LIBRARY UNIVBWITY OF CAUFOtWA tjj* game &ut|)or. Just Published, LSHEPPERTON MANOR : A Tale of the Times of BISHOP ANDREWES. Foolscap 8vo. Prive 5s., cloth. " A very well told tale, in which the condition of the English Church in 1616 is faithfully pourtrayed. The persecu- tions endured by a recusant, and the conversion of his daughter to the Church 'of England, form the most interesting features of the work; and we are happy to observe that the tone of feeling in regard to the Church is cordial and respectful. Mr. .Neale possesses considerable ability as a writer, and we shall be glad to meet him again." English Review, Jan. 1845. II. TRIUMPHS OF THE CROSS. Tales and Sketches of CHRISTIAN HEROISM. [Vol. VI. of the JUVENILE ENGLISHMAN'S LIBEAKY.] Cloth, 2s. III. THE PLACE WHERE PRAYER WAS WONT TO BE MADE. The Introduction of the System of PRIVATE DEVOTION in CHURCHES considered in a Letter to the Venerable the Presi- dent of the Cambridge Camden Society. Demy 8vo., Is. IV. HIEROLOGUS ; or the Church Tourists. Fools- cap 8vo., price 6s. cloth. Preparing for Publication. A HISTORY of ANCIENT GREECE for Children. LOAN STAfg . TO THE REV R. T. LOWE, M.A., BRITISH CHAPLAIN, AT MADEIRA, WRITTEN, FOR THE MOST PART, IN THAT ISLAND, ARE, IN TOKEN OF RESPECT ARD GRATITUDE, INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. 781 PREFACE. IT has been well observed that in relating the various contests between the Church and the world historians have always sided with the latter against the former. The mystical Powers and Divine Claims of the one have been set down to presumption and bigotry : the earthly wisdom and unprincipled expediency of the other have been lauded as the security of 'Civil and Religious Liberty.' Therefore it is that a brand has been fixed to the names of such men as S. Ambrose, and S. Gregory VII., and Nicon : as S. Dunstan, and S. Anselm, and S. Thomas of Canterbury, and Laud, and Bancroft. Had they been of the world, the world would have loved its own. V1U PREFACE. In direct contradiction to this popular view, the object of the following ballads is to set the principal events of the Church History of Britain before the reader, in that light in which they appeared to the con- temporary Church. It is plain that general effect is rather to be regarded in them, than minute historical accuracy. We, writing at such a distance of time, and without a practical acquaintance with the Ritual of the unreformed Church, can only hope to attain to the out- lines of the picture, and the strongest lights and shadows : minuteness in the scenery aud landscape is out of the question. Or, to make use of another comparison, we may hope to be like some Catholick-minded architect of the seventeenth century, who, though unable to recall the details of Christian art, might yet, by arrangement and grouping, succeed in producing a Catholick effect. Notes and introductions have been added where they might, by any possibility, be considered necessary ; and the writer trusts that he has not, ignorantly, as assuredly he has not wilfully, misrepresented any fact or character. If he shall appear in any case to have passed a pre- sumptuous judgment, it must be remembered that his aim was to point out the manner in which, even in this PREFACE. ix life, sinners have been visited by the Hand of GOD. If his language shall ever seem too strong, it must be borne in mind that a ballad, in its very nature, requires strong language, inasmuch as it is supposed to be addressed to those who are not so alive, as a reader of more cultivated mind, to implied censure, or inuendo. It may be proper to add, that the whole of the following ballads were written before the appearance of the first part of the " Lives of the Saints." CONTENTS. Page. S. Alban, the Protomartyr of England 1 The Mission of S. Augustine 5 King Edwin's Witenagemot 8 The Battle of Maser, and Martyrdom of S. Oswald. . 14 The Pilgrimage of S. Etheldreda 18 Venerable Bede 21 The Martyrdom of S. Edmund 24 The Battle of Essendune 26 S. Eadburga's Choice 30 The Martyrdom of S. Elphege 33 The Legend of S. Aidan 36 The Battle of Hastings ;, 37 The Martyrdom of Waltheoff 42 The Defence of S. Wulfstan 44 The Conqueror's Death 47 The Last Hunt of William Rufus 52 The Martyrdom of S. Thomas 57 The Battle of the Standard 62 The Battle of the Galliots 66 The Siege of Jaffa 74 King John crosses the Wash 80 The Funeral of Queen Eleanor 83 CONTENTS. Xi Page. The Dissolution of the Religious Houses 86 The Curse of the Abbeys 94 The Discovery of Madeira 97 King Charles the Martyr sets up his Standard at Nottingham 102 Lord Brooke is shot before Lichneld Cathedral Ill Bishop Wren in the Tower 116 The Martyrdom of Archbishop Laud 118 Death of the Princess Elizabeth 122 The White King's Funeral 125 The Death of Lord Derby 128 The Death of Oliver Cromwell 129 King Charles the Second makes his public Entry on Blackheath 132 The Great Plague 137 Bishop Bull receives the thanks of the Gallicaii Church 143 The Death of Bishop Kidder 146 Bishops Fullarton and Sage are consecrated in Scotland 150 The Death of Bishop Jolly 153 The Parting of the Bishops of Australia and New Zealand, at Sydney 155 L'Envoy > 158 jHtrror of 2?. 'aifcan, i\)t protomartpr of ISnglantr. THE Church of England early acquired considerable re - putation. It is always,by contemporary writers, put on an equality with those of Spain and Gaul ; and to the council of Aries, A. D. 314, it sent three bishops, those, namely, of York, London, and Richborough. The persecution of Dioclesian, though the imperial edict was but coldly received by Constantius, the Prefect of Britain, raged with considerable violence. Alban, a soldier by profession, and an inhabitant of Verulam, having sheltered Amphibalus, an aged priest, was put to death in a popular insurrection ; while Amphibalus 2 S. ALBAN. himself, since added to the number of the Saints, fled to Lichfield, and there, with his companions, received the crown of Martyrdom. From their passion that city received its present name, " The Field of the Dead ;" and, in allusion to it, the Corporate arms have the singu- lar charge, " Divers Martyrs in sundry manners put to death." The body of S. Alban was buried on the spot where he suffered ; his relics are said to have been dis- covered by the miraculous apparition of a ray of light, which in the dead of night streamed down upon his grave The abbey church of S. Alban's, founded by Oifa, king of Mercia, in 793, was built over the spot : the place where the magnificent shrine once stood may still be seen behind the high Altar, and a plain stone bears the legend, " Albanus Anglia3 Protomartyr." The Lord Abbat of S. Alban's, in consequence of the pri- ority of the Martyrdom of that Saint, took precedence all the mitred houses ; though a few of them, e. g. S. Edmundsbury, were superior in wealth to his own. The abbey church, destined, like Glastonbury and Read- ing, to be pulled down, was preserved, at the Reforma- tion, by the piety of the inhabitants, who purchased it for themselves. O WEEP not for him. that hath gotten the day, Hath a mansion of light for a cottage of clay ; Hath looked the last enemy full in the face ; Hath fought the good fight, and hath finished his race. S. ALBAN. o O weep not for him that, a moment ago, Was an heir of corruption, an exile in woe, But now hath a garment more gloriously bright, Than royal Constantius on festival night! Returning in peace from the enemy's shore, With the captives behind, and the lictors before, When the populace shout, and the consulars bow, He hath not the glory Albanus hath now ! When the trumpet sounds poean for victory gain'd, And the prize is assigned by the judges ordained, And the theatre shines in its festal array, Would ye weep that the athlete receiveth the bay ? CHRIST'S hero confronted the enemy's rage,* With GOD for his judge, and the world for his stage ; The fiend and the foeman in vain would confound ; The Martyr expired, but the victor was crowned ! Ye ask me where now our Albanus doth rest ; He hath found a sweet home upon Abraham's breast ; f * See the beautiful and frequently occurring passages in S. Chry- sostom's earlier homilies on the Statues, where this idea is expanded, and applied to Job, and to the Three Children. t " He resteth in Abraham's bosom," says S. Jerome, speaking of a departed friend : " if thou enquirest what felicity is contained in that expression, I cannot tell ; GOD knoweth : whatsoever joy is therein signified, that doth he who hath left us partake." 4 S. ALBAN. But who can conceive the full joy of his lot, Since we can but describe it by that it is not ? No more suns that go down no more stars that arise; No more grief no more pain no more tears no more sighs ; And, to sum its full blessedness up in one breath, No more terror and anguish, because no more death ! Apostles, and Martyrs, and Kings he beholds, And Prophets, and Bishops that died for their folds; And all that is holy, and all that is fair, Inherits a tearless eternity there ! * To its deep mountain sources the Tiber may flow ; The seven-hilled city be sacked by the foe ; The Caesar, his name and his fame, be forgot; But Britain's first Martyr, ALBANUS, shall not ! * " A tearless eternity." Such is Pindar's noble expression, in de- scribing the Fortunate Islands and their inhabitants : abaKpw vepoinat ud. STORIES ON THE FIRST FOUR COMMANDMENTS. Sd. with Cuts. DEBORAH ; or, Hints to a Nurse. Is. 17, PORTMAN STREET, PORTMAN SQUARE. SMALL QUARTO LIBRARY ; Handsomely printed in super-royal 16mo. with Illustrations, suited for Presents, &c. I. jfibe Cales of Itr STiine. 6s. Or separately, as follows : GENOVEVA. (Schmid.) 2s. 6d. SHEPHERD OF THE GIANT MOUNTAINS. (Fouque.) Is. THE KNIGHT AND THE EN- CHANTERS. (Fouque.) Is. THE STREAM. (Autnor of " Ivo and Verena.") 1*. 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Massingberd's History of the En- glish Reformation. Nelson on the Communion. Englishman's Mag. 1841. Cloth. Ditto. 1842. Cloth. 6. Englishman's Mag. 1843. Cloth. 7. Pridden's Australia. 8. Companion to the Sunday Ser- vices. 2 vols. 9. The Birth-Day. 10. The Virgin Martyr. AT SIX SHILLINGS EACH. Five Tales of Old Time. The Fairy Bower. Louisa. 4. Jones' Village Sermons. 5. Scenes from Fouque's Sintram. 6. Rodolph the Voyager. Part II. THE JUVENILE ENGLISHMAN'S LIBRARY, EDITED BY THE REV. F. E. PAGET, M.A. IT is proposed under the above title to put forth, a series of Works, which, while maintaining the same princi- ples as those of the popular collection, entitled "The Englishman's Library," shall be adapted to a younger class of readers. Some of these volumes will be more especially suited to the perusal of young persons of the middle and higher ranks, while others will be appropriate for Rewards in National Schools, &c. Of the works in preparation some will be of a more serious character, didactic, or biographical; others will be of a lighter description, but such as without being directly religious, shall nevertheless inculcate sound principles, and tend to develope the youthful Churchman's character. The volumes will appear at brief intervals, at a price varying from eighteen-pence upwards, printed neatly, and embellished with Engravings. 2 JUVENILE ENGLISHMAN'S LIBRARY. The whole will be placed under the Editorial super- intendence of the Rev. E. PAGET, author of " Tales of the Village." The following- Volumes are already issued: I. TALES of the VILLAGE CHILDREN. By the EDITOR. First Series, including " The Singers," " The Wake," The Bonfire," " Beating the Bounds," " Hallowmas Eve," and " A Sunday Walk and a Sunday Talk." Demy 18mo., with numerous cuts, neatly bound in cloth, 2s. 6d. *** For School Eewards, &c., the Tales may be had in a packet, sorted, price 2s., or 4d. each. II. 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Se- lected from Anglican Divines. Printed in red and black, price 9d. The Profits to be given towards the restoration of an ancient Church in Scotland. NEW HISTORY OF ENGLAND FOR SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. Just published, Foolscap 8vo., closely printed, A HISTORY OF ENGLAND, by the Rev. G. A. POOLE, M. A., Yicar of Welford. Yol I., from the earliest times to Henry YIII Strong cloth, price 4s. 6d. With the usual allowance to Schools. *** Vol. II. from Edward VI. to the accession of Queen Victoria, is in the Press. BY THE. REV. F. E. PAGET. I. SERMONS on DUTIES OF DAILY LIFE. Demy 12mo., cloth, 6s. 6d, II. TALES OF THE VILLAGE CHILDREN. First Series; including "The Singers," "The Wake," "The Bonfire," " Beating the Bounds," Hallowmas Eve," and " A Sunday Walk and a Sunday Talk." Demy 18mo., with numerous cuts, neatly bound in cloth, 2s. 6d. *#* For School Rewards, fyc., the Tales may be had in a packet, sorted, price 2s. III. TALES OF THE VILLAGE CHILDREN. Second Series. Demy 18mo., cuts, neat cloth, 2s. 6d. IV. THE PAGEANT; or, PLEASURE AND ITS PRICE. Foolscap 8vo., 4s. 6d. V. THE WARDEN OF BERKINGHOLT; or, RICH AND POOR. With Notes, and an Appendix of Religious Placards. Second Edition, foolscap 8vo., 5s. VI. MILFORD MALVOISIN; or, PEWS AND PEWHOLDERS, with Illustrations. Foolscap 8vo., 4s. 6d. VII. ST. ANTHOLIN'S ; or, OLD CHURCHES AND NEW. A Tale for the Times. With Illustrations. Foolscap 8vo., 3s. 6d. Third Edition. VIII. TALES OF THE VILLAGE: First Series. The English Churchman and the Romanist. Cloth, 3s. IX. TALES OF THE VILLAGE: Second Series. The English Churchman and the Dissenter. 3s. 6d. X. TALES OF THE VILLAGE : Third and conluding series. The Churchman and the Infidel. 3s. 6d. XI. MEMORANDA PAROCHIALIA ; or, THE PARISH PRIEST'S GUIDE. A new edition, printed on writing paper. 3s. 6d. XII. 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