7 84. F5H UC-NRLF GIFT OF Class of 1887 erfect Kingdom "Then shall the King say unto them on his lit hand, Come ye blessed of my Father iheritthe Kingdom prepared fo/ you from the undation of the world/* By H. W. FITH Los Gatos, Cal. Single Copies, 25 Cents to LOS GATOS, CAL., August 10, 1910. This book was first published in sections in opposition to a prohibition campaign that was; beipg carried on in Los Gatos. 1 do not know how much influence k ft ad. Wine is now bought, sold and served as r believe it : should be. For the past five years 1 have been a diligent student of the Bible, a regular church attendant, and have read from four religious papers. Yet in opposition to what I have heard and to present day writings, I have come to the conclusions presented in this book. When a person says anything after careful preparation, or writes after due consideration, it is provoking to be thought of as not believing what he has said. I do believe what I have written. Actors, hypocrites and liars are not expected to believe what they say, but those who write or tell of the Gospel, should believe what they say. If the words of Jesus are a standard of Truth, many by their inconsistency and lack of fidelity, show that they are believing a mixture of truth and error. Now, I am physically sound. About my body I am not concerned. But is my mind sound? Am I believing the truth or am 1 deluded? Why do I/after reading the Scriptures, come to conclusions so different from anyone else? Why do I stand alone? No one else believes as I do. Now, something is wrong. 1 believe I am believing the truth and I am going to stand by it. Time will tell, and but a short time, too. Believe me sincere, H. W. FITCH. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit." "Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God." "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." "God is a Spirit." Therefore that which is born of God is a Spirit. "The voice said cry and he said, What shall I cry?" "All flesh is grass and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field." "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the Word of our God shall stand forever." "Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket. and are counted as the small dust of the balance." "All nations before him are as nothing, and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity." Qtyr iKtnsonm of I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich ; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy naked- ness do not appear; and annoint thine eyes with eye- salve that thou mayest see. Rev. 3:18. Jesus Christ was the faithful and true Witness of the truth of the Word of God. It was his desire to do all that was written in the L,aw of Moses, the Psalms and the Prophets that the Messiah as the Son of Man was to do. We following in his footsteps should as the opportunity is given us be witnesses to the truth of that Word. "Ye are my witnesses saith the Lord that I am God." A witness in court before the Judge and the Jury states the truth, he does not argue the truth of his statements or urge the Jury to believe him. So here before God as the Judge, and my readers as the Jury I am not arguing the truth of what I say, or urg- ing anyone to believe what I say. If what I say is true and it is believed God will manifest his power in the lives of those who believe it. If I state the truth and it is not believed, God will not manifest his power because of unbelief. If what I say is a lie and it is believed God will not manifest his power in our lives. He does not manifest his power in the lives of those who tell and believe a lie and the power manifested by those who do tell and believe a lie is the power of him who is father of lies. 930237 In ordinary use the word day means a limited period of time or a period of sunlight. In the Bible it is used to mean that and also an unlimited period of time and a perpetual period of Light. With the Lord a thousand years are but as yesterday, and as a watch in the night. Ps. 90 :4. A watch in the night would be the 6th part of a day, so that one of the days of creation as a period of time might stand for one year or 6,000 years. The Bible is a book of contrasts, for example as high as heaven is above the earth, light and darkness, day and night. God said : "Let there be light and there was light: and God saw the light that it was good : and God divided the light from the darkness and God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night." Gen. 1 :3,4,5. Paul says in 1 Thes. 5 :5, "Ye are all the children of light and the children of the day. we are not of the night nor of darkness." From the words of Paul I am led to believe there was a place, on the earth called Day. There was God's House, there was the Hill of the Lord. There it was called Paradise or Eden. There was the illumination of the Glory of God. There was no need of the light of the sun or of the light of the moon. Outside of the place called Day, it was called Night. God caused the earth to bring forth grass and trees. He created the fishes of the seas and the fowls of the air and every living creature where it was called Night. One of the grand-divisions of the earth, Africa, has come down to us through the ages known as the Dark Continent. Egypt was there and was known as the black land, and to be in Egypt was to be in darkness away from God. On that continent we find a humanity ignorant, uncivilized and black-skinned, typical of their condi- tion. That Darwin in his theory of evolution was right in regard to this race I have no doubt. That they have lived on this earth for the past fifty thousand years, I would admit. That they formed governments, and kingdoms and that the Pyramids of Egypt were built ten thousand years B. C., I will concede. But in the course of time God said, "Let us make man in our image after our likeness," and there was just as great a contrast between the humanity that God created where it was Day and the humanity that was created where it was Night as there was in the places where they were created. God made a covenant of life with the humanity that he created in his own likeness. But through un- belief that humanity did not keep that covenant, and forfeited the right to live and to live where it was Day. So were thrust out into the Night. If any one wants to know where Cain got his wife, why he married a black woman. And so we have these two distinct cre- ations of humanity on the earth. The children of the Night and the children of the Day. The brown race or the yellow race is some mixture of the white and the black race. Now after the white race was cast out into the Night they were no better in God's sight than the black race. So all flesh became one blood. But God gave them the promise of another Word that if they would believe that Word they might live. Now an unbelieving white man is no better than an unbe- lieving black man in God's sight. A converted black man is just as good as a converted white man in Gods sight. I have nothing against the black man. He may be physically my superior; he may be my equal ment- ally, but he is not my equal in color. A white man who cherishes any love for the children he might have would not marry a black woman because of the disadvantage it would be to his children. God has had a wonderful love for the white race. He has been to work all these years reconciling a people to himself He has been kind to the black race for He will receive them just as quickly as the white race and has sent out missionaries to all parts of the world for their salva tion. The Lord said unto Abraham, "I am the Lord that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it." And to Jacob he said, "The land whereon thou liest to thee will I give it and to thy seed." Yet Abraham did not possess it, and Jacob died in Egypt, and the land that God promised them was where it once had been Day. Now by faith we are the seed of Abraham. We are the house of Jacob, the Israel of God. By that covenant God intends to restore the Day here on the earth. And to have an inheritance there will be to have an inheritance in the Kingdom of 5 God "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a Kingdom which shall never be de- stroyed," Dan. 2:44. Now God seems to be doing at present a strange work, a strange act. There are people who study the Bible who believe that the best gift of God is physical health and comfort. Others believe the great purpose of God is to make the present evil world a better and more comfortable place to live in. They pray and work for it and ap- parently get what they pray for. But to ask for and receive a vain thing is not an evidence of Divine favor. Jesus said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his rightousness." His charge to St. Paul making him an