»,1.s Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/actuarialsocietyOOhendrich ACTUARIAL SOCIETY EXAMINATIONS IN 1905 QUESTIONS AND SOLUTIONS REPRINTED FROM RECENT ISSUES OF THE AIHERICAN UdDEliWHiTEll AND THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF PROBABILITY BY Robert Henderson, B. A., F. I. A., F. A. S. MCM VI Thrift Publishing Company 141 Bkoadwat, New Yokk City ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GEHtRI^^ Copyright, 1906 BY THE Thrift Publishing Company PREFACE J^R. ROBERT HENDERSON, the author of the solutions of Actuarial Society examination questions of 1905, presented in this book, and of the accompanying essay on Probability, was born May 24th, 1 87 1, at Russell, near Ottawa, Canada. He was graduated from Toronto University, with the de- gree of B. A. in 1891, and was a University Fellow in mathematics for one year. In 1892, he went into the Dominion Insurance Department, Ottawa, Canada, under the Actuary of the Department, Mr. A. K. Blackadar, F. I. A., F. A. S. He remained until July, 1897, when he became associated with the Actu- arial Department of the Equitable Life Assurance So- ciety of the United States, of which Society he was appointed Assistant Actuary in September, 1903. In 1896, Mr. Henderson took his final examination and became a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries. He was enrolled as an Associate of the Actuarial Society in 1900, and was admitted on examination as a Fellow in 1902. By appointment of the President of the Actuarial Society, he was a member of the Committee on Examination for the years 1903, 1904 and 1905, the last year as Chairman. At the annual meeting of the Society,May 18, 1905, he was elected a member of the Council to serve for three years. To the 'Trans- actions of the Actuarial Society, his principal contribu- tions have been, "Frequency Curves and Moments'*, 167288 May 19, 1904, Vol. VIII, pp. 30-42; and "Note on Limit of Risk", May 18, 1905, Vol. IX, pp. 40-46. Mr. Henderson has given the solutions of the questions in the examination of 1905 of the Actuarial Society in a clear, concise and logical manner. His essay on " The Fundamental Principles of Proba- bility" is logical rather than mathematical in charac- ter and is written along the lines of the most recent treatises. In the belief that these solutions and this essay will be interesting and useful to many persons they are put in permanent form in this book. The utility of the book is enhanced by the fact that the left hand pages are blank for the convenience of those who desire to make additions, criticisms or annotations as to the particular subjects under consideration. The American Underwriter CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 9 Syllabus of Actuarial Society Examinations 15 Questions and Solutions — I Associate, Section A iQ II Associate, Section B 33 III Fellow 45 The Fundamental Principles of Probability — I The Measurement of Probabilities 71 II The Combination of Probabilities 75 III Expectation, or Mean Values 85 IV Repeated Trials 89 UNIVERSITY OF INTRODUCTION rr^HE following solutions of the questions proposed in the •^ Actuarial Society's examination of 1905 were origin- ally prepared for publication in The American Underwriter and they are now brought together in more permanent form in the hope that they be of some assistance to students preparing for the examinations of the Society. In this connection the author considers it proper to point out, especially in view ot his connection with the examination committee of that year, that the solutions given are intended only as specimens and not as the only appropriate answers to the questions. Perhaps a few words as to the principles adopted in prepar- ing these solutions may not be out of place. Where the ques- tions referred to subjects taken up in text-books which were likely to be in the hands of students and others a mere refer- ence was in most cases considered sufficient. With regard to questions in algebra — in particular — references are made to the text-book in which the author could most readily verify the ref- erences and to which he himself most frequently refers. The subjects of these questions will, however, be found taken up in any standard treatise on the subject and the student will refer to the particular treatise most convenient to himself. In certain cases where an alternative treatment of a subject taken up in the text-books seemed worthy of notice it has been incorporated in the solution. In the discussion of questions of a general nature the en- deavor has been, so far as possible, to look at the questions from a fresh viewpoint. In all cases the answers have been made as concise as possible and such as might be written by a candidate working under a time limit. • A copy is included of the syllabus under which the examina- tion was held. It is to be noted, however, that a change has been made in this syllabus which is intended to go into effect at the spring examinations in 1907. This change consists in adding to the final examination the subjects of Life Insurance Bookkeeping, Investments and Banking and Finance, and div- iding the examination into two sections which may be taken in different years. The opportunity is taken in collecting these solutions in book form to append a brief exposition of the fundamental principles of the theory of probability which was suggested by the two questions on that subject appearing in the examination papers. This essay is intended to show the connection of the mathemat- ical theory of the subject with the logical theory as developed by the best modern writers on that subject. Robert Henderson 11 ACTUARIAL SOCIETY EXAMINATIONS IN 1905 SYLLABUS OF EXAMINATIONS Associate Section A 1. Arithmetic, elementary Algebra and the principles of double-entry Bookkeeping. 2. The following subjects in advanced Algebra: a. Permutations and Combinations. b. Binomial Theorem. c. Series. d. Theory and use of Logarithms. e. The elements of Finite Differences, including in- terpolation and Summation. 3. The elements of the Theory of Probabilities. 4. Compound Interest and Annuities Certain. 5. Elementary plane Geometry.* 6. Practical examples in the foregoing subjects. Section B 1. The application of the Theory of Probabilities to Life Contingencies. 2. Theory of Annuities and Assurances, including the theoiy and use of Commutation Tables and the computation of prem- iums for usual contract. 