UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. I LOS ANGELES Y SEP 23 1952 LIBRARY GOVT. PUBS. ROOM Edition of May 24, 1911. United States Department of Agriculture, DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS CIRCULAR No. 17. JOS. A. ARNOLD, Editor and Chief. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 4, 1911. PUBLICATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. NOTE. Application for publications In this list should be made to the Editor and Chief of the Division of Publications, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. . The editions of some of the publications are necessarily limited, and when the supply is exhausted and no funds are available for procuring additional copies, applicants are referred to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, who has them for sale at a nominal price, under the law of January 12, 1895. Applicants are urgently requested to ask only for those publications In which they are particularly interested. The department can not undertake to supply complete sets, nor Is it allowable to send more than one copy of any publication to an applicant. MISCELLANEOUS. REPORTS. Report of the Director for the year 1889. Same, 1891. Same, 1897. Same, 1903. Same, 1908. Same, 1892. Same, 1899. Same, 1904. Same, 1909. Same, 1893. Same, 1900. Same, 1905. Same, 1910. Same, 1895. Same, 1901. Same, 1906. Same, 1896. Same, 1902. Same, 1907. BULLETINS. [In applying for bulletins the name of the office as well as the number of the bulletin should be given, as "Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletin No. 4."] Bul. 4. Lists of Horticulturists of the Agricultural Experiment Stations in the United States, with an outline of the work in horticulture at the several stations. 10. Meteorological Work for Agricultural Institutions. 15. Handbook of Experiment Station Work: A Popular Digest of Publications of the Agricultural Experiment Stations in the United States. 1893. 22. Agricultural Investigations at Rotharnsted, England, During a Period of Fifty Years. Six Lectures Delivered Under the Provisions of Lawes Agricultural Trust. 25. Dairy Bacteriology. 26. Agricultural Experiment Stations: Their Object and Work. 42. Cotton Culture in Egypt. 80. The Agricultural Experiment Stations in the United States. 103. The Evolution of Reaping Machines. 106. Results of Investigations on the Rothamsted Soils. 112. Agricultural Experiment Stations in Foreign Countries. 173. Corn-harvesting Machinery. 191. Tests of Internal-combustion Engines on Alcohol Fuel. 9354911 CIRCULARS. [In applying for rliviiliir-. ii. wt-ll a* the iniii:' .rculnr li>i\ild be i illii-r nf K\|HTiiiu-n: iilur NM. 11."] Circ. 11. Rule- for Naming Vegetables. Reportof Committee of Experiment Station HorticultartetB. 19. Experiments \v ith Fertilizers on Fruits :iml Vegetable* to Stmly tin- Feed- in u' Capacitie- of tin- Plant*) and the Variations Dm- t<> tin- Action . till/' xejmlus). 30. IVnnaiuMit Elements in Experiment Station Work. 33. Civil Service in the Department of Agriculture. 44. Agricultural Experiment Stations in the United States. 56. Constitution >f tin- A~-ori.iti.m of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, as amended at the Seventeenth Animal Convention of the A.-sMciation, Washington, 1). C., Novemlx-r 17-19, 1903. 68. Federal Legislation, Regulations, and R \lUngs Affecting Airricultural Col- leg<-.- an-1 l'.\]ii-riiiu-nt Stations. 70. Publications of tin- Office of I .\|.eriint'nt Stations from its Organization to .hi m- .SO. 1906. Revised K-lition. 71. Report of the Coinmii tee on Experiment Station Organization and Policy. [Pre.-enteil to the Association of American Agricultural Colleges ami Experiment stations, Baton Rouge, 1906.] 82. Report of Committee on Station Organization and Policy. [Presented to the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment tion^-. Washington, 190S.] DOCUMENTS. [In applying for documents, the name of the office as well as the number of the document should be given, as " Office of Experiment Stations, Document No. 404."] Doc. 404. American Agricultural Experiment Stations. 406. The Legislative Career of Hon. Justin T. Morrill. 503. Report of Section on Entomology. 505. Report of Section on Mechanic Arts. 506. Address of President of Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. 512. Range Improvement and Administration. 