived from one Scirrard, who came with William the Conqueror, and obtained lands in Chester and Lancaster, England. As a local name, it may signify in Anglo Saxon, a high cliff; rocky heights, from Scearard. SHERLOCK. (GaeUc.) From Saor, pronounced as with " W* after the "/S^" signifying clear, and hch, a lake, the clear lake. SHERMAN". A shearman, one who used to shear cloth. " Yillain, thy fether was a plasterer, and thou thyself a shearmcm?^ Stafford to Jack Cade. Shaks. Henry VL SHERWOOD. From the Saxon sTwr (scir), clear, and wood, a clearing in the wood, or the cleared woods ; or as Bailey gives the word, ^^ Sheer-wood, in Nottinghamshire." It may be derived from shire, (Sax.) sdre, (Ger.) schier, to divide, a portion or division of land; of which divisions there are forty in England, twelve in Wales, and twenty-four in Scot- land. SHIEL. Local. A river and loch or lake, in the south-west of Inverness-shire, Scotland. Shiels were shepherd's huts, a term used by the Northumbrian Saxons, to denote the tem- porary shelters of shepherds. SHOLTIS. (G-er.) Schultheiss, a mayor, magistrate. SHORT. Alluding to stature, not talL 234 ETTMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY SHREWSBURY. Local. A town in Shropshire, England, from the Saxon Scrube, a shrub, a small tree, and hurgh, a town. SHRIEVES. A sheriJBF, from sdr and reeve, the bailiflf of a eJiire or division. The shire-reeve. SHUCK. (Dutch.) Signifies twelve or a dozen, and is ap- phed to sheaves in a harvest field. SHUCKBURan. Local A place in Warwickshire, England. From Saxon, soc, an immunity, privilege, baronial or royal court, and hurgh, a town or city — a privileged place, or place possessing a particular court or jurisdiction. SHURTLIFF. Local The "short clifif;" separated, cut oflF, fi:om the Saxon, sceort, short, and clif. SHUTE. Local From the castle of Shute, in Normandy, France. SIDDONS. (Welsh.) From syddyn, a farm— a farmer. SIGrURD. The same as Segur, powerful SIKES. Local A small spring well SIMEOK (Heb.) Hearing. SIMMONS. A corruption of Simeon or Simon. SIMS. A contraction of Simeon or Simon, the son of Sim. SINCLAIR. A corruption of St Clair, and that fi-om St Clara, from the Latin clarus, pure, renowned, illustrious. SINGEN and SINDEN. A corruption of St John, which is generally pronounced Singen. SISSON. Local Derived fi-om Sissonne, a town in France. SKEFFINGTON. (Sax.) Local. From sceap, a sheep, and ton, a town. The sheep-town. The name of a small village in England. SKELTON. (Sax.) Local The hiU of separation or bound- OP FAMILY NAMES. 235 SKEIlTE. Some derive their names, as well as their arms, from some considerable action, and thus, it is said, a second son of one Struan Eobertson, for killing a wolf in Stocket Forest, Athol, Scotland, with a dirh, in the king's presence, got the name of Skene, which signifies a dirk, Gaelic, Sgian, and three dirk-points in pale for liis arms. Skians, Cor. Brit., implies witty, skillful, knowing. SKIDMORB or SCUDMORE. (Cor. Br.) From scondh, or scidJi, the shoulders, and mor, big, large. — ^Broad shouldera , ,., ,, , „ Slnhpidmuur. Dntch. a partition or division waJL like all the Smiths in general and the iflustrioua L ^^ . i, John m particular, derive your name from the P^^^^ '^®^^- nTon !r«''t \ ^";^f r '°^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ \ «% of ground between j n yon are, perhaps the following table, exhibiting T ^ ^ the births, marriages and deaths of your tribe for one year in England, and as contrasted withthoae of other familiar names, may prove interesting • ^»iith 6688 ^*J.lo^; 2647 S"^^* 1398 y*'fcer 1324 ^^"'•"ei- 1217 Cooper 1103 ^^^^■- 1096 ^^H**"" • 1033 gof 910 barker 824 ^ftbs- Deaths. Marriages 40ii 2276 1142 1070 1011 950 952 839 742 694 300S 1518 729 754 680 640 635 513 483 471 mountain, a mountaineer. )r one who carries goods surnames, and might of volume. The word is de- %n, to smite or strike. be he knight or squire, at the fire ?" Verstegan. The great number of the family of Smiths ac- cording to the Westminster Review, seems tJ be owing to this, that the Smith of the age when suruamcs first became hereditary, included in his mystery the work which Wheeler, Cartwrirrht and I'ith ranked third in dignity other Wrights afterwards performed Tfaa°fi,™;i^ Ji • r -r^ of Lefevre in French, is m'uch ^numerous than H^^^f ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^P<^^«' that of the English Smiths. The generic name '^^® ^^ ^^6°^' FranP«^fnr?hl''' ^.S^'^^l^l ''"^ ^^ *^^ «««fcl^ of iS which a viUain (tenant) prance for this northern Schmidt or Smith, is do- u .1 ^ ^ i.- i a nved from the Latin Faber, and became a Bur ^ ^ consent of his lord, name as Lefevre; so also Favre, Faure, and Fabri' _ An old writer quaintly and truly says : "Touchl SfitrV'!^^''?.'^"^" Burnames of occupations, as toh.A ?t^°J'j!^?'^^°'^ such others, it is not to be doubted but their ancestors have first gotten them by uaing such trades, and the children of such parents being contented to take them upon them! their after-commg posterity could hardly avoid them, ana so in time cometb it righUy to be said • ••From whence came ^w.1%, all be he knight or sauira' But from the Smith, that forgeth at the Sre! '' ^ ' A proof of the preeminence of the Smiths in Phi- ladelphia may be observed in the fact that on the Post Office pigeon-hole for advertised letters, while other names are simply indicated by A, B, C, &c. Smith ha^ an entire box to himself. ' ' ^-r rraft. This was one of the a"« «ou.j« ^. a ,«wn. The sheep-town.?, t-.*o;,a^. S'S^FS-rT " m England. 'sV^oSA''"^'"^^^'^ sSj^. - SKELTON. (Sa.) Local Th,£rB||Sr "''="- .mUversary Of the Order of Unit, Americans. "* [From the Newark AdverHaer, 25th Mav 7 ae Seventh Anniyersary of tbe Order of UntV ^ »th 'Set' it Wro^rsf^^ T"' "' "" OF FAMILY NAMES. 235 SKE!N^. Some derive their names, as well as their arms, from some considerable action, and thus, it is said, a second son of one Struan Kobertson, for killing a wolf in Stocket Forest, Athol, Scotland, with a dirh, in the king's presence, got the name of Skene, which signifies a dirk, Gaelic, Sgian, and three dirk-points in pale for liis arms. SJcians, Cor. Brit., implies witty, skillful, knowing. SKIDMORE or SCUDMORE. (Cor. Br.) From scoudh, or scuih, the shoulders, and mor, big, large. — ^Broad shoulders. Scheidmuur, Dutch, a partition or division waU. SLACK. Local. A valley, or small shallow dell. SLADE. Local. A long flat piece or slip of ground between hills. SLAVEN. (Celtic.) From sliahh, a mountain, a mountaineer. SLEEPER. (Dutch.) A cartman, or one who carries goods on a sledge. SMITH. The most common of aU surnames, and might of itself furnish matter enough for a volume. The word is de- rived from the Anglo-Saxon Smitan, to smite or strike. " From whence comes Smith, all be he knight or squire, But from the Smith that forgeth at the fire ?" Yerstegan. Among the Highland clans, the smith ranked third in dignity to the chief, from his skiU in fabricating military weapons, and his dexterity in teaching the use of them. In Wales there were three sciences which a villain (tenant) could not teach his son without the consent of liis lord, Scholarship, JSardism, and Smithcraft. This was one of the hberal sciences, and the term had a more comprehensive sense than we give to it at this tune. The smith must have imited in this profession, different branches of knowledge which are now practiced separately, such as raising the ore, converting it into metal, etc. S55q etymological dictionary The term was originally applied to artificers in wood as well as metal, in fact, to all mechanical workmen, which accomits for the great frequency of the name. The New York City Directory for 1856 (in which the names of the heads of families only, are given,) contains the names Df more than eighteen hundred Smiths, of whom seventy- four are plain James Smiths, and one hundred and seventeen, John Smiths 1 We see in the papers, that John Smith dies, is married, hanged, drowned, and brutally murdered, daily ! John Smith doesn't identify anybody, and is therefore no name at all. This numerous family is the subject of many laughable anec- ^ dotes and witty sallies. A wag, on a certain occasion, coming late to the theater, and wishing to get a seat, shouted at the top of his voice, '' Mr. Smith's house is on fire 1" The house was thinned five per cent, and the man of humor found a snug seat. In many neighborhoods the name is so frequent that it is neces- sary to append some soubriquet to identify the person. " Can you tell me where Mr. Smith fives, mister ?" " Smith — Smith — ^what Smith ? there are a good many of that name in these parts — ^my name is Smith." " Why, I don't know his t'other name, but he's a sour, crabbed sort of fellow, and they call him '.Crab Smith.' " "Oh, the deuce! s'pose I'm the man." But the best piece of humor relating to the name is the fol- lowing which we take firom Lower, which appeared some years since in the newspapers, under the title of "The Smiths. " Some very learned disquisitions are just now going on in the journals touchiug the origin and extraordinary extension of the family of ' the Smiths.' " Industrious explorers after derivatives and nomiaal roots, they say, would find in the name of John Smith a world of mys- tery; and a philologist in the Providence Journal, after OF FAMILY NAME8. 237 having written some thirty columns for the enlightenment of the public thereanent, has thrown down his pen, and de- clared the subject exhaustless. " From what has hitherto been discovered, it appears that the great and formidable family of the Smiths are the veritable descendants, in a direct Une, from Shem, the son of Noah, the father of the Shemitish tribe, or the tribe of Shem ; and it is thus derived — Shem, Shemit, Shmit, Smith. Another learned pundit, in the Philadelphia Gazette^ contends for the universality of the name John Smith, not only in Great Britain and America, but among aU kindred and nations on the face of the earth. Beginning with the Hebrew, he says, the He- brews had no Christian names, consequently tliey had no Johns, and in Hebrew the name stood simply Shem or Shemit ; but in the other nations John Smith is found at full, one and indivisible. Thus, Latin, Johannes Smithius ; Itahan, Giovanni Smithi; Spanish, Juan Smithas; Dutch, Hans Schmidt ; French, Jean Smeets ; Greek, 'lov 'ZK/utrov ; Eussian, Jonloff Skmittowski ; Pohsh, Ivan Schmittiwciski ; Chinese, Jahon Shimmit; Icelandic, Jahne Smithson; Welsh, lihon Schmidd ; Tuscarora, Ton Qa Snuttia ; Mex- ican, JontH F'Smitti. "And then, to prove the antiquity of the name, the same savant observes, that ' among the cartouches deciphered by Rossehni, on the temple of Osiris in Egypt, was found the neime of Pharaoh Smithosis, being the nintli in the eight- eenth dynasty of Tlieban kings. He was the founder of the celebrated temple of Smithopolis Magna.' We heartily con- gratulate the respectable multitude of the Smiths on these profound researches — ^researches which bid fair to explode the generally received opinion that the great family of the Smiths were the descendants of mere horse-shoers and hammer-men !" SNELL. (Dutch.) Snel, agile, swift nimble. SNODGRASS. Local. Grass trimmed and smooth; short 238 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY SNOW. (Dutch.) From Snoo, cunning, subtle, crafty, sly. SNYDER. (G-er.) From Schneider, a tailor. SOLDEN. Local. A town in Westphalia, Germany. SOMER. Alluvial land. G-aelic and Welsh, so for swl or sa\ soil, and mer, a lake, water, the sea. SOMERVILLE. The village near a marsh or lake ; So wer, a marshy soU, near water or the sea. So, for swl, sal, the earth, soU, land. Samhradh, GaeHc, summer, from Samh, the sun. Somerset may have been so called because the primitive inhabitants had an altar to the sun, samh, or because the country lay to the south. SOMMER. (Fr.) From sommer, to sum or cast up ; one who directs or cormnands. Summere, Dan., to sum up. SOULll. Local. A small territory in France, between Beam and the Lower Navarre. SOUTHCOTE. The south cot; so ^os^cott and Wesl-coU. SOUTHWELL. Local. A town in Nottinghamshire, Eng- land. The south well or plain. SPALDLNTG. Local. From the town of Spalding, in Lincoln- shire, England. Spalding, a ravine, from the German spalte^ a ravine. SPARK. To disperse, to scatter, to sparkle. SPAAREN. Local. A river in North Holland. SPELMAN. panish.) From Spillemand, a fiddler. SpiUe, to game, to play. SPENOE. An abbreviation of Spencer. SPENCER. (Nor. Fr.) Le Despenser, a steward. The an- cestor of the family assumed the name Le Despenser (Latin, dispensator), from being steward to the household of Wil- liam the Conqueror. SPICER. A name of trade, a grocer. OF FAMILY IfAMES. 