3. Valuation of ordinary forms of policies. 4. Practical examples on all the above, involving Joint as well as Single lives. 15 5. General nature of Insurance contracts. 6. The outines of the history of Life Insurance. 7. The source and characteristics of the principal Mortality^ Tables. Fellow 1. Methods of constructing and graduating Mortality Tables and the use of the formulas of Gompertz and Makeham. 2. Methods of loading premiums to provide for expenses and contingencies. 3. Valuation of the liabilities and assets of Life Insurance companies. 4. The assesment of expenses and the distribution of surplus. 5. Practical treatment of cases of alteration or surrender of Life Insurance contracts. 6. Application of the Calculus of Finite Differences and of the Differential and Integral Calculus to Life Contingencies. 7. Laws of the United States and Canada relating to Life Insurance. 8. Insurance of Under-Average Lives and extra premiums for Special Hazards. *Note for Canadian candidates. Euclid Books I, II and III will be consid- ered sufficient for this subject. 17 ERRATA. Page 23, Question 6, line 4 — Insert 8 after word "computing-." Page 25, Question 8, line 2 — Read "annual " in place of "anual." Question 10, line 4 — read numerator "2401." Page 29, Solution 13 (a), line 4 — Make "j,-, read as index. Solution 13 (a), line 5 — Make " n" curtate. Page 31, Solution 14, next line to bottom — Insert "angle" before "P AB\" Page 33, Solution 1, line 7 — Read "4 + i" in place of "/ 1." Page 41, Solution 10, line 2, — Read ".02186 X '' before the fraction in place of ".02186 +•" Question 11, line 1 — Read A\y^. Solution 12, line 4 — Read "M./' in place of "M.r." Page 43, Solution 14 (a), line 3 — Read "sixty" in place of "twenty-three." Page 45, Solution 1, line 11 — Insert "by " after " existing." Page 53, Solution 11, line 7 — Read "(1 +/) " in place of "(^+y)." Page 57, Solution 15, line 7 — Read "?/i" in place of Page 61, Question 22 (b), line 2 -- Read "4" in place of "/^." Page 91, Second paragraph, line 6 — Read " ;/ -|- 1 " in place of " n — 1." ACTUARIAL SOCIETY EXAMINATIONS Solutions of Questions in Examination for Admission as Asso- ciate OR Fellow, Held April 13 and 14, 1905 N. B. — Actuarial Society or American notation Associate— Section A V I. (a) Simplify ^ ~ ^ + tit (d) Extract the square root of 1,012,766,976. {a) I. II. {b) 31,824. 2. (a) Prove that a quadratic equation can have only two roots, (b) Solve the equation. ^8 U — b) jx — c) jx — c) (x — a) ^ (a — b){a — c)'^ (b- c) {b — a) (a) Let a and ^ be two roots of the equation, then since x — a and X — /J are factors the equation must take the form a {x — a) {x — ^) = o. If, then, any other value :v of x satisfies this equation we have a {y — oi) {y — /?) = o which is impossible unless a = o/\n which case the equation would vanish identically. Therefore, the equation cannot have more than two roots. (b) Substituting a for x in the equation it becomes a^ \--l \--^\ ^o = a^ {a — b) {a — c) Since this is an identity a satisfies the equation, similarly b satisfies it and the equation does not vanish identically since x = c does not satisfy it. As the equation is of the second degree and does not vanish identically it has only two roots and these we have seen to be a and b. 19 / 3. (a) Given that the Binominal Theorem is true when the index is a positive integer, prove that it is also true for negative or frac- tional indices. (d) Expand (i — xT"^ . (a) Eor proof of first part of question refer to C. Smith's Algebra, 2d Edition, Article 283. (d) By the Binomial Theorem. I 1.2 1.2.3 + etc. = I + 2 a; + 3 ic2 + 4 :j;3 _f. g^c. / 4. Expand e'^ in ascending powers of x. Hence, where Cq, Ci, etc., are the coefficients of the various powers of x in (i + xf prove that Cq (a + w)*" — c\ (a + n — if^ -\-c* (a + n — 2)*" — etc., vanishes if m is less than n and is equal to \n if m is equal to n {m and n being both integral). e* = \ +^+-r- + -i ^- etc. 12 |3 For proof refer to C. Smith's Algebra, 2d Edition, Article 302. ^0 ia + n^ -c^{a + n — if + ^^ (a + « — 2)^ — etc., is \m times the coefficient of x^ in the expansion of Cq e (a + «)* _ ^^^(a + «-l)^ + ^2 ^(^ + "-2^^- etc. or. of^^^(^^-i)«. But (^* — I) = i*; + 1^ + etc. .'. (^* _ i)« = ^« + ^ ^« + i + etc. ^ 2 and e^^ = i + a x + etc. .•.e^'={e''-ir = x-^ + {a +^)^« + i + etc. So that the coefficient of all powers of x less than n is zero, and that of x^ is unity. Hence the proposition follows. 5. How are probabilities measured? Give instances where addi- tion, subtraction, multiplication and division of probabilities, re- spectively, give inter pre table results, stating in each case the relation of the resulting probability to those operated upon. 21 The measure of the probability of an event happening under given circumstances is the limit of the ratio of the number of times the event happens under the given circumstances, to the number of times the given circumstances occur, when the number of cases is indefinitely increased. The probabilities of two mutually exclu- sive events may be added together, the result giving the probability that either one or the other will happen. If two events be so related that the first cannot happen unless the second does, the probability of the first may be subtracted from that of the second, the result giving the probability that the second will happen unaccompanied by the first. The probability of an event may be multiplied by the chance that if it happens a second event will happen also, the result being the probability that both will happen. Conversely the proba- bility of a compound event may be divided by the probability of one of its components, the result being the probability that if that event happens the other will happen also. 6. // i is the effective annual rate of interest, j the nominal rate convertible m times a year, d the rate of discount and 8 the force of interest; express each in a series of ascending powers of each of the others. Give an approximate method of computing d* for a given rate of interest. 6. If i is the effective annual rate of interest, / the nominal rate convertible m times a year, d the rate of discount and S the force of interest ; express each in a series of ascending powers of each of the others. Give an approximate method of computing d for a gi-en rate of interest. See Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part i, new edition, Chap- ter I, Article 30, From the expressions for i and d in terms of 8 we have i + d = 26 -\ h etc. or approximately d = — - — also id= 6' + — 5* + etc. so that approximately S = V i d. 7. Having given the value of an annuity certain for a term of years, deduce a formula for fiiiding the approximate rate of interest. Suppose a is the value of the annuity and « the period, and let i be the rate of interest. Let also a^, near to a, be the value at some 1 1 • .u 1 « — ^1 d a^ known rate Zi, then we have approximately di-i but ix «! = I — (I + ^i) .-.ai ^i^^= «(i + z\)-" + ^= nv^^"^' . «+ I a a, ai — n Vi or -r^ = — — ^H i^ «i — ^ . . whence i — t^ = t ^ -~~ or i = t^ + t\~ a, — n v^^ ~^^ a, 23 /0 ( UNI ^ OF The UNlVERSi OF y / If desired this rate may be used as a basis for a further approxi- mation. 8. Define Revenue Account, Balance Sheet and Inventory. What items in the anual statement of a life insurance company are ordinarily the result of an inventory? The Revenue Account shows on one side the amount of the policy reserve and the surplus at the beginning of the year and the income earned during the year, and on the other side the expenditure in- curred during the year, the balance being the amount of the policy reserve and surplus at the end of the year. The Balance Sheet is made up of the balance of the other ac- counts showing, on one side, the capital stock, if any, the policy reserve, the liabilities outstanding on the various accounts and the surplus, and on the other side the assets on hand An Inventory is a computation of the total amount of a given kind of assets or liabilities made by valuing the individual items. Interest and rents due and accrued and market value of bonds and stocks over book value are ordinarily determined by inventory. The lia- bility for reserve may also be considered as so determined. *- 9. Fhid the value of ^C^, the number of combinations of n different things taken r at a time. Prove that, if x and y be any two positive integers, then will x-4-yC„ = ^C„ + x^n-^^ y^ ^ + «C„_, yC^ + + yC„. See C. Smith's Algebra, 2d Edition, Articles 244 and 248. ^ 10. Given log^o2 = .30103 afid log^oS = .47712, calculate th€ logarithms of all numbers from 4 to 10 inclusive, using, where necessary, a finite difference formula. From these values calculate log^ „ f lU • We have log 4 = 2 log 2 = .60206 Jog 5 = log 10 — log 2 = I — .30103 = .69897 log 6 = log 2 -I- log 3 = .77815 log 8=3 log 2 = .90309 jog 9 = 2 log 3 = .95424 log 10 = 1. 00000 To determine log 7 we have log 45 = log 5 + log 9 = 1. 65321. log 48 = log6 + log 8 = 1. 68124 log 50 = log 5 + log 10 = 1.69897 '^ log 54 = log6 + log 9 = 1.73239 Whence interpolating by Lagrange's formula- log 49= _ Vlog45 + flog 48 4^ ^ log 56 -sV log 54 = 1.69020 I log 7 = i log 49 = .84510 \ Also we have log \\^\ = 4 log 7 _ log 3 — 3 log 2 — 2 = .00019 ^ 11. (a) Define central differences. Kb) Expand « + « x-n and x^n x — n jn terms of u 22 * and its central differences . 25 (a) Central differences are the differences of a function re- ferred to the central value of the variable. As there is no value of the odd orders of differences corresponding to the values of the original function the mean of the two adjacent values is used. (d) We have, u , = u + na + n^ . , n {n* — i) , «' («* — i) '+" ' ' K ' ~]i — "' ~\1 — dx + etc. x — n X *|2 |_3_ * - «'(''' -'"> d^ + etc. I_4_ where a^, d^, c^, d^, etc are the successive central differences corresponding to u^ Whence "'+>• + "-" = «,+ £!«, + "' '"• - " d^ + etc. 2 * J2 "^ l_4_ 2 /J_ 12. (fl) r/i^ probability of the happening of a certain event is p, and the probability of its failure is q; what is the probability of its happening exactly r times in n trials? (b) for what value of ris this probability the greatest? (c) Does this maximum probability increase or decrease as n increases ? (a) The chance of the event happening on any particular r trials and failing on the remainder n — r is ^'' q"~^- But the number of % different combinations of r trials is -; ; so that the total I r \n — r \n_ probability is ; >, »- n^—^ I r \n — r ^ ^ (b) This value is the greatest for the largest value of r for which \n \n ^ , , I r \n — r \ r— i \n — r 4- i {n — r + i) p> rq, or r{p ■\- q)<{n ■\- i) p or, since p ■}- q = i, when r is the integral part of (n + i) p. 27 (c) Putting now (« + i) for n the maximum probability is either |« -f I . , \n + I ■ P'' g"-^ + ^or . . _ , p^'+^g*'-' the \r \n — r + I | r -»- i | n — r ratio of which to the preceding is either ^ or -^ -^ n — r + I r + 1 both of which are less than unity since (« + i) P lies between r and r -\- I and consequently {n -\- i) q between n — r and n — r -f- i. / 13. (o) What is the value of an annuity certain for n years, payable p times per annum at the nominal rate j convertible m times a year. ^ (b) An annual annuity running n years is worth twenty-five year's purchase; one running 2n years is worth thirty years' pur- chase. What is the rate of interest f (a) We have where i is the effective rate of interest per annum ; (p) I . X i ^^ I — e/» "' ^ /[(i + O'-iJ but I + z = f I + -^ \ , so that '[(■*i)7-J (w) I — Z/*" Where/ is equal to m, this becomes a — - = n J (b) U a — \= — : — = 25 u\ J and 2MJ = ^- y ^n = 30, a have - 2«| I — ^^n I + 2/" 6 (//O I - - 2/" 5 n 4 . C^') therefore i — z/« = - = 25/, since rt — = 25 therefore/ = -^, or the nominal rate of interest, convertible with the same frequency as the annuity is payable, is 3^ per cent. 29 y lA. On the side A B, produced if necessary^ of a triangle A B C, A C is taken equal to A C] similarly ^-nPx:nPy=^ ^- 1 } *« • ''y ^x+n : ^ y-^fi <^) nPx:nPy= ^ ^ ilx— ^x-f «^ ^^y- ^y+n^ ''X : ''y ^x + ti ^y-\-n ^x±n^Jy±n = I — — + ; ; l^ ly Ix : ^ (^) n-lPx.n-lPy — ftPx- nPy _ ^x + n — l-^y-\-n — l ~ ^ x+ n : ^ y -{- n 33 2. Express the value of a^ m terms of the mortaltty table. Prove that a^ < ar^\ . If annuities of a unit be issued on each of l^ lives aged x the total amount to be paid at the end of the first year is / z/ ^* For the former is the arithmetic and the latter is the geometric mean of the present values of the death claims. Therefore I — (I + /) A_ I _ z, ^* . a^ = -, ? < i ^ — ; that is < a^-j. 3. On De Moivre's hypothesis find the value of a life annuity in terms of the expectation of life. Does this formula give results sufficiently close for practical useT On De Moivre's hypothesis, if n is the complement of life, we o n have, since the decrements are supposed uniform, ^x~~o Also, A, = -^ so that I - A^ n-a~\ 2^^ — a,/^| d net ^1 ^ Owing to the lack of conformity of mortality tables with De Moivre's hypothesis this formula does not give results suffi- ciently close for practical purposes. 4. Deduce formulas for the net single and annual premiums for a survivorship annuity payable to (x) after the death of (y). The payment under the survivorship annuity will be due at the end of any year if (x) be alive and (y) be dead. The net single premium for the benefit is therefore, - ^^''uPx-^^"" nP. ■ nPy = a — a, X X y The annual premium is ordinarily payable during the joint lives so that denoting its value by n we have or ?r = = — I . 35 5. Having given the values of D^, N^ and S^, show how the values of C^, M^ and Rj. may be ascertained. Find the annual premium for whole life insurance, all premiums paid to be returned at death, assuming that the premium is loaded by a percentage and a constant. = D.-d N. M. = ^C, = 7;:S D.-2D,^, = t,N^-N,+ X Let TTj = office premium required and tc = net premium where 7t^={l -\- k)7C + c Then ;r N^ = AI^ + R^l (I + k)7C +c^ or TT I N^ - (I + ^; R^ I =^ M^ + c R, M. + c R, - ^ .r a. fc^ ^ ^ (I + ^) M, + c N, ^' + ^^ n; + ^ ''^i = (I + k) n + c = = — N,-(i+fe)R, • f,^u,^^ (I + ^) P^ + c K i-(i +^)j^ 6. Investigate the relation between the rates of mortality in two tables giving the same net premium reserves on ordinary life policies. What conclusion would you draw regarding the effect on such re- serves of an increase in the rate of interest? We have for all values of n |n-iV^+P^ [(I + V) = P^^n_, „ V, +^^ + „_,- n^ X +^;. + n-i(l-nV^). Suppose any other table of mortality gives the same terminal re- serve values and denote net premiums and rates of mortality according to this second table by accented letters then we have ]n-:V,+Pi [(I +^-)=„V,+9i + „_,(l-„V,). Subtracting we get (P^- P^) (i 4- *) = (5i + „_ , - ^i^ „ _ j) or Pi-PJ(i +i)(i +a^) = (5i^„_,-g, + „_,) (I +«;c + n). 37 for all values of n so that (^i — g^) (i + ax + i) must be a constant k or q^. can be expressed in the form q^ + — T — X -f- I An increase in the rate of interest is equivalent so far as annuity- values are concerned to a proportionate reduction of the values of pj. or, for adult lives, a decreasing addition to the value of q^ whereas in order to give the same reserves an increasing addition to q^ is required, consequently we should expect that an increase in the rate of interest would in general lower the reserves. 7. State the leading points of difference between policies now issued in America and those issued fifty years ago. Fifty years ago policies were issued on comparatively few forms, principally ordinary life, the many special forms which are now such a feature of the business being then unknown. The many privileges and options as to surrender values, dividends, etc., now granted, were then absent from the contract which on the other hand con- tained many restrictions and prohibitions relating to travel, occupa- tion, and residence. Deferred dividend policies were first issued in 1S68. 8. Fmd the values ofQly] Q J. . y^ff) and e^ . y^) . Among those cases where (x) actually survives (y), what is the average duration of the period of survival f See Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part 2, Chapter 4, Articles 3, 13 and 16. In a large number N of cases the number where (a:) survives {y) is N QJ. and the total number of years included in all the periods of such survival is N e^ , , = N {e^ — e^^. Therefore, the average penod IS — p— . 9. Frotn general reasoning find the value of A^ i?i terms of a^. Express also its value in terms of the mortality table and in com- mutation symbols. See Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part II, Chapter VII, Arti- cles 32, 33. 41, 42, 43 and 44. 10. Give formulas for the ordinary life, limited payment life and endoii'ment assurance annual premium rates in terms of annuity values and also in terms 'jf commutation columns. Given P^. = .02186, P^-| = .0^20 and i = .03; find ^ ^. See Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part II, Chapter VII, Arti- cles 61, 69, 73, 79 and 80. 30 OF THE UNIVERSITY We have „P, = ^::=^ = A, (P "j -^ d) = (P^j +rf) I + ax:n—l\ ^x '^ "■ (I + i) P-1 + « 1-03 X .04220 + .03 = P = .02186 % TT- ^ (I + /) P^ + « '^ 1.03 X .02186 + .03 .0734660 = .02186 X 1 = .03058 .0525158 11. Find an expression for A ' and show how to express in terms of simpler functions the values of A ^ A ^^^ and AJ — See Institute of Actuaries Text Book, Part II, Chapter XIII, Ar- ticles 24, 26 and 27. 12. Write down formulae for the value of a limited payment life policy by the prospective method and by the retrospective method, explaining each. State under what conditions they give identical results. Prospectively „V = =; where m is. the premium period. • , w '^.(Nx-N:, + „)-(M,-M,+,) Retrospectively „V = — The difference between these two values is ■ Dx+« which vanishes if 7t^ = -tt — >^ , that is, if the premium X X -f m valued is the net premium for the policy on the basis of valuation. Otherwise, the two will give different results, unless the retrospec- tive formula be properly modified. 13. State as briefly as possible the main points to be covered in drawing up a policy of insurance on the limitedpayment life plan. The special points to be covered in drafting a limited-payment life polic3% as distinguished from other forms, are that the face of the policy is payable on receipt of satisfactory proofs of death of the assured and that the assurance is conditional on the payment of the specified premium annually in advance during a specified period or until the prior death of the assured. These are the distinguishing features of a limited payment life policy, the other privileges and conditions being in general common to this and other forms. The conditions embody such restrictions and limitations regarding oc- 41 cupation, travel, residence, suicide, and proof of age, as may be considered advisable, and usually incorporate by reference the ap- plication as part of the contract. The privileges refer to such features as incontestability, grace in payment of premiums, rein- statement, change of beneficiary, loans and surrender values. 14. (a) What are the leading features which distinguish the O^ table from the Actuaries' table? (b) What was found to be the experience of policies with and without profits respectively and of endowments as compared with whole-life policies f (o) As regards source the O^ table is distinguished by being the result of the recent experience of. a large and homogeneous class of risks, being the experience of twonfirfthrcc British offices during the years 1863 to 1893 on male lives assured under ordinary life policies, while the Actuaries' table is based on the whole experience of seventeen offices up to 1839. As regards methods, the O** table was made up on lives, while the Actuaries' table was made up on policies, except that in some companies duplicates in the same company were eliminated. As regards results, the O^ table shows a relatively very low rate of mortality at the younger ages as com- pared with the Actuaries' table. The difference in rates of mortality becomes relatively very small as the age advances. The expectation by the O^ table is about five per cent, higher at age 20 than by the Actuaries table. At age 35 this difference is reduced to about two and one half per cent, and remains at that figure beyond age 70. (b) In the British offices experience, the mortality on lives as- sured with profits was much lighter than on those assured without profits, and the experience on endowments was much more favor- able than on whole life policies. 43 Fellow- I. Draft a memorandum of instructions to be followed by clerks in taking out the mortality experience of a company, the result to be exhibited in the form of select tables. From proper record enter on cards the age at entry, date of issue and date and mode of termination of risk (if terminated). Include only terminations occurring before the anniversary in the year 1904. In the case of terminations otherwise than by death, record, as the duration, the difference between the calendar years of entry and exit. In the case of deaths add one year to the number of com- plete policy years which have elapsed between date of issue and date of death. Take the age at entry at nearest birthday. Sort cards into deaths, other terminations (withdrawals) and existing, then sort each lot by age at entry. Sort the deaths and withdrawals at each age according to duration, and the existin^calendar year of issue (the duration being the difference between that year and the year of termination of observations). Record on a schedule for each age at entry the total number for each duration, separately for the deaths, withdrawals and existing. (The cards should contain further information such as kind of policy, residence, etc., if required for the purposes of subdivision). 2. On the assumption of Makeham's law, find the value of A^^ in terms of the constants and A^y Hence give approximately the value of A J.y in terms of A ^^,. We have by Makeham's law, /' + t A + Bc* + * and>Uy^^= A + B(7^ + ^ where A = — log^ s. .-. c^i^^j^t + log^s) = c'i^y^t + log^s) multiplying then through by v^ f p^y and integrating with respect to i, we get ovcyAiy = c'A^; + {c^-cy)iog^s'^^y or ic' + c:>')Ai,, = c^' A^^ + (c' - cy) log^ s'a ^ ^ = c-A^y +{c^-cy)^fll^ii-A^y) 45 But a;^ = yAi^and A3.3, = -^ A ^^ approximately. Hence substituting and reducing we have 3. ff'i^a/ various forms of investment are now open to life insur- ance companies ? Discuss their relative desirability . Railroad Bonds : They yield a fair return, are available in con- siderable quantity, when well selected furnish ample security, and are readily convertible. Government and Mufiicipal Bonds : The interest return, except for small issues, is comparatively low, but they are sometimes useful for deposit purposes. Mortgage Loans on improved property, with a good margin, are a safe investment and yield a return somewhat higher than do first- class bonds. Stocks : Great care in selection is necessary. Some first-class railroad, bank and trust companies stocks however, furnish a safe and remunerative investment. Loans on Policies : This is one of the most desirable forms of investment, but only a limited proportion of the funds can be invested in this way. 4. Show how the reserve on any policy at the end of n years can be expressed in terms of the net premium, and the commutation symbols for age at entry a7id age attained. Hence show how policies of all kifids a7id durations may be grouped together by attained age for valuation purposes. Let „V be the reserve at the end of n years. S the sum assured and re the net premium, then we have N^-N^ + n ^ M^-M^+n or„V=7r-— S. ^x^n ^x-\-n This expresses the reserve in terms of the net premium and com- mutation symbols for age at entry and age attained. This equation can also be expressed in the form nV= S.A^_^„- ;r (I 4- a^^J + ^x + n 47 D, = S. A,^^- «-(! + a,^J +6.- TT N, — S. M, where fl = — and z is some convenient advanced age. z If then the quantities S. ic and 9 be recorded once for all on each policy a classification may be made by age attained and an account kept of the totals of the three functions for each group. These can be multiplied by the respective valuation functions A^^^^, i + ^x-\-n and — and a summation will give the valuation required. If the ^x+n conditions of the policy are such that the value of S or of tt changes after the policy is in force, a corresponding change in B will have to be made; the new value of 6 being such that at the date when the change takes effect the value on the new set of constants will be the same as on the old. 5, Under what conditions is the declaration of a simple rever- sionary bonus of a uniform percentage of the face of the policy for all ages, durations, and kinds of policy , equitable f Profits may for practical purposes be divided into two parts, one to be apportioned in proportion to the reserve on the policy and the other in proportion to the effective loading, so that the equitable share of a policy may be expressed in the form al-\-b.y=^al-\-b I -A, for ordinary life policies ; for endowments the corresponding changes in the formula should be made. If the proposed method is to be fair, this should be capable of expression in the form ^ A^_l_„ where c is constant for all values of x and n that is al-b ^ _ ^ + ^ __ ^ . A,^„ = c A, + „ for all values of x ^x b ^x and n. Hence a I — b = o ox I = — . —r or the effective I — A^ ad b loading is a constant percentage of the net premium, also * = c. I Ay This last condition cannot be fulfilled as A^ is a variable and b and c are constants unless the valuation basis is varied according to age at issue and kind of policy so that b would vary also, being made proportional to the difference between the rate of interest assumed and that actually earned. 49 6. Expand -7 in ascending powers of x. (I \ xY — \ Hence derive an approximate formula for the sunt of a series when only every «<^ value is k7iown . See Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part 2, Chapter 22, Article 30, and Chapter 24, Article 20, and Transactions of Actuarial Society of America, Volume 8, page 58. 7. A policy is drawn payable as follows : " unto Jane Doe, bene- ficiary, wife of the insured,'' without any further provision. The beneficiary dies and the insured wishes to surrender the policy. Discuss the rights of the insured in such a case. A policy so worded would at the death of a wife inure to the benefit of the children, if any, and according to the law of some states could not be assigned. Where an assignment is possible the children should join in the release, either individually, if adult, or if minors, through their general or special guardian. Where no children sur- vive, her interest will pass to her heirs. 8. A set of select tables are to be graduated in which the mor- tality in the early policy years at ages belozv twenty-five at entry is higher in the ungraduated data than at several higher ages. What method would be most satisfactory? Give details of the work of applying the method you would adopt. As it is impossible to represent, by a table graduated by Make- ham's law unmodified the special feature referred to, that law should not be used unless an extended use is expected to be made of the resulting table in joint life calculations. No perfectly satisfactory method has, however, yet been devised of applying summation grad- uations, such as those of Woolhouse and Higham, to select tables. The graphic method of graduation would, therefore, be the most suitable. The expectations of life for the separate ages at entry should be made from the ungraduated data. These will indicate what groupings should be made to obtain a series as regular as pos- sible. The data for each group should then be combined and -' select table graduated bv the graphic method. These tables wi'' indicate where it is possible to merge the select tables into the ulti mate, and will furnish a guide for drawing the curves of mortality for each of the early insurance years. A mathematical formula ap- proximating to the facts can generally be used to advantage as a basis, as then only the departure of the facts from the formula re- mains to be graduated and a larger scale can be adopted. 9. Discuss the propriety of issuing single premium policies on the participating plan. How would you compute rates for such policies? There does not appear to be any conclusive objection to doing so. It is true that one considerable item can be determined more ac- curately in advance in the case of single premium than in the case of annual premium policies, namely, expense of collecting premiums, also that the lapse feature is practically eliminated. There are other elements, however, which are subject to variation, and these are sufficient to justify issuing the policies on the participating plan. 51 As any lack of exact justice in the premium rate can be adjusted in the dividends, the loading can be made to conform to the general rule of the company for participating business. 10. Show what relationship must exist hetzveen the values of p^ by two different tables of mortality in order that the policy values by the two tables for the same rate of interest may be the same. Discuss other forms of policy as well as ordinary life. We have for any form of policy where it is the net premium and i the rate of interest (^jV + «) (i + = „V + g^^^ + « _ i (Sn — «V) where „ _iV and „V are the terminal reserves for the {n — i)** and n*^ years respectively, and S„ the sum assured in the w year. Let ^[,1 _!_„ _i be the rate of mortality in the «'* year according to some other mortality table, giving the same terminal reserves but a dif- ferent net premium it . Then (n_lV + it^) (I + = „V + ^U+n-li^n-n^) or, subtracting, (TT^ -7t){i+t)= (/[^i + „_i - ^[,]4.„_i) (S„-„V). The left side of the equation is constant so long as the premiums do not change so that the difference in the rates of mortality must be inversely proportional to the net amount at risk. In the case of ordinary life policies two aggregate tables may give the same ter- minal reserves (see Associate B, question 6), but for other forms one at least of the tables must be in the analyzed or select form. For policies which have become paid-up the left side vanishes and consequently no variation in the rate of mortality is permissible. For endowments in the final year, the formula calls for an infinite differ- ence in the rates of mortality, showing an impossible condition. 11. Deduce a formula for the distribution of profits on the con- tribution plan, and state what facts would govern you in determining the constants. Under what theory of expense assessment is a dividend earned during the first policy year? In the case of any policy we have („_iV -f it){i + — ^-p_j_„_i = (i — ^^_}_„_i) „V where it is the net premium ; i the assumed rate of interest and ^^ i „_ithe tabular rate of mortality. Suppose now the loading is / and the expenses are e, that the actual rate of in- terest earned is/ and the actual rate of mortality is ^J.^„_i then the profits earned during the year are („_iV + ;r + /-^) (f 4-7-)-^i+n_i-(i-iri+„-l)nV or substituting from the equation above a-e) (I + ^O + (/- i) («_iV 4- ir) + (^,+n_i-^+n-l) 53 The rate of interest earned is determined by dividing the interest earnings, less investment expenses, by the mean funds (reserve and surplus) of the year less one-half the interest earnings. An average rate should be used based on the company's recent experience. The rate of mortality should be based on the company's experience over a sufficient period to give stability. The expenses after deducting off-setting items, such as gain from lapses, give when distributed the .expense factor. . If it is assumed that any excess of the cost of new business over the profit from lapses and gain from mortality of recently selected risks is properly assessable on the business at large as necessary for the maintenance of the company, a dividend will be considered as earned the first policy year. 12. A woman in receipt of an income under an annuity on her own life desires to have the annuity changed so as to be payable so long as either she or her husband survives. What action would you take on the request and what circumstances would you take into con- sideration f In the case of such a request, the company should decline to make the proposed change and suggest that application be made for a survivorship annuity, in favor of the husband. In the consideration of this application the various questions affecting the desirability of the risk could be taken up in the regular way. If it is desired that the annuity be continued for the full amount, such additional pre- mium as is necessary being paid now to the company, the case would be more favorable for action. 13. Express, in the form of an integral, the value of axyz\w and lay out a schedule shozving how you would apply a formula of approximate integration to its evaluation. See Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part II, Chapter XV, Art. 29, The arrangement of work given in Article 24, with the neces- sary additional column for the additional life, would be convenient. 14. Under-average lives have been assured with extra premiums payable during the continuation of the contract. Under what condi- tions, if at all, can the extra premium be remitted^ Where extra premiums have been charged on account of an im- pairment they should not in general be remitted. The fact of the assured subsequently passing a good medical examination is not sufficient ground for such action. If, however, other circumstances are such as to indicate clearly that an error was made by the medical examiner originally, the extra may be remitted. Also if the busi- ness has been transacted under such conditions that, at the time the application is made, it would be more profitable to the company to remit the extra and retain the healthy life on those terms than to refuse and cause a lapse, prudence would dictate its remission. This could in general only occur during the first policy year. 15. Show how Woolhouse's formula for graduation was obtained and draw up a schedule of, operations by which it can be mo^t con- vert en tly applied. 55 Woolhouse's formula for graduation was derived by considering the five different series, which can be formed by taking values from the original series separated by quinquennial intervals. Each series is then supposed to be filled out by central difference interpolation to the second order, and a final series formed by taking the aver- ages of the corresponding values in these five series. We then see that expressing by u i the graduated value we have. A«x + 6) + (»V«ar-3+ M »x + 2 " l'? «x + 7 ) [ or I2S ul= — 3 «,_7 - 2 u^_f^ +3 «^_4 + 7 u^_^ + 21 «^_2 + 24 »^_i + 25 «^ + 24 U^^i -h 21 «,^.2 -f 7 "xr3 +3«:, + 4-2«, + «-3«x + 7 Various methods have beeen suggested to simplify the calcula- tions involved, but probably the simplest is that of J. A. Higham, which consists in arranging the values in columnar form, summing in threes and subtracting three times the result from ten times the central original value, then summing the result in fives three times successively and dividing by 125. See J. I. A. Vol. 31, p. 323. 16. Gross premiums are to be computed, which, after covering certain initial and renewal expenses, which are partly proportional to the premium and partly constant, will provide, on the assumption of four per cent interest, a simple reversionary bonus of one per cent per annum. Give a formula for the premium and state what basis of z'aluation should be adopted. Let ?f i be the required office premium, and suppose the initial expenses are k 7t^ -\- a per unit assured and the renewal expense / ^3.+^. Also suppose, to be perfectly general, the policy in question s an endowment, with a period of n years and with premiums for m years. We have then where all monetary values are on a four per cent, basis 1. , „ . _, Rx^l — Ra + nH-l + n(T>x + n — M^^w ) ItxKl + axm-l\) = Axnl + .01 g + ^TTx + n + iiix ax iir^Tii + bax ;rrii Rx + 1— Rx + n 4- 1 + n{\)x^n — Ma;-4-n) Ax„l + tf + bnxn-\\ 1 r>- A net valuation on a three and one half per cent, basis, with a special reservation for expenses on limited payment policies after they have become paid-up, would probably on an average distribu- tion of the business be sufficient to maintain the dividends. S7 Fellow. 17. Policies with semi-annual or quarterly premiums are usually valued on the assumption that the annual premium has been paid and credit is allowed in the assets for the gross deferred premium, less loading. How does the reserve thus obtained compare with that obtained by valuing the policies as strictly half-yearly or quar- terly contracts? See Institute of Actuaries Text Book, Part II, Chapter XVIII, Articles 84 to 88. It is to be noted in this connection that, in this country where premiums are payable semi-annually or quarterly they are merely instalments of the annual premium and not true semi-annual or quarterly premiums ; as any unpaid balance is deducted from the death claim. 18. (a) What are the three principal sources of surplus and in what proportions do they generally contribute? (b) How would you treat investment expenses in determining the share of profits from each source? (a) The question of the proportions in which the various sources contribute to profits is one to which various answers may be given, according to the point of view. When we remember, however, that what appears as gain from surrenders and lapses, is in large part merely a refund of initial expenses not yet reimbursed out of loadings and that the bulk of what appears as gain from interest is really interest earned on surplus, the distribution of which is defer- red, it would appear that the main sources of profit, at the present time, in the order of their importance, are gain from excess of loading over net expenses, mortality savings and interest earned in excess of the rate necessary to maintain the reserve. The two former probably contribute about equally, and the last considerably less than either of them. (b) Investment expenses which are necessary for the care of old investments, including changes of securities and reinvestments, should be considered as a charge against interest income. 19. (a) A company grants, as surrender values under its poli- cies, cash, paid-up policies or extended insurance. How would you fix the relative amounts of these surrender values? (b) What theoretical objections are there to extended insurance in case of endowments? (a) The amount of the paid-up policy to be given, should be determined by deducting from the reserve on the policy a charge for initial expenses not yet reimbursed. The manner of determin- ing the amount of this charge should vary with the practice of the company regarding dividends and other features. The balance after deducting this charge should then be converted at net rates into paid-up assurance. Theoretically, a further charge should be made on account of the justifiable presumption that a person sur- rendering his policy is a select life, but, so far as paid-up policies are concerned, this is already sufficiently provided for, if the re- serves used as a basis are based, for premiums as well as for other factors, on an ultimate table. In converting into cash, however, ac- count should ordinarily be taken of this possible selection. And in 59 determining the period of extended insurance, a sufficient loading should be used to compensate for the selection adverse to the com- pany, which may be exercised by the assured. (b) Applications are frequently accepted on the endowment form which would not be accepted for term assurance, the expecta- tion being that near the end of the period the amount at risk would be small and that the effect of extra mortality occurring at that time might be neglected. If however extended assurance is given after a few years' premiums have been paid the company would be on the risk for the full amount as the reserve would be small. 20. Find an approximate expression for '»^. and show how it must be modified to give the value of a^**^^- See Institute of Actuaries Text Book, Part II, Chapter XI, Ar- ticles 5 and 8. 21. What are the legal requirements as to basis of valuation in order that nezu business may be transacted? To what point must the reserve be reduced before a receivership can be insisted on? In the State of New York, a company is not permitted to transact new business, if a statement of assets and liabilities, including the value of its policies on the basis of the Actuaries' or Combined Ex- perience Table with four per cent, interest, for policies issued prior to January 1st, 1901 and on the basis of the American Experience Table, with three and a half per cent, interest, for policies issued since that date or on such higher basis as the company may have adopted, shows an impairment of more than fifty per cent, of the capital. But a receiver cannot be appointed unless the funds in- vested according to law, after deducting the outstanding liabilities and capital stock, fall below the reserve on the basis of the Ameri- can Experience Table with four and one half per cent, interest. See section 82 of the general Insurance Law. 22. (a) State Gompertz's hypothesis as to the law of human mortality and deduce the value of l^ in terms of the constants. (b) What modification was introduced by Makeham, and how did it affect the value of ixf See Institute of Actuaries' Text Book, Part II, Chapter VI, Ar- ticles 9, 10, 14 and 15. 23. (a) Give a brief outline of the usual form of statement re- quired of a life company, enumerating the various schedules. (b) In preparing the annual statement a company wishes to write off two per cent of the value of its real estate. Show two zvays in which this may be done. (a) See standard blank for returns of life companies. (b) Any desired amount may be written off the value of real estate, either by passing the amount through disbursements under a special profit and loss item and correspondingly reducing the item of 61 book value of real estate under assets, or by setting up an item in the liabilities of a real estate depreciation fund. 24. Give the formula for the reserve on a survivorship annuity with return of premiums in case of prior death of the nominee. What basis would you adopt for valuation? Let (x) be the assured and (y) the nominee, and let 7t be the net premium and tt* the gross premiun per unit; then (I + a^) = ay- a^y + 7t\lA)ai or l + 7t = ^^f:^ Then the reserve at the end of « years will be — 7t (l + ax+n:v + n) = (l + ^y + n) — (l + TT) (i + ax+n-.y + n) I M : + R X + n y + n x + n y + n i'x -r n -.y ^ n Theoretically, an assurance table should be used for the as- sured and an annuity table for the nominee, but in practice the labor would be prohibitive and the Carlisle table, besides being con- venient, provides for a sufficient reserve. The same rate of interest should be used as for other annuities. Three and one half per cent, would be sufficiently conservative. 25. What will be the probable effect upon the dividends to the survivors of an extra mortality in the eighteenth to the twentieth years under tzventy-year endowment policies issued on the twenty- year dividend planf State the reasons for your answer. Each extra death claim reduces the total profits to be divided, by the amount of premiums unpaid less expenses and by the interest on those premiums and on the amount of the claim. If this amount is less than the share of profits which would have been allotted to the policy at maturity, had the policyholder survived to that time, the reduction in the number sharing in the profits will more than counterbalance the reduction in the total profits and the share of each survivor will consequently be increased. In the case of twenty year endowment policies on the deferred dividend plan this would generally be the case after the eighteenth j^ear. , 26. (a) A twenty-year endowment has been in force five years and it is desired to change it to an ordinary life policy. What allozvance should be made for the higher premium paid in the pastf (b) What difference zuould you make in such cases as between annual dividend and deferred dividend policies? (a) In making a change such as this the maximum allowance which can be made is the difference in reserves on the two policies with such deduction as may be necessary on account of the unre- couped initial expenses. The amount allowed should, of course, 63 not exceed the difference between the surrender values of the two policies, and a rule to allow that difference would in practice pro- duce fair results. (b) The rule in this form would apply to either annual or de- ferred dividend policies the appropriate difference in treatment be- ing provided for by the difference, if any, in values allowed on the two forms of contract. 27. Evaluate the following integrals : (a) /* Ji' e-^ dx. {h) f {x - af {b - xf dx. J a ^ ' J O X + 1 (a) f x^ e-"" dx= 3 f x^ e-^' dx Jo Jo ' = 6 / X