573. Address of President of Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. "S74. Tuske._ree Normal and Industrial Institute and Experiment Station. 592. Excellences and Defects of Existing Legislation for the Control of Insect and Fungus Pests. 680. Address of the President of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. 681. Memorial Address of President W. L. Broun. 754. ExjH-riment Station Men in the Dual R61e of Instructor and Investigator. 1029. Experiment Station Work with Peaches. 1210. Forestry in Nature Study. 1345. List of Station Publications Received by the Office of Experimei,- lions during January, 1911. 1352. List of Station Publications Received by the Office of Experiment Sta- tions during February, 1911. 1360. List of Station Publications Received by the Office of Experimeii- tions during March, 1911. SEPARATE REPRINTS FROM THE YEARBOOK. [In applying for reprints the number of the separate should be given: "Yearbook Separate No. 175.J Ybk. Sep. 175. Agricultural Experiment Stations in the United States. Sep. 292. Some practical Results of Experiment Station Work. Sep. 326. Macaroni Wheat. EXPERIMENT STATION WORK. [These bulletins appear first in large editions in the regular Farmers' Bulletin series of the department, and then in smaller editions with consecutive paging and index, as listed below. In requesting copies volume and number should be given, as "Expt. Sta. Work, Vol. II, No. 1."] Vol. II. Nos. 1 to 20, with index. III. Nos. 1 to 20. IV. Nos. 1, 2. FARMERS' BULLETINS. [In applying for Farmers' Bulletins the number of the bulletin should be given, as "Faamiers Bulletin No. 35."] F. B. 35. Potato Culture. 44. Commercial Fertilizers: Composition and Use. 48. The Manuring of Cotton. 56. Experiment Station Work I. 65. Experiment Station Work II. 69. Experiment Station Work III. 73. Experiment Station Work IV. 77. The Liming of Soils. 78. Experiment Station Work V. 79. Experiment Station Work VI. 81. Corn Culture in the South. 84. Experiment Station Work VII. 87. Experiment Station Work VIII. 92. Experiment Station Work IX. 97. Experiment Station Work X. 103. Experiment Station Work XI. 105. Experiment Station Work XII. 114. Experiment Station Work XIV. 119. Experiment Station Work XV. 122. Experiment Station Work XVI. 133. Experiment Station Work X VIII. 144. Experiment Station Work XIX. 149. Experiment Station Work XX. 162. Experiment Station Work XXI. 169. Experiment Station Work XXII. 186. Experiment Station Work XXIII. 190. Experiment Station Work XXIV 192. Barnyard Manure. 193. Experiment Station Work XXV. 202. Experiment Station Work XX VI. 210. Experiment Station Work XXVII. 222. Experiment Station Work XXVIII. 225. Experiment Station Work XXIX. 227. Experiment Station Work XXX. 233. Experiment Station Work XXX I. 237. Experiment Station Work XXXII. I 1',. 1M. K\periiii.-nt Station \V..rk-X\XIII. L'-M. r.xprrim.'iit >tation \Vnrk-X.\XIV. ;>eriinent Stati-.n \Vi.rk-XXXV. 262. Kxperiment Station Work X XXVI. Kxpi-riiM.Mit Stution Work X X X V 1 1 . 270. Modem OoovsniencM for the I arm Home. L'7:;. Kxprrii.H-Mt station W..rk X X XVI 1 1. 276. Experiment Station Work X XXIX 277. The Use of Alcohol and Gasoline in Farm Engines 281. Experiment Station Work XL. 296. Experiment Station Work XLI. 303. Corn-harvesting Machinery. 305. Experiment Station Work XLI I. 309. Experiment Station Work XLIII. 316. Experiment Station Work XLI V. 317. Experiment Station Work XI. V. 320. Experiment Station Work XL VI. 329. Experiment Station Work XLVII. 334. Experiment Station Work XLVIII. 342. Experiment Station Work XLIX. 353. Experiment Station Work L. 360. Experiment Station Work LI. 366. Experiment Station Work LII. 374. Experiment Station Work LIII. 381. Experiment Station Work LIV. 384. Experiment Station Work LV. 388. Experiment Station Work LVI. 405. Experiment Station Work LVII. 412. Experiment Station Work LVIII. 4l!. Experiment Station Work LIX. 425. Experiment Station Work LX. 430. Experiment Station Work LXI. 435. Experiment Station Work LXII. AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION SERVICE. BULLETINS. Misc. Bute. Nos. 1 and 2. Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. 1889. Bui. 7, 16, 20, 24, 30, 41, 49, 65, 76, 99, 142, 153, 164, 184, 196, 212, 228. Proceed- ings of the Annual Convention of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. 