239 SPIEaEL. (Dutch.) A looking-glass. SPIER. Spere, to ask, to inquire ; a word used formerly in Scotland and the north of Ireland. The name may be from ^ear, a long-pointed weapon used in war, and given for some exploit in battle, or taken from a sign over an inn. " John at the Spear." SPINK. A bird, a finch. SPOOR. (Dutch.) A spur ; that which excites ; a locality, as the spur of a mountain; whatever projects; the track or foot-prints of beasts. SPOTTEK (G-er.) To mock, deride, ridicule. SPRAGrUE. From Spradky Dutch, speech, language, — ^figura- tively, eloquent. ST. ALBANS. Local A town in Hertfordshire, England, so named from a Pagan deity, Alban, which name signifies a high hill, the Verulam of the Romans. Offa dedicated a church to Alban, the proto-martyr of Britain, in the time of Diocletian. STAATS. Stoats is the nick-name in Dutch for Eustace, or Eustatius, which is derived from the Greek ev, and iarrifiif well-established, firm, unyielding. STACY. A seeming form of the Latm Statins, from Sto, to stand, stationed, standing still, fixed. STAINES. An old word for stones ; a market town in Mid- dlesex, England. STAIR. Local. (Gaelic.) Stepping stones in a river ; a path made over a bog. STAIRN". (Gaelic.) Din, noise. Stym, Saxon, stubborn, se- vere. STALKER. A fowler who goes warily and softly in pursuit of his game ; one who walks on stilts over ditches in pursuit of moor-fowl. 240 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIOJffART " The fowler is employed his limed twigs to set, One underneath his horse to get a shoot doth stalk, Another over dykes upon his stilts doth walk," — ^Deayton. STANHOPE. Local. From the town of Stanhope, in the bishopric of Durham, England. From stan^ stone, and hope, the side of a hill, or low ground amid hills. STANLEY. Local. A market-town in Gloucestershire, Eng- land. The place of a tin mine, start, tin, Welsh, ysfaen, and fey / or from the Saxon, stan, a stone, and ley — the stony place. , STANTOK From stan, a stone, and ton, a hill or town. STANWOOD. (Saxon.) From stan, a stone," and wood — ^the stony wood. STAPLETOK (Saxon.) From stapel, stapol, stapula, a staple, fastening, stake, and ton, — a town inclosed or fenced round with stakes. STARK Anglo Saxon, Stare, Grerman Starch, strong, firm, confirmed to the utmost degree. STARKE Y. Strong of body, fi-om Siarh. STARR. (Ger.) Stifi", rigid, inflexible. STEAD. A place enclosed, a station or standing place. Siad, and stede, in Dutch, signifies a town. STBAISrE or STEEN. (Danish and Dutch.) A stone. STEARNS or STERN. Severe in look, harsh, bold. Stierne, Danish, a star. STEBBINS or STUBBINS. Local From a town of the same name called Stebbings, originally Stubing, in Essex, England. So called from stub, Saxon, styobe, Latin stipes^ the stump of a tree, and ing, a field or meadow. STEELE. A name given, in all probability, to a person who was inflexible, hard, firm, or enduring. OF FAMILY NAMES. . 241 STEIN. Local. A town in the isle of Sky, Scotland. Stein^ German and Danish, a stone. STELL. (Grer.) A place, station, office. STEMME. (Dan.) Voice, vote, suffrage; also to tune, to agree, to accord. STENNETT. (Dan.) Local From stenet, stony, rocky. STJETSON. Stedson, in Danish, is a stepson. STEVENS. From Stephen, from the Greek 'ZTi(l>uvo^, a crown« STEWAKT. Walter, the son of Fleance, and grand-son of Banquo, was created, by Malcom III. Lord High Steward of Scotland, from which office his family afterward took and retained the name of Stewart, and from them descended the royal family of Stuart. STILL. Quiet, calm, silent. A vessel used in the distillation of Hquors. " John at the StiUJ' STIMANDS. (Dan.) From StiTnand, a robber, highwayman. STIELING. Local. From the city of Stirling, the Gaehc name of which is Strila, by some supposed to signify "the place of strife," from Stri-thraUa. A Mr. StirUng, who was minister of the barony church of Glas- gow, during the war maintained against the insatiable am- bition of Louis XIV., in that part of his prayer wliich re- lated to pubHc affairs, used to beseech the Lord that he would take the haughty tyrant of France, and shake him over the mouth of hell , " but good Lord,^' added the worthy man, " dinna let him fa' in.'' This curious prayer having been mentioned to Louis, he laughed heartily at this new and ingenious method of punishing ambition, and frequently afterward gave as a toast, " The good Scotch parson." STOCKER. One who stocks, stores, or supphes. Stalker, one who stalks, a fowler who goes warily and softly in pursuit of his game. 11 242 . ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY STOCKING". Local From Stoc^ Saxon, a place, and ing, low land, a meadow. STOCKTON. Local. A town in Durham, on the Tees, Eng- land, from stohej a place, a settlement, and ton, a town. STODDARD. Concerning the origin of this name there is a tradition, that the first of the family came over with William the Conqueror, as standard-bearer to Viscompte De Pulesdon, a noble Norman, and that the name is deriied from the office of a standard-bearer, and was anciently writ- ten De La Sicmdeprd, corrupted to Stodard or JStodart STOKES. Local. A parish in Buckinghamshire ; also, towns in Suffialk and Gloucestershire, England. The name signifies a place, a settlement. Sfuge, Danish^ a ravine. STOKESBY or STUKEBY. Local. Stugehy, the viUage in tlie ravine. STONE. Local. A town in England. The name was proba- bly given to an individual who resided near or by some re- markable stone, or at a place called Stone. " Will at the Stone." STORE. (Dan.) From sforre, greater, larger, stout, strong. STOUGHTON. Local. This family derive its name frona Boche or Stoke^ a place in Surrey, England, and tun, a word signifying an inclosure. STOVER. (Dan.) A flteet hound, a name given for swiftness or love of hunting. ' STOWE. A fixed place or mansion^ a town, a garrison. STRACHAN. (GaeHc.) Local. From the parish of Strachaa in Kincardmeshire, Scotland, formerly Stratham. The- name may come fi-om stra or strath, a vale, from the root strath, a valley, through which a river runs, and chan or- ceann, the- head,, meaning " the head of the valley," or " a httle valley," from Strathan, OF FAMILY NAMES. 243 STKAIN. Local. A town in the north of Scotland, written Strang. It may be a contraction of Strachan, a little strath or valley. STRATTON, STRETTOK (Cor. Br.) Local. The hiU fuU of fresh springs. STRICKLAND. This name came from Strick-land or Stirk- Ixmd^ that is, " the pasture ground of young cattle," called stirks or steers^ in the parish of Moreland, Westmoreland Co., England, where the family once had considerable posses- sions. STRINGER. One who made or fitted the strings to the bows in the time of archery. "In war if a string break, the man is lost and is no man, and his weapon is gone, and although he have two strings put on at once, yet he shall have small leisure and less room to bend his bow, therefore, God send us good stringers both for war and peace." — Ascham. STRYKBR. (Dan.) From strige, to strike, to roam, to travel, hence a worker at a trade, a traveler. STUKLEY or STUKLY. (Gaelic.) Local. From stuc, a Ut- tle hill jutting out from a greater, a cliff, and %, a place. Stugley, Danish, a ravine, a place near a cKff. STYLES. A very common name " At the Style" — John Atte Style — John Styles. (See Noakes.) SULLIVAN. (Celtic.) From suil, eye, and ban, fair — the fair-eyed. SULLY. (Fr.) Local. From the town of Sully, m the prov- ince of Orleans, France. SULT. (Gaehc.) Suilt or Sult^ comeliness, beauty, fat. SUMMER. So called, probably, from the season summer. The word is derived from the Saxon Sumer ; Celtic or Gaelic, samh, the sun. Summer^ one who casts up an account The name may be a corruption of Sitmner. 244 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY SUMNER, SOMKER, SOMPNOURE. One whose duty con- sisted in citing delinquents to the ecclesiastical courts ; an apparitor ; Hterally, a summoner. " Sim Somnor, in hast, wend thou thi way, Byd Joseph and his wyfif, be name, At the coort to apper this day, Hem to pourge of her defame." CoYENTEY Mysteries. Chaucer gives us a description of the Sompnour in his Canter- bury Tales. SUMPTER. A teamster or groom who drives beasts of bur- den. A " sumpter-horse," a horse which carries necessaries for a journey. SUNDERLAND. Local A seaport town in the county of Durham, England. Land separated, divided, parted. SURTEES. Local. From Sur-Tees, that is, on the river Tees or Tay, in the county of Durham, England, where the first of the family settled. SUTPHEN. (Dutch.) Originally Yan Zutphen, that is, fi:om the city of Zutphen, in G-ermany. SWARTWOUT. (Dutch.) The same as the EngHsh Black- wood, from Zwart, black, and woud, a wood. SUTER, SUTTER, and SHUTER. A shoemaker, one who sews or stitches. SUTTON. Local A town in Devonshire, England— the south town. SWAIM. Local From Schwavm, a town in Lower Bavaria. SWANE. (Dan.) A swan. Swain, a youth, a servant, a herdsman. SWEET. Swede, a native of Sweden. Sunt, of Switzerland. OF FAMILY NAMES. 245 SWETTENHAM. A name of place, from sweeie, pleasant or agreeable, and ham, a village. SWEYNB Gaelic, Sean; Cornish, Swoen ; Welsh, Swyn^ a charm. SWIFT. Local. A name given for swiftness in moving. It may be local, from Swift, a river of England. SWINBURN. Local. Sweyne's hum or boundary, from hourn, a boundary. SWITS. A native of Switzerland, so called in Holland. SWITZER. A Swiss, a native of Switzerland. SYLVESTER. Belonging to the forest, a woodman, from Sylva, Latin, a wood. SYMES. Supposed to be a variation of Sims, from Simon or Simeon. SYMINGrTOK Local. From a parish by that name in the north-west of Kyle, Ayrshire, Scotland ; originally Sym/ms- town, so called from Simon Lockard or Lockart, who held the lands under Walter, the first Stewart. TABOR. Local Tabur or Tobar, Gaelic, a spring-well, water, a river. Tabor, a city in Bohemia, which the Hussites for- tified and made the seat of their war for twenty years ; on this account they were caUed Taborites. The family may probably derive their name from this city. TAGOART. Tycwrdd, Welsh, a meeting-house. Tagair, Gaelic, to plead a cause, claim as a right, to reason, to debate. TAITE or TATE. (Gaehc.) Pleasure, dehght. Tate, learned. Tad, in Welsh, is a father, and Taid, a grandfather. TALBOT. Amastifil 246 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY TAPPAN. (Welsh.) Local. The top of the hanging rock, from %?, a hanging rock, and perij top or head. TASKER. A thrasher. TATTBRSALL. Local. From the town of Tattersall, in Lin- colnshire, England. TAYLOR. A name of trade. We find this name modified to T&jleure, the orthography having been changed by the bearers to hide what they thought the lowness of its origin. So Smith is changed to Smyth, Turner to Tumour, etc. — as Camden says, ''Mollified ridiculously lest their bearers should seem vilhfied by them." A Mr. Taylor, who, from this false pride, had changed his name to Tajleure, once haughtUy demanding of a farmer the name of his dog, the man replied, " Why, sir, his proper name is Jowler, but since he's a consequential kind of puppy, we calls him JouJeure /" TEDDIXaTOK Local. A place on the Thames, so caUed from the tide ending there, before the building of London bridge — " tide-ending town," corrupted to Teddington. TEFFT or TEFT. Local A piece of ground where there has been a house. TELFAIR. (Italian.) Tagliaferro, pronounced ToUifer. Fr., tailler, to "cut, and fer, iron. It is said that the first of the name was so called from having cut a bar of iron in two with his sword. A smith. TELFORD. Local. The narrow or straightened pass or way, from the Welsh tel, tight, and ford, a way. Anglo-Saxon, Tillford, at the ford or shallow place in a river. " At-iil- ford," corrupted to Tilford. TEMES. Local. Thamesis, the Thames, so called from the meeting together of the rivers Ihrne and Ms, the chief river of Britain. OF FAMILY NAMES. 247 TEMPLE. From the manor of Temple, in Wellesborough, Leicestershire, which name was given by the old Earl of Leicester, one of the Knights Templars, who usually gave the name of Temple to their lands. TENBROOK. (Dutch.) nn, at, and broele, a brook, a stream, or marsh — the house or place at the brook. TENEYCK. (Dutch.) Ten oaks, or at the oaks. TENNANT. Tenant, a person holding lands under another, from Teneo, Latin, to hold Local, H^n, Welsh, a stretch, and nant, a ravine. TENNISON and TENNYSON". From Tenesone, a place in Gottespunt or Cazdee, in Switzerland. If the name be not local, it is probably a corruption of Dennison. TERRIL, TIEREL. Local. The Httle tower. TERWILLIGER. Dutch, "X>er Willikeur;' a by-law, a stat- ute. " Der wiUige-waar,^' serviceable ware, or ware that sells well TEW. (Welsh.) Fat, a corpulent person. THEOBALD. God's power ; but in the Saxon ITieohaM signi- fies powerful or bold over the people. In the Saxon Psalter theod is the same as gentes, and the English nation is often caUed Engla-Theod. See Tibbits. THOMAS. (Heb.) A twin. THOMLIN, and THOMLINSOK From Thom or Thomas, and ing or ling, a child or descendant — the son of Thomas. THOMS. An abbreviation of Thomas ; Tom, local, Gaelic and Welsh, a round hiUock or knoll, a rising ground, an emi- nence, any round heap, a tumulus. THOMSON. The son of Thomas. THORN. Local A town in England ; a tree or bush armed with spines or sharp shoots. " Will at the Thom." 248 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY THORPE. A village. Dutch, Dorp. THRASHER. One who thrashes grain. THROCKMORTON. A corruption of At Roch-moor-town, " -^ town on a rock in a moor," in the vale of Evesham, Flad- bury, Warwickshire, England, whence the name was de- rived. THURSTON. Local. The hill or town where the Saxon god Thor was worshiped by the Anglo-Saxons. THWAITE and THWAYTES. Local. A piece of ground cleared of wood, from the Anglo-Saxon thweotan, to cut. In some places in England the word signifies a rivulet; marshy ground ; also, a meadow. TIBBITS. Has the same signification as Theobald, of which it is a corruption. Theobald is in the French fheohaud, pro- nounced Tibbo, whence Tibhauds or Tibbitts. Theobald is derived by Camden fi:om Theod, the people, and bald, brave or bold, that is, powerful or bold over the people. B. Rhe- nanus derives it from Theos, G-od, and bald — God's power. TICE. (Dutch.) A familiar abbreviation of Matthias. TICH!BOURNE. Anciently At lichen-bourne, that is, a person settled at the head of a fountain of the river Itchen. The river Itchen is in Southampton county, England. At the head of the river, near Alresford, the first ancestor of this family resided, long before the Conquest. TICHENOR. Local. Probably a corruption of At Itchenor, 'T Itchenor, from the river Itchen; the name of a village in Sussex, England. TIERNAY. (Gaelic.) Tighearna, a lord, a judge, a landed proprietor. (See Tournay.) TIFFANY. A maker or vender of silk. Tiffany was a sort of light silk used by painters to trace the outHnes of a picture through. TILMAN. One who works a farm. OF FAMILY NAMES. 