Apostle to the Gen- tiles was, "I send thee to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sin and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me," Acts 26:18. And he said again. "Except a man be born again he cannot see the King- dom of God." And that is true. For worldly people do not now see the Kingdom of God. We pray "Thy Kingdom come," and come it will. We will yet get what we ask for. That Kingdom is described in the Psalms, in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel and the House of that Kingdom is described in Revelation 21. When our Lord Jesus Christ comes with all his saints and God gathers his chosen people from the East and the West, "He will say to the North, give up. and to the South, keep not back, bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth ; even every one that is called by my name," Is. 43 :6. To be left here in this part of the earth where we are now will be to be left in outer Darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For with God's Spirit withdrawn that strives with man, every man's hand will be lifted against his neighbor. For an account of the coming of the Day of the Lord read the words of the Prophet Joel. Salvation is the greatest and highest gift of Christ, and the cry will yet be heard, What shall we do to be saved? and the answer from the Thione of Heaven is, Only believe, the Words of Jesus Christ. And he had in his right hand seven stars. Rev. 1:16. Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations. Deut. 32 :7. "Known unto God are all his works from the be- ginning of the world." "For though thy people Israel be as the sands of the sea yet a remnants of them shall return; the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness." Isaiah 10 :22. God is the great Architect. He plans his work and his plans are carried out regardless of the conse- quences upon man. If man will yield to God's plan and work with God and be his servant it will fare well with that man. But woe to that man that will not submit to the ways of God. God is a Great King and he is ter- rible. It is interesting to observe the progress of the plans of Providence and the growth of evil. If the growth of evil in this world is the plan of God then it is interesting to note its growth. The Christian dispen- sation is a development from the Mosaic dispensation. Then God was calling and choosing a people for the world to come. God is doing the same now. As that dispensation came to end so will this. Jesus said, "This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be 8 preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come." Matt. 24:14. In the days of Noah the earth was corrupt and full of vio- lence. Jesus said, "And as it was in the days of Noah * * * Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed." St. Paul says, "In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron." 1 Timothy 4:1, 2. The Apostle Peter says "That there shall come in the last days scoffers walk- ing after their own lusts and saying Where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." 2 Peter 3 :3, 4. In the Mosaic dispensation God said, "Behold I send an angel before thee to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Be ware of him and obey his voice ; provoke him not for he will not pardon your transgressions for my name is in him. But if thou shall indeed obey his voice and do all I speak then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies and an adversary unto thine adversaries." Ex. 23 :20. 21, 22. Such were Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah Zechariah and. the Prophets. They did not forgive sins ; only God does that. Has not God had the same care for his people in this dispensation? The Mosaic dispensation was literal; this dispensation is Spiritual. There seems to be a literal and a spiritual fulfillment of most prophecies. In the second and third chapters of Revelations we have a prophecy for the Christian Church. I believe it was literally fulfilled. To be spiritually fulfilled it would symbolize seven periods of time in the Christian dispensation. "The seven stars are the seven angels of the seven churches." St. Paul was called to be an apostle. He was not one of the twelve for there were twelve without him. But he might have been the first of the seven the angel of the Church of Ephesus. The Apostolic Church and his epistle to the Ephesians seems to be the most spiritual of all his letters. That period may have extended for more than 100 years. We have in Justin Martyr one who seems to have fulfilled the work of the angel of the church of Smyr- na. He sets forth clearly the doctrine of the Logos the divinity of Christ. He says, God (who had from eternity wisdom in himself) before his works and as the beginning of the same begat of himself by an act of his will, a Son who was another God numerically distinct and yet not separate from himself. By this Son God created the worlds, revealed himself in the Prophets and in the Scriptures, appeared unto the Pa- triarchs and others. At last this Son was miraculously born of a virgin and as a Saviour lived and died in our behalf. Justin Martyr was born a heathen, received a heathen education, died a martyr in 166. He surely was one who overcame. IO St. Augustine was born in Numidia, North Africa, in 354. When we consider his early life, his conversion to Christianity and what he had to contend with and what a great work he did for the cause of Christ we can not help saying he was an overcomer. Read in Bryan's World-Famous Orations, Vol. VII St. Augustine on the Lord's Prayer and think about it. I would chose him to be the angel of the church of Pergamos. There was an apostacy that was according to God's plan. We do not know why he planned it so. Then it was vice, ignorance and super- stition reigned. But out of that Egyptian darkness. God raised up deliverers, prominent among whom was John Calvin. He seems to have accomplished the work of the angel of the church of Thyatira. His "Law and Logic" though not perfect has had power over the na- tions and if the nations of the world are to be ruled with a rod of iron John Calvin can do it. John Bunyan was in the gutter of filth and vice but he overcame and put on robes of white and wrote a book that is preaching yet and many followed him to the Saviour and their names have been confessed be- fore God. It seems to me, he, more than any one else. did the work of the angel of the church of Sardis. The Philadelphia church, the period of brotherly love, the great missionary church in which the gospel has gone to the uttermost parts of the earth. Who was the angel of that church? I would say David Brainerd. It was his example of going out and con- II verting the savages, reforming them by the power of preaching divine truth, that started the great mission- ary movement. Brainerd says, "I have found that close address, and solemn application of divine truth to the conscience strikes at the root of all vice ; while smooth and plausible harangues upon moral virtues and external duties at best are like to do no more than lop off the branches of corruption while the root of all vice remains untouched. * * * That the reforma- tion, the sobriety, and the external compliance with the rules and duties of Christianity appearing among my people, are not the effect of any mere doctrinal in- struction, or merely rational view of the beauty of mo- rality, but from the internal power and influence which the soul-humbling doctrines of grace have had upon their hearts." And of Brainerd we can say, "By faith, he being dead, yet speaketh." These great characters that I have named all be- lieved in the divine Sovereignty of God. That God was good, holy, just and wise and perfect in all his ways. The earth is the Lord's and he can do with it as he pleases. When God makes a f covenant he keeps it. The angel of the church of the Laodiceans must be a descendant of David. See 2 Samuel. 