1891-1938. 127. Instruction in Agronomy at Some Agricultural Colleges. 139. Special and Short Courses in Agricultural Colleges. 195. Simple Exercises Illustrating Some Applications of Chemistry to Agricul- ture. 204. School Gardening and Nature Study in English Rural Schools andj in London. 220. Secondary Agricultural Education in Alabama. -'M. College Extension in Agriculture. 233. Organization Lists of the Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations'in the l'nite'1 State-. 1910. CIRCULARS. Circ. 32 (revised). Report of the Committee on Methods of Teaching Agriculture. [First Report.] 40. Land-grant and Other Colleges and the National Defense. 42. A German Common School with a Garden. 49. Secondary Courses in Agriculture. (Seventh Report of Committee on Methods of Teaching Agriculture. ) 60. The Teaching of Agriculture in the Rural Common Schools. (Ninth Re- port of the Committee on Methods of Teaching Agriculture.) 69. A Four- Years' College Course in Agriculture. 77. A Secondary Course in Agronomy. (Eleventh Report of the Committee on Instruction in Agriculture. ) 90. Normal School Instruction in Agriculture. 91. Secondary Education in Agriculture in the United States. 93. Organization, Work, and Publications of the Agricultural Education Service , 97. Institutions in the United States Giving Instruction in Agriculture. 100. A Secondary Course in Animal Production. 106. The American System of Agricultural Education. 111. Federal Legislation, Regulations, and Rulings Affecting Agricultural Col- leges and Experiment Stations. DOCUMENTS. Doc. 572. Report on Graduate School of Agriculture. 575. Graduate School of Agriculture as a Means of Improving the Pedagogical Form of Courses in Agriculture. 577. Military Instruction in Land-grant Colleges. 678. Instruction in Agriculture in Land-grant Colleges and Schools for Colored Persons. 682. Mission of the Land-grant Colleges. 706. The American System of Agricultural Education. 710. Description of Exhibit of Colleges of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and Experiment Stations, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. 790. How Much Teaching, if Any, is it Desirable that a Station Worker Should Do? 803. Progress in Agricultural Education, 1904. 930. Progress in Agricultural Education, 1905. 968. Institutions in United States Giving Instruction in Agriculture. 1025. Progress in Agricultural Education, 1906. 1132. Progress in Agricultural Education, 1907. 1218. Progress in Agricultural Education, 1908. 1301. Agriculture as a First- Year Science. 1311. Progress in Agricultural Education, 1909. SEPARATE REPRINTS FROM THE YEARBOOK. Ybk. Sep. 233. Some Problems of the Rural Common School. Sep. 382. The Use of Illustrative Material in Teaching Agriculture in Rural Schools. Sep. 445. Training Courses for Teachers of Agriculture. FARMERS' BULLETINS. F. B. 385. Boys' and Girls' Agricultural Clubs. 408. School Exercises in Plant Production. 409. School Lessons on Corn. 423. Forest Nurseries for Schools. FARMERS' INSTITUTE AND EXTENSION WORK. BULLETim Bui. 79, Farmery' Institute-: History and Status in the United States and Canada. 110, P.M. i:s. r. !;.', 182. I'.' 1 '. 'Ji::. ami L"-'."). I'roc.-edinir- "t the Animal Meet- titut- Workers. 1901-1909. ]:;." re\ -.slution Ki-latinir to Fanners' Institute- in the United States. 1 ">">. Agricultural Instruction fur Adults in the British F.mpiiv. lii:;. Agricultural In -tin -ti.iii for Adult* in < 'i-nt mental < '. untri' -. 166. Course in Cheese Making for Movable Schools of Agriculture. 174. History of Farmers' Institute- in tin- United St;: 17s. Course in Fruit Growing for Movable Schools of Agriculture. 200. Course in C'ereal Foods and Their Preparation for Movable Schools of Agriculture. CIRCULARS. Circ. 72. Report of Committee on Extension Work, 1905-6. 7">. Report of Committee on Extension Work, 1906-7. 79. Form of Organization for Movable Schools of Agriculture. 99. Farmers' Institutes for Young People. 105. List of State Directors of Farmers' Institutes and Institute Lecturers. 109. Agricultural Fair Associations and Their Utilization in Agricultural Edu- cation and Improvement. DOCUMENTS. Doc. 539. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers, 1902. Part I. 540. Same, Part II. 568. Farmers' Institutes in the United States. 636. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Farmers' Institute Workers, 1903. Part I. 637. Same, Part II. 711. Farmers' Institutes in the United States. 804. Annual Report of Farmers' Institutes, 1904. 931. Farmers' Institutes in the United States, 1903. 1011. Form of Organization for Farmers' Institutes. 1133. Farmers' Institutes in the United States. 1907. 1179. Constitution and By-laws of the American Association of Farmers' Insti- tute Workers, 1908. 1219. Farmers' Institutes in the United States, 1908. 1312. Farmers' Institutes in the United States, 1909. FARMERS' INSTITUTE LECTURES. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 1. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Milk. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 2 (revised). Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Potato Diseases and Their Treatment. Fanners' Institute Lecture No. 3 (revised). Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Acid Soils. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 5 (revised). Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Silage and Silo Construction for the South. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 6. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Essentials of Successful Field Experimentation, ' Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 7. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Roads and Road Building. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 8. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Farm Archi- tecture. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 9. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Tobacco Growing. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 10. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on the Production and Marketing of Eggs and Fowls. Farmers' Institute Lecture No. 11. Syllabus of Illustrated Lecture on Wheat Culture. FOOD AND NUTRITION INVESTIGATIONS. FOOD OF MAN. BULLETINS. Bui. 29. Dietary Studies at the University of Tennessee in 1895. 31. Dietary Studies at the University of Missouri in 1895, and Data Relating to Bread and Meat Consumption in Missouri. 32. Dietary Studies at Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., in 1895. 35. Food and Nutrition Investigations in New Jersey in 1895 and 1896. 37. Dietary Studies at Maine State College in 1895. 38. Dietary Studies with Reference to the Food of the Negro in Alabama in 1895 and 1896. Conducted with the cooperation of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute and the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama. 40. Dietary Studies in New Mexico in 1895. 44. Report of Preliminary Investigations on the Metabolism of Nitrogen and Carbon in the Human Organism with a Respiration Calorimeter of Spe- cial Construction. 45. A Digest of Metabolism Experiments in which the Balance of Income and Outgo was Determined. 52. Nutrition Investigations in Pittsburg, Pa., 1894-1896. 53. Nutrition Investigations at the University of Tennessee, 1896-1897. 54. Nutrition Investigations in New Mexico in 1897. 55. Dietary Studies in Chicago in 1895 and 1896. 63. Description of a Respiration Calorimeter and Experiments on the Conser- vation of Energy in the Human Body. 66. The Physiological Effect of Creatin and Creatinin and Their Value as Nutrients. 71. Dietary Studies of Negroes in Eastern Virginia in 1897 and 1898. 75. Dietary Studies of University Boat Crews. 84. Nutrition Investigations at the California Agricultural Experiment Station, 1896-1898. 89. Experiments on the Effect of Muscular Work upon the Digestibility of Food and the Metabolism of Nitrogen. Conducted at the University of Ten- nessee, 1897-1899. 91. Nutrition Investigations at the University of Illinois, North Dakota Agri- cultural College, and Lake Erie College^ Ohio, 1896-1900. 101. Studies on Bread and Bread Making at the University of Minnesota in 1899 and 1900. 102. Experiments on Losses in Cooking Meat, 1898-1900. 109. Experiments on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy In the Human Body, 1898-1900. 116. Dietary Studies in New York City in 1896 and 1897. 117. Experiments on the Effect of Muscular Work Upon the Digestibility of Food and the Metabolism of Nitrogen. Conducted at the University of Tennessee, 1899-1900. 121. Experiments on the Metabolism of Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Phosphorus in the Human Organism. 8 Bu). 126. Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread at the I'ni- v.-r>ity of Mimic.-ota in 1900-1902. rj'.i. Dietary Studies in Boston and Springfield, Mass., Philadelphia, 1'a., and Chicago, 111. 132. Further Investigations Among Fruitarians at the California Agricultural Kxpcriment Stations. 136. Experiments on the Metabolism of Matter and Energy in the Human Body, 1900- WIL'. 141. Experiments on Losses in Cooking Meat, 1900-1903. 143. Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread atthe Maine A-rimltiiral Kxperiment Station, 1899-1903. 149. Studies of the Food of Maim- Lumbermen. 150. Dietary Studies at the Government Hospital for the Insane, Wash- ington, D. C. 152. Dietary Studies with Harvard University Students. 156. Studies on the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Bread and of Macaroni at the University of Minnesota, 1903-1905. 159. A Digest of Japanese Investigations on the Nutrition of Man. 162. Studies on the Influence of Cooking upon the Nutritive Value of Meats at the rniversity of Illinois, 1903-1904. 185. Iron in Food and its Functions in Nutrition. 187. Studies of the Digestibility and Nutritive Value of Legumes at the Uni- versity of Tennessee, 1901-1905. 193. Studies of the Effect of Different Methods of Cooking upon the Thor- oughness and Ease of Digestion of Meat at the University of Illinois. 202. Digestibility of Starch of Different Sorts as Affected by Cooking. 223. Dietary Studies in Public Institutions in Philadelphia, Pa., and Balti- more, Md. 227. Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus in Food and Nutrition. CIRCULARS. Circ. 102. Food and Nutrition Investigations of the Office of Experiment Stations Organization and Publications. DOCUMENTS. Doc. 496. Scope and Results of Nutrition Investigations for 1901. 566. Dietary Studies of Groups, Especially in Public Institutions. 671. Nutrition Investigations at the Government Hospital for the Insane, Washington, D. C. 800. Dietaries in Relation to Hospitals for the Insane. 1027. The Nutrition Investigations of the Office of Experiment Stations and Their Results. SEPARATE REPRINTS FROM THE YEARBOOK. Ybk. Sep. 326. Macaroni Wheat. Sep. 454. Food and Diet in the United States. FARMERS' BULLETIN- F. B. 34. Meats: Composition and Cooking. 85 (revised). Fish as Food. 93 (revised). Sugar as Food. 121 (revised). Beans, Peas, and Other Legumes as Food. 128 (revised). Eggs and Their Uses as Food. 14L'. Principles of Nutrition and Nutritive Value of Food. 182. Poultry as Food. 9 F. B. 203. Canned Fruit, Preserves, and Jellies: Household Methods of Preparation. 234. The Guinea Fowl and Its Use as Food. 249. Cereal Breakfast Foods. 256. Preparation of Vegetables for the Table. 270. Modern Conveniences for the Farm Home. 293. Use of Fruit as Food. 295. Potatoes and Other Root Crops Used as Food. 298. Food Value of Corn and Corn Products. 332. Nuts and Their Uses as Food. 363. The Use of Milk as Food. 375. Care of Food in the Home. 389. Bread and Bread Making. 391. Economical Use of Meat in the Home. 413. The Care of Milk and Its Use in the Home. FEEDING OF ANIMALS. Bui. 125. A Digest of Recent Experiments in Horse Feeding. Doc. 583. The Source of Carbohydrates for the South for the Production of Meat. Ybk. Sep. 105. The Needs and Requirements of a Control of Feeding Stuffs. F. B. 22. The Feeding of Farm Animals. 49. Sheep Feeding. 170. Principles of Horse Feeding. IRRIGATION INVESTIGATIONS. BULLETINS. Bui. 36. Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. 70. Water-right Problems of Bear River. 118. Irrigation from Big Thompson River. 134. Storage of Water on Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers. 144. Irrigation in Northern Italy Part I. 148. Report on irrigation Investigations in Humid Sections of the United States in 1903. 172. Irrigation in Montana. 177. Evaporation Losses in Irrigation and Water Requirements of Crops. 181. Mechanical Tests of Pumping Plants in California. 188. Irrigation in the Yakima Valley, Washington. 190. Irrigation in Northern Italy Part II. 191. Tests of Internal Combustion Engines on Alcohol Fuel. 192. Irrigation and Drainage Laws of Italy. 201. Cost of Pumping from Wells for the Irrigation of Rice in Louisiana and Arkansas. 205. Irrigation in Wyoming. 207. Irrigation in the Sacramento Valley, California. 210. Irrigation in South Dakota. 211. Irrigation in Kansas. 