249 TILL. Local. The name of a river in England. TILLING-HAST. Local. A place where auctions are held ; buying, selling, dividing, paying over. German, theilen; Dutch, deelen, to separate, divide, pay over. A dealing house. TILLY. Local. A town of France. TILMONT. Local. A town in Brabant, Netherlands. TILTON. Local. Derived from TUton, a village in England, probably an ancient place of tilting, or tents. TiU, Saxon, a tent. TINGr. Local. Among the ancient Graels or Celts the place where courts were held, and justice administered, was called ^ng, i e., to surround; the circle, the temple, or round hill. The Tings at first were only judicial, but, in process of time they became legislative. The most remarkable ob- ject of this kind is tlie Tynwald, in the Isle of Man. Thing, Saxon, a cause, meeting, a council; German, ding, a court. Dutch, Dinger, a pleader. TEESDALE. Local. The dale on the Tees, a river of Eng- land, that separates the counties of Durham and York, and enters the German ocean below Stockton. TOBY. The Welsh for Thomas. TODD. Tod, a Scotch word for a fox. TOLLMACHE. (Nor. Fr.) Tolling of the beU. TOLMAN. A collector of toU. In Dutch, Taalman is an in- terpreter, from Taal, language, tongue. " Constantine Tol- maen,^' in Cornwall, is an ancient place of Druid worship. Tolmaen is usually applied to a stone that is perforated, from tol, a hole, and maen, a stone ; twll mwn, Welsh, a mine, shaft, or pit. TORE.Y. Local, Torr, Gaelic, a conical hill or mountain, a mound, a grave, a tower ; piled up, formed into heaps ; to heap up, to bury. 11* 260 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY TOUCEY. Local. From the town of Toucey in the province of Champagne, France. TOURNA Y. Local. From Tournay, a town in Artois, France, and may signify the tower or castle near the water. Ihrna, in G-aelic, written Tighearna, means a landlord, a lord, or judge, and was applied to all great men, and is derived, ac- cording to Dr. MacPherson, from te or ti, an old word for one, and even, land, as implying a landed gentleman; I think the root of the name is Tir, land, and earr or earran, a division, share, or portion. TOWERS, Peels, and Castles, were places of defense. Tower is derived from tor, G-aelic and Saxon, French tour, Welsh, twr, a heap or pile, applied to conical hills, and to round buildings erected for strength or security. TOWNER. A dweUer in a town. TOWNSEND. Local. One who Uved at the end of the town. TRACY or TRACEY. Local. A viUage in the Department of Oise, France. E. Tracy came with William the Con- queror into England. Sir WiUiam Tracy was most active among the four knights that killed Thomas a Becket, on which account tradition reports, it is imposed on the Tracys for miraculous penance, that whether they go by land or water, the wind is always in their faces, hence an old say- ing, "The Tracys have always the wind in their faces." " If this were so," says Dr. Fuller, " it were a favor in a hot summer to the females of that family, and would spare them the use of a fan." The word may signify a rampart, a ter- race. TRAILLE. (Graelic.) A servant, sloven, slave. TRAIN. (GaeHc.) Treun, brave, vaUant, bold. TRAINEUR. (Fr.) A straggler. Oi' FAMILY NAMES. 261 TRELAWNEY. Local (Cor. Br.) The open town near the water; from Tre, a town, luwn^ open, and ey, water. TREMAINE. Local (Cor. Br.) The town on the shore or sea-coast, from Tre^ a town, and mayne — ^the stone town, the river or passage town. TRENOR, TRAINOR, TRAINER, (aaehc.) Treunmhor, very brave ; Treun, Gaelic, brave, valiant ; er or or, the ter- mination of fear, a man. TREVELYAN. Local (Cor. Br.) Trevellyan, the town of the mill. Welsh, Tremelin, or Frevelin. TREVOR. Local (Cor. Br.) From Trevear, the great town. TRIPP. According to tradition, this name was given to Lord Howard's fifth son, at the siege of Boulogne. King Henry V. being there, asked how they took the town and castle. Howard answered, " / tripped up the walhy Saith his ma- jesty, " Tripp shall be thy name, and no longer Howard," and honored him with a scaling-ladder for his coat of arms. This tradition, as well as many others I have given, is not very probable, but I give them insertion because they are curious and amusing, and some of them may be founded on actual occurrences. TROTTER. (Ft.) Trotteur, a person always on the trot; a rambler. TROUBLEFIELD. Local A corruption of the Norman name Tuberville. TROWBRIDOE. Local A town in England. The name signifies " through the bridge ;" perhaps given for some feat of daring, or bodily courage. TRUAX. (Cor. Br.) The place on the waters, from Tre, a town, and aux, waters ; or, if from the French, " the three waters.^' TRUE. Local From Trieu, a river in Bretagne, France. Tre signifies a town. 262 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY TRULAN. (G-aelic.) TruaiUean, a pitiful person, a sneak. TRULL, A slutj a vUe wench, a strumpet ; a name derived from the mother. TUDOR. The Welsh for Theodore, or in old English, pious, as Tudor Belin, the pious king. TUPMAN. A breeder of rams, which are called, in some places in England, Tups. TUPPER. According to the celebrated poet by this name, Martin Farquhar Tupper, it is a corruption of part of the motto of the family, " Tout perdie." TURCOTTE. (Welsh.) Turcwt, a craggy, abrupt pinnacle, or , tower, from Tur, a tower, and cwt, abrupt, cut off, implying defense. Tor, or Tur, a Saxon deity, and cot, a house, Thorcot. TURNBULL. This name had its origin in some feat of per- sonal strength or courage. There is the following tradition of its origin : A strong man of the name of Ru^l, having turned a wild bull by the head, which violently ran against King Robert Bruce in Stirling Park, received from the king the lands of Bedrule, and the name of TurnbuU. TURNOUR. There is a tradition that this family derive their name from their ancient place of settlement in Normandy, which being a black castle, was called Le tour noir, whence the lords thereof were called Les Sires de Tournoir, and by contraction Tournor. One of the family went with William the Conqueror into England. It is probably the same as Turner, a name of trade, tlie orthography being changed. TURTON. From Turton, in the hundred of Shelfold, in Lan- cashire, probably so called from Saxon, Tur or Tor, a tower, or Thur, or Tlior, one of the Saxon deities., and ton — either a town having a tower, or sacred to Thor. TUTHILL or TUTTLE. Local. A town in Caernarvon, Wales, near the coast. OF FAMILY NAMES. 253 TWICKENHAM. Local. A village of Middlesex, England. Tweywicken, the " two imcheins,^' or wares on the river, and ham, a village. TWEN'Gr. (Danish.) From Twinge, to force, master, subdue ; or a name perhaps given from his dexterity in archery. At Wing, may be abbreviated to Twing. TWOPENNY. From the Flemish Fupigny, from Tup, a ram, and ign or ine, quality, disposition, the same as igniis, in Latin. TYNG. (See Ting.) TYNTE. Tradition gives the following derivation: In the year 1192, at the celebrated battle of Ascalon, a young knight of the noble house of Arundel, clad all in white, with his horse's housing of the same color, so gallantly distin- guished himself on the field, that Richard Coeur de Lion re- marked pubUcly after the victory, that the maiden knight had borne himself a lion, and done deeds equal to those of six croises (or crusaders). Whereupon he conferred upon him for arms, a lion on a field, between six crosslets, and for his motto, ^^Tinctus crurore Saraceno." "Stained with Saracen blood." Whence his descendants assumed the name of Tynte, and settled in Somersetshire, England. TYSON. The son of Tys, an abbreviation, among the Dutch, of Matthias. UDINE. Local. A town in the north-east of Italy. UHLAN or ULINE. May come fi:om UUn or Ulms, a place now called Flensburgh, in Denmark ; a name given from the sound made by the ebbing and flowing of the sea. IJLMAN. (Ger.). AU man. ULMER. Allmer, aU famous, renowned. Ollmor, Welsh, the whole sea. 254 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY UNDERHILL. Local. Under the hilL UNDERWOOD. Local. Under the wood. UNWIK (Dan.) Invincible. UPHAM. Local The house or town on a height. UPTON. Local The high hill, or the town on the height URRAN. (Cor. Br.) From urrian, the border, boundary, or Umit of a country. USHER. An officer of a court who introduces strangers ; the under-master of a school USTIOK. Studious, affectionate, learned. VACHER. (Pr.) A cow-herd ; a keeper of cows. VALE. Local Low land between hills, a valley. VALENTINE. From the Latin Valeniinus^ a name derived from valens, able, puissant, brave. VALK. (Dutch.) A hawk, a falcon. VAN ALSTYNE. Local From the old or high stone, Dutch. VAN AMEE, VAN NAMEN, and VAN NAME. Local From the city of Namen or Namur, in the Netherlands. VAN ANTWERP. (Dutch.) Local From the city of Ant- werp, which signifies the wharfs or the place of wTiarfing^ casting anchor, or tying up the ships. VAN ARDEN, VAN AERDEN, and VAN ORDEN. Local From Aerden, a town in Holland. VAN ARNHEM, VAN ARNUM, VAN ORNUM. Local From Arnheim, a city in G-uilderland, Holland. VAN BUREN. (Dutch.) Local From the town of Buren, in Holland. OF FAMILY NAMES. 255 VATT BUSKIRK. From the church in the wood, from Bos, a wood, and kerk, a chm-ch. VAN CLEVE or VAN KLEEP. From the city of Cleve or Cleves, in Westphalia, Germany. VAN CORTLANDT. (Dutch.) From the short land; kort, short, and landt, land. VAN CUREN or VAN KEUREN. (Dutch.) Local. From the territory of an elector in Germany. Keur, German, an elector. VAN DAM. Local. From the town of JDam, in Holland, which signifies a mole or bank to prevent inundations, and where towns were frequently built, as Amsterdam (Am- stel-dam), Rotterdam. VANDENBURGH. (Dutch.) From the hiU. VANDENHOFF. (Dutch.) From the garden ; hof also sig- nifies a court as well as a garden, so that it may be, firom the court. VANDERBILT. (Dutch.) Byl, in Dutch, signifies a hatchet or bill. Byltye, a little hatchet or bill. Die Byltye was a nickname given to ship-carpenters at Amsterdam, hence Van de Bylt. VANDERBOGART. (Dutch.) From the orchard. VANDERHEYDEK So named from Heyden, an ancient town in Holstein, Denmark. VANDERLINDEN. Corrupted to Van O Linda— fi:om the linden-trees or grove of linden. VANDERLIPPE. Local. From the town of Lippe, in Ger- many. VANDERMARK. (Dutch.) From the Mark. Mark was the denomination of a kind of county which made the bound or limit of a country — like the British marches. Hence mark-graaf, marquis, the keeper of the marks or marches. 256 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY YANDERPOEL. From the marsh or lake. VANDERSPEIG-LE. (Dutch.) From the looking-glass ; fig- uratively, neat, fine, spruce. VANDERVEER. (Dutch.) From the ferry ; Veer signifying a ferry. Veere, or Ter Veere^ is the name of a town in Hol- land, whence probably the name originated. YANDERWERKEK (Dutch.) From the workers ; werhm, plural of werJe ; werher, a worker. YANDERZEE. (Dutch.) From the sea; a child being bom at sea during a violent storm, his parents gave him the name of Storm Vanderzee. YAN DOUSEN and YAN DUZEK (Dutch.) From the town of JDoesen, in Lower Saxony. YAN" DYCK. (Dutch.) From the dyke ; a bank or mound thrown up to prevent inundations from the river or sea. YAN EPS. Local. From the town of Eep, in Holland. YAN HOOYEN. Local. From Hoeven, a town in Holland. YAN HORN and YAN HOORK Local. From the town of Horn or Hoorn, in Holland. YAN HUISEN, YAN HOOSEN, and YAN HUSEN. Local. From Huizen, a town on the Zuyder Zee, in HoUand. YAN INGEN. Local From Ingen, a town in Holland, near the river Lech. YAN LOON. Local From Loon, a town on the river Maes, in Holland. YAN NESS. Local. Naze, a cape or promontory. Yan Naze or Yan Ness, from the Cape. YAN NORDEN. Local. From Naarden, a town in Holland. YAN NOSTRAND. Properly Vayi Ostrand (which see). YAN OSTRAND. From the east shore ; oost, east, and strand, shore or coast. OF FAMILY NAMES. 