GIFT OF THOMAS RUTHERFORD IM- MEMORIAL LIBRARY \ New-Church Popular Series. [No. 2. LETTERS ON THE THEOLOGY OF THE NEW CHURCH SIGNIFIED BY THE NEW JERUSALEM, (REV. XXI., XXII.) ADDRESSED, IN A DISCUSSION, TO THE EDITOR OF THE "CHRISTIAN WEEKLY NEWS: 1 BY BEV. J. H. SMITHSON, /I MINISTER OP THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, PETER STREET, MANCHESTER, AND FORMERLY A MEMBER OF THE v UNIVERSITY OF BASEL. , , PHILADELPHIA: E. CLAXTON & COMPANY, 930 MARKET STREET. 1883. AMERICAN EDITOR'S PREFACE. following Letters were first published in England several years ago in a weekly religious paper. They attracted consider- able attention at the time, and were the means of interesting quite a number of persons in the doctrines of the New Church. They present several of its leading doctrines in a clear and forcible manner, and in such striking contrast with the Old, as can scarcely fail to carry convic- tion to the mind of the average reader, and im- press him with the truth and beauty of the New. And the author's argument is not a little strengthened by the admirable spirit manifested on his part throughout the discussion. The vol- untary retirement of both his opponents before iv AMERICAN EDITOR'S PREFACE. the discussion was finally concluded, was a virtual confession of defeat on their part, or of the utter inability of the Old doctrines to stand against the New in a fair and open field. As these Letters have already rendered valuable service to the New Church in England, it 19 hoped and believed that they may be not less acceptable and serviceable in America ; and in this hope they have been chosen to make one volume in our " Popular Series. 77 The American Editor has added page heads which are sometimes a convenience to the reader, and a brief heading to each Letter indicative of the subject or subjects therein discussed, He has also omitted the synopsis of the Letters in the body of the work, but retained them in the Con- tents as given by the author. He has appended to Letter IX, a few extracts from the writings of Martin Luther which, considering the wide dif- fusion of the great Reformer >s(?) teachings, are sufficient to show the need there was of another reformation in Christian Theology. He has, for AMERICAN EDITOR'S PREFACE. V reasons not necessary to state here, omitted one or two paragraphs in the author's " concluding remarks.' 7 With these few and unimportant ex- ceptions, the work is an exact reprint of the English edition. B. F. B. GERMAN-TOWN, Oct. 19, 1882. 1* PREFACE. JHE Editor of "The Christian Weekly News," an ably conducted and liberal Paper, con- sented, under certain conditions, to admit of a discussion in his pages on the subject of New Church Theology. In a letter to a gentleman who had addressed him on the subject, the Editor favored him with the following truly courteous reply : u SIR : I am so calmly confident in the ultimate triumph of Divine Truth over every form of error with which poor humanity is perplexed, so deeply conscious of my own unfitness to dictate the fuith of any man, and so thoroughly convinced of the usefulness of properly conducted discussion, that I have, as you know, thrown open the correspondence department of my Newspaper for that purpose. " In reply to your letter, therefore, requesting room for a courteous discussion on the doctrines of the 'New Church,' I say : Certainly ; but, as in the controversy between Atheism and Faith, re- cently concluded, so in this case, I submit a few conditions : Vlll PREFACE. u 1. Let the representative of Swedenborgian Theology be a gentleman whom the respectable and intelligent adherents of that system will ac- cept, generally, as a representative. "2. Let his object be Truth, and not victory. CC 3. Let his spirit become the Christian profes- sion. U 4. Let his name be communicated to me, either for publication or for my own satisfaction, as he pleases. "On my part, I will undertake to find a gentle- man to represent what is called Orthodoxy, and who, of course, will agree to the same conditions. u If your friend convince my other correspondent of error in any doctrine of his faith, he will yield and say so. u I have only to add, that personally I should be glad to see an intelligent exposition of New Church doctrines; an exposition which everybody could understand ; and that a discussion between fellow believers will be far more agreeable to my feelings than that to which I have referred. " If you wish the letter you sent published, say so and it shall be done. One column of the paper is the extent that I can allow for each letter, and as it will save a great deal of time and repetition if letters and reply always appear simultaneously, you will kindly send your communication a week before the expected time of publication. ;t I shall in a ' leader ' call attention to the discus- sion as soon as it is decided upon, and I take it for granted that you will make it known, by any means PREFACE. IX you please, to your friends, so that they may pur- chase the paper, and not allow the space to be occu- pied at my expense with matter which may possibly displace or exclude articles more in harmony with the tastes of my constituency. To your own sense of right I can safely leave this. I am, Sir, " Yours very truly, "W. L." " Having thus (says the Gentleman) prepared the way, I can only leave it in the hands of those most interested in the maintenance and public advocacy of our Heavenly Doctrines to avail themselves of so auspicious and liberal an opening, and to have the New Church represented in an efficient manner." The discussion commenced in February, 1856, by the writer on the part of the New Church, signing himself "A. Y." (Amator Veritatis) ; and terminated September 23d. Many subjects were discussed, and much interest was awakened in the controversy wherever the Paper was read. Quite a new class of readers has been secured in localities where the Paper is received, and the doctrines and truths of the New Church Theology have been permitted to flow in new channels, which it is hoped may awaken interest and inquiry as to the important subjects thus brought before the public. Two opponents, "C. B." and "C. D.," encoun- tered the New Church advocate, " A. V.," but both X PREFACE. left " A. V." in possession of the field prior to the termination of the contest. Several important doc- trines, such as the Atonement, the Justification of the sinner before God, the true Doctrine of Salva- tion by the Cross, were scarcely opposed by the advocates of the so-called orthodoxy. The former, or U C. B.," was at length reduced to the necessity of saying that "he would not defend or justify the Athanasian Creed," which, nevertheless, is the great bulwark of orthodoxy ; for, take the creed away, and the prevailing theology tumbles to pieces. Much stress, however, was laid by the latter defend- ant on the resurrection of the same body, although this idea has long since been given up, even by many of the most learned theologians of his own persuasion. At length U C. D.," giving up all argument, indulged in mere assertion, and endeavored to gain ground in popular estimation by irony and abuse. This, how- ever, did not serve him, still less the cause which he pretended to defend. He asked a series of ques- tions respecting spiritual substances and spiritual conditions, which he imagined could not be an- swered. Here again he was foiled, not knowing the spiritual intelligence which the doctrines of the New Church confer upon those who thoroughly understand them. The questions were answered, and as far as we have heard, in a manner satisfac- PREFACE. XI tory to all reflecting minds. More elucidations might certainly have been given, if space had permitted. It is supposed by some that these two champions of the prevailing theology, although picked men, did not prove themselves competent to the defence with which they were entrusted. But had more able hands come forward, there is every reason to con- clude that they would, if not in their own estima- tion, at least in that of impartial and reflecting minds, have been equally defeated. Several inquiries having been made as to the pub- lication of these Letters, it was thought that they should, instead of being buried where they now are, be brought out and made accessible to all. As the doctrines of the New Church will have, for gen- erations to come, to light their way through oppos- ing falsities and erroneous dogmas, it is evident that whatever useful weapons can be added to the armory of Truth, will be of service in the polemics of the New Church. A Gentleman, impressed with this idea, generously proposed to assist in the publication of these Letters. They consequently have been thor- oughly revised, and form a small volume, which may not only be useful, under the Lord's Providence, in defending the Doctrines, but likewise a suitable medium of introducing them to inquiring minds. Two supplementary Letters, intended for inser- Xll PREFACE. tion in u The Christian Weekly News," had the discussion continued, have been added ; one on the "Nature of Future Rewards and Punishments," and the other on u Angels and Evil Spirits. " To the lat- ter is added, in a Postscript, a critical examination of the passages in 2 Peter ii. 4, and Jude 6, 7, which are supposed to teach the "Fall of Angels," but which, as demonstrated from the highest authori- ties, by no means teach such a doctrine. During the discussion, the more prominent ob- jections to the Doctrines of the New Church were especially considered, and, it is thought, successfully confuted ; minor points which, on reflection, bear with them their own refutation, were either omit- ted, or only incidentally considered. The entire series of Letters is especially commended to the attention of candid and truth-seeking minds. J. H. S. CONTENTS. LETTER I. THE CORNER-STONE OF CHRISTIANITY. PAOl Nature and Importance of the Discussion Preliminaries Postulates to be granted, 1. The Word of God the only Source from which all Doctrine must be drawn, and by which it must be confirmed 2. Recognition of two classes of ideas, Material and Immaterial or Spir- itual The true Idea of God the first principle of true Theology The true Idea stated The idea of three Persons, as maintained by the Athanasian or Orthodox Creed, destructive of the idea of God as one, and the cause of great desolation in the church Trinity not of Persons, out of three Essentials in one Person, who is the Lord Jesus Christ 25 LETTER II. THIS STONE REJECTED BY THE BUILDERS. Alleged Truth and Harmony in the present system of Theology Refuted by Facts New Ideas not at once received No new Revelation required, but a better understanding of God's Word is required Progress in spiritual and religious Knowledge A new develop- ment of Truth from the Scriptures required to meet the growing requirements of the human Mind Ptole- maic system of Astronomy founded on appearances Galileo and Newton founded it on genuine Truths The prevailing Theology founded on appearances of Truth, and not on genuine Truth Swedenborg has done for Theology what Copernicus, Galileo, and^ New- ton have done for Astronomy Luther and Wesley ex- 2 xiii XIV CONTENTS. PAGE traordmary Instruments of God's Providence in Relig- ion Swedenborg a still more extraordinary Instrument Theology and Science harmonized by Swedenborg Use of Terms The Divine Humanity of Jesus the Cor- ner-stone and the Crown of Christianity This stone rejected by the Builders, proved to be the foundation is rid the All in All of Doctrine and of Life in Chris- tianity 34 LETTEK III. THE DIVINE HUMANITY AND REDEMPTION. Progress in the Knowledge of Truth admitted A new Idea of Jesus requisite to Progress This Idea advo- cated in the New Church Orthodoxy so called preaches another Gospel than that advocated by the Apostle The Mormons quite opposed to the New Church Mormonism an outgrowth of the corrupted state of Christianity The Apostolic Churches not perfect The Resurrection The Holy Spirit not a Person The prevailing Theology interiorly acknowledges three Gods Christianity cannot possibly exist in its true character without an acknowledgment of the Lord in his Divine Humanity Arguments in proof of this, in former letters, remain intact The Lord's Glorification the pattern of our Regeneration Man the subject of two Humanities The Deist and Pan- theist A God invisible to our Faith not the God of Christianity The Lord spake of the Father and the Son in proverbs A Proverb not to be taken literally A child's ideas to be put away, and to give place to the ideas of rational manhood The relation between the Father and the Son, as taught by the Lord and the Apostle The Lord not only the Medium but the Object of Worship Redemption The Redeemer Meaning of Redemption 46 LETTER IY. A TRUE IDEA OF GODITS IMPORTANCE. Clearer and more enlightened views of Jesus required Only to be found in the doctrines of the New Church CONTENTS. XV PAGE Death-bed Repentance or Confession of no avail, but the Repentance and the Confession in the daily life- One great object of this Discussion What the Gospel teaches in respect to the Lord Relation of the Father to the Son No substance without a form Spiritual substances, and still more divine substances, infinitely exalted above the properties and laws of matter Ce- lestial bodies and terrestrial bodies Spirit more sub- stantial than matter The cause more substantial than the effect; the Prior than the Posterior; Heavenly things than earthly Properties of earthly things em- ployed to designate, by correspondence, the quality of Spiritual things The Spiritual things seen by the prophets as substantial to them as natural things seen by men Other arguments in proof of the Divine Hu- manity A clause in the Athanasian Creed adduced to prove it Thomas acknowledges Jesus, after his resur- rection, as his Lord and God And this in his Humanity Also Paul and John in the Epistles 58 LETTER Y. CHURCH COUNCILS; DIVINITY AND HUMANITY; A TRUE PS YCHOLOG Y NEEDL I >. The right spirit of discussion The spirit and life of the New Church Early Church Councils The New Church acknowledges only one Church Council, the prophets and apostles with the Lord as their head ; also only one Rule of Faith, the Divine Word The greatest absurdities enacted by Church Councils Christ admit- ted to be wholly God and wholly Man The consequence of this admission The Council of Alexandria defined the term hypostasis, or person, as being an " individual existence/'' thus giving rise to the idea of three gods Thomas's declaration of Jesus Christ as the one Personal God The light of the New Church contrasted with the darkness of the decisions of ancient and modern Church Councils True idea of the Lord as Mediator What is meant by Christ being "in all things like unto his brethren " ? Had he a human soul ? His anima was divine, not human, but his tniimH* in the humanity from the mother was, prior to glorification, human, but not afterwards A true psychology No term in Eng- lish so indeterminate as the term soul Explained XVI CONTENTS. PAGE The anima, fhemens, and the animus The Athanasian Creed, the bulwark of Orthodoxy, abandoned by the opponent A concession to our arguments Operation, or activity, an essential part of man We receive of God's fulness, but " all the fulness of the Godhead can only dwell bodily " in Him whose Humanity or Body is divine - 74 LETTER VI. THE TRINITY IN ONE DIVINE PERSON. Church Councils Present state of the Discussion Man receives of God's fulness He cannot receive all God's fulness the Lord only by glorification received all this fulness in his Humanity No sanction in Scripture to pray to God for Christ's sake A wrong translation cor- rected The common version of the Scriptures Prayer in the Lord's name The Holy Spirit; a right idea of immense importance Meaning of the term Spirit Not a separate Person from the Lord His own divine ope- ration Important distinction between the Spirit of God mentioned in the Old Testament, and the Holy Spirit in the New The true idea of the Holy Spirit given by the Lord when He breathed upon his disciples The Spirit identified with the Lord himself Why a dove appeared at the Lord's baptism Personification com- mon in Scripture Things personified not persons Examples The idea of the Holy Spirit as a Person founded upon no declaration of Scripture, but on mere inferences, and on Church Councils, a fallacious ground of argument The New Church founds its idea on this subject upon a direct declaration of the Lord The Com- forter or Paraclete identified with the Lord Predicates of the Spirit not applicable to a Person The Lord ope- rates and dwells in his people not as a Person, but by his Spirit 91 LETTEK VII. THE TRUE DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT. The prevailing theology not able to explain the Lord's declaration that "the Holy Spirit was not yet," etc. CONTENTS. XVil PAGE Two tests whether a system be truly Christian and Evan- gelical or not The doctrine of the Atonement; its im- portance No true understanding of Christianity with- out it The doctrine stated Meaning of Atonement All true worship based by the Lord on Atonement Love the source of Atonement The necessity of Atone- ment The Being who accomplished it Not a second Person, but God himself as the one only Person of the Godhead The means by which the Atonement was effected He first abolished the enmity in his own flesh, or glorified the Humanity He assumed He thereby pre- pared the way of abolishing the enmity in all mankind This effect follows on all those who come unto Him and obey Him The doctrine of the prevailing theology contrasted with the view here given Its opposition to Scripture demonstrated Not reconcilable with reason Injurious tendency of the prevailing doctrine Bene- ficial tendency of the New Church doctrine Worthy of all acceptation 105 LETTER VIII. RECONCILIATION, SACRIFICE AND JUSTIFICATION. Truth does not suffer by friendly discussion Clearer and more spiritual views required in theology Heads of the Atonement recapitulated Meaning of snal sys- tem, demonstrated to be false No enlightened progress but in the path of genuine Truth Irony and vituper- ation not argument A system having recourse to such weapons not sound, but rotten and groundless The Church of the New Jerusalem a system of Doctrine as a city compact together A missionary in India The two bodily aspects; the Son of God, and the Son of Mary The Divine Humanity and the infirm human- ityFinal appeal to the readers of the Christian Weekly News Compliments to the liberality of its Editor 225 CORRESPONDENCE. DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH OF THE NEW JERUSALEM. LETTER I. THE CORNER-STONE OF CHRISTIANITY. |O the Editor of " The Christian Weekly News." SIR: Having understood that you are willing to admit into your liberal paper a discussion on the Theology of the New Church, understood by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation, as a renovated system of'Christian doc- trine and life, I beg to say that, with full approval of the conditions you have mentioned, in a letter to a gentleman on the subject,* I have taken the liberty to send you the first article, which will open the dis- cussion. This discussion to be conducted, we trust, in the spirit of that " truth which speaketh from love " is of importance, when it is considered that an increasing number of persons, both in Europe and America, and also in other parts of the world, are receiving these doctrines as what they verily believe to be the true doctrines of Christianity. * See Preface. 3 25 26 THE N^W-CHURCR THEOLOGY. Before, however, we commence, it may be well to state certain preliminaries, which as postulates will, I doubt not, be conceded by those who enter upon the discussion. First, it will be granted on both sides that the Word of God is the only source of all divine and spiritual knowledge, and that from it must be de- rived, and by it must be confirmed, all principles of Christian doctrine, faith and life. This postulate, of course, excludes all things of a merely human origin, such as creeds, symbols, and articles of faith, and rests the entire controversy solely upon the Word of God as its proper basis. Secondly, as to ideas, which are the elements of all intelligence and upon which all discussion depends, it will also, I think, be conceded that in agreement with all systems of logic as maintained by Locke, Watts, Kant and other logicians, there are two classes of ideas which every mind, and especially every thinking mind, entertains, namely, material or sen- suous ideas, and immaterial or intellectual ideas, which also may be called spiritual ideas. Those two classes of ideas are not only maintained by logicians, or by such as know anything of the human mind and its operations, but they are clearly deducible from the Word of God itself ; and therefore, in maintaining these two classes of ideas, we are not departing from our first postulate, which requires everything in the discussion to be founded upon its teaching and au- thority. For example, when Jesus declared that " except we eat his flesh and drink his blood we have no life in us," the Jews formed only a gross material MATERIAL AND SPIRITUAL BREAD. 27 idea of what He had said, and exclaimed, u How ^an this man give us his flesh to eat ? " But Jesus cor- rected this material idea by saying that " his words are spirit and life," and not flesh, "for the lU-sh profiteth nothing ; " showing that it was with an immaterial or spiritual idea, and not with a material idea, that we should understand his sayings, and this because it is expressly said that " He spake nothing without a parable." Again, when Jesus told his disciples " to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Saddu- cees," they thought that " it was because they had taken no bread." Thus they had an idea of bread, which was material, but afterwards they saw that ".He bade them not beware of the leaven of br"t/ that is, in the spirit, they saw Him in his glorious Body. At the period of his crucifixion and resur- rection, He put off the " form of a servant," and fully " put on the Form of God" or the Divine Hu- manity, in which the Father and the Son are one, as the soul and body are one. The Gospels, as we understand them, are full of the evidence of the Divinity of Christ, that is, the Divinity of his Hu- manity. When He says, " Come unto me," kk Lrarn of me," "I will give you rest," etc., He shows us that in his Divine Humanity He is the Object of worship to whom we must come, and that He alone can- give us rest and salvation. 1 n like, manner, when He says that " we must come unto Him that we may have life," that we must " eat Him," must " eat his flesh," etc., that we may live, what declarations can be plainer than these to teach us that his Humanity is Divine ? In the Apocalypse this fact is even more evident ; for as the " Son of Man " in his glory, He declares that He is " the first and the last, the begin- ning and the end, the Almighty : " all of which terms are predicated of Him in his Humanity. He also says that "He alone can open and no man shut," etc. ; He alone addresses the churches, and He alone gives all the felicities of heaven. That He is om- nipresent in his Humanity, He declares when He says, " Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Space, however, I am aware, will not allow me to enlarge. 44 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. But my opponent says in respect to the Trinity of Persons, u that he is conscious he cannot comprehend the mystery." Permit me to state that a Trinity of Persons is incomprehensible, because it is unscrip- tural and irrational, but not a Trinity of Essentials in one Person answering to the sowZ, the body and the operation in man, who is " in the image of God ; " for we cannot possibly understand what a man is unless we understand him in this three-fold capacity, or as a trine; and, as shown in my former letter, there is a trine or three-fold principle in everything that God has made, as in the sun and in every object ; and this, because there is a trine or Trinity in God from whom all things come. The Lord says that " to his disci- ples is given to know the mysteries of his kingdom," of which the Trinity is, no doubt, the most important. He also requires us a to understand what we read." (Matt. xxiv. 15.) I perfectly agree with my opponent in the belief that there was a Trinity prior to the incarnation. But not such a Trinity as after the incarnation. There was, prior to the incarnation, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but these were in the inmost principles of Deity, not "declared," or, as in the Greek text, "brought forth to view" (John i. 18) ; that is, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were brought forth to view in the Person of Jesus, who says, u He that seeth me, seeth the Father," and who after his glorification u breathed on his disciples and said, Re- ceive ye the Holy Spirit." (John xx. 22.) The spe- cific difference between the u Spirit of God," called also the " Spirit of Holiness," which operated prior WHY CALLED A MEDIATOR. 45 to the incarnation, and the " Holy Spirit, "which pro- ceeded from Jesus after that event, will be explained when we come to treat specifically on that subject. And all this is perfectly consistent with the un- changeable nature of God. For God did not chanire his nature by becoming ''manifest in the flesh " for the purpose of redemption, any more than a man of war changes his nature by clothing himself with the necessary armor to combat his enenflfcs. lie takrs to himself a medium for the purpose, but he does not change himself. So God, by clothing Himself with our humanity, took to Himself a Medium for the pur- pose of redemption. This medium He glorified or made Divine, and this is now and forever the "Medi- ator between God and man." "No man cometh to the Father but by me." But in my subsequent let- ters all these points, especially when we come to treat of the Atonement, will be more fully cleared up. I will only observe that the term in Greek denoting the Holy Spirit is in the neuter gender, except when des- ignated as the Comforter. When Swedenborg uses the term "arcanum from heaven," he means a truth brought forth from the Scriptures, but not hitherto seen and acknowledged. For all the wisdom of angels and all the truths of heaven are from the Word of God, " which is forever established in heaven." I am, etc., A.Y. LETTER III. THE DIVINE HUMANITY AND REDEMPTION. 9 )IR: I have just perused my respected op- " ponent's reply to my second letter. I am glad to* see that " He thinks scarcely any intelligent Christian is opposed to inquiry as to the reception of new light from the Word of God. " But no new light or truth can come from any other source than from Him who is the Light and the Truth itself. A new idea of Jesus Christ, which shall exalt Him more in our faith and love, cannot, I am persuaded, be unwelcome to any intelligent Christian. This new and exalted idea is presented in the doctrines of the New Church. As He is ac- knowledged not only to be the head, but the all in all of his church, we think that the view taken of Him, is the criterion by which to judge of the truth and excellency or otherwise of any system profess- ing to be Christian. In this respect I must impress upon your numerous readers, that the doctrines of the NQW Church have the most solemn claims upon their attention. My opponent refers to Gal. i. 6-9, u about another Gospel than that which the Apostle preached. " Let me ask my opponent seriously whether He thinks that the doctrines now commonly preached, are not another Gospel than that which the Apostle preached V Did not the Apostle preach, according 46 WHENCE IS MORMONISM? 47 to the motto of your liberal and talented paper, that charity is the greatest of Christian graces ? But what does the Christian world for the most part teach ? It teaches justification and salvation hy faith only as the chief of Christian graces, and leaves charity almost out of sight as a means of salvation. Is not this another Gospel ? Did not the Apostle plainly teach that Jesus Christ in his "glorious Body " is the very " form of Go.d," in whom all the fulness of the Godhead dwells ? Is this now taught? but is not quite another Gospel taught ? On this point surely every thoughtful Christian when read- ing the Gospel, is led to make a distinction in his thoughts between Jesus as the Son of Mart/, and Jesus when glorified as the "Son of God" This is the distinction upon which we insist in order to arrive at the idea of the Divine Humanity. But more of this in the sequel. My opponent alludes to the Mormons. Permit me to state that no two classes of persons can be more opposite, than the people of the New Church called "Swedenborgians," and the Mormons. But whence is Mormonism ? Is it not an outgrowth of the corrupt state of Christianity both as to doctrine and life ? Ought not this appalling fact to make thoughtful minds review the prevailing doctrines, and see whether there is not something radically wrong which permits, or gives rise to, such an out- growth of corruption ? "How can I think," says my friendly opponent, " that the apostolic churches knew less of the will of God than I do, when they had the privilege of 48 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. apostles ? " etc. But permit me to remind him that the apostles often reprove the churches for not making greater progress in the spiritual knowledge of Christianity. "I have fed you," says Paul to the Corinthians, "with milk, and not with meat; for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able, for ye are yet carnal," etc. (1 Cor. iii. 2, 3.) It is to be feared that there are very many now in the same predicament, and who do not make that progress which the Apostle would require. The New Church doctrines, if considered, will afford to all this meat of which the Apostle speaks, and enable them to make progress in the knowledge and love of divine truths from the Word of God. Science, it is true, has made great progress since Swedenborg's day; but how can a system of theology of which, from the Trinity downwards, every doc- trine is acknowledged to be an impenetrable mys- tery, be in harmony with science ? Our scientific men are now judging, at least, from appearances more imbued with the spirit of piety, and more ready to acknowledge God in his works than form- erly ; but this does not prove that science and the prevailing theology are in spiritual and rational har- mony. But the theology of the New Church is in harmony with true science. As to the resurrection, we shall see, when we come to treat of that subject, how fully the doctrine of the Apostle, that there is a " natural body and a spirit- ual body," and that u flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God," is confirmed by the doctrines of the New Church. The form of a dove at the bap- THE ESSENTIAL CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. 49 tism, to which my opponent alludes, as the symbol of the Holy Spirit, plainly shows, as we shall see in subsequent discussions, that the Holy Spirit is not a Person. If each Person is co-equal, as is declared, and has a Divine mind, there must be three Gods ; but if the three have a Divine mind among llu'in, either one must be the real God, and the other have dependent derivations, or each has a third part of the Divine mind, which, as God is indivisible, can- not be admitted. From this dilemma every thought- ful mind would wish to be delivered ; and the New Church doctrine of three Essentials in one Person, affords the means of deliverance. All my Scripture references in proof of the Divine Humanity of Jesus remain intact. I am glad that my opponent has his Greek New Testament before him, as we shall un- derstand each other better. In my last letter, with your kind permission, I dwelt much on the essential doctrine of the Church of the New Jerusalem the u Glorious Body," or the Divine Humanity of Jesus. We consider this doctrine to be so essential, so vital to a genuine Christianity, that it cannot possibly exist in its love, truth, holiness and beauty, without it. When the Lord says, " Ye will not come unto me, that ye may have life " (John v. 40), together with many other declarations of a similar import, He plainly, as we think, teaches us that his "Glorious Body," es- pecially as it is now, in its resurrection and ascension glory, " far above all heavens," having u all power in heaven and on earth," is not only the residence "of all the fulness of the Godhead," but the only 5 D 50 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. fountain of life to all. For what but a Divine per- sonal form, called by the Apostle the " form of God," can be the residence of the fulness of the Deity? Of what other form can it be said that " we must eat the flesh," which is the essential divine Love, and " drink the blood," which is the essential divine Truth, in order that we may have life within us ? But flesh and blood are the very elements of hu- manity ; consequently the Humanity of Jesus is es- sentially Divine. We by no means understand Swedenborg to teach that the Lord had " three distinct humanities ; " but that He had a humanity from the Virgin mother, which was u in the form of a servant " and "like unto his brethren " (Heb. ii. 17), is not doubted ; and that by glorification, the final process of which was ef- fected by his death on the cross and his subsequent resurrection, He completely put off the "form of a servant," and put on the u form of God," as repre- sented, in so far as He was then glorified, by u his face shining as the sun, " etc,, on the Mount of Trans- figuration, is equally a divine truth of revelation, which we think is the essential basis of a living Christianity, both in the individual mind and in the aggregate of minds, on which basis the church both in heaven and on earth must be established. Thus, as to his Glorious Body or Divine Humanity, He says, "I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." (John xii. 32.) Thus He is the Divine Centre of attraction, and blessed are all they who, through a right faith in Him, and through THE TWO HUMANITIES. 51 a fervent love of Him, by keeping his commandments, come into this sphere of attraction. We know that the Lord's glorification is the per- fect pattern of our regeneration, or that our rcu- it- eration is the image of his glorification ; hence He so often says that we are to u follow Him." Now, "we have to put off the old man, and by being re- newed in the spirit of our mind, to put on th< man," etc. (Eph. iv. 22, 23.) From this it also ap- pears that a man is the subject of two humanities the old which by regeneration he puts off, and the new which by the same renewing process he puts on. If an individual man during regeneration is the sub- ject of two humanities, it need not surprise us that the Lord himself was similarly circumstanced ; with this great difference, however, that He put on, from the Divinity within Him, a Divine Humauit} r , where- as we put on, from Him, a regenerated or spiritual humanity, called also by the Apostle u the spiritual mind in which is life and peace." (Kom. viii. 6.) It is in this way that " we come 'unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ " (Eph. iv. 13), which is our happy destiny. This doctrine of a Divine Humanity presents to us the one personal God, permit me to say, in the most attractive form to our perceptions, to our faith and love. It is almost universally admitted that God, or the essential Divine Nature, cannot be known and approached out of Christ. Thus, an invisible God inaccessible to our thought and love, is not the God of Christianity, but the God of the Deist and the Pantheist. But Christianity brings us acquainted 52 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. with a God " who is not far off," but close at hand, knocking at the door of our hearts to come in to us and to bless us. (Kev. iii. 20.) And He who thus stands at the door of every heart is the u Son of Man in his glory," or Jesus in his Divine Humanity. He is consequently omnipresent in his Humanity, or He could not stand at the entrance to every heart ; and as He declares himself to be present " wherever two or three are gathered together in his name " (Matt, xviii. 