7 Ps. 132. Jer. 33. Zech. 12:7, 8. He will be the one God chooses to do the work, deliver the message and he will follow the instructions given him. "For his God doth instruct him to discretion and doth teach him." To be one of those seven in the Kingdom of God is the greatest gift conceivable. St. Paul says, "For he will finish the 12 work and cut it short in righteousness because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth." Rom. 9:28. Again, "For yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith." A false prophecy is one that does not come to pass. A false prophet is one that makes a false prophecy. Jesus Christ was the true Prophet of God. Deut, 18:18, 22. The glory of Christianity has been that it made people strong to do right and not to do wrong when it was easy to do wrong. Now people are say- ing WE must make it easy to do right and hard to do wrong. Read Ezekiel 13. A false prophecy is a lie. Some are saying this gospel of the Kingdom will be, preached in the world until every human being be- comes a Christian. That is a false prophecy, therefore a lie. Of the New Jerusalem it is said, "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth. neither whatsoever that worketh abomination or mak- eth a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life." Rev. 21 :27. Wherever divine truths are received there vice and crime disappear. Where the Word of God is not there vice and crime abound. Sin is the rejection of divine truth. It is a vice, a pleasure, it is a sin of the soul and the soul that sinneth it shall die. If it were not for God's determination to save some, who would be saved? Not one. For who at the present time is not rejecting divine truths? I know what people be- 13 lieve by what they are trying to do. God was wise and just when he made faith the terms of salvation and he will not come down from those terms. Again, only believe, believe only the words and sayings of Jesus Christ. God's last call to an unbelieving, faithless, drunken (but not with wine), staggering (but not with strong drink) world is, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock ; if any man HEAR MY VOICE and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me." Who will hear that voice, who will God be gracious to, who will find grace in his sight? "By grace ye are saved." Those who believe the words and sayings of the Lord Jesus Christ. "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be condemned." "And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not." David knew God's plan so he wrote us the 80th psalm as a prayer. Not to be a Christian is to be wick- ed. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked, If you are a Christian, I am only seeking your peace and happiness. If you are not, I can truthfully say that you cannot control your own fears. Fear and. fright, regret and remorse, shame and sorrow, are not physical torments, but I would rather be delivered from them than to be delivered from being burned at the stake. William Cowper, in 1774, wrote the fol- lowing beautiful lines. He wrote them for me, so now they are mine. I present them to you : God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill He treasures up His bright designs, And works His sovereign will. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take, The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy and shall break In blessings on thy head. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense But trust Him for His grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan His works in vain; God is His own Interpreter, And He will make it plain. ani "I pray God your whole Spirit soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Thes. 5 :23. "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and Spirit." Heb. 4:12. To one who studies God's plans and who rever- ently believes in the fulfillment of Revelation, the present age is one of wonderful interest. There has been much written abount Drunkeness, Psychic Phe- nomena, Subconscious mind, etc., etc. Now a drunk- ard is an over drinker, just as a glutton is an over eat- er. I have been among drunken people, have drank with them and have observed the effect of strong drink When I was quite a young man, and had been away from home about two years, I was working in a mill in this state about three miles from a town. Among the thirty or more men that worked there, was one young man, about my own age, healthy, well built and good looking. He and I were friends. There was no liquor sold about the mill. One Saturday evening four of us went into town. When we arrived in town we all went into a saloon to have a drink. Before we came out we each of us had about four drinks of whisky. We went around town and did what trading we had to do. It was then about ten o'clock, my friend and I were going i6 back to the mill. The other fellows were going to stay longer ; they said "let's have another drink," so we had a couple more drinks of whisky. Now I was not afraid of becoming intoxicated for though there had been oc- casions when I had been intemperate, I never became intoxicated. I always knew what I was doing, and what I was saying, and could always say and do what I wanted to. But when we came to go home this friend of mine suddenly thought he saw an enemy out in the street and he wanted to go out and fight. There wasn't any one in the street; he just thought there was. I saw that he was intoxicated so I took hold of his arm and said, come on home, he came along, he could walk all right, and he kept up a continual cursing of that fel- low that wasn't there. If he had been there, I have no doubt he would have gone for him. A couple of times on the way home I let go of him to see what he would do, and he started off the side of the road. He did not know where he was. When we got home he seemed to come to himself, undressed, and went to bed. The next day I asked him if he knew how he got home. He said he did not remember anything after that last drink. Now what was the matter with that fellow. Some will say he was under the influence of liquor. No. That which we eat or drink only affects us, it may nour- ish, stimulate, or stupefy. Now this man's mind had evidently become stupefied by the liquor. But as his mind became stupefied there came to the surface an- other mind that he possessed that he did not know any- 17 thing about, or any one else know that he possessed, and controlled his words and actions, and this subcon- scious mind would be manifested when he used strong drink. Now I believe this man was possessed of an unclean spirit or demon. It vvas not very long after this that we separated and I did not hear about him for about two years, when I heard that he had got into a fight, stabbed and nearly killed another man, and that he was intoxicated at the time, but when he became sober he knew noth- ing about it. If he had not been possessed of an evil spirit he would not have become intoxicated, he might have become stupefied and laid down and gone to sleep. The crime should be charged to the evil spirit or demon in the man and not to the strong drink. I have worked on the wine press and have made wine, and have worked in the still, and made strong drink. They made wine and strong drink in Palestine. By suspending wine in the skin of an animal in a warm place the skin allows much of the water to pass through and evaporates but little of the alcohol. When we consider that the grapes from one acre of ground will sometimes produce over 1500 gallons of wine, they must have produced and consumed a great amount of wine in that country. But in the 1400 years that the Jews occupied that country there was no law that in- terfered with the making and using of wine and strong drink. It was true that many became drunkards. \Yhen Jesus Christ was on the earth there must have been a good many drunkards, yet he apparently never IS came in contact with an intoxicated person, yet a part of his work was to cast out devils. Speaking to the Pharisees and lawyers Jesus said, "J onn the Baptist came neither eating bread or drinking wine and ye say he hath a devil. The Son of Man is come eating and drinking and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man and a wine bibber." Why did the Pharisees say John the Baptist had a devil? Because he would not drink any wine. It was the will of God that he should not. Luke 1 :15. He was afraid to drink, they would say it would show that he had a devil. They could not say that of Jesus, however, for he did drink wine, but it would not intoxicate him. It was the will of God that he should drink. Gen. 49:11, 12. On the day of Pentecost why did they say "These men are full of new wine ?" Why they don't know what they are saying. Perhaps they did not understand all they said. But the Spirit they possessed was a Spirit of truth and love, and was from above, just the contrast to what a devil would be. Socrates was a heathen and an idolater, yet he was a man that obeyed his conscience to a remarkable degree and lived a simple and temperate life. But upon some religious festival he would drink more wine than any one else, yet would not become intoxicated. Evi- dently he was not possessed of a devil. Hard has been the fate of a people that would reject God ana his offer of Salvation. Those people in Western Asia had the gospel preached and churches established by the great Apostle St. Paul. On the whole it was rejected by them. They preferred their Philosophy, the wor- 19 shiping of idols, sacrificing to devils, and in time they got a devil to worship. Any one who has read a sketch of Mohammed can very easily believe that he was in- spired, and if he was and Rev. 9:1-11 