257 VAN PATTEN". Local. From Putten, a town in Holland. VAN RENSSELAER. Local. Van rand Soleure, i. e., from the border of Soleure, a canton of Switzerland ; Yan^ from, rand^ border, margin. VAN STANTVOORDT. Local. From Zandvoort, a town in North Holland. VAN SCHAACK, VAN SCHAIOK, VAN SOHEYK Local. From the town of ScheyJc^ in Holland. VAN SCHOONHOVEN. (Dutch.) Local. From the town of Schoonhoven, in South Holland, which signifies " fine gardens;" from schoon, fine, and hof^ a garden or court, plural hoven. VAN SLYCK. Local. From the channel called Ret Slaec\ in the Netherlands, which makes Tohn an island. Slyh^ Dutch, signifies dirt, mire. Van SlyJc, " fi:om the dirt." VAN STEINBURaH. (Dutch.) From the stone-hiU. VAN TESSEL or VAN TASSEL. (Dutch.) From Tessel or Texel, an island in North Holland. VAN TIEL. Local. From the town of Tiel, in Holland. VAN VECHTEN. (Dutch.) From Vechten, on the river Vecht, in Holland. VAN VLECK. (Dutch.) From the town of Vleck, in Hol- land, which signifies a httle open town. VAN VOLKENBURa. Local. From Valkenburgh, a town on the river Greuse, Netherlands. VAN VORST or VAN VOORST. Local From the town of Vorst, in Holland. Vorst, in Dutch, signifies a prince; Forst, German, a forest VAN VRANKEN. (Dutch.) From Franhenhurgh, an old town of the Franhi, or free men. VAN WESTKLE. Local From the town (rf Winkel, in Hol- land. 258 ETYMOLOOICAL DICTIONARY VAN WOERT and VAN WORT. Local. From Woert, a town in Holland. VAN WORDEN. Local Prom Woerden, a town in Hol- land, VAN WYCK. Local From Wyck, a town on the river Lech, in Holland. VAN ZANDT. (Dutch.) From the sand ; or from Zante, an island in the Mediterranean, VASSER. (Fr.) A corruption of Vavasour^ one who holds an estate next to a lord. VAUGH AN. (Welsh.) The same as Bychan or Vychan, little, small in stature. VEDDER or VEEDER. (Dutch.) Father, or literally begetter, feeder. VENTON. (Cor. Br.) A sprmg well VERBECK (Dutch.) From ver, far, distant, and heeJc or hecJe, brook. The distant brook. VERNON. Local From Vernon, a place in Normandy. VESEY. Local Wet or fenny land, near the water, subject to inundation; the same as Fossey. Oor. Br., Vosey, the ditch or fort near the water. VIBBARD. (Dutch and Danish.) From w, or wi, holy, sa- cred, and hard, a poet. VICKERS. Vicar, the incumbent of a benefice ; one who per- forms the functions of another. Vicar, Cor. Br., a sovereign lord. VIELLE or VELAY. Local A town of France, in Langue- VILLIERS. Local From a place so called, in France. VINE. Local Taken from the plant that bears the grape ; a vineyard. " Will at the vine." " Will Vine." OF FAMILY NAMES. 259 VIPONT. De Veteri Ponte, from the old bridge. VIRGrO. (Latin.) A maid, a damsel. Virago, a stout woman. Virgo, local, Latin, a Roman aqueduct. YIVIAN". (Welsh.) Vyvian, the small water. VOG-EL. (Dutch.) A bird, a duck; figuratively, a cunning fellow, a fine young blade. VOORHEES or YOORES. (Dutch.) From voorhuis, the fore-room of a house below, a hall. VROOMAN. (Dutch.) From vroom, honest, valiant, religious, and man — an honest or valiant man. WADE. (Dutch.) From weide, a meadow or pasture. WADSWORTH. The same as Woodsworth, the farm or place in the wood. WAITE. Local. The same as Thwaite, a piece of ground cleared of wood, a meadow. WAKEFIELD. Local. A market-town in west Yorkshire, England — the watch-field. WAKEMAIST. A title given to the chief magistrate of Rippon, in Yorkshire, England ; a watchman. WALDG-RAYB. (Sax.) From wald, a forest, and grave, a ruler or lord. WALDEK (Sax. and Ger.) A wood, a woody place, WALDROK Wald, Saxon, a wood. WALES, WALLIS, WALSH. A native of Wales, a name given by the Anglo-Saxons to the Britons who originally came from Gaul, which the Saxons pronounced Wedlas, Wales, Welsh, and Wallia. A principaHty of Great Britain, on the west of England, one hundred and twenty milea long, and eighty broad. M ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY WALKER. In the north of England and south of Scotland a fuUing-mill is still called a walk-mill. This name may signify- either a fiiUer or an officer whose duty consisted in walking or inspecting a certain space of forest ground. WALL. " John at the WaU"— John WaU. WALLACE or WALLIS. The same as Wales or Welch, and formed thus — Gaulish, WaUish, Wallis, and also Welsh or Welch, a name given to the Britons by their Danish and Angles invaders, because they originally came from G-auL WALLER. A Gauler or Waller, a foreigner, from the Anglo- Saxon '■^ waller-went,^^ foreign men, strangers. WALLOCK. In G-aehc, Ouah, is a mountain projection, and loch, a lake. WaUoch, a highland dance. QuaUah, Cor. Br., a brag, a boaster. WALLOP. Local. From the town of WaUop, in Hampshire, England. WALPOLE. Local. From Walpoh, a town in Norfolk, England. WALSH. A Gaul, which the Germans pronounce with a "w," asWallic for Gauhc. WaUis, Wallish, Walsh. The Welsh were originally from Gaul. (See Wales and Wal- lace.) WANDS. Local. A place where Woden was worshiped by the Anglo-Saxons, from which we have Wodensday or Wednesday. Wand, Danish, water; wansted, Danish, a watering-place. WALTER. A wood-master or keeper of the wood. WALTON. Local. The name of several villages in England, from wald, a wood, and ton. WAMPLE or WEMPLE. Local. A river of England, from wem or uiam, a cleft, a cave, a low place, GaeKc ; and poll, a small lake, a pond, and the same in Welsh. OF FAMILY NAMES. 261 WARBUKTON. Local From a township in Cheshire, Eng- land, spelled in the Doomsday Book Werhurghtune, so called from a monastery there situated dedicated to St. Werbergh. WARE. Local. A town in Hertfordshire, England, so named from the wear in the river Lee, at that place. WARD. A keeper, one who guards or defends. WARDLAW. Local. The parish of Kirkhill, in Moray, Scot- land, was formerly called Wardlaws, because the garrison of Lovat were accustomed to keep watch or ward on the law or hiU. WARNE. An alder-tree, a ship's mast. WARREN. From Ouarenna or Yarenna, in the county of Calais, in Normandy, whence they came into England with WiUiam the Conqueror. The primary sense of the word is to stop, hold, or repel, to guard, keep off. WARRENDER. From Warren, and der, from the old British dour, water, probably given to a Warren who hved near some water or river. WARWICK. Local The county town of Warwickshire, England. Camden derives it from guarth, Cor. Br., a safe- guard, a garrison, and wick, Saxon, a port or city. Somner says it was formerly called " wearing-wkk," from wear and WASHINGTON. Local. Originally Wessyngton or De Wes- syngton. The name was taken from the place in England where the family originated; from weis, a wash, a creek setting in from the sea, the shallow part of a river, ing, a meadow or low ground, and ton^ for dim, a hill or town — the town on the wash or salt river or creek. WASSEN. Local. From Wessen, a town in Switzerland. Worsen, in Dutch, signifies to grow, increase. WATCOCK. The son of Wat or Walter^ cock signifying, Uttle. / 262 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY WATERS. Local. A name given to one wlio navigated the waters, or resided near them. WATKINS. From Wat, and the patronymic termination hins; the son of Wat or Walter. WATKINSON. The son of Watkins. WATSON and WATTS. The son of Walter. WAY. Local. A road or passage of any kind ; a name given to one who resided there. " Will o' the Way." WAYLAND, WETLAND. Local. From the Dutch, " W&il- and" pasture-ground, meadow-land. WEBSTEE. A maker of webs, a weaver. WEEDEN. Local. So named from Weedon, a town in North- amptonshire, on the river Nen. Gwid-ton, the woody hill. WEIDMAN. (Dutch.) From Weid, a pasture or meadow, and man, — a herdsman. WELBY. Local. From Wecdd-hy, which signifies a habita- tion in a wood or grove. WELD. A wood, sometunes written Weald, the woody part of a country. WELDEN. Local. From Weald, woody, a wood, and bills with- out wood. WOOSTER. A corruption of Worcester (which see). WORCESTER. Local. A county and city of England, which Bailey derives from Sax. Were, a forest, and Cester, a camp or city. I prefer deriving it from Warcester, the city or castle of strife, from the Saxon Woer, war, strife, with which the ancient British name agrees, called Caerwrangon, the castle or fort of strife and contention. It was a boundary for many years between the Britons and Saxons. (See Chester.) WORTH. (Sax.) Local. A court, farm, possession, place, field or way ; the place valued, sold, or granted. WYLIE. A form of WiUie or William ; or wily, artful, sly. WYMAN. (Dutch.) From Weiman, a huntsman, a hunter; one who shoots the game. YAG-ER. (G-erman and Danish.) Jager, a huntsman. Togere, also signifies a sweet-heart 2*70 DICTIONARY OF FAMILY NAMES. YALE. Local. From a lordship of the same name in Wales. YAEE. (Sax.) Ready, dexterous, eager. YARROW. A plant; the millfoil, or plant of a thousand leaves. YATES. An old word for Gate. The same as Grates. YEOMAN. A man free-bom, a freeholder ; one next in order to the gentry. YETT. A gate, a way, a passage, the same as Yates. YORK Local. A city in England next in esteem to London. Verstegan derives its name from Eure-ric or Eovsr-ric, of Euere^ a wild boar, and rye, a refuge ; a retreat from the wild boars which were in the forest of Gautries. The Romans called the city Ehoracum; it is memorable for the death of two emperors, Severus and Constantius Ohlorus, and for the nativity of Constantine the G-reat. YOUNGHUSBAND. A surname borrowed from the social relations. YOUNGLOVE. Given on account of his age, and tender af- fection. YULE. (Sax.) Christmas, borrowed from this festival, or the time of nativity. 'TAe, Greek, a wood, a forest. CHEISTIAN NAMES. CHRISTIAN NAMES. NAMES OF MEN. AARON. (Heb.) Signifies a mountameer^ a mount dS strength. ABDALLAH. (Turkish.) The servant of God. ABEL. (Heb.) Signifies vanity, breath. ABIATHAR (Heb.) ExceUent father. ABIEZBE. (Heb.) My father's help. ABIJAH. (Heb.) The will of the Lord, or the Lord is my father. ABISHUR. (Heb.) My father's attention. ABNER. (Heb.) The lamp or son of the father. ABRAHAM* (Heb.) The father of a great multitude. ABSALOM. (Heb.) A father of peace. ADAM. (Heb.) Taken out of red earth. L\. fl^ ..--T^r.^^V'^iS^ ADIEL. (Heb.) The witness of the Lord. ADOLPHUS or ADOLPH. (Sax.) From Ead, happiness, and ulphj help — ^happy help. ADRIAN. (Latin.) Local. From the city of Hadria. Oesner derives it fi-om the Greek a6pog, great or wealthy. .^aTEAS. (Lat.) Laudable. 12* 274 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY AGrRIPPA. (Lat) ^ger-parius^ one that causeth pain at his birth, who is bom with his feet foremost. ALAN. Is thought by Julius Scaliger to signify a hound in the Sclavonian, and Chaucer uses Aland in the same sense. ALBERT, (aer.) AH bright or famous. ALEXANDER. (Greek.) An aider or benefactor of men, a powerful auxihary, from dAefw, to aid, assist, and dv^p, a man. ALFRED. (Sax.) AU peace. ALMOND. AUemand, — a Grerman. ALPHONSO. (Gothic.) Our help, from Return. ALWIN. (Sax.) From alU, all, and win, a victor — all vic- torious. AMASA. A forgiving people. AMBROSE. (Greek.) From 'Afi^poaZoc, immortal AMOS. Loading, weighty. ANDREW. (Greek.) A brave man. 'Avdpeia, courage, bravery, manhood, from 'Avifp, a man. ANTHONY. (Greek.) From 'Avdog, a flower, flourishing, beautiful, graceful. APOLLOS. One that destroys or lays waste. ARCHIBALD. (Ger.) A powerful, bold, and speedy learner or observer. ARIEL. (Heb.) Light or Zion of God. ARNOLD. (Ger.) According to Camden, signifies honest, but the Germans write it Ernold. Prdbvs in Latin. ARTEMAS. Holy, agreeable. ARTHUR. (Br.) A strong man. (See fuller derivation in Pictionary of Surnames.) OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 2^4 ASA. Physician or cure. ASAETEL. The work or creature of G-od. ASENATH. (Heb.) PerH or misfortune. ASHER (Heb.) Happy, blessed. AUaUSTUS. (Lat) Noble, royal, ImpeiiaL AUG-USTINE and AUSTIN. (Latin.) A contraction of Augustine, from Augustinus^ imperial, royal, great, or re- nowned. AZARIAH. Assistance. BALDWIN. (G-er.) The speedy conqueror or victor, from haldj quick or speedy, and wvn^ an old word signifying victor or conqueror. BAPTISTE. (Greek.) BaTrrtffT^f, a baptizer, the title of St John. BARDULPH. (Ger.) The same as Bertulph, fair help. BARNABY and BARNABAS. (Heb.) Son of consolation. BARNABAS. Son of the prophet, or consolation. BARTIMEUS. (Heb.) The son of Tuneus. Timeus signifies perfect, honorable, admirable. BARTHOLOMEW. (Heb.) The son of him who maketh the waters to mount BARZILLAI. (Heb.) Made of iron, or the son of contempt BASIL. (Grreek.) From Baaaedc, a king ; royal, kingly. BENEDICT. (Latin.) From Benedictm, blessed, well spoken o^ or a person wishing all good. BENJAMIN. (Heb.) The son of the right hand. BENNET. A contraction or rather a corruption of Benedict, from the Latin, Benedicim, blessed. 