20), hence we conclude that omnipresence is an essential attribute of Him in his Humanity or u Glorious Body." But pardon me, if in all charity I say that the Athanasian dogma of Three Persons confuses and darkens this truth, and renders the Deity, as is con- fessed, an impenetrable mystery to our most devout and spiritual perceptions, which in the nature of things will have an object which they can perceive and love ; whereas, the doctrine of the Trinity as being three divine Essentials in one Person, answer- ing to the soul, body and operation in one man the u image of God," clears up this mystery to our faith, and brings the one personal God with all the fulness of Deity close to our hearts. The essential Divinity which is the Father, the Divine Humanity which is the Son, and the Divine Proceeding which is the Holy Spirit, are, "as the fulness of the Godhead," concentrated in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord said that what He had stated concerning the Father and the Son, He spake in proverbs. (John xvi. 25.) Now, we never take a proverb in its merely literal JESUS "THE FORM OF GOD." 53 sense, but we look to an ulterior meaning which the proverb implies. A child, I am aware, when reading of the Father and the Son, will naturally and necessarily form a merely literal and material idea, as of two Persons. But the idea of our childhood is not to be the idea of our rational manhood. " When I was a child,'* says the Apostle, " I thought as a child, and I un- derstood as a child ; but when I became a man, I put away childish things." What, then, does the prov- erb imply ? The Lord teaches us that the " Father is in Him," that "He is one with the Father," and that "whoso seeth Him seeth the Father." This relation of the Father and the Son is fliat of the soul and the body. Hereby the substance of the one and of the other is not confounded, but considered as distinctly one. Now, the Apostle teaches us the same fact in other terms, when he says "that the Son is the brightness of his [the Father's] glory, and the express image of his person." (Heb. i. 3.) The Son therefore is, in relation to the Father, as bright- ness to glory. I need not inform you and your intelligent readers that the term rendered person in the above passage is, in Greek, hupostasis, which means substance and not person. The correct idea, then, which the Greek conveys, and which, I believe, is not disputed by the learned, is that the Son is the express image of the Father's substance. Here, then, the Apostle teaches us the same fact as he taught the Philippians, that Jesus is the "form of God," as stated in my last letter. For we learn not only that the Father is a 54 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. substance, but that the Son is the express form or image of that substance. This, of course, is pred- icated of the Son in his state of glorification, not of the Son in his state of humiliation, in the " form of a servant." We have already said that to draw ar- guments against the Divinity of Christ in his human- ity, from what He said of himself in his humiliation and suffering, as the Socinians do, is most erroneous. But, as we now all look to Jesus as our glorified Sa- viour, we ought to derive our arguments from what He says of himself, in his state of glorification, as being one with the Father. But there is a beautiful coherence and harmony between docttines which proceed from a fundamen- tal principle which is true, as said in my first letter ; and we shall see in the discussion of other doctrines how this fundamental truth, that Jehovah assumed the Humanity in the person of Jesus and glorified it or made it divine, so as to dwell in it as his own Di- vine Personal Form, making it not only the divine Medium of access to himself, but also the only true Object of worship how this fundamental truth can be confirmed and illustrated . It will be clearly shown that Jesus in his Glorious Body is, according to the prediction, " the Mighty God, the Everlasting Fa- ther and the Prince of Peace." It will also be seen that Jerusalem is u builded as a city that is compact together." Redemption is a subject which deeply interests the devout and thoughtful mind. The first question to be solved in arriving at a correct idea on this sub- ject is this" Wlw is the Redeemer? " Unless this, as my respected opponent will admit, is correctly an- JEHOVAH THE REDEEMER. 55 swered, the whole subject will remain in obscurity, and the mind having no clear ideas, will not be able to think on this important point of Christian theol- ogy with any degree of satisfaction. The common opinion is, that the supposed Second Person in the Trinity became the Redeemer. But that this opin- ion, although considered as orthodox, is not founded on Scripture, we now proceed to demonstrate. It is uniformly asserted in the Word of God, that Jehovah himself is the Redeemer and Saviour of his people. The reader will have the kindness to observe that wherever the term LORD, printed in capitals, occurs in the Scripture, it is in almost all cases Jehovah in the Hebrew, a fact which must not be overlooked, because, without knowing it, the reader of the Scrip- tures cannot so well identify the great Jehovah with the Redeemer of mankind. Let the following pas- sages, not to mention numerous others which might be adduced, prove the truth of this declaration : "I am Jelwvah, and beside me there is no Saviour. " (Isaiah xliii. 11.) " All flesh shall know that I, Je- hovali, am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer.' 1 (xlix. 26; Ix. 10.) " Their Redeemer is strong, Jehovah of Hosts is his name." (Jer. i. 34.) Such passages as these are extremely numerous ; we will, however, only adduce one more, which is conclusive : " I am Jehovah, thy God ; thou shalt know no God but me, for there is no Saviour besides me." (Hos. xiii. 4.) From these and many other passages, it must be evident that Jehovah God, who is one, descended as the Word, or Logos, or as the Divine Truth itself, and was " made flesh " (John i. 1, 14), for the purpose of redemption. Most true then it was that "God 56 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. was in Christ," etc., that " God was manifest in the flesh." John the Baptist declared, when he was demanded of the Pharisees who he was, that he was u the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of Jehovah, make his paths straight ; . . . and all flesh shall see the salvation of God." (Luke iii. 4, 6, compared with Isaiah xl. 3, 5.) Thus, to see that Jehovah is the Redeemer and Saviour, and that He appeared in the person of Jesus, is the fun- damental truth of redemption and salvation. To suppose, as the common theology does, that the Re- deemer was some other person than Jehovah him- self, is quite opposed to the testimony of Scripture, and specifically to the divine declaration, that u the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." That redemption was a necessary work, is admit- ted on all hands. For both Scripture and history give us fearful accounts of the fallen and corrupt state of the human race at the time " God was man- ifest in the flesh." (See especially Rom. i. 29-32.) Our own experience also, if we know our own hearts, testifies most amply to its necessity. But redemption means deliverance from the powers of darkness and of hell. Thus, Zacharias, filled with the Holy Ghost, said, "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He hath visited and redeemed his people, that we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us. " (Luke i. 68, 71. ) Here it is expressly declared that it was u JEHOVAH the God of Israel who redeemed his people," etc. How erroneous, then, it is to imagine that it was a second Person, and not Jehovah the Father Himself, who came to redeem us ! SPIRITUAL DELIVERANCE. 57 The deliverance of Israel from Egypt is a perfect type of redemption. At the time the Lord came into the world, " unclean spirits and devils," as we read in the Gospels, were taking possession of the human race. These were, and are still, the enemies from which we are delivered by our Saviour God. If redemption had not been accomplished, u no flesh could have been saved." But the medium by which this was accomplished was the flesh or humanity which Jehovah assumed for the purpose. The life of this humanity He "laid down as a ransom for many" (Matt. xx. 28); He u poured out his soul unto death," etc., in order that we might be deliv- ered and saved. He first "abolished the enmity in his own flesh" (Eph. ii. 15, 16), or humanity which He assumed, and so prepared the way and the means of abolishing the enmity between God and man in all others, if we look to Him and "obey Him as the author of our salvation." (Heb. v. 0.) But I am again reminded that my space forbids me to enlarge. In other letters, therefore, I shall pursue this subject by explaining the New Church doctrine of the Atonement, which will be found per- fectly consistent with the idea of One Person in the Godhead, u who in his love and pity hath redeemed us." In discussing this subject the Holy Spirit will come more directly under consideration, when I hope to answer my opponent's objections against the idea of its not being a Person, but an operative Power from the Lord Jesus Christ, who expressly declared that He "himself would (after his glorification) send the Comforter, even the Spirit of Truth, ' ' etc. (John xv. 26.) A. Y. LETTER IV. A TRUE IDEA OF GOD ITS IMPORTANCE. : I have perused the last letter of my friendly opponent with great interest and attention. He is not willing to admit that we of the Church of the New Jerusalem think more highly of Jesus Christ than himself, and those who think with him. He objects to new ideas of Jesus, but admits " that we want fuller, brighter, clearer, and more enrapturing views ' ' concerning Him. This is all that is intended by new ideas. These " fuller, brighter, clearer and more enrapturing views," I am persuaded are to be found, as opened from the Scriptures, in the doctrines of the New Church ; and on this account chiefly we engage in this discussion. My friend alludes "to a poor dying woman, in confirmation of his creed." I will only say that a death-bed confession, like a death-bed repentance, is rarely genuine. It is the confession which we make in our daily life, by so letting " our light shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father who is in heaven," it is this con- fession which chiefly proves our belief in the Lord. Many Roman Catholics, Mussulmen, and Hindoos, have endured torture in confessing their religious dogmas ; but were they true for all that ? There is, however, a great diiference between us, 58 THE TRUE IDEA OF GOD. 59 as there must be between those who think only of one Person " in whom all the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily," and those who think of three Persons, of whom each, as the creed says, " is by himself God and Lord." The true idea of God, as the Fountain of life and the Object of worship, is, as said in our first letter, the basis of Christianity, and the start- ing-point of all true doctrine. One great object in this discussion is, to induce your numerous readers to reflect upon this fundamental idea, and to inquire into its truth and its saving efficacy. To think too highly, too divinely, of the Lord Jesus Christ, u the Author and Finisher of our faith," is impossible. For "without Him was not anything made that was made ; " by Him were all things created that are in heaven and on earth, etc. " All things were created by Him and for Him, and by Him all things con- sist." (Col. i. 1G, 17.) 1 am aware that all this is not denied by my friendly opponent ; but the specific difference between us is, that my opponent thinks that all this is said of the Lord as to his Din/?//// and not as to his Humanity at the same time, thus separating his divinity from his Humanity. But we believe that this is said of his Humanity also, which, containing within it "all the fulness of the God- head," is necessarily Divine. Thus we do not be- lieve that the Divinity of the Father is one thing, and the Divinity of the Son another thing ; for this would certainly be two Divinities, or two Gods. The Gospel, it is certain, does not teach this ; but the Gospel teaches us "that the Father is in the Son," or "that God was in Christ ; " "God mani- 60 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. fest in the flesh," etc. ; that Jesus was "Emmanuel God with us ; " or " that the Word which became flesh, was God." Thus the Divinity of the Father was the only Divinity of the Son u I and the Fa- ther are One." Consequently there is one Divinity only, and not two ; and this one Divinity can only be known, thought of, approached, and worshipped in the Lord, for " no man hath at any time seen the Father's shape, or heard his voice " (John v. 37), which evidently implies that no man can form any idea of the Father out of the Son, nor have any ac- cess to Him but by the Son, as the Lord plainly de- clares' 4 3sTo man cometh to the Father but by me." Hence we see the error of those who worship the Father as a being out of the Son, and as a distinct Person from the Son. The relation, therefore, be- tween the Father and the Son is not that of two in- finite and unanimous Persons, for this again would be equal to two Gods ; but the relation is that of soul and body, or, as the Apostle defines it, " of image or form to substance," of "brightness to glory ; " in which figure glory is considered as the substance, and brightness the form. (Heb. i. 2, 3.) It is, as my opponent well knows, irrational to suppose that there can be a substance without a form : the one implies the other. But as my friend truly says, u this substance, or hypostasis, which the Father is declared to be (Heb. i.), is not material." Truly and this shows us that there are other sub- stances besides those which are material or obvious to our senses. Thus the spiritual world consists of spiritual substances, as the natural world of material GOD A DIVINE SUBSTANCE. 61 substances. The body of angels and spirits is not material but spiritual. "There are," says the Apostle, " celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies ; and the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another." (1 Cor. xv. 40.) And as the Apostle, as well as the Athanasian Creed re- ceived as orthodox, declares that the Father is a substance, this must consequently be a Divine sub- stance which is infinitely exalted above the laws of material substance ; consequently by no means sub- ject to gravitation, locomotion, space or time, but is everywhere present and operative for the preser- vation of the universe and for the salvation of men. I am aware that the difficulty which my respected opponent feels in thinking of the Divine Humanity is, that he thinks of it from matter and space. But by elevating his thought above the low conditions which belong solely to our material being, he will have no more difficulty in thinking of the omnipres- ence of the Lord in his Divine Humanity, than he will in thinking of God as a Divine substance or hypostasis being everywhere present. Every Chris- tian, especially in prayer and worship, thinks of God as omnipresent, and that He hears his petitions. But the Father, as already said, can have no access to us but in the Son, no more than we can come to the Father but by the Son (Matt. xi. 27) ; conse- quently the Father cannot hear our prayers or ac- cept our worship but through the Son, any more than a man's mind can hear and understand the thought and conversation of another but by means of his body ; or than a man can have access to the 6 62 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. mind of his friend but through the medium of his body. Viewing the subject, therefore, which way you will admitting, as the Gospel teaches, that the u Father is in the Son." Jesus in his risen or glorious Body is Divine, and this especially when we consider that in this "glorious Body" He is able, as the Apostle says, "to subdue all things unto himself." (Phil. iii. 21.) For what but a Divine Body or Hu- manity can subdue all things unto himself? Can this be said of any mere body or humanity such as a man has, or of any merely spiritual body, such as an angel has ? Do we not see that such a thing as "subduing all things unto himself," can only be predicated of a Divine Body ? Again, then, we con- elude that the Humanity of Jesus is Divine. It is the merest sensuous fallacy to suppose that that only is substance which is material, obvious to our bodily senses. Spirit is. in a truer sense, more substantial than matter, as the spirit or mind which is in a man is more substantial than the body of matter which it actuates. For in true thinking it must be admitted that that which actuates is more substantial than that which is actuated. A cause which gives birth to an effect is more substantial than the effect itself. Admit the substantiality of the latter, and a fortiori you must admit the substantiality of the former. Is it in agreement with sound intelligence to deny to the cause substantiality, because we can- not see it and handle it, and yet ascribe substantial- ity to the effect which we can see and handle ? It is admitted in sound logic that that which is prior is more substantial than that which is posterior ; and HEAVENLY THINGS SUBSTANTIAL. 63 as God is not only the Prior, but the Primus, He is the most Substantial of all things, from whom indeed all things derive their substantiality. Thus all things in the heavens, of which things on the earth are only types and shadows, are, as the causes under God of earthly things, more substantial in their nature, as being nearer God than earthly things can possibly be. For is not that which a type signifies or repre- sents, more substantial than the type which signifies it, or which merely shadows it forth in a lower sphere of existence ? But to adhere closely to my first postulate, that all our reasonings and deductions in this discussion " shall be confirmed by Scripture," I will merely ask my opponent whether the u heavenly things "accord- ing to the pattern of which the tabernacle and all things belonging to it were made, which Moses saw by Divine direction in spirit on the mount (Exod. xxv. 9 ; Heb. viii. 5), were not more substantial than the "shadows" or types which he constructed or formed (Exodus xxv.) of the heavenly things them- selves ? But these " heavenly things " were purely spiritual, and by no means natural. Now this plainly shows us that there are spiritual substances as well as material, which, as said above, are not subject to the laws of matter, of gravitation, weight, measure, either by miles, yards, feet or inches, or of space and time ; but that these spiritual substances are subject to their own laws peculiar to their own nature. It is true that in describing the dimensions of the tabernacle and of the curtains, earthly meas- urements are employed ; but these measurements are 64 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. only applicable to the types upon earth, and not to the " heavenly things " there typified or represented. Things purely true and good, and their states and qualities, are thereby signified, which, as the Apostle says, are *' spiritually discerned " (1 Cor. ii. 14), thus not with a gross material idea, which is incapable of comprehending the true nature of heavenly things, but with an immaterial or spiritual idea, which, as my opponent admits, is the true idea with which spiritual things should be apprehended. But as every substance must have a form before it can exist as a substance, so spiritual substances must have spiritual forms. These forms, like their substances, are very different from natural forms in everything but appearance, and subject to different laws. Thus the spirit of a man which lives after death is a spiritual substance, and its form is also spiritual, called by the Apostle u a spiritual body." Of this body we cannot predicate material proper- ties, such as bulk, weight, height, etc.; although the spiritual body appears to have these properties, yet we cannot in a material sense predicate them of its substance and form; nevertheless they have, accord- ing to correspondence, a signification which implies the qualities of the spiritual substances thus desig- nated by properties taken from natural objects. Thus in the Scriptures we read of a mind high, lowly, ex- alted, abased, downcast, etc., but we do not take these expressions in their material sense, but in a sense as applicable to mind, different from that which is applicable to matter. This we do without special instruction, by a kind of instinctive perception of NATURAL AND SPIRITUAL IDEAS. 65 the fact. When also we say that a man has a sour or crabbed mind, we do not in a material sense mean that his mind is sour or like a crab, but we moan that the quality of a crab, which is sourness, corresponds to his mental state, and designates it. Now the Scriptures are full of these expressions, taken from natural objects, to denote by analogy or correspondence spiritual qualities, or the qualities of spiritual substance. The spiritual things seen by the prophets, as recorded in Scripture, were to them as substantial and as real as natural objects seen by men. And this brings us to the consideration of ideas. The idea which we form of a thing is either natural or spiritual. If it is natural it will be characterized by the properties and laws of matter, that is, it will have to do with size, bulk, weight, number, etc., and also with space and time. But if it is spiritual it will not have to do with these properties of matter. Thus, when we think of holiness, innocence, wisdom, intelligence, faith, love, etc., we do not think of these things as connected with matter, and its bulk, weight, etc., nor as associated with any particular man, al- though it is most true that they cannot exist but in a subject who is an angel or a man, and supremely and infinitely in God as the subject from whom they come. Permit me here to add, in confirmation of the doc- trine of the Divine Humanity, that all these prop- erties are ascribed to Jesus Christ in his Humanity. Thus in his Humanity He is said to be " the Author and Finisher of our faith " (Heb. xii. 2). In Him, 6* E 66 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. understood as to his "Glorious Body" or Divine Humanity, "are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge " (Col. ii. 3). Again, He is said to be the only Holy One u For thou only art holy " (Rev. xv. 4). All these things are said of Jesus in his Hu- manity. But how can all these infinite perfections be said of Him in his Humanity, unless it is Divine ? For these things can only be predicated of Him who is infinite and Divine. But if we can have an idea of the form of holiness, love, etc., as abstracted from matter and its laws, so we can have an idea of the "form of God " as totally abstracted from materi- ality and its limitations. Thus we can think of God in Christ, or of God in a Divine Humanity, without the material ideas of size, bulk, extension, weight, etc., and thus think of Him as "the Author and Finisher of our faith," and as being omnipresent, and all-powerful in heaven and on earth. Hence it is, as all systems of logic admit, that our higher or immaterial ideas are not necessarily connected with matter ; and for this reason, indeed, they are called immaterial. Even the idea which an architect has of a building he is about to erect, is considered by him in the first place as abstracted from the laws and dimensions of materiality. His idea begins to partake of these material properties when he begins to plan it out on paper, and still more when he be- gins to construct the building itself. But in the first instance it exists irrespective of these material con- ditions. Nevertheless it is not a mere abstraction, but a substantial power, which, as it puts itself forth, TRINAL DISTINCTION IN GOD. 67 gives rise to the building, which without the idea could never exist. Our ideas, then, as the essential elements of all our thinking and doing, are wonderful things. Is it possible that God could give us the power to form an idea of everything within the range of our thought, and not of Himself? By no means. He also gives us the power, by virtue of our rational mind, to form an idea of Himself, not as a meta- physical abstraction, which is no God, but of Him- self as presented to our minds in the Person or Di- vine Humanity of Christ. But my friend will excuse me if I dwell, for the last time in this discussion, yet a moment or two, on this vital point. My opponent says, "How can the passages in proof of the Divine Humanity, adduced in former letters, teach Identity when they perpetually distinguish ? " I thought it was plainly shown that the said pas- sages teach clearly a distinction, and not an identity in the Trinity, and by no means confound the es- sentials denoted by Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which constitute it, the distinction being that of soul, body, and operation in one man created u in the image of God." Here is no confusion, but a clear distinction, yet a perfect one Trinity in Unity. My respected opponent says, with a note of ex- clamation, " Yet this doctrine of the Humanity which makes man God and God man, is essential to the well-being of Christianity ! 68 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. This, if I mistake not, is not only doubted, but repudiated. Let me, then, employ his own weapons of orthodoxy in proof of this. The Athanasian Creed (the bulwark of orthodoxy) says u For as the rational soul and body are one man, so God and man is one Christ. One, not by the con- version of the divine essence into the human, but by the assumption of the human essence into the divine." Here even orthodoxy teaches the truth for which we contend, namely;' that in Christ God is man and man is God, u not by the conversion of the divine essence into the human, or of the divinity into body, but by the assumption of the human essence into the divine, or into God." If this creed taught only one Person in whom is the Trinity, instead of three Persons, it would come pretty near to the truth. But the idea of three Persons, " each by himself be- ing God and Lord," destroys the truth of the above extract, that "in Christ God is man and man is God," and thus, although belonging to orthodoxy, my opponent looks upon it with astonishment as being a strange doctrine. For the above extract teaches the doctrine of the Divine Humanity, or that in Christ God is Man ; for how can God in Christ be Man, except the Manhood or Humanity of Christ is Divine ? Impossible. In thus deriving a proof from orthodoxy itself, we are not departing from our first postulate, which re- quires that everything be drawn from the Word of God, and confirmed thereby. For that this truth is abundantly declared in the Scriptures, is evident CHRIST HA$ " LIFE IN HIMSELF." 69 when we consider that " all things which the Father hath are his ; " for how can the infinite things of the Father belong to a Person who is not infinite and Divine ? consequently the Humanity to which all these infinite things belong is Divine. Again: "As the Father hath life in himself, so hath He given to the Son to have life in himself. ' ' Now my opponent will admit that "to have life in himself" is the ex- clusive prerogative of Deity. Since there is but one fountain of Life, which is God, all other beings re- ceive life from Him. Jesus, moreover, declares him- self to be the Life. But how can Jesus " have life in himself," and dispense it to all others, except his Humanity be Divine ? My opponent objects to the interpretation of the passage" He being in the form of God," etc. (Phil. ii. 6), as conveying the idea that Christ in himself, "as coming forth from the Father," was in the "form of God;" intimating that He was in this form prior to the incarnation, and not during his incarnation, or when in the world ; and that conse- quently the interpretation which was given in my former letter, and which, as we shall soon see, is evidently involved in the text, " falls headlong like Dagon before the ark to the ground." That prior to the incarnation He was in "the form of God," there can be no doubt ; for He says, " Before Abra- ham was I am," thus declaring his pre-existence. But that this " form of God " in highest or inmost principles, clothed itself by incarnation with the " form of a servant, in which He humbled himself," etc., is clear from a proper view of the text. For 70 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. my opponent, on referring to the Greek, will admit that huparclwn, "being," as correctly given in the common version, is the present participle, and not the past, having been. In confirmation, see Luke xi. 13 "If ye, being (huparchontes) evil," etc. I am aware that the gloss of Suidas would interpret /m- parchon by proeinai, " to exist before ; " but this he was not warranted in doing, and his interpretation is rejected by most of the learned/* This passage clearly teaches, as the doctrines of the New Church affirm, that the Lord had a Humanity (a form) from the Father, and also a humanity (the form of a ser- vant) from the mother ; and that his glorification consisted in putting off the latter and putting on the former, which He did by degrees during his life in the world, and finally by his death and resurrec- tion in all fulness, even to the very "flesh and bones. ' ' (Luke xxiv. 39.) For that the Lord glorified his humanity by degrees, is plainly declared in John xii. 28. This divine Form, or Humanity, as far as it was glorified, He was pleased to show to his dis- ciples at the transfiguration, when " His face shone as the sun, and his garments were white as the light." It must, however, be distinctly understood that although Jesus was not fully glorified, or did not fully put on the Divine Humanity from the Father until the crucifixion and resurrection, yet when " He manifested himself unto Israel and began to preach, being about thirty years of age " (Luke iii. 23), every- * See Trollope's "Analecta Theologica," vol. ii., p. 496. GOD VISIBLE IN CHRIST. 71 thing which He said and did as recorded in the Gos- pels, was from Him inhis Divine Person or Humanity, although still clothed until the crucifixion externally, before the eyes of men, with the u form of a servant," or with the humanity from the mother, in which He was " in all things like unto his brethren " (Ileb. ii. 17). This remark meets my opponent's statement, in objecting to a visible God, when he says, "Such passages as John xiv. 7-9, 'He that hath seen me hath seen the Father,' etc., cannot weaken my position, because Jesus was not yet glorified, and therefore not yet God in that which was visible." But this statement implies that my friend has a perception, which is very true, that God, after Jesus was glorified, was visible in Him, or that Jesus is the visible God in whom is the invisible. And this is what we mean when we say that Christianity, in opposition to the Deist and the Pantheist, has a Personal and a visible God, that is, a God visible to our perception, to our faith and love, a God whom the mind can approach and love, which is impossible with an impersonal abstraction called God invisible, or imperceptible to our thought. One great object, indeed, which God had in being " manifest in the flesh," and in glorifying or making divine the hu- manity He assumed, was to render Himself visible and fully accessible to the minds of his intelligent creatures. But my opponent appears to hold in aversion the idea of a visible God, and he says, 72 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. "Paul and Peter and John had seen Jesus after his resurrection, yet they say that they had not seen and could not see God." But my friend forgets that Thomas, when he saw Jesus after his resurrection, addressed Him by say- ing, " My Lord and my God " (John xx. 28). Here Thomas addresses Jesus in his glorified Humanity, and calls Him his God. Surely nothing can be more conclusive as to the Divinity of his Humanity. John also, after the resurrection, calls Jesus u the true God and eternal life " (1 Eph. v. 20) ; and in the Apocalypse he calls Him the "First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Almighty." All this is said of Him as of the "Son of Man in his glory," that is, of Him in his Divine Humanity. Paul also calls Him, after his resurrection, and after he had seen Jesus as recorded in the Acts, " God over all, blessed forever " (Bom. ix. 5). Surely my oppo- nent must himself " have visited the frigid zone of Socinianism," to find arguments against the Divinity of Jesus in his Humanity. It is asked, "Where is it taught in the churches of Christ that God is inaccessible to our faith and love ? " Let me direct attention to the first of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England ; and from what is there said, it will be seen that it is im- possible to form any idea or conception of God ; and the mind cannot in the nature of things approach to that of which it can form no idea. We have not misrepresented the documents of orthodoxy, but if my opponent's ideas are not con- THE BETTER EXPOSITION. 73 sonant with orthodoxy, let him renounce it. He can find a much better exposition of God's Word and the doctrines of Christianity in the New-Church The- olog}' than in the Thirty-nine Articles or the West- minster Catechism. For the mind can form an idea of the one personal God,, the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Trinity as centred in Him, and thus become conjoined to Him by faith and love. I had intended to broach quite a new subject for discussion, but I find that my space forbids. In my next, therefore, I will enter upon some other topics which are of great importance to a correct idea of Christianity. In the meantime, thanking you, Mr. Editor, for your Christian kindness and courtesy, I am yours, etc., A.y. 7 LETTER Y. CHURCH COUNCILS; DIVINITY AND HUMAN- ITY; A TRUE PSYCHOLOGY NEEDED. x,^ j) IB : In your editorial remarks of the 15th y of last month, I am glad to find you approve of the spirit in which this discussion is con- ducted. Indeed, why should it be otherwise than truly Christian ? Why should the truth be spoken from any other principle than that of love ? The essential life and spirit of the Church of the New Jerusalem is, " the love of the Lord above all things, and of our neighbor as ourselves." And this is the truly Christian life and spirit u upon which all the law and the prophets hang," that is, which they universally teach. I am also happy to see that much interest has been manifested in this discus- sion, and that there has, in consequence, been a great demand for your excellent paper.* * In the number of the Christian Weeldy News for April 15th the Editor, in one of his leading articles, entitled "The Contro- versy on Swedenborcjianism" says, " The discussion in these pages between 'A. V.' and ' C. B.' is attracting, as we antici- pated, much attention. Hitherto the combatants have main- tained a noble spirit, and conformed strictly to the rules laid down for their guidance. Whilst we intentionally refrain, at this stage of the business, from saying anything either for or against the views propounded by the respective writers, we can- not but point to the spirit of the discussion as a model for all 74 ONLY ONE RULE OF FAITH. 75 My opponent, in his last letter, goes to the early Church Councils to find the doctrines which I advo- cate in these letters as those of the Church of the New Jerusalem, which, as many believe, are worthy of all consideration, and as I think, of all acceptation, too. He is, however, not successful in finding the views we advocate, in the decisions of any of these Councils. This I could have told my friend, and have saved him the trouble of much learned research. But he will find them where the true doctrines of Christianity can only be found ; that is, in the Word of God, and especially in the Evangelists and the Apostles. We of the New Church acknowledge only one Church Council, which consists of the prophets and the apostles, with the Lord as their Divine Head ; and we acknowledge only one rule of faith, which is the Divine Word itself. Ancient and modern Church Councils, which have engendered and con- future theological disputants. There is no rancor ; no insinua- tion of Jesuitry ; no offensive personalities which have so often disfigured and disgraced polemical writings. Each believes in the honesty and sincerity of the other, and both bow to the Word of God as the accepted umpire in all such investigations. So far, well. We have nothing to say to either as yet, but to repeat our law of Sumviter in modo, fortiter in re. The breach of this law will instantly exclude from our pages. Let them show cause, let them ( give a reason of the hope that is in them/ with all the skill and energy of which they are capable; but let them never forget that loyalty to the Lord and love to his truth may characterize both, notwithstanding the manifest difference in interpretation which they exhibit." 