is a prophecy of him, the spirit in him was the angel of the bottomless pit, and if that is true, to make Mohammedanism a success or to maintain government among them he must put away wine and strong drink, which was the very thing he proceeded to do. They could not stand it. They would destroy themselves. So these people, the flower of the Caucasian race, were brought down to the level of the savages of North America, the South Sea Islands or of Africa, for liquor will intoxicate all of these people. It will stupefy their minds and the demon will have control of them. The Puritans did not teach temperance by prohibi- tion or total abstinence, but as the fruit of the Spirit. There are not many communities that will license a public gambling house, because it is a place where they make an unnatural use of money. I never heard of people petitioning the government to stop the issuing of money, because some make an unnatural use of it Some communities will not license public drinking houses, for it is a place where they make an unnatural use of strong drink. But to deprive a man of the pri- vilege of having wine or beer with his meals is not lib- erty. A man has a moral right to plant a vineyard to make wine, and to sell the same, and to teach that the temperate use of wine is unhealthy and debilitating is to teach a lie. The use of wine and strong drink should 2O be controlled by the soul or intellect and not by the lust of the body. See Deut. 14:26. In Luke 11 :14 there is an account of Jesus casting out a devil, and it was dumb. When the devil was gone out the man spoke. I have seen men in that con- dition, but we say they are in a state of intoxication Remove the demon and the man is in his normal state of mind. A drunken man may reel and stumble in his walk, yet his mind remains clear. Such a man does not commit crime any more when he is drunken than when he is sober, but a crime may be committed on him, for he is not in a condition to defend himself. In the fall of 1907, without any warning or appar- ent cause people began to fear, to doubt and to lose faith in the financial institutions of this country, and the result was a financial panic or shock, and the insti- tutions that were not sound went down. No human being can start or stop a panic of that kind. Let us say, God did these things. Now if the Mohammedans should have a religious panic it could be caused by a fear that they were not going to enter Paradise or by a desire to do the will of Mohammed their prophet. A Christian to them is an infidel, and to kill an infidel is an assurance of an entrance into Para- dise and it is doing the will of Mohammed, for his will is that his religion should be set up by the sword. The Mohammedans live and move and have their being by the power of God just as much as we do, and God can put into their hearts to do the will of Mohammed They have just had a revival over there, for they have 21 recently put to death thirty thousand Christians, and if that revival continues they will kill more Christians. Just as God can put into the heart of those people to do the will of Mohammed, so God can put into the heart of his people to do his will. "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another." If God should put his Spirit into his people of the two great divisions of Christianity, the Catholic and Protestant churches, they will have love one for another. They will love their enemies, do good to them that persecute them. They will believe the words of Jesus Christ. They will not kill their enemies by the sword, but would rather be killed by the sword. And hardest of all, they would be willing that God's will should be done. If that should come to pass no human being could say he brought it about, he could only say "this is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes." Yet it is just what God has promised to do. We have his Word for it in the 37th of Ezekiel. When we have reached that condition, mentioned in the last clause of the second verse, and I think we have reached it, God will begin his work. God has always done what he has promised to do, and I am fully per- suaded that he is able to do anything he has promised. Thus saith the Lord God, I do not this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for my holy name's sake. If it is the will of God that the nations of the world should drink wine, and they refuse, He will say "Ye shall cer- tainly drink." Jer. 25 :28. If it is the will of God that I should drink wine I will drink it, whether it is bene- 22 ficial or detrimental to my health matters not. I had certainly rather drink the wine that is the fruit of the vine than to drink from the wine cup of his fury. It is written, "Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully." So if you say anything about wine and strong drink you had better tell the truth about it. It is written, "All thy works shall praise thee." It seems like an act of mercy to take liquor away from a drunkard. But if God says to the drunkard "Let him take hold of my strength that he make peace with me and he shall make peace with me." Isa. 27:5. Why we had better let the liquor alone. "Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." iarkntaa And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light. John 3:19. Men have loved darkness rather than light. In this assertion light stands for truth and the word dark- ness means falsehood. It does not seem to anyone that they prefer falsehood to the truth, still it is true that one small cunningly devised falsehood will influence a person furher than a number of plain and forcible ar- guments in favor of Revelation. A God according to the Bible they do not love ; one conformed to their own imagination they do not hate. My grandfather and my great-grandfather were Presbyterian ministers and according to geneology I am a descendant of Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower. Probably that is why I have convictions of my own. Probably that is why I do my own thinking, and a person who does that must expect to be obnoxious to some people and offensive to others. But the truth is the strongest thing in the world, and the man that will not submit to it will perish. Jesus Christ was identified with his word. He was the Word of God. You can not sepa- rate him from his words. "He that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him : the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day." John 12:48. "And whosoever shall 24 fall on this stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." Matt 21 :44 He spake, saying, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." "No man can come to me ex- cept the Father which hath sent me draw him." "Enter ye in at the straight gate." "Because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it," "Not everyone that say- eth unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven ; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven." I can show my fidelity to Jesus Christ by insisting that these words and sayings are true and should be believed, and my unworthiness to be called a Christian would be shown by trying to prove they are not true. The human or finite will is that faculty of the mind by which we make a choice and adhere to that choice. It is a gift of God. Memory is that faculty of the mind by which ideas or notions of things past are real and present to the individual consciousness. It is a gift of God, and that gift of God is not to all alike. A horse has a will, a dog has a memory, therefore has a mind. A church building is called a sanctuary or holy place, In past days Mohammedanism was the worst enemy Christianity ever had. During the reign of Omar, A D. 634-644, the Saracens reduced 3600 cities and vil- lages, demolished 4000 Christian churches and erected 1500 Mohammedan mosques. On the site of the tem- ple at Jerusalem stands the mosque of Omar. He was literally an abomination of desolation. Dan. 11:36. 