21 6 ETTMOLOaiCAL DICTIONARY ^ BENONI. (Heb.) Son of my grief, sorrow. BEEIAH. (Heb.) In feUowship. BERNARD. (Teutonic.) Of a child-like disposition. BERTRAM. (Sax.) Fair and pure. BEULAH. (Heb.) Married. BOAZ. (Heb.) In strength, a pillar. BOKTFACE. (Lat.) WeU-doer. BOTOLPH. (Sax.) Help-ship or sailor. Sailors in that age were called Botescarles. BRIAN and BRIANT. (Fr.) Shrill-voiced. C-(ESAR. (Latin.) From ccedo, to cut, — a name said to have been given to one who was cut from his mother's womb. Ccesaries, a head of hair. CAIUS. Parents' joy. CALEB. A dog, cow, or basket. CALISTHENES. (Greek.) Beautiful and strong. CARADOO. (Br.) Dearly beloved. CARLOS. The same as Charles. CHARLES. (Grer.) From carl, strong, stout, courageous, valiant. CHESTER. A surname, now used as a Christian name. From the city of Chester, so called from the Latin casirum, a forti- fied place, a camp. Chester was the principal encampment of the Romans in Britain. CHRISTIAN. The derivation of this name is evident. CHRISTOPHER. (Qreek.) From XpioTog, Christ, literaUy, anointed, and epo), to bear ; Christ's carrier. CLARENCE. (Lat) From Chrus, clear, bright. OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. — 27 Y CLAUDIUS. (Lat.) Erom Ckivda, the name of an island near Crete. A name given to a native of that island. It signifies a broken or a weeping voice. CLEMENT. (Lat.) Ohmms, meek, gentle, kind. . CONRAD. (Ger.) Able counsel. CONSTANTIKE. (Lat.) Consfantinus, fast, firm, unyielding. CORNELIUS. (Latin and Greek.) From cornu, a horn, and ^Aiof, the sun. CRISPIN. (Lat.) Crispinus, from crispus, having curled hair. CUTHBERT. (Sax.) Famous, bright, of clear skiU or knowl- edge. CYPRIAN. (Greek.) From the isle of Cyprus. CYRUS. An heir, or miserable. DANIEL. (Heb.) Judgment of God. DAVID. (Heb.) Beloved, dear. DEMETRIUS. (Greek.) Belonging to Ceres. ^^ DENIS, or DENNIS. A contraction of Dionysius (which see). DERRICK, DERICK, and DIRK. (Dutch.) An abbreviation of Theodorick (which see). DIODORUS. (Greek.) From Aibg, Jove or Jupiter, and Supog, a gift — ^the gift of Jove. DYONYSIUS. (Greek.) A name of Bacchus, the god of wine. DIOTREPHES. (Greek.) Nourished by Jupiter, from Aide, genitive of Ze-ug, Jupiter, and Tpe(l)o, to feed, to nourish. DOMINICK. (Lat.) From Dominica, the Lord's day ; Sun- day, from Dominus, the Lord. A name given to a child born on Sunday. 6Y8 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIOUTARY ^^ DUNSTAN. (Sax.) Fronl dun, a hill, and staiij a ston©— a name of place. EBENEZER. (Heb.) The stone of help. EDMUND. (Sax.) From Eadj blessed, and mund, peace — blessed peace. EDWARD. (Sax.) From Eadj blessed, and ard, nature or disposition. EDWIN. (Sax.) From Bad^ blessed or happy, and «;m, a conqueror. ELD AD. (Heb.) Loved or favored of God. ELEAZER (Heb.) The help or court of God. ELL (Heb.) The oflfering or lifting up. ELIAB. (Heb.) God, my father. ELIAS. (Heb.) God the Lord, or the strong Lord. ELIHU. (Heb.) He is my God himself. ELIJAH. (Heb.) The same as Elias (which see). ELIPHALET. (Heb.) The God of deUverance. ELISHA. (Heb.) Salutation of God. ELIU. (Heb.) The same as Elihu. ELIZUR. (Heb.) God is my rock, or strength. ELON. (Heb.) Oak, or grove, or strong. ELYMAS. In Arabic signifies a magician. EMMANUEL. (Heb.) God with us. ENEAS. (Greek.) Laudable, from alveu, I praise, prudent, discreet, in Gaelic, Aongaos, ENOCH. (Heb.) Dedicated, disciplined, well-regulated. ENOa (Heb.) Fallen man. 1 OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 2t9 EPAPHRAS. (Heb.) Covered with foani. EPHRAIM. (Heb.) That brings fruit, or that grows. EEASMUS. (G-reek.) 'Epdai/ioc, amiable, lovely, same as Erastus. . ERASTUS. (Greek.) From 'Epaarbg, lovely or amiable. ERNEST. (Sax.) Eornest, earnest. ESEK. (Heb.) Contention, violence, or force. ETHELARD. (Sax.) Noble disposition. ETHELBERT. (Sax.) Noble-bright, or nobly renowned. ETHELSTAN. (Sax.) Noble-jewel, precious stone, or most noble. ETHELWARD. (Sax.) Noble keeper. ETHEL WOLD. (Sax.) Noble governor. ETHELWOLE. (Sax.) Noble helper. .ETHAN. Strength. EUaENE. (Greek.) From Evyev^g, nobly bom. EUSTACE. (Greek.) From Evarae^Q, standing firm, resolute. EVERARD. (Sax.) Always honored. EZEKIEL. God is my strength. EZRA. A helper. FABIAN. (Lat.) From FaUus, a kind of bean. FELIX. (Lat.) Happy. FERDINAND. (Ger.) From Fred, peace, and randj pure, that is, pure peace. FRANCIS. From Franc, free, not servile, or bond. FRANKLIN. A freeholder. (See Dictionary of Surnames.) FREDERICK. (Ger.) Rich peace, or peaceable reign. S^^ ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY FTJLLBERT. (Sax.) FuU-bright. FULKjE. (Sax.) Some derive it from the G-erman VoUg, noble and gallant, but Camden from Folc, the English-Saxon word for people, folk ; like the Roman Puhlius, beloved of the people and commons. GABRIEL. (Heb.) A man of God, or God is my strengiL GAITJS. (Greek.) Earthly. From Talog, corruptible, mortal GALLIC. Milky. GAMALIEL. (Heb.) Recompense of God. GARRET. A corruption of Gerard (which see). ■ GEDEOK (Heb.) He that bruises and breaks. GEFFREY. (Ger.) From G^aw,joyftd, and /re(?, peace; joy- ful peace. . GEOFFREY. (Sax.) From Gau, glad, and fred, peace. GEORGE. (Greek.) A husbandman, from Tcupybg. GERARD. (Sax.) From Gar, all, and ard, nature. GERMAIN. (Ger.) AU victorious. GERVAS. (Ger.) All sure, firm, or fast. GIFFORD. (Ger.) Liberal disposition. GILBERT. (Ger.) Bright pledge, from Gisle, a pledge; or gold-like bright, from the Saxon, Geele, yeUow. GILES, ^gidius, Latin of A/y^f, Greek, a goat's skin; so the old writers derive it, but it is more probably from the Ger- man Gisel, or Gese\ a companion. GOD ARD. (Sax.) From God, God or good, and ard, nature — endowed with a divine disposition. GODFREY. (Ger.) God's peace, godly. GODWIN. (Sax.) Converted, or victorious in God. OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 281 GEACCHUS. (Lat.) Thin. GREGORY. From the Greek Tpeyopeu, to watch, watchfiil, a shepherd. GRIFFITH. (Br.) Strong faith. GUILBERT. The same as GHberL GUY. A guide, leader, or director. HADRIAN, and ADRIAN. (Lat.) From the city Hadria, whence Hadrian the Emperor had his origin. Gesner de- rives it from the Greek "ASpog^ wealthy. HAMOK (Heb.) FaithM. HANNIBAL. Gracious lord. HAROLD. (Sax.) Leader of the army, or love of the army* HAZEL. (Heb.) One that sees God. HEBER. One that passes, anger, wrath. HECTOR. (Greek.) Defender. HEMAN. (Heb.) Their trouble, tumult, in great numbers. HENGIST. (Sax.) Horseman. HENRY. (Sax.) From Mnrich^ ever rich, or from Honori- cuSj honorable. HERBERT. (Sax.) From Here, an army, and leorU, bright, — the glory of the army. Verstegan derives it from Here, an army, and the Teutonic bericht, instructed, — an expert soldier. HERMON and HARMON. (Ger.) General of an army. HERCULES. (Greek.) Glory or illumination of the air. HEZEKIAH. (Heb.) Strong in the Lord. HIEL. (Heb.) God lives, or the life of God. HILDEBERT. (Ger.) Bright or famous lord. HIRAM. (Heb.) Exaltation of Hfe. HOMER. (Greek.) "Ofijjpog. A hostage, a pledge or security. 282 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY HORACE. From Latin, Eoratius. (See below.) HORATIO. (Lat.) EoratiziSj from the Greek, Spdrdcj or dpariKhc^ of good eyesight, HOSEA. (Heb.) Salvation. HUBERT. (Sax.) Of clear, bright color. HUGH. High, or exalted HUMPHREY. (Sax.) From Hum-freA^ house-peace. lOHABOD. (Heb.) Where is the glory. IRA. (Heb.) City watch, or heap of vision. , ISAAC. (Heb.) Laughter. ISAIAH. (Heb.) Salvation of the Lord. ISRAEL. (Heb.) A prince of the strong God. IVAN". The same as John in G«,elic and Welsh. JACOB. (Heb.) He that supplants, a supplanter. JAEL. (Heb.) A kid, ascending. JAMES. (Heb.) The same as Jacob. JARED. (Heb.) One that rules or descends. JASPER. (Greek.) From 'laamq^ a precious stone of a green color, transparent, with red veins. JASON. (Greek.) 'Idauv, He that cures, from 'Ido/iai, to heal. JEDEDIAH. (Heb.) Beloved of the Lord. JEREMIAH. (Heb.) Exaltation or grandeur of the Lord. JEREMY. (Heb.) High of the Lord. JESSE. (Heb.) My present, or who is to be. JOAB. (Heb.) Paternity. OP CHRISTIAN NAMES. 28S JOB. (Heb.) He that weeps. JOEL. (Heb.) One that wills or commands. JOHN. (Heb.) Signifies the grace or gift of the Lord. JONADAB. (Heb.) Liberal, one who acts as a prince. JONAH and JONAS. (Heb.) A dove. JONATHAN. (Heb.) The* gift of the Lord. JOSCELIN. A diminutive from Jost or Justus, just. JOSEPH. (Heb.) Increase, addition. JOSHUA. (Heb.) The Lord, the Saviour. JOSIAH. (Heb.) The fire of the Lord. JUDAS. (Heb.) Same as Judah, praise of the Lord. JULIUS. (Greek.) Soft haired, or mossy-bearded. JUSTIN. (Lat) From Justus, just, virtuous. KENARD. (Sax.) Kind disposition. KENHELM. (Sax.) Defense of his kindred. KENNETH, (aaelic.) From Ceann, the head— a chieftain. LAMBERT. (Sax.) Fair lamb. LAWRENCE. (Lat.) Flourishing. LAZARUS. (Heb.) Lord's help. LEGrER. (Ger.) Leodegar, gatherer of peoples. LEMUEL. (Heb.) God is with them. LEO. (Lat.) A lion. LEOFSTAN. (Sax.) Most beloved. LEOFWIN. (Sax.) Win love, or to be loved. 284 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY LEONAED. (Sax.) Lion-like disposition. LEOPOLD. (Qer.) Defender of the people. LEVI. (Heb.) One who is held and associated. LEWIS. A contraction of Ludovicics, Latin for the Teutonic Ludwig, from Leod or I/ud, the people, and wich, a castle — the safeguard of the people. LINUS. Nets. • LIONEL. (Lat.) LioneUus, little lion. LOUIS. (Ft.) Contraction of Ludovicus or Ludwig. (See Lewis.) LUCIUS. (Lat.) From liuc, light A name first given to children born at the dawning of the day. LUKE and LUCAS. (Oreek.) Luminous. MADOC. (Br.) Gtood. MALICHI. (Heb.) My messenger or angel MANOAH. (Heb.) Rest, or a gift. MARCELLUS. (Lat.) From J/ar5, the god of war — ^martial, warlike. MARCUS and MARK. (Lat.) A name first given to chil- dren bom in the month of March. Marcus also means polite, shining. MARMADUKE. (G-er.) From MermachUg, which in old Saxon signified more mighty. MARTIN. (Lat.) From Martius, Mars, the god of war. •MATTHEW. (Heb.) The gift of God. MATTHIAS. (Heb.) The gift of the Lord. MAXIMILIAN. A name devised by the Emperor Frederic the Third, who composed it for his son and heir from the OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 285 names of the two Eomans whom he most admired, Q. Fah- ius Maximus, and Scipio uEmiHanus^ with the hope that his son would imitate their virtues. MICHAEL. (Heb.) Who is like God? One of the names of Christ. MILES. (Lat.) Milo, from Milium, a kind of grain called millet. Some think it to be a contraction of Michael. MORDECAI. (Heb.) Bitter contrition. MORG-AIT. (Br.) A seaman, from mor, the sea; like the Latin, Pelagius, Marius. MORICE. From the Latin, Mauritius, and that from Maurus, a moor. MOSES. (Heb.) Drawn forth. NAOMI. (Heb.) Beautiful, comely. NATHAN. (Heb.) O-ivon. NATHANIEL. (Heb.) The gift of God. NEAL. (Fr.) From the Latin nigeUus or ni^el, black or swarthy. NERO. (Lat.) Strong. NICHOLAS. (G-reek.) Victorious, from vixdco, to conquer. NIGrELi From the Latin NigeUus, black, swarthy. NOAH. (Heb.) A ceasing or rest NOEL. (Fr.) The same as the Latin natalis, given first in honor of the feast of Christ's birth to such as were born on Christmas day. NORMAN. From Normandy, so called from the Northmen who settled there from the north of Europe. 286. ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OBADIAH. (Heb.) Servant of the Lord. OLIVER. From the Latin Oliva^ an olive-tree, an emblem of peace. OSBBRK (Sax.) House-child. OSBERT. (Sax.) Domestic brightness. OSMUND. (Sax.) House-peace. OSWOLD. (Sax.) House-ruler or steward. OTHO. A faithful reconciler, according to Petrus Blesensis. OWEN. (Celtic.) The good offspring. PASCAL. From Pascha, the passover. PATRICK. (Latin.) From Pairicius, a peer, a noble, a name given first to senators' sons. PAUL. (Lat.) From paulus, little, humble, small in stature. PAYNE. From the Latin Paganm, now out of use, meaning a man exempt from military service. PEL ATIAH. (Heb.) Deliverance or flight of the Lord. PERCIVAL. (Nor.) From Percheval, a place in Normandy. PEREGRINE. (Lat.) A stranger, a foreigner. PETER. (Q-reek.) From Trerpog, a stone or rock. PHILEBERT. (Qer.) Much bright fame, very famous. PHILEMON. (G-reek.) f^av/iuv. A kiss or loving. PHILIP. (Greek.) From ^i^og, a lover or Mend, and ImroCj a horse — a lover of horses. PHILETUS. (Greek.) $a^r5f. Beloved or amiable. PHINEAS. (Heb.) Face of trust or protection. PIUS. (Lat.) Pious. POMPEY. (Lat.) Poinpostw, full of pomp. OF OHBISTIAN »AMES. 28^ QTJINTIN". (Lat.) From quintuSj the fifth, a name given ta he fifth bom. EALPH. (Sax.) Contracted fi:om Rodolph or Rodolphus, fi:oni Bode, counsel, and ulph, help. RANDAL. (Sax.) Corrupted fi*om Randulph, fi-om rein, pure, and ulphj help. p RANDOLPH. The same as Ranulf or Randal RAPHAEL. (Heb.) The healing of God. REUBEN. (Heb.) The son of vision. REUEL. (Heb.) Shepherd or fi:iend of God. REYNOLD. (Sax.) Sincere or pure love, firom rein, pure, and hold, love. RICHARD. (Sax.) Prom nc, rich, wid ard, nature or dispo- sition — of a hberal disposition. ROBERT. (Sax.) Famous in counsel, fi-om Rode, counsel, and heorht, bright. ROBIN. Same as Robert. RODERICK. (Sax.) Rich in counsel, fi:om Bode, counsel, and ric, rich. ROGER. (Ger.) Quiet, desirous of rest. ROLAND. (Ger.) Counsel for the land. RUFUS. (Nor. Fr.) Red. RUPERT. Probably the same as Robert. SALATHIEL. (Heb.) I besought God. SALMON. (Heb.) Peaceable. SAMSON. (Heb.) His sun or his ministry. SAMUEL. (Heb.) Heard of God, a prophet. SAUL. (Heb.) Asked or lent of the Lord; also a grave. SEBASTIAN. (Greek.) From ^e(3acTbc, reverend or tical, the same as the Latin Augustus. 288 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY SETH. (Heb.) Set as a foundation. SIGISMUND. (Sax.) From sige, victory, and mund^ peace, one who procures peace yet so as by victory. Verstegan and Junius derive it from the Teutonic Siege, victory, and mund, mouth, one who conquers by good words : so Sig- helm, victorious defense ; Sigebert, victorious fame. SIMEON. (HeB.) Hearing, obeying. SIMOK Same as Simeon, SOLOMOIsT. (Heb.) Peaceable, perfect, or that recompenses. STEPHEN. (Greek.) From Sre^avof, a crown or garland; honor, distinction. SWITHIK (Sax.) From the old English smtheahn, very high, like the Latin Celsus. SYLVANUS, (Lat.) Wood-man, or rather wood-aod. SYLYESTER. (Lat.) Woodman.''