214. Irrigation in the State of Washington. 215. Irrigation in New Mexico. 216. Irrigation in Idaho. 218. Irrigation in Colorado. 219. Irrigation in North Dakota. 222. Irrigation in Texas. 226. Irrigation Experiments and Investigations in Western Oregoc. 236. The L T se of Underground Water for Irrigation at Pomona, Ca'ifornia. 237. Irrigation in California. to CIRCULAR. <;?. Investigation* of Irrigation Practice in Oregon. '.'!'. Progress Report "ii KxperimentH in Supplemental Irrigation with Small Water Supplies at Cheyenne ami New rastle. Wyoming. l'n:>-l<>08. . Kxperimeiit-" in Supplemental Irrigation with Small Water Supplies at Cheyenne, Wyoming. n>09. 108. Second Progress Rejort of ( 'ouperative Irrigation Investigations in Cali- fornia. DOCUMENTS Doc. 44S. Irrigation Problems in 1 1 oneylake Basin, California. 4">o. Feature-; .>f Water KL'lit- of Vnl>a River, California. 452. IrriL'ati-iii Problems of Salinas Valley, California. 453. Irrigation from San Joacjuin River, California. 45-"x A Study of Water Rights on the Los Angeles River, California. 4")ii. Problems of Water Storage on Torrential Streams of Southern California. !>_'. Keport of Irrigation Invei-tigations for 1900. No. 1. Review of Work. Discussion of Investigations. . Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1900. No. 2. irrigation on Pecos River and Its Tributaries. Irrigation in Salt River Valley. Duty of Water I'mler the Gage Canal, Riverside, California, 1900. 484. Report of Irrigation Investigations for !. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901. No. 1. 547. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901. >o. 2. 548. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1901. No. 3. 565. R'-vi.-w of Irrigation Investigations for 1902. i>-4. Report of Irrigation Inve>ti'_ r ations for litO'J. No. 1. 625. Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1902. No. 2. 71''. List of Publications on Irrigation and Drainage, 1904. 723. Irrigation Investigations of the Office of Experiment Stations. s37. Annual Report of Irrigation and Drainage Investigations, 1904. 854. Water Rights on Interstate Streams: The Platte River and Tributai Results of Investigations. 855. Water Rights on Interstate Streams: The Platte River and Tributaries- Water Rights within the Sta 1135. Losses in Irrigation Water and Their Prevention. 1221. Review of Ten Years of Irrigation Investigations. 1314. Recent Irrigation Legislation. SKPAKATK RKPKINT FROM THE YEARBOOK. Ybk. Sep. 514. M.-thod- of Applying Water to Crops. FARMERS' BULLETIN- F. B. 138. Irrigation in Field and Garden. 158. How to Build Small Irrigation I>it.-h.->. Prartieal Information for Beginners in Irrigation. 277. The Use of Alcohol and Gasoline in Farm Engines. 11 F. B. 371. Drainage of Irrigated Lands. 373. Irrigation of Alfalfa. 392. Irrigation of Sugar Beets. 394. The Use of Windmills in Irrigation in the Semiarid West. 399. Irrigation of Grain. 404. Irrigation of Orchards. DRAINAGE INVESTIGATIONS. BULLETINS. Bui. 147. Report on Drainage Investigations in 1903. 189. Report on the Drainage of the Eastern Parts of Cass, Traill, Grand Forks, Welsh, and Penibina Counties, North Dakota. 198. The Prevention of Injury by Floods in the Neosho Valley, Kansas. 230, Part I. Report on the St. Francis Valley Drainage Project in Northeastern Arkansas. Part I. General Report. 230, Part II. Report on the St. Francis Valley Drainage Project in Northeastern Arkansas. Part II. Bench Marks. 234. A Report Upon the Reclamation of the Overflowed Lands in the Marias des Cygnes Valley, Kansas. CIRCULARS. Circ. 76. The Swamp and Overflowed Lands of the United States. 80. A Report Upon the Drainage of Agricultural Lands in the Kankakee River Valley, Indiana. 88 (revised). Organization, Work, and Publications of Drainage Investigations. 103. The Drainage Situation in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas. 104. A Preliminary Report on the Drainage of the Fifth Louisiana Levee'Dis- trict, Comprising the Parishes of East Carroll, Madison, Tensas, [and Concordia. DOCUMENTS. Doc. 845. Report of Drainage Investigations, 1904. 1028. Reclamation of Tide Lands. 1222. The Alluvial Lands of the Lower Mississippi Valley and Their Drainage. 1315. Reclamation of the Southern Louisiana Wet Prairie Lands. FARMERS' BULLETINS. F. B. 187. Drainage of Farm Lands. 371. Drainage of Irrigated Lands. o 102 698