25 Let us contrast the words of Jesus Christ with the words of Mohammed for the sake of making a choice Jesus said, "Put up again thy sword into its place for all they that take the cword shall perish with the sword." Matt. 26:52. Mohammed said, Koran (trans- lation by Sale) page 355. "Verily if God pleased he could take vengeance on them without your assistance but he commands you to fight his battles that he may prove the one of you by the other ; and as to those who fight in defence of God's true religion God will not suffer their works to perish. He will guide and will dispose their hearts aright and he will lead them into paradise of which he hath told them. O, true be- liever, if ye assist God by fighting for his religion he will assist you against your enemies ; and he will set your feet fast ; but as for the infidels let them perish." Just to the extent that the faith of Christianity has been set up by force or violence just to that extent was the words of Mohammed hearkened to instead of the words of Jesus Christ. "It pleased God by the foolish- ness of preaching to save them that believe." Xow, in regard to the use of wine, I must make a choice. I must exercise the mind. I might use wine to excess and be a drunkard ; I might use wine and be temperate, or I might be a total abstainer. I must make a choice. I choose to follow the example of Jesus Christ. He was neither a drunkard nor a total ab- stainer. God chooses the hard things. Jer. 32:17. If I walk with one class of worldly people, they urge me to drink to excess, and I offend them if I do not; and 26 there is another class scarcely less worldly that I of- fend if I am not a total abstainer. If I maintain my fidelity to Jesus Christ I must oppose one party as much as the other for the following reasons: Jesus Christ taught by example as well as by precept. He said, "No man also having drunk old wine straight- way desireth new, for he saith the old is better." Luke 5 :39. That is true. He speaks of wine as if it were a blessing. Mohammed says (Koran, page 23), "They will ask thee concerning wine and lots. Answer, In both there is great sin and also some things of use unto men, but their sinfulness is greater than their use." If I see the example and words of Jesus Christ set aside and the example and words of Mohammed in their place, I will point to Matthew 24:15 "When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spok- en of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place (whoso readeth let him understand)." When I see the example of Jesus Christ repudiated, his words rejected, and the example and words of Mohammed extolled and praised from the Sanctuary, I am going to look for trouble. For Dan. 12:1, "There shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time : and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book." "In interpreting Scripture the viewpoint is all-im- partant." By the words of Jesus Christ, the Prophets and the Apostles this Dispensation will end in disaster and final catastrophe. The Socialist will tell you he 27 expects a revolution ; that there will be a great loss of life and property, but up out of those ruins will rise a new nation based upon equality. But that will not be the Kingdom of God for in the Kingdom of God there are some that are the least and some that are great, but to be the least is far better than to be a king in this present world. There is another contrast between the teaching of Jesus and Mohammed that I will mention. Jesus Christ said, "Have ye not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female and said For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they twain shall be one flesh." Matt. 19:4, 5. Mohammed said (Koran, page 53), "Take in marriage such other woman as please you, two or three or four and not more." Any person or organization that would advocate polygamy would be under the power of the angel of the bottom- less pit. Now, to the minds of some, one of the ways to prevent a revolution would be by the introduction of polygamy. And as the least of two evils they would choose the least. We hear a good deal about good citizenship. As if it was a sin not to obey the laws of the land, no mat- ter what those laws were. For diosbeying an act of Parliament, John Rogers, in 1555, was burned at the stake. Did God impute that disobedience as a sin? For disobeying a civil law, John Bunyan was impris- oned for nearly 13 years in Bedford jail. Was his dis- obedience a sin? In 1860, good, praying people in this 28 country, contrary to law, helped escaped slaves to gain their liberty. St. Paul would not have done so. Was their disregard of civil law imputed as sin? Calvin's opinion was, Obey in the Lord. A man has the God- given right to sell the product of the soil he tills, and wine is the natural product of the soil. A man has a God-given right to drink wine with his meals whether he eats in a hotel or in his own home. Will God im- pute it a sin if he violates a civil law that would de- prive him of that privilege. I say that a law that casts a reflection on the conduct and life of Jesus Christ is an abomination to God. And such a law is odious to any man that has that love of liberty that made this country possible and then made it an independent na- tion. It is a darkened mind that can not discern be- tween a man that sells and buys wine and has it on his table, and a man that sells and buys human beings and holds them in bondage. Martin Luther said, "1 rejoice exceedingly to see the Gospel this day, as of old, a cause of disturbance and disagreement. It is the character and destiny of God's word." "I came not to send peace unto the earth but a sword," said Jesus Christ. "God is wonder- ful and awful in his counsels. Let us have a care, lest in our efforts to arrest discords, we be bound to fight against the holy Word of God and bring down upon our heads a frightful deluge of inextricable dangers, present disaster, and everlasting desolation." Isaiah says, "As for my people children are their oppressors and women rule over them. O, my people. 29 they which lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the, way of thy paths." Isa. 3:12. Jeremiah says, "For my people have committed two evils, they have for- saken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water. Yet I had planted thee a noble vine wholly a right seed: how then art.thou turned into the degener- ate plant of a strange vine unto me." Jer. 2:13, 21. Will God desert his people. Hear the word of the Lord, O, ye nations and declare it in the isles afar off. and say He that scattereth Israel will gather him and ke'ep him as a Shepherd doth his flock. For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he." Jer. 31 :10. Creation is so great an act of power that we can imagine nothing impossible to that Being who has per- formed it, but must ascribe to him infinite power. Therefore his power to choose is infinite, and his fidel- ity to those whom he has chosen is infinite. Deut. 32:9, 14. And that is a very comforting thought to those who put their trust in the Mighty God of Jacob. It is absurd to think that a Being that has the power of creation, has not the power to control the objects of his creation. I can convert no one nor can I convince any one. God alone does that. If I present the truth such as the Lord chooses will believe it. St. Paul says, "One star differeth from another star in glory" (or illumina- tion). Astronomers tell us about the planet Mars and photograph it. But about Venus, a larger and a planet nearer to us, they say nothing about. The illumination 30 of Mars is undoubtedly the reflection of the sun. But we look on the night side of Venus but there is no night there. The illumination of Venus must be the glory of God, and where that is it is Paradise. Venus is a Day Star. Earth is in darkness. If the Lord Jesus Christ with his mighty angels should visit that world he would be very welcome and greatly honored. Perhaps he is there now. If he is we may expect manifestations of great Spiritual power on this planet. Zech. 8th chapter. How would he be received in this world at the present time? It is a law of the mind that what we prophesy we in time look for. It was one of the commands of Jesus Christ that his peo- ple should prophesy and look for his return to this earth. It would not be a calamity to his people. "The whole world is ripe for a revival. God is marching through the world calling out a people for his name. God will certainly prepare a people for his appearing and his Kingdom. They will not be drunk- ards. 1 Cor. 6:10. Nor will they be total abstainers. Isa. 25:6; Matt. 22:11. Before you declare this irrev- erent and un-Scriptural please read the 63rd chapter of Isaiah. Those prophets of old were true servants of God, and God confirms the words of his servants. If it had not been for those words of Isaiah I had not written these. Hani, ICou? atrfi Qfortlj Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old. Matt. 13 :52. Law, Love and Truth are the three immutable at- tributes of God. His Law is perfect, His Love is in- finite, and His Word is the Truth, and the wisdom of his Word is wonderful. One of the commonest forms of disobeying God's Law has been idolatry, substitut- ing material for spiritual worshiping that which is not. God, who is everywhere in power, and nowhere in appearance, is hard to be conceived. "No man hath seen God at any time." God's Law relative to idolatry reads as follows: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath." Some of us believe the cause of disobedience to a large extent, to be the influ- ence of Satan, a fallen spirit. If Satan could be put away it would be