^ TERENCE. Lat, Termtius, tender. TERTULLUS. A liar or impostor. THEOBALD. (Sax.) From theod, the people, and bald, bold, — ^bold over the people ; sometimes corrupted to Tibald of Thibald. THEODORE. (Greek.) From Oebg, Qrod, and i&pov, a gift— the gift of Grod. THEODORIO. (Sax.) From l%eod, the people, and ric, rich — ^powerful or rich in people ; contracted to Terry with the French, and Derick and Dkch vsdth the Dutch. THEOPHILUS. (Greek.) From Qebg, God, and faog, a ' lover or friend — a lover of God. THOMAS. (Heb.) A twin, double, called in Greek M&u[iog^ of two hearts, because of his doubting. OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 9^ TIMEUS. (Grr.) From rtjulog, perfect, honorable, admirable, TIMON. (Gr.) Honorable, worthy, from Tifiuv. TIMOTHEUS. (areek.) An honorer of God, from Tljucov, one who honors, and Qebg, God. TIMOTHY. (Greek.) Same as Timotheus, an honorer of God. TITUS. (Lat.) Honorable. TOBIAS and TOBIAH. (Heb.) The goodness of God. TOBY. A corruption of Tobias". It is also the Welsh for Thomas. TEISTRAM. (Lat.) From 2^istus, sad, sorrowful UCHTRED. (Sax.) High counsel. TJEBAK (Lat.) Civil, courteous. URIAH. (Heb.) The fire of the Lord. YALENS. (Lat.) Puissant, brave, able. YALENTINE. (Lat.) The same as Yalens. -VICTOR. (Lat.) A conqueror. VINCENT. (Lat.) Victorious, a conqueror. WALTER. (Sax.) WaUher, from Wald, a wood, and heer, a master — the master or lord of the wood, like the Latin, Syl- vanus, or WIBERT. (Sax.) From Wi, holy, and hert, bright— holy, and bright or shining. WILDRED. (Sax.) Much fear. WILFRED. (Sax.) Much peace. 13 290 DICTIONARY OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. WILLIAM. (Gter.) Wilhdm. Some derive it from the Bel- gic, Cfuild-helm, harnessed with a gilded hehnet, and others, with more probability, from WU-helmj the shield or defense of many, wel^ and wil, being used by the Germans in the sense of many or much, as in Wildred and Wilfred above ; Wilibert, and Wilwald. WIMUND. (Sax.) Sacred peace, or holy peace, from M, holy or sacred, and mund, peace. WISCHARD. (Nor.) Wily, crafty, a shifter. Sometimes written, Cfuiscard. WOLFERT. A corruption of Wulpher, helper. WOLSTAN. (Sax.) Comely, decent WTTLPHER. (Sax.) Helper. ZACHAR Y and ZACHARIAH. (Heb.) The memory of the Lord. ZADOO. (Heb.) Just, justified. ZERAH. (Heb.) East or brightness. ZOPHAR. (Heb.) Rising early. J NAMES OF WOMEN". ABiaAIL. (Heb.) The father's joy. ADA. (Sax.) A corruption of Eade, an old Saxon name, fflg- nifying happiness. JSadith, now JEJdith, and 7da, are from the same. (See JEdith.) ADELAIDE. (Sax.) Noble, from Addiz, the same as Alice, ADELINE. (Sax.) Noble, descending from nobles. AGATHA. (Qreek.) Gk>od, from 'Ayddij, AGNES. (Greek.) Chaste, from Ayv^. ALETHEIA. (Greek.) Truth, from 'AXedeia. ALICE. (Sax.) Abridged from Adeliz, noble, the same as Adeline and Adelaide. The French make it def&ndress^ by turning it into >dfem, in their language. AMY. (Fr.) Amie^ beloved, from the Latin, aTuata. ANASTASIA. (Greek.) Given in remembrance of Christ's glorious resurrection, and ours in Christ, from avdardaig^ the act of rising up — the resurrection. AISTNE and ANNA. (Heb.) Gracious or merciftil. ANNETTE. A diminutive of Ann ; Uttle and pretty Ann. ANTOINETTE and ANTONIA. Feminine of Antony or Anthony, from the Greek, dvdoc, a flower. ARABELLA. (Lat.) A fair altar, from ara^ and hdla. 292 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY AUEELIA. (Lat.) Feminine of Aurelius, golden — ^little golden dame. AUKORA. The morning, the dawn; as if ^^Aurea hora^^ the golden hour. BARBARA. (Q-reek.) Strange, of unknown language, a bar- barian. BEATRICE. (Latin.) From leatrix, blessed, happy. BERTHA. (Sax.) Bright and famous. BLANCHE. (Fr.) White or fair. BRIDGET, (aaelic.) Brighid, "fiery dart." The name of the muse who was beheved to preside over poetry in pagan times, in Ireland. Brighid, m the Graelic, also signifies a hos- tage, a pledge of security. CAROLIKE. (Ger.) The feminine of Karl., or Charles, the manlike, the strong, the daring. CASSANDRA. (Greek.) Inflammg men with love. CATHERINE. (Greek.) Pure, chaste, from Yiadapbg. CECILIA. (Latin.) Grey-eyed. CHARLOTTE. The French feminine of Charles. CHLOE. (Greek.) The verdant, springing, blooming; an epithet of Ceres, the goddess of husbandry, from Chloe^ springing grass or corn. CHRISTINE. Feminine of Christian. CLARA. (Lat.) Clear, bright, renowned, illustrious — the feminine of Clarence, CLAUDIA and CLAUDINE. (Latin.) Feminine of Claudius. CLEMENTINE. (Lat) Feminine of Clement, kind, gentle, merciful, from Clemens, i OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 203 CONSTANCE. (Lat.) Constant, firm, unyielding. CYNTHIA. (Gr.) An epithet of Diana. Apollo was called Cynthius, and Diana Cynthia^ from CynthuSj a mountain in the island of Delos, in which they were bom. She was called also Delia, from the name of the island. DEBORAH. (Heb.) A bee. DELIA. (Lat.) A name given to the goddess Diana fi:om being born on the island of Delos (manifest, conspicuous), so called because having previously been hidden under water, it was brought to the surface and made manifest, in order that ApoUo and Diana might be born upon it. DIANA. (G-reek.) Jove's daughter, from Awf, the genitive of Zet)f, Jove, — ^the ancient name of the moon or the moon- goddess. She was called also Delia, Phoebe, and Cynthia. Some have derived it from Dianus, Janus, fem., Diana, a Roman god with two faces, symbohzing the sun and moon. DIDO. A Phoenician name signifying a manlike woman. DORCAS. (Greek.) A doe, a roe-buck. Lucretius says that by that name amorous knights were wont to call freckled, warty, and wooden-faced wenches. EDITH. (Sax.) From Eadith or Fade, an old Saxon name signifying happiness or blessed, from Eadig, happy, blessed, honorable. It has been corrupted to Ada and Ida. ELEANOR. The same as Ellen or Helen, pitiful, compas- sionate. ELIZA. A contraction of Elizabeth. ELIZABETH. (Heb.) The oath of God, or God hath sworn. ELSIE. A corruption of AUce. 294 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY EMMA. (G-er.) From Amme, a nurse, one who nurses, cares for, and watches over another, tender, affectionate, the same as Eutrophine^ among the Greeks. Emma, daughter of Eichard, the first Duke of Normandy, was called in Saxon Blgiva, help-giver. It was sometimes written Imma, the name of the daughter of Charlemagne. Some have derived it from imme, a bee, busy, industrious. EMMELINE. A diminutive of Emma, Httle Emma. EMILY. The same as Emmehne. ESTHER. (Heb.) Secret or hidden. ETHEL. (Sax.) Noble. EUGENIA. The feminine of Eugene, which is from the Greek kvyev^g, nobly born. EYE and EYA. (Heb.) Life-giving. FANNY. A corruption of Frances. FELICIA. The feminine of Felix (Lat.), happy, fortunate. FLORENCE. (Lat.) Flourishing, prosperous, from Florens. FRANCES. The feminine of Francis, from Frank, free, not servile or bond. GEORGINA and GEORGIANA. Feminine of George, which see. GERTRUDE. (Ger.) AU truth, amiable. GILLIAN. A corruption of Julian, feminine of Julius, Greek, soffc-haired. GOODITH and GOODY. Contracted from Good-wife. King Henry the First was nicknamed Goodith, in contempt. GRACE. The signification of this name is weU known. GRISHILD. Gray lady. OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 2^ HAaAR. (Heb.) A stranger. HANNAH. (Heb.) Gracious, merciful. HARRIET. The feminine of Harry or Henry; the same as Henrietta. See Henry. HELEN. (Greek.) Pitiful, compassionate. Ellen is a differ- ent form of the same name. It is often contracted to Nelly and Nell. HENRIETTA. The feminine of Henry, which is derived from the German Mnrich, ever rich. HONORA. (Lat.) Honorable, graceful, handsome. HULDAH. (Heb.) The world. IDA. The same as Ada and Edith. From JEade, or Eadith, Saxon, happy, blessed. lONE. (Greek.) From the island Ionia. ISABEL. (Spanish.) The same as EHzabeth with the Span- ish, as they always translate Elizabeth into Isabel. It is also said to signify olive-complexioned or brown. JANE. Anciently Joane, the feminine of John, gracious. JANET. A diminutive of Jane, little and pretty Jane. JEMIMA. (Heb.) Handsome as the day. JOSEPHINE. (Heb.) The femmine of Joseph, which signi- fies increase, addition. JUDITH. (Heb.) Praising, confessing. JULIA and JULIANA. (Lat.) The feminine of Jidius, Greek, soft-haired. 296 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY KATHAEINE. (areek.) Pure, virtuous, jfrom Kaddpog. KATHLEEK (Celtic.) Little darHng. LAUEA. (Lat.) Bay or laurel, crowned with laurel, from Taurus; corresponding to the Q-reek name Daphne. The feminine of Lawrence. --LETITIA. (Lat.) Erbm IcBtitia, joyfulness, mirth. LETTICE. A corruption of Letitia. LETTY. A corruption of Lettice and Letitia. LOUISA. The feminine of Louis or Lewis. (See Lewis.) LUCRETIA. (Lat.) The feminine of Lucretius, from ?wcrww, gain, a name proper for a good housewife. LUCY. (Lat.) Erom lux^ light, hghtsome, bright, a name given first to children that were born when daylight first appeared. LYDIA. (Greek.) Erom Lydm, in Asia, because bom in tiiat region. MABEL. Erom the French ma heUe, my fair maid. Camden thinks it a contraction of the Latin, amahilis, lovely, amiable, as it used to be written in old deeds, Amabilia, and Mabilia. MADELINE. The same as Adeline (which see). MAQDALEK (Heb.) MajesticC MARaARET and MARGERY. (Greek.) From Ma/jyaptref, a pearl, precious. MARIA and MARIAN". The same as Mary, exalted. MARTHA. (Heb.) Bitter. MARY- (Heb.) Exalted. It is a famous name in both sacred and profane history j in all ages it has literally been exalted. OF CHRISTIAN NAlifES* UfWf Some derive the name from maria, bitter, a drop of salt water, a tear. MATILDA. (Ger.) A noble or honorable lady. (See Maud.) MAUD. A corruption of Matilde or Matilda. From the Ger- man Matildis or Mathildis, Latin, Matilda, noble or honor- able lady. MELICENT and MELICENT. (French.) Honey-sweet MIRIAM. (Heb.) Bitterness of ajBQiction, exalted, bitterness of tiie sea. NAiTOT. A corruption of Ann. NANETTE and NEsTON. (BV.) Nan, Nancy, same as Aim, httle Ann. NIOIA. (Greek.) Victorious, from viktj, a victory, a triumph. OLIVIA and OLIVE. (Lat) The feminine of Oliver. From the Latin Oliva, the ohve tree, an emblem of peace. • OLTMPIA. (Greek.) Heavenly, from 'OAvytzTrof, heaven. PAULINE. The feminine of Paul, from the Latin, Paukut, httle, small in stature. PENELOPE. (Greek.) The name of a kind of bird, with a purple neck. The name of the most patient, true, constant^ and chaste wife of Ulysses, given to her because she care- fully loved and fed those birds. PERNEL. (Fr.) From Fetronilla, pretty stone. PHCEBE. (Greek.) The feminine ofPhcebus, from the Greek (l)olf3ocj light, splendid, radiant, a name of Diana. Phoebus, denoting Apollo, or the sun; Phoebe, Diana, or the moon. 13* 298 ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY ^ /| PHILIPPA. (Greek.) Feminme of PhiHp (which se^^/) ''^'^^^ PHILLIS. (Greek.) Lovely, dear, cherished from ^ihj. POLYXENA. (Greek.) One that will entertain many guests and strangers, from ttoAAo^, many, and ^evol, strangers, guests. PEISOA. (Lat.) Ancient. PEISCILLA. (Lat.) A diminutive from Prisca, — little, ancient dame. PRUDENCE. (Lat.) Prudentia, wisdom, corresponding to the Greek name, Sophia. RACHEL. (Heb.) A sheep. REBECCA. (Heb.)- Eat and frill REGIN'A. (Lat.) The queen, queen-like. RHODA. (Greek.) A rose, from l>66ov. ROSALTA. (Lat) From Rosa, fair as a rose. ROSALIND. The same as Rosalia, from jRosa, a rose. ROSAMUND. Rose of the world, from rosa, and mwndi; or from rosa, Latin, and mund, Saxon, a mouth, from her roay- colored lips ; a name made famous by Fair Rosamund, mis- tress of Henry the Second. ROSE. (Lat.) From that fair flower, like a rose. ROWENA. (Sax.) From Rouw, Dutch, peace, and rinnaUy Saxon, to acquire. The name of the beautiful daughter of Hengist, a renowned leader of the Saxons, " who, having the Isle of Thanet given him by King Yortigern for assisting him against the Picts and Scots, obtained as much ground as he could encompass with an ox-hide, on which to build a castle, which being finished, he invited King Vortigern to a supper. After supper Hengist calls for his daughter Row- OF CHRISTIAN NAMES. 299 ena, who, richly attired, enters the room with a graceful mien, with a golden bowl full of wine in her hand, and drinks to King Vortigern in the Saxon language, saying, 'Be of health, lord, king,' to which he replied, 'Drink health,' which, I think, is the first health we find in history, and claims the antiquity of about 1400 years. Yortigem, enamored with her beauty, married her, and gave her and her father all Kent." ETJTR (Heb.) Satisfied. SABINA. (Lat.) As chaste and religious as a Sabine, a peo- ple who had their name from their worshiping of Grod. SAEAH. (Heb.) Lady, mistress, or dame. SOPHIA. (Greek.) Wisdom, from ccxjtia. SOPHRONIA. (Greek.) Modest and temperate; prudent, from ao^poavv^, modesty, chastity. SYBIL. G-od's counsel; others derive it firom the Hebrew, signifying divine doctrine. STLYIA. (Lat) From Sylva, a forest — ^belongmg to the forest. TABITHA. (Heb.) Roe-buck. THEODORA. The feminine of Theodore, Greek, the gift of God. THEODOSIA. The same as Theodora, the gift of God. URANIA. (Greek.) Heavenly, from Ovpavdc, heavenly. URSULA. (Lat.) A Httle bear. The name of the virgin saint of Britain, martyred under Q^d's scourge, AttUa, king of the Huns. 800 DICTIONARY OP CHRISTIAN NAMES. VENTJS. (Lat.) Coming to all, as Cicero derives it, from veniendo. In Greek, Venus was called Aphrodite, some say from the foam of the sea whence she sprung, but Euripides says from Aphrosune, mad folly. VIOLA. (Lat,) Vwh, a violet, pretty and modest. VIRGrlNIA. (Lat.) Virgin-like, chaste, maidenly. WILHELMmA. (Ger.) The feminine of Wilhebn or Wil- Ham. (SeeWUham.) S^^-^*^^ ^<*n, - .v- WINIFBED. (Sax.) From Win, and fred, get peace. THE END. Books Puhlislied hy Sheldont Blakeman Sf Co. COMMENTAKIES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT, BY REY. AUGUSTUS NEANDER, D.D. Translated from the German by MKS. H. C. C0NAI4T. THE FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN. Practically explained by Dr. A> GtrsTUB Nbandeb. Translated from the Germa^ by Mrs. IT. C. Conant. 12mo. 819 pp. Price 85 cents. THE EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE PHILIPPIANS, and THE EPISTLE OF JAMES. In one vol. 12mo, cloth. Price 85 cts. THE SCRIPTURAL EXPOSITIONS of Dr. Neandeh, complete. Coin- prising the above books, bound in one volume. Price $1 75. Of these books the Eev. Francis Wayland wrote: "•Neander was learned in philosophy, and in the history of the Church, beyond any man of his age, perhaps of any age. Take up now his Commentary on John's First Epistle — the best of his works of this character with which I am acquainted. 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LINCOLN PHELPS' NEW ROMANCE, IDA NORMAN ; or, Trials and Iheir Uses, is one of ihe most popular books issued this season. Published m cue volume, 12mo, clolh, beantirully illustrated in tint. Price, $1 25. READ WHAT THE CRITICS SAY OF IT. " It is a work of thai rare aud peculiar kind, of which there has always been too few." — Osweffo County Gazette. " It is a work that will be read everywhere, and by everybody, and will increase in popularity as it increases in age." — Albavy Spectator. "A work of no ordinary ability."— Boston Transcript. "The story is very attractive, and will be read with absorbing interest " — Christian Ambassador, "Few books that we have ever seen combine m an equal deprree the hij^hest moral and religious sentiments with the hiefhest dramatic interest. Parents who rcji'Ct the mass of books as too light for theii children lo read, may place this work in tJieir hands with safety." — New York Recorder. " We entered upon its perusal at the early dawn of a beautifnl day. We vere soon lost to every thing«else but the i^ioiy of Ida Norman, and the trials and vicissitudes of life, as presented in the chaste but forcible style of the author. The plot of the romance is happily conceived, the counterplots are constantly imparting a new and lively interest to each succeeding chapter of the v.Mrk." — Bvffalo Express. " It is a book which will do for the heart of every pure and noble girl more than school books or school teachers ever attempted. It will no where be received with the shout and tumult which greet those ep.'iemeral and heated books of mystery and fashion, but it will goto ten thousand homes, and christen ten thousand spirits, like all the sweet and blessed influences thai reform and refine the heart." — Daily National Democrat. GILFILLAN'S NEW WORK. A Third Gallery of Portraits, by George Gilfillan. One volume, 12mo. Cloth. Price $1 25. CONTENTS : A Cluster of New Poets. Sydxev Yexdys, Alexander Smith, J. Sta.vyo.v Bigg, Gerrald Massey. Modern Critics. HAZI-rtT AND Hallam, JbFFKEY AND COLERlDQE, Dklta, Thackeray, T Babingtox Macaulay. Miscellaneous Sketches. Carlile axd Sterling, Neal and Buntan, Edgar A. Poe, Edmond Bcrke, , Sir Edw, Lytton Bulwbb, Benjamin Eisraeu. Prof. Wilson, Henky Rogers, ^schylus, promktheua Bound and Unbound, Shakspeare, a Lecture. File of French Revolutionists. Mirabeau, Marat, Robespierre, Danton, Vergxiaud, Napoleon, ComtdlaC n of Sacred Authors. Edward Irvlng, Isaac. Taylor, Robert Hall, Dr. Chalmers. "This volume is really one of surpassing excellence." — Philadelphia Saturday Courier " This volume is all alive and flashing with poetic spirit, al limes challenging criticism, •nd again extorting swift admiration " — Evening Mirror. " He has imbued them all with his own superabundent vitality ; we never fall asleep while we watch the as yot undeveloped likeness leap into light and life beneath the nrlist's Hand. Gilfillan is a passionate and rapid writer ; his quick and impetuous thought haa moulded for itself an uUerance of language more vigorous, more terse and emphatic, Jian any man of less genius would be able to handle or control. His words, in their ac- tumulative and fiery flow, seam to feel no rein, nor lo acknowledge any rider. " If our readers can not find in this book much to amuse, lastruct, and better them ; much to make them smile, and much to arouse that noble and more humane emotion (vhose symbol is a tear, then we can only recommend them to look out for such books a« Ihey require themselves — !br we can find no recent issue of the American press which, for so many reasons and so strongly, we can recommend." — United Staies Bemew. " It is an exceedingly entertaining book, and displays varied learning and scholarship united with rare critical acumen and a lively v'*w of satire."— iVetp York Day B^oh.* Books Published by Sheldon, Blakeomin Sf Co. THE WORKS OF HERMANN OLSHAUSEN, D.D. In Pre$8t AlTD 8H0BTLT TO BS PUBLISHED, COMMENTARIES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT, BT PKOF. HEKMAlSriSr OLSHAUSEN, D.D., I.ATE PX0FE8S0B OS* THXOLOOT VX THE TTiayBBSnT OT EBLAKOKir. Th«re hav« appeared— Thx Gobpbls, Oobinthianb, £phe8iaits, The Acts, Hkbbbws, Colossians, EoMAiTs, Galationb, Thessaloniaki, Phiuppianb, Trnjs, Thiotht. These Invaluable commentaries will be giren to the public at short Intervals, oonv- menclng ivith the Gospels, which will be ready in May, 1856. Perhaps no modem commentator has been received with more confidence and affection by the pious and intelligent student of the Bible, than Olshausen, while in America the «xpensiveness of the English edition has been the only reason which has prevented a very large class from enjoying the results of his vast researches in Biblical criticism. The present edition will be superior to all others, embodying as it does all of Eberhard'a Yalnsble additions, and having received the careful revision and editorship of THE RET. A. C. KENDRICK, D.D., or THB urtlvJiBSITT OF XOOHXSTEB, Whose fitness for this Important and difficult task will be cordially conceded wherever Us great Biblical attainments and his proficiency in the native language of Olshavsen •re knows. Books Published by Sheldon, Blakeman '/ Co. A NEW SCHOOL HISTORY. A CHRONOLOGICAL SCHOOL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, illustrated by painted Plates of the four last Centuries, prepared on the prin- ciple of Bem's Chaet op Univeesal Histoey, by Miss Elizabeth P. Peabody. 1 voL 12mo. Price The publishers would invite the attention of all wishing to commence classes in the history of the United States, to the following flattering commendation, given after having read the work in manuscript, by Prof. J. H. 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The venerable Dr. NOTT, of Union College, having also examined the manuscript, and expressed his cordial approbation of the history, adds, — " The plan of this work is calculated to excite and sustain the imagination, not merely by appealing to the eye, in impressing its chronology, but also by a graphic outline ot the history of each Colony, and of the Federal Union, in such a manner as to preserve their respective individuali- ties and peculiar spirit" We are also prepared to furnish BEM'S CHARTS OF UNIVERSAL HISTORY, with tlie Manual pre- pared by Miss Peabody, at the instigation of Dr. Barnas Sears, late Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, and now President of Brown University. And we have in our possession, manuscript letters in testimony of its value, from Dr. NOTT, and Professors Newman Hicock and Taylor Lewis, of Union College Prof. Eaymont>, late of the Rochester Universttij^ Professors Andrews and Kingslet, of Marietta College, Prof. Gregory, of Detroit, now editdr of the Michigan Journal of Education, Rev. Eban S. Stearns, late Principal of the Norma! School at West Newton, Mass., Eev. F. A. Adains, of Orange, N. J., Prof. Burton, then of Girard College, Mr. Alonzo Crittenden, of Packer Institute, Brooklyn, Dr. Isaac Ferris. Chancellor of the University of New York, Dr. J. Eomayn Beck, late of Albany, Dr. W. B. Sprague, of Albany, and many others who have used it, especially ladies of the first class of teachers. HISTORICAL & CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES : for use in Elementary Instruction in HISTORY. By Dr. Charles Peter, Director of the Gymnasium in Auckland. Translated from the German (3d Ed.). Prefatory Note. It would be difficult to compress within a smaller space and in a more convenient form, the amount of historical information that is comprised in the following pages. They am prepared by a distinguished German scholar, who has great experience in the preparation of larger and smaller works for Schools on history. This little manual is translated in the hope and belief that it will prove extensively useful as an outline and rcsum6 of his- torical facts i'l their chronological connections, in both higher and lower seminaries of Instruction in Vmerlca, and also an excellent companion to private students in history. A. C. KENDKICK, University of Eochbstml Books Puhlished hy Sheldon, Blakeman ^ Co, HOME LIFE. Twelve brilliant lectures on the duties and relations of the family circle. Bj Eev. "Wm. Hague, D.D. 1 Tol., 12mo. $1 ; gilt, $1 25 ; mor. gilt, extra, $2 25. The following is the table cf contents, and •will indicate the character and ecopo of the iook: LECTURE I.— The Marriage Institution. LECTUEE II.— Duties of the Husband. LECTURE IIL— Duties of the Wife. LECTURE IV.— Duties of Parents to Children. LECTUEE V. — Duties of Children to Parents. LECTURE VI. — Duties of Brothers and Sisters. LECTURE VII.— Mutual Dutees of Householders and Servants. LECTUEE VIII. — Duties of Pkincipals to Clerks and Apprentices. LECTUEE IX.— Duties of Young Men to their Employees. LECTUEE X.— The Use and Abuse of Amusements. LECTUEE XL— The Familt Library, LECTUEE XIL— The Self Governed Man. The classical elegance and simplicity of the style, and the warmth and naturalness of the eloquence of these lectures, justify the great favor with which they were received, and mark the present volume as a valuable and popular contribution to our literature. " The times demand just such a work as is here produced for the family, shedding A hallowed light on homo, promoting discipline, inspiring affection, fostering the social virtues, and preparing for a steady, strong, and salutary influence in all the varied walks of society. Wo think of no man better qualified for the great and responsible task than Dr. Hague. Could it be introduced into every family, carefully and candidly read, and the lessons it inculcates diligently heeded, it would be Avorth more than any inheritance of silver and gold. Parents will do well to obtain this book, and place it on the parlor table for their own use and that of their children." — Ohrisiian Chivnicle. " There have been few more deeply interesting or more practically useful volumes .recently issued. The lectures are beautifully writt«-n. Their style is classically terso and lucid. The ideas are compactly conveyed, and eveo-y sentence bears the impress of the Christian scholar and teacher. Many of our readers heard them delivered ; they will be happy to peruse them at their leisure. Those who were not thus fortunate, may be assured of a rich, moral and intellectual feast in this volume. The lectures are adapted to every relation of ' Home Life,' and all — old and young alike — will find in them somo- thing palatable and healthy."— ^Z5a«.y Journal. EGYPT, ARABIA PETR^A, AND THE HOLY LAND. A Journax of Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrsea, and the Holy I.and. By Davto lIitLARD, Professor of Biblical Antiquities and Sicred Geography in the Theological School, at MeadviUe, Pa. 1 vol. 348 pp.; embossed binding. 8vo. price $2; 12mo. price $1. From among the various ht^erary notices taken of this work we select the following ;— " Journal of Travels in Egitt, Arabia Fetr-'Ea axd the Holy Laxd, by David Millard.— A more interesting Avork of the kind, we think, lias rarely ever been brought before the public. The subject treated upon recommends itself, and those who wish to save time and gain information will find this volume a valuable s mipanion. A general fault with descrip- tive works of this part of the globe is the size — so numerous are the thoughts that crowd ou the writer — here, however, we find the whole happily condensed within reasonable hmits. and with language so well chosen that the reader may intellectually follow the guidance of the author. The writer thinks, and we agree with him, ' that no volume of equal dimen- sions can be found to contain more information on the countries of which it treats than this.' We have no personal acquaintance with the author, and know not his religious sen- timents, but we are persuaded tliat, while all readers will find something in the book that will please them, no Christian will find that with whch he will have cause to be displeased " Religious Bearrder. 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The claims of the author to an enviable place in literature, which her previous efforts have suggested, are unquestionably made good in the composition of this volume." From the Cambridge Chronicle. " The work shows on almost every page, the evidence of learned investigation, and thor* ough research. " The style is firee from the dry and harsh characteristics which render the volumes 01 Anderson, Lewis, and other writers, so repulsive to all but the antiquary and the pro- fessed student of liistory. i " Mrs. Conant's style is easy and elegant ; she seizes the strong points and presents them vividly to the reaier. "VT 3 can do no better service to our friends and readers, of all Si'cta, than to advise them to purchase this volume," Books Published by Sheldon, Bldkeman «^ Co. SEKMONS OF THB REV. C. HE. SPCrjRGEOJS^, OF LONDON. TTitA a/n Introduction and Sketch o^ his LifCy ty the Bern. E. L. Magoon, DJ). 1 vol., 12 mo, 86T pages. "With a finb LrrHoaiiAPH Pobtbait. Price $1. "THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PREACHER m LONDOK" "THE HENEY WAED BEEOHER OF ENGLAND." " THE MODERN WHITFIELD." Such are some of the terms used in speaking of the celebrated clergyman, author of the Sermons in this volame. " Never, since the days of George Whitfield and Edward Irving, has any minister of religion acquired so great a reputation as this preacher in so short a time. There is no man in Great Britain who can draw such immense audiences ; and none who, in his hap- pi3st efforts, can so completely enthral the attention and delight the minds of his hear- ers." — Correspondent of the Independent. From the True Union, Baltimore. " Barely have we seen a more clear exhibition of the way of Salvation through a cruci- fied Redeemer — ^more striking figures and illustrations — more home appeals to the heart and conscience. We do not think the perusal of these Sermons can fail to affect favorably the preaching of ministers who may study them," From the OhrijMa/n Herald. " That these Sermons show Mr. Spurgeon to be of a mind of manly and true evangeli- cal tone, as well as of lofty and most eloquent utterance, we have only to read them to be satisfied." From the Mew lork Sun. "With a boyish countenance and a figure under the middle size — owing nothing to his personal appearance, the ingenuity of critics has been taxed, to solve the problem of his extraordinary infiaence: one ascribes it to the rich melody and perfect modulation of his voice ; another to his rare powers of observation and assimilation - or to his knowledge of nature, and his attainments in literature and science ; another to his mastery over the graces of elocution. He himself says: 'I am a child, having little education, little learn- ing, ability or talent. Without the Spirit of Ood I feel I am utterly unable to speak to you.' " From the Christian Times, Chicago. " These Sermons show evidence of a wonderful power of illustration and appeal, as well as a clear conception and profound experience of evangelical truth. One reads them with the most intense interest, and readily understands with what power they must have come to those who originally heard them, with the accompaniments of the voice and manner of the true orator. A likeness of the preacher faces the title page. We hope these sermons will have a wide circulation. They will, assuredly, and we cannot but hope that, as their delivery was the means of conversion to great numbers, so their peru- sal may be equally blessed to numbers more." From the Albany State Register. "It certainly is refreshing to get hold of at^ook of Sermons like this. The old, worn-out ana stereotyped phrases that are met with in ninety-nine out of a hundred of every book of sermons you take up are here lacking. Instead of which you find fresh, piquant language, embodying thought that may have been struggling in your mind years past for an ex- pression, and the sublime truths of Christianity brought home to you with a truthfulneaf and a force you cannot in any manner resist." PnhH.skcd hy Sheldon, Blalcejnan 5f Co. THE CHURCHES AND SECTS OF THE UNITED STATES : Contain- JDg a brief accouut of the Origin, History, Doctrines, Church Government, Mode of Wor ship, Usages and Statistics of each Religious Denomination, so far as known. By Rev. P. Douglass Gokpje. Price 63 cents. "It will be found and prized as a valuable and convenient book of reference. " — Christian Ciserver. " It is a book for all the world, and will, we predict, be found in every library throughout 'English Christendom.' " — JV. F. Weekly Chronicle. " The author has studied brevity, comprehensiveness and accuracy ; and we know of no •work so fairly and fully describing the history, doctrines, and present state of all the differ ent denominations of the country as this." — N. Y. Evangelist. CHRISTIAN GREATNESS; A discourse on the death of Friend Ham phrey. By AVilliam Hague, D. D. Price 12| cents. COMPENDIUM OF THE FAITH OF THE BAPTISTS. Paper. Price 4 cents. — Every Church should get a supply for its members. LORENZO DOW'S COMPLETE WORKS. The dealings of God, Man, and the Devil ; as exemplified in the life. Experience, and Travels of Lorenzo Dow, in a period of over half a century. Together with his Polemic and Miscellaneous Writinss. complete; to which is added THE VICISSITUDES OF LIFE. By Peggy Dow. " Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. — David." With an introductory Essay, by the Rev. John Dowung, D.D., of New York, author of History of Romanism, d-c. Two vohimes in one. 8vo. 350 pp. Embossed binding, embel- lished with Steel Portraits of Lorenzo and Peggy Dow. Price $2 50. One month he would be heard of laboring for the good of souls, in his own pecuUar way, In the neighborhood of his native New England home ; the next, perhaps, braving the frost and snow of a Canadian winter; the next on his way to Ireland or to England, in the prose- eecution of the same benevolent purpose ; and six months afterwards, perhaps, encounter- ing the dangers and hardships of a Georgia or Kentucky wilderness, or fleeing for his life from the tomahawk or the Scalping-knife of the Indian savage, in the then untrodden wilds of the great Valley of the West. Pale, sallow, and somewhat consumptive in the appearance of his countenance ; dressed in the plainesi attire, with his single-breasted coat, often worn thread-bare — and in his later vears wearing a long flowing patriarchal beard ; his whole appearance was such as to awaken a high degree of curiosity and interest. ■rhen the suddenness and the promptitude of his advent in a town or village, at the very h.->\\T and minute he had appointed, perhaps some twelve or eighteen months before, the boldness with which he would attack the ruling vices, and denounce wickedness — either :n h gh places or low — the general adaptation of his dry and caustic rebukes to the sin and fol- lies prevalent in places he visited, and which he seemed to know almost intuitively ; to- gether with the biting sarcasm and strong mother-wit that pervaded his addresses ;— all served to invest the approach to any place of the '' crazy preacher," (as he was frequently called), with an air of singular and almost romantic interest. Scarcely a neighborhood, from Canada to Georgia, or from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, that has not some tradition to relate, or some tale to tell of the visit and the preaching of Lorenzo Dow : and scarcely an old man in all those regions that has not some one or more j)t the witty Ra> mgs of Lorenzo Dow to relate to his children and his grand-children. — Extrad from (he IrUrodudion. O Books Published by Sheldon, Blakeman S^ Co. THE ENGLISH BIBLE ; Or, History of the Translation of the Holy Scriptures into tbe English Tongue. With Specimens of the early English Versions, and Portraits of WicklifiFe and Tyndale. By Mrs. H. 0. Con ant. 1 vol., 8vo. Price $1 25. This work presents a continuous view of the progress of Bible-translation, in the English language, from the first version by Wickliffe in 1380, to the last, made by order of King James in ICll ; giving an account of the successive English versions of Wicklifie, Tyndale, Coverdale, Taverner, Cranmer, theGenevan Exiles, the Bishops, the Douay (Catholic ver- sion, and King James' Eevision, and of the relation of the earlier versions to the one now in use. The subject embraces the leading epochs of Anglo-Saxon civilization and freedom. C O N T E N T8 : separated from the Papacy. Anne's influ- ence in favor of the Bible. Chaptee X.— EflForts by King and Clergy to entrap Tyndale. His imprisonment and martvrdom. Chaptee 1:I.— Triumph of the Principle. Tyndale's Bible authorised to be read in public and in private, without restriction. Chapter XII. — Coverdale's Bible. Chaptee XIII. — Taverner's Bible. Chapter XIV. — Cranmer's Bible. The Anglican Church. liise of Puritanism in the Church. Chapter XV .—The fieign of Terror. Cha- racter of Bloody Mary. Protestant Mar- tyrs and Exiles. Chapter XVI.— The Genevan Version. Its superior Scholarship. Its influence on the development of Puritanism in the Church. The Family Bible of England for nearly a centurv. Chapter XVII. — the Bishop's Bible. Queen Elizabeth's Policy with reference to the Church. Conflict between Prelacy and Puritanism. Chapter XVIII.— The Bishop's Bible- continued. Motives of its projector. Arch- bishop Parker. First English Version of the Scriptures bearing the impress of party. Chaptee XIX.— Khemish or Douay Bible; the Catholic Version. Its Origin, Charac- ter and Influence. Chapter XX.— The Common Version. State of Parties in the Cluirch at James' Acces- sion. Hampton Court Conference ; tri. umph of the prelatical party. Proposa for a Eevision of the Church-Bille favor- ably received by the King. His motives. His plan for the work. Chapter XXI.— The Common Version — continued. The Kings liberal arrange- ments for securing and rewarding compe- tent revisers. Principles of translation prescribed by the King; their influence on the character of the Version. Its Scho- larship. Contemporaneous criticism. Ob- stacles to its reception within and without the Church. The just claims of the Com- mon Version. Chapter XXII.— Eetrospcct. Leading cha- racteristics and influence of English Bible, Translation. New and brilliant era of Sacred Learning, Progress in evely branch of Biblical knowledge. Eestora- tion of the Original Text for the use of the learned. Present state of Scholarship two centuries in advance of the En 'lish Bible. TABLE OF PART FIRST. ENGLAND WITHOUT THE BIBLE. Chapter I.— The Bible the People's Char- ter. Relation of Wicklifi'e to his age. Chapter II.— Eeign of Priestcraft The Papal Array in England. Chapter III. — Counter-influences; their inefiiciencv. Chaptee IV.— Wickliff'e, the Bible- Apostle. CnA.PTEE V. — Persecution of Wicklifife by Papal Clergy. Chapter VI. — Wickliife's Views of the New-Testament Ministry. Character and influence of his " poore priestes." Chapter VII.— Wicklifl'e attacks the strong- hold of Popery. Silenced as Theological Professor at Oxford. Chapter VIIL— Concentrates his labors on the enlightening of the common people. Originates Ecligious Tracts. Chapter IX. — Wicklife's BihU. Its per- manent influence on English Chrstianity, andon the English language and literature. PART SECOND. AGE OF BIBLE TRANSLATION IN ENGLAND. 1525-1611. Chapter I. — Continued Influence of Wick- liff'e's Bible among the people. Revival of classical and sacred learning In the schools. Opposition of the Clergy. Chapter II.— William Tyndale's New Tes- tament. Proscribed by Church and State. Chapter III. — Tyndale's Reformatory Writings. Chapter IV. — Persecution of Tyndale by ' Cardinal Wolsey. Chapter V.— The New Antagonist. Cha- racter of Sir Thomas Moore. His early connection with the cause of Church-Re- form. Cn.APTER VI. — ^The theoretical Reformer becomes the practical Conservative. Dis- trusts the Ecformation as revolutionary in its tendency. Grounds of his condem- nation of Tyndale's New Testament. Chapter VII.— Sir Thomas Moore as Lord Chancellor. The civil power now the leader in persecution. Tyndale's New Testament proscribed by royal manifesto. Bible-burning at Paul's Cross. Chapter VIII.— Frith Tyndale^s youthful assistant in Bible-translation. His brilliant and heroic character His martyrdom. Chapter IX. — Anne Boleyn, the Royal Pa- troness. The King's Divorce. England ^^':. ^ /^L<^t%^t*-^t*Cj ^', C ^ C^^i^J^i.-^'if-l -^ i y- A-^V.-fi--^' . /7 .' . ^r s s ^^U\ '^ 9^ ^ 'tA'' 1 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT '^"^^ 198 Main Stnoks LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 b 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RE Renewls and Recharg< Books may be Renew* DUE CALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. 3S may be made 4 days prior to the due date Jd by calling 642-3405. 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