76 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. firmed the dogmas of transubstantiation, purgatory, the worship of saints and relics, the vicarship of the Pope, the withholding of the Scriptures from the people ; the dogmas of predestination and uncon- ditional election as at the Protestant Synod of Dort ; and which have sanctioned the cruelties of the In- quisitionall such councils are considered by us as so many abominations in the history of Christianity, which have mightily contributed to its consummation and its ruin. Sorry, indeed, should I be, if my learned opponent had found any of the Xew-Church doctrines in the decisions of any of these Church Councils. For the almost universal tendency of these Coun- cils has been, to take away from the Lord and his Word the authority which He, and He only, ought to have in his Church, and to place it upon the de- cisions and traditions of men. * I am perfectly aware that the ISTicene Council in 325, established the doctrine of Three Persons in the Trinity, which is not in harmony with the New- Church doctrine of one Divine Person, in whom the Trinity, or u the fulness of the Godhead, dwells." But this by no means proves that the doctrine of one Divine Person in the Godhead is not the Scrip- tural and true doctrine. The Council of Trent es- tablished the dogma of transubstantiation, and the adoration of saints and of relics ; but are these dog- mas therefore true ? By no means, as my learned opponent admits. My friend, however, alludes to the earlier Council of Antioch, and quotes its decision in respect to the Person of Jesus Christ, which is this : DEUS HOMO. 77 " That Christ was wholly God and wholly man ; wholly God, notwithstanding the body, hut not "> to his body ; wholly man, notwithstanding the divinity, but not as to his divinity ; wholly adorable, notwith- standing the bqdy, but not as to his body." That Christ was "wholly God and wholly man" is a great truth. But how this truth is marred and perverted by the incomprehensible jargon with which it* is accompanied in the above extract, your readers will instantly discover. It is common with these councils to take some great truth, and pervert it by their decisions and traditions. Thus a great truth underlies the doctrine of transubstantiation : this truth is, the actual presence in the Holy Supper, of the Lord in his divine Humanity, as the " Son of Mean in his glory ; " but it is perverted by the gross material ideas with which it is accompanied. It is like a piece of gold under a heap of rubbish. Quere Is not this doctrine, with all the gross material notions attending it, better than the total denial of the omnipresence of the Lord in his "glorious Body " ? Now, if " Christ is wholly God," He must be the one only God, since there is "but one God ;" and if Christ at the same time be "wholly man," his manhood or humanity must be Divine. This is the truth which is taught in the Gospels and the Epis- tles, as demonstrated by numerous passages in my former letters. If it were not so, how could He " have all power in heaven and on earth " ? At another council held at Alexandria in 362, they denned, says my friendly opponent, the term hypos- 7* 78 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. tasis as signifying a person, or "individual exist- ence." This council was held about forty years after the final establishment of the Athanasian Creed. Now, this definition of hypostasis as mean- ing a distinct person, or "individual existence," has given rise to the idea of three Gods. This is, in fact, admitted by such men as Bishop South and Bishop Beveridge.* But the idea of three Gods, or what is the same, of three "infinite individual ex- istences," is fatal to all true religion, and leads di- rectly to Polytheism ; from which, permit me to say, there is no possibility of escape but in the belief of one Person in the Deity, as is maintained by the Church of the New Jerusalem. At this same council, my opponent says, they also condemned a notion similar to that maintained by the New Church, that Jesus had a humanity from the Father [by which he was the Son of God] , and a humanity from the mother [by which he was the Son of Man], Thus the creed says, that "if any one teaches there are two Sons, one from the God and Father, and the other from the mother," etc. But I ask your numerous readers, does not the Gos- pel make frequent mention of the " Son of God," and of the " Son of Man " ? and are not both these ex- pressions predicated of Jesus Christ? and have they not a specific and distinct meaning ? Surely this Council was no more in the light of the Gospel than was the Council of Trent, when it confirmed the * See extracts from their works in "Illustrations of the End of the Church/' by the Rev. A, Clissold, M.A., pp. 77-84. FATAL TO THE DIVINE UNITY. 79 adoration of saints, images, relics, etc. Let us, then, my dear friend, away with church councils, and let us go directly to the Lord himself in his Word, for He says unto us all who are really seeking the truth, "Come unto me," etc. The direct force of the passage in which Thomas, addressing the Lord after his resurrection, says " My Lord and my God," seems to be evaded by the ad- mission that it refers to the "proper Deity of Christ, " as though there were two Deities the Deity of the Father and the Deity of the Son. This conception, I am aware, is interiorly in the mind of those who think of two Persons ; but is it not fatal to the idea of one God, and tantamount to the idea of two Gods ? But the idea of one God, it is admitted, is the basis of all true doctrine ; and when Thomas calls Jesus "his God, "he spoke the truth ; implying, of course, that He is the only God, since there is but one God. That there was a great confusion of ideas among the ancient authors whom your correspondent men- tions, in respect to the relation of the Divinity and Humanity in the Person of Christ, is abundantly evident. But having studied both sides of the question, permit me to say that Swedenborg, in his "Doctrine of the Lord." has dissipated this confu- sion and obscurity, and has introduced light and harmony in its stead. We do not require any one to believe, as your correspondent mistakenly imagines, " that God has ceased to be God, or that Christ has ceased to be man." God did not cease to be God by becoming incarnate, or "manifest in the flesh " in the person 80 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. of Christ ; % nor did Christ cease to be man by becom- ing glorified or Divine ; but He became God-Man, or, as the orthodox creed expresses it, u Not by con- version of the Godhead into flesh, but by taking of th o manhood into God." That Christ is a man, as stated in 1 Tim. ii. 5, alluded to by my opponent, is most true ; for " He is the one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus." But it must be well understood that He is not such a man as Moses or any of the prophets, but a Divine Man, or the Divine Mediator (Heb. viii. 6) between the essential Deity, or the Father, and mankind ; as He himself says, "No man cometh to the Father but by me." This is another proof of the Divinity of his Humanity ; for what can receive the " whole ful- nss of the Deity " and transmit it to others, except a Divine Medium or Mediator ? No finite human- ity, however exalted, is adequate to this ; but the Mediator, as containing u the infinite fulness of the Godhead "and transmitting it to others, must itself be infinite and Divine. We are not to conceive of the Mediator as of another and separate Person from the Deity, or as of a distinct " individual existence," but as of. the "glorious Body " of the Divine Soul, or of the Godhead within it. A man's body is the medium or mediator between his soul and all others. His body receives the fulness of the life of his soul, and transmits it to others. In like manner, but in an infinitely higher sense, it may be said of Him, of whom man is but a feeble and finite image. U C. B." is much mistaken when he says f that * ' A. V." admits that HAD CHRIST A HUMAN SOUL? 81 " Christ was a man without a human soul, like those of whom Tertullian writes in his Treatise ' De Game Christi." Now, as this denial of a human soul to Christ when in the world, is often alleged against us, per- mit me to say that the New-Church doctrines teach, with the Apostle, " that in all things [as to the hu- manity born of the Virgin] He was like unto his brethren." He had, consequently, like his breth- ren, a rational human soul or animus. For this rational human soul necessarily belongs to human- ity ; a humanity cannot be a humanity without it. It was this soul which He u poured out unto death ; " but we beg it to be distinctly understood that, being conceived of Jehovah the Divine Father, and not of a human father (Matt. i. 18, 25 ; Luke i. 35), his essential, or inmost sou?, that is his ANIMA as dis- tinguished from his animus was Jehovah himself, as "God manifest in the flesh." My learned opponent well knows, from psychology, that a man inherits a nature from his father which may be termed his internal or li inward man," and that he inherits also a nature from his mother, which may be called his external or u outward man " (see 2 Cor. iv. 16). Now, u in all things" as to his in- heritance from the mother, Jesus was, as said by the Apostle, "like unto his brethren ;" but in all things as to his inheritance from the Father, He was infinitely to be distinguished from all other men ; and finally, when fully glorified at the resurrection, and when "He ascended far above all heavens that He might fill all things," u before whom every knee F 82 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. in heaven and on earth shall bow " (Phil. ii. 10), He is, as to his animus and also as to his body, to be in- finitely distinguished above all others ; that is, his Humanity or " glorious Body " is Divine, and infi- nitely to be distinguished from the body of an angel in heaven and of a man in the world. No term in the English language is probably so indeterminate as the term soul. From the want of a true psychology, or\rue doctrine of the soul, men have the most indefinite and obscure ideas of this most important subject. To some the term soul presents the idea of an abstract thinking principle without any form or organization whatever ; to others, of a merely ethereal principle without any definable form ; to others, a something vital, a kind of " vital spark " which animates the body so long as it is connected with it. Others, again, think that the soul is a mere predicate of the activity of the cerebral and nervous system, apart from which it has no existence. The Materialists, for the most part, think in this manner. Whereas the truth is, that the soul is the very -man himself in a perfectly organized human form, consisting of spiritual sub- stances, called by the Apostle a " spiritual body," and seen as such whenever angels and spirits are mentioned in Scripture. The soul, whilst man lives in the world, is clothed with natural substances called a "natural body," and when this body dies, the soul rises in its own human form in its own world the spiritual world, in which it is created to live forever. Now a true doctrine of the soul teaches us to think ANIMA, MENS AND ANIMUS. 83 of man as consisting of an anima, a mens, an animus, and finally of a corpus or body. The anima is the inmost region of man, and it stands for what is most commonly understood by the term soul. The term anima involves also what Swedeuborg understands by the human internal (A. C. 1099), which properly regarded, is the inmost region of the anima. Again, this anima is, as the inmost principle in man, uni- versal ; that is, it is not only the inmost principle in itself, but is also the inmost principle of the mens or rational mind, also of the animus or natural mind, and likewise of the body itself. It is from this ground that in some cases whilst thinking from common influx, we employ the term souls to signify men themselves, as when we say there are twenty thousand souls in that city. The mens is the rational mind in which man's con- sciousness is. The upper region of the mens, called the spiritual and celestial mind, consists of the purest spiritual substances, and is united with the anima as its actuating principle, conveying the Lord's life from its first receptacle, the human internal, into every region below it. The lower region of the mens consists of the purest natural substances, discretely distinct from the natural substances of which the body consists, and is the seat of man's rational consciousness whilst in the world, and is also in the middle, between the anima on the one hand and the animus on the other. In the inmost of the mens, or of the rational mind, our conscious human principle commences ; all above this, called the human internal, and involved by Swe- 84 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. denborg in the term anima, is above our conscious- ness. In proportion as a man is actuated in his mo- tives, thoughts, and feelings, by the higher or purely spiritual mens, he becomes u spiritually minded " and is heavenly ; but in proportion as he is actuated by his lower animus only, he does not become spiritual and heavenly, but remains sensual or "carnally minded." The animus is the natural mind, and is interme- diate between the mens and the body. It also con- sists of purely natural substances separable by a dis- crete degree from the material substances of the body. When the body dies, this animus, which now whilst living in the world is the seat of our external memory and imaginative faculty, and also of our de- sires and cupidities, becomes in the spiritual world the external form or u spiritual body " of man. This animus, together with the natural mens or mind, which, as stated, consists of the purest natural substances, is also the seat of our hereditary evil pro- pensities, which must be born again or regenerated, in order that it may be in harmony with the spirit- ual celestial mens or mind, and thus be saved. In its unregenerate state this part of man's psycho- logical constitution is in the form of hell, with all - its tendencies downward. Hence the absolute neces- sity of regeneration in order to be saved. The emotions of the animus are visible in the coun- tenance of the body, and we can in some measure read the volitions and thoughts of the animus in the face as its index. After death the countenance of this animus becomes itself the face or index of the ANIMATHE INMOST SOUL. 85 wens, or rational or interior mind, and far more clearly indicates the volitions, emotions and thoughts of its spirit, than the external countenance visible in the world can image forth the volitions and thoughts of its animus. Now the anima, as stated, is not only the inmost soul or actuating principle of man, but it is also the most universal that is, it is the inmost soul of the mcns, of the animus, and of the body. Moreover all these regions thus designated, become perfect just in proportion as they are governed by the anima t and are assimilated to its purely spiritual and celes- tial nature ; but they become imperfect and depraved in proportion as they are governed by the animus, and subjected to its lower nature and promptings. In the one case the spirit bears rule, and the man "walks after the spirit ; " but in the other the flesh bears rule, and the man u walks after the flesh." (Rom. viii.) In the former case he is prepared for heaven, but in the latter, if he die in that state, he is corrupted and is fitted only for hell. In man the anima or inmost and universal prin- ciple is finite, and only a receptacle of life, and by 1 no means life itself ; but in the Lord the anima was Life itself, Infinite, Jehovah, and the Father ; and this is the infinite distinction between Him as con- ceived of Jehovah or of the indivisible Deity, and every other man as conceived of an earthly father. Keeping this distinction in view, which is so clearly pointed out in Scripture (Matt. i. 20, 25 ; Luke i. 35 ; John i. 1-14), we shall have no difficulty in see- ing that the anima assimilates to itself and becomes, 8 86 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. by the law of subordination and coordination, one with everything beneath it ; that is, with the mens, the animus, and the corpus. This, in theological lan- guage, is called regeneration, which consists in put- ting off and rejecting whatsoever is evil and false in the exterior mens and the animus, and in putting on from the anima, or rather from the Lord through the anima and from the interior mens, a new exterior mens, and a new animus, and thus having the external man entirely renewed. This is meant by what the Apostle says about u putting off the old man, and putting on the new." (Eph. iv. 22, 23 ; Col. iii. 9, 10.) But in the Lord's case this process of putting off the infirm humanity from the mother, and put- ting on the Divine Humanity from the Father within Him, is called Glorification; which process He effected from himself, that is, from his own anima, which, as already said, was Jehovah, Life itself, and infinite, and by himself, that is, by his own power. In man's case this process, called regeneration, extends down- wards only to his animus, or to the external of his spirit, and not to his material body. But in the Lord's case the process of glorification extended through all the degrees of the Humanity to the very flesh and bones of his natural body ; so that, unlike all other men, He arose with his glorified natural Body complete, as He declared when He said u A spirit [or a man in his risen state] hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have." (Luke xxiv. 39.) But his Body, as Swedenborg says, was "no longer material but Divine Substantial." From this psychological sketch of man, drawn from DIVINE AS TO HIS INMOST. 87 the enlightened Swedenborg, we are in a position to answer the question so often put to the New Church, namely, "Had the Lord a human soul?" which, it is alleged, He must have had if, as the Apostle says, " He was in all things like unto his brethren " (Heb. ii. 17) ; or if, as Swedenborg says, "His Hu- manity from the mother was in itself like the hu- manity of another man." (D. L. 35.) We answer that the Lord had not a human soul in the sense of anima, for in this He was, owing to his conception, Infinite and Divine ; but He had, as to the humanity from the mother, a human animus, and in this respect He was " like unto his brethren. " By glorification, however, his animus and also his body became, as we have seen, Divine ; and therefore He ceased not only to be "like unto his brethren," but infinitely to be distinguished and exalted above them. How erroneous, then, it must be to think of the Lord as He is now, since his full glorification, as " being in all things like unto his brethren." For those who thus falsely think of Him (as is the case with all who adopt the common theology) can only think of his Humanity or Body as being like that of any good man, and not infinite and Divine, " in which all the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily ; " and conse- quently they cannot, in a true sense, think of Him as being "one with the Father," and as the one only Object of supreme love and worship. Now the term soul, as already said, is so indistinct and obscure as not to point out this important dis- tinction between the anima and the animus, which it is essentially necessary to see, in order that we 88 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. may have a correct view of the psychology of man, and likewise a correct idea of the Lord, especially during the process of his glorification. Those who are not in tho habit of studying Swedenborg in his own language, are in danger although the vener- able Clowes, in his translations, endeavored to ob- viate it by printing in many cases the terms anirna and animus with brackets of not making this dis- tinction, and consequently of forming either an ob- scure or erroneous notion about it. " Operation," says C C. B.' u is not a part of man at all." This must appear strange to my opponent himself, when he reflects that, without operation a man has no manifest life, and consequently no use- fulness. He might as well be standing or lying still, without motion, like a statue. Surely opera- tion, instead of being no part of man at all, is one of the essential parts, of which the soul and the body are the two other essential parts. My friend does not, he says, "undertake to jus- tify or defend the Athanasian creed." This is a concession to our arguments ; but let him know that this creed is the basis of orthodoxy. The time will come when no enlightened Christian will justify or defend it. "The argument," says 'C. B.,' "that 'the Hu- manity of Christ is divine because in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily ' is inconclu- sive. God dwells in his people ; are they therefore divine, or is their humanity divine ? " It is nowhere said that "ALL the fulness of the Godhead" dwells in his people. It is true that SWEDENBORG'S PSYCHOLOGY. 89 "they receive of his fulness," and that He prer* nts to them u all his fulness ; " but they cannot, as be- ing finite, receive "ALL the fulness of the Godhead; " for none but an infinite Person could receive the en- tire Godhead, or "have all things that the Father hath" (John xvi. 15). The Socinians have tried this argument, and have failed.* I am yours, etc., A. Y. * In respect to the terms anima, mena and animus, discussed above, a clear idea of which is indispensable to a genuine psy- chology, or to a right knowledge of the human soul and its constitution, we will confirm from Swedenborg what is there presented as a right view of the subject. " The anima is a man's inmost principle." (C. L. 158.) " The anima is a superior spiritual substance, and receives influx im- mediately from God." (Doct. of Influx 8.) " The anima is the inmost principle of man's life, and is from the father, and is clothed with a body from the mother." (A. C. 6716, 10125.) " The mena or rational mind receives life through the anima from God." (Influx 8.) "The metis or mind is composed of will and understanding." (D. L. W. 239, 372, 387.) " The interiors of man which belong to his mind are distinguished by discrete degrees." (76. 186, 203.) "Thus there is a natural, spiritual and celestial mind." (76.239, 260.) "The natural mind is composed of spiritual, and at the same time of natural, substances." (76. 257, 200, 270, 273.) "It surrounds and includes the spiritual and celes- tial mind." (76.260.) "The natural mind is in its form or image a world, and the spiritual mind is in its form or imago a heaven." (76. 270.) But as to the animus, Swedenborg defines it as being below the mens, and "as being the form, or as consisting of the ideas of the common or external sensory, and as the active and liv- ing principle of all changes in the body." (Animal Kingdom, 8* 90 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. part vii., p. 89.) Thus the animus is proximately connected with the bod} r , and in the face of the body we behold the affec- tions, passions and emotions of the animus. See A. C. 4326, Latin text. Without pursuing the subject further, we have here a psy- chological analysis from Swedenborg of the human soul, which is very clear and intelligible, and such as by reflection we may know and feel to be true. In the Apocalypse Explained, No. 750, the author gives seven significations in which the term soul is employed in the Word of God, which we will here adduce: 1. The term anima, soul in general, signifies man. 2. Specifically the life of the body. 3. The life of the spirit of man. 4. The faculty of understand- ing. 5. The term soul signifies Divine Truth. 6. Spiritual life. 7. Living soul signifies life in general. All these significations are abundantly proved by Scripture. LETTER VI. THE TRINITY IN ONE DIVINE PERSON. ) IR: I am glad that my learned opponent has left the dark province of church councils, and come back again to the Word of God. For it is proverbial that nothing has so much darkened "the whole counsel of God " as these church syn- ods, from the Council of Nice to that of Trent, in which the worship of saints, images, relics, bones, etc., has been sanctioned and established. The discussion as it now stands may, for the bene- fit of your numerous and intelligent readers, be thus briefly stated : The New Church admits of but one Divine Person, " in whom all the fulness of the God- head dwells bodily," who is the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus one Lord, and one undivided faith in Him, is the only faith of the Church of the New Jerusalem. For we know that He is not only the "Author and Finisher of our faith," but that when our faith is directed to Him, it is at the same time directed to the Father " whoso seeth me seeth the Father " arid to all the fulnass of Deity. This fulness, it can- not be doubted, is the Divine Trinity ; consequently our faith is directed at once to the Trinity as con- centrated in the Divine Person of Jesus. My opponent adduces the passage in Ephesians iii. 19" That ye might be filled with all the fulness 91 92 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. of God," alleging that if a Christian can be filled with all the fulness of God, therefore his humanity has as great a claim to divinity as that of Christ. But, as stated in my former letters, although God presents to us "all his fulness," and although " we receive of his fulness " (John i. 16), yet we cannot receive ALL his fulness, still less can " ALL the God- head dwell bodily" in the Christian, as it does in Jesus Christ. The sun presents to us all the fulness of its light and heat ; it withholds nothing from us ; but can we receive all its fulness ? We only receive " of its fulness " as much as we can sustain. But all the fulness of the " Sun of Kighteousness " dwells bodily in Jesus, from whom we must receive what- ever of fulness we can sustain. True Christians, and angels, or the "spirits of just men made per- fect in heaven," are constantly receiving a greater measure of this fulness ; but they can never arrive at a period when they can be said to have received 11 all the fulness," for they are finite, and "all the fulness " is infinite fulness, which no finite being can possibly receive. There is only one that could re- ceive "the Spirit without measure " (John iii. 34), or in infinite fulness ; and that one is the Lord Jesus Christ. I am sure that if my learned opponent who is a firm believer in the Deity of Christ, will reflect for a moment on what is here said, he will not join with the Socinian in arguing against us. Whereas the opposite position maintained by my opponent is, that there are three Persons of the God- head, each of whom, as the creed expresses it, is "by himself God and Lord." Thus the faith of such GOD IN CHRIST. 93 believers must needs be distracted ; nor can they have one undivided faith directed to one Object of worship, or to One God. But I must not forget that my intelligent friend has ceased ic to justify or de- fend the Athanasian Creed," and therefore I shall say nothing more about it. I will only add that no- where in Scripture is it said that we are to pray to the Father "for the sake of the Son, or of Christ." It is indeed said in our common version, in one pas- sage, (Ephesians iv. 32,) "Even as God for C///-'V/'.s safre hath forgiven you ; " but on referring to the Greek text, we read en to Christo, and every student knows that the passage should read thus : " as God in Christ hath forgiven you." This true rendering conveys quite another idea, as it shows us that God in CJirist is one Person and not two. The trans- lators having two Persons in their thought, so rendered it. But no criticism is required to show that the common version of the passage is erroneous. I will merely state that the Church of the New Jerusalem thankfully accepts the common version of the Scriptures, as being, with but few exceptions of which the above is an instance, correct. We only require the absolute literal sense, which, in- cluding the marginal readings, the common version for the most part gives. We require no learned twistings of the obvious, literal sense, to confirm and illustrate our doctrines. I mention this fact, because some may suppose that we require, like the Unitarians, an entirely new version as the basis of our doctrinal system ; but this is by no means the case. 94 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. Whilst, however, it is nowhere said that we are to pray to the Father " for the sake of Christ," yet most true it is that we are to pray u in his NAME," for his name involves the idea of his nature, quality, and attributes ; and as his Person is the personal manifestation of the Father who dwells in Him as the soul dwells in the body, when we direct our wor- ship and prayers to Him alone, we truly pray to the Father in his name. That his name is not a mere word consisting of so many letters, but his own divine Personal Form, or his Humanity, is evident from many declarations, but especially from this "Father, glorify thy name; then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it and will glorify it again." (John xii. 28.) Here, thy name means the Humanity or Person of Jesus, which was the only subject of glorification. !N~or must we consider that the "voice from heaven" is the Fa- ther's voice, as a distinct Person from the Son ; for it is expressly declared that "no man hath at any time heard the Father's voice. ' ' (John v. 37. ) But a voice from heaven was a revelation or a declara- tion of the Divine Truth as to the process of glori- fication, on which process the work of redemption and atonement mainly depended, and also as to the nature of the Humanity thus glorified. That we should have a right conception of the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost (for it is the same term in the Greek), as the third essential of the Trinity, every thinking Christian must admit. It is impos- sible to enjoy the true light of the Gospel unless we see clearly what the Holy Spirit is, and know some- THE HOLY SPIRIT. 95 thing of its action or operation. The Scriptures clearly show us both these important points. The meaning of the term spirit both in Hebrew and Greek, is breath or wind. \\ r e often read in the Old Testament of the Spirit of God, and in three places of the " Spirit of his Holiness," or the "Spirit of Holiness," rendered not so literally "his Holy Spirit." (Psalm li. 11 ; Isaiah Ixiii. 10, 11.) No- where do we read of the Spirit as a Person distinct from God himself, but as the action or influence of God operating upon all, and especially upon men to regenerate and save them. Thus, "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." (Gen. i. 2.) Here the Spirit of God, it is evident, is not a personality separate from God, but the influence, action or operation of God. Again, "God breathed into man's nostrils the breath (or spirit) of life," etc. (Gen. ii. 7.) God did not breathe into man a per- son, but a "breath of life." No term can be more appropriate to denote the living action of God's all- pervading life. Again, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh," etc. (Joel ii. 28.) God did not pour out a personality, but a breath or spirit of life, to denote his all-vivifying influence or operation. That this spirit was indicative of the Holy Spirit of which we read in the New Testament, is evident from Acts ii. 17. The Spirit came upon the Apostles not as a Person, but as a "mighty wind." (Yerse 2.) But we read in John vii. 39, " the Holy Spirit was not yet (that is, did not yet exist), because Jesus was not yet glorified." The term given is in italics, to denote that it is not expressed in the original. 96 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. Here it is evident that the specific thing meant by the Holy Spirit in the Kew Testament, did not ex- ist before the glorification of Jesus. It is true that prior to the glorification of Jesus there was the Spirit of God, but not specifically the "Holy Spirit," as after the glorification. We read in Matt. i. 18, 20, and in Luke i. 35, of the Holy Ghost or Spirit, prior to the glorification of Jesus, and prior to the period when it is expressly said that the " Holy Spirit was not." (John v. 32.) But the reason why we thus read of the Holy Spirit is because the Humanity of Jesus was then about to be conceived and born in the world. This Divine Power, or the u Power of the Highest," as it is also called, was then operative in the womb of the virgin forming his Humanity, which afterwards, when Je- 'sus was glorified, came forth from his Humanity with seven-fold efficacy, u to save to the uttermost " (Heb. viii. 25), and to reach and heal every case of sinful depravity that ever did or that ever can occur. This seven-fold efficacy is denoted in Isaiah xxx. 26, by " the light of the moon being as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun seven-fold as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people and healeth the stroke of their wound." Thus prior to the incarnation and glorification, the operation of the Spirit of God was "as the light of the moon" as it then operated through the finite medium of angels or of the an- gelic heaven ; but since the glorification, it operates through the infinite Medium of the Divine Human- ity, and is thus seven-fold, greater in its power, de- IMPARTAT10N OF THE SPIRIT. 97 noted by the u light of the sun being as the light of seven days,' 7 when redemption was accomplished, as signified u by binding up the breach of his people and healing the stroke of their wound." It must not be considered that the rays of the Divine Sun of Righteousness were thereby changed ; but by being centred in the Divine Humanity, in which "all the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily," they were transmitted by our u Saviour God " with seven-fold efficacy to regenerate and save mankind. The rays of the natural sun, by being concentrated in the focus of a lens, are not thereby changed, but are rendered, as it were, seven-fold more efficacious in their operation. And so it was by the rays of the Sun of Righteousness, as centred in the Divine Person of Jesus. Thus the Lord since the glorifi- cation of his Humanity, acts by his Holy Spirit im- mediately upon all, but prior to the glorification He acted mediately through heaven. To signify this important difference, it is said in the passage already quoted, that the u Holy Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified." It belongs to a true theology to point out this most important distinc- tion. But after the resurrection, or after the glorifica- tion of Jesus, u He breathed upon his disciples and said, Receive ye the Holy Spirit." (John xx. 22.) Thus we may say, in contradistinction to what is said in John vii. 39, quoted above, that the Holy Spirit did then exist, because Jesus was then glorified. Now Jesus, it is evident, did not breathe a person upon his disciples, but a life-giving influence, which 9 G 98 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. could, from himself, operate in all u who come unto Him as the author of their salvation " (Heb. v. 9) ? the graces of regeneration. When we compare this breathing or living action of Jesus with the breathing of Jehovah God in Gen. ii., as quoted above, we have the most powerful evidence that Jesus in his Divine Humanity is one and the same with Jehovah God, since there can be but one Breather or Giver of life. If you say that in Genesis it is meant merely nat- ural or physical life, and in John moral and spiritual life, I reply, that the giver of the one is the giver of the other, as there can be but one Source or Giver of life. Even prior to the full glorification of Jesus, it is said that u a virtue went out of Him and healed them all." (Luke vi. 19.) Now, this virtue or power which went out of Jesus was the holy, proceeding influence which, after the full glorification of his Humanity, went out of Him in all its infinite ful- ness. This virtue or power is evidently the same as the Holy Spirit ; but are we to construe this virtue, or this healing and life-giving power, into a person ? Certainly not. This virtue is now, and ever will be, going forth from Him as the Holy Spirit, and oper- ating upon all of us ; and if we do not resist it by refusing to believe in Him and to obey his precepts, it will also heal us of all our spiritual diseases, that is, save us from our sins. To take, therefore, a proper view of the Holy Spirit, we should take it from the exposition which the Lord gives us when He breathed upon his dis- ciples and said, u Receive ye the Holy Spirit." The THE HOLY SPIRIT AN INFLUENCE. 99 question now comes, shall we find this in perfect accordance with everything that is said of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament ? We have no hesita- tion in saying that it is in the most perfect accord- ance. He calls it the " Spirit of Truth " (John xiv. 19), and He calls himself the Truth (John xiv. 6) ; consequently the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of him- self. Again, He says that "He sends it from the Father " (John xv. 26) ; because the Father is in Him, and He consequently sends it of himself from the Father. The Apostle says, u the Lord (meaning Christ) is that Spirit." (2 Cor. iii. 17.) Thus the Lord is not only the giver or sender of the Holy Spirit, but it is identified with himself; showing us clearly that the Holy Spirit is the Lord himself acting upon us by his life of love and wisdom. And it was the Spirit, or as is evident from the commencement of every ad- dress, the Lord himself, who addresses the churches in the Apocalypse. Compare the end of each ad- dress with the beginning, and this with the first chapter of that divine Book, and you will find that not only the Apostle identifies as above the Holy Spirit with the tord, but that the Lord also identi- fies the Spirit with himself ; thus showing that the Spirit is the divine action or operation of himself upon all things, but especially upon angels and men. He thus worketh in us what is well-pleasing in his sight, and makes us perfect, etc. (Heb. xiii. 21), but does He not work or operate in us and "dwell in us" by the influence and operation of his Spirit? This, which is not a mere inference but a direct 100 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. statement, plainly shows us that the Holy Spirit is not a Person distinct from Jesus, but the operation of Jesus himself working in us to regenerate and save us. But every one knows that where an action or op- eration is, there the actor or operator is essentially present. In a former letter my opponent said, al- luding to the u breathing of Jesus upon his disci- ples," that the Holy Spirit is not a mere breath, but a personality. If we look physiologically at the breath, we shall find it to be a result of the joint action of the heart and lungs. Thus the breath is the proximate cause of all living action in the body. A man could not move a limb or utter a word if he did not breathe. Hence we see how appropriate the terms breath and breathing are, as employed in the Scriptures, to signify the Holy Spirit. The Psalmist says that all the host of heaven were made by the breath of his mouth. (Ps. xxiii. 