an easy matter to present the Gospel and reconcile humanity to God. To take some article and say that it is the cause of sin and put that article away would be idolatry. Wine and strong drink have been in use since the days of Moses but it has only been in the last 100 years that Satan has been denied and strong drink put in his place. To worship that which is not is idolatry. If Jesus Christ is not God 32 then it is idolatry to worship him. Jesus revealed to us that there are two Spirits that are Gods. The Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, numerically dis- tinct yet not separate from the Father. The Son wor- ships the Father, and all the heavenly host worships the Son. The early church worshiped the Father and the Son through the Holy Ghost. The Spirit they re- ceived through faith in Jesus Christ. That Spirit made God their Father and Jesus Christ their elder brother. For God is the Father of Spirits. Heb. 12:9. "See how that our Creator has condescended to be our Father." (St. Augustine). The Holy Spirit that moved Jesus and spake by him was God. The body that died on the cross was God's body. St. Paul spake by the Holy Ghost but that did not make St. Paul an- other God. Of the early Christians, St. Paul said ; "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost." 1 Cor. 6:19. It was not until the council at Nice 325 A. D. that it was declared that there was a third God by the name of Holy Ghost that shared with the Father and the Son the honor of being worshipped. Now if Satan can have his work ascribed as the work of the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost worshipped as a third God, why that is just what Satan wants. Mo- hammed declared that there was but one God ; that God never begat a Son that was another God. Jesus said "Before Abraham was I am." John 8:58, and "God is a Spirit : and they that worship him must wor- ship him in Spirit and in Truth." John 4:24. I wor- ship the Father and the Son I know of no more. To 33 worship that which is not is idolatry. No idolater has an inheritance in the Kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 6:9. No law is above its Maker. God changes time and seasons. Dan. 2:21. And Jesus Christ was Lord of the Sabbath day. Matt. 12 :8. If it is the will of God and I believe it is, that I should observe the Sabbath on the first day of the week, I am going to do it. It is not written that no Sabbath breaker shall enter the Kingdom of God, so I am going to say, if you think the fourth commandment is not good, go and work a year with only one day off a month, as I did, and you will be convinced of the truth of the words "The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath." Mark 2:27. I do not need a civil law to make me keep the Sabbath. Violation of the marriage vow is sometimes a violation of civil law. But all nations tolerate forni- cation. But it is written that "No adulterer or fornica- tor shall inherit the Kingdom of God." Gal. 5 :21. Cov- etousness is a condition not an act. No civil law can change that condition. Yet it is written "No covetous man hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God." Eph. 5 :5. Moses, the man by whom the Law was given and who saw the awful judgments of God, and felt them, too, loved God and was loved and honored by a great people. His name has the honor of being associated with the name of Jesus Christ as no other name ever was for it is written, "The Law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ." John 1:17. And again, "For had ye believed Moses ye 34 would have believed me, for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings how shall ye believe my words." John 5 :46, 47. Commonly speaking, love is to have an affection for that which we esteem and admire, whether it be a person or things. Je'sus said, "Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I com- mand you." Jesus did lay down his life for his friends. God's love is commended toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Rom. 5 :8. In God's sight a sinner must be 1 repulsive. Some are claiming God's Love supersedes His Justice and Truth. They say, "God is love," therefore all love is from God. The more love there is in the world the more happiness there will be. In regard to Truth, anything which they happen to say is the Truth if it breathes of Love. They will say Christ destroyed sin, sickness and sorrow by love. Suppose a man has a wife and children. He loves them and provides for them but he loves other women, too. Is that right? A woman says, "I love my husband but I love other men, too, and want to be loved by them." The more love the more happiness. God is love. All love is from God, then all love is right. King David loved Bath-sheba as much as any man could love a woman, but it was unlawful love. Herod loved Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, but it was unlawful love. The doctrine that Love supersedes Law and Truth would in one century put a people in the moral condition of Sodom and Gomorrah, yet they 35 would call themselves Christians. A great river flow- ing within its banks is a beautiful sight, but if it over- flows those banks it destroys homes and property and spreads plague and pestilence. A Christian will confine his affection to their proper objects. If it is the will of God that I love not the world or the things of the w r orld I will not set my affections on them. It is not hard for people to give up their country if they know of a better one. Witness the people coming to this country. That which I hear and am not deceived by believ- ing is the Truth. That which I hear and am deceived by believing is a lie. Satan is a deceiver nd his ability to deceive is marvelous. In God's sight Satan must be vile and repulsive. Jesus identified his Word as the Truth. Every one that is of the Truth heareth my voice. John 18:37. Words that state what has taken place, that which is taking place, and that which is to take place is the Truth. Jesus' words relative to the past, present and future must be the Truth. The de- ceiver and the deceived are alike in God's sight. Eze 14 :9-10. I will not be deceived by believing his words. There are 66 books in the Bible. Some have said if they were to be deprived of all the books but one they would choose to retain the Gospel of St. John. Sup- pose the Bible to be composed of the words or writings of 66 persons and I was to be deprived of all the Bible but the words of one person I would choose to retain the words of Jesus as they are found in the four Gos- pels and the book of Revelation. I would have the 36 Truth. I will center my belief in his words. Some will say they can not be understood. Daniel says, "Yet made we not our prayer that we might understand thy Truth." Dan. 9:13. Jesus' words in the Gospels are simple. A little child can receive them. Jesus says. "Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein." Mark 10:15. The words of Jesus may be statements such as, "Who- soever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." John 11:26. His words may be a prophecy such as "The Son of Man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity : And shall cast them into a furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father." Matt. 13:41. His words might be a promise, such as, "I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in Paradise." Luke 23 :43. His words might be a command, such as, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15. The words of Jesus Christ in whatever form were from the greatest mind that was ever on this planet in human form. To be a Christian is to know, believe, obey and act in accordance with the words of Jesus Christ. We live as intellectual and physical beings, mind and body. If I eat a mixture of poison and pure food the result will be a physical disorder. There is such a thing as a mental wreck or a disordered mind and a mixture of truth and error may produce it. It is 37 a sad sight to go through a hospital and see the sick and suffering, but it is a sadder sight to go through an insane asylum. The spiritual mind which is immortal is of infinitely more concern than the body which is but mortal. St. Paul says, "Bodily exercise profiteth lit- tle, but Godliness is profitable to all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come." 1 Tim. 4:8. EHhu says "The ear trieth words as the mouth tasteth meat." Job 34:3. The evidence of a sound mind is to be logical, consistent, to use good judgment and to chose what is good. To each other the words of drunkards are clever and brilliant. To each other the words of those under the power of Satan are profound and wise, but to those who know the Truth they are foolishness. It was of such that Isaiah said "They are drunken but not with wine ; they stag- ger but not with strong drink." Isa. 29 :9. When St. Paul came to Ephesus he found certain disciples. He said unto them, "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?" They said unto him. "We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost." When they did receive the Holy Ghost they spake with tongues and prophesied. Acts 19:6. The Holy Ghost to them was a sub-conscious mind and their speaking was a psychic phenomena. But the Spirit they had was a Spirit of Truth. John 16:13. And would teach them. John 14:26. There was also at Ephesus certain persons under the power of an evil spirit that was also a sub-conscious mind. Acts 19:15. 