HISTORIC TOWNS IE WESTERN American IMstoric Cowns Historic Towns of New England Edited by LYMAN P. POWELL. With Intro- duction by GEORGE P. MORRIS. Fully illustrated. Large 8, net $3.00. Historic Towns of the Middle States Edited by LYMAN P. POWELL. With Intro- duction by ALBERT SHAW. Fully illustrated. Large 8, nef^.oo. Historic Towns of the Southern States Edited by LYMAN P. POWELL. With Intro- duction by W. P. TRENT. Fully illustrated. Large 8, net $3.00. Historic Towns of the Western States Edited by LYMAN P. POWELL. With Intro- duction by R. G. THWAITES, Fully illustrated. Large 8, net $3.00. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York and London THE DEARBORN MONUMENT. Frontispiece. Bmcrtcan HMstoric own* HISTORIC TOWNS OF THE WESTERN STATES Edited by LPX LYMAN P. POWELL Illustrated G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS NEW YORK & LONDON Cbe fttncfcerbocfce IQOI COPYRIGHT, October, 1901 BV (;. P. PUTNAM'S SONS "Cbc *ntchecbochcr press, Hew PREFACE IN presenting to the reading public this fourth volume in the series of Historic Towns, a volume which brings the series to a close, it is in order for the editor to call atten- tion to the necessarily large measure of liberty accorded to the contributors in their treatment of the records of the several towns. With several of his co-laborers the editor has on one point or another found himself at variance. Examples of such difference of conclusions are presented in the references to the Mormons and to the Mound-builders. The editor bears in mind, however, the essential difference between editorial responsi- bilities and those belonging to the writers of the papers. It was his duty to choose as con- tributors not writers who necessarily share his own view, but those who are most fairly repre- sentative of the towns described, who possess the necessary familiarity with the historic - iv Preface records, and whose narratives would be as- sured of an appreciative and sympathetic re- ception from their fellow-townsmen, men who love their town " with love far-brought From out the storied Past, and used Within the Present." In the studies of Western history made by the editor during the past ten years, two his- torians have been his inspiration : Francis Parkman, of blessed memory, revered by all who love good literature and good history ; and Theodore Roosevelt, now by the will of God President of the United States, and a trustworthy and inspiring writer of our nation's history long before he took his place among its distinguished makers. In offering to the public this final volume of American Historic Towns, the editor ven- tures to hope that by thus focalizing and localizing Western history, the publishers, authors, and editor are contributing somewhat to the popular knowledge of and interest in the history of the Great West which Parkman and Roosevelt first made possible. Since with this volume the series is brought Preface v to a close, the editor trusts that the publishers, Messrs. G. P. Putnam's Sons, will lay aside their reluctance to be mentioned in the Pre- face, and will permit the editor to express his admiration and indebtedness for their share, larger than is usual with publishers, in the production of the series. To his wife, Ger- trude Wilson Powell, acknowledgment is also due for aid given in this as in the earlier vol- umes, the full value of which cannot here be indicated. Besides making two important con- tributions to the volume, Messrs. R. G. Thwaites and Harold Bolce have ever been ready with suggestion and counsel, always valued and almost always followed. To Doc- tors Talcott Williams, Albert Shaw, and George Petrie, the editor would speak this last word of gratitude for cordial and skilled assistance in connection not alone with this book but with the whole undertaking. This closing volume now goes out, with the edi- tor's best wishes, to the earlier friends of the series and to the new friends yet to be gained for it. LYMAN P. POWELL. ST. JOHN'S RECTORY, LANSDOWNE, PENNSYLVANIA, September 21, 1901. o^Oiicw^sP'*^ ^ ^ r\ % / Vf^Jr^V^^^'T 6 . * ..*.. CONTENTS I PAGE INTRODUCTION . Reuben G. Thwaites xix MARIETTA . Muriel Campbell Dyar . i CLEVELAND . Charles F. Thwing . 3' CINCINNATI . Milton E. Ailes 55 DETROIT Silas Farmer . . 87 MACKINAC . Sara Andrew Shafer 121 INDIANAPOLIS . Perry S. Heath 147 VINCENNES . William Henry Smith 169 CHICAGO Lyman J. Gage . 197 MADISON . . Reuben G. Thwaites MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL - Charles B. Elliott . . 265 DBS MOINES Frank I. Herriott . 301 ST. Louis . . .William Marion Reedy . 33' KANSAS CITY . Charles S. Gleed . 375 OMAHA . Victor Rosewater . 401 DENVER John Cotton Dana . 425 SANTA FE . . Frederick Webb Hodge . 44$ vii viii Contents PAGE SALT LAKE CITY James Edward Talmage . . 479 SPOKANE . . Harold Bolce .... 509 PORTLAND . . Thomas L. Cole . . . 535 SAN FRANCISCO . Edwin Markham . . . 569 MONTEREY . Harold Bolce . . . .617 Los ANGELES Florence E. Winslow . . 645 ILLUSTRATIONS THE DEARBORN MONUMENT . . . Frontispiece MARIETTA MARIETTA 3 GENERAL RUFUS PUTNAM 7 OLD BLOCKHOUSE, MARIETTA 9 THE MILLS HOMESTEAD, MARIETTA . . . . .17 HARMAN BLENNERHASSETT 19 MRS. BLENNERHASSETT 21 MARIETTA COLLEGE BUILDINGS 23 MOUND CEMETERY, MARIETTA 25 OHIO COMPANY'S LAND OFFICE ...... 27 OLD Two HORN CHURCH 29 CLEVELAND VIEW IN GORDON PARK . . 33 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CLEVELAND 35 SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT, CLEVELAND ... 38 ARMORY OF THE CLEVELAND GRAYS 42 LAKE IN WADE PARK, SHOWING ADELBERT COLLEGE IN THE DISTANCE .45 PERRY'S MONUMENT, WADE PARK, CLEVELAND ... 48 ix x Illustrations PAGE CHARLES F. BROWNE (" ARTEMUS WARIJ ") ... 49 CONSTANCE FENIMORE WOOLSON 50 GARFIF.LD MEMORIAL, CLEVELAND 52 CINCINNATI TYLER-DAVIDSON FOUNTAIN 59 ENTRANCE TO SPRING GROVE CEMETERY .... 65 RACE STREET, CINCINNATI bg CITY HALL, CINCINNATI 73 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CINCINNATI 77 SUSPENSION BRIDGE 79 RESERVOIR, EDEN PARK 83 DETROIT CADILLAC SQUARE SHOWING CITY HALL AND MAJESTIC BUILDING 89 THE DETROIT RIVER FROM "WINDMILL POINT," 1838 . . 93 From a Pencil Drawing. WEST GRAND CIRCUS PARK 97 WAYXE COUNTY BUILDING, FACING CADILLAC SQUARE . . 103 COLONEL ARENT SCHUYLER DE PEYSTER . . . .112 EVACUATION DAY TABLET, ON POST-OFFICE . . .113 GENERAL GRANT'S HOME IN DETROIT . . . .115 HURLBUT MEMORIAL GATE ENTRANCE TO WATER-WORKS PARK 117 , MACKINAC ISLAND OLD MISSION CHURCH (CIRCA) 1823, MACKINAC ISLAND . 123 ARCH ROCK, MACKINAC ISLAND .127 Illustrations xi PAGE SUGAR LOAF ROCK, MACKINAC ISLAND 131 OLD BLOCKHOUSE (1780) OVERLOOKING THE LAKE . . 135 " OLD STONE QUARTERS," FORT MACKINAC, 1780. . . 137 SIGNATURES OF THE CHIPPEWA CHIEFS, WHO, IN 1781, DEEDED THE ISLAND TO KING GEORGE III . . . 139 From " Mackinac," by John R. Bailey, M. D., Brevet Lieut. -Col., U. S. V., by whose kind permission they are here reproduced. FORT MACKINAC, AND THE CANNON CAPTURED BY COMMO- DORE PERRY REV. ELEAZAR WILLIAMS Reproduced from Latimer's "Scrap-Book of the Revolu- tion," by permission of A. C. McClurg & Co. INDIANAPOLIS THE OLD STATE HOUSE, INDIANAPOLIS 149 THE NEW PUBLIC LIBRARY, INDIANAPOLIS . . .151 BKNJAMIN HARRISON 153 STATE HOUSE, INDIANAPOLIS, EAST FRONT . . . .155 SOLDIERS' MONUMENT, INDIANAPOLIS 159 MARION COUNTY COURT HOUSE 161 COLUMBIA CLUB, INDIANAPOLIS 163 THE HENDRICKS MONUMENT 165 VINCENNES EARLY FRENCH SETTLERS AT VINCENNES .... 175 FORT SACKVILLE, 1779 i~9 CLARK AND His MEN CROSSING THE RIVER . . . . ' 181 GENERAL GEORGE ROGERS CLARK 187 xii Illustrations PAGE WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON 192 ST. XAVIER'S CHURCH, 1779 193 CHICAGO THE DEARBORN MONUMENT 203 THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BUILDING, CHICAGO . 207 AUDITORIUM HOTEL, CHICAGO 211 THE ART INSTITUTE, CHICAGO 215 STATUE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN 219 By St. Gaudens. RUINS OF THE GREAT FIRE, CHICAGO 223 PUBLIC LIBRARY, CHICAGO 231 MADISON THE STATE HOUSE, MADISON 237 THE FIRST EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE (STILL STANDING) IN USE BY GOVERNOR DOTY 241 PROFILE ROCK ON LAKE MENDOTA 244 VIEW OF MADISON ACROSS LAKE MONONA .... 247 THE FIRST STATE HOUSE, MADISON 251 MADISON FROM THE STATE HOUSE, SHOWING UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS IN THE DISTANCE 253 PROFESSOR WILLIAM FRANCIS ALLEN 254 UNIVERSITY HALL, STATE UNIVERSITY 257 STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY BUILDING 259 GENERAL Lucius FAIRCHILD 262 Ex-Minister to Spain. MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL THE FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY ABOUT 1850 . . . .267 Illustrations xiii PAGE TOWER AT FORT SNELLING 269 The Original " Fort " now used as a Guard-House. ALEXANDER RAMSEY 272 COURT HOUSE AND CITY HALL, MINNEAPOLIS . . . 275 FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY DURING HIGH WATER . . . 279 THE MILLING DISTRICT 281 PUBLIC LIBRARY, MINNEAPOLIS 284 OLE BULL MONUMENT IN LORING PARK .... 286 LORING PARK, MINNEAPOLIS 289 THE FALLS OF MINNEHAHA 291 THE CAPITOL, ST. PAUL 295 A CALM EVENING . . - 299 DES MOINES FORT DES MOINES IN 1844 303 KEOKUK AT THE AGE OF 67 307 From a Daguerreotype taken in 1847. IOWA SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT .... 315 GOVERNOR SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD 319 HON. JOHN A. KASSON 324 THE CAPITOL, DES MOINES . 325 THE IOWA HISTORICAL LIBRARY 327 ST. LOUIS COLONEL AUGUSTE CHOUTEAU, ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF ST. Louis 334 From a painting in Missouri Historical Society Collection. THE OLD CHOUTEAU MANSION, BUILT FOR LACLEDE IN 1765 336 From a Daguerreotype in Missouri Historical Society Collection. xiv Illustrations PAGE OLD FRENCH POST-HOUSE, BUILT IN 1770, INHABITED UNTIL 1870 34i OLD MOUND, ST. Louis. REMOVED IN 1869 . . . 346 From a photograph in Missouri Historical Society Collection. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY AS PROJECTED, NOW UNDER CON- STRUCTION 359 ST. Louis IN 1854 365 From a print in Missouri Historical Society Collection. EADS BRIDGE AT ST. Louis 367 FORKST PARK, ST. Louis 369 UNION STATION, ST. Louis 371 KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY FROM THE SOUTH 377 JACKSON COUNTY COURT HOUSE, KANSAS CITY . . . 379 CONVENTION HALL, KANSAS CITY 383 THE CITY HALL, KANSAS CITY 387 THE POST OFFICE, KANSAS CITY 391 A BIT OF GLADSTONE BOULEVARD, KANSAS CITY . . . 393 THE STOCK YARD EXCHANGE, KANSAS CITY .... 396 THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, KANSAS CITY 397 OMAHA ALFRED D. JONES 402 WILLIAM P. SNOWDEN, OMAHA'S FIRST WHITE SETTLER . 404 A TYPICAL OMAHA INDIAN 407 Reproduced by permission of F. A. Rinehart, Omaha. THE HIGH SCHOOL, OMAHA, ON THE SITE OF THE OLD CAPITOL 4" Reproduced by permission of Heyn, Omaha. Illustrations xv PAGE THE CITY HALL 414 RETURN OF THE FIRST NEBRASKA VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 30, 1899 417 THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, OMAHA 419 THE OMAHA EXPOSITION, 1898 421 Reproduced by permission of F. A. Rinehart, Omaha. DENVER SOURCES OF TERRITORIAL ACQUISITION IN COLORADO . . 427 DENVER, COLORADO 429 "SMOKY" JONES 431 THE PRAIRIE SCHOONER, THE PROPER CREST FOR THE COAT- OF-ARMS OF THE WEST 433 FIRST SCHOOLHOUSK IN DENVER 435 FACSIMILE LETTER FROM WM. N. BYERS, THE FOUNDER OF THE " ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS " .... 439 PROSPECTING PARTY, Rico, COLORADO, 1880 . . . 441 Rico, COLORADO, IN 1880, A TYPICAL MINING CAMP . . 443 WILLIAM GILPIN 444 THE CAPITOL, DENVER 445 SANTA FE THE SO-CALLED OLDEST HOUSE IN SANTA FE . . .451 FORT MARCY AND THE PARROQUIA, SANTA FE 455 SAN MIGUEL CHAPEL BEFORE ITS RESTORATION . . . 457 SAN MIGUEL CHAPEL IN 1899 465 From a photograph by A. C. Vroman, Pasadena, Cal. CHRISTOPHER (" KIT") CARSON 467 THE OLD PALACE AT SANTA FE 471 SANTA FE IN 1846 473 THE TERRITORIAL CAPITOL, COMPLETED IN 1900 . . . 474 xvi Illustrations PAGB SALT LAKE CITY PAVILION OF SALTAIR, GREAT SALT LAKE .... 481 BRIGHAM YOUNG 483 Founder of Salt Lake City. EAST TEMPLE STREET, LOOKING SOUTH FROM THE TEMPLE . 485 JEDEDIAH M. GRANT, FIRST MAYOR OF SALT LAKE CITY . 491 EAGLE GATE 492 BRIGHAM YOUNG MONUMENT 495 MAIN STREET IN 1861 497 HOUSE BUILT IN 1847 WITHIN THE OLD FORT . . . 499 MORMON TEMPLE 501 MORMON TABERNACLE , 503 CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING, SALT LAKE CITY . . .505 LION AND BEE-HIVE HOUSES 506 SPOKANE THE COUNTY COURT HOUSE, SPOKANE 511 THE LAST CHIEF TO INTIMIDATE THE INHABITANTS OF SPOKANE 516 THE CITY HALL, SPOKANE 519 J. KENNEDY STOUT 522 THE " SPOKESMAN-REVIEW " BUILDING .... 525 MIDDLE FALLS, SPOKANE 529 MIDDLE FALLS, ECHO FLOUR MILLS, AND OLD POWER HOUSE 531 PORTLAND JOHN JACOB ASTOR 537 ASTORIA IN 181 1 54* Based on a print in Gray's " History of Oregon." Illustrations xvii PAGE FORT VANCOUVER, 1833- 545 THE CITY HALL, PORTLAND 555 PORTLAND IN 1850 557 THE PORT OF PORTLAND 559 JUDGE MATTHEW P. DEADY 560 VIEW OF PORTLAND, 1900 .561 A CORNER IN CHINATOWN 563 THE PORTLAND 565 SAN FRANCISCO VIEW NORTHWEST FROM SPRECKEL'S BUILDING . . . 571 THE DISCOVERY OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY .... 575 From the painting by A. F. Mathews. MISSION DOLORES, BUILT IN 1776 577 SEAL OF THE VIGILANCE COMMITTEE 588 UNION DEPOT 597 CHINESE PHARMACY 599 CHINESE GROCERY STORE . . ... . . . 603 SMOKING ROOM, CHINESE RESTAURANT 604 A BUSINESS CENTRE . 605 PRAYER-BOOK CROSS, GOLDEN GATE PARK . . . 608 SEAL ROCK AND CLIFF HOUSE 609 CITY HALL, SAN FRANCISCO 6n LELAND STANFORD 612 THOMAS STARR KING . 613 HENRY GEORGE 615 MONTEREY SERRA, FOUNDER OF MONTEREY . . . . 618 xviii Illustrations PAGE CARMEL MISSION (RESTORED) . 620 TWILIGHT, MONTEREY BAY 621 SAN CARLOS CHURCH 624 OLD MEXICAN JAIL 630 FISHING VILLAGE 636 ANCIENT CYPRESS AT CYPRESS POINT 637 STATUE OF JUNfpERO SERRA 638 OLD MEXICAN CUSTOM-HOUSE 641 ANCIENT ADOBE CABIN, MONTEREY 642 LOS ANGELES BELLS OF SAN GABRIEL 647 SAN DIEGO MISSION, FOUNDED 1769 649 THK PUEBLO OF Los ANGELES. EARLY SPANISH PLAN. 653 Suertes from C. to E. DON Pio Pico 655 The Last Mexican Governor. DON ANTONIO F. CORONEL, WITH SPANISH CANNON BROUGHT TO SAN DIEGO BY SERRA IN 1769 . . . , 657 THE OLD PLAZA CHURCH, Los ANGELES .... 659 A TYPICAL, COTTAGE 663 JOHN C. FREMONT 666 OLD ADOBE, FREMONT'S HEADQUARTERS . . . .671 FIRST STAGE IN THE ASCENT OF MT. LOWE, CONNECTING WITH ELECTRIC ROAD ON ECHO MOUNTAIN. . . 673 A MODERN RESIDENCE 677 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL 679 THE COURT HOUSE, Los ANGELES 681 IMPROVED HARBOR OF SAN PEDRO, PORT OF Los ANGELES . 683 INTRODUCTION BY REUBEN G. THWAITES THE first two volumes of this series those devoted to the historic towns of New England and the Middle States dealt with communities each group of which has had for the most part a common origin, has progressed along practically parallel lines, and possesses characteristics closely akin. The volume upon the towns of the South brought closely to view the cosmopolitan character of the popu- lation which has settled our continent to the South and Southwest of the Appalachian wall. The stories of Baltimore, Washington, Rich- mond, Charleston, Savannah, and St. Augus- tine bring into view widely-different origins, experiences, and interests along a single stretch of coast ; while Mobile and New Or- leans, Knoxville, Nashville, and Louisville, Vicksburg and Little Rock, are groups repre- xx Introduction senting chapters in our history which appear to have but slight connection save in the view of those who have closely studied the main- springs of American development. The present volume represents even a wider range of historical interest. The attentive reader will, however, discover that although these towns of the far-stretching trans-Alle- ghany region have sprung from curiously divergent beginnings, and are apparently incon- gruous in composition and in aims, there really is and has been much in common among them. In order to understand Western history, one must first have knowledge of the details of the titanic struggle for settlement in North America, made respectively by Spain, France, and England. The early decline of Spanish power north of the Red and the Arkansas, save for the later temporary holding of Louis- iana ; the protracted tragedy which ended on the Plains of Abraham in the Fall of New France ; the Revolution of the English colon- ists, and its portentous results ; the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 ; the Mexican War, the episode of California, the story of Texas, with their consequent ousting of Spain from lands north of the Rio Grande and the Gila all Introduction xxi these are factors bearing the closest relation to the history of the West, and consequently of many of the historic towns whose stories have been grouped within these covers. With these episodes of national rivalry, and consequent diplomacy and war, were inti- mately concerned the French fur-trade out- posts of Detroit, Mackinac, Vincennes, and St. Louis, links in the forted chain which bound Canada and Louisiana, and by means of which it was sought to form a barrier against the Westward growth of the English colonies ; also the Spanish stations of San Francisco, Monterey, Los Angeles, and Santa Fe, which were at once political vantage points and mis- sion seats, for the spread of Spanish power and civilization from Mexico, among the brown barbarians of the North. St. Louis experi- enced both French and Spanish regimes, while Mackinac, Detroit, and Vincennes were much affected by the period of English occupancy. As settlement grew upon the Atlantic coast, the English frontier was inevitably pushed farther and farther from tidewater. The hunter followed his game westward ; so the forest trader, seeking the ever-receding camps of the aborigines, and, in due course, the xxii Introduction raiser of cattle, horses, and swine who needed fresh pastures for his herds as tillage steadily encroached upon the wild lands of the border. At first timorously occupying the valleys and foothills of the eastern slopes, hunter, trader, and grazier, each in his turn, cautiously fol- lowed buffalo traces and Indian war-paths over the crest of the great range, and hailed with glee waters descending into the mysterious West. Not less formidable than the barriers reared by nature were those interposed by the savage, who with dismay saw his hunting grounds fast dwindling under the sway of the land-grabbing English ; and by the jealous machinations of the military agents and fur traders of New France, who brooked no rivalry in their commercial exploitation of the forest. When New France fell, the English crown strictly forbade further settlement in the back country. This order was issued upon the rep- resentations of London merchants interested, as had been the merchant adventurers of France, in preserving the forest for the Indians and the fur trade ; the ministry were not un- mindful also that the bold and liberty-loving frontiersmen who crossed the mountains might Introduction xxiii come to consider English political control as unessential to their being. This policy was, however, diametrically op- posed to the policy of the border. The fertile fields of the West were far from the observa- tion of London officials, the spirit of unrest and the desire for gain laughed at royal procla- mations, and the trans-Alleghany movement but gathered force. By the opening of the Revolution, Kentucky and Tennessee were practically staked out ; by its close, Americans were sole white masters of the West to the east of the Mississippi, save for a brief hold- ing by the British of Detroit, Mackinac, and other upper lake posts, as security for treaty obligations as yet unfulfilled. It had been the custom of England to grant lands for military service ; the American col- onies had likewise liberally rewarded their de- fenders in the Indian wars ; Revolutionary soldiers were now given free access to the broad acres of the West, the direct result of this policy being the settlementsof Marietta andCleveland. Water courses have ever been of the high- est importance in determining the lines of continental settlement. The river St. Law- rence and the great lakes offered to the people xxiv Introduction of New France a continual invitation to ex- plore the regions whence they flowed. It was not long before the French found that the sources of south- and west-flowing waters were not far from the banks of the eastering water- ways upon which they dwelt. By ascending short tributaries, and carrying their light craft along practicable paths, or portages, first used by the Indians, they could re-launch into strange and devious paths which led to all parts of the continental interior the Ohio, the Mississippi, the Assiniboine, and their multifarious affluents and connections. Thus easily did New France spread along the St. Lawrence and the lakes, over into the Ohio and the Mississippi, and down their gliding channels to New Orleans and the sea. In crossing the Alleghanies, the English sought the Ohio and its tributaries the Alle- ghany, the Monongahela, the Cumberland, the Tennessee, the Kanawha, the Big Sandy. The Ohio was long the chief gateway to the West. Upon this royal path into the wil- derness, the Ohio Company sent Christopher Gist to prospect and report ; for its pos- session, France and England came to final blows through the action at Fort Necessity Introduction xxv of Major Washington, than whom no man knew the Ohio better ; it was an approach to Kentucky more inviting than Boone's Wilder- ness Road, through Cumberland Gap ; Clark's flotilla came swooping down the great river to conquer Kaskaskia and Vincennes ; and, the Revolution ended, Rufus Putnam and his fellow veterans from New England claimed their military land grants along this conti- nental highway, at Marietta. Cincinnati, also, was an outpost deliberately planted upon the great pathway to the West, although other- wise differing in genesis. It was by the Great Lakes, that other principal approach to the West, that Moses Cleaveland founded the set- tlement of Revolutionary soldiers who were redeeming their land warrants in New Con- necticut, or the Western Reserve an incident closely connecting Ohio with colonial history. Early in the Western experiences of the new nation, came Indian wars. These resulted in treaties whereunder the defeated tribesmen were either forbidden to enter defined areas of settlement, or were confined within specific reservations. This necessitated the construc- tion of rude but effective frontier forts, which not unfrequently proved the nuclei of hamlets xxvi Introduction that grew into considerable towns. Sometimes these forts were essential to the direct protec- tion of the white settlers, who, upon occasion of alarm, flew to cover within the log palisades, which were stout enough to resist a barbaric foe unpossessed of artillery ; such was Fort Washington, which in time became Cincinnati. The forest trade was long the chief and only commercial interest in the West, and at certain points garrisoned forts were necessary to serve the traders as depots and as havens of refuge ; this was the part played by Detroit, Mackinac, Chicago, St. Paul, Vincennes, and St. Louis. In the case of Des Moines, the fort was estab- lished for the protection of a group of reserva- tion Indians who might otherwise have fallen victims to a superior savage foe. Agricultural settlers rapidly took up lands. Battle against it as he would, and the early history of the border is a piteous tale of man's inhumanity to man, the dispossessed savage found this army of occupation impregnable. As the frontier moved to the westward of the Mississippi, it was accompanied by the Indians and the fur trade. Territories were erected by Congress out of the lands of the ousted Iroquois and Algonkins, and these political Introduction xxvii divisions were soon admitted to the Union as states ; mines were exploited, forests were depleted, miscellaneous industries were cre- ated, and these new interests not only pro- foundly affected the old towns, but gave rise to a new order of cities. Indianapolis and Madison are examples of town sites staked out in virgin forests by am- bitious and imaginative speculators, and, be- fore a house could be built, set aside by statute as capitals of their respective young common- wealths. It is not always that towns thus artificially planted have similarly thriven. Un- der normal conditions, a successful city is as much a matter of natural growth as a tree, whose germ has chanced to fall in favored soil. Many, perhaps most, Western towns of import- ance, that were planted before the days of the railroad, when waterways were highways, are upon the sites of early villages of aborigines, who made their stands at natural vantage points at a river mouth, convenient for trans- portation, or close to considerable fishing grounds ; at a waterfall, because here fish are plenty, and canoes must be carried around the obstruction, so that the villagers are masters of the highway ; upon a portage path, because xxviii Introduction of ease in reaching and controlling divergent water systems ; upon a bluff overlooking waterways, for facility of observation and con- trol ; upon a fertile river bottom, because of good corn lands. In due time, whites came to such a centre of population and established a trading post ; here and there, as at Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Vincennes, and Kansas City (Westport), the post in due time de- veloped into a garrisoned fort ; and the sur- rounding community, at first dependent on the fur trade or the military, under modern con- ditions became a town of importance. Scores, possibly hundreds, of such examples might be cited ; and even when some thrifty towns of the West appear at first sight to have no con- nection with such a past, antiquarians have not infrequently discovered evidences that sub- stantially the same reasons which before the railway era had led civilized men to select the site, caused its previous occupancy by aborig- ines sometimes at so early a day that the only remaining relics are the curious earth- works which the progenitors of our Western Indians, prompted by religious fervor, con- structed anywhere from two and a half to ten centuries ago. Introduction xxix Minneapolis and Spokane, both of them old Indian sites, are the direct outgrowth of the superb water-powers which have given them pre-eminence in the industrial world. We have seen that the Great Lakes and the great rivers were the paths to the Mississippi basin in the days of the canoe, the bateau, and the pack-horse. The early movement of population over the trans-Mississippi plains and through the passes of the Rockies was by means of wagons along well-worn buffalo traces, which Indians had followed in the pur- suit of game. Where rivers intersected these overland trails, ferries were instituted, their keepers doing a thriving business in helping upon their way fur traders, explorers, miners, and settlers. Such was the origin of Kansas City and Omaha, which naturally developed, with the rush of immigration, into great centres of distribution. In every quarter of our land, from the earliest colonial days, the frontier ferryman, with his tavern and trading house, has been a town builder. The discovery of precious metals in the hills of Colorado gave life to the mining camp of Denver, which in time became the metropolis of a wide district, to which irrigation brought xxx Introduction a wealth more enduring than gold and silver. Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are the open doors of the Pacific Coast, and their growth is thus easily accounted for. Prophecies are current of the possible com- mercial supremacy of these Pacific-coast towns, as a consequence of our new interests in the Far East. It is curious, in this connection, to remember that Spain's motive in founding her California colonies, four generations ago, was, on the temporal side, the more strongly to establish herself in the Philippines. Strangest of all stories is that of Salt Lake City, the product of religious zeal seeking a supposedly inaccessible desert as a haven from persecution. Finally, when the laborious de- velopment of the wilderness has brought rich fruitage, this hermit city finds itself a station on one of the world's most-travelled highways. The coming of the railway, and the conse- quent practical abandonment of the waterway, wrought a profound change in the fortunes of the Western towns. The railway paid small heed to watercourses, save in mountainous country ; it struck out upon short-cuts over the plains and prairies, almost regardless of topog- Introduction xxxi raphy. Hundreds of staid and promising river and lake towns received a staggering blow when, for various reasons, sometimes their own failure to encourage the enterprise, the railway passed them by and entered rival and often less pretentious communities, which now were quickened into new vigor. A more favor- able situation for a bridge across the stream was often the determining factor which caused several towns upon a river to die and the for- tunate one to be transformed into a metropolis. The arbitrary erection throughout the West of new paths of commerce, of new centres of dis- tribution, during the decade and a half before the War of Secession, was of itself a revolu- tionary element in urban history. Almost as profound in its effects was the practically contemporaneous dispersion through this vast territory of millions of European im- migrants, who came to open farms, to practise trades, and in city and in village to carryforward, often to inaugurate, hundreds of new commer- cial and industrial enterprises. The new-com- ers brought strange habits of thought and social customs ; some of the most desirable of these they engrafted upon their American neighbors, while at the same time they them- xxxii Introduction selves were being consciously or unconsciously remoulded into American citizens who, what- ever may be said, will always be essentially but transplanted Englishmen modified by environ- ment and political education. Of the many nationalities of the European continent which have planted stakes in North America, the Germans and the Scandinavians, closely allied to our Anglo-Saxon stock, have been the most numerous and have exercised the greatest influence. Many considerable towns, like Cincinnati, Detroit, St. Louis, and Omaha, have become strongly German, with not a few of the characteristics of old Germany, such as are evinced in a general fostering of music and rational outdoor recreation. The Scandinavian element vies good-naturedly with the German, as at Madison and Chicago ; while Minneapolis may be considered as the centre of Scandinavian influence, fostering sturdy democracy and tenacious enterprise. In the large towns which have their roots planted in New France, the French element is no longer of considerable importance. The French borderer was a vivacious, fun-loving, easy-going fellow, and upon the road to mod- ern opulence and power has long since been Introduction xxxiii passed ; to-day, as an urban dweller, he is not seriously reckoned with by the politician, and this is a safe guide to the relative standing of a race in any American city. The towns which we have more recently inherited from Spain still possess, in their older quarters, strong characteristics to link them with the past. Here and there, as with the French, individual Spaniards or mixed-bloods rise into prominence in our modern life but only through the channel of Americanization, which means effacement of the old regime. Spanish traits have left permanent traces on the South- west and the Pacific, as some French traits are a part of the lasting heritage of the Old Northwest ; but Spaniards and Frenchmen as such are rapidly fading from our historic towns. A half-century ago, few of the twenty-one Western towns whose stories are herein col- lected had taken upon themselves the charac- teristics which to-day chiefly distinguish them. We have seen that the advent of the railway was for many the starting-point upon the road to prosperity ; the arrival of European immi- grants, with traditions of toil and thrift, proved the turning stage for others, and strengthened all. The War of Secession shook the Republic xxxiv Introduction to its foundations ; but from it the North rose with fresh vigor, and rapidly developed in growth and ambition, with the ensuing commercial and industrial conditions which we encounter to-day. Nowhere has this develop- ment been quite so noticeable as in the towns of the West. Pione"er men and women are necessarily too closely engaged in taming the wilderness to have either thought or leisure for any but the most elementary education. But now that the West is no longer the frontier, and mines, for- ests, fisheries, manufactures, and scientific ag- riculture have brought wealth and comparative leisure, there is among her people no lack of aspiration for culture. In no section of the United States are study clubs relatively more numerous, in town and country ; university extension courses and the lyceum prosper everywhere ; the common - school systems, capped by the fast-growing State universities with their thousands of students, are exhibit- ing a healthy growth along the most approved lines under the guidance of teachers of na- tional reputation ; excellent private academies and colleges are numerous in every common- wealth. Several of the towns mentioned in Introduction xxxv this volume have won wide reputation as edu- cational centres notably Cleveland, Chicago, Madison, Minneapolis, St. Louis, and San Francisco. From these Western towns there issues no note of decadence. Theirs is the glowing ambition of youth. Each of our several au- thors is quite confident, and properly so, that his town is the handsomest, brightest, and most prosperous of all ; or, if it is not, that it is soon to be. Its commerce ever widens, its industries expand in capacity and number, its railways connect it each year with some new sphere of trade ; and, what is better, it is making strides, in breezy Western fashion, in the cultivation of the higher things of life, in its churches, its schools, its libraries and muse- ums, its charities, its parks, its popular con- veniences, its insistence upon moral and material municipal cleanliness. It is pleasant and profitable to trace the careers of com- munities such as this ; to note, for instance, by what means the Indian village became a trad- ing post, then a fort, next a hamlet, and at last comes to be pulsating with the ambitions and struggling with the multifarious problems of a great modern city. Herein is a record of xxxvi Introduction urban development crowded into the span of a single human life, that in the Old World it took centuries to accomplish. It is often flippantly asserted that America has no history ; and even well-informed Ameri- cans, who have come to appreciate their na- tional history at large, are apt to fancy that, in any event, the West has had a prosaic career, being simply an overflow or outgrowth from the East. But a perusal of these pages will surely convince the thoughtful reader that Western history is not so easily disposed of. It will be found a chronicle abounding in com- plexities, aglow with life and color, freighted with significance to the continent at large. The chief towns of this historic West have come down to us from many sorts of begin- nings, have travelled by differing and devious paths, often encountering curious adventures by the way, until, quickened by modern re- sources and demands, they have each in its kind come creditably to serve mankind in some useful way. HISTORIC TOWNS OF THE WESTERN STATES MARIETTA THE PLYMOUTH OF THE WEST BY MURIEL CAMPBELL DYAR " The paths from the heights of Abraham led to Independence Hall, Independence Hall led finally to Yorktown, and Yorktown guided the footsteps of your Fathers to Marietta." Daniels. AT the point where the Muskingum empties into the Ohio, the River Beautiful, across whose waters the Ohio hills look tenderly away into the distances of West Virginia, there was sown, in 1788, the tiny seed for the develop- ment of the Northwest Territory. Here, on the memorable seventh of April, landed forty- eight New England pioneers ; here stayed the keel of the second Mayflozver, bearing as her VOL. I. I. 2 Marietta burden not only the men whose names have become immortal in American history, but, more than these, the Ordinance of 1787 with its momentous articles of compact an ordinance ranking " next to the Declaration of Independ- ence in the establishment of Constitutional liberty in the United States." Here was founded that other Plymouth, Marietta, the brave little gateway through which the nation's civilization journeyed onward from the Atlan- tic seaboard to the fallow empires of the West. No seer was needed to foreshadow the suc- cess the Marietta colony was to have. Two years before its coming, the character of the colony was presaged when there met in Bos- ton, at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern, whose gilded sign creaked temptingly in her high salt winds, a convention called by General Rufus Putnam and General Benjamin Tupper for the formation of the Ohio Company, with the pur- pose of founding a new State in the territory northwest of the Ohio River. The Company was composed of high-minded men, largely officers in the late war. In their petition to Congress for the purchase of western land they stipulated, for its organization, law and order, provision for education and for the 4 Marietta maintenance of religion and the total exclusion of slavery. For these compacts, some of the greatest statesmen in the young Republic brought to bear the power of their genius ; for these, the quiet Ipswich clergyman, Manasseh Cutler, as agent of the Ohio Company, pleaded with matchless eloquence in Congress ; for these, Rufus Putnam, the " Father and Founder of Ohio," gave the largess of his ability and rugged force. " An interlude in Congress," says Mr. Bancroft, "was shaping the character and destiny of the United States of America. Sublime and humane and eventful as was the result, it will not take many words to show how it was brought about. For a time wisdom and peace and justice dwelt among men, and the great Ordinance which alone could give continuance to the Union came in se- renity and stillness. Every man that had a share in it seemed to be moved by an Invisible Hand to do just what was wanted of him ; all that was wrongfully under- taken fell by the wayside ; whatever was needed for the happy completion of the work arrived opportunely and at the right moment moved into its place." To the forty-eight men sent into the wilder- ness by the Ohio Company history gives a generous and well-merited praise. They were of the same race and of the same upright faith as the brave Englishmen who in 1620 landed Marietta 5 on the bleak, gray rock of Plymouth. All that was true and forceful in the Plymouth faith was theirs ; they had the same love of law and religion, the same genius for order and a firm self-government, the same courage of conviction, the same independence of thought and action. They possessed, too, much of that ancient war-ready temper which had shorn the English King of his divine right and had created for the English people the House of Commons. Their heroism had adorned every battlefield of the Revolution ; their roll in- cluded generals, majors, colonels and captains. " No colony in America," said Washington, with that cautious, unerring judgment of his, "was ever settled under such favorable auspices as that about to commence at the Muskingum. Information, property and strength will be its characteristics. I know many of the settlers personally, and there never were men better calculated to promote the welfare of such a community." " I know them all, "cried the Marquis de La Fayette, his fine French voice trembling with emotion when the list of their names was read to him on his visit to Marietta. " I knew them at Brandywine, Yorktown and Rhode Island. They were the bravest of the brave." General Putnam himself was at their head, the " impress 6 Marietta of whose character is strongly marked on the population of Marietta in their business, in- stitutions and manners." Here were Samuel H. Parsons, the distinguished general, the able writer, the accomplished jurist ; James M. Var- num, the brilliant scholar, the gallant officer ; Abraham Whipple, the brave commodore, to whom belongs the glory of firing the first naval gun in the cause of American indepen- dence, an act that gave birth to the American navy. Here were Winthrop Sargent, the Secretary of the Territory, Benjamin Tupper, the hero of many battles and the devoted friend of Putnam in the forming of the Ohio Company ; Return Jonathan Meigs, after- wards Governor of Ohio. Here were Nye, Buell, Cutler, Fearing, Foster, Sproat, Cush- ing, Goodale, Dana, True, Devol and others no less worthy and distinguished, whose names are the richest heritage of their descendants. The story of the coming of the pioneers is a twice-told tale to the student of our nation's history. In the disheartening gray dawn of a December morning, 1787, the first little band paraded before Manasseh Cutler's own church at Ipswich, and, after the firing of a salute, started "for the Ohio country," as their lead- Marietta ing wagon proclaimed Another joined this at Danvers, and yet another, pushing on from famous old Rutland, started from Hartford, Ct, led by the beloved and always inspiring General Put- nam. The toil- some journey overland, along an old Indian trail through Connecticut and Pennsylvania, at that season of the year white with winter, end- ed at last at the Ohio River. Here, at Sum- rill's ferry, out of timber that still sang of the for- ests, was built the Mayflower, her bows raking like a galley, her burthen fifty tons a humble enough name- sake of the famous Pilgrim vessel. As the pi- oneers went onward down the river, the snow, which at first lay heavy in the hollows of the GENERAL RUFUS PUTNAM. 8 Marietta hills, melted into thin patches here and there, until, when they reached Fort Harmar, at the fair mouth of the Muskingum, April bour- geoned into unexpected beauty about them. It was a golden augury for the little town, to which its soldier founders gave the name of Marietta, in grateful remembrance of the sym- pathy of Marie Antoinette for the colonies during the weary period of their Revolution, a name which still keeps her citizens lovers of that ill-fated Queen of France. Enthusiastic news of the first summer of the colony went back over the mountains to Ips- wich and Rutland. " The climate is exceed- ing healthy," blithely carols one of the old letters, " not a man sick since we have been here. We have started twenty buffalo in a drove deer are plenty as sheep in New Eng- land. Turkeys are innumerable. We have already planted a field of one hundred and fifty acres in corn." Another settler drips from his ecstatic, and, we trust, veracious quill, " The corn has grown nine inches in twenty- four hours for two or three days past." The garrison, very soon erected for defence and called the Campus Martius in academic quaint- ness, is described as the " handsomest pile of Marietta 9 buildings this side of the Alleghanies," and as presenting an appearance of almost mediaeval stateliness and strength, bastioned as it was with great blockhouses and surrounded by a stout double wall of palisades. The Fourth of July was celebrated by a great "banquet," OLD BLOCKHOUSE, MARIETTA. eaten in a bowery set up on the banks of the Muskingum ; its menu tickles even a jaded modern palate venison barbecued, buffalo steaks, bear-meat, roasted pigs. " the choicest delicacy of all," and a great pike, six feet long, the largest ever caught in the river. " We kept it up till after twelve o'clock at night," suc- cinctly observes one of the participants, "and io Marietta then went home and slept until after daylight." On the fifteenth of July, a yet more memora- ble occasion, General St. Clair, the first Governor of the Northwest Territory, was welcomed with great ceremonies, and the Or- dinance of 1787 was read with much solem- nity in the midst of profound silence. In early August a pleasant little ripple of diver- sion was caused by the arrival of the families of the pioneers. In the latter part of the same month, Dr. Cutler made a visit to the settle- ment, and delivered the first sermon ever preached at Marietta. In September was opened the first Court of Common Pleas in the Territory. It was an august spectacle. The sheriff, Colonel Ebenezer Sproat, of the Massachusetts line, preceded by a military escort, marched with his drawn sword and wand of office ahead of the governor, judges, secretary and others, to the blockhouse where the court was held. As the picturesque little procession wound its way along the river banks, the friendly Indians, loitering about the new city, admired immensely the mighty form of Colonel Sproat, who, being six feet four inches tall, towered conspicuously above his companions. Ever thereafter they called him Marietta 1 1 Hetuck, or Big Buckeye, and ever since then the natives of Ohio have been dubbed " Buck- eyes." Great provisions were made for good order in the settlement ; almost before the seeds of New England harvests had germinated in the virgin soil, Marietta had her pillory, whipping- post and stocks for the discipline of evil-doers, instruments of torture which lingered as late as 1812. Every man was ordered to "enter- tain emigrants, visit the sick, feed the hungry, attend funerals, cabin-raisings, log-rollings, huskings and to keep his latch-string always out." Once during the fruitful summer the settlers assembled to attend a funeral, for the first death in the colony occurred in August, when little Nabby Gushing, daughter of Major Gushing, passed away. She was buried tenderly in the alien soil, where, in an unmarked grave, she is slumbering still. Al- though many years have come and gone be- tween, a vague pity stirs to-day at the thought of that little pioneer baby, whose feet so soon grew weary in the vast wilderness. The hospitality of the latch-strings was put to the test two years later, when a hapless colony of Frenchmen took shelter in the town, lured 1 2 Marietta into the wilderness by the unscrupulous agent of a land company, with the promise that they should find a land where there were no taxes to pay, no military services to be per- formed, where frost, even in winter, was en- tirely unknown and where candles grew ready-made on the bushes and sugar dripped spontaneously from the trees. They were a curious crew : carvers, gilders, wig-makers and hair-dressers from Paris, even a Viscount of broken-down fortunes and a young Marquis, with a few peasants as helpless as themselves in the new conditions, hardly a mother's son of them able to plough or reap or chop for him- self, and many a man without a sou in his pocket. The major part of them drifted down the river that winter to what is now Gallipolis, the City of the Gauls, where they at once be- gan to give balls in the cabins which the Marietta settlers helped them build, and pro- ceeded to spend what little money they had in hiring American hunters to bring them game ! A few became citizens of Marietta, notably Monsieur Thiery, a Parisian baker and con- fectioner, who quickly adapted himself to the new life, and made toothsome little sweet-cakes and bread for the settlement, there is a Marietta 1 3 tradition that while Louis Philippe was whil- ing away his exile in the United States, he visited Marietta, where he had the pleasure of eating a fair wheaten loaf of his countryman's baking, and Monsieur Cookie, bred to no trade, very short and very stout, who wore at all times and in all seasons a very tall steeple- crowned hat which once saved his life, when the Indians, catching sight of it bobbing up and down in the paw-paw bushes, fired at it in a vain attempt to hit the head within. After the sober jollity of the first summer, the Marietta colonists experienced the hard- ships which every early settlement knows. They had their " sick years, their times of famine and their Indian wars." The sick years played a sad havoc in their numbers by dreadful scourges of epidemic diseases. The famous starving-time came in the spring and summer of 1790. A black frost falling out of due season ruined their crops, and the Indians, already beginning their hostilities, had driven from the forest every startled wild thing within their reach. It was a period that tried the Puritan mettle, for the solace of religion may prove vain if the stomach be empty. The only food was nettle-tops and the tender shoots 14 Marietta of the pigeon-berry, boiled with a little corn pounded on the hominy block. Occasionally a hunter, faring far afield, brought in a bit of bear-meat or a wild turkey, which made a feast at least fitting if not full. The heroic matrons sipped spice-bush tea, unsweetened, in lieu of a more stimulating beverage Many a heart turned back in homesick longing to where the blue haze curled comfortably from New Eng- land kitchens, but hope returned with the early- squashes. The new corn crop was abundant, and from that day to this, whatever may have been their vicissitudes of fortune, the citizens of Marietta have never again been reduced to a starvation diet. A much graver calamity, coming not long after, was the Indian wars, which were not to end for five long, weary years. During this time the town was strained to its generous capacity to receive under the shelter of the Campus Martius the men, women and children from remoter settlements. The settlers worked in the fields like the Israelites at the rebuild- ing of the walls of Jerusalem, every man with his weapon in his hand. On the puncheon cabin-floors, mothers rocked their babies in the first cradles of Ohio, while often, on some far- Marietta 15 off hill, they could see savage warriors brand- ishing their blood-stained hatchets in defiance at the fort. The news of the defeat of General St. Clair's expedition caused consternation, and threatened for a time to break up the settlement. So dis- astrous was the defeat that when in 1 793 Mad Anthony Wayne camped on the General's bat- tlefield, his soldiers could not lie down to sleep for the bones of the unfortunate army. Humil- iated by his misfortune and its implied disgrace, the Governor soon left his Marietta home. The colonists mourned with his loss that of his daughter Louisa, so brave, so lovely, so brilliant, that it seems no mere legend that the great Indian chief, Brandt, was madly in love with her. In the grim terror of the times, an amusing incident now and then comes like a lilt of girl- ish laughter. Once the signal gun gave the alarm that the Indians were besieging the town. The night was dark and the confusion indescribable. Men rushed to their posts and the women and children scuttled to the central blockhouse. Colonel Sproat led the way with a box of valuable papers ; next came a woman with her bed and children, and tumbling after 1 6 Marietta her, old Mr. Moulton, with his leathern apron full of goldsmith's tools and tobacco. His daughter Anna carried the china tea-pot. Lyddy brought the great Bible. When all were in the frightened cry was raised that Mrs. Moulton was missing that she had been scalped by the Indians. " Oh, no," said Lyddy calmly, " she '11 be here in a minute. She stopped to put things a little to rights ; she said she would not leave the house looking so" And in a few moments the old lady scuttled in, bearing the looking-glass a tri- umph of New England housewifery ! A certain regularity of living was maintained in spite of the continuous fear. Every Sabbath morning church was held in a blockhouse where Psalms were droned with Puritan unc- tion, and the sermon by Mr. Story, the schol- arly Massachusetts divine, was tasted with much critical acumen by the learned back- woodsmen, many of whom were graduates of Harvard and Dartmouth. On the long Sab- bath afternoons the children of the settlement studied their catechisms in the simple log cabin of Mrs. Mary Lake, the earnest woman who thus started what was perhaps the first Sunday-school in the United States. On 1 8 Marietta week days they were gathered together for lessons, nor was the rod kept in less per- petual pickle because of the proximity of the Indians. The war once over, a busy activity ensued. Mills were built, bridges made, and more comfortable houses erected. It was not strange that the sons of the old coast States, with the siren voice of the sea still in their ears, should become notable builders of ships. The great trees of the forest were masts ready for felling, and many a stately vessel slipped into the water from this inland ship-yard, to glide down the Ohio into the Mississippi, and from thence to the shining ocean beyond. The town became a centre of industry and traffic, a position which she was not long to keep, for gradually trade drifted from her, and by and by she fell asleep commercially beside her pleasant waters, to nod and dream serenely through years to come. But not only was the early Marietta noted for her industrial pros- perity ; she was a centre of culture as well, and her place in this regard she has never lost. As soon as a greater wealth and leisure came to the pioneer colony, there bloomed abun- dantly the flowers of an intellectual refinement, HARMAN BLENNERHASSETT. 20 Marietta which was the birth-right of those heroic men and women. It is with this gracious era, redolent of sweet old customs and stately courtesies, that there is associated the romantic, old-time tragedy of the Blennerhassetts. On the lovely island lying some twelve miles below Marietta, Harman Blennerhassett, the dreamy Irish exile, built his idyllic mansion, whose grandeur was the won- der of the West. " A shrubbery that Shenstone might have envied," wrote Wirt, " blooms around him. Music that might have charmed Calypso and her nymphs, is his. An ex- tensive library spreads its treasures before him. A phil- osophical apparatus offers him all the secrets and mysteries of nature. Peace, tranquillity, and innocence shed their mingled delights about him. And to crown the enchantment of the scene, a wife, who is said to be lovely even beyond her sex, and graced with every ac- complishment that can render it irresistible, has blessed him with her love." Here he plotted a new empire with the bad and brilliant Aaron Burr, whose hands were still red with the blood of the murdered Alex- ander Hamilton ; and from here he fled ac- cused of treason to his country, disgraced and ruined. Memories of the " Blennerhassett Marietta 21 days " are many, for the great man was for several years a partner of Dudley Woodbridge, the first merchant of Marietta, and both he and his accomplished wife were familiar figures in Marietta homes. Fancy, inspired by local annals, has a charming glimpse of the loving mistress of the hospitable mansion, dash- ing through the woods on her spirited horse, like some bril- liant tropical bird, in her habit of scarlet cloth, and white hat with the long: o drooping plume. A pretty story is told of her wit and beauty at the famous " Burr ball " which the fashion of Marietta once gave in honor of the crafty statesman and his daughter Theodosia. To-day, the site of the MRS. BLENNERHASSETT. 22 Marietta regal dwelling is marked only by an old well and some magnificent trees. " Blennerhassett's Island " is a point of attraction for pleasure- seekers, who give little enough thought to its sad story ; but sometimes there journeys to it a lover of past years who looks with blurred eyes at the spot where once was enacted one of the most pathetic little tragedies in all American history. But Marietta is not altogether a tale of yesterdays ; she has as well her to-day, with its rich promise for the morrow. To-day, a stranger in the town has pointed out to him "New" and "Old" Marietta. In New Ma- rietta, brought into existence by the discovery of vast surrounding oil-fields, there are thriv- ing factories, modern business blocks, new hotels, improved school-buildings, electric cars ; there are evidences of wealth and business prosperity, and signs of an increasing popu- lation. This commercial progress, from a civic standpoint, is undeniably a benefit, yet it must be admitted, for the time being, it gives Marietta a little the appearance of a kindly, old-style grandmother, startled from a long afternoon nap in the chimney-corner, to find her cap gone, her scanty petticoats 24 Marietta replaced by strangely ample frills, and the cara- way seeds in her limp black bag supplanted by indigestible bon-bons. In Old Marietta the scene shifts. Here is the drowsy peace of a New England village ; here are wide streets shaded by avenues of splendid trees, and ancient houses, generous-portalled, serene. Here is the burring of bees in old-fashioned gardens. And is not this lingering fragrance the smell of the lotos-flower ? The glory of the old dispensation is the venerable college, whose buildings cluster pic- turesquely on the green lift of College Hill. Founded in the fear of God by the first schol- ars of Ohio, it has behind it a proud history. At its head have stood men of rich culture and ability, among whose names shines pre-emi- nently that of Israel Ward Andrews. In the list of its instructors have been scholars who have led it upward to all that is noblest and best. From its classes have gone out students who have taken a fitting and often distin- guished place in the professions and in poli- tics. When the call of 1861 came, the student sons of Marietta responded with a gallant patriotism and a devoted service, some among them winning the highest recognition. To- 26 Marietta day, with its able faculty, its fine library, its well equipped class-rooms, it holds no mean place in the roll of American colleges. It pays to its past the precious thanks of a worthy present. And with happy confidence it looks forward to its future, under the guidance of its sixth and latest President, Alfred Tyler Perry, but recently called to its leadership from Hart- ford Theological Seminary. In the old Mound Cemetery sleep an hon- ored dead. In its center is the prehistoric mound, as well preserved to-day as when it was discovered by the pioneer fathers, a vast monument to the unknown fittingly encircled by the quiet dignity of this ancient Acre of God. General Putnam's grave is marked by a plain granite monument, bearing the simple inscription more touching than the loftiest eulogy : GENERAL RUFUS PUTNAM A Revolutionary Officer And the leader of the Colony which made the First settlement in the Territory of the North-West. Born April 9, 1738, Died May 4, 1824. Marietta 27 Not far from him are the majority of the Revolutionary heroes who came with him from New England. It is claimed that there are buried here more officers of the Revolution than in any other burying-ground in the United OHIO COMPANY'S LAND OFFICE. States. About them lie thirteen soldiers of the War of 1812, and a number of the brave men who fought in the Mexican War. Here too, are the resting-places of many early citizens of Marietta, who are as a " Choir Invisible" " Of those immortal dead, who live again In minds made better by their presence." 28 Marietta The gates are seldom open now to the silent caravans, for the graves in the cloistral grass lie close. Many relics of bygone days make Old Mari- etta interesting. The streets running north and south bear yet the names given them by the early settlers, of Washington and his gen- erals. The " Sacra Via " and the breezy " Capitolium " and " Tiber Way " bear witness to an old scholarship. "The Point" recalls the picketed Point of the Indian wars. There still stands the Ohio Company's Land Office, a wee, weather-beaten building, gray with time, probably the oldest structure in Ohio. Opposite this is the old homestead of Rufus Putnam, which stood within the Campus Mar- tius. On the park, fronting the river, is the quaint Two Horn Church of the Congrega- tionalists, erected in the wilderness in 1806 and now Ohio's oldest church building. On the same street where it stands is the stately old mansion of Governor Meigs, which was built two years earlier and which still holds an honored place among Marietta's beautiful homes. In families whose names mark their descent from the " forty-eight immortals " are treasured numerous heirlooms, ancestral por- Marietta 29 traits which look from their tarnished frames pink-cheeked, confident and calm ; old dresses, dim and faintly odorous ; and divers warming- pans, candlesticks and Blennerhassett chairs, OLD TWO HORN CHURCH. together with sundry bits of sprigged, delightful china. " Age is a recommendation in four things," runs a Spanish proverb : " Old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, old books to read." To these might well be added a fifth, old towns to love. To those who know her, Marietta is a hallowed spot. She is 30 Marietta a tender-bosomed matron, this mother of many sons. Around her is a fair line of hills, which, whether green with the eternal promise of the spring, or wrapped in the blue smoke from autumn's invisible battlefield, or hoary with winter's snows, are changelessly beautiful. About her are broad fields, now quivering to their resurrection, now white to the harvests. Before her are the lovely, far-stretching rivers, calling to her all day long with their old, sweet notes of running water. By the bonds of her historic beauty she holds her children in a very tender thrall. In all times, and in all places, their hearts yearn unto her in the far Horatian cry : " Septimius, that angle of the earth laughs for me beyond all others ! " CLEVELAND THE PLEASANT CITY BY CHARLES F. THWING THE first thing to be said about Cleveland is what, with the change of a pronoun, a Cambridge poet said about one of whom he wrote : "It is so pleasant." Its streets are pleasant to live in and to look upon ; its parks are pleasant to stroll in or to ride in ; its houses are, on the whole, pleasant to the aesthetic sense ; its libraries are pleasant for their select- ness though not for their bigness ; its people are, above all, pleasant for their dignity, gra- ciousness, genuineness, simplicity and appre- ciation. In the year 1838 the late Asa Gray spent a short time in Cleveland, and wrote from Cleveland to a friend, saying that the city would " ultimately be a very pleasant place " ; he adds : " The people show some 31 32 Cleveland signs of civilization ; they eat ice cream, which is sold in many places." 1 I wish I were able to assure my old friend and neighbor, as he now lives with the immortelles and other fadeless flowers, that he has proved to be a true prophet : Cleveland has become a " very pleasant place," and possibly I might be allowed to assure him that signs of the ice-age of modern civilization still linger. In that relation in which men commonly use the word " pleasant," the weather, Cleveland is not pleasant. It has as much cloudy weather as almost any part of the world ; and yet it has a pleasant climate. Its summers are not hot, its winters not cold. To the worker of any sort this pleasant climate of much unpleasant weather is very pleasing, for in it, as in the climate of London, one can get much work out of him- self. Cleveland is a singular creation of contra- ries. It is an inland town, but it builds more vessels and owns more vessels than almost any other in the United States. About a quarter of all the steel vessels, rated in ton- nage, built in the United States in the last fiscal year of the Government were con- 1 Letters of Asa Gray, i., 72. 34 Cleveland structed in Cleveland, the order of precedence being Cleveland, Newport News, Chicago, and Detroit ; and almost three quarters of the modern steel ships in service on the Great Lakes are owned or operated by Cleveland vesselmen. It is a city of four hundred thousand people, but it impresses both the visitor and the resi- dent as a big village or a series of big villages. From it can be reached in a long or short night's ride, New York and Chicago, Buffalo and St. Louis, Detroit and Cincinnati ; within seven hundred miles of Cleveland dwell more than half the entire population of the country, and yet Cleveland has been called provincial. Its homes are among the most palatial of the world, but the owners of not a few are more at home in New York and Paris than on Euclid Avenue. It is distinguished for its iron, steel and coal interests, but it has scholars and teachers who are known where its steel rails have never been carried. It is a city of the East, and it is also a city of the West of the East it is the newest, of the West it is the oldest. It is often called conservative, but it is also distinguished by its sense of power and of progress. It represents in its citizens a pure New England type ; but it has also gath- Cleveland 35 ered up folks from all over the world, " Par- thians, and Medes, and Elamites, . . . strangers CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CLEVELAND. of Rome, Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians," who read their newspapers in a dozen different languages. But, be it said, the 36 Cleveland New England, the Connecticut and Massa- chusetts type still dominates. The names of the families which are most representative of the things of the spirit include a large number of New England names. This city of contraries and of contrasts is yet made a great city by only one or two simple elements. One may say that Lake Erie makes Cleveland. Were there no Lake Erie there would be no Cleveland. But Lake Erie is the occasion and not the cause. One may say that the age of steel makes Cleveland. But that this age is the age of steel is only the condition, not the cause. The cause that makes Cleveland Cleveland is that at or near Cleveland the various elements that are necessary in the manufacture of iron and steel can be most economically and efficiently assembled. The iron ores from the Lake Superior region, the coal from the Massillon, Mohoning and Penn- sylvania region, the limestone from the Lake Erie islands and southern shores, can here be most profitably brought together. Cleveland is, too, by rail and by boat a good point for the distribution of the finished product as well as a good point for the bringing together of the crude material. Here ore, coal and lime meet Cleveland 37 and mingle as naturally as the heat of the sun and the life of the seed unite in the springtime. Nothing can prevent their meet- ing, and little can subsidies or other artificial stimulus do to promote it. From this union spring forth factories making nuts and bolts and sewing-machines and engines and the thou- sand products and by-products of this age and place of steel. Therefore Cleveland is Cleve- land. It may not only be said that Cleveland is herself ; it should also be added that Cleve- land has done some things first which are worth doing anyway, and which are especially worth doing first. As among the colleges Williams and Harvard have done not a few first things, so among the cities Cleveland may claim a certain priority. The city was, if not the first, among the first to adopt the federal system of municipal government, a system which, after ten years of usefulness, has proved to be like every other form of democratic government, good if good men are in control, and bad if bad men are in control. Cleveland was the first to adopt the proper method for the government and ad- ministration of its public schools, namely the 38 Cleveland separation of the business side of the adminis- tration from the educational, a system, too, SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT, CLEVELAND. which, like the more general plan of govern- ment, finds its efficiency in the character of the men who administer it. In Cleveland, too, Cleveland 39 was organized the great Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Here, too, one of the first women in America to enter the medical profession was trained in the old Medical College, now a part of the Western Reserve University. Here the recondite ex- periments were made by Morley for deter- mining the atomic weight of oxygen, and practical experiments by Brush for giving the best light, as well as the important experiments also made by Brush which re- sulted in adding " etherion " to the elements. Here, also, important facilities in the use of the public library and in the making of finest machinery, such as is used in astronomical apparatus, were first applied. One, too, should not in a commercial age be suffered to forget that in Cleveland the Standard Oil Company was born and grew to be a lusty youth. This city of first things had as its first man and founder, one whose name it bears, Moses Cleveland. A Connecticut man, born in Canterbury, Windham County, in 1754, graduated at Yale in 1777, admitted to the bar, interrupting his professional practice by service in the Revolutionary army, serving in the Connecticut Legislature and also in the 40 Cleveland State militia, Moses Cleveland was made agent for the Connecticut Land Company in 1796, and came into the historic territory of New Connecticut, or the Western Reserve. 1 He seems to have had those elements which usually are found in founders of states and builders of cities. Reserved in speech, vig- orous in action, friendly with all, grave, shrewd, he was born to command. His career was brief : he died in the town of his birth in 1806 ; but he lived long enough to enter- tain a rational hope of the future greatness of the city he founded and named. It is said that he once remarked : "While I was in New Connecticut I laid out a town, on the bank of Lake Erie, which was called by my name, and I believe the child is now born that may live to see it grow as large as old Windham." Moses Cleveland was a prophet at once 1 This section, known as the Western Reserve, lying between parallels forty-one and forty-two, and a line one hundred and twenty miles west of the western line of Pennsylvania and parallel with it, was " reserved " to Connecticut when she ceded to the United States certain territory which she had received from the grant of Charles II. Of this territory Connecticut granted one half million of acres to such of her soldiers as had suffered from the British during the Revolution. The larger, if not the entire, part of the balance passed into the control of a private-public corporation, known as the Connecticut Land Company. Cleveland 41 true and false. Cleveland became as large as old Windham and even larger, in the lifetime of children born in the last de- cade of the eighteenth century. The method by which Cleveland has attained the first place in its State, and the seventh place in the United States, is a process, a growth, and not a manufacture. In the year 1830, thirty-four years after the coming of Moses Cleveland, it had only a thousand people ; but the one thousand had increased to six thousand by 1840, and in the next ten years the six thousand increased threefold. In the next ten years the number more than doubled, becoming forty-three thousand in 1860, and yet again doubled in the following decade. By 1870, it had become ninety-two thousand. The doubling process could not long continue, but it came so near it that in 1880 there were one hundred and sixty thou- sand inhabitants, in 1890 two hundred and sixty thousand and more, and in 1900 almost four hundred thousand. A growth more normal and steady, a growth which has also carried along with itself ele- ments far more precious than mere size, it would be hard to find. For these folks do Cleveland not deserve the epithet which Carlyle applied to London's millions. They are a people of vigor, initiative, progressiveness, carefulness, ARMORY OF THE CLEVELAND GRAYS. wealth, work, comfortableness, and good-heart- edness. Cleveland may be conservative ; but it is the conservatism of the English nation Cleveland 43 which Emerson describes in saying : " The slow, deep English mass smoulders with fire, which at last sets all its borders in flame." Cleveland's fires are the fires of anthracite and not of straw. A city of comfort, Cleveland has no Lon- don's East End. I do not believe that in any other population of the world of its size can be found so few hungry stomachs or home- less bodies. Work abounds. All men work. Its rich men are workers, and, what is far more exceptional, the sons of its rich men are workers. Its wealth is of the solid sort. It represents investments which pay dividends every six months, and which represent the advancement of every commercial and manu- facturing interest. But Cleveland is obliged to acknowledge that not a few of its rich men are legal citizens of New York City, ostracized from its pleasant borders by what they and others regard as the unjust tax laws of the State. The city has not yet reached the condition in which it is understood that in case a will is pro- bated representing a large estate which fails to give at least a considerable sum to charity or to education, the court shall set it aside on the 44 Cleveland ground that the testator was of unsound mind. Of course money is given away both by gift and by bequest, but more, on the whole, by gift than by bequest, and in large amounts, but not in amounts so large as prevail in commu- nities of an age of two hundred and seventy- five years rather than of one hundred. The rate of increase which money may make for itself is so great, that the holder and the maker hesitate to part with such a remunerative agent. Yet the beneficence viewed in the light of decades is great. A noble school of science, a noble college and university, including professional schools, a noble foundation for an art school, are easily found among the more obvious tokens. Hospitals and orphanages, private schools, endowed churches, Young Men's Christian Association buildings, parks and college settlements, are ready proof of private beneficence for public ends. Testi- mony should also be borne to the wisdom as well as the generosity which characterize the giving of this people. My pen refuses to write names, but it is free to say that to find beneficence which is, it shall not be said so little harmful, but which is so gloriously effi- cient, as the beneficence of some of Cleveland's 46 Cleveland noblest women and men would be difficult. With the gift, before the gift, and after the gift goes the wisdom as well as the graciousness of the giver. One, too, should not neglect to say that in not a few of the great manufactur- ing concerns of Cleveland prevails a spirit that the employer owes to the employee something more than wages. The dividend to labor con- sists, in the more obvious relations, in provid- ing rest and recreation rooms, facilities for eating the midday luncheon, and in doing what can be done in creating associations and conditions which make for the enrichment of life and the betterment of character. Of course Cleveland has societies and clubs: clubs into which the worthiest life of the com- munity naturally organizes itself for worthiest purposes, and clubs which represent the life that is simply worthy and of which, the pur- poses are not the highest. Clubs of women and clubs of men, clubs social and clubs pro- fessional, clubs literary and clubs commercial, clubs anthropological and clubs sociological, clubs chemical and clubs engineering, clubs collegiate and clubs pedagogical, clubs athletic and clubs aesthetic, clubs piscatorial and clubs ecclesiastical, clubs architectural and clubs of Cleveland 47 free-traders, clubs for municipal improvement and clubs for no improvement of any kind they all and many others are found in this very pleasant city. And underneath all these associations and or- ganizations it is easy to discover the growth of a distinctly civic spirit, also manifest in special movements and conditions. The endeavor to build in one group buildings so important as a county court-house, a city hall, a public library and others reveals the willingness to surrender individual advantages to the public weal. The attempt to deal largely and justly with all municipal franchises proves the presence of a desire to serve all as well as each. The Muni- cipal Association, an organization of a few gentlemen of high purpose and of patience as well as of great influence, has, in recommending or in refusing to recommend certain candidates for office, promoted the growth of a public sense out of which it has itself sprung. The determination that the public schools shall not be used for partisan purposes is perhaps as strong an illustration as could be given of the presence and potency of the civic spirit of Cleveland. In the three great professions are found 48 Cleveland noble members. In this triple service is mani- fest a high tableland of general excellence rather than a level broken by high and distinct peaks of individual conspicuousness. The PERRY'S MONUMENT, WADE PARK, CLEVELAND. highest relative standing belongs, I judge, to the members of the medical profession. This prominence may be the result of the presence for more than fifty years of a medical school which has numbered among its faculty some great investigators and teachers. But not a Cleveland 49 few of those who are examples of highest service have been unwilling, it must be said, to remain in Cleveland. As the Atlantic draws down the level of the Great Lakes, so the territory of the Atlantic draws away some (not all) of the more eminent members of the great professions. The supply however never becomes exhausted, nor does it deteriorate. VOL. II. 4. Cleveland But the most eminent of Cleveland's peo- ple belong to the literary or political class rather than to the strictly professional. The earliest of the writers who spread Cleveland's fame and his own was Artemus Ward. It was a short ca- reer enough which Artemus Ward had, and its C level and part covered only two years, but while it last- ed it bore one of Cleveland's daily papers round the world on the wings of his wit. One cannot for- get that here lived and wrote John Hay, beloved as among the best of men as well as honored as the most efficient of Secretaries of State. James Ford Rhodes here fitted himself while en- gaged in business to begin his career as a fascinating writer of later American history. Constance Fenimore Woolson was a Cleve- CONSTANCE FENIMORE WOOLSON. Cleveland 5 1 land child, although not born here, and the Great Lakes are the scenes of her stories. Mrs. Sarah Knowles Bolton, writer of useful and pleasing biographies and other books, divides her residence between Boston and Cleveland. Charles W. Chesnutt, too, is esteemed not only for his sketches but also for a distinct charm of character. Cleveland would like to claim that rare poet and great soul, Edward Rowland Sill, for his home was only a few miles away, and in Cleveland he died, in 1887. One should not decline to say that books written by college professors may not only be the material for literature but also literature itself. Such books, written in Cleve- land, are neither few nor barren. The eminence in politics of the Cleveland man belongs rather to the present than to the past. If one should name the gentlemen who have served the city in the national Congress the names would to most prove to be without significance. The name of Senator Payne and he had been long associated with the life of the city one recalls, but no name has the meaning of the name of Wade or of Giddings, who came from the little town of Jefferson, a few miles east of Cleveland, or of Sherman, 52 Cleveland who came from the south. Hayes, Garfield and McKinley might be called citizens of the QARFIELD MEMORIAL, CLEVELAND. Greater Cleveland. At the present time, however, in both the Senate and the House Cleveland 53 the city is not without able and significant representation. Like a piece of music the chapter returns upon itself. It began with the argument that Cleve- land is so pleasant. From the breakwater which the Government builds to keep Cleve- land great and to make it greater, along the avenues of residence or of trade, even through its smoky and sooty atmosphere, sign of prosperity, out mile after mile to the city of the dead where the well-beloved Garfield sleeps in nobly wrought sepulchre, in all and through all, Cleveland is pleasant. Pleasant to live in, pleasant to work in, I know, and pleasant to go to heaven from, I hope, is Cleveland. CINCINNATI ALWAYS A STRATEGIC POINT BY MILTON E. AILES ON the day before Christmas, 1 788, twenty- six adventurous men, in deerskin hunting shirts and leggins, with tomahawk, powder- horn and scalping knife at their belts, em- barked at Limestone on the Ohio River in rude barges of their own construction, and fighting their way through dangerous floes, pro- ceeded on a journey which was to prove mem- orable in the annals of American colonization. These pilgrims were well aware of the perils and tragedies awaiting them, for their mission was to build them homes and found a city on the edge of the rich Miami Valley, through which mixed tribes of raging Shawnees, Sene- cas, Iroquois and Miamis roamed, determined to halt the threatening advance of the hated paleface. 55 56 Cincinnati The Indian braves realized that a crucial moment in their history had come. Their allies, the British, had gone down in defeat before the Thirteen Fires. Henceforth the tribes must look to their own councils, and rely upon their own strength, and they swore grimly that the Ohio should run with blood, and that the advent of every western pioneer should bring an additional scalp for the grew- some decoration of their lodges. But these hardy voyagers, now celebrating a frugal Christmas as they steered their course down the swollen and half-frozen Ohio, were not to be turned aside by impending conflict with savage tribes. To meet grave danger like brave men was for them no new experi- ence ; they had passed through seven years of revolution ; they had stood the trying tests of honorable hardships, and were now making their way to found a community which was to develop within a few generations into one of the greatest inland cities of the world. Four days they fought their way through floating masses of debris and ice, finally find- ing their haven in Sycamore Inlet, opposite the mouth of the Licking River. To-day the traveller, smoking meditatively in a Pullman, Cincinnati 57 will cover the same distance before he has occasion to light a fresh cigar. In a grove of sycamores, osiers and water maples they struck their flint and built their fires. There was no theatrical assertion of dominion, nor is it on record that sacred rites were invoked to consecrate the struggle for civilization that was to centre round this far outpost of the Republic, and yet their first performance was one of the most dramatic in- cidents in western history ; for, knowing that savage armies lurked in the dim woods that overhung the terraces above them, these twenty-six hardy Anglo-Saxons dismantled the crafts that had carried them into the far wilder- ness, and converted the planks and timbers of their barges into cabins. There was to be no retreat. In the name of the new Democracy, they established the primitive beginnings of a great city in the very centre of the famous Indian path over which for unnumbered cen- turies naked aborigines from the Great Lakes to the Kentucky hunting grounds had hurried to battle or the chase. The new settlement thus became a bold and significant challenge to the red man, and in its fate was involved the future of the West and 58 Cincinnati of the nation. The earthquake of war, which the founding of Cincinnati invited, was not long delayed, and when it came it startled Wash- ington from his incomparable composure, and shook the Republic to its foundations. From the moment of its inception, Cincin- nati was the most important point on the Ohio River. Other settlements, it is true, at the start hoped to outstrip Cincinnati in popula- tion. There was Marietta, founded two months before, which had a more romantic birth. And there was North Bend, which enjoyed the personal backing of John Cleves Symmes, the famous pioneer who superintended the first development of the Miami Valley, and from whom Denman, Patterson and Filson, the promoters of the settlement that subsequently became Cincinnati, purchased the site of that city. These and other settlements along the river were, for a time, pointed to with pride by their founders as the coming commercial centres. Cincinnati, moreover, began life with an impossible name. Filson, a fantastic pedagogue who had drifted into Kentucky, combining a smattering of tongues with an unbridled imagination, compounded the name " Losantiville," which means when interpreted, 60 Cincinnati " the village opposite the mouth of the Lick- ing-." Historians, in malign humor, seem to rejoice in the sudden translation of this pictur- esque polyglot and town-site boomer, remark- ing with a certain gleeful unanimity of phrase that "shortly after naming the settlement he was scalped by the Indians." The offer of free lots to original settlers did not give Cincinnati pre-eminence, for similar lures were held out by other aspiring commu- nities along the Ohio ; nor will it be seriously contended that the location there of Fort Washington, although this made the spot the headquarters of the American army in the Northwest, gave Cincinnati a superior start, for the sense of security expected because of the presence of the United States garrison was not abiding. General Harmar marched to defeat in 1790 from this pioneer fort and arsenal, and the victorious savages pursued him until their cries of exultation terrified the little hamlet clustered about the military station. Then came St. Clair, bold and assertive. Heroes of the Revolution had founded the town. The fort had been named in honor of the great General and President, and as both town Cincinnati 61 and fort represented the extension into the West of that democratic strength of arms which had humbled the most powerful kingdom of Europe, this new settlement from which civili- zation was to radiate into the western valleys should be dignified with the name of the order that held together in fraternal bond the grizzled survivors of the great war. And so Losanti- ville, the dream of a bizarre scholar, became Cincinnati. In the name of that order and city, St. Clair went to war. But sickness laid him low, and he was carried to the field of battle wrapped in flannels. Managing the forces against him was Thayendanegea, the celebrated Mohawk, or Joseph Brandt, as the English called him, as astute as Tecumseh and as fearless. Thayendanegea had been secre- tary to Sir Guy Johnson. He had learned the tactics of civilized armies, and with mas- terful native cunning he planned to annihi- late the forces of St. Clair. Nearly fifteen hundred officers and men marched away from Cincinnati to crush the semi-savage captain who had directed the massacres of Minisink and Wyoming, and back to Cincinnati in rout and dishonor, their guns and blankets 62 Cincinnati abandoned, rushed in unspeakable terror a pitiful five hundred. Before sundown on the day of that battle, November 4, 1791, nearly a thousand scalps of white men dangled from the wigwams of the armies of Thayendanegea. Other communities along the Ohio looked with envy upon the federal ramparts at Cin- cinnati, but the protection afforded by the garrison was at first more fanciful than real. The pioneer clergymen of the town ventured to Sabbath services cautiously, rifle in hand, peering down the dim aisles hewn through dense woods of linden and birch that led to a clearing, in the midst of which some charred stump served as a pulpit ; or, as congregations grew, a log-built chapel housed the earnest worshippers. And by the law of Cincinnati and the territory every communicant was re- quired to go to the altar with loaded firearms, that savages, taking advantage of the hour of prayer to attack the town, might be repulsed. Even when pews were built to give regularity to worship, the brethren were commanded to sit at the outer end, with their rifles in readiness. If Fort Washington had not been built or had been located elsewhere, Cincinnati would have still become the metropolis of the Cincinnati 63 Ohio. Here water highways crossed. And as it marked the path over which the red men had passed for ages, so now it became the intersecting point of civilized adventure. Out of the shadows of the Licking in their pirogues Daniel Boone and George Rogers Clark had hurried across the Ohio to watch hostile camp- fires from the Cincinnati hills, and thence had descended upon the barbarians to avenge crimes committed in Kentucky. The long beaches at the Cincinnati site afforded safe landing, while the settlement, secure upon the higher ground and the succession of terraces beyond, could not be engulfed by the periodi- cal river floods. North and south the rivers that mingled their waters here furnished nat- ural pathways to vast and fertile valleys. Here, too, a vanished race once had had a city or perhaps a capital, for Cincinnati is built upon extensive prehistoric ruins of the Mound Builders. It was a walled city with great gates, pyramids and sacrificial altars, and over these surviving memorials of a peo- ple whose origin and destiny are alike a mystery grew, when Cincinnati was founded, oak, beech, sycamore and cedar, whose concentric rings revealed that hundreds of years had elapsed 64 Cincinnati since the disappearance of the race which had reared these shrines and tombs and city walls. Among the prehistoric pottery, the polished pipes of catlinite and stone axes such as a race of troglodytes might have swung to brain abhorrent monsters of forgotten periods, they will show you in the artistic Cincinnati Mu- seum in Eden Park, the famed Cincinnati Tablet exhumed from a tumulus near Fifth and Mound streets in that city. Some an- tiquarians believe the sculptured stone to be an astronomical calendar or a table of meas- urement and calculation. Some have imagined it to be a sacred relic from the tomb of kings. Nearby, in the same museum, you see records lucidly deciphered from the second Theban dynasty, and carved inscriptions, intelligently translated, from the balustrade of the temple of Athene, but scholarship is dumb and imagination is the only interpreter of these strange mementos of a race which found in the site of Cincinnati a natural spot for the building of a large and fortified city. Although the star of empire may have been destined at all hazards to pause over Cincin- nati until the tenth census of the United States should show that the center of the nation's 66 Cincinnati population had moved westward to that city, there was grave alarm in the settlement when the soldiers of St. Clair arrived in confusion and defeat. Generations have thrilled over the story of the officer on horseback, who, bearing impor- tant news, hurried to the President, tossed his bridle reins to an orderly and leaped up the steps of Washington's reception room only to find that the Chief Executive was dining with distinguished visitors and could not be dis- turbed. The officer was so importunate and so impressive that the secretary was impelled to grant him audience. The grave President listened without visible emotion to the whis- pered message from Cincinnati, the officer departed, and Washington returned to the banquet table. Not one of his guests could guess that beneath the calm exterior the far- seeing statesman was experiencing one of the most tragic moments of his career. It was not merely that a trusted general had minimized warning and had met defeat, for Washington had devoted a long life to warfare against both savage and civilized foes, and he was not to be easily moved by the uncertain fortune of battles. But he knew that the defeat which Cincinnati 67 the soldiers of Cincinnati had encountered now threatened the destiny of the country. The East and West were not yet riveted by steel rails into coherent union. Beyond the Alle- ghanies there were projects of a protectorate under France or Spain, or both, and bolder dreams of a Kentucky republic. With few connecting links with the East, what could hold the western empire, since the federal govern- ment had displayed inability to protect the pio- neers ? Washington's guests departed unaware that their illustrious host who had entertained them with consummate decorum had during those hours felt the nation slipping beneath his feet. But when they had gone the pent spirit of the great leader, in one of the few instances of his lifetime, found expression in tumultuous grief and rage. He voiced in advance the storm of public protest, indignation and fear that broke out when the dismal tidings from Cincinnati became known. And when Congress learned that Washington favored the creation of an army of five thousand to avenge the defeat of Harmar and St. Clair, there was little in the re- sourceful vocabulary of political abuse spared the President. Anti-expansionists called him an imperialist bent on converting the Republic 68 Cincinnati into an empire. Why send an army to in- evitable slaughter beyond mountain frontiers in a vain struggle for the wilderness of the In- dians when the colonies then possessed more domain than the citizens of the Republic would ever be able to use ? Fortunately the anti-expansionists, while mordant and powerful, could not prevail, and the war measures became law. Anthony Wayne, whose daring during the Revolution had won for him the admiring sobriquet of " Mad," then took command and hastened to Cincinnati but none too soon. The Six Nations with Little Turtle as their spokesman had fol- lowed up their victories by demands that Cin- cinnati, the capital of the Northwest, should be abandoned and that the Ohio should mark the perpetual boundary between the white man and the red. British arms bristled be- hind this native ultimatum, and at the rapids of the Maumee, as if to stay W r ayne's advance, British forces built a fort and garrisoned it with three companies. The fears of Wash- ington seemed about to be realized. But at the battle of Fallen Timbers " Mad Anthony " scattered the allied tribes like for- est leaves. Nearly half a hundred mighty 70 Cincinnati chiefs fell in that historic engagement, and in their defeat the Indians christened their con- querer " Big Thunder " and for years trembled when they heard his name. Cincinnati and Ohio were saved to the Republic. Wayne in his campaign and in his no less notable treaties was brilliantly seconded by a young man who, unannounced and unwel- comed, landed at Cincinnati on the day the broken columns of St. Clair fell back upon the fort. The generals there looked upon his smooth cheeks and his boyish frame with soldierly disdain, one remarking that he would as readily send his sister to the front as entrust this beardless neophyte with the re- sponsibilities of border warfare. This youth, in whose veins flowed the blood of one of Cromwell's generals, was to shame his flippant critics, for he was to win a lieutenancy at the battle of Fallen Timbers, and rising steadily in the service of his country was to become a western Napoleon, avenging the disasters of the River Basin and Detroit, defeating the powerful Tecumseh at Tippecanoe, laying firm and broad the foundations of northwestern statehood, serving in the Senate of the United States, and finally going in triumph to the Cincinnati 71 White House. Cincinnati has fostered many famous sons, but none greater than William Henry Harrison. To many new communities the first settlers have gone with the hope of returning with for- tunes to their former homes. Cincinnati was founded and developed by men and women who came to stay. Harrison identified himself with the West at the start by marrying the daughter of John Cleves Symmes, the Miami pioneer, and to the Harrison homestead near Cincinnati, which for a quarter of a century had been an American mecca, the body of the famous General was borne for burial. From the start, self-reliance has been a pre- vailing characteristic of Cincinnati. Its isola- tion in the days of the canoe, the barge and the pack-horse, developed its originality. A copy of the Centinel of the Northwest Territory, published in 1794, graphically illustrates its remoteness at that period, for news from Mari- etta had been eight days in arriving, Lexington dispatches were twenty-one days old, fifty- six days had been consumed in getting the latest information from New York, and Euro- pean news antedated the day of issue four months and a half. It was natural among 72 Cincinnati such conditions that the city should look to itself as the centre of interest, and hence at an early day the journals of Cincinnati, instead of canvassing distant localities for belated sensa- tions, were encouraging local writers to enter- tain the public. It was the press of Cincinnati that first gave the poems of Alice and Phcebe Cary to the world, and they repaid it by con- ferring immortality in the world of letters upon the blue Miami, where they spent the simple years of their girlhood. And thither, because of the fame their singing had won them, traveled Horace Greeley and other celeb- rities of the day to do these gifted sisters homage. In Cincinnati was born Gen. Wm. H. Lytle, author of Antony and Cleopatra, and it was the journalism of that city that gave in- spiration to his pen. Here, too, was directed the early genius of Wm. D. Howells, Rutherford B. Hayes, Salmon P. Chase, and other men who have dignified literature or public life. Savage yells had not ceased to echo in its surrounding woods before music began to charm in Cincinnati. Even before Wayne came to silence the exultant war-cries of the tribes, Thomas Kennedy, in whose honor a street in Covington is named, used to enter- CITY HALL, CINCINNATI. 73 74 Cincinnati tain the frontier society with his fiddle, and a Mr. McLean, a butcher, took time to train the voices of the primitive colony. The Rev. Daniel Doty, who visited Cincinnati at an early day, was shocked at the singing and fiddling and dancing in the log cabins, as if the people " feared not God nor regarded Indians." Music, since directed in large measure by the German element in the city, has by its Chorus, its musical groves, its Saengerbund, Haydn Society, and other clubs, imparted distinction to Cincinnati and made it the Vienna of the American continent. It is not surprising that the pioneer butcher of the city found time from his chopping blocks to strike the tuning-fork, for Cincinnati, even after the location there of Fort Washington, was many times on the verge of starvation, and would have starved but for the timely help of frontier hunters under the noted Colonel Wallace, who brought the meat of buffalo, bear and deer to the stricken settlement. To-day the city dines well. In truth, it is famed for its good cheer and its bohemian independence. Cincinnati is a city of homes and churches, and singularly free from the crime that prowls in the slums of other cities. Therefore some Cincinnati 75 of its citizens take pride that the city is cred- ited with being one of the greatest whiskey markets in America, that forty-three breweries and storage vaults are in demand, and that the city annually turns out 49,000,000 packs of playing-cards, making it the largest center of this industry in the world. In many industries Cincinnati leads. The wealth of cities throughout the continent is locked in banks and vaults manufactured in Cincinnati. The cowboys on the plains and the horsemen on city paddocks sit in saddles fashioned in Cincinnati. Cigars by the millions in this country are packed in boxes manufac- tured in Cincinnati. It produces more school- books than any other city, and is near the head of the list in turning out religious publications. On the 22d of February, 1794, a canoe left Cincinnati with a federal mailbag consigned to Pittsburg. This marked the beginning of regular service with the East. In early days, a Cincinnati merchant seeking to buy goods in New York consumed sixty days in mak- ing the journey to the metropolis. To-day he may lunch in the Queen City, take a train and lunch the following noon in Manhat- tan. Long before the advent of railways, 76 Cincinnati Cincinnati became a center of travel and dis- tribution. As early as 1801, a full-rigged brig took on a cargo at Cincinnati and set sail for the West Indies. Not long after, and many years before Fulton turned his attention to Western waters, citizens of Cincinnati met at Yeatman's Tavern to consider a " contrivance for transporting boats against the current by the power of steam or elastic vapor," but with- out tangible results ; and, in fact, when the first steamboat did paddle noisily past the city the circumstance was dignified with only a four-line notice in the Cincinnati press. Before long, however, the steamboat revolu- tionized river travel, and thenceforth Cincinnati leaped by bounds from a village to a great city, and every recurrent trip of these harbingers of vast commerce seemed to find a new suburb springing into bustling life on the Cincinnati uplands. The fact that this city was originally in- cluded and still remains in the New Orleans customs district shows its accessibility to ocean traffic. Its superiority in water communica- tion is shown by a computation made by the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce regarding the relative cost of transporting freight from ' : in i a in CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CINCINNATI. 77 78 Cincinnati points of origin to all parts of the United States. The comparisons per TOO pounds are as follows: From Cincinnati, 81 cents; Chicago, 84 cents ; St. Louis, 88 cents ; Minne- apolis, $1.22. A similar computation appli- cable to a radius of 600 miles from the point of origin gives the following averages per 100 pounds : From Cincinnati, 66 cents ; Chicago, 73 cents ; St. Louis, 75 cents ; Minneapolis, $1.11. While growing into greatness, Cincinnati did not forget, in the critical times of the Civil War, its honorable history as the former out- post of the Republic. Its trade was largely with the South, but sternly its citizens decided that arguments in favor of trade interests smacked of treason, and with stoic heroism closed the city to rebellion. And when Lew Wallace, fortifying Cincinnati to anticipate attack, called for volunteers, the whole com- munity responded, and from the Ohio valleys came the sharp-shooting " squirrel hunters " in procession seemingly endless to defend the city. Since then the growth of Cincinnati has been in keeping with the development of the nation. It does not hope, as Harriet Mar- 8o Cincinnati tineau suggested during her visit here, ever to become the home of the country's capital, but it rejoices in being the great city nearest the American centre of population. Its library of a quarter of a million volumes and its His- torical Society cherish the splendid stories of its past and the accumulating data of its cur- rent achievements. Its artists and citizens delight in dignifying that record in bronze and marble in the environing parks and city squares. The visitor to Cincinnati, on a clear after- noon, should take passage on an incline road, rise to the heights of Eden Park, and travers- ing that high plateau, whose natural beauty and landscape gardening earn for it its name, find his way to the water tower. An elevator lifts him five hundred feet to the observatory platform, where with field-glasses he may behold the splendid panorama of Cin- cinnati. Far below, spanning the river over which " a crazy craft with sails and paddles " once ferried the people, he sees five massive structures of steel and stone, including the famous suspension bridge, begun in the early part of the Civil War, and by its completion during the stress of that conflict testifying Cincinnati 81 eloquently to the faith of its citizens that strife was not to sever the nation, and that these mammoth girders of steel would constitute an important tie in the inevitable reunion of North and South. It was of this structure that James Parton wrote in 1867, that the whole population of Cincinnati might get upon it without danger of being let down into the water. The five superb bridges in their capacity and security afford marked contrast to the earlier attempts to span the river which floods swept away, including the arched struc- ture which went down in the torrent of 1832, accompanied on its seaward flight by a tum- bling Methodist church which the roaring Muskingum had added to the universal baptism. Not all of the life that now courses through Cincinnati's streets could crowd upon its bridges, for the people of the cities and vil- lages across on the Kentucky shore belong in every commercial and social sense to Cincin- nati, and swell its population to the half-mil- lion mark. In fact, within a radius which the vision from this tower almost sweeps, there are a dozen ambitious and wealthy Ohio cities, founded by the sturdy men of the Revolution 82 Cincinnati who went forth from Cincinnati and still tributary to the parent town. The traveler is surveying sacred ground. Mount Auburn beside him marks the site where fell a captain serving under George Rogers Clark, one of the first of the many brave soldiers of the American Revolution to mingle their dust with Ohio soil, which thus enriched has produced many Presidents and renowned statesmen almost without number. Leading away from the city the observer on the tower sees the Miami and Erie Canal, which, connecting Cincinnati with Toledo and furnishing a highway by which boats could pass from New Orleans via the Queen City through various inland waters, finally reaching the harbor of New York, made Cincinnati as early as 1830 a half-way house for continental traffic. The canal recalls that on the tow-path the barefooted Garfield began his career. While glancing at the surrounding reser- voirs from which water is forced to this tower for the supply of the terrace-built city, the traveler may recall the story of the eccentric wanderer, the celebrated Cincinnati " water witch " who with hazel or willow crook went about from hamlet to hamlet indicating hidden 84 Cincinnati springs and at whose direction, in truth, the Queen City dug its first well. Descending now, the traveler may view the observatory which John Quincy Adams dedi- cated to science, or move with the crowds flocking to the Zoo or to the groves where free concerts are given, or he may find his inspiration in roaming through the haunts that still treasure the memory of U. S. Grant, or visit the site of taverns that entertained Web- ster and Andrew Jackson, who paused here on his way to Washington, and that extended frequent hospitality to Henry Clay, stopping here while journeying to or from the national capital. Passing over the suspension bridge, the trav- eler may let the sun go down upon his itiner- ary as he stands upon the bank of the Licking, made memorable by the vigilant canoe cruises of Daniel Boone. Near by is the cottage home of the Grants. Passing a Shawnee ef- figy in front of a tobacconist's stand, the visitor sees the illumination of the city beginning to twinkle against the shadowy background. The multi-colored lights of myriad street-cars flash over bridges and up the steep streets of the hill-built metropolis. The headlights of Cincinnati 85 locomotives on nineteen railroads, represent- ing over twenty thousand miles of track, gleam in and out of the city. It is a moving picture, a perpetual memorial and celebration of the valiant labors of those paladins of pioneer con- quest who on that Christmas week, 1 13 years ago, struck their flint and started their fires in the primeval woods, kindling thereby a light which though flaring at times before the whirlwinds of savage war, and all but quenched with baptisms of fraternal bloodshed, now burns with a steadiness and brilliancy that shall last as long as time. DETROIT THE QUEEN CITY " Here, beside the broad, blue river builded, I am Queen City of the Lakes." BY SILAS FARMER A STREAM of crystal clearness, wide and swiftly flowing, the waters of silver and blue alive with fins and scales, a course dotted with islands large and small, wild ducks in myriads diving and dining along shores bordered with pond lilies and flags, stretches of yellow sand and bluffs of yellow clay peo- pled with buffalo, bear and deer, with wide leagues of grassy pastures and pleasing vistas beyond, walnuts, oaks and maples sentinelling the scene, and skies and sunsets of unrivalled azure and gold adding the final touch of beauty such was Nature's invitation to the first visitors to the Detroit. The earliest of t',\ h travellers to this 88 Detroit region was the Sieur Joliet, who came in 1670, and was followed the same year by the Sulpi- cian priests, Galinee and Dollier. Eight years later La Salle in Le Griffon, the first sail-ves- sel on the Great Lakes, passed through the "strait of Lake Erie," and July 24, 1701, Cadillac and his company landed at the pres- ent site of Detroit to establish a fort and permanent settlement. The desire to escape from Roman or Pro- testant oppression which led to the found- ing of Baltimore and Plymouth had no place in the thought of those who colonized Acadia and the West. True, there had been one or two feeble efforts to found French Protestant colonies in America. The great Coligny sent a Huguenot colony to Florida more than fifty years before the Mayflower arrived at Plymouth Rock. The Spaniards, however, fell upon and hanged these colonists, their placards stating that it was done, " not because they were Frenchmen, but because they were heretics." Under Cardinal Riche- lieu, all Protestant emigration to America was discouraged for fear the emigrants would unite with the English or make converts of the In- dians. The conversion of the Indians to the Detroit 89 Romish faith was always specially designated among the objects of French enterprise in America. The charter of the " Hundred Associates" of April 29, 1627, expressly stated CADILLAC SQUARE, SHOWING CITY HALL AND MAJESTIC BUILDING. that it was granted for the primary purpose of converting to the Catholic faith the Indians, usually designated as "worshippers of Baal." All these motives played their part in the founding of Detroit, but not quite so impor- tant a part as the commercial motive. 90 Detroit Antoine Laumet de la Mothe Cadillac, the founder and commandant, was no mere adven- turer. In courage, in scholarship, in mental grasp and in general acumen he deserves a place with the founders of Baltimore and Philadelphia. The confessedly fictitious de- scription of his personal appearance and the one-sided analysis of his character by Gayarre were founded on incomplete knowledge. As an officer of the French marine, Cadillac fear- lessly crossed the Atlantic again and again as though it were but an inland ferry. On the coast of America he explored the harbors and islands of New England and noted at length their peculiarities and advantages. As a sol- dier and knight of the Order of St. Louis, he penetrated into the wildest of western wilds, served as commandant at Mackinaw, Detroit and Mobile, repeatedly defeated the Indians at these posts, and compelled them to sue for peace. He had the scholar's habit of writing detailed memoirs of the places he es- tablished or was commanded to inspect. He wielded a pen as sharp as his sharp sword. The opponents of his plans had need to fear its point. He spared no words. " A traveller cannot afford to stop," he said, " for every dog Detroit 91 that barks." And illustrating the fact that many of the French lived so much among the Indians that they became like Indians them- selves, he sententiously said, "With wolves one learns to howl." He denounced frauds boldly. Count Fron- tenac spoke highly of his " valor, wisdom, experience and good conduct." It was no ordinary man to whom a wife could by word and deed alike bear witness as Cadillac's wife bore witness to her husband. After they had been married for fourteen years, and when the colony was less than two years old, in com- pany with Madame Touty, in an open canoe with Indians and woodsmen for an escort, she made the journey of a thousand miles from Quebec to Detroit in the fall of the year when fierce winds and rough waves and heavy rains might be expected. When one of the Quebec ladies reminded her in advance, " At Detroit you will die of ennui" she replied, " A woman who loves her husband as she should has no stronger attraction than his company wherever he may be ; everything else should be indiffer- ent to her." The American cities that equal us in age and population are few indeed. Two hundred 92 Detroit years are behind us, and three hundred thou- sand people fill our homes. Our people are and ever have been of many types. In the early days coureurs des bois, bluff, hearty, reck- less, and Indians, the squaw trudging along bent double under her basket of bead-work, the unburdened brave stalking proudly, noise- lessly along, frequented the place. Dutch traders from the Mohawk coasting along the Lakes early brought negro slaves from Albany. 1 In our social life the Gallic spirit remains to soften and harmonize. The dash of gorgeous coloring which the almost continuous existence here of a military post has given, the distinc- tion and grace which the early arrival of some of old Virginia's noblest children has lent, the intellectual vigor which Puritan New England has contributed, and the solidity and conserva- tism furnished by the presence of the many 1 Under treaty stipulations negro and Indian slaves were held until Michigan became a State. Detroit has always had to do with slavery questions. Before the Civil War it was an important station on the " Underground Railroad," and occasionally slaves were seized on our streets. Some of the conspicuous leaders of the party that secured the abolition of slavery lived at one time or another in Detroit. General Grant's home may still be seen. United States Senator Zachariah Chandler of " blood-letting letter " fame was one of our oldest merchants, and the notable " fire-in-the-rear " editorial appeared in a local paper. 5 o II > Q 85 94 Detroit wealthy landed proprietors have all shared in the making of a social life as rich as it is attractive. After the first settlers came strange sights. Round-towered and red-painted windmills be- gan to dot the banks of the Detroit, and all "along shore" narrow farms, a city block in width and fifty times as long, stretched from the river rearward to meadows and woods. The canoe and the pirogue were always in the stream, and in them the French girls were as much at home as mermaids in the sea. The fort was the centre of every interest. It was a log stockade enclosing a plot of ground three or four hundred feet square, and lay south of what is now Jefferson Avenue, occupying at least the western half of the block between Griswold and Shelby streets. Within it com- mandant and soldiers were gathered, the church was located, justice administered and goods were kept on sale. A large influx of immigrants, especially in 1749 and 1754, caused the extension of the stockade, but at no time were grants of farms made within several hundred feet of the fort. The intervening space was in large part used as a " common field," and year after year oats Detroit 95 and onions were produced where only paving- stones could now be raised. Eventually of course the houses overflowed the stockade, stretching towards the farms, but for a long time the owners of farms on either side resisted any encroachment of streets or people, and for many years the city could grow only north- wards. The French farms that hemmed in the city possessed many advantages. Even when included within the city they, for many years, practically escaped taxation because un- divided into lots. Indeed, until a compara- tively recent period there was no taxation of real estate and really no need for any ; for whenever the city needed money it sold a lot. This reckless style of living continued till 1834, the extraordinary expenses connected with the cholera season of that year making larger taxa- tion needful. In this connection it is well to recall an un- usual state of affairs that placed many lots at the disposal of the city. In the year 17/8, during the Revolutionary War, the English, to protect them against the Americans, erected a large fort where the new Post-office is lo- o cated, in the block bounded by Shelby, Wayne, Lafayette and Fort streets. At the close of 96 Detroit the war this fort, with its grounds, passed into the possession of the United States. In 1826 Congress gave this property, worth to-day more than a score of millions, to the city whose ex- penses had before been paid by fees derived from various licensed persons and pursuits. Upon the reception of this property the city fathers deemed it necessary to level and grade the old fort and its appurtenances and to lay out streets thereon. The cost of the work was paid by the issuing of city " shinplasters " which could soon be bought for sixty cents on the dol- lar. The lots laid out within the limits of the old cantonment were sold at nominal prices, the purchasers paying for them in the depreciated city bills. The result was that the net pro- ceeds to the city from the sale of this extensive domain amounted to only $15,030, and even this was not permanently invested, and no ves- tige of the funds remains. In contrast to the dissipation by the city of valuable property is the wisdom displayed by individual holders whose property later became worth millions. If the city officers of that day had possessed foresight as well as power, they might have so conserved the city's possessions as to have made Detroit an Utopia. All the public schools 98 Detroit and other civic buildings and appurtenances could have been built and paid for, and the city government could to-day be carried on without taxation, or at least with only a tithe of the amount that is now required to be paid. It was during the decades of 1820-1840 that the tide of emigration from East to West reached its height. It began in 1825, on the completion of the Erie Canal, and was greatly increased by the larger number of steamboats on the Lakes that immediately followed. The opening in 1854 of the first railroad from the East to the West, the Great Western of Can- ada, made it possible to go still faster and with greater ease, and during the whole period Detroit gained largely in population. The introduction of street-cars in 1863 afforded opportunity for easy access to outlying regions, and since then the city limits have been sev- eral times extended, until now they embrace an area of not far from thirty square miles, with a river frontage of seven miles. Contemporaneously with the rush of settlers to the State and city between 1830 and 1840, came what is known as the " flush times of 1837." Emigration to the West had become almost a stampede, both steam and sail vessels Detroit 99 were crowded to their utmost, and knowing the dearness of Eastern lands and the cheap- ness at which Western lands could be pur- chased, nearly every person came prepared to buy and did buy lands for settlement or spec- ulation. So great was the rush that all careful preliminaries were dispensed with, and if only a title could be shown, anything that " lay outdoors " could be disposed of. Town sites were a favorite form of investment, and the supply kept pace with the demand. Sur- veyors and draftsmen were soon busy day and night representing imaginary cities on paper. On these plans, literally like "Jonah's gourd/' there sprang up in a night, stores, dwellings and court-houses, indeed, all the appurte- nances of an old established town. The era of " wildcat " banks had just begun and the principal security of their bills was the land covered by these imaginary towns. Theoret- ically, twenty per cent, of the bills issued by the too easily organized banks were to be se- cured by specie deposits. Actually, not five per cent, was so deposited. The same coin- in some cases in the same boxes was exhibited by a score of different banks, and in some in- stances " coin boxes " were filled with iron and ioo Detroit other substitutes for specie. These frauds were winked at by bank commissioners, who should have inspected the contents of the boxes. There was thus a trinity of imagin- ings, imaginary towns, imaginary banks and imaginary inspection. When the bubbles burst there were left in some places towns and houses without a single inhabitant, and certain of these houses contained room after room in which the walls were literally papered with bank bills in sheets that had never been cut apart or signed. The most important local event was the fire of June 1 1, 1805, which destroyed every house in the city save one. The memory of the fire is preserved in the present seal of the city, the mottoes, Resurget Cineribiis, " She has risen from the ashes," and Speramus Meliora, " We hope for better things," representing both prophecy and fulfilment. Out of the fire grew an entirely new plan of the town, new lot alignments and assignments, and a new form of government. The former streets, twelve feet wide, grew into broad avenues, and the years have added areas and improvements which in any city would be marks of prosperity and beauty. Detroit 101 The form of government which the fire in- troduced was, however, its unique result. The beginnings of the strange methods of govern- ment that obtained are found in the organiza- tion of the Ohio Company, and in that notable document, the Ordinance of 1787. Under the latter, Congress was to appoint a governor whose term was for three years, unless sooner revoked, who was required to possess in free- hold an estate of one thousand acres in the territory ; a secretary for the term of four years, unless revoked, who was required to have five hundred acres of land ; and three judges, any two of whom constituted a court to have common-law jurisdiction, and each of whom was required to own five hundred acres of land. The governor and judges were appointed January 11, 1805. Judges Woodward and Bates arrived at Detroit June i2th, and found the town wiped out by the fire of the previous day. A few stone chimneys and, near the fire line, several antique pear trees alone remained. Governor Hull arrived on the evening of July i st. The date of the arrival of Judge Griffin is unknown. In many respects the Governor and judges were well fitted to enter upon and 102 Detroit complete the laying out of a new Detroit. Judge Woodward came from Alexandria, Va., and understood and admired the plan of Wash- ington, then new. He manifestly desired and determined that Detroit should be modelled after that " City of Magnificent Distances." Sections of his plan as drawn by A. F. Hull, the son of the Governor, could be laid upon the plan of Washington and matched to a line. There was much delay in adopting the plan ; but after summering and wintering as best they could, however, among their friends outside, the inhabitants were gratified with the news that April 21, 1806, Congress had authorized the Governor and judges to lay out a new town, build a court-house and jail, dispose of ten thousand acres near, give former owners and householders lots, convey lots to others and in general settle all details therewith con- nected. It was not, however, until Septem- ber 6, 1806, or four months after the date of the act, that the Governor and judges held their first meeting. Interminable slow- ness seems to have been their purpose ; plans and counter-plans, change and repeated change in surveys, their method. Lots were numbered and renumbered, streets laid out 104 Detroit on paper, obliterated and then laid out anew in new directions and locations. De- cisions were bandied about and referred from one person or authority to another, and ques- tions of ownership of lots, like a shuttlecock, were tossed to and fro. Plans were prepared, approved, used and then discarded. Every new difficulty and scheme seemed to give rise to new and radically different lot outlines and numbers. Lots were capriciously granted and as capriciously withdrawn. Without bond or books of account, without method other than the method of not leaving any record of what moneys were received or how expended, they did as they pleased. As a result, for a year and a half after the fire there was not a single house erected, and up to May, 1807, deeds had been given for only nineteen lots. Meantime, the debris of the fire covered the site of the ancient village, the blackened stone chimneys standing as monu- ments of the disaster and of the incompetency or worse of those in authority. The three judges and the Governor in themselves possessed all power, legislative, executive, judicial. They made laws, built court-houses, issued scrip, laid out streets and Detroit 105 lots, gave away lots to churches, schools, socie- ties and individuals and were practically " Lords of the Manor of Detroit." The adoption of laws from the original thirteen States, which was all that they were author- ized to do, became under their methods a mere burlesque. A writer of that period openly charged, and exaggerated but little in saying, that they would " parade the laws of the original States before them on the table, and cull letters from the laws of Mary- land, syllables from the laws of Virginia, words from the laws of New York, sentences from the laws of Pennsylvania, verses from the laws of Kentucky, and chapters from the laws of Connecticut." It is due to one or two of those associated as judges during a part of this regime, to say that Judge Woodward, who was in office for the entire period, was very largely responsible for the conditions that existed. The accession of General Cass as Governor, the establishing of the Detroit Gazette, which exposed the pro- ceedings, and the coming of new immigrants finally secured sentiment and people sufficient to have a General Assembly. And with freer discussion and elective methods, order began to reign after twenty years of disorder. io6 Detroit In military matters Detroit has had an almost continuous series of startling experi- ences. Indians, French, English, and Ameri- cans have all struggled in and about the city. Blockhouses, stockades, forts, and cannon have defended it. Stories of attacks, sieges, battles, massacres, and conspiracies crowd its annals. The tramp of regiments, the challenge of sen- tinels, the bugle-call, the drum-beat, and the war-whoop of the savage were familiar sounds in its past. Within two years after Fort Pontchartrain was erected, hostile Indians surrounded the stockade, and at varying intervals during many subsequent years the savages sought to dis- lodge the French and destroy their fortifica- tions. The French traders, however, soon demonstrated that they were willing to deal more liberally than the English, and there can be no doubt but that many Indians came to prefer French methods and manners, for they finally united with the French during the French and Indian War in attacking the English settlements. The victory of Wolfe at Quebec in i 759 and the consequent surrender of De- troit to the English did not please the Indians, and before the final treaty of peace was signed, Detroit 107 Pontiac, an Ottawa chief, who had declared his intention to " stand in the path," formed his conspiracy to overthrow all the English posts. He secured the co-operation of a num- ber of tribes and in May, 1763, prepared to strike at Detroit. Fortunately, as has happened more than once in similar plots, fe- male sympathy and tenderness caused the rev- elation of his design. An Indian maiden gave warning to Gladwin, then commanding at De- troit, who made preparations to foil the conspirators. On the morning of May 7th, Pontiac and a number of his warriors sought admission to the fort. On arriving at the gateway, 1 Pontiac and his warriors were freely admitted, but found the garrison under arms, the cannons loaded for 1 The gateway was located on what is now the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Griswold Street, and a bronze tablet there erected bears a representation of an Indian warrior and the following inscription : " This Tablet designates the site of one of the gateways of Fort Detroit. The original stockade was known as Fort Pontchartrain and was erected when the city was founded in 1701. " Through the gateway here located Pontiac, the Ottawa chief, with a band of Indians, passed on May seventh, 1763, intending to surprise and massacre the garrison. " The exposure of his plot on the previous day caused the defeat of his plans and gave the English the supremacy in this region until the close of the Revolutionary War." io8 Detroit service and the inhabitants ready for battle. At a glance he foresaw the certain failure of his scheme, and after being warned by Glad- win that his plot had been discovered, he re- tired still protesting friendship. Within a day or two afterwards he threw off all attempts at concealment, summoned his warriors, massa- cred several persons on the island now known as Belle Isle and commenced a siege which lasted for five weary months. During the siege, the garrison was relieved several times by provisions and ammunition from Niagara, an don July 2gth, by the arrival of 280 soldiers commanded by Captain Dalyell together with 20 rangers from New Hampshire under Major Robert Rogers. Captain Dalyell now determined to " turn the tables " by an attack on the Indians. Glad win opposed the idea, but was compelled to yield, and on July 3ist 250 troops in three detach- ments marched against the savages. Pontiac in some way was informed of the plan and, am- bushed on the border of Parents' Creek, after- wards called Bloody Run, awaited the approach of the soldiers. As the latter reached a small bridge that then crossed the stream not far from what is now the corner of Jefferson Avenue and Adair Street, they heard the war-whoop of the Detroit 109 Indians and from every side bullets thinned their ranks. Dalyell and seventeen others were killed, nearly forty soldiers wounded and sev- eral captured. Within six hours after this ignominious failure, the rest were glad to be within the shelter of the stockade. The siege was then renewed with increased vigor until at last General Gage of Boston determined to send a force large enough to sub- due the Indians. Accordingly, Colonel Brad- street was put in command of a combined force of i oo friendly Indians, 900 Canadians, and a de- tachment of 219 Connecticut militia in charge of the noted Israel Putnam. They came by wa- ter from Albany and reached Detroit on August 26, 1 764. Their bateaux and barges blocked the river ; the display of flags and force alarmed the Indians, and made them yield before an army such as they had never seen before. Meantime the war-clouds of the Revolution were gathering. The common impression is that the war was fought in the East, around Boston and New York. The important events that occurred at Detroit are usually ignored ; that, too, in spite of the fact that at no other point was so much use made of the Indians by the English. 1 10 Detroit King George and his ministers evidently feared that, unless kept busy defending their homes, the hardy settlers of Western Virginia and Tennessee would aid their brother colo- nists in the East. In order to prevent them from so doing, deliberate and pitiless plans were made to incite the Indians against the o western settlers. Indians were invited to De- troit from as far west and south as Arkansas, and gathered here by thousands. They were feasted, clothed and furnished with guns, scalp- ing-knives, and tomahawks. Blankets, shirts, scarlet cloth and other things were given. The value of the requisitions for this post in a single year reached hundreds of thousands of dollars. The writer has personally seen the original record of the supplying of " sixteen gross of red-handled scalping-knives." Fully equipped, they set forth on their forays, re- turning with men, women, and children as prisoners, and with many scalps. The expe- dition which perpetrated the " Massacre of Wyoming " was equipped at this post, as was also the expedition of Captain Bird against Kentucky at a cost of over $300,000. The writer has an original account book of that period giving the names and pay per diem of Detroit 1 1 1 the French who as guides and interpreters accompanied the English and Indians on some of their raids. The noted Daniel Boone was brought as a prisoner to Detroit after one of these expeditions. After the return of each party the guns of the fort were fired, the prisoners and scalps were counted and recorded, and again the Indians were feasted and given presents. It was during these days that Col. A. S. De Peyster was in command at Detroit, but he was not in full sympathy with such savage warfare. It will be remembered that it was to him that Burns, while in his sick-chamber, dedicated his last poem, on " Life," beginning : " My honored Colonel, deep I feel Your interest in the poet's weal," etc. De Peyster himself could turn a bit of society verse. On one occasion he addressed the following lines to the wife of Lieutenant Pool England, then at Detroit : " Accept, fair Ann, I do beseech, This tempting gift, a clingstone peach, The finest fruit I culled from three, Which you may safely take from me. Should Pool request to share the favor, Eat you the peach, give him the flavor ; Which surely he can't take amiss, When 't is so heightened by your kiss." I 12 Detroit The English officers then at Detroit did not have an easy life. There were resident rebel Americans who made much trouble some of whom were sent away and others fined. American pris- oners, too, were brought here. Some were com- pelled to work in the streets, in ball and chain, and others were forced to cut wood on Belle Isle. At last Detroit and the West were yielded by treaty to the United States, but on one pretext or another they were not actually surrendered until July n, 1796. On that day Fort Lernoult for the first time dis- played the Stars and Stripes. 1 The animosities growing out of the Revo- lutionary War were not allayed by the peace 1 The Post-office on Fort Street, which occupies a portion of the COL. ARENT SCHUYLER DE PEYSTER. EVACUATION DAY TABLET ON FORT STREET ENTRANCE OF POST-OFFICE. 8 113 ii4 Detroit declarations. The Indians continued to hold allegiance to King George, and frequently massacred Americans. British officials on various occasions assumed such authority that at last there came a renewal of strife and the War of 1812. Again Detroit became a focal point. Twelve hundred troops from Ohio, under command of Governor Hull, were soon marching hither to secure the safety of De- troit. Governor Hull's trunk, containing mil- itary papers and plans of great value, which had been sent by boat, was captured near Maiden, Canada, by the British who had ap- site of this fort, displays at its southerly entrance a tablet erected in 1896 which bears the following inscription : " This Tablet designates the site of an English Fort erected in 1778 by Major R. B. Lernoult as a defense against the Americans. It was subse- quently called Fort Shelby, in honor of Gov. Isaac Shelby of Kentucky, and was demolished in 1826. The evacuation of this Fort by the British at 12 o'clock noon, July nth, 1796, was the closing act of the War of Independence. On that day the American Flag was for the first time raised over this soil, all of what was then known as the Western Territory becoming at that time part of the Federal Union." Detroit 115 parently received the earliest announcement of the declaration of war. Governor Hull arrived at Detroit July 5th, soon afterward crossed to Canada and issued a proclamation, but a few GENERAL GRANT'S HOME IN DETROIT. days later returned without having accom- plished any results of value. On August 1 6th, without any reasonable excuse, and without the firing of a single gun, he surrendered his entire force and all of the territory under his control to General Brock. He was tried and 1 1 6 Detroit found guilty of cowardice, unofficer-like con- duct and neglect of duty. In his memoirs, Governor Hull, trying to defend himself, seeks to make Secretary of War Eustis a fool or a traitor, Gen. H. A. Dearborn a knave, and Colonel Cass a conspirator. Original letters and testimony, however, from President Madison, ex-President Jefferson, and Secretary of State John Quincy Adams show that Gov- ernor Hull was justly condemned. On Sep- tember 29, 1813, as the result of Commodore Perry's notable victory of September loth, the whole region was restored to American control. Detroit's interest in several local and sub- sequent wars was large, but the unimportance of some and the well-known results of others make comment thereon unnecessary. While these varied historical events were taking place, the city was steadily gathering to itself prestige and reputation. Its houses now excel in number and beauty, its streets, wide and well paved, are edged with the smoothest of stone walks and lined with elms, maples, and grassy lawns. The distinctive buildings of the municipality, its court-houses, schools, police stations, water-works, and engine houses are remarkable for their excellent architecture and n8 Detroit well-kept condition. The churches, by their number and in their construction, indicate the possession of religious desire and aesthetic taste. The manufacturing interests of De- troit are varied. I ts commercial representatives are found in almost every country, and " De- troit " stoves, drugs, and chemicals are known in every clime. We have numerous parks, but Belle Isle is indeed the priceless jewel in the crown of Detroit : woods of green and waters of blue, art and nature, moving waves and waving grass, stillness and activity, vistas and broad views, beautiful flowers and lofty trees, the white sails of numerous vessels, and the swift motions of great steamers all alike are combined in the captivating beauties of this favored place. Besides serving as a charm to drive away care, our beautiful river gives us one of the greatest ports in the world. More tonnage passes annually through " the Detroit " than in the same time enters and clears the com- bined ports of London and Liverpool. During the season nearly four hundred vessels pass daily, bearing more grain and minerals than traverse any other stream in the world. The city is a central starting-point for reaching all Detroit 119 northern summer resorts, and more steamboat passengers arrive and depart from our wharves than from any others on the Lakes. The stream that attracted the earliest visitors at- tracts later ones as well. The river never over- flows and therefore is never a menace, but always a joy and blessing. Yachts, sail-boats, barges, shells, ferries, steamers, and great " whale-backs " fly and ply over it, and in the season it is a panorama of beauty, gay with music, streamers, and happy voyageurs. MACKINAC "THE HOME OF THE GIANT FAIRIES" BY SARA ANDREW SHAFER AT the northernmost point of the meeting of the waters of the mighty trio of lakes which divide the States of the Middle West from the Dominion of Canada, lies an archi- pelago in size and beauty like that of the "Sprinkled isles, Lily on lily that o'erlace the sea, And laugh their pride when the light waves whisper ' Greece.' " An old writer says that there are two-and- thirty thousand of them, great and small, clustered chiefly where Huron leans her head to meet those of Michigan and Superior, "as if they were discussing some great matter." Perhaps they are talking over the old days and the things and people they knew long ago. 122 Mackinac Perhaps they speak of the morning when, ac- cording to an old saga, the worshippers of the Rising Sun in February saw the Island like a great turtle Nocchenemockenung rise slowly out of the water, to become the home of the Giant Fairies of the Michsawgyegan, or Lake Country, and to be a place of refuge for the vanished peoples, whose names are as the sound of many waters for beauty and for har- mony. Perhaps they tell of the wild, free life of those roving, painted bands of fishers, trap- pers, and hunters which make pictures of so much action and color against the ever-shifting background of these seas and shores. Per- haps they tell of the coming of the Black Robes in the days when the lilies of France had no fear of the lion of England, and the eagle of the American Republic was as yet unthought of. There are things enough of which the Lakes may speak as their waves lapse on the beach of " This precious stone set in a silver sea." Occupying as it does, one of the most im- portant strategic points in the new world, it is not strange that the Island of Mackinac should have a rich and varied history, and that in its OLD MISSION CHURCH (CIRCA), 1823, MACKINAC ISLAND. I2 3 124 Mackinac earlier Indian-French form " Michilimackinac was a word familiar in the cabinets of European monarchs before it was known to people dwell- ing along the Atlantic." The name was given not only to pioneer settlements on either side of the Straits, but also to a vast province which reached as far south as the Ohio River and as far west as the Red River of the North. The Straits are but a dozen miles in width, and the Island but nine miles in circumference, but whether it be frozen in the long clasp of " Peboan, the Winter," when the white, endless snows are marked only by the dark accents of evergreens on islet and mainland, over which the cold stars look down, or the Northern Lights flame and fade ; whether it be decked with the unspeakable splendors of its early autumn, or rejoices with the sudden coming of its tardy summer, it is a land whose beauty is indescribable, and whose spell is supreme. The village numbers many thousand Hitting folk in summer, but it has less than eight hun- dred permanent residents. It lies along the perfect crescent of a bay worn into the south- eastern end of the Island, at the foot of the cliffs, upon which the long lines of the fort stand sentinel, and is a curious conglomeration Mackinac 125 of huge caravanserai, summer villa, shop, fish-house, pier, half-French, half-Indian cot- tage, and church. Old days and new meet over and over again in the little streets, where, in the soft patois of the habitants, in the names they bear, and in many of their strongly marked faces, much of the Island's story is suggested. St. Ann's is a true daughter of the first chapels built by the old heroes of the Church. The Mission House tells of the earnest early efforts to teach the tenets and virtues of Calvinism to the savages, made by the reverend geographer, Morse, father of Morse of the electric telegraph, and Mr. Ferry, whose son, born in the village, ably represented Michigan in the Senate of the United States. Where the fort garden now stands once stood the agency, then the centre of the vast trade of the fur companies. Within its walls Henry Schoolcraft wrote down the precious results of his studies in Indian dialect and folk-lore, from which, as from a root, sprang the perfect flower of our one native epic, Hiawatha. Not to have read Hiawatha with the pine-spiced winds of the north blowing upon the page, with the magnificent prospect 126 Mackinac of the Straits before one's eyes, lifted while a page is turned, and with the waves breaking into a thousand jewels against the rocks at one's feet, is hardly to have read Hiawatha at all. The Fort is the successor of the feeble early posts set up by the pioneers of France. The great propellers and the swift-winged yachts that throng the summer waters are of a kindred with the birch canoe, most poetic of all water craft own brother to the violin by reason of the perfect beauty of its lines, having in it " All the mystery and magic " of the woodland and the wood life. As of old, the deep wild roses and the frail hare- bells cling to the cliffs ; as of old, in the gorges hushed into fragrant silence by pine and larch and hemlock, arbor-vitae and juni- per, beech, and birch, the shy, delicate flora of the north finds shelter. As of old, the winds try their strength against the splendid masonry of the curious limestone formations for which the place is noted, the Arch Rock, the Fairy Arch, the Chimney Rock, the Sugar Loaf, Scott's Cave, Skull Cave, the Devil's ARCH ROCK, MACKINAC ISLAND. 127 128 Mackinac Kitchen. Around each of these the legends cluster like bees about a linden-tree in blossom, but how can they be forgiven whose crass stupidity gave them these commonplace titles and who have lost for us their Indian names? In the days when New France " had two fountain heads, one in the cane brakes of Louisiana, and the other in the snows of Canada," a charter was given by Louis XIII. to the Hundred Association Company, which was thereby invested with rights almost mon- archical, together with injunctions to do all that was possible for Holy Church which was consistent with the keeping of a watchful eye upon such earthly advantages as might accrue from a monopoly of the fur trade and the acquisition of new territory. It was in 1634, under the governorship of Champlain, that Jean Nicolet, a fearless explorer, well versed in woodcraft and in the speech of many aboriginal tribes, was the first paleface to see the white cliffs of Mackinac, as he was also the first to carry back to civilization tidings of a great new sea, the Lac des Ilinese, or Mich- igan, which he had discovered. That he per- ished by the capsizing of his canoe in the St. Lawrence River was a great loss to the infant Mackinac 129 colonies to whom his sixteen years' experience in frontier life would have been very valuable. The path he opened, was, however, soon fol- lowed by others. The explorers and traders, Des Grosselliers, Radisson, Perrot, and their fellows did for the world what the Jesuits, the Recollets, and the Sulpicians did for the Church. It is in the Relations sent home by the priests that we learn what were the trials overcome by those dauntless sons of " the sturdy North." Perhaps from no country but France, and in no other years than the glitter- ing, romantic, covetous, daring, devoted years of the seventeenth century, could have come adventurers so tireless and churchmen so self- less as these. To read their simple, patient chronicles is to have new belief in man, new faith in the Church Universal, " which is the blessed company of all faithful people," and to clasp hands across years and above creeds with those courageous pioneers and with those humble saints. The story of Mackinac is for many years the story of the French in Canada. " Not a cape was turned," says Parkman, "not a river was entered, but a Jesuit led the way." Every year the establishment of new posts pushed 130 Mackinac the realms of the Unknown Territory nearer and nearer to the sunset. Poor little posts they were, slenderly garrisoned, and feebly armed, but beside each one rose a chapel and a cross where the " bloody salvages " might learn, if they would, the religion of the fathers. The missionaries made, perhaps, but few con- verts to their faith, but they made many friends for their country by their kindly offices to the sick, the aged, the dying, and the infant, by the gentleness and urbanity of their high breeding, and by the perpetual sacrifice of their lives of love and loyalty. Of their hard- ships we can only read between the lines of their brave, uncomplaining Relations, but what litanies of pain, sorrow, and disappointment, what Te Deums of hope and rejoicing lie in these marks, oft recurring on their queer old maps : 6 marque des villages sauvages J marque des etablissements fran$ ois, By 1668 many missions were strung along the waterways. The Island was the centre of a thriving trade, had thirty native villages, and a palisaded enclosure for defence, and a year later its shores were hallowed by the feet of SUQAR LOAF ROCK, MACKINAC ISLAND. 132 Mackinac " The Guardian Angel of the Ottawa Mission," Father Jacques Marquette. Here, in what he called " the home of the fishes," and " the playground of all the winds of heaven," he spent the hard winter of 1669-70, going later to the first Fort Michili- mackinac, at St. Ignace, where he built a log- and-bark chapel, and whence he wrote the letters which reflect his pure spirit, as a clear pool reflects a star. Ever alert, ever anxious, "Ad Major am Gloriam Dei" to hear of new countries to be brought to Him, his great opportunity came when the tribes trooped past the Island on their way to the Sault Ste. Marie and the Great Congress, convened on the 1 4th of June, 1671, by the hardy Perrot. The French wanted to control the frontier trade ; the Indians wished a market for their furs. To both peoples pomp and ceremony were natural and dear, so here, in all the splendor of war-paint and wampum, tomahawk, calumet, feathers, bows and arrows, and hand- some furs came the braves of many tribes ; in all the gay accoutrement of blanket-surtout, scarlet cap, fringed elk-skin leggins, rifle, and dagger-decked sash came the coureurs des bois and the voyageurs ; in the dignity of their Mackinac 133 uniforms came a handful of soldiers ; with cross and cassock came the priests, to gather under a great wooden cross, to which the arms of France had been nailed, where, by a proces verbal, the overlordship of the Great West was assumed by Louis XIV. Among the representatives of so many scat- tered savages, Father Marquette doubtless made the inquiries about and gained the know- ledge concerning the Great Unknown River which served him in such good stead when, on the 1 7th of May, 1673, he started with Louis Joliet, five voyageurs, and in two canoes, on the voyage which made the Mississippi known to Europe. Of the honor coming from the discovery the good father never thought, but only with joy of new lands to which the mes- sage of the Cross could be carried. It is the story of a hero, the story of his short life and of his triumphant death, "alone, a Jesuit, and a Missionary," beside an obscure creek on the Michigan shore, on the iQth of May, 1675, m the eight-and-thirtieth year of his age. De- scendants of his Ottawas and his Hurons still tell of his " bright hair, like the sun," and of the great funeral when, two years after his death, his body was brought back to St. 134 Mackinac Ignace. Whether the dust now held sacred was his or no, is of little moment. In the Book of Life, above and below, the name of Jacques Marquette has long been written, and like the blessing of peace his spirit rests upon the Northland. In 1679, tne Griffin, a little ship of sixty tons, took Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle, and the garrulous, mendacious Recollet friar, Hennepin, past the Island on their way to the Great River, which they were to explore to the Gulf, and beside which the murdered body of the great Norman was to be flung. He only touched the Island, but the touch of La Salle was a royal accolade. In 1688, La Honton, a soldier of unusual sagacity, noted the importance of the site, and in 1695 M. de la Motte Cadillac says that the fort, with its garrison of two hundred sol- diers, and the village of Canadians and Indi- ans to the number of six or seven thousand souls, made it one of the largest posts in Can- ada. Disputes between the commandant and the Jesuits, chiefly about the sale of liquor to the Indians, resulted in the discouragement of the priests, who, in 1705, burned their chapel and their school, and went back to Quebec. 1 36 Mackinac St. Ignace was then gradually abandoned for a second Michilimackinac on the southern peninsula. When the French and English war was ended on the Plains of Abraham, George III. became indeed sovereign of the soil of Canada, but Louis XV. was lord of the hearts of too many French, half-breeds, and Indians to make the transfer of allegiance easy. Loves and hates and racial sympathies are not matters for cold diplomacy, and the people of the Northwest waited longingly for a leader who should give them again the light-hearted, friendly rule of the French, under which they had been far happier than they found them- selves as subjects of the stern, alien English. In the person of an Ottawa chieftain, the most remarkable personage produced by the Indian race, the leader was found. In the brain of Pontiac, grim, far-seeing, fearless, heroic, there arose as a prophetic vision the assurance that English encroachments upon the rights of his people would never cease so long as they held a rod of ground coveted by an English eye. To avert the evils he fore- saw, he planned the capture of all forts west of Niagara, the extermination of all English 138 Mackinac settlers, and the restoration to the Great Father at Versailles of the lands he had just lost. With incredible swiftness he formed the vast conspiracy whose story has been told, once for all, in the living pages of Parkman's narrative. Whisperings of coming trouble had been heard at Fort Michilimackinac by Major Eth- erington, the commandant, but none of so seri- ous a nature as to prevent the presence of the soldiery at a great game of baggatiway which was to be played in a field near the fort by rival companies of Sacs and Chippewas, in honor of the King's birthday, August 4, 1763. The game is a very intricate and brilliant one, requiring great agility and skill, and the par- ticipation of a large number of players. As was most natural, the excitement of the on- lookers was intense, and when an apparently stray ball flew high over the palisades of the unprotected fort (which had been silently invaded by a crowd of squaws with weapons hid- den under their blankets) and at least four hun- dred players in hot pursuit swarmed over the stockade, nothing was thought amiss, until the cries appropriate to the game changed into the war-whoop, and a massacre began. Of * Mark of Pouanas and Kausse, the same nation but different Chiefs. Oka. SIGNATURES OF THE CHIPPEWA CHIEFS WHO, IN 1781, DEEDED THE ISLAND TO KING GEORGE III. FROM " MACKINAC," BY JOHN R. BAILEY, M. D., BREVET LIEUT.-COU U. 8. V., BY WHOSE KIND PERMISSION THEY ARE HERE REPRODUCED. 139 i4 Mackinac the English, all were either killed or made captive, except Alexander Henry, whose narra- tive curdles the blood even yet. This event led to the abandonment of the southern fort and the establishment of one on the Island. 1 " It is now certain," writes Schoolcraft in 1834, " that the occupancy of Old Michilimackinack the Beekwu- tenong of the Indians was kept up by the British until 1774 ; between that date and 1780 the flag was trans- ferred . . . the principal trade went with it, the In- dian intercourse likewise. Some residents lingered a few years but the place was finally abandoned, and the site is now covered with loose sand." By the Treaty of Paris, in 1783, the Island was ceded by Great Britain to the United States. Possession was, however, withheld on one pretext or another, until i 796. When the second war with England began, it was natural that one of the first points to be attacked should be the fort so commandingly situated. Far from all base of supplies and 1 The deed for the Island, bought from its Indian owners in 1781 by George III. for ^5000, was long in possession of Dr. John R. Bailey, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. 8. V., and author of a most interesting monograph on Mackinac. It is from its pages, and by his kind permission, that the Indian signatures to the document are here reproduced. Mackinac 141 all possibility of rapid communication, the oft- repeated appeals of General Hull for an effec- tive garrison at this and other important points were totally disregarded in Washington. Only fifty-seven soldiers were in residence in Mack- inac when the British forces, 1021 strong, landed FORT MACKINAC, AND THE CANNON CAPTURED BY COMMODORE PERRY. before dawn on the i;th of July, 1812, on a point nearly opposite St. Ignace. By eleven o'clock Captain Roberts sent a flag of truce, and a de- mand of surrender to Lieutenant Porter Hanks, who had had " no intimation " that a war between the powers had been declared until that moment. After considering the i4 2 Mackinac futility of resistance, and a consultation with the American traders in the village, with the valor which was ever bettered by discretion, he capitulated. In August, 1814, an attempt was made to retake the Island. A battle was fought near the scene of the British landing two years be- fore, in which battle Major Holmes and twelve privates were killed, and many men were wounded or missing. The routed Americans, under Colonel Croghan, withdrew to their ships. The Island finally passed into the keeping of the United States in 1815. Then followed the great days of the fur companies, when the place was astir with a life so gay and vivid that only to hear of it stirs the blood of the untamed savage which centu- ries of the repressions of civilization have not routed from our hearts. Hundreds of hardy, ill-paid engages, hundreds of happy-go-lucky, hard-working voyageurs and coureurs des bois and hundreds of Indians crowded into the hun- dreds of tents set up along the beach ; into the log-houses of the primitive village, and into the huge barracks of the company, which counted and weighed the rich peltries they had gathered, paying them in return the miserable Mackinac wages which in dancing, gambling, drinking, fighting, feasting and sleeping, were spent long REV. ELEAZAR WILLIAMS. REPROD'JiED FROM LATIMER'S ' SCRAP BOOK OF THE REVOLUTION," BY PERMISSION OF A. C. MCCLURQ & CO. before the bateaiix freighted with the poor ne- cessities for the fast-coming winter were again rowed out toward the wilderness, the brave 144 Mackinac chansons of the oarsmen growing fainter and fainter as the boats passed steadily out of sight. An incident but little known connects the Island with one of the great mysteries of his- tory, the fate of the little son of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette. That the Dauphin did not die in the Temple, but had been secretly conveyed to America and had been placed among the Indians, was believed by persons whose opinions were entitled to re- spect ; but that he might be found in the person of the Rev. Eleazar Williams, a half-breed missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church among the tribes about Green Bay, was a sup- position stranger than any fiction. The story is too long to tell here, 1 but as it touches Mackinac at a single point, it must have a line in this chapter. On the wharf of the moon-shaped bay, one bright day in October, 1841, a crowd was gathered to see the Prince de Joinville, son of Louis Philippe, then reigning in France, who 1 For an admirable statement of the facts bearing upon this in- teresting problem, the reader is asked to turn to My Notebook of the French Revolution, by Mrs. Elizabeth Wormeley Latimer (A. C. McClurg & Co.). The book upon which Mrs. Latimer has chiefly based her account, The Lost Prince, by the Rev. Mr. Hanson, has long been out of print, and is almost inaccessible. Mackinac 145 was on his way to Green Bay, and who had stopped off at Mackinac to visit some of the natural curiosities of the place. A salute had been fired in honor of the royal sailor with true republican fervor, and while the steamer which had brought him waited his pleasure, the village was en fte. Waiting on the dock, and also about to embark for Green Bay, was the Rev. Eleazar Williams, who, before the boat left the bay, was, at the request of the Prince, presented to his Highness. The acquaintance thus begun led to disclosures which, if true, make the identity of the Dau- phin and the missionary all but certain. Wrapped in a legend, the Island of Mackinac comes into sight. With a thousand legends, its old fields, its cliffs, its caves, its gorges, its wooded glens, its shores, and its far, dim dis- tances are haunted. With a thousand mys- teries and bewilderments and witcheries it holds captive all who come within reach of its magic. With a mystery, which too may be but a legend, our story closes, as the light that smites the waters of the Straits into a myriad of glittering flakes paints on the sunset sky the old, old golden track which the Indians loved to call "the Path that leads Homeward." INDIANAPOLIS THE HOOSIER CAPITAL BY PERRY S. HEATH THE visitor to the Hoosier capital familiar with the capital of the nation instantly observes a striking similarity between the two. Well he may, for Alexander Ralston, who carried the chains for Pierre Charles L'Enfant, and placed the stakes which fixed the lines and curves of the City of Magnificent Dis- tances, was the surveyor of Indianapolis. When, in 1821, he carved out of the small cleared space in the centre of a great wilder- ness the plan just one mile square for Indian- apolis, his architectural abilities and ambitions had more than a superficial justification. The result was perhaps the handsomest city be- tween Philadelphia and Denver. When Indianapolis was platted on the sur- veyor's map it had but 800 inhabitants. By 147 148 Indianapolis the year 1840 the town had grown to 2672 inhabitants. There were only 48,244 souls in the city in 1870. But by 1890 the population had increased to 105,436, and the census of 1900 placed the population at 169,164. In the latter decade Indianapolis outstripped Rochester, New York, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Denver, and Omaha in increase of population. And the area occupied by the city grew in three quarters of a century from one to twenty-seven square miles. Entering Indianapolis to-day upon any one of the seventeen independent railroads oper- ated by steam locomotives, or any one of the many interurban electric systems, the traveller is entranced, in passing the wide, asphalted avenues, by the magnificent view which carries the vision to the hub of the city, where the eye readily perceives the panorama of the State House, four or five magnificent hotels, some majestic club-houses, and the world- famed Soldiers' Monument in the Governor's Circle. The city is not one over which dense clouds of smoke hover daily, marks unmistak- able of great manufacturing interests. The sky is usually clear. Natural gas and oil are largely employed as fuel for the production of Indianapolis 149 steam. Where coal is used the consumers are largely located in the remote outskirts. Dur- ing half the year the foliage from the splendid system of shade and other trees along the avenues and streets and in the parks clothes the city in a verdure producing a pleasing OLD STATE HOUSE, INDIANAPOLIS. effect upon the vision and the atmosphere. In winter-time the well-paved streets and the uni- versal system of cement sidewalks are ever under the enforcement of perfect city regula- tions, clear of snow and sleet and other impedi- ments to boulevard driving and pedestrianism. There is about the history of Indianapolis 150 Indianapolis much of quaint Indian tradition and historical attractiveness. While almost every trace of the rural, or the virgin forests which were in view from any point a few years ago, has disap- peared and modern structures and improve- ments abound, the visitor wherever he goes, cannot forget, that he is in a city which made great progress during the last half of the nineteenth century. On every hand this fact is illustrated. It was as late as April, 1816, that Congress authorized the construction of a constitution for the State. As recently as three quarters of a century ago the White River, on which Indianapolis is situated, was dotted from source to mouth, with the canoes of savages, and lined along its banks, in the dense wilderness, with Indian villages. The white man made his way in constant fear through the country. It is true that Vincen- nes had been settled by white people genera- tions before, but its citizens had at this time few if any relations, social or commercial, with any other section of the Territory, and every- where the red man continued to be a prime factor, holding and controlling the affairs of the domain. While the White and Wabash rivers in the interior furnished during a part 152 Indianapolis of the year transportation by raft, the old buffalo trail from Vincennes to the Falls of the Ohio, cleared by immigrants, afforded the only safe outlet or inlet, and was in consequence a great thoroughfare. The Whetzels, known to history as the intrepid Indian fighters, paved the way through the Territory and made it possible for immigrants to find Indianapolis in its early days. At the time this city was located and titled there was so much of Indian lore in the minds of the legislators, and in fact so much of the red man in the wilderness around, a constant source of apprehension, that great difficulty was found in securing a name for the new metropolis. Tecumseh, Suwarrow, Whetzel, Wayne, Delaware, and other names famil- iar to the paleface hunted by or hunting the red man, were suggested. Finally Mr. Samuel Merrill, a name significant in the modern history of Indiana and Indianapolis, and prominent in the upbuilding and develop- ment of the best institutions of the State and city, proposed Indiana-polis as the name for the city which is now the pride of all Hoosier hearts. The original city was platted with streets just Indianapolis '53 one mile in length from end to end. The avenues, or " diagonals," as they were termed on the original plat, radiated from the Circle (the hub) in the centre and constituted that beautiful de- sign which makes the capi- tal of France and the capital of the United States so attrac- tive in appear- ance, and yet in some respects " a labyrinth or mesh to the un- familiar." Near the radiating point or Circle was early estab- lished a mar- ket, which is to-day one of the great conveniences to the resi- dents of the city and to those who market their products and an attraction at most seasons of the year to visitors. It was not until the removal in November, BENJAMIN HARRISON. 154 Indianapolis 1824, of the archives of Indiana from Cory- don to Indianapolis, that the latter became the actual capital. In 1827 the Legislature appropriated four thousand dollars for a Gov- ernor's residence to be located in the Circle. Its construction was commenced, but never completed. The unfurnished portion was occupied at one time as a schoolhouse, until finally the officers of the Supreme Court made it their headquarters. After some years the crude building was demolished and the ground was converted into a park, the present location of the Soldiers' Monument. It was not until a third of the nineteenth century had passed, not until near 1840, that Indianapolis became more pretentious than any other country town. The public squares were feeding-grounds for the ox and horse teams of countrymen who came to market. There were practically no industries, and the buildings were primitive and simple. As late as 1875 the wags of the stage and the humorists of the press amused themselves with jeers at the Hoosier capital. The Hoosier was a joke in the East. He was represented as the typical raw character, greatly in need of common advantages and ordinary i5 6 Indianapolis enlightenment. And the impression persisted until some time after three quarters of the nineteenth century had passed that Indian- apolis was simply a congregating-point for him and his kind. About 1880 the city began to take on the appearance of a modern am- bitious metropolis. As wealth increased the people resorted in ever increasing numbers to the capital, to enjoy the schools for their child- ren and the best civilization for themselves. Gradually there have gathered there not only the prosperous citizens of the State, but many who have at home or abroad achieved renown in letters, diplomacy, official life, the army and navy. Here have lived two Vice-Presidents of our country. One of our Presidents, the late General Benjamin Harrison, lived and died here. Dialect poets, local historians, and novelists have spent their days here and been the pride of their fellow-citizens. In 1831 the Legislature made an appropri- ation of fifty thousand dollars for the con- struction of a State House. The investment, when completed, however, aggregated about sixty thousand dollars. And the State viewed the result with satisfaction and believed she had one of the most attractive and majestic State Indianapolis 157 Houses in the entire country, as indeed she had after the substitution in 1887, at an expense of $1,936,000, of the present magnificent struc- ture. Indianapolis has more than one hundred church buildings. The City Hall, with a seat- ing capacity of over five thousand, the gift of Mr. Daniel Tomlinson, was constructed at an expense of $150,000, and is principally used for conventions and musical festivals. In 1836 the State began an elaborate system of internal improvements. Railroads, canals, and turnpikes were subsidized and encouraged in every manner possible. The first railroad to reach Indianapolis came up in 1847 from Mad- ison, on the Ohio River, creating the usual sen- sation of the new railroad in those days. As long ago as 1860 Indianapolis became the rail- road centre of the Central West. The diversi- fied and almost limitless products of the State, of the farm and the mine, and the fact that In- dianapolis is in the direct pathway between the East and the West, afforded great attraction to railroad builders. The Union Railroad Station, until recently the largest and best in the United States, is still one of the most commodious, comfortable, and beautiful in the country. 158 Indianapolis During the Civil War Indianapolis was a storm-centre. The State was not surpassed by any other in the percentage of soldiers sent out to defend the Union. Here they rendezvoused, and Camp Morton and other points about the city for many years after the war bore signs of the long presence of the " Boys in Blue." Indiana possessed a great war Governor in Oliver P. Morton, the steadfast friend of Lincoln and a loyal anti- slavist. For five years in Indianapolis the shrill sound of the fife and the roll of the drum scarcely ever ceased, day or night. Those living to-day who recall the activities of the days of the Civil War view the Soldiers' Monument, in the heart of the city, and the many evidences of reverence for the memory of our Union soldiers in the beautiful ceme- teries without surprise. These to them are but simple sequences, natural results. The straggling village of the first days of the war soon became a bustling little city. For the first time business blocks began to ap- pear along the leading streets and avenues. The architecture in the residences evinced a tendency toward the modern as time pro- gressed. The corduroy or cobble streets were SOLDIERS' MONUMENT, INDIANAPOLIS. 159 160 Indianapolis improved. The heavy artillery and ponderous wagons carrying munitions of war required something more substantial in heavy weather, and gravel was thrown upon the muddy thoroughfares. Level as a plain, but beauti- fully drained by the slight inclines to the White River, it was possible to transform those streams of mud in winter-time and heaps of brown dust in the dry summer into the mag- nificently paved or perfectly asphalted streets of the present day. The city now has 150 miles of improved streets forty miles of asphalt, costing $2, 5 1 4, 5 76 ; twenty-three miles of brick, $902,276; twelve miles of wooden block, $710,646, and seventy-five miles of gravel and boulder, $777,306. There are 107 miles of cement sidewalks, which required an expenditure of $552,489, and ninety-one miles of sewers, at an outlay of $1,575,878. Many beautiful residences, surrounded by well-kept lawns and parks, may be viewed by a drive through the city or by a tour over any of the lines of the splendidly managed con- solidated street-railway system. The city has 1207 acres of parks, more attractive than the parks of Washington. Riverside Park, con- taining 953 acres, the ground for which was 162 Indianapolis purchased in 1900, lies along the White River. Garfield Park contains 103 acres; Brookside Park, eighty-one acres ; and there are various smaller parks throughout the city. The muni- cipality of Indianapolis has a large park fund, created from the sale of bonds and from a tax levied for park purposes. The financial con- dition of the muncipality is the pride of the citizens. The value of school property is $1,993,620. The city library is a handsome building, erected especially for library purposes, and contains one hundred thousand volumes. In 1887 the Legislature appropriated $200,- ooo for the erection in Governor's Circle of the monument to the soldiers and sailors of the State. The corner-stone was laid August 2, 1889. The monument was de- signed by Bruno Schmidt, of Berlin, and was built of Indiana limestone, at an expense of $600,000, including the images at the base. The monument stands 268 feet in height. o Around the approaches are eight magnificent candelabra, valued at $40,000. The two cas- cades are the largest artificial waterfalls in the world, discharging each minute seven thousand gallons. The water is derived from driven wells beneath the monument, and after flowing COLUMBIA CLUB, INDIANAPOLIS. 163 164 Indianapolis over the cascade returns to the reservoir, from which it is again used through power furnished by force pumps. In 1900 the revenue of the city was $1,341,861, and the expenditure $i,- 245,000. The bonded debt was $2,135,700. The assessed valuation of property for 1900 was $126,672,652. There are five national banks with a combined capital of $2,400,000, and four trust companies with a combined capital of $3,000,000. The wholesale trade is extensive, confined mostly to drygoods, boots and shoes, and hats, and reaches as far south as Texas and west to Oklahoma. Manufacturing interests are large, consisting mainly of structural iron, mill machinery, en- gines and various kinds of bent-wood. It is contended that only Cincinnati, Philadelphia, and New York surpass Indianapolis in the amount of many manufactured products. Mill machinery and structural iron is shipped in large quantities to Europe, South America, and other foreign lands. Indianapolis is one of the greatest horse markets in the country, and is surpassed by only three cities as a market for hogs and cattle. A belt railroad circles the city, connecting the two immense stock- yards with all the steam railroads. THE HENDRICKS MONUMENT. I6 5 1 66 Indianapolis In May, 1895, John Herron willed to the Art Association $200,000, with which to erect an art gallery. A site has been purchased, and the gallery is this year to be built. The Commercial Club, composed of the leading business men of the city and devoted to advanc- ing the interests of the city, occupies its own building, an elegant eight-story structure. The home for the Columbia Club, a Republican organization of State importance, which has just been completed at an expense of nearly $200,000, is one of the finest club properties in the entire West. The Marion and the Uni- versity clubs both own their buildings, and the women, too, have a club-house. The Law Building is a handsome and valuable structure of twelve stories, occupied exclusively by attor- neys. The corporation has a large law library for the use of the tenants. State institutions are the Insane Hospital, containing fifteen hundred patients ; Institute for the Education of the Blind, and a similar institution for deaf-mutes. The city has a large and handsomely equipped hospital, and there are two others well appointed. A new hotel building will this year take the place of the Bates House, at a cost of more than $2,000,000. Indianapolis 167 The city is adorned with impressive statues of her favorite sons : Morton, Whitcomb, William Henry Harrison, and George Rogers Clark in Monument Place, Vice-President Colfax in University Park, and Vice-President Hendricks in the State House grounds. To these will be added in 1901 one of General Henry W. Law- ton, a native Hoosier, who fell in battle in the Philippines, one of General Pleasant A. Hack- leman, the only general officer from Indiana killed in the Civil War, and one sometime, of course, of the late ex-President Harrison. Except Philadelphia, it is doubtful if there is a city in the Union where a greater percentage of the wage-earners possess their own homes. Labor strikes or disturbances are here almost unknown, and the conditions of peace and prosperity are assured for many years to come. VINCENNES THE KEY TO THE NORTHWEST BY WILLIAM HENRY SMITH banks f t ^ ie Wabash" is one of the greater historic sites of the great Northwest. Of no great importance, at least commercially, to-day, it was once the seat of the empire of France in the Ohio Valley, and long before, possibly when Moses was leading his people out of bondage, the seat of an empire established by a race we now call prehistoric. When the Mound Builders came, whence they came, when they went away, or whither, will, in all probability never be determined ; but they were surely here, and from the works they left behind, must have been here for centuries, and must have numbered millions. The site of their capital is not known, but if it was not on the spot where Vincennes now stands, certainly one of 169 1 70 Vincennes the most populous cities of their empire did stand here. In the immediate vicinity are several large mounds, and around them are hundreds of smaller mounds. There must have been something attractive about this spot on the Wabash, for after the Mound Builders deserted it and the red men came to occupy the land, they, too, selected it for the site of one of their principal towns. No one knows what tribes have dwelt here, but when it was first visited by white men, the Pi-ank-a-shaws, one of the leading tribes of the great Miami Confederacy, organized to drive back eastward the Six Nations, occupied it as their principal village, and called it Chip- kaw-kay. As the red men depended upon the forests and streams for both food and clothing, this was for them an ideal spot. The finest forests in America were here, filled with buffalo, bear, deer, and other game ; while the Wabash furnished them fish and gave them a highway easily traversed by which to visit friends in other sections or to make raids on hostile tribes. The traditions of the Pi-ank-a-shaws indicate that they occupied the site for more than a century before the coming of the whites. Vincennes 171 Just when the first white man visited the spot cannot be determined. There is little doubt that La Salle passed up the Wabash about 1669, gave it the name of the Ouabache, and marked it on his maps. 1 Finding an Indian town, he probably stopped and, as was his wont, made friends with the tribes. A few years later the town was abandoned for a while, owing to the irruptions of the fierce Iro- quois, who were extremely hostile to the French, and La Salle gathered all the other Indian tribes around his fort on the Illinois, where they remained until about 1711. When the Iroquois retired over the mountains the other tribes returned to their old homes ; the Pi-ank-a-shaws to their village on the Wabash, the Weas erecting their wigwams near the mouth of the Tippecanoe, and the Twight- wees locating at the head of the Maumee. Afterward the Delawares took up their home 1 La Salle, in drawing his maps, made the Ouabache to empty into the Mississippi at Cairo. According to him the Oyo (Ohio) was a tributary of the Ouabache. About 1702, one, M. Juchereau, sent to establish a post for the protection of the traders in peltries, reported that he had established a post about forty leagues above the mouth of the Ouabache. Some writers have taken that to mean Vincennes, and it is so recorded in some of the encyclopaedias, but his post was on what is now called the Ohio, and not on the Wabash. 172 Vincennes in Central Indiana, the Shawnees in the east- ern portion, and the Pottawatomies around the foot of Lake Michigan. The Indians had hardly gotten back to their old hunting-grounds before the coureurs des bois began to make excursions into the territory in search of peltries and adventures. Some of them penetrated as far as Chip-kaw- kay and dwelt for some time with the Pi-ank- a-shaws. Traditions tell of the visit of a missionary or two, but there is no certainty. Rumors grew of English traders crossing the mountains, and as all the territory from the Alleghanies to the Mississippi was claimed by France because of the explorations of La Salle, the French authorities in Canada and Louisiana became alarmed, and in 1718 sent out Jean Baptiste Bissot, the Sieur de Vincent, from Canada to establish posts on the Wabash. He reached Ke-ki-on-ga, the town of the Twight-wees, at the head of the Maumee, selected it for one of his posts, and for another, Wea town, below the mouth of the Tippecanoe. At that time not all of the Ohio Valley was under the jurisdiction of Canada, but the lower half of what are now Ohio, Indiana, and Vincennes 173 Illinois belonged to the province of Louisiana. For this reason Bissot made no effort to estab- lish posts farther down the Wabash than Wea town, afterward known as Ouiatenon. He died at Ke-ki-on-ga, in 1719. The incursions of the English growing bolder and more fre- quent, M. Broisbriant, Governor of Louisiana, about 1725, ordered Fran9ois Margane, Sieurde Vincent, who had succeeded to the title of his uncle, Jean Baptiste Bissot, to prepare to repel the advance of the English and drive them back across the mountains. For this purpose Margane established a post at Chip-kaw-kay, and about seven years later a number of French- Canadian families settled there. This was the first settlement of whites in Indiana, although trading posts had previously been established at the head of the Maumee and at Ouiatenon. This was the beginning of Vincennes, which was called "the Post," "au Poste," and " Old Post," till in 1735 it received the present name. Margane commanded the Post until 1736, when he joined an expedition against the In- dians on the Mississippi, and was captured and burned at the stake. After his death till the territory was ceded in i 763 to the British, the Post was commanded 174 Vincennes by Lieutenant Louis St. Ange, who had as- sisted in establishing it. The French during this period lived in peace and friendship with the Indians, the Pi-ank-a-shaws giving the set- tlers a large tract of land around the Post for their use. This land was held in common by all the inhabitants. In the spring a certain por- tion was allotted to the head of each family, or to any one else willing to cultivate it, but when the harvest was over the fences were taken down and the land again became public prop- erty. After the accession of St. Ange to the command, he made to certain of the more im- portant persons in the little settlement individ- ual grants of some of this land, which later caused great confusion. Lieutenant St. Ange had much influence with the Indians, and as the French made no attempts to claim the lands of the Indians, or to destroy their hunting-grounds by cutting down the forests, the little settlement at Vin- cennes lived without molestation or fear, until about 1751, when British agents stirred up some of the tribes to attempt the destruction of the French posts in the Ohio Valley. St. Ange put his post in a secure state of defence, and although a few friendly Indians were Vincennes 175 killed by the hostiles in the immediate neigh- borhood, the Post itself was not attacked. When Canada was ceded to the British it took with it the posts at the head of the Mau- tARLY FRENCH SETTLERS AT VINCENNES. mee and Wea town. They were garrisoned by small detachments of British troops. Pontiac's conspiracy to drive the British out of the coun- try included the capture and destruction of all the posts then held by the British west of the 176 Vincennes mountains. The two other posts in Indiana were captured, but Vincennes, being still under the command of St. Ange, was not attacked. Pontiac endeavored to enlist St. Ange in his warfare against the colonists, but that astute officer was proof against all his blandishments. When the treaty of 1 763 was made known, St. Ange was transferred to the command of Fort Chartres, on the Mississippi, and left the affairs of Vincennes under the control of three of the more prominent citizens. The British reoccupied Fort Miamis, at the head of the Maumee, and garrisoned Fort Chartres, but did not occupy Vincennes or as- sume control over its affairs. General Gage, commander-in-chief of the British forces in America, issued a proclamation to the people of Vincennes offering them the privilege of re- maining or of removing to the French or Span- ish possessions, assuring them that if they remained they should have the same religious privileges as had been granted to the people of Canada. In a later proclamation he informed the inhabitants that he would not recognize any claim they had to the lands in and around the Post. The priest of the little parish and some of Vincennes 177 the leading citizens memorialized the General, showing that the lands had been held by them for many years under grants recognized by the French government, and that it would be a hardship now to deprive them of the rights they had so long enjoyed. On the receipt of this memorial General Gage ordered that all evi- dences of title be submitted to him at Boston. This, for various reasons, could not be done. Many of the written grants had, as was the cus- tom in France, been left in charge of a notary, who had disappeared with them. In other cases, the grants had been verbal, title passing again, after a French fashion, by the giving of possession with certain ceremonies. While this matter was in contest between the citizens of Vincennes and General Gage, the first mut- terings of the American Revolution brought the General duties of more pressing interest, and nothing further was done in regard to the land grants at Vincennes. From 1763, when St. Ange left for Fort Chartres, until 1777, the people of Vincennes had no civil government except such as they exercised themselves. On May 19, 1777, Lieutenant-Governor Abbott, of Detroit, ar- rived and formally took possession of the 1 78 Vincennes place for the King, establishing a government and building a small stockade fort, which he named " Fort Sackville." He reported the " Wabache " as one of the finest rivers in the world, and spoke highly of the peaceful and correct attitude of the citizens of Vincennes. He also took supervision of the garrisons at Ouiatenon and Fort Miamis, and the work of the British agents in stirring up the Indians to active hostilities against the Americans began. The arrival of Lieutenant-Governor Abbott, and the hostilities of the Indians he encouraged, gave rise to the most interesting chapter in the history of Vincennes, and one of the most dramatic chapters in the history of the United States. Through the influence of the British agents, the savages made a number of forays against the people of Kentucky, and brought about an event which added an empire to the United States. In all American history there is no story more remarkable than that of George Rogers Clark, yet it is one of the least known. Some of the encyclopaedias do not even mention him, while others dismiss with a few lines a man who gave an empire to the United States. He lived a remarkable life, performed great i8o Vincennes services for his country, and was then permitted to die in extreme poverty in his old age. His country neglected even to reimburse him for the expenses incurred while winning for it an empire. In 1777 Clark was a citizen of Kentucky. The great question to the people of Kentucky was how best to defend themselves against the Indian forays. Clark, through reports of spies he had sent out, became satisfied that the In- dian hostilities were fomented by the British at the various posts northwest of the Ohio River. He went to Virginia and laid the facts before Governor Patrick Henry. He pointed out that the best, if not the only, way to protect the people of Kentucky was to capture and hold the posts at Kaskaskia, Vincennes, and Detroit ; that with those posts in the posses- sion of the Americans they could overawe and hold in subjection the various Indian tribes. He offered in person to lead an expedition for their capture. It was known to Governor Henry that the Spaniards west of the Mississippi had been secretly trying, with some encouragement, to induce the people of Kentucky to place them- selves under Spanish protection. When Clark 1 82 Vincennes approached him with the suggestion to cap- ture the posts northwest of the Ohio, Gov- ernor Henry at first regarded the project as chimerical. One day, after a long argument, Clark left his presence with the significant re- mark " that a country that was not worth defending was not worth possessing." In- terpreting this remark to mean that if Vir- ginia would not help to defend Kentucky the people there would seek protection from Spain, Governor Henry recalled Clark, and after a further conference, authorized him to recruit 350 men for the capture of the posts. He gave him also a small supply of Virginia money and some ammunition. Returning to Kentucky, Clark hastily recruited a number of men, without divulging his purpose to them. They rendezvoused on an island in the Ohio River, opposite the site of Louisville. There he explained his full -design, and all but about 150 refused to join the expedition. Undis- mayed, Clark Moated the few men remaining with him down the river in boats prepared for the purpose, and captured Kaskaskia on the 4th of July, 1778. Hearing that the British had a large force at Vincennes, and had gathered around the fort a large number of Indians Vincennes 183 hostile to the Americans, he waited at Kaskas- kia till he could get further information. The cordial welcome which the French in- habitants of Kaskaskia gave the Americans led Clark to believe that the inhabitants of Vincennes would prove friendly. French in both places, they were easily led by their priests. The priest at Kaskaskia, Father Gibault, a warm partisan of Clark, offered to go to Vincennes, sound the inhabitants, and learn the strength of the British there. His offer was accepted, and with a single com- panion he made the journey. He found the French inhabitants, in the absence of the com- mander of the post, who had gone to Detroit, willing to welcome a change of rulers, and in- duced them to go in a body to the little church and take an oath of allegiance to the American colonies. After this they took possession of Fort Sackville, and garrisoned it with some of their own number. Father Gibault also in- duced the Indians to bury the hatchet and promise to live in peace with the Americans, now the friends, as he reminded them, of their great French father. The news of his success was speedily sent to Clark. Though he had no troops to 1 84 Vincennes send to garrison the fort, he dispatched Cap- tain Leonard Helm to assume direction of affairs. This was a fortunate selection, for Helm added to great courage, tact and an intimate knowledge of the Indian character. It was not long before the British authori- ties at Detroit were informed of the change in the situation at Kaskaskia and Vincennes, and at once began preparations to recover the lost ground. At this time Colonel Henry Hamilton, of the British army, was Lieuten- ant-Governor of Detroit. He assembled a force of five hundred men regulars, militia and Indians and started for Vincennes. Cap- tain Helm did not learn of the approach of this force until, about the middle of Decem- ber, it was within three miles of the fort. His garrison consisted of one American and a few inhabitants of Vincennes. Seeing that it would be impossible to defend the fort, the inhabitants quietly dispersed to their homes, leaving Helm and his one American in the fort. Though he knew he could not successfuly de- fend the fort, Helm put on a bold front, loaded his two cannon, and placed himself at one and his solitary soldier at the other. To Hamilton's demand for the surrender of the post, Helm Vincennes 185 replied that no man could enter the post until the terms of surrender were made known. Being promised the honors of war, he sur- rendered himself and his one man, to the chagrin of Hamilton, on discovering the size of the garrison. The approach of the British had been so sudden that Helm was not able to dispatch a messenger to Clark, who in consequence re- mained for several weeks in ignorance of the O change in the situation. The last word he had received from Helm was a request for more supplies. At that time Francis Vigo, a merchant of St. Louis, happened to be in Kas- kaskia. Loving the Americans and hating the British, he volunteered to go to Vincennes and make arrangements to furnish the garrison with supplies. Vigo started on his journey at once, but was captured by the British just before he reached Vincennes, and taken before Hamilton. To his demand for immediate release on the score that he was a citizen of St. Louis, Hamilton was deaf, until the Roman Catholic priest, heading a delegation of citi- zens, notified Hamilton that they would fur- nish no supplies for the garrison unless Vigo were released. 1 86 Vincennes Vigo was released, after promising against his will that " on his way to St. Louis he would do no act hostile to the British interest." He at once took a canoe and was rapidly paddled down the Wabash to the Ohio, then on to St. Louis. Keeping the letter of his pledge he did nothing hostile on his way to St. Louis, but on his arrival there he jumped from the boat to the land and then back into the boat, and pushed with all speed for Kaskaskia, where he told Clark of the condition of affairs. Clark at once saw the danger surrounding him. The term of enlistment of most of his men was about to expire. By making them large promises he induced about 150 to ex- tend their enlistment for a term of eight months, and recruited about fifty more from the inhabitants of Kaskaskia. He could get no reinforcements short of Virginia, even if he could obtain them there. If he waited until spring Hamilton would be largely re- inforced, he would be driven from Kaskas- kia, and his whole design frustrated. He determined to make a winter campaign. He sent forty-six of his men in boats carrying pro- visions and ammunition around by water, and with 170 set off February 5, 1779, to make Vincennes 187 a march of near two hundred miles. It was a fearful enterprise. The land for most of the way was level, and water, when it rained, or when the snow melted, lay in a broad sheet over the whole country. He did not know how many of his foes were before him. He had no tents to shelter his men and no way of transporting bag- gage ; there were a few pack horses to carry what pro- visions and am- munition the men could not carry on their backs. His men were all hardy frontiersmen ; their leader had imbued them with his own heroic spirit ; they feared no danger. Before they left the little settlement of Kaskaskia, the good priest gave them a blessing, and all the people accompanied them the first three or four miles of their journey. Scarcely had the GENERAL GEORGE ROGERS CLARK. i88 Vincennes farewells been said and the march begun when the rain began to fall, and for nearly twenty days there was but a brief glimpse of sunshine now and then. Only a few miles had been covered when they struck a long stretch of overflowed land. Although the water was cold, into it they plunged, their gallant leader in front ; and until the evening of the 22d they saw no dry land, except an occasional half-acre or so barely peeping above the flood of waters and fur- nishing a meagre resting-place. It can hardly be said they rested, for on several occasions they had to remain standing throughout the night, or were compelled to walk about to keep from freezing. When they came to a river that had overflowed its banks and was too deep to ford, they made canoes and rafts and floated over. Always they found the water covered with a thin coating of ice in the morning, and through the ice and water they forced their way. When the water was deep the sergeant carried the drummer boy on his shoulders, and from that perch he beat his charge. Some- times the water was only knee-deep ; some- times it reached the middle and often to the Vincennes. 189 shoulders ; but not one of the men thought of turning back. The boat with provisions that had been sent around by water failed to con- nect and to their other discomforts hunger was added. On the morning of the 2ist they came within sound of the morning gun at Fort Sackville, but it required two more days of wandering without provisions before they could cross the Wabash River. At last they captured some Indians and with them the half of a buf- falo rump, which they made into a broth. On the 23d they arrived at the heights back of the town, and for the first time since their departure had an opportunity to dry their clothing. Clark sent a letter to the French inhabitants of the town, telling them of his presence, but warning them not to give any information to Hamilton. The news caused the greatest excitement ; the French ran about the streets telling it with joy, for Hamilton had won their hatred. They sent out pro- visions to the hungry Americans, who that night marched into the town and by opening fire on the fort gave the first intimation to Hamilton and the garrison of the presence of an enemy. The firing was continued until 1 90 Vincennes about nine o'clock the next morning, when a surrender was demanded, accompanied by a threat that if the place had to be taken by storm the officers would be treated as mur- derers. A parley ensued, followed after a few hours by the surrender of the fort, and once more the American flag floated over Fort Sackville, which was then renamed Fort Pat- rick Henry. Hamilton and the other officers were sent to Williamsburg, Va., where they were held in custody for a year or two. From papers found in the fort, Clark learned that reinforcements, bringing supplies and stores, were on the way, and at once sent a part of his little force to intercept and capture the reinforcements, which was promptly done. 1 Vincennes was now the most important place in the Illinois country. When Colonel 1 Clark began at once to organize an expedition against Detroit, but it never started. Francis Vigo, who had let Clark have pro- visions and money for his expedition against Vincennes, aided in like manner in fitting out the new expedition, lending money to the amount of $8616, for which Clark gave him an order on Virginia. The order was never honored, and an appeal was made to Congress. Finally, in 1872, nearly a century after the debt was contracted, and nearly thirty-seven years after Vigo had died in extreme poverty. Congress referred the matter to the Court of Claims, which four years later allowed the claim, together with more than $41,000 in interest. Vincennes 191 John Todd was appointed Lieutenant for the County of Illinois, he made Colonel Legrace his deputy for Vincennes, who established the first court the place ever had. Virginia ceded the territory to the United States, and by the Ordinance of 1/87 a civil government was set up, Governor St. Clair sending Winthrop Sar- gent to assume direct jurisdiction at Vincennes. The French inhabitants were finally permitted to hold the lands to which they could show title, while all the rest were taken by the Gov- ernment. Clark added an empire to the domain of the colonies, made possible the Louisiana Pur- chase and the future extension of the country to the Pacific, and then in his extreme old age Virginia sent him only a sword when he asked for repayment of what he had disbursed for the country. In 1800 Indiana Territory was established with Vincennes as its capital. The jurisdic- tion of the Territory then included what are now the States of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and a part of Minnesota, and to this was afterward added for a short time the whole of the Louisiana Purchase. On the 4th of July, 1800, the government 192 Vincennes of Indiana Territory was formally organized. The Governor, William Henry Harrison, was, however, not present. General John Gibson, who represented him. was one of the Revo- lutionary heroes. He had married a sister of Logan, the celebrated Mingo chief, and it was to his brother that Logan made his famous speech. On his arrival, Gov- ernor Harrison be- gan the work of trading the Indians out of their lands. He made one treaty after another, until more than one half of the present In- WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. diana, together with a good part of Illinois, was ceded. He erected the first brick house in all that section, perhaps the first west of the Alleghanies, in its day a structure so magnificent as to be called the " Governor's Palace." It is still standing, and near it the tree under which the Governor held his historic interview with Tecumseh, when the Indian chief planned the Governor's death. Vincennes In 1813 the territorial capital was removed to Corydon, and the political importance of Vincennes ceased. Already a university had been established, Congress giving to it a town- ship of land, and the beginning was made for ST. XAVIER'S CHURCH, 1779. what is now one of the most valuable libraries the West. The first church in the North- in west Territory was built in Vincennes about 1742, under the rectorship of Father Meurin, who had come from France to care for the spiritual wants of the settlers. In 1793 M. 194 Vincennes Rivet, a French priest, driven from his native country by the terrors of the Revolution, ar- rived at Vincennes and opened the first school taught in Indiana. The Vincennes of to-day is a thriving, bustling city of ten thousand inhabitants. It has modern schools and modern churches, modern ideas and modern progressiveness. As a city it has had its ups and downs since it lost political prestige, but for some years it has steadily grown, until now it is classed as one of the beautiful cities of the State. Sur- rounded by a magnificent agricultural section, and with many manufacturing interests, it threw off long ago the old French habits and customs and took on a progressive spirit, which promises a bright future. Vincennes has had a glorious past ; it occu- pies a unique place among the historic towns of the country. Boston may have been the cradle of American independence ; Philadel- phia the place where that liberty was first an- nounced ; but after all Boston gave to the Union only Massachusetts, and Philadelphia only Pennsylvania. Vincennes gave us In- diana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and Wiscon- sin, the great Middle West. But for the Vincennes 195 genius and perseverance of George Rogers Clark, when independence came the United Colonies would have stopped at the Alleghan- ies. The capture of Vincennes spread the jurisdiction of the colonies to the Mississippi, carrying with it American liberty, American progress, American ideas. More than this, it made possible the Louisiana Purchase, which in turn opened .the way to the annexation of Texas, the securing of California and the Pacific coast, and the later acquisition of Hawaii and the Philippines. The capture of Vincennes carried American liberty to a do- main stretching from the Alleghany Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, yea even to the Orient a domain which else would still be British or Spanish. It was Indiana, of which Vincennes was the chief part, that stopped the extension of slavery at the Ohio River, and made all the Northwest free territory. It was at Vincennes that Aaron Burr received his first decided check in his great scheme to dismember the Union. It was Benjamin Parke, a citizen of Vincennes, who placed in the first constitution of the State the clause making it obligatory on the Legislature to provide for the care and Vincennes treatment of the insane, the first provision of the kind made by any civilized government, a provision which has revolutionized the treat- ment of the insane throughout the world. Such is the story of Vincennes, no frontier town like Albany or Pittsburg, for when its history began Vincennes was hundreds of miles out in the wilderness beyond the frontier line, and was still hundreds of miles beyond when the great event occurred which changed it from a French settlement under the jurisdiction of Great Britain into the chief seat of Amer- ican power west of the Alleghanies. CHICAGO LARGE IN EVERY WAY BY LYMAN J. GAGE THE plotting of the site of Chicago was characteristic of the practical sentiment that has ever stimulated the city. No less a personage than Washington established the streets and boundaries of the national capital ; religious romance presided at the founding of San Francisco ; interesting legends cluster about the origin of other American communi- ties ; and in the old world demigods were sup- posed to have watched over the beginnings of ancient cities. Chicago, though neither hero nor fabled deity was present when its founda- tions were laid, had a start none the less im- posing, for the genius of industry and trade fixed its metes and bounds. And in the growth of the city into perhaps the industrial capital 197 198 Chicago of the continent there has been presented a supreme expression of that resourceful and triumphant ingenuity which has redeemed the American wilderness. The desolation upon which the plodding engineer planted his theo- dolite three-score-and-ten years ago is a co- lossal hive of human activity. A marsh has become a metropolis. The promoters of the Illinois and Michigan Canal were not the first to see the possibility of water communication via the present site of Chicago between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River. In 1673, Joliet wrote to the authorities in Canada that by the cutting of a canal through half a league of prairie it would be possible for boats to " pass from the Lake of Illinois into the St. Louis River [the Illinois including the Desplaines] which empties into the Mis- sissippi." Qne hundred years before our Re- public was conceived, a mathematician, but no mere visionnaire, the son of a wheelwright of Quebec, realized that the " Portage of Che- cagau " was the meeting-place of the future traffic between the chain of inland seas and the rivers flowing toward the Mexican Gulf. It is plain that nature located Chicago. Chicago 1 99 The meeting-point between unparalleled water- courses could not but be a place for the distri- bution of commodities. To the north, awaiting the woodman, were the lumber regions of Michigan and Wisconsin ; south and west and east stretched the prairie, to be developed into farms ; in Illinois alone, thirty thousand square miles of coal fields were to be uncovered, while Pennsylvania's inexhaustible supply was to find a vast market at this centre of lake shipping ; and the iron, red-stone, and copper regions of Lake Superior were to pile their output on Chicago docks. The natural meeting-place of grain, lumber, fuel, and iron would have be- come a city of commerce and manufactures, even if steam railroads and navigation had not come to assist in the unique development of this entrepdt, by making it the half-way house for transcontinental traffic. But though na- ture, as the Rev. Robert Collyer has said, " called the lakes, the forest, the prairies to- gether in convention, and they decided that on this spot a great city should be built," Chicago has been singularly blessed in the alert and enterprising genius of her citizens. Her business men have worked with catholic outlook, knowing that what upbuilt the city 200 Chicago in general would augment their individual projects. The city has never been, even in its aborigi- nal beginnings, an abiding-place for vision- aries. The Minneways were a picturesque tribe. Their chiefs assumed poetic names, and the young men cherished the traditions of their people ; but the tribe did not take ad- vantage of its strategic opportunities. Che- cagau to them was not a coign of vantage between great waters. At the shore of a vast lake, or the brink of a broad river, their do- minion halted, for they were not navigators. In their dialect, " Checagau " meant "wild onion." As if to typify the force that was to dominate their region in later centuries, the Checagau country fell to the conquering " canoe men," the adventurous Pottawatomies, the Chippewas, the Sacs, and kindred tribes who, unafraid to venture on the water, turned to trade, exchanging furs and pelts with the French pioneers for food, blankets, and orna- mental trinkets. They became the masters of the lake country, and the broken remnant of the uncommercial tribe fled to the Wabash, there to wail their plaintive songs. 1 1 Among the Sacs, ' ' Checagau " was the name of one of their Chicago 201 Meanwhile the conquering tribesmen, whose canoes paddled up the Mississippi and the Illinois to the " Checagau Portage," to barter with Canadian voyageurs, or glided thence across the Lakes, touching at the outposts of colonizers and missionary friars, were pre- figuring the gigantic activities of civilized men who in a later age were to radiate from this same coveted point of distribution. But as they had won their Checagau country by might, and established their holdings by com- mercial enterprise, so they resisted the coming of their European rivals and masters. Al- though as early as 1795, by the treaty of Greenville, they ceded much domain to our country, including " one piece of land six miles square, at the mouth of the Checagau River," the intrigue of the powerful Tecumseh and his brother, the Prophet, led the tribes to disregard these and subsequent treaty stipu- lations. So that when, on the same day that saw the capitulation of Detroit, Fort Dearborn was burned and its garrison massacred, valiant warriors and colonizers, and meant " He that stands by the tree." Among the several tribes of the Algonquin group " Che- kago," " Chicagong," etc., was pronounced in a variety of ways and had as many meanings. 202 Chicago " the last vestige," says Henry Adams, " of American authority on the western lakes disappeared. Thence- forward the line of the Wabash and the Maumee be- came the military boundary of the United States in the northwest, and the country felt painful doubt whether even that line could be defended." For four years the unburied bones of the Fort Dearborn victims lay where the bodies had fallen. Then came peace, Christian in- terment of these pathetic human fragments, and a reorganization of the valuable fur trade of the region. The spot again became the centre of this industry. Trading posts were re-established on the Illinois River and the Kankakee with the Pottawatomies of the prairies ; at Rock River with the Winneba- goes ; at Milwaukee with the Menomonies, and at Le Large with the Kickapoos. Trains of pack horses carried the furs and peltries to Chicago, and in the spring vessels touching at that port bore these valuable cargoes to Mackinac, where the American Fur Company, organized by John Jacob Astor, had estab- lished its headquarters. In 1821, Governor Lewis Cass of Michigan Territory and Solomon Sibley, with Henry R. Schoolcraft as their secretary, representing - THE DEARBORN MONUMENT. 203 204 Chicago the United States, met three thousand Indian braves at Chicago. Topinebee and Meeta were spokesmen for the tribes. In consideration of five thousand dollars, to be paid annually for five years, the Pottawatomies and other tribes ceded to this Government 5,000,000 acres of land lying in Michigan and Illinois. The marvellous real estate transactions subse- quently negotiated in Chicago, whereby citi- zens have multiplied their millions, have not eclipsed this profitable investment of the Fed- eral Government in 1821. Although some minds foresaw a possible future for Chicago in this centre of a rich do- main owned by the Republic, there was no rush to the spot. In 1823, the officials of Fulton County, of which the village was then a part, levied a tax of five mills to the dollar upon property in the new port, with the result that there was carried back to the county treasury the sum of $11.42. Surely a small begin- ning to lead to taxes in 1900 amounting to $19,086,408.36. In 1823, when the sum of $11.42 was the aggregate of taxes collected from Chicago, the total assessed value of pro- perty was $2284. I n 1900, the actual valuation of Chicago property was fairly $2,000,000,000. Chicago 205 No one, perhaps, of the few settlers who drifted to the place dreamed of such mighty possibilities, yet as early as 1831 the future of the city was a chosen topic of conversation among those enthusiastic pioneers. One of these, Dr. Elijah D. Harmon, true to his baptis- mal name, was singularly prophetic. He lo- cated in Chicago in 1831, acquired a section of land, built a sod fence about it, and there planted fruit trees of all descriptions. Mrs. Kinzie states that the south path to the set- tlement led by Dr. Harmon's nursery, and that as people passed he sought to impress upon them " the certain future importance of Chicago." In 1830, lots were being sold at prices rang- ing from $10 to $50. In that year Thomas Hartzell purchased eighty acres (being the west half of the northeast quarter section) for .$155 an acre. Low as these prices were, they were an advance upon valuations a few years before. In the archives of the Chicago His- torical Society is a letter written to John Wentworth by Father St. Cyr, recounting how one Bonhomme sold the north half of Chicago to Pierre Menard for $50, but that the latter, finding land cheaper near Peoria, and more 206 Chicago fertile, repented of his bargain, and hurrying back unloaded what he believed to be a poor investment upon John Kinzie, who was not unwilling to take the property at the same figure at which Menard had purchased it. By 1835, values had so increased that the invest- ment had made Mr. Kinzie rich. The belief which soon began to take posses- sion of the minds of white men, that the little settlement was to be a city set in the midst of a new empire of civilization, had also aroused the celebrated Indian, Black Hawk. He was convinced that, unless the tribes could be federated into compact opposition to their con- quering enemies, the hunting-grounds of his people would speedily be converted into the homes and cities of the paleface. Emulating the career of Tecumseh, Black Hawk in 1832 addressed a grand council, attended by repre- sentatives of fifty tribes. " Let all our tribes unite," said he, " and we shall have an army of warriors equal in numbers to the trees of the forest." The appeal was eloquent and mov- ing, but Shawbonee, who had been with Te- cumseh when that leader fell at the battle of the Thames, answered Black Hawk. "Your army," he cried, "would equal in number the 208 Chicago trees of the forest, and you would encounter an army of palefaces as numerous as the leaves of those trees." The arguments of Shawbonee prevailed, the native attempt at coalition was defeated, and henceforward the activities of the white races in peopling the valley of the Mississippi and building to the northward, on the shore of Lake Michigan, its great metropolis, proceeded without any one to molest or make afraid. Thus Shawbonee (whose name is variously spelled), in suc- cessfully opposing the red men's far-reaching conspiracy, assisted materially in advancing the interests of Chicago. In token of this service, the Historical Society has given his portrait a place of honor, and has preserved the record of his deeds. Late in July, 1833, three years after the canal surveyor, James Thompson, had sur- veyed and mapped out the town which was to be, a public meeting was held to decide whether incorporation should be effected. There were twelve votes in favor of incor- poration, and one against, and the place made its start among historic towns. A few days later the following election notice was posted : Chicago 209 " Publick notice is hereby given that an election will be holden at the house of Mark Beaubien, on Saturday, the loth day of August, at n o'clock in the forenoon of that day, for the purpose of choosing five trustees of the Town of Chicago. "CHICAGO, August 5, 1833. " E. S. KIMBERLY, Town Clerk. " N. B. The poll will close at one o'clock." On the appointed day, twenty-eight electors, the full number of citizens entitled to suffrage in the new town, found their way to Mark Beaubien's house and availed themselves of the privilege of freemen. Thirteen of them announced their willingness to shoulder the responsibilities of office. The first business transacted by the trustees was the establish- ment of a free ferry across the river at Dear- born Street ; the second, the reconstruction of the " estray pen " into a solid and sufficiently commodious log jail. These two programmes the extension of commercial facilities and the stern suppression of lawlessness have ever since been conspicuous in the city's history. Then the town was born. Its development into a municipal Titan is one of the marvels of history. In 1830, P. F. W. Peck arrived on a schooner, bringing with him a small stock 210 Chicago of goods. "He built," says Mr. Colbert, "a small log store near the fort, which made an important addition to the trade of Chicago." In the year 1900, just seventy years later, the amount of wholesale goods distributed from this centre throughout the country amounted to $741,000,000, the volume of drygoods alone being $143,000,000; groceries, $99,000,000; clothing, $35,000,000; shoes, $58,500,000; books and paper, $70,000,000, and other items in proportion ; while the manufactured pro- ducts sent forth aggregated in value $786,- 000,000, and the total business of the city reached the high figure of $1,963,000,000. The year that concluded the nineteenth cen- tury recorded transfers of real estate amount- ing in round numbers to $87,000,000, in striking contrast to that early transaction wherein Chicago's first investor repented him of paying $50 for the northern half of the city. But the little town was not to achieve great things without a struggle. Fire, flood, panic, and pestilence had first to be faced and fought. The small band in the incorporated town started out determined to develop the settle- ment into a city, notwithstanding the dismal 2 1 2 Chicago prophecies of certain learned men that a city would never rise on this unpropitious swamp. Professor William H. Keating, geologist and historiographer, had furnished the pioneer townsmen with the melancholy message : " The dangers attending the navigation of the lake, and the scarcity of harbors along the shore, must ever prove an obstacle to the increase of the commercial importance of Chicago. The extent of the sand banks which are formed on the eastern and southern shore by the prevailing north and northwesterly winds will like- wise prevent any important works from being under- taken to improve the port of Chicago." In the light of this prediction it is interesting to note that in 1900 the vessels mooring or weighing anchor there numbered 17,553, an d brought and carried away cargoes aggregat- ing 14,236,190 tons. Nevertheless, for some years, because of the quagmire condition of streets and the frequent inundations from lake and river, Chicago was termed derisively the " amphibious town." By filling in the land, the city long since literally lifted itself out of the mud, the level of streets to-day being eight feet above the original marsh. But even before the transformation of the town into a city, it was plain that the founders had Chicago 2 1 3 come to build it into a centre of trade and population. Encouraging progress was being made on the Illinois and Michigan Canal, the population of the town was increasing, neigh- boring prairies were being tilled, and the water carriers who drove their carts into the lake, filled their barrels, and then distributed water by the bucketful, were giving way to the Hydraulic Company. A new era was at hand, and Chicago on the 4th of March, 1837, became an organized municipality. The first census, taken in July, 1837, showed a population in the city of 1800 men, 845 women, and 1344 children. With a col- ored population of 77, the grand total of in- habitants in this its first year's existence as a city was 4066. To-day its population is near- ing the two-million mark. O. D. Wetherell, ex-city Comptroller, re- calls a letter, written at an early date by a citizen, in which the prediction was made that some day Chicago would become a city of 10,000 people ! At the time, that prophecy seemed to be more wildly optimistic than would a prediction now that the city might ultimately harbor the amazing total of ten million persons. 214 Chicago The early promoters of Chicago were san- guine of a great future, but none dreamed of the amazing destiny in store. At a political gathering in 1838, addressed by Stephen A. Douglas and John T. Stuart, his competing candidate for Congress, a local orator, warmed by the enthusiasm of the occasion, uttered what was derisively referred to the next day as " flamboyant prophecy." " The child is already born," he exclaimed, " who shall live to see Chicago a city of 50,- ooo souls." " Town lots, town lots ! " shouted the audi- ence in amiable sarcasm, not wishing the visiting statesman to depart with the suspicion that dreams of real-estate speculation had destroyed the sanity of the whole community. For three years the town had been the cen- tre of a great land craze, one of the first real- estate booms that have played so important a part in the location and development of West- ern cities. Dr. Horace Chase, writing in 1883 from Milwaukee, says : " Soon after the sale of lots in Chicago, in 1833, 1 think, Robert Kinzie, on his way to Detroit, stopped at Marsh's trading post near Coldvvater. There happened to be several of us present and Bob began to boast about 2 1 6 Chicago Chicago and what a great city it would become. ' Why,' said he, ' I bought some of the best lots in Chicago for twenty dollars apiece, and those lots are worth sixty dollars apiece to-day ! ' It seemed to us utterly absurd that a lot should be worth sixty dollars, when two hun- dred dollars would buy one hundred and sixty acres of the best quality. Not a single person in the crowd believed Bob's yarn." As an example of the spirit which animated these old pioneers who came in the early days to the great city that was to be, the story of one man furnishes an interesting illustration. The writer had it from the lips of the man himself, who recently died at the ripe age of eighty-two. " I had heard of the West," he said, " in the little ham- let in New England where I was born. My ambition was fired, and I determined at all hazards to seek my fortune there. I soon found myself in Buffalo with seven dol- lars in my pocket, and with this I had to pay my transportation to the young city in the West. After considerable ' higgling ' with the captain of a schooner I arranged for deck passage at a cost of three dollars. Part of my money was then expended to get some cotton cloth. This I sewed up in the shape of a bag, and into it I put some shavings to soften the hard planks of the deck of the ship at night. The balance of the money went for boiled ham, cheese, and bread. " I was twenty years old, had been a farm boy, and had attained no special knowledge of any manual trade. Chicago 2 1 7 I arrived in Chicago and found it a dismal, swampy place, but with every appearance of thrift and activity. My money was exhausted, and work was indispensable. Going along the one important street or road I found a man building a rather pretentious boarding house. He asked me if I ' came off that ship in the harbor,' and when I answered ' yes,' he inquired whether there were any carpenters on board. I told him there was none excepting myself. He wanted to know if I could ' lay out work ' so that his men could saw and hammer, which was all they could do. It seemed to me that I could ' lay out work ' better than anything else, and engaged myself to him at four dollars a day. Two days satisfied my new boss that my technical knowledge was deficient, and he paid me off. I soon afterwards found work in a harness shop, and by assiduity and attention I acquired a knowledge of that business. Thus I got my start." This man lived continuously in Chicago for more than sixty years. By early and judicious investments in real estate he acquired wealth. He bought a lot, now centrally located, for $400, and sold a part of it thirty years later for $62,500. He sold it too soon, however, for that same corner will bring at the present time not less than $500,000. At his death he left an estate valued at between $5,000,000 and $6,000,000. Fortunes were made over night. In 1835 218 Chicago the Federal Government opened a land office, and this intensified the excitement. Bound- less acres of outlying farmland changed hands in Chicago. Towns and cities that had no existence save on the blue prints of im- aginative and wily promoters were plotted, and their mythical blocks sold to hasty and credulous investors. But the panic of 1837 brought both legitimate and illicit real-estate traffic to a close with a crash. The dishonest and the defrauded went down in a common ruin. By 1838 the sheriff was the only real- estate agent who could dispose of property, and at these forced sales the returns were meager. Panic paralyzing business, a mys- terious disease like Asiatic cholera stopping progress on the canal, and a drought destroy- ing crops, impoverishing streams, and spread- ing devastating fever in the city, was the calamitous record of 1838. Chicago as a city began with $1993 in its treasury. The need for municipal improve- ment was imperative. Where to get money for sanitary drainage, for the paving of a few streets, and the purchase of two fire engines, was a problem. The Common Council ap- pointed a finance committee with power to act. STATUE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN BY ST. GAUDENS. 2IQ 220 Chicago Peter Bolles was made chairman. It was finally decided to borrow $25,000 from the State Bank of Illinois, pledging the city to re- deem the obligation in five years. In due time the committee submitted as its report the following letter : " STATE BANK OF ILLINOIS, " SPRINGFIELD, May 31, 1837. " PETER BOLLES, ESQ., " Dear Sir : " Your letter of the i8th, addressed to the president of this bank and proposing on behalf of the city of Chicago a loan from this bank of the sum of $25,000, has been laid before the directors of the bank, and, I re- gret to have to state, declined. " I am very respectfully, " Your o'bt serv't, "N. H. RIDGELY, Cashier." In 1900 the city which sixty-three years be- fore could not borrow $25,000, could boast of bank clearances amounting to $6,795,876,000. The poverty and disasters of early days seemed only to nerve the city to renewed determination and prepare her to meet with stoic faith the appalling calamities of later years. In this resume it is only possible to catalogue the misfortunes that visited her. Chicago 221 Floods swept away her shipping, fire destroyed her accumulating industries, raging epidemics reduced her population, cholera alone in 1854 causing 1424 deaths, and financial panic again and again returned to manacle activities. Many times in Chicago's history citizens could well exclaim : " One woe upon another's heels doth tread, so fast they follow ! " Unconquerable in the presence of these re- current visitations, the city pressed forward to her place as the metropolis of the Mississippi empire. At an early day "prairie schooners," pioneers of the great freight trains to come, laden with grain from the fertile areas round about began to line the prairie roads leading to Chicago. In 1839, two Y ears after the city was begun, a crude grain elevator was con- structed. The farmers, too poor to furnish sacks, brought their grain in sheets, blankets, and pieces of canvas. It was hoisted by hand with block and tackle to the elevator, and in the year mentioned 2900 bushels of wheat, consigned to Black Rock, New York, were dumped loose into the hold of the brig Osceola. From this primitive beginning has grown a mighty volume of trade in grain. In 1900 the wheat, corn, oats, rye, and barley shipped from 222 Chicago Chicago amounted to 232,267,109 bushels, while the receipts aggregated 307,723,135 bushels. It was not until 1843 tnat t^ e Common Council came to the conclusion that the place was sufficiently advanced as a city to warrant the enactment of an ordinance declaring that hogs should no longer be permitted to run at large in the streets. In 1900, far from being unwelcome, over 8,000,000 hogs, safely penned in cars, arrived in the city and were sent to the slaughter. In writing of Chicago it is customary to deal in superlatives, and this is necessary in the nature of things. Its Union Stock Yards cover 400 acres, nearly twice the area of the original town. Twenty miles of streets thread this meat-packing colony, which pays wages amounting to nearly $9,000,000 a year. In 1900 there were shipped to Chicago 277,205 carloads of hogs, cattle, sheep, etc. Its trade in grain leads every city in the world, while its general mercantile traffic is surpassed by few. The first railroad at that time was the Galena and Chicago Union, which was char- tered January 16, 1836. Galena at that time was believed to be destined far to outrival her Chicago 223 neighbor, and therefore demanded and secured the place of honor in the title of the road. To-day thirty-nine distinct railroads enter Chi- cago, more than half the railway systems of America make that city their objective point, and the aggregate distance travelled by freight and passenger trains daily entering the metrop- olis is over 80,000 miles. In the thunder of this traffic the clamor of rivalry long since died away. The British critic, Mr. Archer, remarked that he was unable to detect the slightest evi- dence of competition with Chicago even in a " Pisgah view from the top of the Auditorium." The employment of large adjectives in the recital of the city's history is not without warrant. " The trouble with you people in Chicago," remarked a visitor, " is that you ex- aggerate too much." " We have to," retorted a citizen, proudly, " in fact we have to lie to tell the truth." Even when we speak of the fire of 1871, we must call it the "great Chicago fire," for never before perhaps in the history of the world were so many of the piled-up monu- ments of man's hands consumed so rapidly. Such awful moments, happily, seldom come in the history of communities. It was as if the fires of Dante's Inferno had been permitted 224 Chicago for a night and day to devastate a great city of this planet. One thousand four hundred and seventy acres of buildings were utterly consumed. The entire business portion of the city vanished in smoke and flame. One hun- dred thousand persons were left homeless and in many cases penniless. Seventeen thousand four hundred and fifty buildings were de- stroyed, the total valuation of the loss by fire being $186,000,000. In the presence of a catastrophe, so vast that the imagination reeled as the eye wandered over the mighty paths where the cyclones of fire had swept, social inequalities and race prejudices were ignored. All right-minded men stood together in a common bond of fellowship. Doubtless much of the present spirit of amalgamation of the people of the city is an outgrowth of the calamity which thirty years ago brought the representatives of those divers races elbow to elbow in the common cause of rebuilding their homes and reconstructing their lines of industry. The riots at the Haymarket did not indicate bad blood between the races of the city, but merely an incidental if not accidental social unrest not uncommon in all our greater cities. Chicago 225 The city staggered, but did not fall, under the woful wreck the great fire wrought. Through a grim schooling of disaster in the RUINS OF THE GREAT FIRE, CHICAGO. past the city had developed a force of char- acter that fire could not consume. " Nothing," exclaimed the great French Cardinal and Premier of the seventeenth century, when he 226 Chicago was temporarily overthrown, " nothing re- mains but the indomitable spirit of Riche- lieu." Chicago had similar faith in her own inherent power. There were some broken spirits who, gazing on the melancholy ruin, caught no glimpse of the magnificent city that was to rise, as if by command of a magician's wand, upon the smoking desolation. But the majority did not permit the calamity to crush. The faithful were exhorted to rebuild the city. It was predicted then that Chicago would live, and live to be so mighty and so vast that the great fire would be but an incident in its his- tory. The city was to live because beyond it were the giant forces, the teeming millions, the imperial area of the mighty West, which, having made Chicago the gateway to the East, would recreate it under the same natural necessities. The city's optimistic faith and determina- tion enlisted the sympathy of the world, and $5,000,000 in relief contributions poured in and thousands of telegrams offering credit to merchants supplemented this hearty and timely exhibition of Good Samaritanism. The deeds of valor displayed by firemen and citizens in fighting an unequal combat with the fire were Chicago 227 equalled only by the heroism which appeared in the rebuilding of the city. The first struct- ure to rise over the ruins was a board shanty, twelve by sixteen feet in dimensions. It was on Washington Street, between Dearborn and Clark, near the site of a former flourishing block, where W. D. Kerfoot had conducted a large business in real estate. The tiny struc- ture was built hastily on the morning of Oc- tober loth, while the surrounding ashes and heaps of twisted iron were so hot that the little building had to be set in the middle of the street. The comical cabin bore the legend, " Kerfoot's Block. Everything gone but wife, children, and energy." Small as the shanty was, it was an inspiration. It marked the be- ginning of a city now so vast that the munici- pality existing before the fire seems but a shadow. Through the city run paved streets whose aggregate length would reach from Chicago to New York, and start the traveller some distance on his way to Boston. More than 100,000 street lights, kept " trimmed and burning" by the municipality at an annual cost of over $1,000,000, twinkle in the city by night. Over a quarter of a billion of gallons of 228 Chicago water are consumed daily by a city now pro- tected by an efficient fire department against a repetition of the disaster of 1871. Nearly 1500 miles of sewers preserve the sanitation, while the superb ingenuity of engineers has changed the courses and reversed the cu r rents of rivers, and with connecting canals turned the city's sewage toward the Gulf of Mexico. The ambition of this characteristically Amer- ican city is to excel in everything. When she undertook to hold a World's Fair, she de- termined to eclipse any previous exposition, and to secure a phenomenal attendance. When she held a Parliament of Religions she ar- ranged that the faiths of every clime should be represented by their most learned and pious men, and that the teachings there set forth should constitute a memorable contribution to the best thought of the world. It has been said of Chicago that when she decides to be the home of the greatest poet among mankind, she will go out and get him, or, better still, produce him. Cities affecting a more advanced culture sniff at the stock-yard atmosphere which they pretend to believe permeates the literary life of Chicago, and Eugene Field, in playful Chicago 229 mood, accepting the jibes of distant critics, printed as the frontispiece of his Culture s Garland a wreath of sausage links ; but William D. Howells has acknowledged that out of Chicago is coming a literary virility destined to leave classic record in the annals of letters. Field himself occupies an honored place in the American Pantheon, and his " Little Boy Blue," though dead, forever sings his way to our firesides. The city takes high rank as a centre for advanced education. In addition to technical schools like the Armour Institute, it has two famous Universities ; the Chicago, and the Northwestern. The Chicago University be- gan its career ten years ago. The old de- nominational University of the same name having been sold at auction under foreclosure, John D. Rockefeller decided to reorganize it and found a great institution of learning, and to that end pledged a portion of his fortune and secured as President, Dr. William R. Harper, of Yale. The University opened in 1892 with 702 students. To-day it has nearly 4000. It began with no less than 135 in- structors ; it now has 205. The University made its start with grounds, buildings, and 230 Chicago equipments valued at $1,600,000, and invested funds amounting to $1,500,000. To-day its productive funds aggregate over $15,000,000. Women have been prominent among the University's donors, and in all the depart- ments women students enjoy equal status with men. A student may enter at the be- ginning of any quarter and receive his degree at the end of any term. The colleges con- tinue throughout the year. Recently the Chicago Institute, founded by Mrs. Emmons Elaine for training school teachers, was ab- sorbed by the University. In fact, Dr. Harper has succeeded in merging so many professional schools that he has been amiably accused of attempting to form an educational trust. The Northwestern University, located partly in the city and partly in Evanston, a suburb, was founded in 1851. It has 296 instructors and over 3000 students. Its productive funds amount to over $3,000,000. Although con- ducted under denominational auspices, its charter provides that no particular religious faith shall be required of students. It has a campus of 45 acres on the Lake Michigan shore. The University includes a college of Liberal Arts, and schools of medicine, law, 232 Chicago pharmacy, dentistry, music, and theology. Many of the departments are coeducational. The public schools of Chicago are crowded with three quarters of a million children of parents for few of whom " Plato and the swing of Pleiades and the tall reaches of the peaks of song " had a meaning. And these children of every kindred and tongue are not herded into classes and indifferently taught. Modern science assists them from the start with anthropometric examinations, and scienti- fic methods are in use in every school. There could be no more hopeful " sign and portent " of the city's future than is furnished by its public schools. Voluntarily, by popular vote of the people, civil service was established in all branches of the city administration, and the principle laid down that industrious merit rather than po- litical influence should fill the thousands of positions in the school department and city branches in general, a graphic illustration that the spoils system is not a Chicago ideal. Be- nevolent institutions thrive under the muni- ficent endowment of its men of wealth. Seers like Professor David Swing have preached the Gospel to an eager people, thousands Chicago 233 on Sunday being turned away, unable to press to the pews through the multitude of churchgoers. All these phenomena present the interesting psychological truth that with Chicago's liberty and cosmopolitan make-up has been developed a reassuring force "mak- ing for righteousness." The city is not yet prepared for canonization, but in many ways it is, in its largeness of life and tolerance, an ex- ample to the cities of the world. She is still apt, perhaps, in speaking, for example, of her art galleries to dwell overmuch upon the cost of the buildings and paintings and the number of acres. The unprejudiced critic or historian knows that not all Chicago is pork and pig-iron, though why these industries are not as honor- able as poetry and prose, perhaps they who sit in the seat of the scornful will explain. Booker T. Washington well says that a people cannot be truly great until they recognize that it is as dignified to till the soil as it is to pen an epic, and in the same line of thought it might be said that a people who " live laborious days " packing meat and handling lumber, particularly by the thousand carloads, are not necessarily belated travellers on the 234 Chicago highway that leads to national integrity and renown. In wealth, in population, in the high charac- ter and eager attendance in her great schools, in libraries, art, and architecture, as evidenced by institutes, buildings, and academies of de- sign, in her letters, as displayed by the liter- ary output, in her spiritual conquests, as shown in the teachings of her poets and preachers, and even in the periodical reforms that purify the political atmosphere, Chicago's future will undoubtedly be, like her past, phenomenal. MADISON THE CITY OF THE FOUR LAKES BY REUBEN G. THWAITES IN 1836, that portion of Michigan Territory which lay west of Lake Michigan, was erected into the Territory of Wisconsin. Within the borders of the nascent commonwealth there lived at that time about twelve thousand whites and nine thousand Indians. Many of the sites of future cities of Wisconsin were already occupied by agricultural settlers, isolated or in tiny groups. Green Bay, a straggling French-Canadian settlement, had come down from the seven- teenth century, maintaining a sickly existence upon the fur trade and the coasting traffic of the upper Great Lakes ; Forts Winnebago (at Portage) and Crawford (at Prairie du Chien) were surrounded by meagre hamlets, chiefly of French Creoles ; the lead-mining 235 236 Madison region in the southwest, although sparsely settled, contained the bulk of the white popu- lation, with Mineral Point as its centre a village having at the time an apparently brighter prospect than the new settlement at the mouth of Milwaukee River ; there were also a few notches carved, at wide intervals, from the gloomy forest bordering the western shore of Lake Michigan. Outside of the settlements just enumerated, Wisconsin was practically un- inhabited by whites. Here and there was to be found an Indian trader, the Yankee suc- cessor of the coureur de bois of the old French regime, or some exceptionally adventurous farmer ; but their far-separated cabins only emphasized the density of the wilderness, through which roamed untrammelled the shift- less, gipsy-like aborigines, the comparatively harmless Chippewas, Menomonies, Pottawato- mies and Winnebagoes. On the 4th of July the territorial officers of Wisconsin qualified at Mineral Point, with Henry Dodge, a Black Hawk War hero, as Governor. In October following, the first Legislature assembled within a two-story bat- tlement-fronted house in the little lead-region hamlet of Belmont. The highway which it 238 Madison faced bristled with stumps, while miners' shafts and prospectors' holes thickly dimpled the shanty neighborhood. A month was spent in selecting a capital for the infant Territory. There were seventeen applicants. Some of them were actual settlements, like Green Bay, Fond du Lac, Milwaukee, Racine, Portage, Belrnont, Mineral Point, and Platteville ; but others were "paper towns," existing only on maps made by real-estate speculators. Of such shadowy substance was Madison, the victor. James Duane Doty, who had been United States Circuit Judge for the country west of Lake Michigan, had formed a town-site part- nership with Stevens T. Mason, then Governor of Michigan Territory. These gentlemen pre- empted several tracts of government land at presumably desirable spots in the wilderness. Doty advanced the respective claims of these tracts, giving them maps and attractive names. His favorite was an undulating isthmus be- tween Lakes Monona and Mendota, 1 in the 1 The Indian names now given to the lakes of this region are modern appellations ; originally they were numbered First, Sec- ond, Third, and Fourth as they progressed towards the source the order in which they were encountered by the federal surveyors in ascending the Catfish, a branch of Rock River, and the outlet of the lakes. Their present names, adopted in 1856, are Keg- onsa, Waubesa, Monona, and Mendota, respectively. Madison 239 heart of Southern Wisconsin, midway between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River. This claimant he named " Madison," after the third President of the United States. It was freely alleged at the time that Doty presented choice lots in Madison to his legis- lative friends. However this may be, the ostensible arguments produced were : that the chief centres of settlement in the northeast (Green Bay), the southeast (Milwaukee), and the southwest (the lead region) were so widely separated and had such divergent interests that to select one would alienate the others and make it impossible to harmoniously conduct the territorial government ; again, that to build up one corner of the Territory at the expense of the others would unequally dis- tribute the population ; it was also urged that the unsettled central portion of the Territory needed the incentive to growth which the capital would give it ; and lastly, Doty, the ohly man in Belmont that winter who seems to have known Madison, declared the site to be the most beautful spot in the Wisconsin forest. And thus Madison won. Beyond the understanding that the centre of the Capitol Park was to be the common 240 Madison corner of four sections of land which met near the middle of the isthmus, there had as yet been no thought of how this projected town in the woods should be laid out. A French half- breed, Olivier Armel, who had a temporary trading shanty on the tract, half brush and half canvas, was the only man whom the surveyor found when he arrived in a blinding snow- storm in February (1837) to set the stakes in this virgin wilderness for the future State House of Wisconsin. The streets of the town were laid out, so far as possible, upon the lines of the national capital : wide avenues radiating from the Capitol Park upon the points of the compass were bisected by other highways paralleling the shores of the two principal lakes. For names of the thoroughfares, the patriotic surveyor had recourse to the list of signatures to the federal Constitution, probably the only instance of a city's streets being ex- clusively named from this venerable body of lawgivers. The first dwelling in Madison was a log house built in April by one Eben Peck, for the entertainment of the mechanics who were ex- pected out from Milwaukee to construct the State House. It was June loth before the build- Madison 241 ing commissioner and his thirty-six workmen put in an appearance, after a toilsome overland journey of ten days through rain and mud, THE FIRST EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE (STILL STANDING) IN USE BY GOVERNOR DOTY. with no roads, and unbridged rivers which had either to be forded or swam. On the 4th of July the corner-stone was laid "with appro- priate toasts and speeches " by a small knot of territorial officials. 242 Madison It was January, 1839, before the territorial Legislature could be accommodated at Madi- son ; and even then the situation brought little comfort. Says a pioneer of those days : " With the session came crowds of people. The public houses were literally crammed shakedowns were looked upon as a luxury, and lucky was the guest whose fortune it was to rest his weary limbs on a straw or hay mat- tress." The little village was charmingly situated in the primeval forest. One of Madison's early teachers thus wrote of the hamlet of his young manhood : " Those who only know of Madison now, have but a feeble conception of its wonderful and fascinating beauty at the beginning. In 1839 it had the look of a well-kept lawn, shaded by fine white-oak and burr-oak trees, with a fragrant fringe of red cedar all about the lake shores. There was then no underbrush and thicket such as sprung up soon, when the semi-annual fires ceased to do the duty of the rake and mower ; but the eye had a stretch quite uninterrupted, except as the surface rose in beautiful green knolls on either lake. The lakes then lay in natural silver beauty, prettily framed in pebbly beach. For simple, quiet beauty, Madison in 1 839 was unequalled by anything I remember." Despite its natural attractiveness, and its Madison 243 presumably favorable location, Madison was a plant of slow growth. In the summer of 1838 the census revealed the presence here of only sixty-two people, and it is recorded that there were at that time " not more than a dozen houses, built and in process of erection, count- ing every cabin and shanty within three miles of the Capitol," while Indian wigwams were frequently set up within sight of the doors. Four years later there were but 1 72 people, and in 1846 but 632. By the close of 1850, however, the population had, largely as the result of a mild " boom " in that year, grown to 1672. Five years later Horace Greeley and Bayard Taylor paid the place a visit, and in letters to the New York Tribune highly extolled its beauties. As a result there was an almost immediate increase of population and a considerable advance in the price of real estate ; so that at the outbreak of the Civil War there were 7000 Madisonians. Notwithstanding the general prevalence of financial stringency, Madison prospered during the war. The State's troops were largely mobilized here, and constantly enlivened the streets ; a great deal of money was necessarily spent by the State and nation for supplies and 244 Madison salaries, as well as by the soldiers themselves, so that throughout it all the town grew sub- stantially. In 1 8 70 there were 10,000 citizens, but the next decade only slightly advanced this census. About 1882, however, a variety PROFILE ROCK ON LAKE MENDOTA. of causes led to the commencement of a stronger growth chiefly the rapid develop- ment of the State University, the expansion of the State's administrative affairs, the bettering of railroad facilities, and an enlargement of local manufacturing interests. During the Madison 245 past eighteen years there has been a steady gain, with every indication of permanency ; the census of 1900 revealed the presence at the Wisconsin capital of 20,000 residents, while an additional 5000 dwell in closely abut- ting suburbs. Frequent attempts to remove the capital to Milwaukee were long a potent factor in re- tarding the development of Madison. In 1870 the effort was nearly successful. The fact, however, that the State had by this time in- vested large sums of money in public buildings in and around Madison, particularly in the State University, which institution must, by the terms of the constitution, be situated " at or near the seat of State government," has of late years cooled the ardor of advocates of removal, so that no fear of renewed agitation is now entertained. In the early annals of this peaceful little city in the undulating oak grove between Monona and Mendota, surrounded on every hand by far-stretching lakes and marshes, and thus in a measure isolated from her rural neighbors, the historian finds little of stirring interest ; and that little almost always the reflex of the Legislature, which annually until 1882, when 246 Madison the sessions were made biennial, came and went with much bustle and sometimes brawl. The legislative sessions were, in ante-bellum days, the events of the year, and attracted prominent men from all quarters of Wiscon- sin. The crude hotels were filled each winter with legislators, lobbyists and visiting politi- cians. The humors of the time were often un- couth. There was a deal of horse-play, hard drinking, and profanity, and occasionally a per- sonal encounter during the heat of discussion : as in 1842, when Charles C. P. Arndt, of Brown, was killed on the floor of the council chamber by his fellow-member, James R. Vineyard, of Grant, an event to which Dickens alluded in his American Notes, and which gained for Wiscon- sin an unenviable notoriety the country over. But an undercurrent of good nature was gen- erally observable, and strong attachments were more frequently noticeable than feuds. Dancing and miscellaneous merry-making were the order of the times, and society at the capital was, from the first, thought to be fash- ionable. Even when the Legislature was not in session, Madison long remained the social as well as the political centre of Wisconsin, and overland travellers between the outlying settle- 248 Madison ments on the shores of the Mississippi and Lake Michigan or Green Bay were wont to tarry here upon their way. Several of them have left us, in journals and in letters, pleasing descriptions of their reception by the good- natured inhabitants, and the impressions made on them by the natural attractions of this beauty-spot. In 1856, Madison was the scene of political excitement of a serious character. William Barstow (Democrat) claimed to have been re- elected Governor over Coles Bashford (Repub- lican), by 157 majority. The Democrats controlled the State board of canvassers, and the Republicans claimed that this board had tampered with the returns. Upon January 27th both Barstow and Bashford took the oath of office, but the former and his friends con- tinued to hold the State House. The State Supreme Court was called upon by Bashford, in a quo warranto suit, to oust the incumbent and give the office of Governor to the relator. Thus commenced the most celebrated case ever tried by this bench. This was the first time in the history of the United States that a State court had been called upon to decide as to the right of a Governor to hold his seat. Its juris- Madison 249 diction was questioned by Barstow's attorneys. The contest waged fiercely for some weeks, with eminent counsel on both sides, the court at last holding that it had jurisdiction. The court then proceeded with its inquiry, and March 24th declared that Bashford had received a majority of 1009. A few days before this Barstow had resigned, and Lieutenant-Gover- nor McArthur was holding the office by virtue of the constitution. McArthur was defiant, and announced his determination to hold the post at all hazards. But the court promptly ruled that Barstow's title being worthless, Mc- Arthur could not, of course, succeed to it. Throughout this long contest, it may well be imagined that popular excitement in and around Madison ran high. The respective bands of partisans were armed and drilling, in anticipation of a desperate encounter. It would have taken small provocation to ignite this tinder-box, but the management on both sides was judicious ; and although the op- posing forces had frequent quarrels, and made numerous and vigorous threats of violence, no blows were struck. Upon the day after the court's decision Bashford and a body- guard advanced through corridors crowded 250 Madison with his followers, to McArthur's office, and, showing his writ, quietly announced that he would henceforth take charge of State affairs. McArthur hesitated, but a glance at the threat- ening crowd induced him to retire hurriedly through the door. The friends of Bashford cheered in triumph, and then poured into the office to congratulate the new Governor. As has been previously stated, the corner- stone of the old territorial State House was laid July 4, 1837. The building cost about $60,000. An old engraving of the structure, which we herewith reproduce, shows that it was of the then prevalent Americanized-Greek style of which there are still remaining a few examples, chiefly in the Southern States ; con- temporary accounts agree that it was rather superior in character to most of the Western capitols of sixty years ago. In 1857, the Legis- lature authorized the enlargement of the cap- itol. This " enlargement " was but nominal ; the plans developed into a new building on the site of the old, to cost somewhat over half a million dollars. Lack of funds because of the Civil War caused the work to proceed slowly, so that it was 1870 before the dome of the new State House was completed. In 1882, two 252 Madison new transverse wings were provided for. Thus the total cost of the present capitol and the development of the surrounding park has been about $900,000. The building is, however, now sadly behind the times in respect of light, ven- tilation and sanitary conveniences, and there is some thought of a new State House which shall be more nearly worthy of a rich and fast- growing commonwealth of over two millions of people. The University of Wisconsin was incor- porated under an act of Legislature approved the 26th day of July, 1848 ; but it was the 1 6th of January, 1850, before the first chancellor was inaugurated, and the 5th of February before the doors were opened for the reception of pupils. During the first twenty years of its existence, the institution was beset with vicissitudes, and obliged to battle against popular indifference and even opposition. The congressional land grants which were designed to create a fund for its endowment were recklessly disposed of by the legislatures of the '50*5, avowedly to encourage speedy settlement of the State, under the plea that when the commonwealth became well populated it would be rich enough to support 254 Madison the University by taxation ; it was also main- tained that pioneers had little need for or patience with higher education. Gradually, the University gained recognition as the logical head of the edu- cational system of the State ; and at last, after a half-century of growth, it has developed from a rustic academy of twenty stu- dents into an institution of national repu- tation, with a talented faculty giving instruc- tion to nearly 3000 students, assembled from many States and countries. The University is admirably situated, chiefly upon two hills lying a mile to the west of the State House and commanding wide views of the surrounding country. The grounds com- prise about 350 acres of hill and plain, the western half of which is occupied by the build- PROFESSOR WILLIAM FRANCIS ALLEN. Madison 255 ings and experimental farm of the College of Agriculture. Mendota, the largest and most beautiful of the chain of lakes, lies directly to the north, its attractive shores often rising into steep bluffs, surmounted by summer cottages, or swelling into distant hills besprinkled with prosperous farmsteads, while the towers and chimneys of the State Hospital for the Insane fret the sky-line beyond the farthest bay. A broad straight avenue leads directly eastward to the ridge crowned by the white dome of the State House ; while to the south the view ordinarily ends with the silvery expanse of Lake Monona, glistening through the trees, but when the foliage has thinned, the southern horizon is sufficiently extended, both from town and university vantage-points, to com- prise the far-off waters of Lake Waubesa. The outlook from University Hill, over-top- ping the tree-embowered town, which spreads gracefully, with up-thrust tower and dome and steeple, over Monona Ridge, is, particularly upon a moonlit night in summer, one of the most charming in America ; while from Ob- servatory Hill, just westward, one obtains a widely extended view of lakes and forest and purple hills which, especially under the 256 Madison glow of sunset, has won the unstinted plaudits of competent critics, some of whom have likened it to Old World scenes far-famed in song and story. Few of the buildings of the State Uni- versity are architecturally worthy of mention here. The original structures were North and South Halls, mere four-story stone boxes. The Doric University Hall, surmounting Uni- versity Hill, and one of the early buildings, has of recent years been greatly improved and extended, and now has some dignity of out- line as well as historic association. The new Engineering Building, in gray brick, is pleas- ing in form and color ; Science Hall and the Gymnasium, great piles of staring red brick, are conspicuous examples of the average college buildings of our day ; while the best one can say of the old Library Hall, Chemical Build- ing, Machine Shop, and Chadbourne Hall (the women's dormitory) is that they will continue to serve a useful purpose until the day when the State feels inclined to replace them with creditable structures. Upon Observatory Hill is the dignified Washburn Observatory, and upon the western slope the growing mass of buildings appertaining to the State Experi- 258 Madison mental Farm maintained by the College of Agriculture. At the eastern (townward) front of Uni- versity Hill, and occupying land once a part of the campus, a building has of late been reared by the commonwealth which not only is far better than any of the University struc- tures, but quite outranks in dignity and thoroughness of modern construction and equipment all other buildings owned by the State of Wisconsin. This is the home of the library and museum of the State Histori- cal Society. The University library and its accompanying seminary rooms for ad- vanced study, each with its special library, occupy quarters here, but the building itself is administered by the society, which serves as the trustee of the State. Built in the Italian Doric order, of Bedford sandstone, the State Historical Library Building is massive, digni- fied, and graceful, a worthy housing for one of the most important reference libraries in America. The Wisconsin Historical Society 1 has long ceased to be merely a feature of 1 The author has, of course, omitted to say what many of his read- ers understand, that as secretary he has had a large share in giving the Wisconsin Historical Society its conspicuous position in the public mind. EDITOR. 260 Madison Madison or of Wisconsin ; it is to-day regarded as one of the foremost institutions of this character in the country its splendid library of 235,000 volumes being one of the finest col- lections of Americana extant, rich in maps and manuscripts as well as books ; and its pub- lications rank with those of the similar so- cieties of Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania. Madison is fortunate in her elementary and secondary public schools as well as in posses- sing the State University ; while several ad- mirable private and denominational schools have found it desirable to settle here, under the wing of the great group of State colleges. As is becoming in an educational centre, much attention is here paid to church life. The large congregations have been careful to select for their pulpits men of prominence and abil- ity, fitted to attract the student mind ; and the Christian associations connected with the State University are conducted upon a high plane of usefulness. In Madison there dwell three well-accentu- ated classes of inhabitants : those relying upon trade and industry, the State and federal offi- cials, and the university element, each of Madison 261 them growing in numbers and importance. There is, however, far less differentiation of in- terests and aspirations than is commonly seen in college towns. It has for many years been the continual aim of several influential clubs, notably the Woman's, the Literary, the Con- temporary, the Six O'clock, and the Town and Gown, in which both " townfolk " and " gown folk " freely commingle, to break down the usual class barriers. The result is that college men coming to Madison from other institu- tions find here few of the sharp social dis- tinctions to which they have elsewhere become accustomed. But while town and gown are practically one in Madison, the official class has not until of late been conspicuous in her social life. The brevity of political tenure, rendering the permanent inhabitants in a measure indifferent to the " come-and-goes," has doubtless had much to do with this ; while a contributory element has been the fact that many State officials, finding the cost of living at the capi- tal somewhat higher than in the small interior towns, have heretofore left their families at home. With the new statute prohibiting public employes from using railroad passes, 262 Madison transportation to and from home now forms an important item of expense to the office holder, and a large proportion of them are moving their families to the seat of government. It is fair to predict that, through the influence of the clubs, which have recently taken upon themselves the paymen t of social courtesies to the official class, these bar- riers may in turn be removed, as they have be- tween town and gown. The native American ele- ment in Madison is chiefly from New York State, with a large sprinkling of New Englanders, especially from Vermont. Perhaps one third of the 25,000 people in this community are of German parentage, and there is a considerable and in- fluential Scandinavian element, mostly Nor- QENERAL LUCIUS FAIRCHILD EX-MINISTER TO SPAIN. Madison 263 wegian ; numerous other nationalities there are, but these are the most conspicuous. De- spite this large foreign contingent, however, and the cosmopolitan tone of university so- ciety, the strong flavor of Vermont and New York, originally given to this community in the days before the Civil War, is still the domi- nant characteristic in the social life of Madi- son. Many discriminating visitors frequently in their hours of first impressions, liken her to a staid New England college town ; while others revert to some demure hill-town of West- ern New York for the type which best describes the social side of this city of the Wisconsin lakes. The railroad facilities of Madison are un- doubtedly remarkable for a town of its size ; these are attracting wholesale houses and warehousemen, and new factories are talked of. The existing industries employ some fifteen hundred men. The schools, the uni- versity, the unusual library facilities and the beauty and healthfulness of the town bring to it an ever-increasing accession of cultured peo- ple with moderate fixed incomes. Summer visitors from St. Louis, New Orleans, and other southern cities of the Mississippi Valley 264 Madison are encouraged to come to the Four Lakes. The comfort of the inhabitants is greatly en- hanced by a system of macadamized streets which is relatively the best in Wisconsin ; and there is also maintained, by popular subscrip- tion, a labyrinth of twenty-five miles of sub- urban drives, enriched by the art of the landscape gardener, and leading to favorite view-points. A " Forty Thousand Club " is strenuously seeking to exploit and double the material interests of the town, within the pre- sent decade. But when all is said, Madison's distinguishing characteristics, as well as her neighborhood gossip, will probably long re- main such as properly pertain to the political and educational centre of a rapidly developing commonwealth. MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL THE TWIN CITIES BY CHARLES B. ELLIOTT " We are citizens of two fair cities," said a Genoese gentleman to a Florentine artist, " and if I were not a Genoese I should wish to be a Florentine." " And I," replied the artist, " if I were not Floren- tine " " You would wish to be a Genoese," said the other. " No," replied the artist, " I should wish to be Florentine." WITHIN a circle with a radius of ten miles, enclosing the Falls of St. Anthony, are two modern cities with a population of al- most four hundred thousand. The pioneer settler died a few months ago and the first child born there is now but passing middle life. And yet a little more than half a century after the landing of the Pilgrims the cross of Christ and the arms of France were carved on an oak tree which stood on the site of the present city of Minneapolis. In the summer of 1680 Louis Hennepin, a 265 266 Minneapolis St. Paul Recollet monk, in company with Michael Accault and a Picard named Du Gay first ex- plored the Upper Mississippi. Hennepin wrote a famous description of his travels, and gave the name to the falls he had discovered. But La Salle, Hennepin's fellow-voyager across the Atlantic, was the first to write a de- scription of the Falls of St. Anthony, from information which must have been furnished by one of Hennepin's party. For almost a century after Hennepin no white man visited the Falls of St. Anthony. In 1776, Captain Jonathan Carver, of Connec- ticut, started on an exploring expedition, to the Northwest and reached the falls about the mid- dle of November. Carver made the first pic- ture of the falls and gives an accurate description, from which it appears that the island which is now many feet below the water- fall was then in its midst. Carver greatly ap- preciated the beauty of the country, but, like Hennepin, passed away leaving only his de- scription and his picture. The War of the Revolution came and left no trace on the Northwest. At its close the sovereignty of France and of the new nation which had been born into the world faced each other on the Minneapolis St. Paul 267 banks of the Mississippi. In 1803 the west as well as the east bank became part of the do- main of the United States. But the inhab- itants knew nothing of the change until Captain Zebulon M. Pike, of the army, came to put an end to alleged improper transactions on the part of certain British traders. On an island a THE FALLS OF ST. ANTHONY ABOUT 1850. few miles below the falls Pike held a council with the Sioux and signed a treaty which extin- guished the Indian title to a tract of land ex- tending nine miles on each side of the river north from the mouth of the Minnesota River, and including the Falls of St. Anthony. Twelve years later Major Long, with two grandsons of Carver, ascended the river from St. Louis in 268 Minneapolis St. Paul a six-oared skiff, and wrote that " the murmur- ing of the cascade, the roaring of the river and the thunder of the cataract all contribute to render the scene the most interesting and mag- nificent of any I ever before witnessed." About 1811 the philanthropic Earl of Sel- kirk attempted to establish a colony in the Red River Valley. Six years later it was threat- ened by starvation. The noble Earl then visited the country, and his presence caused so much disquietude in the breasts of the Indian agents that, fearing improper foreign influence over the Indians, they induced the Government to establish a military post in the country. In August, 1819, Colonel Leavenworth, with ninety-eight soldiers of the Fifth Infantry, pitched their tents near the mouth of the Min- nesota River, about eight miles below the falls. A year later, Colonel Snelling, who had suc- ceeded to the command, built the fort on the bluff where it now stands, and gave it the name of Fort St. Anthony. In 1824 General Scott suggested to theWar Department the propriety of changing the name of the fort to that of one whose services to the country had been more conspicuous than those of Father Hennepin's patron saint. 2 ;o Minneapolis St. Paul In 1821 the soldiers built a mill on the west side of the river, near where now stands one of the greatest flouring mills in the world. The fort was, of course, the centre of what life there was in the country, and its people occasionally came into contact with the great world beyond. In 1826 the Indian agent, Major Taliafero, officiated at the marriage of the slave, Dred Scott, who was destined to play a part in history doubtless out of all proportion to his expectations. Colonel Snel- ling's son Joseph was something of a littera- teur, and, after fighting a duel with a young officer, he became involved in a more savage, although less bloody, contest with N. P. Willis. The land about the falls was a military reservation and therefore not open to settle- ment. As early as 1837 a Swiss watchmaker by the name of Perry attempted to settle there, but was driven off by the soldiers. Going a few miles down the river, he became in 1838, the first settler upon the present site of the city of St. Paul. His only competitor for this honor is a certain one-eyed personage of evil disposition and unattractive appear- ance whose true name was Parrant, but who Minneapolis St. Paul 271 became known to fame as Pig's Eye. With an eye to the advantages of the liquor business, Parrant located his claim beyond the limits of the reservation and near the river, where it be- came a flourishing resort for soldiers, Indians, and other frontier characters. It was the head of navigation on the river and entered into competition with the neighboring village of Stillwater for the proud position of the me- tropolis of the Territory. A town near by was surveyed in 1847 and during the following two years, as we are credibly informed by a local historian, " maturative and creative in- fluence, slowly but surely tended towards civil- ization." From the same source we learn that in 1848 "the nuclei of civilization" consisted of a church, a school, and a hotel, surely not a bad beginning. The history of the modern city properly begins in 1848, when Minnesota was organized as a territory with St. Paul as the provisional capital. The territorial gov- ernment was organized with Alexander Ramsey (afterwards Governor of the State, Senator, and Secretary of War) as Governor, and duly proclaimed on June i, 1848. The enabling act named St. Paul as the temporary capital, but left the people free to choose at the 272 Minneapolis St. Paul first general election a permanent place of government. In the meantime, a rival town had grown up at the east end of the Falls of St. Anthony, and the long struggle for su- premacy began with the selec- tion of a per- manent capital. The Indian title to the lands was extinguished in 1838, but two years earlier the commandant at the fort, Ma- jor Plympton, availed himself of his superior facilities and staked out a claim and built a cabin near the east end of the falls. Other claims were located soon after, all of which ultimately became the property of Franklin Steele and Pierre Bottin- eau, names famous in the early history of the locality. Early in 1847 there were about fifty ALEXANDER RAMSEY. Minneapolis St. Paul 273 people in the village, but in that year the van of " that great army which is moving yet but never stopping " began to arrive. In 1848 three hundred people were on the ground, and the two towns of St. Anthony City and St. Anthony were duly surveyed and launched upon the market. In the same year it is interesting to find the names of Robert Rantoul and Caleb Cushing, famous states- men of the day, among the purchasers of a nine-tenths interest in the east-side water power. During this year both the villages of St. Anthony and St. Paul were thriving under the impulse given by the organization of a regular government. St. Anthony now ob- tained a post-office, established a library asso- ciation with two hundred books on its shelves, and indulged in a lecture course by local talent. St. Paul became the capital, but the contro- versy was not finally settled until 1872, when a compromise was effected by the permanent location of the State University at Minne- apolis. The growth of the two villages during the next decade was very rapid. In 1855 Laurence Oliphant, diplomat and traveller, came down the river in a canoe and wrote in- teresting descriptions of St. Anthony and St. 274 Minneapolis St. Paul Paul and uncomplimentary notices of the peo- ple to Blackwoods Magazine. He was charmed with the falls and the " comfortable, civilized aspect of the town," which was then becoming known as a " watering place." Hotel manners in the capital city were not satisfactory, but the opinions of England and the Crimean War expressed by prominent citizens in the free and easy vernacular of the frontier made good reading. In the meantime another village had grown up on the west side of the falls. In 1849 tne old government mill, the little house a few yards back and two cabins built by mission- aries on the banks of Lake Calhoun were the only buildings on the west side of the river. In that year Robert Smith, a member of Con- gress from Illinois, through some means best known to himself, obtained from the War De- partment the privilege of purchasing the mill and the house and of making a claim to 160 acres of land. This tract was carefully se- lected for the purpose of including the valuable water-power rights on the west side. In the same year John H. Stevens, then postmaster at the fort, also obtained a permit and entered a claim to the land now covered by the heart COURT HOUSE AND CITY HALL, MINNEAPOLIS. 275 276 Minneapolis St. Paul of the city. While Smith and Stevens were favored others were driven from the reserva- tion by the soldiers. Stevens built the first frame house in Minneapolis, and it now stands in one of the beautiful parks of the city as an evidence of the antiquity of things. Legal titles could not be obtained on the west side until 1855, although by that time more than two hundred houses had been built. In the following year the city was incorporated, but in 1862 this form of government was abandoned, and the people lived under a simple township organization until 1867. Five years later, in 1872, the two cities of St. Anthony and Min- neapolis were consolidated under the name of the City of Minneapolis, which then entered upon a period of phenomenal growth. We now find two cities in the stress of a rivalry which continued for many years. The west line of St. Paul soon became the east line of Minneapolis. The existence of two cities so near together was, as we have seen, due not to deliberate choice but to circumstances. In early days the fall, with its abundant water- power and attractive scenery, was the point about which the minds of people revolved ; it was, however, on the military reservation ac- Minneapolis St. Paul 277 quired by Pike, and settlers were driven to find a foothold farther down the river but within reach of the fort. There were some difficulties in the way of navigation to the falls, but these would soon have been removed. St. Paul was the capital of the State, and thus became the political and professional centre. In the con- test for political honors this supremacy is still maintained. Its leaders control the politics of the State. Governors and senators are created in St. Paul and not in Minne- apolis. The business enterprise of St. Paul found vent in building up great wholesale houses and in the development of railway and general transportation enterprises. Minneap- olis, by reason of its location, became a great manufacturing centre. The vast pine forests of the north sent millions of logs to its mills. Around the falls were built the greatest flour- ing mills in the world, and its location upon the eastern edge of the great prairies of Min- nesota and Dakota soon made it the primary wheat market of the world. The commercial and business interests of the two cities thus for a number of years developed along different and clearly defined lines. The increase of pop- ulation is shown by the following table : 278 Minneapolis St. Paul Year. St. Paul. Minneapolis. St. Anthony. 538 3,285 5, OI 3 1850 1,083 .... 1860 10,401 2,564 1870 20,030 13,066 1880 4i,473 46,887 1890 I33,i5 6 164,738 1900 163,632 202,781 The falls was the point at which the early thought and life of Minneapolis centred, and the foundation of its early business prosperity. Paul Bourget, in his Outre Mer, speaking of the reasons for the location of American cities, says, "If any feature such as a water-fall per- mitted factories, industries were established. Minneapolis had no other origin. The falls of the Mississippi lent themselves to a series of incomparable mills and this was the starting- point of one of the future capitals of the world." When the Government established a fort it took the name of the falls, and the first town-sites were only distinguishable from each other by the difference between St. Anthony and St. Anthony City. When it was rumored that the water-power was about to be destroyed, consternation rested upon the little community. In 1868 the his- torian Parkman had written : < 280 Minneapolis St. Paul " Great changes, however, have taken place here and are still in progress. The rock is a very soft and friable sandstone, overlaid by a stratum of limestone ; and it is crumbling with such rapidity under the action of the water that the cataract will soon be little more than a rapid. 1 Other changes equally disastrous in the artistic point of view are going on even more quickly. Beside the falls stands a city which by an ingenious combination of Greek and Sioux languages received the name of Min- neapolis, the City of the Water, and which in 1867 con- tained ten thousand inhabitants, two national banks, and an opera house, while its rival city of St. Anthony, immedi- ately opposite, boasts a gigantic water cure and the State University. In short, the great natural beauty of the place is utterly spoiled." Minneapolis is essentially a manufacturing city. For many years the principal industry was the manufacture of lumber, which in its various forms has now reached great magni- tude. The annual output for the five years prior to 1850 was 1,500,000 feet a year. In 1870 it reached 118,500,000 feet a year; in 1880 it was 195,500,000 ; in 1890, 300,000,000 ; in [900 more than 500,000,000, and in addi- tion 57,000,000 shingles and 94,000,000 laths. An army of men is engaged in the work of cutting the logs on the timber lands of the north. 1 The prediction was fulfilled the following year, when it became necessary to construct elaborate works to save the water-power. 282 Minneapolis St. Paul These are driven or floated down the river to the booms near the mills which line the river in the northern part of the city. The prominence of the city in flour-milling is due to its location and to the skill and ingen- uity of the men who have been engaged in the business. Minneapolis has passed through three well-defined milling periods. Prior to 1870 the ancient process of grinding wheat be- tween the upper and nether millstones was in use, which turned into middlings much of the precious gluten. In 1872 an emigrant French miller named Legroux devised an apparatus for purifying middlings, and as a result the product became famous as " Minnesota Patent Flour," and brought pre-eminence and wealth to the Minnesota millers. A practical monopoly ex- isted until the Eastern millers discovered that the process could be as well applied to the win- ter wheat of Minnesota as to the spring. Then began a new struggle for pre-eminence. After searching through the world, the Minneapolis millers discovered in Hungary a process of mil- ling hard wheat which finally disposed of the ancient millstone and carried the wheat between rolls of smooth and corrugated surface until, by a process of gradual reduction, the desired Minneapolis St. Paul 283 fineness was secured. Foremost in the work of developing this great industry was the late Charles A. Pillsbury, to whose enterprise the city is greatly indebted. At the present time the Minneapolis mills can produce 76,366 barrels of flour a day, which is the largest daily capacity of any group of mills in the world. The flour ex- port for 1900 was 4,702,485 barrels. Thus the mills of Minneapolis, if grinding steadily, could give a loaf of bread every day to every man, woman, and child in the States of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Con- necticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hamp- shire, and Maine. The conditions in a new and rapidly grow- ing city cannot be properly understood with- out careful consideration of such material facts as we have been considering. But there is yet another story to tell. It is doubtful whether any cities in the United States of the size contain so many beautiful pictures and fine libraries. The Minneapolis Public Library is well known to all interested in library man- agement by reason of the liberality and novelty of its methods. In the spring of 1859 Bayard Taylor delivered a lecture in the village and 284 Minneapolis St. Paul gave the proceeds, less than one hundred dollars, to a library association, which took the name of the Minneapolis Atheneum. Later Dr. Kirby Spencer devised to it a fund which PUBLIC LIBRARY, MINNEAPOLIS. now yields about $8000 each year, for the purchase of books of a certain designated class and character. The Atheneum was not a public library, but it was liberally managed by the trustees and the community was en- Minneapolis St. Paul 285 abled to use it under reasonable restrictions. The trustees finally took the lead in the establishment of a public library into which the collection of the Atheneum was merged. The law created a library board with limited powers of taxation. Public-spirited citizens contributed a valuable site on which there was erected a building not surpassed by any struc- ture of its kind in the country for convenience and general efficiency. In addition to the central building, there are two branch build- ings, one erected by the city and the other presented to the city by ex-Governor John S. Pillsbury, who had already made his name synonymous with public generosity by his liberal gifts to the State University. The first librarian was Herbert Putnam, afterwards of the Boston Public Library, and now the Librarian of the Congressional Library at Washington. His successor, an eminent scholar, Dr. James K. Hosmer, has continued building upon the foundation laid by Mr. Put- nam. The system gives to the public a much greater liberty of access to the books than had been considered safe and desirable in other large libraries. The plan has been successful and there have been no losses or injuries to the 286 Minneapolis St. Paul books which would justify the withdrawal or restriction of such freedom. The library now contains 113,000 books, and during the past OLE BULL MONUMENT IN LORINQ PARK. year the circulation was over 600,000, which was an average of three books for each in- habitant of the city. Minneapolis St. Paul 287 The picture gallery and school of the Min- neapolis Society of Fine Arts occupies the third floor of the Library Building. The city owns a number of good paintings, which it purchased at the sale of the gallery that formerly belonged to the Exposition Com- pany. Several fine paintings have been pre- sented to the municipality by Mr. J. J. Hill of St. Paul, whose wealth has also been used to advance and cultivate the taste for artistic work in the city of St. Paul. When the collection of casts selected by General Cesnola for the Met- ropolitan Museum of Art arrived in New York before the building was ready, it was promptly purchased by citizens of Minneapolis, and do- nated to the Exposition Company, which was then holding annual exhibits. It is now the property of Mr. T. B. Janney, by whom it has been placed in the Public Library, and thus for all practical purposes dedicated to the art edu- cation of the people. Mr. Hill in St. Paul and Mr. T. B. Walker in Minneapolis have private collections which include many famous and valuable pictures. A start has been made in the work of beau- tifying the city and honoring illustrious citi- zens by the placing of Fjelde's statue of Ole 288 Minneapolis St. Paul Bull in Loring Park and Daniel C. French's statue of ex-Governor John S. Pillsbury in the grounds of the State University. A law has recently been passed which provides for the creation of permanent art commissions in St. Paul and Minneapolis. It is hoped that these bodies will prevent the purchase or accep- tance of unworthy pictures or statues by the municipalities. In proportion to the population the parks in Minneapolis exceed in acreage those of any other city in America and of all but three foreign cities. There are twenty-two parks and parkways, not counting numerous parklets formed by the intersection of streets. At the present time the park board controls 1552.81 acres. In the centre of the city lies Loring Park, with its beautiful lake and well-kept ver- dure. Starting from this point, Kenwood Boulevard carries us along a wooded bluffy region from whose heights are obtained chang- ing views of the Lake of the Isles, which is now entirely enclosed by a boulevard. A short half-mile south is Lake Calhoun, along the eastern terrace of which we pass to the borders of Lakewood Cemetery and thence through Interlaken, rich in the beauty of its 290 Minneapolis St. Paul wild woods, to the shores of Lake Harriet and its pavilion. At the south angle of the lake the boulevard leads off to Minnehaha Creek, which is the outlet of Lake Minne- tonka and flows easterly through a romantic valley until, falling over the Trenton limestone within a half-mile of the Mississippi, it forms the romantic Falls of Minnehaha. Around the Falls of Minnehaha there is a park of one hundred and twenty-five acres, containing a zoological garden and bordered by the grounds of the Soldiers' Home, which for all aesthetic purposes is a part of it. Another matter of striking interest is the bicycle-path system, which crosses the city in every direction and extends for miles into the country. The paths are constructed and sus- tained by a license tax of fifty cents on each wheel which uses them. During the past year this tax produced more than $20,000, all of which was expended in the construction and maintenance of the paths. The State University is the crowning feature of the non-commercial institutions of the city and State. The first class was graduated in 1873, an d ten Y ears thereafter the graduating class numbered thirty-five. Its great weakness, THE FALLS OF MINNEHAHA. 29! 292 Minneapolis St. Paul as of all Western institutions, was the lack of proper preparatory schools, and President Fol- well devised a unique plan by which the State high schools became feeders for the Uni- versity. There are now about 3500 students in the University, making it the second or third largest in size in the United States. Upon the foundation broadly laid by the first president of the institution, President North- rup has since 1884 builded until the institution now has a magnificent income and an equip- ment second to few in the country. Another notable feature in connection with the local government in Minneapolis is her method in dealing with the liquor question. After a period of controversy an ordinance was passed under which a line was drawn around the downtown district. Within this pat- rol limit saloons can exist upon the payment of a license fee of $1000 a year. As a result, the residence part of the city is entirely free from the demoralizing influence of the saloon. In a general way the difference in popula- tion expresses the present relation between the two cities in other respects. In appear- ance St. Paul is more metropolitan than Minneapolis, as it is more compactly built. Minneapolis St. Paul 293 St. Paul lies along the side of a steep bluff. It is rugged and diverse and has the narrow streets and crowded appearance of a large city. From the crest of the hills, many mag- nificent residences look down upon the river. Westwardly the city straggles over the rolling country until it reaches the Minneapolis line, enclosing in the meantime the State Fair Grounds and centres of population which were originally separate municipalities, such as St. Anthony Park, Merriam Park, and Ham- line. Minneapolis is built upon an almost level plain, lying between the river and Lake Calhoun, broken toward the north by a line of high ground parallel with and a mile west of the river. Its streets are broad and the houses set well back in ample grounds. Enclosed grounds are the exception. In St. Paul the fashionable residences are largely concentrated upon the crest of the bluff, while in Minne- apolis they are scattered in various localities. There is also a general lack of concentration in the business districts of Minneapolis, which does not exist in St. Paul. St. Paul's wholesale trade, if we exclude lum- ber and flour, is greater than that of Minneap- olis. It is also the head of practical navigation 294 Minneapolis St. Paul on the Mississippi and the railway centre of the Northwest, although all trains reach both cities. The Minneapolis and St. Louis and the " Soo " are the only railways with headquarters in Minneapolis, while St. Paul is the headquar- ters of the Chicago and Great Western and of the great transcontinental lines, the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern. The electric street-railway system in both cities is owned by one company, but the busi- ness is conducted in each city under a local management. There are 1 50 miles of track in Minneapolis, and 123 in St. Paul. Two busy interurban lines connect the centres of the two cities. The public-school systems are of the same general character and stand well the com- parison with those of other cities. St. Paul has many children in the parochial schools. Her park system is extensive and beautiful and com- prises about 1 100 acres. The most extensive is Como Park, which lies in the interurban dis- trict and is a popular resort for thousands of people during the summer months. St. Paul has a large number of successful denomina- tional educational institutions, such as Mac- allister College and Hamline University. The most conspicuous building in the city is the 296 Minneapolis St. Paul new white marble capitol now being erected by the State at an expense of over $3,000,000. The St. Paul Public Library is not equal to that of Minneapolis, but her citizens have the ad- vantage of the use of the library of the Minnesota Historical Society, which is the miscellaneous State library. A great deal of nonsense has been written about the characteristics of the people of these two cities. To render the situation more in- teresting and romantic all manner of inherent racial and sociological differences have been invented. Their struggle for supremacy has been described as exceeding in bitterness the ancient rivalry of Hooks and Kabbeljaws. Nothing could be further from the truth. The municipal and commercial rivalry was natural and beneficial, and was ordinarily kept within reasonable bounds. Both cities bounded up- ward under the impulse thus given to energy and enterprise. Each without the other would itself be less. The people are of the same type, restless, ambitious empire builders. They have striven mightily and manfully in business and politics, but mingled amicably in social intercourse. What differences in charac- ter do exist are largely due to the different race Minneapolis St. Paul 297 elements which compose the population. If God sifted three kingdoms to obtain the seeds with which to plant New England, he resifted New England and the kingdoms for the plant- ing of the Northwest. The present popula- tion is diverse, but the predominent element is the old Saxon blood. For purposes of comparison, Ramsey County is St. Paul, and Hennepin County is Minneapolis. By the State census of 1895, Ramsey County had 147,537 inhabitants, of which 140,292 were in St. Paul ; Hennepin County had 217, 798 inhabitants, of which 192,- 833 were in Minneapolis. Bearing this propor- tion in mind, the following table, which gives the nativity of the population of the counties, is of interest : Ramsey. Hennepin Native born 96,486 146,848 England and Canada 7,036 9,646 Ireland 5,468 4,339 Germany 16,593 * ^337 France 281 264 Sweden 10,665 22,480 Norway 3,087 1 2,762 Bohemia i, 2 45 815 Poland I ,54 I r >93 This does not show the number of the de- scendants of such foreign born residents now in the counties who are included under the 298 Minneapolis St. Paul head of native born. It appears that the per- centage of native born is much larger in Minneapolis than in St. Paul. Thus, Ramsey County with 70,261 less population, had 1129 more Irish and 5256 more Germans than Hen- nepin County. In Hennepin, the Norwegians and Swedes form a large element. St. Paul with its German and Irish born citizens, is Democratic in politics and strongly Roman Catholic in religion, while in Minneapolis the Scandinavians and Republicans predominate. The sons of Maine, Vermont, New York, and Ohio maintain flourishing societies, but are completely eclipsed by the sons of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. They are everywhere, in all positions and all kinds of business, from the highest to the lowest. Coming of the old Ger- manic stock, they take to self-government and officeholding as deftly as the sons of the town meeting. At present it is not a homogeneous people but an aggregation of all the elements, a seething cauldron of the races, the residuum of which we believe will be a type of genuine American citizenship, broadened and liberalized by the ancestral outlook upon the world. It is fashionable at present to speak lightly of Buckle's theory of the influence of climate 300 Minneapolis St. Paul upon the character of a people, but it is cer- tain that we cannot understand the develop- ment of a people unless we know something of the climatic conditions under which they live. The northwestern climate is much better than the reputation it succeeded in establishing in the early days before the blizzard centre moved eastward. While not strictly like that described in the old hymn, " December as pleasant as May," there are few pleasanter localities in which to spend the entire year. It is a climate for thinking and doing. Spring and autumn are delightful beyond the power of description, and the heat of midsummer is tempered by the myriad lakes which dot the surrounding country. In midwinter the thermometer takes an occasional downward plunge which sadly disarranges the record of averages, but for four days out of every five between December and March the sun shines gloriously through an atmosphere of mountain brilliancy. Then there is in the air a hidden food of life, upon which has fed the strenuous race of men which within the short space of one life has builded two great cities where none were before. T DES MOINES IOWA'S CAPITAL CITY BY FRANK I. HERRIOTT THE beginnings of the city of Des Moines are not shrouded in romance or shadowy tradition. Thrilling episode and epoch- making events do not abound in her history. Cannon have never thundered against the gates of the city, nor hostile armies marched and counter-marched within her environs. Not even the blood-curdling war-whoop of the Indian ever struck terror into the hearts of her pioneers. Yet the story of the capital city of Iowa is neither prosaic nor uninteresting. Her origin and early history typify the beginnings of civilized life throughout almost the entire State of Iowa ; and since the seat of govern- ment was transferred to the city in 1857, her history is in epitome the history of the great commonwealth of which she is the capital. 301 302 Des Moines The origin of the city's name is a moot question among antiquarians. Popular ety- mology has derived Des Moines from the early associations of Trappist monks at or near the mouth of the river, la riviere des Moines: but Dr. Elliot Coues regarded this as spurious etymology. Some local historians have contended that the name arose from the fact that the valley of the Des Moines River was inhabited by the Mound Builders : numer- ous mounds were found in what is now the heart of the city ; hence, the " river of the mounds." The French explorer Nicollet as- cribes its origin to the Algonquin name Moin- goinan, and the earliest map showing the journeys and discoveries of La Salle, Joliet, and Marquette designate the river by the Al- gonquin name. In later times the French voyageurs and traders clipped the word, for we find Des Mains, De Moin, De May en, Demoin, Demoir and sometimes Demon. The French settlers probably had in mind the great " mid- dle region " beween the Mississippi and the Missouri when they referred to the De Moyen or Des Moines. The city of Des Moines was originally a frontier fort. Unlike the majority of such in 304 Des Moines the West in early days, this outpost at the " forks of the Raccoon " was not established to protect the whites from the Indians. On the contrary, Fort Des Moines was founded to guard the Sac and Fox Indians, to secure them in the peaceful possession of their hunt- ing-grounds and to protect them against rapa- cious land agents, the encroachments of the whites and the bloody Sioux. And the event was typical of the relations of the national Gov- ernment with the Indian tribes of Iowa. When Iowa became known to the people of the East the tide of emigration soon began to run high and strong toward the Mississippi. It is not extravagant to say that never have more beautiful lands been opened for human settlement than lay beyond the " Father of Waters " in the hunting-grounds of the Sacs and Foxes. " Une ravissante contrde" exclaimed in 1842 King Louis Philippe's son, Prince de Joinville, as he gazed upon the gorgeous green of the river bluffs, forests, and valleys, and meadows and prairies of Iowa. The wonder- ful stories related of the marvellous fertility of the soil and the attractiveness of nature in this Western Mesopotamia gave a tremen- dous impetus to emigration. But the national Des Moines 305 Government firmly held back the tide. The Mississippi was patrolled by troops to prevent the settlers invading the lands. Colonel Zach- ary Taylor and Lieutenant Jefferson Davis, both later to achieve great fame, were among those who guarded the rights of the Iowa In- dians and ejected overzealous frontiersmen and "squatters." But the pressure of population westward was irresistible ; and small pretexts were sufficient to break down the barriers. The war with the Sacs and Foxes under their great leader, Black Hawk, came on and by the treaty of 1832, known as the " Black Hawk Purchase," negotiated by General Winfield Scott, a tract along the Mississippi fifty miles wide was opened for settlement. This strip was rapidly populated and in 1836 the Keokuk reserve was ceded to the United States. In 1837 a large tract adjacent on the west, aggre- gating i, 2 50,000 acres, was purchased from the Indians. In a short time the settlers began to clamor for the opening of the beautiful lands in the Des Moines Valley and beyond, and to petition Congress; and on October n, 1842, Governor John Chambers, the second Terri- torial governor of Iowa, negotiated a treaty at Agency City which obtained title to the rest of 306 Des Moines Iowa. By its terms the Sacs and Foxes were permitted to remain three years in their be- loved hunting-grounds before their departure for Kansas. It was the latter provision that led to the establishment of Fort Des Moines. In May, 1834, a military camp styled Fort Des Moines was established at the mouth of the river near where Keokuk now is, but aban- doned in 1837. As early as 1835 Lieutenant- Colonel Stephen W. Kearny had been ordered by the War Department at Washington to "proceed up the river Des Moines to the Rac- coon fork " and reconnoitre with a view to the selection of a military post. He reported ad- versely, however, believing that a fort should be established farther north near the Minne- sota line ; and nothing was done until the treaty of 1842 was ratified. Then General Scott, in order to protect the Indians from mo- lestation by the whites, directed that troops be stationed near the Agency buildings then lo- cated a few miles south and east of the pres- ent city. Captain James Allen of the First Dragoons selected the " forks of the Rac- coon," and in May, 1843, a steamboat came up the Des Moines River and landed soldiers and supplies. The soldiers set about building the Des Moines 307 fort, which, when completed, consisted simply of the officers' and men's quarters, one-story log huts with puncheon floors, a storehouse, hospital, and stables, all so arranged as to form a right angle, the sides of which ran parallel to the banks of the converging rivers, and came to a point at their junction. There was no stockade, e m - bankment, or outlying moat on the exposed view or any other protective feature. During the time the fort was garrisoned there were a few whites permit- ted to occupy lands near by, a representative of the Ameri- can Fur Company, traders, a tailor, a blacksmith, and gardeners, persons who served the fort in KEOKUK AT THE AQE OF 67. FROM A DAGUErtROTYPE TAKEN IN 1847. 308 Des Moines some way, but the population never exceeded two hundred, soldiers and all. Captain Allen and his dragoons had to give all their time to restraining restless bands of Indians and crowding back the eager settlers who were on the eastern boundaries of the purchase await- ing the departure of the Indians. The latter, although they manifested a disinclination to leave their old haunts, and trouble was antici- pated when the order came for them to move, nevertheless peacefully withdrew under their great chief Keokuk. Even before the Indians' title to the lands had expired many whites had slipped over the borders, dodged the dragoons, spied out the most desirable places for settlement and determined to claim them as soon as they could be entered. Many a story is told of men roosting high in trees for days to keep out of the sight of the troops. On the night of October 10, 1845, men were stationed in all directions from the fort ready to measure off their claims. Precisely at twelve o'clock, mid- night, a signal gun was fired at the Agency house. Answering guns rang out sharply in quick succession from hilltop and valley for miles around. The moon was shining dimly Des Moines 309 and its beams ill supplemented the fitful gleams of the settlers' torches as they hastily made their rough surveys, marked by blazing trees or by setting stones or stakes. Men helped each other. Two friends would run in two directions and each fire a gun when the ter- minus was reached. When the sun came up a new empire had come into being and the order and industry of the white man had dis- placed the listless, unprogressive life of the savage. The rush of the settlers into the region about Des Moines ahead of the surveyor's chain led to the development of an institution of peculiar interest in Western history. Not only was it unique, it was also a striking in- stance of the spontaneous growth of an insti- tution of government. It was almost if not quite the realization under almost ideal condi- tions of the theory of Jean Jacques Rousseau that Government arises from and rests on a Social Compact. It was known as a Land Club or League or Claim Association, and it played a large part in the organization of gov- ernment in Iowa. It overrode the law of the land, or rather it blocked the natural course of the law ; yet at the same time it maintained 310 Des Moines order and secured under strict regulations equity for the early settlers when the enforce- ment of the law would have worked harsh in- justice, and possibly have produced serious outbreaks against national authority. When Iowa was first opened for settlement the pioneers could not pre-empt lands or secure title to them until they were surveyed ; and then only at public sale. But the sur- veyor lagged far behind the pioneer, who con- sidered not the law, but, anxious for a home, hurried into the new tracts and settled on his claim. The " squatter " had no legal title to his claim, nor could he obtain it by priority of occupancy ; and he knew that any stranger or speculator with a longer purse string could pur- chase his land and oust him and his family the moment the Government should offer it for sale. It was the likelihood of this dire con- tingency that led to the formation of Claim Clubs or Associations in nearly every locality in Iowa. These clubs were composed of all the settlers in a township or county. They adopted a constitution, elected officers and conducted their affairs by definite procedure. They governed all matters relating to the amount and character of claims, their occu- Des Moines 3 11 pancy, improvement, abandonment, transfers, and disputes. The decisions of the club were rigidly enforced. Claims were recorded and the members were under solemn agreement not only to guard each other from interference but to prevent lands claimed from being sold to strangers at the public sales. Unhappy was the fate of a man who had the temerity to " jump " a claim or to outbid a claimant. Tar and feathers or unceremonious banishment or even harsher treatment was not unlikely. At the sale the club selected a member who would bid in the members' claims. He was ac- companied by a posse whose presence always prevented outsiders from bidding as the law contemplated. If the Government officials were not always in sympathy with the settlers, at least they were always discreet enough to manifest no disapproval of the proceedings. These Claim Clubs of Iowa aroused fierce opposition in the East. Calhoun and Clay denounced them as "conspiracies of lawless men " who so terrorized would-be purchasers that bona fide sales were impossible, and they urged that vigorous measures be taken to abate them. Webster came to the settlers' de- fence. He pleaded for what he called their 312 Des Moines " reasonable rights " under the circumstances. The Government had delayed the surveys ; yet the settlers had been encouraged to go into the new lands and make their homes ; to dispossess them would work severe hardship ; the clubs, although outside the pale of the law, had enforced order and maintained to a marked degree all the forms of law and government, and violence was extremely rare. To Web- ster's eloquence was due the passage of the early pre-emption laws. They were not liberal enough, however, and in 1848 a strong Claim Club was formed at Des Moines. Although the treaty of 1842 opened the lands in 1845 they were not surveyed until 1847 and title could not be obtained until late in 1 848. Meantime claims in large numbers had been entered. In 1848 speculators and "land- sharks " came in and roamed about regarding the settlers' claims with envious and designing eyes. Fear of them was a leading motive in the formation of the Claim Club of 1 848. Strangers were closely watched. Any suspicious action led to the suspect being warned that discre- tion was the better part of valor. There were some disturbances but none were serious. The most notable arose within the club itself. Des Moines 3 r 3 One Perkins jumped his neighbor Flemmings's claim. The latter appealed to his club mem- bers. A " war " ensued in which Perkins nar- rowly escaped hanging. When the sale took place at Iowa City, 125 miles east of Des Moines, the club's agent bid in at $1.25 all of the claims and soon thereafter the club ceased to play any part in the life of the community. The first local government to which the in- habitants of Des Moines were subject was the county government of Polk County provided for by the Territorial Legislature in January, 1846. The town government was not organ- ized until 1851. By this time Fort Des Moines had become a thriving place. It was an im- portant way station on one of the main stage routes to the West. In 1852, the establishment of a Government land office brought to the town for the entry of lands the multitudes of speculators and settlers then rushing into Western Iowa. In the days of the gold fever and during the border wars in Kansas and Nebraska her ferries and hostelries did a bustling trade. In those early days life was free, easy, simple, and buoyant. The population of Fort Des Moines was made up of people 3 14 Des Moines from both Southern and Northern States. They lived in log huts or simple frame build- ings. Pork and " corn-dodgers," coffee, some- times made of parched corn, and tea, often made from native plants, constituted in the main their diet. They had to go many miles to get their flour ground. Oxen were gen- erally used in drawing wagons and ploughs. Stage coaches were the common carriers until the railroads entered the city in 1866. Prior to 1858 the State constitution prohibited the establishment of banks of note issue and the money of the citizens was chiefly " wildcat " and "red dog" currency. In 1857-58 the City Council so far trenched on the powers of Congress as to issue " City Scrip," with the twofold object of paying the city's debt and affording the citizens a circulating medium. As the scrip did not become popular, in a short time the city called in its paper and redeemed it. Like most frontier towns a certain reck- less disregard of the sober customs of the Eastern cities characterized the social life. Sunday was a sort of gala day, when horse and foot races between whites and Indians, accom- panied by more or less gambling and carousal, were not infrequent. But the garish and reck- IOWA SOLDIERS AND SAILORS MONUMENT. 316 Des Moines less life soon gave place to the staid habits of well-ordered communities, and since the Civil War Des Moines has justly sustained the reputation of a "conservative" Western city. The navigation of the Des Moines River was a great factor in the first years of the city's growth. Steamboats came up the river from Keokuk in the spring and summer months and brought most of the city's supplies. The people living along its course soon perceived that the river could be made a great waterway for commerce. Those were the days of " in- ternal improvements." Congress was induced in 1846 to give to the new State every alternate section of unsold land in a strip five miles wide on either bank of the river to be used for the improvement of the chan- nel. A River Improvement Company was formed. River traffic increased rapidly and the people went wild over the project. As usual the matter soon drifted into politics and decided the fate of political parties. Dem- agogism ran riot. A story is told of two candidates for Congress in 1850, campaigning together, who rushed across a field to greet a farmer. The first one to reach him, extending his hand, cried : Des Moines 3 1 ? " Hurrah for river improvement ! " The farmer so eagerly sought proved to be a scarecrow. The net result of all the excitement and spec- ulation attending the various efforts to improve the river was failure and collapse. The State after expending immense sums abandoned the task in 1862. Worse still, complications arose over the extent of the grant from the Govern- ment, and left the people above the city a sorry heritage of costly litigation that continued till 1892 over the titles to their homes. The entire experiment was an instructive illustra- tion of the futility of most of the attempts at " internal improvements " fostered by con- gressional land grants. In the summer of 1894 the river achieved notoriety in connection with the epidemic of " Commonweal Armies " that disturbed the public that year. One division, mobilized at San Francisco under a " General " Kelley, when it reached Council Bluffs was refused transportation by the Iowa railroads. The horde then marched overland, levying on com- munities for provisions, reaching Des Moines Sunday evening, April 29th. The citizens, in much trepidation, lodged the tramps in an 318 Des Moines abandoned stove factory. The people were frantic to pass them along, for their sojourn threatened plague, pilfering, and multitudinous evils. But the tramps refused to walk farther. The citizens were in despair. Finally some genius suggested that the army be floated down the river. The " General " agreed to evacuate the stove works when the fleet of flatboats was ready to launch. On May gth, amid general rejoicing, Kelley and his army floated away. The voyageurs reached the Mississippi only to suffer ignominious discomfiture. In ante-bellum days the subject of slavery made life and politics keenly interesting in Des Moines. Many stanch Southerners and not a few abolitionists generated an electrical atmosphere. The first resident Governor, James W. Grimes, who later brought Iowa fame in the United States Senate, spoke out strongly against the arrogance of the slave- holders and the border outrages. The city was on John Brown's "underground railway," and the spiriting of slaves through the town gave zest to public discussion. When Brown came through with the slaves he had captured in Missouri he stopped over night, February 16, 1859, with James C. Jordan, a State senator. Des Moines 319 The next day his ferriage was paid by the edi- tor of the State Register, John Teesdale. One of Brown's most trusted companions, who died by his side when Lieutenant Robert E. Lee recaptured Harper's Ferry, was a Des Moines boy, Jeremiah G. Anderson, who had joined Brown's forces in Kansas i n 1857- One of the most dramatic incidents in Iowa history grew out of the ill-fated expedi- tion against Harper's Ferry. With Brown were Edwin and Barclay Coppoc, of Springdale la., the Quaker village where the conspirators were drilled. Edwin was captured and hanged. Barclay escaped and after exciting adventures in Maryland and Pennsylvania got back to Springdale, where the entire community armed to prevent his capture by the Virginia author- QOVERNOR SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 3 2 o Des Moines ities. On January 23, 1860, an agent of Gov- ernor Letcher, of Virginia, called on Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood with a requisition for young Coppoc. Kirkwood discovered flaws in the papers, among them that no indictment had been found or crime charged, and he refused to honor the requisition. The agent became excited. Just then two members of the Assem- bly, Ed. Wright and B. F. Gue, came into the Governor's room, overheard the conversation with the agent, and discovered his object. They left and immediately dispatched a mes- senger to Springdale to warn Coppoc, who was hurried off to Canada. Slavery sympathizers in the Legislature soon heard of the matter and introduced a resolution calling on Kirk- wood for an explanation of his proceedings. He sent in a ringing message in which he said : ." Permit me to say in conclusion that one of the most important duties of the official position I hold is to see that no citizen of Iowa is carried beyond her border and subjected to the ignominy of imprisonment and the perils of trial for crimes in another State otherwise than by due process of law. That duty I shall perform. . . " In the uncertain days preceding the Civil War, when the friends of liberty in the North Des Moines 321 were timid, Kirkwood's message had the effect of a tocsin call. When Sumter was fired on and President Lincoln called for troops, Simon Cameron, Sec- retary of War, telegraphed Kirkwood that one regiment was expected from Iowa. The Gov- ernor was not then in the city. The messenger who carried the telegram from Davenport to Iowa City found him out on his farm working in a field. On reading the message he mus- ingly asked : " Why, the President wants a whole regi- ment of men ! Do you suppose that I can raise as many as that ? " Within a few days ten regiments were of- fered him. Iowa sent nearly 79,000 men to the front, who played a conspicuous part in the great struggle. Des Moines contributed her full share ; among the number three became generals, one, M. M. Crocker, being an espe- cially brilliant officer under Grant in the cam- paigns in the West. The history of the Western States is rife with struggles over the location of county seats and State capitals, the incidents of which are often picturesque and exciting. The selection of Des Moines as the capital city of Iowa was 322 Des Moines an important event in her history. Largely in consequence thereof the city has become not only the metropolis of the State but its chief nerve centre too. Iowa's first territorial capital was Burlington. From 1841 to 1857 it was at Iowa City, when the State archives were moved to Des Moines. The change was not made without a spirited contest, the marks of which are seen to-day in the State's constitution. For, in order to pla- cate the people of Iowa City and secure per- manency for the arrangement, the constitutional convention of 1857 inserted the provision that the State University should forever remain at Iowa City, and the capital at Des Moines, a piece of log-rolling not unlike that resorted to by Alexander Hamilton when the national capital was located at Washington. There was a deal of politics and dissension in Des Moines over the selection of the site of the capitol ; so much indeed that the animosities then engen- dered exercise a baneful influence in dividing the city even now. A superb site was chosen on a high hill in East Des Moines whence one can look over the hills and dales of the river valleys for miles around. The first capitol was a plain three-story brick structure, donated by Des Moines 3 2 3 the citizens of the east city as a part of the in- ducement to the commission to locate where they did. After the Civil War the building became inadequate ; the ravages of time ren- dered it unfit for a repository of the State's pre- cious papers ; and the people of Des Moines began to agitate for the erection of a capitol commensurate with the needs and dignity of the State. Thereupon followed a contest whose incidents were most interesting and instructive. The urgent need of a new capitol was gen- erally admitted. But the justness or propriety of a measure is not alone sufficient to secure legislation. The jealousy of rival towns was fanned into fierce opposition. Their represent- atives fought an appropriation with tooth and nail. Two million dollars was magnified into unheard-of proportions. Time-serving politi- cians who admitted privately that the State needed a capitol badly, tore passion to tatters in portraying the poverty and distress of the taxpayers. With a State " full of barefooted women and barefooted children " they assever- tated such an expenditure would be crim- inal. Such " politics" long prevailed. In 1867, the people of Des Moines elected to the House 3 2 4 Des Moines of Representatives, Hon. John A. Kasson, to conduct the fight for the appropriation. No better man could have been chosen. He had attained distinction as Assistant Postmaster- General un- der President Lincoln, and as a member of Congress. With what tact, patience and diplomacy he carried on the contest his career since as our country's envoy to the courts of Aus- tria and Ger- many indicates. For five years Mr. Kasson struggled with recalcitrant re- presentatives through trying vicissitudes be- fore he got the appropriation. As it was, he escaped defeat by but one vote to spare, and that vote he would have lost but for the timely aid of a Catholic priest, Father Brazil, HON. JOHN A. KASSON. 326 Des Moines of the city. The opposition resorted to the rascally ruse of getting a bibulous member who was friendly to the measure dead drunk and locking him up to prevent his attendance at the time of the vote. On being informed of the trick, Father Brazil sought out the recreant son of Erin, secured him, and marched him up to the House chamber just as the roll was about to be called, and sat severely by until his charge had answered "Aye." It took twelve years to build the capitol. During practically all of that time its construc- tion was under the absolute control of three commissioners, John G. Foote, Peter A. Dey, and Robert S. Finkbine, and the stately struc- ture that now adorns Capitol Hill is a monu- ment to their intelligence and integrity. Not an unwise expenditure nor a dishonest or cor- rupt transaction was ever charged against their stewardship, and the people of Iowa hold their names and services in grateful memory. It is a sad commentary on our public morals that the erection of a State capitol without suspi- cion of corruption is so exceptional as to be noteworthy and the proud distinction of the people of this Western commonwealth. From a frontier fort and a huddle of huts, 328 Des Moines Des Moines has grown to be a stately city whose corporate limits include fifty-four square miles and a population of nearly 70,000, almost double the population of any other city in Iowa. Her citizens boast that " without riots, booms, or conflagrations " she has steadily grown in strength and stature. Her industries and commerce make the city a hive of activi- ties. Seventeen railroads radiate from Des Moines, enabling the city to become the whole- sale and retail jobbing centre of the State. Sixty miles of electric street-railways and fifty- eight miles of paved streets make her suburbs readily accessible. There are vast deposits of coal and clay under and about the city. The smoke of three hundred factories, large and small, tinge her atmosphere with the hues of Pittsburg. Among insurance men the city is called the " Hartford of the West," as fifty-one insurance companies have their headquarters in Des Moines and employ five thousand people. In her various colleges and schools of law, med- icine, and commercial practice there is a popu- lation of nearly six thousand. Thousands of visitors annually come to the State Agricultural Fair and to the political and educational con- ventions that assemble in the city. Congress Des Moines 329 has recently provided for the establishment of an army post just south of the city limits, and the War Department is about to expend sev- eral hundred thousand dollars in erecting bar- racks and in the preparation of drill-grounds for troops. Few cities in the West possess scenery of greater natural beauty than that which greets the eye in and about Des Moines. The junc- tion of the rivers near the centre of the city gives her topography a configuration similar to that of Pittsburg. On the south and east her limits are marked by a range of wooded hills through which the silver stream of the united rivers makes its way. The view of the landscape across the river valley to the hori- zon's edge which is visible from most points is particularly pleasing to the eye in the spring and summer months. The main part of the city between the " Forks " is in a forest of native oaks, elms, and hickories so dense that the looker from the Capitol dome can scarce per- ceive the residences. To the attractions of nature the landscape gardener and architect have added much. Nearly five hundred acres of parks give the people fine pleasure resorts in the hot summer months. Many handsome 330 Des Moines wholesale and retail houses and manufacturing establishments grace her thoroughfares. The city has nearly completed a beautiful Public Library, located on the west bank of the Des Moines River, and, as a result of the years of devotion and unremitting labors of Mr. Charles Aldrich, the State has begun the erection of the Historical Library, which will be one of the chief attractions of Des Moines. ST. LOUIS "THE FUTURE GREAT" BY WILLIAM MARION REEDY OITUATED at the heart of the continent, ^ midway between the East and West, the North and South, St. Louis is a unique mix- ture of the characteristics of all sections of the United States. In the early seventies a weird character named L. U. Reavis wrote a book called 6V. Louis, the Future Great City of the West, in which he advocated the removal hither of the seat of the national Government and predicted great things for the city. The fourth of American cities in population, St. Louis is preparing to hold a World's Fair in commemoration of the one hundredth anni- versary of the purchase of the Louisiana terri- tory, on a scale of magnificence which attracts universal attention. With the completion of 331 33 2 St. Louis the Chicago drainage canal, destined soon to be a ship canal connecting Lake Michigan with the Mississippi River, with the necessary im- provement of the Mississippi to its mouth, and with the certain construction of an Isthmian canal, St. Louis is sure to be in as close touch with the world at large as if it were a seacoast city. Always the natural commercial centre of the Mississippi Valley, since it became the focus of a mighty network of railroads St. Louis has been the market of the prosperous West, the new South and the great Southwest, with its wealth of agriculture, mining, manufactures, and its almost magic development, shown, for instance, in the fact that Texas is now only a few thousand behind Missouri in population, and must in consequence of the recent discover- ies of enormous oil lands soon overtake States like Illinois and Ohio and Pennsylvania. The prophecies of the city's greatness are coming to realization. Its future is here, but bright as the future is, it is not so bright as to allure us into forgetting the picturesque past. The old town on the Mississippi has ever been modest to a degree that has caused the thoughtless to make mock of its conservatism, but the steadiness of character and the regard St. Louis 333 only for the realities of progress which have marked St. Louis have their justification in that they have resulted in a city known in times of depression and panic as " the solid city." A city that owns itself, with a proper sense of dignity, it has never advertised itself in the modern meretricious fashion. And so the story of St. Louis, an honest tale, will speed best being simply told. St. Louis was founded by Pierre Laclede Liguest and a few companions, all French voyageurs, in 1764 ; at least it was in that year that Laclede's lieutenant, Auguste Chouteau, cleared away the site of the present city. Laclede Liguest, or, as he is sometimes known, Liguest Laclede, a merchant of New Orleans, had from the French Government a monopoly of the fur trade in the Missouri River country. He left New Orleans with his family and a small party in August, 1 763, with the intention of founding a town near the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. Shortly after the town was laid out occurred the cession to Great Britain of the Illinois country, on the east bank of the Mississippi. The French in- habitants of that country having followed from the north in the wake of Marquette in 1673, 334 St. Louis and of La Salle in 1678, hated the English, and began to move over to the new town, which soon grew into importance. A trading COLONEL AUQUSTE CHOUTEAU, ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF ST. LOUIS. FROM A PAINTING IN MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY COLLECTION. point for the Indians, Laclede and his com- panions so managed them that there was none of the friction which marked the contact else- where of the English and the natives. When St. Louis 335 the laying out of the city began a band of one hundred and fifty warriors, with their squaws and papooses, outnumbering the whites five to one, appeared and camped near the strangers. The Frenchmen treated the savages with such tact and kindness that they not only did no harm, but even of their own volition assisted in the work. The first cellar was excavated with the aid of the squaws, who carried off the clay in baskets, and were paid in beads and other trinkets which Laclede had brought up from New Orleans. The Indians became so friendly that they were a hindrance rather than a help, and finally, to induce them to depart, Laclede hinted that the French soldiers at Fort Chartres were to be summoned. Shortly after the little village was begun, news came that the territory of Louisiana had been ceded to Spain. The French Governor, M. d'Abadie, who announced the fact to the people with tears, is said to have died of grief. St. Ange de Bellerive became Commandant or Governor-General in T 765, instituted a govern- ment, and demeaned himself in such manner generally that unto this day he is remembered affectionately in every published history of the town. The first two grants of land in the 33 6 St. Louis village were made to Laclede by De Bellerive, August 11, 1766. The Spaniards do not ap- pear to have paid much attention to the vil- lage of St. Louis, for there was some doubt whether De Bellerive had any authority to make grants. Although the best authorities THE OLD CHOUTEAU MANSION BUILT FOR LACLEDE IN 1765- FROM DAGUERREOTYPE IN MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY COLLECTION. agree that De Bellerive acted with the author- ity and consent of the Commandant-General of New Orleans, it seems that he was practi- cally elected Governor by the inhabitants. It is amusing to read in a history of St. Louis and Missouri, published in 1870, that De Belle- rive in 1776, began to make grants, "hoping for a retrocession of the country to France, St. Louis 337 when the grants would be legalized by confir- mation." The first marriage in the new colony was celebrated April 20, 1 766, the contracting parties being Toussaint Honen and Marie Baugenon. The first mortgage was recorded September, 1766. It was specified that pay- ment should be made in peltries, though no definite value was attached to the number of deer hides to be delivered by Pierre Berger to Francis Latour. August 11, 1767, news came that Spain was making ready to take possession of the country. The transfer had been made by secret treaty in 1762. The people accepted the situation in a sort of dumb rage. The following year a body of troops arrived under the command of a man named Rios, acting under the authority of Don Antonio d'Ulloa, Governor of Louisi- ana. To the joy of the inhabitants, De Belle- rive was not disturbed in his office, and the Spanish troops left in the summer of 1 769. It was the great distinction of De Bellerive that he was the friend of Pontiac, the Ottawa chieftain, and about the time of the departure of the Spaniards, Pontiac arrived at St. Louis. He represented all the poetry and nobility, the grandeur and genius of the Indian character. 338 St. Louis After Red Jacket, he was the greatest Indian the New World had known. Dreaming of driving the English into the sea he had con- federated the tribes between the Allegheny and the Mississippi, the Ohio and the Lakes into a league against them. He had been known and beloved by the gallant but unfortunate Montcalm at Quebec. He had participated in the ambuscade in which Braddock with his life had paid the penalty of narrow-mindedness, and had planned the massacre of Michilimack- inack, in which more than two thousand of the English had lost their lives. The French "loved him for the enemies he had made," and he was " fdted and caressed," says an early chronicler, " by many of the principal inhabi- tants of the village." St. Ange de Bellerive entertained the warrior at the house of Ma- dame Chouteau, but Pontiac was now a broken man. His dream of driving back the English beyond the Cumberland had faded. His allies had been seduced from his support by presents and by firewater. He, too, had made the ac- quaintance of the fiery liquor, and drink was then such a passion with him that De Bellerive and his friends not only endeavored to prevent the sale thereof to him in the village, but tried St. Louis 339 to dissuade him from crossing the river to Cahokia in response to the invitations of certain of his friends there. Not to be dissuaded, Pon- tiac crossed the river in the uniform of a French officer, which had been given him by Mont- calm. Wandering on the outskirts of the vil- lage of Cahokia, he was tomahawked by a Kaskaskia Indian, who had been given a barrel of whiskey to do the deed by an English trader named Williamson. His friend De Bel- lerive had the chief's remains brought to St. Louis, and they were buried somewhere in the vicinityof the siteof the present Southern Hotel, in the corridor of which was placed, in 1901, a handsome tablet to the unfortunate warrior's memory. Whether Pontiac was assassinated in accordance with official Eno-lish instructions, o or met his death in consequence of a private grudge, was long a matter of dispute, but there is no doubt that the passionate and sympathetic Frenchmen believed for many long years that the chief was killed to relieve the English of the danger of his presence and a possible utilization of his undoubted abilities by the Power in possession of the west bank of the Mississippi. Pontiac's death, however, was promptly avenged upon 340 St. Louis the Illinois Indians by members of the tribes with which he had been in alliance. Next came Don Alexander O'Reilly to take charge of the territory of Louisiana. He ar- rived at New Orleans at the head of three thou- sand men to enforce his authority. There was need for the soldiery, for though seven years had elapsed since the cession of the territory, the Spaniards had never actually taken posses- sion. The people were still French to the core. When they heard that Don O'Reilly was coming they even conferred together upon the advisability of meeting him with force and pre- venting his landing. The head men of the town counselled against this, however, and their advice prevailed, but such was the spirit of in- subordination, so many were the execrations heaped upon the Spaniards, so frequent were the threats of violence against them that Don Alexander had at once to adopt stern meas- ures. He promptly arrested a dozen of the ringleaders, had five of them publicly shot, and the others, except one who committed suicide, sent as prisoners to Cuba. The Spanish code was put into operation throughout the territory, and O'Reilly's deputy, Lieutenant-Governor Piernas, arriving in St. Louis in 1770, took pos- St. Louis session of St. Louis, with the help of De Bel- lerive, wisely conciliating the villagers. The village settled into peace. The church, for which ground had been set aside even before OLD FRENCH POST-HOUSE. BUILT IN 1770. INHABITED UNTIL 1870. the founders of the town had prepared to build their own homes, was. dedicated, June 24, 1770, with solemn ceremonies. Where that first church of flattened logs set on end with the interstices filled with mortar stood, there stands a church to-day, and, says Elihu 34 2 St. Louis Shepard, since that time " the worship of God on that block has not been suspended for a single day." All De Bellerive's acts were for- mally confirmed by Piernas, and the little settlement forgot its woes under a benign administration, which recognized village preju- dices, and shut its eyes to the loyalty every- where apparent to France. Piernas narrowly escaped assassination at the hands of an Osage chieftain who thought himself insulted at a meeting at the Com- mandant's house. The Osage, while drinking with other Indians, divulged his intention to kill the Governor, whereupon a Shawnee war- rior stabbed him to the heart. The slain chief was buried with honors in the big mound to the north of the village, an eminence that gave to St. Louis for many years the name of " The Mound City." For twelve years the village was orderly and quiet. The people liked the Governor who succeeded Piernas, but the next, Don Fer- nando de Leyba, "a drunken, avaricious, and feeble-minded man, without a single redeeming qualification," they did not like. He came upon the scene in 1778, at a critical time. The American Revolution was on. The French St. Louis 343 and Spaniards, hating the English, were in- clined to sympathize with the colonists, so far as they knew or cared about things happening so far away. Fearing an attack of English and Indians, the villagers threw up a trench and stockade about the town, having three gates on the sides other than the one on the river, and built a fort in the centre of the city at what is now, approximately, Fourth and Walnut streets, and supplied it with four small cannon and one company of soldiers. The people were afraid to till the fields outside the trench and stock- ade, and the men who might have braved attack were busy building the defences. In the spring of 1780 fears of a famine forced the men into the fields to plant the spring seeds. On the morning of May 26, 1780, the attack came. It was led by Canadian-French rene- gades, the main body being made up of about one thousand Upper Mississippi Indians. The attacking party came from the north, slew forty of the workers, carried fifteen up the river as prisoners, in their war canoes, while the rest made their way back to the fortifications, amid the booming of the cannon, which saved the fort. Leyba, who was drunk, appeared upon 344 St. Louis the scene, it is said, sprawling in a wheelbar- row and muttering incoherently, after the In- dians had been repulsed. He died a month later, covered with ignominy. The succeeding Lieutenant-Governor, Fran- cisco Cruzat, thoroughly fortified the town, which was never afterwards molested by the savages. While the more extensive fortifica- tions were in process of construction, indeed to the peace of 1783, the price of provisions in St. Louis was high, and visitors from New Orleans, Ste. Genevieve, Cahokia, Kaskaskia, and other settlements nicknamed the place "Pain Court" or "short of bread." Still, it was a time of prosperity. The town grew, and nothing alarming happened until, in 1 785, when the people were terrified by their first sight of the "June rise" of the Mississippi. They saw the great yellow stream spread out over the American Bottoms on the east bank and the Columbia Bottom on the west bank to the north, until it became a vast lake reaching far- ther than the eye could distinctly see. They saw the mighty flood go raging past, black with the trunks of mighty trees torn up by the wild waters, the villages of Cahokia and Kaskaskia submerged, crops ruined, cattle drowned, and St. Louis 345 houses melting into the yellow sea. St. Louis was flooded to what is now Main Street, and part of the people were preparing to move far- ther up the high bank that ran back from the stream, when the waters began to recede, and the anxiety of the town was relieved. The people called this " /' annte des grands eaux" " the year of the great waters." There have been many such floods since, but none more awe-inspiring than this, seen in a setting of virgin wilderness. The flood increased the population of the city, however, for the settlers in the bottoms went to town and joined in its upbuilding. In those days, notwithstanding all the dangers of war and flood, St. Louis seems to have been a gay place. Society was simple, yet retaining an indefinable air of elegance that bore the flavor of old France. Even if they were "short of bread," the people were hospitable, a trait which still persists characteristic and conspicuous. The French element has almost wholly disap- peared in newer elements, but there yet lingers, somehow, the atmosphere of deliberate ease among the people, even in the pressure of mod- ern business. So orderly was this frontier town that during the entire period of the 346 St. Louis French and Spanish dominations but one murder was reported. Following the annalists we learn that the city's commerce in those early days was much hampered by a band of pirates that infested the OLD MOUND, ST. LOUIS, REMOVED IN 1869. FROM A PHOTOGRAPH IN MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY COLLECTION. river at a place called Grand Tower, midway between the mouths of the Missouri and Ohio. Lurking at this point, where the stream is very swift, the pirates would dart out and attack the boats plying between New Orleans and St. Louis, kill the boatmen and seize the goods. St. Louis 347 They secured rich spoil of hides from the down trade, and many luxurious articles from the up trade treasures even from distant France. One voyageur north bound escaped the pirates through the strategy and courage of a negro who won the confidence of the captors of the barge and the sympathy of two negro slaves of the pirates. At a signal the negroes hurled the buccaneers off the barge, and either shot them or left them to drown. The barge crew then took the boat once more, went back to New Orleans, and told their story to the Governor, who issued an order that all boats leaving for St. Louis should go in company. In obedience in the spring of i 788 ten barges started up the river with crews well armed. Arrived at the rendezvous of the robbers they found none, but they recovered, however, much of the plunder that had been stored away and brought it to St. Louis. The year of their arrival was known for generations as " Tann^e des dix bateaux" " the year of the ten boats." St. Louis traded not only with New Orleans but with Canada as well. The Indians gave no trouble up stream or down. The Spanish Gov- ernment wanted settlers, and was liberal in granting land. We read that " there were no 348 St. Louis mails or taverns, but every house was a welcome house to new comers." In 1 798 the population of Upper Louisiana was 6028, of whom 1080 were colored. The population had risen in 1 804 to 10,340. In 1803 th e Louisiana Purchase was made, and in 1804 St. Louis " contained one hundred and eighty houses built of hewn logs and stone, the latter being generally the rendez- vous of the most wealthy, and surrounded by a wall of the same material, enclosing the whole block, which continued in use many years, pro- tecting the fine fruit trees, which shaded the mansion." Frame houses became fashionable after the transfer to the United States. " There were but one bakery, two small taverns, three blacksmiths, two mills, and one doctor in the town." Coffee and sugar were $2.00 per pound, and everything else was costly in pro- portion. The United States took possession March 10, 1804, when Major Amos Stoddard assumed the duties of Governor of Upper Louisiana. Then history began to make quickly. Near St. Louis, Lewis and Clark organized their expedition via the Missouri and Colum- bia rivers to the Pacific Ocean, departing in May, 1804. 1 August Lieutenant Zebulon Pike St. Louis 349 started to explore the Mississippi to its source. The Mississippi was opened up to free naviga- tion. General William Henry Harrison came from Indiana to preside over the district. He was succeeded by General James Wilkinson, and the region formerlyknown as the District of Louisiana became known as the Territory of Louisiana. Later a strangely handsome, dark, romantic man, much honored by every one and indescribably fascinating in manner, visited the town and was feted. He was entertained by General Wilkinson, through whom it is be- lieved the authorities at Washington first learned of that vast, vague treason which Burr for it was he conceived in his restless brain. Wilkinson was later appointed to watch Burr and was succeeded as Governor by Captain Meriwether Lewis, fresh from his ad- ventures in the mysterious Northwest. A ferry had been established in 1797, and at the same spot there is to-day a ferry operating, one of the most profitable of the vested inter- ests of St. Louis. The post-office was estab- lished in 1804. In 1810 the population was fourteen thousand. In 1808 was founded the first newspaper, which exists to-day as the St. Louis Republic, a daring enterprise begun 35 St. Louis when the whole country was suffering from the embargo and non-intercourse with England. The great New Madrid earthquake shook the little city in 1811. The battle of Tippe- canoe had been fought a little before the earthquake, and in the same year appeared the first steamboat in Western waters. In 1813 the Territory of Louisiana became the Territory of Missouri, and in June of that year the Bank of St. Louis was founded. The year before that the Governor of the Territory had gathered in the city of St. Louis the chiefs of the Great and Little Osages, the Sacs, Foxes, Delawares, and Shawnees, made peace with them, then conducted them to Washington, ar- riving there just before the declaration of war against Great Britain, in time to conclude a peace which saved the country from any such conspiracy as had been formed among the Indian tribes to the east, under the leadership of the great Tecumseh. Being a frontier town, St. Louis was of course a resort for trappers and traders but, unlike the frontier towns of to-day, not for desperadoes. The early settlers seem to have stamped upon the place its distinctive quality of quietness. Here the North American Fur St. Louis 351 Company had its headquarters for a long time, and from this point the adventurous subor- dinates of John Jacob Astor went forth in all directions in search of peltries. One of these, a Colonel Russell Farnum, leaving St. Louis afoot reached BehringStrait in 1813- 14, crossed over the ice, traversed Siberia and, arriving at St. Petersburg, was presented to the Emperor. This memorable journey was the wonder of Europe at the time, for Farnum went from St. Petersburg to Paris and then came home by way of New York. He wrote a record of his adventures and sent it to a New York publisher but it was lost and the writer died before he could again transcribe his narrative. The War of 1812 with Great Britain fora time was of small concern to St. Louis. Later, however, the Indians of Missouri were armed by the people and pitted against the Indians employed by the British. The trading-posts in which St. Louis was interested extended twelve hundred miles to the north and there agents from St. Louis counter-plotted against the British. The Yanktons and Omahas were matched by the Americans against the lowas and several battles were fought in which the 35 2 St. Louis British-bought savages were worsted. The war coming to an end, Indian hostilities ceased and the fur trade throve under the peace. Rivals to the American Fur Company were started. The business expanded, and soon the necessities of commercial intercourse led to the organization of two banks, the second of which, known as the Bank of Missouri, was organized February i, 1817. Inflation was the order of the day. The town took on airs of magnifi- cence and extravagance. Wealth accumu- lated so rapidly that some seemed at a loss to spend it, and gave entertainments in which the tasteful and the barbaric were strangely min- gled. The United States held sales of public lands and there were " rushes " such as we have seen in recent years in Oklahoma. Build- ing was undertaken in a lordly fashion and extravagant prices were asked for everything. The demand for money was so great that re- course was had to lotteries to raise funds for an academy at Potosi, to provide fire-engines for the city, to erect a Masonic Hall. The lotteries soon got into politics and were not dislodged until late in the seventies, after a fight not unlike that waged for many years in Louisiana. It was in 1817 that the Legislature St. Louis 353 of Missouri established the public-school sys- tem and incorporated the institution which persists to-day in the St. Louis Board of Edu- cation, though it was many years before there was a public school in the city. In the same year, in St. Louis, Thomas H. Benton, after- wards United States Senator from Missouri for thirty years, leaped into notice, engaged in a quarrel with Charles Lucas, United States Attorney for the Territory of Missouri, and in a duel across the river, or rather on an island in the river that has since become joined to the Illinois shore, killed him. The place where the duel was fought became the rendez- vous for duellists and was called " Bloody Island." In 1817 the first Bible Society in the Territory of Missouri was formed. The infla- tion of the day ended as usual in collapse, but St. Louis and Missouri suffered less harm than other sections. When, in 1818, the Territory of Missouri applied for admission to the Union the slavery question arose. There was a slight prepon- derance of sentiment in favor of slavery, but very slight. The Missouri Compromise left its mark on Missouri and St. Louis. The State was always regarded, however its repre- 354 St. Louis sentatives stood, as doubtful on the slavery issue. From 1820 to the breaking out of the Civil War it was always a compromise State and in that war it was ever between two fires, furnishing soldiers in startling abundance to each side and sympathizing with both. St. Louis suffered in that long drawn out situa- tion. A paralyzing incertitude was bred in the city's mind, even toward progress. The peo- ple, especially the French, did not take kindly to steamboats. " When Missouri was admitted to the Union," says Elihu Shepard, "there was no steamboat owned in the State and but one steam mill." The assessed valuation of the town property was less than $1,000,000 and the whole corporation tax less than $4000 per year while Missouri remained a territory. The town contained six hundred houses, one third of which were of stone or brick, the remainder wooden, one half of which were framed. The population was estimated at five thousand, one fourth of whom were French. The estimated annual value of the trade was $600,000. Steamboats from the Ohio River took the carrying trade between St. Louis and New Orleans, and the imports were estimated at $1,000,000. All these con- St. Louis 355 ditions, while due in some measure to the ex- treme conservatism and self-satisfaction of the dominant French element, were undoubtedly due in larger measure to the hard times that prevailed when Missouri became a State. St. Louis was incorporated as a city December 9, 1822. A spice of adventure always entered into the then predominant business of the community, for the fur companies fought with each other, and all of them made common cause against the great Hudson Bay Com- pany in the North, with its headquarters in Canada. The people of that time thought little of distances which even now seem great. Traders and trappers went without hesitation through the wilderness to the very surf of the Pacific and the people of the city never dreamed that what we now call Yellowstone Park was very far away. Often enough the adventurous commercial traveller who left St. Louis came back without his scalp or never came at all. The city was picturesque. Men clad in buckskin and carrying rifles in their hands elbowed representatives of first families attired in the fashion that came from Paris, via New Orleans, or consorted with red Indians in paint and feathers and too often, too, in 356 St. Louis liquor. St. Louis and Missouri were " big " in politics about that time. Missouri was for Clay, but Missouri's representative did not vote for him and John Quincy Adams was chosen President. After this Missouri be- came a Jackson State, and committed her- self to the South. A patch of color in the drab details of the history of St. Louis for the few years after the incorporation was the visit of Lafayette to the city on April 29, 1825, and his sumptuous entertainment by the enthusiastic inhabitants, most of whom, probably, loved the Frenchman more than the friend of Washington. In June, 1825, the first Presbyterian church was conse- crated by Rev. Solomon Giddings, who " had a very respectable congregation " for a city which was preponderantly French and Roman Cath- olic. The French language was spoken in the homes of half the families of the town. There were less than a dozen German families in a city which now is more distinctly Teutonic than any other in the country, except Milwaukee. The slavery issue was all the while growing, and in 1828 there was formed at St. Louis a branch of the American Colonization Society, the purpose of which was to further the settle- St. Louis 357 ment of free blacks in Liberia. Many of the largest slave-owners in the city and State were members and officers of the society. Between 1820 and 1831, a progressive movement started. The new Court House was dedicated in 1829, and the work of opening and paving streets was pushed with energy. The old French families resented the new life and moved into the country. The pace was too fast for them. The hunters, trappers, voya- geztrs and bargemen began to disappear. The city took on a truly American aspect, but the increase of population was slow. Between 1820 and 1830, the population in- creased only 2000, but between 1830 and 1840 the increase was nearly 10,000, reaching the total of 16,649. Gradually Americanism made its impress. The wharf was lined with steamboats and the levee with great stores. Steam ferryboats multiplied. The city became a great river town, second in importance only to New Or- leans. The lead mines to the south of the city were productive. Manufactures of vari- ous sorts sprang up. An insurance company was incorporated. Prosperity was checked by fear of the great Black Hawk, who, at the 35 8 St. Louis head of the Sac and Fox Indians, took the war-path in Illinois. Immigration and trans- portation of goods to and from the North was checked till Black Hawk was defeated and his tribe transported to the other side of the river, where the influence of Great Britain could not reach them. No sooner, however, had the city recovered from its slight panic than there came another and graver excite- ment, another lull in business. Jackson's bank veto was the cause. As if this were not enough to discourage the community, along came the cholera, which in five weeks de- stroyed four per cent, of the population. Cholera has reappeared since, from time to time, the most serious visitation being in 1866, but the city as it grew began to pay attention to the sewage question and in half a century had perfected such a sewer system as is not sur- passed in any city in the world. In 1835 the City Council sold the town Commons, a tract of about two thousand acres, and devoted nine tenths of the proceeds to street improve- ments and one tenth to the public schools, and from this small beginning arose the sys- tem which to-day directs the education of the children of a city of 575,000 inhabitants. In 360 St. Louis 1829 the St. Louis University, a Jesuit in- stitution, was founded, which has been since a centre of higher education for the sons of the well-to-do Roman Catholics of the entire South and Southwest. Considerably later was founded the institution now Washington University, one of the best endowed educa- tional establishments in the country, with a manual training department famous the world over, and with its Mary Institute for girls ranking with the best seminaries of the coun- try. At an early day the Roman Catholic religious sisterhoods of chanty and instruction established branches here. The Sisters of Charity founded a hospital in 1832, aided by the liberality of John Mullanphy, which has been in continuous service ever since. The Sisters of the Visitation came later and estab- lished their convent for the higher education of girls and did for the girls of the West and South what the St. Louis University did for the boys. Still later came the establishment of medical colleges, one in connection with the St. Louis University, and later the insti- tutions founded by McDowell and Pope, from which grew the swarm of large medical and surgical colleges which now make St. Louis St. Louis 3 61 one of the most important centres of medical education in the land. Events moved rapidly after 1835. The growth of river traffic was steady. The drift of emigration westward was beneficial to St. Louis in every way. Men and money flowed in from the East and the South. There were rumors of railroads, and, in April, 1835, a con- vention was held by representatives of eleven of the most populous counties of the State to take steps to induce the construction of rail- roads in the State and to and from the city. The modern spirit manifested itself in every direction, and the year 1836 found the people regarding St. Louis as a metropolis, though in that year occurred an incident demonstrating that the taint of barbarism lingered to some extent among the people. A negro who had stabbed a constable was seized by a mob and tied to a tree and burned to death, amid a chorus of execrations, an episode only too frequently duplicated in different sections of the country of late years. At this time St. Louis had 15,000 inhabitants, but it was not till the year following that a theatre was known. In the same year a brick fire-engine house was built, and leading citizens were proud to be 362 St. Louis members of the company and " run with the machine." St. Louis was much interested in the Texan war of independence, and from its stores sup- plies went to the followers of Houston, while many of the younger men of the community left to join the Lone Star warriors in their strug- gle. Later, when the war with Mexico began, there were multiplied activities in the city, because the Government here outfitted many of its troops. Here next were heard the first mutterings of the storm that broke in 1861. Elijah P. Lovejoy, anti-slavery in sentiment, edited the 6V. Louis Observer. On the night of July 21, 1836, persons unknown broke into the publishing room and wrecked the establish- ment, scattering the type into the street. No one was punished for the offence. Lovejoy went to Alton, where later he was slain by fan- atical opponents of his abolitionism, who un- wittingly wrote his name high on the list of the martyrs to freedom. St. Louis had its first daily mail September 20, 1836, and on the same day the Missouri Republican commenced the publication of a regular daily edition. In 1837 Daniel Webster was banqueted, and it was estimated that there were more guests at St. Louis 3 6 3 the banquet than there were inhabitants of the city when Lafayette was feted twelve years before. Following in quick succession, events too numerous to be recapitulated marked the his- tory of the town. In spite of floods and chol- era and a great fire, which swept away the business portion of the city, the community went steadily ahead. The gold-fever helped St. Louis, for the Argonauts going overland outfitted here, as in very recent years their fellows bound for the Klondike and Cape Nome outfitted at Seattle. As the West built up St. Louis builded too. Something substantial from the westward-moving stream always found its way into the coffers of the St. Louis merchants. The prosperity and power of the South lent prestige to the city. The city was a great cot- ton market. It had a vast trade up and down the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, up and down the Ohio and the Tennessee. The fleets of steamboats at the wharves grew in size, until, old inhabitants say, there were three or four miles of them at the river front at one time, being loaded and unloaded day and night by singing negroes. As agriculture grew in import- ance, St. Louis became a great wheat market, 364 St. Louis a great market for cattle and swine, horses and mules. Its manufactures in every line throve, as well they might, for it was the great depot of the West, with a straightaway water route to the sea. There was plenty of work, plenty of money, and more than plenty of pleasure. The society of St. Louis was exclusive and magnificent. The ante-bellum balls were gor- geous affairs. The women were beautiful, of the Southern type, and when it was desired to say of one of them that she was royally bejew- elled, a common phrase used was " She wore a nigger on every finger." Steamboatmen, planters, slave-traders, merchants dealing in cotton or in sugar, spent money like wate/". The town was, as we say in these days, wide open, and of a perilous liveliness, for the incom- ing Northerners and Easterners were never equal to the task of suppressing what the New England American regards as vices not to be temporized with. The brightness and gayety, however, did not wholly conceal the dread of the sorrow that was to come. St. Louis was, for the most part, intensely Southern ; but the Revolution of 1848 had brought to this country and to St. Louis a great number of Germans, who were set against slavery and secession. 366 St. Louis The storm broke, and the breaking was a severe setback to St. Louis, whose prosperity was founded chiefly on that of the South. Its sympathies, through social, political, busi- ness ties, were mainly with the South. The war destroyed business. St. Louis, if not the enemy's country, was strongly suspected of dis- loyalty, and for a time it seemed as if war would smite the city itself, while there hung in the balance the decision of the alternative of Gov- ernor Claiborne Jackson of Missouri that he would "take Missouri out of the Union or into hell." Feeling ran high in the community. Almost a battle was fought on its outskirts. St. Louis had bitter experiences of martial law, while its commercial activities seemed to be mostly controlled by people who had govern- ment contracts. Here, where Grant had been known as a none too tidy farmer, his name was loathed, as was Lincoln's, by the larger element, while the Germans were profoundly loyal. The misfortunes of the South were unfortunate for St. Louis in every instance, and when the scourge of war passed, the region whence St. Louis had drawn most of its wealth was devastated, and the sceptre of trade passed to the North. As the fortunes of St. Louis 368 St. Louis declined from these causes, they and other causes operated to push Chicago to the front, even though, when Chicago had been twice visited by fire, St. Louis, as the greater city, made large contributions to the relief of the sufferers. St. Louis did not go backward, but the country to the north recovered from the war and improved more rapidly than that to the south and southwest, and the northern and western trade went to Chicago. St. Louis managed, in the face of such obstacles, to hold its own. The work of expansion and exten- sion of improvement went steadily ahead, though with great conservatism. The boom idea, that grew after the war, was never hospitably entertained in St. Louis, though the manufacturers and merchants found a new trade and strenuously developed it in the new Southwest. The southwestern rail- way systems began to take shape, and the pros- perity of St. Louis came back in great measure late in the eighties. The great St. Louis bridge had been opened in 1874, and the city was put in touch with the East, but the greater movement of the country's wealth and energy was being felt in the territory that was out of trade touch and political sympathy with the St. Louis 369 field in which St. Louis was once supreme. Nevertheless St. Louis added to her beauties steadily. She acquired Forest Park, the great- est natural public city park in the country, after Fairmount in Philadelphia, also O'Fallon FOREST PARK, ST. LOUIS. Park, but little less magnificent. Through the philanthropic generosity of Henry Shaw she acquired Tower Grove Park, which is perhaps the finest specimen of the park artificial to be found anywhere. Later, Mr. Shaw left to the city by will his botanical garden, an 370 St. Louis institution famous the world over for its collec- tion of plants of almost every species. The city paved all its downtown streets with gran- ite, and later its outlying streets with asphalt, erected a new custom house, a Four Courts Building, stupendous water-works, and con- structed a gigantic extension of the sewer sys- tem. The development of the system of street- railway transportation in St. Louis was more rapid and more perfect than in any other city in the world. A new mercantile library was built and the public-school library was made free. Churches increased in great numbers. Schools multiplied and were overcrowded in places where within twenty years had been quarry ponds and cow pastures. The growth of business, the multiplication of banks, the overspreading of the population since 1880, has been bewildering in its progress, and re- mains so, in spite of the fact that there has been all this time in process of building, directly across the river, a sort of overflow city of sixty thousand people. The city lost its river trade but has made up for it in utilization of the rail- roads, and is now preparing again to use the mighty, free, natural highway for the transpor- tation of products to the world at large. St. 37 2 St. Louis Louis, so often thought of as slow, has really grown with phenomenal rapidity. It is one of the wealthiest cities in the country, a city of homes, and a city of perhaps more beautiful homes widely distributed in different sections than are to be found elsewhere. The wealthy men of St. Louis are almost all young men. The greater fortunes in St. Louis, with but few exceptions, have been made within the past twenty years, and many of them in the last ten years, and these now utterly eclipse the for- tunes that have been handed down from the earlier days. The city has to-day a population of 575,000. In the suburban territory there are over 700,000 more people in close relation- ship daily and almost hourly with the business and social life of the city. The " slow old town " is not so slow when it is remembered that within one year after a cyclone swept it in May, 1896, there was not a trace of the visitation. Its conservatism is very real, but it is not stagnation. St. Louis has gone on with its work, even though war and the industrial ten- dencies consequent on war, and the political and social drift growing out of war have been in opposition to the city's progress. The city has built steadily but well, passing through the St. Louis 373 panic of 1893 without a single failure. The earlier history, of the town shows how the con- servatism so thoughtlessly derided came to be ingrained in the life of the city. It shows, too, the pertinacity which has made St. Louis the fourth city in the Union, in defiance of the disaster that befell its prestige in the great war, and in defiance too of the circumstance that the new popular national activities gener- ated after that great conflict found their most congenial field in regions practically out of reach of, and wholly antipathetic to the inter- ests of the chief city of Missouri. The new South and the new Southwest mean a new St. Louis. And we shall see what the new St. Louis means when the city expresses its higher and better self in the Exposition with which its people purpose to celebrate the purchase, by the United States, in 1803, of the Louisiana Territory. KANSAS CITY THE CENTRAL CITY BY CHARLES S. GLEED IN early literature and in early United States Indian treaties the Indian word " Kansas" appears as Caucis, Konza, Konseas, Kons, Kanzaw, Kanzau, Kaw, and Kanzas. Kansas, meaning smoky, was the name of a tribe of Indians still existing in the Indian Territory and it came to be applied to all the country west of the Missouri River over which the tribe roamed (the country which is now largely in the State of Kansas), and also to its chief river. There are two Kansas Cities v one in Mis- ouri, the other in Kansas. The Kansas City in Missouri was named after the Kansas Indi- ans, the Kansas River, the Kansas country, or all of them. The Kansas City in Kansas was named after the Kansas City in Missouri. The 375 37 6 Kansas City two cities are one except in law and the line dividing them is not discoverable except by the surveyor. The Kansas City in Kansas was made up of a number of small towns the chief of which was Wyandotte. It was thought that the Kansas town would be helped by adopting the good name belonging to the Mis- souri town. The Kansas City in Kansas has about 60,000 people ; the Kansas City in Mis- souri has about 225,000. The former is the largest city in Kansas, while the latter is the second city in Missouri. In this sketch the two towns are considered as one. Among large cities Kansas City is central, for the exact centre of the United States is about two hundred miles west in Kansas. At the point where Kansas City is located, the Kansas or " Kaw " River coming from the west empties into the Missouri River com- ing from the North. The Kansas-Missouri State line runs south from near the junction of the two rivers. In the angles formed by this junction are very high hills, almost moun- tains. Standing on the high point close in the southern angle, one may look away for ten to twenty miles to the north and the east along the valley of the Missouri and to the west 37 8 Kansas City along the valley of the Kansas. It is in these valleys and on these miniature mountains that the city is built. The parts in the valleys present no special difficulties to the town builder, but in the higher parts almost every difficulty is presented. The hills are composed of rocks which must be blasted, and of yellow clay. The original bluffs are cut by numerous ravines leading towards the rivers, and those streets running parallel with the rivers and therefore crossing the ravines are necessarily in many cases very steep. This topographical sit- uation has required the removal of enormous quantities of earth and rock, the filling of great ravines, and the artificial establishment of the grades of streets. This rendered the city un- sightly through its earlier years, but the un- sightliness is rapidly giving way to great beauty and picturesqueness. The first plat of the " Town of Kansas " was filed in 1839. It included the land bordering the Missouri River some distance south and east of the mouth of the Kansas River and bounded by the river, the present Second Street, the present Delaware Street, and the present Grand Avenue. There was no techni- cal incorporation, and the common name of the 380 Kansas City place was at first Westport Landing this being the river landing for the trading post called Westport, four or five miles south of the river. In 1850, the County Court of Jackson County, Missouri, at Independence, created the " Town of Kansas " as an incorporation gov- erned by a Board of Trustees. The first board, appointed February 4, 1850, failed to act and on June 3d of the same year another board was appointed, composed of William Gillis, Madison Walrond, Lewis Ford, Ben- noist Troost, and Henry W. Brice. This board controlled the town until the Legisla- ture of Missouri, February 22, 1853, granted the right of incorporation to the city of Kansas. From the small original town, by one addition after another, has grown a city covering an area of nearly one hundred square miles. Long before any incorporation or any plat- ting of town sites there was much activity in this locality. Judge E. P. West, an eminent local geologist, produces indisputable evi- dence in the shape of stone arrow-heads and spear-heads found on the present town site that the place was inhabited at least 21,000 years ago. The local museum contains a great Kansas City 3 Sl number of specimens of flint and stone work indicating- to geologists and archaeologists the presence of races dating back many centuries. In 1825, the Jesuit Fathers penetrated all parts of the wilderness surrounding what is now Kansas City. They were doubtless the first white settlers and in all probability they had only the usual purpose, zeal in propagat- ing the religion of their fathers. They are known to have built a small log house in the neighborhood of the northern part of what is now Troost Avenue. It was as much a church as a dwelling, for here the tribes to whom they had come attended religious service. In 1835 a missionary named Father Roux estab- lished the first actual church in this locality, There were many trappers and hunters of the French-Canadian type who had intermarried with the Indians. In 1835 Father Roux pur- chased of a Canadian some forty acres on the hill adjoining the present site of the Roman Catholic Cathedral, almost exactly in the cen- tre of the present city, and in 1839 was instru- mental in having a log church built on a part of the land situated between what are now Eleventh and Twelfth Streets on Penn Street. Here for a period of at least twenty years a 382 Kansas City congregation composed largely of French Canadians and the children of the French and Indian intermarriages worshipped together. In 1845 Father Bernard Donnelly was made pastor of all Western Missouri, and ministered to the Indians and whites alike. Through his efforts a brick church was erected on the cor- ner of what are now Eleventh Street and Broadway, and from 1857 to 1880, when he retired from active work to die a few months later at the age of eighty, he devoted himself entirely to his priestly duties. The church and the city owe an unmeasured debt of gratitude to this unselfish and lovable man. Questions of transportation have been of overwhelming interest to the people of Kan- sas City from the beginning. The first cross- ing of the Missouri River at this point was established in 1836 by the operation of a flat- boat at the mouth of the " Kaw." The Rev. Isaac McCoy and his son established the ferry and operated it until 1854. Then came the horse-power ferryboat, and the steam ferryboat. In due time full-fledged steamboats made their appearance on the Missouri. Westport Land- ing, by reason of a rocky bank and deep water in front of it, afforded an excellent 384 Kansas City landing. Here were unloaded the goods for the great Indian and Mexican trade of the West, and from here were shipped eastward wool, furs, buffalo robes, and other products of the region. Immigration overland to Col- orado, Utah, Nevada, Mexico, and California came to this point in boats and then went westward by the old Santa Fe trail. From about 1850 to the coming of the railroads, from six to ten boats daily came to this land- ing. In 1857, during the nine months of navigation, no fewer than fifteen hundred boats arrived and departed. Some of them were palatial structures, judged even by the standard of to-day, and many of them were magnificently furnished and equipped to care for passengers. One of the early features of the travel and traffic between Kansas City and the West was the old Concord Coach and another was the ox and mule wagon known as the " Prai- rie Schooner." The coaches carried from ten to fifteen passengers, and the passengers as a rule carried from two to a dozen weapons of defence against the Indians. At one time the fare per passenger from Westport to Santa Fe, New Mexico, was $175 in gold, and Kansas City 3 8 5 the schedule time was thirteen days and six hours. The trip involved travelling night and day, asleep and awake, without stopping except for meals. The " Overland Mail Ex- press Company " maintained an office for years on the Levee, and for carrying mails received $172,000 a year. Mail, passengers, and express matter usually yielded from $5000 to $6000 a trip. In 1843, the Mexican trade from this point was suspended by Santa Anna, who closed the northern port of entry. As soon, however, as the embargo was removed, trade revived and greatly increased. At this time Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, and Omaha entered upon the same business, but until the Civil War commenced Kansas City retained most of the trade. A book published in 1 843 shows the tonnage between Kansas City and Mexico to have increased from 15,000 tons in 1822, to 150,000 tons in 1837, the increase being fairly uniform over the entire period. In 1850, 600 wagons began the overland trip from Kansas City ; by 1855 the trade had grown to a total valuation of at least $5,000,000, and by 1860 had still further increased to a point which at- tracted national attention. In that year a 386 Kansas City correspondent sent by the New York Herald to study the statistics of the business, reported that there were shipped from Kansas City in that year 16,439,134 pounds of freight, employ- ing 7084 men, 6147 mules, 27,920 yoke of oxen and 3033 wagons, to which should be added the statistics of the trade with the towns of Kansas and Nebraska. This, for that time, enormous bulk of business, passed over the Santa Fe trail which is now almost exactly the route of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. At the close of the Civil War in 1865, dur- ing which Kansas City, in common with all the border towns of Missouri and Kansas, was dis- turbed by the conflict, a tremendous immigra- tion began to flow westward through the city. Railroad enterprises in Kansas and beyond were opening up the country for settlement, and die families of those who had lately been engaged in war rushed westward to take up the vacant lands offered them. The first railroads entering the city were the Hannibal & St. Joseph (which is now a part of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system) and the Missouri Pacific the first entering from the direction of Chicago, and rfr^^ Tr* p* r f rr i ' T THE CITY HALL, KANSAS CITY. 387 388 Kansas City the last from the direction of St. Louis. The first built to the west was the Union Pa- cific Railway, Eastern Division, afterwards known as the Kansas Pacific, now a part of the Union Pacific. Railroad building in the country immediately tributary to Kansas City became active at the close of the Civil War, and has continued un- til the present time (1901), when two new main lines are under construction towards the city. The railway companies with lines en- tering Kansas City now are the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, the Wabash, the Chicago & Alton, the Mis- souri Pacific, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas, the St. Louis & San Francisco, the St. Joseph & Grand Island, the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis, the Kansas City Southern, the Chicago & Great Western, the Kansas City & Northern, the Union Pacific, the Suburban Belt, and the Kansas City Belt. Nowhere in the United States can be seen a better demonstration of the wonderful de- velopment of the transportation system of the country. Besides its trunk-line railroads the Kansas City 389 city has two belt railway systems and numerous private tracks, so that its equipment for indus- trial work is unexcelled. Its street-railway system of nearly two hundred miles is one of the finest in America. The tracks and the equipment are thoroughly modern in every respect. The first newspaper published in Kansas City was a weekly called the Kansas Ledger. It was established in 1 85 1 , but was sold in about fifteen months, and then sold again and re- moved to Independence. The city after the death of the Ledger was for eighteen months without a newspaper office. In September, 1854, the Kansas City Enterprise made its ap- pearance, edited by W. A. Strong, D. K. Abeel having charge of the publishing depart- ment. In August, 1855, tne Enterprise was bought out by R. T. Van Horn, who assumed editorial control in October. In January, 1857, Mr. Abeel purchased a half-interest in the paper and in the following October the En- terprise became the Western Journal of Com- merce, a larger and greatly improved sheet. The Kansas City Journal grew out of this and at once began to assume the high position among the great dailies of the country which 39 Kansas City it has since maintained. Theodore Case, in his history of Kansas City, a volume of some seven hundred pages, says of the Journal in 1888 what may well be repeated to-day : " There is one feature that has always characterized this paper, a never-failing devotion to home and local interests, and an unyielding faith in the destiny of the city, that has made it, more than any other interest, the builder and architect of the present City of Kansas. It has fur- nished more information, historical, statistical and com- mercial in regard to Western Missouri, the great western plains and the mountains, their trade, resources and capabilities, than any other paper in the Mississippi Valley, and when the history of the New West comes to be written, it is to its columns that the historian will turn for its earliest facts and figures." Colonel R. T. Van Horn continued to be the chief owner and editor of the Journal until 1896, besides attending to his duties as. Con- gressman and in other important relations. As the " Grand Old Man " of Kansas City, he is to-day quietly enjoying the fruits of his long and honorable labors. The only other Kansas City newspaper be- sides the Journal in existence at the close of the war was the Daily Kansas City Post (Ger- man) started in the latter part of 1858, with August Wuerz, Sr., as its first editor. Mr. 39 2 Kansas City Wuerz was a strong abolitionist and so aroused the antipathy of the pro-slavery element that he was forced to abandon the city in 1860. He crossed over to Wyandotte (now Kansas City, Kansas), published the Post there for nine months, and then returned to Kansas City. The first democratic daily established here after the war was the Advertiser, which ap- peared in 1865. It was succeeded in 1868 by the Kansas City Times, which was issued by the proprietors, Messrs. R. B. Drury & Co. Varying fortune marked the paper until 1878, when, under the management of Messrs. Munford, Munford & Hasbrook, it attained a high standing among the dailies of the country. Of the papers which at about this time shared the honor of representing Kansas City should be named the Kansas City News, an evening paper, which suspended after a four years' ex- istence ; the Evening Mail, an evening demo- cratic paper, which came into existence in 1875 and which, after frequently changing its pro- prietors, became, in 1882, the property of the owner of the Kansas City Star, Mr. W. R. Nel- son. The Kansas City Star achieved remark- able success in the hands of Mr. Nelson, and now occupies a leading place among the dailies 394 Kansas City of the city and the country, giving as it always has its best efforts towards the upbuilding and expansion of the city. Another evening paper which has shown evidence of the growth of the city by its own substantial growth, is the Even- ing World, which, established in 1894, continues to rank well among the papers of the city. Vicious newspapers have never been permitted to flourish in Kansas City. What may be called the real-estate history of Kansas City is peculiarly interesting. In the year 1830 James H. McGee built a log cabin for a residence near what is now the corner of Twentieth and Central Streets. He made the first kiln of brick west of Inde- pendence, built the first brick residence in Kansas City, and furnished the bricks for Father Donnelly's chapel chimney. Mr. Mc- Gee acquired by purchase nearly all the land between the towns of Kansas City and West- port, and his name and that of his family is to-day so associated with the record of the city's development that it cannot be lost. The first working town company was formed in 1846 and was composed of men whose names subsequently were conspicuous in the city's history. They were H. M. Northrup, Kansas City 395 Jacob Ragan, Henry Jobe, William Gillis, Rob- ert Campbell, Fry P. McGee, W. B. Evans, W. M. Chick, and J. C. McCoy. It is said that about 1 50 lots were then sold at an aver- age price of $55.65 per lot. This was the nucleus of the old town and the beginning of its most picturesque history as a real-estate market In the years between 1878 and 1888 (the " boom " period) the city grew extraordi- narily, the excitement over real-estate transac- tions reaching a point probably unprecedented in this country. An enormous acreage of what never can be anything but farm land was platted and sold as city property, and prices for all classes of real estate reached figures which will probably never be reached again, at least until the city has a population greater than now seems possible. At the close of the war in 1865, Kansas City had three banks, one insurance company, one daily and two weekly English newspapers, one German weekly and one bi-monthly med- ical journal. The churches were two Metho- dist, one Baptist, two Presbyterian, one Roman Catholic and one Christian. There were two lodges of Masons, two of Odd Fellows, one of Good Templars, a Turn Verein, a Shamrock 396 Kansas City Benevolent Society, a girl's school, a rectory school, and a German school. The census of 1860 showed a population of 4418. Now the city stands first among the cities of the land in the agricultural implement trade, first in THE STOCK YARD EXCHANGE, KANSAS CITY. the Southern lumber trade, second in the live- stock trade, first in the horse and mule trade, second as a railroad centre, second in the meat-packing business, tenth in bank clear- ings, nineteenth in the value of its manu- o 7 factures. It has 50 public-school buildings, Kansas City 397 626 teachers and 34,142 pupils. It has the second largest park system in the country, having over 2000 acres. It handled in 1900 $130,824,270 worth of live-stock; 32,625,850 THE PUBLIC LIBRARY, KANSAS CITY. bushels of wheat; 7,290,000 bushels of corn; 3,035,600 bushels of oats; 156,000 bushels of rye, and 12,000 bushels of barley. It did a wholesale business of $265,000,000, its pack- ing houses turned out $100,000,000 worth of products, slaughtering 1,000,000 cattle, 2,900,- 39 8 Kansas City ooo hogs and 650,673 sheep. Its bank clear- ings were $698,755,530. Its banking and trust- company capital was $8,000,000 ; it had two hundred miles of paved streets, twenty-seven grain elevators with a storage capacity of 6,484,000 bushels. On the non-material side the city has made a progress even more remarkable. It is not de- voted entirely to money-getting. The human- ities have been remembered. There are some thirty-four hospitals, asylums, and benevolent homes. It has eight hospitals proper for the reception of the sick, disabled, and diseased, the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company maintain- ing one. There are five children's homes, and one industrial home. There are three homes for the aged, one of which is for colored peo- ple entirely. There is one convent and an in- stitution each for the Sisters of Charity and the Sisters of Mercy, besides others of lesser importance. In some cases the buildings may not be pretentious, but they are all ample in size, and in many instances would not discredit the cities of the largest population. The excep- tional intelligence of the people is proved by other unmistakable signs. Strong, clean news- papers, beautiful opera houses, first-class hotels, Kansas City 399 hundreds of churches, modern schools, great libraries, charming clubs, beautiful parks and streets, fine hospitals, fine public buildings, ad- mirable public utilities, and above all an enor- mous proportion of beautiful homes, these are some of the signs that tell of the fruition of the highest hopes of the hardy pioneers who first gave battle to savagery and the wilderness at this point. That the city has a much greater growth be- fore it is the opinion of all who are familiar with the conditions there. The vast agricultural, mineral, and manufacturing region surrounding it and directly tributary to it for a thousand miles in every direction is sure to push it steadily forward among American cities until it ranks at last with Boston, Baltimore, and St. Louis. OMAHA THE TRANSCONTINENTAL GATEWAY BY VICTOR ROSEWATER NOW a city of 100,000 population, with prosperous suburbs that make it the busi- ness centre for 175,000 people, Omaha is the outgrowth of the Nebraska & Council Bluffs Ferry Company. This company was organ- ized under the incorporation laws of Iowa, in 1853, to carry on the lucrative ferriage traf- fic for transcontinental pilgrims in quest of the gold-fields of California that had been begun two years previously by a halted gold-seeker, Brown by name, who saw more gold in pad- dling passengers across the murky Missouri than in washing the yellow sands near Sutter's mill. As an adjunct to the ferry, the company staked out a claim adjacent to its west landing 401 4O2 Omaha directly opposite Council Bluffs, and employed Alfred D. Jones, a young civil engineer, to lay out a town site Which on pretentious paper was invested, without particular thought or design, with the name Omaha, from the tribe of Ind- ians that was wont to camp upon the creek brushing its north boundary. The survey was conducted in June and July of 1854, and the adoption of the name was doubt- less suggested by the fact that a month or more before the repre- sentative in Con- gress for the State of Iowa had prevailed upon the Post-Office Department to issue a commission to Mr. Jones as postmaster at Omaha City, which at that time must have existed solely in his prolific imagination. Post- master Jones carrying the post-office around ALFRED D. JONES. Omaha 43 with him in his hat is a reminiscence founded on actual fact and not in fancy. That the ideas of these early pioneers were of the expansible variety is readily gathered from the character of the plat prepared to mark the coming town site as the seat of a great and mighty city. On the broad plateau overlooking the river, building lots were staked out 66 by 132 feet, divided by streets 100 feet wide and alleys of 20 feet. There were 320 blocks in all, each comprising eight lots forming squares of 264 feet. Two squares were reserved, one in the business centre 264 by 280 feet, and the other on the top of the most conspicuous hill 600 feet square, the latter designated as Capitol Square and the hill as Capitol Hill, and a broad avenue i 20 feet wide leading to it as Capitol Avenue all in foreordained honor of the mag- nificent structure to be erected when the newly born city should have achieved the distinction of the capital of Nebraska Territory. Omaha City was not organized as an incorporated municipality until 1857. Looking closer into the history and geogra- phy of the spot where now run the busy streets of Nebraska's metropolis, lined with substantial business blocks and attractive Omaha residences, precisely as platted in that lonely summer of 1 854, the conclusion is forced that it was not mere fortuitous chance that built a wonder city upon an empty ferry landing. The location was by nature destined to be a turning- point on the great central transconti- nental highway bridging the divide between the Atlantic and the Pacific. Lewis and Clark, who worked their way to Oregon up the Missouri Valley, were the first white men to leave a record of their visit. From their journal is taken the following ex- tract noting their arrival and detention at the mouth of the Platte in July, 1804, whence they continued northward and passed over the ground now included in the city : WILLIAM. P. SNOWDEN, OMAHA'S FIRST WHITE SETTLER. Omaha 45 " July 27. Having completed the object of our stay, we set sail with a pleasant breeze for the northwest. The two horses swam over to the southern [western] shore, along which we went, passing by an island, at three and a half miles, formed by a pond, fed by springs ; three miles further is a large sand island in the middle of the river, the land on the south [west] being high and cov- ered with timber ; that on the north [east] a prairie. At ten and a half miles from our encampment, we saw and examined a curious collection of graves or mounds, on the south [west] side of the river. Not far from a low piece of land and a pond, is a tract of about two hun- dred acres in extent, which is covered with mounds of different heights, shapes and sizes ; some of sand, and some of both earth and sand ; the largest being near the river. These mounds indicate the position of the ancient village of the Ottoes, before they retired to the protec- tion of the Pawnees. After making fifteen miles, we camped on the south [east] on the bank of a high, hand- some prairie, with lofty cottonwood in groves, near the river." ' That the mounds referred to constituted the ancient Indian burial ground, remnants of which long remained in the lower part of the town as objects of curiosity to inquisitive obser- vers, has been established to the satisfaction of historical critics, as also that the council held by Lewis and Clark with the Indians, from 1 In this account the directions are misleading, as they thought the river ran east and west instead of north and south at this point. 406 Omaha which Council Bluffs derives its name, took place in reality not on the Iowa side opposite Omaha but on the Nebraska side several miles farther up, in the vicinity of what is now Fort Calhoun. A no less interesting historical chapter is found in the Mormon encampment that for a time promised to make Omaha the centre of its church establishment. It is needless here to state details of the Nauvoo persecutions and the early expeditions in search of the promised land. When the advance-guard sighted the east bank of the Missouri, it took a stand on Miller's hill, so named after a Mor- mon elder, where the various companies into which the emigrants had been divided for their historic march across Iowa converged. It might have been called Miller's hill to this day had not just at that moment a call arrived to enlist a body of volunteers for the United States in its impending war with Mexico, fol- lowed by the prompt organization of the Mor- mon battalion under Colonel T. L. Kane, in whose honor the name of the halting place was changed to Kanesville. Kanesville it might have remained but for the fact that the post-office at that point had been designated Omaha 407 as Council Bluffs City, whither the last mail for the emigrants setting out over the great A TYPICAL OMAHA INDIAN. REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION OF F. A. RINEHART, OMAHA. divide was regularly addressed; and to avoid confusion the name of Kanesville was dropped after two or three years and Council Bluffs 408 Omaha left in undisputed possession of that corner of the map. But the east bank of the river was not suit- able for the Mormons' purposes. They crossed over and established themselves in Winter Quarters at a point about six miles north of what later became Omaha, making themselves as comfortable as possible in seven hundred and more hastily built log cabins and dug-outs. The place was fortified with stockades, a tab- ernacle erected, and various workshops and mills were constructed to provide temporary employment. At Winter Quarters was held the annual conference of the church, April 6, 1847, attended by people from all parts of the country prepared for moving west. From Winter Quarters, on the i4th day of the same month, a party of about 150, all but four or five being men, set out, with seventy-three wagons drawn by horses and oxen, under the personal leadership of Brigham Young, the expedition culminating in the famous found- ing of Zion in the valley of the Great Salt Lake. The excursion of apostles and pion- eers returned to the Missouri for their families and friends, their arrival at Winter Quarters in October calling forth as an occasion for special Omaha 409 joy and thanksgiving an elaborate celebration. The summer of 1848 saw the great body of Latter Day Saints following Brigham Young, to the new Utah settlement, but Winter Quarters was maintained for years as the stopping point and outfitting station for the Mormon emigrants on their westward wander- ing. By 1856 the name had been changed to Florence and it is so referred to in the writings of the later Mormons. For years it remained the busy hiving place for the church converts moving on Zion from all quarters of the world. To-day it is a quaint, old-fashioned sleepy vil- lage, interesting chiefly for a few ancient land- marks, and visited on good-weather Sundays by recreation seekers from Omaha in cart or on wheel. The earliest history of Omaha is a chronicle of bitterly waged fights for the possession of the seat of government of the new Nebraska Territory. The proud privilege of advertising itself as the capital city was eagerly sought after not only by Omaha but by every other ambi- tious town-site company along the eastern fron- tier. It should be remembered that the initial steps in the territorial organization were taken under the presidency of Franklin Pierce, who, Omaha although a Northern man, was almost com- pletely under Southern domination. The posi- tion of governor was first offered to General William G. Butler of Kentucky, but uncere- moniously declined, whereupon it was passed on to another Southern gentleman in the per- son of Francis H. Burt of South Carolina. Governor Burt arrived at Bellevue in company with the secretary, Thomas B. Cuming of Iowa, in October, 1854, but before he under- took in any way to exercise his official powers he succumbed to a fatal illness, leaving the succession by virtue of his office to Secretary Cuming. Governor Cuming in due time is- sued his election proclamation and called the territorial Legislature to convene at Omaha in January. In this connection it should also be remembered that Omaha was located and set- tled by Iowa promoters while the competing towns to the south looked on slave-holding Missouri as the parent. Had the first capital designation been asserted by the South Caro- lina executive instead of by his fortuitous Iowa successor we may well doubt whether Omaha would have fared so fortunately. The earliest territorial legislatures have been described by eye-witnesses and partici- THE HIGH SCHOOL, OMAHA, ON THE SITE OF THE OLD CAPITOL. REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION OF HEYN, OMAHA. 412 Omaha pants as often bordering on an organized mob. To keep the capital at Omaha was the watch- word on the one side and to take it away the battle-cry on the other. Money and town-lot stock are said to have played an important part with members who seem to have an- ticipated later-day legislative methods and yielded to " inducements " that overcame their local loyalty. While the Capitol building rose on Capitol Hill, Omaha had to contest for its retention at every annual session of the Legis- lature from 1855 to 1858, from which time it was left in undisputed possession until 1867, when with the investiture of Statehood a seat of government was carved anew on the virgin prairie to be christened Lincoln after the mar- tyred President. The great impetus that sent the infant Omaha forward by leaps and bounds ahead of its rivals in the Missouri Valley north and south came from two closely connected enter- prises the one the building of the Pacific telegraph, the other the construction of the first transcontinental railroad. The Pacific telegraph assumed tangible form through the unquenchable energies of Edward Creighton. Still in the prime of sturdy man- Omaha 413 hood, invigorated by the Irish blood inherited from his ancestry, Creighton had come to Omaha in 1856 to visit his brothers, engaging for a time in the lumber business. In 1860 he built the Missouri & Western line from St. Louis to Omaha, but already a year before had evolved a plan for a telegraph from the Missouri River to the Pacific coast. With the encouragement and material assistance of men like Jeptha H. Wade, Ezra Cornell, and Hiram Sibley, whose confidence he earned and kept, his idea, originally received as a weird fancy, took shape in surveys, contracts, and actual construction, the first message transmission occurring in October, 1861, speed- ing on in an hour by electric current intelli- gence that would previously have required weeks and months to journey. The fortune sprung from this venturesome undertaking has given the name of Creighton a foundation last- ing to the end of time. Edward Creighton died in 1874, leaving $1,500,000 to be be- stowed eventually for educational and char- itable purposes. The good work he began has been carried further by his brother, John A. Creighton, and the Creighton College, the Creighton Medical School, and the Creighton Omaha Memorial Hospital, not to enumerate smaller benefactions, all attest as enduring monu- ments the activity and foresight that paved the way for the electric fluid to flow unchecked from ocean to ocean. The tele- graph was but the fore- ru n n er of the railroad. With Omaha the initial point of the Pacific tele- graph lines, it enjoyed a marked ad- vantage in the competi- tion for the eastern terminus of the Pacific 'Rail way. Up to that time, all transportation had been by steamboat up the Missouri River or in wagon and coach overland. The race of the iron horse across Iowa had been interrupted, first by the financial crash of 1857, and then by the CITY HAUL. Omaha 415 war of 1 86 1, so that the first locomotive to carry its train to the Missouri River arrived January 17, 1867, bearing the escutcheon of the Chicago & Northwestern. Within two years four railroads converged at the river opposite Omaha eager to share the through transcontinental traffic already in sight. The history of Omaha and of the Union Pacific is inseparably linked. It is not neces- sary to weigh the conflicting claims to credit for suggesting the railroad to the Pacific slope. The war demonstrated the military necessity of a rail connection with the coast States and forced Congress to take the steps that made its immediate construction possible. Without the subsidy offered in the Acts of 1862 and 1863 the road certainly would not have been built for years, and the development of the whole western country would have been long retarded. At the recommendation of the chief engi- neer, Peter A. Dey, the eastern terminus was fixed " on the western boundary of the State of Iowa, opposite Omaha," an event so auspi- cious as to provoke a responsive demonstration from the enthusiastic inhabitants of the young city, who made the master-stroke of their cele- 416 Omaha bration the actual breaking of the ground for the newly projected road. This occurred De- cember 2, 1863, with the thermometer hovering close to the freezing point. The work of construction was pushed with all possible rapidity, but with the best expedi- tion it was May 10, 1869, before the juncture of the two roads heading for one another from east and west was effected, in the pres- ence of a distinguished body of spectators, by the driving of the golden spike at Prom- ontory Point, girding the continent with bands of steel. According to all accounts the celebration at Omaha of the completion of the Union Pacific was on a scale commensurate with its importance to the commercial and in- dustrial position of the city. If Engineer Dey was the central figure in the initial work, Thomas C. Durant, as First Vice- President and General Manager, had more to do with its successful completion than any other one man. While many names have since shown bright in the progress of this epoch-making en- terprise, those of Dey and Durant must form the base-stones of the arch that has raised this great railroad to its eminence, and carried it through stress and storm. RETURN OF THE FIRST NEBRASKA VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 30, 1899. 417 4' 8 Omaha The prestige acquired by Omaha as a rail- way centre in those early days has been con- stantly maintained, until to-day the steel rails radiate in every direction, while three magnifi- cent bridges span the Missouri where Brown's lonely ferry formerly transferred victims of the gold fever from one bank to the other. With a firmly established industrial founda- tion, the progress of the city has gone steadily forward. Commercial expansion, it is true, has been broken occasionally by bursting real- estate booms, grasshopper plagues, drought- stricken crops or general financial depression, but in material welfare and ever-widening public activity the community takes rank with its most wide-awake competitors. Besides its extensive jobbing interests, its manufacturing development has been along the lines of silver smelting and refining, linseed oil mills, white lead works, machine and locomotive shops, and the great live-stock market and meat-packing establishments that have formed the nucleus of the magic city braced against its boundary under the name of South Omaha, and sure, sooner or later, to be one with it in corporate existence, as it is already in life and business. Although not yet past the fiftieth anniversary, 420 Omaha Omaha boasts of all those advantages that make an attractive living- place good schools, well- stocked free libraries, substantial churches, art galleries, well-paved streets, with water, light, and rapid transit, fine public parks, imposing public buildings. Above all, it is a city of homes and home owners, thick with modest dwellings though only meagrely supplied with palatial mansions. Omaha's contribution to the world of science, art, and literature is perhaps small, but it has given two presidents to the American Bar Association in James M. Woolworth and Charles F. Manderson, the latter also having filled the position of President pro tern, of the United States Senate ; in banking circles Herman Kountze and Joseph H. Millard are known through- out the country ; Edward Rosewater and his newspaper, The Bee, occupy a place in the front rank of American journalism ; the art gallery of George Whininger is classed among the best private collections on this side of the Atlantic ; and the benevolence of John A. Creighton has received recognition in the title conferred on him of Count in the Holy Roman See. The Trans-Mississippi Exposition of 1898 C o n the Revolution, 109-112; in recent times, \\iff. De Ulloa, Francisco, 648 Devol, 6 Dey, Peter A., 326, 415 Dickens cited, 246 Dodge, Gov. Henry, 236 Dodson, Jacob, 669 Dollier, 88 Dolly, the, 540 Domingues, Don Jose, 655 Donnelly, Father Bernard, 382, 394 Doty, Rev. Daniel, 74 Doty, James, names Madison, Wisconsin, 238, 239 Douglas, Stephen A., at Chicago, 214 Downey, Gov., 672 Drake, Francis, 572, 574 Drummond, Henry, 494 Drury & Co., R. B., 392 Du Gay, 266 D'Ulloa, Don Antonio, 337 Durant, Thos. C., 416 690 Index Durham, Nelson, quoted, 510 Dutch and negro slavery, 92 Dyar, M. C., on Marietta, 1-30 E Earl of Selkirk, 268 Earthquake, New Madrid, 350 East End, London's, 43 Echeandia, 662 Echo Canon, 496 Eden Park, Cincinnati, 80 Elba, Napoleon's escape from, 635 El Crepusculo, 470 El Dorado, 583 Elizabeth, Queen, 572 Elliott, C. B., on Minneapolis and St. Paul, 265-300 El Morro, 452 El Paso, 462 Emerson quoted, 43, 640 Emma Preston, the, 558 Emory, Capt. W. H., 472 England, Gosnold's tour for, 572 ; sends Belcher to San Francisco Bay, 580 English at St. Louis, 343 Enterprise, The Kansas City, 389 Epworth League, 39 Erie Canal, 98 Escalante, 434 Etherington, Major, 138 Eulalia, Dona, 643 Eustis, U. S. Secretary of War, 116 Evans, W. B., 395 Evanston, Illinois, 230 Evening Mail, The Kansas City, 39 2 . Evening World, The Kansas City, 394 Exposition, of 1898 at Omaha, 420-423 ; St. Louis, 373 Pages, 655 Fallen Timbers, battle of, 68 Farmer, Silas, on Detroit, 87-119 Farnum, Col. Russell, 351 Farragut, Commodore, 592 Federals in New Mexico, 476 Felix, 656 Fernandez, the Canonigo, 633 Ferry, U. S. Senator, 125 Field, Eugene, 229 Figueroa, Gov., 579, 663 Filson and settling of Cincin- nati, 58 Finkbine, Robert S., 326 Fjelde's statue of Ole Bull, 288 Flanders, Capt., 558 Flemming, 313 Florence, Mormon settlement of, 409 Flores, 667 Fond du Lac, 238 Foote, John G., 326 Forster, John, 665 Forts : Bridger, 432, 496 ; Cal- houn, 406 ; Chartres, 176, 177, 335 ; Crawford, 235 ; Dear- born, 201, 202 ; Des Moines, 304, 306, 313 ; George, 544, 546 ; Harmar, 8 ; Leaven- worth, 471 ; Lernoult, 112 ; Marcy, 472 ; Miamis, 176, 178; Michilimackinac, 132, 138, 140 ; Patrick Henry, 190 ; Pontchartrain, 106 ; Sackville, 178, 183, 189, 190; St. An- thony, 268 ; Snelling, 268 ; Sumter, 321 ; Union, 476 ; Vancouver, 544 ; Washington, 60, 62, 74 ; William, 544 ; Winnebago, 235 Foster, H. C., 672 Foster, Stephen G., 670 France, and the Northwest, 129, 169, 172, 174, 189, 266; and the Southwest, 67, 333-335, 343, 466 ; and California, 572, 580, 627 Francesca, 581 Index 691 Franciscans, in New Mexico, 453 ; in California, 573, 632, 650 Franklin, Benjamin, 614 Fremont, 432, 549 ; in Cali- fornia, 580, 635, 665^". Fremont Peak, 640 French and Indian War, 106, 136 French's statue of Gov. Pillsbury, 288 Frontenac, Count, quoted, 91 Fulton and the steamboat, 76 Fur traders, Russian, 572 Gabilan Mountains, 635 Gage, Gen., and Detroit, 109; and Vincennes, 176 Gage, Lyman J., on Chicago, 197-234 Galena & Chicago Union Rail- road, 222 Galena deposits discovered in Idaho, 523^". Galinee, 88 Galisteo, the Taos of, 461 Gallipolis, 12 Garfield, Pres't J. A., 52, 82 Gate, the Golden, 569, 570, 574, 579, 596, 619, 632 Gayarre on Cadillac, 90 Geary Law of 1892, 602 George III., no, 114, 136, 140, 628 George IV., 537 George, Henry, 614 Ghent, Treaty of, 544 Gibault, Father, 183 Gibson, Gen. John, 192 Giddings, Rev. Solomon, 356 Gillespie at Los Angeles, 666 Gillis, Wm., 380, 395 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 615 Gilpin, Wm.. 442 Gladwin and Pontiac, 107 Gleed, C. S., on Kansas City, 375-399 Gold Hunter, the, 674 Gold in California, see San Fran- cisco ; in Colorado, 436-438 Gonzales, Gov. Jose, 468 Gosnold, 572 Grant, Gen. U. S., 84, 92, 321, 366, 567 Grant, Mayor Jedediah M., 491 Gray, Asa, quoted, 31 Gray, Capt., 537, 538 Great American Desert, 484 Great Britain, cedes Mackinac to U. S., 140; Illinois coun- try ceded to, 333; see Portland Great Salt Lake, 479, 480 Greeley, Horace, 72, 243 ; quoted, 438 Green Bay, 144, 145, 235, 238, 239 Griffin, Judge, at Detroit, 101- 105 Griffin, the, 134 Grimes, Gov. James W., 318 Gronigen, John, 660 Guadalajara, 629 Guadaloupe Hidalgo, treaty of, 489- 595 Guadab'pe, Mission of, 461 Cue, B. F., 320 Gwin, Senatorial contest of with Broderick, 596 H Hackleman, Gen. P. A., 167 Half -Moon, the, 536 Hamilton, Alexander, 322 Hamilton, Col. Henry, 185, 186, 189, 190 Hamline University, 294 Hancock, Gen. W. S., 674 Hanks, Lieut. Porter, 141 Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad, 386 Hanson, Rev. Mr., cited, 144 Harmar, defeat of, 60, 66-68 692 Index Harmon, Dr. Elijah D., 205 Harper, Pres't W. R , 229, 230 Harper's Ferry, recapture of, 319 Harrison, Gen. W. H., 70, 167, 192, 349, 521 Harrison, President Benjamin, 153, 156, 167 Harte, Bret, 614 Hartford and the Ohio Colony, 7 Hartzell, Thomas, 205 Harvard University, 37 Hawaii, 195, 547 Haydn Society in Cincinnati, 74 Hay, John, 50 Hayes, Benjamin, 660 Hayes, President R. B., 52, 72 Haymarket riots, 224 Hearst, Mrs. Phoebe D., 610 Heath, Perry S., on Indianap- olis, 147-167 Helm, Capt. Leonard, 184, 185 Hendricks, Vice-President, 167 Hennepin, 134, 265, 268 Henry, Alexander, 140 Henry, Patrick, 180, 628 Herald, New York, 386 Herriott, Frank I., on Des Moines, 301-330 Herron, John, 166 Hiawatha, 125 Hill, J. J., 287 Hittell cited, 639 Hodge, F. W., on Santa Fe, 449-478 Holmes, Major. 142 Honen, Toussaint, 337 Horace quoted, 30 Hosmer, Dr. J. K., 285 Houston, Sam, 362 Howells, W. D., 72, 229 Hudson Bay Co., 335, 518, 546, 549. 552 Hudson, Henry, 536 Hull, A. F., 101-105, 114-116, 138 " Hundred Associates," charter of the, 89 Hunt, W. P., at Astoria, 540, 542 Idaho, galena mines of, 522, 532 Illinois country ceded to Great Britain, 333 Independence, Missouri, 394, 467 Indiana, see Indianapolis and Vincennes Indianapolis, Perry S. Heath on, 147-167 ; plan of, 147 ; growth of, 147 ; background of, 149 153 ; becomes capital of In- diana, 154 ; modern history, 154-157 ; in the Civil War, 158; parks, 160; finances and industries, 164 ; clubs and in- stitutions, 166 Indians : Algonquins, 302 ; Ara- pahoes, 426, 432 ; Cayuse, 556 ; Cherokees, 436 ; Chippewas, 138, 200, 236 ; Cceur d'Alenes, 520; Flatheads, 510; Foxes, 304, 306, 350, 358; Hu- rons, 133 ; lowas, 351 ; Iro- quois, 55 ; Keokuks, 305 ; Kickapoos, 202 ; Menomonies, 202, 236; Miamis, 55, 170; Minneways, 200 ; Mohawks, 6l ; Navahoes, 427 ; Nez Perces, 510; Omahas, 351; Osages, 342, 350 ; Ottawas, 133, 337; Ottoes, 405; Palouse, 520 ; Pawnees, 405 ; Pi-ank-a- shaws, 170, 171, 174; Potta- watomies, 172, 200, 202, 204, 236 ; Pueblos, 456, 468 ; Sacs, 138, 200, 304, 306, 350, 358 ; Senecas, 55 ; Shawnees, 55, 172, 342 ; Sioux, 267 ; Si- wash, 528 ; Six Nations, 68, 170 ; Spokanes, 510-518 ; Taos, 468, 473 ; T wight wees, 17"!, 172; Umatillas, 510; Index 693 Indians Continued. Walla Wallas, 510; Weas, 171; Winnebagoes, 236; Yank- tons, 351 ; see also abstracts of various chapters Iowa, see Des Moines Iowa City, 313 Ipswich, Ohio colony starts from, 6, 8 Irving quoted, 432, 539 Isabel, Onate marries, 449 J Jackson, Andrew, 84, 356 ; bank veto of, 358 Jackson, Gov. Claiborne, quoted, 366 Jackson, Helen Hunt, 674 Janney, T. B., 287 Japan, Spokane exports to, 513 Jefferson Territory, 442 Jefferson, President Thomas, 1 16, 510, 539, 628 Jesuits, 134 ; at Mackinac, 129 ; in Missouri, 381 ; in Cali- fornia, 650 Jobe, Henry, 395 Johnson, Gov., 591-593 Johnson, Sir Guy, 61 Joliet, 88, 133, 198, 302 Jones, Alfred D., lays out site for Omaha, 402 Jones, Commodore, 635 Jordan, James C., 318 Jornada del Muerto, 450 Joseph, Chief, 517, 521 Journal, The Kansas City, 389 Juchereau, 171, note Junipero Serra in California, 573. 6i7. 619, 624, 625, 629, 632, 633, 635, 637, 638, 640, 646, 649 K Kane, Col. Thos. B., 496 Kane, Col. T. L., 406 Kanesville, Nebraska, 406, 407 Kansas City, C. S. Gleed on, 375-399: location, 375~378 ; origin, 378-380 ; early deni- zens of the region, 380-382 ; trade and transportation, 382- 386 ; railroads entering, 386- 389 ; newspapers of, 389-394 ; real estate history, 394 ; churches, 395 ; industries, 396- 398 ; other interests, 398 Kansas, Coronado in, 428 Kansas Pacific Railway, 388, 442 Kaskaskia, 180-183, 185, 186, 344, 466 Kasson, Hon. John A., 324 " Kaw," the, 375, 382 Kearny, Dennis, 601 Kearny, S. W., 306, 432, 470- 473, 667 ff. Keating, Prof. Wm. H., quoted, 212 Keith, Wm., 615 Ke-ki-on-ga, 172 Kelley, " General," 317 Kennedy, Thomas, 73 Kentucky, 67, 178 ; Filson in, 58 ; Spanish intrigues in, 180 Keokuk, 308 Kerfoot, W. D., 227 Khalifa, 518 Khartoum, 518 Kimberley, E. S., 209 King, James, 590 King, Thos. Starr, 614 Kinzie, John, 206 Kinzie, Mrs., quoted, 205 Kinzie, Robert, 214 Kirkwood, Gov. S. J., 320, 321 Klondike, the, 363 Kountze, Herman, 420 Kuro Sirva, 637 Labrador, 570 Laclede Liguest founds St. Louis, 333-335 6 9 4 Index Lafayette, at Marietta, 5 ; at St. Louis, 356, 363 La Honton, 134 Lake Erie, 36 ; see also, 238, note Lake Mary, 18 Lalande. 468 Lamar, President, 469 Lamy, Bishop, 474 Land Claims Association, 309 Land Club, Iowa, 309 Land League, Iowa, 309 La Salle, 88, 134, 171, 266, 302, 334 Latimer, Mrs. E. W., 144 Latour, Francis, 337 " Latter-day Saints," see Salt Lake City Law-and-Order Party, see San Francisco Lawrence, Kansas, 436 Lawton, Gen. H. W., 167 Leadville, Colorado, 438 Leavenworth, 268, 385 Ledger, 7^he Kansas, 389 Lee, Jason, 550 Lee, Lieut. R. E., 319 Le Grace, Colonel, 191 Le Griffon, 88 Legroux, 282 Le Large, 202 L'Enfant, Pierre Charles, 147 Lernoult, Maj. R. R., 114, note Letcher, Gov. , 320 Lewis and Clark, 348, 404, 430, 434, 5io, 538, 539 Lewis, Capt. Meriwether, 349 Lexington, battle of, 71 Leyba, 343 Liberia, 357 Lick, James, 612 Liguest, Pierre Laclede, 333 Limestone, on the Ohio, 55 Lincoln, A., 158, 324, 366 Lincoln, Nebraska, 412 Little Turtle, 68 Logan, 192 Long, expedition of, 430, 431 Long, Major, quoted, 267 Loreto, 622, 651 Los Angeles, Florence E. Wins- low on, 645-684; early visitors, 645-649 ; Junipero Serra, 649 651; settling of, 651-659 ; first Americans in, 659-661 ; early trials of, 661-665 ; taken by United States, 665-668; the American regime, 668-676 ; the land boom, 676-678 ; the city to-day, 678-684 Losantiville, 58, 61 Louis XIII., 128 Louis XIV., 133 Louis XV., 136 Louis XVI., 144, 627 Louis Philippe, 13, 144, 304 Louisiana Purchase, 191, 195, 33i, 348, 373, 618 Lounsbury, Daniel, 554 Lovejoy, A. L., 535, 554 Lovejoy, Elijah P., 362 Lucas, Charles, 353 Lytle, Gen. Wm. H., 72 M Macallister College, 294 McArthur, Lieut. -Gov., 249, 250 McCoy, J. C., 395 McCoy, Rev. Isaac, 382 McDougal, 540, 542, 543 McDowell, 360 McGee, Fry P., 395 McGee, James H., 394 Mackinac, Sara Andrew Shafer on, 121-145 ; situation, 121- 124 ; description of, 124-128 ; first explorers and mission- aries, 128-130; Marquette and La Salle, 130-134 ; Pontiac's conspiracy, 136-140 ; comes into possession of United States. 140; War of 1812, 140- 142 ; the fur trade, 142 ; Rev. Eleazar Williams, 144 Mackinaw, 90 Index 695 McKinley, Pres't Wm., 52, 422 McLean at Cincinnati, 74 McLeon, Gen., 469 McLoughlin, Dr. John, in Ore- gon, 544-553 McTavish, 543 Madison, President James, 116 Madison, R. G. Thwaites on, 235-264; before the settlement, 235238 ; choosing a State capital, 238 ; laying out the town, 240 ; the first dwelling, 240; coming of the Legislature, 242; early description of, 242; slow growth, 243 ; attempts to remove the capital, 245 ; early legislative sessions, 246 ; the Barstow-Bashford case, 248- 250; the State House, 250; the State university, 252-260 ; the city to-day, 260-264 Madrid, 626, 629 Majorca, 635 Maiden in War of 1812, 114 Manderson, C. F., 420 Marcy, march of, 432 Marcy, Secretary Wm. L., 472 Mare Island, 592 Margane, Francois, 163 Marie Antoinette, 8 Marietta, 58, 71 ; Muriel Camp- bell Dyar on, 1-30 ; Ohio Company formed, 2 ; the col- ony, 4-6 ; the journey, 7 ; the first summer on the Ohio, 8 ; the first governor, 10 ; the coming of the Frenchmen, u 13 ; hardships, 13 ; Indian wars, 14-18 ; material pros- perity, 1 8 ; the Blennerhassett tragedy, 20-22 ; the modern Marietta, 22; the College, 24 26; the Mound Cemetery, 26- 28 ; relics, 28 /. Marin del Valle, 454 Markham, Edwin, on San Fran- cisco, 569-616 Marquette, 132-134, 302, 333 Marsh's trading post, 214 Martineau, Harriet, 78 Mary Institute, St. Louis, 360 Maryland, the, 558 Mason, Gov., 670 Mason, Stevens T., 238 Mayflower, the, 88, 620 Mayflower, the new, i, 7 Meigs, Gov. R. J., 6, 28 Menard, Pierre, 205 Merrill, Samuel, 152 Methodists on the Willamette, 550 Meurin, Father, 193 Mexico, and California, 572, 578, 626, 633, 658 ; and Kansas City trade, 385; war with, 27, 362, 432 Miami and Erie Canal, 82 Micheltorena, 664, 665 Michigan Territory, 235 Michilimackinac, 124, 136 Michsawgyenan, 122 Miles, Gen., 517 Millard, Joseph H., 420 Miller, Joaquin, 614 Miller's Hill, Nebraska, 406 Milwaukee, 202, 214, 238, 239, 245 Mineral Point, 236, 238 Minisink, massacre of, 61 Minneapolis St. Paul, C. B. El- liott on, 265-300 ; Falls of St. Anthony discovered, 265; title to the region passes from the Indians, 267 ; Fort Snelling established, 268; first settler on site of St. Paul, 270 ; St. Paul becomes State capital, 271 ; growth of the rival town, 272- 276 ; the two cities compared, 276-300 Minnehaha, falls of, 290 Mission Dolores, 574-579, 632 Missouri, see St. Louis and Kan- sas City Missouri Compromise, 353 Missouri Pacific Railroad, 386, 398 6 9 6 Index Mobile, 90 Montcalm, 338 Monterey, 450, 574, 581, 669 ; Harold Bolce on, 617-644; his- toric background, 617-620 ; Vizcaino finds the harbor, 620; rediscovered by Junipero Serra, 622-626 ; his great ser- vices, 626-628 ; Spain sends relief, 629 ; the Spanish capi- tal, 630-634 ; a visit to, 635- 644 Montezuma, 450 Montgomery, Capt., 581 Mormon, Book of, quoted, 490 Mormons, in Nebraska, 406-409; in Colorado, 425, 432; in Utah, 435; see also Salt Lake City Morrison, Wm., 466 Morse, S. F. B., 125 Morton, Oliver P., 158, 167 Moultons, the, at Marietta, 16 Mound Builders, 26, 63, 169, 302 Mount Auburn. Cincinnati, 82 Mullanphy, John, 360 Munford, Munford & Hasbrook, 392 N Napoleon Bonaparte, 617, 635 Natalia, the, 635 Nebraska & Council Bluffs Ferry Co., 401 Nebraska Territory, 403 Nelson, W. R., 392 Neve, Gov., 652 New Albion, 572 Newburyport, Mass., 558 New Mexican, the, 474 New Mexico, see Santa Fe New Orleans, 76, 333, 340, 344, 346, 347 New Spain, 572 New York, 43, 71, 75, 514 News, The Kansas City, 392 News, The Rocky Mountain, 437, 439 Niagara, 108, 528 Nichols, Gregg, 674 Nichols, Col. J. G., 674 Nicolet, Jean, visits Mackinac, 128 Nicollet, 302 Nito, Manuel, 654 North American Fur Company, 350 North Bend, settling of, 58 Northrup, H. M., 394 Northwest Company, 540 Northwest Fur Company, 510, 538 Northwest Territory, I, 10 Northwestern University, 229, 230 Nye, 6 O Oakinagen, 542 Oakland, California, 610 Observer, The St. Louis, 362 O'Fallon Park, 369 Ohio Company, the, 2-4, 27, 101 Oliphant, Laurence, quoted, 273 Omaha, 462 ; Victor Rosewater on, 401-423 ; origin, 401-403 ; location, 404 ; visit of Lewis and Clark, 404-406 ; Mormon encampment at, 406-409; early government, 409-412 ; the Pa- cific Telegraph, 412-414 ; the Union Pacific Railway, 414- 418 ; recent history, 418-420 ; the Trans- Mississippi Exposi- tion of 1898, 420-423 Ofiate founds Santa Fe, 449- 453 Ordinance of 1787, 2, 4, 10, 101, 191 Oregon, see Portland Oregon City, 535, 549~554 Oregonian, The, 558, 566 O'Reilly, Don Alexander, 338 O'Rourke, Phil., 532 Osceola, 22 1 Osio, Antonio, 661 Otermin, Gov., 459 Index 697 Oumetz, Padre, 654 Outre Mer quoted, 278 "Overland Mail Express Com- pany," 385 Overland Monthly, 614 Overland Telegraph Line, 499 Overton, A. M., 535, 554 Pacific Fur Company, 538 Pacific Railway, 414 Pacific Telegraph, 412 Parke, Benjamin, 196 Parkman, Francis, 129 ; quoted, 280 Parrant, 270 Parraquia, 464 Parson, Samuel H., 6 Parton, James, quoted, 8l Paty, Capt., 660 Payne, U. S. Senator, 31 Peck, Eben, 240 Peck, P. F. W., 209 Peoria, 206 Peralta, Gov. Pedro, 453 Perez, Gov. Albino, 468 Perouse, Count, 627, 629 Perrot, 129, 132 Perry, first settler at St. Paul, 270 Perry, President Alfred Tyler, 26 Perry's victory, Commodore, 116 Pettygrove, F. W., 554 Phelan, Mayor James D., 610 Philadelphia, 90, 193 Philippines, the, 195, 572, 649 Pico, Don Pio, 655, 660, 664 ff. Pico, Jesus, 669 Piernas, 340, 342 " Pig's Eye," see Parrant Pike, Lieut. Zebulon M., 267, 348, 430, 434, 467 Pike's Peak, 436, 437, 442 Pillsbury, Chas. A., 283 Pillsbury, Gov. John S., 285, 288 Pina, Maxima, 658 ' Pioneer Day, 483 Pirates on the Mississippi, 346 Pittsburg, 196 Platteville, 238 Plymouth, 2, 5, 88 Plymouth Rock, 620 Plympton, Major, 272 Polk, President, 552 Pontiac, conspiracy of, 106-109, 136-140, 175 ; death of, 337- 339 Pool, Lieut., in Pope, conspiracy of, 458-461 Portala, 622, 623, 650 Portland, Thos. L. Cole on, 535- 568 ; origin of, 535 ; Astoria, 536-544; Vancouver, 544-549; Oregon City, 549-556 ; massa- cre of Whitman, 556 ; Cali- fornia gold fever, 556 ; situa- tion of, 557 ; a great seaport, 558; Henry Villard's contribu- tion to growth of, 560 ; char- acter of, 562-568 Portsmouth, the, 581 Potosi, academy at, 352 " Prairie Schooner," 384 Pratt, Orson, 483, 486 Prentice, Samuel, 660 Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles, 646^". Pursley, 468 Putnam, Herbert, 285 Putnam, Israel, at Detroit, 109 Putnam, Rufus, 2, 4-7, 26, 28 Quebec, 91, 134, 198, 338 R Racine, 238 Radisson, 129 Ragan, Jacob, 395 Raleigh Tavern, 628 Ralston, A., 147 Ramsey, Gov. A., 271 6 9 8 Index Rantoul, Robert, 273 Reavis, L. U., 331 Recollets, 129, 134, 266 Red Jacket, 338 Reedy, William Marion, on St. Louis, 331-373 Reid, Hugo, 672 Relations, 129, 130 Republic, The St. Louis, 349 Republican, The Missouri, 362 Republican, The Santa Fe", 474 Revolution, the American, 82, 95, 109-112, 177, 266, 342; officers in, buried at Marietta, 27 Revolution of 1848, 364 Rezanoff visits San Francisco Bay, 579 Rhode Island, battle of, 5 Rhodes, J. F., 50 Richelieu, Cardinal, 88 ; quoted, 225 Ridgely, N. H., 220 Rivet, M., 193 Roberts, Capt., 141 Rockefeller, John D., founds Chicago University, 229 Rocky Mountain Fur Company, 431 Rosas, Gov. Luis, 458 Rosewater, Edward, 420 Rosewater, Victor, on Omaha, 401-423 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 309 Roux, Father, 381 Russian Fur Company, 543 Rutland and the Ohio Com- pany, 7 S Sacramento, 608 Saengerbund, the Cincinnati, 74 St. Ange, 174, 176, 177 St. Ann's, Mackinac, 125 St. Anthony City, 273 St. Anthony, Falls of, 265, 267, 272 St. Augustine, Fla., 449 St. Charles, Col., 436 St. Clair, Gen., at Marietta,io; defeat of, 60-62, 64-68 ; and Vincennes, 191 St. Clair, Louisa, 15 St. Cyr, Father, 205 St. Francis, 569, 574, 620 St. Ignace, 133, 136, 141 St. Joseph, 385 St. Louis, W. M. Reedy on, 331- 373 ; situation, 331 ; founding of, 333-335; Spanish rule, 335- 346 ; coming of Pontiac, 337 340 ; trade of, 346-348 ; early description of, 348-353 ; and the slavery question, 353-357 ; growing Americanism, 357- 362 ; ante-bellum days, 362- 366 ; in the Civil War, 366 ; recent history, 366-373 ' St. Paul, see Minneapolis St. Petersburg, 351 Ste. Genevieve, 344 Salazar, Don Jose, 669 Salt Lake City, 684 ; J. E. Tal- mage on, 479508 ; motive of settlement, 479-482; the com- ing of the Mormons, 482-488; the cricket scourge, 488; crea- tion of the Territory, 489-493; trouble with the Federal gov- ernment, 494-499: educational development, 500-502 ; the present city, 502-508 San Bias, harbor of, 626 San Carlos Mission, 632, 650 Sanchez, 651, 661 San Diego, 627, 648, 649, 666 Sand Lot Agitation, 598 San Francisco, 197, 515,528,632; Edwin Markham on, 569-616; situation, 569 ; early visitors to the region, 570-572 ; Spanish colonization plans, 572-574 ; the Mission Dolores, 574-579; Yerba Buena, 579-581 ; Cali- fornia ceded to United States, 582 ; the gold fever, 582-586 ; Index 699 San Francisco continued. the Vigilance Committee, 587- 594 ; in the Civil War, 596 ; the Comstock Lode, 597 ; the Sand Lot Agitation, 598-601 ; the Chinese problem, 601-606; architecture of, 606; streets of, 607 ; parks of, 608-610 ; edu- cation in, 610 ; libraries of, 612 ; distinguished citizens, 613-616 San Gabriel, 452, 453, 454, 648, 650 ff. San Miguel Chapel, 454, 459, 460, 463, 464 San Pedro, 648, 674 Santa Anna, 385 Santa Cruz, 622 Santa Fe, 384, 386, 431, 432, 660 ; F. W. Hodge on, 449- 478 ; founding of, 449-453 ; infancy of, 453-458; conspiracy of Pope, 458-461 ; the Pueblo regime, 461 ; Spanish restora- tion, 462-468 ; rebellion of 1837, 468 ; American occu- pancy, 469-476 ; in the Civil War, 476 ; recent years, 476- 478 Santo Domingo, 466 Sargent, Winthrop, 6, 191 Schmidt, Bruno, 162 Schoolcraft, Henry, 125, 202 ; quoted, 140 Scott, Dred, 270 Scott, Harvey W., 566 Scott, Judge J. R., 672 Scott, Gen. Winfield, 268, 305, 306 Seattle, 363 Senator, the, 674 Serra, see Jum'pero Serra Shafer, Sara Andrew, on Macki- nac, 121-145 Shaw, Henry, 369 Shawbonee quoted, 206, 208 Shelby, Gen. Isaac, 114, note Shepard, Elihu, 354; quoted, 341 Sheridan, Phil, 517 Sherman, John, 31 Sherman, Gen. W. T., 593 Sia, 466 Sibley at Valverde, 476 Sibley, Hiram, 413 Sibley, Solomon, 202 Sill, E. R., 51 Sloat, Commodore, 581, 635 Slough, Col., 476 Smith, Robert, 274, 275 Smith, W. H., on Vincennes, 169-196 Snelling, Col., 268, 270 Snelling, Joseph, 270 Snow, Erastus, 483 Sola, 655 Spain, and the Southwest, 67, 1 80, 343 ; Louisiana ceded to, 335-337 ; in Colorado, 428 ; in Kansas, 428 ; in New Mexico, see Santa Fe ; on the Pacific, 572, 573, 620, 630-634 ; our war with, 422 Speelyai, 512, 513, 517, 533 Spencer, Dr. Kirby, 284 Spokane, Harold Bolce on, 509- 533 ; the situation, 509-512, 528 ; the falls, 512-515 ; troubles with the Indians, 516- 521; genesis of, 521; discovery of galena mines, 522 ; the boom, 523-525 ; character of, 526-528; the Spokane ass, 530- 532 ; climate, 532 Spokane Gary, 520 Spokesman-Review, The Spokane, 524 Sproat, 6, 10, 15 Stanford, Jane, 612, 639 Stanford, Leland, 612 Stanford University, 612 Star, The, 582 Star, The Kansas City, 392 Stark, B., 554 State Register, 319 Stearns, Abel, 665 Steele, Franklin, 272 ;oo Index Steptoe, Col., 518 Stevens, John H., 274, 275 Stevenson, Col., 670 Stevenson, R. L., in San Fran- cisco, 609 ; in Monterey, 619, 639 Stillwater, Minn., 271 Stockton, Commodore, 665^". Stoddard, Charles Warren, 615 Stoddard, Maj. Amos, 348 Story preaches at Marietta, 16 Stout, J. Kennedy, drafts char- ter for Spokane, 522 Strong, W. A., 389 Stuart, David, 542 Stuart, John T., quoted, 214 Sublette, 431, 468 Sullivan claims, 532 Sulpicians at Mackinac, 129 Sumrill's Ferry, 7 Sutro, Adolph, 613 Suiter's Mill, 401 Swing, David, 232 Symmes, John Cleves, 58, 71 Taboada, Padre Gil, 656 Taliafero, Major, 270 Talmage, J. E., on Salt Lake City, 479-508 Tanos of Galisteo, the, 461,462 Taylor, Bayard, cited, 243 Taylor, Zachary, 305 Tecumseh, 61, 70, 192, 201, 206, 52t Teesdale, John, 319 Terry and Broderick, 593, 596 Texas, annexation of, 195; troubles with, 469 ; in New Mexico, 469, 476 Tewa pueblo, 452 Thames, battle of the, 206 Thayendanegea defeats St. Clair, 61 Thiery, M., 12 Thompson, David, 540 Thompson, James, 208 Thwaites, R. G., on Madison, 235-264 Thwing, C. F., on Cleveland, 31-53 Times, The Kansas City, 392 Tippecanoe, 70, 350, 513 Tlascalan, 459 Todd, Col. John, 191 Tomlinson, Daniel, 157 Tonquiit, the, 539, 542 Tonty, Madame, 91 Topinebee, 204 Trail, Navajo, 427 ; Santa Fe, 428, 467 Trans - Mississippi Exposition, 420-423 Trappist monks, 302 Treaty, of Paris, 140 ; of Green- ville, 201 ; of Ghent, 544 ; of 1832, 305 ; of 1842, 306 ; of 1846, 552 ; of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, 489, 595 Tribune, The New York, 243, 438 Troost, B., 380 Tupper, Benjamin, 2, 6 Twain, Mark, 615 u Ugarte, Gov., 466 " Underground Railroad," 92, 3i8 Union Pacific Railway, 388, 415, 442, 500 United States, and the North- west Territory, 140, 178, 191, 267 ; Keokuk reserve ceded to, 305 ; and Salt Lake City, 490 ; and California, 580 University of Southern Califor- nia, 682 Utah, see Salt Lake City Valverde, fight at, 476 Vancouver, history of, 546-549 Index 701 Vancouver the explorer, 537, 627 Van Horn, Col. R. T., 389, 390 Vargas, Gov., 462-464 Varnum, James M., 6 Vasouver, Lieut., 552 Victoria, Gov., 662 Vigil, Gov. Juan B., 472 Vigilance Committee, see San Francisco Vigo, Francis, 185, 186, 190 Villard, Henry, 560 Vincennes, 150, 152 ; W. H. Smith on, 169-196 ; pre-his- toric times, 169-171 ; early explorers, 171 ; French settle- ment of, 173-175 ; English rule, 175-178 ; captured by George Rogers Clark, 178- 191 ; Indiana Territory or- ganized, 191 ; later history, 193-196 Vineyard, James R., 246 Virginia cedes western territory to United States, 191 Vi/caino, 572, 574, 620, 622, 643, 648 W Wabache, see Wabash Wabash, place of the, in history, 169, 170, 171, 189 Wade, J. H., 413 Walker, Joel, 468 Walker, T. B., 287 Wallace, Col., relieves Cincin- nati, 74 Wallace, Gen. Lew, at Cincin- nati, 78 ; at Santa Fe, 478 Walla Walla, 518; massacre at, 556 Walrond, Madison, 380 War, see Revolution ; of 1812, 27, 114-116, 140-142, 351; Mexican, 432, 469, 580 ; Civil, 476, 498, 521, 614; with Spain, 422 Ward, Artemus, 50 Warre, Lieut., 552 Washburn Observatory, 256 Washington, Booker T., 233 Washington, George, 5, 58, 66- 68, 197, 644 Washington, Indians visit, 350 Wayne, Gen. Anthony, defeats Indians, 15, 68-72, 152 Wea Town, 172, 175 Webster, Daniel, 84, 311, 312, 362, 479 Wentworth, John, 205 West, Judge E. P., quoted, 380 Western Journal of Commerce, 389 Western Reserve, the, 40 Western Reserve University, 39 Westport Landing, 382, 384 Wetherell, O. D., 213 Whaiama, 513 Whetzels, the, 152 Whininger, George, 420 Whipple, Abraham, 6 Whitman, massacre of, 556 Wicks, Rev. Dr., 674 Widney, Dr. J. P., 682 Wiggin, Kate Douglas, 615 Wilkinson, Gen. James, 349 Willamette, first settlers on the, 549-552 Willamette Falls, 552 Williams College, 37 Williams, Rev. Eleazar, 144, 145 Williams, Judge George H., 566 Williamsburg, Col. Henry Ham- ilton sent to, 190 Willis, N. P., 270 Wilson, B. D., 672 Winslow, Florence E., on Los Angeles, 645-684 Winter Quarters, Nebraska, 408, 409 Wisconsin State Historical So- ciety, 258 Wisconsin Territory, 235 Wolfe at Quebec, 106 7O2 Index Wood, C. E. S., 566 Woodbridge, Dudley, 21 Woodward, Judge, at Detroit, 101-105 Wool, Gen., 592 Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 50 Woolworth, James M., 420 World's Fair of 1893, 228 Wright, Ed., 320 Wright, Col. George, 518, 520, 521 Wuerz, August, Sr., 390 Wyandotte, 376, 392 Wyeth, Capt., 544 Wyeth Expedition, 558 Wyoming Massacre, 6l, no X Xenophon cited, 569 Yale University, 39, 229 Yeatman's Tavern, 76 Yellowstone Park, 355 Yerba Buena, 579, 581 Yorktown, battle of, 5 Young, Brigham, 408, 409, 482, 496 Yukewingge, 452 Yuqueyunque, 452 " Zanjero," 678 Zion, 408, 409 Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Union, 493 Zuni, 452 merican istoric Historic Towns of New England Edited by LYMAN P. POWELL. With introduction by GEORGE P. MORRIS. With 161 illustrations. Large 8, gilt top . . . . net $3 oo CONTENTS : Portland, by Samuel T. Pickard ; Rutland, by Edwin D. Mead ; Salem, by George D. Latimer ; Boston, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson ; Cambridge, by Samuel A. Eliot ; Concord, by Frank A. Sanborn ; Plymouth, by Ellen Watson ; Cape Cod Towns, by Katharine Lee Bates ; Deerfield, by George Sheldon ; Newport, by Susan Coolidge ; Providence, by William B. Weeden ; Hartford, by Mary K. 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