6.) This plainly shows us that the breath of the Lord is the same as his Spirit. But it is supposed that the Holy Spirit must be a Person, because, at the baptism of Jesus, it was seen "descending like a dove." But a dove is not a person. The reason why a dove appeared on that occasion, was to teach us that that bird which was offered as a sacrifice at the time of circumcision (Luke ii. 24), was a symbol of the graces of .regen- eration denoted by baptism ; for circumcision meant regeneration and purification, and signified nearly the same as baptism, and in the supreme sense, the divine graces of glorification which the Lord's bap- THINGS PERPOX-IFlEfl 1 . ' v ' 101 tism involved. It is again argued that because the Holy Spirit is called the "Comforter," it must, there- fore, be a Person ; whereas, nothing is more common in Scripture than to personify things and attributes. Thus the serpent is personified as being gifted with reason and speech (Gen. iii. 1) ; but every one knows that a serpent is not a person. Again, the blood of Abel is said to have " a voice and to cry out " (Gen. iv. 10) ; thus personal attributes are ascribed to blood, but blood is not therefore a person. These personifications in Scripture are innumerable, and your readers will at once have many occur to their remembrance. The Holy Spirit in Greek is neuter, and in all cases it should in the common version have neuter pronouns applied to it ; that is, it, and not he and him, as in John xiv. 17 ; but our trans- lators have also in this case erred, obviously from the idea of conceiving of the Holy Spirit as a Per- son. It is true that the term c c Comforter ' ' is mascu- line, and of course has masculine pronouns applied to it. But this, we have shown, is a personification. The Lord calls the Holy Spirit both the " Spirit of Truth " and the " Comforter " for a specific reason: as the " Spirit of Truth " it teaches and illustrates, which is eminently a predicate of truth ; but as the "Comforter" it is the "Spirit of Love," for it is eminently a predicate of love to comfort and con- sole, especially after temptations and trials. In both cases it is the Lord himself who teaches, illus- trates and comforts us ; but this He does by the operation of his Spirit. If space permitted I might show that many things 9* 102 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. said of the Spirit cannot be said of it as of a Person, but as of a life-giving influence from the Lord ; thus, when the Apostle says, u We have all been made to drink into one Spirit " (1 Cor. xii. 13), it is evident that we cannot drink a person, but we may be said to drink or imbibe his Spirit in the sense of his life- giving influence. Again, we may by disobedience and sin "quench the spirit" (1 Thess. v. 19), but we cannot be said to quench a person. But upon what basis does C. B. found the idea of the Holy Spirit as being a Person ? Upon no basis whatever. It is nowhere said in Scripture that the Holy Spirit is a Person. Whence then (Joes my op- ponent get his idea of the Spirit as a Person ? From the decisions of church councils, which, as demon- strated in my last letter, have enacted the greatest absurdities, even the adoration of images and relics ; and to maintain these absurdities have kindled the cruel fires of persecution, and sanctioned the tortures of the inquisition. But my opponent infers, from certain things said of the Holy Spirit, that it is a person. Thus he says : "He, the Holy Spirit [it should not, as shown above, be He, but It], has proper names, is invested with personal attributes, has ascribed to him [it] personal acts, is joined to the Father and the Son as a third Person [this is nowhere stated in the Word], and makes personal appearances. If these (says C. B.) do not imply what we call personality, language must be a mere enigma." He also says :- AN INFLUENCE NOT A PERSON. 103 "That the Holy Spirit loves, grieves, is vexed, speaks, acts, gives life, bears witness, helps our in- firmities, which (he says) are all personal acts." From these predicates, my opponent infers, that the Holy Spirit must be a Person. But nothing can be more fallacious than to found a most important doctrine of Scripture upon mere inference, and not upon direct and plain statements of Scripture. The theology of the New-Church, on the contrary, founds its doctrine of the Holy Spirit upon the direct state- ment of the Gospel, and believes that it is the life- giving breath or Spirit of Jesus, according to his own declaration in John xx. 2*2, when " He breathed on his disciples, and said, Receive ye the Holy Spirit ; " and as a man, when regenerate, "is an u image of God," so he, in like manner, in his degree, acts by his spirit upon men and objects around him. Is not his operation felt and known wherever he speaks, acts, and moves ? But is his operation a person separate from himself? By no means. It is most true that in man's case his operation is of very limited extent, and moreover very feeble in its efficacy. But in the Lord's case it is infinite and omnipotent, and universal, that is, everywhere pres- ent, both in the least as well as the greatest things, " numbering the hairs of our heads," as well as con- ducting the planets and sidereal systems in their orbits. But my opponent infers that the Spirit is a Person, because "personal acts and attributes are ascribed to it." In Hebrew there are only two genders: everything, as in French, Italian, and in some other 104 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. languages, is either male or female. But are all things, because thus designated, persons? and be- cause personal acts and the personal pronouns he and she, etc., are ascribed to them, are they there- fore personal agents ? Is salt a person because it is said " to have lost his savor" V (Matt. v. 13.) How fallacious, therefore, it is to infer that a thing is a person because it has personal acts and personal pronouns ascribed to it ! Nothing, as is shown above, is more common in Scripture than to ascribe personal acts to objects. But in Greek the Holy Spirit, as said above, is neuter, and therefore not a Person. It is true, as also stated, that the Com- forter or Paraclete is masculine, but it is distinctly declared that the Lord himself is the Paraclete (1 John ii. 1) ; in the common version the term para- cleton is here rendered advocate, but it should be rendered the same as in the Gospel Comforter. Here, then, the Lord is again identified with the Spirit ; for He is expressly called the Paraclete, which plainly shows that the Comforter, or the Holy Spirit, is not a distinct and separate Person from himself. The Lord is said " to baptize with the Holy Spirit." To baptize is to regenerate us, and this He does by his operation upon us and within us ; He consequently does it by his own life- giving action on our souls, and not by a person separate and distinct from himself. I am, yours, etc. A. V. LETTER VII. THE TRUE DOCTRINE OF ATONEMENT. IR : In the last letter of my learned oppo- nent there are only two or three points which call, by way of rejoinder, for any remark. My friend says, " that no statement of mine has so shocked him as that the Holy Spirit (especially alluded to in the New Testament as coming from Jesus, and as distinguished from the Spirit of God mentioned in the Old) did not exist prior to the glorification of Jesus ; and he hopes that I shall carefully and prayerfully reconsider it." Now I beg my opponent and your intelligent readers to bear in mind, that the statement in question is not mine, but that it is declared by John that "the Holy Spirit was not yet, because that Jesus was not yet glorified." (Chap. vii. 39.) I will only refer your readers to my last letter for an explanation of this divine declaration. In reference to the prayer of the Apostle that the Ephesians " might be filled with all the fulness of God," my opponent observes that, according to my explanation, " the Apostle prayed that the church might be filled with what it could not be filled with. " In reply to this I will only state, that the Lord com- mands us to be " perfect, even as our Father, which is in heaven, is perfect " (Matt. v. 48) ; and " to be holy, even as He is holy." But this we can never 105 106 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. become, because He is infinitely perfect and holy. Nevertheless, we are to strive after perfection and holiness ; in like manner we are to strive " to receive this fulness of God," without ever being able to re- ceive all the fulness of God. To your readers in general permit me to state two tests by which to judge whether a system of doctrine be truly Christian and Evangelical or not. The first is, that that system which has most of Christ in it, in which He is the centre and the sun, and the all in all, is most likely to be the truly Christian system. The second test is, that that system which has most of the Gospel in it, and which is most imbued with its spirit and its life, is most truly Evangelical, and most deserving of the name. Let the system of Christian doctrine advocated and taught in the Church of the New Jerusalem be judged of accord- ing to these tests, and we do not fear the result. The doctrine of the Atonement is one of the vital doctrines of Christianity. There can be no true understanding of Christianity without it. Its prac- tical tendency, also, when properly understood, is most essentially conducive to regeneration and sal- vation. I therefore solicit the attention of your readers to the following statements, which involve and explain, as far as space will admit, the doctrines of the New Church on this subject. The doctrine of the Atonement is delivered by the Apostle, as all Christians admit, in the follow- ing declaration : U A11 things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation ; to wit, RECONCILIATION OR AT-ONE-MENT. 107 that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconcilia- tion." (2 Cor. v. 18, 19.) The term Atonement is, in the original, the same as reconciliation, and means agreement, the being at-one, likewise concord and harmony. The Lord also requires atonement or reconciliation as the first requisite of all worship ; thus He says, u First be reconciled (atoned) to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." (Matt. v. 24.) There can be no true and acceptable wor- ship which does not spring from atonement or rec- onciliation. But love is evidently the source of all reconcilia- tion. u God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son," etc. It was, therefore, from infinite love that u God was in Christ atoning or reconciling the world unto himself." Thus the en- tire Gospel, in its practical tendency, is the ministry of reconciliation or atonement, that man may be at-one with God, and also at-one with his fellow-man. This is the meaning of the Greek Katallage or atone- ment. The necessity of the atonement is also clearly shown by the same Apostle; u for (says he) if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life ; and not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have received the atonement." (Rom. v. 10, 11.) Owing to the fall, mankind had become ene- mies to God by being, as to their nature, alienated 108 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. from Him, and this more and more until the Lord came into the world to redeem man, and to effect the atonement. The Apostle gives in Rom. i. 21-32 a dreadful account of this enmity to God. The Being who accomplished this atonement was u God himself in Christ," not a supposed second person of the Godhead, hut God himself as declared by the Apostle. It is also universally declared in the Prophets that Jehovah is our Redeemer and our Saviour, and that, " beside Him there is no Saviour. " The passages which declare this are too numerous to quote here.* " The child born and the son given " is called "the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, also Emmanuel, God with us." This Jehovah, or God in Christ, was our Saviour, and He reconciled the world unto himself, or effected the atonement. It was Jehovah before whom the Baptist, "as a voice crying in the wilderness," prepared the way (Luke iii. 4) ; but it was Jesus before whom, as all believe, John prepared the way ; consequently Je- hovah and Jesu^ are one and the same divine Per- son. Those, therefore, who think that it was a second Person in the Godhead, and not the one Jehovah himself, who became the Redeemer, do not think in agreement with the Gospel, and are not, according to the tests stated above, truly Evangel- ical. Having seen the meaning of atonement, its neces- sity, and also the Divine Being, or " God in Christ," by whom it was effected, we will now proceed to * See above, p. 55. "LADEN WITH OUR INIQUITIES." 109 show by what means it was accomplished. u God manifest in the flesh " is a fact which teaches us that God took upon himself our nature by being born into the world, of the virgin Mary, in the Per- son of Jesus Christ, as the great means of redemp- tion and atonement. Whilst, however, we see that the human nature thus assumed from the Virgin was in all things "like unto that of his brethren," yet we beg your readers to remember that, as to his soul or " inward man " being conceived of Jehovah, He was, as shown in my former letters, infinitely to be distinguished from all other men who had merely human fathers.* The nature thus "born of a woman " was, according to the Apostle, "the like- ness of sinful flesh " (Rom. viii. 3), that is, born with infirmity, frailty, and with tendencies to evil ; yet " no man could convince Him of sin " (John vii. 46), neither "was guile found in his mouth." In this nature thus assumed "He was laden with our in- iquities, '' He " bore our sicknesses and infirmities," for "how can a man be clean that is born of a woman"? (Job xxv. 4.) "For verily," says the Apostle, "He took not on himself the nature of angets [that is, a pure or regenerated humanity, such as angels have] , but He took on Him the seed of Abraham [that is, a fallen or infirm humanity], that in all things He might be made like unto his brethren," etc. (Heb. ii. 16, 17.) Again : " For He hath made Him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." * See above, p. 85. 10 110 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. (2 Cor. vi. 21.) Here we entreat the reader to mark the difference so clearly pointed out in this passage by the Apostle, between evil and sin. Evil, or rather tendencies to evil, are inherited from our parents and ancestors, and are the lot of every man. Jesus, as being born of a woman, was not exempted from this lot. He by inheritance was made " sin [in the sense of hereditary evil] for us ; " but, unlike all other men, " He knew no sin ; " that is, did not suffer his hereditary evil to become actual sin. I am aware that some commentators render the term sin, amtirtia, in the first clause, sin-offering ; but this is not its mean- ing. A man commits sin when, as James says, " he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed," etc. But Jesus was never drawn away and enticed, and, therefore, never committed sin. The reason why the Lord assumed our infirm nature was that He might bring himself into con- tact with the powers of darkness, and thus, by re- peated temptations from the manger to the cross, conquer and subdue them, and so accomplish re- demption, or " deliver us from the hand of our ene- mies," and "thus destroy the works of the devil." For had He not assumed our infirm nature, tliat is, a nature subject to temptation, " He could not have been tempted in all points like as we are ; " for in "that He himself hath suffered, being tempted, He is able to succor them that are tempted." (Heb. ii. 18. ) The enmity first to be destroyed in effecting the atonement, was in his own flesh (Ephesians ii. 15, 16) ; or " in himself," (Marginal reading.) " For He bare our sins in his own body," and " made peace THE LEV1TICAL SACRIFICES. Ill or reconciliation through the hlood of his cross." (Col. i. 20.) Having thus "abolished the enmity in his flesh," He effected a reconciliation or an atone- ment between the human nature He assumed and God, or the Divine Nature within Him. The human and the divine natures in Him became, by glorifica- tion, which is involved in reconciliation, AT-ONE, as He himself says, " I and the Father are one. " This is the Atonement. This great Atonement was rep- resented by all the sacrifices and burnt-offerings in the Jewish Church ; for they all pointed in the su- preme sense to this work of redemption, and in a subordinate sense they were t} r pes of the regenera- tion or salvation of man. But especially did the sacrifice of the lamb, morning and evening, and also of the pascal lamb, typify this great sacrifice of Je- sus Christ, " as the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." A proper view of the institution and meaning of the Levitical sacrifices teaches us that thereby was not meant that the sufferings due to the worshipper should be transferred to the victim, slain and offered up, but that the victim, whether a lamb, a sheep, or a goat, etc., should represent, or be a type of the affections of charity and love, which are the essential elements of all true worship. The sacrifices were said a to be holy unto the Lord ;" and in relation to Jesus Christ they signified, as the term sacrifice means, the sanctification or the making holy of every principle of the humanity He assumed to the Divine Nature within Him. Hence He says, "For their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be 112 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. sanctified through the truth " (John xvii. 19), show- ing us that his sanctification is the cause of our sanctincation. When, therefore, He had sanctified his humanity "by abolishing the enmity in his flesh, " He not only accomplished the work of atone- ment " in himself," but He prepared the means and opened the way, " a new and living way, that is to say, his flesh " (Heb. x. 20), or glorified Humanity, by which atonement or reconciliation with Him can be effected in all others who will come unto Him, "and obey Him as the author of their salvation." That the Lord, "as the captain of our salvation, became perfect through suffering," is declared by the Apostle. (Heb. ii. 10.) But this could not have been said of Him if the human nature He assumed from the mother had been already perfect. The "sufferings by which He became perfect " are de- noted in other parts of Scripture by " his blood," as in Gethsemane and on the cross. " Truly, then, are we saved by his blood," meaning his sufferings and death, by which He accomplished the atonement. Hence it is that "we have redemption through his Uood." (Eph. i. 7 ; Col. i. 14.), By his sufferings, however, we do not understand his agony on the cross only, but his daily labor and suffering from the manger to the cross. As He re- quires us to bear our cross daily, so He, as our divine example, bore his cross daily, that is, daily submitted himself to those states of temptation by which our redemption was effected. His last and most grievous temptation, by which redemption and atonement were accomplished, was that of the PRACTICAL TENDENCY OF THIS VIEW. 113 cross ; but it is a great error to suppose that this was the only temptation 'or suffering by which re- demption was wrought. To sum up : We have discussed in this brief space, not so fully as I could have wished, the important doctrine of the Atonement : 1, its meaning ; 2, its necessity for the salvation of man ; 3, the Divine Being who effected it ; 4, the reason why He assumed our nature ; and, 5, the process by which He accom- plished it namely, u first, by abolishing the enmity in his flesh or in himself," and thus preparing the way by glorifying himself and supplying the means of abolishing this " enmity against God," in all who will but come unto Him in faith and love, and "obey Him as the author of their salvation." The beautiful and most practical tendency of this view of atonement is evident. We learn from it that all the power u by which we can work out our own salvation " (Phil. ii. 12), that is, become recon- ciled or atoned to God, is from the great Atonement which the Lord accomplished. Truly, then, we must say that " without Him we can do nothing." (John xv. 5.) It is also by that power of redeeming or atoning love that we can be truly reconciled with one another. For man by nature is not only at en- mity with God, but he is also at enmity with his fellow-men, and he requires to be reconciled to both. It is by this power that we can "follow the Lord in the regeneration ;" can " continue with Him in his temptations ; " can " overcome as He overcame ; " can "walk after the spirit in newness of life, and resist and overcome the works of the flesh," etc. 10* H 114 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. But what is the doctrine called orthodoxy, which my learned opponent will have to defend in opposi- tion to the view of the atonement here given ? I know the ground upon which he stands. But we will state his view of the subject from the authentic source against which, I presume, he cannot object. This source is the second of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England ; in which we read, that u The Son took man's nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin, and that He truly suffered, was cru- cified, dead and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for actual sins of men." This article, contrary to the declaration of the Apostle, and to the view stated above, affirms u that the Father, by the sacrifice of the-Son, was reconciled to man ; " and not as the Apostle affirms, "the world or mankind was reconciled to the Father." The ar- ticle also implies that u the Father received the atonement ; " whereas the Apostle, in opposition to this statement, affirms that mankind, through our Lord Jesus Christ, received the atonement or recon- ciliation (Rom. v. 10, 11). This doctrine also im- plies two Divine Persons, who, although declared in the creed to be in all respects co-equal, and of the same nature, yet one is supposed to be full of anger and vindictive justice which can only be appeased and satisfied by the sufferings and blood of the other as an innocent victim ! This orthodoxy, through Dr. Watts, sings in public worship as follows : TENDENCY OF THE POPULAR DOCTRINE. 115 " Rich were the drops of Jesu's blood That calmed his frowning face, That sprinkled o'er the burning throne, And turned the wrath to grace." Here it is taught that the Unchangeable turns or changes from wrath to grace. It is true that the Scriptures ascribe anger to God ; because, to the wicked, when they suffer the consequences of their wickedness, they erroneously think that God is angry, and that He is u a consuming fire." But God does not and cannot appear to the wicked as He really is, but He appears according to [that is, in corre- spondence with] their states ; hence it is said, u To the merciful thouwilt show thyself merciful, and to the f roward thou wilt show thy self froward. " There can be no anger and vengeance, which are evil pas- sions, in God. " Fury is not in me, saith the Lord." (Isaiah xxvii. 4.) But what is the practical tendency of the prevail- ing doctrine of the Atonement ? A man's own na- ture and character are necessarily influenced by the ideas which he has of God. If he can ascribe, as by the prevailing doctrine of the vicarious Atonement he can, wrath and vindictive justice to his Maker, he will think it no sin to cherish such qualities in himself. Such is the practical tendency of this doc- trine as it now prevails. May not the vindictive spirit with which Christians of various sects have often persecuted 'one another be ascribed to this cause ? But it will not be so in the Church of the New Jerusalem. I entreat your readers to compare these two doc- 116 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. trinal views of the Atonement together. Let them look first on this picture, and then on that ; and they will see, after a little reflection, that the doctrine of the New Church on this important subject is most Scriptural and rational, and worthy of all accepta- tion. Whereas, seeing that the orthodox doctrine as expressed above from its authentic sources, is so contrary to Scripture, and so revolting to every moral sense and perception implanted by the Creator in the human mind, we need not wonder that such men as Mr. Jowett, of Oxford, and other enlightened theologians, have risen up against it, as not express- ing the wisdom of God revealed in his Word. My learned opponent, in considering the points and positions here maintained, will bear in mind that no declaratory assertion will be permitted to pass in the stead of Scriptural and rational proof. In my next I shall speak of the "Justification of the Sinner before God." Apologizing for a little extra space on this new subject in the discussion, I am yours, etc., A.V. LETTER VIII. RECONCILIATION, SACRIFICE AND JUSTIFI- CATION. : I have read my opponent's last letter. I regret that, on account of foreign travel, he is compelled to withdraw from the con- troversy. I hope that some other, of a similar Christian spirit, will step into the arena and occupy his place. Truth will not suffer by these friendly discussions ; and, therefore, I hope they will be con- tinued ; especially as I have much that is new to offer on every subject of Theology, to the candid and reflecting of all denominations. Who is there amongst us that does not wish to have brighter views and perceptions, and a more rational as well as a more spiritual and Scriptural discernment of the great truths and facts of revelation? This is the way to improvement, and this is the only means by which the rampant rationalism which now so much prevails in theology, can be met and over- thrown. My last letter was on the Atonement. The doc- trine of the ^"ew Church on this important subject was stated under the following heads : 1. Its mean- ing and object. 2. Its necessity for the salvation of mankind. 3. The Divine Being, or u God in Christ," who effected it. 4. The nature of the medium or Humanity He assumed for the purpose. 5. The proc- 117 118 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. ess by which He effected it ; and, lastly, its practical tendency in the regeneration and salvation of man. In opposition to the doctrine advanced, was placed the common doctrine of a vicarious substitution, rec- onciling, as the orthodox article (the second of the Thirty-nine) says, " the Father to the world or man- kind ; " and not as the Apostle says, u Reconciling the world to himself." My opponent has not un- dertaken to defend the common doctrine called or- thodox, against my statements and arguments, and therefore I conclude that as, according to his own statement in one of his letters, u he would not de- fend and justify the Athanasian Creed " the bul- wark of orthodoxy as to the idea of God, so he will not defend and justify the prevailing doctrine of the vicarious atonement. The only points of any importance in my oppo- nent's reply which require consideration are the terms satisfaction and substitution, as involved in his idea of the Atonement. Now, as to satisfaction this is fully involved in the idea of reconciliation, which, as C. B. admits, is the proper meaning of the word atonement. For when two parties who have been at enmity, have become reconciled by putting away the ground and causes of the enmity, there is then the most ample satisfaction experienced by both, and they mutually love one another, and manifest their satisfaction by their joy and gladness. But this, I am aware, is not my opponent's idea of satisfaction in respect to the atonement. He thinks of a satis- faction rendered to the supposed vindictive justice of God, by the sufferings and death of an innocent vie- THE PRODIGAL SON'S RETURN. 119 tim. But this idea has neither Scripture nor reason to rest upon ; and, therefore, 'is utterly groundless. Thus, when the Prodigal in the parable which de- scribes the conversion of the sinner and his recon- ciliation with God, resolved to return to his father's house, the only condition was that of deep humilia- tion, and of sincere repentance. The father seeing this, u ran to meet him and fell on hi* neck and kissed him." Here no " vicarious substitute " was required, at the sight of whose sufferings and blood the father's wrath was appeased, and his " vindic- tive justice " satisfied ; but when the Prodigal, by repentance, put away, through God's grace and power, the evil and enmity which separated him from his father, reconciliation ensued, and perfect satisfaction was the result. This satisfaction was denoted by the rejoicing, the " feasting, music, and dancing," which followed. Now, no one can deny that this Parable is truly Evangelical, and that it truly describes the manner in which the sinner is converted to God, and the consequent reconciliation and satisfaction which are the result. It must, however, be well understood, as explained in my last letter, that no sinner could possibly return to his Father's house, or be reconciled to his God, unless the great Atonement, or Reconciliation be- tween the divine and human Natures in the Person of Jesus Christ, had been accomplished. This is truly not only the great cause of all reconciliation between God and mankind, but the only source of satisfaction and peace. It is an enormous error to suppose that there was any " vindictive justice," as 120 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. it is called, in God, which required satisfaction. There is no such attribute in God. In "his love and pity He redeemed us." God was not an^ry with mankind, for " He so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son," etc. It is most true that " Christ suffered for us, the just for the unjust," in order to prepare the way, " the new and living way, his flesh" (Heb. x. 20) or his Divine Hu- manity, by which we can have access to the " holy of holies," which signified the Divine Nature itself, or the Father within Him. But his sufferings were not penal, that is, they were not endured by Him in the sense of punish- ment ; but they were purificatory, that is, were en- dured as the means of purifying, sanctifying, and glorifying the humanity He had assumed for the purpose of redemption. This is declared both by the Lord and by the Apostle, and therefore admits of no doubt. Hence the Lord says, " for their sakes I sanctify myself," etc. ; and the Apostle says, " the Captain of our Salvation was made perfect through sufferings." (Heb. ii. 10.) This shows us plainly that his sufferings are not to be understood in the sense of punishment, but as the means of being "macZe perfect," that is, of glorifying his humanity. The " chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by his stripes are we healed." But this chastise- ment and these stripes He submitted to as the means of his glorification, or of his being "made perfect," and not as a "vicarious substitute ; " for we have "to follow Him in the regeneration," we have "to be partakers of his sufferings " (1 Peter iv. 13), and WHAT SACRIFICE INVOLVES. 121 " we have to overcome as He overcame. " The i ^a, then, of a substitution is by no means Script il, nor is it rational. For when Moses wished to be a substitute, and to be blotted out in the stead of the people, the Lord said, u Whosoever hath sin- ned against me, him will I blot out of my book." (Exodus xxxii. 32, 33.) Again, the Prophet says, " The son shall not bear (or be a substitute for) the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son." (Ezek. xviii. 20.) A sacrifice, then, does not involve, as my opponent supposes, the idea of a substitute; but the term im- plies, as its etymology plainly indicates, the makiwj holy of every principle in the humanity assumed from the Virgin, and sacrificing or consecrating it to the Father or Divinity within Him. In this sense Christ was truly a sacrifice for us or for our sakcs, "that we might become living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God. " (Rom. xii. 1.) That He sacri- ficed, or sanctified the human nature He assumed, is clearly involved in what the Apostle declares, when he says " that He abolished in his flesh the enmity," etc., and "that He became perfect through suffer- ing," and also that He sanctified himself. (John xvii. 1 ( J.) This may be a new idea to my opponent, but as it is declared by the Apostle, I am surprised that my learned friend should say u that it is too ajbsurd for refutation. " He should ponder before he makes such an assertion in the face of the Lord and the Apostle. Now, then, we come to the true doctrine of the justification of the sinner before God. Whether we 11 122 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. say justification or righteousness, it is the same thing, and in Greek is expressed by the same terms, or by terms from the same root. u Christ," says the Apostle, "was raised again for our justification." (Rom. iv. 25.) Again, " He hath made Him (Christ) to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. " (2 Cor. v. 21.) This, then, is the only ground of our justification, and the only source of our righteousness. By the redemption and atonement of Jesus Christ, and by the consequent glorification of his Humanity u the new and living way," He is the only source of our justification and righteousness. This is the firm faith of the Church of the New Jerusalem. In our unregenerate and natural state we are all sinners before Him, nor can we be saved but by being jus- tified, that is, made just, holy and righteous by Him. But how does a man become just and righteous before God ? We answer that every dispensation of religion from Adam to the present period was for the purpose of making man just and righteous be- fore God. Thus Adam in his state of integrity was just and righteous. "Noah was a just man, and perfect before God ;" and finally, "the spirits of just men made perfect in heaven," are there be- cause they have been made just and righteous before God. This, then, is the great object of all religion to accomplish. And this, as we have seen, was the chief reason why " God was manifest in the flesh," to accomplish redemption and atonement, without which no man could have been saved, that RIGHTEOUSNESS NOT IMPUTED. 123 is, made just and righteous before Him. u Truly then are we justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." But in order to be justified and righteous !> God, we must receive his justice and righteous or, as the Apostle says, u we must become partakers of the Divine Nature." Now we partake of his jus- tice and righteousness by faith in Him, "and by doing justly, by loving mercy, and by walking hum- bly with our God." This justice and righteousness is not imputed to us until by faith it is received and incorporated in us as a principle of life. " He that doeth justice (or righteousness) is just, even as He is just." (John iii. 7.) To do justice, therefore, through faith in Him from whom all justice comes, is, in our belief, the only way of being justified be- fore God. One of the evil consequences of the fall was this : that man ceased to act justly, or to do justice from God, and began to do justice from himself, and to clothe himself with his own righteousness. P>y ceasing "to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (or justice) " through loving his God above all things, and his neighbor as himself, ho be- gan to seek righteousness in merely external forms of worship, and from merely external motive s of conduct originating in the love of self and of the world. Hence in the Jewish Church the Jew be- lieved that, if he sanctimoniously performed all the external rituals of the Mosaic law, he was justified in the sight of God, forgetting u that God looketh not on the outward appearance, but on the heart." 124 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. This was a great delusion. For the merely external observance of those ritual laws could not justify a man before God. Hence the Lord says to his disci- . pies and to his church, " Except your righteousness (or justice) shall exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven." Hence also the Apostle says, ''Therefore by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight " (Horn. iii. 20) ; and again, u Therefore we conclude that a man is justi- fied by faith without the deeds of the law." Here the Apostle evidently means the deeds of the exter- nal ritual law, such as circumcision, washings, sac- rifices, oblations, etc. It is a great mistake to sup- pose that in the above passages the Apostle means the works or deeds of the divine moral law of the Ten Commandments. Because, in respect to this divine law, which in the nature of things cannot be abrogated, he says, "Not the hearers of the law, but the doers of the law, shall be justified" (Horn. ii. 13) ; and he also says that u the love of the neighbor is the fulfilling of this law" (Pom. xiii.); and the Lord himself declares, " If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." (Matt. xix. 17.) The deeds or works proceeding from the external observance of the ritual laws, the Apostle declares were u dead works," from which they should be purified. They were dead because they had no power to effect justification in the sight of God. Hence we may plainly see why the Apostle declared that by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justi- fied in his sight. JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW OF LOVE. 125 When the Apostle said that we are justified by Faith, he meant, as the learned well know, thft en- tire system of Christianity as contrasted with the Law, which meant the entire system of the Mosaic dispensation. Now the principal law of this Chris- tian faith is the u law of love to God and to our neighbor " (Matt. xxii. 37) ; and it is by this law of faith that we are justified in his sight. It is not, therefore, by faith only that we are justified, but by faith, love and good works united. The Church of the New Jerusalem teaches that we are justified, or made just and saved u by a faith which worketh by love," and which manifests itself in the life by those good works to which the Lord alludes when He says, u So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works," etc. We, therefore, consider it to be a most fatal error, attended, as the history of the church proves, with the most disastrous consequences, to maintain, as modern orthodoxy maintains (see Article XL of the Church of England), that u a man is justified by faith only." Because this doctrine excludes the idea of charity and good works, or the works of a good and holy life, " the fruits of the Spirit " (Gal. v.) as the essential elements of justification and salvation. Much has been said and written about justifica- tion ; some supposing it to be one thing and some another, but all seeming to agree that it is a sudden change, wrought by faith only, in the mind of one who has faith in the merits of Christ. These merits are, like his omnipotence and omniscience, infinite ; 11* 126 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. and we nowhere read in the Gospel that they are imputed to man. The Scripture universally requires us to labor, to strive, to fight the good fight, etc., that we may be justified. But the prevailing doc- trine of justification requires no such thing. It considers a man as merely passive in the work of salvation. Whereas the Apostle commands us "to work out our salvation," etc. ; and the Lord says, u Strive to enter in," etc. The common doctrine is said in the Article to be "full of comfort." Verily it is full of comfort to the merely natural man, as it encourages him in his sloth, and does not arouse him to action, and make him exclaim " What shall I do to be saved ? " This doctrine reminds us of the u pillows sewed under all arm-holes, whereby their souls are hunted to death " (Ezek. xiii. 18, 19); these pillows are also "full of comfort " to the natural man. But are they not dreadful obstacles to his salvation ? But I am reminded that my space is filled up. Your intelligent readers will, I trust, compare one system of Justification with the other, and they will soon see which is the most truly Evangelical. My next subject will be the apostolic doctrine of " The Cross of Christ, and of Him Crucified." In the meantime, believe me, Mr. Editor, Yours, right truly, A. Y. LETTER IX. THE TRUE DOCTRINE OF THE CROSS EXPLAINED. : In my last letter I gave a statement of the "justification of the sinner before God." as maintained by the Church of the New Jerusalem. This doctrinal statement was shown to arise out of the doctrine of the Atonement, dis- cussed in a previous letter. As no opponent has appeared against these doctrinal statements main- tained by the New Church, I have no occasion for reply. Permit me, however, to state one fact, which I desire earnestly to impress upon the minds of your numerous and intelligent readers. It is this : that all the doctrines of the Church of the New Jerusa- lem are founded, as your readers will have abun- dantly seen, on the Word of God solely, and not on any supposed revelations made immediately by God to Swedenborg. I am aware that this erroneous sup- position commonly prevails amongst those who have not read Swedenborg's works, and who are conse- quently not rightly informed as to this important point. No theological writer that has ever appeared, has so abundantly confirmed his doctrinal state- ments and positions by Scripture as Swedenborg. Let his "True Christian Religion " be consulted, and this will be abundantly evident. It is because 127 128 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. there is nothing of the man called Swedenborg in the doctrines of the New Church, but because every- thing is from the Word of God, that we object to being called " Swedenborgians ; " but as the world will thus designate us, we must put up with it. I will now, with your permission, proceed, as inti- mated at the conclusion of my last letter, to state the doctrine of the New Church on "Salvation by the Cross of Christ and Him Crucified." We hear much said respecting the "Cross of Christ," the "Eeligion of the Cross," and "Christ crucified;" and much depends on the manner in which these ex- pressions are understood. If understood in their truly evangelical sense, and the divine truths hence resulting practised accordingly, no subject of prac- tical Christianity can be of greater importance, and none more calculated to edify the soul in righteous- ness and holiness than the Doctrine of the Cross. Prior to Christianity the cross was only known as an object to which the greatest suffering and igno- miny were attached. As an instrument of punish- ment it was in general use amongst the Eastern nations, and also among the Greeks and Romans. The greatest crimes were thus expiated by the most excruciating torments that cruelty could devise, or that vengeance could inflict. So great were the tor- ments caused by this dreadful punishment, that Cicero has declared "that the mind, even at the thought of sufferings and agonies so intense, is filled with horror." A word on the various punishments mentioned in Scripture will not, while explaining the doctrine of the cross, be out of place. PUNISHMENTS AMONG THE JEWS. 129 There were several kinds of punishment among the Jews; the principal of which were " stoniny" (Lev. xx. 2), " hanging on wood or the cross " (Joshua viii. 29), and "burning." (Lev. xxi. 9.) Those crimes which arose more especially from transgres- sing and violating the divine Truth of God's Word, were punished by stoning; those which were more directly opposed to the divine Goodness were pun- ished by hanging on wood or the cross; and those which involved profanation were punished by burn" ing. The loss of natural life for the above offences was a type of the loss of spiritual life, under the Christian dispensation, with those who do violence to the Truth of the Word by the indulgence of evil lusts and perverse thoughts, and continue unrepent- ant through life, and thus bring upon themselves " everlasting punishment " or condemnation, which, under the law, was called the " curse ; " hence they who were crucified were said to be "accursed of God." These punishments were permitted and in- flicted for the sake of the end to be obtained thereby, which is salvation and the preservation of the Church. Hence it was said, "that thy land be not defiled," that is, that the Church may not perish, but be pre- served. Thus, according to the letter of the law, the Jews were required to remove evil persons by punishments from among them, that their typical religion might subsist and remain until the "fulness of times," or until the Lord came into the world to effect an Atonement and to accomplish Redemption. And, according to the spirit of the same laws, Chris- tians are required to remove evil principles from within I 130 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. them, that their real religion may remain and in- crease in fulness to eternity. When the divine truths of the Word are thus properly discerned, it will be seen that every sin has its own punishment, and that it will be found impossible to escape the punishment of any sin which we commit, so long as it is indulged and practised. So soon as any known evil is indulged in thought and harbored in the spirit with any de- gree of complacency or delight, "it defileth a racm," and maketh him guilty in the sight of God, and consequently destroys the life of heaven in the soul and removes it to the dark regions of spiritual death and eternal misery. Hence the necessity of punish- ments, which, however, do not arise from the divine appointments of God, but from the violation of his divine laws of order. Punishments, nevertheless, are permissions of Divine Providence for the sake of salvation. God wills the end, and permits the means ; and these permissions are occasionally pre- sented in the literal sense of the Word under the form of commands, and their infliction assumes the appearance of anger and vengeance as coming from God. A wise parent either punishes a disobedient child, or permits him to be punished, not that he has any approbation or pleasure in the punishment, for he grieves at the idea of his child's suffering ; but he permits it because he knows that if the evil to which the child is prone increases, it will be the cause of his unhappiness both in this life and in eternity. In like manner, u as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him." GOD DOES NOT PUNISH. 131 The Lord permits punishments for a similar object that man's evil may be subdued, and that he may be eternally happy. Thus it is written, "As many as I love I rebuke and chasten." (Rev. iii. 1 '>.') Again, " For whom the Lord loveth, He chastcncth." (Heb. xii. 6.) We have been thus led into the subject of punish- ments as being not only connected with the r/ as the instrument of punishment, but chiefly to slm\v that punishments are in no way designed and ap- pointed by God, and that He cannot arbitrarily punish the wicked, but that the wicked by their own sinful states and deeds bring punishment upon themselves. These remarks enable us to see how greatly those err who suppose that the sufferings endured by Jesus Christ were inflicted by the hand or will of God. In this, as in other cases, God willed the end, and permitted the means. The end was the redemption of mankind, and the glorification of the Redeemer's Humanity, that He might thus perpet- uate redemption forever ; and the means were the assaults from the u powers of darkness" and com- bats against them which the Lord, as the " Son of Man," had to endure and overcome during his whole life in the world ; the last temptation and combat being that of the cross, by which the entire work of redemption and atonement was accomplished. He suffered, not to avert the vengeance of God, or to satisfy what is called "vindictive justice" in God, but to avert the vengeance of hell and to deliver mankind from the bondage of " unclean and evil spirits," of which we read so much in the Gospels. 132 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. He suffered, not to appease the wrath of a supposed angry God, but " that through death He might de- stroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil ; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." (Heb. ii. 14, 15.) The cross, therefore, as involving the temptations, combats and victories by which redemption was ac- complished, became the emblem of Christianity, which was called the " Keligion of the Cross." These sufferings and temptations of the great Re- deemer are also understood by the " blood of the cross," and likewise by the '-'blood which cleanses us from all sin." For by this blood is not only meant his sufferings, but also the Divine Truth which comes from Him in his glorified Humanity, and of which He speaks when He says that we must "drink his blood" (John vi. 54), else "we have no life in us. " Moreover, another reason why the cross is the emblem of Christianity, is because the Lord so often said that " except a man take up his cross and fol- low Him, he cannot be his disciple." It will now be evident that the Redeemer's suffer- ings are not to be considered in the sense of punish- ments that overtake the sinner as being inherent in his own evils, for " He was without sin." Neither, for the same reason, is his crucifixion to be viewed as that of a malefactor and the " accursed of God," as above explained. He who was innocence itself, and whose whole life was one of constant submission and obedience to the divine will, could not possibly, in any true sense, be "accursed." Nevertheless, CHRIST'S SUFFERINGS PURIFICATORY. 133 He was so regarded by the Jews, and thr6ugh their wickedness He was, as the Apostle says, u made a curse for us." He, "the just for the unjust," un- justly suffered the punishment of the cross at a time when that penalty was justly due to the fallen church. The Lord often adverted to his sufferings and cru- cifixion (Matt. xx. 18, 19 ; xvi. 22, 23 ; Luke xxiv. 26) as indispensable to his " entering into his glory." But these sufferings signified by the cross, were, as we have seen in a former letter, not penal, that is, not endured in the sense of punishment, as a vica- rious substitute in the stead of man ; but they were purificatory, that is, they were endured -as the means of sanctifying or purifying the humanity He had assumed from the Virgin, for the purpose of redemp- tion. In this manner it was that " He, as the Cap- tain of our salvation, became perfect through suffer- ings" (Heb. ii. 10) ; and that " He learned obedience by the things which He suffered " (Heb. v. 8). Thus his sufferings were the means of " abolishing the en- mity in his flesh " (Eph. ii. 15), or of atoning or reconciling, first, u in himself" (Eph. ii. 15) the fallen human nature to the Divinity within Him, and thus of providing, through the glorification of his humanity, the infinite Medium of reconciling all to God and to one another in mutual love, "who come unto Him and obey Him as the Author of their salvation." In order, then, that we may have a proper Scrip- tural view of the cross of Christ, and of the Eel uj Ion of the Cross, we must not consider the passion of the 12 134 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. cross onZy, which the Lord suffered as the last most direful temptation, by which He finished the work of redemption ; but we must extend our view to the whole life of Jesus Christ whilst in the world, be- cause we shall find that, as He requires that "his disciple should daily bear his cross," so He as our divine pattern daily bore his cross, and daily suffered the temptations spiritually signified by the cross. This view of the subject opens a new scene of awful sublimity and of overwhelming grandeur in the life of the Redeemer, to all those who have hitherto confined their views of the doctrine of the cross, to the time when the Lord was literally cruci- fied. Such persons cannot but consider that the passion of the cross and the work of redemption were one and the same thing ; or that the whole work of redemption consisted in suffering the pas- sion of the cross only. But the truth is, that the Lord, from the manger to the cross, was engaged in acts of redemption finally completed at his cruci- fixion, when He said, u lt is finished." Seeing, then, the important signification of the cross as the emblem of redemption, because involv- ing the temptations and the means by which it was accomplished, the Church of the New Jerusalem exclaims with the Apostle, " God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. " (Gal. vi. 14.) The cross of Christ here plainly signifies the religion of Christ, or Christianity. This is evident from its being contrasted in a previous verse with the circumcision^ or the religion of the DOCTRINE OF THE CROSS. 135 Jews. For by the cross, or the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ, " the world is crucified unto us ; " that is, we have power to overcome the world, the flesh. and the devil, and thus be saved. IK- nee the Apostle again says, "The preaching of the cross is to tin in that perish foolishness, but unto us that are saved it is the power of God." (1 Cor. i. 18.) Because all the power for salvation was provided by our Sa- viour God, through the work of redemption nnd atonement. But this power is of no use to man, un- less he applies it in faith and love for the purpoaes of salvation. Thus he must "bear his cross," and ^crucify the flesh, with the affections or passions and lusts thereof." (Gal. v. 24.) In this applica- tion of the cross laid down by the Lord and his Apos- tle, it verily becomes to us u the power of God" for all the purposes of salvation. Hence we can have no faith, no love, no holiness, in short, no Christian virtue whatever, unless we have previously borne the cross, and have endured the temptations neces- sary for our purification and regeneration. The Lord consequently says, that " except we deny our- selves, take up our cross and follow Him, we cannot be his disciples." This is the doctrine of the cross as understood by the primitive Christians. But soon after that primi- tive age everything of vital godliness in Christianity became more and more external, until at length very few features of the holy religion of the cross, or of true Evangelical Christianity, could be seen. The doctrine of the cross became so greatly obscured, that the practical evangelical truths it involves were 136 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. almost lost sight of, until at length the cross was reduced to a mere external badge of the Christian religion ; and in this degraded state it remained throughout the dark ages which immediately pre- ceded the Reformation. At this period the cross was brought prominently forward as the great means of salvation. The eyes of the Protestant world were directed to the cross on Calvary, and to a crucified Redeemer, as the very centre around which all the faithful should assemble. This was certainly raising the cross from the servile office of a mere badge, in some degree to its primi- tive dignity and significance. But the great error which gained so prodigious a power in most of the Protestant Churches was, "that faith alone in the merits of Christ, as having suffered* on the cross the penalties of sin in man's stead, was all that is suf- ficient for the salvation of man." This doctrine was the great luminary of the Protestant Churches. But what were and what are still its effects ? Luther himself, not many years after he and other Reform- ers had preached this doctrine, complained most bitterly that the lives of the Protestants in general were even more licentious and wicked than had been the case prior to the Reformation.* And how could it be otherwise, when all the practical part of Chris- tianity was destroyed by the dogma, u that man is saved by faith alone in the merits of Christ," who, * See Luther's letters to his friends on this subject. [See also Appendix by the Editor of the American edition of this work, at the end of this Letter, p. 1-10.] REPENTANCE. 137 it is said, had suffered as a vicarious sacrifice allthe penalties of sin in man's stead ; and that man had only to believe in this doctrine, and the merits and righteousness of Christ would be imputed to him, and his salvation would be secured? When this doctrine is properly considered, it will be found to be a pure invention of man, and quite opposed to the genuine truths of the Gospel, and to the man- ner in which the important doctrine of the cross was understood and preached by the Apostles, and re- ceived and practised by the primitive Christian Church. It entirely excludes the cooperation of man with the Lord, " in working out his salvation " (Phil. ii. 12), and closes his eyes against the necessity of u denying himself and of taking up his own cross daily," and, through the power of his Saviour God, combating against the corruptions of his depraved, fallen nature, by " crucify ing his affections and lusts" as opposed to the purity of the Gospel, in the way we have above described. We now come to a very important point in Chris- tian doctrine, which is that of KEPENTANCE. Of all the doctrines most clearly laid down in the Gos- pel, and most frequently repeated, Repentance is certainly that doctrine. But the doctrine of Repent- ance is almost excluded from the prevailing theology among Protestants ; and among the Komanists it is perverted into the dogma of penance. Throughout the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England we look in vain for any mention of this doctrine. This doctrine was the first which John the Baptist preached. (Matt. iii. 2 ; Mark i. 4). It was the 12* 138 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. first which the Lord preached. "Jesus began to preach and to say, Repent," etc. (Matt. iv. 17). He came u to call sinners to repentance" (Matt. ix. 13). The Apostles "went out and preached that men should repent " (Mark vi. 12). Jesus said "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish " (Luke xiii. 5). The Apostles in like manner preached everywhere repentance for the remission of sins. (Acts ii. 38, iii. 19. xvii. 30.) And to every church in the Apoc- alypse the Lord promises eternal life to those only who " repent and overcome. " It is thus abundantly evident that u remission of sins " and eternal life are given solely on the condition of faith in the Lord, and of repentance, which consists in the shunning of evil because it is a sin against Him. We now ask how it has come to pass that this most Evangelical doctrine does not appear in the prevail- ing theology but as a mere incidental thing,- and not as a primary and essential doctrine of Christianity ? Has it not been supplanted and put out of sight by something substituted in its stead by the traditions of men, which in this case, as in many others, "have rendered the Word of God of none effect " ? What is this something which has thus concealed from men the necessity of doing, as a means of salvation, the work of repentance ? Is it not the prevailing doctrine of justification by faith only, which has done all this incalculable evil to men's states, and closed their eyes against the necessity of shunning evil as sin against God, which is repentance, as the means of salvation ? It is most true that unless the Lord had accom- REPENTANCE A DAILY DUTY. 139 plished Redemption and had effected the Atonement in the manner described in a previous letter, u no flesh could have been saved." This work, then, of Redemption and Atonement is the ground of repent- ance, because it is from" this that man has from the Lord the power to do the work of repentance, and to overcome and remove evil. Thus one great ob- ject of redemption was to place man in a position in which he can freely refuse what is evil from helf, and choose what is good from God. To do this in our daily life, is to do the work of repentance, and thus become, as the term repentance in Greek sig- nifies, changed as to the states and dispositions of our minds, and to have our evils and sins remitted and removed. But the idea involved in a " vicarious substitute," which is the chief feature in the prevailing dogma of the Atonement, is that of excluding the truly Evangelical doctrine of Repentance from the work of salvation. Honce it is that this most practical doctrine of Christianity is rarely preached; nor do we find it, as said above, prominently mentioned in any of the articles of orthodoxy. But most certain it is, as believed in the Church of the New Jerusa- lem, that the daily duty of repentance is the first and last duty of man ; because by this duty he pre- pares himself to receive from the Lord faith, love, holiness, in short, all the blessings of Redemption and Atonement, and every good which constitutes eternal life. For the Atonement, so wonderfully effected, can be of no possible use to a man who does not avail himself of its saving benefits by a 140 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. life of daily Kepentance. But for further explana- tion we must refer the reader to Swedenborg's u True Christian Religion," especially to the chapter on Repentance, so deserving of his attention. I am, etc., A. Y. APPENDIX BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR. . [Few Christians of the present day know to what a fearful extent Martin Luther departed in his relig- ious teachings from the simple and most explicit requirements of the Gospel of Christ, or how surely the dogma of salvation by faith alone, so much in- sisted on by him, tended to the destruction of all heavenly life in its recipients, consequently to the ruin or consummation of the Christian church. This was the leading doctrine of the great apostle of the Reformation (so called), and from him it has been received and incorporated into all the creeds and proclaimed from all the "evangelical" (?) pulpits of Protestant Christendom. That the reader may see what this "great Reformer" (?) taught and strongly emphasized, and be able therefore to judge for himself of the inevitable tendency and effect of such teaching for two or three hundred years, I add here a few brief extracts from Luther's own writ- ings. Thus, in his answer to Erasmus, entitled De Servo Arbitrio, he says : u The nature of the Christian Faith requires it [that is, the preaching of the doctrine of election]. Faith has to do with 'things not seen,' and this is one of the highest degrees of faith ; steadfastly to believe that God is INFINITELY merciful, though LUTHER'S ABOMINABLE TEACH IMS. 141 He saves BUT FEW, and condemns NO many ; and that He is strictly just, though of lux o/m will 11 MAKKS such numbers of mankind NECKSSAUILY liable to tl his Eedeemer. For the terms worms and body, printed in italics, are not in the Hebrew, and should not be in the version. Besides, Job says expressly, in opposition to the common notion that dead bodies will some time or other rise again from the grave, " He that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more." (Job vii. 9.) My next letter will be on "Heaven and Hell," or the nature of the Life after Death. I am, dear Sir, yours right truly, A.y. LETTER XII. THE LIFE AFTER DEATH. : As, after a careful perusal, I cannot discover in my opponent's last letter any argument against the positions from Scrip- ture and reason on which the Church of the New Jerusalem bases its doctrine of the Resurrection, I must leave the subject to the calm consideration of your intelligent readers ; entreating them not to allow the prejudiced cry of " Swedenborgianism " to deter them from examining the subject in the light of Scripture and rational truth. For the real ques- tion is, not whether the doctrine advanced be " Swe- denborgianism," but whether, according to the first postulate agreed on between us at the commencement of this discussion, it be founded on Scripture and con- firmed by its testimony. Having in my two last letters presented to your numerous and intelligent readers a brief statement of the doctrine of the New Church on the important subject of Death and the Resurrection, I now pro- ceed to speak on the nature of the Life after Death, and on Heaven and Hell. This, it must be admitted, is a most deeply interesting subject, and I doubt not that every serious reader will be concerned to know what the Church of the New Jerusalem has to say from Scripture and from rational considerations on 14* L 161 162 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. this solemn question. It is natural that a man in his right mind should earnestly desire to know some- thing on which he can Scripturally and rationally repose as to the Life after Death ; and therefore I am most happy to be permitted, through your liber- ality and kindness, to present to your readers the following doctrinal statement : 1. The New Church teaches, from express decla- rations and inferences drawn directly from the Word of God, that man rises in the spiritual world im- mediately after the death of his material body. This is evident from the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, which the Lord spake in order to teach us about man : s resurrection from the dead, and his subsequent state either of happiness or misery. That there is no long interval, as is commonly sup- posed, of nobody knows how many thousands of years, is evident from the fact that Lazarus im- mediately at death was carried by angels into Abra- ham's bosom, or heaven ; and that the rich man, although u buried" as to his natural body, was, as to his spirit, in the spiritual world, and suffering the consequences of his evil life whilst in the natural world. That the resurrection which both experi- enced was a resurrection of the spirit, or of the ''spiritual body," and not of the^ natural body, is abundantly evident. That no resurrection at some final day, as is commonly supposed, was contem- plated in the divine mind of the Speaker, is equally obvious ; for the Rich Man made an appeal in be- half of his brethren still living in the world. Again, the Lord said to the thief on the cross, " To-day THE NEW DOCTRINE REASONABLE. 163 shalt thou be with me in Paradise," which plainly signifies that the thief would rise from the dead im- mediately on the extinction of his bodily life. In the Old Testament we read that the spirit of Samuel was seen, soon after his death, by Saul ; and that Samuel declared to Saul that u on the morrow he and his sons should be with him " (1 Sam. xxviii. 10) ; we accordingly find, in a subsequent chapter, that Saul and his sons were slain, thus verifying Samuel's prediction. This idea of man's immediate resurrection from the dead in the world of spirits, is most rational and most consoling, and at the same time has in its favor the common unsophisticated consent of all, when not allowing their thoughts to be governed by an erroneous doctrine. For what is more rational than the idea that man wTio is immortal, and created to live in the spiritual world forever, should, imme- diately on the extinction of his bodily life, enter upon his spiritual existence ? On the contrary, what is more irrational than to suppose that man, created to live forever, should, at death, be plunged, as Dr. Whately, the Archbishop of Dublin, teaches in his sermons on u Death and the Kesurrection," in an unconscious sleep, for, it may be, thousands and thousands of years, until the morning of the sup- posed general resurrection ? or that the soul should be in some unknown region of the universe, enjoy- ing no perfect existence until it is again re-united with its material tenement ? The former idea is not only a plain deduction of Scripture, but it is confirmed by numerous analogies I 164 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. in creation, which, as " visible things," represent to us the "invisible things " of God's kingdom. (Eom. i. 20.) The " corn of wheat " no sooner dies in the ground, than it rises again (John xii. 24) ; the cater- pillar no sooner dies as to its larva state, than it rises in its butterfly state, and enjoys a very superior existence, analogous to man's earthly state, his death and his resurrection ; and if he be regenerate, to his heavenly state also. The death, so to speak, of the day is its midnight, and the death of the year is its midwinter ; but no sooner does this death arrive than a new day and a new year commence. Where- as, the idea of an unconscious sleep, has no analogies in nature to confirm and illustrate it. The Apostle clearly teaches this same idea which the doctrine of the Church of the New Jerusalem maintains, when he says, " We know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle [the earthly body] were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands [the spiritual body], eternal in the heavens," etc. (2 Cor. v. 1, 2.) Besides, the Apostle " says, "For me to die is gain. " (Phil. i. 21.) What gain would there be in an unconscious sleep ? But there is every gain in the idea of the resurrection which the doc- trine of the New Church teaches. 2. The New Church teaches that man not only rises immediately at death, but that he rises in a perfect human form, which is a spiritual body; "for," says the Apostle, "there .is a natural body and there is a spiritual body." This spiritual body is the organized form of man's spirit, which consists of spiritual substances, which are quite distinct from THE HUMAN FORM OF THE SOUL. 165 material substances, of which his earthly body con- sists. These substances are not subject to the laws and conditions of the material world, but to the laws and conditions of the spiritual world, and are inde- structible and immortal. " There are," says the Apostle, u bodies terrestrial and bodies celestial ;" and u the glory of the terrestrial is one, and the glory of the celestial is another," etc. It is a mere fallacy to suppose that man is a man by virtue of his natural body ; he is a man by virtue of his ra- tional mind or spirit, the form of which is essentially human. When a man dies he quits his earthly cov- ering, which he wants no more, because not adapted to h is new state of existence. Thus we read of Moses and Elias seen with the Lord at his transfiguration, as being " two men." Angels were always seen in the Word of God as men, and described as such. Man, therefore, at his resurrection immediately after death, is in a perfect human form, in the enjoyment of every sense, especially of the senses of sight and hearing, in a far more exquisite degree than when encumbered with a body of clay. And this, because the proper seat of all sensation is not the earthly body, but the spirit ; for when the spirit quits the body, this latter has no sensation whatever. 3. Man's state after death is determined by his previous life in the world. "He that is righteous and holy will be righteous and holy still ; and he that is filthy and unjust will be filthy and unjust still" (Rev. xxii. 11) as explained in a former letter. According as a man lives he induces an organization in the spiritual substances of his soul 166 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. or spirit, which is in agreement with, his nature, or with the governing love or principle of his life. If his life has been a truly Christian life, he has con- tracted a nature and organized his spirit for good, and he goes among the good in heaven ; but if his life be evil, he has contracted a nature and has or- ganized his spirit for evil, and he becomes the hid- eous form of his own evil, and can only associate with those who are confirmed in evil that is, with those who are in hell. Although heaven is open to all, none on the part of God being excluded, for He wishes all to come unto Him in heaven ; but the evU " hate the light of heaven, and will not come into it because their deeds are evil ; " they consequently shun, of their own accord, the heavenly world as they have not a nature which can sustain the life of love, holiness and happiness of heaven and betake themselves to the abodes of darkness. It is of great importance to see that man's soul or spirit is an organized form, receptive, according as he lives, either of goodness from God, or of evil from hell ; and according as he has lived up to the period of his death, so he re- mains. "Know ye not," say$ the Apostle, "that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey ; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" (Horn. vi. 16.) Forgiveness of sins on the part of God, and actual salvation, are two very different things. God always forgives, as forgiveness and reconciliation are the essential attributes of his di- vine mercy. But in order to salvation, man must HEAVEN AND HELL AHE WITHIN. 167 be in a state to receive the divine forgiveness. So long as he loves evil and lives in it, he cannot pos- sibly receive God's forgiveness ; but immediately he begins to shun evil because it is sinful against God, or when he begins to keep God's commandments, he then receives God's forgiveness and mercy, and is saved. This is essential to be known, because many think that they can be admitted into heaven through immediate mercy and divine forgiveness, without having previously kept God's commandments in their daily life, or having constantly shunned evil in thought and deed as a sin against Him. 4. The doctrine of the New Church teaches that heaven is very near to man, yea, within him, if in a state of regeneration. " Verily I say unto you, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke xvii. 21). Heaven, therefore, consists chiefly in states of mind in states of love to God and to the neighbor. And after death man comes into heaven amongst angels, "or the spirits of just men made perfect," just in the degree in which heaven was, through regenera- tion, formed within him whilst on earth. Whereas if heaven is not within a man, hell must necessarily take its place, since a man cannot spiritually u serve two masters." Hell is thus not only very near an evil man, but is actually within him, so long as he does not repent and turn away from the evil which he loves and practises. In the Gospel we read of "evil and unclean spirits," at the time when the Lord was in the world, being so near to men as to take possession of them ; and if the Lord had not come and accomplished redemption, they would soon 168 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. have destroyed mankind. It is of immense impor- tance that a man should have a right Scriptural idea of heaven and hell, since his mind is thus prepared to receive the one and to reject the other. He re- jects hell, together with all u evil and unclean spir- its," when he rejects evil as suggested to his mind, and especially when he resists it by fighting against it and overcoming it. This, however, he cannot do of himself, but through faith in the Lord, who gives us the power "to overcome even as He overcame." For ""without Him we can do nothing; " but with Him u who strengthens us," we can do all things that He requires us to do for our salvation. This fight against evil is the "good fight of faith" of which the Apostle speaks. The truth thus vigor- ously applied to the life, cleanses us from ail sin. This truth, as it comes from Him who only is the Truth, is called in Scripture, amongst other appel- lations, the " blood of Christ which cleanses us from all sin." It is of no use for us to imagine that we have any saving faith, or love, or holiness within us, unless we have kept the Lord's precepts, or shunned evil as sinful against Him. " Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say ? " I intended to speak to your readers about "the fire which is not quenched and the worm that dieth not," and also respecting other particulars about heaven ; but my space, I find, is nearly filled up, as I intend, according to your kind suggestion, to be more brief in my statements. Permit me, however, to state, that by the " fire of hell," as mentioned in Scripture, is not meant material fire, such as we MEANING OF HELL-FIRE. 169 have in our furnaces on earth, but spiritual fire, which in hell consists of evil loves of ever}' kind, as hatred, revenge, malice, etc., which, according to the law of correspondence by which that world is governed, are manifested in external objects and phenomena corresponding to the evil states of the spirits to which they relate. Thus, when hatred, revenge, envy, etc., are excited into activity, tin-re appear fires of various kinds, and the individuals concerned, like the rich man in the parable, appear to be burning in the flames. We say in common language, that a man burns, when in a passion, with anger and fury ; but we do not mean that he burns with material fire, but with mental or spiritual fire. The lusts of these evil loves are the fires which are not quenched ; and the u worm that dieth not" is the false principle which is in connection with the evil love. In a good sense fire signifies pure love, such as it is in heaven ; but in a bad sense, evil love, such as it is in hell. But more will be said on the subject of heaven and hell in another letter.* I am yours right truly, A.V. [# For a full and interesting account of Heaven, its inhabi- tants and their character, its social arrangements, its habitations and scenery, its government and laws, its employments and its joys, and numerous other things which Christians (and many who are not Christians) desire to know something about, the reader is referred to Vol. II. of the Swedenborg Library, entitled " Heaven." And for a rational, intelligible and Scriptural ac- count of Hell, he is referred to Barrett's " New View of Hell." Both works published by E. Claxton & Co., Philadelphia.] 15 LETTER XIII. SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT MAN'S SPIRIT, AND SPIRITUAL SUBSTANCE, ANSWERED. t i>IR : I have read the last letter of C. D., and also that of his friend u Amicus." As the letter of " Amicus " contains not a single grain of argument, either from Scripture or reason, against any of my positions, I cannot be expected to reply to his vituperative assertions. This would neither promote the cause of Scriptural truth nor of Christian love. I must, however, express my sur- prise that you should allow me to be called a " Jes- uit," and to be assailed with invectives which can only injure the cause of my opponent. " When re- viled, revile not again," is a fixed principle of con- duct in the true Church of Christ, or in the Church of the New Jerusalem ; and on this principle I shall, through the Lord's mercy, conduct this discussion to the end. My opponent, C. D., still clings to the dead body of clay, as though it were the man himself. He ad- mits that the spirit is the very man, and that at death, like Lazarus and Dives, he is in a spiritual body suited to his new state of existence. *But he still maintains that the dead body will rise again, although, as demonstrated by Locke and others,, no such resurrection of dead bodies is mentioned any- where in Scripture. Why, then, does he still cling 170 THE DOOM OF FALSE DOCTRINES. 171 to this unscriptural idea ? Because it is in the popular theology, and to deny it would be to risk popularity. But what is popularity compared with the Truth itself? It is a mere bubble. Many things in religion have been popular in one age which have been rejected in another. What is u the praise of men " compared with the u glory of God " ? Is the dogma of predestination, as expressed in the formula of Calvin, "aliis vita ceterna, aliis damn* (tin imcordi- natur," that is, u to some eternal life is pre-ordained, to others damnation "is this dogma, once so pop- ular and so orthodox, any longer so popular ? The same fate will erelong attend every other erroneous dogma, even that under consideration, the resurrec- tion of a dead body. For let it be well observed, that the resurrection of man from the dead and the resurrection of a dead body are two very different things. u The spirits of just men," the Apostle says, are already made "perfect in heaven ; " what need, then, have they of the earthly body to render them perfect ? "Was not the angel who spoke with John (Rev. xxii. 8, 9), one of the prophets who kad risen from the dead ? What would that angel, who on earth had been a prophet, have said, had John asked him whether he was not waiting to be clothed again with his dead body, at the period of the supposed general resur- rection ? He would have said, " Thou dost err, not knowing the Scripture, nor the power of God." u I am now in my spiritual body, and I require the dead body left in the earth no more ; it is not suited to my heavenly state ; I shall never resume it ; I am, 172 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. as Paul says, perfect without it." That Lazarus (in John xi.) was raised by the Lord, is no argument in favor of a supposed general resurrection ; for he died again. But C. D. thinks that reason or logic has nothing to do with a plain declaration of Scripture. " It is," says he, " a pure matter of faith." But he should know that what the Word of God teaches is su- premely rational and logical. The stronghold of bigotry is the antagonism which priestcraft raises between faith and reason. Let a man once listen to this, and he is on his way to the darkness of Popery, and every species of idolatry ; even that of relics and of dead men's bones, can be crammed down his throat. I will now address myself to the questions which C. D. proposes for my consideration. 1. Of what shape is the organized form of man's spirit ? Answer perfectly human. The human form, as demonstrated in my former letters, is the form, not only of man's earthly body, but of his spirit also. Hence Moses and Elias- at the transfiguration were seen in the human form as u two men. " The angel who spoke with John (Rev. xxii. 9), and who had been a prophet, was in the human shape or form. The spirit of Samuel was seen in the human shape (1 Sam. xxviii. 14), and all angels seen in Scripture are described as men. Reason also shows that the human form is the perfection of forms, since in it- self it is the form of love and wisdom, or a man. For love and wisdom, or goodness and truth, or charity and faith, do not exist as mere abstractions, MANY PARTS IN ONE WHOLE. 173 but in forms, which are angels and regenerate men. The only source of these divine principles is the Lord himself 'from whom they come ; and they are re- ceived by us from Him, in the degree that we believe in Him and love Him by keeping his precepts. 2. My opponent asks, "Is this organization one individual whole ? and if so, how can it be called an organization, or of many parts ? " This organization is not u one individual whole," understood in the sense of numerically or simply one thing. But like the human body which is one, yet consisting of innumerable parts so organized and arranged as to constitute a harmonious one. The human mind in like manner is not simply one, but it consists of innumerable faculties, so organized and arranged as by their harmonious action to con- stitute a one. For the Scriptural and also the phil- osophical idea of a one, or a whole, is not that of simply or numerically one, but of a one or whole consisting of many parts and particles. Thus " one fold," of which the Lord is the Shepherd, involves the idea of innumerable members so arranged and so actuated by one principle of love to Him, as to constitute a perfect harmonious whole. When the Lord said, "One thing thou lackest," He did not, as is evident from his subsequent words, mean one thing only, but all the perfections and graces neces- sary to form the truly Christian life. 3. "What are the properties of a spiritual sub- stance ? " The properties of a spiritual substance are not to be thought of or derived from material substances, 174 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. but from the essential idea of substance in its origin, which is God. For that God is a substance or a hypostasis (Heb. i. 3), is declared both by the Apostle and by the common orthodoxy as expressed in the Athanasian Creed. It is evident to a mind of any elevated thought, that no material property or at- tribute can be predicated of God. He is infinitely above such properties, although He fills them with his life and directs them in their usefulness by his wisdom. Now, abstractly from matter, Goodness from God is the essential substance of all things which are according to the order of God, and Truth is the Form of that substance. That God created all tilings from Love or from essential Goodness, as from a principle or end, cannot be denied. Hence, everything that He created was, before the Fall, "very good." " The Word by which all things were created," involves and confirms what is here said. ( John i. 1-4.) Do not, I beseech you, think of the Word or the Divine Truth as vox et preterea nihil, but think of it as of the most Substantial Thing in the universe. For that which creates must be more substantial than that which is created. The properties, there- fore, of what is Good and True, are the properties of a spiritual substance. Thus, all the attributes which we ascribe to Goodness, we may ascribe to a spiritual substance. Hence, mercy, charity, faith, justice, kindness, chastity, etc., are the properties of a spiritual substance, or what amounts to the same thing, of man's spirit ; for these are by no means the properties of his body, which is a material substance. It is a great fallacy to suppose that thy LAWS OF SPIRITUAL SUJ1 STANCE. 175 are the properties of bis body. Tbey belong essen- tially to his mind, which, as C. D. admits, is not mate- rial, but spiritual ; consequently they are the proper- ties of a spiritual substance. If a spiritual substance be contrary to God's order, that is, if it be evil, as in hell with devils, and on earth with unregenerate men, the properties we then ascribe to them are what is evil and false, instead of what is good and true. 4. " What are the laws and conditions of spiritual substances ? " The laws of spiritual substance are the laws of the human mind and of its operations. For the mind, as before said, is a spiritual substance. If, then, we know by what law we exercise volition and thought, we know the essential laws of spiritual sub- stances. That we exercise volition and thought from the influx and operation of life into us from God, cannot be denied by a Christian. For " in Him we live and move and have our being." Then, the first law of spiritual substances is, that they are actuated by a life and power superior to themselves. Mate- rial substances are also actuated by life from God, but in a lower degree ; as the body which is man's material world, is actuated by life from his spirit. A second law of spiritual substances is, that they are actuated according to the nature of their forms. If these are in order, that is, if they are in harmony with the spirit of life operating into them from God, good in every form, as justice, humanity, holiness, etc., is the result. But if these forms are perverse, which is the case when a man does not obey the precepts of God, but lives an evil life, then every kind of evil to which the man may be prone, is the 176 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. result. These are some of the laws of spiritual substances ; the state in which they are, is under- stood by their condition. These laws are also the laws of essential freedom, by which a man deter- mines himself either for good or for evil, "life or death, the blessing or the curse." (Deut. xxviii.) But my space forbids me to enlarge. 5. "Has the spiritual body organs of sense ? and if so, how can the spiritual be sensible at one and the same time ? " Certainly, the organs of sense are the organs of life ; and as the spiritual body, or the spiritual form of the soul, is the seat of life in man, it follows that it has organs of sense, of which the organs of sense in the material body are merely corporeal instru- ments, by which the spirit is capable of receiving external impressions, and of holding communication with worldly things. My friend C. D. well knows that all sensation, whether it be that of sight, hear- ing, smell, taste or touch, belongs properly to the spirit of man. and not to his body, except by deri- vation from his spirit. Thus, when the body dies, it has no sensation whatever. The organs of sense, therefore, by which sensation is experienced, belong properly to the spirit and not to the body. The spirit has, consequently, when separated from the body, organs of sense far more exquisite than when clothed with the earthly body. This is also proved by Scripture, from which it is clear that organs of sense are ascribed to Moses and Elias (Matt. xvii. 3), to the spirit of Samuel (1 Sam. xxviii. 14), and to others who had been men upon earth. I am yours right truly, A. V. LETTEH XIV. FUTURE REWARDS AND PUNISHMENTS EXPLAINED. IK : The subject of Future Rewards and Punishments is considered by every reflect- ing mind as of immense importance. For if properly understood, this subject will have great practical influence on our life and conduct in this our probationary state. "Whatsoever," says the Apostle, " we sow /iere, we shall reap hereafter ; if we sow to the flesh, we shall of the flesh reap cor- ruption ; but if we sow to the spirit, we shall of the spirit reap life everlasting." That is, if we live in the love of self and of the world, which is " to live to the flesh," we shall hereafter come into states of misery and despair, which is hell ; but if we live here in the love of the Lord and of our neighbor, which is "to live after the spirit," we shall here- after reap life everlasting and come into heaven. Here the punishment of an evil life and the reward of a good life, are plainly set before us. Nothing can be more simple. The Apostle also plainly shows us what it is to " sow to the flesh," it is to live " in adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, revelling*, and such like ; of the which I tell you M 177 178 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. before, as I have told you in time past, that they who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." He shows us also plainly what it is "to sow to the spirit," it is to live in love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, etc. (Gal. v. 19-23.) Here, then, the definition is clearly stated. There can be no doubt what is meant by "sowing to the flesh," and also by " sowing to the spirit." To live in the internal or " inward man, which rejoices in the law of God " (Rom. vii. 22), is to "walk in the spirit ; " but to live in the external man only, is " to fulfil the lusts of the flesh," the end of which is corruption and spiritual death. But in order to present the subject of future re- wards and punishments in a rational as well as in a Scriptural light, it will be necessary to proceed in a certain order, and to arrange our remarks under cer- tain heads, which we shall separately discuss and elucidate. And first, in order to see this subject in its true light, we must begin with proper views of the Deity, and his design in creating man. It will at once be admitted that the Divine Nature is infinite Love, Wisdom, and Power. For our " Sa- viour God is Love," and "He is Light," and "He hath all power in heaven and on earth." Secondly. It will be granted that the Divine Na- ture is unchangeable; "He change th not," and "there is no shadow of turning in Him." Thirdly. It will also be granted that the laws of THE END OF MAN'S CREATION. 179 his Providence by which He acts, are, like his Di- vine Nature, unchangeable. Fourthly. It will appear to the reflecting mind that the end for which God has created man is, that he may be " a partaker of his Divine Nature " (2 Peter i. 4), become an angel, and be happy in lu-:n n forever. This is evident from the nature of his Di- vine Love, which cannot possibly contemplate any other end ; and from the nature of his Divine Wis- dom and Power, which can only direct all his opera- tions to the accomplishment of that end. These propositions are so Scriptural and rational that they bear with them the evidence of their own Truth, and can scarcely be disputed by any Chris- tian man. The nature of rewards and punishments iu this life is well known. Man, as a subject of civil society, is rewarded, if he is a good citizen, with protection, respect and honor. He is thus rewarded in propor- tion as he lives according to the laws of civil order established in his country. And in proportion as he becomes useful to his fellow-citizens, he is further re- warded with rank, dignity, eminence and opulence. But if he violates these laws he is punished either with imprisonment, disgrace, fines and banishment, or with death. The laws of civil order are, if wise and just, founded upon the Divine Commandments. Again, as a subject of moral society, a man is honored, beloved, and thus rewarded, in the degree that he fulfils the conditions of moral order, and acts according to its requirements. These conditions and requirements have relation to what is honorable 180 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. (honestum) in the internal, and to what is decorous (decorum) in the external. These two conditions of moral order cannot be separated with impunity. A man may have what is honorable the honestum in his intentions ; but if he has not at the same time the decorous decorum in his external manners and deportment, he is not a perfectly moral man, and he is treated accordingly. All the laws of moral order are also founded upon the Divine Commandments. Otherwise they have no life and spirit within them from God, and are a mere external semblance of life without any spiritual and vital principle. Hence it is only the true Christian who is at the same time the true citizen and the truly moral and spiritual man. The rewards of the moral man are chiefly the esteem, honor, confidence, and love of his fellow- men, and especially of the community in which he moves, and in which his uses are enjoyed. If he violates the requirements of moral order, all which are not only founded on the Divine precepts, but sanctioned by pure reason, he ceases to be a member of moral society, and is punished in various ways by losing the esteem and confidence of the society in which he lives, and also by the penalties men- tioned above. Thus there are rewards and also punishments at- tending the civil and moral life of man in the world. If he does well, he is rewarded in innumerable ways ; if he does ill, he brings punishment in various forms upon himself. Again, a man is governed by phys- ical laws as to the health, comfort and enjoyment LAWS OF PHYSICAL HEALTH. 181 of his bodily life. If he obeys these laws he is, as a general rule, vigorous, strong, and in the enjoyment of health and of comfort. But if he neglects or violates them, he becomes weak, sickly, diseased and miserable. Thus the appetite for food and drink is regulated by certain laws, the observance of which is temperance, and ensures to us, under the { Lord's Providence, the enjoyment of health and the true pleasures of bodily life. But if man violates these laws, intemperance ensues, which is the fruitful source of all diseases, and of bodily distress and misery. Now, in these cases the laws of civil and of moral order as to their essential principles, and the laws of physical order relating to bodily health, are, like their Divine Author, unchangeable, the rewards or blessings of which follow the due observance of these laws, as light follows the rising of the sun ; and mis- eries, as the results of their non-observance or of their violation, ensue as naturally as darkness ensues on the setting of the luminary of day. By the ob- servance of them man is rewarded with every good , suited to his state ; but- by the violation of them he is requited with evil in various forms, as punish- ments of his imprudent and wicked conduct. That is, he brings evil and its consequent miseries upon himself. Man is evidently free either to observe these laws or to break them. Thus, as to the health of his body, it may also be said that " life and death, the blessing and the curse," are placed before him, and all the laws of order, as well as the results of expe- 16 182 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. rience and the suffrages of his own reason and com- mon sense, exhort him with powerful voice to obey them. He knows the consequences of disobedience ; but unhappily, led by voluptuous pleasure, or as the Apostte expresses it, ''fulfilling the lusts of the flesh," he violates those laws of health and suffers the consequence. This is his punishment. Now what health is to the body, and the laws of physical order by which it is preserved and enjoyed, salvation is to the soul, and the laws by which it is also secured, preserved and enjoyed. There is a perfect correspondence between the health of the body and the salvation or health of the soul ; for the term salvation in its root signifies health. But all the laws of spiritual health and salvation are revealed to us in the Word of God. But for this Revelation man could know nothing certain about the laws of spiritual health or the salvation of his soul. Yea, he would not know that the soul is im- mortal ; he would not be able to distinguish it from the life of the body. He would think, as many do even now, that when the body dies it is all over with man, or, that he will have no conscious existence until a supposed future resurrection of dead bodies, nowhere taught in Scripture. Still less would he know anything truly of God. In so great darkness would man be without a Revelation from God. To this Revelation we owe all the knowledge we pos- sess, not only concerning God and the human soul, but all the essential laws and principles of civil and of moral order are from the same source. In short, man could not exist as a man without a Revelation LAWS OF SPIRITUAL HEALTH. 183 from God such as we have in the Word. All the ideas which Socrates, Plato and Aristotle had re- specting God and the human soul, and all the con- fused notions which Cicero and Seneca possessed respecting the natura deorwn and tlu- "///////, were all originally from Kevelation. Their ideas were not excogitated by themselves, but were the rem- nants of a prior revelation brought from Egypt, Phoenicia and Syria. The precepts and truths of the Word are conse- quently the laws of spiritual health, or of the salva- tion of the soul. If we keep these laws because they are God's laws, we shall assuredly enjoy here and in eternity " the saving health of God " (Psalm Ixvii. 2), and our " health will spring forth speedily " (Isaiah Iviii. 8). Here, as in other passages, God's Word employs the health of the body to signify, as said above, by correspondence between what is spir- itual and natural, the health or salvation of the soul. All these divine precepts and truths, like their Divine Author, are unchangeable. They promise blessing and happiness to those who obey them, and suffering and misery to those who disobey. Thus Che Lord says, "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land ; but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured by the sword ; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it " (Isaiah i. 19, 20). And this is the universal testimony of Scrip- ture. "Jesus," says the Apostle, u is the author of eternal salvation to them that obey him" (Heb. v. 9). "Obedience is better than sacrifice " (1 Sam. xv. 22). Again : u Our souls are purified by obeying 184 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. the Truth " (1 Pet. i. 32)., Hence it abundantly ap- pears that the rewards and punishments affecting the soul, like those affecting the bodily life, do not spring from any arbitrary appointment on the part of God, or from any decree preordaining or predes- tinating some to happiness and others to misery ; or, as Calvin has expressed it in his a Institutes of Theology," u aliis vita ceterna aliis damnatio prceor- dinatur " which being interpreted, means that " to some eternal life, to others damnation is foreor- dained." Awful, dreadful words ! which not only make God the author of evil and of misery, but de- prive the mind of all intelligence as to God's deal- ings with mankind, and especially as to the true nature of future rewards and punishments, ^"ext to the almost inconceivable fact that such a position should have been maintained by any human mind, even in the darkness of heathenism, is the fact that entire churches, such as the Church of Scotland, should have believed it, and adopted it from the synod of Dort, as one of the luminaries of Christian theology. It is true that the human mind at the present time has, to a great extent at least, grown out of this most impious and revolting doctrine ; nevertheless, it is still inwoven in Calvinistic the- ology, and prevents the mind from corning into the real knowledge of the nature of future rewards and punishments. Kothing, then, can be more evident than that all God's operations, both in the preservation of the physical and in the salvation of the moral and spir- itual universe, are conducted according to fixed and GOOD ITS OWN REWARD. 185 immutable laws, which are as unchangeable asl n- self. All good which we receive from God, who is the only fountain of Good, has within it its own reward. As fire has within it its own heat and warmth, as light has within it its own evidence, or as honey its own sweetness, so has good from God its own peac$, bliss and happiness within it. They cannot be sep- arated. In like manner, all evil from hell which has arisen from the violation of God's laws, as revealed in his Word, has within it its own punishment its own pain and misery. When, therefore, we receive good from God by a life of faitli in Him and love to Him, we receive at the same time the reward which ever accompanies his goodness. But this goodness is treasured up in the " inward man which rejoices in the law of God " (Rom. vii. 22). and does not here come forth to the full perception and enjoyment of our external man. Cumbered necessarily whilst in this life with many earthly cares, and with many bodily ailments and infirmities, the peace and bliss which is in the goodness we receive from God, does not come out fully to our perception and enjoyment. All that can be experienced whilst here, even in our best states, is a serenity, contentment, resignation and peace of mind, which is full of trust and confi- dence in the Lord, that He in his mercy is ordering all things for our eternal good. The very cares, anxieties, ailments and infirmities to which we are liable in this life, are made, as a means of spiritual training, by unerring wisdom, subservient to our eternal happiness. They serve, "as the harrow 16* 186 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. breaks up the clods " (Hosea x. 11), to break up our selfish and worldly love in various ways, to produce a deeper sense of humiliation, and of our own help- lessness and need of divine mercy and assistance. They also serve to awaken within us sympathy and love for our fellow-men, and thus t promote the life of genuine charity, or a pure love of the neighbor. But after death, when the internal comes forth into the external when the clog of mortality, the u muddy vesture of decay," and u all sighing and sorrow" experienced in temptations, shall have passed away, the light and love in the internal " shall break forth as the morning," and the entire man, both as to his internal and his external prin- ciples, will be full of peace and heavenly happiness. Whereas evil and its pleasures, called the u pleas- ures of sin," are indulged in this life as agreeable to the unregenerate, external mind, which does not, during its indulgence, feel the u sting of death" which is within it ; this venomous sting, however, which is also often experienced in this life, comes out after death, and proves a source of misery in one form or another corresponding to its nature. The sweet with which the poison is covered is agree- able to the taste, but it soon begins to do its deadly work. Thus it is an eternal law of divine order, that as good has within it its own reward, so evil has within it its own misery and punishment. The bringing forth of the internals into the externals after death, or the opening and disclosure of the internals, and the manifestation of them in the externals, is also in- 16* THE EVIL NATURE REMAINS. 187 . volved in what the Lord says in John v. 29 : u They that have done good [or who have good in the in- ternal] shall come forth unto the resurrection of life ; and they that have done evil [or who have evil in the internal], unto the resurrection of damnation ;" because the disclosure of the internals, arid the mani- festation of them in the externals, is also a kind of resurrection. For the term anastasis, here translated resurrection, involves the idea of standing up, or stand- ing out, and implies the manifestation of what is in- ternal or hidden in what is external or manit'i Now if a man here so lives as, by indulging the pleasures of sin, to contract an evil nature, he, when he leaves this world, takes his evil nature with him ; and as he did not here desire to change that nature by employing the proper means for the purpose, which are faith and repentance, his nature remains in the spiritual world not only unchanged, but, as to its ruling principle, unchangeable, according to that divine declaration which says, "He that is un- just let him be unjust still ; and he that is filthy let him be filthy still ; and he that is righteous let him be righteous still ; and he that is holy let him be holy still." (Rev. xxii. 11.) Again, u Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots ? then may ye also do good that are accustomed to do evil." (Jer. xiii. 23.) Again, u The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wicked- ness of the wicked shall be upon him. ' ' (Ezek. x viii. 20.) Thus man, by taking with him at death his own nature, either for good or for evil contracted during 188 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. his life in the world, continues, according to the im- mutable laws of God's unchangeable order, to love and delight in that nature, whether good or evil, which he has from his free choice and determination - contracted and made his own. Nor is he willing to part with it or to change it. If he leave the world with a nature corresponding to the sheep or the lamb, which is an innocent and benevolent nature, he is unwilling to change it, but will continue to de- light in it with ever-increasing pleasure to eternity. But if he leave the world with a nature correspond- ing to the wolf or the viper, he will also love the nature he has chosen and formed, and will be no more willing to part with it than a wolf or a viper upon earth is willing to change its nature. Thus the evil man takes with him his evil nature, and en- deavors to gratify the evil delights of this nature. Hence the thief still loves to defraud, rob, and plun- der ; the revengeful still love to cherish feelings of revenge and malignity ; the deceitful still love to cherish deceit and cunning ; the licentious still love licentiousness ; the slanderer still loves to backbite his neighbor ; the envious still love to see their neighbor injured and in distress ; the lover of Mam- mon still clings to his god ; the idler still loves his idleness, and the despiser of God still loves to blas- pheme his holy name. Death produces no change in the nature ; but by freeing it from material trammels and from earthly conditions, it gives it freer scope for the exercise of all its promptings, activities, and passions. But these promptings, passions, and activities of an evil HOW EVIL IS RESTRAINED. - 189 nature must be checked and kept in subjection. Here is the point when the pleasures of sin are changed into the miseries of hell. For hell is noth- ing but evil desires and passions ungratified, re- strained, and subdued, contrary to the will and nature of* the unhappy subject in whom they exist. The lusts of evil now become the fire not material but spiritual " which cannot be quenched ; " and the false principle connected with those evil lusts is u the worm which dieth not." All evil is subdued by the punishment inherent in its nature. The evil designed falls back upon him who designed it. u His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate." (Psalm vii. 16.) The law of action and reaction is instantaneous in the spiritual world. And by this law it is that evil as it becomes active is instantly subdued. Thus the old law of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe " (Exod. xxi. 24, 25), is the law of retalia- tion, or of action and reaction, by which evil is sub- dued, and which in the spiritual world is, as said above, instantaneous in its operation. The same law also obtains in respect to good. Every good feeling and affection carried out towards others, is instantly rewarded by the inexpressible delight which everything good from the Lord bears within it. This law is thus expressed by the Lord : " Give, and it shall be given to you again ; good measure pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall men give into your bosom." (Luke vi. 38.) 190 . THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. From what has been said, we conclude that Fu- ture Rewards and Punishments are under the con- trol of divine laws which originate in infinite Love and Wisdom. These laws, we have seen, are fully revealed in the Word, and are, like Him from whom they come, unchangeable. By complying with these laws we inherit the blessings annexed to their ob- servance ; but by di-sobedience and rebellion we inev- itabty incur the curse and punishment. Finally, let us never forget that the power by which we can obey these laws, comes exclusively from the Lord, "without whom we can do nothing;" and that He effected the work of Redemption and glort^ fied his Humanity chiefly that we might have the power to obey his precepts, and thus be saved. I am, dear Sir, yours, etc., A.Y. LETTER XY. GUARDIAN ANGELS AND EVIL SPIRITS, AND THEIR PROXIMITY TO MAN. : The subject of Guardian Angels and Evil Spirits, and their proximity to Man, must be deeply interesting to the thought- ful mind ; because it is not only so fully revealed in the Scriptures, but, as we shall see in the course of this Letter, so congenial to our higher rational con- ception and nature. The doctrine of Guardian An- gels speaks home to the heart with peculiar empha- sis, and awakens in our minds the most delightful emotions. To think that man can claim kindred with angels, and that, in the language of the poet, which is likewise the language of truth, " Angels are men, in lighter habit clad," and " Men are angels loaded for an hour," etc. is a great cause of consolation. There are two sources whence we derive all our knowledge respecting this subject. The one is Scrip- ture, and the other is the rational exercise of the human mind on the subjects revealed. In the Scrip- tures we learn that the Lord "has given his angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways " (Psalm xci. 11) ; and that "the Lord commands his angels to encamp round about them that fear Him " (Ps. xxxiii. 7). We likewise learn that an angel came 191 192 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. and delivered Shaclrach, Meshech and Abeclnego from the fiery furnace, so that not a single hair of their heads was singed. The angel of God likewise came and delivered Daniel from the lion's den. When the people of Israel went through the wil- derness "a pillar of a cloud went before them by day, and a pillar of fire by night ; " and this pillar was expressly declared to be the presence of the Lord, and that they were delivered u by the minis- try or presence of angels. " That pillar of the cloud, then, was a phalanx of angels, represented in that peculiar form in order to show us that, as Israel was thus wonderfully guided and protected through the wilderness, so in like manner are we, whilst passing through this life, guarded in all our ways ; and if the angels of God were not with us, we could not make a single step in advance towards his kingdom. We read also that when the Lord himself came upon earth, u angels came and ministered unto Him " (Matt. iv. 11) ; and that angels were with Him in the most trying moments of his agony and temptation (Luke xxii. 43). That when He sweat as it were drops of blood during his agony in the garden, angels came and ministered unto Him ; and as we follow the Lord u in the regeneration," angels come and minister unto us also. He indeed needed not ministering angels. He had all strength in him- self, because "He had all power in heaven and on earth." But He permitted the angels to come and minister unto Him in order to show how it is with every man " who continues with Him in his tempta- tions," that He also guards, watches and protects A NGEL 1C MINIS TRA TION. 193 him on every occasion by the ministry of his holy angels. He also declares to us that the u angels of little children do always behold the face of the Fa- ther which is in heaven," and that angels are with us at the period of death. For angels carried Laz- arus into Abraham's bosom in heaven; they assisted, as it were, at the resurrection of Lazarus, and also at the resurrection of Dives ; for universally, whether the man is good or evil, the angels of God never with- hold their ministry of love, their service of salvation from him. We also know from the declaration of Scripture that the angels of God " rejoice over every sinner that repenteth ; " that angels are with us when we are performing the duties of actual and genuine repentance : thus, when we are struggling with the evils of our corrupt nature, when we are overcoming temptations induced by evil spirits, angels are with us. It is they who inspire us from the Lord with every excellent motive. It is they who inwardly awaken all the sensitiveness of our conscientious nature. It is they who thus inspire the mind with encouragement and hope. "We learn also that an- gels are with us in our acts of devotion and worship. Thus it is said in the 8th chapter of Revelation "that the angel took of the incense from the altar, and offered it up to God with the prayers of all saints." Angels, therefore, are with us in our acts of wor- ship ; and although unseen by the eye of the body, they are yet present with us in our u inward man," and in all our higher sensibilities. We learn from the testimony already adduced, that angels are, in 17 N 194 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. the hands of Grod-s Providence, mediums of every kind of good to us. They are the mediums of our safety. They are the mediums by which we are guarded against danger, and especially against evils of every kind. They are the mediums by which we are moved to genuine repentance, and by which our acts of worship ascend to the throne of grace. They are the mediums of strength to us in the hour of trial and temptation. u They bear us up lest we dash our feet against a stone." They are mediums universally of preservation to our infant race. We often wonder how it is that children who play in our streets are not more frequently destroyed by the dangers that surround them. Ah ! there is a secret here which the Word of God unfolds ! It is because they are mercifully and wonderfully protected from these dangers, and borne up, invisibly to us, by an- gels, lest they should suffer injury and death. We also learn that angels are the mediums of good and of strength to man when he is assailed by any besetting sin. We feel that we are sometimes placed in a ''strait (as says the Apostle) between two" in a dilemma. We have our heart with its heredi- tary evil propensities bearing us downward ; we have our higher sentiments bearing us upward. Oh ! there are many struggles in the heart of man ! There is the warfare between the internal and ex- ternal; between the inward man "which rejoices in the law of Gk>d," and the outward man, between " the flesh and the spirit. " Many a struggle will every good man feel, and blessed is he who does experience that struggle (James i. 12) ; for in the struggle he ANGELS ARE SPIRITS OF JUST MEN. 195 will often experience that there are two counteract- ing powers, and that he himself in the centre has the decision in his own hand ; but to pronounce the decision and cause it to take effect, is the especial combat of man as a " soldier of Christ.'* Here the angel of God comes to strengthen him ; and if the victory be won the man himself becomes an angel. He partakes of the nature of angels, and becomes one with them. He has something more than what earth can give him something more than what the world can bestow. His heart becomes open to heaven, and he is enrolled amongst u the company of the first-born and the spirits of just men made per- fect." We see, then, in all this, strong scriptural evidence that the Guardian Angel is not a mere chimera or metaphor of language, but as great a reality as any- thing can possibly be. But in order to see this more clearly, we will in- quire what is an angel ; because we cannot properly see what angels are to us, except we know in some measure what an angel is. If we consult the Scrip- tures we shall see an angel defined and presented to us u as the spirit of a just man made perfect in heaven." An angel, then, is a man ; and we are to conceive of him as such. He is a man not clothed with materiality, but a man in a spiritual humanity ; for there is, says the Apostle, "a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." An angel is a man who has left the natural body, but who in the spiritual world is clothed with a spiritual body, consisting of spiritual substances, of which the human mind it- 196 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. self is formed, as explained in a former Letter ; for, properly regarded, it is the spiritual form of a man existing within his natural form ; and there is no philosophy at the present day so absurd in its char- acter, as that of conceiving the human mind to be without substance or form. It is a substance more real and substantial than that of which our natural body consists, because it is a substance which is not subject to the laws of matter. It is a substance which is subject to the laws of mind, and these laws are distinct from the laws of matter. (See above, p. 175. ) We think according to the laws of mind ; we act according to the laws of matter. All our thoughts and affections belong to the spirit ; all our words and actions belong to the body. The spirit of a man, therefore, as to its life, consists of his af- fections and thoughts ; and affection and thought can no more exist without a substance and form, than vision can exist without an eye, hearing with- out an ear, or any of our sensations without the sen- sories in which the sensation is experienced. The spirit of man is in its nature most truly a substance, clothed whilst here with a material substance, in order that it may exist for a time in the world of nature, to perform there the uses which by creation it is destined to accomplish. That, says the Apostle, " is first which is natural : afterwards that which is spiritual." (1 Cor. xv. 46.) The natural therefore comes first, as the foundation of the building must be before the building itself. An angel as a spiritual being, was first a natural being, or a man in the THE SEMINARY FOR HEAVEN. 197 natural world, and prepared here to become an angel in heaven.* We shall see this more clearly brought home to us if we reflect for what end we exist here ? The proper answer to that question is, that we may exist u in the image and likeness of God," and that wi- may realize the light, life, wisdom, happiness, and love of God in ourselves. We live here, therefore, in order that we may be prepared for heaven hereafter. The world, then, properly regarded, is the seminary for heaven ; the nursery whence the plants planted by the hand of our heavenly Father, shall be trans- planted to his kingdom in heaven. This world, therefore, is especially a training-school for heaven. Every day we here live, that is not lived for heaven, is a day lost. And we live here for heaven if, whilst here, we endeavor faithfully to perform our duties to God and our duties one to another. The man who faithfully, that is, from a religious principle, performs his duty here, whatever be his vocation, is preparing to become an angel. Whilst he is en- gaged in his outer man in faithfully performing the duties of his employment or vocation here, the Lord, through the ministry of his holy angels, is engaged in building up his inner man to become an angel in his kingdom. Angels, then, were always seen as men ; but not men with wings. That is an idea which belongs to * See the Postscript to this Letter,.in which it is demonstrated that the common notion of the fall of angels has no ground in Scripture or reason to rest upon. 17* 198 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. pure symbolism ; and when mentioned in Scripture, is representative of the higher intelligence, wisdom and love in which an angel lives. To think, then, of an angel, we must think of a man in a higher state of perfection, who has lived in the world, and through the power and mercy of his God has per- formed his duty to his Creator and to his fellow- man ; who has lived here the life of faith and love ; who " has followed the Lord in the regeneration," and thus prepared himself here for his higher destiny hereafter. That angels are our brethren is declared by the angel in the book of Revelation, where John, with ,a sense of awe, "fell down to worship the angel" who showed him the events recorded in that book. But the angel said, "See thou do it not ; for I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy brethren the proph- ets." This, then, plainly shows us what an angel is ; that he is a man with all the perfection of human nature in its highest sphere ; having here had a ma- terial frame, which, "as flesh and blood can never enter the kingdom of God," is put off; but he is there u in a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. " That house is his " spiritual body. " Angels were always seen as men throughout the Scriptures. Abraham saw the three angels that came to him on the plain of Mamre as three men. Lot saw the angels who came to him in the city of Sodom as men. Jacob saw the angels of God ascend- ing and descending the ladder, and wrestled with one as a man. Gideon declares that he saw a man who commanded him to prepare the fleece in a cer- EVERYTHING FOR SERVICE. 199 tain way, as proof that he should be victorious over the Midianites. That man was the angel of God. Manoali also saw the angel of God as a man, who announced to him the birth of Samson. The two angels who were seen at the Lord's sepulchre WITC expressly called "young men." Moses and Elias were seen at the transfiguration of Jesus as men ; and it is expressly said that u two men were with Jesus." Whenever, therefore, we think of angels, let us think of them as men. It is in agreement with Scripture evidence throughout ; and it is in agreement with our higher rational perception. When we come to examine our rational experience for proofs and illustrations of what we have ad- vanced, we shall find that there are two universal facts and truths that press themselves most solemnly on our attention. The first is, that nothing that we behold or are acquainted with is made for itself ex- clusively, but that it is created for something out of itself, and that it looks to that something out of it- self as the object which it is in its nature intended to serve and bless. Thus the father looks to the child out of himself as the object which he desires to bless and to love as one with himself ; and in order that he may realize the child's happiness, he will deny himself even the necessaries of life that he may bless the object of his love. In like manner a good man looks to his fellow-man out of himself as the object whom he desires to bless. "None of us (says the Apostle) liveth to himself." (Rom. xiv. 7.) If you look at the structure of his eyes, you will find that the eye sees all objects around it, save one, 200 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. that one is itself. He does not look to himself in the activities of his life, but to objects out of him- self. I am aware that the selfishness of human nature can scarcely be brought to agree with this ; yet it may be rationally brought home, and illus- trated by a variety of facts. In the kingdom of nature, for example, you will find that the whole of the mineral kingdom exists for something beyond itself ; that something is the vegetable kingdom. It administers all its uses to the various kinds of vegetables. The vegetable kingdom, in like manner, does not exist for itself. It looks to a sphere beyond and out of itself. It looks to the animal kingdom, and all its wonderful provisions are poured forth for the use of that king- dom. . But there is something beyond this which all the kingdoms of nature contemplate as their final object ; that is, man. They all look to him as the object which they desire to benefit and bless. The mineral kingdom displays its mineral wealth in order that it may bless man. The vegetable kingdom dis- plays its wealth and productions in order that it may bless man. The animal kingdom, in like manner, so far as it is of service to the human race and even in so far as it is not of service, as with the venomous reptiles, the ferocious beasts, and the poisonous plants all subserve in one form or another the interest and benefit of mankind. All look, there- fore, to man. He is the world, the little world or microcosm to which they all refer. But this is not all ; they look further. They look to their Creator through man, through whom as a rational, conscious BLESSEDNESS IN SERVING. 201 being, they are to be transferred to their Creator in acts of homage, love and worship. Then the whole circle from beginning to end is complete. AVe can go no further. Now in all this wonderful system we notice that there is one thing existing for another, and that there are mediums from one thing to another from beginning to end. We see all this without any pos- sibility of dispute in respect to man's life here in the world ; and the inference to be drawn from this is, that it must be so in like manner with regard to man's spiritual relations ; that he is not only sur- rounded with blessings calculated to bless his u outer man," but with a wonderful system of blessings calculated to bless his "inner man." That s\ of blessings is the Spiritual World, and eminently the guardian angels with whom, through the prov- idence and mercy of God, he is surrounded. But the second thing as a universal truth, which I desire to press upon your intelligent readers, is this: that all things exist as mediums of good and blessing to other things. Man, for example, e: as a medium of good to his fellow-man. lion- wretched is that man who exists for himself alone ! We call him a miser, from the word miserable ; and truly he is a miserable wretch. Man acquires hap- piness in proportion as he goes forth into the world, and blesses others by the uses of the 'employment in which he is engaged. Thus there is not a single individual in the world who, by virtue of his office, however humble it may appear in the eye of the world, and by virtue of his employment, is not ca- .202 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. pable of being a medium of good to his fellow-man. This is the school of heaven; and where the mind is opened by the truth of the Gospel of Jesus to see this, and when the heart and the life are affected according to the knowledge perceived, the interiors of the mind are opened, and man is gradually trans- formed into u an image and likeness " of his Saviour God. Now, I think we shall see that this is most reason- able, and that not only Scripture speaks plainly to us on this question, but our own rational experience will also show us the same great principle. And if it is a truth, how great is that truth ! Let us for a moment glance at the practical nature of this truth. Every holy, disinterested and pure thought and affection which we cherish, is an indication of the presence of angels. Every disinterested act of love we perform every act done for the good of our neighbor, is a proof of the presence of angels. We may, therefore, bring this also, like every other doctrine of Christianity, to the test of experi- ence. If it yield us spiritual profit, if it is good for our practical life, if by carrying it out it will make us better men, bring us to a higher platform in the kingdom of God, and make us love Him with a purer love, and our neighbor even better than our- selves, then we may rest assured u the doctrine is of God; " and trying this doctrine of Guardian An- gels by this test, we shall find it to be eminently practical. We have already said that every holy, pure and sweet thought is an indication of the pres- ence of good spirits and angels. How, then, ought WHAT ARE EVIL SPIRITS? 203 we to struggle against the opposite to these heav- enly emotions ? When we have the unholy thought, the sinister motive, if we struggle against it through the power of God in order that we may cherish the opposite, we may rest assured that "the angels of God are encamped round about us." This, then, is one of the practical tendencies of the doctrine be- fore us. Let us now briefly consider the nature of evil spirits. First we will inquire, What is an evil spirit ? You will remember the definition we gave of an angel, which is u the spirit of a just man made perfect in heaven." An evil spirit is, consequently, the spirit of an unjust man, of an unregenerate man ; of a man who has left the world through the gate of death without being prepared for I In- heavenly realm. If, for example, a man has made himself monstrous by a life of cruelty and brutality, and if he die in that state: if he has organized his mind to be monstrous in that character, how can a mon- ster enter into the kingdom of God ? Again : if a man by fraud, deceit and treachery has made him- self into a viper for the Lord calls those vipers who are hypocrites and deceitful how can a viper with its venom enter into the kingdom of God? \\V might thus go through the whole catalogue of sinful depravities. There is much knowledge required on the true nature of the human soul. It has been too often and too long thought by many that the human soul is a mere principle of thinking and willing, and at the same time unsubstantial and abstract in its na- 204 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. hire. This, viewed rationally and scripturally, is a most grievous error in the church and in the philos- ophy of the day. As already explained, the human soul is of a purer and infinitely more perfect sub- stance than the body ; but a substance of another character ; a spiritual substance, as we see mani- fested to us in the Word of God. Thus it will be found that the spirit of a man is a spiritual organ- ism, and that this organism assumes a form accord- ing to the governing principle that actuates it. If the governing principle be evil, the form of the spirit will be in harmony with the interior evil by which it is actuated. If the governing principle, for ex- ample, be avarice or an inordinate love of wealth, the form of that man will, as to his spirit, be pre- cisely in harmony with the evil which he loves. Now if a man has lived here so as to organize his spirit or mind to be in harmony with some love or principle that is not in agreement with the kingdom of heaven, he cannot, after death, be re-organized. Where can he be reformed or re-organized ? Here is the place for effecting it ; here is the proper place for regeneration. "Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." " The Son of Man hath power 091 earth to forgive sins." When the earth is left by death the power to forgive or remit, that is, to remove sins, exists no longer. The man has con- tracted a nature in which he delights, and will not part with it. (See above, p. 166.) For if a man has organized himself in a manner not suited to the heavenly world, how can he live there ? If he have eyes not organized and fashioned EVIL SPIRITS SHUN THE LIGHT. 205 so as to see in the light of heaven, how can he en- dure that light? He will shun it, for he "loves darkness rather than light, because his deeds are evil." He will shun the presence of the angels of heaven, because his darkness is contrary to their light ; and in like manner as to all his sensations. If he has lungs not formed to breathe the heavenly atniosphcres, the fish might as easily live out of water, as for an evil spirit thus organized to dwell with his God. God does not remove the evil spirit from himself, but the evil spirit removes himself from God. God is always willing to receive sinners ; but the man who loves sinful depravities will betake himself far from God, according to the nature of the depravity in which he is. It is therefore said, u He that is righteous let him be righteous still ; he that is holy let him be holy still ; he that is unjust let him be unjust still ;-and he that is filthy let him be filthy still." This is the declaration of the Word of God ; and like the birds of night, the wicked will of their own accord shun the light of heaven. The de- light of evil here has so fascinated them, that like the swine, they will of their own accord " wallow in the mire." The great object of religion is to raise us u from the dung-hill, and to seat us upon the throne of princes." (Psalm cxiii. 7, 8.) To know our delights, and in what we find our greatest grati- fication, is one of the most useful exercises in which the human mind can be engaged. An evil spirit, then, is a man in a state of degradation, evil, misery, and wretchedness, which during his lifetime here he 18 206 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. has brought upon himself, contrary to the designs of his Creator. Now we read much of evil spirits in the Word of God. The Lord, when He came into the world, came expressly, as one of the great objects of redemption, " to cast out unclean spirits and devils. " It was be- cause, at the time He came into the world, evil had risen to such an ascendancy, that if He had not come to accomplish the work of redemption, "no flesh could have been saved." Redemption chiefly con- sisted in removing these evil influences; in subju- gating their authority, and casting them out from man, and in thus delivering the human race from their infernal bondage. We likewise learn that " he healed those who were vexed with evil spirits." (Luke vi. 18.) And this brings us to the practical nature of this subject. Every unholy and unworthy thought we cherish, is a proof of the proximity of evil spirits ; for we derive no thoughts from ourselves. It is a mere fallacy to suppose that a man derives his thoughts from himself ; as it is a mere fallacy to sup- pose that vision is inherent in the eye, or hearing in the ear. Did not the air vibrate and strike upon the ear, we should never hear. Did riot the light act upon the retina, we should never see. And this is still more true with regard to the thoughts and the affections. If we think and act according to the principles of God's Word, then our thoughts are all derived from Him through the medium of angels ; but if we think in opposition to the Word or the light of his divine truth, then our thoughts, what- EVIL INFLUENCES HOW RESISTED. 207 ever maybe the outward appearance, are influenced more or less by the evil spirits with whom we are associated. Here, then, we see the truth of the Lord's declaration. When every insult was heaped upon Him, He said to the people around Him, " Now is your hour and the power of darkness." He saw the evil influences that actuated them, and asso- cLated them with their origin, u the power of dark- ness." So is it now. Let us remember, then, if we desire to reduce this to practice, that every wrong and impure imagi- nation, and especially every wrong motive and end we cherish, is a link between us and some evil spirit ; and that that link can only be broken by the power of Jesus, that is, by the power of the Word of Jesus. Jesus acts by his Word (Matt. viii. 16), and if we follow his Word, He breaks that link and destroys this "confederacy with death" (Isaiah xxxiii. 15), and thus effects our individual redemption, as He accomplished the universal Redemption and Atone- ment of mankind. We may see, then, in the least, what is the effect in the greatest. One is the image of the other. In the drop of the ocean we behold the ocean itself in miniature ; in the ray of light, the image of the sun itself. The individual redemption of man is an image of the universal redemption effected by our Saviour God. In what manner, then, are we to act, so as to be secure on the one hand from evil spirits, and on the other to be associated with " ministering angels " ? The only way is to look to the Lord in his Word. That is the only medium of deliverance from "the 208 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. powers of darkness," and the only medium of con- junction with the Lord himself. Let us, then, direct our eyes solely to Jesus in his Glorified Humanity, in which He is one with the everlasting Father, and tlu> everlasting Father himself brought forth to our view. Let us look to Him as the sole source u of all power in heaven and on earth. " Let us look to Him as the sole Fountain of Life, as the sole source of every pure and good and holy thought and affec- tion. Let us seek Him in his Word, and when we find the truth there, let us remember that that truth has been sent to us to associate us with his kingdom, to bring us more under the influence of his guardian angels that encamp around us, and to remove as far as possible the u confederacy of hell and of death," and the influence of evil spirits. For it is Jesus alone who has the power to destroy their influence, and to deliver us from their cruel bondage. I am, yours, etc. A. V. POSTSCRIPT. Angels not Created such. It is a common belief that angels were created as such before man, and that certain angels fell, and introduced evil into the universe. I am aware that this belief rests rather upon Milton's "Paradise Lost," than upon any solid ground in Scripture. Still, the two passages in 2 Peter ii. 4, and in Jude 6, which speak of " the angels that sinned, and that A POPULAR ERROR. 209 kept not their first estate, but left their own habita- tion, and are reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day " these two passages require (as they appear to be the principal scriptural supports of the doctrine of the existence of angels prior to the creation of man), to be fully explained in reference to this subject. It is of great interest to spiritual intelligence, and consequently to the spiritual life, to have scriptural and true ideas upon this subject. In order to sup- ply corroborative evidence that these two passages in Peter and Jude have no reference to the common notion of the Fall of Angels, and that they, in con- sequence, give no countenance or support to the supposed existence of angels prior to the creation of man, we will adduce some striking proofs from the most esteemed interpreters of Scripture during the first four centuries of Christianity, when it is supposed, both by the Roman Catholics and by many amongst the Protestants, that Scripture was better understood than in after times. We are enabled to do this from the learned work of Dr. Tafel, entitled "A Comparative Statement and Critique of the Doctrines of Roman Catholics and Protestants, and of the Difference between them and the Doctrines of the New Church," etc.* We will first show that the term angel (ayyeAAoc) which signifies one sent, or a messenger, is by no means in Scripture confined to angels as inhabitants * Vergleichcnde Darstellung und Beurtheilung der Lehrgeg- ensiUze, etc., TUbingen, 1835. 18* O 210 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. of heaven. This term immediately corresponds to the Hebrew "JX^D, which signifies the same as the Greek term ayye/Uof, from which our word angel is derived, and denotes one sent, or a messenger. Thus in the Scriptures men are often called angels; in Numbers xx. 14, it is said that " Moses sent mes- sengers from Kadesh unto the king of Edom r " etc. ; now the term messengers is rendered in the Greek version of the Septuagint by ayyeAAovf, angels. See also Mai. iii. 1 ; Matt. xi. 10 ; Mark i. 2 ; Luke i. 17, vii. 27, where John the Baptist is called an angel. The disciples of John who were sent to inquire of Jesus are also called angels. (Luke vii. 24.) The messengers whom Jesus sent before Him into a vil- lage of the Samaritans are called angels. (See Luke ix. 52. ) From these and from other passages which might be adduced, it abundantly appears from the Greek text, that the term angels is by no means con- fined to the inhabitants of the spiritual world, but that it is also applied to men, as well as to spirits who have been men. Now the evident intention both of Peter and Jude, in the passage under consideration, is to show that "false teachers would come, yea, had come, among the Christians, who would privily bring in damnable heresies," etc. ; and their object clearly was, to show that judgment and destruction would come over the Christian communities, if these "false teachers and damnable heresies" should prevail in leading them into "pernicious ways," etc.; that judgment and destruction would certainly overtake them in like manner as judgment and destruction WHO WERE "THE ANGELS THAT SINNED"? 211 had overwhelmed all former Churches, beginning with the first, or the Church of Adam, whose mem- bers, when they had fallen, are called by Peter and Jude the "angels that sinned, and that kept not their first estate," etc. Judgment and destruction are also represented as overwhelming, on account of the same evils, the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, who, " in like manner as those " * (says Jude 7), namely, " as the angels which kept not their first estate," "gave themselves over to fornication, and went after strange flesh. " Here the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah are represented as ti {i'n'nf/ after strange flesh," even in like riianner as the angels that sinned. Now it is quite evident that angels in heaven (who have not flesh and bones as men have, Luke xxiv. 39) cannot possibly go a'fter "strange flesh," as the inhabitants of Sodom did ; and there- fore the angels mentioned by these apostles as hav- ing sinned, could not have been angels in heaven, but men upon earth ; for these, and not the former, could "go after strange flesh and commit fornication." These passages, therefore, properly considered, by no means teach the common notion that " angels in heaven sinned, and kept not their first estate and * The term TOVTOH; in verse 7 is, strange to say, omitted in the common version, although there is no ancient manuscript which authorizes this omission; wherefore after the clause "in like manner," the omission " a* those/' must be inserted in order faithfully to express the Greek text. Now, the only antecedent to "as those" is angels in the previous verse. When this fact is properly considered, our argument will be found indisputable. The Syriac version and Luther's have "as those." 212 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. habitation ; " but that the men of the most ancient church, described in the history of Adam and Eve, 11 kept not their first or holy state, and left their habita- tion" in Eden. One reason, we apprehend, why a great misappre- hension has arisen upon this subject, is not only from the conception so generally implanted in the mind respecting the Fall of Angels from heaven, but from the idea which is commonly entertained when angels are mentioned in Scripture. For in this idea angels (except when the angels of the devil and of the dragon are expressly stated) are always considered as denoting the inhabitants of heaven. That this, however, is not the case, but that the term angels is also frequently applied to denote men upon earth, we have already abundantly proved. In confirmation of this fact, see also James ii. 25 (Greek text), in which the term ''messengers" is "angels." Now, on comparing Peter and Jude together on this subject, so- great is the similarity of their state- ments, that it is evident that they both had access to the same source of information, which was (as proved by the learned Semler) the Book of Enoch. That this ancient book, however, did not, when it speaks of the angels that sinned, mean angels in heaven, but the men of the most ancient church, or of the Adamic dispensation, was the current belief of the fathers of the first four centuries of Christianity this we shall now proceed to show. It was admitted by Augustin, Chrysostom, Cyril- lus, Theodoret, and others, that the account given "THE ANGELS THAT SINNED." 213 in the Book of Enoch, and in the Epistles of Peter and Jude, of the angels that sinned, etc., relates ex- clusively to Gen. vi. 1-4 : " And it came to pass, when men began to multi- ply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair ; and they took' them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh : yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the eartli in those days ; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men, which were of old men of renown." The expression, "sons of God," is rendered in some of the manuscripts of that ancient Greek version called the Septuagint, by "angels of God;" and as the Apostles, in their Epistles, quote this version, we see how it has arisen that Peter and Jude, when describing the judgment and destruction which came over the fallen men of the Adamic dispensation, al- lude to them as the angels that sinned, etc. We also , see that " the fornication and the going after strange flesh," which, as we have seen, constituted the sin of the angels mentioned by Jude, evidently refers to what is said in the passage above, " that the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men," of whom giants and mighty men were born, denoting the dire- ful persuasions of self-love, and the consequent per- version of all truths which then existed in the fallen church of Adam. 214 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. Now Augustin, a writer of great authority in the Primitive Church of Christianity, says : "I do not believe that when the Apostle Peter speaks of the ' angels that sinned whom God did not spare,' he means the holy angels of God, who could by no means at that time fall ; but that he speaks of those men who first, as apostates, fell away from God. For the same Holy Scripture abundantly shows that men of God are called angels; for, of John [the Baptist] it is written Behold ! I send my angel before thy face. And the prophet Malachi is called an angel, (ii. 7.) . . . Giants could have been born before the sons of God, who are also called [in the Septuagint] the angels of God, came in unto the daughters of men : namely, of the sons of Seth (Gen. v. 4) and the daughters of Cain." [Here Augustin quotes the passage above, Gen. vi. 1-4.] He then proceeds : "For the persons [sons of God] here mentioned were not, as some suppose, the holy angels of God, as men are not ; and it is not to be doubted that they were men ; and this, Scripture itself, without any ambiguity, declares to be the fact. . . . The Septua- gint version calls them, indeed, both the angels of God and the sons of God ; that is, not all the manu- scripts have angels of God, but some have the sons of God. But Aquila,* an interpreter, whom the Jews prefer to other Greek translators, has rendered it neither by angels of God nor by sons of God, but sons of the gods, according to what is said in Psalm Ixxxii. 6 ' I have said, ye are gods, and all of you children o the Most High. ' Let us, however, omit the fables of those Scriptures which are called apocryphal, . . . * The Greek version of Aquila was completed about the be- ginning of the second century. He died in 128. OPINION OF THE FATHERS. 215 although we cannot deny that Enoch has written some divine things, since the Apostle Jude, in his canonical epistle, refers to him." Augustin. de civ. Dei xv., 23 ed. Bened. t. 7, p. 308, s. But not only Augustin ; Chrysostom also, a Greek father of the greatest celebrity, in his Homily on Gen. vi. says : "That it is inconsiderate, absurd, and blasphe- mous, to say that in this passage angels and not men are understood. It is customary in Holy Writ to call men the sons of GocZ, as the descendants of Enoch the son of Seth are called, because up to that time they had imitated the virtue of their ancestors ; whereas the descendants of Cain are called the sons of men." * Cyrillus of Alexandria says : "The descendants of Enoch are [in Gen. vi.] called the sons of God, because up to that time they had kept themselves free from worldly-mindedness." He adds, "We must by no means suppose that the holy angels are here meant, to whom shameful licentiousness is ascribed."! But another esteemed writer, Athanasius (or he who was the author of the Questiones ad Antiochum), says : "The sons of God (in Gen. vi.) are the sons of Seth [and not the holy angels], because a being not * See Jo. Chrysost. in Cap. vi. Gen. Homil. xxii. Ed. Montfauc. t. 4, p. 195. f Cyrillus Alex. Contra Julian ix. ed. Spanheim, 1606, p. 296. 216 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. clothed with flesh and bones (aau/naroc) cannot love what is clothed with flesh and bones, nor can it ap- proach unto women."* Basilius, Bishop of Seleucias, who flourished at the beginning of the fifth century, and several others, might also be adduced for the same purpose. But our space will not permit us to proceed further. We think it will now appear to the considerate reader that the angels mentioned by Peter and Jude are not to be understood angels created as such, be- cause this, as we have shown, would be in contra- diction to the context in Jude, who says that the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, in like manner as the angels, u went after strange flesh," etc. ; but as angels in heaven are not clothed, as Athanasius says, "with natural flesh," therefore it is, as Chry- sostom says, "absurd, yea, blasphemous, to believe that they could mingle with fleshly natures as the inhabitants of Sodom did." But further, the common notion about angels, created as such, and their fall from heaven, of which notion these passages in Peter and Jude are sup- posed to be the principal support, is, as founded on the passage in Jude, directly opposed to what is said in Scripture respecting the Devil and Satan, who are supposed to be u the angels that sinned " mentioned by Peter and Jude. For this Apostle says that "these angels are reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day." , the common notion, as an interpretation of * Opp. Col., 1686, t. 2, Quest. 57, p. 332. HARMONIZING SCRIPTURE. 217 this passage, is directly opposed to what is said in the Kevelation xx. 2, concerning the Devil and Satan, who are supposed to be the chief of these fallen angels; for it is there said that the Devil and Satan should be only first bound in chains a thou- sand years before the Last Judgment, after which u he would be loosed a little season." And again, if, as Jude says, the angels that sinned were bound in everlasting chains, how could the Devil, thus bound, be described "as going about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour"? (1 Pet. v. 8.) Viewing that passage, therefore, according to the common notion called orthodox, it makes the Scrip- tures contradictory. But viewing it according to the theology of the New Church, supported in this instance by the high testimony of Augustin, Chry- sostom, and others authorities which no Roman Catholic and but few Protestants will readily gain- sayit introduces harmony into Scripture ; and the pious mind, when thinking on these important re- alities, can see in the light of -Truth how this subject is to be understood. A. V. 19 LETTER XYI. A FEW MORE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. : I perceive from your last paper that your correspondent C. D. " right cordially thanks me " for my replies to his questions.* As he is a Christian man, I am bound to give him credit for sincerity; and therefore I am not per- mitted, especially on a subject so important, to sus- pect him of irony. Indeed we have but little intel- ligence in spiritual and divine things, unless we can, in some degree satisfactory, answer the questions which he has put. I am, therefore, happy to find that he is satisfied with the answers. My intelli- gent opponent, however, wishes for further elucida- tion ; and he consequently puts more questions which I will answer as briefly as possible. 1. My opponent says, "As the human form is the form of love and wisdom in a man, how comes it to pass that Palmer and his wretched successors in murder, possessed such a human form as other men? " "In a man" means, of course, in a good man. Palmer was not a good man ; consequently the form of love and wisdom from God, or of charity and faith, which is essentially the same thing, could not be in him. Palmer, it is true, had the external form * See Letter XIII. 218 MATTER AND SPIRIT. 219 of a man ; but his internal, or the form of his spirit, was that of a monster corresponding to his own evil. For the mind or spirit of a man, being a spiritual substance, assumes a form according to its quality ; if regenerate and good, the form is perfectly and beautifully human ; but if unregenerate and evil, the form of the spirit is monstrous according to the nature of the evil. He who knows u what is in man " (John ii. 25), sees this internal form, and pro- nounces accordingly. The external form, or the material body, is also frequently changed by the quality of the in-dwelling spirit ; for the blood of a good man, as Swedenborg says, is in itself different from the blood of an evil man. If a man be plunged in sensualism, or addicted to drunkenness or bru- tality, does not his external in most cases appear hideous ? But the material body of a man, having its own animal life, independent, to a considerable extent, of the moral qualities of his spirit, whether good or evil, is not the express image of the soul, as the spiritual form or body is ; for this is entirely dependent on the governing quality of the soul, and it is its express image and likeness. The Lord who saw the interiors of men, beheld the Pharisees, how- soever holy they might appear in externals to the multitude around them, as a "generation of vipers,' 7 and He designated them accordingly. 2. " What is the essential difference between mat- ter and spirit ? " The essential difference between matter and spirit is the essential difference between mind and body ; 220 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. for mind is spirit, and body is matter. As my op- ponent is not a materialist, he cannot deny this. The properties of a spiritual substance as distin- guished from a material substance, I pointed out in - a former letter and will not here repeat them. 3. "As the organized form of a man's spirit con- sists, like the body, of innumerable parts so organ- ized and arranged as to constitute a harmonious one, may we not ascribe the property of divisibility to man's spirit ? " Divisibility as applied to matter cannot be ascribed to man's spirit ; but in the sense of mental analysis it may be ascribed to the spirit. For the mental operation called analysis corresponds to the anatom- ical operation called dissection. Thus we may ana- lyze our mental faculties and distinguish our memory from our imagination, our reason from our will, etc. We can also analyze an idea, which is a property of spiritual substance, examine what it contains, and see whether it be true or false, good or evil, etc. We can also resolve an intellectual problem into its component parts, and see its true nature, etc. 4. "As the goodness which comes from God is a substance, may I ask whether it be a hard or a soft substance, a large or a small substance ? " etc. Goodness and Truth from God, as being his essen- tial "Divine Nature " (2 Peter i. 4), are the origin of all substances and forms in the universe of being, whether they be spiritual or natural. We cannot, as shown in a former letter, predicate what is mate- rial of this "Divine Nature " or Substance, except CORRESPONDENCES. 221 by way of correspondence or analogy, as is the case in the Scriptures. We read of the great goodness of God, but we do not mean great in the sense of size or bulk, which can be measured by miles or fur- longs, or weighed by pounds or tons. We designate the goodness of our fellow-men by expressions taken from natural objects, and we say that the kindness or goodness of a friend was great, profound, intense, etc. ; but we do not mean that these expressions should be taken in their material or physical sense, which can be measured, weighed or sounded, etc., but by an instinctive process of thought we instantly understand them in another sense as applicable to a spiritual substance. Again, when we predicate softness, gentleness, sweet- ness, etc.,of a person's heart and disposition, we do not employ these expressions, although taken from material things, in a material sense, but in a spiritual sense, as said of a spiritual substance, which is the mind or spirit of which these dispositions are pred- icated. The same is the case when we speak of a hard, stiff, refractory, unyielding heart or temper, etc. ; we do not use these terms in their merely physical sense, but in a spiritual sense adapted to the spirit. Permit me here to observe that the entire Word of God is inspired and written according to this law of correspondence between natural things and spir- itual. For Jesus u spake nothing without a parable," which evidently means that He employed natural things to express spiritual things ; and when we know the spiritual meaning involved in the parable, 222 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. or in the natural emblem, we know the true meaning of God's Word, and not before. A doctrine that is founded upon the symbol, and not upon the thing symbolized, is a fallacious, and if confirmed, is a false doctrine. All false doctrine, such as transub- stantiation, the tri-personalism of the Athanasian creed, and others that might be mentioned, have originated in this way. As to the form of the deceiver and liar, to whom my opponent alludes in this question, I must refer him to the answer to the first question above. 5. " What are the properties of what is good and true?" The properties of what is good and true are the properties of a pure spiritual substance, as. benevo- lence, holiness, mercy, justice, etc., as explained in my former letter. See also above, the answer to question 4. 6. u As spiritual substances are actuated according to the nature of their forms, what is the nature of those forms ? " The nature of those forms is either good or evil ; if they receive God's life or in-flowing spirit which actuates them, without perverting it, their nature is good ; but if they pervert it, their nature is evil. If we have faith in the Lord, and live according to his commandments, and thus love Him above all things, and our neighbor as ourselves, the forms of our spiritual nature or organization are heavenly ; but if we live an evil life of unbelief and wickedness, the forms of our spiritual organization are infernal. INFIDELS AND MATERIALISTS. 223 7. "As it is a great fallacy to suppose that mercy, charity, faith, etc., are the properties of the human body, will A. V. oblige by informing us who, or what curious beings indulge in so fallacious a supposi- tion?" i The " curious beings " who indulge in such a sup- position are all kinds of materialists, both of the German and French schools, and also the socialists and infidels of our own country. All who deny a spiritual substance, or man's spirit consisting of spiritual substances, and the properties peculiar thereto as distinct from the properties of matter, howsoever they may profess themselves to be Chris- tians, are, in reality, advocating the cause of the materialist and the infidel. The theology and phil- osophy of the New Jerusalem is the only system that can effectually deliver the mind from material- ism and all kinds of infidelity. 8. "As by the spiritual body is meant the spiritual form of the soul, are we to understand that body and form are one and the same thing V " Body and form are the same thing, or as shape in relation to substance. The material body of a man is his form by which he is known in the world. The spiritual body is the form of his spirit, by which after death he is known in the spiritual world. "There is," says the Apostle, "a natural body and there is a spiritual body." The Apostle uses the expression u there is " in the present tense, showing that there is now a spiritual body, which is clothed in the world with a material body. This spiritual form or body, consisting of spiritual substances, must not be con- ceived of as rarefied matter, but as a substance com- 224 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. pletely distinct from matter, and altogether of another kind, and subject to another system of laws, which are not material but spiritual. Thus the spir- itual body does not exist in continuity or continuous with the natural body, but it exists, so long as a man lives in the world, in contiguity or contiguous with the natural body. The glove on the hand does not exist continuous with the hand, but contiguous to it, and thus separable from it. In like manner, but in a way infinitely more perfect, the natural body is but the covering of the spirit, which, when the body dies, is in its own form, and appears in its own world. The law by which the union of the spirit and the body is preserved, is that of correspondence and influx. When this correspondence is broken or dis- solved, man is said to die, and the natural body, like an old or worn-out glove, falls on the earth, and the living form within still lives, but in a world above nature, which is called the spiritual or eternal world. My intelligent opponent will, now that he has looked favorably upon the answers to his previous ques- tions, see "that the spirits of just men in heaven are already perfect " (teteleiomenon) ; because they are in their spiritual bodies, and consequently have no need of the resurrection of clay and dust at the supposed general resurrection, to make them per- fect. With a due appreciation of your kindness and liberality in allowing us to present to your readers this brief exposition of our doctrines and sentiments, I am, dear Mr. Editor, Yours right truly, A. V. LETTER XVII. CONCLUDING REMARKS. JIB : It has been demonstrated that the pre- vailing theology is not ^more true in relation to the Word of God, than the Ptolemaic sys- tem of astronomy which prevailed up to the time of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton, was true in re- lation to the heavens which it pretended to explufh. That system was, it is now universally admitted, founded on fallacies. But the system of astronomy founded on genuine scientific truths now prevails, and the time is coming when the true theology, ac- companied by an enlightened mental and spiritual philosophy, founded not on appearances, or, what is worse, on " the vain traditions of men," but on gen- uine truths drawn purely from the Word of God, will also prevail. Men, in proportion as they rise above selfishness and worldliness, are sighing and longing for a new development of truth from the Scriptures ; and their sighing hearts will meet with satisfaction in the Church of the New Jerusalem. My last opponent, who has now sought refuge in night, has not presented a single argument, either from Scripture or reason, against any of my state- ments ; but he has sought to defend the citadel of which he was the professed champion, by irony and abuse. It is well known that when an opponent has recourse to such weapons, his cause is hopeless. In P 225 226 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. answering his questions on subjects so solemn and important, I was bound to give him credit as a Christian for sincerity and candor. He no doubt imagined that his questions could not be answered ; but he knew nothing of the light of intelligence which shines in the Church of the New Jerusalem. Questions still more profound than he can put, may be satisfactorily solved in the light of the New Church. Even his friends must see that he is de-* feated. Are there not larger heads and stronger hands in the ranks of orthodoxy, so called, to whom the tri-personal doctrine of the Athanasian creed, and the theology founded thereon, can be entrusted ? If not, let them come over to the City of the New Jerusalem, which they will find as a city so u com- pact together" from beginning to end, from its foundation upwards to its turrets and pinnacles, that no enemy can assail it with any prospect of success. But my opponent, before he finally disappears, asks one more question : u Can you imagine," says he, u a missionary of these views of the New Jerusalem, standing among a crowd of subtle Hindoos, and announcing, as the philosophy of Christianity, that man has two bodies, the visible physical one, and an invisible spiritual one ; that the Great Eternal clothed himself in this twofold veil, etc. ? for the mind refuses to follow out this strain of absurdities and blasphemies." In answer to this, we have simply to quote the declaration of the Apostle Paul, whose authority, I am sure, my opponent himself will admit. " There ANOTHER QUESTION ANSWERED. 227 is," says the Apostle, " a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." What is this but a direct answer, in the affirmative, to his questions in respect to man ? But in respect to the Lord, or the Great Eternal, cannot my opponent see that on the m6unt of Trans- figuration He clothed himself in his twofold veil? Does not the Lord here present himself under two bodily aspects, the one with his u face shining as the sun " and the other in his ordinary appearance, quite distinct? In the former He appeared in his " Glo- rious Body," or Divine Humanity, and in the latter as "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." In the former He was the " Son of God," but in the latter He was the " Son of Mary." And when the "Son of Mary" died, the u Son of God" arose; that is, when the Lord put off, by the death on the cross, the infirm humanity from the mother, He put on in its place and in its stead the Divine Humanity, or "Glorious Body" from the Father within Him, in which He now is, as the Apostle Says, u God over all, blessed forever " (Rom. ix. 5), the only true Ob- ject of worship to angels and men, because u in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." (Gol. ii. 9.) We solemnly ask, Is there any " absurdity or blas- phemy" in this "twofold veil," or in these two bodily aspects ? Yerily, my opponent clearly evinces that he requires more light to enable him to under- stand the Gospel, and to see the truth as it is in Je- sus ; otherwise he would not pronounce as "absurd and blasphemous," what the Lord and his Apostle so clearly teach. 228 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. But we might, in truth, ask C. D., What do subtle Hindoos say to the missionary when they ask him u whether the woman was really made out of the rib of the man ? whether the serpent did really speak to the woman, and reason with her ? whether Balaam's ass did really expostulate with the proph- et " ? When they again ask him, u How can three divine persons, each by himself being God and Lord, make one God, or how could Jehovah who is infinite in goodness and mercy, reject the human race in anger, and could only be appeased and atoned by the sufferings and blood of his own Son, co-equal and co-eternal with himself ? " What does the mis- sionary say when asked by the subtle Hindoos to answer these questions ? Why, it is on record, that the missionary cannot answer them ; and the Hin- doo consequently remains in his Pagan darkness, and clings more closely than ever to his heathenism. Why cannot the missionary answer these ques- tions, together with many others which might be mentioned ? because the missionary, trained up in a false theology which cannot teach him the true nature of God's Word, nor the principles of its in- terpretation, is not able to answer the Hindoo. But not so the missionary of the Church of the New Jerusalem. He, knowing the nature of God's Word and the principles of its interpretation, can answer these questions ; and where there is the good ground of an honest heart, he can convert the Hindoo to Christianity not to the Christianity of a false church, but to the Christianity of the pure Church of Christ, which is that of the New Jerusalem. I A CONVERTED HINDOO. 229 refer you, Sir, to the "Intellectual Repository, or New Jerusalem Magazine," for this very month (Sept., 1856, page 425), where you will find a letter from a Hindoo, converted to the New Church, en- treating us to send missionaries and books to India, alleging that the Hindoos can understand the Scrip- tures as interpreted by the doctrines of the New Church, but that they cannot understand them by means of the theology so generally taught in Europe. This fact speaks volumes in behalf of the doctrines of the Church of the New Jerusalem, and ought seriously to affect thinking men, and lead them to inquire into the claims of these doctrines. And now, Sir, permit me to appeal once more to your numerous and intelligent readers. The subjects discussed in these letters have covered a large field of Christian intelligence, and a debt of gratitude which will not be forgotten, is due to you for having opened your pages to the free discussion of so many subjects of Christian theology. Through- out the controversy, I think you will admit that I have faithfully observed the conditions you laid down for the guidance of the disputants, and that I have closely adhered to the postulates upon which the discussion should be conducted, "that every point should be drawn exclusively from the "Word of God, and confirmed thereby." This was agreed upon by my first opponent C. B., and for a time the discussion went on in a way in which two Christian gentlemen should conduct it. But when irony, invective and empty declamation are substituted, as by my last opponent, for sound scriptural and 20 230 THE NEW-CHURCH THEOLOGY. rational argument, it is time that he should decamp and quit the arena. He has done so. I am now in your hands ; and if permitted, I shall be happy, on account of its eminent uses, to discuss any other subject of doctrine, and to answer any questions pertaining to Christian theology and phi- losophy, which your readers, in a proper spirit, may think proper to propose. I am certain that from a sense of justice to your neighbor, you will not allow me to be assailed without giving me an opportunity to reply. Quoting your motto, " Now abideth faith, hope,* charity, these three, but the greatest of these is charity," permit me to say that no greater act of Christian charity can be performed than that of making known to others the Truth as it is in Jesus ; for it is by the reception and love of this Truth that we are saved. (2 Thess. ii. 10.) By your liberality as a Christian editor you have set an example to the Christian community, who, if they would permit themselves to examine what others, outside of the narrow limits of their own Thirty-nine Articles, or outside of their own de- nomination, have to say in respect to the everlast- ing Gospel of Jesus Christ, would not debar them- selves from very much that might bless them with a rich measure of Christian intelligence, blessedness and peace. Sincerely thanking you for your kindness and liberality, I am, yours right truly, A. Y. THE END. "The Swedenborg Library." COMPLETE in 12 volumes, averaging 250 pages each ; consisting of choice selections from the writings of Swedenborg topically arranged, with a full Table of Contents. The great Swede's re- ligious arid ethical teachings are here presented in a condensed, intelligible, neat, and extremely cheap form; with a very beauti- ful portrait of the author in Vol. XII., which contains 320 pages. The titles of the several volumes are : 1. Death, Resurrection and the Judgment. 2. Heaven. 3. Freedom, Rationality and Catholicity. 4. Divine Providence and its Laws. 5. Charity, Faith and Works, 6. Free- Will, Repentance, Reformation and Regeneration. 7. Holy Scripture and the Key to its Spiritual Sense. 8. Creation, Incarnation, Redemption, and the Divine Trinity. 9. Marriage and the Sexes in both Worlds. 10. The Author's Memorabilia, 11. The Heavenly Doctrine of the Lord. 12. Swedenborg; With a Compend of his Teachings. SOME OF ITS RECOMMENDATIONS. 1st. It gives the substance of Swedenborg's teachings in a com- pact form, and in his own words (translated), with references to the works whence the extracts are taken. 2d. It classifies the subjects so as to make it easy for the reader to nnd whatever spiritual instruction he may be seeking". 3d. 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"The publication of the SWEDENBORG LIBRARY meets my heartiest approval. It was a well-conceived idea, and has been carried out in great good taste." "This series of New Church works has, in my judgment, no equal for giving to the masses the grand truths of the New Age." ** The little books are delightful. Volume 12 is a perfect treas- ure, and must meet a very general want." " I find the SWEDENDORG LIBRARY every way satisfactory. I deem it among the very best works' of the Church." "1 am more and more delighted with what I see of the SWEDENBORG LIBRARY. Volume 12 seems to me one of the very best things we have in the literature of the Church." 2 OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "The SWEDENBORG LIBRARY is the best adapted to the pur- pose of bringing Swedenborg's voluminous system within the scope of popular comprehension, of any work that has come to our notice." Philadelphia Inquirer. "It is one of the most useful works which has lately shown itself in the Church. For this reason we recommend it with our whole heart. . . . The choice of extracts is exquisite, admirable, and of the greatest importance and use even to well-instructed members of the New Church." Botc der Neuen Kirche (Rev. O. A. Brickman, Editor). " The work is interesting to churchmen, and all who desire to be well informed on the religions of the day." Kohomo Dispatch. "Managers of New-Church libraries will find the volumes of this series especially useful to persons just becoming interested." New Jerusalem Magazine. "We can heartily commend this little book to any who may desire a general notion of the theological views of one of the most remarkable men that ever lived." Cincinnati Times. " Swedenborg, when studied for the sake of his spirit only, must improve in the esteem of all good men. The abridged edition of his works is very attractive in form, and is full enough to convey the author's meaning." The Christ inn L'ninn. "Mr. Barrett is excellently well qualified for this labor. . . The New. Church is growing; and this popularization of its creed will be of value to some and interest to all." I'ltiln. North American. "If one desires a succinct, clear, and adequate idea of the teachings of the New Church, here in these handsome and port- able volumes, in a cheap form, he can obtain it." Zion's Herald. "The editor has done a real service, not only to those of his own special faith, but for thoughtful Christ inns In all denomina- tions. . . Such selections as are contained in this neat little vol- ume, are spiritually edifying and abundantly suggestive." Chicago Advance. "Life is too short for us to read Swedenborg in extenso ; . . . But gleaned from the wide expanse of the Swedenborg litera- ture by a man of rare talent for his work, the teachings of this author appear to their best advantage in this edition." Minneapolis Tribune. "We think this [Vol. VI.] an excellent continuation of an ex- cellent series of New Church publications." New Jerusalem Messenger. "An excellent condensation of the pith and substance of Swe- denborg's teachings and revelations. Whoever desires to know the fundamental views of his church, will find them here." Zion's Herald. "The series is every way admirable, and cannot fail to be welcomed by the religiously inclined of other denominations, as well as by the immediate followers of the doctrines taught by the Swedish philosopher." Chicago Jownal. 3 U THE SWEDENBORG LIBRARY." OPINION OF THE NEW-CHURCH REVIEW. The following is copied from the July (1882) number of the New -Church Review, and is from the pen of a competent critic, and one of the most intelligent and scholarly ministers in the New Church. "Of the 'Swedenborg Library,' as edited by Mr. Barrett, and published in the neat, elegant and at- tractive little quartos, we may justly say that it will be hard to find any other printed matter in the world, which will so worthily occupy an equal twelve inches of shelf-room. This little Library is a specialty, in- deed. It is devoted to one and only one theological system, but that a very catholic and comprehensive one ; so that there is hardly a principle in science or philosophy, a question of morals, or of life, or of death, or of the here, or of the hereafter, that is not eluci- dated in it. But it is analytic also, and so thoroughly and admirably so, that we find here its peculiar value, not only to the world at large but to the New Church- man himself, to whom the theology here presented is already tolerably familiar. " In calling attention to the SWEDENBORO LIBRARY in these pages, we have not in view so much to adver- tise the work, already far more widely known than is the REVIEW, as to dwell upon certain features which commend the books, especially to the familiar and con- stant use of the New Church, especially in the family and in the instruction of youth. "We need say but little about the advantages the Library offers to the world at large. The handy and inexpensive, yet thoroughly tasteful little volumes, speak for themselves, and are sure to find a welcome entry into thousands of homes and libraries where the more sombre and stately volumes of the complete 4 14 THE SWEDENBORG LIBRARY." editions of the author, or the more elaborate and pon- derous single treatises, would be politely declined ad- mission. The advertising circular calls attention to some of the 'distinguishing merits and obvious advan- tages of this series,' enumerating among these its cheapness, its convenient size, its attractiveness, its compactness and brevity of statement, and the aid it affords to the reader in its classification of subjects. It is especially the last-named feature which commends the work, in our judgment, and which puts the New Church, as well as the general reading public, under special obligation to the painstaking editor of this series. 11 The diffuseness of Swedenborg's style has been the general complaint urged by most novitiate readers, and the very vastness of the field his writings cover, makes the investigation of them seem at first an almost hopeless task. Just where to turn for enlightenment on this or that special topic, has not been always at the command of well-read New Churchmen, without the aid of the somewhat rare indexes ; and then no little time is consumed in searching for passages, in half a dozen volumes it may be. u Now we would not think for a moment of recom- mending this analysis of the writings by Mr. Barrett as a substitute for any student to adopt in any thor- ough or fundamental investigation of any topic. The editor never intended them for this use. He refers his readers to the complete works of Swedenborg for the thorough and final study of any of these subjects. But we are free to say that for a ready reference and a convenient summary of what Swedenborg has said on any of the themes here mentioned, we do not know where to look for a more valuable work than this. Moreover, it is of the first importance that in the study of any subject there should be an order and 5 "THE SWEDENBORG LIBRARY." a progressive classification of truths, as well as an analysis. And here is where we have found much to admire in these little books. "With the helpfulness of this orderly arrangement of the contents, we have been especially impressed in Vol. L, on 'Death, Resurrection and the Judg- ment,' and in Vol. VIII., on 'Creation, Incarnation, Redemption and the Trinity. 5 Any one can see at a glance that this is the natural order of these topics when considered together, and the plan of the respec- tive volumes is arranged accordingly. But few have thought, perhaps, what a complete whole each of these groups makes when thus considered together, and what a clearly defined and lasting impress a careful study of such a treatise must leave in any thinking mind. . . . "Take this little book on Death, etc., Vol. I. Here a man is literally introduced into the spiritual world at the threshold. He is led upward through the proc- ess of physical dying, having first been described in his real being, that is, as consisting of a spiritual and immortal body, clothed on earth with a temporary material one. Arriving in the spiritual world he is shown what manner of life the spiritual body leads ; then he is led through the several stages of the resur- rection, or the development of the real man, out of all the outside concealments which in some measure attend him even into the world of spirits, until at length he is brought to that knowledge of his real, abiding, unchangeable character or fitness for heaven or hell, which constitutes the judgment. Then is briefly described the quality of the life in heaven and in hell, and some practical guides for us all as to c the way that leads to heaven,' while we are still under- going the discipline of earth. The little book is a wonderful mariner's chart for a world that reaches 6 1 THE SWEDENBORG LIBRARY." out into eternity. It will suffice for all the funeral dis- courses that ever need be uttered, so far as instruc- tion goes ; and it tells a man more of what he is made of, than all the volumes of ancient or modern philos- ophy put together. And yet this is but one of these little treatises. " In Vol. VIII. the arrangement is indeed drawn from the author's True Christian Religion; but the subject of creation is wonderfully elucidated by the citations from the Divine Love and Wisdom. No sys- tem of pure philosophy could present a more orderly or logical sequence than is here observed, in starting out first with God as the sole Creative Substance, then discussing the materials, the form and process of en ;i- tion by the method of discrete degrees, then the ends or uses of creation, then the completed creation or universe, as an image of the infinite ; then the influx of spirit into nature, or the ivlation of matter to life and of the natural to the spiritual world. From this primary discussion the book proceeds to the descent of Jehovah God into the created world or into nature as man, for the purpose of the redemption and salva- tion of the human race. This embraces the discussion of the Incarnation, of the union of Humanity with Divinity in the Lord ; also the wars with the power of evil, or the 'conflict with the hells,' by which the Lord succored mankind and restored the race to spir- itual liberty and to the light of divine truth ; and finally, the Holy Spirit and its operation, and the divine Trinity, what it is and what it is not ; and the Divine Providence as directing the formulating of the Christian creeds, teaching a trinity of persons with a view to protecting the Christian church from Arian- ism, or the utter rejection of the Lord's Divinity until the time of his second coming, to show us in Himself, 4 plainly of the Father ; ' this sublime progress of 7 'THE SWEDENBORG LIBRARY." truths is here unfolded to the reader with an admi- rable order, conciseness and simplicity of arrangement, which makes the study of the subject an attractive one, and leaves a most satisfying impression, because clear and well denned. u We might instance the features of others of these volumes which have especially delighted us ; but the chief merit in all, is this excellent arrangement by which the reader finds so conveniently at hand a brief survey of the most interesting truths on the subject before him. For purposes of religious culture, or for devotional reading as a spiritual exercise most health- ful for every Christian, we cannot too highly commend the volume on Free Will, Repentance, Reformation and Regeneration, as a most practical and genuinely useful guide to a man's everyday thoughts and character. u The volume on Heaven, far from being a mere repe- tition of Yol. I. , is a survey of the regenerated human life, and a picture of a perfect society with its uses and its delights as exhibited in the actual life of angels. It is as beautiful and wonderful as any Utopia with the advantage of being very real, and attainable to all who will accept the simple rules of citizenship here laid down. "The volume on 'Holy Scripture and the Key to its spiritual sense,' contains not only the general doc- trine of the internal sense, but is full of practical and pointed illustrations of the doctrine of correspond- ences ; concluding with some ; trials of the key,' and an example of c its power to unlock Kev. xxi. ' This very plain presentation of the subject cannot but im- press favorably the minds of the young ; and we do not see why the study of the Word by this means should not become a fascinating as well as edifying employment for youthful minds, provided it be done reverently and in a religious spirit." 8 MR. BARRETT'S WORKS. Lectures on the New Dispensation. Extra cloth, pp. 328, 12 mo. Price 60 cents. "An admirable work for making one acquainted with the doctrines of the New Church." Intellectual Repository. The New Tiew of Hell. Extra cloth, pp. 215, 12mo. 50 cents. " Contains much that is profoundly true, and much that is exceedingly suggestive." New York Independent. The Golden City. Extra cloth, pp. 253, 12mo. Price 60 cents. "The most important book concerning the New Church which has been written for years." Boston New Church Magazine. Letters to Beecher on the Future Life. Extra cloth, pp. 191, 12mo. Price 50 cents. "A grand and impressive statement of the New Church doctrine of the Future Life." New Church Independent. Swedenborg and Clianning. Pp. 288, 12mo. 60 cents. "A very interesting work." -Pittalmrfjh Commercial Gazette. "The spiritof the work is excellent." TheConywiHttionaltet. Letters to Beecher on the Divine Trinity. Extra cloth, pp. 160, 12mo. Price 50 cents. Presenting with great clearness and force the doctrine of the Divine Trinity as taught by Emanuel Swedenborg. The New Church; Its Nature and Whereabout. Pp. 213, 12mo. Price 50 cents. Showing that this Church is not a sect, but much wider and more comprehensive than any existing religious organization. A Bishop's Gun Reversed. Being an Attack on the New Church by Bishop Burgess, and the Reply thereto by B. F. Barrett. Pp. 220, 18mo. Price 25 cents. "Your reply to Bishop Burgess is doing good here. . . When read along with the Bishop's attack the effect produced is ex- cellent. By all means have the attack added." (It is added.) Memorial to the General Convention; and full Text of passages in Swedenborg referred to, revealing the gran