38 And that evil spirit gave to the one possessed extraor- dinary physical ability. Acts 19:16. Luke was a logical as well as a chronological writer. In Luke 11:13 Jesus says "If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him." Learn what the contrast to the Holy Spirit would be by reading what follows in Luke 11. Jesus and St. Paul both said Satan's power to de- ceive would be greater as time continued. For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2 Cor. 11:14. To be under the power of Satan in mind or body is to be in bondage. To be under the power of God is to be free. St. Paul's work was to turn men from the power of Satan unto God. Therefore I will say: Any person or organization that would by the words of the prophets or apostles nullify or supersede the words of Jesus Christ is under the nower of Satan. Any person or organization that would by their own. words nullify or supersede the words of Jesus Criiist is under the power of Satan. Every person or orga- nization that condemns any word or act or the conduct of Jesus Christ upon any occasion is being deceived and is deceiving others. For Jesus Christ was abso- lutely without sin. That there are such persons and organizations is evident to any one, but that only veri- fies the words of Jesus when he said, "For there shall 39 arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders ; insomuch that if it were pos- sible they shall deceive the very elect. Behold I have told you before, wherefore if they shall say unto you Behold he is in the desert, go not forth; behold he is in the secret chamber believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the East and shineth even unto the West, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be." Matt. 24:27. "And every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him." Rev. 1 :7. To be rejected and disbelieved, sometimes is harder to bear than phy- sical pain. "So far as regards the knowledge of Scripture, God has so spread it out before us that no former age was ever so highly favored. Still, after all, there is scarcely a particle of zeal. When men manifest such indiffer- ence it looks as if they were bent on provoking the vengeance of God." (Calvin). St. Paul, to whom it was given to know the mys- teries of the Kingdom of God, says : "Examine your- selves whether you be in the faith ; prove your own selves. For we can do nothing against the Truth but for the Truth; and this also we wish even your per- fection." 2 Cor. 13:5, 8, 9. I can say with the Psalm- ist of Israel, "I am thy servant; give me understanding that I may know thy testimonies. It is time for thee. Lord, to work; for they have made void thy law, Therefore I love thy commandments above gold, yea above fine gold. Therefore I esteem all thy precepts 40 concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way." "Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts." The following lines by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, doubtless inspired by a study of the 27th chapter of Isaiah, should be used and claimed as a spiritual rather than a political hymn : Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is tramping out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible quick sword; His truth is marching on. I have read a fiery gospel, writ in burnished rows of steel, "As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal; Let the hero born of woman crush the serpent with his heel," His Day is marching on. He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of men bet ore His judgment seat; Oh! be swift my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet; Our God is marching on. In the beauties of the lilies Christ was born across the sea With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me; As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, While God is marching on. Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Nations be fulfilled. Vulgate. Luke 21 :24. Then said I, Whither goest thou? And he said unto me, To measure Jerusalem to see what is the breadth thereof and what is the length thereof. Zech. 2:2. Nebuchadnezzar, the king, said, "Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom, by the might of my power and for the honour of my majesty?" To build, to beautify, to take or to rule over a great city has been the desire of some noble men. Abraham evidently desired to be the founder of a city, but when he saw the condition of Sodom and Gomorrah and their destruction, he looked for a city whose builder and maker is God, and confessed that he was a stranger and pilgrim on the earth. David who made Jerusalem a city and the capital of his kingdom loved the city and the people within her walls. A city is the greatest work of man on the earth. From cities have grown great kingdoms, namely Babylon and Rome. Within these cities were gathered all the wealth, beauty, art and science of a kingdom. No king- dom would be complete without its capital city. For a king people, city and country make a perfect kingdom. People, city and country, without a king, is imperfect, a people scattered and dispersed. Without a king, city 42 or country might be said to be in captivity. The de- sire of all nations is to be perfect. Have we ever had a perfect nation? We have had Christian nations, but we never had a nation of Christians. A Kingdom with Jesus Christ as King, Christians as the people, a per- fect city and country, would make the desire of all na- tions. Vigorous attempts have been made to locate Eden. Moses is commended to us as a reliable writer. In Ar- menia four rivers have their source near together. They are, first, the Pison that empties into the Black Sea; the second is the Gihon that empties into the Caspian ; the name of the third river is the Tigris, and the fourth river in the Euphrates. The last two join and empty into the Persian Sea. The Lord spake unto Abraham saying, "Unto thy seed have I given this land from the river of Egypt unto the great river Euphrates." Gen- esis 15 :18. The river of Egypt empties into the Med- iterranean from the Sinai Peninsula. The territory en- closed by these seas would be about 1000 miles square. "And the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden and there he put 'the man whom he had formed." And the garden of Eden was probably near the junc- tion of the Euphrates and the Tigris. St. Paul in Heb. 4:3 speaks of a place where God rested or as God's rest that was finished from the foun- dation of the world. David says "For the Lord hath chosen Zion ; he hath desired it for his habitation. This is my rest forever. Here will I dwell for I have desired it." Ps. 132:13, 14. And the New Jerusalem is called 43 the tabernacle of God. Rev. 21 :3. So that in the midst of Eden may have been the Golden City in the midst of which was the Throne 01 God, the river of the water of life, and the tree of life Eastward, in the gar- den of Eden was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Evidently Adam and Eve never entered within the sacred walls of the Holy City. Astronomers tell us that the moon is void of water but that it once had water on it and that the planet Mars is nearly void of water. God said unto Xoah. "Behold I, even I, do bring a flood of water upon the earth." I believe God could have by the power of his word brought the water of those two spheres upon the earth. Three-fourths of the earth's surface is covered by water. If only one-half of the earth was covered by water God could still water the ground. See Gen. 2:6. The same Power that could bring a flood could remove the Golden City to some other planet and there the Spirits of the departed believers are now at rest. That same Power could restore the waters of Noah and could bring the New Jerusalem here to the earth for it is part of the work of creation. If the Holy City is 300 miles square and was to be situated in the midst of a country 1000 miles square, and all of the redeemed were formed into 12 Kingdoms outside of the City, and if the number of the redeemed equaled the present pop- ulation of the earth there would be only three persons camped on each acre. The Dead Sea is a reminder of the curse of God. It is written "And there was no more sea." God said 44 to Abraham "All the land that thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy se'ed forever." Gen. 13:15. The sons of Abraham are controlling that country today. For it is written that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid and the other by a free woman. Gal. 4:22. Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be call- ed. Rom. 9:7. And again it is written "Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated." Rom. 9:13. The Mo- hammedams claim to be the descendants or Ishmael and Esau and they hate Christians who are the seed of Abraham by faith. "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise." Gal. 3 :26, 29. Nevertheless, what sayeth the Scrip- ture : cast out the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. Gal. 4:30. Jerusalem was captured by the Mohammedans in A. D. 637. Rev. 11. Its present rulers are Turks. At Hebron on the tomb of Abraham stands a Mosque of Mohammed. Two hundred and fifty million of Mo- hammedans would sacrifice their lives to retain that country. It would be wrong for Christians to try to drive them out or to repeat the crusades of the Dark Ages. Jesus said "The Son of Man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend and them that do iniquity." Matt. 13:41. Most of us believe that some time God is com- ing to raise the dead and to judge the world. Those 45 who do not I am not concerned about. But many who do believe say the time is not come yet the time that the Kingdom of God should be set up. I say it is time for the desire of all nations. The political, the social and the spiritual conditions are as Christ said they would be at his appearing. This Gospel has been preached to all nations. Jesus said "There shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring, men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. So likewise ye when ye see these things come to pass know ye that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand.'' Luke- 21 :25, 26, 31. What do we wish and pray for when we say "Thy Kingdom come"? If it is not that Jesus should come and we would have a King, a people, a city and country that would be perfect ''Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness." Gal. 3 :6. Therefore if I believe God it will be accounted unto me for righteousness. To believe is the work of the mind, words are instru- ments of the mind, hands are instruments of the body. Mental work is greater than physical. The President of the United States receives say $5000 per month for his intellectual ability while a private in the army re- ceives $16 per month for physical work. God must ap- preciate intellectual ability. A man who is so dull of intellect that he can not comprehend a message de- livered to him is a poor servant. God does not favor 4 6 ignorance. It is written, "I desired the knowledge of God more than burnt offering." "My people are de- stroyed for lack of knowledge. It is a people of no un- derstanding, therefore he that made them will not have mercy on them and he that formed them will show them no favor." Isa. 27:11. A people who have had the opportunity to know God and his words but choose not to know must be con- temptible in his sight. Jesus said, "For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." And I believe it. God's servants have been men of great minds and their words have had great influence. Yet God gave them their wisdom. Ex. 4:11. A man who believes God ; will do and say things that a man will not do and say who does not believe God, for a man who believes God has the mind of God. A man whose word is not the same for six days has not much of a mind. With God 1000 years are as one day so that the words of God given 4000 years ago are as good as if given four days ago. "For who hath known the mind of the Lord or who hath been his counsellor?" Rom. 11 :34. I believe the words of God that he gave to his servant Moses in Deut. 32:1 :43, and the result is I use wine. I believe the words of God recorded in Isaiah, 2d chapter, and the result this book. If a man by the instruments of the mind blas- phemes against the Holy Ghost he commits a sin that always stands against him though he enter the King- dom of God. For a man to say the words spoken by the Holy Ghost are not true is to dishonor God and to 47 injure humanity. A man who proclaims the words of God glorifies God and benefits humanity. No human being was ever injured by being told the truth. The inability of some people to believe the words of God is very evident. They read and memorize the words of Jesus Christ yet do not believe them. Truly a pitia- ble condition of the mind. It can be accounted for in two ways : First, ''The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God : for they are foolishness unto him ; neither can he know them, because they are Spiritually discerned." 1 Cor. 2 :14. Second, there are in the world false teachers and prophets, deceitful workers, ministers of Satan, who appear as angels of light, who declare that God's words are not true and need not be believed. They are as Jude says, "Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame, wan- dering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of dark- ness forever." Why should such a condition exist to- day with the words of God spread out before us as never before. Why is there so much interest in ma- terial and temporal things and so little interest in Spir- itual and eternal things? In Deut. 32:20 God says "I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be for they are a very forward generation ; chil- dren in whom is no faith." And in Rev. 8:1 we read. "And when he had opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour." And there is just where we are now. The power of Satan is so great that if God did not interfere, Satan would deceive every one. But God has said "I also 4 8 will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth." Rev. 3:10. So that the present condition is according to God's plan: we are not saved by our own covenant but by God's promise to save us. The 60th Psalm is as good now as when it was written. To the Egyptians Moses was a curse. To the enemies of Israel David was a cruel tyrant. To the prophets of Baal Elijah was a monster. To the heathen of Ephe- sus St. Paul was the wickedest man that ever came to that city. To an apostate Church John Knox was a terror. The chief duty of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. If in glorifying God I am a benefit to humanity very well. If in glorifying God I am spoken of as an enemy of humanity and in league with the evil one, still I will glorify God. Jesus said, "If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub how much more shall they call them of his household. Fear them not therefore." Matt. 10:25. Pray tell me of what use is the Bible unless it is read and what is the good of reading it unless it is be- lieved? Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Describe one of the great cities of the nations to-day and you will say : "They have become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit, a cage of every un- clean and hateful bird." Rev. 18:2. Their doom is as certain as was Babylon's the night of Belshazzar's feast. Faith is to believe in that which is to come. The 49 New Jerusalem is as sure to come as God's word is sure to be fulfilled. Jesus Christ proved the truth of God's word. Thou wilt perform the truth to Jacob and the mercy to Abraham which thou had sworn unto our fathers from the days of old." Micah 7 :20. I have had no dream, I have no confidence in those who say they have. "For the prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream ; and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat, saith the Lord." jer. 23 :28. "The fool- ishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men." 1 Cor. 1 :25. I have en- deavored to present what I believe the will of the Lord is. If what I have said is reasonable, logical, consist- ent and Scriptural it must be the Truth and I believe it for the reason stated in 2 Thes. 2 :12. If I am wrong , in the words of Luther , "I implore you by the mer- cies of God to prove to me by the writings of the Pro- phets and Apostles that I am in error. As soon as I shall be convinced I will instantly retract all my errors, and will myself be the first to sieze my writings and commit them to the flames." All I have said has been only after a careful and prayerful study of God's Word, and a study of the history of the world. "He that believeth shall not make haste." Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart ; wait, I say, on the Lord. H. W. FITCH Los Gatos, Cal. mount phlet der 5ros., Inc. kers in, Calif. I. 21. 1908 YC 15851 930837 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY